Temple Beth El Bulletin - May/June 2011

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TEMPLE BETH EL BULLETIN An Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue www.tbe.org Volume 37 Issue 5 (bi-monthly)

May/June 2011



Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5771




PURIM 2011

ARI FLEISCHER Guest Speaker at TBE

Friday, May 20, 2011 See page 5 For details...


Temple Beth El - Board of Trustees EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Eileen H. Rosner, President Gary P. Lessen, Immediate Past President Peter K. Kempner, First-Vice President Jared Finkelstein, Vice President Scott Krowitz, Vice President Harold Schwartz, Vice President Seymour Weinstein, Vice President Allan Lang, Treasurer Denise Greenman, Secretary

203-324-4096 203-322-7617 203-968-8079 203-327-2187 203-348-8680 203-968-0460 203-353-8873 203-327-6418 203-329-8594

TRUSTEES David Arditti Michael Arons Melvin Bloomenthal Gordon Brown* Rosalea Fisher* Gerry Ginsburg Fred Golove* Ron Gross* Terry Hazen Elissa Garber-Hyman Martin Israel* Herbert Kahan* Alan Kalter* Eric Kaplan Doug Karp* Rona Katz Carol Krim Mark Lapine* Susan Leiterstein Claudia Lubin Milton Mann* Neil Perlman* Sylvan Pomerantz Brian Rogol* Meira Rosenberg Eli Savransky Norman Stone Ken Temple Mia Weinstein David Wolff

203-968-2798 203-323-8436 203-322-2398 203-325-8911 203-323-1449 203-322-1324 203-322-0295 203-325-3114 203-329-2202 203-316-8228 203-325-8511 203-322-3249 203-322-8220 203-323-2383 203-972-0910 203-329-0666 203-968-1075 203-329-9879 203-322-5012 203-329-8585 203-322-6161 203-354-8663 203-968-0605 203-329-8276 203-968-0260 203-329-2990 203-866-2273 203-968-9550 203-595-0528 203-968-6361

SISTERHOOD Wendy Durica, President




Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Phone: (203) 322-6901 Fax: (203) 322-0532

MEN’S CLUB Stuart Nekritz, Representative *past president

2020 Action Plan Committee Fred Golove


B’nai Mitzvah Chairperson Terry Hazen


Board of Education Sheryl Young Karen Singer-Freeman

203-975-1990 203-655-0074

Communications Elissa Garber-Hyman


Facilities Sylvan Pomerantz


Finance Allan Lang


Fund Raising Scott Krowitz Peter K. Kempner

203-348-8680 203-968-8079

High Holidays Seymour Weinstein


Beth El Remembers Fred Golove


Human Resources Scott Krowitz Robert Lesser

203-348-8680 203-321-8364

Membership Committee Terry Hazen Rona Katz

203-329-2202 203-329-0666

Project Ezra Joy Katz


Ritual Committee Gerry Ginsburg Susan Schneiderman Eitelberg

203-322-1324 203-333-3331

Synaplex Roni Lang


Youth Programming Walter Morgenthaler


Joshua Hammerman, Rabbi (rabbi@tbe.org) ext. 307 George Mordecai, Cantor (CantorMordecai@tbe.org) ext. 303 Sidney G. Rabinowitz, Hazzan Emeritus (hazzan@tbe.org) ext. 309 Steven Lander, Executive Director (execdir@tbe.org) ext. 304 Al Treidel, Director of Jewish Life Education (eddir@tbe.org) ext. 305 Ronnie Brockman, Early Childhood Center Director (Earlychildhood@tbe.org) ext. 315 Barbara Murray, Youth Advisor and YJP Program Director ext. 311 Debbie Bouchard, Education Office (education@tbe.org) ext. 306 Linda Rezak, Bookkeeper (bookkeeper@tbe.org) ext. 302 Mindy Rogoff, Temple Secretary (office@tbe.org) ext. 301 Ellen Gottfried, Secretary (TempleSec@tbe.org) ext. 308 Alberto Eyzaguirre, Facilities Manager (maint@tbe.org) ext. 314 Sisterhood Gift Shop (giftshop@tbe.org) ext. 310

WHERE TO FIND IT Joshua Hammerman, Rabbi ......................................... Page 3 Al Treidel, Director of Jewish Life Education .................. Page 3 Ronnie Brockman, Early Childhood Center Director. ....... Page 4 Sidney G. Rabinowitz, Hazzan Emeritus ......................... Page 4 May/June Service Schedule .......................................... Page 6 B‟nai Mitzvah .............................................................. Page 7 Adult Education .......................................................... Page 9 Sisterhood ................................................................ Page 11




Rules of Engagement

L’dor Vador

At our recent concert, I had the honor of introducing to the congregation our newest staff member, Rabbi Michelle Dardashti, who in July will become our Director of Community Engagement. So, you‟re wondering, who is this person, where did that title come from and what does it mean? This new position is an expanded version of the parttime Programming Director post held by Ariela Pelaia, who recently left the community. Ariela helped us immensely in a multitude of areas, ranging from Religious School to teens to our Young Professionals and Young Families groups. We came to realize that as important as this job was, it was equally impossible to do it on a parttime basis. So the search committee and lay leadership adjusted its sites in searching for Ariela‟s replacement, keeping open the possibility of hiring a full-time person. Enter Rabbi Dardashti. While we received dozens of resumes from qualified candidates, the committee knew very quickly that this one was special. She was ordained and received a Masters in Jewish Education from JTS in May 2010 and has been working as the Marshall Meyer Rabbinic Fellow at Congregation B‟nai Jeshurun in New York. Before that she lived in Uruguay, teaching at a Jewish Day School, running Hillel programs, and writing for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Then she spent time in Israel on a Dorot Fellowship, volunteering at Israel Democracy Institute, studying at the Conservative Yeshiva, and learning Arabic. While at JTS Michelle served as Director of Family Programming at Shaare Zedek, developing their youth program, a chaplain at Bellevue Hospital, and rabbi and hazzanit for JTS‟s High Holy Day services. She also traveled to El Salvador as part of an American Jewish World Service Rabbinical Student Delegation, led a Birthright Israel tour in 2007 and served as an educational consultant for Birthright Israel NEXT. When I told one of the leading administrators at JTS that Michelle will be coming to Beth El, his reaction was that a “whole lot of people will be crying at that news.” Indeed she was highly recruited by congregations, agencies and think tanks, and we feel fortunate that she chose to join our team. As our senior staff and lay leaders have gotten to know her, we‟ve come to realize that, as the JTS website proclaims, she “definitely has the energy and vitality to realize her vision.” Our good fortune is that her vision closely corresponds to the one that we have been nurturing: a congregation of inclusivity, passion, conscience and joy. In short, a congregation of engagement. We are doing some special things here and Rabbi Dardashti can make a profound contribution to that sacred work of community building. “Engagement” has become a key component of community building. As

