Prince of egypt final script

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Prince of Egypt Cast: Lylette – Miriam Tarah – Sister 3 Kemani – Jethro Cameron – Moses Anya – God’s Voice

Maddy – Priest 3 Mouye – Sister 1 Destiny – Sister 2 Nashon – Pharaoh Amara – Young Miriam Junique – Moses’ Mother Jessica – Priest 1 Vernon – Soldier (moses kills) Zacquealy – Thief 1 Ayerton – Ramses’ Son Ray – Soldier/Slave Noah – Ramses Ayerton – Aaron Paige – Ramses' son

Prologue: Ray, Junique, Nadia, Amara, Vernon, Noah, Johann, Zacquealy, Break Dancers/Glee People, 2/3 as slaves, Zion (as child Ramses). Hebrew Slaves are working. Egyptian Guards: Mud…..Sand…Water… Straw…..Faster! Mud….and Lift….Sand….and Pull Water…..and raise up…. Straw…..Faster! Hebrew Slaves: With the sting of the whip on my shoulder/With the salt of my sweat on my brow Elohim God on high/Can you hear your people cry; Help us now .This Dark hour……. Deliver us, Hear our call/Deliver us Lord of all/Remember us, here in this burning sand Deliver us There’s a land you promised us Deliver us to the promised land…. Yocheved: looks fearfully outside her window. Perhaps for the Egyptian soldiers. Yal-di ha-tov ve ha-rach (My Good and tender son) Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad (Don’t be frightened and don’t be scared) My Son, I have nothing I can give But this Chance you may live I pray we’ll meet again If He will deliver us(Yocheved looks outside again to see whether or not the soldiers are coming. Seeing that the coast is clear she takes the baby and runs followed by Miriam who holds a basket.) Hebrew Slaves: Deliver Us Hear our prayer Deliver us From despair These years of slavery grow too cruel to stand Deliver Us There’s a land you promised us Deliver Us Out of bondage and Deliver us to the promised land…… (Place Moses in the basket.) Yocheved: Hush now, my baby Be still, love, don’t cry Sleep as you’re rocked by the stream Sleep and remember My last Lullaby So I’ll be with you when you dream River, O river Flow gently for me Such precious cargo you bear Do you know somewhere He can live free? River deliver him there…… (The basket travels to the queen outside her quarters. She opens the basket and takes the baby inside.) Miriam: When Miriam knows that her baby brother is safe. She sings: Brother, you’re safe now And safe may you stay For I have a prayer just for you: Grow baby brother Come back someday Come and deliver us too…. Rameses: Mamma! Queen: The Queen looks down at her son. Come Rameses let us show Pharaoh your new baby brother….. Moses. Hebrew Slaves: Deliver us Send a shepherd to Shepherd us And Deliver us to the Promised Land Deliver us to the Promised land. Yocheved: Deliver Us!

ACT I Scene I: Sachin, Cameron Rameses: Faster you beasts! You run like Mules! Rameses pauses to look at the hieroglyphics on a mural outlining Egypt glorious history. Moses (shouting): Hey Rameses! How would you like to see your face carved on a wall?!! Rameses: Someday yes! Moses: How about now! Rameses: You almost killed me! Moses: Come on! where’s your sense of fun?!! Rameses: Oh it’s fun you want! Rameses: Moses? Moses (from above): Yahoo!!! Rameses is above Moses. Rameses: Admit it Moses! You’ve always looked up to me! Moses (looking up at this brother and getting an eye full of his undergarments): Yes! But it’s not much of a view! Ha! Ha! Ha! Rameses: Rameses comes crashing back down onto the street right in front of Moses. Moses pulls back just in time in order to avoid a collision. Second born! Second place! Moses: Not for long! Temple is destroyed. The priests are witnesses. Rameses: You don’t suppose we’ll get in trouble for this? Moses (confident): No! Not a chance!

ACT I Scene II: Sachin, Cameron, Nashon, Nadia, Jessica, Nia, Maddy Inside Seti’s private throne room. Moses and Rameses are standing before their father the Lord Pharaoh and the most powerful man in the world. To Seti’s right, behind him stands his wife the Queen and the Prince’s mother. Off toward Seti’s left are the two temple Priests Huy and Hotep both barely containing their glee that the two Princes are going to get a tongue lashing from their father. Seti: Why do the gods torment me with such reckless, destructive, blasphemous sons? Rameses: Father hear what I say…. Seti: Be still! Pharaoh speaks! (Everyone in the room becomes stock still) I seek to build an empire and your only thought is to amuse yourselves by tearing it down. Have I taught you nothing? Before either Rameses or Moses can respond the two priests jump in trying to ingratiate themselves in the favor of the Pharaoh. Priest 1: You mustn’t be so hard on yourself your majesty. You’re an excellent teacher! Priest 2: It’s not your fault that your sons learned nothing. While they are saying this they are beginning to back out of the room. Priest 3: Well they did learn blasphemy. Priest 2: True.The Priests are gone and only the four remain in the room. Moses and Rameses are almost too afraid to face their fathers harsh gaze. Moses knowing that it is all his fault sticks up for his brother. Moses: Father the fault is mine. I goaded Rameses on so I am responsible. Seti: Seti now turns his attention to his eldest son and his heir. Hmmm Responsible! And do you know the meaning of that word Rameses? Rameses (meekly): I understand Father… Seti: And do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you? Rameses nods. The ancient traditions.? When I pass into the Next world, then you will be the morning and the evening star. Rameses (deciding to stick up for himself says defiantly): One damaged temple does not destroy centuries of tradition. Seti (angry, pointing his scepter straight at Rameses heart): But one weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty! The Queen finally stepping in places a hand on her husbands arm. Both to calm her husband down and to say that he’s been hard enough on the boy. Seti looks at his wife in understanding. Seti : Ah! (sigh)You have my leave to go. Rameses: But Father- The Queen holds up a hand signifying him to say no more. Angry Rameses pivots on his heel and angrily leaves the room. Moses debates whether or not to follow his brother. He decides to argue for his brother one more time. He approaches the throne cautiously. Moses: Father, you know it was really my fault. Must you be so hard on him? Seti (placing a hand on Moses shoulder): Moses. You will never have to carry a burden like the crown I will pass to Rameses he must not allow himself to be led astray. Not even by you my son. Moses: All he cares about is….is your approval. I know he will live up to your expectations he only needs the opportunity. Seti(thinking): Maybe. Maybe so. Go now. I shall see you both tonight. Moses bows to his father and walks from the room leaving his Father and Mother. This is shown is shadows and behind we see a huge panoramic view of the city.

