Temple Beth El Bulletin July-August 2011

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TEMPLE BETH EL BULLETIN An Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue www.tbe.org Volume 37 Issue 6 (bi-monthly)

July/August 2011

Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5771

A YEAR AT TBE 2010-2011 JULY TBE Israel Adventure, Lobby renovation, TBE hosts JCC Retired Men’s Club weekly meetings, Shabbat Services, Friday evening services outdoors, Tot Shabbat, Board of Trustees, High Holiday Committee, Ritual Committee, Morning Minyan, Tisha B’Av services AUGUST Barbeque and Barachu, Wine and Cheese Gathering, Morning Minyan, lobby renovation, TBE hosts JCC Retired Men’s Club weekly meetings, Friday evening services outdoors, Tot Shabbat, Shabbat Services, Kiddush and Konversations, Board of Trustees, High Holiday Committee, Ritual Committee, Taste of TBE Ice Cream Social, High Holiday Choir rehearsal, Young Jewish Professionals, Executive Committee, Religious School Faculty meeting SEPTEMBER Religious School resumes, High Holiday Choir rehearsal, B’Nai Mitzvah: Jenna Plotzky, Elias Litchman, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Tot Shabbat, Nitzanim, Morning Minyan, College Workshop for High School Seniors, Shabbat Services, Junior Congregation, Selichot Services, K’tanim, Bimah assembly, Sukkah assembly, Beth El Cemetery Memorial Service, American Red Cross Babysitting Class, USY Car Wash Fund Raiser, USY & Kadima Paintball Trip, Adult Education Classes, Executive Committee, Sisterhood Board Meeting, Board of Education, High Holiday Food Drive, Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Services, Sukkah Decorating for Tots, Sukkot Services, Tot Sukkot, Sukkah Hop at the Hammerman’s and Mordecai’s, YJP Sangria in the Sukkah, Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah services, TBE Discussion Group, Yom Kippur Services, Sukkah Decorating for All OCTOBER Kirtan Shabbat, Shabbat Services, Morning Minyan, Tot Shabbat Morning, B’Nai Mitzvah: Matthew Arons, Emily Kaplan, Jonathan Pollack, Joseph Chimes, Emily Weinstein, Samuel Schulman, Charles Sosnick, Sisterhood Board Meeting, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Early Childhood Center Meeting, Young Families Apple Picking, Harold E. Hoffman Memorial Lecture, USY Scavenger Hunt & Dinner, Adult Education, Learning & Latte, Mah Jongg with Sisterhood, Shabbat Chaverim and Playdates with Ronnie Brockman, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Junior Congregation, K’tanim, Executive Committee, Board of Education, Ritual Committee Continued on page 10...



TEMPLE BETH EL - BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Peter K. Kempner, President Eileen H. Rosner, Immediate Past President Sylvan Pomerantz, First-Vice President Jared Finkelstein, Vice President Elissa Garber-Hyman, Vice President Scott Krowitz, Vice President Meira Rosenberg, Vice President Harold Schwartz, Treasurer Allan Lang, Assistant Treasurer Seymour Weinstein, Secretary

203-968-8079 203-324-4096 203-968-0605 203-327-2187 203-316-8228 203-348-8680 203-968-0260 203-968-0460 203-327-6418 203-353-8873

TRUSTEES David Arditti Melvin Bloomenthal Gerry Ginsburg Denise Greenman Eric Kaplan Rona Katz Carol Krim Susan Leiterstein Claudia Lubin Eli Savransky Karen Singer-Freeman Norman Stone Ken Temple Carl Weinberg Mia Weinstein David Wolff Nicole Zussman

203-968-2798 203-322-2398 203-322-1324 203-329-8594 203-323-2383 203-329-0666 203-968-1075 203-322-5012 203-329-8585 203-329-2990 203-655-0074 203-866-2273 203-968-9550 203-322-8675 203-595-0528 203-968-6361 203-324-5383

SISTERHOOD Stacey Essenfeld, President

2020 Action Plan Committee Fred Golove


B’nai Mitzvah Chairperson Terry Hazen


Board of Education Karen Singer-Freeman


Marketing Elissa Garber-Hyman


Facilities Sylvan Pomerantz


Finance Harold Schwartz


Fund Raising Scott Krowitz David Wolff

203-348-8680 203-968-6361

High Holidays Seymour Weinstein


Beth El Remembers Fred Golove


Human Resources Scott Krowitz Robert Lesser Nicole Zussman

203-348-8680 203-321-8364 203-324-5383


Membership Committee Terry Hazen Rona Katz

203-329-2202 203-329-0666

MEN’S CLUB Stuart Nekritz, Representative


Project Ezra Joy Katz


PAST PRESIDENTS Gordon Brown Rosalea Fisher Fred S. Golove Ron Gross Martin Israel Herbert Kahan Alan Kalter Doug Karp Mark Lapine Gary P. Lessen Milton Mann Neil Perlman Brian Rogol

203-325-8911 203-323-1449 203-322-0295 203-325-3114 203-325-8511 203-322-3249 203-322-8220 203-972-0910 203-329-9879 203-322-7616 203-322-6161 203-354-8663 203-329-8276

Ritual Committee Gerry Ginsburg Susan Schneiderman Eitelberg

203-322-1324 203-333-3331

Mitzvah Garden Harriet Weinstein


OUR STAFF IS MOST EAGER TO ASSIST YOU Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Phone: (203) 322-6901 Fax: (203) 322-0532 Joshua Hammerman, Rabbi (rabbi@tbe.org) George Mordecai, Cantor (CantorMordecai@tbe.org) Sidney G. Rabinowitz, Hazzan Emeritus (hazzan@tbe.org) Steven Lander, Executive Director (execdir@tbe.org) Al Treidel, Director of Jewish Life Education (eddir@tbe.org) Ronnie Brockman, Early Childhood Center Director (Earlychildhood@tbe.org) Rabbi Michelle Dardashti, Directory of Community Engagement (rabbidardashti@tbe.org) Debbie Bouchard, Education Office (education@tbe.org) Linda Rezak, Bookkeeper (bookkeeper@tbe.org) Mindy Rogoff, Temple Secretary (office@tbe.org) Ellen Gottfried, Secretary (TempleSec@tbe.org) Alberto Eyzaguirre, Facilities Manager (maint@tbe.org) Sisterhood Gift Shop (giftshop@tbe.org)

WHERE TO FIND IT Joshua Hammerman, Rabbi........................................................Page 3 George Mordecai, Cantor ...........................................................Page 3 Al Treidel, Director of Jewish Life Education ..............................Page 4 Ronnie Brockman, Early Childhood Center Director. .................Page 4 Rabbi Michelle Dardashti, Directory of Community Engagement ............ Page 5 July/August Service Schedule .....................................................Page 5 Sisterhood ..................................................................................Page 7 Men’s Club .................................................................................Page 9


