The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office welcomed its newest hire, an emotional support canine named Tillman III, on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at the William J. Lindsay County Complex in Hauppauge.
Tillman is a 2-year-old Lab/golden retriever mix, bred and trained as a facility dog by Medfordbased Canine Companions. Assistant District Attorney Melissa Grier, of the Child Abuse and
Domestic Violence Bureau, paired with Tillman, who will assist her as well as victims, witnesses and officers during traumatic events.
“This is a tough system for victims, especially child victims,” District Attorney Ray Tierney (R) said. Tillman is “very comforting, and it’s just a good opportunity to help the kids with a very recognizable and lovable thing in a very unrecognizable and tough situation.”
Together, Tierney and Tillman strolled through the various rooms and hallways throughout the office building, the staff greeting their newest colleague with delight.
The Museum Corner at Middle Country Public Library in Centereach has a new exhibit, “Engineering at Work.” Visitors can come in during regular library hours to enjoy fun and engaging hands-on learning activities that will generate interest in and knowledge of different types of engineering.
The exhibit, geared toward children fiveto 11-years-old, includes several activity stations providing role-play, experimentation and problem-solving opportunities in addition to displays featuring real-life engineers. These are just some of the exciting elements to be found in the exhibit, presented with support from the Middle Country Library Foundation.
have after their bodies successfully fought off the infection and from the protection offered by the vaccine and boosters.
vaccination for COVID, adding, “It’s the same as we see with the flu.”
The number of people battling significant symptoms from the flu and respiratory syncytial virus has been coming down since its peak in January, as these infections have run their course.
“This year, we experienced the most severe flu and RSV waves in decades, and our COVID wave wasn’t small either,” said Sean Clouston, associate professor of Public Health at Stony Brook University.
The number of these illnesses was high as people no longer wore masks in places like schools and after people experienced lowerthan-usual illnesses in the months before the mask mandate was lifted, creating fertile ground for viruses to spread.
“The most likely reason that the current flu and RSV seasons have improved is that we have had such a bad season earlier on that we have hit a natural ceiling on the ability for these diseases to successfully infect more people,” Clouston said in an email.
As for COVID-19, the numbers of people who have developed significant illnesses has continued to decline as well, through a combination of the natural immunity people
Doctors added that the vaccine and natural immunity hasn’t prevented people from getting infected, but they have helped people avoid severe and potentially life-threatening symptoms.
“All these people who run around saying, ‘My vaccine isn’t working because I got reinfected,’ are missing the point,” said Dr. Bettina Fries, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Stony Brook Medicine. “It is working. It doesn’t protect you from infection, but [it does prevent] a bad outcome.”
Indeed, during the most recent COVID surge during the winter, Fries said the hospital continued to care for patients, most of whom recovered.
Amid discussions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and health organizations throughout the state and country about the timing of future booster shots, local health care providers indicated the increasing likelihood of an annual COVID booster.
Fries said we will get to an annual
In general, people aren’t rushing off to get an updated COVID booster.
“To maximize the protective value of the vaccine while minimizing the number of vaccines you use, people should likely get the vaccine two weeks before they anticipate heavy exposure,” Clouston said.
For most people, that would mean getting the shot in early November to prepare for larger indoor gatherings, like Thanksgiving and the December holidays.
In a recent article in the journal Lancet, researchers conducted an extensive analysis of COVID reinfection rates.
The study dealt only with those people who had not had any vaccinations and addressed the effectiveness of natural immunity from preventing infections and from the worst symptoms of the disease.
Prior infections in general didn’t prevent people from getting reinfected, but it does “protect you from getting a really bad disease and dying,” Fries said.
Even with the number of people contracting COVID declining, the overall
population of people battling symptoms of long COVID, which can still include anything from loss of smell and taste to chronic fatigue, continues to increase.
“There’s a plethora of symptoms of long COVID,” Fries said. “We’ll have to figure out how to classify this and hopefully come up with better therapy. Right now, we can only symptomatically treat these patients.”
Dr. Sritha Rajupet, director of the Stony Brook Medicine Post-COVID Clinic, explained in an email that some patients who have lost their sense of smell or have a distorted sense of taste have tried a process called a stellate ganglion block “after several case reports and early research have shown that it could be helpful.”
In such a procedure, doctors inject a local anesthetic on either side of the voice box into the neck. Rajupet said that “additional research and clinical trials still have to be performed.”
