Household remedies

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Household Remedies for Pest Control

Bug Juice Spray ď Ž

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Bug juice sprays are used by gardeners to control pests. It was found out that pests of the same species will not feed on the plants if members of their colony are found dead on those plants. The smell serves as a repellent and as a warning for the other incoming pests. The smell of the bug juice attracts the natural enemies.

Bug juice spray (contd)     

Materials Needed: Pound or grind ½cup bugs in 2cups water. Dilute ¼ cup of this bug concentrate in 12 cups of water (1:48) Spray the plants thoroughly. Reported to be effective for as long as 2 months.

“Oh –oh!”

Black Jack     

Plant parts used: Seeds, whole plant Mode of action: Insecticidal Methods of preparation A. Seed extract:- 1 teacup of mature seeds Pour seeds in a cooking pot with water. Bring to boil 5 minutes. Strain. Dilute filtrate with 1L of water.

Black Jack (contd)    

Add a little soap. Spray infested plant/soil. Target Pest: Aphids, Termites, Cutworms. B. Whole Plant extract: – Whole plant Pound and soak in 2 litres water overnight. Strain. Add a little soap. Spray infected plant/soil. Target Pest: Aphids, Termites, Cutworms.

“Are you listening?”

Marigold, Chilli, Onion, Garlic Spray    

2 handfuls of marigold leaves 2 pieces of chilli, 3 garlic cloves & 2 large onions . Chop. Place in pot with a little water, bring to boil, cool, strain. Add 1 part extract to 4 parts water (1:4). Spray infected plant. Target Pest: - Most pests.

Nowhere to hide !

Compost Tea.     

Add 4kg good quality compost to 20L water Ferment for 3-7 days. Stir daily. Strain and spray infected plants late afternoon/early morning. Spray every 2 weeks Target Pests: Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, Late blight, Fusarium wilt.

Milk Spray    

Mix 1L milk to 9L water (1:9) (Sour Milk). Fungicidal and Protective (Crucifers) Spray weekly. Target Pests: Red spider mites, Mildews, Mosaic Virus, Blights and Fungal diseases

Wood Ash Wood ash and Chilli Spray.  Mix 2kg Ash and 50g Powdered chilli.  Place in funnel of Maize plants (0.5Ha)  Target Pests: Maize Stalk Borer. Wood Ash and Lime Spray Mix ½cup wood ash, ½cup Lime with 4L water. Train. Spray Cucurbits. Target pests: Cucumber beetle and maggots

Ammonia spray    

Mix 1 part Ammonia to 7 parts water(1:7) Test plants for sensitivity Do NOT spray in heat and on drought stressed plants Target Pests: Aphids, Scales, Thrips, White Fly, Flea beetles.

“Party’s over!”

Bicarb Spray     

Sodium Bicarbonate – Fungicidal and Protectant. Mix 1tbs (15g) Bicarb in 4Cups (1L) water, add 1tsp (5ml) Dishwash soap. Spray plants especially undersides of leaves. Repeat every 2weeks Target Pests: Powdery mildew, Black spot and Fungal diseases

Bleach spray   

Fungicidal Mix 2½ tbs (40ml) Bleach with 4L water (1:100) Target Pests: “Damping off” diseases

Flour spray     

“Dextrin “ traps bugs. Do NOT use on cloudy days when rain expected. Mix 2cups (500ml) Flour with 5-10L water. Spray in morning on sunny day. Target Pests: Spider mites, Aphids and Thrips

Soap spray    

Mix 1 tbs (15ml) Dishwash liquid in 4L water (1:250) Spray late afternoon/ early morning. Underside of leaves. Some Brassicas may be sensitive, test first. Target pests: Ants, Aphids, Fruit fly, Leaf hoppers, Mealie bugs, Scales, Spider mites, Thrips, White fly, Black spot, Canker, powdery mildew, Rusts.

“That’s all folks!!”

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