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CANTOR GEORGE MORDECAI What an amazing year we’ve had. Thank you! From the moment my family and I arrived at Temple Beth El, I knew we had come home. There is real positive energy and synergy in the air and I’m excited to be a part of what is happening. Rabbi Hammerman has been an incredible source of vision, insight and wisdom for me. His leadership has allowed me to flourish here. Thank you to Steve, Al, Ronnie, Eileen, Bracha, Judy, Mindy, Linda, Ellen, Alberto, Antonio, Debbie for all you that you do for TBE. Your hard-work and dedication to the synagogue has truly inspired me. You all embody the essence of ‫ עבודת הקודש‬- Avodat HaKodesh - sacred work in the service of a higher principle. With the help of Rabbi Hammerman and the entire TBE team, Friday nights have been transformed. We’ve also put on some amazing performances with special musical guests from across the globe such as, “From Baghdad to Beth El” and the recent “Treetops Shabbat.” There is more to come, I promise you. I am very grateful to all of you for your warm embrace of my musical and liturgical approach. I know that liturgical and musical changes can be very difficult. We have all been raised and nurtured on certain melodies that are at the very core of our Jewish identity. Friends, if there is a melody that is dear to your heart, one that you remember from your childhood or learned at TBE over the years, if there is a tune that you miss PLEASE let me know and I will do all that I can to include it in our services. You can always e-mail me at cantormordecai@tbe.org or call me at the synagogue. If I am not familiar with the melody, I will make every effort to learn it. My door is always open. There are many fantastic things happening at TBE. Join us by coming regularly to services and attending the many classes and programs offered. I guarantee you that it with transform your lives. ‫ ברכות רבות‬- Brachot Rabot, Blessings... Cantor George Mordecai

Sing. Pray. Love. (Adapted from my Annual Meeting report)

There are many things I could speak about in summing up where we are right now, as we enter the home stretch heading toward TBE’s hundredth year. But I would like to focus on what is fast becoming our crown jewel, our trademark, our Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat service. And although I know that many of you have seen and love that service, I want to impress upon you just how extraordinary it is. I recently read an article entitled: “Who Needs Organized Religion?” The author concluded it: “So before you cancel your membership, look at your relationship with organized religion. Sometime, you may find that it is truly not responsive, and you may have to seek elsewhere. But you may also find another way, and other people right where you are, to help you transform your local organized religion into a living religious organism — a radiant center of vitality.” We are on our way to becoming a radiant center of vitality, joy and hope. We’ve been building the foundation for many years. But in the past year we’ve taken an enormous step. People who long ago swore off of organized religion are coming to our services regularly, and, wonder of wonders, they discover that they are actually…praying. I laid out the vision in an article that I wrote a decade ago, entitled: “The Show Must Go On.” Here are the most relevant excerpts: “In rabbinical school I was advised that services can’t possibly compete with Lincoln Center and Broadway, so best not to try. OK, I thought, so we’re not supposed to aim for that part of people’s souls that cry when they hear Aida or laugh at the banter of Neil Simon. We can’t compete, so let’s just be mediocre, weighed down by rote, suffocated by committee, callused by custom. I was led to believe that the only way to get people to return to services regularly is either by scheduling special events, (meals, guest speakers, honorees, special cantatas, special sermon themes), or by appealing to guilt. I never bought into that. It’s the service that matters, and my goal has always been to build my message from the power of the service itself, not to educate, but to connect; not to teach, but to inspire. I aim for the emotional jugular, all the time. And if that means adding a dramatic pause here and a well-timed joke there, if it means utilizing some of the tools of the actor and playwright, so be it. There’s nothing wrong with drama, as long as it doesn’t sink into melodrama. It can be real and still be a show. What people bemoan as clergy-centered “performance Judaism” has little to do with it being a performance and lots to do with it being a bad performance. How does one differentiate good from bad? The answer has little to do with how polished or aesthetically balanced the performance is; it’s based more on how intense and authentically human are the emotions evoked by it. Almost always, the people decide. They vote with their tears, their singing voices and their feet. There is a Darwinian aspect to this that we must understand. That which brings life to our worship will survive, and that which

WE THANK OUR VOLUNTEERS Betty Baer, Rhoda Dember, Beth Finchler, Roz Finchler, Phyllis Gofstein, Joe Rothman, Carol Sander, Barbara Taksel

HONORABLE MENSCHEN Todah Rabah to our Torah readers!

SAVE THE DATE! SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 FAMILY DAY AT THE AUDOBON SOCIETY IN GREENWICH We will begin with morning minyan at 9:00 a.m., followed by a bird walk, hiking on the beautiful grounds of the Audubon Society, children’s activities and much more… WATCH FOR DETAILS!

Continued on page 15... 3




L’dor Vador

Fun Food for Young Kids Cooking with the participation of my daughter Sara and her friends, was always an instant spirit-lifter for all. I found this activity particularly successful between the ages of 5-8, when hand-eye coordination is excellent and the willingness to do adult-supervised activity is still a plus. By the age of 3, children can pour measured ingredients into bowls, peel bananas, tear lettuce, open packages, sort ingredients, and place toppings on food. From ages 4 and up they can help grease pans, knead and shape dough, slice soft foods like bananas, attempt to measure accurately, wash fresh produce, and spread jam, margarine, or peanut butter. Cooking teaches children the spirit of cooperation, a little bit of math, and a smidgen of chemistry. Best of all, it teaches them to appreciate the effort and artistry that goes into the preparation of food and the value of a family dinner. And when that lesson sinks in, they’re far more likely to eat something if they’ve helped make it! Here are several tried-and-true hands-on food projects, some more involved than others, that my daughter and her friends enjoyed and were most often requested.