Two summers ago, key members of the Beth El Religious School faculty embarked upon a very important project of writing a formal curriculum for our school based upon important feedback provided by a focus group of parents, educators and Board of Education members. We wanted to create a document that not only served as a means of recording what we needed to teach and at what grade levels, but how we pace our instruction and to develop measures of the effectiveness of that instruction. Last summer, our curriculum was applauded as one of the best in the country based upon the feedback that I received from key Jewish educators from around the U.S. who attended the Conference of American Jewish Educators. This year, teachers took the next step by providing feedback on the pacing guides and the amount of material that was taught. They added two additional dimensions by recording special activities that accompanied various units of study and what assessments they employ to measure student learning. These additions are being incorporated into our curriculum. The new curriculum has served as a valuable roadmap for members of our faculty by providing structure and clarity as to what needs to be taught and when. It also shares valuable information with parents about what their children are learning (The curriculum may be found on the TBE website.). However, I learned early in my educational career that we don‟t teach material, we teach children. There is a very important missing piece to the puzzle. We need to go to parents and students and ask the question that former Mayor Koch used to ask New Yorkers: “How am I doing?” We need to be courageous enough to ask this question to identify and implement those additional steps that need to be taken to ensure that each student is well served. A standardized survey will be sent out and analyzed. However, of even greater importance, I will personally interview parents and children to better assess our instructional program and how well it meets the needs of individual students and their families. This will be done in two ways: A randomly chosen group of families in each grade will be individually invited to meet with me over the summer to discuss our Religious School program. Additionally, an open invitation will be extended to all families to set a time to meet with me over the summer so that I will have an opportunity to get to know everyone even better and not only explore what more can be done to provide a more effective religious educational experience for each student. I look forward to a very exciting and productive summer of conversation and dialogue with TBE families.

Continued on page 17...

Al Treidel 3



Early Childhood Center Director

How unique are we at Temple Beth El, an Ashkenazic congregation with a Sephardic cantor? In 1818, the Reform Temple of Hamburg, Germany, engaged a Sephardic cantor and continued to do so until 1873. The Reform Jews of Hamburg perceived the Sephardic rendition of “piyyutim,” religious poetry, as a valid substitution for, or an addition to the German chorales. The Sephardic delivery style of alternating the chanting of the prayer between the cantor and the congregation evidently appealed to the early European Reformers, as did the clarity and dignity of Hebrew prayers when enunciated in the Sephardic dialect. The Hamburg retained Sephardic prayer pronunciation up until the First World War. Its sister congregation, the Reform Congregation of Berlin, continued to sing with a Sephardic accent, the few Hebrew responses still left in its radically shortened liturgy, until 1942 when the community was dissolved. At a Cantor Assembly convention held in Manhattan, one of the most popular and well received sessions was conducted by a group of Sephardic hazzanim. Most of these hazzanim were originally from South America, but presently are serving congregations in the United States. Most played guitar and/or some type of percussion instrument. All of their selections were traditional Sephardic melodies or in Sephardic style. May of these melodies are, to one degree or another, being incorporated in many Ashkenazic congregations in North America. As in our Temple Beth El, these Sephardic melodies or Sephardic style melodies are adding a very welcome spirit and enthusiasm to our services. Thank you, Cantor George Mordecai!

Let’s Put Our Young Children to Work! With summer upon us, families spend lots of time together, and it is a wonderful learning opportunity for young children to participate in meaningful activities around the house. The following article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children gives some great ideas of how your children can be a real part of the “work” of the family. Young children flourish when allowed to enter the world of real work that surrounds them: From picking up toys or feeding the cat to grating carrots for salad. In the company of family or other adults, children eagerly engage in work. They want to “help” with the pursuits of adults, and this work can be a crucial part of their early learning. If we shield young children from a whole category of activity simply because it is called “work” and not “play,” we may be limiting their developmental opportunities. On the other hand, if we invite children to participate in work and play, we give them many more ways to grow and learn. Through work that is meaningful and a real contribution, even young children can gain a sense of purpose and come to feel more a part of the family. With proper adult supervision, there are many types of chores that families can consider for young children, which can help them begin learning about responsibility, independence and caring for themselves. Here are a few examples: - Gathering, preparing, and cooking food - Even when they are too young to help with lunch or dinner, children can play a role in preparing snacks. And by taking your children to the grocery or market, you can help them better understand where food comes from and how we buy it. - Running errands - Letting young children run errands conveys your trust in them. When you need something (another family member or the phone or a sponge), tell one of your children you need help. - Caring for younger children - Even simple tasks like reading or singing to younger family members, help older children learn about responsibility and sharing. - Housekeeping - Children can help set the table and serve themselves at meals. If you are vacuuming the carpet, you can empower your children by letting them run this “most adult of all” housekeeping tool. - Caring for animals - Pets need water, food, and clean environments. Young children can learn valuable lessons by caring for animals. - Gardening - Nurturing plants helps children learn about the wonders of nature. If you don’t have space for a garden, a small window planter can bring opportunities to explore. In all these activities, it’s important to remember these points: - Keep in mind what your child can accomplish, and how much you need to supervise to make sure the activity is safe. - Even young children can tell the difference between busywork and real work: Make it meaningful. - Also, remember that many chores actually take longer with the help of young children, but a little patience and a few extra minutes lets them reap real benefits from assisting the family.

