Records Volume 32: Miscellanea

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Publications of the

Catholic Record Society Vol. XXXII

THE Catholic Record Society was founded 10 June 1904, for printing Registers and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical , since the Reformation in England and Wales.


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See p.43













tributed by Mrs. P. A. Boyan.

Introduction The Mirror of Heroes . Of the Life of Master Francis Tregian No.



THE CATHOLIC REGISTERS OF KENDAL (WESTMORLAND), 1762-1840; WITH NOTES ON THE MISSION OF DODDING GREEN FROM 1706. Edited and Annotated, with Historical Introduction, by James Rae Baterden.

Historical Notes

45 47 54 62

Dodding Green Kendal The Register Addendum -




THE CATHOLIC REGISTERS OF READING (1780-1840) AND WOODLEY LODGE (1802-1869 ), BERKS. Transcribed and Edited, with Historical Introduction , by the Rev. Robert Elliott Scantlebury.

Historical Introduction Franciscans serving in or connected with the District French Refugee Priests serving in Reading Register of Reading Extracts from the Register of Mapledurham (Oxon.), relating to this District Register of Woodley Lodge Appendix Register of Burials in the old French Cemetery at Reading. Contributed by Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale Addenda -


Note on the French Refugee Priests On the Use of the Term Emigré




117 128 131 135

165 167 181

187 190 191


No. IV . CATHOLIC REGISTERS OF ROBERT HALL AND HORNBY, LANCS., 1762-1818 . (Supplementary Article. ) Contributed by John Peter Smith, J.P.

Introductory Note


The Registers




Introduction 204 The Visitation Returns 205 Appendix I. Part of a Return of Recusants in the Diocese 350 of York, 1706 (from the Bishopthorpe Archives ) Appendix II . Various Records and Letters relating to Recusants in the Diocese of York in the earlier part of the 18th Century, from the Archives at Bishopthorpe 361 No. VI . SOME HOSTILE


tributed by Father C. A. Newdigate, S.J.

I. II.


Everard Hanse, July 31 , 1581 Blessed Thomas Alfield and Ven. Thomas Webley , July 6, 1585 -

III. Fourteen Martyrs of the Armada Year, August 1588 IV. BB. John Weldon (vere Hewitt) , William Hartley and


399 404

Robert Sutton , October 5 , 1588 - 410 Bales Christopher , Nicholas Horner and B. V. V. v. Alexander Blake , March 4, 1590 428 , 11 VI. Ven. Arthur Bell , O.F.M. December , 1643 431


I. Tomb of Francis Tregian -


of Title -page of the Life of Francis II . Facsimile Tregian Longuet, from the Crayon Drawing III. Abbé ofFrançois Mme Desprairies, of Bayeux-facing

IV. Facsimile of Title-page of " A True Report of the

Inditement, Arraignment , Conuiction , Condemnation , and Execution of John Weldon , William Hartley, and Robert Sytton

V. Facsimile of Title-page of " The Confession , Ob-

stinacy , and Ignorance, of Father Bell, a Romish Priest





" 413 » 433

No. 1 .

LIFE OF FRANCIS TREGIAN. Written in the seventeenth century by Francis Plunkett, Cistercian monk. Contributed by Mrs. P. A. BOYAN. INTRODUCTION . Father Morris, S.J. , in his " Troubles of Our Catholic Forefathers (1st Series) , publishes the account of the trial and imprisonment of Francis Tregian, * from the contemporary MS. preserved at Oscott College, author unknown. In the same volume Father Morris prints a letter (original at Stonyhurst), dated April 26th, 1625 , written from Lisbon by Fr. Ignatius Stafford, S.J., to Fr. Forcer, S.J., at Madrid, describing the opening of the grave of Francis Tregian , and the finding of his body incorrupt and entire . About the year 1847, Mr. R. R. Madden , a Catholic writer, discovered accidentally in the church of St. Roch at Lisbon the sepulchral stone and epitaph of the illustrious Cornish confessor . In the Catalogue of the National Library in Madrid, he found mention made of a Life of Francis Tregian, by Fr. F. Plunquetus. Two days were spent ransacking the library for this work, without result, but a MS. copy of the book was discovered at the English College, Lisbon. Mr. Madden was allowed the use of , and published extracts therefrom in his it History of Penal Laws," 1847. 1923 , through the kind help of the Rector of the English College, In a further search was made in the National Archives and the National Libraryof Lisbon, but no such book was found. A printed copy, however , is preserved in the British Museum , which is believed to be unique, and is referred to in the D.N.B. under Francis Tregian," as " one of the rarest of printed books . The full title is : Heroum Speculum . De Vita D.D. Francisci Tregeon , cujus corpus septendecim post annos in æde D. Rochi integrum inventum est Edidit F. Franciscus Plunquetus Hibernus Ordinis S. Bernardi nepos ejus maternus . Olisipone , cum facultate . Ex officina Cræsbeeckiana. Anno 1655. It is a small 8vo . volume of 16 + 56 pp. The chief value of this Life of Tregian lies in the certainty of its authorship, and in the approbation accorded it by the ecclesiastical authorities. It is evident that Plunket received his knowledge direct from his mother, who was Tregian's daughter. The details of the trial and imprisonment are practically as given in the Oscott MS., but the accountof the relations of Francis Tregian with Elizabeth has not been published elsewhere, and is such as would preferably be handed down by word of mouth, at least during the lifetime of the Queen. There








* Pronounced Trudgeon. A



are various historical inaccuracies , as one might expect from a writer living in a foreign country with few English books at his command ; but the accounts of the chivalrous reception given to the Confessor by King Philip, of his brief sojourn in Spain and Portugal, and of the miracles wrought at the shrine , are written in a more convincing style. is noteworthy that Fr. Stafford died at Lisbon in 1642 , and Fr. Forcer survived until 1655 ; both could acquaint Fr. Plunket with the circumstances of 1625 . The Oscott MS . is the relation of the trial and imprisonment of Francis Tregian rather than the story of his life, and no mention is made of his experiences at the Court. One passage, however (Troubles , p. 120) , points to his association with eminent personages, stating that shortly after his marriage (about 1570 ), he was upon causes of great importance enforced by the space of almost ten months suppliantly to follow the Lords of the Council. In the Hatfield Papers , Hist. MSS. Comm . , part 13 , p. 117, in a document headed " Fugitives from England, dated " after 1572, the name of Francis Trugien appears , in company with several well-known Catholics, and divers officers and soldiers , begging for Her Majesty's favour and pardon to return to England, and " desiring to spend their lives in Her Majesty's service and they will discover themselves upon Her Majesty's good acceptance of their dutiful affectionand zeal. This is the only record of Tregian's visit abroad . It may be that his sojourn among the English exiles conduced to his subsequent apostolic labours at the Court, and to his reception of B. Cuthbert Mayne. The Church of St. Roch , Lisbon, is now used by a confraternity, and the Tregian tomb remains unharmed. The MS. copy of Plunket's book, beautifully written , but with no indication of date or scribe , is still preserved at the English College. Until recently, the volume in the British Museum was bound between four tracts, relating to the work of the Society of Jesus among the Chinese, Japanese, and Mongolians . Since this transcription has been undertaken it has been rebound separately; press number C 53







h 26. NOTE




My grateful thanks are due to the Rev. Father C. A. Newdigate, S.J., Vice Postulator in the Cause of the English Martyrs , for his correction of the very troublesome Latin text ; and to the Very Rev. Father V. J. Scully, C.R.L., D.S.O. , for revising and where necessary amending the translation, and for the metrical rendering of the verses by Francis Plunket, with which the work concludes . P.A.B. Translation of Title.




THE MIRROR OF HEROES. OF THE LIFE OF MASTER FRANCIS TREGIAN, Whose body was found incorrupt after seventeen years in the Church of St. Roch Edited by his maternal grandson , Brother Francis


Plunket, Irishman, of the Order of St. Bernard.The western world is lit up by thy rays; Those rays thine own, O Tregian, underived . Lisbon : Printed by authority at the Craesbeke Press, 1655. On the woodcut -Under the mirror , Francis. In the mirror another sun revolves.]:



poft annis in æde D Rochiintegrum inventum eft


Edidit F.Francifcus PlanquetusHibernus Ordinis S Bernardi nepos ejus maternys. . OcciduoTregeonfol es clarifsimusarbi Ve des lucis opes ,non tibifolis opus. Frácifcus


! culo.

In fpeculo fal alter in-

ambulat ,

OLISIPONE , CVM FACVLTATE Ex Officina Craesbecckiana . Anno 1655






Vi est e Tratado da vida de Dom Francisco Tregeon, composto pello P. Fr. Francisco Plunqueto , Irlandes, da Ordem de S. Bernardo, naon tem cousa contra nossa santa Fè, & bons costumes. Em S. Domingos de Lisboa , 9 de Outubro de 1655. Fr. Agostinho de Cordes . have seen this treatise of the life of Mr. Francis Tregian , composed by Fr. Francis Plunket, an Irishman, of the Order of St. Bernard, has nothing contrary to our Holy Faith or good morals. At St. Dominic of Lisbon, October 9th, 1655.-Fr. Augustin de Cordes .



Esta vida de Dom Francisco Tregeon, composta pello Rev. Fr. Francisco Plunqueto , Irlandes , da Ordem do Patriarcha S. Bernardo , nao tem cousa contra nossa santa Fé , ou bons costumes. Lisboa no Convento da Santissima Trindade, em 14 de Outubro 1655. O D. Fr. Adrias Pedro. This Life of Mr. Francis Tregian , composed by the Rev. Fr. Francis Plunket , an Irishman, of the Order of St. Bernard, has nothing contrary to our Holy Faith, or good morals. Lisbon, in the Convent of The Most Holy Trinity, Oct. 14th, 1655.-D. Fr. Adrian Pedro. Vistas as informaçoes, podese imprimir a Relação da vida de Dom Francisco Tregeon, escrita por Fr. Francisco Plunqueto , & despois de impresso tornará ao Couselho para se conferir con o original, & se dar licença para correr , & sem ella nas correra. Lisboa 14 de Outubro de 1655 . Pedro da Sylva de Faria . Francisco Cardoso de Torneo. Diego de Sousa . Fr. Pedro de Magalhaes. Pantaleão Rodrigues Pacheo. Having seen the information , we permit the impression of the Relation of the Life of Mr. Francis Tregian , written by Fr. Francis Plunket, and after being printed it shall be returned to the Council to be compared with the original, and to be given license to circulate, and without this it shall not circulate. Lisbon, Oct. 14th, 1655.Pedro da Sylva de Faria . Francisco Cardoso de Torneo . Diego de Sousa. Fr. Pedro de Magalhaes . Pantaleo Rodriguez Pacheo. Podese imprimir .

de Targa.

Lisboa, 18 de Outubro de 1655.

F. Bispo

May be printed . Lisbon, Oct. 18th, 1655.-F. Bishop of Targa. Que se possa imprimir este livro , visto as licenças que apresenta do Santo Officio , & Ordinario : & despois de impresso tornarà a esta Mesa para se taxar, & sem isso não correrà. Lisboa, 9 de Outubro de 1655. D. Pedro P. Casado . Pacheco . This book may be printed, having seen the licenses that presents from the Holy Office, and the Ordinary : and after being printed shall return to this Office to be taxed, and without this shall not circulate. Lisbon, Oct. 9th, 1655.-D. PedroP. Casado.







LUSITANIE REGI JOANNI IV Serenissimo Lusitaniæ regi Joanni IV. Augustos quod affectat oculos , regales quod delibat plantas opusculum hoc, Rex serenissime , nemo de audacia me crimina-


bitur, immo prudentiæ vertet consilium ; non enim poterat aut altius, aut gratius arrogare patrocinium ; non altius, quia principis;

non gratius , quia Joannis ; e cujus bono nominis auspicio eas desumit vires, id occupat fiduciæ, ut quod desideret ab authoris calamo, hoc comparet a Mæcenatis umbra . Tregeonense speculum vestræ ambit tutelam Majestatis , ut cujus divinas virtutes assiduo æmulatur, orbi repræsentet universo ; quas sub nominis vestri splendore radiantes nulla Hæreticæ noctis nebula contaminet . Temperet igitur vestræ majestatis severum pondus benigna Joannis nominis gratia , eamque sedulo his impendet literulis, ut sub vestro nomine, ac omine per orbem excurrant inoffenso pede. Frater Franciscus Plunquetus , Ordinis S. Bernardi . To HIS MOST SERENE HIGHNESS JOHN , KING OF PORTUGAL . Your Serene Highness . This little work is brought to your august attention, it is laid at your royal feet. Herein let no man reproach me that I am rash . Rather shall be commended for prudence ; for I no patronage could have sought more sublime , more full of grace. None more sublime , because it is my Prince's ; none more full of grace, because his name is John. From the good omen of that name derives it a force and gathers confidence , so that what is lacking in the author's pen is fully compensated in the Patron's favour. The Mirror of Tregian seeks the protection of Your Majesty, that it may show forth to the whole world the sublime virtues whereof it is so faithful a reflection, and that in the radiance of your name it may fear no dimming from the dark night of heresy . Let then the kindly grace of the name John temper the severe gravity of kingship, and shed such favour on this treatise that under your name and auspices it may prosper on its travels through the world . Brother Francis Plunket, of the Order of St. Bernard.


[PREFACE. * AD PIUM, CATHOLICUMQ : LECTOREM . In omni propemodum ætate, Lector Christiane, passim varias, multiplicesque hæreses, hæreticosque offendes , qui a fide Dei impie deficientes Ecclesiæ ejus tranquillitatem turbaverunt ejusdem que cultores fidelissimos hostili odio prosecuti sunt ; quæ quidem monstra cum ob nostrum emolumentum , tum majorem sui ipsius gloriam et honorem Deus optimus ac maximus ferre non recusavit ; nequaquam professores suæ legis usque adeo destituit quin viros semper vitæ integros omnique pietate insignesreservaret, qui assiduos eorum impetus retundere hæreticosquead veræ fidei dogmata complectenda spelling and punctuation have not been corrected according to * Theideas modern , unless obviously misleading.




revocare valerent . Mirum profecto est considerare quot quamque variis modis errantium pedes in rectum tramitem traducit, afflictos erigit, fideles confirmat . Et quia ex ineffabili suo desiderio omnes æternæ salutis participes facere cupit quotidiana edit miracula ; inter quæ singulare hoc idque admiratione dignum in suo famulo Francisco Tregeone præstitit, cujus admirabilem vitam, post innumerabiles labores incredibilesque pecuniarum expensas , en tibi, lector, propono contemplandam, vitam quidem quæ vel ipsas hæreses, hæreticosque , quorum immanitate multa eaque crudelia patienter tulit , funditus everteret , radicitusque extirparet, et quæ omnium hominum generi, qui eius vestigiis cupiant inhærere, norma uti , ac exemplar virtutum jure optimo inserviat. Primo itaque si divitias nobilitatemque spectes , quibus ipse merito cohonestatus erat , animadverte paulisper quam probe tenerum suæ ætatis florem in omni virtute ac doctrina transegit , quam inter optimum quemque nobilissimum in aula regia opes consumpsit, quam urbaniter se gessit, ut omnium facile conciliaret benevolentiam, quamque invicti instar cujusdam bellatoris inanessuorum inimicorum impetus repulit : ignavia esse putans aut eorum immanitati, aut ulli earum , quæ se opponerent, miseriæ succumbere; ab omni præterea simulationis vitio abhorruit, libenterque vitam propriam pro fide bonoque patriæ profundere non dubitabat. Si uxori adstringeris , vide quam charam sibi habuit sui thalami consortem: quanto amore liberos totamque familiam est prosecutus; quam vigil, quam sollicitus ad eorum animas e fauce Dæmonum vendicandas. Præterea quantus erat ille amor ac reverentia qua conjugi moremgerebat cum si vel tota Anglia suæ ditioni subjiceretur, noluerit tamen castissimos nuptiarum thalamos commaculare ; hac scilicet in re totum studium diligentiamque collocavit; quo tandem modo divinam majestatem digne ac pie coleret, familiæque et necessariis , quibus indigerent , provide suppeditaret . Si pius religiosusque sis , quem, obsecro , inter ccelites relatum invenies qui damnis premeretur gravioribus , si annos viginti supra septem, quos in carcere misere consumpsit, diligenti consideratione excutias. Quid enim referam amissam rem eamque copiosissimam, combustas opes, divitiasque exhaustas ? Quid intolerabilem dolorem, quo graviter erat afflictus ex matris, uxoris, liberorum , universæque denique familiæ calamitatibus et miseriis ? Quid pericula, quæ sæpe numero imminebant capiti ex variis diversisque dolis in vitam ipsius structis? Quid famem qua acriter angebatur ? Quid innumeras ac pene barbaras immanitates ac injurias sibimet ipsi petulanter illatas ? Quæ quidem singula instar alterius Jobi æquo animo pertulit ; neque minime pudicitiam suam aut parum inficere, et si mortem sine mora subiret , interdum voluit : virtutes ejus charitas , patientia,, animi submissio, ac corporis castigationes admirabiles extiterunt. Si hæreticus, animadverte tandem quam a Deo erat dilectus , cum eum vel ex ipsis ensibus inimicorum, qui ejus necem moliebantur, mirifice eripuerit, cum post multos labores innumerasque calamitates et miserias constanter exantlatas , terrena beneficia



in eum abunde contulerit, cum corpus intactum et incorruptum,

elapsis jam pene quinquaginta annis, huc usque custodierit , ejusque

demum solius patrocinio varia eaque admiranda ediderit miracula, cum denique injuriarum suarum ultor illum de Elizabetha Angliæ Regina , Mariscallo, Judice Pophanio, Vicecomite Grinfeldo , pro nece in eum patrata probe vindicarit. Reginam exitus miserabilis excepit , fluente enim paulo ante mortem triginta dierum spatio ex partibus corporis secretioribus tam fædissima putredine ut nemo præ fetore in cubiculo , quo misera jaceret, potuerit consistere; Deo maledicenssanctumque illud nomen iterum atque iterum impie detestans ex hac vita summo cum dolore migravit, nulla relicta prole quæ Angliæ rempublicam administraret . Mariscallus usque adeo ad intima a pediculis mordebatur ut paucis post diebus miseram et infelicem animam exhalarit. Nec Judex quoque Pophamus exitu feliciore discessit; a foedissimo ac teterrimo morbo repente sublatus post latamin dominum Franciscum Tregeonem ejusque famulos et Corborthmanum ejus sacrificum presbyterum, truculentam sententiam. Quid vero de Grinfeldo factum ? Exiguo quidem tempore maximo in honore habitus possessionem copiosissimam occupavit , donec ob depravatos mores enormiaque facinora ex Anglia relegatur, nunquam ad patriam sine capitis periculo in posterum remeaturus. Neque hic frena suæ iræ imposuit omnipotens, sed acrius se ad universam eorum perniciem accinxit, qui Domini Francisci liberos male ac inhumaniter mactaverunt ; qui quidem miseri quotidianis fere precibus lacrymisque Carolum primum regem Angliæ flectere contendentes, ut aliquid sibi auxilii ex paterna sua re cum lege , tum natura jubente præberetur; cum tamen oblata remiserint octo millia supra sexaginta librarum Anglicanarum Regi, ut adirent paternam hæreditatem ; hanc pecuniam retinuit Rex , nec hæreditatem usque modo restituere voluit , Comitibusque Portlandi et Straffordi magna eaque quam plurima munera donabantur, ut si qui in eos invidiose inveherentur , eorum a partestarent suorumque inimicorum impetus publice reprimerent . Hisque tandem modis paternas iterum recuperarunt facultates ; nec jam elapso trium dierum spatio, iisdem iterum spoliantur inferente senatu majorem esse rem quæ a Papistis deceret possideri, præsertim si vicinitas quæ Hispaniæ conjuncta est, portuumque idoneæ opportunitates considerentur, adeo ut tertia solum pars copiosissimæ ejus rei divitiarumque amplissimarum illis exhiberetur, quam quidem utpote exiguam cum rejicerent cum ad suum tum posterorum suorum interitum ac ruinam universis hunc usque diem facultatibus destituti relinquuntur. Hinc tibi licet inspicere, lector humanissime, quam acriter in se, tum idem Rex, tum supra relati comites justam Dei ac inevitabilem excitarunt iracundiam ; morte enim paulo post repentina periit Portlandi Comes , alter vero capite damnatus miseram confecit vitam. Neque Rex disparem sortitur eventum, insurgentibus in eum Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia tum capite tum regno vi et armis



privatum ; Regina ceterique regio sanguine orti in remotissimis regionibus ad aliorum liberalitatem recurrere compelluntur: mira sane ac probatissima exempla, si bene perpendantur , ad timorem horroremque eorum animis incutiendum qui divini nominis cultores male mulctant. Caveas itaque quicumque es, ne in easdem prolabaris calamitates et miserias, seu potius ne in æternam Barathri abyssum præceps eas, sed vestigiis , si sapias , divi Pauli fac insistas, qui cum maxime omnium totum studium diligentiamque in fidelissimis Dei famulis divexandis adhiberet, nescio quo divino numine subito afflatus Ethnicam sectam propediem deseruit fideliumque sine mora semetipsum aggregavit consortio, principem in coelo locum potitus, qualem te polliceor, si ad id exemplar conformeris, feliciter occupaturum . Vale. Observantissimus tui et in Christo fidelissimus Fr. Franciscus Plunquetus, Ordinis divi Bernardi . TO THE DEVOUT AND CATHOLIC READER.

In almost every age , Christian Reader , you will encounter divers and numerous heretics and heresies. These heretics , falling away from God's Faith, disturb the peace of His Church and pursue her most loyal children with a malignant hatred. Such monsters God suffers both for our own profit and His greater glory and honour: and never does He fail to provide His followers with leaders of sound morals and eminent piety to repel their insistent assaults, and to bring back the heretics themselves to embrace the teachings of the true Faith. Wonderful indeed are the manifold ways in which God recalls the erring to the right path , consoles the afflicted, and comforts the faithful. And because of His loving desire for the eternal salvation of all, daily does He work miracles . Singular among these, and worthy of all admiration, are the marvels He has wrought on His servant, Francis Tregian, whose admirable life , innumerable trials, and incredible losses here offer, Reader , for your consideration. It is a life indeed , calculated to overthrow and extirpate those very heresies and heretics from whose cruelty he suffered so many wrongs , and at the same time , to serve as a standard and pattern of virtue to all who are willing to follow in His


steps .

First, if you have regard for rank and riches , wherewith he was duly blessed, consider awhile how blamelessly he passed his early years , intent only on the pursuit of learning and virtue : how amid the nobles at the Queen's court he spent his wealth: how courteously he bore himself, winning all hearts : how, like a doughty warrior, he withstood the assaults of his enemies, deeming it cowardice to yield either to brute force or misfortune. Moreover , he hated all deceit, and hesitated not to expose his life for Faith and fatherland. If you are a married man , see how dear his consort was to him, what love he lavished upon his children and upon all his household , how watchful , how zealous he was to save their souls from the jaws of Satan .

How deeply, indeed , he loved and reverenced his spouse he proved, when , with the kingdom of England at his feet, he preferred rather to be faithful to his marriage vows . This, in fine, was his one and only concern , to serve God worthily and piously, and duly to provide for his family and dependents .



you are a devout Catholic, whom, pray, will you find to have suffered more grievously, if you weigh those twenty -seven years and longer that he passed in prison ? What need to mention the forfeiture of his immense property, the loss of all his wealth, his unspeakable grief in the sufferings of his mother, wife, children, of his whole household ? And worse, the perils that constantly menaced his life from every side, the innumerable and well- nigh barbarous cruelties and wrongs inflicted on him, the hunger that racked him, he bore all with the calmness of another Job . Never once, though instant death threatened him, would he sully his chastity . Admirable, too, his other virtues, charity, patience , and self-denial. you are a heretic, take note how beloved he was of God, Who delivered him so wondrouslyfrom the sword of the foes that threatened him with death: Who, after he had endured with constancy , sufferings and calamities and griefs innumerable, bestowed upon him earthly goods in abundance : Who now for nearly fifty years has preserved his body whole and incorrupt, and by his patronage has wrought divers and wondrous miracles ; Who finally has exacted penalty for his wrongs from Elizabeth, Queen of England, the Marshall, Justice Popham , and




Sheriff Grenville. The Queen met a miserable end : for thirty days before her death, so foul a corruption exuded from her body, that for the stenchthereof, none could stay in the room where the wretched creature lay. Cursing God, and blaspheming that holy name again and again , she passed away in the utmost agony, leaving no issue to carry on the government of England. The Marshall was so devoured by vermin, even to his intestines, that in a few days he gave up his wretched and unhappy soul. Nor did Justice Popham meet with a happierfate, but after passing sentence on Master Francis Tregian and his servants , and Cuthbert Mayne, his sacrificing priest, he was suddenly carried off by a most foul and loathsome disease . But what of Grenville ? * For a while, indeed , he enjoyed great honours and wealth, until for his depraved morals and enormous crimes , he was banished from the realm of England and forbidden to return on penalty of death. Nor did the Almighty curb His wrath even here, but He girded Himself to bring the total destruction of all those who were cruel and unjust to the children of Master Francis. With almost daily prayers and tears these besought King Charles of England to grant some share of the patrimony that was due to them, both by the civil and the natural law. Moreover , they sent the King eight thousand and sixty English pounds to be permitted to enter on their estate . This money the King retained, nevertheless , he still would not restore them their property. Large sums were also given to Lords Portland and Strafford


to champion their cause. By these means at length they recovered their paternal inheritance, but after three days they were again disinherited by Parliament on the plea that the property was too extensive to be held by Papists , especially in view of the proximity of Spain, and the convenience of the ports. A third of their rich patrimony was accordingly offered them.

Plunket has evidently confused Sir Richard Grenville , Sheriff in 1577; who died in the " Revenge " 1591, with Sir Richard Grenville b. 1600, General of the West during the Civil War, disgraced and imprisoned 1646, escaped and fled abroad, died in great want at Ghent in 1658.




privatum; Regina ceterique regio sanguine orti in remotissimis regionibus ad aliorum liberalitatem recurrere compelluntur : mira sane ac probatissima exempla, si bene perpendantur , ad timorem horroremque eorum animis incutiendum qui divini nominis cultores male mulctant. Caveas itaque quicumque es, ne in easdem prolabaris calamitates et miserias, seu potius ne in æternam Barathri abyssum præceps eas, sed vestigiis, si sapias , divi Pauli fac insistas, qui cum maxime omnium totum studium diligentiamque in fidelissimis Dei famulis divexandis adhiberet, nescio quo divino numine subito afflatus Ethnicam sectam propediem deseruit fideliumque sine mora semetipsum aggregavit consortio, principem in coelo locum potitus, qualem te polliceor, si ad id exemplar conformeris, feliciter occupaturum . Vale. Observantissimus tui et in Christo fidelissimus Fr. Franciscus Plunquetus , Ordinis divi Bernardi . TO THE DEVOUT AND CATHOLIC READER.

In almost every age , Christian Reader , you will encounter divers and numerous heretics and heresies. These heretics , falling away from God's Faith, disturb the peace of His Churchand pursue her most loyal children with a malignant hatred. Such monsters God suffers both for our own profit and His greater glory and honour: and never does He fail to provide His followers with leaders of sound morals and eminent piety to repel their insistent assaults , and to bring back the heretics themselves to embrace the teachings of the true Faith. Wonderful indeed are the manifold ways in which God recalls the erring to the right path, consoles the afflicted, and comforts the faithful. And because of His loving desire for the eternal salvation of all, daily does He work miracles . Singular among these , and worthy of all admiration, are the marvels He has wrought on His servant, Francis Tregian, whose admirable life , innumerable trials , and incredible losses here offer, Reader , for your consideration. It is a life indeed , calculated to overthrow and extirpate those very heresies and heretics from whose cruelty he suffered so many wrongs , and at the same time, to serve as a standard and pattern of virtue to all who are willing to follow in His steps . First, if you have regard for rank and riches , wherewith he was duly blessed, consider awhile how blamelessly he passed his early years , intent only on the pursuit of learning and virtue : how amid the nobles at the Queen's court he spent his wealth: how courteously he bore himself, winning all hearts : how, like a doughty warrior, he withstood the assaults of his enemies, deeming it cowardice to yield either to brute force or misfortune. Moreover , he hated all deceit, and hesitated not to expose his life for Faith and fatherland. you are a married man, see how dear his consort was to him, what love he lavished upon his children and upon all his household , how watchful, how zealous he was to save their souls from the jaws of Satan . How deeply, indeed , he loved and reverenced his spouse he proved, when , with the kingdom of England at his feet, he preferred rather to be faithful to his marriage vows. This, in fine, was his one and only concern , to serve God worthily and piously, and duly to provide for his family and dependents .




you are a devout Catholic, whom, pray, will you find to have suffered more grievously, if you weigh those twenty -seven years and longer that he passed in prison ? What need to mention the forfeiture of his immense property, the loss of all his wealth, his unspeakable grief in the sufferings of his mother, wife, children, of his whole household ? And worse, the perils that constantly menaced his life from every side, the innumerable and well-nigh barbarous cruelties and wrongs inflicted on him, the hunger that racked him , he bore all with the calmness of another Job. Never once, though instant death threatened him, would he sully his chastity . Admirable, too, his other virtues, charity, patience , and self-denial. If you are a heretic, take note how beloved he was of God , Who delivered him so wondrouslyfrom the sword of the foes that threatened him with death: Who, after he had endured with constancy , sufferings and calamities and griefs innumerable, bestowed upon him earthly goods in abundance : Who now for nearly fifty years has preserved his body whole and incorrupt, and by his patronage has wrought divers and wondrous miracles ; Who finally has exacted penalty for his wrongs from Elizabeth, Queen of England, the Marshall, Justice Popham , and



Sheriff Grenville. The Queen met a miserable end : for thirty days before her death, so foul a corruption exuded from her body, that for the stench thereof, none could stay in the room where the wretched creature lay. Cursing God, and blaspheming that holy name again and again , she passed away in the utmost agony , leaving no issue to carry on the government of England . The Marshall was so devoured by vermin, even to his intestines, that in a few days he gave up his wretched and unhappy soul. Nor did Justice Popham meet with a happier fate, but after passing sentence on Master Francis Tregian and his servants , and Cuthbert Mayne, his sacrificing priest, he was suddenly carried off by a most foul and loathsome disease. For a while, indeed , he enjoyed great But what of Grenville ? honours and wealth, until for his depraved moralsand enormous crimes , he was banished from the realm of England and forbidden to return on penalty of death. Nor did the Almighty curb His wrath even here, but He girded Himself to bring the total destruction of all those who were cruel and unjust to the children of Master Francis . With almost daily prayers and tears these besought King Charles of England to grant some share of the patrimony that was due to them, both by the civil and the natural law. Moreover , they sent the King eight thousand and sixty English pounds to be permitted to enter on their estate . This money the King retained, nevertheless , he still would not restore them their property. Large sums were also given to Lords Portland and Strafford to champion their cause. By these means at length they recovered their paternal inheritance, but after three days they were again disinherited by Parliament on the plea that the property was too extensive to be held by Papists , especially in view of the proximity of Spain , and the convenience of the ports. A third of their rich patrimony was accordingly offered them.


Plunket has evidently confused Sir Richard Grenville , Sheriff in 1577, who died in the " Revenge" 1591, with Sir Richard Grenville b . 1600, General of the West during the Civil War, disgraced and imprisoned 1646, escaped and fled abroad, died in great want at Ghent in 1658 .




This they rejected as insufficient, and thereupon they were deprived of the whole, to the utter ruin and destitution of themselves and their descendants to the present day. How swiftly, gentle reader , both the King and the aforesaid Lords brought upon themselves the just and unescapable wrath of God, you can see from the following. Lord Portland died suddenly soon afterwards; the other Lord perished miserably on the scaffold . A like fate befell the King ; for England, Scotland , and Ireland rose in arms against him and deprived him of both his kingdom and his head, while the Queen and the Royal Family were forced to depend upon the generosity of others in distant lands . Clear and striking instances certainly, if they be well weighed , to strike terror into the hearts of those who ill -use the servants of God. Take care therefore , whosoever you are , that you fall not into the like calamities and miseries , yea , that you be not cast headlong into hell . But rather, if you be wise, follow in the footsteps of St. Paul, who, after exceeding all others in the zeal with which he persecuted the faithful followers of Christ, being suddenly changed by the power of God, forsook his false sect and joined himself at once to the body of the believers , thereby winning for himself a high place in Heaven , such as promise shall be yours also if you imitate his example .


Farewell .

Your most obedient and faithful servant in Christ Brother Francis Plunket , of the Order of St. Bernard.

I. TREGEONENSIS VITÆ EXORDIUM. Si gentilitiam devenustat seriem, qui proprii venditat generis claritatem, importuno ut plerique solent otio Tregeonensis ordirer telam genealogiæ , non enim a fucato jactabitur sanguinis splendore, qui clarissimo virtutum exemplo inocciduum cunabilis lumen feliciter aspersit. Si prosapiæ spectes lineam, triplici a rege , ab Anglico cum primis , a Castellanosubinde, tandem a Lusitano regale sanguinis filum derivare , mutuoque cum sceptris annecti Franciscum in plano erit . Dedecuerat minorem nasci, quem omnibus majorem dotibus numina ipsa examussim sibi finxerunt. In novum generis et fidei solem Joannes Tregeon Cornevalliæ Prætor maximus , et Margaris Arundelia præcipuæ nobilitatis femina in lucem edidit Franciscum. Anglicas circum spinas purpuram explicuit Tregeonensis rosa, quam non occuparunt vepres , quin potius ambitioso stiparunt satellitio.

Tenuis ab unguiculis prolem egit aquilinam quæ reptandi impatiens non sibi ponit in terris tyrocinium pueritiæ , sed intentiores solis radios minime conniventibus oculis intuetur. Haud secus Tregeon non jocis animum distribuit puerilibus , sed ad præaltum pietatis apicem solito maturius evolavit; dum octavum supra trecenum (sic) attingeret annum ducta in matrimonium Maria honesta certe femina, utpote Vicecomitis Sturtoniæ filia sub illustri conjugii vinculo ferme per decennium convixit . Ecce tibi per id ætatis Elizabeth Angliæ præses, seu Orthodoxæ fidei pestis in pusillum Christi gregem nefarie conspirat , utque iram evomat in Romanæclavis asseclas, leges edicit citra humanita-



tem barbaras ; quod fulminis nullum perculsit gravius quam Franciscum, neque ea cruciatum insolentia inescabant fortunæ opes, quas copiosa hereditate adierat, quotidiana mentem distraxerat solicitudo præsagiens fore ut exolesceret vera religio et falsa invalesceret; illo præsertim duce multi potissimum in recta doctrina accuratius informati, plurimi de sacris Christi ritibus amantius eruditi. Amicorum igitur quibus maxime ingruerat periculum , gratia sese intulit in Curiam ; hic necessitudine conjunctos identidem edocuit ne laboribus cederent, e poenis alacriores aptari pennas, felicitatem sæpicule infelicibus componi ex elementis. Hoc tum dictis , tum factis aucupio artificiosisque benevolentiæhamis curialem contraxit plausum auramque collegit popularem. Elucebat in eo longe lateque superabat modesta cum oculorum majestate indefessa in sublevandis pauperibus industria, nec vultus elegantiam, nec sanguinis excellentiam incuriosa miserorum species deterrebat. Verum Elizabetha jam Francisci consuetudine saucia amoris peste corripitur, domui proximumexoptat quem cordi vicinum præsentit. Ulterius progreditur amoris incendium , titulo Vicecomitis Franciscum evehere destinat Elizabetha ; onus detractat vir modestissimus, honori perquam comiter renuntiat. Ne, inquit, immaturus regii favoris impetus deroget benemeritis, quod impenditur affectui ; mihi erit satis ex integro, si fides cujus ergo Curiam applicui liberius respiret et validius increbescat: sed quia nec modum tenet , nec lege retardatur amor immodicus, interjectis aliquot diebus, contigit ut altam intempestive sub noctem peculiarem ex matronis (quæ Dominæ audiunt honorariæ) ad Franciscum Regina dimiserit , hæc illum efflictim implorat Reginam cito citius invisat, curet majestatem de illo certe benemeritam arctius demereri, cum præcipue Elizabetha summi negotia ponderis ac momenti una cum illo foret libratura, adjecit insuper Elizabetham e Francisci usu devictam : nihil illi gratius fingi, quam si familiari ultro citroque commercio intimam consuerent amicitiam, agnosceret subinde e regum familiaritate maximum Francisco emolumentum in dies magis emersurum. THE EARLY LIFE OF TREGIAN. he who boasts his family tree dishonours his name , it is not fitting that should follow the usual course by unweaving the web of Tregian's genealogy . For he need not vaunt the meretricioussplendour of ancestry, who, by the brightness of his virtue has shed an undying you examine the line of his descent , you will light upon his cradle . find it derivedfrom three kings, of England, of Castile , and of Portugal, and so Francis was connected with three royal houses. would have been unseemly that one whom God had designed to endow with the greatest gifts should be born in an inferior rank. John Tregian, a magnate of Cornwall, and Margaret Arundel, a woman of the highest nobility, begot Francis, a new sun to his family and faith. The Tregian rose unfolded its crimson amid the English thorns, not to be concealed thereby, but rather to be surrounded as with a guard of





honour. The young eagle, disdaining earth, gazes with unblinking eyes into



the radiance of the sun . So it was with Tregian, who dissipated not his soul with childish trifles, but at an early age rose to great heights of piety. When twenty-one, he took to wife a woman of noble family, Mary, daughter of Lord Stourton, and for nearly ten years he lived with her in the honoured bonds of wedlock. Now at this time, Elizabeth, Queen of England, or rather Bane of the true Faith, was wickedly conspiring against the little flock of Christ, directing her fury especially against those who were most loyal to the See of Rome , and promulgating most inhuman and barbarous laws. To none did this policy cause more distress than to Francis. Unspoiled by his immense wealth and possessions, he was filled with anxiety at the sight of the old religion dying out, and the new gaining ground, and through his zeal many were instructed in true doctrine, and brought to a knowledge and love of the Sacraments of Christ. For the sake then of his friends, whose peril daily grew more deadly, he betook himself to the Court, and there he encouraged them not to yield to the troubles of the times, insisting that woes make wings to sprout, and that happiness is often composed of the most sorrowful ingredients. Thus by word and example he gained esteem at Court, and wielded considerable influence . His modesty, combined with dignity, won all hearts, and in relieving the needs of the poor he was tireless , never allowing the fastidiousness of his own breeding and habits to stand between him and the most sordid squalor. But the friendship of Elizabeth for Francis developed into passion, and she desired to keep him as near to her person as she felt him near to her heart. As the attraction waxed stronger, Elizabeth offered to make Francis a Viscount, * but he, in his modesty, shrank from the burden and courteously declined the honour, lest, as he said , this premature mark of royal favour should detract from his merits by being attributed solely to affection. " To me," he added , " it would be quite enough , if the Faith, for the sake of which came to Court, should breathe more freely and recover strength. But because violent passion exceeds all bounds and knows no law, it came to pass shortly afterwards that the Queen, late at night, sent as a confidential messenger to Francis, one of those ladies who are called Maids of Honour. She earnestly begged him to go and see the Queen without delay, and so secure from Her Majesty yet greater favour than she had already shewn , especially as Elizabeth wished to consult him on matters of the greatest importance. She added that he had captivated the Queen, that nothing more agreeable could be imagined than that their intercourse, with increasing familiarity, should ripen into intimate friendship, and that Francis ought to realise what immense advantages would accrue to him from the favours of




. TREGEONENSIS PRODIGIUM FORTITUDINIS. Nocturna hæc legatio augurio minime dextro Francisci et vultum et animum stipata quasi nebula obduxit, tantam illi doloris materiem attulit, quantam aliis voluptatis occasionem sufficeret. Divexatur modo, modo meditatur quanam solertia , quove consilio a regia dementia subducatur , id unum in tanto impetu cursuque


Vice- comes is the usual term for the Sheriff, but here is evidently used in its modern sense of the word for Viscount , a member of the fourth order of the British peerage . The use of this title dates from the reign of Henry VI, though in England was sparingly conferred till recent times.






rerum occurrit menti , videlicet quod nocte ad Reginæ colloquium præstituta ægritudinem causetur pro urbana excusatione, ratus aliquando morbum morbo mederi et desperatum desperatione convalescere . Sed quis amatoriam refrænet vesaniam ? Solium despicatur Elizabeth, eademmet ad Francisci lectum majestatis inscia, amore perdita celeriter emigravit, illumque benigne pertentans spondet se summopere curaturam ut arctissimo amicitiæ vinculo constringantur, deinde inter Angliæ Dynastas protinus ille referatur. Reginæhumanissime grates habuit noster ægrotus, atque ut gratiæ præberet argumenta , privatam publicamque suæ domus supellectilem , unicam eximas conscientiam, uni obtulit Elizabethæ. Displicuit valde Reginæ hujusmodi repulsa, iræ licentius indulget et petulante utitur lingua . Francisco ignaviæ calumniam inurit, libidinis non penitus expers lecto facessit, sperans se reddita Francisco valetudine voti compotem triumphare. Has Satanæ præstigias dum Tregeon æqua mentis libraret trutina , proindeque manifestum animæ discrimen expenderet, anxius curarum æstu jactabatur. Si Reginæ (secum volutabat) illiciis subtrahor , e curia tandem expellar, palatii odia incurram ; si morigeror , libidini inservio, religioni insidior; communi ex odio eæ erumpent simultates , quæ mihi, hoc levius , quæ meis, hoc gravius , ultimam excudant sortem ac ruinam. E duobus tamen malis minus prosequamur, cumque albescat dies , regina insalutata curiæ nuntium remittam, hoc siquidem in pulvere, qui pedem refert, lauream extra dubium decerpit . Furtim abiit Tregeon præsens exacturus consilium, non tamen Tregeonensis abiere vestigia sanctimoniæ, fidem faciat prodigium a conjuge postea compertum et a sorore testificatum. Cum enim quadem nocte cum sorore conjux Francisci cubitum iret in sindone tam superiore quam inferiore , et pulvino, in ea parte qua ille quieti indulgebat , quinque supra sexagenas apparuerunt cruces, graphice adeo atque adeo affabre exscriptæ ac si pictor ingenue curiosus politiori exarasset penicillo, quæ quidem cruces , quamvis etiam atque etiam, iterum atque iterum simplex ablueretur pulvinum, nescio qua tenacitate , non nescio quo miraculo , per senum mensem incorruptæ præfulserunt . TREGIAN'S MARVELLOUS STRENGTH OF MIND. This ill -omened embassy of the night enveloped Francis as in a thick cloud of sadness and perplexity, bringing him as much grief as to others it would have brought pleasure . He was at his wit's ends to discover some strategy whereby to escape from the Queen's mad fancy. In his bewilderment, only one idea occurred to him ; on the night assigned for his interview with Elizabeth he would plead illness as a polite excuse, remembering that disease is sometimes healed by disease, and that one hopeless condition is sometimes counteracted by another. But who can restrain the madness of passion ? Elizabeth, disregarding her throne, oblivious of her majesty, lost to all but love, hastened to the bedside of Francis, and greetinghim graciously, promised to admit him to the closest intimacy , and to give him a place at once among the first nobility of England. Our invalid professed the deepest



gratitude to the Queen, and in token thereof offered to Elizabeth for her sole benefit the whole of his estate all, exceptingonly his conscience. This repulse was highly displeasing to the Queen ; she gave free vent to her anger, and lashing Francis with her tongue , she accused him of cowardice , and finally, still not cured of her passion, she retired from his bedside, hoping that at the restoration of his health she would accomplish her desires. Thinking over these wiles of Satan , and perceiving obvious peril to his soul , Tregian was tossed on a sea of cares. , If, hebereflected withdraw from the Queen's unlawful pursuit, shall expelled from the Court, and incur the odium of the Palace ; if yield, serve her lust, and betray my religion, shall become the object of envy and animosity, and it will mean the final ruin of myself, which I might risk , but also of my family, which would be worse . Of two evils let us choose the lesser ; at daybreak, without a word to the Queen, I will steal from the Court. Assuredly in such a contest, to flee is to conquer. In pursuance of this plan, Tregian stole secretly away. But the traces of his virtue were not so easily concealed, as witness a miracle afterwards discovered by his wife, and testified by his sister. One night when the wife and sister of Francis were retiring to bed, on the upper and lower sheets, and on the pillow in that part where he used to sleep, sixty-five crosses were seen , so vividly and artisticallydrawn that they seemed the finished work of some skilful artist. And though the pillow was washed repeatedly, these crosses with miraculous persistence were there resplendent for six months.


" " I





. TREGEONENSIS IN CARCERE RELIGIO . De Francisci discessu dum cognoscit Elizabeth , purpuræ aliena excandescit, arbitrans se ab illo deceptam, cum juramento obtestatur proditoremillum ad scelus aliquod contra regiam majestatem perpetrandum discessisse, hominem sceleratum et inconsidentem vocat , et cum Catholicus sit nihil boni, imo plurimum mali ab eo expectari debere; mandavitque ut leges contra Catholicos latæ nulla interposita mora publicarentur. Equiti Mariscallo præterea imperavit ut cum omni immanitate contra prædictum Franciscum, familiam et subditos inveheretur eique pro labore eorum agros et bona proscripsit . Impigre de Reginæ imperio curatum est , commendatitiæ quam pridem litteræ ad Cornevalliæ præsidem expediuntur, cui significatum ut, nullo elapso temporis intervallo, Franciscum ac reliquos ejusdem familiæ arctissimis in vinculis detineret idque centeno in armis sibi adjuncto milite prompte exequitur octava Junii die anno millesimo quinquagesimo nonagesimonono. Sic vinculis circumcinctus coram Episcopo Exiterio hæresis fautore sistitur : de actis Francisci cognoscit hæresiarcha, cumque Reginæ sectæ et moribus Romanus homo dissentiret , cum risu excipitur, et in eum calumniæ tamquam in mentis inopem prælicenter intorquentur, et acceptis prius pro illo fide jussionibus in angustum detruditur carcerem. Ea potissimum de ratione vinculis constringitur quod sacerdoti ad faciendum res divinas necessaria suppeditaret . Appetente igitur Comitiorum tempore arcessitur Franciscus




ut reus coram judicibus accusaretur suique ac suorum causa e loco ageret inferiore . Interritus ad judicum tribunal perstat Franciscus,

cum minime rea sibimet culpam non suggerat conscientia. In innoxium invalescunt judices ac pro scelerum capite hunc capitis damnare moliuntur ; nimirum, quod Bullam cujus characteres in senatum conjurabant secum ipse per summam asservaret insolentiam. Accedit Franciscum pluresque sibi familiares pedem nunquam sub Reginæ templis posuisse , quod regali non modo decreto adversari sed etiam in contemptum abire videbatur. His eodem reddidit vultu Franciscus: Bullæ cum primis se omnino inscium , quod vero Reginæ ad delubra non ventitaret, fateri ingenue ab his non causa contemptus at ductricis conscientiæ impedimento pedem removisse. Hoc a Judicibus clare perspecto litem, aut potius luctam procrastinandam censuerunt. TREGIAN'S PIETY IN PRISON.

When Elizabeth heard of Tregian's departure, thinking herself deceived by him, she flew into a most unroyal rage . With an oath she asserted that the traitor had left to plot some crime against her royal person ; called him a perfidious criminal, and declared that being a Catholic, nothing but evil could be expected of him. She ordered the laws enacted against Catholics to be published without delay, and further commanded the Knight Marshal to proceed against the said Francis, his family, and dependents with all rigour, and promised their property and goods to him for his pains . The Queen's behests were carried out with zeal . Letters of Commission were despatched to the Sheriff of Cornwall giving orders to place Francis and all his household under strict arrest. With the assistance of a military force of a hundred armed men , the mandate was promptly executed on the eighth day of June , in the year 1599. So, bound in chains , he appeared before the heretical Bishop of Exeter. The heresiarch took cognisance of the acts of Francis, and since he, as a Roman Catholic, was opposed to the sect and conduct of the Queen, he was greeted with ridicule and treated with contempt as a man berett of his wits . After bail had been accepted for him, he was cast into close confinement, and the chief reason alleged for his imprisonment was that he had supplied a priest with the requisites for saying Mass. When the Assizes came on , Francis was summoned to stand his trial for himself and his household . Francis appeared before the tribunal without fear, for his conscience acquitted him of all guilt. Innocent as he was, the Judges raged against him , and strove to bring him in guilty of a capital offence on this charge, to wit : that he had insolently carried about with him a Bull, the tenour of which was a conspiracy against the State. A second charge was that Francis and many of his friends never set foot within the Queen's churches , evidence not only of disobedience to the royal command , but also of contempt. With countenance unmoved, Francis replied , that as to the Bull he knew nothing of ; as to absenting himself from the Queen's churches, he freely confessed that he had not entered them, but as a matter of conscience, not from contempt. On this plain statement the Judges decided to adjourn the trial, or rather the conflict.



* An error for 1577.




CRIMINATIONES IN FRANCISCUM EJUSQUE FAMILIAM ALLATÆ. Cum se darent Comitiorum initia sexta decima Septembris ad tribunal non sine ludibrii et dedecoris infamia vocatus est Cuthbertmanus Francisci sacrificus sacerdos cum decem supra quinque famulis, ipsumque Franciscum ad quæstiones induci non siccis oculis usurpares. Quibus simul atque adventarunt presbytero præsertim septem læsæ objectant crimina majestatis . Primum quod e sacra orbis Curia Pontificium diploma Absolutionis normam continens impetrarat, quod quidem diploma sic inciperet , Gregorius servorum Dei. Secundum quod diploma identidem promulgaret , cumque in Francisco tum in clientibus aures benevolas foret nactus. Tertium quod supremam Pontificis potestatem ex animo veneratus rem Christianam tota contentione administraret. Quartum quod ex urbe sacros Dei comportaret agnos , de quibus dum fieret certior Franciscus ac sui ab omnibus de hoc negotii celatum erat. Quintum quod amicitiæ in significationem Dei agnos Francisco traderet servisque suis et id silentio suppresserat. Sextum quod sacrum celebraret coram Francisco et ejus familia. Septimum quod Francisci clientes et , quod plus erat, illemet Reginæ hereticorumque fana non adierit nec Catholicam fidem repudiaverit . Horum tria nullo refellit negotio Presbyter, quartum sic enervat . A vero non abhorret me Roma sacros Dei agnos detulisse, verumtamen nullatenus eos Francisco nec servis ejus obtulisse custodiendos. Sextum nemo vera probatione potuit attestari. Ultimum lubenti animo constantissime confitetur. Capite ergo plectendum iniqui Anglici tribunalis judices arbitrati sunt. Cuthbermanus ut læsæ majestatis reus adjudicatur. Primo igitur patibulo aliquantulum suspendi , deinde semivivo abscindi illi genitalia , cor ejus et viscera extrahi, et in ignem conjecta in cineres redigi, piumque corpus in quatuor frustula dissecari, et ad altiora urbis appendi loca in barbaræ documentum perfidiæ. Quod ita confectum est. Famuli vero universi bonorum præscriptione mulctati sunt , et carceri perpetuo mancipati . Franciscus etiam quamvis absens eadem poena afficitur ; sed tali executioni amicorum obstitit gratia, quam in alium diem comperendinandam censuerunt, nullatenus tamen levamen aliquod e tetra custodia, qua ferreis vinctus catenis detinebatur assequi potuerunt. CHARGES BROUGHT AGAINST FRANCIS AND HIS HOUSEHOLD.

When the Court opened on September 16th, there were brought before the tribunal with insult and outrage , Cuthbert Mayne, massingpriest of Francis, and fifteen of his household , and Francis also . You would have wept to see Francisstanding to answer the charges adduced against him and the priest especially . Seven heads of high treason were alleged :

First, that he had obtained from the Holy See a Papal Bull, containing conditions of absolution, which Bull commenced : GREGORIUS SERVORUM DEI.



Secondly, that he had several times promulgated the said Bull, and secured a willing hearing from Francis and his friends. Thirdly, that by acknowledgingthe supreme power of the Pontiff he involved the Christian State in utter confusion . Fourthly, that he had brought from Rome Agnus Deis, and that although Francis and his household knew of this , no information was lodged. Fifthly, that in token of friendship he had given Agnus Deis to Francis and his servants and had made no mention thereof. Sixthly, that he had celebrated Mass in the presence of Francis and his household . Seventhly, that the friends of Francis , and moreover he himself, did not frequent the churches of the Queen and the heretics , nor abjure the Catholic Faith . Of these, the first three the priest refuted without any trouble . The fourth he countered thus : " It is true that brought Agnus Deis from Rome, but never gave them to Francis or his servants to keep . The sixth nobody could substantiate by real proof . The last he acknowledged willingly and with utmost constancy. The unjust judges of the English Court condemned Cuthbert to death as guilty of high treason . First he was to be hanged for a short while on a gibbet, then to be cut down while still living, mutilated, his heart and entrails to be drawn and cast into the fire to burn, and the body itself to be divided into quarters and hung in high places of the city in witness of his depraved loyalty . And so it was done. All the servants were punished by forfeiture of their goods, and condemned to be imprisoned for life. Francis , though absent , was included in the same sentence. The influence of his friends procured a delay of execution by an adjournment, but they could not obtain for him any alleviation of the close confinement wherein he was kept in iron chains .







Condicta nova ad comitia jam illuxerat dies , sub qua certe de Francisco maxime deliberandum ; bipartito satellitum ordine dextra lævaque circumseptus judicum oculis Tregeon subjicitur. Hic denuo hæreticæ invalescunt invidiæ et impudenter obloquuntur judices, omnes in unum mutuo quasi ex foedere non crimina , at criminum chimæras injiciunt fabulosi , quæ singula hunc collimabant scopum, illum esse legum et sanctionum contemptorem, necnon Reginæ offensorem gravissimum et ad eam de variis criminibus non mediocris momenti et infamiæ sæpe delatum ; jam igitur adfuisse tempus quo se purgari de omnibus oportebat. Hæc quam sedate sic deludit Franciscus. Quod falso mihi datur culpæ non ex meis tantum sceleribus quantum ex inimicorum pervicacia proficiscitur. Ea de causa liberam mihi date optionem , quam hujusmodi in eventu faciunt leges, in medium parumper infectumeducatur negotium ut a legum peritis queat per otium recognosci. Hoc quantum erat rationum pondus, minus tamen apud judices valuit , jurisperitos perfidia potius quam sapientia facile principes , ut causam dirimerent, nuncuparunt . Quibus cum graviora negotii momenta non poterat expendere Franciscus, ni adessent sicarii pro ejus custodia designati; sed nec ejus innocentia illis bene nota, nec preces humiles, nec legum jura illis poterant persuadere ut B



eum a carcere aut a vinculis saltem ad momentum solutum dimitterent , jam enim inter ipsos ut morti devotus tractabatur. Interea judices ad omne nefas parati viros quosdam infirma satis peritiæ , sed conscientiæ multo deterioris deputarunt ut Franciscum de vita et morte periclitantem ad arbitrii sui trutinam

condemnarent. Et quamvis juristæ illi omnis omnino juris expertes, utpote inscitiæ et insidiarum pleni viderentur, tamen illum nulla culparum labe contaminatum cognoscentes capitis damnare non sunt ausi , quod cum viro illo , ut ipsi dictitabant, amicitias exercebant, donec ille de frequentandis Ecclesiis Reginæ et fide Catholica deserenda subscripsisset, quod si annueret , ipsum suosque omnes , etiam sacrificum sui sacelli, et servos condemnatos in libertatem asserendos protestabantur , secus autem, si abnuisset, in ipsum secundum leges animadvertendum . Haud pollicitationibus concidit generosum Francisci pectus, non despondet animum sub laboribus vir gentilis . Quam constantiæ integritatem dum Causidici in Francisco despicerent, licet nec juris trutina vel criminis umbram observarent, nec ex hostium adhuc, quod summum est, linguis testimonia convenirent, commentitias fertur tandem sententia in culpas, quas insons Franciscus non contraxerat , ac judex invidiosus extruxerat. Læsæ scelerator majestatis, quidquid reclamet veritas , Franciscus proclamatur , quod illi opum Fortuna conscripsit, regius proscripsit fiscus, inde carceri addicitur perpetuo, ubi proprio quodam sensu rerum coelestium affectus, vitæ et passionis Christi servatoris contemplatione tempus collocabat . Interim sceleratissimi quidam ministri a judicibus ad id deputati Goldinam , Francisci habitationis locum, involare ; in noctis intempestæ silentio januas impetere, parietes perfringere hostili more absque ulla prorsus humanitate , Mariam , Francisci uxorem , liberos, ceteram propemodum familiam conviciis proscindere, ornamentis denudare, barbare postremo e domibus ejicere. Ad tot calamitatum devoluta heu ! quid ageret Maria ? Ad oculos recurrit unicos in poena comites, et quia repetita subibat doloris causa , geminos lacrymarum fontes

animavit. Ad Londinum igitur penetrat Maria , sperans fore ut illatum sibi damnum saltem ex parte redimeret, sed cum integrum inter preces et lacrymas annum coram Elizabetha consumeret, nec vel obulum pro charissimi conjugis ac liberorum alimento ab immanissima Regina extorqueret ; responsum ei quod Franciscus inter Papistas aggregaretur, eaque inter proditorum uxores, ideo omni prorsus humanitate et stipis auxilio indignissima . Quam ob rem latius gliscit temereque in Franciscum effrenata serpit hæreseos audacia, enim vero ultra injurias ei præter morem impositas clanculo parricidam subornare facto impetu hæreticis visum est : privatimqueinter famosos constituitur pretium , singulari donandum beneficio, vel honorario, qui Francisco manum injiceret in carcere. Hoc cum ad Francisci aures foret illapsum , haud animi constantiam mortis nuntia interturbant, felici adeo in periculo id formidat solummodo, quod, si in carcere clam occideretur, inimici divulgent



sibi ipsi manus injecisse, in magnum Catholicorum scandalum et detrimentum . THE DISPLAY OF TREGIAN'S PATIENCE .

The day fixed for the new trial had now dawned , and Tregian's was the chief cause. He was brought before the judges guarded by a double file of soldiers . Here the malice of the heretics broke out afresh . They heap abuse on him, and as by common consent bring against him not charges but calumnies , which all amount to this : that he had outraged law and order, that he had grievously offended the Queen, to whom he had been frequently reported as guilty of serious and grave misdemeanours ; that now the time had come when he must completely clear himselt of all. To this Francis quietly retorted: " That am falsely accused is evidence , not of my guilt, but of the malice of my enemies. Therefore grant me the option that the law allows in such cases : let this indefinite charge be deferred for a time, that may be formulated by was, it had little weight legal experts at leisure ." Reasonable as this it with the judges , who called in to finish the case men versed in wickedness , rather than skilled in the law. And as Francis was unable to explain the most important items of his cause in the presence of the cut-throats who guarded him, neither his innocence , of which they were well aware, nor his humble entreaties , nor the rights of the law could prevail with them to set him free from prison , or at leastfrom his manacles for a time, for he was already treated by them as one doomed to die. Meanwhile, the judges , ready for any iniquity, deputed a number of men, of small legal skill and less rectitude, to pass sentence on Francis, in peril of his life, according to their whim. And although the lawyers, without knowledge of the law, were steeped in ignorance and cunning, yet knowing him to be innocent of all guilt, they dared not condemn him to death. They posed as his friends , waiting for him to agree to frequent the Queen's churches and forsake the Catholic faith. he would consent to this, they promised to set him free , both him and his household , including even his chaplain and his condemned servants. not, the law must take its course against him . The noble soul of If Francisneither yielded to these promises, nor failed under his sufferings , until the lawyers , wearying of his constancy, although they could not convict him on any point of law, or prove the shadow of a crime , or even make up a coherent case from the evidence of his enemies, finally passed sentence on the trumped- up charges, of which Francis knew nothing, and of which the iniquitous judge was the author. Francis, in defiance of truth, is proclaimed a traitor, his goods forfeited to the Treasury, himself condemned to perpetual imprisonment. And in prison , following his bent for prayer, he passed the days in contemplation of the Life and Passion of Christ his Saviour. Meanwhile, some miscreants , deputed by the judges , hastened to Golden , his home . There at dead of night, like an invading army, they battered walls, and devoid of all sense of pity, at the gates, broke down the loaded Mary, Tregian's wife, the children, and the servants with abuse, tore off their ornaments , and finally, with barbarous cruelty, thrust them forth from the house. In such calamities what could Mary do ? An abundant flood of tears was her only resource , her only consolation . To London , therefore , Mary made her way, in the hope of redeeming part at least of the loss she had suffered . For a whole year she wept and pleaded before Elizabeth, but not a farthing could she wring from the heartless Queen for the support of her husband and children. She was told that Francis was regarded as a Papist, and herself as the wife





of a traitor, and therefore unworthy of any compassion or assistance. Meanwhile, the enmity of the heretics towards Francis increased in shamefulness and intensity . They even contemplated his secret assassination, and fixed on a price among themselves to be paid to the man who would do away with him in prison. When Francis heard of this , his constancy was in no wise shaken . In this happy peril he had only one fear, namely, that if he were secretly murdered in prison, his enemies would circulate the report that he had laid violent hands on himself, to the no slight scandal of Catholics , and loss to their cause.

VI .



Ea propter imminens periculum summa nititur ope devitare, idque beneficio pueruli cujusdam, qui ei ministrabat, felicem sortiri exitum non desperavit, interim dum ad fugam adornandam et discessum necessaria a puerulo diligenter et virili solertia pararentur, Franciscus divino motus impulso totum se orationi et meditationi dicavit, quo tempore piam admodum quandam orationem edidit , qua ipse postea et exemplo ejus quam plurimi in exercitium quotidianum utebantur. Scripsit etiam epistolam consolatoriam ad uxorem, in qua ipsam ad patientiam , orationem , et vitæ passionisque Christi assiduam contemplationem , earum insuper utilitatem mirifice referens, hortabatur, et quia tam orationem quam epistolam animarum saluti utilissimam fore judicavimus , utramque hic inserere


PROOFS OF TREGIAN'S PIETY. On this account he took the best means he could devise to escape the threatened danger , and relying on the help of a lad, who waited upon him, he had every hope of success . And while the youth was making all preparations for flight, Francis , under the movement of divine grace , gave himself wholly to meditation and prayer. At this time he composed an exceedingly devout prayer, which afterwards he and many others used to recite daily. He also wrote a letter of comfort to his wife, in which he exhorted her to patience , prayer, and constant meditation on the Life and Passion of Christ, dwelling most admirably on the benefit thereof, and as consider both the letter and prayer likely to be of the greatest edification, have decided to insert them here .



IN DEUM EFFUSE . sive exercitium quotidianum Francisci Tregeon, dum in carcere et vinculis detinetur. O Deus immortalis! O Rex qui regibus imperitas ! O Domine qui dominis jura decernis ! Mæstorum solamen te quærentium , lætitiæ cumulus te amantium ! Princeps magnanime, totius apex regiminis , dux et custos solertissime. Abige a me procul omnem pusillanimitatis speciem ,, nec me obruat servilis metus. Mitte ad me de superiore majestatis tuæ sede eum fervoris spiritum, qui tuæ legis mandata tam in prosperis quam in adversis persequi non dubitet, et annue ut epulo tuæ dulcedinis tantum victitem, illibatumque infectis agnum labiis nunquam degustem, ne efficiant lapsus culparum mearum a solidissima Ecclesiæ Romanæ petra ullatenus dimoveri , sed semper in afflicti tui gregis numero adscriptus inveniar. Facessat à me, Domine, cor duplex aut animus





seditionibus obnoxius, ne blandimentis me indulgere noxiis , vel levissimo mortis præpediri simulacro, aut minis seduci ullo unquam tempore permittas , qui enim tali correpti metu scelerato hominum coetui ancillantur in sulphureo Tartari Barathro acriter punientur; cujus rei consideratio me Domine, ab omni hominum consuetudine, uxore, liberis , amicis , rebusque omnibus destitutum velut Pelicanum in solitudine , aut in domicilio nicticoracem sepositum collocavit. Inimici mei quotidie rabie quadam exagitati in me magis ac magis violenter insæviunt, unde pro potu lachrymas bibere, et pro pane cinere vesci sum coactus. Perspicis, Domine , et quam dilucide perspicis, quanam rei familiaris laborem penuria, quibus etiam incursionibus a conserta hostium proterar manu . Quid , Domine, singulas doloris mei causas seorsim referam, intelligens quod in dolorem et laborem consideras , et remedium adhibere citissime vales. Hoc tuam ex intimis oro atque precor majestatem , arbitrio ne permittar meo, sed imperio committar ego tuo, tua semper sit incolumis voluntas , mea obtemperans tuæ. Si per te, Domine , ita decretum sit, ut crudis flagellationibus in hoc sæculo amplius afficiar , exorem saltem ut cuique vulneri saluberrimum medicamentum applicare valeam. În postremum, mi Jesus ob sanguinis pretium tui millies efflagito , ut omnibus ultimam in me perniciem molientibus non tantum parcas sed etiam omnem fortunæ cumulum , pertusa ut aiunt dextera impertias ; ne usquam a mea facies declinet tua; de nocte de die meus sub tuo animus mereat vexillo . Huic provideas animæ, fluctibus more naviculæ hinc inde obluctanti, ut viæ quam periculosæ decursu salubriter confecto naufragiis animose defunctis ad optatissimum patriæ portum quam felicius appellem. PRAYER . * O ever living Lord of Lords, O mighty King of Kings, O solace of the sorrowful, O glass who gladness brings: O puissant Prince, O passing power, O regent of all rule, My guide , my guard, expel from me All foolish fear and dule : * Send down with speed that Spirit on me From out Thy holy hill, Which never may by might of men Once doubt to do Thy will : And grant ever feed on food, Of Thy effied spouse, And that I never eat profaned The Lamb without Thy house : Let not my sins me cause O Lord, To wander from the Rock, But grant I may be found in fold Of Thine afflicted flock: Theseverses are in the original English of Francis Tregian, found in the Tregian-Yate MS. preserved at St. Mary's College , Oscott ; and printed in Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers , by Rev. John Morris , S.J. Sorrow. Perhapsaffianced. To " affie means to trust. "



22 22


Let never double -dealing dare

Once harbour in my breast,

But grant good God that glosing* guile

I ever do detest: Dissembling draw'th to dreadful death, No means thou may'st admit. Who flocks for fear to cursed crew, Shall sink in sulphur pit: Regard whereof hath set my feet Far from resort of men, From wife, from babes, from all my friends, Bereft of ink and pen : am become as pelican, That doth in desert dwell, And as the night - crow in his nest, Whom other birds expel: My foes revile me day and night , Incensed through rage they fret, Wherefore my drink is mixed with tears, ashes eat for meat : The want of worldly wealth, O Lord, Thou see'st do sustain, And how that fury with great force Is poured on me amain: show Thee one by one What should The causes of my grief, Thou see'st my wrack, Thou know'st my lack, Thou can'st give me relief : The which if so Thy pleasure be, humbly ask of Thee, For will of Thine, not will of mine, O Lord fulfilled be : But if Thy doom have so decreed shall be scourged more, Grant yet at least never lack A plaster for each sore : As is Thy Holy Ghost , O Lord , pray that Thou would'st spare The workers of my web of woe,










The causers of my care :

humbly Thee beseech, O Lord, Even by Thy blessed Blood, Forgive their guilt, forgive their ill, And send them all much good Turn not, O Lord, Thy face from me, Although a wretched wight, But let me joy in Thee all day, Rejoice in Thee all night: And in all chances of this life, By sea and eke by land, Let me always protected be By Thy Almighty hand: * Flattering. * Mind, spirit.


23 23

Preserve, O Lord, my shaking ship, From pirates, spoils , and knocks, From gulphs , from shelves, from sinking sands, From rending on the rocks: That after stirring storms are staid,

And surging seas do cease , may with mirth cast anchor in

I The pleasant port of peace.


ad Dominam Mariam uxorem suam. Scribo ad te (charissima conjux ) cum in scribendis literis me parum versatum probe noveris, sed si scribere temeritatis est, non recusare obsequii; nunc igitur, si quid inelegans exciderit , id ut excuses , rogo, eoque magis nam huc me adegit inopia , ut pro atramento carbone, pro calamo utar aciculo, quod ut veniam merear non nihil conducet. Si igitur ob exercitationis insolentiam in me scribendi peritiam desideres , hoc ipsum in excusationem profero . Et quamvis in poetica cum Virgilio, aut in oratoria cum Cicerone nullatenus adæquer , in intimis amicitiæ et benevolentiæ signis erga te præcipue, uxor amantissima, nulli me inferiorem cognosco . In cujus rei argumentum hoc quotidianum meum exercitium , orationem scilicet antecedentem, ad te mitto ; nullum tibi pretiosius, nullum gratius fore munus existimans . Sit igitur , O mea conjux , tuum studium quotidianum assiduis solicitare Deum precibus; nunquam deservit implorantem Dei auxilium; hæc oratio erit tibi fidei arx, præsidium fortitudinis, quietis anchora, salutis portus . Ad gratiam exorandam pro te semper agat oratio. In hac pernoctes, et in hac evigiles ; hæc enim dolorum omnium medicamentum præstabit . Deum itaque implora indefesso crebroque rogatu , ut tuos animi dolores, et lacrymas mitigare velit et pro certo habe illum quod saluti et incolumitati tuæ magis proficuum videbitur procul dubio donaturum . Si vitam Christi servatoris, et amarissimas poenas mente recolueris, ea voluptate irrigaberis quam nec calamus capit, nec mens complectitur, illarum consideratione quasi Aurora lucidissima refulgebis, et in Scripturis sacris interpretandis non parum proficies. Eia igitur conjux fidelissima sæculi illecebris remisso nuntio, vaces tantum coelestibus quin hunc intermittas laborem qui ad æternam veræ quietis securitatem sternit viam. Vitam Christi pro speculo tibi propone, et ab ea tantam voluptatem suavitatemque percipies, quantam ad tuos animi dolores, et angustias minuendas concupisces ; quino sub plagarum fonte maculas elue, et omnium vulnerum cicatrices facillime Christi sanguine obliteratas invenies. Plura scribere non licet , custos enim carceris ad ostium pulsat. Vale igitur , o mea conjux, iterumque vale, o mea Penelope fidelissima , vale inquam spei meæ anchora, vitæque ; dimidium. Parvulis meis singulis tam viris , quam fœminis, immo ipsi infantulo qui adhuc sub uteri claustro ad vitam proludit , paternam benedictionem meo nomine dispensabis; quibus omnibus, et singulis æternam felicitatem magnopere cupio . Vale. Tuus Franciscus Tregeon.




My wont is not to write in verse, You know good wife, wis , I with me Wherefore you may well bear Though now I write amiss : For lack of ink, the candle coal, For pen a pin use, The which also may allege part of my excuse : Insaid For it is of many men, And such as are no fools,



A workman is but little worth

If he do want his tools: Though tools have wherewith in sort, My mind may disclose, They are , in truth, more fit to paint A nettle than a rose : Perhaps they are not fit enough For him that takes in hand In surging seas to guide a ship Which never came from land: In learning yet of arts, you know, An entrance must be had, For he that now is waxed a man , Was first a little lad : Before you could in simple cloth Frame frets with threads of gold, You were taught first how in your hand Your needle you should hold : Before you could the knowledge get A sentence how to frame, You were taught first the skill to know Your letters how to name : Even so in every other art Unskilled we first begin, For practice is the only mean Whereby we knowledge win : Whereby to write, if knowledge want In me for lack of use, be not deceived , think If IThat may be my excuse : And what although my vein in verse Be not as Maro's was, Yet may such lines as Francis frames, To his own Mary pass : To whom do, my loving wife,




Inclosed herein send,

A prayer that practised oft, Though with a pin I penned :






had something wherein Some solace you might find , wish had some thing to send


That might content your mind : What I should send I know not well, But sure I am of this , The doleful mind restored to mirth By perfect prayer is :


Let prayer be your practice, wife,

Let prayer be your play, Let prayer be your staple of trust, Let prayer be your stay : Let prayer be your castle strong, Let prayer be your fort, Let prayer be your place of rest, Let prayer be your port: Let prayer always plead for grace, Let prayer purchase right , Let prayer be your chief delight By day and eke by night: For sure, sweet spouse, a salve that saves, A pleasant bane of bliss, A gladsome rock of rest, find that perfect prayer is : Pray therefore still unto that King Who rules the rolling spheres, To oppress your grief, to send relief, He will regard your tears: Of Him if oft you humbly crave, As known it is by proof, You shall obtain what is in truth Most fit for your behoof : on the blessed life If often And bitter pains of Christ, You firmly fix a faithful mind, And thereon oft persist, You may thereby no doubt, good wife,


Such passing pleasure find,

As I cannot by pin describe , Nor yet conceive in mind : You may thereby purge all your spots, And cure eke every scar, You may thereby be made as bright As is the morning star : You may thereby enriched be With virtues of great price , You may thereby in holy writ To knowledge great arise : You may thereby triumphantly Despise the force of foes, You may thereby great comfort get In all extremes and woes: You may thereby devoutly live Whilst here on earth you dwell, You may thereby compunct, also, Be often in your cell: You may thereby full sweetly weep In prayer without pain, You may thereby oft meditate, To your no little gain: You may thereby in doing good Persevere without pranks, You may thereby, with passing joy, Give God immortal thanks :




You may thereby be often rapt Into excess of mind, You may thereby, yea , diversely, Deep secrets often find : You may thereby, for to be short, A happy end attain, You may thereby eternally In bed of bliss remain: Wherefore, good wife, the life of Christ Take for your looking-glass, Look often in the same, sweet heart , And let all other pass : know not what to send you, wife, know not what to say, know not in this world a mean Whereby so well you may Appease your grief, procure relief, And eke all ill resist, As prayer, and to meditate Upon the life of Christ : My keeper knocks at door, who comes To see his hawks in mew, Wherefore , good wife, must make short Farewell, sweet spouse, adieu : Farewell, the anchor of my hope, Farewell, my stay of life, Farewell, my poor Penelope, Farewell , my faithful wife : Bless, in my name , my little babes, God send them all good hap, And bless withal that little babe That lieth in your lap : Commend me to your maid Bosgrave, And tell her yet live, But not in state to pleasure her, For nought I have to give: Yet sure will pray for her weal, And wish her happy chance, That well she may by virtue's lore





Her poor estate advance :

Whom more may remember now, know not without blame , Yet sure may wish all men well, Though them do not name: Farewell, again , thou lamp of light, Vicegerent of my heart, He that takes leave so oft, think, He likes not to depart : And yet we must depart of force, To my no little grief, God send us well to meet again , God send us still relief : And well to run our restless race, Though rough and full of pain, That through the blessed Blood of Christ, True glory we may gain.







IX .



Inter hæc cum de omnibus ut se fugæ committeret satis provisum foret, ex amici obtigit incuria, quod carceris evadendi consilium detegeretur. Hoc propalam revelato , extemplo superveniunt hostes fremitu inconditaque inurbanitate Franciscum quam tumultuose adorti verberibus , atrocissime cædunt ; tum alapis, tum convitiis plene odium atque invidiam satiarunt; mox obscuriore Franciscus coercetur sub custodia, duplicantur summi ponderis manicæmanibus additæ, ablatisque compedibus, quibus eo usque premebatur , aliis priores triginta libris excedentibus pedes ejus onerantur . Sicque per trinum mensem in fœdiore loco cum omnibus suis ad fugam authoribus , et præsertim puerulo, qui viriliter pro eo multa sustinuit, in suspiriis et lacrymis jacere compulsus est. Tanta abusi patientia satellites modo blanditiis, minis modo a fide Franciscum Catholica summopere conantur deturbare , sed cum Austrum percellerent, de eo anhelant brevi conficiendo, et malum malo addere machinantes etiam ab illo carcere ad alium miserabiliorem in eisdem semper vinculis removerunt , in quo velut in horribili miseriarum labyrintho et humanarum calamitatum barathrointer homicidas , latrones, prædones , omnemquescelestorum fæcem

incredibili patientia vitam toleravit .

Hic, o sydera, in quæ se impudenter solvit ergastuli licentia supersedeo , ne pudicitia invertat faciem. Etiam spurcissimas res ad ejus iram commovendam et ad evertendam viri mansuetudinem admirabilem , nunc ad os ejus et nares in ludibrium et derisum apponebant. Tandem ut nihil intentatum relinquerent , Franciscum inediæ maleficio e medio tollere decreverunt, quo circa insipida panis quadræ, vile etiam catellis obsonium, illi pro victu semel ad diem apponuntur , quæ omnia vultu ad hilaritatem composito illæsa, non sine memoria , obliviscitur Francisci patientia. His per tres menses exactis ad pristinum reducitur carcerem Franciscus, ibique per id temporis demoratur , donec indefessi uxoris, familiarumque supplicationibus in regium Londini ergastulum traducitur. Neque tamen loci mutatione fortunam mutavit , nam paucos intra dies cum crudesceretsatellitumrabies, in communem urbis custodiam projicitur, sub qua integro sex mensium spatio infelicem vitam protraxit ; Reginam tamen rogat ut in nutrimentum corporale portionem aliquam quantumvis minimam sibi protinus erogaret, aut saltem sub eo reponeret loci quo inter infimam plebis conditionem sibi necessarium suppeditaretur . Nec semper infimus sanguine qui sorte infimus : paupertas sors est, non vitium . E precibus ortum quod ad arctissimum carceris hospitium transferatur , cujus angustias ex eo conjectes quod Franciscus adeo omnium ope destitutus egit per triennium ut ei angustiarum moles sensuum paulatim attenuarent perspicaciam. Ideo factum ut e tetro carceris cœno morbum adeo gravem contraheret , ut sæviente atrocius febri minutatim ad mortem gradum inierit . Exhauserat prorsus faciem ægritudo et vires enervarat . Igitur baculo innitens et aliquando in terram quasi mortuus tanto pondere cecidit , ut genæ ejus asperitate pavimenti colliderentur ,



naso et mento ita deformi , ut ejus miserrima uxor jam gravida et

brevi paritura ob nimium dolorem sine obstetricis adminiculo , foetum in lucem ediderit tanto tamen vitæ periculo ut pene animam efflaret . Hoc aliquantulum tacti spectaculo viri a Reginæ secretis Franciscum oppido e vinculis absolutum commodius urbaniusque pertractant, atque in vitæ remedium Francisco, et conjugi , toti demum familiæ aliquam pro rata parte assignant pecuniam Francisco satis parcam, parco satis liberalem. THE SUBLIMITY OF TREGIAN'S VIRTUE . Meanwhile, when all preparations had been completed for his escape from prison, the whole design was discovered through the imprudence of a friend. Thereupon his enemies rushed on him with fierce shouts and unbridled brutality, rained blows and insults upon him, removed him to a darker dungeon , doubled his heavy manacles and replaced the fetters with which he had been loaded until then with others more weighty by thirty pounds. And thus for three months, with those who had favoured his flight, especially the serving lad, who manfully endured much for him, in sighs and tears he was left to lie in a filthy cell. Abusing his patience , the gaolers strove their utmost, now with flattery, now with threats, to shake the loyaltyof Francis to the Catholic Faith; but , as men who buffet the wind, they soon drew off, baffled and breathless . Still adding evil to evil, they removed him , always laden with his chains , from that prison to another even worse, wherein, as in a horrible labyrinthof misery, an abyss of human calamity, amid murderers, thieves , brigands , and the scum of criminals, he passed his days with incredible patience . Ye heavens, to what lengths was the shameless license of the gaolers here carried ! refrain, lest modesty should turn away her face . To move him to anger, to disturb his wondrous meekness, in insult and derision they forced filth against his mouth and nostrils. Finally , to leave nothing untried, they resolved to remove him by slow starvation. And so they gave him once a day some morsels of tasteless bread , unfit for a dog to eat. And Francis, with unruffled countenance , understood and endured it all. Three months passed thus, and then Francis was taken back to his former prison , until through the unwearied pleading of his wife and friends he was transferred to the royal keep in London. Change of place, however , brought him little alleviation. Within a few days the fury of his persecutors broke out again, and he was thrust into the common gaol where he spent another six months of the utmost misery. However, he besought the Queen that something, however small, might be assigned him for his nourishment, or that he might be removed to a place where , if only among the lowest of the people , the necessaries of life might be supplied him. Not, indeed , that the lowestin rank are the lowestin reality . Poverty is a condition, not a crime . As a result of this petition he was transferred to the closest possible confinement . So rigorous was his treatment, so utter his destitution, that at the end of three years his bodily health was quite wasted away. The fever contracted from the filth of the gaol gradually brought him to death's door, his features were emaciated , his frame so weakened that on one occasion, leaning on a stick for support, he fell to the ground with such violence that his cheek was cut open by the rough paving. His nose and mouth were so




unsightly that his poor wife, pregnant at the time and about to give birth to a child, was so overwhelmed with grief that she was delivered without a midwife, almost at the cost of her life. Moved a little at the sight, the Queen's counsellors released Francis of his fetters and treated him with less harshness. Also for the needs of himself, his wife, and his family a sum of money was assigned, small enough consideringwho he was, but sufficient for a thriftyman to live on .



VITE TERMINUS. Casus periclitatur virtus, occasum nescit, et quamquam tributum casibus exolvat Franciscus, de occasu triumphum agit. In Francisci exitium conspirat Anglia, in Francisci halitum_inspirat Iberia. Catholicæ nimirum legati Majestatis cum miseram Francisci calamitatem perciperent, illum sæpe non absque larga manu convenere, quod ut ad breve tempus honeste viveret, suosque ex arctissima paupertatis abysso extraheret , plurimum conduxit. Hujus quæ se vix explicuerat opis, hostes non minimeinvidiosi nullum non movent lapidem , ut parvulam adhuc fortunæ faculam restinguant, nec hactenus in misericordiam inflexi quid septenum supra vicenum sub vinculis annum Franciscus numeraret , illi in dies avari assignatam subtrahunt clanculo portionem . En iterum Franciscus extrema laborat fortuna, præsagiensque ex hostium rabie in vincula se denuo detrudendum, reliquum vitæ tempus pacato exilii otio sibi statuit consecrandum. Multi et præcipue Catholicorum principum legati , de crudeli in illum persecutione admoniti , illius libertatem meditabantur , et quia Regis Hispaniarum caduceatores supra omnes alios liberalitatem suam adversus illum declarabant, præsentioremque ab ipso rege quam a quovis alio misericordiam præstolabantur ; Hispanias petere ex Tandem Madritum contendit; sed proh intimo præcupierat. celebrem admodum virtutis pretium ! Philippus e numero decrevit pompam nobilitatis coetu conspicuam, ut Francisco obviam procederet. Ad regis planctas Tregeon provolvitur. Non unquam clarius visum est, quam cito animos conciliet virtutis fulgor, vel etiam prolectet . Philippus viri religionem modestiamque demiratus , illam cum primis jactat felicitatem, quæ e Francisci vexati præsentia nuperrime adspirabat , utque regalem sensim Tregeon inspiceret benevolentiam, sexaginta in mensem aureos illi Austriaca consignat manus; deinde pollicetur omni vel etiam levissimo Francisci commodo se non defuturum . Morbo tamen per artus permeante aulici regis medici de Francisci statu coeperunt consultare, quibus a Philippo imperatum , expensis ne parcerent, dum ægritudinis consulerent medicamentis, artesque omnes excuterent , quoad medicinæ fontes exarescerent. Medici vero dum altius recolunt negotium , ad longum temporis spatium , sub vinculis incommode transactum primam ægritudinis originem retulere ; primum de mutandi coeli curant regione eumque Olisiponem utpote Anglorum humori potius consentaneam æstimant




transmittendum. Olisiponem advehitur Franciscus, at cum neque aeris clementia neque loci amænitate pristinam recuperaret valetudinem , solemni studuit haud ignaviter pietatis exercitio , et quotidianæ flagrorum carnificinæ, qua suum non citra sanguinem foedebat corpusculum, coelestem animi conatum haud retardabat corporis inertia; imo tunc excrescit libertas , cum imminuitur corporis valetudo . In pauperes sic se habuit prolixe largum , ut illis indefesso erogaret studio elemosynas . Nihil æque extra patriam perhorruerat quam insanam Angliæ in Hyberniam conspirationem, veritus ne filii aut nepotes heretico infecti usque veneno ad hereticam deficerent vesaniam. Cum igitur non extra Pauli vestigia cursum confecerit, certamen valide absolverit , ac fidem illibate servaverit post longam in se persecutionem, quæ octavumultra decimum annum excurrit, sacris omnibus, ut Catholicum decebat hominem, rite communitus suavissimo felicissimæ mortis somno concessit , sexagesimo ætatis anno, die vigesima quinta Septembris anno millesimo sexagesimo octavo , ad sacratius Lusitanæ societatis domicilium, cui ex divo Rocho nomen est , sub concionatorum subselliis integer perstat; dignus profecto vir, qui ante illustrium heroum oculos perpetuo obversetur, illiusque vivum exemplar et maximarum virtutum speculum suos mores per otium diligentissime componat ; inferioris vero conditionis homines pudeat saltem aspernari, quæ tam egregius plane heros amanter , Catholiceque amplexus est. THE END OF TREGIAN'S LIFE.

Virtue experiences danger , but never defeat. Though Francis suffered from his misfortunes, he triumphed over them. England strove for Francis' death, Spain endeavoured to keep him alive. The Ministers of His Catholic Majesty, learning of Tregian's wretchedness , began to visit him frequently , and never without a handsome present, so that for a time he and his family were freed from want. Scarcely had this help arrived, when his enemies in envy left no stone unturned to deprive him even of this respite . Unmoved by the fact that Francis was now spending his twenty - seventh year in prison , they deprived him, in their avarice , of the daily allowance that had been assigned him. Thus persecuted again , and fearing that his enemies would not rest until he should be put in chains once more , Francis now sought to pass the remainder of his days in the peace of exile. Many friends, and especially the ministers of the Catholic Powers , learning of his cruel persecution , worked for his deliverance . And since the representatives of the King of Spain had been more liberal to him than the others, and since they promised that he would receive most effectual aid from the King himself, Francis longed to go to Spain . At length he arrived at Madrid. And, oh the power of virtue ! Philip ordered a procession of the highest of the nobility to go out to meet him. Tregian prostrated himself before His Majesty, and never was there more evident proof of the power of virtue to attract, nay, to charm the hearts of men . Philip, admiring his piety and modesty, congratulated himself on being in the presence of one so recently freed from persecution , and in order to convince Francis of the royal goodwill, he assigned to him a pension of sixty gold pieces a month, and promised further to come to his aid even in the slightest need,



Since , however , his body was wasted with disease, Philip commanded the Court Physicians to examine him and to spare no trouble or expense in their efforts to restore him to health. The physicians, after lengthy consultations, traced the malady to his long imprisonment, and advised first a change of climate ; and as Lisbon seemed more suited to the English constitution, they suggested his going there . To Lisbon Francis is carried . But seeing that neither the mildness of the climate, nor the pleasantness of the place restored his health, with great fervour he gave himself to serious exercises of piety, and to daily scourgings of his poor body, even unto blood . And so his bodily weaknesses did not hamper the heavenly energy of his soul ; nay, the freedom of the spirit grows as the forces of the body wane . To the poor he was exceedingly generous, assisting them in their need with unwearying charity. Meanwhile, he was especially troubled by the English persecution in Ireland, fearing for his sons and grandchildren lest they should be infected by the poison of heresy . When, therefore, as another St. Paul, he had finished his course, and manfully fought the good fight, and kept the faith unscathed eighteen years after the long persecution he had endured , duly fortified , as befitted a good Catholic, with the last holy rites, he passed away in the sleep of a sweet, nay, of a most happy death, in the sixtieth year of his age, on the 25th of September , A.D. 1608 , in the House of the Society in Portugal named after St. Roch, and there, near the pulpit, he abides incorrupt . A man worthy to be kept ever before the eyes of the most. illustrious heroes, an example and a mirror of the most sublime virtues And for lesser men , an occasion to admire at least that which so noble a hero accomplished in charity and the Catholic Faith.




Decem supra septem anni effluxerant , cum recluso sepulchri

marmore illibatum , atque a vermium injuriis expers Francisci cadaver oculis extractum ; vestem, qua urnæ commissum, edax temporis fames roserat, non tamen eam particulam, quam nativus pudor in pudicum sibi velum coaptavit, hæc quidem eum adhuc conservarat splendorem, ac si recens foret imposita . E marmore id spirabat odoris, ut non cinerum cubile, sed Hyblæ nemus vividius æmularetur . Hoc vestis minimum Hiberniam instar Reliquiarum invectum , ibique D.D. Philippe D.D. Jacobi Plunqueti uxori lacrymosum inter tripudium foeminæ nobilissimæ traditum. Tria Hiberniæ subjecta oculis edidit prodigia . Do primum. Quidam audiebat Griffinus Evanus , cum morbo haud remediis placabili laboraret , ad extremum discriminis adductus tota precatur contentione, ut sibi Ecclesiæ sacramenta ministrarentur; aberat tunc temporis Franciscus Plunquetus ( is Cisterciensis familiæ) qui laborantis , tum ad divina cum ad humana curam susceperat . E Plunqueti evenit absentia, quod ægrotus neque coelesti refectus pane , neque ultimo oleo delibutus e vivis emigrarit infeliciter. Id dum Plunquetus domum reveniens cognosceret , vehementer admodum sollicitus dolebat potissimum, quod affinium de inertia in id status res devenisset, totum se orationi commendat, Deoque quanto potuit conatu supplicat ut opem applicatæ tam piæ vestis particulæ declararet, quando eam non sine portenti specie incorrup-



tam reservarat, et Griffinum vitæ redderet, ut sacris tantummodo susceptis contractas animæ sordes expiaret . Hinc plurimum lucratus fiduciæ, particula emortui membra contingit; ecce tibi lumine , oculis, sensibusque plane omnibus restitutis, cum intimo pectoris anhelitu , cœlesti recreari cibo, ac sacrata elui unctione contentiose Griffinus efflagitabat . Postulationi tam justæ non defuit Plunquetus, sacris ergo rite perfunctus, iterum, sed iterum felicius, mortalitatem explevit. Non paulo post D.D. Philippa Tregeon nostri Francisci filia dum importuno febris æstu afflicta lecto jam diu hæreret, medicorumque jam captus exhauriret , atque artem prorsus ægritudo fatigaret, e primo quod retulimus prodigio certior , eamdem ad patriæ vestis particulam tamquam ad sacram confugit anchoram; neque vero eam spes fefellit , pristina enim prævaluit salus, et vires præter medicorum opinionem de integro recuperavit . Cæterum ut terra marique Francisci prodigia longe longius evulgarentur ; obtigit , ut sub eadem tempestate primo vere D.D. Jacobus Plunquetus, Francisci gener, duobus pariter cum filiis, quorum alter ille fuit Cisterciensis , de quo supra mentionem fecimus, senis simul cum onerariis in Angliam solveret ex Hibernia , sed suborta ex improviso terribilis ventorum discordia sex temere distraxit alio naves , atque in horribile penitus devolvit naufragium . Plunqueti navis, quasi eam revereretur procella, tanto in pelagi dissidio periculum superstes evasit , at navarchus subito correptus timore ex oneraria ventorum arbitrio objecta , ac undarum ludibrio circumacta in phasellum prosiliit, periculum , si posset , periculo declinaturus . Jacobus illo interim tempore ac filius orationi per quam intentus celebrem vestis particulam secum allatam confestim educunt e capsula, furtimque in mare projiciunt. Vestis particulæ tanquam Eliæ pallio æquor obtemperat , exsæviit æther, detonant maria, omnes tam sacri panniculi sectatores citra casum incolumes ad Angliæ littora prodigiosa navis exposuit . Ad postremum ne erga Lusitanos , quicum ultimo convixerat prodigiosum Tregeon fraudaret genium, prima Lusitaniæ nobilitas singulare Francisci venditet patrocinium . D.D. Violantia a Castro, licentioso, quem tabidus intenderat morbus, febris æstu sat anxia dederat se in medici arbitrium, et licet extremos prope ætatis annos in se reciperet , venam aperiri medico visum est ; a venæ scissionibus parumper intermissum, impatiens inter venas calor lævum aggreditur oculum, delicatam gravat tunicam , totumque ferme luminis orbem velo deformat sanguineo; per summam nobilis foemina pietatem dubia non fide papyrum Tregeonensis sepulchri confertam pulvere oculo adhibuit sanguinolento, quo facto die postera oculus ab illa sanguinis alluvione solutus inclaruit, atque pupillæ splendor solito lucidior irradiavit . THE MIRACLES OF TREGIAN'S BODY . Seventeen years had passed, when , on opening his marble tomb, the body of Francis was laid open to view, incorrupt and untouched by worms. The clothing wherein he had been committed to the grave, hungry Time had eaten away, with the exception of that portion which



natural modesty used as a covering. This was as fresh as if it had just been put on, and from the tomb breathed a fragrance that suggested, not a bed of ashes, but rather the groves of Hybla. This small cloth * was taken to Ireland as a relic, and there, to her mingled joy and sorrow, handed to the Lady Philippa , the noble wife of James Plunket. Three manifest miracles this relic wrought . This is the first. One Griffin Evans, brought to the point of death by an incurable malady, eagerly demanded the Sacraments of the Church. Francis Plunket, the Cistercian , who was the sick man's chaplain, happened to be away at the time . And so it came to pass that Evans died unhappily without Viaticum and Extreme Unction . Learning this on his return, and grieving exceedingly that the man had suffered so great a loss through the carelessness of his relatives , Plunket gave himself wholly to prayer, and with all his strength besought God to manifestthe virtue of that particle of cloth, since its preservationwas evidently miraculous, and restore Griffin to life, that through the reception of the Sacraments he might be absolved of his sins. Filled with confidence he applied the cloth to the lifeless body. And lo ! regaining the use of his sight and all his senses , with a deep sigh, Griffin earnestly begged to be refreshed with the Bread of Heaven and anointed with the Holy Oils. Plunket immediately administered the Sacraments , and when the last rites were completed the man paid the debt of nature once again, this time more happily . Not long after, Philippa Tregian, the daughter of our Francis, was confined to her bed with a fever which baffled the skill of the physicians, and proved impervious to their prescriptions. Hearing of the miracle just related, she also had recourse, as to an anchor of hope, to this particle of her father's clothing . Nor was she disappointed: her health was restored , and, contrary to the expectations of the medical men , she also regained her former strength. Moreover, that the miracles of Francis might be made known far and wide by land and sea, it happened about the same time in the early spring, that James Plunket, the son- in- law of Francis, with two sons, of whom one was the aforesaid Cistercian , set sail from Ireland for the English coast in the company of six other vessels. But a terrible tempest suddenly arose and drove these six vessels out of their course and they all foundered . Plunket's ship, as though the storm respected scatheless through all the gale. The captain, however, seeing ithis, rode craft at the mercy of the wind and waves, suddenly seized with fright, leaped into a small boat to escape, if he could, one danger by facing another. Meanwhile James and his son had given themselves to prayer, and now they drew forth from its case the renowned piece of cloth and secretly cast it into the sea. That particle of clothing, like Elijah's cloak, calmed the waters; the wind dropped, the waves ceased to roar, and the wondrous ship landed all the clients ofthat sacred covering safe on the shores of England. Finally, that the Portugese also, with whom Tregian had spent his last days , were not deprived of his miraculous powers , let the first nobility of Portugal bear witness to his wonder- working patronage . The Lady Violantia a Castro , when suffering from a violent fever brought on by grievous illness , in her anxiety as the fever showed recently brought to my notice that a portion of this cloth * It has inbeen a case of relics at Stonyhurst . It measures about one square is preserved inch, and is of woollen texture , dark brown or black, with white flecks, and inscribed : De Panno Francisci Trudgian . P.A.B, C





no abating, yielded to the advice of the physicians that a vein should be opened , despite her advanced age . The fever, raging between the veins , settled on the left eye weakened by the bleeding , attacked the delicate membrane and suffused the whole organ with a disfiguring coat of blood . The noble and pious lady, with unwavering faith, applied to the bloodshot eye a piece of paper containing dust gathered from Tregian's tomb . The following day the eye was found to be quite free from its coating of blood and the pupil was even brighter than usual.



Tandem institutum nostræ narrationis cursum prosequamur, aliaque nonnulla prodigia , quæ Deus Tregeonis precibus eo mortuo fecit quibus in ipsum pietas hominum excitetur, et quemadmodum in coelo celebratur ejus gloria, sic etiam celebretur in terris. Longum sane erit recensere singula, quæ de hoc viro prodigioso memoriæ proditum est, incredibilia sunt quæ in ejus actibus probatis referuntur, sed ea perstringam , quam possim brevissime. Antonius Maria Espinola cum æstu , febrique jactaretur diaria, ad eamque gravissimus capitis dolor accederet, ad Nosocomii cogitabat remedia recurrere, et cum rumor corporis Tregeonis integri inventi ad aures ejus pervenisset, ad Ecclesiam divi Rochi contendit, et inter turbam ad ejus sepulturam confluentem eruendi pulveris studio , ille etiam particulam cretæ mirabilis sibi suffuratus est, et inter corpus, et indusiam reverenter imposuit , et dicta ter oratione dominica, et salutatione angelica, supplicans Deo, ut si illud corpus Sancti Herois esset , ejus meritis sanitatem sibi restitueret , ab omni prorsus dolore et febri repentino convaluit. Franciscus de Figueiredo nobilis genere , cum sex capillos capitis Tregeonis secum domum pie reportasset ; filia, quæ in malignam febrim inciderat , exigua spe vitæ relicta, eisdem capillis ab eo applicatis , statim recreata, et ex morbo , periculoque erepta est. Idem accidit alteri filiæ, quæ immodicis doloribus sympthomatisque languerat, et admonita a patre ut capillorum remedio uteretur, mox a dolorum, et deliquii molestia liberata est. Sed illud in primis memorabile , quod accidit domi cujusdam Dynasta Lusitani. Emanuel Fernandez anteambulo D. Gondisali Vaz Coutinho crurium doloribus torquebatur , ita ut incessu prohiberetur ob virulenta juncturarum ulcera ; pueruli tamen industria, qui ejus crura terræ pulveribus aspersit, sanitatem recepit, incolumisque intra octo dies huc illuc pervagabatur, quod antea nullo pacto valuerat . Item mendicus quidam, cui nomen Emanuel Cortea, qui in eadem domo hospes erat, biennio jam febri exæstuabat alternis diebus, eodem usus medicamento terræ sibi admotæ, febri caruit, et infirmitate. Quid vero de mulieribus dicam ? Multas sane ejusmodi probatæ fidei historias possem commemorare, sed ut ne in finali hoc argumento prolixus sim, pauca brevi perstringenda me, lectoremque expedient. Maria Lega, quæ Tregeonis erat studiosissima, narravit se moribundo adstitisse, et cum nimia hilaritate perfusum con-



spicaretur , eum interroganti, quamobrem tam lætus e vita migraret, respondisse illustrissimam , supremamque Angelorum Reginam, ac dominam sine labe conceptam ei se videndam præbuisse, et tanta præsentiæ dulcedine recreatum æquissimo animo vitæ fabulam peregisse . Huic adjungamus quod sponsæ Deus suæ Tregeonis ob merita perfecit . D. Clara de Sancto Francisco sacra virgo e Coenobio Divæ Claræ morbillo ægrotavit , et biennium erat , ex quo tanta stomachi debilitate conficiebatur, ut singulis diebus matutino vomitu difflueret , præfocante deinde guttur angina, donec ad capilli barbæ Tregeonis patrocinium confugit , positoque in ore ipsius stomachi venerabilis menti capillo pristinas vires revocavit , et nullas amplius ejus morbi reliquias sensit. Sed ne prætermittamus aliud meo judicio admirabile . Susanna de Affonseca filia familias pene decem mensium spatio quartanam passa artuum tremore plus solito quatiebatur, at audita corporis Tregeonis mirabili adinventione se Deo commendavit , obsecravitque ut sibi pristinam valetudinem ob merita tanti Herois restitueret, et Dei misericordia , meritisque Tregeonis ab illa die febris remisit, omnisque tremoris acerbitas. Nec huic dissimile contigit filiæ cujusdam Ambrosii de Azevedo, quæ simili quartana correpta , easdem preces concepit , et ab eo ipso die restituta sanitate lætata est. Rursus alia matrona D. Elizabeth de Moura uxor Lupi Furtado de Mendoza, paulo ante enixa, tanta doloris acerbitate ob incidentem podagram constituta est, ut vel ad sindonis tactum animam agere, sensibusque destitui putaretur; multa remedia leniendo malo adhibebantur , sed inani conatu, nam dolor non his modo levabatur, sed etiam gliscebat indies. Aderat tum forte D. Antonius de Almeida ejus patruelis frater, qui cum ægrotanti mentionem prodigiorum Tregeonis injecisset, particulam panniculi illius, quo tectum corpus integrum inventum est, ei tradidit , et D. Luiza de Mello ejus mater_sacrum centonem magna religione atque ex intimo animi sensu , Tregeonem uti sanctum virum prius venerata, ad eam partem , qua acrius filia torquebatur , admovit , et illinc omnis cedere dolor subito visus est, surrexit a lecto, et minime impedita deambulavit . Filius etiam ejusdem Elizabethæ de Moura Georgius Furtado de Mendoza tanto colli cruciatu afflictus fuit ex parte dextera, ut ad sinistram illud inflectere nequiverit, sed applicata ei sacri panniculi particula, terraque sepulturæ addita, protinus collum movit , integram exinde sanitatem recepit . Unum ad extremum omitti non debet. Puellula quædam tertium agens ætatis annum Catharina Coresma filia, et Francisci de Andrade equitum actuarii, forfici oculum per imprudentiam percussit, et cum inflammatam postridie mater pupillam notasset, nec oculum filia posset libere aperire, mox ei admovit aquam, ubi terra sepulturæ Tregeonis erat diluta, et repente coepit oculum expedire, sed cum nebula eum obduceret, ejusdem aquæ remedium mater triduo continuavit; infundens in oculum guttatim licorem, et dolore levari, et omnis lippitudo visa est evanescere . Sed quamvis multa, certaque sint ea prodigia , quæ diximus,



multoque plura brevitatis causa reliquimus . Hæc tamen mandato Reverendissimi Domini D. Michaelis a Castro Archipræsulis Olisiponensis per doctorem Canonicum Antonium Monisium da Camera examinata , multorumque idoneorum testium ac medicorum testimoniis confirmata , ut constat ex actibus ejus vitæ approbatis , deincepsad divini nominis gloriam , servique ejus Tregeonis omnium ore celebrantur. Hæc sunt præclare gesta Francisci Tregeonis: Hocce oculis objicite speculum, o Dynastæ, parvi fiat purpura si facit ad crimina, vilescat aurum, si auræ inservit. Ne credite voluptati, oculis subjicitur voluptas , si rem premitis infelicitas reputabitur; honoribus ne inhietis; quid honos ? Onus. Qui honore evehitur, honoranti astringitur. Qui spe illectus aulæ indulget, caveat ne invidiæ oculus intercipiat obsequia, invidiæ et insidiæ nimium aulicæ . Coelestis a scelesta curia discriminatur, ad regum limina plerumque obrepunt crimina; vitat aulam Franciscus, quæ nocet quieti, præoccupat exilium ad fidei documentum, Christo totum refert, qui totum contulit. Emenda ergo ad hoc speculum tuæ vitæ nævos, exemplar tibi sit Franciscus, dum enim virtutibus sanguinem condecorat, splendidius suo generi peperit ornamentum : dum voluptatem despicit, religioni prospicit , regibus invidia, nobilibus prototypon, infimis pudor, pauperibus subsidium, hostibus prodigium , suis gloria , omnibus ara, Angliæ triumphus, Madrito desiderium , Olisiponi æternum pignus, et recordatio immortalis. OTHER MIRACLES OF TREGIAN .