The following is an abridged version of the report that I delivered at TBE’s Annual Meeting on May 24, 2011: Our school continues to flourish with a very strong faculty, supportive parents and an exciting student community. Without a doubt, we have the strongest supplemental religious school in the entire area. With the addition of Cantor George Mordecai, our students have enjoyed doing music with a dynamic and creative presence. Several new programs were instituted this year including an all-school family Shabbat on December 11 which brought out close to 80% of our school families along with day school families in attendance. The programs, speakers and activities caught the imaginations of all participants. We celebrated the best Purim ever with a Purim shpiel acted out by our staff followed by an exciting Purim Carnival. Students observed Pesach with activity centers that engaged their energies as they progressed through a series of learning stations. As always, we conducted High Holiday services and activities, decorated the Temple’s sukkah, and had a great time with Chanukah activities. We had Tu B’Shevat Round-Robins and, of course, there were Family Shabbat Dinners, Shabbat Morning Family Programs and an exceedingly successful 7th grade Shul-In. There was 100% participation by our 7th graders and several of our day school students joined us as well. Our school took a leading role at the Israel Fair on Yom Ha’Atzmaut held at the Stamford JCC. Last Saturday, our 7th graders kept us in awe at our Aliyah Service. We were so proud listening to one after another reading original essays speaking about why they love being Jewish, their special ties with one another and with Temple Beth El. Additional evidence of the effectiveness of our educational program can be measured by the large number of Religious School graduates who choose to return to our school as madrichim - especially on Sunday mornings when most teens prefer to sleep. We continue to develop and refine our curriculum which has been cited as one of the best in the nation. This year, teachers worked with me in identifying activities that accompany specific units of study as well as determining appropriate assessments that will be added to our curriculum over the summer. I am undertaking a special summer project of surveying and interviewing families to gain feedback on the effectiveness of our curriculum and ways that it can better serve our student community. Demographics continue to change. About 45% of our children attend day school and our overall population available to attend Religious School has declined. One bright spot is the record number of students who enrolled this year in our 3 and 4 year-old program known as K’tanim. With the emergence of our Shorashim Early Childhood Center, we will see enrollment pick up significantly as these children enter Kindergarten. It continues to be an honor and a privilege for me to serve the congregation and I look forward to the coming year to being the best one yet. Al Treidel

MASHED POTATO “VOLCANOES” - 4 servings My daughter never wanted mashed potatoes until we read The Trouble with Grownups, a “Berenstain Bears” book, in which Mama and Papa scold the cubs for building volcanoes with their mashed potatoes. I see nothing wrong with making food more amusing, especially if that inspires kids to eat it. “Volcanoes” 4 large potatoes, (we liked sweet potatoes) peeled and diced 2 tablespoons non-hydrogenated margarine 1/2 cup rice milk (or substitute), Salt to taste, optional “Lava” 1 cup rice milk, 2 tablespoons unbleached flour 1/2 cup grated cheddar nondairy cheese, optional 2 tablespoons ketchup “Greenery” About 1 cup peas, cooked, or small broccoli florets, steamed In a large saucepan cover potatoes with water and bring to a boil. Cover pot and simmer over medium heat until tender. Drain potatoes and transfer to a mixing bowl. Add margarine, rice milk and stir. Mash with a potato masher, add a little salt if desired. Now make the “lava.” Heat the rice milk in a small saucepan. Dissolve the flour in just enough water to make it smooth and flowing and add slowly into saucepan. Sprinkle in the optional cheese and stir until it melts. Simmer the mixture gently until smooth and thick. Stir the ketchup into the sauce, but leave some red streaks showing, so that it looks “fiery.” Divide the mashed potatoes among four serving plates. Have everyone shape them into mountains, press the tops down lightly to flatten, and finally make a small indentation at the very top with their thumb. Have the children arrange some of the “greenery” around the volcano.


Let each child pour some of the “lava” into the indentation at the top of each “volcano” with a small ladle. It should flow down the sides. It’s fine if it drips over the “greenery.” Eat at once, before the lava solidifies into magma!



Director of Community Engagement

Friday, July 1* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m.

Rabbi Dardashti was ordained and received a Masters in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary in May 2010 and has been working as the Marshall Meyer Rabbinic Fellow at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York. Before that she lived in Uruguay, teaching at a Jewish Day School, running Hillel programs, and writing for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Then she spent time in Israel on a Dorot Fellowship, volunteering at Israel Democracy Institute, studying at the Conservative Yeshiva, and learning Arabic. While at JTS, Rabbi Dardashti served as Director of Family Programming at Shaare Zedek, developing their youth program, a chaplain at Bellevue Hospital, and rabbi and hazzanit for JTS’s High Holy Day services. She also traveled to El Salvador as part of an American Jewish World Service Rabbinical Student Delegation, led a Birthright Israel tour in 2007 and served as an educational consultant for Birthright Israel NEXT. Rabbi Dardashti and her husband, Nathan Sher, reside in Stamford with their daughter, Eden. In welcoming Rabbi Dardashti to TBE, Rabbi Hammerman stated, “We feel fortunate that she has chosen to come here, as she was highly recruited by congregations, agencies and think tanks. Rabbi Dardashti has the energy and vitality to realize her vision, and our good fortune is that her vision closely corresponds to the one that we have been nurturing here: A congregation of engagement, inclusivity, passion, conscience and joy.”

Shabbat, July 2 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. Friday, July 8* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. Shabbat, July 9 - D’var Torah by Nahum Daniels Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. Parents’ Night Out and Havdalah 8:00 p.m. at the home of Cantor Mordecai and Michal Frankel Friday, July 15* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. Shabbat, July 16 - D’var Torah by Rhonna Rogol Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. Friday, July 22* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. Shabbat, July 23 - D’var Torah by Cantor George Mordecai Shabbat Services 9;30 a.m. Friday, July 29* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. Shabbat, July 30 - D’var Torah by Rabbi Michelle Dardashti Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m.

AUGUST 2011 Friday, August 5* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m.

TBE DAY OF CARING TEAM As Mr. Rogers used to say, “It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” Our United Way sponsored TBE Day of Caring Team, Rosalea and Dick Fisher, Eileen H. Rosner, Suzanne Horn, Susan Holzman, Judy Fishman and Marlyn and Rich Agatstein, volunteered one morning in June at Kids in Crisis in Cos Cob.

Shabbat, August 6 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. Monday, August 8 - Erev Tisha B’Av Service 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 9 - Tisha B’Av

We planted flowers, prepared and planted vegetables in the garden, spread mulch under the playground area, washed the children’s outdoor toys, and repaired the wooden gates. We were dirty and sweaty at the end, but we all had a sense of pride that we had beautified the outdoor area of this important agency.

Friday, August 12* Barbeque and Barachu 5:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. Shabbat, August 13 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. Friday, August 19* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m.

Thanks to the United Way for connecting us to Kids in Crisis.

Shabbat, August 20 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. Friday, August 26* Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. Shabbat, August 27 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. *outdoors - weather permitting or in the lobby Shabbat morning services will be held in the Chapel. 5





Jennifer and Harris Meth on the birth of twins, Ilana Danielle and Madelyn Raya. Jocelyn Avidan, Liz Diamond, Marlene Gatz, Leslie Moskowitz, Randi Price, Lily Schacht, Ilana Springer, Morgan Temple, Andrew Young and Daniel Young, for being named Volunteer of the Year by the JCC. Mia Weinstein on being honored with the Young Leadership Award from Bi-Cultural Day School. Amy and Mel Bloomenthal on the birth of a grandson, Quincy Alex, born to Erica Bloomenthal and Robert Trenczer. Ellen Donen on being named Volunteer of the Year 2011 by the Jewish Home for the Elderly.