Hazzan Sidney G. Rabinowitz

Temple Beth El Religious School congratulates the Grade Seven Class of 2011! Join us on Shabbat, May 21 for the Annual Grade Seven Aliyah Service. Services begin at 9:30 a.m. Alexa Baer William Bralower Sarah Druckman Noah Durica Lucas Ehrlich Ethan Finkelstein Zoë Finkelstein Jacob Goldberg Hannah Katz Dustin Knopoff Matthew Kobliner

Ronnie Brockman 4

Shaina Lubliner Ilana Olin Sean Rose Jillian Rutstein Rebecca Satz Simone Teich Rachel Wolff Andrew Young Michael Zielinski Tyler Zielinski Noah Zussman

Temple Beth El proudly presents

Ari Fleischer Former White House Press Secretary

“The Middle East: What Next?” Friday evening, May 20, 2011 Kabbalat Shabbat Services 7:30 p.m. Ari Fleischer presentation 8:30 p.m. FREE AND OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY

 ABOUT ARI FLEISCHER As former White House press secretary, Ari Fleischer was the primary spokesperson for President Bush and delivered the daily White House briefings from 2001 to 2003. He previously served as the senior communications advisor and spokesman for the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign. In his almost four years working for George W. Bush, he served as spokesman during the historic presidential recount, September 11, two wars and the anthrax attack. His best selling book, Taking Heat, details his years in the White House and reached #7 on the New York Times bestseller list. Prior to joining Governor Bush’s campaign, Mr. Fleischer was the national spokesman and communications director for Elizabeth Dole’s presidential campaign. In November 1994, Mr. Fleischer was hired as communications director by the House Committee on Ways and Means after Republicans took control of the Congress. He also served as press secretary to New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici from 1989 to 1994. From 1983 to 1989, Fleischer served as press secretary to two members of Congress from New York, and worked on several political campaigns. Mr. Fleischer is a native of Pound Ridge, New York, and a 1982 graduate of Vermont’s Middlebury College. Now president of his own firm, Ari Fleischer Communications Inc. – a firm that provides advice to corporations and sports organizations on how to handle the press, he resides in Westchester County with his wife, Becki, and their two children. 5


TBE Kabbalat Shabbat Services at Treetops Estate

MAY 2011 Friday, May 6 Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Family Shabbat Dinner Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 p.m.

Temple Beth El will kick off its outdoor Friday night services with a special Kabbalat Shabbat Service at the Treetops Estate, 359 Merriebrook Lane in Stamford, CT at 6:30 p.m. on Friday evening, June 17.

Shabbat, May 7 Services 9:30 a.m. LUCAS EHRLICH, BAR MITZVAH Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Shabbat Program Jr. Congregation 10:30 a.m.

Once the estate of torch singer Libby Holman, Treetops straddles the border between Greenwich and Stamford. Except for the mansion on the Stamford side, the property is undeveloped, making it one of the largest parcels of open space in Fairfield County. The services will be held outdoors at the m an si on hosted by Lisa and Donald Brownstein. In case of rain, services will be held inside “The Shed” which is the home of the Treetops Chamber Music Society performing there throughout the year.

Friday, May 13 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat with Nurit Shabbat, May 14 Services 9:30 a.m. ALEXA BAER, BAT MITZVAH Friday, May 20 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat with Nurit Shabbat, May 21 Services 9:30 a.m. Grade 7 Aliyah Service

Cantor George Mordecai and Rabbi Joshua Hammerman will conduct the services which have made TBE a destination on Friday nights.

Friday, May 27 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat with Nurit Shabbat, May 28 Services 9:30 a.m. SARAH AND JACOB GOLDBERG, B’NAI MITZVAH

Services during May through June 10 will be held at 7:30 p.m.

JUNE 2011

Services will be held outdoors on the lawn of TBE at 6:30 p.m. from June 24 until Labor Day.

Friday, June 3 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat with Nurit

The services are open to the community and all are welcome.

Shabbat, June 4 Services 9:30 a.m. ILANA OLIN, BAT MITZVAH Tuesday, June 7 - EREV SHAVUOT Tikkun Leil Shavuot 8:00 p.m.

SHORASHIM - EARLY SPRING ADVENTURE The Shorashim children spent the morning outdoors discovering our beautiful campus. We took note of the barren trees and can‟t wait to see the small green miracles that will soon appear and we discovered pieces of tree trunks that are just the right size for our, well, our bottoms. But mostly we liked going into the garden and seeing the small buds that will soon be beautiful flowers. We‟re a little too young to do the actual measuring of the growth spurts but…we know “bigger” and “smaller” and we can‟t wait to see “bigger!”