As for children infected with COVID soon after birth, doctors suggested that the impact has been manageable.
“The great majority of young children who contract COVID do quite well and recover COVID CONTINUED ON A7
An East Setauket couple’s walk along the beach led to a memorial bench returned to its rightful place — in Connecticut. After 50 years living in the Three Village area and countless walks along West Meadow Beach, Diane and Bob Wattecamps know the landscape like the backs of their hands.
While walking on the beach one day at the end of January, the couple embarked on an unexpected adventure. Diane Wattecamps pointed out a bench to her husband that caught her eye the day before on a windy day. It was a large bench made from teakwood lodged at the beach’s pavilion. The couple stopped to examine the piece covered with sand and seaweed. First, they found a bronze memorial plaque hanging from a screw on the bench.
“Bob just put his hand on the plaque, and it just came off in his hand,” said the wife. “He said, ‘Wow, this thing was just literally hanging on.’”
After closer inspection, the Wattecamps found another plaque in the sand and realized they belonged to a couple named Nahum and Judy Hacohen. They knew that not only did this bench not belong on their favorite beach, but it was also something special.
Diane Wattecamps said after reading the plaques, she could picture the couple sitting by the water somewhere, enjoying the view. One plaque dedicated to Nahum Hacohen read, “What a view.” Judy Hacohen’s plaque is inscribed with “I’ve said that since 1936.”
After she and her husband found the plaques, the Three Village resident said she took out her cellphone to search for the names, and she
found the wife’s obituary immediately. It turned out she was an 81-year resident of Bell Island in Norwalk, Connecticut. The couple then decided to load the heavy bench into their truck.
“I have to find where it belongs,” Diane Wattecamps said to her husband.
A former TBR News Media employee for 30 years, the wife said she got home and started to read the obituary carefully. She found the children’s names and searched for them on the internet. One had a landline listed, Lee Hacohen.
“I guess it’s the curiosity in my personality that I couldn’t leave it,” she said.
She called and left a message for the Hacohens’ son. He returned the call within five minutes and was surprised to hear from her.
It turned out the bench had been missing since November from Bell Island located across the Long Island Sound. It was believed the bench traveled more than 17 nautical miles after a nor’easter.
Lee Hacohen asked if Diane Wattecamps could stay on the phone while he contacted his brother Dean who still lived on Bell Island.
After talking to them, Dean Hacohen said he would come the next day, even though the couple were happy to drive it to Connecticut, but Dean wanted to get the bench back as soon as possible and said his neighbor could come to help.
In the meantime, family members sent Bob and Diane Wattecamps photos of the Bell Island couple. They also shared pictures of the grandchildren sitting on the bench, including Dean Hacohen’s daughter and son-in-law on their wedding day.
Dean Hacohen said a neighbor had initially noticed that the bench, one of three at a neighborhood park at a spot called Rocky Point, was missing at the end of last year. At first, they
thought maybe someone had taken it. While it’s heavy, two people can pick it up. Then a neighbor pointed out that there were nor’easters back in November. Since the benches are unsecured and people move them around the neighborhood park, Hacohen said it was assumed the bench was probably left by the water and washed away in a storm. The hope was that it would turn up along a neighboring Connecticut beach, and he posted on the Nextdoor app to see if anyone found it, but no one had.
When Diane Wattecamps called, he said he never “imagined in my wildest dreams” that it would be found on Long Island.
Before they received the call, the Hacohens were researching online how much a bench would cost to replace the original one.
“I kept putting it off and hoping that maybe some miracle would happen, but I really didn’t think it would,” Dean Hacohen said, adding he wasn’t sure how the bench made it in one piece, especially with boats on the water.
He and his neighbor took the ferry to Port Jefferson and drove straight to Diane and Bob’s home. When they got there, the bench was in the portico with a sign, “USS Hacohen.”
“It was a glorious moment,” he said. “It really was.”
He added some might say it’s just a bench. “On the other hand, it was kind of a memorial, a tombstone, something in the way people go to the cemetery and sit with their loved ones,” he said.
Often, Hacohen said, when family members come to visit from California, they will go to the park to sit on the beach shortly after arriving.
“They go out to the park, sit on the bench,
look out at the water, ground themselves,” he said. “I don’t know, somehow sitting there is very grounding.”
