The Topeka Daily Capital June 21, 1966

Page 1


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2^0:peka Bailij Capital Itftta, biw. Tmbi. Iw n, IW

N taps la CMh

France Hunts Way Out of East- West Struggle UOSOOW (AP) - Pmktent CbvitidaGultetoldbliSvTM boalf Uaular ni|ht that France want! to (tad a ’‘way egt oftbia victooi drcte" of Bait-West Beghtoiiw in 11-day state vis­ it to the tevM Uokto, Da Gaalle declared at a Kremlin banquet France seeks to estabUshlnc I '

East European stotes.” France and the Soviet Uoton stMoId r> *head. witoont waitbid for the rest cf Eatepe to set­ tle ns problm, to reecA sjreebmm between themaelvsa. the French toade-uld. Ds GaoUe and Soviet President Nikolai V. Podforny sug-

IBitod to the flret day's speech­ es that the vtstt could lead to John Fswh«ovlet hdtiathea on Buropeea aecmity and the wv in Viet Nam. Podfony said be Is ecovlnead Da GanDe and the Ratotana could agree on the sttoattan in EoRWe and eher ams “especiaOy those where the flames 0< war are ragtag today.” This

la his dinner speech. De GanOe aaid it is ^ to Frace and the Sevtet Uatan to start bytag to aeive empaai prob­ lems. paitlenl^ tiw German prhMsm. ”WltaDiit ipertaf the assenlial role that the Uattad States has to to the world, De

'■is the I

ment ta Europe of fertile nity instead of ha^ Europe para­ lysed I9 sterQe dtvisioa." A big welcoming crowd shout­ ed. “FriOKlsIiipr" u De Gaulle arrived at the airpoH. Then the French and Russians ta a caval­ cade were met by Uwcsaads

waving French aad Soviet flags m the »«ile ride tato the city. Wekama banners floated overhead, graethlg De GaoDe and hnatag Sovtat-Frenh Soviet Praaideat Nikolai V. -Podgnroy said ta n airport weleemlng ceremony that Sielr wo eountries have "an Wentity of

approaching a mm liortam problems < Thus the man important visit to the Soviet Union of s Western leader in many yean opened with the prospect that France, the dtasidem member of the WestecB aUtance. was seeking a new status in Kremlin thinking


Jet Hits Homes After Air Collision; 8 Killed Four Crewmen Primary Bail Out Safely Officially Near Norfolk

Races Now Under Way

However. Secretary of Stau By JACK OOmiAN HAtfPTON. Va. (AP) - A From tho LegWatiiro to the EtwiU Shanahan (aeee Republi­ old friends placed ta Marine Corps attack r ’ U.S. Senate the primary batttas can oppoaRtoo from Howard amng among Democrati and Repohli- Mohler. KarveyvUle. 9k Is im- compelitiOQ by reapportiooment craabad ta flames ta a i oppoeed. however, lor te onei- Hera are the flltags now avallUB are oEDclaliy etarted. Uai araa ta the raeattan----ad Bockrec Bench Monday nlgfat Wllb the stroke of high noon plrtd tern of her bosband. tbe able. Some legislative districts after colUdtag with anotaer mfl- Monday fUtap were closed and late Secretary of SUte P a u I m which candidales (Qe with the county clerks win not be avail­ the candidales’ names were SbanahaQ. ilary jet. • of Insurai able for two days. In ref«nee Hampton police said tight headed (or the ballot to political parties (R) reprwpersons were killed and tf oth­ WHb tbe OLceptloe of the Re- Frank Sullivan also facet ' race wita Hennan Dasats Repobllcan and (D) is for ers tajured. mme aerMiily the US. Senate and te ____Wichita. State Printer Democrat the plane cut e ewatb thR_ Sandos bu a GOP opStole and Nattonal the iraa of modeit twWwd- G<H» tad Dtetrtct stampede, Robert GOVERNOR then are few bot primary con- ponat ta Oyde E. Gilbert of Republican - Gov. William teats tar ma^ nattonal office. Topeka. SeranlaFleM H. Avery. WaksAeU. and Del Boffi gita^torial leaden TV most crowded primary Crotacr. Wichita. face Uttle danpr tnan tbeb ADtaB of an Is flto GOP nee fir ffie , Democrat - Robert Docking. An the dead 1 • ------ta flK Arkansas Oty. and George BbettRapitatkaBeonof bouaet ta tbe < iMWfrhMeirevfsM- MDtaMstltoilm^n field cf taitoUJL OmATB

Bdlei ta te dM^aaka B» tte mBitaiT fUBa*. beta M Uded over the ifanpptag center. Each carried a pOst and a biBDbardier«tvlgator. AB taw Martaei balled out and wen rescued. FBcrs Beaened Along with the sMond plue. the men came dmra ta the bay off IhtmUe Stmels near Nor tat They were picked up by briicopter and boat At IDC mamuw the oevamawB — area tbe aemeb tar aOvr. bndlei ttfl] was fotaf on bsora altar tbe craah. Tta two Bttaidi bonbvt were flyliM at shoot UOt feet and at 400 mOm pn honr a rwto ta their baae at Qieny Petait. N.C.. to Patatent River. Md., vhen flwy ooIUded about 0:M |t.m.

Battles Expecl^ed In County Voting Last-minute filings st flhawnee County rieetton mlastaiWs offiea Monday a^■ ttfOd few county races ta tbe gewral election would fo tmtato* Ftva _ ■pntarod detained to eeottana

Vfi: P' #, \ MOar'rBtKl-


Robert Ellsworth. Lawreace; Mrs. Ava Anderaen, C4Bcor«a. William Tarrant. WictuU. Demont-State Sen. Harold Herd. Cofahrater: Leigh Warner, Ommarron; J. Floyd Breeding, RoUa; R. L. (Ken) Smith. Whta-

Bn eaacwflve sOom me»m M Be 1 ■nan. tv PraaMeN «Bm rebna wB legMattVfVtaBeday.

Mayor's Appeal Snagged

nnielion; E. Newton Viektfi. CONOBE8S, 1ST DCSTRJCT Judge of taa DisWet Court, Republieaa - U.S. Rep. Bob third dMston; Malcolm G. CopelMd. Judge of the Probtac Dole. RnsseO. (Cmtmei eu Page 1. CU. I) e Court e( Tepeka.

Federal L'aw Is Confusing | Cily Cleanup ^ T>e city may ask federal ofSrials to take over direct twbul d tv tornado cleanup and restoratioo ta Topeka. Four of tV live commisioners listened to reports eboot confusion in mterprettag jota what bills will V allowed under PubV Law riS. and agreed stace tv Office of Emergency Plamd^ and tV U S. Army Carpi of Bngtaeer* will asume ~K )ob tf asked, it might be etter to ask them. Dtotoer Area Topeka was declared a federil disster area Jme IB. and OEP effidala taunediately as­ sured TnpVass up to gl millMai or more was svailaMe taunediStely for rieamip of pitalic property and ’•mtalmam res­ toration tf etseitial fadUtics ’’ At least f7SB.IB was supposed to V ready at once. --It’s vtrtaally imposasble tar tv city to write any Und of a contract that they win ap­ prove.’’ reported Ctfy Audttcw Charles Htat ■fls' nearly a week (f negetialtais « an ac­ ceptable ODOtract between tae dty and local contarnetka firms who Vve agreed to landle IV work. Oatfa lat te (Be fednl gendes) go ahead with t.’’ uggNtod Water Comm. C. Na AM Yet Hoit said Be City ts yet bas eeeivid nesK «f tV promised emerrancy aid money in eay c«e. and caat can tor bids on tv debris moral unless Be money is on hee«t to back 19 Be coatTKL ’’We don't know when weH el Be .advance payment.’' V

WASHINGTON (APl-^Spokes- farmers needing disaster credU cies are doing iD they can. this lid. men for three (edsnl agencies can V served under caisting will not V etMugh. Wright said. TV cKy efficials btad a programs they said. la his opieioo. V sNl It opposed M*— p.m. Informal meettag to ter rdiri logMtaiso tor tV But Mayor Oiartes W. Wright wonld V (Bffiimlt to w«vlde check pngrea ta Tbpeka’t BTopAa. ManVte and other Jr. of Tbpeka said Be d^ tor aU disaster sttuatiosw ta taster retovety program tod to Kanaai areas damngnd W tor­ Deeds federal help badly. -0 over snags. NtatVr priva^flaamtag nor etastanra BwnU V ban- *TeBow Be ordtaanees wd nadoes JUM g. In aD. S cBiidMaMa for stato. TVy Mid a Senate Bankl« iiisthig govertmaat pragrams died acenrdtag ta eenOfloM re- do Bs best you oaa," Street with tV altuati^ V sulth« from fpadfie «sa*V*^ ta offiea Bdtaa writota <ar eeouy and townsh» effiees CaBwnltteo tVt dlsaatv rettaf Abram advitad palgm ewst them. Such ea ph» ■ Ha orged pamgo of a bO by atisB tasuM V «< permapal^ are raraly mecemteL While PresideN Johncoa has Sa. James B. PearaoB. R«aa. TV five mra, all eqoal appdicatlaa. BaaQ buai- dadarad Topeka a disaster and co-oponsoied by Sea. Pri^ filed, Mrs. Viola B. Beta*, ar. Rctaert D. Hecht. oem dtaastar lotau are avafl. ana aita nutaa « Wtlal gram Carlson, R-Kan. eketton conmii ' Becnae of two strikes, tmtal able under prarata law and of 9 fflilUoo aad federal ag»- Pearson testified this bill wascoBrtyata^H.^w.K^ rllh rt of public toa oftalttBpirlUd eontesti (or the Sol­ belp-cften these who work cm attag Im dier Townahip boaid vpon^ of their own gangs — have V has nreservatkins about spec­ Then was a tasndooL _ toVtataemi" ~ done much of tbe taKet metal plostoa as one oMha pUetleis ial legPiatton, until a general sons had fUed arid phirohtac reptar ta tornadoaireran ttumdnwd to earth ta dtoaitar reVf act is passed Suttay. warm weather will three for tteamrar. strteken TVpeka. the rasldsntlal araa. appanntly bills swta as Be Ktawas mea­ coDltaae today ta IV Topeka ____ _ . _ for nomi- TVy tave made only a dent sure wil] be needed to meet area. Be Weather Bureau pre­ dtstategratiiM as It lelL BsUon on DaMcratle and Re- ta tbe big }ob ahead. needs after disaster*. V de­ dicted. IV note of the bomber boried tickets were listed TV strikes Vve “jwnrt clared. itaalf war a homa. carving set It temperatures around » PM Drtal tied IV bands’’ ef IV targer Printing of ».m copies of A second priattag to aeVda large crater. Bits and pleca CSiCAGO (AP) - One ol lorecast tor Be Topeka Dwy tv ay FelT’ a uled for Wednesday moratiig oowrrromca ptumtang and sheet metal comHe added Be Ul is were acatlarad evor the Iran. ptnis ta making ogeolly Plctarial hlsterr of Be devas: and wiB V ta Be bindery only as a first Baft of legis- araa thli aftanooe. SooBetay earner ri lidi toting that Ut Topaa process most «f Be day. AddlwtnB are expected to range tating tornado Bat needed repairs, one company (FM Dttartet) latkn to provide for relief and the roof of a boffitag alley ai Veal copies are expected to be June g was eempleted from 10 to B m p h. ta Be Is patterned aflo- Be mnssiin Republieaa - Jotai R. Hiller. officlat said. iohirtd thraa persns tatade. dty morntag at the TofKka avallVIe for sale ta Be' drafted ta conneebra with Hur­ Topriu am today, taeathermeo appeared ta etaeoit coart Mon­ m Etawnt Road; Harry W. TV picture began to < Atade ta the dead told bad­ day piam TVrsdty Mid, Skies art expected to reon a fiaorderty cootaict BUUDfi, IN Temn Berherick Motaay en tte phtmbiog----- CapttaMouraal plant, and was Vtoy. ly tahired. numerous other per charge. per copy. Order* tor ricane m trimmed sad bound Mi».fcsm .1 »“> ”«ii- 'I" »»»■ tion. Unton plumbers went to being ins who live ta the raetdentlal Roul. reailtag are betag accepted ta Be■n«recent dsy aftoraoon. Kansas tontadoes Mercury leveb soared Into work ta emargency developmeot were said to have He was Mariano Ramos. B tv BOB deik ta tv mala A Bmlted shipment was rewho beaded taroogh an inter­ Be Ms over atoet of Be west­ could buy Vnae traders praridI^pubUcaa - Dean E. Vingnifleted lesser tajortoe. Tbs lobby at e cento per copy ed to Bern nnder exisitag disas­ ern twoBirds of Kama* Mon­ reached SundaytoeitatV eelved St tv CaptuMourasl homeless were taken to Bockroe preter taal becanae V could not b«. Jill Saline. Big Orders TOen undereland English V was unastrike of Pbantere and Steam- lobby and was told out by S B ter laws at ’’fair snd eqnVble' day Hill Citv reported M dur­ Junior High School for care (Chwttaued en Par t. CeL I) p.m. Monday. Another sluptbat police were erdertag Bulk orders for more Ban B prices, ing niKl-tfteracnn. fittm Local IN agains meta Is expected to arrive at copies wiU V handed ta Be It would libertloe covens Tttoeka's peak temperature of him to move ofl the sIreeL Master PlumVri Assn Train Thief Sentenced "What would you do U I sent House Unit OKs Aid TVy ire St work now on sits tv main lobby, tit Jeffenon. circulation departmtattofBnali BualMst Admliiisft. 17 Monday was Just one degree by 10 am. today. below Be normal reading Ml home rtgbi now*’’ Judge tor trailer horns hr tornado Vn dtatier toana to give Be wutVaat entrance of Be LEICESreR, EnglMid (API Nimber Uitatod WASHINGTON (AP) - The ricUma naar tV Monieipal Ah” bw rowers Be option to cancri forBedete AlowofCSwas - Jtmee Edward White bead­ anl A. Bpton tsfced Ramos. CapHaUlournal buildtai. few houn before aad on other emerganey Gw - Be • countir VIn ed golW hi Uicester Mon^ to ••ts tt true? Is tt truer Be House Fortar Affair* OoomiltThe demand has eaceedwl d «s Page r CM. I) dawn Monday in TopeV tee approved Monday by organiAg tbe carrytag o0 of paelatlDns and Be Opitalk ■agUtai.’’the of B to T a ba aoterhri . (he loot from Brttata's P milBut IV I Jomial apireciatet Be papaditare ef «1S MDsa tor tor- prerides thta eadtstes mHoo trata lohbery to Ua Ha StaidBy totaled a,47», ant V tknee ef V cuNeraeti and carHe found Ramca gtalty i was sntooeed to U yes (riatbtail»P^tChl.7> etodh, mail seder*.

'Fast" Rioter;

Faster Judge!

Local Walkout Delaying Repairs

Wami,Xlou(lles Weather Forecast

First Storm Book Printing

Sells Out; More Available

SNAFU-Army Hits Wrong Button „_a ta his otBBpay wV wgrajlena Department m go tato ta­ first two-year tour from IMMt couta Nattanal Ottarl'' •s an Army ei«lneer staVsKd said. ’"WVb I got to U Crease in Be sams potatta. TVy aD tondve summer irtantog. In lordcr tt fill ail its poaittons. s ta.VIrgtata. WVn V.wa* db- Ol Suatop. JtoM 111 tottad out «re mtafiti durged, V was pul m ready I WM ta a BKCkaiitaed tab dIvUtaa. Reserve status "Not oMy had 1 never been I So It Met surprise him' dantryma^ I’d never set Mt - Bey werat to go tato Army compuler ta St. Louis, Aecotdtag to Hartman. V and aottfiesVB emne diriflg tntatog - they etorant ova mo. eprkM Bat V would V racaOed ta least S oBer men to V Bm. I But wha Be rwjuisiUa tor victims of an error « aa Army to active duty this monih. n. R tofantryma. claiailM as IIB WVt did sngrite hhn wm ----put Brough tv cadHtor. compuler. Be kind of active duty V was tato. how to spmta. It" .ai. • SOBKt- ' punched MB by mtsIbrtDM. a. an ftactnak* re WH fasna ntoee. bowmu i—ln NtataiV Gwd Ma,: waBad V ^taeerwVBeaawiB HarVa lawta ta least H had Va tadsdad hy Bs Do-laga ■T was smlpii to IV Wtota RMgefitad. Cmm., e

NEW YORK (AP) - Peter lUrmiaa now IKB bam ttnogh two tours of duty «Hh Be Army. TV flrta one was (aWy Mnnal. TV smoad ana «

1) f.Ills

Clear ^S"-pfcrtJy ctau^ iVough loaigM. Ihghs today around N.

Detaiied Weather Newt, Page 2 ^

att.’Sirrs. ___ ' . .


Federal Agencies Snag Mayor's Disaster Appeal tCifwi rnm Pi(« h UM couM rt SBA loiM wni-iuld m MMcy ieeto dauter ^ -- wt retird 10 whrthw Mtiti.nM ktMmta, should bt ttrup W tl.«t on tew in t«w» n>M be abuined; m*«nt. of meral uiA cquil of tM> or to »il^ inte^^ privoi* .*oiirc« »nd in i*pplic»t»n, and th»l pertopo M • RtM « ao( mora man piymenu cwM be w«v-i ill-rak iwurance was an ao1,^ jed and principal pajroentt de.I twer.. * .w .«.*««> lorihe flrtt B»« years ! jbe Housina and Urban Denh S^rSSTltaSAd" «*"“«“ valopmwi Dapt la atadytn* aJS^a^L, it «>» «■"«•• •* Topaka was ^ OmScW

jSribS raA tewa^thout


maaei ai au-

I^S^Hurricane Bctey •. r«|art to whether eommercWj**^" ' ^ . source* coold supply the money "J'™’ "• " “* rebet hdl, ha laid. eddUf spe­ Schools. foUecet or unlverat-loUice cd Emenency Wamm, cial rdtef ractetratkin for Kanaaa ti unwarranted. The Hurricane BeUy Mil. be naUd, providad qiectal balp for vieUna becauat they were an-' aUe to hteure acaittet water damaia at reasonahU raiaa. PrtaUant JaUuen iiidieaM U ailUni that bU that tectthttve iatant was to IttiH very special types of aid to diaiater vtcUms suffertni knacs for wUcb no UPORTLAND. Maine lAPj - SUM Rcp. C«orf« W. KiUredfe, wrsnce tapi mUable. Gor. John H. Hart won Repub- J.OT; Ralph D; flnrti Jr., t- Benund L. Boutin, Small tu-an imnlaatioB Monday for an ui: Cedric M. Busiiteaa aArtatetrator. noted unprecedented aeeond tour-year term as |oven»r of Maine. ioittvenS*" Hli primary elclory' over (aaun U all vicUma d thel SUte Rep Janers Erwin. *i. peur N Kyroi, farmer itau in dltrtgard the Dereocraik Daawcratic chalnBao, eMah-of tha 1 a a ora n c e etandard

Incumbent Victor In Maine,Primary


i: *VI




doda. Jack Booed, praidnt a( tee amoctaua. add. Pra^BaMOp Vloyard oM ha wai iMprt Mas^ rtOi ctla A maetktt baa haea let for from people who wuted atrI pjn. Priday for ratiflcatUn of the tenuttvc acraamcnt. said A spofeBunan for Maty's daW. C A. HBdy. -----------■ ------------ Laol le. said oart for rtaat Betel varfc. Senw members af the toed an. aspacUOy. wa “iMlteBt 9 eaBa only ter 1. They ;


Mwa have reanrt » help

Mtifae oinanUty daw In

tett town. Banly aid. McCIroy Jerry Vinyad Eeatl9 art Retri. said soar untea plmben did same cmersency work before tee taautive afreement wa raaehrt but -without the

Talk Party Unity—

vice praaidcat of Xaaa Shaet Metal Co. Several ctwtriUBrj said fliay hope Wednaaday’s aaafiag win Ktlit the Mteet aetal strike

pUte bteKlBc of tea uan.

a tea phiteM Hk Sheet Metal Osotraoters en local art { Asm. «d Sheet Maul Werter* lers assocUden teed Friday.' Local V will meet Wa**rtay a a new attempt to settle the actuevad Friday. krai's stnke asainst the “Everybody's falttef ■ bad nane from m brtBf rtia to Slippy the noadi af retedteMs

Mlai-ita IX Gav. A. M. Xelik, who wva tee MlaaeM DeaMcralfc-Parteor-Labor parD' artorsemat far peverar, i Karl P. lUivaas la a

Primary Contenders Listed

tap were dirthpi to the twister." aaid one enntnetar who artrt that Ida nmne not be oMd All comraclors on regular i ctetetructioa wbo could be cantacied aald tee ftrteea bm deUyrt mow pn)aiNs.

fOwtUaef Prea Fife l| ; Democrat - WinUm R BridCurlls, who easily ootdrtaMrtjnug manta over his two 0p|O> iweV. Pliuburg. IMx MtHct-ttt. J ■«>» OraWu. two eppeoanu in Oatr party sLcna, 6UU Traasurar Bhao U SUte Artitar primary. | EiwaD art SUM San. Caritno C. Learn AvtOable RepubUcM -> Stott Aud CUy Trtfc Load Early 'MfodeQ for the Oarmcratic Boutin DOUd SibbU BuUnea CONGRESS, tND DCTnUCT Hedrick. Newton Rcrt. e. a poUto frewer and noratnatkn Tha vote Kyroi. 1.- dteoaUr IDBM on be eblttnrt OpoatogDatayrt 0«iKr ■ AMO, Aatia RepubUeae-UJ. Rap. Qietter Democrat — Jack A. Myers, <01, tH» OWr<c<-mi. MM ena. aiiOUQ. shipper before he bacamt |ov- M; ElwMI. art HcndaU, uader praacnt peofraraa and (01. J e. ATIM, ■■■I’M. Mbe. Aldrima. petoibiy will Overland Park. cnor. took a stroof lead over «■ o«trtci-(at, kXH FOOM. CMca astinaUd tha aiancy will make Demecrat-W. F. (Arty) AnSecretary al State 0mm. Mm l j. OMte. WNM c»*. Us lawyer opponent from the, MM lUet ’« aane IJte kana teUlinc around danon. AtchUon. «. V. WMtn. wrvuMii. Republican - Sec. of Stott (Oi. M OMifia—(■). tM, aoMMM C. surt and held an With three candidates for un- « minioo. fit UK 1 CONGRESS, SRD DimiCT DwUl Shuuhan. Salina: Hew- »A«^ OMUMten. 101. Non LaXM than M per cent of the hilloti cooUilrt maicrWnet lAM. as Omw 0 WMA. <0Wr -'‘' A. Dark ‘Talc, actini asslsUiH Republican Ole Ncamllh, ard E Mohler, HarveyvUle. ihrou|hbu( moct of the counOnf. Ilona, that made n - the moat adulntsiraior of the FanDerf Leawood; Howard Nalcbtor. Smmi a • the proJe«*haa baa ‘W Democrat - Gary G Jon Curtis. M. a lawyer art form in any primary ilaee IMI. • (01. an. A. a*B VUlaic: State Rep. Emporia. Paul W Hiebert. Totically affected by the strikes." cr canirtatman'i aslsum art With teflsUUvf art county HOBU Admtntetratioe. uid tha Airteulttre Dept, doae not rcc< Wayne Anfcll. OOawe; SUte ■hip's oRtcer. won ever Senate effUc Bomlnattoni aUe to be Re said tee contractor, M W. Stott frtoter PreaMent CnIInn Day Read Jr. rmed the balleti M, aeer'll oonaM pateaia of the pend- Sen. Reynoldt SUilti. Lawrence. Watson Coastruetten Co., may tat ba. Mon Joaaas etuart by Larry Winn. Overland Park. RepubHcan - Stott Printer and House Speaker Dana W. i countlM. ntariy TM names. need an iiiruihw of ttme on the recent tornadoes were laj^ m>. tea compleliao date becauM It Richard Rimer, Fairway: Stole Robert R Sanders. Sallla; CniMs, in that order Canaaqontly. countlnf lAi MJte T. Sen. George Haley. Kaias as Clyde E Gilbert. Topeka. With »4 of Maine's 03 pre- expMrtd 10 be slew. Oaly a of errt by Insurance et could is hard to "wnrt artead" the Onnici-(*l. Democrat - Ceoe Roberts. dincts reported Gov. Rert had the SUM'S OS pcKlacU have been, he said, art rural nal- aty. Vm .dteits who win hart cnarfancy DenMcrit^oe Poizna. Kan- Junctlen Oty. 13.M votes to ErrU's I.IU. votha nsacMiwt. tM. - IBI. MM ertt mm. mm im- emm v*n. ni w. ptnmm. [ needed. credit ~ IDI. HMW Mote. eiM amm aw* e hm. •• amm sas aty; 1Marvin Rainey. OverThe OemecraUc fobematorUI Oaaprtar Used ; The prefect had been on under eaistinc FHA proframs. land Park. rundown wu Curtis. 4JU; Republican - Ina. Q>mm. To otfaat tha alow ceuntUf. I. *•« W: schedule befen tec itrteea, Pbrti far Hltbway Sen Reed. 1.7M: art f^ilds, 1.- tha Awiclated Pi^ and U^ CONGRESS, 4TH O0TUCT Frank Sullivan, Lawrence; H*r- gj; ‘®'' j which began June 1 afito tel: nmWio-iai. a** a«t i Mayor Wrifht laid be is ap- RepubUcan-U.S. Rep. Canei man Davis, Wichita. mi. \ putts over terms of new conpeat&c for a I? milUoa loan, Sfarhrer. WicbMa. Suta Sen. Elmer H. VMlelle their reaourw, uart a c Democral - John Harper, Md in the Ihroa-way DemocnUc rr (or the Rr«t ttee U Maine tar rant or eonblnation of the Demncrat -Cough Davis. Wichlto: Charles tw te U S. Senate caotett. He had S.vthtnMmcUlti mchito; Pmil H. Oerllng. Wlcb-'Overlart Park. ^ . wm MMct-rai. w>i. TB U tMl for SUte Rap. Plato | s«L Mariaret Oiaae Smith, rigbtrt-way for highway along PuUk raanmetioa ***■ ■***^ s and l.te» for forJi---'Jack L i«, ns motti ••htr ~ ' tha path of tec tornado through CONGRESS, rra DISTRICT Smith, a political novMe. Iran Nomination to a fourth Topeka. Repubtlcan-US> Rep Joseph Republican -W, C. Kamp-<orS;iI’o"T.^kISr achroeder. Topeka, . term DemoersliC Confrcsaman A bill to aulhonu such a SkubiU. titht Democret - Robert H Safi. •«. rjr». amont three candidates ta the wmiarn D Hathaway, tt. of r grant Is being miem-j Demnerat-Detao. Bass. F jblicah How- plated ffor introduction in Con-'sons ' WIchtu. J" *>S’ seven-man ceouat for the COP ^ Morriflgt UcOfises ktoiaiaTiA _ ■■ MfW_ _ _ _ _ Banior J AnORNEY GBfBRAL 1st OMcnsatenal MEtci ytk were wfttwpt wamti nation adte Efvaf MtfRepubUcan-Atty. Crt. RobcS*' nir L. SMteM awnn a v the tnd District W«ne nomina­ -t C. Londerhobn, Prairie VilVaxM. 101. tKMr« LM«. ••nom. LiniM (Oi- i<* t mmt. eariww. tions. m nU'rX»-(B1. to* Chrte Min.: ,,•» oMxnci-rai. aw OmM. Democrat-Jerry Moth. Wicb,oi. ^ a «n-v so. -«'c.’'a-r' a. CAM*,. loi. a*iM a*A«. LIEVTBNANT GOVERNOR nmmmm-SJTT mmn em^liZZeTe:T^ LCHfDQN (API - Bvangeltst Repubtlean - U. Gov. Jotei Billy Grahun preached Monday Cniteber. Hmchteaon. niffai to a.m people and per- Dcmocrat-Jamei DeCauney, auaded more than 1.000 - a Mtasioo HlUa; J. DeeaM Cofrecord for hh current London I fin. Council Gnvea; Rotert Pre'AioviSl^ a " crusade - to commit them-1 both. Wtehlto. aelvw to a Onislian life. Traiurei In the congregabon was Hot-i RepubUeas - Stole Treas. lywood actor Joseph Coaon. (Walter H. ppary. Ibpeka.



a^oirwi*. * ‘ *“


Graham Crusdde Pledges 1,000

:: xs^ - -r^'

r"3S^^wT5S? t ;

The Weather Baraan prrtklrt showers teday ta Ftartda art Oklihimi Pmhiiili teTMfb Teaes. art ta Oretaa art Wasktecten. Il wfll bs esHIa the west art cxtrem ntribera yen M tee contery art warmer eteewharc.

Summary of Weather Topeko Weather

; S

County Hopefuls Fifed Mmt. 1C ■■ mm. Umm LMte. I (Lew) Pallcy, 3M9 N. Day. fCMrttoart Pram Page I) SlCDurtland. or C 10K. *0* Mt <> Mge. Coart if Tdprta AIIMUX 1 C AM AV*. Cam > DaMerat-R. M. fMftOUlDemocrat ^ Bill Naaheln 1 Denncrat - F. T iJIn lOtoffto chatls, 47U iBdtoB UBa Road. hrMai. BM ItU W. m. Atttney R^teteroMMi omoeru -R«i H Bnter. tef BAWAi-mi mo aiM*'i* ax ' (TIM DtvteiM) mi Republican - Robert I ' Republican -Tim T. Rey­ . Stw. nC lin. L.AM* k. KM—, mi ^ rSZJ.%\ ^ TTeem. . Hocht, 3441 Lakeaide Drive. nolds. 3S35 Monroe; Jean O'Sh­ Republican - E- Newton ” Clerk. CM if Tvpeka . V-M, 1MM. ^-WaASteM-UU Oetk awwr G Air AM A*« l-MM MM BcMAnMA. ea. m» W. Vth Ter.; Fred A. RepohRca - J, G, RepubUem - Walter Rice Tiehenor, Route I. I Jr., MM W. iTte Ter; Kenneth Democrat - Henry W Kiiw- R^a^icin - Malceta G , cdtol af T^rta .______ ; RepubUeaa - Ehate L. ttete


Dtetrkt CaM QM


I Democral — George W. Hbw-I am aiA>nc>-iPi arwi a mmm. la;. mrrfMl W MW. I 1«; <

Ramney Sees Peace Chance!er.:rfr;.«. /

CLEVELAND. Ohio <AP) America atilt baa time to "fled m bonarablt aatatlon " to tea war ta South Viet Nam “wt I wider war - art baptoDy 1 with a abort one." hddipM Gov. George W. Ronnay tald uMeaday

Democrats, LBJ Confer

MtnwilU nti-g n.t ZZ“Simn' *'

Kansas Weofher

■ orn. sis.... Sr S



a <’ M te

n *«MnM A* »■ JAW* aw «’ .< IM« A! u* <.AA« <«*






: £

It waa his strongen sUteinerti to date on U.S. lonign policy In parts of tee wartd, be mid. rt-' cmwaW" leaenl and the Vtel Naa wvtdtag in particular. "But toe aftan, Americaa. A 0 TnMM n, MAail c aT a. IaMA Mr 1'—11', a* %Mka at MeeiM ^ .«P Reaaaey said to remarks for meeting eMbe C3ev*. -'Tte oftote AMrtcK akj detland Ouptor of tee Naboitol Urs Stock to tee ftagers of eorConference of Chrlstiens art ndft. tyreaMntl ndes. The ofJews


_io»|jSI!^tar ti^ ewimte': ■ ~i

y F'aaa j. rrnmm. fr. OM>Ttci-(D) Jrnrn e. OM

ha OMMi-di mmm a ^cSyA c (.CL*FMayL.*SA mw naJa-ia’i vsmh c •«

SaT**' j; ■J^.




lodusiries Seen ByKABIETeur DfDCPENOBNCE. Kn


*■ ■"—» rtp«tal>-M«9efa te te Kaa*■»" ■ — ana A»tctetora] Bnatatoi tetett-

ir ellwa. no tenpr consider ns; dedicated to paace - whai pity art miifortoiia I "But II to not too late, we still WASHINGTON (APi - Dem-,hava bat to loani flea oun ecralle cowgraateHal toadersimuukes. cama out of Ibeir asun! Mondav Mate NM Rapert ^,ni^ meeting with PreaMeni ' We'must neither repeat nor . lirtBiwi with the uKil report ' ' ity fair



U.S. WAoriwr

. KA*«>. 0. a*n* 1. AM omi a. lAiMn.

