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Morning Has Broken

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Ozi V’Zimrat Ya

Ozi V’Zimrat Ya

Morning has broken, like the first morning

Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird


Praise for the singing, praise for the morning

Praise for the springing fresh from the word

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven

Like the first dewfall, on the first grass

Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden

Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning

Born of the one light, Eden saw play

Praise with elation, praise every morning

God's recreation of the new day

Lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon, as sung by Cat Stevens

Da lekha, shekol ro'eih ve ro'eih yeish lo nigun meyuchad mishelo.

Da lekha, shekol eisev va'eisev yeish lo shirah meyuchedet mishelo. Umishirat ha'asavim na'aseh nigun shel ro'eih.

Kamah yafeh, kama yafeh vena'eih kesheshom'im hashirah shelahem. Tov me'od lehitpaleil beineihem uvesimchah la'avod et Hasheim.

Umishirat ha'asavim mitmalei haleiv, umishtokeik.

Ukhshehaleiv, min hashirah mitmalei umishtokeik el erets yisra'eil.

Or gadol azay nimshakh veholeikh mikdushatah shel ha'arets alav.

Umishirat ha'asavim, na'aseh nigun shel haleiv.

Do know that each and every shepherd has his own tune.

Do know that each and every grass has its own poem. And from the poem of the grasses a tune of a sheppard is made How beautiful, how beautiful and pleasant to hear their poem. It's very good to pray among them and to serve the Lord in joy And from the poem of the grasses the heart is filled and yearns

And when the poem causes the heart to fill and to yearn to the Land of Israel a great light is drawn and goes from the Land's holiness upon it. And from the poem of the grasses a tune of the heart is made.

At the shores of the Red Sea, Moses prayed long, and the Holy One said to him: “My children are in trouble, the sea before them and the enemy behind them, and you stand here indulging in prayer!?” - Mekhilta

BO’I (Come) – Idan Raichel

Boee, tni li yad venelech

Al tishali oti le-an

Al tishali oti al osher

Ulai gam hu yavo

K shehu yavo

Yered aleinu kmo geshem

Boee, nitchabek venelech

Al tishali oti matai

Al tishali oti al bayit

Al tevakshi mimeni zman

Zman lo mechakeh, lo otser, lo nishar

Come, give me your hand and we will go

Don't ask me where

Don't ask me about happiness

Maybe it will come too

When it will come it'll fall upon us like rain.

Come, let us embrace and go

Don't ask me when

Don't ask me about home

Don't ask me for time

Time does not wait, nor stop or remain.

Ani V’Ata (You and I) – Arik Einstein

Ani ve'ata neshaneh et ha'olam ani ve'ata az yavo'u kvar kulam

Amru et zeh kodem lefanai lo meshaneh, ani ve'ata neshaneh et ha'olam.

Ani ve'ata nenaseh mehahatchalah yiheyl lanu ra ein davar zeh lo nora.

Amru et zeh kodem lefanai zeh lo meshaneh, ani ve'ata neshaneh et ha'olam

El Eliyahu El Eliyahu / [Bizchut] Eliyahu

HaNavi haveh na

Bo yirtom richbo / Na bashevi ki bo

Lo shachav libo / Gam lo ra’ah shenah

Rav machli bir’ot / Kach’shi u’msanot yafot u’vriot / Bassar vatirena

Hashkeh tzur mei rosh / Tzar einav yiltosh yom einai likdosh / Yisrael tish’ena

You and I we'll change the world you and I by then all will follow Others have said it before me but doesn't matter you and I we'll change the world.

You and I we'll try from the beginning it will be tough for us, no matter, it's not too bad!

Others have said it before me but it doesn't matter you and I we'll change the world.

El Eliyahu

Matai tar’eh ot / Yesha el kor’ot

Lacha u’lecha nos’ot / Kolan vativkena [vatarona]

Hamalach hago’el / Lifnei dal sho’el

Ana haEl El / Avraham hakreh na

God of Elijah He will lead his chariot / restless in captivity/ His heart did not rest / nor envision sleep

Non como muestro Dio, non como muestro señor, non como muestro rey, non como muestro salvador.

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