We Keep the Co-op
Rolling Mechanic Luis Otero, Mechanic Troy Pickles, and Lead Mechanic Paul Burnett March & April 2017 Vol. 20 • No. 4
Unclaimed Capital Credits
Page 4
A Solid Investment in Your Electric Cooperative As a member of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, you make an investment in the Co-op every time you pay your bill. This collective investment in the Co-op benefits you and the community immediately and over time. So what exactly is this monthly investment, and how do you benefit from it? The basic facility charge is a monthly investment that helps your co-op cover a portion of the expenses of maintaining the overall electric system. Combating cyber security threats and maintaining poles, wires, substations and co-op equipment takes strategic planning and significant resources. This basic facility charge essentially ensures
that all equipment operates properly and that staff is trained and ready so that lights turn on when you need them. Regardless of how much electricity a particular family uses, the cost of delivering power to that house is the same. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we believe the operational costs should be spread fairly and equitably across all of our members, regardless of the level of electricity use. That is why every member pays the basic facility charge each month to cover basic operational costs. All residential members are charged the same amount for the cost of operation since all members benefit from the
Your monthly investment ensures you have access to safe, reliable and affordable power when you need it.
Julius Hackett, CEO same service. In essence, this gives each Co-op member an equal share in the Cooperative’s operations. Your monthly investment ensures you have access to safe, reliable and affordable power when you need it. We appreciate and value the investment that you make in the Co-op each month, and we strive to use that investment wisely for the benefit of all members of our community.
Tri-County Trustees Earn National Certifications Recently, three Tri-County Electric Cooperative trustees earned national certifications from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), which represents more than 900 of the nation’s electric cooperatives. These certifications reflect the commitment your TCEC Board members have to being good stewards of the Cooperative.
Trustees George Webb (District 4) and Gary Fulford (District 6) received their Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) certificates. In order to be awarded this certification, the trustees completed indepth courses on cooperative governance and energy industry basics. District 2 Trustee Bobby Dodd received Director Gold status by completing NRECA’s highest educational
credential certification. This certificate program provides advanced learning opportunities to cooperative board members who have previously earned NRECA’s CCD and Board Leadership Certificate (BLC) certifications. TCEC congratulates the trustees on their commitment to the industry and organization, and most importantly, to the members they represent.
Trustee Elmer Coker (left) presents Trustee George Webb with his Credentialed Cooperative Director certificate.
Board Secretary/Treasurer Catherine Bethea (left) presents Trustee Gary Fulford with his Credentialed Cooperative Director certificate.
Trustee Bobby Dodd (left) is presented with his Director Gold certificate from Board President Gary Fulford.
March & April 2017
Electric Co-op Employees Build Ramp for Member in Need Recently, Tri-County Electric Cooperative employees partnered with Ability 1st to build a ramp for Ms. Edna Peters, a longtime resident of Jefferson County and member of TCEC. Ms. Peters was in dire need of a ramp for her home due to her severe orthopedicand arthritis-related health issues. TCEC employees worked together to complete the ramp in just one day with the help of Eric Evans, Ability 1st Crew Supervisor. The ramp will provide Ms. Peters with a level of independence that she was soon to lose if she became unable to climb the stairs leading into her home. Now she can safely enter and leave her home without added pain and discomfort to have continued access to the community she loves. TCEC came to work with Ability 1st through its continued support and participation with United Way. Ability 1st is a public service organization that partners with businesses and civic groups to assist persons with disabilities in achieving or maintaining their level of independence. They receive all funds through United Way and individual donors. Kevin Ogden, Accessibility Program Manager at Ability 1st, worked closely with TCEC to find a Co-op member in need of a ramp, and Ms. Peters was the perfect match. The 28 foot ramp and porch modifications would typically cost over $600 in materials alone, but because of the great working relationship between Ability 1st and local retailers, the total for the ramp came to just over
Tri-County Electric Cooperative employees partnered with Ability 1st to build a ramp for a Jefferson County resident. Pictured from left to right are TCEC CEO Julius Hackett, Carol Timmons, Tom Rucks, Terry Dobson, Eileen Herndon, Ms. Edna Peters, Kaitlynn Culpepper, Jason Hughey, Willie Bell, Bryan McMullen and Kyle King. $460. All material costs were covered by TCEC employees, making it completely free to her. “Co-op Principle No. 7 is ‘Concern for Community’,” said Kaitlynn Culpepper, Community Relations Specialist at TCEC. “Building this ramp for Ms. Edna is just one of the many ways TCEC is committed to that principle. We were all teary-eyed when Ms. Edna came out to inspect her new ramp. She was speechless. It was life
changing for her, and us, too.” TCEC plans to build more ramps in the future, possibly in the other counties they serve: Madison and Taylor. They will continue their partnership with Ability 1st as their goal to enrich the lives of members of the community is the same. If you or your organization is interested in volunteering with Ability 1st, contact Kevin Ogden at (850) 575-9621, Ext. 106.