: art M gouig to chalk up more in ! tee days art weeks ahead. even find 1 ' Hteue Speaker John W Mr- hononMe aoluflan wbich wtQ ' Cbmaek of MuanCbuieUt said pu> Ihe people te teat unhappy countn In eottro) te their awn General Stands ihe Hwa* ha peaaed M >r mere adminismiMn MDt aadldMbiuea> a remarkaMe rmrd of - art hteMfully wite a VIENTIANE. Laos <APi (APi lENTlANB. Lms . achteveatont ' Ha aaid more ane ' I. Thai Ma, chief af tee ■»! J*SL‘-*STt a will he nma« 9 Ote wMk art MtapUrt ItMrt V in Laat. laid Monday Im!» we are going le move at foR’ A praaemlln- but mit| , 'peed w the days thai lie denre to haU oraergtag a s wkh tec Royal Ahead " , i(bT tee era of etoteiorta

------“»T5£m5^. .-mma . 'tedepeadaace C I ZZ \ 'tL"" ^ *** •»* >* i'I'm m. . ...m. we'n Ctoh

a e tMAj'S




TW JPrt •» teatert to . JJ** Oteltyvte teii

Post Office I Grant to Start Building Planning at KU

Legion Approves^ Fund for Victims

Returns items UWRENCE (SpedM) -Ithree ua occupy the phase on (he ! of Haworth al Motogy and human iknto|>Final approval «f n.W.awUiaee n Hall. wU be sought from future ment buiitfing ibsuld be mmelegislatures and also Orwgh what sitead and ready to reMHter Tula 1 W High-RobiOBoa gymnasium. Of Victims graatBducattoe u. aepartment now In FadUtM m Is a fnbaMy will be razed wit the Higher, Educalioo Facilibe* »>y

na4.> - ■ -- I Spring, after 8w completion of new Frawr BaU. Start to un in tbe Ttgaka tamado were m- ^ ahmd_ on pl^ flw ^ ^ ^ tunmd n^y by the Stewartsflf Lagte leadership coUege. the flr« phase of the humani-I^^^Hm as sbaso one is vine. Mm poat oSict ti the buUding at fte Unlvaralfy o^jneetod by rampa and covered tbe the Kmti Am*han U0n committee had been ties bulhSog could be under “ Topeka Cfcnbsr of Conmww. Kanau. voMSaturdq' (p make ■ ' called by PaMck Finley, state Iwnlkwayt, to avoid the greto cootnictton by summer or--------------------------------nxAtla cuntrBMllao e( H, *itb UInchided were a check made Kettb Lawton, viea dtoKallorltDaei of a sin0e buildiDg. faU of HS7. t-eta n-v Cophel» from iU (CBcnl fundi to aU i by Mgt. Lyle G Rogers. far operatloea. said bPanday tbe| FinanelBg for the mcood early Tbe millior. ^xperunentjJSmTjmm n. IVM i Topeka torttado vUUmt and to discuu plans for helping tor­ H W. ]Mk. for utilitv bills. Itiifirst phase will cost about Ml-----------•olictt addttuoal moolai from nado victims in Topeka. u returned to the bank aa miUtoa. in addlUoo fa (hel b«>li Si—n SI--. Cl 4a I Finley, of Shawnee. Kansas, Kaniai' 3T6 Ugion posts. D.—I.— Wr. H..-., .oOin. no •• I ■ill.0SMM approved in WashingM.ii^e.v s»'. S»N>d»»t, 10 fo Meeting it Ft Riley (faring a told the meeting he had personNational, b, eham^ officWi.j^, w Friday far tbe « Am m tbe envelope were e'gnduate portion of t>* teach-' ctly and had contacted ToutiUiy pB}i&em card far Bob mg ,«i fecility. The' Downtown and peka Legiofl posts * . wRice. 2SS Wayne; an Electro-ik$ Ugialalure appropriaied Each of tbe officials in the Bundy Gfves Viewi card for Ellis $2 7 millioo. i Holliday Square seven Kansas district posts Cinzwtt. m IbilvBM: a request agreed fa bead up Mmpiigm to bv a Topekaa fer weUare aid raise and eoHeet cash contribu­ McGeorge,Bandy, anta to- dated 1»4; e mnffieted pfatUR An applieatioB Is pending fa ees0y a top White Hwm tions from lUte poAs. under Title II of Uw two airmea reteing e flag Wathfagfan Ftaley said the grutest need htwiga pebry Wvieer. tests- of for tmm toward greduend two saluting; a pieet of act ate teaching end research facu­ state and federal ofRclali was for cash contributiofla be- Bed Moaday U a Seaale orlaiB and a bookmarker. Monday began aaesaliig dam­ ctuie storage and distributioB FweffS Relatlaw CnuUltee Chamber officials said : lties. age to city public fdnolt of clothing and food was very items, eteept the already-re­ caused by the June I tornado. difficult at this stage. All con- told tbe group faat tbe will be channeled cal specter” ef e Freaek deal turned check, will V retoroed Dr, Merle B. B<rfloit, city su- tribotiou(he Legfan's depari- wllb Miieww -is ibeer fea- to owners if they can be topenaiodent, said tbe team in­ through eated. tosy.” TV leaaton are fwviquBrten office In the Population Goal Set spected McEachron DemenUry ment bultding and through stodytag U.S. pellry tswerd School, MM W. 2»th Ter., and Memorial CALCUTTA (API - Dr K L. Capital Post No. I in Topeka tv North AUbbUc Treaty Or- 'FantasHcks' Pay Bishop Elementary School. Snd and given to (he Salvation gaalxatioa. to e V/ ,Rao. irrigation and power rmnDurmg SevenHl Yeor L,ier, says India wUl not Khievc and Arnold. Army, be said. ! ! NEW YORK (API - Young higher living .standards unless' The taction It eapected to! its population is subilized at TOO; take wveral days. School e(n'Mexicons to View Art I'"''* eommues to reward richly......................................... . : Ithe investors in "The Fanus- million persons. India's popula-j cials have etimated damage at Kansan's Body [ MEXICO CITY (.tPi-A COL licks" w is estimated at 4K mil-: tl.Oll.OOO. ilectioo from the New York MuNow In its seventh year, Ihe lion and Rao says it will reach: Team members Included Found In Greece ’seum of Moden Art will go oa musical comedy has earned a the 700-raiIlion mark by 19801 G. n. Smith and R. E. Fam­ display hare I« a mofXh Jaly 1'profit of $833,888 on an Invest-:unless the govemmenl's family: ing, both of the Kansas aty re­ Tbe art. valued at almost gs ment nf IlS.SOO tpl.innir>g dnvMakp<! hold ' gional oHlce o( the U S. Ofrice by; of Education: George W. Reids, Informed Monday that the body milUoQ. includes tl worts nri‘ Sute Dept, of Pubik Instruc- at her husband. T. Sgt. Gayle tiofi; Homer Reppart, of the A. Sanford. Sufibrd. was fauiM Dept, of Housing a«d Urban De- atop ML Hetmos in Greece. Sanford died with sii ot el^nnenl. and several mem­ mlUtary tai (V Jan. U bers of tbe Topeka School Dl»- crash of men an Air Force plane. Irict staff.

D.S., State Study School Damages



»T S'a./fl*- euW<alian>. lac., iia aa

Enjoy the great new taste end rich erome of Half snd HiKs. You’ll like'em fine... and that's putting It mildly.

Joffrey Ballet 0 S S'lvim. •'MUW- M .vWIM' 0**ICI»t ST.Tt **»re VW to H. Jt TtoMVr. tl. IW .etn—• uW x TaMU Named Residents» Wur« Cuu PvW.iMn. <iHa Sai-da NEW YORK (API - TV City Center of Music and DramajsussceienoN aaTss oaiiroeiva wlU add IV aty Center Joffrey I*;,'.*'::::.'' *"% Ballet as a permanent residemi ■—«« ............... company at the «y Center on TV New York Qty BaOet, for­ merly resident Vltet company . 6 aty at. tv - Center, now farms at IV New York Sute TVater. still under Qty Center newly named City Center Joffrey Ballet wUl perform at least III weeks during tV eomtogyear. ______


Thw prwtcripHou Wwfrom

HERYNK PHARMACY 1200 E. 6th hoi baaa parcho-d by


-a» rm • mwn

IS 1 >4

IW 'Ml WMit win ■

Please call any Blaylock store for prescription service.

wwim‘Sif»"»Sfa*'lt SMW



W* win b« glad to ddiwtr. PkoM pay Horyidi Dniq BOk at Blaylock’s


■ v ei'alar Ownw. 1«MU

Bolt End Sale of Custom Made Slipcovers Chairs Complete


People who love to drive love the Corvair Here^s what David E. Davis, Jr., Publisher, Car St Driver Magazine, says:

Co:';:*. 44.98


We now have a good aelection of bolt ends of higher-priced slipcover fab­ rics, moaUy In printed patterns. While they last, we will cuatom-taUor ebpcoveri at these low prices. Prices Include evaything: pick-up and delivery, fabric, labor and Ondlngt. You get the same mide-to-order tallortng and fit as in Pelletier’B regulariy priced slipcoveni. Come fat and select yours today for quickest completion. Downtown Founh VToor

Special! Women's Casual Slippers

Devid E. Oavla, Jr.

*’I toeas Ttc been boekod on Comir ever sloce 1959, when Chevrolet first Introduced the cu. It «u 0 Beat, quick little car. and It really turned Bso OB. becauae, for the first ttzBO, the car eatbuafasta of this county had a car that was reaDy ftm to drive—aad there were reaaooa f'or tb ______ _ the L._ -...... .. People who tried it for tbe fint time discovered a whole oew feeling In cars. It was a responsive car that turned when you wanted It to turn, aod went where you wanted it to go. and when you wanted it to atop, it stopped rifftr now. “It's been proved again and again that putting the engine In the rear, over the driving wheels, has definite •dvantagee. When you combtna that iritb Corralr’a indepaadent rear sBopeataloB. it rewlta in a Und ti magic Ingredient that seta the car car that baa the unique abil­ ity to make your driving better and more akJIlful, a happy blend of spirit and goM design and first-class handling characteristics. “It’a the kind of car that's fun to drive to work in the morning. Seriously, anybody who’s never taken a test-,drlve In one ought to give It a try. It's a eon of a gun!" WB think TOD'LL LtKB OORYAIR SO WXLL TOU MAT WANT TO BUT A-NOTHFR tV 'iTt

Just arrived! Women's casual and lounging elippera uiih mdoor-outdoor rubber soles for all casual wear. Four styles aa sketched with u|>pen of leather-like plaatic or fabric. Sixes S(4-5’:0. MI67>vl. L(8-9U): Each pair cornea in clear (^aatic travel


A. Trinncd wHh gold colored aaBbmda. Flak, be^ W. red or Waek plastte leather. |l B. Self bow trim. Bed. white, plak. bhio or black phwlfe Mather. SI C. Big bow with gold colored boeUe. Blue, black, white or pink plastte leather. SI D. Gold calored fabric with self bow Mail ani-r* ptMtpaM. add V ua pair. rtll«ti«r > Bawment Downlosvn

Our buyer says^ “The cutest

dress Fve seen!”

Checked Shift .^of cotton and acetate Siiot iO le 18 in Rod or BlMk etf whiU


This charming, alecveleas ahtft dress is of washable checked gingham of cotton, Cdaoeae acetate. Tbe flattering por­ trait eoUar is of white linen-look apua rayon, trimmed in riekraek wtth contrasting ribbon bow and streamers. Dreaa haa two big pock:termg (or

; Mall (Men htUM I

tsaftSmefitneiAert /or pour pewnf or «#w rorrair, jud a*k tour Chmola deafer.

. .. with porfroH

Get yours st thb I tow price. Come In. - ! pboaeoraaali | haadyM




Holiday Sqimis

AM Mill

SM »t Tu SMk

I rti a iiar.B'4.

call.-and | groin ribbon trim

Red Bail Carried By Left-End Kids

Sl(t llap»k« Bailg (bqiitad TUESDAY. JUNE n. IM

' tyAueswimB

A Friend Remembered

REW yOBE-SoL Robert T. Kenedy. J. WOIlam rtilbriflit. Wayne Horae. Brwait GrttoBtof. Stopbea H Y«n« and aaoe ether proeirtnert Donocrata ahoQld think twice before toadiw their moral and poUtical support to She LelVEnd KidaBackad by aocialitt aduls. the UA-Bad Kida are canyta* a RedbaStotoatriaMofirylof to nee rieurm at tha

Httftadnn la tte herttc doyo. wnr erten&i| IdIa veflu. inmlm); th« tnTT«do r»UH affon her* are Mtm ■nd fMh (ttfli ■rriviim iit R*d Crow oflteet frera thow ' - UmI «u tlw unhappy year ol the Great FM. wMrh heavily (Uma«e<l North Topeka and other lov-tyli^ araai. and for which the Red Crota performed eatenttalljr the aoino funcUona It ia now doin|. Many < from tteae who were aasiated hy the Rad Cn||. the prin­ cipal aonree «< aid tbaMiid are tor the porpaaryd repay|i«. atla«ttopart.thebe)plhatina fteen IS pay ofo.

ijSS y

Deep ift Friendly Hearb ol Texas


Into Sunny Summer-Time

Vandals Besmirch Others ^


Need Cabinet Member? LBJ Urging For tocM time. Labor Sacrataiy Willard Wirts has been hinting he Is thinking of retorotag » private Uw piactic*. The partner rf the lata Adlai Stavenaon was nanad ta toa Cafata fay PMbta KeanedyteAufurt^ltol POLmCALS - W Robert KwDady. D-N.Y-, baa afftowd ta campalpi to toa fnB for a ■SBb« of Itota eoUaawica Paul Doug-

ssvrJsrssT.iE tog toawatud. Tha itooto ha haa a a

thot that to ealy ooBWtotng wa axpoct to fonfgn coontnet whila dmytag R to onr own pao^" Freeman pretested toat tto adminletnIloB'e plan "would not compel anybody to do tn> fttag." ''Distrieta do not get federal money mleso ttoy do ai you (Pracman) want" retorted Poage. “Tto meat effective cootrel we have today Is to eto peopia off tto pubBc Btu<h. Tbafs what wa woUd ba dotag mtom this bOL R It Hbcidtatog paopla to Ian mora afwaya ef griib« (totahiadi to UKla tom's peckeL” tota yam to eet V a tow "pOat" devriopnent dlsMeta. Ttowe 1a DO todleattoa how may woUd eventoaDy be ertabltabed but it ta ammned toer* would be eew eral hnntoed. tonllarty. tom Is no tatormattaa oa tto evotoa] coat of too pregrank Bat ebriomiy R would m toto hundreds of mOIkns iRtodton. .


ThoCatorsuatotohuvadovdepodtatoakMefprepasfr d pnddnitd uMa Doogtoa_____________________ I ti 1^011110*1 I da afn kte tto Lduind Kids. CMv> *Nb nsikm toll elatak. nawipapwa atallBg: IVhlto PaU .. . . _ . toa New York TTibm q *1 have ova teae dedta ta Ldl'eoaUtkaTa laytag. ‘Tha J«t trying to make tt nad that 'Whito Hoaa Aide kdi m tto show. Tto oldtoM , ‘ "ot »«»ord, on to. m THE EARLY DAYS of ^ ... ^ toa Jtea admInMratInB, a A RECENT VBnOR to a*, .^.^tter^ to ate. «•


i.dqi&«LKqw SsTtei«.d i.,S. b»i “TI

toa raaaalag ran, would buvu aa tta» tar vaadMi a pw-

___ B <

t Party ad ate 'toaekaDr. . A. J. teto. (Hgortv TtoftoMi gaatoa Lditot Retawt Pkkto. to adoB

was jod movttg hta to be lortaUt. Hta partner. Uh^Oitor.wIto

hyRdChtoa. 8aya (to vtaMor: "Bvto wfb boM bulto to. yoB ewT Bed But even tUi reliable yani- aggADg ta your roan atlw SDek wat tbori-Uved. At tM dark wnallCT than ■ euRcata." ateffOa seerked harder nd ac-

Pen Friend Voices Sorrow ThThaEdtaa; ^ Tho^ R bn tot baa ay ml uj irfefflm to BMd tta mm t T»«l. Ne« Y«», HT. rate ef ay aataaa tt Tha tettto Odte BItoifeaaa


fettnate to aa to roedva -------------- . .. .Hagdeff Idtan Boa ttm te aw a aote tta I ttd." wtevy oar waa aad Mady ttay aaka to tta taoB pricked to niiiiin m. aoy Whlta ma tad a cka tto w«h TepeBa. Bonn staffer te can cawdiy And a I would Uka ya oM tat R toop that M got bam to yoor laadeii a know how ttaa to eatek Oa li pa oaw« vary, very arry I am tar yoir coenaalty to tM irale loaa R idfcrad toroiMh batog drock INVITHD fD AMNOB a bytMtonode. hotoea af tM ThOBto Hara WMalnwtMMevtaadpbSodaty of America, tara d tta dHtawettoa. 1 taaly tab a If R bad aenoT^ to "aaiod -feraddttla Mmttad acyawaww. R


T) wodd M aaard.- M aid. "toidtovorateattt daBvor a te a tta m teitaiflii T« te tote aa too, p

•tatoadttriwate Baiter lattilMlttthtaa

to 8m Fraaetoeo and a m>ber ef Ito aaw NCM> codRtoa, aa boadk«, "A lot af (Mhtea-., tote money ta arood. R'l fatotonabte to M dtaaldeaL"

By Okk TamRr

Quiefc Qw7

JACK WnJON eervad Boa IBS to iM

mlHao. Demaerata ae wal w Rto^lhii i era tbiBiitog toa piiiA aeapa aad cwMato M too tagtatota.

be Uusly told Afticnltare Sec­ retory OrviDe Freeman: "Tto qoesttan is. are we go­ ing ta conqM people to aet ap a syutam of kcal guvernuicat cBUWaiy to ttwir own riawi becama wo tomb that would to muca Atoat or are wa rtag to allDw town ta lataia tto dneoatta rIfU to mako toeir dacWiBri Aa I ma R, R aD down to wtatoer wa ba-

h imr. I~» cusw. ■ Mi » m»tt 1, th. CmniBa-W UPoutinl Action (CIPA) to McCormick Place, leatong members of such organnatioaa as Students for ■ Democratk Society, toe American Friads Service Cbinmtttoe. Women Strike for Peace and tto Saideot NM-VtoloBt Coordtoaktog enmmittoa to»d to LeftM coaHttaB wtto known Ckomsnisto and tociton af raca rtota . . . The nnomcad puipeaa of OPA ta to form a oew ratoeal polRleal party to ocr coiMy. :. .ViriKletog 'people's pcdldo'at too prednet toed, aettw tat leatet ta te mtoal cnBtloB hope to get onaiaga via trapdoors ta tto UK electord cainpalgB and toan obtain stra­ tegic rotes in tto Umell^ by IMk. BveatosBy they plan to di­ rect mob scenes crowding ev­ eryone offstage except toe» selves." ON JUNE mT bv pradictloa came true and the New York Tbnei carried a (nm page story "Coalition Fonned To Btok New Left at Novanber Pdla" by Paul Hofirnto. who raportod «tot toe MW eoalRta ta called "Natonal Ccoftnaca lor New Pdtaci (NO(P).* Its eo-dttirmen are Slmoa Ciaady and JuUn Boel Tha latter was a ^nnsor ef toa OPA coQferenee ta CUCago ed other CIPA qwnsors are now beading toe NCNP coalltkB. From its headquartn to Washmgton. D C., it has Just tawed an appeal tar fuadt, dgnad by Dr. Bajamta Spock, Julian Bond, the Rev. William Sk«e Coffin. Jr. Yale Univottty cbaplaiii. ato Simon Casady. They want nxaey to bad NOfP raidtilatfi ta toe cam-

It Was Just a Rain Dance WASHINGTON (NBA)FVturn va« aaa. Arte Udtov _____ __ arm for a newi Tubby-Harry 1^^ Tbdiyte dmsetog toteete are DO less wtoaUc abod tto recant shot of WUto Houso alda

|wH aava Bad R. Id 1 hm a arad - Jat taOew ma and toa tan right wha 1 pte" Ten* may ba btg. tort r* not knpereaal.

Vntoted M Tha pod efftea taao« a dte kadring etaop oete itettMdd UJ. UJ. cow eoaed Witt dttpawrn to k Tte hr ten. thus glrtog ttoa anote damp to oallad. Thii to yiutk pawwa

eartoudy kaowa as pidlataly ar tocad.



Doin^ the Watusi? Please,

LBJ was an uninvitod c-umnwneemeni speaker at Cailaudei CoiWe for the Deal. He's qualtfled-to eoukint Q -Rhqn did PaUttaa be­ ■ even heur ihero when they didn’t ask hun come a republic* A - (to Augud li IMT. when Capt BHl Carpenwr said.he ordered an air. allack Oraal BrMato withdrew loverm hta own'inra beemse ri was tto bast way to kill Viet MgBQT (iten toe Indo • Pdttataa OuH-a case of the tonesome end tto means. 0 • • • wo The lank-hatred young ladsas ta toe pickat linn teem W - Who waa tta (fed Jewto Ilka ttoM MW cut«it dreieee toey make R 10 muett aaatar to araato.

• • •

ty propoeals ta ta deqi trouhto in Congreu. _ —j __ ™ ^ .W«e__waa me ~ *

Ittacaftatotaha Va.i'Watato Mondala, ”” * ha tataaDyra. (Ytacatly ri aalhuraa WO. R-L . . . 8000 ^ after Kennedy's retoni from bio Tim Proeldeat propeaed a Forldpoblietxed African mrttt ™ral antHwverty jnpam ta bo wlD onbark eo a rigorous • » Congrw olactionaertaa driva fv Judee ta Uta January. He matatatead Sannel SHvoman. reform ^ that (arm seetkra lag behind didsta (tribe Democratic nomi- urban areas ta educqtkai. health natko against Judge Arthur aer^ and other linpor^ faKleta. incumbent endortod by ^ « rrmtdj. te ^ the regUar Democratic orgaru• commaUty devekgvxatioB. In tfarowtaf hlo topport P>« »tacb new beUDd rafuTSldatt s5i«- l«grtpUcU dl^ would to maa."Bobbrisoeektagto(ur"1 tour staCBgtotn Us poaitkn as ^ top Domocratfa! loader ta Us ^8 ^andallmsuta .. . 8m. Oaerge Uarvbj. jwv«i*di ta too. R-Cali(., to st&l a "rookla" tint- Aa ippravad by (to Ssoaka. taemm. bul thaPs not keeptng (be sitnlalNraltaB bfD wouU tton (ram baring Ugh amto iilinlitoliUlii mmSia^ toa toderal low Sa. TbnutoB Htota, Ky., m «rr«tM« w»iM toraet toe eeocbalnnu of toa tafiumtM senandotol^ ate RepubUca- rw-u.. /w «=■' of ™ every rural •• mittee. Uortoo has to step down ----------'»power ”* ?”«■ u he be------------------------V up tor alew Uaw year M Is y hat toen ™’ toe two' ta IM. and Murphy U- J^Cl targri of the WpartireadyI . . ta tto H««e Agri. tag to sneered Um. ONE OF*PRES[DBhn' Joto- Significantly, toe moat vocal ton's hlgb-pnortty Great Socle- ta Rep. W. R. Poage, Tezat

Potomac fever

• • •

-----{^adotnlMto PmSSeat i^gntan by tormi« the Prafrea-

toa r^M'lafttoto Med bat *e tato *e ■datyto* ^ Matot eewMl to toe New LMt to toa I

President May Push Freeman Out—

The Red Cnei ta pracaadtog Omogb tba taaa ataftaa It loOewM la IMl: Meattag toimwllato amar> oeedi (or («>1 dotUBg. tamporary ettoMar and madtoil and rnirtoiy care: todplng famiUaa (dan to rehira to By DON MAOEAN normal livtag with the help thry are not eble to provMa for thrmiehwi: provMtiig food, dothlni and mainlenance DALUS-A tot af or racowtructti^ owiw-eccupted homei. arraagtog mcdlWASHINGTON - The aifmln. oal and aunMi care and hoapItaJtoatton and fumtoUnx make fun of Teuaa. but t mutt tsiratloc grapartoa la bu»tag I and aqu|pmanL ny that I hara found tbaaa with a Surry of enrtoga report* BnicdthatasktoDotyetla algbt Evaa wift e about two Cateat BMObata. rtgoroua pre^Mct for taraadowmtttoB letodeata, Boao to aw af to«a Mda aonam. diractlBg toa Rad Ckoia relM Mtoet, oftorad a aebar partrayadwIrytogtogafrM coenntoBt awelvofa wlU prayarfaUy aM: af Artaataara fcetay "Ne*« to any toanptoahto tonator ana ta wttt 1 hara wortad ban I aaas ta (aw MtoRbaa aa to Tbpeto.* ta aattHm.^ AMrfaa RalraadB. Ttaa atotr ttoey boa Trea*ary gaaatary Beary Fawtar bato « qaltttaf tar Cmgroao adjovaa la too tol. (olka to be aaamg the (rtendUThie to the day when toe eua atanda etill. toa begin- eet OB earth. Tb a man who Tbese are too flm backstaga nine of the aummer aotatlca. aamiBet wIU be aOeUUy haa tpeBi miwt of hit life In hints of possible cabinet obered toto the northern hemtopbire at 8 SS p.m. To- the Eaet - and become accuo- changes ta soma lima. But lomed to rudaneti from cab there are enough ctreumatanpriia tone. At that moraent, H hat reached toe Umll of driven, clerks and Just about tial grounds to give these two tta apparent northward Joartiey. everyone - Teiai came at a reports quite a Wt of credence. Freeman has bean under On toto *y. toa ton w« thtoa dtoei^ arartocad Really. Soma qulto onbeUera- heavy fire ta major (arm araaa. at toa Tmpfc a( Cancer, an taiagtoary Itoa aadrdtog blo totogf happened. Taka toe He hai been bUterly amUtd on toa earth at Bto degfwaa N, abato Mto aJaa Wem time my car oratbaatod when a number of cotsb, foeemoet toa fan beU worked looao oa •mrmf them toat be hat toagU to have agrienkure carry an too trooway to For aeraral days durtnf toe aummar aotottce. toa ann'a pulled toto a gia atottaB. at- undue ehara ef ton atoUaflanoon potWaa aaaoa (toal Tba aua».(or tola period la toadad by a maa wtto toa nasa floaburda. Mldwaaton Dnodertrad toa Lrito “«t“ ar !■ and to “Dni" fOicbed aa hit ahM eratta eonwrumata. faalug po^ ami aikad for help. tough rMleettoa eaeterii. naka tund; K aattoi. “WIwb toa an ftoada atflL" aaeret they eonridv toa OBto WhDa toa teMIca morkt toa atari af a ptooaaat raca- WItoto » mlnatoa. Dm bad toa no (aa bait attached (dldsY tona HtanMOta governor a potion aaaaoa (or coBtamporary dob. andtSi aaw It at a old aroa try to ad ma a new one) Udeal Uablltty. day of crwrial eoncerri. Aadent and medleral people re­ and refuted payment (or his Fowler haa beta dlepttytag Increasing uneastae» with Ua joiced In the tong dayt of eummer; they dreaded the trrrieet! of trying to Higgle the Impending ilow deacent oftoe ano and wtntar'i approach. ••Oh. thafs OK." he laid, jot) Prmident's "consensus'' fiscal ProColumbton Perwiana lived la eonstant foreboding the "no trouble" I'd bate'to tell you and anb-lnflauoc policies. It has sun would fonlinue Its foumey northward and nrm return. what tort of treatment you'd long been evtdeot that toe Whitt got g you pulled toto a ga* ftn- House and not Fowler ta call, tiq, my neck of the woods tag tbe tone on these matters. didn't buy anylhing. You men when you ask for air ACCORDING TO THE toa tires. greperine. the detafl* cf tbeoa Oa aaatoar aeoartaa. aiy two intriguing reports an aa wBe Mad aa ito toesaaa to follows: In a talk wIft tt Inftaadlal a tbap bom. aad each ttoa too oakagM aato.-No, I ^ board member ef tot Asac. of d«HtelMaa|aa.-ABHa. Amertan Rallroadi, the Prwlwe »VBR toad a drtd rtatady mukBl *T on dreoa toa oatotoady Hhadl My wtatra Dua Lotai to tittatog at bead W tot AAR. As ■ lagwtto MaMod baa tot abop gasttao, you paopit mlgU naato a itria of daefe. tai I OrvlQt Framnan aa hta eaaa aWay wMtog toay^ abter fuecancr. Ha'S a vary man. I can By CATBT P1.AHERTT highly." Outhnakt of vandaltom term to bo eccuntog frequently TVre was the tone I went In oeboob. into a Herb ofnee nd torn dis­ Minor arts of lakliqt email objects u pens and peocUs covered I had only an Arts to cauatog malerial damage to achool property have been chaTge-card with me. Not only evident through many of the schools to Tnpeka. Not only did the Herb counter gtri di­ me to the Avis offlca, but Ssuders. head it toe Paab vandalism occurring In schools but In the eommunily rect she let me use her telephone syhwala Raltaoal Ditorttia and over the world g to call toem and reaervt a cat Tbeaa nidab who tttok tt b -ewte^’ to eAa- Fantastic. Speaking of telephonea, I preBto toea acto torgei that they are HolUag the image tent toa Maclean award for Mrs. Fowter to cfdjM m af toa -rteaa lemagee." B*ery ertma that ta canmM- courteous servlea to toe tong- wanting tor habaad to giva 19 ltd by a toaa ta gaiehly reeagaM by mdety aM. distance oparaton ta Houstoa. toa TYeaafT parifoUo. To tatteata d» ta ripatodtortead af ally toa m or two rmpiaatali atohrtog, I spent abeot two baan trying ly eaytog, 'Tha Pneliiat tolato track down aa Aafm asao- ptoaai Jm (Fowlaria toa otta papdatfaa af Mtw adNr wtto toem. riato hack to Watoliftaa. Wa nama) at d heaa af tta dv n b not (atr to tootnandi of totaagen ncrom toa Med Ua baew, htabBea. toa and UgbL Ha aova ba a te natloa that toey toould tuffar for eoamtolng la whkta ttuy boiM natt deer. Ua atatVi momea tor htnaalf. Ha to eoabam no part. Batora a yoiito deddaa to da anmatolng place, totaa nalghbmboed bars, staidly indsr preasurs. And If cocktail toragt ta his offlca things go tally, to's boad to dertrartlva. he toould flret conaiitor the eomaqoewem toa building, etc. get toe Mama. I thtok to wonM and how he ti ruining the teenage Image. At oae patat. I apeiegbed to be smsH to get out now." Vandalism shows not only dttreputahlo IhlnUng but the HaoBIM ape raws tor gtotag ber aa aneb wark tor Just aoe call "Ob. Ibalt all CARNIVAL right, baary." the fkawtod. •YWa la Rto. 1 bapa wa Bad Mm." In Ft Worto. I got toat aad eoubtat toctoa toa inparUghWASHINGTON, D.C.-Thkyo rqy«1t tool dapaneoi woy back to Dallaa. I poUad OremcB era taking taoMne to tkrew amagtag. D Lady tatoagatatoitaatotAdIreeBird bears about tola tt'O wrack tba tiiatkari game to to# itaa. wM aw of toa atlibdaas • • •. T^BiptaMOxtrt ays eopa ew*lgaeuttoa a sapaet uUeH htaaitafwy li ttare. lib gettlsg m aoaok eat ava mug you tfll'i hit lawyar'i Bight to bowl • . • Police 1 (hat now they've got nobody l


and aaaary toey weold. tha

le a way, Rad Oeea oUMallaaa were fteaeMr to im,a>ltoa« . Baoaltoytotoall la tor wtod 4aw«a. wkkfe to Ml aeato ahtotorflaedtos.


Sectaty * ttd Pa toddto te ttattttvteiway. ra laiy ^ Tbpte tod *T laa to ddtta to ite • toto yn ta tarn ya haa ay

Bold Announoon Deserving Thanks

Thtettoer I waU te to ptopat a medal tar aB te taatocart a WSW wM tewed aek br^ Theyitayod rite wfefe w ttroogh tM tartte ad aS llBoagb te n«H- A rwol Mg tMak ya to BIB KaRta wM wa a ctei ad reaiMing - aa a feteadtoa a fast to Ua. whoa iI d»t dart knew kaew how ^ lem d «* flw ^ Stay wan to ad I tar te wB te M tai^

id totowtotodte to hiBa

3U" riSS" »*■«!?■ iS

Curfew Lifted In Viet Nam n s LO\ci\r,s iiml

Fund Dispefsal Declared Illegal IUa^MO^^D. Va. (AP) - A bat began late at night Aug. 4. federal court of app^ hood White parentt made appUeatta Ite Prince Xdwd Coot; dnrtog the slgfat and. be enort Board ot Superviaon foilt; of lid, received betr cbecki be civil contempt Mooday tar what Rt morning. Negro plainURt called a "mid- At the time, be appeels coort Bt|ht raid on the eoanty froM- wu considering a reqaeit for a permanent injuncUon haittag *Tbe ruling by the 4th US. payment of tuttion grants In the Circuit Court was on the disper- eoun^ while public achoob re­ aal, in the early morniiif ho«n mained closed in tiw desegrega­ at Aug. S. 1944. of tU9,m to tion right. pariDti d whtta aeboQl chOdres. Satn Maey b a natocl^ apbka, ba ‘'Obrtooaly. ba aim was t» «eort aotad tet ba tads - ta Tornado ba form of tettn pata -

SAICaf. Soob VM Nam (AP) - An tflar-dark cnrtaw to Salgce. Ughtenad wtb ba aothrcak of fftaMhir Iwl dindcri. was relaxed Monday by Viet­ namese and UA. oEficlals. Tha curfew oi Vtotnatneso, cMlia» and miitary personne!. which wu set at 9 p m. to 4 axn. because of the Buddhbu'j anagovenunent denonstratlans.' wu returned to Its origtad^ beun of midnight to 4 LBL. ef-: i be evfaw for alao aat mMnlght u ba hev tor gaittag MI be stroet, tutuM <f 9 PA u H wu durtog be ternonatretlcM. The ewfew to Americaas end* at I a.m.