The bench was initially dedicated to his father in 2009. “What a view,” was one of his favorite expressions when he came down to the park and took in the sight of nearly 360 degrees of water and islands. Dean Hacohen said his mother enjoyed sitting on the bench after her husband’s passing. He said both inscriptions capture the father’s and mother’s personalities.
Hacohen said when he inspected the bench upon seeing it, he was surprised that it was only a little “banged up.”
Dean Hacohen said his parents loved cruises, and his father was in the passenger cruise ship business in the 1960s, so it wasn’t a surprise the bench took them on one more trip on the water together.
“The two of them together must have been on that bench heading for Long Island,” Hacohen said.
Since the reunion, the story has caught the attention of News12 and NBC Channel 4 — with videos online — and The Norwalk Hour newspaper. Diane Wattecamps was surprised by all the attention even though she found connecting with the Hacohens heartwarming. She and her husband, Wattecamps said, plan to keep in touch with the family.
Hacohen called Diane Wattecamps “a real detective.”
“You’ve got to be born with that gene to want to use it,” he said. “Most people would have just walked by the bench and said, ‘Oh, It’s an old bench that washed up.’”
The following incidents have been reported by Suffolk County Police: Teens damage fences in TikTok challenge
Suffolk County Police arrested six people on Feb. 20 for allegedly damaging fences as part of a TikTok Challenge in the Centereach and Selden areas. A homeowner on Cobblestone Court, Centereach heard loud noises on Feb. 20 at approximately 1 a.m., and noticed on surveillance cameras that six males kicked several sections of his fence down. The males, aged 12-18 returned and at 4:07 a.m. ran through the fence at the same time, as part of a TikTok challenge, sometimes referred to as “The KoolAid Man.” The homeowner called 911 and Sixth Precinct officers observed a black Hyundai sedan matching the description of a vehicle seen near the scene. The officers arrested the males on Hammond Road at 4:15 a.m.
Further investigation by Sixth Squad detectives revealed there were at least two other instances where some of the males allegedly damaged fences in Centereach and Selden. The five juveniles and one 18-year-old were charged with several counts of Criminal Mischief 3 rd Degree and Criminal Mischief 4th Degree. Detectives are asking if anyone feels they may be a victim to this challenge, to call 631-854-8652.
Merchandise stolen from Target
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers and Suffolk County Police
Sixth Precinct Crime Section officers are seeking the public’s help to identify and locate the man who allegedly stole four Texas Instruments calculators and clothing from Target, located at 265 Pond Path in South Setauket, on February 11. The merchandise was valued at approximately $620.
Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond
A. Tierney announced Feb. 16 the indictment of Brian Cordovano, 48, of Ronkonkoma, for allegedly murdering two men in order to steal property belonging to one of the victims.
According to the investigation, Ian Saalfield, 45, of Lake Grove, was reported missing by his wife on April 26, 2022. She advised police that she last saw her husband leave their house with Brian Cordovano, Saalfied’s longtime friend, in
Suffolk County Crime Stoppers and Suffolk County Police Sixth Precinct Crime Section officers are seeking the public’s help to identify and locate the man who allegedly stole two faucets from Lowe’s, located at 2796 Route 112 in Medford, on January 28 at 12:36 p.m.
Saalfield’s 2015 Lexus. Saalfield never returned home. A few days later, on May 2, 2022, police found Saalfield’s Lexus in Holtsville.
On that same day police found Saalfield’s car, police were called to the Rodeway Inn motel to assess Cordovano who was suffering from an apparent cocaine overdose. While Cordovano was being brought to the hospital, motel staff alerted police to a 2004 Toyota in the parking lot, which allegedly had been used by Cordovano. A registration check revealed that the car belonged to Robert Julian, 59, of Selden.
Police then responded to Julian’s home on Hollywood Ave. in Selden and found the bodies of Saalfield and Julian inside, each dead due to a gunshot wound to the head. Cordovano was arrested following a traffic stop in Smithtown on Feb. 15. He was charged with two counts of Murder 1st Degree, among other charges.
— COMPILED BY HEIDI SUTTONSuffolk County Crime Stoppers offers a cash reward for information that leads to an arrest. Anyone with information about these incidents can contact Suffolk County Crime Stoppers to submit an anonymous tip by calling 1-800-220-TIPS.
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone (D) and county officials announced Friday, Feb. 17, that Suffolk has made progress restoring cybersecurity.
The announcement comes after county websites, servers and networks have been offline since September last year — the results of cyberattacks that first struck at the end of 2021. The county’s main website was restored online Friday, with more services coming online this week.
