Tattoonn Magazine nº3

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TATTOONN MAGAZINE We present you the number3 of *Tattoonn *Magazine  with interviews to David Torres, Luis  *Lejarriaga, report to Anita *Linferno,  the new fashion *Tattoonn, gallery of *old  *school and a lot of more notable information  of the world of the *tatuaje. Each month will approach you to more *tatuadores  and studies. Besides in our  portal will be able to see: prices  of *tatuajes, all the studies, *tatuadores,  galleries, clothes and our simulator  so that you test you the *tatuajes.

Direction: *Yaiza *Gonzales  Graphic Design: Alex Guerrero  Photographs: *ZekiGraphic  Layout: Jesús Martín and Alex Guerrero  Advertising:  Cover: *AnitaLinferno Some images have been taken of Google.


INDEX Tatuadores Articles

Anita Linferno Tattoos Old School

4 16 40

Actors Tatuados



Fashion tattoon


Musicals trend






What thought your family and fellow  when you began to  devote you to the business of the  *tatuaje?  *Ufff My mother almost kills me but  now loves him. What is the most exciting  of your work?

Of where you are?

See that the people goes happy and  give you the graces. Which artists have you *influenciado?

The truth any, think that have I was born on 31 December 1978  in to  create your own style. Palma de Mallorca but my  parents How you would define your style  of *tatuar? And to the are of Andalucia. hour  to work? To which age began to  feel passion by the *tatuajes?   My style is fine and elegant. To  the hour to work am a *tatuador  very To the 18 years began my fast and effective. passion  by the *tatuajes. That consider like  a perHow you began to *tatuar? sonal shot or sign  in your As of rebound by that saw like a works? fellow *tatuaba and call me the  The cleaning when finishing the *tatuaje  that seems that it is cured. attention. 4

Remember the first *tatuaje  that did? To who?  If a Chinese letter but do not agree me  to the one who. (Laughs)  there is some design by  which feel predilection?

To who would like you *tatuar?

Definitely the command them that besides  are the designs that more request me. You die you by *tatuar  something?

The truth that no but if it would retouch them  to me. To who never would do him  a *tatuaje?

Definitely to my brother Eduardo Thin. You *arrepientes of some  *tatuaje that have done you?

Definitely to people that has critici  Have win of *tatuar characters  of sed me  and now speak well of my. *Marvel.


What mean the *tatuajes  for you?  Definitely it is my blood is my form  to live. Of where you are? I was born on 31 December 1978  in Palma de Mallorca but my  parents are of Andalucia. To which age began to  feel passion by the *tatuajes? To the 18 years began my passion  by the *tatuajes. How you began to *tatuar?

They have asked You some time  a *tatuaje that have denied you  to do?

As of rebound by that saw like a fellow *tatuaba and call me the attention. What thought your family and fellow  when you began to  devote you to the business of the  *tatuaje?

*Ufff My mother almost kills me but  now loves him.  The truth, many by fault of  the What is the most exciattitude of the person. ting  of your work? What process follow   See that the people goes happy from  the moment that soand  give you the graces. mebody  decides to put in Which artists have you *inyour hands? fluenciado?   Try advise them in everything and  The truth any, think that have that  remain calm. to  create your own style. Have some preference  reHow you would define your garding materials? The style  of *tatuar? And to the truth no  Think that all the hour  to work? *tatuadores  owe to carry *tatuajes?   My style is fine and elegant. To  the hour to work am a *tatuador  very  It does not have why, they are fast and effective. tastes. 6


That consider like  a personal shot or sign  in your works?

You die you by *tatuar  something?

Have win of *tatuar characters  of *Marvel.  The cleaning when finishing the To who would like you *ta*tatuaje  that seems that it is cured. tuar? Remember the first *tatua-  Definitely to my brother Eduardo Thin. je  that did? To who? You *arrepientes of If a Chinese letter but do not agree some  *tatuaje that have done you? me  to the one who. (Laughs)   The truth that no but if it would There is some design retouch them  to me. by  which feel predilection? To who never would do him  a *tatuaje?   Definitely the command them that besides  are the designs that more   Definitely to people that has criticised me and now speak well of request me. my.



LUIS LEJARRIAGA What thought your family and fellow  when you began to  devote you to the business of the  *tatuaje?  Although this that do did not go a lot with them accepted it and helped  me... And my delighted colleagues,  ink in great quantity!!!  What is the most exciting  of your work?   The can do something that goes When were born? out of you and  that the people go   I was born on 1 November 1987 happy with  a yours work, that will carry all  the life in his skin. in  Port *Sagunto. To which age began to  feel Which artists have you *influenciado? passion by the *tatuajes?   I fix me in all the artists, alre It would not know to say the ady was realism, Japanese or exact age, but always called me traditional. I think that it is well the  attention. The first *tattoo that take all the possible councils saw  would have some 8 years. and apply them to your way of How you began to *tatuar? *tatuar.  Always they liked me the You die you by *tatuar so*tattoos,  began to *tatuarme with mething  and do not find to colleagues and a day decided to who? buy a machine  and test... 10


How you would define your style  of *tatuar?

What consider like  a personal shot in your works?

An abstract realism. They like me  the *tattoos simple, that distinguishes  what is so much of far as closely. How you would define you to  the hour to work?

I do not centre me so much in the process  of the *tatuaje in yes, depend a lot  of the inspiration. You remember the first *tatuaje  that did?

Yes clear. They were two diamonds to a good fellow of all the life,   Patient and with a lot of instinct that had the value to put in my hands. Thank you *Fran!!  of  *superación.


To who would like you *tatuar?

You think that all the *tatuadores  owe to carry  *tatuajes?

To any one that like him my work.  No. I think that each one has to You *arrepientes of go as more comfortable seats . some  *tatuaje that have This  yes, is rare (laughs). done? What mean the *tatuajes  for you?  No me *arrepiento because in   It is a way to live. As  the one who his moment tried to do it the lives for the sport  or any another best possible. But now it would discipline. focus it  of another way sure. When you do what likes you  transTo who never would do forms in a form of   life. Which was the first *tatuahim  a *tatuaje? je  that did you?  To the one who was not sure of  They were some letters in the *tatuarse. They have asked you some back, a lot before beginning to *tatuar, will do more than twelve time  a *tatuaje that have safe years. denied you  to do?   Yes, several times. What process follow from  the moment that somebody  decides to put in your hands?   I try to know well to the person  that goes to *tatuar and attempt adapt  to the maximum the *tattoo to this person. Have some preference  regarding materials?   It likes me test all, but seat  me very comfortable with the rotary  machines. 12


The *tatuajes that have  who did them to you?   I carry a pile the majority are  of colleagues. Other a lot of were  in conventions. Which are your plans  of future?   I expect *tatuar a lot of time. You see you *tatuando inside  10years? And with 60?

(Laughs)  there is some Of course. And with 60 it thing that does not like depends  more than the pulse that you  of the world of the *tatuaje? of me create I...  The typical *tatuajes done by fashion. To that *tatuador admire?   It likes me a lot like *tatúan *DimitrySamohin and *Nikko Stolen, and inside the national panorama likes me a lot the style of Charles *Huurman and Fernando *Bisceglia. Have some anecdote  that want to share?  It would not know *cual explain you... Any one  that was in a study knows  to what refer me. Which type of *tatuajes are  those that more request you?   They ask me of everything, but always  try to focus it to my style  of *tatuar, is as more comfortable seat  me. 14


And to you, which type of *tatuaje  is the one who more likes you realise?

What think that is the  most important that  has to know a *aprendiz  before putting to *tatuar?

It likes me a lot the realism. But  already I say you, I do not say that no to at all.   Know that have in your hands the  health What think on giving clasof the people, this is the  most important ses  of *tatuar? always. Which councils him give  It seems me perfect, all the world *ías  to those that want has right to learn,  and what easier was to  devote to the world  of the  way think that better. the *tatuaje? To which conventions have assisted?   Patience and proof.   I have gone to almost all the national  and no by fault of win to go  to the foreigner.


Which is the one who never lose  you?

If any of the readers  wants to put in your hands  how can contact  with you?

