Women in Leadership Award Finalists

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2021 Education  Nonprofit/Volunteer  Young Professionals Woman-Owned Business  Small Business  Large Business

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Colleen Martin has served the City of La Marque as the Economic Development Public Relations Specialist for five years. In her tenure, she has been recognized by the Texas City-La Marque Chamber, City of La Marque, Galveston County Daily News and the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers to name a few. Her achievements have solidified her nomination as the Young Professional for the Women in Leadership award. • 2021 Certified Public Communicator from Texas Christian University • 2020 Distinguished Employee from City of La Marque • 2019 Galveston County’s Top 40 Under 40 from Galveston County Daily News • 2019 Award of Excellence from Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers • 2018 Rising Star Award from Texas City-La Marque Chamber • 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Economic Excellence from Texas Economic Development Council


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MEET THE 18 FINALISTS FOR THE 2021 WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP AWARDS Welcome ................................ 4 EDUCATION Debbie Fuller.......................... 5 Lisa Watson............................ 5 Gina Welsh............................. 7 NONPROFIT/VOLUNTEER Ami Cotharn........................... 8 Judy Garcia............................ 8 Hillary Gramm......................... 9 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Eleanor Kwik.......................... 10 Colleen Martin........................ 11 Jennifer Price......................... 12

Congratulations to all 18 finalists of the 2021 Women in Leadership Awards!

WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS Doreen Hughes...................... 14 April Jones.............................. 14 Courtni Tello............................ 15 SMALL BUSINESS Stephanie Bailey.................... 16 Bonnie Baty............................ 16 Nicole Baxley.......................... 17 LARGE BUSINESS Monica Eaton......................... 18 Stacey Malbrough.................. 19 Charis Pollard......................... 19

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Announcing the launch of the Women in Leadership Awards in Texas City-La Marque


n the midst of the pandemic and the workforce crisis, when all businesses have been looking for more ways to recruit and retain employees, the Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce launched this new program that gives businesses a way to reward valued female workers. To recognize women who are vital to the success of local organizations, the chamber launched the Women in Leadership Awards (WILA). “The goal for this program is to allow local businesses to honor key women in their organizations and inspire others to strive for excellence in their professional and personal lives,” said Georgia Meyer Barzilay, board of directors chairwoman and owner of Karat Creations Jewelry and Urban Works. A steering committee from the chamber’s Women In Business networking group led the development of the WILA program. During planning meetings, the group was determined that honorees would be recognized for integrity, passion, humility, empathy, for fostering collaborations, being a servant leader, uplifting others and adding value to their organizations. The group noticed that the acronym WILA sounds a lot like “willow,” and during conversations about what types of leaders to recognize, the metaphor developed with the tree and branches symbolizing a solid foundation, roots, reach and impact. That led to the steering committee choosing a woman in tree pose for the WILA logo. They also decided that the award itself would include the tree pose icon. Further, it was decided that nominations would be based on these “branches” of leadership traits: integrity, passion, humility, empathy, fostering collaborations, servant leadership, uplifting and adding value to others. Recognizing the wide variety of business sectors and sizes in the

community, six categories were chosen for this awards program: Large Business, Small Business, Woman-Owned Business, Education, NonProfit/Volunteer and Young Professionals. “In the program’s first year, we received 48 nominations for women leaders in this community,” said Mandie McMillan Crowder, W.I.L.A. Planning Committee chair and RE/MAX Coastal agent. “Their wonderful nominations have been very inspiring.” The finalists were chosen by the chamber’s Women in Business networking group. “The awards have been judged by a panel consisting of founding members of the Chamber’s Women in Business networking group and representatives from La Marque City Council and Texas City Commissioners,” said Chamber President Page Michel. Inside this special section of The Galveston County Daily News, the leadership stories of all 18 award finalists are shared. We hope you will enjoy reading about their mentors and leadership advice and draw inspiration for your own organization and leadership path. One winner in each category ultimately will be announced at the Women in Leadership Awards Luncheon” hosted by the Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at the Doyle Convention Center in Texas City. The women are being featured in social media (on facebook.com/ tclmchamber and instagram.com/tclmchamber) and other chamber publications. Video tributes will be showcased live at the awards luncheon, produced by Clear Life Media. “We’re also proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated in the name of each award winner to a charitable organization of their choice,” said Women in Business Committee Chair Caytlyn Stanley of Hospitality Health ER.

Tickets to the awards luncheon can be purchased online at www.tclmchamber.com or by contacting the Texas City-La Marque Chamber at 409-935-1408.