Summer hours: By appointment only


For appointments please call:


Nancy Mayer at 203-561-6157 or Steve Lander in the Temple office at 203-322-6901, ext. 304.

Barbeque at 5:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:30 p.m. It will be the best barbeque you’ll attend all summer long! (even better than last year’s!)



Visit our Gift Shop to view our large selection of invitation books. Make an appointment with Nancy Mayer at 203-321-1094 and she will guide you through the ordering process. We have all the popular books to choose from: C’est Papier, Encore, Jansson, Checkerboard and more! And we have the BEST DISCOUNTS! We also have Havdalah candles, Sunkist Fruit Gems sold in bulk, tallitot and yarmulkes for guys and girls and gifts. You can order your yarmulkes from us, too. We are a one stop shop for your simcha!

(Yes, veggie burgers will be served!)

TORAH FUND Instead of sending greetings from Hallmark, why not send a beautiful Torah Fund card? You can help celebrate a simcha, extend get-well wishes and send someone special a mazel tov. I like to keep them “on hand” for the convenience of having them in my own home. What is Torah Fund? It is a project of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism to benefit the Jewish Theological Seminary in NYC, the Ziegler School in L.A. and the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem. Our Temple has already profited from this wonderful organization. Rabbi Hammerman, Cantor Mordecai, Cantor Jacobson, Rabbi Kalev, Cantor Littman and Hazzan Rabinowitz are all graduates of these institutions.

Special Occasion? Sponsor The Shabbat E-nnouncements (sent every week via e-mail)

The Shabbat Announcements

How much are the cards? $3 a piece or 7 cards for $20

(distributed each Shabbat at the Temple)

Who do I contact? Suzanne Stone at (203) 866-2273

and the Shabbat-O-Gram (e-mailed every Thursday night)

All sponsors will be acknowledged at the beginning of each of these announcements and also listed in our bi-monthly Bulletin.

I will make this transaction as easy as possible for you! I can meet you at the Temple at a time that is convenient for both of us. I can drop them in your mailbox when you send me your check. Remember, if you write a check, you may use that donation as a tax deduction. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Call Mindy in the office at 322-6901 ext. 301.

Suzanne Stone, Vice President of Torah Fund

All three publications for $72





Research has shown that early involvement in a formal religious education program develops a strong comfort level in the Jewish community for children and builds a sense of Jewish identity in the formative years. Our Religious School has a variety of programs to meet the needs of young Jewish children:

The High Holiday Prayer Book, Mahzor Lev Shalem, was used for the first time on the High Holidays to everyone’s satisfaction. For $50: One prayer book for your personal use or donate one to the Temple. For $250: Six prayer books will be donated to the Temple.

K’tanim Program For ages 3 and 4 (5 year-olds not enrolled in Kindergarten) K’tanim meets one Sunday per month from 9:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. The K’tanim program is holiday based with many hands-on and movement activities. You do not have to be a TBE member to enroll your child.

For $500: Twelve prayer books will be donated to the Temple. For $1,000: Twenty-one prayer books will be donated to the Temple. Four books will be given to your family.


Grades K, 1 and 2 Meets every Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. There is a spiral curriculum for these grades along with music, hands-on projects and a lot of inter-active programs. Special discounts are available to children who are among the 25 first-time registrants in these grades.

This very special book was intended to educate and enlighten; indeed, Or Hadash translates as A New Light. “Its purpose is to help the reader - no matter of what background to understand the siddur and to be able to pray from it with great sincerity and meaning. Or Hadash enables the worshiper not only to understand the texts, but how to actually daven (pray with devotion),” said Rabbi Hammerman. The dedication of this book costs $54.

Grades 3 through 7 Meets every Thursday from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. and on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. There is a full curriculum of studies in Hebrew, Siddur, Bible, Ethics, Customs and Ceremonies, and History. Students engage in a number of hands-on activities and programs.

CHUMASH (BIBLE) to DEDICATE The Etz Hayim Chumashim (Bibles) are available for dedication. Having a simcha? Why not dedicate a Chumash to honor the occasion? Observing a yahrtzeit? Why not dedicate a Chumash in memory of your loved one? The dedication of this book costs $72.

Our Religious School has a nationally-recognized curriculum, highly skilled and talented teachers (two of whom are recipients of the coveted Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award), state -of-the-art technology (including Smart Boards and a computer lab), music specialists and a remedial Hebrew teacher.

SIM SHALOM SIDDUR for SHABBAT Our Sim Shalom siddurim for Shabbat are available for dedication. The dedication of this book costs $36.



Call us for additional information at 203-322-6901, ext. 305.

Prayer Books for Shiva Minyans are available for dedication. The dedication of this book costs $36.


A lovely, personalized book plate will be placed inside the front cover. Please call Mindy in the office, 322-6901, ext. 301 or office@tbe.org, if you would like to dedicate one of these books.

TREE OF LIFE A beautiful way to commemorate a special occasion is to purchase a “leaf” on our beautiful “Tree of Life” sculpture adorning our Temple lobby. There are many more leaves available for your own personal inscriptions.


The following categories are still available: Triple Chai $5,400 Guardians of the Temple $1,000 Silver Leaves - Gold Border $750 Silver Leaves $250

Because of strict confidentiality regulations, Stamford Hospital limits the access that clergy have to patient population lists. Please help us to help you and your loved ones by contacting the rabbi directly, by voice mail (322-6901 x307) or email (rabbi@tbe.org) when you know of someone in the hospital.

Please contact Mindy in the Temple office at 3226901, ext. 301 or office@tbe.org. 8



Monday, August 8, 2011

At Shabbat Services on July 9, we introduced the winners of this year’s scholarships: Zachary Leeds was awarded the Eve K. Kaplin Memorial Scholarship. Zach has an outstanding record of accomplishments in art and design. He is the son of Peter and Randi Leeds. In addition to his artwork, Zach went on the March of the Living and was confirmed at Temple Sinai. He graduated from Stamford High School, and will be attending the Savannah College of Art & Design. Danielle Mizrachi was awarded the Edward J. Kaplin Scholarship. She is the daughter of Karen Mizrachi. Danielle was an AP Scholar, received the President’s Volunteer Service Award, and was very active in BuildOn at Westhill. She will be attending Brandeis University in the fall. Our heartfelt mazel tov to Zach and Danielle! Please consider naming the Temple Men’s Club Scholarship Fund for contributions to honor friends and loved ones on special occasions, as well as special contributions “just because”. It truly is a gift that will keep on giving year after year.