Wednesday, June 8 Shavuot Services 9:30 a.m. Thursday, June 9 Shavuot Services 9:30 a.m. including Yizkor Friday, June 10 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 p.m. Honoring our Graduating Seniors Shabbat, June 11 Services 9:30 a.m. SEAN ROSE, BAR MITZVAH Friday, June 17 Treetops State Park Service Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. Shabbat, June 18 - Services 9:30 a.m. Friday, June 24 Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. outdoors, weather permitting Tot Shabbat with Nurit




May 7 (morning) LUCAS EHRLICH Son of Francine and Stephen Brother of Sarah Attends Turn-of-River Middle School Mitzvah Project: Ice Hockey in Harlem Program

TBE congregants collected hundreds of new and gentlyused clothing items for Person-to-Person as part of a Purim drive. Also, we donated boxes of pasta used as noisemakers for Purim! Anyone wishing to donate clothing can drop it off at TBE. Charlotte Freund and Michael Rose

May 14 (morning) ALEXA BAER Daughter of Lisa and William Sister of Lewis Attends Rippowam Middle School Mitzvah Project: Fundraising for the Wounded Warrior Project and The Hole In The Wall Gang


May 28 (morning) SARAH GOLDBERG Daughter of Vivian and Bruce Sister of Jacob and Alyssa Attends Turn of River Middle School Mitzvah Project: Volunteer at JCC KinderPlace and collecting and donating books to Westover Magnet School & T.O.R.

Thank you to all the people who generously donated Passover food bags for the food drive. Temple Beth El was amazing in its response to an appeal from Jewish Family Services. This is what‟s great about our community! Also, thanks to the Finkelsteins and Amy, Morgan, and Brandon Temple for helping to distribute the bags. Ken Temple

May 28 (morning) JACOB GOLDBERG Son of Vivian and Bruce Brother of Sarah and Alyssa Attends Turn of River Middle School Mitzvah Project: Donating used tennis racquets to The Boys and Girls Club; volunteer at after-school programs at JCC

TOO MUCH INFORMATION? A roundtable conversation with teens and adults Friday, June 10 following Kabbalat Shabbat services beginning at 7:30 p.m. What defines “too much information?” Are Facebook friends really friends? Can adults and kids get along on Facebook? Have we all become too self-absorbed? What about the epidemic of cheating? The impact of Social Networking on world events

June 4 (morning) ILANA OLIN Daughter of Suzanne and Craig Sister of Joshua and Jessica Attends Middlebrook School Mitzvah Project: American Heart Association

We will honor our graduating high school and college seniors at services.

You are cordially invited to attend...Any Bar or Bat Mitzvah, aufruf, yahrtzeit, baby naming, birthday, anniversary or other family milestone celebrated in our sanctuary at any scheduled service!

June 11 (morning) SEAN ROSE Son of Julie and Solomon Brother of Michael Attends Eastern Middle School Mitzvah Project: Collecting supplies and money for the Connecticut Humane Society

Our services are celebrations for the entire community. Each milestone of yours is one we all have a stake in. Each joy is one we all share, each sorrow is one we all want to allay. If you have a special milestone approaching, let us know so you can share it with your Beth El family. If you simply want to be part of a congregation that laughs, cries and shares life together, join us any week - join us every week!

Please visit our website at www.tbe.org/2010/10/2010-2011-mitzvahprojects/ for full descriptions of these outstanding projects.



Thank you to Alan Locker and Family for establishing the Ruth Locker Memorial Early Childhood Scholarship Fund

Lieba and Steven Lander for being honored by the Norwalk Chapter of Hadassah for their many years of service to the community. Rachel and Keith Friedman on the birth of a son, Joshua. Minerva Kweskin on the birth of a greatgranddaughter, Ida Mae Jessica and Jonathan Bradley on the birth of a son, Grant Ethan and to proud grandparents, Sandy and Fred Golove.

Special Occasion? Sponsor The Shabbat E-nnouncements

Kathy and Jeff Paseltiner on the birth of a granddaughter, Anne Carys, born to Michele and Matt Menard.

(sent every week via e-mail)

The Shabbat Announcements (distributed each Shabbat at the Temple)

Lori and Scott Leibowitz on the birth of a daughter, Addison Morgan.

and the Shabbat-O-Gram (e-mailed every Thursday night)

Marsha and Neil Matthews on the birth of a granddaughter, Sadie Juliet, born to Emily and Jay Rittberg.

All three publications for $72 All sponsors will be acknowledged at the beginning of each of these announcements and also listed in our bi-monthly Bulletin.


Call Mindy in the office at 322-6901 ext. 301.

Wendy and Jon Durica Mindy and Jeff Hausman Joy and Larry Katz Vicki and Mark Kobliner Cathy and David Satz Laurel Schwartz Cheryl and David Wolff

ATTENTION PARENTS OF COLLEGE FRESHMEN Rabbi Hammerman would like to stay in touch with your child while he/she is away at college. Please send his/her e-mail address to Ellen in the Temple office at: templesec@tbe.org. Thank you!

THANK YOU FOR SPONSORING THE SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS Wendy and Jon Durica Mindy and Jeff Hausman Joy and Larry Katz Vicki and Mark Kobliner Cathy and David Satz Cheryl and David Wolff

NITZANIM A Shabbat Program for Young Children Meets every Shabbat morning from 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Baby sitting and snacks will be provided by our madrichim!

WE THANK OUR VOLUNTEERS Rhoda Dember, Beth Finchler, Roz Finchler, Sam Kravitz, Carol Sander, Millie Sobel, Barbara Taksel

The deadline


for the JULY/AUGUST 2011

Todah Rabah to our Torah readers!

issue of the Temple Bulletin will be Wednesday, June 1, 2011 8



LEARNING & LATTE Last Session: May 10 at 7:30 p.m. Stamford‟s long-running, monthly interfaith, free-flowing “tri-alogue” - Christianity, Islam and Judaism featuring Rabbi Hammerman, in dialogue with other local clergy of all faiths.

We are pleased to announce the opening of early registration for the 2011-2012 school year for the TBE Religious School. Grades Kindergarten, 1 and 2 will all meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am „til 12:00 noon. Grades 3 - 7 will all meet on Thursday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm and again on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am „til 12:00 noon. In addition, for the third consecutive year we will be sponsoring our one Sunday-per-month K‟tanim Program for pre-schoolers, ages 3, 4 or preschool 5 year-olds from 9:00-11:45 am. We are able to offer this terrific program to our pre-schoolers at a minimal cost due to the generous sponsorship of the Gibor Foundation.

