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Ozi V’Zimrat Ya
Ozi v'Zimrat Yah Vayahi li lishuah
My Strength, balanced with the Song of God will be my salvation (Ps 118:14 & Ex 15:2 ) In this practice I find and express my strength, my will, my effort and desire when I chant "Ozi". When I chant "v'zimrat Yah," I open and surrender to the God-song and let it be sung through me. Then in the last phrase, "Vayahi li lishuah," I balance those two aspects of my practice. – Rabbi
Shefa Gold
Shlomo Carlebach’s Krakower niggun begins with a vision, one that Reb Shlomo had as he sat in the pews of Krakow synagogue, of the Jews of the city boarding the trains, their belongings and loved ones snatched from them. The darkness of the ovens – suddenly gave way in his vision to a bright light. And the victims: instead of being limp corpses, they were dancing in joy.
A-do-nai ma-lach gei-ut la-veish, La-veish A-do-nai oz hit-a-zar,
Af ti-kon tei-veil bal ti-mot.
Na-chon kis-a-cha mei-az, mei-o-lam a-ta.
Na-s'u n'ha-rot, A-do-nai, Na-s'u n'ha-rot ko-lam, Yis-u n'ha-rot dawch-yam.
Mi-ko-lot ma-yim ra-bim, A-di-rim mish-b'rei yam, Adir ba-ma-rom A-do-nai.
Ei-do-te-cha ne-em-nu m'od, L'vei-t'cha na-a-va ko-desh, Adonai, l'orech ya-mim
Barkhu: The Breath of All Life
The breath of all life will bless, the body will exclaim: Were our mouths filled with song as the sea and our tongues lapping joy like the waves and our lips singing praises broad as the sky and our eyes like the sun and the moon and our arms open wide as the eagle’s wings and our feet leaping light as the deer’s, It would not be enough to tell the wonder.
Marcia Falk
Do not laugh at one who moves his body, even violently during prayer. If a person is drowning in a river he makes all kinds of motions to try to save himself; This is not a time for others to laugh. Likkutim Yekarim 15a (trans. Art Green and Barry Holtz)
Toda al kol ma shebarata, Toda al ma sheli natata.
Al or einayim, Chaver oh shnayim, Al ma sheyesh li ba'olam.
Al shir kolei'ach
Velev solei'ach
Shebizchutam ani kayam.
Toda al kol ma shebarata, Toda al ma sheli natata.
Al tzchok shel yeled
Ushmei hat'chelet
Al adama - uvayit cham.
Pina lashevet
Isha ohevet
Shebizchutam ani kayam.
Toda al kol ma shebarata, Toda al ma sheli natata.
Al yom shel osher, T'mimut veyosher, Al yom atzuv shene'elam.
Tshu'ot - alpayim, V'chapayim, Shebizchutam ani kayam.
Ke'ayal ta'arog al afikei mayim ken nafshi ta'arog eleicha Elohim
As the deer longs for brooks of water, so my soul longs for You, O God.
Tzamah nafshi lEl-him le'El chai matai avo ve'era'eh penei Elohim
My soul thirsts for G-d, for the living God: When shall I come and appear before God?
Haitah lo dimati lechem yomam valailah be'emor elai kol hayom ayeh Eloheicha
They were for me - my tears - sustenance day and night, when foes say to me all day long, "Where is your God?"
Chorus: Thanks for all that You've created, Thanks for what You've given me. For our eyesight, A friend or two, For what I have in the world. For the song which flows, And a forgiving heartBecause of all this - I exist.
Thanks for all that You've created, Thanks for what You've given me. For a child's laughter, And the blue sky, For the earth - and a warm home. A corner to sit in, A loving woman, Because of all this - I exist.
Thanks for all that You've created, Thanks for what You've given me. For a day of happiness, Innocence and honesty, For the sad day - which passed and disappeared. Two thousand cheers, and hands clapping. Because of all this - I exist.
Psalm 42
Eleh ezkrah ve'eshpecha alai nafshi ki e'evor basach edadem ad beit El-him bekol rinah vetodah hamon chogeg
These do I recall and pour out for my plight my soul: how I passed with the throng, proceeding with them up to the Temple of God with song of joy and thanksgiving, [with] a multitude that celebrates.
Mah tishtochachi nafshi vatehemi alai hochili lElohim ki od odenu yeshu'ot panav
Why are you downcast, my soul, and [why are you] disturbed on my account? Hope to God! For yet shall I thank him for the salvations of HIs countenance.
Eli, Eli by Hannah Senesh Eli, Eli
Shelo yigamer le'olam: Hachol vehayam
Rishrush shel hamayim
Berak hashamayim
Tefilat ha'adam
My God, My God
May these things never end: The sand and the sea
The rustle of the water
The lightning in the sky
Man's prayer.
Refa Tziri (Heal My Pain)
Refa Tziri El ne’eman / ki ata rofeh uman
At roshi shur chalshi / veten koach lenafshi
Petach sha’ar harachamim / ram shochen bameromim
Al avdach sim chassdach / en merachem biladach
El chai retzeh tefilati / vechusha le’ezrati
Bimhera deror kera / le’am ben hagevira
Heal my pain Oh Loyal God / for You are a skilled healer
You lead me, You see my weakness / and grant strength to my soul
Open the gate of mercy / high dweller of the heavens
Upon Your servant bestow Your grace / there would be no mercy if not for You
Oh Living God desire my prayer / and hasten to my aid
And speedily call for the redemption / of the nation born to the Lady [Sara]
Modeh Ani
Modeh Ani L’fanecha Melech Chai V’kayam
Shehechezarta Bi Nishmati B'chemla Raba Emunatecha
I offer thanks to You, living and eternal Sovereign, for You have mercifully restored my soul within me; Your faithfulness is great. And every night, a human’s spirit [neshama] strips itself of this garb [the body] and ascends … and then the spirit returns … and adorns its garments … [Zohar,Bereisheet 95] The neshamah (soul) fills the body, and when a human sleeps it ascends and draws life for him from above [Bereisheet Rabah, 14:11]