The Art & Architecture Building - a design perspective

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B Trista


The Process



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The Art and Architecture Building is located at the University of Tennessee. This is a wonderful example of how the progression of design is reflected in our environment. As a unique building, the design process has been carefully thought through. The logic and aesthetics presented by this building are inspirational to everyone. This book is a tribute to the design process and environment in which we create.

Acknowledgments All photography, text, and production by Trista Busch

Typographic Elements

2009 Š Trista Busch


Helvetica Neue

Ultra Light Light Regular Bold



a gr id an d ou r bu ildin gs re flect this.

As design affects our lives. We learn, change and grow through design.

The grid is

an im

port ant aspe ct o f de sign , and

life. We liv

e in

Progression is inevitable, and as we progress, or surroundings progress with us.

Angles and Lines Creative Guides

Angles and lines help to guide our eyes through an image. Concrete and steel work as lines in architecture. This aspect of design creates a structure and supports the grid. There are many ways to maintain these lines and angles without going overboard. Stairwells and corners are subtle ways to createdirection without over emphasizing. Concentration on being subtle is extremely important when maintaining the grid. Lines and angles can also create a structural context for texture. Since lines and angles create texture, it is essential that all elements in a design become cohesive and clear.

Mundane locations can become obscure and exciting when looking through a graphic eye. Shapes can create interesting reference points in a design. A simple fold or crevice in a shape can transform the viewers perspective.

Shapes create contrast in a design. This allows the viewer points of interest to reference. Shapes also work as lines and angles when dealing with both the internal and external structure of the grid. This aspect of design also relates to the texture of an element, and strongly influences the grid. The grid can be created through shape, and form the design elements necessary to support a strong grid structure. Contrast is one of the most important elements in constructing a successful design piece. This idea of contrast moves the viewers eyes to a focal point, and also gives the viewer time to visually breath while viewing. Without these pause areas, also known as negative space, the viewer is lost and can not focus on the overall aesthetics of a piece.

Texture can be created through intentional lines or through the weathering of a building. Texture creates a humanistic feel instead of being so cold and ridged. Also, texture creates multiple layers to a grid system. Smooth surfaces control your eye to apex points within a grid while a rouged texture blends into the grid. Since texture is an element inside the grid, it can become distracting, or help to emphasize meaningful relationships. Textures connote emotion within a building regardless of intention.

An air vent located inside the Art and Architecture Building

Shapes Contrast



With Intent

Color plays an important roll in design. It can change the meaning of an object, and define intention. Through color aesthetics can be altered for better or worse. Color plays an intricate roll in adding or subtracting to a design. While it can be quite successful if used properly, color can also create chaos and uncertainty. Color can also be relative to texture and add an element of whimsy.

Color must be used with care. Choices must be 100% intentional in order to be effective. Without careful placement of color there is no structure. Without structure there is no grid. The grid is sensitive to color, and can be destroyed or distracted from if used improperly. Color is an exciting element to use, so it is important not to over use. Too much of a good thing is detrimental.


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