-t--T«nla. Klimt, FrHit, lit »■ IW
36 Pint
II luH
Minimuiti Restoration Hoped Today Wider Clearance Store Owners Dig Through Early Next Week Rubble Piles
Storm Alarms Come Rapidly Through Area
By GENE SMITH Tbp^ emergeuey work crews hope to have mhilimim clearBy ALTA BUFF ance n&tsbed by this morning, and wider restoration ce and repairs (Inlibed............................................................... In the tornado - devastated ' early by ' nest wedc, dvD Defenae ofTiclaU Indkaled Thursday iOQO and 1100 blocks of Kansas night. store •Tfs a little premature lor such cjuestioca." said Assialanl Thursday stood rooumfully CD Director Bill Stanley: *'We Just have to keep plugging at M untU it’s done." He repwled major thoroughfares are ‘Tretty good DOW, but I think by midnight IheyT! be In real good shape.' Others were working ng furiously, (uriousi There is no real estimate on bow long it will take to dean hunting through up the l^mlle path of the tornado, sometlmea baU a mOe wide. high piles of debris for saivagy ail weeks. Sane say sis months. But it will taka years able items or picking up and « and replacbefore tl Meanwhile, federal estimators seatteled through Top^ ing it on shelves even in build , ■numday anenwoo, the first step in dedaiing the city a major up practically open to the sky. PBeMBada 'disaster area. Three dozen men fnan the U5. Army Corps of En^neers Robert Croll. partner in Soyder Stamp and Key ( See Phetoa Paget t and H picking up keys rad bits of
By PATRtCK BLR.NAU Topeka residents heard takecover warning sirens approxi mately 14 minutes befoe a tor nado struck in southwest hous ing dBtricts and cut a pnh through the city. • David Hathaway, a Topeka ^liceman on "wealher watch" duty atop Burnetts Mound Wednesday night, gave the first { of the huge funnel be fore be was cau^t in the storm and injuttd. ‘Alanncr's* Car Ruined fafien — or was thrown - ... top of the vehicle, said U. Fi«d Feaker. public relations oUicer for the Topeka Police Dept. Usted in astisfaciory cnidiUon Ute Wednesday in Stormoot-VaU Hosj^ Hathaway suffered tiuck and cuts. Feaker said. Most of Hathaway's cqui| -■quipment was found. Feaker said, but his police dog, believed lo have been in the car wllh him, is missing. tUthaway had traBsmiUed his last report to police headquar ters at about 7:1$ p.m.. when be saM that the tornado was coming over the backside of Burnett's Mound beading for the hoiam at J9(b and Gage, whidt
(Ustrict oRlea in Kmuaa Oly were briefed in GvU Defense 7G Col. William E. Kratz, acting district emergency beadcpurters by sbop. He and an employe hid under “Ihii la a mull thif« that's got to be doK." he e "R moat be reaaghabty accurate, bat not on the Donqr." Kratz heavy trai preseei in Uw-ieutbwarned the estlmalas pnb^ will be used as a starting point in west comer during the tornado later biddtaig fa- restoration cutracU, but stressed an estimates and were not injured. parked Immediately must be tuned in by » a m. today, d to an Explorer Boutb of the building is invisible Twomao teams isofei of estimators w Scout to Mt as thdr guide, banded a map showing the area under rubble, CroU skid. Mrs. Robert Steves, wife of they were lo iaspo^ and tiM to get busy. Urged te Stay M Topeka the owner of F. M. Steves Printended they all s|*l the night b Topeka. ig Co., stood In the door of dnce they were expected to work until altm dark and be on the le firm's badly damaged buildig and said. "And this after Job again at dawn. Four men were sent to Manhkttan, to figure damage there. > years in business." Printing machinery was dam aged, and several thousand dol the Genoal Services Admiitistratkn U bel^ to figure losses lars worth of printed material ctWaddMm. ready to be (Mivered swirled The ftate lanrance DqiL reported Tfanrsdey evening tbai assay in tiw she said. 1.4a> Topeka bomts were tetdy or partial^ destroyed rad 8,M more were draiaged. The city wu given a “Cstasirophe IT’ A big ^the Top^ rating by the national ineuraoee kukotry - a rating ^ven only Bible Supply Station reads. to n OMPTnamiiD (besaBh flfls year. "Praise God Anytxiw." Meanwhile Mayor Charles W. Wright, redeyed and sleepless. Inside the store, the Andy -coiUnued lo direct rescue and digeut operation from the Gvil Andosons bad been retdadng Defense oootral enter, taking time out to ntimata (he twister's frosting cattii tiiat had hlown cost (or svsiy wUch way and were aoriWri^ estimated total damage si noo milUon to $150 minioa. iog through diaarranged mer with U known dead, too b^ured. :.00Q bomdesi and SOO dweU- chandise. The building was not as seriously damaged as many (Geetiseed oe Page ?, Cri. 11 others. In the crusbed-to front of the downtown Jaybtwk Drug Store, Bob Drumm surveyed the aL most unbelievable mam of tan-
"Iba iwt tUng 1 beard Hathof bere,' and then I didn't hear anymore from him." said Hare Hood, police di»patebo- on duty when the fun-. Haflmway bad been on tbe morad. « "weaitaer watch " alrt, since 6;56 pm.. Hood
The tornado sirens, sounding a I w Page 21. CM. 6)
Death of Teenager
Semi-Curfew Place Here; Guards Alert
SH :
Brings Toll to 16 The death loll at Topeka’a tornado climbed to U Thursday night with the death of a teesage boy," John Schelbe, who died at Veterans Administr Hospital. ' Sebetbe. son of Mfrand Mrs. Glen Schejbe, 2SM Shunga Drive, suffered head Injuries and was listed as oifical when he entered the hospital. • Positive Wentification was made on 15 other victims by Dr. J. L. Lattiraore. district coro ner. and his assistant, Dr. Rob ert Braunsdorf. The lilt M tornado fatalities Includes: Mrs. Haltie L. Anderson, 91, 905 Lawrence. -Mrs. Mary IrBerateyri 90: M51 Bym. John Detancy Oliver, 59. 9919 W. IBth. William Robert Crouch. 4i
There may be some lalvagaUe goods toward tiie back of tbe store, Ite said.
ceOkig waa Gereford Lee. O. 7(11 E. «h. blowB down and ttw dnninum Edward J. Lyons, 72. U99M ftnsas Avt. Hr. and Mrs. John L. Fickler, who' own three adjacent b^dCHiver J. MUttn. 70, in^iz in tbe iOOO block, were hard Monroe. John SefaeOe. 2599 Shunga hB They are those at 1005. oc Drive. ' cupied by Seaboard Finance; George A. Sklenldu, 61. 29W their osm business, Topeka Gage. Beauty and Barber Supply CdrSterttag (Chlcki Taylor, O, *W-B-fltreet---------------John Wells, 59, 109« Monroe. Ail three buildings are heaviMrs. Bertha M. Whitney. 99. ly damaged and equipnent whirled "away. 1691 Washburn. bi the IOOO block, it was im Calvin Wolf, 64. Route 9. Mrs. Calvin (Clarice) Wolf. 60. possible to walk OD the side walk because of the piles of Rome 9. debris. The 16tb victim was WBliim The Qrcus dub has a sign Baehauss, 65. wbora bouse .ns that it to-open to- bHrineaa 'iOutfa Id JeBer- despite an exposed froeL TtairaSOD County, about 96 miles day you had to step over de DortbMst M To|wka. bris to get in. Himdreik ef minor Injuries roof Is caved in at Hitreated st local hospital ram's Cafe. emergency wards Thursday as Uquw boulet
A "semi • curfew" was hnposed Thursday atgbt in areas Of the. ei^ damaged ' toremfo that struck WMneolay night. Mapping tbe path tbe tornado took (faroGgb residential and business arena of (be city, dis-
' dope's
(Ostttned m Page 16. CbL. I)
Cralkintd M Page 77, Cal 1)
sday by [. At Ike tarn nastei^ at wreckage i ike (iKct M Joha Hodges, secowl nw. 614 Braaoer la East
Oakland Residents Are Digging Out His moUier was injured and Automobiles, ill like toys discard- which filled his front yard w By JOHN PBITERSON tbe (uimal. (ue admitted to Stwmeat-VaU HowThe angry growl growl ol. chato ed by a bored child. feH in uun- it was clipped off by the But Us garage wu gone, pttsd. He had mina csta and taws and the sweet mng of bMi It just exploded. "Tbe g«sge braises. Area retidcBta gathered in combined in an bteredulous duet ' ■ ■ can’t find a mall groups, inquired about Thunday as C aelfitoera-and be-begra lo digtoti ol the------wtMi been their homa ^ te h^-breaktng chore ol M... ,u.r. homes on either side of her onlyritonrs ago. ly unscralcbed. II bad a cracked] small rented house. Huge elm ireM which bad seme were sad; sonw were wlnbhJeld. xbe taller adjoining house bad ardted WUbur Green. 510 KeUam.Lp,^ • •• • •• I brokrn and twisted, cov was not so fortunate. His home „ ifllhre ering the meager remains of Field, sweating under strokea of 0 said. a slngle-bilted au. was happy. , around to search thrttogb _ . homes and belongings. When the wsrnftigs souKled. Votunteer crew* crawled He was alive. He and his family through tbe area providing help were sale. (or ttose who were unable to While many M bis nelgtdsDn bouse just Kwlh ol heard tbe tornado ;ip overhead. __________ had left help Ihemtotves. Everyone had only piles of twisted .boards Green's was_______________ pushed off itt founand brekM bricks to show for datum and smashed into his Hsling e:q«dllion on the Delaworked. ware River. Since the going Hardest bit was the eastern yean ol iaboc. Harvey's borne litUe green bouse. Grben. bb mother. 96-yearold miSht be rough, he took the old half of Oakland, primarily in still was standing. the Garden Park section. Air He tted pulled off the cloak Mrs. Myrtie Green, and two ito-icar. The newer enr was craAed Force and Anay National of limbs and leaves from back ters crouched in tbe besementM" »be driveway. He returned ' Guard personel sealed the tfea yard trees which had nearly as the roaring hmoel iriilriedllalbr with a large catfish, to all but retodeou «nd those covered the while frame bouse. its way ihtiMgh the neighbor-1 In the .900 block of Twhs. a He chopped on a large elm hood ltwo-slor>- trame bOtoe was on
Ttpel 2Ist : Street near (be Waibbun eampas. Mrs. Janes Raufasaaa. 9614 W. 29(h Tetn peers lau a jack-Mraw stack ef debris.
.J «nl B te
its side, threataiing to overturn and block tba. street. Further along, a boneu- had been relied on lb side. In the traijt yard of what bad been a comfortabie home, a garbage can Hd waa hnpMed on the spea^tike remains of a tree. Elsewhere in the neighbor hood. a section of white picklence was enian^ed in an overhead power line.
Stocks Unavailable
WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi dent Johnson'oD Thursday pro claimed next Tuesday as Flag Day and urged display of tbe and Siripea Wanner temperatures and ^week - National ^ dAr lo partly cioody ikies to day. with a chance of thunde^ showers late tonl^t. ate fore cast for the Topeka area by the Weatiio' Bureau. Tenperatures wUi still be cooler Bin average today," Mth a high io the middle TOi. and low ir. the SOS. Rarn came with the tornado Wedoesday. amounting to 1.37 inches In the Topeka area, 'ntere was a trace ef predptUon Thurs day.
Because wire servfoe le Tbe Daily Capital was not re- 71. the low & tomed nntfl several hewn aftcr aarkcb closed. M'queuttoas were made avaUaMc from New Vork and other ma jor eeaters. New York* Amer* kaa Exchaage aad askfr tabBtoUooa win be priated as nsual Satarday. *(de the Vatican
"iCitetlDiied OB Page 11. CM 2)
Alma Slowing Down
Flog Day Tuesday
Shower Possible In Area Tonight
e and National Guard perel took up altnigfat paunls.. The curfew was imposed, said Dana L. Hummer, chief of To peka police, to protect owners of damaged homes and busi nesses from looters. ResMeato Waned Persons who wanted to stay Jn thdr. homes In datpaged arfir. as difflDg tbe night. Hummer said, were asked to sUy inside their bouses attd not be walk ing about the neighborhood. . Those io the areas Thursday
PANA.MA CITY. Fla. (APlurricane Alma lost much of her gutty might a short dtstance inland Thursday night and ------------- J
oa lowaro ueargta an and eastern ' Alabama metaJike.a big storm than a killer wind.
Country Porspn
On the Inside C'OM««r« Cuni
Warmer and clear to parity
High today mid IK low-in 9Bs. ':
'J . ■
_______ . . /.......
r ■■
. - —pj, - , ^
Businessmen Unusua
SlowRi 01 City
•aadi at Topal boildlag taste I
Rail iML ikMcn an « i^ br Re e«k»Baet CmThS?. anm are^iReted hr Rt Ttoa^ Hnke kn*». br iba Dafcata* *oj bnub Make, Md Rt enrew rwb NortbM. dIB frM bear dM. «. Re SaiReaei .R Ra —- I b .ID ba «nar b Ra
Ceotraeiwt aa taU ItaiaifaQr B not baa atton)
Summary of Weather Topeka Weotkei
Forecasts niH OlOB is
town" but refus rirri"* ■ssnsn-ar; hirtber on Re i
nr: Ki«i n pw CM ■ • • .-‘y *' »* eoBI « J pen. 141< larmil lir Jm. in. eecew Tpior hr rtpr tOi pprwpl n PPh til);
U.S. Weather
'KSS'.V! Temperatures
Jij ■
..._ JK' ft SK ' i *5SS..
4 r-
• 6roliMii ^ <&• prt—ur* of cAs
S: Sr
' KX.
Employes at Peiletjer'a, ntrt-
I ’ I .1
:;;. j s:
Pwtipii S'."*
Employes saM scarves and boM aad other small Items —e ■hthlif^mlbf ^nt flrwr On Re taiamoor eomeane'l raincoat ' blew in and sd OB a llgbt an r of Re Itoor.
If f
Buggies t WUllam Dura* Re General Mot company orlgtoal large« buggy to Re worl gan making mot
'srr-'w^^ •
Konsos Weofher
Powerful and Fierce Oori.tas. largeR ol Re man-
gotiatobutdi any otber memt dathn who wool
-n>ay nM Re ballding was fliled wiR “white w'mI“ that looked like smoka. Ail dlwdsy wtadows on both Re aorR ai^ cast were ibattered. Clothed maniklaa in the wttidow. were stripped of t b e elothlog by the taroado. Arras ■ad iaos d Ra flgaraa wen lytof to Re street outside Re
. I I t> Tc
! iiore was OB fire nbao (bey emerged from the base ment after Wednesday's tema-
111 :J I ^
Storm Plays Freak Tricks At City Store
Iho Avmue lo lUt eofo homn ofur Um
a/~ppmp .
JackEcmd.1 tractors preaidei attempt atnegBl Iteeday. “We made a i :S haven't beard t yet." be said. Ed Degan. pr Topeka Master .lAtsL. said Rer contact between andi Re Rep pkBobe . local since
n or u iour families! are threatened.
Spectacularly Low Price H MAMIL.TQI\/
.i " m MONEY DOWN *=* »'**« Taw a M rw to pay OPO« AN ACCOUNT TOONY _ om MONbAT ARP nntMAT Rwwn mi.
Strike CbuM Slow Repairs Of City Area
Rilintf ito«man M CM(w Ik eitlr»BM OoMtMi7Shawm ire-^etfcM hr Qte TexM-Nev Mezko bDt*r. tor o* ItobtH wot (toM^ Mite, mi dw edrcsM Padtk NwtteiuL Grid froMi tev dnra m Ite SMtteM aad tte SMttemt It wOl be wmw to tte mte«Mttie«.
Summary of Weather Forecosts
Topetca Weother
KiiWU - PtU MM. Ndl •jejljlir^mwiilli*. Ml(» «Mi •> II fir cm M I'llln.*' ____ l»»«»i. trict. TK») Igr Jm.
U.S. WMHier T4
Temperatures JCL .11 *A n ijib
5 m-i t: S
J Jj"! ,"."m
M pjn. .
S iiJSS. :S ^ulmOM W
Freak T ricks At City Store
n w
Clothed manikins in the win dows were stripped of their clothing by the tornado, Arms and le» of tte flgur« lying to 0M street ootsld
•t fi .. n ..a
I ' I <f
Empioyee saM searsei boM and other iman am* ia f** flrst floor. On tte routfriooT someone’s raincoat blew draped m a li^ fixture in tte center of tte floor.
Powerful and Fierce
12.99 17.99 value!
“We made a proposal, but we haven’t heard from the union yet.” be said. Ed Degan, president <it the M Topeka Master Plumbers u Asan.. said there had been no contact between the essodatkn u .n ate the phenben ate steamfitn « ten kical since the tornte M I.K struck. *1 je M ai He added that te bid per a XI sonally withdrawn from ttw negoUa^ but decUned to linne any other olW nmember cd tte assodatioo who would speak for Qa eroup. W. C. A. Hardy, bosiiMte manager for tte ^uratm ate steamfitters tmite, could Mt be reached for comment Tbutiday.
Mckm. Mia. .
• «•
o'*** ‘ IkMnen II. LWl
in brass with walnut tray
ip to add beauty to your borne. Made of gleamine polished ished brass_______ brass with 15" d>_. sneter walaut - finiahed tray and white fabric ahade. Uses 3-way bulb (not included). A verv apeda] pnrchaae from a famed maker bring! thia apecial to you.
s: £ n
IM V«0*1 . tini» »»tt .
Employes it Pelletitf’s, •ortting liie In invoicing, thought the More wu on Tire when they emerged from the base ment after Wednesday’s tona4b. They said the building Ailed with “white w nd" looked Uke smoke.
Phunberi and iheet metai workera still were at odds with eoatraetors Thunday as Ibootandt of Topekam faced iwbuilding tasks in the wake of Wednesday'a tornado. Contracton and kxal oOlcSu ■aidThi not been attoDpted Mnce disaster. Sheet MeUl Workers’ 77 ate nambets SteamTitters Local 166 have been on strike since June 1. Cliff Ueteersoo. presidim of tte metal worken k>cal. aaid **nH adoo b woriiing out of town’’ but refused to camnsent further on the strike. ! Jade Ecord. Mieet metal con tractors prcsldail, *aid Ite laat attempt at negotiaiioa was made
1 S 5 ft S
Kansas Weofher
oim Gorilas, largest of tte mtn-'o^ s"«<. <-*n hand iron barileSeTtST’ and wfl fight flcreely tf ftsr ST...... L,.- cornereu or u uit.r lamiiies'j^ are threatened.
Buggies to Autos wmiaro Durant, who founded the General Motors C«p.. as companyorighnlly, operated tte argM bu^ manufactoring firm in the world before he be gin thsking motor cars.
ISatwrdays fO to 4).
Downtown end Holliday Square
n a
mlur lb
Phofia CE4.0401 for both Poflotior storos. Hofnday Sguare Stero Hoon. 10 to I
; 1*5 so
enmnM i C
Storm Ploys
TepteoteteCopM 9 towos.Jooota.ma A Yoiir CHAR6A-PIATB savos your shopping ftmo. Downtown Store Hour*. »:J0 to 5:30 (Mondoys, *t30 te t:Ml.
Sale of Samples and Discontinued Styles! Long-Leg Panty Girdles BY FORMFIT-ROSERS
Repeat Sale!^ "Cool-Sleep" Luxury, Foam Mattress Pads
Regularly 8.95 to $11 values
■arry, wo Bolt ordm.
comfort and holding p wer. Siaea S. U. and L tat whlta or Hurry today aa thea ihould bo a aeUout and quasti^ is
PaUatter'sCBHts.DowBtown Third Fleer ^ Holliday Bqnara
ssi’SsC-: Cool Cotton Plisse Sleepwear
ew menn ..
by Cutler’s tor Infante and ToddUrt
■'-.ir™..... ..K-.'t MWcrWIM n rurtl (rm m6 Recover the lost comfort of your old mattress with M ww« Mw« Wmi a IX «ar>wr 1 airrMw. MlU> KMU-Pw raw ........... tWJt OUI
'a 'iS pi
Spectacularly Low Prices
$3 ..s 3.39
these luxury pads of polyfoam. They’re comfortable, hand waahable, aon-allmg;enic, will not mat or mil* dew. They hug mattrew, will not allp.
We’ve a wonderful seiecUon of fme combed cotton phsae pafants ... and toddler size for tod£ers to 3 years. Oome tn, phone or write for yours today.
35x70" Twin Srio. *} OO •no-holf inch thick............ L,77
50x70" Full SiM. O OO •no-holf Inch thick.......... J.TT
A. EAST DOIX PAJAMAS... two-piece in pink or wfaits. Infants* sizes, J3. Toddler size.-339.
... 3.99 50x70" Full Sho. A OO •M inch thick................. •t.TT terfy. ae Bail ecdsn.
PdlsUar'a Paewasnt Downtown
&BA8EB*U,FUAHA8 _______________ two^ecs for slea and play. Bhte or red stripes on white. Infants’ sizes wiOi feet, ^ Toddler siie, white with with feet, 33. Toddler size, 3.39. ’ fixes s
Neio Shipment of-a Sellout! Sponge Rubber Fatigue Mat
E. PLAY PAJAMAS .. t two-piece, few sleep or play. Whitt or pink. Infants' sizes with feel, $3. To^er w, 3.39. Mali orden pwtpald, add Z% tax
1.98 lS''z28? mat rdieves your feet, savea srear aad tear on floors. Hade by "Dan* dee" of marbldzed ^ongs rubber in blaek, ptek, green, rod, blue, yellow, or pay.
Mail ardera add 80e for tax aad poatafs PeUetleri Basement Dou-ntown
Honey-of a Shift Sizat 10. )o 20 and 14'/, te 24'/>
Here’s a atep-in shirt style shift that bloi.eoma forth with splashy 4-cotor. sitK-~' screened posies on two over-sized patch.. ' pockets. Large. luatrous tinted-to-match peartized buttons sccent the shirtwaist closing. Wear amaitly loose or with the shift’s matching self belt The fabric is easy-wear. easy-care Sluing Hilla cotton broadcloth that sU>'s sunshiny-bright through wafiiing after washing.
Ui i ■ M ff v; Sale! Scatter Rugs
NO MONEY DOWN « >**«* Tate a Fuf YV to per OPEN AN ACCOUNT TOCMY erm wowaAr ms thsuiat mwns mi sdi fm.
Multi-colored scatter ruga of miracle fibers. Ma chine waahable. Use in bathrooeBS. kitebeB. bed rooms. deoa, hallwaya, vestibules, basements . . . also for UBdtfgartens. WOl give unusually fang wear. Aanted, reversible color combinations. Fringed ends. Hurry kod^. ' Ptilattort B
Hiti Orders Postpild Come to teday, phone or mail handy mopoe for youn.
I* 12S □■aia(i;'^;bjL'
mn&mxMs \
W» nwm iki im» N M 4
Coffee Flour 35‘ Miracle Whip 396 \9 Kool Aid With th« purchase of 4 Soft White Light Bulbs.
IGA-Save 16c
SUk **»
MlraJ f*' Salk Mtrada Wkl» i*S
'S ’i i
Clorox >i..ch Pns
, a.159- Beans 2?r49* GrapeJely
8 V^Vr J J-Tl Why Pay More on Dairy Foods?
is; 29- IGA Pineapple SSSrt S;: 89WaxPaper ‘"<2?39Mandarin Oranges E2 dlirl Tuna ...
Buttermilk or Sweet Milk
Each Package Makes 10 Big Ught Biscuits,
Ice Cream m -69' Cottage Cheese f 43‘ FlshSKdis M.H.« Frozen Strawbenles
Fruit Pies Bonus
Morton AefU, CJiarry, CMOTiit Cwrtertl. Sara lOe
204L ^ rlC
a-t CQC •“ Ua
Potato Chips Cake Mixes Ught Tuna ^ t Tea Bags Popcorn CawItes
Oraog; Mm
LuckyWHp Sir;; NucoaManiarine MagtaRak,.
Pilisbury Ow«*lata R^9«. WWf*. Yall^. DouWa DuFcK. Swiii CboaoUta
39' 3 89'
‘c.”.- 5r Dried Pranes’-’^ ‘,2 99- InslantCoffce Iiii2r ^ 'JC
•r SoodiMt Kalaiai *ritli Froa M<*9
24.01. Pk«-
mope?#^ Where Savings really add up week after wee Sm^ ihQiipen know t^^et mraa tor tbdr money at Id/L Tbaa are teasom for tUa. Knrt, our
onea m tUi ad. Iheaa reprcawt great aaviD9 to yoai (OD major food nema from every d^artmest of tba ftore.
• like' - tha * de^eut apedala every week
Why Pay Wore on Fine Mea!s?j [TOT.
\Why Pay More on Produce?
39 t 59<.69 69 4
straight from
the Melon Patch.
(idatei'iiidoii Vine Ripe Long Grey
18 Lb. Average
Rib Roast Canned Ham
King of tha Baaf Roast Oven Ready
Each 4
4 w39-
3f Cucumbers
Lunch Meat
.2T Cekay Sx
Red batufy
Fresh Phims c.ii(«ri.’
Yelow 0ni(HBX..‘J*r;.,3L... Tf
20.» 1
California Valtneia
Stalk TS
New Potatoes - “ s 59‘ Toothpaste o...
Tub. D7
DUnS H.nl»c9.r«C.p.y
Htipi pr«.»ni cpvitipi IRpg. 79c VclucI
CremeRinse Si';"'
Hardly naadi a comb (Rag. We Valual
Salmon SvanWrap Wekhade Drink Quik Chocolate Mix KotexNapUns p.p..<c
McGovern Pink Sovo lOc
Ho. 1 Tan Can
S3T 3?rM
Chow Mein Noodles Beef Chop SueySc-^
Soya Sauce chccB.,
Corn Detergent
u 79« T
v.,.. 3 p^: 8f
Chuck Roast K":i. Tuikeys BonetessBrisket XcX u Tf Wienen iS:.:'-”'"-' Bacon
IvoiySoap Ivoiy Flakes •'Cascade Si:Xd
2“X"25‘ Large JJ*
Lb. 69“ Lb.4r Lb 59"
Detergent with
6t. #r«
. . BiL oa
Taste-tempting pastrteo with that home baked goodness. oven Tresn fresh irom from our our own own store bakeries .. ... . . Specializing Specializing in oven cakes tor for weddings ano and an all oiner other speoioi special owwa»..wM. occassions , . . • 1 r I . ______ J_____ 1 m Al Steaming hotI foods prepared and properly seasoned in our own kitchens ■••che for ' your -------------convenience.
Sweet 10 'iti
Trellis Whole Kernel Save 37c Pluah or ISA Your CholM»Saru (8«
6 2
lI.S.Taxpayt!^ Take a Beafing In India Rupees Cfty's Courage to'Jest ;ri!C ao)irka laltff <Ca;iQal
'Might Even Dig Ufa Vote or Two...'
FRIDAY. ,n N>: IP. 19«
Oi?f can witnMw anwltcr o>mnmnU « tragtyly awf 'ciftcnd a l^lplng hand in sympathy. But wIiiIp *•« strive -io aid lhn« tr trouble «ith tiue rompa^sinn. »* never Know the real meamn* of until'*• wpcrience It ourwlve*. • ■ Many Topebns art aware of this today' as ihtfy probe Thr debris ot what bb.s aace thotr homes - aarm shelters that Here the reposnory of their keepsakes and also ihi'ir memories. Wednesday night s tornado clawed its way acroa town. clNiosing its vh-litns while their more fortunate friends m other areiss of the niy were left free of death and injury and damage. Laokhig at (he deaoIatiN !a the strkkeB parts et el Topeka, ooe caa hardy believe Ui eyes. The nifkl of sorb a itonw fs te awesome aa lo de^- descrlpUea.
Wall Street Effect
By ART BUCHWALD WASONGTON -STOCK PRKXS DIVE (Mf NEW RUMORS OF PEACE FEELERS - beadUne la the Washington Patt. As scoteone who watebet flw Rock market every day wl0) Bwpidatioa. I waa very nervoos wbes I read Ow newi 0iat (aiaa ranon abota Banot peace fcelen bad aent the market Into a dedine. I'm as mudi for peace as aoybdily In 0us counlry. but U U'a g(i^ to have a aerioos advene efiect on Wall Street, I think we'd better 0aink twice about any kind of negotlaUons.
kORK .CITY - Most American taxpayers mav not krxiw It. but they just a walloping lOH m Indian rupees. When India devalued her currerk-y last weekend, the II JIB 2 bilhon worth of rupees we held
in India as of Dec. 3f, IMS be came ooly BS32.7 mlUlon worth, ‘niut we taxpayers took almost a half-billion dollar kwa. or. specificslly a B4IS.5 mllUon loss. Aaof Dec. 31. IMS. the rupees we held In India, "e a r n e d'' mostly as a result ol our food aid to her under our Public Law • Tbose aifiMg us wbo were ao( ia tba lomadoef 480, were valued on U. S. Treas paih win he olirrtng temporary shelter aad will help, ury books at die official rate, damaerd tommoslUes lo budd jbemselves anew. la arbitrarily determined by In sui'b emrrgrni’ies, Ihr whole fOmmsBlIy U kli.'* dia. of 4.738 rupees lo one U.S dollar. As nf June 6. IMS. the Tills WHS bomr out ol Mcrlden..lurdJiil by a twister, oflk-ial rate of exchange was -lirnTiundrcds ol vulunleer* gathered to Work with their a at 7J rupees dollar. But this rate lands and machines In clearing the stricken area. sUll is greaUy over-valu^ In This same spirit Is apparent In Topeka today. Homes New York CHy at Perera & 5f friends and neighbors are being opened to the oephani Company on June I, the free market rate (or rapeei was 9.S2 to MM U S. dollar. a tar the There caa be w i As well as being unaware of death aad dMirwUea that tba big hwel Mt ta To. their enormous kas bi rupees. peka.wedaraday Bi|bt. We mast attead la ov dead American taxpayers are even unaware that they own blUibns aad oar la)ared lad tbeo. at other teraadwhlt e«n. of them. muUtiet have dose la the past, bitch op our brilcbri We reiall in the past when other communiUea have •Km hit by tornadoes that their neighbors have been quick to rmtie In iheir aid’ In Ute. May. I960, when tornadoes Icifled sm.-ill towns and farm communilies In nonheasl hdRsas. The Daily Capilal eummenwil editorially;
OUR COUNTRY owns btlDoiis of ddlars worth of non-converOblc "counlerpart” currencia In foreign lands, all of which were accumulated in stwallcd "payment" lor our aid. But It never was intended that such payment be made The "pay ment" in India, for example, results In our owning two kinds of rupee holdings there: d) "for U.S. use." meaning our govern ment can use 0tem to pay (or goods and senrlcet reoured to It It our embassy and eonsuCountleu Kaasani will remember Marcella (Ted) Am totea; and (or a few etoer o(flclal U.S. requiimentt; and best aa a grackns hostess during the yean her buaband. IS )"(oh country use." meaning Edward F. Am of WichJla. served Kanaat as altoraey gineral. luiUet ot 0m Slate ftiprcim Court and ai ita as grantsd and otfier bandouts from governor, Many, many others will remanber her best as Tad ofncials and Tillmans, a gtrl (mm the Lowmaa Hill aectlon of Topdta ficlal groups Uiat 0w United who attended Topeka public schools and was graduated Stoles establish a t300-miUion from Topeka High School in 1927. cbariUble foundation in India with U.S.-owned rupees toete. DoahClrss. deaplle the glory and fame the shared Owing to the recent devalwith her haibaad la Ibrlr owa Topeka borne and la the Mltoa, it woBid seem ibis Gorcroer't naasioD. Ted woaM prefer a memory recall* proposal wobM have to be relag her as a mccetifnl wife aod mother ol twe daugh duced by aboat 41 per coaL ters. Dotorta and Barbara. Of course, tbe tOBidatlio aad rebaiU for the fatarr.
It can be done and will be done. One remembers the • mighly storm that leveled the town of Udall In May. IBSS. ‘ taking the lives of ao. But Udall is rebuilt and back tn business ito it will be m those sections of Topeka in the tornado s path. The debris will one day be gone and the new will rise, attesting to man's enduring faith.
A Gracious First Lady
• RaOier fhais sKking the burning light of the public rye, she seeing] to her friends to accept It as part of life that should be Uved. enjoyed and shared with others. And to this friendly tincerUy. this Inoata ability to Uha people must go a modicum of credit for the poUBeal lu^ enss of her husbandi Ed_ Vn. NeiUwr Ted mr Ed knew a Mlver-apoon beginning. They each understood their position and Ibeir goals. And through fateful fate, they were brought togelher on a blind date From lhal day forward Uieir future-was Utelrs. Ed had charted a course In politics and followed it. Ted. caring lilUe (or the public gate, joined Ed In his many campaigns. She was a "naturar In Uiis role at she wai ill mak«g fast (rirndt around old Wutlawn Park In lupcka. tocation today ol the Topeka Public Library.
As long ago as May-190. I wroto a cotumn to Lmdon Rxwt U.S. ecuntorpart currency bohth«i and BrUato't gold aod curTwr reserrei — whkb tha Brihth treasury bad Just dlscloted for 0te first time since 194S. Published to "Ftoaoclat StolisUcs.'' tbe British figures showed holdings at the end of 1962 as 923 million pountri in gold and 90 mhlnn pounds in convertible currencies. Scanthe official British figures, liced only iJhilltw pounds poui in non-convertible cifrrenci . She imbM blitih to read this becaasr, as she oflea and so I phoned the lato Man ning DaCy. editor of Lloydt said. -Ed's doM It all. t doaT know aaytkiag abaol Bank Review, to Inquire how politJci.” maitf Indian nipOM Britoto But before cancer struck her down at 0ie age ol SB held. "About tbe rupeet," be aid. years, Ted ‘nUmaot Am demonstrated dearly (bat poli after a wfaUi. "lha figure 1a tics Is fed with slncerlty,.(riendsblp and tetflessncat. Hm kindest coounent, aeasoned by tbs mai^ necetses Yet Britain had extended of her htnband at the poUt, eras tUt by a pnimlaait Kan MwM l« nfilte paonda.ia aid to India yearly s^ her Inde sas HepubUcan; pendence. "Those whom Ted didn't like, knew H ... aol she had IN MY folumn Irom London, May 1963. 1 wrote; "U.S. Treas ury reports show enormous U S. , holdings of npn-ccovcrUble cur rencies In billkins of Yugoslav dinars. Indian rupees, etc Tiee , . are luited by the U S Treasury at 'official' ex’ change rates, arbitrarily set by foreign governments, which WASHINcrrON, do - You can bet lhal Bobby are gros.%lv exaggerated and in Kennedy is coming home from South Africa with a raven- deed fictitKUs. Yet 0wse noivconverttole counterpart funds, , 4>us appeUie. A man can't live forever on coW culs., as toey are cRIed. are 'listed Ireland reMlecta MreaMM ProRdeat Eamoo da Vale as assets on the U. S. Treasury ra Ute Irish have a motto all 0wir own; "Doo't change balance sheet." Ttw current Indian official horsei in-tlll! middle of 0m cental." rate or 7.5 rupees to one U. S. dollar S0U is exaggenttd. It Sixteen college girls utU uil 900 miles down 0ie Ohio certainlv isn't pleasant for me and Mississippi ri\wra on a raft H'a «i amaRng protect ■In say'"I loM you m" about - they arm i protesPng snytfiing. .predicted U.S. losses. NeverthrJeuI would have been les 0ian ”'*■ 'Dirksen doubn DiST 1'tingres.s will ps^s LBJ's biU to bonest with readers had I ■r alt. wh >rned them .about-the loues -'tti^-'tfould' suffer through U S ^(^mulaliun u( nun-cMiverlible Thr Smate pn*abl> »un i let Ibe Foreign RelaUqa" • currencies. Almost'-exkclly 'Hfiire '.‘tiu J (.I'liimiitee iiui^<t ibr I'lA hut there may be promise—thev ^-«n cuntirvir to wsu h the nug froth after inv London column, the y.S. Tre'asury ponflnned to mr. I NC.LE. : - . • -
Potomac Fever
" Ev Dtrkaen shows up in the Senate on crutcha. He (crumiy takes his hto as a Repubbcaa leader lAlRuly- batoiwe sheet as a result o no* he ev« dresses fa tbe part Indian devaluaitcn. How many more writedowns will he be Buddhists keep scttfng Oiemselves on fire to prRact faced to make and at what ioM ■BiiMl the Ky ngtoM. Not «U Bndfirini. M eeum-JoR to hardworking American -taxpHyrrsthe real dw-hards.-JACK WU^pN.
Peace Has Sharp
ers men Hanoi? He aaid. "It could be Just a scare. Our infonnatien to that peace to stiD far away, but people are running acarol” •Thank God. it's only a romor." 1 said. 'Td bale anything to tolerfere wUh-my investmenu."
Cenifik l»M la Af«elM TWm Sr*«cM
‘T doi’t btame yea-", be aald. "I wooMbT have pat yea to an (base defease stocks « 1 thoagbt there was aay ckaaee et a teokineBt to Sealh Viet Nam."
Ibe phone. Russia hi treaty to to ' 0w moos, it aaonda like a peace gesture to me. Maybe I'd better aell." "I'm not sure. "nM next day die Rntoau warrwd ox to keep
■ •‘‘‘'"B , «WEU-, IF you asked me, the Russians have been loo damn concUliatory Utely and it isn't portfolio at all." ^ being pesshnistic abimtois.” my broker sa*L "It's true thal tfiere hasn't been too many war scares recently aa tor as Uk Soviets are con cerned. but we're still a long way from peace.“Doal you think Castro aettng op tbe way he has wtU help my tavestmenu?" "It mlfhL except Ctostoe to. havtog to mack treihte with Red Cktoa. The ttototoiM down here w te street to tet Cwswoet effect the market way er the ether.
Author Has Hard Time Keeping Up—
President Likes Immediate Action » By JM BISHOP , WASHINGTON - Tbe best of human endeavora is to keep learning: the second best 1s to use il. For a week. 1 have been taking a cram course in Lyn don B. Johnson. Kelly and I have been his guesu at the While House. Soon, we leavaariih Uie First Famll Foret One for a (ligl to the Texas ranch. II you think I have gone social, yw’re mtotakea. For two yeah. 1 have planned to research a book to be called A Day lo tbe life of President Johnaon. aod In aU that lane tiOter he wasn't ready or I A FEW weeks ago. I had lunch with Bennett Cerf and Bob'Loomls of Random House, and a thought generated that, when Lucl Johnson Is mar ried. the Johnson family will never be the same again. It is inUct now. Tbe Prwideni understood, and. through Jim Jones, asked me to come to Washington at once, tn the past. I had .written about Herbert Hoover. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
tont time. I Just ay *Yes.
