THE TimEs of Huntington, Northport & East Northport huntington • huntington bay • greenlawn • halesite • lloyd harbor • cold spring harbor • northport • east northport • Fort salonga west • asharoken • eaton’s neck • centerport
Vol. 13, No. 30
November 3, 2016
Election section
See who’s running and where they stand on issues
Through the Eyes of a Child exhibit opens in Port Jeff ALSO: Photo of the Week, LIM hosts Family Fun Day
More treat, less trick Huntington celebrates Halloween — photos A12 Photo by Steve Silverman
Remember – Tues., Nov. 8 is Election Day! ©152691
SCPD updates Crime Stoppers stats Suffolk County Police Commissioner Tim Sini joined Crime Stoppers President Nick Amarr at a press conference Oct. 25 to provide statistics related to the initiative’s 22-year partnership with SCPD. In addition, a new social media page was unveiled to facilitate the distribution of information to the public and strengthen the partnership between the community and the SCPD. The department will launch the SCPD Alerts Facebook page, separate from the department’s general Facebook page, where surveillance photos will be posted in an effort to identify suspects. Along with Most Wanted posts, the page will publicize Silver Alerts to help find missing individuals with special needs, and AMBER Alerts will help loved ones reunite with children. The page will also include links to the department’s YouTube channel of videos of crimes caught on camera. Below are statistics from the history of the Crime Stoppers program: •NARC calls March 2016 to date: 1,306 •Total number of arrests 1994 to date: 2,157 •Total amount of funds rewarded 1994 to date: $530,300 •Total number of warrants cleared: 1,688 •Total number of tips 1994 to date: 22,287 •Homicides solved: 42
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Suffolk County Police Commissioner Tim Sini announces updated statistics for the county’s two-decade-old Crime Stoppers initiative.
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North Shore voters weigh in on who they support By Kevin Redding As Long Island residents get ready for election day next week, some are certain for whom they will cast their ballot, and others are still undecided.
Eric Corley, Port Jefferson
Sarah Leanza, Port Jefferson
Q: Who are you voting for? A: Clinton. Not because I necessarily trust her like anybody else, but because he’s [Trump] a misogynist, crazy ... I think he’s horrific. I’m a little nervous about her, but I think she has a lot of experience at least, and I think what is wonderful is Trump has created a situation that’s going to make her make sure she’s accountable. I think she’s going to have to be very careful while she’s in office because there are so many people behind him who are so angry, so that makes me trust her situation better. He was like a necessary evil, I think.
Q: Who are you voting for? A: Clinton, because she knows what she’s doing, and there may be some stuff I don’t agree with — probably a lot of stuff — but you have to think of all the people that are going to be brought in as a result of a Clinton administration as opposed to the people who would be brought in with a Trump administration. You look at all the things that have changed over the last eight years, not all of which are good, but so much has changed and that’s all the result of who we elected. We have to think beyond the personalities and beyond whatever is in the media, so that’s why I think it’s an easy choice.
Raymond Diaz, Mount Sinai
Q: Who are you voting for? A: Donald J. Trump, because of the political corruption and the political correctness with Hillary. It just kills me all the scandals and all the people covering up for her; it’s horrible. Trump says some mean things but would you rather have someone say a bunch of horrible things to your face and be your friend or talk behind your back? Oh, it makes me sick. I am such a die-hard Trump fan, and it’s not that I love Trump. We just need change. All the corruption in the government, and she’s just a liar. Trump’s not the best guy in the world, but even if he does a horrible job, what’s wrong with wiping out the government for four years? Getting all the corrupt people out and starting from scratch.
Michael and Cindy Rawdin, Dix Hills
Q: Who are you voting for? Michael: I’d only vote for Clinton. I know she’s imperfect but I would never dream of voting for [Trump] because I know him personally and he’s a disgraceful human being. I owned a website,, that we opened in January 2006. We had it for 3 years with that “lovely” man. His staff was great, he was disgraceful ... always. Cindy: We brought him into the online travel industry. He wasn’t it in then in 2006. But because of his greed as well, we did not make a lot of money because Trump cut the biggest piece of pie for himself. We really know that Clinton is the brightest and most sophisticated and most experienced, and she’s an elitist. She’s intelligent. Michael: She actually knows what she’s speaking about. The other one is faking it at all times. He didn’t even prep for the debates, which I found truly amazing. People are so desperate for change that they’ll vote for a psychopath. He’s really quite sick. The stupid things he says, the idiotic way he reacts, the fact that he screwed thousands of little guys out of their money. They’d go work at the Taj Mahal and just get screwed. He’s so unfit to be anything but a… make believe billionaire. He’s just a fraud.
Tommy Parris, Port Jefferson
Roe Waltmann, Coram
Q: Who are you voting for? A: I like Trump. I think he’s very gung-ho and I really believe that he can do the things he says he can do — unless I’m naïve. But I don’t want Hillary Clinton; I don’t want a politician. I want somebody with new blood that’s not a politician. Now, he’s become a politician along the way without him realizing, but I really think he can energize [the country, but] if he doesn’t get the Republican Senate he’s not going to do too much. Even though in his mind he’s saying he could, he can’t. And my family wants Trump too because they want somebody new, and that’s how we all feel. I think he’s so energetic and he can revitalize things, and I know he’s going to surround himself with good people. But he should keep his mouth closed sometimes.
Q: Who are you voting for? A: I actually truly haven’t decided yet. I mean, I was leaning more toward Trump initially. There’s not enough accurate information out there; a lot of the stuff that they’re putting out there is very vague, very generic. They’re not being too specific in their campaigns. Everyone’s spoon feeding everybody what they want to hear. They’re basically telling them “Oh yeah, we’re going to make more money, we’re going to fix the economy.” It’s all slogans and sales pitches. And coming from someone in sales, you can see right through that. What’s the plan that goes beyond that? I like the fact that although Trump is not as delicate as he should be or as sensitive with the way he uses his words, he’s more transparent in the sense that you know who you’re dealing with for better or worse, so you can kind of know what to expect. With Hillary, she’s more quiet, cunning; you really don’t know much what’s going on. She’s a better politician when it comes down to it. I think it would be good to have a Republican state of mind back in the office just to kind of balance things out.
