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The Power of Childlike Faith Joyce Meyer


Jump-Start Your Dreams Joyce Meyer


Let the Children Be Fed


The Barbarian Way Erwin McManus

Jed Walker

Learn how to untangle those twisted thoughts and get out of any mental rut. See page 24.

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GOSPEL THROUGH JOYCE’S BOOKS What most people take for granted—a simple book—is filling believers and nonbelievers around the world with hope and sincere gratitude. In some nations where the Gospel isn’t readily available, books provide lasting biblical advice and guidance.

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While many find freedom from serious issues, others find answers to pressing questions. Many even come to Christ through the salvation message printed in these books. Thank you for providing millions of books each year to those living in impoverished nations.

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STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART DEAR FRIENDS, Here we are again...approaching another new year. Time really does fly, doesn’t it? On the other hand, in some situations, it may seem like time crawls! With that in mind, I ask, what are you doing with yours? Time is such a gift from God! I see every day how He takes His time to make us what He wants us to be. And then, in His mercy and grace, He gives us time to get in agreement with what He’s doing in our lives so we can experience His goodness. What a loving God! So...ask yourself, Am I in agreement with what God is doing in me? Or, am I struggling and fighting, impatiently trying to do things my way? Remember, God is gracious. He takes His time. We might think He’s taking too long when, in His goodness, He is just waiting for us to line up with the work He’s doing in us. He won’t rush. He is patient. Our struggling only delays our progress.


So, as we approach this new year, maybe this is a good time to change our outlook and start looking ahead to a new way of doing things...a new vision for life... a renewed faith and trust in the One who is always at work in us—and always for our good.


My encouragement for you in the upcoming year is, trust God—more than you ever have before! Get in agreement with what He is doing in your life. Know in your heart that He has great plans, and no matter how much time He takes, He is always working— and always for our good!



That’s what we’re talking about all throughout this issue, so look for a lot more insight and inspiration. And I pray your year will be filled with God’s goodness! | DECEMBER 2 0 1 0 / J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 | 3

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Publis Joyce

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imagine you’ve got 5 minutes alone to think...

Art D Jon R

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Staff Kacie Matth Anne

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Now imagine you’ve got a new devotional to read. And each time you do, you’re a bit more encouraged…a bit more satisfied with life…and you can hear God speaking to you. Now think about it. Do you have five minutes?

Produ Jeri Ic Jeff D Stacy Rober

Editor Caroly Dar W Susan

This year, why not choose a devotional that keeps you coming back for more?

Produ Bill Sc Monic Jessic

Photo Chad David Kim A

Confront destructive thought patterns and transform your mind.

Separate God’s voice from the everyday “noise” of life.

Begin each day focused on God’s will for your life.

Reflect on each day, and apply the insights God gives you.

See God’s plans for you more clearly with each passing day.

Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

Hearing from God Each Morning

Starting Your Day Right

Ending Your Day Right

New Day New You

352-Page Hardcover by Joyce Meyer

384-Page Hardcover by Joyce Meyer

384-Page Hardcover by Joyce Meyer

384-Page Hardcover by Joyce Meyer

384-Page Hardcover by Joyce Meyer

Learn more about these and Joyce’s newest devotional— The Confident Woman Devotional* —at *See ad on the back cover of this magazine.




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Credits Publisher Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.


Executive Editors Daniel Meyer Ginger Stache Creative Director Steve DeShetler Art Director Jon Richert Managing Editor Demian Farnworth Staff Writers Kacie Campbell Matthew Loomis Anne Williams



Graphic Designers Megan Riordan Anna Monette Amy Roff Jessica Davis Danny Mehl Production Supervisor George Dill

All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 40030597 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 (800) 868-1002 Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.®, a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2010 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 40030597. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address:




This Christmas, as you make your gift list, what are you giving God? Hint: It doesn’t matter what size or color. Learn about the greatest gift you can give Him!



Leader’s Edge


Next Generation

11 Letters To The Editor 24

Health Matters


A Closer Look

27 America At Its Best


30 Character

Do you have a dream for your life that maybe needs a jump-start? Let Joyce help you find your balance between contentment and ambition.

32 Good News 33 TV Broadcast Schedule 34 Real Life Perspectives


35 Conference Tour

HAND OF HOPE—Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions


A bowl of warm porridge may be the only meal each day for some students at the Hugh Beadle Primary School in Zimbabwe. But this one meal may actually be saving some of their lives.


The safest place to be is in the center of God’s will. But does that mean you will always be safe? Erwin McManus talks about the reality of living for God.

Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. At Joyce Meyer Ministries, financial accountability is very important. We want you to be confident that your investment is being used wisely to build God’s kingdom. That’s why we are so pleased to be accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability—one of the most widely respected nonprofi t accrediting agencies worldwide.

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Photographers Chad Spickler David Dobson Dario Acosta Kelly McClure Kim Alger Dawn Fansler

pag e 12


Production Coordinators Bill Schlick Monica Johnson Jessica Turnbeaugh



Editorial Proofreaders Carolyn Coley Dar Wood Susan Hutchison


Need a little extra help getting through today or need some extra advice? Everyday Answers provides wisdom from God’s Word to help you deal with life’s difficult issues. Watch a video from Joyce, read related articles, send a prayer request, and more. | DECEMBER 2 0 1 0 /JANUARY 2 0 1 1 | 5

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Production Artists Jeri Icenesse Jeff Douglas Stacy Williams Robert Houston




Nine Ways to Drive It Rather Than Survive It BY JOHN MAXWELL




Change. Politicians promise it when they run for office, but seldom are the pledges made from campaign podiums matched by real, measurable results after an election. In fairness to politicians, initiating change and carrying it through to completion is a monumental challenge. Attempts to bring about change encounter fierce opposition and entrenched resistance.


Although most people perceive a need for change, few people can convince others to believe in change, and fewer still can actually achieve change. Let’s take a look at what it takes to be a person who not only talks about change but also makes it happen.


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6) Initiate Action

People naturally resist changes, so they must be incentivized to make them. In talking to your team about change, underscore the impending dangers of complacency. Light a fire under your people. Give them a glimpse of the regret and discomfort they will experience if they avoid doing things differently. They need to know what’s at stake before they will be motivated to change.

4) Champion Rewards Early in my leadership years, I mistakenly thought that “my people” were there to help me achieve my vision and my goals. Over time, I came to understand that the purpose of my leadership was to serve others in meeting their needs and attaining their goals. To drive change, I had to appeal to people based upon their desires instead of mine. I had to spell out clearly, and personalize individually, the benefits and rewards of change for each person.

5) Risk Failure Inherent in the quest for change is the chance that you may muck it up and make things worse. However, you can’t let the possibility of failure stop your drive to change. Every person who ever accomplished greatness incurred risk. Aspiring for a better future requires us to let go of the security we have today.


As President Woodrow Wilson observed, “If you want to make enemies, try to change something.” When you attempt a change, you’re going to be unpopular with somebody. However, if you try to appease people by disregarding changes, then eventually your organization will suffer. When that happens, the people who once resisted change will now complain that you failed to initiate it! Either way, you’ll face criticism, so you might as well endure it in the short term to do what’s best in the long run.

