FREE ISSUE Tattoo Life Magazine (English Language)

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n° 70 £ 3.95

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“CURLY” MOORE Tribal is my life

CONVENTIONS CAPE TOWN Brighton calgary Geneva


bring me the horizon


Laurie Lipton



Style and culture fROm the Orient

13th year - n° 70 - ISSN 1468-1382





I Max Tattooing


new Tattoo Machines Flashing Colors

TAT T O O I N K S 25 colors in 30ml bottles 15040 E 299,00 25 colors in 100ml bottles 15045 E 725,00

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A very deep Steel Gray tattoo ink. This beautiful Metallic Color Shade goes into the skin smooth, fast and even! Mixes well with colors. 13310 120 ml E 28,00 13387 Calipso Shader E 99,00

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Black Victory & Star Shader Tattoo Kit The kit include: 1 Victory Liner Tattoo Machine 1 Star Shader Tattoo Machine 1 Tattoo Kit Alloy Case 1 D.C.Power unit 3 AMP. w/clip-cord+footswitch 1 Box with 50 sterile needles 3 round liner 1 Box with 50 sterile needles 5 shader 40 Disposable white plastic tubes for 3 Liner Needles 40 Disposable white plastic tubes for 5 Shader Needles 5 Azayaka colors in 15ml. bottles 1 I Max Black Ink 60ml. bottle 5 Foil Packs of White Petrolatum 1 Pkg. with 100 ink caps 1 S/Steel ink cap holder 1 I Max Styling Paper, 100 sheets 1 Hectograph pencil for making stencils 1 Practice skin 1 Pkg. with 100 black gloves Panthera 1 DVD Master The Art of Tattooing 1 CD Tattoo Flash 13178 Black Victory & Star Shader Tattoo Kit E 195,00

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Mini Power Supply

11568 Mini Power Supply 18V 1.5A 110-240V E 39,90 Footswitch and Clipcord with Phone Jack not included!

I Max International Srl

Via Emilia 41 - 47838 Riccione Italy Tel. +390 541 642160 Fax +390 541 643542

Future Gallery


ne of the things that makes us so proud is being able to look back and see how much we have done together for the art of tattooing in all these years. This editorial adventure cost us lots of sacrifices and lots of hard work, but the passion for what we do gave us the strength to overcome obstacles and now with the progress of new technologies and the future prospects, we can hardly see back to the point where it all started. We started because we wanted to spread and enhance tattoo art in itself, at a time when those who weren’t in the field, didn’t even know what it was or considered tattoo like something “dirty”, “dangerous” and “immoral” (but as Oscar Wilde said, all the beautiful things in life are immoral, illegal or fattening). Now we are ready for further development. Internet brought together our world into one big community (virtual and real) that uses the net as a source of inspiration. As before – when internet wasn’t around – we looked for inspiration “on the field”, watching the works of the great tattooists live or admiring them on the few books available. Now, everything is just a click away and extremely fast to look up. The real problem is that there is no filter online and you can find anything and everything, often without any logical order. So we decided to concentrate our energies to create the biggest tattoo gallery ( in the world, offering our archive to everybody, organizing it by key word to make it easier to find that perfect tattoo. Furthermore, we purposely decided to select the tattoos, focusing on the best pieces, of both international and less famous artists, but certainly worth the while. The result: there are over twenty thousand top quality images to search through and admire. An archive that is constantly updated and that we believe will become one of the biggest world libraries of quality tattoos. We are proud to have created a space that wants to become a meeting place for the entire international tattoo world, a pillar around which professionals or simple tattoo enthusiasts looking for information, suggestions, images and, why not, the next tattoo artist can meet. We hope you appreciate this step into the future. by Miki Vialetto

Cover Model: Fanny Maurer aka Lady Diamond Tattoo Info: Arm is by Olivier at Jack Ribeiro, France Leg by Lizzie Renaud, Canada Photographer: Christian Saint


8 Spy

Artistic contaminations

10 Shopping LIFE IN STYLE

12 Music

Bring Me The Horizon By Simone Sacco

14 New Sounds 16 Who’s who

Echoes from the underground

Laurie Lipton By Maurizio Candeloro

20 MILANO TATTOO Convention 16th edition of the event By Maurizio Candeloro

32 Cover Girl Fanny MauRer (aka Lady Diamond) By Simone Sacco

34 Internet

The best sites online


36 Book

Grime By Margherita B.

38 Brighton

66 Southern Ink

Xposure/ Cape Town

Tattoo in South Africa By Marco Galdo

The convention dedicated to the memory of Shone Davis

48 East Tattoo

68 Andreas “Curly” Moore

Passion for tribal By Tas


Yang and his “brothers” By Margherita B.

56 Agenda

International ink appointments

58 Calgary

74 80

Everything about the Canadian convention



The 15th edition of the convention By David “dats” Racana



“Ladies, Ladies!”, female tattooists on display By Elvia Iannaccone Gezlev


The life and death of Paolo Suluape By Luisa Gnecchi Ruscone


Stefano C. & Naomi Smith



Published by Mediafriends Srl Viale Papiniano 49 20123 Milano ITALY Editorial Director Miki Vialetto Art Direction & production Mediafriends Srl Viale Papiniano, 49 20123 Milano Tel. +39 02 8322431 Fax +39 02 89424686 Editorial Coordinator Miki Vialetto Editorial Assistants Margherita Baleni Simone Sacco Maurizio Candeloro Production Coordinators Cristina Marini Graphics Designers Lella Vivace Meera Razza External editorial staff Luisa Gnecchi Ruscone, Debora Marcati, Richard Todd, Marcus Ewers, Christian Saint Special Thanks Tas, Elvia Iannaccone Gezlev, Marco Galdo e David “dats” Racana Staff Office Paola Berra Colour reproduction Esseci, Milano Printing Tiber S.p.A. Via Della Volta, 179 Brescia, Italia Tel. +39 030 3543439 Distribution UK Comag, West Drayton Middlesex Italy SO.DI.P. S.p.a. Via Bettola 18 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (Mi) Germany Special-Interest, Nordendstraße 2 D-64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf France MLP - 55, Bd De La Noirée St. Quentin Fallavier Australia Network Services 66-68 Goulburn Street, Sydney Canada Disticor Magazine Distribution Services Ajax, Ontario, Canada Spain - Dispaña Dispaña Avenida Llano Castellano, 43 2° planta 28034 Madrid Mexico Pernas Y Cía - Mexico City - Mexico USA Edition published by Five Star Media Inc PO BOX 1071 Pacifica, CA 94044 USA distribution Rider Circulation Services Los Angeles, CA Tattoo Life is a two-monthly

magazine published by Mediafriends. All rights reserved. The reproduction even partial of the texts or images is forbidden without written authorization of the editor. The material sent to Mediafriends will not be returned. The material received can be used by Mediafriends for all their publications both for paper and digital. Any omission of author’s names, texts, photos or designs solely depends on the fact that it was impossible to do so. Tattoo Life undertakes to comply with these duties.



La nouvelle exposition de Frank Thoenessen se déroulera jusqu’au 29 mai prochain dans les espaces situés à mi-chemin entre le studio et la galerie d’art du célèbre Lionheart Tattoo Gallery, Weselerstraße 146 à Oberhausen, en Allemagne. Les organisateurs nous informent qu’après les œuvres "diaboliques" de Thoenessen, deux nouvelles expositions personnelles sont déjà programmées, celle de Sandor Jordan ( du 2 juillet

prochain au 25 septembre 2011 et celle de Chriss Dettmer ( qui exposera, lui, à partir du 5 novembre jusqu’au 28 janvier 2012. Si vous allez donc du côté d’Oberhausen, souvenez-vous-en! Lionheart Tattoo Gallery Weselerstraße 146 - 46149 Oberhausen

The Japanese Tattoo Design Handbook Learning by iPhone!

The Japanese Tattoo Design Handbook Vol.1 Le sous-titre explique déjà beaucoup de choses: The New Generation Of Tattoo Artist in Japan. Sorti dans un premier temps sous forme de livre (65 pages pour 100 illustrations), The Japanese Tattoo Design Handbook Vol.1 est un excellent recueil qui concerne certains des meilleurs tatoueurs "irezumi" (c’est ainsi que l’on nomme les tatouages au Japon). C’est un passionné de Tokyo, depuis toujours très intéressé par la culture J-Pop, qui 8

a rédigé l’œuvre (pour en savoir plus sur l’édition sur papier allez sur Les tatoueurs et les fanatiques du style japonais prendront, eux, sérieusement en considération l’opportunité d’admirer ces œuvres sur leur iPhone étant donné que Handbook Vol.1 est désormais disponible également comme application pour vos téléphones. Pratique et facile à télécharger.

Un séminaire chez vous, directement dans votre salon? C’est bien ce que nous vous proposons avec ce dvd (qui dure pas moins de 3 heures!) intitulé Black & Grey Portrait with Andy Engel. En fait le célèbre propriétaire du studio de tatouages situé à Kitzingen/Etwashausen (en Allemagne) nous montre comment réaliser un portrait en noir et blanc, des premiers pas jusqu’à la réalisation complète de l’œuvre. Riche en anecdotes et en conseils très utiles pour ceux qui veulent se spécialiser dans la catégorie difficile des "portraits", Black and Grey Portrait with... est un investissement utile d’autant plus que les séminaires de monsieur Engel qui ont lieu un peu partout dans le monde sont presque toujours complets et bondés d’élèves. Et puis, si un passage vous échappe, vous pourrez toujours revenir en arrière avec votre télécommande…

TATTOOSPY Mark Batty Publisher est une maison d’édition dont le siège est à New York ; son catalogue fait sans aucun doute partie des plus pétillants du monde des arts et du design international. Ce nouveau livre réalisé par Gilles Tondini, L'image Obscène, rassemble par exemple des images “trouvées” dans les hôpitaux parisiens qui témoignent de l’existence d’une sous-culture bouillonnante et vive, qui fait référence aux graffitis et qui embrasse le domaine du brut, du spontané... et du “délicieusement kitsch”! A ne pas rater.