Mike Barba, Malverne
Q: Who are you voting for? A: I’m actually voting for Gary Johnson, just because I don’t agree with Hillary [Clinton] on matters, and I don’t think Trump has enough political experience for it. He just talks a little too much for my liking, so I’ll be doing the alternative independent vote. Although Gary Johnson had some slipups on his foreign policy, I still think there should be more than a two-party system in the country. In the United Kingdom, they have more than two, as well as a few other countries. When conservatives and liberals are so far left and far right, it’s nice to have more of a middle ground and somebody who’s more bipartisan on a bunch of matters. Even though the independents realistically won’t win — him or Jill Stein — I think there will be enough independent votes that it will be a little more eye-opening for the country in general just to see “wow, maybe there should be a third candidate to be putting in.”
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Craig Marcott, Huntington
Q: Who are you voting for? A: It’s really an election of the perceived lesser of two evils in this case. My vote will be on the Republican ticket because I think he’s the lesser of the two evils in this one. It’s been incredible. Right down to the end, they’re just not stopping, between the email stuff on one side, the stuff on him on the other side. They’re two of the most defective candidates we’ve ever had. I’m voting more for the philosophy and for the Supreme Court justices. I don’t think our country can handle two more liberal Supreme Court justices that will rule the country for the next quarter of the century.
Images by Mike Sheinkopf
An observer’s perspective
The greater of two evils
In India, 8,431 miles away and 18 the way to a promising future because the months earlier, the American election cam- world is in dire need of help. As an Indian, paign was an obscure topic of discussion it is sad to see Indian Americans — or a for me. Things would not have changed group of Indians back home — supporting much to this present day had it not been so Trump primarily on the basis of their commuch of a ridiculous spectacle. From the mon abhorrence of Islam. However dark outside, when you look at how a country it may sound, a lot of us harbor grudges like America would conduct its campaign, or hatred against other communities or you expect suavity for that matter. But even peoples or sects. But, if a world leader to a layman, what would garner attention starts encouraging people to express their is the total brashness of the nature of the grudges overtly, that sets a dangerous campaign and its controversies. example. It unites people based on a wrong For one, Donald J. Trump has been the cause where the effect of such ill preachstar of the show with his specimen of utter ing is not limited nationally but tends to cloddishness and hard-hearted comments go worldwide. In order to maintain a good as a presidential candidate relationship with India, his ‘If America chooses camaraderie should be toward on topics related to Islam, his salacious comments on Indians in general and not divisiveness over women and his brashness Hindus particularly, as India integration, it of belonging to the elite also has the third largest Musclass. Where on one hand, lim population in the world. would be a harsh many eminent leaders and Unlike American elections, moral setback.’ visionaries root for peace Indian national elections do and unity by bridging — elina MuKherjee not have debates among the the gap between national candidates. In India, and in mind-sets and borders, numerous other countries in Trump, in his extremist self, is advocatthe world, candidates routinely attempt ing the very opposite. Building a wall to to bolster their position by slandering prevent Mexican invasion of the country others, by trading insults. In a democracy, or putting an extra scan on Muslims who I reckon, having debates between candienter the States, to only name a few, stim- dates is a progressive step. However, going ulate the fire. What is unprecedented is by the nature of the last three debates, the staggering number of Trump supportits principal purpose seems to have been ers who think him to be a fresh breath of defeated for the most part. air in the race for the White House. HillAmerica has always led from the front ary Clinton, on the other hand, has come when it comes to being progressive. The out better, maintaining a dignified stance cornerstone of much of Trump’s elecand prompting fewer furrowed eyebrows. tion campaign has been dissemination But overall, this election has been nothing of negativity and animosity. Many of his less than a mockery to the world of what proposed policies are regressive to say America has come to. the least. As an outsider, I — and many Dividing in the name of religion is a others like me — fear that if America potential peril. The unpalatable truth for chooses divisiveness over integration, it the citizens is to understand the pressure would be a harsh moral setback for many they are under, bearing the tag of being the of the developing countries. foremost nation in the world and always Elina Mukherjee being looked up to, its leader should lead Stony Brook
I did not vote for Donald Trump in the Test of Record as Women’s Advocate”) New York primary. His comments about disclosed that Saudi Arabia had given women are loathsome, and I believe it is more than $10 million to the Clinton likely he kissed and groped women during his Foundation. While Mrs. Clinton was television career. However, his words and acsecretary of state, the State Department tions pale in comparison to how the Clintons faulted Saudi Arabia for “a lack of equal have treated women throughout their careers. rights for women and children,” and said Bill and Hillary Clinton represent what “violence against women, human traffickI call the Chappaquiddick wing of the ing and gender discrimination, among Democratic Party. Under this umbrella, it other abuses, were all common there.” does not matter how you treat women as Apparently, the Chappaquiddick wing long as you support abortion on demand provides cover to “fight for women” while and the appointment of liberal Supreme simultaneously collecting tens of millions Court justices. For example, a senator from from Saudi Arabia and the like-minded Massachusetts can leave a young woman misogynist states of the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, to drown at the bottom of a ‘If you are concerned Algeria and Brunei. pond, get re-elected, and go Today in The Hill, on to become “the Lion of about how to explain Assistant FBI Director the Senate.” James Kallstrom (the man An attorney general from Donald Trump to Arkansas can rape a nursing your daughters, how who headed the TWA 800 investigation) stated, home executive, get elected will you explain the “the Clinton’s are a crime governor and demand that family.” I am reminded a low-level state employee Clintons?’ of the climactic scene in perform oral sex on him. — Dan Kerr “Godfather II” when Kate The same sexual predator confronts Michael Corleone can then go on to become over her recent miscarriage. “Oh, Michael. president, use a cigar to penetrate a young Michael, you are blind. It wasn’t a miscarwoman in the Oval Office, fondle and grope a recent widow who came to him for riage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. counsel, lie under oath in a sexual harassSomething that’s unholy and evil ... It was ment case, get impeached and disbarred from practicing law in Arkansas and before a son, Michael! A son! And I had it killed because this must all end!” For the good of the Supreme Court and go on to become this country, I believe the “unholy and evil” “first gentleman.” It is also OK for Hillary to laugh as she won her first case in Arkan- reign of the Clintons must end as well. A few days before FBI Director Comey’s sas, when she minimized the sentence of a letter to Congress, Kimberley Strassel 41-year-old man who so savagely raped a wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “This 12-year-old girl that she could never have is how the Clintons operate; they do not children. If you are concerned about how change. Anyone that pulls the lever for to explain Donald Trump to your daughMrs. Clinton takes responsibility for setters, how will you explain the Clintons? ting the nation up for all of the blatant The Sunday New York Times included corruption that will follow.” The Clintons “I Live in a Lie: Saudi Women Speak Up.” are the greater of two evils. It documents the oppression of women in Saudi Arabia. A March 8, 2015, New Dan Kerr York Times article (“Hillary Clinton Faces Stony Brook
These letters are representative of the opposing viewpoints on the 2016 presidential election. They do not speak for the newspaper.