ACT I Scene III: Sachin, Cameron, Nia, Maddy, Jessica We see Moses walking inside a huge room filled with pillars and a huge statue of what most likely is a former Pharaoh seated. Moses has a piece of cloth in his hand which he is sewing. He is whistling a tune, which unknown to him is "Hush Now My Baby" the same lullaby his birth mother Yocheved sang to him when she placed him in the river. Moses: Well that went well. Rameses: Just go away! The audience now sees Rameses he sitting in the lap of the great statue brooding over the scolding that his father gave him. Moses leans against the base of the statue and continues to sew this piece of cloth. Moses: It could have been worse. Rameses: The weak link! That’s what he called me! Moses Looking chagrined can sense his brothers pain. And decides to tease him out of it. Moses (smiling): Well, you are rather pathetic. Rameses: Rameses doesn’t take the bait. Instead of standing up for himself he starts to agree with Moses. Irresponsible, Ignorant of the traditions! He practically accused me of bringing down the dynasty! Moses (mockingly): Yeah! I can see it now! There go the pyramids! Moses laughs and tears the thread with his teeth signifying that he has finished sewing. He walks over to a balcony that gives off a breathtaking view of the country. There is a bowl and a set of glasses sitting on the ledge. Finally Rameses snaps out of it and starts to defend himself. He jumps down from where he was sitting and walks over to where his brother is standing by a balcony. Rameses (angry): You can laugh about it! Moses: Statues cracking and toppling over! The Nile drying up! Single handedly you will manage to bring the greatest kingdom on earth to ruin. Rameses: Tell me this Moses! Tell me why is it that every time you start something I’m the one who ends up in trouble? But Moses is no longer listening. While Rameses has been talking, his brother takes the bag that he has been sewing dunks it in a bowl of juice, drops it over the other side of the balcony and ducks downs. Suddenly there is a sound of a big splash followed by voices crying out in protest. Curious Rameses looks over the balcony to find Hotep and Huy the two priests covered in juice! Priest 1: Oh Man! Priest 2: Oh! Priest 3(looking up at the balcony and seeing Rameses): Ah! Rameses you’re in trouble young man! Priest 2: Rameses get down here! I think you owe us an apology! Priest 1: Oh my new thing! Priest 2: I am so upset! Rameses groans realizing that his brother gotten him into trouble once more. He looks down to his left where Moses had ducked down moments before to find him gone. He looks to his left and finds Moses holding the bowl of juice. Moses: You might as well. Priest 2(off screen): By the power of Ra you’ll pay for this! Priest 1(off screen): We’re going to tell the Pharaoh! Priest 3 (off screen):Yeah!Rameses forgets all about being angry at his brother and takes the bowl and dumps the remnants on the two priests. Eliciting more howls of protest. The two princes walk away leaving the two priests complaining down below. Moses: Hey I figured it out! You know what your problem is Rameses? Rameses: What? Moses: You care too much. Rameses: And your problem is you don’t care at all! Moses(adjusting wig): Oh? In that case I suppose you care a lot more than I do that we’re….. late for the banquet for example? While Moses is saying this the confident smile on Rameses face disappears and changes to one of complete horror, while behind him Moses smiles in amusement.

ACT I Scene IV: Sachin, Cameron, Nashon, Nadia, Jessica, Maddy, Nia, Arianna, Zacquealy, Vernon, Extras: 4/5’s We see Moses and Rameses running down a flight of steps towards the banquet with a palace servant right behind them trying to fix them up and make them presentable. Each time he tries to adjust Moses. Moses just slaps away his hand. Rameses (frantically): I’m done for Father will kill me! Moses: Don’t worry nobody will even notice us coming in. The two young men step through a curtain and on to a stage to find that the entire banquet hall is cheering them on. They stop frozen in shock. Rameses(angrily in an aside to his brother): Nobody will even notice! Moses gives him a sheepish look. The Queen rushes up to them. Queen: Ah the young Princes! (she embraces both her sons as if she is pleased that they have arrived. Then whispering low so only both can hear) Rameses you were just named Prince Regent. You are now responsible for overseeing all the temples. I suggest you get over there and thank your father. While the Queen has been saying this Rameses face splits into a large grin. He takes his mothers advice and rushes over to his father to thank him. Moses happy for his brother begins to join the rest of the audience in applauding. Queen(in an aside to Moses): Apparently Moses. Someone thought he just needed the opportunity. Moses smiles realizing that Pharaoh had taken his advise after all, and that Rameses promotion had a lot to do with him. He rushes over to his Rameses and his Father. Moses: My lord Pharaoh! (Moses bows) I propose that the High priest offer a tribute to their new regent! Seti: An excellent idea! Hotep! Huy! Hotep and Huy who have been standing off to the side gobbling down food and drink. Almost choke when they are ordered to salute Rameses. Hotep grabs Huy by his shirtfront and whispers to him. Hotep: Huy Huy: Hmmm? Hotep: The Midian girl. Huy: That’s a good idea! Hotep: Go get her. Hotep: By the power of Ra! We present for your delectation and delight an exotic apparition stolen from far away lands. A tent goes up behind him and the smoke disappears. The tent drops revealing a beautiful young woman by the name of Tziporah sitting on a camel. Her wrists are tied and she breathing heavily looking around the room. She is clearly frightened but beneath all of this she still looks glorious and proud. Moses and Rameses are both smitten and bend forward eagerly to get a better view. Rameses & Moses: Ah! Hotep: We offer you this delicate desert flower.(Hotep pulls the rope which binds Tziporah’s wrists and she goes flying off the camel and staggers to a stop just feet away from the young Princes.) Rameses(rising from his seat): Let us inspect this desert flower. Rameses takes her face in his hand in order to get a better look. But Tziporah tries to bite him. Rameses pulls back just in time, the crowd gasps in surprise. Rameses: More like a desert cobra. Moses(laughing): Not much of snake charmer are you? Rameses: Rameses stops looking at his hand and smiles. That’s why I give her to you! (He pushes his brother towards Tziporah who is struggling in vain with her bonds) Moses(frightened): No, No that’s quite generous butTziporah(defiantly): I won’t be given to anyone! Especially an arrogant pampered palace brat! Moses and the crowd are shocked. Rameses laughs. Rameses: Are you going to let her talk to you like that? Moses: Moses tries to regain some measure of command by standing up to her. You will show the proper respect for a Prince of Egypt! Tziporah: But I am showing you all the respect you deserve! None! The crowd gasps again. And Tziporah manages to yank the rope out of Hotep’s hands and starts to flail it around like a whip. Two guards jump in to restrain her but Moses stops them. Moses (to the guards): No! Wait! He jumps forward and manages to grab the end of the rope and begins to wrestle with Tziporah. She is obviously strong because Moses can barely hold his end. Moses is on his stomach trying to restrain her. Moses: Be still! Tziporah: I demand you set me free! Moses: Be still! Tziporah: Let me go! Moses: Moses looks behind her to the shallow garden pool and smiles.As you wish! He lets go of the rope and Tziporah goes sailing backwards into the pool and is dunked. Tziporah: Oh! But his expression changes to shame when he sees the disappointed look his mother casts his way. He now sees what he has done is wrong. Rameses laughing places an arm around his brother’s shoulders. Rameses(to a nearby servant who is helping Tziporah out of the water): You there! Have her dried up and sent to Prince Moses chamber. Rameses( to Seti): If it pleases you Father my first act as Regent is to appoint Moses as Royal Chief architect! Rameses takes off his blue scarab ring and places it on Moses middle finger then raises both their arms in the air in a symbol of unity. The crowd breaks into a roar of approval. Moses smiles pleased. But stops when he sees Tziporah being led out of the hall. She looks back at him her eyes filled with loathing. Moses is uneasy because he knows that he has to go back to his chambers and face her.