Bellone thanked everyone involved, including county IT professionals and County Clerk Vincent Puleo (R), who entered office earlier this year.
“His leadership and his partnership in the brief time that he’s been on the job has allowed us to make incredible progress, and he’s responsible for the announcement that we have today,” Bellone said.
The county executive reviewed key findings from a forensic investigation of the cyberattack that began in the County Clerk’s Office in December of 2021. According to Bellone, hackers were able to enter the clerk office’s system, and for eight months were able to operate before securing additional credentials to migrate into the general county system.
Bellone added that an IT director in the clerk’s office had been placed on administrative leave after, the county
executive said, the director obstructed efforts, resulting in countless delays to restore security.
Bellone said every county office was deemed clean by Oct. 17, except for the County Clerk’s Office, and the expense of the security breach has been “extremely costly to taxpayers of this county.”
Despite hackers demanding $2.5 million from the county, Suffolk refused to pay the ransom.
He said the county had replaced the County Clerk Office’s firewall with the most updated protection.
“The clerk’s office has been deemed clean, and we are able to start to restore online services beginning with the county website,” Bellone said.
The county executive said he knows now the segregated IT environment within the various county offices was a mistake. He added it was fair to criticize him.
“I should have more quickly implemented the recommendations in the 2019 cybersecurity assessment, which I commissioned, to hire an additional executive level leader focused on cybersecurity,” Bellone said.
Puleo said the county’s IT department’s dedication has been unwavering during the process.
“Going forward, we will do everything we can in the clerk’s office to cooperate and get things where they belong and keep the protection so that the whole county IT is protected from future attacks,” the county clerk said.
Continued from A4
fully,” Dr. Susan Walker, pediatrician with Stony Brook Children’s Services, explained in an email. “The impact on their development from having actually experienced COVID illness is minimal.”
Children hospitalized with more significant illness from COVID might experience temporary developmental regression which is common in children hospitalized for any reason. The developmental impact seems more tied to
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social isolation.
“Children born during the pandemic spent their first years of life rarely seeing adults or children other than those in their immediate family,” Walker said. “The result is that many of these kids became excessively stranger anxious and timid around others.”
The lost social opportunities, the pediatrician said, resulted in delays in the personal/social domain of development. She added, “The good news is that kids are resilient and, in time, with appropriate social stimulation, [these children] should be able to regroup and catch up developmentally.”
To Place A Legal Notice
Email: legals@tbrnewsmedia.com
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Ward Melville senior point guard Julia Greek made history during the Suffolk Class AA quarterfinal playoff game between Ward Melville and Centereach, scoring her 1,000th career point before her home crowd on Saturday, Feb. 18.
The game’s outcome was a toss-up as both teams deadlocked at 45-45 with 1:49 left in regulation. But the Patriots were successful in containing the Cougars’ lastminute surge.
Ahead by three points in the final 30 seconds, Centereach had no choice but to foul Greek to stop the clock. The senior made the Cougars pay at the charity stripe, securing a 54-46 victory and leading her team to the semifinal round.
Greek again led the way in scoring for the Patriots with four field goals, two triples and eight free throws for 22 points on the day. Grace Balocca added 15, and Catie Edson netted eight.
Centereach freshman Hayley Torres topped the scoring chart for the Cougars with 19 points. Sophomore Meaghan Grieco netted 15, and senior Alexandra Madrigal added six. Centereach concluded its 2022-23 campaign with a respectable 12-8 record.
Pictured clockwise from above, Ward Melville senior Pearl Kenny fights her way to the rim; Patriot Gianna Hogan fights Cougar Madelyn Madrigal; and Ward Melville senior Julia Greek scores.
— Photos by Bill Landon
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Whether or not school districts should hire armed guards is complex, requiring thoughtful consideration from parents, students, community members, educators, school administrators and elected officials.
But as we work through the intricacies of this sensitive and often contentious issue, a related matter is worthy of our attention: How can we appropriately cover mass shootings when these tragic events arise?
The Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are injured or killed. Unfortunately, mass shootings are commonplace in this country. Already in 2023, there have been more mass shootings than days in the year. As a nation, we have failed to address this critical policy concern.
When one of these all-too-familiar violent events occurs, the press often too hastily reports on it. Helicopters circle above the crime scene as field reporters rush to the periphery, searching for immediate information.