-Jta a MBa to ba ls«» by jQSttaa Albert Ddiwtotj gdl aamm. Ba b ba son d Bwbg ostoa tad n aba bd yBasddtak Tbs court ordered mmnbers ever bm.- Wa Ami, a HU itma, aad hbe. Max D. flhaw. UU Wmrea. of be beard of ha Ftaind return be 1180.000 to the county MSt have IM bto*ta •• traanrer. Nichols Will Stage Exactly how ba «bervtoort are to obtain be money was not Musicol Show Next specified. The contempt citation NEW YORK (AP) - Mike stayed ior 90 days, after which, Nicboto. who tea directed feer the supervisors are U> report to sUge hits and one film snee switching from comedy acting, KANSAS Cmr. Kan. (AP) - be court wbat bey have done. The court said it wffi ben DES MOINES. Iowa (AP) - FORT SCOTT (API - Tvsli- Newell George. US. district turgs next to musical comedy decide what furths ey. qur staging. City oOlciaU conceded Monday many wu competed Monday Id might be needed. who Invoked The show, slated for October bat a garhar trwk is eat be besecendtrialatJoaepbAhVImem Monday. aSona gantry oadar an Prbea Bdwsd. ba only lo> premtera on Broadway. Is pa. Bg. of (ancagP. on a ebarge bM reddential district cality tat the nation to abandon aleeat place b be world in "Coma Back; Go Awayi I Love of lllagal IrmportattaD of dared baftad Monday by be puhito aclmob raber ban da> wUb to eat tanch. You." eompoaed by Jerry Bock Controct to City Firm ghUrto CRy eenolMtam. •egrogato ban, now has a by Sheldon HamidL mt ended a two- moandDg doves. The ■anwn, te be bawa dp naariy altJiegre poblta achool by soBie O Do- Jodgi Gesrga Templar said FT. RILEY (Special) - Tte by <tarib' W. BreoDaiaa Jr., lyitom. An b« a handfnP of Sn mnsleali. *TUte wouU flva iMteKtleoa to n. Riley Bta^ smptayu wteotgeetod cttr attaraig. b to be ready ‘ white dOldnn attend a prtvab. division this week tte )ory to UA. dMrIet oeort teUBdaetta at TiMaday’t a bat has tan- to new ngnlattau hrfaUdl^ moratog. Tha piry to bat a contract for tte refilling I sineo the puhlie sctoel bm to Uave bdr ]ote tar eaf- TBseday of various types of govermnsni axpactad to bagtn d^Iberadens losing to 1969 owned cyllnderi. and (or tte, fee breaks or hmdi. Ihe county reopened Ks pob- Garbage eoUaetors hydrostatic luting of governIlc sctonls in 1904 on orden of allowed to leave belr trucks to ment-owned cylinders, furaib Oidd lavcadgMe be U.S. Supreme Court wash and eaU i by be Judge. ' .log and mstaUing new valves to . Tht erdlnaaee wotdd itva the I cylinders, and the painting and city adhertty to tnvaatlgato pri­ CiUzens bad oompUined that Aiappa wu eonvt^ a* hisL^npni^ ^ cyhnden wu,, vate proparty bat endangers Man Dislocates Foot munldpel onpioyu were loaf- first triiltn Kansu OCy. Kan.. to the D D. Richards! safety and weUaia. hfsyor Jong and drinking beer during and wu “^“«ced to thru , company liyr., <A T^ •sph H. McDoweU said tha gie- Ploying Baseball working hours. months in Jail, fineci «.0» shd.^^^ ^ dal oniinanee b oeedsd to Ralph Spillers. M. 3319 Kelplaced on probatjoo tor two ---------give ba city a legal baib for Own, suffered a severe Child Burned on Foot years. Tn that trial federal •bring and.................. lam aganU tosttned they found S30 dislncatinn ef hie righs . tael te twista It while didtag Debra Baylea, 6. duster ef The dty to Bstod u eodefen- wte into a bOM to a basoba gtooe Ur. and Mia. Jerald Baylau. arrived at _ dat to more ba 90 lawsuits Monday. ^ficUls at StonBOSb m Cbtartdo. wu bonad tome efiar taunttog in Orur- H lOM II HIIITEI Ued by pmn wheat homes Monday atai hot soap «(IM ford County, Kan. The twodey van BoapUsl rtoxatod. hm bea damagedadfr' on her Mt toot, ofDdiU at legal bnit la 41 dovaa. strayed by one v more Bf six A cast wu an>Ued StoRDont-Vall Hototltal report­ Ahippe wen an appeal on masdve ««b coUapses into bt SpiDert wu admlttad to Stor- ed. The yoongster wu raleeeed groonb bat tte agmtj didn't quarry, irtdeb have k ter de­ tnonl-Vafl wfaera te w filled lUMat ef eacu* ' have a eetnh w-----In sattofaetory eoadlfion by teastroyed five booeea. they taeked In hto a on her foot "We ataH we have IlaMtity piui Ogtetols Monday nHht be stoeet, but we deny liabilltyy cn private property." Dowe >o»ell taU. DedaUablWy "We t h 1 n k bla onUnanee win aOaw a to tospect be mine wMhoot In any way admitting BabOtty." Tha pnpeaad toapaeiton cenld possbiy give ofBdab a idea about the stabBtly of ba real of the Urge querty, wUeh undertnl&ee to eatlmatod 10 to 190 neree.

'Cave' Study


The vs. (


KC Drafting

Law to Allow

\[ /Ai r s

Garbage-Tasting Dove Hunter's Appeal Case Dinners in Past Will Go Before Jury Today



blontm«17>Ml WarU't fir dnisn In solid 1«K told.



moBTi mx itoe




Topekan Chosen To Head Barbers HUTCHtNBim (AP) - H. W. Bartley of Thpeki wu elected prtadentof....................... ter Berbers of Kansu to be elodng diy d be barbers-Mb


He succeeds V. L. Broberton of WicUb. Other new ofAcers Include L C. Pels. Prett. first vic^pre^ident; CharUs Waller, Garden Giy. ....................... ______ LUci. Htowitta, bird vk»praideDt; and Brebcrton, uersttiy^eunrer. The 1997 conventtoa wffl te b WiddU.

Four New Ploys Due To Show Among Old LONDON (AP) - Foot new plays are OB the summer-Klhim eehedule nt be Royal Shaken peare Caapany. Included ere "Tango." by Po­ land’s avant-garde writer. Sl^ womir Mrei^: "Days in be Treu." town FraiKre’i Mar­ guerite Ouee. iutbor of tte film "Hiroshima Mon Amo^" rrtedricti Durroimatt's "The Mettor." md "«alrcue.;; by Brfitih ihwmfiitf Chttba Dyw.

m ^

Tim# te stock up on Werner'i velue-packed Yauag Iking sat. new priced at enee-e-yeer lewl For pesitive-ly pretty iheping, tte Yeung Thing edIwteUe etretekstrap Stretehfira* with figere-melding lace cupi end the teMtifui eemfert ef surrounding itretehl (Cups ell itylen: eUstie nylon-Lyere speadei). White, A. I, C.^ 9 QC Reg. ».00. Now....................................................... ^.73 For wwetek e^t-es-e-wMsper snmming. Tte Yemg TWng glrdk penty er long leg ef eomfy. eentroBing Lyere tpateea. Tummy-trimuing iece In freett deuWe derrlece panel in teck. IFeneli aN nylon. eietHe. wytei-



muomiiMTOVB nuts vns urtnininuw

Kmt m imnr pole ... ■> irm • koe>s todoMiT. « «e*«i«l mhhi... to « W« !»»•«»—« ««»*■«»« to Kuuu prooparilT.

SmuMta. Reg. 4.00 ..............................


H,o $7 Elertrle Coop«coU-t« of KaoM Sporo Arit $118 oiillloo tonotmool Inf poooMod $47$ odBloo lo ooonuoor expeodilono for oppltons olocittool opolpmeDi uad aervieu. Tk, ordtobUKr of rlorlrlr P"™ to helping tom toeo—ttoo lo oo. hrighu. B.*—oW lodo»r to, op«olo I. mol or...... prododM »»l«l»-S


S201 penty, Reg. #.00.............................. St92 long leg (stewnt Reg. 3.00.............................

$<«ai W-

......NOW 5.95



DearAbby— Personally Speaking—

Oaldaiid Beauty SakMi

Critical Spouse Needs Real Worry

Parents to Honor Son and His Bride

»7*R‘a my own (ault, but I can't beip it I was » when I znarrM .Woodley. He ww 9 and completely bald ezcepCte a Uttle fnage of hah- arbond hia head. It botberad me ten. but I told myaeir I'd gel uaod to ii. Wefl. I never did. It kept LaBcbeoD tar Baard-Mra bothering me more and moce. ooes they ant kaaw absat T Frank E.lis. presidrni of re daagerws. I finally made him get a tm the Wamar)'> Hub. has inpee lit coatCeO). ai^ he ioohcd DEAR ABBY* Why are cerviled memben of the club’s too per cent better, but I waa tain people always latet I ksow board of management and a still atemed to walk beside two A man and a woman. Tba few additional guests to a turn. Pram a distance be looked woman has m exenae whatso­ luncheon Thursday at 12 » fine, but from close up you ever because sba has no job, no pm in the Golden Boom of could tell he was wearing a ebUdreo, and ail the tsoe Id the Buccaneer Chib A short toupee. He said he didn't care the world. The nan b mlMmbusiness sesalon will follow If people knew he wore a toupee ploycd. and hia tha luncheon. At II » a m. or not. he thinks It looks better the rsecuUve board will meeL than no hair at all. m so ashamed of myself for 'I, , MarnWg Caflec - The Hutd that he will be aril team of the Womans anywhere from half an hour to ... . ,m« urairvv, swervrsi man ui an ■D hour late' And he always b. Ouh »i! meet Friday lor mormng coffee and program But be never has the courtesy 'r a to apologize or ezpUm. 1 at Mrs Fred RaiBch's at woman could ask for. I just always prompt. My time t 19 am. Hoaiesxs sriM be princess crown of hlne myself for being dbsaba- ery bit as valuable as an a formal garden setting at court tram Mrs Rausch and Mrs C E Hul.sell Program will be else's. and I resem being kept ilram length imported given by Mr*. E. H ■'^a- snd Mrs Thomas Dechairo loomed lace mantilla. She car- I think I can't stand it another people always late? ON T : Westmoreland. Margaret .Jo)c« I cascade arrangernem of day WOODLEY'S WIFE DEAR ON: Shew me a per­ June TravHen - Mr. aad jDechairo became the bride of ,vory duchess duchesa roses, baby ivyi ivy I DEAR WIFE: Ysar Year prsMem son wba b “always tase" te Mn. Raswell L. Cafraa Jf.. | urrv Joe 1 Jehtenegger. son of and stephanotis bentered with a' Is that you obvtoMly have never rt sbaw you a perasa who b BrMal ahawer - Carol La- have returned Iran twa wwba {Mr 'and Mrs. OUo Benllman.removable white cataUya or-|had a^lhlBC Inpartut eaaagh ae>. who win 'baeOBe the la Caltfaralo, where they via- jLichtencgger of Kansas City.lchkL Her only jewelry was a to warry ahoot A haadlea|iped “ lallae Jeosea. ts June 4 at 4 p m. pearl necklace. child, a belpleu paren. a haa- drm, tey Bv« M i brMe af U. Rabert Bh^naa ^ted Mn Paul The Rev J A Robertson.l Kath; ' ihy Strong of Salt Uke bead with a drtnUBg. gaaMtag. oa Jil) I. wai gaaal at haaor Fr^. sad Mji. Jack 0»ds sme aecMS- Imimster of the First Metho^st<aty Utah attended te bride as ar ehatte pwblem. The real Satwday afWraaia at a cm- la Oviaa. They sser Wwbiem b ywur head te what eaaac aters. tai aad tlaea abewer at Hartl poated Ii Cslltorala .. .... ______ ... . ReettariaL Hotmtet wera Saralasa Skermas. fsnner Irlng ceremony before an im- wss Mrs John Emery of Man- b aal la iL Accept (he realities Occasieaally me wte to Bc> MIe Bttav aad Jady Lach- member ef te Cbpttal-Jsttr- provised altar banked with bas-lhattao. and Carol Uchtenegger. at We U ym eaaaot ehaagt Ucatoasly pmKiaal wfl be made •al tWfl aad mabtat city Ikeu of iv-ory gladiolus and isister of te groom wu bndea- them. And igaare te aaneuea late * tea aa ..... fuh of hit awB. cdiue who te rrilnrd her spider mums Imaid. Cherise Dwhalro.-'New- Hals ia aa otherwiae good maa. Bm teae wha are chieirieaBy GaeaU ware; Mlaa Lawy, MslUm here aiM wM be at 1 Music was furnished by Mrs. linn, was Rower girl Her brolhMrt. a. Lawmet Shlpaua. ^0 with her abler Mn 'Rtchard Rogers, organist, ofler. Timothy, carried the nngs. DEAR ABBYr 'Ihere b an tardy are bote to be hBinatee and tacaatldmle to ater old guy in our town who b dnvMn. DM Devtae. Mn. Raa •n's Attendantt I. F,«». .ml lUrm,™ways, acbatWt. Mn. Peter Pertae. Jlinadale. 111., solobt. Omald Kesoer. IndepenMn. Leslie Grtffllh. Kaaaai aad Janet SUpnaa. Raapti CO\FTD|5vTL^ TO J. F. H-; Weddlag Gowa dence. Mo, was best man (or keep hts pa-iws off women Ii The aoly way I kaaw af to daaCtty; Mn. Gary Dtagea. City, b tpeadlag a lew days The bride chose a gown of Mr Uchtenegger and gtwnsraltress will get within SW ; Me year maacy is ta Md it aotebiMaa; Mn. Tmo Daw- wMi Brig. Gea. tret.) and , antKiue ivory peau de soie men were. Robert Moffio. Kan- No waitress he comes toto aB, Tanaa. Arts.; Mn. Wtl- Mn. Fr.^ Duakley. and............................ pm It back ta Istyled wedding ring City, K.n , and j, Mr. and Mn. Ralph E bodici above a genliy belled Johnston, St U)ub, Mo Usben ^ rwuwant^te cMhier has ywB pnekn.________________ . Ilaa Laaey. Mn. Jha Wright. CaMl. skirt _____ Mra Daaa Aadenaa. Mn. Heavily ; --------beaded -----reem- included Thomas ... C. -----------Dechairo, Problems’ Write u> Abby. Box have beea te ba«ae gaeiu broidered w hite iiencon Isce Newton; Or Douglas Dechairo. kitchen to serve .t'io lim,: Angeles. CaW. 900« tor several days of hb math- ugbUghted te Sabrina neck- Kansas City and Roger DeThis guv went to a doctor for; * wr. Mn. Mabel Hoatlcker. hb ; Une. aruf traditional wrist rhaire, brothers of te bride *«”«• sbter and her husband. Mr. I length sleeves Scattered appli- and Rodney Uchtenegger. a check up and te nurse told e If he ( r came back te te Mn. Richard Johaaoa. jqurs of the lave were repeated brother of the brldegro«n te kb brotef tad his wUr. : skirt «*ly Everybody in Mr., te Mn. Gtou Baaslcker. patio of te gai Mn. Hoasteker has returned of the bride s to California and Mr. HuuHAYS (Special) - Summer slekrr left Tuesday tot lUF ... a . ' ““ ™ l™-. to'll. to■ehool enroUmenl at Fort Hays Bab to vbK ater relaitvea. SUta Coilege toUli 2.91 stu­ Jaile E 111B I te Jalew dents. aa Incwaae of M per Blnejarket wU) leave lUtecent over the enrollment for. day to spead II davi |a Naate same date a year age san la te Buhamas. Registrar S V Dalton exPfr Fred W. .Schafer aad S" ; sent a band concert at * P 1 J^ptionut iV |l«l.y in a.(. P.rk, •a iby te City Recreation Com- -,,*i.i. •aduale lU of si St Paul-, Paul's rnlim College June 27 and July leave aad are vblitog telr mission. Concordia, (Mo i He i.v FHS a total summer enrollment parents. Mr. and Mn. WBgraduate of Kansas of about 290. ”*d M ' hoTw""** graduali ind is preventLut year 2.0M were enrolled fratertt^ will serve ice cream ly attending Law School al tbe by mkWunt te 2.141 wm the ^ Fred Schafer b stattote at and home made cake Hnivenily of Kansas. ofllctol mmmer total by Ihd te Martoe Carp Reeruit De- bandstand atarUng at 7.30 p.m. The couple win be at home end of te kesam. Mn Robert Snyder, U12 W. fedlowlng • short honeymoon at - Ea« 15th Street. Lawirry Schafer b stoltoued at 17th Stnpt. pihsident of the Tbpeka ehiter, said te rmn Topeka Reservist Camp UJewe. N.C. 7a9A Takima. Mn. Joha Blasla af Caste alao srill ffltertton about 9 chlL / owHf WasMngtofi Wobb Cato » two ef (tren tnjsn 8L VuteJfs 0^ On Naval Cruiser Valley. Calif., b speudhig thb phanage. mwi tba cwintry’s bast In fkoir first weqh vtalttof her malher, The concert will feature so­ I'SS CORAL SEA (Special fiedK masGnp. Adutts. fiJW; etudunts. A Topeka Naval Reserve Offi­ Mn. JuaailB Rallaek. and sb- prano iDltoit Betty Aim Griggs. ®a^n» SOe. Fun for tha an«ro family. cer. Cmdr. Hiram B Dickwn. IS7t Clendaie Drive, b serving LAKE SHAWNEE STADIUM tetr^Wsbl^te ^ ^ aboard the USS Coral Sea off te coavl of California during „FoHowlBg brr ^ Mr and Mn. Gwna M tUumwfi of OiiraRO. Jll. luW tnnouncfd (he mama«e or tteir dagghter Sgaan to Lane M. Tietfeo on May H Mr TWgeo d the »on Mr. and Mr$. M«Jvin L. Tietgen Mn Tietgen was gradu­ ated rrnn Tofiefca High School and auended Waihbum Univenity Mr. Tietgen gradualed (ram Waahburn Rural High School and luu attended Waahturn Universlt}-. He ii efnpio^-ed at the Jajrhawk Equipment Company Mr and Mn. Melvin ‘netgen have utued iBriUtioni (or a boflel dinner at thetr home thn evening honoring the couple Out-of-town gucits wdl he.Mr and Mn Oeorge M Baumann and Ann Bau­ mann or Chicago. Mr. and Mrr. Ralph Tirtnen. Kansai CHy, Mr and Mrs Ed Chriv Irmen. Alnung. and Mr and Mrs E)d<w Ra> and daugh­ ters, Susie and junte oT MayKla

Jska W a r t m a a. Mn. Tad E>IM. Mn. VtrU DfKb.' Mn. Jaba Maapto, Mr*. Hartaa HBlmn. Mn. Tea Wrtgirt. Mn. wa>M Fitts. Mn. C H. Emag and Jalew Blaelarket.


Wedding in Westmoreland



Hm b*a« mU and tha maii«9«maBt would lifeh to thank t h • i f paat euttomara for thaJr f§-

1W Htw OwiMT, Hmcf foriwurtf whfc . Dolyf' CmJ Boowry Shop... WouW !%• oM etlstomar* fo *fop in and 9«t acquaintod and now ctMfomars to try our stytos.

How Your Smik Con Be Bright t White AgoinI


MAYTAG WRINGER WASH® With Washpower to Spare


Up at Hays

Band Concert

Set Tonight


hn annual two weeks of active ^ conductor C M. Whitdoty training. ; aewiao M San Jm How said encore numbers will • «lmn ofi ) te Church on Time'.! eight month* off te coast of; ■*™“Viet Nam. ' . poringI for an.' MITbradl Mltbra< Reenlofl-Thr Mil other muse te te Souil iih China hrndt pcunur wan hrtd June 5 Seas in late July. in te Lyndon City Park. There were 6 present Thiane wa* re-elected presier dratt eareel *>ll le.»vll Unit island TiHc Settled Culveer aiu* Luvlr* —.|>riiM-ni cninrt. dem, Charles Droegemeier I-WM nvp fliifr* R»nl mwv-|oPORT MORESBY. New Guleecied vice prestdent UM alA-ldr Bham|M—«r (er |l puivhaM n( Biu nea (API - The UUat people and Marcia Lambert, lecre- ■Luairt vua VI Du-'Swall I rurUw* — - S«nr» ODlji. of New Britain have lost a legal, urv-ireanurar battla to conUmN farming «M acres of land that rase from te sea 9 years ago The Supreme Court has ruled the land, once a shallow fishing reef of the Latlat community near Rabaul. belongs 10 Papua-New Guinea. It rose in ■ volcanic explosion in 1837 that killed 400 persons Two year.I later the LadaLs began ■ farminj



A Zenith Hearing Aid can do a lot for your eyes. Happy little Munib Show in yetr ey«o. A bird singing, ■ rhiid's laughTer. a amall eemplimeM. Row many ef thrae sounds sre you mbuinf? Now iberv'a h<^ if you auffee from an etoesrowieally le loss. PtoMt tee M. and And out about it Zenith malM I* dilfetoBt Z«tith Rierinf Aida. And a Zenith can do a lot for your eye* In eaaa you haven't heard.


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HOME REBUILDING AND MAiOR REPAIR Builders of Over 1,200 Kansas Homes


The / D. Spears luilding Cempany, weU-knewa Kansas builder ef ever 1.100 ftee bwwes. W eew epeeed its Topeka effiae •« list aad Htfb far heme *e-be»dUq needs. Mtaefed by Jack Sargent, wha he* tee years buildieg eipeeienee ie Tepeka. the ewmpauy Is My staffed aad eqvippad ta affa* yea rallabto. aspariancbd here# ea-beilding a* majer reieedeheg. Call today far aw ettimate.

KPL offm you a dioiet of tutomatic electric ywilighta inchiding: sorma! InstaHatfon —for aa ]gw aa $1.95 per month. For eompleta fnformatiai call your naanot KPL otfiea.

■ SPAaUT? Tor larfur trtu you BSkT wtob


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See Any KPl^_^ployee


Read, Use Capital-JounMliraiil Aft

i Crodtt! Roll

Capital Ddil^ Pattern



Ifr. mt

Ifn. Robert Waotenoe, D.C. •re te perMi of e deugMer. KetoVB Craae, bora June II In Wj

Swimming Is a Big Help

ire Mr. igd Mrf. Mbvt R. Elliott of K» •eo at7. end Mr. eod Mn. A. Hair; Crane.

In Streamlining of Figure

Oipt tad Mrs. HanlltoB Kobnedy uiMtiice the birth M a n, ShawB Richard. Am U in ^ort«s Air Force Bw Hoe{riUl Grandparcnta ate, Mrs. Saoii Xennedy. Prescott. Arli.. Mis. Qforfia Zhtic and Harold Z^. Topdu. Mrs. .Btaneho er. Mt^and PkEhiFsU. BMOce the birth of Karen> Juno » at MooMrial Koopital in Manhattaa. Mrs. PtehahU II the lamer linia HaflUTtOn. Grandparcnta Mr. «|d Mrs. Frank Ptoeharski. BergeiAeld. NJ., and Mr. and Mn. W. L Hamilton, Topeka. CraMo RaU - Mr. anl Mrs. Jery^Wittmer announce the -of a dabihifr. Wendy Erin.'dune I in Starmeet-Vail

By JOSEPHINE LOWMA.N fuL-.miiu u ■ M>t


“.S' ss

can tnerally ItMh yonnaif: Treading eater u easy Whoi^You wnoi: “ke hold of the or your cbSdrtn how to iwtmlj by leUowiBC thM leaflt ' Address Josephine Lowman bi; yew — head ro-«« ®< Tbo Topeki Daily T.y-r



Srtop of the C*!"*** r_________ |.

ive your It io leas strenaons ciarcise (unlem done at the conipetitiaa level) than the uaual kind, be­ cause your body weight is sup­ ported by the water Swimmlag will nonnaloe your flfurc by rounding

Start to Kick sun kjcking with your feel ■ polllns with your anna or both. Yob eaa tako very smell quick IMe breast stroiuo whUe: in *e upright pooitioe or you; can pua dowB with your *

&)ld-Wave SPECIAL

figure hnoUfully. U Is in badi Pretty soon you will find 1> that so many women drop Ihe'K «k«* » »«>• »«*“ habit of swbnmiiig in the;k«P in 1^ mature yean because it is sl-ai^r. You will be sble to do perfoct sport for sll ages in'this using your feet only, by

IfeMiSkl. The baby ii a

llesflet "Learn To Swim” sendi I coametK ^value. stamped. oeU-addretocd enDelight In beauttful linens morning and nigM - let nccs mendoui bealth benefits. It Is a blcssiiig to the nervous penoe, bloom in vivid colert. the one who aiffers from inPINK ttERRIES - pick Embroider roses and ribbon .................. lertomaltaa - etaoM yellow, red or pink aocula. the one who wiabes to gain wHghL loosra up siifl Mr. and Mn. Major 0. Uttio girl look timpiy drtlctons Joints, strengthen the heart wUh BHum of Tulia. OUa., have on 0 sonmer day. Easy to low, ltia^%e name. Kurt Otto, to easy to appHquo. Qwwe pique. Patten 'tmI: one 7il»AHnch fflintmuro strain and Increase pep and stamina. Ufllr newly adopted baby loo. motif: two 4>kxlS ins. II you are out of the habit of . T>ir other children are. Eric "ftSd Potiern l«J2: ChllTbirty-five oenls (coins) for wby not take ll up 0^, I, and Carrtc Frances, drCB'i Sizes t 4. e, L Siie • each pattern - add 15 cents again this summo- for a buildPaternal frandparents are. takes m yds J$-ln. for eacb ptuern for first-class Fifty cents In coins for each up in beauty and health? Per­ ind Mrs Han^ Brunner, Tlfiso and the maternal frand- pattern - odd IS cents for each mailing and special handling. haps It would add test to your Mrs. CanW Hutchin­ pelteni for Orstelan mailing Send to Allct Brooks. Topeka swimnung to learn a new s'. Q»rt Madlaon. iowa. Otta and special handlinc. Send to si. 114 Needlecrsft stroke. What aboul a back Marian Martin. Topeka Daily ;Dept.. Box lO. Old Chelsea stroke? Capital. SM Pattern t ' “ Before alarUng to learn the SUUon. New York. N Y,'llWll Wot iBh 8L, New Y< two back atnket. sculling and Print name, adi^ess, iMll. Print name, addrea with back crawl, you should pattern number. GIANT ttp, sise and style manbef. Needlecrsft Catolog wUrs knit, learn bow to float and how to SEW FOR SUMMER fun. crochet fashions 1 HunMi tread water, designs, i free patterns should krww how to do these flanery, pUy, travel, work, Catalog. Send 25 two things. They give the besport - find EVERYTHING for every siae In pattern-packed ginoer conOdence and are someUmes useful as safety Catalog. M design ideas. Olp DElborr (AP)—Renewal io NEW! 12 Collectors' Quilts - measures. thi Roftiin CathoJIc Church also tern Send 50 cents lor finest pattera cottoctioo ever cat mean beauttftcation assembled from Americas leeding recommeadell Poland, India Agree most famous museums. Mainly the Seemd Vattenn Council that w«nn be gtoen a mart in- Warsaw (API - Poiaad and t, 3 paletkcs. Send 50 cents for flocntlM role in the cborch. the fndU have signed a twoyear new Museum Quilt Book No. 2. D^rolt Archdloceac has named agreement to eictumge In- Deluu Quilt Book No 1 Mft. Jane Wolford, an altrac- lormalioa In Ihe Helds of complete' patterns. 50 science, education. heaHh, euiti^ brunette Civic leader, to lure, arts, radio and teleyiskm-lcwts. to( executive post. (s bead of • new InsUtuU for Kidaucbier of Mr. and i. 0. J. mttmer and Mrs. BBronicb. G . an. Mr. and Mn. and Mrs. William Sibetta.


“»■« I- A

CSholics Trying Tfii 'New Look'

ii<Bat*nelda. she holds Che td^ —rtion a M] evcrtaeld in the a

Klly Graham Calls 'Ud-ls-Oead' False MINNEAPOUS (API - The de«lH>f-God fiieolecy ' it a falw reliftoo-tototber ^1." evAigelist Biny Graham writes in Pension magasine. Thousands of uolRstructed

SAVE $4.11 Sq. Yd.

^88 COUMtS OWM OratoUtod Bttgnt Bvooa* Tinoay Rtoo

Large Selection of Roll Ends and Remnants Up to 50^ Off Regular Price ~ YOU tXFICT MOHI MOMJuiMUS AMD YOU 6EY IT!


NO MONEY IK)WN on .Soars Easy Payment Plan PHONE .SEARS for Oio Tolnl Uok Ib Floor FeMOo*

SHOP AT REARS AaND SAVB Sattofactien Guaraatooi .TourMonoy Back

I Sears

•rAt«. SOI an a aMO cc

Royal BoOy AvonOa

Thin betuUful 501* oorpet of deium nylen pile wtll give your hone a now dimennion of color and hixiuy. Its gently oculptnred texture suinpU beonttfaUy to any atyla interior. It ataya ilvely and lovely with minim«m cate. noa. Ifa Samtked* for tasting freahneoa. In 12- and 15-ft widtha. ______

Rubh<“riz4‘d Carpet Ciiphion

AdiW ctwrfort. rv*i^«ily.ond ^•wra at iito (n your carpet. Riihlwrtxrd hair and Jut*.

HHH Urges Party to Unite Behimi Keith

Thant Again Asks For Viet Peace Try

UNITCD NATICH<S. N.Y.Ithe United SMm keepa bob(AP) - Sasetvy-Georral ujiaf Commumit North VMNam, Thant of tlw United Natiou potn more traopa bdo butti pleaded publicly aiain Maday Viet Nara for aU lidea in the war n Viet North Viet Nta MINNEAPOUS. Mtnn. |AP) Nam to accept hie (amlUar fame. - Vice Prewkm Hnbert Hum­ potnt pla ai the path to But Thnt declared: *1 M phrey Mated bra«Uy Monday peace ttiere. He nid that w« very nroocty that wtthent that be wwhi look with ditfaw way to creele coadi- iptrtt epMt et ol flee and taka ea the on a September primary race M*Sa’ part of the parOet primarily aialasl U Got. A. M. Keith by Thant, the Iimcbcon |oeit of caocemed. ttiere *UI oither Gov. Kar] Rolnag UJf. correapoodenta. told ihem pn^em leadtaf le a rebm to Mmi^polb burtneatmaa F the Vieaamaae war was -one «t --------__ J ertE Short. the moet barbtrou wan to hiarr Rotvaai aiks hia advice OB WASHINGTON (AP) - The tary- and the sooner It wai Committee od Ibe better for Viet Nem end' be will advise the lovemor to publicly censured the cootnw- the world. *»P «■* j sial New Jersey Rat Finks monPehtoUstod Tafcee No Side d,y then moved to ti«blen He has been pushing bis toree poinu since Febniary. Ac ho phrased them Monday, they Democratic Karmer-Labor par­ mitiee of the Young Repnbli- re: ty ronveniion battle for endorse- ,ctns. -FTntly. the cessation of the ment — woa Snaday night by Hours after the committee (U£.) bombing ol North Viet Keith OB the Mth ballot - and voled to condemn the Ret Ffaiks Nam. that the party theald now tmiie for -ecu of bigotry." GOP Nn'SecoBdly. the scaling down behind Keith Uonel Oulrman Ray Bits and However. RBivaei’i efnea 1b S(. PtuT uid It wu beaieged Young RepubUcan Chairman oould toad to a ceaao^. mth telepMme cells Monday, Thomas Van Sickle ntnounced "ThiRlty. the wuilngness oil Drginf the (orenw to run in agreement on a series of steps, all sides to enter Into discus-, the i^ary Sept IS. An aide aimed at coordiaating the activ­ sioni with those who are actual­ ly fighung •' said most of the calls advised ities of the (wo groups Thant said he thinks these let the people Rolvaeg lo ilepe alone can create condi-, decide." aiodudve to tbe bolding of Humphrey told a news confer- They announced that a conference end a peaceful set­ tlement ol the problem ol Viet ben of the Republican Nttiina] Nam. CommlUcc would be elected to UADodtoet Bui I think we all fm! that the Young Republtcaa Natiooa] The United Statai had de-, dined to OBter Into aeparatoj once the party has tpekaa. Committee. dlacusaiOM with the South Vietttrough toll pnxen. we teM -The isn eonveaiioB of fta all boner it." Hampbroy oaM. Refiibthwa win be Kortb Viet Nam, teldii« out h The Vice presideni ipiBt toe uktd to lower the ago Bmlt of SBcb dlscnatoon. baa spurnod a wwkcBd at his Wtveriy bant mamben to M. penen conteenco. Meanwhile, aKMcWEip«ta but pot to no-appeamce et toe -Tbo chatomaa ot too Yeung

GOP Blasts


Jackfon Twins rmivcpaNv. V* ” nni rr in inirrmBeG


Radical Rat

Fink Group



• naked." he nW. He aald he was • to ceoutot Witt both KaUh vd . Roiveag during the cesvenUon Detoad Race Rohraag has said teveral . times he would not run agalnet • an endorsed Democratic Farm- cr-Ubor party candidate, be becked off from an outright . commllmeat during the conven' tkn. At toe Midwest govermra' conference in CtoclnneU Mooday. Rolvaag uid be hai not : deddad toe duesthm. Ratvaag draw Uughler Iram - goveraonofadooMotoerHidweto states wbOB bo reportad bt bad bees '*takea to to . weedtoad by my Deutoatto get • amor."

aad eeBHBt to the GOP NtotoiP al Committee. -In arwa to conflict, the natlona] ebairmao of the Yeung respect the mlttae and wOl work with them to resolve the problems. , I "Tbta is tlw result of a miituat desire to try and coordtBBte our activity and rUminate sources to contaofioB." Bltaa laM.

- Sdiilling Area Given New Role : . •

; * : :

WASHINGTON (AP)-A porttos of Sebming Air Force Baao SaliBO, is btofif aaeignod to tbo Haelto. Ktototohw aM Wtofara Department ter transfer to SchUlmg bistltuto and the SUta Board of Vocattonal EducatioB. The Geoeral Senricea Admlntotratkn told Sen. Frank Carllon, R-Kan.. that IB acres will be tranaferred to the Ive and 4i acres to the board In addilMS)! GSA uid water (aclUlies el a surplus Air Force mietolt tlte at Waverly are be­ ing conveyed to HEW lor trsnafer to Rural Water District 4, Osage. GSA also announced It will| receive bids for sale of four misilic sites. I. s, 4. and I. at Forbes Air Force Base. Topeka. Kan Bida are to be opened' July tl




Mary Worth

UTTEKT md ELECTRIC I H 4-iril OM ad JwchMO

[ito; HMimuyfotiyi


Feast the family on a Tasty Meal Here at...




JUMBO HAMBVROI (M»t «w4 ShtoM). reg. lie

uttuijui Htthiimnfi.

Downtown Parking Gorogc Burglarized The office of the Civic Center Parking Geroge, 723 Qumcyl was burglarised Sunday iright' or Monday morning. Topetu' pc^lCe reported cafeteria. B4M iii rath, cenae plates from two stored cars, two money changers and; ofncc records



r iwr IT err ycu, i iTWmrr OP Tw .Mwnaui OMNoun i____ ) atmBhmuyy . TO —or AsiTWBgny oea»iw nm.y



RMd the Wont Adi!

Beetle Bailey


”WWi IM « blwMe M sw r4 kM R

' Sh^l, row. 7Se.


