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Motivation with Chrispen Muyeche: Five common attributes of success Saturday, 09 June 2012 19:31

“Success can be learnt, it can be learnt by anyone and it can be learnt by you,” Brian Tracy once remarked.

In the past few weeks I have been immersed in a profound desire to learn greatly and share the information and knowledge that I would have obtained in my carefully chosen area of passion — Success Research. I have been seeking to understand what really makes a person successful and why only a few people achieve the greatest degree of success while others gallivant and waste away.

I opened a database and with my team of research assistants we began to list the names of successful people whose success stories, battles, ideologies and attributes we could brainstorm through and passionately research and peruse. We got soaked in the stories of these successful people so much that we lost track of time and momentarily lost our attraction towards tea and lunch breaks.

Then, in the midst of our research, we discovered one interesting phenomenon which I am certain had already been discovered years before our humble efforts: Successful people have very similar behavioural aspects and, in mathematical language, successful people and success in general have a common factor.


Motivation with Chrispen Muyeche: Five common attributes of success Saturday, 09 June 2012 19:31

I began to draft letters addressed to these successful people, particularly in Zimbabwe, requesting to take them out for lunch or sneak into their offices for a QUICK cup of coffee.

My goal in this mission is very well defined — to try and master their science, the science of making so much from so little, the science of making a dollar out of 15 cents and the science of breaking new ground and sprouting out of it.

I guarantee you that all I shall learn from these successful people, I shall share with you. I grew so deeply inspired that I conceptualised a book that would narrate the success stories of our own Zimbabwean people and I quickly moved in and entitled it “Success Franchise”. Yes, I had found a title for my second book, something to look forward to; but, in this present moment, I have already discovered five interestingly common attributes of successful people and today I gladly unleash those to you. One: They Dream Big Let this be known to you from this day on, successful people in their totality dream big, outrageous dreams. They make no little plans and abide to no small talk. These people do not waste their imagination on small tales and little hope. This attribute can be safely put as having a VISION. They are clear of their future because they have imagined it and quickly move in to create it. Successful people see more

when they look into the world than the average person would see.


Motivation with Chrispen Muyeche: Five common attributes of success Saturday, 09 June 2012 19:31

Their world view is not limited by their current circumstances. Successful people have managed to train themselves to think as if they do not have any limitations. T. E. Lawrence once said: “All men dream, but not equally, those men that dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, awaken to find that it was but vanity. “But those who dream by day, these are the dangerous men for they dream with their eyes open to make sure that their dreams come true.”

Time for a moment of truth. I am never again going to sugar coat the quest for success and make it seem so easy and cheap. What vision of your future have you created for yourself in your imagination, or you constantly abide in little thoughts of mischief and barrenness? Is your dream big enough to accommodate the future generations in it, or the day you die is the day it all ends? Successful people live beyond their death for the legacy remains to offer inspiration and benefit to the world. How big is your dream just yet?

Two: They are Passionate Truly successful people see more than just monetary gain in the work that they do, they absolutely love it and are totally fulfilled by it. Successful people often believe and remark that they “feel” that they were created with a specific mandate to fulfill that particular MISSION.

They are clear about their passion and their purpose. In other words, they would not leave what they are currently doing even if they were promised a better package in a different field of work. To them, the financial gain they obtain is a bonus as compared to the gratification that they draw from the execution of their work.


Motivation with Chrispen Muyeche: Five common attributes of success Saturday, 09 June 2012 19:31

These people have ambition and enthusiasm so much that they stand out in their area of work. Successful people are willing to do whatever it takes to get a job done so much that when they are faced with challenges, their zeal and passion carries them through. How passionate are you about the work that you do? Do you feel that you are giving your work the best you have to offer, that when all is said and done you can boldly proclaim that you fought a good fight? Three: They Never Give Up Successful people have an interesting attribute — they seem to have deleted the word “problem” from their diction and have replaced it with “challenge” or “barrier”, something they simply need to overcome. Remember Martin Luther King remarking that, “We shall overcome”; remember Winston Churchill asserting, “Never, never give up”. This is the common attribute of successful people, they fight on and keep punching and keep pulling their baggage when it seems easier to quit rather than to continue.

You cannot hold these men and women down, they won’t let you and they won’t let anything suppress the fulfilment of their mandate for goodness sake. Let this be a moment of introspection: Do you keep fighting when calamity arises or you quickly hang the boots? Do you keep at your dreams when rain and hailstorms descend, or you quickly run for cover? Are you that well rooted that nothing will move you when everything seems to be crumbling? Four: They work smart, they work hard Successful people do not waste their time. Be warned: you, too, should never let anything or anyone waste yours. Most successful people work up in the early hours of the morning, some around 0300hrs, to strategise and to research.

Most successful people are well researched and well informed. They make smart decisions because their decision-making is equipped by a good measure of statistics and trend analysis. They do not mind doing the hard work and sweating the pain out. Do you work as hard as you should or you are giving your aspirations half-baked attention and effort?


Motivation with Chrispen Muyeche: Five common attributes of success Saturday, 09 June 2012 19:31

Half the effort required produces less than half the results sought. More intriguingly, successful people work smart; they seem to always seek better ways of doing things and a better route out of the jungle. This is what some refer to as INNOVATIVENESS. They are masters at solving mazes. Successful people are not necessarily the most intelligent, NO. They are just people who have the ability to apply themselves in labouring hard and smart. Are you as good at working hard and smart as you are at wanting to enjoy the fruits that labouring brings? Five: They Take Responsibility Average-minded people have a tendency of blaming everything on other people, on the church, on their bosses, on the government — anyone else, just not themselves. They never say “I was wrong” or “I take responsibility”. Successful people, on the other hand, are excellent at taking responsibility for leadership, for the execution of tasks and for accountability.

They can stand firm and say “This is my area of influence and the success or failure of this initiative is as a result of my leadership or the lack thereof”. Are you often available to take responsibility, especially when things are not well or you shy away only to pop up when everything is well? Usually people who do not take responsibility are great at seeking recognition. To be a success, take responsibility for your actions and for your area of influence and stick by you territory, especially when all is not well. These are only life attributes and a lot more is in the oven, soon to be transmitted to you. How well have you done so far?

- Muyeche Chrispen is the author of the forthcoming motivational “Embrace Your Ultimate Greatness”. Link up with Chris by emailing chrismuyeche@yahoo.

com and join him on Facebook


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