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EU Ecodesign Directive
from Systemair
Reduce harm to the environment through product design
The EU sets minimum energy efficiency requirements for the appropriate products via the "Directive 2009/125/EC establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products" – or Ecodesign Directive or ErP Directive for short.
The energy label should permit the end user to compare products easily, enabling them to select energy-efficient products. In contrast to other electrical equipment, the energy classes on the labels of residential ventilation equipment are determined by a calculated parameter, the specific energy consumption (SEC). This value should display the energy-saving potential of the equipment used in kilowatt hours per m² per year.
SEC or SEV-Klasse A+ (highest efficiency) A B C D E (lowest efficiency) F (not valid) G (not valid)
SEC or SEV in kWh/am² SEV < -42 -42 ≤ SEV -34 -34 ≤ SEV -26 -26 ≤ SEV -23 -23 ≤ SEV -20 -20 ≤ SEV -10 -10 ≤ SEV -0 0 ≤ SEV SEC value or SEV value and energy class allocation
New requirements for ventilation and air-conditioning
Fans EU 327/2011 (B2B, no label)
• Since 2013, minimum requirements apply for fans above 125 Watts regarding energy efficiency • From January 1, 2015, these requirements have become significantly more stringent
Central ventilation and air conditioning units EU 1253/2014 (B2B, no label)
• Since January 1, 2016, minimum requirements apply regarding • fan power consumption and • heat recovery efficiency
Residential ventilation equipment EU 1253/2014 and 1254/2014 (B2C, label)
• Minimum requirements from January 1, 2016:
The units must save at least as much primary energy (electricity and heat) as they use (electricity) • Minimum requirements from January 1, 2018:
The units must save significantly more primary energy than they use – the ventilation heat requirement of the residential building is approximately halved • Energy efficiency label from A+ to G (see Table)
Air conditioners EU 206/2012 (B2C, label)
• Since January 1, 2013, units with a cooling performance up to 12 kW are classified in energy efficiency classes from A+++ to D • Units in cooling mode must fulfil at least the requirements of energy efficiency class A
A++ A+
Time-controlled Demand-driven
dB (A) to 1.000 m³/h
2016 XYZ/2014
Unit property Sound power level
Sound power level in the room <30 dB (A) depending on the installation
Central residential ventilation unit with heat recovery
This is not only influenced by known parameters such as electrical power consumption or heat recovery but, to a great degree, by the operation mode as well. So a Unit X may well achieve a better energy class when operated according to demand (e.g. humidity and CO2 sensors influence the air quantity), than in a timecontrolled or manually-controlled version.
Central extract air fan without heat recovery
From an energy perspective, extract air systems without heat recovery score worse than units with heat recovery, since the heat in the extract air is lost. The operation mode also has a large influence on the energy class for extract air systems.
A++ + A+
dB (A) 100-1.000 m3/h
2016 XYZ/2014 Time-controlled Demand-driven
Unit property Sound power level
Sound power level in the room <30 dB (A) depending on the installation