®0yeka Baxitj Capital Topeti. Iluus Tuesday. iBK 7.17U
oiikM S».
38 Pips
10 Cants
Negro Leader Meredith Ambushed Mississippi Road ropeka Pays Scene of Attack HERNANDO, Miss. (APi-Jama H. Meredith t
Mayor Salary
Deep South homeland. Topeka's mayor makes Three blasts (rom a shotgun caught htm in the back and legs limes the salary of a dozen a.s he and a small band ol followers suged a other mayors in this part of march to exhort fellow Negroea to cast uide their long-standing Kansas, a Cotfeyvtlte survey! fear of whiles and to register to vole. showed Monday. Taken to Guton Hospiul tn MBd>or Charles W. Wright at Memphis. Tenn., the city from tended a regiwial mayors con which he had set out Sunday on ference inlL.Louis last month a 225-mile trek to Jacksos, and came home to repwl that, Map locales Ilrmaodo, (un derlined i Mississippi town ~Miss.. Mer^th was reported in at 610.008 a satisfactory condition. lowest paid chief executive at near which Janes H. Mere dith was shot (rom ambush Mississippi Gor. Paul Johnson tending. late Monday afternoon while said Aubry James Norveli, 41. Boosts Pretested on a civil rights march. of Memphis, a white man, was City Commission arrested at. the scene and that earlier this year to boost wages he admitted to state highway from the present tiO.OOO and patrohnes that he tired the shot. 68,400 level (for the other four Gov. Johnson said Norveli By JOHN PETTERSdN ones) to 618.000 and told oTflcers he hid under a cul Topeka school district admin iitematiyely, 612,540 vert on highway US 51. south istrators Monday night pr 612,000'or 610,540. TTiey were headed of here, crawlhig out after Mer posed an anti-smoking polii and off by H storm of vote pelledith's parly passed. The weap for students, featuring a set Uons. on was described as a 16 gauge wcII-honed teeth.' Meanwhile. Colfeyville I shot. The proposed policy rerisH conducting a quiet wlary CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. (API is part of the Topeka Plan, Associated t^s, was that Mer-' book containing the policies of vey of its own among cities — The Gemini 9 pitots flew back in Central and Eastern Kansas edilh had been killed. the Topeka Board of Education. and. since Top^ was one of to this busy spaceport Monday night - happy and bursting Meredith. 32, emerged Under the policy proposal. the 26 which cooperated by with talk about space history's scathed four years ago f udenU who smoke in school sending the requested Informa- most accurate landing, three Uoody rioting that marked his buildings or on the grounds entrance into the all-white Uni- two or more occasions during!'Uon. a copy of the finished re- tough days of preciston flight, versify of Mississippi. He wnl the same semester will be sus rt arrived here this week, and the thrills of a champion on to become Its fM Negro pended for the remainder of the t shows the mayors of Lawgraduate. semester with loss of ail credit rence. Manhattyi, El Dorado. Ttay landed at Cape Kennedy In pifa. UeredUh oUm aerm the Idghtpay b«t Mi Parsons, Newton, Hutchinson. iDlmites apart at about 6:42 He Camforti Wife for the semesUr. MeredJlh calkd his tame Now fiudents are supended Liberal. Emporia. Inde( p.m. and quickly went into the and Garden City all i from Ihe hpspiUl in mid-eve if they are caught smoking ' mind-wringing recital of the ning and .a spokesman Joe-Mt». two or more occasiena during' only fl.OOOayMr, detaHs -of-toeir-72-hoor, -21 Wichita 'iehlla pays >64.000 a year,] muiule space voyage. Mefedtlir quoted him u saying: the school year. which means the T<^ka chief PareeU to Kmw ••Excepl for being a little stiff, I Real Good lime feel as well as 1 ever did. Ev Initial smoking violations executive makes m times as c1 erything is ail right. Don't try to carry a three-day suspension. much. The mayor of Leaven there," nuke any kind of plans yeL The student's parents are re worth gets 6250 Thomas P. Stafloid who They haven't got all the budeconfer with school mayor of Fort Scott 62IX) and brought bis spacecraft down shot out yet Carry on your life ..... - before be U read the beads of OUtbe, OlUwa owtaU nUa start «l lU ocean . mitted. as always." and Dtaga Ofy |U0 a ou urget, and lost mnci oft the “Are y«-going to be okay?" The revived Topeka Plan is to Managen' Fay Low bow of the recovery aircraft his wife was quoted as asking. be considered for adoption at The dozen cities which pay carrier Wa^i. the board's next regular meet tt mayor 61,000 a year, taw- "We had a tremendous "Yes." Meredith replied. "Do you want me to come?" ing June 21. iier, all employ a city man flight," said Eugene A. Ctoroan, *"i'd be heftier," Meredith In other business. Ihe board ager. as does Wiebita. Ofatbe, whose 2-hour. S-minufe spacesaid. “If you'd keep----Gianute, Atchison. Hays. A^ walk Sunday was full of chills tor-board rehiUonsbips agree kansas Gfy and Great Bend. and thrills through one and a calm there the way you ment which has been under City managers' salaries range third turns around Ihe earth. do," study since last fall. President Johnson called ihe from 62.150 a month in Wjehita "This is so fanUstic I can The agreement rccognixes believe it." Cernan said (Coatiraed at Page 2, CoL II the Topeka Teachers Assn, as (still less than the present pay hardly Topeka's superintendent of when told bow close they came the official representative of all, of schools) 1833 a mmtb in El to a buUicye landing. "We did certificaied personnel In the Dorado. toMedian much better than we thought." is 61.017, at district except superin Frogmen reaching the spaceManhattan. Guldeibiei Set A long list of other city de craR at see just after the t It-csUblisbes gukfeUnes (or i it still beads also is covered settling diugreementa although partment touch (ram its Rcry the survey, showing in most the final decision remains i by cases Topeka municipal sala re<nti>'. the hands of (he board. SkM Strip other marchers and repAlers had takes cover beUad the Members of the TTA a| ries compare favorably with The aslronauis. flying as copla parted car »enm the highway from his assalUot. carattheleft proved the agreement earlier. surrounding-------STj Into tn two Iwm-engine Navy day. but a thunderstorm might The Board of Education also plaaos. made a pass ovur tiw develop Ute lonl^ or~ early agreed to accept a nn.ODO Tedskid strip at Cape Kennedy's Wednesday, Ihe Weather Bu • grant fop owtiauedI suplaunch area before landing on port of a district ]%sicatIt edureau said. the second leg of the long trip Peak temperatures in the mid home to Houston, Tex. dle 80a are forecast for the rednUmed M Page 2. Col. 6| Top^ eiea this aft^nooa. OGOZiomsintoOM Partly sunny skies are expected 1/.S. Toitesteorf afternoon, pat treated himself JOORELL BANK. England By JESSE STEARNS WASHINGTON (AP) - A CAPE KENNEDY. Fta, (AP) Capita] Correspoabeat (AP) -Sir Bernard Lovell, to a pisza. “He could live on LAWRENCE (AP) - Truth power dianiptioo blacked out - OGO, a big. bug-like satellite per 70s and low 80s were record -WASHINGTON — After sev that," his mother declared. packed with more experiments in beat be found throu^ section of the Pentagon f ed over most of Kansas Monday. director of JodrtU Bank RadtoAstronomy Station, said Moneral hours of sightseeing in the Pat arose about 8 a m. Mon discuSBioo, than any previous US. scientific nation'B capital Monday, Pat- day and had sausage. waHIes ; Chancellor W. Garke Wescoe ataut 45 minutes shortly after Topeka's top reading of 79 U.S. Surveyor and spacecraft, vaulted into earti) Monday was four degrees cool Turn to Today's orbll rick Edwards. 12, Kansas' spell- and maple syrup for breakfast. told nearly 3.000 University noon Monday. projects have made Monday to')• prObniMdcn pro”'” OOkials traced the failure to er than the normal high for secrets of the sun's in'sreial&^ n mg champion, capped the day : Then he went Kansn graduates at the Mth a flash fire in a bank of elect early June in the capital city. this week one of the greatest Special SecHon to_,this planeu for American science. with a pica at a small res street from the hotel to the commenconait Monday nigbL Early morning low in Topeka taurant around the corner from Nadonal Geographic SolWng "Ifi your time you have I. Can«<>iM esrtins—A»>. bis hotel here. with his parents and Sister on ch . Pafrick. son of Mr. and Mrs- Mary St. Eileen, his spelling n apathetic Henry D. Edwards. Wichite,,1 coach whn b priidi ' ' ' wfM won IM All-Kunuis SpEff~ Thomiis Aquinas Catholic Grade called the generation of- dis Ing Bee ^onsered by The Tb School at WIdilta where Pat sent,'' Wescoe said. it^ Daily Ca{H>al. arrived ]ust completed seventh grade. Washington Sunday and w i 11 Pat "la pretty scientific-mind "You have seen students move from what appeared to be compete h the National Spell ing Bee which opens Vtdnes- ed and really was fascinated" a relatively passive acceptance with the esUbiU in the Na- of what was presented them to tisnal OcograpUc BoUdiag. Us u active sDI^ to determine. blond speller was so busy louring in Washington Monday moAer shM. ‘Td like to go baci to greater measure, their own - that be and Us parents skipped over there,” Pat added later. destinies. The young speller was most Never Again lunch. At the end of If QDce the university wa: “I was pretty liungry, iCoBtlutied «a Page 2. Col. 1> Icmplative retreat for ' WhUe bis ^QU rested in imi scholar, never again will it be. Oieir hotel room late in the >IUei.1tmlevntl laPtlfUa "The university now plays a major role in the society — gov ernment depends upon it." Count-ry Parson On the Inside , '.William H. Avery and Cromb, board of regents dulmao. greeted (be dass. Ciutions. for distinguished ervice were presented to five
SmokingRule Would Carry
Stiff Penalty
Space Heroes Back at Cape
Dry Day Forecast Today in Topeka
Patrick Winds Up Busy Day
Eating Pizza Pie, Studying
der why folks feel '’sorry tor ike wvmaa who dMut ftod-a botbaad-tattead -af the toes who dM."
KU Graduates Blaze Cuts Oil Hear Wescoe Pentagon Power
Fennef CMcb Dr. Forrest C. Pbog) Allen, fonner baskdbaU coadi and athletie director Topeka Forecast- . MeirCl W. Haas, Houston, Partly cloudy through to- Ter. an executive in the Hum idgbt Chance for a Urander- ble Oil ft Rgflning Co. storm nie tonight. High' » Cbariea S.JUiues n. New York arcbItecL day in middle 80s. Dr. Clyde W. Tombaugb, Las Cruces, N.M.. astronomer who Detailed Weather discuvend planet Phito Elmer B- Stoeu. Washington. News, Page 3 " general of the United Statea.
Bride Rules As June's Dainty Queen
-^jTWt ewe's, a*ir,
at the Univmlly of Kansas comprised the seemingly endless processiecal Motaay night nt the scbool’a cantnnUt
remmcBecmeni exercises. The black-robed seniors brgrt Uirir march beoeatA the campuuile atop btount Oread, passed a white spray of water oa
France's NATO Partners Decide on Belgium as Site for Alliance Headquarters
Red'Power' Play in China
BRUSSELS. Belgium (API - tary of State Dean Ru* and; Fraaee has ordered military The Uamlinf groi^ nqpenrised Gaulle c )t be pemltted to| while ousting Us mlUtary tnaPrance'e partaera in the North Brttlah Pnrelfn Secretary Ml-|facadquarten and all other strategic planning In NATO. hup the NAO PbUtlcal Oomicil,lchlnery. AUanllc Treaty OrganUatlon chiel Stewart strongly argued NATO bases to quit France by Several of the larger NATO leaped a major hurdle Monday Ihia couru at the aUnlsten' natiou, Indnifing te ~~ seA Apm I. and U wlUuliawlag and decided on Belgium as a (wcrhour meeting. SUtes, Britain and to i its own mflltaty fnvea from tat new site for the alliance’s i West Gennaiiy. feel QtM De Fordgn Secretary Paul NATO July 1. tary headquarters. But they into rough going on whelher Martin of Canada deelarad thal Luns also confirmed that the NATO's poliUcal councU should nothing should be dm to pro NATO Defense College win be TOKYO (API - Red Chini's voke President Cherles de alK be moved from France . offldit Bfwi agenc>- Mtd Mon Gaulle, ittly'i Amintore Fan- moved from Parts to Rome, and day pro-Riiuian eiemaU led Foreign Minister Joseph Luna IsDi laid it would be invUing thal the Amerlcan-Briliabtile dwDeDge to the country'a of The Netherlands told report trouble ahead of De GhUc's Fr«ch standing group based in letoienliiii. it indtcated the opWariilhgtoQ wlU be aboUsbed. ers after the opening meeting of mlsrioB to MoKww Utcr porita had been erefcowto. EuHn Slack cf Rag. IlSO la tUO the Council of Ministers that a month. The wording <d the nithortied special sesticn wu ut for Octo •a Kma Anm news reports, with emotional ber to consider transfer of the Belghiffl had been equally i«For Those Who Levi hKtant to take the mlUtary dcKHpUm or popular celebrapolitical headquarters, which of Good Feed tkui tbrougboui the country, France epparently wants to beadquarten. reflecting pobDc fears that such a move mnld fare the Impreastoo that Red keep in Paris. Otina barely escaped a power Luu said, however, that the make the Utile countn a target y future war. play by ComiqpBliti who fa 14 foreign ministers agreed thst vored Rusala'i brand of com thet at least aS per cent of the It wu Important that bolh the munism over Mw TSe-tunf'i. people of Peking opposed the politics^ and mlliUry arms of the aUlance should he close toantlperty gruiiprRat this claim *nyiiiti*^ to an nnumal sion that there had been a rela- tween them wu impariatlve. over, or whether PeUnf Rarely lUi seemed to Indirato that despite some reluctance by CCan. tr>ing to hide an iotenal lead- do Oomnumlsu Featuring Tuesday tnbip struggle, wu a matter of thet u meny as 8 per cent Bda and Italy to lake the st«, Open Every Noon and Night the political council also will speculation. In recent weeks of the people oppose Bum Dwve to Belgium. U.S. Secietntenae propaganda, the opposlNight Except Pekiag Mayor tioe has been Idoitifled only as In their entirety the reports REaUUR PRI6ES Saturday and an anliparty group. the pest three days, foDowing NewTexHieMill Reports by Peking radio and the dismissel of Peking Meyor Sunday the New China News Agency Chen, demonstrated that KABUL, Afgfaanlston (AP) Till 9:00 p-m. Every Isawr Dnu IseluM.. a Mbtof RssMsM spoke of the rebels "seisure of China tKiarently had gone Communist CUna and Alghanitcontrol” of the Q power itniggle of tan have initialed an agreement ty^apparaha in the natton’s cap greeter dlm^tats «h»n or on building a textile mUl near MIUEt* lIZU I TO Zl . . . M. SIZES I TO II ital. TlM news media said the naby btUcred. Peng wia _ Kabul by meus of Red Oitnese dlstideoU bad been ousted in an member of the all-powvful Pol credit. The factory Is to be built JR. PETITE SIZES SP TO ISP AA Ht HtoT—rNwwtto. "historic rictory.” itburo and bead of the party fa) from a Sa mUlion tnteraat-free The omda* reports claimed Peking. ‘ loan from Peking.
tr -
• ■ -VV
SK Through Saturday Only.a. POnney’s reduces price on every Penncresf air conditioner Hurry for big savlpy en our finu Purmerwsf* powwr-pseJcwd airton-
5.000 BTU, RE©. $99.00.............
8.000 BTU. REG. $139,95............
drflenurs with dawp* reach eoelmg and lupar-gulat oparatien. Chooit from eur huge salactien of aaty>to-inttall Quick-Mount artd ovar-powarid multi-room modols. Each ona an outstanding vahia at
8JI00 BTU. REG. $148.95.............. *133.20
its regular prica now worth oven more to you. Hurry ... gat summar comfort at reduced pricai today! Prices go back up on Monday! Also available in 11,000 and 15,000 BTU's.
18.000 BTU. REG. $249.95............
28JIOO BTU, REG. $309.95 ...........
-4 7'
’Mississippi Road [Scene of Attack
Surveyors Spare Eye Blind
PASADENA. Calif. — (APi"We’ve got to see how II erall’s feet, or scan toe sky Amerjea's first Surveyw ^ace- on tbe tower frame of toe space stands up fw toe trip." be ex - just above the mooo's horiion. plained. “There are eleetrooic The camera adjutts aiiUmat. cralt carried two televtelon craft. isn't scheduled tamed on. sensors built into toe whole syt- iealiy to the ebaagtag light lev ej-es to the surface of the moon, "That camera ivon'l be used tern that sriil tell us what eon- els. or can be conunanded from but one eye is blind. because we need all toe diUon it's in." earth by radio signals. The camWhen the 620-pound instru gtoeering daU we can get on So toe burden of sending toe lent can be set elllMr for ment package came to rest toe performance of toe space- first American-made dose - up arrow or wide-angle field of Showcn are foiweast fw teday along the Attantic sad Golf safely on the lunar surface. iU entt. and toe thing can only view of toe moon fell on the view. First pictures received from msts from MiIm tkeugb Teaai. over the ipper Great main survey television camera transmit so misto.at a time.'' ................... ^TOUI Lakes thiwgh Mtaaewta aad abmg the Catiforala-Nevada peered downward, by use of a spokesman for Jet Propulsion and aimed at t Surveyor 1 were transmitted by its 200 - line system to show border. Rain li predicted for the Pacific NertbwesL It wOl mirror, lo see whit moon soO Laboratory, conlrollers of toe Sheriff Blamed like, then began scanning experiment, said. The mirror can swivel 360 de whether -toe spacecraffs foot mrmer la the West sod cooler aloog a eold >be Ross claimed that DeSoto toe moon's landscape. Why send expensive equip grees. till enough to view toe pads were damaged by the land County Sheriff Waller Lee Mer The second TV camera, a ment that won't even be used? moon's surface at the spaceing and whether they tank into edith "stood at tbe aide of tbe e ground. woods tut didn’t pursue the dOO-Ltoe Pietsre mu that shot the gun." After these pictures were "He could have stopped It.” sent, toe craft's high-gain an ROSS said. Sberlfl Meredith aaid In tenna was raised and clparer. Topeka Weather statement: “We have arrested ftXMine were Iraaimilted, using Aubry James Norvell of Mem ■I End tor high-powered level of the fr«m iiorm»l-a.— - . phis. for the shooting of James Ow'tm transmitter. Sunr^M, t SI •.m.i nniM. *:« t.m. Meredith. Rc is being held for comparison, home tele SAIGON. South Viet Nam It Is anticipated vision sets receive S2S-line piclAPi -Militant Buddhists «* M 1 »Ji he will be charged with assault scorned Monday an attempt to (ConUiraed Frem Page 1) with intent to commit murder.'' orKMiwion. fNM. Tint ttr jm*. attach some of their moderate let; Wrmtl Hr iurm. •; nettt N. Norrell was brought tn tbe De- THal Wr ntr t e); normal la «tW 1I.U; cation program sUrted I a s t of the program were outlined in members to the ruling Junto, Soto County jail in Hernando. feet In innnily. Its iris depth to members of the board again demanded that Premier year. NorveU H a husky, balding [Nguyen Cao Ky resign, and: setting, which controls the The program places physical at. an earlier meeting. unemployed hardware con ^amount of light entering Ihe Temperatures The major item is a proposal braced for a long fight. education specialisu in elemen tractor, originally from Fwrest camera, can adjust automati the political truce a m. p J am . n tary schools to provide instruc to expand facilities al Topeka City, Ark. His wife works in a <r am. cally to toe light level on toe . W f a.m. ..rt tion to toe children and to ta- West and Highland Park h i g h peared to be cracking wide open hinar surface, or ordered to ■ »jii....it . 7 am. 74 department store. They have schools and to remodel Top^ after days in which U5. effisist toe elassroem teachers. chUdren. by earth signals. Higli School rather than build cials hopefully saw a icHution to change Neighbors said Norvell never -; (houted, ‘Jim, be's got a gun!' Evaluation Plan The room lens has a variable new school. the crisis, toe ground war * "'Tbe mu called a aecood evinced uy particular Dr. Quentin D. Groves, su Action on the raained quiescent. There were focal length which can be adUme. We all scaUered and 1 ru toward civU rigbU activities, I pin. 1 from a i n » a m, -n pervisor of bealto. physical ed lions probably will be token ear only scattered patrol fights. 4 a.m. ...... 71 . -eukniM across the highway. Then and called him “as nice ucation and safety, presented ly in July. beard a shot It »unded like ineighbor as you could ask for.” evaluation of the first phase The board also approved a Forecasts of the program. contract wilh the Topeka Office lUWtAS-eamy clovtfr i Exposure time for Uie-fbCat Dr. Merle R. Bolton, school of Economic OwTortunity which RKTmae .' ... plane shutter is ISO mllUsec-jpertotendent, presented aUows toe district to o^rale a , _ , onds. The shutter also can be opened for a time exposure shot. ni«rii. ScanarM tTwaart <m> nil atWr. summer months. A Itghtwtslng device coupled In other action, ihe board to toe shutter keeps it from II IH. Mdrtt -XfrMi l« nrOuM aiur wi >i iin Mona Ur Uehtbody. 20S W. SMItW «.h S,™, T,r.. Topekan Honored (Coathned From Page 1) bft-1 bOfn with toe number sue.'----- ^ ' U.S. Weather Mona, ji«.-dBughler-of-Mr . Jntrigued with a nie spelter, h« parents By Insurat^e Firm Sajamt. and Mrs 0. G Lightbody. was The camera also has a filter... light set so water seems to run Sister Mary St. Eileen spent John S. Daniel was honored -A»faa9 to n<Ma parroll aaauclkm most of die afternoon on a bos uphin instead of down. by the Metropolitan Ufe Insure tour with other spellers #hich Patrick also saw himself c ance Co. at a luncheon at Holi «at«a^ sitw. Cauitr vw MunkiMl the only time in her niters. It is not designed -oaomae ia day Inn South Friday marking CMWiar television as be alked on thou^. tha: all the sixes will Iilng Flak) M to televise color transparentoe 25to anniversary of sihar cmH come at once. "pictare telephone, examined a], Jefferson Memorial and tbe The scientists, however, . service with the company. ... Her father s.nys she timulatea Pueblo dwelling and tomb of the late President Ken hope to build up a color pic—satorras to Itio o«n<>Mttrollon a r» to “past six." But she may started as an agent whh Metro- ouotl Inai, Iho Tb»a*» Auo to- Bastudied an exhibit depicting the nedy and saiwiRe changing <rf tore by politon in Topeka in IMl. latsatf CMUron tor clarlficailori o> tt» have some trouble when it tbe guard at/die Tomb of the evolution of mao. Company personnel from Em TOO atioilallon wouw ina to ina a oor- comes to counUng past six four Uoksowu at Arlington National to- times. Cemciery, poria, Lawrence, Junction Qty, non at IM snnki-t Ioao tor a Manhattan and Topeka attend After be had his |^, r» It’s just too many sixes for a ed the hmeheoD. studied words alone In hit hotel six-yeor-old. room for an hour and’a MH while his pmnts and SUter Mary St Eileen had dinner in the hotel dining room. When they returned, A Beil Seller! rushed off to tbe ^Telling ‘Ibe rate's first Benlenant Champlotts' Get AequainCef Lovable •MIAMI, Fto. (AP) - Horri- Cuba 'late Monday or early r4 netc ihipment of a telloul! governor candidate filed fcr party in the ballroom of HoW 05 Ahne barreled toward Cuba today and interests in extreme ofBce Monday and anotber Re Mayflower, which U the bead- Monday Garter Belt nigbl with 9(tmlte an southern Florida wot adidsed publican entered U»e crowded quarters !«■ tbe Nidonal Spell- boor winds and a message from tng Bee. race for angress frtsn tbe 3rd Hmduras said 73 persons were -DbWct reported dead there in torrentiel James H. (Jtm) DcCoursey rains to the wake of the storm. Yesterday's Answer Jr.. 33-yard oM attorney from The Misni Weather Bumu Misskn UiUs. filed for the said a rain band ttial dumped » DoDOcratie Domination for lieu inches of water on San Rafael, a tenant governor. small town in western HondaFifth la Race rta. was associated with Alma Larry Winn Jr.. Overiand was a part of the hurricane. hew commanding oCfiCCT aal Park busioenman. became the forA the A report relayed from Teguci 313tb Troop Carrier galpa. Hontoiran capital, said nflb Republican candldale for Wing at Forbes APB. Col. Mari the M District congressional on Camthers. will arrive San Rafael practicany disap seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Wednesday to take over theimlt. peared to the flood that Reben EDswerth who is seek Can-Uiere U a veteran of 50 produced mud up to one meter ing nomination for the U-S. combat missions during World deep. Senate. War n and has bad assign Meanwhile, the hurricane State Rep. Oren Gray, R-Par- ments on top Air Force bead- expected to move Into western sons, filed for tbe Republican quarters staRt in Europe and - nomination to the Kinias House the Utdled SUtes. His last as- of Representatives fran the ith signment was ddet of toe in District which includes parts of spection #rWon at Oto Atr Ubette and Neosho counties. Force headquarters In Waco. 13 l>9 Imen: AUr; AOIOSS Jerry Greider, a Sedgwick Tex. M ,Coumy deputy sbeillf. filed for He succeeds Col. Harold Som- 1 ChMck MOmti Ud»o^ U; AUr. &S the Donocralic nomination for _iers as 313tb commander and 4 Take__ : 3 57 Spaahh ariioaal K verdi, the Kansas House oi Represent- is tbe fourth man to command w Mtaa aUves from tile nth DUtrict lo the wing since its activatloa to 14tTifekcd. eo PalMtiaf. Ratal a»e»4 WlchHa. a leaned. tS Ear pM. 1964. (CPDUned Fnm Page 1) p<W<n. I saw cars coming me down the highway. We t up and dived Into a oea^ ditch. “Iheo I beani a aecend shot
Summary of Weatfier sss
Patrick Winds Up Busy Day
Eating Pizza Pie, Studying xr.r ■" --
Penalties BuddhistsScom 10-Man Junta
On Smoking Urged
'Six' Comps
i = Fir iw;
Another Files In 3rd District
Hurricane Barrels Toward Cuba
^ In Bunches
Basement Downtown
Paisley Cotton Culotte Dress
AF6 Expects
Wing Leader
Crossword Puzzle sar-'*-
U MMlag abMt
Foot Cut Woding
JUl Henderson, H. daughter In Topeka of Mr. and Mn. James Hender son, 2511 Coliege, suffered a cut on the bottom of her left foot Marriage Licenses when she stepped on an un M. Cim known sharp object while wad TNomn ing in a creek Monday, officials J1W A. fIKKfr alStonnont-Vail Hospital r«- VktUW'A. mSm ported. Wfnvn A. BfckM franen C. L«wn
Master's Degree To Topeka Student
■■:?=K Mm H- TamaMeA ....... T«
Dennis G. Heitmann. 1137 Frailer, was one of 2.TO stots grs Univmity- 'Boolder. Heibnsnn received s of Science degree,
S^Soiataldiaqfflil Val. N. Ho. a T.a«a».