8:00 p.m. The reading of Lamentations will take place at TBE, in the lobby, accompanied by magnificent vistas of Jerusalem. Tisha B’Av commemorates the destruction of the temples and other disasters in Jewish history, but it also places a focus on the need for Jewish unity. Please bring a flashlight.


Gerry L. Ginsburg, Chairperson Men’s Club Scholarship Committee

When making a donation in honor of or in memory of someone, an acknowledgement will be mailed to the designee for donations of $10 or more. Donations of less than $10 will be acknowledged only in the Bulletin. All donations will be published in the Bulletin unless you state that you wish to be anonymous.



www.tbe.org Read Rabbi Hammerman’s Shabbat-O-Grams… Hear Cantor Mordecai’s Shabbat melodies... View our photo albums… Learn about our upcoming events… Find contact information... And much, much more!

MEMORIAL PLAQUES Inscribe the names of your loved ones on a plaque for our Chapel wall along with a light to commemorate their yahrtzeit and yizkor observances throughout the year. Please contact Mindy at 322-6901, further information.

ext. 301 for We’re starting Bingo on TUESDAY NIGHTS in the fall as a NEW FUND RAISER. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. To sign up, e-mail Steven Lander execdir@tbe.org or 203-322-6901, ext.304

PROJECT EZRA Would you like to perform a mitzvah that is right at the heart of our Temple? Join the Project Ezra team that delivers pre-shiva meals to bereaved members of our Temple. Participating is easy and so very rewarding. To learn more, contact Joy Katz at 329-3359 or joyakatz@yahoo.com. 9

WOW! WHAT A YEAR! Continued from page 1... NOVEMBER Morning Minyan, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Shabbat Services, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, B’Nai Mitzvah: Brett Mayer, Ross Levensohn, Gabriel Groz, Richard Greenbaum, Andrew Young, Tot Shabbat morning, Junior Congregation, Adult Education, Sisterhood Board, Sisterhood Paid-Up Membership Brunch, Mah Jongg with Sisterhood, Learning & Latte, USY Shabbat Pot-Luck Dinner, 6th & 7th Grade New York City Trip, College Bound Workshop, Board of Education, Early Childhood Center Open House, K’tanim, Kadima Rock Climbing, Temple Rock Café Meeting, Ritual Committee, 90th Anniversary Recognition Shabbat DECEMBER Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Morning Minyan, Shorashim Open House, Adult Education, Shabbat Services, Young Families Chanukah Fest, Junior Congregation, Tot Shabbat, Playdates with Ronnie, Shabbat Chaverim, “Don’t Let the Lights Go Out” Family Chanukah Celebration, Chanukah for 2’s and 3’s with Cantor Mordecai & Ronnie, K’tanim, Young Families Meeting, “Jewish Week” Ethics Panel featuring Rabbi Hammerman, Temple Rock Café Meeting, Beth El Cemetery Meeting, Learning & Latte, Mah Jongg with Sisterhood, Sisterhood Board, Family Synaplex Shabbat, Israel Film Festival, USY & Kadima “Decorate for a Cause,” USY & Kadima “Operation Giving Back,” K’tanim, B’Nai Mitzvah: William Bralower, Rachel Goldblum, Jason Nekritz, Religious School celebrates Chanukah at the Government Center JANUARY Tu B’Shevat, Morning Minyan, Shabbat Services, Tot Shabbat, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, B’nai Mitzvah: Zoë & Ethan Finkelstein, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Synaplex Shabbat, Kirtan Havdalah, K’tanim, Kulanu, Adult Education, Israel Film Festival, Sisterhood Shabbat, Shorashim Opens for 2’s & 3’s, Playdates with Ronnie, Shabbat Chaverim, Junior Congregation, Kadima Ice Skating, USY Indian Havdalah Dinner, Havdalah in New Canaan, Mah Jongg, Babka & Baklava, Learning & Latte, Mah Jongg, Board of Education, Executive Committee, Ritual Committee, K’tanim, Ritual Committee, Temple Rock Café Meeting, Sisterhood Board Meeting, Women’s Career Networking Group, 90th Anniversary Recognition Shabbat

FEBRUARY Shabbat Services, Tot Shabbat, Morning Minyan, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Temple Rock Café, TBE’s 90th Anniversary Celebration, Young Families Shabbat 101 - dinner, Israeli Film Festival, Learn to Bake Baklava with Ann Treidel, Shorashim for 2’s & 3’s, Playdates with Ronnie, Shabbat Chaverim, K’tanim, Learning & Latte, World-Wide-Wrap, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Kulanu, Kadima Bowling, Mah Jongg, Sisterhood Presents: Meet Vicki Kobliner, Board of Education, USY Ice Skating, 2020 Action Plan Committee, Women’s Career Networking, Adult Education, Junior Congregation


MARCH Shabbat Services, Junior Congregation, Tot Shabbat, “Purim on the Rocks,” Purim Carnival, Morning Minyan, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Kulanu, B’Nai Mitzvah: Rachel Wolff, Tyler Zielinski, Michael Zielinski, Matthew Kobliner, Hannah Katz, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, ADL Confronting Anti-Semitism with Grade 7, Kulanu, Adult Education, Shabbat Across America, Shorashim, Shabbat Chaverim, Board of Education, Ritual Committee, Sisterhood Board Meeting, Learn to Bake Hamantaschen with Ann Treidel, Young Jewish Professionals Meeting, Relaunch Your Career, Learning & Latte, Mah Jongg, Sisterhood Book Discussion, Film: “Race to Nowhere,” K’tanim, 90th Anniversary Recognition Shabbat