En collaboration avec l'Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston, voici la première exposition personnelle newyorkaise de l'artiste Dr. Lakra. Ce tatoueur mexicain très célèbre a préparé pour cette exposition des œuvres spécifiques, des dessins sur mur gigantesques qui occupent toute la surface de la galerie et à côté desquels il expose ses dessins sur papier classiques. Comme consolidé dans sa poétique, il récupère pour cette exposition aussi du matériel iconographique dans des magazines de pin up et de bandes dessinées, mais cette fois-ci le dessin se transforme en urgence d'enquête sur le thème du sexe et de la violence, transcendant les catégorisations et défiant les conventions sociales normales. The Drawing Center 30 Wooster Street, NY

Stephen D., cet ancien étudiant en Arts Graphiques, tatoue depuis 1997 au Dimitri HK' studio de Saint Germain-enLaye. Dans son livre Tattoo Process (au sujet duquel vous pourrez avoir de plus amples informations en visitant le site personnel de l’artiste :, vous trouverez sur papier couché des pages et des pages d’études et d’esquisses consacrées au monde du tatouage (le japonais est très en vogue mais aussi les sujets funny ont toute leur place). Certaines œuvres sont bien définies, d’autres restent intentionnellement "raw" et pauvres mais sont en tout cas très belles.

Si vous aimez la touche de Jee Sayalero (ses tatouages d’origine japonaise sont tout simplement splendides, ses voiliers perdus dans l’immensité des océans ou la faune marine, comme les méduses et les sirènes qu’il esquisse), Tattoo Drawnings est vraiment un livre fait pour vous. Grand, spacieux, beau, il compte plus de 200 pages et une introduction signée Safwan d’Imago Tattoo. Archiplein de dessins et d’esquisses, cette œuvre apporte une contribution à la leçon de Jee et nous donne en même temps envie de prendre un stencil et de nous mettre à l’épreuve nous aussi. Destin des fameuses "sources d'inspiration"... 9

SHOPPING Freedom: this is the keyword for the next few months... Scorpion Bay’s breeze will tickle your fancy, D.A.T.E. will be the ideal partner for your feet, Constanze Schreiber will decorate your body with exclusive jewelry, Criminal Damage will give new life to your denim, Double Black will bring a serious touch, while Smiley will give you the lightness of an ironic smile. And finally Corezone, which will surprise you with the pleasure of a design sculpture that you can break whenever you want...

Punctual like every year, Scorpion Bay is able to renew our desire for beauty and for a beautiful (season). Top quality fabrics and badges, skulls, daggers, eagles and wings in large prints. The wild desire for freedom that Scorpion Bay is able to offer will capture us with this collection, with its pistachios and dark greens, respectively for her and

A wonderful ride on your motorbike or bicycle? Stone, Wax, Emy... These are just a few of the names of these sneakers: D.A.T.E. They rocked at last season’s shows, including the Bread and Butter in Berlin, and they are back this season with new and interesting lines. Side strips with fabric and Velcro interrupt the colored leather of the shoe, the punched texture


him… the breeze of scorpion bay never stops blowing, can you feel it?

lets the feet breathe…The sole is comfortable and flat, with thin matching profile. Shoes with lots of details and for the most alternative, the Stone Wox shoe is vintage and worn, but just as a new one!

German, young and independent, Costanze Schreiber besides having an excellent artistic formation also has an incredible career, that ranges from teaching, to exhibits, from the acquisition of jewelry from international museums to an obviously intense artisan activity. This jewelry collection revolves around “pearls and tears” with a combination of unusual materials to obtain plasticity and special effects different from our ordinary touch and feel experiences, revisiting the most popular tattoo subjects: the heart and skull. With incredible results.

SHOPPING Ready to destroy yourself? To wander here and there? No part of the city can go unexplored. Comfortable, sturdy and stylish, the pants produced by Criminal Damage have a soft fit, with a wide crotch and sturdy denim. The colors available are the typical ”blue jeans!” and the sad brown. For her the

colors are a bit brighter, like Cherry red and a “touchy” model with a hand printed on the behind! Irony, style and young sensuality marks wild urban individuals with Criminal Damage, to experience life on the street.

Have you ever heard of global craftsmanship? Well, Corezone is part of this group of handicraft crowdsourcing that uses digital platforms such as Dawanda or Etzy, both promoters of the marketing of works in limited series and

The advertisement of this brand says “stylish wherever”. In fact the men’s line of Double Black has particular inspirations: a bit trendy, a bit slim and some even remind us of the past seasons of Hedi Slimane for Dior man, but it also resembles worker clothing. Coats with the straight and practical lines of factory workers and Chinese farmers: straight and sober cuts, compact and long-lasting fabrics, colors that range from blues to grays…But careful: if you are a bit older…You need to have the right body!

all handmade. Corezone is the result of the cooperation between two designers: Skalska and Mazur. The product is a heart (which has the shape of a real heart, just like the ones we like!), a ceramic sculpture, with white and red enamel, obtained using a particular combination of molds and baking temperatures, not very big.. What’s it for? As all hearts it can be filled with messages – important ones – or other decorative material…But careful: like any other heart it is fragile and must be handled with care!

Smiley is a universal symbol, among one of the most popular in the world. It was created on January 1, 1972 when it first appeared on the daily newspaper France Soir to promote “take time to smile”. The Smiley logo was used to show the good news and guide the readers in the selection of the articles. 25 years have passed and it has become the main character on internet. Affected by the skull mania that filled the runways and streets the world over, Smiley happy deluxe, the new label of Smiley Company, placed the maxi skull with rhinestones on T-shirts and mini dresses: gothic but with a smile. 11

Line-up Oliver Sykes - vocals Lee Malia - guitar Jona Weinhofen - bass Matt Kean - drums Album There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let's Keep It a Secret Label Visible Noise Records

Oliver Sykes, the young frontman of the amazing Bring Me The Horizon, is a “living monument” of tattoo. Covered with traditional and clearly dark tattoos from head to toe (even though he still has some space here and there…), Oli tells us all about his band, which, unlike his love for tattoos, the same of that of a teenager, is a work in progress musically speaking. A kid who dreamed about success listening to his favorite heroes… 12

Text by Simone Sacco

Photos by Adam Elmakias (studio); Henry Ruggery (live); Simone Sacco (Sykes's tattoos)

managed by Diego Azaldegui ( and some incredible tattoo shops I found in Japan.


elcome, Oli: how did your long-lasting passion for tattoo begin? I discovered this world when I was very young listening to Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park, especially the latter… You know, every generation has its personal idols, so those who came before me can tell you about being introduced to the universe of tattoo by Mötley Crüe and Henry Rollins exactly as I have to thank the nu metal bands of the end of the 90’s. It’s like a cycle. Do you remember your first approach to a tattoo shop? Yes, I was 18 and to tell you the truth, I really didn’t enjoy it much (he laughs, author’s note). Basically I was scared and nervous but after the machine started to buzz, it was like taking a walk in the countryside (laughs, author’s note)! My first tattoo doesn’t even exist anymore, or better it was incorporated in the big eagle on my hips. How many tattoos do you have at the moment? I have no idea! It’s practically impossible to count them all...

And all this at just 24! I wonder where you will get tattooed from now to the next ten years... To tell you the truth, I still haven’t thought about it…But even though my arms, chest and stomach are completely "full", I still have some room on my legs and along my back where sooner or later I would like to start a big piece. Let’s say that in this first phase of my life, I focused on my upper body. Now I can concentrate on the rest. Of the hundreds of pieces that decorate your body do you think there is a common line or message? Are your tattoos a message of rebellion or pure beauty marks? Well, I guess both. There are pieces dedicated to certain people I’ve met, tattoos that represent my personality, memories linked to my past (like the lettering 'Betrayal' dedicated to Oliver’s old schoolmates….author’s note) but also a lady with an octopus head, a shark, the logo of Bring Me The Horizon, the lettering Drop Dead dedicated to my clothing line, etc. Basically I am a fan of old-school and traditional, but also of dark and twisted creations. And among my favorites I must mention Frith Street in London (www.frithstreettattoo., MVL in Leeds

And what can you tell us about the Sheffield scene? I think it is cool but I don’t have a chance to hang out there anymore. We are always touring and or in the recording studio! Your latest album 'There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let's Keep It a Secret', was described as one of the best of your young career... Yeah, our mission this time was to create an album that was completely different from the “traditional model” the British press had glued onto us since the release of our album 'Count Your Blessings'. In this new CD there are violins, the vocoder, lots of guest spots, etc. Of course it’s always our stuff, with our breakdowns and choruses, but at the same time there is something more... Last question: were you surprised in seeing a tattoo representing the world of Bring Me The Horizon on one of your fan’s skin? Usually, I notice the lyrics of our songs on somebody’s skin but nothing is better than the guy who got my autograph tattooed on his skin! Simply amazing but our fans are like this: loyal, passionate and … completely mad! - - 13

by Simone sacco

'Blunt Force Trauma' (Roadrunner Records)

The discovery of the truest and wildest hardcore continues even in this second CD for Cavalera Conspiracy, the band formed by Max and Igor Cavalera, blood brothers and strong ideals from the time of the glorious Sepultura. Certainly, compared to the debut Inflikted of 2008, the more abrasive Blunt Force Trauma is probably not as fresh, but the plan of the Cavalera bros was to create an album that combines the violence of Slayer with the punk-hardcore dryness of the unforgettable Minor Threat (also listen to Warlord, Torture, Killing Inside and I Speak Hate) and they succeeded. Not to mention Roger Miret’s cameo, voice of Agnostic Front, in the lethal Lynch Mob. With respect for the most successful albums of Sepultura, these new eleven songs are simply amazing. And they hurt, really hurt…


'The World Is Yours' (Motörhead Music/ EMI)

They are back again, Motörhead, with Lemmy Kilmister and his crew Phil Campbell (guitar) and Mikkey Dee (drums). They have been considered dead so many times but they are able to change the forecasts of critics even when their last few albums (Kiss Of Death of 2006 and Motörizer of 2008) weren’t really a hit… But now with the new The World Is Yours, we are talking Bastards, Overnight Sensation, We Are Motörhead and Inferno, the albums that made Motörhead eternal even beyond their “classical phase”. This time, we are starting big with Live To Win, up to I Know How To Die, Get Back In Line and Outlaw and they pay tribute to the doom and Black Label Society in two dark pearls such as Brotherhood Of A Man and Waiting For The Snake. Gran finale with 50’s style rock 'n' roll in the wild Bye Bye Bitch. They are basically the same…but the style!


'Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will'


Sometimes I ask myself why Mogwai are not the greatest band in the world…If we think of it, they have got it all: great melodies (White Noise), moments of pure "vintage electronics" like the dear Stereolab (Mexican Grand Prix), devastating guitars almost like noisemetal bands (Rano Pano), sad pieces (Death Rays and Letters To The Metro), Scottishstyle humor (You're Lionel Richie) and their own special way of creating melodies (George Square Thatcher Death Party) that you will not find in any other album in the universe. So? Maybe Stuart Braithwaite and company do not want to reach such celebrity fame because they (almost) never sing and have been working for over a decade on their idea of creating this great post-rock masterpiece. Well, maybe with the sarcastic Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will they have finally reached their objective... Chapeau!

'Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes'


Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes, this is the title of the new album of Social Distortion. This record is basically the mature version of Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell of '92. SBH&H was blues under lots of aspects, but it was still very dark in the lyrics and if we want in line with the Mike Ness (the singer of SD) of the times. HT&NR, sees a more positive version of Ness as in Far Side of Nowhere, romantically in love with life, places and people. The songwriter from Orange County does not forget his background and in this new album he lets himself go to the remake of Alone and Forsaken of the great Hank Williams Sr, to gospel with Can’t Take It With You at to a sound that recalls the Stones in California (Hustle and Flow). A complete, fast and direct album as usual, but with something more than the previous ones. Thanks to mister Mike Ness and his band for this new pearl of intense rock’n’roll! (Andrea "Rock" Toselli/ Virgin Radio)

Laurie Lipton who's who

Accurate visions

in black and white by Maurizio Candeloro

The Death Tarot Card

Laurie Lipton is a very precise artist. From the few words she used we also discovered something mysterious about her, provocative and almost cathartic. Her language is measured and attentive. She started drawing when she was 4, certainly different

subjects than today, when her works reminded us of Durer, Memling,Van Eyck, Goya and Rembrandt, but also Diane Arbus. Which instruments does she use? Only a pencil and lots of determination, to create unique works and, as she says “never seen before”.


ello Laurie, thank you for this interview. Even though your career is very long, I would like to start from the beginning. Where do you live and work? In East London… but I’m just about to move to Los Angeles.

Lady Death

What’s your background? I was born in New York City and have lived in Holland, Belgium, Germany, France and


Bone China

What is your creative process like? I sit down all day, every day, and draw. What is your favorite medium? Pencil, charcoal and paper. What is your current favorite subject? I do shows with “themes”. My last show was called “Machine Punk” about technology strangling our lives. My next show in NYC will be based on the “Day of the Dead” festival imagery in Mexico. The show after that will be about me moving back to the USA

after 33 years in Europe. How long does it take for you to finish a piece? It depends on the size. To tell you the truth: I really don’t know. Anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months. Once I sit down and draw, I lose the sense of time. What has been your biggest accomplishment so far? Not compromising and surviving for over 20 years by creating disturbing black & white pencil drawings. Are there any contemporary artists that you love? There’s a whole bunch of new and vibrant art coming out of California

Tete A Tete

England. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Carnegie-Mellon University.


Family Remains

The Queen Of Bones

La Luz

who's who

(which is why I’m moving there) called “Lobrow”, “Visionary”, “New Brow” art that is figurative, well painted, well-crafted and a breath of fresh air after all that Conceptual Art bullshit. Can we buy your art anywhere? Yes… you can buy it from my website ( or from one of my gallery shows. There is always a list of shows on my website under “Exhibitions” Anything that people should know about you that we don’t? Like what? If I’m contagious or wanted by the police?


What is your best piece of advice for those who would like to rise in their level of artistry? It’s simple: the more you work, the better you get. It’s 2% inspiration and 98% perspiration. What inspires you to keep going when the work gets frustrating or tough? I always have a deadline. It helps. How do you describe your work to those who are unfamiliar with it? Disturbing black & white pencil drawings that are incredibly detailed. What kind of training did you have which helped you achieve your current level of artistry? I had the desire to create something I hadn’t seen before, but felt inside of me. I went to one of the best universities for art in the USA, but

a film, or a TV show… anything that hits me where I live and/or makes me see things differently. What inspires you to create? A burning need that I’ve had since childhood. Sweet Seller

abstract and conceptual paintings were the fashion so I cut my classes and copied 16th century Masters in the school library. I was obsessed with getting this “Thing” out of me. It was a bit like giving birth to an elephant. I just pushed and pushed myself until I had a Breakthrough. I studied, copied, did still-lives, and basically worked until I got a glimpse of my own unique style. Is there a tool or material that you can’t imagine living without? Pencils and my left hand.

The Knitter Of Bones

Who are your influences? Anyone who comes into contact with my life and makes me think. I could be inspired by music, a book, a piece of art,



Simone Pfaff, Volko Merschky, Buena Vista Tattoo Club, Wirzburg, Germany

JosĂŠ Lopez, Lowrider Tattoo, Los Angeles, Usa

Filip Leu, The Leu Family Family’s Iron, Ste-croix, Switzerland


Text by Maurizio Candeloro Photos by Debora Marcati



Milan is one of the most popular tattoo events at international level and this 16th edition surprised the visitors with its classical recipe (and winning) made of passion and great professionalism. Let’s discover what happened in those three high voltage days...

Takami + Cova, Knock Over Decorate Tattoo, Yonago, Japan 22

years, and it is great to feel at home in this event that helped spread the tattoo culture in Italy. A bit of ink art started on Thursday evening with the additional opening event “Ink on Puma Suede”, during which fine artists such as Rino Valente, Gigi Fagni, Marco Lari, Heinz, Roberto Borsi, Stizzo, Angelo Colussi, Stiliyan and Kaolian Smokov, Rudy De Amicis, Davide Andreoli and Monga (but the list doesn’t end here!) decorated a pair of shoes each. These names are just a small part of the list of artists that ticked away on their machines, ready to tattoo whoever was

George Mavridis, Tattoolligans, Thessaloniki, Greece


he 16th edition of the Milano Tattoo Convention started out with a great line of people. An amazing Friday and Milan was even sunny. Its 2 pm and the event promises to be livelier than ever, with over 14 thousand visitors and hundreds of international and Italian tattooists. For those who like myself who are regulars, this 16th edition is particularly pleasant: it is like coming back home and finding your favorite artists, seeing them take part in the event with the spirit of the first

Stizzo, Best of Times, Milan, Italy

Madame Colette, Medusa Tattoo, Barcelona, Spain


Carlos Rojas, Black Anchor, Hesperia, Usa

Filip Leu, The Leu Family Family’s Iron, Ste-croix, Switzerland

Xnicox, One Love Tattoo, Geneve, Switzerland

It is amazing to see so many names concentrated in just one room: Dan Sinnes (At Woods Tattoo Crew), Kris Magnotti (Da Vinci Tattoo), El Monga (Aloha Tattoos), Chad Koeplinger, 24

Andrea Pallocchini, X Tattoo, Rome, Italy

Let’s start talking about this convention with a final statement: a great success, lots of people, regulars who wanted to see the incredible performances, the seat and non-stop work of their favorite artists at work, dreaming about their next tattoo. The “first time” visitors finally started to look at tattoo as the new real art: they approached the scene both curious and shy, almost lost in the halls and conference rooms of the Quark hotel which, as usual, was the location of the event. It’s been a lucky time for this art, the event was covered by both local and international press, with a footage that has never been so strong in Italy, as for example the crowd gathered around the booth of the Low Rider Tattoo with José Lopez, mobbed by fans who were there watching them work, taking photos and videos and asking for autographs in their latest book.

Wallace, Milano City Ink, Milan, Italy

lucky enough to get an appointment. The biggest surprise was seeing how the visitors have changed, more attentive, more curious and in search of change and innovation.

