Study 203 322-6901 ext. 315 E-mail:
June 2, 2016 Dear Beth El Family, Thank you for coming tonight and for supporting music at Temple Beth El. I am grateful for a year that has been filled with community, prayer, music, and learning, and I am looking forward to more growth and learning together. Soul to Soul has been part of my life for a couple of years now, and although we have performed in many wonderful places, there is always something special about bringing colleagues/friends into your home. I am proud and honored to do just that tonight. My wish is for us to always celebrate joy, freedom and lots of music together. Congratulations to Betsy and Peter Kempner for being honored tonight! Your love for Temple Beth El and your dedication to our community is inspiring to all of us. Thank you to the Mann family for sponsoring this concert. It is truly a meaningful gift to our community, and we are grateful. I would also like to thank Sheila Romanowitz for her time, dedication, care, friendship and for all of her help with this concert. Thank you Eileen H. Rosner, Stan Friedman, Steve Lander, and the Cantor’s Concert Committee for all that they have done to make this concert a success. And, last but not least, thank you to Rabbi Hammerman and Lisa Gittelman Udi for being such a great team. Many blessings and songs.
Cantor Magda Fishman
Study 203-322-6901 ext. 307 E-mail:
June 2, 2016 Welcome to TBE’s Cantor’s Concert! The Hebrew term “Nefesh” perfectly describes both the nature of our concert tonight as well as the people we honor, Peter and Betsy Kempner. Ostensibly “Nefesh” means “soul,” and it does, and it is the title of tonight’s musical performance, “Soul to Soul” - but “Nefesh” means so much more. In the Bible, the word connoted breath, emotion, passion and desire. When God literally breathes life into Adam, that term is used. When God replenishes Godself by resting on the Sabbath, “Nefesh” is used there too. What the Jewish and African-American experiences have in common is this notion of “soulfulness,” or really, “Nefesh,” in all sense of the term: The full range of emotion that can only arise from a place of great suffering and resilience, the great passion for every drop of life and the desire for more. There is pathos and love in every note of this music, and in every song we will hear this evening. “Nefesh” is a term embodied by Cantor Magda Fishman, and she has brought our congregation to a much higher level of soulfulness with each passing Shabbat – each day, in fact. I am privileged to tend to this garden of souls, to nurture this community alongside her. Peter and Betsy Kempner, our honorees, also embody the multifaceted meaning of “Nefesh.” In all my years here, I’ve rarely met a couple so passionate about Jewish life and Israel, and so willing to step forward, roll up their sleeves and help, without need of recognition or reward. As president and in other leadership roles, Pete helped us through some rocky challenges, which we now can look back on with a half-a-smile. But his leadership during difficult hours was a thing to behold. His secret has always been to treat every person with respect, to make that extra phone call, to listen attentively, to learn from each encounter and always to maintain a posture of humility. I’ve also had the honor of sharing very special moments with both Peter and Betsy, here and in Israel. Whenever I’ve have needed them, they’ve been there for me. So many others feel the same way. In Jewish tradition, it is said that saving a single life is akin to saving the entire universe. In Hebrew we call that value, “Pikuach Nefesh.” There’s that word again. Broadly speaking, that is what we are all here for, and what a congregation is here to do – save lives, in both the spiritual and the physical sense. We are in the life saving and soul saving business. And few have stepped up to enable us to fulfill that vision more than Peter and Betsy Kempner. Mazal tov to our honorees and performers!
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman
Betsy and Pete You are both such inspirations! Thank you for all that you do!
Jeannie Kasindorf
Todd Auslander
Auslander Kasindorf Group Keller Williams Prestige Properties 203-504-3067
To Betsy and Pete: Your contributions to the TBE family are numerous and significant. We would not be where we are today without your leadership and dedication. The real bonus has been your friendship over the years, something that can’t be expressed in words. Your contributions will leave a lasting mark on Temple Beth El, of which you should be proud. For that we offer you our gratitude and well wishes for the future.
Lois Stark and Gary Lessen
Betsy and Pete For your friendship... For all you have done for Temple Beth El, Thank you.
Eileen H. Rosner
Saluting National Yiddish Theatre - Folksbiene Cantor Magda, Zalmen, Betsy and Peter!