APRIL K’tanim, Morning Minyan, Shabbat Services, Junior Congregation, Tot Shabbat, Jay Michaelson, Scholar-in-Residence, Passover Wine and Food Tasting, Sisterhood’s Passover Food Sale, Siyum for the First Born, Passover Services & Yizkor, Tot Pesach, Passover Food Drive, Kulanu, Mah Jongg, Relaunch Your Career, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Board of Education, Sisterhood Board Meeting, Mah Jongg, Playdates, Shorashim, Shabbat Chaverim, TBE 90th Anniversary Shabbat Dinner, TBE 90th Anniversary Concert, Dr. Ruth Brennan - A Reader’s Theater Presentation, B’Nai Mitzvah: Rebecca Satz, Stephanie Hausman, Noah Durica, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Kulanu, USY 70’s Game Show Night, Pre-Planning for Funerals, Learning & Latte MAY First crop of tulips from our Gan Mitzvah delivered to our members at Atria Assisted Living, Ari Fleischer, Guest Speaker, Shorashim, TBE Annual Meeting, Grade 7 Aliyah Service, Yom Hashoah Community Commemoration, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Adult Education, Learning & Latte, Playdates, Shabbat Chaverim, B’Nai Mitzvah: Lucas Ehrlich, Alexa Baer, Sarah Goldberg, Jacob Goldberg, Morning Minyan, Shabbat Services, Junior Congregation, Tot Shabbat, Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Kulanu Graduation, Relaunch Your Career, Sisterhood Book Review, Sisterhood Board Meeting, Beth El Cemetery Association Annual meeting, Mah Jongg, K’tanim, Board of Education JUNE Kabbalat Shabbat at Treetops, Board of Trustees, Trope Class with Bracha Moshe, Shabbat Services, Tot Shabbat, Tikkun Leyl Shavuot, Shavuot Services & Yizkor, Honoring Our Graduates, Social Networking - Teen Panel, Tot Shavuot, Shorashim, Playdates, Mah Jongg, Sisterhood Board Meeting, Ritual Committee Meeting, Board of Education, B’Nai Mitzvah: Ilana Olin, Sean Rose, Men’s Club Planning Meeting, Men’s Club Men’s Night Out, Sisterhood Mah Jongg Tournament, Relaunch Your Career, Executive Committee, Morning Minyan, Sanctuary Renovations Begin!


WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS RABBI JOSHUA HAMMERMAN MITZVAH FUND In honor of… In appreciation by Betty & Sherwin Baer, Phyllis & Gary Gladstein In appreciation of Rabbi Hammerman for all his support and help with Noah’s Bar Mitzvah and Charlotte’s baby naming by Wendy & Jon Durica & Family Stephanie Hausman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Mindy & Jeff Hausman

Hannah Katz becoming a Bat Mitzvah by the Nekritz Family Samantha Kraftsow on the first anniversary of her Bat Mitzvah by the Nekritz Family Rachel Wolff becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Joan & Sheldon Katz Rebecca Satz becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Joan & Sheldon Katz Matthew Kobliner becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Joan & Sheldon Katz Stephanie Hausman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Joan & Sheldon Katz Mara Hammerman by Mindy & Jeff Hausman Dana Weinberg by Mindy & Jeff Hausman The birth of Grant Ethan Bradley by Leslie & Herb Horowitz Daniel and Andrew Young for being selected as Volunteers of the Year at the Stamford, JCC by Roni & Allan Lang

In appreciation for our daughter’s, Maryn, baby naming ceremony by Melissa & Steven Brooks In memory of… Nettie Lebow, z’l, by Irv Lebow Richard Turshen, z’l, by Sharon & Jeff Turshen Marc Shapiro, z’l, by Kathy & Jeff Paseltiner

BETH EL SENIORS In memory of… Edward Golove, z’l, by Betsy Polakoff, Ilene & Jim Locker & Family

CANTOR GEORGE MORDECAI MITZVAH FUND In honor of… Cantor George Mordecai for making our wedding ceremony so special by Phyllis & Gary Gladstein Noah becoming a Bar Mitzvah and the baby naming for Charlotte by Wendy & Jon Durica & Family Stephanie Hausman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Mindy & Jeff Hausman

THANK YOU FOR SPONSORING KIDDUSH Lisa and William Baer Francine and Stephen Ehrlich Vivian Rich Goldberg and Bruce Goldberg Suzanne and Craig Olin Julie and Solomon Rose

In memory of… Ephraim Friedman, z’l, by Susan & Martin Clarke


FRANK AND ROSE ROSNER MEMORIAL FUND In honor of… Eileen H. Rosner by Mindy & Jeff Hausman Steven Lander by Mindy & Jeff Hausman

Lisa and William Baer Francine and Stephen Ehrlich Suzanne and Craig Olin

In memory of… Frank Rosner, z’l, by Eileen H. Rosner, Linda Hempel & Keith Braun Rose Rosner, z’l, by Joyce & Lewis Slayton Israel Rubinovitz, z’l, by Eileen H. Rosner Rose Rosner, z’l, by Eileen H. Rosner Leonard Estrin, z’l, by Eileen H. Rosner Barbara Rose, z’l, by Eileen H. Rosner Claire Redniss, z’l, by Eileen H. Rosner


               

KIDDUSH FUND In memory of… Edward Golove, z’l, by Carol and Willy Sander Fred Sheftell, z’l, by Rhonna and Brian Rogol In honor of… The birth of Grant Ethan Bradley by Rhonna & Brian Rogol The birth of Ida Mae, granddaughter of Lorraine & David Kweskin by Rhonna & Brian Rogol MEN’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of… Edward Kaplin, z’l by Elaine Kaplin RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In honor of… 12

Adult Education Programs Beth El Cares Beth El Seniors Camp Scholarship Fund Cantor George Mordecai Mitzvah Fund Frank & Rose Rosner Memorial Fund (maintenance) General Fund Hazzan Sidney Rabinowitz Mitzvah Fund High Holy Day Appeal Kiddush Fund Men’s Club Scholarship Fund Prayer Book Fund Project Ezra Rabbi Joshua Hammerman’s Mitzvah Fund Religious School Fund Youth Programs





In honor of… Stephanie Hausman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Mindy & Jeff Hausman In memory of… David Anis, z’l, by Mindy & Jeff Hausman Irving Marvin Meth, z’l, by Jennifer & Harris Meth Lily and Nathan Meth, z’l, by Jennifer & Harris Meth

“OR HADASH” In memory of… Ethel Rosenthal, z’l, by Linda & Joseph Rothman

“ETZ HAYYIM” In memory of… Donald Sosnowitz, z’l, by Bobbe & Ben Evans

WE MOURN THE PASSING OF… DONALD SOSNOWITZ, z’l MORTON KAHN, father of Robert Kahn BARBARA ROSE, wife of Jerry Rose CLAIRE REDNISS, mother of Richard Redniss EPHRAIM FRIEDMAN, father of David Friedman JACK KAHAN, brother of Herbert Kahan DAVID LEICHTER, father of Jerrold Leichter

WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN MEMORY OF: JOSEPH RALPH ON THE 90th ANNIVERSARY OF TBE Elsie Ralph EDWARD GOLOVE, z’l Esther & Howard Golove, Beverly & David Stein, Eileen & Burt Bobman, Rosalea & Dick Fisher, Stephne & Kerrin Behrend, Roni & Allan Lang, Leslie & Herb Horowitz, Lieba & Steven Lander ARNOLD SCHWARTZ, z’l Magida Family, Marilyn Sultan, Monica & Marc Meisel, Mathew Soltan, Marcia Fein, Carol & David Fishman EILEEN KLINE, z’l Rosalea & Dick Fisher, Sandy & Alvin Siegartel LARRY ROTH, z’l Sandra & Donald Armstrong CLAIRE REDNISS, z’l Myrna & Herman Alswanger, Dorothy & Leon Jaiven, Fran & Gerry Ginsburg, Stephen Hoffman, Burt Hoffman, Kate & John Freeman, Sandak, Hennessey & Greco Counselors at Law, Sandy & Bob Goldstein, USA Network, Stamford Downtown Special Services District, Carl & Paul Kuehner/Building & Land Technology

PEW SEATS AVAILABLE! Are you tired of scrambling for seats when you come to worship at the High Holy Days? There is a solution! Why not purchase the rights to pew seats for you and your family? Pew seats may be paid over a three year period. For further information, please contact Steve Lander at ext. 304 or execdir@tbe.org.

