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Help Wanted $18.50 NYC, $17 L.I. UP TO $13.50 UPSTATE NY! If you need care from your relative, friend/ neighbor and you have Medicaid, they may be eligible to start taking care of you as personal assistant under NYS Medi c a i d C D PA P r o g r a m . N o Certificates needed. 347-713-3553
Electronic Components Company seeks F/T help in order fulfillment role as well as doing some light manufacturing. Must have experience with pulling orders & shipping, working with computers. The second component of this position includes programming electronic parts on our equipment will train in this role. Job requires someone that is comfortable with computers and has knowledge of UPS & FedEx + interest in technology & learning is also a plus. Clean & pleasant office areas (not a warehouse). Benefits, 401K.
GARDEN CENTER ASSISTANT RETAIL NURSERY YARD HELP, FT/PT 1 weekend day a must. Good communication skills. Able to lift 40 lbs. Will train right person. Call 631-473-3720.
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GARDEN CENTER ASSISTANT Must know Annuals, Perennials, Nursery Stock. Help customers with plant choices, gardening questions and landscape design. Organize and maintain sales yard. Help customers load purchases in cars and trucks. 631-474-9225 Fax resume: 631-828-6634
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Must know annuals, perennials & nursery stock. Help customers with plant choices, gardening questions and landscape design. Organize and maintain sales yard. Help customers load purchases in cars and trucks.
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Mt. Sinai 631.474.9225 Fax resume: 631.828.6634
Penfield Central School District is seeking a dynamic and collaborative instructional leader with a focus on supporting the social and emotional needs of all learners. Ideal candidates will possess teaching and leadership experience, strong background in teaching & learning, strong knowledge of student developmental levels and a passionate commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion for all learners. Interested candidates please visit www.penfield.edu, click on the Job Opportunities and follow directions to apply.
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Retail Nursery Yard Help – FT/PT 1 weekend day a must. Good communication skills. Able to lift 40 lbs. Will train right person. ©976 ©97603
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We Are Seeking Full-Time Team Members For our Production Shop. We Also Have Openings On Our Installation Team. Reilly Architectural is THE premier manufacturer of high-end, custom looking for those interested in building a career. We provide on-the-job training, competitive pay rates, generous paid time Please email resumes to jobs@ reillyarch.com or call 631-208-0710. ©26310
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