John F. Kennedy and named Lmeoln. Over the year^ I came to know the executive nansiM fairly well. And yeL this wehk 1 racked ap mere miles in a pair eftiihl aboei 0un ever before. T^ may be sent to-the Smllhaoclan bititulion witfi tbe bunions still inside. Tbe difference between President Lyndea B. Jotamm aad all tbe olbert. I food, to Uw ward "Now." "Sometimes." said Mre. John son. "I think that Lyndon feels Uiat there Is no tomoiTow.’* L^nda the beautiful sal on her bed playing records. "When Daddy asks if I want to go srilh him, somelimes 1 don’t even ask where because there
Loci, tbe swift-flyini ^to, sat at a Coke bar In Carotaie Kennedy's oiw-ttme schoolroom Ml the third floor, "TOs,” she Mid. "Is my hide-awsy. H’s a den. A girl mast be IS to really, truly undentand her father." The President moves with a speed I cannol believe. He's S7. taller Utan I tftought, and a pro ducer. I ut aod watched him plan legislatfon which will af fect the common good of tois ccontry for centairiet Mwad. He pbooM his aiRstautt Watooa, Moydrg. Roitow, J Ktotncr. CaUfaoo and MePbo-
THEY point weariiy to tbe fact 0iat last year be got more lagtototioB passed than any President In history and be mur murs; "That was last year." I a^ed Vice Admiral George Burkley, the President’s physi cian, about the PreRdeot’s balUi. He sank down to hit dudr. "It couldn’t be better." be said. “I know what you're
"IN the diree yean since I have been PreRdent we have moved from an approprladon of 81.8 blUicR lor cducatfon to 81ta (T^
She baa Ug dark eyes and Jet rti^ and ha reoedi Pres. Be aeede aaeCher kiv, a tag. aad a gnat" 8ke saU BO. So, wbea she weal bahtog. he bid her deO Lisa. She got it back for a kiss, a hug and a grunt but he com plained about the quality ri tbe grunt. When she went off wldi liber. M sat b spine, pulled a Uue peaked cap over bis eyes, and dottd. At will, be can start himself, or stop himself.
"Getting back to VKt Nam. I said, "what do you make d these Buddhist dematstrations?" “If you want my personal opinion. It should be good for te stock nuriceL As as the Souto Vietnamese can't get to gether. toere doesn't seem to he moch hope for a peaceful setOement to tbe couBtry. and if that's so. Uw hubs are going to come out ahead." "I figured as much. But tola 1$ wbai haa me worried. Jt a rumored peace feeler from Hanoi can tend the Dow-Jone* tvuwge down 12 pRnb. why couldn't te Oommonists anpounce a realjoace offer and send Wan Street into a crash?" 'Don't think ere haven't
"BesMet. as long as we have to centaia Red Olaa, the stock market thewM reDab steady. Yon eeat woriy abeot these day-today fiacmBtbu canted by i let at silly peace talL"
“One moe question," I sail HE looa stern aod toms "I hear relatioos between te out to be a ndmoital oR U.S. and France are getRi^ worse. That's a gtwd Rgn, toat toudi. Be got a pnoiedoa for it?" Br. Barkley. When It didn't "Very gni. Do you want to coma through at once, be pboned .Cyna Vance at tbe boy asytfatog on margto?" Peotagn nd aked tor it "Now. " TM 5 iLffl. At 7, te promotton was on hit dcRc. When Fteul Glyim. Ua Air Force eergeant, retarned to doty at Andrews AFB, the President of Q-How did New York come per cent above dot e( tone the United States pbontd »d to be caned "Ibe Empir* years age. sRd; "Would you like to ceme Stole?" back and work for me* I need A-Its iricfcname b attrilnted you bow more than ever." The to a statement by George Wash product IS Ik per cent higher sergeant is back on duty out ington calling New York an kanemthan three years ago ai current side Ok Presidem s bedrootp. pire. prices." (At currant prices? You mean. Mr. PresIdeaL we should figure tlw gn^ nadooal producrat OLD prices?) He ftnisbed strong: ‘Today personal toeome after taxes is 18 per . cent htgber thu three years igo.- Fmkly, I toitoi 0» PreaidaBt hu a very good for mat here. I woold like to codttooa H wife aone (aeto aad flg- • The TV pngnm. *lMmp Unto My Feet." wOl be M apeelal ' nres of my own. totorsat to many to 0>la area next Sunday morntog — 9 o'dock on OtHDR 5 and 1B:» on ChanDem FOR instance, today tbe fed R wilt be concerned wUh t^ questioo: "Is There a Ctirlaeral payroll exceeds by 184.818 tfan Edneabon?" The narrator will be Dr. George Crotere. a the number of government Jobs on which the federal budget was brother et Robert Crothert. former Ftrei Presbyterian ratobter based. Today It cosu 811JS to here. Be and his wde. Alice, as. well as Dr. George Crotbers, buy y te the nme Uttogs it con 819 are atimmi of WiDstef Cottege to Wooster. Ohio. to buy a■ few yeers ago. - - — That ctolege has heen dNusn as the focus (or te fwognm. Today the price of cheese is It is a small Presbyterian college which is rated second natieiu)- ' up 34 per cent above the price ly in schelanhip standards among small coUeget'and mtvtninf a few years ago. The price ties. Tba noted Compton family of scientists lived to Woater, of bread In some states has the parento both taught at the college and the chitdred aU riaen 24 per cent to oily U gnutoatad ihmt. Dr. Arthur Compton, te atomic scientist, was moBtbs. a member of ray husband’s graduating class. Or. Cntbera was to Wowter laR April intorviewii^ itoStoM lot Jaaaary ItvUf ' ' eaali havs toed tfte skopast dento about te effects and tafhieneea M a colie mittod to Its dmreh. He asked ebont compulsory n fawHoeOb toctesN to the daily chapR and otter special aipecu ol a chuiRi cRlege. CBS paRUyean. crewmen were ttere doing te filmtog. Today te average American TofNfca has eeot a good many itodenti to Wooster. I leaned Is Ripping more aod more tato of toil pregam 0»ugh Mn. Jesse C. Uitoewwd, whoa dai«bdebt Today te pnhBc has ter Anne is at Wooster, a frestonan and "so happy" ten. achieved a record debt (tfaroogh Topeka haa a Wooster Alumni Qub. -eharge'accounts, credit curxto This June . Wooster is cetebratiog its centennial. The coat and time payments) of 9908 biibon. adding almost 10 per cent mrncement speaker is Lord Caradon, British minister of state of tel figure in U>enast ydsr. and United NaboiB representative. Ill seems obvious Inat if icCwiK after taxes is up 18 per ' 'deUA rural high School wiU be closed after this year, cent" as LBJ says. Uien prices as wiU the high school at Emmett Pupils from ttea achools will go next year to Roisvitle and St. Marys must be up even more.) A farewell open house will be held ui te Delia high school TODAY the.naflbna! debt buikUng Sunday from 2 to 8 pjB. and h is hoped that many for(how mneh more te govern mre students, teachers, parents and otters interested will rement teodt Uian It taka to) tora to ^ a iiuJe. rememiMr laughingly uto maybe wipe stands at a record 838 btUlon ■way a tear or two. The hlgb actnot wa ofganlaed to 1914. The present buOdtog' and the Praktenl has hiked Congress to Increase It by 84 wa bttt to IMI to nptace one ttto bursHd. it win be used USoe. I could go en. but you next year (or en eUaMbtecy biAiv. Un. ioaepit Satolk was get te Mra; it's ■ game the a board maober at Delia tor 8 years and hu been eleeted to whole lamily can pla> tte new united district board.
LBJ Paints a Pretty Picture But U.5. Goes Deeper in Debt . lINGTON - In one of those moments of self.praise that (rcqucKlIv overtakes .the President he'gave us a Utile Ust ofh s quite' interesting and. bee I go on W101 Uiis piece. I will wiU quote quoi from it. (After all. It's t only (air that you y bear 0ie Praaidmt's version ol th« Great Society, too. )
going to say. He has speed and itamtsa and be never stops waking, but I examine him twice a week and arhat can I say to a man of 57 wbo passes all tbe tosU and comes up wltb a blood presaure of 120 ow 70." NoUlIng. We made a trip down the Potomac on tbe presidenUal yacht and he played wito Miss Courtney Valenti, 2, for awhile. He begged for kisses, hugs aod grunts, and she gave them.
Quick Quiz
Peggy of the Flint Hiiis
TlAy BBeaplayBea to 8 per cem betow toe tovd of three year* aga," apakelh LBJ. 'Today the anher o( newfara. payroD Jebi Is op U
• iwsw"to.*iJr'»*l\
Minimun Restoration Expected Today (CMtiBMd rnm Pmge 1)
Fidel Sees Damage MIANO. FI*. IAP> - F«W
Variable Star
. __•
i Castro inspected •aime of Cuba o
day. Havana radio rrpnrted. and coniracto every 330 days. jThi-; expansion and conlriclioh aloft, carried lar blocks and then dumped in Shunganunga Creek . really underttood ibe ibe of the clean-up. dama«e,ex£«eded to of the VA hospital ' • — j-j earlier esli-jcausw toe Har's light ta grow (be oneM|»rkling tames of Prairio VisU t . ' brighter, then dimmer. On MacVicar. half a block north of 21st, a pickup trude was males. to the Kama River, the lonado gmmd acrou Oie city u if flipped ever and wrapped sideways around a tree so tightly AraoDd Wh and Gage, the wind force was so strong grass the front bumper overlaid the toll gate. An aD-iteel house on the northwest corner of that intersec-if tufU were half aeonrod from the earth. A fireman said tJwe can plucked off f-m and stocked neatly one ahg) tiio other on Uem was leveled, while apartments to the southwest were wiped t out in tsityheia, FragmenU of roofing, sheet metal and personal t »h. “There were some fatoUUes there; I don't know effects were scattered across the Washburn grounds like dandruff, r many,
'OCS wiped out. He«Ur vied beRer eotraminlctik U( ii over." The estimatots: Hanld H. Knott. Denver. Colo..-regional «• •actor of the Office at Baaergency Planning; C. 1. Moyer, di•eetor of the Kagtta City regional office of the Small BuMncee ... ................ D. D. PQote. chief of the U.S. Army Corpa of ......................................... Baton TwMeis Practice SngiMerc disaaiar pUontaig and half a <k»en other. (eie-ai oflibroad peth ell toe way pest the nicked state Capitol Building. tials arrived la the dQr idfhin three taurs after Pr Here and there. stlll-dazeMKiner home owners sorted Ustfeaily the campus, as repair trucks ^ km B. Johnson called the mayor Thursday to assore him through the muck, trying by InsUncl to Find something - any them and armed National Guardsmen directed traffic in the indty can count oo aaythiog it needs for recoverv. Knott told city offtcUls to “go right ahead" with essential thing—worth salvaging. terseetiona. But others already were moving trailer loads of useable ' V; aorfc. even by vertai contract if necessary. He said 7b per cent Tta weaporn and ammunition were distributed early Hairsfurniture to other quarters. One nndgnnted soul sported an rf the toUl gram could be available "almost Immodlstely.” day after reports of extensive looting to eastern seettons of the from an Improvised wire standard run . His office administers the President's emergency disaster American flag, cl^. hiDd, whkh.pays (or minimum repairs to essential pohlic faclU- up the side of his basement - aU that ww left of hb contempo More than a dozen WU buildings srere destroyed or badly des. Knott said the OEP wUI be little help to the average pri rary. ranch-style home. "Wen. at least we had it six mandB." said Mrs. B. J. damaged, tut counting sorvities. married student boustog and vate citizen, but other agendei offtf victimi more hope. Moyers. MIS W. »th Ter. Ita 5maU BusIinm Admlaietraboo can m»ka X per She was looUiv at the deceptively untouched front of their The twister's path stas ttSITy haK a mile wide from toe cans (or new homes, cars and needed personal imf«rty: new tamt in Prnirie Visia, abMit SOB yards from where toe Central Park residential district just east of Washburn to toe Federal Housing AdmltUstralioo can lease n: Once known for Its tree-toaded streets and wellto. toe homeless at nominal cost, place them In public housing twister ftrrt toudied ground. Ita rear of toe house was Central Park now boasts hardly a standing tree. intact, but ba^ battered. A 2x4 eight feet long hong ' ' units or. perhaps, iqueeu them Ui at Forbes Air Base. wtU. toe other end protruding from toe ceramic tUe In the bathWhole blocks of two- and tl Diufter Deilgoathw Asked intact In many cases they had simply vanished; a flight c The S6A already has requested a disaster area designation stepa, once to a porch, peeping fro mwindows of brancros, UUerod With Defarto to provide loans to local business, home owners, not^roCt or The backyard was littered with debrto. The debris and toe dirt and unidentmable debrh ganizations and dnirches. The Stole Finance Council has aulbw- 1x4 ware from a ntighbor's house to toe south, which bad been Downtown, the twister destroyed hundreds of Ibousands of tzed Gov. wmiam H. Avery to release $1 million in state funds dollarsworto of new and used cars in three loentions -two ripped off too foundation. The roof was luU * block to to make emergency repairs' to state-owned property. owned by Shortman Dodge - and turned its foil fury at Pintoe east Bowl, 1CB4 1 - was lulled. Kansas, where owner ... Lisle Grauer Other federal programs avaiiable are: The owners left Wednesday (or California. Veterans Administration —Loan adjustments and other relief The foirner National Reserve building, now the lOOO Kansas On toe southwest corner of toe same intersection, due west . 4o help veterans keep and repair their property. of toe Meyers, another home wu demolitoed. A path of shat- buildtog, wu suspected of structural damage. Uteral acres of Dept, of Houaing and Urban Affairs - Adjust FHA aiswcd t^ timbers crossed the northwest corner of the Moyers lawn. glau carpetta the entire area. Scores of cars were demolished loans, provide tempwanr housing and offar ^>edal mortgage To the north, an expensive spartment buildtog toowed only or heavily damaged at curbside, some with tons of brick and pvchasing authority on FHA or VA guaranteed loans. rubble piled on top. the foundation, the fewest floor and a few supports. Public ttousing Admlnislralion - Provide temporary housny Mrs. Moyers aaid toe inside of toe bouse Is riddled by fly for disaster victims. ing fragments, and added toe family wu huddled in tbe ba U.S. DepL of Agriculture — Provide credit to altow farm ment “when a 4x8 tonber came through toe bssemeot wall. 'Victims to r^ee livestock and equipmenL “You should've seen me move then." Tbe Ndgbborttood Youth Corps One bhKW showed slab after slab of bright coocreje. as I dtarls dearance, and the Federal National Mortgage Asm. can toBocent of homes as when they were poured. make payment on guaranteed home loans. were snatched I A Prairie Vbta victim cars by toe dozen d Knott said toe OE7 cant pay for dearance of f sDlesa the debris to determined to be a hazard to public faealtb and aafety. However, he told Finance Comm. Keonetb Kern and Cily Auditor Charles E, Holt to "do what you have to do . and youll find to nearly every '.mse that it's eligible." WU Damage WeoU Be Oavered He said toe damage at Washburn Is covered if toe PresWen designates the city a disaster sres. He called Topeka's destruc ' tioo about what be had expected from such a tornado, but notec
r ^ f | , ■ ' '
3 days only Thursday-^Friday-^Saturday
\SepficTank-CesspoolOwners ^ I
B (privately iiwuredl and poesibly damage t tl million to other facilities. Avery toured ManhsUan Thursday afternoon, as Topeka's re covery organization moved into high gear, Rescue and the seard) . for bodies had occupied emsgeney workers until daybreak . 'Tlitirsday, but by 7 a.m. the emphasis was on digging ooL The damage rone was divided into four areas of responsl■“'Wlity. assigned on the basis of equipment avaikble to the im' Tmedtole vtctoRy, aul on estimated total of more than 4.IM) men :.dived into the wreckage. The Stole Highway Commission took toe heavily bU realil aroM around 2Wi and Gage, wbm-tba tornado (irct bit Darold Mato; chairman of the Shawnee County Con 'dlrectod corner work crewi to toe zone naming from toe east - ttde of Big Sbunga Park ttoough the Washburn campuB to about itth. City equipment and eraployei took the Central Part area. ........................ :t and moet of East Topeka, although county crews toe* East Topeka and Oal from toe Santo Fe wh«l shops north to Seward and as far east as Ume. 09 Ei«tocer Bernard Williams, heading a crew of volunteen, took charge of the airport and the Garden Park residential GeardSBCa mi Abnee Some fiOO National Guardsmen from Top^ and surrounding ■ towns and more than IjWi Forbeemen prided .k^ to ef fective recovery, however, cootrolUng traffic at all major interaeclJons and providing security patrols to keep si^tseera out of toe damage AU toeed a hard, dirty, almost dangeroua Job »_blg_few
efdoUtnondl..........I.ndtriom*' nj,«n
eWY TO USE-juft pouf in ioil« bowl tnd gufh. Thu'i »ll. BO-.V «n'i ------------------ '*•*
* long and short styles ■k beach and lounging types
Mt«t *k« l)Ml» fkaM M mlrtk. T*k* v «i*lk la tk* ■■•rry ywiie JfntMW. Juft <••*> JfAnd dnn't f«re«f ynur fhovt.
mwfen rour hemf i> nv~ or old. you tM* hive i conly. mfuy bick-up .n »our wpiic i«nk M <«»pool. *n>-x* wki to kcrpyoui iwg* «rn«n
Regularly to $13
* sizes 8 to 14
"^^vCfiyULLf^ WNlTf UHa CINHI
Now Dean's Sbo.s OEAN IROWN. Offter OpM Ivery Ivealng
•«9. Sfwppliig C.i»r
r|(t |00«in*«c..i
tJtJuSlSl tS?5 ............
GIUE THIS KID H HOME ...PICK UP THE CHOC You PICK UP CHEX (or breakfast and Cbex will pick up animals for the xoo. |o*t dip the top from your favorite Chex cerealWheat. Corn or Rice-and drop 11 In a Noth;. Aek depository; So bolp give a kid a beam. Pick up tha Chsxtoe crisp coimIb: from Ch
CHEX CHEX ' :.#'r R.9uror2.98VQfi;#
PERJNA PRESS SPORT SHIRT Hn‘t Faeml pelynm tad ctu ekuuiaptiiil.iwla.S-RU
Regular I.OO Vafv*
- Crossword Puzzle Alarms Silenf; Manhattan Hit IS Sit r. 2 For Big Loss 51 P^Jl^siiot o(
1 10
15 IWteMiBl
sa NopBl pnk 54 B«haa-t
•BbiMi; 2 «<r^ at At lb. dnip •<
It •___ «l<i cnkibd...”;
17 r^:^- r%
- II Cack dwWl. MANHATTAN 19 Svdebka loal. • rrtir>' of ih» Ktrtsw Board of » Cdimllli't Regrnu Max Bioklortf, visilod Kansas .Stair t'nivrniiy cam It ftha. pus nuirsday Ut m!>prct damIV AMiAritL agr rau«rd hv a tornadoM r.m Wednesday wsday rpighl. It Rmtaarl'. e I'mrrrsily hnusing offirr U UsB of ae-om. has relooaird IM married *iu- I M Afrkon iBltwr. S7 Mtdtme: Abbr. donts and ;their families *ho! S9 Fmcb Hint. were liiinj: in Jardine Terrace, [ 41 South Ametiese the hardest hit area of !dan-, 2 wordi
44 IMbI Brituh mtaieiw
In wnen s dormiioria m v*ie apartmenU, Jard; nhe-hair mile northwest of the c^piu and houses S7I familifs during the arademir yeac. ; Roots «wre stripped from all - a buildings in the Jardine compfex, rnivemity officials esti mate !2 unite are a total toss.
Jd^Abtm -lOr^totmd
■I in
CfBBt L____
M C^T^'b
28 Atmi C«. 29 N.bUcbI drriiw. 51 Ma 2 52 1e(i.lBto. 55 aw't ksB docfc
m ranwacL 69 ■__ WbM ft Y*u.“: 2 we«k
4fl ladin elDoL I'rntT thiW. *S Ritn WL 48 Nnril. 50 Tropical AoBcraiK trae. S2 Neu 54 Auttriia
DRESSES {•ciurar't tai*BUtl Daeraa b«tftUt. ttrtaad laanackan. Afnat arlati, Atril/cottoa cbBcba, cordt, rayBB Uaaa Uabi Bad l*aaHf»1 aalBetlM laeluding iklaifBar A-II A-llMi. mi. Nvwaa* talld aalan. Bd*>t **d (M»bi. SItaii Jr. PadtB. Jra, MiiM
5 Nb-t anphib'^ 57 6 ly«( tiBB. a Caub-all latia 7 Awnlat 59 Diekaa ^ wraiBoat fnU
Ml illl
Hrti'lng nffirials «aid Thurs day ihai most ot the buildings will have i-i he rebuHl ‘ i Only two of the buildings are hahilahie. Hemaining residrnis have found refuge at friends' b0me.s. University and city officials had said Wednesday night that damage In Manhattan may reach IS million, including fl million damage to Jardine. Aftar Inspecting the damage p » H 57 Thursday, howaver. «nid not esumale damagt About n penoni have been Inated at two local hospitals and released. TouHeen have ban admitted. Two iBjarcd SerkBSly Two mm are in sertous con dition 'Htey w< trailer tniclt which overturned lour miles north of Manhattan oa K-177. The accident blocked, traffic to Manhattan for three, hairs after the slorm.- Cars were' rerouted after the .storm artMnd' .Tifllle Creek flam ,IS. s Rep Her Chc-sler Miac, RThe agricultural experimem ‘ -rMBonahW A,., Dr- Gletn Beck, dean of ag riculture. said poultry, agnn>ay, and animal husbanby opentfaMt were destroyed . •Both poultry fanm are a toW low All agronomy bulldinp axcepl two are a complete
IsUbA 64 KUliaa: Seftx, 65 CoBjaMiioB autieotiBc b cbokBt 2 wank
$^97 SAVE $1.42 DAL
nil 1m
Mize Forecasts Relief Aid Here
M » »
sr..-^r--Kur'=: Si 9*
Dlicavirt Ffiea. Choat* fram W ■ WW aur bug. aalaetiaal__________ 1
tofaH* CottM
CE 3*3223
f B f B'««**-
.l.atl laakiat ipariaf.
Skart-tlaaaa ikylat .Ith laap ..kri aad backt. ligt.W,V. ba» ar caHa. aia.h. Sa.a with leraaa print tapi. Sliat
PMHT SEMOVEIt Fait aettag far Bvitb ttrip.
j /
*1" 88'*
Tw C«H Atwm n»d Hw USest wd Alwayt M nt Lowest Prices at
‘/riA'vt. S197
f?;-■;:hr did not carry advance warning' of tha storm. When a report u flnatly available, there t 1 _ .... no eferWeity to aetlvale the sirens. Red Cross atatiabes indicate ap proximately 1.000 famtlles were affected by the slorm. Forty Single farntiydwemngi were destroyed. These figures do not Include damige to Janjine Terrace, or at two apartment compleses mat of Manhattan. Fmeer Impaired Power to the eit>’ is being restored t^ degrees Other sec tions are still wuhoul power, Most damage to electpiclly transmission was from limbs and trees being blown into the power lines. Many utility polm were snapped. Two local nalkmal guard units were called out it * » "p m. They are guarding against looting. Manhattan police hive con firmed no looting, aUbei^ some was reported at Jardine Te^ rtce by residents. After working g|I night Wrtnesday the 200 men were relieved Thursday morning bv members of the 6»th Brigade from Wmfield. on summer ma neuvers at nearby Ft. Riley, Mae> Tetrpboees Oe< More than -a.MiO local tele phones are out of wder Ap proximately too men. in addi tion to locsl wofken, are aiding Southwestern • Bell Telephone Co, in restoring service. Early Thursday morning uni versity workmen cleared tree. street^ aiid moved fur niture from Jardine Terrace Purnimre and personal belong ings art being stored in Ahern Fieldbouse oe the K-State cam pus. Food servKe is available in 1
LmIW Lyere Uee
Laag lag iV*t •'fb aal bBH**l^ alttlie
emoon. In a conference with Meyor Charles W. Wri^t, the grewnto laid, ”1 am whelmed. U ibe area it declared 1 disaster area, and I am rea-
at Civtl Defense headquarters In [ the Shawnee County Caurlhouse.|
tWar Batgaalrt, friiaarad u.Hb laca aad aapliqua. WkiEa. M**. Biak, »aiia, lilac. 10 H II.
Pan+y Girdle
.„l:|Wwben Orkin cheeks In PESTS
federal government Nrena Were Silent T’l* clly’* loroado alert sirens generous." M not si^l the approach of; me congressman nurneoi ^slorm. Civil defense per- back to Washington, D.C.. atter^
. Udle,-W.^t.$7.f7
Peignoir Ensembles V"-* , •^'vC£CC iK'U.
PATCHlm DUSTER Carart erteki •alU «i
£ I m. •ONPO
CONCRETE PATCHER YBa'II fiad rblt quick aad af-
T • . .-kl-, I a t aicallaal .iBBattia,.
Wednesday Answer
9'xl2' PLASTIC DROP CLOTH a iBlalawBl............
Mm aI W ■^1 | '
I !/
:..'i^»;MHfe^«»^i-,.. 5188?: ii«8: fesfliirs'S"* ■s ^^SffiBrflSSSS
47= ai5
• 5^ ..HT_. 49^ »■ ■■ OPEN YOUR
• tiiSsSi
On 29lh Street Between Tope!<a and Kansas Aves. Not 0 Regular Price In the Entire Store (few exceptions)
----------SPeCIAl OFF£R
P.lli In dMent itallen.. Onlinnm clnir. ricA lean.
MeM S.Pe. Crytral
sneiAL saienoNi
FRAte PICTURES JyAb. }4>S}-TmIi fr«ia«J pleturM by F<iti*>l •'♦IfP*. A« sytiUntflag bvyl
I ^^sozoos
Vdatt... ■■
Rt«. $9.96
Crytfal tr«yi f«r Mrrln^ •unm*»r rtrrMlwitBh «n 4h* ptTIo.
Um Hm fer betb er Ueb.
Ye«r ckelM •( eelen eed de-
3 - 99'
R#9. «.99
)On»i OTM
^Ti:-,?rT.rs.r' S
Read Type
3nPe. MotclMd
OARMENT BAC Junbe life, tle|er*d ylnyl be# tinlds ee «e U dmmt. leiHin mnnlk nrystnl keldett.
TWO pet THt :iOPONII....
i MoHi Pigitctof
■ Sweefk, ernnmy .nnliU ici cr.nm teppnd •i*N risk cNenelnln inetn.
9slck.CloM CerdWa SIwm
ICE CHEST Ll4l.f.mlghl. bat sturdy. Knnpt feed end bsvsrngei <eld fer aeay
Attreetivo tot of cenittere in gredueted tixot for luger. flour, etc.
,s, $]27
Reg. ST.S9 kx*8
W tell
Rring and Treat 0 Friend to a
CelerfHl Straw
Electric SHAVER
>raret«M. wnekertd end pell, •an niMi In metthed leMbet-
Reg. S2tM
moon. *wrrn n
I hilp praFeet yevr kelrde.
No MMey De«m
For the Mon cn the Move
WeiTiM'i and Ttcm' Fancy
SWIM CAP MTnarwnigrrr
Gillette VACATION & TRAVEL KIT Ca«>paet <a»a wi«t>. OiUeHe .ypa/ ■Uinteo •Faal bl R.gkt 6iard daede Crap*. Sae4Jp • FFar ibeve end Haad>.Up kair etaem.
Wem«ii‘s & Teens' Canvas
Next lime youhave to ieinretown, pack an airtomolEC.
Isno-wna'ing »ele«-
SUNTAN lotions! ANTACIDS •l.«
COPfUTOMt U.tt. 0 0& »OTTU
IIONnAN WITH Fill $| 10 MAAlOl TAILETS t) SI lOTTU OP SI . AFTEA ®10W ..................... •
•2dK) „nu '2J9
■lONZI lUtTtl IT imOFt ...
pfPTO BISMOL Sl.St, U Ot StS .
Wt AH SO SUU or out nicis THAT wi wmi rou to COMTAIC THCM ... AND AT NO SACtinCI IN OUALITY
tIgAt rt»r*i»4 t* Ihnlr
Bomi or iM UMir 2 •
87‘ 88 77«
Specials From Our Drug Dept. N -
Urcriirwr " ir
49t Slit Spray
ratrvhviii lalli
SL49 Foek TOO
And gTgle. AA. 14-QZ. BZC. nst
98c QUIN8ANA POWDER 79e Mennen for athlete'a foot; 4-oi..;
Effective a: 4 In
REQ.198QERITOL (Bottle of 40)
WU Dean Oplindstic About Recovery
Buy at TiKen's Markets And Save On Your
whether he realiied the extent wh.ch came through without ex-[afKr the storm. Some ' for Tbundty ni«ht and this lives. Br CLAY LOYD tensive damage was Mulvane bleeding, but bigetbert said be I hiteftiailaBal Business Ma of damaFe to tbe campus. “This mij fouBd Polljraim*- morninc at tfae Mgh scbool. had been unable to I A National Science Fouodaten chines also offered to ship io -YAi can't desenbe it. " Mn. Art Center. lib. but I.UUhk wll can ofvicttnsa An.ROIC stractore near "in neada Bngeloert said. also will One girl im reported in)ured Moore Bowl was ooUlerated and their tnjuhes. Dean Arthur F. EOfeJ- oe sdwdDle rtext week at "off to contbme its Hundreds of Boy Scoots and| miliury vehicle was blown tions, but offietals said they in Benton Hall. Tbe tvnado bert. vice pretMcat fer ac»- smpos facilities.'' other vohjnteera worked T Aenic affairs at Waabbom Uni- A select group of persons thought moat of tbe tmhcrsiiy’s struck Benton “right on the down Into the bowl. n an effort to elu tbe natiao will equipment would work irtien ■ nose,” officials said, but it dW ADOOg tbe most awful si^ campus streets, il poww Is turned on again. the rabbto o( the eampaa not appear to be the moat seri m tte oU stone balU. eft* and lawns while other s Thursday. , Dr. John Henderson, prestdem ously damaged buckling. The of whieb dates to 1V7I Most of Damage tram Wednesday's be Slid. They are sfbeduled to a washbum. was out «rf town roof structure ns blown away. them were turned Into crum- boarded up windows and Bade]| stopgap repain. .bling shells. ^ ^ . .. nnlverfily carries tornado was esUmated at « begin arrivitig in TopeU SimEngelbert said It probably|| millioo or more, but Engdbert day. • not to return un- placement insuraiive. and Gov. At tbe observatory, which heavily damaged, the teie- would -be weeks before said the univeraitv would "go Heads of two Kansas tnstltu- tU about midnight 'nuirsday. . Willion H. Avery uid Wash ttom of higher learning offered Henderson was on vacation ia burn will be ell^le for federal ®***®“'* dean-up work Is completed, butl Eeeptiig his pledge, Sncdbert Thursday to help WasMium in Iowa, Engdbert said. disaster assistance. Appraisers said. WtotWriven sand MUed Washtaira "will epen next faQ.''[| tbe telescope's costly lens. way they can. Cbancellor RumUng the unlvertiiy in tbe and adjusters were on tbe The growl of power uws rip-1 . amouDced Wasbboni's summer Clark Weacoo of tbe Unismsioo would bagbi as sched Most itudenU bad left the ping uprooted trees to plccesl| EngWbert and Thursday sflemoiin. sounded puny Thursday - -yin b view I uled Monday at Topeka Wdm vtostw of Kansas visUed Wasbcampus at the close of Cngelben »id at least five of tbe destruction. -M :li4h Sdiool instead of at the bun. and Dr. John King of Kan buildiigs will have to be re spring session. A rocUal sas Stale Teachers College at in progrosi at MacVicar when Giant cranes lifted wrecking'l university. placed Crane, MacVicar. CwRegistraUon was setaeduled Bnpani »«t two repreaima- anivenity were not sure Dr. n^, Rice and “posslWy the tornado bit. however, and crews to the top of Washburn'sIF number of persons were seen Carnegie HaU to remove loose ;| Hendataon bwl been reached Thomas.'' only major structure staggering from tbe building wreckage. and. if be hid been contacted
Europe Unity Trouble Cited
Hr MW QgWey. (IrL iOM 7. Hr. MW «»•- iwnnMi mrm. swi- -
■'SraaMWT^^^^ ^
ar'.s. -M-1-MMn.. sw N.
ai.ln e. •VO"' FfOWS M W'OW-
............ - tlUM
Ovr *
**VllIr^ j!*n!' CMvM
•TOWN 4 COUNTRY 2Ut mi Vlrqhdw
SIMP Tlttwl
S:00 ojR. m 10:M pm.
fH Rash't
•EAST SIDE 1201 lent Sixth tiOO ajw. TH lOiOO pm.
.. . Due ta th* Topeka Cotostrof I Hiere will be fimifed service at THtoii's
. 31‘ Rodeo Ranch I RoR
Carison Views Stricken Area
Semi-Curfew Place Here; Guards Alert
Hospital Births
ItOS Seward 7:00 am. T» 9:M p.m.
ScywMMir's Consort
Sen. Frank Carlson. R-Kaa., who flew areas of Topeka Tburaday aft ernoon, said he had "never seen such a concentratioa of damage In my life.’' Tbe senior Kansas senator said be had flown bers from Washington in a private ptone and bad obtatood pmsdstm to fly ovm tbe cily at an aldtods of ISOO feel. 'Tve seen a hit M to my life." Carlson said, "bol I've never seen worse." Carlson, who w^MrgWo nursdiv^^Bl^t, mM he plans to report Ms fladI.to the WhHa House: i flying to Tbpeka, Cvinot looking for a Buropa that is aon»cfore aid he bad been assured going to apa American senti s White House spokeman ments in any slavish way or is sU federal agenetoi would necessarily always goby ^ do everything possible to aid agree with us,'' BeB said. The tfflderseerctary aid he in recovery from the devastat endd iMt agree with these who ingAtstorm. same time. Carison believe that Mm partldpa- said, the While House had or tkm in world affilri. and i— dered tha Knott, retfonal dldally in affairs AitsMe of — roctor Hiuold of the Office of Etowrrope, will diminish by Britain's gmey Planning, Denver. Colo., future association within to survey the damaged areas European cenmnmity. and report his flndlngs soonest to Washington. “I have been assured," Carl son said, ‘That tbe OfOca of j In Topeka | Equal Opportunity, the Federal Hoostag Admtaistrttton, tbe Public Health Service and MarriageJ.icenses U.S. the Dept, of Agricultara have been instructed to render any and all aid passible to stwm victims."
I Market fer the next few days.
lUfound^ on t sense of eqiiilty, mu said In the Interview with tbe British Braa^Ung Corp. . interview was tap^ in Washbigton for broadcast from Laidon and its text was msde avaltahle here. Bslt said the United SUtes Dots not »K expect w dom to u. be ahssyi and on every Issue to conplsto agreement wltfa tUs nDUled Euregie, if and when ft Is I------There will always be differences in views but that to “perfectly normal and perfectly healtby." hadeclar^
rra.’i.~Tr' .*'Sr"
Sixth mi Ctoy •;00 om. TU MlMqbt
I East Side Market and Tiltoii's Oakland
WASHINGTON - Un dersecretary of State'George W. Ball on 'mtraday Warned the fragmeatation of Europe (or cerUin aoU-Aneriean seati. ments and predlcled such feel—tegs wai diaappetr when tbe natioiu of Western Eur^ find their unity. Anti-A m e r I e a n teellngi ■'spring from a senae of dispari ty In size and a feellog that the UnlM SUtes Is rather smotherof resources and wealth." Ball aaM.' ■'UaltyJJeeded'’ “Once the peoples of Europe move toward a sense of unity, then this sense of disparity, this sense of being smaller and hav ing fewer resources will tend to
(Cbaltoaed From Page 1) trying to salvage personal ef fects were a^ to leevt tbe area for tbe night If Ibey could not stay inside their homes. Passes were issued during tbe day to persons who aanted ‘ too damaged areas to ses: personal property. They were required to report to pobeadquarten were issued. Curds Abaaad Hammv uid T» National juarttomm will ba on Pff “ ud to areas of damifB to Raodolpb Siret northeaft
on patrol to two areu, ton RaiMoU aouthwest when tbe tOTiado ftret UMiebad down .and town Kansas Avenue tteou^i the ramatoder of the city. Hummer uid only minor tostatKCs of looting have been reported .The curfew, he said, : a precautionary measure. Many Ploy Golf Golf is enjoyag great POJOlarltx- In the Utoted States to day. with mora than M milliao men. women and children, play ing toe game at least I* times ■ year, accoi^ to tbe Bncyelopaedia BrituRiu.
from Taystee Bread
4“_" 79*
emi Sandwichl
3 ■“ 79*
3 a‘l
Fruit Cocktail
• Thin sliced
iflake^ Mikes ★ Chacaltow Me* AWWta *TaRew ★ DauUa Oatek * Swisa Chweatota
•Reclosable plastic bag
30-OI. Carton
•100% liquid vegetable shortening •Rich flavor
Cnloredo MeChire
EnricHesRids Prices Good Friday mi Swturdoy
Canvass Set; Relocation, Aid SAFEWAY Will Be Sped TPimi fl# fptferti •nd sUlp • ofMals' win CiBva»s the disafl-er are* th!* afternoon as the first step to clearing public pmfu'rtv and reVirnling the esti mated im bwnelesa In TUpeka. Harold H Knott of the Den»TT reponal nffire of EcotioTnlc riannlni told nt>- officiali lo; : ■■po right ahead with work that , - • is eniirnliAl" although Topeka, lirge B0i09Ki ha.« not been declared a mittor dLW<ier area. Knoll reeoBimended Ihe May or ask Got Avery to request federal a<wl<tanee. He said he jipenl two Imirt with the governrir this morning and "we got a lot of wheels rolling C. I.,Moyer, redoital director! of the Kansas Qty offica d| -.-the Small Business AdmlnUtra-| tinn. said his agency vide funds to prteita li for emergency aid- He sald| three per eer ' made not only for homes butj lor personal propeflv such automobiles and needed awiii.
t FREE Each WGci< for 8 W&ek& Clip and Redeem This Coupon
4 l:[
Pelt Siinege HS/SS-^Tt*
aiick«iFrWSteebri»^99< RohihI SfeA Str See,Hno s-«od
Smktd ImI vw l;39< Fnik Poik Utw ;r ii.49ek Catfish met
Safeway Weati.., 3eit!
Cavafy GCli Reqwit All requesti for assistance wW be hajidM by atate and county welfare officiala.