The one of Valencia, of course!!  What think of the television programs on   You can find us in our  page of *tatuajes? *facebook: **inktimetat  It seems me perfect toovlc that the people  have the opportunity to know  what do, or to know us  well, far of what they can  think  How is your life when  no *tatúas?   Calm, devote my free whiles  to draw and paint, with good background music,  and as no, *desconectar  from time to time with the colleagues. Where have your study?  You will find us in the street Musician *Gines 29 in Valencia (Spain)


FALSE MYTH ON THE TATUAJE The world of the *tatuajes is surrounded of an aura of mystery (and many times  of mysticism) from the antiquity. In our days, the abundance  of available information in all the means has achieved  that it was simpler to access to a lot of more literature about his  origins, his history and his meaning; although simultaneously our  society of the information, is the broth of ideal crop for the propagation  of all type of rumours, urban legends and myths without any  scientific base. To continuation *recopilamos some of the false myths more popular  related with the *tatuaje that can find circulating usually  by Internet.


1. The needle of *tatuar is an  only needle  The belief that the machine of *tatuar employs an alone needle  to realise the *tatuajes is totally false  . Sure enough, it can  employ an only needle to realise some parts of a *tatuaje, outline lines, work details very small, etc. But in reality the number of needles that employs  varies. For some tasks employ  groups of needles (usually a number *impar, 3, 5, 7 and  until 15) soldered. These groups of needles allow to the artists  fill up wide zones with greater  rapidity, realise shaded with  a greater control, or simply draw strokes thicker. Paradoxically, the number of needles is not related with  which *tatuaje was more painful; that is to say  a shaded realised with  seven needles, is not seven more painful times  that if it had been done  an only needle (will speak of the  pain more advance).

2. The *tatuajes *sangran a lot  In the majority of cases, when  the *tatuador begins drawing or  outlining the *tatuaje on the skin  almost neither produces blood. When  they shade or *colorean zones wider is used to *sangrar very little, and besides the *tatuaje leaves  of *sangrar in case only in 5 or 10 minutes. When the person abandons the study carrying his *tatuaje *vendado the normal  is that the skin already have left of *sangrar entirely. In definite, a *tatuaje realised properly does not involve any loss of significant blood. 19

3. Some inks lose intensity  over time  Is truth that some colours like the red and the blue lose a bit  of intensity once has cured  the *tatuaje, but once settled the colours will keep   uniform. In the last years the technical innovations developed in the inks for *tatuajes have taken advantage of the incorporation of   some new pigments much more resistant  to the elements (the sun, the step of the time, etc.), what does that the *tatuajes current keep much better the shine  of his colours with the step of the  years. 4. The *tatuajes go back   bluish with the step of the time  When it speaks of *tatuajes, a lot of   people has in mind the image  of the ancient *tatuajes of greenish bluish / colour of the decade of   the 50*s and 60*s, or the typical *tatuajes ? *talegueros? (*carcelarios) And of the military service. Nowadays this effect is non-existent thanks to the best quality of the inks employed and to machines of *tatuar much more advanced  and precise. 20

5. The white ink (or of clear colours) hur ts much more  East is another commonly widespread error . Logically the pain  does not depend in any form of the colour of the ink employed in the *tatuaje. The origin of this false belief is in the own technician of the *tatuaje. Usually the  clear colours are employed in the final phases of the *tatuaje (to realise shines or enhance of some  zones) when the *tatuaje is almost finalised , by what the *tatuador needs to work again on zones previously *tatuadas, that  are used to to be more *sensitivas after  previous sessions. This fact gives the erroneous perception to a lot of  people that the inks of clear colour hurt more than when they realised  them the corresponding part to the dark colours.

6. The pain of the *tatuaje is *insoportable  Is truth that the *tatuajes hurt;  of this there is not doubt. But the level of pain or of annoyance depends on  a lot of factors, and in general  all the world has the general  feeling that ? It hurts enough less than what expected? The factor *determinante for the pain  of a *tatuaje is especially the zone  of the body in which it realises : what more *terminaciones nervous  have the zone of the body, more painful  will be the *tatuaje, being the most sensitive zones, the palm of  the hands, the face, the interior of the  *muslos and the arms, and the one who less the back. Also it is important  it *mullida that it was the zone. The  machine of *tatuar does to hit  the needles against the skin, if the skin  that is *tatuando is in zones  under which there is bone or little meat that cushion the impacts, the *tatuaje will be more painful. This  is the case of the ankles, the dolls, the

knuckles, etc. The *tatuadores always try  that his customers suffer the less possible  and for this employ several  technicians, and in extreme cases  are used to to have of an anaesthetic cream for people especially sensitive  that can not bear the process.

7. T he *tatuadores are earthy  and *maleducados   As in any another profession  there are so many personalities like  different people, so do  generalities (as almost always) is an error. The *tatuadores also are people, and obviously can  have a ? Badly day? As any another person. Have personal lives to part of his work, problems and worries that can influence them as to any another hard-working. A *tatuador  does not have reason be a *macarra or a *maleducado. 21

8. *Tatuar Is easy At present  A *tatuador is a professional that employs technicians that need of   several years of practice and work, and many times study or investigation (of technicians of other places, different styles, etc.). *Tatuar Involves numerous elements in addition to knowing draw well:  knowledge of the different  types of skins and pigments, calculate  the time that will carry a work,  relative rules to the hygiene and the sterilisation of the team, handle  of devices like the autoclave, and  also deal with the people: learn to listen to his customers to realise the work that better adapt  to his ideas is fundamental.


9. The *tatuajes are very expensive  Like everything, this affirmation depends on  a lot of factors, especially of the complexity of the work that want to. A small and simple  work is totally affordable. Besides if we think on a long-term basis,  the *tatuaje is a permanent addition  to your body. You will pay it an alone time and will accompany you all the life; it does not have interests, neither will have to  fund it during years; no they can it  to you steal neither can lose it. The price of a good *tatuaje, as  it occurs with a work of art (more  if it fits custom-made)   is not a factor to the that had to give too much importance.

10. The *tatuajes are for ever  In the last 15 years the technicians of elimination of *tatuajes have achieved incredible improvements. It does years delete a *tatuaje  involved thousands of euros in medical expenses, but with the step of the  years and the apparition of new methods,  like the laser, the prices have reduced and no longer is a task of years; although we have to remember whenever delete *tatuajes is a lot of more expensive that  do them, and the results are not always totally satisfactory (in occasions remain shadows or  rests), by what follows being good idea think it seriously  before giving the step.


TATUAJES IN ÖTZI “ICE MAN” The body of the mummy of 5.300 years presents 61 willing marks  in lines and crosses, whose end  still is not clear. The famous and *excelentemente very conserved mummy of *Ötzi,  the «man of ice» of the *Tirol, a hunter that died *desangrado  does some 5.300 years in  what it can be a prehistoric crime,  had the skin covered of *tatuajes,  61 in total.


Researchers of the Institute *EURAC in *Bolzano (Italy) have been able to show each one of them with  a technician no *invasiva, and during the process have tripped with one  unknown, a small mark  in his thoracic box very difficult to  distinguish to simple sight because the  skin has darkened a lot over time.

The discoverers of *Ötzi already  had noticed his *tatuajes the same  day in that they found it, on 19 September 1991, frozen in a glacier in the Alps, near of  the border between Italy and Austria. Several studies since  have investigated and *desglosado these  marks in the skin. But now, the use of a technician developed by Marco *Samadelli, scientist of the *EURAC, has allowed to realise a complete  cartography of   all the *tatuajes of the mummy. It treats of   some of the *tatuajes more ancient documented in the world.

As they explain in *Journal *of C u l t u ra l   * H e r i t age, * S a m a d e lli photographed the body of the mummy from different angles using a procedure  *multiespectral that covers  all the range of wavelengths  of the infrared to the ultraviolet. This allowed to see with big precision the *tatuajes that are hid  deeply in the layers of   the skin and that no longer are recognizable  for the human eye. In total, in the body of *Ötzi discovered 61  consistent marks in lines  of 0,7 to 4 cm of long, in his willing  majority in groups of two, three  or four parallel lines, and also  include two crosses.