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DEBBIE FULLER TEXAS CITY ISD GUARADO ELEMENTARY EDUCATION TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREer. Susan “Sam” Myers has been a role model and mentor to me for more than 10 years. She made it clear the importance of our work as instructional leaders. She instilled in me the value of professional collaboration and growing ourselves as administrators. When I began my career as principal, Sam told me, “Debbie, you are the captain of the ship, and it’s your responsibility to navigate through the storms, take care of your passengers and get to port safety.” She also told me, “Always do what’s right and love your teachers….they need you!” Sam also taught by example what it means to be a servant leader and much of my success is due to her leading with such grace and compassion, for which I am grateful. WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? I know that there are hundreds of leadership quotes, but the one that resonates with me is this: “Average leaders set the bar high for themselves, good leaders set the bar high for others, but great leaders inspire others to set the bar high for themselves.” I believe this to be true, as it is my job to grow future leaders. Students need to be inspired to do their best and understand the value of intrinsic motivation. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? My advice to other women wanting to pursue a career as an educational leader would be the following: (1) Surround yourself with a team of people who have a similar vision. (2) Uphold personal ethics and maintain integrity with all stakeholders. (3) Be an active listener. (4) Most importantly, every decision that is made should be based on what’s best for the children.


COLLEGE OF THE MAINLAND EDUCATION TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. Dr. Kathleen Guy is a very successful community college fundraiser. She has raised more than $100 million for her college, and Kathleen helps other community colleges raise funds of their own. I always have been passionate about empowering others, but Dr. Guy has taught me how to enjoy raising money for my students. As a mentor, she taught me that we add the greatest value to our institution by raising money. Even when a community is generous, the costs of educating community college students is a very expensive proposition. There is always a need to help students with scholarships, aid and more. My mentor fueled a passion of helping students through the gifts we raise. WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? My favorite quote is “the teacher who walks in the shadow gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.” To me, this means that the best way to help students is to financially support them on their journey in school. There are many ways for students to find success that can build a vibrant community. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? It’s all about the students. Financially supporting students is important and can make a real difference in their lives. Don’t give up! Fundraising can be hard but keep trying. There are so many people in our community that want to help give a hand up, and it is an honor and a privilege to work with others to make that happen. Reach out to others in your field and in your community to support and build a wonderful place to live.

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From the Patrick Doyle Family and everyone at


Texas City ISD/ Guajardo Elementary

2021 Finalist - Education Category Women in Leadership Awards



Congratulations to our very own Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, Stacey Malbrough, on her Women in Leadership Awards nomination. Your AMOCO family is proud and commends you for being recognized as one of the finalists. AMOCO would also like to applaud all the honorees. Thank you for all that you do to help support, lead, and empower our community!


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TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. Throughout my career, I have had some incredible leaders and peers who I have garnered nuggets of inspiration to implement into my own practice. I feel very fortunate to have had multiple people who I would consider mentors impact my life in a multitude of ways. However, as I reflect on each of them and think about who had the greatest impact, my ultimate mentors would be my parents. There is something about working for a family business and learning hard work, customer service and integrity that laid the foundation for me to build upon throughout my career. I have been able to sprinkle the nuggets into practice that were garnered from other leaders who have inspired me.

WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? It is difficult to choose just one, but this one is a top favorite by John Maxwell: “Leadership is seeing the possibilities in a situation while others are seeing the limitations.” This quote depicts quite accurately my perspective. I choose to be positive, to strive to see what is possible and to do what hasn’t been done before. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Strive

for excellence and always keep in mind what is best for the students. We are here to support and to enhance learning for our educators and for our students so always keep that perspective top of mind. At the same time, be positive, work hard, ponder all of the ideas and all of the opportunities. Be kind and always do the right thing. Get out there and show the world what you can do, and make your work a high standard. Networking and collaborating are instrumental to success.

SOME models just get better with age!


BONNIE BATY! WILA Finalist Voted Best Jewelry Store


a e t r i o C n t s a Jewelr r a K

in Galveston County for the 4th year in a row.

Bonnie Bat y • Georgia Barzilay 8 11 6 t h S t r e e t • T e x a s C i t y • 4 0 9 - 9 4 5 - 9 9 9 9

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CASA OF GALVESTON COUNTY NONPROFIT/VOLUNTEER TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. My mother was a huge influence in my life, and she modeled service to others throughout my early life. Boy Scout activities with my brothers, Girl Scout leader with me, handing out fliers at the polls at election time and various church groups really impacted my life. Also, my husband, who has had many years of service with the Knights of Columbus, models giving back and service. Now, as a court-appointed special advocate, everyone at CASA — the directors, supervisors and other advocates — are role models, also. Not one of them have ever told me what to do. Instead, they show up and help.