At COSI, 1209 High Ridge Road, Stamford Meets monthly on the second Tuesday from October-May.

The class is being run in conjunction with the Interfaith Council of Southwestern Connecticut. THE GREAT JEWISH BOOKS with Rabbi Joshua Hammerman Sunday, June 1 at 9:45 a.m. When Bad Things Happen to Good People By Harold Kushner

There are great discount opportunities for families. Families registering children by Monday, June 27 receive a $ 100 family tuition discount. The first 25 families registering a child for the first time in grades Kindergarten, 1 or 2 will receive a $200 tuition discount. Families of children who were in our K’tanim Program this past year receive an additional $100 discount on Kindergarten tuition. Thus, families registering a child for Kindergarten by June 27 may qualify for as much as a $400 tuition discount. Families of children in grades 1 and 2 who register a child for the first time (by June 27) may qualify for as much as a $300 tuition discount. And, of course, all June 27 Early Bird Families, regardless of grade in Religious School, will definitely receive the $100 family tuition discount.

We will discuss the lasting legacy of a classic that was written 30 years ago. From Amazon.com‟s review: Rarely does a book come along that tackles a perennially difficult human issue with such clarity and intelligence. Harold Kushner, a Jewish rabbi facing his own child‟s fatal illness, deftly guides us through the inadequacies of the traditional answers to the problem of evil, then provides a uniquely practical and compassionate answer that has appealed to millions of readers across all religious creeds. Remarkable for its intensely relevant real-life examples and its fluid prose, this book cannot go unread by anyone who has ever been troubled by the question, “Why me?” VISIT OUR WEBSITE!


Our Religious School is noted to be among the finest in Connecticut with outstanding teachers, a comprehensive curriculum and state-of-the-art technology. TBE‟s Religious School is a fun and innovative place to be. Find out more about our school or request registration materials by contacting Al Treidel at: 203-322-6901, ext.

Read Rabbi Hammerman’s Shabbat-O-Grams… Hear Cantor Mordecai’s Shabbat melodies... View our photo albums… Learn about our upcoming events… Find contact information... And much, much more!

Rachel Cohen, a Temple Beth El teen and student at the King Low Heywood Thomas School, discusses with TBE’s 7th grade Religious School class her recent experience playing the title role in “The Diary of Anne Frank.” 9

Shavuot Join Rabbi Hammerman and Cantor Mordecai on Tuesday, June 7 at 8:00 p.m. for services, followed by Tikun Leyl Shavuot with learning and discussion. Delicious dairy desserts will be served.


We honor our day school students at services: First day of Shavuot - Wednesday, June 8 at 9:30 a.m. Pizza lunch, ice cream and cheesecake for all! Second day of Shavuot - Thursday, June 9 at 9:30 a.m. including Yizkor.

90th Anniversary Celebration Between September and April we celebrated our 90th anniversary in many ways. From founding families to our newest members, we shared pictures and memories of our past. The celebration concluded with a spectacular concert featuring the newest members of our professional staff. Our virtual journal offers an opportunity to share your family’s connection to Temple Beth whether you go back to our roots or are a new part of our community. You can access the journal at http:// issuu.com/tbejanfebbulletin/ docs/90th_anniversary_celebration_commemorative _journal

We’re starting Bingo on TUESDAY NIGHTS in the fall as a NEW FUND RAISER. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. To sign up, e-mail Steven Lander execdir@tbe.org or 203-322-6901, ext.304

If you have not yet added your words or pictures, you may still do so by contacting Mindy at office@tbe.org. None of the events would have happened without the 90th Anniversary Committee. Thank you to Beth Finchler, Rosalea Fisher, Olga Goldstein, Denise Greenman, Gail G. Trell and most especially, Steve Lander. MEMORIAL PLAQUES Inscribe the names of your loved ones on a plaque for our Chapel wall along with a light to commemorate their yahrtzeit and yizkor observances throughout the year.


Please contact Mindy at 322-6901, ext. 301 for further information.

Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush, following Shabbat Services, or an Oneg Shabbat, following our Friday evening services. Contact Steven Lander in the office for all of the new reasonably priced Kiddush options at 322-6901, ext. 304 or execdir@tbe.org.

PROJECT EZRA Would you like to perform a mitzvah that is right at the heart of our Temple? Join the Project Ezra team that delivers pre-shiva meals to bereaved members of our Temple. Participating is easy and so very rewarding.

For information about any of the sponsorship opportunities listed above, please call Steven Lander at ext. 304.

To learn more, contact Joy Katz at 329-3359 or joyakatz@yahoo.com. 10


Regular Hours: Sundays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tuesdays from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. For appointments, please call Nancy Mayer at 203-561-6157 or Steve Lander in the Temple office at 203-322-6901, ext. 304.



Visit our Gift Shop to view our large selection of invitation books. Make an appointment with Nancy Mayer at 203-321-1094 and she will guide you through the ordering process. We have all the popular books to choose from: C’est Papier, Encore, Jansson, Checkerboard and more! And we have the BEST DISCOUNTS! We also have Havdalah candles, Sunkist Fruit Gems sold in bulk, tallitot and yarmulkes for guys and girls and gifts. You can order your yarmulkes from us, too. We are a one stop shop for your simcha!

