Temple Beth El's 90th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

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Temple Beth El

90th Anniversary Commemorative Journal April 8-10, 2011

350 Roxbury Road, Stamford, Connecticut www.tbe.org

In the beginning...

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Copied from program of Dedication Service Temple Beth El, Prospect Street, December 1928

THE BETH EL BULLETIN Friday, January 13, 1922

Vol. I, No. 1

EDITORIAL This simple and unpretentious bulletin aims to acquaint the members of Temple Beth El with the continued progress which we are making, and to serve as a little newsette (sic) for the Temple Beth El Family. It is to be hoped that the regular issuance of this sheet will help to maintain the glowing enthusiasm which now exists for our work on behalf of Judaism. ANNUAL MEETING At the annual meeting of the Temple, which was held on Wednesday, Jan. 4th, the following officers were elected for the coming year: President—————Wm. Block Vice-President———S. Franklin Secretary—————-J. Schwartz Treasurer—————S. Weisman We trust that the new administration will not fall short of the heavy responsibility which rests on its shoulders. MEMBERSHIP DUES This week, our esteemed secretary will send to every member of the Temple, a bill for semiannual dues for the period Jan.-July 1922. Inasmuch as our treasury is in a very depleted condition, and in view of our large obligations, you are earnestly requested to pay your dues during the month of January. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The membership committee is proud to report that 25 new members have joined the Temple. Our little family is continually growing. You can accelerate this growth by enlisting your friends in the work. All applications should be forwarded to Mr. Frank Martin, chairman of the membership Committee, 12 West Park Place. Our goal is 200 members by the end of the winter. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Our religious school is growing by leaps and bounds both in its attendance and efficiency. Elaborate preparations are now being made for a Purim festival which will even outshine the splendid Chanukah entertainment which we held last December. The children are going to thrust themselves into a vigorous prize essay contest, the results of which will be announced at Purim.

13 Tebeth 5682 YOUNG PEOPLE’S LEAGUE Our Young People’s League has embarked upon a vigorous program of activities. An elaborate Chamisho Osor B’Shvat entertainment and dance is being planned for Feb. 12. On this occasion a humorous play entitled “She Must Marry a Doctor” will be presented. A huge masquerade ball is being planned for Purim. The regular meetings of the League are held every Tuesday evening at the Hebrew Institute. At the next meeting we expect to be visited by a representative of the Young People’s League of the United Synagogue. Young men and women above the age of 18 are eligible for membership in the League. JUNIOR TEMPLE BETH EL The children who attend our Sabbath Morning Services have organized themselves into a Junior Temple Beth El for the purpose of popularizing the services among the children of the community. The officers are: Joseph Schwimmer, President Myra Philips, Vice-President Grace Kahn, Secretary SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bickart have returned from a trip in the South. Mrs. Irene Moltasch is now visiting her parents in Memphis, Tenn. Mr. J. Moll is recovering from his illness. TEMPLE BANQUET The formal installation of the newly elected officers of Temple Beth El will take place on Sunday, Feb. 5, at a dinner which will be given at the Hebrew Institute. Mr. A. Wofsey is the chairman of the arrangement committee. BIBLE CLASS The next meeting of the Bible Study Club will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 17th at 3 P.M., at the home of Mildred Spelke, 31 forest Street. Boys and girls of high school age are welcome. FRIDAY EVENING SERVICES This Friday evening Rabbi Max Arzt will speak on “Judaism and Christian Science.” BETH EL BLOSSOMS The Beth El Blossoms will meet on Saturday afternoon at the Institute under the direction of Miss Esther Newstad.




2010 Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary



Megillah Readers 1967

2011 Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Junior Choir




Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary



Six generations… The Gruber family has been listed among the founders of Temple Beth El, thus, participating in Temple Beth El for nearly all the 90 years. My great grandfather, Harris Gruber, sat on the Temple board and was honored by carrying one of the Torahs into the new building on Prospect Street at its dedication in 1928. Grandpa Joseph Gruber was President from 1934 to 1938. My parents, Mary and David Gruber, were very active in the congregation. My brother, Gary, and I attended Religious School. My confirmation class was made up of 12 girls including Eileen H. Rosner. My brother celebrated his Bar Mitzvah followed by a dinner dance in the social hall on Prospect Street. During those early years, the Temple observed the High Holidays in two sessions due to the overcrowded congregation. After college I returned to be active in the Young Adult Group. It brought many couples together including Stephen Trell and me. We were the second couple that Rabbi Alex Goldman married as the new rabbi in 1967. We celebrated our baby Julie with a baby naming ceremony at the Prospect Street sanctuary, while Jeff was born the year the Temple was dedicated on Roxbury Road. Both Julie and Jeff attended all of Religious School from Kindergarten straight through Merkaz Torah (12th grade). For a number of years I taught Kindergarten in what is now the Gift Shop. Julie was active with USY. Meanwhile, my dad was active in the Men’s Club and my mom helped out with youth groups. And now we have the sixth generation with Jeff’s children, Max and Hailey, Bi-Cultural students, who attend holiday services and activities here at TBE. Temple Beth El has been involved in much of the Gruber-Trell life-cycle. Now you may understand why I feel my middle initial “G” is so significant. Happy celebration to our Temple Beth El. You have been our spiritual support. Gail G. Trell