64c 54c SAVE 21c

II £1

Bex Morgan, MJ).


i A fidBla

High Cbdrt Rules On Rights Trials

400 To Finish AF Training Here ____ ofnatoi toinoanced|t (to form here and begin training Force. AHer^Iwo test iguadrstt Force tts nr« heavy ewstroc- foed. tod that Ortto to Pgrtea Moadv tlto Ahr Force dl-three monUs ago. were perfocied ft Canaon AFB. tion capabiliti sehwhitod to towoo here M Ut» re^ofdTUfli«tBm4«. Mal.:_Rs desOMOton roportedly Is Nev . tl* M Horae progrun The job of the Red Horse am Friday. d to Forbes to Ctr-l:squadrons IS Cob. Retart Chrito, will cesne -nialland. The two Air Foret ehrtl ooglfield facilities here to rwriew a ftoBd pmwde The SMto baa a itrength of^ry eut. of toe IMto CMl Engtoeerng about an men. and toe other] Meet Ab- Force dvil engoeer] where few exist Alitawh a«y pr**lT i Stosadren Prttqr. “ t'omona wnere nwy wiu no LMtaiiwiii aorve aa will foUow It here have about land Umttod to mtanr btottong'ck, tome runway buildbrn. toeir Ipctasets or repair.ef ctotoing pmnsry misctoa to coostructioB|look at Red Horse field trainpaduitwn cxnrdses for toe toe same awnber. The Rad Hone squacbeno are tKtItttoo. of barrmks. eanitation facili-li&g sr«as. tot first of toelr type In the Atoi Rod Harm will give toe Air; u«g mg mher eirfield buildings.; The second of the four Red iTheir 1 s« “ ^ Hone squadrons .« olmdy unof ®emy u* third squa*on : has most of lu advance personGeneral Curtm. whoee tale is nel here preparing for da nan dtroctor of civil engineering, j curtin u scheduled to arrive USAF. is slated to hand eut „ Forbes Thursday and have er getting the sheriff there to peesenUUons end awards at gauier that night with Col. Jo•y HARRY r.ROSBKIHAL .N t)onovaii. commander 11 rights workers at Pbiladei- unloci a courtoouse restroom tta parade Friday LOtnB, mat. (AP) - Tbt for their iM. ; He will be accompanied on of tor tBlh Air Div^wn herr. llliHtolprl marctars ’ fdtehed plUB the day 's I toe visit here -e by Brig. Gen plus oUicers and oon-comnustoek- tonis on toe hardpacked "We wiU go to PhUadeiphia ;elly, deputy _ . , Ouef suned officers of toe Udlb CE ground of a bog lot for a rally Mowtoy nl^ if we march toe column swelled to Harold K. Kell. night after ttoffSng off 174 can get enough ears." stod Herb nearly ao. Carrying small imil-1 of Staff for Civil Engineering miles - toelr tongest day's trek Criknler. dtroctor ef organisa- ticolored banners, procUteung'-* —--------- ■—■ qusners. Langley, Field. Vs Mississippi March UK. the Uen for toe march. As be spoke, tousfer. A oMll band had planned to; he looked si s car with two fUt marchers moved aouth at a fast They met lew people iloog poel off Monday togtu from the tires and shook tato bead. Callenmain groop fOT 80 IS mile auto trip to Pbitodelphia. Miss. But R^i.i Equality. Onmiiiv : Silver City end Midnigbl. wnen cade time has toeir plans changed from ddl- Racial they did sight a tiny duller of “Otoerwtoe, we wiU go tomor­ tote to indeaniie as night f<U. •Negraes. s fflsreb leader would HELD Titt ma»chers wanted to mark row," he added. ______ OVER! Tueaday'i second attoivorsary The marchers eft Behoni aft- reedom. say it now’"

WASHINGTON (API - Itelvehred Qwrt cmbm be any pre-j Suprw 0^ pM i to 4l»«utlon - eUter in Wertl er| Miiiij that eoljr to Umlttd to- Mate court. «a«et may preaecattom «< The confeuion dedaton. d»9^to owtea in toe De^);ten by Chief Juatio Sotfb be ramooad from stale to Warran. drew two itoaa. (aderal courts. It said toe falgb eomt'i lasto-| M. to ill laat seoton of toe mark UM EaesMo nOkw. tens, toe coon barred whieb tor toe Brst ttas eitobded toe right to cownsto to euac dectohn of Ian Mnday pecta wderfotog petta gutstfftuobH UM of confeaakna at tNDing, -anectt only those Malt. Thia was a T-S rulto|. eases to wtucb tot trial be JofHs OHen Plan— «K removal dedatoo. aa- after the ruling was eatooa nooBced by Juttice Potter Stew­ Similarly, it saM last Mon­ art. Ii a setback for dvU rights day’s Miranda niltog. which leMSw jHOb J. Jorita, Rtofctf. He said lor toe majori. btfrod trial on of tocrtataattog irepaata MtnMy a » . ty: ‘Flnt. M (aderal law ■"* ■ ' ‘ ' ed from sas- MBie. M-ycar foofram to fm an absolute right on private aid Negewea to toe fieUa ef dtiaefts - on d»U rights advo- righu to remain tileni and to wcltec. edweattoa. Inlntog cates, on Negroes, or on all^ have a Inwycr’a aisistaace were: Md bowsing. Speaking hefon body-else - to obstruct a pobUe not tafegaardad by poUee, • •p-| toe a ' ’ ' ---------iMwt. to contribute to the delin- plies only to cases es in which the! efl of New Yerk, he cnied ter of a minor, to drive -- trial began" begi rilcr the ruling' e plan, similar to toe MarUeenie, or was announced. itaQ Plaa of Werid War O. gi, far Amertosns who have beet I. no federal Uw eon- Bscobedo and Miranda wouM £ tta itwdlltowM target afdlalets immunity from state proeo- aenously disrupt toe admlntocuftoe on such charges " tralion of our criminsl laws,” -<*4lowever. in a companioa de- Warren wrote. iMka. the court said unnl- "It would require toe retrial Tiger VS. Man: Draw ;nNualy that if equal access to ••jntolic acwitmwdatiOBa — a cn found guilty by trustworthy' (AP) - Postman G. Samakan-; : ritfit assured by the 19M Fedir^ conformity :U«vj] Righu Uw - Is indw .UWrt . wo 0 ■ tolrts of town and sb ttonnl suodardi." tong. Looking back, be uw the Waro' and Justice William fimiMioo - in the Ojygl« dM not sllend toe

Marchers Camp in Hog Lof


resuoHT onw i:4s

Eat Out Today, ll'» Fun



....* •

i a awMOt OMMWWa »««t.

Couple Lost; Check OK


____ i down and uw I celil cheek on toe ballroom :-floor. The check had beteged to fifr. and Mrs. CaWn Wolf. Route 7. who were killed by tta tomadn is they tried to eccapo I In toelr car. I Tlie dieck. dated May 1. IIK, I was signed-hy Calvin WoU. The I Wolf home was about !• mHes I U0B 3011 Atwood: I guppel toeoriaad the chock I have been part ef the I .jWti' Income tas records.

JCaMPALA, Uganda (AP) Ugands-i new budget calls for a i per cent incme tax. In preseoUig toe plan to pariiar-*;t. Finance Minister L Ka)ule,SeUlU said, "we toould alt wflUngly accept tola buvy rilce. remembering r penny will go toward the c iry’l devd^meni." _____


lORFA \™m\

.wf? I /Iin £


’■Menlege Bi The Keeks* :

Twdwy Only

i 10‘

: etlFF’S NREER MR .

Hold Over by Popular Request


NOW! Receive all distant TV channels (even in color) sharp and clear with a new

If a Van-T Chevrolet un’t the “JVo. 1” BVY, lohy ill it second to ^one?

■?Tflx Soars in Uganda I '



For throe days after the Jiae \ I tornado Norman Stoppel. Mil Atwoed. aoBTcliqd toreufh his demoUihed hoo«. Ignoring ptf-and other debris on





Wednesday Night STEAK An Eating Out Santation

upinniB yiY (?**




Aaplo Free PvUng



MR ctsrmr kan i-e -m iie~-i • i*r<j* I »{>Mn4r.Me«IWnfWte.WiVtIIAUU.ann



~_.SA««lft-F»aR.U)B —lAWSlOIl tfWttwMiuMtAmiMiawi MAtbara’--------

“Jtarsey Te Tfh FUaer


ts w

..........................huadrad miles or more away. The

newMRALOaamenne deers ymir TV Kmen eftoe "snow" and IMS thm anew made TV eratehlnf unoeambie. Fourteen models evillible Including four electmnie PARAlOOe.

Wa weuU like to oxprats eur dtop appro-


etatien te the Netienel Owerd, P«liee




Dept., Volunteers and alt the other fine Or-

Phon» CE SS*6I

geniaetioRS who helped so much in this

E*t. i

mARLinG s





time ef Oisoster.


AkBMalulCE S4301v

c T«wi emr. wr Mf. mn n smw.

tm |>-twtmr S»M*r




■■ ■

r« iS-MtM. VIM WMUC*

I ,

Exce^ive Weight Disappears With Help of New Electronic Machine UtoU 4 lastaa Prowl Her Waist la

6 vse».»-*•» n-i» r.»«.


^S:»»Je.-W«rte Men

--srsic-’ ,Ctoe.a.-WtBW aeerta

_gu».w.-a»>k MerSM OeM. Ol».».-<-..em eM

I*i< .1,4




Met It. ItM. eeUiOMd In H« Jm~<I ttov IT. V.-

)*.. «. .< Mw FV-er-ee • C«n >«d<> U' .nt-.hw *J

CR 2-8712






n-iwei.^ -lyv-aM* Om>mW< v-iMmr-nn *c"«« MM

OKLAHOMA OH TEST RESULTS* r/4 Pounds Lost in • VjHouri spedaOr mwit tindifted ie QUwhemw City, e iwKw test Hh)Mi milghlwg 20t mw4i last 1 ’ 4 eee^ to 3B mtoriws. The mh|wct hwrwedW

Mr Vmwiee


"lartm M

.MH .Mb • SMte

■ j in liiw iimm TUM-

Si * ■ i


n « IM,' * M ntee te e M eweeM «.

V .MM.



mm MM* .wicMm .bv N<e » vm . wMc* wem.



rc«r. t luf. we*. i—stm »M ereew,-. Mm.

ji-r,.. .M

s55£r tS=5. sr:r»-~”— ■us:;.'‘jsisr5i sr-Ts^iXJs.-.,---- •z, ...—■.’X—.

WamegoAimsI At Centenniai

Health Plans Aid Medicare System WASHnrarW (AP> - MB-I AB OHs twdUo


"" “ ■" sr,;sri,;Li2=?ts^

«fw«riD| “y«" » «>• tioD: -Shdl ] avptctnttt HMdlon «lth irlvate betltb tnu m*V Bjr offldal cctlBM*. ttM nr* toMi tel ftvt igl; vm BM«l teat tatf te »vwnmal bMvltil ud De«al m<Met of M «terty «M(4e Many, ipfnmtly. ii» •Ulia* to pay far nm pratacttoB. The Blue Cite tod Bloe ShMd pltm aerte te moati7. ts «*ll u tome mt>ir eaminercUl inwfttiee winputoi tel

IM MBM predIcM It •wH Od te other tatnd. teow prtTte nmpwtet bavt decided dtely k> drop eat ef te over»IMd by BM a&y more tawruM OB te elderly. Mediewe te teTteod te pteodal mortet. they roaace. and thU to |ood time to oteid a h«ltcoet. low-prom portte e< Hut

Lynda Bird,

WAMECO (Special) - The executive hoard of te Wameso Cantwirial hat Mawat eomplatad puna tor te Mf ctebare July SAAat. I. , bHoean. bte ef tel board, to nDeettog aasaa pnm wte fomtrfy lived to te Wamego area te they can be tarftod bKk. A lAptgt eaalvertary booklet: leUing te htoury of te| Weato* oreo win be eeld. ■n» bis ntetetooMBt (or the Centennial win bt te sta|* show. ••Oueen Oty Spectacatet wHl bt preantod flee . , jjft. The tew win (ivea oe te high school foot­ ball fWd and wS have a cast IM >Sd pmoBt (rem Wanego. I In addition to the tpectacular. {there will be barbacoet. three iparadet. a ceotoatiialban, store

to te wMa UMmea liidoitry. te prte <rf health taur•a not ' at many had prateted. . C • ffalMr J MiJIerBey. Chicar. •w* • prcaidem of te Blue Croat At^ ^ portable }afl aad te kaagroo Mciation. toU as toterriewer tel te provectlvo Mvtoft NEW YORK (AP) - Lynda court and stylo tewi. wfB be abterbed by te (temly Bird JMinton, eccompenied by rtoe to hoaptlal eoati. They are dgfat Secret Servtoe B>n and a eipactad tokeepcUabkif alte Clri friend, left Monday for Ma­ rateoKtotpareeata year. drid and a aammer vacattoo In ‘‘I mid »am te public ^m. afaliwl expeetthf much rwhie- Mlat JobeaoB arrived at Kcnla tauraace premlumt,' ' nedv Akporf SH have earberi (aid. from Danvar. She bad apeat the "nw mala beoent which weekte at Xaaab. Utah, where LANSmO (AP) - The knile laaaaa mamberi of Coogrets. ■laytof d a Kanaai PeniteB- >ouaper fatnUlet can expact to her fireqaent eacort, atovie actor; iD RcpobUcana, were re • delay la te naxt iaereaaa tai G^rge Hamilton, Is on loeailen Uary iunata Sonday mantlni B recent roll call votesi waa uader ImtelfatkM. Mob- pranhnn chargei. aad jwobaMy maklog a movie. SENATE day by rte«ty Bw« Bfll aoene lacreaie la te Insurance The President-t daughter, a. On paxtage. •■». o( bill auflew to S^ln with Susan Scbeln Adami and an accat et te beneflU ihortxmg program, to be (1-; All 7B of te couatry'a Blue of New Ycrk. a ecbool (rlead. unced by producer contrfbu-; CroM ptaai aro oOeriaf to^- An tbltoe tekeamn said the dam of n a bale, to promote Jotman party occupied thrw pinsnlal healtt Inuraaea to The dead man, who lunered U.S. cotton .todurfry: Agatet a (tab woond^la te tode, wat fiO te ppi to madlcare. Mc- mr rewa of te ocnony tee- biU-Pearioo. Not voting-Caritton of te Botong W Jet plane. Mentlfled aa Ote J. Kciaey. Nnay nU IB. wba vaa acrTtoi a tana for to many ditoa te new “Btoe MIto Jotaaoa did not qieak to •acead dteree borfltoT aad Croat IB" hoipltal pin - at "Btaa Shield e" poL alrUac ofBdal that te waa "ex- rejaeted 7M7>. to wrlto tmo bCU kreaoy tnaa DooglM Ceuntr. w^ tranaty dred.’* She poaed for enndtag Defnaa Praductln Wateto Ihmw Cream atod k7, to^,at the (on of the Act a provUon gtvb« Prmldent XMaay mt racetoad Ao|. H. neofi docto^ tonranee are botoitakua^^ , im. OB traatfer trem te standby aulbortty to tighten ip, wearfag a raspbe^^-rod cootrols OB consumer credit: Blue Shield end Blue Croat members, he uld. but by elder­ linen skirt, a dark blue end red Against amendment — Dole, ! l-II year esaaeoitte een- ly peroena who have never bad polka-dM blouM and a uvy Miae. Shrfver. Skubilx. Not vot­ blue Jacket teace from Baao Cemily far es­ health Insurance before. ing - Ellsworth. Before leaving she phoned her cape Bvn te rMormatory aad father at te White House. ‘Hi falaatoia aataoH. Daddy." te said. "Havlog i Ad« mM te itabbtof real good time." paremly took plaea ■barfly boPremMtoWrfto fore • BJiL, to te prtm yerd. Sha said the wouM write him Kelsey ted la te prisda boos soon as she got to Spain ud 1^ about BO boir late. asked him to be sure and write Adams said two prtoeu afflcers reporfad thay law aaotbar UWRENCe (Special) - "I love you. Daddy." she tamato wttb a kalfo la hiB hud Dane University of Kantat Then, as sbe hong up. she turned and said to her compaaitudenu Iron Topeka have kn; "Oh, he's ao eweet” Tba deputy iberfS said te earaad Uslto| oo te Bn(tneer Hamilton playx a-Cuofederatc printe. wtea ha MutWiI as tof Bito Arddteetnra Deni commaader to a CtvU War mov­ Jamta R. Baaeh. B. yalMd to Hour RoO for tba ie, the "Loof Ride Home. 1*1: »• make a itaiamut wtteot temette, William P. Smith, CeknMa Plotum to fteii« UIVS IM»r« iDiinIrflua by u attenty. dun of te achorf i porfioBt of it in te red and cfaarfos ban ban Iliad white cMored canyon counlry Roach Is BVTtof a taeoad One of the studttti, Joba C. Eton Natloaal Park about M wein i«r. toJ*»r »i' T»a defrw barf lary Mm from Kramer.- lUS MaeVfcar.: miles noftbwett of Kanab. Sedcwlck Ooaoty, Adasat aald. achieved e perfect SSB, or all »«•» •Kwnir aHv Ntwr* I Drava to Set CI^T « MMW »v>nv mm»tr "A" frade averace. Lynda Bird drove to the tel The ten other student! who with Georn and watched him ■r H»»>ve toco. Starlight Thtatir M awt. Met. .tovc■ to* etraed high "B" avorafoa wwt nm through tome of the scenes m n«y t> ■ . . eiMW Stovcp E. Butaer, ISM Cage; They stayed in Kanah, a com­ In KC Optiu Kun i/TLoT-ivto * IrvlB KvPttai Jr.. IB E. SIth; munity of \m Bear (he UtabW 0«Mt w*nO leon KANSAS CTTT (AP)-Kaaaai Jota M. Greham. It N. Priacw- Artsona border where HoByaen m eii»c»no«. Trvat ymir m* Qty's SteUitt Iterfar jpyd ton: Brace P. McCoIlom. >117 wood hat (limed Westerm dylew; Delbert 0 Moore. against te colorful canyoo MB Bryau: Jama W. Orr. backdrop fur more ten alfht with ‘‘How to Saceud • OmJb Buaten WItent Reofiy try ITM Tara: Gerald K. Bevely. lU) N. Weatan: Ttoaai R. ’^^dents M te area, used te tof." **» «—*i The eait (d te tew. hara for atoahaa. ttll Plam; Michael celehrltlea, paid lltUe attondoa <>r«*iwe»we Howe wo H eer STSv t. Ull Ltaato. nd Lorry to tern. i two wBcba roB, to haadod by Lyiiia Bird lUyed at a pri­ Dca AiBOebe nd Bal te|lnd. S Wtoler, ISO Medford. vate rosldenco oa te outaUrft of town. Hnlftn atayed at dewahanmetoL 'iceene iom. »*<*•. nii t»o*-

Group Stort

Trip to bpam met. hmb«^doartaU. the

Officials Probe Prison Death

Congres Voles By Kansans Told

Your Day in Stars

Hxr-r” - -



15 Al_____ U Frnck »U •i T.W. L 17 Nl^wi^ 1m. „

tfPwtolsihMA U C(t — m MKimto UMrlodM. IS Yi«M fMU. M 0( eMKltT. to teton taJvT>f rwnOw •< t >7 BMW SB MJL kM. M AMMtT! AHr. r rTtfew: Ff. Hvw T~t »0


- —


sSts. ■’SS.-'



4 w0«.

7 Daa.

Yasttrdoy's Answer


(mtt pocroa A FINt WROOOCT,

useirmtrgf^ USAIt •VTCOtn


lOlswwVhltoiab ——




...38* K7.“r'...’3”



SI.3* lunaiN HikSpiqr. r-um f»4« LM, 1.............. HO

CSUTIH WMU GtS Sadie nyar.............Q

tottu tl IN....0*1


jS?rj-....53* 49c TuareiniNE


9—". Ltak 1

MrCO* TmAPmi*........OO



ll ■



BATS SSUES 4H Aanarato.................i

si-sscunua. Creme female hair eeler..

8148 ME8K



car e* m.^-4eoe eutomm. a ve ew


Sef-Streka. p Shave l| Ceeem.............. iJ


1*1: »•

■SS.'W' ■ Mto ............-

Vf THERMOMETER —•'nasTfi'sijrsr-""

4" 8" 4" 3"


SS4ISnA«8T MRaa Wtamlis. »S. STAS Bmim-M khbaW Wtototos. tSS SMS MOLTISEmil U1ly.Sa(NaalllS.. IMS mtlMNR J4I Liny, BaWli t« IIS .. 4 SKII URMPS 117 Bptaka Wawtoa. IBS I





. 44 CmSvvW. 1 FstoM-. 52it h««la.

S*S- It-SS to 4MI


IhB poitoM SbM

SO btoan>«.




IvtryiawHr Seta laelMad..

Mimr iim i rs >t... jr. ion i rt ti A. nnm tim ip tb ih


SS.TS mT-vi-m

2“ $14f S9URI

Fr...„.. 1'* S19.K SpUU


■rate, tea Mi


Dr. SeboTi Poof Mb mricUr >«Rom rifroBhii f^oBlsk. fotodM. ismIHos, tboM foot 4m to oior. rite or forigoo. SOe ate fte |or.

:AiroN.. Mb



ORiseo l^aate Cm

Dr. ScMTs Poet Powter seotbos footer, cbofod, bot porip^ foot, oom right sbooo. Ho^ dkMl foot Oder. 4te ote 89c.

Cnuwi era •tete be............ 94e SOPHS MAI Phw BMe

vbUr. 78c.


jyrsj... K.J**:



Ssl. 74 anow ti.ia m wm

I m-oiH Ttn

BaeabtoiM............ “



iMbbot. fsIsiM rate Idooi riwo

uwm *4La« Teen mm. nm.

ran simi



Conn letweM Toes NIION PAIN ^ a*. sd»ri kNh. acdMN N »>i Dr. SchaTs ThagaMs gricUf i*. Nvt mi rsMSfs sofT tens bW“ twssn ttoM. •• BMW tto oA for tWi spoeW itao. 43c bom.






1" 1"


Dr. Scholl’s Foot Products



™parkviews ‘

$2.$0 OLGrVIE


Oily Of Dry Ib-^lettfe

RatotdwWMMton MH •a taltnd topa...........V ■-to Omw LAsaUwa TAM M

PiMrfc Ughtwelqhr. 5AA».







tmUTT MWU QOs PtoaMa. ts to Mg. 99




Aachw HmUn. «4h. V



69* LASa Ttttut Dispma efis MAKER SSASK BAS


45 Pvt a


24" Width WHh Heed



■ammu ammm.


rot Borr SEES s tosNB TBunMSEramsmw SI.OO AIBB 1.83 KOTEX Me CURITY

I OM si«. >olat4<l.i

.“SirS-SrtJr-is litttaiit Htlitf Frfui Fsst Tnnhlss fir Ptenitt t Day

U«n Stock Stniwlin 44 Blir-r tM toar.

T_- W.C- TOn. J— 11. a. W

REXAU. sum niNAMINS MULTIPLE VITAMINS 3( OAY SUPPLY...... tSY 72 DAY SUPPLY...... 4.7Y =c-.w;u-Si,S,'=ti=: 144 DAY SUPPLY .... 7.Y5 288 DAY SUPPLY.... 13.M s=r arr-i. 365 DAY SUPPLY.... 17i0 .JM

ao .siiutiiw 11 W»wird ftvSa. at Pm aa__ Jewa. as Sbav's «TT. SO-Uhmi Abkr-

a PtvOi. « Sm* r>v a OMhau to atok 4* ^ 4Tr«ftcatn;. ktortbW: P«i»t

as Cmv.

’ ns UNSAS AYE * lOlii > 1WBIA

WASarnGTON (AP) - H 0 w

KUijonorRoll lists lopekans

ACROSS 1 Aelim







FniH CocM

iS- 2„4f


a-srir..,-,. »t nANmi


si-on soHiw


Casper's Birdies Engulf Arnie's Bogeys Hot Putter Wins Open Crown by 4 SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-BUI CM|wr itnek bMk vltk bMie pota tS aad 15 feet ud mmd cnidip threngh tbe I by An»M PikDV il Opn GgK Cha Caper fired ■ « mr tbe i.n^yad. per K . Otynqde Lake eourtc wbfle Palmer, ihakes end almoet glaeiy*>eyed by the coUapae of ha game. tan«gled is with a 71. Tbe 34-year4td Caawr climaxed hte dramatic omeback by ladog aa approach abot to within m feet and SMB tt*Iflg the putt lor a birdia on tbe final bole. It was a case of blowup striking twice for Palmer, tbe game's leading aO-Uma money winner, who saw an Impoaing ________ seiwMtroka lead with tine

Bailil ttajiUal


..boles to play go op la the Tw»a». JiMXl. 1«M 11 smoke of bogeys In Sonday's

■ms enabled Carter to tie for tte title at 371 and teca Palmer into his third playoff in five yean. Ande loet to Jack Nielaua in 19Q and be finiahed third b^inl Juliui Bona aul Jacky Cupit at Brookline, Mass., In IKS. G(dr hMorUns called Pabner's coUapae Sunday tbe great­ est in the ennals of tte game, tnl it wu ahnott duplicated on this bright, tunny day before a gallery at ISAM. TwMip through nine boles and playing MpwUy. Palmer bit a patch of boffoyt. otarting at Uu IHh. and had (oar In ttw ipwm d alz bolco. He was a punchdnmk warrior when he trudged up to the final green. Loog Patti Fan Cvpor. rated the sporffl mot duigerous putter, contrib. nted to Patmer-s slide by knoddag In a SMoot putt on the nth bole where he levelled die matdi end rtdUi« In o na» Bter of SS feet at die ISIb where he began moving diead. Arnie's collapee was emphaslMd on lha 6M-yard Utb bole where he took a doable bogey 7 while Casper, threointttag. settled for a fat«. On tha Ktb. Palmer drove lislo the right rough, hit bis second only SO yards, had to play into the fairway and then threw Ua approach Into a trap. Ha blasted out to within ei^ feet and missed his putt. Casper ^hed the green in three but three^tted from SS feet, Dunii« from 34 feet Casper kwt ■ stroke at tbe 17th, where he bogeyed, but ha steeled hbueU for a magnifleeBt fudsbing birdie on tbe 137yard Ulh, witfa iii toinbetrel fairway wimUng through a tunnel of treee beaeKh a tdlWde of fam. Casper-s vletory, hla aacond in tbe Open, was CS.OOO phu I UKO playofl baana. Palmar, whoae slMime money winnlngt are near dveo^piartan of a million ddlart, collected SUJOO.

plus njoo.

PaiMuKlM Long one of tbe tour's most canatttttt players and always high In scaring averagei and mmay wlnal^. Casper wte bU first Open to UK at Winged Foot in yamaroneck. N.Y. There • be aai putlid a of tba 73 »esm He was a SSHnund fat maa at tha tima and had saver capbired tha tmagbatton of tbs golfing public. Two years ago, be wot on an esotie diet Inchidlng buffalo and bear meat, shrimp, avoeadoes and berriaa. wd dropped to IB peuitos. Recently be went bewk to UO. It wu ■ Mtter dlsappototmeot for Palmer, who at K Is attemptlnt to dl^rove tome predtotions that be has lef -busiand that he is n the decline. ness enlarprises doll hbk goU........................................... Putting bis mullimilflcn dnllar enterprises ta Iba background, be devoted more attention to golf thto year end won two of the earty eventsI - the “ Los * Angeles ------------Open and- the rt of Champlonea of Let Vegu In Monday's ptayoff. Palmer grabbed the early lead with ee blnfie putt on tbe fourth bole after Cmper bad sunkone of the soma lo«lh after coining out of a trap to uva a par on tha aacwd. Arnle. his atampediiy army going wild, mved two ahead at the ftfib, wbm Casper booked his drive into ■ tree, pitched abort and took a bogey 9. Both playart btr«ed tbe seventh with raagntfieenl reeoverica from the rough -- Cooper (dtehlng to within four feel an] Palmar to within 34. A slx-foet putt for a birdie at ttia m-yard eight far Casper cut tbe advantage to one. but Arnold got it back on the ntarth when Casper took three from the fringe lor a bogey 5. Dabbed Artoe’s Mghtmnn Hwo the two moved IKe tbe tnckside stretch of holce, which ropy be cbrlttaned Amto's Nightmare Therw Amie lest U theta to tbe rallytaff Casper to the last two days. Palmer skyrocketed to a S while Casper bad a SS Suitoay Monday It was to tor the shaken Palmer and M (er the ateady. ImperturMile Casper. Ibe rtrapt mm eeme at the tlB-yard 11th. Caller roOed to a SMoot putt, while Palmer, whose approach landed to «w left rough, miacsd a lourifoet putt and aatttod far a bogey 9. In one quick swoop, (be mafch wu even. Caviar, bia putttog stlek hot. atrokad to a SMoot. naka at tbe Ulfa to go 1-up and then he started euihtontog hU toad with Patonr begeys. At tha Mth. Patmer approached itet. left Ms dilp wtil below toe hale and misaad an eighMOot putt tor a befey. Ha trapped hto tea shot at be UMrard ISth - hto jinx bato Sun­ day which la called ba tomtag poUit of the ftoal day - and Masted out SI feat away. Another bogey, and ba wu now three down. Tla gap wu otretted to tour at the llto. cut back -to torn at too 17b where Casper had hia aacend straight tiweeeutt green of the tournament, and bu tacraaaed to four with Casper's riflashrtettbelUgmtoelltt. “It was an totuuttog week," Caaper aaid qidatly. The an toVB Peacock Gap ViDay, Calif., wu toUawad by kii wife, ayflay: daughter, Unda Maru, It. and am. Billy, t Aaotou sen. Rabert. I, toayed homo to watch it an ieleviston.

Houston Tflk« Bout

PnrSBlfRGH (AP) - Carlos OriB. cut over the ffight eye. saved hn world ttghtweigbt tide by Stopping Johny BtBwm, • bouncy* hit-aod-nm artist, m 2:9 of the 12th round Mooda)night. AC tbe Jhttsburgb Civic rena. Orttz. faced with the possible toes of tbe ISS^cod crown. ' swarmed over the Erie. Pa. challenger to the 12th and dropped him for ihe maodatoo* eight-eoum after pounding Bjsarro around the nng. mm BtzzaiTo came up wob­ bly alto look two more punebe^ frem Onii. Referee Johr (Buck) McTlemia ftopped the bout It went es a tocltoical knockout. Crewd Boas There were boot from the small crowd, which bad sensed in upaet victory for the 2-1 un­ derdog . wtw was not even ranked In the lightweight class. “He wu staking with bis bands down. " said McTieman. Ibadtosfa^it" AD three officials had Onu om front by a slight margm. Referee MeTVrnaa had It 5149. Judge Ernie Sisto 93-50 end Judge Paddy Crimes 649. There were no knockdowns in the contest mtll Ortit suddetoy opoed up to the tSth. The Puma Rico-born New Yorker hurt Bisarro with a Klid left bookulhebeadaitothenshota THE TIDE-mRNING PUTT: BOy Caiper>f arm timatated toe ttae at bit SMato btrdie patt « No. tl. which bnugbl Casper frem SAawi to c fight to the body. Senatog that Ms epfOtim wu in hwl shape. Oru swarmed lo the Bttadt. Uirewtoi both hands with a fury. Ha-tandad at least 10 poriKi OB Bbxbro and the chaltenger slowly sagged to a sittiiy pocitlon an tbe ropea UsawBeonar. nam ri| to rue tote I punches and went down from a wvwntog left book to the body ' I haven't got much to say. Ortta, who just madt the SAN FRANCISCO (API - holes to go in regulauon “I bad a little trouble an weight UmU of 195 pouDde at too -Is it ttal?" Bfily Ca^ tha back nine an week. Pvo Moe walgb-n. had treitoto taasked aftar wtulag tha BA. kind at been flgfettag it. pv traeUiK htnatof agatoat hia Open GMf CTuptoraKp to a win too Open, wel ifa Jut liculariy the last two days. I Ism-pound opponent. playoff with Amtod Pabnu Hke a dreem. It's something got that bogey on 11. and BID Fr a moment it looked like a I've been hoping and praying Monday. concern to meat of "It's pke a dream." Casper for tor ao long. Ifi very, very made (hat kmg tarttie putt qutafc adding in the second. Ortoo aBtraUs wbea the City said while the dased Palmer his work for the and that kind of changed Ua slammed a right to tbe body Men'i Golf Teuraay qalifytag Btood morosely to too baci of Casper, who didn't get back Church of the Latter Day things. I still felt pretty go^. and toUowed wltb a left to the round Is played Tuesday at ' the room. from a church meettog until Saints "has given me an in- I still feH like ptoytog. chin. Btziarro staggered back Topeka Public Course. "I ww 7 down with nine toe early morning hours, said ■ Maybe it dhtat took like but came out of It and conttauad Better than 70 per cent of the attack. He*^^0 per cent of his II 1 don't know. TUngs small field (42 of tZS.OOO winnings wiD go to the stowed down pretty much They bailed heads in the from then on. Puhlinx members. Tiqieka eighth and Orm came awov Country Chib bu It entrants. "I ihoogM all slang that tbe tram tbe collision with blood Casper, who came from Shawnee Country Oub five and seven strokes back to tie tbe first live hoiet were tbe tough streaming from a gash over hia Forhu ooe. shaken Palmer ta the final ones. Those are the enaa I right eye. It bled on and off toe Public Course kfanager Jack round Sunday, was 2 ddwn at concentrated an. 1 figured rest of lbs way._______ Wylie reported 30 to S turned, the tun of tte Ibhola playoff that was my bnalneas - to get by tha ftrsi five out for practice rounds Man­ Monday. ly. Included to the group wu ‘It's unbelievable,"he said rc^a '■I guen I pot wrmped up [Ike Pettt of Topeka Country "But I never gave up, my botoeti toe toon." Ckib. at U toe meet's yaiBgeat “I said yesterday I was entrent. He toured the course in plgyiiig tor tecond when we I. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Foot­ •erlous probicmi are evident et made tha tun. anff I was. But I wai stin diar^g tor Wylie uid a playoff tor the ball Coach Paul (Beer) Bryant this point " Clwt«r Sffrvkt 10-man rhamptonahlp night. rested ta a bo^itat Monday aft­ Bryant came to CaUfomia No. I. I hadn't givea up. Wotebad Beeeebeert RMtal . would ba btod Id. er he caltopaad at the amsal SuBdqr aiMl was to have left Friday iwtiM toe qualUy- PepperdJiie College ' <Mchlng Tneaday hr New York City to “I was looking at the acorenyfai9 School board Id see bow far back Jom 24—S P.M. iota a group cd Bratogbam Nicklais and Tony Lama The Uolverslty of Alabama buslnem leaders at a news cob- wen. A couple ef bogeyt and Atricri Spraying Sotorckiy eeuraa until qaafifying Is cem- bead coaito bad )u*t begun a ference aanounctog architectu­ I'd have been back there with pleled Jimt 25—8 P.M. speeito when be etntebed bis ral cunpeiltiM) for a new civic them. Dial CE 3-6677 71 Needed clwat and cried out: "I don't center in Birmingham • First place never crossed Suifdoy know what It Is It tome a He said the corn is playing my mind until the lith hole, Capitol Air Bryant, bead footoaU coach al Jiiiio 26—2 P.M. “pretty good" and tho^ M doctor to too house'" Then be Atohama for eight yean, hu a when Ante get a oegey and I Sonrico would take a 70 er better to coltopoed. 7 MBes K. #f CtwvorM got a birdie Arme aUrted to ttfeUme coachtog record of 16reach toe title flight. aa OM HSqbwoy 7S fryato was takea to the col- $1-14. Ha directad the rrimsoa slip a Unk. and L slipped ar Nlfbwwy No. 4 Bill toga tofirmary. then to View; Tide to national football cham- through that cradf ta the ,HaDtiler of 8CC will take aa Park ■ piooships to IMS. 1M4 and 196 door he left open . - . tothe At the boBptta], the wife of die and was named coach of tbe “I Hver fell badly, cllber flight and pau SAyear-old coach akid: Sunday or Moiatoy. Not whea year to 196 tor the madM "Ha doesn't look like of talk At Alabama. Bryant’s squads I was S-toiwn and net when 1 traphy. thta thre^putt green. Seila. UI6 Uka It's semetoinc real •erlous. have compiled e 6134 record. bad ■ This was me of my beat John Begert of TCC IM and Tbey are giving Mm tfaeoM IIM dum^ and a finalist tax and axygen now and making Bryant has a reputaUoe aa e putting tournaroenu In a *soo tong, long time. Not as good of the tost seven years end tOS , 3440 45X8 raeardtograma. He talks reportedly has tamed down as I9K (when ba wm Us 941.6 6.6 M.67 champ Lm Neeley of Pobttoi claarly. and hto eotor ts good 040 I 74.6 lUM large offers to become first Open Championshlpi. art toe other farmer wlnaars to teoae i uo.u' sutoq Later, the baapittl said: eaeeh. but the best in a kag taie.' llw field. lmm ub t> sjsm Ayik ReeaDa II Also entered are the past two “Mr. Bi7«t has an exhaua-| Bryant, who has taken Alatourney medal wioaers - Bil tioB syndi^ u a result ofibame to howl games tor seven Patmer. who failed tor the' HcDonaid at Publinx (1961 and which be feinted. His case ls‘stral|ht years. «re^ his third time to an Open playoff. Roger Kbska of SCC (1K4). being studied and ebserved No! team tost year to a 9-11 record.

