Whitepaper howchangemanagementmakesprojectsstronger

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Change Management Makes Your Projects Stronger

Alan Markert Copyright Š 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.

Today’s Focus: Where IT & Business Come Together n  n

What is Change Management (CM)? How CM enables project success

The Skills, Knowledge, Resources needed to do CM right n  How CM integrates into project plans n

The value of a Change Readiness Assessment n  A CM story n

Copyright © 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.


IT Projects Include 3 Types of Changes Technology n  Business Processes n  People & OrganizaKons n

Which is the most challenging to manage? Copyright © 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.

Change Management is… n  n

Where Business and IT come together for Users The development and execuKon of a plan in which all impacted Users fully understand: •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

What the project is about Why the company is doing it What will be different How their jobs will change What training will they need When this will happen Who will communicate all of this and how How Users will be supported to a successful outcome 4 Copyright © 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.

CM Skills, Knowledge and Resources to … Plan and execute n  Skillfully manage preparaKon of Users impacted by change n  Interact with, engage leaders n  Manage communicaKons n  Share lessons-­‐learned n  Engage others, as a team, who have a strong knowledge of their business disciplines n

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CM Enables Project Success by… Managing User preparaKon as a project n  Engaging leadership at each organizaKonal level so that CM acKviKes are emphasized and consistent across business user groups n


Including specific change management acKviKes sequenced and aligned with the overall project plan and implementaKon milestones Copyright © 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.


CM Integrates into IT Project Phases Project Phase

Change Management AcJviJes


OrganizaKonal Strategy/Business Case Stakeholder Analysis OrganizaKonal Impact Assessment Leadership Support Plan

Design and Planning

Change Readiness Assessment User/Stakeholder Engagement Plan Design CommunicaKon Plan Design Training Plan Design

ExecuKon (Build and Deploy)

Execute User/Stakeholder Engagement Plan Execute CommunicaKon Plan Execute Training Plan

Monitor and Control

ConKnue Post-­‐deployment CommunicaKons ConKnue and Update Training Transfer ResponsibiliKes to OperaKons/Business Deploy Decommission Plan


Wrap up Transfer of ResponsibiliKes Wrap up Decommission Plan

Copyright © 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.


Value of a Change Readiness Assessment Project: Date: Bus. Group I


What is the Business Group’s current understanding of the project?

Bus. Group II …

What does the Business Group consider to be “wins”?

What behaviors does this group exhibit -­‐ show/not show support of the project?

How will we engage them to increase their support?

What acKons do we need to ensure project support from this Business Group? … …

•  IdenKfy User understanding

•  IdenKfy resistance issues •  IdenKfy impact of change for individual business groups •  IdenKfy communicaKon and training needs •  IdenKfy leadership buy-­‐in and support Copyright © 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.


CM is the Car’s Transmission… TransformaJon is the Completed Trip n  n  n  n  n  n  n  n  n  n  n  n  n

TransformaKon leadership ImplementaKon planning and execuKon Project management, support and administraKon Training design, development and delivery Program management Change management Process evaluaKon System development Strategic planning OperaKonal planning Manpower assessments Business performance analyKcs Teaching, coaching and ge\ng people to work together

Copyright © 2009-2014 TBO International, LLC. All rights reserved.

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