7. nw
^ _ Wrwh. ,T WMriag ■ tm.
sia'-i.ss.* __ !ssa.i a 5 7 -
» N«a Nm, MBib. n
. 40«Meaieea ksu wiiia.
SnlL Do a (trer for. CordW leoeptioa. “ Yeai'a Em
SO Gmlnd: Poat. 53 Beldan 54 Tan — dlw
a* E. Harrh ................CM nr J. IIWIHIHI .... .To rleni A. MIHl . Tf
Ml I. Mmmm................... T« If aa. ClMtlirs__ . T*
- WWmiam
Haspifat Births ’.
ST. fl Hn, I Jim a. ' FQESaS
Alnnta 1 C. W<4 Mn. VleHr *. I tu TfWr. oirL Jim 4. LI. and tin
wiiiima l.
SctimW. .
AJmm TBvnm J. SinKWa. M Tima Orttr. Mr. Jum I Almt> l.C. and Aim. Wlillain f.
lauacJinaib am. Jim a. Mr. m Mrv Bail w. aomarfi.
......1,3 am. diru Jim A
Mr. aM JAn. Carl aa. DairlM.
H.. flrl. Jm^
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fir IMM moMM ■r CorrWr OaHWo T«Mii
MM ■osa SM
Divorces Mil 11H 4J0
t’liMiDr aiinTti. I ham K. Hman. W K. SacMttr. CliMt
antch. PdBta have Bide zipper. Top haa -button back. Blue^ • checks on white, sizes 32 to . 38 -waigts-rferr MX w
PetleUer's Baamern Downtown'’Shd HeUltUy Squati
Veterans Incident
35ljei5nprka Satin (EapM.
Disturbs Writer
It is Dot unexpected that reporting ot the confltcl in Viet N«n has been rigorously crlQclMd from several Bourees but more noUceably by those whose oOkU! Uea are to the admlalslration. The general manager of the Associated Press. Wes Gallagher, with long and varied eiperience in newspaper work, took note of the sharpitooting in a recent memorandum addressed to his ttaH and to Associated Press member newspapen. ‘The fact is the press always has been attacked in wartime because lU reports fretjoenlly clash wH^ihe gov ernment view and with the image government would like to present." noted the AP executive. "And reporters, too. most bring unpleasant, confusing and dlacouragbig rqsorta to the public whid) reacts, as all people do. with IrrtUtka." Recalling similar siUiaUons ol which he has flrtt-bud knowledge. Gallagher Is able lo cite two immuUble rules on press criticism; CrHielaffl ol the press by goverameot riset la di rect propertloB to the amount of adverse news priated which may aot be la line with geveramert policy. Crilidsm by the pobUc rises ta dhect prepartiDB to the amooei *1 news rwd which ■demtoes what It weald Ukt to believe above aU oa each uaetlMMl tseaes ae the coafllet la Viet Nam.
By INEZ ROBB For years this country has been viewing with alarm the contlBuing fact that JOhnny stUI can’t retot even at the cd)e^K level But recently I have begun to suspect that Johnny bat a very good thing going for himself. The citisen who can’t read has recently been spared the knowledge that even one Amer ican beUeves his feDow citiieDS are so sensitive, their natures w delicate, that they mist be sMeided bi a night chib from
Reporting Strangest War
Haase *t OMamaas that pre ceded the Ametkaa Revelatloo, Edmand Bathe, a coasplcMat fricad of the cMealet. la defeaae of the resliese ealeotoU declared. ’’1 fnm Viet do aot kBDw the method of drawlag 19 agatostaa whole people." Duriag the debates ia the But the manager of. the I Omrad HUton Hotel in Chicago mmuged to draw up an indlct-ment of a whole people wboi he refused to orfmlt wounded Viet Nam veterana to the hold’s ice show on tba ground that their prcseoce would ’’depress’’ other
Maybe Johnson Angry wah Director Shriver—
Wages Too Many Demos Irate Over Anti-Poverty 'Mess' Wars at a Time
By ROBERT 5. ALLEN and PAUL‘SCOTT WASHINGTON - Democrallc By DON MACLEAN WASHINGTON - Tbe Prtsi- rled over imcerlato decUon dent's pnUem may be that ha ptttoperts. are wrangling angri FOR THE RECORD, the A b tryt^ to fight too many ly with anti-poverty Director cd % million doDart on staff and cammunlcatjoBS in cov- wars at tbe same time. At tbe Sargent Shrtver over ipending arlDg the war In Viet Nam the last year, and GsDagber moment he b locked in death projects ta their dbtrlcts. believes It baa gotten Its money’s worth. Foremost among tbdr irate "An ezaminatloo of the record of whst baa been re complabib U faDure to consult them, and the approving ported from Viet Nam In the past four yean tod what government ofOctals have said about Viet Nam Ki the nme period leaves no doubt that the reportiog hat bam more accurate than the efSetal atatemania,’’ the AP^enthorny preWan. Tbe new $1.7 eral manager comments addly. billion anti-poverty authoriu"it Is significaDt, too, that the working rektlonihlp tton bill approved by the House between the war correspoodenti and flghtlag rovs In the Labor Oonunlttee is awaiting ^IWd haa been excellent In contrast to ths hnUahalloo from tlruggla with poverty, the Viet fonsWeraUon by the full House, _^?faahlngton,’’ _ Coog. highway ugUn^ tafia- A siiable Democratic defectioa could seriouily affect the fate The dlfflcalty, as extmpUBed by erittdaa by tioD and crime. It b ray umolIcK of tbe cootrovertUl Great Sooptalon that be b getting WaiU^ affidaMaa el reptrOac (teat Vlat Nton, ted clety measure. hb wan confused. b to the war itodf, Galla|her dedaret, "aalmlm The othei day LBJ called It b already under heavy ataid the matt coatrevefslai ta AmericaB bbtory." crime "nothing leu than a guerrilla war against aocirty.” "Plrtt there is the flgfaUng. There art no measuring tra wager that 11 fipk a sharp rods that a correspondent can use to say who's winning speechwriter toJt^ him from and losing each day. No towns are captured, occopled and aaytng. a tow di^ later, that put behind the lines. There b no front, few large battles the Viet Cong are '‘nothing lus than ffiuggen seeking to rob by the stondanto of every other war.' SmaU unlta strike tha Vietaamaia of thdr froto at the Viet Cong who strike back from ambudi. U.S. dom.") forces daim a vlctwy and the Viet Coog mortar the Sai Bat for toe meacBt let u. gon air hue and blow up a bold In the mlddto of town jast tob OBce, oSertato toe By mUAM CHAPMAN to dispute the cblm. peidhfliy that toe Pratdeat b L. «. VWHtWWMWM* VMt tamo ”There^b a dally body count ot eneny dead of ex- right. Pethapa crime b a WASHINGTON - "It's not so trcffldy donl^ value. Who’s to say the dtad man waa wa agatari talety. Certataly. much what title you have or a peas»t or i Viet Congl Who’t gotog to windw aieimd guerrilla wu whea be sees what jobs you’re aolgned ~ It's bow much ’juice’ you have a ViyCong-rif^ jungle bytag to count bodlea of enemy •M. My rtetoau to aoeept with tbe PresldenL" dead? How mi^bave tba Viet Ooi« pultad away? b any thb atotomot. toemh. nati A WUte UoQM aide wu ex eaie. if tbe enc^ loaei 1« but racnib or tmporta 100, plaining vrt»M tafluance counts b a gaettffla war agatoat aetoe mat wttbta the President's w!iii’awlnntag?V^ ciaty, ton aadaty ha IWto official family. "Now, I'd sty chnea ct wtaatag. " -to gm “ tbe most TEE ITNDINOS of tba AP chief are not tbase of a ce.’ BUI Yalerday I borrowed a com desk-bound editor. Stung by accusations leveled against puter tor sevoi seeonda and Joe Califano." Special aasbtanb Moyen and the prao eonik. of which Us orgaUtatlon b an tmpertaaf came op with these figums; part, be has carried on hb own personal tavesttgatta in In the guerrilla war ta Viet Wataoo have bad enough mo menta in toe public spotlight to - -Wet Nam. He bts judged perfosmance of AP teport- Nam we 3000 wUl have 4tOM demonstrate tbefr taflmee bir troopa trying to beat 50,000 tbe third, Joseph A. Califano era MHafactory. enemy gueirrillai ta an area »The advocates oftbewartaVtotNamUketo choose Jr. b known to few outilden. about the abe of tba Stole of Ihe bat of tbe reports as the only ’truth’: tba ’dova’ the Waidiington, Based on our daily A stocky, SS-year«id with worst," Galtagber apUns. ’The conespoadab as a espendltarev and the emny whole try to report bolh. and Incur the wrath of both fatality rate, every Viet Coog we kfl] casta ni at least g8,«00 Uate ha cUmbed te toe top bawki and doves." White Beue raaks ta leu to do it/ Tbe geverwneU woUd like the news from Salgea If the! war against crime b. thaa a year itoce the day reproetoed tovonfaly ta falaek ami while. GoDa^ in fact, h guerrilla war. and If wteai, whSe ftoaU^ ta LBJ weh itriB wing port, he ac: we proc^to fight it with the <tergea BaUy. The loder woaU like a ekar, abapie same amou^ of efficiency that cepted Prashkii Jateua’s ex^ttoa of whoa wMg aad what he, a a ettbea. we are dtsplaytag to Viet Nam. tavitatia to jata toe ftafl. b paytog for ta Mod aad ttxaa. then we may u well break out "But South Viet Nam b neither black nr wUte, nor. the white flags and Airrender. meets ta virtually every the flgura are at hand, mestie lane tardring tbe Pres dear, nor simple.-' be aeli out pattently. "At bat it b weStnee will uae the crime rate In ident. from toe fteel strike to . dUtorent shada of gray, at wont a.pditical and mili the natloo’s capital. There are. 0» iiMhMilm vm lami, tary oklgraa . rougUy. M,00D crlma ot lU Iron, the ahnnlnm, price battle “And whn the reporta rtporta tbe confusion accurate kinds, per year here. Thb in 10 Ibo enbanobtte eelri, le,l> ly be aatbftos odlher reader nor govenunent But thet's cludes everything from purse- Itlion snstoUnp to murders. However Us job." we can assume that some ertmInab commit two or more crlma per year. A safe guess might be that there are 1.000 ertmtaab (or ‘•gueiTlIlas.’’ u LBJ says) ta ttoeernmeetel Washtagton. It's obvfcus. then, wbai'i wrong and why toe crtoM •a<r 'Vrl|).t. OnuskUr of th* lUV. aaO -rate b aoarlng. We have oUy te ton X. wricto. snt viiaiato u ww or L700 policemen. Since It taka Economy u far u Jotarson b WTWOI blsh ochool itsdMit oOUn odS vrtun eight American soldlete ta oon- coocemed." tain «m Viet C^ friegobr, then we should have about 6i,000 prilcemen to flght toe goec^ rilta war in Washtagton. Tbe computer says so. By KATHY WRIGHT Here, as in Viet Nam, the ___ What b the actual purpose ol going through Ugh guerrillaa do their dirty werkacted and eoU^e? Is It merely to attend clan. Usla to and then mingle with toe popu making them bard to iden(be Instructor, and then retuni home to' study? Can thb lace, Hfy. So. the President’s toogght be called gening an education? has merit But I refnp to acGriBled, one of the purposa ot attending school b'to cept tbe idea of attacking crime gain knowledge ta the fields of English, math, science or with Viet Nam taafci. That bustaeas. But this knowledge ahae doa not make a sue- would be just No diaconratfng. - ceafBl teacber, busioess, sclentiat or even a bouaewUe. Akng whb thb kunriedge of fart, one roust have a knowledr of how to get akng wiib.olhers. how to be a good ipcft and bow to be defeated in contest gracefully. Q - Have trees been fea OUy way a Ml saciai edaatiN caa be aeUeved tured on United Slatos stamps? A — Yes, tome exampfes are to high actel « eeOer b tor toe sbrieto to take pot toe spruce, fir, oak. sycamore, to BJifra emtoilar aeMtla a wtS u etoa ttme Vple, willow and pine. acMHo. Q - What kind of bkod do The stadenf who b srflUog to give of hb or her m borwesboe cr^s tove? lima to partldpala ta ednol clubs or sports b likelier to
IS and South- caucus and to direct top party admtabtered. I voted for Ihb__ 'nta_BDunded men. home-to leaders to lay the matter be program and consider mytdf recuperate from battle wounds a frteod. Bat toe plala facts «nd wilting to pay the going fore the President. are ft b a mess. I have toriff tor the ice d»w. were GRAPHICALLY tAPHICALLY Uustrattve of learned that pttatoDy from tuned away lest their presence Ho ceogratmea wtto . exploiive backstage situa- wkji has been ta ■ gloomy moment to mt9 taty wOJ be c« tion b ^stormy dashbetween ny dbtricL Ue expense-accoant aristocracy and iheir vtowi gtvea tee ew- Shriver andCalifornia'sDemo' at tbe itagride tables, tlderatlOB to aettag ea pro]-' cratic congressmen. ^ "I «ra tbe guy wbo geU tbe -A ... •rti. It rematot to be seen Sixteen of the S legblators brickbats when things go wrong. whetoer taete belated coadll. met with him tor more than an 1 never kww about them atory mevei case the ikar|K hour and a half, and they fbey go sour. I am never "I know thu ly itrataed rdatloga. minced no words in assailing consulted on projecU; I don’t
rr^ue-”’ “ •’ SKr............. .
So far. Shriver has hdd out and “mH- ebly Siiki\avo"te«i' ann^ cover charga and high prices, against that. He •rgua argua Us Sad liabUty." If he hadn't t^ped me off and —-------------vmprombe conititutes a veto I began lo raise bell pleasant. Most of them ^ . V , . rtsenl things like this." "1 would like to be 1 in effect. Most of tbe congrenThat IS what I am demand- -Thing, like this" to put a men don't see It ttiat way, pobUcaa raaatag tor Ctegreu ihb yor.” yar." btrk*d ouk ^ edge on it. were the sighu and some are talking o( .taking tab barked one ouk_ the seething dbpula directly to made, and not afterwards when President Jttanson. toe fal b ta the Also being dbcussed b ralsgoing to gel tost say-fo, or who bad borne the tont of battag the bsue at a Democratic gram aad the eorty way I there may not be another anti- tie and paid the price poverty program." Certataly, thb b "a nasty __ Other memhen nt th. r.U liHta »htah--Uw jn. tomla detegatioD were eqi^y equaUty of sacrifice b conspicuirate — and threatoning! ous on the home front, fat with "We are toe ona wbo get toe heat and not you." one told coupicuous in the draft. Wt FOb'a teel’manager in ^1 ^ *0 sayjbat ttetoeri- county ofOclab. school people, cm people have- became both labor^^ployed. »Ktal work- » cS and. worse, so todKor canytag out specific errands e”-•« ita 1® "ms shout ferent. that they cannot look or talons. ^ ^ stark price of a war Howear, ene doae ofaaerrer “y* In their name b to wbo hu dealt with him and ■•••““gh 1 get "draw up an indictment against other WUte House aida on ^ wwUng at an whole people." ha pit to stop. I should thtak that even night many oecaalons arid, "Hb job f™
Influence Counts Greatly
With U.S. Chief Executive
I. b.U Mittin - taortr-M
Johnson wmto. In that respect, he b exerdatag as much aotoorily as anyone else over there.--except the President Joe has the authority to guess - but then Johnson may come along and say. ’What toe hril did you do that for?’" la hb spaebu rtSce. seat ed ta freri ef a rew «f hlaaibeead netehaha lahcM, “Task Perea CallfaM dcMrihed kb job In ttanllar tom » trytiig to know what toe Prestdou wants htm to do. la preparing toe Jsaintlr IN CRUCIAL and sometima legtatatlaa for Ihb year, be eat seme ideu that brubtag confreBtattoni with weeded he dearly knew hb bea alumiraim. steel, and autamo- would not go for. fadnstry legiance to President Jotauon’s Intaresb. One executive In toe middle of price dub- -___ recalb „ toe steel r>_____ «IUi mli«l wo»l«r ud WuPod Critfaao’t Ibetstence on the Proririenf, bolP-Ibe.llne polleta.
p*»» to » Hiito HoKI
1 d<n I have to teU you thb b « election year. ’ • • A list of proposed "bpoverty projects hotly cfaal^ CaUfonilans were ““ following: • $800,000 to the Uoiveratty ef Callfomla for a polk* atudy.
would bitterly resent the liimlication that tbe sight of S wounded Americm aoWler turns Ibelr stomachs. The American public did not flinch from their woundnl in Worid War II or ta tha Korean P<^ action. I do not even be Keve that the patrons of the • m.m to Uv, N>tk,nd “to" to l«8 l^h. FraW«*mAoi.rt«hta» oulr.,**,
S."*'* •
“'to' ^
• ttoom fnr . have seen few wounded soldiers returned from Viet Nam. ~ action program that would be week by week. « the ' incumbent
wmted me to ka wonted, so I got a pretty good (ta on hb rim.” he recalfa. --
^ «> extremely niccenful
oppenmt of the Americm casualty lists IrtwthDeBMCralie — en. The future may see increas-
Bbusned at borne? ^
Zulo Bennington Greenfr
Now iroriring a, neat P™t»»T' ***'• *** “ preeklenttal___
S Peggyof the Flint Hills
For a Full Education
toi;|T^ lari..4iTlMri. W, B. tto.
assume that he b acting u tbe eya and ears of the President
Quicic Quiz
tw wOltag to put In extra lime and effort on the job ta austoceans uta most moUnsb. with toe same copper base. later Uto. Extra efiOri Is tha gnly way to Buccea ta the busioess ^^^tomoaabptot WQrid, so rty tod otablbh thb practice ta Ugh achod to’ A - ’ Lovef of horses." utaOe tt caa be njoyed?
fl INi k* MIA
"Oh. beaveu. no; I’m set ■ riimaitritor - I’m tqrtag to wta^ u iavitatioB to LacTs wctolb«!'’
not Stand for, to toe total pleas- ®( ^ey. Australia, on thefr way to a warid ceofcrence'on r toe industry nor In Undon. 5^)1. U44. a vny roundabout way that will take them into Canada, and later on around the world md borne
• • •
BROOKLYN-BORN, Crtilano wu a bright young lawyer taa tapdrawer Manhattan firm five yore agtrvtoen be tiraply got tired of the alow pace. ‘T wu just bored erttb spUtttag stocks for Turn Drirey's law firm,” be recalb. He wrote to the now Deputy Secretary of Defense Qnis . (whom .to -to . 7\ Iter wu'IrfblS Tw Defense Secretaw Roh« i .SMcNamara. At tbe Pentagon, he helped assemble wltaetsa for (he Amy “musltag" bearings ..1YW..U.B Cen. v«n. Edwin MwiD WalkwaiBinvolving er. became de^ involved ta McNamara's cost-mhietiaa art ams. art dtottemadewortmtoeapertbe super■oBic trimsport-a project trtt first broogU Urn to ftidS Johnson’s personal atfentim. Whito-Hoae Murea recaOed that Mr. Johnson once tried tmsuccessfully to sfea! from McNamva (over the tatta's cbjcctiORSl and had to cone back a second tone. Wbm he pot toe quatioc to Cbllfano - in the swimming pool agate, toe reply wu: "U wouU be m honor and a privilege."
ta toe fall.
Mr. Rowe owns a transport company He started in U28 wtlbonetraekandnowhu around 4B. akne with eranes and other machinery for loading aid unkiadiiic. He hu storage warehousa and a small printing business. THE ROWES ARE SPBWIING a couple of weeks with Frank and Margaret Haucke of QxmeU Grove, who are drtvto them around ova ihb part of the country, to Colorado, to Tw, New Mexico and otha points of Interest. The two couptes met when K*ucka visited Australia. In Toprita toe Rowa were e«er‘•y McNair, wbo have been ta Australia » i «P«l U«n to vote there on. of these days. ^ ***** *P**^ ■ kangaroo cm make hopping on hind legs and tail. Tbe last wort aooadedBka-tlla’’ aad It wu commented on. But actually, ’tile’’ b a tma pronounciation of tail tom toe way we uy it. "tale." . ^ response to a mm’s amused remark about ha accent. . ***^’ •*' W1 you something. You sound “* where we clip it off." , MR-W>WE REMARKED ON OUR USE of’toe wort’‘vblt,'> ?_**f?* “ "*** *»*>■ ««>htg pto^" itb'ite of to «w rt tbe~wMd I* that It meaw to go somewhere to see s person - toe travel,h«. the movtag. hut not toe talktag. The Rowa uU that Ausfraltans feel half Americm and fcatTBilUsh. Tbe country b more like toe Ualtrt »«»f torn it b like England. Although about tbe same sue u tob country, it hu only II million people, art half of them live te two dttes. Sydney and Melbourne. ' H b perhaps the tut frontia. the last land of great open spaca with large rivers (hat caa be harnessed for irrigatbo. Tbe Australims are a little unaan that the expiodtaa ponoUtions of the world may be eyeing toeir country.