In tribute to Hesh, z’l, who kept the light of Yiddishkeit burning brightly in our community.
Betsy and Peter With appreciation and respect for all you do, Thank you.
Beth El Cemetery Association
Teaching minds. Reaching hearts.
Mazal Tov to Betsy and Peter Kempner on this well-deserved honor.
We honor our friend, past president and fellow board member Betsy and Peter for their commitment to a strong, vital Jewish present and future. We salute you for all you have done and continue to do.
Temple Beth El Board of Trustees
Mazal Tov to Betsy and Peter on this well-deserved honor.
Susan and Ralph Freydberg
With best wishes from your auditors FRIEDBERG, SMITH & CO., P.C. Certified Public Accountants 855 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604 Phone (203) 366-5876 (203) 359-1100 Fax (203) 366-1924 E-mail
A true honor to you both Milton and Norma Mann, z’l Dad and Mom, Poppop and Nana Your memories live on forever through your family and through this beautiful music.
Pamela Mann and Madeline Mann
We joyfully honor Betsy and Peter Kempner For their continued dedicated service to Temple Beth El. And we thank Cantor Fishman for the beautiful music she brings to us throughout the year.
The Men’s Club Temple Beth El
In honor of Cantor Magda Fishman, our guest performers and Betsy and Peter Kempner
Harley and Stephen Osman
To Cantor Magda Fishman Thank you for being you! Your joy, your talent, your personality, everything about you elevates us. The TBE community and Stamford are blessed to have you as part of our family. Love,
Marsha Kaiser Shendell
Good people say little and do much. - Rabbi Elazar
Congratulations to Betsy and Pete on a well-deserved honor.
Stephanie and Bob Sherman Lori and Bruce Tobin
Dear Betsy and Peter, Mazal Tov, Yasher Koach and Thank You! We are so appreciative for the dedication, love and enrichment you share with Temple Beth El and Sisterhood! It is an honor and blessing to know and to work together with you! With LOVE from,
Sisterhood Temple Beth El
Betsy and Pete Congratulations! Thank you for all that you do for Temple Beth El
The Sosnicks
Betsy and Pete, Thank you for everything you have done, and continue to do, for the Temple Beth El family. Thank you also for being our role models in how you do it. Fondly,
Sheryl, Dan, Andrew, Marissa and Jeremy Young
To Betsy and Peter: Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do. And to Cantor Fishman: Thank you for another amazing concert. Rob Cohen and Marsha Colten
Congratulations and Mazal Tov to Betsy and Peter Kempner from Bobbe and Ben Evans
We are thrilled to help honor our good friends, Betsy and Pete. You are both an inspiration to us all. With much admiration and love, Sara and Bob Glasser
Betsy and Peter Thank you for all you do at TBE. Cantor Fishman Thank you for the wonderful music you bring to TBE. So happy to be part of the TBE family. Denise and David Greenman
Betsy and Peter Just singing your praises To thank you for all you do Just isn’t enough‌
It takes a concert! Congratulations Alan and Peggy Kalter
Love, Carrie, Sara and Jim Kempner
Congratulations Betsy and Pete
Paul Kempner and Julie Thiele
Betsy and Pete Congratulations to our great friends on a well-deserved honor. We love and admire you, and are always inspired by you. Our family and the TBE community are lucky to have you in our lives. Liz and Scott Krowitz
Congratulations Betsy and Peter, and thank you for your friendship and all your contributions to our community. Regards,
Dana and Carl Weinberg
Mazel Tov to Betsy and Peter on this honor! Thank you for your leadership and commitment to our congregation. With love and friendship, Mia & Lonny Weinstein
Mazal Tov to Betsy and Peter!
Kol Hakavod to Betsey & Peter Kempner for all you have done to make Temple Beth El a warm and vibrant community. And thank you to Rabbi Hammerman and Cantor Fishman for the joyous services you lead.
Bonnie Kintzer and Eric Baker Stephne and Kerrin Behrend
Mazal Tov to Betsy and Pete from the Bielski Family
Dynamic Duo! Terrific Friends! A musical tribute! Perfect! Hugs and Kisses
Robin and Alan
Nancy and Brad Benjamin
Betsy and Peter Thank you for all you do for Temple Beth El. You are part of its soul!!!