Let us pursue the course of our story and narrate other wonders wrought by God through the intercession of Francis after his death, thereby arousing the devotion of the faithful towards him and procuring his honour on earth as well as in Heaven . would be too long a task to relate all the miracles attributed to him . Those recorded in his authentic Acts are almost beyond belief. But will touch upon them as briefly as can . Anthony Maria Espinola, afflicted with a daily fever and a severe headache , was thinkingof going to hospital. But hearing of the finding of the incorrupt body of Francis, he hastened to the Church of St. Roch, and amid the crowd thronging the tomb to secure some of the dust, he also secured a small portion for himself. This he placed next to his skin, and saying thrice the Pater and Ave he besought God that, body of a Saint, by his merits he might be restored to if this were the health. At once all pain and fever left him. Francis de Figuerido, a nobleman , by an impulse of piety carried off six hairs from the head of Tregian. His daughter was sufferingfrom a malignant fever and nigh to death. The six hairs were applied to her, and at once she was freed from the danger and the malady. Another daughter was afflicted with excessive pains and faintings . On her father's advice she also made use of the hairs and was delivered from her suffering and weakness. An especially remarkable miracle took place in the house of a certain Portuguese Prince. Emanuel Fernandez , footman to Don Gondisali Vaz Coutinho, was tormented with virulent ulcers in the knee joints and quite unable to walk . A child sprinkled his legs with the dust and immediately he was restored to health, and within a week






he was walking about with ease. In the same house a certain beggar named Emanuel Cortes had suffered from a fever on alternate days for two years . He made use of the same remedy and was delivered from the fever and the disease. But what shall say of the instances of women who were cured ? could relate numerous well authenticated cases, but, not to be prolix, will satisfy the reader and myself with the mention of a few. Maria Lega, who was most devoted to Tregian, narrated that as she stood by his death- bed she remarked that he was filled with great joy, and when she asked how it was that he was quitting life so gladly, he answered that the glorious and sovereign Queen of the Angels , Our Lady conceived without sin, had appeared to him, and by her presence, had inundated his soul with such sweetness that he could leave this shadow of life with the utmost serenity. To this let us add what God did for Tregian's merits to His virgin spouse. Donna Clara of St. Francis, a holy nun of the Convent of St. Clare , for two years was troubled with such weakness of the stomach that every morning she had a violent fit of vomiting, followed by a choking attack of quinsy. She had recourse to the patronageof Tregian, and placed a hair from his beard on the pit of her stomach. At once she recovered her strength, and the malady troubled her no more . But must not omit the following which seems to me very wonderful. Susanna de Affonseca , a maiden , had been suffering ten months from a quartan ague. The ague was more than usually acute , when she heard of the wonderful finding of Tregian's body. She commended herself to God and begged for the restoration of health through the merits of so great a Saint. And from that day, by God's mercy and Tregian's merits, the fever abated and the ague ceased . A like case was that of the daughter of one Ambrose de Azevedo , who was seized with a similar quartan ague, was inspired to make the same petition and was restored to health from that very day. Again, another matron, Donna Elizabeth de Moura, wife to Lopez Furtado de Mendoza , shortly after childbirth was tormented with such pains of gout that at the mere touch of the sheet she seemed almost out of her senses and on the point of expiring. Many remedies were tried but the pain appeared only to increase. A cousin , Don Anthony de Almeida, happening to call, told the sick woman of Tregian's miracles and gave her a small piece of the cloth which had been found on his incorrupt body. Then her mother, Donna Luiza de Mello , having first paid devotion piously and from her heart to Tregian as to a saint, applied the piece of cloth to the part most affected . At once all pain disappeared , she arose from her bed and walked with ease. The son also of the same Elizabeth de Moura, George Furtado de Mendoza , was suffering from a pain on the right side of the neck and could not move his head to the left. The piece of cloth with some dust from the tomb was applied, and he was able to move his neckfreely and recovered his health. One last instance must not be omitted . A little girl, three years old, the daughter of Catharine Coresma and Francis de Andrade, a cavalry officer, accidently injured her eye with a pair of scissors. Next day the mother noticed that the pupil was inflamed and that the child could not open her eye properly, and at once she applied water in which the dust from Tregian's tomb had been dissolved . The eye began to open immediately, but as the sight was still obscured , the mother continued the treatment for three days ; the pain ceased and all dimness of vision disappeared .






Though these that have mentioned are numerous and certain, there are many more miracles which omit for brevity's sake. These, however, are on the lips of all, with the authority of the Most Reverend Lord Don Michael a Castro , Archbishop of Lisbon, examined by Doctor Canon Anthony Monisius da Camera , and confirmed by the testimony of numerous trustworthy witnesses and medical men, as appears from the authentic Acts of his life , unto the glory of God and of His servant Tregian. Suchis the glorious story of Francis Tregian. Set this mirror before your eyes, O Princes . Let the purple be despised if it lead to sin; let gold be esteemed as dross, it foster vanity. Trust not to pleasure ; pleasure is only apparent; touch it, and you will find it misery. Desire not honours. Honours are onerous . He who is raised to honour is the slave of him that raises him . If, drawn by ambition, a man frequent the Court, let him beware lest the eye of envy intercept his service , the excessive envy and treachery of Palaces. The Kingdom of Heaven has no truce with the kingdom of vice ; sin is usually found on the threshold of kings. Francis shuns the Court as hurtful to his peace, and occupies his exile with the mysteries of the Faith . To Christ he refers all, from Whom he received all. By this mirror remove the imperfections of your life. Let Francis be your exemplar, for while he adds honour to his name by his virtues, he bequeaths to his son the most glorious inheritance. Despising pleasure , he honoured religion. The envy of kings, the prototype of nobility, a rebuke to the base, a stay to the poor, a portent to his foes, the glory of his own, to all an altar , for England a triumph , the beloved of Madrid, the everlasting protection of Lisbon, and a memory that shall never fade.





I. NOBILITATI HÆREDITARIE FRANCISCI TREGEONIS. Eia agite ad speculi convertite lumina vultus, Hoc Tregeon vita splendidiore nitet. Sol est nobilitas, speculum Franciscus, inerrat Virtus in speculo, in nobilitate jubar. Totus in hoc speculo superûm se comit Olympus , Crescit ab hac major nobilitate polus . Si lubet ad speculum proprios bene fingere vultus, Hinc quantæ irradiant relligionis opes ! Francisci in speculo virtus splendente nitescit; Sancta, nec in speculo, vita, silente tacet . THE LIGHT OF THE MIRROR. TO THE NOBLE HEIRS OF FRANCIS TREGIAN. Unto this mirror's light, come, turn your eyes.

With Tregian's radiant life the mirror glows. E'en as the mirror holds the sun's bright beam, So Francis from his life shows virtue's ray. The heavenly hosts all gaze upon this glass, And Heaven's own splendour from its brightness grows. thou wilt also turn thine eyes thereto, If Much wealth of piety shalt thou behold. For Tregian's virtues still resplendentshine, And in death's silence still they cry aloud.





Barbara jaspideum sileat monumenta sepulchrum, Unum hoc, quod fruitur corpore, jactet opus. Marmore sic corpus, sic marmor corpore gaudet ; Vivere vel marmor corpus inerme facit . Nam jacet intactum Tregeon sub marmore corpus ; Nobile cum tanto corpore marmor ovat. Non tamen ut vivat , tegitur sub marmore corpus, Altera sed corpus marmoris est anima . THE HOLY, NOBLE TOMB OF FRANCIS .

Let jasper tomb its splendour vainly boast, The glory of this grave lies in its guest . The stone and body, each in other joys. The poor stark flesh the very stone makes live And incorrupt beneath its marble lies. The marble glories in its precious trust. Not lease of life, just shelter takes the flesh, But to its case ' tis as another soul.

3. EXTRA PATRIAM MORITUR TREGEON. Ad Lysiæ Tregeon peregrinas occidit oras; Coelo non poterat nobiliore mori. Ecco respondet voci ; mors consona vitæ est ; Hæc peregrina fuit, mors peregrina fuit. TREGIAN DIES IN EXILE. On Lisbon's distant shores doth Tregian die A more beseeming end he could not meet . To speech doth echo answer , death to life, A homeless life forebodes an exile's death.



Talem sarcophagus Francisci exhalat odorem, Qualem Pæstanæ non peperere rosa. Quantus odor vivo est , tantum jacit inde cadaver ; Post mortem bene olet , qui bene vita oluit. FROM THE TOMB OF FRANCIS EXHALES A SWEET ODOUR.

Sweet fragrance from the tomb of Tregian breathes The like the rose of Pæstum never shed . His life a fragrant odour aye exhaled,

His body stark in death is fragrant still.




Pauperibus pauper peregrina redditur arte, Ac precibus Tregeon quas dabat , emit opes. Quis modo tam carum tribuit vel prodigus aurum . Constarent tanto si data nemo daret . Prodigiosa mihi Francisci O munera ! quando Pauperibus potuit queis caret æra dare. FRANCIS BEGS ALMS, TO GIVE TO THE POOR .

So poor himself, he helps the poor with alms Which his own pleading gleaned from others wealth. Who ever gave so much at such a cost E'en if his own, yet were his alms still great. But here the marvel that his poverty On other poor such bounteous gifts bestowed .





Blanda quies furtim vel quando obrepit ocellis, Circumstant Tregeo mollia strata Cruces . Haud curas religat Morpheus, licet alliget artus; Respondent curis somnia justa suis. Displicuit Sindon, tibi Crux Francisce placebat , Ergo cruces inter mollius ossa cubant . Assisio Christus dat vulnera quina ; Britanno Francisco dat plus : hunc cruce donat amans . Quam bene utrique suum Christus divisit amorem ; Quinque tenet plagas ille, sed iste Crucem. THE CROSSES FOUND UPON THE PILLOW



E'en when sweet sleep had softly closed his eyes His couch is found adorned with cross on cross. For slumber dulls our senses , not our griefs, And dreams of night repeat the cares of day. Fine linen not thy choice, but still the Cross, So crosses softly soothe thy weary head . To Francis of Assisi Christ gave wounds; To him of England, more ; in love , the Cross. To each bequeathing tokens of His grace ; Five wounds to one, the other has His Cross.

7. AD LUSITANIAM EMORITUR TREGEON. Horruit hæreseos semper gens Lusa venenum;

Nunquam Lusiacis hæc nota nota plagis. Hæc igitur regio tibi dat Francisce sepulchrum, Perfida ne fidum contegat urna virum. Convenit ergo tibi tumulus , licet Anglia nolit; Namque decent Lusam Lusa sepulchra fidem.



Now Portugal the bane of heresy Has ever hated, ne'er given it a home. Right fitly then this land provides they tomb, Lest faithless dust should touch thy faithful heart. Let England still refuse a resting-place, This country's Faith of exile makes a home.



Cur inter Francisce senes tumularis Jesu Anne senem alliciunt te gravitate senes ! Te juvenem juvenes potiori jure reposcunt ; Nam juvenum exemplum nobile vita tua est. At voluere senes te condere in æde professa; Divina quando in lege professus eras.



Why liest thou amid the aged dead ? Does dignity of age now draw thee old ? Twere better youths should claim thee still as young, Thy life a pattern stands to youth for aye. But mid the old Religious rest thee now; As they their vows , so thou God's laws didst love.




Francisci exanimum tumulant sacra pulpita corpus ; Ad populum poterat vel sine voce loqui. Pro rostris hortatur adhuc elingue cadaver; Prodigium est ! Clamat vita, loquella tacet. Exemplo docuit Tregeon, dum vita manebat ; Exemplo in tacita nos quoque morte docet. Sub rostris jacet, et celsus per rostra vagatur; Vel mutus vita suadet, ut astra petas. FRANCIS REPOSES BENEATH THE PULPIT .

Beneath the Preacher's Chair they set his tomb . His voice , though silent, yet by all is heard. Still speaks the speechless body from the Chair. His lips are dumb ; his life aye cries aloud. While life abode, he ever taught by deed ; example teaches still. In voiceless death He lies beneath , yet soars above the Chair; In silent death he bids us seek the stars .





Non sacra Francisci tetigere cadavera vermes; Non est conveniens vermibus iste cibus.

Non, Francisce, nocet vacuo tibi crimine vermis ; Te venerante Deum, te veneratur humus . Dum tua membra vident vermes, reverenter adorant ; Portento hoc pasti sat pepulere famem. THE BODY OF FRANCIS IS UNTOUCHED BY WORMS . The worms ne'er dared to touch his sacred flesh. Unseemly they should find their nurture here, They would not dare draw nigh thine innocence .

The earth reveres thee , e'en as thou didst God . They see thee there, and lowly homage pay, And as they gaze, all hunger is forgot.


Ad illud , Joan. cap. 6: Fugit in montem ipse solus. Par Christo eximios Tregeon contemnit honores; Hic Comitis ; Regis sed fugit ille decus . Hactenus e titulis solum Deus ipse refugit ; Sed posthac solum non fugitivus erit . Ne primum effugeret Tregeon, Deus efficit, aulam ; Ne solum effugeret Christus at ille facit . Inque via, inque fuga sequitur Franciscus Jesum; Vix comes esse fugit bis comes ecce manet. FRANCIS FIRMLY REFUSES ELIZABETH'S OFFER OF A VISCOUNTCY . He fled into the mountain, himself alone , John, vi .



The highest honours Christ-like Tregian flees; A peerage he, as Christ declined a crown. In fleeing honours Christ thus far alone Henceforth a comrade welcomes in His flight. And Francis leaves Him first, but not alone . Thus twice the count of Christ, not once the Queen's .

12. EPITAPHIUM SUBSCRIBENDUM TUMULO D.D. FRANCISCI TREGEONIS . Sub saxo stat , non jacet. Non jacet hic Tregeon, sed stat sub marmore ; nulli Par vita, nulli par quoque morte fuit. Credite prodigium fidei est ! post funera cuncti Cum jaceant , potuit non nisi stare fides. Sunt etiam hæc casti miracula digna pudoris ; Si cupis ulterius noscere quis vir hic est : Anglia dat patriam, hospitium Castella, sepulchrum Lysia, templa Rochus, sydera Relligio .



Incorruptus humum colit; immortalis Olympum ; Pulsus in exilium ducitur ad patriam. Non patria est , charum quæ tam male vexat alumnum ; Sed patria est , tanto quæ dedit astra viro. LAUS DEO . AN EPITAPH TO BE INSCRIBED ON MASTER FRANCIS TREGIAN'S TOMB.

He does not lie, he stands beneath this stone . Here 'neath the marble Tregian stands , not lies; In life supreme , in death without a peer . Believe a miracle of Faith: in death All lie ; his Faith so strong, he could but stand. Great marvel this, but worthy of belief. If further of his story you would learn: Of English birth, he fled to Spain, he rests With Roch , in Portugal ; Faith gave him Heaven . In bliss his soul ; his body here bides whole. To exile driven he finds his soul's true home . No mother-land that treats her son so ill : His country this, that sent him home to God . NOTE I. THE TOMB OF FRANCIS TREGIAN . (See frontispiece.) Tregian's Tomb, we are informed, still stands where was erected in 1626, under the pulpit in the old Jesuit Church of St Roch the same pulpit, says tradition, from which St Francis Xavier preached in 1540 or 1541. The pulpit is built into the wall on the Gospel side, midway between the porch and the high altar, at a considerable height above the ground. The slab, 7 . by 3 ft ., is of polished marble of a ft light flesh colour. It is ornamented by a shield bearing a plain cross, and by four oblong panels of a darker marble, all raised above the surface . Round the edge are eight bosses of black Portuguese marble, which material is also used for the letters of the inscription, inlaid on a white ground. The inscription runs as follows: AQVI ESTA EM PE O CORPO DE DOM FRANCISCO TREGIAN FIDALGO IN GRES MVI ILLVSTRE : Ŏ QVAL DEPOIS DE COFISCADOS SEVS ESTADOS E GRANDES TRABALHOS PADECIDOS EM 28 ANNOS DE PRISAM POLLA DEFESA DA FE CATOLICA EM INGA NA PERSEGVCAM DA RAINHA ISABEL NO ANNO DE 1608 A 25 DEZBRO MORREO NESTA CIDADE DE LISBOA COM GRANDE FAMA DE SANTIDADE AVENDO 17 ANNOS O ESTAVA







Translation: Here standeth the body of Master Francis Tregian, an illustrious English gentleman, who after the confiscation of his estates and after great sufferings endured in 28 years of imprisonment for the defence of the Catholic Faith in England during the persecution under Queen Elizabeth, died in this City of Lisbon on the 25th of December , 1608, with great fame of sanctity , and was buried in this church of St Roch belonging to the Society of Jesus. Seventeen years after , on the 25th of April, 1625, his body was found entire and incorrupt , and was here deposited by the English Catholics residing in this city on the 25th of April, 1626.]




We are indebted to the Rev. Father Francisco Rodriguez , S.J., of Lisbon, through the Rev. Father C. A. Newdigate , S.J. , for the following information . (1) The original " Prefect's Book quoted by Father Ignatius Stafford in his letter of April, 1625, * is"still preserved in the archives of the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa, and in 1916 was published by Victor Ribeiro under the title of Obituarios da Igreja e Casa Professa de San Roque da Companhia de Jesus for the Lisbon Academyof Sciences. Therein, at page 55, will be found the passage quoted by Father Stafford; with the information added by another hand that " in 1624, on the vault being opened for another burial, Tregian's corpse was found incorrupt , and was reinterred upright under the pulpit; and that the other body was not laid in the vault out of reverence for the servant of God ; and that in future none was to be buried there without express order of the superior. " (2) In the Synopsis Annalium Societatis Jesu in Lusitania of Father Antonio Franco, S.J. (Augsburg , 1726) , there is an elogium of some length of Francis Tregian . The writer sums up by saying: His life was exemplary and his death that of a saint." He then goes on to give the reason of Tregian's burial in the Jesuit church: On his death-bed he implored the Fathers of the Professed House, who had been his spiritual directors, that he might be buried in their church. Many years after his tomb was opened and his body found entire, fresh and incorrupt . The whole proceeding was committed to authentic records . The venerable body was deposited in the wall of the church, with an inscription to show how great a man is there interred."



* See Father J. Morris's Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers , series i ,

p. 61 .


Although at the time when the history of modern Catholic missions opens, about 1700, the total population of Westmorland was probably not more than 35,000, it contained many houses where the Faith was maintained during the penal times. Some houses had chapels, a few kept resident chaplains, and all were occasionally visited by " riding priests who travelled about in disguise . The chief Catholic house in Westmorland is Sizergh , three miles south of Kendal, which the Stricklands originally of Great Strickland, in the parish of Morland, near Appleby acquired by the marriage of William de Strickland with the only daughter and heiress of Ralf d'Eincourt , about the year 1239. The arms of Sir Walter Strickland * are on the threestoried tower, which is the oldest portion of the magnificent pile, and was probably erected by him, who in 1336 obtained leave to enclose his wood and demesne lands at Sizergh , and to make a park there. The Stricklands still hold Sizergh , and still hold the Faith, and during those six centuries of residence have been conspicuous in many important events in English history . One carried the banner of St. George at Agincourt; two centuries later Sir Robert Strickland , M.P., commanded a troop of horse at Edgehill, and at the same place his son, afterwards Sir Thomas , commanded a regiment of foot and was made banneret by Charles I. He followed the fortunes of Charles and James and the family were for long years resident amongst the Jacobites in France , where many of them were buried. In the early 18th century the family again settled at Sizergh. Thomas Peter Strickland married as his first wife a daughter of Simon Scrope of Danby, Yorks. Thomas , their second son , died at St. Omer in his 18th year, whilst William, who joined the Jesuit Order, founded the Mission of Alnwick , Northumberland, as it exists to - day, and died in London at the age of 88 on 23 April 1819. He became heir to the estates in 1761 on the death of his brother Walter, but renounced them in favour of his younger brother Charles , who married the heiress of William Townley, of Townley, Lancs. By her second marriage to Jarrard Edward Strickland, of Willitoft, Yorks., is descended the present head of the family, Sir Gerald Strickland, G.C.M.G. , who has served as Governor of The Leeward Islands, Tasmania , Western Australia , New South Wales , and now of Malta and , was created 1st Baron Strickland of Sizergh 1928. The family chapel stands over the laundries on the south side of the entrance court . The altar frontal is of Italian leather-work executed 1431-38 , during the






three escallops within a bordure engrailed argent. * Sable See Bro. Henry Foley's Records of the English Province S.J., vii, 745.



Pontificate of Eugenius IV, who in 1431-32 granted to Sir Thomas de Strickland, the hero of Agincourt, and his wife Mabel a licence , still preserved here , for the establishmentof a chapel and portable altar. * was during the time of Charles Strickland, fifth son of Thomas Peter Strickland, who married Cecilia Townley in 1762 , that we trace the first chaplain, Rev. Thomas Johnson vere Middlehurst , who is described under Kendal. We next find that the Rev. James Weldon, S.J. , a native of Northumberland (born 14 June 1716; entered the Society in 1739 ), was at Sizergh 1771-73 . He had been a missionerin the Worcester district 1746, and in Hants . 1763. He died in the London district 10 Dec. 1802 . Then came the Rev. Thomas Daniel, S.J., always known under his alias Thomas West, the historian of Furness and the Lake district. He was much beloved and respected by the Strickland family, and probably at times acted as chaplain. He died at Sizergh whilst on a visit 10 July 1779, and was buried in Kendal parish church just outside the door of the Sizergh chapel , " 1779, July 12. Rev. Thomas West from Sizergh aged 62. His gravestone bears no inscription . After this the Rev. John Billington served at Sizergh 1790-92 . He was son of James and Jane Billington , of Durton in Broughton, Lancs., and went with his brother Thomas to Sedgeley Park School , thence to the English College, Lisbon, where he was admitted 5 Nov. 1777, and left for the Mission 11 Feb. 1784. He was afterwardschaplain to the Stapletons at Carlton Hall, Yorks. , 1823-27, after which we cannot find him mentioned. For some time after this we can trace no chaplain probably there was none . About 1805 Rev. John Lawrence Eccles , O.F.M., came from Yorkshire as chaplain. Mrs. Strickland died at Brough, Yorks., 22 June 1807, but Father Eccles lived on at Sizergh until his death there, a Jubilarian of his Order, and was buried in Kendal 19 March, 1810, Rev. John Eccles of Sizergh Hall, papist, aged 8o . He was a Lancashire man; had been Preses of Mount Grace, Osmotherley, Yorks., 1764-70, during part of which time he was living at Nether Silton, 3 miles south of Osmotherley, and was again elected in 1778. He came from Crathorne as chaplain to the Scropes at Danby, Yorks.; remained about two years , returning to Crathorne in 1804, and thence to Sizergh . Mrs. Humphrey Ward's well-known novel, Helbeck of Bannisdale , is founded on the trials and misfortunes of the Stricklands of Sizergh , and the description of Bannisdale is taken partly from Sizergh , and partly from Levens Hall, about a mile distant . Selside Hall, about four miles north of Kendal held by the Thornburgh family since the time of Edward had a private chapel in the house, which by usage appears to have become, or been looked upon as, the Established Church. This being inconvenient to the owners , who were all along Roman Catholics , the late William Thornburgh, Esq ., § gave to the inhabitants a parcel of ground at about








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Transactions Cumberland and WestmorlandAntiquarian and Archeological Society, vol. x. Kendal Parish Register . C.R.S. , iv, 252 (Fr. John Laurenson, S.J. , Notes). § The chief trustee of Robert Stephenson's Charities ; a warrant was out for his arrest in May 1692 as one of those who refused to appear at " the Round Table," Kendal, to take the oath; a non-juror in 1715. His son Francis



200 yards distant for a chapel and chapelyard in a beautiful situation , and a new chapel was accordingly erected and consecrated and made parochial. The hall is now a farm-house, but there is a substantial portion of the ancient structure left . Skelsmergh Hall, also a farm- house, about two miles northof Kendal, belonged to the Leyburns for centuries , until its forfeiture with the rest of the estates after 1715, John Leyburn, the last of the family, having joined the Rebellion of that year. Cunswick, three miles west of Kendal, was their principal seat . From this family came Roger Leyburne, Bishop of Carlisle 1503-7; George Leyburne, D.D. , President of Douay, who founded the " riding mission " which included Cunswick, Witherslack, and Skelsmergh ; and Bishop John Leyburn, who confirmed 65 persons belonging to Dodding Green and Sizergh in 1687, the first Visitation by a Catholic bishopfor about a century. Burneside Hall, not far from Dodding Green, now partly in ruins, was the seat of the old Catholic family of Braithwaite, who purchased it from the Bellinghams and held it until about 1752. The Dalstons of Acorn Bank at Temple Sowerby, in the north of the county, were resident there since the 15th century, and were Catholic down to 1750; they married into the Leyburns and other old Catholic families in this and adjoining counties . The Ducketts of Grayrigg died out about 1700. It is , however, at Dodding Green where we trace the genesis of the existing Catholic Mission of Kendal, and we does not appear that must consequentlygive its description first. any Register was kept there.




About a mile and a half north of Kendal, a little to the east of where the main road to Penrith begins the stiff climb over Shap Fells, lies the hamlet of Dodding Green, situated in the moderntownship of Skelsmergh . The old mansion house, now the Catholic mission, dates from before 1682, as that date is on one of the rain spouts at the back of the house; the floors , doors , and a fine staircase are of oak, and within may be seen one of those priests' hiding-places common in the betterclass houses of this period. The house stands by itself in the open country, approached by a drive, and close to the river Mint . Among the pictures on the walls is a painting of Richard Braithwaite , author of Barnaby's Journal " in Latin and English rhyme, and many other sketches , who lived on the adjoining estate of Burneside. § The little


joined the Rebellion in 1715, and after the defeat at Preston settled at Grove House, Leyburn , Yorks. , he having married a daughter of Thos. Suddell, Wanless Park , Wensleydale. History of Westmorlandand Cumberland , by Nicolson and Burn , 1777. Formerly Burneshead. Transactions Cumb . and West . Ant. and Arch. Soc., vol . 22, new series. § The second son of Thos. Braithwaite, Recorder of Kendal . Born about 1588 at Burneside. Educated at Oxford . Went to live at Burneside after his father's death in 1610. Published his first poems ( The Golden Fleece ) in 1611. His best known work, Barnabee's Journal, was published 1638, reprinted in 18th century as Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys." Was J.P. for Westmorland in 1633. Married first in 1617 a daughter of the old Catholic house , Lawson of Nesham, Co. Durham , and second in 1639 Mary, the sister of Mrs. Walter Strickland , and daughter of Roger Croft of East Appleton , near Catterick , Yorks ., and lived here the rest of his life on









chapel in the house, dedicated to SS . Robert and Alice, has sittings

for about 50, but is rarely filled, as the inhabitants are few. Here lived about the end of the 17th century a charitable Catholic gentleman

called Robert Stephenson , a considerable land and property owner, who founded the mission of Dodding Green, and several charities in this neighbourhood and in the adjacent town of Kendal. He would be living here in 1687 when Dr. John Leybourne, Vicar Apostolic of England, confirmed 65 people belonging to Dodding Green and Sizergh . This is the first mention of Dodding Green in Catholic history. In 1678-9 , during a search for arms , all that Robert Stephenson had was one old sword. " In May 1692 there was a warrant out for his arrest, and the seizure of any of his horses worth more than £5 . In March 1695-6 his name was in the list of Papists and suspected Papists. He was a non-juror in 1715, and was buried in Kendal churchyard 23 April 1723 . There were many deeds executed in connection with his Charity, as the gift, being by a Catholic, and for Catholic purposes , was liable to seizure , so the property was devised to various Trustees , several of whom were Protestants, such for safety being the practice of the times. The chief trustee in all cases was his friend and neighbour William Thornburgh, of Selside Hall, who was also executor of his will. The oldest deed is dated 13 Nov. 1706 whereby " for the temporal and spiritual relief of poor Catholics.... for the ornementation of disfurnished altars and the beauty of the divine service .... and whereas in my neighbourhood and other places in the Co. Westmoreland and parts adjacent, several poor Catholic families want helps and corporal subsistence , want means to improve "' spiritual and advance their children in learning and commendable employs, support for their old age, or sickness , want decent rooms or church the said Robert Stephenson for the service of God " ornaments freely give and bequeath the sum of One Thousand Pounds , the yearly rent of which shall be received for ever by the Secular Skelmerge , and Witherslack on " clergy priest who helps Cunswick, the pension founded by Dr. George Leyburne, deceased. He mentions as trustees , James, Bishop of Callipolis (James Smith), Edward Barlow, V.G., of Lancaster, Thomas Roydon, pastor incumbent of Cunswick, Skelmergh, and Witherslack, and their successors; Revs . George Crook and Edward Gilpin, and within four months they were to elect a sixth trustee. The indenture for the conveyance of Dodding Green in Trust is dated 14 May 1714 there are several indentures of the same datewhereby Robert Stephenson of Dodding Green, Co. Westmoreland, on the one part, John Leyburne of Naitby, Co. Lancs . , Esq., Robert Hubbersty of Fallen Ewe in Underbarrow, Zachery Hubbersty of Coppockhow in Skelmergh , and Nicholas Thornburgh of Whelpside,





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his wife's estate. Died 4 May 1673, and was buried in Catterick church, where there is a Latin monumental inscription to his memory, ending with Requiescat was a popish recusant at whose house in pace. Sir Thomas Braithwaite " Barneyside " mass was " familiarly heard " in 1666, where " great companies assembled . (Sir D. Fleming's correspondence , and Transactions Cumb . and West . Ant. and Arch . Soc., vol. 22, new series. ) Robert Hubbersty , who was a Protestant , died 12 April 1739. There is a *beautiful memorial by Flaxman on the wall of Kendal church to a Robert Hubbersty, probably a son of above. Robert Gibson, who is mentioned as a trustee in several deeds, probably the Kendal Alderman of that name, was also a Protestant .



all in Co. Westmoreland, gents . , on the other part; In consideration of the sum of 10s . paid to the said Robert Stephenson , he conveys " All that capital messuage or mansion house called Dodding Green, all houses, edifices , barns , stables , etc., belonging thereto .... " and all demesne lands now or late in the occupation of Robert Stephenson ,

""' to have and to hold for themselves and their heirs for ever....

Stephenson was to enjoy the same and receive rents and profits during his lifetime ; Divine service was to be celebrated in the house " when On the same day and time will allow without hazard or discovery. to the same people he conveyed the Beck Tenement. The whole was Stephenson's will then comprisedan estate of about 250 acres. that Thomas Roydon shall enjoy all the above -mentioned premises during his natural life , he continues in these parts, and after his " decease or voluntary cession, any person of the family of John Leyburne of Naitby, or of William Thornburgh of Selside shall be preThe incumbent was always to be of the ferred qualified secular clergy shall reside at Dodding Green as housekeeper or boarder with the tenant, or shall appoint an assistant. He names as trustees the Bishop of these Northern parts being a member of the secular clergy before he was a bishop, and for want of such a bishopthe superior of the secular clergy, and the said Thomas Roydon and Edward Gilpin . These are generally referred to as spiritual trustees , and others as



" " "










temporal trustees. Part of the charity was to be spent in " alms to all sorts of poor persons at the door of the dwelling house, or some convenient place in the neighbourhood. A distribution of meal was given by way of dole at Dodding Green down to 1801 , when a money payment of £6 per an. to poor housekeepers was substituted. By Stephenson's " Declaration of Uses dated the Feast of All Saints , 1721 , the Trust was to be concocted under strict secrecy and not to be discovered was that directly or indirectly to any person whatsoever." Thus in the Charity Commissioners Report on this charity, dated 1822, they more than once say we have not been able to obtain any inspection " of Trust deed." Considerable areas were added to the Charity lands due to enclosures in the early part of the 19th century and land bought by sale of timber , so that in 1862 the charity owned about 393 acres, as well as valuable house property in Kendal. The poor of the adjoining townships of Grayrigg, Whinfell, Whitwell, as wellas those of Selside and Kendal, still benefit by the Stephenson Charities. The Charityis still managed accordingto the wishes of the founder ; by three official trustees , all of the secular clergy; one elective trustee, being a Catholic layman of position in the diocese; and one hereditary trustee, the head of the house of Riddell -Blount (formerly Riddell) of Cheeseburn Grange , near Newcastle -on-Tyne, being heir-at-law of William Thornburgh, who died in Jan. 1744. This is merely for the purpose of carrying on the continuity of the legal estate , and he has nothing to do with the management of the trust. The present hereditary trustee, Major E. F. Riddell- Blount , J.P. , has kindly assisted me in my enquiries into this Charity. Quite recently the legal estate in the Charity has been vested in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands. *







from Secretary of Charity Commissionto thewriter 17 Nov. 1927. * Letter D



For more than a century Dodding Green has been looked upon as the last home of aged priests. (See Charity Commissioners ' Reports Jan. 1822 and after. " In the matter of Stephenson's Charities, Westmorland. Statement for the Charity Commissioners , " by J. V. Harting, Lincoln's Inn , London. 1862.) The following priests served this mission : Rev. Thomas Roydon (No. 1) alias Cornforth, possibly a memberof the ancient family of Rawdon, of Rawdon near Guiseley , Yorks. Hetook the college oath at Douay 15 Aug. , 1681 , taught there for some years after ordination, and left for the mission 9 Oct. 1692. Kirk, who calls him Reydon, " says that in 1708 he went with Bishop Smith's consent to Notre Dame des Victoires, in Paris , to spend one year there to make him more fit for the mission . " He was V.G. to Dr. Witham, Vicar Apostolic of The Northern District (1715-25 ), and was with him during his Visitation in Lancashire in 1720. Mr. Roydon's notes and letters give us an insight into the hard and troubled life led by himself and the priests of those times, and the long and arduous journeys they undertook, always haunted by the fear of detection. * According to a statement by the informer Thomas Fletcher, a tenement called Lewhouse , now Low House , on the river Eden , two miles north of Armathwaite , Cumberland, was from 1712 to 1716 " inhabited by He seldom appears Thomas Roydon, a priest, at a £25 rental ." attached to any particular mission ; his cousin , Rev. Thomas Cornthwaite , was chaplain with the Scropes at Danby, Yorks. , for many years , and he pays him frequent visits. He appears to have been chaplain, or at any rate staying, at Leighton Hall, near Lancaster, then occupied by the Hodgsons , about 1716; he was "' riding priest " to the Thornburghs of Selside, the Leyburns and other families, on the pension founded by Dr. George Leyburn, and by Trust deed of 14 May 1714, Robert Stephenson appointed him first priest of Dodding Green, and a trustee of the Charity which he founded. He may possibly have lived there for a short time with Robert Stephenson , but on the death of the latter in 1723 he made Dodding Green his home . Here he died 30 Oct. 1741 , probably about 74 years of age, and was buried in Kendal churchyard, " 1741 , Nov. 1. Mr Roydon of Dodding Green, Papist priest. " Rev. Thomas Roydon (No. 2) succeeded his uncle. Born in Yorkshire 1 Feb. 1705 , he entered Douay in Aug. 1720, and took the college oath 28 May 1725. (Rev. Thos . Roydon No. 1 ] was an executor of the will of Rev. Thos . Faceby, who left £100 secured on lands at Aldborough, Yorks., for the education of this younger Thomas .) After his ordination on 11 June 1730 he taught at Douay for 14 years ; was 2nd professor of divinity at the college in 1739 , when Dr. William Thornburgh was President; he took his S.T.P. before June 1740, and left for the English Mission 14 July 1744. Dr. Kirk says that Lancasterwas the seat of his labours when he came on the mission, § but he could only have been there a short time . He appears to have been in residence at Dodding Green as early as December 1745. On 11th April 1763 he was chosen Archdeacon of Chapter; died at Dodding







Dr. John Kirk's Biographiesof English Catholics , 1700-1800 (ed . Pollen and Burton, 1909) , p . 196; C.R.S. , xx, 37; xxviii , 9. J. O. Payne's Records of English Catholics of 1715, p. 128. Kendal Parish Register . Kirk's Biographies of English Catholics , p. 197 ; C.R.S. xxviii , 225.




Green 16 Oct. 1764, and was buried in Kendal churchyard, 1764 October 17, Mr Thomas Roydon of Dodding Green, Papist. Rev. Robert Johnson succeeded. He was the son of Ferdinando Johnson of Middleton-in-Teesdale, Yorks., by Frances, 4th daughter of William Thornburgh of Selside, Westmorland, and niece of Dr. Wm. Thornburgh, President of Douay (1739-50). Agnes , her younger sister, was a nun at Antwerp and died there. He entered Douay May 1736, and after his ordination there in 1753 was put in charge of the preparatory school at Esquerchin, near that town . He came on the English mission between 1765 and 1768, served many years in Lancashire , " and was for a time in Manchester . He came to Dodding Green some time after the death of Rev. Thos . Roydon ( No. 2) ; died there 2nd, and was buried in Kendal churchyard 6 June 1799, Rev. Robert Johnson of Dodding Green, aged 75. Whilst at Douay he " was deemed a rigid disciplinarian, " and he left a guinea to every one, a priest, who had felt the weight





of his rod. By the sale of timber he cut down, he bought adjoining land in 1775, and considerably added to the Dodding Green estate. Rev. John Lonsdale , cousin of above , son of Richard Lonsdale by a daughter of William Thornburgh of Selside, succeeded. He commenced his course at Douay 23 Aug. 1750, when about 14 years of age. He was still at the college in Sep. 1763 , but left soon after. He was living in York, Dec. 1770, when Dr. Walton, Vicar Apostolic, came to live with him . He commenced the Register of Little Blake Street, York, on 13 Jan. 1771 , and signs it until August 1775 , after which he had charge of the Mission of Linton- upon-Ouse , near York, 1776-95 (C.R.S. , xvii ) . He no doubt retired to Dodding Green soon after the death of his cousin , the Rev. Robert Johnson , and died here after a long illness 8 Oct. , and was buried in Kendal churchyard, 12 Oct. 1802 , aged 66.§

It will be seen that the last two priests being related to the family of William Thornburgh of Selside fulfilled the wish expressed in the charitable foundation of Robt . Stephenson .

Rev. Robert Banister was the 2nd son of Robert Banister of Hesketh Bank, Lancs., and Mary Bell ; born 21 Oct. 1725; educated first at Dame Alice's school at Fernyhalgh, Lancs ., and afterwards at Douay where he arrived 15 Oct. 1741.|| Ordained 19 Dec. 1750, he afterwards spent 17 years in the college as professor . He left Douay for the mission 15 Aug. 1769 and after a short stay as chaplain at Wrightington Hall, near Wigan, he removed to Ladywell, Fernyhalgh. In Oct. 1773 he was invited to Douay to teach divinity, and went, but returned next year. Was then first at Thurnham Hall, and in 1775 at Mowbrick Hall, near Kirkham , Lancs ., the seat of the Westby family, where he remained 29 years. After the death of Rev. John Lonsdale in 1802, he went to Dodding Green, where he spent the last 10 years of his life, dying 17 May, and on 21 May 1812 Rev. Robert Banister of Dodding Green, papist, aged 86 was buried in Kendal churchyard. His grave, on the east side, ,



Parish Register . * Kendal Kirk's Biographies of English Catholics

, p. 141.

Rev. Robert Johnson's will, and Stephenson's Charity papers. § Kendal Parish Register. See C.R.S., xxviii 231. , Kendal Parish Register .



was covered by a flat blue stone and had no inscription , but in 1895 Rev. Henry Brettargh of Dodding Green was arranging to have this done. Dr. William Gibson , V.A., gave Confirmation at Dodding Green during Mr. Banister's term of office , 22 Nov. 1803 . Then followed a long vacancy of 23 years owing to a dispute as to the right of presentation, when the Mission was attended by Rev. Thomas Wilkinson of Kendal. In 1834 Rev. Henry Banister alias Rutter, nephew of Rev. Robert Banister above mentioned, succeeded to the living. He was a son of Adam Banister of HeskethBank, Lancs. , by Agnes , daughter of Richard Butler of Maudesley ; born 24 Feb. 1755; arrived at Douay 26 Sept. 1768 , and in April 1781 went to St. Omer as professor . When he came on the English mission he probably went direct as tutor and chaplain to the Silvertops of Minsteracres, Co. Durham, succeeding Dr. William Gibson , who went to Douay as President in 1781. He signs the Registers at Minsteracres (one of which is at Somerset House) always under the name of Henry Rutter, from August 1785 to 31 March 1822. He was at Yealand, Lancs., from then until Jan. 1834, when he entered on the mission of Dodding Green , vacant since the death of his uncle in 1812. Here he spent the rest of his life, dying suddenly whilst going to meet his nephew Alexander Goss , afterwards Bishop of Liverpool, 17 Sep. 1838. The Parish Register of Kendal records the burial , on 21 Sep. 1838, of Henry Rutter , Popish priest, Dodding Green, Skelmergh , aged 83. He was the author of a considerable number of books , and his portrait in oils hangs in Dodding Green. Rev. Charles Brigham succeeded. Born 6 March 1802, the son of William Brigham of the ancient family of that name of Brigham Hall and Aberford, Yorks., by Sarah , daughter of John Cresswell . He entered Stonyhurst 12 Oct. 1814, and after completing his classical course travelled for further study in Italy, France , and Switzerland. His first mission was Congleton in Cheshire 1831-33 ; he afterwards served Bolton , St. Patrick's , Leeds , Blackbrook, and Sheffield , and during part of 1838 was chaplain at Callaly Castle , Northumberland . Whilst at Kings Lynn in 1840 Mr. Edward Riddell of Cheeseburn Grange presented him to the living of Dodding Green, where he was living in Dec. 1840. Notwithstanding a long dispute as to the right of presentation and some scandal , which involved an appeal to the law courts, Fr. Brigham remained until 1858. He erected a tasteful addition to the rectory here bearing his initials and the date 1840, and improved and ornamented the little chapel . He retired to the monastery of St. Bernard, Leicestershire , and probably died at Arundel



about 1884.8

His successor was Rev. Robert, afterward Dean Hogarth, a native of this district, of yeoman stock, son of William Hogarth, and elder brother of the first Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle . Admitted to Crook Hall seminary, Co. Durham, at the age of 12 , on 29 Aug. 1796, Since the above was written, the Vicar of Kendal , Ven . H. P. M. Lafone, Archdeacon of Westmorland , who has most courteously given me information on several points connected with the Parish Church, says that the stone now bears the following inscription : Rev. Robert Bannister , Priest, died at Dodding Green May 17 , 1812. Aged 86 years. Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary ; C.R.S. , xv, 223-5. C.R.S., xx, 40 ; and Minsteracres Catholic Register. § Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary , and Stephenson's Charity Trust papers.






he went to Ushaw when the seminary found a new home there. His first mission after ordination at Ushaw appears to have been Carlton Hall now Carlton Towers Yorks. , the seat of the Stapletons, where he was chaplain 1810-23 , and on 19 March in the latter year he succeeded Rev. Thomas Hodgson at Marton-in-Holderness , near Burton Constable , Yorks., an old chaplaincy of the Beckford family. Here he remained until 1858 , when he returned to his native district as priest at Dodding Green. The family name is frequently found in the Parish Register of Kendal so far back as 1574, and many of the name are business people in Kendal to- day. It is in most cases spelled with two g's, as it is in


this Catholic Register. Cumberland and Westmorland were much overrun and settled by the Danes and Norsemen , and Hoggarth (or Howgarth, as it is sometimes spelled) is evidently a Norwegian name- How, a frequent name " in Cumberland and here, means a hill, or mound, and garth , an enclosed place , and the place where we find the first record of the family name in this Register is " Garth-how," now called on the maps " Garth Row." One curious thing is that the baptism of a Hogarth on 7 July 1808 is the first record of the name in this register, as neither the names of Robert Hogarth, nor his brother William the bishop, appear therein, though many births and baptisms all round thedistrict are registered long before their births. Fr. Robert Hogarth died at Dodding Green 7 Feb. 1868 , and was the first priest buried in the little cemetery in front of the house. Rev. Ralph Platt, D.D. and Provost, succeeded the same year. Born 21 March 1812, the son of John Platt of Orford, near Warrington , and Alice, daughter of John Rigby of Fylde Plumpton, Lancs ., he was admitted to Ushaw 31 Aug. 1824; ordained 1837, and became Prefect of studies . In April 1843 he was appointed assistant to old Fr. Thomas Wilkinson, the priest of Kendal, and remained until August 1847, when he was appointed to Stella, near Blaydon-on-Tyne. In 1856 he was elected V.G. and Provost, and in 1857 took charge of St. Cuthbert's in the city of Durham. Here he spent ten years , and resigned in 1868, having taken his Doctor's cap the same year. He retired to Dodding Green, where he died at the age of 62 on 4 Feb. 1874, and was buried in the garden in front of his house . He was an excellent classical scholar and wrote many articles relating to Catholicism in the North, some of which were printed in the early numbers of the " Northern Catholic Calendar ."* After the death of Provost Platt the chapel was again closed for some years , but re-opened 22 May 1879. The Very Rev. Luke Canon Curry succeeded as Rector. Born about the year of Waterloo, he was ordained at Ushaw 24 Sept. 1842; after a short term at Bishop Auckland and Hutton House, Co. Durham, he was sent to Carlisle , where for a short time he was curate to the aged Fr. Joseph Marshall, and was then elected Rector of SS. Mary and Joseph , Carlisle , where he spent 34 years . Failure of sight caused him to accept the living of Dodding Green, vacant by the death of Provost Platt, and here he lived 11 years , dying rather suddenly 13 Nov. 1890 in his 75th year, and was buried by the side of his predecessors Dean Hogarth and Provost Platt.




Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary ; Northern Catholic Cals .; MSS . a Stella, etc. Northern Catholic Cal, and local press .



He was succeeded by the Rev. Henry Brettargh, youngest son

of Henry Brettargh of Manchester , by his 2nd wife Mary Sidgreaves of Inglewhite Lodge , Garstang ; born 16 Nov. 1824. He went to Ushaw at the age of 14, and whilst subdeacon was sent to teach at St. Edmund's College, Liverpool ; after 4 years returned to Ushaw ; ordained 5 Feb. 1851. His first mission was Burnley, under Canon James Boardman; he served the districtof Colne, where he said Mass in a hayloft and had frequently to be escorted by a policeman, owing to the troubles of the time. After about a year at Burnley he went to Canada as chaplain to his brother- in- law Thos . Grimshaw, but soon sought for missionary work. He was given charge of Trenton, Ontario, where he remained 30 years , and built the fine church and presbytery there. It was a strenuous life; a sick call might mean a sleigh -journey of 18 miles with the thermometer below zero. He left Canada in 1882, and the following year took charge of Haydon Bridge, Northumberland, which then included Haltwhistle . Eight years later, on the death of Canon Curry, he removed to Dodding Green, where he spent 25 years , dying 5 Nov. 1916 in his 92nd year, the patriarch of the diocese, and was buried alongside his four predecessors, close to the house ; only the previous day he had said Mass for his people . He was of a cultured mind; delighted in company; was fond of communication, and had a fund of humour. Had a natural gift for all sorts of handicraft , and the church and rectory of Dodding Green were beautified by his work . His letters were always signed H.B.P. , " " Henry Brettargh, priest.*

The Very Rev. Joseph Canon Dunn succeeded. He was the 12th child and 7th son of James and Mary Dunn of Queen's County, Ireland . Born 9 March 1850 he came with his parents to England when quite a child , and went to Sedgeley Park school . Entered Ushaw at the age of 13 and remained until he went to Rome to continue his studies ; returned to Ushaw broken in health, and taught in the junior house. Ordained 18 April 1875 , he went as assistant to Canon Franklin at North Shields , where he remained four years . In 1879 came to St. Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle -on -Tyne, as senior curate. On death of Canon Vanderstichele in 1885 he was appointed to St. Michael's, Newcastleon-Tyne, where he erected the existing beautiful church, opened in 1891. Some years later he opened new schools and a mission in Benwell. He was elected Canon in 1890. In failing health he went in 1910 to the country mission of Haydon Bridge , Northumberland, and on the death of Rev. Henry Brettargh , in 1916, came to Dodding Green, where he died suddenly 11 Feb. 1925, and was buried at Esh Laude, near Ushaw . A genial , kindly, cultured man. After his death the mission remained vacant, and was served from Kendal. In Nov. 1924 it was transferred to the new diocese of Lancaster . The Rev. Charles Fleming is now in residence. KENDAL.

Few towns have a more interesting history than Kendal Kirkby Kendal was the old name or have ,within close proximity more ancient historical seats. Its castle now a ruin is said to have been the was birthplace of Catherine Parr, the last wife of Henry VIII ; certainly for a long time her home . Its straggling mile-long street,



Catholic Cal., 1917, and other sources . * Northern Northern Catholic Cal. 1926 and personal recollections.








parallel to the river Kent, with its numerous alleys or " yards," as they are called , tells of the times when the townsmen were liable to frequent forays from raiders. It has been famous for its woollen industry since 1331 , when John Kempe , a woollen manufacturer from Flanders , received permission to carry on his trade in England and settled in Kendal, which was afterwards created a Staple town . Situate on the then main west road from the south to Carlisle, it has for centuries been the chief town in Westmorland. At the beginning of the 18th century it was an important trading town of probably 5,000 to 6,000 inhabitants , and, like most English towns of the period, contained but few Catholics . Yet in the town and neighbourhoodof Kendal, amongst those Catholics who were recorded under the Act of 1715 , to oblige Papists to Register their names and real estates, we find the following names :-Anne Strickland of Sizergh , widow of Walter Strickland * ; Dame Winefrid Strickland, widow of Sir Thomas Strickland ; Robert Stephenson of Dodding Green ; William Thornburgh of Selside Hall§ ; Oliver Platt of Skelmergh, yeoman; Margaret Barrow of Kendal ; Nathaniel Dixon of Kendal, butcher ; Edward Holmes of Faucett Forest, in Kendal, yeoman ; Thomas Pearson, yeoman , house called Myers in Docker in Kendal ; Jane Thornburgh of Skelsmergh , widow of Roland T.; Margaret Wilkinson of Bradley Field in Kirkby Kendal, widow, and her son, John Wilkinson ; Dorothy Morley, widow of William Morley, " Millhouse " at Patten in Kirkby Kendal. The parish church, with its nave and four aisles, is one of the finest in the country . It occupies the site of a Saxon church, and probably a Norman one succeeding , but the nave , chancel , and one aisle on each side of the same are the remains of the church founded by Ivo Tailbois, 1st Baron of Kendal, in the early 13th cent. The existing south aisle , called the " Flemish " aisle , was built in the 14th cent. in order, it is said , to accommodate the great influx of Flemings into the town, consequent on the new weaving trade. The large north aisle was built about 1580. The interesting family and other chapels , most of which were reroofed 1850-68 , are at the east end . The southmost of these is the Parr chapel built in 14th cent. , then the chapel of St. Catherine , V.M. (the Strickland Chapel), erected in 13th cent.: next come the chapels of Holy Trinity and St. Thomas Beckett, with the stately Lady Chapel (the Bellingham chapel ) built by Sir Roger Bellingham before 1553 in the NE. corner. By his will , made before setting out for France in 1430 , Sir Thomas





A daughter of Gerald Salvin of Croxdale, Co. Durham ; died there, and was buried in St. Oswald's, Durham , 24 Jan. 1733. Her husband was a groom of the bedchamber to James the Pretender in Paris, 1695, and was buried in the church of the English nuns in Rouen (Monumental Inscription). The second wife of Sir Thos. Strickland , daughter and heiress of Sir Charles Trentham of Rochester, Co. Stafford , under-governess to James the Pretender in Paris, 1688. Afterwards lived with the English nuns at Rouen; died there 1725-6, and was buried with her husband in their church (M.I.). The founder of the Mission of Dodding Green , and local charities ; died at Dodding Green , and was buried at Kendal 23 April 1723. § Father of Dr. William Thornburgh , President of Douay. Entered English College , Rome, under name of Curwen, April 1694, aged 24 ; ordained 1698 ; and was afterwards secular priest at Hexham and Sunderland ( C.R.S., xxvi, 205).



de Strickland , Kt. , the hero of Agincourt, ordered that A Prist shall synge for me and my ancestors at St. Kattin's auter in Kirkby Kendal for three years. In the chapel stands an ancient monument without



inscription , having quarterings of D'Eincourt and Strickland , with shield of Neville ; also an imposing altar tomb, with alabaster figure of a boy, erected in 1656 to the memory of Walter, son of Sir Thomas Strickland, Kt., by Jane, his first wife. Against the east wall are Monumental Inscriptions to various members of the family from 1737-95 , and just outsidethe entrance is the unmarked slab covering the grave of Rev. Thomas Daniel, S.J. , better known as Thomas West. On a pillar in the Bellingham Chapel is a long poetical M.I. to Dame Thomasin Thornburgh, widow of Sir William Thornburgh of Selside , Kt., and daughter of the last Sir Robert Bellingham of Burneside , who died in 1573. In the same north aisle there is, on the north wall, near the entrance to the organ chamber , a monumental inscription to John Layburne of Cunswick, who died 9th Dec. , 1737, the last of his race, erected by his widow Lucy, the heiress of Dalston. The advowson of this church, dedicated to The Holy Trinity, is in the gift of Trinity College, Cambridge . Like most early Catholic modern missions , the date of the foundation of that of Kendal is obscure . There is no doubt that Robert Stephenson , who founded the adjoining mission of Dodding Green in 1714, was also either the founder, or the cause of the foundation , of that at Kendal, as the Charity which he founded was managed by Catholic trustees . He mentions in several of his deeds that his gifts were for the benefit of poor Catholics, and for the upkeep of Catholic services in his own neighbourhood, and in other parts of the county of Westmorland. In a True and perfect Rental of Mr. Stephenson's estate gotout by William Thornburgh, and signed by him and Bishop Dicconson 8 August 1743 , arising out of a part of the estate , a note says there is towards the maintenance of a Pastor in the Barony of Kendal, yearly £ 8. A handsome income is derived at the present time from Stephenson's Charity , which owns valuable property in the town, towards the Catholic schools, and the poor of Kendal. There is a legend that Mass used to be said in an old tavern at the extreme south of Kirkland, called " Hie Comber , but that Catholics had to move from place to place for fear of detection. Although Rev. James Gandy died in Kirkland in 1761 we have no record of a regular place of worship there. All things point to the Catholic chapel being from

" "





1582, 16 Aug. Lady Thomasin w. of William Thornburrow of Sel" buried . Kendal Parish Register. "

side ,

Annals of Kendal, by Cornelius Nicholson (1832) ; and Trans. Cumb. and West . Ant. and Arch. Soc., vol. xvi, 157, containing plan of the parish church, and good views of the interior and exterior . Thomas Fuller , D.D. , in his Church History of Britain: History of the University of Cambridge (first edition , 1655, folio), p. 122, has, under the heading A dutifull daughter," the statement that Queen Mary, at a meeting with her chief clergy, was wishful to have public prayers said for the soul of her father , Henry VIII, but they advised her " in expressionof her private affection to her father's memory," and chiefly at the instance of John Christopherson , Master of the College (afterwards Bishop of Chichester), that she should, instead, add to the endowments of Trinity College , as the best monument he had left. On 29thMay, 1554, in thanksgiving to God for her preservation, Mary_bestowed the rectory and advowson of Kirkby Kendal on the Master and Fellows of Trinity College , Cambridge. Pat. Roll 1 Mary, part viii , m. 33.






probably about 1750 on, or close to, the site where the old chapel of 1793 stood , and where the present church stands , at the north end of the town. Nicolson and Burn, in their History of Westmorland and Cumberland ( 1777 ), for obvious reasons, make no reference to a Catholic chapel , though they refer to other places of worship and to a particularly large Quaker Meeting House," but a building used as a Catholic chapel stood near the latter at that time . The Catholic Relief Bill, allowing Catholic chapels to be built, was only passed in 1791. It is not improbable that the building used as a chapel was one of the houses in the town belonging to Robert Stephenson . Rev. Thomas Wilkinson wrote in the Registerwhich he sent to the RegistrarGeneral in 1840 the mission was founded about 1724. The first clear account of the site of a Catholic chapel is given by Cornelius Nicholson in his Annals of Kendal, 1832 , whereinhe says " The Roman Catholic meeting house stands in a confined yard on the east side of Stramondgate . was built in 1793 on the site of an indifferent building which had for an uncertain number of years before that been used as a place of worship by the Roman Catholics. " may be noted that the area of country covered by this register It , 20 miles from east to west, and about the was about 400 square miles same distance north to south, practically half the area of the county ; much of wild moorland, and difficult of access ; this will give some idea of the hard labour in walking and riding imposed on the priests described herein. The first record which the writer has been able to find of a priest at Kendal is that of Dom James (Wilfrid ) Witham , O.S.B. , of the ancient family of that name long located at Cliffe on the Tees, near Darlington ; no doubt the James s. Mr. John Wytham, Roman Catholic, baptised 26 July 1696. * Professed at the monastery of Lambspring, in Germany , 25 Jan. 1715. Sent on the mission to the Northern Province, he was at Whenby, Yorks., near the present Ampleforth , 1721-30 ; he then served the district between Whitehaven and Kendal ; returned for a while to Lambspring 1731. Returned to the Northern Province and was again at Whenby 1733-37 ; Bedale in Wensleydale 1737-43 ; elected Prior of Lambspring; died there 9 Sept. 1764. Dom William Bede Hutton, O.S.B. , a native of Eldon, Co. Durham, was professed at Lambspring 8 Dec. 1713; ordained 1720; came on the English mission 1731. He went to Blaydon, Co. Durham ; was at Kendal 1735 ; then went as chaplain to the Charltons of Hesleyside , Northumberland, to succeed Rev. John Donaghue , in 1747 , and died there 29 May 1756. The Benedictine records do not state how long he was at Kendal or neighbourhood. We cannot say who was the Papist priest which the Kendal Parish Register says married John Borwick and Dorothy Jackson both of Kendal 31 May 1739; his name is not given. The Rev. Sir William Anderson or Anderton, a student of Valladolid, was at Stockton, Co. Durham, some years after 1736, and also at Sunderland . From a note in an old breviary, & he went away from Kendal 28 Nov. 1739 to Mr. Anderson at Sir John Fleetwood's at Newton, near Chester . He was probably only on a visit, as he was














* Parish Register of Whalton , Co. Durham.

Rev. Norbert Birt's Obit Book of the English Benedictines , p. 104. Ibid (p. 101), and other sources . § Quoted in Kirk's Biographies of English Catholics , p. 2.



at Crathorne, Yorks. , the previous month; afterwards worked at Ugthorpe, Yorks., where he was arrested in 1745 and confined in jail. Died suddenly in London 28 Aug. 1759. Rev. James Gandy, alias Leyburne, a younger son of William Gandy of Beetham , a parish south of Kendal, and his wife Eleanor. Born 2 June 1698 ; took the College oath at Douay 23 April 1716; ordained 4 Dec. 1722, and left for the mission 20 Aug. 1726 ; is stated to have been the first resident priest in Kendal. He probably went direct from college to the Robert Hall (now Hornby) mission , Lancs.; he also attended to the chapel at Claughton, near Garstang , " till his withdrawal to Kendal in 1754 Liverpool Diocesan Almanack . *HallThe 1740 , and then was compelled for 1887 says he served Robert till to retire and sought refuge in his native town of Kendal." From notes which he left, of money given to priests for masses , Fr. Gandy was evidently living in Kendal before 1745-46 . He died in Kirkland, Kendal, 4 Sept., and the Parish Register notes his burial in the parish churchyard- 6 Sept. 1761 , Rev. Mr. James Gandy of Kirkland, papist priest." Amongst the names of priests he mentions are Revs .




Thomas Roydon, Joseph Barnes , Skelton, Parkinson, Sergeant , Caton, and Carter, none of whom, except the first two, we have any reason to believe lived about Kendal . Rev. Joseph Barnes , a great ornament of Douay, " as Bishop Gradwell calls him, was born 29 Sept. 1713 ; took the College oath at Douay on the Feast of the Ascension 1732; ordained 9 June 1739; and was professor of Philosophy there in March 1742. He left for the English mission 22 July 1743 , and probably came to Kendal soon after, and was certainly here 23 April 1745, when Thomas Coupland and On Eliza Holme were married " by Papist priest Mr. Barnes . 22 Nov. the same year Kendal was enlivened by the arrival of the army of Prince Charles Edward, the Young Pretender , on their march



south, when the prince slept in Stricklandgate; the following month they returned pursued by the Duke of Cumberland . Fr. Barnes probably remained in Kendal until 1752-53 , when he went as chaplain Edward to Sir Edward Blount at Mawley, Shropshire , succeeding Rev. Bartlett, who left in 1752. He died at Mawley 20 August 1761 , only a few weeks before Mr. Gandy died in Kendal. It will be seen that both Frs. Barnes and Gandy were together for some years at Kendal, and it is a puzzle to find the reason for two priests in this small community, especiallywhen we know that a priest was also living at Dodding Green , only a mile and a halffrom the town . Neither do we know what position they bore to one another whether Fr. Barnes was assistant to Fr. Gandy, nor whether any tragedy is implied in the remark that Fr. Gandy was " compelled to leave " Robert Hall and seek a home in Kendal. He probably came here to live with friends; a Thomas Gandy was mayor of Kendal in 1785. The Rev. Thomas Johnson the name he always used, and under which he was buried, although his real name was Middlehurst evidently took over the duties after the death of Rev. James Gandy in 1761 .




With his brother Anthony, like himself under age, his brother William and sister Anne, children of William and Eleanor Gandy, were mentioned as interested in property at Beetham in the return under the Act of 1715 (English Catholic Non-jurors of 1715, by E. E. Estcourt and J. O. Payne, p. 283 ). C.R.S., iv, 321 . C.R.S., xii, 10.


Kendal Parish Register .



A son of John Middlehurst and Elizabeth Culcheth, he was born in Lancashire 7 March 1732, and admitted to the English College, Rome , 21 Jan. 1746; ordained 24 Nov. 1754; left for the mission24 Feb. 1755. Strickland Dr. Kirk says that he was " many years chaplain to of Sizergh , and was tutor to his son the late Thomas S. Standish, with whom he travelled to Rome and resided with him in the Mazarine College. On his return he continued chaplain to the family and had the care of the Catholics about Kendal, to which place he afterwards retired in consequence of blindness and the infirmities of old age One cannot reconcile some of Dr. Kirk's statements about him , but the travels and residence in Rome referred to, must have been before Dec. 1762 , as whoever succeeded James Gandy began the old Register of Kendal (nowin Somerset House) , the first date in which is Dec. 1762 , and the small, neat Latin entries appear to be in the same handwriting, certainly down to 8 Nov. 1788. It looks as if it might be anotherhandwriting from March 1789 down to Dec. 1791, the last in very poor writing, but possibly the loss of sight, which affected Fr. Johnson in his latter years, was then stealing over him. Rev. Thomas Wilkinson evidently made the entry of 19 Aug. 1792, where a new handwriting commences, which continues to the last entry in the Register 2 Oct. 1840. He sent up the Register to Somerset House 27 Oct. 1840, and writes therein that he had the custody of since 1792, and he also refers to " my predecessor Mr. Thos . Johnson . may then be assumed that Fr. Johnson had charge of the missionfrom 1762 till 1792 , and afterwards



" It

lived in Kendal, probably with Fr. Wilkinson , until his death there 16 April 1817, and on 19th of same month Rev. Thomas Johnson , " Kendal, papist priest aged 87 was buried. He was blind for many years , but could say great part of Breviary by heart. He no doubt officiated in the original building at the back of Stramondgate, but the building of the chapel of 1793 on the same site would be the workof his successor, Fr. Wilkinson , at that time a young and vigorous man . Of the early life of Rev. Thomas Wilkinson comparatively little is known. He is supposed to have been born in the neighbourhood of Hornby, Lancs . , Nov. 1762, and the name he used was an alias adopted when he entered Douay 2 Aug. 1776 probably the last priest to use one his family name being Berrington . He was master of Rhetoric at Douay, and had under him many who distinguished themselves in later life, amongst them the celebrated Biblical scholar and writer , Rev. George Leo Haydock, who ended his days on the Penrith mission in 1849 , an old man before his master. He left Douay for the mission 20 July 1792, and arrived at Kendal as assistant to Rev. Thomas Johnson . He had practical charge of the mission from his arrival in 1792 until he retired in 1853, 61 years . It is probable that his first work was the building of the chapelwhich Cornelius Nicholson says was built in 1793 , and which after the building of the presentchurch in 1837 was used as a museum and lecture room, but eventually became the Catholic school . Under his jurisdiction , too, the present church of The Holy Trinity and St. George was built, at a cost of about £4,000 . The foundation stone was laid in Oct. 1835, and the church was opened and dedicated 15 Sept. 1837, facing on to the New Road, which was made in 1787, and near the old building of 1793. He presented an organ to the church at a cost of £600, but many years later it was renKirk's Biographies of English Catholics , p. 141. Dr. R. Gradwell's notes, Aug. 1817.









dered useless by floods from the river. Over the high altar of the church there is a memorial window to Fr. Wilkinson . Born and educated under the penal laws , Fr Wilkinson lived to see , not only the passing of the Catholic Emancipation Act, but the restoration of the Hierarchy in 1850, when the saintly Dr. Hogarth, whom he would have known as a boy, was elected first Bishop of Hexham. He saw four of the priests of Dodding Green laid in Kendal churchyard, he lived under nine Vicars-Apostolic and one bishop, and during his residence at Kendal five of them passed away. He no doubt spent a quiet peaceful life in the little town, attending to the wants of his flock and to his church ministrations , and in his leisure time interesting himself amongst his large collection of books . For a good many years , during a vacancy, he served also the missionat Dodding Green. In 1843 , when age was beginning to tell he was then about 80 he got the assistance of the young priest Rev. Ralph Platt, afterwards Provost (see supra, under Dodding Green), who remained until August 1847 , and after him came Rev. James Gibson , who ultimately succeeded on the mission. In 1853 Fr. Wilkinson retired and went to live at Ushaw College, to which he had been a generous benefactor he was evidently a man of means and where more than one memorial of him may be seen . He may be said to be the founder of the College library, for to it he gave his valuable collection of thousands of books , and spent his last days superintending their arrangementon the library shelves . On the wall, close to the library entrance, hangs his portrait, painted by James Ward in 1832. He was given the title of Father, at a time when " it was not used by English Catholics of secular priests , probably because of its singular appositeness , and because of his patriarchal years . He was a quaint, pathetic figure at Ushaw , one of a generation and a time long since passed away, and here he died 30 Dec. 1857, aged 95, and was laid in the College cemetery, where his tombstone records his generosity to the college . Rev. James Gibson , who had been assistant to Fr. Wilkinson since 1847, succeeded him on the mission in 1853. Descended from a family who had given to the church two Vicars Apostolic and many priests secularand regular, he was the 2nd son of Thomas Gibson of Newcastleon - Tyne and Housesteads, Northumberland, merchant, by Margaret, daughter of Samuel Cayley of Uphall, Lincs. Born in the city of Durham, where the family were temporarily residing owing to their house having been damaged by fire, on 29 July 1817, he went as a boy to Sedgeley Park school , and afterwards to Ushaw. Here he was ordained 24 Sept. 1842, and afterwards spent about a year in Berwick ; thence he went to Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham, in succession to Canon Luke Curry. He built St. Wilfrid's church there, and in 1847 was transferred to Kendal, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a Canon of the Old Chapter, and on the death of his friend Canon Curry in 1890 was elected Dean of the rural deanery of St. Hubert . An energetic priest, he improved the church and worked for the new schools. He was beloved by his people , who on the celebration of his priestly jubilee in 1892 made him a handsome present . His health had been failing for years , and after four months confinement to bed he passed away in his sleep on 11 Jan. 1895. A fine memorial window in the church was erected by the congregation, and the " Dean Gibson Memorial Schools , " built in 1899 whilst Fr. Stevenson was in charge , perpetuate his name . He had spent 48 years in the parish 42 years









as pastor. The united pastorate of Frs . Wilkinson and Gibson covers the long period of 103 years . Fr. Gibson's younger brother Joseph was in charge of the Alnwick mission , Northumberland, for 35 years , and he died there in 1890 . Rev. William H. Stevenson succeeded. Born in London 17 July 1853 , his grandfather was Alexander Stevenson , Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh. He went to Ushaw when about 9 years of age, wherehis cousin , the late Provost Consett , held a Professorial Chair, and there he was ordained 5 Oct. 1879. His first mission was at St. Mary's, Carlisle , under Canon Waterton, where he remained till 1881. Thence he went to St. Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle -on- Tyne, 1882-85 , and in the latter year took charge of the new mission of Windermere. He served Dunston, Co. Durham, 1886-87 , and was at Prudhoe -on -Tyne March 1888 to June 1891 ; his name is on the foundation-stone of the new church erected there by Mrs. Matthew Liddell . From 1891 to 1894 he had charge of Coxlodge , near Newcastle -on -Tyne, then for a short time at Penrith, when he was transferred to Kendal on the death of Dean Gibson early in 1895. At Kendal he spent the rest of his lifeover 32 years . In Nov. 1926 he was elected Canon of the new diocese of Lancaster, when his congregation presented him with canonical robes. He had been failing in health for some time and died at Kendal after a painful illness 5 Aug. 1927. He was buried alongside his predecessor, Dean Gibson , in the Public Cemetery , Parkside Road , Kendal. The Rev. Henry Gillett succeeded and is still in charge . By Apostolic Constitution of 22 Nov. 1924 the Mission of Kendal was transferred from the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle to the new Diocese of Lancaster. have pleasure in stating that our memberMr. J. P. Smithhas been of much help to me in several matters connected with the above notes . Thanks are also due to the late Mr. John Brownbill , M.A., to Mr. A. J. Ellison, M.A., LL.M. , and to Mr. J. Wilson Brown, Librarian , Public Library, Kendal, for supplying information ; also to Mr. G. F. Engelbach for most kindly revising the proofs with the original Register at Somerset House .




THE REGISTER . This volume is now in the General Register Office at Somerset House , where it is described as " WestmorelandNon-Parochial Register No. 5. measures about 7 × 4 inches , and consists of two portions, made up of sheets of plain white paper folded to a rather smaller size and unpaged (pagination here supplied) . It has been rebound with cloth back and morocco labels , lettered " 3928 Westmoreland 5 ; the leaves are somewhat discoloured ; both sides are written upon. There is a blank flyleaf of the original paper, and the entries commence at the top of page 1 , without any heading. Inside the upper cover is a blank leaf, inserted by the binder, together with a folded certificate, on the usual printed form, 11 x8 inches , as follows [the words in italics were written in by Fr Wilkinson : ] CERTIFICATE OR STATEMENT, TO ACCOMPANY REGISTER BOOKS . To the Commissioners for inquiring into the State Custody and Authenticity of Non- parochial Registers. The annexed or accompanying Book is the original Register book of the Births and baptisms which has been kept for the Roman Catholic Chapel, called the Chapel of the holy Trinity under the patronge sic of St. George situate in the Borough of Kendal in the County of Westmorlandfounded about

" It


[ ]

the year 1724: The Book sent has been from time to time in the custody of the Clergyman for the time being, of the Chapel ; and is sent to the Commissioners from the immediate custody of the within signed Clergyman of the said borough of Kendal in the County of Westmorland who has kept it since 1892 [sic as the officiating Minister and Clergyman in the said Chapel. Signed the 27th day of October 1840. Thos Wilkinson Clergyman or officiating Minister . N.B. Tho this Chapel was founded about the year 1724 as specified, yet it does not appear that any sort of Register was kept till the year 1762 at least none ever came into the possession of my predecessor the Revd Thos Johnson Thos Wilkinson . or my ownThe transcription of the Register was commenced by our member, Mr. R. M. Glencross, some years ago. On reaching the year 1784, however , pressure of other work prevented him from continuing, but a generous donation from another member enabled the Society to secure its completion. Thanks are due to the Registrar-General for permission to copy this Register , and to the officials for courteously affording facilities in the process.



[ ]

There is preserved in the Presbytery at Kendal an abstract or tabular summary, in English giving dates of births but not of baptisms --of the names in this Register , probably made by the Rev. Thomas Wilkinson for reference when dispatching the Register to London in 1840. Variations occur in some of the names given, and in addition the following entries not found in the Register appear at the head of the list: 1742. Matthew Derome born Sept. 5, 1742. 1744. Richard Derome born Apl. 15 , 1744. 1747. Elizabeth Derome born April 20, 1747. 1748. Thomas Derome born Dec 21 , 1748. 1750. Mary Derome born Oct. 12, 1750. 1757. James Derome born April 1 , 1754. * For a similar instance, see C.R.S. , ii , 355.







At top of page J.S. [BAPTISMS. page 1 Michael Johnson filius Mich . Johnson junioris de Kendal natus die [blank 9bris Baptus au [tem die [blank Decbris An. 1762. Arthur Dixon filius Arthur [Dixon scored & Eliz . Dixon over Russel scored de Kendal natus die [blank] Maii baptus au die [blank Junii 1763. 1763 above Maria Simpson filia Thomæ & Ester nata die 10

















Junii , bapta au die 11 ejusde'. mortua initio Septembris. [Franciscus scored] Isabella Shutt filia Joannis & Margarita, nata die 28 Aug. 1763, baptizata autem die 27 Septembris. Patrino R. D. Tho. Roydon, Matrina ejusdem sorore [blank] Dunn. Franciscus Copeland filius Roberti & Susannæ , natus die 3. Octobris , baptizatus eodem die 1763. Patrino Roberto Newby, Matrina Eliz . Russel . Georgius Glover Filius Jnis & Margaritæ natus die 23 Aprilis , baptizatus 24, 1765. Patrino Geofry Tenant , Matrina Maria


Laytham . Barbara filia Christ . & Priscilla Russel nata die 21 Aprilis 1765. baptizata 28. Sponsoribus Thoma Atkinson & Agneta Atkinson. Robertus filius Joannis & Sarah Ray natus die 17 Maii 1765, baptizatus 26. Sponsoribus Gul . Wilson & Maria Reddit. 2 Joannes Park filius Jacobi & [blank] Park natus die 25 Aug [1765 baptizatus , die 1. Sept. [ejusdem Anni scored]. Sponsoribus Joanni Ray & Sarah Reddit. mortuus. Elianora filia Robti & Susanna Copeland nata die [24 altered to 25 Sep [an. 1765 above] baptizata eodem die. Sponsoribus Thoma Atkinson & Maria Laytham. Isabella filia Thomæ & Esther Simpson nata die 21 Decbris 1765, baptizata 23 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Wilson & Maria Marsden. mortua. Maria Shutt filia Joannis & Margarita Shutt, nata die 17 Junii 1765, baptizata die 24 Aug. ejusdem Anni. Sponsoribus Jn° & Anna Dunn . Guilelmus Joannes [Newby scored] filius Roberti & Agnetis Newby, natus die 27 Decbris 1765 , baptizatus 29 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Guilelmo Wilson & Maria Lancaster . Anna filia Laurentii & [blank] Park, nata die [blank Martii 1766, baptizata die 20 ejusdem Mensis . Sponsoribus Jacobo Park et Isabella Langhorn . Joseph filius Joseph & Annæ Oldcorne de Sidzgwick, natus die 22 Junii 1766 baptizatus 24 ejusdem mensis. Sponsoribus Joanna Cox & Maria Latham.





initials of the Commissioner, John Shoveller. * TheSenioris . " in abstract "Rev. Thomas Roydon (No. 2) priest at Dodding Green and trustee

of the Charity , 1741-64 (see Historical Description of Dodding Green supra). § " Eliza " in abstract . Sept. 29 " in abstract . Sedgwick, a village in the valley, 4 miles south of Kendal ,





Elianora filia Arthur & Eliz . Dixon, nata die 22 Junii 1766, baptizata 29 ejusdem Mensis . Sponsoribus Joanne Ray & Maria


Thomas filius Jonnis [sic & Annæ Crewdson , natus die 3 Augti baptizatus ejusdem Mensis . Sponsoribus Richardo Durham & Anna Ormady. 3 Joannes filius Joannis & Hannah Cox , natus die 5 Septbris [1766 , baptizatus eodem die . Sponsoribus Josepho Oldcorne & Deborah Oldcorne. Anna filia Jacobi & [blank] Benson , nata die [blank Septembris an. 1766, baptizata die 5 Octobris ejusdem anni . Sponsoribus Roberto & Dorothea Benson. Mortua. Maria filia Pauli & Helenæ Durham, nata die 10 [ August scored Decembris, baptizata undecimo ejusdem an : 1766. Sponsoribus Mathæo & Maria Durham . Margarita Filia Joannis & Margarita Glover, nata die 21 Decembris an. 1766, baptizata die 12 Januarii an. 1767. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Tenant & Agnete Atkinson. Anna filia Georgii & Margarita Holiday de Burneside, nata die 20 Feby 1767 baptizata die 22 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Josepho Holiday & Maria Marsden. Anna filia Joannis & Margarita Shutt, nata die 14 Aprilis 1767, baptizata die 19 [Maii above] ejusdem Anni . Sponsoribus Joane [Sen above & Anna Dunn . Thomas Filius Petri & Elizabeth Maire, natus 3 Maii 1767, baptizatus die 28 Junii ejusdem anni . Sponsoribus Joanne Wharton & Sarah Wharton. 4 Sarah filia Jacobi & [blank] Park, nata die 1 Julii 1767, baptizata 14 ejusdem. Sponsoribus AntonioWalker & Elizabeth Dixon. Maria filia Joan & Hannah Cock, nata die 20, 7bris 1767, baptizata 22 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Jacobo & Anna Reddit. Anna filia eorundem nata & baptizata eodem tempori. Sponsoribus Gul. Newby Jun . & Agnete Singleton . Anna filia Joseph & Annæ Oldcorn, nata die 20 8bris 1767, baptizata 21 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Henrico Cox & Mariâ Holiday. Thomas filius Thomæ & Deborah Oldcorne, natus die 22 Feby scored Februarii § 1768 , baptizatus eodem die . Sponsoribus Josepho & Anna Oldcorne. nata die 26 Maii 1768, Birgitta filia Jac. & Mariæ Curwins, & Dorothea baptizata 29 ejusdem. Sponsor. Tho . Johnson . Burrow. Sunt Hiberni Elizabetha filia Christophori & Priscilla Russel , nata die 18 1766,












. " in inabstract "" Cock Derome abstract . The sponsors are probably the Matthew and


Mary Derome given in list at head of Register. " Elizth " in abstract. Decem . 22 in abstract. § Curwen in abstract. Probably Rev. Thomas Johnson, priest in charge of this mission, and this seems to be the first reference to the influx of the Irish into Kendal .


** " **





Junii 1768, baptizata 26 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Joanna Hogarth . filius Georgii & Margarita Haliday * de Burneside, [5] Georgius natus die 26 Julii 1768, baptizatus autem 7 Aug¹ ejusdem Anni. Sponsoribus Henrico Hothersall & Eliz . Walker. Thomas filius Mathæi & Eleanor Durham [Derom above] de

Kendal , natus die 16 Septembris 1768, baptizatus 18 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobiah Hutchinson & Eliz . Derom. Helena filia Joañis & Hannah Cox § de Gateside, nata die 17 Januarii 1769, baptizata 22 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Josue Holiday & Annâ Oldcorn. Maria filia Rich¹ & Annæ Derom, nata die 22 Feby 1769, baptizata 26 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Eliza Derom. [6 Elizabeth filia Joannis &. Margarita Shutt, nata die 11 Martii 1769, baptizata 19 ejusdem Sponsoribus Joanne Dunn Jun. & Maria Parkin . Dorothea filia Joanis & Dorothea Beck, nata die 20 Jan. 1769, baptizata 21 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tho. Johnson & Isabella Langhorne. Anna filia Jac. & Eliz . Park [nata scored de Storth End, * nata die 8 Aprilis 1769, baptizata 9 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gul. Newby & Margarita Wilson . Thomas filius Gulielmi & Mariæ Newby de Kendal , natus die 22 Aprilis 1769 , baptizatus 23 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Newby & Sarah Reddit . Jacobus filius Jacobi & Joanna Park de Kendal , natus die 7 Junii 1769 , baptizatus 12 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Jacobo & Rosa Cottam . 7 Anna filia Joannis & Marg. Glover de Kendal, nata die 9 Aug. 1769, baptizata 20 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Guil. Tenant & Dor. Burrow . Georgius filius Joannis & Sarah Ray de Kendal , natus die 15 7bris 1769, baptizatus 21 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Josue Haliday & Sarah Reddit . Henricus filius Jacobi & Joannæ Benson de Kendal, natus die 18 Septbris 1769, baptizatus autem die Octbris ejusdem anni. Sponsoribus Benson & Anna Tenant . Mortuus in Infantia. Joannes filius Rob¹ & Maria Wariner , * § natus die 7 Febri 1770 ,







* " Holiday" in abstract.

A hamlet on the river Kent about 2 miles north of Kendal . Close by is Burneside Hall, until about 1750 the seat of the family of Braithwaite of Burneside. Derome " in abstract . § Cock " in abstract . Gateside is close to Selside Hall on the Fells, 4 miles north of Kendal, and close to the road from Kendal to Shap . For Selside Hall see Historical



Notes supra. See note above, 26 May , 1768 . Now a farm near Preston Patrick, four miles south of Kendal , on the road to Kirkby Lonsdale. * § Warriner" in abstract. E






baptizatus die 8 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Newby Sen. & Maria Lancaster. Joanna filia Mathæi & EleanoræDerom, nata die 4 Junii 1770, baptizata 8 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Geof. Tenant & Joanna Hutchinson. mortua . 8 Guilelmus filius Georgii & Margarita Holiday de Burneside, [natus seq . Julii. Sponsoribus die 17 Junii 1770, baptizatus Guilelmo & Margarita Wilson . Isabella filia Thomæ & Esther Simson , nata 4 Julii 1770, baptizata 8 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Guilelmo [blank at Sizergh & Maria Teesdale . Mortua 4 Jan. 1771. Margarita filia Joannis & Margarita Shutt de Kendal , nata die 24 No scored , baptizata 25 Novembris 1770. Sponsoribus Joanne & [Anna scored, Maria above Dunn . Helena filia [blank] et [blank] & Curwen , Hybernorum , nata 3 1771, baptizata 20 eiusdem. SponsoribusJoanne Robinson Jan et Catharina Curwen. Winefrida filia Joannis et Hannah Cock de Gateside , nata die 26 Jan 1771 , baptizata Feb'immediati Sequentis. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Tenant et Maria Latham. Agnes filia Rob & Maria Wariner, nata 6 Maii 1771 , baptizata 9 eorumdem [sic . Sponsoribus Guilelmo Newby & Maria Wharton. 9 Joannes filius Jos. & Annæ Oldcorne* de Hutton, natus 10 Julii 1771 , baptizatus 7 Aug. Sponsoribus Gul. Tenant & Marg Wilson . Thomas filius eorumdem natus & baptizatus eodem Tempore. Sponsoribus Guil. Wilson & Mary Strutt. Elizabeth filia Robt & Mariæ Conway de Kendal , nata die 3 Sepbris 1771, baptizata autem 17 eiusdem. Sponsoribus Joanne Walker & Elizabeth Conway. Anna filia Thos & Esther Simpsonde Kendal , nata die 19 Octbris 1771, baptizata autem die 20 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Jos. Holiday & Maria Latham . Joanna filia Jacobi & JoannaPark de Kendal, nata 23 Novembris 1771, baptizata autem 2 Decembris. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Maria Machrath . Anna filia Geof. & Cath. Tenant de Kendal , nata die 15 Febr 1772, baptizata au 21 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gulielmo & Agneta Tenant . mortua. Hannah Cock de Gateside, nata die [10 Hannah filia Joannis & 19 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Guilelmo 14 Aprilis 1772, baptizata Wilson & Maria Marsden.












* "" Simpson"""in abstract. " in Derome

born June 9

# " November " in abstract .


§ " James " and " Mary " in abstract . " June " in abstract . " Warriner" in abstract .


** Oldcorn " in abstract. ** "



Tobias filius Mathæi & Eleonora Derom de Kendal , natus 13 Aug 1772, baptizatus 16 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Rich. Derom &

Joanna Hutchinson . Agnes filia Eliz . Derom de Kendal , nata 25 Novbris 1772, baptizata 30 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Maria Tiesdale. Margarita filia Joannis & Margarita Shutt de Kendal , nata die 30 Jan 1773, baptizata die sequenti. Sponsoribus Joanne & Anna Dunn . Isaac filius Jos. & Annæ Oldcorne de Hutton, natus die 27 Martii 1773, baptizatus autem 25 Apr. seq. Sponsoribus Guilelmo Newby & Sarah Reddit. [11 Joanna filia Geof. & Cath. Tenant de Kendal , nata 31 Julii 1773, baptizata 8 Aug. im[mediate] seq . Sponsoribus Jos . & Anna Oldcorne. mortua . Francisca filia Christophori & Annæ Rowe de Kendal , nata 9 Augt 1773, baptizata 24 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Guilelmo Tenant & Dorothea Peacock. Rich us filius Jacobi & Joanna Park de Kendal , natus die 18 Aug 1773, baptizatus au 12 Sepbris immediate seq. Sponsoribus Joanne Fisher & Maria Latham . Thomas Thrailfay Filius Joannis & Hannah Cock de Gateside, natus 29 Jan¹ 1774, baptizatus die 3 Feb¹ seq. Sponsoribus Henrico Cock & Catharina Kilshaw. Thos filius Thomæ & Esther Simpson , natus die 22 Febri 1774, baptizatus 27 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Robti Conway & Esther Wharton . & Elizabethæ Fisher, natus die 10 [ 12 ] Jacobus filius Gulielmi Martii 1774, baptizatus 13 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Richardo Derom & Agnete Foxcroft. Anna filia Rob¹ & Mariæ Conway, nata die 24 Martii 1774, baptizatus [sic 27 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Eliz. Culcheigh. Guilelmus Filius Jacobi & Hannah Reid de Kendal , natus die 27 Septembris 1774, baptizatus autem die 2 Octobris immediate Sequentis. Sponsoribus Anto Gandy & Maria Wilkinson. Margarita filia Georgii & Margarita Haliday de Burneside, nata die 16 Novbris 1774, baptizata die 20 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Agnete Tenant . Deborah filia Jos. & Annæ Oldcorne de Hutton, nata 10 Decbris 1774, baptizata au 17 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Jos[epho scored, ua added Holiday & Isabella Langhorne . [13 Dorothea filia Joannis & Margarita Shutt de Kendal, nata die 29 Januarii 1775 , baptizata die 3 Martii imte sequentis. Sponsoribus Joanne & Maria Dunn . Christophorus filius illegitimus Sara Wharton de Kirkland, natus die 22 Feb 1775 , baptizatus 2º Martii imte Sequentis. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Joanna Hogart. Holiday " in abstract. * " Threlfallis" in abstract. end Kirkland at the southof the town of Kendal, where the parish church stands; it was not until after 1777 included in the borough.











Joannes filius Geof. & Cath . Tenant de Kendal , natus 31 Maii Sponsoribus Guil. & Isabella Langhorne. Susanna filia Rob & [blank] Coupland, Jun., nata die 26 Julii 1775, baptizata autem die 30. Sponsoribus Robto & Susanna Coupland Senioribus. Anna filia Gulielmi & Eliz . Fisher de Kendal , nata 11 Aug¹ 1775 , baptizata au 20 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Joanne Wharton & Anna Tenant . 14 Anna filia Thomæ & Elizabeth Bullock de Kendal, nata die 7 [Octobris 1775, baptizata au 9 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Ann Cardwell. Elizabeth filia Jacobi & Joanna Park de Kirkland, nata die 30 Septbris 1775 , baptizata au die 22 mensis Seq. Sponsorbus Jacobo && sic Joanna Dixon. Hannah filia Joannis & Hannah Cock de Kendal , nata die 10 Decbris 1775 baptizata au die 13 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Geof. Tenant & Margarita Wilson . Henricus filius Jos. & Annæ Oldcorne de Kendal, natus 25 Aug 1776, baptizatus die seq . Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Joanna Dixon . Margarita filia Robti & Mariæ Conway, nata 15 Octbris 1776, baptizata au 17 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Tenant & Rachel Wharton. [15 Patientia filia Geo : & Marg : Haliday & de Burneside, nata die 10 Nov. 1776, baptizata au die 17 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Jacobo Reddit & Maria Newby. [This entry begun again and scored. Guilelmus filius Guilelmi & Agnetis Fisher, natus 24 Novbris 1776 , baptizatus au Decbris. Sponsoribus Joanne Brough & Anna Tenant. Maria filia Jacobi & Hannah Reid, nata 5 Decbris 1776, baptizata 8 ejusdem. Sponsor. Joanne Ray & [blank] Rook . Guilelmus Filius Thomæ & Eliz. Bullock , natus die Feby 1777, baptizatus die seq . Sponsoribus Guilelmo Newby & Sarah Reddit . Guilelmus Filius Geof. & Cath. Tenant de Kendal , natus die 12 Junii 1777, baptizatus au die 6 Mensis seq. Sponsoribus Guilelmo Tenant & Maria Conway. [16 Dorothea filia Robi & Mariæ Conway, nata 12 Sepbris 1777, baptizata 28. Spons Geof. Tenant & Anna Conway. Agnes filia Joannis & Rachelis Warton de Kendal, nata die 8 Febri 1778, baptizata 15 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson & Maria Lawson. 1775, baptizatus 11 Junii imdte seq .






[ ]











. * " Copeland" ininabstract abstract . " " See previous page. Susanna


. " ininabstract abstract . "

§ " Holiday " Wharton



Helena filia Guil. & Eliz. Fisher, nata 21 Junii 78, baptizata au 28 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Joanne Brough & Eliz. Walker. Agnes filia Joannis & Marg. Langhorne de Kendal , nata 10 Julii 1778, baptizata au 23 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gulielmo & Isabella Langhorne . Jeffery filius Jeffery & Catharina Tenant de Kendal, natus die 27 Aug. 1778 ; baptizatus au die 16 Septembris. Sponsoribus Robto & Maria Conway. 17 Thomas filius Jacobi & Joanna Park, natus die 21 Augusti, baptizatus au die 27 Septembris. Sponsoribus Jeffery Tenant & Maria Holiday. Agnes filia eorumdem nata & baptizata eodem die cum superiore. Sponsoribus Henrico Hothersall & Dorothea Burrow . Catharina filia Joannis (defuncti ) & Margarita Shutt, nata 27 Septembris 1778, baptizata 5 Octobris. Sponsoribus Tho. Johnson & Sarah Reddit. Joanna filia Jacobi & Hannah Reid de Kendal , nata 17 Novbris 1778, baptizata 22 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tho . Bullock & Maria Ingram . Joannes filius Richardi & Annæ Derom de Kendal , natus 14 Jan 1779, baptizatus au 17 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Paulo Derom & Joanna Hutchinson . [18 Guilelmus filius Joannis & Hannah Cock de Gateside, natus die 5 Maii 1779, baptizatus 8 Junii imdte Seq . Sponsoribus Rich Loftus & Anna Halliday. Petrus filius Geo. & Margarita Haliday de Kendal, natus 15 Junii 1779, baptizatus au 20 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Joanne Fisher & Anna Brough . Helena filia Tho . & Elizabethæ Bullock de Kendal , nata 19 Junii 1779, baptizata au 20 ejusdem. SponsoribusOliverio Gardiner & Anna Haliday. Joannes filius Joannis & Maria Williamson de Horncop, natus die 21 Junii 1779, baptizatus au 27 ejusdem. SponsoribusGulielmo Newby & Maria Reddit. Judith filia Jos . & Annæ Oldcorne de Kendal , nata die 20Augusti 1779, baptizata 22 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Joanne Cock & Isabella Langhorne. 19 Carolus filius Gerardi & Cæciliæ Stricland de Sizergh, natus die 16 Septembris 1779, baptizatus eodem die. Sponsoribus Carolo Towneley & Maria Stricland. " Agnes " in abstract .





[ ]







[ ]


doubt the priest in charge. * No" Holiday in abstract .


§ At north end of Kendal, close to present Kendal Green . There was a Horncop Hall here about 1850. Jarrard Edward Strickland , ofWillitoft , Yorks ., was the son of Jarrard Strickland , of Ogleford (a younger son of Walter Strickland , of Sizergh), by Mary, dr. of Wm . Bagenal, of Bagenal, Co. Carlow, Ireland ; he married Cecilia, dr. of Wm. Townley, of Townley, Lancs., and relict of his cousin, Charles Strickland , 5th son of Thomas Peter Strickland , of Sizergh. Both were buried in Kendal Church, where there is a M.I. to their memory. He died 23 Oct., 1795, she 28 June, 1814. This Charles was their eldest son, and died an infant 8 Nov 1779.





Anna filia Pauli & Helianoræ Derom de Brithwate Green , * nata 18 Sept. 1779, baptizata au 24 Oct. SponsoribusGul. Badinoch


& Anna Derom . Elisabeth filia Gulielmi & Eliz. Fisher de Kendal , nata 20 Decembris 1779 , baptizata 2 Januarii 1780. Sponsoribus Richardo Derom & [Agneta FoxCroft scored, Maria Preston above . Joanna filia Jacobi & Eliz. Dixon de Kendal, nata 26 Aprilis 1780 , baptizata autem 14 Maii seq . Sponsoribus Joane Shutt & Sarah Reddit . Margarita filia Thomæ & Elianoræ Wharton de Kirkby Steven nata 6 Augusti 1780 baptizata au . 2 Septembris. Sponsoribus Joanne & Maria Wharton. [20 ], Thomas filius Marci & Dorothea Richardson de Ravenstonedale natus 16 Julii 1780 , baptizatus au 3 Septembris. Sponsoribus Thoma Johnson & Maria Wharton. Elianora filia Jacobi & Hannah Reid de Kendal , nata 27 Septembris 1780 , baptizata au I Octobris . Sponsoribus Joanne Baptista Puccini & Francisca Perotti. Georgius filius Jarrardi & Cæciliæ Strickland de Sizergh, natus 23 Octobris 1780, baptizatus eodem die. Sponsoribus Jarrardo & Maria Stricland. Guilelmus filius [blank] & Eliz. Hogdson [added in pencil de Lancastria, natus 9 Nov. 1780, baptizatus au 19 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Tho . Johnson & Maria Wilkinson. Catharina filia Joannis & Mariæ Williamson de Horncop , nata 8 Januarii 1781, baptizata au 14 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Guil Tenant & Margarita Wilson. [21 Isabella filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Otley, nata die 19, baptizata au 28 ejusdem Jan 1781. Sponsoribus Guilelmo & Isabella Langhorne Sens. Margarita filia Rob¹ & Mariæ Conway de Kendal , nata die 23 Febii 1781, baptizata au 25 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Joanne Beck












' & Maria Ingram. Anna filia Jacobi & Joanna Park de Kendal 19 Jan" 1781, baptizata au Littleton . Deborah


Feb . Sponsoribus Henrico Hothersall & Anna


Joannis & Hannah Cock de Gateside, nata 8 Junii Sponsor. Dorothea Marsden. Jacobus filius Guilelmi & Eliz . Fisher, natus die 5 Julii 1781, baptizatus au 13 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Richardo Derom & Agnete Foxcroft. N.B. pro Jacobo Dixon vide An. 1785 . 1781 , baptizata 15 ejusdem.


23 May, 1809 . * See The important market town and railway centre about 20 miles east

of Kendal.

Ravenstonedale, a village on the fells 4 miles SW. of Kirkby Stephen, between there and Tebay, 15 miles from Kendal . The godfather was priest of Kendal and possibly came here to baptise the child. § 2nd son of Jarrard and Cecilia Strickland ; died unmarried 1843. See 5 Oct. 1778. 28 in abstract .

*** " "



[22 Helena filia Georgii & Margarita Halliday* de Kendal, nata die 5 Oct. 1781 , baptizata au 14 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Rich. Simpson & Maria Wilkinson Junre. Anna filia Richardi & Annæ Derom de Kendal , nata die 2 Nov : 1781, baptizata au die 4 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Mathæo & Eleanora Derom. Elizabeth filia [blank] Mountain & Margarita Uxoris ejus nata 20 Novembris 1781, baptizata autem 25 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Thoma & Anna Champney per , Richardum Loftus & Isabellam Borwick . Milesius Reed filius Jacobi & Annæ Reed natus fuit 29 Januarij Anno 1782, baptizatus autem 10 Februarij eodem Anno . Richardo Derom & Maria Wilkinson Sponsoribus. [23 Gerardus Edwardus & tertius filius Gerardi & Cecilia Strickland de Seizergh , natus 24 Februari Anno 1782 , baptizatus fuit 27ª ejusdem mensis . Gulielmo Ellison & Maria Ellison Sponsoribus per proxim pro Edwardo Standish et Domina Murphy. D. Sullivan . above , nata 19a Sara Langhorn [filia Gulielmi Langhorn Martij 1782, baptizata fuit decima quarta Aprilis ejusdem anni. Gulielmo Langhorn & Isabella Langhorn, Sponsoribus. Josephus Wilkinson filius Joannis & Maria Wilkison [sic de Kendal , natus fuit 21 Maij Anno 1782, babtizatus 24 ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsoribus Joanne Wharton & Anna Wilkison. [24 Jacobus filius Thomæ Derom & Elizabethæ Derom, natus fuit 228 Februari Anno 1782 , baptizatus autem 24 martij ejusdem anni. Richardo Derom & Agnete Derom Sponsoribus. Esther filia Gulielmi & Elizabethæ Fisher de Kendal , nata fuit 9ª Augusti anno Dni . 1782, babtizata autem decima octava ejusdem. Sponsoribus Thoma Derom & Agnete Foxcroft. Anna filia Gulielmi Fisher, nata 28 Novembris Anno 1782 altered to 1783 ? in error] , baptizata fuit octava die Decembris , ejusdem anni Mattheo Derom & Eleonora Do Sponsoribus. Anno Domini 1783. 25 Tobias Hutchinson filius Tobiæ & Annæ Hutchinson , natus fuit quinta die martij , babtizatus autem octava ejusdem. Thoma Slater & Helena Derom Sponsoribus.










[ [ ]

* " Holiday " in abstract. 12 in abstract. "" Reid" in abstract.

" §3rd child of Jarrard and Cecilia Strickland , educated at the English

College , Lisbon. He married, 18 Aug., 1814, Anne, 2nd dr. of Francis Cholmeley of Bransby, Yorks . They had a large family, two of whom were Jesuits. He died 7 Aug. , 1844 . Walter , their 4th s. , a Capt. in R.N. , was the father of the present Baron

Strickland of Sizergh. The proxy god -parent, William Ellison, was an official at Sizergh. The position of the name D. Sullivan looks as though was thepriest it " who administered the baptism, but we cannot trace him. The abstract gives Isabel daughter of Willm and Sarah Langhorn . The abstract gives " William and Elizth Fisher. *








Joannes filius Joannis Otlow * & Elizabethæ Langhorn , natus fuit sexto Maij 1783, baptizatus autem decimo octavo ejusdem.

Sponsoribus Gulielmo & Isabella Langhorn. (1783) Isabella Conway filia Roberti & Mariæ Conway, nata fuit 60 Aprilis baptizata autem decima die ejusdem. Gulielmo Badinach & Isabella Borick Sponsoribus. 26 Isabella filia Joannis & Mariæ Williamson , nata fuit 29 Martij [baptizata autem 17 Aprilis Anno 1782 [? 1783 . Sponsoribus Gulielmo Wilson & Agnete Tenant . Gulielmus Langhorn filius Gulielmi & Sarah Langhorn , natus 4° Januarij anno 1784 decima die Februarij ejusdem anni . baptizatus]. Gulielmo Tenant & Margareta Wilson Sponsoribus Cecilia filia Jacobi & Hannah Reid de Kendal, nata die 20 Aug¹ 1784, baptizata au 22 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Robto Conway & Maria Wilkinson. Squire filius Christophori & [blank] Dixon de Kendal, natus 20 Decembris 1784, baptizatus autem 30 Januarii 1785. Sponsoribus Tho. Johnson & Elianora Dixon. [27 Joseph filius Gulielmi & Sarah Langhorne de Kendal , natus 9 Maii 1785 , baptizatus aut . 22 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Joanne Wharton & Margarita Langhorne. Richardus filius Joannis & Margarita Noblet de Preston, & natus 28 Junii 1785 , baptizatus autem 3 Julii imdtè Sequentis. Sponsoribus Christophoro Dixon & Marg . Glover. Jacobus filius Jacobi et Eliz. Dixon, natus 18 Julii 1781. 1781 baptizatus aut . (sub conditione) die 17 Julii 1785. Sponsoribus sic [Gul ., Badenoch & Maria Newby. nata Maria filia Marci & Dorothea Richardson de Rassendale, die 1 Feb. 1785 , baptizata aut. 2 Aprilis ejusdem Anni . Sponsoribus Thoa Johnson & Anna Richardson baptizatæ sorore. [28 Martha filia [blank] & Agnetis Derom (illegitima) nata 23 Septembris 1785 , baptizata aut . 16 Oct. imdtè sequentis. Sponsoribus Joanne & Elianora Derom. Sarah filia Joannis & Helen Ray de Burneside, nata 27 Octobris 1785 , baptizata aut. 4 Decembris ejusdem anni . Sponsoribus Tobia Hutchinson Seniore & Margarita Ingram. Sarah filia Joannis & Sarah Hardicker , nata 20 Decembris 1785 , baptizata aut . 7 Januarii 1786. Sponsoribus Thoma Hardicker & Joanna Newby . Maria filia Joannis & Elizabeth Bragg de Sidbergh,nata die 30 Decembris 1785, baptizataaut. 12 Februarii 1786. Sponsoribus Jacobo Snowdum & Maria Haliday. Gulielmus Filius Joannis & Eliz . Otley, natus die 14 Feb¹ 1786,










" in abstract. * 6" Otley Decem . in abstract . "

See 5 Oct. 1778. § Probably Preston Richard or Preston Patrick , south of Kendal . Ravenstonedale: see entry under 3 Sep., 1780. Sedbergh , a small town in West Riding of Yorkshire , noted for an old Grammar School of high repute, 8 miles east of Kendal. " 30 Dec. 1786 in abstract .






baptizatus aut. 8 ° Martii seq . Sponsoribus Gul. & Isabella Langhorne. * Maria filia Joseph & Agnetis Gibson de Kendal , nata 5 Junii 1786, baptizata aut . die 9 Julii. Sponsoribus [p. 29 Thoma Con] way & Abigail Haughton . , Maria filia Eliz. Derom, illegitima nata die 17 Aug¹ ( 1786), baptizata aut. die 25 Sept¹s . Sponsoribus Paulo & Helena Derom. Joannes filius Thoa & Mariæ Drain, natus die 20 Decembris 1786 , baptizatus autem die 7 Januarii 1787. SponsoribusGuilelmo & Isabella Langhorne Juniore . Joannes filius Gulielmi & Sarah Langhorne de Kendal, natus die 30 Martii 1787, baptizatus aut. die 29 Aprilis pxè proxime seq . Sponsoribus Roberto Woodruffe & Margarita Langhorne June. Mathæus filius Richardi & Annæ Derom de Kendal, natus die 5 Julii 1787, baptizatus aut. 8° ejusdem. Sponsoribus Georgio Ray & Elianora Derom. Isabella filia Joannis & Helena Ray de Burneside, nata die 30 Julii 1787, baptizata autem die 26 Augusti , imdtè sequentis. Sponsoribus Georgio Ray & Eleanora Derom . [30 Maria filia (innupta) Gulielmi & Mariæ Nicholson de King's Meabourne, nata 23 Aug 1784, baptizata autem die 28 Sepbris 1787. Sponsoribus Thoma Simpson & Eliz . Conway . Carolus filius Jacobi & Hannah Reid de Kendal , natus 6 Januarii 1788, baptizatus autem 13 ejusdem mensis . Sponsoribus Thoa Simpson & Isa . Langhorne. Maria filia Thomæ & MariæDixon de Kendal , nata die 18 Decembris 1787, baptizata aut. 13 Januarii 1788. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Langhorn & Margarita ejus filia. Gulielmus filius Joannis & Sarah Hardicker de Moor End, natus die 5 Januarii 1788, baptizatus autem die 20 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Thoma & Anna Hardickers . Joannes filius Edwardi & Agnetis Wharton de Kendal, natus die 5 Novembris 1788, baptizatus aut . 30. Sponsoribus Joannes & Susanna Wharton. Anna filia Josephi & Agnetis Gibson de Kendal , nata die 28 Nov. 1788, baptizata autem die 7 Decembris imdtè sequentis. Sponsoribus Robs & Maria Conway. 31 Petrus filius (illegitimus) Eliz . Derom , natus die 27 Martii 1789, baptizatus die 29 Aprilis pxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Paulo & Elianora Derom. Joseph filius Joannis & Elizabeth Otley de Kendal, natus die 18 Martii 1789, baptizatus 3 Maii. Sponsoribus Gulielmo & Isabella Langhorne.




