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2 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 3
August-September 2017 Founder & Publisher
Bernard S. Harrison, Jr. Art Director
Tara Billups Haynes
Sales Director
Roderick Chappell
John Blassingame Editorial Board
Ron Atkinson Willie T. Butler Pastor John Freeze Jenna Gieson Ian Mitroff Christian Leaders Magazine Hampton Roads is Published by
Please send all letters and media request: Christian Leaders Magazine HR 259 Granby Street, Suite 250 Norfolk, VA 23510
www.christianleaders_online. com. Christian Leaders magazine is published bi-monthly by Seven City Media Group LLC. Copyright@2017 all rights reserved. reproduction by any means, either whole or in part, is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
Contents Life 10
A Godly Relationship
Trusting Him to Meet Every Need... And in Him and in Him Alone
Christianity & Yoga: Is it Really okay?
14 The Publisher’s Pen 6
What does praise look like?
Things to consider before going on your next adventure
Spirituality, Religion and Business
Marketplace Ministries 14
A church without walls (Cover Story)
7 Reasons why the Marketplace is
Preaching the Exalted Savior
a great place for Christians Serving with a purpose at
in a Fallen World
Hampton Road Chamber
Is Homosexuality really the Worst Sin? 30
Marketplace Missionary
Cover story photo credit to Kadija Corinaldi, Naldi Photography 757-339-0078
The EZ Campus Trust Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 5
The Publisher’s Pen A Personal message from the Publisher
What Does Praise Look Like? 6 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
uring this past Church me down and made me “Jump” as the key words. Up ahead was a cliff,
Sunday, I really felt led to spend some time in the Book of Psalms. I was sitting in church and the Pastor so eloquently preached from the Book of Psalms about praise and worship. It was Palm Sunday and I was thinking “what would I write about in the June pages of Christian Leaders magazine.” Well with the push that I needed, I discovered inspiration by reading Psalm 138 which posed the question (in my opinion), “What Does Praise Look Like?”
The Bible tells us that each of our dreams and plans for the future may come true with hard work and prayer. But to make the most of life, we must include God in our plans. He alone knows what is best for us. He alone can “perfect that which concerneth me.” As you make plans and dreams, talk to God about them. With every result, praise should be sent up! This leads me to write about my feelings of despair and doubt. The end of the year I was full of past achievements and looking forward to new accomplishments. Then, I hit a bump in the road. A challenge that only God’s grace and mercy would get me through. Now, I’ve always had a prayer life, but the communication between God and I had become superficial. We easily slide into well worn lines recited for a life time. I quickly tossed in a cliché or two at God and called it prayer. There is no doubt that Gods hears and understands those feeble attempts, but by limiting ourselves we become shallow in our relationship with GOD. As I mention before, I had thoughts of publishing an issue earlier in the year. What had become a hobby done on my schedule and convenience was becoming a task with a mission. I suffered several strokes which put
Steve Harvey would say. There were many nights that I thought why me. Through faith, prayer and praise at ever small victory, I give my God the praise! THANK YOU JESUS … My journey now is far from over (God willing) but I carry and awesome and inspiring testimony along the way.
When it comes to praise and worship, I believe there are two types of people. One crowd could be called ‘’The Happy to be Heard.’’ The other crowd could be known as ‘’The Calm & Collected Crowd.’’ You have seen them both haven’t you? The anthem for one group is ‘’Pentecostal Power’’ the hymn for the other guys is ‘’I Shall Not Be Moved.’’ The truth is, praise looks very different in different places of the Bible. In some places, David is dancing. In other places, Isaiah falls on his face speechless. Praise looks different at different moments. There might be excitement, then, there might be conviction. There might be an ‘’amen’’ or there might be an ‘’oh me.’’ Sometimes you lift your hands; sometimes you fall on your knees. But the psalmist gives us a very good idea of what it looks like in Psalm 138
and the horse was headed there full speed. The man tried thinking of every religious word he’d ever heard of. ‘’Amen! Jesus saves! Worthy! Holy!’’ Nothing worked. Just as the horse approached the cliff, the man shouted out, ‘’Hallelujah!’’ The horse stopped right there on the edge. The man wiped his head and looked to the heavens and said ”Praise the Lord”. As we maneuver through life let us keep our eyes and heart on the Lord. We should give him his due praise. He gives us so much and ask for so little.
Inside this edition of Christian Leaders we peel back the layers of God’s work in the offices of the Hampton Roads Chamber Of Commerce. You will find inside suite 700 there is a powerful group of men and women who are extremely powerful with faith. These jlobbyists for governmental affairs are headed by Ira Agricola. Another man in the marketplace has an anointing upon him, that man is Pastor Eric Majjette. Spirituality and health & wellness are both hot topics in the Hampton Roads market. We expose the truths To give you an example of the in this million dollar industry. varying facet of praise I will tell you this funny story. A man was trying “Let everything that hath breath to teach his horse to obey and to stop praise the lord Praise ye the Lord” and start on command. The man was 150:6 a very religious man, so he came up with a couple of religious statements Sharing the Word one More Time to use in training his horse. He trained the horse to go on the command words, ‘’Praise the Lord!’’ He trained the horse to stop on the command word, ‘’Hallelujah!’’ One day he was riding the horse and it Bernard S. Harrison, Jr. took off. He lost control of the horse and he forgot his words. The horse had been trained to only respond to
Bernard S. Harrison, Jr.
Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 7
Preaching the
Exalted Savior in a Fallen World
often wonder how some career preachers view the Bible. Do they study the text to pull out sermon points, to prove a preconceived angle, or do they engage in the text respecting what God wants to proclaim within the narrative?
We sing of Christ’s self-giving humility, as we viscerally want to imitate Christ’s servant hood. I have come to respect the Word of God as a text that is full of life. The Word of God is alive. It is a living text. It would be a mistake to deify the Word of God, but one would also be in error if they perceive the Word of God as being ordinary. There is something supernatural about the words that were supernaturally delivered to humanity. 8 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
People have died for this Word, lived for this Word, sacrificed their life to translate this Word, people believed, and many still believe, that God’s Word has the power to do what God has been desiring since the fall of humanity. God wants to be in relationship with creation and the jewel of all that he created is humanity. This is the ultimate purpose for the sending of the Son of God to be born, to live, to teach, to be tempted, to weep, to sweat blood, to be pierced, to be bruised, to die, and to rise again.
Purpose of God With a greater understanding of the purpose of God’s Word comes a greater appreciation of the purpose of
God found in the Word. A macro look at Scripture reveals a cohesive intention by God to abide within humanity; so that humanity could abide with him for eternity. A micro look reveals not only truths that effect eternity, but truths about how one should live out their days on earth. The preacher’s job is to engage in the Word and draw out revelation concerning both the macro and micro truths of the Scriptures. It is the burden of the preacher to make the living text come alive for their audience, and so then take their place in the proclamation of God’s purposes to the jewel of his affection. Preachers must convey the dynamic nature of the text by conveying the dynamics of the text itself.
Christ as a template to spiritual unity Let us consider a passage that reflects this in remarkable ways. Philippians 2 is known as the hymn that extols Christ humility. The passage invites the reader to contemplate, in order to live with, the humility demonstrated by the Son of God. Paul sets up the reader by framing a problem, then stating a clear succinct solution. It is set up by what may seem like a rhetorical question, but I believe it is a clever invitation to consider the example of Christ as a template to spiritual unity among the believers in Philippi and reaches believers across the spectrum of time and space to include us today. Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.
As a preacher enters this text, a world of practical application comes forth. What preacher has not had an occasion to bring correction to people who might react to others or to a particular situation ignoring their position in Christ? A posture that should naturally give fruit from a supernatural seed. The believer, despite offense, should respond with love, tenderness, and compassion because of the encouragement of belonging to Christ. The apostle then brings this correction front and center. Verse three declares: “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” Verse four admonishes every believer to question their motives as they compare them to the motives that drove Christ. “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”
Person, purpose, and precedent of Christ Then the apostle does something that gives us a biblical blue print for Christian living. As believers we are called to contemplate the person, purpose, and precedent of Christ as a model for daily living as we consider him as the object of our worship. It is the worship of who Christ is that should effect how the believer lives and it is how Christ lived that should provoke the believers worship. Paul enters into a glorious hymn as the backdrop of focused worship, while at the same time solidifying why every believer should seek to live in humble holy harmony. We are admonished to have the attitude of Christ Jesus (verse five). Then we are invited to praise him for the humility he exemplified at every stage of the Messianic story.
This is one of the great scriptural formulas. Of course there should be encouragement belonging to Christ. If one can find a greater source of encouragement than Christ himself it would be found in the fact that one has been given the ability to be in Christ.
Who, being in the very nature God,
Of course his love brings comfort. It was his love that brought him to this world, provoked him to carry a splintering cross, and kept him hanging on it with every agonizing breath. It was a love that led to his death so that we have comfort in life. It is this encouragement, it is this love, it is the significance of being in Christ that should come together in every believer to give rise to a compassionate and tender hearted people of God.
by taking the very nature of a servant,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his advantage; Rather, he made himself nothing
being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 9
here is no doubt relationships are pivotal to our existence. Relationships predate and will also outlive us. This spans from father/son, mother/daughter, husband/wife, parent/child, sister/brother to colleague/boss, the list is endless. Creation holds the evidence of relationship amongst the Godhead (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). God created a strategic pattern of relationship when Adam was in the Garden of Eden and even when man was in dire need of restoration. Therefore, God is the originator of relationships! We were birthed by the reason of some sort of relationship, reborn and sustained by our relationship with Christ. Time after time, circumstances in life prove that relationships are key to our very purpose on earth. Your life will be incomplete without the right relationships. “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corin.15:33). This verse clearly suggests two different kinds of associations; Right and Wrong. Relationships have the capacity to influence our thinking, lifestyle,
manners, disposition, direction, purpose, appearance and so on. Thereby, choosing wisely and right is of utmost importance. We as Christians have the power to choose our relationships and be intentional about it. Your life becomes predictable by the relationships you keep. Remember, the story of Amnon (2 Samuel 13:339). He had a friend named Jonadab, a crafty (deceiving) friend, who gave him an advice that eventually cost him his life. Relationships make subtle deposits of seeds in our life that will ultimately grow into proofs. Your life is a reflection of those you associate with. And you cannot be better than the associates you keep. Be deliberate about your circle of friends. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” (Proverbs 27:17). Every interaction you make with your friends forms a heap of perception in you about things, people and life generally. Overtime, what they see is what you see, how they see is how you see, how they think is how you think. Do your values align? Your choice of association should be guided by
principles and purpose. “There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). Do your friends make deposit of wisdom, values and inspiration in one another? Or do they only spread negative vibes around? God never accomplishes anything without relationships. The destiny of an entire nation may be hinged on the relationship between two people (for instance, Esther and Mordecai, David and Jonathan). Can God trust your relationships enough, to work a bigger purpose through it? “Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul” (Proverbs 27:9). Healthy friendships are platforms for refreshing, deposits of love and positivity. Good friendships don’t feel like work; it feels like building foundations, and growing a garden; pleasant, worthwhile and rewarding. Your relationships do matter to God. You have got to make your relationships purposeful and visionary. As you are intentional with your walk with God, be deliberate with your choice of association.
Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 11
Trusting Him To Meet Every Need... And In Him, And In Him Alone
By Willie T. Butler
f you’re like many Americans, the executive orders and legislative pursuits of the White House and Republican-led Congress have caused much consternation for some, even fear. Decisions affecting future employment, healthcare, tax reform and religious liberty are but a mere smattering of the many changes either proposed or already enacted under the Trump Administration.
To Heal Or Not Heal Many students today must also pursue financial aid through their school, As a senior with pre-existing health conditions, I am watching closely what is coming in the way of Healthcare Reform—which will first affect the poor, i.e., those eligible for Medicaid—then all Americans whose coverage comes from either an employer plan or is self payed.
12 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
President Trump and our conservative Congress would ask you to believe that a repeal of the ACA will result in lower healthcare costs for most Americans. But, remember when the Affordable Care Act became law, some employers with fewer than 50 employees opted out of providing health plans and instead provided employees with a healthcare stipend to purchase benefit coverage through the ACA marketplace or other outside exchange. Some employees with more that 50 employees changed the qualifications for healthcare benefits by reducing employee hours below 32.5, the amount mandated by the ACA for a person to have annual medical coverage. And, where that was not enough these same employers went so far as to either lay off workers or drop their employer plan all together, all in the name
of profitability or, as they would argue, to remain viable and profitable as a company.
Affordability Will Always Be Relative As an independent contractor who spends more than $1,000.00 per month for my own healthcare premium and prescription drugs, I too feel the weight of medical costs and hope this administration can get concessions and agreed cost reductions for future healthcare coverage. However, that may be a bridge too far as all players in the healthcare arena still hold that profit is King.
For The Love Of Money If a company and its shareholders have enjoyed 30% annual net profit what would incent them ten to twenty percent less voluntarily rather than pursue higher net profits the following year? That is the real issue when you define capitalism in mere dollars and cents. As a corporate executive my compensation is predicated on how well the company achieves financial success. Likewise, as an investor I will seek to earn the most profit by investing in the most profitable companies. So earnings serves as the best bellwether for economic investment, future employment and, subsequently consumer spending. Is it any wonder than that conservative economic legislation is also leaning in this direction? So long as healthcare, as an industry and economic engine, is seen as being no different as a market stimulator, we will likely see a rather obvious increase in the economic markets as the healthcare reform legislation is accepted by Wall Street, than Main Street. Money, wealth and the privilege these afford a person will always prevail in this world. So, what can you do about it?
If self-employed, start reviewing healthcare plan options. If there is a repeal of the mandatory coverage requirement and you are healthy, this may buy you time to shop around for appropriate coverage. But do not drop any plan you currently have. Doing so could trigger one of the many provisions that allow insurers to decline future coverage to you, especially if any preexisting conditions are involved. Consider non-traditional healthcare options, such as Medi-Share, provided through Christian Care Ministry, https://mychristiancare.org. This is a Christian based healthcare sharing ministry which may be a viable and affordable healthcare option for some individuals. Founded in 1993, and based on the inferred mandate for Christians caring for each others burdens as found in the Book of Acts, Medi-Share now serves over 250,000 members who have shared more than $1.7 Billion in medical bills. Pray for a just and obedient governing authority. Ask for elected and appointed officials who will administer government as God ordained, not as man chooses. Pray for healing if illness exists; and for continued good health if you are well. Debate over healthcare will be with this nation for many years to come. What ever you can do in the interim both as a believer and member of one Church remains our most powerful weapon and authority.
To discuss this or any social reform matter further, why not join us for The Conversation, hosted by The Life Planning Institute every Saturday morning from 10:00 A.M. - Noon starting Saturday May 13, 2017. For more information please visit https:// mylpi.org or call 757-447-3260 Monday – Friday.
If employed, ask your employer whether their healthcare plan will change. Trust me. They already have a plan in mind.
Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 13
“I felt God was calling me to minister but not as a tradition Pastor in a church but in the marketplace.�
MARKETPLACE MINISTRY: “The Unconventional Pulpit”
A Church without
One website defined marketplace ministry as, “The directing of evangelism and other Christian activities toward the secular marketplace.” I think the simplest definition is to be a disciple and witness for Christ in and through your work or business. A similar approach is having the attitude of being a full time minister in the workplace and the secular marketplace..In a recent interview with Pastor Eric Majette, we discussed his vision in the marketplace and more. CLM: What is the definition of Marketplace ministry to you? Marketplace ministry is the intersection of faith and commerce. The marketplace is where you spend most of your time. Whatever your profession is, we as Christians have the opportunity to minister the Gospel to the unsaved and saved in an unconventional way. Whatever your profession lies that where your pulpit is. the glory of God and to become ambassador for
Christ to impact His Kingdom. CLM: What is the definition of Marketplace ministry to you? I am Hampton Roads church community does church very well, however, there are many reasons why marketplace ministry is critical. First of all,
Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 15
but not as a tradition Pastor in a church but in the marketplace. CLM: What would you say to a church leader who is interested in bringing his ministry to the Marketplace? Marketplace ministry can be a valuable asset to their ministry and vision. A winning collaboration between churches, non profits and businesses working for God. . If you think about it, most churches survive on the titles and offering of the church. I think with the right tools churches can bring in other unconventional resources to help support their visions for the ministry. Leaders must now go into the marketplace and connect with corporate resources to find funds. I would also advise the leader to surround him or her with people who understand the marketplace, then call me!