Tw« Steelcn Sign

prmBUHCH (AP) - PItto-l 1)001 Staeler pUyera Cary Balte and Dick Hook togntd Seanlan of Now BsalKd ta a thalr UK caKrMta Monday, the mlddleiRi^ IS-fOBod bout NaltoMl FoeftdB to^ua laara Monday BllhL FkCKKTKnMfK







I 1 J


City Golf Opens


Casper Disbelieves Rally-

7s It Real?' Bill Asks r

The Cords .

Bryant Collapses Delivering Speech




k ww «l M tM. M ipn«H to D


tvfetij .r'j i

Ortiz Proteds Title With TKO In 12th Round

• MUSTA9IGS • FALCONS Wa have plenty af cars to choose oei Two blocks f airUnos . . . Fi . . food roosoei to switeh to Ford In '65.

The Quick-ActiM Comer 23rd and South Topeka I for storm rirtims.

WE*LL ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET FOR YOU riw day you OiKoww IM Canwt Service could be your red lettor deyi CwnoMw our reM, ead ttwn enmnuo our wetoowia. Our tredemeras ero a reedy smile end ■ roMbneeo to serve. Need e hand on mettara flnanctaft Our Red ^aroet is otrt-for you.


Ptam: CE 5-5323 PIWN:PR6-n«4


^Astros Hand Form DrysdaieSth Chart Straight Loss

Ht... ..




Chisox' PHthirtg, Speed Defeat A s



dgtoto IgMto Vrltor

HOUSTON «AFl' - Buity Stwb doubUd hacM Da Ot r, (brcai brtaktDf ns la Um «l|Mh !»■ M the Hovtoa AXra da-

KANSAS CITY - The Chtoagg WWIe Sox o«d th* twi bigrto osKta-opeed ato ptidiiog-to Inffla Iht AthMa whh a H aietory befw* • tfm cfond of «,«•. to dw oprnr H a fow^aia aartot at tHAm MMdqr

m ;•r !r‘»%dtelMi^W'DadfM 5■ iM :5 Z Monday ai|ht Md handad M< ' N



**” ""oMi ViMtMT ,^SZJV„ '»*n .mi « OJI

Ottoox roto lour baaes to art up tw nma and Joel (M. Bob Locker and imi Ptarro Ihnitad Me UgM4dttinc

00 Dryodalc bn fifth

M <1 .]» tnw.Ti —w«T

^ ^

* * bBW CZW’a only rue cnme oa catcher mi RooTo ttdtd at the leaaoo agilMZ tha ' ~ dock la left Add in tha flttb

j **• f»eaa »aao^ Da*lt (iBiUed Ui Ut IM aeond « a HnM by Onek ••

‘"oiaio aktady hml fargad a ta lend with ato^ nm to the first aad fifik. DoobSc Bim AAKRICAN LEAGUE Don Buford cracked a on^eat Ml U» PtI. MM sk^ to tbe that and stole sec­ .. . . <I n M Dryadale wat teocbed for an o»r«H a n « IS ond base. After A's started BO CmIM r n AM » maaraad HB to tha ate laotag Stafford wafted Tom McCraw. C»liMiM» M II J» ■ aftor ha *o|vad Am ban tahUa MMsn a n .« II Buford and MeCrtw ptoted a CMM a M .4M II trytag to tog Saoy Jackaaa oo Mm y»«t a U .Ml IIS double tlert to put ramirts oa flEVE EAGAN (toft) and gTAN WAOSTAFP . .. eaeatoi to ^ a gnaadar to Brat. JaehsM Ml. ■aw a » .«i u second and Wrd. KMM c»» 11 a jn u‘> tM)a aaeand aod pmaadad to o«MR n II ja i»s John Romaita toen ttfted a ■aiuin aoaoAT third «bn eaichcr Jete Rsaa. high fly to short Mt 6cld. A's bara thrav wlU. Ba taarad an a shortstop Capy Campsaerts * CMIM I ihh^ by Staab. made the catch and Buford tatAMatai nownaa bluffed a dash to tbe t»a». It a ifwn HI a <i MM. ICM» 1*1. • imusd out be wam’t btoStag as p*ftar ■» «l*a IHIMM ■ < I at wo*^ <r < a I • wvM a Ilia be slid to ahead of Roof's tag --IPM » <1(1 MM <* (III OD/** lOD a M Roof aad A’s Man­ IM' > D la »m. OaiMv* MV* IMM IMM *a M Oalii.1 ager AI Dark argued with piau mmn < I a I a MUwMa a i a a a R MM TVt umpire Harry Sprtt«tead on iiMT » 11 a I mmm la < a 11 ai »D. >. ] . w« M ait I IMM c Ilia . rM.* * I a I a atMiN a i a i a Eagan, who was drrtled by the Bortoa Rad Sox to the the call, but to ae avail. By DICE RUSSELL >*"*aau a a I a a mmii p* i a a • Topekan Kcn Berry eeUectad recent free agent drefi, added. "We were eetting them up When Steve Eagen atcpped to the ^ate agaiort Stan iriM p laaa CMv * taat is accsod strait stogie to the o«M a aaia Waptaff in pert Maaoai. he had )uR ooe thought to mtodwith fast ones and |rtbng tha OPI with curves." Ever since their Ud days, the two had always fouad fUth, wM sacrifleed te IMrd by to try and “hit ‘an wbare tiny atol.'* ai a aia laathemselves ce opportte sides of the fence. In the Pony Ex­ Uorlea aad anted on Tommy More than ooko. he did it Uka thli aprlng. when Eagan, PACOnC COAST laa a I a ai apress League, Eagan was with tbs Jell, Wagstaff wltt the Agee's hoomtog iripie ofl the tRtui.n Moaa*r playing for Plttaburf SUtc, booMrad off Warttoura'a Wag*oC ataff to the ftoalt of the QC toumay, neUtog a T4 victory. GcMrals. Whw they advamd to Amertean Legton ball. center rwid. wan. 010 fcrt frwj uiaSS' V ■m'Viax* loo-Ommimi 4. ' tmm 1 Eagan went with Van-T and Wagitaff played for Shawnee home piste. ■M ». M DM 1. The White Sox scored their THU SUMMER. TTS A DIFFERXMT itory. Now when Hctflrts. IP H a ca te so Eagan gaxea at Wagttafr to hli wind-up. he’s hoping for a They even chose diflerem colleges. Eagan went to Pitts­ final run in the eighth off re­ mmmm Sanders as Agae kd , r-EW YORK (API - JhB quick out and not a baat hit. MM D «« burg State oo a toethaU scholarship and WagsUfT choae liever Ken . '.4.' i I t J oft with ______auper-froih hii third straight hit. a ■MM SO I a a a a it's not that Wagatafl haa auddeily beewne Invincible. Waihbora becaum ’’it was eioac aad my dad went there." • » »ai «awan> t a I 1 1 I lie to tr right eeater. He itoklhtwi Kmsas, and b*s »y«*rBut after yean of oppoalng each other oo the dtomood. the TUs spring, they mrt egato. Again, each had a dlRer- double c«Mr iw.Mi I a a a a ■OVTHDIN LSAGUS I and scrabtod home es'«« ardwlvrt Jim Grelle of Ortwo have becomo teeanatea oo Thpaka'i CAW Market ent geal and the sltuaUon wu crucial. It was the ftoais of third an------------------------------ , Roof threw widly to third base ogon. eg«. wiD coneewtrate oo oa the Baa JehaaoD Leagua team - and banerymeiat at that the CIC tourney MiaMT I. oaana I. mile orty ta dm NsBoort AAU on the play. Eagan aod Wagaiaff worked as a tandem for the first (u'mw Otudeor Trmft and PMU Cham"WE WERE BEHIND H to toe eighth. ’ recalls Eagsn. Cords A, M«ts 2 A’s Throattn time Seturday and it paid off. C A W dalmed a L3 victory TEXAS LEAGUE p«e^. meet dtredor Ray "Then our 'aecond basemaa stogled with two on to tw it -They worked real BDooIhly togeMer,” said Manager Kansas Qty threateaed to the anacn aanMT 5T. LOUU (API - R In the top of Ibe ninth, our leadoff tiacter. Danny Witson. eighth, loadtog the bases oa t Umipp said Monday. - av* a w PM. pw- Hunt's error led to two un­ Otorlie Hamson “Steve knows hew Stan throws and what drove a double to left The next nun struck out" waft to Roof, a stogie by Boo "It kwks Ukc Now York ftoaL earned SL Louis mill to Ibe fint be throws, it look them about two mtoutcs before the game Then, Eagan betted WigaUfTs delivery over tbe left Stone and a walk to ly wiU have tti ftrrt ortdoor subto get their signato straight. Then they looked Ilka they'd tooliM as the Cardinali center flcM fence four mtoule mile Sunday.’’ said nerif. Locker relieved Horten stretched Ibclr wUmtog streak been a battery all aeaaon." "It wts a fast hall right down the gvt.“ grinned Sun. with the ctnrt M on Copy Wagsuifl had been occupied m bis parent's fafn and to fodr by bandiiE^ Nm "Are you sure*’’ countered Eagan. "It wat toesking He walked the A’s shOrtstop oa The AAU < York Mels their fourth Itralght 'liadn'Ubrown in a inonlh and a half. But, although be was ships will be held Saturday md when I hit it" pUgitod by wUMwsa.- St. Jowph's PepaiOila team cenUn't two pitcbcn and Pitarro took loM i2 Monday night. Despite the incident, the two remsined frieMly rivals. Sunday St OowntotoRtadtom oa over. The CaiSi' throat Rrst be­ htt tom. W^tafl had a noAiUer through sis tootogs. but B«iwl«ll. }«U»i4 They've stnca become good hetterymate*. Dark brought in righthandadl gan with Lou Brack *twtog a bad gtveo up Swee nins "Stan wu a little wild his fint time out." roremented SWvag PfeU Ken Harrleson to hu for soothwalk, then ttaalMg aa^ and «n* felT RATHER ODD." be aaid. "I’d been toOfing tot C A W manager. "But I look for him to win i lot of ball psw JJlm Gosger xgatost Pim- Lurapp said the field of St for oo PWl CagU-, ^ ball. There’s a WASHINGTON <AP) - Two moving to the mile todudes eigto wte To’s k I ym, ^ference." uaaanad ma hi thi McoBd eno'i Infield hit have brttered fov mtootei tois Juan paid ttttia attadtoa to tbe ^ Wagsuff think about tos new battery-mate? baU. and ha didn’t used to hit lor average, na year h Inoini tad QHg OmBU's hema stratagy, getitog Uarralsan a a year. catching me the fint tirae. ha-dld a real good bltttog for avwaga and not sacrificing any power." nm in tha ihdlL haipad tbt Brock and when aecuad baaepoiHqi to second base aad Mfta Rym hn the best tone. ■ ieb." ba aaid. “1 croaaad him up accldentaJly a couple ^■D went l-for-IZ as C A W won two double-head Waatutytao SniTi to a M Hertoberger oo a routine fly to J.a.r dochtog that wu only tlmee." last weekeod. viRory «w tha aevaiaod loone-tonth of a second slower ' iMsr field. dlaof Moaday ol|hL Htflen, wte gave up all four than Michel Joxy's world Tha Saatara took tha aertea. record. GreBc. Zl. who bn been accounted for the uneanud A s bits, got toe vicUvy, thraa f»"*« to ooe, aad nmi. under four mtoutu » ttoiet. third to ten decisions. The ton kaoekcd ttn ZhdUnl into Wrl • ree« st. kovis StaSard (t-1). who de­ tel a bert time of Z:S.l •» r t ti «• r K W plaea. thraa gMsm back «t served a better fate. He held Tbe young, lean Kanam to tha l» Oil iMCll ■ 1>>• Annrkna Laagoa laadini BalU- ____M visit OMIl— W < I 1 S the White Sox to six hits to defetding ebampion to tbe «M> rf (SIS POM Cf (Ml ■ raora. SPfv ■ IMS PriMCSM It < * " seven tontogs end gave up only event He won h to Z;H.i artt>au Rkhirt. aha .mo hit .jmm « tilt nctrmr t I img an Amoriem record, B ana bonrtite m tIShih fUBC. gaaa IV a run 10 riMMI It 1 I 11 IMPM rf I SEATTLE fAPi-Merrttt RsOhsa MeaU lost a pair oi The two teams meet again at ■ ^ ]tI I W 1111 Ibe tacottl (V a walk to Rocky l.t«n> clow Mftbali gamu to the vto 7 pjn. Tueodey and wind up tbe <Mrw>f list tunm u Mil new. Scsttle Aagets cstrtwr who CoLavito. Prad WUtfiaU'a doo- •Tt*<v < (111 tmm A > t M mfferod s brain n)nry May 11 Yakima. Wash., ItaMafr serin with a dsabletentor at Crete at Sae Dtor. Cald. WtHBLEDON. England (API faults in a raw, but be ' M*nt A Mil Mwmr » tilt W.V. $A MM night S-Z and 74. la tbe t pm. Watenday. Ralph Tkny New York hn aam trvteal ta a Pacific Coast League base­ -Roy Emermn. the toogb and palled himself together. ball game to Vaacouvw. EC., wiry Australiao shoettog for his Of the other seeds, the only first game, Takhna ta&M ail (M) wBI pitch for the A’s Tuas- suMov mtouU mfin todoors ■ Ml1 TMI Wit] was released Mondey fnm the thru ruu in toe first while day against Tonuny Jeton (S4). but never outdoors. -----------------Ulte to auccea- one wte had tnobls wu Mte• M Ml M^l! boepital. I«l IM I I ■-(, Stan, lad a pruegUn af six ato- gal Sadtna of Spain, seeded Obu came back lor two in tbe •» I oa !Tt«2* second but coolten mannge any c I a 1 • vioMiM rf rf < I I 1 Renew will raain here f< . 1. •r seeds hito tbs aaowd round (anmi. t* (Ml ■ » Mwm M LWIM. lOa-l(M|y« (.^D. eek or W le days for ohqarvh week —_--------- of the ma's singles Monday. M <11 • IMMB« » Re ran up against Isao Wan- mort. Tte saeond contut wu ’MW MM " III. PMMva II Mint fdagued by errors. before rcAtratog to bto^e in ’*mSd BERGEN, Norway (AP) It wu a dun opening to the atabe of Japaa oo a greasy! •r cat* uo o »•* r1 < Ml mnMS' " ) < M Ban n«-lra a/ taalpaha aaa. a . - . . ___ «» 11 ■wa.Mi IVVI*. Albany. Goergla. cotft and dropped the op«tog: Tbe two teams meet agi lOth toumaineot, wtlh no upoeto •WM It ( t M Roe aarke of Aurtratia wm a «>M» latiMia laaa «rntm t i I • I I Ranew wu hltto the bend by oil* M Tteaday •mm c aiaa laaariia » 11 la ■M («. St) Z.IM-iMWr race Monday night I i t t ( to rafale the crowd’s temper­ art $-7. Ite JspassM alippnd to atniMM n > 11 a amaiM a ■ 11 Mr « I « • ■ baseball bat daring a brawl ature on a chilty day. w matt chasing a cross court shot to tos HM* ta • mtauto*. 14 saoends for a ooi»M< » - laai aMH » taai WW—SMn* t—I a. *-!!«■ to ibt gams with Vsncouver, MM CMHM M MM socoeA sot. Siratoed a staech MM* •> ^jaa racatl only one se«l ^ fifth ranked suflertni daage that Mt a ■iwi»-J • i muacic. dropped thru gamu — STmawt-i > Uo(<clot 00 the brain. This wu Joh'i Newcombe of Brovts 7, Phil! 5 ■ III TMl bTII and wu forced to retire. . mnm «M rnmn to trouine. Newcabe T4SVM .................... iau>—rs< .’iVrjfa’a’nj ATUU4TA (API - Gene 011- removKl by surgery June « and trailed one set to two agattit EBHrsou ted no trouble to OIW (MM IW •!• *-| > > phyeicians raport Ranew speoastIBg to a M. M. M. » smmr* m TniM. StMi irii tMn m's twortin homer in tbe sev­ purs to be maktog an exeelleitt l>W <IMf( Mil miate win against the Ctnadlenth toung. his second of the recovery-. • cm Mt* an Harry Fauquier. M m ^ Tte only seed who did net Fred StoDe. the beaten AnalIP M taauw garni, broke e L5 be and gave n » I< II * AtlcnU a 74 vieury over PNla. play wu Tray Roche, the bard- Ut bfft for the put three yean That's what you'll say when Gopher League degtoia Monday sight. IhKttog Australian left-hander and the fourth Australian in tbe anwt iw-Mi •' II II youiightupaHaifomlHalf. 1-tM *- >• who came here with the tUllan seeded list, defeated the GerThe PhllUef’ BUi White had*doomiW, bed the score to the top ol th* and French titles to ha podtrt mu Davis Cup playec lago and wu rated the most likely Buding $-1. M. 1-7. LZ toning with a three-run douttc Angtis 5, T.wins 3 CiFy Softboll after Tony Taylor reacted ftrit lift Drytdale. toe only South A.SAHBIM (API - A dropped on a fieldn’s c.holre. John CalBNEW YCHUC (API -Vaivara fly ball by center fielder Tony son singled aitd Richie. Allen »--n. I*?VS:”| have expired on Dick Stuart, the Otiva helped California rally for. tiy a pitch ;New Yak Mrts said Monday, three runs in tbe seventh toning i _ wv end got a dlspenutton from the Other winners tochided OtK and toe vrteran first baseman to ecmmitlee to post­ Richey, of Dallu, Tex. Stan now a frw agent oiMit Tuesuv pone his first round match ftnllh of Un Angelas. Cbartu The ZS-year-old Stuart was lime m nine meetings this ye«r',^ _ against an unknown Briton. Tad ■Paurrtl of Sauurce. P.E. Billy laced on watvcn last ~ ^ Beards. unUI Tuesday. Hoog. of Borkrtcy. Caiif.. Jsrry Both U S. leeto. sixth-ranked CroemuU of Lang Beach. Calif.. Deonto Ratoton and eight Ron IMmberg of Dallu. Tex . obtained -fra Ite New York Girls Softboll cd Ctark Graehner - came Marty Riesiee of EvnnstOB. U.. Yankees. tbfough wMmit difRcuIty ■niUlTI MOMMV John pfckeni cf Tuscatoeu. Swart hit ealy 411 for the town «;■»' iK^** "» ' » Graehner. of Beachwood, Ala. IM-Mfte Brtkln. a CaaadlMets wte acquired hfan tm Ohio, a nrpriu nam to the an now living tn MlwM Bench. Phllteetpite last wtaier. He ranfctogi «sd IlMcd IMh in the wi« toe Mots s*>n.w* e^^eitiMi u. niHtM* United SUtes. ran up agrttol Richey ted the toughnt fight; {„ 1474m . Mirtia MuUigan of Austratia. *“* “*'*•133 TVSSUV anfccd third in the U.&. but flnaUst and tamed hhn unseeded hare, be tangled with ly 44. M. «4. Y-Church Loogue toe Briltoh yoonater. Graham I M • ». IVuM M rnmmm itston. the No I U S. playi ^SNIlwen. ate arty the Ameri­ I BakerrttoM. Cald can’s grtetor experience and steadinen briped him break tl.wi«w> *11. . M •» rmtrnr9‘ r»l«» H> O CM f*tmw Ml »•« a*. . IM ««|M> iwn»> ID •> M 1 >1. >» ««*

hiti. aav ha< a id raaord and hMMtaooagamailieaMay

C&W Battery Tandem-

Loco/ Rivals Merge Efforts


Ryun, Grelle

rii, iv.

Set Sights

On Mile Only


Senators Nip Cleveland,4-2

Ranew Released I Tennis UpsetS Nil Yakima Defeats From Hospital Ohse Gals Twice

As Big One Begins




IUVSJa iiii



is:' iiii' ..r.-i

Waivers Expire, Stuart Is Fr^

* * •• *





Pony Leogue

; ] i i lS." Sabarbon Leogue cue onrfiloa S<"•c>«•• 1. Km 1 *’** * Otvitiail »•*.** I. M-MM-I I ■MV It i«v r

; At Crest Hdw. M!!

kstm';-. rr-;.

lobe Ruth League

Our Service Department ts Now OPEN FOR BUStNESS SHORTMAN DOD Idlh aad

Ua Aagctoe. 74. PZ. M. U. aad found his service itot work Ing too well AI one time Ralston had toe crowd guptog by serving four

bwk from M tea to tte fonrto art to wte M, U. M. IS-IZ.

Amaricofl Legion '1—,.


AUT0 6USS ttSTALUTKIN • For ALL enri * ly axpanwnewd

Taaifbt. Juaaai.TJBBJKTa^'sAlr^,Cate



#■■<• aasee

me* mOMI ce X-04T7



We’re Open for Business MOLLER OIL COMPANY


Mutual Funds I Johnson Questions

jPattemless Day for Market

“ Sill Wheat Limits Hike'

tharet i rematad iliftalljr lover to the vancod and SI mnaloed uo-{00B from cMflg WMa mom «r ► aiai«ed. wMIr- a i»fnes|Prtday. tv tv •« «-< t.nvv| f4 %v fM nw to the tofb«ytD«* toec. toucbed aw UM hifta and »: Prices on Ibe American Ex- urn Am tM tV Alt HOT fri MJialil troats aad airliaet vm On* ra rv Me VI IIUUVI WASHINGTON (API -Prrs)-> Preenaa ehanca riaacri lover In mod- Am vitti Umc* ckttioi mixMl m Am <■. wnsAV Tte DotoJones InhMrial tvti "tS"Si^ -MMMU .W« M« ^ eratelp aettea toatoaf. VehEne Am AM aaii.ji JS in DndertOBe tleipile wrMl I’xii'ijbiUty Monday of another tn-loo more eorplus of vbeaL” Unitod Press Intena- eraie declined IJO to W.Tt ■noDpb at ■ n%. Tn*bu( tile rail coaponeat picked totaled 2.1M.00I m ‘ISt IS I-'om tiSi'S'freas* the nation's vbem'said this rtotitrybas a eoentMsal Stock market todtoator up 0.07 to ai.Q. Standard k pared vitb LUO.Oto ehares ------------, reserve, bovever. and A I?Tr At^ itAinK ituiiu acreage allotment ailotmem for lor the ine 199 m fortable tortai shoved a kMB ol • 04 per cent P v's SOI Mock Index lea O.a I Friday. “ American ' '?S'IScrop. i*creage that can be put Into AVH • wStlSi^Tm. 'jv'IScropi*erw with \M traded. W ^m.*. flange stock Index ra» ^ ......................................................... • - • if this becomes desiraliSiiS He did so by directing Secre-Ma &340.-:cents to $tS04. ifechned. 223 ad-; Volom ; these, »iM iiviot it>m u n«^M Ury of AgrteoUure Orville L. b!e' ,M., }ti>.|>» •>!«>■ cn»»j . May S Johnson i i? ,v»»'IL'r’or Its.Freeman -to look further at On •''« e'ra IIW-KW t M li-lin. am^r-t i •M>«e B UI»aN; ml<M M m1 NC« V0*K IUVII-! into the supplv and nounred a la per c “ 'j <n*K> MJn-i ni mt» a k-m ST«■><• *« »•» ''•^ h*o ci >n forr next II m (he wheal acreage altounent MoatM AM ' " d gS?5*.5 for 1967. 5IJJ-WM; c*M:«M-:rr>e my»n ’’.ti'is >: mitM gM *M cMlf* nn-Kti. toad _, Kreemen Mid that while a de^ ^ ^ B**^* ** *1 .1 n? !L 11-tS rZL . OH « >''ci.sion on an increased acreIt W’a OH W - H *t *!2 ^ *B»^ 2 ■ —P— {htbiSc'.a »iin. IJ5J5JU't« >«•». uofwri M curttn It ’*•■'•” AM SAa u a I. n VH t'm V * n ISH S’. IS—M . AdCOdd tJi 114 B*. BH BH. M SAvOX I.Vt agr ailotmeni could not have n »>tv AM Ir id. I 111 «M IM VH 1U IVH ISIH—m Hot Uvl II II 11 SAttt MS btuv>*t' itmai M niM ‘to be .made undl fall when w fi l»2 I?* IBHAIH I ’! 5!2 512 fir-iJStL’,7. S S2 S2 II VM V Vm-t H < »Vlt« .. tor vtieal vheal d; di planted, i *>f >M ] a It fH VH OH- H ^SvS2 5.t:2 K‘L’i iM ta Un«t HI ^vn B^V.^gll l» SM AKMtl N ID J"» IW BHA H « IIVi Wt BHA HIamMI I.V » Bid MM Set— <I -fI ■IV MO la’ll 1 ’ . iseekk to t make a reror 7 MB IIH ll'.lt- H •WdA nac ponible m rmc 1 U M IB tVAt lltH IIM I •and IB . V^BH »» " Rjy F,J 3 V^ BH ail 2 rwdw av bdmattSopply KCUyestock He estimated total vbeat sup70.A.-4 V VAHIAJ CITY IAAI-C.ttM-Avt.fl. rav htMr e»lw 1». tMt. tx MM. s as of June t at between a iBH lift iM'T-i'A [■ < 1. Be MM. CVAI •MAOt <t Me and 600 miUioD bushels He ^ S' h:^?: lAdadNO I Aitul IV S iTt ar. 6W+ H BAiiiiT* 5mm ttr^I^^I V^ half of the wlieat is R: said about al uvt. uiMonv. aoM mm cmk«. Commodity Credit Oorpora-f (lAlSOHM. CA«M. MvtAHt AmaidC l.n m Its BH IfV- M |tio(i stock* and the other half AHdm I.Vd a OH TIM nHA H ■ . t*l5..*'a y 1 the grain trade. JS? fS" Krecman said stocks of (n-d ’ a «r I a m wt .»h hm ceew td ’d.aiiii;eM s :h:vSo", •ACta. 1| .1 Vt BH BH-H cvx'd ewMt d’* IJ1.IIU nSiluI»«^' ijo'tiH grams also have been reduced, ? _ Sieseae i.v e r* ai. un . ■» but they tull eacred what ts So< .M av.ef.’oA required as a reserve tAAi nt ».rH. m V-Sl.V Ha ' » M» He said there is everv reas..n ift. m mv. » I believe foreign demand for ^Vb *. S'512127, US. wheat will remain strong. (haM fM m turn, cfi isigMnv. He noted that the Soviet Unum. WWOIV. ooce a big exporter of wheal, 1B4 i*a i”d .now has become a big importer. St. Joseph Livestock I Shows Report m sja ! Freeman brought to Johnson la report abowing that the reHomr. uf. V I". AM fifea MTI U$t 0^140 {ductioo in C S. wheal and feed UU. ctMKt I'M fimt n.’l; OMct MlSVttj *M M cMci ■od 5n»> i«u ij.ta I gram stocks has cut govenCIMX. AtMt. n.VMV: tv* tlV H» ‘Id ClA liJJlIlA meiu costa for sto-age and hasAmct li.vts.v. <«At Itvitvi atot ■ - ................a.71 tOd m..t HMOt AM. OVMU. _ •M Hf VS’ta STaiir aoe* ad«:h WASHINGTON lAPi - PresUdling of grains by about WO.SS2r 52;2,v„m,.m I’l 4.B I'v^ • ll vnjj dent Johnson's hopes for getting;OeB daily ;• K 3:. i. 4 ^ lit II a: VH •*!. » . Congress to pass an open- He reported that atoru* •«* «.» lA. 6 t ;| I.V 1H.A SI ••-•"•• 41 IK. »t V^V lA. I II II 111 Slfl rww In. >1 housing law rest almost entirely I handling coals for all igncul1. VH V'A VU-1H tl^vn 2 I) .1-1 .< .: - M '14 o« 4U rai 'DM Cl n 14 51'- II'.-.H vuKan V i 'm,.« I!.B1.« on the stooped shouldersof Rep.'laral commodities in the presue VH A.>. A.'.—. . HiUrr > ID r are running H'Emanuel Celler, 7#. D-N.Y. iM Vo '.3 'j:.' Kms

rs*?rr?sv?..V!rss^: H

JT iT?,

,.-«r»!;v>:r-v,ls=s?'.'5 s s- 52 s2i’M!£rs; s a as r ajr 2;p





::r»rr Ss.'’,; .ssr,


sa; iiaj^' sasTii ,s Jt2'«s its*




svvFr. ’•.‘T!.*.. «irjs y r y:i2 tr’i’i! :;ssr.5 5’.?-v iti; iiC;;' „ „ „ iTo.-rs »5! K 5:^2 :i£,?5 'S





:x: cS;*.



'.■? S': r;: s*- - Fr<?rn .’s«o;‘s«.« *i y:!* "-'52 ^2 L" .v:;:L' iiiiJjtiy Hi:


r.s r. K Si a-'**

SS^SSnli 3 y S r: 2

Si s-rv. c',:;.*;. 15 33.-.-i r.5s:'


: rr Si



l’2 S. X*' «-7s

-t^ ",* 15 .! 3. S2 Sm-_____

iiilH iiii^ Tliisil

s Si S" s Sw F E:'

SS!m!i i'5

MW, Mf. » »Mt. CdM A*W M B tattWr >a foot. Ad Htd-tt Md. toM «Ad mo.'*. tMtId I.H >•40'. u»l. 1). nod oAd a nv»v; COM iiB.->« Hot. at. AfToon 4Ad Iir» iM wa-. a AMV. IJ »B1 « Bl« I. 'Via a uaii.n. mm 4-MA .ArMA AMM M »

I f:’

.■: F E “rJ'i:


Mmv'avaiir Wdm 'WAiBAM Sie»»we» 1»SV

Lire Beef Futures %HA «V> LAB CMA SmI

S3 S3 53 S3 5? >1

in^nvai ?ss'i.;3


IIV MM 8V BU nv Stv av Mil MB Bfl ...


' S5 33 33 53 33?:



7ope.ka Cosh Grain



K.C. Cash Groin

€i?i sf;s




tioioi IN


>. 32 f!2 TH-tH a iBH iin. m hih

3J5h32 32t2

{VhT-a,"; K4A4AU n KAIWlI M


Paving Appeal S’.s To Be« Heard

Z' 3; !S

AtArf AW' 1

Chicago Futures


] ~ jp-. a. <_ .

PubUc hearings on Gary L. Mather s requeto for rary special pennil it GO After and on paving of tfib from Belle to Ihe WTO underpaaa highhght today's City Commis-

^Itill Mot


i 1II LvNAtA W iiiAm t'l I .MaT'A a MktCd I V

H.AA LlA «Af> rr rrrn iM-i t*tH i«H in <VH iiKi IM IH IV l.lH lUH


;Sh 132 IS



: r-f \rH is ...

n imtfl tetorn (TORI 1 Wright eipnued an httoreat h the project at Us laM airing. ■mb'tv Also « toa agCBda are sev­ eral KUitof pettttoas. lndudli« a request tram the Disablad Amertcan Vetema to res gnuBd ta tbe MO block Moimdvlew from “A." single family, to "D," malttple, toj lallow coMtnietMB of a , ft Ihouw Tbe Clty-County plan- mha. iv :ning Commission approved, hut. 46 per («nt of toe neighboring property ownen object Tm ether pelitlena would itaune ground just west of Jardine Juidor High School u sltaw Jayhewk ConstnicUoo GB. to- build row faouaei. Also up ice discussion Is a Piavring CenmissMi mcodabon to require mere eff■tmd purttag fee fratenity wd aonMty hauM, foontag und hoardbw homee for college istodetils.

r« 'ma 'm V SS ' night.

riiSi: Produce :

Topeka Produce


esr.'j'.s—.KC frodaa

cjf'fi’LrrS SS.35t •ma a PA- tw* A- ysa ■i/rH>-AUra*l abAafo BATIWA. 7041 fTAV *.