The deadline for the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2011 issue of the Temple Bulletin will be Monday, August 1, 2011 13

REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES Sandy & David Moreinis ........................................ FORTUNA ABADI Barbara & Stan Friedman ............................... NATHAN ALIENTUCH Mindy & Jeff Hausman ...................................................DAVID ANIS Maxine, Jay, Gary & Brian Freilich.......................... KARL ARONSON Maxine, Jay, Gary & Brian Freilich................... RICHARD ARONSON Gloria & Seymour Baum ..................................... ISIDOR BAUM Meredith Reuben .............................. SADYE & GERALD BAUM Neva Bennett .................................................. HARRY BENNETT Nancy Greene ................................ADELE & AUGUST BERMAN Norma & Miltin Mann ............................. BENJAMIN BIERMAN Sari & Alan Jaffe ........................................ EDWARD BLONDER Susan & Edward Bralower ............................LOUIS BRALOWER Carol & Wil Brewer ........................................... LESLIE BREWER Michael Butterman .......................... EDITH & HY BUTTERMAN Bunny & Stan Rosen ................................................ SID COHEN Lisa Rome ..........................................................SAMUEL COHN Marsha Colten ................................................ ROBERT COLTEN Francine & Robert Plansky .......................... MILDRED COOPER Rhoda Dember ................................................ DAVID DEMBER Bruce Dennis ..................................................... JONAS DENNIS Joan Rosenthal .............................................. HYMAN DOCTOR Barbara & Edward Drotman ............................. LEO DROTMAN Sandy & Jerry Effren ....................... EDITH & HERMAN EFFREN Evelyn Kahn ......................................... MARGOT NEU-EPSTEIN Beverly Ferber ............................ AUGUSTA & HYMAN FERBER Norma & Milton Mann .......................................EMERY FRANK Maxine, Jay, Gary & Brian Freilich ................... SEYMOUR FREILICH Cathy Bernstein & Bud Freund ...................... SHELLEY FREUND Sally & Jim Rothkopf .............................. EMANUAL FRIEDMAN Barbara & Stan Friedman ............................... JACK FRIEDMAN Bella Galynskaya ...........................................PAVEL GALYNSKIY Fran & Gerry Ginsburg ............................. BARBARA GINSBURG Barbara & Howard Malloy .............................. THELMA GLAZER Barbara & Marvin Gold .......................................... TILLIE GOLD Myra & John Graubard ................................DAVID GRAUBARD Elaine Erichson ............................................. EMIL GREENBERG Susan & Edward Bralower ..................... STEPHEN GREENBERG Grecia & Ronald Gross .................................... HERMAN GROSS Josephine Grushkin ................................... MERVIN GRUSHKIN Steven Grushkin & Family ......................... MERVIN GRUSHKIN Darlene & Larry Hornstein ....................... BELOVED FAMILY MEMBERS Harriet & Fred Dulaney .......................................... LEWIS HELD Phyllis & George Heller ....................................... MARC HELLER Roset Hendizadeh & Family..................... RAHIM HENDIZADEH Molly Bernstein ........................................... ISRAEL HOCHMAN Susan & Larry Holzman .................................. JOHN HOLZMAN Darlene & Larry Hornstein ............................. JACK HORNSTEIN Dana Horowitz & Peter Wolly ..................... BRUCE HOROWITZ Michael Jablon .................................................. BARRY JABLON Bobbi & Jerry Jacobs........................................ MINNIE JACOBS Sari & Alan Jaffe ..................................................... TILLIE JAFFE Rita & Morton Johnson ................................. JENNIE JOHNSON Bruce Kahn & Family ......................................... GEORGE KAHN Ann & Julius Lasnick ........................................... JULES KAPLAN Elaine Kaplin .................................................. EDWARD KAPLIN Vivien & Arthur White .................................... MORRIS KARATZ

Mark Katz ............................................................ SANDRA KATZ Ilene & Mike Koester .......................................ALLAN KOESTER Tillie Kohn ...................................... SUZANNE & ROBERT KAHN Susan & Richard Blomberg .................... KURT KONIGSBACHER Sharon & Steven Katz .................................... FRANN KRAVATS Sam, Hal & Robert Kravitz............................... FRIEDA KRAVITZ Gloria & Seymour Baum .................................ESTHER KURZON Ilene, Jim Locker .............................ROSE & SAMUEL KWESKIN Ilene & Mike Koester ...................................... MORTON LEWIS Alan Locker ......................................... CELIA & MEYER LOCKER Myra & John Graubard .................................... REUBEN LUBITZ Stephanie & Larry Sherman ................................ JACOB MALIN Laura Markowitz .................................... ROSALIE MARKOWITZ Melanie Massell .......................................... MICHAEL MASSELL Herbert Kahan ........................................ GERTRUDE MATZNER Joel Mellis ........................................................SAMUEL MELLIS Sandy & David Moreinis ............................ SAMUEL MOREINIS Norma & Milton Mann ............. DORA & MORRIS MUNOWITZ Norma & Milton Mann ................................ IRVIN MUNOWITZ Meryl & Hank Silverstein ................................ HARVEY NOVICK Eleanor Mirne ........................................... ARTHUR NUSSDORF David Oberhand .................................... EMANUEL OBERHAND Kathy & Jeff Paseltiner ............................ SAMUEL PASELTINER Ann Pearce ......................................................... MARY PEARCE Francine & Robert Plansky ................................ PAUL PLANSKY Gerald Rich ............................................................. EDITH RICH Susan & David Rich & Family ............................. FRANCES RICH Lisa & Michael Rome ...................................... HOWARD ROME Barbara & Jerry Rose ........................................... JOSEPH ROSE Bunny & Stan Rosen ................................................SOL ROSEN Judy Schneiderman ................ RUTH & EMANUEL ROSENBERG Dorothy & Alvin Rosenfeld...................... SARA LEE & JACK ROSENFELD Sally & Jim Rothkopf ..................................... DORIS ROTHKOPF Ann Pearce ................................................. JOSEPH SACHWALD Barbara & Edward Drotman .....................MOLLY & MICHAEL SCHMALL Laurie & Dennis Keehn ....................... NORMAN SCHWIMMER Carol & Allen Krim ..............................................LOUIS SEAVER Barbara & Marvin Gold ...................................... MOLLIE SEIGEL Roslyn Nesin ................................................. MORRIS SHAPIRO Penny & Michael Horowitz .......................... ABRAHAM SILVER Penny & Michael Horowitz ................................ IRVING SILVER Beth & Peter Silver ...................................... ELIZABETH SILVER Joyce & Lewis Slayton ....................................... PAUL SLAYTON Susan & Larry Holzman .........................................RAY SNIPPER Bernie Taub.......................................................... LILLIAN TAUB Muriel Siskind .................................................. MOLLY TENNEN Bruce Dennis & Shirley Dennis ........................... SADIE TEPPER Tomsky Family .................................................HARRY TOMSKY Marcia & Hal Trencher ................................MELVIN TRENCHER Ronnie & Edward Fein ................................................ LILY VAIL Claire & Paul Stuken ....................................ANCHEL WALLACH Claire Redniss.................................. ANNE & JOSEPH WALTERS Phyllis & Harvey Walzer ................... SOPHIE & RUDOLPH WALZER Dana & Carl Weinberg & Family .............. HANNAH WEINBERG Karen & Phil Welt ................................................... ROSE WELT Benjamin Zysman ......................... DEBORA & FISHEL ZYSMAN 14