AMI COTHARN GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT NONPROFIT/VOLUNTEER TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. I have had a few nurse leaders help me see my way through my nursing career. However, it is not simply about the career, it is a package, a life and a successful woman must be well-grounded. Reta Melby, who has been a spiritual mentor, always reminds me that God has a plan, and that I am protected through Him. Ann O’Connell has stepped up to help guide me professionally. Ann is an executive nurse leader who has taken me under her wing and is acting as my professional mentor. We meet about once a week and discuss work, home and life in general. Ann offers sound advice and experience when it comes to being a nurse leader, and I absorb as much as I can!

WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.” — Rich DeVos WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Determination and confidence are a must, even if you are not naturally confident, strive to hone in on this trait. I would highly encourage another woman starting out as a nurse executive/administrator to treat others how you want to be treated; treat them as if they are the next person signing your check — this can be very humbling. Continuing your education is a must; nurses are lifelong learners. Lastly, identify your personal mission and vision and repeat it to yourself often; know your why — this is a great way to stay focused and stay the course.

WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? A quote that I believe to be true is “What you do has far greater impact than what you say.” Children need examples, and showing them how to act in this world is extremely important. Children who have been through some tough experiences or broken relationships may have learned to distrust what is said to them. By being positive and supportive in your actions and showing up for them, you will have a much greater impact than by just saying the right words. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Be flexible – and trust. Advocating for children and families as they seek permanency is a process with many different people and situations involved. Over the course of a year or more, many factors come into play and many circumstances can change. Keep in mind that your main concern is the needs of the child. You are always looking out for their best interests. Trust your supervisors, fellow advocates and the process. Trust the people with experience to advise you. You are not in this alone.

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Tell us about a mentor who inspired you in your career. My seventh-grade teacher, Ms. Cunningham “met me where I was at.” She treated me kindly, listened and validated who I was as a person. I remember how it made me feel. She was not aware of the troubles in my home life; however, she was someone who always listened to my daily middle-school drama. I have tried my best to be that same person and meet all the young people I work with where they are in life. Who they are in that moment matters.

What is a favorite leadership quote of yours? What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. What advice would you give to another woman starting out in your field? Be a sponge! Learn as much as you can from those you admire. If you encounter a person you would like to learn from, invite them to coffee! And always send a hand-written thank you notes.




CHARIS POLLARD Associated Credit Union of Texas’ Chief Human Resource Officer

Honoree of the Texas City-La Marque Chamber Women in Leadership award, large business

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Tell us about a mentor who inspired you in your career. I have had several inspirational mentors at Valero – each with a different perspective and style to learn from, but they all took time to build relationships and confidence in me and those around them. They have guided me, challenged me and set up a solid base for me to build on as a leader. What is a favorite leadership quote of yours? “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Congratulations to all the Finalists! Julie Greenwell 281-622-1244

What advice would you give to another woman starting out in your field? First, learn all that you can from those around you. Direct what you learn into a stronger understanding of what you are working on, why you are working on it, and how it affects or can be affected by other factors you

may not have seen before. Second, don’t let your decisions be guided by a fear of failure. Inevitably, things won’t turn out as planned or mistakes will be made. Learn from those mistakes, listen to feedback and view both as learning opportunities towards your next success.

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Tell us about a mentor who inspired you in your career. I met Phyllis Bledsoe, Chief of Public Affairs at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Galveston on “take your daughter to work day” when I was 11 years old. A few years later as a journalism student at SFA, I had the opportunity for an internship, and I landed a job with Phyllis. The way she commanded the room inspired me. We scheduled photo ops with the colonel and went to opening ceremonies for infrastructure projects. She handled PR

situations and talked to reporters. Her work and the way she went about it lit a spark in me. What is a favorite leadership quote of yours? “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “Just do the right thing.” — Arthur Jay Martin

CELEBRATING WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP We are proud to recognize the exceptional work and achievements of women at Valero and in Texas City.

What advice would you give to another woman starting out in your field? Listen. Surround yourself with the most innovative people you can find and soak them in. Find a mentor. Stay committed, but don’t lose yourself to the job. Take time for your family and make personal time a priority. Learn, grow and polish your craft. Build your brand and stand by your morals. Have fun and if you’re in PR — stay camera ready!