[ ]

item does not appear in the abstract . * This Kings Meaburn is a township and pleasant village 2 miles SE

. of

Morland, and 4 miles west of Appleby. It formed part of the great manor which was forfeited to the Crown for the part taken by Sir Hugh Morvillein the assassination of St. Thomas of Canterbury (1170). The southern portion near Crosby Ravensworth was settled on Mauld, sister of Sir Hugh, hence the name of that village, Maulds Meaburn : the northern portion was retained by the Crown, and distinguished by name of King's Meaburn.



Maria filia Gulielmi & Sarah Langhorne de Kendal , nata die 10 Aprilis 1789 , baptizata autem die 10 Maii. Sponsoribus Joanne Wharton & Margarita Langhorne. Elizabeth filia Joannis & Agnetis Tompson de Grisedale, * nata die 9 Junii 1763 , baptizata autem die 14 Septembris 1789. Sponsoribus Thoma & Anastasia Strickland de Sizergh. Georgius filius Tobiæ & Eliz. Hutchinson de Skelsmergh, natus

die 30 Septembris 1789, baptizatus autem primo Novembris. Sponsoribus Mathæo Derom & Hannah Hutchinson . [32 Anna filia Gulielmi & Annæ Oldcorne de Kendal , nata die 9 Februarii 1790 , baptizata autem 14 ejusdem Mensis & Anni . Sponsoribus Stephano Oldcorne & Margarita Langhorne. Robertus filius Jacobi & Eliz . Whittel, natus die 7 Februarii 1791, baptizatus autem 5 Martii . Sponsoribus Joanna Master cum baptizante . Margarita filia Philippi & Joannæ Master, nata 20 Februarii 1791 , baptizata 15 Martii . Sponsoribus Eliz. Whittel & baptizante . Maria filia Gulielmi & Annæ Oldcorne de Kirkland, nata 31 Martii 1791, baptizata autem 3 Aprilis imdè sequentis. Sponsoribus Thoma Borne de Milness & Maria Oldcorne. [33 Jacobus filius Gulielmi & Sarah Langhorne de Kendal , natus 20 Aprilis 1791 , baptizatus autem I Maii . Sponsoribus Gulielmo Reid & Isabella Langhorne . Margarita filia illegitima Eliz. Fair de Standish, nata Septem scored Octobris 1791, baptizata 25 ejusdem anni & mensis Thoa Johnson . Anna filia notha Mariæ Madox, nata 30 Novembris, baptizata 4 Decembris 1791. Sponsoribus Joseph Derom & Maria Wilkinson. Elizabeth filia Joannis & Mariæ Hall under illegible name scored, followed by an illegible entry also scored . Sponsoribus Rachele Wharton & [blank . [34 Josephus filius Lancelotti & Mariæ Wilson de Kendal , natus 30 Martii, baptizatus 2 Aprilis 1792. Sponsoribus Christ. Newby & Susanna Wharton. Gulielmus filius Georgii Halliday* junioris & Isabellæ de Kendal , natus die 8vo Augusti 1792 , baptizatus die 19° ejusdem. Sponsoribus Georgio Halliday Seniore & Maria infantis avia.











* Grisedale is a valley betweenWindermere and Coniston Water . There is a holding of this name on the fells NE. of Kendal. ThomasStrickland of Sizerghand his newly-married 1st wife, Anastasia, eldest dr. and co-h. of Sir John Lawson, Bart., of Brough, Yorks . They had two sons and three daughters. She died at Brough 22nd June, 1807; he afterwards married Catherine, dr. of Sir Robert Gerard of Bryn , Lancs., and died 4 Dec. , 1813, without further issue, and was buried at Brough. See 5 Oct. 1778. § Presumably Standish in Lancashire. Decem 4 in abstract . " The writer made a note when inspecting this Register at Somerset House many years ago- a fresh handwriting begins here , and continues was probably Rev. Thos. Wilkinson's first entry: he to end of book. says he kept the book since 1792. Holiday in abstract .

" ** *

" It

* "





Maria filia Charoli & Mariæ Eidsforth de Kendal, nata die 23ª Martii , baptizata die 25ª [anno 1793 above] ejusdem. Sponsoribus Johanne Robotham, & Isabella Pierson. Joannes filius Christophori & [Francisca scored] Anna Nuby *, de Kendal , natus die 29a Augusti, baptizatus die 1ª Septembris . 1793. anno Sponsoribus Gulielmo Nuby & Anna Simpson [35] Cæcilia filia Tobiæ & Mariæ Derome de Kendal , nata die 4ª Septembris anno 1793. Sponsoribus Mathæo & Helena Derome. Elizabetha filia Joan & Eliza Otley, nata die 16a Novembris 1793 above , baptizata die 7a Decembris : SponsoribusGulielmo & [Isabella ] Langhorn .

Thomas filius Thomæ & Eliza Dixon , natus die 12ª Martis anno Sponsore avia sua Eliza Dixon. Joannes filius Georgii & Isabellæ Halliday de Kendal , natus die 18va Junii 1794 : eadem die baptizatus , sponsore [blank . Anna filia Jac. & Mariæ Dornan, nata die 21 Septem : 1794, baptizata [blank . Sponsoribus [sic Geor° Ray. [36 Lancelottus filius Lan: & Mariæ Wilson de Kendal , natus die 21 Octs, baptizatus die 2da Novem : 1794. Sponsoribus Georio Ray, & Marg. Langhorn . [sic]Thomas filius Tho & Eliza Derome de ( Hinkaster Green ), natus die [blank Nov. 1794 , baptizatus die [blank] ejusdem mensis & anni, sponsore Josepho Derome. Maria filia Gul : & Sara Langhorn , nata die [ blank Junii 1795, ] baptizata die 28 ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsores fuere Geor: Ray & Marg : Langhorn . Thomas filius Thoa & Anna Chetham, natus die 8 Julii 1795 baptizatus die ga ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsores fuere [sic Gus Ray. [37 Anna filia Ricdi & Elna Derome, nata die 16a Julii 1795 , babtizata vero die 19a ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsores erant Paulus & Ellra Derome. Johannes filius Johannis & Mariæ Lacy (Hybernorum ), natus die 27 Novemb : 1795 , baptizatus die 6ª Decembris ejusdem anni. Sponsoribus Georgio Halliday & Anna Conway. Georgius filius Joan's & Marg : Wildemans de Kendal, natus die 24 Januarii 1796, baptizatus die 30a ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsores erant Maria & Georg. Halliday. 38 Maria filia Jac. & Mariæ Dornan , nata die 7a Aprilis 1796 , baptizata 10° ejusdm mensis & anni patrin fuit [blank . Eleanora filia Tobiæ & Mariæ Derome de Kendal , nata die 18vs Septemb. 1796: baptizata eadem die . Sponsores erant Math Derome & Maria [ an erasure , possibly Lancas] Wilkinson. 1791, baptizatus die 24th Decembris.



] ]




[ ]



" in abstract. * “ Newby Holiday in abstract .

" Hall, 5 miles south of Kendal. "Near Levens " Wileman " in abstract .



Marga Halliday filia Gio & Isab : Halliday de Kendal , nata die

ejusdem mensis & anni . Spon4 Januarii 1797, baptizata die 8va .

soribus G. Ray & Agte Wharton Elleanora [sic] filia Rdi & Ella Derome, nata die 12 Martii 1797, baptizata 26a ejdm Mensis & anni . Sponsores erant Paulus & Elleanora Derome avus & avia puellæ. 39 Joannes filius Jos. & Martha Derome, natus die 6ª Aprilis [1797 , baptizatus die ga ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsores erant Gus Ray & Marg : Agnes filia Edv¹ & Mariæ Gibson (Oldcorne) , nata die 27 Feb¹ 1798, baptizata die 5ª Martii ejusm Anni. Sponsores erant Stephus & Judith Oldcorne. Henricus filius Joh¹s & Marg. Wildman de Kendal , natus 27a die Martii 1798, baptizatus die 1ª Aprilis ejusdem anni . Sponsoribus


Geor . & Patientia Halliday.

Jos. Conway filius nothus Eliz . Conway de Kendal , natus born March 31, 1798 added later . here there is a space of about 3 lines . [Elizabetha filia Georg. & Isab . Halliday de Kendal , nata die 10 1799 , baptizata die 14ª ejusdm mensis & anni . Sponsores Aprilis erant Johannes Sewart & Patientia Halliday. [40 Joanne Maria filia Jacobi & Margarita Maine (Scotorum), nata die 19a Maii 1799, baptizata die 2ª Junii ejusdem anni, patrini erant Joannes Williamson & Anna Derome. Josephus filius Ed. & Mariæ Gibson , natus die 12 Aug: 1799, baptizatus die 25ª ejusdem mensis & anni . Patrini erant Gul: Oldcorn & Joanna Thompson. In the summary there is inserted " Alexander Stephenson son of James and Mary Dornan born Janry 10, 1799. Anna filia Joan & Eliza Otley de Kendal , nata die 2da Septem¹s 1799, baptizata die 11ª Octobris ejusdem anni . Patrini erant Joan : Suart [sic & Marg. Langhorn . Maria filia Jos : & Martha Derome, nata die 16th Decem¹s 1799, baptizata die 18vo ejusdem mensis & anni . Patrini erant Joan : & Anna Derome.









41 Richardus filius Ricard¹ & Elleanora Derome de Kendal , natus [die 3ª Decembris 1799 , baptizatus die 58 januarii 1800. Patrini erant Paulus & Elleanore Derome avus & avia fuere. Joanna filia Joan. & Eliza Fallowfield de Brigstear , nata die 13 Februarii 1800 baptizata autem die 9a Martii sequentispatrini erant Joannes Suart & Dorothea Conway. Jacobus filius Eliz Derome, natus die 18 junii 1800, baptizatus die 25 Julii proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Paulo Derome & Maria Preston. Josephus filius Stephani & Mariæ Oldcorn, natus die 16 Junii 1800, baptizatus die 22ª ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsores erant Thoas Oldcorn & Maria Gibson.




Brigsteer, a village and district lying at south end of Underbarrow, 3 miles south-west of Kendal.




Prudentia filia illegma Annæ Derome, nata die 3ª Septem¹s 1800, baptizata die 6a ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsoribus [an erasure] Paulo & Elleanra Derome. 1800

42 Michael filius jacobi & Hannah Crossley de Kendal , natus die 3ª Septembris 1800, baptizata autem die 7ª ejusdem mensis & anni . Sponsoribus Je Cormack & Lucia Wilson infantis amita. Maria filia Ed : & Mariæ Gibson (de Woodhouse) , nata die 19% januarii 1801, baptizata 28a die ejusdem mensis & anni . Patrini erant [blank]. Georgius filius Georg " & Isabellæ Halliday * de Kendal , natus die 21 Octobris 1801 eodem die babtizatus est. patrini erant Joannes Williamson & Elleonora Halliday. Agnes filia Petri Rawlandson (Hib[erni] ) & Marg. uxoris sua de Underbarrow nata die 13a die Aprilis 1802. Babtizata 16a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsore Thosa Wilkinson babtizante .

[ ]


[ Paulus filius Richd et Isaba Derome de Kendal , natus 26 die Aprilis 1802 baptizatus die 2ª Maii ejusdem anni . sponsoribus Paulo et Elleonora Derome. Johnathan filius Stephani et (Eleanoræ scored) Mariæ Oldcorn de Endmoor, natus die 5° Julii 1802 et baptizatus 12º die ejusdem mensis et anni , sponsoribus Gulmo & Christiana Oldcorn. Anna filia Josephi & Martha Derome de Kendal nata die 19a Julii 1802 baptizata die 21a ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Ricardo Derome & Anna Graves. Jacobus filius Jacobi & Mara Dornan de Kendal natus die 1ª Julii 1802 babtizatus die 25ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Petro Rawlandson & Christina Oldcorn. Here follow two blank pages, unopened .] 44 Elizabetha filia Johannis et Agnetis Baines de Kendal nata die 3a Julii 1802 baptizata autem die ra Augusti ejusdem anni patrini erant Johannes [Suart above] et Elizabetha Bell. Thos filius Dionysii et Saræ Kelly Hibernorum natus 24ª Sep: 1802 baptizatus die 3ª Octobris sequentis patrinis Maria Derome et [blank . 1803 Anna filia Edvardi & Mariæ Gibson de Hinkister Green nata die 4 Januarii 1803 baptizata die. 31a ejusdem mensis et anni. patrinis Stephano & Christina Oldcorn Maria filia Jac¹ & Hanah Crossley de Kendal nata die 13ª Feb" 1803 baptizata die 6ª Martii sequentis patrinis Joso Langhorn & Lucia Wilson.




[ ]



[45] Agnes filia Agnetis et Edvardi Wharton de Kendal nata die

30a Martii 1803 & baptizata eadem die patrinis Joan : Williamson et [blank Conway. Holyday" in abstract. No doubt the priest in charge. A hamlet in township of Preston Richard , five miles south of Kendal on Kirkby Lonsdale road .





Thomas filius gemellus supradictæ Agnetis natus eadem die et hora baptizata vero 1ª die Aprilis proxime sequentis, patrinis Go & Susanna Ray. Maria filia Joannis et Mariæ Derome de Kendal nata die 278 Septembris 1803 baptizata 29a die ejusdem mensis et anni . patrinis Rich Derome avo et Anna Derome amita infantis. Joannes filius Georgii et Sussanæ Ray de Kendal natus die 4" Octobris 1803 baptizatus die 9a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Mathæo & Elizabetha Derome. 1803

filius Jacobi et Marga Park de Kendal natus die 6% [46 Robertus 1803 Nov : & eadem die baptizatus , sponsoribus Johanne Wilson et Dorothea Conway.



Johannes filius Georgii et Isabella Halliday de Kendal natus die 14 Februarii 1804 baptizatus die 25a ejusdem mensis et anni, Sponsoribus Johanne Wilson & Cath: Williamson. Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Annæ Derome de Kendal nata die 2ª Martii 1804 baptizata die 4ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Mathæo et Elizabetha Derome. Thomas filius Mathæi et Elizabethæ Derome de Kendal natus die 25a Maii 1804 babtizatus eadem die. Patrinis Edvardo Gibson et Elleanora Laytham. 47 Thomas filius Joannis et Agnetis Bains de Kendal natus [blank 1804. Baptizatus autem die [blank] supplebantur ceremoniæ die 38 Junii ejusdem anni . Susceptoribus Richardo Baines et Ellen


[ ]


Laytham. Stephanus Filius Eliz : Hibernæ & Stephani Thompson militis, natus die 6a Junii 1793 baptizatus autem die 228 Julii anno 1794 Susceptore Carolo Burns Hiberno. Isabella filia Rich¹ et Isabellæ Derome de Kendal nata die 19a Aug: 1804 Baptizata autem die 26a ejusdem mensis et anni patrinis Thoa et Elizabetha Derome. Johanna filia Stephani & Mariæ Oldcorn de Endmoor, nata die 25 Augusti 1804 baptizata 26ª ejusdem mensis et anni , Susceptoribus Thoma Oldcorn at Elizabetha Capstick. 48 [here there is a space of about five lines.] Rosalia filia Jacobi et Mariæ Dornan de Kendal nata die 2ª Novem 1804 , baptizata die 4ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus . [blank Elizabetha filia Josephi et Martha Derome nata die 9ª die Novem 1804 baptizata 11ª die ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne et Maria Derome. Winifrida filia Petri et Mariæ Morgan de Kendal nata die 5 Decembri 1804, baptizata die 9a ejusdem mensis et anni Patrinis Geo : Halliday et Maria Madox . 49 Josephus filius Nothus Annæ Derome (Richardi filiæ) de Kendal natus die 17 Decembri 1804 baptizatus die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni . Mathæus filius Angeli (Italia oriundi ) et Alicia Lazari, Kendalia

[ ]


[ ]



natus die 12ª Februarii 1805 baptizatus eadem die, Patrinis [blank] et Anna Derome. Maria filia Jacobi et Mariæ Hudleston (commits : Lancasts:) nata apud Kendal die 31 Martii 1805 baptizata eadem die patrinis Petro Morgan et Maria Madox. Gulielmus filius Gul¹ et Margta Bamber de Sedbergh, natus die 3& Martii 1805 baptizatus autem die 138 Aprilis sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Williamson et Maria Carter . Josephus filius Johannis et Mariæ Derome de Kirkland natus die 9a Maii 1805 baptizatus die 10ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Jacobo et Maria Dornan . 1805 50 Josephus filius Jacobi et Cath: Loudon Hibernorum natus die 14 Feb 1805 baptizatus autem die 14ª Maii sequentis Sponsoribus Josepho Derome et Catha Williamson . Joannes filius Edvardi & Mariæ Gibson de Woodhouse natus die 9a Junii 1805. baptizatus die 12ª ejusdem mensis et anni Patrinis

[ ]

Stephano et Anna Oldcorne. Thomas filius Gul : & Mariæ Tipping de Kendal natus die 26 Julii 1805 baptizatus die 28a ejusdem mensis et anni . patrinis Matho & Eliza Derome. Margarita filia Joannis & Rachaels [sic ] Murray (de Kendal) nata die 9 Januarii 1806 baptizata die 10a ejusdem mensis & anni , patrinis Jacobo & Maria Dornan . Edvardus filius Petri et Mariæ Morgan de Kendal natus die 23 Januarii 1806 baptizatus de 26a ejusdem mensis & anni sponsoribus Jacobo & Maria Dornan . [51 Johannes filius Jacobi et Margarita Park de Kendal Natus die 9 Aprilis 1806. baptizatus autem die 13ª ejusdem mensis et anni. Patrinis Johane et Johanna Conway. Alicia filia Mathæi et Eliza Derome de Kendal Nata die 12ª Aprilis 1806 baptizata die 13 ejusdem mensis et anni , sponsoribus Gul et Agnete Badenoch. Anna filia Georgii et Isabellæ Halliday de Kendal nata die 3& Junii 1806 babtizata die 8va ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus Johanne et Catharina Williamson. Sara Anna Coterell filia notha Rebecca Coterell, Hybernæ, nata apud Kendal die 26 Julii 1806 , baptizata die 28a ejusdem mensis et anni , sponsoribus Georgio Ray et Catharina Williamson . Robertus filius Joannis & Agnetis Bains natus die 30 Aug: baptizatus die 28a Septem 1806 apud Kendal , Sponsoribus Jacobo et Amata Beck.




52 Georgius filius Josephi et Martha Derome natus die 15 Octobris 1806 baptizatus autem die 19 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Matheo Derome et Maria Cartar . Joahanes [sic filius Josephi et Eliza Robinson de Crook Mills natus die 19 Octobris 1806 baptizatus die 288 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Georgio Halliday et Anna Lyttleton . 2 " in abstract . * "Crook is a parish, township , and village on the road from Kendal to Bowness , 5 miles from the former ; population mainly farmers.

[ ]




Johanes filius Steph¹ et Mariæ Oldcorn de Endmoor natus die 1 Decemb¹s1806 baptizatus die 9a ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsoribus Johanne et Judith Oldcorn . 1807

Anna filia Georgii et Mariæ Coulton de Kendal nata die 6ª 1806 baptizata autem die 28 Januarii 1807 sponsore Dem Elizabetha Derome. 53 Tho filius Jacobi et Mariæ Dornan de Kendal natus die 9ª [Feb 1807 et eadem die baptizatus Sponsoribus Mullen et Maria Rowlandson. defunctus. Josephus filius Stephani et Annæ Auch (Italia oriundi) natus die 26 Februarii 1807 baptizatus die 1ª Martii sequentis sponsoribus Paulo Derome et Catharina Williamson . Maria filia Petri et Mariæ Mackanalti ( Hyberni) nata die 24 Aprilis 1807 babtizata die 26 ejusdem Mensis et Anni . Sponsoribus Jacobo et Maria Dornan . Anna filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Hurst nata die 13ª Maii 1807 babtizata die 24ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Leonardo Machel et Anna Conway.



[54] Martha filia Rich¹ et Elleanoræ Derome de Kendall, nata die

1 Augusti 1807 baptizata die ga ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Georg Halliday et Elizabetha Derome. Hugo Bourne, filius Hugonis & Eliza Bourne, natus apud Kendale die Octob¹s 1807 baptizatus die 18 die ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Jacobo et Maria Dornan . In the summary there is here inserted " John Hursfield, born Nov. 25 at Manchester 1807. Sara filia Rich ' et Mariæ Holoran (Hyberni ) (Alias Castlehow) nata die 25 Novis 1807 baptizata autem die 3ª Januarii 1808 sponsoribus Petro Morgan et Dor: Conway. Alicia filia Joh : et Mariæ Derome nata die 6a Janu" 1808 baptizata die 8 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Josepho Derome et Agnete Preston. Thomas filius Jacobi et Mariæ Dornan natus die 11ª Janu¹¹ 1808 baptizatus die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Joh: et Rachaele Murray.





[55 Johannes filius Jacobi et Hannæ Crossley de Kendal natus die 5 Junii 1808 baptizatus autem die 3ª Julii sequentis sponsoribus Johanne Williamson et Elleanora Halliday. Margarita filia Petri et Mariæ Morgan de Kendal nata die 28a Junii 1808 baptizata die 3ª Julii sequentis Sponsoribus - Callon et Dorothea Conway. Dorothea Maria filia Lancelotti et Amatæ Hogarth de Garth How in Skelsmergh nata die 5a Julii 1808 baptizata die 7* ejus-



6th January 1807 " in abstract . * " Mary in abstract .

" "" Macanelli " in abstract


§ Garth Row, as the name is spelled now, lies on west side of road leading from Kendal to Shap , 3 miles from former .



dem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Domino Roberto Hogarth* et Dorothea Beck. Maria Anna filia Margta et Jacobi Park de Kendall nata die 26 Aug: 1808 baptizata die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Richardo Leach et Anna Joseph . 1808

56 Gulielmus filius Johannis et Racheli Murray natus die 23 Septembris 1808 baptizatus die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Jacobo Dornan et Catherina Stonehouse. Martinus filius Johannis et Saræ Buckley de Kendal natus die Nov : 1808 baptizatus die ra Decembris eodem anno patrinis Tobia Derome & Mara Madox. Maria filia Philippi et Johanna Harris de Hawkeshead nata die 8 Nov : 1808 baptizatus die 4ª Decem : eodem anno patrinis Josepho et Maria Harris. Gulielmus filius Georg et Mariæ Coulton de Kendal natus die 88 Novemb 1808 baptizatus autem die 16ª Decemb. sequentis sponsore Eliza Derome. [57 Isabella filia Georgii et Isabellæ Halliday de Kendal nata die 25ª Decemb: 1808 et baptizata eadem die, sponsoribus Richardo Leach et Elleanora Halliday. Margarita filia Josephi et Martha Derome nata die 27ª Decemb: 1808 Baptizata de 1a Januarii sequentis 1809. patrinis Mathæo et Elizabetha Derome. Gulielmus filius Stephani et MariæOldcorn natus die 30 Decemb 1808 baptizatus die 4ª Januarii 1809. patrinis Gulielmo Oldcorn & Maria Gibson. Elleanora filia Annæ et Georgii Glover nata die 30 Decemb: 1808 baptizata die 19 Januarii 1809 patrinis Gulielmo Badenoch et Elleanora Glover.

[ ]





[58] Dorothea Agnes filia Margaritæ et Jacobi Beck de Goodam-

scales § nata die 9a Martii 1809 baptizata die 10a ejusdem.


Johanne Mount et Doroa Beck. Thomas filius Robt et Catharine Leigh de Beathwaite Green natus die 13 Maii 1809 baptizatus die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus Richardo Simpson & Eliz Farrington. Robertus Filius Joh¹s et Annæ Joseph natus die 29 Maii 1809 baptizatus eodem die sponsoribus Guil: Montgomery et Elleanora



Agnes et Eliza filiæ gemellæ Mathæi et Elizabethæ Derome de Kendal nata die [blank] June 1809 baptizatæ eodem die Sponsoribus Agnetis Guil et Agnete Badenoch Sponsoribus Elizabethæ Josepho Derome et Maria Carter .


Elder brother of Bishop Hogarth; see Hist. notes on Dodding Green. This child was probably his niece. Between Bowness Ferry and Coniston, 10 miles NW . of Kendal . Holiday in abstract . § A homestead, 1 miles north of Dodding Green Mission house , mile east of road to Shap. A hamlet , 4 miles south of Kendal, near Levens Hall,



** F




59] Johannes filius Nothus Annæ Derome natus die 18a Junii [baptizatus die 6a Julii 1809 [blank .


Robs Joseps filius Eddi et Hellenæ Gibson natus die 16ª Feb: 1809 baptizatus eodem die sponsoribus Revo Dno Gulielmo Irving


& Eliza Laytham . Maria filia Johannis et Mariæ Williamson nata die 5ª Octob : 1809 Babtizata die 8vo ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Jacobo Bains et Catharina Williamson . 1810

Maria Williamson Adulta baptizata die [blank . Jacobus filius Nic¹ et Mariæ Singleton de Preston natus die Martii 1810 baptizatus die 16ª ejusdem mensis et anni .




[60 Elleanora filia Jacobi et Mariæ Dornan de Kirkland nata die 21 Martii 1810 baptizata die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus


Johanne et Rachaele Murray. Johannes filius Jacobi et Johannæ Moor, Militis, natus die 10 Aprilis 1810 baptizatus die 15a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Derome et Catha Stonehurst . Christophorus filius Ed¹ et Helenæ Gibson natus die 19 Maii 1810 baptizatus die 20 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Georgio Laytham et Margarita Billington. Johannes Franciscus filius Johannis et Eliza Suart de Kendal natus die 7 Julii 1810 baptizatus eodem die sponsoribus Simone Myerscough et Anna Callon. Johanes filius Johanis et Agnets Bains natus die 16 Julii 1810 baptizatus die 21 ejusdem mensis et anni [blank .



[61] Catharine filia Johan : et Rachaelis Murray de Kendal nata die 30 Julii 1810 babtizata die 5ª Aug sequentis sponsoribus Thoa Turner et Anna Dornan . Johanes filius Johan : et Mariæ Williamson natus die [blank] Nov 1810 apud Kendal, baptizatus die [blank] ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus [blank]. Cæcilia filia Sam's et Lucia Dunn (militis ) nata apud Kendal die 20a Nov 1810 baptizata die 10 Decembris sequentisSponsoribus Johan Suart et Cathaa Burns. Johannes filius Rob: et Cath Leigh de Beathwaite Green natus die 27 Dec¹s 1810 baptizatus die 29 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Rich Lofthouse & Marg . Evening . Eliza filia Johans et Mariæ Derome de Kendal nata die 25ª Martii 1811 babtizata die 26a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Matheo Derome et Catharina Lamb.

[ ]


62 Richar³ Baxter Derome filius Josephi

& Martha Derome de


Rev. William Irving, born 10 Sep., 1776, the son of Joseph Irving of Kirkham, Lancs. , by Alice Sherburne. Educated and ordained at St. Alban's Coll. , Valladolid . Came to Mowbrick , Lancs. , in Feb. , 1803. In 1813 was recalled to Valladolid to take up Rectorship of the college, and died there 3 Aug. , 1822 (see C.R.S., xv, 225). This entry is not represented in the abstract.



Kendal natus die 28a Martii 1811 babtizatus die 29 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Thoma Turner & Eliz Derome. Margarita filia Steph¹ et Mariæ Oldcorn de Endmoor nata die 10 Aprilis 1811 baptizata die 22ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne et N. Oldcorn . Milesius filius Jacobi et Margarita Beck de Goodamscales natus die ga Maii 1811 baptizatus die 10a ejusdem mensis et anni, sponsoribus Milesio Beck et Amata Hogarth. Isabella filia Johan¹ et Isabellæ Oldcorn de Hincaster Green, nata die 29a Junii 1811 baptizata die 21 Julii proxime sequentis sponsoribus Stephano Oldcorn & Maria Gibson. Jacobus filius Jacobi et Hannæ Crossley de Kendal natus die 28 Octobris 1811. baptizatus die ga ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus Gulmo Langhorne et Maria Wilson . [63 Thomas filius Roberto & Annæ Cragg de Whinfell* natus die 25 Septem18 1811 baptizatus die 1ª Octobris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Thoma & Maria Oldcorn. Birgitta filia Augustini et Annæ Arey (Hybernorum ) nata die 1 Feb 1812 baptizata die 3a ejusdem Mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Dixon et Eliz : Otley. Gulielmus filius Georgii et Mariæ Coulton de Kendal natus die 14 Martii 1812 et baptizatus eodem die . Sponsoribus Richardo Derome et Elizabetha Derome. Jacobus filius Simonis et Annæ Myerscough de Kendal natus die 13 Martii 1812 baptizatus die 15 ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus [blank . Samuel filius Johannis et Mariæ Lofthous (Hibernorum ) natus die 11 Decem³ 1811 baptizatus die 15 Martis 1812 Sponsoribus Josepho Derome et Anna Barton.





67 Thomas filius Petri et Marga Rowlandson de Burneside natus [die 24 Maii 1812 Baptizatus die 28a ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Jacobo et Maria Dornan. Thomas filius Jacobi et Catharina Bains de Kendal natus die 16 : 1812 Augusti, et baptizatus eodem die Sponsoribus Johanne et Maria Williamson. Johanna filia Thomæ Eastham et Agnetis Woolf nata die 16 Septem: 1812, baptizata die 20 Octobris proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Mathæo Derome et Anna Barton. Agnes filia Johannis et Eliz : Suart de Kendal nata die 28 Octob 1812 baptizata die 30a ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Edvardo Lupton et Johanna Smith. 1813

Matilda filia Jacobi et Mariæ Dornan nata die 21 Feb: 1813 baptizata eadem die. Sponsoribus Arthurio Dixon et Agnete Kendall .


[65] Elizabetha filia Rich' et Judith Johnson de Kendal nata die Common, 6 miles north-east of Kendal. * Whinfell abstract . Airey 4 " inwords "These two omitted in abstract .



3a Martii baptizata die 7a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Oldcorn et Anna Cragg. Guliels filius Johannis et Mariæ Williamson de Kendal natus die 12 Martii 1813, baptizata die 14 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Richardo Sympson et Anna Barton. Gulielmus Josephus Hoggarth filius Amatæ et Lancelotti Hoggarth de Garth how natus die 17 Martii 1813 baptizatus eodem die, Sponsoribus Revdo Dno Gulielmo Hoggarth et Dorothea Beck. Carolus filius Josephi et Marthæ Derome de Kendal natus die Maii 1813, baptizatus die 16 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Thoma Turner et Anna Spencer.




[66] Elizabetha filia Edvardi et Helenæ Gibson de Kendal nata

die 27ª Maii 1813 et eadem die baptizata sponsoribus Anna Laytham et Revo Domo Thoma Sherburn. Thomas filius Stephani et Mariæ Oldcorn de End Moor natus die Julii 1813 baptizatus die 8 Augusti sequentissponsoribusJohanne Oldcorn et Maria Gibson. Josephus filius Joannis et Mariæ Derome de Kirkland natus die 3ª Octob 1813 baptizatus die 6a ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus Geors Ray et [ blank . ] Joanna filia Simonis et Cathar Myerscough De Kendal nata die 3a Nov 1813 baptizata die 5 ejusdem mensis et anni. Henricus filius Jacobi et Hannæ Crossley natus die 3 Decem¹s 1813 baptizatus die ga Decembris proxime sequentis sponsoribus [blank .





[67 Josephus filius [blank] et [blank] Turer de Kirkland natus die 15 Januarii 1814 baptizatus die 16 ejusdem mensis et anni, Sponsoribus Johanne Derome et Catharina Stonehurst. Jacobus filius Gul¹ et Saræ Duxbury de Kendal natus die 26 Decembris 1813, baptizatus die 6 Aprilis 1714 Sponsoribus Johanne Bray et Anna Dornan . Anna Filia Petri et Marga Rowlandson de Underbarrow § nata * Rev. William Hogarth , afterwards Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, son of William Hogarth , probably of this same place ; born 26 Mar. , 1786 ; went to Crook Hall seminary, Co. Durham, with his brother Robert and was ordained at Ushaw 1809. Left Ushaw in 1816 for the chaplaincy of Cliffe Hall, on the Tees, and remained until 1824, when the congregation was united to that of Darlington : in Darlington he lived the rest of his life. Consecrated Vicar Apostolic of Northern District in succession to Dr. William Riddell, 24 Aug., 1848 ; translated to Hexham 29 Sep., 1850 (the name was changed to Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle 23 May, 1861) . Died at Darlington 29 Jan., 1866 ; buried at Ushaw. This child was probably his nephew. Rev. Thomas Irving, alias Sherburne, which latter ( his mother's maiden name) he adopted at College , and ever after used . Born at Mowbrick , Lancs., 16 June, 1779 ; younger brother of Rev. William Irving (p. 82 ) . Ed. at St. Alban's , Valladolid , and ordained there 1803, when he returned home and was placed at Claughton, and from thence to Blackburn , 1805-13 , when he succeeded his brother at The Willows , Kirkham, Lancs. For a time after his brother's death he acted as Rector of Valladolid . Was appointed V.G. 1841, and died at Mowbrick 17 Dec. 1854 (C.R.S. , xv, 225). Joseph and " Jane in abstract . § Three miles west of Kendal. The Parish Register of Kendal records






die 25 Maii 1814 baptizata 30a die ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johe Bray et Anna Dornan . Joannes filius Jacobi et Catharina Baines de Kendal natus die 26 Julii 1814 baptizatus die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Helena et Gulielmo Armitstead. Johannes filius Geo et Mariæ Coulton natus die 14 Nov 1814 baptizatus 16 die ejusdem mensis et anni SponsoribusTobia et Maria Derome. 1814

[68] Maria Agnes filia Ed¹ et Helenæ Gibson de Kendal , nata die 17 Decem 1814 baptizata die 18 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus

Johane et Eliza : Suart . Arthurius filius Steph¹ et Eliz Bradley natus die 6ª Januarii 1815 apud Kendal , baptizatus die 12 Feb ejusdem anni sponsoribus Bernardo Murphy et Johanna Read. Gulielmus filius Ed¹ et Isab Dorby (Hybern) natus apud Kendal die 5 Martii 1815 , baptizatus autem die 19 ejusdem mensis et anni ; sponsoribus Petro Dorby et Maria Dornan . Maria Anna filia Eliz et Johannis Suart, nata die 20 Martii 1815 baptizata die 22 ejusdm Mensis & Anni Sponsoribus Thoa et Elenra Unsworth . Agnes filia Johan¹ et Mariæ Williamson de Kendal nata die 1ª Aprilis 1815 baptizata die 2a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Tobia et Maria Derome. 1815

[69] Catharina filia Hugois et Annæ Kennedy Nuper de Kendal

nata die 11ª Aprilis 1815. baptizata die 16a ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Vincentio et Maria Justi. Marcus Thos filius Johannis et Mariæ Derome de Kirkland natus die 25 Aprilis 1815. baptizatus eadem die , Sponsoribus Thoa Wilkinson & Johanna Smith. Gulielmus filius Gul¹ et Elleanoræ Armitstead de Kendal natus die 1ª Maii 1815 baptizatus die 4ª ejusdem mensis et anni, Sponsoribus Georo Holyday et Marga Wileman . Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Saræ Duxbury de Kendal natus die 13 Maii 1815 , baptizatus die 14 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Tobia et Maria Derome. 1815 70 Josephus filius Vincentii & Mariæ Justi natus die 21 Maii. 1815 [baptizatus eodem die, Patrinis Gulielmo & Agnete Preston. Lucia filia Jacobi et Mariæ Dornan nata die 6a Julii 1815. baptizata die 9 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Geor° Holyday & Anna Barton . Anna & Alicia Unsworth filiæ gemella Tho et Ellea Unsworth natæ die 27 Julii 1815 apud Kendal baptizatæ d [i]e 29%


on 27 Oct., 1583, the burial of " Sir John Birkett of Vnderburrow , Preist . Sir was the courtesy title of priests at this time . He may have been attached to the ancient chapel of St. Catherine, about 1 miles north of Underbarrow, the income from which was £6 13s. 4d. per an. The ruins were extant 40 years ago. Birkett was a common name round here in the sixteenth century and some were well - known landed proprietors in the county. * The priest in charge.




et anni . Annæ patrini erant Josephus et Eliz. Aliciæ, Gul . Hodgson et Eliz . Parkinson. Josephus filius Johan * & Judith Johnson de Kendal natus die 7 Sep 1815 baptizatus die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Josepho et Anna Oldcorn.

ejusdem mensis




71 Arthurius Burns filius Cymonis et Catharina Myerscough de [Kendal ] natus die 26 Septembris 1815 baptizatus die 18 Octobris proxime sequentis sponsoribus Mathæo Derome et Helena Gibson. Edvardus filius Jacobi et Mariæ Campbell , Hyberni, de Kirkland natus die 1ª Octobris 1815 baptizatus die 21 ejusdem mensis sponsoribus Johane Derome & Maria Read. Henricus filius Johans et Catharina Lynch (Hybernm) natus die 13 Decembris 1815. baptizatus autem die 18 Januarii 1816, Sponsoribus Richardo Sympson et Eliza Otley. Maria filia Timoth & Johnna White (Hyberm) nata die 2ª Januarii 1816 baptizata die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni [blank .




72 Johannes filius Petri et Margarita Rowlandson natus 17 Maii 1816 baptizatus die 3ª Junii sequentis Sponsoribus Thoa Wilkin-

[ ] Maria Derome. sonet Hannah Jacobi et Hannæ Crossley de Kendal nata die 14 filia

Junii 1816 baptizata die 21 ejusdem mensis et anni

Sponsore Maria Wilson . Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Catharina Bains de Kendal nata die 16a Julii 1816 baptizata die 21 ejusdem mensis, sponsoribus Johanne et Elizabetha Suart . Johannes Fisher Lamb filius Johannis et Catharina Lamb de Kendal natus die 5 Septem 1816. baptizatus die 8a ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Matheo Derome et Helena Gibson. 1816

73 Edvardus filius Edvardi, et Sara Wells (Hybernm) natus die 15 Aug. 1816 baptizatus die 11 Septems ejusdem anni. Jacobus filius Jacobi et Mariæ Bennett de Kendal , natus die 10 Aug. 1815 baptizatus autem die 12 Septembris 1816 (sub conditione) Sponsoribus Gulielmo et Anna Bennett. Stephanus filius Stephani et Mariæ Oldcorn natus die ga Aug: 1816 baptizatus die 15 Septembris sequentis. Sponsoribus Gulielm Montgomery et Maria Suart . Jacobus filius Lucæ et Birgittæ Murran (Hybernm) natus die 12ª Decembris, 1816, baptizatus die 19a ejusdem mensis & anni . Anna Maria filia Johannis et Cath Broadbent nata die 12 Decembris apud Kendal 1816 baptizata die 22 ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Cymone Myerscough & M. Callon.

[ ]

1816 74 Johannesfilius Johannis et MariæDerome de Kirkland natus die

[ ]

Richard " in abstract . " Simon in abstract .

"The priest" then in charge of the Mission.



27 Decembris, baptizatus die 29ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Thoma Turner et Anna Oldcorn . 1817

Johannes filius Gulielmi et Saræ Duxbury de Kendal natus die 6 Januarii 1817 baptizatus die 23 Feb : proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Johanne et Margarita Wileman . Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Conway de Kendal nata die 17 Januarii 1817, baptizata die 23 Feb: proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Geor° Wileman et Eliza Conway. Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Mariæ Bennett de Kendal nata die 10 Januarii 1817 baptizata die 26 Februarii sequentis sponsoribus Thoma Derome juniore et Margarita Bennett. 1817


[75 Josephus et Maria Gemelli Ricardi et Judith Johnson nati die 30 Aprilis 1817 et eadem die baptizata . Josephi patrini [Stephus Old scored Guliel¹ Preston & Anna Oldcorn, Mariæ autem Stephus Oldcorn et] Eliz Otley. Georgius filius Georgii et Mariæ Coulton de Kendal Natus die 31 Martii 1817 baptizatus die 7ª Maii sequentis sponsore Eliza Derome. Johannes filius Guliel¹ & Johanna Lile (Hybernorum ) natus die 31 Martii 1817, baptizatus die 18 Maii proxime sequentis.


Thomas filius Johannis et Elizabeth Suart de Kendal natus die

15 Julii 1817, baptizatus die 16 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus

Henrico et Hannæ Buckingham . Eliz filia Jacobi et Mariæ Conway natus die 17 Januarii 1817 baptizatus die 16 Feb sequentis sponsore Eliz Conway. 1817

[76 Edvardus filius Edvardi et HelenæGibson de Kendal , natus die 31 Julii 1817 , baptizatus autem die 1ª Augus¹ proxime sequentis patrinis [blank . Maria filia Johan¹ et Mariæ Williamson nata die 23 Septembris 1817 baptizata die 27 ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus Tho Turner et Sarah Skee . Maria filia Johan¹ et Annæ* Sutton nata die 28 Octobris 1817 baptizata die 2ª Nov proxime sequentisSponsoribus Tobia Derome et Eliz Conway. Anna filia Gulielmi et Mariæ King nata die 1ª Octobs baptizata die ga Novembris 1817 proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Gulielmo Montgomery et Anna Cragg. 1817 Johannes filius Cath Collins (Hybernæ) natus apud Kendal die [2277Nov¹s 1817 baptizatus die 3ª Decems proxime sequentisSponsore Eliz Thompson. Maria filia Jacobi et Catharina Bains de Kendal nata die 3ª Feb 1818 baptizata die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Robo et Agnete Preston. Elizabetha filia Tho et Mariæ Atkinson de Kendal nata die 23 Feb 1818 baptizata die 8a Martii sequentisSponsoribus Christop¹ Preston et Maria Derome.




" Mary " in abstract .



Maria filia Samuelis et Elleanoræ Bolton de Kendal nata die 26 Martii 1818 baptizata die 29 ejusdem mensis , Sponsoribus Tobia et Maria Derome.

Richardus Ormerod Wilson filius Jacobi et AnnæWilson (Derome) natus die ga Januarii * 1818 baptizatus die ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Dunn et Maria Burley.



78 Maria Agnes filia Cymoniset Catha Myerscough de [Kendal ] nata die ga Maii 1818 baptizata die 15a ejusdem mensis et

anni . Sponsoribus Richdo et Maria Myerscough. Johannes filius Edvs et Isab Darbey natus die 22 Jan 1817 baptizatus die 31 Maii 1818 Sponsoribus Johanne et Catharina Broadbent . Josephus filius Rich: et Judith Johnson de Kendal natus die 31 scored 26 Maii 1818 baptizatus die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Joh: et Anna Oldcorn. Mathæus filius Josephi et Martha Derome natus die 29 Maii 1818 baptizatus die 31 ejusdemSponsoribus Johano etAnna Derome. Thomas filius Gul et Eliztha Preston natus die 12 Junii 1818 baptizatus die 14 ejusdem mensis et anni, SponsoribusChristophore Preston et Sara Crewdson.




79 Gregorius filius Johans & Mariæ Derome de Kirkland, natus die 1 Julii 1818 baptizatus die 2ª ejusdem Sponsoribus Joh Bootle & Anna Lyttleton. Robertus filius Gul¹ et Annæ Williams natus die 14 Augusti 1818 baptizatus die 15 ejusdem Sponsore Eliza Thompson. Anna filia Gul : et Mariæ Campbell (Hyb) de Kirkland nata die 13 Aug: 1818. baptizata die 30a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsbus Gul: Langhorn et Hanna Read. Georgius Cowban Bennett filius Rob¹ & Cæciliæ Bennett de Kendal natus die 17 Septem: 1818 baptizatus eadem die Sponsoribus Revd Domo Georgo Cowban§ & Lucia Cowban. Elizabetha filia Gulielmo et Mariæ Sumner nata apud Hincaster, die 10 Sepris 1818 baptizata die 21 Octobs sequentis, Sponsoribus Johanne Bootle & Christina Oldcorn.

[ ]


filius Jacob et Saræ Conigham** Hyber" natus die 21 [80] Thomas Junii baptizatus die 18 Octobris proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Nihel [? Nigel] Fisher & Eliza Dixon. Robertus Gul : et Johannæ Montgomery 10 filius

natus die

Octob : 1818 baptizatus die 1a Nov: sequentis Sponsoribus Jacobo Conway et Anna Oldcorn. Anna filia Petri et Johanna Towney, alias Turner (Hybern) nata

" 11th January " in abstract . * In abstract is inserted here " 1838 married John Watkins."

Simon " in abstract . § Cannot be traced in Directories. at Alston Lane, Lancs., 1824-49 . " Cuningham in abstract .




There was a Rev. Richard Cowban



die 7 Nov: 1818 baptizata die 20 ejusdem sponsore Johan . Ray. Richardus filius Eliz : Goss natus die 12 Januarii 1819 , baptizatus die I Februarii sequentis. Maria Anna filia Gulielmi et Saræ Duxbury de Kendal nata die 28 Febru¹ 1819 baptizata die 19 Martii sequentis sponsoribus [Richardo Johnson scored] Jacobo Conway et [Elleanore Armitstead scored Maria Thompson. ] 1819. [81 Sarah filia Joannis et Catharina Broadbent nata die 16 Februarii baptizata die 7 Martii sequentis Sponsoribus Petro Davis et Maria Smith. Joannes filius Jacobi et Mariæ Conway natus die 11 Martii 1819 baptizatus die 14 ejusdem mensis Sponsoribus Joanne Wileman et Anna Montgomery. Maria filia Gulielmi et Mariæ King nata die 21 Feb 1819 baptizata die 21 Martii sequentis Sponsoribus Josepho Oldcorn et Anna Oldcorn. Joannes filius Michaelis et Joanna Burns, (Hybern") natus die 19 Martii 1819 , baptizatus die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsore Sarah Crewdson. Josephus filius Jacobi et Hannæ Crossley de Kendal natus die 18 Aprilis 1819 baptizatus die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Jacobo Derome et Lucia Lowes.




[82] Elizabetha filia Johannis et Eliza Suart de Kendal, nata die

8 Maii 1819, baptizata die 12 ejusdem Sponsoribus Anna Lyttleton & Matho Derome. Elizabetha filia Tho Eastham et Agnetis Woolf nata die 2 Junii 1819 , baptizata die 26 ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Jacobo et Elizabetha Conway. Johannes filius Georgii et Mariæ Coulton natus die 5 Augusti 1819. baptizatus die Sepris proxime sequentis Sponsore Eliza Derome. Isaac filius Stephani & Mariæ Oldcorn, natus die 29 Julii 1819, baptizatus die 19 Septems sequentis sponsoribus Josepho Oldcorn


& Maria King.

1819 Robertus Jacobi et Marga Beck de Goodamscales Jacobus filius [ natus die 3 Nov : 1819 baptizatus die 5a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Revdo Domo Roberto Hoggarth et Dor: Badenoch. Thomas Simpson Unsworth filius Tho et [blank Unsworth de Kendal natus die 8a Nov: 1819 baptizatus die 12 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus [ blank] Unsworth et Helena Gibson. Matheus filius Tho et Mariæ Derome natus die 6 Decem³ 1819 baptizatus die 12 ejusdem Sponsoribus Matheo Derom et Ellena 83




Isabella filia Gulielmi et Amatæ Holyday, nata die 88 Decem

18 " in abstract . " February * See notes on Dodding Green supra.



1819 baptizata die 26a ejusdem sponsoribus Georgio et Margarita


filius Gulielmi & Annæ Montgomery natus die 16 [84] Stephanus 1820 baptizatus die 13 Februarii sequentis, sponsoribus Januarii , Thoma Wilkinson et [blank] Oldcorn. Robertus filius nothus Mariæ Gibson de Hincaster, * natus die

die [sic 15 Novems 1819, baptizatus die 17 Februarii 1820. Sponsore Maria Gibson . Josephus filius Guliel et Eliza Preston natus die 2ª Martii 1820 , baptizatus die 5 ejusdem mensis et anni , SponsoribusMatheo Preston et Agnete Westhead. Johannes filius Tho et Mariæ Atkinson , natus die 17 Februarii 1820, baptizatus die 5 Martii seques sponsoribus Jacobo & Catha Bains. Johannes filius Robti et Ruth Preston Natus die 12 Martii 1820 baptizatus die 19 ejusdem patrinis Samuele et Elleanora Bolton.



[85] Richardus Ormerod Derome filius Jacobi et Annæ Wilson

(Derome) natus die ga Januarii 1818 baptizatus die 11 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Dunn & Maria Burley. The above is scored, (see entry of that date on page 88).




Johannes filius Simonis et Catharina Myerscough natus die 23 Maii 1820 , baptizatus die 28 ejusdem, Sponsoribus Johanne et Eliza Suart . Johanna filia Josephi et Martha Derome, de Kendal , nata die 7 Junii 1820, baptizata die 11 ejusdem Sponsoribus, Johanne et Anna Derome. Franciscus Simpson Kellet filius Francisci et Isabe Kellet de Plumgarth, natus die 10 Junii , baptizatus die 16 ejusdem Sponsoribus Thoma & [blank] Unsworth . 1820

filius Edv¹ et Margarita Cosgrove , Hybernorum , [86] Edvardus ga ,

natus die

Julii 1820 baptizatus eodem die Sponsoribus Hugone McCosker et Catharina Riley.

Maria filia Hugonis et Margarita McCusker, nata die 25 Augusti 1820 baptizata die 3a Septembris proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Johanne McCornell et Sara Crewdson. Sepris 1820 Marg . filia Saræ et Georgii Wileman nata die baptizata die 17 Septembris 1820 Sponsoribus Johanne et Marg. Wileman . Johanna filia Gul¹ et Mariæ King nata die 5 Septem: 1820 baptizata die 1ª Octob : sequentis Sponsoribus Johnathan et Johanna Oldcorn.


Hincaster is a hamlet and township in the Parish of Heversham, one mile east of main road Kendal to Milnthorpe , 2 miles NE . of latter, and the site of a Roman station . Population (census of 1921) 143, mostlyfarmers. A district on road from Kendal to Bowness , about 2 miles from Kendal. Marg Cuskill in abstract .








[87 Jacobus filius Johans et Eliza Suart de Kendal natus die 19a

Novembris 1820, baptizatus die 22 ejus[d] em SponsoribusRichardo Simpson et Helena Gibson. 1821

Maria filia Jacobi et Mariæ Campbell de Kirkland, nata die 10 Martii 1820 baptizata die 14 Januarii 1821 Sponsoribus Steph° et Eliza Thompson. Johannes filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Sumner de Kendal natus die 31 Januarii 1821. Baptizatus die 11 Feb : sequentis. Sponsoribus Anne Hesketh et Thoma Pickthall. above entry is not represented in the abstract. [TheTobias ] Derome Bolton filius Samuelis et Helenæ Bolton, natus die 8 Martii 1821, baptizatus die 11 ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Tobia et Maria Derome. following entry is scored. [TheTobias Derome Bolton filius Samuelis et Ellen Bolton de Kendal natus die 27 Martii 1821 baptizatus die 1 Aprilis sequentis. Sponsoribus [blank .



[88] Ordo et numerus Confirmatorum apud Doddin Green

22 Nov: 1803 a Reverendissmo Do Gulmo Gibson Episo Acanthensi . John Suart Robt Preston Martha Derome Wm Preston Jas. Preston Mary Dornan Jas. Lupton Ann Dornan John Wharton Eliz . Derome Rach Wharton Ann Mattocks Eliz. Otley Mary Derome Wm Holyday John Marshall Jos. Langhorn Wm Callon John Wilson Wm Montgomery Agnes Preston Ann Derome Christ Preston Robt Mountain Turner



et Cath Bains de Kendal natus die [89] Henricus filius Jacobi 1 .

27 Martii baptizatus die Aprilis sequentis Sponsoribus Henrico Bains et Maria Atkinson. Maria filia Jacobi et Margarita Duffy (Hybern") nata die 13 Aprilis 1821 apud Kendal babtizatus die 22 ejusdem mensis Sponsoribus Patric Slane et Eliz . Thompson.

[The above entry is not represented in the abstract.] Dr. William Gibson, Vicar-Apostolic of Northern District, 5th son of Jasper Gibson of Stonecroft, Northumberland , by Margaret, dr. of Nicholas Leadbitter of Nether Warden, Northumberland , and younger brother of Dr. Matthew Gibson, V.A. Born 2 Feb. , 1738, took Coll. oath at Douay 3 Nov., 1755. On returnto England became chaplain to the Silvertops at Minsteracres, Co. Durham. Appointed Pres. of Douay 1781, and remained there until death of his brother Matthew , whom he succeeded in the Vicariate . Consec. 5 Dec., 1790. Was the founder of Crook Hall and Ushaw. Died at Durham 2 June, 1821, and was buried at Ushaw (C.R.S. , xxvi).



Alicia filia Gulielet Saræ Duxbury nata die 20 Januariibabtizata die 29 Aprilis 1821. Sponsoribus Richardo Johnson et Elleaa Armitstead . Thomas filius Tho et Mariæ Derome de Kendal , natus die 3 Junii 1821 baptizatus eadem die. defunctus . Jacobus filius Michalis et Johannæ Bourne, Hybernorum natus die 10 Junii eadem die baptizatus in periculo mortis. 1821

90 Josephus filius Jacobi et Sara Cuningham natus die 22ª Juli [1820 ] baptizatus die 1a Julii 1821 Sponsoribus Jacobo et Eliza Derome


Richardus filius Tho et Ella Unsworth de Kendal natus die 26 Junii 1821 baptizatus die 1a Julii sequentis Sponsoribus Simone et [blank] Myerscough. Anna Sophia filia Francisci et Mariæ Wyatt de Kendal nata die 19 Junii 1821 baptizata die 4ªJulii sequentisSponsoreAnnaSuddons. Elleanora filia Jacobi et Mariæ Conway de Kendal nata die 6ª Septemis 1821 baptizata die ga ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Johanne Wileman et Eliza Conway. Isabella filia Richdi & Judith Johnson de Kendal nata die 6 Nov. 1821 baptizata die 11 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Rich do Johnson et Eliza Derome. 1821

[91] Georgius filius Gul : et Margarita Simpson de Kendal natus die

3ª Decem³1821 baptizatus die 7a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Georgio Holiday et Marga Wileman. 1822 Agnes filia Josephi et Mariæ Beson de Kendal , nata die 17 Januarii 1822 baptizata die 18 ejusdem Sponsoribus Rd Do Tha Wilkinson * et Helena Gibson. Catharina Seton Broadbent filia Johannis et Catharina Broadbent de Kirkland nata die 14 Februarii 1822 , baptizata 24 Martii sequentis Sponsoribus Thoa Barry et Maria Davis. Robertus filius Francisci et Isabellæ Kellet de Plumbgarth natus die 23 Aprilis 1822 baptizatus die 26a ejusdem Sponsoribus Johanne Unsworth et Sara McCuen . Thomas filius Richardi et Saræ Kilshaw de Kendal natus die 27 Aprilis 1822 baptizatus die 26a Maii sequentis Sponsoribus Joachim Hylle et Eliza Thompson. 1822

Elizabetha filia Tho et Mariæ Derome de Kendal nata die 19a Junii 1822 baptizata eadem die Sponsoribus Alexando Morgan et Eliz . Derome. Marie filia Francisci et Mariæ Wyatt de Kendal , nata die 16 Julii 1822 baptizata die 2 Augusti séquentis, Sponsoribus T Wilkinson et Anna Lyttleton . Margarita filia Gul et Mariæ King nata die 15 Julii 1822 baptizata die Augusti sequentis, Sponsoribus Richardo Johnson et Maria Oldcorn scored Gobson. 92

[ ]




* Priest in charge of the mission.



Maria filia Gulielmi et Annæ Montgomery de Kendal nata die 17 Augusti 1822 baptizata die 25 ejusdem Sponsoribus Jacobo Newby et Elizabetha Conway. 1822

93 Maria filia Thomæ et Mariæ Atkinson de Kendal nata die 22 Augusti 1822 baptizata die 25 ejusdem Sponsoribus Thoma Turner et [blank] Skaife. Thomas filius Johan¹s et Annæ Sutton de Kendal natus die 26 Septem¹s 1822 baptizatus die 29 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Derome et Maria Bell. Sara filia Petri et Margarita Lawless, Hybernorum , nata die 12 Augti 1822 , baptizatadie 20 Novis sequentis, Sponsoribus Edvardo Cargrove et Johanna Conway. Georgius filius Gulielm1 et Amatæ Holyday natus die 5 Decem¹s 1822 baptizatus die 25 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Johanne et Anna

[ ]


1823 Johannes Christophorus Beson filius Josephi et Mariæ Beson de Kendal natus die 19 Januarii 1823 baptizatus die 22 ejusdem Sponsoribus Sophia Beson et Christophoro Gibson. 1823

94 Maria Agnes filia Gulielmi * et Mariæ Ellison de Sizergh, nata [die ]26 Januarii 1823 baptizata die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni Spon-

soribus Luca et Maria Ellison Infantis avia. Johanna filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Suart nata die 5 Feb" 1823 apud Kendal , baptizata eadem die Sponsoribus Josepho Unsworth et Anna Laytham. Thomas filius Simonis et Catharinæ Myerscoughde Kendal natus die 4 Feb 1823 baptizatus die 6a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Christophoro Gibson et Anna Laytham. Anna Maria filia Georgii et Sara Wileman de Kendal, nata die 14 Februarii 1823 baptizata die 2ª Martii sequentis Sponsoribus Gul : et Margarita Simpson. 1823

95 Johannes filius Tho et Elleanora Unsworth de Kendal natus die 19 Februarii 1823 , baptizatus die 28 Martis sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Unsworth et Dorothea Badenoch. David filius Davidis et Elizabethæ Rogers [Crewland beneath (Hybernorum ) natus die 24 Februarii 1823 baptizatus die 28 ejusdem. Josephus filius , nothus, Mariæ Langthorn natus 21 Februarii baptizatus die 9 Martii sequentis Sponsoribus Gulielmo et Isabella Langhorn . " in abstract. * William " 20 November Ellison, of Sizergh, baptized 4 March, 1787, at Monk Hesleden, co. Durham , son of Luke Ellison of Hardwick- by - the-Sea: succeeded his uncle William Cuthbert Ellison as land-agent to the Stricklands of Sizergh (see footnote , p. 71 ) : buried 6 March, 1865, at Heversham, Westmorland : married 1st, Mary, daughter of Robert Harrison, of Low Levens: she was buried 24 April, 1828, at Heversham. He was great- great-grandson of Michael and Ann Ellison of Hett, co . Durham, who were mentioned in four Recusant Rolls between 1673 and 1689 : see The Ellisons of Tyneside, by Alfred J. Ellison , 1931 (in manuscript) .

[ ]





Jacobus filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Preston de Kendal natus die 16ª Martii 1823. baptizatus die 19 ejusdem. SponsoribusJacobo Derome et Maria Bell . Edvardus filius Edvardi et Mariæ McGinn, (Hyberm ) natus apud Kendal die 13 Junii 1823 baptizatus eadem die , sub periculo mortis. 1823

[96 Thomas filius Josephi et Catharina Unsworth de Kendal natus die 25 Junii 1823 , baptizatus die 4 Julii sequentis, Sponsoribus Johanne Williamson et Maria Gibson. Elizabetha Seton, filia Johannis et Catharina Broadbent de Kirkland nata die 5a Augti 1823 baptizata de 24 ejusdem, Sponsoribus Carolo More Ullethorne et Maria Wyatt. Elleanora filia Georgii et Mariæ Coulton, de Kendal nata die 20 Julii 1823, baptizata die ga Septembris proxime sequentis Sponsore Elizabetha Derome. Alicia filia Gulielmi & Mariæ Sunner de Kendal nata die 17 Octobris 1823 baptizata die 19 ejusdem Sponsoribus Johanne et Margarita Wileman .



[97] Alicia filia Richdi et Judith Johnson nata die 31 Oct : 1823,

baptizata die 2 Novem³ sequentis, sponsoribus Thoma et Anna Johnson. Patricius filius Patricii et Catharina Branaghan, Hybernorum, natus die 27 Novis 1823 baptizatus die 30 ejusdem mensis , Sponsore Johanna Lee. Thomas filius Franc¹ et Mariæ Wyatt de Kendal natus die 21 Decemb¹s 1823 , baptizatus die 1 Januarii 1824. Sponsoribus Johanne Broadbent et Helena Gibson. 1824 Margata filia Jacobi et Mariæ Conway nata die 6 Januarii 1824 baptizat[a die 11 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Samuele et Elleanore Bolton. Johanna filia Gul¹ et Saræ Duxburyde Kendal nata die 27 Febru¹l 1824baptizata die 29 ejusdem mensis et anni . SponsoribusJohanne et Johanna Johnson.



98 Sara filia Tho et Mariæ Pickthall de Kendal , nata die 8va [Martii ] 1824 baptizata die 14 ejusdem mensis sponsoribus Johanne et Elizaa Derome. Maria Anna filia Jacobi et Cathare Bains de Kendal, nata die 21 Martii 1824 baptizata die 28 ejusdem mensis et Anni Sponsoribus Johane Williamson et Elleanora Armitstead. Anna filia Josephi et Mariæ Beson de Kendal , nata die 7ª Aprilis 1824. baptizata die ga ejusdem Sponsoribus, Josepho et Matilda Beson. Isabella filia Gulielmi et Mariæ King, nata die 11 Martii, baptizata die 11 Aprilis proxime sequentis 1824 Sponsoribus Johanne Oldcorn et Anna Montgomery . Johannes filius Rob¹ et Mariæ Graham de Kirkland natus die 10 Aprilis 1824 , baptizatus die 15 ejusdem Sponsoribus Johanne et Maria Kendal .



1824 99 Jacobus filius Nothus Jacobi McMullen et Annæ Hapes natus die I Martii 1824. baptizatus die 2 Maii proxime sequentis Sponsore Maria Slane. Jacobus filius Jacobi et Saræ Cuningham natus die 5 Martii 1822 baptizatus die 9° Maii 1824. SponsoribusJacobo et Elizabetha Derome . Maria filia Jacobi et Sara Cuningham nata die 12 Martii 1824 baptizata die ga Maii 1824. Sponsoribus Jacobo et Elizabetha Derome. Agnes filia Gulielmi et Annæ Montgomery de Kendal nata die Maii 1824 baptizata die 16 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Johnathan Oldcorn et Maria Gibson. Robertus filius Roberti et Ruth Preston de Kendal natus die 16 Maii 1824. baptizatus die 23a ejusdem. Sponsoribus Christophoro Preston et Elizabetha Derome. 1824 [ 100 Bernardus filius Hugonis et Mariæ Robotham , natus die 10 Maii 1824 baptizatus die 7a Junii sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Dixon et Elizabetha Thompson. Jacobus Read, filius Jac¹ et Mariæ Campbel, natus die 21 Maii 1824 baptizatus die 13 Junii sequentis Sponsoribus Stephano Thompson et [blank] Read. there is a space of about 5 lines. [hereThos . filius Tho et Mariæ Derome de Kendal natus die 17 Julii 1824. baptizatus eodem die. Sponsoribus Matho Derome et Elizabetha Derome. Hugo filius Caroli et Marga Mullhollan (Hyber:) natus die 5a Decem³ 1824 baptizatus die 19 ejusdem mensis et anni, sponsoribus Christopo Preston et Catharina Lamb.

[ ]





[ 101 ] Johannes filius Patricii et Cathar Branaghan * (Hybern) natus die 10 Janua[r] ii 1825 baptizatus die 14ª ejusdem mensis et .

anni Sponsoribus Daniele Leonard & [blank]. Johanna filia Georgii et Sara Wileman de Kendal, nata die 24 Februarii 1825. baptizata die 6 Martii proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Holyday et Elleanora Armitstead. Alicia filia Samuelis et Ellenoræ Bolton de Kendal nata die 14 Martii baptizata die 20 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Tobia et Maria Derome 1825 . Gulielmus filius Gul¹ et Mariæ Ellison de Sizergh natus die 30 Martii 1825, baptizatus die 28 Aprilis proxime sequentis. sponsoribus Johanne & Johanna Ellison. 1825

Josephi et Catharina Unsworth de Kendal, [102] Elizabetha filia , baptizata die 6a ejusdem Sponsoribus Johanne nata die 3a


Ray et Maria Gibson . Charlotta filia Simonis et Dorothea

" in abstract. * "" Branhagan Catharine in abstract . "

Myerscough de Kendal




nata die 1 Maii 1825 baptizata die 4 ejusdem Sponsoribus Johanne et Elizabetha Suart . Sara Anna filia Johannis et Elizabethæ Suart, de Kendal nata die 31 Maii 1825 baptizata die 2a Junii proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Simone et Dorothea Myerscough. Anna filia Johannis et Annæ Sutton de Kendal nata die 3ª Junii 1825, baptizata die 5 ejusdem mensis et anni , sponsoribus [blank . ] Johanna filia Gulielmi et Amatæ Holiday de Kendal nata die 2ª Junii 1825 baptizata die 5a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Georgio et Isabella Holiday.

1825 103 Matheus filius Tho et Mariæ Derome de Kendal natus die 7 Julii 1825 baptizatus die 8ª ejusdem, Sponsoribus Matheo Derome

[ ]

et Anna Laytham. Thomas filius Isaaci et Eliza Hadwen de Kendal natus die 18

mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Julii 1825 baptizatus die 24 ejusdem .

Thoma Derome et Maria Bell Johannes filius Johan¹s et Helenæ Duffy (Hybernm) natus die 6 Octobris 1825, baptizatus die 8va ejusdem, Sponsoribus Philippo Connell et Eliza Thompson. Robertus filius Robti et Agnetis Graham natus die 4ª Octobris 1825 , baptizatus die 14 ejusdem mensis . Sponsoribus Jacobo et Maria Derome. Teresia filia Adami et Eliza Skaife de Kendal nata die 21 Octobris 1825 baptizata die 23 ejusdem. Sponsoribus Franci [s] co et Eliz . Skaife . 1825

] Maria filia Patricii et Esther McGrath (Hybenm) nat die 10


[Octobris 1825baptizatus die 23 ejusdem mensis Sponsoribus Laurentio Connel et Marga Doran.

Elizabetha filia Johannis scored Jacobi et Annæ [Holyday scored Derome de Kendal nata die 5 Novembris 1825, baptizata



] die 6 ejusdem, Sponsoribus Thoma et Maria Atkinson.

Georgius filius Johannis et Mariæ Holyday natus die 12 Novembris 1825 baptizatus die 13 ejusdem Sponsoribus Georgio Holyday et

Marga Wileman. X Josephus filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Preston de Kendal natus die ga Decembris 1825, et eadem die baptizatus , Sponsoribus Robo Preston et Agnete [see fourth entry below . 1826


Patricius filius Andreæ et Annæ Patton (Hybern ) natus die 23 Feb 1826 baptizatus [eadem scored] die 24 Sponsoribus Hugone et Maria O'Neil. 1826 105 Maria filia Jacobi et Mariæ Conway de Kendal natus [sic [ ] die 18a Martii 1826 baptizatus [sic] die 19 proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Samuele et Elleanora Bolton. Margarita Deborah filia Johannis et Cathanae Broadbent de Kirkland nata die 19 Martii 1826. baptizata die 28e ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus, Mathæo Derome et Eliza Suart .





xThomas filius Guliel¹ et Saræ Duxbury de Kendal natus die 24 Novem³ 1825 , baptizatus die 5 Martii 1826. sponsoribus Thoa et Anna Johnson. Elleanora filia Tho et Elleanoræ Unsworth de Kendal nata die 28 Aprilis 1826 , baptizata die ga ejusdem Sponsoribus Richardo Simpson et Catharina Hodgson. Johanna filia Gulielmi et Annæ Montgomery de Kendal nata die 14 Aprilis 1826 baptizatadie 16 ejusdem mensis SponsoribusJohanne et Margarita Wileman . 1826

[ 106] [July above] Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Mariæ King natus die 25 Junii 1826. baptizatus die 16 Julii proxime sequentis, Spon-

soribus Georgio Derome et Margta Oldcorn. Anna filia Margaritæ et Jacobi Donelly (Hybernm ) nata die 28 Julii 1826. baptizata die 6 Augusti proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Edvardo et Elizabetha Gin . Johannes filius Thomæ et Mariæ Pikehall * natus die 16 Julii 1826 baptizatus die 3ª Septem³ proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Elizabetha Skaife . Margarita filia Guliel¹ et Mariæ Sunner de Kendal nata die 7a Octobris 1826 baptizatadie 15 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Gulielo Mongomery et Margarita Sharrock. Alicia filia Tho et Mariæ Derome de Kendal nata die 16 Oct: 1826 baptizata die 20 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Thoa Derome et Eliza Skaife. 1826 [107 Anna filia Hugonis & Birgittæ McHenry nata die 8va Septembris, baptizata die 16 Octob 1826 Sponsoribus Johanne Broadbent et Helena Gibson. Dorothea filia Dora et Simonis Myerscough nata die 14 Novem¹s 1826 baptizatadie 18 ejusdem mensis et Anni. SponsoribusSamuele et Elleanora Bolton . Elizabetha filia Michs et Johannæ Eller [ay scored] (Oldeorn) nata die 1ª Decembris 1826. baptizata die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Josepho Oldcorn et Anna Mongomery.



Antonius filius Joannis et Eliza Suart de Kendal natus die 5a Feb : 1827. baptizatus die 7a ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Jacobo et [blank Myerscough. Sarah filia Michaelis et Johannæ Burns nata die 18ª Martii 1827, baptizata eadem die sponsoribus Michaele et Thomasina Skaife .



[108] Thomas filius (Thomæ) et Mariæ Atkinson , natus die 1ª Aprilis . 1827, baptizatus eadem die . Sponsoribus Adamo et Eliza Skaife

Elleanora filia Hugonis & Margarita Kuskell§ nata die 2ª Maii

" in abstract. * " Pickhall Catharine " in abstract . " " Bourn " in abstract . § " Cuskell " in abstract .



1827 baptizatadie 6ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Johanne Wileman et Elizabetha McClosky. Maria filia Samuelis et Elleanoræ Bolton de Kendal nata die 11ª Maii 1827. baptizata die 13 ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Tobia et Maria Derome. Richardus filius Gulielmi et Margarita Simpson natus die 8va Junii 1827 baptizatus die 10% ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Georgio et Anna Holyday. Johanna filia Johannis et Isabellæ Johnson de Kendal nata die 13 Junii 1827 baptizatadie 17a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Thoma et Anna Johnson. 1827 [109] Sarah filia Georgii et Sara Wileman nata die 19 Junii 1827 baptizata die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne et Margarita Wileman . Maria filia Roberti et Mariæ Graham de Kirkland nata die 5ª Octobris 1827 baptizata die 7a ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Johanne Kendal et Johanna Lamb . Jacobus filius Tho et Mariæ Derome natus die 4ª Novembris 1827 baptizatus die 11ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Isaaco et Elizabetha Hadwen. Anna filia Walteri et Marga McDermot nata die 4ª Junii 1827, et eadem die baptizata . Supplebantur ceremoniæ die 25ª Nov : 1827. Sponsore Johanna McClosky. Margarita filia Gul : et Annæ Montgomery nata die 25 Nov³ 1827. baptizata die 2ª Decem³ proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Josepho et Margarita Oldcorn . 1827

[ 110] Johannes filius Johannis et Annæ Sutton de Kendal natus die Ia Decembris 1827 baptizata die 5a ejusdem mensis et anni Spon-

soribus Gulielmi Simpson et Marga Sharrock . Anna filia Josephi et Catharina Unsworth de Kendal nata die 19a Augusti 1827 baptizata die 13ª Decembris ejusdem anni . Sponsoribus Geor: Holiday et Maria Daly. Winefrida filia Adami et Eliza Škaife de Kendal nata die 22a Decembris 1827, baptizata die 23a ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Francisco et Thomasina Skaife. Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Amatæ Holiday , natus die 3ª Decembris 1827, baptizatus die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni , sponsoribus Johanne et Anna Holiday. 1828

Anna filia Jacobi et Annæ Derome nata die 22ª Janul 1828, baptizata die 27 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Laur. entio above O'Connell et Anna Holiday.



1828 [ 111 Stephanus filius Gulielmi et Marlæ King, natus die 5ª Februarii 1828 baptizatus die 2a Martii proxime sequentis Sponsoribus


Stephano et Maria Oldcorn. Rebecca filia Isaaci et Eliza Hadwen de Kendal nata die ga Martii 1828 baptizata de 16a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Georgio Derome et Eliz : Skaife.



Richardus filius Thomæ et Elleanora Unsworth , natus die 5a Aprilis 1828 , et eadem die baptizatus in periculo mortis. Elizabetha filia Johannis et Mariæ Holyday nata die 11 Aprilis baptizata die 13 ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Johanne Wileman et Isabella Holyday. Hannah filia Guliel ' et Saræ Duxbury nata die 3ª Februarii 1828, baptizata die 27a Aprilis proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Gulielmo

et Agnete Cragg.


[112] Elizabetha filia Johannis et Eliza Suart de Kendal nata die

29 Maii 1828, baptizata die 30 ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Christophoro et Elizabetha Gibson. Birgitta filia Michaelis et Susanna Donogue (Hybernorum ) nata die 24 Junii 1828 , baptizata die 28ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Mathæo O Connell et Anna Fludd. Maria filia Dominici et Hannæ Spelman nata die 23 Junii 1828 baptizata die 6a Julii sequentis Sponsoribus Hugone McHenry et [blank Daly. Laurentius filius Richardi et Margarita Shakeshaft natus die 18 Junii 1828 baptizatus die 6a Julii sequentis, Sponsoribus Georgio & Margarita Wileman . Johanna filia Jacobi et Mariæ Conway de Kendal nata die 31 Julii 1828 , baptizata die 3 Augusti proxime sequentis sponsoribus Samuele et Elleanora Bolton. [113 1828 James Seton * Broadbent born July 7th Godfather Thomas Wright . Baptized on the 27th of July Godmother Sarah Ann Wright . The above is written on a piece of paper in a different handwriting, pasted on the margin and folded over the first entry on this page.






Alexander filius Michaelis & Johanna Sexton natus die 25 Julii die 6a Augusti sequentis, sponsoribus Carolo Kusker et Elleanora Cavenaugh. Franciscus Babington filius Josephi et Elize Tussaud natus die 16 Augusti 1828 baptizatus die 7ª Septembris proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Francisco et Maria Tussaud. Margarita filia Roberti et Saræ Seed, de Stavely , nata die ga Octob , 1828 , baptizata die ga Novembris proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Thoma et Elizabetha Skaife. Simon filius Simonis et Dorothea Myerscough natus die 21 Novembris 1828. baptizatus die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Elizabetha Gibson. 1828 baptizatus


The abstract inserts here son of John and Catharine. A grandson of the Madame Tussaud of Waxworks fame, only son ofher eldest son Joseph . He was student and exhibitioner at Royal Academy, a modeller and sculptor , and good musician. He sang in Card. Wiseman's Choir at Moorfields, London, also at Spanish Place. Died in Rome, 1862, and was buried there. A bas-relief of him in marble is in St. Mary's Chapel, Kensal Green Cemetery. The godfather was the child's uncle, 2nd son of Madame Tussaud, and the godmother either his wife or old Madame Marie Tussaud . Tussand


" in abstract.




Georgius filius Georgii et Sara Wileman natus die 22 Novembris 1828 , baptizatus die 7a Decembris proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus

Johanne et Margarita Wileman . 1829


] Helena filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Sunner de Kendal , nata die 1ª Januarii 1829, baptizata die 11a ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Johanne Williamson & [blank Daly. Elizabetha filia Johan's et Esther Sarratt de Whitherslack nata 18ª Januarii 1829. baptizata die 29a Martii proxime sequentisSponsoribus Adamo et Elizabetha Skaife. Anna filia Gul : et Margaritæ Kelly nata die 18a Aprilis 1829 baptizata die 24ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Elleanora Cavenaugh et Gul : Armitstead. Gulielmus et Christophorus filii gemelli Gul : et Eliz: Preston nati die 27 Aprilis 1829. baptizati eodem die Sponsoribus Gul¹ Daniele Leonard et Ruth Preston Christophori autem Christophoro Preston et [blank] Leonard . Edvardus filius Petri et Catharina Foggarty natus die 17 Martii 1827 baptizatus die 3ª Maii 1829 .




[ 115] Catharina filia Catha et Josephi Unsworth nata die 18a Maii

1829 baptizata die 14° Junii proxime sequentis sponsoribus Georgio et Isabella Holiday. Maria Anna filia Edvardi et Annæ Bradley nata die 6ª Julii 1829 baptizata die 17 ejusdem mensis et Anni sponsoribus Daniele Leonard et Eliz : McClosky. Birgitta filia Hugonis et Birgittæ McHenry nata die 11 Julii 1829 baptizata die 18 (in periculo mortis) ejusdem mensis et anni . Johanna nata die 5 Septem³ 1825 et Jacobus natus die 10 Januarii 1827 ambo infantes Jacobi et Isabellæ Rosthorn baptizati sunt sub conditione die 23 Augusti 1829 . Richardus filius Johannis et Isabellæ Johnson [over Oldcor scored de Stavely* natus die 18 Augusti 1829. baptizatus die 30a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Thoma et Anna [ Oldcorn


scored Johnson. Maria filia Tho® et Eliz : Clark nata die 2ª Octobris 1822 baptizata sub conditione die 30a Augusti 1829 . 1829 [116 Christophorus filius Johannis et Eliza Suart de Kendal natus die 29ª Augusti 1829. baptizatus die 4ª Septem" proxime sequentis.



sponsoribus Arthurio Myerscough et Maria Agnete Gibson. Margarita filia Johannis et JohannæConbury* nata die 28 Junii 1829 (apud Shapp ) baptizata sub conditione die 12 Septembris proxime sequentis. Richardus filius Henrici et Johanna Moulding natus die 5a Octobris , baptizatus die 25 ejusdem mensis 1829. An old and prosperousvillage on the road from Kendal to Windermere, four miles from latter. Carbury in abstract . The well- known village on the Fells, 14 miles north of Kendal.




Gulielms filius Gulielmi et Saræ Duxbury natus die 31 Julii baptizatus die 25 Octobris 1829 Sponsoribus Thoma Cragg et Anna Sunner. Gulielmus filius Gul¹ et Agathæ Dodgson natus die 12ª Octobris 1829 baptizatus die 18 Novembris proxime sequentis sponsoribus [blank]. Elleanora filia Roberti et Agnetis Graham nata die 13 Novembris 1829 baptizata die 22 ejusdem Sponsoribus Jacobo Derome et Isabella Holyday. 1829

[117] Elizabetha filia Gulielmi et Mariæ King nata die 21 Octobris ,

baptizatadie 22 Novembris proxime sequentis sponsoribus Stephano

Oldcorn et [blank . Sara filia Jacobi et Sara Cuningham nata die 21 Augusti 1829 baptizata die 10 Januarii 1830 sponsoribus Jacobo Derome et Maria Atkinson. 1830 Anna filia Hugonis et Marga McCuskell* nata die 6ª Januarii 1830 , baptizata die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Petro McGran et Maria Spelman. Maria filia Patricii et Esther McGran nata die 5 Feb¹¹ 1830 baptizata die 7 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Hugone et Margarita McKusker . Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Isaba Rosthorn nata die 29 Januarii 1830. baptizata die 7 Feb¹¹ proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Michaele et Thomasina Skaife. Edvardus filius Josephi et Marga Park natus die 12ª Nov³ 1829. baptizatus die 5a Martii [Februarii scored] 1830 Sponsore Margarita McGinnis 1830 118 Gulielmus filius Henrici et Annæ Rice natus die 8va Aprilis 1830 baptizatus die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni . sponsoribus Georgio Derome et Birgitta Moony. Elleanor filia Simonis et Dorothea Myerscough nata die 3 Maii 1830 baptizata die 7a ejusdem, Sponsoribus Jacobo Newby et Johanna Conway. Anna Monica filia Gul : et Annæ Montgomery nata die 4ª Maii 1830 baptizata die 7a ejusdem Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Eliza Skaife . Isabella filia Johannis et Mariæ Holyday nata die 8va Maii baptizatus die ga ejusdem, Sponsoribus Georigio [sic et Anna Holyday Josephus Thompson Seed filius Roberti et Hannæ Seed , natus die 9a Maii 1830 baptizatus die 6a Junii proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Adamo et Elleanora Skaife. Georgius filius Johannis et Annæ Holden , natus die 9a Junii 1830 baptizatus die 13ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Daniele Ellwood et Annæ Holden .


[ ]



[ 119] Richardus filius Tho et Mariæ Derome natus die 1ª Julii . * " Cuskell " in abstract is

In the abstract

inserted " In Australia 1885.




1830. baptizatus die 2ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne

Ray et Eliza Hadwen. Birgitta filia Johannis et Mariæ Howley ( Hybernorum ) nata die 18 Julii 1830, baptizata die 4ª ejusdem mensis et anni. Amata filia Gulielmi et Amatæ Holiday nata die 5 Julii 1830 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Gulielmo baptizata die Simpson et Anna Holiday. Wilfridus filius Adami et Elize Skaife natus die 11ª Octobris 1830 baptizatus die 13ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Adamo Skaif juniore et Elleanore ipsius uxore . Josephus filius Mariæ Gibson natus die 3ª Novembris 1830 baptizatus die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Gulielmo Simpson et Isabella Holyday. Thomas filius Samuelis et Elleanoræ Bolton natus die 3ª Decembris 1830 , baptizatus die 4ª ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Tobia Derome et Ruth Preston.


1830 120 Jacobus filius Jacobi et AnnæDerome natus die 8va Decembris 1830 baptizatus die 12a ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus

[ ]

Jacobo et Elizabetha Smith. Jacobus filius Jacobi et Margarita Waterhouse de Sedgwick natus die 18a Novembris 1830 , baptizatus die 30a Januarii 1831 Sponsoribus Jacobo et Elizabetha Smith. 1831

Elizabetha filia Johannis et Mariæ Ray nata die 2 Martii 1831. baptizata die 4ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Christophoro et Elizabetha Gibson . Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Barbara Dorothy (Hybernorum ) natus die 7a Aprilis baptizatus die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni [ 1831


added .

Gulielmus filius Gulielmi et Eliza Preston natus die 28 Junii 1831. baptizatus die 3a Julii proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Christophoro Preston et Maria Westhead. Henricus Albanus filius Gulielmi et Mariæ King natus die 22 Junii 1831. baptizatus die 10 Julii sequentis Sponsoribus Gulielmi Oldcorn et Agatha Cragg. 1831

[ 121] Sara filia Johannis et Susannæ Gonfonoleri nata die 24 Julii,

1831 , baptizata die 10 Augusti proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus

Petro Hoony et Henrietta Teroni . Margarita filia Jacobi et Eliza Smith de Kendal nata die 14 Augusti 1831 baptizata eadem die, Sponsoribus Francisco et Thomasina Skaife. Gulielmus Burgess filius Johannis et Eliza Suart natus die 22 Augusti 1831, baptizatus die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Gulielmo et Johanna Burgess. Josephus filius Johanns et Annæ Holden de Kendal natus die 6a Octobris . 1831 baptizatus die 9 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Revd Do Josepho Sherwood* et Alicia Holden .

* Served the Mission of Aiskew, a suburb of Bedale in Wensleydale,



Samuel filius Gul¹ et Saræ Duxbury natus die 17ª Septembris 1831. baptizatus die 16a Octobris proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus

Jacobo Duxbury et Thomasina Skaife . Isaacus filius Johannis et Isabellæ [over Elleanoræ scored] Johnson de Stavely, natus die 6ª Octobris * baptizatus die 13 Novembri 1831 sponsoribus Stephano Oldcorn et Anna Montgomery . 1831

[122] Patricius filius Patricii et Margaritæ Mariæ Roney (Hyberni)

natus die 15 Novembris 1831 baptizatus eodem die Sponsoribus Margarita & Carolo Cuskill. Thomas filius Gulielmi et Margarita Cragg natus die 5 Nov 1831 baptizatus die 4 Decembris proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Thoma Cragg et Anna Sunner. Johannes filius Johanni et Mariæ Kendal, natus die 27a Novembris 1831 baptizatus die 4ª Decembris proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Go Holyday et Marga Simpson. Thomas filius Adami et Elleanoræ Skaife, natus die 11 Decembris 1831 baptizatus die 14ª ejusdem mensis , sponsoribus Thoma Skaife et Eliza Smith. Jacobus filius Roberti et Agnetis Graham natus die 7a Decemb18 1831, baptizatus die 17 ejusdemmensis et anni . SponsoribusJohanne Ray et Elizabetha Hadwen . 1832 Georgius filius Johannis et Agnetis Derome natus die 11ª Januarii 1832. baptizatus die 15ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Georgio Derome et Ruth Preston. 1832

[ 123] Isabella filia Jacobi et Isabellæ Rosthorn nata die 15ª Febru¹

1832 , baptizata die 19a ejusdem mensis et anni , sponsoribus Tobia

Derome et Ruth Preston.

Josephus filius Roberti et Agatha Monkhouse natus die 28 Februarii 1832 baptizatus die Martii proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Gulielmo Cragg et Anna Montgomery . Thomas filius Roberti et Hannæ Seed de Stavely, natus die 10 Martii 1832 baptizatus die 8va Aprilis proxime sequentis. Spon-


soribus Jacobo et Hannah Stubbs . Maria filia Josephi et Eliza Oldcorn nata die 23 Januarii 1832 baptizata die 11ª Aprilis proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Gulo Oldcorn et Anna Montgomery . Thomas filius Josephi et Margarita Park natus die 7ª Januarii 1832 baptizatus die 22 Aprilis proxime sequentis. 1832

[124] Henricus filius Hanna Stubbs de Kendal , natus die 12ª Julii 1832 baptizatus

die 27 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Gulielo et Eliza Preston. Yorks. , 1832-58. His last entry in register there is 30 April , 1858. Was elected Canon of Beverley and transferred to North Kilvington, near Thirsk , Yorks., where he served 1859-62; his last entry in this register is 27 Jan., 1862. (Cannot be traced further; probably died soon after.) 13th November in abstract .




Anna filia Jacobi et Mariæ Conway nata die 11 Septembris 1832 .

baptizata die 16ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Gulielmo et Anna Montgomery . Isabella filia Johannis et Mariæ Suart de Kendal nata die 16ª Septembris 1832 baptizata die 19" ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Roberto et Maria Agnete Gibson. Anna Elizabetha filia Michaelis & Hannæ Skaife nata die 21 Decembris 1832 baptizata eadem die sponsoribus Edvardo Rice &

Thomasina Skaife. Susanna filia Johannis et Mariæ Ray de Kendal nata die 23 Januarii 1833 baptizata die 25a ejusdem. Sponsoribus Gulielmo & Anna Seed . 1833

[125] Hugo filius Hugonis et Margarita McCuskill * natus die 4 .

Februarii 1833 baptizatus die 6a ejusdem Sponsoribus Hugone Turner et Rosa McGaurd. Samuel filius Samuelis et Ellean: Bolton de Kendal natus die 19 Februarii 1833. baptizatus die 20 ejusdem, sponsoribus Tobia Derome et Dorothea Myerscough. Johannes filius Johannis et Annæ Holden de Kendal natus die

19a Februarii , 1833 baptizatus die 22ª ejusdem mensis , Sponsoribus Jacobo et Elizabetha Smith. Maria filia Johannis (Junr ) et Elizabethæ Williamson nata die 20° Februarii 1833 baptizata die 3ª Martii proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Gulielmo Williamson et Elizabetha Harker.


[ 126] Anna Maria filia Johannis et Mariæ Holiday nata die 7ª Martii

1833. baptizata die 10 ejusdem, Sponsoribus Georgo et Isabella


Maria Johanna filia Jacobi et Margarita Waterhouse nat die 16a Martii 1833 baptizata die 20a ejusdem anni , Sponsoribus Laurentio et Anna Connell . Agnes filia Roberti et Agnetis Graham, nata die 1ª Maii 1833, baptizata die 6ª ejusdem, sponsoribus Jacobo Derome, et Catharina Lamb .

Anna filia Gulielmi et Amatæ Holyday nata die 8va Maii 1833 et baptizata eadem die, sub periculo mortis. proxima die defuncta . Richardus filius Tho et Johannæ Duckett natus die 19a Maii 1833 baptizatus die 26ª ejusdem mensiset anni Sponsoribus Johanne Swarbreck et Johanna Duckett . 1833

[ 127] Isaacus filius Tho et Mariæ Derome natus die 30a Maii

1833 baptizatus die eadem . Sponsoribus Jacobo Smith et Elizabetha

Hadwen . Johannes filius Johannis et Catharina Rowney natus die 6ª Maii 1833 baptizatus die 2ª Junii proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Daniel O Brien et Elleanora Cavenaugh. Johanna filia Jacobi et Mariæ Campbell nata die 4ª Maii 1833

* " Cuskell " in abstract .



baptizata die 16a Junii proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Jacobo Thompson et Elleanora Reed. Francisca filia Gulielmo & Johannæ Ellison , nata apud Sizergh die 1a Julii 1833 baptizata die 5° ejusdem mensis Sponsoribus Johanne et Anna Ellison. Adamus filius Jacobi et Annæ Derome de Kendal natus die 3a Julii 1833 baptizatus die 7a ejusdem, Sponsoribus Johanne [Atkins scored Derome et Maria Atkinson. 1833 128 Joaquin Silverius Johannés Josephus Maria Garcia de [Toledo , filius Joaquin Garciæ et Margaritæ de Toledo, conjugum natus die 20a Junii 1833 apud Keswick baptizatus ibidem die 11ª Julii proxime sequentis, sponsore per proxin Ro Thoma Wilkinson. Johanna filia Francisci et Mariæ Grep nata die 28 Maii 1828 baptizata (sub conditione ) die 28 Aug: 1833. Johannes Josephus filius Franc¹ et Mariæ Grep natus die 26 Augusti 1833 , baptizatus die 28a ejusdem. Sponsoribus Josepho et Maria Podeste. Johannes filius Laurentii et Annæ Connell natus die 1ª Septembri 1833 baptizatus eadem die . Sponsoribus Gulielmo Armitstead et Elleanora Holyday. Anna filia Gulielmi et Saræ Duxbury nata die 23 Junii 1823 baptizata die 8va Septembris proxime sequentisSponsoribus Johanne et Margarita Wileman . 1833 129 Elizabetha filia Roberti et Hannæ Seed de Crook nata die 25 [Augusti 1833 baptizata die 29a Septembris sequentis Sponsoribus Tobia Derome et Maria Atkinson . Johannes Britton Hybernus IIm annos natus, sub conditione baptizatus die 4ª Octobris 1833. Jacobus filius Jacobi et Elizabeth Smith natus die 25 Octobris 1833 baptizatus die 27 ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Maria Atkinson. Anna filia Roberti et Margarita West nata die ga Novembris 1833 , baptizata die 20a ejusdem mensis et anni ,Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Anna Rice. Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Hanna Shaw nata die 12ª Decembris 1833 baptizata die 15ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Gulielo et Elizabetha Preston. 1834 130 Josephus filius Josep¹ et Margarita Cragg natus die 16a [Decembris 1833. baptizatus die 5a Januarii 1834. patrini Thoma Cragg et Maria Sumner. Stephanus filius Josephi et Elizabethæ Oldcorn natus die 13 Januarii 1834 baptizatus die 15 ejusdem, sponsoribus Stephano Oldcorn et Elleanora Flood. Thomas filius Petri et Margarita Feagon natus die 2ª Aprilis 1831 baptizatus die 16ª Februarii 1834 sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Winefrida Ellwood. Johannes filius Petri et Margarita Feagon natus die 15 Decem-






* Priestin charge of mission. * " Fagon " in abstract .



bris 1833 baptizatus die 16 Februarii 1834. Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Catharina Lamb . 1834 [131 Alicia filia Henrici et Annæ Rice nata die 2ª Aprilis 1834 baptizata eodem die . Sponsoribus Sylvestro Moony & Sarah Oldcorn . Catharina filia Johannis et Mariæ Barlow (Hybernorum ) nata die ga Aprilis baptizata die 11ª ejusdem mensis et anni 1834. Gulielmus filius Stephani et Mariæ Cragg natus die 1ª Februarii 1834 baptizatus die 13a Aprilis proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Gulielmo Cragg et Anna Sumner. Elizabetha filia Johans et Isabellæ Johnson de Staveley, natadie 18 Martii 1834. baptizata die 20ª Aprilis sequentis. Sponsoribus Isaaco et Sarah Oldcorn . Maria Anna filia Johannis et Agnetis Derome nata die 14 Maii 1834 , baptizata die 15a ejusdem mensis et anni , SponsoribusRichardo Baxter Derome et Maria Anna Oldcorn. 1834 132 Robertus filius Tho et Seraphine Barrett* (Hybern ) natus [die " 6a Maii 1834 baptizatus die 20ª ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsore Anna Morgan. Sara filia Jacobi et Dorothea Mcfarlan , nata die 14ª Junii 1834. baptizata die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni. Margarita filia Johannis et Mariæ Annæ Bellingham de Kendal nata die 15 Junii 1834, baptizata die 2ª Julii sequentis, Sponsoribus Georgio Holyday et Maria Bell. Esther filia Georgii et Eliza Macrecth de Staveley nata die 5a Junii 1834 baptizata die 6a Julii sequentis Sponsoribus Richardo et Judith Johnson. Brianus filius Johannis et Elizabethæ Williamson natus die 28a Augusti 1834 baptizatus die 30a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Josepho Tuer et Agnete Williamson. Johannes filius Johannis et Isabellæ Campbell, natus die 5 Septembris 1834 baptizatus die 22ª ejusdem mensis et anni. 1834 die 5 Octobris 1834 [133 Alicia filia Johannis et Annæ Holden nata baptizata die 8va ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Alicia Holden et Revdo Doms Josepho Sherwood. Franciscus filius Fraci & Mariæ Grep, natus die ga Octobris 1834 baptizatus die 12ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Hugone Shalley et Elleanora Cavenaugh. Johanna filia Isaaci et Saræ Oldcorn nata die 11ª Octobris 1834 baptizata die 12ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Edvardo Rice et Maria Anna Shaw. Maria filia Joh [n]athan et Mariæ Oldcorn nata die 8va Septembris 1834 baptizata die 12ª Octobris Sponsoribus Stephano Oldcorn et Anna King . 1834 134 Jacobus filius Patricii et Mariæ O Neil, natus die 24 Octobris







[ ]

" in abstract . "SeeBarret note, p. 102 .



1834 baptizatus die 13 Novris proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Bernardo Lavery et Maria Atkinson. Benjamin Thomas filius Davidis et Elizabethæ Sawkins natus die 17 Novembris 1834, baptizatus die 3ª Decembris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Andrea et Maria Dignum. Sara filia Hugonis et Annæ Shiels nata die 26 Decemb³ 1834 baptizata die 27 proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Francisco Grep et Elleanora Cavenaugh. Elizabetha Johanna filia Gulielmi et Johanna Ellison de Sizergh nata die 30 Decembris 1834 baptizata die 2ª Januarii 1835. Sponsoribus Luca et Margarita Ellison . Elizabetha filia Gulielmi et Mariæ King nata die 2ª Decembris 1834 baptizata die 4ª Januarii 1835 Sponsoribus Carolo Cuskill et

Maria King.

1835 135 Andreas filius Roberti et Agnetis Graham, natus die 4ª Januarii 1835, baptizatus die 13ª ejusdem mensis et anni,SponsoribusJohanne

[ ]

Ray et Margarita Shaw. Margarita filia Tho et Annæ Oldcorn, nata die 17ª Januarii 1835. baptizata die 8va Februarii proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Stephano Oldcorn et Anna King. Maria Hannah filia Roberti et Hannæ Seed, de Crook, nata die 20 Februarii 1835 , baptizata die 25 ejusdem men[s]is et anni , sub periculo mortis . Sponsoribus Tobia Derome et Hellena Bolton. Maria filia Georgii et Matildæ Derome nata die 10 Aprilis 1835 baptizata die 12ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Ricardo Derome et Ruth Preston. Sara filia Annæ et Gulielmi Montgomery nata die 17ª Aprilis 1835 baptizata eadem die, Sponsoribus Stephano Montgomery et Eliz : Harker. 1835

[ 136 Catherina filia Hutchinson et Catharina Nixon (de Castlehead) nata die 18 Januarii 1835 baptizata die 5a Maii proxime sequentis


Sponsoribus Georgio Thrush et Eliza Aspinall. Gulielmus Wilding Unsworth filius Josephiet Catharina Unsworth natus die 12 Maii 1835 baptizatus die 17a ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Georgio Holiday et Maria Ray. Marcus filius Marci et Birgittæ Bonn (Hyberm) natus die 25 Martii 1835 baptizatus die 22 Maii proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Dan : O Brien et Eliza Thompson. Elizabetha filia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Smith nat die 2 Maii 1835 baptizata die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne et Anna Holden. Eliza filia Johannis et Agnetis Dyck nata die 9a Junii 1835. baptizata die 12 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Tobia Bolton et Johanna Myerscough. Elizabetha filia Thomasina Skaife nata die ga Junii 1835 baptizata die 14ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne et Elleanora Derome.




1835 137 Jacobus filius Thoa et Mariæ Rigg * natus die 16a Junii 1835 baptizatus die 21 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Sylvestro



Moony et Sara Skaife. Maria filia Johannis et Margarita Roxburgh nata die 25 Decembris 1834 baptizata die 5a Julii 1835 Sponsoribus Jacobo & Ann Rice. Agnes filia Jacobi et Mariæ Conway nata die ga Julii 1835 baptizata die 10a ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Johane et Eliza Conway, fratre et sorore infantis. Isabella filia Laurentii et Annæ Connell nata die 7a Augusti 1835 baptizatadie ga ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Isabella Holyday et Mathæo Connell. Theresa filia Jacobi et Margarita Waterhouse, nata die 30% Septembris 1835 , baptizata 22ª Octobris proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Baxter Derome et Eliza Hadwen . 1835 138 Margarita filia Michaelis et Hanna Skaife nata die 30ª Octobris 1835 baptizata die 3 Novs proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Roberto

[ ]

Preston et Johanna Eastham . Johannes filius Jacobi et Margaritæ Duxbury natus die 13a Augusti 1835 baptizatus die 8va Novembris proxime sequentis, sponsoribus Thoma Cragg et Maria [blank]. Johannes filius Bernardi et Gracia Carmichel, natus die ra Octobris 1835 baptizatus die 17 Novembris proxime sequentis sponsoribus Johanne Hegan et Rosa McGowen. Johannes filius Jacobi et Mariæ Campbell natus die 23 Novem 1835 baptizatus die 27 ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Johanne et Dorothea Murphy. Elizabetha filia Tho et Elizabethæ Hannah nata die 27ª Novembris 1835, baptizata die 11ª Decembris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Eliza Harker. 1835

Johanna filia Johannis et Mariæ Holyday nata die 8vo Decem[139]1835 13a

bris ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus baptizata die Gulielmo et Margarita Simpson. Francisca filia Franc¹ et Margarita Grepp, nata die 16ª Januarii 1836 baptizata die 17a ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Francisco Genseck et Elleanora Cavenaugh. Maria filia Johannis et Mariæ Bellingham nata die 19 Januarii 1836 , baptizata die 7ª Februarii sequentis, Sponsoribus Anna Kitching et Josepho Tuer. Agnes filia Gulielmi et Margarite Cragg nata die 12ª Februarii 1836, baptizata die 15ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Laurentio et Margarita Connell. Johannes filius Johannis et Agnetis Derome natus die 11 Martii 1836 baptizatus die 14 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Carolo et Johanna [over Margarita scored] Derome. King " in abstract . " in abstract. * " Conway " "



1836 140 Thomas filius Josephi et Elizabethæ Oldcorn, natus die 9 [Februarii ] 1836 baptizatus die 20a Martii proxime sequentis Spon-

soribus Thoa et Annæ Oldcorn. Thomas filius Stephani et Eleanora Craggnatus die 29a Novembris 1835 , baptizatus in periculo mortis, die 21 Martii 1836 . Maria [over Johanna scored] filia Johannis et Elleanora Derome nata die 14 Aprilis 1836 baptizata die 17 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Anna Wilson et Gulielmo Armitstead. Johannes filius Patricii et Judith Kilroy natus die 11ª Aprilis 1836 baptizatus in periculo mortis die 13a ejusdem mensis et anni. Elleanora filia Gulielmi et Saræ Duxbury nata die 24 Martii 1836 baptizata die 8va Maii proxime sequentisSponsoribus Ricaro [ sic Johnson et Maria Bell. [ 141 Johannes filius Danielis et Annæ Corr, natus die 18ª Junii 1836 baptizatus 19a ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Carolo et Johanna Derome . Johannes filius Edvardi et Annæ Mariæ Rice natus die 20ª Junii 1836. baptizatus die eadem, Sponsoribus [blank] Shaw et Rice. [blank Josephus Christophorus filius Danielis et Eliz Sawkin natus die 21 Junii 1836 baptizatus die 26a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Carolo Derome et Agnete Dick. Georgius filius Jacobi et Annæ Derome natus die 28va Julii 1836, baptizatus die 31a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus, Georgio Derome et Anna Ray. Johannes filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Preston natus die 13 Augusti 1836 baptizatus die 14a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Thoma Preston et Martha Leonard . Johannes filius Gulielmi et Isabellæ Duxbury natus die 22ª Julii 1836 baptizatus die 28a Augusti proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Richardo et Judith Johnson. 1836




142 Johannes filius Francisci et Phillis Rainforth natus die 15 [Augusti ] baptizatus die 28va Augusti ejusdem anni , Sponsoribus

Jacobo et Anna Rice. Charoletta [sic filia Gulm et Margarita Rose nata die 26a Decembris 1835 , baptizata die 11ª Septembris 1836 , Sponsoribus Georgio et Johanna Derome. Henricus filius Johannis et Annæ Holden natus die 8va Septem 1836 baptizatus die 11ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus, Thoa et Maria Holden . Anna filia Johannis et Isabellæ Johnson, de Stavely, nata die 31 Augusti, 1836. baptizata die 16 Octobris proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Richardo Johnson et Anna Montgomery . Richardus filius Tho & Elizabethæ Unsworth natus die 13 Octobris 1836baptizatus die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni, Sponsoribus Johanne et Margarita Mount. 1836 [143 Johannes filius Tho et Seraphinæ Barrett * (Hybernm)



* " Barret " in abstract .



natus die 14 Octobris 1836, baptizatus die 2ª Novembris proxime sequentis. Here is inserted in the abstract: Mary daur. of John Wilson Derome & Ellen his wife born Ap¹. 14 1836 but see full entry above. Richardus filius Tho et Isabellæ Cragg de Crook Mills, natus die 19 Nov 1836 baptizatus die 18 Decembri proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Gulielmo Cragg et Johanna Woolf. Agnes filia Petri et Margaritæ Fagan natus die 4ª Decembris 1836, baptizatus die 18a ejusdem mensis et anni Johanne Derome et Margarita Oldcorn Sponsoribus.