A religious symbol or  acupuncture?  The *tatuajes recently discovered  in the right inferior part of   the thoracic box are surprising,  because the others marks find   especially in the low part  of the back and the legs between the  knee and the foot. Owing to the different locations of the *tatuajes,  some investigations suspected  that the marks were part of  some therapeutic medical treatment, a species of acupuncture  to relieve the pain in the articulations.


The *tatuajes recently discovered  in the thoracic box now have gone back  to open the debate on the paper of  the *tatuajes in the prehistoric times. This study has given to the  researchers a new piece to add to the puzzle when it treats to elucidate if the  *tatuajes prehistoric had a therapeutic  importance, symbolic  or religious. «Each photo was taken in seven occasions, with a different wavelength every time. This has allowed us cover the diffe-

rent depths in which the dust of coal used for the *tatuajes has been deposited. The ultraviolet waves were adapted for the upper layers of the skin,  whereas it resorted to the infrared  light of the lowest layers»,  explains Marco *Samadelli. The «man of ice» has a history *fascinante. The researchers think that was a hunter and  *arquero, and that died *desangrado  to the 45 years after an  arrow crossed him the body by  the back and, besides, of tip,  received a hit

in the head,  perhaps in struggles it body to body  against an enemy or perhaps when  slipping and fall in a glacier  when it treated to escape. It is the most ancient mummy of the world and has been very studied by the science. We know his appearance and his  illnesses, for example, that suffered intolerance to the lactose, had decay and suffered of the heart. Also we know that in the actuality  has at least 19 alive  relatives.


ANCESTRAL AND CONTROVERSIAL TRADITTION Strong mark of identity, indicator  of status and distinction or  of belonging to a determinate  social class, holy symbol,  stigma, personalised ornament, centre of controversies... The *tatuaje  is one of the forms of art  more ancient of the history and has practised  in ancestral cultures  of all the world. His popularity  in the western countries is only  a consequence of the important  that has been always for the human being  use the skin  like *lienzo inseparable. Until 6 September in the *MuseumfürKu n s t   * u n d G e w e r b e Hamburg (*MKG), in the German  city of Hamburg, the exhibition *Tattoo tackles from an artistic opunto, *artesanal and cultural the tradition of the *tatuaje at the same time that illustrates his renewed and stimulating current panorama. With a special interest  in showing the influence of the *tatuaje in the art and the design, 28

the group composes of more than 250 pieces between which there are photographies, xylographies to colour, paintings, sculptures, *videoclips, installations of   audio, staff and historical  specimens of skin *tatuada. In  the most technical part of the route there is a selection of *instumental  that goes of the simplest tools  created with elements of the nature until the machines,  the colours and the most modern  pigments.

Rites of passage, social level and protection  In reference to the different cultures of the world, the sample documents the *tatuajes facial of the women *Chin of Burma, part of a rite of passage of the childhood to  the adulthood. Using needles or spines, record patterns in the skin  that vary of a familiar clan to  another. The *maoríes of New Zealand  also have marked from always his face with the *Ta *Moko, reasons that indicate the social and  familiar level of the subject. In Thailand exist the *SakYan, of holy  character, created for *protejer of  the bad luck and help to the bearer  to carry a morally flawless life.

A curious relation is the one who has  *gestado in Japan, whose long tradition *tatuadora traces back  to the 3rd century. The *refinados designs reflect harmony and elegance and contain *areas of colour perfectly delimited . In spite of being representative of the Japanese culture,  the country forbade them of 1870 to 1948  by his association with the *yakuza, the Japanese mafia. In the 18th and 19th centuries, illustrations, drawings and photos  of trips woke up the western curiosity on this art, seen like exotic and mysterious. It would not flower in Europe and in the *EE *UU until the previous years to the I World-wide War, was symbol  of good taste and the high classes  and members of the European real families (like the German)   *tatuaron. Distinction and delinquency But the 20th century was very ambiguous, the drawing on the skin represented the distinction and also the stigma. Soldiers and sailors gave  faith of his experiences with reasons  sometimes *eróticos and fantastic, also the criminals reflected  his attainments and those graphic testimonies began to  be useful for his identification and arrest. In the actuality, exist multiple codes between *convictos in Russia or *pandilleros in countries  of *lationamérica. 29

The exhibition reserves a space  for the contemporary art with works like the one of the Japanese *FumieSasabuchi, that in his photos  and sculptures relates the traditional  elements of the *tatuaje of   the *yakuza with the aesthetic impulses  of the culture of masses in occident. With audiovisual works, the  Spanish  Santiago Sierra approaches  to the *tatuaje from a social perspective and of criticism to the


capitalism, paying to people socially  *marginadas to record a line  *contínua in the back. The  Polish artist *ArturZmijewski  opens a controversial debate in his video 80064, in which Josef   *Tarnawa ? Of 92 years, survivor of the field of concentration of   *Auschwitz? It leaves that they review him the  number of identification already half   erased that the nazi him *tatuaron.



Through the history and the diverse cultures, the *tatuajes have been present, from the Stone age  until our days. The history carries us to the Stone age;  in 1991 a glacier found,  reveal in his *adentros the existence of the hunter of the Neolithic era, carried *tatuajes in  the back and in the knees his *tatuajes,  saved a resemblance with the  recorded in the skin that a goddess  priest inhabitant of Thebes  around the middle of the 2000 to.*c Carried  achieve. The *tatuajes of this  Goddess Egyptian priest call  *Amunet were 32

simple thin lines with design of points and lines. Without going so backwards in the time, in Greece and Rome the *tatuajes used  to mark to criminal, whereas in the ancestral Egypt used like art and holy  rituals, especially in women. They boast that they were the *pobladores of the ancient *Polinesia the  first in recording figures in  the skin, were used to to do so many *tatuajes  that arrived to the point of not  having a space of free melanin. It says  that the *polinesios have the  *tatuajes more artistic of the ancient  world.

By his sides, the style used by  the *Moko *Maorí of New Zealand, was the one to do *tatuajes of tribal form,  this attained to identify to each individual  separately since they possessed  in the skin something that did them only,  also used to divide by  social status. *tatuaban Of the  feet in command, initiated to the  8 years with this process a so much  slow  and intense, the instruments  used to mark the skin were  small spiky bones. We can say that each culture conserves his own style of *tatuaje.

An ancient practice that extended  all over the world. Already it was  of ritual way, remember an event  or person, or even with medicinal ends, among others. The “Science” it says that create a *tatuaje really is quite basic , on the *perforación of   the *epidermis, the external layer of   the skin and deposit colour in the *dermis,  the second layer of skin, some 3*mm underneath of the surface. Nowadays, modern machines can pour the ink in the skin very quickly  to 50 times by second. Then we can affirm that, in fact,  the


human beings have this do marking his bodies during thousands of years, perfecting his technicians. As any form of art, depends on two factors, one, on the artist (the *tatuador) and the meaning that the observer gives  him to the design, in this case will be the  *lienzo human in himself same. There is different styles now known  and practised in the world. Between which can stand out  the Old school (*oldschool) Inspired by  style the designs done  by American marines.


One of the most popular styles  in English-speaking countries, where predominates the use of red and blue  flowers. The style of *tatuaje known like *Dotwork, was born in the United Kingdom and translates literally to the use of   points to create forms, generally does not use any colour  in addition to tones of black, and has turned into a common style for began *tatuar. Ornamental are those that have a geometrical and abstract style, whereas  the style based in the staff   known with the “name Staff”

And finally but no the worst of the cases, the black and grey, that well,  as his name indicates,is done  totally in black ink. But this does not finish here, there is a lot of more styles that will see  more advance.... The *tatuajes have evolved a lot along the time from the designs until the way of   how realise them, doing of   east an art no so painful as in  the prehistory. We will speak a bit of   the *tatuajes at present.


