core design

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core design portfolio

materiality pluck me from my ground and shape me with your gentle and laborous hands mold me into my purpose so that the beauty of my origins can shine through me. and when it’s all done, you can see all of me; my beginning and the ending you have created.

table of contents

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core design 1 . fall 2011

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core design 3 . fall 2012

core design 2 . spring 2012

a place for beauty . summer 2012 florida house workshop . summer 2012 photography

core design serves to explore individual creativity while providing one with the basic tools of design. from conception of an idea through its development and materialization, this program allows for a discovery and strengthening of the student’s creative talents and abilities. comprised of 3 semesters, the program deals with abstraction of form, concept, scale and human habitation, tectonics, and materiality.

core design 1

professor steve cooke


tectonic umbrella

2 weeks

objective the project required 3 main elements: The plexi base support, the umbrella and the cloud in between. some of the fundamental challenges that the project brought into play were learning to deal with verticality, the introduction of human movement and ascention and the balance between structure and design. concept my concept consisted of the interlocking of 3 shifting cubes that are connected by the vertical circulation. Once the middle is reached, the circulation ruptures through the skin or umbrella and continues upwards towards the suspended cloud.

savannah, georgia

a place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most obsessively, wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his own image. Joann Didion

charleston, south carolina

space into place 2 weeks

the project was derived from our trip to savannah, georgia in which we studied the poetics of place and through the use of our personal experiences of the savannah riverfront, we were asked to create a place that would commemorate and honor the contribution of african americans to the savannah community. the aim of the project was to explore the concepts of order, organization, scale, occupancy, habitation and place, and through these methods create a place that communicates a strong, positive emotion. location: pedestrian tunnel underneath the cotton exchange

the concept for this design is hope, and this is represented by the guidance of light and the sight of the river, which gave the people of savannah hope. the place is grounded and carved into the sloped ground where the dark space is illuminated by candlelight. as the visitor ascends and turns the corner they are greeted by the sight of natural light, filtering in from the riverfront, although their view obstructed. light becomes the guiding hope and as the journey comes to an end the river is revealed and the visitor can observe the interaction that happens around it.

space into light 2 weeks

“i sense light as the giver of all presences, and material as spent light. what is made by light casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to light�

luis khan

light studies

light sequence: light and movement

objective to design a museum of light where the light itself becomes the exhibit. site beachfront location facing west concept the design of the museum is based on the daily trayetory of the sun. morning: when the sun rises on the east, it illuminates the front faรงade and creates a reflection in the water feature morning to mid day: during spring and winter the sun slants south. this is mimicked by the curviture of the museum. the fanning armature allows for a play between form and light as well as engages the outside with the creation of moving shadows. mid day to afternoon: guests can move to the outdoor space to the north side late afternoon: located at the west end is a sunset observatory. this space is constructed of wood and light is

light as material

core design 2

professor shannon bassett


the corner _ form. structure. skin. joint 2 weeks

objective to design the corner of a house utilizing systems of structure, joint, material, skin, and inside-outside relationships. the corner is to be located in the southeast area of the house and to be used primarily for social living.

concept the main driver behind this design is the idea of turning the corner. the corner releases you into the exterior through visual queues and the incorporation of light. the corner begins with a heavy anchoring and it dematerializes as it comes to an end. this dematerialization is represented with the change of materials, from the heavy feeling of concrete, to the transparency of glass, to the wood screen. the corner floats above the slope, and as the individual approaches the front, the corner punctures through the heavy concrete wall to reveal a new view.

turning the corner

window. door. threshold 2 weeks

my inhabitant is an artist, she is a poet- a thinker. she loves the beauty found in nature but she likes to work within her comforts.

she enjoys working and thinking in solitude, amongst the sounds of nature. she drinks her monring coffee in front of her window while she gazes out at the flowing river, her room brightened by the morning sunlight and a light breeze filtering in.

she opens the door to possibilities and steps out. she sits on that same bench but now she’s part of nature- not apart from it, but amongst it.

objective through the investigation of material, metaphor and meaning, create the embodiment of a door/window that serves to activate a space and initiate activity, contemplation and reflection.

wall. skin. faรงade 2 weeks

paper model explorations utilizing ideas of folding, weaving, cutting, bending and others.

objective to create a faรงade for the ybor city book center and archive. the existing building cannot be modified, but the faรงade should engage it and serve as a communicator between the building and the viewer. concept the faรงade acts as a system of expression and engagement of spatial etudes. the wall system becomes a mediator between movement and and repose. behind the wall the stairs are located, and once the wall is transversed, the spatial nodes become places for lingering to be used for different purposes. nodes the nodes reinforce the idea of public versus private, as they are covered from the front allowing the inhabitant privacy, while they are opened on the sides so that the person can view out.