Excerpted From Temple Beth El Bulletins 1965 The year 1965-66 saw Rabbi Manuel Gold as the spiritual leader with Rabbi David W. Pearlman becoming Rabbi Emeritus. The Temple was seeking a leader for the teen groups (sound familiar?)...The Sisterhood established a milk canteen for children attending afternoon religious classes...Earl Wofsey, Temple President, wrote that the sanctuary and income were too small for the 450 families of the congregation and that, based on Stamford’s rate of Jewish growth, Temple Beth El should be servicing over 550 families...Ben Wattenberg published a new book, This U.S.A., based on the census...Seventeen young people volunteered to participate in a post-confirmation class...In June Earl Wofsey was re-elected President...A farewell reception was held for Rabbi and Mrs. Pearlman with more than 350 present; Mayor Thomas C. Mayers joined others in paying tribute to the Rabbi’s 27 years of devoted service. The 1966-67 season got off to an auspicious start with a Sabbath service in August at which Rabbi Alex J. Goldman was introduced to the congregation...Sisterhood, at the suggestion of Rabbi Goldman, began a program of sending each college student whose family belongs to the congregation a Chanukah package containing a menorah, a dreidle and song sheet...The Men’s Club erected a giant menorah...The daily morning minyan program was instituted...Earl Wofsey wrote that the Board of Trustees had voted to join the United Synagogue of America and the Temple had moved steadily toward being a synagogue truly representative of Conservative Judaism...In March a USY chapter was organized with 55 teenagers...Junior Congregation services on Saturday morning outgrew the junior sanctuary and were to be held in the main sanctuary before regular services began...Eugene List appeared at Stamford High School under sponsorship of the Men’s Club… In 1968-69...In the first bulletin of 1968-69 President Stanley Levine discussed the beginning of the fund raising campaign to build a new Temple...David Rabinowitz left Stamford after four decades as the Temple’s organist...A program was being developed for women to act as hostesses for the Oneg Shabbat...By September $1,250,000, hald the building fund goal had been pledged...Jack Malin was honored by the Men’s Club as Man of the Year...For three years Rabbi Goldman has been conducting an informal discussion group on Sunday evenings...The USY held its first Kinnus with 100 teenagers participating...Julius Wilensky was elected mayor of Stamford...Martin Levine, a founder of the Temple, passed away...Members of the First Congregational Church attended Friday night services and Rabbi Goldman spoke at the church on Sunday...The building committee has begun meeting with the architect and the target for ground breaking is September 1970… September 1970...The Temple’s 50th anniversary. The opening festivity was an elaborate Kiddush after Rosh Hashanah services...In November the Board of Trustees hosted a cocktail party reception at Rockrimmon Country Club for 300 Temple members...All of the past presidents of the Temple were honored at the Men’s Club “Men of the Century” dinner...In June the confirmation class presented to the Temple an original mosaic showing the Biblical story of the dream of Jacob. The year 1971-72 was the “Year of the Building.” On December 16 the Board of Trustees approved the final plans for the new building...The ground breaking was held on April 23. The following members attended the ceremony and had also attended the ground breaking for the building on Prospect Street: Harry Karp, Harry Nevas, Edward Robin, Julian Schwartz, Morris Spelke and Mesdames Edward Abrams, Edwin Robin, Julian Schwartz, Nathan Martin, Robert Silberman, Mollie Tennen, Emma Wofsey and Hyman Sosnowitz. In January 1975 it was announced that a contract was signed to complete decorating the chapel and that pews and carpeting were ordered for the main sanctuary… Remember “Night at the Races,” sponsored by the Men’s Club in April...and also in April the Cantor’s Annual Concert featuring the Kol Rinah Chorale and “The Kolot,” Beth El’s own youth chorus… Continued...

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

In August, Larry Bloch became the new principal and Shirley Fish the new assistant principal...Reuven Surkis, a member of the Hebrew University faculty, served as Scholar in Residence and was included in programs including every phase of Temple life...Al Golin ws honored as Man of the Year...The Stamford synagogues sponsored a Bicentennial lecture series in October with Rabbi Robert Gordis, Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, Rabbi Norman Lamm and Abram Sachar...A Meryl Plotnick Memorial Fund was established… The Rosh Hashanah services in 1976 used “Apples and Honey” for the first time...Another first was the Temple’s High Holiday Chorus composed of 15 Beth El members...On September 12, Rabbi Goldman’s 10th anniversary at Beth El was celebrated by a reception...The Men’s Club honored Mortimer Karp as Man of the Year...The first Chassidic Song Festival, co-sponsored by the Synagogue Council and the Center, was held in October at the Temple, was a resounding success...In April, the Temple and the Center presented a two-day seminar entitled “Religion and Art: A Cross-Cultural Perspective”...There was more art on May 29-30 with the Second Annual Outdoor Arts and Crafts Fair… Violinist Aaron Rosand opened the 1977-78 season with a recital in early September at the Temple...The High Holiday services were enhanced by the refurbished bima, new windows, new chairs, new lecterns and new wood-work...The Synagogue Council instituted a program of Adult Jewish Studies which ws held at the Temple. The convocation speaker was Lucy Davidowicz, on of the world’s leading Jewish historians...Herbert Kahan was honored by the Men’s Club as Man of the Year… Again, the Chassidic Festival speared at Beth El to standing-room-only crowds...In January the Bulletin took on a new look with its new format...Dinner and a fabulous auction of prizes, services and trips were the components of “To the Highest Bidder” held in April...The season ended with a talk by Gerald Green, author of Holocaust, sponsored by the Synagogue Council, UJF, the Center and the Holocaust Memorial Committee. Sisterhood kicked-off the 1978-79 season with its annual Progressive Dinner culminating in dessert and Selichot services at the Temple...Jed Isaacs was honored by the Men’s Club as “Man of the Year”...The Temple hosted a reception on April 1 to celebrate the publication of Rabbi Goldman’s newest book, Judaism Confronts Contemporary Issues...Also, in April, Professor Robert Cover of Yale Law School spoke on “The History and Formation of Jewish Law” and “Criminal Law and the Bible” Then there was the Cantor’s annual Concert presenting Cantor Louis Danto of Toronto...The Men’s Club held a Spring Dance in May...Judith Hertz, a leader of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, spoke to our Sisterhood on ERA and how it affects the Jewish woman...Sisterhood honored Norma Mann at its Annual Spring Luncheon. And finally, to 1979-80...Jack Greenberg was honored by the Men’s Club as “Man of the Year”...Sisterhood again sponsored a Progressive Dinner...The mayoral candidates, Lou Clapes and Fred Lenz, spoke at the Men’s Club Sunday Brunch...Alice Lake, author of “Our Own Years: What Women Over 35 Should Know,” was the guest speaker at the Sisterhood Paid-up Membership Breakfast...On a Saturday morning in December, Student Rabbi Henry Shreibman gave his first “service Without Words”...The Sisterhood Sabbath Family Dinner was the most successful one to date, filling the Social Hall...Hester Street came to the Temple in the guise of the Hester Street Carnival and Casino Night...The Cantor’s Concert featured Gary Karr, one of the great Anniversary celebration was kicked off in May by the Carol Selsberg production of “Beth El at 60 - Is There Life After Debt”...and the year closed successfully with the dinner held to honor the Hazzan’s 10 years at Beth El.

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

The Move to Roxbury Road Begins...