FAMOUS TATUADOS WHIT PHOTOSHOP Some time have asked you how our famous favourites  *verian if they were *tatuados?   Very now you will see it everything here! Thanks to *photoshop can see the  *Tatuajes. This are not easy works! We have done to famous backwards of  classical of culture of small American explosion until the scene  of Hollywood of today, editing *tatuajes after *tatuajes to do them  seem legitimate on the skin (even the Presidents did not escape . It check these photos of entertainment of famous *tatuados that  expect that they like you.

Mick Jaggers


El club de la lucha

Barack Obama

Mohamed Ali

Elizabeth Taylor


James Gandolfini

Bob Marley

Marilyn Monroe


Albert Einstein


Bruce Lee




A normal girl of 28 years been born in Albacete (Spain). It studied  English Philology in the University of Murcia, although his  true passion and vocation from small has been to sing and the  music. It could not aim to classes of singing neither go in in the School  of Rock of Albacete as it wished. By what had to  learn of hearing to touch the guitar of his uncle that was the only that  no *oponía to his dreams. The first day that arrived to Murcia to study went to the Cathedral to  touch the guitar and sing, where knew to the owner of a pub that  proposed him touch in his venue. In addition to studying and devote to  the music has worked delivering *flyers, of waitress, image ,  *azafata of flight, interpret, receptionist and private teacher. It is a very active girl that even has arrived to combine  works like the previous with the ones of the night like *stripper,  *gogo and *webcamer. Now it is put in a musical project  of the *cual can not us explain at all, preparing the oppositions  and beginning his adventure like Angel in *Tattoonn. 41

When it began your passion  by the tattoo-art?

Since have use of  reason like me the tatuajes and piercings. It could not say you to which age but memory from very small see to artists that liked  me like Guns and  Roses or Lita Ford and even without  knowing very very

what was already  me flipaba ? This that carried?

.... Already something more greater  was knowing to other artists  like TravisBarker, Kat  Von D or JeffreeStar and was  investigating and analysing the culture of the world of the tatuaje from other prisms. From the 12 years already had  clear that wanted to tatuarme.

To which age did you  your first tatuaje?   Good question (laughs).

What motivate era?

Miprim and rtatortoj and for and  M and dors to . Si And m preme  h to g or s t to d or l to m i t or l or g í to  gr i ega and and on and s p and c i to l and s t and  m i t or, p or r l arepresent  to c i or on i c or on i c to and c or l t or -  ral d and l to mu j and r give t ro  d and l to r t and ( represented  in his pair t and more vengat  i goes and c ruent to ) and by  the pro p i to h i s t or r i to and on s í . 42

Some anecdote of  your first experience with  your first tattoo?   Had so many win of   t atuarme that it happen me  all l to week of before  impa c iente and anxious and  until cost me conciliate  the dream. I awaited  my first tatuaje with the illusion of a boy the  night of Kings.

And you last tatuaje,  When did it to you?   As it does a pair of months.

All the tatuajes that  carry are of the same tatuador  or of varied?  As I carry almost all the body tatuado by my boyfriend, Guille Willink, that is tatuador. Have the luck that it hits always with what likes me and how want it. More to the l á  to be couple is a hard-working  artist, perfectionist and devoted of heart. The only  that does not have me tatuado  he is a realistic portrait  that carry in a hand,  that did it to me another tatuador  of Murcia (Spain),  Clan, very creative and fresco in this style. 43

You Think that all  the tatuajes owe to  have a meaning or  can be simply  to decorate the skin?  All your tatuajes  mean something?

H Or on and s t to m and on t and, on or me pa re c and a requi s i to that  l or s t at or to j and s d eb to on t and on and r  or on s i g on i f i c to d or t rascen -  d and on t to l , on i q or and t at or to r t and  a to p i r or l and t to because t and  g or s t to on l or s c to ra m and l or s  s and to m


and on or s i m p or r t to on t and  q or and t to t or to r t and l to f and ch to  and on l to q or and f to l l and c i or t or  to b or and l to . S i m p l emen -  t And re p r and s and on t to on c or s to  s d i f and re on t and s, p and r or to l f i on and  to l c to b or s or on p to r t and d and t or  v i d to . L or q or and m and p to pray  r i d í c or l or and s q or and to h or ra  p or r fashion and / or p ro gra -  ma s d and t and l and v i s i or on l to  ge on t and s and t to t ú and p or rq

or and  q Or and d to g or ay Or p or rque  l or l levies to l g ú on famous.

You know the number of tatuajes  that carry or already  have lost the account?

Emp And c é p or r p i and z to s ,  l or ego p to r t and s d and l c or and r -  p or and to l f i on to l h abl to s d and  zo oN to s v í rgenes Because  it is má s f á c i l c or on t to r l to  s q or and l to s c or b i and r t to s. L to  t i on t to p roduce as or on  h or rro r v to c or i , c or on form  m and go t at or to on d or m and see má s and s p to c i or and on bl to on -  c or q or i z á s sól or p or rque  c or on t ra s tamá s c or on l or t atuado, p and ro s and to c or m or  f or and re q or i and on to m to l or s  t at or to j and s s to b and d and l or q or and  has b the.

Any of the tatuajes  that carry is your favourite  or like you all by equal?

The tatuajes are like  l or s h i j or s : l or s q or i and re s  to all by i g or to l and   can not have a favourite, but always there is to the g or -  no that will remember by  what s or f r i s t and by him , and on or  me ref i and ro to l d or l or r f í s i c or,  but to the experience that  t and l levied to tat or to r t and this so special piece. All  have one.





What is what have written in the muslo right? It is a text of a feminist  writer of finals of the s.XIX,  Natalie Clifford Barney. In him  it puts: ? Those that have prowess to rebel to any  age are those that make possible the life, are the rebellious  those who expand the borders  of the rights little by little, those

who tighten confine them  of the bad and reduce them to  the nonexistence?

Have some hobby or  some passion?  As yes, it likes me a lot read, draw and sobretodo sing and dance. Also I improvise, I compose and I touch the guitar;  I began to sing satisfied learnt to speak as they say  those who saw me grow and  always asked me the boys and girls of the school that sang  in the recreos, birthday and  in the bus when we did excursions. Besides, always it wrote songs  in English like way to  preserve my privacy under  this language, since anybody to me around understood it.

. Have tatuajes in  the back?   Even no, but próximamente. Besides, already I have the design.

I see that have tatuajes  in the expensive Have thought  to fill your whole  body of ink?

As if I say you the truth more than a propósi to is  a fact (laughs)

Which has been your last trip?

To Madrid, by work, the past week. 49

Have some group  preferred?  Have a lot of groups and artists that like me: Motörhead,  Iron Maiden, AC/DC,  Janis Joplin, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, The Distillers, The Meteors, Eskorbuto, Putilatex, Elvis, Carl Perkins,  Johnny Cash, Alaska, Marilyn  Manson, Him? .well, and the dances of Beyonce and Jennifer López, that like dancers  are very good also.

What likes you read?

Of everything, historical novel, biographies, poetry, reports of investigation,  etc. My books/favourite texts to date perhaps are Crimes of the Civil  War (Pio Moa)

Why I am not  Muslim?

(Ibn Warraq), Angelas Ashes (Frank McCourt) and  Pasionaria: A strength of   the nature (Santiago Carrillo).

Practical some  sport?

Of more youngster did rhythmical gymnastics and dance, and even in first year of career played in the team of feminine football of my greater school. But I have to confess that I am not  sporty, neither go to the gym,  I am a girl of dance and  dance. 50

Facebook: Anita Linferno Instagram: anita.linferno YouTube: canal “Anita


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TATTOOS OLD SCHOOL It Vintage never is used to to happen fashionable, all what does us  remember past times has always a place in our  lives. The tatuajes following this tendency, have implanted a style  called, tatuajes Old School, that have gone back extremely popular  in some places. The tatuajes of the old school, are a type of traditional art  that originates in United States in the starts of the 20th century,  also knows them like tatuajes traditional American. This  type of tatuajes Old School began to take popularity as a result of   that a lot of American sailors began to tatuarse  after knowing diverse cultures in his trips.

