The Times of Huntington-Northport - December 24, 2015

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The TIMES of Huntington • Northport • East Northport

Cold Spring Harbor • lloyd Harbor • lloyd nECK • HalESitE • HUntington bay • grEEnlawn • CEntErport • aSHaroKEn • Eaton’S nECK • Fort Salonga–wESt Volume 12, No. 37

December 24, 2015


Holiday Memories also: ‘Star wars: the Force awakens’ review, ‘in the Heart of the Sea’ in Cold Spring Harbor, wildlife artist roger Kramer

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Put it on my tab Legislature looks at payment plans for ticketed drivers

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Photo by Steve Silverman

dasHiNg tHrougH tHE villagE: santa claus and Mrs. claus visited asharoken Village Hall on Dec. 20 to spread holiday

cheer to children and parents alike. above, santa and Mrs. claus pose with members of asharoken’s police department.

Leadership shift at two school districts By Victoria Espinoza

Change is in the air in Harborfields and Cold Spring Harbor school districts. Superintendent Judith Wilansky, who has served Cold Spring Harbor for the past eight years, and Superintendent Diana Todaro, who has been at Harborfields for 14 years, and lead as superintendent for three, announced their retirements this past week. While Cold Spring Harbor

has just begun the search for a new superintendent, Harborfields has already named Todaro’s successor: current Assistant Superintendent for Administration and Human Resources, Dr. Francesco Ianni. Todaro’s contract had been extended through June 2017 by the school board, however, she said she wanted to “accelerate the timeline in order to mentor my successor within the upcoming school year and provide the SCHOOLS continued on page A8

left photo from Karen Spehler; file photo above

at left, cold spring Harbor superintendent Judith Wilansky is leaving her position next school year. at right, Harborfields superintendent Diana todaro will do the same in 2017.

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