Legals - May 7, 2020

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TIMES BEACON RECORD NEWS MEDIA LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING, ANNUAL ELECTION AND BUDGET VOTE FOR B R O O K H AV E N - C O M S EWOGUE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual budget hearing, a Public Hearing of the qualified voters of the BROOKHAVEN-COMSEWOGUE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT, will be held virtually on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 7:30 p.m., for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Education Law of the State of New York, including the following items: 1) To present to the voters a detailed statement of the amount of money which will be required for the 2020-2021 fiscal year for school purposes (the proposed budget); 2) To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting; and 3) To discuss all of the items hereinafter set forth to be voted upon by absentee ballot on Tuesday, June 9, 2020; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Election and Budget Vote will take place on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 for voting by absentee ballot upon the following items: a) To adopt the annual budget of the District for the fiscal year 20202021 and to authorize the requisite portion thereof to be raised by taxation on the taxable property of the District; and b) To elect Two (2) Trustees at large: (i) for a term of three (3) years commencing July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2023, to succeed Alexandra Gordon, the incumbent, whose term of office expires on June 30, 2020; and (ii) for a term of three (3) years commencing July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2023, to succeed James Sanchez, the incumbent, whose term of office expires on June 30, 2020. The two (2) candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be elected to fill the two (2) seats with terms of office of three (3) years commencing July 1, 2020 and ending

on June 30, 2023; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following propositions will be presented and voted upon at the Annual Election and Budget Vote to be held as provided above on Tuesday, June 9, 2020: PROPOSITION #1 BUDGET PROPOSITION Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Brookhaven - Comsewogue Union Free School District is hereby authorized to expend during the school year 20202021 the sum set forth in the Budget Estimate for the school year 2019-2020, heretofore filed pursuant to law, and that the Board of Education be authorized to levy the necessary tax therefore; and PROPOSITION #2 Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Comsewogue Union Free School District is authorized to reallocate the unexpended sum of $800,000 from the District’s capital fund for use in the 2020-2021 school year towards funding the cost of improvements to the High School Building and Grounds, including a synthetic athletic field, boiler room repairs and improvements and classroom renovations (“Project”); and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board is authorized to expend from the District’s Capital Reserve Fund, previously established by the voters of the District, an amount not to exceed $700,000 to undertake and perform improvements to the High School Building and Grounds, as set forth above and in the District’s Notice on file with the District Clerk, including all incidental and preliminary costs and related work, and that these funds be allocated among the various components of this Project. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a copy of the statement of the amount of monies which will be required for the ensuing school fiscal year for school purposes (the

proposed budget) may be obtained on the District’s website during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the Annual Election and Budget Vote; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Section 495 of the Real Property Tax Law requires the District to attach to its proposed budget an exemption report. Said exemption report, which will also become part of the final budget, will show how the total assessed value of the final assessment roll used in the budgetary process is exempt from taxation, list every type of exemption granted by statutory authority, and show the cumulative impact of each type of exemption, the cumulative amount expected to be received as payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) and the cumulative impact of all exemptions granted. In addition, said exemption report shall be posted on any bulletin board maintained by the District for public notices and on the District’s website; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that individuals interested in running for the Board of Education may declare themselves to be a candidate for the Board of Education providing that they submit a statement that includes the candidate’s name and residence by emailing her at jyates@comsewogue.k12. no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 11, 2020. Because the election of Trustees is to be held on an “at large” basis, the declarations shall not describe any specific vacancy upon the Board of Education for which the candidate is nominated; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to § 2014 of the Education Law, personal registration of voters is required to vote at the Annual Election and Budget Vote, and no person shall be entitled to vote whose name does not then appear on the register of the District. In respect to registration requirements, the following information is specifically set forth: a) Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Registration will not meet for the