Caracteristicas Of the tatuajes oldschool  Between the fundamental characteristics of the tatuajes Old  School could stand out the use of thick lines of black colour, using  a range of colours of form boasts that by  the limitations that involved the realisation of the same at the beginning of the  20th century, since so much the technicians like the devices  and inks used for that then, did not allow the realisms and the  effect that attain obtain for the time being in the actuality.


The designs were used to to be simple for like this keep a composition  balanced, that requires some level of detail, but especially  were very centred in heaving the patriotism or to the women;  Eagles, flags, girls Pin Up, nautical reasons, among others?

A r a n g e o f d e s i g n s t h at h ave r e m a i n e d l i ke fo o t p r i n t o f   t h at period.

Designs more comúnes of the tatuajes oldschool Exist those who realise these tatuajes alone because it seems them aesthetically attractive carry a pair of   tatuajes Old School, however there is for those who this  type of tatuajes shut an emotional meaning.

P i n U p s O r S i r e n a s

Are very common in this style, mainly carry a signal  of admiration to the feminine beauty, and on the other hand  look for exaltar the seduction of the women, (arrived   associate the seduction of a sirena with the perdición of the  sailors).


C h e r r i e s

To the equal that the golondrinas and the Pin Up go in in the batch of classical  figures of the tatuajes Old School, these symbolise the feminine  virginity.

S h i p

A ship can symbolise rebeldía or freedom.


B r ú j u l a

A brújula pretends to hint that looks for a way  to be followed, by what those who consider adventurers are used to  to carry these tatuajes.

C r a s h N a u t i c a l

A nautical star represents the Polar star, and also finds  in the brújulas and maps. Like the tatuaje of the golondrina,  the marine thought that a nautical star would help them  to find the homeward way


G o l o n d r i n a s

there was a legend between the sailors that said that if a marine  did not survive to his trips a golondrina would carry his soul  from the water until the paradise. It represents the love, the security,  the trip, the loyalty and first of all the family. It is the election of   a mate for all the life, since the golondrinas go back  home all the years, without mattering where are. For the marine,  were a symbol of the hope in returning home.

A n ch o r s

An anchor represents stability, security and strong principles.


A ch u ch i l l o o r a d a g a

Symbolises the will to act, to be conclusive and not  having fear to face the destination and his dangers.

The tatuajes Old School shut in himself same the ancient and the spirit  of trip that promote to his first bearers to carry them  in the skin.More than decorating search remember to those brave  that did not fear him to the mar.














ACTORS TATUADOS Did not go till lately that actors, singers and sportsmen left  to show a so serious image and cautious, in the public field. All what was not inside the usual stereotype was bad  seen and punished, piercings, tatuajes, considered extravagancias  that only could live in marry them referents to the prison. They arrived to be taken with rejection exposing to those who decided  to carry achieve something Different? . The social prejudices limited  the can expand the popularity of those actors tatuados. But it is in the years 70 where the mentality was losing his estrechez,  diverse famous of Hollywood began to carry tatuajes  in his skin. Although some followed seeing this of the tatuajescomo  unaprácticaquecontinuaba being badly, some took the fact  to see actors tatuados like an act of rebeldía that them adjudicaríamás  fame and by consistent followers in big quantities. When the celebrities show something, already was a new style to  dress , a new song, or in this case the carry tatuajes, cientos  of million people could see it like something attractive.   It can not say with accuracy that exists a part of the body in  which the famous realise tatuajes, adentrándonos in the networks  will give us account of each one of these actors tatuados have  a taste with differences between if to the equal that vary in what designs  dye and sizes. We see a small list of actors tatuados. 72

JonnyDepp  One of the actors tatuados more acclaimed  by the audience for being one of the more taquilleros in the cinematographic field, is a big fan to the tatuajes, in his arms can see varied of them, as it is it an Indian boss  or that dedicatoria that did   by his ex Winona Ryder, that  afterwards modify after his split.

Dwayne Johnson  Have to DwayneJohnson,also known  eat The Rock (- The Rock), in his shoulder, breast and left arm carries a Samoan tribal design whose meaning  wraps the spiritual  feelings with his family.

SylvesterStallone  In July of 2007 the semental Italian joined to the list of actors  tatuados, carrying in his shoulder  splits of the breast and arm the face of his third wife (Jennifer  Flavin) which is realised with  a big range of colours.


Dany Trejo This actor that is easily recognised  by his papers of   villain or of hard type, possesses in  his big body tatuajes, this has come him very well since it helps  him with the characterisation of  some characters, his back,  torso and arms are tatuados  with different designs and notes  that are not for nothing discreet. It is necessary to give account that the tatuajes every time are more common  in the big screen is  something that did not take long. Here we have provided them  a short list of actors tatuados that by what see  did not leave to expand his corporal  collection.

Brad Pitt  Brad Pitt has been considered by decades like one of   the most good-looking men of the cinema, and results that to part of   several tatuajes around his body, it is necessary to stand out that Brad Pitt has designs quite extravagant that result a so much odd,  between them the mummy of Otzi  in his left arm. 74

Jared Leto  Although Jared was more known  by his music  that by his papers like actor has had several papers known in films eat The club of   the fight Requiem By a dream And his proxima film Suicidal squadron

Jason Momoa  Jason, tambien known for interpreting to Khal Drug  in Game of thrones. Has a design composed by  arrows realised in Hawai and other pieces devoted to  his family.



Some famous have a real fascination by the tatuajes, already was that they want to decorate his striking bodies  or write some important sentence for them. The art of engalanar the skin with tatuajes does long  that has left to be of exclusive use for the Subcultures . Nowadays they are each vezmás the young,  mothers, wives and ladies that carry in his body some  tatuaje. Claro is, the famous did not remain backwards with this  new tendency. There is those who have awarded them to his  designs some mystic meaning, as it is it the case of   Angelina Jolie, the one who in his back carries recorded an  ancient sentence of the writing of khmer; some ancient  writings that attract the good fortune the health and the luck,  others by the contrary novmucho of his tatuajes neither give  details, is used to think that this is like this given to that the  designs printed matter in his skin look for more than remembering an  important fact, these only are to adorn the skin. In this text will appoint some actresses tatuadas  that day in day out increase his fame, giving of what speak.


Cara Delevinge  Opening this small list  of actresses tatuadas, is the Miss  Deleving, the one who realised   his first tatuaje (a lion to the  level of the index) in the year 2013,  but since it initiated in  the world of the tatuaje has not left  to illustrate his body, says  that has around some fifteen, between which resaltan  the name of his mother Pandora. In the little finger carries a red  heart and two letters  Between crusades that realised   with his best friend Jourdan Dunn. Eva Longoria  In his nape can divisar the  word Nine, that is the number that poses in the jumper of his husband, but this is not the only that Eva possesses, in the right-handed doll  in roman numbers carries recorded the date of his wedding, in  the low part of the back luce a crucifix, carries a flower in  a glúteo and in a secret place carries the initials of the name  of his husband, a place where only he can access. 77

Jessyca Alba

Ella possesses some discreet and others no so much, with a butterfly in the low zone of the neck, Has a tatuaje in the doll with a word sánscrita that says Padma, that means flower  of loto. In the hinduism, is the symbol of the spiritual development. It is the symbol of the demonstration of the beauty and the mental purity  for although has his roots in the slime of the lakes and lakes, raises the flower of  the spotless beauty above  the surface of the water.

Megan Fox

This is one of the actresses  tatuadas more beautiful  of all time, and  is that she no the unseen, carries tatuajes that go from a tribal symbol, a legend in the zone of the  omoplato,a heart broken and Marilyn Monroe.


Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is another of the  famous  that have sucumbido to the  charms of tatuarse the skin, and in this case  has done it without too much problem, since the actress luce more than 7 tatuajes in different  sizes, along all his  body.

Under the zone of the nape,  carries tatuada the sentenceknowyour rights (It knows your rights), and in his omóplato left carries a conjuro Buddhist that represents  the good luck and the protection. In his right shoulder has the famous  tatuaje of the geographic coordinates of the places to  where were born his six children and his husband, Brad Pitt.

Scarlett Johansson  This beautiful actress carries in his skin mark for life that they add him more personality of which  already has. The horseshoes has given diverse  superstitions about that  they are of good augurio. The sentence  lucky you That decided to include  Scarlett denotes this meaning directly.


