Using Video to Shape Cityscapes: A Public Education Initiative

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Using Video to Shape Using Video to Shape

Cityscapes: A Public Cityscapes: A Public Education Initiative Education Initiative

or, How I got addicted to TikTok

Gabriel Monett, May 30th, 2024

University of Michigan, Taubman school of Architecture and Urban Planning

MURP Professional Project W’24

IIntentions ntentions

Challenge the deeply entrenched interests of neighborhood defenders through public awareness and organizing. 1.

Address a specific gap in the current landscape of urban planning content online. 2.

The The Gap Gap

Approaches Approaches and and Platforms Platforms

01. 02. 03.

Youtube: Information dense, longer call to action

TikTok: Information dense, shorter call to action

Tiktok: Informational but fun, embeded call to action

New Housing, why it helps

Come on a walk with me

Urban ASMR

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