purpose of registration. If you are not currently registered to vote, you can register with the Board of Elections by filing an online application with the Department of Motor Vehicles that will enable the District to transmit an absentee ballot to you for this election. The online DMV voter registration can be found at: https://dmv. b) The register of the District prepared at the past four (4) annual elections and the register prepared for each special District meeting or election held or conducted at any time within four (4) years prior to June 9, 2020, shall be used as a basis for the preparation of the register of the District for this Annual Election and Budget Vote. In addition, any person otherwise qualified to vote, who is registered under the provisions of Article 5 of the Election Law for general election purposes, will be entitled to vote at the Annual Election and Budget Vote without further registration, and shall consequently be considered to be part of the register of the District. c) The completed register will be filed in the District Clerk’s office. d) Military Voters who are not currently registered may apply to register as a qualified voter of the District by submitting a Military Voter Registration Application to the District Clerk, no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 14, 2020. A copy of the Military Voter Registration Application is available both by contacting the District Clerk by email, jyates@comsewogue., and online located at the District’s website at http://www.comsewogue. A military voter is entitled to designate a preference to receive a Military Voter Registration Application, Military Ballot Application or Military Ballot by mail, facsimile or electronic mail. Such designation will remain in effect until revoked or changed by the voter. If no preference is designated, the District will transmit the Military Voter Registration Application, Military Ballot Application or Military Ballot by mail; and

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN a list of all persons to whom absentee ballots shall have been issued will be available in the District Clerk’s office. No Absentee Voters Ballot will be canvassed unless it shall have been received in the District Clerk’s Office not later than 5:00 p.m. on June 9, 2020; Dated: Port Jefferson Station, New York May 4, 2020 JACQUELINE YATES DISTRICT CLERK BROOKHAVENCOMSEWOGUE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT 572 5/7 2x ptr AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PRESUPUESTARIA, ELECCIONE ANUAL Y VOTO DE PRESUPUESTO PARA EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR GRATUITO DE BROOKHAVEN-COMSEWOGUE UNION. AVISO SE DICE POR LA PRESENTE que la audiencia anual del presupuesto, una Audiencia Pública de los votantes calificados del DISTRITO ESCOLAR GRATUITO DE BROOKHAVEN-COMSEWOGUE UNION, se llevará a cabo prácticamente el lunes 1 de junio de 2020 a las 7:30 p.m., para la transacción de los negocios autorizados por la Ley de Educación del Estado de Nueva York, incluyendo los siguientes puntos: 1) Presentar a los electores una declaración detallada de la cantidad de dinero que se requerirá para el año fiscal 2020-2021 para fines escolares (el presupuesto propuesto); 2) Para realizar transacciones con cualquier otra actividad que pueda venir correctamente antes de la reunión; Y 3) Discutir todos los temas en adelante establecidos para ser votados por votación en ausencia el martes, 9 de junio de 2020; Y SE PROPORCIONA ADICIONAL MENTE QUE la Votación Anual de Elecciones y Presupuestose llevará a cabo el martes 9 de junio de 2020 para votar por voto ausente sobre los siguientes pun-

tos: a) Adoptar el presupuesto anual del Distrito para el año fiscal 2020-2021 y autorizar que la parte requerida de los mismos sea recaudada por impuestos sobre los bienes imponibles del Distrito; Y b) Para elegir a dos (2) síndicos en general: (i) por un período de tres (3) años que a partir del 1 de julio de 2020, y que finalice el 30 de junio de 2023, para suceder a Alexandra Gordon, la titular, cuyo mandato expira el 30 de junio de 2020; y (ii) por un período de tres (3) años a partir del 1 de julio de 2020, y terminando el 30 de junio de 2023, para suceder a James Sánchez, el titular, cuyo mandato expira el 30 de junio de 2020. Los dos (2) candidatos que reciban el mayor número de votos serán elegidos para llenar los dos (2) escaños con mandatos de tres (3) años a partir del 1 de julio de 2020 y finalizando el 30 de junio de 2023; Y SE PROPORCIONA ADICIONAL MENTE que las siguientes propuestas serán presentadas y votadas en la Votación Anual Electoral y Presupuestaria que se llevará a cabo como se indica anteriormente el martes 9 de junio de 2020: PROPUESTA #1 PROPUESTA DE PRESUPUESTO La siguiente resolución adoptará, a saber: RESUELTO, que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Libre de Brookhaven - Comsewogue Union está autorizada a gastar durante el año escolar 2020-2021 la suma establecida en la Estimación Presupuestaria para el año escolar 2019-2020, presentada por la presente de conformidad con la ley, y que la Junta de Educación esté autorizada a cobrar el impuesto necesario por lo tanto; Y #2 DE PROPUESTA La siguiente resolución adoptará, a saber: RESUELTO, que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Libre de la Unión Comsewogue está autorizada a reasignar la suma no gastada de $800,000 del fondo de capital del Distrito para su

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