Local Election Info For our official endorsements, see page A14
Raia and Rumsey wrestle over Northport issues By VicToRia eSpinoza N.Y. State Assemblyman Andy Raia (REast Northport) is seeking his ninth term in office, but Northport resident and senior editor at the Long Island Press Spencer Rumsey is looking to change the Assembly’s 12th district. In an interview at TBR News Media’s main office, Rumsey said he is running because he believes his constituents need a change in leadership. “I’m not a career politician, but I’ve always loved politics,” Rumsey said. “As a journalist, I’ve been covering these issues for years on the outside and now I want to try and fight them on the inside, because I decided words aren’t enough.” Rumsey has worked at Newsday, the New York Post and the Long Island Jewish World. He said he believes he can do more in the majority as a Democrat than Raia can achieve in the minority. Raia has been serving the district for the past 16 years, and said he has focused on improving the drinking water in the area, slowing the rising heroin crisis facing the North Shore, and cleaning up corruption in Albany. “This year we did a lot for water quality up in Albany,” Raia said. “Northport Village is one of the few local governments that’s actually getting a million dollar grant. … I was very happy to help deliver on that.” The grant will go towards water and sewer
photos by Desirée Keegan
Spencer Rumsey, left, and andrew Raia, right, speak about why they would make the best choice for assemblyman in the 12th district. improvements. Raia also sponsored legislation requiring schools to periodically test their water supplies for lead contamination and provide funding for remediation, which would otherwise be costly to school districts. Lead in drinking water has become a national concern since the residents in Flint, Michigan, suffered from health problems after they discovered their drinking water was
contaminated with lead. Rumsey agreed Long Island should be looking to cut back the amount of nitrogen in the water supply with more sewer use. “On Long Island, most homeowners don’t have sewers, they have cesspools,” he said, adding he would like to see an effort to increase the amount of sewers on Long Island. Northport Village has been no stranger to the growing heroin problem, and Raia
and Rumsey both had ideas on how to curb this issue. Rumsey said he has been writing about this issue since he was at Newsday 30 years ago. “It’s a medical problem and a criminal problem,” he said. “I’m more focused on treatment for addiction.” He said he finds a problem with clean needle exchange programs because they rely too much on trusting addicts to make safe choices, and would rather look towards increasing the amount of treatment programs available for North Shore residents. Raia said he thinks heroin is one of the most pressing issues in his district. “As the ranking member on the health committee, this is an issue that I take extremely serious,” he said. Raia said he has held classes to train residents how to use Narcan and worked with other members of the Assembly to pass a package of bills to increase the number of treatment beds and services in New York, as well as to reduce the prescription time frame from 30 days to two weeks. The candidates also talked about problems with the New York State tax cap. Raia said he believes the tax cap has worked well, but it is not “without its problems.” He said the behavior of large tax increases in towns and villages has been curbed thanks to the cap. “The cap kind of suppresses the creativity that schools used to have,” Rumsey said, as part of the issues he said he has with the cap.
Two new faces look to take on Congressman Israel’s seat By ReBecca anzel Both candidates running to succeed Rep. Steve Israel (D-Huntington) in the 3rd Congressional District agree the winner needs to be an agent of change, but State Senator Jack Martins (R-Mineola) and former Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi (D-Glen Cove) disagree about what that means. Martins, a lawyer, spent eight years as mayor of Mineola and five years as the state senator from the 7th senate district. He said his record proves he is able to achieve meaningful change by working across party lines, making necessary decisions and leaving things more stable than he found them. “You have to measure commitments by actions and results, and certainly my tenure speaks for itself and [Suozzi’s] tenure speaks for itself, and I think those are important distinctions,” Martins said. “Oftentimes, when it comes to my opponent, the problem is he’s more concerned with running for something else and taking that next step than he is about fixing the problems he was elected to fix.” For Suozzi, an attorney and certified public accountant, it takes more than bipartisanship to solve issues the country has been struggling with for decades. He said during his seven years in office both as mayor of Glen Glove and Nassau County executive, he fought to “change the status quo” — even when that meant going against his party. “I think that my experience has given
left photo by Victoria espinoza; file photo right
Jack Martins, left, and Tom Suozzi, right, are both vying for the open congressional seat on the north Shore. me a skill set and a life experience that have trained me to actually get things done,” Suozzi said in a phone interview. “I’m the only candidate in this race that has a proven record of standing up to very powerful forces and fighting to get things done on behalf of the people I serve.” Both candidates agree issues such as
water quality and heroin use are concerns for Long Islanders. Martins and Suozzi both said sewers would help curb the amount of harmful nitrogen leaching into Long Island’s water bodies from septic systems and cesspools. Martins prioritized Long Island’s drinking water and pushed the importance of
a comprehensive study of its aquifer to be conducted and followed up with some regularity. Suozzi focused on the Long Island Sound. He said the 3rd Congressional District is an important one in regard to the sound and to protect it, residents need to think about it differently. “We need to try to promote the concept of the Long Island Sound as our national park, and we need to work on reducing the amount of nitrogen that goes into [the Long Island Sound] from stormwater runoff from everywhere,” he said. Both candidates also agreed educating children early about the dangers of heroin and other drugs is important — but their plans differed. Martins said penalties need to be higher for sellers of heroin and addicts need to have a path to sobriety. “It is a critical issue and we need to get our hands around it,” he said. “We have to increase penalties for the sale of these products while at the same time understanding we’re not going to incarcerate our way through this.” Suozzi said the problem started with medical professionals prescribing too many opioids, and that needs to be tackled first, beyond the state registry. The congressional hopefuls both commented that the national election should be more about issues and less about personal attacks and said they will be voting along party lines — Martins said he plans to vote for Donald Trump (R) and Suozzi for Hillary Clinton (D).