Find Your Hidden Account Number & Get a $150 Bill Credit! Hidden somewhere in this issue of Tri-County Rural Living are two member account numbers. Look carefully, one might be yours. If you find your account number exactly as it appears on your bill for electric service, we’ll credit your bill up to the amount of $150!* You have until April 30, 2017, to claim your credit by calling Carol Timmons at (850) 973-2285, Ext. 203 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. You must contact the TCEC representative before the deadline to collect your prize. Congratulations to last issue’s winner: Jacquelin Sue Rye * Total credit on bill will not exceed $150.00. This one-time credit is valid only on the current balance. Any balance remaining after the $150.00 applied credit is the member’s responsibility.
March & April 2017
Capital Credit Checks — Another Benefit of Being a Cooperative Member Tri-County Electric Cooperative is a non-profit organization owned by the members who purchase power from it, and any revenue in excess of what TCEC needs to pay expenses is returned to those members in the form of Capital Credits. Every year the TCEC Board of Trustees decides the amount of Capital Credits the Cooperative can retire without impairing the Cooperative’s financial condition. In December 2016, that amount was $1,235,875. This Capital Credits refund represents 100% of our members’ Capital Credit accounts from 1989 and 75% of our
members’ Capital Credit accounts from 1990. Refunds are based on the amount of electricity the member purchased that year, so refund amounts vary in proportion to the amount of electricity each member used during 1989 and 1990. Capital Credit checks were mailed to our members in December 2016, and half of those checks were between $100 and $500. Eligible members with a Capital Credit in excess of $10 were mailed a check, and members with a Capital Credit of less than $10 were issued a credit on their bill.
TCEC makes every effort to ensure our members receive the Capital Credits they are due. To accomplish this, it is very important for TCEC to have your current mailing address. Many of the checks are returned by the U.S. Post Office marked as undeliverable. If you think you may be entitled to one of these unclaimed checks, a partial listing is included on the next page. A full list is published at www.tcec.com. If you see your name, please call Tri-County Electric at 1-800-999-2285, Ext. 203, to claim your check.
Kaitlynn Culpepper presented the Town of Greenville with a Capital Credit check for $3,095.51 during the December Town Council meeting. (L–R) Barbara Dansey, Mayor Calvin Malone, Kaitlynn Culpepper, Brandi Seabrooks, Joi Collins and Kovacherich Arnold
J.B. (Jimmy) Davis, Jr. received a Capital Credit check for $9,739.11.
Stephanie Carroll presented John P. Maultsby with a $45,676 Capital Credit check to Florida Plywood for their patronage capital allocation for portions of 1989 and 1990.
Sandy Murphy and Shanna Dodimead accepted the $2,145.36 Capital Credit check on behalf of the Taylor County School Board.
