OCR Religious Studies for AS and A2

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OCR Philosophy of Religion for AS and A2: Selected Contents

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How to Use This Book. Acknowledgements. Answering Exam-Style Questions

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PART 1: The God of Philosophy 1. Plato and Philosophy of Religion 2. Aristotle and Philosophy of Religion

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PART 2: The God of Faith

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AS and A2 Routledge

PART 4: Challenges to the Belief in God 9. The Problem of Evil 10. Religion and Science




PART 3: The Existence of God 5. The Ontological Argument 6. The Cosmological Argument 7. The Teleological Argument 8. The Moral Argument

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3. God the Creator 4. The Goodness of God Summary Parts 1 and 2: The Gods of Faith and Philosophy Compared

OCR Religious Studies

PART 5: The Nature of Religious Belief


11. Life After Death 12. Revelation and Holy Scripture 13. Miracles 14. Religious Language


September 2008: 246x189: 464pp Pb: 978-0-415-46824-4: £16.99






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OCR Religious Ethics for AS and A2: Selected Contents


How to Use This Book. Answering Exam-Style Questions. Timeline



PART 1: AS Ethics


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1. What is Ethics? 2. Moral Absolutism and Moral Relativism 3. Natural Moral Law 4. Kant 5. Utilitarianism 6. Religious Ethics – Christian Ethics 7. Medical Ethics 1 – Abortion and the Right to a Child 8. Medical Ethics 2 – Euthanasia and the Right to Life 9. Medical Ethics 3 – Genetic Engineering and Embryo Research 10. War and Peace

PART 2: A2 Ethics 11. Meta-Ethics – The Language of Ethics 12. Virtue Ethics 13. Free Will and Determinism 14. Conscience 15. Environmental and Business Ethics 16. Sexual Ethics

New Editions fully updated in line with the 2008 specifications! June 2008: 246x189: 336pp Pb: 978-0-415-46825-1: £16.99


ISBN: 978-0-418-22141-9



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