Red light cameras, child sex abuse laws discussed in senate race By Victoria Espinoza St. James resident Peter Magistrale, 24, is taking his first swing at elected office, challenging New York State Sen. and Majority Leader John Flanagan (R-East Northport) to represent the 2nd district. The candidates met and discussed why they think they could best represent their constituents at TBR News Media’s main office. Magistrale (D) said he is running for office because he wants to tackle political corruption. “I see government at all levels as a tool for powerful people to get what they want,” he said. Magistrale said he wants to focus on ways to reform campaign finance and laws to protect children in sexual abuse cases, among his other platform issues. Flanagan said he’s proud to be the first majority leader from Suffolk County, and proud of the legislation he has helped pass, including a package of bills to combat the county’s opioid abuse problem and restoring funding taken from school districts by the Gap Elimination Adjustment. Flanagan has served in the New York Senate for 14 years, and before that served in the New York State Assembly for 16 years. Part of Magistrale’s campaign has been dedicated to supporting the Child Victims Act, which is legislation that would eliminate both criminal and civil statutes of limitation for child sexual abuse, and provide a one-time, one-year window in the statute of limitations to enable victims whose
photos by Desirée Keegan
Democrat peter Magistrale and state sen. John Flanagan battle each other, and independent stephen ruth for the right to represent the 2nd district nov. 8. claim was time-barred by the current arbitrary limitations to revive their claim. “A child who’s sexually abused cannot come forward after they’ve turned 23,” Magistrale said. “That’s not protection. That’s protecting financial interests who do not want the law changed. To say that the current law protects children — it does not.” Flanagan agreed this is a serious issue, but did not agree with how Magistrale wants to approach the issue. “There are significant protections in the law right now,” he said. “This is a one-year opener that could bring cases going back 40, 50, 60 years. We have statutes of limita-
tions for very cogent reasons and no matter how emotional a subject may be, witness availability, evidence, all those things have a salutary effect in terms of what happens.” Stephen Ruth, referred to as the Red Light Robin Hood, is also running against the two candidates for the 2nd district seat, but did not respond to request for comment. Ruth is an outspoken critic against the red light camera program on Long Island and has been arrested for tampering with red light cameras. “I don’t believe in vigilantism,” Flanagan said of Ruth’s actions. “I don’t like red light cameras, and I voted against them.”
The state senator said that while this program was first suggested as a safety issue, it now seems like more of a measure to increase revenue. Magistrale said he agreed with most of Flanagan’s sentiments. “I think there is a good enough reason to look at if the red lights were shortened,” Magistrale said. “Shortening a yellow light is just as dangerous, and I think we ought to have an investigation to find out if they really were shorted or not.” The candidates found some common ground on education, and agreed the system is in need of improvement. Magistrale said he believes Common Core has lost the consent of the citizens. “We’ve had opt out rates, from grades three through eight, over 50 percent … what does that say?” Magistrale said. “Having standardized exams that reinforce memorization is not a way to create free thinkers. In a time in our history where crimes are being committed in the highest places of government, we need people who will ask questions, not be obedient.” Flanagan said he’s had many hearings and meetings on the subject throughout the state. “This is one subject area where I know more than frankly anybody in the Legislature,” he said. “I don’t like the exams … but all those tests are overwhelmingly mandated by the federal government.” Flanagan said despite the problems with Common Core, changes on the federal level need to be put in place to improve the current system, rather than tearing it down and starting over.
Zeldin and Throne-Holst spar over conflicting policies
Photos by Alex Petroski
Congressman Lee Zeldin, above, and challenger Anna Throne-Holst, below, face off in the 1st Congressional district, which many have called a ‘surrogate race’ for the presidential election. By Kevin Redding A clashing of opinions on almost every issue gave way to a tense debate between an incumbent Republican congressman and a former Southampton Town supervisor as the race for the 1st Congressional District seat enters its final stretch. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-Shirley), who graduated from Albany Law School before serving in the U.S. Army Reserve, was first elected into the House of Representatives in 2014 and seeks to maintain that position Nov. 8. He must first win re-election, however, against Democrat Anna ThroneHolst, whose work in local government has been guided by a “people over politics” platform in an effort to make government work for everyone. The candidates sat down at the TBR News Media office Oct. 27 to square off on a variety of pressing local and national topics, like the environment, veterans issues, Planned Parenthood and the presidential election. Zeldin has accomplished plenty in his 21 months representing the district, which encompasses most of central and eastern Suffolk County, and takes pride in his willingness to work with absolutely anyone, regardless of party. He has worked hard to help veterans suffering from PTSD, secured the repeal of the saltwater fishing license fee, and fought to block the federal government’s proposed sale of Plum Island. Throne-Holst has built and run organi-
zations mostly geared toward educational and essential services for families in need of support, worked at the U.N. Department of Peacemaking, and wants to utilize the work she’s done abroad to fix what she calls “thorny foreign policy decisions that we are dealing with.” She’s committed to providing a service to families and young people in the community who she said have been sorely underserved. She said Congress is at an alltime low approval rating and has not done enough to deal with the critical issues the country is facing. Before the candidates focused their discussion on the environment, there were accusations from both sides regarding the Environmental Protection Agency. “All due respect, I think it’s important to note the things where funding has either been slashed or not put forward,” ThroneHolst said. “When I think about things, like the EPA, that he voted to decrease funding for … and the kind of funding that supports programs that are crucial to our residents here in district one New York, and that have been mired in partisan politics in Washington, that is part of what I think is troubling.” Zeldin refuted Throne-Holst’s statements. “My opponent repeatedly states that I voted multiple times to defund the EPA,” he said, demanding specific bill numbers from Throne-Holst. “That is not truthful. When there was a vote to cut EPA funding by 17 percent, I voted against the cut. My opponent didn’t read the bill. There are ways to improve the EPA and strengthen
the relationship between the EPA and Congress and the American people.” Zeldin introduced a Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship Act alongside Congressman Steve Israel, and said the health of the Sound would be an important issue if he secured another term. He talked specifically about his involvement in raising money for the National Estuary Program, which provides grants to states threatened by pollution and overuse, and his proposals in relation to Plum Island. “Everyone is entitled to and wants clean air and clean water, and whatever we can do to advance that is important,” Zeldin said. Throne-Holst spoke more broadly about the hazards of climate change, an issue Zeldin has questioned the legitimacy of in the past, and sea-level rise. She said there isn’t a single homeowner or business owner in the region immune to climate change. She said the federal government has a responsibility to lead the way in putting together a climate change resiliency plan, district by district. The debate turned even more contentious when the focus shifted to their respective stances on Planned Parenthood. Zeldin, who voted for a bill that would halt funding for the organization for a year, was asked whether or not he believed it should be defunded. “I respect the position amongst American taxpayers who do not want their dollars to go toward funding abortions,” he said. “I certainly have a sensitivity and respect for both sides of this issue … but the idea that it can be legal for someone to be able to de-
cide to get an abortion in the eighth month or ninth month, that is something that I very strongly disagree with.” When pressed for clarification on the organization’s funding, Zeldin said “as far as funding abortion services, yeah [it should be halted].” Throne-Holst called their views on the issue a very clear line in the sand. “I believe in a woman’s right to choose,” she said. “I don’t think it’s a question of a personal experience. I think it’s a question of respecting the civil rights of every American. The idea that government has any role to play in making that decision for anyone goes against any provision of humanity.” Zeldin has publicly supported Republican nominee Donald Trump in the race for the White House in the past, though he said we have two flawed options for president, referring to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as well. He offered no defense for Trump’s well-documented controversial statements, including the Access Hollywood leak wherein Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women. He said he sides with Trump on many issues, like improving foreign, tax and immigration policies and defeating “Islamic Extremism.” He said he agrees with Trump more than he agrees with Clinton. Throne-Holst accused her opponent of going on CNN numerous times to defend Trump in the past. She said there is no excuse for overlooking the statements Trump has made and “allowing this man to be the supreme leader of this country and be the role model for our children.”