Cristina Ricci

No longer is more that young girl that did the role of Merlina Addams in The family  Addams, grew beside his  career, in palículas eat:  SleepyHollow Or After the life Christina in but of   a ocación, confessed the love that  has by the tatuajes, but when being actress of Hollywood knows  that his career happens partly  by his image, and tries it  keep without big tatuajes  that prejudice it.

Chloë Grace Moretz

Chloë Grace Moretz is a young actress of United States,  that his fame heaved  instantly thanks to his role of Hit-Girl in the film Kick-Ass of 2010, although previously it have had other participations in series and films, that was  the most stood out.




























Is known internationally  for being vocalist and member founder of the popular band of funk rock Network Hot Chili Peppers.

It carries in his body a lot of tatuajes. Now we go you it has to speak a bit  of them. We begin with which carries in  his back, one of the biggest  that carries. It treats of a species  of eagle with his wings and harps deployed, showing a face of demon in the 88

backside  of the trunk. The drawing is suitable of  the culture of the North American Indians Haida, but his passion for appearing in the stage  descamisetado attained that the public  fixed in the Eagle In spite of   his location. To the height of his left shoulder  find the first tatuaje of Anthony, the face of an Indian  boss, and under him, a tribal  bracelet with a heart.

Another Indian boss, in this case the  big  sioux Bull Seated, luce  in his right shoulder with  an image de la Flor of lis below in shape  of tribal bracelet the same that  the previous. In this same arm there is drawn  a tiger whose long tail finishes  practically in the doll of the  singer. To finish, a daga  of tribal style with head of   animal adorns each arm (reverso)  underneath of the elbow. This gives a feeling of symmetry, in spite of   not being identical.a



The Chemical Brothers is an English  duet of Electronic music, formed by Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons (whose complete names are Thomas Owen Mostyn Rowlands and Edmund John Simons3  ). At the beginning they did call  ? TheDustBrothers?


But they had to  change of name since already there was another group in United States with the same name. Known by his live performances, together with The Prodigy, Fatboy  Slim and other more, went the pioneers of the gender Big Beat.

Origin of the members  Ed Simons was born in Herne Hill, London, England, on 9 June 1970 . His interests of youngster were the music and the aviation. Simons Assisted to two public  schools of London, Alleyn? s School And DulwichCollege. During the school, Simons purchased a taste  to the music Hip Hop. Tom Rowlands, a mate of school of Simons, was born on 11 January 1971  in Kingston-  Upon-Thames. When Rowlands was very young, his family moves to Henley-onThames. Later it assisted to the school in  Reading, Berkshire, time in which it got obsessed with

Scotland, developing an affection for the bagpipe in particular. In his early adolescence, his interest by  the music widened to other genders. At the beginning, some of   his favourites included the soundtrack of Oh What to Lovely War and  the sounds of electro of artists  like Heaven 17, Kraftwerk, New  Order, and Nightclub Voltaire. It described the first album of   PublicEnemy like the disk that  probably changed his life. Rowlands Also began to collect registers of hip hop with artists like Eric B, Schoolly D. When it arrives to the University,  follows to Simons to Manchester mainly  to submerge in his  musical scene.



truction insisted in that they  achieved a singer femeni  na, and after some disappointing songs eat LetIt Slide , the group undid . One of   the last things that Rowlands did in Ariel was the song T  Baby That it was remezclado again  by the duet. NakedUnderLeathe  Rowlands And Simons in 1992 began  to puncture in a club called  NakedUnderLeather

Rowlands was also in a group called ArielBefore his meeting with Simons. Ariel was formed in London by Rowlands and his friends Brendan and Matt before all they mudaran to Manchester. His first  single was It was of Beats . Other  songs, especially edited  on 12, include Mustn tGrumble   And his more known, Rollercoaster . , in the rear of a club, under the His stamp discográfico of  Cons- alias


The 237 Turbo Nutters? (Called like this by the number of his house in Dickenson Road in Manchester  and a reference to his days  of rave in Blackburn). His repertoire  contained hip hop, techno and house. The Dust Brother  Rowlands And Simons called  to himself same TheDustBrothers and began to remain without convenient instrumental tracks of  hip hop to use, so they began to do his own. Using a system hi-fi Hitachi, a computer, a sampler  and a keyboard, recorded Song To TheSiren, that simpleaThis Mortal  Coil. Song To TheSiren It was edited by his own stamp Diamond Records

. They recorded 500 copies that tried to distribute by shops of disks of London, with the refusal of all adducing that the song was too slow (was to 111 BPM). They sent  a copy to the DJ Andrew Weatherall, that used the subject in all his  sessions. Weatherall fichó To the band for his own stamp, Junior BoysOwn, that in May of 1993  edited Song To The Siren . The duet completed the university  with good results. Around  June of 1993, TheDust  Brothers did his first  new mixes. The first was  ? Packet Of Peace? For the team  of Justin Robertson, followed of tracks for Leftfield, Republica and


TheSandals. Later in 1993, TheDustBrothers completed his EP  Fourteenth Century Sky, edited in January of 1994.It contains the rompedor ChemicalBeats, that personificó the typical  gender of the duet and that defines the sound big beat, later assumed  by Fatboy Slim and much more. The EP also contains OneTooMany Mornings, that for the first time showed the less intense side of The  DustBrothers. Both subjects later would appear on his album of debut. Fourteenth Century Sky was followed later in 1993 by  the EP My Mercury Mouth. ChemicalBeats It formed also it splits of  the soundtrack for the first edition of the famous series of games Wipeout.



Albums of study

Song to the Siren como The Dust Brothers (1993) Fourteenth Century Sky como The Dust brothers (1994) My Mercury Mouth como The Dust Brothers (1994) Leave Home (1995) Life is Sweet (1995) Loops of Fury (1996) Setting Sun (1996) Block Rockin’ Beats (1997) Elektrobank (1997) The Private Psychedelic Reel (1997) Hey Boy Hey Girl (1999) Let Forever Be (1999) Out of Control (1999) Music: Response (2000) It Began in Afrika (2001) Star Guitar (2002) Come With Us/The Test (2002) The Golden Path (2003) Get Yourself High (2003) Galvanize (2005) Believe (2005) The Boxer (2005) Do It Again (2007) The Salmon Dance (2007) Midnight Madness (2008) Escape Velocity (2010) Swoon (2010) Another World (2010) Theme For Velodrome (2012) Go (2015) Otros Serie de Electronic Battle Weapon (1996-Presente)

Exit Planet Dust (1995) Dig Your Own Hole (1997) Surrender (1999) Come with Us (2002) Push The Button (2005) We Are The Night (2007) Further (2010) Hanna (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2011) Born in the Echoes (2015) Compilaciones[editar] Singles 93-03 (2003) The Remixes Volume 06 (2006) B-Sides Volume 1 (2007) Brotherhood (The Best Of) (2008) DJ Mixes[editar] Live at the Social Volume 1 (1996) Radio 1 Anti-Nazi Mix / Interview (1997) Brothers Gonna Work It Out (1998) In Glint (2002)


DAVID MEDINA That stamps were those that  but liked you when  you went to buy vinyls?  As I bought TheCeftel, Tribal america And things like this. This will have marked you a bit  in your sessions no?   As if from time to time I put  music of my beginnings and seems  music of now. Why begin to puncture?   In the year 2000 or like this listen for the first time the house, and said I have to do this. In what I could it buy me some dishes and  empece in this world. You remember cual was the dj  or the subject that mark you in  this room?   As it was the dj that there was in this room  that afterwards went mate of  cabin; it calls Alberto Villa. In  this period inspired me artists  like Dani Tenade, Corner Soul,  AndiCadwel, Ricarde of Guernic. 96

As you carry the production?

That visions have of future?  Have quite a lot of dates as in Madrid, Berlin and is what can  say up to now. The publish of Berlin is  the same that the publish of Madrid?