“The one constant in leadership is change.” 8) Celebrate Wins Undergoing change takes a toll on everyone involved. For the benefit of morale, be sure to celebrate victories along the way. Doing so replenishes the energy reserves of your team and keeps people motivated to continue submitting themselves to the process of change.

9) Put Setbacks in Perspective In the course of making changes, you will inevitably bump up against a roadblock or defeat. When you do, be vocal in helping others interpret what happened and put it in perspective. Mishaps foster doubt in leadership. It’s imperative to reassert the necessity of change and refocus everyone on the next step, rather than allowing them to wallow in the setback.

SUMMARY By no means is this a comprehensive list of qualities needed to be an agent of change, but these traits are essential for any influencer interested in transforming his or her family, workplace or community. The one constant in leadership is change. Learn to drive it rather than merely survive it, and you’ll have a much more effective leadership journey.

John C. Maxwell, DM is a dynamic speaker, bestselling author and founder of EQUIP. He communicates his principles to Fortune 500 companies, international marketing organizations, professional sports groups and church leaders worldwide. This article is used by permission from Giant Impact. Find other leadership content, resources, training, and events at | DeCeMBeR 2010/JanUaRY 2011 | 7

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3) Communicate Urgency

7) Endure Criticism


2) Build a Coalition The responsibility to change rests squarely on your shoulders, but the burden shouldn’t be carried alone. In fact, unless you convince key stakeholders to join your cause, then your attempt at change most likely is doomed. Before you initiate change, make every effort to win over the prominent influencers around you.

As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” You must go first and give the most. Then people will be persuaded to follow. Decisive action on your part inspires confidence in people.


Just because a change could be made doesn’t mean it should be made. Sometimes we lack the people, resources or energy to successfully implement change. Be sensitive to the rhythm of those you lead in order to understand when the time is ripe to shift gears. Similarly, you have to monitor the pace of change. Too much at once can dishearten and overwhelm a team. People must be prodded to make changes, and yet, allowed space to adjust themselves to new ways of doing things.


1) Consider Conditions

10/29/10 1:09 PM

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We know...we didn’t quite understand that either. Arseni was talking about his favorite part about What he meant was: You can now download some of your favorite Joyce teachings for free in the Everyday Answers section.

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Experience Fuzed Worship live during Joyce Meyer Ministries’ 2011 conference tour! See page 35 for details.

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THE COURAGE TO DREAM Why You Should Boldy Proclaim What’s In Your Heart


I have a dream echoed from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. Dr. King shared his heart with a crowd of 250,000, but what was it about this dream that caused so many to listen?

RON LUCE is President and Founder of Teen Mania Ministries, a Christian organization reaching millions of young people worldwide. He passionately declares the Gospel through Acquire the Fire TV broadcasts, youth events, camps and media resources, challenging teens to take a stand for Christ.

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Over 150 years ago, thousands of people were living as slaves here in America. Then one day in 1862, a glimmer of hope broke through when President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Fast forward 100 years—some progress has been made, but not enough. Many are still living segregated lives, separated and alone. This set the stage for Martin Luther King, Jr. and his message of hope.




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A connection was made that day, exposing his heart to the crowd. His main pleas were freedom and equality. Dr. King saw a generation in need and knew something had to be done. He chose to dream. He took the steps to do what was placed on his heart. He took the steps to do what needed to be done and because of this step of faith, King’s dream came true. “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we are free at last!” This dream came at a cost. On April 4, 1968, just five years later, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.

Are We Not Dreamers? Martin Luther King’s heart was to see freedom and an end to segregation and racism. My heart is to see freedom for the captives of this generation—freedom for those who are cutting, for those suffering from eating disorders, or lusting after pornographic images. Freedom for those who run to sex, drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. And freedom for this generation to know that a loving God wants to heal their broken hearts. May freedom reign in this generation. May we be the generation who boldly proclaims, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we are free at last!”





A man of action, Dr. King knew something had to be done. He did not sit back in the time of need. He decided to stand up and change the injustice that he saw. So often we see things that we do not agree with and think that someone else can change things, but this is not the case. If everyone sits back thinking someone else will do it, NOTHING WILL GET DONE.

How Do We Dream? Oftentimes we forget to dream. It is so easy to follow someone else’s dream, but what about the dreams in your own heart? Those dreams are real, and the enemy will try to steal them. Don’t go down without a fight and don’t merely hand over your dreams after one snide remark. It is up to you and me to boldly proclaim the message on our heart. If you don’t have a dream, get one or become a part of one.

“Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we are free at last!” Establishing your dreams is not as hard as we make it out to be. Start by looking inside your heart and asking yourself questions like, “What breaks my heart? Is it all those who are sucked into pornography? Does my heart cry out for the sex slaves and those victimized by human trafficking all over the world? What is it that I hate seeing that is going on in the world right now?” Once you have looked deep inside your heart, pray for vision, pray for wisdom, and pray that God will direct your steps. Surrender your life to serving Him and He will show you His will for your life. Now it is up to you to start dreaming. Are we not dreamers?

are you dreaming of a brand-new life? Maybe your current life feels like a rut of boring routines and mediocrity. Or perhaps a painful past has you stuck in shame and guilt. Joyce’s book Start Your New Life Today provides clear, biblically-based instructions on starting over. And because you have a spirit, a soul and a body, the book is broken up into three sections to help you put together a balanced and complete new life. This new life in God is available to everyone—including you. Start today!

Start Your New Life Today

272-PAGE HARDCOVER by Joyce Meyer

$11 $14 in Canada (800) 727-9673 · In Canada (800) 868-1002 10 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E

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Dear Joyce, After reading the June/July issue of Enjoying Everyday Life, I was so in awe of your staff for bringing this [Haiti earthquake aftermath] to the nation’s and world’s attention...AGAIN! I pray every day for the people of Haiti, but the world seems to keep putting it aside as non-newsworthy—past news. But we all know it is very much in the NOW and will be for years. I just wanted you to know, as a partner, how empowered I feel (with action behind it) that your ministry is still active and there! I pray for you and your staff, as well as members of your family for keeping [Haiti] in the forefront of the world’s attention! God bless you!



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Places like Cambodia, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Panama and Ethiopia. Not only will God bring healing through your willingness to serve, these trips are sure to be a blessing to you in return. We hope you’ll join us for an upcoming trip.


If you are a physician, dentist, nurse or other medical professional, we need you. Throughout the year our medical volunteers travel to some of the poorest areas of the world to provide urgent medical care.

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Jesus said to him, “I will go and heal him.” MATTHEW 8:7 NIV | DECEMBER 2 0 1 0 /JANUARY 2 0 1 1 | 11

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“If you and I can get past our own limitations…we will be able to experience the kinds of things in our lifetime that the disciples experienced while Christ was on earth.”

But there’s a portion of the story that is often overlooked, and I’d like to share it with you because I think it can teach us all something about why we’re here today. I’m going to begin in Matthew 2:13. The Bible says Joseph had been warned in a dream to take his wife and child and flee to Egypt. And as they gathered up their belongings and started their journey, soldiers were already on their way to Bethlehem. By orders of King Herod, they were being sent to murder every male child in the city age two or younger.