ACT I Scene V: Zacquealy, Vernon, Cameron, Arianna, Lylette, Noah Later outside Prince Moses chambers. Moses opens the doors to his room and sees the silhouette of the girl behind a curtain sitting on his bed. He seems nervous, perhaps he is afraid to confront her or maybe it is something else. He slowly approaches the bed. Moses: Uh well..(clears throat) All right… He pulls back the curtain and does not find Tziporah but instead the palace servant all bound up. Moses is shocked and looks towards the window he first sees his dogs bound and tied in a similar manner as the servants. He notices the bed sheets tied in a rope hanging out the window. Moses runs to the window and sees Tziporah leading her camel across the courtyard towards the gate. Tziporah (placing a hand over her camels mouth): Ssh! Come On! He quickly scampers down the bed sheets and lands just in time to see the palace guards on duty walking in Tziporah’s direction. They are busy talking but if they turn their heads they will spot her and her camel very easily. Moses: Guards! Guard one and Guard two: The two guards turn around and immediately come to attention.Prince Moses! Moses: Uh…There’s…. Moses hesitates for a second and looks at Tziporah, who is starring fearfully wondering what he will do. Should he call the guards to her attention or should he let her go? Moses: There’s….A man tied up in my room! (Guards pause, look at each other.) Well look into it! Guards 1&2: Right Away Sir! Towards the slave settlement in Goshen where she will not stand out and can make a quick escape. He finds her by a well conversing with two Hebrew slaves. A man and a woman, by a well where they are drawing water. He stops and watches her in awe from around a corner of a building. Tziporah(softly but urgent): Please..I need water. I have a long journey ahead of me. Hebrew woman (filling up Tziporah’s water bag) : May God protect you. Tziporah: Thank you. (She mounts her camel and rides off) Hut! Hut! Moses comes out from behind his hiding place. The expression on his face suggests that he his smitten with the Midian girl. He stares after her as if in a trance or infatuated only to be brought out of it by the sound of a jar breaking at his feet. Moses looks down to find the Hebrew woman at his feet trying to collect the pieces. Hebrew woman: Oh…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! Moses starts to laugh. He is sure that his presence has caused this Hebrew slave to loose her composure after all he is a Prince of Egypt. When their eyes meet the Hebrew woman stops picking up the pieces of her broken jar and stands up looking at Moses in astonishment. Hebrew woman: Oh please forgive me I….didn’t expect to see you…here! Of all places at our door! Mmm! At last! Moses is still focused on staring after the Midian girl but the Hebrew woman tries to get his attention. Finally he turns his attention towards her. Moses(bewildered): At last? Hebrew woman turns towards the man she is with who isn’t quite as excited. He looks a bit frightened and as if he wants to avoid trouble. The Hebrew woman hugs the man excited. Hebrew woman: Didn’t I tell you Aaron didn’t I tell you! I knew he would return to us when he was ready! Aaron (out of the corner of his mouth): Miriam do you want us flogged?

Miriam (ignoring Aaron she lets him go and goes back to Moses): I knew you cared about our freedom! Not having a clue as to what she is talking about he sets his attention back on Tziporah. Moses : Freedom? Why would I care about that? Miriam (slightly puzzled): Because you’re….you’re our brother. Aaron: Uh! (Puts his face in his hand.) Moses (shocked): What? Miriam: Be-(now she understands what is going on) They never told you? Moses: Who never told me what? Miriam: But you’re here! You must know! (she reaches out to touch Moses who quickly recoils). Moses (perturbed): Be careful slave! Aaron: Aaron finally jumps in trying to restrain his sister. Oh my good Prince! She’s..she’s exhausted from the days work. Not that it was too much we quite enjoyed it but she’s confused (looks hard at Miriam signaling her to shut up) and knows not to whom she speaks. Miriam(refusing to be silenced and disgusted at her brothers cowardice): I know to whom I speak Aaron! (facing Moses again defiantly) I know who you are and you are not a Prince of Egypt. Aaron: Miriam! Moses (livid): What did you say? Aaron: Your highness pay her no head! (Aaron starts to drag his sister off towards their house). Come Miriam may I discuss something with you…. Miriam(trying to pull away from Aaron): No Aaron! No! (turning back towards Moses again) Please Moses you must believe! Aaron: That’s enough! Miriam: You were born of my mother Yocheved! Aaron: Stop it! Miriam: You are our brother! Moses (livid): Now you go too far! You shall be punished! Aaron (throwing himself at Moses feet): No! Please…uh… your highness. She’s ill! She’s very ill! We beg your forgiveness! Please Miriam let us go! Aaron seeing the danger that could unfold rises to his feet and tries to pull Miriam off again towards the house. But she will not be silenced. Miriam: No Aaron! (trying to break away from her brothers grip without success) Our mother set you adrift in a basket to save your life!

Moses: Moses runs up to Miriam and Aaron. He does not want to hear more but curiosity gets the better of him. Save my life? From who? Miriam: Ask the man who you call father! Moses (horrified): How dare you! Miriam: God saved you to be our deliverer. Moses: Enough of this! Miriam: And you are Moses! You are the deliverer! Moses: I SAID ENOUGH! Moses takes Miriam by the arm and throws her to the ground. Moses (menacingly): You will regret this night! Miriam falls to the ground and begins to cry softly but she still manages to sing…. Miriam: Hush now, my baby Be still, love, don’t cry Sleep as you’re rocked by the stream Sleep and remember My last Lullaby So I’ll be with you when you dream….. Moses alarmed stares at Miriam in absolute horror as he recognizes the song from his childhood. How could she possible know? Seeing the look of recognition on her brothers face. Miriam smiles at him through her tears. Moses wheels around and races through Goshen. He bumps into an old man who cowers in fear seeing who it is. The crowd of people comment. Moses picks himself up again and begins to run towards the palace .In the back ground we hear the song "All I ever wanted". Moses: Gleaming in the moonlight Cool and Clean and all I’ve ever known All I ever wanted Sweet perfumes of incense Graceful rooms of alabaster stone All I ever wanted This is my home With my father Mother, Brother Oh so noble, oh so strong Now I am home Here among my trapping and belongings I belong And if anybody doubts it They couldn’t be more wrong I am a sovereign prince of Egypt A son of the proud history that’s shown Etched on ev’ry wall Surely this is all I ever wanted All I ever wanted All I ever wanted The Nightmare Moses looks Egyptian hieroglyphics images and sees that it is true about his father killing Hebrew babies. Pharoh comes up behind him and say.. Seti (his voice weary and regretful): The Hebrews grew too numerous. They might have risen against us. Moses: Moses rises to his feet to face his father, the expression on his face is a mixture of anger and bewilderment. Father tell me you didn’t do this. Seti: Moses. Sometimes for the greater good sacrifices must be made. Moses(incredulous): Sacrifices? Seti (putting his arm around Moses and holding him tight): Oh my son. They were only slaves. Moses looks at Seti in complete astonishment. Is this who his father really is? A tyrant and a butcher? Horrified Moses backs away from his father and runs off into the dark.