KnoU and Moyer estimated federal moocy ihoold be araqable at least by Mondqr, pottibly sooner. ■na fadaral bouHog agenes can make avaJlabla any unoc cupied FHA dweHtoy* and ar range for additional bousing in urban renowal housing developmenU or possibly .at Fortxs; Air Base, Kpott told the n.y officiats. I HattaiUort Caalag
Sliced Bacon .69‘ Ground Beef 53' Rib Steaks ‘"TTiSr' a. 69* Boneless Beef Roost 89* Swiss Steak Round Beao Cuts kbySNl
Pepsodent ?=69‘ Save!
ktil Tee Blend CenterDishweiher lo- u« t s | Gfeliem Credters » 29‘
Army Corps of Eng nrer> said
sftemoon. to begb a emraas of the damage. Early eatlmaiea win be made by the generaJ serrlrts tdminlitratloo. Ihe Buruj (drPubllc Boada and tbo Paderal Avia tion Agency. Knott old he also has asked tor esttmatw fel Manhattan and two toetUou in Uapenwoftii.Be had dnuDded an be AidriNd by U a.m. FHday.
Insurance Claims Information Told prcnidcot of Topeka insuron. .paid TTonday. ' | Ppgsutw wUh damaged pro^ eriy shai|I^^II their inwraoct agent tad make irmporary rr pairs to the prepertv, Brie . uul iioererrr. they should Wt si calling back to the- adjustor or insurance agent if they don't receive any service to the aeveral da.vs. be Mid. "Slonn c4fie«'’ wUlbe set up! bv Mooiii^ m T0|Mha to handle iJ)p daiMged pnipertY damw The officei wiii be qwited by the Gcocra! A(t)astBiem Be by iiieeMaM CMOfiMU
Safeway TriaHid
Stack Your Freezer
Baby Beef
89 99 59*
fkml Rid BhiiiJ1,9:;99< Nevy Btani 9” 99Pinto Beans 9;;99Frenclt Fries LtlO" Twin Popsyele l;:^'6,-29* Vegetables 41.>l.00.
Orapn Jnica rS ‘tr59*
Starkist Tona SI'. ^1139* Pitlsbnry Bisaihs 4*^39* Balbrd Bkeuits 4 'C 39* Plastic Wrap .5“ I0C„ 29< Gelatin Salads ^ 2 „ 49* UiceiiM Jnnglt Juke ,U 35‘
Bread Dough 3t1i39* TV Dinners 'W^SS* fact Teothpasta “tiJ-dV* Razor Blades 49* Tone Spray Pofish ^79*
Grape Jelly 2 tS9* Pore Biifter ^ . 49* longhorn Oieen SS % 29* Shredded
PraltCpVog.pJuicotp or Dossorn
Baby Food
Fruit Pies
For Claiming
AKansu Oomm. of Insurance, alrank Sullivan, is asking Insurtnce companies to consider es tablishing a central omce here , to handle tornado damage claims. Many firms are sending ad justors tram across the state and out or Mate to'Topeka to handle losses. TV General Adhistment Bureau Is setttag up a special of fice in Iha basement ol the While Uket Shopping Oeiiter. and the Americsn Insurance Assn, also is opening an office here. The mayor has offered the municipal eudltartum for use by insurance firms U they Sullivan's office ui< tempt ia being made to coordiaaie the efforts of adjustment - ftnm who have been requested to notify their poUeyWders throagh newt media as to where thev may report their losses Those persons having a loss as a resuU of last idghVt tor nado shorid protect and salvage as much property as poealble,: and then contact then contact the in-surance agent or agmc) |, from whom they purchased their* insurance. In order to ascerum]' Ihe local office in charge of . handling their claims, the CommUsloner's office Mid
Chuck Steak
Apple, Cherry, P«ach or Coconut
Center Asked
Of Loss Pay
Travelers Kit
Nob Hill
All Flavors Gelatin
6“ 49'
Jell-0 9‘
3-iz.l Pkg.
IhaN f Witt SUO Rwikies
Sa^ajf Weati.~3eit/
Green Onions
A Lew Pricoi
2 !-«*« 19'
Californio Oranges 25 ^^1* New Crop Peaches iv25*
Save Oh ^Jkeee!
Oiaeia 3e,‘I' JUsminuin Fol IX 1l!;29* Mfvnw Coffee .„l-,U.-37*
®Strongheort%"rrlO'«^l^ SiCoke Mix SandwIdiCaoUes^Are.^ 49* Grapefniit Joke S;*S:39* MHowaiionPunchlO'^M & Pork k Beans js^5'**^1* 2-29* Pinto Beans iS|Hi-C Drihk^;r3c:;^^1* Town Hsiist Rke 2e-29< Houm Town Houtn
Ysh Our Melon Patch. YouH find a wide, wide variety of oH your favorites.
Red Ripe
SAFEWAY 3-89' 79* CragmonfPop t lO'-r. Potato Chips-sg' Radkliw . 2^*. I9* Onions vH 2^29* Pmnis 2.-59*
Z' iPtotoCaebto It jww ie. i*u
^se of Drdgs on Campus Studied By BERNARD CAVZER , is best illustrated by Atweiattd Prcw Witter wtiicb ry eflecb and a psychological e fact that I The cnllegc iostructor |ol into miuhroom. Tbey are mOder rcgreaakn to the state where are ao easily cat^ fr of tlungane pub end Jacket, thu LSD but RKH* potent thu one does not clearly .difler- toaDy only snalf fractkiw entlste between Wmself and his ' student pt^nlattons have etopped to take a deep drag of martjsana. uanjuau, and ttiee bolding up Caapua plQ-iaking cu be a environment. LSD users com- been Involved in such arresb. pa)^ iw^ be bad Jut group acdtity amoic a certain nwnlv descrtoe seeing tfaem- "For them to tdde or to take ^emOTdV'liijied’ happOy ani but to a large It ■aid: **Da you get the ae (71 is a aolltary nndertakhig. * itu- It the things around them are use would be degraifing. hypoTbis b the psycisdelic tie. Thel*>“ teke amphetamtoea- an extenaioa of thentaclvee. This critical.’' says Dr. Becker. "They is aodWt. Wo»” I pep Pi'l* »Wch are cdomoDly Is what happens in the Infant do not even Uke the standard g: called bennies, denies « or “PP« uppies world.” {pot bead precautions against He and baa girl friend passed:*"'” the marijuana to two otters in|-**fwe a big lest or in order to In our own experience, sever- i deteetton and arrest It is a kind have- had to be bo$-lof ideological defiance. It b aU ' the room He apologbed tw not "*•s®”« **“•'! studenb . offe-ing LSD. oqalaining that heipiulired tor long periods .fol-jof a piece with the groding ■nail[tendency of deviant groups to had a elms the nen ***'"« ' " ........................................... [stand up and say. ‘Leave us and that be woUdn't go to claiii^fy »«* Wgh, the goof balb or amiwnb of'drags ' A professor at Fauleigh-Dick-:a!one ’ " still turned on. b*^“ down. These are defrasants. inson in New Jerse ■■Anyway." he said, "ifg ni Uke pep pills, they are swal “despite all the alleged n laughir lowed. Tb^ are Donaddlctins. of the psychedelics, studenb Mrt of grades do ttey mainhut habit forming and some e who me them begin to deterio lain? rate as far as classroom wvk "I'd sty the hippies in my Fmm n«-sound and fury at goes.' clam are the A tbidenb.'’ says tending the situation, it a withdrawal lyn- The tnnecence attributed to San FTaKbeo State instnic- MmtjMna, or grui m the Up group a indeed seem that everybody's experience caUa It (very Ikto eigaretlas), are being the Uafverslty drome similar to that of a hero marijuana me, according to Dr. tor. doin' it. addict. There has been a flood of re- inWhatever the drag of choice, poru which make it appear that it is rare—according to most America's college and universi sources—to find the classic nar ty campuses are awash with addict on campus. The her marijuana, lysergic add diethy cotic junkie Just isn't to be found. lamide - LSD-25 - meacaUoe, oin consider such driig psilocybin and otter drugs, such Collegtans use very, very square and un aspep pills and goof balls. There Is evidence that at< hip. Nareetki Relax school* all over the United' "Narcotics turn you says State* there are some toadenb a Universrty of Chicagooff." who have had some experience ■'■That's tte scene foraludeni. WHOLE Witt LSD or grass, as mariju dropouts, tte kids who social can't ana t« now called by the hip or really make it in the' world, In groups. turn on with pot beeanae it Some. But bow many? me up. Hey. you know No one really has any con opens that da-da-da-duiunm in Beetho crete figure. No one knows how ven's Fifth Symphony? many of the-lutlon’f iMM should bear that duunon when college and unhrersIQr studenb you.are high on pot. It bangs are using, or have used psy there forever, right in the air chedelic — mind-auudfeaURg — somewhere.' drugs SUiiienb in tte creative artsDr. Tlmotby Leary, a pioneer ezpres.* keen interest in L5D on -Supw^Oglir* OwaliTy BmF, Rump. experimenter with LSD. esti notion that it may turn sa mates that peritaps one-third of the that will let them flower. the nation's )wng college stu- key How does a student manage to dems are experimenting with
QruenHier to Address Stoff School Grads
> '
LEAVENWORTH (APi - Ft. Leavenworth graduation excrctses will be Friday for 01 United Sutes and allied officers who have attended the 1MH8 regular course at th* Command and General Staff College. <;«!. Alfred M. Cruetrther will speak. Prior to his retirement In ISA. General Grarnther wa* the Supreme Allied Commander in Eumpe for three years. Hr was president of the American Red Crn*s from 1957 to 19M
Rood the Wont Ads!
"Super-Right" Meats! I, Gradw "A* FRESH
WhoFinds MlTheLost MothersAtA^PP
lc« .nd higb .ehool
Don’t believe we have lost mothers at AiP? You would if you saw a teary-cheeked tyke look up at a checker or clerk and say. “My Mommy’s lost” — Funny thing, childrai are new lost -----just their monanka are. It happens evoy-day.
S ,«Vh
of the Food and Drug Adminis- doses. It is most commonly, sold tration. gave some clue to the absorbed Into a sugar cube, at suggestions by Sen, Thomas J. from S3 to e a cube. Quite of bearing at which be rejected ten. the student who has extent of college use at a Senate may pass it along to o Dodd, D^kmn., that ose of without charge- It reportedly be made a (rtne, be made easily from ib two Sdfu DfiBked ' lysergice add and "It wmld-automatically pUtoe and supposedly aV maybe » per cent of hundreds dlthylamide, We’ve had 106 years eA^jerieiice most any high school chemistry Jtf thouands of college studenb' student could acamvOtL the )p the ettegocy b erbilnale, I feat. finding "lost Mommies:’ would hate to sea them diarged Despite decades of prohibitive with a crime." Dr. Goddard laws on marijuana, quantities And we have a whole group of friendly people working at your A&P said. I apoarently move freely ; The Food and Drag Adminis throughout the country. The wholl wipe away those tears ’ tration issued a warning to col plant ran be grown in a windowlege adminbtralors in April box. The best quality marijuana and round up that missing Mother. saying that use of mind-mani comt« from Mexico. Enough to festing drugs was increasing roll 1C joinb may cost $3. and csiled it an insidious and In TNxas, peyote is legal and That’s the way we are at AAP dangerous activity, obtaining pe^e buttons, whidi "The general because we care about you... and yours. against LSD a not expressed in are chewed, b not dUnculi. A warnings against ib use on Is this a good reasem for*shopping A&P? owral grounds, but that it b dangerous." uys Dr. Howard ty not too long ago. It’s one of many. Becker, soctologr professor al ampheuminei(-"speed" Norttwestorn University In b The the current hippie term— and evanaoi. lU. He a aulhor of barbiturates, an caDed tNTWISM THtUWT«nMWe«l "Outsider*.:’ a book which iteals‘ foof baTK. nr which exbt In with deviant behavior by youth. lucli abundancedownlea. that ihe source Another professor suggesb could be ju that even warnings about a dan- medicine c MTS. "It b dimoilt to toll a kid .ulWhat" b Ihe harm. If any, to Wheat Bread %2 l:^49e /S.v. 10c (>... 49c| F™.l,-B.kmlS b, m., i™ hi. hM .1® LSD "LSD “'SSST apparently interferes when he knows he can have hU with reality Fresh Rons' SST '^TSSe testing and percep-' whole head blown off In Viet tual functions." says Dr. Ernest' Nam” Donuts S''.r,SrS rs45« IVolfC^ief psychiatrist for stu KIM wMi Talks with studenb and dent bdlth services at North J.lc, Appin ulty al varkiiis Khoob fi Cakes .59c western University. "This accoast to coast appear to t thbest. "Grass has been accepted on campus becauM no one really belleves.it u harmful," says a OutcfMtding VwImI-A&P GrwcU 'A' Mtt-O-Aif Amwikie, Prmerrto or Swtu UnIvenRy of Texia student **Foo many paof^ who are edleetod-yeu know, we can read and write and i««on—know from obaamtioo, logic even experience, that sUriea about marijuana simply are not true. They are convinced that the threat to health and morab Famous Cracker Barrel Fine Chocolate Drink is no greater than with ordinary KRAFT CHEESE tobaa». and certainly far less i HESTLE'S QUICK ' AJAX DETERGENT J»t how far MikOw!»«, We 99c than with alcohol." SHAiv lOox. pve. G3e Marijuana b'generally u. w« Uvm Lait |0 ' i TBc >-u.-c-85e rxta* SKAsr i»«, Mg 90e in the moat social of circum•tances, A typical session may! ' tamaktbettar-tBttuic atan spontanetAtsly with a joint iunehten mtah? For Home laurtdry Beef or Horserneat For Homo laundry -dgaretto-belng passed from hand to hand. The one who supAL-PO DOG FOOD OXYDOL DETER^T BORATEEM To the endat^ the earth! tt tha marijuana doen'l utu- Waataitwith U.S. Govern-, >WWt.S..38g UVVe*. Cwi 2Tg Hk7->..Pho77e _ seUH90ottera. ment isapectod meata (not Marijuana b the' mildest of •verybody doea). Then we the osydiedeUca and works by aeereb the wide world over altering tte aenaes of tatte, far the efaoiMt apuwt and .Foil Wrapped Yeast FmauaBrMdCeffa^ Cn-nayKCo,. found and tima; ptrtioulany. ingradiratJ to addjuat the MAXWELL NOOSE . .. UP...«»_tt» <Hbtr hgpd, tg rifttt touch of ring to our RED STAR considered a more psnooal tn- 20 varieUea, 1-tt.C-99g {l-to. l-o(.C(m4|e ■voIvemM. Wtara then are a PIdt up wveral peekegee I3e»n at a marijuana aetaion, of Lovere Lane luncheon three or four at n LSD aaMtan meetc today, and eee what For Horne Laundry Deodorant Soap may add up to a crowd. TTie person who goes on a trip, LIFEBUOY FAB DETERGENT REYNOLD’S WRAP wbich means using LSD. may expe’ience a( tte height of iu atm. vse 79j 2a.*a.n89C JS* y 35e acUon hallucinations and lllu-
Jane Parker Baked Foods!
Apple Pie
Dairy Food!
Frozen Foods!,
Cheese Sikes
Potato Morsels
2 1^,39*
enEa GiaxT
bare an odor, color a sound, and odor a dimension. Some may no the _________ e they' » going out of their beads. ...e effect of a misimal doee lasb 10 to U houra. It it nonad. dieting, ■■.1?T'8«er taIhicIbbf^ am Atotid wtA taniv wr hr Sntr tamPiriSuCefiis mescaltiK, whkk b made from
W‘ P Jm'C'iiJant
Laundry Delergeni
Low Suds Detergent
ACTIVE ••air
Deterge"! For Oirites
LUX LIQUID hPh.4acaoni.93e
Sirtein Tip or Top Round. BONELESS
Rotisserie Roasts R. B. Rice's An Oumanding Valoo! - MIkt. Medium or Hoi
l-lb. Roll
Conned Ham *3” Ground Chuck ,.79e Chicken Liven .X !C3S« Leon Beef for Stew ,.T9« Franks X2He
95* 69*
Pork Loins rri.'X .. 79* Rock Cornish Hens^S9c H<mis ..’1“ Fish Sticks i^Ba* Fried Oceoi Perch ..56*
Fruits and Vegetables!
15-78 lb. Avg. Horida Gray
U.S. No. 1 ArixenaBod
New Potatoes
10 - 49* Confoieupes Iz; 3 89* Cagfornia Phims „29* Ceiery Heats “ 29* Golden Corrotsti: lit 19*
Fresh Tomatoes„29* Sweet Corn X: 6^39* ^Jumbo Cucumbers 10* Green Peppers.Z71 „ 10*
Fine Grocer-/ Features Kleenex X'S* 2ST»* Dehey Xir.X 4"«3*
(Rog. 2/49e) Whitw or PartN
Kotex srxe It!. 69* Keenex Napkins
/Sav. *Ot R.,. Uyn C.lr. Mi.n'
Com Starch
tU 15*
<#J4Smac F..U, nu. Cr^tM '-to ^waaitnors n,ggj. wv*
Gerber's 3S89* Our Own Tea BogsHt 23* Cut Green Beans ^4'”’^49* Elbertn Peaches 4 'B 89* Wheaties Flakes ^ 29* Fancy Red Salmon (bs. 2/Vc) A*P SmI Mind Pm. « (X.,. 2/39i| AtP
Wodd-Wldo Brand, Frwwtorw
[Rog. 33c) Fameu* Enorgy Coroal
(Rag. 99e) Sunnybreok Alaskan
1-ib. Can
Instant CoffeeiS, t: 89* Hi-CFriut Drinks 'IrlO* Liquid Dove .SXiS 56*
Peanut ButtertX4 2 ’1“ PinerqipleXr.rS^ *1'” Corned MBk..^3^41*
Spodal Foatwwl - Saw 4c (Rog. 39c) Aim Pago Rogtflar or CM
French Dressing Grape Jam
Spaciai Faatwral-Sava 10c (Rag. 59c) Ann Pago AAado from Pura Fruit
Egq Noodles C 29* Macaroni .Tr,. 2!i;39* ^Sotod Dressing C149*
Fruit Drink-:^-:: 3^89* Flour -Xr- 5i45* Chcrcoal 20,X99*;
AU priffi W/ectfra tArowyk inn* ll», 1900
105 West 29tk
520 tiarrison, Topeka, Rons.
Afghans think U. S. Wheat Russian Gift
«ori don't ‘ “ have - loaded onto trucks and bi KABUL. A((th.mM»n (APi ~ iwighbortiood mirket$ thfy 'i»k newspiper atories the Khyber Pass into American pfl “Iteai rrutunc liv tiui4«lau - bread (nan tfw mncb initwcL Wordof-nouds p^-.pt•b^llH‘ilo for-RuMlao bread." hai establiJbaJ the bread as Kabul Roes into a !^o^-let•b^llH <ilo -or -----------------------tUo and bakery. K twne* <wl A I'.S. embaiay ofOeial aaid .Russian. for 5t1e the popularly ae- ihU -aan-| regarded as a mpa. ne United States baa akwiy Siaevaa says Afghaniltoa : cept^ name "Riwlan bread." gioda adrantafe for the Soviet iKreased iu wheal ddpneats caib to pay (or ttto i*mt, ao it Mofvw built the silo neveral'Union “becatise the people know to AWiariftaa (or sbt rears. It an beta a grart odar Title tears ago. giving the AlghaBjwbeal is coming fr« the Unit- itoipped U0.«e to» lift year. baa 11m tame anmiot it adMtuM C (d Public Law «t, (be Pbodcapita} Ht fiiat-proper gratoled SUIe* " for-Paaee Act. to reach here tbii year. ! A SI storage structure. Boasd McOure. dfiactar of R Biiat aaU batfway arooDd When Kabul resldenu bu>- k'stall a tlK world to Karaeld. Wcat Pak the U.S. Agency for IttemadaDbread at carbsWe stalls istan. where It la unloaded and al Derelopment here, pcdiita out that A{|banltton s^ tbe wheat [can grain ahlpmentt^jnih K bagged. Then It goes by rtO I per cent of the people IHit ' north to pethawtr where It it for a apeclfled price. The pro-
.... Iv narly ban af tbi culatioB of that oantiy-a tp. nately 106 daily paper*, dii auaibun. one of aa Bid with tfai Ugtawtya nmniaf Iheo go into Ihope of bdpiiig Atghamitan de- over tbe Hindu Knah HeOMni, largeet. o^tor* UKB penona. program. pnvklt^ good trade notes to more than IM <d them on the “At world pricer ISOM tons,develop k com edltorU staff, aceerdtog to tbe ofwbaaliawortbaheotWmil-.nBttod.aready--------------- tbe Soviet Union. Encyclopaedta B ■■ bon.’' ncOure ttys. "So Af- the Afgbana and tbdr laadea ne United States bn t b rwld maizttalD (be rointtry'a tratad on eattrweat rattot glvtag Atgbaidstn linprei a to Inn and PaklBtoB. VS.” ertoas offcWa op ^ two ne Soviet Union wai tte flist ria have born aboot tbe major nppUer of aid to Affbannumber ofmOea of high into AtgbaaWan tbtt tat U.5. itlan. oWdal bdlever the Afghans way but that aw Soviet coat was The United Stator rm lat Afghantotan'i leofraphlc lead the worid In per capita about tUO millica whOe the American investment is 166 tnOractopt of ftrdgn aid. , osiUon would never pa^f Reod the Wont Ads! aliment wRb the WeaL I< The Soviet Union haa baHI lion.
^Pork Roast ^Spareribs Pork Chops Canned Ham Ohse Bologna
Fresh Pastries Sandwich Bredd 19‘
CoHee Cohe IS...................39'
Frozen Foods HY-KIAS
Grope Juke
89! $^29 59! Shasta Canned Pop Heneless ... Butterfly
Armour Star SLbs.
Sliced, .... All Meet
KW—I -* “-f
“-S.'S'-'— ■aaeyJmHWwtet Cr^.ir's Py>a Mitt
Wwwwrt MeiM
K25rL*«sr is.ttcSr
8 5JS^69' HY-KLAS Strawberry Preserves 'i:r49' Libby’s Pineapple 4'^’"*!“ Libby’s Cut Green Beans Libby’s Com SSli SirHY-KLAS Orange Drink 3^79' Hestea Instant Tea !ir 89' Hunt’s Tomato Sauce 2 Sr 25' HY-KLAS Salt 7' Hu Soft Fabric Saftener«^ s«c 69' Doumak Marshmallows............ it«.19<‘
HY-KLAS Short Cokes Danish Sweet Rolk............
53: 49! ify
Bn^ Spnuh....................i«» 29' HT-KU* A ACe GoktaiCom.M................... 4 ^ 35
Hi^x5w..2-iit39'MSBe.ns. MT^-IUS A AA« hiMliefloiif SfijSS'
Red Potatoes 10-Lb. Bog
Yellow Onions
39t Supreme Cookies‘'EB- 35' Ivory Bar Soap 41^33' Safeguard 2 SI! 45' Lava Soap 21i?35'
Ivory Snow Joy Liquid Thrill Liquid Tide Soap
“^£'87' Duz Detergent
IS'70' fS25' IS'65' Spic&Span SJ29' Top Job Cleaner ^69' “sS'79' Bold Detergent Sr 30'
Bonus Soap
!S35' CrisGO ShoilMili^ ^37' Fluffo 3 It 85' Dash Detergent SS39'
Prieos Good: Thor. • Fri.. Sot^ Jono 9 • 10 • 11
W« rtstrv* Hm right to nmit cprantfriM.
Corel Choc. Chip. Cbee Mge. Sogor «id DmRi Food
Cookies.... 4^*1 Cheeso Spieod
• nuTin wtKOdK
• unoM^UK
• liUS aUlKOlB amw. it* • irmi writ tuiK«ni
• nmmjwiKoiu
* •4!sia"e-2n-.
m WiMse
• mi^i tmnwg
rtya euBOW
Dinners.... ..49
e BUn «UIK«ltK
• MUBHAin teil4HU anr H. rysw
Swanson FresM ChlckM, Tirfcty or lotf
wiu miD • Mmourt WK4KU
• Dumn euiMHx esrOOfMO. KN.M
0 tnmnwrs tPiwnn oitiyityiiK unu uu nwD • tUDim tlHKOHIK
oHon MiKOia rsrry. Kioaa.
e fimnvciraawK
U. S. CMc* or Hw Ta« CbKk
Roast Roast Clob Steak Steaks
" «• - 79‘ -US' st99*
■oooltM Clwch Pot
Tsfo o' Sm Porch Mi
Ceuntry Manor Coniiod
Swift's Prtffllmn Sliced
BACON .79c Flour Cake Mix SX Condies
5i^3r 3 AS 89* 2^. 39*
BEEF 49* Grape Drink 5c“J.99* PeastSu;^*. Facial Tissue d 2 Jl-s; 37*
Coral Liquid ■>«,,«> ."^39* Catsup H«v......... 3 89* Potatoes sHiZ; '"dJ’lO*
Colifomia Jumbo
CANTALOUPE 3^ to 39*
rreil bnampoo... Nabisco Oreos
........ *i.m /t ,
I.ay ta5JS, 2.-29‘ Si,S: 2-29“ Krfw Crockers —
- 29*
Llinir Ooo WM Coopoo ood OHmt PwdWMt JwM M»c11
Twister s To I Reaches 16
Relief Acti Introduced by State Solon
The Zoe-lostesI Choice
Three automobile agencies near each rther tuffered e*- A Kansaa Tornado Diuster damage ia the city alooe «iU k>aa from the taaQ bcainm dr»ej- Gerber. T7. «17 Jeffer‘‘ iremelv heavy 1«sm from To- Rel>e( Act wtf introdoeed by he be 1100 ll» million, raiU'wn. ano and saio said many aomuusvauon. , ditmined Thursday before Sen James B. Pearsoc, R- snaller comimmicies have also- Permit ^ledal loans to pri‘“Clewup Kan. Thor^ay In the Senate. bene vislled with maasive de-'vately owned colleges, nnlvef. . Oiroamthcil!, ; Cuoly, suulfcr, u. » S m Wi»H^ The act will provide additional simction. Uities or schools. Provide imeesiomm ■ V.II H«TIUI m«- LBW, iood ----------------- the -- - Pearson’s proposal would; ]„t waivers on farm borne adri mor. tiu" >00 0.0 Ttari., Hta Sm.. M. 1HI-. K.*! ''" sionn rav^ed slaK. Permit the sale to tornado niinistratiOD Vfi* to farmers oay ino M. rrsncis nra|>iiM rv, sausiaciDry. In introducing the emergency vicitmi any temporary trailer ;«jth uninsured crop damage. ni Quincy ported morr than 1» MMt olj Allen, 77. tSl» Lincoln, ,ich Pearson said. 'T have i housing provided by the federal I pearw* to a letter to PresiThe Superior agency, wk. the mpiricr weree pun puncture ,«iij{actoryl^^also received _________ indications_____ that government through the ciKwc ^ „„ U'lu,r» Planning ;dfnt Johnson, eapressrt grattwouhds and ruU which; which required. Wilkmson. 8S. ' —-----ranme wiiamson. so. «** Tr^o^ ^nd** a^"**’^*'*^................ taterest waivers for^tude hr what he termed the cleaning tetanus booster Harrison satislacton- . " • , p * ficienl to meet the pressing de- provide Interest waivers iv. i — vaccinalwn. wXn T^sTvETERA-NS ’• •“ mands up to three years on loans ex-lpresidenfs ••concern and symi Pearson noted Topeka's May- eeeding COO or caoeellalion ofipathy lor the people of KanMore than lOT peraoni *ere ADMI«5!TTRATI0N HOSWTAL Car Us. Heavy | Charles Wright has estimated as much as ll.WO of the toUl i sas,” ^admilied..IB-local hospiuls fol lowing the tornado. They are Harry Cooney, 1I3S-, --- -------;useo cars were destroyed •kited below sas. critical condition. I well as several customer and Admuted , ,STO"M0NT-; crsce Marlie, 1«4 Byron, vm HOSPITAL lor treatment g„jy„ Monroe^ttl Byron. 'employe cars. ...............■'V-™- — J Mas Bolton, used car man Jack Jasper. 2S20 Gage Josephine Drew, idOO Harri Mary E. Jasper. a» Cage. ager. said salesmen took shel ses). critical condition. mulUple Mary Clark. 4218 Twilight ter by driving L A. Fuller's car to a small basement in a abrasions of body, injuries to Drive. left lung, fractured ribs and cothouse acreos the atreet Russell Ingram, S625 West larbone. and •**'♦-•i-Salesmen and women in the 2Slh Streel Ter. left.arm shelter found, wh when they arm inn Hark iiot Jackson ' (C«Mtawc4 Frwn P«|r M
'Bewise... buu
Vitfia ncaiiici.
Harding Glass Supply Shattered
dmi,.good. p^ble*bead In jury. Beatrice Douglae. ne k< PremoaL fab, neck and back Injiiries. Ann OavMioa. XU4 High, fab. possible fractured ankle. Nora Raborn. no age or addreai. fair, bean attack from tornado. Held Nicely. Route 9. good condition, fractured right hip artd left arm. abrasions. Myrtle Green. M. SIO Kdlam, fab. injury to lower arm. shock. Stella Wibon. 36. invalid Even tide Nursing Home fair, broken right arm and multiple abra sions. James Green, 71. no address. 'Verner Anderson, no age or address, fab. possible stroke. Maurtne Noieman. 21. 1110 Kansas, sattsfaciory. cut to icstp snd hijury to shoulder. CUTS Patterson. 61 US Cbestnut. ssiMsetcry, shock. Homer Dister, 66. 1030 Jackson. fair, broken arm. o>d Dixon. 3321 E. 2Ut. fab.
Slathiel George Deem. 514 .North Artor. Farris Derby. 2711 B Ave.' Mrs Mary Carter. 87. 2700 Seward ' Sirs Peark Dick. 38t8 Seward. Alejandro Vasquei, 1814 Auhiaon Jin Nauman. Battleground. Wash. Hajel Dale, 718 East Tlh StEffie Mae*Hsmttn. m Han-
Washes Windows Through^creens Mtolat. TW m.*Kt kaam. a. U>«Ja I __ fka aaa» aa I6a ta.
•aa. I. cbM. V~r
•••. w«b
Mato wtAaa. wraakhn Ta toanwa. Waipb wrav aa aa4 Aaa Ham •ft. Tea arrnc maa H«a A. wMam . . . aai raa'm flaAH la abaat 20 ailaataw Mlfosb Saaoh (• a —mtoai taa. Uava. ywn «ar maMaa wtrS i -o-Uka laimr h. aba. ailaare* . . . aaS vaa tea 4a b aaoraalaaMv a* kaaia tar ab^ 21 a«H. laak fat laai-lr ... a m*4aet at taanraab Cbaari^ tmt
Buih Florence Stuba, IIT West l«b. Q0|ciala at Santa Fe said 21 other? were treated and relewed. AdmUM » ST FBANCIS HC«PITAL Wednesday were: Beulah Burton. 58 of Route 9, Topeka, fair.. Lois -eorker, A^. S25 Burr, poor coodltion.'multiple tbrinom ano cuts. Junes W, Browning 23, 127! Van Buren. good. Beftyl: fWfsee, 3T. 780 Fill-
•to*, good.^_________________
All Meat
WIENERS AM - Meat and
e«<4 •«y‘i Nw* calm *>* CBm $<i< Kmo taM all M hMl oaO M«* ra«a
fmO MvZm Muk
too. OhSa . .. plump, tandar and all • meat . . . all-timo hot doq here of the midlands.
"A Koah’t Ark Product'
Hey, Mom, I’m thirsty. Whatta we got to drink? This summer give your children more than a mere thirst quencher. Give them real-fruit goodness with Sealtest Fruit Ades! _______
favarita ■leatwaAa*
Sun Hamnton. 7» Huteock. Mary Doyle, m addreu lilt-
I! ^w«
Mh. Jaaa.. Mavar. 4011 A 44.6 6«aat. T.ha, , laaoH mikk Nfca. an toa waA aa. at 4a.b-r.w
Caaiaanv, TalM. Mtakaaw ... a.
"mLiS’m, U*. B,
of Mrs. Helen Beamer. 4242 Twi FI-™crushed Fuller’s ___ light Drive, critical, amputation Springs Ronald J. Gchrer. VA Hoepi- Tom Mix Rambler’s building Of right leg. broken left leg. also was flattened. Twenty to st. scaop cuf, laceration below right Prod Recob, no address listed. lOd about SS new -e w ound in the right r.ve. punru,. Dorothy Recob. no address troyed, Fred Allside, ai^ rmilliple abrasions and good, used car manager, said. listed. bruises J, H, Alegander. no address Tom Mix Win open for busi Mrs Helen Beamer. 4242 Twl listed light Drive, serious. irMliiplr Dr. Michael Young, no ad ness at the former Jayhawk Mo tors site at 6th and Polk, he Pearl Aleiander, 81. of Nor- dress listed. catiu*. Kan., serious, severe V- Mary Alexander, no address said. Shortman Motors was sam^ shaped cut on scalp, other possi listed, ble injuries. Mrs. Rose Young, no address what more fortunate buildingwise. There were ISO new cars Maude Ray. 82. 318 Ume. listed,, and trucks and 90 usad units fair, possible broken bacL Victims aibnltled at FORBES were on the premises. Ida Thornburg. 2» W. I3lh, AIR FORCE BASE HOSPITAL fair, cut on leg. possible am include; injury. Airman 2 C SUn Blake. 8I«Ui Ciarlce Zwiebel. no age or ad drew, admitted tor observation C.E. S. S.Sgt. Lawrence D. Carlson. of poasible chest Injury . t38th Supply Squadron. Mrs. Aona Renker. 1408 UnBarbara Simmons. 738th Tac «ln. fratOured left wrist tical Headquarters. Mrs Carrie Lebler. i711 Jriin. fractured right hip. Jean DeMoss. S2. 308 Ume 1 of pOMible chest injury -and fractured riba. Harold TutUe. 4004 W. 28lh. fair, possible back injury. Virginia lUttle. 4004 W. 28Ui. fair, abraslon.1. Joanna Huffman. SI, 4331 W. Employei of Harding Class 30th. fair, right leg and bip in- Co. who were Installing display wtodow glaaa at U» downtown, WMary Herndon, no age or ad- Walgreen Drug Store Thursday dresa, filr, cut on left forearm. said the "biggest share" of the Cerai Barkadale. It. MOO Ad company't glut wu shattered ams. fab. cut on leg and possi when Its warrtmise at 8lh and Santa Fe tracka wu struck by ble bsttk injury. Ray Relt^ 04. tU Jeffck the tornado. son. fab. poialble dlDoctled A load of glau hu already arrived from the Harding ahoolder and fractured rihi. WUey Davidson. 1314 Hlgb, branch at MePhenoo and a fab. scalp UceraUon and abra- Urge order U on «• way (rosn Toledo. OWo. they aald. aions. A load of the glau in a truck Rick Douglas. IB. Sl» W. 8lh i south of the dty wu fair, cut on left leg. Mary MUIer, no age or addreai, poor coodltion. cut w end poMible skull Injury.
Emergency Leans to Topeka and Area Residents for Storm Losses
Sure, soda and the powder drink* will quench a thirst but that's about all. On the other hani, ^ Sealtest Lemonade and new Sealtest Pink Lemonade moan real-fruit goodness, and no carbonation. So. get the extra goodness that kids go for. Keep Sealtest Fruit Ades in your refrigerator. They're so good... naturally. Get the best...get
Store Owners Dig Through Robbie Piles (CaatinM Pm Pa|c I) ixf you bad U ttep over debrii 10 gat'in. Tbe roirf ii caved in at HIram’i Cafe. . Uqoor botflat vere I at the Obcnr Liquor Stan md aiUwiib iWato bad bean a«9t1 up, tba fineB of liquor vaa a oventbe 1B1B g. Vodamagedd stock wu being moved odl Wlndawi Broken • The lorraer Helbnark Build , ing at mb and Kansas, recenl-'• ]y purchased.by Zercher's,
The Joe Smith Motor Co. In the IIOO block b mosUy a mass of cnubad cars and rubble. Smith nid be had SO can and Moa escaped “total dam age.” Tha bix& ihop and of fice bolIdii« were flattened. Joe Smith aneameo want to the basement of the Sports man's Barber Shop. That build ing crumbled, but they caped tlDtngb a hole. On the east side of the 100 block, the Superior LincolnMercury prepeiiy. Pla - Land Bow] and a Texaco Station are demolbbed. The badiy damaged former Natlanal Reserve Building, now known u the 1000 Kansas Bulnding, stands tan at the Bortb end of (taa block agataiR . flw ndiUa at ttt oflier end.
Alma Hits^ Peak Against Florida a Biddm wextwirart; Alms's death frfi to Florida III. They Wt loo Ule, C^i. i in direetioo left the ifjnwi was dte hitdtaet r » capi-■aoi-^rme W f1\e wherl the bodv OT Winters b-BbtHg. I the weak side of the. . X laaLion shore dning the storm's 350Anather mtulng toatmairwas asbore in the Ploijdalmlle trip up FVirida’s Gulf of ttom and it came oB lightly as jacket, wat'found Hoating in the Jtro Harlatt of Tampa, who ra-i Thursday with 100-,Mexico coast. the storm passed. angry waters under the SiA- diced from Just north of Tampa mile winds and noodJng tides. Trees Uprettcd Thousands of Gulf resideob shine Skyway Bridge, which that he was abandoning hiri The huge storm, which left at Gales swept through TaDabas- fled to higher ground as Alma spans Tampa Bay south of St boat. Rambler, and floating off lean 47 dead in three _ _ rd leaving tides Petersburg. Q an icebox. see. peaking at 11 m-piu S and did vast crop damage to predicted in run eeven to It feet beei wen npreoBd and U At least two penou In Flori Cub^ roared toabove Donoal, enough to-eover She and her bosbaod. Capt J. da died of bean atucks direcUy land over the denartad TBcathm many low-lying beach commu David Wirneri had Mad becsoM of the storm. Ona of cottsgci or AlUgalor PebiL nities. Odar foy. about A<D Wednesday night to readi Bra- them. JfeU W. Mma, 67, was A marina wu anashed at IlK south Aniga'tor dauon in their 51-toot Raiy ttrickm while boarding up. Boy community, abont 40 mto Point, reported south of Tadlabaaiae, the state capital. Sane small piers were destroyed. Aoteantt were twin Some shore dweDeri “were ed and shingles scattered. sort of stubborn about leaving,' Homes Ponaded reported Waiter Murphy, north ndlng surf gnawed ARLINGTON HEJGITR. U1 ern Florida QvU Defense roundatioos of beachfront (AP) — Two tornadoes roared director who led the emergency through norUtwesterti suburbs •They're going to of Chicago, on Thursday, killing get wsM out." he predicted. W NEW SHELF BEAUTIFUL the aaal sand. But Bui no major nafair a child, injuring 14 persons and onto ibe 0 All PI.,MIC Shell Lining “We can atand 100-lnll^andamage was done. nauntng damage estimated at hour wtadi." laid the mayor of ToneaHa said Alma, bon more than 15 mllllen. Apalachkola. James Oily. “Bat I a great ^ of wet weate AVi In the Cartbbean sea last Hoe- said martingB were found alou that wtter b going to get day, would weako rapidly ant a tornado path in Mount Pros when die storm passes.” probably die as she thrashed pect ^ieh tedicated the atorms across northwest Florida and croewdpathi. tmo Alabama. (Kistt reached lOO mil« per hour Just JB mQes lonth of TalUhassee before Alma’s
Toma^ Fatal To Illinois Child
TtnbaMre M*nr. Jwelt
/mwisMaiK/ihspiJ (}qq[/
FENNEL'S new Cook-No-More jam method means no boiling! Ilka (rash . barrios bwcauAA you doirt hoiO you don’t atom oitoK. The hard wortro out, ■, bMh fruH flavorl In. This reelpa and 32
Ci costs no more fe thanpaDor! 1
Read, Use Capilal-Joumol Want Ads!