Henning Jørgensen, Royal Tattoo, Helsingor, Denmark

Ching, East Tattoo, Taiwan


Marcuse, Smilin Demons Tattoo, Mannheim, Germany


Johnny Quintana, Ink Shop, Arcadia, Usa

But not only ink: shows, contests and performances! Art with the etching works of the antique Samoan tradition of Pili Mo’o, along with the sheets of “Flash from Italy”, the book produced by Stizzo which gathers the flash of the best Italian tattooists. And right after the sets of flash and the etching sheets, the beautiful black and white photos of Osok (One Shot One Kill) displayed for the show “The Visionary”: a story using images of the Chicano and Japanese tattoo culture. In this endless series of events, a conference was dedicated to Japanese tattoo held by Crez (Adrenalink Tattoo) together with the Japanese art professor Rossella Menegazzo, to cover the history of hiromono and the origins of ukiyoe. The body painting performances of Lorenzo Dossena aka Dox and the tribal-fusion dances of Les Soeurs Tribal were held in the Acquarium room. All this took place with the constant buzz of tattoo

Cristina Garcia, Primal Tattoo, Orlando, Usa

Ton, Chopstick Tattoo, Osaka, Japan

Lenu (Alien Tattoo), Henning Jørgensen (Royal Tattoo), the team of East Tattoo with Hua, Yang and Chin, Jondix (LTW Tattoo), Pili Mo’o (Mo’o Tatau), Slick Nick. (25 To Life) just to mention a few... Stopping for a beer before entering the second area with the Italian tattooists such as Rudy De Amicis, Marco Wallace (Milano City Ink), Morg (Morganic Heart), Adriano Dall’Alpi (The Finest Tattoo), Gianmaurizio Fercioni (Quequeeg Tattoo), Davide Andreoli (The Italian Rooster), Franco Cecconi (La bottega del Tatuaggio)... And then back to the international area with Sunny Buick (La Belle Pigue) and the great gadgets, Rinzing (Leu Family Family’s Iron), Robert Hernandez (Vittamin Tattoo) and Bob Tyrrell (Night Gallery), the Oriental families Horitoshi Family and Horiyoshi III Family and the Italian Claudia Sabe resident tattooist at Jolie Rouge in London (just to mention a few)...

Pili Mo’o, Mo’o Tatau, Tenerife, Spain

Patrick Sans, Burly Fish Tattoo, Flagsta, Usa


Cristina Garcia, Primal Tattoo, Orlando, Usa


Miguel, V Tattoo, Valencia, Spain

TATTOO CONTEST Best Ornament/Tribal 1° - Marco Wallace, Milano City Ink, Italy 2° - Brigante, Indian Tattoo Family, Italy 3° - Marco Wallace, Milano City Ink, Italy Best Color 1° - Henning JØrgensen, Royal Tattoo, Denmark 2° - Takami, Knock Over Decorative Tattoo, Japan 3° - George Mauridis, Tattoo Ligans, Greece Best back - Body suite 1° - Filip Leu, The Leu Family’s Family Iron, Switzerland 2° - Carlos Rojas, Black Anchor, Usa 3° - Marcuse, Smiling Demon, Usa Best Black & Grey 1°- José Lopez, Low Rider Tattoo, Usa 2° - Chuey Quintanar, Good Time Charlie’s, Usa 3° - Carlos Rojas, Black Anchor, Usa Best of Show 1° - Kosta’s, Dirty Roses Tattoo, Greece 2° - Andrea Afferni, Andrea Afferni Tattoo, Italy 3° - Pili Mo’o, Mo’o Tatau, Tenerife, Spain


Carlos Rojas, Black Anchor, Hesperia, Usa

machines in the background which did not stop for a minute, between one beer and the next, a hotdog, beautiful girls and music. Amongst all this it was great to see the bodies asking for more ink. The Miss Pin-up 2011 contest was held at the end of the three-day event. The winner will fly to London for the London Tattoo Convention 2011. There was also the Tattoo Competition which once again surprised us by giving the Best of Show award to Kosta’s Tattoo from Greece at their first Milan convention. As concerns Milan, the appointment is for next year! The 2012 convention will be the 17th edition of this tattoo fest…hold on tight!

Carlos Rojas, Black Anchor, Hesperia, Usa

Steve Soto, Good Fellas Tattoo, Usa

Bernd Broghammen, Tattoo Haufnah, Kandau, Germany


Are you a professional tattoo artist? Are you a tattoo enthusiast?

tattoo life gallery

The best tattoos just a click away! The photo archive of the international tattoo magazine Tattoo Life now online

Subscribe and check out the archive of the international tattoo life magazine. You will find thousands of selected photos online with the best works on skin. Our archive is easy to search using key words that will allow you to find what you are looking for quickly. the

Surf through the subjects and the styles of modern tattoo, stay updated on newest produciton with just one click or look for something inspiring. A useful

tool for every tattoo enthusiast but designed especially for tattoo studios that will have thousands of ideas to show their customers.

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tattoo and you need some fresh ideas, subjects and different styles?


through our archive using key words

gallery is a visual tool, updated constantly, that

that will help you find your way through the different

will allow you to have thousands of different

subjects and styles, or search by artist and country and check out the works of your favorite artist.



ideas and examples for you or your customers.


useful tool that is easy to use.


Did you find the tattoo you were looking for? Add it to your favorites, it will be right at hand every time you need it without having to look for it again.


Text by Simone Sacco Photos by Christian Saint

ContaCT: facebook: Fanny-Maurer twitter: ladydiamond


French model, make-up artist, tattoo art enthusiast, and lady with an alternative vision: Fanny Maurer, in art "Lady Diamond", knows what she wants and never pulls back. Not even during tattoo “competitions”…Let’s find out more!

the French brand called Diamond Dust... I remember a guy started to call me Lady Diamond and I just started using it. It’s like a fun nickname.


ow do you prefer to be called? Fanny or Lady Diamond?

Today I guess my real name is just fine, Fanny Mauer.

And the name Lady Diamond, where does it come from? Well I think it was at the beginning of my modeling career, I was working for

When did you first fall in love with tattoos? There was never a specific moment. Since I was a teenager, I’ve always been that kind of girl, I’ve always had a “different vision” of life. So sooner or later I was going to get into tattoos and I don’t regret a single moment.

Can you tell me something about the piece you have on your chest? The tattoo with the star and the lettering "For Those I Love"... Yeah, the subject is just that and under the lettering there are my parent’s initials. It is a tattoo rich in meaning but it is not the best one I have.

Along your arms among all the traditional pieces, there is a camera: is it a tribute to your modeling career? Yes, in life I am also a make- up artist so cameras follow me everywhere. There is this sort of love story between me and the camera...

What about that strange lettering ("Holy Shit") on the lower part of your leg? Ah, I am glad you asked me! This is the story: two dear friends of mine and myself (two incredible guys…) organized a race on who would have the guts to get the funniest and most shocking tattoo! The fun thing is that very few French people know the real meaning of 'shit' so you should see their faces when I translate it (laughs, author’s note)...

And you got some new tattoo. Yes, my left arm is filled with tattoos up to my hand. Ulrich Krammer of Face The Fact did my hand. It’s a tattoo shop in Austria, he did an incredible work of art. Ulrich also tattooed the base of my neck, whereas Jack Ribeiro started working on my right arm. And I have a new rose that was done by Paul Acker! Next tattoos? I have lots of ideas for the future...



Tattoo Life Production hit the net once again collecting all the editorial experience of the Tattoo Life magazine. focuses on technological innovation and the quality of photographic selection. Its release counts over 20,000 images of the best pieces from around the world. It is available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian and German.

The primary search modality is through key words (ex. black&grey, traditional, ladies, roses, Chicano, angels, tribal, feathers....). The key words, also called tags, are over one hundred and they are in alphabetical order. They will allow you to search among the different styles and subjects of modern tattoo. By combining more tags simultaneously you can limit your search even more. For example: if you are looking for a color tattoo, you can click on the tag “color”: you will see a selection of color tattoos only. The subject you want is a pin-up? Then add the tag pin-up and you will get a selection of all the color pin-up subjects…Are you looking for a particular style, for example traditional? Color + Pin up + Traditional is the combination that in 3 clicks will give you a wide selection of pin-up subjects in color traditional style.

For the more expert ones or for those who want to become an expert there is also a search method based on artists, studios or nations. The two types of search method can be used together: this allows you to search among the pieces of one specific studio or artist as well as in an entire state, with a specific overview of the subjects and styles you are looking for. After finding the tattoo you like best, the one to take inspiration from, just add it to your Favorites: this will let you have it at your fingertips along with the other subjects you’ve chosen and it will make it easier to consult every time you want. You just have to access your personal page of Favorites in a simple click! The last photos entered are highlighted in a specific section: the page New, which will show the last four artists updated in the gallery. This will help you keep up-to-date and monitor your downloads.


Do you want to show our readers your amazing web site? Contact us at We will check out your site and maybe advertise it in the next issue of Tattoo Life! 34

presented by

Those who don’t know the genius artist Grime, filled with explosive creativity and an irony that goes beyond ordinary level, after opening the elegant black book that holds the two biographies Iron Will and the updated re-edition of the sold out Two Years Autopsy, could be surprised and disoriented by the macabre impact caused by the pages of these books.

Iron Will, 384 pages, embossed hardback Two Years Autopsy, reprint 112 pages, softback Clouthbound slipcase embossed in foil


bloody hand – his – on a black background is the cover of the book Two Years Autopsy, while his self-portrait filled with light, that like a flash wants to illuminate his scars, is on the cover of this other book Iron Will. 400 pages of photos: a biography through images which Grime gave his life to, the years of his private 36

and professional life from 2002 to 2010, the last 8, made of tattoos, paintings, personal confessions, interviews and photos. A genius of tattoo, a master for his impulsive creativity made of flashes of color that owe their great power to movement and the overlapping of images, images that range from traditional to Japanese to the truest new school. Arranged one by one, the images of his

work are a quick roundup that seems to run like an electric pulse through dragons – which Grime represents with his face – jellyfish that spit blood from skin, and lines, outlines that make the human body something else and completely different. And all this is always marked by the intrinsic contraposition of this artist, somewhere between the most

BOOK BY MARGHERITA BALENI desperate iconographic chaos and a clearness of detail and outline that is almost obsessive. This is why the artist decided to make this new book, working on the details of the format, not to mention the care that Grime himself wanted to put in the printing of the book, which is top quality, and this makes his works absolutely real and perfectly clean. A perfect work of art used by Grime to show everybody the many sides that make up his incredible personality. A book that will leave you speechless. A book you will have to flip through more than once.