;sK jisji'iss,;'

I -i: £ 2 t\\ ;3 3 !K Si su 1. M 3 '5 Ti ^2??r.4rarAy j;.. g :3 rit I 10• W. HH iTC Wt >*•••4 r-pi*"'*'!?“*'■ IM ItH l.T 11.x S. UljAL II A. TH r I Amar Emi I7‘ a ,<H I', .fo-.;- UlW O'. CM B

ir. 4« *>«'•»'•

House OKs .f,


Secrecy H/CWIC$.)r



^ause the Hou» is acting Its decision IS4 «crucial since'

7 II first.

Bill HWheoP« housing provi,lonls

,bi,x-ked there toe sensif'.i posi-, [«n becomes largely acaderaKtu ml .. :: :it WASHINGTON lAP. - The ------- NOTICCj-----------3 S .. .. IV 4>H VH VH- H CHi^'a’aiwiv V yj House gave final congressional I BH BH 1AH,3., EARL JENNINGS £ approval Monday to Undmark as U4A *H 4H- H } IIH ."1 41H* H 17 41H «H CH* H «l'®» " J1 legistaCHAMPLIN . WH NH U. MB BH BW- H 3h Ooo making it easier tor Ameri­ a BH tlH tIH- H U BH VH Q'a-IH cana to examine the records of VIMA NW II 71 -1H SRSCS-:! NAIOHI Nl VIVA V ns TtW 71 7} -IH tbe federal govemmeni. How Fata M 7M ah 4H wa— h 7.11 ea OlllllCa V N VH SNA BH- H A tmanlmoua 307-t vote aent to -3 Presldem Johnson toe measures .Art FAM la Bt JH BA- H establishing a basic policy that' ■ tAaCa AVI II I4H I. l.HV H V 'ah . ifAAVA Air Ml a VH f74orecords of federal executive l3Ti3:;2i2 agencies shall be available W n 7H 7H 7H the public unless specific rea­ 57 32:f2.721i, T S7H VH S7H BH a -AH* H sons exist for maintaining se­ a IJH UH HH I tl IIH IIH crecy Sponsors predicted the Presivj ihe measure, Dow-Jones Averages some federal agencies to ‘-"block ii. The law S3 V\ *1.34 S3 —voold take effect in one year, and would apply lo all ezacuUve branch agencies, but not to state 3; 222:3.7:2 Stoefc SoFes and local govemmenu or to It lAH ItH II'.- H Congress which conducts much I. BH OTI »4- H ' >1 a BH TAH— H S”i,,S2;‘3;3v"--S'i of its business in secrecy: .A-A V «^ Among toe areas tn which official secrecy would be HIgA AM.11 tn 71 IVJA LW V4.I4 BAV WII MU71J11 stripped' away are namet and 444TI47M OAH CAW. IA4S H VH salaries of.federal employees, M.IA -4*1 lAH m MH 77V -4U ----toe details'on miltioss of dollars of nonsecurity federal fontracts SS Treasury Notes land toe details of tmpmtant _ y* ' *'^*S»IHOTOH t\ 204 W. '<If ' regulatory acttons ranging from Topekh Kannaa '*ithe Federal Trade Commission, » M *’;.!F5 Wolf 4cftve Stocks' the Board of Engineers for *iS'7Sv7.iH*'Rivers snd Harbors ----- ^:xB5 a

iz °

;; 32 32 32: i


™'" conp.m


rr- .5

if, Vi n' if





ts tr tf fS

ato tor' livTvwaMrHe

%j ^(onrforrf-Poor Index


■i'' *3s:;Trstv^jL^''of' 55 H "2 -

;; 52 r yi 2

Kentss-Keliraska Natural Gas, Coimnon fleiiiinQ Co., Coimnofi Aiisto Foods, Common Volume Bistributors, Common Meithanis National Bant, Common Professional ImrBiws Realty Tnst


5 iiiir;

rr. .to, .rr. vh'*** 31 rS’ .rX ,3al Mather wants lo operate a cemer 3', >2 u' 32 recreation center'"for toenagera on a membeshlp|jj'^%'j ; 4 iii' >5' 1S2 !b*' basis at the one-time site oI'—'aca i Center,' nei^toors obyeeted.'^r*'.:; -’2 The request has b several limes and may be de­ layed again today since Mayor



ui,i up lii »»,«» O-ilJ

l-™.*!. c.ll«, .1 tamb.* -m . d.lj ..a.g. a»i PI

I 22 a 22=2 ;y



J.II-MIOXIM............. K* exAAAeo loda. hiama MCMAaCaa II BH B B .- ■ . 17 BH BH



?5str*s? -s'y’32’y:2

Hi 'I n TA"



Aa„M SAa"


'in 14.1 ed- daily with requests fromiShout $1,162,000 Inlal ’’.S’sS Housemembera Wdrop-■ '-ha-.„ i.i Mn> Cl I a proposal In irom the nvorA I « '» m2 ".4 aSouA ti?** :y-c‘'6 i“':3 troversial pmpos*l n l’>H r JIH+ 4^ nniJJ- riac . S). 4B adminisiralton's civi) rights bill. t 3 y s: 2 32'T33.v The requests come from Northemers who have ported Other cinl righto urn but who want desperately lA. 4u iri in an election year to avoid a i" ivithey.feel vlU hurt toem no loAim ’ in n i.h rrH-iH:in( f« iir 14J> ihJL am ST....; ' maitff whicb way they cast it. 'AA T.AJ 1171 U a H.ll........................ But Celler — with a growl at ' It 4 aA4 la iM h«a uv 11 Ai iivI Dividends Declared I-HC 4m TlHItNlWA. FA ITVtlH men he calls ••UmM. hypocri­ tical Northerners" - has vowed ............... the grim death" to A „^ *••• "-VMaAeArA K, ijl.keep'the ban on racial diserlinB’4—H Lawnjoaa LNAS 7 1 ATI mstion in housing In the bill, > wihich also deals with Jury se­ lection. school desegregation land proieclion. of .Negroes'

g;r«v‘"'^ s


K.C. Wheat Futures

; a 1.32 132 Z, !«•




Of< AA CAn. AAAI ftcA Ha > HAIM >4 If. M4 1 n-ISA. MIH m«4M I.M'iV •M l.ltH-I.ri'Hl. •atihi i.viav SorAtAra iViVHA toxAM Aron 4I.»4I n. ■.•ci4H »oH» VMM WAAV <W<4irA4 <MA* i lA VA M|AM

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TO INVESTORS SYNDICATE LIFE POLICYHOLDERS IN TORNADa AREA To auist our policyholders residing in the eroas aFfactad by 7he disastrous tornado, Investors Syndicate Ufa announcai:



Market Indicator

•H 4IH 41'a-1'4 AKT


Pelieyholdara who, boeausa of tho tornado, war# unable to pay fhair premiums on time will bo granted an additional 31 days for fha payment of the premiums. This axtansion applies to policies on which premiums ware du* May IS, 19(6, and tor wKteh the 9raco period expired June IS, 1966. For furtbor details, please contact your Investors representative i call MR. LOREN J. BURKE. Divisional Sales Mana9ti 120 Garlin9housa Buiidin9 020 QUINifY STREET TOPEKA. KANSAS Telephone Topelte CE 2-0562 Your Investors Man will be 9lad to assist any policyholders may have lest their pelkles or these who have <jwestien« canceThvW in9 their life iqsttrence.


Ex-State Senator Dies in Mankato


U.S. Sets Stage For Missile Plan WASHTNCTOV (Ar» - A! miliKtfi for She ftocil year rtJftlech«lo«>e.I ba.e f«. heinfi t"R J'*)? ' -laid ma\ in She ne»l fe* nMniht • *y* .1 « Several l»roj*cta now uniter beciwM ih* fouBdatioo to an contribute to the de> array of newer. bt«ger. and.„,^„„, ^ , „,„ne aophlaticated iotoconlttw« the Dental haUWir miuilaa. The Air Itoee has alloOad 119

Turkish Force __-ISmS; Quitting Korea

chida aaetral inoro adnaead paBafftthB al^ and nnUlpla warbaada which Peotafoe offlctals hcliere wooU Istura tratlai any enamy astlo SKOUL, Sooth Korea-Turh- defanae ayttem. ish troop unita. which have bwn Thu ti important becaoaa. bi bcf* ainct -nirkey cam# to Saudi Korea', aid IS year* a«. a^Sto their Bovammeoi.^ assured destrucU* When they leave, orty ^ The new mUill# tAaa on addflafs of two DaUoa»-tha Umlad ad tmportaBca to tba U«ht of Stataa and TbaUaiid - wlD m- rdreot report! ttut ttit So*l« main. OrifinaBy. Uawa-ii or baa baan aeckm« to wara members of the Unltad Install a new defenairt system. NattoU peacwheiptni force Military loleUiieoct beUtvM realstny OeanauaW tht Ruisiana an laytsf out id aleti from lha aerth. anttnuull# system. ■nara aamas Uttla tikaUbood that the Jl o«oan and M bmd Bat key cMBaa eCOelala are ef Iba IBtfa TnrtlA cotBpany uaconelncad. Tha eMUaaf think wQ be raplaead by ftatr r#. the lystem mlfht be a refined eramaat. althomb the U.N, defanw asatnat ttonbari and command here reduiat evm to not datlpied to intarcapt ala•ekaowledire that July 7. *hj^ ^ M eernar date af Bieir withdrawal. S* ^®

Helped to Safety— realeaed to i^aad U bar hewae. Aaanrealine Mrs. Baberta DcMeft, ceater, IB Haxwefc. vaa helped t# afety Satarday aftei<Baaa by a ae«btor. Mrs. Hadfe H. <11 Raarock. The Bre. which dama(ed the rwel

Mr*. OeMaaa' h«Da 4U aM catch fht tad I caUhrd Ibe hUae at W Baaewk.

iCAJIKATO - Ahah T. HasbaMi, a. tew state lagUMv ad laewttaa Maakaso ■tor. dtod aopa' ' Monday at bU bema bwa. Aa mopay U aebedafed to­ day to deteTolne causa af death. He aerved in tV Kawas So-' to fnm U9t to IIM. wn a member ef IV PederaJ and Stale Affairs Cemmiuea. Ama, of County tepertatoad. tV AgricuUara (tonmittae and ants. tv Kama Senate CoagrenatoBaurvtvort toctote Wa wife. ■IRaapiKre Pauliu, »d a aoB Job, both ad a dnghiu. lira. s( iteitic ksffuettai to JawdI Mankato; Coaly for U ytera. ha SBBCk. LavNow; tet hmdMsi. jotaad a laitoaefc pubBtetog Barttard. lAUS A., Tad. WUUam. Jobo H-. an (d tewell, i^HT aa a eoBmttnt Bon JUy 1. UU at MtvaD. and Harry of CBmis. nu hi totoadsd Kaaaaa Wan- PVera] lervleas win ba at li leyaa ttdvaetoty. Sattaa, and am. Ttotrsday at tte Barmow Ktnaaa 8Uta Uttverstty. Maa- Metbodift Omreh to MateUw with burial to tte Jawdl Can*hattaa. Ha waa a tnislee of IV Maa- tery. Jewarf Kramar PnbarM kaao Matoodat Church and a Home at Mankato la to cbarfl fotw peasideet of tV Kansas of arrangements.______

Jess Surrin

Isodofo SolinoK

Graralte smaices wm ba at laodoro SahBU. M. IS N. 10:30 a.m. Wadneaday at Uomt Uite. died Monday to a Tapaka Hope Coatey for Jcaa StwrUt, boopiuL to. foriBtrly at W Jaffaraocu Ha wu bore April 1. US at Sasta Barbara. Gto.. Motoo. wte «ad Steday in aad bad lived la Ttpeka S Dantagbcana. Ha wu bon Feb. S. un to years. Hs wu a mnafam of Or U«an E. WOaOB, 44, Bwta A Kansas aad spmt ma« aftoi Lmly af Cuadahtoa Ctoholto dtod MoBlay to a Topda haa- ttfa to toe sorer Lake and T»- OuRfa. Ha waa empkyad by pitol whare V wu atetttod tte Sasta Pa Railway 8 y«an babefore. Aa ntepay wai paka commuBlttoa. tara te lattrad to 1954. &A1CON, South VM Nam Ities said tba cargo was prtdsa- TV Nam canfUeL TV vesid bat rasultt were not retirad farmar sod blytbabtggaat arms prtsa ante wu on tV point of (API - Ai BighL Sorvlven tortute thru broth- Swirara iBctate a son. Us cargo to Viet loaded M torn Of <3ttaeaaaa srar. art. WQUam Sumtt. Atehtom. Prank A. Saltou. at toae; They aak) tV I»-foo(. sta^ arms and immunltloo from Prate Surrttt. Silver Lake, aad three teughieri, Mri captured Cbmmunitt trawler hullad vassal wu tV tbli Bay Surritt. Troy: and a stoter. McVom. 1M Woodruff. Mrt. Coast Guard euae.-s. Topeka since February IMO. Tuesday. U.S millUry intbor- eat gunruftnar captured ^ Survivors iBcktde bts wife. Mrs, Jennie Hawlgrove. 4^ rrubnctotog . A*«. ~ Topeka. that the Russians bad and Mrs. HbkI Carcla. lU N TV Sooth Korean dafania racemly •larted to Vild wVI appeared ......... Mr. SorriU s lie to atata Lake; 17 grandeblldrea aad M aunltto baa humedly flown tn to V antlmuslla facUittos Vt Edgar Witoon. both antfl tima of services at Parker great-grandchildren. twain units of.......... tV 1st-Brigade -sof Ankara, boplnc to win a ra- then Slopped, apparaatly eight daughters, woda Mortuary. tv U S. lOlst Airborne Olridoe boma; I Breiman Puaaral HotM to te veraM flf tV order recalllni cauM of dUricultiei. Spokaaman Vlat Cong attmddog force Wilson. Vlckla Witooa, Shirley diarfe of arranganMOb. tv Turklib troops. Wilson. Debra Wilson. Qatac atawui mua uy ladieatlooi are tV Rusalana In the Tuy Hu area, tbe UK. WOton. Margaret WO hsi . SbaOa TV Turks are glad to be go- may have resumed work. eommaad raportad. Estell^Guiffr and Regina WDson. aU lag VsM. Bat tbay aflirav TV United Statu U raaettiif A spVumaa said firit ra- Wilson at borne; Ms stolbw, Mrv mAms ftat H after Tnrti wlD lha patet of a dacUtaa oa ' porta of tte aaw Qreflght wara SatviCM wtB te M 3 pA. Wteoe, Odon. Mo.; flra ba cantag to cany oa thMr ar to proceed with asi tetchy. But te aald tte Amm4- laect TVraday at WalUHBendarfar tM M KM M IIIWWIIH WKM work balpiBg a neatte ftthaa- mmt of Its awn eaa paraffoepte killed • ad tte bretters. O. B. wnaon, aad »• COM «• BMaW SMr* M mPM* Horaary ter Mra. Estella aft.aadthayavtteywaafai iBa aystam. te Nika 10. wtdeh SAIGON, South Viet Nam ataettoni to tte fan asd mate :aa«iy IBtoday Vfora te John WVem. botti <d EW«, » PMpvM •> I»C Guier. C. MOO W. Ttb, wte dtod tv Koraaaa wm wbon tbay har-macted tte lato atagu ef (API -Itetettlad Buddhlit adBetal Ito fatoaOaa to star to {jgbttag faraka off UK. canal- Mo., Cotomaa WOson, IM G. Monday a a Topeka hospital. Wnseo. Caaoo Oty. Vva becnaa (llaBdIy. ruaarch and daraltonart laadars, btockadad tn a Stlgoa power well tnto IM7. ttoa were termed . U^L TV Tranan Birtol will te to Tbpaka Cema. Celo.. aad Harecbel Wllaoa Si«iiftor to Savisto' Soma Korean yiewsant e(tory. pagoda campoiiDd. appaelad It also eased tti curfew on combat aru ia near a special Wkhita: ami two stotin. Mra. fictoU attMi tV TMrkUh Dr. jQlm S. Poatar forces camp 340 mllet norteast Ruby Haggennan. Eldon, Mo., w—nviorw m <• piww-wanwi Ste wu bore May U. UOS at Monday to tV InlcmatloBal in Saigon, and U S of Saigon. troop racaO to two raeaet da- dirtetor of o' dafanu raaau*to Raya and bad Itvad to Topdea .od Mr., Miriort, L« I "" vetopcaats: (A) TVfctsb dia and aogtaaerlng. told Cbegran Rad Crou ftttelp In a baalth|miuta,y luUiorides’ followed Except for tV Irawter cap-^!"^,”^' SO yean. She was a member at ,|to they described u ™ uii pleasara with Om UK. stand on aarllcr Ibis year, “Our praaaat iltnatlon Grace Episrepal Cathedral. tell V at 1 pjn miasUa syatems arei, Opna: (B) TurUtb dostra to ttratogic -.-....■i-... jupenof to Item ofl“‘ Surviven Includa her tosWadnasday at Kayi Puaaral A tight oirfaw bad bare Un- ^ They claimed one Buddhist posed when Buddhists began a As American seamen unlead­ Home at Eldon. Mo. Burial wfD the Sovati. aural on Takay iww ed tte captured veuet. a U.S. But. he continued; “11 to ef Vd caught (VlarA but (V gov_ V to Ekton Cemetery Parker Maarow-Ankara rawem spokesman uid the arms Topeka. W. B. Fox. S» Ntbe u.fflosl Importace that “*-;Mortuary is to eVrge of To' r r • MMW l-r*. erament uid a hospital esaml- oestratloa that « numaraut Utdad; aaecns taefmofo^y advaaca far am Michigan, and Harry Fox, 437 nalion showed w such lymp- occuhms aniptad into vioterwa -500 macbtns gutts, of 7,0 **** an-angrtnents. • WM. TwaU. IKd < MM Sot much CTidence to plae^ fasT enough to lasura Tcmn Bertmick Road: ate a on Saigon street*. In m'sny mUlimettr caUber. 1 t.Mn* VMM OMA KM. ■LOAami weaeox , voiced to against foralff toctoVal mUi- lOBS In tte Mrs. L. B Daehudan. OAKLAMO. C*n>. - mrt. SIISMMK casu. the damoostratieai had a -300,000 to 390.QM rounds of WWtd WaoK. tA OMWM. • <WMP soma guartora Vra. tVl (ba ttry aeawAM uavKS* Dsvcqxirt, Iowa. Hmu Arrest strong anU-Americu evartnau. "CMSA. SIM (M* •MtMsr. TuriD were put out bacauu tte -« 5JNMU erKMt* t>w“* MmWm «m s wpartortty. CooSate Chbto it.a tJK TvMMr el TmOw Cam South Korub govamamt aant •aquBtly, wa hara a wide In tte aorihern city of Hue. aw eawt a amemm. *4 ms T M«ks of tte baaaigte Bted- rlflu, SO to 100 aadtaak gnsada Lights From Shuberts ItIM m to flght to South [a of adnanad itndy ate tIrmnM monk TUch ate ammotottoe tat Viet Nam. taoUtag that ■h^oau prograna ndw Quag, laadar of te wide- htot iDStitola, whare Satgu'e Aid Late Strolled damoaitntod toa Tntt way to astabltoh te featlhllBy Mr. a«MM» MS M b Mh a AM. Tmmvt m wsMMM mA aatdad bar*. TV Tuithh of a witter of peailblt (olio*- tattoo that h« wracked te stoattoaa have origlMtod. etod NEW YORK (AP)-1te Grate a. Jl'.lill MB » TWMAJ Mttaom imR wu aaly a token force in on stralagk mUtoia ayatotna." camtry toe wttkt, wu ptocad to a cable to te Isttnaltoaal Mm a. Cm^_m^j. White Way to r Rad Cron to OsBiva tet oM ^ raportad to te r 'wite any anal, aboSy unrelated to TV daclitoa tor fatetog aa later te night redar Bod«te bad eonlraetad chotora SSSSLISr Intareattooal Ceotrol eonmO the Viet Ham affair. * advanced KSM might eomi uteu virtual boou airatt. tatead r “ masted to te eno- stoa tor Vlat Nam. Ito manbw Duarktea of the Turfci wm ihto fan wtea dafaau oOdals A aqute of about t» govtre- ate atbera teato. wart “to tonwer." are ladla, Poland and Ctoaada. UU.)I MCKsaa aet affut tte mUtay atosagto m to cenaUvittoB ef tte fli- BMt loldiart guBtod bis room poote lattead of t off alahMrvICM p« wnw wn M « Cbrb. TV luapeetad dtolera Wa WM MnirMT W UrMAA IB. la tha aUca Hoadiy, BSto I«. Mr Mra. ira» MH JuMWb m. an IV south side of the dsmlll- eal im budget, for tbe : MuBldpal HoapHal tftn wu permitted te laavs tte ____ 1Mb. SJMSM MMSn M • Guam strsek « IlMMi SM Mv MIb. U torteed soea THa lerea eoatoato moothi starUni July 1. IM whare te wn to the 13lh day af tetltete to re amtoilanea. and from h^in. tha UI. Army. M Mm....... performanea.......... vjei Cwg poaUtons to War Dw vn swk'om. It M b Tma af IV U0.090 nun of tv Ito- CsUmatea of tbe cost of such ob-wMM. i« ;prevaibngciteaBa.tVttgbtoara pravaibng cateOBa. tV ligte are A (M. Ira LM JMkNX. CWrlA H.M. .. ------— omcials aud no symptoms of|c near tV Camdolan border In hunger strika to proleet IV pabllc of Korea (ROK) toruca program range Vtwaen II b "TiJS-? batog kept te nmi mkWgto u of Premier Nguyen detected wVn sautb Viet Nam. Air Porca and and two U S. cucnbal dtvtatens. lion ate a bUlion. "ian iRl to toll stToaers. ThallsV iMlnums a token It would ttee about five years ci!r^ snd Ampere ^ he «»ciwnln«l at. Vop.Ul>.vy pilots were reported to Nambara TMd action against Commoiist tar; to produce and deploy Uw tm- of K> company hare. TV meoks clalmad in tVir geu in North Viet Nam. I proved mtostle system MT Alf nouo TO U I^E nEFERKED* FUNERAL OUECTOt M WUIa matotatnliM lit Cnn measaga to Geaeva that IJOO Bare Na WB AlfA - A OSnNCnON ACOOtSEO IT BMMTION weakanmg adulta and 400 refugee chOdran TV trawler bon no marking ware Jarnmad toso te eom- and carried an flag. R wu b» Saigaa'a Itovad to te a Nerih VWnausae main Bitedhtot pagoda. frem Balphoog. TUo sarmaUy V plaae tor oatteste ‘'EtoeWdiy red water have vuite atoa, touteUtesss aald, wm been out ee.” te ethto said. baaad re te laift oonoiml af ‘*1V badto sitatete It mtOeaL Oitaaaa anu to lha earfo and OTTAWA (API QMBiteAristhMaa^aheto- te aotehward ceuru te ship ftmatog. retirad diplernat. rw Abeat W to caih ate SOB ra. Madtctaa ate tote etonot V waa re teire fM uottod. ported Monday tn Prime Mtola- dgarattu wara takaa Moadv btouibt to. Help, aava am Coate Goate red Navy are tar Lester B. Pearaon aad Par- night trem tte Ttytor Greeary te ares te togn SemUry Paul Martin « Store. Tacumseh. by twe ttotrtwie te te U S. docftoiMtof CaUa Slgaed hlf special peaea miutoa to Ha- teattnad yoDthi who atarad TV cable wu atgaed by teip Tortnga. tte b«m d Mrs. Alice Tivlor, wVwu In: RIO DE JANEIRO (APII - A Ttich Huyan Quang. aecrettry-1 Raporttag te fighting ij,., n;,. -or house next door to tv store.,second member of BraxlliBn] of tV Institute. Tuv Hot. a t*- milRary, axlllisn! general r Opputton Leader John Di«> astalio' Thieh Tam CVu, IV tosH-»»»!l heavy «: <kw wa. unlocked end Pmidrm HumVrto Cutallo; len!)#;.. f asked ■!?,,. In ' n " ira!l tost IV kV had juM stepped out 'BrAnco* csbitwi may V ready kite's moderate head, met with rVnge* Commupi whether miVi. He’to Juiure Mlrts Sai'gi,“M^V viirvartV »*» day Vi V tugh^ « A SV mW *V saw tv two to resign. He to JusUc# Minister Vlgon Msyor Van V Remember ^ our Friends em dDe, K* 1 aa ^ sobtlded te light end boys leave on foot ate “1 alered! Mem „ aaDarant' apparent effort to te work out foniempt' frem - Buntoi'W*^ PwTCKM Tnm Chn bu abateoaad tV When bereavement oecun in a tentniit leaden in North Viat N'am. ■2' Z —l7"wu ■te tv other “"'"is* wu unwlUtog ^ te sign , decree that Inteltoto, nteila to eapi with raportod kllltog tore^ city, where aU the ftmaml dtraetora may Martin said It would be aitrauW atoBteda. Hla can ite might atrip le^itoton to while toultentag tight ba tmfniBlllw V yoo. your at modreatton warn oBhuted. »>«-»« AMT-.-»■ boma atata of Rio Grande U«. PvOlkte Activity 1 tV ireUeftL Sul of tbelr poliUcal ri^ito bit PaanraD-Ohbte rttaaml Baaa «• pra eunxvi. He added Rreatog badi TV flgWtog teohn ate a teaamm uM Houte: TV ten him this moretag and bhI pwnd V ante areitetn ■mafteMBta. iteVtotCtegtomtetetef PaareoD totm to te d^. *TVra IM bare a toMt date 1tera% anew any Mad to ptooi fotor Diefrebakar ukad wbteVr Canada bu mate Its riawi ef Sa mtototorto R to toe rerty SapL U oattonte tetellev for Uftod to port te known to B’ashington regasdtog to uy uytfatog concreia. but VttoUea te UK amounrad tatantton of! tv atmute to eoaDeetad wlft Nam's Intaiwtfytog ah and naval at-: projartod lospeu to Rio TV invar nU. IwOi Qrante Do So) Z* tacks an North Viet Nam. a official aiactinteerea white R* nUn > —-A•TV 'TV C«i.dun Caradlan govariimret: WASHINCTON (API - TV set IV water af teaetad has been in touch with te UnllMonda;^ iwrmn Vm*. ftU Plow sembly mambari tt t« phi Btoa members to V nante by MEtefI tT INVITATION. tv rentnt hlgbtonds Matng, . barrels of hot oil vid to, N«oHy Paying Off PBrsonoify Serving nWERAl PttfCTOtS yteTWHATtOttok nard trfbe. Foil .0 Stops Knocks _ . ,, olVr itairt This Community was preiefiud on Broadw^ Topekon UnconKcious it sent to tv SMuia n^reii- tbai It >ean ago is at last neanag Since f9?T the imtiaj laR#>' Baylexf, 17, 403 Lelsnd, the IN <VM»«A»r Hot s.k_ ..A i;.»—v.ii a”"™ taken Irf Stomiwt-V^ ‘teii^pf^hStTtoV- vistment. Then's a Reason ' A distribution to ir.SOt f«SSoS to a f ““ eatrtiy. torn tUm. stock and Monday. ofOelah at te hospital' rise becauM to vtolatton ef aaaiaur rlgbtt, brought to $11M09 te amoont returVd to late lam «r regutottoa. Ct 2-11X1 liijjlihtfi to Mmtwen Aadwaah Bajlan wu admihad to te TV vteua to te etetea tauatva can «Ht at tennat- 11 wu ulhnatod at Mto,9to '‘Am af te TVusad Dayn." rw fsamesy af Vtel for abservattoe of pastel# niboui te lagtoluia, tto^ TV ortgtote Play, wbtcb had handto}urtca.i{awmducrted wauld hava to V twad to to­ a 3K-perteiuaea ran. starred mttertki te "scriaos’’eaditen by kaapl-Mar prepM** *ucb a read Hex Harrison tte Jmea Radtom Cl 4 tte officlato. toHing

Americans Unload Arms SenricesSet ForTopekan Captured on Red Trawler Saigon Buddhists Ask Red Cross Aid

Canadians Talk Youths Take With Viet Envoy Store Cash

Second Brazilian Official May Quit

House Approves 'Hot Oil'ye Bill



FI 4-JS5S,




Ike levels Blast At Politkal Meet

■ snetALNones

no mi* ■> ~irm

Maran* «•

i ir’.rii* -ewnW.

•ST’ eI2W!K2.*vC3'Cr* «f ' AMI TMM a* vad Taa»“ eiiveit NSS9I0 *0* vfuew CASS

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I ora, Itni >1 TW



^,ssSyL^i~~. -


' -■'W.rsJS ■—


FAOai riMMe V*«fV MT.

Of Interest To Women


eweuTM neeuMMa* •r»«« flwr WMTMtn* ir*n *1 mi. ri • now Send rv :d M P Q S«



arter flytag solo

TaitUHl' Hf»am raadf aafd haJI W aaanar oar Mddiy :

world. Mill Scott flew out of Landan

s-t'-K SB! «~Ld»ai»-cuia


W-IVT. Aim b.OA AA> CdrAWC> Ctll e« wm «aj


k Mlrid MMN te flj


»-msTTWO MIN WAN' •eiMTa»<i»s«Ato« mm----------^ Atddi ard iwMH d< dOd* M tH cdM'-


Orient Lodge No. 51'*\.s *, N a ,TA,'tt:rta\i^

mm WdCTdrv Can cm:

ei AAWl. aar.




.AAY . SHOW YOU aa. Ma c B N ts a" Mar aa a taavr. « Pw»Aai taaomi-nam cai: C

ymaAMHari_ar^. r HBCHAHIC WANTte .CaairWAcae tAwa rMcnaric n mara iw imc aaaariMs «UMN "lUcfT' TeaCTOI 7?*IHC. lau Bra II. LAwnm. »»aaa. a FICTUli FIIM

:rz: Sa^^srar?

vaw« WAHTB8 - FraNraMT <



B«AFt»Y s cur SK


karva. I

•m mm Jackaoa


t^'talwSvTwVTO relsB.^

eOH»i.eTto^ am AMIIICAM TiLBerrONl”

••..srsjr-.^Srtl-iTtt am MHwS eaM **


ana latr awabral aNa w« tUSUISAH Sana aaaiMa. OM laa W I wiicai sowai rraNIna N MiN h M Tanar aaaa.WAat aradama. Sv-I| ^ IMBAY ar carraHTHA W an >at Moaaarv. A< waar I raan a> I ___ ________ I aumar* flacrrMa SenaaL kaw mammm aitaniwr. wrNt s-mil —— Far aaraana' lartrYNm ct'i ralNcr cara CMBatJaufMI tUJ'






Anw'Kaa T.nfMm k " w. HA*»S toe.


,ant,o -■kiiF^^^jawMMM.-'

',-,TT,HO MWH.

Nrrtprtol HdHa VaMra,^ a^HaWn Saww





* SALE^^'ssw^


b MHJta


MtCeimick Rug ....... "ic;

ilWa. awaia axmm Cl a< araMnaa «m rrarr


WaH-w. tti «a. IIJ. >. TaaHa Cb^MbV


•JUMSA SIMCUW*. • Irv*a'*dl5am*d»W mi M kH UNUSUAL laaaNiami n aar* m a f OiSMNwar mmmm m a T(ac>.. i INS HSALTH OAuFATIOHt aim .

iBAn HOW sviciav rou



QUALIFY Foa oae oa THaii

______ SI wiir' Fk'*MdK'e" •


N F.


nax VKSEu

aanvAiiy far' an aapaiwraa* ararar—ar Tkia ttrmamm aadWa’ arNn laa iian MS laury. McanaAi tr-Ma aarai and


'iaS;.;, !

Hrvt*Nn. awaaa aana <arM'


:.“t sni I 4 ;



IF VOU ownwk warw aaaa SaaMatA'


iraa SMcrwiiaa sacaM. AmarKaa WL a. 0. IB. Taaaaa. Karaai.



iwnad'.ra tl c

ct sw

'•SmwT'Mawi WMaar aaw ia»Mi-M

u wore WAwo. wewiw


%a5ESRTiSc^TEg =tAs---jr,-r-s - ■ -**“ • *is ; WILL eo SOOAKICaiNS. ■arva <ar uiaiiattar Y

ia h

s-rST -~“®'

• 75,“"'


^ Taa Maat WarMlafu) Oraae LaSM at IlSSa*w’way^y

**" *HUSH £*Su5v*'ViaIIw^


>ow*r IMIM W Mv w. H VM rauN IM dvrvi FtoAvr. an wwVN— Nr ia WnMtiwL »rb CWIWA Fk *WI1. bar

■irs ira nm UI'^II ^

ana la mm avnaar aaa Sana ___________ _

Expertcnced Cvp«rten


3-.^!S3f.srsE II aeti or tMTausT>SAkisre---------

4A eoee ittiNei to ut M -wan. wre

seeuHa fashion mb urv ■ ^



o-Car tm I NT. la KMi I


vsrm> NATIONS. NY.