Pastor Majette chats with Joel Osteen at the Night of Hope
For more information contact Pastor Eric Majette at 757-550-1850
in the secular marketplace, the majority of the people you work with are lost and need Jesus. You will interact with many who will never visit a church. Because they are on their own turf in the marketplace, they are relaxed and not spiritually on guard like they would be if you forced them into a church setting. CLM: What led you to your ministry? I am a Hampton Roads native, originally from Franklin, Va. As a twenty year old, I was in church and prophetically spoken over, by church leaders. They spoke words of encouragement and that I would become a Minister. In my travels in the business world I felt the call on my life. I always felt there was something different that God had placed on my life. I just couldn’t fill or find the void. In 2005 the Lord began to deal with me about ministry, and I accepted the calling He had on my life.. I was attending school studying for my MBA when I changed directions and enrolled into the School of Divinity and obtained a Master’s degree. I felt God was calling me to minister 16 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
Eric Majette mingles with Bishop T.D. Jakes in Washington D.C.
Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 17
Why the Marketplace Is a Great Place for Christians
Almost all non-Christians are in the marketplace.
Today, less than 20% of Americans attend church regularly. In many European countries, the percentages are much lower. At the current rate, regular church attendance is projected to drop to 11.7% by 2050.
The good news is that these people who aren’t attending church will still be waking up to go to work alongside their Christian co-workers in the marketplace each morning.
Almost all Christians are in the marketplace.
At least 85% of the Christian workforce spends 60-70% of their waking hours in the marketplace. In addition to serving our families and our local churches, the marketplace is the primary context in which our spiritual gifts should be used. The ministry potential for Christians using their spiritual gifts collaboratively in the marketplace is astounding!
18 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
(In case you don’t know what your spiritual gifts are, my forthcoming book will include a spiritual gifts assessment as well as teaching on how you can use your unique gifts for ministry in the marketplace.)
Discipleship actually can happen in the marketplace. At least 85% of the Christian workforce spends 60-70% of their waking hours in the marketplace. In addition to serving our families and our local churches, the marketplace is the primary context in which our spiritual gifts should be used. The ministry potential for Christians using their spiritual gifts collaboratively in the marketplace is astounding! (In case you don’t know what your spiritual gifts are, my forthcoming book will include a spiritual gifts assessment as well as teaching on how you can use your unique gifts for ministry in the marketplace.)
The marketplace is a more authentic showroom of Christianity. At least 85% of the Christian workforce spends If you were shopping for a car, you’d probably go to a showroom. Before you bought anything, you’d probably want to see if the car actually functions properly on the road. You might even ask the dealer to allow you to take the car home for a day or two to test it out.
marketplace chaplains), of course I’m going to view marketplace ministry as a calling to “care for the personal needs of my employees and/or coworkers.” We need to approach marketplace ministry in a way that leverages the spiritual gifts of all Christians in the marketplace. The “one-size-fitsall” approach only produces self-condemnation and ineffectiveness for marketplace Christians attempting to operate outside of their God-given spiritual gifts.
6 5 7 The local church is like the showroom for Christianity. The marketplace is the test drive. The marketplace is where our unbelieving coworkers get to see if they really want what we have. Daily, they see how we react under pressure. They see how we treat people. They see how much God truly matters to us in our daily lives. As mentioned in “Reason 1,” most people aren’t even coming to the “showroom” anymore, so marketplace Christians are now serving as both the showroom and the test drive of Christianity.
The marketplace forces the Church to use all of its capabilities..
Personality-driven and super-pastor Christianity doesn’t work in the marketplace. Having a bunch of Christians sitting on the sidelines of ministry may not prevent a local church from increasing numerically, but it won’t transform the marketplace for the glory of God. So far, most of the teaching about “marketplace ministry” has been defining marketplace ministry without regard for people’s unique spiritual gifts. For example, if I have an apostolic gift, of course I’m going to view marketplace ministry as a mandate to “ascend and take the Business Mountain for God.” If I have a pastoral gift (i.e.
Denominational divisions are less-destructive in the marketplace. We can choose whether to attend a Baptist Church, Pentecostal-Charismatic Church, Presbyterian Church, a Non-Denominational Church, etc… but most of us don’t have the luxury of co-working only with Christians with whom we agree theologically. The marketplace has a way of diluting some of these differences. This opens the door to collaborative ministry beyond the walls of our local churches and traditions.