JosĂŠ Lopez, Lowrider Tattoo, Los Angeles, Usa (Best Of Day)

Joao Bosco, The Family Business, London, Uk

Neil Bass, Tattoo Fx, Birges Hill, Uk

Photos by Debora Marcati


Phil Kyle, Magnum Opus, Brighton, Uk Jay, Woody’s Tattoo, High Wycombe, Uk


Tony Ciavarro, Stinkley Monkey, Usa

What would the beginning of a new year dedicated to “ink” be without the popular and very crowded appointment with the Brighton Racecourse? This was the 4th edition of the famous UK convention that with its five halls and hundreds of artists from all over the world, once again proved to be the tattoo Mecca for all tastes, but with an eye for traditional. Let’s see what this edition was all about...

Joe Capobianco, Hope Gallery, New Haven, Usa

Louis Molloy, Middleton Studio, Uk

Ben English, Ben English Tattoo, Lewes, Uk

Phil Kyle, Magnum Opus, Brighton, Uk


he great Brighton 2011 event, in realty, starts with a bit of sadness. The famous “preshow/aperitif” on Friday night held at Magnum Opus Tattoo, in fact was dedicated to the memory of Shone Davis, a friend-tattooist who passed away on December 28, 2010. This year’s convention in fact was entirely dedicated to him. The event officially opened up on Saturday and after reaching the traditional Brighton Racecourse (a building located on a wonderful hill surrounded by a wonderful park) the feeling

is that of welcoming an old friend you hadn’t seen for the past 12 months... The cold weather outside the Racecourse is really stinging and as we took a look around, we realized we would have never wanted to be in the clothes (very few for that matter) of the brave and beautiful pin-ups that were posing right by amazing 50’s-style Cadillac lined up in the outside parking. Inside the temperature was just perfect and – along the five halls distributed on three floors – the visitors started to enjoy the over


Jorre, Glory Bound, Antruap, Belgium


Sean Wood, Woody’s Tattoo, High Wycombe, Uk

Dennis Pase, Acme Ink, Texas, Usa Sam Riketts, Jayne Doe, Essex, Uk

Amanda Ruby, Squidink Tattoo, Folkeston, Uk

Bez, Triple Six, Sunderard, Uk


Tommy Crazy, No Regrets, Cheltenham, Uk

And if we let aside tattoo, the main attractions were certainly the concerts: Peter and The Test Tube Babies (held Saturday night) or the wild Ramonas (who played on Sunday), a legendary all-female cover band, Ramones. The exhibits were also a big hit with the visitors: Nick Grant, Thomas Kynst, Jason June, Javier Wolf Betancourt, Sandi Calistro, Sergi Besa and Steve Vinall. But let’s talk about the awards. On Saturday the award for the best “Large Black and Grey” went to Bez of TripleSix and Michael Rose of Michael Rose Visual Art won for the best “Small Black and Grey”. The award “Large Colour” went ot Joe Capobianco 44

Leah Moule, Spear Studio, Brighton, Uk

150 booths (including Angelic Hell, Best of Times Tattoo, Bugs Art Work, the guys of Frith Street, London, the Infamous Studio, Jose Lopez of Lowrider, Dan Sinnes, Piotrek Tattoo, Brent McCowen, Jolie Rouge, etc.) and the incredible boxing ring where the various artists of the convention performed amazing art work.

Joao Bosco, The Family Business, London, Uk Jason, Into You, Brighton, Uk

of the Hope Gallery Tattoo and Phil Kyle of Magnum Opus won the best “Small Colour”. And the “Best of the Day” on Saturday went to Jose Lopez of Lowrider Tattoo.

the “Best of the Day”. And that’s all for the 2011 edition! See you next year in Brighton, hoping that the weather will be better...

On Sunday the following artists won the prestigious tattoo awards: Leah Moule of Spear Studio for “Large Black and Grey”, Leigh Oldcorn of Cosmic Tattoo for “Small Black and Grey”, Noi Siamese of 1969 Tattoo for “Large Colour”, Todd Noble of Black Cobra for “Small Colour” and, last but not least, Cesar Mesquita of Garden Tattoo won






A tattoo shop located in the district of Xinxing in Kaohsiung, (Taiwan). This Is the location of the East Tattoo studio of the "veteran" Yang and his team Ching, Hua and Chia who aim to spread the "Taiwan Style" to all four corners of the world. An incredible task that convinced us to introduce you to the four artists working on this amazing art project. And their Incredible studio...

The Studio



We have one big objective as East Tattoo studio (this is Yang speaking, author's note): we are trying to introduce the Taiwan tattoo style to everybody. We use lots of Chinese cultural theme and the skillful design… Mostly the fable story and the Chinese painting brush, therefore our work will frequently have some interesting stories inside… In addition the very intense composition can catch your eyes at first sight and when three or four year pass it still looks very good…100% typical!! We always try to keep challenging everybody! Finally we can say very loud 'This is Taiwan East Tattoo'. We also added many of Taiwan’s cultural and traditional characteristics to our works."


Yang - "I was born in 1968, East Tattoo was established in 1994. Before starting my tattoo career I was more than 20 years old. I started to look at tattoos when I was a kid…I saw a lot of Japanese traditional style tattoos on elder people, typical designs and so I started to think how the ink "drawing" could stay on the human body forever. And also how the design could be so perfect for the human body…almost as if it were "alive"...I'm very interested in it!!…Therefore the early Taiwan tattoo style was very deeply influenced by the Japanese traditional style. In Taiwan, when I first started I travelled overseas frequently to attend conventions, and brought back many related Western tattoo styles and the hygienic standards and the knowledge and sharing these ideas with good friends helped make Taiwan tattoo popular. In my childhood, my family worked in the family business, an accident caused me to lose my right hand, but this accident did not make me give up on my life. I only have a left hand… I spend a lot of time to find the way to overcome my difficulties,


The tattooits: Yang, Ching, Hua e Chia

when others said 'you can’t do that' .. I used my tattoo work to prove to myself .. 'I can do that! And it does not affect me!!'… The early traditional tattoo let me ponder on Taiwan's tattoo cultures, we did not belong to Taiwan's traditional tattoo in Taiwan, I wanted to make something called Taiwan's tattoo work, because I was Chinese, therefore I put a lot of Chinese and Taiwan cultural material in my work. I think the most

difficult part to me is making China Ink and working with the human body's shapes. Therefore, I turned toward this direction, I will make tattoos for a lifetime. Seven years ago, the other three people joined me in my shop: Hua, Ching, Chia. We are like a big family, we help each other, since they joined me I have changed a lot. We are very close and we work hard to introduce Taiwan’s tattoo to everybody" 51








Ching - "I was born in 1976 and I joined East Tattoo in August 2003 . From when I first started working in the tattoo field, seven years have gone by so far. My story started over 10 years ago when I was a soldier tart, I saw friends drawing tattoos and I started to become interested in this art. I bought a tattoo machine to start making tattoos on others. I did not understand anything at that time I didn't know how to tattoo... I tattooed myself and friends. This continued for 2 or 3 years until seven years ago, I entered the East Tattoo studio. Simply learning how to tattoo has been wonderful‌I still think tattooing is not a real job for me. It fills my life. I deeply love my work. I use tattoo to make friends with people all around the world. I am very honored to be a tattoo artist, I am very proud of working in East Tattoo. I expect to be tattooing in the future because I love tattoo, it is my life. The most important thing for me is how to do the tattoo design so it fits the human body. So I spend lots of time drawing, comparing two designs. The customer will then choose to make it in color or black and grey depending on what kind of tattoo they want. For example, if the design is small, I use color as far as possible. I don't use many colors. I also use colored designs to do my typical designs, if the big design is related to religion. I will make the design in black and white and then use some color, because this will enhance the tattoo even more." 53


Hua - "I started tattooing in 2000. I have been tattooing for 9 years. Seven years ago my cousin Yang asked me to join East tattoo. Therefore, I entered East tattoo studio seven years ago, before then for two years, I went to a friend's house and watched my friend tattoo. It was interesting, I asked my friend if he wanted me to tattoo him. This started my tattoo path. I worked in a factory and in my free time I helped my friend tattoo. After54

wards I entered the East tattoo studio and I started working here full time. At first I only liked doing the tattoo, I really didn't like the painting part. As time went by, I started to study the painting, the basics. I studied the sketch, and the Chinese culture. I gradually Improved my skills. I like doing color tattoos, especially using blue. I like to use colors from the same family, I don't like to have too many colors in a tattoo."

Chia - "I was born in 1983, 7 years ago Yang was looking for an apprentice, so I approached East Tattoo studio and asked to work there‌But since at that time I was also a student, and being an apprentice required lots of time in the studio, Yang told me it was not possible. At that time I asked Yang... 'How should I start then?' He replied... 'I thought you wanted to learn how to tattoo when you had free time after class. You can come

to get tattooed from me? Finally… My first tattoo, the first tattoo on my body was done on my foot… I like using some different designs in my work, mixing the different types of material, Western-style, etc. I hope I can learn many different tattoo styles, but still keep a 'tattoo-style' inside."

East Tattoo 82, Zihli 2nd rd. Xinxing district, Kaohsiung (Taiwan) Tel: + 886-7-287 36 66 Fax: + 886-7-28 58




to the shop after class'. Therefore, I started to go to the shop every day after class, and I started to draw. Before then I didn't understand anything about tattoos. After three years suffering through painting hell, finally one day Yang said… You can ask some friends to let you tattoo in the shop… At that time I was thinking… I never did a tattoo before, who would want


AG E NDA Frankfurt April 15/16/17, 2011 19th International Frankfurt Tattoo Convention (Germany).