Assembly district in Huntington Station race features two-term incumbent, board of elections employee By Alex Petroski
Chad Lupinacci (R-Huntington Station) was first elected to represent New York’s 10th Assembly District in 2012, and Nov. 8 he’ll try for a third term against Democrat Ed Perez, a Huntington resident and a current member of the Suffolk County Board of Elections. The two were interviewed at the TBR News Media main office ahead of Election Day to discuss the state of the 10th district, which covers in large part Huntington Town. In addition to his duties with the board of elections, Perez is also the president of Diversity Resource Network, a marketing consulting organization. He identifies himself as a “social entrepreneur” because of his 25 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. Lupinacci served on the school board of the South Huntington School district for eight years prior to his election in 2012. He’s a real estate attorney and an adjunct professor at Farmingdale State College, Hofstra University and St. Joseph’s College. In his four years in the Assembly, Lupinacci has fought to cut taxes, make college more affordable and address the growing problem of addiction in the district. Perez has lived in the Huntington community for 23 years, and he said that has played a role in his desire to run. “I care deeply about New York State and I care deeply about the Huntington community,” Perez said. He described some of the efforts he’d like to see to stimulate the district’s economy by upgrading the infrastructure in the community. “We have a problem from Pulaski Road to Jericho Turnpike,” he said. “We have a strip there that has no sewers so that impedes development from investors to come in.” Perez serves on the town’s zoning board of appeals. “If we get the infrastructure of sewers going in, and it can be done in phases, we could get other types of businesses coming in,” he said. “Investors are not going to come in and invest in your community unless you have the sewers there.” Lupinacci’s approach to stimulating the local economy focuses on higher education. “A few years back we instituted a program that if you graduate in the top 20 percent of your high school class majoring in a STEM program, you can go to a SUNY or CUNY school for free as long as you’re staying five years in New York state afterwards,” the incumbent said. He said he’d like to see something similar done to fun-
nel students toward community colleges. “We wanted to make sure that we would allow better tax credits for the students who are graduating and staying in New York afterwards because we want to give them an incentive to stay here.” A central component of Lupinacci’s platform is to root out political corruption in the Assembly and across New York’s government. He helped to pass legislation to stop politicians found guilty of corruption from receiving taxpayer-funded pensions and said he plans to keep fighting in that direction. “We need to make the Assembly more transparent in the coming years, and also limit outside income in terms of what legislators make,” Lupinacci said. He added he’d like to see Assembly committee meetings televised and term limits for all members. The common ground in election oversight, and the claims of a “rigged” election made by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump were addressed by both candidates. “It is not a rigged system,” Perez said. “Nobody wants to go to jail because they’re not doing the appropriate thing at the board of elections.” Lupinacci wouldn’t support his party’s nominee’s claims of an unfair system. “I think our board of elections workers are great people and they’re very good on Long Island, but there are problems some times when the elections are very close,” he said. “We do have recounts and such [when elections are close]. Do I think the election is rigged? No.” Violence has become an issue at the forefront of daily life in the district. The incumbent discussed some of what he’s done to combat the issue and some of his future plans. “We’ve been working along with [New York State Sen. Carl Marcellino (R-Syosett)] and people in the community to increase cameras in the area, so not only in terms of actual police officers but more surveillance in the area to see what’s going on,” Lupinacci said. He added that community outreach programs and a stimulated economy could also help. Perez commended Huntington Town Supervisor Frank Petrone (D) for increasing patrols by park rangers in town parks as a means to improve security in the community. He added that economic development and improvement of infrastructure could also help to reduce crime in the area. “It’s about economic development and socioeconomic issues which makes kids sell drugs and get involved with gangs,” he said. “I think that looking at infrastructure is very important.”
Photos by Donna Newman
Assemblyman Chad lupinacci, left, and ed Perez, right, speak on the many issues facing Huntington station and other areas of the 10th Assembly District.
ENOUGH ALREADY! In New York, more politicians are indicted out of office than voted out! It’s time for a real choice for a change. Elect a new Assemblyman for the 12th District VOTE
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398 9/29 6x thn
Notice of formation of Thai Republic International Cuisine, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 09/27/2016. Office located in Suffolk. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to: 3485 Ella Road, Wantagh, NY 11793. Purpose: any lawful purpose. 445 10/06 6x thn
Notice of formation of Midtown 211 LLC , Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 8/19/2016 . Office located in Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against he LLC 107 East Neck Road, Huntington, NY 11743. 399 9/29 6x thn Notice of formation of Akiha Holdings LLC. Arts of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/13/2016. Office loc: Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of process served against the LLC: Bizfilings, 187 Wolf Road #101, Albany, NY 12205. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. 411 9/29 6x thn Notice of formation of CUSTOM COSMETIC CONSULTING, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on June 6, 2016. Office location: Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC: 106 Third Avenue, East Northport, NY 11731. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 414 9/29 6x thn Notice of formation of Centerport Ventures LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on September 8, 2016. Office location: Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall email a copy of process to the LLC: 8 Prospect Road Centerport NY 11721. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 426 100616 6x thn
Notice of formation of Greneland Films LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Secretary of Staate of New York (SSNY) on August 18th 2016. Office location: Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC: 44 Marie Drive Huntington NY 11743. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 474 10/13 6x thn NOTICE OF FORMATION, MAGIC ROSIN LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 9/30/2016. Office location: SUFFOLK. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail any process to c/o CONNOLLY MUSIC CO. INC., 8 VERNON VALLEY RD., E. NORTHPORT, NY 11731. Purpose: any lawful purpose or activity. 476 10/13 6x thn Formation of The Bear and The Diva LLC filed with the Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/05/2016. Office loc.: Suffolk County. The principal business loc. is 19 Beech Hill Road, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Sabbir Khan, 19 Beech Hill Road, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743. Purpose: Any lawful activity. 511 10/27 6x th
Free School District will hold a public hearing on the Districtwide Safety Plan on November 14, 2016 at approximately 7:30 p.m. prevailing time, in the Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School auditorium, 155 Lowndes Avenue, Huntington Station, NY 11746. The name and contact information for the person that can provide additional information about this hearing is Joanne Miranda, District Clerk, 50 Tower Street, Huntington Station, NY, 11746, 631-673-2038. Dated: November 3, 2016 HUNTINGTON UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT Huntington, New York Joanne Miranda District Clerk 525 11/3 1x thn NOTICE Notice of formation of 11 Michael Management LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 4/20/16. Office located in Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to 8 Cason Drive, Commack, NY 11725. Purpose: any lawful purpose.