Maria filia Thoa et Thomasinæ Derome nata die 12ª Januarii

1837. baptizata die 15 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Carolo et Sara Derome. Rosa Anna filia Laurentii et Annæ Connell nata die 12ª Januarii 1837. baptizata die 15ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Samuele et Elleanora Bolton. 1837 144 Johanna filia Jacobi et Isabellæ Rice nata die 25 Januarii [1837. baptizata die 29ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Henrico Rice & Catha McGrou. Henricus Bulmer filius Henrici et Marga Horne natus die 8 Februal, 1837 baptizata die 5a Martii. Elizabetha filia Rob¹ & Agnetis Grayham nata die 25ª Februarii 1837 baptizata die 12 Aprilis proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Sylvestro Moony et Marga Graham. Maria filia Tho et Wienfrida [sic] Ducket nata die 17ª Martii 1837 baptizata die 27 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Richardo & Maria Ducket . Franciscus filius Michaelis et Hannæ Skaife natus die 1a Aprilis 1837 baptizatus die 2ª ejusdem mensis & Anni , SponsoribusJohanne Blaine et Maria Atkinson. Maria filia Johannis & Annæ Punch nata die 19 Martii 1837 baptizata die 5a Aprilis sequentis, Sponsoribus Gulielmo Montgomery et Maria Sumner.



[ 145] Anna filia Elleanoræ et Gulielmi Seed nata die 10 Martii 1837

baptizata die 9a Aprilis proxime sequentis sponsoribus Gulo et Annæ Montgomery . Maria filia Thomæ et Annæ Oldcorn nata die ga Martii 1837 baptizata die ga Aprilis proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Gulielmo & Marga Oldcorn . Lucas filius Gulielmi et Johanna Ellison, de Sizergh natus die 7 Aprilis 1837. baptizatus die 10 ejusdem mensis & anni , in periculo


Elizabetha filia Henrici et Annæ Rice nata die 21 Aprilis 1837 baptizata die 23a ejusdem mensis & Anni, Sponsoribus Sylvestro Mooney et Anna Maria Rice. Elizabetha filia Francisi [sic] & Francisæ Aymal * de Ambleside nata die 8va Martii 1837 baptizata die 30a Aprilis proxime sequentis.

" Aumal " in abstract .



Johannes filius Gulielmi et Mariæ King natus die 22 Martii 1837. baptizatus die 30a Aprilis sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Blair & King. [blank [146 Johannes filius Petri et Catharina Welsh (Hybernorum ) natus die 4ª Maii 1837 baptizatus die 7a ejusdem mensis et anni. Johannes Francisus [ sic] filius Johannis et Agnetis Dyck natus die 6a Maii 1837 baptizatus die 11ª proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Anna Suart . Andreas filius Francisci et Margarita Grepp natus die 7ª Maii 1837 baptizatus die 14ª Maii ejusdem anni Sponsoribus Andrea Ginochi et Elleanora Cavenaugh. Robertus Just filius Gulielmi et Annæ Montgomery natus ra Junii 1837 baptizatus die 4a ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Michaele Shaw et Eliza Gibson. Anna filia Johnathan et Mariæ Oldcorn nata die 1 Julii 1837, baptizata die 30a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Stephano Oldcorn et Maria King . Johanna filia Davidis et Margarita Black nata die 2ª Julii 1837 baptizata die 28a Augusti proxime sequentis.




filius Jeremiæ et Elizabethæ McCarthy natus die 11ª [147] Jacobus 1837 Šedbergh 20a

Septems apud , baptizatus die ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Ray & Maria Atkinson. Nicolaus filius Christoferi et Elizabethæ Power, natus die 21 Augusti 1837 baptizatus die 30a Septembris proxime sequentis sponsore Carolo Kuskill . Matheus filius Georgii et Matilda Derome natus die 19 Octobris 1837 baptizatus die 22 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Carolo et Sara Derome. Johannes filius Johannis et Mariæ Annæ Bellingham natus die 27 Septembris 1837. baptizatus die 22 Octobris sequentis. Sponsoribus Georgio Wileman et Johanna Turer. Elizabetha filia Charoli et Saræ Derome nata die 26 Octobris 1837 baptizata die 29 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Roberto et Maria Cornthwaite . 1837 148 Hanna filia Thæ et Mariæ Bailey nata die 24 Novembris 1837 [baptizata ] die 26 ejusdem mensis et anni , Sponsoribus Richdo

Baxter Derome et Maria Williamson . Jacobus filius Jacobi et Marg Duxbury natus die 2ª Junii 1837 baptizatus die 2ª Decembris proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Johanne et Maria Anna Duxbury. 1838 Catharina filia Richardi et Annæ Nixon nata die 30a Decembris 1837 , baptizata die 11ª Januarii 1838 in periculo mortis. Margarita filia Jacobi et Sara Cuningham de Hincaster , nata die 27 Novembris 1837 baptizata die 21 Januarii 1838, sponsoribus Thoma et Maria Rigg. Anna filia Gulielmi et Margaritæ Cragg nata die 15 Augusti 1837 baptizata die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Christop ° Preston et Marga Oldcorn .



Jacobus filius Jacobi et Birgittæ White natus die 3ª Januarii

1838 baptizatus die 28 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Jacobo

Campbell et Isabella Turner. 1838 149 Anna filia Thomæ et Isabellæ Cragg nata die 28a Januarii [1838 ] baptizata die 28 Februarii proxime sequentis Sponsoribus

Laurentio Conolly et Isabella Holyday. Margarita Elleanora filia Gulielmi et Agnetis Armitstead nata die 25 Aprilis 1838. baptizata die 29a ejusdem Mensis et anni, Sponsoribus Richardo Baxter Derome et Margarita Holyday. Margarita filia Henrici et Margaritæ Horne nata die 18ª Aprilis 1838 baptizata die 6a Maii proxime sequentis. Elizabetha filia Joanis [sic] et Margarita Roxbaurgh [sic nata ] die 19a Maii 1837 baptizata die 3ª Junii 1838 Sponsoribus Henrico et Anna Rice. Edvardus filius Edvardi et Annæ Mariæ Rice nata die 8va Junii 1838 baptizata die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Sylvestro et Birgitta Moony. Stephanus filius Johannis et Elleanora Derome natus die 6a Junii 1838 baptizatus die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Sylvesto [sic] Mooney et Sarah Derome.

1838 150 Johanna filia Tho et Alicia Bains, nata die 17 Junii 1838 baptizata die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Henrico

[ ]

Bains et Maria Williamson. Joseph Petrus Paulus Montgomery filius Guliel¹ et Annæ Montgomery natus die 30a Junii 1838, baptizatus die 1ª Julii sequentis, sponsoribus Michaele Skaife et Maria Atkinson. Elizabetha filia Josephi et Eliza Oldcorn nata 19a Maii 1838 baptizata die ra Julii sequentis [bus scored Sponsoribus Stephano Cragg et Maria Oldcorn. Patricius filius Johannis et Mariæ Cocklin natus die 31 Maii 1838 baptizatus die 8va Julii sequentis sponsoribus Gulielo & Eliza Preston . Thomas Henricus filius Francisci et Francisca Amiel* de Ambleside natus die 13 Junii 1838 baptizatus die 17 Julii sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Ray & Maria Theresa Horne . 1838 [151 Maria filia Johannis et Annæ McGloglan nata die 26 Julii 1838 baptizata in periculo mortis , die 5a Augusti proxime sequentis. Margarita filia Johannis et Annæ Holden nata die 14ª Augusti, baptizata die 19 ejusdem mensis et anni SponsoribusJohane Williamson et Maria Atkinson. Phebe filia Roberti et Hannæ Seed de Crook Mills nata die 24 Augusti 1838. baptizata die 23 Septembris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Josepho Earnshaw et Maria Atkinson Juniore . Jacobus filius Jacobi et Mariæ Conway natus die 18 Septembris



" in abstract * " Amyel MeCloglan in abstract . " .




1838 baptizatus die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne et Eliza Conway. Christina McIntire Cook filia Tho & Martha Cook nata die 15 Septem 1838 baptizata die 7 Octobris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Carolo Kuskill et Eliza Hadwen . [152] Sara filia Gulielmi et Isabellæ Duxbury nata die 9 Septembris

1838 baptizata die 7 Octobris proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Johanne Duxbury et Elizabetha Harker . & Josephus filius Johannis et Elleanora Derome natus die Octobris 1838 baptizatus die 15a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Daniele [et Al scored] Derome et Maria Thompson. Franciscus Carolus filius Gulielmi et JohannaEllison de Sisergh, natus die 28 Octobris 1838 baptizatus die 15a ejusdem mensis et anni sponsoribus Franci [s] co et Maria Agnes Ellison . Anna filia Richardi et Elleanor Derome nata die 19 Novemb baptizata die 21 Novembris 1838. Maria Elleanora filia Johannis et Mariæ Ray, nata die 22ª Novembris 1838 , baptizata die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Thoma Ducket et MargaritaSeed .



Gulielmus Holyday natus die 16a Decembris 1838 filius Gulielmiet Margarita Simpson baptizas [sic] eadem die Sponsoribus Johanne et Anna Holiday. Jacobus filius Michaelis & Mariæ O'Donnell natus die 9ª Decembris 1838 baptizatus die 21 ejusdem mensis et anni . Thomas Jackson Rigg filius Thomæ et Mariæ Rigg natus die 38 Januarii 1839 baptizatus die 6a ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Anna Holyday. Henricus filius Gulielmi et Saræ Duxbury natus die 24 Decembris 1838 baptizatus die 20a Januarii 1839. SponsoribusMichaele Shaw & Maria McCormick. Thomas filius Johannis et Mariæ Bellingham natus die 9ª Februarii 1839, baptizatus die 13a Martii proxime sequentisSponsoribus Johanne et Johanna Holyday. 1839 154 Anna filia Petri et Mariæ Crolly nata die ga Februarii 1839 baptizata die 1 Aprilis 1839. Sponsoribus Henrico et Maria Rice. Thomas filius Thor et Winefridæ Duckett natus die 6ª Aprilis 1839 baptizatus die 14ª ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Christophoro Ellis et Sara Ducket. Francisca Anna filia Gulielmi & Eliza Clifford (Hybernorum ) nata die ra Aprilis 1839. baptizata die 14ª ejusdem mensis et anni. Elleanora filia Danielis et Annæ Corr nata die 21 Aprilis 1839 baptizata die 18 Maii proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Jacobo Maxwell et Elleanora Cavenaugh. Michael filius Michaelis et Catherinæ Kaen (Hybernorum ) natusdie 11 Maii 1839. baptizatus die 12 ejusdem mensis et anni. Sponsoribus Dyonisio Collover & Maria Atkinson. 153

[ ]

[ ]

1839 155 Helena filia Philippi et Esther Quirk (Hybernm) nata die 20ª

[ ]




Julii 1839 baptizata die 21 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus

Jacobo et Anna Derome. Gulielmus filius Henrici et Hellenæ Newhouse* natus die 4 Augusti 1839 baptizatus die 188 ejusdem mensis et anni, Sponsoribus Richardo Baxter Derome et Maria Rigg . Maria filia Laurentii et Annæ Connell nata die 19a Augusti 1839. baptizata die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Petro Connell et Maria McHanna. Gulielmus Nelson filius Gulielmi et Saræ Greenwood natus die 30 Augusti 1839 , baptizatus die 1ª Septembris proxime sequentis, Sponsoribus Revd Dommo Gulielmo Carteret Agnete Nelson. Franciscus filius Francisci et Phillidis Rainford, natus die 27ª Augusti 1839 , baptizatus die 1ª Septembris proxime sequentis sponsoribus Gulielmo et Anna Whatmuff. 1839

[ ] Margarita filia Henrici et Margarita Nugent, nata die 3a Octobris 1839 baptizata die 6º ejus[d] em mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Charolo et Maria Kuskill. Robertus filius Tho et Annæ Oldcorn natus die 4ª Octobris 1839 , baptizatus die 27 ejusdem mensis & anni Sponsoribus Sylvestro Moony et Johanna King. Johanna filia Jacobi et [blank § Thwaites nata die 12ª Octobris ] 1839 baptizata die 10a Novembris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Johanne Partington et Maria Machell . Isabella Anna Maria filia Jacobi et Eliza Graham, nata die 26 Septembris 1839. baptizata die 10 Novem's proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Hugone et Elizaa Turner. Sara filia Jacobi et Eliza Graham baptizata (sub conditione) 156

die 13ª Novembris 1839


1839 157 Agnes Thomæ et Isabellæ Cragg nata die 22ª Octobris filia [ 1839 baptizata die 24 Novembris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Josepho et Annæ Cragg. Elleanora filia Jacobi et Annæ Derome nata die 28 Novembris 1839 baptizata die 8va Decembris proxime sequentis,*Sponsoribus


Gulielmo et Elizabetha Preston. Gulielmus filius Jacobi et Mariæ Cambell* * natus die 29 Novembris 1839. baptizatus die 12 Decembris proxime sequentis. Maria filia Mariæ et Thomæ Bell nata die 28va Decembris 1839,

" in abstract . * " Morehouse September 1 in abstract .



Rev. William Carter, son of John Carter of Little Poulton Hall, by Elizabeth , d . of Henry Atkinson of Poulton , Lancs. Born 22 Jan., 1801, ord . at Ushaw. Succeeded to Samlesbury April, 1828, remained until 1847, when he went to new church of St. Joseph, Liverpool . Died whilst on visit to Samlesbury 13 July, 1853, and was buried there ( C.R.S. xxiii, 314). § Ann " is inserted here in abstract. This entry is not represented in the abstract . Campbell in abstract .







baptizata die 12ª Januarii sequentis 1840. Sponsoribus Gulielmo et Elizabetha Preston. Nicolaus filius Gulielmi et Agnetis Armitstead natus die [blank] Januarii 1840 baptizatus die 26a ejusdem mensiset anni . Sponsoribus Johanne Wileman et Elleanora Armitstead. 1840 158 Elleanora filia Thomæ et Alicia Bains nata die 11ª Januarii [1840 ]baptizata die 26ª ejusdem mensis et anni . SponsoribusCatharina

et Henrico Bains . Catharina filia Franc¹ et Margarita Grepp nata die rª Feb¹¹ 1840 baptizata die 4ª Martii proxime sequentis. Sponsoribus Johanne Ray et Ella Cavenaugh. Johannes filius Johannis et Margarita Roxburgh natus die 20 Septembris 1839 baptizata die 12ª Aprilis 1840, SponsoribusMichaele et [ blank] Shaw. Edvardus filius Francisci et CatharinaCowell, natus die 11 Aprilis 1840. baptizatus die 16 ejusdem mensis et anni . Michael filius Johannis et Annæ Gavin natus die 8a Aprilis 1840 baptizatus die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Johanne Connor et Elleanore Cavenaugh. Robertus Swarbreck Seed filius Roberti et Hannæ Seed natus die 6ª Maii 1840 baptizatus die 31 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Milesio et Elizabetha Burns . 1840 159 Johannes filius Johans et Margarita Johnson de Staveley natus die 10 Junii 1840 baptizatus die 26a Julii 1840 Sponsoribus

[ ]

Thoma et Isabella Johnson. Michael Johannes filius Johannis et Mariæ Coclin natus die 7 Julii 1840 baptizata die 9 Augusti proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Elizabetha & Gulielmo Preston. Maria filia Gulielmi et Margt Cragg nata die 11ª Augusti 1840 baptizata die 12 ejusdem mensis et anni . Sponsoribus Richardo et Judith Johnson. Stephanus filius Johnathan et Mariæ Oldcorn natus die ga Julii baptizatus die 16ª Augusti 1840 Sponsoribus Johanne Conway et Marga Oldcorn. Robertus filius Roberti et Catharina Davis natus die 31 Augusti 1840 baptizatus die 6 Septembris proxime sequentis Sponsoribus Dennis Colover et Margarita Kuskill. 1840 160 Anna filia Josephi et Eliza Oldcorn nata die 18 Augusti 1840 . [


baptizata die 20 Septembris sequentis sponsoribus Josepho et Anna Cragg . Gulielmus filius Gulielmi (June ) et Isabellæ Duxbury * natus die 2ª Octobris 1840, baptizatus sub periculo mortis . obiit die 9a ejusdem mensis . Cragg " in abstract .




is stamped the Commissioners form of certificate: ["Here ' We certify that this is one of the Registers or Recordsdeposited -

in the General Register Office, pursuant to the Act of the 4th Victoria, Cap. 92. [signed

Bowring comm ] John Thos Rees } John Shoveller




In the abstract referred to above, the following has been written at the end of the list




On the next page are a couple of entries : "1840. Johannes filius Johannis et Elleanore Derome natus die 12a Novembris baptizatus die 15ª ejusdem mensis et anni Sponsoribus Gulielmo et Agnete Armitstead. T Wilkn 1840. Andreas filius Petri et Mariæ Crollynatus die 13ª Decembris 1840baptizatus die 25 ejusdem mensis et anni : Sponsoribus Henrico et Maria Rice. Thos Wilkinson. These entries are not found in the original Register. ]







In 1539 the Franciscan House in Reading , known as " Greyfriars was surrendered to Henry VIII by Peter Schefford , the last Guardian, when Reading Abbey (a Cluniac foundation) was likewise surrendered and its last Abbot, Blessed Hugh Cook Faringdon, executed . Whether the Franciscans continued to minister in the neighbourhood we know not, but the first priests who came into touch with Reading later were of this Order. The town of Reading , itself without a Mission, had on three sides of it Catholic residences with Franciscan chaplains attached: Ufton Court * (seat of the Perkins family), at a distance of eight miles; Mapledurham, on the other side of the Thames , in Oxfordshire (residence of the Blount family) ; and nearer home , at a distance of two miles , the Englefield family's seat at Whiteknights, Berks (see infra). In 1630 two Franciscan districts under Guardians were appointed by the First Provincial Chapter, one of London, the other of Reading or Berkshire. The Reading district included Berkshire, Hants and Sussex. In 1647 the districts were re-arranged and Reading gave way to Oxford (The Franciscans in England, by Father Thaddeus , O.F.M., 1898, p . 56) .




The severity of the Penal Laws made itself felt in Reading as elseIn a list of Recusants confined in the " Gatehouse " Prison (in the old gate to the Close " of Westminster Abbey) , dated March

where .


1583 , occurs :

" Thomas Edwardes som time have used the treade of a Chanler

in Reddinge , sente in by the L. Bishop of London and the Highe Commissioners a yeare since (C.R.S. , ii , 225). " He appears to be the Thomas Edwardes mentioned in an entry in a list of prisoners committed to the " Counter " of the Poultry, near St. Mildred's Church, commencing29 July, 1577 : Tho. Edwardes comitted the xx of June 1578 brought in by " . Norrys purc & dd by Norris the xxjth day of the same monthe (C.R.S. , i, 65).





A Mrs Buckley was in the common gaol at Readingin January 1582, for refusing to come to church ( Victoria County History of Berkshire , , 37).


A limited number of copies of the Catholic Register of Ufton Court , 1764 to 1828, were printed privately by the late Frederick Arthur Crisp in 1889 . Thaddeus Hermans, O.F.M., author of several other works, was born Hasselt, Belgium , 13 Dec. , 1844, and died 31 Aug., 1916 (see Obituaryin at The Tablet, 9 Sept., 1916) .



Thefollowing document is printed in The Letters and Memorials of William Cardinal Allen * (from the original in the Public Record Office , Dom . Eliz. vol . 154, n . 36 ): List of Recusants now or lately in Berkshire gaol [Reading castle ,


1582 .

] . The trewe certificate of Michael Molyns Berk

esquier, heighe shereff of the countie afforesaid , of all suche recusants remaynyngein her Majesties gayole of the said countie. As also of all those that are delyvered out of the said gayole and by whose warrante, as foloweth,


The names now remaynyngein the gayoleThomas Hulse gentleman Johnes Hulse gentleman Johes Palmer gentleman William Hygges yeoman Lawrence Spencer husbandman Richard Mason taylor The names of the nuns thereKatheryn Kingeswell spyncer Julyan Harmon spyncer The names of them thare are bayledbayled by the warrant of R. LeyEdward Keynes cestr, C. Haward, C. Hatton , F. Katheryne his wyef Walsingham . Dothery Loveden by warrant from F. Walsingham. Edmond Morrys by warrant from her Majestie pryvye Counsell . Michael Molyns esquier, shereff .

.] [Endorsed Certificate from the sheriffe of Barkeshire of the recusantes in the castle there.

In the summer of 1588 the Mayor of Reading discovered certain popish books , together with copes and vestments , in a house in the Combes) were ordered to town , and two men (Oliver Coxhead and be arrested (V.C.H. Berkshire , ii , 38 ) . A curious entry appears in the Reading Records Diary of the Corporation (Edited by Rev. J. M. Guilding, F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., vol. iv, p. 51) 8th September, 1642. Richard Deane brought two men whiche he had taken neere Marlowe, by vertue of a warrant to him directed and made from the Parlyament , supposinge them to be Popishe preistes or semynaries, and required the said Maiour to tender to them the Oathes of Supremacyeand Alleageance accordinge to the statute . The whiche was done severallye, and the one of them denyed to take the said Oathes, and the said Richard Deane by vertue of his own authoritye made and then comitted him to Willyam Stanton, the gaoler, and the other did then willinglye and freelye take both the said Oathes, and Soe was discharged. A religious Census taken of the Deanery of Reading in 1676 shows how very few in these parts were the Catholics known to the



" -




Fathers of the Congregation of the London Oratory . * Edited bybyRev. Introduction T. F. Knox (Nutt , 1882), p. 103. Michael Molens of Clapgate, high sheriff of Berkshire, anno 25 Eliz. (Fuller's Worthies of England, p. 51).





authorities. The document (Lambeth MS. 693, fol. 252) is entitled An account of the number and proportions of Popish Recusants , Obstinate Separatists , and Conformist inhabitants of Berkshire, under the Jurisdiction immediate of the Bishop of Sarum. By Seth Ward ,




In Reading itself there were but two Catholics in the parish of St. Laurence , and one Catholic family in the parish of St. Mary. At Binfield there were 24 Romanists , several families of this faith, including the Dancastles , residing in this parish. Cookham had 16 Papists, and Inglefield the same number, the latter being principally represented by the Englefields . Shinfield returned 10 Recusants the principal Romanist family here was that of the Garrards , a branch of the Lambourne house, all of whom were ardent Royalists At Ufton there were 28 members of the proscribed faith, consistingchiefly of the Perkinses and their household . At Warfield 13. Below are set out the parishes of the deanery of Reading with the number of Catholics in each as given in the MS. ( 12 parishes with no Catholics have been omitted , as also have the names of the ministers) :







(R.= rectory, V.= vicarage.) Parishes.



R. R. V. R. R. R. R. R. V. V. R. V. R. R. R.


Binfield Bradfield Burghfield Cookham Ffinchampstead Inglefield Pangbourne Reading (St. Mary) Reading (St. Laurence) Shinfield Shotsbrooke Southam alias Sullam Stratforde Mortimer Sulhamsteed Abbas Sulhamsteed Banister Tylehurst

R. Ufton V. Waltham Abbas V. Waltham St. Laur'e

Popish Recusants. Separatists.

Inhabitants .


0120 0345 0430 0400 0687 0250 0124 0200




02 ΙΟ 02 ΟΙ 02 ΟΙ ΟΙ ΟΙ 28 ΟΙ 08


2000 1635 0075 0040 0450 0150 0091 0120 0126 0226 0273 0650







16 08 16 ΟΙ Jone

09 07


об 02

30 00

00 05

04 02 02 00 ΟΙ 21

ΤΟ ( 13 V. Warfield and 4 Quakers 0460 02 03 V. Wargrave 145 1025 V. Windsor Nova 04 V. Winkfield ΟΙ 04 0250 R. Woolhampton 0122 00 05 The large parish of Sonning and its dependent parishes of Hurst, Ruscombe and Sandhurst are not included in the above , because Sonninghad been annexed to the Deanery of Salisbury.

Quoted by Walter Money, F.S.A. , with Introduction and Notes, in the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archeological Journal , vol . 5, no. 1, April 1899, PP. 22 et seq.

Walter Money, ibidem, p. 24. To-day part of Reading Borough.



Soon after the Dissolution a house was erected , which as will be seen below was destined to fulfil an important part in the revival of the Faith in Reading . It was built as a dower -house for the Vachell family, who then owned also the hamlet of Coley, * and was a fine house



of the period, standing in the fields.

shownlater in the mapprefixed It isAntiquities to the Rev. Charles Coates History and of Reading, 1802 , as Lady Vachell's house, on the south side of Hosier Street. Lady Vachell, who gave her name to the house, was the widow of Sir Thomas She was also a deVachell, and a daughter of Sir Francis Knollys. scendantof Thomas Vachell, recusant 1592 (see V.C.H. Berks . , ii, 38). has since been converted into a block of tenements called " Finch's Buildings," its backbeingon the street, while the frontage has plots and gardens . The building is " two stories in height, with one in the roof. The walls of the ground stage are of stone and flint, relieved with bands of narrow brick, but they have been much renewed with modern brickwork " ( V.C.H. Berks ., iii, 337). Father Bonaventure Parry, O.S.F. , writing in 1704, tells us that Fr Grimston, O.S.F. , did once hire a chamber in the townof Reading for the convenience of poor Catholics to serve God, but know not whether he has it now. This Fr. Martin Grimston came on the English Mission in 1695 (Franciscans in England, p. 176) . In 1741 Bishop Challoner made a Visitation in these parts and speaks of a large congregationof 300 Catholics in the neighbourhood of Reading , grouping them under the headings " Reading , Whiteknights, Herst [Hurst] and Finschams -this last being probably the seat of the Catholic family of Tattersall at Finchampstead (Life and Times of Bishop Challoner , by Canon Burton , vol . i , p . 176).










For the general history of the early years of the Reading Mission we have one valuable source of information , viz. the Cowslade MS., preserved in the Diocesan Archives at Portsmouth. This document embodies the memories of the grandmother of the Miss Cowslade who was its author § . It must be remembered , however, that the Cowslade MS. does notlay claim to any greater authority than commonlyattaches to reminiscences by one person of the recollections of another, and that some of the events it purports to recount occurred very many years before the document was written. Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale, who has taken great interest in the early history of the Reading Mission, where his late brother was for many years Missionary Rector, has supplied the following essentialfacts, by the light of which it has been possible to attempt a reconstruction of the sequence of earlier events narrated by Miss Cowslade. In the Cowslade MS. a Mrs. Anne Maria Smart, widow of Christopher Smart , the poet, is said to have come to Reading in 1752 , having been sent by her relatives to take charge of the sole County newspaper , the Reading Mercury. She is said to have come from respectable Berks. , iii, 364 . * See V.C.H. The Streets and Street Love of Reading, by A. L. Humphreys, F.S.A., F.R.G.S. [1926 , p. 23 . ] , iii, 345. A view of this building is given in V.C.H. Berks. There were § two Miss Cowslades , Eleonora (b. Dec. 6, 1792) and Matilda Mary (b. March 5, 1794) , but it is not known which was responsible for the MS. They were the daughters of Thomas Cowslade (d . 1806) and Mary Anne Smart (d . 1809) , the latter being the elder daughter of Christopher Smart and Anna Maria Carnan (d. May 16, 1809).



Catholic ancestry, and to have had two daughters , Marianne and Elizabeth, whom she sent for three years to the Ursuline Convent at Boulogne for their education. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Anna Maria Smart only married in 1753, and did not become a widow until 1771.* Christopher Smart, her husband , who was a Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge , got into trouble with the college authorities in November 1753 on their discovery of the marriage, and though the difficulty is said to have been smoothed over in January of the following year, Smart turned his back on Cambridge and went to earn a living with his pen in London, where he had lodgingsin Canonbury House , Islington . Here his two daughters, Mary Anne and Elizabeth Anne, were born, the latter about 1755. Smart was in confinementfor two years in an asylum ( the Encycl. In 1759 . says from 1756 to 1758 ) , and in 1763 was a prisoner Brit in the King's Bench Prison , and again in 1768 , in the " Rules of which he died, as " already stated, on May 21 , 1771. It was probably somewhere about this period (1759) that Mrs. Smart, being in straitened circumstances , went to reside for a time in Dublin with her sister-in-law (Mary Anne Smart), who had married in 1750 Richard Falkiner, of Mount Falcon, Tipperary. It would appear, therefore, that Mrs. Smart could not have gone to Reading to take charge of The Oxford Gazette and Reading Mercury, at John Newbery, Mrs. Smart's step -father, any rate, much before 1763 . who owned this journal , died Dec. 22, 1767, and by his will (executed Oct. 21, 1767) with Codicil (Nov. 27, 1767 ) he left of his Reading business and newspaper a moiety to John Carnan (Mrs. Smart's brother) , and the other moiety to his son Francis Newbery " upon trust and to and for the sole use and benefit of my Daughter in Law [step-daughter Anna Maria ] Smart," who inherited besides one-fifteenth part of the residue of the


estate .



The Gentleman's Magazine for May 1771 records Christopher Smart's death as having taken place on the 21st of that month (xli , 239) . Dict. Nat . Biog., xviii, 386, and A Song to David, with Other Poems by ChristopherSmart chosen by Edmund Blunden ( 1924), p. 12 . See Mrs. Le Noir (Elizabeth Anne Smart's ) own statement in A Song to David, p. 107 . § The King's Bench Prison," writes Sir Walter Besant in Fifty Years Ago ( 1892) , p. 70, " was the largest, and, so to speak, the most fashionable of these [Debtors ] prisons. Both at the King's Bench and the Fleet debtors were allowed to purchase what were called the ' Rules,' which enabled them to live within a certain area outside the prison, and practically left them free. They paid a certain percentage of their debts. In Smart's case the Rules were obtained for him by the kindness of his brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas"Carnan " (The Poems of the late ChristopherSmart, 1791, p. xxvi). Dict . Nat. Biog., xviii, 387 ; Burke , Landed Gentry of Ireland (1912) , p. 216. A letter from Dr. Johnson to Mrs. Smart in Dublin, written about this time, is reproduced in The Poems of the late Christopher Smart (1791) , p . xxi. Unfortunately it bears no date as printed. The Supplement to The Reading Mercury of July 7, 1923, issued in commemoration of the Bicentenary of that journal, gives (p. 4) the printers as Anna Maria Smart and Co. as early as 1762. It may be noted here that the name of the paper was changed to The Reading Mercury and Oxford






** "



Gazette with its issue of July 15, 1767.

The Will and Codicil are given in full in A Bookseller of the Last Century, by*Charles Welsh (1885) , p . 160, occupying seven pages of the book. John Newbery (b. 1713) became assistant to William Carnan, printer, and pro-



Of Mrs. Smart's " Catholic ancestry " no trace has been found . Her mother's maiden name is given as Carnan in Records of the House of Newbery (p . 74), and from John Newbery's Will it is known that her baptismal name was Mary. She died in January 1780 , aged 73 (A Bookseller of the Last Century , p. 145). When Mrs. Smart arrived in Reading there was but one (known) Catholic, a woman named Flowers , inmate in a Protestant almshouse. For some time Mrs. Smart and her family attended Mass at Whiteknights and Mapledurham. Later she rented a room in Minster Street, Reading , and hither at long intervals Father G. A. Baynham, O.S.F. , would come from Ufton Court to say Mass. The Reading Registers date from this period. The first baptism entered was on August 18th, 1783 , but further on, underthe heading Mariages , were married James Payne & there is an entry dated April 1780: Elizabeth Masters (at Sr Henry Englefield's house in London) . Witnesses , J. Parret & Ruth Elvins . G. A. Baynham. Father Baynham's last entry is that of a baptism on March 8th, 1794; the next entry is by a French priest, the Abbé Louis Loriot, of the diocese of Séez , dated 18th January, 1795. At this period, then, must be placed the Presbytery established in one of the block of houses known as " Finch's Buildings, in Hosier Street, which had been acquired by Mrs. Smart's younger daughter, Elizabeth, who in 1795 married the Chevalier Jean Baptiste le Noir de la Brosse, a French émigré (the elder daughter was married to Mr. Thomas Cowslade on Feb. 2 , 1783 , by Father Baynham at Reading ). Hither in the winter of 1792-93 Miss Smart invited four refugee priests who were awaiting the orders of the British Government at Dover. Later they were joined by a fifth . The youngest of this group is known to us by name the Abbé Pierre Louis Guy Miard de la Blardière. Another may have been the priest whose death is recorded in The Reading Mercury, March 25, 1793. The entries are continued in the Register by the Abbé Loriot, who mentions two priests of the diocese of Rouen who acted as sponsors at Baptism on several occasions , Jean Nicolas Gondré (als. Gondray) and Toussaint Le Quien. On the resumption by the Government in 1796 of the " King's House at Winchester for military purposes , the large colony of French priests congregated there had to be dispersed , and the Government assigned the old posting hostelry The King's Arms Inn in Castle Street, Reading , and Sir Francis Knollys ' untenanted mansion on the south side of the high street at Thame , in Oxfordshire, for their prietor and editor of The Oxford Gazette and Reading Mercury, in 1730. The latter died in 1737, " leaving all his property and his business to his brother Charles and to John Newbery (Records of the House of Newbery from 1274 " , 1911 , p . 4), who in due course married to 1910, by Arthur Le Blanc Newbery











Mrs. Carnan.

In Records of the House of Newbery (p. 74) the date given is Jan. 30, 1780, and her age as 67. Mons . The announcementin The Reading Mercury reads : Died l'Abbe Jeane Mané Manul, one of the unfortunate French Refugee Clergy. The Laity's Directory for 1795 includes in its Obituary: En 1793 R. Jean Marie Manul . " Careful search in the Diocesan Archives at Bayeux . has failed to disclose any trace of a priest of that name Furthermore, is not certain that the death in question occurred in Reading (see p. 188). A view of this edifice, as appeared before the disastrous fire of 1894, is given in Robert Mudie's Hampshire (Winchester, 1838) , , 76.





...... it






partial accommodation. To Reading came mostly priests from Normandy, while the house at Thame was exclusively occupied by Bretons .* The Reading house was placed under the administration of the Abbé Noël Paul Thomas Martin, Vicar -General of Lisieux , who from Nov. 22, 1792 , had been the head of the King's House settlement at Winchester . Born on July 6, 1745, at Secqueville -en-Bessin, in the diocese of Bayeux, he joined the Society of Eudist Fatherson Aug. 1 , 1767, and on Nov. 11 , 1770, shortly after his ordination, was incorporated in their house at Caen , whence soon afterwardshe was sent to the Grand Séminaire at Lisieux, of which he was president at the outbreak of the Revolution. On his refusal to take the oath prescribed by the Civil Constitution of the Clergy , he was ordered to be imprisoned, but succeeded in evading arrest and eventually secured a passport on Sept. 9, 1793 , and landed in England shortly afterwards. He returned to France in 1803 and lived in retirement at Caen until his death on Dec. 31 , 1811. Monsieur Martin ," quotes Canon Plasse approvingly (i, 366), " par son" instruction, sa piété et ses bonnes manières , était un des membres les plus distingués de la Congrégation des Eudistes. eût été général sans la Révolution. The following document gives a succinct account of the growth of Reading House , as the new settlement was officially called: Bordereau du 22 Septembre au 31 Decembre 1796. Le 22 Septemb. La Maison a commencé par 25 Ecclesiastiques Le 30. Elle etoit de 70 Le 1. Octobre La Maison etoit Composée de 96 Ecclesiastiques Le 31 du dit mois Elle etoit de 180 Le 1er Novemb. La maison etoit composée de 180 Ecclesiastiques Le 30 dudt mois Elle etoit de 189 Eccles. Le 1er Decemb. La maison etoit de 190 Ecclesiastiques Le 31 dud mois La maison etoit de 200 Eccl. N. P. T. Martin, Vic : gen . à Reading le 29 janvier 1797






In the monthly indent for sustentation funds for December 1797 the number of the inmates in Reading House is given as 231 à 232," and that of refugee priests in Reading Town as 104 ( in November was 106). A full list of all the French refugee priests in Reading supplied by the Abbé Martin , which Mr. Weale has found, with the foregoing document, in the Public Record Office (T. 93.45 , Pt. 1), contains the names of 342 ecclesiastics . The document is not dated, but from intrinsic evidence it must have been produced between Aug. 17, 1798 , and April 14, 1800.



* Le Clergé Français Réfugiéen Angleterre , par le Chanoine F.-X. Plasse,

ii, 43-6 .

Formerly the title of Vicar- General in France was a first step towards the episcopate. It was a distinction , not an office; and an ecclesiastic in one diocese might at the same time be vicar-general to the bishop of another. An instance will be found on p. 182, in the entry of burial No. 68 . The Society of Jesus and Mary, or Eudist Fathers, was founded at Caen in 1643 by St. Jean Eudes , a native of the diocese of Séez, who died Aug. 19, 1680, aged 74. Its main objects were the training of men for the priesthood and the giving of missions . The Eudists' Grands Séminaires , all Brittany, were lost to them in the Revolution , since when in Normandy and their activities were restricted to missionary work and secondary education until the Law of Associations of 1906 deprived them of the right to teach. The Eudists, however, are not a religious order or congregation, but an ecclesiastical body under the immediate jurisdiction of the bishops, and bound by no religious vows.



In Reading House the priests lived their life in common, with Masses each day from 5 a.m. till noon, and High Mass on Sundays and Feast-days, and also daily Benediction, in their chapel, which, accordingto the Abbé Gilles Julien Le Sage (in a letter dated Reading, 3 mars , 1801 , published in the St. James Parish Magazine , Reading, for December 1915 ) , would hold 400 people . There is a view of this interesting building in Plasse ( ii , 242 ) , and the lay-out of the premises and surroundingsis shown in the Plan published as a frontispiece to Charles Coates History and Antiquities of Reading ( 1802 ). On the 16th of July, 1802 , owing to the greatly reduced number of refugee priests left in the country, an order was issued, by the Committee in London appointed to succour them, to close the King's Arms on August 2 of that year (Plasse, ii, 243) . Several , however, of its inmates remained in Reading to continue, with occasional assistance from their confrères in the neighbourhood, the work begun in the







Hosier Street presbytery. From Reading most of the refugee priestsreturned to France , but a few stayed behind in England, of whom some were retained by political scruples , while others remained to help in the ministry, with the approbation of the Vicars Apostolic. The Abbé Loriot's last entry in the Register is of a marriageon April 6th, 1802. After that date he disappears , and his place is taken by the Abbé Godquin, who baptizes during the months of August and September 1802; he appears again as Sponsor in September 1804, and again as having baptized " by half with common water in De-


cember 1810 .

In the latter half of 1803 the Abbé de la Blardière went as domestic chaplain to the Wheble family at Woodley Lodge (now Bulmershe Court), Earley, on the outskirts of Reading , where he kept the separate register given below , an entry in which informs us that all parcchial faculties were granted to him on December 1, 1807. For some months previous to his removal to Woodley Lodge he had habitually attended there from Reading on Sundays and Feast-days to say Mass. On the first page of the Woodley Lodge Register is an entry of twins baptized by the Abbé de la Blardière , Sept. 2nd, 1802. After that he appears only as a witness to baptisms by Father William Allan (of Isleworth), July 9th, 1803, and May 19th, 1805, and to a marriage on May 1st, 1804, and to another marriage by Father Thomas Webster ) on August 13th, 1807. But the whole of the Register , (of Woolhampton is kept entirely by the Abbé de la Blardière . During till the year 1833, his term of office several notable visitors came to Reading : Bishop Milner appears twice in the baptismal register , in 1820 and 1824, as a Sponsor ; William Vaughan (of Courtfield) also visited Bulmershe Court in a similar capacity in 1823 ; in 1829, about a fortnight after the passing of the Catholic Emancipation Bill, Daniel O'Connell stood as godfather to one of Mr. Wheble's sons. On October 3rd, 1802, the Abbé François Longuet entered his first baptism. Miss Cowslade informs us that after the departure of the refugee clergy from the King's Arms, four French priests remained in " Finch's Buildings, of whom the senior , the Abbé Godquin, acquired sufficient English to hear confessions and attend the sick. She notes thearrivalof ayoung priest, the Abbé François Longuet, who by personal privations and teaching French in the town and neighbourhood was at last enabled to build a chapel in Vastern Lane, * on a piece of land * Vastern Lane, according to the map in Coates' History of Reading




behind the Grammar School (at that time conducted by the celebrated Dr. Richard Valpy), to which the founder gave the name of The was (?) consecrated by Dr. Poynter in 1812 Resurrection Chapel . (Cowslade MS ) . Tradition points to the present " Rising Sun Inn as being the site of that chapel . William S. Darter, Mayor of Reading 1851-52, in his Reminiscences of Reading, by an Octogenarian (1888) describes the site as opposite the Observer office " (p. 75 ) . The Abbé Longuet laboured here until February 13th, 1817, * when he was cruelly murderedand robbed on his way back from Pangbourne , from the house of Mr. Thomas Morton . The Laity's Directory for 1818 has in its Obituary : 1817, Fevrier 20. François Longuet, prêtre du Diocèse de Séez, 48 ans, followed by a note of the circumstances of the murder (see also Darter's Reminiscences of Reading, pp. 29, 49). The site of the present Pulsometer Works, on the Oxford Road, is stated to have been the scene of this crime. The Abbé Longuet's body was interred in the sanctuary of his Chapel , and after a lapse of twenty-three years the remains were removed to the new Church of St. James, where they repose within the limits of the now enlarged sanctuary. For the next three years the Mission had no resident priest. Two of the aged inmates of Finch's Buildings, the Abbé Godquin_and the Abbé Gondré , continued to serve the Mission in Vastern Lane on Sundays and Festivals, whilst Father Thomas Webster came from Woolhampton at Indulgence times to hear confessions. The Abbé Gondré also said Mass in the neighbouring localities where no priest or chapel was within reach , journeying to the various places on foot. From January 12th to June 1st, 1817, the baptisms are entered by the Abbé Jean Mathurin De Lanoë; then the Abbé Gondré continued the Mission work, his baptisms dating from September 20th, 1818 , to



" It





August 28th, 1820 .

(1802), ran from Friar Street to the " Vasterns," fields which an old tradition says formerly belonged to the town's people" (John Man : History of Reading, 1816," p. 135). Part of this old thoroughfare is now called Vastern Road. " " derived its name from a curtilage granted by the Abbey of Reading to the It Friars Minor in 1233 (Victoria County History of Berkshire, iii , 343 ). The name is probably a variant of waestern, a wilderness. John Man conceives to be a corruption of the old law term vastum , a waste or common ( loc. ).

The Resurrection Chapel is stated to have been on the east side of Vastern Lane (The Town of Reading during the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century, by W. M. Childs, M.A. , p. 54). * The date given in The Laity's Directory (Feb. 20th) does not agree with that found on a brass plate in the sanctuary of St. James ', Reading, which reads: To a deposit directly beneath were translated on the 24th April, 1840, the Rev. Francis Longuet's remains which from the period of the robbery and cruel murder perpetrated upon that worthy pastor of the Catholic congregation of Reading on the 13th Feb. , 1817, had rested in the Chapel erected by himself out of his own resources in Vastern Street . Mr. A. L. Humphreys, F.S.A. , in Notes and Queries , 11 S. ix (7 Mar. , 1914), p. 191 , also gives the date as Feb. 13th, 1817. The same date likewise appears in The Morning Chronicle, March 5th, 1817, and The London Gazette, 22nd February, 1817. In the latter a reward of 200 guineas is offered for the apprehension of the murderer. Mr. Weale, however, contends that all these dates are wrong, and that the murder actually took place on Feb. 12, the body being found early the following morning . In the account of the murder given in The Laity's Directory for 1818 it is stated that the Abbé left Pangbourne between 8 and 9 o'clockat night: the distance of Pangbourne from Reading is only 5 miles and the Abbé was on horseback,






The Laity's Directoryfor 1819 gives the following in its Obituary : 1818, Mai 28. M. Jean -François-Nicolas Godquin, Curé du Diocèse de Rouen , 72 ans , and that for 1828: " 1827, Fev. 27. M. Jean - Nicolas Gondré , Prêtre du Diocèse de




Rouen , âgé de 79 ans . In 1820 Father Francis Bowland, * the first English secular priest in Reading, came to take charge of the Mission in Vastern Lane, and continued till 1837, during which period he raised contributions for the building of the new church of St. James . Finding he was not to be appointed to it, he retired and was succeeded by Father Thomas Mylius Molteno, whose baptismal entries date from 24th September , 1838, to March Father William Harris then took charge , in March or 8th, 1840. April 1840, and was succeeded in June or July of that year by Dr. Daniel Rock, who administered two baptisms here 19th July and August 2nd, 1840. Mr. Wheble had desired that Dr. Rock should be in charge of the church he had founded and was then erecting, but Dr. Rock was resolute in his refusal. Mr. Wheble had arranged that the new church should be opened on August 5th, 1840 , and had had memorial brass plates with that date placed in the church and on the baptismal font, but he died a few days previous to the date fixed . Nevertheless the church was opened , in accordance with his wishes , on that day by the Bishop and clergy. On November 28th, 1840 , Bishop Thomas Griffiths, Vicar Apostolic of the London District, consecrated the High Altar . Shortly afterwards the Rev. John Ringrose , Missionary Rector, began his ministry here and continued from 1840 to 1874, being made a Canon of Southwark on the Restoration of the Hierarchy in 1850 . Since that time the following clergy have served the Mission: Rev. John M. Scannell 1873-74 Reginald Fowler 1873 Louis Hall (Missionary Rector) 1874-84 1879-1882 " Francis Lawrence Weale 1883-1884 Emmanuel Rivara 33 Francis Lawrence Weale ( MissionaryRector) 1884-1906







Catalogue of the last 103 members of Douay College , from the * In the 1st, 1792, under the heading of School of Divinity ," Diary "appears ": "for32,Oct. " in Mar. , 1793 ; orRev. Fris Bowland, alum . 2nd year ; left dained priest at Old Hall ; missionary at Reading, Berks. , Eastbourne [Easebourne , and Petworth , Sussex " (Joseph Gillow , The Haydock Papers (1888) , p. 133).] He is shown in the Arundel Catholic Register as having baptized there Aug. 23rd, 1803, and March 14th, 1804 (he would appear to have been a relation or friend of a family named Lane), C.R.S. , xxvii, 71, 72, 77. He died at Easebourne17 Dec., 1857 (Rev. H. Willaert, History of an Old Catholic Mission (1928) ) . The following entry appears in Ingall's Directory for 1837 under the heading Places of Worship : " Roman Catholic Chapel , Vasternstreet, Rev. Francis Bowland," and under the heading Divine Services


' "


Roman Catholic . Sunday morning and afternoon . Lectures ' : Wednesday and Friday morning at 9." He signed the baptismal entries in the Easebourne Register from 31st Aug., 1834, to 24th Feb., 1837 (C.R.S. , i , 259 ). A note in Dolman's Magazine for May, 1847 (p. 432 ) , states that the Rev. Thomas Molteno died suddenly at Calehill ( Kent ) on the 6th inst. (? April or May). The architect was Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin ( 1812-1852 ), son of Augustus Charles Pugin (1762-1832 ) and father of Edward Welby Pugin ( 1834-1875 ) . and






Rev. Francis Ferris, D.D.

" ,,

Pierce W. Greene John Longinotto

Louis Dynoodt

Francis Bailey "" James O'Brien

" William Le Grave , D.S.O. (Rector, St.


William's ) John H. King Francis J. Kernan, B.A. (present Rector) Gerald Dennehy John Doran L. H. J. Couturier, M.A. Robert O'Loughran Archibald G. McDonald H. J. Couturier, M.A. L. Robert E. Scantlebury " Patrick J. Lynch Nye "" Harold Michael O'Dowd " Donald Murphy O'Connor

" "" "" " " " 33

1884-1886 1884-1885 1886 1886-1887 1901-1902 1902-1904 1904-1909 1906 1906 1906-1909 1909-1916 1912

1916 1916-1929 1918-1920 1920-1931 1929 1931 1931 1931

In recent years new churches have been opened as follows :


Cressingham Park On the Shinfield Road, Reading, not far from . , Mr. Francis Mousley Lonergan had a small the site of Whiteknights private chapel, dedicated to the Sacred Heart , built on to his house . was designed by Bernard Whelan and decorated by Gabriel Pippet . It At the ,back of the chapel, above the congregation, the family had a tribune enteredfrom the first floor of the house by a private door. The Catholic Directory shows that this chapel was first served in 1881, and it continued in use for the family and the Catholicsof the district until the death of Mr. Lonergan's widow (obituary in The Tablet of June 23, 1923 ) . There appear to be no records showinghow the chapelwas served during 1881-87, but from 1888 to 1893 it was served by Franciscans . In 1893 by the Rev. Albert George Clarke , B.A. (died in Australia


1931 ) ;


1893-4 by the Rev. Henry L. P. Kelly ; 1894-5 by the Rev. Charles Arthur; 1896-8 by Dominicans from Haverstock Hill, London ; 1899

from Portsmouth;

" 1900-3 from Ascot (by the Friars Minor); ,,

,, 1903 (October) -1923 by the Benedictines from Farnborough. The chapel was then closed and eventually sold . St. William's In 1904 Father (afterwards Canon) Le Grave , D.S.O. , opened a new mission in his private residence, 140 , Hamilton Road, for the benefit of Catholics in East Reading . In 1906 he built, at his own expense, the Church of St. William in Upper Redlands Road, which he continued to serve as Rector until March 1909 , when St. William's parish was united with that of St. James. Reading West In the latter part of 1920 and during 1921 Mass was said on the second Sunday in each month in a room at Park Farm, Tilehurst ( by kind permission of W. Hussey , Esq.). On October 30th, 1921 , Father Kernan said the first Mass in West Readingin a temporary wooden hut in Liebenrood Road . A church was afterwards erected at the corner of Tilehurst Road and Liebenrood Road, to the designs of Mr. W. C. Mangan , and was the gift of Mr. R. Powys- Lybbe. On






September 14th, 1926, the Bishop of Portsmouth blessed the new church (dedicated to the English Martyrs) and sang Pontifical High Mass. In 1849 the Venerable Dominic Barberi, who received Cardinal Newman into the Church, died in Reading . Hitherto it has always been said that he died at the Railway Station, but the following extract from the Reading Mercury, Sept. 1st, 1849, gives the exact circumstances : " Sudden Death An instance of the frail tenure of human existence was exemplified in the sudden indisposition and rapid demise of a traveller on the Great Western Railway on Monday last [August 27th]. The much respected gentleman was a catholic priest , known as Father Dominic , of Poplar -house, Westend, Hampstead. He left London in good spirits on Monday morning by the 7-30 train, accompanied by Father Lewes , on his way to Stroud . When near the Pangbourne Station he was suddenly indisposed , and upon being removed from the train symptoms of a choleraic character appeared . The attendance of a medical gentleman (Mr. A. Muggeridge, of this town , who happened to be travelling ) was immediately given, and his complaint ascertained to be disease of the heart . Remedies were applied and application made to the inns for admission, but no room could, as it was stated, be afforded. The unfortunate sufferer was then removed to a cottage, and laid upon some straw on the brick floor for upwards of an hour. Upon the arrival of the up-train he was lifted in and brought to the Railway Tavern at Reading. The prescriptions of the medical gentleman were again applied, and temporary ease was obtained. The spasm at the heart, however, returned with violence, and he expired at 3 o'clock the same afternoon. The medical gentleman certified that death arose from natural causes, which was also confirmed by Mr. F. Hooper." As there is now no " Railway Tavern in Reading , some difficulty has been experienced in locating the scene of the Ven . Father Dominic's death. We are consequently much indebted to the kindness of Mr. H. F. Lindars, of Messrs. H. & G. Simonds , Ltd., who searched the records of his firm's property and succeeded in finding an old lease which definitely established that the present Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Caversham Road , was known as the " Railway Tavern in 1842.












IN OR CONNECTED WITH THE DISTRICT. Father Martin Grimston, O.S.F.: in Reading in late seventeenth century some time after 1695 (Franciscans in England , pp. 176 and 244).


Father Bernardine Clifton, O.S.F. (baptismal name James ) : served Whiteknights till 1734. The following memorandum was left with his successor, Father Greswold : My bridle, saddle , whips, boots, spurs and spatterdashes leave to my successor, if a Brother of our Province, who may have the use of them: of my two tomes in folio of Père Henno's Divinity , and of all the other books in my closet , all of which belong to the body of the English Franciscans , or to some particular members thereof, whose names are in them or else to the R.A. Recollectorum Anglorum]" * (Ibidem , pp. 187-8 and 213-4). FatherAndrew Greswold , O.S.F. (baptismal name Thomas ) : approved for preaching and hearing confessions 1734 , and for the mission 1735; served Whiteknights 1735; Titular Guardian of Norwich 1741. Died June 19, 1770, on the English Mission (Ibidem, p. 243). Father Jerome Beveridge, O.S.F .: sent on the English Mission in 1722; mentioned by Canon Burton as being chaplain at Whiteknights when Bishop Challoner made his visitation in 1741 (Life and Times I.e. Conventus Fratrum Minorum Recollectorum Anglorum (p. 218).






of Bishop Challoner , vol . i , p. 176 ) . Titular Guardian of Oxford 175053 ; died at Douai 1765 (History of Post-Reformation Catholic Missions in Oxfordshire , p . 333 ) . Father Ignatius Casemore, O.S.F. (baptismal name William) : was born in Reading Sept. 13, 1751 ; died at Plymouth 1824 (Franciscans

in England , p. 210).

Father Bonaventure Healy, O.S.F. (baptismal name Richard) : appointed, as a cleric, professor of philosophy at Douai 1749 ; ordained, approved for confessions and preaching 1750; professor of theology 1762-1767 ; Guardian of Douai 1766-1768 ; Custos 1770-1773 ; Provincial 1773-1775 ; at this time served Whiteknights . Died Sept. 25th, 1777, aged 51. Described in the notice of his death as a man of truly seraphic science and piety, who won all hearts by his affability and kindness " (Ibidem , pp. 188 and 248). Father Felix Englefield, O.S.F. (Charles or Francis Felix) : " Son of Henry Englefield of Whiteknights , Berks., and Catharine Day, daughter of Benjamin Poole, of London, remarried to Edward Webb, Esq. The said Henry was descended from a younger branch of that family, and succeeded to the title on the death of his cousin , Sir Charles Englefield, sine prole , in 1728. Father Englefield was sent to Rome to procure the repeal of the Regula Missionis established by Benedict XIV, but (Biographies of English Catholics in the failed in his endeavours century, by John Kirk, D.D. , ed . Pollen and Burton , 1909, XVIIIth p. 69) ; professor of philosophy, as a cleric, 1731 ; approved for preaching and confessions 1732 ; professor of theology 1734-46 ; titular Guardian of Oxford 1749, and of Greenwich 1750 and 1751 ; went to the General Chapter in Rome in 1750 in place of the Provincial Fr Thomas Holmes ; Custos 1752-55 ; Provincial 1755-58 ; about this time resided at Horton in Gloucestershire ; drew up lists of Franciscan Residences, in which Ufton Court and Mapledurham are mentioned, 1758; died at Douai 1767 (Franciscans in England, p. 229 ; Mrs. Bryan Stapleton's Oxfordshire Missions, p. 333 ; Rev. Bernard W Kelly's English Catholic Missions, vide Mapledurham).




Father Bruno Babe alias Price , O.S.F.: here in 1758 (first resident priest mentioned) ; Titular Guardian of Oxford 1755-1758 ; died in England 1783-4 ( Franciscans in England , pp. 168 and 196; Oxfordshire Missions, p. 333 et seq.; History of Ufton Court , Miss A. Mary Sharp, 1892, p . 131) . Father Edward Madew, O.S.F.: at Mapledurham 1758 ; says of himself that he " came to Ufton Court -though not apparently for the first time- September y 18 , 1761 ," and that he " spent on y road & y carriage of my goods £1 7s. 6d. Titular Guardian of Oxford 1776-1779 ; Monmouth 1779-1782 ; a last entry concerning On Sunday, him was made by his successor Father G. A. Baynham: May 13th, 1782, died , age 79, the Rev. F. Edward Madew, O.S.F., a jubilarian , many years missionary at Ufton Court, where he died. He had likewise been missionary in Warwickshire, at Mapledurham, Oxon. , & at Beenham & Ufton , Berks. Signed , G. A. Baynham, O.S.F. the Laity's Directory for 1783 (quoted in C.R.S. , xii, 21) In Madew's Father deathis noted under May 12 , 1782 ; 61 years in religion ; 55 years professed (Franciscans in England, pp. 166 , 168 and 269; English Catholic Missions, vide Mapledurham; Oxfordshire Missions, P. 333 et seq.; History of Ufton Court , p. 131 et seq.).









Father George Athanasius Baynham, O.S.F.: approved for preaching and confessions 1761 ; Vicar of Douai 1762-64 ; professor of philosophy 1764-67 ; confessor of the Poor Clares at Aire 1767; Vicar of Douai 1768-1770 ; Preses of the Residence of Birmingham 1770-1773 : Titular Guardian of Coventry and confessor at Aire 1773 and 1774: Guardian of Douai 1776 and 1777; confessor at Bruges 1778 (see C.R.S. , xxiv) ; Titular Guardian of Greenwich 1779-1782 ; Definitor 1782-85 ; Titular Guardian of Cambridge 1785-1788 , and of Oxford 1790 ; Custos 1791-94 ; Titular Guardian of York 1794, and of London in 1800 Franciscans in England, p . 199) . He was also at Burton, Sussex, Oct., 1780, to Feb. , 1781 (C.R.S. , xxii, 309). Miss Sharp, in her History of Ufton Court (p. 133 ), states that Father Baynham " lived on alone in the deserted Court till his death on March 29th, 1803. The Laity's Directory for 1804 gives March 25th, 1803, as the date of his death, at the age of 66.




This was the seat of the Englefield family, situated about two miles from Reading . Little is known of the early years of the Mission here, and no records prior to Father Baynham's Register of 1780 have come down to us. The first Knight was Sir Francis Englefield (died 1596 ?). The following details of him are given in the Concise Dictionary of National Biography (1903) : " Roman Catholic exile; knighted at Edward VI's coronation, 1547 ; imprisoned for celebrating [? Mass before the Princess Mary 1551; privy councillor 1553 ; Knight of the shire of Berks; placed on the Witchcraft Commission 1555; fled to Valladolid 1564 ; attainted and forfeited 1585, Elizabeth seizing even the estates he had alienated ; pensioned by the King of Spain; corresponded with the Pope and the King of Spain on behalf of Mary Stuart 1586 ; buried at Valladolid . Canon Burton tells us that for very many years the estate of Whiteknights was a Franciscan Mission. The Englefields , who were a very ancient English family, had lost by forfeiture , in the reign of Elizabeth, the Manor of Englefield in Berkshire, which they claimed to have held for seven centuries , and had only managed to retain their estate of Wooton Bassett in Wiltshire . * Sir Henry represented the younger branch of the family, but though he had inherited the Wooton Bassett estates as well as the baronetcy in 1782, he retained his seat at Whiteknights . He was a great friend of the Franciscans , and his brother, Father Felix Englefield, was a member of that Order. The chaplain at Whiteknights was always a Franciscan, and at one time the Titular ' Guardian of London made the house his headquarters, and part of their library was kept there " (Life and Times of Bishop Challoner , vol . i, p . 176) . The requisites for the Chapel in the Hosier Street presbytery (1795) were chiefly from Whiteknights, whence the Englefield family had removed in disgust at the offensive prejudices of the neighbouring gentry (Cowslade MS.). In the Mapledurham Catholic Register the Confirmation of five persons by Bishop Talbot at Whiteknights on 16th July, 1762, is






recorded . The following details of the last Knight are given in the Concise Dictionary of National Biography: Englefield, Sir Henry Charles (1752-1822), antiquary and scientific writer; F.S.A. 1779 ; P.S.A.; directed the Society's issue of engravings of English cathedrals and


* See Notes on the Family of Englefield, by the Rev. G. P. Crawfurd




churches , 1797-1813 ; F.R.S. 1778 ; gold medallist of the Society of Arts for his Discovery of a Lake from Madder ; published miscel laneous works.



FRENCH REFUGEE PRIESTS SERVING IN READING. Pierre Louis Guy Miard de la Blardière , born in 1760 or 1761 and described in the record of his ordination as of Saint-Laurent- du-Tencement, came of an old Norman stock of the haute bourgeoisie . Luc Miard, Sieur de la Blardière , who in January 1772 was in practice as an avocat in the bailliage of Montreuil, may have been his father. Saint -Laurent- du- Tencement, now in the diocese of Evreux, was at that time in the diocese of Lisieux, and Pierre was ordained priest by Mgr. Ferron de la Ferronnays on April 7, 1787. In 1790-91 he was vicaire at Villers (now Villers- en- Ouche in the diocese of Séez). In January 1791 he was called upon to take the oath prescribed by the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, but did so with certain reservations which made it null and void. Whether he was subjected to persecution on this account is not known, but in August 1792 he was living in retirement at 30 , Rue des Capucins, Rouen . Under the law of August 26 of that year which provided for the deportation of priests who , while public officials , had not taken the oath, there appeared on September 7, 1792 , before the Rouen District authority le sieur Pierre Louis Gui Miard, ci - devant vicaire de Villers, district de Laigle, âgé de 31 ans, taille de 5 pieds 2 pouces département de l'Orne , chevx et sourcils bruns , yeux bruns, nez aquilain, bouche moyenne, menton rond, front étroit, visage oval, lequel a déclaré être dans l'intention de se retirer en Angleterre . He probably crossed over from Boulogne to Dover, being one of the four refugee priests brought from the latter town to Reading by Miss Smart, to whom they had been commended by a friend in Boulogne (see supra , p. 122 ) . As a letter of his preserved in the Public Record Office (T. 93.52, Pt. II) testifies , the abbé P. La Blardière , as he usually signed himself , succeeded in maintaining himself by teaching French until September 1797 , when illhealth compelled him to relinquish his engagements and seek assistance from the Relief Committee in London. After Mr. James Wheble had acquired the Woodley Lodge estate in 1801 the abbé served his private chapel from Reading (late in 1802 or early in 1803 ) pending the arrival of the domestic chaplain , presumably the Rev. William Allan, S.J., who figures in some of the early entries in the Woodley Lodge Register , and at some date later than July 3, 1803, on Father Allan relinquishing the post, he succeeded him and removed to Woodley Lodge , where Mr. Wheble provided him with a commodious residence in the grounds within easy reach of the mansion , where the abbé said Mass every morning and performed the services on Sundays for the




In 1779 he made a survey and plan of the ruins of Reading Abbey. His portrait was painted by Sir Thos . Laurence and two bronze medalets of him are preserved in the British Museum . He was never married . He died at his house in Tylney -street, London , on March 21st, 1822, aged 69 years. Before his death he suffered from total or partial loss of sight . He was interred in the ancient burial place of the family in Englefield church. By his death the title became extinct " (Reading Observer, April 4, 1896) . Saint-Laurent -du-Tencement is a commune in the district of Montreuil, canton of Broglie, arrondissement of Bernay, department of the Eure, and includes a manor or hamlet of the name of la Blardière .




family and some of the tenantry and neighbouring poor . Here he continued until late in 1833, when at the age of about seventy -three he returned to France, where he was raised to the dignity of an honorary canon, as shown by the inscription on the chalice which he bequeathed , " for which, when he purchased to the Church of St. James at Reading Cowslade he intended this memorial ( , MS. ). The venerable abbé it " is believed to have passed his last days in retirement at Paris . The Abbé Louis Loriot : vicaire at Pierrefitte in the diocese of Séez (now in the diocese of Bayeux) ; kept the baptismal Register from January 18, 1795 , to January 11, 1802 . The Abbé Jean Nicolas Gondré : vicaire at Envermeu in the diocese of Rouen ; first appears in the Register as a Sponsor May 3 , 1800; died in Reading, February 27, 1827, as already mentioned. The Abbé François Dubois : curé at Franqueville in the diocese of Laon; noted as baptizing at Warfield March 12 , 1800 , and December 13, 1801 , and as having been approved by the right Revd Mr. Douglas. " The Abbé Armand Bénard : vicaire at Grainville in the diocese of Rouen ; Sponsor Feb. 22, 1801 ; died at Witham Place , August 18 , 1826 (Laity's Directory, 1827, p. 68) . [ Canon Plasse (ii, 408) mentions" l'Abbé


Bénard , Armand, vicaire de Grainville - sur-Fleury, diocèse de Rouen , mort en 1826, à Witham Place ."] The Abbé Toussaint Le Quien : curé at Assigny in the diocese of Rouen ; Sponsor June 8 , 1801 . The Abbé Jean François Nicolas Godquin : curé at Tocqueville in the diocese of Rouen ; first appears in the Register August 8, 1802; died at Reading May 28, 1818, aged 72 (Laity's Directory, 1819). The Abbé Charles François Le Tellier : vicaire at le Bois-Hellain in the diocese of Lisieux ; Sponsor August 23 , 1802; died at Reading January 14, 1829, aged 77 (Laity's Directory, 1830). The Abbé Jean -Baptiste Philippe Mezière : priest at Saint-Jacques, Lisieux, diocese of Lisieux (see Register of Burials infra, No. 99) ; Sponsor Sept. 20 , 1802 . The Abbé François Longuet : the youngest of ten children born to Vincent Nicolas François Longuet (born 1728 , died March 5 , 1793, at Saint - Pierre-Canivet , five months after the execution of his son Louis) and Marie Madeleine Le Boucq (married 1751 ), was born on September 5 , 1771 ; baptized the following day at Ussy, in the diocese of Séez (but since 1802 included in the diocese of Bayeux ) . His father was a farmer in a fairly large way. When the Revolution drove him to find a refuge in England he had as yet only received the tonsure, being a student in philosophy at Caen . He landed at Portsmouth and lodged there with a widow named Childe , at No. 2 , Crown Street . He received all his Orders in England. Dr. Poynter's generous tribute to the memoryof the deceased pastor, with the covering letter, copies of which have been found by Mr. Weale in Bayeux, was in the following terms :



feel great pleasure in complying with your request relative to a testimonial of the character & services of the late Revd Francis Longuet , which must indeed afford great satisfaction to his good Brother & to all his relatives in France. have written one in English on the other side & composed an request you to be so kind as to translate it into French. Epitaph for the Tablet which is placed in the Chapel at Reading where the have not a copy of it, but will late Rev. Francis Longuet was buried . procure one & send it to you, if you please to favour me with your address .






Portrait du R.D. Francois Louguet d'après une ausiame printern cid buite



Abbe François Longuet from theCrayon Drawing by Mme Desprairies .ofBayeux EmeryWalker hdph



Please to present my Compliments to the Brother & relatives of the late M. am with sincere esteem and wishes of all happiness

Longuet .


CastleStreet Holborn March 15, 1820 Abbé Fouchet* etc., etc., etc.

Rev. & Dr Sir Your hble Sert WILLIAM POYNTER Bp. of Halia


THE memory of the late Abbé François Longuet will long be held in grateful esteem by the Catholic Bishop & Clergy of the London District, and particularly by the Catholic Congregation at Reading. Abbé Longuet had for severalyears devoted himself with great zeal to the instructionand sanctification of the People committed to his care ; he was indefatigable in the duties of the sacred ministry & was disinterested and charitable to an edifying degree . He not only supported himself by his own labours, but from what he earned by teaching French at Reading and in the neighbourhood, he raised the means of establishing a new Chapel for the Congregation & an adjoining house for the Clergyman; he had moreover formed a design of promoting a fund for the permanent support of the Pastor of this Congregation which was so dear to him . Although he did not live to accomplish this latter object , yet we hope that he has received the full reward of his charitable design. He was assassinated near the town of Reading by some unknown hand on The whole town of Reading the evening of the 20th February 1817. declared its indignation and grief at the horrid deed, and was unanimous in expressing its high esteem for the virtues & character of Abbé Longuet. A tablet with an appropriate inscription of pious gratitude to his memory is placed in the chapel at Reading which he erected & in which he officiated. WILLIAM Bishop of Halia Vic . Apost. London. London March 15, 1820


Episcopal Seal

in black wax .

The statement as to the Abbé Longuet's age has apparently never been challenged . Mr. Weale , however, holds a certified copy of the entry of the abbé's baptism in the Parish Registers of Ussy, which reads as follows: Acte de Baptême de M. FRANÇOIS LONGUET. Aujourd'hui vendredy sixième jour du mois de septembre mil sept cent soixante et onze, François, né du jour d'hier du légitime mariage de Vincent Longuet et de Marie Le Boucq, ses pere et mère de cette paroisse, a eté baptisé par nous soussignés Georges Pitrou, prêtre, vicaire de cette


This was , possibly, the Abbé Pierre François Foucher, Pastor from 1798 to 1820 of St. Peter and St. Paul's congregation, Hull, which he left on March 8 of the latter year on his return to France. See Old English Catholic Missions, by John Orlebar Payne (1889) , pp. 69-71. This, of course , should be Feb. 12, 1817; see above, p . 125, n.


The printed copy of the inscription of the epitaph subsequently forwarded reads as follows : DANS CETTE CHAPELLE | Qu'il Avoit fait bâtir du fruit de ses Travaux | Est Inhumé | R. D. FRANÇOIS LONGUET, Prétre Français, | PASTEUR | De la CongrégationCatholique de READING, Après avoir été massacré | D'une manière atroce, | A environ deux mille de cette Ville, Sur la route qui conduit à OXFORD, | Le XIII Février | A.D. M. DCCC . XVII , | Agé de XLVIII. | R. I. P. It is, no doubt , a translation of the original .






parroisse, le nom lui ayant été donné par François Le Comte , assisté de Marie Barbe Martin, lesquels ont signé avec nous . F. Leconte. M. B. Martin. G. Pitrou, vicaire d'Ussy. (Extrait des registres de catholicité de la paroisse d'Ussy, aujourd'hui diocèse de Bayeux, autrefois diocèse de Séez, conservés aux archives du département du Calvados ( E. 620, 1766-1792). L'archiviste diocésain

LE MÂLE.) This definitely establishes the fact that the Abbé Longuet's age at the time of his death was 45 years and some five months, and not 48 years as hitherto represented . The accompanying portrait, for which the writer is indebted to Mr. Weale , is reproduced from a photograph of a crayon copy of a small painting in oils (much damaged) , the only portrait in existence of the Abbé Longuet. The crayon copy and photograph were executed by Madame Desprairies, a descendant of the family resident in Bayeux. A ring worn by François Longuet, bearing the arms of France and the motto Pro Deo et Rege, is still preserved in the family. An elder brother, Louis Longuet, was born at Saint-GermainLangot, in the diocese of Bayeux, Feb. 24, 1757, and baptized the following day. He received the tonsure and minor Orders in the church of the Prieuré de Saint - Vigor-le-Grand Sept. 19, 1777, and the major Orders in Bayeux Cathedral in Sept. 1779, 1780 and 1781 respectively. Studied philosophy at the University of Caen 1775 to 1777; followed the courses of theology of Le Clerc de Beauberon 1777 to 1779 and of Macparlan 1779-80 : and took the degree of Master of Arts Feb. 19 , 1782. There is documentary evidence that he was Vicaire of Neauphe , near Séez, in 1786 , and Precentor of the Chapter of Saint-Martin , Tours , in 1791. He was not a public functionary, and therefore not called upon to take the Oath; but the fact that he had not accepted the new order must have been sufficient to mark him out for persecution . He went into hiding in Paris , but was arrested after the 10th of August and imprisoned in " Les Carmes," where he met his death on Sept. 2, 1792. He was beatified on Sunday , Oct. 17, 1926 . The Abbé Jean Mathurin De Lanoë : Vicaire of Boisneyin the diocese of Lisieux ; appears in a volume of Accounts of the Relief Fund kept by a Mr Collier at 7, Prospect Place , between Temple Street and Pitt Street, St. George's Fields, London (Public Record Office , T. 93.23), as drawing the usual monthly allowance on the first day of each month from August to December 1802 inclusive; administered three baptisms January 12th, May 12th and June 1st, 1817. In addition to the provision of the accommodationat the " King's Arms Inn," a plot of ground was reserved close by for the interment of French priests and other French Catholics. No trace of this Cemetery has so far been discovered , but the original Register of the Burials has been found at Bayeux, a condensed transcript of which, made by Mr. Weale , is printed in the Appendix. The names of the witnesses to the interments are valuable for purposes of identification , and also for showing where the individuals were located at the time. Thanks are due to the Right Rev. Monsignor Canon J. H. King, V.G., and J. H. Sacret, Esq ., M.A. (Reading University), for valuable help and the loan of books ; also to the Librarian and staff of the Reading Public Library (Reference Department) for their unfailing courtesy and constant assistance ; and to M. le Chanoine L. Le Male, Diocesan Archivist , Bayeux , for considerable information regardingthe French Refugee Clergy and for free access to his store of records of the period.


(A) REGISTER OF READING. This Register (1780-1840) is an ordinary octavo note-book of 124 pages, 7 in . x 4 in. , without covers . commences with Baptisms, without any heading, and is preceded by a written title -page. The pagination, as given, is modern; the pages were originally unnumbered . The first 74 pages contain entries of Baptisms ; then follow five pages for Marriages , after which the Baptisms are resumed and continue to p. 97. Entries of Burials occupy pp. 99 to 102 , followed by six blank pages, and a note of Confirmations, without heading, on p. 109. The book is then reversed, and six pages are devoted to Marriages . The earliest entry, a marriage in April, 1780, is in Father G. A. Baynham's handwriting ; his first baptism is in August, 1783. This Franciscan Father was in residence at Ufton Court, Berkshire, and came occasionally to Sir Henry Englefield's house at Whiteknights , and also said Mass and administered the Sacraments occasionally in a small room in Minster Street, as already described . His entries 17801794 must relate to these two places . The Abbé L. Loriot's baptisms date from 1795 to 1802. Two baptisms by the Abbé Godquin and one by the Abbé Mezière are entered in 1802. Then in October, 1802 , the Abbé François Longuet took charge . In 1812 he built the Chapel of the Resurrection" in Vastern Lane, where he continued his labours until his murder in February, 1817. The aged refugees the Abbé Godquinand the Abbé Gondré officiated for the next three years until the appointment of the first English secular priest, Father Francis Bowland, in 1820 or 1821. The entries from 1795 to 1820 consequently relate to Minster Street, to Finch's Buildings and to the Chapel of the Resurrection in



Vastern Lane. From 1821 to 1837, Father Bowland had charge of the Reading Missionand the entries during those years are all by him. From 1838 to 1840 the entries are by Father Thomas Mylius Molteno. On the opening of the new church a fresh Register was commenced by the Rev. John Ringrose . Father Baynham adopted the rather unusual use of English for the

register entries, and was followed in this by the French refugee priests, with some curious results and spellings in a language with which they were not familiar. The Abbé Loriot's first entry is an example: Sunday 18th January 1795 was baptized Margarita born daughter of Mr Luke Born of the 107 regimenton foot & Margarita Danoly Sponsors James Mekharvay Et Michael Schapel . L. Loriot. " The names are presumably Irish Donelly and McCarthy (? Schapel ), and were written down as they sounded to a French ear. On p. 6 we find the Earl of Schrewsbury . The same priest anglicizes the Abbé Gondré's name, Gondray. Other examples are Sulivan and " legitime (for


" "

"" legitimate )

" .*






supra, p . 126, and C.R.S. , vii, 356. * See The Cowslade MS. has the following passage :

" The most efficient portion of the little flock were travelling Italians carrying goods on their own account or as agents for houses of business . The names of Borelli , Gatti, Cerighetti , and Primavesi are in honour with the remaining old Catholics as earnest and practical supporters of their Faith and its appointed Pastor.




[as title-page].


of Baptisms Mariages and Deaths Began in the year of our Lord 1780.

G. A. Baynham , O.S.F. White-Knights.


1 August 18th 1783 was baptized James the Son of James [&Pageblank ] White his wife. Sponsor Jeremiah Vaughan.



G. A. Baynham . 1783 On Saturday 13, [ 1783 above was born & on Sunday 21st December was baptiz'd Anna Maria Daughter of Mr Thomas & MrsMary Cowslade. Sponsors Charles Hyde Hyde [sic ] Esq & Mrs Mary G. A. Baynham . Smart . 2 Sunday 4th July 1784 was baptiz'd William Son of William & Sarah Creswell of Reading, Berks. Sponsors James Creswell & G. A. Baynham Anne Coomes Sunday 15th August 1784 was baptiz'd Charles Son of James & Anne Creswell of Reading, Berks. Sponsors James Vaughan & G. A. Baynham Anne Coomes Sunday 24th October 1784 was Baptizd Elizabeth Daughter of John & Susan Ons of Mapledurham in the County of Oxon . Sponsors George Morley & Theresa C [? P]assler. G. A. Baynham




3 Sunday 5th June 1785 was baptizd Ann daughter of James & [blank White his wife Sponsors James Vaughan & [blank G. A. Baynham . Hardwick Thursday 12 January 1785 was Baptizd James Son of William & Anastasia Wetheral of Reading Sponsors George Switzer & G. A. Baynham . [blank





same baptism is recorded in the Mapledurham (Oxon.) Register * Thisbeen as having omitted in the Register of that mission 1784 : October 24th The following having been: omitted in its due


order, at the request and on the declaration of John hone underwritten , , Chaplain of the Catholic Chapel of Mapledurham, Certify that on the 24th of october 1784 was baptized at Reading by the Revd G. A. Baynham, Elizabeth hone, born on the 20th of the same month in lawful wedlock of the Said John hone and Susanna hopgood his wife,-The Sponsors were George Morley and Theresa Parsler. The mark x of the June 18th 1800. A. Ch* Lefebvre hone Said John Mifsionar . Apostol.





Sunday 9th March 1788 Was baptizd Catherine Mary Louisa daughter of Sebastian & Susannah Andreoni Sponsor John G. A. Baynham . Negretti 1792

4 Wednesday 12th December 1792 [born Dec 6, above in pencil] [Was ] baptizd Eleanora Daughter of Mr Thomas & Mrs Mary

Maria scored, Mary above] Cowslade of the parish of St Lawrence in [Reading Berks . Sponsor Mifs Elizabeth Smart , Mr John Power of London had promis'd but was not present.

G. A. Baynham 1794 Wednesday 5th March 1794 was born & on Saturday 8th of the same Month was baptizd Matilda Mary Daughter of Mr Thomas & Mrs Mary Cowslade of the Parish of St Lawrence Reading Berks . Sponsors Charles Hyde Hyde Esq & Mifs Mary [p. 5 Power, by her Proxy Mifs Elizabeth Smart G. A. Baynham .



Sunday 18th January 1795 was baptized Margarita borndaughter of Mr Luke Born [ ? Bourn of the 107 regiment on foot & Margarita Danoly Sponsors James Mekharvay [is this McCarthy ? et Michael Schapel. L. Loriot *




Thursday 3th [sic] october was baptized Lucia born daughter of Robert Fowler & Jane Fowler his wife of the parish of Caversham, oxon. Sponsor Laurence Collin L. Loriot 1799

6 Monday3th[sic] of november 1799 was Baptized Michael bornon the 3th of Last Month son of Samuel Pike & Mary Pike his wife of the parish of oakingham , Berks . Sponsor Elizabeth Witford . L. Loriot



Tuesday 12th of November 1799 , was [Baptized above Louisa Georgina, born on the 25th ult, Daughter of Honorable JohnTalbot & Henriet Suzanna Talbot his Lady, Tutly Cottage in this County , Sponsors [Lord scored, Rght Hble above] Charles Earl of Schrewsbury & Honorable Mary Talbot, by Lewis Loriot & Mrs Anna Maria Smart their proxies . L. Loriot



[7 Saturday3th [sic] of May one thousand Eight hundred was bap-


tized Thomas born on the thirdof November 1797 Son ofSamuel Pike & Mary Pike his wife of the parish of Oakingham, Berks. Sponsor John Nicholas Gondray French priest of the Diocess of Rouen in Normandy. L. Loriot on the 12th of March 1800 , was baptized at Warfield by Mr Dubois French priest approved by the right Revd Mr Douglas vicar apostolic for this District , a son born from Thomas Collins There is appended here as always an indecipherable monogram after his name; a practice followed by other French priests. Now Wokingham .




named John by & Henriet Milton his wife of the said parish, Dominic Milton and Charlot Francis Milton Sponsors . L. Loriot

[8] Sunday 22th of february 1801 was baptized Louisa born daughter of Robert Fowler & Jane Fowler his wife, of the parish of Caversham, oxon . Sponsors Armand Benard priest & Mary Le Chevalier,

undersigned, both French Emigrants . Armand Bénard ptre Mni chevalier L. Loriot Monday 8th of June 1801 was baptized Francis Jon of Francis Moed & Catherina Moed his wife, aged eight months , Sponsors Toussaint Le Quien priest of the Dioces of Rouen in France, & Mary Anna Lewisa White. L. Loriot Wednesday 2. of September 1801 was baptized Francis son of francis Conroy & Mary Kelly his wife , of the parish of Cragan in the County of Armagh in ireland , born ten days before, Sponsor John Nicholas Gondray french priest of the Dioces of Rouen in Normandy . L. Loriot 9 On the 13th 13th above of december 1801 was baptiz'd at Warfield by Mr Dubois french priest duly approved, Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas Collins & Henriet Milton his wife of the said parish , born on the 5th of the same month, sponsor Maria Monica. L. Loriot 13th over the first line , good. on Sunday 11th of January 1802 was baptized James Son of Thomas Sulivan & Margaret Sulivan his wife . born on the 30th of December last; Sponsors James Vaughan & Elizabeth Collins who have signed with the father & me E. Collins. James Vaughan L. Loriot Thos. Sullivan. [10 on the 8th of August 1802 was baptised at Reading by Reverend Godquin french priest, duly approved, a girl born of the legitime marriage of Samuel Pike and Mary Ann Pike, who has been named Godquin * Lucy, by William Doler and Jane Fowler Sponsors. On the 23 of August 1802 was Baptised at Reading Berks by Revd Godquin French Priest, duly approved a girl born of the legitime marriage of Cæsar and Cordelia Wheeler, who has been named Ann by Charles Francis le Tellier French Priest, & Jane Fowler Sponsors. Godquin 11 on Monday 20th September 1802 was baptised at Reading [Berks by Reverend Godquin French Priest, duly approved a son yesterday born of the legitime Marriage of Robert Fowler & Jane Fowler his wife of the parish of Saint Lawrence who was named John baptist by John Baptist Philip Meziere French Priest and Jane Carrée French Emigrant Sponsors jeanne carrée j . phi . Meziere ptr Godquin on Sonday [sic 3 of October 1802 was baptised at Reading Berks Ann Born daughter of William Dawlir and Saragh Dawlir lawfully








* See note to entry of 18 January, 1795.



married who was named by Maurice Dwyer and Elizabeth Burgess Sponsors. Elizabeth Burgess. Longuet prêtre [ 12 on Witmonday 30th of May [ 1803 above] was baptized at Reading Berks by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved a boy born of the legitime Marriage of Daniel Chipp Et ElizabethBaily,who was named Thomas [Saria above] Ann Bune ; John Chipp Sponsors. Saria ann bune. On 25 of March [ 1804 above] were baptised sub conditione Ann Burgess and Elizabeth Cook by Francis Longuet duly approved. On 2 of April [ 1804 above] were baptised sub conditioneMargarite Cox and Mary Peace by Francis Longuet duly approved . on the 2 of September [ 1804 above] was [ baptized omitted in Woodley chapel Berks william warrilow son [of John Warrilow & Sarah Warrilow lawfully married , by Francis Longuet duly approved John Warrilow Mary Lewis being sponsors. Mary Lewis F. Longuet . John Warrilow 13 on 21 of september 1804 was baptised under condition sarah biggs daughter of Robert biggs and Cecily payne lawfully maried in Reading Berks by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved Revd Mr Godquin being Sponsor Godquin ptr F. Longuet . on 31 of December [ 1804 above] was baptised Sub conditione Ann Warrick by Francis Longuet duly approved . on easter monday 15 of April 1805 was baptised at Reading Berks by Francis Longuet duly approved a girl born of the Legitime Marriage of Daniel Chipp and Elizabeth Beily who was named Elizabeth ; John Chipp and Charlotte Æmilia Fowler being sponsors. F. Longuet . [14 on 26 of June 1805 was baptised in Reading by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved , a girl born of the legitime marriage of Samuel Pike and Mary Ann Pike who has been named Ann ; Sarra Ann Bune and Thomas Fowler being sponsors. Thomas Fowler Saria ann bune on 26 of July 1805 was baptised in Reading by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved a boy born of Thomas Booker and Cecelia Greysonhis wife who has been named Thomas ; Charles Dolman and Frances Booker being sponsors and Francis Longuet standing by F. Longuet . proxy 15 This entry is written on pencilled lines On 18 of May 1806 was [ ] baptised in Reading by Francis Longuet duly approved a girl born of the legitime Marriage of James Barry and Abigail Foley of the parish of St Mary of Reading, who has been named Ann. [Saraa above Ann Bune and Thomas Fowler being Sponsors ] saria ann bune F. Longuet . Thomas Fowler on the 31 of March 1807 was baptised in Reading by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved a boy born of the legitime Marriage



[ ]

[ ]



[ ]





of Daniel Chipp and ElizabethBeily who was named James John ; John Chipp and Abigail Foley being sponsors . John Chipp. 16 On the 10 of July 1808 was baptised by Francis Longuet [Priest duly approved in Reading Berks a boy born of the legitime Marriage of James Barry and Abigail Foley of the Parish of St Giles of Reading and was named Francis-Mary; Robert Fowler and Mary Barry being Sponsors


Mary Barry

Robt Fowler . On the 18 of December [ 1808 above] was baptised by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved in Reading Berks a boy born of the legitime Marriage [of] Daniel Chipp and Elizabeth Beiley ; Antony fogg and Ann Warrick being Sponsors the Boy's name is Charles

Antony. Anthony Fogg Ann Warrick 17 On the 9 of October 1809 was baptised by Francis Longuet [Priest duly approved in Reading Berks a boy born of the legitime Mariage of Patrick Sweeney and Jane Cawfield; Joseph Borelly [an scored Italian , Ann Mary Teighe being Sponsors. the child



was named James Michael Charles .

Anne Mary Teighe Joseph Barelli On [small on written inside the capital letter] the 21th [sic] of April 1810 being Holy Saturday was baptized Sub conditione James Headon, and all the ceremonies of Baptism were performed on him because of his only being baptised by half Joseph Barelly and Ann Warwick were Sponsors. he was born of the Legitime Mariage of William Headon and Maria Strange . Ann Warwick and Joseph Barilly being sponsors. [p. 18]Ann Warwick Joseph Barelli On the Same day were baptised under condition Susannah Maria and Ann Mitchel. On the 28th of October 1810 was baptized by francis Longuet Priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate marriage of James Bready and O'conar , who was named Thomas Ann ; Micheal Vaughan and Ann Warick being Sponsors. M. Vaughan . Longuet . Ann Warwick. [19] On the 12th of November 1810 was baptized by francisLonguet Priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage of Thomas Bond [and] Sarah Gibbs , who was named Martin Joseph Ann ; francis Longuet the Priest and Ann Jinks being Sponsors. Ann Jinks . Longuet . On the 5th of December 1810 the ceremonies of Baptism were [supplied scored, administered above] by francis Longuet Priest duly approved on Richard Mary [a girl above] born of the legitimateMar riage of Louis Aucapitaine and Therese Louise Marie De Chardonay,

" "







who was before baptized by half with common water by the Rev.Mr Godquin under [p. 20] pretext of necessity. francis Longuet and Elizabeth Burgess were sponsors. Elizabeth Burgess . f. Longuet 31st 1811 On the of January was baptized by francis Longuet duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage of Matthias Arnold, and Ann Sims of Saint Mary of Reading Berks ; Mary Arnold being the only Sponsor, who was named Henriette; . Longuet . On the 3d of June 1811 was baptized by francis Longuet duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage of Daniel Chipp and Elizabeth Beily, who was [p . 21] named Stanislaus George. Francis Gallini Esqr. and Catherine Langford being Sponsors. Francis Gallini Catherine Langford.



on the 16th of June was baptised by francis Longuet duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage of George Doe and Elizabeth Mary Fellows who was named Elizabeth Petronilla; Francis Gallini Esquire and Ann Jinks being Sponsors. Francis Gallini.

Ann Jinks

On the 12 of March 1812 was baptised by francis Longuetduly approved a girl born of the legitimate mariage of James Earl and Maria Cooper who was named Mary Gregory francis Longuet and Agnes Langford being Sponsors. . Longuet. Agnes Langford 1812 22 On was taken church the first of April and baptised to [under condition Mary Dalton of the parish of St Giles of Reading by francis Longuet priest duly approved . On the 29th of April 1812 was taken to Church and baptised under Condition Mary Sarrah King of the Parish of St Mary of Reading by francis Longuet priest duly approved. On the 7thof June 1812 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate marriage of [p. 23 James Barry and Abigail Foley who was named Augustin James, of the parish St Giles of Reading; Abondio Cereghetti and Ellen Cowslade being Sponsors. Ellen Cowslade Abondio Cereghetti. On the 1st of November 1812 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a girl of the legitimate Marriage of James Brady and Mary O'Conor who was named Mary Ann; John Hall and Mary Ann Jinks were Sponsors. John Hall.




its first appearance in the Laity's Directory for * The Mission makes Reading, Berks. , Vastern Lane. Resurrection Chapel,

1812 , as follows :


under the patronage of the R. R. W. Poynter and F. Gallini , Esq ., of Yattendon. Mass at 11 o'clock ; Discourse after it . Vespers at 3 on Sundaysand Feasts of Obligation . Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Longuet." Housekeeper to Father Longuet (local information ).



on the same Day was takento church & baptised under condition Ann Arnold of St Mary's. f. Longuet 24 On the 25th of December 1812 George Doe was baptised under [condition by francis Longuet duly approved and at the same time he read his abjuration f. Longuet Priest on the 13th of January 1813 was baptised a boy born of the legitimate Mariage of Antoine Maillet français habitant of the Guadeloupe & Martha Faris of Wantage who was named Charles Marie by francis Longuet Priest duly approved Jean Charles Diell of Germany & Mary Dalton being Sponsors . J. Diell Mary Dalton. 25 on the 7th of february 1813 was baptised by francis Longuet [priest ] duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage of Patrick Keley and Brigitte Body of Ireland James Conelly and Mary


Neaton being Sponsors. . Longuet [in another hand] see an addition to the above March 25 f1820.

On the 20th of February 1813 was baptised by francis Longuet Priest duly approved a boy born of the legitime [ate scored, e over Marriage of George Doe & Elizabeth Fellows who was named Matthias francis Mary. francis Longuet & Mary Dalton being Sponsors. francis Longuet .





mary Dalton.

[26 On the 24th of february 1813 was baptised by francis Longuet a girl born of the legitime Marriage of Thomas Bond & Sarrah Gibbs who was named Mary Matthias francis Longuet and Elizabeth Headington [being sponsors above Elizth Headington . Longuet . on the 19 of April 1813 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage of Jane [? James ] Strange & Ann Night [? Knight] who was named Mary Ann; Edmond Dalton & Ann Warrick being Sponsors. Ann Warwick . Longuet . + E. Dalton [27 On the 19th of April 1813 was baptised under condition John Strange With his daughter Jane & his son George by francis Longuet duly approved On the 25th of April 1813 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage of Thomas Canavan & Ann Walker his wifewho was named John, Edmond [sic Dalton & Ann Warrick being Sponsors. they are of [of above] Irland of Mio [? Mayo . on the 6th of June [ 1813 above was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage of John Johnson & Mary Cassidy ; Anthony [p. 28] Mc carty & Mary Lane being Sponsors. Anthony McCartny . Longuet. mary Lane











On the 26th of August 1813 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage [of] James Earl & Maria Cooper who was name [sic ] Ann Howard Cooper, & Mary Ann Smith being Sponsors. Mary Ann Smith . Longuet . Howard Cooper On the 18th of October was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage [of Guilbert Cain [and Helena O Lucan who was named [p. 29 Thomas ; Patrick Golding & Maria Mearing being Sponsors. Maria Mearing the mark . Longuet .






+ Golding of Patrick On the 14th of October 1813 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage [of] Brine [? Brian] Gillis & Mary felton , who was named Patrick, Guilbert Cain & Helena O Lucan being Sponsors. the mark the mark of . Longuet . +


+ Cain Helena O Lucan of Guilbert On the 29th of January 1814 was baptised by francis Longuet Priest duly approved William Bosworth born of [p. 30 of [sic the LegitimateMariage of JosephBosworth & MaryYappwho was named William Frederick , francis fletcher & Ann Jinks being Sponsors



Federick Francis Fletcher

Ann Jinks On the 2d of November 1814 was baptised by francis Longuet Priest duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage [of] Sophia Van Maren of Midderburg of Zeeland in Holland & Captain Thomas Johnson of Ireland who was named Ann Caroline Joanna ; Robert Hodgson & Elizabeth [Fowler above] being Sponsors. R Hodgson E Fowler

31 On the 18th of December 1814 was baptised by francis Longuet [Priest ] duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Mariage of James

Barry & Abigail Foley who was named Abigail; John Johnson & Mary Cassidy being Sponsors. John Johnson


the mark of Mary Cassidy on the same day was baptised under condition Ann Rilly of Ireland in King County & read her abjuration; the 18th of Dec. 1814.

On the 19th of february was baptised by francis Longuet Priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate marriage [p. 32] of George Doe & Elizabeth Mary Fellows who was named George Frederick ; Elizabeth Fowler & John Hall being Sponsors.

Elizabeth Fowler John Hall On the 19th of may was baptised by francis Longuetpriest duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage of Timothy Ragaen



& Helen Driscoll of the county of Cork in Ireland, who was named Mary Ann; Mary Dalton & Robert Hodgson being Sponsors. Robert Hodgson

Mary Dalton [33] on the 21st of may 1815 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage of Daniel Chipp [and] Elizabeth Beily of St Mary of Reading, who was named Mary Lowisa ; Mary Dalton & John Hall being Sponsors . John Hall

Mary Dalton On the 6th of June 1815 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage of James William Barrett & Mary Maria Barrett at Bolts Cross parish of Peppard Oxfordshire who was named Basil ; James William Barrett standing by proxi for the Revd Basil Barrett ; & Wenefride Barrett being Sponsors. Winefride Barrett. 34 On the 2d of July 1815 was Baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a girl born of the legitime Marriage of Matthias Arnold and Ann Sims of St Mary of Reading who was named Mary Elizabeth Edmond Dalton & Mary Dalton his wife being Sponsors .

[ ]

Mary Dalton + the mark of E. Dalton . on the 30th ofJuly 1813 [?] was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate marriage of John Jonhson [sic & Mary Cassidy who was named John ; EdmundDalton ] being Sponsors ; neither knew how to sign & Abigail Barry . Longuet . 1815 was baptised by francis Longuet 35 On 15th October the of [Priest ] duly approved a boy born from unknown Parents who was named francis Theresia whose surnamed [sic] is Linigal; Edmund Dalton & Mary Dalton his wife being Sponsors. . Longuet Mary Dalton On the 5 of November was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly [approved] a girl born of the legitimate Marriage [of] John Feras & Brigit feras who was named Catherine, Ismena Pain & John Hall being Sponsors.



Ismena Payne ... John Hall. 36 On the 20th of Dec 1815 was baptised by francis Longuet priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Mariage [of Peter Hare & Ceilaw Croughan of the County of Roscommon, Parish Atleague [? who was named, francis Edmund, Edmund Dalton & Mary Dalton being Sponsors. Mary Dalton . Longuet . of E. Dalton + the mark On the 14 of January 1816 was Baptised by francis Longuet Priest a girl born of the legitimate Mariage of John Harris & Jane

[ ]






Really of Dublin in Ireland who was named Mary Jane John Hall & Ann Jinks being Sponsors. John Hall 37 On the 14 of April [ 1816 above] was baptised by francis Longuet [ a boy bornof the legitimateMarriage of John Feras & Brigit Feras of Theale who was named John , Edmund Dalton & Margueret


Kainan being Sponsors. Margaret Kürnan . Longuet e. d alton On the 10th of August 1816 was baptised by francis Longuet a boy born of the Legitimate Marriage of George Doe & Elizabeth Mary Fellows who was named Henry James Laurence; Arthur Gallini & Frances Amelia Doe being Sponsors. Arthur Gallini . Longuet Frances Amelia Doe [38 On the 29th of september 1816 was baptised by francisLonguet Priest a girl born of the legitimate Marriage of Thomas Eyre Esqr & Mary Teresa Crook of S. Mary's of Reading who was named Elizabeth Mary ElizabethAgnes Crook; & George Francis, tho absent, being Sponsors. Elizabeth Agnes Crook. On the 2d of November 1816 were conditionallybaptised, Master Arthur Gallini ; Mr Alfred Alberto Gallini, & Mr Francis Alberto Gallini, all three Sons of Francis Gallini Esqre of Yattenton, Berks; by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved. . Longuet . 39 On the 8th of December 1816 was baptised by francis Longuet Priest duly approved a boy born of the legitimate Marriage of John Johnson & Mary Cassidy , who was named Edward Joseph Edmund Dalton, & Mary Dalton his wife being Sponsors.






[ ]

Mary Dalton Edmund Dalton On the 12th of January 1817 was baptized by Mr Lanoe duly approved a girl born of the legitimate Marriage of Catharine Grout & William Grout, who was named Elizer Elizabeth Boton and Alfred Gallini Elizabeth Boton J. M. De Lanoë Alfred Gallini 40 on the 12th may 1817 was baptised by Jean Mathurin De [Lanoë priest duly approved a girl of the legitimate marriage of Thomas Johnson [an irishman above] & of Sophia Willemina Maria [Magdelene van maren from Medilbourg above] who was named Sophia Anna, Stephanus musika and Eliza o-toole being Sponsors


Stephan Musika Elizabeth O Toole. On the rrst june 1817 was baptised by jean mathurin De Lanoë priest duly approved a Son of the legitimate marriage of Thomas Bond & Sarah gibbs of St Lawrance's parish in Reading, who was named Joseph. John Hall and Mary d'alton being Sponsors John Hall. Mary Dalton J. M. De Lanoë





41 On Sunday Sep 20th 1818 was baptized by John Nicholas [Gondré priest duly approved Eleanor Ann born Sepr 9th 1818 , Daughter of George Doe & Elizabeth Doe his Wife of St Lawrences Parish reading BerksSponsors Anthony Fogg & Eleanor Cowlade beingJ. N. Gondré Priest 1818 On Sunday Oct 25th was Baptized by John Nicholas Gondré Priest duly approved, John born Oct 1st 1818 son [of above] John & Mary Johnson his wife of St Giles's Parish Reading Berks John x & Ann x [Box scored] being Sponsors . × Box . x his wif. approved J. N. Gondre priest 42 On Sunday Dec 31st 1819 was baptized by John Nicholas Gondré priest duly approved , Edward about three Weeks Old, Son of Hugh McMullins & Mary McMullins his Wife, their Parishis [sic not known they having left Reading presently after the Child was baptized before enquiry was made for the particulars for this register the Godfather was see the next side- [p. 43] Edward McCarty & the God Mother was Abigail Barry residing in the Parish of St Giles reading J. N. Gondré priest On Sunday May 9th 1819 was Baptized by John Nicholas Gondré Priest duly approved George born April 14th 1819 son of James Kernan & Sarah Kernan his Wife of St Lawrence's Parish Reading Berks.— being Anthony Fogg J. N. Gondré priest Sponsors & Abigail Barry 44 On Sept 2nd 1819 was Baptized by John Nicholas Gondré Priest duly approved Eliza born Aug 24th 1819 Daughter of Daniel Chipp & Elisabeth Chipp his Wife living in the Parish of St Mary reading BerksJames John Chipp & Elizabeth Chipp were Godfather & God Mother J. N. Gondré priest 45 On Jany 7th 1820 was baptized by John Nicholas Gondré Priest duly approved Mary Bond born Janry 1st 1820 Daughter of Thomas Bond & Sarah Bond his Wife in the parish of St Lawrence Reading Berks Henry Bond being God Father J. N. Gondré priest 46 On Febry 6th 1820 was Baptized by John Nicholas Gondré Priest duly approved Charles born Janry 19th 1820 Son of William Grout & Catherine Grout his Wife in the Parish of St Giles Reading Berks. Anty Fogg being God Father J. N. Gondré priest 1813 47 register 7 Febry the following was omitted & [ In the supplied by the Information of his Mother see in the register of this date reference to this memorandum The Boys name was James he was born Febry 3rd 1813 in the Parish of St Giles reading Berkshire J. N. Gondré priest March 25th 1820


[ ]



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[ ]

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48 On April 1st 1820 was Baptized by John Nicholas Gondré [Priest ] duly approved Catherine born March 11th 1820 Daughter of James Barry & Abigail Barry his Wife in the Parish of St Giles

Reading BerksJ. N. Gondré priest Anthony Fogg being Godfather 49 On April the 23d 1820 was baptized by John Nicholas Gondré [Priest duly approved Mary Ann Doe born April 8th 1820 Daughter of George Doe & Elizabeth Doe his Wife in the Parish of St Lawrence reading BerksJohn Hall & Julia Stafford being Godfather J. N. Gondré priest & Godmother 50 On July 2nd 1820 was baptized by John Nicholas Gondré [Priest duly approved Mary Clark born june 26th 1820 Daughter of Philip Clark & Eliza Clark his Wife in the parish of St Giles reading Berks . J. N. Gondré priest Mary Clark being God Mother 51 On Aug 28th 1820 was Baptized by John Nicholas Gondré [Priest duly approved CatherineDriscoll born Augt 11th1820 Daughter of Wm Driscoll & Brigit Driscoll his Wife x born in Maidenhead Anthony Fogg being Godfather J. N. Gondré priest X Irish Joannes Fowler 52 Natus die pra Janii 1821. Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Joannem filium Joannis & Elizabeth Fowler olim Ward patrino [is scored, Fr. Bowland . o over] Edwardo Fog: die 7° Jan: 1821. Catherina Farren nata febl 3 1821 Catherina filia Joannis et Margarittæ Farren olim Cunningam conjugum Matrinâ Elizabeth Edmunds Frs Bowland Georgii Doe (?) & Elizth Juliana Doe ga [word illegible, possibly Decembris] patrini Joanne [Doe scored] Hall & Judith Stafford Frus Bowland . Collins Joannes 53 [ ] natus die julii 21ª 1822. Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Joannem filium Thomæ et Susannæ Collins olim Day conjugum Patrinis Jacobo et Margaritta Cronan. Franciscus Bowland Die junii 24. 1822 . Anna Clarke die 1a junii [ 1822 above] nata et die [29 Ego [29 above infrascriptus baptizavi Annam filia Philistri (? Philippi ) et Eliza Clarke olim Butler conjugum patrinis Joanne Franciscus Bowland Hall et Abigail Barry. Maria Anna Rogers. nata julii die 6a 1822. Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Mariam Annam filiam Jacobi et Rachael Rogers olim Goodchild conjugu patrinis Thomâ et Susanna Collins . Franciscus Bowland . die 28 Julii 1822




[ ]





[54] Die 8a Septembris 1822.

Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Edwardum filium [natum Augusti 15. 1822 above Petri et Mariæ Brien olim Fitzpatric [ conjugum above patrinis Joanne et Maria Grey. Franciscus Bowland N.B. ab Oakingham venerunt . [in margin Edwardus Brien Die 6a Novs A.D. 1822 . Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Claram filiam Thomæ et Henriettæ Leek [olim Cooper Mapledurham above ] conjugum Patrinis Thoma Roberts et Anna Geddes Frs Bowland in margin Clara Leek nata die 5a Nov. 1822 Joannem Ego infrascriptus baptizavi filium Alice et Gulielmi O'Brien conjugum . Patrinis Gulielmus Mullins et Eleanorâ Grimsdale. Frnus Bowland . Die 4a Decs 1822 in margin Joannes O'Brien natus 29 Nov 1822 [55 Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Henriettam scored, hodie above Claram filiam Henriettæ et et [sic Thomæ Leek olim Cooper natam Thoma Roberts [5 Decembris scored] 5ª Novembris 1822. Patrinis et Anna Geddes . Franciscus Bowland . margin Clarâ Leek * [in Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Carolum Alfred filium Gulielmi et Theresa Slaughter olim Hilsley degentium Cane End apud Mapledurham . Patrinis Hugone Williams et Maria Slaughter. in margin Carolus Alfred Slaughter natus 26 Decris 1822 Franciscus Bowland Decembris [28 scored] 28. 1823. A blank space




[ [












Aprilis 2 : 1823. Infrascriptus baptizavi Mariamfiliam Andreæ et Joanna Delaney olim Sharkey [ conjugu above] natam febrii 14. 1823. patrinus fuit Garratt Gibbons. [Alana Collinworth Matrina scored] Honorâ Daley Frs Bowland . M.A. Henricum filium Joannis et Elizabeth Fowler olim Ward. Patrini fuere Thomas Franciscus Bowland . Fowler et Elizabeth Fowler. margin Gulielmus Henricus Fowler natus 20. 1823 aprilis in [ Daniel Mount

[56] Ego infrascriptus baptizavi Gulielmum



Die Octobris 17. Natus et die 21 Baptizatus [est scored] fuit Daniel Mount filius Gulielmi et Annæ Mount olim Deadman conjugum . Patrinus fuit Franciscus Attarsoney.

A me Francisco Bowland . Mifso Apco

N.B. no Godmother . Father private of 7th foot. (The following entry has been made and struck through) : Die [57 [21. 1822 natus et die 24 baptizatus fuit Joannis [Collins scored junii filius Thomæ et Susanne Collins olim Day conjugum Patrini [us fuit scored fuere Jacobus et Margaritta Cronur [?] ]




* This baptism is entered twice .

Cf. second entry on this page.



Die 1. junii 1822 nata et [ die 29 above] baptizata fuit a me Anna filia Philippi et Eliza Clarke olim Butler [ conjugum above ] . Patrinus fuit Joannes Hall et [matrina above] Abigail Barry. a me Francisco Bowland .

Anna Doe 58 Die julii 24, 1824, nata et die 9 Augusti [ejusdem anni above baptizata fuit Anna filia Georgii et Elizabeth Doe olim Fellows conjugum Patrinus fuit Dominicus De la Torre matrina Francisca Hall . a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco

[ ]


Francisca Malone

Die 3 Septembris 1824 et die 7 octobris ejudem [sic] anni baptizata fuit Francisca [filia scored] Elisabeth filia Thomæ et Alicia Malone olim Garrott [conjugu above] (patronis non adhuc repertis) a me Francisco Bowland Mifs. Apco. postea matrina Matilda Cowslade [Page 59 is blank, but on a leaf, loosely inserted , is the following


entry On July the : 6 : 1819 Was Baptized By the Revd Thomas Webester Prest Duly approved William Box Born July the : 4 : 1819 Son of John Box and ann Box his Wife in the Parish of St Lawrance Reading Barks. Thomas Canning Esq and Marey Jane Canning Being godfather and godmother Thomas Webester Prest Elena O'Brien [60 Die 23 Junii 1824 nata et die 25 baptizata fuit Elena filia Gulielmi et Alice O'Brien olim [blank] conjugu. Patrinus fuit Philippus Clarke, Matrina Maria Clarke a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco Elena Langford Die 3ª Januarii 1824 baptizata fuit Elena filia Josephi et Francisca et [sic Langford olim Haines Patrinus fuit Basilius Eyston et Matrina Elizabetha Hall. [61 Die 29 [3 scored, 29 above ] aprilis 1825 nata et die 3 maii ejusdem anni baptisata fuit Neomé filia Joannis et Margarita Goodyer olim conjugum . Patrinus defuit Matrina fuit , Anna Simson [blank Famula Dominæ Blount Sulham. a me Francisco [ us scored, o over] Bowland . M. Ap. A blank space here. To- day Jan : [the 3d above] 1825. undersign'd baptiz'd John Son of John & Julia McLedden, [maiden name Nethi above , as far as could make out the [two above] names from the mother'spronunciation [she] not knowing how to spell. There was no God was born 27th of Dec 1824. Father or God-Mother . Francis Bowland . Ap : Mifs . Elena Langford [62 Die 4ª Augusti 1825 nata et die [15 scored, 13 above ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Elena filia Josephæ [sic et Francisca Langford ] olim Chace, sine patrinis ob necefsitatem a me Francisco Bowland .















Die 29 Septembris [ natus above] et die 19. Octobris baptizatus

fuit Thomas filius Thomæ et Annæ Penfeather olim Burke conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Herring [?] a me Francisco Bowland Mifs. Ap N.B. The mother said she was going to join her husband, a labourer, in London . gave her 2 : 6.

Maria Anna Goodman Die 16. Decembris 1825 nata et die 21. ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Anna Maria filia Jacobi et Annæ Goodman oli Butler , patrinus fuit Gulielmus O'Brien, Matrina Sara Bond a me Francisco Bowland Mifs¹ Apco Ellena Malone. Die 29. Julii [1826 above] nata et die 13 augusti [ejusdem anni above baptizata fuit Ellena filia Thomæ et Alicia Malone olim ]


Garrott [con above] Patrinus fuit Matrina Ellena Cowslade- a mi Francisco Bowland Mifs : Apco. Elizabeth Cetti. 64 [ Die 16 Novembris 1826 Nata et die 19. ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Elizabeth filia Andræi et Elizabeth Cetti olim Hull conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Barelli et Elizabeth Lajeunesse per a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco proxi Mariæ DonaldDie [29 scored Decembris 16, 1826. natus et Die 29 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Thomæ [sic filius Gulielmi et Alice O'Brien conjugum. Patrini fuere Joannes Box et Hanna Box. a mi Francisco Bowland Maria Anna Haydon. 65 Die 17. Februarii 1827 nata et die [ 18 above] Martii ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Maria Anna filia Henerici et Mariæ Haydon Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Kelly, Matrina Maria Anna Driscon . A me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco March 18 1827 inser- see p. 68 below [ ted P 151 Joannes Mahoney. Die 6 aprilis 1827. natus et die 14 [ejusdem mensis above baptizatus fuit Joannes Mahony filius Patricii et Catherine Mahony olim Collins conjugum , Patrinus fuit Thomas McCaharney, Matrina a me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco Alice O'Brien Jany 26 Jan 1828 baptizata fuit a mi sub conditione Maria Fr. Bowland filia Feminæ Hibernica nuper a Farnham Die 4 Aprilis 1828 [66] Nata et die 13 ejusdem mensisbaptiza [sic] fuit AnnaMariaElizabeth filia Caroli et Elizabeth Demontier olim Chipp conjugum . patrinus fuit Carolus Chipp Matrina Lucia Chipp a me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apos. Eleanora Manuella Allen. Die scored above] Die 14 Januarii 1829 nata et die 26 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Eleanora Manuella filia Antrum et Eleanoræ Allen [olim Thew above] conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Froes, Matrina Manuella Strickland pr proxim Mildred Froes a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco





[ ]






Joannis Sullivan


Die 29 Augusti 1829 natus et die 26 ejusdē mensis [?] baptizatus fuit above Joannis filius Danielis et Mariæ Sullivan olim Sullivan [sine a mi Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco patrinis.


Elizabeth Banks

Die [20 Julii scored] 9 Junii 1830 nata et die Julii 19 ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Elizabeth filia Jacobi et Annæ Banks olim Murry sine Patrinis ob necessitatem [Hibernia scored] conjugum ex aHiberniâ mi Francisco Bowland Mifs° Apco White. [68] page 151 written at topBirgitta of page] Die 4 Julii 1830 nata et die 28 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Birgitta filia Henrici et Birgittæ White olim Morris [ ; jugum above] patrinus fuit [blank matrina a mi Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco [blank]



Maria Stonor . Die 25 Januarii [ 1830 above] nata et eodem die baptizata fuit Maria filia Caroli et Sophiæ Stonor olim Cary conjugum . Patrinus fuit Thomas Stonor Sen Armiger et Maria Lady Stafford pr proxim Ricardi Chen et Annæ Fairburn a me Francisco Bowland Mifs° Ap:cco Page 151 [sic . Maria Anna Haydon [Die above] Februarii 17 [ 1827 above] nata et die martii 18 ejusdem anni [ baptizata fuit above] Maria Anna filia Henrici et Mariæ Haydon conjugum . Patrini fuere Thomas Kelly & Maria Anna Driscon a mi Francis [co above] Bowland Miss Apco Joannes Calnen 69 [ Die Junii 21. 1831 nata [sic et die julii 24 ejusdem anni baptizata [sic fuit Joannes filius Joannis et Mariæ Calnen olim Donavan conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Brigdale a me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco Matilda Allen . Die 24 Septembris 1831 nata et die 25 [bap scored ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Matilda filia Antrum et Helenæ Allen olim conjugum sic . Patrinus fuit Franciscus Henricus Froes . Matrina Maria Agnes Froes a me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco [ 70] Janii 29. 1832 Anna Maria scored] Maria Anna Driscoll . Die 29 [1832 above] Januarii nata et eodem die baptizata fuit MariaAnna filia Timothei et Abigail Driscoll [conjugum olim scored, olim above Donavan. Patrinus fuit Jacobus [mc scored McCormic. Matrina [McCartay scored] Maria McCartaya me Francisco Bowland . Mifs Apco Feb 10 1832 Owen McCarthy Die 12 februarii 1832 natus et die 18 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Owen filius Owen et Julia McCarthy olim Sepple [conjugum above Patrinus fuit Thomas Kernan Matrina Crelia [? Snelgrove ] ] a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco








[ ]






Gulielmus Joannes Franciscus Lynch Sepris 10. 1832. Die 7 Septembris 1832 natus et Die 10 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Joannes Franciscus Filius Georgii et Mariæ Anna Lynch olim Kendal [ conjugum above]. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus [Dominicus above] Lynch. Matrina Maria Elena Frances[ca above Lynch a me Francisco Bowland Mifs° Apco Elen Tobin . [Die 11 Septembris nata 18 scored Die 20 augusti 1832 nata et die 11 Septembris ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Elena filia Thomæ et Elena Tobin olim Daley conjugum. Patrinus fuit JoannesTobin pr proxim Reyd Frel Bowland a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco Matrina Birgitta Tobin. Oct 1832 . [72 Birgitta Haston Die octobris 12-1832 nata et die 21 baptizata fuit Birgitta filia Petri et Birgittæ Haston [olim above] Salmon conjugum Patrinus fuit Jeremias Ayres Matrina Luisa Maria Chipp a me Francisco Bowland Mifsº Apco Gulielmus Arbor Connery. Die 26 Januarii [nata scored 1838 natus et die [4 above Martii ejusdem anni baptisatus fuit Gulielmus Arbor [this word is written on the opposite page -filius Edwardi et Elizabith Connery, olim Arbor, conjugum patrinus fuit Patricius Donelly-p. 73 Matrina Maria Shanks.a me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco Joanna Eliza Chipp. [74Die aprilis 6a anni 1836 nata , [ et die 2a Aprilis 1837 scored et die 10 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Joanna Eliza filia Caroli et Joanna Chipp olim Arnold [conjugum above] . patrinus fuit Carolus Demontiers, matrina Eliza Chipp a me Francisco Bowland Misso Apco Aprilis 25. 1837. Catherina Sullivan Die aprilis 25, 1837 nata , et die 7 maii ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Catherina filia Phillipi Sullivan et Elenæ olim Ragan conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michael [Mc above]Carty Matrina Maria Barry a mi Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco Marriages are entered on the next five pages. Baptisms are continued on p. 80.

[71] D













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April 1780

Were Married James Payne & Elizabeth Masters (at Sr Henry Englefield's house in London) Witnesses J Parrot & Ruth Elvins G. A. Baynham February the 2d 1783 Were Married Mr Thomas Cowslade & Mifs Mary Smart at Reading in the County of Berks . witnesses Mrs Mary Power & G. A. Baynham Mr James Payne




2d 1783 ]Were Married at ReadingJune Richard Caleb Morriſon Efqr to Mifs

Sarah Hyde alias Switzer

Witnesses Charles Hyde Hyde Efqr & G. A. Baynham June 5th 1785 Were Married at Reading George Lewis Switzer and Elisabeth Crofswell . Witnesses John Switzer & Mary Keep G. A. Baynham 77 April 6th 1802. Were Married at Reading Thomas Allum & Mary Geddis, with the Licence of the Right Reverend Vicar apostolic of the London District , Witnesses Alexander Geddis father of the Bride, & Peter La Blardiere a french priest Alex Geddes Mary Geddes P. La Blardiere L. Loriot * The next entry is that of a baptism which was afterwards crossed out and re-written on page 10 : on 8th of August 1802 was baptised at Reading by Reverend Godquin french priest a girl born of the legitime marriage of Samuel Pike and Mary Ann Pike , who has been named Lucy by William Doler and Jane Fowler Sponsors . in faithof which i have subscribed.

Mifs Ann Hyde

[ ]



February 25. 1805 [78]Were Married at Reading EdwardTame and Miss Margaret Cox

Witnesses Sarai Ann Boune and Robert Fowler . F. Longuet January 26 1809 Were Married at Reading James Earles and Maria Cooper , Witnesses Thomas Fowler, and Ann Warrick F. Longuet June the 18th 1813 the 1st in the chapel of the Resurrection Were married at Reading Ann Warick & Elicha Sandford, witnesses Mary Dalton & John Strange . Longuet . 79 [On the 26th of August 1813 scored On the 9th of September were married Xaverius Naudasher Captain Adjudant in the french Army a natave [sic of Mahlberg in Germany, & Christiana Frederika Krieger a native of Kretz in Saxony Witnesses George Muller & francis Schwaab . Longuet . On the 6th of November were married John Conrad Heitman & Mary Ann Charles Witnesses Mary Dalton Saria ann bune On the 19th of May 1816 were married Richard [Johns scored, Jones over & Elisabeth Langford. Witnesses: Joseph Langford Catherine Langford [80 Monday 21st of Nov 1825 were married Andrew Cetti & Elizabeth Hull. The witnesses were [blank] & [blank] KayFrs Bowland . Banks scored [Elizabeth Gulielmus Banks . [ The name Banks is given above the Baptism and Donovan in the Baptism itself.

[ ]










See note to entry of 18 January , 1795 .



[Baptism resumed .]

Die 20th martii 1838 natus, et die aprilis 15 ejusdem baptizatus fuit Gulielmus filiius [sic] Danielis et Mariæ Annæ Donovan olim Glenville conjugum Patrinus fuit Carolus De Montiers et Matrina a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco fuit Eliza ChippAugusti 2. 1833. [81]

Robertus Edwards Guy.Die 26 Julii [ 1833 above] et natus et 2a Augusti ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Robertus Edwards filius Jacobi et Catherinæ Guy olim Edwards conjugum . Patrinus fuit Josephus King Matrina a me Francisco Bowland Mifs apco Maria Didmon . 28 Julii 1835. Die Julii 21. 1835 natus, et die 28 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Jacobus Augustinus filius Jacobi et Catherinæ Guy, olim Edwards conjugum. Patrinus fuit Revdus Stephanus Dembrino ? pr proxim Josephi King, Matrina Francisa Edwards pr proxim a me Francisco Bowland Mi√so Apco Mariæ Didmon.[82 Space for certificate of Charles Chips child's [registering scored baptism [this last word written on opposite page 83 .








. ejusdem mensis baptiDie Januarii 8 anni 1837 natus, die zatus fuit Carolus Michael filius Caroli et Joanna Chipp olim Arnold Barry, MatrinaEliza Chipp . [conjugum above] patrinus fuitaJoannes me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco Die 19 Junii nata et 24 Septembris 1838 Baptizata fuit Marguerita filia Georgii et Birgittæ Grover conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria Payne a me Thos Mylius Molteno Mifs Ap Die 17 Septembris 1838 et eodem die baptizatus fuit Thomas filius Thomæ et Catharina Malony olim Carolin conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Murphy. Matrina Helena Sulivan . a me Tho Mylius Molteno Mifs App. 83 Die 6 Octobris 1838 nata et die 8 ejusdem mensis baptizata [ Eugenia Maria fuit filia Caroli Henrici et Sophiæ Caroletta Stonor (olim Cary) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Wheble Matrina Caroletta Domina Lovat Locum tenentes Patrini Joannis Clarke Matrinæ Anna Sheperd A me Thos Mylius Molteno Mif App. Die 11 Juliis [sic 1838 natus et die 26 Novembris baptizatus fuit Joannes filius Joannis et Mariæ Heckey (olim Hubbard) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Chipp . A me Thos Mylius Molteno Mifs App. 1838 Nata et die 9 ejusdem mensis Bapti84 1 Decembris Die [zata fuit Anna Victoria filia Michiælis , [sic et Eleanora McCarthy ] (olim Berry) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Edwardus Connery, Matrina Anna Kiernan. a me Thos Mylius Molteno M.A. Die 22 Januarii nata et die 24 Februarii 1839 Baptiza [sic] fuit Maria filia Cornelii Leary et Marguerita (olim Murphy ) conjugum. Pritchard Patrinus fuit Joannis Binghamet Matrina a me Tho Mylius=Molteno Mifs Apo








19 Martii natus 1839 et die 24 ejusdem mensis Baptizatus [85 ] Die scored fuit Jacobus filius Jacobi Fitzgeral et Lucia (olim filiis [ ] . Patrinus fuit Jacobus Lister. Cary) conjugum

A me Tho Mylius Molteno Mifs App. Die 11 [? 21] Martii nata et die 3 Aprilis 1839 batizata [sic] fuit Elizabetha filia Michielis Rourk et Brigetta (olim Scott ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Fitzgeral Matrina Maria Rourk loco Mariæ a me Thos Mylius Molteno . M.A. Rourk 86 die 20 nata et die 7 Martii Aprilis 1839 batizata [sic] fuit Julia [ ] filia Batholomæi Harrington et Catharina (olim Brian) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Hayes Matrina Ellena McCarthya me Thos Mylius Molteno M.A. Die 23 Martii natus et die 7 Aprilis 1839 baptizatus fuit Christophorus filius Christophori Thaez et Margueritta (olim Kusey) conjugum. Patrinus Danielis McCarthy Matrina Catharina McCarthy a me Thos Mylius Molteno M.A. 10 Aprilis 1839 [natus above] et die 3 Maii ejusdem anni 87 Die [baptizatus fuit Carolus Jacobus filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Rivers olim Curtis conjugum Patrinus Gulielmus Curtis Matrina Teresia Curtis a me Tho Mylius Molteno M.A. Die 24 [Aprilis scored, Martii 1839 above] natus et die 8 Maii ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Georgius filius Thomæ Po le et Mariæ (olim Elvige) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannis Cook Matrina Sarah Bond a me Tho Mylius Molteno Miss Ap 88 [ ] Die 2 Maii nata et die 19 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Sarah Agnes filia Edwardi Gulielmi Fulker et Sarah Agnetis (olim Shanks)



conjugum― Patrinus fuit Carolus de Montier et Matrina Anna Laurence a me Tho Mylius Molteno Die 27 Maii [1839 above natus et die 9 Junii 1839 baptizatus fuit Josephus filius Josephi Bond et Elizabethæ olim Naish conjugum . Patrinus fuit Defendente Ortelli Matrina Sarah Bond a me Tho Mylius Molteno Mifs. App. 23 1839 89 et die 30 Junii baptizata fuit Maria Anna [ Die Junii filia Philipi Sullivan et Elleanoræ olim Regan Patrinus fuit Dionisius Murphy Matrina Maria Barry a me Thos M Molteno M.A. Die 26 Julii [1839 above] natus et die 28 ejusdem mensis Baptizatus fuit Thomas filius Gulielmi Cecil et Theresiæ olim Coles conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannis Cook loco Alfridii Coles et Matrina Esther Coles loco Elizabethæ Coles . a me Thos Mylius Molteno . Mifs App. 1839 et die 5 Augusti ejusdem anni baptizatus 90 23 Die Junii [ fuit Georgius filius Gulielmi Holmes et Mariæ olim Goodchild conjugum . a me Tho Mylius Molteno M.A. Patrinus fuit Joannis Cook








Die 14 Octobris 1839 nata et die 16 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Theresia Anna Catharina filia Georgii Reynold Shaw et Victoriæ Gratiæ ( olim Hafsey ) conjugum . Matrina fuit Theresia Maria Bartlet Anna Hafsey Procuratore a me Thos Mylius Molteno Mifs Ap. [91] Die Octobris 23- 1839 natus et die 3 novembris 1839 Baptizatus fuit Joannis filius Jacobi Lynch et Sariæ olim Taylor conjugum Patrinus fuit Michael McManus Matrina Margueritta McManus a me Thos Mylius Molteno M.A. Die 29 Octobris 1839 natus et die 3 Novembris Baptizatus fuit Patricius filius Carolus Kalnan et Joannæ olim Buckley conjugum . Patrinus Joannes Hane a me Tho M Molteno M.A. Matrina Brigitta Mahony [92 Die 27 [1839 above ] Julii natus et die 9 Novembris baptizatus fuit Stephanus filius Jacobi et Brigetæ Bye olim Connor conjugum . Patrinus Christophorus Thaez et Matrina MarguerittaThaez a me T M Molteno Mifs Ap. Die 6 Novembris 1839 nata et die 17 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Maria filia Patricii driscol [et] Eleanora (olim Brian) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michael Lee a me Tho M. Molteno M.A. Matrina - Eleanora Brian [93 [Die Nov 28 1839 scored] Die decembris 17 - 1839 nata et die 28 ejusdem mensis Baptizata fuit Rose Bertha filia Gulielmis [sic Joannis de Normanville et Annæ conjugum (olim Complin) Patrinus fuit Joannes Cook a me Tho M Molteno M.A. die 10 Januarii 1840 nata et die 9 Februarii baptizata fuit Barbara filia Jacobi Fox et Mariæ (olim Kahar ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Phelin a me Thos M. Molteno M.A. 94 26 1840 above [natus Die Januarii [ ] ] et die 23 Feb. 1840 Baptizatus fuit Edwardus Joannes filius Edwardi Cornary et Elizabethæ (olim Habe) conjugum. Patrinus Bernardus Sweeny a me Th M Molteno M.A. Matrina Brigitta Cornary 1840 Die 4 Februarii nata et die 8 Martii 1840 baptizata fuit Lucia filia Gulielmi Slaughter et Teresiæ (olim Hilsley) conjugum . Patrini [ us scored, i over] Domina McShell - Maria Hilsley Procuratore Joanne Cook a me Thos M Molteno Miss Apo 1840 95 29 natus et die 8 Martii 1840 baptizatus Die Februarii [ fuit Joannes filius Roberti Beazley et Annæ (olim Papps ) conjugum Patrini Jacobus Long et Anna Sullivan a me Thos M Molteno Mifs Ap Die 15 Aprilis 1840 natus, die 19 Aprilis 1840 , baptizatus fuit Johannes Bryan filius Johannis & Ellenæ (olim Arundel) conj : Sponsores fuerunt Philippus Sullivan & Ellena Sullivan. a me Gulielmo Harris M. A. Die 11 March 1840 nata , die 3 Maii 1840 baptizata fuit Ella McDorrel [? McDonnel] filia Johannis & Mariæ (olim Neal) conj: Sponsores fuerunt Dyonisius Murphy & Maria Luisa Chipp. a me Gulielmo Harris M. A.








here partly written and crossedout , being re-written below. [96]Die [An entry ] 11 Junii 1840 natus, die 13 Junii 1840

baptizatus fuit

Martinus Lyons filius Martini & Ellenæ (olim Dee) conj : Sponsores fuerunt Dominic Tontin [? ] & Catharina McCarthy a me Gulielmo Harris M.A. Die 15 Julii 1840 natus et die 19 Julii baptizatus fuit Jacobus Couland filius Jacobi Couland et Margaretæ Couland (olim Jordan) conjugum. Sponsores Bernardus Carroll, et Maria O'Connell . a me Daniele Rock . M. A. 97 Die 28 Julii 1840 nata et die 2da Augti 1840 baptizata fuit Hanah Readon filia Danielis Readon et Honoræ Readon (olim Lynch) conjugum . Sponsores Jeremiah Buckleyet Maria Cuff, a me D. Rock M. A. 98 [ Upper part of page blank. In the lower part is the following entry, written upside down: Oct. 1839 Mrs Ellen Thew was buried by me at the Catholic - Jame's Church of St Thos Mylius Molteno. M. A. Reading.

[ ]

[ ]





May 21st 1780. Sir Henry Englefield Bart . 1780. Mrs Wheble at Reading. April May about 20th 1782. Dr Dennis Ryan at* Reading. Dec 27. Mrs Elizabeth Payne 1782 Nov. 9th 1785. Mary Keat aged go at Reading


Augst [blank 1786. Mrs Frances Bishop at Reading aged 88 Octob 13. Mr John Switzer Sun Lane Reading. 1786. Novemb 22 or 23. Mr [blank] Hardwick Reading 1786 April 13th. Mr George Switzer Reading 17878 100 December 15th [ 1803 above] Jane Fowler of St Lawrence's [parish of Reading Berks. buried on the following Sunday 18th of the same month aged 31 March 29th [1804 above] Frances Flower of St Mary's parish of Reading Berks. aged 77|| June 9 1805 Elizabeth Challes of Pangbourn Berks aged 73. September 14. 1805 Ann Burgefs of St Mary's parish of Reading Berks aged 18. Anastasia Barret of Woolhampton Berks aged february 2th [sic 1806 . Thomas Akers of Caversham, Oxon, aged 79, february4th 1806 . february 13. 1806. Samuel Pike of Oakingham, aged 65. february 19th 1806. Robert fogg aged 89 years 9 months. [101May 16th 1809 Anna Maria Smart * of St Lawrence's parish Reading Berks. aged 78. of Shown by a memorandum in the Winchester Catholic Register as having died on 7 April , 1780 (C.R.S. , i, 188) . In the Parish Register of St. Giles, Reading, are two entries Richard Wheble, buried in November, 1771, and Ann Wheble, his wife , buried on April 12th, 1780, both in the same vault. Shown in the Parish Register of St. Mary's , Reading, as buried on 22 May, 1782. Ditto 2 January , 1783. Ditto 1 April , 1804. § Ditto 19 April , 1787; " carried away . Ditto 24 Feb., 1806. Widowof Christopher Smart ; see above, p. 121.











October the 18th 1809 Charles Nowland of St Mary's parish of Reading Berks aged 33. October the 6th 1810 Margaret Liyra [ ? Leary] in Silver Street pafsing through this town from Ireland. february the 27th 1812 died Richard Mary Aucapitaine daughter of Louis Aucapitaine and was buried the 29th of the same month aged 14 months [102] on the 10 of December 1812 John Hall an Irish Soldier of Dublin aged 30 years On December ? 1812 died William Casemore of St Giles of Reading aged about 94 years On the 29th of June 1813 died Mrs Marguerite Tame aged 27 years of St Lawrence parish of Reading. On the 1st of May 1814 died John McGennis an Irishman On the 21st of Sept. 1816 died Ann Sarah Boune of S. Mary of Reading aged 50 years. Here follow six blank pages.




See correspondingentry in the Woodley Lodge Register infra (the


page is without heading).


Fowler [ 109 ] Thomas James

Fowler Elizabeth Fowler

Lucy Fowler Mary Ann Fowler

Ann Warwick

Mary Abigail Bary Mary Bary Mary Langford

Mathilda Cowslade were confirmed on the 10th of october 1808.

[Here followfive blank pages and six more written with the book

reversed .


121 p 122 is blank)] List of those who contribute for the Apostolic

[Vicar( of. the London District : the priest fF.. Longuet Gallini Esqre




0 ΙΟ


Mrs Headington 2 Mrs Cowslade, Mrs Le Noir & family 5 The book is now reversed, pagination being here supplied. commences with a Register of Marriages, without heading.




[MARRIAGES .] [Apendix scored.]

[mento IR ] Anno 1839 die 6 mensis Junii nullo legitimo impedidetecto Ego Thomas Mylius Molteno Mifs Apo apud Reading page


Jacobum Herne filium David Herne de Woodley et Mariam Law filiam Gulielmi Law interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito

* Query is this the fatherof Rev. Ignatius Casemore, O.S.F. (see p. 129).




solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis. Tho Mylius Molteno. M.A. 6. Junii 1839 Anno 1839 die 15 Junii nullo legitimo impedimento_detecto Ego Thos Mylius Molteno M.A. Carolum Montier de Reading p. 2R filium Caroli Montier Londini et Annam Lawrance filiam [Benjamen Lawrance de Woolhampton interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis Mildreda Froes et Matilde Testa qui habitant apud Reading. Tho Mylius Molteno M.A. 15 Junii 1839. Anno 1839 Augusti 14 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto ego Tho Mylius Molteno M.A. Joannem Hickey de Reading filium de Reading filiam J. Abbot interrogavi I. Hickey et Mariam Abbotconsensû eorum [p. 3R que mutuo habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis. 14 Augusti 1839 T. M. Molteno M.A. Anno 1839-19 Septembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto ego T. M. Molteno M.A. Josephum Taylor de Reading filium [ Elizabethæ scored Edwardi Taylor et Elizabetham Powel de Reading filiam J. Powel interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis. T. M. Molteno M.A. 19 Sep 1839 Anno 1839-10 Novembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego T. M. Molteno M.A. Edwardum Cushion de Reading filium Jacobi Cushion et Brigittam Mahony de Reading filiam Jacobi Mahony [p. 4R interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensû habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonioconjunxi præsentibus testibus notis . T. M. Molteno M.A. 10. Nov. 1839 . Anno 1839 Novembris 26 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego T. M. Molteno M.A. Jacobum Hickey [filium D. scored de Reading filium dionisii Hickey et Mariam Slines filiam Edwardi Slines interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensu habito per verba solemniter de præsenti Matr monio conjunxi præsentibus testibus











notis. T. M. Molteno M.A. Nov. 26. 1839 . [5R Anno 1839-1 Decembris nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego T. M. Molteno M.A. David Grieg de Reading filium Cornelii Grieg et Catharina Sullivan et Marguerittam Riley de Reading filiam Michalis Riley et Elleonora Hickey interrogavi eorumque mutuo consensû habito solemniter per verba de præsenti Matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notis. T. M. Molteno M.A. Dec. 1 1839 [6R] Die Februarii 26-1840 nullo legitimo impedimento detecto Ego T. M. Molteno M.A. Joannem Lynch de Reading filium Jacobi Lynch et Brigittæ (olim Lynch) conjugum et Ushley Collins filiam Timothei Collins et Rebecca (olim Gosnet) conjugum interrogavi





eorumque mutuo consensû habito solemniter per verba de præsenti matrimonio conjunxi præsentibus testibus notisCook J Cook Thos Mylius Molteno J

Die Feb 26-1840

Written on the back page: [On 1816 saturday evening the 3d


: the Duke & Duchefs of August of Orleans, Prince & Princess Esterhazy and Prince Lichtertein with their suites arrived at the Crown Inn in this Town of Reading the Sunday Morning they attended Mafs in this our Chapel of the Resurrection.

ADDENDA. Thefollowing items are loosely inserted in the Reading Register :


Slip I.

On one side of a piece of white paper,



inches , in the Bishop's

handwriting : Dispensatur et conceditur confefsario Mariæ Tighe dispensandi super tertio gradu consanguinitatis simplici ad matrimoniumvalide et licitè contrahendum cum Dño Oliver dummodo mulier rapta non fuerit, vel si rapta fuerit in potestate raptoris non existat. Datum Londini die 25 Aug 1814. + Gulielmus Halien V.A.L.


Slip 2.

On a small piece of white paper, 7x4 inches , written lengthways: Edward Oliver aged 30 years of the Parish of St Marys Newington Butts, in the County of Surry. to Mifs Mary Teighe, of St Mary's Reading. Berks aged 30 years. Married by the Revd Mr Godquin 27th August 1814.


Slip 3.

On pages 1 and 2 of a 4to white sheet of four pages, 9 × 7 inches , in the Abbé Godquin's handwriting : page 1 Saturday , the twenty seventh of August in the year One Thousand, eight hundred and fourteenth; after that, Mr Edward Oliver, aged thirty years, of the parish of St Mary, Newington Butts, in the County of Surry; And Miss Mary Teighe, thirty years old, of the parish of St Mary, Reading Berks, have previously been Duly dispensed with their third simple degree of consanguinity , by the Right Reverend Bishop, Apostolick Vicar of the London District, as it appears by his writing annexed to this ; , John Francis Nicholas Godquin french priest , having received from the same Bishop the faculties for persons of every denomination living within the extent of the Said District ; have received their mutual consent of matrimony, and granted them the nuptial Benediction , in our private Chapel situated in Reading in the presence of the Revd Mr John Nicholas Gondré, and Revd Mr francis Letellier french priests ; of the Mother of the Wife, of Mrs O'Toole her Sister , and of her six nieces in witness whereof, put here my sign, Godquin N.B. Mr Oliver after his marriage told me, that both himself and his Wife accompanied by her Mother , Sister and Nieces , were








immediately going to the church of her parish , in order to render their union conformable to the civil Laws of this KingdomThis day, being March the fourth, in the year One Thousand, eight hundred and seventeen , has been Baptised by me Subscribed, Michael Peter the Son of Daniel X and Elizabeth Chip his wife, inhabitant of Reading, Berkshire, aged three weeks. The Godfather of the infant, has been Matthew O'Toole. and the God Mother Anna Maria Cowslade. Witness my hand . Godquin, french priest. Chip is Stay-maker . x Daniel 2 Sunday June fifteenth in the year one Thousand eight p hundred and seventeen have by me subscribed, been supplied the ceremonies of Baptism to Mary frances Jones , the daughter of Richard Jones Artist in the borough of Reading, and of Elizabeth Langford his wife, the said infant was born last year about the end of July: the God-Mother of the Same has been Čatharine Langford her aunt . witness my hand . Godquin, french priest . Tuesday April the second in the year 1818, has been Baptised by me subscribed James fowler born three days before, out of the Lawful Wedlock of James fowler a furrier of Reading, and of Mary Ann purden. the Godfather of the infant has been John X a farrier his cousin German; and the Godmother Louise fowler his aunt. Bunce) witness my hand. Godquin , french priest. (x isJohn interesting to note that these Baptisms were entered just [ after the murder of the Rev. Francis Longuet, as already described . [pp. 3 and 4 are blank.

[. ]




Slip 4.

On a piece of white paper, 3 × 7 inches , written in pencil by the

Abbé Gondré : Dec 31st 1819 was baptized by John Nicholas Gondré priest

duly approved Edward about three Weeks old . Son of Hugh McMullins & Mary McMullins his Wife their Parish is not known they having left Reading presently after the Child was baptized before enquiry was made for the particulars of this register. the Godfather was Edward McCarty & Abigail Barry residing in the Parish of St Giles Reading was God Mother. Written on the back, in another hand- Louth is in the province of Leinster in Ireland.



Slip 5.

On one side of a piece of white paper, 4 × 7 inches , is written: undersigned do certify that Baptized [Mary scored, Catherine above portion missing] of Thomas Davis and Mary Caroll his wife [ the said child born at [portion missing] the 1st of November 1822. N. Duclos Eton Bucks january 31st 1823 . of wh Baptism completed the ceremonies Frs Bowland Feby 1823 Reading The Godfather [in the Baptism as above written above was



; *



Died October, 1831 ; was canon of Evreux (Laity's Directory, 1833).

* K



William Cain. The Godmother Ellen Cain his wife as certified by

The Revd Frs Bowland me undersigned, The Parties a Soldier & wife who came to inform me that their child had been baptiz'd by Revd Mr Duclos


Slip 6.

On another piece of paper , 34x6 inches : Julii 27. 1829 Thomas Arundel Die 3 Julii 1829 natus et die 27 baptizatus fuit Thomas filius Thomæ scored, Gulielmi above] et Mariæ [Flin scored, Arundel above olim Desmond conjugum ] Patrinus fuit Thomas Flina me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco the back] [OnMarried 8 of June 1839 Mary Anne Law and James Hearne Thos M Molteno


Slip 7:

On a piece of paper, 9 x 7 inches , folded in half: Joannes Peniston, filius Joannis & Sarah Peniston de civitate Salisburiensi, in Districtu occidentali Angliæ , liber est ad matrimonium contrahendum cum quâlibet , modo illa sit similiter libera Quem egox datum apud Salisbury quarta Xin matrimonium conjunxi cum die 1831 Januarii xxx die 5 Januarii 1831 . Franciscus Bowland a me Mauritio Mifs us Apcus. O Connor Misso Apo Radingi capella Sarisburiensi Mr O Connor presents his best respects to Mr Boland.

Slip 8. On a folded piece of paper, on the back of which is part of a letter: Robertus Edwards Guy

Augusti 2. 1833 Die 26 Julii 1833 natus et die [2 above] augusti ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Robertus Edwards [Guy scored] filius Jacobi et Catherine Guy olim Edwards conjugum . Patrinus fuit Josephus King. Matrina Mary Didmona me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco Slip 9. On one side of a piece of white paper, 2 x8 inches, is written: Daniel Dinavon Novembris 29 [30 scored 1835 . ] Novembris 18. 1835. natus et die 29 ejusdem mensis baptizatus

Born at Killarney, 1791; educated at Maynooth . Appointed Con* to fessor the Theresians at Lanherne and pastor of the district 8th March, 1823. Left for the Salisbury Mission 31st Oct. , 1826. Transferred to Falmouth 1831, and to Swansea ,"after a twelvemonth at Tavistock , July, 1833, but left abruptly in May , 1835. Tried the Trappists ' life for a time, and then went to the Trinidad mission, where he died from fever, December, 1840 (Dr. George Oliver's Historical Collections , 1857, p. 263).



fuit Daniel filius Danielis et Mariæ Dinavon Glenville conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannis Barry Matrina Maria Barry

[On the other side:]

-a me Francisco Bowland Mifso Apco

Jacobus Heston

Die 25 Aprilis 1835 natus et die 10 maii ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Jacobus filius Petri et Birgittæ Heston olim Salmon conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannes Barry. Matrina Maria Barry a me Francisco Bowland Mifs° Apco

Slip 10. On one side of a piece of paper, 4 × 7 inches : Elizabeth Travis Langly. Die 7 Januarii 1837 , nata et die 22 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Elizabeth filia Gulielmi Langly & Annæ [Langley scored, Travis above . Patrinus fuit Thomas Travis et Mar y scored ia Travis ] a me Francisco Bowland Mifs Apco [On the other side: Elizabeth Travis Langly across this name underneath: written Faintly [ Revd Mr Bowland






Slip . On one side of a piece of paper, 24× 7 inches , torn from a cash-book: John Boner: Octris 6. 1836 Die 21 Octobris [natu scored 1836 natus et die 6 Novembris ejusdē anni baptizatus fuit Joannis filius Barnabæ et Mariæ Boner conjugum sine parinis [sic . a me Francisco Bowland N.B. Mary Dicker [of Re scored] a traveller heldthe child[On the other side: Maria Anna Connery. Aprilis 25. 1836 Die Aprilis 25. 1836 nata et [die scored eodem die baptizata fuit Maria Anna filia Edwardi et Elizabeth Connery olim Harbour conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricius Conaughky. Matrina Honora Young. [in margin A me Francisco Bowland Misso Apco







Slip 12. On a piece of white paper, 7 ×3 inches :

Cecilia Maria Hercy. 7. Martii 1837. nata et die 3 ejusdem mensis Die [ baptizata fuit [Maria scored] Coecilia [Maria above] filia Henrici et Mariæ Hercy [olim above] Pugh conjugum . Patrinus fuit Joannis Harris , Matrina Maria Harris a me Francisco Bowland Mifs° Apco


Ego scored

Slip 13. On one side of a piece of white paper, 7x6 inches : Ryd Mr Fawkes Curate of St Mary'sin pencil [in ink On the 12th May 1817. was baptized by Jean Mathurin de Lanoë priest duly approved, a Girl of the legitimate marriage of Thos Johnson an Irishman & of Magdeline Van Maren from Medil-


] ]



bourg Sophia Willemina Maria, who was named Sophia Anna.Stephanus Musika & Eliza O-toole being Sponsors. Stephan Musika Elizabeth O Toole certify the above to be a true Copy from the Register kept by me Dated Sep 30th 1837 Frs Bowland . On the back : [ Recopied & forwarded to Mrs Johnson Rotterdam Sepr 31. [sic 1837 .




Slip 14.

On one side of a piece of white paper, 7x6 inches : On the 2d Nov 1814 was baptized by Francis Longuet Priest duly approved a Girl born of the legitimate marriage of Sophia Van. Maren of Midderburg of Ze [ a scored, e above]lland in Holland in pencil To be reexamined] & Captain Thomas Johnson of Ireland, who was named Anne Caroline Joanna . Robert Hodgson & Elizabeth Fowler being Sponsors. [Signed scored R. Hodgson. E. Fowler . certify that the above is a true copy from the Register kept by me Dated Sepr 30th 1837 Ryd Frs Bowland Chapel House Vastern Reading the Street at ; , . [On the back , in pencil: To Mrs Johnson Rotterdam-




. ]


Slip 15. On a piece of white paper, 5x4 inches : To - day 26th July 1837 . christened Ellen [ Baynam scored] daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Baynam [which scored] [married persons whose child above was born [29 July 1837 scored the 29th of June 1837. without Frs Bowland sponsors or ceremonies. N.B. The Husband a protestant is from [Worces scored Herefordshire wife from Worcestershire





Slip 16. On a piece of white paper, 5x4 inches , is written: On July the : 6 : 1819 . Was Baptized By the Revd Thomas Webester Prest Duly approved william Box Born July the : 4 : 1819 Son of John Box and ann Box his Wife in the Parish of St Lawrance Reading Barks . Thomas Canning Esqr and Marey (?) Jane Canning Being godfather and god mother. Thomas Webester. Prest. Slip 17. Written on a loose leaf contained in the book but of a smaller size, and in a very fine hand. The hand -writing is found nowhere else in the Register. The item " bapt . 26th Jan 1829 in the third line has been added by another hand, the writing bearing some resemblance to that of Canon Ringrose , Rector of St James , Reading, from 1840.





Ellen Allen baptized a week or ten days after birth. Born 14 Janry 1828 bapt. 26th Jan 1829. Godfather João Francisco Fróes . Godmother Manuella Strickland proxy Mildred Fróes. Maltilda Allen baptized 25 September 1831 . Born 24 Ditto " . Godmother Maria Godfather Francisco Henriques Fróes Inez Fróes. Antrum Allen baptized 15 Augst 1833. 12 Ditto Born "3 Godfather Manuel Strickland Proxy the Revd Francis Bowland . Godmother Mildred Fróes proxy Eleanor Thew.



In the Mapledurham Register , p . 2, there is a record of a Confirmation at White Knights in 1762 : 1762 . The following were confirmed by Mr Talbot in the Chapel of White Knights:

Patrons age Appolonia Askew St Mary Magdalene. 17 John Warwick 80 St John Baptist. St Michael Archangel Susanna Hopgood Senr 33 St Barbara V.M. Elizabeth Wilson 9 St John Baptist William Collier 9 in margin : July 16th Joseph Needham, Mifs : Apost .]


The next entry on the same page is that of a Reading baptism in the same year: Was Baptized the son of Allen & Mary Burgess then living in Reading, Born the 4th of August 1762 in honest wedlock by the name of Charles: God Father Charles Sweetsir, God Mother , Mary Gosling. [in margin : Augt 8th Joseph Needham, Mifs. Apost .]


On p. 3 of the same Register is recorded the conversion of a person baptized at Tilehurst (now part of Reading parish) : 1763

Elizabeth Hone made a Profession of the H. Catholic Faith. She was born January 4th 17 Baptized at Tilhurst by Thomas Walker Parson of the English Protestant Church. [in margin : May 30 Joseph Needham, Miss Apoftol .]



On p. 11 occurs the baptism of a Tilehurst child : 1775

The Daughter of Thomas & Theresia Smith born in lawful Wedlock on the 11th of the fame Month , was duly Baptized by the

* For this unusual name cf. C.R.S. xxvii, 39.



name of Ann : Godfather , Samuel Pike, Godmother Elizabeth Barret . N.B. This child was brought over the waterfrom Tylhurst Common. [in margin : July 13th Joseph Needham, Missionar Apoftol . ]



On p. 32 is recorded the birth of a child in Reading on March 17 , 1801 , who was taken the same day to Mapledurham (4 miles north-west

from Reading ) to be baptized: On the Seventeenth of march one thousand eight hundred and one, Chaplain of ye Catholic chapel of Mapledurham , Oxon., baptized by the name of henry Robert , a male child born this day at Reading in ye County of Berkshire, in lawful wedlock of henry Slaughter Esqr late of ye Parish of - in ye City of hereford, and frances Manby his wife late of ye Parish of Weal in Essex . The God Father was Michael henry Blount Junior of Mapledurham, as proxy for Robert Colegrave Esq of Stokewellhall in Essex grandmaternal uncle of the child , and frances Wright also of Mapledurham as proxy for Barbara flaughter wife of Sir Pyers Mostyn Talacre Bart . now living in flintshire, paternal aunt of ye baptized ; witness A. Ch. Lefebvre. mifs. Apost . my hand and the father's. Henry Slaughter. in margin : 1801 March 17th. N.B. The Parents were married in ye Parish of St Georges hanover Square, London , On ye Wednesday The 21st of May 1800 the eve of the ascension of our Lord.





(B) REGISTER OF WOODLEY LODGE. Woodley is a small village two miles east of Reading , and a little distance N.E. of the old Bulmershe Court Estate, which is itself in

the parish of Eurley or Erleigh .

The first known mention of Bulmershe occurs in the reign of Henry II (1154-1189) , when Jocelin , Bishop of Sarum, exchanged with John de Erlegh two virgates of land at Buleneirs (obviously eithera mistranslation or a corrupted form of Bulemers or Bulmershe ) , one of which had been held by Payn, the reeve, for land which John de Erlegh held in Sonning Park. Now it is significant that Bulmershe is not mentioned in the Domesday record made less than a century before the bishop's transaction. In Domesday are clearly indicated two main manors in Earley one held by the King in demesne (Earley Regis, later called Erleigh St. Nicholas or Erleigh Whiteknights ) and the other held of the King by Osbern Giffard (later Erleigh St. Bartholomew) . It is clear therefore that the tract of land, Buleneirs , " was at one time part of one of the Earley manors, probably Erleigh St. Bartholomew (Ernest W. Dormer, Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archaological Journal, vol . 31 [ 1927 , p. 225). ]




The Estate was formed by James Wheble, Esq., in 1818.

" Before

this time there was standing in the park a house known as Woodley Lodge (now Bulmershe Court), which had been in the possession of the father of James Wheble and was afterwards sold , either by him or at his death, to other owners , among whom was Addington, afterwards Viscount Sidmouth, and from whom it was repurchased by James Wheble in 1801 " (Ibid., p. 216). The mission makes its first appearance in the Laity's Directory Woodley Lodge, near Reading . Rev. P. in the issue for 1824: Labladiere." The house was sold a few years ago.


Register No. 2 (1802-1869) was kept at Woodley Lodge, the residence

of the Wheble family, to whom the Abbé P. La Blardière was Domestic Chaplain. From 1802 to August, 1833 , the entries are all in his handwriting, even the Baptisms and Marriages by Father William Allen (of Isleworth) and Father Thomas Webster (of Woolhampton). From Nov. , 1833 , to the end the entries are those of Father John Ringrose .

The volume is bound in red leather, with gilt edges , and measures inches . The first 47 leaves bear a pencilledframe design , within which the entries are written upon one side of the paper only, but thereafter on both sides of the paper. The leaves are numbered as folios as far as 28 only, but numbering has been continued here for the remainder of the volume. The first leaf is blank; the second has an elaborate cross, worked in pink and gold paper, pasted on it, surrounded with an ornamental design in pencil. The five next leaves have been left unused . The eighth is inscribed as a title -page, ,the back being left blank, and the Register commences on the next leaf with numbered folios .





R : Catholicæ Congregrationis, [sic] Vulgò dicta Woodley -Lodge, in Districtu Londinensi, Pro recordando die Nativitatis Batismiq; Infantium, nec non Transmittendis nominibus Eorum qui , in eodem loco, fuerunt Confirmati , matrimonio conjuncti aut obiêre

A.D. 1802 . 1 Die primâ Septembris, ann : D .. 1802 , natus , die verò Folio [ ]

fecundâ ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit a me Presbytero approbato , infrà scripto , Thomas Lister, filius Thomæ & Joannæ Lister, (olim Everdale) conjugum : Sponsor (N) Hennen. P. La Blardiere Die primâ Septembris, ann . D 1802, nata , die verò secundâ ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit a me Presbytero approbato , infrà scripto , Anna Lister, filia Thomæ & Joanne Lister, (olim Everdale) conjugum . Sponsor (N) Hennen. P. La Blardiere in margin gemini ] A.D. 1803. fo. 2 Die [left blank martii , Thomas Lister, filius Thomæ & Joanna Lister, animam Deo reddidit, ætatis suæ 7 mensibus. Die septimâ Julii , ann : D¹ 1803 , nata , Die verò nonâ ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit a P. Gulielmo Allan, Mifs Apo (ex Isleworth) Maria Joanna Wheble, Filia Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim Talbot ) conjugum . Sponsores honlis Franciscus Talbot & Joanna Wheble. Testis fuit P. La Blardiere . 1804. A.D. . 3 fo Die primâ Maii, ann : D¹ 1804, P. Gulielmus Allan, MissusApus (ex Isleworth) Joannem Warrilow & Saram Silver matrimonioconjunxit. Die vigesimâ- quintâ Augusti , ann . D¹ 1804, natus, die verò fecundâ Septembris, baptizatus fuit a Francisco Longuet , Misso Apo (ex Reading) Gulielmus Warrilow, filius Joannis & Saræ Warrilow (olim Silver) conjugum. Matrina Maria Lewis . Consulatur Readingensis Cath. Congregationis= Register cui, P. La Blardiére . in omni re, conformis est præsens actus. 1805 1806 . A.D. & . fo 4 Die decimâ-sextâ Maii, ann : D¹ 1805 , Nata, die verò decimânonâ ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit a P. Gulielmo Allan, Misso Apo (ex Isleworth) Francisca Margarita Wheble, Filia Jacobi et Mariæ Wheble (olim Talbot) conjugum : Sponsores Robertus Wheble & honlis Margarita Talbot. Testis fuit P. La Blardiere See Isleworth Register ( C.R.S., xiii). *













Die undecimâ Februarii , ann : D 1806 , Nata, die verò 12a ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit Catharina Warrilow, Filia Joannis & Sara Warrilow (olim Silver) conjugum ; Sponsores Jacobus & Maria Wheble ; a me P. La Blardiere ptero Appto A.D. 1805 , & 1807. fo. 5 Die decimâ- sextâ Maii , ann : D1 1805, nata, die verò decimânonâ ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit a P. Gulielmo Allan, Mifso Wheble, N.B. Idem est ut Apo (ex Isleworth) Francisca Margarita in præcedenti Filia Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim Talbot) conpagina. jugum. Sponsores Robertus Wheble & honlis Margarita Talbot. Testis fuit P. La Blardiere Die decimâ- tertiâ Augusti , ann . D. 1807, Dus Thomas Webster, Mifs us Apus Joannem Silver & Elisabeth Jones matrimonioconjunxit A.D. 1807 & 1808. fo. 6 Die primâ Decembris, ann : D1 1807, concefsæ fuerunt Revo Dño Petro La Blardiere Facultates omnia munia parochialia exercendi, a Reyssimo D.D. Joanne Episo Cent¹ Vico Aposto Londinensi. Die decimâ-quintâ Martii , ann : D¹ 1808, nata & eodem die baptizata fuit Elisabeth Maria Wheble, Filia Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim Talbot ) conjugum : Sponsores Vincentius Eyre & Elisabeth Talbot; a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere 1808. . A.D. fo 7 Die Trigesimâ Aprilis, ann : D¹ 1808, nata , die verò primâ Maii, baptizata fuit Sara Warrilow, Filia Joannis & Sara Warrilow (olim Silver) conjugum ; Sponsores Jacobus Bangs & Maria (N) a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die decimâ Augusti , ann : D¹ 1808 , nata & die undecimâ ejusdem mensis, baptizata fuit Henrietta Silver, filia Joannis & Elisabeth Silver ( olim Jones ) conjugum : Sponsores Thomas Bond & Anna Moody. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere A.D. 1808 . fo. 8 Die nonâ Octobris , ann: D¹ 1808 , Confirmati fuerunt a Reyssimo D.D. Episcopo Hal.. Gulielmo Poynter , coadj .. Rmi Epis . Cent.












Nomina Baptizatorum

Joseph Joanna Elisabeth Elisabeth Bridgeta

Nomina imposita



Barwell Silver Leary

Andreas. Anna. Maria. Anna. Anna .

A.D. 1809. 9] [fo. Die vigesimâ Januarii, ann : D¹ 1809, natus & eodem die bapti-

* See Isleworth Register (C.R.S., xiii).



zatus fuit Henricus Bond, filius Thomæ & Saræ Bond (olim Gibbs) conjugum ; Sponsores Thomas & Joanna Lister. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die vigesimâ Septembris, ann : D¹ 1809, nata, die verò vigesimâ- primâ ejusdem mensis , 1809, baptizata fuit Lucia Catharina Wheble, Filia Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim Talbot ) conjugum Sponsores Gulielmus Talbot & Catharina Wheble. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere . 10 . A.D. fo [ Die decimâ-tertia Januarii, ann : 1810 D1 1810, nata , die verò decimâquintâ ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit Anna Silver, filia Joannis & Elisabeth Silver (olim Jones ) conjugum ; Sponsores Jacobus Bangs & Maria Hopkins. a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere Die quartâ Maii, ann : D¹ 1810, natus, die verò fextâ ejusdem mensis , baptizatus fuit Carolus Warrilow, filius Joannis & Sara Warrilow (olim Silver) conjugum Sponsores (N) Cooper, & Anna Moody. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere A.D. 1811. fo. 11 ] Die decimâ Januarii, ann : D1 1811 , Dus Thomas Webster, Mifsus Apus Jacobum Bangs & Joannam Panton matrimonio




conjunxit +) Die trigesimâ primâ Januarii, ann. D. 1811, nata , die verò quartâ Februarii, baptizata fuit Maria -Anna Bangs, filia Jacobi & Joanna Bangs (olim Panton) conjugum ; Sponsores Joseph Cox & Anna Moody . a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere quartâ ann : D : 1811 , Thomas Lister Die vigesimâ Januarii (+) Deo reddidit, ætatis suæ 62, annis animam R.I.P A.D. 1811 . fo. 12] Die primâ Julii, ann : D1 1811 , Confirmatæ fuerunt a Reyssimo D. D. G. Poynter Epis. Hall .. V. A. Londinensi .



Nomina imposita

Nomina Baptizatorum

Sara Rachel Sara Maria Joanna

Warrilow Edgeston

Maria . Anna.




Kell A.D. 1812.

Lucia . Maria Elisabeth

13 [fo. Die ]secundâ Januarii , ann : D 1812 , natus, dieq ; tertiâ ejusdem ' mensis , baptizatus fuit Joannes Silver, filius Joannis & Elisabeth

Silver (olim Jones) conjugum ; Sponsores Jacobus & Maria Wheble (olim Talbot). a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die decimâ Julii, ann : D¹ 1812 , nata & die duodecimâ ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit Maria-Anna Warrilow, filia Joannis & Sara Warrilow (olim Silver) conjugum : Sponsores Franciscus Gittel & Anna Jinks; a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere



1812 & 1813. 14 ] vigesimâ-quintâ A.D. [fo.Die Augusti, ann : Di 1812 , nata, die verò

vigesimâ-sextâ ejusdem mensis, baptizata fuit Caroletta -Anna Wheble, Filia Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim Talbot) conjugum Sponsores Carolus Talbot & Maria-Anna Wheble. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere . Die Trigesimâ-primâ octobris, ann . D. 1813, nata & die quintâ Novembris , baptizata fuit Catharina Girdler MatrinaMariaBarwell, a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere . 15 A.D. 1814. fo. Die Vigesimâ Januarii , ann : D¹ 1814, natus, die verò vigesimâquartâ ejusdem mensis , baptizatus fuit Jacobus Silver, filius Joannis & Elisabeth Silver (olim Jones) conjugum ; Sponsores Joannes & Sara Warrilow. a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere Die vigesimâ-quintâ, ann. D ' 1814, Maria Wheble animam Deo reddidit, ætatis suæ 34 annis. (25 Aprilis) . R.I.P. cujus Corpusjacet in catholicæ congregationis coemeterio civitatis dictæ Winchester . A.D. 1815 . fo. 16 Die Trigesimâ-primâ Augusti , ann : D. 1815, natus & die primâ Septembris baptizatus fuit Jacobus Warrilow, filius Joannis & Sara Warrilow (olim Silver) conjugum ; Sponsores Jacobus & Maria Wheble (olim O'Brien) . a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die decimâ-quintâ octobris, ann : D 1815 , natus & die decimâoctavâ baptizatus fuit Carolus Silver, filius Joannis & Elisabeth Silver (olim Jones ) conjugum ; Sponsores Jacobus Lovegrove & Anna x Pizzey [ey badly written . a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere × Lege : Pizzey & sic ubicunq : occurerit.









1816 & 1817. 17 [fo. Die ]decimâ-septimâ JuniiA.D. , ann : D¹ 1816, nata , die verò decimâ-

octavâ, ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit Maria-Juliana Wheble, Filia Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble ( olim O'Brien) conjugum . Sponsores Maria McDonell Clifford (Lady Clifford) & Thomas Weld . a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die Sextâ Februarii , ann : D¹ 1817, natus & die octavâ ejusdem mensis , baptizatus fuit Benedictus Pizzey, filius Joannis & Annæ Pizzey ( olim Silver) conjugum : Sponsores Joannes & Sara Warrilow. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere A.D. 1817. [fo. 18] Die decimâ Martii , ann : D¹ 1817, Elisabeth Freke animam Deo reddidit, ætatis suæ 60 annis . R.I.P. Die vigesimâ-nonâ Junii , ann : D¹ 1817, natus & ipsa die baptiThe interment , on 4 May, is duly recorded in the Winchester Register

* , i, 225). (C.R.S.



zatus fuit Jacobus Joseph Wheble, Filius Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim O'Brien ) conjugum ; Sponsores Thomas Stanley Mafsey Stanley (Bartus) & Joanna a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Wheble . 1817 & 1818 . 19 ] decimâ-quartâ Julii,A.D. [fo. Die ann : D¹ 1817, natus , die verò decimâ-

septimâ baptizatus fuit Thomas Silver, filius Joannis & Elisabeth Silver (olim Jones ) conjugum : Sponsores Richardus James & Elisabeth Howell . a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die decimâ-septimâ Septembris, an : D. 1817, natus & die tertiâ octobris baptizatus fuit Jacobus XLeonard , filius Joannis & Mariæ x Leonard conjugum (peregrinorum) : Matrina Maria (N) a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere X lege : Lenard . 20 A.D. 1818. ] nonâ Martii , ann : D¹ 1818 [fo. Die , Elisabeth [in margin Cornwall ] animam Deo reddidit, ætatis suæ 72 annis. R.I.P. Die vigesimâ-quintâ Martii , ann . D. 1818, Maria Barwell animam Deo reddidit, ætatis suæ 49 annis. R.I.P. Die Trigesimâ- primâ decembris, ann : D¹ 1818 natus, & die primâ Januarii ann : D 1819, baptizatus fuit Edmundus -Joseph Wheble, Filius Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim O'Brien ) conjugum ; Sponsores Thomas Clifford (Bartus) & Juliana O'Brien . a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere . A.D. 1819. fo. 21 Die undecimâ Januarii, ann : Di 1819, Dus P. La Blardiere , Mifsus Aps Thomam Prichard & Saram- Annam Hickin matrimonio




conjunxit. Die nonâ Martii , ann : D¹ 1819, nata, & die undecimâ ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Maria- Francisca Pizzey, filia Joannis & Annæ

Pizzey (olim Silver) conjugum Sponsores Jacobus Small & Maria (N) . a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere A.D. 1819 & 1820 . fo. 22 Die primâ Augusti , ann : D¹ 1819, natus & die tertia ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit XEdowardus - Fredericus- Georgius Oliver, filius XEdowardi & Mariæ Oliver ( olim Teighe) conjugum margin x lege 1º Eduardus 2º Eduardi] [in Sponsores Fredericus Teighe & Louisa Bird . a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die decimâ Februarii, ann: D1 1820 , nata , die verò undecimâ ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Maria -Theresia Wheble, Filia Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim O'Brien ) conjugum ; Sponsores Revmus Joannes Milner D.D.V.A. & Maria Weld ; a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere . 1820 . A.D. fo. 23 Die Trigesimâ Aprilis, ann : D¹ 1820 , Confirmati fuerunt a Rev simo Epis. Hal .. D. Gulielmo Poynter Vico Apo Londinensi










Nomina Baptizatorum Elisabeth - Maria

Lucia- Catharina Sara Anna Juliana Elisabeth Henrietta

Anna Hannah fo. 24 Georgius Gulielmus Thomas Jacobus



Nomina imposita

Wheble Wheble Brooks Walker Bond

Hilton Silver Pizzey Bateman

Whitaker Warrilow Prichard Small

Josephina-Anna Maria - Josephina Maria -Agnes Maria Catharina Elisabeth Maria Maria Magdalena Elisabeth Maria Joannes. Eduardus . Joannes. Joseph .




[fo. 25]

A.D. 1820 & 1821 . Die vigesimâ-sextâ Maii, ann : D¹ 1820, natus, eodemq: die baptizatus fuit Joseph Silver, filius Joannis & Elisabeth Silver (olim Jones) conjugum ; Sponsores Richardus James & Heneriatta [sic] Silver. a me Mifs Ap° P. La Blardiere Die secundâ Aprilis, ann : D¹ 1821 , natus & die tertiâ ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Robertus Wheble, Filius Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim O'Brien ) conjugum ; Sponsores Thomas Eyre & Juliana Eyre. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere 1822. . A.D. 26 fo ] Die undecimâ Januarii, ann : D¹ 1822 , nata & die decimâ-tertiâ ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Lucia Pizzey, filia Joannis & Annæ



Pizzey (olim Silver) conjugum ; Sponsores Georgius Whitaker & Sara Warrilow. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die decimâ-octavâ Aprilis, ann : D¹ 1822, natus eodemque die baptizatus fuit Georgius-Vincentius -Joseph Wheble, Filius Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim O'Brien) conjugum ; Sponsores Georgius Fortescue Turvile & Maria ; Joanna Wheble. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere A.D. 1822 & 1823 . fo. 27 Die quintâ Junii , ann : D¹ 1822, nata eodemq: die baptizata fuit Elisabeth Silver, filia Joannis & Elisabeth Silver (olim Jones) conjugum ; Sponsores Gulielmus Warrilow & Anna Walker; a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere Die vigesimâ-primâ Junii , ann . D 1823 [ indistinctly written (1823), natus, die verò vigesimâ- secundâ ejusdem mensis , baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Franciscus Wheble Filius Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim O'Brien) conjugum : Sponsores Gulielmus Vaughan (of Courtfield) & Francisca- Margarita Wheble. a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere







28] A.D. 1824 [fo. Die quartâ mensis Januarii, ann : D1 1824 , Maria Theresia Wheble, ætatis suæ tribus annis & decem mensibus, animam Deo reddidit . Die quartâ mensis Januarii, ann . D' 1824, Francisca-Margarita Wheble, ætatis suæ decem & octo annis & ferè octo mensibus, animam Deo reddidit . R.I.P. in margin Quarum corpora jacent in catholico cometerio civitatis



Die undecimâ Februarii, ann : D¹ 1824 Maria -Anna Warrilow, ætatis suæ undecim annis & septem mensibus, animam Deo reddidit



A.D. 1824. 29] [fo.Die quintâ Maii, ann . D¹ 1824, nata et , die Septimâ ejusdem

baptizata fuit Catharina-Maria Pizzey, filia Joannis & Annæ Pizzey (olim Silver) conjugum ; Matrina Catharina Warrilow. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die Secundâ Junii , ann . D¹ 1824 Elizabeth Johnson, ætatis suæ 28 annis animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P. Die 14° Junii ann . D¹ 1824, Catharina Maria Pizzey, ætatis suæ 40 diebus, animam Deo reddidit mensis ,


[fo. 30

A.D. 1824 , 1825. Die vigesimâ-octavâ Novembris A : D 1824, natus, eodemque die supra- dicti anni , baptizatus fuit Joannes Josephus Wheble, filius Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim O'Brien ) conjugum Sponsores Reymus Joannes Milner, D.D.V.A. & Maria Weld . margin D. 288 Novembris ] a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere [in Die decimâ Januarii, ann . D 1825 , Dus P. La Blardiere Mifsu ' Aps Eduardum Couldrey & Julianam Elizabeth Bond matrimonio . conjunxit 31 1825 , 1826 . [fo. Die ] vigesimâ Junii , ann . D¹A.D. 1825 natus & die vigesimâ primâ baptizatus fuit Georgius Silver, filius Joannis & Elisabeth Silver (olim Jones ) conjugum Sponsores ( Moungey & Elisabeth Whitley. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die vigesimâ quintâ Januarii, ann. Di 1826 , Elisabeth -Maria Wheble, ætatis suæ decem & feptem annis & ferè undecim mensibus, animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P. (cujus corpus jacet in capellâ catholicæ congregationis civitatis Bristol) .




1825, 1826. 32] [fo. Die 28 decembris, ann : D¹ 1825 , natus, die verò 12ª Februarii

the descriptive entry in the Winchester Register (C.R.S., i, 240). * See By the courtesy of the Rev. C. Meyer, S.J. , the writer is able give


the following extract from the Bristol Catholic Register ( St. Mary's -on-theQuay ) : Feby 3rd , 1826. Miss Elisabeth Mary Wheble, 3rd daughter of James Wheble Esq. of Woodley Lodge, Berkshire, was buried in the same grave with Mr. Kirwan at the feet of Wm Talbot."





ann : D¹ 1826, baptisatus fuit Gulielmus Couldrey filius Eduardi & Juliana Couldrey (olim Bond) conjugum, Sponsores Gulielmus Warrilow & Anna Walker. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die Sextâ Augusti, ann : D¹ 1826 , nata , die octavâ ejusdem mensis, eodemque anno, baptisata fuit Maria -Anna Pizzey, filia Joannis & Annæ Pizzey (olim Silver) conjugum a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere Matrina C. Warrilow. 33 , 1828 . ] Septimâ Junii, ann 1827 [fo. Die Di 1827, Caroletta -Anna Wheble, .

ætatis suæ decem & quatuor annis & ferè decem mensibus, animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P. in margin cujus corpus sepultum est in coemeterio civitatis Witham, [Efsex . ] Die decimâ- sextâ Junii Ann. D¹ 1828, natus , die verò vigesimâtertiâ x baptisatus fuit Joannes Warrilow filius Gulielmi & Elizabeth Warrilow (olim Davis) conjugum . Sponsores Carolus & [ Mar scored Catharina h above] Warrilow. Apo Mifso P. La Blardiere a me , lege mensis ejusdem eodemque anno. x


[fo. 34]

[" "



1828 . Die decimâ mensis Martii (lege) Maii ann : D¹ 1828 , nata, die vero vigesimâ mensis Julii, eodem anno, baptizata fuit Elisabeth

Couldrey filia Eduardi & Julianæ Couldrey (olim Bond) conjugum Sponsores Jacobus Warrilow & Maria-Anna Law. a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere

35 . ] vigesimâ feptimâ mensis 1829 [fo.Die Aprilis, * ann . D¹ 1829, natus, die

verò vigesimâ-octavâ ejusdem mensis eodemque anno, baptisatus

fuit Daniel - O'Connell-Wheble, filius Jacobi & Mariæ Wheble (olim

O'Brien ) conjugum Sponsores Daniel O'Connell (Esqr) & Marianna ( Lady) Constable. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere 1829, 1830 . fo. 36 Die decimâ quinta octobris , ann . D¹ 1829, nata , Die verò decimâ septimâ ejusdem mensis , eodemque anno, baptisata fuit Juliana Elisabeth Pizzey, filia Joannis & Annæ Pizzey (olim Silver) con-





P. La Blardiere & Juliana Wheble.

a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die 23 februarii, ann . D 1830, Maria-Monica, ex Jamaicâ , ætatis suæ 74, aut circa annis, animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P.

[fo. 37]


Die quartâ Decembris, ann . D¹ 1830

* It


fub conditione , baptisata

is interesting to note that the above date is just a fortnight after the passing of the Catholic Emancipation Act, in which Daniel O'Connell played a great part.



fuit Maria Attwood , 4 menses agens , filia Joannis & Margarita Attwood ( olim Dunn) conjugum Sponsor Ellenna Harmwood-

a me Misso Apo P. La Blardiere

Die nonâ Junii ann : D¹ 1830, natus , die verò 26 Julii, eodemanno, baptisatus fuit Thomas Couldrey, filius eduardi & Juliana Couldrey (olim Bond) conjugum Sponsor Sarah Prichard . a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere . This is marked in the margin to show that should precede the previous entry. 1831 , 1832 . fo. 38 Die fecunda Aprilis, ann : D1 1831,) (Die vigesimâ-quartâ mensis Martii , ann. 1831 , natus, die verò fecundâ Aprilis, eodem anno, baptisatus fuit Gulielmus Warrilow, filius Gulielmi & Elisabeth Warrilow (olim Davis) conjugum Sponsores Jacobus & Sarah Warrilow. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die 15ª Junii , ann . D¹ 1832, Robertus Shanks, ætatis suæ 27 annis, animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P.






1832. 39 [fo. Die ]decimâ-quintâ octobris, ann D¹ 1832, Georgius-Vincentius.

Josephus Wheble, ætatis fuæ decem annis fexque mensibus, animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P. cujus corpus jacet in novo parochiali coemeterio Loci dicti Hampstead, Middlesex. Die nonâ decembris, ann : D1 1832 , Maria - Juliana Wheble, ætatis suæ decem & fex annis, fexque ferè mensibus, animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P. cujus corpus jacet in catholicæ congregationis coemeteriocivitatis dictæ Winchester .

. 40 [fo.Die ] 160 octobris ann. 1832,1833 nata die verò decimâ Februarii, ann . D¹ 1833, baptisata fuit Rebecca Couldrey, filia Eduardi & Juliana Couldrey ( olim Bond) conjugum. Sponsor Rebecca Bond. a me Mifso Apo P. La Blardiere Die tertiâ Junii , ann . D¹ 1833, natus die verò 7a ejusdem mensis, eodemque anno, baptisatus fuit Jacobus Warrilow, filius Gulielmi & Elisabeth Warrilow (olim Davis) conjugum Sponsores Joannes Dallachy & Ellena Taylor. a me Misso Ap. P. La Blardiere 1833 41] . [fo. Die Tertiâ Augusti , an. D¹ 1833 , Dus P. La Blardiere Mifsus Apus Eduardum Gulielmum Fulker & Saram Agnetem Shanks matrimonio conjunxit. Die decima octava Novembris 1833 .. Dus Joannes Ringrose Mifs us Aposus Davidem × Hilton et Saram Warrilow Matrimonio conjunxit. margin x Lege Ilton [in Die secunda Octobris] An. Dom. 1834, natus die vero nona



ejusdem mensis, baptizatus fuit Edwardus David Ilton filius David et Saræ Ilton (olim Warrilow) conjugum . Sponsores Joannes Ringrose et Theresa Barwell. A me Mifs: Apos : Joannes Ringrose A. 1833 D. fo. 42 Die decima quarta Novembris Anno Domini 1833 , Confirmati fuerunt a Rev simo Jacobo Bramston , Epis . Usul . V.A. Londinensi-




Nomina Baptizatorum Joannes

Georgius Carolus Jacobus Joannes Carolus Jacobus Thomas Josephus


[fo. 43 ] Lucia

Sara Carolina Elizabeth


Henrietta Lucia Sara Theresa Agnes Francisca


Nomina imposita

Dallachy Head

Paulus Edwinus Edwardus

Warrilow Warrilow


Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Pizzey Pizzey Shanks Shanks Roger Silver

Joannes Joannes

Jacobus Thomas Josephus Joannes

Catherina. Maria . Maria . Anna . Maria Magdalena Maria Maria Maria Maria


Hearn Pizzey Roger Roger Pizzey A. 1834 D.

Winefrida . 44 [fo Die vigesima septima Januarii Anno Domini 1834, Dominus Joannes Ringrose Mifsus Aposus Edwinum Gulielmum Harbor et Henriettam Silver Matrimonio conjuxit [sic ] Die nona Julii anno Domini 1834 Maria Wheble, ætatis suæ 46 . annis, animam Deo reddidit R.i.P. Cujus corpus jacet in Catholicæ Congregationis cemeterio dicta Winchester . Mortua est Londini.-


45 A 1834 D. [fo. Die ] quarta Augusti -Anno Domini 1834, Dominus Joannes

Ringrose Mifsus Apost us Joannem Silver et Saram Wellman Matrimonio conjunxit. Die decima sexta Aprilis , Anno Domini 1835 , nata die vero tertia Maii eodem anno, baptizata fuit Anna Silver filia Joannis et Saræ Silver, olim Wellman, conjugum . Sponsores Jacobus Silver, et Carolina Shanks.a me Mifs : Apos : Joannes Ringrose. Die vigesima quarta Septembris, Ann : Domini 1835, nata , die vero tertia Januarii Ann : Domini 1836 baptizata fuit Maria Couldrey filia Edwardi et Julia Couldrey, olim Bond, conjugum.a me Mifs : Apos : Joannes Ringrose Matrina Maria Law.L




46 A 1836 D ] vigesima sexta [? Decembris [fo. Die ] Anno Domini 1835, nata, die

vero tertia Januarii Anno Domini 1836 baptizata fuit Maria Anna Warrilow filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Warrilow, olim Davis, Conjugum..Matrina Sara Ilton a me Mifs: Apos : Joannes Ringrose Die quinta [sic] Anno Domini 1836 natus, die vero vigesima tertia Martii baptizatus fuit Jacobus Ilton filius David et Saræ Ilton, qlim Warrilow, conjugum . Sponsores Jacobus Warrilow et Sara Warrilow A me Mifs : Apos: Joannes Ringrose. Die vigesima quarta Aprilis Anno Domini 1836 natus , die vero septima Maii baptizatus fuit Joannes Silver filius Joannis et Saræ Silver, olim Wellman [conjugum above]. Sponsores Jacobus Silver et Sara Hewitt . A me Mifs. Apos. Joannes Ringrose. . 47 fo A. 1837. D Die decima quinta Martii . Ann . 1837 nata, die vero vigesima quinta, ejusdem mensis , baptizata fuit Maria Agnes, filia Joannis et Annæ Rackley, olim Brookes , conjugum . Sponsores Carolus Gailey et Sara Brookes. a me Mifs : Apos: Joannes Ringrose. Die vigesima prima Aprilis Anno Dom 1837 Anna Silver ætatis suæ duodecim mensibus et quinque diebus animam Deo reddidit.





R.I.P. Die vigesima sexta Octobris Anno Dom: 1837 natus die vero duodecima Novembris baptizatus fuit Gulielmus filius David et Sara Ilton, olim Warrilow, Conjugum.


Sponsores Ricardus James et Sara Brookes

A me Mifs : Apos : Joannes Ringrose Henceforward the entries are written on both sides of the leaf (which is no longer enframed in pencil). 48 A. 1838 D. [page Die vigesima prima Martii Anno 1838, natus , die vero trigesima Aprilis baptizatus fuit Patricius filius Patricii McHugh et Jane, olim [? Stackenible, conjugum . Patrinus Davidus Scannell A me Joannes Ringrose Mifs . Apos Die duodecima Maii Ann : 1838 , Carolus Warrilow, ætatis suæ nonem mensis , animam Deo reddidit . R.I.P. Die decima quarta Februarii 1838 natus, die vero decima Julii baptizatus fuit Jacobus filius Joannis et Saræ Silver, olim Wellman , Conjugum Sponsores Carolus et Elizabeth Silver A me Joannes Ringrose Mifs : Apos : Ann. 1839 Dom : p. 49 Die Maii vigesima octava , 1839, nata, die vero nona Junii baptizata fuit Elizabeth filia Gulielmi , et Elizabeth Warrilow, olim Davis, Conjugum . Sponsores Joannis et Sara WarrilowA me Joannes Ringrose Mifs : Apos : Die quinta Septembris, Ann 1839, Jane Wheble ætatis suæ octoginta et novem annis, animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P. Die decima quarta Septembris 1839 , Anna Jones , ætatis suæ nonaginta et tria annis animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P.












A. 1839. Dom: Die decima tertia1Octobris Ann : 1839 , Dominus Joannes Ringrose Mifs : Apos: Fredericum Fowler et Emily Roker Matrimonio [p. 50]

conjunxit.― [p. 51]

A. 1840. Dom : Die tertia Julii 1840, natus , die vero decima quinta ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Gulielmus, filius Joannis et Ellen Finn (olim Cohan ) ? Whan ] , Conjugum.[ Patrinus Carolus Gailey. A me Joannes Ringrose Mifs : Apos : Die vigesima Julii 1840 Jacobus Wheble ætatis suæ 61 annis Animam Deo reddidit. R.I.P.


After this date the Register was kept solely for members of the Wheble family, and was continued down to 30th June, 1869 : the remaining entries are here given for the sake of completeness. A fresh Register book was commenced for the new church of St. James , which was opened on August 4th, 1840 ; the first entry therein is that of a baptism on August 10th, 1840.T




A. 1853 D. et 1854. Januarii 1853 natus et die 5 Februarii eodem anno baptizatus fuit Jacobus Gulielmus Sanctus Laurentius Wheble filius Jacobi et Dominæ Catharina Wheble (olim Sancta Laurentia ),

[p. 52] 29 Die


Sponsores Revdus Joannes Wheble et Elizabetha Talbot

A me Joanne Ringrose M.A.

Die 4 Augusti 1854 natus et die 7 ejusdem mensis eodem anno baptizatus fuit Ernest Jacobus Wheble filius Jacobi et Catherinæ (Lady) Wheble , olim Sancta Laurentia, Conjugum― Sponsores Washington Hibbert et Catherina , Lady, Dungarnen (?)

A me Joanne Ringrose ; Canonico; A. 1855 D.

53 [p. Die ] 15 Julii 1855 nata et die 18 ejusdem mensis eodem anno

baptizata fuit Emelia, Catherina Maria Wheble filia Jacobi et Catherine , Lady, Wheble ( olim Saint Lawrence) Conjugum. Sponsores Michael Henricus Blount. Emelia , Lady, St Laurence. A me Joanne Ringrose, Canonico. 1857.

Die 4 Junii 1857 natus, et die 13 ejusdem mensis eodem anno baptizatus fuit Tristram JosephusWheble filius Jacobi et Catherinæ, Lady, Wheble (olim St Lawrence) Conjugum. Sponsores Franciscus Riddell et Margarita, Elizabeth , Francisca, Anna ( Lady) St Lawrence. A me Joanne Ringrose, Canonico. Mifso Apos : co Rectore.-

* Buried at Winchester, in St. James ' Cemetery, where the month is given in error as " June " on the tombstone. Anno Domini 1840. Die decimaAugusti 1840 natus, et die decimasexta ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Carolus Demontiers filius Caroli et Annæ Demontiers, olim Lawrence, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Cook, Matrina Theresa Laurence. A me Joanne RingroseMiss Apos



A. 1860. D.

p. 54]

Die 4 Septembris 1860 natus, et die 7 Septembris 1860 baptizatus est Franciscus Josephus Wheble filius Jacobi et Catherinæ, Lady, Wheble, olim, Saint Lawrence, Conjugum. A me Joanne Ringrose. Rect : Misso Patrinus fuit Daniel O Connell Wheble Matrina fuit Ellena Wheble. - 1863X [referring to entry below Die 30 Augusti 1863. natus, et die 1. Septembris 1863 baptizatus fuit Sydney Josephus Wheble, filius Jacobi et Catherinæ, Lady, Wheble , olim St Laurence, Conjugum.Patrinus fuit Thomas Gaisford . Matrina fuit Eliza, Lady, Dormer. A me Joanne Ringrose, Misso Rectore. 55 1863 (sic) [p. Die 2 Aprilis 1862 (sic) nata et die 6 Aprilis 1862 ( sic) baptizata × est Ursula Maria Wheble filia Jacobi et Catherine (Lady ) Wheble, olim St Lawrence Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Gaisford, Matrina fuit Maria, Lady, St Lawrence. a me Joanne Ringrose, Misso Rectore. Die 22 Februarii 1867 natus et 2 Martii baptizatus fuit Leo Josephus, Danielis Wheble filius Jacobi et Catherina Wheble (Lady) , olim St Lawrence Conjugum . Patrinus Carolus (Sir) Domville (?). Matrina Eleanor Wheble. A me Joanne Ringrose. Mifs. Rectore. Die 28 Junii 1869 natus et die 30 Junii 1869 baptizatus fuit Gerondus (?) Josephus Wheble, filius Jacobi et Catherine Wheble (Lady ) olim St Lawrence conjugum . Patrinus fuit Jacobus, Gulielmus , Sanctus Laurentius , Wheble . Matrina Maria Wheble. A me Joanne Ringrose. Mifs° Rectore. Last entry in Woodley Lodge Register .





On a piece of paper, 3x5 ins., loosely inserted in this Register, is the following memorandum. have been christened at Woodley lodge Cath : Chapel by the Revd Peter la Blardière: in the year 1820 2 male children male, female 1828 1821 female 1829 male, male male 1822 1830 male, 2 females 1823 male male 1831 1824 male, female 1832 1825 2 males 1833 male female 1826 female I 1827 = 20















(Contributed by Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale . ) The following document explicitly declares that a plot of ground was reserved for the interment of French priests and other French Catholics close by the establishment in Reading set apart for the housing of French refugee ecclesiastics . The original record of burials in this new Cemetery is preserved , in duplicate, in the Diocesan Archives at Bayeux ; a third original copy is now missing . The first twenty -six pages of the Register contain the entries of burials of French priests and other French Catholics who died in the King's House at Winchester, or in that town and its vicinity, as from January 1 , 1793, to the number of 63. The next twelve pages contain the entries of burials of priests belonging to Reading House during the whole period of its occupation; these number 36, but between entries 84 and 85 is recorded , unnumbered, a burial at Caversham of a priest who, no doubt , was not a resident of that establishment. The Reading section is followed by fourteen blank pages and a blank end -leaf, and the whole document is enclosed in a dark pasteboard cover. The pages are 12 x 8 inches . The Register is entitled Registre pour servir à l'Enregistrement des Sépultures de M les Ecclésiastiques François & autres François Emigrés , décédés au Château Royal & dans la Ville & environs de Winchester en Angleterre depuis le 1er Janvier 1793. There is no separate heading to the Reading section . In the following transcript the first entry is reproduced verbatim, but in the case of all others only the essential particulars are given, and where the signatures in the original differ from the official record of witnesses ' names and status these differences are shown in italic type between brackets ; with regard to names of places , the more modern spelling has been followed.




Sepulture de Mr Le Blond, ptre de St Pierre de Cerqueux, Diocèse de Lisieux .

Aujourd'hui onze février mil sept cent quatrevingt-dix-sept, le corps de discrète personne Mon-

sieur Jacques François Le Blond, prêtre originaire de la paroisse de Saint-Pierre de Cerqueux , diocèse de Lisieux, âgé d'environ 30 ans, décédé d'hier à la maison accordée par le Gouvernement Britan64. nique pour former un établissement aux Ecclésiastiques Français dans la ville de Reading en Angleterre, muni des Sacrements de l'Eglise Catholique, Apostolique et Romaine , a été inhumé dans le nouveau cimetière destiné à la sepulture desdits Ecclesiastiques et autres Français du culte Catholique, près ladite maison, par nous Noël Paul Thomas Martin , vicaire général de Lisieux, supérieur dudit établissement , soussigné, en présence de Messieurs Pierre Dossin , curé de Saint -Aubin -du-Thenney; François André Jouvin, vicaire dudit lieu; Jean Aubert, curé de Ferrières ; Julien Nicolas , curé de Monteille ; et Philippe Le Goux, vicaire de Saint -Léger -du- Bosdel , tous du diocèse de Lisieux , soussignés. Dossin curé de St Aubin du Thenney Aubert Jouvin Vicaire de St Aubin du Thenney . Nicolas C. de Monteilles philippe Le Goux vic. de S leger N. P. T. Martin vic : gen.





65. Le 1o mars 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Louis Salmon , prêtre originaire de la paroisse de Saint-Sauveur -Lendelin, vicaire de Vasteville, diocèse de Coutances , âgé d'environ 35 ans , décédé subitement la nuit dernière . Témoins : MM. Pierre Gilles Robert, curé de Sainte -Marie-desMonts ; Robert François Le Pareur (Lepareur ) , prêtre de Clinchamps Jean François Asselin , prêtre de la paroisse d'Annebecq; et François Pierre Herman, vicaire de Tollevast, tous du diocèse de Coutances .


66. Le 21 mars 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Jacques Cottun , prêtre originaire de la paroisse de Sully, vicaire de Cahagnolles , diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 50 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins: MM. Julien Mousset , curé de Saint-Clair-de-Halouze; Jean Baptiste Girard, vicaire de Than; Georges le (Le ) Normand, vicaire de Fresney ; et Etienne Dupont , vicaire de Tour, tous du diocèse de Bayeux. 67. Le 24 mars 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Marin Morin, curé de Saint- Germain -le-Fouilloux , diocèse du Mans , âgé d'environ 54 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins: MM. Charles Véron, curé de Ruillé en Anjou ; Jean René de (De) Millet, curé de Madré; Guillaume Patou, curé de la Coulonche ; Louis Rojon, curé de Saint-Jean -sur-Mayenne ; et Jacques René Joseph Bourdon, curé d'Avenières, tous du diocèse du Mans. 68. Le 24 mars 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Louis Regnault, prêtre, docteur de Sorbonne , chanoine et archidiacre de Lisieux, vicaire général du diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 78 ans , décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Julien Nicolas, curé de Monteille ; Guillaume Drumare, vicaire de Manneville- la-Raoult ; Nicolas Robert le (Le) Gagneur , vicaire du Faulq ; Denis François Guillaume Berthelot, prêtre habitué de Sainte-Catherine de Honfleur; et Michel Nicolas Berniere (Bernierre ), vicaire de Manneville-la- Pipard, tous du diocèse de Lisieux . 69. Le 14 juillet 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Etienne Vasselin , prêtre originaire de Bailly-en- Rivière, curé d'Héronchelles, diocèse de Rouen , âgé d'environ 72 ans, décédé le matin. Témoins: MM. François Guillaume Chapelle , curé d'Ymare; Pierre Frérot , curé de Draquevilleen Petit-Caux ; Augustin Lorcher, curé de Biville-la-Baignarde ; et Antoine Cauchard , curé d'Equimbosc§ en Caux , tous du diocèse de Rouen . 70. Le 4 août 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Pierre Picot, curé de Valcanville, diocèse de Coutances , âgé d'environ 66 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins: MM. Jean Baptiste Pontus , vicaire général du diocèse de Coutances ; Antoine Bon Nicolas le Scelliere (le Scellierre) , curé de Gouberville; Jacques Marion, prêtre de Quettehou; et Antoine Heurtevent, vicaire d'Ozeville, tous du diocèse de Coutances . 71. Le 10 août 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. François Le Maître, prêtre originaire de Gauville en Gauvillois, curé de Villerssur- le -Roule , diocèse d'Evreux , âgé d'environ 59 ans , décédé la veille. Amalgamated in 1829 with the parish of Saint -Vigor -des-Monts. Any priest attached to a parish. An old parish amalgamated witn Saint -Pierre-Bénouville. § An old parish amalgamated with Hattenville. Now known as Gauville - la-Campagne .





Témoins: MM. Charles Jean -Baptiste Granier, curé d'Emalleville ; Jean Mabire, curé de Pierre-Ronde * ; Jean Baptiste Le Bigre, curé de Saint- Aubin- sur-Rille ; François De la Rue Delarue ), curé des Jonquerets et Pierre François Royer, vicaire des Jonquerets, tous du diocèse d'Evreux . 72. Le 9 septembre 1797 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Germain Richard, vicaire de Gueron , diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 66 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Jean - Baptiste François Maresq , curé de SainteCroix-Grand-Tonne ; François Onfroy, chapelain de la Délivrande ; François Louis Dupont , curé de Maisons ; et Etienne Dupont , vicaire de Tour, tous du diocèse de Bayeux. 73. Le 14 septembre 1797, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Jean Aubert , curé de Ferrières , diocèse de Lisieux , âgé d'environ 57 ans, décédé subitement le 12 . Témoins : MM. Jacques Constant Pecqueult , curé de Saint-Laurentdes-Grez Philippe Du Roy, vicaire de Ferrières ; Pierre Dossin , curé de Saint-Aubin -du-Thenney; François André Jouvin, vicaire dudit lieu, tous du diocèse de Lisieux ; et François De la Rue (Delarue ), curé des Jonquerets, diocèse d'Evreux . 74. Le 14 décembre 1797, inhumation par M. Louis Le Bas, curé des Innocens , diocèse de Rouen , de M. Michel Roussel, curé d'Airan , diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 69 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins: MM. François Beaunieux, curé de Béneauville ; Pierre Michel Gouget, curé de Saint-Patrice d'Argences ; Pierre Le Rat (Lerat), curé de Fierville -la-Campagne ; et Joachim Marescot , curé de Renémestous du diocèse de Bayeux. nil, 75- Le 24 décembre 1797, inhumation par M. Jean Baptiste Pontus, vicaire général de Coutances , de M. Antoine Heurtevent, prêtre originaire de la paroisse de Quineville, vicaire d'Ozeville, diocèse de Coutances, âgé d'environ 52 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Etienne Le Moine , curé de Tollevast ; Pierre Fauvel, curé de Coubert; François Zacharie Daniel, vicaire de Brix; et Jacques Marion, prêtre de Quettehou , tous du diocèse de Coutances .




76. Le 14 janvier 1798, inhumation par M. Pontus de M. Julien Travert, prêtre originaire de la paroisse de Nehou, vicaire de Digosville, diocèse de Coutances , âgé d'environ 50 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Jean Nicolas le Quetier (Quetier) , prêtre de la Congrégation des Eudistes de la paroisse de Nehou ; Etienne Le Moine, curé de Tollevast ; Pierre Fauvel, curé de Coubert; François Zacharie Daniel, vicaire de Brix ; et Jacques Marion, prêtre de Quettehou, tous du diocèse de Coutances . 77. Le 7 février 1798 , inhumation par M. Pontus de M. Thomas le (Le) Fêvre, prêtre de la paroisse de Tréauville, diocèse de Coutances , âgé d'environ 73 ans , décédé la veille. An old parish amalgamated with Beaumesnil in the department of the Eure . An old parish nowpart of les Jonquerets-de -Livet. Now part of the parish of la Chapelle-Gauthier in the department of the Eure . § Now part of the parish of la Crique. Now part of the parish of Chicheboville. Now part of the parish of Cauvicourt .



Témoins : MM. Pierre Louis de May (Demay), curé de Tréauville; Jacques Gosselin , prêtre du même lieu ; Jean François Louis, curé de Flamanville; Louis Turbert, prêtre dudit lieu ; et Jean Jacques Le Berger , prêtre de Baubigny, tous du diocèse de Coutances . 78. Le 16 février 1798 , inhumation par M. Pontus de M. Pierre Mathurin Le (le ) Blanc , originaire de Saint-Thomas d'Evreux , curé de Saint-Martin du Vieux-Verneuil, diocèse de Chartres , âgé d'environ 47 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Nicolas Hannotel (Hanotel) , curé de Beaumesnil; Jean Mabire, curé de Pierre -Ronde ; Jean Baptiste Le Bigre, curé de Saint-Aubin -sur-Rille ; Charles Jean- Baptiste Granier, curé d'Emalleville; François de la Rue (Delarue) , curé , et Pierre François Royer, vicaire des Jonquerets, tous du diocèse d'Evreux . 79. Le 18 février 1798, inhumation par M. Martin de M. René le (Le) Noir, curé du Mesnil-sous- Lillebonne, * diocèse de Rouen , âgé d'environ 74 ans, décédé le 16. Témoins : MM. Pierre Frerot (Frévot) , curé de Draqueville (en PetitCaux) ; Nicolas Augustin Lorcher, curé de Biville - la-Baignarde; Jean Nicolas Lambert, curé de Bolbec ; Jean - Baptiste Pierre Herbot , curé de Sainville ; et Guillaume Charles Poret, curé de Beuzeville -la -Grenier, tous du diocèse de Rouen . 80. Le 24 mars 1798 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Paul François Bernier, curé de Varry , diocèse de Séez , âgé d'environ 71 ans , décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Jacques FrançoisMallard, curé de Fourches ; Jacques Thomas Nicolas Favrel, curé d'Ecorches ; Henry Louis François Gerard (Gérard) , curé de Méheudin ; et Gabriel Louis Cheron , vicaire de Saint-Ouen-de-la -Cour , tous du diocèse de Séez. 81. Le 16 mars 1799, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Pierre Nicolas Busnel, curé de Saint-Jean de Caen , diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 72 ans, décédé le 14. Témoins: MM. Pierre de la Rue, curé de Saint- Jean-des -Baisants; Jean François De Baudre (Debaudre) , curé de Fresney -le-Puceux ; Pierre Michel Gouget , curé de Saint- Patrice d'Argences ; Pierre le Rat, curé de Fierville - la-Campagne ; et René Jacques Philippes (Philippe), vicaire de Saint-Germain-Langot, tous du diocèse de Bayeux. 82. Le 25 mars 1799 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Pierre Paul Duclos, prêtre chapelain de la Délivrande, diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 46 ans, décédé le 23. Témoins: MM. Jacques Etienne le (Le) Marinier, vicaire de SaintPierre- sur -Dives, diocèse de Séez; Jean - Baptiste François Frouin, curé de Rocquancourt; Jean Jacques Scelles, vicaire de Saint-Contest; Eustache Duvey et François Onfroy, chapelains de la Délivrande, ces quatre derniers du diocèse de Bayeux. 83. Le 7 juin 1799, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Louis François Hauguel, prêtre, vicaire de Saint- Nicolas de la ville de Rouen , âgé d'environ 49 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Pierre Frérot, curé de Draqueville (en Petit-Caux) ; Nicolas Augustin Lorcher, curé de Biville (-la-Baignarde ) ; Guillaume Poret, curé de Beuzeville -la -Grenier; et Jean Nicolas Lambert, curé de Bolbec , tous du diocèse de Rouen .

* Now part of the parish of Lillebonne.



84. Le 29 décembre 1799 , inhumation par M. le (Le) Bas de M. Pierre Moriceau, prêtre, principal du Collège de Ruillé en Anjou, diocèse du Mans , âgé d'environ 54 ans, décédé subitement le 27 près la maison . Témoins : MM. Guillaume Patou, curé de la Coulonche ; Jean René de (De) Millet, curé de Madré; Louis Cosnard , (prêtre,) principal de Sablé ; et André Ambroise Gervais Gougeon , prêtre, tous du diocèse du Mans . M. Guillaume Saffray, de la paroisse de Campeaux , diocèse de Bayeux, curé de Sainte-Honorine- du- Fay, même diocèse, âgé d'environ 72 ans, est décédé le 7 mars 1800 , et enterré le 9 du même mois à Cavarsham proche Reading . Martin, vic. gén. 85. Le 20 mars 1800 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Jean GuillaumePongny, prêtre desservant de Saint-Martin- le- Blanc , diocèse de Rouen , âgé d'environ 39 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Pierre Frerot, curé de Draqueville (en Petit-Caux ) ; Nicolas Augustin Lorcher, curé de Biville -la-Baignarde ; François Guillaume Chapelle , curé d'Ymare; et Jean Jacques Courtel, (prétre,) vicaire de Saint -Sylvain, tous du diocèse de Rouen . 86. Le 15 avril 1800 , inhumation par M. le (Le) Bas de M. Michel François Roger , curé de Bures , diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 49 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Joseph le Fêvre (le Febvre) , curé , et André le (Le) Bidois , vicaire de Cuverville; Pierre Henry le Terrier, vicaire de Ranville ; et Jean Fremanger , chapelain de Troarn, tous du diocèse de Bayeux. 87. Le 28 avril 1800 , inhumation par M. Pontus de M. Pierre François Royer, vicaire des Jonquerets , diocèse d'Evreux , âgé d'environ 52 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Nicolas Hanotel, curé de Beaumesnil ; Jean Baptiste le (Le) Bigre, curé de Saint-Aubin- sur-Rille ; Louis Pierre Chevreuil, curé de (Saint-Christophe du) Bosc-Morel; Jacques Simon Lange , curé du Val -du-Theil ; et François De la Rue (Delarue), curé des Jonquerets, tous du diocèse d'Evreux . 88. Le 10 juillet 1800 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Henry Louis François Stanislas Gerard de la Motterie , curé de Méheudin, diocèse de Séez , âgé d'environ 62 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Charles Joseph de Montigny (Demontigny ), curé et doyen de Saint-Pierre - sur-Dives; Jacques Thomas Nicolas Favrel, curé d'Ecorches ; Jean Nicolas Marie Anne Dufresne , curé du Pin ; Joseph Beaumont, curé ( de Saint-Martin-) des -Moutiers ; et Gabriel Louis Cheron , vicaire de Saint- Ouen-de-la -Cour , tous du diocèse de Séez.




89. Le 15 octobre 1800, inhumation par M. Martin de M. Jean François Brisset , prêtre de la paroisse de Grosville, diocèse de Coutances , âgé d'environ 80 ans 7 mois , décédé la veille . Témoins : MM. Pierre Louis de May (Demay ), curé de Tréauville ; Etienne le (Le) Moine, curé de Tollevast; François Ferey , prêtre de known as Sablé -sur-Sarthe. * Now Previous Constitution

to the Civil of the Clergy, a priest placed by the bishop in charge of a cure or chapel in the absence of the incumbent or pending an appointment . An old parish now amalgamated with la Roussière . Now one of two parishes of les Moutiers -en -Auge.



Sotteville ; et François Zacharie Daniel, prêtre de Brix, tous du diocèse de Coutances . 90. Le 18 octobre 1800 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. François Beaunieux , curé de Béneauville , diocèse de Bayeux, âgé d'environ 76 ans 6 mois , décédé la veille. Témoins: MM. Pierre Michel Gouget , curé de Saint- Patrice d'Argences ; Joachim Marescot , curé de Renémesnil ; Pierre Le Rat , curé de Fierville(-la- Campagne) ; Joseph le Fêvre (Le febvre) , curé , et André Le Bidois, vicaire de Cuverville, tous du diocèse de Bayeux. 91. Le 14 décembre 1800 , inhumation par M. le Bas de M. Pierre Le Bohineust, curé du Luot , diocèse d'Avranches, âgé d'environ 75 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Pierre Hullin, curé des Chambres ; Louis Jacques Anquetil , curé de Champcervon ; Antoine Brehan (Breham), vicaire de la Mouche ; Nicolas Le Marié, vicaire de Champcervon ; et Pierre Chauvet, vicaire du Luot, tous du diocèse d'Avranches. 92. Le 20 décembre 1800 , inhumation par M. Pontus de M. Jacques Talfaisse , curé de Biniville , diocèse de Coutances , dans la 89e année de son âge, décédé la veille. Témoins: MM. Charles François Le Canu et François le (Le) Bourgeois, curés de Gorges ; Jacques Marion, prêtre de Quettehou; et Bon Michel Mallet , prêtre de Reville, tous du diocèse de Coutances . 93. Le 29 décembre 1800 , inhumation par M. Pontus de M. Pierre Jean- Baptiste Garel , curé de Banneville- sur -Ajon , diocèse de Bayeux, âgé de 64 ans quelques mois , décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. François Louis Dupont , curé de Maisons ; Michel François Etienne, vicaire du Manoir ; Charles Pierre , vicaire d'Evrecy ; et François Charles Le Moine , vicaire de Landes , tous du diocèse de Bayeux . 94. Le 3 janvier 1801 , inhumation par M. Pontus de M. Charles Heuste , chapelain fondé de la paroisse de Vaucelles de Caen, diocèse de Bayeux, dans la 67° année de son âge , décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Pierre Boullée , curé de Carpiquet; Pierre Nicolas Joseph Daumesnil, vicaire de Saint-Nicolas de Caen ; Jean Baptiste Gérard (Girard), (prêtre , ) vicaire de Than; Jean Jacques Scelles, vicaire de Saint-Contest ; René Jacques Philippe, vicaire de Saint- GermainLangot, tous du diocèse de Bayeux ; et Jacques Etienne Le Marinier, vicaire de Saint- Pierre-sur -Dives, diocèse de Séez. 95. Le 10 février 1801 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Julien Pierre Chedeville , prêtre originaire de la paroisse de Lonlay -l'Abbaye, vicaire de Gorron, diocèse du Mans , âgé d'environ 37 ans, décédé la veille . Témoins : MM. Jacques Le Monnier (Lemonnier ), vicaire de Marcilléla-Ville ; Pierre Brionne, vicaire de Couesmes; Guy Joseph Boisnet, * In towns, chaplains appointed to discharge the obligations attaching to foundations for pious uses, more especially legacies for Masses and religious services . In country parishes they were mostly concerned with legacies for Masses, and consequently were known as obitiers. In towns they performed the functions of cantors and choristers, of deacon and of sub-deacon . Priests and even simple clerks born within the parish had a priorright to appointment . At St. Peter's in Caen and at St. Malo's in Bayeux they wore the almuce (see Catholic Dictionary , 10th edition , 1928), but their right to it wasfrequently disputed. Chapelains fondés derived their income from offices for the dead and foundations , the curé or parish priest being entitled to a share.



vicaire de Parigné -le - Polin; Julien Bidard, vicaire du Bourg-le-Prêtre; et GuillaumeAndré Jean Boisnet, prêtre de la Congrégation des Eudistes ,

tous du diocèse du Mans . 96. Le 25 février 1801 , inhumation par M. le Bas de M. Louis Jacques Anquetil , curé de Champcervon , diocèse d'Avranches, âgé d'environ 69 ans , décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Charles Claude Louis Allain , chanoine de la Cathédrale ; Pierre Hullin, curé des Chambres ; Nicolas Le Marié, vicaire de Champcervon ; et Antoine Marie François Brehan (Breham) , vicaire de la Mouche , tous du diocèse d'Ayranches. 97. Le 14 juin 1801 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Gilles Gosselin, originaire de la paroisse de la Lande-Patry, diocèse de Bayeux, curé de Barges, diocèse de Séez, âgé d'environ 58 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Jacques François Mallard, curé de Fourches ; Jacques Thomas Nicolas Favrel, curé d'Ecorches ; Louis Nicolas François de Bur (Debur), curé d'Olendon; et Jean François le Fèvre (Le Febvre) , prieur-curé de Martigny, tous du diocèse de Séez.

