Justice Dan Biles: And does any of that relate to the - how does that relate to the July 5th phone caJl? Spradling: That's the phone call I'm talking about, your honor. And in addition ...
Justice Carol Beier: That's not about her showing up in the breezeway and him reacting to her saying, "I want to move back in"? I'm confused.¡ I want to know exactly what the testimony of the brother was. What was the testimony of the brother? Did he say, "Mike told me that during the phone call he told Dana that he was getting married"? Spradling: No. Mike's- uh, yes. Mike' s ...
Justice Carol Beier: During the phone call. Not at some point - during the phone call. Spradling: Yes, your honor. Urn, ...
Justice Carol Beier: And that's in evidence. That's just not in your brain. Spradling: Urn, I hope it's not just in my brain. That's ...
J ustice Carol Beier: The reason I' m asking that is not to be disrespectful in any way ... Spradling: Yes.
Justice Carol Beier: But a few moments ago your answer to- in response to my colleague's question was, "I knew it, therefore I could talk about it." And that' s not an answer. Spradling: Yes, I...
Justice Carol Beier: The answer has to be, " It's in evidence." You understand that, of course. Spradling: Yes, your honor.
Justice Carol Beier: Okay. Spradling: And I, and I hope I'm not, uh, confusing the two. Let's say that I am, at worst case scenario, and we look only at Tim Sisco's testimony. Let's, uh, let's look at it that way. Tim Sisco testified that Mike had told the defendant he was getting married to Karen.
Justice Biles:
Spradling: And, I want to limit myself to make sure that I'm not confusing. If I limit myself only to that, then Justice Byer is correct. That was ...
Justice Biles: That' s the breezeway conversation?
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