The truth was, Jesus wasn’t much of a threat to Herod at the time. But Herod’s intense insecurity led him to commit one of the most detestable acts in the Bible—the mass murder of innocent children.


Around Christmastime, I typically read through the chapters in Matthew and Luke that reflect on Jesus’ birth—Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem and finding no room at the inn, the angels singing, the shepherds sharing the good news.

Don’t you find it interesting that King Herod—the most powerful man in all of Judea—was intimidated by a boy who was no more than two years old? The Bible tells us that Jesus was born in the most lowly of conditions, spending the first night of his life in a cave that was really a stable for animals.

I believe one of the lessons here is that if we allow fear to rule us and act out in our own self-interest, we will always end up playing into Satan’s hand. But the miraculous thing is that if we become like little children, trusting God and being obedient to His will, we can spoil the devil’s plans…and be a light to the world.


I know for a lot of people it can be one of the craziest times of the year, but when you think about what it means… Wow! Christmas is probably the single most important date in history because it’s the day our hope for a Savior was fulfilled.

See, Herod had learned that a king was being born in Bethlehem. And because Herod wanted to protect his position of power, Satan was able to convince him to hunt down and kill Jesus, the Messiah, in His infancy.

What We Can Learn from Jesus


Are you excited about Christmas?

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“Don’t you find it interesting that King Herod—the most powerful man in all of Judea—was intimidated by a boy who was no more than two years old?” toward the devil and the people who were out to get Him…He just had no fear. He knew exactly who He was. He believed in the Word. And He was perfectly obedient to God!



Jesus never did anything that was against His Father’s will. And because of that, He was given incredible authority in the spirit. He had authority to cast out demons, heal the sick, and forgive people of their sins. Even the wind and the water obeyed Jesus. He could stand on water and walk on it! And as Peter showed us when he got out of the boat and walked toward Jesus, if we have faith in God and are obedient, we can be given Christlike authority too (see Matthew 14:25-29).


I think that in order to have a deep desire to please God, we first need to trust Him. Jesus trusted His Father implicitly, even to the point of death on the cross. In fact, that was the whole reason He was born. But He knew His Father loved Him and that no matter what the enemy did to Him, everything would work out for His good.

You and i can TruST God Too.

I don’t know about you, but I want to experience that kind of faith—instead of insecurity and intimidation.

With trust comes all the fruit of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol (see Galatians 5:22,23). By displaying these behaviors in our everyday life, we can bring honor and glory to God’s Son.

All we need to do is pursue a perfect, childlike faith.


Now, don’t let the word “perfect” scare you. God knows we’re going to make mistakes. He just wants us to keep growing and maturing, pressing on toward that mark of perfection with a heart to please Him.

The Bible says in Mark 16:17 that by the power of Jesus’ name, those who believe will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; they will pick up serpents and [even] if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well.

If you and I can get past our own limitations and believe God is who He says He is and will do whatever His will is to do through us, we will be able to experience the kinds of things in our lifetime that the disciples experienced while Christ was on earth.

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The FruiT oF our Savior’S FaiTh


The more childlike we become in our faith, the more we’ll be able to experience God working through us. Because the more we trust Him to take care of our own needs, the more we’ll be willing to take care of the needs of others.

I think one of the best ways we can show people we’re followers of Christ is to follow His example of forgiveness.

The MoST PreciouS GiF T oF all Mercy is absolutely the most outrageous,

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“When they saw the star, they were thrilled with ecstatic joy….”

We can give to people who will give us gifts in return. But we’re more blessed when we choose to give to those who cannot pay us back. This Christmas, I encourage you to trust God a little bit more. Believe that whatever you do for “the least of these”—the poor, the hungry, the sick, people in prison, and those who are neglected and alone—will be done for you also.

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The Everyday Life Bible features: • Notes and commentary by Joyce Meyer • Bronze bonded leather cover • Easy-to-read large print type • Amplified translation— the Word in vivid detail

Because the greatest gift you can give God this Christmas is to become more like His Child.

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The truth is, a lot of what people take from you, they have no ability to give back to you. My father took my childhood innocence through sexual abuse, and there was no way he could have given that back. But God promises us double for our former trouble.



By Christ’s example, we’re not only taught to love our enemies, we’re taught to pray for them too. And if you can possibly bring yourself to do something nice for them— even if it’s just smiling at them to show you’re not holding a grudge—you’ll really give the devil a black eye.


See, Jesus came to give us freedom from our sins. And we need to learn how to release other people from their sins.

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unreasonable thing. The more I think about it, the more amazed I am. It gives blessings that are undeserved and withholds punishment when it is deserved. It’s absolutely the greatest gift you can give someone.

Told with expressive language and vivid detail, the story of Christ’s birth comes alive in the Amplified Bible. Treat yourself or someone you love to the true [accurate, faithful to the original] story of Christmas.







and then you must keep your vision in front of you at all times. Here’s how it’s done…

Do you have a dream for your life? Whatever God has placed in your heart, it’s not too late to see that dream come true. So, if your dream battery needs a jump-start, this article will provide the spark you need. And there are two things I want you to understand after reading this—you need to get a vision that’s crystal clear,

NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM EEL.1210.16-17.indd 16

God: The Ultimate Mover and Shaker I believe we need to be reaching all the time. God didn’t create us to be passive. There’s something in us that has to be reaching for something. I believe it’s a God-given need placed in us. Part of that God factor in us always needs to go somewhere.

Do you have a dream in your heart that’s been in there so long, you’ve started to seriously doubt its potential? This special package will help you get your dreams off the ground—step-by-step. First, the CD series What Do You Want Out of Life? provides three teachings (What Do You Want Out of Life? • The Silent Years • Labor and Delivery) from

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Joyce to see you thru from start to finish. Plus, you also get Joyce’s brand-new Speaking the Truth package filled with 28 topical cards and a teaching CD to provide the inspiration needed to keep you on track and prevent obstacles from holding you back. Everyone has a unique, personal dream. What’s yours? Make it happen today!

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God is always on the move. Are you? Or do you feel like a parked car? If you have your life in park, you need to get it back in drive. And if you’re living in reverse, you need to completely strip that gear out. Because you can’t be what God wants you to be if you’re looking backwards.

That means you, like Paul, need to find a balance between contentment and ambition. Here’s the key: Learn to enjoy where you are on the way to where you’re going.

The first essential thing needed to jump-start your dreams and reach your finish line is vision. Just as we need a clear windshield to see where we’re driving, we need a clear vision to see where our life is going. Let me explain.

When you have a dream or a vision, you have to keep it in front of you. If you don’t, LIFE will suck it up. It’s easy to lose your dreams and visions along the way. We get “busy” and think we don’t have time for them anymore.

Proverbs 29:18 says that without a vision, the people perish. If you don’t have any hope—you become hopeless. And the Bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick.

How do you keep that from happening? Habakkuk 2:1-3 talks about keeping the vision in front of us. God even says to write your vision down so you and other people can easily see it.