Taken from 1983 “Year of the Torah” Journal 10th Anniversary at Roxbury Road

Moving to Roxbury Road September 9, 1973

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Bat Mitzvah Fall 1973

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

TEMPLE BETH EL An Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue A member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism www.tbe.org

A YEAR AT TBE 2008 - 2009 JULY


Al Treidel joins TBE staff as Director of Jewish Life Education, Barbeque and Barachu, Friday evening services outdoors, Tot Shabbat morning, Board of Trustees meeting, High Holiday Committee, Fundraising Committee, Ritual Committee, Executive Committee meeting, TBE hosts JCC Men’s Club for their weekly meetings Tisha B’Av Services by candlelight, Kids Only Fun Day, Naming of Perri Shevell Hines, daughter of Tracy Shevell & Brian Hines, Friday evening services outdoors, Tot Shabbat morning, Board of Trustees meeting, Executive Committee meeting, Ritual Committee, Fundraising Committee, TBE hosts JCC Men’s Club for their weekly meetings


Havdalah at the Beach, Selichot, Bimah assembly, Sukkah building, High Holiday Choir Rehearsals, High Holiday Food Drive, Rosh Hashanah Services, Tashlich, Sisterhood High Holiday Food Sale, Shabbat Unplugged sponsored by Liz and Scott Krowitz, Back To School Night at TBE Hebrew School, Grades 6 & 7 Shabbat Program, Mommy and Me, Bereishit for Tots, Nefesh Service, Synaplex, Annual Memorial Service at TBE Cemetery, B’nai Mitzvah: Eden Castle, Ariel Kobliner, Andrew Krowitz, Anna Lipkin, Justin Smith, USY, Kadima, Youth Car Wash, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, B’nai Mitzvah Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Board of Trustees meeting, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir, Temple Rock Meeting


Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Services, Break-the-Fast sponsored by Neva Bennett in memory of Harry Bennett, z’l, High Holiday Choir Rehearsals, Sukkah decorating, Sukkot Services, Open House at Rabbi Hammerman’s Sukkah, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah - Honoring Hattan Torah: Steve Leiterstein and Kallat Bereishit: Denise Greenman, Beginners Hebrew with Sue Shapiro, Beginners Trope class for Adults with Cantor Rachael Littman, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, Judaism for Everyone with Rabbi Hammerman, Hebrew Ulpan for Tourists with Nurit Avigdor, A Taste of Yiddish with Dr. Hesh Romanowitz, Grade 7 B’nai Mitzvah Family Education Day, 2 nd Grade Family Education Day, B’nai Mitzvah Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Career Workshop with Donna Sweidan, Temple Rock meeting, Kadima, USY, Sally and Brian Yom Tov named their daughter, Rowan, B’nai Mitzvah: Max Eber, Melissa Miles, Adam Satz, Justin, Virgulak, Alison Wolff, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Tot Sukkot, Jr. Congregation, Trope Class, Board of Trustees meeting, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir rehearsal



24th Annual Harold E. Hoffman Memorial Lecture, Sisterhood’s Paid-Up Membership Brunch with Ronnie Fein, Synaplex Shabbat Unplugged, Fund Raising Committee, Ritual Committee, Beth El Remembers meeting, Progressive Dinner, Men’s Club CAREER NETWORKing, Is the Internet Good for the Jews with Rabbi Hammerman, Judaism for Everyone with Rabbi Hammerman, Parenting 101: Jewish Answers to Parenting with Dr. Mara Hammerman, Beginners Hebrew with Sue Shapiro, Beginners Trope class for Adults with Cantor Rachael Littman, Hebrew Ulpan for Tourists with Nurit Avigdor, A Taste of Yiddish with Dr. Hesh Romanowitz, Sisterhood’s Learn to Bake Challah with Lieba Lander, Sisterhood Gift Shop Judaica Tag Sale, 5 th Grade Family Education Day, 6th Grade Family Shabbat Dinner, Grades 3, 4 & 5 Shabbat Program, Bereishit for Tots, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, B’nai Mitzvah: Oliver Sabloff, Samuel Sterman, Danielle Tuluca, Tamara Wise, USY, Temple Rock Café meeting, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, Board of Trustees meeting, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir.

DECEMBER TBE Religious School Chorus Sings at Stamford Government Center Chanukah Celebration, TBE Chanukah Celebration - SNOWED OUT!, Havdalah Unplugged, Synaplex, Jewish Summer Program Expo, Beth El Remembers meeting, Ritual Committee, Fund Raising Committee, Project Chesed, USY, 1st Grade Family Education Day, Grades 6 & 7 Shabbat Program, Beth El Cares serves holiday meals to homeless, Parenting 101: Jewish Answers to Parenting with Dr. Mara Hammerman, Judaism for Everyone with Rabbi Hammerman, Beginners Hebrew with Sue Shapiro, Beginners Trope class for Adults with Cantor Rachael Littman, Hebrew Ulpan for Tourists with Nurit Avigdor, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, A Taste of Yiddish with Dr. Hesh Romanowitz, Kadima, B’nai Mitzvah: Sophie Koester, David Rutstein, Lily Schacht, Men’s Club CAREER NETWORKing, Kadima, Story Hour at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, Nefesh Service, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, Board of Trustees meeting, Ritual Committee, Temple Rock Café meeting, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir, Tot Shabbat.


Synaplex, Sisterhood Shabbat, TBE Religious School Shabbaton at Isabella Freedman Retreat Center, Men’s Club CAREER NETWORKing, Bailee Esposito donated her hair to Locks of Love, Ritual Committee, Youth Commission meeting, Judaism for Everyone with Rabbi Hammerman, Beginners Hebrew with Sue Shapiro, Beginners Trope Class for Adults with Cantor Rachael Littman, Hebrew Ulpan for Tourists with Nurit Avigdor, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, A Taste of Yiddish with Dr. Hesh Romanowitz, Beth El Remembers meeting, Board of Education, Project Chesed, Marcia Greenblatt & Michael Zlotnick sponsored Kiddush in honor of their 10 th wedding anniversary, Temple Rock Café honoring Rabbi and Mara Hammerman, Kulanu, USY, Kadima, K’tanim Program, Mommy and Me, Bereishit for Tots, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, Trope Class, B’nai Mitzvah Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Board of Trustees meeting, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir Rehearsal, Nefesh Service.


World-Wide Wrap, Shabbat Unplugged, Men’s Club CAREER NETWORKing, Parenting 101: Jewish Answers to Parenting with Dr. Mara Hammerman, Judaism for Everyone with Rabbi Hammerman, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, Board of Education, Sisterhood Learn to Bake Hamantaschen with Lieba Lander, Kadima, USY, 3rd Grade Family Education Day, Yad Squad, Kulanu, USY Mid-Winter Kinnus Convention, Kadima, K’tanim Program, Mommy and Me, Bereishit for Tots, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, B’nai Mitzvah Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Beth El Remembers meeting, Ritual Committee, Youth Commission meeting, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir Rehearsal, Nefesh Service.