Instead of sending greetings from Hallmark, why not send a beautiful Torah Fund card? You can help celebrate a simcha, extend get-well wishes and send someone special a mazel tov. I like to keep them “on hand” for the convenience of having them in my own home. What is Torah Fund? It is a project of Women‟s League for Conservative Judaism to benefit the Jewish Theological Seminary in NYC, the Ziegler School in L.A. and the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem. Our Temple has already profited from this wonderful organization. Rabbi Hammerman, Cantor Mordecai, Cantor Jacobson, Rabbi Kalev, Cantor Littman and Hazzan Rabinowitz are all graduates of these institutions. How much are the cards? $3 a piece or 7 cards for $20


Who do I contact? Suzanne Stone at (203) 866-2273


I will make this transaction as easy as possible for you! I can meet you at the Temple at a time that is convenient for both of us. I can drop them in your mailbox when you send me your check. Remember, if you write a check, you may use that donation as a tax deduction. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Second Thursday of every month! For information call 203-325-8836

Suzanne Stone, Vice President of Torah Fund 11




If you would like to help plan and/ or to help work on our Mitzvah Garden, please contact Eileen H. Rosner at 203-324-4096 or president@tbe.org.

The newly published High Holiday Prayer Book, Mahzor Lev Shalem, was used for the first time on the High Holidays to everyone’s satisfaction. For $50: One prayer book for your personal use or donate one to the Temple. For $250: Six prayer books will be donated to the Temple. For $500: Twelve prayer books will be donated to the Temple. For $1,000: Twenty-one prayer books will be donated to the Temple. Four books will be given to your family.

JFS is honoring one of our very own

Tara Shapiro


Recipient of JFS’ Young Leadership Award

This very special book was intended to educate and enlighten; indeed, Or Hadash translates as A New Light. “Its purpose is to help the reader - no matter of what background to understand the siddur and to be able to pray from it with great sincerity and meaning. Or Hadash enables the worshiper not only to understand the texts, but how to actually daven (pray with devotion),” said Rabbi Hammerman. The dedication of this book costs $54.

An Evening with JFS Sunday, May 15, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. Congregation Agudath Sholom Stamford, CT



When making a donation in honor of or in memory of someone, an acknowledgement will be mailed to the designee for donations of $10 or more. Donations of less than $10 will be acknowledged only in the Bulletin.

The Etz Hayim Chumashim (Bibles) are available for dedication. Having a simcha? Why not dedicate a Chumash to honor the occasion? Observing a yahrtzeit? Why not dedicate a Chumash in memory of your loved one? The dedication of this book costs $72.

All donations will be published in the Bulletin unless you state that you wish to be anonymous.

SIM SHALOM SIDDUR for SHABBAT Our Sim Shalom siddurim for Shabbat are available for dedication. The dedication of this book costs $36.

PEW SEATS AVAILABLE! Are you tired of scrambling for seats when you come to worship at the High Holy Days? There is a solution! Why not purchase the rights to pew seats for you and your family?

SHIVA MINYAN BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR DEDICATION Prayer Books for Shiva Minyans are available for dedication. The dedication of this book costs $36.

Pew seats may be paid over a three year period. For further information, please contact Steve Lander at ext. 304 or execdir@tbe.org.

A lovely, personalized book plate will be placed inside the front cover. Please call Mindy in the office, 322-6901, ext. 301 or office@tbe.org, if you would like to dedicate one of these books.

TREE OF LIFE A beautiful way to commemorate a special occasion is to purchase a “leaf” on our beautiful “Tree of Life” sculpture adorning our Temple lobby. There are many more leaves available for your own personal inscriptions.

PLEASE BE AWARE... Because of strict confidentiality regulations, Stamford Hospital limits the access that clergy have to patient population lists.

The following categories are still available: Triple Chai $5,400 Guardians of the Temple $1,000 Silver Leaves - Gold Border $750 Silver Leaves $250

Please help us to help you and your loved ones by contacting the rabbi directly, by voice mail (322-6901 x307) or email (rabbi@tbe.org) when you know of someone in the hospital.

Please contact Mindy in the Temple office at 3226901, ext. 301 or office@tbe.org. 12





In loving memory of…

In memory of…

Marc Shapiro, z‟l, by Millie Rosenberg Arnold Piskin, z‟l, by the Piskin Family Bernard Peskin, z‟l, by Anne Peskin

Marc Shapiro, z‟l, by Betty & Ben Shapiro, Susan Herzog, Alice & Philip Cohn Alan Shameer, z‟l, by Marge Shameer Arnold Schwartz, z‟l, by Marilyn & Bob Rodwin Arnold Piskin, z‟l, by the Piskin Family



In honor of…


Our B‟nai Mitzvah by Michael & Tyler Zielinski

In memory of…

Rashe Schildhaus, z‟l, by Beth & Brad Boyer, Gayla & Herbert Halbrecht Alan Shameer, z‟l, by Marge Shameer Arnold Piskin, z‟l, by the Piskin Family FRANK AND ROSE ROSNER MEMORIAL FUND

In honor of…

Eileen H. Rosner on receiving the Senior Volunteer of the Year Award from the Volunteer Center of Stamford by Linda Hempel & Keith Braun Our B‟nai Mitzvah by Michael & Tyler Zielinski

In memory of…


Robin Winick, z‟l, by Larry Winick Lena Rubinovitz, z‟l, by Eileen H. Rosner Marc Shapiro, z‟l, by Eileen H. Rosner, Joyce & Lewis Slayton Arnold Piskin, z‟l, by Eileen H. Rosner, Joyce & Lewis Slayton Annette (Nettie) Lebow, z‟l, by Eileen H. Rosner, Joyce & Lewis Slayton Shirley Diamant, z‟l, by Eileen H. Rosner