A tragedy soon becomes a spectacle. Within days — sometimes just hours — the suspect’s name is revealed to the public. Then the shooter’s image is flashed incessantly on every newsreel and in every major newspaper in America. As the media goes to work uncovering the personal details of the shooter’s life, a depraved human being is made into a national celebrity.
And this phenomenon is not unique to the press. Hollywood capitalizes on violence; the more graphic a film’s depictions, the more revenue it will generate. Violence sells in this country, whether in motion pictures, music, video games, digital media or newsprint. And the ubiquity of these images within American popular culture has the natural effect of normalizing violent behavior nationwide.
Here at TBR News Media, we reject this dynamic entirely. Mass violence in America should not be accepted as mainstream nor should it be sensationalized or embellished. With a medium that enables us to disperse information widely both in print and on the web, we are responsible for using our platform appropriately.
Research on mass shooters indicates they are often motivated by perceived isolation or social rejection. Some commit an atrocity to achieve a mark on the world, since even playing the villain can be preferable to obscurity.
As journalists, we must deny violent offenders precisely the attention and fame they so crave. We legitimize acts of violence when we publish names or run headshots of mass shooters. By lending our platform to the least deserving, we encourage copycat offenders.
It is time that we, the members of the press and the distributors of information, end the dramatization and glorification of mass violence in America. It is time to substitute sensationalism with rigid, objective reporting when violence inevitably ensues.
This same standard applies to digital media. In this century, so much of the information available to us is circulated online. For this reason, Big Tech has a similar obligation to monitor its content and halt the spread of personal details regarding mass shooters.
While restraining our coverage is necessary, mass violence deserves our close attention. Still, we must focus on the issues: Should we hire armed guards in and around schools? How do we keep guns out of the hands of potentially violent offenders? How can we expand access to mental health services, so fewer people resort to mass violence? And more.
The focus should be policy driven and victim centric. We should create awareness of the problem while working to identify solutions. But we must not say their names or run their headshots.
By covering shootings appropriately, we can do our part to curb the spread of mass violence. By applying these methods consistently, journalists can work to change the culture, save lives and make a positive difference for the nation and humanity.
Every person deserves equality under the law. The laws of our nation must ensure that basic human rights are protected and enshrined. These views should not be partisan, as they impact all of us, regardless of political affiliation.
Given what should be a nonpartisan recognition of human dignity and equality, it is striking that every Republican legislator in the New York State Legislature from Suffolk County, including Assembly freshman Ed Flood [R-Port Jefferson] and Sen. Anthony Palumbo [R-New Suffolk] voted against the Equal Rights Amendment that will appear on our ballots in November 2024. Our current New York State constitution does not protect historically targeted groups, and this amendment would change that by prohibiting government discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability and sex.
Thankfully, the Republican Party is irrelevant in Albany, given the Democratic supermajority in both chambers. But it is disgraceful that our state representatives would deny so many of their constituents’ basic protections. Voters across New York state will have the opportunity to vote on the Equal Rights Amendment and should vote out every legislator who voted against it. We deserve leaders who represent all of us, and we deserve the chance to vote on measures such as the ERA.
At the federal level, our freshman representative Nick LaLota [R-NY1] has also been disenfranchising his constituents. His votes have largely flown under the radar as the media feasts on the spectacle that is U.S. Rep. George Santos [R-NY3]. One of the votes ignored by the media is H.R. 26, the socalled “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” that all of Long Island’s Republican representatives voted in favor of. This piece of legislation that sought to criminalize late-term abortion ignores the basic facts that 93% of abortions occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, and 99% occur before 20 weeks of gestation.
A better use of taxpayer dollars would be to focus on issues like maternal mortality rates, given that Long Island’s maternal mortality rate is higher than the national average, with Black women disproportionately impacted. If our Republican legislators were truly “prolife,” they would be investing in prenatal, neonatal and maternal health. Thankfully, this bill will not go to a vote on the Senate floor, but we deserve better representation for ourselves and our families.
As our members of Congress and the
state Legislature spend this week at home on recess, this is the perfect opportunity to ask them why they have chosen to deny so many of us our basic rights. It is an opportunity to remind them who they serve, and for each of us to remember that if our representatives refuse to listen to us, it’s time for new representation.
Shoshana Hershkowitz South SetauketVirtually every rational person agrees that it would be a good idea to reduce our emissions of carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the contribution of civilization to the phenomenon of global warming.