The Bible talks about fighting the good fight of faith. What God has for you is not just going to fall into your lap. You must determine to have the life Jesus died for you to have and take it. But you can’t just hit the accelerator all the time. Sometimes, it’s good to hit your brakes.

Your vision doesn’t have to be like my vision. This doesn’t only apply to someone wanting to start a worldwide ministry. Your dream might be to lose weight or start a business. You might have a vision to get out of debt or have a better marriage. Maybe you simply want to get your house cleaned up. That’s ok.

Finding the Balance Between Reaching and Contentment

Whatever your vision is, write it down.

The apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:11-13, that he had learned how to be content and satisfied to the point where he’s not disturbed by whatever state he’s in. In other words, he never allowed himself to get upset with where he was at the moment…he was always looking forward to where he could be.

And remember, God wants you to dream—make plans— and then He will help you along the way, step-by-step, until you reach your personal finish line.

What Do You Want Out of Life? 3-CD TEACHING AND

Speaking the Truth

28 TOPIC CARDS & 1 TEACHING CD by Joyce Meyer

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Joyce shares more on this topic on the Enjoying Everyday Life television broadcast December 6-10. Check your local TV listing for stations and program times in your area or visit


Please know this: You don’t need a wishbone. You need a backbone. Get a dream. Get a vision. Close your eyes and visualize something better than your current circumstance. Read your Bible—then declare “God’s promises are for me! Not just for somebody else—they’re for me too!”


Are You a Fighter?

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The worst condition you can be in is to just feel like you’re in a rut. You just do the same routine over and over (and you’re already sick and tired of that). But we know we can’t expect new results by doing the same thing.

Hereʼs the Final Key: Keep Your Eyes on the Road Ahead

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(Bulawayo, Zimbabwe) – Panashe wakes up early every morning with a smile. She stretches, brushes her hair and puts on her uniform—a white, button-down dress shirt she wears under her pleated burgundy dress. As she ties her black, patent-leather shoes, puts on her jacket and walks out the door, she’s grateful. Today is another day to learn and play with her friends at school—and like other students around the world, she says going to school is the best part of her day.



But Panashe Matshose isn’t like other students. The nine-year-old fourth grader wakes up earlier than her classmates at the Hugh Beadle Primary School in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, in order to cover the one-hour hike to school she makes from her village. And her daily trek is one of the smaller challenges she faces.


Though Panashe’s name means “God is here,” for much of her life it’s been hard to tell. She lives with her grandmother because both her mother and father died from complications due to HIV, a life-altering trait that she shares with her parents. Her condition makes her much more susceptible to sickness. And if all of these challenges weren’t enough, her grandmother is too old to work, so they don’t have much to eat. | DECEMBER 2 0 1 0 /JANUARY 2 0 1 1 | 19

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That’s why Panashe is so grateful for the one meal she can count on every day. Working with local ministry partners, Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions feeds every child at Hugh Beadle at 10 a.m. each day. That’s more than 600 students between first and seventh grade. The meal is a warm porridge made from a corn and soy blend that’s been fortified with vitamins and sweetened for flavor. Sam Dhlodhlo, an area project manager in Bulawayo, estimates this will be the only true meal of the day for as many as a third of the entire student body. When the program first started, they estimate that most kids were getting three or four meals per week, and what they were eating had little or no nutritional value.

Behind the closed doors and the architectural craftsmanship, you’ll find as many as five or six families living in each home and as many as thirty-five people sharing one bathroom. Cholera is a big problem in the area, because the old neglected pipes in these homes crack and water and sewer lines run into each other, filling the plumbing with water-borne diseases.

With all of the pain in the community, the uncertainty and the difficulty, the role of the school becomes even more important. School is where children learn and grow, where they look to the future, where they dream of a better day as they hold on to hope.

At one time Zimbabwe was known as “the breadbasket of Africa,” with a thriving agricultural economy featuring a multitude of high-yielding farms that provided a majority of food for Southern Africa. But those days are long gone.

In order to have hope for a future, a child needs several things. First, they need love—someone to encourage them, inspire them and fill them with hope. While some students get this at home, many others don’t. This makes the


Every day, Hand of Hope feeds every student at Hugh Beadle Primary School―that’s more than 600 students.

Today the unemployment rate in Bulawayo remains above 90 percent—a figure so high that it’s difficult to understand the huge impact this has on daily life. Prostitution in this area is widespread, and as a result HIV/AIDS has impacted the lives of nearly everyone in the community at some level. According to Dhlodhlo, nearly all of the students in the school are at least single orphans (they’ve lost one parent), while many of them like Panashe have lost both parents.


In 2008 the economy imploded, Zimbabwe’s currency lost all value and not only did they lose the ability to feed the surrounding countries, there were no groceries in the stores for the few who still had the money to buy them. When this happened thousands of professionals—primarily doctors and businessmen—left Zimbabwe for neighboring countries. This left many communities without health care or economic opportunities.



Life in Bulawayo The Hugh Beadle Primary School is located in Sauerstown, an old suburb of Bulawayo— Zimbabwe’s “Second City.” From a distance the remnants of the British colonization and influence create a false sense of luxury. It’s unmistakable that at one point, this area was beautiful—an upscale community whose residents would have been privileged to call home. Even now, as you drive through the neighborhoods of Sauerstown you immediately notice nice, seemingly comfortable homes, but they don’t tell you the full story.

Panasche Matshose

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What Every Child Needs

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role of the school and the Bible club that’s run by ministry partners so vital. The children need to know Bulawayo’s past doesn’t have to be their future. Second, like children in the United States, Asia, Europe or Australia, the children of Zimbabwe need an education. They need to be trained, inspired and challenged to learn and develop as young leaders. Finally, even if you’re loved and have access to an education, it’s hard to be developed on a chronically empty stomach. When the feeding program first started, nearly all the children had symptoms of malnutrition—from skin problems and lethargy to more life-threatening sicknesses.

the first time in a long time, he didn’t have to focus all his energy just on surviving. He made friends, learned new things in class, and at recess he got to do what he loves— play soccer. His mother is now one of the volunteers who helps make the porridge for the children. Both of them are active in church and regularly smile, laugh and enjoy what so many families take for granted. “As a person who works with them, I can literally say we have saved lives,” Dhlodhlo said. “I know it sounds unbelievable, but we’ve saved lives.” Jed Walker accompanied Dave and Joyce Meyer and our missions team to Zimbabwe, reporting on the life-changing outreaches made possible by our ministry partners.

In Scripture Jesus made it clear that we should feed our children before we feed ourselves. In Matthew 25, He said that when we feed the hungry out of our love for God, it’s as if we’re feeding Him. It may not seem like much, but a bowl of porridge has the power to transform a life, fill a family with hope, and change a community.

Anderson Mhlanga

“We have saved lives.” Anderson Mhlanga is in seventh grade and he’s also a thirteen-year-old miracle. When he first started coming to the school, his stomach and head were swollen from malnutrition, a condition that was significantly more dangerous because he’s also HIV positive. The staff knew that he was close to dying.



Anderson and his mother had been going back and forth between living on the streets and squatting in a shanty—all the while scavenging for food. His mother tried to sell anything she could to support them but she couldn’t afford a license, so she was constantly being run off by the police before she could sell much of anything. Their situation was so severe that one of Anderson’s brothers didn’t make it.