ACT I Scene VI: Nadia, Cameron Queen: Moses. Moses(bitterly over his shoulder): Is this where you found me? Queen(hesitantly): Moses? Please try to understand. Moses: So..So everything I thought. Everything I am is a lie? Queen(sitting down beside Moses and resting her hands on his shoulders): No! You are our son! And we love you! Moses(turning to face his mother, the expression on his face is desperate): Why did you choose me? Queen (smiling): We didn’t Moses. The gods did. The Queen begins to sing. This is your home, my son Here the river brought you And it’s here the river meant To be your home Now you know the truth love Now forget and be content When the gods send you a blessing You don’t ask why it was sent Moses looks at his adopted Mother and hugs her. Despite all that has happened and what he has discovered, he can tell by the expression on her face that her love for him is genuine and true.

ACT I Scene VII: Sachin, Cameron, Nashon, Nadia, Vernon, Zacquealy, Ayerton, Lylette, Noah, Nia, Maddy, Jessica, Ray (getting beat) Extras: 4/5, 2/3 (slaves/Egyptians) The scene opens later that morning with a pile of scrolls being dropped on a table at a construction site for a new temple. Rameses is speaking to the two High Priests and a bunch of hangers on at a desk. Rameses: Last night the Gods granted me a vision. I’m not going to merely restore this temple. I will make it more grand more splendid than anything else in upper and lower Egypt. Moses looks at the slaves and sees how brutally they are treated.Rameses: Moses! Look. (Pointing to plans on the desk) Fate has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity. You know Father will be so pleased….. Slave Driver(off screen): Get up old man! Moses turns to find a large tough looking slave driver trying to get a fragile elderly slave to lift a load which is obviously too heavy for him. Slave Driver (lashing slave): Put your back into it! Faster! Moses is distracted by the treatment of slaves as he tries to listen to Rameses Nearby Miriam is watching this scene with dread she wants to do something and tries to get her brother Aaron’s attention. But either due to helplessness or fear he keeps his head bent at the task he is performing. Rameses(pointing off in the distance): This is just the beginning. A gateway will open into an entire new city of white limestone more dazzling than the sun. And here a statue of Hapi, the god of the Nile... Slave Driver (lashing slave): Hurry! The slave driver now begins to whip the slave mercilessly. Miriam has seen enough and wants to do something. Rameses: …….Two great column halls….. Miriam (frantic starting for the slave driver): Stop it. Someone’s got to stop this! Aaron (resigned and grabbing his sister arms): There’s nothing we can do. The Slave Driver continues to whip the Slave who is no longer trying to do he is ordered, Slowly at a jog then at a run Moses begins to start towards the slave and the Slave Driver. If no one is going to take action then he must. Moses( softly at first then louder): Stop it!….Stop!…..Stop it! Leave that man alone! Rameses (puzzled): Finally Rameses becomes aware of what is happening. He turns around and sees his brother running away. Moses? The Slave Driver is so intent on beating the slave that he does not hear Moses order to stop beating the man. He continues to lash away with fiendish glee and only stops when Moses jumps on him and he goes catapulting over the scaffolding to the ground below. Moses almost joins him but stops himself right at the edge. All activity in the surrounding work site comes to an immediate end as everyone stares in horror. One of the Slave Drivers from down below pushes through the crowd towards his fellow slave driver now dead. Slave Driver #2: Out of my way! Out of my way!( stops to inspect dead colleague) Who did this? Slave Driver #2 looks around at the Slaves around him. Then everyone looks up at the scaffolding from the where the dead man fell. Slave(pointing up towards Moses): Up there! Slave #2: Up there it’s him! Moses looks down at the slave driver he has killed in disbelief. He didn’t mean to do it, he just wanted him to stop flogging the old man. Over come with a torrent of emotions Moses begins to run. Miriam stops him. Miriam: Moses! He stops and looks at his sister for a brief second shakes his head and continues to run. He slips and falls but quickly picks himself up again and continues to run. Rameses charges him and tackles him. Rameses: Moses! What’s going on? Moses runs to the outer gates. Rameses: Moses! Moses! Rameses pulls his chariot in front of Moses blocking his path. Moses: Let me go!

Rameses: No wait! Moses: You saw what happened! I just killed a man. Rameses (pleading): We can take of that. I will make it so it never happened. Moses: Nothing you can say will change what I’ve done. Rameses: I am Egypt! The morning and the evening star. If I say day is night it will be written. And you will be what I say you are. And I say you are innocent! Rameses places his hands on Moses shoulders to stop him. But Moses bats away Rameses arms. Moses: What you say does not matter! You don’t understand! I can’t stay here any longer. Rameses: Moses… Moses: No! (grabbing his brother by the shoulders) All I’ve ever known to be true is a lie. I’m not who you think I am. Rameses(perplexed): What are you talking about? Moses (evenly): Go ask the man I once called Father. Moses runs off and Rameses looks after him his face filled with hurt and confusion. Rameses: Moses! (Moses turns around and looks at Rameses, unable to explain) Please? Moses(sadly): Goodbye Brother. Moes turns and runs off with the sound of his brother calling his name echoing in his ear. Rameses: Moses! Moses!

ACT II Scene I: Cameron, Tarah, Destiny, Mouye, Arianna, Johann, ZacquealyMoses wanders into the desert. Suddenly he hears the sound of screams piercing the air. He looks up and finds three young girls who look like sisters trying to fight off two large brigands. Sister #1: Ah! What are you doing! Help! Sister #2: Wait! Sister #3: Leave us alone! Sister # 1: Let our sheep drink! Sister # 2: Get away! Sister # 3: Stop it! Our Fathers the High Priest of Midian you’re going to be in big trouble! Moses: Moses watches this scene for a few moments then notices that there are two camels standing calmly on the other side of the sheep. Guessing that the must belong to the two brigands he sneaks over to them and unties their tethers. Hey you!(The two brigands stop wrestling with the girls and look at Moses) Aren’t these your camels? The two brigands can immediately tell what is on Moses mind. They lift their hands up to stop him. But Moses already has his hand on the camels rump. Moses: Hut Hut! He gives both camels a wallop on their rears and they go running off into the desert followed by the two brigands who have no chance of catching up to them for several miles. The three little girls stop to look at Moses in astonishment. Unlike their men folk he is mostly clean shaven bareheaded and except for his Egyptian kilt wears nothing. Days of wandering without food, water and rest have finally caught up to Moses and he collapses with exhaustion against the well. But the stone at the well shakes loose and Moses goes flying down into the water below. The three young girls quickly run to his assistance and start to pull him out of the well without much success. They are tugging and pulling when their big sister comes by. Tziporah: What are you girls doing? Sister #3: Trying to get the funny man out of the well. Tziporah (bemused): Trying to get the funny man out of the well. Well that’s one I’ve never heard before. Moses(from down below): Oh! Tziporah: Oh my! Oh! Don’t worry down there. We’ll get you out hold on! She grabs the rope and begins to help her sisters. Needless to say Moses begins ascend much easier. That is until Tziporah sees his face…. Tziporah (surprised): You! Tziporah lets go of the rope and he goes plunging back down into the well. Moses: Oh! Tziporah: Hmmph! Tziporah dusts her hands off on her blouse and with a satisfied smile saunters off. Perplexed by this scene the two youngest sister look at their older one for an explanation. Sister #1(with a sad shake of her head): That’s why Papa says she’ll never get married.