March & April 2017
Returned Capital Credit Checks Partial List Abrams, Harvey Addison, Marie Albritton, Ronnie Alexander, Cheryl Alexander, Eddie L Alexander, Yvonne Allen, Lonnie Aluminum Stainless Products Alvarez, Billy Ames, Theodore Anderson, Nellie Andrews, Kendall Apple Pie Construction Co Bailey, Gayle Baker, Linda Barnes, Don Barnes, Teresa Bass, Tammy D Baxter, Donna Beagle, James R Bear Construction Co Bedle, Harvey Beggs, Edward Bell, Dennis Bennett, Cheryl Bentley, Gerald Bethal AME Church Beville, John Beville, John Jr Birch, Sandra Blair, Dorothy Bland, Mary Blanton, Laura Ann Bonds, K G Booth, Doyle Borst, Larry Bowman, David W Branham, James O Brantley, Gracie Braren, Walter III & Diane Brinson, Larry Brooks, Cecil Brooks, Terrie Brown, Charles Brown, Gary J Brown, Karen Browning, Robin Buck, B C Bulloch, John Burton, Everett Bussie, Florence Califf, Cristen Camp, Lawrence Canopy Management Canuette, Walter Capelle, Jerry Carter, Charlie Caudill, Linette Cauley, William or Audrey Cave, Ginny L Chamblin, Jerry Chasteen, Mary Van Cherry, Malinda Chestnut, John Clark, Ben Clark, Brian Clark, Ida Clement, Rocky Clifford, Robert
March & April 2017
Collins, Melissa Concord Baptist Church Cone, Kathryn Conroy, William Coody, Louis T Cooey’s Restaurant Cook, Bill Cook, Charles Cook, James Cooke, Cleo Cooks, Marion Cooksey, J D Corbin, Rose Marie Corley, James Crago, Essie Crews, Michael Cross City Marine Annex Cross Country Nurses Cruce, Karen J Crump, Jill Crump, Teresa Cupp, Kenneth Curtis, John A Darby, Jerry Das, Raul Davenport, Blair Davis, B L Jr Davis, Betty G Day, Eva Mae Day, Evelyn Denmark, Bob W Dennis, Andrew Devane, Janice Dickey, Mae Dixie Electrical Contractors Dodd, Nina Doege, Erwin Drawdy, Donnie & Kathy Drawdy, William D Duarte, Marvin Dutton, Floyd Dutton, Harry J Edison, Wanda Edlebeck, Teresa & Arthur Edwards, Jackie Edwards, Paul Ellinor, Mike & Gloria Ellison, Diane Ernest, Abbie Eskins, Robert Eubanks Excavating Ezell, Ted Faircloth, Martha Fallon, Joe Fernandez, Mario Fife, Jean Finecey, Frank Fink, Robert Fischer, Ron Fisher, John Fouraker, Carly G Fraize, Don Francis, Percy & Ollie Jones Fraser, John Fussell, Tommy Gallon, Mary Gargiulo, Gloria Garis, William E
Gay, Wayne Gear, Lola Gill, Robert Ginn, Larry Gipson, Larry Gnapp, Gregory Gorday, Silas Graham, J D Grantham, James Grantham, Richard Grantham, Sharon Green, Walter Gregory, James Griffith, Johnnie Groover, Deloris Hall, Donald Hall, Elizabeth Hampton, Tommy L Hancock, James Harnage, Jo Harrier, Traci Harris, Margaret M Harris, Ted F Hasenfelt, Timothy Hayden, Mary N Hayes, Richard A Haygood, Bill Haynes, Willie Hendricks, Patrica Gail Hendry, Charles Hendry, Ella Mae Hill, Marilyn Hillman, Gary Hockaday, Gary Holeman, J A Holmes, Donna Holmes, J H Jr Horne, Neva Hurst Cable Inc Hurst, Raymond Ibbitson, Don Ingram, Arthur Jackson, Catherine D Jackson, John L Janiak, Stanley Jarrett, Robert Johns, Bobby Johnson, Bruce Johnson, Duane Johnson, Pamela E Johnson, Terina Johnson, Vaudine Jolley, Bobbie Joyce, Clara D Judd, Robert & Emily Keaton, Patricia Keiser, Jacqueline Kellar, Betsy Kelley, Brice Kelley, Timothy Kennedy, Michael Kersey, Doreen Kilgo, James Kimberlin, Linda Kimmel, Jack King, J Paul King, James H Kinsley, Lora Knapp, Tom Knipp, Paul
Kool Tyme Ice Lacy, Ruth Lamonte, Raye Land, Bobby Leavins, Thomas Lee, Carl E Lester, John Lewis, Ashley Lewis, Paula Louder, Larry L Lutz, Jack W Lynch, Robert Lyon, William A MacDonell, Marcy Madison Air Parts Mallard, Lyman Mansfield, Dayna Mardis, Donald Marsh, M N Martin, Paula Martin, Robert Chris Mason Market, Inc Mathis, Shannon Matthews, Michael N Maxley, James Maxwell, William McCellan, Bernie McClellan, Herschel McCloud, Shirley McCloud, Wilma R McCranie, Kathleen McCullough, Virginia McCurrack, Robert C & Catherine McKinney, M H or Belitha McKinney, Scott McLeod, Delvina McVicker, Sandra Meade, Brenda Merritt, Rhonda Miller, Charles Miller, George A Minshew, Glenda Moore, James Melba Moore, Jerry Morgan, Charles Morgan, Jamie L Morris, Howard Morris, William Mullendore, Gary Neely, Wanda S New Hopeful Bapt Church Newman, Linda Nola, Tommy Norris, Carmen Norris, Jim Norwood, Joey I Oakey, C F Jr Odom, Fred Odom, Leonard Odom, Lois Odom, Tony R Odom, Walter Edward Jr Ordnance Products Inc Osburn, W F Osteen, Olif Oswald, Lou Oswald, Wilbur Pafford Oil Company Palmer, C E
