While deciding on a location for the study, we focused on a central theme of invisible interactions during human movement. All early iterations of our observation question sought to uncover the unseen path-finding conducted by people going about their day. The location of our study was imperative to capture details of locomotion interaction. To support observation, a given area must contain a specific density and activity level. Naturally, this drew field sites on central campus.
Looking along the central campus, the first observation sites of note were all at sidewalk intersections. Points of interest containing three or more converging paths. These heavily trafficked areas are vital corridors to get through campus. However, these corridors needed to be more significant for data collection. Leading us to our chosen observation site on North University Ave.

It is hard to see how someone walks in a static photo. Therefore, we have created a video showcasing each archetype and explaining

Now that we know how people cross the street at North University, what comes next? This information could be used to further quantify and study the numbers of people that cross at this intersection. Based on the observed patterns, we could study if there are any environmental links between the communication and crossing behavior. Planners could change the design of the intersection to help decrease conflict points and
increase driver and pedestrian communication and attentiveness. Now, you are also aware of how you cross the street, and can change your behaviors if desired. Or you can identify how those around you cross. These archetypes could hold true for intersections outside the unique one we studied as well, and your observations could be used to advocate for safer intersections and better behaviors of attentiveness when we cross the street.
their thought process. Feel free to reference this video throughout to help explain how this person crosses the street.

Observations were conducted on weekdays between 9am and 5pm, to catch a typical student population crossing this intersection between classes. When there is no traffic, there are no interactions, so peak times of traffic were decided on. At first, photos were taken at the street level to little effect, but a “birds-eye” video allowed for the observation of general patterns and for basic ideas of how people cross to formulate. This video was crucial in showing how cars approach the intersection, how group dynamics unfold, and general information about pace and pathing. Once this “birds-eye” video was complete,
videos were taken on the ground level facing the intersection, for observing eye contact, hand signals, and the minute details of body language. After conducting this survey, our team questioned whether to focus on individual archetypes or a statistical analysis of the density of archetypes at this intersection: We decided on former. The sheer volume of traffic and the limited times of day we studied meant that any count of quantities would be a timely endeavor outside the scope of our study. However, with the videos made, our data could be analyzed and the archetypes could be developed.

The infrastructural system that is a “street crossing” is heavily influenced by environmental variables. Without these factors, the intersection would simply not be; people and cars must cross for a street scrossing to exist. Therefore, an intersection depends on the density of mass interfacing it. All of the traf-
fic, cars, and pedestrians are crucial to the systems of interactions that generate a crossing. However, traffic density relies on local variables like time of day and weather conditions. These environmental factors alter how individuals go about their day, changing the interactions at a crosswalk.

North University Avenue is integral to the University of Michigan’s transit needs. Geographically splitting the north and south of our central campus, the area is heavily trafficked on foot. The road connects State and Washtenaw, two major thoroughways in Ann Arbor. The street also houses the central campus transit center (the university’s transit hub), which contains a lot of pedestrian and automobile traffic. Choosing the closest crosswalk to CCTC as our observation site would
result in an observable dialogue between individuals crossing the street and cars traveling down the road. With this site in mind, our observations sought answers to the following questions:
• As humans use crosswalks, are there behavioral patterns throughout the crossings?
• Furthermore, what interactions do individuals employ to get themselves across the street?

Coining archetypes works best in lower-density environments. However, once capacity is stressed enough, group dynamics are formed. The attention archetypes do add to the formation of a group but are not wholly responsible. An assertive but communicative individual is imbued
with the decision to cross or wait. At the same time, a series of followers accept the outcome.The one caveat to this dynamic is attentiveness. If an individual rejects the leader’s authority, intentionally or not, they’ll throw the crosswalk out of balance.

Sporting the highest levels of attention, these expressers are masters of body language. They utilize gestures to command humans and automobiles alike. They’ve adopted differing hand signs to express intentions. These individuals are most likely to lead a crossing.

Classifying was more complex than initially imagined, given the abundance of data. We primarily ranked our observations on a scale of crosser attentiveness, developing five archetypes. These archetypes are also informed by observations
of pace, pathing, and communication. Along with factoring for group vs solo dynamics, these categories broadly showcase how most individuals cross the North University Avenue intersection.

Readers seem to understand the mechanisms of the intersection, orienting themselves to fit best. Competent in communication, they practice patience and cross in a timely, yet safe manner. Readers are flexible and resilient, adapting
to what the intersection demands. Typically, slowing or stopping before the intersection to read those around them before crossing. In reading the intersection, they become de facto leaders, signaling others to stop or go.
Readers seem to understand the mechanisms of the intersection, orienting themselves to fit best. Competent in communication, they practice patience and cross in a timely yet safe manner. Readers are flexible and resilient, adapting to what the intersection demands. Typically, slowing or stopping before the intersection is to read the intersection before crossing. In reading the intersection, they become de facto leaders, signaling others to stop or go.

They are not the gold standard of attention, but these humans represent a statistical average. They may only look once, and use little body language, but the Walker gets across the street overall. The

Walker’s most important feature is their adherence and willingness to obey other archetypes. Making the Walker a perfect candidate for group interactions while crossing.

Screenagers practice the lowest levels of attention of the archetypes. They do not follow typical crossing patterns. Deep within their phones, they disregard the rules of traffic. Screenagers do not change their pace; they travel in their own
time. Sporting a highly assertive crossing pattern, waiting for cars is an afterthought. Disturbing the natural order of the crossing, their ill-informed struts confuse other pedestrians.
Screenagers practice the lowest levels of attention of the archetypes. They do not follow typical crossing patterns. Deep within their phones, they disregard the rules of traffic. Screenagers do not change their pace when they travel in their own time. Sporting a highly assertive crossing pattern, waiting for cars is an afterthought. Disturbing the natural order of the crossing, their ill-informed struts confuse other pedestrians.

Mentally occupied, Hustlers get to where they need to go. Championing the pedestrians right of way, they’re most attentive to their destination. Hustlers hastily move to make a bus or class. Their eyes dart around the intersection; how-
ever, Hustlers will remain largely uncommunicative unless provoked. Reserving hand signals for imminent impact. Slipping through the cracks of the legged masses, altering their trajectory out onto campus.