4 minute read

u What is Management? : Traditional & Modern Views


Dr. V.S.P. Rao currently the Executive Vice President of MIM Group (former Professor and Dean, IBS, Hyderabad) of Institutions - had been with Delhi University (SVC) for nearly four decades. A former director, MIM, Lucknow, Dr. Rao is a recipient of two gold medals (University Topper at undergraduate and postgraduate levels) and national scholarships for academic excellence. He is an award-winning author, educationist and consultant. He has authored/co-authored 25 books and has a number of articles and research papers to his credit in the areas of Management, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Dr. Rao has completed three research projects awarded by UGC and ICSSR. He has conducted a number of highly appreciated and well received Management Development Programs for middle and senior managers from various industries. Two of his books won the Best Book Award consecutively in 2013 and 2014. He has also got the best article award from Chartered Secretary to his credit. Dr. Rao has been a technical committee and editorial board member for international conferences in the areas of HRM, OB and Management. As a visiting faculty, he has conducted sessions for MBA and Ph.D. students at various prestigious management institutes in India and abroad.


The second edition of the book, Management Principles & Applications, has undergone a dramatic change. The content has been made compact. The subject matter has been presented in an easy-to-understand format. New topics enrich the textual material. All in all, the revised edition reflects the latest thinking in the field. Examples, charts, tables, and other study aids have been included in order to maintain readability. Case studies & skill-building exercises at the end of each chapter provoke the student to think creatively and find novel solutions. Role play exercises offer students a great learning opportunity to assume the role of a person or act out a given situation. These roles can be performed by individual students, in pairs, or in groups which can play out a more complex scenario.

New topics included

u Role Play Exercises u Skill Building Activities u New Case Studies u Value-Oriented Holistic Management u Managerial competencies u Micro, Meso & Macro environment u Industry structure & Five Forces Model u Competitive advantage & Resource Based View u Network, Virtual & Boundaryless Organisations u Interface between Formal & Informal Organisations u Followership: Kelly’s Model u Leadership Potential & Effectiveness u Qualities of effective followers u Accountability & Performance u Creating an ethical workplace u Entrepreneurs & Value creation u Managerial Challenges u Managing a diverse workplace u Internationalisation, Globalisation & Digitalisation u Core principles of Sociocracy u Subaltern Management Ideas


I am forever indebted to my dear colleagues in S.V. College--- Prof. Balraj Gupta, Dr. R.K. Arora, Dr. Sarvesh, Prof. V.P. Jain, Dr. Venkat, Dr. Mamta, Prof. Sunita, Prof. Shruti, Prof. Pooja, Dr. Vinodkumar, Dr. Sindhumani, Prof. Neha Singhal, Prof. Jyoti, Prof. Neha Gupta, Prof. Anju Goswami - who generously shared their ideas with me, offered constructive feedback and refined my thinking and understanding of human resource management. Sri Vinit Kapur, Khalsa College; Prof. Rekha Dayal, JMC; Prof. Jyotika, LSR; Prof. Isha Verma, SRCC; Prof. Sumita Jain, Daulatram; Prof. Mrs. Ramesh, Maitreyi College have enriched the contents of the book through their valuable feedback from time to time. I take this opportunity to thank Prof. M.G. Rao, former Vice Chancellor, GITAM University, Prof. K.V. Rao, Nagarjuna University, Prof. Mahender Reddy, Vice Chancellor, IFHE; Prof. Venkata Seshiaiah, Director, IBS, Hyderabad; Prof. M. Madhusudhana Rao, Andhra University, Prof. Srinivas, Prof. Ravi Jain, Director Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, and Prof. Y L N Kumar, Prof. T.S.R.K. Rao, Prof. Mahesh, Prof. Radha Mohan, Prof. Sitamma, Prof. Praveen, Prof. Sriram, Prof. Menon, Prof. Aviral, Prof. K.V. Rao, Prof. Narender, Prof. Koti Reddy, Prof. Rajasekhara Reddy, Prof. Venugopal, Prof. Rajasekhar David, Prof. Sharda Singh of IBS, Hyderabad; Prof. P. Satyanarayana (MIT, Dartmouth), Prof. P.C.K.Rao (Director), Prof. Surbhi, Inbuss School; Prof. Rashmi, Prof. Charu Chaudhry (ITS); Sri. K.V. Ramesh, General Manager, GMR group; Prof. Sanjay Sehgal, Prof C.P. Gupta, Prof. Muneesh Kumar, Department of Financial Studies, South Campus; Prof. Bhanu Murthy and Prof. S.K. Jain, Prof. Sri Ram Khanna, Prof. J.P. Sharma, Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Department of Commerce, University of Delhi; Prof. Munish, Birla Institute of Technology, Dr. Padma (Keshav Mahavidyalaya), Prof. J.P. Mahajan, K.M.College, Dr. Ravichandran, STC, Dr. Sneha Chawla, School of Open Learning, Dr. Namita, Aurobindo College, Dr. Padma, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, Dr. T.N. Chhabra, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College; Dr. P.C. Jain, Dr. C.B. Gupta, SRCC, for their insightful comments. I am particularly grateful to Prof. Jyotika, Prof. Isha Verma, Prof. Somesh Jain, Prof. Rachna Jain, Prof. Asharani, Prof. Kanu Jain, Prof. Sumita Jain, Prof. Manish Kumar, Prof. Monica Soin, Prof. Vibha Jain, Prof. Renu, Prof. Swati Khanna, Prof. Sandeep, Prof. Mrs. Ramesh for offering valuable suggestions from time to time. I take this opportunity to thank Shri Mitrapal Yadav, DGM —the young, dynamic and dashing publisher—for the care and promptness with which he has brought out this edition in a short span of time. I take this opportunity to thank Shri Sumit Dwivedi, Editor, for bringing out the text with passion, love and commitment. Comments and suggestions for making the text more relevant and useful to students shall be gratefully acknowledged.


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