Annual Book Fair, Purim, Megillah Reading, Purim Carnival, Shabbat Across America, Shabbat @ Home, Kosher Sex, Synaplex, StorahTelling, Sisterhood Cooking Event - A Passover Dessert with Fran Ginsburg, The Spirituality of Passover: Cleansing Your Soul While Cleaning Your Kitchen with Dr. Ed Harwitz, Sisterhood Spring Event - Chocolate & Chit Chat, Men’s Club CAREER NETWORKing, Lauren Tuckman donated her hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, The God Questions with Rabbi Hammerman, Shabbat Unplugged, Synaplex, Volunteer Recognition, Parenting 101: Jewish Answers to Parenting with Dr. Mara Hammerman, Judaism for Everyone with Rabbi Hammerman, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, USY, Kadima, Kulanu, K – 2nd Grade Family Shabbat Dinner, 4th & 6th Grade Family Education Day, Kindergarten Family Education Day, Grades 6 & 7 Shabbat Program, Grade 4 Family Education Day, Kindergarten Family Education Day, B’nai Mitzvah: Julie Arditti, Samuel Baden, Bereishit for Tots, Mommy and Me, K’tanim Program, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, B’nai Mitzvah Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Beth El Remembers meeting, Board of Education, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir Rehearsal.


Sisterhood Passover Food Sale, Passover Food Drive, Model Seder, Jewish Little League season opens, Birkat HaHammah, Passover Services, Passover Story Hour with Rabbi Hammerman at Borders Book Store sponsored by Sheryl and Dan Young, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, Sisterhood Beading & Ceramics, Kosher Sex, B’nai Mitzvah: Alexander Benjamin, Benjamin Lavietes, Matthew Morgenthaler, Bereishit for Tots, Mommy and Me, Religious School Passover Programs, USY Chocolate Seder, Kadima, Kulanu, K’tanim Program, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, B’nai Mitzvah Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Nominating Committee, Ritual Committee, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir rehearsal, Nefesh Service.


Annual Cantor’s Concert featuring Craig Taubman, Tikkun Leil Shavuot, Shavuot Services, TBE Annual Meeting, B’nai Mitzvah: Josiah Boyer, Rachel Katz, Ross Lang, Adam Lee, Jonathan Rich, Lauren Schechter, Lauren Tuckman, Alexander Weinberg, Young Professionals Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner, Men’s Club CAREER NETWORKing, Kulanu graduation, Kadima, USY Trip to Toronto, Canada, 3rd & 4th Grade Family Shabbat Dinner and Shul-In, Parenting 101: Jewish Answers to Parenting with Dr. Mara Hammerman, Judaism for Everyone with Rabbi Hammerman, Learning & Latte at Borders Books with Rabbi Hammerman, Speed-Dating/Kosher Sex, K’tanim Program, Bereishit for Tots, Mommy and Me, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, B’nai Mitzvah Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Ritual Committee Meeting, Board of Trustees meeting, Executive Committee meeting, Board of Education, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir rehearsal, Beth El Cemetery Annual Meeting, Zahal Soldiers attend services at TBE.


TBE Annual Meeting, Shabbat Unplugged, Teen-led Shabbat Morning Service, the naming of Mia Broder, Sisterhood’s Mah Jong Tournament, Social Hall renovations begin, Men’s Club CAREER NETWORKing, USY, Kadima, 7th Aliyah Ceremony, B’nai Mitzvah: Amber Kitay, Brandon Temple, Mommy and Me, Bereishit for Tots, Tot Shabbat Evening, Tot Shabbat Morning, Jr. Congregation, Ritual Committee, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee meeting, Daily Minyan, Jr. Choir rehearsal, Sisterhood walks in Bennett Cancer Center Walk-A-Thon.

TEMPLE BETH EL An Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue A member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism www.tbe.org

A YEAR AT TBE 2009-2010 JULY

Social Hall renovation, TBE hosts JCC Retired Men’s Club weekly meetings, Shabbat Services, Friday evening services outdoors, Tot Shabbat, Board of Trustees, High Holiday Committee, Barbeque and Barachu, TBE Networking program, Ritual Committee, Morning Minyan, Tisha B’Av services


Morning Minyan, Social Hall renovation, TBE hosts JCC Retired Men’s Club weekly meetings, Friday evening services outdoors, Tot Shabbat, Shabbat Services, Board of Trustees, High Holiday Committee, Ritual Committee, Kids Only Fun Day, Board of Education, Adult Trope Class, Sisterhood Board, TBE Networking program, High Holiday Choir rehearsal, Young Jewish Professionals, Executive Committee, Youth Commission, Religious School Faculty meeting, YJP Wine & Cheese reception, USY Board Day


Religious School resumes, Board of Trustees Barbeque, YJP Meeting, High Holiday Choir rehearsal, Wine & Cheese reception, B’Nai Mitzvah: Max Weinberg, Matthew Katz, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Tot Shabbat, Morning Minyan, YJP Gourmet Holiday Cooking class, By-Laws Committee meeting, Shabbat Services, TBE Networking, Junior Congregation, Selichot Services, K’tanim, Back to School Activities for parents, Bimah assembly, Sukkah assembly, Beth El Cemetery Memorial Service, Kadima activity day, USY Bonfire, Executive Committee, High Holiday Food Drive, Rosh Hashanah Services, Harold E. Hoffman Memorial Lecture, B’Nai Mitzvah Parents meeting, Kadima event, Yom Kippur Services, Sukkah decorating, YJP Meeting, B’Nai Mitzvah Trope Class


Beth El Babies, Youth Commission, Sukkot services, Shabbat Services, Morning Minyan, Tot Shabbat Morning, B’Nai Mitzvah: Stacey Hazen, Jake Silver, Hannah Freund, Rachel Steinmetz, Tot Sukkot, Open House at Rabbi Hammerman’s Sukkah, B’Nai Mitzvah Trope Class, Board of Trustees, Israeli Dancing, Temple Rock Café meeting, USY Sleepover, Simchat Torah services, Shemini Atzeret services, Tot Simchat Torah, Learning & Latte, TBE Networking, Bimah breakdown, Adult Education classes, The Book of Job with Elie Wiesel at the 92nd Street Y, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Temple Tots, Kadima Murder Mystery Dinner, Junior Congregation, K’tanim, College Bound Workshop, Executive Committee, Legends & Lore of Lilith, By-Laws Review Committee, Parents & Students B’Nai Mitzvah meeting, Meet the Mayoral Candidates, Ritual Committee, YJP Meeting, Scholar-in-Residence, TBE to Go, Grades 5 & 6 Shabbat Program, Synaplex Services, Demons & Angels in Jewish Mythology