One bowl of vitamin-enriched porridge a day has literally saved Anderson’s life. When he first arrived, his malnutrition was so advanced that his body could only process medicine. In time he began to eat the corn and soy porridge, and quickly his health started to improve. The swelling went down. He began to put on weight. And for

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ariah, my daughter, and I were in San Diego, and after an event, I had a mildly hostile encounter. The experience somewhat unnerved her. But more than anything else, it seemed to pique her curiosity. She asked, “You make a lot of people mad, don’t you, Dad?” “Sometimes.” Pressing further, she asked, “Has anyone ever tried to hurt you?”

holding open the same blade with which he had slit another man’s throat; me with nowhere to go.

“Tell me,” she insisted with as much excitement as I’ve seen in a fatherdaughter conversation. So I described an encounter I wrote about in An Unstoppable Force. I told her there was an ex-convict who let me know while he was in prison that as soon as he was released, he was going to bring my life to a close. Instead of waiting for him when he hit the streets, I found him in the projects. Knowing I had Mariah captivated, I did everything I could to heighten the danger and mystery of the moment. I paused right after describing the dingy room in which only the two of us stood face-to-face—William

“Yes.” “Has anyone ever tried to kill you?” I said, “Sort of.”






Before I could go on, Mariah couldn’t keep it in. With panic in her eyes she blurted out, “Did he kill you?” It may seem cruel, but I refused to tell her. It’s possible that even to this day, my daughter thinks her father is dead. (I need to add that Mariah gives me permission to share this story with you on the condition that I clearly communicate to you that she was very tired that night.)

The Reality of Living for God The barbarian understands the

erwin raphael mcmanus

serves as Lead Pastor of Mosaic, a uniquely innovative and international congregation in Los Angeles, California. He is the author of six books and Curator of McManus Studios. He and his wife, Kim, live in Los Angeles with their two children, Aaron and Mariah, and a foster daughter Paty. 22 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E

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It’s found in the diary of Corrie ten Boom. Corrie’s sister, Betsie, was



concentration camps during the Nazi holocaust of the Jews. And although Corrie lived to tell the story, Betsie died in the midst of it.


We have somehow perverted this more primal understanding to a far more civilized one. Instead of finding confidence to live as we should regardless of our circumstances, we have used it as justification to choose the path of least resistance, least difficult, least sacrifice. Instead of concluding it is best to be wherever God wants us to be, we have decided that wherever it is best for us to be is where God wants us. Actually, God’s will for us is less about our comfort than it is about our contribution. God would never choose for us safety at the cost of significance. God created you so that your life would count, not so that you could count the days of your life. Reprinted by permission. “The Barbarian Way,” Erwin Raphael McManus, © 2009, Thomas Nelson Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. All rights reserved.

Get Radical 60-MINUTE DVD by Joyce Meyer

Everyone is trying to fit in. But have you ever thought it’s actually better to live a unique, adventure-filled, offbeat kind of life? We dare you to go against the grain…live a radical life… full of the adventures of God. Learn to throw fear aside and risk it all for Christ.


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For years I have made it my mission to destroy the influence of the Christian cliché “The safest place to be is in the center of the will of God,” but just this past week my wife, Kim, introduced me to one of the earlier uses of this adage.

Confident No Matter the Circumstance


Is It Really Safest in the Middle of Godʼs Will?

Clearly neither of them concluded that this expression conveyed a belief that God would keep them from suffering hardship and even death. Betsie’s statement was a declaration that to walk in the character of Christ is always the right choice, regardless of outcome or consequence.


She knows that good people die, that men and women who make heroic choices do not always live to tell their own tales. Sometimes another must tell the stories of their lives, recall the memory of their courage. The civilized view of Jesus is that He always comes through for us. Like Superman, He always shows up just in time to protect us and save us from disaster. His purpose is to ensure our safety, our convenience, and our comfort.

encouraging her with this hope. I’ve always had a great disdain for this statement, but I have to admit this particular context shows me how far we’ve strayed from how it must have been understood. For Corrie and Betsie, the promise of safety in the center of God’s will was fleshed out in

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story we’re in differently from the one who is civilized. Although Mariah should have known the outcome of my story, in some ways she has a better understanding of reality than some of us. We’ve been taught that every story Jesus writes with our lives ends with “and they lived happily ever after.” Mariah knows better.

Watch Erwin McManus on the Enjoying Everyday Life television broadcast January 24 & 25. Check your local TV listing for stations and program times in your area or visit


TWISTED THOUGHTS Ten Mental Ruts to Avoid So You Can Be a Healthy Thinker Today


Not long ago a woman from Mexico came to my office. She came in carrying a suitcase filled with the vitamins and other supplements she was taking. She was livid at the cabdriver who had brought her from the airport to my office. When she began unloading on him the reason for her visit to the United States, he had replied, “Your problem is that you don’t really want to get well.” In my opinion, he had hit the nail on the head.

What Is Distortional Thinking? People like the woman I described suffer from what’s known as “distortional thinking.” Many people have this condition and don’t even realize it. If you do, the good news is that you can overcome distortional thinking with God’s help and find a whole new life filled with blessings. The first step is identifying the cause. Dr. David Burns, a leading expert in cognitive therapy and author of the bestselling book Feeling Good, has identified ten types of negative beliefs:





B Y D O N C O L B E R T, M . D .

1. All-or-Nothing Thinking The person who thinks this way sees everything in black-orwhite terms. No shades of gray are possible. Perfectionists see their work as either perfect or worthless. The healthy thinker sees spectrums and variations and exceptions in nearly every area of life.

2. Overgeneralizations This is a tendency to draw sweeping conclusions from very little evidence. For example, a man who is turned down by one woman after he asks for a date may draw the conclusion that all women will reject him and he will never get a date. The healthy thinker draws conclusions only after taking in a great deal of evidence.

3. Negative Mental Filter This person filters out any bit of information that is positive or good. She just doesn’t hear compliments or words of affirmation or praise. She hears only criticism. The healthy thinker hears both negative and positive.

4. Disqualifying Mental Filter This person hears the compliments but discounts them. He explains away words of affirmation or praise. For example, a person who is given a promotion may say, “I don’t deserve this. They are just feeling sorry for me because I’m really such a loser.” The healthy thinker receives compliments and praise, and uses them to validate his own self-esteem.

5. Jumping to Conclusions This person believes she knows at all times, with 100 percent accuracy, what other people are thinking about her. The healthy thinker assumes she isn’t a mind reader.

DR. DON COLBERT is a graduate of Oral Roberts School of Medicine and shares his years of experience and research in nutritional medicine in all of his work. He is a national speaker and New York Times bestselling author.

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“The good news is that you can overcome distortional thinking with God’s help.”

7. Emotional Reasoning

The Key to Beating Distortional Thinking

This person sees an outcome as directly flowing from her emotions. For example, the person may feel hopeless about passing an exam, so she doesn’t show up to take it. The healthy thinker separates current feelings from future events.