Perhaps the most obvious way to achieve this goal would be to convert some, or most, or all of our motor vehicles using internal combustion engines to electric vehicles. To accomplish this monumental task, the vast amount of energy currently provided by hydrocarbon fuels must be replaced by an approximately equal amount of electrical energy.
But what is the best way to produce this energy, using technology that is available today? On the one hand, we have our renewable energy, consisting primarily of solar arrays, windmills and hydroelectric generators. But these have serious limitations, primarily due to the intermittent availability of sun and wind, and also the mind-boggling cost and technical problems associated with batteries or other technologies to fill in the gaps.
The obvious solution to this problem would appear to be nuclear power, which provides clean energy all day and all night, in good weather and bad, with zero emission of carbon dioxide.
Nuclear power has been used to generate electrical power in France for 60 years, and now provides approximately 72% of their requirements. The worldwide leader is the United States, which generates more than 30% of the world’s nuclear power, but only about 19% of our own domestic usage. We have some 70,000 wind turbines, which provide about 7% of our power, when the wind is blowing. We also have a lot of solar panels, which supply some 2% of our power, when the sun is shining.
We now have a government that claims to believe in “science,” as only they can define it. At the same time, they tell us the following:
1. We must get rid of our ICE vehicles.
2. We must replace them with EVs.
3. To ensure conformance, gasoline will become increasingly less plentiful
and more expensive.
4. We will build as many windmills and solar arrays as we can.
5. We will deal with the battery problem at some time in the future.
6. We will shut down nuclear plants, e.g., Diablo Canyon in California and Indian Point, as soon as we can.
7. We will make it as difficult as possible to obtain a license to build a new nuclear plant.
8. We will redefine or reinterpret inflation to prove that we had no part in causing it to increase.
Thank goodness that we have a government to understand science and regulate technology. What would we do without them?
George Altemose SetauketThe winter season brings cold winds and snowy weather, but it also can bring damage to your skin. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun damages your skin year-round, not just during the summer months.
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S., yet most cases can be prevented. UV radiation from the sun and indoor tanning lamps are the primary cause of skin cancer and reducing your exposure can significantly reduce your cancer risk. Even on cold, winter days, UV radiation from the sun can cause damage to your skin, especially at high altitudes and on reflective surfaces such as snow or ice. Snow reflects up to 80% of the sun’s UV radiation, increasing the damage caused to your skin.
Sun protection is necessary every day, regardless of the weather or time of year. Sun safe practices such as applying sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher, wearing a wide-brimmed hat, UV protective sunglasses and long-sleeved clothing, and seeking shade whenever possible, can help prevent skin cancer.
The Cancer Prevention in Action at Stony Brook Cancer Center works to build awareness about the dangers of UV radiation and promote the benefits of sun safety through education, awareness and policy support to reduce skin cancer rates on Long Island.
To learn more about Cancer Prevention in Action, visit takeactionagainstcancer.com or contact us at 631-4444263/COE@stonybrookmedicine.edu.
CPiA is supported with funds from Health Research Inc. and New York State.
Annalea Trask Program Coordinator Cancer Prevention In Action Stony Brook Cancer Centerong ago, back when my son was shorter than I, and when he listened to more of what I said, I was driving him and his teammate back from a baseball game that was more than an hour away from our house.blurs into a collection of highs, lows and everything in between.
Halfway home, we were the first car to stop at a red light. When another car pulled up next to us, we recognized the father of one of my son’s teammates.
in a close game.
After our next game, my son and I got in the car, and I had a chance to look at us more closely in the metaphorical mirror.
Looking straight ahead, the father was screaming at the top of his lungs. My son and his teammate, who usually filled the car with nonstop commentary about the game, school, weekend plans and anything else that came to mind, were stunned into silence.
D. None of the above
Those were the days when such long rides were part of our weekend routine, as we packed athletic gear, food, paper towels and flip-flops into the car to enable our children to compete against other children from distant towns or neighboring states, while also taking off their cleats and running into a deli to use the bathroom.
I don’t recall the details of the game because, even then, my son played in so many of them that the entire montage of memories
The three of us shifted our heads and saw his son sitting in the front seat with his head down, absorbing the ongoing verbal blows from his father, who had started gesticulating and was so frustrated that he spit on the windshield as he shouted.