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Tell us about a mentor who inspired you in your career. My dad has always inspired me. From a young age, he knew he wanted to be a commercial fisherman, so he began making trips from where he lived in Washington state to Alaska and fished with his uncle. When he was 20 years old, he moved to Alaska, got his Captain’s license, bought his own boat and became a commercial fisherman. Later in his life, he had a dream of opening his own business and worked toward that until he achieved it. Prior to his passing, he started the first girls softball team at


my school and was our coach. No matter what the goal was, he always gave everything he had and didn’t stop until he achieved it. What is a favorite leadership quote of yours? I love the quote, “It’s about the goal, not the role.” Especially in public service, we must remember our goal is to provide excellent services to the public. I think it’s important, as a leader, to have the goal to make a difference whether it be in one person’s life, in your organization or in your community.

What advice would you give to another woman starting out in your field? Advice I would give another woman starting out in my field would be don’t be afraid to start at the bottom, put in the hard work and work your way up. There are so many different aspects of human resources, learn as much as you can. When you are committed to the overall goal of the organization, are a team player, have a positive attitude and are not afraid of a challenge, doors will open for you.

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WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” — John Maxwell WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Try your best to show up on time and be prepared; it shows your respect for others without words. Share your time, knowledge, talents and energy gracefully without any expectations. Engage, make connections and do so from the heart with kindness, care and trust when you speak; be a good listener. When you find your comfort zone, move on to the next level.


WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. Being a part of Michael Dell’s team from 1992 to 2008 was a career gamechanger. His approach was intentional, inclusive, collaborative and innovative. He was a visionary who freely shared his vision, time, knowledge and energy with all on his team. He fundamentally believed, each day that you’re moving toward your dreams without compromising who you are, you’re winning. He taught me we are all gifts to each other, and my growth as a leader has shown me again and again that the most rewarding experiences come from our relationships with each other.


QUEEN’S ATTIC BOUTIQUE WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. My mentor was the owner of Lowes Fashions which was located on 6th Street in Texas City. Her elegance of how she ran her business never left my mindset. When the opportunity knocked on my door to open my own boutique, I wanted to mimic Lowes Fashions. Ms. Augustine was such a delightful person and business woman; I truly was impacted by her uniqueness in such remarkable ways. She is missed but never forgotten in my heart.

WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? “Dare to be different! Be uniquely different. Believe in your dreams so they can become your reality.” WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? My advice would be to do your research and find out who’s going to be your target audience, surround yourself with like-minded people. Secondly, keep an open mind to be able to take constructive criticism though the process. Lastly, follow your purpose and your profit will definitely come.

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Tell us about a mentor who inspired you in your career. I have been in dentistry for more than 20 years, and, along the way I have met some amazing people. I have always tried to surround myself with leaders in my industry and others who are inspiring to be around. One person who has always been available to lend a helping hand is Dr. Charles Scruggs. He has been a great asset in my dental career, and I am grateful for his guidance.

toward others. A key factor in being a dental provider, or in any healthcare specialty, should be compassion. I feel that being able to volunteer time and skills to people truly can teach someone to care for others, which ultimately leads to high-quality dentistry.

What is a favorite leadership quote of yours? “Lead by Example” would be my favorite leadership quote. Anyone from a small child to a CEO can understand the meaning of this. I appreciate that “lead by example” holds the leader accountable as well. Leaders should demonstrate their expectations through the way that they lead and live their own lives. This can apply to the personal and professional lives of everyone, and it is a simple but strong reminder that great things start with yourself.


What advice would you give to another woman starting out in your field? My advice to other women wanting to pursue dentistry would be to volunteer as much as possible. Dentistry is about providing a service to others. Volunteering your time and skills helps teach you many things, but, most importantly, how to be compassionate


2021 Women In Leadership Finalists

Touching Lives One Home at a Time Lynn Sullivan Winget Better Homes and Gardens Realtor

Mоica Ea n! Business Transformation Officer, Senior Vice President

13450 FM 305, Galveston, TX 77554 An Independently Owned and Operated Franchise

lynn.winget@garygreene.com 409-737-5200 | 409-795-7230

We’re so proud to have a strong leader like you as part of our family!