Photos by Donna Newman
rich Macellaro, left, wants to unseat long term Assemblyman Mike Fitzpatrick, right.
532 11/3 6x thn Mobilitie, LLC is proposing to construct a new telecommunications tower facility located approx. 270 feet south from the intersection of Church Street and Franklin Street, Northport, Suffolk County, NY. The new facility will consist of a 120-foot utility pole and associated support equipment. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending comments to: Project 61160042606-MAB c/o EBI Consulting, 21 B Street Burlington, MA, or via telephone at 781.418.2325. 543 11/3 1x thn, ts
news on demand
Notice of formation of Ascender Studios, LLC filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 9/1/2016. Office location: Suffolk County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC: 315 Main St. 2nd Fl Huntington, NY 11743. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Fitzpatrick seeks eighth term in Assembly against Kings Park resident
By Alex Petroski Incumbent Assemblyman Mike Fitzpatrick (R-St. James) will square off against Kings Park resident and Democrat Rich Macellaro on Election Day for the right to oversee the district that spans Smithtown Town and a portion of northern Islip. Macellaro has made unsuccessful bids for office, first in the Assembly in 2010 then for a Smithtown Town board seat in 2013. The two sat down for an interview in the TBR News Media main office. During his 14 years in the Assembly, Fitzpatrick has sponsored legislation to establish a two percent property tax levy increase cap for school districts and to cap pensions for elected officials as a means to stave off financial hardships for the state. Macellaro prided himself on his work with civic and community organizations and projects in Smithtown, and his ability to bring a new set of eyes to a district in need of change. High property taxes and swollen government budgets have contributed to a litany of issues specific to the 8th district, but also to the region as a whole, according to Fitzpatrick. Some of those issues include a cost of living far higher than most of the nation, and fewer high paying local careers as an incentive to keep young people here after graduation. He also suggested the community’s high rates of opioid- and heroin-related deaths could be a byproduct of the tough economic times in his district. “There are some storm clouds on the horizon,” Fitzpatrick said. “The lack of jobs, the lack of housing — I think the stress that life on Long Island puts on people, on families, maybe people are using as an outlet. Obviously they are.” Fitzpatrick was also involved in the passing of a series of bills earlier this year designed to combat addiction on the North Shore and beyond. As a result, insurers must cover the costs of life-saving Narcan
to families with individuals suffering from substance abuse. Substance abusers are now offered 72 hours of emergency treatment, instead of 48 hours, so they can be stabilized and connected to longer-term addiction treatment options while also balancing the individual rights of the incapacitated individuals, among other benefits. Macellaro said he believes penalties for dealers could be harsher, though it is not the only possible solution to the problem. “We need to have increased penalties for drug traffickers and dealers, and we also need to get those folks who, unfortunately, for whatever reason, become addicted to opiates — we need to get them immediate rehabilitative services.” The Assemblyman said he believes in the “invisible hand” as a means of economic development, meaning government policies cause more harm than good in the private sector, and called the statewide START-UP NY stimulus program a failure. “Government-directed economic development does not work,” he said. Macellaro has a different, if outsidethe-box, plan for economic development through a measure that would lower property taxes. “I think now is the time to look at how we rein in the cost of providing education in Suffolk County and Nassau County, of which there are 124 school districts,” he said. “There are 13 towns in Nassau and Suffolk — three in Nassau, 10 in Suffolk. My proposal is simple: one school district per town. So from 124 school districts, we’ll get down to around 13.” He said the idea would allow districts to pay for services like maintenance, athletic fields, security and even administrators in “bulk.” He strongly supported legislation to cap increases to property taxes. “The two percent tax cap is great because it forced government into reducing their costs,” he said. “We have to do anything possible to prevent any increase in property taxes.”
Watch for election results in next week’s issues and online at
Sample Ballot
Photos by Victoria Espinoza
Scenes from Huntington’s Halloween Parade on Main Street Monday, Oct. 31
Havrilla’s PK save leads Tigers to Class AA title By Desirée Keegan Northport goalkeeper Emma Havrilla has a way of firing up her team, and with one swift motion, she lit the match. Less than a minute into the second half, Northport’s Havrilla moved just slightly to her left to block Amanda Sheradin’s penalty kick, which could have been the difference-maker for Smithtown West, and then dove on the rebound to keep the scoreboard blank. No. 2 Smithtown West had been dominating the ball up to the penalty kick save but that stop, which was one of Havrilla’s 13, sparked a turnaround.
Northport 3 Smithtown 0
“I looked into her eyes and I could see the fear; I knew where she was going,” Havrilla said. “It gave our team more confidence. Then, after the first goal we scored, we kept the momentum going.” No. 1 Northport shut out Smithtown West 3-0 to claim the Suffolk County Class AA title for the first time in three years. The Tigers were eliminated in the semifinals each of the last two seasons. Past disappointment served as motivation this season, according to at least one Tiger. “Our team has been working so hard since that loss to Massapequa [in the 2013 Long Island championship game], and we’re finally back here,” defender Stephanie Rapp said. “We’ve been working so hard since August, and it’s finally our time to shine.” Rapp was one of two girls tasked with shutting down Smithtown West’s leading offensive threat, Sarah Harrington. Rapp and Harrington were teammates on a travel team in the past, so Rapp had an advantage over most defenders in the league. “She’s amazing in the air and with her footwork, so we had to put pressure on her to keep her out,” Rapp said. The Bulls had a few more chances at a goal, but Havrilla refused to yield. At 23:23, Victoria Colatosti chipped in what ended up being the game winner. “It was back and forth,” Colatosti said of the action in front of the net. “Paige Leonard got a touch off in the 18 box, I saw an open shot and took it, and thank God it went in.” Northport made it 2-0 on Emily McNelis’ goal with less than 10 minutes left in the contest, and 3-0 on Emily Zeblisky’s goal with four minutes remaining.
