An Introduction to The Anatomy of The Software Industry A keynote presented by Hans Peter Bech at the CommsVision 2016 conference at the Gleneagles Resort Hotel in Scotland on November 9th, 2016. Video:
Transcript During the next minutes, I'm going to give you a brief introduction to the anatomy of the software industry. Now why would you be interested in hearing about the software industry? I guess there are three reasons: 1. The first reason is that the software industry is the home of the fastest growing companies in the world. 2. The second reason is that the software industry is the home of the highest gross and net profit margins in the world and 3. The third reason is that the software industry is achieving these glamorous results by stealing your revenue and your profit. So, if you can't beat them could you join them? And to answer that question I need to share with you my experience with the telecommunications industry. I'm by no means a telecommunication industry experts, but as anybody else in the world I'm exposed to it and have been for several years and want to share that with you here in the beginning. So, we need to go back in history. We need to go back to when I was a little boy. And I remember that my grandmother put a coin on the phone when she went out. When she came back in and the coin was on the table she knew that somebody had called. She would go on brew herself a cup of coffee and then she started calling systematically to family and friends to find out we were called and what it was about. My grandparents had Sundby 267X. So, you’d call the exchange and you ask for 267X. The X was indicating that my grandparents were sharing the line with somebody else. They were sharing the line with the family on the first floor- In the fifties telecommunication was a serious matter. Ten years forward I spent my summer holiday camping in Italy with my parents. That was also the year that I turned 16 and as we were listening to maybe even dancing to a Whiter Shade of Pale by
Hans Peter BechÂŽ
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