As I carry 32 and 3 with my name David Medina, now have been two a bit stopped years looking for more my sound and even can not you  say but there are things very interesting.  The truth is that the publish is the same , what want to is to It is necessary to produlisten good music and gives him ce  to succeed? the same listen  the stick that went.  As the problem of now is that there is a lot of djs have to  do you stand out of  some form and this form is in addition to  being good dj also producing  new subjects.


PET DUO That subject does that Ana  put the head in the electronic music?   I went once to a room in Brazil  and to my did not like me this but at the end me enamore of the music and went  like love at first sight and empece  to work there. The first residences  where were?   As they were in Brazil and was a very  good period. We learnt  a lot since we did a different session That disks do that Pet  duo? each week and in Europe  have not had any residence. Go in in the electronic  muCuales Are the stamps sic? that  mark you?   I remain me loved with  a subject of Fron 242 when listening it  thought that it had listened  the music of my life and remain me  loved. So I said that I  wanted to show to the people fear  that they are very good and me enamoro. Little by little it bought vinyls  to do the mixes. 98

For us the paramount are  subjects like Espetec, Alex Td, are  temazos that work super well. That things have to take out?  Have a stamp that calls  House Record now have  a remix that goes to have subjects very good  and are working in  this.

Think that is necessary  to produce music to triumph  or can triumph without producing?

Which diary have?

In March go to Spain twice but only can say  a that it is to Catalonia also  in but countries of Europe   In Brazil if it can triumph ,  here in and in  a festival Weekend Festival. Europe, no. In Europe the  market There is difference between a festival  to a room? is distinct  Where have felt you  but re-  If there is a lot of difference, since  we puncture at the end and ceived? come  the people up.   As especially in Granada (Spain) that it was the door to triumph in Spain since it opened us a lot of possibilities and besides  there felt us very to taste.



In 2014 it founds the stamp Balance 432 Records. His last launchings have the support of artists like Ángel Molina,  Joseph Capriati, Paco Osuna,  Slam, StaceyPullen, Markantonio,  Paula Cazenave, Gonçalo, Marcos  In Dub, Gennaro Him Fosse, Tomy  Declerque, MattHeizeakaXentrix,  Seba Lecompte, Dr. Motte, H Paul,  Tony Verdi, C-System, Iván Serra, Franco Bianco, Víctor Vera, Mar She, Miguel Bastida,  Darkrow, Chalk, D-Formation, Alex Denne and many more. Performances format LIVE in Industrial  Copera beside the French Kiko  (Great Stuff), Room Train, JazzClub,  Low Plant, Granary, Room Quilombo,  Room Dasava in Almería, in  repeated occasions beside artists  as , Lucio Aquillina, Marc Marzenit,  Henry Saiz. At present it directs Balance 432  Records, works with Dwell Bass  events and gives classes of dj and  musical production. It has edited  in the stamp - ion music- of Belgica,  remezclando to MattHeize. And in  the stamp :bulldog record- of Colombia. 100

What does that you interest ca  very recent but also is necessary to carry some disk but you  by the electronica? ancient  like Oliver trans.   As the disks of my father have  me That can comment us  of influenciado a lot and in  the actua- balance 432? lity follow me liking the same djs , and a big shop  was Marcapasos   We have had participating with  us that went to look for  new stamps., to big djs of Belgium  and will have collaborations of  two big artists a good shop. You begin to have small  re- but now   can not you give names since it will be  a surprise. sidence? Queteneís By here  As I have had a lot of residen- with  dwell bass? ces think that have visited me almost  all the garitos of all Grana-  With them always we are doing together things and in da (Spain). brief also  will have collaborations When you changed of with them. Besides always we club  changed a bit the muare  in movement. sica? That dates have by  As always it adapted me a here  with Dwell Bass? bit since the people went to the   As will have one in effect club  and places because they wanted to another in Quilombo. escurchar a type  of musica. Each garito has a type of musica and his public and I adapted me but always with my touch personal without losing my identity. The stamps that mark you  are those that mark you to  the hour to produce?  As have a lot of projects and influence me a lot of things but likes me do me a small case but of my own productions  That carry in your case?   As I carry a lot my stamps of   my territory and likes me put musi-


SALA SONORA As it goes this advance with  Audible by Spain?

ges in the walls by sound and in Madrid also. We are fixing some  If, we have wanted to open two cosillas but  if. points in Barcelona and As it occurs you open  two Madrid especially to open the audible more? world  of the artists but fat since   it is not the same to buy a date  that   As what want to is to arrive  to more three to cover but Spanish terri- people so that they enjoy of  our music. There we had to people tory. It goes to be followed soun- known and have helped us a lot ding the same  music in the since it is very difficult to carry  a three  rooms that have? room to another place and have created  a big team that is what  it   If, it sounded the same music. In Barcelona had to do  some chan- is necessary to do.


That explain us on  the room of Barcelona?  It is the ancient room Theone that  this very well but that no this in  the centre but it is necessary to go until  there. But as we live in  a society that want to it all now so this is what are  having but difficult. The sound of Audible Bilbao  as you have fixed the sound?  I am still thinking that Audible Bilbao is very difficult to surpass and keeps on being the best

And audible Madrid?   We are doing that the circuits  are longer and that our  residents move . And the prices go to be followed  the same according to artistsAs it goes between 12And 15 But if  it comes some artist but important that use to demand but people if that go up a bit more  but round on this price.



How long step until  you began to touch in  publish?   As I happen long and it went in  an old night and punctured tecno. That explain us of the salt Endit?  I am quite comfortable and gives me quite a lot of freedom I am very happy  to put music that for real  likes me and this is what  truth matters  Which subjects put in Endit?

How gives you by the electronics?

There as of everything from house but dark to tecno but can find you anything already have said  you before  As this that arrives you by that in this subject have  a lot of freechance a strip of electronic dom. music  hammers you the curiosity The Fridays of house? and go investigating and putting   As there is quite a lot of acceptance you in  the mundillo. and  does not go badly  Cual Was your first vinyl? As you see that there is  It was one of Cristian Valera and different  styles in diffethe  first  that had give it to me a big   rent rooms? fellow and afterwards all  those that have   As I see it very well so much for  the as recorriendome  all the shops looking publish as for the artists  since it is to for vinyls. know all the branches  of the tecno. 104


Calendar conventions APRIL 14th Lady Luck Tattoo Arts Expo 1 April 2016 Nevada, EEUU