Lake Havasu City April 15/16/17, 2011 4th Havasu Tattoo Show to be held in Arizona at the Aquatic Center (USA)


Sportcenter di Breda (Olanda).

Conthey May 21/22, 2011 Appointment with the 17th Alchemy Tattoo Convention to be held at the Salle Polyvalente in Conthey (Switzerland).


April 22/23/24, 2011 New Nepal International Tattoo Convention to be held in Kathmandu.

June 3/4/5, 2011 7th edition of the International Amsterdam Tattoo Convention organized by the Amsterdam Tat2 Crew.



April 29/30, May 1, 2011 13th Annual Oslo Tattoo Convention (Norway) to be held at the Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel.

Rome May 6/7/8, 2011 12th International Tattoo Expo to be held as usual at the Ergife Palace Hotel in Rome.

San Jose May 6/7/8, 2011 Tattoos in Costa Rica at the Torre Gevo of the San Jose Convention Centre.

New York May 13/14/15, 2011 New appointment with the legendary New York City Tattoo Convention.

Corpus Christi May 13/14/15, 2011 3rd Tattoos By The Bay to be held at the Corpus Christi Bayfront hotel (Texas).

Breda May 21/22, 2011 International Needle Art Convention che si terrà al Bress


June 16/17, 2011 New appointment with the State of the Art Tattoo, Body Art & Music festival to be held at the Assembly Rooms in Derby (UK).

Toronto June 17/18/19, 2011 Appointment with the 13th Northern Ink Xposure Tattoo Show (Toronto) to be held at the Toronto Hilton.

Alamo City June 24/25/26, 2011 7th Alamo City Tattoo Show to be held at the Live Oak Civic Center in Texas.

Miami June 24/25/26, 2011 Appointment with the Tattoo LaPalooza Show in Miami, (Florida), to vote for the first ‘World’s Best Tattoo’.

El Paso July 1/2/3, 2011 2nd Texas Tattoo Showdown Festival to be held in the County Coliseum in the beautiful El Paso.


Asbury Park July 29/30/31, 2011 Visionary Tattoo Arts Convention in New Jersey (USA) to be held at the Convention Hall.

Taiwan August 5/6/7, 2011 International Taiwan Tattoo Convention to be held in Taipei which will combine the tattoo event with a charity event for the Childhood Burn Foundation.

Tattoo Jam August 5/6/7, 2011 Appointment with the traditional Tattoo Jam to be held at the Doncaster Racecourse in the UK.

Poysdorf-Kolpinghaus August 12/13/14, 2011 4th Starfire Tattoo Weekend in Austria.

Boxborough August 12/13/14, 2011 Appointment with tattoo in Massachusetts at the Art Riot Expo to be held at the Holiday Inn Boxborough, 242 Adams Place.

Gleisdorf August 19/20/21, 2011 The Austrian Styrian Tattoo Motor Show is back and it will be held in Gleisdorf at the end of the summer.

Green Bay August 25/26/27/28, 2011 14th edition of the Rick's International Tattoo Convention to be held at the KI Convention Center/Hotel Sierra in Wisconsin. info: 920-499-7425


August 26/27/28, 2011 A new edition of the Hell City Tattoo Fest 2011 "Let The Sin Begin" in Arizona.


August 26/27/28, 2011 New Stockholm Inkbash at the Munchenbryggeriet in Stockholm (Sweden).


September 2/3/4, 2011 Want to go to Florida? Well then don’t miss the Jacksonville Tattoo Convention to be held at the Renaissance Resort/ World Golf Village.


September 2/3/4/5, 2011 10th convention to be held at the Back Bay Sheraton Hotel.


September 9/10/11, 2011 6th edition of the Assen Tattoo Convention (The Netherlands).


September 9/10/11, 2011 9th edition of the Art Tattoo Montreal to be held at 1160 de la Gauchetière W. Downtown Montreal in Canada.


September 23/24/25, 2011 New appointment with the international London Tattoo Convention, 7th edition, to be held at the Tobacco Dock in London.


September 30 /October 1 and 2, 2011 14th edition of the International Tattoo Expo to be held at the La Farga de Hospitalet in Barcelona.

Tattoo SPECIAL N.5

black &grey


• Skulls • Biomechanical • Fantasy • Chicano • Portraits • Oriental • Horror • Flowers • Lettering • Animals • Traditional



calgary tattoo

& arts festival

Joe Capobianco, New Heaven, USA

Tyson McAdoo

Jime Litwalk, Jime Litwalk Tattoo, Las Vegas, USA

Dan Smith

calgary, alberta, canada october, 14-16, 2010

This is a brief overview of the 7th edition of the Calgary Tattoo & Arts Festival, which was held at the Stampede Park in Calgary. The biggest tattoo show in Canada offered meetings with famous artists and several other events that didn’t give the visitors the chance to get bored for an entire weekend and they involved everybody in a truly international ink event.


any tattoo artists from around the world come every year to Canada for this amazing tattoo convention. It was a hit right from the first edition in 2004. For example, Paul Jeffries of Smiling Buddha in Calgary, Bob Tyrrell of Night 58

Gallery in Detroit, Larry Brogan of Tattoo City, Safwan of Imago in Montreal (who interrupted his trip to Europe to take part in the show), Cory Ferguson of Good Point in Ontario and Dave Green of Sacred Heart in Vancouver. The promoters of the event were Alberta Bound Productions as usual which, besides confirming the participation of both fine

Paul Jeffries


James Tex, Deadly Tattoos, Calgary, Canada

Damian McGrath

Joe Capobianco

Nick Chaboya, Tattoo City Skin Art, Lockport, USA

Casino Girls

John Roberts, Monster Truck Tattoo, Napier, New Zealand Bob Tyrrell


Kevin Pregitzer and Masuimi Max

Tattoo 8 Tee, Richmond Hill, USA

Scott Duncan, Sugar Shack Tattoo, Kincardine, USA

Jime Litewalk, Jime Litewalk tattooing, Las Vegas, USA


calgary tattoo

& arts festival

calgary, alberta, canada october, 14-16, 2010

Nick Chaboya, Seventh Son Tattoo, San Francisco, USA Jason Stewart, Jason Stewart Tattoos, Victoria, Australia

Paul Jeffries, The Original Smiling Buddha Tattoo, Calgary, Canada Daniel Kulagin, House of Pain, Sweden

Canadian and international artists, are also able to bring amazing guests and new artists to the show every year. Some of the new artists of the show were for example Joe Capobianco, Jime Litwalk, Tony Ciavarro and Dan Smith of L.A. Ink. There was also the team of, with a selection of their artists: including the Australian Jason Stewart, Chris Lowe from Maryland and Kurt Wiscombe from

Winnipeg. With over 150 people ticking away with their machines for three days the show owes a special thanks to Eikon Device, who sponsored the equipment for all guests. All artists were given enough instruments for the entire weekend, including a spare ink kit with four different types of ink: nobody had to bring ink from home! A great weight off the shoulder for many international artists. 61

Report and photos by David “dats” Racana


he Geneva tattoo convention is just like good wine: it gets better and better with time! And the January 2011 edition kept its promise: the finest artists moved to Geneva to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the event: the French Tin-Tin, Bébert et Bruno Kéa, the Belgians Jeff and Kostek of Boucherie Moderne, and the Polynesian artists Chimé and Colla. There were also some local artists such as the team Ethno Tattoo from Lausanne, and Sailor Bit won the prize for the Japanese Tattoo group. Also Nico (One love tattoo), 64

an artist from Geneva, took part in the event to present some absolutely amazing Japanese tattoos! As concerns entertainment, the group Hervé “Little” organized rock and rockabilly concerts and “free fight” performances that attracted lots of visitors for the entire weekend. For years now the organizers of the event have been working hard to improve it, collecting the best artists to guarantee top quality pieces. Kudos, keep up the good job! See you in 2010 for the 16th edition!



28th/29th/30th JANUARY 2011 Text by Marco Galdo ( Photos by Marco Galdo/ BRUCE GEILS

Third edition of the Cape Town Tattoo Convention, an event organized by Manuela Gray. The convention is small but intimate, mostly featuring local artists, but the number of international artists is on the rise year after year, attracted by the beauty of the country, the hospitality of the people and – why not? – also by the desire to take a nice vacation and relax a bit. Let’s see what happened...


he location of the Southern Ink Exposure 2011 is the former BMW site at the V&A Waterfront and, as in the past editions, no contests were held in Cape Town. Here each artist is considered the best in his/her style. During the entire convention, tattoo artists and guests were entertained


by flashy burlesque dancers and belly dancers. The entire week was filled with events, especially the days before the event. The fun started on Tuesday (25 January) with the show organized as usual by Manuela where every artist decorated polystyrene arms in their own personal style. The art work was then displayed for all to see.

Thursday (January 27) there was a party for all tattooists in a famous club in Cape Town, the 'Bombay Bicycle', organized to get to know all the artists and introduce those who were about to put up the third Southern Ink Exposure.

think that the Southern Ink Exposure in Cape Town will grow in time, hosting more and more international artists. For now enjoy the photos and…see you next year!

Yes, this is just the third edition but it was organized perfectly, down to every small detail and situation. I will certainly be here next year too and I 67




power 69

Anyone who met Andreas ‘Curly’ Moore back in the early 90's was blown away!!! The man looked like a savage cannibal from beyond and his work was a revelation (and still is) of uncompromised brutality and sheer precision. I am one of those many influenced by him and after all these years of friendship and endless ink at last the man reveals himself.


i Curly, how many years have you been tattooing? Well it’s hard to remember exactly but my son is 17 now, and I pretty much finished my arm before he came out so… 18 years I’d call it.