Sue Frieden
Thank you Cantor, for bringing great music to Beth El, and thank you Betsy and Peter for all that you do!
Fran and Gerry Ginsburg
To an amazing couple and wonderful friends. With admiration for all you do for Temple Beth El
Renee and Sam Judd
Yasher Koach to Betsy and Peter for all they do to enrich the TBE community and to Cantor Fishman for the music and spirit she brings to our lives.
Cheryl Bader, Stephen Goldblum Rachel Danny and Evan
Mazal Tov to Betsy and Peter Kempner Thank you for your ongoing support and for all that you do for TBE!
Debbie and Stan Lee
Betsy and Pete We honor you both for your outstanding commitment and support of TBE and for your tireless efforts to make Temple Beth El a vibrant and special place in our community.
Betsy and Peter Mazal tov on this well deserved honor for your tireless efforts on behalf of Temple Beth El.
Honni and Sylvan Pomerantz Karen Feinberg
David Kaplan
Betsy and Peter To Betsy and Peter We are lucky to have you at TBE.
Thank you for your hard work, dedication and loyalty. TBE is so lucky to have you as part of our community.
Thank you for all you do.
Carol and Allen Krim
Lieba and Steven Lander
Betsy and Peter You must pass your days in song. Let you whole life be a song. ~ Sai Baba
Congratulations to Betsy and Peter for a well-deserved honor and to all our special guests and especially our very own Cantor Magda Fishman who fills our souls with magical ruach and musical passion. Fondly, Gail G. and Stephen Trell
Betsy and Peter Kempner
1128 & 1136 Wilmot Road Scarsdale, New York 10583 TEL: FAX:
We applaud both of you for your tireless commitment to the Jewish community in Stamford.
914.472.2240 914.472.2215
Judy and Norm Suchin
Congratulations to the honorees Betsy and Peter Kempner and to Cantor Fishman and Soul to Soul
Congratulations to Temple Beth El for another in a long tradition of wonderful Jewish performances.
The Broder Family
Rita and Mike Butterman
Congratulations Betsy and Pete on your well deserved honor for your many years of dedication to Temple Beth El!
Todah Rabah to Cantor Fishman for sharing her magnificent voice with our community.
Cantor Magda We are very blessed to have you as our wonderful Cantor and friend!
Heidi and Harrison Ganz
Phyllis and Gary Gladstein
To the Joy of Music Best wishes, Myra and John Graubard
Mazal Tov and Todah Rabah Betsy and Peter Kempner for all that you do for Temple Beth El and Stamford. Todah Rabah to Cantor Magda Fishman Paula and Ben Green
Thank you, Betsy and Peter, for your dedication to our Temple.
Congratulations to Betsy and Peter Kempner
Richard Heimler and Chris Maroc
Beverly and Allen Kezsbom
Looking forward to another evening of great music. Thank you to Cantor Fishman for another wonderful year, and to Betsy and Peter for all that you have done, and continue to do, to support our TBE community. The Laichtman Family Mazal Tov to Betsy and Peter on this well-deserved honor. Cantor Fishman - Your beautiful Music is an inspiration to all of us. (Wish I could be there to hear Cantor Fishman and Peter sing a Rolling Stones duet!)
George, Michal, Gabriella and Eliora
Best Wishes From Roni and Allan Lang
Betsy and Peter Your Inspiration is Endless! With Great Admiration, David and Cheryl Wolff
Congratulations to Betsy and Pete. You’ve set a wonderful example for young families in our community. We are so lucky to have you! With love and respect,
Mazal Tov Betsy and Peter on your well deserved honor.
Lisa and Jeff Manheim Dana Horowitz and Peter Wolly
Cathy and David Satz
Two very good souls Betsy and Peter
Mazal Tov to the Kempners
Congratulations Betsey and Arthur Selkowitz
Love Stephanie, Ron, Ben and Eliot Sernau
All our best!
Mazal Tov to Betsy and Peter! from
Harriet and Seymour Weinstein
The Staff at Temple Beth El
Marla and Phil Greiper Elissa and James Hyman Evie Shapiro and Alan Rosenberg Barbara Brafman and Larry Stein Pamela and Chris Tinkham Nicole and Ron Zussman