Seniors Urged Topeka Clubs Plan
Candidates Set for California Primary
Highwoy Officials Will 8e Honortd
noring the part of the polls thit Reagan stuck to Ms sofPsril Slate highway eNklalt win be SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ~ Ronald Rengin shows 1 can win In November Domination campaign, cooccoguests oT honor at a dinner at _ Cevge Chrtitopber sprint and we will win.” the aefor- tnted his words on Brown, S:30 pJD. today at Ramada Inn toraed-poliUclaa said at Sa- said a Christopher victo^ to the ed aertw California Monday, at the Bsmial tote Highway Dhuer givan hy debating at a distance tbeir cre- crameoto's rainy airport “Il'i primary would not "lessen my dentiats for a November chal pretty bard not to be optimliJasper C. Fraser. ISM Cunp- itt, fitird vice preBDot; the Street ani Highway Com lenge to Donocratlc Gov, Ed- tic." •nt to a Republican dl, e toeal baatoesiBian, wID Iliad Hemtego, lergeuUV mittee of the Topeka Qiamber mcTul C. Brown. Christopher said In Sanjtlego victory te November.” of Commerce. e initalled'as prealdent of the arms; Ralph H. Louis, aecre Christopher called Reagan "a tbit Rngan represent! '‘retro Oirlstopber has said be would Members of the Legiriabire opdka Bvwteg Sertena Qnb tary-treasnrer; WeodeQ Askgressive, beckward aneiat and vote for Reagan, but be may not at }otm Installation ccrem tamd, esstotant dergeent-at- nd city officials also will be sire loser In November;” antkiaated” Ideu rejected ^ :b enthusiasm for tbe with La Serttma tonight at arms; and dlrectora. Banett guests at the event planned to agon pointed to voter polls that tbe voters In Barry Goldwatei Hotel Jtyhairic Roof Garden. Berg^. Clarence DaUstrom, eipresi the chamber'i appred- show him a wtener over the presidential campaign. actor as GOP contender. Mrs. Ray Hays, SOB ftoehes- Robtft Turney, Ernest Rafter, atton for (be coaperaliDn given former San FrancUcc mayor in ler Road, win be fawtaBed u Charles Smelter and Johnnie Topeka by the State Hi^way today’s baDoling for the OOP Department In developing high- gubematorisl oominaUon. president of Li Sertoma. leuner. '■Some people have been Ig The ceremony will be ««• La Sertoma officers are; Tepaka’s ONLY dotted by LeRoy Robinson, Mrs. Charlee Smelter, first Shawnee Mission, Kansas dis- vice pieskleet; Mrs. J. C. CIEANEKS&IAUNDEIS trtetSertona fovosor. Assist Framr, second vice prcaidMtt; A racMt Vi^T bvyw eemplahNd that ing him wQl be Mrs. Raymond Mrs. WlBlam Marttn, aargeanlSutton. Tonguioxie. stale dia- at-anns; Mrs. WendeS Aaktend, kb h»f CHmOLET wM a temon. H« inquir* about your Iriet governor lor U Sertoma. traasoiv; Mrs. Horrid BodunOtbff officers for Sertoou te- an. seCTriary: Mn couMn't k«tp it out of tha shop ofttr 10 FREE Thompsoa, auditor; elude: Orr^MMe-DryPteMr garment ttoraga yMvs OBd 230,000 mlbs. Ray Hays, first vice presl- directors. Mrs. N. K. Nelson, Mrs. Ed Orr and Mrs. Robert ent; Tonmy T h o ro p rntt second vice prerident; R
To Back Peace To Install Officers
t . BALDWIN (Rectal) - Qndleolon mt Baker Vmaratty nr* urged Handay by • .US. 8m Jamet B. Pearaon, •.-R«u.. to absw bek
tor peace by hivDivlng tbem> aehrts to pohlie lUe. Ibo many people have a false image of pieties, be told Iti graduates at Baker's IQKh com. iwiwuiMit ezffciics. "PidUieBl etudes need changtog bat before we can chu^e. we seed to riew parti san poUttca aa bealtby and vital to democratic tostttutioD," -Saaatsr-PearsoD sakL He declared that partiMo politics nmst nt be tboo^t of - as s battlefleld whid> is alien to free goemnat bat that It is a chaileoge to le»leiihlp dedicated to free iMtttitlOPB. lo becoming involved, be warned Oie rwtaotee not to be came naddled iUidtas fay . cepting.ak«Bna aa replKsment for totemieBt thinking. Three honorary defers were presented at the exercise. Bishop W. MeFerrin Stowe el Topeka, Methodist Osbop of Kansaa, and C 7. ^tanas, Shawnee Hlaston buttnessnan, were awarded boDorary doctor of tows degrees and Dr. Hoover Rupert, minister of ihe First Methodist Church at Ann Arbor Mich., was awarded an ary' doctor of divinity degree.
$15,000 Grants To State Schools Fifteen private colleges in Kansaa will receive tsm in grants nest fall from the United States Steel Foundatton, New YorL ■ --UZ Hie gianB are part ol a. at^ rent program of aid to edneatin totaling ttOOO.000 to some TOO liberal arts coUeges to the United States by the FoondaKansaa enUegea which wID share in the distrfintkm of tills yev’s craBti are Baker Uniwsityi Betlmny Coflege; Bethel College; Friends University: Kansas Waleyan Univesity: Haiymoant College; McPher son Cidlege; ML SL ScbolaiBea Conege; Ottawa Unlvwaity; 8L Bene dict's College; Satat Mary Col lege; St. Mary of the Plates College; SoutbwosMn CoOege; C Sterlteg College and T^ Col < lege.
Srsoitfa^Tmit To vary the mondng oatmeal, ' add H cop of raUns to the wa ter }ust before ftfarteg in S cope of oals. Top each serving wUh clanamoD«]gar. Hakes 0 servings.
Your Day
<VSr* Sanitone
!• To a famous battlefleld, and tbe boyhor -I home of General Fershing.
2«To the Elsenhower homestead in the heartland of the prairie.
IhD SOS^mfle loop tear Uk« you to battlefields, rcHea ofandent Indian life and the hflla idien General Penbiag romped atahdy. 7m may begtn tbe drria driva at eny poiiiL For oampkifTM five te Kanaaa City, yosr ^ starting yointia...
Ambucans eome from an parts of dia eoontry to admire the Benhower Home and Maienm. Peoria for mOcs eraond enjoy water sports at Thttle Credc Reoervoir. How long since you've seat dieae poteli of interot? Trj tUa easy^odrive dtrit tonr soon. Your starting point, U.S. 24, to at the intersection with U.S. 75. in Topeka. Drive west through -Silver Lake end Romrilleto...
INDEPENDENCE. Begin at the ntnuN LOBAaT, OB a knoQ overlooking SomPaifc and U3. 24. This heaotifol bnildiog, of Indlau limestone, reflecta eventa oftfaenatioBfroinl945tol9SS and the OUT of tha PrMdeney downtfaron^tbsraaia.'nNiepUm of the Pieridenfa oSen given
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SXHARY'S.Aborideronthe campus of histone ST. HABT*a eoiueB.whiehbeganaaan!n. diaa mUon aM matka tho sits of ^ first csth^ral between the Uiiwnri Rlvar end dm Rockiee.CetttinimcaU.S.24to... mdeartbemiDoiiiideribdi Fort may have been need a
BUCKNER. Tam north on Roato 20E te ncr oaaci, orig inally built fear yeon eftsr the Leaietana Pairium. It wu leil960.Cantii>m U.S.24IO... LEXINGTON. In Septemher, 1861.thieweitheioeneofaiiaotioo known aa tbe “Betlle of the HempBelea.’'Attbeweatenedge of the dty, tbe MADONMi or TBS TiAiL nontunem ie one of a eheia of memorials bMoring piooew •omen. Drive north on lOtb Street to dm anvERSON Bovsx, aeeduibospiUlalB61.Mwa maseam overlooking tbe line of trenebea in aenu or lkxincTON STATS PAIR. When yon retan to town, nodoe the eannoobaB etm embedded in tbe east wing of tbe Lafayette County Coort Hoaee. South of dw dty 00 Route 13 b conrsoiaATi kbHOIIAL STATI PABK. Retum lO U.S.24 end bead ead toWavetly. ■hen piri op U.S. 6S. It’s 39 milee to...
• !•». rWMT Ml • wr w M*
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Hofw to turn a weekend into an extra Tacation:
aaiu (»Uf. n.*pr. t»). m tryVn>
AA fw ttmVrni SvMtWe
in Stars
MABSHAIl. Yea may want to stoo at DouJi rooTBius PAU. St me eaiien dty liimti, to swim, firii or memo. FeartcM miles north 00 Route 122 lim tam mm RATI PABK, where remains of oadeat Indian cultures have becst exeavated. Long befete dm white mn came, Miaaoori was inhabited by pnhto. terio Uband Bidldsn and the
AXMW lOCX TAVBXN,_____ mark of the era when wagorT trains rolled aaothwest on the Santa Fe ‘flalL The taproom hat been converted into a nmeeam of Amerieaoa-fxinUhed in the style of its day. Atoond it liea AMOW tOCK STATI PABK, with hikiog irafit hUdog irefls and And eai eampgroonda Tbe Bin^iamI Boose pieserves dm home of George Caleb Bing ham, iamous niinter:o{ frontier bfe. Ahboagh h^bom in Vi^ gimv he lived much of bit life fa) Arrow RocL Continne on Route 4Uorl8miimto... BOONVnXE. The fiiit betde to bo fou^t in Mimoari io the Wer Between tbe Stetes was fooght here Jane 17,1861. You will enjoy the drive threngh BASLaT PABK along the river blufia, where IndUn moosda era u ovidace. Booinrille containe the groands of kxmpei wuTABT ACADOfT, the oldsp milllery sebori wot of the HimiaaippLThke note of Ibe^diB a pre-1860 showplaw of western theatre. Turn Donh m Room 5 through Glasgow end al^ the Masse] Cte^ ihna^Him^n^At the
LACLEDE. Hue b where' the story of Jritn J. Peiehing unfolda
Huee blocks wt of RootoS, hit boj^ood home to pioerved es a and many of hto ^miul befa^ inga. TWo milss wert. pimbinc STATS PABK coBUDemoratcs the gen^ who led American tnopa to victory in World TOr I. Viriting tbe timple reMored home, you win leem bow Pershing's iathes a raSmad man, encooraged him to study. He planned to be a teariier and started in Linn . County scbooli when be wae 17, Hving enough to stndy further et Kirkinilie. From here be went on to Weet Point The display! teQ of bis long career, from the wars against the Ape^ end Stoox to tlto days of the AX.F. in Eorope. - The p^ coveie 1800 eem-of wooded hiDs. where Perehing romped as t boy. Continue west on Roate 36 through the gram and Hveatock
WALLACE STATE PARK, on Roate ULagoed^foream^ babo^hl^ii
excelsior springs. TUa has been one of the leadutg spas of tbe Warn since the 1880'a You can step up to tbe iMgest bar in the world dtopenring bottled watert in die HALL OB WAXXBt. Y»s may want to Tirit 100-year-rid Wiiktea Mm and eee bow wool«f were eaoa made. Continne « U.S. 69 In ■ITT. home of VniLIAU JXWHL COUJCI. Pick np VS, Bypem 71 and go mth to jsnetian with U.S. 24. Turn wmt on U.S. 24
DEPENDENCE. Why net n iDodwr trip-won?
WAMEGO. Here the rid Dntoh stone mill in the dty park mekea
99. tnreins wmt on Route 18. WABAUNSEE. The venerable atone Beecher Bible end Rifle Qmreh was built in 1862. It been its name from tbe fiery ISSO'e when pariihioneis came weto ander ra eafpicce of the ebolitiooiet preacher, Henry Word Beecber-end rifles came in bibie crate*. It is 13 miles to... 'MANHATrAN.Tbisutbehome of KANSAS STATK UNtVBBSfTT, dm first land grant school in the United States. Hi^ghUoftheattractive ISS-eere campus inrinde the art coDecdon in Ander son HaD. Museum of NetaranGstory in Fairchild HelL Ahean Fieldbonse, and the widely known experimratal firm. Turn oortfa
TtTITLE CREEKDAM.From the obiervatioo area u tbe dim. yon can look out on die wiiers covering nearly 16,000 seres. TCTIU OtBEK STATX PABK if t two-tiea development, with 400 acres adjacent to the dam and 450 acre* north on the wat shore near Randolph. Return to Manhettan and con, ■It... dauBaoudiwest on Route 18 to.. Be. FORT RILEY; Me morials and museum dispUyi teD the Story of this vast reservation, from the days when dm eavslry ww bore. Famous generals like George Ciuter, Leonsrd Wood and George S. Patton are well represented. The hiStoiiCAL miSBUH occupiesB building dat-' ing to 1855. three yam afur dm' fort was baUl..
JUNCTION OTYlhistowhere the waters of the Republican and Smeky Hill Riven join. Thirteen milee south Bee Reck Springs Ranch, the famoa 4-H camp. Centinoe west on Interstate 7Q to...
Swedish Parilion of die 1904 St. Unis WbriiTt Fair baa its per manent home in America. Drive out to reeky cobonam BKRHTf. where dm Spanish expioren are •aid to have camped in 1541. Ra him north on U.S. 81 to Route 4 and then tom east. At the junc tion of U.S. 77 turn south to...
ABILENE. Rarely does a home become a netionil ahrioe during the lifetime of the man who lived HERINGTON. Note the memothere, but dm two^tory house on rill shaft in dm park to Faihsr KA$T POOBTU STxarr to the ex - Padilla, dm Spantoh priest, who ception. All the items are orig met his death at the hands of In dians after lecomimnrinK Co»inals and give a rare insight into Generel Cieenhewer'i b^bood rtado’s r yeaii. The adjoining Memorial Continue on U.S. 56 to... Museum oetlinea Eisenhower's Ufe end tinme end displeyi gifts COUNCIL GROVE. Hero be received from all parts of the Osajm ^efi ligtied dm treaty of world-oLPABnKtaTowH.south 4825 granting right^f-way-for of the Eisenhower Library, to a the State F« IValL Tbo lamrina reproduction of the early cattle of d.e “Coondl liee" an stiQ boom town, when Abilene was jireserved on the site. Visit tbe the northern terminus for herds kaw auaaioN, now a sute muof Texes Longhomi driven north leum. See Hays Tavern and Last •long the Chtohrim Trail. ConChance Store. Drive east os U.S. tinne on Route 40 through Solo56 to the Kaniaa Threpike and north toward home. INDIAN BURIAL PTC Here you can eee Indian eUmiheO imdclaces, flint knives and pot. tery jnst as they were found. SAUNA. Thto to the grete floor. s dfaHa ^ ■e Cathec of the Sacred Heart to derigned in n the exterior form of a wheat rievator. The Srnoky Hills Hiw __ torieal Museum in Oakdale Park oontaiM exhibits on Amerua's StormAge man. thePluns Indian andtbe early pioneer.Drive south on U.S. 81 for 20 miles to... LINDSBORG. In dm Smoky HiU Valley this to a unique and sttraettve center of Swedish enlture and handiersfts. On the: bbtbant collke campus, dm
This sertoi of tonr fSggi pubUshedMbriiaUofyoiirlo. DbUshedMbriiaUof calservivitatiosdeakrbytlm AHaUOfifSIOUDlBfiimJII
For general Iravri Mom Eeonomie Dmfoement StauOgiaBaddiitg RoomI22S Topeka. Kantet 66612 ForMUtoarittriui MuiauiiDwiiiojioj Comaivta A Indtatrid DettloptniiU ItgenoB Baiidiag JeBer,o»Cilr.Miae6H6SJia
Here's Help IfYoa Can't Saw Straight By JOSEIWE LOWMAN Bruce Ctssidty believes that you can saw a straight line as u sew one If you will try. His book. "Practical Home Re pair for Wonen" (T^Unger Publishing Companyl is the first of ilk kind, so far as I know. Before my relg'lives and tends laugh me out of the country I hasten to admit that this book is probably not for
^ ^
tofctoer, raise your lep as Ugh off tt tUs eoe wlO brip her. too. Sit aa toe floor as as yoa yoa caa. Lower legs to Oeer. Coaltane ubUI yo oare tired. However, they do not know wlto your bands oe toe Boor bebtad yon and keep your legs straight oni la treuL about my lUUe-pubUcized ef forts at fixing things. I once posed myself at the carpenter's desk In the bobby workroom of friend and had I gone bilo piece, washable llneii.look soli in Dacroa palyesier and AvriJ action with the saw pointed the riiyan. Dad's llammonloo Park sports jacket in dark greet was. I would have cut Is a blend of Dacron, wool and mohair. Knee-lopplDg sus off my left hand. pender skirt (rightt worn with a multicolored striped pull I have painted many a wall over Is a great look lor the campsite. Skirt and lop arc easy id much sroodwork to wash, quick to dry and need no fraelng. AH womcn'i lime By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN make aa iatne ef 4L It la rather fushioBS are by Century Sportswear. glee. I love this becatae you DEAR ABBY: As a physician aaosiiaL bat If year brother see resulU so miickly. However who also sits on tbe board of KU't "mind," Bdiber sbooM I usually end 0(k with atmoit aa M. mudi paint on my hair and wed notben, would like to hands as on the wall. I come DEAR Ab’bY* Omeerning the give you toe benefit of my by this naturally. My father perience with "toe pilL" wedding giR sent to Italy for once slipped and broke his big Of the 11 girls most recently which toe couple had to pay 910 Dacron toe while trying (o Ox a lock oo admitted to our home for un ......................... ease Inform your, a.ssurc lasting neatness with no even attend summer theater in a door. wed mothers, seven had been ironing. a resort town near the camp . . .iccording to ArtiSeriously, this book made me la^ the pin, but probably .cte 14. p. 6. of Italian customs .Knit tops in laxhirad Anlron vM to try all ovs again. It tfarou^ improper use became regulaUon. wedding gifts may Quick Drying nylon or Orion acrylic to cogives all sorts of practical help preg^ aiqrway. Six of the sev be imported to Italy free of cusordisato with the pants and Quick-drying swimwear for the woman wbo is creative en girls had extracted a ver»- — sborU. Ibese kniU are wash nylon or Orion knit. toe bride Is-marrying EVELYN FINNEY and clever to this way aod even raal disease. Two of (be ^ Colorlul jackets and sweats able and shape-retaining. b citizen, irho, after the said they had bought the piUs For sightseeing or city visit sport shirts and blouses In easy- for beginners such as I. Try Again ing a good-looking suit in pack care fabrics to fill tbe family's Casslday assures us that it able, wrioUe-freu combinations needs for acOve sportswear. wedding gift must be of Dacron with rayon or coOon With modem camping ei|uip- only takes a UtUe knowledge of sent to Italy not later tbaa..iix. ts~a* must'for the 'feminine sich ment at hand to-make house- tootmi matertali — and months after the wedding date. keeping and laundry a cineb tice. His advice of the safari. For the mala, The marriage, and certificai* smart qiort jacket and neat, and with the variety of easy- wife trtto can’t saw a straight of residence must be shown f* sharply-creased slacks wUI fil care fashions available, a line or pound a nail wHheut tbe exemptiofl. Stocerely. camfring vacation can do longs bending it, is to try again. It is Evelyn Flrmey wiQ be tothe bill. -CONSOLATO D'lTAUA not the muscular strength you atalled at President of Kaw Today’s camper is likely to be an excuse lor sloppy i DEAR CONSUUTE: The pot into tbe hammer Mow that Chapter, Natiooal Secretaries enture into good! restaurants. appropriate dress._______ ■tlaa ceasMatof ta tte Uaited drives the nail but tbe accuracy Asaodatim tor 196647 at tbe Stotei aad Cnadi m leaHy with which you Ut the bead. dinner meeting Friday at 6:30 from classmates at a very high "M toe haO." Years was ealy To keep the be p.nL in the Hotel Jayhawk. price. Two reputable doctors are one el-a»MBy arte wiwte to cewbecoming bewildered by Other otneen to be installed by presently fs^ law suits for vey tte same netiar- Milla variety of paints on (he market Tbelma'KnulsoD, retiring presl- having prescribed (he pills to graita! - he acquaints, toe reader with dent, are: Hazel Rhoades • 1st minors without parental coil CONFIDAtUL * TO "REtypes of paints, their uses, vice president; Mrs. Anita s' AO toe girts were between IN BRIDGEmethods of applying them and Knudsea - 3nd vice prestdeot; 16 and 18 years of age. and from GREITING" :go^, mlddl»«lass famUiePORT: It takes looe peipie a the proper use and care of Mrs. Boernte Haag • re to lean tew NOT brashes. secretary; Mn. Ruby Cook Hen are just a few of toe secretary; and why the boys Involved are not TO talk ton hew to talk. Ysa made to accept nnaixtod llabUl- bte K ctoatag. Take y«w pnJobnaoD Mr. and Mn. BvereU Fetter tical Homo,Repair for Women." addlUM to toe tostaOed o(fr mtafament ot any kind tahmeai like a maw. left Monday morning for Remove paint from your cers, Thelma Knutson and WUlocal commuotty, one Problems? Write to Abby, Europe, where tiiey will travel hands wiOi linseed or some ma Fankhauaer were dected to boy, by hit own Dr. LouU A. Galanfiy. pral through Spain, France. Italy repouible for three separate Box 6976A Las Aigeles, Cal.; ' Htr< Iirdiaother fatty oD, toen wash tbor- serve on the board of dlreeton and England to view national oughty with soap. Tarpeottoe pregnancies in one year. Why 90066. For a personal re^, in Baytor 'CoUege, Belton. B. Texas. Ta close a stamped, self-addressed monuments and listen to music win chap your hands. do the parents of the girls al Dr.................................... Galanlfy and his lamienvelope. low toe guilty boys to go usrelating to each, country. Also )y came to ^ country ton Mr. Fetter, who la bead of toe Protect your hands when (Mntabed? years ago as refugees from eaniog a paint brush by pour ANOTHER M. D music department at Hungary. He wilt discuss hit University. wiQ attend various ing a solvent or cleaning fluid DEAR M. D.: Becaon ideas regards the teaching music festivals. They will be into a plastic bag. Shove tbe panata ot a gM wbe fUa ter of piano compositions by the brush Into the sdvent and work gone until Aug. 11. self to sacb aa BBfortaaate noted Hungarian composer. the paint out. manipulating the Faculty Membert oa Iripa uttaa wau aaly to protect tbeb Brio Bartok. bristles through tbe plastic. daaghter from firtber hart Ate Mr. Fetter Is one of tbe five Dr. Galanffy is Guild judge Washburn faculty membera, Yon can watch your iiogresi to brtog legal actloa agatiist the torougb (be transpareM plasGe for six days of piano audKions boy, to an Ukellbood wooM (tog trips, tbit y and need not wet jwir bands at District Director of (he Ka»- Bseaa pablktty. being held this week at Mac- sponsored by (be Sweet Si su Federation ot RepubUcan The Shawnee (toonty Chapter, Vicar Chapel. Washburn Uni mer Sabbatical program. U. Wonen. Mrs. Art Kuhtmann of DEAR ABBY* For yean my American Red Cron, I2S Westversity. NewPradaet wUch Mlu Mary B. Sweet la Leoti wUl pay an lAIdal visit brother wu the ci^'t most eli era. win hold Open House today Members of Topeka Chap te dooor. Mr. Casiday calls aUentton June 9 to three dubs in North gible bachelor and wben he fi at 7:30 p.m.. for wives, fami in the to a comparatively new product Central Kinsas-Mankato, Con Americau ladiaa Research nally derided to marry, you lies, and friends of Armed Donald toe market, steel tiles, which cordia and Mtoneapolis. Dr. Robert W. Mardodt, his should see what be picked! She Forces personnel now servingElder. Severence: Mrs. Mil me in standard sizes and tory professor, will do e^ht 90 ass. coffee ta a quiet, frail, shapeless UUle to Southeast Asia. dred Dalton: Mrs. Arthur Blay rmanent colors and c*n be the home of Mrs. Nefl woman (Ms age) and a widow lock. Jr, Mrs, prj.cmopie, weeks reseerch wot^ to iued OB Boon or waQa. TUs Puller. CoQcordla; a 12 o'clock with two children to boot! U Sgt. Kenneth Etacott, Forbea right! to the Boston Mrs. Herman Schuster, Air Force Base, wbo was TOY Ubrary. Htatorical Society and sounds Uke fun. luncheon srill be the meetliig taw toe beautl^ young Beulah HitUe. Dr. Uwvm to Sainn four months aod just Harvard Theological Ubi He suggests tto highlight at Mankato ' ' •t(Hio women wbo woe run Jones. Bertha Miner. Rosa and will visit Great Britain recently returned to tte States, proach carpentry jobs hotel coffee tbop, and ning alter my brother, you mond Nyman. Mrs. John E. several European countries re same- manner they approach o'cloek tea at toe Ottawa Coon- would wonder haw toll 11111 ( wm be guest speakw. He will Saibnsn. Georgia Shldeler: garding legenda and history of making a dress. Shaping and Courthouse meeting roeo to mouse of a thing ever won him *how itetnrea taken during this GoMb Smith and Ethel Wyjslgnmat. tbe American western fronHer. fastening are two ^leratlsni re- Mtoneapolia. him. burg. His wife wUl accompany b qulred in the toraier activity. Mrs. Knbhnain wiD talk bn WeU. she is sUU wearing her Army, Navy, and Marine Rfr Travel Tagelher These an similar to the basic memberdtip sad tonefa on Mgb- first wedding ring. Sbe told my (ntttog Officers win be present Miss MaiUfSB Cboan Mrs. Gladys Ewbank processes of making a dress; to to toow sUdes aad answer an^ AgMt £. Marngu was elect UghU of toe Natiooal Conven- brother that she sod her firs ed deiegalc from the Midwest Miss Helen Deel. both of the cuUtog and sewing. tloo of RepubUcan Women she husband were married at a dou- questions rogardtog the sttuaOonfeKDce of Womea’s Dlvl- English department at Wash- Improving the beauty of our attended to Waabtogtom, D.C, ing ceremooy and they ton to SoDtbBtft Asia. itoas of Chambers of bum.- wUl travd together, will home ta a creative and sattaled each otter they would Red Cross services available irolt in tbe Univendty of fytag hobby, and leanitng to Cemmetee to attend the IMT take tbeir rings off. (He > aervicanen and their U.S. Chamber AmmI Mmi- Lon^ tor study and win ristt fix a few ttdngs ooraelvas wnold Rouge. la., tbe mother of six was buried wearing his.) So^rn- famUies wUl be explained and lag la WaMitogtoa. D.C. The literary aod historical points of help tbe budget tremendously. children and the wife of brother like a fool said be dldn' slides will be shown. three-dav Mid-West Cotfer- interest te the British Isles and If you would like to have my ranehe^farme^ Uvlng near Le- mind, and be wm put HIS wed the (tonltoent. Their sabbati leaflet "Hobbles" send a tl. cal is from June 21 unUI August stamped. seH-addressed enve Other offficiata attending tbe never beard of anything so ri was elected Oiairmaa of the 27. lope with your request tor IL meetings will be co4irocl«'i Stody tor Ph-D. diculous. Is this proper? Midwest CMfereace for tbe Harry Wade. pMitical science Address Joseitoine Lowman to Mrs. Dale Brown, Delftoos. aod -LOVES MY BROTHER jiMthr l» lias inrabbini year iNM7. Des Motaei was Care of The Toprica. Daily Mrs. Jane mndscheflal. Smith selected at tbe site for the professor at Wahhuni, will Capltat, DEAR LOVES: U yui retOy Center, area dudriDan. spend an eight-week period 1IC7 CoBlereaec. lave year lu'ilhsr, yM wfll aM June 13 through Aug. S on re An award was presented to 4 Mf//ion More the Omaha Women's Dlvblea search work related to his Topekott Heads Group tor tbe wtsatog ovsfpboek es^ PhJ). He and his wife wlU Uve LAWRENCE fSpecUl) - American women at aged 18 Irv voalaining a resume M in Uncoln, Neb. and be will od over currently outnumber Barry Fitzgerald, son of Mr. their years aclMties and study In the Nebraska Stale Hlsbaical Society, and libraries and Mrs. W. R. FitzgqraU. 361 men by nearly four million, civic prijecte. Broadmoor. Topeka, has been say staUsticians at toe MetOne hniidred llfly womet of'the stale and will do special e'ected president ot tbe UBiver- n^tan Life Insarance Co. from Nebraska, Iowa, Mb- work on tha Unicameral Legisot Kansu afllUato chapter sonri. Texas and Kansas were lauire of Nebraska. he American Marketing TK*m k«*» Ml U«n fercte. ta alteadaore at the Coafer.He ta a juaior. ShoH tlird, Wta.1 «ita bte«. •ace with headquarters at the Hotel Jaybawk. Tbe Amarillo from .......................... S1.U Division was admitted to'the Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fall eoafereace this year. nf Overland Park have given PR Party - lovitsUoas the name. Shawn Patrick, to hav e been issued by tbe To- their an Mxn May 34 In St. MTKS Asms .... Dm. Tte pek* PuMIc ReUjioos Society Mary's Hospital in Kansas City. (or a cocktoO party and din They also have two other sons. ner June 7 to the FtorenUne Michael Steven. 10. and Robert - Myiu.i. TenttMt.’ Room of the Hotel Jaybawk. Christopher. 7. 1^1 In*. Sup*.. GraodparenU are Mr. and begluatag at C:M p.m. W. C. YttWai*. S«i*ia •te a>**y •Mwr Burk of Chicago, public rela- Mrs. Glenn K. NetoUng and Mr. •*M*I ate M'aaaial plaafi ra«. tioBS manager for tbe Santo and Mrs. Emmett Pall. Great awlnn] to it...« pc^ swur niiH. Yet aaaaUy priud. is pelistuax «xms an to tdfe—eod ift to Fe Railway Co=. lotmerty of grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. teUT. too, Alt tb« tamOr wiU ten* bi Topeka. wUI be tbe speaker. L. R. Phillips.