Paris, Richard D Parker, Billy Joe Parker, Essie M Parker, Leonard Parker, Melvin Parker, Ralph Douglas Paul, Joyce Pearson, P L Perdue, Lemon E Phillips, Bill Pickles, Douglas Jr Pickron, Lisa Plemons, Charles Plyler, Penny Popham, Renae Porta, James D Porter, Arnold Prator, Thomas J Prentiss, Richard Pruvost, Henry Purvis, Milan Ramada Inn Ramsey, Martin Rankin, Athol Reaves, Donna Redding, Michelle Reed, Bobby Jr Reedy, Michael Rhoden, Gerald Rhodes, Harold L & Lois Richardson, Ernestine Richardson, Patricia Rivers, Nero Jr Rivers, Sylvia Roberts, Tim D Roebuck, Robin Roland, John R Rose, Bertie Ruth Rose, Don Ross, Barbara Rouse, Charles Rudd, W W Jr Russell, Kelly C Rutherford, George Sadler, Virginia Salmons, Frank & Marilyn Sammons, Kenneth Samson, Willie Sandefur, Frank Sasso, Andrea Satterwhite, Jay Saturley, Joe Scott, Renee Scott, Robert Seals, James Sears, Rhonda Shelt, Boyd Shields, Thomas Shouppe, Stephen Simmons, Eugene Simmons, Larry D Skelton, Chris Skelton, Floyd Skinner, Deborah Smith, Fincher Smith, Gladys Smyrnios, Manuel Soderstrom, William D Souter, Willie Southern Magnolia Corp
Spears, Carey Spivey, Mary Spratt, Margaret Sproat, Larry W & Martina Staat, William Stark, Timothy Stayrook, Robert Stephens, Shannon Stone, S S Jr Strickland, Forest Strickland, Karen Stroud, Avery Stroud, Keith Strout, Dean Suggs, Charler Suwannee Swifty Store #304 Tedder, R P Telemedia Co Temples, Virginia Tharpe, Patricia Thompson, Cassandra Thompson, Walter Tillery, Edward & Eileen Tomlin, Charles Townsend Farms Inc Trager, Don Tree Capital Transport Trisch, Ron Tyler, David Vann, Freeda Vanslette, Fred Vickers, J G Jr Viele, Richard Vinson, Janice Vista Communications Wainwright, Lawrence Wakefield, Wayne Walker, Teresa Walls, Ernest Waters, Bethany C Waters, C W Waters, E M Watkins, Deborah Watkins, Ronald Watson, Theresa Watts, Charles Weaver, Dale Webb, Dunell Whiddon, Lisa White, Donna K White, Jimmie White, Robert Whitehead, Andrew Whitt, Bernice Williams, Janice Williams, Mary Ann Williams, Teresa Willis, Gordon Willoughby, Linda Wilson, Andrea Wilson, Earl L Wilson, Myrtice Wingate, Wilson Wood, Alan Wood, Elizabeth Woodard, Charles & Clarise Wynn, Cathy Yeoman, Lynn
Welcome to the
FLEET MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT This crew keeps your Cooperative rolling
Just like a NASCAR driver depends on his pit crew to keep his car race ready, Tri-County Electric depends on our fleet maintenance crew to keep our Co-op vehicles work ready. TCEC’s fleet maintenance department is made up of three talented men with over 50 years of combined fleet experience and more than 100 years of mechanical experience. Together they maintain the Co-op’s 45 vehicles that include bucket trucks, line trucks, pickups, service vehicles and a host of power tools. On average, Co-op vehicles are driven more than 800,000 miles a year, and our fleet crew is equipped to handle almost any issue that arises. They do so much more than oil changes or tire rotations, they can be found in the field repairing a busted hydraulic line on a bucket to rebuilding the engine of a chain saw. Our mechanics work closely with our line and right-of-way crews to make sure they have
the equipment they need and everything is in working order. Our fleet shop is also the central installation facility for new Co-op vehicles before they are placed into service. Bucket trucks and line trucks are complex vehicles and our fleet crew will install all the
equipment necessary for crews to get the job done. If something extra is needed, they are also capable of fabricating special equipment. When these men aren’t working, they enjoy spending time with their families as well as hunting and fishing.