98. Le 5 décembre 1801 , inhumation par M. Martin de M. Pierre Le Fort, curé de Saint-Siméon , diocèse de Lisieux, âgé d'environ 82 ans, décédé la veille. Témoins : MM. Jean Baptiste Lallouette (Lalouette), chanoine pénitencier de la Cathédrale ; Pierre Dossin , curé de Saint-Aubin -duThenney; Louis Guillaume Opoix, curé de Vasouy; Nicolas Robert Le Gagneur , vicaire du Faulq ; et Charles Jacques Pierre Gouley, vicaire de Saint-Pierre -de- Cormeilles , tous du diocèse de Lisieux. 99. Le 12 mars 1802, inhumation par M. le Bas de M. Jacques le Roi, prêtre habitué de la paroisse de Saint-Jacques de Lisieux, diocèse de Lisieux , âgé d'environ 38 ans , décédé le 10 . Témoins : MM. Jean Pierre Jacques Fleury, curé (de Saint-Nicolas) des Authieux -sur-Calonne ; Jean Roulier, (prêtre, ) vicaire de SaintGermain de Lisieux; Jean Baptiste Jouen , (prêtre, ) chapelain de la Cathédrale de Lisieux ; et Jean Philippe Meziere , prêtre habitué de Saint-Jacques de Lisieux, tous du diocèse de Lisieux. [Ruillé en Anjou, Saint -Martin du Vieux -Verneuil and le Bourg-le-Prêtre, in entries 67, 78 and 95 respectively, have not been identified. There are not less than five parishes of the name of Ruillé in the departments of the Sarthe and the Mayenne.] ADDENDA. The following entries are from The Registers of the Parish of St. Mary, Reading , Berks, 1538-1812 . Vol. . Marriages and Burials. Transcribed by the Rev. Gibbs Payne Crawfurd, M.A. ( 1892 ) , pp. 213218 : 1797. Dec 28 Paul Charles Le Blanc , French priest 1799. Nov. 17 Charles Nicholas Le Vicq , French priest Nov. 26 John Peter Lodowick Renouf, French priest 1800. June 29 Marin Dunord , French priest of the Parish of St. Sewan in France, Friar of the order of St. Francise 1801. Nov. 28 Touissant Lequien, French Priest, Rector of the Parish of Assigney in France 1803. Nov. 10 Francis Alexander Lanoe, French Priest of the Parish of Verneusse in the Diocese of Linieuxin Normandy 1804. April 30 Francis Lemèe (French Priest) May 5 James Noblet Prètre (French Priest) A religious appointed to a living in the gift of a monastery.






These names are not to be found in the Obituaries of The Laity's Directory, which contain no less than 1,007 entries. With the possible exception of the Abbé Jacques Noblet, none of these priests resided in Reading House . The Abbé Paul Charles Le Blanc belonged to the diocese of Angers , and appears in the Reading Town accounts preserved in the Public Record Office (T.93.45 , Pt. 1) from November 1796 to Dec. 27, 1797 , the day of his death. The Abbé Charles Nicolas Le Vicq was Vicaire of Saint-Fromond, Fécamp , in the diocese of Rouen ; his name , however , does not occur in these accounts . The Abbé Jean Pierre Louis Renouf, a native of Saint-Germain , Tournebu, in the diocese of Coutances , was Vicaire of Querqueville in the same diocese; he landed at Portsmouth, later removed to Winchesterand eventually came to Reading in the latter half of November 1796, dying there on Nov. 26, 1799, at the age of 58. Père Jacques Marin Dunord, according to the Registres Paroissiaux d'Etat Civil de Saint-Servan ( 1905 ), was Superior of the local Convent of the Récollets in 1773. He and Père Toussaint Duval, of Saint-Malo , escaped without passports to Jersey during the night of April 26-27, 1792. The Abbé Toussaint Le Quien , Curé of Assigny in the diocese of Rouen , probably landed at Dover, as he figures in the Relief Fund accounts of that town (T. 93.40, Pt. 1) as receiving assistance towards travelling expenses on Feb. 13, 1793; his name appears in the Reading Town accounts as from November 1796. The Abbé François Alexandre Lanoë, a native of Verneusses in the diocese of Lisieux, was Vicaire of the Chapter of the Cathedral of that town ; he landed at Portsmouth in or about October 1792, was in London in 1793 and at Winchester in 1794, whence he removed on January 14 of the same year to Reading , where he died on Nov. 10, 1803. His name does not occur in any of the known Reading Town accounts . The Abbé François Lemée, Curé of Touffreville in the diocese of Rouen , sailed from Dieppe on Sept. 8, 1792, with a passportdelivered to him on the 7th by the Municipality of Touffreville - sur- Eu; he probably landed at Dover, as he received there a second subsidy from the Relief Fund on Jan. 3, 1793 , and on February 13 assistance towards travelling expenses. His name appears in the Reading Town accounts as from November 1796. He was in his 65th year at the time of his death. The Abbé Jacques Noblet , Vicaire of Coquainvilliers in the diocese of Lisieux ( now in the diocese of Bayeux), is first found at Gosport, whence he is said to have removed to Winchesterand eventually to Reading . His name is not in the aforesaid ReadingTown accounts . is to be regretted that the Parish Registers of St. Lawrence and of St. Giles, Reading, and those of Caversham have not yet been published, as they would have made it possible to complete the roll of French Refugee Priests who ended their days in Reading and its vicinity. Failing these, careful search has been made of the files in the British Museum of The Reading Mercury for 1792 to 1801 inclusive; these, however, are incomplete, inasmuch as copies of some seventy issues are missing , as are also the volumes for 1802 to 1828 inclusive. The following extract is from the issue of May 27, 1793:― Died Mons. l'Abbe Jeane Mané Manul, one of the un-



fortunate French Refugee Clergy.

is obviously As already pointed out (p. 122 , n.), Jeane Mané a misreading of " Jean Marie," and it has been suggested that likewise The above Manul is a misprint for Mancel or Marcel. "announcement is included in The Reading Mercury in the general obituary , whereas all other notices of deaths of Frenchpriests in Reading appear among the town news ; also, it is the only announcement of the




" "



death of a French priest appearing in a general obituary throughout the ten years 1792 to 1801. A possible explanation is that the priest in question was personally known to Miss Smart, and may be the one referred to in a letter written by that lady from Dover to The Reading Mercury under date Sept. 15 , 1792 (see issue of Sept. 24). A search of the Dover Parish Registers may throw light on the subject. The following report is from The Reading Mercury of August 20, 1798

:- Reading, Saturday, August 18. Yesterday noon an Emigrant


French Priest, was found drowned in the mill- stream near Cavershamlock. He had been angling, and his line, as is supposed , hitching in the weeds , he undressed himself all but his shirt and went into the water to get it out . When found , he was near the shore, and had the bough of a tree fast clinched in his hand. He had left his cloaths in the lock-shutters boat, and in his coat pocket were three small fishes . Neither the files of The Reading Mercury nor the Obituaries in The Laity's Directory afford any clue to the identity of this priest; but among the records relating to the French Refugee Clergy preserved in the Departmental Archives of the Manche at Saint-Lo is a Liste des Curés et Prêtres au diocèse de Coutances morts ailleurs que dans la ville de Winchester pendant l'exil in which we read : Pierre Nourri , prêtre des Pieux, diocèse de Coutances , noyé en se baignant dans la Tamise aux environs de Reading , le 17 Août 1798. Son corps a été inhumé a Caverchem, petit bourg à un mille de cette dite ville." * Turning to the Reading Town accounts (T. 93.45, Pt . 1), we find " P. Nourry, Prêtre, diocèse de Coutances as from November 1796. As stated above , he was from les Pieux, and he served the Abbayede SaintSauveur - le- Vicomte. In The Reading Mercury of Dec. 2 , 1799 , we read: Reading, Saturday, November 30. On Tuesday last died in this town , the Rev. Peter Renoult, French Priest of the Diocese of Coutances , in Normandy . This, no doubt , refers to the Abbé Jean Pierre Louis Renouf mentioned in The Registers of the Parish of St. Mary (see above , pp. 187 and 188). The following is from the issue of Dec. 30, 1799: Reading, Saturday, December 28. Yesterday as a French Priest was taking his usual walk, in the outskirts of this town he was suddenly seized with a fit, and expired without a groan. The priest in question is , of course, the Abbé Pierre Moriceau, whose burial is recorded (No. 84) on page 185 , above . He wasa native of Laval, and sailed from Granville on Sept. 15, 1792 , at which date he was 48 years old ; he was therefore 55 at the time of his death, which is recorded in The Laity's Directory for 1801 . Finally, in the issue of Nov. 16, 1801 , we read: Reading, Saturday , November 28. Yesterday died, in this town, M. Lequin , a very respectable French emigrant priest . This will be the Abbé Toussaint Le Quien included in The Registers of the Parish of St. Mary (see above , pp. 187 and 188). document is the work of the Abbé Jean- Baptiste François Le * This Febvre d'Annéville , Curé of Saint -Georges-la- Rivière in the diocese of Coutances , who died at Winchester on February 13 , 1802. His name does not occur in The Registers of the Catholic Mission of Winchester, 1721-1826 published" in Vol. 1 of Publications of the Catholic Record Society ( 1905) ; in all probability, therefore, he was buried in " le Cimetière nouvellement béni, & destiné à la sepulture des Ecclésiastiques & autres françois, près le dit Château mentioned in the twenty-ninth entry (Dec. 17, 1794) in the Register of Burials described on page 181, above.

" "













The great service afforded by the refugee clergy in the preservation of the Faith in this country is sometimes imperfectly realized. Though the stay of the majority was but for a few years , much good resulted, and those who remained permanently conferred a great and lasting benefit on the Catholics of the time. Being an alien , however, and without relatives in this country, the refugee priest frequently excited but little interest, and after spending his remaining days in penury , often died in obscurity . The followingpassage by the learned Dr. F. C. Husenbeth, from a work perhaps not now generally available , is given here for convenienceof reference:


[In 1803] " Dr. Milner found that the Midland District, in common with

the other three Districts of England , had begun to feel the effects of the breaking-up of our colleges on the Continent , in consequence of the French Revolution . Several priests, too, had died very recently ; so that some missions were without pastors, while others were imperfectly supplied by French emigrant priests, full of zeal and piety indeed, but very imperfectly acquainted with our language, which was a formidable drawback, for some time, to their general usefulness on the English Mission. Yet here we cannot but admire and bless the mysterious dispensation of Divine Providence in our favour . For just at that critical time , when our seminaries had failed, and no prospect appeared of our being able for a long time to come to complete the education of our clergy with our very limited means at home, a large number of those French priests, who had been driven as exiles upon our shores, had remained in England and preferred to labour as best they could in our poor missions rather than return to their own country. Gladly did our Bishops welcome these worthy men and employ them in the work of the holy ministry. They were zealous and exemplary ; and incalculable was the good which they effected in this country. Many converts were made by their prudent and enlightened teaching ; many chapelswere built and missions establishedin every part of the kingdom ; and many a congregation, now large and respectable, owes its beginning to the humble but persevering labours of some poor French priest , generously giving his time, his toil , and his hard-earned savings to the great work of the salvation of souls in a strange land .

That band of noble labourers in our vineyard must never be forgotten by English Catholics; nor must we ever cease to thank God for thus marvellously providingfor the spiritual wants of our poor scattered flocks, and the conversion of countless souls to His holy Faith. The conduct of the French priests in England was so edifying , and the circumstances of their coming among us excited so much sympathy, that the prejudices of our countrymen against our religion and our priesthood were very remarkably softened and dissipated, and the way was prepared for that rapid progress of the Catholic Faith, which we have so happily witnessed in succeeding years . Life of Bishop Milner (Dublin, 1862) , p . 95.






On the use of the term

" Emigré."

The Decree of the Legislative Assembly of August 26, 1792, determined the position of the whole of the Clergy in France who had remained faithful to the Holy See. Under the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which came into force on January 1 , 1791 , every bishop, parish priest and curate retained in office was obliged to take an oath of fidelity to the Constitution under penalty of being deprived of his benefice. By subsequent decrees promulgated in March and April 1791 this proviso was extended to preachers , professors, and hospital and prison chaplains. The avowed object of the Decree of August 26, 1792, was to rid the country of the nonjuring clergy. From the date of its proclamation in a district or municipality every ecclesiastic resident within who had not taken the oath, or who having taken it had retracted and persisted in his contumacy, was obliged to apply at once to the local authority for a passport, specifying the country to which he wished to go and the route by which he intended to travel , and within eight days of the proclamation he was to clear out of the district and within fifteen days out of the country, under penalty of transportation to French Guiana .


It is safe to say that practically the whole of the clergy charged with the cure of souls remained at their posts until driven into exile by the Decree of August 26, 1792. Previous to that date, however, a few ecclesiastics who had lost their occupation such as dignitaries, preachers , professors or chaplains sought a refuge abroad from the evils they shrewdly foresaw . Only to these can the term émigré justly apply, emigration implying volition; but to apply it indiscriminately to all the clergy who found an asylum in this country would appear to cast a reflection on the great body of parish priests and curates who loyally stuck to their posts to the very last in the hour of persecution . For this reason the term refugee has been uniformly used throughout this paper, quoted matter excepted .




No. IV.


In the Society's fourth volume, issued in 1907, were printed the Baptismal Registers of the missions of Robert Hall and Hornby, Lancashire , together with an historical account of the missions , by the late Rt . Rev. Monsignor William Wrennall . was thought at that time that these were the only records which were in existence , but on making a search a few years ago the writer was shown , in addition to other papers , a register of marriages and deaths from 1762 to 1818. As these form a valuable addition for the genealogist they are printed below. It is also considered desirable to place on record that two other items of considerable interest were found, but as they are somewhat lengthy they are not printed . The first consists of lists of the congregation in 1811 and 1813 , and continuously from 1817 to 1836, and the second of a yearly list of Retributiones, which contains long lists of subscriptions or fees, marked X Dono," and offerings for Masses, marked " Pro An. All these "Registers and documents are now preserved in the Presbytery of St. Mary's, Hornby. Some genealogical footnotes have been added by the writer . Thanks are due to the Rev. Francis J. Rawlinson for the subjoined particulars and for kindly checkingthe proofs .





THE REGISTERS. The old Registers now preserved at the Hornby mission consist of four books , as follows: No. relates to the mission of Robert Hall , and is composed of leaves from an octavo note-book, 8 x 6 inches . Page I gives a short list of fourteen Masses said (in 1757 and 1758 ) on certain deaths or anniversaries : then the names of twelve persons confirmed at Hornby, 1762 (see infra ) , followed by a list of baptisms 1757 to 1803 ; this list at Robert Hall, continued on pp. 2 , to 24 from has already been printed in C.R.S. iv, pp. 325 to 330. Page 12 has a single entry a marriage at Robert Hall (see infra) . [ Pages 6, 14 , 16, 18, 20 are blank. ]






relates also to Robert Hall, and is composed of eight pages, inches . 6x4Pages 1 and 2 give baptisms at Robert Hall by the Rev. Arthur Story from 1809 to 1811 (already printed in Vol . iv, pp. 330-331 ). Page 3 gives seven masses of obligation at Robert Hall (pages 4 and 5 are blank: page 6 has some dates noted , without any explanation) .



Pages 7 and 8 give four baptisms in 1816 and 1817 by the Rev. James Worswick, incorporated by the Rev. John Lingard in his Register (C.R.S. , iv, p. 342 ) , without any special indication . Probably Father Worswick was then supplying for him, as by this time Robert Hall had been added to the Hornby district.


relates to Hornby, and is a volume measuring 8 × 6 inches ,

III in boards , with parchment back. The pages are numbered from each

end . Pages 1 to 37, 68 to 71 , and 102-103 are occupied with Baptisms, 1762 to 1836 (printed in Vol . iv, pp. 331 to 347) . Page 104 is blank . Pages 38 and 39 have lists of Confirmations in 1813 and 1821 respectively, and page 74 those for 1831 (see infra). Pages 77-78 have marriage entries, 1762 to 1798 (see infra). Pages 79 and 80, List of Communicantsin 1811 : page 81 blank. Page 82 contains four entries, rewritten on page 92. Page 83 has two marriage entries for 1813 (see infra). A page marked goa, with three pages inserted and marked gob, goc , god, followed by pp. 91-92, constitute an Obituary, 1762-1818

(see infra).

Pages 96-101 give Easter Communicants in 1832 , 1833 , and 1834. Pages 105 to 110 contain a census of the Catholic parishioners in 1763, entitled Nomina Singulorum in Mea Congregatione 1763 (see

infra) .

Pages 111-117 are devoted to other census lists and names of Easter Communicantsin 1811 , 1832, 1835, 1836. The book is then reversed , the pages being numbered from 1B to 43B. ] [Pages 1B to 38B give lists of masses said, with dates and stipends ,

from 1764 to 1795.

Pages 39B to 43B give lists of Easter Communicants, 1819 and 1820 .

No. IV also relates to Hornby, and is a volume , 8x6 inches , bound in half calf, with marbled sides. Page as title-page, bearing Baptismal Register , etc. , for the Catholic Chapel at Hornby, 1837. Pages 2-4 are blank . Pages 5 to 73 give lists of Easter Communicantsfrom 1837 to 1863. Pages 64 to 67 left blank for 1861 census but not filled in. This is the only census missing between these dates . Two marked 1747 and 1748 evidently mistaken for 1847-48 (Dr. Lingard was close on 80 years of age at this time). Pages 74 to 86 contain entries of Baptisms; page 81 is duplicated, the second being marked 81a . This register extends from 1837 to 1855, when a printed register was taken into use. The entries up to December , 1850, have been printed in Vol . iv, pp. 348-351 , but without any indication that they are not in the same book as those on pp. 340-348 of that volume. Pages 87 to 102 give lists of Easter Communicants from 1863 to 1865. Remainder of volume blank. is known that Dr. Lingard was in Rome in 1817. Brother Henry Foley says : The practice of keeping the names of Paschal penitents was continued at the old missions till very lately, and is enjoined in the ritual printed at York in 1828 (Records, S.J. , viii, 1406) .











[Book No. I, p. 1.] 18 June

Anniversary Aug. Sept. Octer 9


Mortui 1757 Albert Hodgson .


Helen Richardson a word illegible] Helen Banes anni Mrs Ann Walmesley




Hen . Fallowfield C Issabel Fd Thos . Brockholes


Ben : Infra

I Aug. Sepr


2-6 -O

Eliz: Aral Fd Mary Golden Eliz. Eccleston Ann

1758 Jan.



2-6 Sac


Thos. Chambers Gul. Anderson

Sac . Sac.

CONFIRMATIONS. . Confirmed continued at Hornby, 2d Feb., 1762. ] [p. , Richd Baynes [iljii Jo Baynes James Baynes of Ann Bateson adult Wm Layfield fii Jo Layfield Ann Layfield of Caton Grace Wilcock Margaret Layfield uxor Gul Layfield Eliz Townson ] ia J. Townson, Littledale Charles Malby Eliz Croft Mrs Frances Towers Sarah Dixon








[MARRIAGE.] Married Oct 13th 1799 Adam Scife & Anne Unsworth by me Jas. Marsh.

[p. 12.]

[Book No. II , p. 3. ]


Obligations at Robt Hall. February 6th Edward Bullen February 13th Agnes Bullen 2


* These

' Confirmations would be by Bishop Francis Petre Episcopus

Amoriensis in partibus , who did not have a coadjutor till 1767.


See C.R.S. , iv, 321. These two obligations have been transferred to St Peter's Cathedral ,



February 24th March 2d March 6th August 31st October 27th

Jno Gerard 1769 Eliz . Cansfield Robt Gerard 1784 Jno Garnet Lady Clare Gerard



4 5 7


Four baptisms by Fr. James Worswick .] [pp. 7 and 8.] Ed. Hodgson July 13 Margaret Leeming or Abbotson July 29 * Mich . Scafe June 5, 1817 Peter Geoffry Richardson June 20, 1817.



CONFIRMATIONS .] . 38. ] Confirmati Sep. 17, 1813, apud Hornby. Book No. , p [ 24. Agnes Beetham I. Agnes Bond 25. M(sic ) Wilding 2. Mary Herst 26. Jane Cornthwaite 3. Thomas Abbotson 4. John Cornthwaite 27. (blank) Ball 28. (blank) Ball 5. John Carter 6. John Welding 29. (blank) Ball 30. Elis. Ábbotson 7. Ellen Welding 31. Ed. Elwood 8. Elisabeth Brown 32. Jane Billington 9. Ann Scafe 10. Elisabeth Billington 33. (blank) Hall 34. Jane Hodson . Elisabeth Leeming 35. Helen Brown 12. Alice Layfield 13. Margaret Leeming 36. Jane Layfield 14. Helen Wilson 37. Margt. Layfield 15. (blank) Hodkinson 38. Barb . Wilson 16. (blank) Hodkinson 39. Rich . Lucas 17. (blank) Hodkinson 40. Marg. Unsworth 18. Jane Smith 19. Mary Brown Hi quadragintacon20. Mary Stanley firmationis sacramentum 21. Elisabeth Rainforth acciperunt die 17 Sep. 1813 ab illustmo, et Revmo 22. James Brown episcopo Acanthensi. + 23. Ann beetham




Dec: 1821. [p. 39. ] Confirmati Lancastrio Die5.4 Ellen Brown Elisabeth Seed


2. Will : Wharton 3. Ann Seed 4. Mary Seed

6. Thomas Baines 7. Mary Baines 8. Henry Walmesley

* Year not stated, but Dr. Lingard put these under 1816 in his list

(C.R.S. , iv, 342).

This was Bishop William Gibson. Consecrated 5 Dec. , 1790, in the chapel of Lulworth Castle by Bp . Walmesley; Dr. John Milner preached the sermon. Died 2 June, 1821, aged 84; buried at Ushaw.



9. Richard Welding

10. Richard Herst

14. Rob : Herst 15. Peter Wharton

. Wm . Birchall II 12. Mary Wharton

A Revsimo Thoma Episcopo Bolinensi . *

13. Elis: Herst

[p. 74]

Christ : Danson James Danson Ellen Danson Ann Danson Margt : Abbotson Jane Layfield John Hetherington Alice Arrowsmith Ann Hall Thomas Hall Agnes Stanley Elizabeth Hall

Confirmati 1831.

Henry Knowles Margaret Swindler Richard Baines Alice Baines Ellen Baines Henry Herst

Ann Herst James Herst Nicholas Hetherington Isabella Hetherington Margaret Hetherington Elizabeth Hetherington

[p. 77] [MARRIAGES .] John Dobson to Alice Croft Nov. 24, 1762. John Coulston to Molly Wilson of Wray the 11th of Aprill, 1763. In presence of William Cornthwaite & his wife. Nov 7th, 1763. Peter Walton to Mary Williamson of Cansfield. Jany 9 , 1764. Adam Levey to Jean Wilkinson. May 11, 1765. Joseph Wilson to Eliz Wilson of Hornby. Augt 24th, 1766. James Cornthwaite of Caton to Ann Hudson of Bulk . Jany 11, 1767. Ignatius Walmsley of Tongue More to Barbara Wilson of Broomfield .

April: 3d, 1769. Joseph Shepherd of Wray to Jane Nicholson of Wray.

Octobr 21, 1770. Thos Tompleson of Capenborrough Hall in ye Parish of Kellet To Barbara Culsha of Hornby. April 7th, 1771. Richard Wilson to Mary Davis.

July 3d, 1771. Rd Kirkham to Ann Leyfield.

April 23, 1775. Henry Croft to Ann Martin. July 21, 1776. Richard Layfield to Martha Tourner. May 15, 1778. Hillary Ashton to Elizabeth Horsfall. July 9th, 1783. Bryan Rainforth to Margaret Wharton. P. 78 Jany 17th, 1784. John Ball of Farlton to Jane Cornthwaite

[ of]Lancaster.

Bishop Thomas Smith, of the See of Bolina , in Achaia in partibus, coadjutor to Bp. Gibson, whom he succeeded . The exact date is not stated. As Bp. Thomas Smith , who died on 30 July, 1831, had been infirm since the appointment of his coadjutor , Dr. Thomas Penswick (Bp. of Europum in partibus), in 1823, the Confirmations would have been by the latter in any case.



1785, Feby .

Edward Walmsley of Hornby to Ann Newsham of Hornby. Feby 4, 1785. Robert Cornthwaite of Claughton to Mary Ball * of Farlton. Nov. 27, 1786. William Ellinwoodto Elizabeth Cock of Robert Hall. April 23, 1787. Jonathan Coulson & Elizabeth Cotteral of Hornby.

Feby 3, 1788. Thos Hodghkinson & Alice Beumont of Caton. Feby 9, 1791. Thos Connelly & Jane ( blank) of Hornby. March 1 , 1791. John (blank) & Mary Cock of Robert Hall. June 7th, 1792. Thomas Layfield & Alice Croft of Smeashall. May 20, 1793. John Cock & Ann Bowment of Tautham . Sep 29 , 1793. George Brown & Dorothy Ireling of Arkholme. Aug 3, 1795. Ed. Layfield & Ann Newton of Hornby. July 3, 1796. James Ball & Alice Alison of Claughton. Augt 14, 1797. Robert Cornthwaite & Ann Smith, Claughton. July 22, 1798. John Franchland & Sara Laon, farlington.

83 1813, Aug: 20. Matrimonio conjunxi Jacobum Stanley et [p. Mariam ] Brown de Lane House prope Argholme. 1813, Octo 24.

Matrimonioconjunxi Joannem Layfield de Hornby vid et Helenam More de Wray viduam .


p. 90a Anno Dñi 1762. Mortui. Sep : ye 3. Richard Sharpless. Oct. ye 24th. Betty Wilson . 1762.



Oct. ye 25th. Eliz. Wharton. May ye 27th, 1763. William Parkinson. July ye 6th, 1763. Mark Mulneux Hybernus et advena. October ye 7th. John Walmsley ex Farlton. Decemberye 22d, 1763. Thomas Townson ex Littledale. January ye 18th, 1764. Ed : Layfield x Hornby. April ye 28th. James Sykes x Claughton. May ye 23d, 1764. Mary Dobson x Hornby. June ye 6th, 1764. Margret Abraham x Black Burton. Sept. ye 13, 1764. Joseph Wilson x Broomfield . March ye 21 , 1765. Peter Walmsley of Caton. July ye 4th, 1766. Mary Walmsley widow of Caton. Oct. ye 26th, 1766. Ellen Pemberton of Kellot. * Feby 14th, 1767. Jane Coulson of Wray. June 15th, 1767. Molly Livesey of Hornby. July 12th, 1767. Robert Layfield drownd in Lune at Claugh... Augt 26th, 1767. Jane Wharton at Hornby. Nov 2, 1768. (blank) Cornthwaite of Caton. March ye 6th, 1769. Jonathan Coulson junior. April 16th, 1769. Ellen Townson of Cravens. June 21 , 1769. John Coulson of Wray, aged 84. Grandparents of Bishop Robert Cornthwaite (b. 1818, d. 1890). * Now " Kellet."



p. 90b ] Nov 21st, 1769. Margaret Loftus at Cravens in Littledale. [Dec 1st, 1769. Gabriel Coulson* of Helot in Roberandale. Dec 29, 1770. Mr Wm Maidwell of Hornby. January 3d, 1771. Mrs Elizabeth Wilson of Hornby. March 26th, 1771. Diaconus D'ns Gull Shaw of Lancaster. July 26th, 1771. Thomas Wharton of Hornby. Aug: 5, 1772. Rd Livesey of Hornby. 1772. Peter Wharton of Hornby. Do. Novbr 5, 1772. Bryan Cornthwaite of Caton. Decr 7, 1772. Michael Layfield of Claughton . Dec 15, 1772. Mary Winder of Caton. July 9, 1773. Elizabeth Wilson of Archolm . April 14, 1774. Thos Layfield of Caton. Jany 26, 1775. Priscilla Hirst of Whittington. March 29, 1775. John Croft of Daleside. Augt 19, 1775. Ann Wilson of Archolm . Feby 29, 1776. Peter Wharton of Hornby. May 30, 1776. Mary Coulson of Wray. April 16th, 1777. Robert Townson of Claughton. Aprill 28th, 1777. Mrs Fenwick of Hornby. June 21st [blank] . Richard Leyfield of Caton. April 3d [blank . Alice Walmsley of Claughton. [p. 90c] Jany 7th, 1779. Mary Leyfield of Hornby. May 9th, 1779. Jane Waterhouse of Quarmore. Feby 6th, 1780. Mary Forrest of Hornby. May 1st, 1780. John Wilson of Archolm. May 2, 1780. John Layfield of Caton. June 10th, 1780. Lancelot Wilson of Broomfield . Augt 30, 1781 . Gilbert Kirkham of Hornby. Jany 7th, 1782. Jonathan Coulson Sen" of Hornby. April 21, 1782. Elizabeth Coulson of Hornby. July 15, 1782 . Edward Dixon of Caton. July 30th, 1783. Wm Cornthwaite § of Claughton. Octor 30th, 1783. Henry Croft of Cloughton. Sept 2, 1784. John Parkinson of Claughton. Sept 28, 1784. Teresia Holden of Hornby. May 18, 1785. Ed. Pemberton of Caton. Oct 8, 1785. John Wilson of Caton. Oct 29th, 1785. Isabella Brown of Lawkland , Yorkshire . Dec 23 , 1785. Thos. Bond of Lawkland , Yorkshire . Feby 10th, 1786. Rd Dixon of Caton. May ye 19th, 1786. Rebecca Coulson of Wray. Augt 31. Charles Howard , Duke of Norfolk. Sept 6. Miss Ann Fisher of Tunstal. Oct 17. Jane Layfield of Caton.



of the noted banker, John Coulston ( b. 1796, d. 1866). * Great-grandfather Great-great-grandfather of Bishop Robert Cornthwaite b . 1818, d. 1890). (

Foundress of Hornby Mission ( C.R.S. , iv, 322). § Great -grandfather of Bishop Cornthwaite .


[p. 9od] January 5th, 1787. John Townson of Littledale. April 3, 1787. Elizabeth Turner of Wray. Nov 21, 1787. Jane Dixon of Caton. Nov 26th, 1787. John Weaver of Hornby. Dec 24th, 1787. William Dobson of Hornby. Feby 4, 1788. Jane Coulson of Hornby. Feby 13 , 1788. Richard Layfield of Caton. Feby 18, 1788. Elizabeth Layfield of Caton. Do. 21st 1788. Christopher Layfield of Caton. Augt 23, 1788 . Sarah Kirkham of Hornby. Sepr 7, 1788. John Ingilby of Austwick. Sep 20, 1788. Cuthbert Proctor of Farlton. Oct 30, 1788. Thomas Culshew of Farlton. Nov 1st, 1788. Catherine Coulson of Hornby. Nov 2, 1788. Jane Coulson of Hornby. Nov 30, 1788. Thomas Waterhouse of Caton.

Feby 10, 1790 . Edward Walmsley of Caton. Feby 11, 1790. Isabella Wilson of Wray. April 9, 1790. Lancelot Wilden of Tunstal a child May ye 13th, 1790. Ann Walmsley of Hornby a child Sept 14 , 1790. John Martin of Hornby. Feby 4, 1790. Agness Nowel of Farlton. Apr 17, 1791. Jane Parkinson of Hornby. October 11, 1791. Eliz : Wilson of Caton. October 11 , 1791. Thomas Culshaw of Snabb. November 18, 1791. James Layfield of Hornby. Febry 17, 1792. Henry Crofts of Ellot (sic) p. 91 May ye 7th, 1792. Mary Whittle of Askrigg. May 16th, 1792. James Fisher of Hornby. June 5, 1792. Ann Rainforth of Hornby. Augt 4, 1792 . James Brown of Archolme drowned in Lune. Dec 14, 1792. John Bains of Burton. Dr 25th, 1792 . Jane Holden of Elliot. Feby 16, 1793. Wm Billington of Caton. Feby 25th, 1793. James Newsham of Hornby. March 13, 1793. Alice Fisher of Wrayton. Apil 3, 1793. William Stars (or Stors) of Wray. April 26, 1793. Grace Wilcock of Hornby. May 1st, 1793. Richard Sandwell of Caton. May 9th, 1793. Mary Rainforth of Hornby. June 8th, 1793. William Pennington Priest of Robert Hall. April 12, 1795. Ann Dixon of Caton. Feby 19, 1796. Mary Cornthwaite * of Claughton. feb. 25. George Kilshaw of hornby. feb. 25. hilary Ashton (?) of Cosback. November 15. Mary Etherington Aughton 1795. 1796 Claughton. March 15. Elizabeth Cornthwaite May 7. helen Cornthwaite 1796 do .



of Bishop Cornthwaite . * Grandmother Great-grandmother of Bishop Cornthwaite .




Aughton Loker or Laker

January 1st, 1797. helen etherington May 5th. Ann Wilden July 16. Elizabethharling

hornby hrby hnby Aughton

p. 92] 1797 , July 30. George Leaming [1797 , December 22. Ann Wamsley William Etherington Martha Layfield

1798 , May 25.

June 1st


1812, March 23. James Fisher aged 93 1812 , Nov. 17 . Alice Layfield 1813 , Sep. 30. Eliz: Turner

Wrayton Hornby Gressingham

John Faithwaite Brian Rainforth Thos Layfield Mary Wilson Ellen Ellershaw James Unsworth


1814, Sep. 20. 1815, June 12. Augt 15. 1817 1818

Littledale Hornby Hornby Caton


Cansfield Argholm Claughton Tatham

Nic : Wilding March 28. Thos: Layfield Ann Hardiker Mrs Billington


[p. 105]

Nomina Singulorum In Mea Congregatione. 1763 .


Mrs Fenwick

Ann Layfield



Aggy Roe Jenny Wilkinson scored

] Betty I I Ellin Jackson Adam Levey Thos Travis scored] I [John I Kirkham I Lantcelot Wilson I Thos Brogdon I Peter & Margaret Wharton 2 Sarah Wignal Servant I Jane Parkinson I Parkinson Daughter Betty I Nanny Kirkham [ Waller

Mary Forrest

Mrs Touers [James scored, Charles over ] Mally apprentice Mary Dobson Molly Brogdon


I I 27

I 19


Betty Rainforth and her son [p. 106]Jack Rainforth Molly Rainforth Elizabeth Wilson Will Maidwell Richard Kirkham & sister Mrs Bradley & her Daughters Thos Clarkson Will Dobson wife & children John Touers Will Layfield wife & child Mrs Kerkham


I I I I 2







Black Burton: 22 John Abrahams wife & children Cansfield: Mrs [Garner scored] Huddleston & children





[Molly Williamson scored]


John Coulston Jean Coulston Mary Coulston Rebecca Coulston



2 (sic) 5


17 Isabell Wilson [p. 107]Betty Turner


Martha Turner Daughter Margaret Botherston scored Richard Turner



Molly Turner

|| I



I (sic)


Claughton :

Will & Betty Cornthwaite Robert Layfield

Mary Layfield

James Newsham & wife

Mich. Layfield's wife & children Snab John Culsha

Arram: *

Lanct Wilson wife & children

Dorathy Wilson Daughter Barbara Wilson Daughter

John Wilson Son Farlton: John Walmsley scored & wife


[Betty Harling



I ―








] I [2 scored 6 I



is the name of a house over the * Snab Arram is Arkholme day



44 (sic)

Lune opposite Claughton.



Roberandale : [p. 108]Edward Pemberton & wife [one scored child


John Coulston & wife Jonathan Coulston Junior Margaret Botherston Eliz Marsden Caton :






Mary Samples Mary Winder Ned Walmsley Bryan Cornthwaite wife & 3 grand children James Cornthwaite Son Thomas Cornthwaite Son

Martha Walling Betty Walling Ellin Walling Ann Ball Sally Dixon Thomas Layfield








I -

I I - 4 I I I 2 I I 15 87

Richard Layfield [p. 109]John , William over] Layfield I [ Sonscored of John Layfield I Mary Walmsley I Betty Pennington I Mrs Row

Molly Smith

] Littledale:

p 110


Hen. Croft & wife John Croft

Harry Croft Mary Croft

Robt Townson & wife Jean Townson John Townson Junior Eliz Townson Grace Willcock

James Walmsley Ralph Thompson & wife Eliz Coulson Gabriel Coulson wife & child blank Coulson [Pattison Towers wife & children John Touers Son


67 27


93 2


I I I 2

I I I I I `2

4 Ι








Ι --



ADDENDUM. The following item of Catholic interest is found in the Hornby Parish Register (1742 to 1789 ), printed in vol. 59 (1922 ) of the Parish Register Society of Lancashire (p. 34) :

A Register of Roman Catholics. John s. of John and Ann Weaver of Hornby - born 25 March, 1782. Agnes d. of John & Ann Weaver of Hornby born 11 Sep: 1787. Exciseman at Bell's children Wray Mr . Jane d . of James & Anne Bell baptized 15 June 1790.




In the same volume are noted the following burials in other



Caton: 2 February, 1700 . Claughton:

" Ellin Foxcroft, of Littledale, Papist ."

John, s . of Wm & Mary Forest, of Hornby 4 February, 1807. a Roman Catholic . Mary Cornthwaite , a Rom. Cathe aged 17. 4 April, 1808.




Tatham : 2 October, 1716.



" William Verah , papist."


No. V.



DIOCESE OF YORK , 1735 . CONTRIBUTED BY RICHARD TRAPPES-LOMAX . INTRODUCTION. These Records are contained in twelve rolls or bundles , made up more or less according to Archdeaconries and Deaneries , and are preserved among the Archives of the Archdiocese of York at Bishopthorpe. The thanks of the Society are due to the Archbishop for permitting their publication. For convenience of reference the Parishes and Chapelries have been arranged in one alphabetical list with the name of the Deaneryfollowing the name of the Parish or Chapelry. In 1735 the Diocese of York comprised (i) the whole of Yorkshire, with the exception of the Archdeaconry of Richmond which was removed from the Diocese in 1542 and added to the Diocese of Chester when that diocese was formed: (ii) the whole of Nottinghamshire, (iii) that part of Northumberland known as Hexhamshire. The Diocese was divided into four Archdeaconries , viz ., York, Cleveland, the East Riding and Nottingham . The Archdeaconry of York contained the Deaneries of the City of York, New Ainsty, Old Ainsty, Pontefract, Craven , and Doncaster. The Archdeaconryof Cleveland contained the Deaneries of Bulmer, Cleveland , and Ryedale. The Archdeaconry of the East Riding comprised the Deaneries of Buckrose , Dickering, Harthill, and Holderness : while the Archdeaconry of Nottingham consisted of the Deaneries of Bingham, Newark, Nottingham, and Retford. Hexhamshire and Ripon were outside any Archdeaconry. Visitations by the Archbishop were regularly made from time to time : thus there were Visitations in 1706 ( part of which is printed hereafter as an Appendix) , 1733 , 1743, and 1767. Parts of the Returns for 1735 and for 1767 were printed in the Northern Genealogist, vol . 3 , and the Returns for 1735 were reprinted in vol. 4 of the Catholic Record Society. The Returns for 1743 have recently been printed by the Yorkshire Archæological Society (Record Series) in vols . lxxi , lxxii , lxxv, and lxxvii. The Returns for 1735 are of special interest and importance, as they give the names of the Recusants the others, as a rule, only give their



numbers .


The Visitation Returns of 1735 were made by order of Archbishop Lancelot Blackburn (1658-1743 ), who became Archbishop of York in 1724.

Unhappily the Returns are by no means complete : for of the 903 parishes in the diocese there are returns relating only to 578. There are 509 returns; the difference is accounted for by several returns being for



2 or more parishes .

It seems likely that many of the Clergy omitted to makereturns through unwillingnessto get their neighbours into trouble. Out of the total number of Parishes (and Chapelries ) 260 contain no Recusants : 52 have only one Recusant in each : the greatest number of Recusants in any one Parish is at Egton, where there are 135 , next comes Ripon with 116 , Coxwold with 97, Sheffield with 82, Hexham with 80, Mytton with 77, Crathorne with 62, Yarm with 59, Spofforth with 58, and Lythe with 53. There were 50 in Burstwick and Paull . The remainder had less than 50 Recusants apiece. An attempt has been made in the notes to identify as many names as possible , both of laymen and the Missionary Priests. The reader should amplifythese by reference to Estcourt and Payne's Catholic Non-Jurors of 1715, to Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary, to Foley's Records S.J., to Birt's Obituaries O.S.B. , to Kirk's Lives, to Thaddeus's Franciscans in England, and to various papers in the publications of the Catholic Record Society; and above all to Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns of 1743 (referred to above) , edited by Canon Ollard and the Rev. P. C. Walker . This, and especially Appendix A in the fourth volume, has been of the greatest use to the Editor, and he gratefully acknowledges the help he has received from their work. The MS. has been printed exactly as it stands in the original, with two exceptions , viz . (1 ) some punctuation has been added for the sakeof clearness ; and (ii) in the case of Nil returns, the long questions and " detailed answers have generally not been reproduced ; but the fact that there were no Recusants is just noted by the use of the word " None." This compression may be justified on the score of economy of space. Our late member , Mr. P. B. TURNBULL, took a special interest in these Returns, as his family now represents the Smiths of Egton Bridge mentioned therein. Mr. Turnbull contributed generously towards the expense of transcription in preparing these Returns for the Press. In conclusion , it is a duty and a pleasure to place on record the friendly and kind offices of Canon Ollard, Rector of Bainton, co . York, in arranging for permission to be given for the transcribing and printing of these Visitation Returns. The Society owes him a debt of gratitude, and to him as a real benefactor tenders its cordial thanks. should also like to place on record the very considerable help have received from our Secretary, Mr. WILTON. As a native of the West Riding (born at Milford Hall in Kirkby Wharfe) , and as a former Clergyman in Yorkshire, holding the Cures of Burnby and Londesborough, his knowledge of Yorkshire Topography and Ecclesiastical affairs has been invaluable to me knowledge only equalled by the deep interest he has taken in the production of these papers . R. T.-L.





For the purposes of this Visitation the following questions were circulated among the Clergy. Enquiries . 1. What number of papists or supposed papists have you in your parish , Men, Women, and Children above the age of thirteen years : return their Names, Titles, Distinctions, or Trades in pursuance of the 114th Canon. 2. Is there any popish priest, or any persons supposed to be such, who constantlyDwell in your parish, or are Sojourners there and return their Names.



3. Is there any House or place in your parish in which Mass is understood to be performed , and to which there is a resort of papists on the Lord's Day, or at any other time. 4. Is there any popish School within your parish for persons of Either Sex and by whom Kept . 5. Hath any Visitation or Confirmation been understood to have been held by any popish Bishop within your parish . 6. Doe you know of Any persons who have been perverted to the popish Religion , and by whome and when. His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York desires and expects that every Clergyman make an exact and particular Return in writing signed by him to the Enquiries above mentioned , on or before Michaelmas Day next, at the Registers, Mr Brathwait's office in York. John Dealtary, Curate of Bugthorp. Aberford New Ainsty.


Tadcaster, Sepr. 29, 1735. Sir, In pursuance of the Order given at the last Visitation, here send you an Answer to the several Articles of Enquiry concerning the Papists, as punctual, as by a diligent Search thro the Parish of Abberford I have been able to make it . am, Sir, Yr most humble Servt . J. Ray. An answer to the first and 2d Articles is as follows. In that part of the town of Abberford wch. belongs to the Parish of Abberford are the following Papists John Bell, a taylor the wife of Thos. Smith, labourer Thomas Simpson , grocer, and his wife, and Mary his daughter Anne Price, a boarder with Thos . Simpson, grocer Davis, a reputed Priest living with Thos. Simpson , grocer Hannah Bell and Anne her daughter Elizabeth , wife of Gabriel Thomlinson, shoemaker Anthony Saxton, a farmerStephen Bustard, taylor, and his wife Richard Pepper , labourer , & his wife Mary the daughter of Elizabeth Chandler, inn holderAnne Ellison , servant maid to Thos. Simpson, grocer Gertrude Ellison , servant maid to Anthony Saxton , farmer. In That part of the Town of Abberford [wch. ] is in the Parish of Sherburn . In the Town of Parlington in the Parish of Abberford areSir Edward Gascoign , Baronet , and his Lady Jonathan Gladall , butler to Sr Ed. Gascoign John Pickering, stable groom Nicholas Le Beck, cook Nicholas Banes , porter Frances Johnson, chamber maid Mary Withering housekeeper Jane Richardson, the lady's maid Ann Milner, a chamber maid Ann Lassey , cook maid the laundress, cd. not learn her name Rogers, suppos'd chaplain to Sr Ed M Hammond , a boarder wth Sr Ed John Cheatham,




- -

. * I-















am unable to identify this Priest . Sixth Baronet ; he succeeded his father in 1723 and died 1750. His wife was Mary, daughter of Sir Francis Hungate, 4th Bart . of Saxton, co. York. (Cokayne's Complete Baronetage ). Dom Edward Dunstan Rogers , O.S.B .; sent to Parlington in 1731, and died there 1746 (Birt's Obit. Book of English Benedictines ).




his servt Robert Hartley, merchant , and Jane his daughterTemperance, the wife of Robert Thorns, farmer Eleanor, the wife of John Sparling, carpenter Elizabeth Hewit, widow John Hunter, labourer , and Frances his wife, and a daughter Paul Gilmore, a reputed Priest Mary Bywater , widow Richard Hastings, uncertain whether 13 years old or not George Barker , farmer, and Barbara his wife. Answer to the 3d Article, Mass is said to be perform'd in the House of Sr. Ed. Gascoign in Parlington by Rogers, his Chaplain, and in the same town by Mr Paul Gilmore, a reputed Priest, at his own lodging . Answer to the 4th Article. does not appear that any Popish School is taught in the Parish , but there are grounds of suspicion that Paul Gilmore above mention'd is guilty of such a practice . Answer to the 5th Article . No. Answer to the 6th Article. Can hear of none that have been perverted for several years past, but one or two at the point of Death abt. 4 years since. Witness my hand J. Ray . To be inserted into the List of Papists belonging to Abberford Parish the son of Mr Le Beck, cook to Sr. Ed . Gascoign. Witness J. Ray .







Acaster Malbis New Ainsty. Pursuant to the Injunctions given us in Charge by his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York at the Visitation held in June 1735 To return the Number of Papists or Supposed Papists within each Parish &c. 1 In the Parish of Acaster Malbis & Archdeaconry of York hereby present Robert Marfield by trade a tayler, & Simon Tasker, a wheelwright , as Popish Recusants. Besides wch two we have no Papists or reputed Papists, neither Men, Women, nor Children that know of. 2-6. None. Witness my hand the 22 day of Sepr. 1735 . James Addison , Minr . of Acaster Malbis . Acklam Buckrose. William Mills Vicar of Acklam returns a particular Answer to the Enquiries exhibited by his Grace the Lord Arch- Bishop of York . 6. None. Witness my hand this tenth day of September 1735 . William Mills, Vicar of Acklam.








Acklam , and Middlesbrough Cleveland . Art : the first. Wee have two Papists in our Parish whose names

* Dom. Robert Paul Gilmore, O.S.B. , professed 1685, died 1748 (Birt's

Obits ., O.S.B.).



are Mary, the wife of Thos. Page , a farmer , and Mary, the wife of John Clarke, a waterman : these we have and no more in the Parish of Acklam and Middlesbrough. Art : 2-6. None. As witness my hand, M. Richards , Curt . Ackworth Pontefract. Sept. 23 , 1735 . have not one Papist within my Parish, and can with a very Sr. Safe conscience answer in the Negative to all the Interrogatories demanded, in that point, by the Lord Arch-Bishop. am, Sr, Yr most obedient most oblig'd humble Servant




Will. Key.

Acomb New Ainsty. Q. 1. According to order I've made Enquiry and have found three papists in ye Parish of Acomb, ( viz) ye wife & daughter of Jno . Cass , and ye wife of Jno. Brown , both Ale Keepers, at Dring houses . Q. 2-6 : Answer, None. Witness my hand, to wt . is above written ys 25th day of Septr. in ye Year of our Lord 1735. Joseph Somerscale Curate of Acomb. Addingham Craven . 1-6. NoneAs. Witness my Hand this 22nd Day of September 1735. Jas . Carr Rectr . of Addingham . Adel Old Ainsty. 1-6. None. John Hopkinson, Curate of Addle . Sept : the 5th 1735 . Adlingfleet Pontefract. 1-6. NoneAs. Witness my hand , John Briggs, Curate of Adlingfleet . Adwick on Dern Doncaster. Certein Enquiries wth the answers to ' em According to order last





Visitation. Ans. 1-6. None.

Will : Twilley, Curate. Septbr. 16, 1735. Aldbrough (with Boroughbridge & Dunsforth ), W.R.* Parish of Aldbrough . An Answer to ye Enquiries of his Grace ye Lord Archbishop of York, concerning Popish Recusants. * In the Diocese of Chester. There was a Catholic Mission here, supported by the Meynell family, till the death of George Meynell in 1748. (Note by Canon Ollard in Appendix A, vol. 4 of Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns, 1743, Yorks . Arch. Soc.) From 1728 to 1736 the priest was Rev. Will . Addison alias Hildreth ( Gillow, Dict . Eng. Cath., vol. 5).



To ye rst Enquiry.

Absolute Recusants. Margaret Sparrow, Widow. Jno . Lonsdale, Carpenter his Wife. Edward Ingram, Husbandman his Wife. Frances, Wife of John Ibbotson, Husbandman. Wilm Lonsdale, Carpenter his Wife. John Gray, Husbandman. Charles Lowry, Husbandman. Ambrose Jackson, Gent . his Wife. Alice Walker , Grocer. James Swale, An Apprentice to a Bridle-

- -

In ye Chapelry of Borough- bridge

within ye sd . Parish.

Cutter. John Thorp , An Apprentice to a Taylor.

In ye Chapelry of

Dunsforth within ye sd. Parish

. 2-5 To ye 6th

None. None.


The Wives of John & Wilm Lonsdale have been lately perverted , & Alice Walker, but by whom I do not certainly know, Hen : Herd , Curate.

Aldbrough in Holderness Holderness . An exact & particular Return of All Papists, reputed Papists &c. in the Parish of Aldbrough in Holdernesse in the East Riding of


the County of York. Anne Wright, a poor widow Robt Holms, farmer, & Eliz: his wife Michael Champney, labr. , & Mary, his wife Anne Scriven, a poor widow Mark Hopwood, a dish turner Jno Jackson, labr., and Eliz :, his wife Henry Apleby, Mr Constable's coachman, & Anne, his wife Eliz :, the wife of Jno Bird Willm Cayley, farmer, & Eliz :, his wife . The husband forces her , I have good reason to believe, contrary to her inclination. Bryan Espinall, labr., Jno: Scriven , farmer , & Eliz :, his wife. These all live in our Village in the Parish of Aldbrough; the Village belongs to Mr Constable. Wee have no reputed Priests, nor places where Mass is understood to be performed ; no Papist Schools . Neither have heard of any Visitãon or Confirmãon that has been held these seven years last past. I thank God I have none that has been









perverted .

Jno : Browne, Vicar of Aldbrough. Witness Aldbrough , Sept. 22d 1735. Aldfield with Studley Ripon . To the following Enquiries pursuant to the 114th Canon, John Rakes, Curate of Aldfield with Studley , returns the following Answers. The Papists or supposed Papists in the Chappelry of Aldfield






with Studley above the age of thirteen years are six in number Aldfield three, viz. Philip Malthouse, joinir Mary Malt-in house , widow Mary, wife of John Sheldon in Studley three, viz. Patrick Wardlow, gardinir Anne, his wife Mary, wife of Thomas Horseman.


- --


2-6 . None.

Witness his hand . John Rakes. Septbr . 25, 1735. Allendale (Northumberland , Hexhamshire). In obedience to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York, the Underwritten do certifie as followeth . 1. There are five Papists in the Parish of Allendale , namely John Errington, a mason, and Anne his wife Margaret Armstrong , an aged widow Richard Allgood, a deputy Steward of the lead mines John Carr, a blacksmith. 2-6. None. Witness my hand this twenty seventh day of September



- 1735.

John Toppin , Curate of Allendale. Almondbury Pontefract. The Answer of Edward Rishton , Vicar of Almondbury, to certain Articles , Delivered to him, by ye Comand of his Grace ye Lord Archbishop of York. 1-6. None . Ed: Rishton , Vicar of Almondbury. September 12th 1735 .


Alne Bulmer. Sr. According to order have sent the names of the Papists in the Parish of Alne. There are only the Family of John Chapman in our Parish, viz. John Chapman, husbandman, Mary his Wife, and John their Son , who reside in Tollerton, as witness my hand Joseph Slack, Vicar of Alne. 7br. 27, 1735 .



Ryedale. Ampleford Sep. , 1735. A Return to the Enquiries made by his Grace the Lord ArchBishop of York in Relation to Papists & To the 1st We have in our Parish one Papist , or a Reputed Papist , whose Name is Thomas Thompson, by Trade a Carpenter, and has four Children agedabove Thirteen Years Brought up that Way; their Names are, Elizabeth , Ann , Martha,




William. None . . 2-6

By Ri: Man




1-6. A. None.


Vicr. of Ampleford, aforesd.

I.e., Ampleforth .

WM. Radcliffe , Curate of Anston .



Appleton-le- Street Ryedale. The Return of Wm Hebden Vicr. of Appletonto the SeveralEnquiries made by his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York concerning Papists. An Answer to The First Enquiry : We have but three Papists or Supposed Papists in our Parish that are above the Age of thirteen Years, viz : Wm. Bath & Mary his wife of the Township of Swinton-& Mary Harrison of Amotherley, all of them very poor persons: Wm. & Mary Bath are commonly employ'd in gathering Rags for the Paper-Mills, & Mary Harrison in carrying Sugar and Tobacco, Inkle * & Laces , & such like Small-Wares to sell in the Parish & Towns adjacent . The 2d Enq 5th Enq. None. The 6th Eng. know of no Persons that have been perverted to the Popish Religion in our Parish since came to . The Truth of the premisses is here faithfully attested this nineteenth day of September, 1735 by Wm Hebden, Vicr. of Appleton.






Appleton upon Wiske Cleveland . Sr Having made diligent enquiry after the Papists belonging to my Chappelry of Appleton upon Wisk according to the ArchBishop's order & desire return these five following , viz. Enq : 1. John Bell, a weaver, & Grace his wife James Hall, a farmer, & Wm. Hall, his son Frances, the wife of Tho. Green , a weaver. Enq : 2 Enq. 5. No. Enq: 6. Grace, the wife of John Bell, hath lately been perverted by her Husband to the Popish Religion. Tho : Warwick, Curate.







Arksey Doncaster. Sr. My Answer to Ld. Archbishop's Queries concerning Papists is as follows. Que. I. There is only one Papist in my Parish of Arksey . He is a journey man Tanner & a Batchelor . His name Rich. Creakhill. To Que. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th answer No. Que. 6. The sd . Richard Creakhill was bred up in the way of the Church of England . Tis about nine years since he went over to the Popish Religion , at which time he was about have not only endeavoured to fourty years of Age. convince him of his error (which he obstinately adheres to, for this reason, that he is fully satisfy'd in what he has done, & is resolved not to alter his opinion) but also enquired of him by whom & by what means he suffered himself to be drawn fm. the pure Communion he was brought up in, to such an Idolatrous, Superstitious & Corrupt Church as yt of Rome is : to which all the Answer



* Inkle is tape or braid .




obtain was, that he did not change his Religion Iatcould the Instance or perswasion of any person whatsoever,

but form'd a Resolution by himself, upon reading some

little Book which accidentally fell into his hands, at a

time wn. he had met with some hard and unnatural Usage fm. some of his relations, which ruined him in his Circumstances.

Sept. 24th 1735 .

Arksey ,

Tho : Rodwell , Vic .

Armley Old Ainsty.


In Obedience to the Commands of his Grace the Arch Bishop of

York I return Answer to the Articles delivered to us at the Visitation held at Tadcaster on the 10th Day of June as follows-

I- 6. None. Witness my Hand

Thomas Strother, Curate of Armley.

27 Augt. 35. Armthorp Doncaster.


Sept. 26th 1735

Sr. In Obedience to his Grace's Command by ye Reverend Mr Official , do humbly certify, that there is no Papist , or Popish I Recusant in ye Parish of Armthorp, Witness my hand this 26th day of Sept. Anno Dm . 1735. Robert Stuart, Rector.

Arncliff Craven .

Sir, There is no Papist, or suppos'd Papist in this Parish. The rest of the Enquiries are also to be answer'd in the Negative . Tho. Kay, Vicar. Aston Doncaster. There are no Papists in this Parish except Catherine ye Wife of James Hobson. 2-6. None. Gorge Wilks, Curate of Aston. Aston , Aug. ye 18th 1735. have Sent an Answer to ye Enquiries relating to ye Papists. Sr. am, Your humble Servt . G. Wilks. Aston , Aug. 18th 1735 .





Atwick and Nunkeeling Holderness . In Compliance to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's request, have made an exact and particular return to the Enquiries deliver'd to me at the Visitation of the worshipful Dr Dearing , Archdeacon of the East Riding of the County of York, held at Beverley August 5th 1735. Atwick Nunkeeling . 1. There is no Papist or supposed Papist in either of the Parishes of Atwick or Nunkeeling .






2-6. None. Witness my hand.

G. Gowndrill, Vicr. of Atwick and Minister of Nunkeeling . Septembr. 5th 1735.



Dickering .

1-6. None. Witness John Topham , Curate 10th of Sept. 1735.


Aughton & Ellerton Harthill. . 1-6. None Witness my hand Wm: Store , Minister of Aughton & Ellerton.


Badsworth Doncaster.


Aug: 30th 1735. 1-6. None.

Spencer Warren , Rector.

Bainton Harthill. An exact & particular return to the several Enquiries sent to & recev'd by me from his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York at the Visitation held in August last. 1-6. None. Sign'd me Septembr 15 1735 . , by Will : Hodson, Rector of Baynton.


New Ainsty. Sir,-In Answer to the Queries deliver'd to me at the last Visitation relating to Papists, I send this to acquaint you that after having made all proper Enquiry, do not find that, for many years past, there hath been any one Papist within my Parish of Bardsey, nor any one suspected to be such-& that herein I conceive a full Answer is contained to the several Interrogatories proposed to me in the Articles of Enquiry from his Grace the A: Bishop. I am Sr., Yr most humble Servt. Bardsey



James Scott . Bardsey, Sep. 27, 1735.

Barmby Marsh Harthill . We have but one Papist in our Chapelry, Hannah the wife of John Ramsey. Q. 2-6: None. Witness my hand the twentieth third day of September one Thousand Seven hundred and thirty five Joseph Tengate [ ? Fengate] Curate of Barmby Marsh.



In the original this parish is grouped with Bempton, Flamborough, and Fraistrop , and John Topham signs for the four under (the last of them) Auburn .




Barnburgh Doncaster. To the several Articles of Enquiry delivered to me at the Visitation of the Worshipful Thomas Hayter, Arch-deacon of [the Archdeaconry of York held in this present Year One thousand seven hundred and thirty five , Robert Ayde , Rector of Barnburgh in the County and Diocese of York , according to the best Information can get , do answer, as follows : In the Parish of Barnburgh there are these Popish Recusants; namely , Thomas More * Esquire, and Catherine his Wife; Mr Walter Geffard, Brother in Law to the said Mr More; William Wood, John Thompson, Edward Oram, his Menservants; Elizabeth Myers, Frances Pindar, Elizabeth Peacock, Anne Bayly, Frances Smalpage , his Maid-servants. 2. There is not any Popish Priest , or Person suspected to be such, who constantly dwells or sojourns in the said Parish. 3. There is not any House in the said Parish for Mass to be performed in , unless it be Mr More's aforesaid; and if Mass be at any time performed there ; it is so privately, that there is no talk of it in the Neighbourhood ; neither is it known that Papists from other Parishes resort to it. 4. There is not any Popish School in the said Parish . 5. There hath not any Visitation or Confirmation been understood to have been held by any Popish Bishop within the said Parish since I have been Rector. 6. Anne Bayly, above named as One of the Maid-servants of the above-mentioned Mr More, some time since Easter-day last, left our Established Church, and hath professed herself to be of the Popish Religion ; but by whom she hath been thus perverted , is not as yet to be Known. Witness my hand this fourth day of September in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and thirty five. Robert







Barnby upon Dunn Doncaster. September 24, 1735. Sir, In answer to his Grace's of York Queries, have made what Enquiry cou'd , and find that there is no Papist in my parish of Barnby upon Dunn , and no attempts have been made to make Converts to that Religion that can hear of. am Your humble Serv. & Friend John Duson, Curate of Barnby upon Dunn. Barnsley Doncaster. Septr. 10th 1735. Sr, recd. ye Book & the Enquiries wch . you sent me, & do assure You, yt we have no Papist in our Chappelry , no Popish









* Thomas More of Barnborough died 28 Aug., 1739. His wife was Catherine, daughter of John Giffard , of White Ladies, co . Stafford, and sister to Peter Giffard , of Chillington . This should be Giffard .



Priest, no Place where Mass is perform'd , no Popish School, no Visitation or Confn . held by any Popish Bishop, no Person perverted to ye Popish Religion. I'm yr humble Servt . J. Mence. Barton in the Street Ryedale. An Answer to the Articles Given me in Charge at the Visitation holden at Helmsley in the North Riding of the County of York the Twenty third Day of June in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty five. 1-6. None. Signed by me Wm. Dixon, Rector of Barton in the Street . September the 23, 1735.


Barwick in Elmet New Ainsty. TheNumberof Papists or those supposed to be such (accord[ing to the ] best Enquiry I can make) wthin the Parish of Barwick in Ellmitt are Sarah Neesom , widow, & Mary her daughterMary the wife of Edward Batty Elizabeth the wife of John Tascard Ann the wife of Jonathan Bell Hannah Howcroft, widow all dwelling in the town of Barwick. At the village of Barnbow in the Parish are Ann the wife of Gabriell Taylor Ann Johnson George Wood, a gardiner -Joan, the wife of Robt . Brown Mr Warren & his sister. Garforth Moorside Samuell Robinson. At Scholes Mary Stawker. Winmore Mrs Shippen , & her two sons Richard & Nicholas . At Roundhay Mr Thorney Aspinall & Mary his sisterMatthew Norton & his wife.










. None. 2-5 6. This Person , viz. John Tate, a mason, is perverted

to the Popish Religion , but by whom and when do not understand. In Testimony to the truth off this answer to the Queries sent from His Grace of York his Court have hereunto set my hand this twenty ninth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty five. Richard Fowler, Curate of Barwick in Ellmitt.



Batley and Dewsbury Pontefract. We have none in the Parish of Batley, but one poor old Man . 2-6. None. Tho: Rhodes , Vicr. of Batley. After the most diligent Enquiry do not find one Papist in the Parish of Dewsbury , as Witness my Hand. Tho : Rhodes.





Beeford with Lisset Holderness. In Answer to the Enquiries concerning Papists deliver'dto us at the Visitation by the Orders of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York for the Parish of Beeford with the Chapel of Lisset.





Papists in our Parish are John Conyers of Dunnington , farmer I. -John and Francis, his sons James Sylvester and Ann Gurner-


son, his servants and Bridget, the wife of Thomas Acklam of Lisset in number six. 2-6 . None. Witness my Hand Richard Metcalfe, Curate.



Old Ainsty.


A true Return of Papists or suppos'd Papists, to the Court of Yorke, within the Chapelry of Beeston, in the Parish of Leeds. to the Numberof Papists or suppos'd Papists, here are three, I. As viz. Charles Caine & Sarah his wife, & Mary Caine, spinstr. 2-6. None.

This is a true Return , soe as can discover, from Your Humble Servt . Rich: Pollard , Curate of Beeston. Beeston, Septembr. 29, 1735 .


Bempton Dickering . 1-6. None. Witness John Topham , Curate. 10 of Sept. 1735.



Beverley St John's & St Martin's Harthill . A full and particular Answer to all the Articles of Enquiry given in Charge to the Clergy, by Order of his Grace the Lord ArchBishop of York, at the Arch-deacon's Visitation held in Beverley, August the 5th 1735 . . 1-6. None Witness my hand this 17th day of September 1735. Tho : Mease , Minister of St John's & St Martin's in Beverley . Beverley St Mary and St Nicholas Harthill . Having carefully perused and considered the Enquiries delivered to me by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York's Direction, at the Arch Deacon's Visitation, return in answer. 1-6. None. This is an exact and particular Return, as upon the best Enquiry am able to make. Witness my hand this seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and Thirty Five. Samuel Johnston, Vicar of St Mary and Rector of Saint Nicholas in Beverley.




New Ainsty. An Exact and Particular Answer to the Enquiries, sent to his Clergy, by his Grace Ld Arch Bishop of York, concerning Papists, in the year 1735.



* See note under Auburn .



From Bilbrough in the Ainsty near York. have no Papists or supposed Papists but one, who proI. We fesses himself such, Stephen Milner, a married man, without Children, & a Butcher by trade. 2-6. None. To the above Contents, the 27th day of 7ber 1735 , witness my Hand Richard Sowray, Curate of Bilbrough. Bilsdale Ryedale. 1st.


The Number of Papists, with their Names, Titles & Trades : William Coulson , miller, & Elizabeth his wife Ann Coulson , spinster Richard Frankland , farmer, & Mary his wife-


Agnes Watson, spinster



Ann Garbut, widdow .


None. This is an exact and particular return to the Enquiries. As witness my hand Tho : Morley , Curt. There are no Papists in Newton .


New Ainsty. -None . Witness Hand this 26th



day of Septr. 1735. Ric : Kay Vicr . of Bilton .

Bingley Craven.


A true Categorical Answer to ye Six Articles of Enquiry delivered to Me at ye Visitation holden at Skipton, June 12 , 1735, according to the best of My Knowledge, & ye best Enquiry I can Make. Articles 1-6. None. Witness my hand this third Day of July Anno Dom. 1735. P. Ferrand , vic : of Bingley.


Birdford Bulmer . 1-6 . None. Witness my hand Thomas Prance, Curate of Birdford. September 19, 1735 .

Birdsal Buckrose. An Exact and particular Return to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York concerning Papists.



None. Witness my hand John Pindar, Curate of Birdsal. Birkin New Ainsty. . None. 1-6Upon the strictest Enquire I have been able to make there is not within the Parish of Birkin one Papist of any Denomination wtsoever. As witness my hand this 14 day of July 1735. W : Aslabie.




Birstall Pontefract .


1-6. None.

Tho : Coleby, Vicar of Birstall. Bishop Burton Harthill . An exact and particular Answer to the Articles of Enquiry, given in Charge by his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, at the ArchDeacon's Visitation held at Beverley August 5, 1735 . Bishop- Burton. 6. None. Witness my Hand, Thos. Leake, Vicar of Bishop- Burton. August 22, 1735.



Bishop Monkton Ripon. First. The Number of Absolute Papists within our Chappelry are Three : Supposed Papists we have none. Their Names are John Ledom and Elisabeth his wife, by Trade a Shoemaker . The Third is Mary, wife of William Bateman, husbandman. Second Sixth. None . This is an Exact and Particular Return ( to the best of my Knowledge) to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York . Signed in Writing by me the Twenty Seventh Day of September in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Five. James Pattison , Curate of Bishop Monkton.



Bishop Thornton


Ripon .

To the following Enquiries in Pursuance of the 114 Canon, John Watson , Curate of Bishop-Thornton in the Parish of Ripon & Diocese of York returns the following Answers. Viz . to Enquiry the Number of Papists or supposed Papists have you in I. What your Chapelry, Men, Women & Children Above the Age of Thirteen years ? He answers He hath Forty four Papists or supposed Papists in it. The Names whereof are as follows : Mr John Carr, alias Dunn , a reputed Popish Priest Thomas Harrison , farmer Mary, his wife, and Thomas Harrison , their son John Harrison , Elizabeth Wright, servts. John Bickerdike, farmer Margrett , his wife Martin Waddington , servt . Christopher Shan, butcher -Thomas Chapman, blacksmith Mary, his wife Ann Joy, servant Francis Sarvant, a lodger Katherine Chapman, widw. -John Chapman, her son Katherine Chapman, her daughr.-William Swaile, farmer Ann, his wife Mary & John, their son & daugh Ann Cawdbeck, widow George Cawdbeck, her . son George Hodshon, weaver Elizabeth , his wife Robert Hodshon, their son Mary Thorp , spinstr., poor William












* Rev. John Dunn alias Carr, born 1692; educated at Douay ; came in the Mission about 1712 ; was at Nidd (or thereabouts) in 1728 ; and died

in 1740.


Lonsdale, Mary his wife, poor Dorothy Darley, poor Ellen Darley, spinstr Ann Kettlewell, widw. , poor Ann, her daughter Stephen Waddington Mary, his wife Stephen Waddington, weaver Ann, his wife Thomas Loocock, poor Ann Loocock, spinstr Ann Hodshon, poor Elizabeth Hodshon, spinstr Mary Beecroft Thomas Hodshon, a servant Martha, his wife. Is there any Popish Priest or Persons suspected to be such, 2. who constantly dwell in your Chapelry, or are sojourners there ? He answers There is One Popish Priest, or suspected to be such, who constantly dwells in the Chapelry of Bishop-Thornton, viz. the above-named Mr John Carr, alias Dunn. Is there any House or Place in your Chapelry in which 3. Mass is understood to be performed , & to which there is a Resort of Papists on the Lord's Day, & at other times ? He





- .- - .-







There is such a House or Place in his Chapelry , called by the name of Raventofts , * in which Mass is understood to be performed , & to which Papists resort on the Lord's Day, & at other Times. Popish School within your Chapelry for Per4. sonsIs there any of either Sex, & by whom Kept ? He answers There is not any Popish School for Persons of either Sex in it .

understood to any Visitation & Confirmation . haveHath been held by any Popish Bishop within your Chapelry ?



He answers

Not any to his Knowledge in it. Do you know of any Persons who have been perverted to the Popish Religion , & by whom, & when ? He answers That he knows only of one , viz. Martha, the wife of Thomas Hodshon, a servant, who has been lately perverted by the Influence, as is supposed , of her Husband. John Watson , Curate of Bishop-Thornton. Sept. 22, 1735. Bishopthorpe New Ainsty. Pursuant to the Injunctions given us in Charge by his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York at the late Visitation held in June 1735, to Return the Number of Papists or Supposed Papists within each pish &c. 6.


. 1-6. None Witness

my hand the 22 day of September 1735. James Addison , Vicar.

Blacktoft Peculiar of Dean & Chapter of Durham. An Answer to the following Enquiries . September 22, 1735 .


Raventofts was the propertyof a branch of the Ingilby family of Ripley (see Estcourt and Payne, Nonjurors, p . 305), but the exact connection is not traceable.




Two papists, Ann , the wife of Roger Gardam of Scalby, HusbandI. man, Hellen Etherington of Scalby, a poor widdow .

Q. 2-6: None.

Bolsterstone Doncaster. The No of Papists &c. Mary Blackburn, Widow. Eliz : Fox, Widow, at Bolsterstone Glasshouse Eliz : Marshall , Widow. William Chaterton (& Ann his wife) Glass maker . Thomas Swinden, Glass -maker, & Ann his wife. Sarah, wife of Thomas Smith. William Goffe, Overseer of a Pothouse, & Ann his wife. Joseph Swallow, a poor Labourer , a reputed Papist . Thomas Taylor , a Pot maker . 2. There is no Papist Priest amongst us. 3. Some people resort on ye Lord's Day to Mrs Blackburn's , and whether Mass be performed there or no cannot tell. 4. There is no such School. 5. No visitation has been holden amongst us. 6. No Person has been perverted to Popery, since have been at Bolsterstone, viz. for six years. Bolsterstone, Septr . ye 9th 1735. Franc . Haigh , Curate de Bolsterstone. Bolton nr. Bolland Craven. An Answer to ye Annex'd Enquiries , Pursuant to his Grace ye Ed Arch Bishop of York's orders & expectation . Articles 1-6 . None. This is a true & Exact Answer to ye Enquiries Annex'd, Witness my hand John Wetherhead Rectr . of Bolton near Bolland Bolton , 7ber ye 22nd, 1735.





Bolton on Derne Doncaster. An Answer to ye Six Enquiries of His Grace the Ld. Archbishop

of York. 1-6. None.


Witness my hand

Tho: Beaver, Curt . of Bolton on Derne.

Bolton Percy New Ainsty. An Answer to The Severall Enquiries of his Grace The Lord Archbishop of York, with relation to Papists &c. according to the 114th Canon, Deliverd at the Archdeacon of York's Visitation Holden in the Year 1735 , For the Parish of Bolton-percy Within the Archdeaconry of York.


widow of Benjamin B. (C.R.S. , xiii , 118). * Perhaps The mission at Bolsterstone may have been without a resident priest

at this time, but Fr. James Pole or Poole , S.J., ( 1686-1760 ) , is recordedas being missionerhere at least until 1739 (Foley, v, 708).




None. Witness my hand Thomas Lamplugh, Rector of Bolton-Percy within The Archdeaconry of York. Bondgate Ripon. To the following Enquiries in Pursuance of the 114th Canon John Watson , Curate of Bondgate in the Parish of Ripon & Diocese of York, returns the following Answers; viz. to Enquiry the What number of Papists or supposed Papists have you in Ist your Chapelry, Men, Women & Children above the age of Thirteen years ? He answers He has not one Papist or Supposed Papist in it. 2d Is there any Popish Priest or any Persons suspected to be such who constantly dwell in your Chapelry, or are sojourners there ? He answers There is not any such Persons in . 34 Is there any House or Place in your Chapelry in which Mass is understood to be performed , & to which there is a Resort of Papists on the Lord's Day or at any other Time ? He answers There is not any such House or Place in . 4th Is there any Popish School within your Chapelry for Persons of either Sex, & by whom kept ? He answers There is not any Popish School in it . 5th Do you know of any Persons who have been perverted to the Popish Religion , & by whom & when ? He answers He knows not of any such Persons in . 6th Hath any Visitation or Confirmation been understood to have been held by any Popish Bishop within your Chapelry ? He answers Not to his knowledge in . John Watson , Curate of Bondgate. Septembr. 16, 1735 . Bossall Bulmer . Bossall in the North Riding of the County of York. An Answer to the Articles of Enquiry given by the Order of his Grace Lancelot , the Lord Arch Bishop of York, in the Year 1735. 1st. These two following: Henry Mills & John Mills, his brother, are reputed Papists : the former a shooemaker, the other a servant in the Town of Harton in the Parish of Bossall, & no more that know of. 2d 6th. None. Witness my Hand September the third day 1735 . Thomas Hobson, Vicar of Bossall.










Bracewell and Barnoldswick

Craven. Mr Braithwait, This is to acquaint you that in the parishes of Bracewell & Barnoldswick there are no papists, no supposed papists, men, women, or children above thirteen years of age: as Canon 114 requires. And




that there is no popish priest supposed to be such who continually dwells in these parishes, or are sojourners there . And that there is no house or place in these parishes in which Mass is understood to be performed, to wch is resort of papists neither in the Lords day nor other times. And that there is no popish School kept in these parishes by any man or woman.

And that no Visitation or confirmation hath been held by any popish Bishop within these parishes. Nor do we know of any persons who have been perverted to the

popish religion . The parish of Bracewell is of small compass , but Barnoldswick larger, & the parish of Barnoldswick is a peculiar place, the Church belonging to the same is Comonly known by the name of Gill-Church. And it hath been my especial care to ask the chief inhabitants of both places concerning the above mentioned particulars , and they agree in the return as aforesaid. certified by Your humble Servant Arthur Tempest, Vicar of Bracewell July 21, 1735. & Curate of Gill -Church in Barnoldswick parish. Bradfield Chapel Doncaster. August 30, 1735 A Return to his.Grace the Lord Archbishops of York Enquiries . In Number twenty three (viz. ) Mr Rowland Revil. Mr Thomas Revil, and his wife Mrs Ann Revil . John Wostendhm, * Cutler , and Ann his Wife. John Darwent , and his Children , Charles , Thomas, Ann, Mary, and Hannah Cutler. William Darwent and Jane his wife. Harry Hudson Laboure bourers James Balguy Thomas Balguy Alice Hague. John Crapper , and Mary his wife, Weaver . George Gillot, and Alice his wife. Hannah , Wife of George Hoyland farmers .



2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Not any.

As Witness my hand

-knowofofBradford IBroker


Charles Steer, Curate of Bradfield .

Pontefract. none except Alice the Wife of William Cottum, . A. 2.-A. 6. know of None. B. Kennet , Vicar of Bradford. Sept. 6th 1735. * ApparentlyWolstenholme is intended.

A. I.





Brafferton cum Helperby Bulmer. Papist , i.e. Cudworth Bell of Brafferton, a I. We have only one brasier, aged ab. 80 ; & we had but one another, wch converted. 2-5. None. 6. Not that know of in the course of 23 years of my Ministerial Function . Teste Geoff: Walmesley, Vic. Braffertoniensi cum Helperby : North Rid : Com. Ebor: Septr . 8th 1735 .




Braith well Doncaster. Septmb : 20th 1735. An Answer to ye Six Articles of Enquiry as to Papists. 6. None. Jo: Turner, Vicar Ibid.



Bramham New Ainsty. We have only Three papists yt I know of in our Parish, viz. Mr Ezach : Laycon, his wife, and one Mary Metcalfe their servant. 2-6. None. Humphrey Dickinson Vicar of Bramham . Sir, beg your Excuse for ye neglect of not returning 'em before, for sent them the last week by a Neighbour who came down to York, and he very heedlessly forgott them at home. am, Sir, your very humble servt. , H. Dickinson . Bramham , Sept. 5th 1735 .







Old Ainsty. Abigail, the wife of Isaac Jagger, aged 71 Years, a Papist I. who is supported the Town ) in the Chappelry of Bramley (within the Parish ofbyLeeds. 2-6 . None. Joseph Thomas, Curate of Bramley in the Parish


Sep. 8th 1735.

of Leedes abovementioned.

Brands- Burton Holderness. An answer to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York's articles

of Enquiry.


1-6. None.

By Charles Richardson , Rector of Brands- Burton.

Bransby Bulmer . An Answer to the Articles given me in Charge at the Visitation held at Thirsk in the North Riding of the County of York the Fifth Day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Thirty Five.




Bransby : Thos. Cholmley, * esqr. Mrs Cholmley, his wifeI. Mr Frans Cholmley, the elder Mr Thos Cholmley, the


younger Mr Frans Cholmley, the younger Mrs Allithea Cholmley, spinster John Marshal , John Darley, Thos Tayler, Peter Turner , servants Richd Clemenshaw, farmer Elizabeth his wife Margaret Ward, widow Mary Tayler, widow Mr James Atkinson , gentleman Mrs Atkinson his wife Charles May, servant Will : Hardwick, farmer Mary his wife Mary Marshal, spinster Timothy Tayler, farmer Mary his wifeMatt : Crosby , farmer Elizh: his wife Mary Crosby , spinster -Geo : Ward, cooper John Tayler, farmer Eliz : his wifeFrans Hodgson, labourer Mary Goodrick, widow Wm. Ratcliff, farmer Ellen his wife. Stearsby : Frans Hopkin , farmer Mary his wife Wm. Ratckliff, farmer Frances his wife Eliz : Ratckliff, spinsterEliz : Speed, widow Geo : Wilson , labourer Ann his wifeGeo : Wilson the younger Ann Wilson, spinster Jno Ward, farmer Eliz : his wife Eliz : Ward , spinster. 2. Henry Kennet, a Popish Priest . 3. Mass is understood to be performed in the House of Thos. Cholmley esqr. to wch also there is a Resort of Papists on the





- - --- ---




-- -



Lord's Day.

4-6. None.

Leod . Thompson, Rector of Brandsby.

Brantingham Harthill. An exact and particular Returne to ye 6 Enquiries sent to ye Vicar of Brantingham by ye order of his Grace ye La Archopp of York: Q. 1-6 : None. As witness mine hand , W. Richardson, vic . of Brantingham . Augt . ye 10th, 1735 :


Breers Chapel Pontefract. To all these above Articles upon the Strictest enquiry must answer in ye Negative for ye Chapelary of St Ann in ye Groves. As Witness my hand Tho. Haldsworth, Curate of Chapel aforesaid.




Son and heir of Thomas Cholmeley, of Brandsby, by Anne Plompton , his wife . He d.s.p.s. in 1742. His wife was Anne, daughter and heiress of Thomas Walton, of Winder near Cartmel ; she married in 1745 George Anne, of Frickley . Brother and heir of Thomas Cholmeley; born 1706, died 1780. Apparently a son of Francis Cholmeley by his wife Mary, daughter of Edward Ferrers, of Baddesley Clinton . § Son and heir of the above-named Francis Cholmeley. || Daughter of Thomas Cholmeley and Anne Plompton . Henry Kennet, an alumnus of Douay, came on the mission in 1691 and was chaplain at Brandsby till his death, 6 Feb., 1742 ( O.S.) ( Kirke, Lives; Canon Ollard , Herring's Visitations, iv, 198).




Bridlington Dickering . An answer to His Grace's the Lord Archbishop of York Enquiries given to the Clergy at the Visitation on Thursday the seventh of August 1735. 5. None. 6. Nor do know of any attempts in perverting any to the Popish Religion within the same. As witness my hand this 8th day of September 1735 John Elleray, Curate .



Brodsworth & Marr

Doncaster. An Exact & particular answer to the within written Enquiries viz. . I 6. None Witness my hand Matt : Buck, Vicr. of Brodsworth & Curate of Marr.




Septr. 22nd 1735.

Brompton Cleveland . 1-6. None.




Arthur Cayley, Vicr. of Brompton.

Brotherton New Ainsty. In Answer to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Arch-bishop of



1. The number of Papists & Supposed Papists, in the Parish of Brotherton, above thirteen years of age, are eight, all living in one family, in the Township of Sutton. Their names and Titles are― Mrs Mary Iles, widow , possess'd of a Free-hold Estate of about thirty pounds a year, & farming upwards of a hundred more, Mr Henry Iles, her son , Mrs Ann Iles, her daughter,-Mr Ambrose Iles her Brother- in-law, Thomas Singleton & John Simpson , two of her Men-Servants, Mary Barnby & Jane Hodson her maid -Servants. 2. The above named Mr Ambrose Iles, * of Sutton aforesaid, is reputed & generally believed to be a popish Priest. 3. Mass is understood to be sometimes performed in the House where Mr Ambrose Iles dwells, when he is at home on the Lord's day; but am informed yt He is often abroad, cannot say where, on ye Lord's day, & I believe there is no great Resort of Papists to Him at any time. . None. 4-5 6. Ellen Nunn, a protestant Servant in the family of Mrs Iles before named was perverted to the popish Religion about two years ago, very probably by the family in which she lives, and by her marrying James Kay her fellow Servant a papist that then lived in the same House. This is a true Account of the present State of popery in the Parish




* Ambrose Iles, Isles , or Eyles, alias Jackson, S.J. (died 1746, aged 61) (Foley, Records S.J. , vii, 396) . 0



of Brotherton, and a faithful Answer to all the Archbishop's Enquiries .

Witness my hand this 25th day of September in ye Year of our Lord 1735. John Watkinson , vicar of Brotherton. Craven Broughton . Tempest* Esqr. & his Lady are reputed papists, likeI. Stephen wise William Ellis a dayly labourer but now blind, as also Magdalen Tomlinson & Jane Lofthouse, two poor Spinsters; there is none of Mr Tempest senior's children at home, only three grandchildren under the Canon: the old Servants comes to Church, there is one or two maid -Servants lately come of which can give no perfect account. John Spencer , also a dayly labourer, whom thought would have died, is a reputed papist. 2. There hath been a person suspected to be a popish priest within my parish, but hath not been here for three months , neither any Sojourners to my knowledge. 3. The third question suppose is answered by the second . 4. There is not any popish School within my parish for persons of either Sex, only one of the three grand Children mentioned in the first, learns at Skipton School. 5 & 6. None.







Harthill .

John Hewitt, Vicar of Broughton.

Bubwith Papists. I. We have twenty one Papists in our Parish ; Papists names & towns names are

Mr Walter Vavasour Mr Thos Mrs Mary Walter Vavasour



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esqr. bros. & sister Frances Price Catherine BlackburneWillm Loftus Geo . Jackson, servts to Mr Vavasour of Willitoft Robt Carling & Catherine his wife Jno. Tindale st . to them , spinster ; -Mary Johnson Spalgton (? Spaldington ) Papsts are Xpher & Margrett Barker his wife; Brighton Papsts are Jane Gibson & Catherine her daughter -Joseph Tindale & Eliz. his wife Ja Tasker ploughmaker & Jno & Margrett his son & dr. Mr Tempest of Carleton is suspected to be the Popish Priest & may be called a Sojourner .





Stephen Tempest, of Broughton (1654-1742 ) ; his wife was Elizabeth Fermor, of Tusmore. He was son of William Tempest, of Whaddon, co. Cambridge, by his wife Alice Markland , and was bern 6 Nov. , 1683. He was admitted to Douay College (from the London Diocese ) 8 Sept,, 1706. He became a Priest in or before 1711 and came on the English Mission. He was sometime (before 1741) at Carlton (the Stapleton's) near Snaith, and died in 1766 ; his will is dated 7 July of that year . (Information of Miss Tempest from Mrs. Tempest's Pedigrees of Tempest ; Canon Ollard's Note in Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns, iv, 196; C.R.S. , xii, 10; C.R.S. , vol. 28, passim .) The Tempests of Whaddon were an offshoot from the branch seated at Holmeside, etc., co. Durham .



3. There is a house called Willitoft in wch Mass is suspected to be pformed , & to wch (as far as I know) there is a resort of Papists on the Lord's day & perhaps at other occasional times.



believe we have no Popish school in our Parish for psons of Ieither Sex .

know of no Visitatn or confirmatn held by any Popish Bp Iwithin our parish . 6. Neither do know of any psons who have been pverted to the I . popish Religion Jno : Burton, Vicr. of Bubwith.

Bugthorp Buckrose. Q. 1-6 : Answer, None. John Dealtary, Curate of Bugthorp.

An Arch

Bulmer Bulmer. Exact and particular Return to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Bishop of York concerning Papists. There are in our Parish two supposed Papists viz. Katherine I. Spinke, wife of Francis Spinke, day labourer and Mary Wood , wife of Andrew Wood , mason. 2-6. None. Witness my hand J: Pindar , Curate of Bulmer.



Burghwallis Doncaster. According to his Grace's directions hereby transmit the names &c of all ye Papists or supposed Papists above ye age of thirteen years, in the parish of Burghwallis in ye County & Diocese of York . 1. Mrs Margaret Anne , a Widow Gentlewoman, who inhabits a part of ye Hall or Mansion House belonging to Mr Michael Anne, a Minor, & Papist , abroad upon his Travels . 234 2. Margaret Lambert a Single Woman , & Mrs Anne's Maid Servant. 3. Mrs Mary Binks, a Gentlewoman, that boards in the Parish. Frances Whitaker, a Widow & Tenant for the other part of ye Hall-house . 5. Peter Pindar & Agnes his wife , Tenants, to ye said Mr Anne . 6. John Rawny , their Man Servant . 7. John Pindar & Catherine his wife, Tenants to ye said Mr Anne. There is one Mr Messenger who is generally esteemed to be a Papist Priest, & who dwells in the Hall-house and eats at Mrs Anne's table; And it is generally believed that there is a


* This appears to be Margaret, daughter of Thomas Fitzwilliam, of Doncaster, and widow, first, of John Roundell, of Hutton Wansley, and second, of George Anne, of Burghwallis , George being second son of Michael Anne, of Frickley and Burghwallis , by his wife Eleanor Stapleton (Burke's Landed Gentry ). She occurs also under Frickley . Eldest son of Marmaduke Anne, of Frickley, by Elizabeth , daughter of Robert Plompton . He sold Frickley and d.s.p. Fr. John Messenger, S.J. , 3rd son of John Messenger , of Fountains Abbey, and his wife Margaret Scrope ; born 1688, died 1752. He was missioner for some time at Burghwallis (Foley, Records, vii, 50)2.



Chamber or Chapel in the Hall house aforesd . , where Mass is performed by ye sd. Mr Messenger , & whither great Numbers resort both on ye Lord's and other days. There is no Popish school that know of within the parish nor to my knowledge has there been any confirmation &c understood to be held by any popish Bishops within the parish . Neither do know of any persons that have been perverted to ye popish Religion . Burghwallis , June ye 28th 1735. Tho : Alderson, Rector . Burnby Harthill . Upon Enquiry into the Particulars abovementioned in the Parish of Burnby, find there is no Person supposed to be a Papist, or suspected to be a Popish Priest ; that there is no place for Mass, or Popish School; that there has not been any Visitation or Confirmation held by any Popish Bishop, or any Person perverted to that Religion . John Pidding , Rector. Septemr . 8th 1735.








Craven .

A particular answer to ye Arts. delivered at ye Visitation held at Skipton 1735. 1-6. None.

Burnsall , September ye 10th 1735 . Will. Carr, Řectr. of Burnsall . Willm Thompson, Curate.

Burstwick and Paul Holderness. An exact & particular Return (according to the best Information can get) to the Enquiries given in Charge to the Clergy at the Visitation of the Right Worshipful the Arch Deacon of the East Riding of the County of York, 1735. Art. 1st. Mr John Witham & his wife (whose Christian name cannot learn) William Wray & James Thorp, his servants-Mr Leonard Metcalf & Mary, his wife Leonard & Mary, their son & daughter William Owste Philip Emerson John Care Thomas Chambers Mary Kaye Margaret Owste Margaret Emerson, their servants John Nettleton, sd to have turnd Papist about a year ago in the service of the sd Mr Witham, & Ann , his wife Richard Dresser , Mary his wife, & John his son William Drew & Sara, his wifeJohn Lowry & Elizabeth, his wife, which Elizabeth turnd Papist sometime ago, but when or where know not Jane Flintoft, widow -George Crawforth & Mary his wife -wch Mary turnd Papist sometime ago at Mr Metcalf's William Winship , weaver Ann Padley, spinster Richard Omler & Ann, his wife , wch Ann turnd sometime ago at Mr Metcalf's John Robinson William Robinson & his wife whose Christian name I know not William DentonPeter Harker & Grace Sutton, servts to Willm & John RobinsonFrances Crawforth , widow Jacob & Mary, son & daughter to Philip Crawforth deceased Jane, wife of Benjamin Forster, turnd





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Papist sometime ago at Mr Leo : Metcalf's Anthony Richardson & Mary his wife Isaac Baxter, labourer- & Catharine Hornby , widow . Art . 2d & 3d. There is a Person suspected to be a Popish Priest, who dwells at Mr Metcalf's in the Parish, where Mass is understood to be performd , for thither there is a resort of Papists on the Lord's Day, & at other times viz. Holidays . The Priest's Christian name cannot learn , his surname is Watson, as am inform'd, whose Father was, as have heard, a Clergyman of the Church of England , & whose Mother does or lately did live nigh Great Malton , & has , if living an annual allowance from the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, procured by Mr Garnett late Rector of Sigglesthorne. Ar. 4. There was lately a Popish School kept at the house of Mr Leonard Metcalf for teaching persons of both sexes, but am informed that it is now broke up, it was taught by Richard Rand, formerly a Protestant . have been told of a Confirmation , held at Mr Metcalf's Ar. 5. about seven or eight years ago. Ar. 6th. This Article I have answerd so far as am able under the first . All these are an answer for the Parish of Burstwick. In the Parish of Paul have nothing to answer to, but the first article . There are there Richard Wardell , cooper, & Ann his wife Michael Watson, wireman , & Ann his wife Dorothy Frank, spinster. Witness my hand this 23d day of September 1735. Will : Robson, Vicar of Burstwick & Paul.












Burton Agnes and Barmston Dickering . Answers to his Grace The Lord Arch- Bishop of York's Quaeries. 1-6. None. Witness our Hands this 27th Day of September 1735. Thomas Dade, Vicar of Agnes Burton & Rector of Barmston . John Holme, Curate of Barmston .


Burton Leonard Ripon . To the following Enquiries in Pursuance of the 114 Canon, John Watson, Vicar of Burton Leonard within the Diocess & County of York returns the following Answers: viz.


The Rev. James Watson, a secular Priest : he lived at Nuthill (in the Parish of Skeckling with Burstwick ), a farmon the Burton ConstableEstate, and then and later occupied by a family of Raines . He had been educated at the English College, Rome, and died at York, 20 Feb., 1772, aged 75. (Note by Canon Ollard Appendix A to vol . 4 of ArchbishopHerring's Visitation Returns , 1743 ; Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. lxxvii .) This Fr. Watson occurs again under Preston with Hedon. According to a Return to the Archbishop in 1733 this Watson was said to be vere Richard Rand (? a mistake for Raines ), son of an English Clergyman and educated at Oxford (Canon Ollard's Note in Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns, iv, 216). Richard Rand, school -master, is mentioned infra under Hedon.





I- 6. None.

John Watson, Vicar of Burton Leonard . September 16, 1735.

Burythorpe Buckrose. 6. None . The above answers are true ; witness my hand Step : Clarke, Rector of Burythorpe. Sept. the 29th 1735. Calverley Pontefract. 6. None . Witness our hands this 8th day of Augst , 1735 . Chris: Holt , Vicar of Calverley. Will : Brown , Cur : of Pudsey. T. Hudson, Curate of Jole.




Campsal Doncaster. To the Ld Arch Bishop of York's Enquiries concerning Papists or Supposed Papists humbly answer. Ist that the number of Papists or supposed Papists within our Parish of Campsal is four viz. William Barker, a Mason, & Mary his Wife, Anne, the Wife of Philip Simpson, a Blacksmith, & Anne, the Wife of Francis Scholey, a farmer. . None. 2-5 6thly, that the Persons who have been perverted to the popish Religion are two of the Above mencond, viz. William Barker , & Anne, the Wife of Philip Simpson, the former of which is said to have turned Papist upon marrying his Wife, who was a Papist , & the latter to have lived in a popish family a great way of, but what family cannot tell, & there to have been perverted . Tho : Cleworth , Curate of Campsal. Sept. 12, 1735 . Carleton, and Faceby Cleveland . Sr According to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop's Orders I here send you an exact and particular Return to the Enquiries delivered am to us at the Visitation. Yr most obedt & faithfull hble Servant Andrew Perrott. P.S. In Faceby Parish there are no Papists or persons suspected to be such; thought proper to acquaint you with this, tho make no particular Return, it being a Peculiar . But if is necessary that sd make a particular Return, please to favr me with a Line the next post . Carlton Parish. Enq : 1st. Dorothy Beadnal, a poor woman, is the only Papist in this Parish. Enq : 2-6 . None. This is an exact Return to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York his Enquiries . Andrew Perrott.















Carlton Craven . An Answer to ye Questions relating to Papists. 1. The Number of Papists in my Parish is Five, viz. Mr Christopher Trapps, by Profession a Ruptur Doctor , Mrs Elizabeth Trapps his Wife, Mrs Lucy Trapps ; Heny Trapps, & Mary Trapps, Children to Christopher & Eliz : aforesaid. 2-6. None. N.B. Doctor Trapps has another Daughter in ye Parish viz. Ann Trapps but she is very much disordered in her Head , does not frequent any Place of Religious Worship; nor seems to think in ye least about Religion .

As do not find their Ages in ye Register, whether Mary Trapps be above Thirteen or not.


I am not positive

Carnaby, Boynton , & Bessingby Dickering . 1-6 . None. Witness my hand Nicholas Woolfe , Vicar of Carnaby, Curate of Boynton, Curate of Bessingby. September 15th 1735.


Castleford Pontefract .


May it please your Grace . Wth Respect to your Important Questions relating to ye Papists, and in obedience to your commandshave made ye strictest Enquiry, & can only find in my Parish one , Dorothy, ye Wife of Michael Turner, a Churchman, & Labourer. She was born of Popish Parents, & brought up by them in their way. They have Children , but ' tis to be hop'd ye good Man will exert a proper authority, & bring them with him to Church . Grace's most Obedient Humble Servant I am Your Wil : Steer, Cur. of Castleford. Septemb : ye 15, 1735 Catton Harthill . This may Certify, That in the Parish of Catton we have no Popish Chapel, or School, or any Person dwelling who is or is suspected to be, a Papist, excepting only one Margaret Gaskin, wife of Thomas Gaskin, who have two young children , the eldest of which is about Three years of age. The husband is a Protestant of the Church of England , a day-labourer. Hen : Crispe , Rectr. Septem. 17th 1735.



5th son of Francis Trappes- Byrnand , of Nidd, co . York. , by Jane Warton, his wife, born 1664, died 1747. His property was confiscated in consequence of his taking part in the Rising of 1715. Daughter and heiress of William Hargreaves, of Carlton , by Mary his wife , daughter of Thomas Tempest, of Roundhay, 3rd son of Stephen T. , of Broughton. Of her 11 children the eldest son's son Francis succeeded to Nidd in 1761 ; Lucy married , Ist, William Wilson, and 2nd, Thomas Hill; Henry died 1783 ; Mary married, in 1747, another William Wilson ; and Anne died 1742.



Catwick, & North Frodingham Holderness. to the Articles of Enquiry return the following account. In answer In my Parish of Catwick 6. None. In my Parish of N. Frodingham . have two that are Papists, to wit, Richard Garsome and his wife, they are very honest industrious people, and maintain themselves by hard labour . To the rest of the Articles , answer, as in Catwick, in the negative. James Young , Rectr. of Catwick and Curate of N. Frodingham .






Cawood New Ainsty. 1. There are Two Men & Six Women Papists or Supposed Papists in my Parish of Cawood. John Trees , Weaver & his wife. John Clayton, a poor Man. Barbara Adcock, a poor Widow. Ann Beaumont a poor Widow. Mary the Wife of Robert Harrison , Farmer . Ann Dodgson , a poor Widow. Ann Jefferson, a poor



. None. 2-5 6. do not know of any Person since my Admission

to the Curacy of Cawood who hath been perverted to the Popish Religion .


As witness my Hand this TwentiethDay of September 1735 Matthew Maslen, Curate of Cawood.

Chapel Allerton Old Ainsty.

I- 6. None. Sepr. 27th 1735.

Witness my hand R. Bainbridge , Curate of Chappel-Allerton.

Chappelthorp Pontefract.


A Return made by the Curate of Chappelthorp in the Parish of Sandall Magna to his Grace the Lord Arch- Bishop of York's Enquiries Concerning Papists, & so forth. 6. None. Witness my Hand, Wm Vevers, Curate of Chapell Thorp.


Cherry-Burton Harthill. Answers to the Articles as Enjoyn'd last Visitation by the Direction of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York. 6. None. Delivered in September 17th 1735 by R. Graham, Curate of Cherry- Burton.



Pontefract . The Answer of John Brearcliffe Curate of Cleck- Heaton, to certain Articles sent to him by the Command of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. John Brearcliffe . 6. None. Cleck - Heaton





Collingham New Ainsty.


Sep : 29, 1735.

This is to Certifie Collingham.


That there is not one Papist in the Parish of

Rob : Potter, Vicar.

Colthorpe (Cowthorpe) -New Ainsty. is only one Papist in this Parish viz . Christian Carrack, I. There an alekeeper or victualler. 2-6. None. 16 1735 Sep: : . certifie that this is a true exact & particular Return to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. As witness my hand Jos : Nuttall, Rector of Colthorpe .


Conisbrough and Ranfield (Ravenfield)-Doncaster. Sir, Pursuant to ye Order of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York, you have below particular Answers to six Enquiries relating to Papists &c within ye Parishes of Conisbrough & Ranfield by Yor humble Servt . Thos. Lawson. There is only one Supposed Papist in the Parish of Conisbrough; William Tofeild Gentleman . In Ranfield none. 2-6. None. Thos. Lawson, Vicar of Conisbrough & Curate of Ranfield .


Cottam Dickering . An Answer to the Enquiries concerning papists for the Chappelry of Cottam . 1-6. None. John Hall, Curate of Cottam . Cottingham Harthill . A full and particular Answer to all the Articles of Enquiry which were given in Charge to the Clergy to be answered, by Order of his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, at the Arch-Deacon's Visitation held in Beverley the fifth of August 1735. There are two Papists, absolute Recusants, in the Parish of Cottingham , vizt. Sarah Ellerker , gentlewoman, widow and Edward Ellerker, batchelor, son of the said Sarah Ellerker. There is no other Papist nor supposed Papist in the Parish of Cottingham . 2-6. None. Witness my hand this sixteenth day of September, 1735. Thomas Mease , Vicar of Cottingham .





Coxwold Bulmer.


A List of all the Papists in the Parish of Coxwold in answer to

the Enquiries given at the Arch-Deacon's Visitation held at Thirsk June 25th 1735.



: James Wood, farmer Ann, his wife, & Elizabeth I. Coxwold Wood, their daughter John Taylor , a taylor Alice, his wife





(Art. 6.) perverted upon her marriage about thirteen years agoe

-William Mawlam, taylor Ann , his wife Benjamin Dale, butcher Catharine Dale, his sister Edmond Dale, his apprentice Thamar Rose , wife of John Rose , servant to the Lord Fauconberg, (Art. 6.) perverted after marriage about fourteen yeares agoe Jane, their daughter Lucy Grey, wife of Matthew Grey, carpenter Joseph Ratcliff, carpenter & farmer Mary, his wife , (Art . 6.) perverted upon marriage about ten years agoe -Mary Foster, wife of Robert Foster, taylor Barbara Smirk, a poor widow Ann Burgess , wife of Thomas Burgess, weaver & farmer Dinah Dale, widow & inn-holder Sarah Dale, her daughter Mary Barwick, wife of George Barwick, farmerJohn Coates, apprentice to Joseph Ratcliff Thomas Shovell, labourer . Newbrough : The Right Honourable Thomas, Lord Viscount Fauconberg Catherine, his lady the Honble Rowland Charles More, § Belasyseesqr Mrs Penelope Belasyse (Art . 2.) a priest has been long resident upper servants : Dinah More, Mary Capps, Mary Fenwick, Elizabeth Gosling, Roger Ormondy, John Cross, Peter Kersey, James Wood under servants : Jane Wingell, Ann Wardell , Ann Duffin, Elizabeth Wood, Mary Ward , Elizabeth Kirk, Mary Ratcliff, Mary Cramer, Elizabeth Verden, John Rose, Matthew Fetherston, (Art . 6. perverted about ten yeares agoe , George Turner, John Harrison , John Farrington , Thomas Worrilow, Philip Gosling, Christopher Kirke, Robert Coopland Henry Gostling, park keeper Ann Gosling, his wife,-William Gosling & Margaret Gostling, their children Mrs Margaret Mitchel , widow , mother of Mr Thomas Mitchel steward to Lord Fauconberg Ann, his wife Christopher Scarlet, mason and farmer, (Art . 6.) perverted upon his marriage about ten yeares agoe Ellen , his wife Ellen Dale & Ann Dale, her daughters Adam Dale, butcher & farmer. Yearsley : William Lees , farmer , (Art . 6.) perverted about seven yeares agoe Thomas Harrison, farmer Mary, his wife, (Art. 6.) perverted upon marriage about five yeares agoeRobert Goodrick, farmer Ann, his wife Thomas Holding , labourer Mary, his wife, (Art. 6.) perverted upon marriage about two yeares agoe George Hardwick, father of Jane




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* The 4th Viscount (1699-1774 ). He conformed to the Established Church in 1737, and was created Earl Fauconberg in 1756. He married Catherine, daughter and heiress of John Betham alias Fowler, of Rowington , co. Warwick, and of St. Thomas's, co. Stafford. (The Complete Peerage, ed. by Gibbs and Doubleday, vol. v; see also Kirk's Lives; and St. Thomas's Priory, by J. Gillow) . Brother of the 4th Viscount Fauconberg (Collin's Peerage, 1735). Sister of the 4th Viscount (Collin's Peerage). § This may be the Charles More who left Douay in September, 1716. A Rev. Charles More died in Yorkshire in 1737 (C.R.S. , xii, 5).