____ :_____________
Many famlltr* planning ramping tsratloni this toramer »iK hiirb modem tret traiim to family rant aod add sightseelag. city visiUag and resUarani dlniag to the unial ramp fne of fishing aod hiking. They wiU nred a wardrobe of rarefrtc sportswear la parkaUe. washable fibers lor everyone aa the trip such as is warn by the famlfy shown llefU. For city visits (realert mam ehaoses a roseberry three-
'Pill' Report Given
Fashions for Family Camping Trips extensive and truly carefree By HEXE.N HENNESSY NEW YORK - (NEA)-The wardrobe for every activity on drafty-lent. can-of-beans-over- the agenda. the-fire type of camping it as If you won't leal yw'ra on • old hat today at the dowdy camping trip anion you have dungarees and dirty sneakev your trusty blue jeans and old that were the costume for dw sneakers aloi«. take them. YouH get plen^ of mileage out event, Modern camping taailers with of them. But they won't add many of the conveniences of|lhing to the famUy prestige in home now make sightseeing a resUuranl or when visiting ireM and resort visiting as much a points of interest in (he ---------------part of a camping-vacation as etty. the iradUkinal hiking and fish A list Of fashions to take on family camping VKalioa ing. And Oils change of pace calls for careful planning in the should include; wardrobe depsrtmet. PanU and shorts (or the | Here is where modern, man and slacks and aborts for and boys in durable-press made fibers can give you
Personally Speaking-
Kaw Secretaries !:Sil^nlnsta!lafion
WU Faculty
Reed-Zeferjahn Invitations Issued for Wedding June 11 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Reed bavt issued invitatloBS for tba mtrHage of their deughtor, Joaou Mae, to Metrin L. Zeferjahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zeferjahn. The wedding wUi take place at 7:» p.m. June It tat tba Sets ood Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Frank L. like of ficiating. Mia. Dean Melvin wlU be soloist and Mrs. Susan Laitts wUl provide the organ music. Shelia Corbin will attend Miss Reed as maid of honor and Joyce Allison will serve as bridesmaid. - Mr: Zeferjahn-wHl be wh tended by Nonnan GoodmanJr. as best man and WUUam Hartner III as groomiman. Usbera will be Myron Uetx. Donald Reed, and Gary Flunor. The tapers will be lightalby Glenda Rohr gt Independence. Mo., and Lori Zeferjahn. Dean Rohr of Independence. Mo. Friendriiip, Hall of the church win follow the ceremony. AuistIng 'Wllt be Mrs. Devey Bish op. Mrs. Gerrald Reed, and Mrs. -Clarence Corkadel. Mrs. Myron UeU. Carolyn Olden, and Jody Sample will receive the gifts. PresidiiK at the guest book will. be Dianne ' Vandiver.'
riage to Charles R. MeVey will taka place June It. will be guest of honor at a patio supper and rolscalUtDaoiia shower to be given this eve ning. Hostesses are. Mary Msrgaref McClure and Judy Carr. The party will be given at the borne of Mias McChtre'a parents. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Mcaure. Opea House — Open house will be held by Bishop and Mrs. W. McFerrin Stove from t SO In 7 p m. Wednesday In their home for all the dele gates 10 the Kansas Confer ence of the Methodist Church meeting here this .weeL .Mrs. A'beit Bramble, Indoprn mice. Mrs. Melvin Booth. 0::;iwa, Mrs. Benjamin Schmidtke. Kansas Clfy. Kan., Mrs. Travis Stever. Emporia, and Mrs. Alvin Murray, wives of the distriei superintendent.s. will assist her, Mso assitting her wiU be Mrs. Paul Buitcs. Baxter Springs, pres ident of the Women's Society of Christian ^rvice of the con ference. Mrs. C. I. Moyer. Kansas City, wife of the lay leader, and blrs. Ewart WalU,
Bridal Shower -Llada Braunsdorf will be the hostess at a personal shower to be given Wednesday for Kathy Arthaud Miss Arihaud and John Meinhardt are planning an August wedding. Those in To Honor Miss MeCue vited to the shower include; Mrs. Jumes R. McCum wiU Miss Arthaud. Mrs. C. L. bold open bone Tbnrsday Arthaud. Mrs R. L. Brauns from Z unto $ p.m. aad ftoin 7 to l;M p.m. at her bene, dorf. Mrs. OUo Meinhardt boaortog her daughter, Sao-. and JoAnne. Mrs. Julius Gerslenkorn and BcmlCf, . .dru. wboie marriage to Jamn. S. MitebeU will Uke ptace ■ Mr>. Earl Hupp. Mrs. Francis Brame and 'Terry, Mrs. Saturday in the First CowfTe-' Mrs, gationri- Cbnreb. .So teviu- Robert Neiswendcr, lioBS are being Issued for the , James W o h I e t z. Marilyn ‘Jlarkin. .Fran Stolle.. Thais Shulda, Joyce Sumner, and On Tbursdas uooa Mrs. Mc- Janet.ArthaiM. Cuse will be hostess al-w— To Goldea Weddlag - Mrs. luaeheoD ai her home for her . dau^ier. You^ women iw the Mary Moser Waxsaa aad ckUsrodding party aod a few ad- drra. Beth aad Carl, will diUonal goesu base beeo tn- leave June IZ lor New Y^' _Uled. to- the -tasebeea. They City where diev will allead tnclnde: Mbs MeCnue. Mrs. the Setb wirdding etiebcaltoo Roy L Franks. Cuyahoga •f her pareau. Mr. tad Mrs. Fatls. Ohio; Sberry Pranks. Paul Moser oa Juae 14. TV Ta llaboma, Tenn.; Judy .Mosers, former Topehaat, Breecber. OUabama City; base purehaaed a borne at Jose Mitctaeil. Oay Center; jSia Jewell and wHI. move Mrs. Misrha Sikes, Mrs. Jobs bark here next December, StoM, I-ois Hashbora. Soudra after a it years ibsenee. Jobaaning. Mary Leao. DiFor Mnsk-iau - The Toaae Uadgreo. Janet Bradlev. .Joyce Bradley. Sbelle.v Sikes, - peka Chapter of the National Lori Sikes, Barbara McCuae. Guild of Piaiu Teachers «itri^med Mi the heme '< Dalton, chairman, ii
To Travel
GOP Leader-Will Visit NC Kansas
Sgt.Elscott,AFB, To Be Speaker
Cradle Roll
.How Year Smile Can Be BrighttWhiteAgaie!
SIPES GARDBIS "Becausf Smnki Aomhur-
DlrpcHy baUpd I Ml H. Tepebp.' lew eena el iM treUm ca«
New York Stock Quotations Mutual Funds Students Causing
yfkmo lAestodt
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.22:.K!; Poodle Chews Up Man's Dentures
BAKEKSFTELD. Cslif. — A Ctlilomia nsaa needed a fut WASHINGTON (APi -A denture repair sfUr Ut poodle flood of student jotweken chewed bis fibe teeth. He stated hiked the nation's unemploy ment rate to H per cent In May. a tooth on the spot He said It It was the biggest monthly rise unemployed were stfll m held like new. Cwapany reports Tr ‘J 14.11 17*4 in two years and gave added as U svaiU>le at aU Behoof in May and not ready to PLATE-WELO IlMI drug stores. -----------Knar 7JI IJI cvideDce lo what the govern take a )o6 untU June. KM Oft f.«10JI Monday as But because the govemmeoi Louro iiJliAn ment described slackening rate of economic counts as unempK^d every-; body actively seeking work, sp^esman said the rise lltm t* ISB U.B these youngslen helped swell lAiMn I 07 f.ll Mm Or lOMii.a from April's IZ-year low of S.7 the Jobless sUtisUcs lo an overMtu Tr It.nil.n per cent should not be Interpret ,all total of 2.9 miUlon in May. SSSt^i ed as indlcaUng any big up Mn Or T 47 Mil And.' Roes said, the govern44M Inc 111 4.7J swing In unemployment mem's own drive to provide at II 5S SS SSi'S sis: ’Jg’li Mrl lt| 47S 7.« Increase Expected M na na na- a lo omi ijj oBc million summer jobsj S!J Si. ;j.?.’4i? "I would expect a reMmpUon least for youths it p _____ 2 2Smi'*cSSP4ii-5i:y of economic growth and a de for increase the number of, laiia»a*t^acir.w'--ni« cline of unemployraent" later young jolKcekers and thus I ■ this year. saidI Commlssioiier boosting the unernploymem! figures. STrro«r“
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manpower white glove gfrU are hard to heatt
ON SAVING CERTIFICATES left on Dof^tt for ONE Yeor Intorett Poyoblt Quarterly leMred by the Federal DepMit Insurance Corp.
Jltln SI IIJSlLi SWrl In* ts.17141 TtWv El *mu. Ill t.TI Tmsm 1S74 1 44I 710 MO T.. fa 1104 14.M TwnC C S ST AII TwpC <1 TwnC 5 41 4.1 141 4.B UHIT1D FUNOtr 4 a 7JS
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"Phone or Write for Fiirlher Infonnation"
Teyeha. KoM
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mm Sst iigrri:
KC Produce
..^MSrJirSiSSvS; 2" iM.*' 15 Most >4cfffe Stocks
Ourijlnoney is economical and compact, comes in only
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Q T«frta OaltT Ci»M O Tan^.JwxT.
Laymen’s Meet Three Suspects Arraigned To Be in Topeka In South Carolina Holdup
Exceptional Class Aid—
Special C^oordinator Named
I sp^lal vidr5 fuDds for < edu»Uon «whcr at HmhUndiSuppli« and iransportiUon Park High Schooi. Mnndav aightj i* eUecUva from June I to July wn named currlcuhim roordi-!jl, nator for mentally retarded The position primarily would provide curriculum assistance its the 17 special room teachers i the cit)-, Other areas of conem would be in-service teachr training and coordinati .special education services with immunity agencies Also auiged to the new co ordinator tfni be responsibility I for all special class placements, re-evahiatlons. classrooni organjizaiion and direct teacher-parclasses in the Topeka s c h o ° ilcnt conferences. 1 Before coming to Highland Ganger's appointmem was ap-lf’^’'® ■■ - • - ,rd 0/ education teacher at East Topeka Junior High School. Prcvl-
The new position wu created under a $10,122 grant, part ol (be dirtricl's allocation under the Eleme Education In addition to Ganger's sal ary of $1^27J7. the grant pro-
Church Affair To Draw 400 More than 400 n lay delegates from Methodist churches in the eastern third of Kansas vlU gather In Thpeka today for lha 2tih annual meet ing of the Kaiuas Conference the Mclhodlst Church whi<
Kiwanis Awards To Two Graduates
, he taught In Servnon and Marlow. Okla. Ganger, who lives in Carbondale. is married and he and hit wife have three Children.
Lawrence Soldier Killed in Viet Nam
OUI opm tout 4 *.«. H • S"<.
will continue through Friday at First Melltodut Church. $01 Harrison. The ctmvention will <^n with an obserrance of Holy Com munion and memorial at 0 a.m. Dr. Alvin W. Murray, iupolntendent of the Topeka district of the Methodist
7:» p.m. e today. His topic will be rlefs'9loudt Carried Atong by Winds." A native of Norway. Dr. Hall has held his current position ■ince July lOSI. Earlier he aerved Methodlit churches in Norway and North Carolina. He (onnerly wu director of CTiristian educeUon (or Methodist Church Board Education In Norway. Dr. aare J. Hayes, minister of Lowman Memorial Methodist Church, will preside at the 7:30 p.m. service today. TTie Lowman Methodist adult choir will siiy^ at the service.
Sania Fe Band To Give Concert
aaot. liW. Iro. }i0MiN
3 gtul sUngHtogcther.and malic mUl; Mg tUigi happen to comtdyl
nim muai
hief TOMORROW! .aaoi Tortjc*:,
TKE LimniHG pom ILUCH WITH StfEWHin oow
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IM m* Kmmm Am., him 2M
JT cS^.‘•rrs l 0-toW,0^
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♦-coootnr Olovc Ciroron (Cowr.
Ooyeloi SMoi
i=S3s arisi.’r
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I QUO. 4000. 'air. Mo4 Taort 0 ciaaieo^^^Tvoo.
Flu mo Ctnatf. Tort, ■k.ii jmp IS-S~Sr(rrf ■ •Wiorr-; woo ••unoo leo ♦-M«or T« mo Coro*. Thvr. "Soew-
• Stenographers • Legal Secretaries • Medi^ Secretaries Flu iMuy other latwrutfag pwlHuu.
SrSvaan ta~imiat *N»vr. oatiw rounoni.
mmor or twoomont.- Jooo-t
is-m atown
*j£AT>»0« '" '
Nitr.a rum t»«r.- A ■WM fOinotno^ n-
Mawi. am li. OarorO. UiUOr fHw«i"o from a to-
ACCOUNTING ' Can lead to Fosttions as: • Jmier Ac • Sonior Aceoairtcait • Cost Accountant • Cradit Mano9tr • Office MaiM9er • Tax Accountant . •Data Praetssing SpecIoRst
ENROLL AT OUR OFFICE-633 KANSAS AVE. or Col R 44554 if you wish oddMaBeR I Oot of Townera i iWrito biunediat
JAMIS «AtNI tiOMiT aomi
>-FrrMcoot Jrflcilv. (Caiir) o^r. -iiiiau perr tmv Jo SrMiOt lion 0 mw n Itrm Van «<m ilu
FIOCI >.00
• Expert Instruetien
Also Professional Courses In Court Reporting, Office Machines
i>w wim mo Hfoooow wponuo ta " - —' '
:uM H«i ! *«nTU . Mtir
• Executive Secretaries
• Modern, Air-Conditioned Clasirooms
Have Never Been Befteri • Free Placement far Graduates
• Receptionist Secretaries _.mmy Somjeowr.
Clark* Graduate* Accept Poaiiion* a»:
o-ToSor (Color). S-CoiiM Kon CorWool
aoaon. fom>.
SMm «l CW-MMtiW
M.T.WPW.W. •PMarr Slew
-Wroa. Too. etnMrr .4noo eooim icowil >-M«< am Tort. Ooooriw •TM Han't
ImIrM Jme I4«k — Om tp«M Nr Nrty
F'5 95
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PVUJI wrn tmm • iwo la
Si: j^ri.
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^<rm Voew 1C
■ f•
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Mid Atnoried Roc* Track
ACiioeMT Awsae sist eKtvai oe tmi TOaai A aanr.»JLs.H4UurK>’T>j>rs
■aaCT M«tr> Imo -Ow* »I'liW ■ PM
go from PleasncFilace
WIBW-TV {Cas. ABC. NBO Ql 13-KFBQ-TV (CBS, ABC) Ch. 3-WDAF-TV (NBQ Ch. 4 KCMOTV (CBS) Ch. &-KMBC^ (ABCi Ch. 0-KTWU-TV (Edueadoul) Ch. U
Warm Ups. 7 pun. ThM Trtah. 7:30 TMih Si UU at raltfitad OfllM hMrrti, ItJli 0(C A«w....$IJI In. saw. tMK n................. l«a
ivid Henry Woden. 30. and William FrwMck Eustace, 23, , boOi charged u aceeiir^ei, Ml are Irom Charluton. ;« Tha trio wu arrested Salur- « day night and a fourth man, David Sweat Jr. 24. wu taken: into custody at Woodward. Qkb.;« ~ri4ay night In connection wUh:J le May 24 robbery. About $1,600 i u taken. «
TO ss*ti KM*r.
June 10
Nelson, daughter ef Walter Nelaon. Route 4. plans to attend the Unlvenlty of Kansas, ma joring in jouraallim. The Kiwanis Club for several years has awarded one scl»la^ ■hip to a Shawnee Heights grad uate. This is the first year two scholarships were given.
The three arc Harold Avlnger,
HtuuT. oeirr utu Kst
I n Dr.Tte
WICHITA lAP) - Three men amstad .at Dodge City in conncetioD with the robbery d • OsMritttoR. S.C.. bvik were taken before a U S. commbilooer here Monday for an initlal cumiaallan.
WASHINGTON (AP)-The D^ fense Department Monday idealined a Kansan killed in combat SanU Fe will present in Viet Nam. Blueprint of Satellite the first evet^ concert of thej Dead it Army Pfc. Drtbert year at $ ^.m. Wednesday at: . Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Uoyd D. Ryan. Lawrence. sejenee and technology experts Gage Park. have unveiled a blueprtail of Ja The program will feature: new satellite and rocket vocal solos by Betty Anoj Breakfast Table Chat pan’s launching center to be built on Griggs. Including "Tbe Soundj Tanegashlma Island south of of Music" and "It Might u| W »■ ■»» twH. ii> e. t*«. Well Be Spring." Conductor the band is C. M. Whitlow. Proceeds from the concession, Eat Out Today, /f’a Fun sUnd will help pay for the newl giraffe at the Gage Park zoo.|
Two Shawnee Helf^ High School graduates have been awarded 1100 scholarships t the Tecumseh Kiwanla Club. BiU Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. WDIIam Reynolds of Te~ cumseh, plans td attend Washbum University this fall, ma joring in business admtnlstrs-
«iw sciiuuirNup.
The Kansu - Nebraska AME Laymen's OonvenUoo will con vene at St. Jofm AME Church. 7tb and Topeka Ave., at 10 a m. Wednesday moming. The Rev. E. S. Foust of St. John AME Church. Omaha, Neb., will be keynote speaker. A program by local youth will be presented at 7:30 pjn. B ‘ Patterson, a lOM Topek i J graduate, will speak on "Y< and Its Destiny." The Rev. B. J. Nolen is host paitor. Prestdeni of the organ!uUon b Enob Faueette.
Mohoir Shrinks Never steam preu mohair knRs. The steam shrinks the fabric and Dattens the texture. A dry tm with very little heat ; works best.
R 44554
8 Supreme Court Orders Sheppard Freed
Teen-Age Fun Center Brings Public Protest
WASHINGTON (AP) - Tlie that bedlam reigned at tbe court entire Sopreme-Court ruled-Hooday that prejudicla] publicity and "beitlan" in the coorthouae -** tied Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard a
A public bearing oo a re quested special pomit lor a recreatiao center at 410 Arter majr ^rlde the actton ta an olberwlse nntioe City Cccnmisikn meetiiig today. fair trial in the bludgeon slaying Gary L. Mather wanU to mn oI Us first wife. a taeiMge Pin center to be "Ike carnival aimospbere known as "Tbe Brook" in qutN trial could easUy have be ten once used by tbe Tbpdka ," the RecreatiOB Commicwn as East_ Ihe f boro RaerMtiea Osnter. Be told osteo^th freed on) gives him a new trial "within a reasonable time.’ not immediately edear -Protest petHlona signed by It was there wfil be a retrial. aome 95 peraona in tbe nelgb- nbether The trial judge, said Joitie. borbood, howerer, have been Tbm C. aark In tbe M decMko, tuned in to tbe city cle^. Ibe "staould have adopted i ' petitions question wbetber tbo rules govening tbe use bniiding moets Ute city fire courtroom by newxmc , code, pbDnblng.code, building Sheppard’s counsel requeslel' code and varkMu oOter re- But, Gait said, "the (act la] Most of tbe pbjectloa comes from a reported series of parties held on -the premises, one of wbidi, tbe petifionera claim, lasted oavly four days Instead of Ite Slagle evening planned. Also on the agenda is tbe new city pteBbtng' code, scheduled • for rootiae approval arter a meeting last Ttanday where commlesloQert worked out de tail cbanga to allow the bomeooreer (o make more minor re pairs hlmsetf. MMdte BehM The code originally tbs scbednled for pasHge last Feb. bat ftil Hearty four montba tind In the press M other busi ness. An unlisted item that may bring some commission action is the U.8. Army Corps of En gineers' bid opening for constnictkn of ' ‘ Dike. AO (i above tbe im.0l» en^neen' esttanale, reported City Engineer Bernard WHUams, with die low. the old tim^sez ... est 9IJ37.000. The resulting de lay In getting a contract award msy throw into a bind three bridge construction tracts already let. The* brt^ work must dovetall into the levee constroctiea Mighty pleased to congratulate activity, but some of the frsctors already have ordered Wierials. WQllams said eeti. aatea-of the delay range (nan X weeks to a year, and soed tbe city migU offer e BnglDaen. Vi <io you want us to do, who's got $1,000.00 more srrite lour congressman?" asked CltF ^tonuy John Lewis when in her sugar bowl, thanks to WiOiains explained the situstloo Monday.
Beetle Bailey
Atary Worth
We got a winner!
Mrs. Gladys Abramson 816 Washbuiu Topeka
I Rex Morgan,M.D,
Summer Projech Van-T Chevrolet City Scheduled by Y Yep .
A day camp and resident canning aetMliet win UgfaUrid the.RaBer irogran ofithe Topeka YMCA, Vera Haefliv Y yonft secretary, ■aotmced, Five ODS-weak day cimp aesilona wOl ba hdd at YMCA Camp Hammond. TIm first aesaloa, begtaaiag June ISrwtU in clude ardttfy. nalnre sla' and an oversight cook^ut the eod of the week. Reildeiit canvets wUI live at tbe YMCA camp for one week. Tbe first soniao begtoa June r, and two other aesriont, begtoidng July 11 and July ». wfl] also be bdd at Camp Hammood. Reglstratiaos itlQ are being accepted for totb programs. Haefle said. Other Topeka Y summer pro grams wtn Include swimming lessons, aktedMiig clatse crsfta and Judo tostroetion.