Chipre International Tattoo Convention 1 April 2016 Chipre, Europa

Spooky Empire Tattoo 1 April 2016 Florida, EEUU

Ink Days Zurich 1 April 2016 Europa, Switzerland

Nueva York Tattoo Show United Ink 1 April 2016 Nueva York, EEUU

12th East Coast Tattoo Convention 1 April 2016 Europa, Italia

Tattoo Festival Osnago 1 April 2016 Europa, Italia

South Texas Tattoo Fiesta 1 April 2016 Texas, EEUU

6th Annual Nepal Tattoo Convention 1 April 2016 Asia, Nepal

Euro Tattoo Convention Lille 2 April 2016 Europa, Francia

Bordeaux Tattoo Convention 2 April 2016 Europa, Francia

Aruba Tattoo Convention 2 April 2016 América, Netherlands Antilles

Natal Tattoo Expo 2 April 2016 América, Brazil

MAY Bergen Tattoo Convention 6 May 2016 Europa, Norway

Prison Ink 6 May 2016 Denmark, Europa

Paradise Tattoo Convention 6 May 2016 América, Costa Rica

Flensburg Tattoo Convention 6 May 2016 Europa, Alemania

Body Accents Tattoo Expo 6 May 2016 Arizona, EEUU

Tattoo Convention Graz 6 May 2016 Austria, Europa

International Tattoo Expo Roma 6 May 2016|Europa, Italia

TattooBash Köln 6 May 2016 Europa, Alemania

Convention Tattoo Chalon-Sur-Saone 7 May 2016 Europa, Francia

Tattoo Convention Erfurt 7 May 2016 Europa, Alemania

Oulu International Tattoo Festival 7 May 2016 Europa, Finland

9th Liverpool Tattoo Convention 7 May 2016 Reino Unido

Convencion de Tatuajes Arte Eterno 7 May 2016 América, Argentina, EEUU

Arel Tattoo Show


7 May 2016 Bélgica, Europa

Convencion Tattoo Rosario 7 May 2016 América, Argentina

Kansas City Tattoo Arts Convention 13 May 2016 Missouri, EEUU

JUNE Palermo Tattoo Convention 2 June 2016|Europa, Italia

4th Kerry International Tattoo Convention 3 June 2016|Europa, Ireland

Expo Tattoo Maracaibo 3 June 2016|América, Venezuela

Cezanne Tattoo Ink 3 June 2016 Europa, Francia

Ti-Tattoo Convention Lugano 3 June 2016 Europa, Switzerland

Starfire Tattoo Weekend Kehl 4 June 2016 Europa, Alemania

Tattoo Expo Magdeburg 4 June 2016 Europa, Alemania

Scarborough Tattoo Show 2016 4 June 2016 Reino Unido

Tattoo Motor Show Festival 4 June 2016 Europa, Francia

Expo Tattoo Maceio 4 June 2016 América, Brazil

International Deaf Tattoo Convention 4 June 2016 Europa, Alemania

Art Tattoo Show Québec 10 June 2016|América, Canada

La Spezia Tattoo Show 10 June 2016 Europa, Italia

3ª Tattoo Place Convention 10 June 2016 América, Brazil

Waterford City Tattoo Convention 10 June 2016


Europa, Ireland

Leeds International Tattoo Expo 4 June 2016 Europa, Reino Unido

Balkan International Tattoo Show 17 June 2016 Albania, Europa

1st Caserta Tattoo Convention 17 June 2016 Europa, Italia

18th Northern Ink Xposure 17 June 2016 América, Canada

Krakow Tattoofest 11 June 2016 Europa, Poland

14th St. Petersburg Tattoo Festival 10 June 2016 Asia, Federacion Rusa

Ink & Arms

Transilvania Tattoo Expo 1 July 2016 Europa, Romania

St. John’s Tattoo Convention 1 July 2016 América, Canada

4º Expo Tattoopeba 2 July 2016 América, Brazil

Memel Tattoo Convention 8 July 2016 Europa, Lithuania

Cantal In’k the skin 2 July 2016 Europa, Francia

Tattoo Art Expo Dublin 2 July 2016 Europa, Ireland

Valencia Tattoo Convention

24 June 2016|North Carolina, EEUU

1 July 2016 Europa, España

17th Midleton Tattoo Show

Southampton Tattoo Festival

24 June 2016 Europa, Ireland

9 July 2016 Europa, Reino Unido

Tahoe Tattoo Show

Corsair Tattoo Ink

24 June 2016 Nevada, EEUU

9 July 2016 Europa, Francia

Convention Tatouage de Bourges

Duke City Tattoo Fiesta

18 June 2016 Europa, Francia

8 July 2016 Nuevo Mexico, EEUU

Convenção Goiânia Tattoo

NY Empire State Tattoo Expo

18 June 2016 América, Brazil

15 July 2016 Nueva York, EEUU

Rimini Tattoo Convention

Freiburger Tattoo Weekend

24 June 2016 Europa, Italia

15 July 2016 Europa, Alemania

Dallas Art and Tattoo Expo

Body Art Expo Pomona Show

24 June 2016 Texas, EEUU

15 July 2016 California, EEUU



Cali Tattoo Festival

Pacific Ink & Art Expo Hawaii

1 July 2016 América, Colombia

5 August 2016 Hawaii, EEUU

Northern Arizona Tattoo Fest

Starfire Tattoo Weekend Emden

1 July 2016 Arizona, EEUU

5 August 2016 Europa, Alemania

Starfire Tattoo Weekend Aachen

Tattoo Jam

1 July 2016 Europa, Alemania


5 August 2016 Europa, Reino Unido

4th Traditional Tattoo Expo Borneo 5 August 2016 Asia, Malaysia

4th Traditional Tattoo Expo Borneo 5 August 2016 Asia, Malaysia

Niagara Tattoo Expo 5 August 2016 Nueva York, EEUU

Ink Life Tour Longview 12 August 2016 Texas, EEUU

Pagoda City Tattoo Fest 5 August 2016 Pennsylvania, EEUU

2° Monster’s Tattoo Expo 12 August 2016 América, Argentina

Ink n Road 12 August 2016 América, Canada

Expo Tattoo Floripa 19 August 2016 América, Brazil

7th Wildwood Tattoo Beach Bash 12 August 2016 Nueva Jersey, EEUU

Expo Tattoo Limeira 12 August 2016 América, Brazil

Panama City Ink Fest 19 August 2016 América, Panama

4th Annual West Virginia Tattoo Expo 19 August 2016 EEUU, West Virginia

SEPTEMBER Massachusetts Tattoo Convention 2 September 2016 Massachusetts, EEUU

South Yorkshire Body Art Festival 2 September 2016 Europa, Reino Unido

11. Tattoo Convention Reutlingen 2 September 2016 Europa, Alemania

Rock’N’Ink 2 September 2016 Europa, Alemania


Endless Summer Tattoo Convention 3 September 2016 Europa, Alemania

Tattoo Day Belém – Para 9 September 2016 América, Brazil

Montreal Art & Tattoo Show 9 September 2016 América, Canada

16. Tattoo & Piercing Expo Eggenfelden 10 September 2016 Europa, Alemania

Kustom Kulture Festival 3 September 2016 Europa, Reino Unido

6th Pisa Tattoo Convention 15 September 2016 Europa, Italia

Malaga Tattoo Convention 16 September 2016 Europa, España

Tampa Tattoo Arts Convention 16 September 2016 Florida, EEUU

Montreux Tattoo Convention 16 September 2016 Europa, Switzerland

Italian Tattoo Artists 16 September 2016 Europa, Italia

Ink Empire Tattoo Expo 16 September 2016 Florida, EEUU

Australian Tattoo Body Art Expo Perth 16 September 2016 Australia, Oceania

OCTOBER Young Italian Tattoo Convention 1 October 2016 Europa, Italia

12. Tattoo Expo Saar 1 October 2016 Europa, Alemania

Tattoo Convention Ansbach 1 October 2016 Europa, Alemania

Bournemouth Ink ‘n’ Art Tattoo Fest 1 October 2016 Europa, Reino Unido

Convention Tattoo Nantes


7 October 2016 Europa, Francia

Ink Life Tour Oklahoma City 7 October 2016 Oklahoma, EEUU

Expo Tchê Tattoo 7 October 2016 América, Brazil

Malta Tattoo Expo 7 October 2016 Europa, Malta

Halloween Tattoo Bash 8 October 2016 Europa, Reino Unido

4th Warsaw Tattoo Convention 8 October 2016 Europa, Poland

City of Trees Art & Ink Expo 14 October 2016 California, EEUU

Venezia International Tattoo Convention 14 October 2016 Europa, Italia

11° Genova Tattoo Convention 14 October 2016 Europa, Italia

The Calgary Tattoo & Arts Festival 14 October 2016 América, Canada

Cuenca Tattoo Convention 14 October 2016 América, Ecuador

Tommy’s Tattoo Convention 14 October 2016 Connecticut, EEUU

NOVEMBER Tatlantis

3 November 2016 América, Las Bahamas

Art Tattoo Bolivia Convention 4 November 2016 América, Bolivia

15th Tattoo Convention Kiel 5 November 2016 Europa, Alemania

Ural Tattoo Convention 5 November 2016 Asia, Federacion Rusa

Ottawa Gatineau Tattoo Expo 11 November 2016 América, Canada

Convencion Rafaela 11 November 2016 América, Argentina

Proximo Número

Sabadell Tattoo Convention 11 November 2016 Europa, España

Brussels Tattoo Convention 11 November 2016 Bélgica, Europa

New School

Florence Tattoo Convention 18 November 2016 Europa, Italia

Australian Tattoo Body Art Expo Melbourne 18 November 2016 Australia, Oceania

DECEMBER International Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention 2 December 2016 América, Puerto Rico

Músicos Tatuados

Y mucho más... 111 112

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