Every person has some degree of distortional thinking. The key to having a renewed mind—and to developing a mind that truly thinks as Christ Jesus thinks—is to confront distortional thinking continually with the truth of God. Seek to develop the ability to identify false thinking, recognize what kind of distortion is taking place, and then change the thought by replacing it with healthy, godly truth.

9. Labeling and Mislabeling This person is likely to give himself or another person negative labels, such as “stupid,” “idiot,” “imbecile,” “loser,” “jerk,” or “pig.” The healthy thinker avoids labels. (By the way, I like to remind people that God gave mankind the authority and responsibility of naming animals, not human beings.)

This article was developed from information in Dr. Colbert’s book “Deadly Emotions” (2003). This article is not intended to provide medical advice or take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers are advised to consult your own doctors or other qualified health professionals regarding the treatment of your medical problems. Neither the publisher nor the author takes any responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, action or application of medicine, supplement, herb or preparation to any person regarding or following the information in this article.


8. “Should” Statements This person has a rigid set of internal rules about what should, must, ought to, can’t, and has to be done. The healthy thinker knows and expresses the fact that there are very few hard-and-fast rules in life.

10. Personalization

Learn more about gaining a positive mindset at


This person blames himself for events over which he has little or no control. I’ve encountered parents who blame themselves for their teenagers’ experimentation with drugs. They need to hold the teenager accountable for his choices. The healthy thinker refuses to take responsibility or blame for someone else’s choices.


This person exaggerates the importance of isolated events. He may magnify his own emotions, mistakes or imperfections. He minimizes, however, any success he may have. A healthy thinker maximizes the good points and minimizes the failures.


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A CLOSER LOOK: jesus’ birth

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In our feature article beginning on page 12, Joyce looks at the power of childlike faith, using the story of the birth of Christ as an example. Let’s take a closer look. Read the story of Jesus’ birth in the books of Matthew and Luke.

Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.

1. What are some of the characteristics of children that exemplify childlike faith?

When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” “Why were you searching for me?” he asked.

2. Does “childlike” mean we should act like children? Are there areas of your life where you could be more childlike?

“Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”

3. What traits (using King Herod as an example) can cause us to allow ourselves to be used in Satan’s plan? Why do you think childlike faith in God is such a threat to Satan?

But they did not understand what he was saying to them. Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

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__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4. Has fear given the enemy a foothold in your life? How can your childlike faith in God make a difference? Write your answer below and use it to keep yourself encouraged. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Answers: 1. They are obedient, trusting, forgiving. Your thoughts. 2. No. Your thoughts. 3. Fear. Your thoughts. 4. Your thoughts.


After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.


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Behold These Powerful Principles of Freedom Part 1


Why? Because these principles are timeless pillars that provide a firm, stable foundation for liberty. They must be maintained. If we neglect these pillars of liberty, then our God-given free society will collapse, causing our freedoms to disappear. Let’s take a look at the first four of these timeless and important principles:

1. The Principle of Power and Form


This principle applies to civil governments, churches, homes, businesses and associations—their external form is determined by their internal power.

D AV E M E Y E R is the Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries and has been married to Joyce for over forty years. He passionately shares the truth about our rich Christian heritage in conferences nationwide, encouraging people to get educated, pray and take action. | DECEMBER 2 0 1 0 /JANUARY 2 0 1 1 | 27

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I think these principles are definitely worth taking a look at—for the sake of our own personal freedoms today and how they apply to our nation’s future. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to put these principles into practice.


Have you ever heard of The Seven Principles of Liberty? These seven truths promote liberty in both individuals and nations. The book America’s Providential History conveys these principles and, toward the end of the book, succinctly explains how each one applies to all areas of life.



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AMERICA AT ITS BEST Liberty Doesn’t Just Happen For anything to function properly—people included—both power and form are necessary. Second Timothy 3:5 says that some people have an outer form of godliness but deny God’s power. Their faith is dead. They lack the internal power of the Holy Spirit, which is needed for a form (believer) to function correctly. But the form (believer) is needed to channel the power (Holy Spirit).1

2. Godʼs Principle of Individuality God does not create carbon copies of anything, whether they’re humans, animals, trees, planets or stars. Each one is unique and distinct but serves a unified purpose with all of creation. William “Snowflake” Bentley was the first person to photograph and study snowflakes. He photographed over 5,000 snowflakes—no two of them were alike in their crystal pattern, yet were unified in material composition (frozen H20) and structure (all have 60 degrees between their axes.)2

3. The Christian Principle of Self-Government Today, many people, including those we elect into office, struggle with personal self-control. Self-government is a biblical requirement for those who are to be leaders. First Timothy 3:5 tells us that a man who cannot lead his

“This volume seems destined to become one of the bestselling Christian books of our time.”

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—Conservative Book Club

own household cannot manage the church of God—or anything else well. People who don’t govern themselves end up needing an ever-expanding government to keep things together. The centralized external government grows continuously, always adding more laws to the books and spending more and more tax dollars. Sound familiar? 3

4. The Principle of Christian Character Here, we are talking about a person’s moral and ethical strength. “Character” means “to stamp and engrave through pressure.” This is what God is doing in the life

“These principles held the country together and kept society strong.” of each believer—He’s molding us into the character of Christ. Romans 8:29 says that God has predestined us to be conformed into Christ’s image. Jesus is the vine. We are the branches. Every branch gets cut away and burned or, if the branch bears fruit, it gets pruned (see John 15). So, there’s no avoiding it—we all get cut in some way. But we should praise God for His pruning (even though it hurts at times) because He’s building us to be like His Son. 4

Proven to Work In closing, let me say that history can teach us so much. Our ancestors once believed in and, more importantly, practiced these principles. They served as guiding lights through the difficult times of war, oppression and economic struggles. These principles held the country together and kept society strong. Did every single person always follow these principles? No, of course not. But enough of them did over the course of history, so that everyone benefited. And it’s why we still enjoy freedom today. But we must maintain these principles so that our children and grandchildren will also live in freedom.

America’s Providential History 304-PAGE PAPERBACK by Mark A. Beliles & Stephen K. McDowell

$17 $22 in Canada

In our next issue, we will look at the fifth, sixth and seventh principles of liberty.

1. “America’s Providential History”, Mark A. Beliles & Stephen K. McDowell (The Providence Foundation, Second Edition 1991) p. 268. 2. Ibid., p. 269. 3. Ibid., p. 270. 4. Ibid., pp. 270-271.

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What I didn’t know about

power thoughts nearly killed me

Ever been in a situation like this?

You Don’t Have to Keep Thinking That Way When I came to work for Joyce Meyer Ministries, I wanted to get a copy of Joyce’s bestseller, Battlefield of the Mind. The book had sold more than 2 million copies and had transformed so many lives. And I obviously needed to deal with my current thought life—you know, irrationally thinking I was going to die. I let every word soak in. Combining the principles in the book, and meeting with a biblical counselor at my church, I was completely set free from those thoughts. I discovered that just because a thought comes into my head doesn’t necessarily make it true. By replacing those

I Thought I’d Figured It All Out So I thought I’d learned everything I needed to know about how to conquer the battle in my mind. That is, until Joyce came out with her book Power Thoughts. With every page, I realized she was taking what I learned in Battlefield of the Mind even further. I found out it wasn’t enough to just stop thinking the negative thoughts—I needed to fill my mind with powerful, godly thoughts as well! I could wake up every day and think I am going to die. Or I could wake up and think All things work together for the good of those who love Him… even headaches.