Watson, widow & farmer Mary Watson, Elizabeth Watson, Jane Watson, her daughters . Oulston : Anthony Smith, farmer Mary, his wife Ann Oliver , their servant Thomas Smith, farmer Cicely Smith, widow, the mother Mary Smith, Susanna Smith, the sistersAlice Harrison, a poor widow . Angram : Mr Thomas Moor , gent :-Mr Thomas Moor, gent ., his nephew Elizabeth Watters, servant Ralph Hall, farmer -Mary, his wife John Hall, their son Ursula Hall, Ann Hall, Ellen Hall, their daughters Thomas Rose, farmer his wife, (Art. 6.) soon after marriage, & maid servant lately perverted about two or three months agoe. There is an apartment at Newbrough in which Mass is 3. understood to be performed, & to which there is a Resort of Papists on the Lord's Day, & at other times. 4. No Popish School. 5. No Visitation, or Confirmation , that have heard of. Henry Thomson, Minister of Coxwold. September 25, 1735 .


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- Bulmer.

An Exact and Particular Return to the Enquiries of his Grace the Ld. Archbishop of York.

1-6 .

None. Witness my hand this first day of September 1735 . Michael Bridges, Vicar of Crambe.

Crathorne with Hilton and Middleton Cleveland . 1 . The Number of Papists in the Parish of Crathorne above the age of thirteen years : Thomas Arsome, blacksmith, & Mary, his wife Sarah Hunter , widow William Fawcett, weaver Thos. Fawcett , weaver John Fawcett , labourer Christopher Buttery, labourer , & Isabel , his wife John Fawcett, farmer , & Frances, his wife Eleanor Welford , spinster Anne Welford, spinster Francis Peacock, weaver, & Jane, his -Mary Culley, spinster wife John Welford, taylor, John , his son , & Jane, his daughter -Thos. Coulson , labourer, & Jane, his wife John Rose, weaver, & Elizabeth , his wife George Mennell, farmer, & Elizabeth, his wife James Mennell, house wright, & Isabel, his wifeJohn Pasman, yeoman Anne Pasman, spinster Mary Calvert, spinster Peter Robinson, weaver Ralph Robinson, weaverMargaret Robinson, spinster Thos. Moor , farmer, & Dorithy, his wife, & Thos. , his son William Welford , labourer , & Mary, his wife William Danby, weaver, & Cisily, his wifeRalph Egerton, labourer, & Eleanor, his wife Cuthbert Brown, labourer, & Anne , his wife Thos. Brown, taylor, & Margaret , his wife Alice & Dorithy, his daughters Edward Mennel, farmer, & Susanna, his wife Robt. Saddler, servant Jane Mennel, widow Christopher Mennel, farmer Mary Mennel, spinster James Kempley & Anne Bell, servants John Corn-
















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forth, farmer , & Robert , his son Robert Mennel, farmer, William Pasman, farmer , & Anne his wife, Joseph, his son, & Mary, his daughter : in all 62. There is a Popish Priest in our Parish who lives at Jane Mennel's, 2. & performs Mass on the Lord's [Day . 3 . The place where they do resort to is one William Pasman's. There is no Popish School in our Parish. 4. There was a Confirmation held 12 years ago, or thereabouts. 5. 6. None have been perverted to the Romish Church within this




ten years.



1. Dorithy Downs, the wife of Joseph Downs, Protestant John Downs, his son Steven Tiplady , labourer , & Mary, his wifeJohn Tiplady, fuller Ralph Robertson, weaver, & Jane, his wife Mary Ingledew, widow: in all 8. 2. No Popish Priest performs Mass, or dwells there. 3. No House for a Priest to perform Mass in. 4. No Popish School kept. 5. No Confirmation been held. 6. Jane Roberts have been perverted to the Romish Church within this five years, but by wm. know not. Middleton . 1. Henry Mennel, farmer John Mennel, farmer Robert Rose, farmer, & Eliz :, his wife . 2. No Popish Priest performs Mass, or dwells there. 3. No House for a Priest to perform Mass in. 4. No Popish School kept. 5. No Confirmation been held . 6. None perverted to the Romish Church. James Pearson , Clerke.

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Crofton Pontefract. Sept. 12th 1735. A particular Answer to the Six Enquiries proposed by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York to ye Clergy of his


Diocese .

1. We have twelve in Number; Viz. John Ireland * Esqr. now at ye Spaws. Isabel his wife . Mary ye Wife of Joseph Fosse, Husbandman . Will Smithson, Collier . John Nottingham , Labourer . Charles Waide, Labourer . Elizabeth , his Wife. Charles Waide, hired Servant . John Waide, Labourer. Mary, Daughter of Charles Wade. Grace ye Wife of William Crowder, Collier . Mary, ye Wife of Richard Marshal, Blacksmith . All ye above twelve papists are upwards of thirteen Years of age as we understand . 2. We have none such who constantly dwell in our Parish ; but * Probably a brother of the Ralph Ireland , of Crofton, who registered his Estate in 1715 (Estcourt and Payne, p. 319) . See also Gillow , Dict., iii, 552 ; and Gibson, Lydiate Hall, p. 33.



we have a reputed popish priest called Menhil, * who as we understand, comes into our parish once every Month. 3. We understand that there is Mass perform'd once a Month in Mr Ireland's House, by ye above mentioned reputed popish Priest called Menhil ; who is said to come from Pontefract . And there is a Resort of papists to ye said Mr Ireland's House at those times . They resort together generally upon ye Lord's Day . 4. There is no such place of Education in our Parish for Persons 5.

of either Sex .

have never heard that any Visitation or Confirmation has Ibeen held in our Parish by any Popish Bishop.

6. We know of none that have been perverted to ye Popish Religion in our parish for several Years past. Witness my hand, John Wiggins Curate of Crofton . Dalby Bulmer. An Answer to the Enquiries sent me by the Order of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York in relation to the Number of Papists the Parish of Dalby. & c who live The Names & c of the Papists in the Parish of Dalby are as follows : George Turner and Sarah his wife, who receive alms -William Crags and Mary his wife, day-labourers Francis Hornsey, yeoman. 2-6. None. Thomas Lumley, Rector of Dalby. Cleveland . Danby These are to Certifie his Grace that have made a Full Enquiry within the Parish of Danby and finds no Papists or any reputed so to be. 2-6. None. Witness my hand this Eight day of Sepr. Anno . 1735 , James Turner, Curate.






Darfield Doncaster. 6. None. Edwd. Hoyland , Vicr. of Darfield .



Darrington Pontefract. have the Pleasure to return an Answer to all the above Queries in the Negative , there being No Papist , neither anything of that kind wch the Queries relate to, having been transacted or pass'd, so far as know or believe, within this Parish of Darrington. Witness my Hand this 26th Day of Septr. 1735, Robert Burrow, Vicar of Darrington.




Dawton (Darton)-Doncaster. one Thomas Robinson, a day Labourer , and Francis I. Only his wife, and one child, who came to Inhabit amongst us not long ago with a certificate. Fr. James Meynell, S.J. ( 1689-1746 ) , who was Missioner at Pontefract for some years (Foley, Records, vii , 504).




None. As Witness my hand this 11th Day of August 1735 , John Leech , Vicar of Dawton . Endorsed : The Vicar of Dawton's Answer to his Articles , Aug : 11, 1735 . Denby Doncaster. 1st. We have only four Old women that are Papists or reputed Papists in our Chapelry of Denby in the Parish of Peniston (1) Ann Sanderson , about fifty years of Age, Wife to Benjamin Sanderson a farmer , who was formerly a Papist, but is now converted & constantly attends our Chapel. (2) Deborah Tomlinson, a poor Woman of ninety years of Age, partly maintained by the town and partly by the above named Ann Sanderson . (3) Mary Warris, an old Widow, maintained by the Town . (4) Ann Elliot, Widow, a Relation of the abovenamed Ann Sanderson, maintained partly by her & partly by the town. 2nd 6th. None. Jonathan Perkins , Curate. Dinnington Doncaster. 22 Septber 1735 . 1-6. None The above is an Answer to the Enquiries concerning Papists delivered to me at the last Visitation heldat Doncaster from Yr humble Servt . Wm Radcliffe Rector of Dinnington. Doncaster with Loversall Doncaster. An Answer to the Articles of Enquiry relating to Papists & c in the Parish of Doncaster with Loversall anexd, in Obedience to the Order of his Grace the Archbishop of York. 1. There is only one profess'd Papist in the said Parish, viz. Mary, the wife of Samuel Marhood, Schoolmaster. There is also one reputed Papist in the said Parish , viz. Howson Hargrave, a dancing Master, a Sojourner. 2-6. None. Witness my Hand this twenty seventh day of August 1735, Hollis Pigot, Vicar of Doncaster in wth Loversall . Doncaster wth Loversall annxd.



Drax New Ainsty. An Answer to the Articles enquired of, in the Visitation of the Worshipful Thomas Hayter, Master of Arts, Arch- Deacon of the Arch - Deaconry of York , held in the Parish Church of Tadcaster on Tuesday the tenth Day of June In the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and Thirty five. 1. The Number of Papists or supposed Papists in the Parish of Drax, Men, Women, and Children above the Age of thirteen Years, their Names, Titles , Distinctions or Trades.





Of Drax: 1. Robert Barker, farmer 2. Elizabeth Barker , his wife 3. Mary the wife of Enoch Harrison, wright 4. Mary the wife of Robert Healas, husbandman 5. Mary Brewer, widow 6. Elisabeth Conneyworth, her servant 7. Joseph Liphat, her son , husbandman. Of Long Drax: 8. John Smith, * husbandman 9. Anne Smith his wife 10. William Smith, his son . Anne Smith, his daughter 12. & 13. George & Jane Rowclidge, servants14. Mary Spencer , servant 15. George Smith, labourer . Of Camblesforth in the Parish aforesaid: 16. Mary Horncliff, widow 17. Michael Hessey , shoe -maker 18. Michael Hessey, his son , labourer 19. Anne, the wife of Christopher Bean, labourer 20. Sarah the wife of William Woodhal, labourer21. Margaret, the wife [of] Edward Adamson, tailor 22. John Ellison, labourer 23. Anne Ellison his wife 24. George Cook, servant to John Smith. . None. 2-5 6. Thomas Brewer , a boy under the age of thirteen years, was perverted to the Popish Religion by Mary Brewer of Drax, his aunt , about half a year ago . This is an exact and particular return. Witness Thomas Jackson, Curate of Drax. September 22d 1735.







Dunnington Bulmer. 7br. 25, 1735 . 1-6. None.


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Joseph Beckett , Curate of Dunnington .

Easington Cleveland . Easeington, 7mer 6th 1735. 1 . John Parnet & Mary his wife, farmers John Duck & Ann his wife, farmers Sarah Sandeson, Jane Ward , Wm. Colson , Mary Ward , servts. This is a Faithfull acct. of the Papists in the Parish of Easeington: the rest of the Enquiries Wee have none to answer






Test. Geo : Spencer , Rectr . of Easington.

Easingwold Bulmer. In the Parish of Easingwold, we find twelve Papists, above the age of thirteen years. Viz. Thomas Salvin, esqr Mrs Elizabeth & Mrs Sarah Salvin , his I. sisters William Saxton, a barber, & Elizabeth his wife, &





For these Smiths of Drax see C.R.S. , i , 137. Son and heir of William Salvin, of Newbiggin ( 1662-1726 ), by Anne, daughter and heiress of Thomas Reynes , of Easingwold. He was born 1703 and died in 1765.



Dorothy Talbot their maid servant William Benlows, a barber


-Thomas Clemenshaw, a labourer Ann , the wife of George Crawford, a glasier Elizabeth , the wife of John Carter, a


weaver Elizabeth , the wife of John Pearson , a farmer John Wright, servant of John Willson. 2-6. None. Witness my hand Thomas Prance , Vicar of Easingwold. September 19th 1735.



East Ardsley Pontefract. . 1-6. None From Your hble Servt . Wm Twistleton , Curate of East Ardsley. 7br. ye 29th 1735.



East Harlsey Cleveland . We have no Papists or suppos'd Papists in our Parish, save one Dorothy Watin, an absolute Recusant, a Widow of about sixty eight years of Age, having twelve pence a Week allow'd her for her Maintenance. . 2-6 . Nonewitness As any Hand this twenty sixth Day of August , A. Di. 1735. John Hudson, Curate of East Harlsey.


Eastrington Harthill. An Answer to the following Enquiries . September 22, 1735. Two Papists, Ann , the Wife of William Hall of Heve, Carpenter, Francis the Son of the said William Hall who acts as a husbandman with his father. Q. 2-6. None. John Lowther, Vicar of Eastrington.



Ecclesfield Doncaster.


As to the second , third , fourth, fifth, and sixth Enquiry I have nothing to return I have only the following Persons , who are Papists and above the age of thirteen , viz . Joseph Wildsmith of Wadsley, Cutler, and Mary his Wife , and John, Joseph , and Anne, their children William Rhodes of Shiregreen (Wood Cutter to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and perverted by some of his Servants, with a view to that employment-) and his Wife and Thomas Green of Shiregreen, Servants. By W. Steer, Vicar of Ecclesfield.







Sep. 23rd 1735. Sir, have here sent a particular answer to the Enquiries


at ye late Visitation held at Doncaster.

I recd.

To 1st. We have one Papist in our Parish by Name Wm Palethorp, a Labourer.



2-6 . None.

Tho . Fell, Curate de Edlington. And as to Cantley & Melton I can & hereby do truly answer in the Negative to the first & to every other above named Interrogatory that His Grace desireth an answer to . Witness my hand . Cantley John Fox. Vic of Melton High . & Sept. 24th 1735. Edstone Rydale. S According to his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop's Directions have strictly enquired through out my Parish of Edstone & do




[1]. No Papist or supposed Papist within the sd. Parish.

2-6. None. Wittness

my hand Phil : Bainbridge , Vcr. of Edstone. Edstone September the 15, 1735 .

Egton Cleveland .


A true exact & particular Answr of Jonathan Robinson Clerk, Curt . of Eggton, to the Enquiries wch his Grace the Ld. Arch Bishop of York demanded of his clergy at the Arch Deacon's Visitation, held at Stoaksley May the 1735. Enqy: I. Viz. the Numbr. of Papists &c above the age of 13 years: Elizabh. Hutchinson, widw, ho : holdr John & Henry, her sonsJane Roe, her maid servant Francis Pearson & Ann, his wife, ho: holdr Will, Richd. & John, their sons Margaret & Ann, their daughters Brigit Law, widw Eleanor, wife of Matthew Sutton, ho : holdr Mary Lyth, their maid servt . Francis Thorp & Elizabh , wife , ho : holdr Francis, their son Matthew Bean & Alice , wife, labourr John Consit & Mary, wife, labourr Stephen Wilson & Mary, wife, labourr Mary, their daughter Isabel Gybson , spinstr., poor Barbara Snowden , spinstr ., poor Ann Wood, spinstr., poor Elizabh . Hodgson , widow, poor Brigid, wife of Richd. Hill, joynr Thos. White & Mary his wife, ho : holdr.Mary , their daughter Francis White, poor Margaret Lyth , poor -Francis Hoggert & Martha , wife, shoemakr Alice Harland, widow, poor Richd Harland & Mary, wife, labourr Elizabh Smyth, widow & Elizabh , her grand child Martha Linton, widow , poor Will White & Mary, his wife , tailor Elizabh Barker, widow , poor, & George Barker, her son , tailer John Consit, weaver Ann Smyth, widow , poor Will Smyth, widowr , coopr, & John, his son, sailr, Mary & Jane, daughts John Barton , apprentice to Will Smyth Mr James Crathorn, a tabler wth Will Smyth Thos Garbut & John, his son , glovrs, & Elizabh , his daughtr―Eleanor Harland & Mary Coats, her daur, both widows Will Havelock & Joan, his wife , glovr Margaret & Christian , their daughtrs Thos Shaw & Jane, his wife, ho: holdr Ralph , their son & Mary, their daughtr Will Harison and Ann, his wife, ho : holdr George Lawson & Petronel , wife , ho : holder Elizabeth Roe, their maid


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servt John Addison, widowr , poor Francis Harland & Mary, his wife, ho : holdr Will Pearson & Elizabh , wife, sailr Will White & Jane, his wife , sa [ilr -Francis Harison & Ann, his wife, ho : holdr John White & Mary, his wife, tailr Elizabh , wife of Will Wedgewood, labourr Will Wilks & Elizabh , his wife, weavrJohn Wilks & Mary, his wife, bouchr Will Barton & Ann , his wife, labourr Margaret White, widow Alice, wife of George Harland, stonecutr Francis Whitfield & Ann, his wife , poor Eleanor Whitfield, widow Margaret Pearson , her grand child , spinstr Ann, wife of Richd Stamford, labourr John Harland & Catherine, his wifeMatthew Roe & Margret , his wife, tailr George, their son , weavr, & Matw, their son, tailr, & Margaret , their daughtr , spinstr Michael Roe & Agnes , his wife , ho : holdr Will Bean & Margaret, wife, ho: carpentr Will, the son of Will Bean , ho: carpentr Elizabh , wife of Thos Milner , sailr Ann Pearson , widow , inn keepr Francis Pearson & Grace, wife, cobblr John Lawson & Mary, his wife, ho : holdr Elianor Lawson, widow Israel Roe & Alice, his wife, bouchr Will Barton senr . , poor Michael Barton & Margery, wife -Agness Radcliff, widow, poor Francis White & Ann , his wife, weavr Will. White, ho: holdr , & Will, his son Ralph White & Francis, his bror, batchelors Elizabh White, their sister, spinstr , & Ann Smyth, their neece, spinstr Elizabh White, their maid servt Jane, wife of James Dring , ho : holdr Geo . & Jane Chapman, her childn . Enqy: 2. There is a prson constantly residing in our Capldry who goes by the name of Phylips * (his Christian Name cannot learn) supposed to be a Popish Priest. Enqy: 3. There is a House at Eggton-Brigg in our Capldry where Mass is suppos'd to be perform'd , there being a constant resort thither of Papists on the Ld's Day &c. In this house Phylips the Popish Priest lives. Enqy: 4. No School nor Seminary for eithr Sex taught by a Papist wthin our Capldry . do not know, neithr can be inform'd of any Visiton Enqy: 5. or Confirmatn held in our Capldry by any Popish Bishop since came to the Cure . Enqy: 6. know not of any person wthin our Capldry tht has been perverted to the Popish Religion. Jonathn Robinson, Curt. of Eggton . Eggton, Sepr. 21st 1735.

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Elland (Ealand)-Pontefract .

In answer to ye Articles &c.

There is no Papist in this Chapelry Nor any Popish Priest, that dwells in this Part of ye Parish of Halifax, that know of. Neither is there any house or place in wch. Mass is understood to be performed &c. There is no Popish School for persons of either sex-



This is probably the Rev. Peter Phillips (alias Purshall ) who was at Egton Bridge in 1741, and may easily have been there before (C.R.S. , xiv,

329 ; xii, 10).



Neither has there been , that know of, any Visitation &c. Nor any Person perverted to Popery. Tho : Alderson, Curate of Ealand . ye 18th of Oct. 1735.


Elloughton and South Cave Harthill. In obedience to the Commandsof his Grace the Lord Arch bishop of York, , Peter Hickington, Vicar of Elloughton return Answer to ye Articles of Enquiry concerning Papists in manner following. 6. None. Parish of South Cave . The same answer is equally true of the Parish of South Cave as of Elloughton above; except as to the first yt I have been told. I. that there is a poor Woman called Ellen the wife of Wm Johnson, formerly a Bailiff, her husband a Const. [? Constant] Churchman & a Strong Communicant . She's upward of Sixty Years of age and all the Children they have living are brought up in Conformity to ye Church of England as by Law established. Witness my hand this 17th day of Sepr. 1735. Pet. Hickington.




Elvington Bulmer. 1-6. None. John Forster, Rector of Elvington.


Emley (Elmley)-Pontefract. An Exact , and Particular Return to the Queries delivered at the Visitation of the Worshipful Mr Thomas Hayter, Arch-Deacon of York, held at Wakefield the 14 of June 1735. 1. One only; Margaret , the Wife Samuel Hearnshaw, of Park-Gate, in the Township of Emley, a Skinner . 2-6. No. As witness my Hand , September the 26th 1735 John Penn , Rector.


Ergham Dickering. Answers to His Grace the Archbishop of York's Quaeries delivered at the Visitation held at Bridlington 1735 . 1-6. None. Thomas Wade, Rector of Ergham . Escrick Bulmer. 1-6 . None. William Thompson. This paper receiv'd from Mr Scott with the answers annex'd to each Question, and can assredly say that we have neither papist, nor popish priest , nor is there any house or place in which Mass is performed, nor any popish school nor hath any Visitation or Confirmation been held by any popish Bishop nor do know of any persons who have been perverted to the popish Religion in my parish. As have allways had the greatest abhorrence to the doctrines








& practices of the church of Rome so I shall ever think it my duty to keep a strict and watchful eye over the persons of those committed to my care, constantly endeavouring to secure them from the attacks of the Romish Emissaries and the danger of being perverted by them.

William Thompson. Harthill. A true answer to the Queries of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York abt Papists &c. wthin the Parish of Etton in the East Riding of the County of York . I 6.ThisNone. is a true answer to the abovemencondInterrogatories by Henry Robinson, Curate of Etton. Etton



Robart Hande Wm : Wilkinson Septembr. 15th 1735 .


Everingham Harthill. Everingham Parish. In the East Riding of the County of York. are the following Persons supposed to be Papists. I. There Mary Hare, widow Hellin Ellison, widow Eliz: Bentley, widow John Catton, servant Alice Catton, his wife Geo. Jackson, farmer Mary Jackson, his wife Rebecca Bradley, a wife Mary Jackson. widow Edw: Jackson, her son Eliz : Jackson, her daughter Will : Tate, laybourer Jane Millington, widow Mary Richardson, spinster Mary Porters, servantTho : Ellison , servant Robert Usher, servant Mary Doles , servant John Mell, labourer Mary Mell, his wife Ralph Rushton, labourer Mary Rushton, his daughter Robert Mell, labourer Ann Mell, his wife. 2. There is one, Mr Pots , who is suspected to be a Popish Priest. 3. There is a House to which there is a resort of supposed "Papists on the Lord's day and at other times. 4, 5, 6. None. This is an exact and particular Return to the Enquiries above mentioned to the Register's (Mr Jubb's ) Office in York , September the 13th day 1733. By me Henry Layborne , Minister . Farlington Bulmer. or supposed Papists in this Parish are Ursula FrankI. Papists land, wid Anne, the wife of Thomas Farray, farmer. 2-6. None. Richard Musgrave, Curate of Farlington.


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Dom. John Bede Potts , O.S.B. (1674-1743 ), was chaplain at Everingham from 1717 to 1743. (See note by Canon Ollard in vol . iv of Archbishop Herring's Visitations in 1743. ) There is an interesting article on Everingham (and Dom. Potts) by R. C. Wilton in the Dublin Review of October, 1917. The owner of Everingham Sir Marmaduke Constable, 4th and last Baronet (died 1746, unmarried)-spent most of his time abroad, and so escapes mention in the Return .






-Enquiry into my Old Ainsty.

In obedience to his Grace's Injunctions, I have made a careful and

diligent Chapelry of Farnley , in the Parish of Leeds , and have the satisfaction of finding No Papist of either Sex , or of any distinction; No Popish Priest either resident or sojourning No Place, in which Mass is suppos'd to be perform'd , or any Popish School; Neither can find any Persons who have been perverted to the Popish Religion . In witness whereof I have hereto set my Hand, this tenth Day of September, and in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and thirty five. Thomas Chapman, Curate of the Chapelaforesaid. Leeds, Sep : 10, 1735. Felix-Kirk Bulmer. An Answr to his Grace the Arch Bp of York his Querys concerning the Papists in this P[ar]ish. cannot be Inform'd of more than seven Papists in this Pish. viz. James Rose, a weaver Catherine Rose, a poor widow, and Willm . Rose, her son , aged about 14 Willm. Pratty, a poor labourer, & his wife JoshuaJarvise, a poor labourer, & his wife. 2-5. None. 6. Joshua Jarvise above mention'd was pverted to the Popish Religion but he was some where in the Wolds many miles distant from hence when he was pverted & know not by whom . However It's Generally supposed that Mr Menell * Priest of Kilvinton comes into this Pish to Baptise both his & Willm . Pratty's children, all wch children are very Young undr 6 or 7 years old. As Wittnesse my hand I. Duckenfield, Vicar of Felix-Kirk. Felkirk Doncaster. Answers to ye Enquiries sent from the visitation. To ye 1st quere answ. have in our Parish Jno. Killingbeck Gent: his wife, and I. We some young children , Papists 2-6. None. This is a true Return from ye Parish of Felkirk. Tho : Oldam, Vic : ibid. Aug: 20th 1735.




I. I





Fenton New Ainsty. A full and particular Answer to all the Articles of Enquiry which


This may be Fr. James Meynell, S.J. (see under Sandal Magna and Pontefract), but it may be a misnomer for Fr. Robert Stanfield, S.J. , who was in the Yorkshire District 1732 and following years, and who was at South Kilvington in 1741 (Foley, Records, viii, 730 ; vii , 504 ; C.R.S. , xiii, 169 ; Archbishop Herring's Visitations, iv, 208) . Church Fenton.




were given in Charge to be answered, at the Visitation held in Sherburn , 1735. 6. None. Witness my hand this Sixteenth day of September, 1735 Thomas Mease , Vicar of Fenton.


Ferry Fryston Pontefract. Sir, Pursuant to His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop's of York Desire and Expectation herein send you an exact and particular Answer I you gave me at the last Visitation at Wakefield. to the Six Enquiries There are Seven Papists in my Parish above the Age of thirteen I. Years, whose Names , Distinctions , and Trades are as followeth , viz. 1st. Robert Sizer of Water Fryston , Husbandman. 2nd. . Mary, Wife to Robert Sizer. 3rd Ann , Daughter to the said Robert and Mary Sizer, Spinster. 4th. George Darby, Servant Boy to the said Robert Sizer. 5th. Joseph Hayre of WaterFryston , an old poor Man, maintain'd by the Parishioners. 6. Ann , Wife to Thomas Firth of Ferry- Bridge, Husbandman . 7th. John Tree of Ferry- Bridge, a School- Boy of fourteen Years


of Age.

2-6. None.

Witness my Hand this fifteenth Day of August , one Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty five, Edmund Noble , Vicar of Ferry- Fryston .


Fetherston Pontefract. Ans. I. Ann Darley of Fetherston Moor, Widow . Thomas Darley of Fetherston, Labourer . Mary Ouram , Widow . John Darley, Labourer . of Swine-Lane near Purston Jaglin . Agnes, the Wife of John Darley Ann, the Daughter of John Darley 2-6 . None. Christopher Driffield September the 8th 1735. Vicar of Fetherston. Fewston Old Ainsty. Fewstone Parish . . 1-6. None Test : Thos. Holland , Curate. Wm Barber. Wm Jeffray Church Wardens. . Emanuel Watson Peter Hardcastle .


Filey Dickering. Parish of Filey. Answer to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries relating to Papists. 6. None. As wittness my hand this 22d of September 1735 , Jno: Sumpton, Curt. of Filey.




Firbeck Doncaster. The following is a true and full answer to the Enquiries delivered to me from His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. 1-6 . A. None. Your Humble Servant Edward Marshall Curate of Firbeck, Yorkshire . Fishlake Doncaster. 1735. An Answer to the Particular Articles of Inquiry Concerning Papists, or supposed Papists sent by his Grace the Ld. Arch-Bishop of York. 1-6. None. Witness my Hand . John L'Isle , Vicar of Fishlake.



Flamborough 1-6. None.

- Dickering, John Topham, Curate.

10th of Sept. 1735.

Flockton Pontefract. September the 24th 1735. An Enquirie then made within the Chappeldrie of Flockton in the Parish of Thornhill. According to his Grace's the Lord ArchBishop of York's order. 6. We have none. Signed by John Pollard , Curate. Folkton Dickering . 1-6 . None. Witness my hand Ja : Coates, Vicr. of Folkton. September 3d 1735.




Foston Bulmer.


An Answer to the Paper of Enquiries concerning Papists. 1-6. None. Natl : Hodgson, Curate of Foston.

Foxholes Dickering . Septb : 25th 1735. Answer to the Articles of Enquiry for the Parish of Foxholes. 6. None. Hen: Clarke, Curate of Foxholes.



Fraistrop Dickering . None . 1-6. John Topham, Curate. 10th of Sept. 1735.


Frickley with Clayton Doncaster. 1. The number of Papists in ye Parish of Frickley with Clayton are thirty five, men, women, & children above ye age of thirteen


* See note under Auburn .



Gentleman, & his wife years : viz. Edward Killingbeck , Frances Killingbeck ; Charles Killingbeck , John Killingbeck, Margaret Killingbeck , Mary Killingbeck, Anne Killingbeck, Jane Killingbeck, & Elizabeth Killingbeck , their sons & daughters , Christopher Burnet , House- holder, servant to Edward Killingbeck, Thomas Hammerton, who boards with Christopher Burnet : Edward Burnet, a Labourer , Thomas Champney , who lives upon a small estate of his own, & an Annuity for life, & Dorothy Champney, his wife. William Champney, who lives partly upon his own Estate, & partly upon some Land yt he farms, & Philip Champney his Brother, who boards with him, and Isabel Champney his sister & Housekeeper , James Baitie, a Farmer, Frances Baitie, his wife, & Barbara Marsden , ye Relict of ye late John Marsden, Curate of Frickley wth Clayton . Bridget Gill, ye wife of Josias Gill, a Church of England Man & Farmer, Michael Shan , a Joiner, & his wife Anne Shan : William Perkinson, a Labourer, Elizabeth Goldsbrough, ye wife of Thomas Goldsbrough, a Labourer, who is a church of England man, & Elizabeth Goldsbrough their Daughter. John Spence, a Blacksmith , & Frances Spence his wife: William Knight of Frickley, Farmer , & Elizabeth Knight his wife, & Anne Anne, Gentlewoman, Daughter to Elizabeth Knight by her former Husband, Marmaduke Anne, Gentleman: Anne Darnley, Housekeeper at Frickley, Mrs Plumpton, Widow , a sojourner at Frickley: John Dofoot & Mary Bywater her Servants. 2 . There are two Popish Priests y constantly dwell at Frickleyhouse , viz. Mr Rich, & Mr Jones . There resort Papists is a to Frickley-house on ye Lord's day of 3. & some other times ; & one Mr Messenger * a Popish Priest



Edward Killingbeck, of Chapel Allerton , 1677-1746 , married Frances, daughter of Michael Anne, of Frickley , who died 1751. See Thoresby's


Ducatus Leodiensis , p. 133.

William Knight was 2nd son of John Knight of Lincolnshire by a daughter of Richard Bilcliffe , of Usselby. He married " the Widdow Ann of Frickley & by her had one son and two daughters who all died S.P. (see C.R.S., iv , 262) . Elizabeth Knight (born 1692) was daughter of Robert Plompton, of Plompton , and widow of Marmaduke Anne, of Frickley , who died 1722 (Burke's Landed Gentry, 1914).. § She married Arnold Knight, of Buslingthorpe, co. Lincoln , and had issue (Burke's Landed Gentry, 1914). There were apparently two Mrs. Plumptons, widows, at this time, viz. , Isabel, daughter of William Anderton , of Euxton, co. Lanc., and 3rd wife of Robert Plompton , of Plompton, and so stepmother to Mrs. Elizabeth Knight ; and Elizabeth , daughter of Sir John Gascoigne , of Parlington , and widow of John Plompton , of Plompton, which John Plompton was eldest brother of Mrs. Knight (Plompton Correspondence, Camden Soc., 1839). This is perhaps D. Francis Rich , O.S.B., who was stationed in Yorkshire (Plompton ) in 1726 and died 1740 (Birt , Obit. Book of English Benedictines ). Fr. John Jones , S.J. , 1683-1748 , who was for some time at Frickley (Foley, Records S.J.). Fr. John Messenger , S.J., 3rd son of John Messenger , of Fountains Abbey, and his wife Margaret Scrope ; born 1688, died 1752. He was missioner for some time at Burghwallis (Foley, Records, vii , 502).







comes to Edward Killingbeck's house at Clayton from Mrs Anne's of Burgh-wallis one Sunday in a month, wn. there is a resort of Papists to yt house . 4, 5, 6. None. This is an Exact & particular Answer to ye Enquiries received with respect to ye Parish of Frickley wth Clayton ; witness my Hand this IIth day of September, in ye year of our Lord 1735.

Samuel Dransfield, Minr. of Frickley wth Clayton . As for ye Parish of Hutton-Pannell , there is not one Papist an Inhabitant within . Frydaythorpe Dickering. Septbr. 18, 1735. An Exact & Particular answer in Return to those Enquiries sent by His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. 6. None. Witness my Hand Joseph Richardson




Vicar of Frydaythorpe. Fulforth Near the City of York. 1. What Number of Papists or Supposed Papists have you in your Parish , Men, Women, and Children, above the age of thirteen years Return their Names, Titles , Distinctions or . Trades, in pursuance of the 114th Canon ? Joan Foster, a gardener's widow in Gate Fulforth. 2. Is there any Popish Priest, or any persons suspected to be such, who constantly dwell in your Parish, or are Sojourners thereReturn their Names ?




None. 3. Is there any House or place in your Parish in which Mass is understood to be performed, and to which there is a Resort of Papists on the Lord's Day or at any other time ? None. there any Popish School within your Parish for persons of Is 4. either Sex , and by whom kept ? None. 5. Hath any Visitation or Confirmation been understood to have been held by any Popish Bishop within your Parish ? None. 6. Do you know of any Persons who have been perverted to the Popish Religion, and by whom and when ? None. His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York desires and expects that every Clergyman make an Exact and particular Return in Writing , signed by him, to the Enquiries above mentioned on or before Michaelmas Day next at the Register's (Mr Brathwait's) Office in York.

This is an exact return to the enquiries above-mentioned : witness my hand Z: Blake, Curate of Fulforth.

* See note under Burghwallis.



Full-Sutton Harthill . 1-6. None.Full Sutton , Sepber the 8th 1735 , Test : Arthur Greenbury , Recr. ibm.


Cleveland . Fylingdales In Fylingdales : John Harland, husbandman, & Elizabeth his wife-& Francis Unthank, house carpenter, & Elizabeth hiswife. In Ugglebarnby : Alice Tonsey, a poor widdow . In Eskdale : John Hodgson , husbandman, & Elizabeth his wife -Christopher Duck , weaver, & his sister Jane, all profess'd Papists. 2-6. None. Witness my hand this twentieth day of October 1735, Richard Bowness , Minr. of Fylingdales &c.



Galmton (Ganton)-Dickering. . 1-6. None Witness my hand Ja: Coates , Vicr. of Galmpton . Garforth

New Ainsty. Answer to the enquiries enjoyn'd by his Grace the Ld. An I. - Bishop of York at the last Visitation held at Tadcaster in Arch June 1735. The Names of the Papists wthin the Parish of Garforth: Mr James Catton, steward to Sr Edward Gascoigne , and Mary his wife Job Catton, gamekeeper to Sr Edward Gascoigne , and Elizabeth his wife Margaret, the wife of Cuthbert Smith James Barker, worsted-weaver, and Ann his wife Eliz :, the wife of Antony Cleg Dorothy, the wife of John Ballance John Fletcher, labourer , and Eliz : his wife John Heptonstall, farmer Mathew Heptonstall, servant Ann, the wife of Wm Shepperd Alice , the wife of Francis Hardy Jane the wife of John Beal.



2-6 . None.


-- my

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Gilb: Wighton, Rector of Garforth.

Gargrave Craven . The Articles or Enquiries of his Grace the Arch-Bishop of York, particularly return'd & answer'd by Chr : Dodgson, Vicar of Gargrave. Art. 1. Supposed Papists (for I know not that any one of them have Ans. been legally convicted) are in Number Eighteen, viz. 1st Mrs Anne Buck, Wife of Mr John Buck, Attorney at Law, lately Widow of Mr Tho : Ferrand deceased : 2nd Mr Thomas Michael Ferrand, Gent; son of ye sd Mrs Buck. 3rd John Ferrand 4th James Ferrand 5th Anne Ferrand -6th Mary Ferrand 7th Olive Ferrand. Children of ye sd Mrs Buck, & Boarders with or Servants to their Brother Mr Thomas Michael Ferrand aforesaid.


* With Ugglebarnby and Eskdale.




8thDorothy Croft, Widow of Christopher Croft , Carpenter deceased.

9th Mary Dawson, Widow of Mark Dawson, husbandman, deceased. 10th Anne, wife of George Parkinson, Glazier. 11th Margery, wife of John Horridge Sen", Blacksmith .

12th John Horridge Jun . 13th Mary Horridge 14th Margery Horridge Jun . Children of ye sd John Horridge Sen . 15th Henry Hall , Malster. 16th Mary, wife of the sd Henry Hall. 17th Robert Hall, Kinsman & Servant to ye sd Henry Hall. 18th Elizabeth , Wife of Edward Haworth, a Day Labourer . Art . 2, 3, 4, 5, Ans . None. Art. 6 Henry Hall abovesd . was formerly a Conformist to the Ans . Church of England , but became an Apostate from it , first to the Quakers, & after that ( viz. upward of Seven Years ago) marrying a Servant of Stephen Tempest * Esqr. of the neighbouring Parish of Broughton , was thereupon perverted to Popery; whither he & the others abovenamed frequently resort (supposed for Religious Worship ) on Sundays and other Popish Holidays ; but by whom he was perverted , know not ; save that on a Conversation with him, he told me Mr Burnet had given him reasons to the contrary of what said, which satisfy'd him ; that Mr Burnet (who is since dead ) was reputed a Romish Priest , & his constant residence was at the sd Mr Tempest's. As to the others abovenamed, the Children are suppos'd to ve been perverted by their Parents, viz. Mr Tho: Mich. Ferrand, John, James, Anne , Mary, & Olive Ferrand by the sd Mrs Buck their Mother ; John Horridge Jun", Mary & Margery Horridge, by Mary Horridge their Mother ; Mary wife of Henry Hall by Dorothy Croft her mother ; & the sd Mary Horridge & Dorothy Croft by having formerTempest; & Further than ly been servants to the sd Mr this know not, save that ye sd Mr Burnet , & Mr Fleetwood, & Mr Dorrill (supposed Popish Priests, residing successivelyat ye sd Mr Tempest's) have constantly visited ye supposed Papists in my Parish when sick, & attended them when dead, supposed for the sake of performing some superstitious Ceremonies over them; & that the sd Dorothy Croft & Mary Horridge ye Mother are noted Disputers for the Popish Religion , especially the former, ™





, married Elizabeth Fermor, of Tusmore. * Stephen Tempest, 1654-1742 , S.J. , ) Rev. Thomas Burnett

died (probably at Broughton

I Sept.,

1727, æt. 66 (Foley, Records S.J., vii, 104) . Rev. John Fleetwood, S.J. (1703-1734 ) (Foley, Records, vii , 262). § " Mr Dorrill is Fr. James Darell , S.J. , who came to Broughton 13 March, 1733, and left at Whitsuntide , 1739, being succeeded by Fr. Peter Davis , S.J. (Information of Miss Tempest) .




who is sd to have made many attempts to make Proselytes to Popery. In witness of what is herein contained have set my hand this fifteenth day of August 1735, Chr. Dodgson, Vicar of Gargrave. Garton Dickering . Thomas Dowbiggin Curate of Garton having diligently perused the 114th Canon, & likewise the Enquiries given me in Charge by The Most Reverend Father in God Lancelot by the Divine providence Lord Arch Bishop of York, do Certifie if [sic : ? of] : any one particular therein Enquired after in our Said Parish of Garton we have not I. Neither Papist man, woman, or child. 2. Neither Popish Priest dwelling or sojourning in the parish. 3. Neither any house or other place where Mass is understood to be performed. 4. Neither any Popish School for either Sex. 5. Neither hath any Visitation or Confirmation been kept by any Popish Bishop. 6. Neither hath any person been perverted to the Popish Religion. Thos : Dowbiggin , Curate of Garton . Septembr the 4th 1735. Garton Holderness. An Exact and particular Return of all Papists, reputed Papists, &c., in the Parish of Garton in Holdernesse in the East Riding of the County of York. Thos. Harrison, husbandman, and Anne, his wife Jno Duning , husbandman, and Eliz : his wife. We have no reputed Priests. Nor Places where Mass is understood to be performed . No Papist Schools . Neither have heard of any Visitãon or Confirmãon that has been held for these seven years last past . We have none, hope, perverted. Witness Jno Browne, Minr. of Garton . Sept. 23d, 1735. Gatehelmesley Bulmer. Q 1-6 : Answer, None. John Bradley, Curate of Gatehelmesley. Sepr. 10, 1734. Gilling Rydale. Gilling in the North Riding of the County of York. A Return, to the Enquiries made by His Grace the Lord ArchBishop of York, in relation to Papists etc. 1. These undermentioned are Papists or Supposed Papists within the Parish of Gilling: The Right Honble Charles , Lord Fairfax, Viscount Emely The Hon ble Charles Fairfax, esqr.-











The Viscount Fairfax in 1735 was is some mistake here. * There (not Charles ), the 8th Viscount . The latter's son and heir was Charles William Gregory (the Charles in the text) who became 9th and last Viscount in 1738 on the death of his father, and died in 1772, leaving (out of 8 or 9 children) an only surviving daughter, Anne, who died in 1793 (Complete Peerage).



The Honble Mrs Fairfax Mr Mainman, gent : or some such name Mr Sturton, or some such name, the supposed Priest Mrs Foefar Mrs Waters, her servant Michael Sturdy, Francis Turner, John Biggins, Thos Smith, John Moody, Ann Munday, Dor: Sturdy, Ursula Sturdy, Terry Patrick , Mary Holdforth, domestic servts to Charles Fairfax, esqr Mary Joy, widowRichd . Clemenshaw, gard'ner in the town of Gilling Margt. Clemenshaw, his wife Ann Clemenshaw , spinster, their daughter -Robt. Clemenshaw, gardener to Charles Fairfax, esqr. Ann Clemenshaw, his wife Richd. Clemenshawjunr., his apprentice -Mary Holdforth, widow Ellen Holdforth, her daughterBartholomew Holdforth, her son Catherine Liptrot, widowCatherine Bourn, her grandaughter Margt . Brough, wife of Simeon Brough who is a Protestant Jane Wilson , mother in law to Simeon Brough Allen Ayscough, yeoman Robert Holdforth, mason Ann Overfield, widow Mary Overfield, Eliz: Overfield, her daughters Eliz: Holdforth, daughter of Robert Holdforth, mason Francis Barker, daughter of John Barker who is a Protestant Thos Bacon, yeoman Margt Bacon, his daughter Anthony Oliver, yeoman Henry Wood, yeoman Eliz. Wood, his wife Wm. Wood, tayler, Anthony Wood, their sons Ellen Ridley, widow Mary Moody of Cawton, widow Richard Moody, her son . There is one known , or at least suspected , to be a Popish Priest, who constantly dwells in this Parish, Mr Sturton, or some such name, before mentioned. There is a place in this Parish, in which Mass is understood to be performed, on Sundays & holy days & to which there is a very great resort of Papists, or reputed Papists, from many parts near hand, in the Lord's days, & other times. There is no Popish School within this Parish, as know of. Some years since there was said to be ( & believe it) a Confirmation in this Parish, by the reputed Popish Arch- Bishop ofYork, & was then credibly informed, that there wasapplication made, to have some of those Children confirmed by him, whom had Christened in our Parish Church wth my own hands, & have at other times, heard of Popish Bishops or Bishop being in my Parish. The before mentioned Richd . Clemenshaw was perverted to the Popish Religion (as have been informed in King James, the Second's Reign) or about the Revolution. The above named Eliz : Wood (as have been informed ) was perverted to the Popish Religion , between 30 or 50 years





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2. 3.

4. 5.









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agoe .

The above named Ann Clemenshaw , wife to Robt . Clemenshaw, was perverted to the Popish Religion about three years since , just before she came into this Parish. * Dom. John Stourton , O.S.B., born 1673, died at Antwerp , 1748 (Birt's Obit. Book of English Benedictines ). He was a younger son of William, 12th Lord Stourton .



The above named Mary Moody was perverted to the Popish Religion about 7 or 8 years since (to the best of my remembrance) & upon it , she was presented by the Church-Wardens at the Visitation following , & called upon at the Court of Corrections, & for Contempt Excommunicated , & by a Writt de Excommunicato capiendo carryed to Jail, & a little while after set at liberty; & has ever since been rearing up four Children, think, in this Parish in the Popish Religion, who were Christened in the Parish Church, so the Papists in this Parish are now Grown hardened, & do not value Excommunications at one farthing; since Mary Moody was so soon set at Liberty, & has since received great Contributions from the Papist, question not, but there are many of this Parish, who would be glad to be confined for a month onley; & beside ; since A Noble Lord has been offended, for the Papists being presented, and Endeavoured to Browbeat People for doing their Duty; People have been since , I believe, remiss in their duty of that kind, being sensible they get a great deal of ill will , & do no good. The above, is the best Account that can be given to the six Enquiries , by Nichs. Gouge , Rectr. of Gilling. Septembr. 10th 1735.



Gisburn Craven . An Answer to the Enquiries delivered to the Clergy of the Dean'ry of Craven at the Arch Deacon's Visitation held at Skipton in June last . To the First . The Number of Papists in the Parish of Gisburn is Seven: Thomas Comaleach , a Farmer, and Anne his wife, and Ellen Wareing his Maid- Servant, James Bradeley, a Labourer. Christopher Parkinson, a Labourer, William Geldart, a Labourer . Ellen , the Wife of James Sherwood, a Shoemaker. None. 2-6. Robt Mitton, Curate of Gisburn in the Dean'ry of Craven. Glaisdale Cleveland . A true exact & particular Answer to the Enquiries , wch his Grace the Ld Arch Bishop of York demanded of his Clergy &c. Enqy: 1. Viz. the Numbr Papists In the Capldry of Glasedale above the age of thirteen years: Dorothy Harison, widow -John Harison, her son , ho : holdr:-Barbara & Mary, her daus . , spinstrs . Henry Harison & Ann, wife, joynr . . Pearson , servant Robt . Atkinson , servant-Will John Knags, batchelor Elixab :, wife of Paul Walton, cord-winder Frances Protham, widow George Wilson , cordwindr . Enqy: 2. No Popish Priest, nor any suspected to be so in our Capldry. Enqy : 3. No House or place where Mass was ever known to be


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prform'd in our Capldry (it being onely one mile distant from Eggton-brigg where thr is a Place appointed as is supposed for that purpose) neithr is ther any resort of Papists on the Ld's Day &c : to any Place here. Enqy: 4. No Popish School for either Sex wthin our Capldry. Enqy: 5. No Visitacon nor Confirmatn was evr known to be held by any Popish Bishop wthin our Capldry. Enqy: 6. I know not of any prson wthin our Capldry tht has been perverted to the Popish Religion . Jonathan Robinson, Curt. of Glasedale Capl. Glasedale , Sepr. 21st 1735 . Goodmanham Harthill. Answer to the Enquiries above mentioned with respect to the Parish of Goodmanham. There are no Papists or SupposedPapists. No Popish Priest , or any Persons supposed to be such. No House or Place in wch Mass is understood to be performed. No Popish School. No Visitation or Confirmation have been held by any Popish Bishop. Neither have any Persons been perverted to the Popish Religion . Witness Will. Clark , Cur. de Goodmanham. Goxhill Holderness . The Answer to the Enquiries of the most Reverend Father in God Lancelott by divine Providence Ld. Arch-Bishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan , exhibited at the Visitation of the Worshipful Dr Dering , Arch Deacon of the East-Ridingofthe County of York, on the 5th of August 1735. By John Segar Carter, Rector of Goxhil in the Parts aforesaid. 6. None. Witness my hand this twelfth day of Septembr. 1735. Jno . Segar Carter, Rectr. of Goxhil. Greasborough Doncaster. September ye 8th 1735. 1-6 . None. Robert Hyde, Curate. Great Ayton Cleveland . An Answer to the Enquiries given at the Visitation in the year 1735. 1. The number of Papists, or Persons supposed as such in our Parish is only One ; viz. Sarah, the wife of Wm. Appleton, butcher. . 2-6. Nonewitness As my Hand this 15 of September 1735, R. Jackson, Curt. of Gt Ayton.






Great Driffield Little Driffield Peculiar. We the Minister and Churchwardens of the Vicarage of little Driffield and the parochial chappel of Great Driffield in the East Riding





of the County of York in answer to six queries directed to the Minister of the said Vicarage and Chappel, do hereby certifie and attest .

I. That we have no papist nor reputed nor supposed papist of any age, sex, or quality, in our parish or chappelry.

replies to Questions 2-6 are all in the negative] [thetestimony whereof and our unfeignedly believing


every part

of our answer to the aforesaid Queries to be true, we have hereunto subjoined our names.

Geo : Colbatch, Minister.

Will. H Harland his mark

Churchwardens of

Little Driffield

Nickles Melner John Gray Robert Harpen Septemb : 21, 1735.

Churchwardens of Great Driffield.

Grindal Dickering . An Answer to the several Enquiries contained in the Schedule delivered to me at the last Visitation. 6. None. Geo : Gurwood, Curate ibid .



Guisbrough Cleveland . To The Most Reverend Father in God Lancelot Lord Arch Bishop of York. 1st We have ten Papists in Guisbrough above the age of thirteen Years : Mrs Mary Metcalf, spinster Mrs Catherine Metcalf, spinster Mrs Elizabeth Metcalf, spinster Mary Stephenson , a servant in the Metcalfe family Winefred , wife of William Walls, a mason Margaret Simpson , a poor old woman George Easton, a tailor Elizabeth , wife of John Sturdy, shoemakerAnne, wife of Ralph Peirson, a tailor Nicholas Patten, servant of Oliver Preswick, a flax dresser. 2d. No Popish Priest resides in our Parish. It is reported that one Philips, a supposed Popish Priest who lives at Egton, comes to Guisbrough four or five times in a year. 3d. It is reported that Mass is sometimes performed in the House of the Metcalfs above mention'd , at which the Papists living in Guisbrough are said to be present. 4. There is no Popish School kept within our Parish for Persons






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of either Sex .

never heard of any Visitation or Confirmation that has been Iheld by any Popish Bishop within our Parish.

6. No Person has been perverted to the Popish Religion since came to the Parish of Guisbrough. In obedience to Your Grace's commands, from the best information have been able to get, these answers to the enquiries relating to the Papists are returned by Your Lordship's Most dutiful obliged humble Servant W. Hide , Curate of Guisbrough. Guisbrough, 22 September 1735. * See note under Egton .







Old Ainsty.

1-6. None.

Witness my hand Henry Wickham , Rectr . of Guiseley. September the 2d 1735. Hackness Dickering. An exact and particular Return to those Enquiries lately sent by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York . 1-6. None. Witness my hand this twenty third Day of September 1735, Eustace Cass , Curate of Hackness. Halifax Pontefract. Oct. 17. Sir, Upon the strictest Enquiry find here no Papist or reputed Papist but one that is , George Addison, a Plaisterer, or White limer by Trade. To the 5 last Questions must answer in the Negative. Your humble Servant, Tho. Wright, Curate of Halifax. Halsham Holderness . and Names of the Papists, or supposedPapists I. TheourNumber Parish, Men, Women & Children above the Age of thirin teen Years with their Titles & Distinctions are as follows . Thomas Owst, husbandman, & Dorothy, his wife Thomas & Dorothy, their son & daughter Roger Croforth, Richard Johnson, Elizabeth Batty, & Anne Richardson, servants to the said Thomas Owst William Owst, husbandman, and Hannah, his daughter John Dresser , husbandman, & Elizabeth , his wife -Joseph Dresser , husbandman Thomas Preston, labourer, and Elizabeth , his wife Elizabeth Tiplady, widow Mary, the wife of Thomas Wilkinson , labourer Mary, the wife of John Gibson, labourer Elizabeth , the wife of Ralph Collinson, husbandman, and George Norton, their nephew Dorothy, the wife of John Hodge , labourer Mary Frank, widow, & Margaret, her daughter -Thomas Frank, servant to David Fewson Elizabeth Mason, servant to John Jackson William Nicholson, Mary Richardson & Martha Mason, poor people in the hospital in all twenty eight persons. 2. None. 3. There is a House in our Parish (Thomas Owst's) in which Mass is understood to be perform'd , and to which there is a Resort of Papists in the first Sunday of every Month . 5 , 4, 6. None. That this Answer is exact & particular to the best of our knowledge, and after diligent Enquiry made, we do humbly certifie September the 13th 1735. John Lambert , Rector. John Snaith , Curate. Handsworth Doncaster. The Answer to His Grace the Lord Arch -Bishop of York's Enquiries .






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1st. We have only One supposed Papist in our whole Parish , viz. Joseph Cartelage , a Taylor by Trade, his Wife & Children are not suspected. . None. 2-5 6. know of no Persons who have been perverted to ye Popish Religion except ye above nam'd Joseph Cartelage , whom remember to have seen at Church, by whom or when he was perverted cannot tell, for he is only yet a Supposed Papist. Signed by me Richard Woodyeare Curate of Handsworth . September ye 12th 1735. Harewood New Ainsty. Answers to the Articles of Inquiry concerning Papists, deliver'd to the Clergy at the last Visitation of the Arch Deacon of York. 1-6. None. Robert Knight, Vicar of Harewood.





Harswell Harthill . Harswell Parish, in the East Riding in the County of York. I. There is one supposed papist Ann Hayton, widow.


2-6. None. This is an exact and particular Return to the Enquiries

above mentioned to the Register's (Mr Jubb's ) Office in York , September the 15th 1735. By me Henry Laybourne , Minister . Doncaster. Harthill Sep. 8, 1735. The Answers to the Enquiries, which were sent to Harthill by order of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York in June 1735. To Enquirie I. There are in the Parish of Harthill only Two Persons, who are known to be Papists, namely , Hannah Evans , a Servant-Maid, of about 30 I. years of Age, who was born at Sheffield. 2 . Elizabeth Gastin of about 24 years of Age, who was born of Popish Parents at Killamarsh in Derbyshire She is the Wife of John Gastin, Cottager, (of Church of England ) whose Settlement is at Laughton in this County. They have one Child, which baptised , IV, V. None. To Enquirie II, To Enquirie VI . There is not One of this large Parish, for above Twenty Years last past, who has been perverted to the popish Religion . John Hewitt Witness my hand Rector of Harthill . Harwood Dale Dickering . An exact and particular Return to those Enquiries lately sent by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York.







I - 6. None. Witness


third Day of September 1735, my hand this twenty Eustace Cass , Curate of Harwood Dale.

Hatfield Doncaster. The Answer of William Drake, Curate of Hatfield to the Queries propos'd by His Grace of York relating to Papists Answer to Qu : 1st. We have one Papist in this Parish, and no more, viz. Anne the wife of Henry Morley of Stainforth, Blacksmith . 2-6. None. Given under my hand this ninth day of August in the Year of our Lord 1735. Will : Drake . Hawnby Rydale. An Answer to the Enquiries delivered to me at the Visitation of the Rt. Worshipful John Richardson, Master of Arts, Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Cleveland, held in the parish Church of Helmsley June the 23d 1735. 1st. There are three supposed Papists within my Parish viz. Richard Fawcet , a cooper by trade Elizabeth , wife to William Meggison Junr., a farmer, & sister to the said Richard Fawcet --and Robert Sherwood, servant to John Barker of Easterside, farmer. 2-6. None. As witness my hand this eighth day of Septembr In the Year of our Lord 1735. William Brockbank , Rectr. of Hawnby. Haworth Pontefract. August 20, 1735. Sir, According to ye A Bp's Directions , this is to give you notice, There is no Papist in our Parish. 2. Nor Popish Priest. 3. Nor Mass perform'd . 4. Nor popish School. 5. Nor Popish Visitation, or Confirmation . 6. Nor any person perverted to yt Religion in Haworth Parish: That know or have heard of. Is. Smith, Mrn [sic] of Haworth. Hedon Holderness . An Answer to the six Articles of Enquiry, of the most Reverend Father in God, Lancelot, by Divine Providence Lord Arch-Bishop of York, Primate of England , and Metropolitan ; relating to Popery : exhibited at the Visitation of the Right Worshipful Henerye Dering , Doctor of Laws, Arch-Deacon of the Arch-Deaconry of the East Riding : held at Beverley on Tuesday the fifth Day of August 1735. To the first Article of Enquiry answer That there are only seventeen Papists in the Parish of Hedon above the age of thirteen years, to wit, Richard Rand, a Schole master, or lately was one in the Parish of Burstwicke , and Mary, his wife John Sharp, joiner, and Hanah, his wife Margaret Sharp, widow -Katherine Addison, widow Roger Meek, glazier, and Ann, his wife Thomas Wright, sadler, Frances , his wife, and









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Elizabeth , his daughter,-Jane Pearson , widow Ann Meek, spinster Frances Oust , widow , and Frances Oust , her daughter Nicholas Meek, an apprentice and Frances Howton , a maid-servant. To the second , third, fourth, and fifth. None. To the sixth. That do not know of any Person in this Parish who has been perverted to the Popish Religion ; except the above - named Richard Rand * and his wife, who were perverted, as believe, about five years ago ; but by whom know not: it happening, before they came to settle in this Parish. Witness my Hand this nineteenth Day of September 1735, Thomas Jackson, Minister of Hedon. Helmsley Bulmer. of papists or supposed papists inhabiting, or making I. The number their abode, in the Parish of Hemsley, men, women and children above the age of thirteen years, are twenty five. Their names , titles , distinctions or trades in pursuance of the 114th Canon are as follows viz : Mr Wm. Bourn, a surgeon, his wife Elizabeth, & his maid servt . Dorothy Airson Richard Kendal, a barber, his niece Margaret Kendal Anthony Jackson, a tallowchandler, his mother Grace Jackson, a widow, and his bror. Jno. Jackson Luke Jackson, a grocer, & his wife ElisabethTho : Jackson, a mercer & grocer, & his wife Margaret Wm Allen , a line -dresser Tho: Crathorn, a weaver, his wife Margaret , & son Francis Jordan Brisby, one that tuns in ale, and his daughter Mary Tho : Metcalfe, a cobler James Howlden, a weaver Wm. Monday, a farmer , & his mother Jane Monday, a widow James Eleker, a day-labourer Mary Bentley, a widow Mary Soulby, a servt . 2. There is no popish priest, or any persons suspected to be such who constantly dwell , or are sojourners, in the Parish of Hemsley. 3. There is no house or place in the sd Parish of Hemsley in wch Mass is understood to have been perform'd , and to wch there is a resort of Papists on the Lords-day; but at other times, once in eight weekes time, there is a resort of Papists to, and suspect and apprehend Mass to have been performed in, the above-named Rich: Kendal's house of Hemsley by one Storton, who hath his abode wth Mr Fairfax of Gilling Castle as is supposed. 4. There is no popish school for persons of either sex kept in the sd Parish of Hemsley. 5 & 6. None. This is humbly an exact and particular answer and return in writing to the several enquiries pursuant to the desire and commands of his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, given in charge

















Richard Rand is mentioned under Burstwick and Paull , supra. * I.e. Stourton ; see note under Gilling.




the last Visitation held in the Parish Church of Hemsley. Witness my hand this tenth day of September 1735, Fran: Hodson, Vicar of Hemsley. Helperthorpe Dickering . Having made a diligent Enquiry concerning the Contents of the underwritten Enquiryes , have given particular Answers to each. 6. None. The above written Answers to every Enquiry are according to Truth. John Rudd , Witness my hand Vicar of Helperthorpe . 7ber 18th 1735.



Hemingborough Peculiar. These may certify whom it concerns yt have perus'd ye Articles of Enquiry issu'd out by ye Arch-Bishop of York's Order, about Papists, reputed Papists & c. , and upon diligt . Enquiry do not find one Papist in ye Parish of Hemingborough . Witness my hand ys sixteenth Day of September, 1735, M. Seasdale, Vic : P.S. humbly conceive ye general Answer may satisfy as well as a particular one to each Article.




Hemsworth Doncaster. 6. None. Answers to each of the Enquiries by R. Wrightson als Whitehead. Hemsworth , September 15th, 1735.




Heptonstall Pontefract. Articles Deliver'd & to be Enquired after at the Visitation Held at Wakefield in July Last By Arch-Deacon &c. as followeth . To Article or Enquiry ye First return Answer We have not in ye Parocheal Church or Chapel of Heptonstall One professed or Supposed Papist. And therefore to ye Second Article or Enquiry Consequently We can't Have a Popish Priest. Neither Thirdly Any House or Place where Mass is Perform'd or People Resort at any Time. Nor Fourthly Any School Kept. Nor Fifthly any Visitation or Confirmation Held. Nor Lastly Any Person perverted to the Popish Religion, but on ye Contray Converted to the Protestant . This is to Certifie His Grace the ArchBishop of York Witness My Hand This 27 day of Sept. 1735, Thomas Greenwood, Curate. Heslington Bulmer. September 22nd 1735. An Exact & Particular Answer, to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries , concerning Papists, in ye Parish of St Paul's , Heslington, near York &c.







1-6. None.

Given Under My Hand ye Day and Year above Written, Josph Shepherd, Curate of St Paul's, Heslington .

Hesle Harthill.

An Exact & Particular Answer to the Enquiries delivered to me Rob Lamberlee, Vicr. of Hesle in the Diocese of York, at the Arch - Deacon's Visitation held at Beverley August the 5th 1735 , by the Order of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York. 6. None. Witness my Hand Rob Lamberlee, Vicr. of Hesle. September the 19th 1735. Hexham. * Names Titles Distinctions or Trades of Papists or Supposed [1.] The Papists in the Parish of Hexham are as follows, viz. Peter Thompson & Thos. Burn, Popish Priests John Heron, Malster, & Ann, his wife Thos. Jefferson, tanner Jane Jefferson Thos. Kirsop , gent . , & Bridget , his wife Robt. Jefferson, shoemaker, & Eliz. , his wife Ralph Leadbitter, mercht . Joseph Studholm, blacksmith , & Barbara his wife, & Joseph his son Mary, wife of Thos. Robson Geo. Wreay, shoemaker Jane Short Katherine Lambert Lancelot Moffet -Philip Jefferson, surgeon , & Bridget his wife Robt. Rymer , mercht . , & Eliz . his wife Ralph Ridley, taylor, & Hannah his wife & Hannah his daughter James Grey, taylor Mr . , a taylor by trade , . Cuthbert Lambert, surgeon Edwd Taylor , his Wm Puncheon Thos. Taylor , Dorothy wife joyner & a taylor by trade, & Deborah his wife Thos. Taylor junr. , & Jane his wife Widdow Morrison & Wm. her son a barber, & Mary Clark a servant maide John Newton, gent ., & Eliz. his wife, & Ann his daughter Eliz. Davison, widdw ., & Edwd. her son , a mason by trade Wm. Ridley, a taylor, & Mary his wife Edward Charlton, a physician, & Mary his wife Wm. Hardwick, esqr., & Mary his wife Ann Thompson & John & Ralph her sons Bridget Carnaby, a spinster Bridget Weddell -Joseph Cook, a Skinner Edwd Johnson, shoemaker, & Eliz. his wife Clarice Younger, linnendraper John Ridley, gent. , & Mary his wife Jane Hutcheson, milliner, Ann her daughter , & Joseph her son Richard Ellis & Frances his wife, & Eliz . his daughter Edwd. Brown, a skinner , Dorothy his wife,


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* There is an excellent account of the Hexham Mission in C.R.S. , vol . xxvi . There were in fact four missions two in Hexham ( Franciscan and Dominican , and two in the immediate neighbourhood, Stonecroft ( Franciscan)


and Cockshaw under the Secular Clergy. Rev. Peter Antoninus Thompson, O.P. He had been missioner at Stonecroft from 1714, and came to Hexham in 1721 , and was there apparently


till 1754.

Rev. Jonas Bourne, a secular priest , who came to Hexham in 1734 ; he served Cockshawfrom 1732 to 1737.


Edwd . & John his sons , & Mary his daughter Edwd. Wilson , shoemaker, & Eliz. his wife George Rowland , a taylor John Fairlamb senr. & John Fairlamb junr Benjamin Cooke , a Skinner Mary Wreay Catherine Nevin, a widdw. There is one House in our Parish in wch Mass is understood to be performed. 6 . None. As witness my Hand this 29th Day of September 1735, Wm. Graham, Curate of Hexham . Note The Number of Papists above named are abt. Eighty.










[3] [ ]



High Hoyland Doncaster. Ans. 1-6. None.


Tho : Dawson Rectors. Thomas Malbon High Hoyland , Aug. 16, 1735.

Hinderwell Cleveland . The Number of Papists or supposed Papists are Cornelius Cole, pannyerman & farmer Anne , his wife , no children of 13 Years of Age Robert Pierson, labourer , & Anne, his wifeThomas Aislabie, mariner , Mary Aislabie, servant , son & daugr . to the abovesaid Anne Pierson by a former husband Margaret Gallon, servant. Rowsby : Martin Adamson, carpenter, his wife a Protestant, no children . 2-6. None. In Testimony to the Truth hereof have hereunto sett my Hand this 24th Day of September, 1735, Saml. Marsden, Curate of Hinderwell . Holbeck Old Ainsty. An exact & particular Answer to the Enquiries relating to Papists. 1. We have two supposed Papists in our Chapelry John Rhodes and Paul Kern, both single men and day labourers. 2-6 . None. Signed by me this 25th day of September 1735, Will. Carr, Curate of Holbeck . Holme in Spalding - Moor Harthill. A true answer to some Quaeries relating to the Number of Papists and other Articles ordered to be search'd into by his Grace the Ld Archbishop of York in the Parish of Holme in Spalding Moor Sept. 25th 1735. Ar. 1st. There are the Right Honourable Marmaduke, the Lord Langdale His Lady The Honourable Mr Marmaduke his son and three Daughters viz. Alethea , Dorothy and Elizabeth in the sd . Ld . Langdale's Family there are Mr Tho . Garstang, steward Mr Philip Prockter, butler-













* The 4th Lord Langdale, who died 1771. His wife was Elizabeth

(1689-1765), daughter of William, 3rd Lord Widdrington , of Blankney .

Marmaduke, the son, succeeded as 5th and last Lord Langdale. Dorothy, the 2nd daughter, married Sir Walter Vavasour, 5th Bart., of Hazlewood.



John Barns , coachman, & his wife , a chambermaid, both going from the house John Ridge, footman Tho. Lovett , in the stables Mrs Lawrence, housekeeper Mrs Ann Young, the young ladies maid Eliz. Ridge, a chambermaid -and Ann , the cook. The rest of Ld. Langdale's. Family are Protestants . There are besides in the sd Parish Tho. Spencer , husbandman, and his son Marmaduke Stark, husbandman Jane Ransom Robert her sonMercy Goodrick, wid Margaret, her daughter Tho. Sissons, labourer Ann, his wife Martin Johnson, labourer, & Eliz . his wife. is supposed that a Popish Priest lives in my Ld LangAr : 2d dale's Family, & that his name is Baker. * Ar: 3d The Mass is supposed to be Performed in my Ld . Langdale's house . 5th . 4th, , 6th. None. Ar These are true and full answers to the best of my knowledge to the Six Articles delivered at the Visitacons held at Beverley 1735 Witness my hand Fra: Poole, Curate at Holme in Spalding-Moor .

-- - -.- - -


Holme upon the Wolds Harthill . 6. None. Witness my Hand Henry Jefferson, Vicar of Holme upon the Wolds , in the County & Diocess of York . have sent you an exact & particular Return to the Inquiries, delivered to me, by the Arch Bishop's Order, at our last Visitation; and am Your most obedt. humble Servt, Hen : Jefferson, Beverley, September 9th 1735.



S. I


Holmfirth Chapel Pontefract . In Answer to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York Enquiries concerning Papists 1735 . I 6. None. Witness my Hand W. Thompson, Curate. Hollym with Withersea Holderness . An Answer to the inquiries made by Order of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York, & directed to me Aug: 5th 1735. 1-6. None. This, to the best of my Knowledge, is a true state of the Parish of Hollym with Withernsea , with regard to the above-mentioned inquiries : witness my Hand Ric : Nockalls, Vicar there.




Septr. 17th 1735.

Pacificus Baker, O.S.F. (died 1774, at. 80) . (Note by Canon * Fr.inArthur vol. iv of Archbishop Herring's Visitations ; Thaddeus, Fran-


ciscans in England, p. 196.)



Holtby Bulmer. 2. In ye Parish of Holtby there is but One Papist, viz. James Darley, a poor Servt.


Q. 3-6 : None.

Jno . Bradley , Curate of Holtby. Sepr. 10, 1735. Honley Pontefract. Answers to the Enquiries of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. 1-6. None. Will : Croft , Cur. of Honley . Septmbr . 16th, 1735.


Hooton-Roberts Doncaster. A particular Answer to the following Enquiries of the most Revd . Father in God, Lancelot by Divine Providence Ld . Arch Bp . of York, concerning Papists &c. A1 A6. None. September 19th 1735. Witness my hand Joseph Banks, Rector of Hooton-Roberts. Horbury Pontefract. In pursuance of his Grace of York's Directions , These are to certifie know, there are not any Papists, or reputed Papists, yt, as far asChapelry within the of Horbury in the Diocese of York ; neither do believe any Person to have been perverted to the Popish Religion within the said Chapelry. As Witness my Hand this 27th Day of September in the






Year of our Lord 1735, Jno. Scott , Curate of Horbury.

Hornby Catterick. An Answer to the Articles of Enquiry delivered to me at the late Visitation of the right worshipful the Dean & Chapter of York. 1-6 . None. James Hayton

Vicar of Hornby. N.B: The Person, whom we presented at a late Visitation, is now removed out of our Parish, & resides at Richmond . Hornsey with Riston Holderness . September 16th 1735. We have three Papists in our Parish of Hornsey, vid . Mr William I. Anders, a malt- man, and a person of a small estate George Conyers , a journey-man barber-& Mary Saunders , a maid servant. 2-6. None. Tho : Gale, Curate of Hornsey. Horsforth Old Ainsty. 6. None. John Chapman, Curate of Horsforth . Sepr. 2, 1735.







Horton in Ribblesdale Craven . The Answer to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York concerning Papists & c within the Parish of Hortonin Riblesdale 1-6 . None. Witness my hand this nineteenth Day of September in ye Year one thousand John Carr, Curate seven hundred & thirty five. of Horton Riblesdale. Hotham Harthill. 1-6. None. Thos. Bell, Rectr. 10th Sept. 1735. Hovingham Rydale. An Answer to the Articles Given me in Charge at the Visitation held at Helmsley in the North Riding of the County of York the Twenty third day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty five. Hovingham : George Skelton the elder, butcher George Skelton the younger, butcher Susanna the wife of Nicholas Green Elizabeth Green , spinster Catherine Green , spinsterSusanna Green the younger, spinster Ellinor, the wife of Peter Consitt Susanna Consit , spinster Christopher Monday, servant Mary Sturdy, servant. Scackleton : Dorothy, the wife of William Yong Christopher Yong, his son Anne Yong, spinster Catherine, the wife of Thos . Blenkholme Jane Smith, servant. Coulton : William Boulmer, farmer Dorothy, his wifeAnne Boulmer, spinster Jane Sturdy, widow Barbara Sturdy, spinster Anne, the wife of Edward Wayles. East Ness Ralph Crathorne, * esquire Jane Mennell, spinster Thomas Sturdy, servant Richard Bulloik, gentleman William Bulloik, gentleman Robert Bulloik, batchelor -Mary Bulloik, spinster Thomas Patrick, labourer Mary Patrick , spinster George Sherwood, carpenter Mary Sherwood, his wife Thomas Sherwood, carpenter Elizabeth Sherwood, his wife George Sherwood, his son John Sherwood, another son Thomas Sherwood the younger Frances Ishaw, widow Adeline Ishaw, spinster Clare Todd, widow . Holme : Robert Garnet , batchelor. 2 . There is a Person suspected to be a Popish priest called Mr Skelton who usually dwells at the house of Ralph Craithorne






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Of Crathorne and Ness ; married Catherine, daughter of John Killingbeck, of Chapel Allerton, and died 1755. This may be the Rev. James Skelton who was at Raventofts (near Ripon ) in 1741 and perhaps earlier (C.R.S. , xiii, 233 ; iv, 249). He was educated at Lisbon, and came on the English Mission in 1732 (History of Lisbon College, by Canon Croft , 1902). But it may be an alias for Fr. John Vincent Teesdale , O.P. ( 1703-1790 ), who was Chaplain to Ralph Crathorne from 1733 to 1750. (Note by Canon Ollard in Appendix A of Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns of 1743.)



esqr. at East Ness , but the said Ralph Craithorne being gone to London , he the said Skelton has been absent three months. 3. During the Residence of Ralph Craithorne esquire at East Ness, there was usually a resort of Papists to his house on the Lord's day, and at other times, and Mass was understood to be performed there. 4. There is no Popish School kept within the Parish. 5. No Visitation, or Confirmation hath been held by any Popish Bishop within the Parish. 6. No persons have been perverted to the Popish Religion in this Parish . Signed by me Rt. Fysh, Curate of Hovingham . September the 16th 1735. Howden Harthill. The Number of Papists or Supposed Papists in the Parish of I. Howden you here receive, viz : William Fox of Howden, Weaver & Susannah his Wife, both of them Supposed Papists, William Harrison of the Same Town, Barber, William Mann of the Same , Gardiner, Rebecca , Wife of Edward Tiplady of the same , Labourer , George Gibson of Newland , Husbandman. Q. 2-6: None. John Threlkeld , Vicar of Howden. Sep: 23d, 1735. Huddersfield Pontefract. Quaeries. have one Papist, viz . Elizabeth Bardon, a Single Woman &


I. Sempstress I .




Thomas Twistleton , Vicr. of Huddersfield.



Aug. 27th 1735. Huggate, East Ryd : in the County of York. An exact & particular Return to the Enquiries sent by his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York, in pursuance of 114thCanon. 1-6. None. Witness my hand Robert Luck, Rector of Huggate.

Hull, Trinity Parish Holderness . 5. None. 6. I know of none & upon the strictest enquiry can find nothing of Popery in the Parish. Witness my hand the twenty second day of September 1735, Wm Mason , Vicr.





Holderness .

An Exact & Particular Return of all Papists, reputed Papists, &c in the Parish of Humbleton in Holdernesse in the East Riding of the County of York.



Jno. Thorpe, gentleman, & Eliz :, his wife Mr Howard, * a reputed Popish Priest , lives in their family Mass is supposed to be performed there . Papists resort thither on the Lord's dayFrancis Dearing, a farmer , & Anne, his wife Eliz : Harrison , a poor widow Margaret, the wife of Fr: Crosser Frances Blashal, a poor widow Catherine, the wife of Ralph Gardam Margaret, the wife of Jno. Thorpe Eliz :, the wife of Jno : England. We have no Papists Schools. Neither have heard of any Visitation or Confirmation that has been held for these seven years last past. thank God have none that has been perverted . Witness Jno : Browne , Minr. of Humbleton . Humbleton , Sept. 23d 1735.


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Hunmanby Dickering. Hunmanby, Septem: 21 , 1735. There are no Papists or supposed Papists in the Parish of Hunmanby , or in the Chapelry of Forden, in the said Parish. 2-6. None. Francis Matson, Curate of Hunmanby.


Hunslet Old Ainsty. Two, viz. Thomas Baynes , taylor, & Mary, wife of John Tenant, clothier . 2-6. None. W. Burrow, Curt . of Hunslet . Sept. 26. Huntington Bulmer. Septembr. the 22d, 1735. An Exact and Particular Answr to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries , Concerning Papists In the Parish of Huntington near York. have only one Youth a Papist or Supposed Papist In my Parish (neither Man, Woman, or Child besides) about fifteen years of age, his Name is Robert Wilson, his trade a butcher, and in his apprenticeship. . 2-6. None Given undr my Hand , the Day & Year above written, Joseph Shepherd, Curate of Huntington.




I. I

Hutton Bushell Rydale. We have only three Papists ( namely) Frances , the wife of Richard I. Robinson, labourer, and two children, a boy of eight years of age, And a girl of six Years of age. 2-6. None. A Return to the Articles to be enquir'd into concerning Papists by Ste: Newton, Curate of Hutton Bushell. Sepr. the 3d, 1735.


* Rev. William Howard, S.J. (1687-1770 ), was chaplain to Mrs. Thorpe, of Danthorpe, from 1727 onwards. Danthorpe and Humbleton are only a few miles distant (Foley, Records, vii , 375 ; C.R.S. , xiii, 184).



Hutton-Cranswick Harthill. , Thomas Dowbiggin, Curate of Hutton-Cranswick, havingdiligently perused sd . 114 Canon, likewise the Enquiries given me in Charge by the Most Reverend Father in God Lancelot by Divine Providence Lord Arch Bishop of York return this my Answer thereunto as follows. As to the Number of Papists within our Parish, Men, Women, I. & Children above the age of thirteen years, is Five. Viz. Edmund Lawson , batchelor, who farmes the Petyt Tythes , lately the Corn Tythes William Chambers , lately married , who farmes the Corn, or Great Tythes , his wife comes to ChurchBrigid Chambers , widow Helena the wife of David NorrisAustin Wardell, shoemaker, his wife holds Communion with the Church of England . The Children under fourteen years of age are three. As for any Popish Priest, or any person suspected to be 2. such, either dwelling in our Parish or sojourning therein, as far as know , or can be informed thr is not any. Neithr Have we any house , or place in our Parish in which Mass 3. is understood to be performed, or to which there is a resort of Papists, either on the Lord's day, or at any other time, Except South Hall, lately possessed by the said Edmund Lawson, now by the said William Chambers , where have heard one say Mass has been performed, may be once or twice in a year , but never saw any resort thither, nor by all the Enquiry cou'd make, cou'd ever be certified whether there was any such place or no, it may be bare surmize only. We have no School within our Parish for either Sex . Neithr 4+5. Hath any Visitation or Confirmation been understood to 5. have been held by any Popish Bishop within our Parish. Neither Do know of any person who hath been perverted to the 6. Popish religion , Except the above mentioned David Norris , and whether the said David Norris be a papist or no, know not, he has seldom made his appearance at Church since they say he was married, He was a Member of the Church of England, if he be perverted , by whom, or when cannt. Resolve you, except by his wife. Thos . Dowbiggin, Curate of Hutton-Cranswick. September the 4th 1735.











Hutton Rudby, and Whorlton Cleveland . of the Papists within the Parish of I. A Return of the Names Hutton Rudby: John Osbrough , a shoemaker JamesOsbrough, a shoemaker James Osbrough , a shoemaker's son James Taylor, a weaver Joseph Taylor, a weaver's son Thomas Sayer , a farmer John Sayer , a farmer's son Thomas Sayer , a farmer's son Robert Sayer , a labourer Thomas Airsome , a weaver Hannah Osbrough , a shoemaker's wife Elizabeth Gowling , a farmer's wife Frances Gowling, a farmer's daughter




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--Mary Cussin, a gardener's wife Elizabeth Taylor, a weaver's



wife Susanna Taylor , a weaver's daughter Mary Airsome, a weaver's wife Mary Young, a poor woman Ann Sayer, a farmer's wife Ann Sayer , a poor woman Mary Sayer , a poor woman Ann Seamer , a poor woman Ann Smith , a poor woman Ann Airsome, a poor woman Hannah Barker, a poor woman Ann Kingston, a poor woman Eliz: Kingston , a servant Abigail Simson , a farmer's wife. A Return of the Names of the Papists within the Parish of Whorlton: Francis Airsome, a weaver Francis Airsome, a weaver's son JosephAirsome, a weaver's son Thomas Middleton, a landed man-John Middleton, his son Mary Airsome, a weaver's wife Mary Airsome, a weaver's daughter Isabel Dixson, a poor woman Ann Middleton. There are No Papists within the Constablery of East Rown-






2-6 .




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Hutton Rudby, September 9, 1735. George Stainthorp, Minister.

Huttons Ambo Bulmer. An Exact and Particular Return to Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Arch- Bishop of York. . 1-6. None Witness my hand this first day of Septembr, 1735, Michael Bridges, Curate of Huttons Ambo.


Hutton Wansley als Long Marston New Ainsty. 1. Upon diligent Enquiry find only One Papist in my Parishhis name is John Neal an hired servant to ElizabethVary. . 2-6. None Witness my hand this 8th day of July 1735, Marma : Buck, Rector of Hutton Wansley, als Long Marston.




Ilkley Craven . An Answer to the Six Articles exhibited at the Arch- Deacon's Visitation holden at Skipton in the West -Riding in the County of York, June the 12th 1735. Made by the Church Wardens of Ilkley in the West Riding of the County aforesaid. Article I. Mr Hugh Frankland, * A reputed Popish Priest. John Atkinson , Farmer & Katherine Atkinson his Mother , Spinster. William Hudson, Farmer , & Isabel Hudson, His Wife, Spinster. William, John, & Christopher, their Sons all above the Age of Thir-


teen. Thomas Hawksworth & Barbary his Wife, Farmer & Spinster. Edward More & Elizabeth His Wife, Farmer & Spinster. Robert Hardwick, Farmer , & Elizabeth His Wife Spinster. Dom. Hugh Frankland , O.S.B. , was at Middleton Lodge, 1719-1745. See Birt's Obit. Book of English Benedictines , p. 101.




Usselley [ i.e. Ursula] , Wife of Thomas Nelson , Farmer . Thomas Hardwick, Farmer. Robert Benson , Farmer . Helen Hodgeon, Spinster. Martin Hawksworth, Linnen -Weaver. William Harrison , Farmer, & Mary his wife , Spinster. John Hawksworth, Farmer, & Mary his Wife, Spinster. William Hodgeon, Farmer . Henry Hodgeon , Farmer, & Ellen Hodgeon , his Sister, Spinster. John Gill, Yeoman. William More, Farmer . William & Sylvester his Sons . Mary Wife of John Robinson, Spinster. Henry & Margaret Her Son & Daughter . Ellin, Wife of Thomas Robinson, Farmer. Jane Light, Wid : & Spinster . Thomas & John Her Sons. Ann Shann , Spinster . Article 2. Mr Hugh Frankland . A supposed Popish Priest. Article 3. A Place called the Lodge. Being an House belonging to Marmaduke Middleton Esqre.* To which there is observed to be a resort of Papists on the Lords Day. Articles 4, 5, & 6. None. This Answer to the aforesaid Articles made October the 4th 1735 is, to the best of our knowledge, a faithful & true Answer. As witness our Hands Samuel Mann William Beeston Church-Wardens.

Illingworth Pontefract. 1-6. None.



Signed by, Daniel Bentley , Curate of Illingworth in the Vicarage of Hallifax. Articles of Enquiry relating to Papists distinctly answered.

Ingleby Arncliff Cleveland . 1. We have no Papists or supposed Papists in our Parish , save Three, absolute Recusants, First, Dorothy Legg , a Poor Widow of about sixty Years of Age ; Second , Dorothy Barton, spinster, about twenty Years of Age, servant to Mr George Clerk; and Third, Cicely Osbrough , spinster, about eighteen Years of Age, servant to Elizabeth Russells , widow . 2-6. None.witness As my Hand this twenty-sixth Day of August A.D. 1735. John Hudson, Curate of Ingleby Arncliff .


Ingleby Greenhow Cleveland . All the Papists or supposed Papists in the Parish of Ingleby Greenhow above the Age of thirteen years are Robert Watson, husbandman Bridget, wife of James Watson, cooper Thomas Elden , husbandman, and Elisabeth his wife William Frankland, servant to Thomas Elden Elisabeth Ripley, widow .





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Marmaduke Middelton , of Middelton Lodge and Stockeld, died, unmarried, 6 May, 1757.



. 2-6. None This is a true and exact Return

to all the Enquiries required by His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York . Witness my hand this ninth day of September 1735 , Sam: Hassell, Curate of Ingleby Greenhow.


Kayingham Holderness . Kayingham , Septr. the 21st 1735. Having seriously consider'd the several Articles of Enquiry Deliver'd to me at the last Visitacon by order of His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, humbly return the following Answer thereto ; There are only two Persons of the Romish Perswasionat Kayingham, viz. William Hawksworth, yeom. who, as am inform'd was unhappily Perverted to that Faith many years ago, & before he came to dwell in this Parish, Likewise Anne the wife of Thomas Renardson, blacksmith , who hath solemnly Promis'd me that whatever children it shall please God to Bless him with, shall be educated according to the Doctrines & Worship of the Church of England . There is no Place where Mass is suppos'd to be said, No Popish Seminary or School taught, No Confirmation or Visitation held by any titular Bishop, nor any Persons that know either at Kayingham, or within the Peculiar of Pydsey-Burton, lately Reconciled to the Romish Religion. John Pearson , Curate ibid.




Keighley (Kighley)-Craven . None. Witness my hand, to the Foregoing Answers, this Twenty Second day of September in the Year of our Lord, one Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Five, Bern . Collins, Rector of Kighley, in the Arch Deaconry of York. Kellington Pontefract. A true Return to his Grace the Lord Arch - Bishop of York's Enquiries . 1-6. None. Witness my Hand this twenty second Day of September 1735 , G. Almond , Vicar of Kellington.



Kettlewell Craven . In Answer to ye Questions above have no papists or Supposed Papist in my Parish, as witness my Hand this fourth day of August , one thousand seven hundred & thirty five, John Currer, Min : of Kettlewell.


Kilburne Bulmer. A List of the Papists in the Parish of Kilburne above the Age of thirteen Years. In answer to Shaw, the father James Shaw, the son , farmerI. Robert Katherine , the wife of James Shaw Bridget, the wife ofWilliam Lee, farmer Jane, the wife of Edward Harding , farmer Anne Kerrison , a servant Philip Sturdy, farmer , the father of Ben-



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jamin Sturdy, Philip Sturdy, Anne Sturdy, Mary Sturdy Elizabeth Thompson, a stroller. 2-6. None. September the 22d 1735, Robt . Peirson, Curate of Kilburne.

Kildale Cleveland . Kildale, October 1st 1735. An answer to the Enquiries given at the Visitation the year abovewritten . Article 1st We have only one Papist in the Parish of Kildale, viz. John Taylor, miller. Nothing presentable in the five following Articles. Witness my Hand Jn : Nicholson. Kildwick Craven . This is to certify that I have made the best enquiry could & cannot I or any House Papists or supposed Papists learn that there are any Mass said Sunday on which is in or any other day nor any school for educating Papists, neither has there been any Visitation or Confirmation held by any Popish Bishop nor can I find that any have been perverted to the Popish Religion within the Parish of Kildwick John Dehain. -Witness my hand this 29th June 1735 .





Kilnsea, Easington, and Skeffling Holderness . An exact and particular answer to the enquiries given at the Visitation for the Parishes of Kilnsea , Easington & Skeffling. . I 6. None Witness my hand, Chris: Coulson, Vicar of Kilnsea and Curate of Easington & Skeffling. Easington, Aug. the 18th 1735. Kilnwick, and Beswick Harthill.




I - 6. None. September the 18th 1735

Witness my Hand William Mosey, Curate of Kilnwick and Minister of Beswick. Kingston on Hull St Mary's Holderness . Sir -According to the Arch Bishop's directions, you receive the following return to the Articles of Enquiry concerning Papists within the Parish of St Mary's in Kingston upon Hull. There are dwelling in our Parish supposed to be Papists Mrs I. Thorp, a widow, and her daughter (who is above thirteen years of age)-Catherine , the wife of Andrew Cook, mariner and Margaret Evans, singlewoman. 2-6. None. Field Dunn , Ministr of the Parish Church aforesd. Hull, 24 Septr. 1735 . Kippax New Ainsty. The Answer of the Vicar of Kippax to the Articles enquired of by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York.









Article the 1st. There are two Papists in this Parish, Frances Johnson and Margaret Bremin , both poor old widows. Art : the 2d, 3d, 4th, & 5th. There neither is nor hath been any thing enquired of in these articles. Art: 6th No person now in this Parish hath been perverted to the Popish Religion. William Wood, Vicar of Kippax.

Kirk Bramwith Doncaster.


To his Grace the Lord Arch- Bishop of York. Ans. 1st. We have no Persons actually, of the Communion of the Church of Rome, or supposed , to be. Ans . 2-6. None. These are to Certify, that we have no Persons called Papists within the Parish of Kirk Bramwith, Although we have those, yt deny the Doctrine of the Church of England as Quakers and Dissenters. As witness my Hand the 25 day of August 1735, J. Man , Curte of Kirk Bramwith. Witness, John Rowell .

Kirkburne Harthill .

A true answer to the. Queries of his Grace the Ld Arch Bishop of York abt Papists & c within the Parish of Kirkburne in the East Riding of the County of York. . I- 6. None This is a true answer to the abovementioned Interrogatories


Hen: Robinson, Curate of Kirkburne. Septembr . 15th 1735.

Kirkburton Pontefract. . None. 1-6 This is a true and particular Return, to the Above Mentioned Enquirys . As Witness My Hand this 20th day of September 1735. Jon . Hardy, Cur . of Kirkburton .


Kirkdale Rydale. of Papists or supposed Papists inhabiting, or making I. The number their abode in the Parish of Kirkdale, men, women and children above the age of thirteen years are two. Their names , titles, distinctions or trades in pursuance of the 114th Canon are as follows , viz : Thomas Bullock, a farmer and his wife Anne. 2-6. None. This is humbly an exact and particular answer & return in writing to the several enquiries pursuant to the desire and command of his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York given in charge, the last visitation held in the parish Church of Hemsley. Witness my hand this tenth day of September 1735, Fran : Hodson, Curate of Kirkdale.





Kirk Deighton New Ainsty. The Answer of the Rector of the Parish of Kirk Deighton to the


Enquiries underwritten. 5. None. 6. It is credibly reported, that Elizabeth Tasker (who went out of this Parish above twenty years agone to service) hath been perverted to the Popish Religion but have not heard by whom, & that she was so perverted about eight years since & that she now lives in some Place called a Nunnery in York. Witness my hand this 9th day of Septb. 1735, John Froggott , Rectr . of Kirk Deighton.



Kirk Ella, and North Ferriby Harthill.



Having according to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop's injunctions made inquiry in the Parish of Kirk Ella answer to the several Queries. 1-6. None. return the same answer to every Article, with respect to the Parish of Ferriby. William Huntington, Vicar of Kirk Ella & Curate of North Ferriby.




Kirk Heaton Pontefract. My Lord,


In Obedience to Your Grace's Comands I beg leave to certify, that so far as can gain Information; there are in the Parish of I

Kirk-Heaton . 1st. Neither any Papists or Supposed Papists of any Age. 2ly. Neither Popish Priest, nor any Supposed to be Such, dwelling or Sojourning there , nor 3ly. Is there any House or Place, in which Mass is understood to be performed, to which Papists resort at Any Time for ye Sake of Religious worship. 4ly. There is No Popish School for Persons of Either Sex. 5ly. There has been No Visitation or Confirmation by any Popish Bishop within this Parish that have heard of. 6ly. None has been perverted to the Popish Religion ; Nor shall there any Offence in any of these Particulars happen in this Parish, of which an Account shall not be returned according to the Direction of the 114 Canon, while I am Minister of this Parish. Septembr. the 27th 1735. This is a true & faithful Answer to the Queries Sent me, as far as can learn by my best Enquiry, Witness mine Hand the day & year above-written Tho : Clarke.





Cleveland .

A return to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York . September 22, 1735.



have no Papists, nor supposed Papists I. We There is no Popish Priest , nor any suspected to be


such, who dwell or sojourn 3. No house or place where Mass is perform'd or where Within Papists resort on the Lord's day this Parish 4. No Popish School 5. There hath been no visitation nor confirmation held 6. No Persons (that I know of) perverted to the Popish Religion

Edwd. Nelson, Vicr. of Kirkleatham. Kirklevington Cleveland . are no Papists living within this Parish but two, John I. There Passman , batchelor, & his maid servant. 2-6. None. Hen : Bradley, Curate of Kirklevington.


Kirk Sandal Doncaster. Sept : 15th 1735 . Sr. There is no Person or Place in my Parish yt know off or suspect to be ye Least Concern'd in anyof ye Enquiries Above mentioned -Nor have to my knowledge one Dissenter of Any sort—but one Quaker at Trumphlet. am yr very HumbleServt., Jos. Holmes.





Kirk-Smeaton Doncaster.


An Answer to the Enquiries abt Papists in the parish of KirkSmeaton.

Ar. 1st. The number of Papists is 2. viz . Thomas Harrison , Farmer


& Elizabeth his wife. None. Jo : Drake, Rector of Kirk-Smeaton.


Kirkby with Broughton and Seamer Cleveland . Robt. Warton, Vicar of Kirkby with Broughton in the Diocese ofYork, and within the Arch-Deaconry of Cleveland, have diligently perused the Six Articles of Enquiry given me in Charge from His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, and in obedience to his Enquiries do make the Return as followeth. 6. None. do further crave leave to certifie that I've no such Persons wthin my Chapelry of Seamer in the Arch Deaconry above-said. Given under my hand the 15th day of September 1735 , Robt . Warton, Vicar of Kirkby and Curate of Seamer. Kirkby Grindalyth Buckrose. Kirkby Grindalyth, Septr. the 10th 1735. 1-6. None. Isaac Wykes , Vicar of Kirkby Grindalyth.









Kirby Knowle , with Bagby Bulmer. Kirkby Knowle Parish with the Chappelry of Bagby within the Diocese and County of York. A true and particular Answer to the several Articles of Enquiries concerning Papists given in Charge at the Visitation held at Thirsk on the 25th day of June 1735.

I- 6. None. Witness our hands this 20th day of September 1735, John Wind, Rector of Kirkby Knowle . George Ranson, Curate there.

Kirkby Malhamdale Craven . Sr. In obedience to his Grace the Archbishop's Injunction requiring every respective Clergyman to give an account of what Papists or reputed Papists are in his Parish ; I do inform you that there are none, either Papists, or reputed so, in my Parish ; And, hope, this I should may be allowed of as an Answer to all the Proposicons wch have particulariz'd if we had had any Papists among us. Robt . Lupton, Witness my hand



Curate of Kirkby Malhamdale. Kirkby Malhamdale, August 22nd 1735 .

Kirby Misperton Rydale.


Having Examined the contents of the underwritten Enquiries have given particular answers to each. [The 6 questions are repeated at length: the answers are 6. Ñone . The above written answers to the above written Enquiries are according to truth. Witness my hand Peter Dubourieu , Rector of Kirby Misperton . September the 27th 1735.




Kirkby Moorside Rydale. The Names of the Papists, above the Age of thirteen Years, within the Parish of Kirkby-moor-side: Christopher Sturdy, inn- keeper Ann his wife and Eleanor his wife's sister Eleanor, the wife of George Jackson, joiner Eleanor, the wife of William Wawne , tallow-chandler and sope-boiler. As to the other 5 Questions I answer in the Negative . Robt. Mansell, Curate.

Sep. 22d 1735.







Kirkby Overblow and Pannal New Ainsty. are seventeen Papists within the Parish of Kirkby- overI. There blows, above the age of thirteen years, viz. Sir Peter Vavasour* -Henry Witham, gent. Tho: Smallpage , servt . to Sir Peter



There never was a Sir Peter Vavasour. In 1735 the Baronetcy was held by Sir Walter Vavasour, 4th Bart., S.J., who died in Lancashire in 1740, aged about 8o . Sir Walter had a brother Peter (the " Sir Peter in the text) who died in June, 1735, who may have been popularly reputed a Baronet owing to his elder brother having become a Jesuit (Cockayne's


Complete Baronetage).



Vavasour Roger Heal, widdower Tho : Heal, a joyner, & Mary his wife Cormack Heal, a day-tale man , & Ellen his wife Tho : Kendall , a taylor, & Mary his wife Rebecca Elsworth, widdw Henry Crosland , esqr. , & his wife Dorothy -Ellen Alison, spinster Walter Alison, yeoman, & Elizabeth his wife, of late perverted by her husband (as may be suspected) to the Popish Religion . Willm. Alison , whitesmith. 2. No Popish Priest , or any person suspected to be such, dwells in, or is Sojournr . that I cou'd ever yet meet with; One Mr Hutchinson has , sometime agoe, been talked of as such. 3. No House, or place, in this Parish, wherein can affirm Mass to be perform'd, & to which there is a resort on the Lord's day or at any other Time. 4 & 5. None. 6. Elizabeth Alison as above mention'd. Witness my hand this 24 day of Septr. 1735, Lister Simondson, Curate of Kirkbyoverblows . There is no Papist, or Dissenter, at present, wthin the Parish of Pennall . [ i.e. Pannal].


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Kirkby-under- Dale Buckrose. An Answer to the Enquiries Given me in Charge at the Archdeacon's Visitation held at Bridlington in the Year 1735. 6. None. Rt. Fysh , Rector of Kirby-under-dale. Kirkby Wharp (sic : vere Wharfe )-New Ainsty. A True Answer to the Inquiries Sent by Order of His Grace the Lord Arch - Bishop of York. Answer 1. Two only: Anne , the wife of Edward Calvert of Ullerskelf in this Parish , Labourer, aged 40. Valentine Dixon , a Servant to Thomas Gibson of Kirkby Wharp,


Farmer , aged 16 years. None. Jno . Robinson, Curate of Kirkby-Wharp.


Kirkby -Wharp,

October 3rd 1735.

Laneham, Nottinghamshire Peculiar of D. and C. of York. Answers to the Enquirys of his Grace the Lord Archbishop




I- 6. None.

Nicholas Howlett, Curate of Laneham in Nottinghamshire . Langtoft Dickering. Sept. 25th 1735. An Answer to the Enquiries concerning papists for the parish of Langtoft.


This is Dom . Anthony Cuthbert Hutchinson , O.S.B. , who was sent to the*North Province about 1733 and occurs at Plompton (in the neighbourhood of Kirkby Overblow) 1740. He died 1759 or 1760 (Birt's Obits.; C.R.S., ххіі , 221) .


Q1-6 : Answer, None.


John Hall, Vicar of Langtoft.

Langton Buckrose . An Answer to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York's Inquiries concerning Papists. 1-6. None. Christopher Croe , Rector of Langton . The 22d of September 1735 .


Lastingham Rydale. These are to certifie whom it concerns tht according to the best of my knowledge there is neither Papist nor reputed Papist in the Parish of Lastingham . Witness L: Smelt, Vicar. Laughton Doncaster. The Answer of ye Vicr of Laughton to the Following Queries. I. A. We have four in ye parish of Laughton John Booth a Tanner & his Servant Mary Staten. Richard Parsison and his Wife Hannah, Farmers. 2. A. There are no persons Suspected to be so in this Parish. 3. A. Not that I ever heard of. 4. A. None. 5. A. Not that I ever heard of. 6. A. The Above named Richard Parsison & his wife & John Booth have been perverted , but by whom & when cannot Learn . R. Browne, Vicr. of Laughton. Leathley Old Ainsty. An Exact & particular Answer to the several Articles of Enquiry in Relation to Papists, propos'd by his Grace the Archbishop of





York. 5. None. 6. No Person has been seduc'd to the Popish Religion since the Parish was committed to my Care nor drawn into any Schism or Separation from the Church. Your Grace's affectionate zeal to prevent the Growth of Popery, and the spreading of the damnable Errors , Superstitions & Idolatry, of the Church of Rome meritts ample Praise from all true Lovers of our Church & Nation: & will have a due Influence upon your People, & Clergy especially, who clearly see, & detest her abominable Corruption of the best Religion in the World. I. By setting up the Pope's Supremacy not only in spirituals, but also in temporals, so that it was declared by Clement the 5th that all the Right of Princes depended on him alone; & England & Ireland are esteem'd Fees of the Papacy ; & the Pope has even dar'd to excommunicate, & depose our Princes , to absolve their Subjects from their Allegiance, & to condemn our Laws. And this Power is assumed in opposition both to the Laws of God, & Man. St Peter callingthe King supreme, vesting Princes with the Suprem-




acy within their own Dominions, & bidding us submit to them ; and not to the Pope . & St Paul charges every soul to be subject to the higher Powers , Viz . , civil, without excepting either Bishops or Apostles. & such Laws, as are declaratory of our Fundamental Constitution , assert expressly that the Crown of England was in no earthly subjection, & that the King had no Supreme, but God only. And the maintenance of this pretended Supremacy of the Pope hath been the Occasion of the Murther of many Princes, hath filled Christendom for many Ages with Massacres , Treasons , War & Bloodshed before the Reformation plunder'd the wealth of England ; & has disturb'd its Quiets. 2ly. By her false & absurd Doctrine of Transubstantiation , wch supposes , the whole substance of the Bread & Wine to be chang'd into the Body & Blood of Christ , whereas our senses assure us, they remain still Bread & Wine after Consecration. And we if cannot rely upon the Evidence of our senses when best qualified to judge, we must be unavoidably expos'd to eternal scepticism. We cannot otherwise tell that our Blessed Savr. preach'd a Divine Doctrine , & wrought Numberless Miracles, died & rose again, than by the Testimony of Sense. Those Persons who heard him speak as never man spake; saw his Sacred Person & Miracles, & handled his pretious Body, report & attest these things upon the evidence of sense, and we know , their Testimony is true. Sacred Writt calls them expressly Bread, & the Fruit of the Vine, or Wine , after their Distribution to the Communicants. Indeed a Change of the Bread & Wine into the Natural Body & Bloud of Christ is absurd. is impossible our Saviour should take himself & his Hand hold It his whole Body, & consequently hold it self: & that he gave himself from himself: that his Body was eaten by his Disciples, whilst remain'd whole & entire ; & his Bloud was drunk by them, whilst it flow'd in his veins. It is impossible Xt's Body should be whole & entire in ten Thousand different Places at the same Time, as this Popish Doctrine supposes, & It is impious in the highest Degree to eat the Flesh of their Savr., who is God Incarnate , as the Doctrine


of Transubstantiation supposes. 3ly. Another gross Corruption of Xtianity is the Adoration of

the Host, or Bread & Wine , with the highest Worship of the Supreme God, giving that divine Veneration to the Creature wch. is due to the Infinite Creator only , which is clear Idolatry, & forbidden by Scripture . charge the Roman Church with the hainous I might up the Sacred Pages in an Unknown Tongue, wch. Guilt of locking were reveal'd by God to make men wise unto Salvation , shutting what lies in them the Kingdom of Heaven against men; with robbing their People of the Cup in the Sacrament, in express Contradiction to Xt's Institution & Practice, & Apostolical Usage; with setting up Saints & Angells as Mediators besides the blessed Jesus who is the only Mediator by God's Appointment, & who is able to save to the uttermost all those who come unto God by him , seeing he ever lives to make Intercession for them. To sett up other Mediators is not only needless, but contrary to a Divine



Constitution, & therefore sinful. & lastly with having her publick Liturgy in an unknown Tongue, excluding the unlearn'd from joyning in the Common Devotions , & hindering their Edification, contrary to a whole Chapter of St Paul & to common sense, wch. teaches us to make Divine Service as Edifying as is possible, by having it in the Vulgar Tongue. But is high Time to make an End. That God may preserve this Reform'd Church from Popery & make their present Majestys & their Royal Issue blessed Instruments of perpetuating this invaluable Felicity to this Nation from Generation to Generation, is the hearty Prayer of Yr Dutyfull Son & Servant in Jesus Christ . Joseph Williamson, Rector of Leathley. Leconfield Harthill . A true answer to the Queries of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York about Papists &c. within the Parish of Lecconfield in the East Riding of the County of York. 1-6. None. This is a true answer to the above menconed Interrogatories by Hen: Robinson, Curate of Lecconfield. Churchwardens. Richard Watson Wm Spencar Septembr . 15th 1735.