On One Foot continued from page 3... doesn’t will not. The Germanic-Eastern European music that songs. And because of my day job, I don’t get to see too many energized synagogue life for two centuries did its job well, but its of them personally. But I know for a fact that no one is doing day is done, except as it is being synthesized into contemporary precisely what we are doing. And the word is spreading. forms. The psalms themselves are imploring us, “Shiru I am not saying this to toot our horn. Surely not to toot L’Adonai, Shir Hadash,” “Sing unto Adonai a new song.” The my own. Cantor Mordecai has done this in other places and caravan has already moved on to other ways of making our everywhere he has gone this style of service has been ancient, sacred prayers come alive. Service attendance will successful. But in his coming here and with our full support, continue to decline until we all understand that it’s either good we are beginning to see the full flowering of his creative vision show -- or no-show.” which meshes so closely with our own. Not just my own. I I wrote that in 2000 and those words were controversial. only wrote about it. You hired the guy. Truth be told, at JTS’ cantorial school, some professors railed Now, we have the chance to do something quite special, for against that article. One guest lecturer quoted from it so Temple Beth El and for American Jewry. If we can nurture and derisively, that a student sitting in the room who liked my grow this crown jewel that is our service, if we can help it to ideas decided that maybe this was a place she would like to blossom into the phenomenon that it has the potential to work. Her name: Deborah Jacobson. And Cantor Jacobson become, we can do something really special here. I’m not saying was instrumental in bringing us Cantor Mordecai, both directly that we can singlehandedly save the Conservative movement, (she was a behind the scenes shadchan) and indirectly, but we can make a major contribution toward the creation of a through the innovations she promoted here. And now, this vibrant and authentic liberal Judaism in a new, multicultural year, with Cantor Mordecai here, I have finally come to fully fusion that befits this century of global interconnection. And we understand what I was talking about. Funny how these things will grow Beth El, so that our rising tide of joyous celebration come full circle. It is noteworthy also that the JTS Cantorial might lift our greater community and all our families. School is now in the process of reinventing itself (as is the It’s the service that matters. It’s the music and the cantorial profession as a whole), precisely along the lines of memories, the dreams blending together in perfect harmony. the critique I outlined a decade ago. It’s the service that matters. And we now have the service. At our recent Friday Night service featuring Ari Fleischer, a What we are missing is just one ingredient. A hundred regular attendee, sitting behind one of the many awestruck more people each Shabbat. Attendance has grown roughly visitors (we had over 400 here that night), came up with a 500 percent this year. But we can do better. good marketing slogan: “Sing. Pray. Love.” I’ve been tossing And that’s where you come in. You may not like the around other ideas like “Jew-sion.” But the marketing that service, and that’s your right. You may not be used to it, in matters most is word of mouth. And the buzz is so good that a which case, join the club. It’s new. But it feels old. It’s number of congregants who had left are returning to our strange, but the melodies are easily accessible. If you like transformed TBE. That’s hard to do – and we need to what you are hearing, come more often, and bring new friends encourage them and welcome them. each time. Make this your destination on Friday nights. So what is so special about Friday night at Beth El? It would be easy to become complacent now, after the It is inclusive, it is real, it is joyous, it is accessible, it is first year. But now is precisely when we have to redouble our authentic, it is intimate, it is musical, it is serious, it is funny, efforts. People check us out all summer long – all year long. it is deep, it is varied, it touches people deeply, it teaches We need you to greet them. without preaching, it is communal, it is intensely personal, it Everything else we do emanates from the spokes of our resonates for all ages, for all backgrounds, for agnostics, too. Shabbat-centered wheel. Everything: Community building, It is warm and welcoming. It is multicultural, taking us on a membership, fund raising, school, social action, education, journey throughout the Jewish world and beyond. It is everything. That’s why we all need to be here on Friday nights deeply connected to Israel and Hebrew language, and – and Shabbat morning, too. While the focus is on the one, traditional prayer. But it is utterly new. It is a “shir hadash.” we also want to feed into the other. It is the fulfillment of Rav Kook’s statement, “The old If we can continue to build it, they will come. During the becomes new and the new becomes holy.” summer, that means outdoors, on Fridays at 6:30 p.m. And it is utterly unique. Have a great summer – and see you right here at TBE! There is only one Cantor Mordecai. And we are fortunate enough, by some quirk of destiny and timing, that he is here. We should not take for granted for a minute, just how unique he is. In fact, if I were to be given the chance to build the perfect cantor, I would not have built George, simply because I would not have been able to imagine what he does. It’s so different. It’s the cutting edge. We talk a lot about synagogues we model ourselves after – like B’nai Jeshurun or Kehillat Hadar in New York, Shira Hadasha in Jerusalem, Beit Tefilla Yisraeli in Tel Aviv. There are a number of model shuls and havurot who are singing new

Rabbi Joshua Hammerman

ATTENTION PARENTS OF COLLEGE FRESHMEN Rabbi Hammerman would like to stay in touch with your child while he/she is away at college. Please send his/her e-mail address to Ellen in the Temple office at: templesec@tbe.org. Thank you! 15




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