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Why residential ventilation from Systemair?

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Contemporary living – with intelligent ventilation!

The desire to save energy and the high-performance insulation needed to achieve this have made our houses and apartments increasingly airtight. Time for new solutions!


A natural exchange of air is almost impossible with modern windows, walls, façades and doors. On the one hand, this is a good thing – from an energy-saving perspective. On the other hand, it’s not so good in terms of air quality and quality-of-life of the inhabitants. Poorly-ventilated rooms have a higher risk of developing mould and palpably stale air is a real hindrance to well-being. A potential solution: ventilation via the windows, carefully planned and implemented. However, in practice this usually proves to be difficult to do and also counter-productive in terms of energy savings. The significantly more comfortable, more sustainable and therefore more modern option is controlled residential ventilation, generally with heat recovery. The basic principle: stale air is extracted and fresh air is brought in from outside. The fresh air is cleaned by filters and preheated via heat exchangers (which take heat from the extracted air). The exchange of air occurs continuously; the need to open all the windows wide at frequent intervals becomes a thing of the past. The result: a consistently perfect indoor climate – at the desired temperature! That’s the theory. There are a few differences in practice. Firstly, attention must be paid to the quality and function of the components used. And, just as important to you as a planner or installer: getting comprehensive expert advice and support. Before, during and after installation of the system.

It is always good to have a partner at your side who doesn’t think only in terms of individual products, but who is able to take a broader view. Someone who doesn’t just deliver technical components, but a functioning system. This is the pledge we live by. As our name suggests.

Quality-of-life: Up – Heating costs: Down

kWh/year 10000









Window ventilation Air extraction Heat recovery

168 m2 living area 10 kWh = 1 litre heating oil or 1 m3 natural gas

Source: Hessian Ministry of Economics, Transport, Urban and Regional Development

Systematic satisfaction:

Residential ventilation with Systemair

With Systemair, planners, installers – and of course users – can all profit from our more than 40 years of experience in ventilation engineering.

The result: thoroughly tested, technically mature systems and components which have been ideally attuned to each other by our experts. Powerful and energy-efficient, with well-thought-out details which make all the difference when they interact with each other. Such as the integrated humidity sensor, which perfectly adjusts the fan and rotor speed to the needs of the inhabitants. Or the selectable filter quality which enables adaptation to local conditions. And that’s just two examples.

Since we don’t only want to make life more pleasant for those using our products, but also to make life easier for all the professionals on-site, we have taken care to keep our technology manageable, i.e. easy to install. For trouble-free installation according to plan.

Whether for a single dwelling or an apartment block, with heat recovery or without: in our product portfolio you are certain to find the optimum solution which not only completely fulfils the building requirements but also the demands of your customer. And that’s for sure.

But advanced technology isn’t everything. It is just the central feature of an attractive overall package – consisting of personal consultation, (on request) active, CAD-based, support during the planning phase, as well as quote generation right through to commissioning. Our excellent Logistics team ensures that everything arrives on time and in perfect condition – as a complete or partial delivery, depending on your needs.

This special package is rounded off by prompt and obliging service. Trust invested in the right place – that’s Systemair.

Airplan is your plan:

Find the most suitable ventilation concept in just a few minutes! Our free software tool Airplan will help you configure your ventilation systems. Find out more at


Create ventilation concepts easily and in accordance with DIN 1946-6. Airplan suggests the appropriate overall product solution.

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