During the entire red light, the father excoriated his son. As we drove away, my son’s teammate shared his memories of the game, pointing out that the boy in the other car had made a key error and struck out late
No, I wasn’t screaming at him. No, I didn’t spit on the window. The pattern I noticed, however, was one in which my son — when he was alone with me — focused only on the things that went wrong. He lamented everything he did wrong or didn’t do right. Sometimes, I recalled, I piled on, telling him how he could or should have done something differently.
As I tried to get a few words in after that game, he cut me off. He continued to criticize his performance until he was too exhausted to speak, at which point he urged me to talk.
I didn’t want to review the game. I wanted to discuss our interactions.
After considerable back and forth, I set new ground rules not for coach/player interactions, but for father/son discussions, particularly as they pertained to sports.
This President’s Day saw two presidents much in the news, Joe Biden for his clandestine trip to Kyiv, and our 39th president, Jimmy Carter, for entering hospice care. Carter, who at 98 years old is the oldest former chief executive of the United States, signaled the end of his repeated hospital stays.
I never wanted to discuss whatever he thought went wrong in a game first. I wanted to begin with everything he did well. That could include positioning, fouling off a tough pitch, supporting his teammates, calling for a ball — even one that he dropped — and having a long at bat.
Then, we discussed what could have gone better. He threw the ball to the right base, but the throw was too low. He was fooled on a high pitch at the end of an at bat.
The first game after our discussion, he started off by criticizing himself. But then, something remarkable happened: he remembered our last discussion, and we started with everything he did well. Those first few moments built a positive foundation around which to start making improvements.
In future games, he started to focus on ways to perform well, even after he had struck out or had made a mistake. Instead of focusing on the ways he might have let himself or the team down, he wanted the opportunity to help.
photographer stood to the side, snapping away, as I drew closer to the most powerful man in the world.
I tried hard to come up with something more to say than my name and where I was from. Then I remembered. His sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, had recently visited Stony Brook to speak about her Baptist evangelism, and rather than telling him my name, I mentioned covering that.
I had the honor of being invited to an outof-town press conference at the White House during President Carter’s one term, and of course, the memory will always remain with me. It was my first of several such invitations, and I smile when I compare my Carter and subsequent Ronald Reagan visits. The year was 1978, the country was recovering slowly from severe stagflation,
and everyone was watching their expenditures. Hence, it was not surprising that when lunch came in the middle of the event, it consisted of a boxed meal that we balanced on our laps in the Oval Office. In the box were two half sandwiches, one of cheese, the other of tuna salad. There was also a hard-boiled egg, accompanied by a small salt packet, an apple and a cookie. I confess to such high excitement that I don’t remember how the food tasted, just that I held the egg in one hand and sprinkled salt on it with the other. I do recall thinking then that I was experiencing one of the most amazing moments of my life at the same time that I was doing this most mundane action of salting my egg.
Carter talked about the economy, suggesting an optimistic view for the coming year, among other issues, and then we got up, formed a single line and moved toward him to shake hands for perhaps a three-second intro and photograph we could all carry back
with us for the front page of our newspapers. I was toward the back of the line, and the
“Isn’t Ruth wonderful!” Carter exclaimed in his soft drawl as his Caribbean blue eyes widened with pleasure. He then proceeded to talk about her for at least two full minutes, how proud of her he was, as I noted that he was not much taller than I and that his hands were rough.
TIMES BEACON RECORD NEWS MEDIA We welcome letters, photographs, comments and story ideas. Send your items to P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733 or email editor1@tbrnewsmedia.com@tbrnewsmedia.com. Times Beacon Record Newspapers are published every Thursday. Subscription $59/year • 631-751-7744 www.tbrnewsmedia.com • Contents copyright 2023 EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Leah S. Dunaief GENERAL MANAGER Johness Kuisel MANAGING EDITOR Rita J. Egan EDITOR Raymond Janis LEISURE EDITOR Heidi Sutton COPY EDITOR John Broven ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Kathleen Gobos ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Elizabeth Bongiorno Robin Lemkin Larry Stahl Katherine Yamaguchi Minnie Yancey ART AND PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Beth Heller Mason PRODUCTION Janet Fortuna Sharon Nicholson CLASSIFIEDS DIRECTOR & SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGER Sheila Murray BUSINESS MANAGER Sandi Gross CIRCULATION & LEGALS MANAGER Courtney Biondo INTERNET STRATEGY DIRECTOR Rob Alfano SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER Kathryn Mandracchia 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Year After Year AwardWinning Newspapers