16 | The Daily News | Publication | September 2021






WELLNOW HEALTH TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. Honestly, my biggest mentor, cheerleader and person that always has inspired me to do my best would have to be my mom. Growing up, she never just handed me what I wanted. She taught me that I had to work for everything I wanted in life. Still, as an adult, I go to her for advice five days out of the week. WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? “To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart. Remember, no one

can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — Eleanor Roosevelt WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Always be open to learning new, better and different ways of doing things. No one will hand you anything. To get ahead of the game, you must take initiative and not wait for someone to teach you everything you need to know. No one will teach how to do the job better than they do.

TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. My husband was a big contributor to me wanting my own business. As soon as we married, he bought land and started our ranch. He started buying real estate and started his insurance business. He was a great mentor. I saw that without a lot of money we still could invest by investing in ourselves. But Georgia was the one who said we need to start our own business. So that’s what we did. We partnered together and Karat Creations Jewelry began. More than 43 years later, we’re still going strong!

WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? God works in mysterious ways. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Our store is a place where customers can feel comfortable buying a small gift item or a diamond, and they can enjoy sitting and talking with us. They leave with a pleasant feeling in their heart. My partner Georgia and I put God first in our life because without him we are nothing and life is not meaningful. He helps us make it through every single day of our business life and our personal life.

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pregnant at the time. The woman who interviewed me, Jenny, had this enthusiasm and friendly personality but also possessed the knowledge and experience to execute every task thrown at her. I spent the next five years under her soaking up as much as I could. My biggest lesson was learning that a leader has to be willing to get in the trenches, whether it’s filling in for the file clerk or another director. You can’t be successful if you cannot spend a day in each position successfully.

WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. ­— Lao Tzu WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Stick to Plan A all the way through, even when things seem impossible. Never have a Plan B because it’s during the rough times most people will fall back thinking their idea won’t work.

NICOLE BAXLEY SECURED INSPECTIONS, ENVIROGYN & DIKE DOGS SMALL BUSINESS TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. While in healthcare, I applied for a position in another department for what seemed like a dream job. I didn’t have high hopes when interviewed as I was eight months

Leadership is not domination....it’s the art of persuading people to work towards a common goal.


E. Nicole Baxley for being named a local finalist as a woman in leadership for Small Business.

The recognition is well deserved. You are a game changer, a passionate advocate for community collaboration and an inspiration to women in Texas City.

18 | The Daily News | Publication | September 2021

Tell us about a mentor who inspired you in your career. I have been fortunate to have Don Najvar as one of my mentors. Don taught me a great deal about running a bank and encouraged me to take on new challenges in leadership. I most admire Don’s knack for employee development, and I strive to emulate his coaching style. What is a favorite leadership quote of yours? “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them


become what they are capable of being.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe What advice would you give to another woman starting out in your field? My advice for another woman starting in banking would be to take up space. Speak up in meetings. Volunteer for projects and new challenges, even when you don’t think you’re quite ready for them yet. Make your presence known and know that what you have to offer is valuable.

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beyond the obvious. Tina has undoubtedly made one of the biggest impacts in my career and in my life.


TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. I would have to say that my boss Tina Foster has been a strong mentor in my career. She took a chance on me 10 years ago, and she has worked to teach me all she can about marketing, alternative ways of thinking and leadership. She has pushed me outside of my comfort zones and has encouraged me to think

WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? I think the best quote for me is one that coincides with what my boss has taught me about venturing outside of what’s comfortable. Muriel Strode wrote, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.” I want to blaze my own trail, but I also hope to encourage other women around me to do the same. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? If I had any advice for women starting out in marketing or business development, it would be to be bold and go beyond your comfort level, just as my boss has taught me. And also, don’t let job titles stand in your way of being a leader. If you are inspiring and supporting others, you have what it takes to be a great leader. A management role is not required in order to positively influence someone’s life or to make a difference in your career.

TELL US ABOUT A MENTOR WHO INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER. My grandmother was born in 1914 in Marcelina, Texas. While alive, she mentored by example. She was a career educator in Floresville ISD. She had both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Trinity University and raised three children. She was one of the smartest and toughest women I’ve known. As her granddaughter, I continually try to follow in her footsteps with my career, family and faith. WHAT IS A FAVORITE LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF YOURS? “To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” — Eleanor Roosevelt WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER WOMAN STARTING OUT IN YOUR FIELD? Be true to yourself. Genuine leadership shines from within. When you love what you do and can be yourself in your career, success is inevitable. Be true to others; be a person of your word. If you commit to a job or task, ensure that it is completed and done to the best of your ability. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, and, if you make a mistake, own it and learn from it. Leadership requires taking risks and mistakes are inevitable to achieve ultimate success.

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