Everything gets funded from the marketplace. All money comes from value that has been created in the marketplace, and business professionals ultimately decide what gets funded. These business professionals need to know God and His plan for their lives in order to make righteous decisions concerning money. Although business is often thought of only as the economic engine of the Church, I hope that we will begin to see and realize its full potential for transforming society for the glory of God. Written by: Darren Shearer
Reprinted with permission from Theology of Business Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 19
Is Homosexuality
Really the Worst Sin? By Pastor John Freeze
This question is an important one, Very often Christians point out the sin of homosexuality as a major problem in this country, while seemingly forgetting about the massive amounts of sinners addicted to other sinful patterns in life. Is homosexuality truly more detrimental to a society than other sins? How would you weigh the cultural impact of this sin against, say, the sins of pride and overeating and greed?” My answer to the last question can be straightforward. I do not doubt that millions more
ruined in this life and the next by the sins of greed, pride, selfishness, and anger is vastly greater
people are ruined in this life and the next through greed and covetousness, through pride, through selfishness, through excessive anger than are
than the number of people ruined by same-sex orientation or sinful homosexual behavior.
ruined through same-sex orientation or through homosexual behavior. The reason for that opinion on my part is twofold.
I would add the social miseries brought about through those sins are also vastly greater in scope
On the one hand, the sins of greed and pride
than any brought about through homosexual sin. My guess is to truly answer this question I can’t stop there, because that’s only part of the answer
and selfishness and anger are more widespread than either same-sex attraction or homosexual behavior. On the other hand, the sins of greed
to this question, but truly I should concentrate implicitly on this part of the answer; namely, well, then, why is so much attention paid to
and pride and selfishness and anger are more subtle and disguise themselves more easily as acceptable. Yes, the number of people who are
homosexuality? I think that’s probably behind his question.
20 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
All of us function in different circles of humanity, In my context, the people that I watch most closely
trying to normalize homosexual behavior. That’s the second reason why it has a unique place in our
in leadership certainly do take the view point of others; namely, that homosexuality is no more deadly a sin and certainly no more widespread
society right now. It is a sin with forceful advocates.
than greed and pride and selfishness and anger. The people that I function among are keenly aware of this and are eager to make it plain as I am now. It may not, however, be the case in everybody’s situation. I don’t know. Let me suggest three things about why I think homosexuality is getting such attention in our day. 1. It’s because the media feature this issue. It isn’t Christians who put homosexuality in the news. Christians are drawn to explain our position in public through preaching and writing as often as we do these days because the media have made the issue so public that we feel we need to serve Christians with careful, biblical answers, and we need to clarify for non-Christians how we think.
3. Homosexual intercourse has an unusual status in our moral discourse because it is, in a peculiar way, going against nature. The apostle Paul describes it like this: “God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error” (Romans 1:26–27).
2. More importantly, I think, unlike the sins of greed with its counterpart stealing, and pride with its counterpart the humiliating of others, and selfishness with its counterpart of exploiting others, and anger with its counterpart of malice and abusiveness, unlike these sins, homosexual
To repeat my answer, I don’t doubt that millions more people are ruined in this life and the next through greed, pride, selfishness, excessive anger than are ruined through same-sex orientation or through homosexual behavior. The reason for the attention that homosexual behavior is getting is not because it destroys more people, but because 1) it makes news, 2) it’s a public sin with forceful advocates, and 3) it is peculiarly contrary to nature. Those of us who believe that same-sex orientation is a distortion of nature and that it may result in sinful homosexual intercourse are called upon,
behavior has articulate and forceful advocates and defenders. This is one of the things that makes the
like I’m being called upon right now, to record answers to questions like this and therefore be
sin of homosexual intercourse stand out today.
public about this.
If there were strident and articulate and forceful publishing advocates for greed and stealing and pride and humiliating others and selfishness and the exploitation of others and anger and
But I end with this. It’s the most important thing I have to say. I want to emphasize that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into the world to save sinners — heterosexual sinners and homosexual
abusiveness, if these sins were being publicly advocated, then they would probably get more press as well. You find few if any people trying
sinners, greedy, proud, selfish, angry sinners and sinners who commit homosexual acts. We all need the same Savior, and the blood of Christ is
to normalize stealing and normalize humiliation and normalize exploitation and normalize angry abusiveness, but you find thousands of people
sufficient to wash away every sin and remove all judgment and bring us to everlasting healing and joy.
Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 21
n the first installment of this two-part series, Best-Selling Author Sherrill Moore-Tucker is no stranger to the negative thoughts, rumors and opinions surrounding yoga in the Church. However, the wellness instructor is here to put all of that negativity to rest once and for all.
Americans. Some of the reasons why people try yoga include flexibility, stress relief, and fitness. So there you have it! The one component that is debatable isn’t even listed as a top reason why more and more Americans are practicing yoga.
As a faith-based yoga and wellness instructor, I am routinely asked whether a Christian can practice yoga. I am confronted with comments such as, “Christians should not participate in yoga, because it is a Hindu practice and opens the spirit up to worshiping Hindu gods.” I have addressed these types of questions, concerns, and more in person after my workshops and classes, via Face book and email, and it’s a valid concern that deserves a proper response. So let’s get to it!