Photos by Desirée Keegan
Clockwise from top left, Victoria Colatosti and Paige Leonard celebrate the first goal of the game; emma Havrilla makes a save; stephanie rapp sends the ball out of northport’s zone; and Havrilla stops smithtown West’s penalty kick attempt. “To see our attack finally come together like they have all season was huge,” Northport head coach Aija Gipp said, adding that her team built on its aggressiveness to put the pressure on. “It gives us that confidence going into the next round. After Emma’s stop with the PK, it just woke them up and they killed it out there.” Northport will get its rematch against Massapequa Nov. 4 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Jo-
seph’s College. Colatosti is confident, and added that although it’s not going to be easy, it’s going to be a game she’s excited to be a part of. “It feels so good to finally be where we should be,” she said. “Losing last year in the semifinals — that shouldn’t have happened, so it feels good to be where we deserved to be and where we’ve been working hard to be.”
Stick with Fitzpatrick When it comes to the 8th Assembly District, we believe incumbent Michael Fitzpatrick is the only choice. Seeking his ninth term in office, Fitzpatrick has a clear understanding of what his constituents need and knows how to get it done. He has supported bills to curb the heroin problem facing thousands of North Shore residents and for a 2 percent tax levy cap for school districts to limit spending.
Fitzpatrick’s years of experience serving in the Assembly are also a plus for us, as he has the know-how and experience to create and pass new bills to help the district. We appreciate Rich Macellaro dedicating his time to try and serve the public. When he sat down with us, his passion was clear, but we see Fitzpatrick as the stronger candidate.
Forward with Flanagan We admire Peter Magistrale (D) for running against a political institution like John Flanagan (R-East Northport) at such a young age. He is very passionate about statutes of limitation regarding sexual abuse claims, an issue we’d be glad to see him continue to fight for regardless of the outcome of this election. His idealism is an asset that could serve the community in the future. We also have heard enough from Stephen Ruth to consider his cause regarding red light cameras and yellow light times something worth looking into as a community. However, we are endorsing John Flanagan to retain his seat as the state senator for New York’s 2nd Senate District.
We support him both for what he has already accomplished in his 14 years in the position — like the fights he gladly took up against the Gap Elimination Adjustment and heroin abuse in his district and beyond — and for what we hope he can bring to the district in the future. He is constantly visible, available and receptive to his constituents and has helped along with State Sen. Ken LaValle (R-Port Jefferson) to make Stony Brook University what it is today, which is a tremendous asset to the community. We certainly hope Magistrale continues to look to serve his community, but for this election and this seat, we enthusiastically stand by Flanagan.
Make a new choice with Martins The congressional race between Tom Suozzi (D) and Jack Martins (R) in the 3rd district is an exciting one, with no incumbent and thus no clear front-runner. After listening to both candidates, we were more impressed with Martins’ points of view and ideas to improve New York. While Martins is running on the Republican ticket, he was not afraid to stray from his party’s traditional ideologies, including his stance on the funding of Planned Parenthood, gun control reform and climate change. Martins described himself as a man in the middle, and we would agree. For example, while he is pro-life, Martins said he does not support defunding Planned Parenthood and believes intimate health decisions should not involve gov-
ernment officials. He has a proven record of bringing improvements to the area he served in the New York State Senate, and he also brought up some of the projects he was defeated on, showing that he understands the need to listen to a community when they don’t support ideas. We believe he would do the same for the 3rd Congressional District. It’s also important to note Martins came into our office for an interview, and Suozzi was only able to speak on the phone, which is a less effective forum. Suozzi also has a long record of public service, and he certainly understands the problems facing the district. He has some great ideas to improve New York, but when you can only chose one, we chose Martins.
Move forward with Raia in N’pt Andy Raia (R-East Northport) has long been an asset to the East-Northport/Huntington community, where he has served for eight terms in the New York State Assembly and lived for his entire life. We don’t see why that would change were he given a ninth term. Being a lifelong resident of the district, Raia has an acute knowledge of the issues, from opioid addiction to gun violence to concerns about water quality. Health care has long been an important issue for the assemblyman, even before he became the ranking minority member on the Health Committee in 2013. He has also served on the Education, Social Services, Job Creation and Eco-
nomic Development committees during his time in office, among several others. These distinctions prove not only his diverse experience across many important fields, but they also prove the respect he’s earned from his peers to be put in positions again and again. Spencer Rumsey (D) displayed an admirable desire to serve and brings a perspective not often seen in the political realm, which is that of a career journalist. His experience covering issues like opioid and heroin abuse as a member of the media would make his voice a valuable one. However, we would like to see Raia have the chance to build on the good work he has already done.
In a tight race in Huntington Station, leave it to Lupinacci Truth be told, this was the most difficult endorsement decision we had to come to during this election cycle. New York State Assemblyman Chad Lupinacci (R-Huntington Station) is looking for his fourth term in office, and challenger Ed Perez (D) is a formidable opponent. In the end, we stand by Lupinacci. He has supported water quality legislation, heroin legislation and worked to increase financial aid opportunities for SUNY students. He is also still acutely aware of the local problems facing his area, like the rash of violent incidents Huntington Station has seen in the past few years. We believe Lu-
pinacci will continue to have a positive impact on his district and will both draft and support bills that will improve the quality of life for his constituents. We were almost swayed by Perez. He is exactly what a voter should want of a candidate: a resident who has lived in the area for many years, is deeply involved in local organizations and has a record of working to improve his community. Perez was also up to date on the issues facing the 10th district. We believe he has a very strong chance of winning another race — if he chooses to run again. In fact, we hope he does.
Give her the throne Freshman Congressman Lee Zeldin (RShirley) has done some admirable things for constituents of the 1st district. A veteran himself, with four years of active duty — including a deployment to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and nine years in the Army Reserves — he has done a lot for Long Island veterans. He was also instrumental in the signing into law of an amendment that bears his name, allowing states to opt out of Common Core without fear that there will be any loss of federal funding as a result. That’s a victory for the nearly unanimous animus we’ve heard candidates express for the program this fall. Challenger Anna Throne-Holst (D) was elected four times to the Southampton
Town Board and, as town supervisor, fixed financial problems, streamlined the budget and put the reallocated funds to use improving quality of life for Southampton residents. And she did this while in the minority, working with Republicans. Now she hopes to bring that skill set to Congress and we’d like to see her do it. These are both hard-working, dedicated politicians, but one aligns with our values and ideals better. Only Throne-Holst believes in background checks for gun purchasers, revamping the existing Affordable Care Act, protecting a woman’s right to choose and overturning Citizen’s United. We endorse Anna Throne-Holst to be our next congressperson.