NOVEMBER Tefillin Workshop, Morning Minyan, Gift Shop Trunk Show, Jewish Summer Programs Expo, Book Fair, Kadima Color War, Israeli Dancing, Board of Trustees, Shabbat Services, B’Nai Mitzvah: Isabella Esposito, Hilary Fryd, Abigail Katz, Jordan Ganz, Joshua Kaplan, Jennifer Rich, TBE Networking, Beth El Babies, Adult Education classes, Tot Shabbat morning, Junior Congregation, Sisterhood Brunch, Learning & Latte, Sisterhood event: Marge Anton, author of Rashi’s Daughter, Anti-Defamation League, 6th & 7th Grade New York City Trip, Executive Committee , Board of Education, YJP Wine & Cheese Tasting, Men’s Club Novemberfest, Temple Tots, Shabbat Unplugged, USY to see Chicago City Limits, Grades 3 & 4 Shabbat Program, Grade 7 Family Program: Confronting Anti-Semitism, K’tanim, By-Laws Committee, Ritual Committee

DECEMBER Israeli Dancing, Board of Trustees, Morning Minyan, YJP Meeting, Beth El Babies, By-Laws Review Committee, Adult Education classes, Shabbat Services, Chanukah Fest for Tots, Junior Congregation, Tot Shabbat, The Mitzvah Initiative, Constitution Committee, Ritual Committee, Learning & Latte, Sisterhood Board, TBE hosts Learning in Retirement, YJP Chanukah Happy Hour, Prayer Workshop with Neil Gillman, Synaplex Shabbat, Dedication of new Social Hall, Grades 3 & 4 Family Havdalah program, USY Chanukah party, K’tanim, Family Chanukah celebration, Executive Committee, B’Nai Mitzvah: Andrew Schwartz, Sarah Lederman, Gregory Robinov, TBE Career Networking, Chanukah Cooking class, By-Laws Committee, Religious School celebrates Chanukah at the Government Center, Temple Tots, Chanukah Celebration at Atria Assisted Living, Religious School Faculty Breakfast, Board of Education


Tu B’Shevat, Morning Minyan, Tot Shabbat, Israeli Dancing, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Board of Trustees, Kulanu, Beth El Babies, Adult Education classes, Grade 7 Family Shabbat dinner, Synaplex Shabbat: Barbara Sofer, Scholar-in-Residence, Grade 7 Shul-In, Sisterhood Shabbat, Junior Congregation, USY Havdalah Bedouin Dinner, The Mitzvah Initiative, Learning & Latte, Mah Jongg, Temple Tots, Kadima goes to Fun for Kids, Executive Committee, Kulanu Open House, Prayer Workshop with Neil Gillman, Shabbat Unplugged, YJP Murder Mystery at Butterfield 8, K’tanim, Ritual Committee, Brit Milah: Asher Evan Pelaia, TBE Career Networking program, B’Nai Mitzvah Parents meeting, Bar Mitzvah: Jacob Gubner, Shabbat Services, Kadima - Snow Tubing, World-Wide-Wrap

FEBRUARY TBE Hosts Learning in Retirement, Shabbat Services, Tot Shabbat, Morning Minyan, Board of Trustees, Annual Staff and Volunteer Party, Israeli Dancing, Guest Speaker: Frank Williams, Director World Vision Haiti, Beth El Babies, Prayer Workshop with Neil Gillman, B’Nai Mitzvah: Joel Castle, Grade 5 & 6 Family Havdalah program, Grades 5 & 6 Shul-In, K’tanim, Learning & Latte, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Kulanu, Mah Jongg, Learning in Retirement Annual Board meeting, Executive Committee, YJP Bowling Night, Ritual Committee, TBE Networking program, Adult Education Committee, Purim Fest for Tots, Junior Congregation, Megillah Reading, Purim Carnival, Beth El Idol Karaoke Competition, The Mitzvah Initiative with Rabbi Hammerman


Dedication of TBE Lobby in memory of Bruce Feinberg, z’l, Dedication of David Jaffe Memorial Ramp, Shabbat Services, Junior Congregation, TBE Hosts Learning in Retirement, Morning Minyan, Israeli Dancing, Board of Trustees, Kulanu, B’Nai Mitzvah 2011 Parents meeting, B’Nai Mitzvah: Jessica Schwartz, Corrie Minkoff, Beth El Babies, Shabbat Across America, Aufruf: Matt Feinberg & Nikki White, TBE Discussion Group, Men’s Club & Sisterhood Passover Wine Tasting, Breakfast & Speaker: Mark Silverberg, Benefit Concert for Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund, Learning & Latte, Mah Jongg, Prayer Workshop with Neil Gillman, Sisterhood: Parenting Discussion, The Mitzvah Initiative with Rabbi Hammerman, USY & Kadima Bowling, Beth El Cemetery Board meeting, Brit Milah: Jordan Bradley Scherban, Board of Education, Grades 4 & 5 Family Shabbat Dinner and Shul-In, Temple Tots, Synaplex Shabbat Scholar-in-Residence: Dr. David Kraemer, Grades 3 & 4 Learner’s Service, Cabaret Sephardic Style with Sarah Aroeste, Passover for Tots, K’tanim, Whole School Family Education Day, Siyum for the First Born, Passover Food Drive, Passover Services, Tot Pesach


First Crop of tulips from our Gan Mitzvah delivered to our members at Atria Assisted Living, Israeli Dancing, Beth El Babies, March of the Living Send-off, Blessing for Travelers, K’tanim, Morning Minyan, The Mitzvah Initiative with Rabbi Hammerman, Shabbat Services, Junior Congregation, Passover Services & Yizkor, Tot Pesach, Kulanu, TBE Hosts Learning in Retirement, Israeli Dancing, Mah Jongg, Board of Trustees, B’Nai Mitzvah: Danielle Leffand, Baby Naming: Jessica Linkov, USY Picnic, Learning & Latte, Executive Committee, YJP meeting, Kulanu Open House, Temple Tots, Tzahal Shalom officers attend Services, Kadima goes to Bluefish Game, TBE Networking program