Wkhitans to Vote WICHITA (AP) - Votera will ballot today on wbetber city commlsskia should take onr tbe Wldiita public service.
ipaeMvmo NMWUOHV m/tfcmon uia
. that young whipper-snappw dona wanf^and
ought'a win in Juna so thosa triandly Tatars out at^an*^ art sailing naw Chavrelets at prices so low you'll feel tike a nistiar whan you taka one heme.
Per instance:
fim r Dotty
(CSTr«1l« S-doer flctw*)
o M889“ ^UModelfOt TerdficSttsingi Ir'seosytobuy if yog give Van-T a try!
Major Hoople
. Family Circus
' hu«h.M<AOW/ t euAseo)/ -fTse t
Former First Lady 4)ies in Wichita
Zelmo Champney Services wiQ be at 1:N p.m. Wednesday it PanweiUIabel Funeral Home for Mrs. Zebnt Qtampney, 5S. who died Sunday in a Topeka bo^ta] where she admitted eariler «he same day. She had a heart ailment. She was bom Jan. 20. l»3 at Hutchinson and had lived In Topeka since 1151. Earlier she lived at Enid. Okla.. many yeara. She was a member of the Wetieyan Methodist Cburth in Topeka. Sutvivort todude her hiuband. F. W.-(Bad) Champney. at borne; a aoo. Richard Otampney. at home; two daoghttfs. Mrs. UUdred Bailey, 50n B. Slh. and Mrs. Marian Uneaster, 4217 E. 4lh; three siitss, Mrs. Edna Rayls. E. 6th. Mrs. Ha«l Easterly, 5213 E. «lh. and Mrs. Goldie Gerhard. Enid; three brothers. Tom Mutr. Enid. Leo Muir, Portland. Ore., and Sam Rorabau^. Los Angeles, Calif.; and three grandchildren. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Enid, aaara Mwicat
WICHITA - Mrs Marcclls R iTrdi Ttlbnatu Am. Wichila. (ormer first l»dj' of Kan»u, di«d Mondiy in l>ita] J)«T w*»e« she b«d b«fl a patient five weeks. She had undentone abdominal surgery Sunday. She wa-s the wife of Edward F. Am. who was goi-erw of Kansas from mi to ‘ Mrs. Am wm horn April 17. Besidei her busba.nd. survtv1910 at aucago. n1.. and moved -I include two daughters, Mrs. to Topeka when she » Barbara Smith, Pboenia. Arts., oW She moved to I I93S and relumed to Topeka and Mrs. Dolores UndertiUl. while her husband was Kansas Glendora. Calif,; her mother. Mrs. LHIian Fogg. WichiU. a aiomet^girneral. a Justice of Ihe Suprem-* Court and-^ver- sister. Mrs. Alma Smith. Jupin.T She bad Uved m Wichiia ler, Fla.; and sis 'grandchil dren. s"Vf 1155. Fhe was a memnr- of Ply Services will be at 3 p.m mouth Coogrtgatlonal Church Wednesday at Ptyrooulh Cot and the women's guild at the gregatiooal Church at Wlchiu. church. She also was a mem Entomhmer.t will be In Mbtioo ber of the advisory board of Chapel Mausoleum at Wiehita. Jhc Wichila Guidance Center. Bvrd-Snodgrass Funeral Home. She was married to Edward Downtown Wichita, is in charge at F, Am Nov, a. 1933. In Topeka. of arrangements. Francis C. Murphy Francis C. Murphy. «7, «01 W. 21st. died Monday In a To peka hospital where be was admiUed Sunday after be suffered
WilHUtmiWirter Mart avMi Aiu>b Keek. 41 *41 r«flnNw. w— <M Swwey In * TaMk* IWMilal nOwN CM hM Mm ■ MINM M*T TT. Uw lw< ennet'. aiirw Ml M «• nwmarlel fvt Onu^^.^^KyNj^il^lirln W»N el "•
Court Ruling Pleases Doctor CLEVELAND. Ohio (AP) Scmuc] K. Sheppard viewed with atad-amotim Monday Supreme Court ruling dedaring bla coAidctlan In the slaying of his first wife did not come after a fair trial Sheppard said be woold wetcome a new trial “becauae I am sure I could vlndicale myaeU. Bui be added. "I would bate to
£ar/ier Story Page 9 pot my family througlKBuch Sheppard called llir court's dediloo that his ftst trial in 1954 was unfair "a ^t reassiirau« ol the freedoms we have In this cOintry and a resurgence of the faith that at one time I had lost." Sheppard, who has main tained his Innocence throughout nearly 10 yean in prison, said: "Tbey don't have even enough evidence to pul me back in JaU, much leas retry me." Sheppard, 42, met newsmen in the hot sun on the lawn of the brick row house in suburban Rocky River where he and his second wife, Ariane, S, have lived most of the two years since he won release from Ohio Penitentiary.
wmrins •
Om** Ovriwjjr*"*-„akM.a«MI Fg»>w ——
“ “oeSsSm.^vieY**
tm Fmw»i Mmw nm i N J TMTlMt «1 "» OK»m
vision of Insllluiional Manage-' mem. Sute Dept, of Social Wei~ (afe. and Capt. Ralph Collier.' .Kansas Highway Ealrolman. WaUy Nicoll, Denver. Colo., regional representative for the Nabooal Assn. • Health, also will address board membm. . The group will review a re port of McDIII Boyd, past prea-. dent of KAMH. wbo represent ed Kansas at the recent nation al board of dtreclors meeting at Atlantic Qty. NJ.
.CftSEa^ 1”
M' i!r.S!iir
«c DU«.A.TOt
53.00 AMBUSH
Rml Mini. 20o«... SIM R.T-2.
....... 88‘
sr»""- 89‘ 73' SI.I9 DROTU
.te Dfoes, l-M....
with fiHinqs for homo end travel
HAND CREAM Regular $1.00
51.25 UVORIS AaWfctMry, »-at Saosetw...... .
**lv atenw«m r«ctN* mvn i
umrcD STA-ns txiwcn AUoaATiON, lATiON, INC. inc. g.0.leil4S.Tasfki.
7Qa »"
FIVE-DAY edsrsirt
PAPER PUTES ..........67' HEAR1N6AID
52.50 cunoi Condition for preblom Wr.
53.50 ARPEGE Travalar
^9 f
by Lanvin....^
BaHtrlas.' 6160 ierg&laafiaid........ ■
LIME After Shave LoHon
97' P
52.00 SIndnii Umo U«’. Ccloya.
51.10 HENNEN
SK.«po., 00c
52.00 TONI
51.75 BRECK
Ifs 9oeci to hoifiw... after a day of hard work or hard play. And h’a plaaeant to relax with cool, reflMhing beer. In feet. 65 % of all the bear {Toduced in thia oountry h enjoyad at home. It cbeen your taata aa it ta> nawa your seat. So, make yourself at home... with bear.
7Se,S2 m C—
ti.» ewTU
43' 34' 38 28
52.39 ANACIN
iliis CHAISE LOUNGE Fohfiaq AkmiM
IVr Pounds Lost in '/r Houri PwlH a mMM »w* a«M4 bf It* UMr. el OkU. bMM Motel Itel a Mto M wMmT wMoMoa m
a-lUJ Metertaed 24”
GRILL gMorte iptt. teiw idaedilo wtit ted, aa «V tvaha wbaalo.................................................
mm WM M MryicM.
Programs to aid police offi cers in working with the menial ly ill will be discussed in Topeka Saturday by leaders if the Kansal Assn, for Mental Health. The quarterly KAMH board of ------------- ,ti„g -------at the lulip . T and KAMH vice president, will preside. A (lisoiuion of problems en-
MILLS iaavKii ' Smvwn M «x*w WrUMry MCPMTM Mllll Sty « M Mftw. pMt Cmw-rr ( n tlw MK Min win iw »< uVn'
Special Talk To Lawmen By KAMH
ar oat—l-Oo— laeieiii aaad vavr pivwitaNini refibo to Nibte aad Smt IIS Kmmi Ay«.
51.55 COPPERTONE 51.00 MEHNEN IM|< tlZ.-S.......... 67' SaataaI. UU 4«. ..................JM 51.00 ALBBITO SI.HClfARASIl
eaak i trweu
- -
PMVytew Onw-O
rSiNeXS? cSi!
*“T2VoIr (4 Baxes) $*.M
7. 6, 1
TeuwtauK. parkviews ^ Cbr
s r’
She* lor Yew PrescHeriew mi RafBti ei fee De Yew Othw Needs et Pwkvkw
Prfets fteod Twes.. Wed- Tkarv,
Court of Honor For Trofip 70
iwm •( Mmifi wwrow*** •» »•
Town & G)untry
• 835 Kansu Are. • 10th S Topeka
Fully Lined, Lang Cuffs
H> -n »»n< H AUVWO. 1*00 •• V»t»f
He wis bom Aug. 22, IKK al 81.-Marys and had lived In To peka a years He was em M MW MWWI ployed by the Railway Eipreai ti .Company 47 years befoi% be re Survlnri — rf*n. I *. Un til., • tired to Deeembe IIM. He was *o!m a member of the Men's Oub of the Topeka Public Golf Coorae. atnut wwF mmmat m AWrlM'y Nr Mn. MirwrtI NU* Survivors Include his w 11 e. ••rWr hmr. M. ttta.mm—lmmd a*M en » Mrs. Pearl Murphy, at home; a dauihter. Mrs. Rath Uugbei ’■S.'mnewwr*, — un Meadow Lane: a aoo, RandaU E. Murphy, South Acton. Mas.; a sister. Mrs. LoretU Hoixmelittf. MSI W. 22nd; i brodter.CUSordJ. Murphy Oklabonu Qty, Okla.; and lev en grendchlldren. Services win be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Wall - IHffenderfcr Mortuary. Burial wUl be in Topeka Cemetery. Boy Scout Tns^ No. 70. Crestview -Methodlit Church. wlUhoWltivwteriyOwrtof Honor at the eburdi at 7:20 p.m. today.
mmi \!
The flaast ntoas hi tm .... sF Pirirrtov’s Law Pike
r»a m<v h«v •' >••*. sid • r,*t H •ffiivd v«.r •* «t tk* Fifv/yira* Sl«di«. Call tvdiv hr y«.f IrM JatetitarM •■4 •gfilivxl iDfanastlM.
cooKWAii sn U-Ha«a
lire Out Of Town? ; Call CR 2-8712 Collect
WRINKLES T ToVk - . a hu rbund a w atance made vlth that works wondan on igheDM) face bbC oae lima and 11
OPEN UMOwy Ibn Mdwr
CALL GR 2-8712 Today or Write 2641 West 2ttfc
ImprovemenL next monunr. In a tew days drywJUD wrinkles aurt Uk vanlah. Many of the KiuaU ooea around the eyea and mouth have alroady dUasneared. But that la not aU! AeV* iweathaml) brown tpots on hands and arms— brown "age" darknau on sur face of tan and neck fades sway! Rich mU hlUPKaCs pom so blsckhead out without squee
Sunglasses of the Stars by Foster Grant YouVb seen them in the magazines. On...Ahftt Ektjerg, Anthony Quinn. Mia Farrow. Vittorio Gassman, Elke Sommer, Now come In and see the fabulous Foster Grant collection here. All the styles, each with famous ff77 lenses, all priced from 1.00 to 5,00.
Complete Selection at Parkview... KRAFT
UHb I...............................
pimples and blemishes drv up or bee ahlel But don'. I't taka . ____ my word ... for It.' Make a 6-day lest with out risking on# penny. Just sacock's
and"tt*yw-aiv not del Kmoo PALU TOTH amh reauIU fuU price refunded. No qucatlons___ _ Psacoek'a Imperial Ci«me ..can work wondani for wrtnUea, lUi^ brown speU and other obtain Imperial Creme for 02.00 from Parknew Drug Store*. Clip thu out.
City e.- 6d1 lera, H Yee C^'t Com Pflfkvlew. Rial Orders. Smi 62.M m Parkview. 631 Koosm Avw.. Komm
Ibgilar7fc itae wMi FRft SAI4PLE
U«b»Cbam 4V2.ee. COB L>
.... 77‘ AAi
Jiil* teg, lelh, Twh tmk ... Ww
r StWaieH SOwl JOfe aewr aied^
Old Story Holds — Youth Favored as Golf Meet Opens By BILL MOBR Advuce competRkn and the need (or etaniiiu are two factors which a«ata wlU lean heasUy in favor of the more yootbful enIrants, particularly the cotlegians. when the S6th annual State Men's GoU Tournameat opesa at Shawnee Country Club Tuesday. Action gets underway at 7 ajn. in the first day fylng. TtMsday'a low play another U holes of quaU> fying Wednesday to determine the SMnan champlottship (light. - Piistroond maBdMs are set Thnnday. Ihea o iroeltag part — FrI hie rooDd (second round and ^oarter-flnals), Saturday's U-
chunpbn Duke Evans of WlcbIta, 1962 UUbt Monte Kaser of mchtta and Rod Hera of Kanaty. H Meet Here nly Jim Vickm, who won 1964 tourney when be was 35, has been able te cra^ youlha’ ctemioation in Ibe six yean. f It began when Johnny Sineca TMdor.Jaw7.1*U li of ^diUa woo the tiUe match Me semidnaU and Sunday's City, (I(OUahoma State); Ron against Kim Corbin of Wichita in a battle of 17-year-oldi at ae-bole title matdL Schmedi nbatt The collegians have two solid [Kansas State); 1964 runserup Shawnee Country Club in 1960. months of varsity cempedtlon Jamie Thompson, Wichita Sevens repeated In 1961, down(WicfaiU SUte), and Jack Oev* ig Kaaer. then 19. In 1962_the behind them. enger, Topeka Country Qub le match had Kaser. 20. whip ping Hutchinson’s Jim Hardy, This group ieclDdea 1965 ran. (Kansas University). 19. Evans was a 28-year-old nenip Grier Jones of WUiUa Then there's the ‘ Roger Brown Arfci > - 196} Okbboma Stater the following •a he downed KU's John Hanna. Vicken won the 1964 crown from 19-year-old Thomp son and K-Stete graduate Jim Colbert of Kansas Oty, now a pro. Tvas 26 last June when be trimmed the then 19-year-old Jons. The majority of the seven former champs entered, how Duke Evan lined gp the patl that dropped (or a btnUe oa No. 16 and forced a playoff ia the fev-baD meeL M ever, faU into the mature cate gory - Dave Dennb, Inde • Om YOU HEAR ABOUT THE FOOT. last year felt be was running a rdiabllitapendence (195041); Bob Vide^11 team that was like counterfeit luney? tioD center for srounded giidden. ’ en, WIchiU (1999); VbBll Park - You know, the halves are fnU of lead and BUT THERE IS ONE DILEMMA er. WichiU (1959); Glen Dillon. , .the quartera can’t pass. brewing. Rtndm and Davb abo could be de- Topeka (1957), and Dar ‘ The imUnd might have applied this to fenstve starters at thb point They are Schoorover, Topeka (1941-46). Kansas State in the past. Certainly, tha among the doaen or so Weaver b omsider... WlldcBt backfialdi haven't alnick (ear in the Thptkaaa Mbatag big for two-way duty. But preferably, be’d ' hearts of rival defensive becks. Wichltans have won 31 of the like to have the backfleld rested. But that could change. At least, the DETROIT (AP) — Drawn and Depth, then, eonttnoes io be a problem revkus 59 and seven of Wildcat striking powa- appears more dan pale under a fading sunUn. De in the backfleld. Eves in this area, help past eight and abo send troit Tigers Manager Charlie gerous. Development of ttie backflehl was krana on the borbon. K-SUte has dipped largest contingenf into the field of 173 with a SO^en roster. the seconddmoate moat encoora^ Kan of qwing Dressen stilt was quick with the into the Joco ranks, that increaslngty-popuBy BILL MOHR course. Wichiu's McDonald four-ball event te better par at quips Monday as he left a ho^iBecause of a cooflid with the : practice, according to Coach Dong Weaver. lar reservoir of Instanl help. Wlcbitens Monty Kawr and Park, firing 69-70-7O-BI9. iShawnee Country Club. Chrb tal. three weeks after hb second : . And the moat eicauragbig? The rapport weaver Indicates thb b no gnat de NAIA tourney at Shawnee. Ralph Bevan fired a best ball Coyle of Coffeyville and House heart atUck. developed brfween the playera and the staff. parture. that K-Stale always has attempted Okla.. some of Topeka's best of 6$ Monday, then downed stroked even par rounds while “I don't knowhow long I'll be This b the sort of littangthlr scribes slough lo recruit good Juco playm. “But our ef- young gdfers — Roger Kluska, Manhattan’s Bon Schmettemann here,^‘ said Dressen. who moved off. But It was a big concern to Weaver, . forb haven't alwtya been lo apparent," be Bill McDonald. Tommy Stepbeo- Roger Brown of Arkansas Gty[70 Monday, were among turned in a 73. aoo, Bay CboUos and Denny from ihe hosplUl te a suite in wbo had four new men Ml hb staff thb Weeded. ~ the first bole of a playoH early finbhers in the field of 27. The best round posted by Detroit's SberatonGadilIsc Ho • be absent ^ring. That the old i^eycn and new For success in thb department. Weaver on the local scene for the (ou^baIl tourney title Topekan in the four-ball event tel. "Dr. Keyes (Dr. John Keyes coaches bit It off was meet pleasing to credib assbtam Ken LaRue. He’s strudt held in conjunction wilh the final two teams finbhed te learn was a 75 by John Begert of Sr., beat spedattst) says well are Dillon and Bill Heotzler. Weaver. pay^ In foraging on the West Coast Bk 196$ city champ.'from the State Amateur Golf meet at they were headed for a play Topeka Country Dob. play It by ear for a while.’’ off. Country Club. ' K-BTATE PLUCKED OFF KOS FASS- host course and John B« ' “I’ve got to walk up and down tt-Mwhr Kottr, BUT BACK TO THE BACKF1ELD. ANler, a $-10, 176-pounder who b om of the (1955 medalist). Bill Anderson Kuer. who fired the brst -Evans.-1963 Kansas Amateur Jthe bail, three Umes- a -day.n other pleasant topic. Throc^ most of the of ihe day. a Ihfefrunder atlbt^t Topeka Counlry Club. Dressen said. spring. Qw backfisld was stable. Thb. in It- ~ better joco propeeb In the Bay Area. He and Gary Heath, all former round HOK«MM OlTI r eoold go dtfaer way. From San IHego URoe city Winners, along with Dev- 66, gave hb team the crown Clir-JK* HSMW. K««Mt on. Related PhMo. Page 12 self, was « At tlbies, II has bpped Oiarles Sanford, a $-9. 190-pounder enger from Top^ Country when he rolled, in a 20-Joot looked like the Wildcats were running a birdie pult on the first hole at carried his rwosome with whose speed offers prombe. Another of the Oub. commuter service from bench lo backfietd. and forced the playoff with k^ figuree from the West Coast juco Odd Offidab Monday night ruled see. B!H Nossek, a U. ITO^ioand rookie, .on Nos. 17 and 18. __ _ OMInviilt; tim I b Wilbert Shaw. Ihe ban would be played down It marked Uw second title in birdiestlie ;Dupli-C^ CWV. CWMyvItl, quickly estabUibed blmaelf ai^ of veter17lh Duke holed out two days for Ihe 1962 Kansas (or the tourney. u> Clly. I ns Vic CastHIo and Mike While. Another Then he stroked 4M L m Ct I-3SI4 see pro Bob Ritchie, who lev- Am winner. Sunday be e borne deuce. neophyte. M. 196^ioand CerneUus Devb a 20-foot curling, down field. Io oil. K-Slale hat brooght in seven eral weeks ago predicted two- hired low amateur bonori lodged aquatter-i rigbU on fnllbodL Incum hill putt on the par lour Ittb ______ __________ timMMOiMi o«-l — Junior eoDege traatfen -(be three backs, under par 160 would win medal the KTVH prow en hb home onMrrr. M>n IM. wlcfsii».l ALL ACES bent Osale Cain remained at baUback and for another birdie. an end and two Unemen. One, Inddeotally. ' stuck with Ihet *' Lodb Rhodes took over at wt^bai^ The Evans tore up the course on b a bomwgrewn product Weavtr sets "a “sithougb I was about te lowtt apUt end. aba considered a part uf the badithe from with a four-under 22, very good chance'' for 64, Impound Marty my forecast a week ago during nekt In Wuver's system, spawned a ddsxe then bad trouble on the back Allen of Highland breaking bto the lineup. tbit ieng dry speU." pass catcher in Dave Jonea. 6-1, lOpounder. nine until the last two holes. WM. K. He’s an end. and K-SUb needs help Ritchie said recent rains have Kaser put hb 68 together wilh Thb collection diowed an ahOlty to there. In fact the Juco playera all were helped the rough grow. “Tbe MARSHAU nines of 3S43. Bevan onulated' 1205 Konsos Avt. move the football throui^Mit the spring, ''spot recruited.'' That b, they were picked bail b stiil booncing and rolling Evans’ feat by abo birdying' most noUbly In the final spring game. The with the idea of repairing weak positions. quite a bit In the (airway, but Evenings Purples won 4M w Cain and Davb each To look on them as an Initant panacea if we should get another half WASHINGTON (AP) - Early the final (wo holes. ■ SpKtwters WefeoM Bob Johnswi of WichiU and ran (or three louchdowm. Nossek hit 6 of U would be fwesnmptlous. But at least there's inch Of morawf rain the course survey reports by blologbis in James Johnson of Ksitsas Oty passes for lH yards. hope, ‘mre’s eonslderalde hope K-Sbb wUI could teughen up considerably." dicate a late nesting season for Weaver sees no dilemma in having quar be a better football team . Asked for a possible cutoff ducks thb spring but condlUons turned five under srtth a 31, terbacks stacked three deep. Indeed, the (My one problem; So will procticalty figuro. the host pro reeled, in the primary duckwthig ar even par ; i the back to depth b reassuring to a coach win at tfanes “I'm not real familiar with the eas on the northern prairies ewy other team in the Big Eight field (it includes iiS with six were generally improved over a share second place srlth James Quinn and Jack House of Kanhandicaps or better) year-ago. isCity. would uy 152 or 153." The teurney's best 36 r hole The Interior DrtKrtmenl wid Kaser. Evans and Bevan qualifying score was a 139 post Monday idgbt preBmlnary re were the only players Id (he ed by WicblUn AI Uttleton at ports by Bureau of Sport Fish Selina Country Club in 1946. eries and WUdllfe hMogists said The only previous lime qualify cold, «et 'f|Mng delayed most €horfw Sdtrnee ing has gone 36 Mta af see, aeetiag Ihb-year and resulted in in 1946, (jene Zuspanh of (kiod- loss of some early nests. Rental land claimed medal honors with Water conditions in Ibe sonlbm portions of m even par 142. Hying School MILWAUKEE, Wb. (AP) - klclur Pete Gogolak by the riea provinces i UK American and Natioial NFL’t New York i^a last Aertol Spraj^ng " Fdotban LeM«B may aoon an^ mbnflt but the nadob's sports Larson said such a merger nouDce a complete merger. edhera nd wrlten see peace 'abo would seem lo end (be Dial CE 3-6677 Kansan Posts Win Lloyd Larson. bOtwaakee Sentl- ahead - they are even hinting threat of turning Chicago. Los Ml sports editor, said te hb col- at a future meger. Angeles and Houston Into twoIn British Amateur Capitol Air umn Monday night Meanwhile, Pete Rotdle and team cilies. The next expansion rkh arwma. Pipe tobacco la a filler cigarette. ^ CARNOUSTIE. Scotland (AP) Stnrfee Laraon, quoting unidsoUfied A1 Davb. commbsioners of ibe would be delayed until (our new Yoo'fl Uke 'eiB fine... and that's patthig it mildly. - Fifteen Americans won their i could be admitted." sources, MwMoM Alqwrt SHAWNEE, Okla. (AP)-More delated Stary, Page 1 wUI not serve as a starting peioi n interesting form of gov- than 180 golfers from 56 colleges nutches in the first round of the in a peace move becauae of pos> lent b said to be to the and universities begin play British Amateur (telf Charoplonshtp Monday a day when sible legal compllcatkn. Dg.’’ Larson said. “Final Tuesday in the 14th NAIA logenerally have refused com Carnoustie put on ib kindest authority would be vested in a “Rather, it will be only parl- ment ■■ ■ Golf Tour a logical part-of a mucb bigger cemlng the feud or Its poasllte five-man commbaioo, made up the Shawnee Elks Chib course. face. of two owners from each league Top 196$ players returning in Jim Vickers of Wichita abo and more sensational merger termination. surprised by defeating David deal A complete merger. TTk New York Tima saJdIhe and a neutral party. Instead of a clude Don IwaoB of WbeonaiB Kelley 4 and 3. SUte at El Oooe end Bill Mc “Yup, tbafa Uw way I an bolding “se single cammbsloaer.'’ 11 (ran people anuod the eoun- cret peace talkB'' and that there Laraon quoted an American Donald of Washburn Universtty. try ad» should have a pretty were hopes for “an agreement, League sjKikeaman u saying. Topeka, Kan. Iveraoo was f (air idea of wfaat'i gotng on in probably in the form of a com “Whaterer the plan. 1 beUera 2 and McDonald No. i last year. N«« 'Si YaMte's there will be a diampionship Other Ichabod golfers entered both leagues.’’ mon draft, within a week." game after next season, with Bay Chotlos, Roger KLiska, Despite continued smaH-arms Larson outlined a plan that complete realignment set (or are Dennb Payne and Tom Stefire b fn football's hot-aod- calb for a »4eam league, in- 1967.' phensoo. cold war, editeiial ' all U in (be NFL and aU aotldpate an immineat trwc - Blue In the' AFL. The teams ■MWyPSfHRilFW and evcotual accord — between would be spUt into two leagues TMGal nih. 24 He. 12 Ha. the rival Amerien and Nttk^ of Q teams eadi Each lei^ League. in turn, Larson said, would have 6100 1 9.CS 800 27.17 . Rap^ persist that the AFL two six-teara dlvbioas. - 500 4628 “That would mean Ibree'iich 1000 miTm 49.KT 9057 for the signing of Buffalo place playoffs-one for the title In
on sports
Duily (L'ayital
MtT7 Hurt
Wichita Twosome Snares Crown in Four-Ball Event z
At Crest Hdw.
