advanced design

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A special dedication to those who inspire and mentor. To blessings in disguise. Thank you.




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Florence . Rome . Venice . Siena . San Gimignano . Cinque Terre . Burano . Murano . Torcello . Vizenza

007 001

Through the exposure of travel comes an understanding of place and an awareness of time and its passage. Evey place we encounter leaves an imprint in ourselves and each experience allows us to grow in mind and soul.

001 009

011 001

Piazza del Campo // It is a space at rest, a daily life space far from the transcendental space of the Gothic cathedrals. It represents a stage for which an awareness of place rather than an awareness of space was the creative factor.

Site analysis // site sketches

013 001

Location: Florence, Italy

Because of the enlargement of the piazza, the grandeur of the Palazzo Vecchio is diminished and the tower begins to blend in with its surroundings. However, the The objective of the project is to provide a place for members of each discipline (art, tower remains beautifully framed by the buildings along the entrance paths to the science and faith) to work on advances in their respective fields and be able to display piazza. The thin, long corridors mimick the verticality of the tower and the buildand communicate their findings and discoveries with the community. The project also ings that recede from it, bowing themselves to the Palazzo, alllow for its tower to includes residential units for the participants and large gathering spaces for the public. be the focal point when entering the piazza. 001 015

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View corridor. The project peeks out playfully onto the pedestrian line of sight, while still allowing a clear view of the Palazzo’s bell tower.

019 001

The project consists of three buildings, two residential towers and a main facility for work and exhibition. These three parts are connected by a main artery which contains the vertical circulation for the residential portion and culminates in the gallery on the piazza side. Main building elements On the left side of the main building which faces the piazza is a more private program which includes the lobby, conference spaces, small meeting rooms, learning spaces and a chapel atop marked distinctly by its angular ceiling. On the right side the building contains its more public program, including a cafe on the piazza level, a library, auditorium, and working spaces for the three disciplines. The main building faces and encloses the large piazza and its gallery which can be seen on the right extends onto the public space. Below it, the piazza steps down to provide ample seating to the public around the two existing statues, Neptune and Cossimo which adorn the main piazza space. From the sub-level piazza the public can access the cafe and enjoy a meal or drink al fresco as it is customary in the area. The residential portion faces the left side of the piazza creating a secondary alley much like the ones seen around the site. On the other side they create a private courtyard that can accomodate small performances which are already ocurring on the site and other public gatherings and events.

021 001

The south side of the main building which is in close proximity to the Palazzo includes a library on the second level and an auditorium on the subsequent levels.

Book Nook The library incudes a space on the center for its main reading collection. The area is sunken to allow for some privacy and has a view to the exterior stairs that descend onto the cafe below. atop the book shelves lining the book nook are desks that can be used as media labs.

Ceiling condition The celiing of the library is shaped by the auditorium above on the left side, and by the studio spaces located on each level above on the right.

023 001

The project serves on the outside to enclose the overly large piazza. It also provides a smaller sub-piazza space with steps for seating, which is lacking in the existing space. This secondary piazza space surrounds the Neptune statue which is on the left of the Palazzo Vecchio and contains the statue of Cossimo as a focal point of the small space. The gallery which is the end node of the circulation spine that transverses the three buildings extends onto the piazza space as a symbol of what the institute has to offer to the people of Florence and visitors from all over the world. The large wall on the side that faces the view corridor as one enters the piazza can be utilized as a billboard to promote ongoing events and exhibitions. On the other side the gallery’s transparency opens up to the public space below and on the front a balcony invites the voyeurism characteristic of Italian leisure. On the right is an image of the connecting spine on the residential side. This large corridor would contain the vertical circulation that connects the two sides of the residential buildings. Each residential building is split into two sections. On one side are the individual loft apartments which open up to the street side. The communal spaces such as living and kitchen are larger shared spaces and they are located on the other side of the building facing the public courtyard. This layout allows for some privacy while still maintaining a level of interaction for the participanting fellows. 025 001

Site Placement

Main building The main working and public facilities are situated closest to the center of the plaza where a public program is more appropriate, due to accessibility and exposure.

Residential The residential portion is tucked away behind the main building for more privacy. It faces one of the piazza facades to create a cozy alley space and opens to a public courtyard next to the Palazzo which can be partitioned to allow some outdoor private space for the facilities.

Chapel The chapel is placed at the highest level of the main building in the piazza and in direct alignment with the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Brunelleschi’s Duomo. Its roof is angled not only to distinguish it from the rest of the buildings but also to allow ample light to enter the chapel which serves as a meditation space. On its perimeter is a balcony that connects the chapel to the outside and allows views of the whole piazza and beyond.