Dedication of the Gan Mitzvah in memory of Lenore and Arthur Finkelstein, z’l, Grade 7 Aliyah Service, B’Nai Mitzvah: Julia Fruithandler, Maura Welt, Sydney Katz, The Mitzvah Initiative with Rabbi Hammerman, Garden Dedication, Family Bingo, Morning Minyan, Shabbat Services, Junior Congregation, TBE Hosts Learning in Retirement, Board of Education, Ritual Committee, Israeli Dancing, Adult Trope Class, Board of Trustees, Kulanu, Beth El Babies, K, 1 & 2 Family Shabbat Dinner, Beth El Cemetery Association Annual meeting, Beth El Cemetery Board Meeting, “From Auschwitz to Jerusalem” with Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, Stamford Clergy Association Monthly Lunch, TBE Annual meeting, Mah Jongg, Shabbat at Home, USY & Kadima Hawaiian Luau, K’tanim, Adult Trope Class, Tikkun Layl, Shavuot, Shavuot Services, Tot Shavuot, Temple Tots, Learning in Retirement Board meeting, Board of Education


Bimah to Broadway Concert with Cantor Deborah Jacobson and Family honoring Judy Aronin and Bracha Moshe, Board of Trustees, Adult Trope class, Shabbat Services, Tot Shabbat, Israeli Dancing, TBE Israel Adventure meeting, YJP meeting, Mah Jongg, Adult Education, Beth El Babies, B’Nai Mitzvah: Renee Cooper, Rebecca Rakowitz, Emily Simon, Sisterhood Mah Jongg Tournament, USY Meeting/Elections and Make Your Own Pizza, Executive Committee, TBE Networking Event, “From Auschwitz to Jerusalem” with Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, Gan Mitzvah: Garden Harvesting - fresh vegetables delivered to Pacific House, Temple Tots, Shabbat Services honoring Volunteers and Teens, Morning Minyan, JCC Retired Men’s Club meeting, UJF Annual meeting, Young Couples and Families Barbeque





It is my pleasure to welcome you to the celebration of the grand intersection of two glorious journeys, the 90 year passage of Temple Beth El and the 6,000 mile trek of our new cantor from Baghdad to Beth El (double it if it includes Sydney). We have reached an extraordinary crossroads where one person’s journey intersects with the collective journey of a community. But unlike ships that pass or most intersecting highways, here the meeting has become a merging, one with a profound impact on us all. Looking back through the decades, Beth El has changed quite a bit, which points out one of this congregation’s great strengths: the ability to adapt, and not simply to follow the cultural trends, but to lead. Among the other qualities that have sustained us through the years is an openness to difference and a culture of inclusivity. Add to that a deep commitment to justice for all peoples along with a love of Israel, a passion for meaningful prayer, a devotion to our community and an appreciation of beauty. These are traits that will sustain us as we continue to grow. I’ve had the honor of serving this congregation for a generation, and I have a great respect for what has come before. We stand on strong shoulders. But I also feel that our best days lie just up the road. In fact, we’ve reached them as we reach this crossroads. It is impossible to sway and sing at our Kabbalat Shabbat services each week and not think that this is the beginning of a communal partnership and an era that will make a profound difference in the lives of all whom we touch. In Hebrew numerology, the number 90 is represented by the letter tzadi, ‫ צ‬a letter connoting righteousness (tzaddik) and charity (tzedakah). Other words whose value adds up to 90 include “Geulim,” “redemption” and “domem,” “silently.” Sometimes we look toward the headlines for signs of redemption, expecting some sort of apocalyptic signal from on high. But in fact, redemption is more likely to be detected in the simple acts of kindness done by righteous people. We can think of so many thousands of such acts done by the thousands of people who have made this their spiritual home. And we think of the Kol D’mama Daka, the Still Small Voice that soothed Elijah at the mountain and Hagar in the wilderness, as the one we hear whispering to us whenever Cantor Mordecai leads us in prayer. That Silent Redemption is the one we pursue in Beth El’s 90th year. My thanks to the artists and committee organizing today’s concert. A special welcome to Rabbi Rolando Matalon of B’nai Jeshurun, who has been a personal inspiration to me and whose congregation has been a model to us for many years. And finally, a special welcome to Cantor Mordecai, Michal, Gabriella and Eliora. Today we celebrate George’s journey, but we also know that there is a time to take off the shoes and stay a while. A life’s journey goes on, but no need to keep piling on the frequent flyer miles. To the Mordecais and their family – and to our entire community of fellow travelers, welcome home! Rabbi Joshua Hammerman


I am so happy to have the opportunity to share my journey with all of you. It is a journey that began in Baghdad and Basra, the birth place of my grandparents. They left Iraq at different times between the end of the First World War and 1930. My father’s family immigrated to Myanmar and then, narrowly escaping the Japanese invasion and occupation of that country in 1942, fled to India. My mother’s family emigrated from Baghdad to the island of Borneo and later to Singapore. During the turmoil following the end of the Second World War, Jews who had lived in former European colonies in Asia made their way to Israel and the West. My family migrated to Sydney, Australia in the 1960’s with a handful of Jews from India and South East Asia of Iraqi descent. They were a traditional community who were very respectful of their heritage. From a very young age I was drawn to sounds emanating from our synagogue. The feeling of praying with three hundred people, all of whom were familiar with the hypnotic chants, singing together, praying together, would move me to tears, especially during the High Holidays. My uncle, Saul Abrams, prepared me for my Bar Mitzvah and could see how drawn I was to the tradition. He started teaching me as soon as he felt I was mature enough to apply myself. This music is not learned by reading musical notes; it requires intense study with a master who knows how to impart the style and nuances which cannot be conveyed in any other way. It is an oral tradition of music and a style of teaching that has been lost in the West. My uncle taught me how to improvise and how to use my voice not just as an instrument for performance but as a way to bring people together, as a way of opening our hearts to the possibility of divine encounter. There have been other musical influences and mentors in my life but it was my Uncle Saul who gave me the passion for devotional prayer and the confidence to be of service to you all here at Beth El, a vibrant, diverse and creative community. I owe him so much, more than I could ever repay, but even though he is no longer on this earth I know that he is satisfied with the knowledge that I am working with such great people to build a Beth El, a house of God, where people understand the value of community and of being in true authentic relationship with one another. Cantor George Mordecai

A Community is Judged By Its Leaders TEMPLE BETH EL PRESIDENTS 1920 - 2011

1920-22 1922-24 1924-26 1926-29 1929-31 1932-33 1933-34 1934-38 1938-39 1939-41 1941-43 1943-45 1945-49 1949-52 1952-55 1955-57 1957-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-63 1963-65 1965-67