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opinion Taking small steps, and stretching, to prevent big problems
f an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, what should we be preventing? Well, we all brush our teeth. At least, we do most of the time, assuming we haven’t relaxed under the covers too long on a cold night and haven’t allowed ourselves to drift off to a wonderful, warm place where we don’t have to worry about meetings, tests, social anxiety, or delayed trains the next day. Did we also floss? That’s By Daniel Dunaief a ridiculous question for those of us who have seen the 1992 movie Prelude to a Kiss. At the end of the film, Julius, played by Sydney
D. None of the above
Walker, has returned to his body after switching with Meg Ryan on her wedding day. An older man, Julius asks if he can give the young couple a piece of advice. “Floss,” he advises sagely. Okay, so, what else do we prevent? We change the oil in our cars, or maybe a service station does that. They also probably check our brakes, realign our wheels, and check all our other fluids. That’s all good and seems necessary. How often we do that depends on our tradition and our comfort level with our vehicles. Then, there’s our bodies. Insurance plans seem to cover the cost of an annual physical. The doctor asks us about any changes, takes some samples, and gets back to us, reminding us to eat better, to sleep better and to exercise more often. Those visits can either be a source of great pride, as we walk in noticeably lighter than we were last year, or a source of frustration, as the weight we lost the year before seems to
have boomeranged back to us. For our bodies, we can also take some preventive steps. I recently endured some lower back problems. I always thought the one advantage of being on the shorter side was that I wouldn’t have to worry about the bad backs some of the tall people of the world suffer. Wrong. My lower back was so stiff that climbing out of a car took much longer than it should, while walking down steps or a slight incline caused me to wince. My chiropractor helped relieve that pain and gave me some back exercises, which I now do semi-regularly. Okay, well, I don’t do them as often as I brush my teeth, but I do take some time to stretch and strengthen my lower back. When I was young and playing sports, I used to arrive at a field and play baseball, basketball or anything else and immediately start running at top speed. I barely stretched because I couldn’t wait to play. Fast forward to today and the
Some last minute thoughts on Election 2016
ne fact that we can all agree on at the tail end of this clamorous and divisive election season is how happy we are that it is almost over. In a presidential campaign that has been part entertainment, part embarrassment, only slightly about the grave issues of the day, but wholly history making, the people are exhausted. Bombarded relentlessly with political messages, robocalls, By Leah S. Dunaief knocks at the door, endless campaign literature and ugly ads, citizens are yearning for an end. May it all truly be over next Tuesday night. For all the talk, though, about how insufferable the electioneering has been, the candidates have gotten the attention, albeit negatively, of the electorate. At business lunches,
Between you and me
during hair-stylist appointments, at cocktail parties and the daily exchanges at the bus stops, the latest election tomfoolery is the topic of the day. Conversations about the weather, that perennial conversation fodder, are finally being overtaken by the latest political revelations. For a nation that has long been declared apolitical, we breathlessly keep up with who has hurled what insult at whom and what new leaks the media are revealing. It seems to matter little if the leaks are corroborated or not, and social media, the preferred vehicle for dissemination, does not automatically offer any fact checking. Anyone can get away with saying anything, and the more outrageous and indecent, the greater number of viewers. The gloves of decency and civility are off. In our presidential election, we are exploring the twists and turns of sexual accusations — out in the open for everyone to see. London’s backbenchers in Parliament pale with their insults compared to us. At least theirs are often witty. Except for Saturday Night Live, there has been little in these last two years of intense
TIMES BEacon rEcord nEWS MEdIa
We welcome letters, photographs, comments and story ideas. Send your items to P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733 or email to Times Beacon Record Newspapers are published every Thursday. Subscription $49/year • 631-751-7744 • Contents copyright 2016
campaigning to earn a good laugh. Has our country demonstrated less bigotry by naming a woman as standard-bearer for one of the two major parties? Or has our obvious double standard become only more painfully obvious, with so many men declaring publicly their unwillingness to ever vote for a woman as leader? The same question, about race rather than gender, was posed eight years ago when we elected the first black president. With painful irony, amidst our self-congratulatory open-mindedness, it seems more racial incidents have played out since that election than when George Wallace stood in the doorway and refused entry to black school children. Will the same ironies ensue in the event of a Clinton victory? Perhaps it is cleansing to have our faults out in the open — acknowledgement as the first step toward healing. At least there has been no talk about ageism the way there was during the Reagan campaign in 1980. Both candidates today are within a couple of years of each other and of the biblical endpoint of three score and ten. At least that is
EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Leah S. Dunaief GENERAL MANAGER Johness Kuisel MANAGING EDITOR Desirée Keegan EDITOR Victoria Espinoza
true weekend warrior in me, who has endured a groin strain and a partial tear of my rotator cuff, requires at least 10 to 15 minutes of stretching. As with most life lessons, we become more aware of pitfalls and potholes after we’ve fallen into them. My experience with kidney stones means that I barely go a waking hour without drinking a cup of water. When the doctor told me that half of all kidney stone patients return within five years, I immediately decided I wanted to be in the other half, so I’m drinking water constantly. I’m sure there are other house items we should maintain, like heaters, air conditioners, dishwashers, refrigerators and other appliances. After all, even though so many of those run for long periods of time without needing any service, they probably won’t require anything major if we give them that extra ounce of preventive attention.
something to be grateful for. In this election season, as with every other during which we have been publishing, we have tried hard to remain as neutral as possible and present you, our readers, with the news in a balanced fashion. There are a number of local races, all critically important for their ultimate effects on our daily lives. As we have always done, we have spent hundreds of hours throughout the month of October interviewing candidates for each local office, two-bytwo, and we have asked them questions and passed the answers along to you in our election section this week. We have also distilled this information during many more hours of discussion among our editorial board members and offered endorsements on our editorial pages. In no way do we intend this to dictate how you should vote. Rather we are telling you how we will vote after the journalistic privilege of personally questioning the candidates and covering the incumbents throughout their terms. We owe you, our readers, no less.