cantilever_ the detail 2 weeks

in collaboration with tyler razey and josh perez

objective to design and build a cantilever arm to extend from the 2nd floor balcony and hold the weight of 2 6x6 concrete cubes. concept our main idea was the immitation of the movement of a clock. the cantilever is composed of 3 parts- the pendulum, the locking mechanism and the arm. arm the arm is elegantly crafted out of wood and connected by metal rods which are revealed. at the tip, a concrete block fits securely. pendulum the pendulum is equiped with a concrete cube which acts as a counterbalance when the cantilever arm is extended. locking mechanism the arm is loaded while in vertical position. as the arm is lowered, the locking mechanism allows for it to be kept at 3 different angles, the final being the arm fully extended. the mechanism utilizes tension cables which act as a backup to the counterbalance support.

miami, florida

sobe music and living _ design 2 final 4 weeks

objective to create an annex to the new world symphony in the heart of south beach which provides an informal place for the performance of instrumental music by fellows from the symphony, a residence to house both a fellow and a permanent staff member, a small gallery and shop. site -the in between the wedge shaped land between 14th st. and collins avenue in miami, provides a connection between the neighborhood and the ocean. concept the design aims to strengthen the connection between the private community and the very public ocean drive. the main focus for the project is circulation and the transition between public and private. a straight path through the site is kept, which overlooks the cafe below it, giving it the feel of voyeurism that ocean drive provides.

1. fellow residence 2. terrace

1. gallery 2. staff residence

1. gift shop 2. courtyard 3. performance space 4. cafe



2 1

3 4



core design 3


boathouse and pools

8 weeks - professor vikas mehta

objective to design a recreational complex in downtown tampa, comprising a rowing boathouse, open swimming pools, and recreational outdoor spaces. the project aims to tackle low urban tectonics, continuity of open and enclosed, and the making of public space. the challenges of the project include the negotiation between land and water, the geometry of the site and as an extension to one of the most important public spaces in downtown tampa, the relationship between the project and the existing museum and park is to be carefully considered.

tampa, florida

experiential graphic. mapping. precedent study

concept the symbiotic relationship between land and water, exemplified by the creation of a canal for the launching of row boats, and the extension of the riverwalk out to the water. the water’s edge provides a closer connection with nature and thus it is engaged by some of the programmatic elements like the wading pools, thermal pool, cafe and boathouse. the water is brought in and creates a division of spaces, which are re-stitched by the riverwalk as their main connector.

new york city, new york

cabinet of curiosities_ highline museum

8 weeks

objective to design a mid-scale civic building on the highline in the city of new york. the building must house a gallery, restaurant, theatre, administrative offices and a hall. the main focus of the project is to create a building with different levels of public engagement, the most important being its engagement with the highline and the street level. the project provides the challenges of tectonics and structural support, experiential qualities and interesting spatial conditions among others.





5 2. lobby. gift shop 3. restaurant 4. gallery 5. gallery 6. hall 7. administrative offices



concept due to its urban setting, the main focus of the design is to engage the public at all levels. the cabinet of curiosities contains artifacts related to salsa music and much of the design is geared towards the experiencing of human interaction.

main elements the building is composed of 3 main elements: the public stair that connects to the highway, the skin that wraps around the armature and the cloud of spaces suspended above the public stair. at the street level, the building recedes from the sidewalk to provide a public courtyard. the main stairway creates a public and direct connnection to the high line, while providing spaces for small gatherings and performances with a focus on salsa music. the highline approaches the building mid level between the restaurant and the gallery, allowing for the passerby to decide where to go. once inside the gallery, the circulation changes to wrap around the building as the museum is experienced, and the skin is permeated back and forth to spark curiosity.

“beauty is the oject of longing�

a place for beauty professor: Steve Cooke

crispin sartwell


vibrant colors. arrangement of petals that recede from each other. strong, green leaves that posess a deep shine. a tall single stem raises the orchid high above so that its beauty can be seen. contrast in colors- white, gold and purple. soft to the touch. carefully arranged composition with a central focus.

... fleeting beauty.

a beautiful flower

the orchid _ 1 week

a beautiful bird the rufous hummingbird _ 1 week

a beautiful thing

chopsticks _ 1 week

a beautiful object is created through care of craft and thought on materiality.

florida house workshop

professor: Martin Gundersen


the objective of this project was to design a house suited for the florida climate. the house was designed keeping in mind climatic factors such as humidity and flooding due to the site’s proximity to water. the land is built up, and the main living is raised to keep away from water and allow a breeze to actively cool it. an outdoor space with pool is provided on the ground level. roof the green roof atop the side rooms helps cool the house. the main cubic volume is covered by a built-up roof that allows for ceiling changes to be experienced.


light and the absence of it


beauty can be carefully orchestrated or it can occur serendipitously.

our mark is seen in the places we inhabit

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