Stop scrubbing with old-fashionsd cleansersl
Th« modli Squid toltol boud olMiwr
Tattered Venetian hUnda blow out of the broken wtudows. Men wen eanrlng stacks of record books and boiea from the building Thursday. The Owl Drug Store was badly damaged. Few cases of looting were mentioned by owners. One wom an clerk said she saw a woman start to put a piece of merchandbe under her coat and said to bar, “That glass up there b Bible to fall and cut yunr head off." The woman dropped the item and walked away.
Get BE MAKE THE TUNA TEST: See how much betteryour Tuna Salad Sandwiches taste (or any favorite dish you make with tuna,salmon orshrimp) wherv you use the first class dressing, Miracle Whip! bend os int- label tram ,i quan ol r.lir,Kif Whip ror pint labels . We wiH promptly mail 25‘ m c.ish to vou'
cMakes its own tunnel of fudge as it bates Sensational liinnel of Ridge Cake $5,000 Busy La<iy Bake-Off Wnner (another shortcutted idea from Pillsbury—the Idea Flour) Rich, yummy chocolate cake that makes ita own thide, fudgey center as it bakes. What an ideal And Tunnel of
minutes' preparation time. Because Pillsbury Double Dutch Fudge Frosting Mix goes right in the batter—makes the
Fudge Cake is easy. Shortcutted, streamlined, up-to-dated by Pillsbury’a Best.
flavor, the tunnel as the cake bakes I YouTlbakeTunitelorPtidgeCakeagain
Makes baking from scratch easy as baking from a mixl
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Just one bowl. Six ingredients. Ten I
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.TO fiflOCER: It yew Allow H towaid the potchata pitre e( the Abovo product arlwn UMi eoupen Is protantid lo you by 1 rttAH eustemsf. Issuing manulsctursr wiH isdetm lor K pivs U Mndling coil, providing you sufTMdnr coupon to nwnulActuroi's sAlssmin or moil le Address Mow. UnvU one coupon psv purchtSA. VoW unless Inlusily scqulred In the itiAnnAr ptevIdAd About or whiio prohiOitsd. itind or otherwiso roAtHcttd or abuood. Good only m U.S.*. CArt ftiwo ifiae. U4sa
Kraft wwrts to give you 2Sd just to savor the deticioua difference between the first class dressing and any other brand you may have tasted] Try Miracle Whip wHh seafood dishes^-tuna salad nndwichesy for instance. Taste that famous flavor, flavor from a gertOe bouquet of fresh-giound spice& (No one has ever managed to copy It, though thoy keep trying 0 Enjoy Miracle Whip's idlky smooth teKture, Hs fluffy richoess. See if you don't agree with ell the families who have made Wracld Whip America’s favorite: when it comes to salad dressings, H pays to go first ctossl
I--------- ---------------------------------- -------I ■IRACU WHIF TUNA UROWICR OFFER P. 0. Box ni. Chkno, miiwit 60G77 VM.rdre»Argo'aratciA*AsA EndosMlA a IaM from A 1 <M MNilO. PtoM AWd CM 25A.
UWr’.ETK Large 38-oz. Bottle
U^.DJV. Grade A Fresh Consort
Each Reg. 99“ Kitty Clover Potato
3»> Our Own Quality Mode
ICE CREAM Varilo er Nd^itM
Full i Gal.
CUT-UP FRYERS.................... FRESH OflCKBI PARTS
69^ THIQIS..... u. 59* WINGS..... u. 29* NECKS u. 15* Fresh
a.. 35*
Oscar Moyer All-Meat
Fresh Becks end
I-Lb. Pk9-
Kh Steak*.....2is 99‘‘
Misk Sausage.. .......... Lb.
Uetrt Uee He 4. SeeOi Fesfc er
Corned Beef ..
2 s;
Bacon .............
And All National Brands
COFFEE WM IS.M er Mere PatcboM
' Vaqety Pack ....
Liver Sausage.
u. 35*
U.S.O>. Grade A. Fresh Consort
Fresh Legs or
Our Own Pure FruH
nUsbury White. Chocolate, Yellew. Double Dutch or Swiss Chocolate
^ From Our DeHcertessen • FeUey’* Reg. J9c Fresh
KroH Grs^e JeHy.................3't: $1.00
3 *" ^1 ®
GladWrap .................. .....«.m.19*
Wishbone Creamy Onion Dressinq 249*
Meadow Geld Chip'N Dip ....,^..c^33*
Lerge 12" Fresh
Cans or Bottles Storz Triumphs
U.S.O>. Grede A. Fresh Consort
Household Cleanser
Reg. Con
U.S.D>. Grade A Fresh Consort
Fairmont Cettog# Chonsa .... ..m...c».43‘
Foremost Fruit Drinb^:::::,....::;..-,19* Hood & Shoulders Siwnnpee.....b. „.S9*
Red, Ripe. Juicy Irish
All Flavors Always Good
% CORN ORANGES BEANS u. 8EANS 3^.,$100 $100
CeMwwIo $Hkbl
Zestee Strawberry
* PRESERVES Re9- 59c 18-01.
Hama Gfowa Gtwa
ONIONS 2 loKlm 15‘ N«M GfMra U«d
BSfadhMdCIny fmm
Oeod iMn. M.
•nnkmtum • 2tft «ad Gage
• 30t» N«tli TefMka
Group Still Likes Telegraphers'"^ ay Intangibles Levy Finish Strike; Bedlam Here
After Seems Much Worse
the two blocks of 17th west of. 1510 West 17th i soon i the:the Washburn campus swirling' Though the walls are siandWashburn, one block east up Thursday morri-1 around and ran back to ihel-jing. the wuidowi have been Washburn and the MOO and ing. The house, was once a two- ter. He later assisted olhers Wown out. the mol has botes, By JACK ComlAN many residents of Ihe College blocks of WashbuAi on both story building, but ail that r»:fratn his home in digging the tlie-enliie heuse has shifted off ■ A surtax on interest and dividends vlth a . Hill area north of the Washbum^sides of the street. mains-today of the second floor couple out of the rubble of their Hs foundation and a tree i' University campus as, with ihei id kteal to local govenmenli govenmenti would be ba a logical replacement (or the presthe Several of the homes in this is the sleeping porch in the rear,' home; which is nothing now but ait Intangibles tax. a group o( city and county ofQcials told Kan- Western Union Telegraph Co. advent of daylight, many for,area were nothing but a pile, Most of the fumishings on!* P'‘« ‘'f boarrb. Mrs. Bertha ■as lawmakers Wednesday aitemoon. tnitA its natiottWHk IH-day the first time began to realiiejof rubble: others were miaa the first floor, with the excep-|M« However, they said, they are not convinced the preaem sys liifee-Ttanday aftonoon and the extent of their losses. ' | roofs: in one, the entire from lion of the kilehm appliances. : man who lives tem eaonol be improved through better As soon as light dawned, those wall bad collapsed; and the were cut up with glass, and Across Washburn at the Riley, there Taylor, wdn is nearing the Topeka............................ It and Taxation Committee of the tegiaMve found itself swamped with emer- who had an>-thlng left to salvage ruined by mud wd a water, wrth Jennings' home. 1832 Washburn,!*2 and- is neerjy, blind. Inst his began cleaning out what was COODCU Is stadyW the possibility of repealing the intangiblet tax geney mesages. streets and filled the yards ■ TSpei cent low. the family was moving what;»ile mty taa week. With him aod replacing it with-----------------------------------------" ...... |iat the lime of the Uirnado were “We've been open IhreThours left of their homes, aearching in the Dd^ihorbood for » many -E. A..lfodier. executive dlwe've done two days of Ihe vicinity of their homes for years were uprooted, splU and hLs wife who occupied a^'hr two-story house. All Ihafsltwo nieces, one of whom lufdty officials,” said Mosher. leclor of the league of Ki explained Larry belongings strewn by the tor- shorn of branches. basement apartment of ihei'e't the rented home is a.fcred a heart attack and was 'The cities are tryii« to collect Miinici|»i|Ues. outlined iritat be MacHall. the local ofTice man nadtc winds and started making Not a building on the With- bouse, and II other ndghbors!s»»«. “'d Jennings, »lio«p>tal^ property tax and sewer charges tanned a cMsensue among She terttative plan for the future. bum campus appeared to be and friends huddled in the bath-! Most o( the fumilure. wiih'_^‘ spirit of ager. and here is a 13 mlUioa Uz tacat omcUls <n Ibe InUngibles He said emergency messages Surprisingly eoougb. there tnscratched and it's doubtful of'the tweneot durteg’fhe excepUeii'ol’louieB appli-;I'* P“P‘* “) otw worries about.” necessitated by Wednesday's were few tears Ihursday. and that there's a tree left « storm. jances, iTbeyond salvaging |««;Taylor retus^ to lca« Only one of four Kansas tax the entire eampoi, which His five' points were: tornado triggered some residents were even able to Joke a lilUe with their felt the bnntt of the stem be NeU Bartley started once to] Ed Cram, who lives in ^,l|^^hMt°ete^rty w —Counties snd cities need the payers files an inungibles tax the maistve workload. additional revenue from the in return, state revenue offlclals Three operators were maiv homes viewed as total losses. fore It temped 17tb Into CoU^ bring their next door neighbors.jHigbland Park area, spent the^igp Kveral days. have reported. Revenue officials nlng telephaocs taking calls fw Most seemed happy to have es Hill. tangibles lax. also say ttiey do not check the opera caped with their lives. Share Impertaal The Loren Bartley fimQy be- over to shelter. Before reaching, ov s at 1603 Washburn, which tor was sending the messages, Hardest hit In the area werv gan ctecring out Its benia it their house, he mw debrts from is occupied by Tom Taylor. —Any replacement should tax returns for accuracy. guarantee the local units of gov “I can't believe evasion is another was phoning incoming reason for abolishing a Ui.” wires “and I'm doing a little ernment St least what they said one city official. aaid McNatl. . now getting. —Local ofTtciais are not i Re said the work suit vinced the Intangibles lax could not be productive with more the intangibles tax was good be- about four times the usual crew fore it was changed by the Leg working after 6 p.m, T was in Kansas City when -A surtax on interest and div islature and that now received word that tJi e idends is the “most logical' amount of money will enforce strike had been settled at 3 p.m. successor to Ihe intangibles lat cNall with a guaranteed return to the CoBcen Brings Caatioe the office here local gi The loca] officials Indicated opened for business shared tax concept is “vi- that their caution was due right away," coneem over the state repeal W* Rts«rve Prkes 6ood ing this source of local revenue He said there was nMuiSneg Hit Ri9hf to of work as all messages bad agreed that the present intangi and not replacing IL Thurs., Fri,, Sot., bles tax Is mi betoig enforced. Appearing before the commil- cleared when the strike was Limit QuonHtits Jim 9.10-11 The state certifies Uk Ux which lee were: Herman T. Higgins. called at midnight Tuesday. is collected by the counties, Olathe, Johttson County commis McNsit said ooe of (he prob last year il accounted for $3.5 sioner; Charles E. HcHt. topAa lems here was atiempting tp million. city auditor: Carl Ramsey, Sa reach persons whose homes had improved enCheement would line. Salitw County commiaiotr- been damaged and who ' ‘ mean more employes at the er; K. G. Sat^on. city man moved to other quarters. “We're phoning all that we Dept, of Revenue, said State ager of Juoctioo aty: T, J, L aSH TUT ... ■ Sen. JoMph Warren, D-Map*e Scanlon. Wichita director of ad- can and we're using every "With ............ Alan A. Thelan, means to get the wires de $3.00 livered.” McNall said. “We're Atchison dty manager. Purehete bicy DIP m........... I He said if there were persons Soup 'n Sandwich who couldn't be reached by normal methods, the office probI ably would use local radio sta'UORS to Inform them they had wires waiting for them.
Open Daily Till
4310 West 21st
“Where You Live Belter for Less”
KC Engineer Tags Building Dangerous
Surprise Filing In 4th District
The I»moiy former National “■nie physical _______ _ Reserve bolldtog. which Twe- definitely weakenad." B1 u h m kans have been warned may faO said. Twisting snipped pipes and from tornado damage. water damage resulted. Jack Albert J. (At) Nlrschl, King Smith, building superinlendent. ian. was a surprise filing neer and the president . company which receofly boo^ managed to get water turned Wednesday (or Republtcan ramoff at 4 am. Ihursday. Inatidn (or Congrass to the 4lh CMCf*U Roof District. e (op aUb of the conente Rep. Garner E. Slotw. Wldta. is the incumbent and ts the frame of the Mim has ....... ............................... down expected to seek been twisted and that all Upper- crooked, Blohm said. Nirschl appeared at the of level brick and terra cotu U The interior is shambles. fice of the secretary of state in danger of falling. Some Bluhm said be is concerned and said he wanted to file for bricks heve fallen on the south. because (he State Board Health laboratory on the 7th representative in the 4th Dis Heavy Damage He estimated damage to Ihe and Stb Oocn was wrecked and trict. An employe said fiie fee building frotn the tornado ' containers of bacterial cultures would be $5 and that he must in the Uboratory were shat mean the IMtb DistricL $1.5 mlUiw. Kingman County and a part of He said he Is “very much tered. concerned test someone be in- Painters working to the oil- Reno County form the IMth “live District for the side of the buUdIng quH work Kansas Rouse. shortly before the tornado hit The company I Nirschl made it clear, howwatchmen to keep 24-hour watch Wednesday. to keep persons away. Bluhm Blnhm said be Is bringing the ver, that he waa seeking the senior engineers of TurnboU- omtnation (or Congress snd said. Officials roped oR the area Novak Inc., Kansas City, to To had to write a |3M check to and the ropes were stolw, be peka today for hirther axamigp- cover tha filing feo for that ofsaid. It bag been re-roped tion of the building.
er Larger Purges*
in Miw,
APTHANOONS W irn—r-; tn. -ObbWb II iiw vin (CHBrl IVS-Tb Ttl) Truth 4-iuanin «ran«
niBviin* UUS
•-CMirr MmM CWBW l-ThrtB t«BB»n
FRIDAV’ Nitar n>t n««»cnnt.- p«ou»» ,
3 ^T
National Brandt. Limit
>-Otiir ww«
1S-WMir*r,'^ FWr*
COFFEE LighH Bulbs
Grade "A" Large Consort
6-BH. C«rion Plut Deposit
On* With th* Pureh*t* of 4,
ISS-StO Vtn Od
Vl «>'• 19'
WIBW-TV (CBS. ABC. NBC) Ch. IJ-KFEQ-TV fCBS. ABC) a. 2-WDAF-TV (NBC) Qt. 4 KCMOTV (CBS) a. 5-KMBC-TV (ABC) Cb. »-KTWU-TV (Edncattenal) Ch.,U
10-Lb. Bag
LimU On* With $5.00
'£''tSS m IBM. and ina CM a erwiM
c’W’as-iC«Mr) -Cranewa Sacral I.M.- JOn ■ Ml. aae 0»awa OraadM aaa tacna a mrr w cara Mnawai -a a™«y fti.
a-Mnicr RaBaria. <CM -tna »arw. OivaW laaac.” L>. aw'i a
''"“■S'"' >•< IC8M1
a-lSan« VamOr. “Oamt.
Firm. tip*. Dofteteus
lS~etr*wt X Pragrua IS-iiM -TV Natae a
--- E'~
25c OFF
Chuck RoaM i, 49* Breaded Shrimp^ 59* Arm Swiss Steak . 69* Hormel Sliced Bacon. 79* Choice Club Steak .89* Fresh Ground Beef .49*
S-MMIa. '•lNa*'»»ir:t * *-«•««. (Cmrl -V CaOa." H*m irmi
' i 4 $100 IT 1
Colorado Red
Large, Fancy
THS Class To Mark 20th Year
Personally Speaking
Two to Attend Theta Convention Mrt. WilHeiB MeEShenny.' preddent of the 1V>peka Atom-1 tiae Chapter of Kappa Atph* McClufe, Theta. president of the ecti' « chanter of Kappa Alpha Theta of Washbora Unteenity. m delegata to die Theta National Conven tion. The convention msetttgi will be held at the Crwid Bahama Hotel on Grand Bahama Island. June U-17. OutaUBding apeaken during the
Bridge Winners Are Announced By CHARLES BEARDMORE Mrs. Lyle Hsnet and Kathy Uga ware first N-S. Mrs. Allyn Underwood and Mrs. E. E. Has:hU first E-W in the Wlanen Game held at die Bridge Center June 5. Mrs- Paul Henderson. Mrs. R. L. Stewart, John Cranftam. and Charlei Poater were aacood. Saturday night winners IncJudad Kao Drees and Joiin Wiltiama, N-S; Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis. E-W. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Swanson woo the game held by the To peka DupUcale Bridge Oub June 1. Mrs. J. R. Snowday. Ken Jotaioe. Mrs. Fred Vogler, and Mrs. Charles Beardmore had tbe Mgh acorei in the mas ter point game Thursday eve ning. Joha Padget, Riebard Castle, Jeffrey Rees, and Michael Magonaon were the winnan In tbe FrUay Open Pairs. Mn. W. F. Adams and Mrs. Bin Dinwiddle won the Monday afternoon gama. Mrs. Goorge Scott and Mrs. LlRoy FetteraM were flrat In the TuoKlay Evenlag Pain. Mrs. LeRoy Wilson and Mrs. W. R. Cochrana won the YWCA ir. and Mrs. J. t StaHord and Mrs. Harry Tnraer were the winners at tbs VA DupUcate on Brlt^ CTaitea srlll start June IS at 7:30 p.m. For infonnitio call CS S«m or CR MBM
Brown Family Reunion Sunday Out of town members of the Brown family attandtng the an nual famiiy raonloii In Garfield Park Sunday June 5 were: Mr. end Mn. Oecar Brown and Mr. and Un. Cloyd UaeM, Steven and Deborah. MMon; Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Brawn and Ur. and Mn. Prank BaUa, Denteon: Mr. and Mri. John B. AV . lea and John Jr., Meriden; Mr. and Mn. Leo Jones. Perry; Mr and Mrs. Wayne Brawn, Wakarase; Mr. and Mn. George UggeU, Lawreve; Mr. and . Mn. Wayne Brown, Bradlev, JUndan, Beverly and Patrick, Valley Pda; Mr. and Mra. Robert TUBS. Cheryl. Gary. Bobby and Rooale, McLonih; Mr. and Mrs. Pnl Maline and aoB. Odaloou; Mrs. George Brtek Becky and John. Grand Forks, N.D. Pr«a ‘Topeka those prtant included: Mr. and Mrs. Sam . Oiok. Mr. aal Mta. WnBam Meyer. Mr. and Mn. Bi MeUb). Mr. and Mrs. Marker. Mr. and Mn. Johnson. Mr. and Mn. Edward MIchart. Mr. and Mn. Robert Catras and aon. Mr. and Mn. Archie Moffet. Mr. and Mra. Loonte Bedgas and family. Hr. and Mra. WBltea U Brawn and family. Mr. and Mn. Oyda Seiti, Mr. ani Mn. A. £. SmL Sir. and Mra. WUhmt Mof^ Mn . E< Strong. . Paula Bninkow, Jeanne MldbaH. Gayle D. WUcei. Suaan Moffet
June Weddings Inspire Parties Mr and Mr* Sam P. Baker have laaued liwiUUm to the marriage of iheir daughter. Kathleen ftae. to James Le«is Thornburg, »on of the Rev. and Mr*. W. N, Thorn burg of Wichita; The ceremony »in lake pUce June I» In the Grace EUB ChuPdi St 3:10 p.m. Mr. Thornburg's father, the Rev. W. N. Thornburg, win read the marriage awviee. He will be asHited by the Rev. Mer^ tn Kurtr Nuptial imislc will be provided by Dinah Rice. organiitiWad Dwight Vogel of U liars. Iowa, toiolsi Jeanne Cleveland of Belion, Mn.. will attend Miss Bakv IS msid of honor. Bridesmaid* will be Connie Heriocker of l>^ngion. Mn. Dwight Vogel of Le Mars, town, lister of the bride-elect, and Mrs. Paul Dreher.will bs brt Mr. Thoraburg wiU be attended by Jtan Ptednelll of Pittsburg u best man. Groomnoa win be BruM Ostley. Rick Snoddgrass. and Carl Soutbwlcfc. oU of Wkhita. MUu Bird of Seattle. Wash.. Phil Elastep. Jack Allen, and Tom Kennelt all of Wichita, will usher. The tepen wiU be lighted by CoraeUa Ann Cavinee of Fontana and Pamela PuUer of Bantow, Calif. Unda Tboniburg win be flower girl. A reception In the church pirlof wiU fdlow the cere mony .Mrs. John Matthews o{ Fort Scott will preside at tbe guest book. AssUtlng will be Mn. Jim PIceineffl of Pitts burg. Tony Cofdry of Girard, Jane Burgtu of Kansas aty. Mrs. Leslie (%erhelman. Mn. Lymao Oberbelman, Mrs. Irvui Dcschner end Karen Gibe. VOWS SOON -SuzBone Tasdietta, daughter of Ur. and Mn. EJdred P. Taschetia; ba* completed plana for her IIla^ rltge (0 Barry Cooper, son of Dr. and Mn. A. E. Cooper, Norton. The Rev. VeriKn Becker wifi officiate at the cemm at 7:30 pjn. June U in the Highland Park Methodist dtorelL Miss Tasebetta has asked Mn. James Maloney. Clndnnaii. Ohio, to attewl bar as matran of honor. Bridewnalda will be Mrs. Devid Hinderliter and Joan Keane, Kansas Qty. and Miss Elaine Knorr. MenhaUan. Serving a* flower girl will be Jiffll Maloney ef OaelnnatJ, Ohio. Linn Cooper wHI be his brother’s best man and groomamen will include Mlcbiet Schafer, Norton; Frederic Gllboufen. Overland Park, and John Tlllolson. Leavenworth. Ushen wtU be Charles Moffet, Thomas Darrah, DennU Caialus. and Patrick Sterrett, all of Kansas Qty, Friends who win assist at tbe reception in Wealey Hall loDoving the ceremony are: Mrs. Frank Doogan. Mn. Jack ^tlB, Mn. Al Lopez. Joan Durham and C^thla Rogen, Kansas City; Mrs. Donald Kriley, Dn Moines, Towa. and Mra. Frank Dougtn. REHEARSAL DINNER - Mr. and Mn. L. J. Umax win cntenala with a dinner Friday eveabg at RebHe's Reetaanat compUwDlbg their sew, Kn Lomax, and Ut fian cee. Sbtrley Larimer .The dtaner wtD follow the coopleV wcddlag rebcaraal.
Misi Larimer and Mr. Lemaa w9 be married at S;3I p.m. Baterday la the diapeJ ef the Flrtt MethedM Choreb. Cweste win be Mlse Larimer. Mr. Lomax, Mr. and Mn. Ralph Rite. Mn. Amy Rlehar^ and Larry MerrMc aB ef fadepeMenee, Mr. and Mrs. SI Larimer sad DaaW ef U Pwetta. Cam., Dave Larimer ef WkUta. Staa Aadereea ef Lawreaee, Mr. aad Mra. Oala Uniaa aad Beae, Ite. aid Mn. Ewart Watte. Mr. and Mn. Max Larimer. Jaako Harclermie. Mariote Larimer, Sm Umai. Jaae Fager. Cheryl Steiois. aad David Htehm. Mr. aiuj Mra. Everett J. MltdMO. Cltf Center, ban in vited guest! tor a dinner party to be given at Myna Greoi’i
Dtane Kay SweUa. bOii Swehin wC be m«ted to Bhted A. Grtona. era and tewte- af ffie haetettoa..Af. U. to fte First Presbyleetei Chweh In Him SwcMa's hame, Btetitog.
The Top^ High School Oass
TV famfly party focMed: Hfoe Swchte. Mn. Oande Graham aad Mrs. Oscar Htees, EaHn 09; Hr*. Harry Graham, Bethel; Mr*. Oydt WfteraM JV.. Pat and Paat, Fen Wertt. Tbsae; Mrs. Jente Grtes, Mn. C B. StealL Mn. Wayw Grime*. Un. Pad Van Vatabtogh, Mra. Carr*a Bdr, Mn. Arte Cnalil, Mrs. Dale LsBey, Mra. Otli Cttmattep. Eugetoa Vra Vifritomgk. Nmry CrandiH, Lsti Cm.....top. Mn. GrahM mM BaM (fraha&
The social bow win start at 6 pjn.. foDowed by a baSri dinrar St 7. Skits, dlrecttd fay Doe Dorrell aral Jaii Richmond, will V premted by mcmben ef tV class Daue mdftTHn V provided by Jay Martdl's band tram »
^”ft*p^‘wUl hon» their 100. James Stanley MUebeS and Sandra Lrigb McCnne. who wID be married at X pm. Satmday to tbe First Coi^iegatlanBl Churdt. The party wfl! foQew tbe wedding rcbenvi.
FAMILY REUNION - A famOy daier held Snndsy In Gage Park was Mlowed by an afternoon gstttffiDg at the bome of Hr. and Mn. Ben H. Kindt. Present wen: Ur. and Mrs. Homer IQoch. Mn. OecQ CnnningVm. laaUe An and Dongiaa. WkMa; Ur. and Mn. Lee Ktncfa end dangttter Khnberiee. Lawrenn; Gen Flinch and sen TToy, Canoe Qty. Colo.; Mn. Una Boqit, Benton, Ark.; Mr. and Mn. James Hsupt and daughter. Stephanie, Mr. and Mn. Oyde Sbeperd Jr.. Cynflda and Pamela, Mn. Almeda Shaner, Hn. Sada Scheibe, Howard Sdtelbe. and bir. and Mn. Ben Kioch. Ur .and Mn. Ben Kioch. Mr. and Mn. Homer Kinch. Mra. Cecil Cunoin^wii, Gene Kioch and Howard SeVibe were to Lawrcncs Monday to attend tV graduatton of Lee Ktoch fram IV Udvsdty of Kami taw achooL
SBOWEBS-Gayle Holcomb waa guest of faonor at a mis cellaneous bridal shower given by Mn. Marvin J. Uater and her daughter. Marva Jean Lister, to their home Thursday evening. Miu Holcomb will be married te Henry J. Schulteis Guests al the shower were: Miss Holcanb. Mr*. P. M. Holcomb. Mrs. Henry ScfauIUes Jr. Mr*. Marvin Schulteis, Mn. Doug Yeans, Mn .Gary Meyers. Mrs. Roger Barr, Mn. Ehnest Fitzpatrick. Mrs. Victor Miller, Susan Coble. Evelyn MerchanL Mary Cook and Jane Schulteis. Mn. H. A. Graham aad RalM Graham catertafaied wlfo a miicellaaeoas shower la teeir home Tbnrsday night boaoring HERE AND THERE - Mr. and Mn. A. D. Sduacke have returned after a two week* motor trip. They attended the graduation of tbetr grandson. Gary Schnaeke. from high school in New Marthttrille, W. Vs., and vteited Niagara Falls, and Toraolo, Canada. Ur. and Un. Ralph Streeter will leave Friday for a visit with their son. Ray. and.hii family. In FaiiSeM. Iowa. On Sunday ttx^ will attend the wedd^ of Mn. Streeter's nephew, Oiarlei Millspaugh. of Hutchinson, to Lois Kuns of Keokuk. Iowa, ertilcb win take place at 3 pjn. in tbe Keokuk Baptist Church. CRADLE ROLL - Mr. and Un. David G. Calm are the parents of a dau^ter, D'Anii, bore M<oday In StormootVsU HospttaL They have another daughter, Shelly Lynn. 17 months old. Mn. Cairns is the former Sheryl Johnson. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mn. Melvin Cains, Geenleaf. and Mr. and Mn. Norman L. Johiaoo. Gn E. Woody. are Mn. Cora Cains. Greenleat, and Mrs. I Day at To peka Public COUTM to tv IShote evenb were Mrs. A. A. Curtis, class A, Mn. E. J. O’Hara,'dass B, and Ito. Oterlcs Tharp, class C; for nine Vies. Un. L J. Cenai and Mn. James Gerrett, claseea A »d B. Mn. Jota SwidDth, daaa C. Mn. Floyd Hanson and Un. Robert Mowe. daaa D.
m inima a the 1M( class, from coast to coast, have made plans to aitend. Reservations are atm avail able by eontaettog Mn. Betty WQstn at m OaUey or bv calltog CE M6«L
Ears Ore Tender NEW YORK - On trips to IV beach with baby, don't for get to apfdy pretwttve sun lotfan to tv tafant't ears. They buni readOy.
Sewing Help To keep toe fabric clean wba you are sewing light - colored; matatal, dust your bands with; corn starch. It adll absorb perqdratka and prevot atataa.
ij .Lemons :| For Beauty To keep your toiln elMT and 1 fair you need Um natural eleaiutog and blaadatog prepertlea of lemoD. aS your druggUt tor a bottle of lemon Jetvyn. the lataA type skin fritener that beautiful women tbreughout Uie world are now ueIng. Lemon Jelvyn braeee and coodiHone tbe skin to a beautiful new clarity and. rinA (ruumj-Al Im A* ite sine uminre, laAV. eaeellau toning laopertlaa Vto sttmulate tV eurfaM ealte. «tee out atnbbotii. clogging partielw and anooCh the iktn to beauUrul clarity. Lemou Jelvyn to
GirS) Smorgasbord Buffet FRIDAY and SATURDAY 6 P.M.-8 P.M. From Our Informal Buffet. Select All tbe Chilled Sated*, Rellthei You Detire Yew Cbili* ef telree
• ate Hem • Pried POar ef Caiflab
$1 ^
^ _ _
Yaer dwUe •< ear baked paitrlti end
Topeka Woman Goes To OEO Workshop
Dear Abby—
COLUMBIA, Mo. (VedaDA Topeka waan. V ' " Dawson, Geld repreae be Kansu Stale Teehtolcal As sistance Agency, began a twoMl her it’s imposibte? Her week abort course here Monday atiplatVr would V hurt ' Maorad^toeOffleo ef EeoDEAR ABBY; Whsk do you yeu* wurda; Vtods V U . . to* of a IS-year-dd boy vAto tog tor toe wedding. Answer Ihe toMaTworksbop is de crinris in bed with hlj mother eooo as 1 am a wrack. signed for OomawDlty Adtoo father leaves Program (CAP) directon toawork? I can't stand to visit my NO*CnY, NO NAME pand thdr sister any more when I see DEAR NO; Yew daa^ metoods and techniquet of adwhat's going on there. 1 Vlleve appean to ted toat tV tndl- mtoistering a CAP program. t Is WRONG and I Vve said tton and pretoed ef a sarriagt so. She lets this h, cenmeuy arc men impertaa Topekon Groduotes poUdi and play with her make- to get hb bandi dirty. It's " than Vr debt to a devoted gp and jewelry. He cani sUnd hot" to IV summer and “ DE1£FTELD. Wts. (^wcial) fate. Teg Vr te wb - SIqtan K. Bubb, 371* Burlcold" to <V winter, so V stays latentieQe are probably • tagsme Road, ww om of M indoon and plays with bis dolls. tbe bort to ber slepfad He has a IS-year-cld brother adds graduated this week from iM V mtorgIveUe. And SL John’s Military Academy who is so ashamed of the young er one be is becoming more sV doesn't yield tVu, Vw sal Vre. ef IV woddtog. and more withdrawn from peoKept Busy Needles to say, toe youngCONFIDENTIAL for me to invite, say a (ew of In his lifetime, toe average "HEADS OR TAILS": Then my hiaband's sisten and bratoAmericao male spends a foil can V ody one ad to mwen, aad Have out some? yew lelfpVnhig. five yean riage wttVot tove, aV riat to Vavii« and drcab«. 30 )m wUbMl nwriagu. wwkiig, U yam ef raereatiOB _ anyof iVaitf 1 don't tovtte toem aO. Abby, eai throi yem M pV wdtfag. that would make IS rigU Iheret I don't expect to V tavUed eveiy place UY listen and Isotberx are. I'd UV to add that I tovUe toe whole triV ooeasio *0 It’s not like I'm snubbing hn>one. NO CITY. PLS. DFJtR NO; I don't know wV is callieg tV signals ia yow family, bet he's out of bounds. If yoa - iit\tte tbe wVIe trtoe occastonally.’' a» one iVeU feet offended. lavtte wbour yoa
eleanelng and two e^fula to ytnr ftoal ahampoo rtora to a mint for compludeu beauty.
II ■plan
Abo, NTThM tlM Mriek. |B(ey BtKfa OBd ebopg Iron oor rogolar bmoo.
This Family Is Sick
Capital Pattern
DEAR ABBY: This U not a r boy has no friends. TV tdbV is hetolenjia once threw all aa£#Cv doUi ouL Vt toe boy cried ao bard Ms mober went out wtd boufdit more. This boy gets bffious if V sees father kiss bis mother. Whet is wrong here? I canT VUeve 1 am worried for nothing. Or isn't Is tny of my buslness’DISGUETED AUNT
Notional Reserve Life Doesn't Own Building
Every boy wants tbe new Stride Rite "boatiog" sneaker
buDdlng wMch was in tbe t tornado is no longer tbe prape^ ty o( the National Reserve In eUalrisl-i < nrarce Co., H. 0. Chapman Cool! And quick to sew — see t,<uer leeks out the wtedow ■ Jr., president, said Thursday. he. AipMI to Vr The eonpasy moved Into tts - Vlp he IV wbrie tiek new home at 4I» E. MtbtolM iboulder tor moet nauatog per-ann coverage. beton rs toe toft. Yeu. It ' - and the new buOdbii wu' cm yew buetana. Wodd yw MUMU fay n me Patter «U: ■iaiilMd the sum. uanOap wak away If yea utte*wtd i man Vntteg a VtpteM degT building wes damaged. .yards SUncb fabric. DEAR ABBV* I divorced
(ry HrviiMulOA,^
husband when len imy FIFTY CENTS te babe In enas. Aceach pattern — add IS cate for each paiiwn tor firal-elass mailing aV handling, was pr*i 6ead to Marian Martin. Tbe To-;dcrfuI man. who adopted'mi A pod card came ftealing peks DaBy Capital. 3M Pattereidaughter when she ww down la front of a friend of - - 232 West mb St . New He raised her as hU own Mrt. Evwett Bepp, ingblwd.iyyg. N Y 1»H Print «ame., is geumg marrieo *oon ana The card was train Topeks. iiAdress with np, »Ue and style wanw-a large church wedduig.; .. lady ...----- to SI r. Joseph, T k .i number . She has decided she wants her' •nd. fitt ema Mu I SEW FOR SUMMER fun. fUt- real fatbw to gire ber away. TV card bad evidently been, ter>, play, travel, work. *pwt Thu Vrl hasn’t seen ber real. tornado—furi EVERYTftlNO fer wvwy lather for 10 yean: and mayV pieked tg> dwfcag ' aad sot via atr mail to> SL stte tn pattere^acked Catalog. fine times in ber enure tUe. elgn btoas. Ofo eeupwt la He bu done nottte for Vr. ] CteUlog for free patiere. Seed. ciB-t understand this gH Do go along with ber w«Vi or to cents forCatatof. ^fepertad Ote inctddBt,
Topeko Post Cord Blows to St. Joseph
San T1 fe 3i,3H
i- ^
Crews Hornf To Resenrice Utilities Here ty KENT FREELAND Wort enws twinoed -ttroagb Topeti nuraday, attanptta restore mfllttes to bomea without ps. water, electricity or phone service after Wdoesday night’s tornado. Most optimUtic were water department officials, who expressed surpine at their lack ct dinicultiei. "We have had windstorms era] superintendent said lo^. He said only two water mains were broken and that both were repaired early Thursday, added that the only homes with out service were thoae totally' destroyed. Brokes Pipes Harass "Otr big problem now U lo cating broken pipes under rubble in basemenU." Pritoa aaid. Only one of six of the department'a booster tUliMu was knocked oot. Peltoa -said, and that one was restored to ice Wednesday night. George Wells, sale manager for the Cu Smrice Co., said gas service bad been restored to 75 per cent of south TopAa residents bv 4 pjn. Thur^y. He estimated that MO to 1.000 home will not require service ethey
Man Is Killed; Several Hurt
Central Park School Destroyed
Junior-high scbools-No dam-|west. Avondale West. Highland not checked; Gage, notcbecked; Only one public acbool tafaMd severe tornado damage, age reports at any junlorlPark Central, Highland Park Lafayette, slight window deny .................................win be^Nortb. lUghlaKl Park South, age; Pariutole. alight wtadew Dr.lMrleR.BaU/XL.eRy ' superintendent, reported Tbun- made later at Jardine and Roo- Hudson. Liin. Lawman H1H. dunage and damage to tils on Lundgren. tyfti*. McCarter, roof. Polk, slight window damdsy after a tentative fl* McChire, McEaehron, Polwh^i age; State Street, slight window toe district's 54 bufldlngs. SheWoB. SumncT.ldamage: Stout, slight damage. That setaool was Central Clay, Dawson. Grant. Monroe, LEAVENWORTH (Special^ - Park Elementary School at 1501 Quinton Heights. Randdph. ne man was kilted, several Rice. Stockroom, no damage; Buchanan. Bolton said it cannot ,stxccB w« injured and homes WHS demoUsbed as tornadoes be used again. saUnd acroai toe area aouUi of Stadento who to attend classes there next fall ere. The vlcttro was WllUam Bach- wiU be reassigned. Those reas uss. 65. who lived six mOes west signments will be announced later, be said. of Toecanozie. A fon, BUI Bacfaoai. reported Extensive roof and ceiling, thU morning that Ms father and damage was reported at Bishop I motoer were standing in toe Etementary School. 32nd and doorway of their smaU frame Arnold. The school wu to the boroe when the storm tlru^ heart of one of the most severe j The victim was killed out disuter areu. There also wu right and his mfe, NclUe. suf constderabic water damage. fered a mangled right hand. She Blsbop is one of toe Topeka! was taken to a Kansas aty h- school district's summer ses pltil for treslment for the to sion centers. Bolton said injury end shock. denU will be reassigned. Acts BarM IAN Yards -Today, district administrators The Bachuss automobile, wUl decide bow to handle the which had been parked in front summer pn^ms of toe boroe, was hurled now in progreu or about to be SrMt ler <k» ikiar . . . than I.OOO yards. The res started. btfet* aikd af*«f twiiiinme. U Pl»k, Gfaaa. GaU. IIm was ripped off and burled Bolton said toe administra . . , S-M-L. a>«yl<f<y IU.OO. another 25 yanta. The younger Bactouss and tion offices would remain open other relaUves ^fted through the late Thursday. debris this morning but said No dollar estimates damage are available, Bolton then was little to salvage. One woman was ln|ur«l at uid. Other than Central Park SEE OUR SUITS TO SWIM IN ... Impervion though tt loekt, tMs aearly tune Created Ctbm Jaiiraio. a iwa] Lesveoworto and Bishop, other schools which greeted vtiHon at the eatreace ta the Kenya Natfeaal Parka Coonty coramuMW *e»t of here. were damaged sustained only SUN IN...STRETCH IN! -beadqearters aear Nairobi. glass breakage. , tMer nattwed TtaOer a luir t»»ry ilia and •kap*. TVay’fa i ilianl. rataurcafvl. aad aacaad yav' •’•'V xaKan. A Mrs. Esther Jeanntn. 71, wu Here is the tenUlive damage .lia* tkay da tor yaar fl«.ra . . . -all, tkat’s • eaeiakoti pulled from under a flattene! assessment for Topeka public, a lltalf. Siiaa t-14. Rag. 514.00 la 574 00. bouse trailer and taken schools: Leavenworth hospital. High scbools-Topeka High.
