The Soapbox by Corny Poems Inc Issue 2 April 2022

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Introduction: What happened to God's footstool? "Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?"(Isaiah 66vs1; New King James) There is a thought-provoking meme doing the rounds on social media and instant-messaging circles, and, as captioned above, it notes that: "Humans are the only creatures that will cut down a tree, turn it into paper, then write 'save trees' on it!" How pithily and humorously it gets the point across that, on the whole, humans have been woefully inept at stewarding the earth! Now, before breaking fellowship with the Almighty and forsaking Him, there seems to be indication or allusion to the possibility that the Maker would regularly walk with the seminal human couple of Adam and Eve: "in the garden in the cool of the day"(Genesis 3vs8; New King James). As the above banner/header scripture of Isaiah 66vs1 seems to allude (if I am hopefully not eisegeting the text), the earth was God's "footstool" and a "place of [His] rest." In a sense, a hangout/favored place or oasis wherein He could - and possibly, often would - kickback, relax, recline, unwind and "chill out" as it were, with His human children at the end of another long day, having overseen rule of the vast universe from heaven above. Those were the days - the good old days - when planet Earth was in "very good"(Genesis 1vs31; New King James) or mint condition.

Corny Poems Inc.

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