ACT II, Scene II: Cameron, Kemani, Arianna, Tarah, Mouye, Destiny, Lylette, Junique, Extras: 2/3 We find Moses in a tent being vigorously scrubbed down by three elderly women in a tent . While Tziporah and her three younger sister’s watch by the tents entrance, they are giggling with amusement at Moses obvious discomfort. Moses: You don’t have to do this, Ladies please I’m…. I’m really quite al- (one of the elderly women proceeds to scrub his feet) No not there….that tickles! You’ve cleaned every inch of me! (looks behind him) I was wrong. The giggles of the four girls become more boisterous. Jethro(off screen): Let me through! Let Me through! I want to see him! The four girls scatter revealing a tall heavy set man with a cheery face. His smile broadens once he sees Moses. He rushes to Moses side and gives him a hug which leaves Moses breathless. Jethro: Ah! You are most welcome! You should not be a stranger in this land!(Takes off his coat and drapes it around Moses shoulders) You have been sent as a blessing! (slaps Moses on the back so much that it makes him stagger) And tonight you shall be my honored guest! Jethro leaves the tent laughing and Tziporah walks over to Moses who is still too stunned to react from the greeting he just received. Tziporah: My Father Jethro. High Priest of Midian. Come outside.Moses and Tziporah leave the tent. Sister #3: Psst! (Moses looks down and sees the youngest of Jethro’s daughters) Sit with me! Moses: All right. He takes a seat between the youngest daughter and Tziporah who moves over to give him room. Famished Moses reaches over and picks up a fruit from a nearby bowl. Sister #2: Psst! Not yet! Moses: Oh sorry! (he places the fruit back where he picked it) Jethro (walking around the fireside stopping here and there to smile at someone): My children! Let us give thanks for this bountiful food. And let us also give thanks for the presence of the brave young man whom we honor here tonight. At once Moses is overcome with shame as he remembers the murder he committed back in Egypt as well the years he spent living as a Prince of Egypt blinding himself to the misery that was all around him. Moses (ashamed): Please sir I wish you wouldn’t. I’ve done nothing in my life worth honoring. Jethro looks at him for a moment shocked and speechless. So does Tziporah, this is not what she expected. Perhaps he isn’t the pampered palace brat she thought him to be after all. Jethro (approaching Moses): First you rescue Tziporah. Then you defend my younger daughters from brigands. (Bends down and hugs the 3 girls they giggle) You think that is nothing? It seems you do not know what is worthy of honor. From here Midianites begins to sing Through Heavens Eyes. A single thread in a tapestry Though its color brightly shine Can Never see its purpose In the Pattern of the grand design

And the stone that sits on the very top Of the Mountains mighty face Does it think its more important Than the stones that form the base?

So how can you see what your life is Worth Or where your value lies? You can never see through the eyes of man You must look at your life Look at your life through Heavens’ eyes Lai-la-lai….. A lake of gold in the desert sand Is less than a cool fresh spring And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy I greater than the richest king If a man lose ev’rything he owns Has he truly lost his worth? Or is it the beginning Of a new and brighter birth? So how do you measure the worth Of a man In wealth or strength or size? In how much he gained or how much He gave? The answer will come The answer will come to him who tries To look at his life through heaven’s Eyes

And that’s why we share all we have with you Though there’s little to be found When all you have is nothing There’s a lot to go around No life can escape being blown about By the winds of change and chance And though you never know all the Steps You must learn to join the dance You must learn to join the dance Lai-La-lai So How do you judge what a man is Worth By what he builds or buys? You can never see with your eyes on Earth Look through heaven’s eyes Look at your life Look at your life Look at your life through heaven’s Eyes!

Tziporah and Moses get married.

ACT II Scene IV: Cameron, Anya, Nashon (as sheep), Arianna 20 years later Moses is a shepherd looking after sheep in the dessert. The Voice: Moses….Moses…Moses…Moses…Moses Startled Moses looks around to see who has been calling him. But he is alone. Curiously the voice sounds a lot like his own. Moses (hesitantly): Here I am! The Voice: Take the sandals from your feet. The place in which you stand is holy ground. Moses looks at the ground and sees that the ground ripples with florescent colors. Thinking that this is something wondrous he obeys the Voice and removes the sandals from his feet. Moses: Who are you? The Voice: I am. That I am. Moses (puzzled): I don’t understand. The Voice: I am the God of your ancestors. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses is still puzzled. Who are these three men? How could he possibly Suddenly he hears Miriams voice in his head. "You were born of our Mother Yocheved! You are our brother! Moses: What do you want with me? GOD: I have seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. And have heard their cries. Moses hears a crack of a whip followed by the cry of the elderly slave 20 years ago and himself yelling "Stop it Leave that Man alone!" Moses cringes at the memory. GOD: So I have come down to deliver them out of slavery. And bring them to a good land. A land flowing with milk and honey. And so unto Pharaoh I shall send …..You. Moses (shocked/frightened): Me? Who am I to lead these people. They’ll never believe me they won’t even listen. GOD: I shall teach you what to say. Moses hears the sound of his voice crying out "Let my people go!" Moses: But I was their enemy. I was the Prince of Egypt. The son of the man who slaughtered their children. You’ve chosen the wrong messenger. How can I even speak to these people…. But before Moses can finish talking God jumps in with a mighty roar that causes Moses to take cover beside a wall. GOD: WHO MADE MAN’S MOUTH? WHO MADE THE DEAF THE SEEING OR THE BLIND? DID NOT I? NOW GO!!!!!! Moses crouches in terror both awed and frightened of this mighty power. GOD(more gently): Go Moses….I shall go with you when you go to the king of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not listen. So I will stretch out my hand. And smite Egypt with all my wonders! The cave lights up with the same flame that has been engulfing the bush. GOD: Take the staff in your hand. With it you shall do my wonders! I shall be with you Moses. Moses sits on the ground panting heavily so overcome with emotion that he starts to tear up. GOD(voice fading away): Moses…..Moses…Moses.. Moses is then talking to Tzipporah who is hanging up laundry. Tziporah: But Moses you are just one man. Moses(taking his wife’s face in his hand): Tziporah. Tziporah wrenches her face out of his grasp her dark eyes blazing with anger and confusion. He is actually suggesting that they give up their comfortable life to take on what sounds to her like an impossible quest. Moses (pleading): Please…. Unable to articulate himself he looks through the flap of his tent where Jethro and his three younger daughters are talking, laughing and carrying out their daily chores. Moses: Look at your family. They are free. They have a future. They have hopes and dreams and a promise of a life with dignity. That is what I want for my people. And that is why I must do the task that God has given me. Tziporah looks at Moses for a moment. She knows he is a man of character and compassion. But most of all she knows that he isn’t a dreamer or a fool. Moses would not do something like this unless he was certain about it. She gives him a hug in aquiesence. Tziporah (smiling): I’m coming with you.

ACT III Scene I: Cameron, Kemani, Arianna, Tarah, Mouye, Destiny, Extras – 2/3 Moses and Tzipporah say goodbye to their family and leave.