Let Power Thoughts Change You Too One thing is for sure: Think about something long enough and you’ll start to believe it. I truly thought I was going to die. But after changing the way I think, I now live fully trusting God’s plan for my life. So, if you want to live with that same assurance of a peaceful, positive life, you’re going to have to start thinking God’s way. And the best way to learn how is to apply principles like the ones found in Joyce’s book Power Thoughts. Doing so will keep you from being consumed with your own thoughts every time something bad happens and will align your thoughts with God’s word.


That’s right, a headache. Go on, laugh. I do…now. But at the time, I had convinced myself, through my own thoughts and fears that I was going to die. I was sure this was the final straw in a long list of medical conditions. And at twenty-six years old, it was my time to go, and a headache was taking me out.

thoughts with God’s Word, I no longer experienced the fear of dying but learned to trust God with my every breath.


thought this. As ridiculous as it may seem, it was completely true to me. You see, I’d been having problems with my stomach for over a year, had my gallbladder removed, suffered through a horrendous case of pneumonia, and now I had…a headache.


I am going to die. It wasn’t the first time I’d


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THREE CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMILITY Following Jesus’ Example of How to Avoid a Prideful Life BY JOYCE MEYER






Do you ever think you can handle things on your own? Do you ever treat people poorly? If you can answer yes to either one of these questions, you may be in danger of a very serious issue…pride.

How to Uproot Pride The answer is humility—freedom from pride and arrogance, a modest estimation of your own worth. It doesn’t mean you think lowly of yourself, but it means you are very careful not to think more highly of yourself than you ought to.

What’s the problem with pride? I think it might be safe to say that pretty much all sin stems from pride. It’s an independent spirit that wants to do its own thing without any authority and no direction from anyone else.

In Matthew chapter 11, Jesus says, Learn of me for I am humble. He then goes on to describe Himself as gentle, meek and lowly. I just think all of those character traits are so beautiful.

The truth is, in Proverbs 6:16-19, God lists seven things He hates—and one of those things is pride. So how can we refuse to let pride take root in our lives?

On the other hand, a spirit of pride is often harsh, hard, sharp and pressing. I just hate to be around those kinds of people. You can never please them, and enough is never enough.

JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers. She has written more than eighty inspirational books and released thousands of audio and video teachings. Her Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs are broadcast around the world. She also travels extensively conducting conferences. Joyce and her husband, Dave, make their home in St. Louis, Missouri. 30 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E

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A humble person is quick to forgive, difficult to offend, and joyfully waits on vindication from God. If someone is mistreating you, the best thing you can do is forgive them and be friendly. I’m not suggesting you let people walk all over you. But we need to do our part and trust that God will right the wrongs. Maybe somebody at work lied about you and got the promotion you thought should have been yours. Then you hear their car is broken down, and they’re taking the bus to work. A proud person would find joy in the other person’s misfortune. A humble person would give them a ride to work—even if it’s out of their way.

Don’t Brag God allows me to participate in some phenomenal things around the world, but I can honestly tell you I’ve trained myself to not think about them too much because that’s the stuff that gets you in trouble. For example, last year we were in Zimbabwe and had a really successful Festival of Life conference. But God didn’t do it because of me; He did it to help the people. I don’t sit in my chair and go, “Oh remember that crowd. Whew, Jesus, what an altar call!” You can’t do that. If you do, then you are opening your mind to pride. Every time God lets you participate in something great you need to simply say, “Thank You, God, that You let me have anything to do with it. I know it’s not me—it’s You!”

But if He asks you to clean the toilet, then be just as happy to do that. You’re not going to be rewarded for whether you did what the world would call this great thing or that great thing; your reward is going to come because you obeyed God and were willing to do what He asked you to do.

“I think it might be safe to say that pretty much all sin stems from pride.” Humility and patience are probably two of the hardest virtues to come by. But the truth is, all impatience is a manifestation of pride. If I can’t stand to wait on that promotion or wait for anything, it’s because I think I am too important to wait, and I should be getting what I want right away.

What Humility Can Do I once read this statement: “It is yet to be seen what God could do through a man or woman who would give Him all the glory.”


Be Quick to Forgive

To truly live a confident, humble life, you’ll need to remember where your abilities come from. The more talented you are, the more humble you should become. It should amaze you that God would put those gifts in you. It should amaze you that God would enable you to do anything. It’s only with that attitude that God’s glory can be fully shown through your life.


I needed to understand how to live a life of humility. Here are a few of the characteristics of humility…

the office door at work or to have somebody call you the boss or the leader. God will choose who He puts where, and if He puts you there, then be there with humility and do what He asks you to do.

Patiently Wait for Promotion Learn more about the characteristics of humility on the Enjoying Everyday Life television broadcast December 27& 28. Check your local TV listings for stations and program times in your area or visit


Don’t be in too big a hurry to get on the platform somewhere or get your name on


I used to be one of those people, until God began to show me the deep roots pride can take. | DECEMBER 2 0 1 0 /JANUARY 2 0 1 1 | 31

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Share the New Life in Christ Want to share Christ with others, but not quite sure what to say? Maybe you even have your own questions about salvation, the forgiveness of sins, and God’s gift of grace. Check out Joyce’s book A New Way of Living. This small but powerful book reveals details about the greatest decision you could ever make—choosing to live a brandnew life in Christ.

St. Louis, Missouri

rs yer and Guest Speake • Featuring Joyce Me rn co Al and Nancy John & Stasi Eldredge Winans l Houghton and CeCe • Worship with Israe 9. and save 25%. Only $4 • Register by May 27 lovelife


A 2010 Hand of Hope Year in Review


Because of your prayers and generosity, 2010 was a great year! People’s lives have been changed. We’ve seen miracles in Zimbabwe, worked with those recovering in Haiti, encountered hope in India and so much more.


Thank you for being a part of changing lives all around the world. We’d like to share a quick overview of what was accomplished through Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions outreaches in 2010.

Order online at bookstore or call (800) 727-9673.

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nearly 2,000 to accept Jesus Christ into their lives in and around Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Around the World Ministry Partner Travels with Medical Team to Zimbabwe It had always been Naomi’s dream to go to Africa. So when she saw a video about an upcoming medical missions trip to Zimbabwe at the Joyce Meyer Ministries conference in Arizona, her heart leaped with excitement. The only problem was she didn’t have the money. It was in that moment that a new friend she just met leaned over and handed her an envelope full of cash and said, “I’m not a nurse, but you are. I want you to go in my place and in memory of your husband.” Naomi’s husband passed away in 2009.

