Steps to a Successful Program Management Office

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Steps to a Successful Project Management Office

Submi8ed by: Terry Holtz EVP, Project Services TBO InternaEonal Copyright © 2009-2104 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.

Program Management Office Steps to a Successful PMO

Define Define Need for PMO

Ques<ons to consider: •  Is a process for project approval and iniEaEon consistently applied? •  Do you have a widely accepted porKolio of approved prioriEzed projects? •  Do you need to build be8er management support for approved projects? •  Once approved are project roles , required approval authority , and escalaEon well understood? •  Does a mechanism exist to authorize and track project spending? •  Do project managers have standard training and qualificaEons? •  Is the demand for and availability of project resources well understood? •  Do projects use standard terminology? •  Do projects have standard approval points? •  Is project status reported in a consistent manner? •  Are project histories and lessons learned collected, stored, and made available for reference?

Measure Collect Data and Baseline Typical Project Data: •  Past project (s) performance

Analyze Analyze and Ac<on

Determine Organiza<on Op<ons and Major Implementa<on Milestones: •  Current project (s) status •  Proposed project expectaEons •  Project management capability Common op'ons include: •  Program and Project delivery and maturity •  Project Repository •  Lessons learned •  Project Coach

Key Organiza<on Data: •  Strategy & roadmap •  Sponsor Contracts •  Past people-­‐related implementaEon history •  Post-­‐implementaEon accountability •  OrganizaEon structure and culture to include: •  Project governance model •  Roles and responsibiliEes •  Leadership actudes towards PM discipline

Milestones may include: •  Approval of design & governance •  Staff assignment •  Approval of PM tools •  Development of project porKolio management plan Determine Appropriate Products: Typical products include: •  Repository of project arEfacts (project plans, templates, esEmaEng model) •  Standards (methodologies, tools, architecture) •  Best PracEces •  Project metrics •  Management of porKolio •  Project delivery •  Project manager evaluaEons

Improve Plan and Execute

Project Execu<on: •  Develop mission statement and charter •  Develop internal processes and measures of success •  IdenEfy roles, organize posiEons, select and hire/staff •  Lock-­‐in an organizaEon opEon & product set •  IdenEfy reporEng requirements and implement reporEng including reporEng against authorized business case Organiza<on Execu<on: •  IdenEfy and commit a sponsor & governance structure •  Coach senior leadership on roles •  Manage organizaEon mood •  IdenEfy and communicate with stakeholders •  UElize tools & processes required to interact with stakeholders •  Execute communicaEon plan and feedback loops

Copyright © 2009-­‐2104 TBO InternaEonal, LLC. All rights reserved.

Control Track and Report

Key Repor<ng •  Provide weekly updates •  Deliver monthly execuEve briefings •  Conduct Phase gated reviews •  Escalate as appropriate •  Transfer and sign-­‐off by operaEons •  Review final report Take Ac<on and Improve •  Conduct semi-­‐weekly project meeEng for status, integraEon, and improvements •  Facilitate senior leadership parEcipaEon as part of their governance role

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