Late Nesting
Season Seen
ColuBinist Details Plan-
Grid Merger Seen
Ichabod Among Top Returnees
Getapf>d(etful,<F«u»«i ;
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Ff»4 ImnJ ilBtag*—
iMuUr srkatiHra
« Ami nisei Dan'* mv ! • • i
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1500 62.50 74.40 1S58S 2500 100.00 12083 mm 1MM Ue T* SSiO0
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CE S-5355
LOOK INTO OUR RED CARPET SERVICE COMMERCIAL Wnon you’re setting your sights on a persons! losa locus on our Red CsrpM Service. Compare our rates-thechsit speaks (or kselt. Whet it doMn't tell It that our welcome is warm and our hettdsheka sincere. K espenMs have caught you a little short remember Rad Carpet Service-the pleasant way to borrow.
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Phone; CE 5-5323 Phone: PR 6-9244
Dodger Asks Cage Star May Switch Sports^ New Pay Plan
Howard Fuels Nats'5-3 Win Over Orioles
Form Chart KATKMAL UMGUt «><■ LM m MM
WASHINGTON (AP) - PTIok Howard'i Uireew bemer ta
third bnlng coded ■ W«bS2SST S S S > Ibt biftoB tcorinc tonlM nd the
5 2 S K
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KlMK-n MMMT miiMMiM » M rtmiK* l.
—--‘‘l^^m'ICHTmuT'*-11 It CAKW IIiumMi I'M. 13.> ton FfwM <MKkl »4I « HM« (OHA'P Ml. •-■ >n
S5SS 5 I! a -, S iS S K
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pAcmc com MlMTt MOaMT
^PwitaM f. TMN X
Seulon «cm on to trim te Mttawre OrMce M Moodey nl|M behind (he Ov»Ut puebtof o( Phil Ortege. Howird'i linfrdrive ibot into the elsiton' bullpen off kMr John Miller lent the SenMon ■bead M end Ortega held the Orioles in <dieck (or ids nflfa etolory Id seven deciiKni. The Senaton had aeored oolr one run In 9 limingi prior to Howard'i blast RsUm Frank Rnbinsen drove in all the Baltimore mu. die lift two on hli istb and 14th botnert. Hli Infield out in die Rrst inntng aeored Lola Aparldo, who led on with e doiM and west to third on Rum Sajd«*i aaertflce. Ortega singled in the Ihiid, and with one out Bob Saverlse walked. With two avny Howard, craihed hU aevenlh bemer. Bd Brinkman's homer in the seventh capped tiw Sonalorc' scoring. They scored bi tfae sixth on singles by Jim King and Howard. Snydar'a error and Dick Nen'a sacrifice fly. I row for Stadhun. dropped them one full game back of the American Leagueleading Oevelaid Indlas, who wtreWle. _____
UMkn MoaMkV MMU 4. WMIMart >. CaMMw •. MacM 1 IN k»iM(t’. CKanana X i lu
KS?-«"*V"!2SSrJ*!'!l nSrliiiiKU... li!
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RttULTl MOMeHV l»tora U. WaN<M«T M (in |
■ aaukra mivotvmt « 4. Mnw-R«i wtrto I. riM n. 11 Rm t.
— *«««•'•• »•
-IMI MMt W Sta Ml
Maty Eater, kit, aad Ralph Bevaa, both Wkkttam, Sgared their cards after Menday’s taBhaX eveat prior to toe Raaau Amatear gaU touriey at Shawnee Cooatjy
Horn Shines In Qualifying
KANSAS CITY (AP) - Rod Horn, n-year-old Kentu Oty araateor, ehot avm par 140 Mooday on the long, narrow I. IS-KIrtNfld. S Indian Hills course to lead five quaUfiers for the U.S. Open at I San Francisco, June 18-19. Horn, who wiD compete In toe state meet in Topeka this firwl five Wrdles. one on Chisox 5, Angels 1 week, 40-iool putt. In shooting 8P-71. ■ - PHILADELPHIA (AP) other four spots were ANAHEIM (AP) - Floyd Rick Wise pitched his first com Robtoson drove to two ruu with claimed by pros. Par b plete game in the major leagues a single and sacrifice fly while on the 8.610-yard course. wd Rieb AUeo rapped a bomer, BUI and roeUe Lee Stan TOrsk. 9 year-old pro •double and single as the Pblla. EUa cracked borne nms as the at Kaniaa (Xty Country Chib, delpUe PhilUes wUppad San Chicago Wbito Sox whipnd CaU and Joe Jlmeoes, Jefferwm aty Pmetoea •-> Moadiy nUM tar itamia S-1 Mooday tor veteran, both abet n-7M41. their seventh rictory to the last their fifth itralght victoryTied at m were Writ Shalper. eight games. Left4>anler Jual Plaarra a pro ai Glen Echo to St. ~ WlM efadtod lha hard^ttii^ pkked up bis fifth victory of the Loob, who had four bWla on Cliato on right hlti, stmek out season against one toes but hb 7J-TO card, and 30-year-o1d eight end walked two is bis leo- needed relief help from rookie AI Chandler of Columbia. Mo. - ood start since bring recaOed Dannie HIggbis, who came on in Fmt Ptabb May 9 (ram San Die- * ' the sixth ad retired aU 11 bat Chanller, grif coKh at Uni ten be faced. Pacific Coast League. EUa cracked his first major versity of MbriKUt closed with AtaBMor blrdlM ee Us fiBl two boks for league boater with the batee Afien BDseked Ua flRh homer empty In the second toning and ■ 9 on toe lasf 18. Chandler’s to right diyi in the iourtb 1»- Skownn hit his secood of the fast flnbh vmlted him over Bd doubled aereai «u of year to the filth. pair of SL Lodi vetermi tied two PMtodripltU ntoi to the RoUson drave in a flrst-to- at 14$ - Dutrii Harrison and SHh, napping a M tie. ntog run with a twoout slgle UllonMararic. Tony TRylor aim bomered hr and knocked in anottaer in the The S6-year<ld Harrison, one the PhUi wbOa Cookie Roju fifth with hU fly baU before of golTs aH-tlme greats, won toe playoff tar toi No. 1 riterstroked two ataglw. nteuflng Skowron bomered. Sox. have won nato pmitton oa toe sr—bis hlttlag streak to nine lamea. The Doddea by wnile Maya and ntoe of their last 11 gamea, extra hole, dropping Mana WUUe IteOovey gave te Ginia knocked out CaUtamta starter No. S alterute. Grier Joom of a na In the first Bdng but ttie Jeek Smford attar four taote|s WkhHa, runner-up to toe IMS tlad It 00 Taylor'e bomar airi wrapped ito Ihe vtdaiy wttb - KBHa-AmateHr, ww No. * ' alternate at 148. to the third Bd went ahead M their two rani to th effiih off Jim Tom Blair of St Loub, to the fourth cn Allcn'a eighth reliever Jtm MeGloOilln. former Missouri Amateur homer of the seasen. M4- W.ejMMrtr.’'-. champ, wsts No. 4 aiternate at 147. Tied at 148 for. toe fifth al ternate were Bob Thomas ol KTs’* uiiS53r?a"it: WIcUU and Herman Scharlau Kt‘ U ? of Kansas City. — ~ ...til 4 1*1 tiMin t 1 • t« Horn and Chandler with 88a. lilt were SSKS ■“ the only fdayerr to break par to toe SSman sectional -- -rt» rt > »»» fWd. Tlje other scorm: j «1 <> »11)
Pair Sparks^ Phil Victory
CW>. Tie twotorae fired a kw bafl of tf, toea woa to a playrif with Deke Evam ef Wichita and Roger Biwwb of Arkaaaat CHy oe the first sodda death bole.
CHICAGO (AP) - Caoie Runril. AU-Amertca from Michigan and toe No. I draft riiDice of the New Y«k K4tkNEW YORK (AP)-Don Drys- for less than stoat they felt toey eriwefcers of toe Natiooal Bksdale of toe Los Angela Dodg re weren't kelball Assocbtlon, said Mon. ers. onetoatf of the most famous day he'd junk toe sport which boldlout team to baaebaQ his ring to revotaiUonite any- made bfan famous if basritall tory. domat tfatak owners l«» said Dryidale. “We “maka me the rl^ offer.” sboukl impoB a maitanm Umlt « Just trying to get what was RosseU refiiaed to say wiiat salary scatoa until they im Ir Bd equltatoe. the right offer would be but in. pose a limit on their own earn “Maybe there could be tUng like an outside board, but dicated it would have to reKh ings. "There should be a hatter wsy if R had an owners’ rq«aenr the tl«.0(» mark. have Russell worked out with the to settle dlspatat toan the way Uve, U would have tot and an Chicago White Sox over tfae it has bea in the past” Drys- i^o^'MtsIder.'’ weekend and although be hit a date said during a weekend sefew lobs kite the rinds h» rka with toe New York Hets. “There's too much of a oiK-way Dtyidak said be hadn’t reaUy flridi^ ten murii to be desired. argument now-yon take what glvn H any deeper thought and Russell, saying be didn't know (bey give you or you don’t play. bad not thought at aU about Biqrtblng about money, which he “Every chapter in player dls- triiat prehkms, a any, mighi leava up to hb attorney. Ar putes over salaria has ended rise next year. thur Morse ri CUcago, indi with toe ptoyer giving In. But But Koufax bas. Be admits be cated toe Rnicka have not oome someone smte during the dis didn’t like toe dispute eitber and ctuser to toe figure pute we had that *when they be doesn’t totsk there wQ be a Morre reportedly hai let for repeat perforinanee. Caxsk’B serrices. what owners can earn then they -The worst part of It,” said “The last I beerd.’’said Rus can put one on what players can Koufax, “U that one irfayer b sell. "b they have offered «».earn.’ That’s the way I feel.” compared to anotoer player- on." Drysdale sea the probl toat aboutdn’t enter into it “But it won't come to the from toe point of view that player it nsgoUattog through ■me totng again becaum it Topekon Repeati rs'agent—toe gentfsi won’t be neccasaiy.” be contin ued. “You stniggk to reach In Boot Morafhon ___ — and would irder to certain print to tob game ai when you readi it, 1 don’t totek Topeka boat racer Harrid Eis you have to argM any more.” picked up hb secood straight victory of the season Sunday, hb St Josaito. Mo., Drysdale and bis partner. Suburban League defeirilDg mile mantboo ebampknSandy Koufax. finally settled cue DivisioM ship. with toe Dodgers fv a total of IM 4. OlMU t Topekans Ray Gower and J. about 94&.09. eodtog toe twin D. Comen ftadrind second pti boldoat after threateotog to aU vss was on thM behind Eb. oat toe year raliwr than settlel uta ■>. Comirv ti
^ B.E Goodrich / #»(*)'
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ColtSyndicoted LEXINGTON. Ky. (AP) Olin Gentry, manager of DArby Dan Farm, said Mooday that ooe-half intemt in the farm's ! ihree-year-oM colt Graiuterk. had been syndicated for lU million.
S! ES"
Girls SoftboM
-------ariUCTI M041MV -------0»l*n« sr.ng Mn W S< M*mn fnrm i4 twnm* nvMaii X
•AMat TVBS04T «> LM Whins. Bliswd Ma 1. *r:>t rt UtCaa EUct'k. McEsstr ••trNrratws n. uoiN« *■
’'it’jJsJ’ft »«rt-7 a. Vl«k VtsHMt . - n kartsswa HJU; 1.41. 0» «• Osrk rt Ss awsrsM M». i. . AS e»rrrtos>-> w. TannKn n. r*. ■Nj LUSH. < 44 IM euntn n. Tl«rt At Ay»«rt-7 a *UM> •»V-,.:T4yi^^
PM< HM«. w Laull. lO-M VrilM. V. L«uh. l»OSMA. 11. LmM. IM-Tm H"WM
4 full plies of nylon
Stealers Sign Pair
Foy Sparks Bosox _
PnrSBURCK (AP) - The Pittsburgh Steriew signed of fensive tacUe Charlie Bradshaw nwkie Joe Foy two-run seventh inning with, annd defensive end John Baker long triple in belling toe Red to 1M8 contrscu Monday. U wlU Sox to a M eahibilion victory be the ntoto season tar each in over the Atlanta Brava Monday the National FootbaU League ni^ before a crowd of I8.«B.
Stock Driver Dies
Y-Church League a^i'Tt4*'i 4*"' OVSOT^ fMHIM
•Pony Express OMttt's MW 11 ■•s> I.
Babe Ruth League LlABy l AlArtAl 4 CMM Ciw 1.
City League Softboil tliULTi MNOtr
imvirr - ■ --
MIfiM S*KS*» a S!1«AM oil t Tom* CHeWC MMr ROMk 14 IM OAMfi TurtOAT
rieit aovND LM.MO. Or* A - - 'h4m. cm 4 { u OATtau v*rt-r am. uhm< 4AHSV <11 >4 N Ha> MnNt MMlOM rt. MasN-»s i l4 Vm *•• CM
HINSDALE, Til. (AP) -Stock ear driver Ken Ftoley o( Jus-[ tlce. n.. died Sunday night ap parently of a heart sebure after wtootog toe 9«aUe fature race at toe Santa Fe Speedway.
Car Service Center
Cadet Gets Honor WEST POINT, N Y. (AP) Mike SiRiman, Wat Point’s basketball and baseball sUr, n( the Class of 1918 at the U S. Military Academy Monday.
With “ply nonsense” to the north. “Tread talk” to the south. “Miracle compounds” to the east “Cord angles” to the west Before yon know it, you’re going in circles and you haven’t even left your driveway. In most tire stores yon need a compass ]ast to get from the front door to the salesman. At B.F.Goodrich—the straig)it-talk tire people— all you need is a Tire Value Calcnlator... and you’re on the road to the right tire at the right price. No confusion. No compasses. Wherever yon go, start out on the right tires. It’s a cinch if you let B.F.Goodrich be yonr guide.
.Arm Shelves Ford NEW YORK (AP) - WWtey Ford, the New York Yankees' veteran tefi-hander, was placed on the IS-day disabled list Mon day because of continuing trou ble with his piiehing arm.
_ A little confDsiou ttrer Trliere to go on your Tication trip is one tiling. But tlie confusion OTcr Inlying die tires tbat’U get yon tliere is another thing.
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The stnd^t talk k B.EGoodrich / tire people B. F. GOODRICH STORE I7to oMd Topuka BMn Topoba. Kbib
C8 4-
4tk owd MbiiM. Cotoy. tmtm
HO 2>
Boston Scribe Equalizatian Monday Thinks Says Pro loops Draft to Stay Near Accord ■. MOBILE. AU. (AP) ye*r igo Tuesday. Rick Mo _ , wu the Ko. 1 cbtto In bueWl’i first {rtoyer drstt Now IIM.OOO richer, be {days centerfidd lor the Kansas City Athletics' farm club at Mobile. Ala., and thinks the dralt ts probably good for basebaurwith aome UmlUtiooa. Seme sty the U-yearold Mon day could have gotten more bonus money If he had signed before the draft system was adoirted. .Monday is not so sure. “I don't think it would have made much dlBereoce to what I got,” be said In an Interview, “bat 1 ttdnk {lossibly tbe draR may result to sane of the play ers not fortunate mougb to be drafted to the first round getttog less to dgn than they would have otherwlae.' The young slugger believes tbe draft is hare lo sUy to sane (arm. “There mey be sane changes made to It," be said, “but I don't know exactly what toey should be.” Monday could have signed before the draft became effec
With a year in organised baseball behind. Monday is atill a man with a plan and moat of hlsboaus money. 'There wu quile a bit of pressure and several buslneas opportmlUes,” be said, “but i to wait until ttdngs calmed down a litUe." Tbe nHoey Is to a bank dnwbg interest and Monday to conceratruttog on maUag • Jots, "the only place to Some Kansas City officials think be and other young play ers could help tbe club now. But no one wants to rush things too much and apparently that's all right with Monday. "I haven't set any UmeUble (or myself for making tbe ma]on and 1 don't tUnk tbe Kan sas City organisation bat ei ther,’' be said. Monday, 6-3 and 195 pounds, to not setii^ tbe Southem Uagne on fire but he’s improving, he has raised hto average almost 20 pidnls in the last iwo weeb to .250 wllh four homers. He’s majoring to physical edueattoo at Ariiona State during the ofi-seaaon.
Hearings End
13 Still Hot in NY.
Shawnee County coamlsston-' NEW YORK (AP) ^ The ers Monday wound up thra temperature went up to 90 de OalWF. Mil i«m; Uawi ■ weeks u be bounty's Board of_______ ____ 1117 04be«x< LafTT {. EMvtm. : grees Monday, be bird straight . Cfiwfiavt wiicwii. 1 Tax Equalisation, after heartag day the mercury has rrached or L 411. an am w passed that level. appeals from taipayen TMacaa iv laWi • since May IS. 14* III a* daw Law. No assessment was raised as ev*r*n Mill, result of an appeal. Of be BOffTON (AP) - TTtt Boston tin casa, 29 were rejected. Tbe Herald aid Monday that negoUrat were lowered. aton of be Natkuri and AmerAssessments were reduced a IcaaTaobril 'Leagua are near tolal of $29,105. The largal agreement on measira to end single reduction — $10,000 - T. Pu>. ftvM J'""* their costly rivalry for new was given to CJJ-F Grain Co.. pleyers. Inc., for a grain bin with a There ba been much specule- .mllapsed roof. Sj4 - c«, St llriMM Uon about be nbject by news-^ The smallat reduction of $25 in w M".Soas, Flaw** ewili, I* *1. Power Cushion Original Equipment men to other |wrts of be ...............-ac*« kr MW: OM It lo Gerald and Sharlee J. 1. J*M Viiiatt OriY*. and Ji “New Car" Tires. Slightly Used, E^rtly try. Spokesmen for bob Mason, RossvIUe, on a abed Recondilioned! 75% or more ori^al have doled iqxirts of e. ' at $100. agreements betsrea The new 30 per cent assess tread depth remaining Mail raaacae w lai: Oaaa leagua. ment law requira all real prop- k riMa. im v*i> luTtai Lan>, “Peace is Imminent in pro eriy to be slate to be re- ?_ football's multi-rallliaii dollar assessed. However, Shawnee eaul Dociaii. 1114 uiwaialai EuBm* 1. talent war,” Herald sports edi County hag not begun plans for laMMx ji.. Ill Ollmva, larax tor Bob Hoobtog wrote. “Within reapp^sing property. If vwiiitfiaa. taui* 1; tffx m,n>, mm. »I4 Lanai CMH*r *- ......— two wedta be American and About 60.000 percris of propNational Leagua wU come to erty were assesaed this year to igreement which will end Shawnee County. frantic icramble toward Other assessments reduced fjn»T<rta1 property belonging to M. SHintr. IM aandaiaFi. the followi vtog persons and com- M**Sr"S Eariy Trace? 111 e*Hi watrar. •. Ha>an. 4771 “Never again will a collegian panla:
one low price!
