Employment/Careers - April 5, 2018

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April 05, 2018 • CLASSIFIEDS • PAGE C3

E M P L OY M E N T / C A R E E R S

Office administrator P/T M-Fri 8:30am-1:30pm Provide overall administration & coordination of the program, Three Village Meals on Wheels PO Box 853 Stony Brook, NY 11790, 3villagemow@gmail.com, Fax (631)689-7077. OFFICE CLEANERS P/T IMMEDIATE experienced, East Setauket, Port Jefferson Station areas, 6:30pm M-F, call 631-926-6541

PT/FT EXPERIENCED servers and catering staff for busy Riverhead restaurant and catering hall. Great pay. 631-727-4449

Office Cleaners Part Time

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Monday-Friday 6:30 pm

State Farm Insurance is looking for a good and competent customer service rep. Applicants must be able to possess below responsibilities:

• Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries • Generating sales leads that develop into new customers • Identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction • Prepare product or service reports by collecting and analyzing customer information • Contribute to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed • Manage large amounts of incoming calls • Generate sales leads • Identify and assess customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction • Build sustainable relationships of trust through open and interactive communication

Answer billing questions, and discuss insurance coverage and questions with customers. Hours have some flexibility but are generally 9:00-4:00pm. Starts immediately. After 90 days insurance benefits are available. Please send resume bryan_zaremba@aol.com


Port Jefferson Country Club



Maintenance Person to work at the Port Jefferson Country Club Tennis Courts (salary open).

Please call 631.802.2160


Start April 15th




+ +



%#42'06'4¼5 #224'06+%' Eager to learn Carpenter’s Apprentice wanted. Transportation and English a must, Spanish a plus. Duties to include assisting carpenter with residential and commercial construction projects. Competitive salary based on experience. Please contact Dan Walsh at dwalshtmc@optonline.net to set up a phone interview.

Food Service Port Jefferson Ferry

• Experienced • East

Setauket and Port Jefferson Station areas

Call 631–926–6541

NOW HIRING! Stop in and Apply!

Lombardi’s Market in Holbrook is currently looking for individuals to join our team! We invite you to attend our open house! Please Apply at Our Open House: April 15, Villa Lombardi’s 877 Main St., Holbrook, NY 11741

Lombardi’s Market Store Positions Available:

Cashiers, Counter Associates, Grill & Prep Cooks, Porters & Dishwashers, Butchers & Deli Associates

Management Positions Available:

Snack Bar Associates Bartenders to work on-board The Port Jefferson Ferry. Full-time, early morning & afternoon shifts available. Excellent pay, benefits package. Light cooking, good attitude & people skills a must. Call: 631.331.2167 between 10am – 1pm or Fax: 631.331.2547

• Immediate

Department Managers & Assistant Store Manager

We offer competitive wages, employee discounts & 401k! www.lombardismarket.com 631-737-8470 1055 Main St., Holbrook, NY 11741


SAFE HARBOR TITLE FT/PT Energetic detail oriented individual with strong phone and typing skills. Email resume to: gina@safeharbor-title.com



P/T SALES PERSON Retail Coffee Market, 12-18 hours week, some weekends required. Interest in coffee a plus, friendly atmosphere, Village Coffee Market, Stony Brook. 631-978-1830



Email resume to gina@safeharbor-title.com


PROOFREADER needed for annual literary journal, salary commensurate with experience, Call evenings 631-751-7840 or email johnedwardgill@cs.com.

for busy Riverhead restaurant and catering hall. Great pay.


MAINTENANCE PERSON Port Jefferson Country Club Tennis Courts. Starts April 15th. Call, 631-802-2160. Please see Employment Display for more information

Experienced Servers and Catering Staff


LIVE IN HEALTH AID/COMPANION NEEDED for 86 yr old alert male. Needs assistance walking, Smithtown. Please call daughter Dorothy, 631-880-2652

Busy Alternative Care Office seeks front desk/assistant for appointment scheduling, filing, phones and more. Must be computer savvy and a multi-tasker. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

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Seeks energetic detail oriented individual with strong phone and typing skills. We take pride in our work. Come join our team.


DENTAL RECEPTIONIST PT/FT. Experience preferred, private practice. Family Atmosphere, Shoreham. Call 631-921-9493 DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL, F/T & P/T OPEN HOUSE Thursday, April 12th, 5-7pm Commack Residential Program. FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, see our full display ad in the Employment Section EAGER TO LEARN CARPENTERS APPRENTICE WANTED Transportation and English a must, Spanish a plus. Duties to include assisting carpenter with residential and commercial construction projects. Competitive salary based on experience, contact Dan Walsh at: dwalshtmc@optonline.net to set up phone interview FOOD SERVICE PJ Ferry seeks Snack Bar Associates & Bartenders to work on-board. FT, early morning & afternoon shifts available. Excellent pay/benefits pkg. Light cooking, people skills a must. Call 631-331-2167 between 10am-1pm or fax 631-331-2547. FRONT DESK ASSISTANT Busy Alternative Care Office. Must be computer savvy and a multi-tasker. Call Ann Marie, 631-897-0299 Please see ad in Employment Display for complete details LOMBARDI’S MARKET OPEN HOUSE APRIL 15TH, Now Hiring! Apply at: 877 Main St., Holbrook. We are currently looking for individuals to join our team. Store and Managment positions available. 631-737-8470 www.lombardismarket.com Please see our Employment Display ad for Complete Details STATE FARM INSURANCE is looking for a good and competent customer service rep. Earn $29.11 hourly. For details, see our complete ad in the Employment/Career section of the newspaper.



LITTLE FLOWER CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES OF NY SEEKS: RN’S Development Associate Direct Care Workers Child Care Workers HCI Enrollment Marketer Assistant House Manager Health Care Intergrator Valid NYS Driver’s License required for most positions. Little Flower Children and Family Services in Wading River NY. SUBMIT YOUR RESUME & COVER LETTER AND TO VIEW VARIOUS SHIFTS AVAILABLE PLEASE GO TO WADINGRIVERJOBS@LFCHILD.ORG OR FAX TO 631-929-6203. EOE PLEASE SEE COMPLETE DETAILS IN EMPLOYMENT DISPLAY ADS

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PUBLISHER’S EMPLOYMENT NOTICE: All employment advertising in this newspaper is subject to section 296 of the human rights law which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, creed, national origin, disability, marital status, sex, age or arrest conviction record or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Title 29, U.S. Code Chap 630, excludes the Federal Gov’t. from the age discrimination provisions. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for employment which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that employment offerings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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Help Wanted


Help Wanted

Place your ad today Call 631.751.7663 or 631.331.1154

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