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TheGr a ys onAr t sa ndHi s t or yCe nt e ri sde di c a t e dt opr e s e r vi ngt her i c hhi s t or yofGr a ys ona swe l la se nha nc i ngt hei ma geoft heCi t y ofGr a ys ont hr ought hepr omot i onofl oc a lGr a ys onAr t sa ndHi s t or y .Thr oughi t sCe nt e ra tt hehi s t or i cKe nne r l yCoxHous e ,a dj a c e nt t ot heCi t yofGr a ys onPa r ka ndCi t yHa l l ,i tpr omot e st hec ol l e c t i ona nddi s pl a yofGr a ys onme mor a bi l i ape r t a i ni ngt oGr a ys on' s hi s t or ya swe l la sbe i nga nout l e ta nds howc a s ef orl oc a la r t i s t soft hec ommuni t y .TheGr a ys onAr t sa ndHi s t or yCe nt e ra l s oope r a t e s agi f ts hopwi t hl oc a la r t sa ndc r a f t sa swe l la ss e a s ona lme r c ha ndi s ef ort hepubl i ct opur c ha s e .TheGr a ys onAr t sa ndHi s t or yCe nt e r hos t sc ul t ur a le ve nt sdur i ngt heye a ra swe l la ss pons or i ngc l a s s e sf ort hea r t s .TheGr a ys onAr t sa ndHi s t or yCe nt e rhos t st our sa nd pr ovi de si nf or ma t i onf ort hec ommuni t ya swe l la sa r e as c hool s .TheGr a ys onAr t sa ndHi s t or yCe nt e ri sa l s ot hehomeoft heGr a ys on Hi s t or i cPr e s e r va t i onSoc i e t yf or me dbyi nt e r e s t e dl oc a lc i t i z e nsf ort hepur pos eofpr e s e r vi ngGr a ys on' shi s t or ya ndhi s t or i cs i t e s .


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Lawr encevi l l ei saci t yi nandt hecount yseatofGwi nnet tCount y ,Geor gi a. Lawr encevi l l ewasi ncor por at edbyanactoft heGeor gi aGener al Assembl y on15December1821.Thi smakesLawr encevi l l eoneoft heol destci t i esi nt he Met r oAt l ant aAr ea.

NewLawr encevi l l ei sanonpr of i tor gani zat i onof vol unt eer si nt heCi t yofLawr encevi l l e“ Br i ngi ngCommuni t y Toget her ”andNEVERusi ngTaxPayer s’ dol l ar sf orpr omot i ng t heCi t yofLawr encevi l l e!Forover4year snowwehavecome t oget hert hr oughLocalbusi nessesnet wor ki ng,r esi dent sand nei ghbor hoodspar t i ci pat i ngandvol unt eer i ng,chur chesand ot hercommuni t yor gani zat i onsencour agi ngoref f or t sandci t y , count yandst at el evelel ect edl eader sar eassi st i ngi nour success.Ourevent si ncl udeBusi nessNet wor ki ngt he 1stTuesdayofeachmont h12i n2012t hi syear . Weal sost ar tonSt .Pat r i ck’ sDaywi t hour2ndAnnual “ Spr i ngGr eenFest i val ” . Wemovequi ckl yt oour 4t hAnnualLawr encevi l l eTr ol l eyTour sandshor t l yaf t ert hat wegetr eadyf ordebat esandi nf or mat i onaboutLocal ,Count y , St at eandFeder alEl ect i ons. Last l ywepr omot eandgetr eadyf orLawr encevi l l e’ s Fal lFest i val~Fai ront heSquar e!NewLawr encevi l l e al sol ovespr omot i ngever yt hi ngLawr encevi l l e,soi fyou haveabusi ness,or gani zat i onorevent ,pl easel etusknow andwewi l lshar ewi t ht her estofNewLawr encevi l l e!




U. S.Smal lBusi ness SCOREAt l ant ai sanonpr of i t Admi ni st r at i on( SBA) r esour cepar t neroft he 233Peacht r eeSt r eet ,NESui t e1900 Smal lBusi nessAdmi ni st r at i on At l ant a,GA30303 233Peacht r eeSt r eet ,NE, Uni t edSt at es At l ant a,GA30303 404. 331. 0100 404. 331. 0121 www. sba. gov www. scor eat l ant a. or g


Geor gi aSmal lBusi ness Devel opmentCent er TheUni ver si t yofGeor gi a Chi copeeCompl ex 1 180EastBr oadSt r eet At hens,GA306025412 www. geor gi asbdc. or g




Nor cr ossi saci t yi nGwi nnet tCount y . Namedaf t ert heHon.Jonat hanNor cr oss,i twaschar t er edasat ownonOct ober 26,1870,andsel ect edt ot heNat i onalRegi st erofHi st or i cPl acesbyt he Depar t mentoft heI nt er i ori nt heear l y1980s,i t sr i chhi st or ybeganmuchear l i er .

Snel l vi l l e,l ocat edi nt hesout her npor t i onofGwi nnet tCount y ,wasi ncor por at ed asat ownonAugust20,1923.Twoyoungmen,JamesSawyerand ThomasSnel l ,whocamet ot heUni t edSt at esf r om Engl andi n1874,f i r stset t l ed Snel l vi l l e.Theci t yi snamedaf t erThomasSnel l .






Menwhoki sst hei rwi vesi nt he mor ni ngl i vef i veyear sl onger t hant hosewhodon' t . Twent yni neper centofwomenspend mor et i meshoppi ngf orshoest han t heydol ooki ngf oral i f el ongmat e. TheMonaLi sahasnoeyebr ows. I twast hef ashi oni nRenai ssance Fl or encet oshavet hem of f ! Thei nvent oroft heWaf f l eI r on di dnotl i kewaf f l es. I n1895Hampshi r epol i cehanded outt hef i r steverspeedi ngt i cket , f i ni ngamanf ordoi ng6mph! Tosel lyourhomef ast er ,andf or mor emoney ,pai nti tyel l ow. 40% ofwomenhavehur l ed f oot wearataman. Whenyout akeast ep,youar e usi ngupt o200muscl es. Thel evel soft wost r esshor mones, cor t i solandepi nephr i newhi ch suppr esst hebody' si mmunesyst em, wi l lact ual l ydr opaf t eradose ofl aught er .








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