TXACHBaS OUAkiFicD N Nan. addi oma aara. aa '


_____ nmartaTaf'SSai. VaN

adr «a»mM B at j-m m lywaBt on world dtovma-


leoHiHOi ^HI^M i"r m

la . : w« HAVt a aaaanrw


iT tamwoMBi' waiiTtn__





(API -.The Soviet I'm Mndny It wiU prottoee marc toletoatoB aels in the nest fWe years by converting soos e|ectronics factories noir turning eat mllltoiT banfware. Tte BitiBicm wB made to ■ npari iMtMd to ths Unitod IlZn losotoBto mi Saetol Coand to rnpatos to a—“


N »t»w wvw -N>-t iwittm a<e.i<MiM« ntdld' rwirw *«» »'»SS»OH|lt:.e MBVimw. *»WW HWr 'OSAt lu»*e"» MM> Mf< Nr mt*,N U l.CdiWf" V-M 1

tOST-vaivaBa iiama

set by Amaftoas jMto Moeh to im. but her trto wai coniidertbly shorter. The only other woman to have circled the worM wu the tale Joan Smith. American Amelia Eartiart )^L3-v'r;5..~. Tt. crashed to th* Pacific during aaaa All HadMt aag ma«' her bid before World War II Miss Scott's Comanche lev been stripped of eveo'thing ex­ cept the pilot’s sut to make room for extra fuel tanks, oxygsu survlvto kU iito DartM moat of hv solo (light Siloam Lodge No. 225

U.S.S.R. to IncrtoM TV Set ProducHon

TMo'HtIr .I.IHN m WW'WACM dm | Hr. taMV CO Ittw'_________ MU


£?^ l£!'‘S^

Ktoy U ta a Plpar CBmanrtie She took a dayi to carer Independence Tot onMOB. B.m miles at in awage of W nulto an boor and elatmad neanto for beta speed nd dtoHasRarejCaniincer aee. The raeord of a.n m.pto wae y Cornett. iVm (Spoctol)-Mat tod dii»tof of Mr. and Mrs. TOaTownatt. wiO begin imatmjBt Tliuiwdey at the Utov«toW of Kanaea Modicil C^r In Kaniai City for Leftorerslwe, a rare form of bm cancer. / "The doctors told us there / aro f»wer than » recorded CMS of Letterettowo In world."" Mrs.. Oamett laid. r had I Crtfty f goM trMtmont farrtbedi the dM«e toa said toa plared taped at a. Frandi Ho^dtol. bat was and studied 6p^. referred to the KU CM for toita and treMBMt IM. Oonett nld the Ircatmiat SMre win ...................... tha Btdipwdiwre Nmn. tie W. Mato, todipinilrere. bn ba­ gs • Critoy Cnreatt PtoM to Mp lbs tamily wtth eipan- “ *” rjai,g;s"

- ■ ItAL BSTAte lAt ■ACM Wd—Idd Sul -m iiiiiAidL mt ____________ _____ __________________ «HII "••H vm. am, dWCMTVM. Tmv SX»€SI»HCeO CHAimr tAd »rv CdW. A £»tAI->. 1X_ »H MIN tX


- IWd liwrfv C»rM< »> . (<■ ew o*T Oca MtfllW' ***^'^^

rtrion. «ri b Hal taaar«. FL row _ FOUNB - rtmm raala'ci WAIN rvn. Vkhtiry 1]<a

U5Np6n (API - Shelta SeotU ». an ex-model, toochad dovb at London Alrpart Idonday


s....biS ..

t!? dTi. IS! ,-TSjr sxn^


• 'Siii.'ikiir.i.js tr-si

mc« *•,’ tV« -lAWr . >1 Ui«t m nwH mm for imm m dlMM. Nr Ma. fiMS YOoa aama »aa call Hr Tim .t PtT-MJI »i"c« U IHW



■bMi mi^ d »aas WMdr dd wm.

*rf2»7ufi: oaa'd'fdir laenai d


ia am. N*a"a.“'Ml5?*£Sa MUN'-N : m >TmcfM*icai avaa-HHCa Can at tmrn |

cm lad vadL d n aar ad» SMI-


' t>Feaic<KeB CaatTf VIA uAHAOea

jutT nm IM uma tne vmm M IB. ToMM D.ny C.ut»l m

"Thrre On a douch"

Ica C-aam b iwiami TNa c.iHamua ax HAI«>Se PAIH ewaia. tmmm tmm

_ c’-rtMt’r-aj;:;— -eS?i


r.-.a.*i:rJiri MV W

Cm-m<mr. Ur. Odfdm Xll lU M iKH d vl>iil.C)i«H>darHr MortvdT »""i i«|

sr ■"sn«

AHaawT *3 nJSaa “





wriN S^"ea>a*Swta5«if?i'"anj

3 A^ly this rule to all reportJdeal ^ai wheat harvest weather local narvesi weainer _ television, press and NOTICE! -clear skies with clu^hn^ Urn_ but give them -ample fa- ialuL eov C—AW d. ni^Macrrd i FREE ADS peratures — began opening the cUities off the floor. way for crewi to cut the IMf 4. Ban walkie-talkies from the VshwIll-oasi'. fuhmal Mo^e^i crop Monday, flw Stole Employ­ floor but have closed circuit tel­ ment Service reported. ephone by which delegatoa Dimming the outlook, howcv- could eommunlcete wtth inyone “HWeLrOAML fuSsIul I the hall. 5. Ban an noiae-maUng de­ heil damage in northwei parts of the state. vices and eject eny y len. mtiHn. roum delegate using one. Raporti by wethma; ’S^’^A’aWgr-ar^ ^ ^sMui^ S|^ wcM.^ewiwa^ mlntei and partldpatiaa J® *Teb*T?Mmi cuHtaAL m delegatee and at!«n*tM'. Hired SlkOTTi Mavr htM awtlvf « •4 awn groups are often used now ta Oarvad *• Ml nrtw ni> wmt. sucn.idi Hal aid dv. •mrm < stThTf>wX : Cawia cnonx' matration. «:|> edara*. tmmmr. W MW> «a InW. I MiM. I WMd. Hww* -AS-I Netoa ^ietod rorknw'!srM:s.”«7£ Any booing or hiasini or ^Te*A«T*TjHElAL HOMB eOdCOaeiAi Ha<-m<nr« af aaiW >aftowi mm t«M taai cWflae d law other disorderly conduct mm « LOtT-H.W awnwr. 10 -wmaitfrla* lyaai r.«dfte SaMav. Haa* fm> spectators in the gallerlea laaa. vim Waaa laaN. »L mtl af >M>. yymt -aama' far Mi ibottld be quelled instantly and *DIOHTOd: Ory mm Otar. aiMtl the eulprlta elected. n« raawiy. vwa i»il Ivdini- "• camaai n aar caai Ceniat a> I. "Although the convention should to no way totorfero with protest demonstratim by legit­ - at « » a nv Tvatflav a' ea«~.ilST - Lmtt ' imate groups outside the hall. It SaiST SSdOi SHF aaae Vaa 4m id. a .am. Cl at e-T mmtmr •* wa laimf eOUNO - Aifraa H HSTSi Md dd era »lf>> Md MadK should have the right to expect ■ilJSSJl” •UHBVAi^HOaae^ that lU businesa will nos be Impeded by them. Demonstra­ aMd » aar cd« cdWHi tors who try to privent tha en­ HWTCMIWIOBi CHd. ' vNM t a m. waWwatir. Kav e«try or departure of deiagatea by lyiiM down to itreato or door­ ■> HawM. Iiwa. MNwwn. law ^jjiktii HoeniAev^^ ways shnld be ranwed by the MM. Mdiiwa isli «d WM. Han i> polloe. Any dty unwiUliig to I conventtos slU."


ISjaTiarSk ZmT- ***iS '

exetnieHCto - waiiiiwi wwi im

-fvdr-;^js*^;^..’‘Twr 15.’ ssa-ssses-™


MAU wM HhUU_____________

Aia cbHoiTioHiHe mm nhwhwwi mmL mt4 •awrv. AHa aaaa lauiw



►••SOAvti. Tjcmnc.atfS

IHMIOIATl asawaa aaWNfn aarYica


Free Theater Tl^eto . . . s'ot good on Special Shows. See Instiwttm Below NOW SHOWING "THE GREAT RACE"


— -----------

Jon es iHmoril

Dtner for Twa At

Moeu. Mwseo a tm « « O'MMO IT, IMi. tarv-

3. Permit no one czc^ dele­ gates and those with official business on ths floor.

ramam » aar ed<i Tad camw M Mam aari d oiMiv. fiueOH laemosi Oy mtmm bm MWa mMd>^ d»i^jyf asaid Twmoa,

trm .. LBrnr LAU mm ma CHiafNr a.w am waWH

MM* *ar7M*N mmr it^* amt' ttmr camiwmv r4?,s?r^'.5J=;,2;.5r:5.| taa aott. (a b auoCiaffJ




lisue of Reader'i Dlgett. CLsuoe aummer. he called for reforms tn a speech before the 'Republi­ can National Committee and a COP .laSj. jnup i. MiSaat have Impractical pouible changes. Ihough critical of conveotion condlUoM as they are now. El- mally run for the presic' MtTOa. WM. »*. J» «•!•>seahower lavon contlouatiofi of because of the expense. the convention syitem of picky m IS.a am. TuatOar Oftea Plan 4m«lL«aBaL FUNSew. tai - ■■■ ■ ------- wer proposes an He aaya in the article that aa- p(M program of- coavauian rMkiiN. tuts. Mwma •a.-tv s^ diaw. ikta m. rnimit aartv Jana »tloBal primariei, which have ISM tarvMB S »Jn. TvtaMv. WaBM I eometlmes been suggested as an 1. Give the permanent chair­ Marlar CMmI. Orni- c»a»iat 0 '■ man power to eject d» dlao^ ImsmaSe^raSn! SnStr N » Btrv w fir * derly or even receto the eonvwntloB if nececaary to deal with WALLDIFFtHI tHMeeca m dlatorbatKet and edk&ltkmi of

%,a=~rr“"' 'tiainuli'wM

m, >mm v

mm im mmm. M

Tit ^

iOlAL F^T-4eI I sjn. In S;.1 ^p.m. Sunday, 3 to S pn. Eve niiigs. after $:3S call the DeeNOTICE tronk adlaker. dial FL 7-«ni To an my loyal and wonderful - tornado ' moved me to ITO Sewmd Ave. Hope to aeo you there. "Cec" Penn, formerly Coay Corns: Barbershop. I bUTH AHB aVNIUL


Gheata Artefe

Bieidwwer'i fmh crttlct»n| of the ctrcui upecta of c


■- ■IDT^ OMLYSSt IvOmWS tmW W^_i


He urgei that reformi adopted before IM to end what he called "i thoroughly dlagneeful ipectacle which can aearccly fall to appall oar own voten and create a iho^taily bad linage abroad."

Good Weather Spurs Harvest


L'ciLl Cci-ua

WASHINGTON <AP) - Faf^ i ner Frottait D»t|M D. D-1 ■eahevrer. In rcDewad ertti' [ dtm <X the «iy paUenal pdlti-1 cal conventkni are coaducted. ‘ skyi they "iww reiemble a rkH- [ tat mob el Jtntf&ile tieUn-l

« W MffaiST-HALl

—--^2r ]rz.r- —

wu aw Nb as - M. Ct aww SCOTT I. ictktrr, earnrmm aa. n snss

Home Improvemen-f Salesman V.. EseaitouSetory

Shopger's City


MARKET RESEARCH EARN EXTRA DOLLARS PART TIME 3bp notob eompmy eipeBitoM and rtcnilttogm tor poalttou avsUahto threugbout June. Succeaaful appUcMts wiU be tatmtowtag mes and wob to aeiectod homn. QenvtQy weektog eretoep and wt B Car ta atontlal. No selltog. Paymauto H 73 p« hour and he par mile. Write rkSB. care Capitol-^urnM.

M MItCAUNim fd tAU n WAIfTM w m

U WOH W4Nm. WOMHI ■’*'



> f*«m

.vwti'wr i.’i' I




b.'A'VmS* TtlLtt^ctlW*.^: *mm 'aaaa. M> a«M. tf-u,




I 1 Avnein rai tim f I'i

Up Chemiotli

'■*•»!< 1







■.: E? sSir

RENT a'TV ■■

. .a|<a<6(taToa .a«M a' >aa I aaaMi ■ aw>cuaa aaca

»!•■ OM-aa'

KliicY aa<wM

■■■i»“» •"•''waiHcea



V TV . •Mat «

»»»____________ Pr-' ADMIRAL AIR CONDITJOWEE


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Kani Otfl M M aaacaaa raft «•»>■ n. M( «. «» •«

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Tlilvuioa 'Mm. a> (»«•


^fte *^*o5cw.h«t awiHrrvA* Saar «aM»

Iron. Tta md Mrlili | J__________ SCRAP S*S Brinmr. PhoM CE 4-lW sf


<a-*'->a III) 1






rtiNicfaafB " i.r^ wt. i. I't *i'\g r>aat I*'




' I ..m.. M 1, tm »ciaoi.

• tCOiO *l,aT*« Jl<«>a. tM* ra*«. Ct tm

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HMa. Cl

reODCHt - •mm'iu cvMHlaaar


MW umrt at M W«a aaar u •TV 6C »r MHMW a. <


r A TV ai("afvM

•a Mia h HM- Miaai TaaM. M MC ■•vr Ti

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H MllcjvMNtOm >ot Mli



'ti«w£**io?”T»ir'Hlar"a5na2!52' kaa na aaa H> aaan aaoca cMaaa i*. tai' tatHnaHMHf. Mf oaaa IM aaar. m <*a iatimn. tM nia a °»M

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uw* aianaa.

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'cS* SnJT' SStr.-?.;




:s*-.."Tr^R-45-r..:« >"“•


j£'! >•-

‘ SIi’'iaii^*IrMitMil' tycN. ra*"Taan

=-cr= ric-^ir; »a.t lar.Ha aw.




V aa. .7^



CHAIN lAWl ta.

lartarr rant


Aan •



tv MM


A« AA«>


A n

aartaHa n- TV. Call Cf AMM




•CA - J»i<ica c ana aaa' UN >•

[. aaaa. maaMn x ■aa. i&M aiamt:

Hoaraiii TV ano ttaaa JiNt eanainan M. un |.i«i riMtCLAM Ml MM. U h'a



t l^rt unAiaAA'nHtiaaMar.'

;; an Mat icn.


HA.ri;^aM_™','n;^ M.|

ys5?"I?i ™.S’J

all main ar ■aaiiAncaa •Ytl Vr.lct AM »m»4

I"*.-; a


IX' OaanM

rn :x. %rc



Araa li

tl M Mvm IlM









-anita* ram. Cl




AU. TVAIi. 1A Man awana. Call:

inUI lOOHINS ANO CNMNIV HOIK - Nan ar naMA AraniHt MrvVn. A<aa



Cl iaiii

nw taiGT Uiactian a< maa aatat ■rj an* mat cm ana «umc«. Cl -— Mlanaa' 0*IN» toHAliaa lx

ci:"iii”,i?.:’iK .r .vs •AJU - Ml

iNiAtl .


lOAT ... **0^0* *»r*^M'»ia

_ _


M Car








ana 'aaaly







uiCD AlMCd ttaal .»(«■•. Tl'aM’ ■ aaa. tar arviiani AM aair IBJ


M"*. — I ji wLwiiy 10 Hjf

'!?“.ia“'*U':,r*cT 5w"- i%'r.:;*“ M MISCIlUNieUS KM SAU


Hr?-r=S'S a



■an canNH. —------------------ ---------------------MM A^ mBcalLjria caAmly.jlM.


"StiloiiaSffSSSBc!!?' ®iAT*iii«_ij^i>ei

ana daa crnala. aacantnc tanaiNn UN AAIM.___________________________ ISJ





nara. Oanarn^wH^ rta

"■'3 'An


ntMitM rMin. C.

H final a laiiinitHn a raama a> m. incHMM’ am tf A«Mrai w.

Waal Tamaa. ( mnn. Aarry.











icN icMieiNci eoNiTiucTioN mwt^ L.WI-., Ganarai

:: ?r s.r'-.sjr-ir .srs i'crrjr; ClylaMO |TON*-ia « aa >wwa tVa'tVS* sr>%ar5,r.A^*n; Sw.'rrssriBr-yv-aMr --------'. a

Colemun I i7-/*«ffc lO-TIAl WAIIANTT <0081 M bOWN. SS MONTH «0





:r.‘s—'•ss'T.iTi' I



VaNay Aalia.

Canaaa. Ill




AM nan AavA* «JM* ValmJ* H? ti» CC uata M CE 1 «N anar a a




• P TATlOl •^^OtLtNG.^^aaamam^ Lijanaaa ^

WedneseJay, June 22. 100 P.M. 1700 N. Buchanan, No'^th Topeka tnaa



Tools. Equipment, iMateriai?

ft'ian irtctar


toppITa'builders supply

Wf hive been insirurtid by Jimn L Quinn, rrcvivrr lu tell ihe' (ullowing propm>- it pobllc luction





Ona aanct nnti ai Aapi. CiU amt

tr* lawi — Ovaata woaa Ct Amt a<wr t am

NAT I^'lOMI t A~tMrr ■naAMr a>M allai Macil m, Caa ar a'ltr Aiaan ahNi aamat. a«.iai

a Ihn


NCro NaiA antn

™ ™


- nr-.*:;;cr '


ant an Ha


< tU'iaaa. lantaa




-W a> lana <anaaaa lavnaaiAlt IMnfr H ytur Bca'tn. ANa awiaM t< net aviAMaa lar •am ar tan T j HVINI HOU5I MOVCI. H» I MA

CE 1-«S7

•arc mntt iMiaai«t aiJt_AHAHtJ KU


- *‘SrecrJ!^



lOlt iboaiNG. UB V. ia.Jj. u«. tlHri aaiwt ■•'■an. a«.



tv tM


*^i Alice eaw ■anwtn.n WaTeiAIOpA naIN niN. TN

ww kaiNraam'lM^ Anaw CC Attn *aj

• TlUIIN^^

I* cobiTiT A somm ■ ’“SSinn


- Cl I

o?M"crH*S Bant ctnnii I. AM naui



VINYL - DMnY atM. aa tmtaca caai

zjtijrzLt'crusr "~Ti

«M reui Nanw MhwMH ttia


STi STcTaartE was INC - ana Pfm maw. ^•m)w

iTiAaMiilifk-ve ■eca AiutT A H 1 an- Man M .

ana Ltnwii nart. tw N Can ce ACM ana Cl 1


NAOe CieiNUA - Tl

VJa^i . ^INTllNM«lfTill»M

sc rS-t—“X-rc

na cantnai w aw.» . "•••*•

« »«'



|« l______




HfT**... iioi^iTiiiei AALLVV • OeOAl lOAMY COMTIACT

«»- CC. »».

wllca'iiao' Hieiiiana am Sraaa HAaii INN A inaiana Paaa aaaa hat kih. HHafni awa. facaM'la- »ri<»A Mra. ' laNanwii r iiw cm;


imciiM T'ilfTiiioi ' AIMT CLAU won 0HG« AUNNiiaG-CC A4ir



U N'ina**"”' Uwa"M *e\S‘Tla5 •an M' _ _ _____


•« amm.


r7ctr.r*rT^-*u.M‘-'TaT r.r wiaat ^



CONIT CO. Ml Waaran



'millOC ~ •XTtIHii' ^B*C^H»4.''*’ I aara ANa Wuen i» Ana---------- --------------------------------lAMti m: . Call Aiaaanaar laai


CNaipa? ct >cm ar ce iim


------- -----

m am-

MW. -..'STS

IOM~ AOpITIONt-Nm Canw |.DiNC aanvaf • an latiiantii can <1 A«

lasIvtNT'leipOfLiNo'”- 'c-ataaa t'p Hia'na -aMnoaiHn. ana -uman c»n<Taw naora .aim ana naanwr


K (MM A..

f «• IMH MIIT WObUen _

1-1 MtNTINP -






At|a • Aaaa t. ..lODAMACe ••

lanwaaMHi- lA

Au'^«w“‘^ira'***CAAiTOt*” MOMC ICAlOPItlNO CP. CC 1 ■ UlLOC'll

CC vr« • ana






UN mil


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B n. OaT;wANt| A*MI ini IWN




n. i,ii— > Bcaaa >•>. Cl


ce v»e7i-ci i-tMi-AM ..sit

31 lUKBIHb MATttlAL mnHt.




----- ----

inami'iat Cnrama inc . tU Mann on CC inn ii’j

nm "hSr

IVING Tm Fri«.-| a m aai. rww. <nn CMrcN

_____________ !■” a - u'sfo an mtlai aBacvti.a aaakA til u» >M awrAtaam "tNl a liana ana aaacvtiva cnai'i aaama ma aiM camaMt aantaan taait Can aa

—■*'••■" K r',.r."-g y-.J,.-T.

yhJii^ —



0 U m a



MAI—nSH UIT lamra.


fvpEWRrrcRS .



_____ ______________ ^i£5*ar*^'TS*'iar*l



ica aacai.


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"y caam! "



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______________________________ TIUCI SCIVICC llAJONAkil tveiK lannyMilna. «A* lATIS CALL AM AAD7. IBJ

i 'McClijil. itai LAIJON tmt ana jwnaa" .acamni cm*-. AM *m.


n'*'^ *aiy

)«■ M >nn« an i____




cNai't Atm |i

«ANTA't>_«ll .IIHNan MinaH. kam'ill ana ANwH Cl AIM


^MAAii, Niar^iooA. <


»rl»ioai'a. HmtinaNaoia. AiAMri.


iKiNG liZI EnMiOM «am mannta an.

CAiAINTii a.oia^la«^J»-






Va.T’i'UKnr.'TTn’STl aST'

01 HaUA ■rj


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inymiata laryio



An*» *

All COVDITIOHClf. Ovar ] Oaon hM

-----------------------------------■-----------—7,-r^' .





ys, ——.r,er*



” _ CAlACNTfl



at aamm latt Mart.

> mtnr. Irallar. •! nva Itaw 1 am.1 Ain cl 11

’•Ml* iMNNN^niiraM^ mat. catMat aMi. natar Kaaian. ivmM, MM, Mnrnn ci


tBABa;. C

IT am.' n«*


;:r .•.^c.’*.



«m >m

Ji- Hcca HlaAII. NEW tOOH. c


»Nlit!l ITflL OOOU ANO riAMTl_______ MI lyAMAN AT IlM] caa*'

aota. Ataar k tAM hah ca.aWB|. tan ATHtt nil I. tiN. Cl mu. It iVaUTT


iimwrt. CC al»



LAOV KlNweil avwna'K Ncnt- tnt




_____ _____ . .


__________________________ —------------------------------- irCAVATiNO-MiM' Naoar aM aacana ■

» OLAH TOa laa.aNr-t cam. laM 0 •>!•■>. welic-f INC . naHMy Mva

KS.%r:&r — * •'



.. ..J._ u sTou niTum ‘sErLTSflE-Ji


N am Nl* Ttan a» aa can WaraKa rta amdanmi


Tllto a. UN I IT*


VI tm) laarMiea


aii^nannai anMnw « a kn. M«« ana ■a AIM anianna Matnia'ian aM raaai< Cl uni IKA aanaaa MCJ

lA HT. amoCH IM10A*0 ’1 aa. traivr M MIN. AMA AM aWL *111




■ oooo"uMO tvk no ta nrw





•Miarw r«MHr araa tm AM «aiaA Cl H4d>


haMar can





a taaUA Oran _____________ C» HM»


U»IO «tai


MAlceai T HwnCIvxt



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Umaaar • » I t'i»>M <ar



**7r^n**u°v*^-?' '*l‘"jiiih 'Tr!irAri£^«a!!L!^'wu»n jnSui K:;crn^.”c.T>«r*^ Z,

Sr&i” '


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a4c»raT.I«rn 5I»niTr’a»*t.


oTiTap •il£taic"«a> aam Haam..



CKN. Mta evcia. mte-M aaw tar ana» M«a aim iiB a narM Hattatn^





E--I'Sr^£r.l ---- = -trr.lrTY.i-..-—f ~



------------ - -———_________________________________________________ ^___________________u--------------- iwtWH.



,«i~coMfiiivciioN lONirimn

Rent on Installed S:iectric Water Heater for only ntn ' $2.45 amontH CAZaIw XPXm Tl0X>AT! CE

___ - -

t ^STi. ?«^-N.^M.?a-:2rc;^;!^M ■

van Iwm



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arna. kma.

awn. Ban#

ana aariai Mriai ira



MrtaaM a* twuA aMrtaaia




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___ « limTOCR —WIMbOW eil*Wlii».n. CHAIOLAH - »ULLI^M



. waattnat. Ch .■h»lh. ei >•» ! 41 Mlla

. A*‘n. ’


In HACfillinT AN« TOCU ClAATaHAN AcaWM nawat. A naw - aw I fL-Mi l«a CIIM1I aaa .





' ii'Jncn' MLCuvLCuG,H'fCL*'Mn ' Vary eawt <cna.tMn <e i«m rij




SSe *m Cm"«W|

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—TAtb won— uhn.^

i^iiM^I'^w^OMiwy aw

AM. AM an,




;u NwniMckb boow' I


Tnplf G Cbntnetars



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n fACAinLonntMU

Bwn wMWi

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tuvi CAI» *irr H«VI CeifTIACT • CUM COOK KOCK. '

mr% r«ma* Cl hI^.

*Tw‘«in»G NOOK

o**H|«k* »L«»r» MCIB Mnn M

“ 'SyS^ei?>T tatttn nm wai '2512* _:;--T^-":i ,7-----^

’ = St-TTJS


sS-'.™ 1 - —<■

* mfiTiTTi^uw «. mroi T*' ■M. Cl 1X14. I

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.74 e«i-e*.iowM Ptoforr

7J NtdinS ftPflin Ml IMl!


= —rvsi.-uicr..“:





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;i«« MCfO <-«MM. ^ KAW ■»• •«


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.'•rs;:. K=

rM IM. r,

ujwi <*ooe»n tF*c(-i ... ■■Iiifl nM. AH. Cam Lama Cmn,. ?• PAIN UNDSPOttAU

^lGi.-gs.=,g! •0AID1IW - ?X. ii ••f tm- l"*M« *M>« Mv«nt OWuM



a.i*. COOMICM Cl Min

unSr «5T!L*SiS*J'*oii.'^ «■!■■ nwitoci «<> lai



157\\@f\ TONIGHT, 6:30 P.M.


M. UmM. W" «««. «r—f tn« »M

r^‘£srsi.asrjrsi KK 'S.*'SS ~ ss.;£Tti^.’srflr7







iwr Roaa A riraiW Drioa ■aaa W«a Wmal OrM-la)



Ci na»>.______________________ KnCMCMCTTI laaraa^. aAiaAM lao.

■a^iTS. — “ a s JSToK



MfRIMN. Ran. T ■cONTtACTOR-i MIAO^RtfR'l^ am Mta«

Foronin Real Ejlate


am aroWttW" Ft. «l


•t! t."::


SAar. "yy



IS? eeT-iw’'*’iS






■a Taaaaa M Ct HMA





• FKm AUaviti Fram DaaaiiiiRi • (ta^DlIRM

Ai^tHtTytie iRiiaRii^ P^Catg ^

Cell CE MflT

r^l KriSrV::..” '“Ki


• Electric Kitchen

• Swimming Pools

• Wall-to-Wall Carpet

AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!! • Friendliness Is Everywhere

'£iaia* m* •-“V'T; CaWBcv aaBasaa LAS-nB Oiaaa CFy. «•■' UIIO REAUTT SALON t.

ITOREROOM --Etatnar' weatwi. a«

Tsi “ss irr-wr^a^;^ ar! RETAIL PM ONka BP . n. Mb 4tW amam iaa> WnR Camw CE MW. CCLLEirT LOCATION a n Riaii trvri, TBpaa Rwa an. FLMaai


fTTxa^’ SIk^“aIo



________j law* San MOW ar mW traaa tar lam ar tawr ibtb an FL Mill nr aiaanu'iM. Oar •

Banttfu! RkVaa Aptftoeatt are hauriauly7 funiabed la a cbim oMbe aw« molar itTtat to nt TOUT laite ... yoo caarren^ ttw «indbn of year choice. Iba fafcoteB Ridilea kitetei ara nafaHat moden. Cuatonwaltod appItoM la decorator eelars are boili rlgbt bRo yow verk ana. * Frlgitein Air CmWloatoB CALLi’OOAY * FricMaire Tottl Electric Kltoiwt Vernie Wilson W Prlfldairt Electric Lanadry Paeilttief VI 2-4444 * Total Electnc l^aury Urinf LAWRENCE. KANSAS



XNO mCOME - IWa PBra. B ar s<at imMnY caw ruA ia Cla> CE MBRA

,*H K1^^1?^7’-Ara£|*

sf«rim tBii% Traril. CEtBU at RaiiaiaaFi. aann aic



OrMW naar laaea i"


n Fram> •*««. air .rFamama. IralFJ

wasaa usaa M nm •«»" «! nara'i a m a> avn am nai naa AWsF tw a* F umrr Iran aWF e

Retail Store Bldg.

aNA FMAMCino aaanma.' Cnar « i

?i:s;-a:~jc, ;Tm esf's^HS.,


KANSAS AYiNue-»-xlir

1500 Sq. Ft.

> M Orarmnik

law lE »■.« .

T. ■“““■=• ffi-


"samHu^a‘n Fs.?ranara



Route Service Man

aMi . PM itTBi Kansal Cily. Mttaaur.

Eicetleot omortuiRiiy tor man wanting to be IB bustnes lor himself. n.-iCT

Rtoi&tote aL~..%.Tg'^





r.c=: " j •,rr„r^.-u^- "e; iar«a»*>mwiasrl?ara«a<w EmstauR a camaMsa aarsrka warn iHiay


"Sw* * «t MAI. BTATa WAMTM



732 Kansas Ave. CE 2-1645



______ Rn


For Rent





Tt enocNca r< THRfS RIOROOM Ran Tarn amr Max. Ha mam CE MIO a«nr IH am sa


WES TUblli


II.• tmii wn'^J^jan R Fanmaai

Inquire Mr. Gene Fields Forenvnt Dairies, lac.






CR MIT* - Ca MH1 - <R »H»


. 2...z:ja.rrt5j^3 ii-.R-si-ViZ.’r::«

PI Otft^TotwM piopomi


Farm, natxaa' Foil SALE H iBumne TU ’.iSila;

•axme *ar<

C( *■« _ ** dJNER~^Tx;W~»Baw* *aa


Watt LaEomoe eMraaec of Tutb-

"0tiv8 6v«r Toddy”

BY o«NEa~-~i~mn~ar«t a^

rPARER Q|F» nr aa«. mw Bka m CR MR4F a> CR FHM 177;



<■ HJH

B maiB Fi;5sris=rs

‘cLARK HARVEY, Realtor

n PACAwt ion poa »AU

• Frigidaire Equipped


XAHSai AVE aiiaws. aiaama ii« ar> maFiF. MOO mma am tkaam,^ mar BtHf



• Modem Interior Motif • Convenience and Beauty




Jn Country CLl <Xuxunf ONLY 20 MINUTES FROM TOPkA


I, Kama*—Ci'e-U *int

cAaiHS pot lAU ' I TWO IfOROOm' Catac I I c C tYmFBT. Casasc.i Or


’ ■ r.t lENT OR LEAie - Laraa :amai ma am B.iWir* •' 4MB tmm a Rim. AM tmil. Eiv


!LY larta "m <" »' »b*. na

r2.ssL.^*i:tLrrT.'.5 - “"LTsH^rts.-



; nr MPB a ' can laua-tH

Ann._______________________ MU F

Md iTJi fSTTr 'arrii.


l^fTtAI I


*SfHiiia *SatSa"«**awS’*ai '

RTTRACtlVt ONt taar CRB ►> »»ti. aiiit a


rT-wS-tr mja^mT'aat^iwii ■■ i


1 Can _____ WE HAVE iT - CAMral. RX'tUtuRtaH. Ba j^_»f]]l, I am » am ' aw Jvm a uaa lauaR'i i------aaaramrrt, tin mace AVXILARLr — Frwsl *am*‘ W>rm<a. tamua • mar. Kt I F4. nr -------

avRAC aaryka al aaar Kaanal Ma

taiw. ^a&TnSlJr' ofTl^ *

'..SiSi iwr‘*a^.w7M ^ HultueuRRAN RUILDIHC tlTlt. TKxW

IMTL aaoa tmimii. •• ' tuna thrt »waiswrT al ”* *22? 40UR REDROOM X ............. -N »B I


g >tf$iNm fajot, iTOtAOt Neea Temporary Storafe?

iwr Raaa t timwa i rnn trwN lamfi OrM

•RiaaCAiAM Oww am Cat M«ait W -


_ dvaaa. aac CR > ica *. HAtTIMI AOINCY

MOraits., lartr lliowe q.,B.^^a.

Vemte Wilson Phone »4><4444

ISaJ-SSaKr^w’U-S: ct Mai] ar aprta P« Baa IM. A

IMALL LIOUOR uaaai:i ar AMt*

tanu. itYliw raam. amMa ram I KFaru*. Tita tsorr o>kR Fama FORRES AIR FORCE “'’J.,' BWHSB m Wr a

3420 Vsn Buren


’'aaa'llitT:: ;r aa. M. a.M«

Mui<a«> B7.J

la ^"•’NFaaJ^

taa rr, Ha-iwm ____________________R]:j F


ar in tana. I Mlaa ce nil

roar ...u ou.

Foa-IHI Rott LOVtC. a >a la raaaa. WAMTt^B - Cl 1 at- taw asw^iwf^ toaW. a>^

u mneci


" Urf% am; R»aaa-_^aam

FS. tax 4ja, TBTXI. {

ca SQUARE FEET With North WtBdom Centrally Air Coodltawd Janitor Servioa Parkinc



waoaAUR sini Wr aan. Tdaa a^ li.aat CR W> ar CR HM4. 4gJ



Office Space AFARTMIRT UVIlkr lit counrar Ciua luxury

THI* aAHTtv~n a aaiiaM w




“for rent’ '

'tooartr>ro ara aao la'aMuau aa Tnjawajiwaa^w^^.^ Roaa

Ta *aa .