The fleet maintenance department: (left to right) Mechanic Troy Pickles, Lead Mechanic Paul Burnett and Mechanic Luis Otero.
March & April 2017
Lead Mechanic Paul Burnett
Mechanic Troy Pickles
Mechanic Luis Otero
Paul Burnett, the Co-op’s lead mechanic, joined TCEC in 1983 right out of high school when he was hired to help wash, sand and paint the trucks and equipment. He has 33 years of hands-on experience combined with line and bucket truck service and maintenance and A/C training. When you ask Paul what he likes best about his job, he’s quick to tell you, “TriCounty is a great company to work for and has a lot of good people working here. I like the challenge of working on the bucket trucks and line trucks.”
Mechanic Troy Pickles has been at the Co-op for 11 years. He is an experienced welder and fabricator. He does a lot of hydraulic and heavy equipment repair. Troy also enjoys his job in fleet maintenance. He says, “I love TCEC and the people I work with. I like the challenges of welding and fabricating and otherwise accomplishing things that people say can’t be done.”
Mechanic Luis Otero rounds out the fleet crew and will mark a decade of service this year with the Co-op. He is well trained in all aspects of mechanical work and diagnostics. He specializes in brakes, suspension and A/C repair. Luis speaks fluent Spanish and frequently assists the Co‑op’s Spanish speaking members with interpretation when needed. Keep an eye out for Luis; he’s often spotted on a tractor near the Co-op’s substations, keeping the property maintained.
We are grateful for the work our fleet mechanic crew performs and know we can rely on them to keep your Cooperative rolling! March & April 2017
Co-op System is Getting an Upgrade Tri-County Electric Cooperative is currently working on two large projects to enhance the reliability in the area of
eastern Madison County. One of the projects is to rebuild 12 miles of transmission line that was
Tri-County Electric is constructing a new substation along Hwy. 6 heading east from Hwy. 255 in Madison County. The substation is expected to be completed in late spring/early summer 2017. Photo courtesy NFCC Young Engineers Club.
System Upgrade Before and After
originally built in 1973. Time, the elements, and woodpeckers have left their mark on this aging system. Rebuilding this system is part of a storm-hardening strategy the state of Florida mandated in 2006 after the highly destructive hurricane season of 2005. Tri-County is reducing the number of poles from 115 to 99, and also replacing the old wooden poles with new steel poles. This new steel pole system is stronger and will ensure a reliable feed to three substations located in Madison County that will serve a significant part of the county for the next 40 years. One of these substations is a newly built substation located on Hwy. 6 just east of Hwy. 255. This new Hwy. 6 substation is being installed due to heavy commercial growth in agriculture and will complement other substations in the county. It will ensure voltage stability, shorten circuit lengths, and allow for back-feeding from other substations in the event of emergency. These two projects are scheduled to be completed in the upcoming months and will improve reliability for the summer storm season. 24037001
BOARD MEETINGS The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of Tri‑County Electric Cooperative, Inc. will be held the second Monday in each month at 3:00 p.m. in the central office building of the Cooperative located at 2862 West U.S. 90, approximately two miles west of the city of Madison.
This Publication’s Inspirational Moment
TCEC is replacing older wooden poles such as these with new steel poles.
The new steel transmission poles TCEC is installing are much more reliable than the older wooden poles.
“[Love] does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13:6–7 (NLT)
March & April 2017
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Don’t miss our 36th Annual
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Down Home Days April 21st & 22nd
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Downtown Madison
Downtown Madison
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March & April 2017
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board Meeting Notes for Dec. 12, 2016
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board Meeting Notes for Jan. 9, 2017
With all trustees, key Cooperative personnel, the attorney and guests present, the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held on Monday, Dec. 12, 2016, in the Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. headquarters office building located in Madison, Fla. Reports to the Board included those of the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association Board meeting, Seminole Electric Cooperative Board meeting, Finance Committee, Policy Committee, Building and Land Committee, CEO and attorney. Action taken by the Board included the following: authorization for the present uncollectible accounts for the appropriate accounting designation; approval of revised Policy 200, “Allocation and Retirement of Capital Credits;” revised Policy 515, “Employee Drivers Licenses;” the Cooperative’s 2017 budget as presented and discussed at a workshop on Dec. 2, 2016; the Dec. 12, 2016, Board agenda; the Nov. 14, 2016, Board meeting minutes; RUS Form 219s for October 2016; a change to the NRECA sponsored defined benefit plan (RS Plan); a resolution approving and accepting the 2016 Emergency Restoration Plan; consent agenda items as written and recommended by the CEO, which included the WPCA for December 2016 as established by resolution, RUS Form 7 for October 2016, the list of new members for Oct. 24–Nov. 15, 2016, the Safety and Accident Report for October 2016, along with the System Outage Report. The attorney reported on routine matters.
