10 | Saturday, July 9, 2016 | The Topeka Capital-Journal | homes.cjonline.com
Here is a recipe for making your own nectar to place in hummingbird feeders. Nectar 1 part sugar 4 parts water Boil for 1 to 2 minutes. Cool and store in refrigerator. n Never use honey or artificial sweeteners. Honey ferments easily and can cause sores in a hummingbird’s mouth. Artificial sweeteners have
no food value. n Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, but don’t use red food coloring in your solution because it could be harmful to the birds. No testing has been done on the effects dye has on birds. Most feeders have red on them and that should be enough to draw them in. SOURCE: BIRDWATCHERS.COM/DEBTIPS.HTML
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