^ SwitnsuftTWuonswftA jPJttat -\N0LF whistle* look
"Velour Terry" Top and Dry-Off Trunk Ensemble
Would You Believe, Now $12
Heavy Crane Ofl Trestle
Shop Damage
HURRY! They're 20% OFF
HlS.u51.rk. M
dition. but the extent of ber in would be no damage, will check juries wu not reported. later; Topeka West, no damage. Sam OpUger's gcoen out the day Thuraday, repair in Jarhalo wu flattened soon ing ge leaks u they were re after be closed toe store at 7:15 Topekan Will Direct ported. WeUa said any hazards Workmen struggled Thursday p.m. from leaking gas hid been lo disassemble a 11-too crane Offleiab Move la eUmtnsted by Tlrariday after- blown from iU trestle by the joycce 'Legislature' An of the Santo Fe Shops QvU Defense personnel, auxtornado wWch knlfed^^thr^ buUdlngs east of the Branner iUary police and law enforce George Matthews. 1237 Web OakUad Meters Shut downtown Top^ ment officials from toe city of ster, has been appointed staiej Fifty repairmen were shut- night. Wednesday when the tornado Leavenwertb ind the county chairman for tbe Mock Legisla ttaig down meters la Oakland, an The gigantic Irtveiing crane into the stricken areu. ture of the Kansas Jaycees. area hartt-hit by the twister. was aneborad to the middle of of toe toop area. H. V. Gill, The sheriff's office and the The JaycMS- Mock Legisla Wells said all meters would a 30-foot high trestle at Capital works manager, said Thursday. staff of toe Leavenworth TTmes ture is a program designed lo have to be shut down before Iron Works. 7th and A d a m s The damage Is estimated at compiled a list of homes dam educate Jaycees in the every service could be restored in that when ike twister struck, shoved several million dollars. Gill said. aged or destroyed, and uld the day operaUon of Kansas gov; area. He added that repairmen to the end of the tracks. The most extensive damage figure was In excess of 30. ernment. Matthews’ sppoinv probably would not complete the ...................IS east of ment gives him the responsi Pans to Street meter aervicing unti) Friday. llding that bility of organizing tbe coropleu Wells Mid 53 employet from nps 70-foot crane plummeted stands next to the viaduct. program. lo the street belOw. crunching Kansas City were aiding In the The Bast Freight Power Shop. holes neariy two feet deep ta 9W feet long, was completely meter check Thursday. Officiils at Southwestern B the brick pavin ’ ' gutted and toe roof destroyed. Telephone Co. said the arri' lo rest partUei The buOdtng walls and roof girThursday of 433 plant men from 30 feet from a row of small dira, however, remained intact. Ok\t jma. Missouri. Southern houses. A lAkMoot long lumber stor KansM. Kantai Oty. Kan., and Workers said each of toe age bunding wu eonapsed by The Topeka Chamber ol Com Mission had boosted the total slept at tba «nd o( tea tnafle toe tontodo. and Its contents merce hw established a rental s( Mapkew weekBNB In TepAa had bees teenred fry ■' to U thrown on several new boosing office at Iti besdquarto more than MO. bolts, each thrw^iuarUn sf an «ilo carrier can. ten, 715 Htnteon. Sam K. Alex They esUmatod that tt.OOO tocb to diameter. Also destroyed were seven ander, president, said Thursday. telepbonea were out of service James Lagerberg. vice presi frigerabw ears and several box The bousing office will he after the tornado and that N,- dent of the iron works, said the cars. GUI said. to speed relocaliob of fam eea feet of cable were lost in the bridge and cab were “beyond All of (he air. water, and elec- used ilies and businesses affected by storm. repair" and would be cut into ical systems in tbe dsmi Wednesday’s tornado. Officials said 10.000 phones sections for removal. He esti rea were torn out by the were back In aervice Thursday mated the loss at 115.000. nada. Gill said. houses which may Special Santa Fe personnel ments or afternoon and that most would aul those who need ren Ta Move Sted from California and 'Rxu are rented be woridng by Friday. tal bousing are asked to cnniact He said the crane bad been Operators Arrive being sent to Topeka to help toe Chamber of Commerce at Twenty-three <q>eritori from used to move steel on toe with repairs, he said. CE 4-2644. Alexander said. Arkansas arrived in Topeka premisee and could lift loads up The present need, be said, Thuraday evening on a char U 7ij tons. is for listings of bouses. tered bus. Other employes had Lagerberg said the dircctiMi WASHINGTON (AP) - The Oammerdal space and stor-; arrived aarller from Wichita, the crane moved along fte Iresago areas are betng found for Kumo aty, Plttaburg. Hatob- tia abowed that the wind w« Federal CoosmtnicaUons Corotosoo. Wtofleld and Artaona movtog ta k drcnlar dfreetlos. mlssiar of sta- The hecsiag office wlB He aaH toe erana was “— Wednesday of tbe City. IlMt KWBB and KQTY-FM at open frem 6 tm. unffl 5 pjn. tact to west. Mora than IS Wichita, Kan., tor ITOO.OM to for as Hog as It It oeedid. working In the central offloa twister cam^ from the f Alexander saU mehtla Broadcasting Inc. Thuraday. Bill Klein, tett center west forenas, said Thursday after-
To Santa Fe
Pridwy, Safwrdwy, Saaday Paly
And... SuHi for Jaalors, shas 9<13.............
Is Extensive
CbMraa't Slsat. Tea, M4...............
Optn a Ckirg# or Put Oiio on Loy-Ateoy! IN OUR FAHtlC DEPARTMENT • Plaia r.iiik.d C.Haaa • Pnniad Fallak.d Caliaat
• Plain PaHia Pigua • Priatad PaHIa Pigaa
C of C Sets Up Housing Office
Radb StaHons Sold
Bill Perdue, vice president of Ksnsss Power snd Ughl, said repair crews bad been offered from as far as St. Louis, but that ntost help had come from Hiawatha. Uwrence. Emporia and OUlhe. He saU it would be Impossitto to set a target date for toul restoratkiB of aervice until rtixUld or move.
300E N. Caotral Opet <1 e«. TO e am. I PUMTT ee n
Coppertone gives you a better tan!”
Along Santa Fe Trail
Beverly Adams Stirring In
RILEY fSpectall - Boy Scout Tnx^ 70 left Riley today for
-gin "a
Ri9. 99e ta $1.St Ywd
• PiliUy end Snah Rami FrlnH
“Birds Do It”
Fe Trail. The five-day hike will end completing the hike toe tiwv will be rilgiUe for two nattenal Boy Scout awards.______
# mil
wide open for compUmenU with a aiiken bow trte tod curvtceoui little heel ... perfect for Jane Bride* or any Peattve Oeaukm and, ttf cattree, it'e dyable; Also in black calf...IfiJN
(^dV)42lls Oms Moadiv and thonday TO 8:SO 918 BAM kn.
a better tan wifli enriched Coppertone tan that's richer, more vibrant! Coppertone contains , the most widely beach-tested aunsenten—is enriched with special conditioners that tone the skin, make it more responsive to the sun. Aforv tei>-cbU!... Trots l^f-a nolsd skin spwialiat proved CopperU>ne gives the fastest suntan with maximum sunburn protection-.Makro skin /csi so smooth, too! Insist on Cortpertone.
•M AiMrtaB’g /eeertk tewV Nw'< • predMtt.- LetfM. M.oa
Rtflu«e.\ u*. Lfptoa*. fbielBfnuW.
There*s no tan like a Coppertone suntan -that's why e«pp«taas Is Aroaitca'a fiwwltat
Employment Office Housed in Courthouse toraade Topeka Are. Claimutts iboold -AD ecUvniw c( tte Ku re^ to this location at their Sute Employiocnt Service are Wednesday nlRbt. beta! teM imporartl; to AppUeanti leoktaR for week and employen oMdto| mrfcara Rogn m «l to* ShivoM OauaTbB Ei«#»oy»an» aetVic • hoildk» UBB B- .Topifca. wi
Actor's Condition Rtported os Serious 1X36 ANGELES (AP) - Ttie hospital »*W,,actor Edward G. Rohlmoo was to aerMii ewidttkm Thursday but maktof food proRress after wrgery tor auto arodent injuries, Robinaofl, • n. auffoed ruphirw of toomacfc btood ««els. eaustoj aeme totenul hemor rtaging. to the aectdmt Wednesday. He told pelic* be apparently fdl asleep at toe wheel. Hli car Jumped a curb ahd hit a tree.
ancourard to eoataet tha loynMolaenieaata^fattte ... toouse. ‘ms locatioB wfO bt to use aBtQ toa totally d» moliabad builtoai can ba re> placed, aocardtof to Earl 0. Brown, maaater of tbe effiea. All paemployinent towraaca rlmimi are bel^ handled on toe fremd floor of toe agency's admtolstraUee building at 401 S.
. •• I
Moke a "Champion" of your Food
DOLLAR By Bringing It to
Shopper’s CHy I of thrifty J«h the f shoppers who hovo found thoir
groeory shopping doflors go further et Shopper's City. You. too, can sar« your family tha finott foods—and mako subslential cash savings by doing •II your grocory shopping tho "Total Savings Way." No glmmieb and "eomo-ens," just bw pricas—avory day m ovary Rom. Wont proof? Chock tho itoms balow, thoy'ro only a small sampio of Shoppor's Dty's day in and day out savlngil
Check These Every Day Low Prices! Dal Monfa Pinaappla-Grapafruit Drink, 46>ez................... 30c
Garber High Meat Dinners, 4'A-oz..................................... 17c
HI C Drinks. 46-ox......................................................................30c
Garber Junior Foods, 7'A-ox....................................2 for 29e
Dal Mania Fruit Drinks, 46-ez......................................3 for 09c
Sago and Metracal. 8 or 10-ox............................................... 24c
Tanj, 18-ox. }ar..................................... ....................88c
Cartmouth Frozen Potateas, 2 lbs..............
...................... 35c
Raalam'en Juiea, 24-oz........................ ...................................... 47c
Morton Cream Pies. 14-ox.............................
.................... .29a
Suniwaaf Pruna Juiea, 40-oz...............................................52c
Sara Lat German Chocolate Cake, 13'A-ox.................. 76c
Graan Giant Pans and Onions, 303 can
Swanson's TV Meat Dinners, 12-ex......................S6e
.. .24e
Dal Monfa Corn, 303 can.........................................................20c
Chef Bey-Ar-Dae Sausage Pizza, 13^-ex......................6le
Dal Kfonfa Slioad Baafs. 303 can . v,
Criico Oil. 24 ox. .......... ................................. ..;. i... r.. .49e
Dal Monta Paalad Tomafoaa, 303 can
....................i 7c
........................... 27c
Martha White Mtxas. 7%-ox..................................................... 9e
Ocaan Spray Cranbarry Cocktail, gallon............. ... .$1.66
- Brown and Pewdarod Sugar, lb. pkg........................ 2 for 33e
Franch'i Instant Mathad Potateas, 7-ez.......................... 32e
Duncan Hinas and Pillibury Cake Mlxaa, IBl^-ex.-#... .36e
Dal Monta Fraasfona Paaehai, iVt can........................... 37e
Criico. 3 (bi.....................................................................................85c
Dal Monta Paan, 2^ can......................................................... 4Se
Bisquiek, 2 tbs. 8 ox.......................................
Dal Monta Fruit Cocktail, 2% can..................................... 39c
Chiffon Margarha. I Ib................ ..................... .....19c
Dal Monta Splead Paaehai, 2'A glaai . i...........................36c
Blue Bennaf Margarine, lb........................................................ 29c
Libby's Daap Brown Baani, l4-ot......................................... I4e
Etna Margarine, Ib...............................
............... ..
2 for 39e
Campball's Baans and Ground Baaf, 303 can................. 25c
Purax Bleach, */j gal................................
Mussalman't Applasauea, 50-ox. jar.............
Clerox Bleach, gallon............................................ i.......57c^
................. 53c
Old Milwaukaa Baar, 6 pack ................................................. 74c
Downy Fabric Softener, giant...................
KoebAld, package ...................................................... 6 for 25c
Mr. Clean, giant....................................
Campball's Meat Soups, No. 2*1........................................... I6e
Caacada for Dishes, 20-ox................................
Lipton's Potato Soup, 6-oz........................................................ 33c
......79c 6Ic ..4le
Deva Bar Soap, bath............. ...................................
Lucky Whip or Droam Whip. B-ez...................................... 79e
Ivory Uquid, king...............................
JalLO Puddings, 3'/4-ot........................................................... tOe
Cold Power, qt....................... ................ ...;.72e
Chunking Mushroom Chew Main; dMdar paok............... 83e
Tide, giant........... ;...v^;v.;T.*v;;T7vr;::v;n78e
Pranco-Amarican Macaroni and Baaf, 303 can..............24c
Purina Cat Chow, IB-ox. ...................................... ........34c
Francoyhmariean SpaghattI and Meat Balls, iS-ez. .. .26e
Hills Spec. Pack Deg Food. 14-ox. ......................
Hormars Spam, 12-ox. ...............................................................52c
Gravy Train Deg Food, 5 lbs....................................-.............67e
Haini Catsup, 14-ox.....................................................................23c Hainx 57 Sauoa. 8-ox.....................
....................................... 34c
Franch's Mustard, 24-oz....................................
Kraft. MIracU Whip, qt............................................................... 49c Hallman’s Mayennalsa, qt.........................................
Purina Do^g Chow. 50 lbs......................................V...., .$4.95 8-Up Dog Food. 15-ox........................................T...................... 9e Gainasburgars, 12-count ............................... Puffs and Scotties, 200-ceunt................... Northern Toilet Tissuar $-rell pack..........................
80e ..23c 33c
Kraft Drassings for Salad^s, 8-ox............................................36c
Dalsay Toilet Tissue, 2-roH pack..23c
Carnation Instant Breakfast. 7.S-02.. ..
Fleriant DaederlMr. 6-ox. ........... .-,^.:^....^44«
Ralston Wheat Chaw, IS-oi........................................
Jubilaa Oaonar, 14-ox................................ .....™....69c
Post ToatHoa Com (HalcM, 18-oz...................
Noftham Luncheon Napkins. BO-et............................. ....Me
Kellogg's Prostod Flakos, 20-oz.............................................. 51c
Luncheon Time Napkins, 200-ct....................
Kellogg's SpacicI K, lO'A-oz..............
Glad Wrap. 100-ft............................................
.22c 26e
Kellegjff Rica Krisplat, 13-os................................................... 42e
Reynolds Wrap, Economy Sixa, 75*ft.................................... 73c
Ganaral Miilt Chaarioi, 15-os................................................. 42e
Scott Doeeratad Towels, {umbo........................ f.............30c
Heinz Tomato.Sauce, 303 can .................................................19c
Luncheon Tima Toilet Tiiiua, 10-roll pack............
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner, 7Mi -er ... .2 for 35c
Kiaenax Tewals, {umbo, twin pack........................................ 60e
Jano's Pizza with Chaasa, 1514-ox.......................................44c
Tepee Dinner Matas, lOO-ct...........................
Quaker Oats. Quick or Regular, 2-lb., 10-ex...................45c
Dixie Cold Cups, lOO-et....................... .T............... ..............67c
Heinz V/hita Vinagar, qt............................................................. 2Bc
Cut-Rita Wax Paper, 7S-ft.................
Fd. Oub Instant Milk. 20-qt................................................... $1.39
Esquiro Scuff-Keta PoKsh, 2-ex..................................... ...29c
64c 18c
Pilisbury Extra Ught Pancake Flour, 2 ba........................19e
Pladga. 7-ox.......................................................................
Toast-Ems or Pep-Tarta, 10-ox.............................................. 46c
Windax, \Vt pints................................................
Coffomato, 6-ox. .....................................................
Johnson's Pasta Wax. 16-ox...................................................64e
Brave Floor Wax, pint......................................................... ...62c
Ug Cabin Syrup, 24-es. ....................................
Upton Tea, 'A-pound.................................................................Sic
All Bottled Soft Drinks, 6-paek..................................... 2e qff
Skippy Peanut Bwttor, 28-ox. . »• . .............. ....................... BBe
Nabisco Premium Crackers, l-lb............................................33e
Upton Tea Bags, 48 count............... .....................................68c
Saltinas, l-lb..........................................................................2for4le
Sweat 10 Liquid Swaatanar. t2-ez.................$t.4^
Cgarattai. King Srta, carton............................................. $2.85
Shop Where All Topeka
SAVES! 340\S. Topeka Blvd.
Carritr MokM Way In Stricken Section
Attorney to Seek Legion AuriliafT Lawmaker's Post Piclis Delegate
ItaMepB is the htnHiit M tnd Lake area of Eut TopeU *en Tlnitally iMleted by faOa trca aad tmasbed booses. They wm unable to get tat er Gene E. Sdiroer. »U West and his administration of our Jordan Patterson Unit No. 31» ant far boon. Natiwal GoardsAmerican Legion Auxiitary has Mb. se-year^rid T<^eka i men. Karchlng tor i d J u r e d. chosen CarloUa E. Maseey. 17aey. annoBnced Wednead^r afl' creased stale adminlstratton ex checked bouses Ute Wednes penses at a rate greater than enxwn he is a candidate for at any time In our history. At George W. Massey. 2800 day and early Thunday morethe Democrat " sas iis fall- Maryland, u Its representsthe same tune Kansas Ing tote and larlh-r bahnd “v. lo Girl.' Stall at tl» LMAfter rescue and ntiUfy eon- the Kansas House of Represent -au------la.—------- ..... .... versiiy of Kansas next week. atives from the tSth District. pany workers had entered the The 46th District extodi from nemie growth atid deveiop- Mrs. Lucille Bradley president. I. one of the next to arrive the vicinity o( Wi ment.'’ Miss Massev will be a senior early ■nuirsday was a Daily vanity Soatbcast to the Shaw PUyed Pro BaH this fail at Highland Park High CapiUI carrier who made his nee Country Oub area and In- Schroer received hb law deSchool cludea Topeka Towiahlp. Igree eree from iram Washburn wasnouni University vtiiivciiat} — -- where she is■ an honor, regular rounds-"'"------ — and pUved professKmii bajeball^»“^«"'.^ «*''«* “ Itmbe, lines and other debrisfrom 1*45 to 1951. He terved *" English Iand music last seto driver the four page ttanmeiter. She is a member of with the Army fnim IMl to dayeaUsD. 1*53 end was aftomy for the the Youth tor Christ Teen Tone Kansas Corporstioo Canmlsatoo Cbotr and Campus Life Quh. during the Docking admlninr> Until recently she wis a member «f the Qmrcb of God ttarn. He it a member of Potwls when Ae was program chair fmbytertan Onreh. Elks man of the Youth Gfoim and president of the Youth Choir. She now is a member of Grace Tabernacle Oiureb of God Christ of which her faiher is minister. She teaches in ‘“He bVe'"’^T Democratic Sunday •»* ranriirfMP in iiw tfih Disirict. scntod both churches at aUia and national conventions.
Jackson Twins
Gasoline. Alley
Columnist improving The condJUon of Mrs. Cath arine Brandenburg, 7J4 Merriam Court, who underwent surMonday morning in MedlHospital. Houston, Tex., srts r^Jorted ai “good" Wednesday. Sba plans to return to TbpAa the last of tttis week. Mr. BrandeDborg it a writer nd cohimnlat on the Topeka CapltalJounai.
Wake up
lllogol Cool At one tfane to AioBtoa, antbndte was thought to be nseand. to eone ptaces the of Athradte wu declared' by law. to a colonel was arrested in Oadelphia for trying to mil few wagonloids of this coal.
Nnvt Yoo eto e(l«a Wt da ftti
a;is;.slls".ss5ssi; Si.”2iMS3iKS
UmA Ukt Now Cen be teen In Hiit vicin ity. Ceih or forms to reipontlblo perty.
Cm* Mimow
Nancy they'W^on^^
) Y
Ij/I^ Dick Tracy ..-jKD^lsnavi, BE «J_ RlGWr. {..)
tkn tbrooib ihe.UaMOt «e*a to laamm rntgai «( ihe IS sB el
■is fe^^DoT^i
Dee Metaes 13. lew*
Golden Glow is soft margarine with corn oil. What more could YOU ask for?
Ob, all right.
mts Wpntedj Inveij^d Mechanism
( AMarrtir krberp
Antarcfic Icebergs (iiam» thf Irrbrrg JamOy » from the Amarcbc. • Robfrt Moms. wfTI-knowB;^* mass, riMling off the Felks«iw of the Deeteratim of In-'Uod Iflands in laSS, «u estldependenre and fmaneiil leader h,»trd to be as big u the istand ot the Revoluljoo. lost hU for* of Corsta, with a cubic content tune'iale In life and was lm-|jboui equal to that otaU Swlaa ‘ prisoned for debt for three lakes combined I * Pewrfal aad Fierce
imprisoned for Debt
'Block Pool'
.. Bottle^ of Manossos
HisUrtans of a sralch mai>ufacturing firm are of the opinWashington iaPi that the gear train that u Senate Agriculture Committee; ^he mechanlan In pneapproved a resolution Wednes-|jjp,,jy j|j Invwted day warning all govemmeW:by Archimedes in the 3rd ceatgencits - including the De-jt™ g.C. partment of Agriculture- against frmlng or.rolling back: farm prices below parity levels. The resolution was sent to the Senate by unanimous vole of the commilttee.
Abouf Form Prices
ine iirsi first naiiie Battle oi of manusas, Manasaas, Th^ name Dubim li a rorhip- j The tmn of Duhh IJnh In Oaellc and’' ’ Bull FUn as it has been means “black pool ' after' the color of the waters of the Rivcr Uffey. wim-h divides Ihe.cap-jBoUi batileii ended in Confed-, ilai ,<( li-nisnd 'in two. jeral
Taka your eheiea. Hondradi of stylos, paHtrns, colors. Collar Stylos: Italian, Roqular. BuHon-Down, Hanlays. Ivy. Hi-loy, T-BIrd, Mod. Fabrics: Woven Flaidi, Solid Colors. Chambrayi, Oafords. Woven Stripes. Surleee Oesifns. Competition Stripes. Short SIcavos. Pcarllaod BuHon. Fino Needle Teilorlnq. Sixes S.M-L. Machine Washable. Made in the U.S>.
Family Circus
Major Hoople OJUUM HU*ta now M W AStaW WM r.*Ne*.iorPNe*T«Ai6Mt e**J/MTuA*oo cmtAoo WL16* AeveAi»AsC£.'«Mi«< *«ora ruAT crtaAstv no ion«* coolo \ souee -me rwcT rta«T»*T»l^**'' T-a eii*a«T eiMasT eiwiaww^ eiHii " i
hm S» r«fa n> •• M** D«U»r
S /na«'5T«\
hJCflLDiiMt] iPlLCTAAfiPHl
/mrsEscsn’ULSoN'io) (CAU-MEATTW! J
Volunteers Search Debris For Survivors
Mary Beasley
Jurors Favor Thfee Topekans! Topeka Stores Risk Company Info Holy Order j Exchange Hems In Suit Here
Mrs. Mary I. Beasley. HM Byron, a tornado victiffi, wa^ ■ «B-arnnd'Bi7 Vfteran-I Hospital Wednesday, night by Dr. J. L. UtUmoce..' 1.K.WENWORTH fSnecialt SloTW • wirhaneed ’ merchan-'i district coroner. ■nirre wnmCr w c r rSMlTc^ during Wednesdays Tbe cause of death wu a among the 27 who were invektod tornado. crushed chest. Dr. Lattimore Ray Danner Boyd Toytor Mary E. Herrick said. "uesday in toe holy habit of (hei picme Ji«s that blew out of Mrs. Mary Elisabeth Herrick. BURUNGTON - Ray Dan Mrs. Beuley, ah etderfy ladv 8URUNCTW - Bcvi I tstitulc of the Sisters of Chari-Wa^^cen's window were rete tbe Bur Taylor, a Burlington devato 100 High, e 54-year Topeka resof about 90. a Panwell - Gabel A U.S. District Court jury .. ^ , iturned Thursday by engitoyes dent, died Wednesday to a To- ling area, toed Tuesday to a Funeral Horae spokesman said, They are Mantsret Desch. Topeka bospilal (ran cancer. hearing a civil aciton here Tues ioT Hirvi* ly ‘ idtt HospiuO- She was 72. wu born to Leavenworth. rtbirik^^ vors in the wbWe of------day returned a verdict lor the Hn. Herrlek waa bora March He WU 68. She wu a monber of Caitral mtr aiiDott the entire re path' patb %Mr. Taylor moved to Burling D, 18N. at Osage City. Her hus- Mr. Danner owned several Crturogatlonal Church. defendant. Lumbennan’s Mutu sale barns and oprated a string towed by the tornado that ttmck ton in IKi to manage an aod, Ct]>de. died to US8. Survivors include a daughter, al Casualty Co. of Chicago, to ■ Topeka -Wedneaday. . Elevator. He had bra manager She WU a member of Weat- of race horses for the past sev Miss Helen Beasley, and a sis a suit brought by Paul eral years. Hm nen were .aaelgned Mrs. Thomas McGinnis of tbe Co-op Elevator to Pres ntostsb Preabyterian Cburch. ter. Mrs. Evelyn Monroe, botb He WU born June 17. IW. The 27 novices now will11 OC-,—*" be- Super Servi Rhodes. Howe. Neb. areaa of dasnage in wavea of ton before moving bera. of the home. at Aliceville. Me wu a Iwo-year nonliate at the! 1-79 . 10 2S men, walking iiilo the ' Be was bora Oct. to. UlO. Services are pending with Rhodes had soughTio recover ber of tbe Buriington Christian Molherhousc of the Sisters of ' ' Other Deaths neighborhoods. eaitWIy check at'SlraUord. He was a mem Penwell-Csbel Funeral Home to Church. Charily, Leavenworth ing the ratned-hooMi for nr^ ber of Rob Morris Lodge, No. charge of arrangsneati. Page 26 Survivors toclude_hls jHI*. covered Harry W. Edmonson, von «f the tenado tno 4 «jb- SS. AP?AM. and tbe chnrch Elisabeth, of Oie home; one 'to 4 pJB. Iteaday. of Christ, both in Preston. Bertha M. Whitney former prison guard at Nebras ka State Prison at a time OkUbc Leaks de hb wife. Beulah Oiapler. No. 24. OES, daughter. Mrs. Elsie ftirn, Ok mulgee. Okla.; three sons. Jack Mrs. Bertha M. Whitney. 1631 Rhodes bad been incarcerated Cheeking gas leaks, tooking Alta, of the home; a aon. Gary Gudenete Garden Club. Monday Danner. Emporia. Bill Danner, Wuhbora. died in a Topdea for broken water mains, and Taylor. Solomon; a dsnghter. Tourist Qub. and Margaret HIO of the home, and Jesa Danner, hospital Wednesday toUowtog there. Rhodes in 19M won a default directing bolp for the injured, Mrs. Anita Woods, Ba-Ungtoo: McCarter Chapter of toe Wom 2525 Fairmont Road. Topdta; the tornado. She wu S3. Judgment against Edmonson lor the men helped hundreds in tbe a brotber, Guy E. Taylor, Oak- an's Club. ------two brothers, Guy Danner. WesV Mrs. Whitney wu bora oi Rhodes' foderaily devaiutad areas. Dr. R^crt dale. Calif.: and four grand- Survivors Include a daughter, phalla. and Joe Danner, Sand 3. 1884. at Monooa. and a constitutional rights. Mrt. dacenca A. Balwant. 5L Hsrdtr. coordinstor of the mas Springs, Okla.; two sUten, Mrs. lived to Topeka most of her cervices win be at 2 p.m Joseph, Mo.; three slstn, Mrs. to 1965, sive search, said. M«rie Diaer. Madru. Ore.,' ' ile. Saturday at the Burlington Arthur Evana. Hotdttasao, Mrs. •T wouldn't want to suggest Mrt. Ina Nelson. McMtam Survivors include her hu.v we bad 100 per cent coverage." Mettaodist Church, with Masonic Wayne Laawell, Big Springs, Ore., and 13 grandchildren. Jury tntiwetod band, Von. of tbe home; Five and Mrs. PhUlIp Hnsier, Servica will be at 2 pm. Fri Harder said 'nuirsday togU, graveside services at &acriand daugblen. Mrs. Betty Wan- Dlsl. Judge George Temjdar. Marlon; two brotoers. Hal Jen "but we bad at leat " - Canetery, Burftogton. day at Damron Funeral Hwne wiek. 1329 Jewell, Mrs. Mar-, in inslnirtions to the Jury, said Damron Puneral Home. Bur kins. Now Yorit City. N.Y.. and cent coverage in most Chapel, with burial to GraceItogton. is in charge of arrangs- Ralph Jodttos. Smith Center; weat" .land Cemetery. Burltogton. t-aiin weus. wa nurr. mrs..i-unioennans iiium pay two grandsons and one grand_ ' .S<?e Living at Harder, director of the To roerts. Dora Perkin. 1504 CecU Road.ljudgment reemered by Rhode.'! daogbier. peka Office of Economic OpWilliam Crouch and Mrs. Helen Cbx. Wilming- against Edmondson in 1964. h'$ Finest Hersheli Piersoa Servtou mil be at 11 am. .portuntty. saW be had helped Satiaday at Wall-DiHenderfer i Services (or William Robert ton. Calif.; one son, Phil He pointed out that the de.work in Ihe Bast Top^d area. Henbell A. Pienen. tl. Q9 Mortuary Chapel, with burtal Crouch. 2907 Wayne. wUl be at MUIer, 210 SUider; three sis- fei^nt company's defense was Be Sure end See All (he Coaches on Exhibit >here he Was. until abort 2 Monroe, died Wedneaday Saturday at PenwellII a.m. ttrt, Mrs. MryUe Jacques. 1520 based on allegations that Edto Mount Hope Oemetery. Each Different . . . Each Exciilnq . . . Each I a.ra. ■ evatlog to a Topeka haepUal FYiends may call at the morFuneral Home. Mr. Eugene. Mrs, Anna Cathcirt. mondson did not avail himself niV.AAa M.M, w, ^ f Dasiqned to meet the needs and appeal toa He and tbe Rev. Jack Bran'art rtnen,. i. died of a heart at Oberlin. and Mrs. Helena Han- q( defenses to 1964 and had tuary untU service time. Cortrt- ...............”• buyari of every aqe qroup. er. pastor- of East Topeka bora Jen. 19. 1978 tack during Wednesday’s ttr- ey, Courtland; 14 grandcbll-. be done so. judgment would not buttons may be made to toe Methodist Church, went to the in Blinoto. and had lived te dren and 24 greU-grairtchildrcn. have bra entered tgatoal him. SFONSOUD IT memorial fund of Westminster nado at his home. Courtbonse about that time, PlBitaburg. Mo., untU movtoj previously under a Services will be at 10 a.m. Aootoer part of tbe defense Church. A a S Uebll. Hmm. Peu'* where the emi to Topeka IS years ago. He was doctor’s care for a heart coodi- Saturday at Parker Mortuary, wu an allegation that Rhodes Sale*. 4S41 T.*eka 4f)» T^a ttons center of retired fanner. ilon. He wu pronounced UN 2-aSU UN 2-«331 with burial to Memorial Park and Edmondson schemed to ef Gareford Lee fenseia located. Mr. Pierson is survived bj 00 arrival at Stonnont-' Cemetery. fect tbe Judgment itoieh would M't MehUa NeeM* «r sons. Gene Pknon, 2I0S Oen*g Smels Senlees are pending its then have to be paid by LomberSllStepahs UN 24MT leATTke. ettwt o. o«nHerder volimtoered to wg»- . ; Ltoeoto. Melvto Ptafaon Gareford Lee. 706 E. Stb. at Mr. Crouch wu born Feb. «wfe, • tmtr Tn«nn, «it« ho* T«*>- man’s. tbe Judge aall Meden MeWie H#m Wkee Trelltt tetei tee (t» leafch for "what to Cameree. Ho. Floyd Pieram Oihwt and Son Funeral Borne. 21.19S. at Laridnburg. and had Tlw judge instructed that the do abort Oe people." Plans had Plattsbi^. Mo. and Albsr Mr. Lee.-*3. died at his home lived in Topeka most of bis jury must find evidence to sup life. He wu a graduate of To MMfh Mil ttUMM CWlhTabra drawn for clearing streets Pierson. Excelsior Sprtoto. Mo from tajurtu received port either of the defense alle peka High School and had been and utilities. Harder uld, but Hve daughters, Mrs. MUdret Wednesday’! storm. gations or retom a verdict to Chvm He wu pronounced dead on empioykd •> • foremen for the WfiMr •< Finl Hau'vn omciaU wanted to check tbe Pierson and Mrs. Marie Ford ram of Rhodes fw 829.8M M t»» TtW botb of Btecislor Springs, Ho arrival at Jtonnont-Vail Hespi- maintenance department of the - areas fir trapped survivors. tur>mn hwiKM 1 iliw, Mrt. Coiw Mrs. Wnma Richardson. Os tel Wednesday night. Men were Rrsl assigned to toe HwnMrt. lHm«. With. M Wvtrl s of both court a area of 2Mb and Gage, poulMy bourne, Mo., Mrs, Elsie D. Gold Mr. Lee wu born June 24 ' Strvloi will W «> I en, St. Joseph, Mo., and Mrshe wu a member of Topeka 1902. at Tulu, Mia., and bad Uamtrt t hardest bit to the city. Harder Wedding Cake said. The area bad been Roberta Bra^, Houstoa. Tex.; lived in Topeka 31 years. He Bible Oiurch. I member of Second Bap- Survivors Include his wife checked before nightfall, but two brothers, Jewel Pienon The teiditionai weddmg c Wfiiav ssavieas Catherine, ol the home; a • we wanted to check again for PlaUstwrg. Mo., and George Ust Church. 'vInt tar 0*r> FrMOKIl Wtlltv had its origin in ancient Rome. I Flllmon. win M II lO.X •m. U< survivors. II there Pas sny Pierson. Anadarko. Okla.; a sis Survivors Include three dau^ daughter. Ondy, of the home; , IT A.Tttae» BmtiH Chgrch wr where a special cake wu ter, Mrs. Ruth Speers of Call- ten. Mrs. Wanda McNul and andhtomotber. Mrs. Wilma ^fhanee of hearing Ihem," tl «M TlMMT Ih • T«M»» broken over toe bride's bead u Pearl Crouch. 1U8 N. Michi hlMltil frorn OhCir. - Another group of men was foraia; 27 grandchlldrtn and 27 Miu DerUria Lee. both of SmM wni I* ii n*a ft Siinn m s<n a symbol of plentifulness and ta Ant. Calif., and Him Gloria gan. PiMral Hwn* (nm 4 (Mil t ajn. Fii ‘Tasiigned to the area each of the noptial guests took Burial iriU be to Memorial Sffvieu wm be It 2 pm. Lee, of (ho borne; and thru •^Topeka Mnnictptl Airport a piece. J_________ Park Cemetery. Saturday at Lyon Funeral Borne grtndchUdren.____• ' htauit AMm OWtarr. - across town to to the northeast. at PlaUaborg. Mo., with faarial ^;They woekod their way b> in Uthrop, Mo„ Cemetery. U00 Funeral Home at Plattoborg 'oakludtt^^ raOroad tracla, li to charge of arrangemenU. Harder said. Divkta»®fltoger.Dudd la In WU Campus chnrgc of Tbpeka anangemenU. At the sisne time, a gnnp of-snen starts* work near-lbe HotHe Anderson Kants Neuratogical Instftote at 21st and Oakley, moving east Mrs. Batito L. Andersen. 9t. W Uwrenee. wu fbond dead and clrdtag to toe Waihborn University campus at 17th and at 2rd nd Lawrence ’Dursday to the afttfmath of toe tornado Washburn and into tbe College that struck Topeka. Hill area. She had been aresident of Another group began.at 21st and Randolph and wwfced to tepeka since 1943. Mrs. nderson wu bora OcLI the west boundiry of toe cam12. 1874, to Kansaa. Her busband. John A. Andenon, died to M« also began covering ter U68. ritory to East 'Dip ■ ■ ' ■ Survivors include five 0 the IntereUte at RiplQ- Parirto Ira E. Andenon. Arte., Arch F. Andenoo, 3001 . Two (roups of men began at MleUgan, Ralph R. Andentoo. 12tb Md' Ransu and om wave 1022 Locust. Herbert C. Andtf• wirtad oait and anotoor group Srti of toe bcoM. and Fic weut town* Topeka fkaome. Anderson. Cbonea Gnm; "H» oeu tried to blip orient ter. Cytitois Johnson of Califorthe paopU to too aiUiatko, rrtay ,nia: a broflier, Ben Mercs, - Informattoa abort uUlHy repairs Osage Cl^; 14 grtodcUkteen amt worked with the tajured," and » great-grandchildren. Harder said. Kendall P i>n e r a 1 Home of FeandOMDead CouncU Grave is in charge of . "They lound one dead woman services and burial, with WaUin Eul Topeka. DlffEnderfer Mortuary to charge Tbe vohmieen included civili of Topeka arrugementt. ans. members of the Junetton City and lota Nattonal Guard Harry Hoxton unlit, U.S. Naval TeservisU. and airman from Fortu Ate FOree WETMORE - Barry (Bod) Haxton. a 21-year reildMt of Base. Harder said. The aearch wu orgaabed by Wetmore, died here Tuesday Harder, Topeka Prtice . Chief from a heart attack. Re wu ». Dana L. Hummer and Robert Mr. Haxton wu born Jan. 7. . Jonu, Topeka-Shawnee Goodly 1988, at Sabetoa. He wu an oil agent for Standard Oil Co. Civil DefeiMO director. He wu a member ot toe Before arriving at tbe Oourtbouse. Harder and Bremer copallan Church asd a worked with peolpe in East Tiv presideM of lbs Wetmore poke who had lost their homes. nb Oob. "The streets are so Jumbled Survivors include his wife, now," Harder said, whose own Corene. of the home; one daugh home at 408 Leland was dam ter. Mrs. Barbara Stead. Salt Lake City. Utah; two soos. aged by an uprooted tree. Gary Haxwn, Fort Collins, CM Laadmarks Colo., and Ronnie Haxton. with "All of the old landmarks are . gone now," Harder said. "West the Peace Corps to Ettoopia; a sister. Mrs. Kuel Dennii , of us (on Leland) there is hardly OtchiMto; a brother. Chartes Haxton. Little Rock. Art., After tbe storm bad passed, three grandchildren. Harder said he and Bremer Servicu will be at 2 , found an elderly man who did Sundmr at Wetmore Methodist Whether you're waUdsg, driviog or boatiog. not know a storm had taken Onob. Burial wSI bo to toe Southwestern Bell does itt best to see you’re never hie house. .WetnXR Cemetery. "He wu standing to the foun far from dependabte communicattons. Sayu FUiaral Heme, Ceodation of his hooae when we tretto, te to charge of arr For calling Mom to say you’ll be » few minutes found him" Harder said; nents. "We asked him where he late — the game went into extra innings. when the storm hit. and he said LOuro Elm«r For calling ahead while on vacation to tell the be was under a table." folks when youll arrive. For calling friends -An elderty womaa ln the 990 block on lake. Harder said, to invite them up for a day at the lake. ttwd tooking at Ihe rooflen Laura MiUndg |lrRer. an.elght Whatever tbe reason, the season or the place, . bouse, she cooM not be per year resident here, will be -a 2 p.m. ■nuirsday at htount Hop« suaded to leave. a public phone is mighty handy to have Abbey in Topeka Mrs. Elme Rogi Hung around. So handy, we plan to install 2,000 more "We nsited’nigs rte wind-1 died June 2 in a hospital hen tai>d P during 1966. We're making your telephone service— dow for her,*,*• Harder said. "One after a long lUneubedroom was msowWrlight 8ha had lived to Paxton. BL. already the world’s best — oven better. from the weather, but all the before moving to St. Petersburg. rooms were flku with (Wats - Survivors include a niece. Mrs; Orville R, Oart. 221 Wood. gUst and pluter.’* : The womu e^Ud have gone lawn, Topeka. , Burial wlQ be to Mount Hope eight blocks to shelter at the -Satvatton Army buiMtag, Hatto Cemtety. Ttepeke. with Peoweto .er said, but rt* didn’t wa« to Gable Funenl Borne to ehar|9 of arrangemnti. leave her bouse.