1134 W. Ur« Ttr.; Oaoraa b WilNamt. ke AU-Amerlca linebacker Ill* Oieerr: 0 C. Meattal, 111 K. Ltm*. Tommy Nobis get a $500,000 Owar a. Sciwarti. la Kawo* BaMi codlract - plus added beoenis - (or signing wlb AUanU. or » w. CiirtH: William B. Mntwii. i*3 OuincM wuiiam C tlaanaa. ikius anyone else, before playing one Maivaw Paal, U4 W. Icmi (wart * down for pay. Hiaiiaf. asn aecnatiar Soad. of the long NFL and young AFL rivals, whose pockets knowingly being picked by be untried, are extremely close In CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. (AP) their infonnal negoUstions. Complete accord could come early as next weekend.. “Albougb final form of be set guidelines for future mai Dr. Wilbur C. MiDa, who will agreement Is not certain, It space journeys. >ecome acting chancellor of be mat likely wiD be a common ! Two major setbacks were be Univereily of Denver Aug. 1. is draft. Eventually, an Inter- Inability to dock wlb be “ao- be husband of the former league aU-star game could fot- gry alligator” target sateUlte Vlretta Shaw, whose mother and be (allure to test a rockeV ffEW YORK (API - Baseball liva in Topeka. NO MONEY DOWN-NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED lub owners and mato^towe NEW YORK (AP) — The 196S Others in tint mrtqory are Hoobtog arid one of be NFL powerwl back pack iriwi Eu Mrs. MiUer, daughter of Mrs. Buy 4 (or as Ultle as S1.25 weeUy crop of college baseball stars pitcher Ken Tatum, outfielder- negoUators to Tex Schramm of gene A. Cernan's space walk C. S. Magnuson. 2818 Kentucky, grW Mt^ay on the method of tad hi..................................... Irst baseman Dd Unser and be Danas Cowboys. He IdenU- was shortened. OUAHAMTEEO attended Topeka public sriwoU financing the «ISO.O«I required be up II airf load pBUBnfw Un. > MantlllM an Mr racoroi a* baini fuarantiM. toteber Frank Portera of Mto- Red be AFL negotiators as On be plus side were be suc and Washburn University. review Ti cessful execution of thm dlHe^ lain •* • mull ei an.I normal road nataid mWin U mo*4M «l purchia* early to run tbe players’ new the annual spring draft of owners Ral{to Wilson of Buffalo, itosippi State and pitcher Louis dau. man a prs rtu illowane* par manUi baaad on aainnf prica vili Pt Her husband has been ent types of central office unte Marvin agents Is held by baseball's :Bua) Stephen of Fresno State. Lamar Hunt of Kansas City and vers; the more than two hours member of be DU psyclalogy- mao* Dir tM aallat toartrd tM purUuu ol 0117 naw CoedTaor Ura. Miller, a forme Jor and minor leagues. Tbe ses Allbough tbe toUl draft to not Bill Sullivan of Baton. dal. The matter may g> to arbl- sion will continue Wedneatay if expected to a^wnch tbe June, Tbe Herrid said be necesslly of space walk experience; and staff since 1949, and has been tntion. necessary. 1955, total of S13 players, the jr an agreement “has been be demonstration bat astro vice chancellor for academic The owners’ prt^osal, relayed Reggie Jackson, CBiiat dup to regarded as top brought home harder by be nauts can steer a spacecraft to affairs since June, 1955. to the players through tbe Exec fielder who htt 15 homers for grade. efiect tong, fat, uyeut contracts a pinpoint landing. Dr. Miller is praident of be utive Council end Cl State; Steve ChUcott, a There Is more qua% avail for rookia have had on veteran Three Gemini space ships Rocky jMountaln Psychological WUliam D. Eckert able this year than in any year ball players. Clubs in bob have planned to link up wib Assn., a siz-riaie organiutlon. Agena .satelliia. Only one, Mrs. Miner’s abter b Mrs. Himtooa oad Gog* the pension fund siDce Vorld War.n.”4aid.Paul toagua-Mw-are (aoad wlb CR 2-42M sky-rocketing de Gemini 8. was guccesstut-and Richard H. Finney, 1605 Burnett lory. on ati-around high school a<» Ridiards, the veteran baaebali massive, Ooqt Sbeppiog man who to the Phillies' super mands from once hapiv regu- it was booked up (sr less than Road. ThU would eliminate the |S a from Pittsfield. Mau.. half an hour before a faulty scout 'The reason to the grut Un" day for 172 days that each big among the prosfMcta. spacecraft thiMsler sent the ve The New York Mels, by virtue increase In interest In college ague player now pays, hicle spinning wlldiy and forced total of about $374 a day for SCO of finishing last In tbe Natknsl and high sdwol batebalL” an emergency League tost season, get Ihe first Bach of tbe 2D big league players runs close to flMMW). It Meeni More From Ray Bpert pick. Tte Meta, desperate tor dubs can pick one free agent Review Stotod Gemini 6's Agena exploded ta The players want tbe $3 dsily catchiw. ere expected to take Bach of tbe Oats Triple A dM« space — and the astronauts sub taka two. Eadi Qa» Doollde A CUfcott, but Jackson to a strong fee to be continued but accountstituted a tendesraus wlb the peetobtiily. Then bate beat team pteto tour and ewfa Cteto for separately so that the Gemini 7 craft. Tbe flight n Grieve, who A (arm can make unlimited se layers’ association could ‘ showed bat a manned ship lections. footoall quarieitack. out money, needed for expenMi Mike Ingram ahot SU5-72 could socCesifciHy seek out a nclodtog the $50.on annual sal Before Ihe regular draft to The draft, in inverse order to Monday morning over be To biy target to be vastness of held, the clubs wtU make tbeir the IMS major league finish, ary rt Miller. ruet !m Umatttftt peka Public Golf Course to wtn space and move to wjthto tocha Eckert said the owners and selections in a special phtse, allenata Iran National to he Topeka Junior Oiamber of ofit. UmJtod to proipecto who were American League. Minor league ilaycrs will review the two { affUlata draft in tbe same or Commerce Junior Golf Toumh- Gemini 8 carried bis a t drafted ted preitou^ prevtot but have not and meet again as » farther by doddng wib an A der as their parent ckihs, with nenl. ed. Tbe I the Mets first and the Twins Stan Zimmerman was second na. ist irib 30-35-74 and wlU join In- Gemini 9 astronauts Cernan ANKbRaPARHIOHBD RHOM and Thomas P. Stafford also Tbe first free agent draft was ;ram in be State JaycM Tourabout the legality, under the In that special phase catego- held iut June. Other selectioos were to have duaed an Agena. y, the San Francisco Gianto aft-Hartley Act, of using pen traw the No. 1 pick by lot. Ed were held to August from Amer ument, June 16-17 at Hutchto- but it failed to orbit. A substi sion funds to pay for tbe ex- Leon, an Arixona diortatop ican Legion players and to Jan- m. Jim Wempe woo the ntoe- tute satollile, called ATDA for poises of the players' group. BLACK Augmented Target Docking picked by UbmeioU a year ago. uaiy from be classes graduat 5le novice division wif Miner, who win lake office may be Ihe Giants' aclection. ing to mklterm. Adapter, was sent aloft and towed by Mark Jensen ofOdally July 1, said there bad CALFSKIN with Gemini 9 caught it to record H. Forty-nine golfers entreed been no questtons about the letime. But they were unaUe to the toumamenL WHITE all^ of using poisiOD money link up because a prolecUve or expemes until the players shroud still covered be AlPA GORFAM MOiaatod Mm (or the fob. dodl^ collar. Ashe Captures Win udge Robert Caiman of Mil Summing up be Gemlri 9 Han-Mad* waukee previously served as Corfam. So Easy Over British Netter night, George Mueller, asso egal counsel for the players ciate administrator for manned to K«ep Clean. BECKENHAM, England (AP) space flight said: without fee. Just Wash and OXFORD. England (AP) - — Arthur Ashe, the American "We did not meet all be ob Group’s . . Wipe Dry. _ ■■We w«M 4e-feftr the dtseusFwelgD atMetM compettot in leiiMs'star wtu waflT he 'at jectives. But it was a tat (light sion to tbe pension eommltlee.' be (Mympic gama to Mezleo Wimbledon, joined to be Wlm and we had an ambitious set of aty In 1965 wlU get used to be bledon warm-up campaign Mon dbjecliva to meet. We won't said Miller. ‘The owners are to NEW YORK (AP) - ABC- altitude quickly, a leading Mexi day and looked I let us know if they accept” always succeed in meeting them Television, taking over from the can heart medalist vUtmg Ox He beat Geoff BlueU of Bril- all on a tost mission. The pension committee H composed of two representa National Broadcasting Co., an- ford contends. ain 6-2. M in the first round of “On be balance, it was an led Monday tbe IMS col tives of the owners, Calvin Grif Ignacio Chava, rector of be be Beckenham Toureameol. extremely successful (light. We fith of Mtoneaota and John Gkl- lie foolban lelocails In National University of " ' learned quile a lot, even about jnnctkm with Ihe National Colle breiitb ui of Pittibn^, here to receive top^^l^ers come lo get tbe (eel those blngs Uiat we didn't man-' ursaui riu*uun(“i and two ■ Riila- giate Athletic Association. pUyera, Jim Bunning of Ri honoidij: degree from Oxfort ! to do." ofthe The television coverage starts University, founded Mexico's delphla and Bob Rodgers of Sqit 10 with Syracuse at Baylor National Instttutt of Cardiology. California Angds. If Ihe f are unable to agree the matter on a nationwide basis and ends Aawertog criticism in Britain Dec. S with Auburn at Alabama and eisewfaere on be choice of would go to aihilrattoo. Nunn-Bagh-Shoes<te A«-ioffme<» gift he wiB------tbe ewnett thick our prch InBli In aU, » gan» will be telev posal might ^late tte cherish. They are Ankle-Fashioned for superior HarOey Act, they must condder ised, eight on a national baala Uvins fit We can help you determine hia size. os a Ubor organhatioo. I ha and 24 regionally. On each retnwble (or viriting ven’t even thought of that” arid gkiari date four gama will be letos. who would adapt to carried. Miller. riliUide to one week - or in “It's ta simple at this. We Unique on the schedule to very rare cases, two weeks. want to do at wt planned. double doublriieader. This oc- “The altitude of Mexico Qty ■They say It might be illegal. Nov. « when Notre Dame Is not u high, from be point of at Michigan Stole loUowed by view of bealb and adaptation u We say let's tost it” The players bad proposed that UCLA at Southern Cahlonila to often bought.” be said. "It is file money come from the All- wUl be seen In the East and 2JOO meters. Adaptatke is very ^tar Game funds, 95 per cent of parU o( tbe South, Midwat, easy at this- height, which is which goes into tbe neasioa phytlologlcaUy of M great ii Charaat or Brown Suede with and CaUtornla. flluailtowously. _______________________ fund. becoma difficult
and tbe New “and several others,” were around bldtog when he (tolshed high school at SanU Monica, Calif., to 1963, be said. But he didn't think Ihe money was right so be went to Arisona State University on a baseball scbolar^p.
Gemini Scores Despite Woes
Players Differ Increase in Talent WifhOwners Eyed by Baseball
Educator's Wife Former Topekan
WHITEWALLS only ipo more
Ingram's 72 Wins Jaycee Tourney
ABC Slates
Air Called
Fall Grid
No Barrier
You Appreciate Dad!
How About Slippers for Dad
Kentucky at Tennesee followed (rota 3,t0I> to meton. Hockey Coach Hired by Stanford at Callfoniia wiU be so« to be majority of the Boat Race Ends PHILADELPRIA Soob aiM parti of be Midwat Pililadelphto’s Nato WEST PALM BEACH, Fla League club confinned Monday Wat Coari- from California (AP) - Big Broad Jumper, bat KeUh Alten. 43. has official north. 32-foot ahimimim maritime, ly osittd to cSDch be team. Big Ei^ and Mtoaouri Val eapTBred the twoday gateway ley gama to be aboifti are powerboat marathen by darting Mtoaouri at UCLA, Oct !; over be turbulent Atlanlie Missouri at Nebraska, Tulsa at Ocean betweoi Grand Bahama Ctoctonati, Oct 29, and Ne and West Palm Beach to five braska at Oklahoma, Nov. 24 hours, 10 minutes. M seconds. HmOOnMA, Jwn <AP) (ThankigfVtngl. Yoshfrnasa Ejhi, 21-year-old Tennis MeetOpens utility wire repairman, v Bro^i Sign Player •-SEWAWtt. Tea. (AFI-avid baaebaU fan. Sunday, he climbed M feet CLEVELAND (AP) - Walter Rollins, Long Braeh State, tbe atop the Atomic Dome-one of Roberts, smallest min in tbe University at California at San the relics of be attunlc bomb i NatioDri Foobril League at JDS ta Barbara aul La Angeles catostropbe -to wilcb a base pounds, has signal Us IM coE StatirarwtSvdrea contenders in tbe (Seveland be NCAA College Diiision Ten ball game at a nearby stadium. tract wlb 'the But something went wrong. Browns, Brawns Praident Art nis Championriilps which begin Tie fen and was killed.
Ticket Would Be Cheaper
Go now! Vacation worry-free! Go wtth an HFe^Traveioan Go with money for every need Utioo, lodging, new dotbee, •pa ' - an HFC Trevetown yooTJ have the caab anwBjoy a relaxed vaca tion. Tban you repay HFC conveniently. Borrow Up t* nOM TWto up to 48 months to ropiy AM aOeae caaOt Ma*«w aaiiaeo ■aawaaa i »a«ii MOa* SXflO
«NA'!S1W 732% Kwitoi Av.-Cgntrol 5-37^1
' While LakM Shopping Corilw 3646 Toprto Avo., next to Poniwy'g AMhori 6-4420
Seeu Th« Place «e Go for ba Brandt You Knew
Statute Stops KU Degrees
Sane cefl tlmn kudos. Ottiers this part of the sutute was Most other InsUtutions, jai Gil] then hooenry de- wrHten. Including Kansas SUtc Vnlvcr(prees. the »nai«l sprttg milidy sity. present the iradUloctal de«hk-h affecu ehnort eweiy unW grees during graduation cere monies \-erslty's But by whitever name they're - known. Bie Dhtversity of Ktnsu doemX won't end c»n*t pre "There are a few other Insent fte t»e or two tridltlonsl sUtuUon. such n ComeU Unihnertry degrees at spring venity, which do oot award honorary degrees and as far as •■We’re prevented from I know the poUcy u quite salitcoaferrtng e dtgroe for any b«i- factory. 1 know it b here," he orery purpose by the ttete stat said. ute which in im founded the Wcscoe did not comment on unl\-er*lty,’' Cheneeltor 1 the purpose of honorary de^ aarke Wcscoe. said Monday. greea. He said it b taAaown why
SSTwiSS? iw"
....... -
Teocher ot IniHhite Janes E. mer. 10»E. Mth. a Shawnee Hefftata High School teacher, b one of « teachers from 19 states attending a sumner taiUtirti In ocooonua June 6 thnogh July 9» at Oklahoma State Untrereity. Stillwater. The taatttule U supported by a Natkoal Selaoce FooDdatioo grant.
mmym est progres field willk
LOCAL INTERVIEWS THIS WEEK! F. M. RAISBECK, (in Wlc^. collect), at (US) AMHERST 44311 SUNDAY. MONDAY. Tt^SDAY <JUNE 5, 6, 7): U AJL to 7 PJL U m Merview b inconveniat at thb time aend confideottal resume to; C. T. HAMILTON, Sopm
aWestinghouse Asfromidur Laboratoiy Read fhe Wanf Ads!
Piotogb. PemqdTMU Isa
■si-iT'^” >s-" K5|
iniNE.' «m«K*o mw*' HM
lOTdia^.JtitfT. IfU
Priscilla's Pop
H loeifs M* MMT-------------------
PKRTiculARf tar krind mem. dmiiigi
mddam air ream Kamu taad barb
rSad.“?TJsr-iii??* rSS. fW « EjSl
Waal SIK. Ff-dOg. ce eeim.
■~?sr. s^iT."ra ts c."us"2i;2;?a.ir'.*. FuRUlSxEO 1 BR td. 1 bb la FMte
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BACRES-Crtri Bead madam Imprem-
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r.TFiPK» >»j» "»»'
oa *-4Ua.
SBDBIJIL taturdar
niEB MtR PrMir
OUPLEX-Lawrr aatmnam. can radecareted. t roemi and bam. mam and garagt. Siam and raHlgaraiar ftmliKad. IDS gar me., ary awn uillnm. CavRiat mly. Can Bab tcMck. CR
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... WIIT 4TH — Th^ <IMK r»an<i. F.W.I. ».*. m A4»w________ ^
W»«f AwV o»t.
•ASe^f AFARTWIHT. ....
FL 7-0218
rm lBOTX.~tm BMfUiNT CMEW>. T»
TWO-BEDROOM K (Hi Raid. AM U< TRAILER IPACe-D-« W, b« la sradt Klgn KMal- <a mlAulaa WKIIt CaRat IHMag gfl.lHdtl. UNt-SWS.BIS.
CLEAN THREe BEOROOIA. 1 talKi. tafaaa, »», w «e>r- Ct aktu. Big
Holiday Bouse Apts.
»n. »f»t. CB *«’»>
ItTH ANO TVLll. aiecMc CamMi kirutmmn. MMuctnc rik»■B. nuMT. mnek mmiMe mn.
ve«Y Nice. leMT, tF—----- - —— MUk ••'•••- ■VF. KfA
ve»r wici •"itMCT. mt> tm Frivxt FnIrwKt. M* ■«••' nr «n> «r JM lU CE SSSIt _______ •III AACHKIOI AFAITHEWT. Sir cMF
Aduia omr
ML 1 HfW
fMRM ROOMS Ri MlgAtnn Per*. Air cerumener. ■•ere, rernperelar. ^Cl
THREE ROOM inedifa Kama, an mamK ar tall Hr tUtt. lilt Eail Craiw. CE
HtAAi Call Mn. Paiartm. Lam. TtBfart and Ratb. me. FL ATItl ww*'— CfAlTB amnlnei and wa«an> DESK
Rl JnwHKlI
.......... S£
O-Olt IN - L«mr CMII wtftmmtx. OjoM Mi. Ct Min BIAJ
KS.“----------- •™.a
OAKWOOD NORTH ONRwaiKan. OHaiaala. tuRMA arena am ramiArCan Hn. Pwax
Eaai PaircKlM. I <-tm. FOR OeNTw
n. WtaRar
Air cone' kdSL
BRAND NEW COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENTS Ont. t«a ar Dwa* Raaraana. «ar> RaM. iwiRutW aaloB MMtancaa.
i.s-^-xsssr.r.i o«Lu'«e^^o^jlx^ ^ OfiexHi. a
' 7^‘\S^rotr-
LOWER iDur raoAl - S lar. AC. rwNaa vara. Wi
i-Ona lieFT MIL urttW.nalrn
Fountain ~Apa rtments
Th rTrl-.rv^
• Spackw • Plenty of Cloaet Sp«e • Carpeted • Draperies _ »,t.,.i.
APARTMENT PROJECT 2 Bedroom .. IN Per Mo, 3 Bedroom ... MS Per Mo.
ICLEAN^acararaird rmw mx<i. viaaw ttac* ana rr I US UN lom
Mllu Tim
ffir£'’S£r:“.is*3 aiS'irarig'Sl.giS
*B*I “ewBLL
>znrr7 I. wma M.
mairy aiTraa. Pn Ereanam adw
*bSm bipSild?'^' l”7 ^
'"'iiaiie. Ilaradt. ate. CRVJflS. H. A. HAniHOf AOEHCY
wiih firm eawami^ Rhi •r aer mv. Hadr Haw LaAa al iL Kanui. Vau mini am M realm apbrtcuit. law acvorvnny In mil fine aatabnmad bmmn.. Mean Inn Hi B«riBifian ar can .
rtfliny ream. • urn. Call CE V
ISB maddiim datirda ta ram 1-
t ’b.:S:. CE ABES *i Sg TWOeEOROOM
tf UAL tSTAn WANTSP lADE dm d Hm. L
THEtEneoi Park. US m
WE SL.TAVS NEED N marni la rammer mB- ^ a«an. eeaiua.
______________ ^
EXACO Iwr » madern 1 «it eereKa tlaikn far laaia. TMa b iirlelir a
. ’ ss
iriar I am. FL ADA •« 4», TaakA HJ HBICHBORMOOO Oreeary. dalna aietlAWTEL-t unlH phn PrMd puanari'arD a»a» la aiaarw. SaU ar IraPa lar anwr
■S'gS* iMi weiT on. ana >
JTp.2 ggtSg- ' CLEAN — ] rard. taraai SMALL, iwa Rail
BUSNESS B GOOD WE NEED RaiM wa Kam me BP cstR IT earrnad.
________________ ***■■" ^
and dNoai me aaRine 1 tKd avr lawar niiind tRilaaOan ta mu. Oer f
ifrsi‘SSV«;4!: s?^:.sri;a.-ifs BIC
lyjBORW^IU^iJ^TTE. anacKad
exTemivt and coh
• Garbage Dtipoial • TV ABtermae • Pla^ of Ooaeta
Located me block Bmt of Califemla m East lltb St.
?4 owTiQViTowN ntemiT
zs’j; sssrajs t s°S5aa."rjsr?B
• rain MW inaenam «aaKwR>t TOTAL ELiCTRiC UVIHC. Hm
See Manager at 3M8 East lltb St. Terrace
Call CR 2-7530
:ir*«r?eSSv-tj a ar J. P. MOU Cj^ Ct MIl^
Call CE 5-0617
Mendry, Tamdar. Jiwa fc 7 r.'ltR‘T"..'X'p?TH“*o'iliY"?, SEU. BUY OR RENT YOUR NOME FARM OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY
• Stove 11 BEDROOMS, sia TO tm
:’!5 ssr-"" • ss eaanal am, carpaiiiiB.**^?!^^* atSiu Mncad yard, aid iKaar. Near tcnaeii and bui. HIT Jana CEAAIB._________eiiC
•aiMAOda and erent
SStS^de Men. ce amb w lpp Pe«ir. RH^Ce Ann ar Hawn Fwnlna. CE CUTE COUNTRY Canada, 1 HEAR TOPCKA HlBk. > bP T»r^.ae.
a FM Mim.10 rm
• TWal ElectrteKitchen • • Fonufhedor • Electric HeaUog.and Unlunished Cooling FOR MORE INFORMATION ”
itx.'Kj.w.jjr'iTi.-r '£S"ir.’:cLs-.5:;a -3~„“Si.si.,v.v-■
anaa ar ( Ram iKc
• Caperel CM»U KRcMne • uiilii-ei IWAM u Rem • Kectric NteiiAf rN Ce«M«
■wn 1 mwi aasira anlgmliKad Ram
•LOCK Ham SleHimne. Tlirea ream eHIcieHtr. Claca aM niealiarR cnmtHA. RaHi*a»jiar, alaetrk tiem. TV aa. lama. I ar i Muin. Na pan. US rnaxm
• Plenty of Storage • Balconies • Large Patio
ayiw ^ Pam. Bill
id.idddridr -aen tSK^SdaoTlar anida. Calf M.U..E n. — on, w. nn. K. HW Radb. Hu. PL AdSB.
“i5?^-.sri^ ?Si.rsi
Mnmnf. urcan. laniral aV. WaiHWa tocaiim aiM MTCRs * Rfurr, inc AM A77». aaarviigi Ct >lt». tX AROOM iAlvrr»»a« aal. 1 BRi- RrlvaM lanw* PiAia Aan Em AkMgx-Mrv On. C»un « an Arm. He >. or een
" *sss”Vi.sTi.r:
itoe-ev-siee SRannA ew.'unift
■ding aavicdad wim rmin<fa«
. MWiland Park. ME. CRMW. EIJ 1 NH.
800 POLK ffi • 1 and 2 Bettraonu
aaa!*na3*' a!rgallir*MMnSr^^
n.’cKiSk^Sni?**'*' BID
itL OX Mam. in. CR ]«4<l Cl - -
U lUSINPS UMi, sroiA»i
■»'»*nr ?5'7m.*S w
WUHtON STREET family hm» wim
CHOICE laaliliHid Ml Ri WaatrWdi.
BROUND FLOOR - t ream wait Hdtiwi. an uinitits fur nnai nrvka. camrai air —........ on trratt D*r*tro, tunaMa Tar daelar MIH. CR Min. WELL-LOCATED, alr-mndniaiwd amn leaca wim ti| cnniHi and lamtar tanr lot Nmiuiad. NaHwangar Co.. me-.Cl
Capper COURT — iii Tmr. cmo^T RMfWnw. TOM raw. cui cRinii..
K: 'isi,"w,a;"i.'"a- tm ■mn. RMSv Ma III. P«r mor*
IM MAIaiWN. kncMmnt aMrlir
ala DR. larni known, btiamtni. Ubdrr tine. Will canrrao. oma CE HUt . Em CE S-iatl. CE >1M1 CR »nD, Mfr
'^/ciT>tBm?55* aSSriB*g
K aailan ta »vr-> tad-
SU TOPCKA — KHtRen, llvliie^
OME-MOROOM Apt. *m CRAlral
wtff*s'!S?"l‘n.”^rnn. atbam
■SST!:.“gsr s; Nmaca. rte(. tIM dawn. CB B-m.
• Man ar CB HUU
STHSnio.*^ ._. ;‘r4:"srorar7et«r
”««s£^SsL":a •*£ .... - tmtn »lfr»t»lv« (Uf
Wt KM a law baaaWn wanmaala Hit Ia Oakwaoa Hartv. Tp
JtllWCtT W. mtmn> K-----------------
I. an ar aiit .wt
alt DR, rac. raam. wHK Hradltca, fwH baaamaM. daraaa. VaeanI ibew anylima. POTWIN AREA-A4R bwaalew. w arHd LR. uadrala OR, MR baadmim.
WEST MILU R ard put an ra
m pm.
,a. Qllfalft
IMAU. IfFieilNCV 1 finr. I». •in wW. C
> Day! liwcliN e ms STONE-1 badrawn rMw rut Taewmnn and IKdwntd HaUTiH StfiWi* im M»oM LM.^^newi^rdRdL Mimra ARI PdtlT,
*-^nai.* miar^^^W—
CEMril M14] IIK
________ BW
HOUDAY SPECIAL Rent Before IMh. Receive June Rent FREE!
NEtSWANCER COMPANY. Inc. ...........................
KKeel. AM AO*.
If sue
•rtiTMi. uimm a?avInu«-i mm. 0« >M M. tp.a.
U tUSiwm Officts Ml lINT
TWO BLOCKS Watt Saar* Reaeuck -
SiTjss-sru'S'. sarzr-jsssz ~ ‘■sl’g'j'a-agF"-" ;a
FHA FINANCIHO FINANCIHO aedrevad- Cma n. TYLER STREET buKdalwr. ' ' '
1el»mw*MAl2? •' *cenm. AMUBi.____________ MoiiM“oFei
a.et» I r*m>. lit ni«lr. 0»»B
WEST lom. - Wnu 7 IR, larta tar.
laia NORTH QUINCV UPSTAIR! (Mniwi. Tnret rotr
?g;^teu»T - TFlo WWW y tm
THREE BEDROOM - 1 raam. taraei. bawmatH
S.mS*'fl'" mhl*
-.■'i.ar.r...r “~a
-' ***0*0WH«S WTM TO**«* t1< <*«•« ... Tie Flllw* im F<4> . . . lm K*nMI
NICE. I ut. w
Afler elfice hours. S;N p.m.-7:M ajn., call “Wanda,’' the Electrooie Adtaker
X.tS'JKfSrWBS: . M AfAPTMwn^mmsHPP
i. "c2r'ce*'ii«**V?S
Call FL 7-4421 •”.f;
fNTIBE 'uPWf tiui
SELL TO ANYONE - Tan kddrMi »>***' BW -—. Higkbnd Crau. Lali W aarrai. ewn. CE AialT. CR SB11. BldJ
LOTS n tZipi^°.**TPd Obadream
^ ^SaTbrA iSrVgSS SS'ao""St'BnTTrtrSitircr'HOll.
AACRIFICINO by awnar. Mr
ssi-M^aTaw-iisas M ACRE tUBURIAN ream. ) minulai la dpi ■a aamHn. **“*'‘g|*^
« an aalM RI aiala
*H?‘Mdlln. ’ll Sef.' *“* “
r»tow **■*“
M>. Priw ^
•MALL fFFICIIHI Iwt »!«€»> •••W
____________________________ 17 lOOM AMP lOAlP
“ *wa*'baKw.‘*tll! ». B1U
is Ef.”Tf!rSLE?l^
TWO-SEOROOrated. Ktn i »ard. t1» mo CR MTU.
rnaart - Tm MrMiT<i.'li.*«
;-.T"iK,' iTt-VT. "^^rors.^-’uiT as *•* " *” ......... ............. — — ____________________ THatf ROOMi — •»»» tttnwa. •'>•’'
TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. WatW Elg yard. Far apgl. CE UlSk
JUNE DTK—Tim Crral. t»m. tdug.