ARLENE KARP, z’l Sally & James Rothkopf, Barbara & Joe Field, Ellen & Bruce Taub, Lori & Bruce Tobin, Elissa Stein & Ted Listokin, Peggy & Alan Kalter, Rosalyn & Alan Ziskin, SYLVIA BIENSTOCK, z’l Lori & Bruce Tobin MARC SHAPIRO, z’l Krayna & Rabbi Charles Feinberg, Gail & Jack Bernstein, Edith & Milton Novak, Toni Peterson, Irma Wallin, Helen & Milt Glazer, Gloria & Saul Levenson, Estie & Jim Sherman, Debbie Bouchard, Stephan Lewy, Judy Feinberg, Adrienne Djilani, Sheila & Gordon Brown, Carol & Allen Krim, Melanie Massell & Frank D‟Andrea ANNETTE (NETTIE) LEBOW, z’l Jack Miller, Peggy & Alan Kalter ARNOLD PISKIN, z’l By The Piskin Family in gratitude to the congregation for their heartfelt wishes and support, Lori & Bruce Tobin, Stephne & Kerrin Behrend ARNOLD SCHWARTZ, z’l Barbara & Arthur Sheer, Ellen & Alan Zalkowitz RUTH LOCKER, z’l Susan & Stephen Goodman


In honor of…

Eileen H. Rosner on receiving the Senior Volunteer of the Year Award from the Volunteer Center of Stamford by Rhonna & Brian Rogol MEN’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP FUND

In memory of…

Selma Zager, z‟l, Elaine Kaplin BRUCE FEINBERG MEMORIAL FUND

In memory of…

Bruce Feinberg, z‟l, by Dorothy Levine & Alvin Rosenfeld RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND

In honor of…

Our B‟nai Mitzvah by Michael & Tyler Zielinski

In memory of…

Arnold Schwartz, z‟l by Erika & Rob Schwartz YOUTH FUND


In honor of…

ARNOLD SCHWARTZ, z’l JIM HERZ, father of Jeffrey Herz NOEL KRIFTCHER, father of Brian Kriftcher PATRICIA ZIELINSKI, sister of Brian Zielinski EDWARD GOLOVE, father of Fred Golove and Rebecca Lehrfeld EILEEN KLINE, mother of Jodi Maxner

Our B‟nai Mitzvah by Michael & Tyler Zielinski MITZVAH GARDEN

In memory of…

Arlene Karp, z‟l, by Amy & Mel Bloomenthal BETH EL CARES - PROJECT EZRA

In memory of…

Arnold Piskin, z‟l, by the Piskin Family 13

REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES Joanne & Marshall Goldberg ...........ISADORE ABRAMS Susan & David Rich & Family ......... JOAN ARONOWITZ Maddy Shapiro & Family ......................... ROSE BELITZ Barbara & Allen Shanen ........................ ANN BENNETT Rita & Michael Butterman ............. GRETE BERKOWITZ Alan Locker......................................... HILDA BORTEN Susan & Edward Bralower ............. DORIS BRALOWER Marcia & Mark Staines & Family ... JULIUS BRESSLOUR Ilene, Jim, Barry & Howard Locker ... FANNIE BUFFERD Stewart Casper ...................................IRWIN CASPER Jeffrey Cohen ................................... GERALD COHEN Paul Corich ....................................... EVELYN CORICH Lori & Stuart Ratner ..................... IRVING EDELSTEIN Evelyn Kahn............................................... IDA ELKAN Barbara & Philip Finn & Family .......... JEANNE ELSTEIN Ronnie & Edward Fein ............ PEARL & GEORGE FEIN Finchler Family............................. ARTHUR FINCHLER Finchler Family.............................. IRVING FINCHLER Nancy & Brad Benjamin ............................... LOIS FINK Tomsky Family ............................................ LOIS FINK Rita & Mort Johnson .........................ARTHUR FORCHT Bunny & Stan Rosen ...........................KARL GELBARD Fran & Gerry Ginsburg.................... DAVID GINSBURG Bracha & Jerry Silber ...................... HINDA GINZBERG Sondra & Leo Gold ............................... SAMUEL GOLD Sandy, Bill & Alexandra Gottlin ............ KURT GORWITZ William Gottlin ................................... SALLY GOTTLIN Loralee & Phil Granowitz ............ IRVING GRANOWITZ Lois & Dick Martin .................... MORRIS GRANOWITZ Marcia Zlotnick.......................... PHILIP GREENBLATT Nancy Greene ..................................... FLOYD GREENE Jerry Rich & Vivian Rich-Goldberg ... HERMAN GREENSTEIN Sue & Art Greenwald & Family... BERNARD GREENWALD Robin & Joel Evans & Family ........... MITCHELL GUNTY Steven Grushkin & Family .............. LILLIAN HELLMAN Karen & Richard Hainbach ................ FRED HAINBACH Roset Hendizadeh ................ MORTEZA HENDIZADEH Roset Hendizadeh ................... NOSRAT HENDIZADEH Susan Frieden ........................................RUTH HILFER Marilyn & Bob Rodwin ...................... SARAH HORVITZ Bobbi & Jerry Jacobs .......................... MURRY JACOBS Rita & Mort Johnson ... MADALYN & HARRY JOHNSON Herbert Kahan ........................ SADIE & LEON KAHAN Marsha Shendell & Family ................... DANIEL KAISER Vivien & Arthur White ........................ ESTHER KARATZ Morton Kahn ......................................... JULIUS KOHN Suzanne & Robert Kahn & Family ........... JULIUS KOHN Kathy, Howard & Alexis Kraus ................. DANA KRAUS Sam, Hal & Robert Kravitz .................... JACK KRAVITZ Ilene & Jim Locker .....SYLVIA & BERNARD KWESKIN Phyllis & Seymour Lapin ............ BELLA & PAUL LAPIN Phyllis Lapin...................................... LILLIAN LAPINE Ann & Julius Lasnick .... BADANA & HERMAN LASNICK Ben Evans ....................................... DEBORA LEPANE Dorothy Levine & Alvin Rosenfeld.........CLAIRE LEVINE Sherry & Ken Cohen ............................ MILTON LEWIS Rivka & Daniel Lieber ....................... CHARLES LIEBER