Deaths and Funerals
4fh Annual
Tepeka MobOe Home Dealers Association
IM f HWl
r , |r=i
' Walk up Drive up Float up
k-ii. -m
Grapes for Wioe
Ex-Senotor Named To Appeals G>urt
Produciag grapes for wine r^ Tbe -Betadeer Age" 2S.W to J0.0W years ego. marked the Ktty (be ri^ klad daws 9t humm bWory. From, watba. tbe vtaa need a mod that perted. cavern plctnrea erately odd. slightly bumid win have come *wn to us. Tbe beat nation Amday as a on ter; a Winn, dry spring; a were tboee of retedaer, principal tbe 1Mb Orcntt Cowt of summer with e quit of rate suppoff of tun to that age. Tbe 1Mb clmit terva Caliv ing August; and CHlymantog BO TopBe DOf« redo, Wyandng. Utah. Rusb, teg from midG^tenber to htr- ZOMe-y.Jamll ttlaboraa and New Mexlte. veat time. WASHINGTON lAP - . . Hickey, a fonser U.S. Sena-
' # jpw ]
,»59“ Twev ft-OAT ... NEVER TOUCUNG THE EVE! r LEE 0ORTICAI. Vcdae«U>-i lonudo dJu«cted Topeki fraiii mibwMi Is Dortkemil, ripplix • I^mUe ioag palk tkai wu foor Uwki wide Is placet. Hw toi■d $pm ever BoneU’t Mead, nleatbcd tti Ml firjt !■» reUtlrety tew bemei tad fathloable •parlBieiitt betweea tflii and S7lh ta both iMet U CMC od BOved reteatlcttljr tewaid tbe Ma-
afcipd Airport. It col aerou the VA HatpHal aid KaatM Nenroioctcal laittlaM froodt, damafed every baSdlag oe the Wathtan Uaieenlty onpu tad iwni ihrenfk two raideatlal batiaeu areef, CeSefe Bill tad ElmMnt PUxa. Ae path M (he ttonn carried the foaei }oat leath el (be BtM iwliieti dUIrtet. damaftag K(be« (he Md Natleul
Reaerva LHe BaUdiag al. IM aad Baaiat. Aa (oraado ripped acmt latenta(e n taterdaagea OB (be edge M (he barlaeM dbtrM. lUthed throBfk tte Satta Fe Raliraad ibapa, UMed hB force la (be Garda Park ara bi OaUaM ud Boved ofl to the narlheaM.
Deaths and Funerals daugbien, resMIng in Ok1aho- He had been a part-time ( City. Okie., and Kansas ploye at the firm of Brelsford, Hardesty and BalU. City, Kan. Further ar Mr. SkleUcka was a Certified Public Accountant to Nebraska. Survlvora include two broth ers In Omba. Neb. Ted Tibbiu Mortuary is to John Culver charge aI Services for John D. Culver, 201t W. inh, manager and lecBeulah Hopper rettty-treasurer of MI d w e 11 WhUesale Lumber Co., will be KANSAS ary - ServicM for r. 80at I:IB am. Batiaday al PanwelWibel Funeral Home. Mr Culvrr. M. died of a heart at- Saturday at Brennan's Punend Chapel in Topeka. Mrs. to (he lumber company alter Hopper, 74. died Wedocaday in a nursing home here. the storm. OOldaU Mid he had been She was bwn'June S, IIB. al Topeka. Her husband, Al under a doctor's care for bert, died in W7. bean coodltton. Mr. Culver wu bom June 10. Survivors include two daugh ters. Mrs. Nina Dixon. Olathe, and Mrs. Ruth West, Redwood years. He bad Used earUer to aty. Calif.: one brother. Clay Ogan, GramvlUe: one alster, Lincoln. Neb. He was a nenber of First Mrs. Mabel Lowe, WIcUta; and Prtabytertaa Owrch, Masonic one itepbew. Lodge. Alblan. Neb., Scottish Burial wfll be to Rocbesttf Cemetery. Friends may caQ at tbe funeral borne frora Friday until service time. Burial wm be In the Wamego Cemetery.
Larry Timmons
Services ter Larry Tbnmons. 4U W, 4lh, win be at 2 p.m, Satuiday at Slewan Funeral Home, Wamego. Ur. Ilmmoas, B. died Tueediy night Dr. 3. L Lattlmore, district eorcner, ruled the death a sui cide. Topeka police quoted reladm w uying llnmioiii had been troubled by personal probtnos. He was bom August 24. IM. at Wamego, and had lived in ar. He « Topeka the past year. ^^ate from Wamego High s employed as a eoiutrucUon worker to Topeka at tbe time of Us death. Survivors include Us moibtf, Hrt. Bath Mtglnness. of the borne; bit father. LouU Tim mons. Wamego; two brothers, Jk* Thnmoni, Eugene, Ore., anl Jim TteimoM, 10» Taylor; a sister. Joan DoD, Silver Lake; Us grandmother, Ura. Riley Tbnmons. Munele. and his grendfatber, Earl Cterter, IM B.
mi :::vr-
-m: ■
Porter Oliver
Worden Myers
Rile Bodies. Arab Shrine, WHITING - Porter A. IMtver. ONAGA - Warden E. Myers, and Elks Lodge, all in Topeka. a retired WMUng farmer and died Wednesday at a Riverside. Calif, resident, ■ -al Order of Jesters, and Holton bospHal after a long died Wednesday in a Lm AnRrl«. CaU , hosptUl. He *as Sun'iwrs tncli Vildan, of the home; one daugh Mr. Oliver was bom Dec. 20. Mr. Myers was bom Dec. 22. ter. Mrs. Joan Atberg, Omaha, iK2. at Albany. Term., and had.. 1B». in Lycoming Omty, Penn. Neb : one brother, Robert E Uved on a farm louSi of here Survivors include hte wife. Culver, York. Neb.; and three since im Survivors Include two listen. Peggy, of the home; one son. grandehildien. Jim Myers. Merced. Pn. and ‘ ---------- may Mlsf Gertrude Oliver. Whiting, one daughter. Miss Cedle Uy be made to the Washburn Uri and Miss Minnie Oliver. A^ venity BulMteg Fod. Burial bang. TamL. and one bother, eis. Denver, Goto.-...........Services will be at 2;SI) p.m. will be in Mount Hope Orae- Lonnie OUver. Albany, Teon. Servieet will be at 1:20 pjn.< Sunday at the Onaga Congrega tery. Saturday at Mercer FanenT tional Oiurrii. with burial In Home. Holton, with burial to Sterling Taylor Onaga Cemetery. tbe Holton Cemetery. Tessendorf Mortuary, Onaga. This man thought he’d dash and visors, outside is. in charge d arrangements. Services ter Sterling (Chick) Taylor. 2707 B Stroet, will be have to wait another year to Lisle Grouer mirror, seat belts, backup lights, It 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Parker get the safety he wanted in a Fr«d L Ferguson new higher-strength Mortuary. Mr. Taylor. 62. died Usle Sigmood Crauer. Grecwood. owner of the Placar. But then he examined a windshield, windshield washers, ONAGA - Fred L Ferguson, land Bowl, was pronounced a fo^rroer resident here, died Mind'Changing Ambassador, and variable-speed, dead on arrival at StormoBt________________ __________ proDounced dead .. Wednesday al his heme in CetoFirst he discovered that .o^. -............ r................... »y fro non-glare wipers. So now he rado Spriiigs, Colo He was at Stormonl-Vail Hospi- Vail injuries rrceived al his bowUt Mr. Ferguson was bom Jan. Ambassador has Doublethinks Ambassador (and i:. 18K. at Westmorelan* and Mr. Taylor was bom ^ ^ April 3 alley during the tornado. Safety brakes, like drives one, too). K you think Ijved in Pottawatomie County' 1904. at Pair)', and had lived Mr. Grauer vras bom Oct. 29. in Topeka most o( his life. He Cadillac. He gave its body you’ll have to wait another unui 1929. 1699, at Summerfield, and had Sur>1v-ors include four sons. had been employed by ..... lived in Topeka siace 1930. the onceover and found year to get the safety .Pael ■ ■ Floyd. Vancouver. Wash.; CeduP^i"* Co. 15 years He was a member of Orient it to be of solid Single-Unit Westmoreland- Harold Coloradoi Survivors include his wife. you want in a car, see the Springs and’Hiamas^ i»)i,^iFem. of the home: ihreedaugb- Lodge. APfcAM, Scottish Ritas construction. He examined Mind-Changer at your bodies. Tbpeka Arab Shrine, tbe Tex :’l5 grandchildren, and Helms Topeka and MatknM Bowlers its Ceramic-Armored,exAmerican Motors/Rambler greit-gnmdchlld. Proprieton Asst, and a char Services wUl be at 2 p m t'« haust-system (the industry’s Dealer. Every minute of Satuiday at Tessendorf MortoEtoel Lott, *» We ter member of tbe Shawnee Country Gub. longest lasting). He gave every working day, ary hem. with burial In Onaga bash; two brothers. Ry Tay- Cwt Survivors include his wife. Ju> So-.rv,lor, 1416 N. Monroe, and Harry ,.Su the other standard safety, two more families make . Taylor, of the-home:- one si»--'>ei. of the home; one ML features a complete their choice a new. .rr, .wr,. a-........ U «“»’<* 'G John Wells Marque, Tex : and five r»nd--CaW ^ a itep*^ «<•physicaL too... the padded American Motors car. A storm casualty who-e brijy \.h,idrfn.^.h,ld„n i»“™ fr ■ one rrsTnhon. # broiighl to PenwelT - Gabel -Rurial will he in Memorial Amcricaii Motora...when quality and safety are buOt In, not added on. . Pirk Cemeter^ ' .»* J .P "; was idenulledThnrwday a« J.ton , ' • '.Saturday at Penwvll-Gabel Be csrelu) with youf car-ruil.. Weill. 59. 1034 Monroe. Wemi(i---*George Sklenicko Chapel, w.ih burral In Mount Hart wilh 1 lately check. ration was made by his landHope Cemeteo Ifs National aUnd-ChanKtaw MonUi at your American Motors/IUmbler Dealer. lady. Mft. Orme 1. Faume. ' ^^rorge .A Skim-c-ka. 61. wai, Mr. WelU was a (ormei re*i- pr..nounr.-d dead on arrival alf Educator Dies CLAY CENTER: dent d Osage City and a metp.- Stormont • t ail hospital fiWD UWRENCE: OSAM CITY: her Of Topeka Laborers Local'n 1 uriei received duringl TOKYO (API - YoahWilge Mattingly Motor Ce. Utterbaek Meter Co. Srilitk Meters Nerdling Meters . 142. He was a coratnetion work- Widnesday's tornado. Mr Sklen- Abe. 12. prasidoit of OakuibuiD T«m Mix Rambitr, Ine. er >ka. icka. 2940 Gsge. Gage, wu McntlfM Mentlfied schooU schools and deaa dean of GakuitHita Gakusbuto EMROtlA: jUNbmN 1 MANHATTAN: WAMEOOl Htmuham May 7. 1107, to by htsihtrtum by Dr. HsmyiLtotvmity. dM Tlrtsday. Abe ISIS Quincy Tefu. ISchkiesser | was one ef Japm’s IradageSuTern's Meter Cempeny6erakam^ot»i Ray WaeM Reaiple, lac. Merten Meter Cenpany Survivcrt include it leari.tw' He was born Deo 3i, iw-,eators.
The Mind-Changer. (the car built with your safety in mind)
Seeking the Lost; Gathering What's Gone
^0m itlke ran through thr i main$ of ihr lluntington AoarttnrnU help ing hU grandparrntt coUerl their helongingi.
„.^ _,':rsa&aJe.i^i:^wrsc^-. ■ 4 tooman ran doan an hetl Topeka ttreet following the Hetarlalmg $lorm ahich cut through the riiy from Burneit', Hound to the tirport.
- --i.
JJ, ■;_
One of the many emaU aircmfl parked at WunWW Airporton ,U loo Thuredar after a derattating tm.ter ploughed ^ough Topeka. 4(mo.l all pianet at the airport trere dettM^ or damaged. A - f Ontral Airline, wa, tohipped 200 yan£« arrot, the land. Ing ramp for ing area and imaehod by the tornado.
Homelet, after the heUler hit emit Topeka, rr$idenlt returned Thurrdny to tiirvey the damage and li/l through the dehri,.
y:^ Wearing coaU againtt the cold, leat wind Thmrtdar, Uuniedpol AIrporl offieitds operated teiihout Uneer ttindsnet aid «rilA amergency power. The deroMtating ItcUter hurled planet arrott the runways.
In the quiet following the tornado a l>oy rods his hieytia along ^(uW strert esdling for Tofciy, hit lost dog.
"^fesa . .iur(>'<{ h .............. H ifWirAi^ east ..* Hi.rn.tl Mour,d. landed on the .....nd floor o, the llunliogton tfMirInienit on l.fii:*
a of 29th and Cage.
Torando Warnings Given Repeatedly
Mayor to Ask n il Approves Other Cities iFriend Killed ,„f„reignAid
wind----------^ ^ mately U rnDes >outh of To- lawn,' An oOdal weafber Bvaan cloudy." Ihe regtomtl ' p*. “ in the elfy at 7:M ™ p.ro. report Iba was filed: “Tona- chart ecnttwiHl to Dodge CAy. •aid. t of 1bAt ItIO p.m---------PataulBepeits Bnrean at the Topeka Munkd'Hgbway Patrol repert-tbrtog nertesst at 7:» pA pal Airport tone of the areas By JIM VARREN "Iteiudo repertad ere- So- 0^ on ground two mllea west WASHINGTON (AP) - The dSEsaged fay the Topeka tomaird..“AUn •1 »u u Pearl Harbor th» ver-Ateire RmM at 7:11 pA. of Lebo and several mOes north. Senate Foreign ReUtlofis CbmTopeka area should effect sMe- movtag northeast at 7:B pA" •Atoo tbe funnel Just stniek day *he was bombed bul tt mlUee vated Tburaday to cot rep^ tb^ ty measures for tbe not 31 11 compare at all to that Tbe tornado strene bad been _4f Southwest BowL Don HIT mllUon from the ate' ' aged aeveral nw mtoutes.' Mndid in the dty at 7;M PA OTooM. of the (Kansas) Namlfaweft aection _gilh taardi and reacuajpera- IMmaiBg that there ilfatisirf rcquot for foreign ttattl Guard adviaes deswqred Iben. IS the storm noved in Marc Bond, manfdag te pommic an and ita cbaltman pre fiebl. UoM apparently complele. May on tbpeka. word of damage at or Charles W. Wright laM :mghl.' dicted moves today to rertace At 8:37 p.m. tbe Weatbcr Bu Manhattan was reported - ■ Ike radio, lost coetact with The regiona! weather chart TV speaker, Roy Reynolds, Hathaway at about 7:U p.m. reau issued snolher ----------Thondty night he will ask lev-l IIS Medford, s printer military aid at wcD. print tor the that a tornado had been tiftoed tormrarteg of what was abool Near the totenedta id An- began with Dodge Oty and eon- , eral Kamaa cities to supply CspilsWouresl and s lite-kmg to happen to Ibpeka. bure and Dover roads a poBee- hmmh Onugb AmariOe before have°^>^^UM a£^i^ by an area reaUent g niDas support for TBpeki’s major friend of Usie Grauer. A report wblcb is not signed man.-teattog into Ids cm- ra cleaiHip operaUan in disaster Und Bowl proprietor who iWn’s requests _ . — - northeast of Ml ' with the time, then was setH: dio fflkrepfaooe. reported -Tbraado reptrted IH miles bones” proposal thit couH not northeastward. ..wi rh.in killed in Wednesdays lorw west (g Wsnamaker School at One pcdicc car was dispatched "This Is tbe (KaiMS) High Hood; be safely cuL describing his feeling s to -television bUl" in Weft To- way Patnd. We have a car “I ]urt uw three baaea 7:U PA Military AM Tiiori tndkilM saws, equipment operators aMl”Lr"' fi;:a^ »t kijied -Ihrtiado reported at 47th and peka near the WIBW-TV tower just west of Interstate 470 on here blown away." Buried Under WbD at 6:____ —-........... Usi Street — has a tornado to Wanamaker at 7:21 pA Delta Street The personable Grauer was view directly aonth of hhn. iMn for economic assistance and ce Pat«)i Divtskm. said. •Ty>niado sighted m miles Later, after toe aterm buried under s tumbling w^l Another Weeflier Boreaa bul “Advises looks like a very passed, aiawnee County Sber- wmt of CuUen Village at 7:15 t»17 million for military aid. Qiainnan J. W. Fulbrigbt. D- letin issued at l:M pm. warned large one." A major search of Ibe areas after Uking rtfui,• Uble. ITs Dept deputtes found the Ark.. saM the committee voted that -heavy tbunderstoniis are Then, and Mrs. Calvin ’’^Tornado at »h and Burlm)ving into the western.edge 17-1 to approve the bill as WoU Id a field. lOS yards from game Road at 7:20 pm ap r wire .tn«k Ih.™, "W»' LISLf GRAUER Uie Topeka area." •mended bul wlthbeld a deci •CBS roniDirtMi liie Thursday ^ bowlers, tor* refuge n a pears lately to move through cbtee: . creibed by waU locker room just JO feel from sion on whether to combtoe tbe At 6:S6 p.m. a peace ipatebed to take up “weather -‘■Atoo at 37tb and Adams A report also came from Grauer but came out of the rebeconomic and military aalborTopdea. Se« 7:22 p.m.” The voiumeers. organist and wBich" at Burnetfs Mound, vistole movtag almost directly policeman near JMi and Gage: The weather chart reporting ble unharmed. ,damaged. -Before the storm It izalions into a stogie meanire. directed by Dr. Robert Hard “Tbesa bouses an goda. -, known to bo wIers was w worih about •s requested by the admtolsirt. another to US-75 end US44, and north. regional weather b^an agafa^ er. director of the Topeka Of-| ...... They’re gone. Marc." oMs said, lion and approved by tbe House another to U3-75 and tbe Kan -‘Telqaicae report <r fua- Reporting tbe pato of the tuD- mill tbe power was knocked out) lice of Economic Opportunity, throughout the sas Turnpike. Another car took Kl 00 Burnett’s Mound movtog Foreign Aflslrs Cammlltee. checks Ihe areas,TadpuetadjCnisbed under the will when about SM." nel, dw Waalher BureH eon- at tbe Capital-Joarnal building the wind whiHied several cars st Otti and Jeffersoctr timed to lend mewagia: PsBee Car Reparta Into the wall, crashing it onto and thought I was going to lesr n checked for possible “WiU start regtooal weather. The clock in the newsroom table. Another bowler up the pins." Reynolds added, vm for fiscal‘s i»87 with Si BtnneU's Mound, radioed lhat —"One ear reports the fun Break if necessary. stopped at 7:24 as the tonudo vir-ors. Mayor Wright said. nel west of i-470 and 21st. Is whose name Is unknown was -bul ihe tornado beat me “ million of 11 earmarked for he spotted a tornado funnri. roared by the south windowa. Wright mel late "7 p.A Regiooal Weather: on tbe ground moving east will Soulh Viet Nam. dipping periodicaUy to touch with officials of the rralnn in the Civil Defense ibe other ^*0^ isbie. headquarters in the ^wnee "We started clearing away debris and looking for Lisle County CPurlhouse. Major problems diacusi«l al soon , as the tornado passed.’ the meettog toctuded protection Reyooldi relstod. “I felt ' of the damaged areas from of waU looters. BobOltiDg equlpmat for the -clMiup canyHIgo. «■ faU on him.' ganUng matwowcr and what -We couldn't do anything right to do about ilgtiboeert bunpe^ away wllh no lights or phon so we couldn't do anything, Ing work oeweKennelh Grate lay face down Reynolds added.-"U was about under a pile of bricks from hU TlghtWtleh The disaster sreas; winding 1:45 bMore help bead to his knees and under through Ibe city for nearly IJ the corner of a kitchen etok “for what soemad like an etonlReynoldi was bowling In summer league with JO olhe ty" in tbe M»rtment house at bowlers including Grauer when 1135 Kansas, where mother min, Edward <Bud) Lyons, . Wiigbt mUmatod. (he storm hit. was killed during Wednesday's A "semicurfew" was put effeci Thunday nigbi by ■■ ^ It," Rej-nolds said. “It got reif potWdepa^ent ^ Iqrt' . . Grate said he was closing Idsric a'nd and suddenly everything There will be JOO airmen from ,,,rted popping and cracking kitchen windows when he was knocked to the floor between the in the disaster today. Maj. sounded like someone was lak- stove and the sink. Dillon, of the police traffic di- Ing tw»by-l«« and cracking KUMbAlMlFMW vtiion said- They win relieve them to plecai. Uian auddenJy He said Nattonal Guardsmen, other it got Ufbl like aoaMone turned nipped hli hands around Forbetnaen and policemen on on a mlbkm Ugfat bulbs and face at be feu and they helped duty long hours Ibunday. give hbn breathing space. tbe roof was gone." Permanent bvricadlng In the “I didn't know what to do. II ‘Itot thankful t could Uck my damaged areas may be sM up felt like tbe whole thing legs from the knees down for the -In a few days." Police Chief falling. I juil SSI there about 20 minutes I Isy there,' Dana L Hummer said. prayed to myself," Reynolds Grste said. A lUggcMloB to mark out added. He used then to try to attract “disaster routes" for work Grauer bought tho present attention to his cresri and Inickata gat to-apd---------------------------breathing from areas where tuMk li b» Oiw# bwyate M tbr owy aaanl Mi wM* space and be fotnd Us cries for ing cleared, was. vetoed drew sMrti In aasy care wyian btfeal... top help were not being beard. meeting. tayte In taa feWe spmt abMa. Al taxes. *■ Smelled tms But military personnel and ) IMt he received one of Crate said be smelled gai police will begin to dear ail un and feared fire before nscurm authorised personnel from tbe errivsd. •Teas where crews arc working, Wright. Dillon and HAmmer trlbuUou to bowling la the city •T prayed between yells," be of Topeka. said. agreed. offered to take him to Ihe hosWright uld he will telephooe Grauer played football and lettered but he could walk and officials to0 Kaniti — City, 'Uwgo. he said renec, Wlchlia, Bmporia. Otta to his I Thursday he sat, bnik wa and JUncUoa City today to time be scratched, to ask for itf to the cleao-up to had the only bowling establish- daughter and soo-hUaw of tbe man who was kSled to the elded. W r i g h moot to T^ka. Reynolds felt lucky to building. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald uid. is whetherr Ihe city wll with bU Ute. Oa -car, a HogbM, 120014 Jackson. hire commercial crews to help eape wttb __to ti«_cle«l«.M.IiUeo .Vees. IJgJ Pontiac, waa aitttog Federal funds may be used to the ftrect and was not thrown Hughes said he had spoken to Into the building tut H did gel his fatber-tfrtow. a 72-year-<M, this phase, br ir si Slid FATHERS DAY is SUN. JUNE 19 house painter two «r three mtoutes before toe tornado struck. Lyons ha^ said that he "hated to tat wait (or hla time ta go." Hughes 47 WUb; AbW. ACROSS When be wu Hughes « 1 hue Ul that toe toresdo was on its way, 9 .tnvritl wiml SI Hwk*: Ul he replied, "Well If It comes, - ' « Betetr tain let U came.’' U ViidOewi Shortly afterward, be was w. dead. The apartment building was
Sl'TIS ........
T; Ckre Help
Man Barely Escapes Death
.V .ata
cobi .W»wo5aWi
<;pORT- 3IQ33
Crossword Puzzle
MJTE EVANS ...-TB wfcc k. l-B Bub 0
How ToCombat Chocking
no YOU EVER GET THE LUMP STANDING a key putt? You know Ibe fcdii«. Tte Adam'a appi to grapefruit site.. The mllar taiddeBly beennes ti too small The bands become damrny. muscies ti attitude negative. There's one word for it: ctoike. So what do you do if you step up to a toree-f which can win toe tournament and you taiddenly nervous, apttoehensive? What is «>e best aithchoke m The question was thrown at some of toe state’s b era. (etkiwt who ere competing for tbe c week at Shawnee County Qub. There was one boost
Races Schedui Tonight as Usu Super modified racing will With DU Sutoltflc to
« Sr
"Wa &Hiigbt-tbe bkwB bead gasket and parked it. After the gasket, the cer feature last Saturday side Stadum. but to The aetkta Ust week va bet ttnad out to ba a bad ter total usual. wWi Ken Wtad block. scoring a very unpopular vk- Hanna wu in the
grounds., offictob aonmaced Thursday afternoon. This means fans csdi take a break from the feverish (onto-
cracked up in toe ftaal turn of day night when the to Ibe final lap. htei scunytag far < Misstog fm the action last and his crew should week was Gary Hanna’s Feath car ready far toe er. It should be back this week time trials Friday-
AL LEADERS WMns CM ...............« in II « Jii
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a«Ms eerm Amw. AIIHIIi. a. AUn. i
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■tsndiai. piecta ul clobtog to
"E?' Mauie;
Yesterday's Answer 30 M.ihw Cwvr’a
DOWN • 1 E*al<iy« •( 4 wa <Z Diaecm. Htkwl.
Volkswagen Open Every Night Eseept Setvrdey end Sunday Till 9:00 p.m.
-PhORi: Ft 4-T7e6 tMd the Wont Ads!
I' tftSX 1 I TtRWS
i dwaael aka** I aYwrl
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ON FAmEK’S DAYll OfmSBffmn
iottbed Sei •'v-ar-i.w,
, Anr r« BawrwaO Hmm aeio —ta teal far tanfa namdait.
m prey „ ,
(June Sfep-Up ! ^
MQUAVELVA » ^ AftqpSHvg Utipn
See the Buiek Golf
Wfh, q.S',;:
MOORMA 20th & Toptaha Aw
Ektun Advances, Some Bow In First Round of State Golf
Results, Pairings
B7 BOX MOHR Medaliit C^ene Elitun vived aeow first • mind upsets with I 3 aad ] vlctoty over Topeks'B Glen DiUon Wednesa tightly coolested first of the Kansas Amateur Gotf Tourney at Shawnee OxmtryOub. nie title night will be pared to four by the end of .................. second round action set to begin at<:40 am and qoarterfioajs at 1:30 pm Kansas Amateur Golf Associ ation offidals buikSed early T!Bt8dsy momhig to decide whether or not to continue play in the wake of Wednesday's tor nado. They moved lo go ahead since thre^arters of the DeH was made up of out-of-town en trants. Most notable among the firstroned victims were former
To Combat
on sports
Chocking DID YOU EVER GET THE LUMP STANDING OVER .a key putt? You know the feeling. The Adam's a;^ grows to grapefruit size. The o^ler luddenly becomes two sacs too small The hands become clammy, muscles tight and attitude negative. There's one word for it: choke. So what doyoudoifyoustepuploa three-foot putt which can win the loumament and yon suddenly become Ive? What is the bed ntbeboke medicine? The question was thrown at some of tiie state's best gtrffers. fellows who are competing for the diampionshlp ihU week at Shawnee County aub. There was one honest answer.
'"auininvumt ^ M _ blown head ga^t last week end parked It. After replacing the gasket, tbe car won tbe feature last Saturdsy at Lake side Stadium, but the probten tuned eukto be a badly cracked block. Hanna was in the process of insulting a new engine Wedno•*" night when the tornado sent scurrying lor cover. He and his crew should have tbe ready for the 7:30 p.m. time trials Friday.
“Elill r. AobMan. aiiirm. Mi
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Eleven of the 16 maldies went the full distance or into extra boles, with aU of the eight lower night matches faniog into tMs category, Gary Heath, who trimmed fellow Topeka Country Club
1, .Wi; MiMnn. Ci'vM. Mrrr bn FfiKlu ft. IM FriKiun. i»r an
v» ; Big HH playei won the first' eL. —- - - ........ wiihh birdies and went!* ' -XmnMy'oi mm! Then Davenport doubled to as Hentiler double-: ■H lai left, scoring McCovey and Hali bogted the par live third. Parker .„Z ^ er wilh the tie-breaking ruos. moved four in front by thelwSoM.Vi.' ^ Singles by Sonny Jackwu. turn and won. 6 and 4. Jim Gentile and Rusty Siaub cerw. Manhattan's Ron Sdunede.SrhmMi.. -.“x**.*'*:*< M »< 1> clipped Giants' sorter Ron Her•:« -_____ ElthM n. mann and the only other suc N„. ...»u• Omrte^. - M '*n.rr rt. iHem. bet lor Houston's first inning 1. iMytM. cessful former champ. Duke t U - Oe>Mt n K*l*r. | u - »•-. Wh,;n«; «.■ - WIUlURS Evans of Wichita, earned ad contw «. t.«J - SCM-MMHM VI LM. Astros' starter Larry Dierker vancement on extra holes. I >M". » 1( - HOVM .. i-t-t. , IJVm retired the first 10 baiters he 1 let loose of llaeed but the GianU tied the lead when he missed short putts cgrv'**'°:'r In the fifth on Hart's smon Nos. 19 and 17, squared the -j; 'jr -Sr*.-»'«l Hfrhel's first hit
gil Pa I FBANCIKO NOUtTON birdie E..i» u u Ml .1, cigMi™ BM ilPU.l Cl ISO B PPPtrM c< I P «S .......................................................................................wicMit t left-handed after his lee shot U<C»—T <» > > 1 < CMiP- IS <ft }s MB>t a < > I ft iippp-. a > landed near a shrub M.P-f t J p ft ft S'BUB el *ft '' Oft.-M-' BI J ft 1 > "ure " 1ft Pft right rough off 18. He bogied the LviKoti, in • H -C JWtn, bole to faU even, then downed JAWU M> • ft ft ft AMm-tft » ft ft ft 0 John Coyte of CoUeyviUe OSn V I ftl ft 1 ft 0 ft ' ^t extra hole. S«fmoPPd s ft ft ft ft B'MMftPI'ftl ft Grier Jones of Wldtita, 1985 WKIUU ViJK-. ort. CnrW C«rH. CaHnvilu. *■». ninnenip, rallied from a tw> ZitvOe Hsuenin. wwmi, oat. Mrry Sim.' down deficit after nine to tiimin- Ai NKi. 1 M. ft ft ft 1 ft ft ft I ftft— ft SM. JSCS CrsiKNsr. T M . !»•*•» ft tftW-1 ■te Michael Phillips of Wichita. IripIMt. LS»rs>Kl SM. MM Oft-SftPi FrmsiKft I. . laptU. frS,- TMr> Eui-i. 2 up. ft. I. Li se-SoPrftnCIM P. J.PT. CMP*. POKFPIS. Ml
izsit i!siKsr*"";ssj
the bc-le and knocking hi the poU. No. 16 tUrled out as a horror when Begert's drive zoomed loW off the tK, hit the water and skipped into the bank. SUndiiig with one foot in the lake. John cau^t n five iron squarely, fob lowed with a nine iroo approach that stopped four fat from the cup and dn^iped the putt for California Signs a par four. Nuss, also faced with a four - fooler, missed Top Draft Choice LOS ANGELES lAP) - The MOST REPLIED YOU SIMPLY DONT LET YOURSELF and that was the match. Best round of the day. medal- California Angels signed Jim Dc- SI.*'* p'*it' gel tnio this negative suu of mind. Now. that's a great piece of advice. If you could do ihis. there would be no noed- Bise.. was turned In by 1962|NerronndlanaUnivertityThurslamp Monty Ka rr of Wiehi- day as their first draft choice. ;’''pi,Jp.v io ask the quation. It's like UlUng a fat guy he can pare . He was two iunder through DeNeff, an Inflelder, resides pounds by not ating. THIte FUOHt 3 tod 2 verdict over in Holland. Mich. Ke-was signed tiftvf Mimiiiaii. MKhPli «M 0«f» "You usually don't think." said Monie Kaser. the 1962 Hra. ot<h.ia. Sip Oraaftt Cftrn. HaicnJamie Tbomi»on of Wichita. prnsn SM. Bripcft iaPirpi. papoipts. >i. by Angel :scout Nick Kamzic champion from WIcfalU. "At least you try not to think. You SPFY* KMftft. CpHimPiPft SftP. tftsftr K ,,,,,. iport next ..... ----------- .. Just think about winning. I don't worry. If you're playing Kaser broke a deadlock wKb and is du 5r»«.’’*iss(ire’ 'bttm.' birdie on tin. then went (wo Wednesday to tbe Angels' ..ftl.' farm ttSllST. WKIVI*. H Conceittratioo is a key word. Rod Horn, who tied for up on IS by stroking in a 3S- dub. Quad Ctlles. In Davenport, c.7.7rVsr*t^K«:". FOUtTN FklOMT Iowa. atxtb in the National Amateur, meaUoned R. "I fat like footer for a birdie. Ln WlPion. TftssM set. 0. 0. F/SOftr, rsBWft. SMlIpPt; Lftt NftftHft. TSftsM OM. everybody chokes once ia a while," said the Kansas Cltian. Am tpnssrca. -ft, OSws Uvui*' CboUng is Just a matter of losing your concentration. 1 try not to tbink that one shot is tbe most important shot of the I FrsiSi McAlM,*|t. WKPlPIft. ft). toumamenL If you think you're dead if you miss this one puU, you're gonna clutch up a little bit." Crier Jooes, Ibe floe young golfer from Wichita and Oktaboma State, says be simply gets away from the ball If he feels JUCery. "I never hit a tint unless I'm sure to myself jftcT'v^*™ “ where it's going to go." be said. aa a h m « wt ni fct
na >11 jt
FINB, GMER. BABY, BUT WAIT UTfTIL YOU GET A Utile (Mer. ITWves bunch up a htt more. "If you're a drinker, you drink." said Wellington's Bobby Dare. "If you're ■ smoker, you smoke. And me? Well, I chew gum." There's also tbe "loose bands" school of thought. "Make sure your hands are loose," advises Topeka's Gary Heath. "Shake your amis." echoM Manhtiian's Ron Schmedernann. "Make sure they're loose. That's where the feel of tbe puU is. Then take a deep breath." Tbe "deep4ireath" is the gospel as preached by Bobby Jones. Duke Evans, quite a student of the game, has tried it But tbe 1963 champ from WidiiU has decided it aU comes down to a positive aUilude. "You just keep saying to yourself. TU maka IL I’M make iL' " be saM. “If you uy a lie long enough and strong enough maybe you'll believe it."
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Leonard Mohiman, Washburn graduates who has been lootball coach at Centraiia. will be the assistant football coach at Bish op Miege next season be report ed Wednesday . At Mejge, located at Shawnee. Mohtman will work under bead coach Bob Frazier.- ^
a ■ ■■ ■ ■ inR^n
AVp. B
'wRVICI OfVAnMtHT 23rd aad S. Teptbo I'ot* SM. 'Mst"
Enont End Alignment
ai til Ain aCcnaaK»to.to
HIGH mileage LOW prices’.
Fhp> SI W FftSftrsI Tfti SM SIMt MM LsftSI SSMM
DAKS troustrs look as jaunty on a waak-an«t golfer
Pop eomfort-m-aloganca, fhay hav» only
ena motch:
(June Step-Up Sole Means Top Trading) DAKS woik thorts.