INTERMISSION ACT III Scene I: Sachin, Cameron, Maddy, Nia, Jessica,Arianna, Ayerton, Extras: 4/5’s Moses: Rameses? Rameses (standing up): Moses? Is it really….? Rameses races down the steps to his brother followed closely the High Priests Hotep and Huy and his young son. When Rameses reaches Moses he grabs him and gives him a bear hug. Rameses (laughing with delight): Moses! Moses (struggling speak through his brothers hug): Rameses! Rameses: I thought you were dead! Rameses releases Moses and both men look at each other in complete amazement. Moses never expected to see Rameses as Pharaoh. Rameses never expected to see Moses alive much less as a Bedouin. Moses: Look at you! Pharaoh! Rameses: Well look at you!( lifts up Moses lapels regarding his coat) What on earth are you dressed as? Moses (laughing hugs his brother): Oh Rameses! It is so good to see you! Priest 1 (clearing throat): Excuse me uh..your majesty. We are compelled to remind you that this man committed a serious crime against the Gods. Priest 3: We are loathe to bring it up mind you. Priest 2: Yet the law clearly states the punishment for such a crime is… Priest 1: Death! Priest 2: We hesitate to say. Clearly the joyous renewal is broken by the two sniveling Priests who want to exact punishment for all the contempt Moses showed them when he was a Prince of Egypt. But Rameses does not play into their hands. He glares at them then lifts his hand. Rameses: Be still! Pharaoh speaks!( The two priests cringe as they find their plan did not work) I am the morning and the evening star. Moses is immediately brought back to the present when he is reminded why he originally returned to Egypt. Overwhelmed at finding Rameses as Pharaoh Moses was sidetracked for an instance. But now he is hastily brought back to the reason he returned. Moses(desperately): RamesesRameses(ignoring Moses): It shall be as I say. I pardon forever all crimes of which he stands accused and will have it known that he is our brother…Moses the Prince of Egypt! Rameses places his hands on his brother’s shoulders to finalize what he said. The crowd breaks out in gasps and murmuring. Moses hangs his head, as he realizes that what he has to say next will be difficult. Moses(sadly): Rameses. In my heart you are my brother. But things can not be as they were. Rameses: I see no reason why not! Moses: You know I am a Hebrew (crowd mutters in surprise). And the God of the Hebrews came to me. He commands that you let his people go. Rameses shocked and astounded removes his hands from his brother’s shoulders and steps back from Moses as if slapped. He is incredulous that anyone would even dare to tell him what to do. Rameses: Commands? Moses holds his staff at arms length vertical to the ground.

Moses: Behold the power of God. He lets go of the staff. It shivers for a moment then the wood changes into something else and it is no longer a staff but a snake! That coils on the ground hissing. Rameses looks upon the snake slightly bemused. Rameses (staring at the snake and smiling): Well ah..Impressive! Hmm. Very well Moses I’ll play along. (He gestures to the two Priests) Hotep! Huy! Give this snake charmer our answer. Rameses and his son return to the throne and Hotep and Huy rub their hands with glee. They are finally going to show up this upstart Moses. They wave to their attendants who begin to close off the windows that let in the sunlight. They sing: Playing with the Big Boys.

The Priests: By the Power of Ra….. Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah Nephty, Nekbet, Sobek, Sekmet Sokar, Selket, Reshpu, Wadjet, Anubis,, Anukis, Seshmu Meskent. Hemsut,Tehfnut Heket, Mafdet Ra, Mut, Nut, Ptah Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar,Selket Seshmu,Reshmu, Sobek, Wadjet Heket, Mafdet, Neptys, Nekbet Ra….. So you think you’ve got friends in high Places With the power to put us on the run Well forgive us these smiles on our faces You’ll know what power is when We are done Son…. You’re playing with the big boys now Playing with the big boys now (oh that’s pretty) Ev’ry spell and gesture Tells you who’s the best, you’re Playing with the big boys now You’re playing with the big boys now You’re playing with the big boys now Stop this foolish mission Throughout this number we see Hotep and Huy try to demonstrate the power of their gods. They take their staffs and throw them to the ground where they too become snakes. But Moses snake eats up both of theirs. Still the Egyptians are not impressed and cheer on Hotep and Huy who bask in their applause. The only one who does not rejoice is Tziporah who anxiously watches to see what her husband will do next. The snake slithers up to Moses, he picks it up and it turns into a staff once more Moses turns to face Rameses who beckons him to follow. They enter the Pharaoh’s private throne room. The same room

Watch a true magician Give an exhibition how Pick up your silly twig boy You’re playing with the big boys now Egyptian priests By the power of Ra Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah Nephty, Nekbet, Sobek, Sekmet Sokar, Selket, Reshpu, Wadjet, Anubis,, Anukis, Seshmu Meskent. Hemsut,Tehfnut Heket, Mafdet….. Hotep and Huy You’re playing with the big boys now Playing with the big boys now By the might of Horus You will kneel before us Kneel to our splendorous power….. You put a front You put up a fight And just to show we feel no spite You can be our acolyte But first, boy its’ time to bow (Kow tow!) It’s your own grave you’ll dig boy You’re playing with the big boys Playing with the big boys Now! where Seti when he had been Pharaoh had scolded them almost 20 years ago. With only his brother in sight Rameses relaxes from his role as Pharaoh his bearing becomes more relaxed and less formal. He removes his head dress.

Rameses (laughing): All right Moses I know you. What’s this really about? Moses looks out the window at the view of the city. Nearby he can clearly see slaves toiling on a construction site. Moses: Rameses look (points below) What do you see? Rameses regards the slaves for a moment then straightens up proudly. He thinks this is the time to impress his brother. Rameses(proudly): A greater Egypt than that of my father. Moses: That is not what I see. Rameses goes over to his throne and sits placing his royal headdress on the arm. Rameses slumps in his chair as if weary. Rameses: Moses I can not change what you see. I have to maintain the ancient traditions. I bear the weight of my Fathers crown. Moses: Do you still not understand what Seti was? Rameses sits up in his chair proudly. We now get a view of an enormous statue outside of Rameses almost dwarfing that of his father. Rameses (soberly): He was a great leader. Moses (incredulous): His hands bore the blood of thousands of children! Rameses(indifferent): Slaves! Moses(shocked at this brothers callousness): My people! And I can no longer hide in the desert an suffer….. at your hands.

Rameses(staring at the ring in remorse): Yes….I had hoped ... but ... Rameses closes his eyes as if thinking the ring is in his finger pressed firmly against his chin. Suddenly he opens his eyes and glares at Moses in anger. He stands replacing his royal headdress. The Rameses of old is gone and now is replaced with the Pharaoh. Mighty and imperial. He walks up to Moses and faces him menacingly. It is clear that the two brothers are now enemies. Rameses(firmly): I do not know this God. Neither will I let your people go. He walks away from Moses back towards the main Throne room. Moses(pleading): Rameses please you must listen! Rameses turns and faces Moses his feature masked with rage. Rameses: No! I will not be the weak link! (Rameses continues towards the doors but just as they open he turns and faces Moses) Tell your people as of today their work load has been doubled thanks to your God…..Or is it thanks to you? The doors shut.