What attracted you to tribal tattoos? The stark brutality and years ago no one really had them and they seemed socially unacceptable not just in the general word but also in the tattoo world, they just completely didn’t fit anywhere and in the days before computers you had to research it yourself to find this sort of art and it was a hidden sort of secret thing from a different world and it was as far removed from our culture, but it was the brutality mostly that attracted me to it. They can be made to fit the body so well. Did working with Alex Binnie at Into You help you develop technically as well as stylewise? I was tattooing before but I was basically crap and I didn’t really know what I was doing and he helped me massively and I learned lots from 70

being there, I was there for 6 years and I definitely learned a hell of a lot and developed. Well I learned how to tattoo. I’m sure you influenced him too I hope I did, I mean everyone, if they are any good, influences everyone else, don’t they? I mean I don’t look at tattoo magazines anymore and I haven’t got a computer so I’m nicely out of touch with everything and that’s the way I want to stay, if I get influenced by anything now I don’t want it to be by other tattooists, I want it to be by other things. So where do you get inspiration from? Well it’s all around you, isn’t it? I don’t know, everywhere and nowhere you know, but not magazines and not the computer! And not from tattoo conventions… And not from Eastenders. Or Miami Ink No definitely not that, severe muck, I absolutely detest all that stuff. So what do you think about these TV shows? Did you watch any?

I have seen them, yeah, I haven’t got sky TV thankfully but I have a couple on DVD. It’s interesting but unfortunately it makes it all too accessible, I prefer it if when you want to watch tattooing, you had to get tattooed, but now you can press a button and you can have it on your lovely little screen in your living room whoever you are, even if you are an undeserving person. You would have thought that it would have helped tattooing to improve and in a way it has because people should be expecting quality work now that they can see that it can be done, but unfortunately it seems to have massively inspired idiots to start tattooing, where they can be just like those “heroes” on bloody London Ink. Correct. Do you think that by tattooing these specific tribal designs, you give something back to these cultures which have influenced you in the first place? I’m sure that in the west we all started doing black patterns and that would have probably inspired some tribal cultures to re-look at their own art, and perhaps be 71

more inspired to pursue their own culture styles rather than kind of trying to do what we do which is nicking stuff from other cultures, but who knows, I mean the whole thing has exploded in one way or another and it got us all doing big work. Do you believe that tattoos have magical powers or is this something which has been invented by tattooists to feed their own ego? It’s an extremely complicated question that’s hard to know. You could probably spend an hour talking about that but I think a design is unlikely to have magical power, in my boring mind but on the other hand if it’s put on a person who feels it has a magical power it will be magic to them but magic is like saying, is there a God? You know some people would say that magic doesn’t even exist, but I think in a way they do have magical powers because they enhance and they affect your mind, that in itself is magical, isn’t it? But I don’t want to be a cosmic hippie about it. What do you think of the commercialization of tattooing? I do think it’s a shame, I like tattooing to be something that is hidden and that is secret like it used to be and something that is socially questionable at least if not completely unacceptable and I wish basically no one really did it, except for the few people that are chronically into it like us basically they should cut everyone’s hands off.

with them you can relate to humanity and absolutely everyone in the end has got some redeeming features about their character I end up thinking, you know. I want to be nice to everyone even though in general I feel that I hate people, but I think I don’t really, everyone’s got something nice about them, haven’t they?

What type of client pisses you off? The weird thing with customers, even the ones who come in and you think you don’t initially like them, within a bit of time spent

Who is your favourite tattoo artist? That’s a hard one, isn’t it, I don’t really know I’m absolutely out of touch but I like the people who I like you lot and I like me.


What’s your favourite band? Oh man that’s an endless question isn’t it. I mean I still like Black Sabbath. I’ve liked the same music that I’ve liked as a teenager: Black Sabbath, Captain Beefheart, same old rubbish as I always have, early 70’s music. Most of your tattoos are done by yourself, why? Well, there’s a number of reasons, it started because I want to do work and I was there so I started doing it. I wanted work on me and I started to really enjoy it, I don’t enjoy

the pain but it’s really satisfying and then the more I did the more I wanted, and then the work I’ve got on me relates to me I feel, personalized patterns that if I do it myself, it’s going to fit me and I feel like I want me to be made by me not by someone else. Which are your favourite lining needles and your favourite shading needles? Most of what I do I do with a 10 round shader for lining, I don’t use liners in general. Occasionally if I have to do something horrible and tiny, I might use a tight 5 but normally I use a loose 10 and I fill in with a 9 magnum. Do you like biker culture? No it’s embarrassing, motorcyclists often are a shameful breed, like people in general, but on the other hand I do like certain

motorcycles, I do have a very narrow mind when it comes to bikes, I like old stuff and I don’t really like custom looking things, I don’t want the bike to look like it’s been messed with, I want it to look like it’s come from another world, but not a glitz machine that came from a word of money and chrome, I want it to look like it came from a world of rust and hate Is there something that you wouldn’t tattoo? Yeah, I don’t do chav’s necks. They come in, they want that sort of thing but I won’t do it unless they are heavily tattooed. There’s a lot of young people now doing anything on anyone and that’s up to them I don’t care but I won’t do it. I think you have to earn the right to deserve it, to have your

neck, hands and face done, I don’t want to be contributing to a world where everyone’s got their hands and necks done, like bloody Cheryl Cole, they can get stuffed, they can just walk up the road and it get it done by someone else, that’s fine but I don’t want to be the one who did it. What sort of reactions do you get from people being so heavily tattooed? I don’t think people really care, they’re interested in their own stuff but I guess you don’t notice it so much when you’ve been living tattooed for years.



Ladies, Ladies! Paintings

A Group Art show

By Elvia Iannaccone Gezlev - Photo Courtesy of the artists This year 2011 is a lucky year for female tattoo. A year of changes that sees the most famous women tattooists working on group shows. From Milan to New York this is the art thread that keeps them together told by curator Elvia Iannaccone Gezlev.



n all female art show, made up by female tattooists only, was inaugurated on 10 December, 2010 at the Tattoo Culture in Brooklyn (New York). A unique event in NYC, where nothing similar had ever taken place! Curated by me myself and Emma Griffiths, of Porcupine Tattoo in NYC, 56 artists took part in the tattoo event this show, chosen to represent various styles and different art trends. An opportunity to show all the respect women tattooists deserve, after conquering in these past 30 years a profession and a tradition that were mostly considered a male domain. We had the honor to have as special guests Vyvyn Lazonga, Pat Sinatra and Juli Moon (who came to the inauguration), who have been a reference for American female tattooing. The artists who took part in the exhibit went from old school, with over 30 years experience in the sector, to consolidated professional artists such as Michelle Myles, Katja Ramirez, Stephanie Tamez, Emma Griffiths herself, Jamie Ruth, Lea Vendetta or Virginia Elwood (just to mention a few), passing by super brilliant talents such as Arianna Settembrino, or Danielle Distefano, Michelle Tarantelli, Marie


T 76


Ladies, Ladies! A Group Art show

Sena or Annie Lloyd, to tattooists with less than 5 years experience but with an incredible talent, such as Marina Inoue, Guen Douglas, Tracy Nicole, Malia Sioux and Laura Exley, up to lively apprentices with a strong artistic personality such as Elloise Grace, Sara Antoinette Martin, or Nagao Wakana! Super guest artist, Titine Leu, who as you all know is a “retired� artist, considering that now she has completely dedicated her time to painting, with a fairly good success. The artists representing Italy were Arianna Settembrino, Lara Scotton, Morg Armeni, Paola Robiolo Bose and Manekistefy.

We wanted to give an international feel to the event, besides its historical importance, by inviting not only artists from NYC, but also from Japan, Australia, Italy, USA, Holland and the UK! Such a great international group of female tattooists, all together under the same roof (metaphorically speaking!) was a first for NYC! And it was something we really wanted! The inauguration was a great success, but especially the affection and energy that accompanied us for the two months before the show really made the difference! Thanks! We hope to be able to repeat the event next year, with new incredible artists!




An art book with over 60 sheets representing the most beautiful expressions of the traditional style. Traditional is the red line, the password used by the artists to give shape to their creativity. Hearts, daggers, pin-ups and religious symbols have taken shape and color and formed this long artistic tradition on skin now collected in one big book.


270 + Shipping




130 + Shipping

An extraordinary collection of flash by one of the masters of American tattoo: Phil Sims, the godfather of tattoo. A very intense visual and symbolic journey. A journey from the 70’s to date through a unique and amazingly modern collection of flash.


This great book on tattoo art will take you on a journey through 150 illustrated sheets in the explosive vitality of the Chicano-style, made by the master of this style: Boog. Over 1000 original black and white and color drawings. A collection of amazingly intense sheets you just can’t miss.

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FLASH THE ART OF THE HORIHIDE MARK II After the success of FLASH THE ART OF THE MARK vol. I – published in 2002 (sold out) and which is now considered a collector’s item, here is a new collection with over 200 sheets of the finest tattoo artist. A book for your collection. Special packaging, elegant box and gold finishing.


260 + Shipping

A great book with the works of one of the traditional masters of Japanese tattoo. 120 sheets with an incredible expressive power, result of the searches Horihide carried out himself over the years. Works with such a formal elegance to be almost perfect and that make Horihide one of the leaders of tattoo art, a master able to combine tradition and modernity in a composition of rare beauty. A book for your collection Special packaging, elegant box


ONLY 1000 NUMBERED copies



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ON THE ART OF TATTOOING 1000 Oriental Tattoo Designs volume 2 The perfect tool for every tattoo artist who wants a reference with this important tradition. Over 1000 original black and white designs. Over 100 sheets bound in an elegant hard cover book.


