Motivation for Success Chrispen Muyeche: Fine tune your course to greatness Saturday, 23 June 2012 18:37
“The past is a ghost, the future is a dream, all we have is now,” once remarked our own Dambudzo Marechera.
It is mid-year already and it’s a great opportunity for us to review and assess our progress in the year so far. We do not want to leave such an evaluation too late and grumble in the misery of unfulfilled goals come December. We must become aware of how well we are doing this year and strategically prepare ourselves for a better performance in the last half of the year.
While we still can, we must review our progress towards the accomplishment of our aspirations and fine-tune our course towards the ultimate fulfilment of all that we set to do at the beginning of the year and achieve even more progress than we expected. We can outdo ourselves if we put our minds to it.
In our mid-year review, I have designed an effective Five Point Model that we shall employ in assessing and reviewing our progress to date. I desire that we move from merely talking success to actually achieving it. I desire that we go beyond reading motivational articles and listening to inspirational audio tapes to actually adding value to the way we do our work and the way we live our lives. There must be a direct and subsequent benefit that we draw from all we learn. Unless we see that betterment then all our exploits and efforts go down the drain. We must never labour in vain. We must therefore be very strategic and watchful of our steps towards greatness.
Motivation for Success Chrispen Muyeche: Fine tune your course to greatness Saturday, 23 June 2012 18:37
Point One: Determine your current position In geography they have what they call a “six-figure grid reference”. This is an exact location of a feature, say, on a map. We need at this point to determine your “six-figure grid reference” in relation to the progress you have made to your greatness. By this I mean look back to the goals you set for yourself in January and the time lines you drew for yourself and assess your actual position against your intended progress. Illustratively, you could discover that you intended on having saved $4 000 towards the acquisition of your first car by June and to date you have saved only $2 000. But you need to do this assessment in all the key facets of your life which are: family relations, career development, spiritual development, financial development and personal health.
These facets are equally important and progress in all ensures a good personal balance. If you had not written specific objectives for all of these facets, make it your task and do as such. Be frank with yourself as I am constantly trying to be frank with you because personal honesty is a fundamental weapon for all success and peak performance.
Point Two: Restate your Destination
Revise and review where you want to be in December. Clothe yourself with an immense understanding of your intended destination. Unless you know exactly where you want to be in all the key facets of development that I mentioned above, it is very difficult to achieve anything meaningful in any of them. The world can be so confusing, with so much to buy and a great deal to envy; so, unless you know in EXACT and unquestionable terms what you seek to achieve, there is a high risk that you will be confused and misled in time and seasons. Know your destination.
Motivation for Success Chrispen Muyeche: Fine tune your course to greatness Saturday, 23 June 2012 18:37
Point Three: Clean your mess I am certain that there are some things that did not work as you had planned in January. Some goals remain unachieved and in some cases I know you may not even have started taking action. Ask yourself, “Why have I not managed to achieve that which I set myself to do?” What is important for us now is to be bold enough to gather our brooms and dust pans and start cleaning our mess. Let us not leave it too late for some things are just better faced head on. Cleaning your mess may just require an apology or a statement of gratitude or picking up the phone and being the bigger person, calling that brother of yours you don’t really get along with, so that you create a sound relationship for the sake of keeping the family together.
These are key issues for happiness and greatness. In life phrases such as “I am sorry”, “I was wrong”, “thank you” and “I am grateful” are so negated yet these are powerful statements that can help advance your greatness.
In cleaning your mess, it is very critical to determine the origin of such mess so that you prevent such mishap from recurring. It is often said that only a fool makes the same mistake twice. It is very important that we learn from our mistakes and develop the stamina to avoid a recurrence of similar flaws.
In the course to our greatness, at times we are stubborn for nothing, seeking to prove an unnecessary point and in the process we break bridges and lose friends. Remember, your ability to relate well with others is the fastest medium that can transport you towards the fulfilment of your greatness. So, this is the time to clean that mess so that it does not end up piling up as unnecessary baggage that always weigh you down and block your advancement.
Motivation for Success Chrispen Muyeche: Fine tune your course to greatness Saturday, 23 June 2012 18:37
Point Four: Create a plan of action It is important for you to determine a new plan of action for the next six months of the year, detailing what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it. In this plan, consider your current position, map out your destination and ask yourself, “How do I move from where I am to where I want to be?”
Break down the action that you need to take into small measurable goals. Illustratively, for personal health it may be your goal, for the next six months, as is mine, to keep strong and healthy teeth. This is a very simple and practical mid-year goal. The action that you will need to take as a result is to visit the dentist twice before the end of the year.
The more we take similar practical actions the better placed we become to achieving greatness and the more we feel good of ourselves. It is only when we feel good that we actually do produce good results.
The other powerful benefit of having such a plan of action is that it enables us to know how we can budget our resources to facilitate for the advancement of our aspirations. Financial wastage is as a result of poor planning and the absence of clearly outlined measurable goals.
Motivation for Success Chrispen Muyeche: Fine tune your course to greatness Saturday, 23 June 2012 18:37
Point Five: Implement your progress and review it periodically Plans do not work unless you work them out. A good plan is only as good as its implementation. Have the tenacity to take little baby steps towards action and the advancement of your dreams. Little by little you shall become great. At times we grow so impatient and we want to become instantly famous, wealthy and acclaimed, but greatness is less to do with speed and more to do with direction.
A scholar who studies and masters a concept in a day is far much better that he who seeks to go from cover to cover in a day. A person is never born talking; one grows through biological stages that differentiate infancy and adulthood. In a similar context, implement your plan in stages that do not eventually frustrate you. Step by step, I reiterate. As you implement your action plan, it is very important to consistently review your progress — daily, weekly and monthly so that you can rapidly move in to take corrective action when you see symptoms of failure. I desire greatness for you and your business as much as I desire it for my own. I wish you well.
- Muyeche Chrispen is the author of the forthcoming motivational: “Embrace Your Ultimate Greatness”. Link up with Chris by e-mailing chris and join him on Facebook.