ACT III, Scene II: Lylette, Noah, Cameron, Arianna, 2/3’s, Sachin, Ayerton, Nia, Maddy, Jessica, Anya, Zacquealy, Johann The next Moses and Tziporah are walking along one of the work sites. True to his word Rameses has doubled the workload of the slaves and they are busier than ever toiling. But they are not so busy that they don’t stop and glare at Moses with hate for adding to their misery. One of the slaves who is working in the mud scoops up a fist full of mud and molds it into a ball. Slave(angrily): It’s Moses!

Rameses: So you have returned….. only to free them. Moses removes the ring that Rameses gave him and places it on the arm rest. Signifying that their boyhood relationship is over.

He lodges the mud ball at Moses. It hits Moses in the side of his face he looses his balance and goes sliding down into the pit. Tziporah goes racing down into the pit after him. Tziporah: Moses!

Moses: I’m sorry

She checks to see if he is all right. Meantime more slaves have arrived on the scene to see Moses wallowing in the mud. Among them is Aaron , his face marred by years and years of anger and bitterness. Aaron(sarcastic): So Moses. How does it feel when you get struck to the ground?

Moses looks at his sister then at the Hebrews with a new look of determination on his face. He takes up his staff and slowly rises up out of the mud. Clearly her little pep talk worked because he climbs out of the pit and notices that Pharaoh’s barge is floating on the Nile. Without a moments hesitation he makes his way towards it. Followed at a safe distance by Tziporah, Miriam and the rest of the slaves. Only Aaron stands by too frightened to proceed.

Moses(weak): I didn’t mean to cause you more pain. I’m just trying to do as God told me.

Aaron (fearful): Miriam where you going? Miriam..

Aaron(unimpressed): God? When did God start caring about any of us? In fact Moses when did you start caring about slaves? Was it when you found out that you were one of us?

She ignores him and follows Moses who has almost reached the edge of the river.. Rameses is relaxing in a chair watching lovingly as Hotep and Huy entertain his son.

Tziporah(defiantly): Don’t listen to him.

Moses (shouting): Rameses! Let my people go!

Moses: No he’s right. I did not see because I did not wish to see. Aaron(sarcastic): You didn’t see because you didn’t wish to see! Ah! Well that makes everything fine then doesn’t it? Miriam: Aaron! (Aaron turns to see his sister and gasps in surprise) You shame yourself. Miriam climbs down into the mud pit where Moses and Tziporah kneel. For the first time ever Moses looks up into the face of his sister feeling shame and failure. He had returned to Egypt with the grandiose plans of being his peoples deliverer but only ended up making their lives worse.. He feels like a complete failure especially in the face of his sister who had so much belief and hope in him. But Miriam only has a kind and understanding smile for him. Moses: Miriam….I’m so sorry (he looks down at the ground too ashamed to go on). Miriam(gently): Moses. Hear what I say. I have been a slave-(pauses painfully) all my life. And God has never answered my prayers until now. God saved you from the river, he saved you in all your wanderings. Even now he saves you from the wrath of Pharaoh. (she places her arm beneath Moses chin and raises his eyes to meet hers) God will not abandon you. So don’t you abandon us.

Rameses turns to see Moses. Rameses: Ah! Still gnawing away at the bone are we? (turning back to the boats men) Carry on. The barge proceeds down the Nile but Moses races along the shore to keep pace. Moses(shouting): You can not keep ignoring us! Rameses (loosing his temper): Enough I will hear no more of this Hebrew nonsense. Bring him to me. Immediately the three bodyguards who are standing on the barge spring into action. They draw their knives and jump into the water. Steadily making their way towards the shore. But Moses does not flee. Everyone on shore is frightened including Tziporah. Tziporah: Moses! She starts for Moses but Aaron grabs her arm in restraint. Aaron: No! Still Moses stays fast because he has a greater force on his side than all of Rameses soldiers. GOD: Take the staff in your hand Moses. Moses obeys taking the staff in his hand and slowly places it in the water. Suddenly from the exact place where the staff was placed the water begins to turn red and it begins to flow out discoloring the rest of the water. Everyone including the soldiers in the water become still. Rameses young son bends over the side of the

barge and scoops up some. So does the bodyguards and others standing near the shore. Inspecting it closer he becomes puzzled.

away from you. Your faith. Believe for we will see Gods wonders.

ACT III, Scene V:

Son: Father… Miriam(leaning over): It’s…. Bodyguard #1: Blood! The three Bodyguards recoil in horror and quickly hurry back to the barge. Upon reaching it they splash Rameses. Rameses recoils for a moment then livid turns to the two high Priests. Rameses: Hotep! Huy! Explain this to me!

Kindies/Grade 1’s The camera turns towards the sky over the royal palace where there is a sign of an approaching storm. In the following song The Plagues shows the next 2-8 plagues that hit Egypt (the first was the Nile becoming Blood). But more importantly we see the misery of the Egyptian people as they get hit with plague after plague. We also see the misery that Moses goes through, this after all was where he grew up and he does not enjoy what is going on around him.

Priest 1: Ah! Priest 2: Rest assured your Majesty! Chorus: Priest 3: Yes! We’re going to demonstrate the superior might of our Gods! It is clear by the expression on the two High Priests faces that they don’t have a clue how this phenomenon occurred. But seeing that their jobs are on the line. They quickly come up with a plan. Hotep turns his back to the Pharaoh sprinkles some red powder in a bowl of pure water. Priest 1: By the power of Ra! The water begins to boil and becomes as red as blood. Rameses laughs with delight and scoops up some of the water. Rameses(laughing): Abandon this futile mission Moses! I’ve indulged you long enough! (turns his back defiantly on the shore) This must now be finished! The barge continues down the now discolored Nile. Moses (sadly): No Rameses. It is only beginning. Aaron: But Moses didn’t you see what happened. The Priests did the same thing! (Frustrated) Pharaoh still has the power over our lives. Moses turns around to face Aaron and the rest of the Hebrews. Moses (gently): Yes Aaron It’s true Pharaoh has the power. He can take away your food. Your home. Your freedom. He can take away your sons and daughters. With one word he can take away your very lives. But there is one thing he can not take

Thus saith the Lord: Since you refuse to free my people All through the land of Egypt…. I send a pestilence and plague Into you house, into you bed Into your streams, into your streets Into your drink, into your bread Upon your cattle, on your sheep Upon you oxen in your field Into your drams in your sleep Until you break until you yield I send the swarm, I send the horde Thus saith the Lord Moses Once I called you brother Once I thought the chance to make You laugh Was all I ever wanted…. Chorus I send the thunder from the sky I send the fire raining down Moses And even now I wish that God had Chose another Serving as your foe on his behalf Is the last thing that I wanted……

Chorus I send a hail of burning ice On ev’ry field on ev’ry town Moses This was my home All this pain and devastation How it tortures me inside All the innocent who suffer From your stubbornness and pride…. Chorus I send the locusts on a wind Such as the world has never seen On ev’ry leaf on, ev’ry stalk Until there’s nothing left of green I send my scourge, I send my sword Thus saith the Lord! Moses You who I called brother Why must you call down another blow? Chorus I send my scourge, I send my sword Moses Let my people go

Moses and Chorus Thus saith the Lord Rameses You who I called brother How could you have come to hate me So? Is this what you wanted? Chorus I send the swarm, I send the horde… Rameses Then let my heart be hardened And never mind how high the cost may Grow This will still be so: I will never let your people go…. Chorus Thus saith the Lord Moses Thus saith the Lord Rameses I will not…. Moses, Rameses, and Chorus Let your (my) people go!