See the Buick Golf Open on Channel 13 June 12 9. broien. pp>hp|e, black
MOORMAN BUICK, JNC ~20rii & Topdia Am,—Toptko's FriwndriMt Dtddf^E 5-S35S
* nscoritivs medalipw styling s fpis III standare models s He»vy duty rubber s raM.aod tMT rtvdwfti -• fiespbie? Hugs ttoof gontcpur wpntef or sumpner
aithey do
Any Way You Might Prefer It
Mohimon Moving
VGetSafeCwControl tfeven tire wear » m am Vsmoothride 5^144
To Bishop Miege
:si.: da t. I'd d li'd .17
I Wftftk . SftStPM .......................... .............. (OsStftn) Fsc. C1I-AAA WftK
' 11111
FftyP aytftf. WlCPlft SM. LMftPid tpIftSPH. ■
WMk iMftsS . ^
WPks CftPUKH. Kftiii MoSriPo tAtfilehcftj sneetm
. >-iuvft. »»rgs«i. ■ft
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THE GUBSnON, YD RBFRBSH YOUR MIND. WAS: wMl do you do if you need the three-footer to win the tournament? "My problem,” jaid Independence vet Dave Dennis, twice slate ebampton "is to get in that position. I'd just try not to change my routine —and grip hell out of the right hand.’ Bob Vickers, the 1959 dump from WlcbiU, was cornered as he started hto qualifying round cn Tuesday. "You stand up and hit it and get it over with," he advised. “If you're ^'re -puHtagjrell, you don't think about IL I've got my own theory. If I ^r my left-wrist left-writi firm and going toward the bole. I don't miu." About five hours later, Vickers came oH the lUh hole and tely toward the CapiUl-Joumal's inquiring rwwrter, "You so and so." be said. "You really fixed me up. end up with three footers three times. I mind all Uitk."
second round. 10-man championship iigbl group wu sliced ti t after Thursday's matches. Heath picked up his margin of vtcinry when he lofted a seven iion six feet from the pin and holed the puU for « birdie duece on No. >3 to go one up. He and Clevenger then parred the final five hola. Bcgtrt '.<rd successive blrdl xr^d a s.nsational recovery on No. Ifi lo win. Two dc 'n going into 14. cert i::di-d the par live hol- routineiy." On IS hu lee shot wound ’.p behind a tree.
Player Periscope
Super modified radng w in with Dick SutcUfie in tbe cock-
T. Jn* It. ItU 29
Tonight as Usual
tbry after Ray Lee' Goodwin cracked up in the tinai turn of tbe final lap. Missing from tbe action last week was Gary Hanna's Feath er. It timid be back this week
SrSt!::s.StSffe.sS';^-- w.„. „ccovey,
Races Scheduled
grounds, oHiciab Thursday aflerBoon This means farts can take a break Iron tbe feverish tornad«Ieanup activity If they wish. The action Ust week was beb ter than nsnal, wtfli Ken Wrid
and J(^ Begert of TCC. downed WichiU's Eldon Nuss, I up. were the lone Topekans to .urvlve first round action. Heath carded a onr under 70. and needed every stroke, while tkgert WAS even par fo for 18. WIchIU and Dave Dennis Ciiians had tthe best Independence, along with SCXTs into Bin Hatxler, Bob Dare of Web luck, advan- ns six of eight Is
DUKE EVANS ... ‘IV make It. lH make R.”
HOl-STON (API - Jim Da venport's nth inning double drove in two runs and gave San Francisco a 3-1 victory over ^ .h., Houston’ Itiursday night. Willie McCovey opened the single next four with a pair of btnbea urjLn.'SSv’^''* 0«««' mb w^h agatnsi Jm Owens. Houston's f•' and two pars. third pitcher. After Jim Hart Henuler ran iiilo a buzzsaw mAw S:;27’c: sacrificed. [i^. Tom Haftt'^was early mHowart Parker dK^,^!r Bob Devine, former SCC mem-' ber now living in Kansas City.' Milted Dennis 2 up. Devtne'"T.i‘^’.J:r.*-
Saihi ttattilal
lington and Roger Brown ol
Davenport's Double in 1,1th Beats Houston
Cfiatnl 34^03
Btaa nah4)B oad Mvary Prao FMiag
Form, Chart »«■ M
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(v»i‘.'"‘r '«°yr** AMERICAN LEAGUE
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INTERNATIONAL ■aswun Twuiso ••
W 1 n»M U nacaatm, rtt. nlib I* M sr*cM*-
PACmC COAET attukTs Twuasaav MMlIa 1. HM*ll I. I. FcrtUM S
BOUrmPlN LEAGUE aatuLn twuumt
Grfd War Ends, Owners Happy
•* CAaWIt.'a^ ■ riKi.
TEXAS LEAGUE etSULTS TMUeiUT kullla t. II PM >. AbvOMafaea S OaWt-Pa" Wt»
Cosmos Seek tShSlnsiiiht LAWRENCE (Staff) - Top^ U’s CosmopoUtao Oab sends Is m search «( tta team's Uth^A^t Kanoi OM lor Olympic Track bU^ at 10 a m. Friday at ataanrlal Stadium. The girls run Irom MXm. untU 0:30 p.m. Friday with the boys taking over at 1:10 a.m. Saturday for another ’— _ ... The .je Thpdm Cooes have meet. won 11 of U team ehanpOoD' ships In tbs boys' competltloo. Topeka's largest contingeot Friday wUl be in the Inlerme' dlsie division where 13 athletes will compete for the Coonos. The inlermediaie groups in cludes glrU aged 14 and IS. There also are divisions lor ban-
B; BOB HEWI7EN From Uw knkj o( Topeka, a war itarted here But (he bi( iport* war aded Wodaeaday. In case jm hamt bewd, tba Na» tional aw^^^mertcan FootbaU Uaguei got together. THE ACTUAL MERCER wUl not Uka place untU 1»TO aner eartng televlitoo ceatracts e*plre. 'Rirtiugh expansion ifretdy planned, the giant dnnil will then consist of 26 teams in » cities under a single commissioMr. Tba commiailoner will be the present NFL's Pete Roselle.
NCAA,AAU AtWarAgain^.
Tie Home Run Record—
Twins Hammer A's
ST. • PAUL4I1NNEAP0US whof Jimmie HaQ (API —4he Mtaneaota Twtai about two feet of clearing flte -aWTOIOffE (AP) - The smashed a record tytag live fence Mter HaniBi: KIBciirew Iffeakiai Baltimore Orioles bone runs ta tbe seventh taotag bad aaahei toe fiffli booer of downed WaaUngna Ttanday Tharsday. ridtag die tata exploBigbt 4-1 (B Boog PowelTs tws- iloo to a 0-4 victnry over Kani tata tba tag tantag aftff I nm boraer ta tbe atafii tasteg ■n*Qty. ■iwtos jBt mimed bfsak-brmrt two^ bomer ta tae after senrtag an $-7 vielery ta a fixta famtax famtag bad jnlM tag tbe major taagua i«cstd (« itxta palled tas ■upended game with ‘ Twtas taKta Into contention. moet borne rm ta an tantag raBy ta the dgtatb and took oTsr placa-ta tba America first............................. League. Tbe Oriolea. who have woo 10 of tbeir lasttt moved one game ahead of Cleveland, whidi bad game with New York rained out. Dick Nen's bomeir Mowing
Mele Jokes About Breaking Up Rally
"”“i i™. “» »«"«“o -i”
tain their present identities. The two champions will play a title game In January of 1067. There also will be a common draft, a move expected to eliminate the high bonur payments the two leagues have been paring while trying to competa with aacb other. Lamar Hunt, owner of the Kensea Oty Chiefs and one of the rln^eaden to merger iations. clarified some of the polnu ta negotiat istlon Thursday from a lelep^ New York. He intbcaled that all the AFL owners didn't agree with all the details, but that a two^hlrds majority wu all that waa re quired. "All nine teams In the American League were for two thingj - peKe and the play off game." be said. BE SAID THE NEW YORE Jets, tn particular, did not go for the $18 mllUon Indemnity the AFL baa agreed to pay the NFL. nu payment. Hunt lald, will be ipUt wtfis 60 ptf eeol gotag to tbe New York Gtula and San Frandaco lOers and the rest dtvMed among tbe other IS clubs. He pointed out that the new AUanU NFL fraiKhlse went for 0.S miUloo and the new Miami AFL franchise for $7.5 million. The NFL felt their franchise wu worth more and demanded tbe indemnity pay ment Hunt uld no plans had been made on how the teams would be broken down into leagues or dlvlsiais in 1970. He said be per sonally would prefer an American and Na tional League breakdown, like in major league bueball. Wednesday's Joint announeemenl by the Jeague said no francblaes would be .tran^ (erred from preeent locatiooa and that aU exleting franehbu would be retained.
Orioles Beit Nats Twice, Nab 1st Place
LAMAR HUOT ... darilles detalli Hunt aald that thU questia was dis cussed briefly, but that tbe AFL wm "ftal. ly against" any franeWse moves. Hunt also revealed that the NFL made tba merger proposal to the AFL. "It was nothing like a taks-U or iaave-ll proposal," be emphasised. HUNT ALSO SAID tbers has been merser tana between tbe two leaguee u leveral occBBlou. Ra tadleated at ooa tims tha NFL wanted to Uka ta Dallas and Houston, at another four teams and at another eight teams. Runt ladicaied be bad talked with AFL • A1 Devis and believed that Davli would choose not to stay on. He said be hoped be would. Ov P»rt of tbe merger guarantees AFL clubs at least one piwsesson game with an Hunt said the St. Louis Cardinals have ■eady Issued his Chiefs a challenge. "ft's a greet idea," said Bonl. He ed that be tacwgbt tbe first game with Ihe Cardinals probably would be played ta SL LoBta because of (be new stadtam taere. "But we may make 'em fUp a cota," be Hid with a grin.
Cards Tag Fryman, Nip
Ptacb tatter Rick RolUni Started the barrage, eauMng eff A'f itanar Jim CiMta Hnter tfter Eari Battey That put tba Twtaa aM »4. . Ztata Vetanca Mowed wtth another fadDcr. fbMtag Bafar and MWog on PM LtaAlad. fkwesad Sandy Valdeaptae wed cot. but WOtt«iagg«dLtadbtad
TTmn Don Mtacber ftatawed 0 a with tbe fourth. John WyCU replaced Undblad nd wu greeted by KUMreWs Kcond bomer of tbe fame. Ball then narrowly mimed. Tbe five boom in one inatag WastdngtOD a 24 lead ta was an Aaericu League ;second inning of tbe regulation ST. PAULMINNEAPOLB (API - h record. Three Natkmai League game. Mele erack^ tbe old joke Thunday about fintag a player wbo taami have aceemptisbed the Baltimore tied ft M ta tbe douUed tastasd of hlUtag e borne run and ■'breaking up a raDy." (at, tba last ttma by San Franfourth m tsro walka and stagles And Jimmy Hall thought ba might have btaped tbe Twtas set Cisco on Ang. B, 196L by PoweU and Curt BMuy. a homer record if it hadn’t been for the pahBc addieai annoutiear. IrosktOy, It wu aptawt tha Powell Own hU Us bomtr efl Both Uele and Han were talktag about the Twtas'five booers Atbietks ta 1M4 wben Cm Twid loser Diego Segal with two out in the seventh tantag of a M victory over Kansas City. The five tied tbo American Leagua tn tbe sixth. blows fled tbe major leagM record for conaacullve homers record for one tamtag. wttb (our. ■T told Jim Grant on » it* j i i SStTI " bench I wu gotag to fine Ball tying him for the league I The A's gta four runs off $109 (or breaking up a rally." • «« ik Mela laughed. 'That's -an tai Twtas starter Camilo Pascual ta Ij» tbe first tantag, three d them story -told by Joe Dugan about on «** etJJiwi’e Larry StahTt tweoot triple. IK SirMr » Babe Ruth. Lou Gehrig and the Minnesota got one run back-ta great Yankee teams. I the fittJi when Bob Allison dou can't daim ft." bled. PHILAOE3LPH1A (AP) Not So Fanny ”'»«• kT?k Joey Jay ptUtaed a Uve-MUer I I • K>-l Han. who namnrty miaaed and Leo (tardeoai drove ta Uie baggtiig tbe sixth boma run of lTo. ■■ ” only run wltb an algbth taming taa taming when hU long fly hit u Ctactamatf edged PtaO- high off the fence, didn't think •detidita 1-0 Ttneday wu that funny. "Yes, I knew about flw Jay and Phmie ttartar 1 Buhl were locked ta t scoreless record," Hall said. "The asduel until tbe eighth. Then with ncNDcer told everyone that we two cut, the Reds scared tbelr bad tied tbe rcoM when I wu standing ta tbe hatter’a box. Sure it upset me a little. I know Cardenu Sisgk Tony Perex singled to left and if I was tbe pitcher and I knew Dfck Simpson ran forHm. Thro- it wu close to a record, I'd be UMtrm 141. M my Hctais’ fourth bit of the beartag down that modi more. game seta 9mpson to tUrd and "I knew my ball wan’t gitaig Cardenu tingled Sk run home. out when I hit ft. I didn't even think ft would hit the fence. miLaoSLfHiA Dnit Starap
Cincy Nudges Phillies, 1-0
«* »(
sJtel ■iiiibj.
Leading Yank Golfers Lose
Tigers 9, Bosox 1 DETROIT (AP) - Norm Cash, Don Demeter end Bill
5iS'* ''''s'i! i!
vvs-“ ■31! !i
manager wbo wu managtag San Francisco Giants ta 1961 Shocken Sign Two when they bft five bomers ta one tmtag, ihnogefl off tae WKSHA (AP) -Rnd! YoweU from &eat Bend. Ran. fat. "No, I don't remember moeb and Jim Tkeacy ten CUcagi aboBt the time the Qtaob Ut have aigned lettarMf-iotant U five ta an tantag,” Dark laM. enroU at WkUta Stale Utaver on football id>oUtihips -nmu kind of thtags don't sity head conch George Karru an nounced Thursday. stldc In my mind." Hde revealed tee wu eone ■^erMton en fim Twins’bmdi toit« the barrage. ' "Wben we started bUttag flie bomers," Mele uld. "every body a tba bench kept going ba± to hli aaaM seat so taey That’s what you'fl tty «*wt yeutiahtupeHaHandHaK: wooMat break the apefl.” lttastMfich...nr>daoWld. too. Pipe tobacco doM ft.
that backad up Dave Wleke^ flvwUt pltohkig and led CARNOUSITE. Scotland (AP) sham's TERR] (be Detroit Hgert to their -Chaflei McCallum. Richard straight victory, 9-1 ever exe U S. Track and Field Federa PITTSBURGH (API - J«ry Asthany and a Scot Hvtag ta Boaton Red Sea Tharsday. ^ Rain Postpones tion said ThvidayidgbttbatDo BucM ud rai Gafttao ewdi MtaUgaa carried tb hopes <f ■ • wUi be cTK^ed twwnm homeei aa tlM Unltad States Into the fifth I Bukk Open Golf Si Looto cwAnala MMied r<^d of the BriU^ Amatev Kct taiiTivuitw sal aTivuitm UoD's fourth nalioMi mdet aa 1 a cmiv Pittaburgh 44 ‘nnrsday night Golf Ch I GRAND BLANC. Midi. (AP) e«uai*r«rt <aiaKiik«er Friday and Saturday. and tag^ rookie Pirate south vara « a a I Biiwiiir ct > -With tbe outdoors a loggy CiNvlwSwvkt Scania aaavNowraan aifford Buck, presldrat of tbe paw Woody Fryman with his day’s play. a mess, card games, movies andl joiMafe aatiWkvianH The leading American con- -........ saiar——Amateur Athletic Union, threw first defeat. ' Just plain loungtag aroond • Rental sa< avana a bombshell Into preparations The bomers were tbe dm this tarriers. Walker Cup players aaaawBoe* • 1 * the order of tbe dey Thursdayl Hying School for the U5TFF Meet at Indiana season for tbe Cardinal Infleld- Bill Hyndman and BUI CBmp-t?”"*’'’, SJJS**^* *'• (or 144 entries in the nlntt ninth bell, were eliminated tn the ers. Buchek hit Us tn the second fourth round over Carnoustie's Iaai nual tIOO.m Buick Open ( Aerial Spraying after Mike Shamwo tingled off 7,a$»-yan!, par 71 course. ' Twa. w*iif|ToumamenL ned. all competing a Frymaa B.im i»hii-h _actplelcijrJ OiftI CE M677 0. of Andalusia.. 1 ba inaSglUe taeJ OagUano got bb ta the «x« Ahttanj. (tf Loa-|wubed out tbe Howtoo Openj ’theUa unsets of t »c*>i»w, oe-i foilowitM LM-Brock’a atagle. , " ^(earlier this year and ciosad the SS‘i;S£r York June 25-2$. CwpMAir loss of me round ta Kven oUtorj year-old Camp^il on tbe I9fli ........ " The National AAU cbamploa< 111 hole. Campbell had overcome--------! Topel .r ; ? ? I irItoumamata. hit the Warwick Service t M«( «t ................... couTM early ta tbe day. y girls have a ttroug chance *ips U & •.. ... I5 iS J1 iI Jt Jl| Hills Multiul iUiurt OlMlIU prompting efOctata to call a to addd another title to Ibelr list the U.S. team which wUl meet match .. « I I e J 4 the Soviet Unioo at Los Angeles Friday 1 three-putted, ghing tbe matt* wi»ihw< (w. tei T-r:4l. A tJP. [belt. In addition to tbo large in to Anthony. termediate entry list, the Tope- Inchided in the federaUon BlgRaBy __ oaSfT, •kans will send 7 bantams, $ meet are miter Jim Ryun. phe Andi«w Phlllipa, a 17-year-old midgets. 9 jutiion «td 10 sen- nomenal Kazksai'trati^. and »4•I TwM English acboolboy. rallied altar a batrit of exceptional sprinten Ion. CSS, :!:!!!:!::! being three hola down to defeat For the two-day meet, tbe CQa- Including Bemla Rivers Hyndman. a 50-year-dld PhUamos wiD enter » athletes rep Retw Mattson of New Mexicc delphia insunnee executive. 1Brigham Young's Ralpt ----------------5— resenting ebout 16 Topeka grade. Junior high and high Turner. With the match even on the | schools. Ne Applicatloa tih Hyndman knocked his Saturday’s T^*ka entries for Charles D. (Chic) Werner, the I I-l:*. A-1- — DIMENSION LUMBER drive out of bounds and took a I.! (ederation'i uecutive director, 8, Mets 4 Braves PbUltpa sank a threeJbol putt Nte Wo$ Oradn LMgth Kind Sh» Hid flatly there would be no applicaiion made (or an AAU NEW YORK (AP) - KHk * t a match winning 5. 99.50 M ID. FT. 113J0 M Std ft Btr Gr "2*4“ KD DOUO FR sanction. Jonu; threerun homer taldb- McCalhim. a S8-yenr-old real 115.50 M " " 133,50 M ■ 10‘ Tfcm 20* first estata man from Fort Laude^ ll^iiS Atlanta's five-run' 2x4 eliminated Donald H ^ H tanha and led tbe Braves put dale. Fla., M 115.50 M " 133,50 M " 20' 4* by. staking Mart o( England _ 2x4 mg to compromtH a long rang the New York Meta 4-4 Ttairs- IVfoot birdie puK at the 19th. 123.00 M •' 145.50 M - 20' 4' ing fend between (he AAU and day nigit (or their sixth straight UcDouad. (be native Scot "2ie" llw NCAA bad n»clfleaDy stat- victory. 20’ 145J0 M 123.00 M - " now Itvtag ta SoutherOeld. Mich., 4* 2x10 ed that during a aocalled am Tba Brava opened the defeated a boyhood chum, Ian 123.00 M “ “ 151.50 M " 20' 4* nesty there wu to be no penal- tag ta the first when Felipe Alou McCuklU of Scotland. 5 and 4 2x12 uing of.alhletas under any cir singled home Woody Woodward, 82.00 M ID. FT. Urifty 100.00 M & 8’ KD DOUO FIR 2x4 who bad walked end moved to cumstances. 82.00 M " " 100.00 M "Vfhra tJiey (AAU) tay atb. third on Hank Aaron's tingle. 10' TWii 20' 2x4 SHAWNEE, Okie. (AP)-Don ictes are to be banned from Join then followed with his 82.00 M " " 97.00 M 2x4 their rneeta. they are definitely 80.00 M " “ penallxlDg Ihe alhletas and vio 97.00 M 20' 4' 2x8 lating the truce which bai been 11 m 78.00 M " " 91.00 M " 20' M- end of 54 boles in the N 4* "i^ir tmpe^ by the arfaltraimg tourney, board.” be sa 78.00 M 91.00 M " 20' WICHITA (AP) - Officials of 6' 2x12 IV.™ brf . MMrr »» ^1, Wlcbita State University have K-2'.! «vv, ft, 73, t.os. b. Bid.', ullim. been told to gel a temn pre NOW ONLY turn. pared for a basketball tour of All I know at the moment ta it: South Araeria late this sumihat R>mn came here to run and V<:; Jxf *0 « jHTOjgJ Pat O'Brien of McNeese. IS!' Athletta director Noah ADa Dave Kerr. Waum Illinois, he wiU oompeta ta the batf-mile. said several Boiahs ago toat nnand Randy Sonnier. Souttiweat- tay."9itd goUatioa were underway for the ern Lounana. had m. it "t don’t WaObwa Ninth six week tour of South Soothwateni Louisiana paced came out of the blue, America. the tsam scoring, with an 186. •"niere Is not going to be any Official word of tv trip hunt earn, they are all here, national team. „ ■ s« Si SO reached hetwyet But FYaah A. on kins the kM.4. ftT $*-•««. with 904: Indiana Tbit action Walsh of Boh Francisco, ttaairnia and Tnu Wes-' unfair to them. i s man of tV spooaorlng commit.ley an #12: Detroit College 917; i ' } J we. reportedly hu advised tV NwMrMm.oudoft.m.»i Tourney Postpoiwd tsSvartily^^ IMvfdui] shots Washburn 919 and passports. After Ttaraday's competition, TV first round of the TOpeka lidNtake U ■Tbey Md wt could the field wu cut to the top .14 Country Oub Divorce tourney. 1013 NORTH THIRD STREET pewB," Allen said. -rtta wfl] NCAA Boseboli gglfen wbo scored 236 or better stated to Vgta Friday, bu been Rheat: 913 VI 2-4845 LAWRENCE. KANSAS ro coonte and the tap tan teams. TV 72-! pwlponed. for ont week, pro *,Duich McCTetlan Hid Thursday
Pirates, 4-2
i\ :ss!slilts SreliiS ill
S'- i liiH
Golfer Tops NAIA Field
•• -
Wichita Plans For Cage Junket
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ounnu ur Ul.T \.l UE.i OF TH* CITY OF MAY*. ilOHE.i It COuNTT. KANtAI, >.• To tinicK •■ IM .kmHI. K'M N«f. un^ Iht. MM iRWMt I To dHofi'>lno. & ino l«M ol »» AM«I eO.OTMY M« ntM Iflcoiaw awvM bo aronloo ISuBIUnod Td^^Oom, CPII. KANMS $TAie HrrWOI
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S.'-JS’ Oetobor I. Iftb
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•booT'daw. p5 ai^'ioon twroonof 'll mo niotior con bo luord All oorieni hntrMMd may topoar oM bo luard. or land ovidtncp m omdoMt ttnn. Mr o' agimw Bu gradbig ¥ auen oumornv. by; ALVA AMON,
624-2S Kantbt Ave.
TM JrHdS--.
lIcoJJISS JirtbirttT *n m Fttso iT‘mo'''Mi'b?tig*“t55dt'* ami . pirsvoii. OanaroL tHOdb. toM RpanM covM not noM boon omielpolig ii mo ilmi lt« budgit tor mo currant voor wot toodond. Tno board at Taa Apoooii win, si t« nw
ttoTice OF bOMD tAie cetlERS!*’obU6AriON KHSOl bUllO'HO bO'tOt
3150 e. Oth
OcMor'i. mo
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Octodor 1. ITtA
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CcIMr I. im April 1.
-TMoourot, «25i.*2S
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SwrrSd 'wS’bo* rdotTCdTby’HsirrFr
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New] Ktcber lathering thampoo, make* your hiir do what you waat It tol
" '
WicniM HtM uiutartny. wkMlo -
EL*trriwJlC*ASFWAIUt,'’^^*'*"** Unirortiiy at*l£aod tarsbeg w UNOUAOe LAM.dto.Y.
99< SKWdfSe
191 2. 2.37' 89^
United Umel Bnyone... get another lor only 10c more. Say goodbye to problem "ail«. Make soft nails bard... prevent chip ping, ipotting, peeling;
New ... alweyt fresli. Provides vtnblAted ousbicoed, cx)oUdk oondort to feet. Id tlzei S-M-L. ‘ ®5p«ciaDytr«a(n{ for odor, boaeria.
Concentrated hair dresring and condidona for natural, gleaming, healthy, hair.
w UYI5 Apwki'i OiipwlJwn Sica aSO
piete with sable soft brush and make up miiror. Inclodee brush^n eye sha dow blender. Terrific buyl Hnnyin, theyH go fast
Complete widi tppBeator brush. Keeps your skin beautiful... assures you ‘
Fcdcd Blue or Deep Wigo Ymccnttll'oi»byIhlTib.-\^'l
-vXrc7NOuaiVi^.“-:~ w Fort Han Unui*tmi CdMigg. Hoyi - u ^omo bkACHINIt oM CALCULA • LI0HTlJl(i*'5NITl'''
tNSd Frodoooli Mr tts CMiftnictlar ^ dl 1 worlno brootwoMr at Ctsnty IIIN
p^ui? o'm"'"^iM’7**MA.**orwnie!r'unto I pioct mo bM> will bo oponiF ana pub licit roig HMM
VlSd prtwOMN ^Tmlrpnci trills ounida doors. A aniranci ttowing, gb by mo liaM ¥ dontoo. m llw tWet i tno Duoetor it Purentaos. PurenosJs iNm A PMCO »1 BMi WIN bi Obsw
s« mmiciy.,r.M
/• SMlwICM
63 99 63 21
For but pain rrliefl Hrlpi lessen the likelihood of up set atomacb. Stock no ni}w at our low price. Largo bottle oflOO tablets. Don’t min this great buyl
Famoii* Cbryl Richsed* nrofmional hair spray just WtMd end boids.... leaves yeur hair clean, lac-
s £.“iS
""“.sfis,. »•;:
and liard to hold -H or.
10 long lasting double edge super sUinless steel Krona blades in a handy dispenser for top shaving time after time. results I_______ Stock IV now I
Ting size < o second s^y f^'cs 24 hour protection. Slops odor. Clean and refreshing. Not gummy or sticky. Dries on dirtet . contact with skin.
Space- saver package of oualitv' 2 ply tissues. \Vonderfully soft, absorbent, and strong. Cbocue from snow whiteor pink, yellow and aqua.
msmsi Gage Center
Wo Hovi Your Uni's
WliHe Lakes
4 IheTatttte 2 700.711 Kanub* .As*. .Siwe taaa Boya' end Sludont*'
4«h Flour
KA1M «NP f IM> m 1M in'll II S>
st« T TTW 1 «i. «ut «. n H«T>cr
a -aSSr.’fiiit;'.?:
hmot ana M rap— xa»*a
rinl' jlar
~£wr\aSr I itoa^.iiaitoB
"I' t< Dwa A an. Laiyrta.. -‘"ma’r'.ri'al'Niaitoe
b:.:! p"e%’ r»» ■»*|<» w b»
» ctn-pii c«,i«
■ua - «
a n IMCATieMAt
HOP#!*. Mat. BltnAH wn — ««a U 0> il>y' Laaa Paiaaa raay Juki a IM4 (yyica. al W W a n< Sanfran al ■'inaa-’l Fvnaral iiaff* CUM'
.And Have Lifetime Security
aneiiiOM. aaa», H*TTit i. -A^t ai O' JOS Lawrynca Pama aaay J<aa
SUfla'.'^fTc.IXXy'"’’™*" " nex janT*"**"
nrNHjfsVm, toT:* S«wl.y. J to 8 pm. E«-
Professional Drafting Colleges CaU Today - No oration Tuition Loans Veteran Approved CE J^JSM Call or Write TOPEKA TECHNICAL & BUSINESS COLLEGE, Inc. <20 East 2Wi. Topeka
T«Tib>: tTitLiaie ctMiCKi -aitt
I » am.
rni in Mo'ran MEECEE FUNERAL M einn. Kan.
«. ».< fia aaan»aai ara »a«a i- a« nitlgS. t/lPf 5:30 Ctll the EleC-
tronic^Ukef. «Utl_FTa_Wir
■laiLIY. a»e». i*»«T I. as. 01 lUi t.ror, PaM
. If revLOw u
K^rr-rySfraTS ST,^
m Tliei. A PIrveMiw aa kma CbanwtoP*.
?TNii.rr-.ss"s;torr«ss«’^^ rummam room
ir ■ ns.
eiOUCM. WILLIAM I. — A«t 44. C «ali Cabal ^ynaral » y. y> ■
r;.i r,“r ■i'’Ma'?;r.':'?
I iiat na la na ic I il f*
i I. 'i'T | i 1 <t
PUNERAL^HOME^ A Lam_______________ P
5.v^r,!:- s:2.“myXr-.“'i5i’
Lrr.icn el e.H e.p<. Seiuroey al Ptnmei. Cabal Pitoifal lieirw. intanimn- • wevni Neat Caanatoay aeNWELL-CAEil. FUNIEAL MOA lem I lana Pi a I. LItLE IIOMONB -
I p Oxftoi aiw Pate. Ann Ovarb I wri raaiara H OvarPi. OvarPI. aa I •all Nailia I. rmrrlr. fyan Inal r ana P> vniva al an Oraar al lav" ri>?*'a^ VrarPa ■ anH aliar tor itob'ii W» ana •XI mil Hr (Pin ft Pm behaii PIAar totaator 4l py I'Snl Itoar el Pm Ctom^ Cnurl Hevia al &r.a«~a toynly, Kama, mi Pm dr al Tacmba Kanui an MarWay Pm inn aay a< iitoa ifaa a' Pm near al ID to ante* am a> laia aa. Pm Hiiamint aaurlBta lana aae^raa^iM i.irw^i.i»aira ant
S' ^
Here is Another
SwTS’ssrt.i M*top*ayiSi!. cSr • MiHlc. tli Kato
ce SAOT^
•yT^SatantPcaa. taatomaai Oto^;
'^ilwni.Vo^ar'ai** PwiSr*CR”««" J* WAMTIP TO BIT isr“ 'XvBax-eSir-o*
r«a:i*.’rFvr; lisi.'c
•an Waumr ana Jarwia X. II away to raaaam >44 lana ana rtai at'a'a Irani taM Lira mPan a aaalta a> «• rnanPn ^AlL-oTaitNOIPFei tram lato a> >aJa uw. al M atit a->ca mm. mta-a.i ai JiarL eta aMPP" Iran, aaly al laia la Bait al lefmlltoi
WILLI, MHN - Aoa n 0> IIM Manraa .PaiMA amay Jww A INt. ttnlaai PeNweLl.«AIEL FUNERAL HOME •an to LAito________________PL 4-am
WOLF. CALVIN -Am Tt. 01 AlIRvrt Read. Paiaaa tMy Vi«w I. INL team Kee pan-----
J p.m. FLAttU.
ialyraa. al toe •atNNAH FI
LBOITIOM. ramoallna. canenta
I eoNemeHiNe yiari' tod. •■ can imonyp III aMCIMr
S5Si."-~-^***mn...a.y leyvicp mm »RI exCAVATiNO—Hitb taaoer and btcxiiaa. a aifUiHW balora TrePtblnr'Iar earntr. mtHi, taa M»*-
OUR lacta lint live
IPBCIAL eOMMUNICATIOM. Tbira BtRfaaa Harilnt 3
CARpeR 01 41 HIW e
Hayea. MM Ce AAiU. _______ SIAT
l:» ' t.ib
aantlil . . . . Ce_H75r
rprUi'! SlL-K.ra.Rl s amato.ea, toitraiiea
‘’“■•leS"'^ l!ir*
?.-iia'’s.sr ""^'2 “S'TSi. SS.i'SSS £I
NATIve LUWISR - RM cadar. mtoPwi.
srj su-A-urs^tiiurt::
4, TMryPay. Pniav.
JS ’^?.r^wJ5Srww-^.blrS3:
e^ wHiaayea. minm fan. al—
Pyr'a-rm'tnvmninlB pH.cen ai tearniMp
mm Looee iotas AIMS I.3SS 4. arts ■ 7!as
■ -"* Si
Ltnet i.lltct
MS^tetorem Taa laavcHwi
TO* ianawi RW ortyw XTPER Hyaraviic lEl «ia> ayaliaBW irsTlM
rr^j .»•???"•
-.n a tADies
Taati Betawto. irOMWw JanNaryi. baunet Um E.perwfyta.
• 47 TV~Rtean iarytoa 41-R.PAi. Eacarai-Tic mi WtM lOto-AL Atilt
~Ts»s lass CeilHA RSAL
SARACE LALB: OabytoWnw. CHBa. laipe larinn nana. Baby hMnllvrt end Clolbiria CR 3-3eato nil Cre«l Orivm
EIcilPTJ Lto(jr|- AA vataim iaa Raovgrfcn -. ISS'ii aMiaaM.-- ■ «act<ato.: mtkiaaw jaava'y <. baianif Lau. iapajW'bi'te _____
' 1.MS
I’f 1141 at
9Ut i.WLOe
!SS ■:;as
___ ... ss.
AMIlflOU* LAOV antr H. OmtH ^ft^-m^r^eaiww ivrtor. Prim ini
-aS K!5^^.5 ?JT K15.T! COMET CO- Ml erearen. CE t-atOt.
ILS r*tog 'ui<-v.r^’<a'wr'*Or*‘. aaal tm laraar mot itii laiw PMl U » MicR CAatatl U al
PTEBMOEiiS WMOlSiAlE - Oaa Rm at toiba'. pri.eia pryvae ana -naiyiov-
:jss L .ibtRoeia Jtevtm t b.M«K» . u»«5 .
s2.iMr ”•" ".‘.c
poMOnt naa inaoi
lUe inirito-'
C. van baawL Typatw Kmmm.
rct.-m,arR,r a HOMsiHOiJ eeees a. MW Nrnuai. a mt^ all unOL
SE _ ''cetiiweiij
iRECisi'iurHiNeEV FONO'
tom mtoa to avr toclory. Jaie? Man Matbtobw Ca 111 W Mb. CS MW.
FULL lihotm brecioaa »eaa'rw atmi. Die e CM nto tar.M.ce rar tw ARer e_to 4M 44U_____ eik:
M Hischuitfeus sot' tAU. i -
ry-wMegca lW* '*• '' —WINDOWS—AWMIHeS—
tt um ctoTHiNe set uu
SPPeNOlTURFi Tarai eiparw-'irre.
Lort a> (Miorwre ciani JJ^ACtoWMc---
to iFm
SvS;“S\TT£y‘‘~ ■" agaa'-a-..Ai.j,> SAMMewT aaa*oecLtH» -
**• »>• Otto
BJJT^ THE tOUHD al mvalc Iram ana liMi'i CianSitoa AOl*^ Twr *"1 M
ito iiaoiR CO. WWW LAI
AW ai-‘~ * CEWty ‘ ' .m. ' "S
1 1 1
V miia lauto
irassursLiSSsur-js SAND BLASTING
CS MM wol
■ata. > tagrn". yary Mca. MarM.
V.2:;-,‘.rcSlb.‘Si;i: X-Si.-
Far toRFmalimi^^J
HOUSEI to mnt I
H£-'S,"5£rrs.’^“ sK;n.r:^,4ysM^ E-ig
its;; .k:i! "l^S
twai^.lKemjil^^int 7a"*aa >- taianaa
'^.•ss-."sjL'ur"^ 1M Ca*. .
■BEAL lUMMER ULEl mart tor praa ■mrnw b>Wi KbOM ptfli. COHaot trru. ana^^CK -Aiy
AL^KSo^^Ba^b onabitet otal • Pm
OABAOE SALE - G« rwwa mlto fwn-
Aa vatoryrli prapeny lai
Iremaa in anr mWw waRnO al avr '•■mnia ina mi'r w paid i puwaMtaa nitona mlto rnart ivertllye rommletlqB :rnirt<l mimn toyritoa Man mult 9a a eril-iianer capatoa toa al piannina ana msttot evl al bn »ar are nan-ieaianei end en nnurnaa irafM mlto iTn.^ reaeel aalim ueed ty
ea RipMi .tri -------------------itoats ,IM ite'*Immeo'ATeLr"'ifTit omat.
Taia. (Wwnpryi
TWO BOORI ma lailnea tor U»-alB TIOHOet MPTie TANK fSEVICe *« ytor cPMaa la calL wa OM Mp Mm -------------mlto haromwy. toOlL aMM BUaa mlnaama. CS *041, . _ »)«
'3“i!K".SSTi:"Sre'l; ■am Kum. Hryi Rawa i «t 44717.
timia''aia*'»2^i»r*'"** •errea. tea ttoWl Imp ytari cMlatB ST ar
■tianet linitra
aaeeavitien aatuabia. avaii^ ^atoar
Cviyy^ W^lYjrl^-^ial^
Calenuin I'ihRock
000 Houm - A
LOCAL itltoiblt**5^N
t'-rf .rti'S-.'
FL >7Eft Cl »Utg^
tar*. II mliiini la aw IICHAID KNEALi. Trv.
toam m‘a.*^ -MR - Uai. S-
larta. m in-
ESi^.!:"*-»"i. ™ a.*^ ESTaiw
WMie LUat.
Btianci tormera
Ib0al.-4M. U ManW 10 MAELINC'S
awl ba mi’iiiia It piabe e
TILS ti. man ■at. CS >01741 CE 9 StL VINYL MUM IIJB. Nylan a ba-iAJ tS-tl. IRi - Maw, yypaiTM. cMwwa ana ■0. aaole rtPilrta. Raa mart. Praa INa. CStoMM. PL T.TttL biXI 0 LUWBtR-APPLItoWCtl
wait Euari
add rilye. CE >1447^___________ i»J
iRTuNiry - Ate » t'aauatt. raura _ .
•£2fr':*,,s?r.'K:r'2S5r kk
A CaanaKlaarMi. I
tiSuir.^’SiiiTiiiA al M F11I-
sz' r.,K’ 0,1 arw eaiaitoe
"• •- .Tu
eiTATe t<
•act lai eaiieciitn*
MTSIlOR-exTERlOE ptMli^ poMr. — Reiwen^^ m
log. leinlatiien tuereniead. Jac» farrail. FLI-Mll HO: RitoiOelXiii bouaa lew CARPEITTEEINO:
»Ete Mlaj
CRANE & CO., INC. ***•’ P<m |W'RtojW-
•PWtof.. MI. il
lenvary I
PAiwana »"te«
Wi tR
carpenter work
Male HiePmay’’caniniiii>an-FLAIHiHC WA«NIH0 LIOMT BATTeeiet
srOFF^STtotoCN? **^5E '"VEi«ai'i.M.*M^-
UPHOLIT •imaiaa-
CLOWO*^'“;,'’2“r^^jrSl|*i »
PA1NTIN0 - mreaiM - cmnoR -’’rKtiTTRSM..*”* sS
r, me. wraoun^
iuitH. vtioa—■»
TOLSOO 4IMI bin ettipicii PI
£p SeRv'CE DIrECToRY w\
ME E *NWWATeSH" PiSw° ce*!