With all trustees, key Cooperative personnel, guests and the attorney present, the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held on Monday, Jan. 9, 2017, in the Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. headquarters office building located in Madison, Fla. Reports to the Board included those of the Finance Committee, Policy Committee, Building and Land Committee, the CEO and attorney. The Policy Committee recommended and the Board approved revised Policy 101, “Policy Formulation and Approval,” Policy 103, “Delegations of Authority from the Board of Trustees to the CEO,” and Policy 104, “Board of Trustees - CEO Relationship”. Action taken by the Board included the following: approval of the Jan. 9, 2017, Board agenda; the Dec. 12, 2016, Board meeting minutes; approval of the membership district boundaries of the territories as now constituted; and consent agenda items as written and recommended by the CEO, which included the WPCA for January 2017 as established by resolution; RUS Form 7 for November 2016; the list of new members for Nov. 16–Dec. 19, 2016; Safety and Accident Report for November 2016, along with the System Outage Report. Other items discussed included voltage reduction, a cyber security breach at a Vermont electric utility, and upcoming events and meetings. The attorney updated the Board on pending legal matters.
Gary Fulford Catherine Bethea President Secretary-Treasurer
Gary Fulford Catherine Bethea President Secretary-Treasurer
Breakfast Banana Splits Need an idea for a fun weekend breakfast treat for the family? Set up a banana split bar and let everyone create their own healthy breakfast banana split. Ingredients Bananas Greek Yogurt Granola Almond Slices Dried Coconut Blackberries Blueberries Raspberries Chocolate Chips Directions 1. Split a banana in half carefully with a knife and lay in a banana split boat.
2. Add ½ cup of Greek yogurt to each. 3. Sprinkle on the following as desired: Granola Almond Slices Dried Coconut Blackberries Blueberries Raspberries Chocolate Chips 89332003001 Recipe source: CleanFoodCrush.com
March & April 2017
Tri-County Rural Living Vol. XX No. IV March & April 2017 TRI-COUNTY RURAL LIVING, the voice of your member-owned, taxpaying electric utility, is published bimonthly — more if necessary — through the auspices of Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. as a service to its member-owners. Postage is paid at Blountstown, Fla.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Junior Smith, CCD, BLC D-1 Bobby Dodd, CCD, BLC, DGC D-2 Donnie Waldrep D-3 George Webb, CCD D-4 Catherine Bethea, CCD, BLC, DGC Secretary-Treasurer, D-5 Gary Fulford, CCD President, D-6 Albert Thomas, Jr., CCD, BLC, DGC Vice President, D-7 Malcolm V. Page, CCD, BLC, DGC D-8 Elmer Coker, CCD, BLC, DGC D-9
EDITORIAL OFFICES 2862 West US 90 Madison, FL • (850) 973-2285 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Julius Hackett CEO Eileen Herndon Executive Assistant Kaitlynn Culpepper Community Relations Specialist Michael Curtis, Madison Media Group Writer STAFF Jeff Brewer Manager – Engineering Stephanie Carroll Manager – Corporate Services Darrell Tuten Manager – Operations Wendell M. Williams Manager – Finance
Send CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICES to: Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2862 West US 90 Madison, FL 32340
March & April 2017
Warmer weather is on the way! Use energy efficient window treatments or coverings, like blinds, shades and films, to reduce heat gain in your home. These devices not only improve the look of your home, but also reduce energy costs. Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy
To Report Electrical Problems or Outages Please Call:
850-973-2285 or 1-800-999-2285 24-HOUR SERVICE THANK YOU
Standard message and data charges may apply. Text HELP for more information, QUIT to cancel. Your mobile device phone number must match TCEC account records.
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2862 West US 90 Madison, FL 32340