Owawaaa. Kam Ml-nn

., SS.JVTCS' .r ' nr awnaaa Raaa Taaaaa xaotai

----------- CE >MU I air. J p~

w Tiaaai

ai*Jpwwalwi *wi*l»rgaaam

. MX ..


sSi.-g irr^***^

*WMrt *a« -roaaa mar tstnal tOR *ian iM ‘raaxa aarii 'Cama laaa ma '’ifaaa War " ' TMiwaR irn Oaaa CRH



Iia urn »«

S "rja "a'i 'it 'hI>Sa *cl>rFWteai'


Wa'XrMiFaa Natanmaaa' i TORauDd" -



iRIAl RANCNti MOTfLl CAFR»"*“ ' tawo-TtaBa Laam—Cawiratw ----Sahi'a RBI tiiaw. iiaaar lau. gg

■£Sr«T»T*iol *T*a*o


ic.‘**FSi’Sjjnt tmlSam inJIROfiViLLt. Kar Naa-'f or wmfR - WaW aaraaa.IlirilTS imm Vaat^

i^M m«Mfrjmatmna^ atraam Nayat. luu i *aw aana I'aaw. •"«

«• ,IU<II«.


““ATTfeeRRY REALTY CO nr taarwan RatR- >a*^ Ka^ Cl MN I am.-l pm Mart "ty F WU.DIN0 laRtoaaw', iiuMIW

W ACRE]. Oaaa ma n rniWR lunRuaK III ACRE! Oaaa ma arw Raaa CaM tar ■aan* al Taaaia i audma- nra A IF RA m ACRE! HKa maa liatr. --••—•ar OR MTW Orl.l«a •llama ■ - Flr« fWer'. PMeman Rea! Elstate 1 aiiRiW «•" ce»an lit w«t irt, MU a



r WKlar enj

tlAlROOK -

;"i4s: s."Ksisr



*ar**W»a'*a«ca**1 KalMa^^^ F. I

•",« Siiian ewa. W. CRHJ5



I uat» larm. OaM oor ai


■wa. cevan.

'>5t SraTSS^O^^l "f »«'•' *JW --------- wiTTTSr. "2U- IWr


M>tf an OuiNCT. A raam adwa. Nau


. __

vf^mB^arT gn Contract _ aur-aaBoam

;■-£ ------ ----------w •i,-7Cj;i.-T7ia~

'srSjs ?HHH i






SR'Sr^lrsi ^Mw'^waTi^ita-ArMl? -

Veniio Wibon Phone SO-4444


dun. rv»A fM*. I*"****, ***??**■

.Hf> MiUioo - laa' >1


Kaaaa. <ua raam . AM MW l>4 ■» •aMaman^CAnjai. ^TdMi M MW

w RaiOROCRRY nORE - MrRm_ at a*, twwraa .m^R «"«?—» ■

nr MtaMaa laal. TaaaU. Kai ! mil i am. la • am. aan. mm art

i-ar. warw

i TUMI »00M la I . WM. M .L aura aif aa L ct HO* a


M MMMlM--------5S =r^ ATTIIOiv aCALTT CO






AM Mill


CE :



r« J!!gL.r*. i>2 ■ ;l;.''aw5aT~w^ «h.-— mOB—, .mm. _ ^


Or Can build Te Swt -

i EJB^ 1-..C. ----------

SSI STij;'


East Wb >.7Ul

|»T oara«R- SbIBiiW R«rB aiBBW.

: ;srmrr-cen*T5:.rsi SRoSa HeuK^ffTai aiiinB- ar '. m amt* SFACI4M7] rtaBaari* a Ctrmr IW RacrmNB IT




’* ■"'—s5a»»“


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^‘SS iiS^ «« ICMM

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■Mrw «>.


CI»tMt. t j^T«» k

: s“-rStNi>H”aj«sr*.

“ SSi OLO.

!T^J!i^"^***|**i***° ~~~ T'*'**-*^

ikACIOVt. •« a

OOMtk -IHIOTW «l 4>. Mr M IMMEDIATE ^JSSION iiMi am atmt enmi____ mimi’H m» v «m *m*. kwtc* m>- i jimiLL-J •■ m.iritu *■«•. •WW To* MkriP* H» MM*- IIM. , rrffiM'rW' ■»«•* »*’ •■“» , a*IH LMM wn IMWM. am a«ii J

....... .

kkick itouetp - T^ ...........


s - T kooa HOUM OK A«CT. kck-aa CT. kLAiw^ koa


Ck ktita

— -a


raw iw MM. fkaaj^iw^^ara.


omm mm

■• •ST'^fin^TS


m MoBtfa S’kTjiXr'iX-a.'’-^ •“ Got ZoMla Ci. at MStft

TOVf IN TOMCaikOkt Ilk AM»


kjSUTaiart 'aaa~'i^ wm


kOk ULI - oak A ram am. Ckia ema a laaM. ■etaai aM On...



r owktk MK)

-- •"


I. QWNkk i.lAynaO


I NWaik.

araar M >ia law I7*i. Laaar tiTAa. a caia eait. Cak am a-

r.isa M^T

•fi CMlkOrdk-aikkw MC CAOLk-kIt.lB

A Brtah

i*m aiWTimi. aak •aar.





aa^Jawk^ k


•r, Mr«M, •Mhr »hM' rM M’k M *Mint< ’"m M* C* l«>n tni


Chm VIAUM ar VIAMW Onan OaiN •<«. Am ■ » 1 a^

m rykijW MU

TOk IktCiniVI


ruTtX rr.

M. Ii< kakiA.

MM »« «mt. am Cl l'<n •

Lots of UvsbilttT tor SMOO

Mk. IMMi am. rWmarkMr kM a. Amm MWTt kwMw. ar aaM. kk m *m* tmm.







MedtaRi Rsaetettt



GRAaoUS UVING ra*A* Srk^aiT**l limiWcat

• kf MALTOk Cl MM. Cl >1


m MW |M^i^«k«»A 1^

' ki. kkUMkr. Ma ktreft. omr ck >r« im

— ja leiATf^k^




sm- I



IkBkik k^gj. CkMktoMIwi rtWMA 0k»

highland HOMES ■

Nwma karr.

CR 2-7530 -.





Mm^ a«a»

cr!H55^T^ e. I- Sarwr Wkk.TMMcnwv omck

YES-n» cn taki posRSSlon ot ytnr boots to Lake Short



zijrsr^ tm MJMJk tkw




tSL m mTiWW. CkMai OkkkWOl PL7W1H --------------------------------------------------"MfN » COUNTkY. INC- AM M)


•A*L lAkNlT


VACANT - New Lo« NewJed ,tf;.4r.%“kw >2

CIMTkAl A4L > MilMIkA KH . .. ' mm. 1» 1% <kMI» flkM. aikM ' kkrtkA mm** A rmmn w> ULM. , M MHar. Ck Mka. Om kUO. kt. , 7.4in. TOWN k COUNTkT. INC,, AM

IT oaxkk - w Lkkk aiikNkk l7


HTia k HkM a'ametiM. ------------------- M kuw, k. CkCk Mai Mai I om NM* kL Mill ---------- ••- AM Aga I - * “t k couintT.

ufT - »t*a« I. Mki Mka, i

Open Daily FHA—Gi—Coev.


■m wtm^


■ ce Awr tw. Ck ABM Iwa. Ct A«ta



Ik YOU WANT TO tlLL TOUk MOUil CALL TOWN a COUNTkT. INC. W W «ii wtiT an a. tmam awm JM. Ml. AM MBA AU. kklCH 0* 11. MM «k * 1 ■■■ lim IMM. WOUW iioiacp. .__________ kite


omm ntM Ilka Okiw ONMirtan

^ AUkUkMN—1 aarawFiAji^^

WttL lUIlT JNIT aMrmiaM. ftutr *ir-



tkSralii meiw

TIN MM aak UNMin M* kr kw aMwr. ) Ik. IW kanw Aar km


uit eoLUMi - catm**. aMMN ffiMianir FUMHa. enitfm m>«M

kart Me M ><«> mem ■•••■ iaM< mum. ci>aa____ i kAMIVT 'TAiLOklO MOkifi m L

32nd and Fairlawn New Model Homes Frem

North sue Suturban


z^jrz. :z.zsjz rTTiSsr’.-. M. »E^*7Usr?kr* '^izsi'isrzJ^'^


OarkkajriAi^ym^w^^W. ' ~ tiw -

VmSIm*® "kMT'wi Air -------------B wat im.


Ck ABtl Ck Araa




Mobile Borne For MM Dew* ISIPerMdofh? TODD MOBILE'bOMES i2w«KIi.*kaS3ai




TkAMklkktD -

• V OWNI* -!• hrM WUA »,( r«tm »n«tAM ••'••• AM Me

EiUtts lo juu two wMks. Ttae an bMtIfel toULdaethe Veer CBt*«e9, tail)i reoaii. cemidal* kUdm wtt boUMB


ranee, oven. MmiAer vd maajr other taDtes. V foa

• tVaukSAJL IT HO. 1. ULVEk LAKI—Mark A«k naxw aM r*

are knkliii te Teptal bto>M bone i»Id» yooH tad K • WIT kkCMWT - kmrr AOk kwaa Ntiri mt Mar Tarl, kWI • IniNur. IW aama. a ' “

BOW Id Lake Shore Eatatei. Cafl or eorae eat tedey. ; AVAILAkLI M mr tB-» «—r-w

TWO trokT pukcii iiMki t i


PW» - IkW

Vseant- for Fast Possession


Wi hive I ud S bedrooc . tttinci. AMM or aei I louts. RWTO ta BOW. close loutlsier.Csa J. C. Ssrfuit


_____________ ______________ iaj IT OWMIk — t WMkkM MNW. kkW, «W Mk >■*»■!», «kriM e«Mr«i r» iMWBNmN^mil rmi kw fm-


TWO _____IIOBOOM ________—a k - Lara kvK* nm. iwr» wra mm* mm a* |

mm!' Arim!*

“.r-STi.Si.S'-'s: wn T «>. kerraw kmt. Call

I Co. FL rial.

*v?r***c~ *


*arm *

mSmmZmSSU' enaa W kaa

sLarBLisisccLi HUMikk




rr «5' arSki. ems


S UDdff Ctetttnetta



'■ *^1U

\:rz:xz m Ikw MMa a>

•"srS! ^TrtSir' Tsl

*5Ui aka. ArnTTkii ktu«?'*7ae.*am attSl Man _»aj| Ck IHn. Mr,* aarwr.

• VACANT-lMMEpUTC Electric Hornes


MrrntooJi Estatrs

an aaa a*a "ti Can kw Manx , ar —a'lW AMAfWI. TM> t. kaO. ! kma* km


iMMtCMATt pkaaaala a

nth A Wsnsmsksr Rd.

kL M1B Ta la


Cl I

•k M7M Ck MUt

___ Su iSTTmiJS!

M w am

iaT’-Xi r JX* > mam. ■»Tisr^.; MM Mta'i »a»-at' rXtUX; ZJ XlrtXXl DAWSW REALTY



Cl S-i*n

ia'rT^S :w ai VMS MM MAVq


ar*. taw laamti a> twa aakan-arr 1 kAana tkaira kaain'w Otm. klij .

kf» <wi k M Orar Cl

■m. t ka<NA w Cl AOn



SiSl kann Na-M AT AAM Wfk"lTl)k0^


ft. AIM Cl aini



South Wnt CLOU m mtmm M nanaa


Stomt Pros!

", anat«i a. taacal

wNk| wm

pl awl


VACANT. Deterred Dm PiymiwW

NNHaainOTf aaa artaOM^maC




,S.T___ _ n2SiS!S?.«s • DUPLEX MUNOQUi I

— mmrn «W I kkA M tkM>

^a^kawltm" JJomes

mm Im* mam m. at___



oua TO aun



mmrn ratKk. aaaM lam m-

|l&Arf~HER Offlee ms Gasr. CR VOM

|| lir, Mwkw.

U awn

Hoiberg Agency

V .

cr.r-’ |

’ a« Lug-J



• • *

kMamn. Marwaak unom ^------------

^ ^ kiaia oariCk C» »iwi Oi.r.a MOLksao ca Maw iliioai wrKkc Cl Alaak







FUWm^ MODEL - no MaeVlCM ^4 PM-





koa'uLi da

- r <acawOTTewkam s»a-



Tmi liOnTi ar* aa «ari*»» tank, kkrl ..

THkdl teOMOar. "ii-.i'.r''ka»i CaraM. •aaka>. kmr wak la at CMTOwt. ikaakMk I1IM1 {a

■M MM CNlQNirtT Carl iiwiiiaun.

TwOlTOkY >mi* "TMin. uma. t'» * fi*an k.KM wwar oak. win eaMl > Ilk ■ w laclaa aHMy kwea. K' o»ia CfXaaL Iw Cl HHt. Amm tmn rmm UMan «."¥

: irsi;,r.rr StmXrxr


Ma M-m A laar* WNk I* oarj kaa ewwman. kaiti whm. Cl

rW’M'aM lAcaMa mm carMi krMk ai m.m

' *•


jaYhawk construction

tmm^nXan^T!rMiam«r *m




1430 W 17 m CC4-*

Four Total


a M-kaMi|r*a!a^?y a •• a< nr m« am Ak MM <anai n icv m Ciaai Ham. fl i

Highland Homes an Lta Store Btid.


OWNER SAYS SEUt LITTLI JtWILt. Caa CM raWat wM 1 aaaara W NM aaaat aM a raa m Mk liac« wana A a On at aa Oaa tcaai ka ki mim k« a* kWrnani ta Sat Dar ar e*a«l«w

I MDSeokM aack atka. ran cM. aar LAfkTWM tOWM. tkU rlfM w*.




• OTEN «• EAST fin a w S Haw Hwiw. taiMir 1 M awM wNk an kw imiiieiiaa. caw Irai A.C. MMirr mm m* *m


I NAVI ONC klNTAl Mr M N1IM ai ai wau iR>


■ KM kAAOkukT - k.a AWkrw* A B«lki me rkwn. Lw waaar. am AA*m I Wn KtLLAM COUNT - .


; RstRor.•,

TIklB Ok ic.OOKINO* Wf tklCIAUIl Ik

rir-, s«"7.“*c



kW^Ult »> aaa

Open Daily I to 5 p.m.



Avt&sbMNow k!n3M*^mkiaM^|SM



cim I Ml. Ikk w a«k ww. OMT

“rWiyTcood Bojr^

> kWTT t taai kH AM MM 1




lTTIIIkyiZr'ei>Sa*a2*T?ir V " ’ SiTj

kLMaw caAiM.’ CkAkaii

Cold Modallka Innei featurini three aod tar bednaata.

SLTSsrjSLSn: ;£."s,IilMatNM

“jssrxyaa.—'. srs-r*-

XI- X cTanT

yaiw__IIM ^^n^

TkANIPIkklB - I It. ax. M'M a a. IM mmii

sy~.j*.ars ra j

kuLL knrn. waotkair^ii


k^AWATOW^^kO. - »w

^ ^r^TSkTirsT g

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mm 'aa. auka a"ar a aakr- mma aaaaak Mm

■OOTM. Toaeru - asm lawaa. awia. uaak aiab <ma ct a«m IW

' fauTitf a i awMa. « kkna. aam

lbi> UWt - > •• W Mirkukk ■>«


OMN Mou*^«a Moo»l*«» ,c»a*--Sr«—*2! OMN


ii-^T,r^-i."r.s; .rii^-spisra-, ^^


mm LakkA. A aa kkk M aja. am MM ak aak MMMnwn aMM. car i. M. TIMM, tmm. Ck xia kac

“~a 3TS?



••• mmmtm. rtj» m * WWiii «■■>». n »vw


Oxwr *mm nrama. r»ww tag kaaa m

Each at the Three Ami etler ttw vwry beet Itvag vd *The QueM^” rm rtfwa t?en Jayb*wk..


MWr tart AMU pTWr 1. > CA >'SI. arwr 1 a Ck AiW

P uewu II0MM~

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•*« AMO uaee 'm 'tm m aaWk ka* Mm mmm m <a>^5w

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Cell Jejibairit CaoemetiM FLvdn ■




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m A«TOMe«inj|ot tAti


-3^3 Auibmtffuie

OMBMPOt I MamM-f.-r


ar waraa, MaAaa. tie mrnntmm '. ta«> WIMial tl» »rta« iMt. ca AAA« tUi‘ can ca >4Il

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L Ui^rw ■Hi

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'nLt^rvw!r^>SS »SrM* flu ■«»■■ ^MMI________________ ^ an iVFli ov* Tiiaii u ■« i.. frimit Mnn <r hniaaM M M T«cMi

tOUlM 1 COUHTtT aMlILl MOMU till Two* IN*. VN fIM

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»US - IMS Tiiraa laaiv aaaa tvaa FL Aid. I

MARTIN a^nlvr -

m. 'FFia. naaV Mi







j. aa^atS:'' y wo CE AM



« Oityikr Newport SWion Wnoc. Pfir nt*■» Plymouth Fury Ul. VIP. ♦•Dr , neir new. ’«6 Plymouth Fury 111. 4-Pr.. f»cttcy —fTtnty. 'M MoMBf. * cyUndCT. momitic. n ■«5 Dodge Dwt 4-Dr SUlion W»gon. SCyl.

•M CM^i^CT

OMf ounil - l*U CTaaa II A Fa mm


sui s,.-s«T,.«. ■-s'g"£;-~?aa.~


aa aanar lava cMan ana anm eaaav Mawn- mm iw>« TMaaa la laiF Foao - A aaaan. tiaWMA •”. aa aanar A I CC 1 IIF' IRi sr FLYinOoTn Aar


mr - rur ikaaMMi >r«Mr. i mraan, fM «mi(1imi. tIBF lav CmI Mim MM M mmrv*. nam Mt

_____ _


mIc'. mm, vl om ji j

V« _ iKaiiani tanamtn. MM anana. 01 MSP M AM __________ B2U ■ur CHCVT MAOOH. V* MlMara tana, -- arr Aim. FLum

ll«* iao FOlO VA-Laa miMaa calf aicanam IJM CaiMta FI






SJ 5T?S.rt,JSr--£:


’r-.'isipsr.s.'^-riyu. ^


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‘M wnnci. I'Mi MA. Em in MmMUr ]:M. UU

W> Mall Ma>Ma . . miM •urn Writ Mavwa HMM Kaa «to« ciiwmiMi »nn [JJJJJM^Mr IM M TMU M M.M

inur MMiLi HOMi. MV uvi

mi FAcaAFO -

I. T»V.

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lU^ TnajM

.i*t - Mraya^taar

1 11 iMa*'canaamSi VA «F IMF. aar . Far. 4 A»

■t« CHIvr «AoeN-A> cannaar atm MaiK. Naa Maaac. mt Cal- CE aaSM

L:4's»*?rss: Krj

-■ Si g^JT--•■•"

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i?rr*'K ^LPr.^

tOOM. mmm a< aMaa« M>. E'

-■a a lUJi.Q (OBVAII - Laa MIF


IFM SKAT LAllI ICiltl. mat. ntt«ar««, mmm. 44.W. Cl MTU.

'• 'FllMCfU •»» TM> *m

vj£r - ■' ■'

IMS VOLVO AMr. F ata Laa a«a «:

»M>. ■ n. mv taan. m mt*tw» II Mt •■• un ntmti mum

craasri.'tJtt.'Ts.fls r,«».'sr:s.*'.r5«.‘T srj: S”“S?££r-#.




Mcw tt mvm 4 *tm fwm


!;m aara va cMnarna

IM Daaaa I j oa, MT. Fan,

MM V01.<^ M MS iav ui 11. uas sML I VDCKAMAAEH. ctMIM t"*e t* 11.01 MM It. FL MSB. MJ


MFC) tmmim Laa >ana*a. eiAMa «u


Mt< COFVAIl. ar»m. aaMMMI urn. Cl Aa?« anr !:■ fm

iiiirTi >-Oaaa daan cm 'a MVatl. IB» CMia. FI. AIM

H uarmcTCUivotuu



^ naa*tw«A Maa . iMAMia. SU^I

AAWILM. uawtra avn. i avAaFar w aoM ttiu. FL rmut isu

iAOUAl - itM Faaar >MM> HH. AMAiBI. a

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s^FaS ijrr x“c-rc?i v=?r ?22: irsi K-e;.

:i- A^s^rLA:sMr^^m^-a:^5^^^^ Mi ina<a iraamaaaa.


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FTiMa v> A4MI Ta« lAWl a»~a. av

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CFiatu. _.« , .

Foa AAi.t-'ili Aainac

‘V lUKc u laan. t M. A.r.. raaia..




fS."™ ivn Oa levs — II» UMAMJI



awn. ce AMM •—cii.Vi—

tS Dodge Poltra 4-Dr. KT. Air Quid. rtS Plymouth Belvedere 44>r. SUtiop Wagon.

ursAD^i'-rt-irs •iSS?’^^SS-i2 ■53S."St



'iuMiIuoiai^ L'ra.-.'SM


« 4»L Cl Ai>«





WM raiikll'!^*! Mi "*• » «MrMM. M rMM Ml My W«

mr ovoi .DIMOULf


2SM“;-r'FirTw*J«rK* »,ir***INaM^*^

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- I

nil AM





MtWIa AMna MMr. J2SIZ IWC MOM M>a * »•> IMMM M UifO IIU FMI I, MB a* Span ana An. lAfl. MM IM. vHb aaaM. T>Ha alaa. BiS Aautn T» ar« AH In nsliai amWlMi ana raaav cant? 1 Mr laaiElHi Iran awNarv witwa Mi Faai lia nom i^OMC t

ii;,v**ra 7t«I«. TT t]

'S.'x-'rerwrF^TIAC TIMFl ■ aai*. naFtar Anar i a r 'qaMHML^FM* ^rVaM^^S^J ■U IM mrnm AMAIOL





W-n tan. Vi. a Miai. IMl. BMtr Cl AMII. laanMM. aaaa

C. AM.

*01 AnSTAaiJn.’ ’*'*'***"'



iri*ani*Tt»S» HR ».ir FraMitr niaaaa "iJJ^'JJJ

■ ToiS

FTO. lAMr t'M tVVA pri aanar Fanai Martin Mtra. IMF M TtFaW Itaa


TIUCI atm FwUi m *—*> MiNr. I4B. ins atFM mt. ___ tUi

TWO t«H FFra SaFFT Vfm. ^



ra.ii.'^sr fS: CuS,.- Cnat . lala « HMt, FO. w sar - - '

J CKivY riucF - o«F M na iifi- FF4 iin. CE tmm «u

■OWIITOH CAAAFtl SALES 'ILPMAOa «wa Traaalar, Tatianwr,

fc'H.g’sarei sx-,‘--K: ssir-.w Bodern Mobile Homes. Inc.

IwAlMAWa. NUWA. TOFFtI cAmw ana cawi. rMi Twana lira. 1> SaiMa DaML F,......................

INSTANT HOUSING *SM Ovr Lartt SaNenan raai



for l^rnHlo Vlctimi. WILCOX

I TtAlim Ml uu

IM»N Topeu cj^nEw. Cloeed SuiHliy

AVTo *umia I

v^trailer sales-



^ ....... HO DOWNS

Rebuilt Engines


M AVTo nmcn^omRie



TZ ..'.S.'TS


■64 Chrysler 930 K, :-Dr, H T., tlr. •64 Dodge Dirt 44?r.. icyUnder. mtomiUc. ■64 Botek Rliieni I-Dr. H. T.. aulatnadc. •64 Ford J-Dr. Hiidtop. slindwd ti

•83 Dodge Polara t-Dr. Hardtop. « cad t-Dr. Har^. air cood. ■tt Cad. M>r. convertible, atr cood. ■63 Chevrolet Impaia ^Dr. Hardtop, i ■63 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Or.. V6. aula "O Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Or.. 6CyL. •freand. •O Olds. FB con ■62 ChevroM Impale U>r. H. T.. air. ■62 Amencao StalioR Wagoo. d •61 Chevrotei Impata t-Dr. H. T.. a

422 VAN BUREN CALL CE 5-5308

201 EAST 29TH CALL CE 5-5391





’ IFM '■ TON MOW 'roclu


ss-,=rr5-jr---."[ iLi* .-.Sif £SL”.*..-S9





- TR.\I*WINO Woes and grate bodwa. HEIL boUtt. Write. ' PhoM er Coma In. " Ola Soalter. Huiager V TCraU TRUCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY. Inc 161 Eact Hlway M CE V4784



srsLvsi.'s-' “ "..s!


Save on these Brand New Cars with Special Factory Assistance!! . . . PLUS . . .




1 6J Ttiieo aoa s«r

-1966 FACTORY FI ELD CARS Emergency Shipments to Topeka by Chrysler District Managers and Official


’66G.M.C. Pickup 1 $1,789.77

,i”.K SrUTS- •9S! AM-FM fMM.i rr.v5.,-ST trs-.K! 3. T > > M' -tiF".;


— --------

m chevfolet



17 nuces 60t saii



-jr*»to amen c

i £ *“ i'S"."

; m lanM la li Tnan Kiaaa

■64 Chevroiet Mibbu 4^0r. V4, Auto Triw-

<H1 »0»o'f4I'IF~ M» VI 4«mmF-K



*J5i™ rMUNTlV FtATUFll


I«m <n« MvMFM

•B Ford Custom 4-Or.. V*. wrtomatic.

■63 Ford Galaste 508 t-Dr. Kardlnp.

We have 5 — 1966 Lincoln Continentals in stock. These will be sold by July 1st re­ gardless of price. Hurry to our new loca­ tion.




IrF-iiF-i tM-Ky. »»'41

'”' -SI

B 1 1 1


F0« aaMrryti^ rnaaa a"^ Mj

■65 Fwy m 4-Dr. H T.. lif cond. •e MusUng S-Dr. Hirdtop. Upeei.

■63 Buick LeSabrt 4-Dr. Very dean.


iCVY waoan. aaaa <a a. AW AIMF. Ull Em

ica; doom

Hi Impertil Cui»m 44>r H. T.. itr.

■O Valiant VM SUtion Wagon. SCyl.. Aate.



•65 Chryiler 360 4-Dr HT. FKtory Air,

■63 Chevrolet ImpBa »Dr„ V-6. AntB.trMwr



^ Plymouth Pury 11 t-Dr.. V4. Auto. Trial.

NOW OPBI FOR BUSINESS We Have in Stock and Ready to Go a Complete Selection of Trucks


-TORNADO DAMAGED CARS 5-year 50.000-mile warranty.

Prices reduced by insurance adjustmei^. . . PLUS

-FACTORY FRESH DODGES . Over 100 new cars ready to choose from . . . PLUS



-BIGGEST ALLOWANCES .For your car. We need used cars , . . PLUS




17th & Tyler


SERVICE — PARTS — BODY SHOP Now Open at tOth & Quincy


Dodd IhVe^igators Shun, Use Copies WASmNGTON (AP> - "nn ScBtU Ethki ComauUat, lUrttnt bctftnci cn mixoBduct chAfgn afUM Sen. T^tsinu 3. Dodd, nm niM out copiM of doeuracnti taken trom hla files but later dudoaed they are bela« used in the probe. At the rad of a day-knir. cloeed bearind. Quirtnan John Sleiau*. D-Mus.. said (ui openln( statement about not usin# as evidenre copies of over 4.000 documents removed from the Connecticgt Democrat s office required darificatiofi Ospiee Net Deed In his orlpnal sUiemcnt he •aid the bipartisM committee fell the copies of the documenu were -sufflcjentty slicmalised so as to preclude tbeir use m evidence here " Slencls told newsom later that itaee the commlHea re-!y^ ^ , j larded the edmleeabOlty Jatot thm copies u at■ least ' ■ qoes■ ^ the eohianiiu. ttaiable. It considered It had a Bovd. who left Dodd’s staff In r to secure "all doevraents May 1MB, aaJd he dlehirbed nable" Md fa by the committee’s rollai ently against nee of the copied docu"Ibrs is what »» are doing. , reenta as evidence._________ be said. He added. ’U the origl-!nal documrats obtained are at wiance. or do not Ineluda aU documents Uken from Scnalor Dodd's oftk« with respect to the maUen before ttw comrameoi^ ttw committee will Inquire Into acb variance.’’ Aaki OttgMi SMiBli laid that afitf sereeniBg ttw copies it obtained, ttw committee reqneatad Dodd to fOTBlM U with ttw ortgl&als of WASONGTON <AP) - A big an ttw doenmeus It felt Increase In rapes In the dtiei material le Its IsvetUgatioe and Ac eontlatlni Increaia In Dodd hm doM so. 8b larceny and assauTt in auborbia laid, adding that so far iw provided ttw Impetus to posh aoce hsi boon (oimd b tbi ortg- the natlM'i erima rate I per Matt nd lha eeplm of ttw doea- cent Ib the tint quarter of this BWBli tbet won rmneved tnn year. Dodd-s nes. ’IlM m reported Monday ‘Ibe only witness beard by the thel suburban crime Jumped 9 committee Monday was James per cent and the lacreate was I ?. Boyd Jr.. V. former adminia- per cent In rural areas while the ttattvt aasiitant to Dodd. Boyd rite raafcd from 2 to M per cent in clUes grouped b>- tixe. freely adcnowledged to oe Lmv bereue men bo had. pivticIpaMd to fflovleg and copytag ttw doeu- The Ivge core cities with manta over a. tong pi ' ' ' ovra in.OOO population hai' per cent average Increase. before end after his The national rape Increase frura Dodd’s as^toyment Ba said to had inrtwd coptot '■s 14 per cent - U per cent In aver to newman Jaefr Andir elites over S,0M po^eUon. S per cent in suburban areas and SOB, «n 9 per cent tat rural areu. Aggravated assaoU roee 9 per aaidtto copiae wen ut in aide Dedfi oOes aito toe originail retunad to too fOoi. dttoa and 9 per evnt to rural DiMiito ttoed areaa. The coptod tomtti fL .. Larceny — up II per cent nato a aortoe of eolnnto to wUeb ttonally - rasa 14 pv c«t to Pearson and Andtoia charged rural areas, 11 par cant In RtbDodd wfto mtoBattKi. Tto Oil- vbla and 19 per cent in citito rtr B.9N. Harden Up NiUonally, murders were up 4 It cent, robbery 4 p irglary 4 per cent i theft t per cenL

Viah Sean Today and tee a floor fun of fantaatie wahiea. All pricea olaalied 50% and nome much more. Listed low ia just a few of the many outstanding sale prices. G>me in today and see many more. Prices effeettre throng Satur­ day, June 25.

Draperies, Curtains, Valances.... | Bedspreads, Traverse Rods. Chair Seats

SLASBE. 50% and More .......................»I.......................

Crime Rates

.»3~ •3“ .*3~

Over Nation

Up This Year

Low Bid Taken On Peiry Dam

KANSAS emr fAPI - An

I.C.IV mM.

iRi-^let snd ) per cent In the




IIU. lUd.^ ...................................*5**

...................... *8“


Ctn. UtM................. 00-

...nta, R.4.


lUrt- ».« *1” E.Qtou.aTi.Ti...ii m..w .fai......... *y7s B.pikr lU.

MAmt TM A P.1.

PANELS, PRISCILLAS Cbooae fron s aetortloa af retnltorly pttoed BBe to !£.« nad mts. Harry to far best aelaetfea.

Begtoto tnM Prtoditoa St aa nfaeBvabto tow prkw. Harry. Oaly 11 toft St ttdi tow pries.

5» 3**


Mr—.......................... 35-

Regular tl.98 to tl9.98 Prices Slashed Choice oC many sizes.

mmM iim on M.



MrM, r.n DnrlT CIM. 11-tt.k.M..............90..|.l.r 11.1. II

.nil. .............................. 00-



“-|--- MM. M.1M. M.1M MrfcM .....................*2** mm. m* mm»»..........................*2”

MMM»M.MMM ............................. *3"

................... *3“ MMMM.1MM-M.......................... ’S”


BEDSPREADS MM MM VH.. IMI . TM................ ....•3** MtM MM CMM MM . TM.....................*^99 MM MM MM. MM m TM. ..................... *0^ IMMIMMUi.Ii—, TM ......................... *9” MIM llUl.MM IM Ml M. M............*7** MM...................... *a" mm UIM mm


HMI. IM............ ........*8**

•I•1“ •1“ •1“ •1“ •2« •2« •3“ »3“ •3«

aorOar kua t raly. ■< toigutor akto I mtr. M toiQlii C9.7B. t wWla. I •igutor ton. 9 aato. wu Bigtow toto Bmtr.m Btotow aito I «lr. m awmtov lua. t •ato. m Bagtow Itto 9 Wtor. M Bagtow lato. t9mtr.m, Im*' *948 t oato. Wi

Life-like Artificial Flowers

3® 7* EACH



Seiaction on Solo 3 Dayt Only

Plant or arrange Uidoom or out! WaabaUe polyelhylcBe flowen and fol in Ug Bdectkm. Thrrr'i roaeo, awealtoraa, hlUea, cameDiaa, aaakaa.







Uberly Loan C^fr^fTopeka, Inc.


totoM. Bay Ta*7

SM.lMnJ.I.^II.MMllUU.............. *4**

CE 3-3223

At « community tnrvtcn Ubnrty Loon wilt land you monay without ony intav att nr chor9at to eovar amargancy axpantas cautad toy tha tornado. Thif offar it tubjact to our utual libaral eradit policy ond axpirat June 27. 1^66.

Olflaaa Opan Mpnton

Dn.M. Mill I........... 9^19

.*2“ •3"


201 West SMb Stnef



__ M. MM HIM MM IMMMM. 1M..............»10"


Beffdar «S.4B to RSS.

M.-. «»..........................*8“


Up to $600 Without Interest or Charges

BagMr 9fc t. IS.48. IM shcrly coit^



Overland Park firm. Lkt and ‘Ito biggest JuR^ In Individ­ Oart OMOtnetton 00.. Monday ual categories by regions was a Mtontttod ito rnwrem tow bid per cent ill rapes to the North of ta- completlan of OiBiral sUles and 19 per cent to embaokmeBt work on ttw perry the West. Tto rtoe to ttw Norttieatt wu 9 per cent and the South 9 per cent._______ mttted to Army angtos had glian ta ostti StanjST for the Job. UR «to Clark new la worktag on an IBJM.MD contract at ttw tote and If expected to cenpieto that phase to January. Inctodod to the pnject to seme road pevtog aito eeetoBg of n aoei of land. Tto work trill involve excevatton f<r ttw dam cmbanknwu placement of l.TM.OPO cubic J yards of earth asd IM.Oto \ ^ ^ yards of riprap and relief wells. ' Tto Io« bidder wtU have 730 rkih calendar days to garaptote the Job. Tto Perry dun Is about _

«.»»»lUj wtot j«i





sHomNO uunu AH MM


wwaat nac sztormt —



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