Orient Lodge No. 51
•man 10 .yen MatH
u snu wrruKB
tfala Wiaa^LAtML^r
S--E 'll MOTOROLA, n toe NWL ML «U Lana-
two pry ^in MWPW.1,1 PWb C«;
T.Slr'll^^HLprHE'D WifTr
rSj;v!L“ lactrata anni |:«
50$ Branner, Pbone CE 4-Wl
) MowuMiwn—ciMimig
fS'r-^jr'Sin wato at tot Martitory
ELECTRIC BAU. Bual PIdBiB. Sane niMi. Lon« naa. It1«» mflb e Scrinepaaia'i Lawi Offlci. }I4 Kan
Inn. Tin and Metals
044. 1
widiita i'ato unlyaraHy, Wkniia
^Imaiij eiai^mii^ta itaenraa witil
TS3 "Ji'rLTiiS
CALL FL 4-8554
ce >iu< IC MJHitAL eiiicreis
m praeeiai. lal Haim I. aa«<ritma aili Ba racalyaa By Henry M. Kimm. Diiecrv al Pweitaai. (■••i On iKe eyiMine. TatiU. Unaat. wmi Bw Iinmi Mramanar aaec'ltta ana mill ta torn avBW'y ceanaa. The rliM li rm •ra^ ro Hl'Y' ^ ISi’i*’*’' «!!
bm hame. i> mai Hto miii. ana In aur Marti. Ha iiMlb iHII. lati. mleaaa by miia. aavtBto'i ana t"-' ' ------
APar'nay tor Pltimni ■
»’ ^su
te. ce HIM._____ inj
Become More Than a High School
^Eyeu^ASSL pok«ral^ho^
II tM MIMOaiUM_______________
r’;:«-^""n.Hrr.y Mfiwl.. Pan Pato F.r.l C I
; 'rlfTY’,a.“" ■ ""••Ta
LUOWie OIUM tET-Anary arw baato aanw cniwali, Eacrinat. B par maok FL PMdt._____________________ ^ NOELS ACCOEOIOM.
friends who plan to i for a successful career in business. • Avoid the monotony and tnseenri^ work. • Qualify for a topping career with a bright future.
j?ll5nT o*iir'Eri?:si.''::su?: OliTIlCT OF KANEAI. IV eantH Mill 'Ttrvn. Oaavly u.fUArwial. H(Wf.l.L Mat-urn. A. ceOtOE. UNITEB KATBS ArTO*.
1444 Seryicei aenatoa. , ^KWE^^AIIL ruMEAL^M; . Kan enarw al wryicai UIUI. Wall Ol'l^rler to dHr» W l<
■ MUIT tSLL-LamrtT LlneMlm CaR taiwt naan. C. to«w.__________
“r*CE-aa.’f; ' MATERRITT CLOTHBE — SUl 11-14; ktiilrmli t ttm nnaa araaaii rtcard Wayari >iet Weil Jfto Tarraea. AM ♦B41. RRSlL Traaba to raile,
Chance for You
' r MTrTJ^gjplT
Leh* lea. ^inT Na«Pi J s laai ai lal lit an Mar.li ... KInn (Paal. In t la Pw City W Tao
IMarpitnl In
«C PLATED - ton a. cm. HKKI Ika m
LUOWIC CMI arum, mito r tuac. esM
OVERMIAO fLBCTRIC 0001 - IP ■laa, ir insK EHlBiiy uaaa. ce HUJ. ir VELLOW TACKET. Mart > aorv. wctiiem awiomwi. miwr eorW^Ba
' iHPocKMOatON
” “ sa
Eaal tarn.________ .
ie»3 OMC
V e N w ( ^clVi iT^n t ■.
xofict or oKiTtO sixTtl MAP- 14 a iK4x 4 iAtE. civil ACTION Ha Tlt]T la Pm ijai>aa tiaiaa OIipvi Cevrt il t tor Pia D'lPNI • Kamtt^Unilaa M It
Mtoato. nam ana uM. OW Ltorta'
I i?s„-
_r.li eov. vA«o — --------------3 Paliar. AM AM Moweev. terlnsUiM. jraaiaiw Paan
• Many Courses Available • Individual {MlrucUon Evening Classes Sponaoradby American Association
imiTMiv. aati. ■■■tiu m. — naa a< O' toi »>aiBb<iff> Paiaaa aa>ay Iina I. law Sa'ym ia a." ^Wv>aay > » tf» I'M a> aanu' cafTo^a w"*< Pa araapient a* -t'a'^'a. nuai IB Haiti a« I S.-K-'a*^i xna. naiiia al la-a
—IS AMO snyiCL mwouits »AT1rj ANO MOTOU ATM AMO J«l^
Trila to Be a
itoermmi Tana torWM. Mplani
e»*" fauna By "vy «' a»»*
"^S. rT*i’*'i,r*iiLW^a *'lir?i7^-^
imttn s ana I ce »
ntt cantorala IX -
CRACXelL^Xvlw*^"?*'batorapnt mall Raparraa, iwyi wacpa -*■'•
»!.—can ^nci^ Smj
SOV'f M' eiCTCit. toad 41 IM Clary
■taa TVi. nem Miimi. dbwato mit Lam inm BatibiMM and l»ianm_ aMtnaita Can Cl MW w
(ST M‘iff .r-M4I
t m uu
»tniDwcn Foi wu
«Kt"rir« Jm Wmi Hr omoe Ur.
fw*f MwnwM. ri tr <n» »<»•«• 0r~<. C* M I. »IX ^ 0«MC» - >W 0Nab iMc« M Wfww».
|>» Will «•!
r^ss . i £r,«”?Mr"K^. *si lowMC* TMNtrcittCD -«'■ ss;:L-'i'u:r* ' —^ “■"
ti mmro news- »TOt»fti
^SLS.T-A'r^H rrrsr «91 L*M* >• »M A C^'M-9 >«> K'HrtWI 1 Mrntifie »r.', UJWl. flttl. I«U-esM ••« IT COtWi»«A«
ltr.riQ» tft HAlTIHOt
•■•■— \
; r.:*!? ^TKL^55>‘^
*^2r*ss«t ^
c<k^^m’*iwcWm< *n*a.’
Do* M«>. FI.M1I1 *g» WHIM. C* > J«n, town 4 COtl*<T«Y, INC. AM ' »«t»__________________MJ
iewf*'Flt»» ■ )« KIVU M»« _ •IV MI. II C
★ 3201'W. 30TH
JTOlACt S>*' Kl •M 'II' Cl lua MiM J » V ■•' irX-M
»«I10‘N6 - W ~ r» CE l«3U
tSm* T. Ur«tM iai?5it tanltR*wfm ^'"mw'mi , eawmini. It. Sattar Sattt inaii iww {Milinan. aa, NMjM^arlea Wliwry AM aasm
FO* lAlE at Lnw — VI «M Cai* CE^ It UNr? AVI. BuilolHoT^vaUMa tt
Ncfd Tempor»r> Slorigc" »f Mi^VE^II WHIM o
' v^jMW
• - oaawix. aa T am. Iirai llvxie rw
VI Mnif raatv toi aattiift. Gaad laittn. •ait IMK.M I. IVMVM. (aaiMn CE
run_________________»>u -SERVICE STATION
u AOTowowm 'wutm~
la* Ca*. or Om M
Nice 1 4EOIIOOIi> TRAILf* - FIO>
'fart* a» CNm^r *^BPr*?!ara£ay^w2
RandarB aiiifl. AMAMSJ ar AAI44N.
Jr? *itai;;-K?s ^
Kr**.iK“mS: %
s^*«= ’3isu:*‘c“s- SKJ; e. r. marc>- c Realtors -'village” . . ,
team TaaMu
"MODERN' Mn. McKMarf; HCW 'U MaM 4 VRv VlllV X SAarl.
iaw. VvaVrawN;-?-*.?? ra*S. C S
c*u>o*Nir*vf. -1 *f jam, vim alt cavaitMAivg
HI WAITING t»r lau a«a -yaNt fimil> j
's.r"° - —-.s
t:. s cV.s:i..'’?lss?
javrB.''*"c9’»3tU.*’»v» tiaaam. c> ssaii. town anO COun. f live BY ihirio.:» Ta-«t 3 ar ABaO- . i IW Tavaaa »M Dn»i-aaaM m lamlti Nama.^nva^iWa laa^w ?'i 1 far aliu wa. Witi tll.». Latx rriact lacaiiari (or icNaWi. ON<c* Fl' ACI Vrra WHlIailH. Cl HlaB.
4T W*KT» TO'tiMT
*17MSAGE-4-6 P.M.
■ •I'MlTvuiaMi. aattx ncailMi tuiTiait.
WB MOW Nava a larva iwtWar af U Afi- t»«i. m n n. wiaa aamn. I arv a>i Ml aMalMM caivtmaa an* r
' Wirr'"^ .‘Sus'ituii Eva *n vMir *M»F'LARCI aMiact. III! mar
0WN*» - SI. roe Mil MIS OHIO
a"«M*V*^WMiiM.. CErfTfriw W_JII1_» _t«_____________^liu
M~FAIIill>AtTUin Toliwf
nwT M ^'r»w"cB^
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oSifcMMn^ iMciM Vctsi:
?. i^ci aar'ci ay i
aSSocr «n.«o
P) _
! IMSCIAilZe IM <*Hn. CM «• 1 ---------- —ti ■» fix frrrm •» 1*«« '" M7a r , >pKMIc*nwa M rwix—ii iw' S;; rl,u '
ifE^ASsT's'S I
I!® TMVi’fSL^^'-SSk’c.'v.i
•Amr, mwm, ct Fan.
>. ID menWl. FL 7'l><].
IJmSr *Kwm. W .
lat <IMB Orvpl un* WM cmM. ewvral air. trwv filwti wHn ■w»ir.
»mt «i m*. cf ISIS.
• ▼ OWNE* ti].m •;»
Sr OWNEI. mrrt MV IW>M. OouMl M'lgi. <MM bvwilix flrielict......................................... MtM.
^E« nil Clrl.^ c«it. M« IM'I <«). tM or Utat W Kwim Ciiir Moim. t* HWI_______ ^
S? w«?*Mw.*ir cn^trS''
OMrMn< Bnclr IWKH Air {•'••"■X- mi"-W03. ItW Wilt io tlKtVfl. II'.SB AM 4W03. ' lu»Mr 1 X 1 >M
iKa laai-Niw Mtii*; . I IIIJ«M 3 MV- -;
laN-tina ana eoinm aaai.itvit nOMiNB AW.FM uaraa and TV.
SACRIFICE • C SM. fwll *0 f^.«. >*•
t*u Fart, vw u ar lata a". Ftl.aia rtMMATRnMaXr
'itin* Oil iSm ^
■lA a
I__ : . _______________ -'SUburiMfl'- ...
T HIKnaa. wW 4 k >*6iCA ARC W8L0I* CEUWa
TU tICttATION PCOPftrr WAIFIB. TPI On van tvs Iraa lioni
pm. FLI-M3I
BRICK Onaxaariem lit* duMai-ticallint cardman. nu van Burtn. B1U
Ei”„r,s.?i3!js:'a 'iS;!'*, -.iT? JS M444
Mj!^V,*'fla?I!Ja° ii InS'^ »ni H!
HOTMINO FANCY a.upl lha aaiy way Tov can *n IK ana ma imail paymann aNarvaret CMan 3«drgam Socnnvail. "" *
331U. Nuln Blanam, C* 3-9>l1. TOWN 4 COUNfSV. ine., AMMSn
•“KiTrL "aijr ^
—— MatiRda IM|*
rtam“mi“nrtiil,i M3 FT. Framata. aavm Taoaaa Art HI. TraHK Cauni. hm Raaiavrant. 3
Ks: ru-' irr •“
NINA R. IKINNtR. REALTOR FA*MS Ra'ncmeI MOTELl CAM! CE AM»I MU AJMt °eSiM* "■Va'Tam" rasm. tiiaciwa »tS*wa-Tra*aa~L*Ana-Cantr*cH • UK Oaim R*di faiaW. tiinr lata. Ki.
74 inihONCII FOe uu *S?*r"ri.ar‘F3-H*M -r rm"3; U»A. PAiruRl. t*a* tanm. arm NINA 1. EKINNCR. RaalWr. » AMI
1 ittfwa Batasi Ownm ban* irany. I lirrta. Itm* LiulirBacN. CR ISIIE.
.3i?:iA“tr :*~A Fim, m ' • A REAL BARGAIN .........■iF-oVNii'^'r'Kirtw. ~ llai Kmw'i Bviici m7 f a aacataima IHSOO ............. *. Call Mai Cl >4Sa4-C»-
^•rFL'‘*.if,.'tw'i!:s*w^inr'" ■1 S."n.SmfSrd£? lagi vim wsrimag EicaiYnt CLARK HARVEY. Realtor
wa Barw on* bM F tchasi FrvN Iran, aartaa ll Wan 01 B*n S1I W*l> Tm CRFWA CR S ITSI 43U
Mi=:. ?;.-r
!“d-rt- •***^
mea. 4ui! maiwx 5*«!* c»oict TIa • # 960 LINCOLN lancrt. aura, na Wan cnSi. Ntv paini m p ccmnii a«ii> ana
Where There"* Lots of Living to Do
%frmonii 2m-V A AN
FL ----------
E^"c 'i°«’ iHn*
ftwjpittim STlh & Wanamaker Rd.
XLTnS.-Slf^" 0»-a brtrwmiamHy mm. .
2*7pj^»srM".N Ejr; ?iss7'"““ W VALLEY AGENCY C( ItUI
ClblE to' obveR - RulWnBi 1 acm wr tIOMBV II im nouM '■ORTH RbeneiTiR'
'Mm^T haamm
‘.r=. Lj.“i3r„!ssr.,K
fiS.‘mart H«»l"*n'*CE Fdll, 1F9SJ. CE3-3*0t. EltWTW laancir.
OR 44S14
luH. ca'aaiM baiava Ban Buy n lav- FL
'f WOULB rau iraaa «wr Him , land wr an mcama araducinc Mum vim tvra iMnB a
a................... «vnarr
»ai, arapai* *ai»»F and assinai.
32nd and Fairlawn New Model Homes
»»»UMB J'a WaA »
T.) 'U*“rtr*<.rg:;. % r- z: ^ «nwbo, SSi ra'fiH*^'
A? O-aT'ci
n eACAWT low
Vary nIca 3 4R vim hiH haiamanl and aKaciva gataa*. raipatad ana iu> baliB. 1I3.R». CralyK Juwi. CE
• COLONIAL HOME Oo«i tociiwn In Hi^iana Park.
I. av condn n. TU raw
ItM ABC T can CR »
J 7«M FORO V.| Main*, o - bunt, id Bvattata. laf a ? QR MUL______________
R RENT — 1 brt 3 Bawaam iMBiia Ifwa. ewaa ta haia UNX33I. BX REHTOR lAie. r
DC . Htl.r.'E' "
Owner Must Mokf
a* RPD i Ti
At+n: ■•Wiii2£pT£2“ tee THIS MODEL TH)E WeBK AT THE WHO* LUCES MAU. H4d N. T0«*U Bard FhtncN CLOEED fUHOg
8'6" Coach Factoiy Equip._$n9S.80 ■+1mC r 8'
Praine Ruad
ewn* Wh Han
SPORTSMEN I We are Closing out our stock of Sportsman CoacKes and Covers 1 at Large Savings to you.
rest, come and see the best. The only MobUe home built to con«mional house stand-
2^r*I^')dt*?^ Weatrt'w?" KMam 1 nay*, rirrwartlar islt Clara. C*H Ah 44W *nai 4 am ___________ .tAlbfNI*! DELICHT - »1 .y.,a ■ «» aati vth tiv*t. rwwar*. it4*l»*i*' ta«v Small canter; avthuHdlMi Ewv n Oaiian* a>i* l*v*« Ctmwn <i
Shorfman Dodge Truck Center lOflv & Quincy
■4a HARLEY tPOR •ETER-Lm mlwagt. MAI34S attar 1 an
,'Town s .'Country wSr. 1iw!~*Mkfsi.__ “tri’jJ. 'CT.ViTESr.^:
I Allowance on aurthisg 7001 I can ndl-tov-er push to
t\is,: MM1 ~ 19 I
Saadwam, iiiaBd BXCe'LLBNT Mew Myw with a
^Ttioi tS^E Tj^TlG-r
Wa IWM * Cl a* iateatk.
’•n-s •f MOTOtCTCUS >oa uu
: to 4 MscVIcar, F^ 74J344
la trad*
!5"a' •■Tn
r -/', <
A4S MOBILE HOMES ul t. Tgaau UN i-mj _____________________________4X
iC.sjSv'STHis^^ .B-IIsfi!, SiisIS. Now thal'vou have seen the
'eJiy K-«k* Ai»mr-v:..»i;i»-i:'.'T, I
we CUT ana kvtaii BVW BWaa. vtw ana ring.M tWU Oiannil. CALL CE M»l, 171 BurBtiL 0. R- LEWI! AUTO lAl-
Cf vrSj'ce’?Sj! ’eM^ yaa
iEjSCHKKp kv. la
George’s Jeep & Equip. Co.
ce «»« CL«ID WNDA>
NICE i»4d wattvaaa. io.Sa mra* haeraatrn. crirttai air. amai* awriat taaca. 1*1* wikva caww. ce laU3 4iaj
Sm<’:*r"SSU,"Slnw“*S •adds Mice Nice ona-uarr anvUiTT ibraiac Ibraiaam twmalllkdB* REAL FiNe 3bi«*wn rwciwr cww W Raamrati jr. Men itritawBcd vim am baaranm ana r*er*aflan roam iwert. Part bawmant. owaai. Will cbiu.in hawmam. l‘, bam ARM. Bar***.
a eaaratao
Mrtw'^wLtnSTwunFM. k'.OOn. :
fe,ILblWb--^--=“' tr*cr» *L.r. WdWrnna "FCR aatctriairy. maavi larma. J *. Ida MU 1-OIA
wHeeL%i^!'°«a^o $895.00
Aujhmbtioe "’iK.w&r™
'STSnSiiinxfr.jr,’' .i::ss!-cr;25 • 818 BUCHANAN
Wilcox Trailer Sales
•1 Honu HOMO
• WEST SIDE $10,750.00 'w!id*'» rot^ ^
FMWfVii^RvBiRMnratty* la *nia«r
l*ai H. TapakA
Lti?.** JS" fSrSLs:^
CR 2-7530
•FUl > iL Gat.
WariWd ahaiil bHiit Cerraet mat I MiMiian vim a wan tram lha Mar. I til VlanI Irr ana Ind m*rtB*Ba r«al j taww WanA ___ ___________ Want. U» W 4B monllm ta ravar. I Call ar coma n w ina aaORRIS 1 PLAN, 3BF Eail tm. ce >FtN. I
ceunty tatFi O Md ana a*. Cdy vaiar _____ ana natural »aL AvNWbH *v A4M :
ce HJ41 41R
IHREI BEOIOOW. I'y Bamt, baamaa. caiinBi. aitacnaa aa'Foa aaiimw wan.: |i.3«B aavn. PaymnN l-ll SU>W Wan |
latiar IIW, piiniy tFdida ®Cian*rTw4 ><ul>434 avanin*. |M4
m. wwtv »4
aauta and an owe tamrm*. ai ca(wwi*i. Wl. IIIW *bv liwi Bank. 134 Kanal Am.
I laum arta. Nica 3 BR hama vim
0|«ti Daily FHA—G!—Conv.
3 baamam caummi. hawmant. . leam, mraWca. dmiiw raem taam ' i hai^ nay vati ,
PNb FmaNCiNC •oemwa. Cwn v
'66 S.M.C. Pickup $1,789.77
I • $10,200.00
li j^in-^rm.:; 7"?^
cnaw IM '
341* W
EicalWnl priea an mit iHca larva 3 BR <Hw W IMvnaa Lakt FiraJalwv « **'•»•- !*F'rn
• NEW LISTING $12,000.
W nav 4 attril c
ina ai dJMM
Vhgna OB 4a«3
Mm bum •am l•n•>B
‘^uuinad P lOANV UetT«A*B
■■ ?rTSs.r" , • 1720 EAST 29TH TERR
I. T1HW* taaiaaiw. c*rn)*a.
Pbone or Com* Id. Glen Soelier. Huuger TOPEKA TRUCK EQUH«BNT COMPANY. Inc. Ml Eut Hiwar U CE MM4
wni |i*i I IR viRi clrt* • ~1 H-a ■- -
tr^TA^s Hawh Cantiai, K. UdSA FLSMla.
L aii.m 4*>:i W,ia>. ce 3 <UA
- • UNDER 110.006.00
—<s-iDoeMeeo."m imw crtak ti. ~ -■
$300 down”I..........
£T£rGi-S.w:£' SrSm.”?* *UJ
■"S-cr •"
I suck coniamborarr UtfiKvatt Kara. I Li«a rw viin car»anng in Lb 4
ff wfa’cSJiTn W'tKS.*
Gtenn A«eoey Realtor!
tirrti li-joRwc
tmt» Frm'ir Hama vim oaubia aa'a«a Ranga ana dlnaiX >ti ts.on Tarrni.
aenaai. AMAS34I Elu SOUTNWtSr — Tbraa tadfm dan. Pancad. tua ima itaul achaal. Nav fumatt. f**l. PS* dtvn. CS Itm
• 3336 JAMBS 4 BR.
i ^
. radia. lav milaa*i. . Oen Rweb. 4uriinI. vnana tlatSU
l*r raid-. laH canA lat iwv. fl.SB
MU AIM. SACRIFICE - TnraaXad'MRl. C*. iv.m. ■n^ aaal, iar*a yard, liugl am
tumata. 4* acral
t la BiaOa «Kaai. fla mocb ii.ab.IHr and ta mudi 174 MTnM*l>. CR|| w»j»8« <v ^iNa nica aua«.
arO. nica A - -. .jdrvam ranciwr. I'l ham. Ml Imimaa batamanl. ga-
^^S-eKST^s W*RM*WN*"S^*'®T*DVVE ana caysri. sAd Ttaaaa E ISA iMwla Otoai. Raaiint.
baianwM. aiiacnad «
s"' arLrf.";,s”i.ii.r •■:;•■
.. Mg.4. bawmant, .ara^. „VK.
Q““n Aone - H.750
OWNBR - llvint otn. Ml bain, bra
B LOTI II MHidixii. Id* j-badiaam IwvMt. ana Incarr* rrtatnr. 3 darapat
•craa at baiwm land, kalarwa aaiinra. • ACRei-eaiia aaed. madam ml TNREB BfOROOM - 1 bnlnt. lamliy ■ aiamaatA drum* diiiana al Ta*aka tarat*. baatmant, .lieJdO. AM • ACRei-etlra taad madam Viwrata- raem. A4BM *IU mntt. all trail, vail tanaa*.
,14 W. ..
\r)!Si\ irtr-r.v-.'ssr-is's tnindi Qriaa mw ttm
_______ ^
rTtiT- *"" FIFTH AND TAYLOR imiHKia* lamiiy
nav warn r
'fSS.sr.-BSS.N"siN::s laaamg earen up Daiaoiaa variBi
ANracfivaiv uviaa Cvn«a
CE lOTa] blF.
HUNTOON 4 MULVANE PRICE CUT drailicaiiv an bW Ivpm. Viih MMr*w rumtahad raitaaa brnind
Tva ex Mamaa h Famllr fyn
lam. i camarJKalaa ra 5 BatamanT. u« i
AFACMB - Rew-RCRTAL — ICOTTY _________ • . ,_, *,_ * ULBI - R. R. AMOCRtON - lERV. ItM CHEVROLET MOW. VX mv U1 B. «TH - AMAMI •ala maOai ramliiR Baar. BA <
rv.r.iiriTr’^?^ ssr^frs '
Mtama. Canlral iwailr*. air. FiHI baaamani. VAv cara*imi LKania* Baavihr
efr. marcy
siaomt. 1 Bamt. car- > t. AC frncra yar*. I>
IM CKurmUA Biat.
• e kLWkY! NflO havMi and taarv
rl EEiSlT''"'
ct adttl !
Coach Factory Equip. W-W InsL Custom Lowboy. Ma».D0 -t.IrsL
JO- Cover DeLuw Cargo. 82E5 00 + InsL
VAN-T Chevy TRUCK CENTER rka Bhid.
AM MUl. Brt. M
K4* «>«D OALMIt - Mf — UST'wm'*»a4. ct uST' *
fT* iMK>m *Mo MOW CAts .5;zT4r:;5^ «»K»mw*7«SSi*T-«eTD4 wo«t *»eTO«» ---------
~u MSI. MU' fMt fOln M HTYk*. c« «41»r 4 »J».___________tB4 ■a fjw » cyi ••! T. riaw
•41 C»r.4J*5lT.
IM» *^4m._csM».________aiu
i^cyttoet ^yATipw^oow,.
I CHEVY ■IQCtt I 14 4004. on. C41-11
""• E
C R.NN^'PrTfe CAR,
44 CARl. 'a 14 a MOOEU Ford! - CharnlWt - FnmaiFM
ABB w. Ornun^n:^ CE 1-1T77
14IS THU»iM«ai4P -^1^ jawiw CTMilini. AM*4*141*”
acx. aaad tactarY a*, radlw aamr laai. anarliia. B«. CB MU4. Ml • COaVAlB HMtin. iwa aattarv. im. ■aaai- Ft Altai _______ Bias •a FLYP40UT 1344 Hlfln
IS OPEN AND DOING BUSINESS At 3225 South Topeka AM 6-5272
'r!«o"m'l&“'MeM^wS-’ ’t<" *«*
tr«j?^"Aj*ga.ri' raS
37 Clean Cars In
R'61 FALCON SD.. .1495.00 ‘60 CORVAIR MON. __ •60 COMET SED. ,.. 445.00 CP...................... 1006.00 •49 CHEV. PICKUP . .195.00 W CHEV. 2OTL “O” 298.00 •58 CHEV. SED.........U6i» •» TORD SEDAN .. 05.» ■58 DODGE SED........195.00 ’57 FORD SEDAN .... 95.00 ■55 PLYM. 2DR........ 65.00 '57 CHEV. ^DR. RT. IBJ» ■80 VOLVO TUDOR .695.00
Stock and More on The Way
CiTj7« ^au WOICM, ■* G T)B^
USED CAR RECONDITIONING • PoUihlnc • intericr Shampoo • Top Dyeing Fast, Expert Service
'66s—20 Cars To Choose From
$2,395 $54.49 Mo. $2,095 $47.67 Mo. I IMI CHEViiOLEr I I inn CHEVHOLET | $i,695 $40.86 Mo. $1,495 $43.18 Mo.
Convert^lef A Coupes "iS!
Sedans ■IS aal AF^, V* fJ.. F.1. im •M^Y. Mr. V4. F.0. (4lrl im •U Ml AF Mr. V-% F«. FX. •mrw’af *dr..'v4.>.o. ::iM
LEWIS MOTORS ••^AN'UT*;»Tc!?eS'“*‘
1L E-.•.sr;:;arsrrjira."
$1,095 $39.86 Mo. $1,495 $49.86 Mo. I9g OLDS WAGON
| |
iSSLaS ■»
ixSr-' IS ■■■
... ■53 PljTOWlh 4Dr. Ml
au.lt RATZ?*
•60 Oldi ftDr. BT. FdU power, air. Extra dean.
■63 Volk* Pane! Heater. Like new.
Only $829
Only $793 ■96 PL-YMOUTH 4-DOOR Ratfio. Heater, Antomatie Good Family Car
61 MERCURY MCH41EREY 2-Door Hardtop. Radio. Heater. Air Ben In Town ■61 OLDS 4-DOOR HARDTOP FuU Power. Air You-U Like Tbia One ■63 CORVAIR MCmZA 4-Door Radio. Heater, Automatic. Gean •60 Olds H)r. HT, R H. A. Like New 0 Plymouth Fury Sta. Wgn. FWI Power, AhA Vacation Special
■61 CSfEVROLETT STATION WAGON Radio, Heater. Stick Ready Tb Go 1b Work 60 FORD STARUNER FVnPOwr.Alr Rad. WUia TItOi 61 PLYMOUTH M)R Radio, Beater. Antnatto Priced TO sen Thday
CE 5-2460
You Save a Bundle at Our
'63s—20 Cars4*o Choose From |
|iiSLVii=s.KT: $1,5*95 $55.48 Mo. ?i,495 $49.86 Mo. CE 2-4598
CE 5-3434
201 EAST"29TH CALL CE 5-5391
422 V^ BUREN CALL CE 5-5308
C«» aeo M to Wg theta teteg the Jn» Feetlval Sate-Oeft to Rl^l^ Cto Cy Pavlik Oiartef Patzell. Bob Seanlan, Jamee Renault, Pete Stydabar, Jay EIlu. Aft Robb, Tom GtidenfcauL
■63 Fold 2Door
■65 Chevnlet Impala M)ow haiJtop
65 Ford Ltd. 4-Door Hardtop
MH. n. ee.
. UH. WM.
M«M4V M worn W <W«n Track c«>Nr. 0-cmt H vMir car tttm ml •all. tM war tt auklK Ct tlM. T 0 aard. imr .an kcoarkk. aan Mk
I. I4ignf frM.'FlTMadi
•BS DODGE DART 4 DR 6 CYL. AUTO. TRANS. •••SPECIAL*** '65 Chev, Impala 2;Dr. HT............ $2195
‘Trti.rsl.Tr* 04FI evaalaai
BjMwFJl.-^ F4T., kM.
'64s—20 Cars to Choose From
UF4S out Mr. V*. AT. P Eii, T4riM
Iim PI
$2,495 $71.53 Mo. $1,595 $55.48 Mo.
■U CNawlla 4dr. F.G.. 4 CT •44 BM Air *dr. F.O. .
201 EAST 29TH 60 CARS
>4 raid FuiBaO. V-4 COM
Topeka's Finest
• Stumtas
nnrin iotv«b ... 44aaa aiaMlvra'FUK ar tavr car ii aur 4«aai « (anriMlin m Kfaat la ravr manrlM alaaivt*.
■ShmTm.fm 4MW^4r*iMne I4n I4in. MiMr iMinar. an., aricaa 41 44ii ttMiOt. Fai Fantrm Mom C4.HB4 4t.4Fi. CtMDI
313 W. 6th
n Cl Dtl I IMUW
lambw 4" I?
Moorman Buick, Inc., Lot No. 2
DARYL- MOTORS 11 CHEVY, aranpa. 1 etl. ftMiiH *m a n. Mar Viitli ’U Pilaii Rad Rarr . aw AM4-J471 RIBJ
616 Van Buren Pbme CE 5-2391
^CElSIn MM?*t 44.***'
■rHira^rs'S s*s,ir..ri?^“s«
•o CCaVAIR MOHU - «4<la. M IMV iWniOBlM. FocaFHT F^t*
mi CHEW aowo M Ft 7-4711.________ MAKE OFFti moik. Kvr i
»uirTitirE"'ii Fof# LTD.
TS.-c^i’^T---------‘•ettOAMCC' I «• -V4RII -44 l.ln 4I.B74. Mil >M*r. fKMTY 4tf CIM4..
, 'U CHCV. «
FOB ~iAtt^ - ^wg Fan
«re4TM 444.
404 >*LC - mi owv. Fickup vim
17 CHIVY - 4 CTL-. H ct ma.____________________ •!« •MS. tl*. Ft *na. 7W4 CHBVBOtrr - 4 aeM eawmco. 4»m. m>
•It CMv II 4 M. On lanr ‘Sw?>.SS*wwi'^ fumSST** am •II Mkw. I cyl mOL. 4 «r............ 'II om Dm. ■ 4 «r. Iii> rrlMn* ~W v.w IMK fxe UMMni. 4 laum »,,1» (CvlW VIBf^I-__________ »IK
I4M VmJV. lF«4l4 V.4,
MarviR Hemy Motor Co.
'SK'^^^.StKSE iSK‘S?ii:.™”S.'v'SU"
Ft >4BI, C« W» «<W 4. •O^tHfVY l»l»AUk CM4. VL *1m -eOMJUtT TXi 0WHS4" - -o cm emi nic*. Cl »44l. e« MIU »ix «iF MM tmm. I ml. tia» icMM M Winr miviF nim. nt4en«Y 41. mlT I’.ltl. FM FII1MM4 M«Mr C4.
•0Cn.. Ml *17. P*|l tl44»>
*. *T.*«4Sr'
Priced To Sell Today TODAY'S SPECIAL
TODAY'S SPECIAL' ■65 VoDowagen Camper A Vacation Special. Just Ulw Nfw.
•fa Chevrolet Impala 2-Dr, HT.. R, H. A.
Only $2,395
Only $j.595
■64 Rambler Station Wagon RH. Stick OirooM Rack ■83 OUi 86 Station Wagon FuU Power. Air Vacatkn ^lecial' •85 Muftang 2-Dr. HT. R H. ft Stick ASbanOoe •65 Pontiac Cat 4Dr. Fun Power, Air A Real Buy
■63 Imperial 4-Or. HT. Full Power. Air ______ DrtvaftBqy______ ■64 Buick Wiideat 4Dr. HT. .FuU Power A Good PBnliy Car •64 Boldc L^abre Wagon Full Power ft Air HH the Road *62 Chevrolet Imp. 2-Dr. t 2 (oChooM rran
•63 Buick Riviera Coupe FuU Power, Air AReal Hooey ■83 OMi 16 4-Dr. HT. ‘ Fun Power. Air Came From Good Homo ■64 Buick RMora Coupo PunPower Juit Like New ■64 Ford GaL. 600 Coov. RH. A.PS Red. White Top
MOORMAN BUICK 20th & Topeka
CE 5-5355
•64 lyndiriilrd 4DMT BT. 64 AnettnReaJy Coavert&la ’ M«ic. n, ea. wxw. -*<i*Ta
$2899 $1499
$999 ■n Omnlrt Blruyne fOraWwo ““■25S?-
■64 Dodge Dart 4-Door
•a amrokt Impala Oot.
NIGHTS rr;wrs.i-J»Jr'ss>*
Autoindmtry Puts Emphasis OnSafeti^Ads
Sears Has Everything for Father...
Portable Electric and Hand Tools
20-In., 3-HP Oaftsman Rotaries
DETROIT (AP) - The wto indiuiry h«5 toned down, et leut for the momeat. lU adrertisln* emphisis on hot engine*, hjgh horsepower ud get up end
Sean Price
of the four mnjor mtlo companies bore out repm that the word had gone out to auto idverwing writen to pUy down the hoi performance capabiUtte* of new car*'None of the auto companies would admit officially that the new safety approach In auto advertising reaulted frm ad, verse publicily they got in the - auto safety hassle. RIbleaB HsBBts But, as one Cbryilar public relations man explained, guess it's true that some adver tising writers gel the feeling that Sen. Kibicoff Is looking over their shoulder as they write their copy."
3 Days Only YOUR qiOICE
4-cyele eagiae, no>puU ■thrter, air filter precleaaer. Oota % to 8-4n. Catcher extra.
99 PHONE SEARS for ail Your Toola
The reference wu lo Sen. Abraham fUbfeoff. DOxio.
; whose Senate subconunUtee hai focused attention on many phases-of the auto safety issue. The hot car theme bi auto ad vertising had drawn fire in re cent weeks from two of the Industryi critics, attorney Ralph Nader and Prof. Jeffrey O’ConneU of the University of lillnoil. 29p Eaeatnged O'Connell, in perticuler, had banged away at tha Idea that
3i-HP, 4<yde 20-In. Rotary Mowers
■S-HP, 4-oycle 20-In. Rotaries M
Scare Price
Recoil starter, handle eontn^ steel bousing. 5 cutUng heights ... 13/16 Ugfatwelgbt, to 3 1/16. ■ self-cleaning. ExelusiTe fuel primer.
magaztnei, radio and television - erred in what he considered too much encouragement of young driven to get behind the wheel of can with a tot of tip. A General Moton spokeema commented. "We have no Inten tion of getting into a hassle with O’OonneU or anyone else on our advertising policies end we be lieve eur basic ad theme hu been a safe and sane one." GaU Smith, who look over thU week as genera] director of ad vertising and merchaoditlng for GM. said GM's vast adv^lng programs car^ different mes sages to different poups of buyAds Are Aimed "I dooT thh* anyone would quarrel with toe idea dial we are right to oar policy of adverto certalB inagatonei when we want to gel to middleaged or older boym and we do not give them the performance them (hat some of our other ads might carry," be said. Smith listed a haU which maka a spe cial appeal lo toe yiwiig driver, about to toe M-age brackeL "NaturaUy in thoM magatines we use Jargon and have an ad appeal whicb to directed at the young audience. We do not lay undue en ' ' anee but we ..................... crenc to too car's potential. And. wc have a safety toone In all our adveriislng." - - .safety Empki Smith uid many of m mil lion wUch GM spent this pt' year on advottoing are used convey safety mmaagea. pard ularly to advance of bolktoys. -We ha«^ been to the safely business for many years and the campsign got a big push three yean ago when we decided lo use key newspapers, nags '
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iIDey. of July. Labor Day. Christmas and New Year’s." be rtptolned. Smith said adverUsing copy wTlim will play a big pari the months ahead in convinrii auto buyers that additional safe ty features on the INS and IN7 tar* are worth buying and us ing, Pngran Coattowos Completely sutomatic. "We wilt conUnue to list the Gun attosys all paints, standard safety package availa vamlanes. Belt guard ble and the optional ufeiy Items aod will to convince people to use Ihetn. particularly safely bells and shoulder baranscs." he said Chrysler said it was not going out of iU way at present to pul | more emphasis on toe luto sale-1 IV theme. "We are researching Ibis nOF aad we will do what we frel'is right and consisteot with tor public atUtode." a spokes man said. As for U
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report in newspaper and car buff books our victories m sanclicaeduces bul «e make a spe cial poJrt of telling the public that these racing cars are not avsUabto to them lor purchases, that they are especially equipped had modified for rac-. tog competition only ' Ford added. "We have not reelly m ■ d e any aubstantial dimges in oar basic advertising philosogtoy despite tlw recent safety furore. We ooattouatly change ■pectflCi to the campaip bat BOt the over-all tfanisi
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