One of the concerns I hear from many Christians is the meaning of the word “yoga” and the origin of yoga. The word “yoga” means to yoke or to unite. Nothing strange there. We are a soul, communing with God through our spirit, while we live in a physical body so we can do kingdom work here on earth. However, the origin of yoga is a little more complicated. According to the National Yoga Alliance (NYA), the largest nonprofit association representing the yoga community, yoga was developed up to 5,000 years ago in India as a comprehensive system for well-being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. But today, millions of Americans use various aspects of yoga to help raise their quality of life in such diverse areas as fitness, stress relief, wellness, vitality, mental clarity, healing, peace of mind, and spiritual growth. Further, the NYA says that yoga is a system, not of beliefs, but of techniques and guidance for enriched living. Yoga has in recent times branched
For starters, more people are practicing yoga now more than ever. According to the 2016 Yoga Study in America conducted by Yoga Journal and the National Yoga Alliance, the number of American yoga practitioners has increased to over 36 million in 2016, up from 20.4 million in 2012, while 34% of Americans say they are somewhat or very likely to practice yoga in the next 12 months—equal to more than 80 million 22 - Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017
out in many new directions, some of which are quite different from its traditional emphases. All approaches to yoga, however, are intended to promote some aspect(s) of well-being.
Now let’s take a look at Kemetic yoga. Kemetic yoga philosophy says the people of ancient Kemet Egypt practiced a unique style of yoga that predates the yoga of India. Kemetic yoga philosophy also says that the practice and philosophy of yoga in India was informed by knowledge that came out of Africa. Examples of Indian yoga can be found in ancient Egypt, but examples of ancient Kemetic yoga cannot be found in India. The conclusion one can draw from this is: the yoga of Egypt is much older than that found in India. So do you see why I don’t get caught up in the origin or how man uses God’s gifts? Whether yoga started in India or Africa is still up for debate, but the fact remains that God is the Creator of the mind-body connection. The Bible speaks specifically about key elements used in most forms of yoga: meditation, breathing, and movement. For me, Acts 17:18 sums it up: “For in Him we live and move and exist.” So I will put truth up against philosophy any day, as philosophy is simply man’s attempt to understand God, His creations, and purpose. Joshua 1:8 reminds me to meditate on His Word day and night; Genesis 2:7 defines the source of my life: “He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person”; and numerous Scriptures speak of our bodily posture toward God. King David had a keen understanding that our outward posture is reflective of what’s going on inside, because God, the originator of the mind-body connection, knows that the way we move can positively or negatively affect the heart and mind.
Another concern for some Christians is the spiritual component of yoga. Because some Christians believe that yoga is taught as a means to salvation in Hinduism, it is considered off-limits to Christians. Why? Some believe that the system
of yoga was defined by a certain group of people and that the entire system can’t be redefined or evolved, but the fact of the matter is that yoga in America has evolved. Science revels that the intentional use of the mind, breath, and movement can effect positive change in the physical body. Through scientific research and studies, over time the intention of yoga in America began to evolve from its traditional origins to be repurposed and repacked for a more mainstream appeal to fitness enthusiasts, those facing health challenges and trauma, and others interested in the benefits of this mindbody modality.
Did you know that our beloved country has a history of repurposing and repackaging things that we didn’t necessarily discover? Take our beloved Christmas tree for example. Did you know that decorating trees and giving money was a part of worship to various gods during Egyptian times? It is also part of the Germanic pagan solstice tradition. The exchange of wedding rings did not originate in the church, and various religious worship and practice meditation, prayer, and fasting just like Christians. So should I take my ring off based on the original intent, or stop purchasing Christmas trees and decorations because the Egyptians utilized the tree first? No, I don’t, because I serve a God who can redeem anything, as He is the Creator of all. Did you know that fasting can be a spiritual practice for some, and for others, fasting may be used to purge toxins from the body or used for weight loss? No one claims fasting as their own because we are all free to use the practice as we see fit, and yoga should be no different. (Look for the second part of this article in the next issue of CLM)
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Serving with a purpose at
Hampton Roads Chamber “Everything is grounded in my faith”
Ira says. “I wake up every morning and start the day with prayer and walk in faith throughout the day.” Ira Agricola is the Executive Vice President Government Affairs of the Hampton Roads Chamber. Ira has worked for 32 years helping Hampton businesses flourish in the Southside Hampton Roads marketplace. Working now in tandem with CEO/President Bryan Stevens, who is a believer as well. Both men recognize the large number of faith based organization and churches in the region. The Chamber is positioned to help small businesses and non-profit with strategic planning, finance, organizational skills, networking opportunities and other development skills that the Chamber helps to enhance. Currently, the Chamber is helping churches with day care facilities. Along-side the Small Business Development Center, they have a certification process to help churches obtain certification.
“My faith got me through; there were so many passages in the Bible where people stood on their faith to emerge triumph”.
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Agricola has come to view his work at the Chamber as a ministry. Each member of his team feel s free to express their faith at work. There are stories of co-workers praying for each other. Ira and his wife attend two different churches, Believer’s Church in Chesapeake and Nags Head in the Outer Banks. Both
“I wake up every morning and start the day with prayer and walk in faith throughout the day.” churches are filled with the spirit of worship. The B Group Ministry, which he and his wife also attend, helps the church adults understand God’s Word and helps them grow in maturity in the understand of God’s word. “These groups are a way to refresh your understanding and get to know people on a personal basis.” Ira feels his God given talent is relationship building. Over the many years, he has become friends with many of the movers and shakers within the Hampton Roads community. He has also rubbed shoulders as well with a lot of small business owners. His ability to connect with a hotdog stand owner and the next day meet with the governor is a skill that Ira believes is his gift. Ira finds that his focus at work and at church overlaps in many ways in terms of his ministry to God. The heart of a leader’s calling is to shepherd the people who look to him for guidance. When asked about someone who he has blessed recently, Ira recounted receiving about eight tickets to the circus from a Chamber partner. In return, he blessed a church family with young children with the tickets. “I remember when my children were young and they looked forward to the circus. I was so proud to take them.”