William Bloch Frank Martin Abraham Spelke Judge Abraham Wofsey Samuel Rubin Martin Levine Samuel Rubin Joseph Gruber Sydney R. Martin Judge Abraham Wofsey Harry Nevas Abraham H. Golden Barney W. Malloy Maximilian Miller Charles R. Cohen Paul Schwartz Dr. Noah N. Soloff Eugene H. Gordon Samuel H. Haims Aaron Weissman Norman Davidow Earl J. Wofsey

1967-69 1969-71 1971-73 1973-75 1975-77 1977-79 1979-82 1982-84 1984-86 1986-87 1987-89 1989-91 1991-93 1993-95 1995-97 1997-99 1999-01 2001-03 2003-05 2005-07 2007-09 2009-11

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Mortimer Karp Stanley H. Levine David S. Lapine Albert Golin Herbert Kahan Jack Greenberg Gordon Brown Milton Mann Cary L. Fleisher Stephen Bauer Alan Kalter Ronald Gross Gerald Poch Rosalea Fisher Neil J. Perlman Fred S. Golove Mark Lapine Martin H. Israel Brian Rogol Doug Karp Gary P. Lessen Eileen H. Rosner


The Rosner Family…  Moved to Stamford on February 22, 1949. We became part of the Temple Beth El family soon after that and we got involved  Attended Religious School, sang in the Jr. and Adult Choirs and the Sisterhood Chorus and took care of the robes for the Jr. Choir  Participated in nearly every dinner dance, concert, journal, strategic plan, and fund raiser, co chaired the Annual Temple Beth El Bazaars, helped to write Beth El’s own Torah, served as Sisterhood Circle Leader setting up Oneg Shabbats and pouring tea and coffee  Moved the pews and the Torahs from 140 Prospect Street to 350 Roxbury Road, built the bimah and the sukkah  Served on the House Committee, the Ritual Committee, selected tablecloths (Washed them, too!) and repaired prayer books, set up and ran the library and taught in the Religious School  Handed out numerous prayer books, Kiddush cups and honors  Celebrated confirmations, a wedding, special birthdays and, sadly, funerals at TBE  Served as parliamentarian, secretary financial, secretary, treasurer and president of Sisterhood, president of Men’s Club, secretary, vice president and president and life member of the Board of Trustees  Were honored at two dinner dances and a special “Thank Frank” Shabbat We are grateful to our Temple Beth El family for being there for us for over 60 years and look forward to many more years together.

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


We welcome Cantor Mordecai and his family to the Stamford Community and look forward to many years together. Mazal Tov on Baghdad to Beth El. You have put Beth El on the map.

Phyllis and Gary Gladstein

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


From generation to generation we will speak of your greatness.

For 90 years we have gathered at Temple Beth El, as a house of assembly, a house of learning and a house of prayer. We are privileged to assist on the journey‌

Men’s Club of Temple Beth El

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Thank you for your leadership. Sisterhood Past-Presidents May Cohen ..................................................... 1922 Abigail Block ................................................. 1923 Fannie Sternbach ........................................ 1924 Bessie Kweskin ............................................ 1925 Hannah Wallman ........................................ 1926 Celia Dichter ..................................... 1927-1929 Emma Wofsey ................................... 1930-1931 Jennie Nevas ................................................. 1931 Molly Martin ................................................. 1932 Molly B. Tennen ............................... 1933-1934 Dorothy Levine ............................................ 1934 Goldie Rabinowitz .......................... 1935-1936 Rose Abrams ................................................. 1937 Fanny Golden, Naomi Heller ................... 1938 Helen Rose..................................................... 1939 Alice Levy ........................................... 1940-1941 Kathlyn Schwartz ........................................ 1942 Elizabeth Peltz ................................. 1943-1952 Sylvia Novik .............. 1953-1954 1957-1958 Beatrice Wofsey............................... 1955-1956 Jane Fertig ......................................... 1959-1961 Elsie Ralph ......................................... 1961-1963 Miriam Salsbury .............................. 1963-1965 Adele Sosnowitz .............................. 1965-1967 Anita Elkies ....................................... 1965-1967 Norma Mann ..................................... 1967-1971 Susan Greenberg, Sue Isaacs ....... 1971-1972 Susan Greenberg ............................. 1972-1973 Joan Weisman .................................. 1973-1975 Joan Nachowitz ................................ 1975-1977 Marlene Adelman............................ 1977-1979

Vivienne Silver.................................. 1979-1981 Carolyn Fleisher ............................... 1981-1983 Eleanor Freiman .............................. 1983-1985 Rosalea Fisher, Beverly Magida, Carol Krim, Judith Aronin, Jerri Buehler, Jennifer Goichman ................................................................ 1985-1986 Judith Aronin, Bette Bonne .......... 1986-1988 Jerri Buehler, Barbara Brandt, Bette Bonne Rochelle Raidbard, Rosalea Fisher ................................................................ 1988-1989 Barbara Brandt, Jerri Buehler, Phyllis Heller, Carol Krim, Kathy Poch, Eileen H. Rosner ................................................................ 1989-1990 Phyllis Heller, Lois Hofshi, Judye Goldblatt Eileen H. Rosner ............................... 1990-1991 Ronnie Ginsberg, Lisa Rome, Eileen H. Rosner ................................................................ 1991-1993 Belle Agronin, Jerri Buehler ........ 1992-1993 Jennifer Levine, Kathy Paseltiner, Evie Shapiro ................................................................ 1993-1994 Ilene Kirschner Madwed, Sandra Siegartel, Mary C. Silberman, Kathy Paseltiner, Evie Shapiro ................................................ 1994-1996 Sandy Golove, Sandra Siegartel, Ilene Kirschner Madwed ............... 1996-1997 Sandy Golove ..................................... 1997-1998 Denise Greenman ............................ 1999-2002 Linda Simon ....................................... 2002-2004 Ellen Gordon...................................... 2004-2007 Barbara Cohen .................................. 2007-2009 Wendy Durica ............................. 2009-Present

Sisterhood Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

L’DOR V’DOR… Mazal Tov to Temple Beth El on its 90th Birthday! We are thrilled to celebrate with the Beth El community and to join with our friends in welcoming Cantor Mordecai and his family to Stamford.

Mia, Lonny, Emily and Eddie Weinstein Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


Beth El Cemetery Association Inc.

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

We are proud to be a part of the Temple Beth El family for over 50 years and look forward to the next 50.