------ ^»»J
CWPP>. drllpea mrwrdnaui, Hr ewidlllen-
BEAUTIFUL. TeieRy reaMred Ituta ii«
TRunear CMlal and Jawni
„ ______ ^tlTi^^ii'^yiim'n CWBf*
“DISPLAY Praafttimaa
THiee K
> r«m.' m e«M •*. '
me CO arm
Vj “OIIPUY . ;jld Prait Bwwii
^°°Z"JSTL!r. !2-S liring renm. dinind area. 7 email
^WbaTbSmS? ti*hn^f!«T«JmJ2 BY OWNER—Tbrea bddrgam. t bans.
DEAOUNBS for CUutfM Advertistng
74 lOieiNCB Ml UU
IpimY P> iMrtdt loaca). larda yard.
'^■.i"3!jrLSL;'”.SK kilmid FaiplUM eandinaL SISJTS. DSi
mn. ffor af»f tilt
KNOLLWOOO ARBA m Head ated txm innndi___ n: Ct Mlai: Emt . CE EWe OE EDR SALE dead emillan. dead lacanen. m mam.
Gleiui Agency Realtors
sr‘S'.s?;rm.:*,ssL",;s;WIM; CKai. Bredam. CE S-BBc TMwka. ar Herald S-rnwg. luKSL Hanen Eli
*l*R«3l"ydS3r '
n usiMNcn foi uu _________________-S
!S’.H2r^£^ 11 nan. t '
MMt M. Mnead. »wi, lam mm iwmt »4» Warm. Cl a>w
^..., sr -
vS Kl'"i!ri£'l*K w—btartem K»u wltti ItinliT
r«.‘rss2r\e4:,5?r’«3; ?*s‘c’rsSi SjTjis ^ '•ivsss^rr^s;
hwd jy KOM*. TecMU MgwtUdtr^
009DTCAM—Mu MeCrtam.
iSSuts.'i.siS's^'E, *
........... '•’ffS
FWrtict‘'ltlr)I.' CEMsT*" ^ F^i^RE^^ILY HWe -. , ----- a raem. ca taraaltm emwiiil. iw U. Elri MoretA Cl J Ul. MIDI 0_ RANCH . . Chtm
Oily I
Beauty Shop
tu HARMIION ce »am
lent. *lr ceunaetr. CE >r«t. I>; •V OWNIM. aJU Dm uoraem. im-
I rtochtf a Hot } ata
AN New "*
bam hata ba m btOAt
S srr
W South TaUta-UM ION ISSI F- In pau cart Caunirv Trail paU tlvd.
NEW A useo COVCRS eFPHD CAMFei MF9.. M N. Kl SBLl 4 RENT. Ftipna Ct aUB
TrRc“Siib,5i”"“ ce 41774
— CMItr » DtvM
-WflT HIU$- . , . ctniral Air. nne Mmu. Awb
ranw ram. tu (wtattOA Wi
. ce
£1i„....----------- ---
• n
e.r.marcy <U «. Wh
pou Covntrv Chib an momiHcon Htn> Hit. n
1 Mrem). S ktox. >ei«f Rtreaa am, KTMM Mile torch. (uR bair-
imif, £?r
ctr M'FRt. cnoictii of wct'an. Frua titr btut Tw»icmm con.
Just Listed
CCNf 20UCK* CO. CR m
ore. ouoOmi coMRlan. foM
Varr MMioM r«m* m mia tilek 7 BR wim firaelaa ana aaearala OR. Hina klicnm au aliacMd r------Batty Ftntrion. CR 7J«l
• Oekland Home
7 RAttCHeRD'—'»
FOR RENr.lS- U tuk. CEMTl) at
y*l Trtlltr rxTl'. laH ca"H^uaatt. I»a rww, ,l.»
And 111 par mb Bun YW INt nU 7 IR rancn. Carskiid IR.. bullt-ki Ur. iiunL^tieing. ckf^.^C^ to
• Gage School Rikl cua to IMt (amity homa uiffi 3 EDI ma full batmiani. |I3 friilar. Mala ollar. Bitty ~ " im. CR I SWt Fytly earpau md caramk UM. FfUd mdtr ll«.0H Laeaitd an Hipn, ea Crain, cE >3)10.
• Duplex. Price Reduced Far OuKR tala. Otmir araMut. 1 uS!«B."h.
t Ml. Ntnh. 7 Ml. wnt OrewKnia
USED SPmALS ■ao-Tr Mallard s C. LRa naw ..laisee -43-13' Spaitimin. Hatrar ........... ■at-TT YaHowtlona. Nal-S.C. . 7-14 YaHowtlona. Hal SC.
401 Kouns ___
WE HAVE EXCELLENT LISTINGS IN 4,IL CATeOORIBS. AND INVITE YOU TO AW A iALISMAH TO CALL ON YOU Fmo BHMI PROPERTIES OF INTEREST. Idjaa wsu LOCATED iwa-rr. AkadPrice RedwAl 11.000 roam noma. CarpoMd LR. ktiamrnt. pa- bmw*w1i^ Ui' Bi«amtrt**ind^Sa5!d WMch MittyTRlt )lA»ua"\ nam It- ram. Fneod at aaaraltai. aarapd. FlnW-d rac roam Ai kataB-nt. tlljpp REAL C07Y rack bama m larpt Vary pood fintikliic. aontr iHt. LR w/ilraa-ca. lamiiy mom. tITJIB EXCELLENT >«tdrBom hewa wr tori kotomoM. pa'apa. TMi noma hot Btrtaa. Zanad ■'CammlrtUI.-' *** SH4IB SLICK StiWBitn rawlior wm PMAM IPACIGin 1 badrmm ranebar wtib oytoiitd Bortm Hardwood tloort. prop- arm trim, wad ar 0am- IH kakiL lam arty In ll».|ap ihaat. iiy room. H't»t. Cantrtl t'c.
u Aino iBPPua PM uu
1731 BURNETT ROAOTu BR ms batamml. am
IE CUT aam M
brBSa*jMt mtra*?rBa7i‘BKad ter auu HN M awnar aul at tauL Lu Waaar. AM kOTO Sm^W^PTH| ^^
LO ; M
V y
S m
Omar Bamat wabar Dra-r
atMr 1:3B CE M74S mHrl:WCE>-m
UBM. *ThU harM hat at tnany
There's Picnic Fun In
7-ia» CM MU
OFFiet.'. Mn. iMwiyek
HEW UtTING~VtfT dtUrtUt > »■ ■ ». •ftitT teuiiM tWiu. lata. mtreMixim.
Rebuilf Engines
IM STOREY ST.Ou BR oattim w nica naipnbor. lud; MBaram DR 4 bnaklair roemi pouBla Barasai tnr tain 4 Ur pru tpr init ma. law wabar, am 41134
34. W. ,7m.
ifti FORD Roadtilf In pa ondiTion. naw paint aU uWt ar bail attar oy juna 12. A tr Sunday, lit Lana.
Can ha nai
FURNISHED MODEl^lM BURLINGAME ROAD14 PAL PRICED FROM $3X,a» LacaM ki mi at tM matt MnMa UaliaM ki Taaaka.
ruiL cnaaal aV aiis irlBM aaraoa. fM BOKarBiUe «1u « mi ciB and
3*Sa MB*
•SI MOB. • CRH34P al IMB^AUWIN HaoU JMR^pamctnJ
nav 1471 North
Naar ^
1TSI ABC T call CR >
^aijlieiwl^er j4onte5
32nd and Fairlawn New Model Homes From
■WEST" BRIARWOOD ^ Fiem m.OOO FURNISHED MODEL - 3MS MkVICAR - 14 PJd. Tmtun uutt Ana CarafiOT Flamad ta OtU tarfa LM iiurb Oa«i^aMJiJajaa^WJUim*i^ FUaa MN
•em mcSom'am
Eadi at the Ttaee Area otter tbe very best Uvtag and ‘litt Quality" 3WI ctpect fr^n Jey* hewfc.
$15,500 Open Daily FHA—Gl—Conv.
. \
CaD Jajdsawk Ceutnictkn ' FL7-U31
Crecloui l^t^^Tjeyhnik Home
USED MOBJLE HOMES WE NOW haya a lar«a rumkar ot USED Xl. l4dL md I7'ti. »m nmwa. Tiwt* art all In arcRlIaM amdHIm and rmdy U^an tr.a..Mt«Y..FAk. «
5c-.V*5a:*^' HAVE 1-------- --1144 FlyiKOum, Fi
' CLARi?
^ ’25 *E^jt"gr;MT-a*^Ag7yg;-S5S
TODAYS SPECIAL! as FORD 14XX}R RAdio. HmVt, Aulonalic
1 ■"SH.S.S.'SiSSr''' ■
i MOORMAN BUiCK, Iag., Lot No. 2
Rad Rufnbtr WN. E-cIrklty. u-r. Fry | dou or writ. Mr toUar and ->a map r. tcino Anmdanr m •' “ " " “ IDAY Rtai Eiitlo. BX CI7, 74122SL Bl..
Only $487
Radio, Heater, Automatic. Clean
Before you buy . . .
-. ‘'"“g
Only $143 '
New Suzuki X-6 Hustler, t h e 2S0cc Lighlweighf Motorcycle u spirited most 500's, e speeds for caLUke respoeae. Suzuki dual^troke engine with PneirForce pressured oil inlection. $7S down brtsge one home lo mother.
Sold SUZUKI at. . .
•S3 Plymouth 4-Dr,
5SSS SiiKisa kj^sssj^s: 'SiSsir
!IP1 .....
ijrii*..*i?a 7r-m£ir'FLTi>s^
MR. F0LMfR.-A«t41lt. FL MW
^^ia••tr^LS.'^'1^^5r ?'arm?*..VX'Sf
oaOTkrNnmrt ^
MUST SElL-'43 Hmu aouM. aua
SAVE SM»-’H A.H. I 4400 mJItt. CE 4-43:
' jiss.'sfiwr
Mobile Home “.Kw."£y'25"nSu
IMS MUITAKC mark rrammliilm. ■■
RLBV SFPRTSTBR-Law mtlaaBa. a attar ) pm. lAatan. RatayllN.
AM ammMiM.
■44 COIVETTE-Ralim and pRitad »■ ■arur, map wiult. S1.AB. CE FTon
ornwr. air csndRimtd. tutomallc thin. 4 CYl. tu dear. t1« Indian Trail. BtJ
LOANS ON kurmao rui tatata and m
ERMA wurrsoM
IMI CORVAIR. I dr.. 4 iptad. ondU rr-
■7A iupem AND SPOtT CAU
■I! Si'Sc.... £ omXman!
71 LOANS. MoaTeaeg
CE 4^
0* ina SautMut OFEN DAILY -111 7 an HIOHLAND ttOMEa
10(7 CHEVRLOET ITATION WAOON — EicoiNot tacerw cm. am *...................
" SE'.’-TT"
DR, tui;u.F
* «a»-AUUHei
'Sik'^'d^.S'' r3r-nr7S1.It
-sa FORD - Abn Idtb a la 1.___ Ilia FORD FICKUF. cMpm {pb. FIPG axtii tneb. -w mIMast. Anar 1.01
tMI CORVAIR. 7 ladcd. pood ca mutt tall immadiarahr. law oaymantt. may ba tarn il Idip Wail 33rd Simai IbMikw SKoeotrt CItyl or call FL 7.7IR btiwmn 11:00 and 3;« am. ItJ
aaram and nMd tanctd yniB wnti MiH. C. M. Aalllna. CC >3130
Ull FI 7.n«
Shortman Dodge Truck Center lOfh & Quincy
rn.L'^RtS.aT. VTa-
ritamtU arU. Cmla FRipatnct. CR tens. Ml SSAIIOOK— Hara U m titraetly* t-BR rmohar M CratiykH 4 Matt Fvra HtaH
-.-...j‘ll.r*sii *1? tSmw Piymantt. Cart can ba taan ti *"i? py.*"^ 1. 23r< SI. iC iBablnd Snmptri .Cilyi
not FLVHO I1r*t. ce 1 CREAM PUFF — Rad and wtlll* 'ft BtMiac tu darn nandwa. no TTMr. API It. ce «774. OIJJ
IMS chEvellE. tvaar tat. 7 ar. h-t.. II4N mllai. Utl owMr. LRa naw ayarr way. inil In ttelorY urmty.
Allowance oa anything yuj can rolI=5o»-or push lo
1144 FALCON I wim WMla Tap 7 id Vd didomalk irant-
Eitra ma >IR rancnir In iieti-
* 1W FILLWOME f humm. on. am u<ii a> iM)t ler l<« HUB. rtam MWi am ttmao »ua.
M) FALCON WAGON FOUR DOOR iimdard »it. Enatna campiaNIT mar.
d nraa. Sao A. M am
_______ it cmJilm* CE*7^'^ *BI1J 1HS CORVAIR sat >lptad.~Mi UPTON CAR SALES ty S» aquiry and aw^ in S7 Fold 4 ai. cood (or only 171. -.............. Idl W. ^
r ETaS? "
PALA luoar tptrl tulamalla tramn, pwwar aiatrinB. IISSA UN I-Ull
Gleo Soelter, Muiager TOPEKA TRUCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY. Inc. Ml Eat aiwe; 24 CE 44724
WU, Murata DR. larfa. urfi •a'AM liutaai. atlk iianea aU
II. '.'WJ.-."'.'Lm‘s-„rdTS LEWIS. CHEvys, in H. Tylar. ItJ
1444 H. Tapa»-ce MI47 OPEN mi.------- CHWeOBWNOAY
: arcs.11
-SSSi," ^?*.‘'M.v:-.a.
,, .. ........... . ...........
;^ss’ssr«i^ur,u.vt !5js
HOOtwOl. tmeiiau* H
. _ J or. low ml ‘It oidt aa 4 »r. Purr air •II Ford VI Gilaaw 7 dr. H ..
Zfma^aS^ee^x!,"^ "^Vim
tom tlpnali.
wfFrlu! cTi-llS!’'
Seabrook Area
Man.^1 llenry Motor Co.
IP wim ti’- •40 Fora 4 eyl tiict »aom*a.r •la Oiay. 4 tyl A.T Wapm .. .. iitB. Hareia ScrvMidrr. lunvnmtM, 1 Mat Prui Cl >307. '41 Cnav AT. PicAuo. Eoaiiml Ftid 4 cyi. >. T. Fiov* . . MUST SELL -- IMS Corytv klerut. 4 •M Cbrv 4 cri i> T pwtvp Niaa. ipard. ltd np Gaod rvbbar. aicHMil 'll •4 Car.4ir AT. Mmi4 ■4 .....an. 'tl Caryair Mania cm. 4 ipa raniy. Maii4 attar. CB AHit. BiK .J* f!Si''BB«?“ip^4 drT
lanti Taoaka Btyd. and It. Jam sr^^
'66 G.M.C. Pickup $1,789.77
• Slkk I BR Home
Oa Cram Cwn. M uttv atm MIS. Lmotr WAfU n miri-
cut to Otat Fort, IBtertem coF ttgt. tnochta et'M. ole* iMna run. kIKMn oflh *til»| irta.
FOBO-Httyy duty IH7 Pi low mlitapa. ciiAUli m
"*'• B%
Tu Big Kamoi In Family fun IBTHANY CAMPeSS-eRie TRAILBRS Saltt-RimaL 3M3 Saabroot. CR >7114
Oaoa bvr m (hit I BR rme
t etrtgt. cm a*. omo-mrpnMe- EtMAiM >U. n aM uim. TMi M I ran aaaaa. tufilir aam R>t atict ii iuc« imi
■ Perfect Setting
Prtct: M UDPer Tteee. tCLICT ywr MUM* ttt* frew tem « m m mtl art Itn l» m»t laheim Mnn P«ei Crttn e* OeeWB A«n«Wt. ru hofiu MIei huiR. Inxitf*
CONVERTIBLE, lhara t> Faid. Clam, btau. naw ulit lea CB >1>«. BIU MUITANO cmvaitibit - AoN Ponijac^^TampaU wapon BW VI. ’41 Bvc.t Saac. 4 Or. >ia. wnBan ■ alM piek^avrlmt c«
• Bargtin-«350 Doiro
siLi.'ss.i: ,".“:,nss:
' $300 DOWN
— ■“ -t Fiwn - ciu.
• Ward Pvkway
ce MHB.
Cl 1-SS
ftaa reoni eM ixmiv tW Itm mrtarm. Mti. "Wt mam. chaKt tree. , ttecM. M'W. « •»•* <••»•«"' '"
*£5.Vi*-'.Trfo'eV£,^V^eTv.’ Ill t. IFTH
Itjl CHEVYOItti 4171. (
itr-s 7*1101 ..C BUIHIY'I OUALITY CARS 40 CARS. -O (0 ‘43 MOOILS
o an w. omw^^HrTba ce >b» Byicl LtSnert 'l-dr. tad. . . lAi 4 Bkt wau at N TopMa Potl O'nca '40 '* Cadillac 43 4 m. Fcrtmr aM. 41 Stuabatar pin up, S«e, 'M Fora at N. End Taam* Aya. Bnapa. E. I Bib. •14 Cndiktc cot. Pour iir. . . TU In Butmatt S.nct 1(44 _ geh^^ S4I3. 112 TorrBi '41 Oaapt Planoai. 4 d'. Powar. air ^
■mot HB l*i( Ttor, cm bt eavgM II •TI9M pricr'. to -- '• -------CAU. ce MMJ OR AFTER CC MtS Irm Twou CE M1U CR MSet
si'’:s^!s?rrt?3st;is: SJTfflJwas;
BlNflMWOOO i tatnan Cam >
'S ^ FiCKUP-Wary •x.'a“F,
sssr siz tirai.;
^„£;*‘rSrnSr.n.*“^ lS2!
iraT’aamA*SmoSia *flTChm."cm Iral air. Frialac*. eaiammi. aow bN aaraaa arm pay. falrum
(tmllT rtm. V i<tr atftRA k
■14 CHtv. Sum ImrtvPS 4 FB^fiMO mliai. naw iirai. vary clam. CE AMI. an. an arttr S am. CE MISA BIU
mr FOkO Nan JEEP WAGONEIR - Itat tour dbsr iitnon upm. Pour 11131, ortiti. luat. clam. Cl ttuo. automaik. Mw mivapr Eniiani WILL SELL ANY 7 at nw 3 - ■» cmdiiim. Call CE aaWI aiitr t pm Plymoullu SI3B: 'll Ranawn. I>40i '11 BuicV SIM md I'll orhn ma ma FOB?'' EMPOktA.’*XANWi’' "^'bi' mat'i Mn, to won. Saa ti TIM Ktn- Itlt PLVM. FURY V-* M BW EyanMp. AM t-lHI SACRIFICe - IM3 Fa-B. V4 cabcytr. tucky. C'SSO tuM auwar taka all. Frivat* oaHy ittrvb~LrswTGEN. aica'i 17.71110. FartU ai Martin Mann, use ; N. Tcmaa. Cl t-jan. _______ B* 1«M FORD a wapm an t W. VA. ti radio. Dim twnor, CE I-JIBI. I LO 4.771
MOBILE HOMES 0>» Mia IwUt. aatitr aaa ma aitiar laOAT. aim uw n maka ta-
L DOWN FAYMENT Wh» rmi t J ar tuaroom hcaru far at mia at nas *am> w naimei man. viui.m aarni mill aawr fl«mel"a Mo-IMr •armori Ut (Km rmi. Gcoa lalacnan. FUia call tar attain. OtRea ...................CE aMil Oick RMar . ... E»a. CR MMS Halm Etili ......... Em. CR aSU
rZw.iykce^n _________
tu. ItM Madtl tia CE lUOL KI4
..................OR aam
ilia MUSTAKG-7 But 1. 7B. 4MB (MU.
JJJra Si OH 7W
niachanki and 'tmnd H Pa b. neanmt - - m MS Waal IHb llr«al. Aai.
eVY IMFALA coupa. VI. Hlcll nico. eesuii. ct43m. bik
tr nuns poa uu
•r^l arr!r.*7Iio*l'iS!'ci«5t'ta. A^ ma raw bianiw, Varr-oiain.
LOVELT i Mdrtem hem. c«»'*l~al'. M) »4>I. »u
CORVAIR^. l^NU - Ra^ t—tar.
'M CHEVY tm.trtibia. int sm BOOB too. tilO. CtXdtS dayt GERALD FRANCIS. 1773 KarrlM navt wm tu ''*1 nctnt la Rw n call Mn. TMO ai IM TacUa caftitai and Tna Tmaoa Sia» 7 W<lnw^74^ nyt batwaan t- am.
MmttnnJi ItHtaffH am auir
Where 'Hiere's Lots or Living to Do
ITlh & Waaemaker Rd.
'4 ss.'Ti ■srvr-"' -E
III tMiaXLlZt IN ratnmnum mf Oman. ^^^waMa r»
TbpbAbv. 4bu ?. I4U I .“pT^S.-roc’l^yll.'ST'w^ I. Eitra CUIL naw binary, naw Han >11 CamlrtBm SL w aimw *tB4>, HIB. IWII itaa tratn. t>J
‘r'Hi.-uK'TJeSf XS*aSSl (Ur. )»n MMHUt. HUM «MlU
0««< laan ttmSS'int
maram Mtrlar. cut M Kteoii. Wll»«tt» mtlu ctMtr. tn> Unc
yt' 4M; C**P»*«
I AIMKIKn 'TM FAMILY TAIl.eaiD HOMIt FI LM Sue SDtMc. MUreen reecMe too
313 W. 6th ' .
-,CE 5-2460
Principal of Quincy i To Head Program
Topekan Receives Summer School Classes Show Increase Brown U. Degree EnroUmenl in the IW To This summer’s toUl Includes luinmer of a federally ipon-
1.3M elementary studenla. ITS nred ninuner Khool program youngsters (rom diaadvaniunior Ugh students and 1460 for laged homes. high’ school students, be said. all summer programs The large increase was at sponsored by the Top^ school tributed to the incluskm this dlitricl. 4J09 Btudenta are ex pected to enrolL TUs is i wwfUlh of the regidar aeboo! .. one of ns aenkn to Copptr Wire Stolen At Construction Site year toUl. ‘niievei took 26.060 feet No A band type hacksaw wi* Bolton said at of the dtstrtet-s U copper wiring frwi Macy’s also stolen from the Sth floor M buildings wiU be uset some type of edncatlQBa} activi coostnicUon site, Bth aid Kan of the unfinished building. ty during the summer iDooths. sas. over the weekend.
Allan Robert i peka public school snimDer itudenta fT. and Mn. Paul Eberhart. sesatan toUUo(3.4» l.m over 2ta Lane. Monday received summer. Dr. Merle B. Beltoo, Bachelor o{ Arts degree from said MooBrown University, Providence.
$ 5T"
Thr principal of Quincy Eie-i about — ...... mcniary School Moodav nishl yoiingsicrs from diswivaataged. mas named to brad the summer:areas in city. His salary will|^ dlrectorl !. Everett J. Took. |J2Si; HW His apiKNiiurmn a»i u,>cv»o| □r the eight-week project was [approved by the TopAa Boardi of Educanon. I . Prom list liJ 1962, he was principal of Polk Elemenury Everen J. School and previously had been a classroom teacher at Cage Cook Elementary School, Last summer, his school parUcipaled in the city's first Head Start program and tlhis spring the foUow-up program1 Involves 1 Quincy. Villase Drive, who has been He also was involved in the pnncipal at Quincy since IBB2. development oUthe 1966 sum Cook will direct the pre^ram mer program, (he adult educa which U expected to Involve tion program and this mer'.s summer school proposal. Co(di received a bachelor’s degree from Washburn Univer sity. a master's degree frwn the University of Kansas and a specialist’s degree from Em.poria Slate Teachers College.
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queen for Its float In Pasa dena's Tournament of Roses parade on New Year’s Day. Miss Peace now wilt enter the .state contest with an oppor-j tunny to win the state queen lii.r. Thomas G. Neely, dlstrlcl' manager, said. nmographs-of 10 state flnalUb will be sent to Hollywwd where Bob Hope. Art UnklelteT; and Dennb Day will pick first, second and third place winnen, Mi.'^ Pence now will enter and .Mrs. Oyde Pence, majoring In biology at Washbum University. She I Worli-t ployed by Sutton's North To; peka grocery store. TTie blue eyed brownette ta S feeL 4 inches tall, b a pbnist and likes to water ski. Naliooal first ^ce winner wUi ride in the Rose Bowl parade. aOend Uie game and - be taken sighbeeiog. Second place winner will ride In the company’s float in llw Port land. Ore., Rose Festival in June. 1967. and third pUce win ner will be given a trip to the Pwadena festivities.
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Topekan Appointed To Church Fonel VALLEY FORGE, Pe, (Spe-; ciali -E. C. Moody, m Quinc)', has been appointed a' member at-laige of the execo-l live coramiltee of the genereli council of the American BapUst Conveotion. The eiecttlive committee b composed of IS key n the General Council, the govern ing body of the American, Baplbt Convention. ’
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