130 + Shipping

skulls The shocking and ironic touch of the great tattoo genius Filip Leu is back to surprise us. Only2000 numbered copies signed by the author. An incredible book, elegantly bound, with a silk-screened cover, closed in a precious cloth box.


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Lowrider Tattoo flash


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The beating heart of Chicano California in the truest black and grey fine line style marked Lowrider Tattoo. From the heart of Lowrider Tattoo in almost 100 sheets, the traditional iconography of Chicano culture made by Jose Lopez, Tattoo Tony and Adrian ‘Spider’ Castrejon. From the streets to the prisons, ladies projected into the most “cholo” male universe become warrior “ladies”, undisputed protagonists of these works, with rifles, cartridges, jokers, crosses and symbols of the pre-Hispanic populations. A perfect team that screams out a powerful culture and represents one of the most beloved tattoo styles of all times.

Mediafriends - Tel. +39 02 8322431 Fax +39 02 89424686


PAULO SULUAPE: the great tattooist


Tattoo in Samoa has existed probably from the time of Samoan culture. There are no written documents on this but a local legend believes that the art of tattooing was brought to them by the natives of the Fiji islands. In the past Samoan tattoo was exclusively female and it was done on taupou, the virgin girls who prepared the sacred ava for the Kava ceremony. Female tattoo called malu covered the thighs down to the knees, the drawing was more decorative compared to the male pe’a marked by sharp tips. The original malu drawing covered also the backs of the hand, but today it is not common to see tattooed hands. Afterwards, tattooing was practiced also on tribe chiefs and their servants (only men with a pe’a were considered worthy of serving a chief and could sit down to talk to them). To be sure the tattoo tradition would be kept alive, the chiefs decided to spread the right to get tattooed to other men as well.



t the beginning of the 1800’s Tom Williams deeply modified the Samoan culture converting the population to Christianity. Williams and other missionaries tried to convince the Samoans that tattoos were not accepted by God and the local religious authorities prohibited tattooing. Tattoo was however deeply rooted in the Samoan traditions and they continued to practice it illegally. The prohibition remained in force until the beginning of the 1900’s and the practice of tattooing was fully reintroduced in Samoa where it has been experiencing a great revival ever since. Christian religion is still widespread in Samoa but today it lives alongside tattooing. Suluape’s father was one of the

tofugas (master tattooists) who brought back the tradition of tattooing and handed down the secrets to Suluape and his brothers at the beginning of the 60’s. In the 80’s tattooing had become a profession, and Suluape was one of the 16 tattooists of Samoa able to tattoo the traditional pe’a and malu and he would say that with his work he earned as much as the administrator of the male school. Paulo Suluape who was invited to Tattoo Conventions all over the world was considered the tattooist who best kept the Samoan

tradition. He was also a Christian believer but he believed that the religious authorities who still opposed tattooing should become more tolerant. He used to say: “Christianity was accepted in Samoa due to the culture, in the same way its culture should be accepted by Christians.” Many Samoans agreed with him and starting from the 80’s tattooing has been as popular as ever not only among the Samoan people who live in Samoa, but also for the emigrants (in the 80’s there were 600.000 Samoans living abroad against the 170.000 who 81

lived in Samoa). Many return to Samoa to get their pe’a, others pay the trip to the tattooist so he can go to them and tattoo them. In 1993 Suluape went to California sponsored by a group of Samoan families who had moved there and still had strong ties with their culture and whose children wanted to get a traditional tattoo designed by him.

Normally a pe’a is done in a series of sessions that go from 10 to 20 of about 2 hours each not to damage the skin too much. Before starting a tattoo Suluape would say to his customers: “Getting tattooed is the most painful thing that has ever happened to you. The only thing that can help you cope with the pain is knowing that the pain will not kill you”. There are many superstitions and legends still linked to Samoan tattoos,


for example, it is extremely important for them to receive their parent’s approval; many believe that tattoo has the power to prevent arthritis and cure it; a man or woman should not get tattooed, if the partner, soa, does not get tattooed in the same session. The soa can be a man or woman and during a tattoo session no more than ten couples of soa can be tattooed. Every soa gets tattooed with the tufuga and if one’s soa feels sick during the operation he must wait until another soa takes his place, if it happens under the needles when the tattoo of the person who felt sick is almost done, the unfortunate undergoes an extremely traumatic and quick session so the couple’s tattoos (soa) are finished at the same time. Suluape had some very strict rules that those who got tattooed had to observe. No sexual intercourse, do


not sit in the sun not to ruin the tattoo and never lift heavy objects until the tattoo had completely healed. If his rules were not followed down to the last one he would say: “The evil spirits will come and get you even in America”. According to a Samoan legend those who get tattooed without their parent’s permission suffer such an incredible pain that they cannot finish the tattoo. Those who do not finish their tattoos are dishonored and called a pe’a motu and the dishonor marks his descendants for entire generations.

Samoan tattoo designs indicated the position of each individual in the social hierarchy: today there are “talking chiefs” and “high chiefs” in every village: both men and women can be chiefs and almost all are tattooed, but whoever, a chief or not, who is brave enough to bear the pain can get tattooed and thus obtain the respect of the tribe. Pe’a and malu in fact are always made to gain prestige

and respect in one’s community. Suluape used primitive instruments he made himself. The aus instruments are made out of wild boar tusks sharpened and fixed with a rope to a wooden stick, the artist shapes the tusks as a comb with a series of teeth. In the past it was believed that the instruments used by tattooists were made out of human bones (those of warriors who died in battles), more specifically a bone taken from the hip. According to Suluape human bones are not good for tattooing because they are too soft. The instruments

with the larger combs au sogi are used to fill the larger spots with black, the smaller ones au tapalu for thin lines and detailed drawings, the hammers used to pat the needles into the skin were called iapalapa. During the tattooing session, the artist puts the arm on the customer’s body using his elbow as fulcrum. The tips of the needles are dipped in the lama, a pigment that today is obtained from kerosene lampblack mixed with a blue 83

powder used to whiten clothes diluted in water. According to Suluape this mixture is great for designing tattoos with a particularly deep black color. In the past Samoan tattoos were made using a pigment obtained by the carbon of a local plant, kukui (Aleurites moluccana), mixed with coconut oil fagu’u. Suluape was very sorry that the original pigment was impossible to reproduce because the plant it was obtained from was extinct. The new pigment was invented by his father from whom Suluape had learned the entire procedure. Unfortunately Paulo Suluape was killed in 1999 according to a Samoan tradition because he was accused of having broken the severe tribal rules. A local newspaper wrote the following:

27/11/99 One person arrested for the murder of the tattooist. A woman will appear before the judge for the murder of a famous Maori tattooist. Paulo Suluape, 49 years old, was found dead on Thursday morning in his studio, not far from his house in Velvet Crescent, Otara, NZ. He was a 84

master of the traditional Pe'a Maori tattoo, and he too was fully covered with traditional Maori tattoos. A crowd of people visited his site. Last night Inspector Dennis Wood of Otahuhu stated that as concerns the case, a woman was arrested. “She will appear before the Local Court of Otahuhu to respond to the accusation of voluntary murder", he added. The autopsy revealed that Paulo Suluape probably died around midnight on Wednesday; he was last seen at 6 pm of that afternoon. James Papali, local city councilor of Manukau, said the artist was famous the world over for his tattoos and that his death is a great loss for the Samoan community. As many others Papali has traditional Pe’a tattoos on his stomach, buttocks and legs designed by the artist. The drawings are unique for each individual, in fact, every tattoo through the motifs and

images illustrate the family, origins and village the wearer comes from. "He is the best" says Mr. Papali. "His family has tattooed for generations. There is no doubt, and everybody in New Zealand and the world know there is nobody better than him." The words of Paolo Suluape collected by the author during one of Suluape’s trips to Milan.



e got the idea for this set of flash because we were trying to learn something one from the other and we wanted to do it in a fun way! Naomi and I have been friends for years and we started tattooing just a while ago, and obviously trying to understand the difficulty of it, working in two different studios (Frith Street I and New Skool Naomi) we didn’t have the possibility to “work together” and follow our work if not by looking at a few photos on internet...

We lacked those criticisms and suggestions that especially at the beginning are very precious. We decided to paint some sheets together to exchange information and we decided that every subject had to be done by both. So we chose the subjects ranging from classical to whatever our customers asked for in the studio and we represented them in our own personal way and then we combined them together. The nights spent laughing, joking around, painting certainly helped us both, we realized that after finishing our set of flash, our drawing style changed and we both benefited from the

experience as did our work in the studio, even though we have two different styles. The flash can be found at Gentlemens ( At the beginning we would have never thought that it could be interesting, we did it just for ourselves and we printed about 50 copies that were sold out immediately. We received an offer from Gentlemens and now the flash is still available at conventions and online. It was a positive experience and a great step forward for Naomi and I. Info: truestefano 87



Filip Leu, The Leu Family Family's Iron, Ste-croix, Switzerland

tattoo collection


Andy Canino, White Lotus Tattoo, Highlands Ranch, USA

Jondix, LTW Tattoo, Barcelona, Spain 92

Alex, Dirty Roses, Thessaloniki, Greece

Ben Corn, Simms Ink, Hayward, USA

Bob Tyrrell, Night Gallery, Detroit, USA

tattoo collection

Boris, Boris Tattoo, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary

Andy Engel, Andy's Tattoo, Kitzingen, Germany

Steve Boltz, Smith Street Tattoo, Brooklyn, USA 93

Brent Patten, Forever Tattoo, Sacramento, USA

Vond, Third Eye Tattoo, Fitzyoy,USA 94

Woody, Woody's Tattoo Studio, High Wycombe, UK

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