Helen Miloslavsky ............................ MEYER LINSHITS Myra & John Graubard ....................... IRVING LUBITZ Stephanie & Larry Sherman ................. MOLLIE MALIN Stephanie & Larry Sherman ................ ROBERT MALIN Lois & Dick Martin ......................... BEATRICE MARTIN Stan Miller ..........................................PHILIP MILLER Barbara Brafman .............................JEANNETTE MOTT Carolyn Nadel-Farin .......................... KENNETH NADEL Stacye & Stuart Nekritz ....LYDIA & JEROME NEKRITZ Honey Nelson ..................................... ALVIN NELSON Eileen Nemoitin .............................. JACOB NEMOITIN Merritt Nesin .............. EUGENE & ALEXANDER NESIN Andrea & Eric Bass ........................... SARAH NEWMAN Lorraine Nisonoff ..........................ALFRED NISONOFF Meryl Silverstein .................................. FREDA NOVICK David Oberhand ........................ MICHAEL OBERHAND Anita & Hilary Oestreich ............. SAMUEL OESTREICH Suzanne & Craig Olin & Family ............... ELLIOTT OLIN Kathy & Jeff Paseltiner ...... EILEEN & THOMAS PARKS Kathy & Jeff Paseltiner ................... ERIC PASELTINER Sue & Art Greenwald .... GERTRUDE & AARON RAIKIS Julie & Lenny Rakowitz ...................DAVID RAKOWITZ Claire Redniss .......................... ALEXANDER REDNISS Anita & Hilary Oestreich .................. ROSE RESNIKOFF Jerry Rich & Vivian Rich-Goldberg ........ MARILYN RICH Susan & David Rich & Family ................ MURRAY RICH Susan & David Rich & Family ................... ROBYN RICH Barbara & Jerry Rose ........................ FLORENCE ROSE Amy & Howard Rosenberg ........... CLARA ROSENBERG Rosenblum Family ....................... ELMER ROSENBLUM Evie Shapiro .................................... BERTHA ROSNER Magida Family............................................ JOY RUBIN Joyce & Lewis Slayton ................... LENA RUBINOVITZ Carol Schwartz & Family ................ EVELYN SCHECTER Beth & Brad Boyer ..................... RASHE SCHILDHAUS Carol Schwartz & Family ............ EDWARD SCHWARTZ Nancy Wolfson & Family .. SOPHIE & ALEX SIDEROWF Linda Simon.............................................. JAY SIMON Muriel Siskind ........................................ SOL SISKIND Cindy & Steven Warren .......................... SOL SISKIND Phyllis & Harvey Walzer ....................... ESTHER SMALL Susan & Larry Holzman ................. CHARLES SNIPPER Alan Sosnowitz ............................. LILLY SOSNOWITZ Elaine Tashman & Family.............. HAROLD TASHMAN Bernie Taub ............................................ OSCAR TAUB Claire & Paul Stuken .......................... ANNA WALLACH Claire Redniss ............................ ABRAHAM WALTERS Barbara & Stan Friedman ............... LILLIAN WARSAW Carol Rabinowitz ....................... DAISY WEINSTRAUB Sondra & Leo Gold .................... DAVID WITTENBERG Muriel Siskind .............................. DELPHINE WOFSEY Jimmy & Andie Koplik & Family ........ DAVID WOLFSON Nancy Wolfson & Family ........... GERTRUDE WOLFSON Peter Wolly & Family ................................ JILL WOLLY Malerie Yolen-Cohen .......................... BURTON YOLEN Roselyn Finchler & Family ............... HELEN ZAGELMAN Marvin Zinn .......................................... MARTIN ZINN 14

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ON ONE FOOT continued from page 3... David Brooks notes in his new book, The Social Animal, we‟re not primarily self-contained individuals. We‟re social animals, not rational animals. We emerge out of relationships, and we are deeply interpenetrated, one with another. Translated to the work of a congregation, a unique community charged with generating meaning in people‟s lives, it‟s all about connecting people to one another. It‟s not enough to simply provide programs, but rather to nurture relationships, one person at a time, from the youngest to the oldest. That is Michelle‟s specialty. She‟ll be conducting Tot Shabbat programs for young families, plus Shabbat and High Holiday family programs and leading our teen groups as well. She‟ll continue to build our successful young professionals group, tapping into national efforts like Synagogue 3000‟s “Next Dor” program designed to engage young, unaffiliated Jewish adults. Rabbi Dardashti joins an excellent senior staff that includes top-of-the-line educators in Al Treidel and Ronnie Brockman, a super executive director in Steve Lander and Cantor Mordecai, whose spiritual vision has transformed us in just a single year. The addition of her talents will bring us to an even higher level. Our superb staff also includes our office staff, teachers and maintenance workers; combine that with a lay leadership that has had the vision and courage to invest in our future, as well as a few key donors who have seeded this expanded position so that it would not place an extra strain on our budget. As we close out the fiscal year, I am grateful to all of them – and to all of you – for bringing us to a place of great promise for the upcoming year.

Rabbi Joshua Hammerman


               

Adult Education Programs Beth El Cares Beth El Seniors Camp Scholarship Fund Cantor George Mordecai Mitzvah Fund Frank & Rose Rosner Memorial Fund (maintenance) General Fund Hazzan Sidney Rabinowitz Mitzvah Fund High Holy Day Appeal Kiddush Fund Men’s Club Scholarship Fund Prayer Book Fund Project Ezra Rabbi Joshua Hammerman’s Mitzvah Fund Religious School Fund Youth Programs 17

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Please note: The appearance of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of their kashrut.


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Programs for two and three-year-olds!!!


20 Contact Ronnie Brockman at earlychildhood@tbe.org or 203-322-6901, x315

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