Ground level main Main Lobby Cafe Mechanical residential Commercial spaces 027 001

2nd level

3rd level

main Restrooms Library and Mediatheque

main Auditorium Studio spaces Office spaces

residential Apartment units

residential Apartment units Communal spaces

4th level

5th level

main Restrooms Small lecture room Conference rooms

main Restrooms Studio spaces

residential Apartment units Communal spaces

residential Apartment units Terraces 029 001

“A great building must begin with the unmeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed and in the end must be UNMEASURABLE” Louis Khan

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037 001

These mappings serve as a pre-cursor to the tower project to investigate the conditions in the East London area. The first mapping illustrates rooftop conditions and the various possibilities for rooftop spaces. Some of these uses include but are not limited to social functions, sustainable efforts to utilize the area’s weather conditions and even military support. The second mapping delves into the demographics of the area. One of its main issues currently is the lack of permanence amongst a younger demographic. The mapping can be utilized as a statistical reference from which to begin to pinpoint the issues and formulate design solutions. The third mapping exposes the local areas for public interaction as well as public events, seasonal and ongoing. These mappings serve as a window to current issues and possibilities of the area and can be used as a start point for design.

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041 001

Localizing legacies Arch marks the spot was the initiative designed by our group during the Bartlett Summer Program to tackle the social issues encountered in the fashion hub emerging in East London. The introduction of the “fashion hub� around the Burberry store has begun to cause gentrification with the increase in property value in the surrounding area, in turn forcing out local businesses and residents. Our mission was to create a network of paces that would benefit the local community, so that the area can sustain its systemic framework by utilizing the existing fashion hub. The proposal is to take advantage of the increased foot traffic of shoppers into the area and filter them to the spaces where local businesses, artists, and designers are located. This could be done by creating a network which uses signage and mapping for these visitors to locate points around the community and direct them to those areas.

001 043

Site: Stratford City, London. 045 001

Farming Tower Location: Stratford City, London The site for this project is a lot neighboring the Westfield mall at Stratford City, a train station and a large bus station as well as a theatre and well established community. It serves as a connector and buffer between the highly transversed transportation and shopping hubs and the quieter community. The aim of the project is to create a tower that incorporates market value housing, subsidized housing for lower income residents and a program for a “third space� which serves to integrate these two demographics. The existing fabric of the city is vibrant, its citizens proud and engaged in social practices and local customs such as community gardening and the supporting of locally bred businesses.

047 001

model / sketch studies

049 001

The strength and foundation of the project is its third space. The farming tower was conceived as a place not only for housing but to help integrate its residents to the existing neighborhood and to promote permanence within the community. The third space The tower’s main focus is on providing green spaces for leisure, for food production and optimal use of land and allowing the community to have a sense of involvement and pride in their efforts.

Project components Green spaces On the ground level closest to the hustle and bustle of the mall and transit hub is a public park and a path that the residents can take when leaving and arriving from the city. As the approach is made to the tower, the land builds up and elevates to house on its surface land plots for gardening and farming of vegetables and other manageable items. These plots can be used by the residents to grow food which can be used for personal consumption or for the sustenance of the community. Commercial spaces Under these plots and all around the tower are spaces for the warehousing and processing of the food as well as a market and some commercial spaces that can be used as restaurants or by other small businesses in the area. The more publicly programmed spaces are located on the south side marked by a wider entrance that opens up on the side of the neighborhood and closest to the existing theater. Garden cafe//bar A great amenity provided by the tower is a large open garden cafe that can be accessed from within the tower or from atop the farming gardens, making this a semi-private space and a place the locals could enjoy. Atrium As a response to the weather conditions in the area, mainly rain and high winds, the tower is enclosed by a glass facade which is removed from its core and allows for an enclosed atrium at the entrance and balconies which are protected from the elements, as well as a green house condition for growing food in the off-season. 051 001

Left: Photograph of tower on the site model. Right: Model renderings. View from transit and commercial hub showing park, elevated gardening/farming areas, commercial spaces and entrances to the tower

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One of the main features within the tower is the large garden cafe and bar located on its most public side. The space extends vertically and allows for the adjacent apartment units to have a corner condition. This brings a value to these units, as they will have their own private entrance facing the cafe, and also a balcony view to the exterior on the south side. The cafe/bar can be accessed from within the building but also from the small park atop the farming area, giving it a sense of exclusivity for the neighborhood to enjoy.

On the south side which is closest to the existing residential community is a large entrance lined with retail and commercial spaces under growing plots. This outer layer serves the public with local businesses and acts as a threshold to the residential tower behind it.

The project also features a glass cylindrical elevator at the end of the entrance within the atrium which allows for maximum views of the complex and the surrounding areas. A secondary and more private elevator is located inside the building facing the north side.

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Sketch plans

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061 001

Section model

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There is beauty to these items, a sort of forgotten beauty. They may no longer be functional and serve their purpose but their parts, so well thought out and intricatelly assembled remind us of a purpose served. These old pieces can be taken as a means of expression to piece together new ideas.