ACT III, Scene VI: Cameron, Sachin, Ayerton The above scene ends with the ninth plague. Darkness covers the entire land of Egypt to the point where even if you have a torch you can not see more than two feet in front of you. The only place where darkness doesn’t pervade is the slave settlement of Goshen where the Hebrews live. It is from here that Moses makes his way back to the palace to plead with his brother one more time to let the Hebrews go. He goes to the same room where he and Rameses conversed at the beginning of the movie. Moses: Rameses! Rameses! Rameses (sarcastic): Oh let me guess. You want me to let your people go? Rameses is sitting in the lap of the great statue much the same way in which he did when he was younger. He is drinking something, most likely alcohol out of a bowl or cup. Moses: I hoped I would find you here. Rameses (angrily): Oh get out! He throws down the cup he was drinking from and it lands and breaks several feet away from Moses. Moses: Rameses, we must bring this to an end. Rameses is silent. Moses (pleading): Rameses please. Talk to me! We could always talk here. Rameses still sits in sullen silence. Moses (whimsical): Ah! This place so many memories. I remember the time you switched the heads of the (chuckles) Gods of the temple of Ra. Still eliciting no response from his brother. Moses shakes his head in sadness and frustration and makes his way towards the door. Rameses: If I recall correctly you were there switching heads right along with me! Moses(stopping and thinking): No…that was you…I didn’t do that. Rameses(leaning over and looking down at his brother): Oh yes you did. You put the hippo on the crocodile and the crocodile on Moses: -The falcon! Rameses jumps down from the statue to his brothers side. Rameses: Yes! The Priests thought it was a horrible omen and fasted for two months! Father was furious! You were always getting me into trouble! (Rameses stalks off into another room but Moses follows him. Rameses stops and looks at his ring reflecting their youth and everything that happened.) But then you were always there to get me out of trouble again. Moses steps up to him and Rameses places a hand on his shoulder in a gesture of love and friendship. We see a symbol of the old Rameses Rameses: Why can’t things be the way they were before? Son (off screen): Father! Rameses and Moses both turn around and see Rameses young son holding a torch. Rameses gasps in surprise and for fear of his child. He rushes to his side and embraces him. Son: It’s so dark! I’m frightened. (turning to Moses) Why is he here? Isn’t that the man who did all this? We can see Rameses straighten up, he is once again Pharaoh. Rameses: Yes but one must wonder why? (Turns to face Moses)

Moses: Because no kingdom should be made on the backs of slaves. Rameses your stubbornness is bringing this misery upon Egypt. It would cease if only you would let the Hebrews go. Rameses (pointing a menacing finger at Moses): I will not be dictated to. I will not be threatened. I am the morning and the evening star. I am Pharaoh! Moses: Something else is coming something much worse than anything before! Please let go of your contempt for life before it threatens everything you hold dear. Think of your son! Rameses: I do! You Hebrews have been nothing but trouble. My Father had the right idea about how to deal with your people. Moses(horrified): Rameses! Rameses: And I think it’s time I finished the job! Moses (desperately): Rameses! Rameses: And there shall be a great cry in all of Egypt! Such as never has been or ever will be again! The camera pulls back and we see than Rameses is standing directly beneath the picture of his father Seti whose arm in outstretched in a command for the soldiers to drop the Hebrew babies into the river. With the crocodiles waiting to devour them. Rameses is almost mimicking his father by pointing as well. But more importantly we see Rameses young son standing juxtaposed between two of the crocodiles. Moses gasps in horror as if he can see the meaning of it all. Moses: Rameses you bring this upon yourself .


Video till Scene 8

Anya God: Take a lamb, and with its blood mark the lentils and posts of every door. For tonight I shall pass through the land of Egypt and smite all the first born. But when I see the blood upon your door I will pass over you. And the plague shall not enter.

ACT III, Scene VIII:Video. ACT III Scene VIIII: Cameron, Sachin, Ayerton (dead)We see Rameses inside a great hall, a bundle in his arms, walking towards an altar. His steps are slow and ponderous as if he is a carrying something heavy. The camera moves in and we see that it is his son and heir…. now dead. Behind Rameses stands Moses who watches this whole scene with sadness. Rameses covers his sons body with a sheet, And bends over the body, completely stricken with grief. Rameses (painfully): You and your people……have my permission to go. Moses stretches out his hand in a wordless symbol of love and condolence and touches Rameses on the shoulder. But Rameses recoils as if stung by a snake. Rameses(enraged): Leave me! Moses withdraws slowly his face filled with sorrow and pain. He turns and begins to make his way out the room. Unaware of Rameses hateful stare behind his back. Moses begins to make his way out of palace but stops at the bottom of some steps and finally breaks down in tears of anguish and grief. He grieves for all the devastation that has been caused in the land of Egypt. He cries for the death of millions of children and most of all the death of his relationship with his brother.

ACT IV Scene I: Arianna, Lylette, Cameron, Noah, 2/3’sMoses slowly makes his way home his steps slow and plodding. Right outside Aaron and Miriam’s house Tziporah comes racing out and gives him a hug of support. Miriam follows her face filled with joy as she reads on her brothers’ face that they are finally free. But then her face too saddens as she realizes the pain and heartache that has happened in order to ensure their freedom. She begins to sing When You Believe.

Miriam: Many nights we’ve prayed With no proof anyone could hear In our hearts a hopeful song We barely understood Now we are not afraid Although we know there’s much to fear We were moving mountains Long before we knew we could There can be miracles When you believe Though hope is frail It’s hard to kill Who knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe Somehow you will You will when you believe Tziporah: In this time of fear When prayer so often proved in vain Hope seemed like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away Yet now I’m standing here With heart so full I can’t explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say

When you believe Though hope is frail It’s hard to kill Who knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe Somehow you will You will when you believe….. Hebrew children: A-shi-ra l’A-don-ai ki ga-oh ga-ah A-shi-ra l’A-don-ai ki ga-oh ga-ah Mi-ka mo-cha ba-elim Adonai Mi-ka-mo-cha ne-dar-ba-ko-desh Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’cha am zu ga-al-ta Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’cha am zu ga-al-ta A-shi-ra, a-shi-ra, a-shi-ra Hebrews: There can be miracles When you believe Though hope is frail It’s hard to kill Who knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe Somehow you will You will when you believe….. Miriam and Tziporah You will when you believe.

Miriam and Tziporah There can be miracles Child: The Egyptians are coming! GOD: With this staff you shall do my wonders! Moses plunges the staff into the Red Sea and suddenly there is a massive explosion as the Red Sea parts and becomes a massive wall on two sides leaving a path in between for the Hebrews to pass. Everyone looks frightened at first but Aaron whose cynicism has been replaced with faith takes the first step. He turns around and smiles at his brother and nods to the Hebrews. This is all the sign they need and they move forward into the narrow path. Start humming O Freedom. Moses (sadly): Goodbye Brother. Tziporah: Look. (Moses turns and looks in her direction) Look at your people Moses they are free! Moses smiles. O FreedomEpilogue

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