Ira is married with two adult children. His son is planning to get married soon. His daughter married and lives in Harrisonburg. “I’m truly-truly blessed with my family. It’s hard to overstate the importance of the opportunity to parent and to shape their children’s interactions with the church and their conception of God. By no means are my children perfect but they made me feel proud when I look at their achievements and accomplishments.” Ira heads the Government Affairs Directive at the Chamber and beam like a mother with a newborn as we discuss the department. Ira greatest achievement to date has been his ability to create a reputation statewide, concluding garnering a five star accreditation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Ira says that the key component to that designation has been advocacy. Even as chamber business continues to grow. There have been bumps in the road. “The biggest challenge from a legislative perspective was, not securing a budget of 7.5 million for the BRAC order for Oceana.” With all that was at stake for the community, he felt responsible. “My faith got me through; there were so many passages in the Bible where people stood on their faith to emerge triumph”. In a region full of so many different ethnicities, religions and small businesses, the Hampton Road Chamber is here to serve. From the heart of the CEO/President to the receptionist at the front door reflects the beauty of God’s word in our cities.
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to Consider before going on your next
hat season is around the corner? Where we going to move? or Where are we going next?. “Now’s the time in our lives to make it happen.”. I’m guilty of focusing on the next season instead of the current. God has me planted in this season for a reason. I’m guilty of searching for places to just “go” and memories to make and photos to capture and stories to tell. Forbes reports multiple reasons why the millennial generation carries this deep desire to “go.” Honestly, our generation hears the words “move” and “go,” and we are all in.
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Here’s what I know: God has each and every one of us in our present seasons to prepare us, equip us and lead us into the season that is just around the corner. Whether the new season is a move, a job or a change of scenery, God wants us to allow Him full control in every step of the way. But that itch isn’t always bad—in fact, it can be good. Here are four things to consider when that itch to go comes to the surface:
We don’t go out. We are led out. My husband and I have had numerous conversations about our future steps. Here we are, a 20-something, married couple, staring at the world and realizing it is our oyster. Every part of us wants to “go.” We want to go across the country and go across the world and go into the dark places and go into the brightest places. We want to see, do, feel and experience everything this world has to offer. But at the end of the day, as Christians, we recognize we must not “go” out, we must be led out. As we all seek God’s Will and plan for our paths, we must seek God’s desire for our family before we even consider our own. And I certainly do not want to just “go” and miss out on all of the other opportunities God had lined up for me in a season that I discarded and left behind
We don’t go meaninglessly. I’ve experienced firsthand how liberating it is to hop on a plane alone, and just go. For the thrill, for the adventure, for the new faces. There have definitely been trips that were Spirit-led, and there have definitely been trips that were personal-agenda led. What a conviction it was when I realized this freedom to “go” must not be used lightly. I used to find gratification in just aimlessly wandering. I thought, certainly, I would find meaning along the meaningless journey. The apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 9:26, writes, “So I run with purpose in every step.” I want my life—my family, my marriage, my walk with God—to have purpose in every single step. Purpose in every decision. Purpose in every move. Purpose in every job change. Purpose in every relationship. Purpose in every prayer.
Our freedom to go belongs to Christ. I envision all of the 20-somethings in the world who have this picture perfect idea of how their life will be set up throughout these crucial years in their 20s to all “sigh” simultaneously in this moment. Our freedom? That freedom the world tells us is solely ours at this age? That freedom to decide who we want to be, what we want to believe in, who we want to support, which political party we want to align with, where we want to live, everything? It all belongs to Christ.
another in love.” Have you asked yourself, “If I go, God am I continuing to serve You and others in love?” Will this move or experience further your Kingdom and fulfill Your purpose for my life?” And if so, then go with peace.
Our desire to ‘go and make disciples’ should trump our desire to ‘go and experience.’ Ultimately, we must seek to “go” and make Jesus known, disciple others, and be the hands and feet. The world tells us to go and pursue happiness for our selffulfillment, but Jesus says to go and deny ourselves, while taking up our crosses. (Mathew 16:24) The world tells us to go and lust after Instagram moments, but Jesus says to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone. (Mark 16:15) The world tells us to go and experience all of the pleasures that can be found in our youth, but the book of Acts teaches us to go and consider our lives nothing to us, and only aim to finish the race and complete the task God has given us—to share His grace. (Acts 20:24) Before we go, let us pursue God’s plan for our journey, job and new experiences. Let us seek Him, and Him alone, to direct our footsteps, changes and paths.
absolutely. In fact, Paul writes in Galatians 5:13, “You have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one
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“Father God, I come to You today declaring that I am finished with fear. Thank You for giving me power, love and a sound mind. I choose to stand on Your promises. Fill me with Your peace and joy today as I move forward in victory with You in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Spirituality, Religion and Business By: Ian Mitroff
A perennial debate about the distinctions between religion and spatiality usually yields up differences that distract from the important issue of the purpose of both: those that distain religion but favor spirituality usually indicate that they are averse to follow rules, particularity the rules that other have imposed. Ostensibly, there is no reverse with those favoring religion but disdaining spirituality; however in practice it is this reverse that is most wide-spread. Many who attend church regularly and proclaim adherence to the rules do not seek the main goal of religion which is soul-awareness, or God –union. Unfortunately, those who disdain religion but respect spirituality do not usually practice the purpose of spirituality either, which is the exact same purpose of religion—soul awareness (selfrealization) or God –union.