Norma and Milton Mann

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Pearl Mazal Tov to Temple Beth El on 90 years! We wish Cantor Mordecai a long and successful association with Temple Beth El, Your cantorial style and singing has inspired our family.

Judith Dalgin Suchin and Norman Suchin

Pearl Welcome to Cantor Mordecai and his family. We are so happy to have you join our TBE family! Happy 90th Anniversary to TBE!

Denise and David Greenman

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


Welcome to our TBE Family!

Penny and Michael Horowitz

Pearl Cantor Mordecai, As we celebrate Temple Beth El’s 90th anniversary, we also look forward to joining you on your Musical Journey today and for many years to come! Thank you for your musical and spiritual inspiration. With warm regards,

Betsy and Peter Kempner Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Pearl Cantor George, Michal and the girls, Welcome to the TBE family. Thank you for the joy and inspiration you bring us, for your leadership, your guidance and your friendship.

Liz, Scott, Zac and Andrew Krowitz

Pearl As we complete our first 90 years: Chazak! Chazak! Venitchazek! May we be strengthened for the new challenges and opportunities ahead. And Baruch Haba, a huge welcome, to our wonderful new Cantor Mordecai and his lovely family!!! We look forward to continuing our spiritual journey with our amazing Dream Team of clergy and lay leaders. Mazal Tov TBE!

The Leitersteins Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Pearl Mazal Tov to Temple Beth El Celebrating 90 Years! We welcome Cantor Mordecai, Michal, Gabriella and Eliora to our Beth El family!

Lois Stark, Gary, Stacy and Emily Lessen

Pearl We have many wonderful memories of Temple Beth El as it has been a part of many milestones in our lives: Stephanie and Larry’s Bat/Bar Mitzvah with Rabbi Goldman and Cantor Rabinowitz Stephanie and Larry married by Rabbis Hammerman and Goldman with Cantor Rabinowitz Rachel’s naming and Alec’s Bris with Rabbi Hammerman Jacob Malin, z’l, Stephanie’s late grandfather, devoted TBE member and mensch...Two weeks after I met Stephanie he couldn’t wait to give me the cassette recording of Stephanie’s Bat Mitzvah at TBE - one of our fondest memories recently recalled again as we prepare for Rachel’s Bat Mitzvah and shared this recording with her.

Stephanie, Larry, Rachel and Alec Sherman Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Pearl Where does Beth El get together to read and discuss books, to see films on Jewish topics, and listen to discussions led by experts on politics, history, and cultural issues? The Beth El Discussion Group, of course. The Beth El Discussion Group grew out of members’ interest in exploring, discussing and enjoying Jewish topics. It has been going strong for 45 years and is open to all Beth El members. Visitors soon become friends. The Discussion Group meets monthly on Sunday evenings for program plus refreshments (except, once in a while, when we change it and meet for brunch). Meetings are usually held at members’ homes except when a larger group is expected, we meet at Beth El. Recent meetings featured Rabbi Hammerman on Ethics and Cantor Mordecai on Judaism in Australia (and his interesting odyssey). Programs are varied and often unusual. We’ve read about and discussed Jewish Pirates; listened to sculptor Stanley Bleifeld discuss and show us examples of Jewish Art in Public Places; shared a delightful Tu B’Shevat Seder to celebrate Jewish Arbor Day; viewed and discussed award-winning Israeli film Forgotten Refugees. For 15 years the Discussion Group has participated in a second Passover seder at Atria, Stamford’s Assisted Living facility, for residents and their families, coordinated by the Fishers. All Beth El members are welcome. Follow us in Beth El’s on-line bulletin; come to a meeting; call us. This year’s Discussion Group leaders are Polly and Harry Geller - 203-329-0386.

Beth El Discussion Group From Journal “Beth El’s Year of the Torah” 1983

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


Better to go from Baghdad to Beth El ...than Beth El to Baghdad! The Boyer family welcomes the Mordecai family to the TBE family.

Greetings and Best Wishes

Beth, Brad, Aliya, Josiah and Elias

Bobbe and Ben Evans


Mazal Tov On 90 Wonderful Years!

Fran and Gerry Ginsburg

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


Cantor Mordecai We are so pleased that your family’s journey has led you to join our family at Temple Beth El.

We are so thrilled that you are here with us at TBE!

To many more happy journeys right here at home!

Cheryl Bader, Stephen, Rachel, Daniel and Evan Goldblum

The Hyman Family

Beth El... keep the spirit growing and The Jaffe Family loves and supports TBE

Cantor Mordecai... keep the music flowing!

38 years and counting!

Carol and Allen Krim Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


Cantor Mordecai Thank your for bringing your joyful and elevating music to TBE!

The Robinovs Jackie, David, Greg and Benjy

Baruchim Ha’baim, Cantor Mordecai! Welcome to Stamford, to the synagogue and to our lives. We are all very lucky to have you!!!

The Rogol Family

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary


90 years and better than ever!

We’re proud to be a part of Temple Beth El’s history and welcome Cantor Mordecai to our TBE team.

Thanks for the memories!

Marsha Shendell and Family

Lieba and Steven Lander

Topaz Gloria and Seymour Baum Elizabeth and Jared Finkelstein Susan Frieden Robbin Juris and Marc Groz Ruth Kwartin Laura Markowitz Miriam and Michael Schechter Mary C. and Alan Silberman Gail G. and Stephen Trell Harriet and Seymour Weinstein Vivian and Don Wishingrad

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Ruby Cantor Mordecai

We celebrate Temple Beth El’s continuing dedication to community, to connection and to our heritage!

We are so grateful for the music and the life you have brought to Temple Beth El.

5 x CHAI (18) = 90 and going strong!!!

Thank you!

Judith and Meryl Aronin

Carol and Wil Brewer

Thank you Cantor Mordecai for filling our lives with music!

Welcome Cantor Mordecai and Family. We are so happy you joined our family here at TBE.

The Chimes Family

Wendy, Jon, Shira and Noah Durica

To Temple Beth El Mazal Tov on this special celebration and 90th Anniversary!

Nan and Peter Levy

Your voice transcends the ages; you have seamlessly become an integral part of the TBE community and we look forward to continuing our work with you. Mazal Tov!

TBE Membership Committee Terry Hazen · Rona Katz · Susan Plotzky Cathy Satz May Beth El be a long stop on your musical journey! Welcome to Cantor Mordecai and Family.

The Wolffs

Temple Beth El 90th Anniversary

Ruby We wish Temple Beth El and Cantor Mordecai and Family many more wonderful and inspiring years ahead! With much love,

Deborah, Jordan, Maya and Shira Jacobson

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