067 001

Our vision For the future Famagusta to be a city of the people, where there will be job provision through local customs and existing cultural practices. A city that will be rich in Flora and Fauna through a re-adaptation of its coast and the introduction of Permaculture A city that will be self sufficient by means of ecologically responsible water filtration and renewable energies. But most importantly, a city for the unfication of its people through social engagement and interaction with the land and its treasures. Our vision is for a natural city to shine with all its splendor.

found object conceptual model

069 001

Our master plan for the new Famagusta includes an Electric Transit System that transverses the city on a North-South axis to connect the more dense areas with the rest of the city and the neighboring areas. The proposed City Center is close to the old one and is within walking distance to the ERT and the shore beyond. Our proposal includes the utilization of the rubble from the demolished faulty structures to build up the land as we move away from the shore, creating view corridors and the possibility of better air flow into the city. Further south from the city center would be smaller sub-centers, one serving the other in their production of local foods, wines, pottery, energy and education.

071 001

Faรงade studies Developed by analyzing and taking from existing building faรงades Left top: residential typology for a less dense area (Desalination plant area). The building heights in this area would be 2 to 3 stories high. Left bottom: residential typology for a high density neighborhood in the city center. This faรงade study explores the idea of building and encroaching on existing buildings that would be preserved. Right: Commercial typology for a hotel or museum in the high density city center with high foot traffic. The height for such typology of building would be around 5 to 6 stories maximum.

073 001

The City Center includes a large pedestrian way that connects the higher density area with the shore. The project was conceptualized as a walkable city, where some of the major roads would be kept and access to small vehicles is available, however with the provided ERT system that transverses the site vertically and the horizontal connector roads from East to West, the city becomes a pedestrian friendly place.

Nole map and block model of city center.

075 001

City Center: High Density Neighborhood Residential neighborhoods are prevalent throughout the whole project. In the High Density Neighborhood, building programs are more live-work than any other building use. This is also an example of the hierarchy of public space in each community via open parks. The model shows in wood the existing structures that would typically be kept, which includes houses in good standing and buildings of historical or cultural significance. An example of this is the cinema in the center which becomes a focal point in the new proposed neighborhood park. The neighborhood residential buildings would enclose within themselves a smaller scale community. They would face the streets with a more public program and commercial ground level, and open up their entrances through their interior courtyards to promote a sense of community and allow privacy in a higher density area.

077 001

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North-South section

East-West section 081 001

Renderings showing the high density neighborhood and central park

083 001

Desalination Node // sub-center

085 001

Desalination Plant and EMU Institution By incorporating a solar-powered desalination plant, the southern part of Famagusta can sustain itself not only with guaranteed fresh water, but also with a research facility and eco-tourism inspired by the local permaculture. This community is less dense than the other districts and holds the majority of the agricultural plots of the overall design. 087 001

Art District Neighborhood This neighborhood is of medium density and closer to the coast. Because of its proximity to the water and to the northern area of Famagusta, which holds tourist attractions such as the re-purposed Marina and the historical Old Walled City, this area would serve the internal community as well as capitalize on the tourism aspect to bring revenue. Cyprus was the setting for Shakespeare’s Othello and the new Famagusta can serve to bring a revitalization of the arts.

The model neighborhood This neigborhood is composed of three main elements which are connected by a main vehicular path and a winding path for pedestrians and bicycles to enjoy.

Residential a majority of residential spaces, in particular the ones facing the main street contain commercial programs on the ground floor. These residential buildings react to the public pathways on the ground level and some include kitchen gardens and rooftop terraces for the communities.

Art district This area to the north is marked by more live-work type of residences for artists and entrepreneurs, and incorporates a skate park and arts venue for the larger area.

Cultural Center On the south side is the cultural center which also provides an ample plaza space for the neighborhood and is enclosed by an existing cinema, a library and an existing school with a new addition.

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left: skate park in Art District Right: kitchen gardens in residential area

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Art district

Residential core

Rendered sections

Cultural center 095 001

left: Cultural center Right: Zoomed in view

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Conception and creation The watch was conceived as an idea of a handcrafted gift where each small piece is integral to the whole. The watch borrows the machinery of another, which hides behind the composed elements of paper, wood and leather. The box, made from the same maple and lined with colored plexi-glass, has on its front the intial of whom was to receive this gift of time.: my sister, who shares my passion for watches.

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3D model section and front view

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Entrance// front door detail

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3D model// Circulation

The project selected for Design Development to bring from a conceptual stage to a more finalized stage was my design for Florida House Workshop which was taken a couple of years ago with professor Martin Gundersen. The site for the house is in Bay Shore in the Tampa Bay area and the lot directly faces the bay. The house was designed to be elevated from the ground, creating a porous ground level which could be enjoyed as an outdoor space and would include a small pool which became a water feature delineating the entrance to the house. The house can be opened up to enjoy cross ventilation and the master bedroom atop opens up to a private green terrace. During the design development stage the details pertaining to structure, site, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire among other systems as well as construction details such as roof and curtain wall systems were investigated and figured out. 119 001

Photos of other travels in Europe

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