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While there are, in fact superficial distinctions between the terms ‘religion” and “spirituality” the goals of each are identical. Religion refers to the methods and practice for becoming soul-realized ; it stands to reason that more than one method would evolve at different times in different global location, thus we have the five world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, which provide systems of moral guidance and methods for prayer and worship. Most adherents to each religion are satisfied to simply follow the rules and sprinkle their devotion with a prayer. And while this
first step is necessary, it is only the first step; the next step focuses squarely on the method itself that leads to God-union, and that step includes techniques of the body-purification, concentration and meditation. It is only after some adeptness in this second step that the true spirituality comes to play, because spirituality refers directly to the soul which is spirit, it’s nature, it’s function, it’s purpose, which can be known only intuitively by direct contact. Only spirit can realize spirit, and religion provides the path to realizing spirit. The physical body and the mind cannot know the soul or God; however the human being through religious study, practice, meditation, and prayer can become self-realized,
world better place—not merely for the accumulation of wealth for selfish purposes. If every business deemed its purpose to offer the best service possible, then prosperity would come to all businesses. Such dedication as described above comes from the spiritual law of the golden rule. A strong spiritual life forms the basis for the ability to be of service to others. Serving others becomes a way to serve God. A strong spiritual life gives one the courage to accept life’s challenges and still continue to offer selfless service. We are seeing a great awakening in the business world pointing towards greater interest in spirituality in the workplace. The reason behind the increasing is quite simple; it works. It operates the divine law of abundance. It is not a fad. It will continue. Spirituality in the workplace will continue to grow, including all workplaces. God is omnipresent, as well as omniscient. Therefore, if God makes your Sunday a better day, it stands to reason that God will make your Monday-Saturday better days as well. Businesses are learning this. And the success that those who have put a spiritual element into place will be desired by others; that’s why I predict that spirituality in the workplace will spread.
realizing the soul or God. Religion can be known, but spirituality can only be realized. Religion therefore is the tangible part of the search for God, and spirituality is the intangible part. And they work together as the body and mind work together. The challenges of the unrealized human being are always the same whether in business or in personal relationships; how to become soul-realized. The first step to soulrealization are moral steps. Treating our fellow human beings humanly, kindly with love and respect. Truly believing and living under the rule that treating others with fairness in return. The world of business must be a place where each participant realizes that his/her role is to offer useful service. Businesses must be places that exist to make the
Ian Mitrff, author of the bestseller “A Spirituality Audit of Corporate America” says “ Spirituality could be the ultimate competitive advantage.” Ben Cohen, co-founder and former CEO of Ben and Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream say ”at Ben and Jerry’s , we learded that there’s a spiritual life to business as ther is in the lives of individuals. As you give you receive. As you help others, you are helped in returned. For people, for business, for the nation—it’s all the same.” Julius Wall CEO of Greystone Bakery, starts each day with a prayer, and he says that by realizing that God is in control, he eliminates fear from his endeavors and therefore becomes more creative. Other companies that have added a spiritual element to their equation are Shell Oil Company, Microsoft, Apple, and others.
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Indian River Reunion Arlene and James Frye IRHS Scholarship Golf Benefit ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS THE INDIAN RIVER HIGH SCHOLARSHIP FUND
TOURNAMENT HOSTED BY: IRHS 1987 CONTACT: JEFF GUILL 243-3778 JAMES FRYE 439-1186 ■ PLATINUM SPONSOR $3,000 3 Teams, 9 Hole Signs, Banner at Registration, Website, Business Card in Golf Program, Plaque, Company Promotional inside Gift Bags, and listed and recognized in the Indian River Grand Reunion Program as Platinum Sponsor ■ GOLD SPONSOR $2,000 2 Teams, 6 Hole Signs, Banner at Registration, Website, Business Card in Program, Plaque, Company Promotional inside Gift Bags, and listed and recognized in the Indian River Grand Reunion Program as Gold Sponsor ■ SILVER SPONSOR $1,000 1 Team, 3 Hole Sign, Banner at Registration, Website, Business Card in Program, Plaque, Company Promotional inside Gift Bags, and listed and recognized in the Indian River Grand Reunion Program as Silver Sponsor ■ GIFT BAG SPONSOR-$1000 Company Logo Printed on Golfer Gift Bags ■ BEVERAGE CART SPONSOR-$1,000 Large sign placed on beverage cart while it is driven around the Golf Course ■ HOLE SPONSOR $100 ■ BUSINESS CARD IN PROGRAM $100 ■ HOLE SPONSOR & BUSINESS CARD IN PROGRAM $150 EARLY BIRD ENTRY FEE UNTIL JUNE 30TH: $300 PER FOURSOME, AND $75 PER PLAYER AFTER JUNE 30TH, $350 PER FOURSOME, AND $90 PER PLAYER WWW.INDIANRIVERHIGHREUNION.COM Christian Leaders Magazine | August - September 2017 - 35