Naomi shares that the trip was an amazing experience, topped off by the loving and grateful spirit of the people in Zimbabwe. It’s an experience she would live again and encourages others to do the same. “It’s one thing to see it on TV, to read about it in the magazine, or to hear about it from someone else. But when you see it with your own eyes and experience it for yourself—until you are here— you’ll never really know what it’s like.” And as a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries, Naomi is more confident than ever before about the money she gives each month. “As a partner, you may wonder where your money’s going. But having seen all this, I know exactly where it’s going. I’ll never wonder now. People sometimes ask me, ‘Why do you give to a big ministry? They don’t need your money.’ But once you see it with your own eyes, you know how important it is and why it’s such a privilege to give.” Want to volunteer for a medical missions trip? Visit

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Learn more about partnership. See page 2.

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J for details. Over five days this past June, the medical team, including Naomi, treated more than 3,200 people and prayed with

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For stations and program times in your area, check your local TV listing or visit

Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at



Programs air daily, Monday-Friday.

Programs air one day a week.



NOVEMBER 29 – DECEMBER 3 Awesome God

The Bible has a lot to say about who God is. Monday and Tuesday, Joyce shares how to recognize His voice. Wednesday and Thursday’s programs focus on God’s heart to heal you from the inside out. Friday, learn how to find your peace in Him.

DECEMBER 6 – 10 What Do You Want Out of Life?

When you walk with God, He takes you down some interesting roads. This week, learn how to embrace His plan and the challenges you’ll encounter along the way.

I Love My Life!

Joyce shares the secrets to having a spiritually fulfilling and influential life that leaves “average” behind and aims at the extraordinary.

DECEMBER 19 – 25

Merry Christmas from Joyce

Tune in for a special Christmas program with Joyce and Gary Smalley.

DECEMBER 13– 17 Are You Being Tested?

Odds are, the answer is yes…because God’s always teaching us something new. This week, Joyce shares how to get the most out of each change or challenge.


DECEMBER 20 – 24 Just Like Jesus

Enjoy teachings from Joyce about the freedom and joy you can experience simply by living your life God’s way.

The best gift you can give God is to be like His Son. Monday and Tuesday, Joyce talks about the world’s need for love. Wednesday focuses on the gift of supernatural peace and Thursday’s program gets you thinking about the sovereignty of God. Friday, join Joyce and Andy Stanley for a special Christmas Eve program.

DECEMBER 27 – 31 In God’s Eyes

Who can you be…and who are you already in Christ? Monday and Tuesday, Joyce shares how to help others know they’re important. Wednesday thru Friday, learn what God’s Word says about you—and the enemy in your everyday life.

The Truth About Obedience

JANUARY 9 – 29

Your Attitude Matters

What can a confident attitude do for you? What about a patient and trusting attitude? Join Joyce as she shares about the value of a positive attitude and how God’s Word can help you stay optimistic in every situation.


JANUARY JANUARY 3 – 7 What’s Happening in Your Heart

You may be surprised once you really start looking! Throughout the week, Joyce shares how to give yourself a spiritual checkup so you can avoid catching some of the most common “illnesses” in the world today.

JANUARY 10 – 14 The Power of Words

Joyce talks with Anne Beiler, the founder of Auntie Anne’s Soft Pretzels, about family, faith and forgiveness. Anne’s husband, Jonas, will join the conversation later on. Hear how God saved the Beilers’ marriage and showed them the true meaning of success.

JANUARY 17 – 21 Connecting with God


What kinds of thoughts are you speaking? Monday through Wednesday, Joyce shares how you can have a better life simply by changing your vocabulary. Thursday and Friday, learn how to become a more disciplined person in every area of your life.


JANUARY 24 – 28 Extreme Obedience

You can always count on Joyce to help you learn the hard stuff. Monday and Tuesday, Joyce welcomes Erwin McManus for an upbeat discussion about revolutionizing your relationship with God. Wednesday and Thursday, Joyce teaches about the benefits of radical obedience. And Friday, get determined with a teaching called “I Am Relentless.”



Monday and Tuesday, Joyce talks about what keeps people from praying and how you can experience a better connection with God. Wednesday and Thursday, learn how to be healed from a painful past. Friday, Joyce shares how to start the day. Schedules are subject to change.

JANUARY 31 – FEBRUARY 4 Joyce Teaches from India

Hear messages straight from Bangalore, India, as Joyce teaches about the power of determination, the greatest of God’s commandments, and the joy of living a surrendered life. | DECEMBER 2 0 1 0 /JANUARY 2 0 1 1 | 33

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REAL LIFE PERSPECTIVES There were many reasons those days were difficult but looking back I must ask myself, were they dry with God because He was silent or because I was? You see, God is always faithful, and as my fervor for time with Him was renewed, so was my spirit and my confidence; however, I did not resume journaling. I cherished our time together but I was holding back my greatest passion – writing. Then I received another gift. This time it was Joyce who gave me a journal, a pink one—so like her—with a note inside saying, “I thought I would help you get started journaling again.”




The day I left home for college my dad gave me a gift, a yellow journal. He told me that he loved me and was going to miss our time together while I was away. He said my heavenly Father also loves me and craves spending time with me even more. That yellow journal really cemented what my family had already taught me – spending time with God is not just a good idea; it’s a necessity. Today I have a drawer full of journals documenting the ups and downs of my time with God. I’ve been far from perfect. There are chunks of time missing here and there. Some of those periods I was devoting time to God but I wasn’t writing. Other times I must admit, I was silent. I went through one particularly trying period when I just couldn’t write. It was one of the most difficult times of my life – a dry time with God. During this time most things in my life were shaken, including my confidence.


“I have learned over the years that my time with God, reading the Bible, praying, and writing, is some of the sweetest of my life. I need it for survival.” She knew just what I needed and it’s what we all need— intimacy with God. For me, that comes through spending time in His Word and sharing my heart. For you it may be slightly different but it always involves giving Him our time. I have learned over the years that my time with Him, reading the Bible, praying, and writing, is some of the sweetest of my life. I need it for survival.


If you’re not sure, give it a shot and I guarantee you’ll see that it is a worthwhile investment. Some of you are saying, “How do I possibly find the time?” and I understand. It can be difficult with so many things pulling on us. Take it where you can. Schedule a few minutes where you can grab them and go from there.

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I challenge you to make a commitment: Grab your Bible, a devotional you like, perhaps even a yellow or pink journal. This is a great time of year to begin, so do it for you and for your family. Give God your love and your time. Your Father misses you.

See back cover to learn more about Joyce’s newest devotional, The Confident Woman.

G I N G E R S TA C H E an award-winning TV producer and the Chief Media Officer for Joyce Meyer Ministries. She has traveled to dozens of nations, spreading the Word of God. She has an enthusiasm to help the forgotten and share God’s love. She resides in St. Louis, Missouri, with her husband, Tim, and two daughters. 34 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E

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THE CONFIDENT WOMAN DEVOTIONAL This year, bring God’s love into play each day as you step out on a spiritual journey with Joyce. Get equipped with scriptures and practical advice that will help you be a consistent blessing in the lives of others, confident in Christ and smiling brightly as the Holy Spirit moves through you.

(800) 727-9673

The Confident Woman Devotional is your source for a year’s supply of amazing moments with God. Write on it. Highlight it. Make the journey your own. Based on Joyce’s New York Times bestselling book The Confident Woman.

· In Canada (800) 868-1002 ·

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