Ledsham New Ainsty. 1-6. None. John Benson, Vi : ib.


Lee, St John's (St John Lees )-Hexham. The Names titles Distinctions or Trades of Papists or Supposed Papists in the Parish of St John Lees are as followeth. Viz. Thoms Errington* of Beaufront , esqr.-Wm. Biggins, his servant . Att Anicke : Robert Atkinson , carpenter Thoms Ridley, farmer , & James Hutton, his servant. Att Woodhead: John Armstrong, carpenter, & Eliz. his wife. Att Errington: George Sanderson , gent. , & his wife Wm. Scasbricke , gent . Catherine Witham, spinster Wm . Scott & John Lowry, farmers . Att Cocklaw: George Carr, farmer , & Catherine his mother . Att Wall : Patricke Morrow, weaver, Jane his wife, John his son , & Jane his daughter . : Ann wife of Matthew CowlsonAtt Stagshey Cloghouse Eliz : wife of Thoms Bell . In all 21 . 2-5. None. Thomas Errington, of Sandhoe and Beaufront, died 30 May, 1748, aged*88. He engaged in the Rising of 1715. He succeeded his brother William in 1717 (Estcourt and Payne, in 1727, which William registered his estates Cath. Non-Jurors) . Thomas Errington married Mary Douglas, of Newcastle (Hodgson, History of Northumberland, 1897) , and left issue.






282 6.


There hath been no body perverted to the Popish Religion since John Armstrong , presented last Court.

As witness my hand this 29th Day of September In the year of our Lord 1735 , Alexr . Stokoe, Curate of Saint John Lees. Old Ainsty. Papists, or Supposed Papists within the Township of Leedes. Jackson, widow, and her daughter John Jackson, a I. Anne datal cloth-dresser John Robshaw and his wife and Mary their daughter John Grocock, a root- seller Richard Grocock, a fidler John Northouse, a root-seller and his wife and daughter -Peter Railton , a datal cloth- dresser and his wife and daughter William Pickering, whitesmith, and his wife Thomas Peart, a woolcomber William Tolson and his wife John, son of Mr John Wade a merchant , who was perverted in Flanders about two Years ago Elizabeth Thorp, who teaches a sowing school in This Town, her husband living at Middleton in the Parish of Rothwell . . None. 2-5 6. This Quaerie is Answered above. Jos . Cookson , Vicar. Leeds






Letwell Doncaster. The Answer of the Minister of Letwell to the following Queries. Witness my hand 1-6. A. None. : Marshall Ed , Curate of Letwell. Leven Holderness. TheAnswer of the Rector of Leven to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries. 1-6. None. Witness my hand this 17th of September 1735, John Lambert , Rector of Leven .


Levisham Rydale. Levisham , 7br the 2d 1735. 1-6. None. Isaac Wykes , Rector of Levisham .


Lightcliffe Pontefract. According to the order of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York to the following particulars about Papists. Ist Thomas Thorpe, a Cloth Dresser. 2. Nil, &c. Josh. Hill, Curate of Lightcliffe.

Linton Craven. A Particular Answer to the Enquiries deliverd att the Visitation held att Skipton 1735 .

I. There is one Papist , or Supposed Papist in our Parish, A Single



Man, A Boarder & above the Age of Twenty years whose name is Matthew Ferrand , an Apothecary .



Linton , Septembr. 10th 1735,

John Alcock , Curate att Linton. Little Ouseburne Boroughbridge. Sr, We have not one Papist nor reputed Papist wth in the Parish of Little Ouseburne. Witness my hand the 3rd day of September 1735, Wm Wilcock, minister. Addressed: to Mr Costobadie

In Peter-gate

York. Lockington Harthill . doe certifie that there are no Papists, nor any Supposed Papists, within the Parish of Lockington. Witness my hand Wm Store, Junior, Curate. Lofthouse Cleveland . 1 The Papists or supposed Papists in the Parish of Lofthouse are these following : George Adamson, farmer John Aisleby, farmerJohn Hill, weaver Thomas Taylor , boarder Francis Johnson, labourer Ralph Frankland , labourer Matthias Edwards, labourer -John Ward, labourer Martin Crosby , labourer , & wife Esther, wife of John Carter, miller Robert Suggett , servant, & wifePhilip Carter, servant Thomas Taylor , servant . 2-6. None. Thomas Foster, Curate of Lofthouse. Londesborough Harthill. In obedience to His Grace's commands, Abraham Sharp, M.A. & Rector of Londesburgh in the Arch-Deaconry of the East Riding of Yorkshire , do make the following exact and particular Return to the several Enquiries above- mentioned, viz. 6. None. Witness my hand this seventh day of August 1700 &







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thirty five,

Abrah: Sharp. Long Preston Parish Craven. 1-6 . None. Jer. Harrison, Vicar. Long Preston, Sept. 23rd 1735. Luddenden Doncaster. 6 . None. So testifieth Joseph Brooksbank , Curate of Luddenden Chapel. Lund Harthill . 1-6. None. September the 18th 1735 . Witness my Hand, William Mosey, Vicar of Lund.








Lyth Cleveland . An Acct of all Papists or Supposed Papists we have within the Parish of Lyth, Egton Chappelry excepted, of Men, Women, and Children above the age of thirteen Years. Smith, gent., and Mary his wife Thomas and Richard, I. Richard his sons Robert Wood and Grace his wife Wm. Keld and Katherine his wife Wm. Unthank , shoemaker Elizabeth, wife of Mathew Willson Thomas Hogard, batchelor, butcherMary, the wife of John Reah Wm. Stephenson , labourer Ellis Hill, widow , and Ann, her daughter Margaret , wife of Thomas Robinson Ann Peirson, widow Thomas, her son George Peirson and Hellenor his wife Richard Lyth, Isabel his wife,




- -






John his son , Hellenor his daughter John Holehon, widowerFrancis Jowsey John Atkinson Elizabeth Atkinson Thomas Garbut Jane his wife Francis Wedgewood Elizabeth Hodgson, widow Robt Stephenson , mariner, and Dorithy his wife -John Dale, butcher Martin Adamson, Jane his wife Ann Hodgson, widow Christopher Simpson , Margaret his wifeElizabeth wife of Wm. Mires Frances Thompson Wm. Atkinson and Elizabeth his wife John Atkinson and Katharine his wife Mary Atkinson , widow Robt . her son , and Elizabeth her daughter Luke Gallon and Dorothy his wife Thomas his


- --

son .








2. John Revet, a Popish Priest residing at Ugthorp. 3. The said John Revet occupies a House or place in Ugthorp above named wherein he reads Mass on Sundays and other Holy days . 4. The said John Revet keeps a School at Ugthorp aforesaid and educates youn [g people. ] 5. We have had no Visitation nor Conformation [sic] held within the Parish of Lyth by any Popish Bishop that know off. I 6. The afore named Robert Wood is perverted to the Romish Religion by Grace, his wife, about two years since. Katharine perverted to the Romish Religion by her husband, Wm. Keld about 8 years since . Wm. Atkinson perverted his wife Elizabeth to the Romish Religion about seven years since. The afore named John Atkinson perverted his wife Katharine to the Romish Religion about 18 years since .

Luke Gallon perverted

by his wife Dorothy to the Romish Religion about 15 years

since. The Exact and particular Account of the Enquiries of Popish Recusants in the Parish of Lyth delivered to me at the Arch Deacon's last Visitation. Witness my hand this 23d day of September 1735 , Ralph Bateman, Ministr. de Lyth. This is an alias for Monox Harvey (1699-1756 ) ; there is an excellent account of him in C.R.S., xiv, 313.




Maltby Doncaster.

July 23rd 1735.

Sr. The following is a true answer to the Six questions delivered to me at the last Visitation at Doncaster. We have only one Papist in our Parish, viz: Mary the wife of I. John Ward a very poor Man.


None. Witness my Hand Edward Marshall

Vicar of Maultby, near Doncaster, Yorkshire. Malton The Names & Number of Papists in New Malton, being an answer to the first Enquiry of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York : Elisabeth , wife of Lancelot Thorp, joyner Jane Story, widow Jane Speed, widow Jane Speed, spinsterChristian , the wife of Thomas Wright, weaver Francis Bartrom, plummer & glazier Frances Hardwick , labourer , batchelorJane Bartrom, widow Jane Bartrom, spinster William Thackaray, mason Mary Burleson, widow John Corbet, shoemaker. N.B. There is not one Papist in Old Malton . 2. There is no Popish Priest, nor any suspected of being such who either dwell or sojourn in New or Old Malton . 3. know of no House, nor ever heard of any in either New or Old Malton in which Mass is ever suspected to be performed nor of any Place whatsoever to which there is Resort of Papists on the Lords Day or at any other time. 4. Here is no Popish School kept, nor any private Education in that way for Persons of either Sex. 5. never heard of any Visitation, or Confirmation to have been held at any time in either New or Old Malton. 6. Since have been Minister here , not any one Person in either New or Old Malton have ever been perverted to the Popish Religion . Witness my hand Pet : Walmsley , Minister of Malton. Malton , 10 Sepr., 1735. Mappleton* -Peculiar. The Answer to the Enquiries of the Most Reverend Father in God Lancelott by Divine Providence Ld Arch Bishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan ; exhibited at the Visitation of the Worshipful Dr Dering , Arch Deacon of the Arch Deaconry of the East - Rideing of the County of York, held at Beverley on the 5th of August 1735. By John SegarCarter, Curate of Mappleton in the parts aforesaid. Answer to Enquiry the 1st We have no Papist nor reputed Papist in our Parish save William Taylor of Great Hatfield, a farmer.





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* Near Hornsea, East Riding.



Answer to Enquiry 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th None. Witness my Hand this twelfth day of September 1735, Jno . Segar Carter, Curate of Mappleton .


Marsden Pontefract .


To his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York. To the several Questions above written (having made diligent Enquiry concerning the same) I have no particular Answer to return. John Marsden, Curate of Marsden. Dated August the 27th 1735. Marske and Wilton Cleveland. to certifie his Grace that have made a full Enquiry [1 These are within our Parishes of Marsk and Wilton and find only Elizabeth Swan a reputed Papist , being a poor woman in the Parish of Marsk. . . 2-6 None As witness my hand this 22d day of September 1735, John Langstaff, Vicar of Marsk .




Marton cum Moxby Cleveland . Papists or supposed Papists in this Parish are Thomas Usher, I. farmer , & Anne his wife Thomas Marshal , farmer and Thomas Marshal, his son . 2-6. None. Richard Musgrave, Curate of Marton.




Marton in Cleveland Cleveland . This is to certifie his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York that there is no Papist or reputed Papist , no Popish Priest , nor any House or Place in which Mass is understood to be perform'ǎ, neitheris there any Popish School, or any Visitation or Confirmation understood to have been held, nor any Person known to have been perverted to the Popish Religion within the Parish of Marton in


Cleaveland. Witness my Hand this 15th Day of August , 1735, Philip Kitchen, Vicr. Meltham



An exact and particular Answer to the Articles to be Enquired of concerning Papists, and the Things appertaining to their Religion . 1-6. None.

In witness whereof, have hereunto set my hand this 23rd Day of September 1735, Robert Sagar, Curate of Meltham .


Methley Pontefract. Octo : 6: 1735 .


Sr. In obedience to his Grace ye Arch Bishop of York's comand, send this my Answer to his Questions, together with ye Questions,




& hope yt ye Answers coming a few dayes after Michs day will not be taken ill from Yor humble Servt. , Geo. Goodwin. Q. I. There is but one Papist in ye Parish of Methley, & that is one Anne Pulleine, wife of William Pulleine a Yeoman, she is about sixty years of age, & is a quiet peaceable woman. Q. 2-6. None. Witness my hand this sixth day of Octo : 1735, Geo : Goodwin , Rectr . of Methley. Mexborough Doncaster. An Answer to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York, concerning Papists, &c. Ans. 1-6. None. W. Farrer, Curt . of Mexborough. Sept. 1st, 1735 . Middleton Cleveland . An answer to the several enquiries given in writing at the Visitation held in the Parish Ch: of Hemsley the 23d day of June last past by the Right Worshipfull John Richardson Masr of Arts , ArchDeacon of the Arch- Deaconry of Cleveland, by the Minister of the Parish Church of Middleton . 1-6. None. Wm . Prowde, Vicr. of Middleton . Middleton , Septb. the 28th 1735 .




Middleton and South Dalton Harthill. The Answer from the Parishes of Middleton & South Dalton, to the Six Enquiries , concerning Papists, made by the Lord Archbishop of York . May it please yr Grace. None . . 1-6 Witness my Hand this nineteenth day of September 1735, Saml . Brearey, Rector of Middleton & South Dalton . Mirfield Pontefract . An Answer of the Vicar of Mirfield to the Inquiries concerning Papists returned September 22nd 1735. 6. None. As Witness my hand Thos . Hardy, Vicr . of Mirfield. Test. Michael Sheard ChurchJosuah Milner Wardens. Misterton Retford (Notts.) . September 22nd 1735. 1. In this Parish there is only one Papist , living in West-Stockwith, called John Stanley, a Widower , betwixt fifty and sixty years of age, by trade a Joyner. 2-6. None. Thomas Richardson, Curate.








Mitton Craven . A true Account of ye number of papists in ye Mitton parish above ye age of thirteen years. Hathornthwaite* Steward to ye Dutchess of Norfolk, * & I. Mr his wife George Hall, farmer , his wife, Isabel & Mary his daughters.


2. 3. 4.

Thomas Wilkinson , farmer , his son James. Richard Hill, farmer , his wife . Robert Dillworth, farmer, his wife, Elizabeth his mother , Margaret his sister. Sampson Rawcliff, carpenter, his wife. George Rawcliff, labourer , his wife . Ellen Walmesley, spinster, Ann Brereton, widow, and her sister. Jane Wharton , married woman . Richard Emmison, labourer , his wife . Robert Salthouse , labourer, his wife. James Rawcliff, farmer , his wife. Thomas Dewhurst , weaver, his wife. Ellen Tingdale & Ann , spinsters. Grace Dobson , widow . Thomas Bradley, labourer, his wife, Ellen Hindle, her sister. Widow Gudgeon . John Jackson's wife, farmer. Francis Rawcliff, servant. Edward Masco , servant . Robert Snape , Skinner, his wife . Mary Holdon, & spinster. William Ward , labourer , his wife. Edward Bradley, labourer, his wife, Mary his daughter . Mary Holdon, widow . Richard Hall, farmer, his wife . Richard Holdon, labourer. James Walmsley, carpenter, his wife. Thomas Waring, servant, Margaret his sister. Henry Hall , farmer, Mary, his sister. Mary Smith, married woman, Joseph, her son. John Masco, farmer, Ellin his wife. Thomas Masco , Richard Masco , John Masco , labourers. Alexander Parker, farmer, his wife . Jane Leech, Widow , Thomas, William , & John Bawmer her sons , labourers. Jane Bosco , married woman . George Bolton, innkeeper, his wife. James Wilkinson, farmer. John Kay, carrier, his wife, Richard his Son . There is a popish priest, who, believe, dwells constantly in my parish, his name is Kendall. Mass is understood to be performed at Stonyhurst, a house of ye Dutchess of Norfolk's in my parish, to which there is a resort on ye Lord's day, & at other times. No popish School.



William Hathornthwaite was steward from 1726 : a John Hathornthwaite succeeded him (apparently his son) and was steward in 1753. Information from Rev. P. Watts, S.J. , of Stonyhurst , from Shireburn papers at Stonyhurst and Lulworth. See also C.R.S. , vi , 233. Mary Winefred, daughter and heiress of Sir Nicholas Shireburn, of Stonyhurst , and widow of Thomas, 8th Duke of Norfolk. Masco is the local pronunciation of Myerscough. § More correctly Holden. Local pronunciation for Burscough. Probably the Rev. Richard Kendal (1685-1748 ) , " chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk, and probably resided some time at Stonyhurst , the paternal estate of the Duchess " (Gillow, Dict. , iv, 8).






nothing of any visitation or confirmation being held in I know parish .


6. No persons have been perverted to ye popish Religion . Mr Braithwaite, This is a true answer to ye enquiries you sent to me ye last visitation. In witness whereof I set my handWm Johnson, Vicar of Mitton. Mitton , Sept. 1-1735. Monkfriston


New Ainsty.

I. In the Parish, of Monk-Friston, there is but one known or

Supposed Papist his name is William Simpson, Gentleman, living in Hillam , & said to have a Freehold Estate of about twelve pounds a year . 2-6 . None. Witness my hand, this 25th of Sept. 1735 , John Watkinson, Curate of Monkfriston. Moor Monkton New Ainsty. The Return made by the Minister of Moor-Monktonto the Enquiries deliver'd to the Clergy at the Archdeacons Visitation at York the twenty first Day [of June 1735 , is as followeth, viz . 6 . None. Witness my hand this 20th Day of September 1735, Richard Kay, Rector.




Muston Dickering . Muston, Septem : the 21 : 1735 . John Topham of Muston , carrier Ann, his wife and Ann , his daughter are known to be rigid Papists. 2-6. None. Francis Matson, Curate of Muston .






Myton Bulmer . Answers to the Enquiries about Papists. 1-6. None. Witness my Hand this 1st day of August 1735 , Edwd . Brathwait, Vicar of Myton.


Nafferton, Foston, Lowthorp , & Ruston Parva Dickering . 1-6. None. Somers , Joseph , Minister of Nafferton , Foston, Lowthorp and Ruston Parva , have made a strict Enquiry wth respect to the articles abovementioned, but has not any particular person, in all the Parishes aforesd. that will fall wthin or is liable to be prosecuted according to the Articles aforesd. So witness this seventh Day of September in the year of our Lord 1735, Jos : Somers.








Nether Poppleton New Ainsty. 6. None. Witness my hand to wt is above written this 25th day of Septemr. in the year of our Lord 1735, Joseph Somerscale , Curate of Nether Poppleton .


Newton Kyme NewAinsty. My Answers to these Articles of Enquiry are as follows , Sep. 26th 1735. have not one Papist or supposed Papist in my Parish. Two had but they are both come over to the Church of England . . 2-6 None. Witness my hand, Nic : Gyrling, Rector of Newton- Kyme.


I. I


Newton upon Ouse * -Bulmer. 1. Upon Diligent Enquiry find these Papists in my Parish of Newton upon Ouse : Frances Garnit , widow Thos Hunt, farmer Jane Hunt, his wife Thomas Chambers , weaverThomas Chambers , his son Frances Brown, poor Thomas Hall Ursuley Hall Thomas Hunt, junr Ann Hunt, his wife -James Turner, a servant Sarah Turner , a servant Peter Hunt , poor Frances Hunt , poor John Hall Frances Hall, his wife Will: Hall, their son Thomas Milns, poor Alice, his wife Ambrose Milns, a servant. 2. No popish priest or person suspected to be such dwells or sojourns in my Parish. 3. In John Hall's House, Mass is understood to be performed in my Parish. 4-6. None. Witness my hand this tenth day of September one thousand seven hundred and thirty five, Christopher Jackson, Curate.









- --

Normanby Rydale. Normanby. An answer to the enquiries sent by the Lord Arch-


Bp of York.

[1] [6]. None. William Ward, Curate of Normanby.


September the 13th 1735.

Normanton Pontefract. Queries deliver'd at the Visitation of the Worshipful Mr Tho. Hayter, Archdeacon of York, 1735, with an Answer to 'em. 1. These persons following are supposed Papists in the Parish of Normanton . Henry Shippen, of Snidale, a Farmer, who cannot read. Elizabeth Wilson, Widow , of Snidale, a Farmer, &


* The Catholic Mission here was founded by, and was dependent upon, the Appleby familyof Linton on Ouse in the Parish of Newton on Ouse. There a is good account of this Mission in C.R.S. , xvii , 423.



Elizabeth , her Daughter , about fourteen years of Age, lives with her . Margaret Darley, Widow, of Snidale; She has about nine pounds a year in land , out of which she maintains herself and two Sons , being Infants. Dorothy, the Wife of Thos. Brooke, of Snidale, above 60 years of Age : (He hires a very Small Farm, & is a Protestant ). Jane Pinder, Widow, of Snidale, poor & old ; she lives in a Cottage. 2-5. None. 6. don't know of any person perverted to the Popish Religion , since was Vicar of Normanton . Benjamin Wilson. Augt. 7th1735.



North Burton


Dickering .

North Burton, September 6th 1735. An Answer to the several Enquiries contained in the Schedule delivered to me at the last Visitation.

1-6. None.

Geo: Gurwood, Curate ibid .

North Cave and South Cliff Harthill. A particular Answer to the six Articles of Enquiry as enjoin'd by his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York . have, in number , twenty two supposed Papists in my Parish , whose names & c are as followethIn North Cave Anthony Pibus , gardiner Elizabeth , wife of John Wheatcroft , inn -keeper Ann, wife of Francis Kilburn, mill-wright Mary Wilson , a poor widow. In South Cliff Jordon Langdale, esqr. , and his family, viz. MrsMary, his wife, Mr Joseph Langdale, his brother, MrsAnn Langdale, his niece Mr Vavouser & Mr Hatton, § sojourners in the family Matthew Harrison, Nicholas Turner , John Gray, James Kermikkel, Mary Bell , Hannah Rud, Catharine Miers, Barbara Denton, Frances Denton, all servants to Jordon Langdale John Jackson, householder, & Elizabeth , his wife Ann, wife of Richard Ella, a poor man. Mr Hatton above mentioned is suspected to be a popish Priest. 2. 3. It is suppos'd that Mass is performed in the House of the above


I. I


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Second but eldest surviving son of Philip Langdale, of Houghton (a Cath. Non-Juror of 1715), by his 1st wife Bridget , daughter of Sir Jordan


Crosland .

His wife was Mary, daughter of the Hon . Charles Stourton , younger son of the 12th Lord Stourton : she was sister of the 15th and 16th Lords Stourton . Perhaps the daughter of Jordan Langdale's elder brother Marmaduke, who d.s.p.m. and v.p. before 1716. § This is the Rev. Edward Antoninus Hatton, O.P. (1701-1783 ), who was sent on the English Mission in 1730, and spent most of his missionary career in Yorkshire . See D.N.B. , vol. 25; and C.R.S., xxv, 133 .



mentioned Jordan Langdale esqr. and that Papist [s resort thither on the Lord's Day. 5, 4, 6. None.


Attested by me, Anthony Almond, Vicar of North Cave. North-Newbald Harthill . A particular Answer to the six Articles of Inquiry as enjoin'd by his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York.


1-6. None.

Attested by me, Anthony Almond, Minister.

Norton Buckrose. There is one Man, a batchelour ; by name Robert Pattison, servant to one Mr Nendick of Richmond , whose estate he looks after. There is none besides . 2-6 . None. The above are true, witness my hand, Step: Clarke, Curate of Norton. Sepr the 29th 1735 .



Nunburnholme Harthill . The Answer of Henry Travers, Clerk, Rector of Nunburnholme in the County of York, to the Enquiries concerning Papists. 6. None. H. Travers, Rector of Nunburnholme .



Nunnington Rydale. An Answer to the Enquiries Given me in Charge at the ArchDeacon's Visitation held at Helmsley in the Year 1735 . Papists or supposed Papists : William Maw Cholme , senior, taylor William Maw Cholme, junior, husbandman Anne, the wife of Jno Henderson, wheelwright John Albert Audaer, husbandman, William Audaer, husbandman Elizabeth Audaer, widow Margaret Todd & Mary Todd, granddaughters to Elizabeth Audaer Thomas Bowman, servant. . None. 2-5 6. Elizabeth Audaer, widow, above said, was perverted to the Popish Religion by her Husband in his life time. The said Margaret Todd & Mary Todd (which Mary is under the age of thirteen years) were after their parents decease taken into the Family of the said deceased John Albert Audaer, and by him and his Family (together with another Sister of theirs by name Elizabeth Todd, who is at present in a popish family at Kilvington) perverted to the Popish Religion . Signed by me Geo : Fawcett , Rector of Nunnington. August the 15th 1735.






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Ormesby and Easton Cleveland. Pursuant to His Grace's of York directions , I have made a strict enquiry through out my Parish of Ormesby; and do herebycertifie




that we have only two Papists in the whole Parish that are above the Age of thirteen, vizt . Alban Sayer , batchelor and farmer, and David Souter, farmer , having a Protestant wife : and some small children wch are brought up in the Romish way. 2-6. None. As witness my hand William Consett, Vicar of Ormesby, & Curate of Easton in the Parish of Ormesby aforesaid. August the 12th 1735. Osbaldwick Rydale. September ye 22d 1735. Q. 1-6 : Answer, None . Given Under My Hand , ye Day and Year above written, Joseph Shepherd, Curate of Osbaldwick.



Pontefract .

August ye 15th 1735 . Sr. According to ye Injunctions I receiv'd from You ye Last Visitation, requiring me to give an Account what Number of Papists or reputed Papists there is in my Chapelry , send You this particular I account, (viz . yt there are None Except one William Townend a Collier , & Wife, who go frequently to Middleton Hall, to Esqr. Branlin's to hear Mass , as all our Neighbourhood believe and say, yt Either I, or anyone Else know of as to ye 2nd , 3rd, 4th, & 5th Enquiries , I have nothing to Exhibit unto you, there being None Such persons or things Amongst us to my Knowledge, as Witness my hand , ye Day & ye Date above Mentioned , John Godley , Curate de Ossett. William Townend, and Grace his Wife, of Ossett Green. P.S. Sr. There is a School Erecting in our Town by way of Contribution , wch will very Shortly be finished, to teach & train up Youth in, tho no Sallary is , or will be, (Especially as Yet) fix'd to it : Now my living being but small, for ye better Maintenance of my Self and family, I am willing to teach it when ready , and desire to know whether cannot be Licens'd to it before any other, I (as being Curate of Ossett Chapel) according to what is Specified in ye 78th Canon, tho' I find I may perhaps meet with Some opponents, who Nominated themselves Feoffeys or Overlookers of ye Said School, and intend to fix in it, whom they please , as they Say : Sr, I humbly desire your Candid directions in this Affair by ye next Post, or as Speedily as You possibly can , wch will be an indelible favour to Sr, Yr most obliged, & most Humble Servt, Jno . Godley. They Say yt neither ye Vicar of Dewsbury nor Curate of Ossett, Shall ever have any Vote or interest or be Concern'd about ye School in ye Least, &c.





Oswaldkirk Rydale. Oswaldkirkin the Arch-Deaconry of Cleaveland. The Answer of me Charles Cowper, Rector of Oswaldkirkto certain Enquiries concerning Papists given me in Charge by Order of His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, in the Visitation of the Right Worshipful John Richardson Arch-Deacon of the Arch-Deaconry of Cleaveland which was held at Hemsley on Monday the twenty third day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Five.

. None. I- 6These are true Answers to the several Articles of Enquiry, In

Witness whereof September 1735 ,

I have hereunto set my Hand this tenthDay of Charles Cowper, Rector of Oswaldkirk.

Otley Old Ainsty. have no Papists or supposed Papists that I know of within my Parish, but James Robinson of Otley, surgeon, aged about forty six years, & Patrick Carrigan his apprentice, aged about eighteen years. . None. 2-5 6. do not know of any Person within my Parish who hath been perverted to the Popish Religion , except the above named James Robinson ; who being some years agoe cited to appear at the Corrections for not going to Church, did there declare himself a Papist , & might then also probably own by whom he had been perverted .

I. I-


Hen: Humphrey, Vicar of Otley. July the 3d 1735 . Otteringham Holderness. An Answer to the Enquiries received at Beverley August the 5th 1735. have in our Parish the Papists following, viz. Frances, the I. We wife of William Gorhit, farmer and Frances, the wife of Francis Beeforth, labourer. 2-6. None . This is the true state of the Parish of Otteringham , with relation to the Enquiry above mentioned . Witness my hand this 16th



day of September 1735, Edward Ellerington, Curate there .

Over Silton



An Account of the Papists in the Parish of Over Silton. 1. Mr John Jenison, gentln . , widdower Mr Wm. Jennison, his son Mrs Margaret Jenison, his sister Tho : Coates, day labourer -Eliz: Coates, his wife John Dale, farmer Eliz: Dale, his wife Edward Dale, his son Margaret Dale, his daughterJane Thompson, spinster Eliz : Brewster, spinster. 2-6. None. Robert Lakeland , Curate at Over Silton. September the 18th 1735.






Overton Bulmer . 1. Upon Diligent Enquiry find no Papist in my Parish of Overton . 2-6 . None. Witness my hand this 15th day of September 1735 , Christopher Jackson, Vicar. Owston Doncaster. Sept. 4, 1735. In Answer to the above written Queries have to certify. That there are Two Papists in my Parish of Ouston, an no more : The one is Bartholomew Pinder, a Farmer : the Other is Anne, wife of Joseph Weatherhead, a Farmer . We have no Popish Priest in our sd Parish : nor Place where Mass is performed : Neither have we Popish School, nor Visitation or Confirmation by any Popish Bishop : Neither do know of any Person perverted to the Popish Religion . Edm . Withers, Vicr. of Ouston. Owthorne Holderness. . 1-6. doNone hereby Certify whome it may concern (more particularly His Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York) that this is a true and impartial Answer to the Enquiries made by his Grace concerning Popish Recusants, and enjoin'd by his Grace to be answered by every Clergyman. Witness my Hand this Tenth Day of September One Thousand Seven hundred and Thirty five, George Longmire , Curate of Owthorne .







Pateley Bridge Ripon . The Names of the Papists inhabiting within the Parochial Chapelry of Pateley Bridge in the Parish of Ripon with their Employments &c. In Answer to the first Enquiry of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York William King, farmer, and his wife Elizabeth, with their two Children William and Mary Ralph Lupton, farmer, and his wife Dorothy Thomas Brown , waller Elizabeth , the wife of John Newby, farmer Mary the wife of Thomas Rhodes , a taylor -Samuel Hardcastle, a poor man George Hardcastle, a linnen weaver, and his wife Susannah, supposed to be perverted [to ] the Romish Religion by her husband about last August Mary, the wife of John Grainge, yeoman, a reputed Papist. Joseph Harrison , Curate at Pateley Bridge . September 18th 1735. P.S. After a strict search, cannot answer any of the other Enquiries , within this Parochial .










Patrington Holderness. are only Two : Mathew Mawson, a farmer, & carryer of I. There goods , but his wife and children are of The Church of England : and Joseph Dinmore, a barber, his wife is of The Church of England, but his son was not baptized at Church. 2-6 . None. F. Nichols, Rector of Patrington.



Peniston & Cawthorne Doncaster. An answer to ye following Enquiries . of our Papists are, Ignatius Blyde (or Blyth), Ann his I. The names wife, and his three Sons , John, James, and Ignatius. He is a Farmer . Benjamin , Michael , and Agatha Swinden, (small farmers), Margret Blackbourn, a midle -aged Single Woman . John Swinden, (a Black-Smith) and his [Mary cancelled wife. Ann Broadhead , suppos'd to be coming over to ye Church in complyance with her present husband. 2-5. None. believe we have no Papists but who ha been educated that 6.




Iway from their infancy.

These (according to ye best of my knowledge, or information can get) are true Answers to ye above- written Enquiries . Witness my Hand, Sept. 9th 1735 , Tho : Cockshutt , Vicar of Peniston. We have not one Papist, suspected Papist, or other Dissenter of any Denomination , in our Chapelry of Cawthorne. Tho: Cockshutt , Curate.


Pontefract Pontefract. An Answer to the Enquiries about papists in the parish of Ponte-

fract .


Art. 1st. The number of Papists in the parish of Pontefract is 28. Their Names, Titles , & Trades as followeth. Mr. Mennil, a reputed Priest. John Gerrard, Esq.


Mary, his wife

Elizabeth Heskett Spinster. Robert Bennet Servant . Apothecary . Mr Richard Iles - Apprentice . Mr Thomas Iles James Iles Apprentice . Mrs Rebecca Iles Widow . Mrs Catherine Waterhouse Francis & Margaret , her daughters. William Cowper, Taylor. & Anne his wife Margaret , their daughter . Anne , the Wife of Hugh Wright. Carpenter. William Nesom & Mary, his Wife John Thompson Carpenter Thomas Oxley Carpenter & Elizabeth his Wife. Mary, the Wife of James Foster. Edward Howcroft Almsman . Mary Chandler - A poor woman.


Fr. James Meynell, S.J. (1708-1746 ), was Missioner at Pontefract for some years (Foley, Records, vii , 504) .



A poor Woman . Thomas Kershaw of Ferrybridge, Gardiner & Anne his Wife. Sarah the Wife of Henry Hobson of Ferrybridge in ye parish of Pontefract . is a person, one . 2nd. There Menil abovesaid, suspected to be Art a Popish Priest , who constantly dwells in the Town of Pontefract . Art . 3rd. There is an House in the Towne of Pontefract in which Mass is understood to be perform'd, and to which there is a Resort of Papists on the Lord's day & at other times. Art . 4th. No Popish Schole that know of. Art. 5th. No Visitation or Confirmation has been held in the parish by any popish Bishop that know of. Art. 6th. Only one person, viz . Mrs Rebecca Iles abovesaid, has been perverted , many years agoe , to the Popish Religion. -By whom know not. John Drake , Vicar of Pontefract. Dorothy Snails






Preston with Hedon Holderness. An Answer to the six Articles of Enquiry of the most Reverend Father in God, Lancelot, by Divine Providence, Lord Arch- Bishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan : relating to Popery in the Parish of Preston, in the East Riding of Yorkshire , in the


Year 1735. To the first Article of Enquiry, answer, I That there are only twelve Papists in the Parish of Preston, to wit, , John , Mary, Katherine and Champney Thomas Mary , Widow, , Elizabeth , her children . Ann, Wife of John Cook, Husbandman, Mary Owbridge, Widow, Frances, Wife of Joseph Dunn , Carpenter, Mary, Wife of John Rains, Labourer, Francis Hodgson, Labourer, and Edward Scrivin , Labourer . 2-5. None.

To the sixth, That do not know of any Person in this Parish perverted to the Popish Religion , except the above-named Edward Scrivin, who was perverted two years ago, or thereabouts, by a Person who is called Watson, * and lives in the Parish of Burstwicke ; supposed to be a Popish Priest . Witness my hand this nineteenth Day of September 1735 , Thomas Jackson, Vicar of Preston with Hedon .



Raskelfe Bulmer. An Answer to the Enquiries delivered to the Clergy at the Arch Deacon's Visitation held at Thirsk June 25th 1735. 6. None. John Nesfield, Curate of Raskelfe.


* See note under Burstwick and Paull,



Pontefract. I


Sr. do hereby humbly certifie that there are no Papists within my Chapelrey , all the Inhabitants, except six families who are Quakers give constant attendance at divine service in my Chapel. am your very humble Servant, John Metcalfe, Curate of Rastrick.


Rawmarsh Doncaster. The number of Papists above ye age of thirteen years in my Parish is Three. viz. SamuelRoberts by trade a Mason or Waller, his Wife, & his Brother Joseph Roberts an Apprentice to him. 2-6. None. Signed by me, W. Stephenson, Rect . of Rawmarsh.




Reighton Dickering. Answer to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of Yorks Enquiries relating to Papists. 6. None. As wittness my hand this 22d day of September 1735, Jno : Sumpton , Vicr . of Reighton.



Rillington Buckrose . Having examined the Contents of the underwritten Enquiryes , have given particular Answers to each. 6. None. The abovewritten Answers to every Enquiry are according to Truth. Witness my hand, John Rudd , Minister of Rillington. 7ber 18th 1735.



Ripon ― Ripon. The names of the Papists within Ripon. Mr Walter Tankred, gent Mr Walgrave Tankred, gent . Mrs Alice Clark, widw Dorothy Clark, her daughr Ann Kettlewell, spinstr James Manson, mason, lately perverted Margrett, his wife Wm. Child, cobler Elizabeth Child , his daughr Mr John Barney Thomasin, his wife Wm. Benson junr. , fidler Bridgett, his wife Ellen Walker , widw Charity Hartgrave Mrs Margrett Buck , widw Jno. Buck, her son Hellen, Mary & Elizabeth , her daughrs Thomas Parker, sadler Ellis his wife Robt. Constable , his apprentice Ellis Atkinson , widw Ann Thompson, wife of Mr Wm. Thompson, apothecary Robt . Metcalfe, his apprentice -Mary, the wife of Edwd. Stork Wm. Benson senr., taylor Ann, wife of Wm. Hakins ElizabethYoung, widw. Charles & Margrett, her son & daughr . Widw. Theakston Margrett Ingram, servt. Bondgate: None . Wincksley cum Grantley: None.











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A younger son of Sir William Tancred, 2nd Bart. of Brampton, by his second wife Elizabeth Waldegrave. (Information from Sir T. Lawson-Tancred.) A younger brother of Walter : he married Alethea Blacket



Bishopton cum Clotheram & Sutton: Mrs Cooper, poorEdward Thorp, blacksmith Mary Wright, widw Frances, wife of Falkeon. Hewick cum Hewick * : None. Ingerthorp, Markington cum Wallowthwaite : John Wright, poor Isabel Hodshon, Ellen her daughr . , poor Xtopher Wright, weaver Frances, his wife Thos. Wilkinson senr. , miller Elizabeth, wife of Xtopher Duffield Newell Kendall, weaver Mary his wife Grace Richardson, poor Grace Richardson, junr. , Elizabeth Richardson, poor Wm. Turpin, blacksmith John & Frances, his son & daughr Richd. Peacock, carpenter Mary, wife of John Rudd John & Easter, their son & daughr Wm. Askwith, farmer -Sithy, his wife , Elizabeth Askwith, poor Thos. Sparrow, carpenter Elizabeth his wife Joseph Peacock, his apprenticeGeorge Wawton, yeomn Mary, his wife Frances Brown, poor, . & one child Rebecca , wife of Wm. Robinson John Briggs, yeomn. -Phyllis Richardson, poor Martin Waddington, yeomn. Dorothy Waddington , his sister Mary, wife of Henry Simpson Francis, their son John Hutton , poor Mary Ingram, poor Tho : Wilkinson junr. , poor Ann, the wife of Wm. Sanderson , farmer John Matson, yeomn James Matson, his son John Cawdbeck, carpenter -Ellen , his wife John & Margrett, their son & daughr Ann Dickinson , their servt . Wm. Hawson, farmer Frances, his wife -John Hawson, farmer Ellen Brown , his servt . Thos. Ward, Elizabeth his wife , poor Matthias Robinson, yeomn. Elizabeth Ward , his servt Wm. Hodshon, shoemaker Mary, his wife Wm. Reynolds, blacksmith Elizabeth , his wife . John Messenger of Fountains , esqr. Margrett, his wifeMr Michael James Messenger , Mr Wm. Messenger, their sonsLawrence Swaile, James Marmaduke, Ann Waddington , Mary Marmaduke, their servants. Sharow : None. Sleningford cum North Staneley : None. Thorp Parva cum Whitcliff : Mrs Frances Hansby Sarah Burritt, spinster Ellen Grange , Mary Constable , srvts Anthony Jefferson, yeomn. Katherine his wife Ann, their daughr. A Popish Priest always lived at Mrs Hansby's, but he is lately













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dead .






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A Popish Priest always lived at Mr Messenger's at Fountains , but at present there is none there. hear that a Popish Priest from about Leyburn comes weekly


and supplies those places. There is a Popish Priest , Mr Metcalf, § who lives at Sr Tho. Bridge Hewick and Copt Hewick . * Wallerthwaite . John Messenger, born 1676, died 1749.

His wife was Margaret, daughter

of Simon Scrope , of Danby. Michael James M. was the eldest son (died 1766), and William the younger. § Perhaps Rev. William Metcalfe, a Douay Priest (C.R.S. , xxviii , 201).



within 3 Miles of Ripon ; but not in the Parish. Heneage Dering.


Ripponden Pontefract. Pursuant to his Grace the Archbishop of York's desire you have A particular return to the following Enquiries . Woman only who professes her self a Papist, her Name I. isOneElizth Dearden, and her Trade is Spinning or beging, she's old , and came from Ireland with a disbanded Soldier someyears ago. 2-6. None. This is a true return to ye Enquiries above as witness my Hand, Wm Sunderland , Curate of Ripponden. Ripponden, Septembr. 26th 1735 .


Holderness . Answers to His Graces Queries concerning Papists in the Parish of Rice in Holderness. 1-6. None. Jaques Sterne, Rector of Rice. September the 28th 1735. Rise

Roose, Hilston, and Drypool Holderness. Roose , Com. East Riding of York, September 19 , 1735.


To His Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York. My Lord -An exact and particular return of the Rector of the Parishes of Roose and Hilston to the Enquiries concerning Papists as your Grace desires and expects in pursuance of the 114 Canon. 1-6. None. Given under my hand this nineteenth Day of September 1735. By me my Lord ! Your Grace's most obedient and most humble Servant , Edward Robinson, Rector of the Parishes of Roose and Hilston. The answer Lord My I have given with respect to Roose and Hilston serves as to all the Articles with respect to my Chapelry of Drypool. Witness my hand, Edward Robinson, Curate of Drypool.



Rotherham Doncaster. Sr Pursuant to his Grace of York's Direction, send you an account of the Papists or reputed Papists in the Parish of Rotheram .


* Sir Thomas Tancred was 3rd Baronet and died 1744. His wife was Elizabeth , daughter of William Messenger , of Fountains, by Elizabeth Yeoman his wife.



Francis Ratcliffe * -Gentleman Agedyears 40 Jonathan Badger Scissor maker45 Mary, wife of Jonathan Badger45 Mrs Eyre Milliner45 Widow Chadwick Spinster50 Lawrence Bays Gardiner40 Ann Harwood Spinster63 John Wyld Farmer40 Paul Savage Filecutter35 To his Grace's 5 other Queries answer : No. am, Sr. Your very humble Servant James Christian . Rotheram , 7ber 21st, 1735.







Rothwell Pontefract. are thirty four Papists in the Parish of Rothwell. I. There Ralph Brandling , Esqr . Ann Brandling , his Wife.



Elizabeth Thorp Paul Thorp Catherine Stringer Servants. Ann Rawson Thomas Briggs John Hattersley, Husbandman Jane, his Wife Ann Hattersley Children . Thos. Hattersley Matthew Marshall Mary his Wife

Matt :

Marshall , Children . Mary John Brittain, Weaver. Catharine Wrigglesworth , wife of Tho . Wriggleswth , Protestant. William Rawson Husbandman Ann, his Wife Willm Rawson, Jun. Husbandman . Susan , his wife Francis Rawson husbandmen. John Rawson


* Francis Ratcliffe, of Holme Hall, Rotherham, born 24 Aug., 1687 ; buried at Sheffield 1 Apr. , 1746. He d.s.p. (Hunter's Hallamshire). He was son of Henry Ratcliffe of the same (1661-1711 ), which Henry was son of Francis Ratcliffe , of Sheffield (died 1685) , by Anne his wife, daughter of Robert Trappes - Byrnand, of Nidd. Son of Charles Brandling (? of Morpeth) , by Anne, daughter and heiress of Rob. Widdrington: born 7 Dec. , 1662 : acquired the Middleton estate in Rothwell by his marriage with Anne Legh, and died 7 July, 1749 (Estcourt and Payne's English Catholic Non-Jurors of 1715, and Rev. Norman Waugh's Short History of the Leeds Mission).



Frances Thompson, Wife of Thos. Thompson, Protestant . Thomas Horbury Col Collier Alice , his Wife Arnold Griffith, petty School -master. Mr Willm Steele , Farmer Mrs Steele Thomas

Mary Steele, Children . Marmaduke John 2 . There is a Popish Priest, or a Person suspected to be such, Who constantly dwells in ye Parish, his Name is Mr Worthington. * 3. Mass is understood to be perform'd every Lord's Day at ye House of Ralph Brandling Esq. of Middleton in ye Parish of

Rothwell. 4. There is no Popish School understood to be kept within our Parish.

5. A Popish Bishop is said to come sometimes to the House of Ralph Brandling Esqr. but whether any Visitation or Confirmation hath been held by him there is not known . 6. Susan the Wife of Willm Rawson, Junr. , is said to have been perverted to ye Popish Religion about three years since, & Thomas Horbury & Alice his Wife about half a Year since whilst Inhabitants in ye Parish of Hunslet , but wherefore or by whom is not known. John Wise, Curate of Rothwell. Rowley Harthill . 6. None. Witness my Hand , Tho . Wakefield , Rectr. of Rowley .



Royston Doncaster. have diligently enquir'd into ye above nam'd Articles, & can't find, yt there is any Papist , or supposed Papist ; Any popish Priest, or House where Mass is perform'd; Any popish School; or hath any Visitation by a popish Bishop been held ; in our Parish : Nor do know of any perverted to ye Popish Religion . Witness my hand, Geo. Wood , Vic.





Rudston Dickering . Rudston , September 6th 1735. An Answer to the several Enquiries contain'd in the Schedule delivered to me at the last Visitation. Rev. Thomas Worthington , O.P. ( 1671-1754 ) , who came to Middleton Lodge in 1730. See Waugh's History of the Leeds Mission ; Kirke's Lives; and C.R.S., vol. xxv. The Popish Bishop was Bishop Edward Dominic Williams , O.P. , appointed V.A. Northern District in 1727. He died 3 Apr. , 1740, aged 73 (Waugh ; Kirke; C.R.S. , vol. xxv).




. I- 6. None Witness my hand,

George Gurwood, Vicar de Rudston.

Verte folium. Ryther New Ainsty. The Answer to the Articles enquired of by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York in the Parish of Ryther. Art : 1st. There is one Papist , Ann the wife of John Marshal of Lead , labourer, in this Parish. Art : 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th & 6th. There neither is, nor hath been anything Enquired of in these Articles. William Wood , Curate of Ryther.


St Johns, alias Thropham or Thorpe St John Doncaster. The Answer of the Minr. of St Johns to the following Queries. 1-6. A. None. R. Browne minister of St Johns.


Salton Rydale. This is to certify that we have no man, woman, or child , that are papists in the parish of Salton , but all good protestants. 2-6 . None. This is all can Justify under my hand this Twenty fifth day of September 1735, Chr. Dowker, Vicar of Salton .




Sancton Harthill. An Answer to the Articles of Inquiry about Papists &c. in the Parish of Sancton. To the first Article We have suppos'd Papists, in Number fourteen: whose names , & c . are as follows Richard Sellars, blacksmith Helen, his wife , and Richard , his son Mary, wife of Robert Carr, householder Elisabeth, wife of Richard Woodmansey, yeoman Elisabeth , wife of Wm Much, yeoman Catherine Purret, a servant Mrs Margt. Robinson, wife of Mr Charles Robinson, attorney at law Mrs Frances Langdale, widow Thomas Dent, householder, and Ann, his wife John Dixon, yeoman, and Jane, his wife Ann Dixon, widow . To the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th. None. John Clarke, Curate of Sancton. Sepr. 23d 1735 .








Sand Hutton, and Carlton Mineot






Bulmer. Sand Hutton & Carlton Mineot Chapelries. An Answer to the Articles relating to Papists & c. for the Year 1735. We have only one Papist (to wit) Valentine Barker , a servant . None. 2-6. Witness my hand this Twenty Seventh day of September 1735, Sam: Midgley, Curate.





Sandall Magna Pontefract. The Return of the Vicar of Sandall Magna to the Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York concerning Papists. To Enquiry the First he makes the following Return of reputed I. Papists viz. Charles Waterton * of Walton Hall, Gentleman. MrsMary Waterton his Wife. Robert Weston Servants to the said Mr Waterton. Mary Jepson Hannah Jepson Thomas Waterton, Gentleman. Mrs Catharine Moor , widow. Catharine Finshbeck, her Servant . William Wilson , Farmer . Frances Kirshaw, Spinster, a poor woman . Robert Seal, Husbandman. Eleanor Seal, his Wife. Ciceley, Wife of John Watson, Collier . Frances Watson, her Daughter . Catharine Lockwood, Wife of Joseph Lockwood, Farmer . Nathanael Robinson, Husbandman. Susannah Robinson, his Wife. Anne Robinson, his Daughter. Frances, the Wife of Joshua Jackson, Labourer . All of Walton in the said Parish. 2. 3. To Enquiries second & third. know of no Popish Priest who continuallydwells or is a Sojourner in this Parish . A certain Person known by the Name of Mennings, & residing in Pontefract , is suppos'd to come to say Mass on some Lord's Days, & at other Times occasionally to administer Baptism , in a Popish Chapell, at the House of Mr Waterton aforesaid, to which several Persons , Papists , in this & the neighbouring Parishes do commonly resort . 4. To Enquiry the Fourth. There is no Popish School within this Parish for either sex. 5. To Enquiry the Fifth. Upon the most diligent Enquiry cannot hear of any Visitation or Confirmation being held by any Popish Bishop within the said Parish . 6. To Enquiry the Sixth. know of none within this Parish who have been perverted to





I Second son

of Charles Waterton , of Walton (who died 1726), by Anne his wife , daughter of Sir William Gerard, 4th Bart . of Bryn. He married Mary, daughter of Christopher Cresacre More, of Barnborough, and died about 1760. His elder brother Thomas ( 1701-1766 ) was a Jesuit and made over the Walton estate to Charles . (Information from Lady Lawson from the Maire Collection of Pedigrees at Brough .) Probably uncle of Charles ; he died 1737, æt. 65 (Maire Pedigrees , as above). I.e. , Fr. James Meynell, S.J. ( 1708-1746 ), who was Missioner at Pontefract for some years (Foley, Records, vii, 504) .




the Popish Religion during the Time I have been Minister here. N.B. Several Papists of this Parish have within these few years been brought over to the Communion of the Church of England. This is an exact & particular Return to his Grace's Enquiries . In witness whereof have this thirtieth day of July 1735 set


my Hand,

Sawley Ripon. At Evostons Sarah Swale, spinstr ., poor. At Sawley Ann, wife of Chris : Stephenson , a labourer John Nicholls, Dorothy his wife, and Joan and Dorothy his 2 daughters, poor Eliz :, wife ofWm. Walton , a farmer Christopher Pickersgill , a labourer Robt . Lummas, a hinde Wm. Stephenson and his wife, farmers James Marmaduke and his wife, hseholders. . None. 2-5 6. The above mentioned John Nichols hath been perverted about a year ago, by whom unknown . By John Wilson, Curate at Sawley.



Charles Zouch, Vicar of Sandall Magna.








Saxton New Ainsty. An exact Account of the Number of Papists in the Parish of Saxton. Thomas Nicholson, farmer , and Ann his wife William Sainer, elder, farmer, and Ann his wife Richard Sainer, farmer, and Mary his wife Peter Barker, labourer , and Elisabeth his wifeMary Waddington, the wife of Stephen Waddington , and her son Nicholas Simpson Ann Barker, widow , and Mary Barker , spinster Elisabeth the wife of Thomas Dickson Richard Wright, labourer Dorothy Wright, spinster Thomas Wright, farmer Jervass Marshall , farmer Francis Taylor and Ann his wife Bryan Baile, Christopher Baile, Thomas Baile, servants








at husbandry. 2-5. None.



- -

6. Ann the wife of Thomas Nicholson, Mary the wife of Richard Sainer, Elisabeth the wife of Peter Barker, were perverted to the Popish Religion , the last near three years ago , but by whom is unknown . Robt . Addison , Curate of Saxton. Pontefract. None. . 1-6 Ed. Moorhouse,



Curate of Scamonden Chapel.

numerous body of Catholics at Saxton is due to the * The relatively landowners having been the ancient Catholic family of Hungate, the head of which, Sir Francis, was created a Baronet in 1666. This family appears to have become extinct in the male line before 1735, and the property to have passed to the Gascoignes of Parlington (Whitaker's Edition of Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis ).





Scarborough Dickering . Upon enquiring what Papists are within the Parish of Scarborough, Yorkshire . to the Number of Papists or suppos'd Papists in my Parish, I. As Men, Women , and Children, above the Age of Thirteen Years, They are as follows , viz. Michael Fields, fisherman, & his wife, Mary Fields Christopher Maltby , barber, & his wife, Mary Maltby Ann Chant, the wife of Thomas Chant, ship-carpenter --Frances Nessfield , widow , who keeps a publick house Christian Catlin (wife of Edward Catlin) a suppos'd Papist Eleanor Weston, widow , a suppos'd Papist John Loveday, a bookbinder, & Mary Loveday, his wife. 2. There is no Popish Priest, or any Person suspectedto be such, who constantly dwells in my Parish, or is a Sojourner there. 3. There is a Place in the aforesaid Michael Field's House in Scarborough, in which Mass is understood to be perform'd , and to which there is a Resort of Papists, but their Time of Meeting is uncertain . 4. There is a School within my Parish for Persons of either Sex kept in a Place called Renny -Garth, by the aforesaid Ann (sic ? Mary) Loveday wife of John Loveday. 5. There hath been no Visitation or Confirmation held by any Popish Bishop within my Parish that can find. 6 , widow , was perverted to the [ The aforesaid Francis isNessfield popish Religion, but it not known by whom. Theoph : Garencieres, Vicar of Scarborough. Given this 21st Day of September 1735.






Scawby (Scalby)-Dickering. An Answer to the Enquiries of the most Reverend Father in God Lancelot by Divine Providence Lord Arch Bishop of York, concerning Popish Recusants within the Parish of Scawby, made the Twenty ninth day of September in obedience to His Grace's Commands in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty five by me William Hollis , Vicar of Scawby. 1. There is a widow by name Jane Hird who has been an Inhabitant in Burniston in the Parish of Scawby aforesaid between eight and nine years, and has two Children, viz. Mary Hird, seventeen years of age, and Christopher Hird, thirteen years of age, now bound an Apprentice to the Sea, who are Roman Catholics. 2-5. None. [6 . do not know of any Person that has been perverted to the. Popish Religion . Witness my hand this Twenty ninth day of September one thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty five, William Hollis, Vicar of Scawby. The above is a full and true Answer to my Lord Arch Bishop's Enquiries from


Sr Yr Humble Servt. , W : Hollis, Scawby, Sept : 29th 1735




Scawton Rydale. An exact & particular Return to the Inquiries given me at the Visitation holden in the Parish Church of Hemsley the 23rd of June 1735 . Imp. There are within the Parish of Scawton eight Papists above the Age of thirteen Years, viz : Sylvester Sturdy, husbandman, & Dorothy his wife, & Dorothy their daughter Elizabeth Sturdy, widow , & John & David her sons, husbandmen, & Theophila her daughter, together with Thomas Sturdy, a servant . None. 2-6 . Given under my Hand the 23d of September 1735, Tho : Hudson, Rectr . of Scawton. Scorbrough Harthill . . 1-6. None September the 18th 1735. Witness my Hand , William Mosey, Curate of Scorbrough.




Scrayingham, and Leppington Buckrose. A particular Return to the Several Enquiries made by his Grace, the Arch -bishop of York. 1 We have no Number of papists, or of supposed papists, within the Parish of Scraingham, or Chappelry of Leppington , of any age whatsoever. 2 6 . None. Witness my hand this 25th day of September 1735, John Beaumont , Curte. of Scraingham & Leppington . Seamer Dickering. A True Answer to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries concerning Papists in my parish of Seamer. We have two suppos'd papists at East Ayton In the parish of Seamer Named Mansfield Harrison, a horse pacer-& Anne , the wife of Frans. Fox, a weaver by trade. . 2-6 . None Witness my hand, Geo : Sheffield, Vicr.



[] [ ]




Seathwaite. * An exact & particular return to the Enquiries made by his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York in the Year 1735. 1-6. None. Witness my hand , Jer. Carter , Curate of Seathwaite. Seaton Ross



Upon the strictest search and enquiry could make into the Parish of Seaton Ross, find

I the Parish chapelry

* A Barrow-in-inFurness . far from


of Kirkby Ireleth in North Lancashire, not



No Papist or supposed Papist therein . In course no Popish Priest, or person suspected to be such. 3. No House or place where Mass can be understood to be performed . 4. No Popish School. 5. No Visitation, or Confirmation ever to have been understood to have been kept there . Nor 6ly. Do know of any person to have been perverted to the Popish Religion . Richa Donn , Curate of Seaton Ross. 123




Bulmer. Deacon's Visitation Sessay

An Answer to the Enquiries deliver'd to the Clergy at the Arch-

1-6. None.


John Wakefield , Rector of Seassey.

Settrington Buckrose. . 1-6 . None Saml : Baker, Rector of Settrington. Septr . 25, 1735 .


Sheffield Doncaster. Septmb . 17: 1735. Sir. In obedience to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's comands now send you a list of the names of all Papists, or Supposed , with their Titles, distinctions , or Trades. Mr Benjamin Blackburn , steward to the Duke of Norfolk, * John Smither , Margaret Parker, & Elizabeth Wildsmith his servants. Henry Brownill , Baker, & Anne his wife. Joseph Fernally, Labourer , & Martha his wife. John Broomhead, Mercer, & 4 daughters, viz . Katherine , Jane, Elizabeth , & Harriot : Thomas Eyre, Inn- Keeper, Richard Case, Joiner. Henry Barker, Blacksmith, & John Bayes , his servt. Mark Furniss, Wheelwright , & Anne his wife. George Eyre, comb-maker, & Rose his wife. John Hawkesworthe, Shoemaker, & Mary his wife. John Hancock, cutler, & Dorothy his wife. Gylford Sykes, cutler, & Mary his wife , & Phineas, & Gylford, his sons , & Christian his daughter. George Cheshire , Cutler , & Elizabeth his wife. John Mabley, file- smith, & Martha his wife. Matthew Tranfield , Cooper. Wm Hobson, labourer , & Jane his wife. Phillip Smilber, Woodward to the Duke of Norfolk. Wm Rydin, labourer, & Sarah his wife. John Eyre, Collier, & Hannah his wife. Robert Furniss, Cutler, Elizabeth his wife, & Wm Furniss his son.



* Edward , 9th Duke, 1686-1777.



Robert Eyre, Butcher , & Anne his sister . Jonathan Webster, Cutler , & Eliz : his wife. Thomas Hydes, Button-maker . Thomas Padley, Button-maker. Richard Weston, Button-maker. William Statham, Farmer , & Anne, his daughter. Thomas Parker, Scissars- Smith. Timothy Palfriman , Cutler. Thomas Palfriman , Butcher . John Palfriman , Tailer. John Brownill, Cutler, & Elizabeth his wife . William Foster, Cutler, & Anne his wife. George Hallas, Collier . Marmaduke Holmes, labourer. Mary Milnes, Widow . Alice Hargrave, Widow. Martha Dylay, Widow . Elizabeth Dams, Widow . William Soresby , Malster, & Alice his wife. Thomas Windle , Cutler, & Winifrid his wife. Robert Marshall , Gardiner, & Helen his wife. Phillip Hunter , Husbandman. Uriah Chow, Husbandman. Wm Savage , Cutler , & Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Bore, & Bridget Smith, his servants. Wm Castleton , Husbandman . Martha , the wife of Joshua Spooner . There is a person called Mr Hunt , who is suspected to be a popish Priest, he lives with Mr Blackburn mentioned before, & at whose house Mass is understood to be perform'd , & to wch there is a resort of papists every Lord's day , or however very frequently. never heard yt there either is , or ever hath been any popish school for persons of either sex in the parish of Sheffield, nor any Visitation, or Confirmation held by any Popish Bishop there. Windle, & Barker, & Furniss, & Hancock, & Tranfield, & Hydes, Padley & Watson, & John Brownill were formerly Protestants, but cannot learn when, or by whom, they were perverted. Thiss Acct. of the number of Papists, is, according to the best is possible in a parish so information can gett, a true one . large and populous, as that of Sheffield is known to be, for some, yt are papists to escape the notice of the strictest enquirer, but am perswaded, yt few, if any more, are to be found here, besides those, whose names are sett down in this paper. am , Sr., Yo . Humble Serv., John Dossie.







* ), who " about 1724 was for some time missioner and chaplain at (1670-1751 of Bolsterstone near Sheffield " (Foley, vii, 90 ; Mr Benjamin Blackburn's C.R.S., xiii, 178).

This would seem to be an alias for Fr. Ignatius Brooke or Brooks, S.J.



Sherburn New Ainsty. have twenty five papists or supposed Papists in my Parish, viz. James Simpson , Labourer . Catherine, the wife of James Simpson. Ann, the daughter of James Simpson. James, the son of James Simpson . John Barker, Shoemaker. Ann, the wife of Henry Gibson. Elizabeth , the Wife of Phillip Simpson. Mary, the Wife of William Moorhouse. William Taylor , Labourer . Thomas Heptonstall, Husbandman. Ann, the Wife of Thomas Heptonstall. Henry Nicholson, Husbandman. Michael Bayly, Gardener. Gertrude, the wife of William Ellison. William Barber, Labourer . Mary, the wife of William Barber.


I. I

Mr Williams. * Mr Hedden. *

Alexander Jameson . Mary Thickson.

Servants to Mr Williams.

Ann Kirk.

Elizabeth , the wife of George Shepperd. William Sparrow, Gardener. Robert Beach, Labourer ;-The Wife of Robert Beach. 2. There are two suspected Papist Priests in my. Parish, ( viz.) The above mentioned Mr Williams and Mr Hedden Mr Williams constantly dwells here , and Mr Hedden is frequently here. 3. There are People resort to Huddleston on the Lord's Day, but whether Mass is perform'd there or not I do not know.

. 4-6 . None Witness

my hand this twenty sixth day of September 1735 , William Gill , Vicar of Sherburn .

Sherburn (or Shereburn) -Buckrose. got yrs this Morning . return'd yr Articles of enquiry about Papists by Jefferson's man the carrier , 10 days before Michas, he did not deliver it, am not in fault . I answered in the negative to each question . have neither Papists, Presbyterian , Anabaptist , Independent , Quaker or in my Parish. hope this may suffice. am, Sr, Yr most humble Servt . , M. Holdsworth. Octr. 14th 1735.









Edward Dominic Williams , O.P., and Bishop of Tiberiopolis ; V.A. Northern District, 1725 ( Kirke's Lives). This may be George Henry Heddon, ordained at Douay 1734; died at Hazlewood, Yorks. , 1764 ( C.R.S. , xxviii , 130) . But Heddon may be a mistake for Hatton; in which case he may be identified with Fr. Edward Antoninus Hatton, O.P. See note under North Cave .



To Mr Thomas Jubb at his Office in the Minster Yard, York. 16th of October 1735 I writt to Mr Holdsworththe Vicar of Shereburn in Buckrose Deanery to acquaint him that the above mentioned Return never came to my hands. T : Jubb. Sheriff Hutton Bulmer. An exact & particular Return to the Enquiries of His Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York. have the following Number of Papists in our Parish. I. WeSheriff Hutton : Mary Cassens, wife of Henry CassensIn Jane, wife of Jno Rempley Richd Smith, servt . Mary Hopkin , widow Wm Hopkin , her son , a tayler. In Cornbrough : Edmund Monday, farmer Ann his wifeMary his daughter Ann, wife of Adam Dale Thos. Taylor, servt . 2-6. None. Richard Hawxwell , Curate of Sheriff Hutton .







Siglesthorne Holderness. In Answer to the Enquiries deliver'd to us at the Visitation by the Order of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York concerning Papists. 1-6. None. Witness my Hand, Richard Metcalfe, Minister . Silkstone Doncaster. Three Papists, Frederick Shippen , a broken Mercer, Frances I. Oxley , Wife of John Oxley, and Rebecca Shippen, Spinster. None . . 2-6 answers The to the Enquiries above mentioned are true, so far as know or ever heard of. I Witness my hand , John Clarkson, Vicar of Silkstone.


Sinnington Rydale. An answer to the several enquiries given in writing at the Visitation held in the Parish Ch: of Hemsley the 23d day of June last past by the Right Worshipfull John Richardson, Masr of Arts, Arch Deacon of the Arch Deaconry of Cleaveland, by the Minister of the Parish Ch : of Sinnington . 1-6. None. Wm Prowde, Curt . Ibid. Middleton, Septb. the 28th 1735.


Skelbrook Doncaster. There is not one Papist or supposed Papist, either Man, Woman , or Child above ye Age of Thirteen in ye Parish of SkelbrookNeither is there any Popish Priest or person suspected to be such that know of within ye Parish Neither is there any house or place in ye Parish in weh Mass is understood to be sd . There is no Popish School within ye Parish. There hath no Visitation or Confirmation been made by any Popish Bishop within ye Parish yt






know of. Neither do I know of any persons within ye Parish that Ihave been perverted to Romish religion .

Tho. Alderson, Minister of Skelbrook. ye 6th of Sep. 1735.


Skelton Bulmer. Q. 1-6 : Answer, None.

William Tomlinson, Rector of Skelton .

Skelton Ripon . 1 The Number of Papists or supposed Papists within the town of Skelton are three men & two women & three or four poor small Children . Quint Walker , a poor old man about the age of 80, who has a weekly allowance from the town Wm Wright & Christopher Wright, two young men who are servants to two farmers in the town Alice Rigg, a poor widdow Eliza: Swinbank, the wife of Edward Swinbank , who is a Protestant & has nothing but what he getts by his daily labour. 5 None. 6 There any persons been perverted to the Popish . [ Religionhave not years. of late In answer to wch said Enquiries have hereunto set my hand this eight day of September 1735 , Wm Sharp, Curate. Ralph Kay, Chapelwarden.






[2-[ ].



Skelton cum Brotton Cleveland . September the 8th 1735. A true list of the names , titles, and distinctions of all the Papists in the Parish of Skelton, together with Brotton, above the age of thirteen Years. Taylor , a farmer, and Isabel, his wife John Knags, I. aTobias weaver Wm Knags, a blacksmith Barbary Harrison , a widdow John Harrison , a farmer Dorathy Harrison , a spinster Mary Harrison, a spinster Mary Knags, a servantJohn Sayer , a farmer, and Judith, his wife James Sayer , Thos. Sayer, George Sayer , Susanna Sayer , Elizabeth Sayer, these are John Sayer's children and live with their Parents Thomas Taylor, a carpenter, and Margret , his wife Elizabeth Taylor , their daughter Gabriel Dale, a glasier, and Elizabeth , his wife -Ralph Dale, and Elizabeth Dale, their children . In the Parish of Brotton Nicholas Errington, joyner, and Barbary, his wife Anne Stonas , spinster George Raw, a servant. . 2-6. None That this is a true and exact Return of all the Papists dwelling in the above named Parishes , and a Particular answer to the Enquiries delivered at the Visitation. Witness my Hand , Thos. Castley, Curate of Skelton cum Brotton.








- -







East Rid: Com: Ebor . Thos. Dowbiggin , Curate of Skerne having Diligently perused the 114th Canon, likewise the Enquiries given me in Charge by His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York do answer. That we have no Papists within our Parish of any kind. 2-6. None. Thos. Dowbiggin , Curate of Skerne. Sep. the 4th 1735.



Skidby Harthill . A full and particular Answer to all the Articles of Enquiry which were given in Charge to the Clergy to be answered, by Order of his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, at the Arch-Deacon's Visitation held in Beverley the fifth of August , 1735. 6. None . Witness my hand this sixteenth day of September 1735, Thomas Mease, Curate of Skidby.



Holderness .


Answers to his Grace's Enquiries concerning Papists for Skipsey. 1-6. None. Witness my hand, W. Tomlin, Vicr. of Skipsey. Skipton Craven . I. In ye parish of Skipton in Craven, in ye Diocese of York are no papists or Supposedpapists Except John CothamApothecary and grocer, Ann Howson, Widow, Robert Scaresbrig , Farmer & his wife, And ye Wife of Richard Ward, Weaver. 2-6. None. Rogr. Mitton , Vicar of Skipton. Attested by me



- Bulmer


Q. 1 : Only one, Steven Dreton, farmer. Q. 2-6, None. Geo . Overend, Vic. de Skipwith. Skirpenbeck Buckrose. 1. Onely Robert Smith, a miller, and his wife with one son viz. John , the rest being under the age of thirteen years. 2-6 . None. Witnesse in hand , Wm Dealtary, Rectr.


Slaidburne Craven . An Answer to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York's Enquiries concerning Papists, & reputed Papists within the Parish of Slaidburne. 5. None.




To Ar. 6th. I don't know of any Persons so perverted, and trust in God I never shall . Fr. Yates,

Rector of Slaidburne . Sepr. 16th 1735.

Slaighwaith (Slaithwaite) -Pontefract . The Curate of Slaighwaith's Answers, to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries concerning Papists. 1-6. None. certify, that ye Above written Answers are true, to the best of my knowledge, J. Thorn , Curate of Slaighwaith .


Sledmere Buckrose. Sledmer, East Rid. Com. Ebor . Septemb. 14, 1735 . The particular and exact answer required or expected by his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York to Six Queries directed to the Minister of Sledmer aforesaid is , as follows 1-6. None. Witness our hands, Geo : Colbatch, Minist. Richard Kirkby Churchwardens. Thomas Sawdon


Slingsby Rydale. An Answer to the Articles Given me in Charge at the Visitation held at Helmsley in the North Riding of the County of York the Twenty third day of June in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Five. 1-6. None. Signed by me Rt . Fysh, Rector of Slingsby . September the 16th 1735.



Cleveland . Sneton, September 17, 1735. Sir,-According to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York's orders, after a careful Examination shall make the following return. 6. None. This is a true Return as witness my hand, William Herdsman, Rector of Sneton. Sneton




South Kilvington Bulmer. South Kilvington . An Answer to the Articles relating to Papists &cr. for the Year 1735. 1. The Number of Papists within our Parish is 36 (to wit) John Scot , a collier Ann his wife Tho . Scot , a blacksmithMary, the wife of Thos. Gill, a weaver Amer Stephenson , a weaver John Dale, a weaver Jane his wife Christopher , Matthias, Cuthbert , Bridget, their children Thos. Dale, a poor



- - - -




man Christopher Dale, a weaver Jane his wife John, Robert , Elizabeth , their children Bridget Dale, a servantJohn Rootless , a weaver Mary his wife William Passman , a farmer Ann Passman , his sister John Dutchbourn, Mary Brown, his servants Richard Briggs, farmer & innholderAnn his wife Richard, John, Sarah, their children Ann, the wife of Andrew Richardson, a poor collier Thos. Brown, a weaver Dorothy his wife Margaret Woborn, spinster Mary Golond, a servant Mary Bassy, a widow . . None. 2-5 6. Mary, the wife of John Rootless supposed to have beenperverted to the Romish Religion about nine months ago. Witness this Twenty Seventh day of September 1735, Sam : Midgley, Curate.

- - - - - -

South Kirkby Doncaster. Mary Armitage, Mrs Elizabeth Grange , Midwife, MarmaI. Mrs duke Shan, & Frances ye wife of Robt. Totty, Elizabeth Bingley. . None. 2-5 6. None, some children as am told have been baptized at Clayton or Frickley of ye afore mentioned Marmaduke Shan, born in my parish . This is all that can upon my own knowledge certifie, as witness



my hand,


South Otterington

Rob . Allott, Vic. of Sth Kirkby.


Bulmer. There is one Papist, or supposed Papist in my Parish viz : but I. Ann Watson, spinster . 2-6 . None. Test : William Pullen. South Otterington, September the 22d 1735 .


Sowerby Bulmer. A Return of the Papists in the Township of Sowerby in the Parish

of Thirsk.

1st. There are

Eight Papists or Supposed Papists, vizt. Thos. White, innkeeper, his wife, & his son Thomas Mary Sturdy, servt. to Mich. Gilbert Ann Johnson, widdow , & her daughter Ann Thos . Wood, weaver, his wife Eliz : Wood. . None. 2-5 6. Elizabeth Wood, wife to Thos. Wood, weaver, perverted to the Popish Religion by her Husband about a Year since. Wm. Readhead, Curate. daughter of Francis Armytage , of South Kirby (2nd son of Sir Third * Armitage , of Kirklees, 1st Bart. ), by Mary, daughter of Robert Francis


Trappes ,


- -

of Nidd. She was bapt . at South Kirby 26 Feb. , 1666. Her brother Francis (1673-1737 ) succeeded his cousin in the Baronetcy in 1736, and died, unmarried , 1737. (Information of the late Sir George Armytage .)



Sowerby Pontefract. An exact & particular Return to his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, his Enquiries concerning Papists &c in pursuance of the 114 Canon. 1-6. None. September the 12th 1735. John Sheffield, Curate of Sowerby in the Vicarage of Halifax.


Sowerby Bridge Pontefract . To every one of these Articles of Enquiry we answer in ye Negative . Wm Stackhouse, Curate of Sowerby- bridge . Halifax 1735 .


- of of York's


Dickering . Speeton. Answer to His Grace the Lord Arch-bishop Enquiries , relating to Papists. None. As wittness my hand this 22d day of September 1735 , Jno: Sumpton, Curt. of Speeton.




Spofforth New Ainsty. An Answer to the Articles of Enquiry deliver'd in the Paper here-

unto annexed. are within the Parish of Spofforth fifty eight suppos'd I. There Papists above the age of thirteen years ; Their names are, as follows , viz : Stockfield 7: Marmaduke Middleton, esqr., a gentleman of plentiful estate Joseph Darley Thos. Kettlewell Eliz. Hodgson Margaret Robinson Mary Benson, servants-& William Hodgson, tenant to the said Mr Middleton . Town of Spofforth 6 : William Deighton, blacksmith Jane his wife, and Hugh Trappes , his apprentice Mary Hebblethwaite, single woman, Ann Brearey, widow , very poorElizabeth Thompson, a farmer's widow . Town of Wetherby 4: Mary the wife of Richard Wilbore , Isabel the wife of Thomas Smalpage , farmers Ann , wife of John Parker Mary Whitfield, reputed wife of Nathan Mallard, a bridle cutter. Town of Follifoot 5 : John Deighton, Roger Deighton , Elizabeth, wife of Christopher Hodgson , Jane, wife of Henry Pettey, farmers Catherine, wife of William Miers, a weaver. Town of Linton 1 : Mary Theakston, a poorwidow. Town of Plumpton 35 : Emanuel Cass & Margaret his wife -Anthony his son , & Mary his daughter Stephen Cass and Frances his wife William Bickerdike & Alice his wife Thomas Bickerdike their son , & Mary their daughter Ann Whitaker,




- -

- -





- -

This should be Stockeld. Of Stockeld and Middelton (near Ilkley ) ; he died, unmarried, 1757. This may be a younger son of Christopher Trappes, of Carlton (see under Carlton in Craven), but it would seem that the age of Hugh, the son of Christopher, would make his identification with this Hugh somewhat doubtful.




wife of Thomas Whitaker George Procktor, Margaret his wife, and John Procktor, their nephew Margaret Allen Mary, wife of Christopher Cocker Edward Briggs Elizabeth Briggs widow

- - - -- , * -

-Jane and Elizabeth , her daughters

Stephen Shan Catherine Shan Mary, the wife of Thomas Farrah All farmers John Swale, Anthony Briggs & Mary his daughter , Elizabeth Blakey Mary Kettlewel very poor Mr Anthony Hutchinson, a supposed Priest Margaret Hutchinson, his sister William Frankland , gentleman, his wife, a daughter of Sir John Webb's , sojourners with the Priest in Mr Plumpton's mansion houseBenjamin Smith, James Darley, & Mary Thompson, servants. Total in the several Townships within the Parish of Spofforth 58. 2. There is a Person suspected to be a Popish Priest, viz . Mr Anthony Hutchinson before mentioned constantly dwelling in the mansion house of Mr Plumpton a minor, at this time upon his Travels beyond Sea. 3. There is a resort of Supposed Papists to the mansion house of Mr Plumpton at Plumpton aforesaid every Lord's day, & upon other Holidays , where Mass is understood to be frequently performed. 4 & 5. There is not any Popish School in the Parish of Spofforth, neither have ever heard of any Visitation or Confirmation supposed to be held within the same. 6. have not heard of any one Person being perverted to the Popish Religion within the Parish of Spofforth since have been Rector of . Matt : Hutton, Rector . Spofforth July the 26th 1735 .





Sprottbrough Doncaster. In Obedienceto the Articles of Enquiry concerning Papists signified at ye Arch Deacon of Yorke's Visitation held at Doncaster in the Year one thousand seven hundred & thirty five, the underwritten Edw. Woolley Rector of Sprottbrough within ye Jurisdiction of ye said Arch Deacon hereby returns this Answer , viz., Articles 1-6 . None. Witness my hand this fourth Day of October in this Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & thirty five. Edwd. Wolley, Rector of Sprottbrough above mentioned. Stainton Doncaster. These are to certify whom it may concern, that ye following are an Answer to the Six Inquiries given at ye Visitacion held at Doncaster June 17th 1735.



note under Kirkby Overblow. * See Winefred, daughter of Sir John Webb, 3rd Bart. of Odstock, married

William Frankland , of Richmond, Yorks .; she was sister of Anna Maria, wife of James Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of Derwentwater. Robert Plompton , of Plompton , 1721-1749 , the last male heir.

318 1st



None . Witness my hand this 30th Day of July in ye Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven hundred thirty and five, Nath. Pearson, Vic. of Stainton.

Stainton Cleveland . Scarborough, Octr : the 8th 1735 . Dear Sir -As am unwilling that any Papists (where am concern'd) shou'd lye undiscover'd , if you have not yet made the return, desire the Favour of you to give in The following Names of Those, which till last Tuesday did not know were within the Parish of Stainton in Cleveland. Viz. Jane Brown of Maltby, widow Allen Brown, & his wife Ann Brown of the same place, mariner and Joseph Jolly, servant to George Parkin of Maltby. These were return'd me from Mr Gibson my Curate , but irregularly, a very bad wound, which have lately gotten, gives me so much Pain & Uneasiness as will not permit me to do . Sr, Yr Very humble Servt., Theoph: Garencieres.










Stainton and Thornaby Cleveland . Upon a Strict Enquiry what Papists are within the Parish of Stainton, and Thornaby, in Cleveland, pursuant to the following Articles


of Enquiry .

1. There are Jane Brown of Maltby, widow Allen Brown, her son , a mariner , and Ann, his wife Joseph Jolly, servant to George Parkin of Maltby.



- -

Theoph : Garencieres , Vicar of Stainton. Given in, Octr : the 11th 1735.

Stillingfleet Bulmer. An exact & particular Return to the Enquiries of His Grace the Lord Arch-bishop of York in relation to the Papists in 1735 , For the Parish of Stillington. have no Papists or suppos'd Papists in our Parish except I. We Robert Hardgrave, an inn -holder in the Town of Stillingfleet. . 2-6. None Witness Robert Potter, Vicar of Stillingfleet. Stillington Bulmer. Art. 1st. Papists or supposed Papists in this Parish are Marmaduke Clemenger, Gardiner , Ursula , yê wife of Matthew Linton, Anne Sturdy, spinster : 2-6 . None. Richard Musgrave, Vicar of Stillington. Stockton Bulmer. Answers to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York six Enquiries . Q. 1-6 : Answer, None. Thomas Kayley, Curate of Stockton .








Cleveland .

An exact & particular Return to the within -mentioned Enquiries. 1. The Number of Papists or supposed Papists in my Parish &c. viz . Mr Bradshaw Peirson, Lord of the Mannour John Catton, Dennis Kerney , Dennis Kelley, his servants Clement Sympson , shop - keeper, & Mary, his wife Elizabeth , the wife of Wm. Robinson, glover , & John , his son Christopher Newborn, weaver, & Eliz :, his wife, & Isabel, his mother John Armsom, weaver, & Dorothy, his wife George Craven , gardener George Harrison , plaisterer , & Rachel, his wife Margaret , the wife of James Bartram, weaver Eliz : Lane, glover John Sigsworth , farmer , & Elizth : his wife. 2. There is no Popish Priest who constantly dwells in my Parish, but a person suspected to be such, who goes by the name of Gordon & resides at Osmotherley, does as I am inform'd, attend the Papists in it. 3. There is a House in my Parish, in which Mass is understood to be perform'd & to which there is a Resort of Papists in the Lord's Day once a Month, viz. the abovementioned Christ

- -


Newborn's . 4-6. None. Stonegrave

- - - - -


Hen: Cooke , Recr of Stokesley. September the 15th 1735.


, to lay

In Answer to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop's Order requiring

his Clergy before him, an exact account of the present state of Popery, in their respective Parishes , the followingreturn, is made for Stonegrave, by the undernamed Minister. 1st. Thomas Jackson of West Ness in Stonegrave Parish, who is a farmer, and butcher, is a papist , not by conversion but by education his wife , Mary Jackson, is the same, they have three children , all girls, and under the age of thirteen yearsbesides these nam'd there is no inhabitant or sojourner in this Parish, that is either known or suspected to be ofthe popish religion . 2-5. None. 6. never heard of any attempt that was made, within this Parish, either with or without success, to draw people over, to the Church of Rome. After the strictest enquirythat could be made into the matter, relates to, give the above account as a very true one, under my hand , September, 22 , 1735 R. Denton , Rectr. of Stonegrave. Strensall Bulmer. Q. 1-6: Answer, None. Willm. Pool, Vicar of Strensall . Sept. 23 , 1735 .







Osmotherley was a Franciscan Mission, and the priest referred to as Gordon was the Rev. Peter of Alcantara Gordon, O.S.F., who was at Osmotherley, 1732-1738 (Thaddeus, Franciscans in England) . He died in England 25 Feb. , 1748, aged 80 (C.R.S. , xxiv, 309).




Sutton in the Forest Bulmer. An Answer to some Enquiries exhibited at the Archdeacon's Visitation held at Thirsk 1735 . are only two Papists in this Parish : their names are I. There John & Francis Taylor : both of them are servants to Husbandmen. 2-6. None. In Witness whereof have hereunto set my hand this Eleventh Day of September 1735 , John Walker, Vicar of Sutton in the Forest .



Sutton upon Derwent Harthill . 5. None . 6. know of none, nor will suffer any Popish Priest to come into my Parish so long as am the Minister of it. John Plaxton , Rectr . of Sutton upon Derwent .


I- I



Swillington New Ainsty. An exact return to the Enquiries deliver'd at the Visitation. to the first, answer that we have one Papist & but only I. As one, his name is Thomas Batty, he is a gardiner. Supposed Papists we have none in our Parish . 2-6. None. Witness my hand this seventeenth day of September 1735 , George Barber , Curate of Swillington.


Swine, and Sproatley Holderness . An Account of wt Papists are in the Parish of Swine. At Burton Constable. The Honourable Cuthbert Constable , esqr -His Lady, whoseChristian Name knownot Mr Gerrard Skelton, a reduced Gent kept by Mr Constable as a Companion Mr Thomas Smith , a reputed Priest Mr James Mark, lately come , appears as a servt . to wait of Mr Constable Mr John Street, butler to Mr Constable, very aged Philip Leech, a foot man Robert Hornby , perverted , imployed among the poultry John Newton, a footman, born a Protestant , but perverted several years ago Mrs Mary Butler, housekeeper with several more inferior servts unknown to





me .



-of the Mr





Constable. At Weighton, a Town Other Retainers in Swine Parish . Mr Ralph Brigham, his chief Stewart his wife sd


whose Christian Name I know not Mr Wm Brigham, his son , about 21 years of age. Retainers of Mr Constable in other places in the sd . Parish . Mr


Formerly Tunstall ; succeeded to Burton Constable in 1718 on the death of his maternal uncle William (Constable), 4th and last Viscount Dunbar . His wife was Amy, daughter of Hugh, 2nd Lord Clifford , of Chudleigh. He died in 1746. This may well be the Rev. Thomas Smith mentioned under Withernwick , as Chaplain to Cuthbert Constable .



John Croft, his park keeper & Mary his wife, the sd John perverted by the late Lady Dunbar * -Wm Strafford , his game keeper. Papists at the Town of Marton in Swine Parish. Wm Caley, a farmer, his wife a Protestant Jane Batty, a widow farmerThomas Bigland , a cooper James Kid, a fidler John Batty , a labourer George Salton, perverted , a cooper Jane Sutton, a poor widdow John Mason , labourer , & Anne his wife Margaret Clark,

-- -with I in , , , of & , -I by widdow-, . if in

a Papist, her Husband a Protestant Wm Jackson, widdower, an old man lives his son Wm Jackson his son , a farmer , he has a wife whose Christian Name know not. Papists at Ellerby Swine Parish . Mr John Batty yeoman a batchelour Mrs Mary his sister, both very old, neither them ever married John Tomson Jane his wife, very poor relieved by the Town John Caley , a farmer, his wife whose name know not Wm Douforth , a labourer, Dorothea his wife, she perverted conceive her husband Henry Morton , an old widdowerJane Harker , a poor widdow Jane Hawksworth , a poor John Hawksworth her son , about 20 years old Robert Hornby a labourer , & Jane his wife, she perverted, not both perverted Swine Parish . Wm Green & Frances Papists at Thirkleby his wife, both perverted. Papists at Swine. Michael Robinson & his Wife, whose name know not, he perverted . hear of no Priest in the Parish but the aforesaid Smith (who suppose is of the nature of Chaplain to Mr Constable) nor any House of Convention or Resort for Popish Service. This is the fullest account that has come to the knowledge of John Moorhouse, Vicar of Swine. No Papists in Sproatley Parish . Witness John Moorhouse, Rector.



Swinton Doncaster. An Answer to the Six Enquiries of His Grace ye Lord Archbishop of York. 6. None. Witness my hand, Tho: Beaver, Curate of Swinton.



Doncaster. An Answer to the Six Enquiries of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York concerning Papists and so forth in the Chapelry of Sykehouse.


1-6 .

None. I testifie the Answers above to be a true return to the best of my knowledge as Witnesseth my hand , John Gibson, Curate of SykehouseChapel. September 3, 1735.


This is probably Elizabeth , daughter of Hugh, 2nd Lord Clifford , widow of William, 4th Viscount Dunbar (who died 1719) ; she married secondly Charles , 9th Viscount Fairfax, of Emley, and died in 1721 .





Tadcaster New Ainsty. Parish of Tadcaster 1. Inhabitants of the Town of Tadcaster : Thomas Shann, apothecary George Wright, joyner Elizabeth Wright, his wifeJohn Dickinson, shooe-maker Mary, wife of Joseph Fletcher, husbandman Rachel, wife of Joseph Cowper, chandler Jordan Cowper, son of Joseph Anne Walls, servant Elizabeth Calvert, Anne Calvert, mantue - makers Catharine Mires, day labourer Elizabeth , wife of Thomas Calvert, inn-keeper. Inhabitants of the Town of Hazlewood: Mr Price, * a supposed Priest The Hon ble Mary Pitt * -Mrs Winifred Buckle, Jane Ingram, Mary Ramsey, Anne Bell, John Barrett, Robert Robinson, servants to Mrs Pitt John Malverley, husbandman Frances Malverley, his wife Elizabeth , wife of John Popleton, inn - keeper. Inhabitants of the Town of Stutton: Thomas Marshall , carpenter Anne, wife of Ralph Colston, blacksmith Robert Fall, husbandman Elizabeth Fall, his daughter Catharine , wife of John Daniel , carpenter. 2. Mr Price is the only Person within the Parish of Tadcaster supposed to be a Priest . He lives constantlyat Hazlewood in the House belonging to the Vavassor Family. 3. There is a Chappel at Hazlewood where Mass is reported to be perform'd every Sunday, & to which , am told, there is a considerable resort of Papists from all the neighbouring Parishes. 4. There is no Popish School for Persons of either Sex within this Parish . 5. don't find that any Visitation or Confirmation hath been lately held by any Popish Bishop within this Parish. 6. don't know of any Persons who have been perverted to the Popish Religion within this Parish. John Wickins , Vicar of Tadcaster.















Tankersley Doncaster. The true answer of Richard Goodwin, Rector of Tankersley, to the Enquiries of the Most Reverend Father in God, Lancelot , Lord Arch Bishop of York, & c. , concerning Papists. 1-6. None. Richard Goodwin , Rector of Tankersley. Terrington Bulmer. An Answer to the Articles given me in Charge at the Visitation held at Thirsk in the North Riding of the County of York the Fifth Day


This may be Rev. Price, who is mentioned by Bishop Williams as being at Holme on Spalding Moor in 1728. He may be identical with Rev. Maurice Pugh alias Price, a Lisbon priest , stationed in Yorkshire in 1698, or with a John Price, a secular priest ordained at Rome in 1708. See C.R.S.,


. iv, 272Mary daughter of Thomas ( Belasyse) , 3rd Viscount Fauconberg



married 4 Apr. , 1721, to John, 3rd son of Thomas Pitt, Governor of Fort St. George . John Pitt was some time M.P. and Lieutenant - Colonel Ist Foot Guards, and died 1745.



of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred & thirty five. . I. Thos Smith, labourer, only.



Leod Thompson, Rector of Terrington.




Thirkleby Parish within the Diocese and County of York. A true and particular Answer to the several Articles of Enquiries concerning Papists, given in Charge at the Visitation held at Thirsk on the 25 day of June 1735.

1-6 .

None. Witness my hand this 20th day of September 1735, John Wind, Vicar of Thirkleby.



Thirsk, Septbr : the 2d 1735. An Answer to the 6 Articles enjoyn'd to be enquir'd after at Thirsk June 25, 1735 by Order of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. Answer to the first Article. We have 30 Papists in Thirsk I. In above the age of thirteen years. Their Names, Titles, & Trades, are, as follows Jane the wife of James Rudderfoot,


gardener Ralph Johnson, yeoman Francis Dutchburn , shoemaker, & Jane his wife William Dale, grocer, & Rebecca his daughter Adam Dale, barber, & Dorothy his wife, & Mary Woburn, their maid-servant Edward Dinmore, tallow-chandler -Thomas Dinmore, bridle - cutter Richard Dinmore, bridlecutter Mrs Mary Jennison, widow , & Mary Alston, spinster , her granddaughter Mary Pert, widow, innkeeper, & Edmond & John her sons Ann, the wife of John Watters, miller, & Francis & Ann her son & daughter Elisabeth Ramsden, spinster Mr William Pinckney, attorney at law Mary, the wife of William Dodsworth, labourer George Spark, tailour, & Frances his wife, & Mary their daughter Barbary, the wife of Christopher Chapman , butcher Nicholas Bourgeois, surgeon, & Margaret his wife, & their maid -servant . 2-6. None. James Williamson, Curate of Thirsk.









- -

- - -


Sr Having made a strict enquirythroughoutthe Parish of Thorganby , we do not find any Papists or Supposed Papists, Men, Women , or Children. . None. 2-6These respective Articles have been carefully examined and you have an exact and particular Return made by, Sr, Your most

humble Servt,

J. Teasdale, Curate ibd. Thorganby , Sepbr. 25, 1735.




Thormanby Bulmer. An Answer to the Enquiries deliver'd to the Clergy at the Arch Deacon's Visitation, 1735. John Nesfield, Curate of Thormonby. 1-6. None. Thorne


Responses .

. I- 6. None Witness my hand this 17th day of July 1735,

Tho . Tennant , Cur. of Thorne.

Thorner New Ainsty. Sir, These are all the Roman Catholic's within the Parish of Thorner , viz. Joseph Barnby& Rosamond his wife, Joseph his son , & Mary his daughter Mary the wife of Crist : Abbey-& John Briggs, servant to Crist : Abbey aforesd. am, Sir, Your humble Servt. , John Fleming. Thorner , Sept : 21st 1735.



Thornhill Pontefract . Septbr . ye 22nd 1735.


None. This is a true Answer according to ye best of my knowledge to ye Above Queries. As Witness my Hand H. Elmsall, Rectr . of Thornhill.




Craven .

Mary ye Wife of John Waddington, Husbandman, of Earby. Easter ye Wife of Heny Manknowls yeoman of Hardin. Thos. Hall of Thornton, Labourer. Mary ye Daughter of Wil. Crosley , Black Smith in Kelbrooke . Upon the strictest enquiry these four are all the Papists or supposed papists can find within the Parish of Thornton in Craven , as witnesseth my hand, Mat. Topham , Curate of Thornton.


Thornton-? Pontefract.

I- 5. None.

6. After an exact Enquiry in each Township within this Chapelry can neither hear of any Attempts that have been made to pervert the People, nor of any that are in the least inclined to the Popish Religion . Witness my Hand, John Finch, Curate of Thornton.


* There were besides Thornton in Craven and Thornton in Cleveland, three other Thorntons, viz ., Thornton le Street, in Bulmer Deanery, Thornton juxta Bradford , in Pontefract Deanery, and Thornton on Spalding Moor, in Harthill Deanery. There are not sufficient data to decide which of these is this Thornton ; but from the fact that this record is among the Returns of the Deanery of Pontefract, one may suppose it is the Thornton juxta Bradford .



Thornton and Normanby Rydale.


Sr. To the Articles of Enquiry wch you sent me, by Order of his Grace the Ld Arch Bishop of York, I might have return'd a speedy answer, & a short one ; for I can aver, & give it you under my hand, 1. In answer to the first Enquiry, that we have not had one Papist

or reputed Papist, young or old, residing among us, believe may say, or sojourning one night in this Parish of Thornton, these last thirty years. 2-6 . None. The case being exactly the same at Normanby , presume will be needless to transcribe what is above related. In testimony to the truth of all have said in relation to both Parishes, that they are neither infected with popery, nor infested with Popish Priests & c . hereunto set my hand the 24th day of September in the year of our Lord 1735. Tho: Mason, Rector of Thornton & Normanby.







Thorp -Arch New Ainsty. An Answer to His Grace the Ld. Archbishop of York's Enquiries . 1. We have only one Papist in this Parish, Ann Burton, a poor woman , a baker . 2-6. None. Chris : Wetherherd , Vicr. of Thorp-Arch.


Thorpe-Basset Buckrose. An Answer to the Enquiries sent me by the Order of his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York in relation to the Papists. 1-6. None. Witness my Hand Thomas Lumley, Rector of Thorp Basset.


Thrybergh Doncaster. The Answer of ye Minister of Thrybergh to ye Enquiry concerning Papists sent to ye Clergy of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. Art . 1. There are in my Parish Five [sic] Papists. John Lee, Blacksmith . In one familyMary Lindley , his sister. Jane Himsworth, his servant . In another family- Samuel Roberts, Mason. Mary, his wife . Edward Roberts, His Journeyman . Art . 2-6. None. Witness my Hand Aug. 20, 1735, Wm Withers , Rector of Thrybergh. Sr. Samuel Roberts, Mary his Wife, & Edward Roberts, are but very lately removed from Rawmarsh to Thrybergh , & have been already return'd to you by ye Rector of Rawmarsh But are at present) Inhabitants in Thrybergh.







Thurnscoe Doncaster. Sept. 24 , 1735 . Sr. The followingis an Answer to his Grace the Arch : Bps. enquiries given me at Doncaster Visitations Art. 1. We have no Papist or Supposed Papist Man, Woman , or Child , excepting Joseph Golden a Boy of about fourteen Years of Age, Apprentice to John Rainsforth a Taylor in this Town . Art. 2-6 . None. Thomas Hough , Rector of Thurnscoe. Thwing

Dickering. . None.

An Answer to the following Enquiries .


Witness my hand Seth Sissison , Rector of Thwing.

Tickhill Doncaster. May it please your Grace. have sent your Lordship a particular return of Papists or Supposed Papists we have in the Parish of Tickhill , Men, Women, & Children , above the Age of Thirteen Years. 1. In the Town Mr Francis Gill above fifty years Attorney at Law, Mrs Ann his wife about the same Age , & Thomas his son , Eighteen Years of Age, and Ann his Daughter , Sixteen Years of Age, they are all at home, & are in no Business , ExceptThomas who makes Bills, Bonds, & Wills for person that desires him.



We have also John Jackson a Stockin Weaver about Fifty years of Age, & Jane Spencer a Widow about Fourty years of Age, a poor Woman . 2 . We have no Popish Priest , or any to be Suspected such that dwels in the parish , but one Blandall * Comes from Spinkill in Derbyshire . 3. This Blandall comes once a Month as am Inform'd to Mr Francis Gill's house to perform mass , and John Jackson & Jane Spencer , frequents the Same time & place to hear him. . None. 4-6 This is the best Return Can make to the Enquiries & am your Grace's Most Dutifull and Obedient Servt, Jo. Day, Vicar of Tickhill .



Tinsley alias Tinslaw Doncaster. An Answer to the Enquiries relating to ye Papists given out at the Visitation held at Doncaster, June 17, 1735 . 1-6. None. Witness my Hand Jonathan Stephenson, Vicr. of Tinsley alias Tinslaw .


Fr. Joseph Blundell , S.J. , 1686-1759 (Foley).



Todwick Doncaster. The Answer of John Brearcliffe , Rector of Todwick, to certain Articles sent him by the Command of his Grace the Lord Archbishop


of York.

1-6. None.

John Brearcliffe .

Tong Pontefract . The Answer to the Enquiries sent to us by His Grace the Lord Arch Bp are as follows . 1-6. None. This is a true Answer . Witness my Hand . Joshua Brooke, Curate of Tong .


Topcliffe Bulmer. An Answer to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries concerning the Number of Papists or Supposed Papists in the Parish of Topcliffe in the Archdeaconry of Cleveland & Diocese


of York.

are only three families in this Parish Francis Metcalfe I. There & Mary his wife & two daughters & a Son but under the age


of 13 years ; he is a farmer, & rents about forty pounds a year -Thomas Dale & Elizabeth his wife & two daughters, Margaret

& Alice : he is a farmer, & rents 17 pounds a year Gaynes & Jane his wife, he has no children ; a labourer .



None. This is, according to the best of my knowledge, a True Answer to the Enquiries above mentioned . Witness my Hand Fra : Day, Vicr . of Topcliffe.


Treeton Doncaster. To his Grace the Arch -Bp of York's Enquiries the answer of Samuel Drake rector of Treeton . To Yr Grace's 1st Article . have in my parish one suppos'd Papist : His name is Josua Heywood, Farmer , of Brompton. To Yr Grace's 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th. No. Samuel Drake . Treeton , Sept : 22, 1735 .





have only one Papist or suppos'd Papist within our Parish, I. WeGertrude named Pratty, a Widow, aged above Sixty.

None. 2-6 .hereby

do Certify whome it may concern (more Particularly His IGrace the Lord Arch Bishop of York ) that this is a true and impartial Answer to the Enquiries made by His Grace concerning Popish Recusants, and Enjoin'd by His Grace to be answered by every Clergyman. Witness my Hand this Tenth Day of September



and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and

Thirty five.

George Longmire , Curate of Tunstall.

Ulroom Holderness . Answers to his Grace's Enquiries concerning Papists for Ulroom . 1-6. None. Witness my Hand W. Tomlin, Vicr. of Ulroom .


Waddington Craven . 1 In obedience to ye command of his Grace my Lord Arch[Bishop of York, make ye following return. There are only within ye Chapelry of Waddinton six papists or supposed papists above ye age of thirteen years: Elizabeth Oddy, Widow, William Oddy, bachelor, Elizabeth Oddy , spinster, Robert Grear, husbandman, Editha, wife of Ralph Earnshaw, and Ambrose Frankland , husbandman. 2-6. None. Witness my hand James Mount , Curate of Waddington. Augt ye 1st, 1735.



Wakefield Pontefract . 1. We have only one Papist in this Town , and Parish : Thomas Shann , a Sadler. 2-6. None. Geo: Arnet Vicar of Wakefield .


Wales and Thorp -Salvin Doncaster. The supposed Papists in the Parish of Wales are, George Firth, Cowper, & his wife. Anne the wife of John Goldsborough, Blacksmith. In the Parish of Thorp-Salvin, Jennett the wife of Robert Turner , Farmer . We have no Popish- Priest, Mass - house, nor Popish School in either of my Parishes ; Nor has any Confirmation or Visitation been understood to have been held by any Popish Bishop ; nor do know of any Persons that have lately been perverted to the Popish Religion in either of my Parishes. Witness my hand



W. Hyde Minister of Wales & Thorp-Salvin .

Walkington Harthill . Sr. According to His Grace the Lord Archbishop's desire & expectation , here make you an exact & particular answer to the Enquiries you delivered to me. . 1-6. None This from , Sr, Yr most humble Servant Ralph Serocold, Rectr . of Walkington.





Walton , Wighill , & Rusforth New Ainsty. In humble Obedience to his Grace the Arch Bishop of York's Orders to his Clergy concerning Papists & c . begg leave to make the following return viz. In the Parish of Wighill & Rusforth wee have no Papists, nor any reputed such. In Walton there are 4 Papists besides Children, viz. John Horner, husbandman, & Elizabeth his wife, they have five children , but all under 13 years of age Jane Kirk, servant to the aforesaid John Horner Sarah the wife of Marmaduke Thomson, carpenter, a Papist , with her daughter , but the daughter under the age of thirteen. 2-6. None. am with all Duty His Grace's most humble and most obedient Servant Jos . Lancaster, Curte. of Walton. Wighill , Sept. 23, 1735.







Warmfield Pontefract. Noe recusant of any denomination , except one Mr Jon . Appleyard, a gauger in ye excise , who never comes to Church, nor receives ye Sacrament of ye Ld's Supper, nor his [? Wife a blind woman, nor his son Jon. Apple-yard, nor his two daughters, all above ye age of sixteen, have been resident in my Parish almost two years. Witness my hand Jon. Leake vic: of Warmfield . 2. None of any denomination except before excepted. Witness Jon . Leake. 3. None Such, but as before excepted. Witness my hand Jon. Leake. 4. No such place. Witness Jon . Leake. 5. No visitation or confirmation ever held in my parish . Witness : Jon . Leake, vic ibm. 6. know of none, witness my hand Jon. Leake. To ye above-said enquiries have given particular answers Witness my hand ys 14th day of August , 1735 , Jon . Leake, vic. of Warmfield .







Jon . Leake ye vicar of Warmfield his answer to ye quereys wthin m'ntioned. Warmsworth



A particular Answer to the above mention'd Enquiries.

1-6 .

None. Witness my hand

Jeremiah Fawkes Rector of Warmsworth, Sept. 15, 1735 .

Warter and North Dalton Harthill. August the 10th 1735. 6. None. Tho : Remington .





Warthill , Holtby, and Over Helmsley Bulmer.


July 7th 1735.

lately recd. your Grace's paper of Enquiries from Mr Jubb, I& have can with pleasure assure you that not a Papist in my Parishes except one James Darley, I. aI have poor servant in the town and Parish of Holtby.


None. John Bradley , Vicr. of Warthill & Curate of Holtby & Over-helmsley.

Wath Doncaster. Certain Enquiries with the Answers to them according to order ye last Visitation. Ans. 1-6. None. Will : Twilley, Vicar. Sept. 16th, 1735 .


Watton Harthill . Thos. Dowbiggin Curate of Watton having diligently perused the 114th Canon, likewise the Enquiries given me in Charge by His Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York do Answer 1-6. None. Thos. Dowbiggin , Curate of Watton . Septembr . the 4th 1735.



Wawne (Waghen)-Holderness. An Answer to the six Articles of Enquiry of the most Reverend Father in God, Lancelot, by Divine Providence, Lord Arch-Bishop of York ; Primate of England and Metropolitan : relating to Popery in the Parish of Waghen, otherwise Wawn , in the East Riding of Yorkshire in the Year 1735 . . 1-6. None Witness my hand this nineteenth day of September 1735 , Thomas Jackson, Vicar of Waghen, otherwise Wawne. Weaverthorpe Buckrose. 1-6. None. After ye strictest Enquiry can find not one Papist, or Suppos'd Papist, Popish Priest, School &c. , in ye whole Parish of Weaverthorp. Rokeby Scott , Vicr . of Weaverthorp . Weaverthorp , Augt : 17th 1735 .


Shipton Harthill . Weighton An Answer to ye Questions concerning Papists in ye Parish of M. Weighton . are Ten Papists in Weighton whose Names & Occupations I. There as follow, viz. Robert Suddaby, Cordwainer, Ann, his wife, are Sarah, their Daughter.



* I.e., Market Weighton .



Joseph Blackbourne, Game - Keeper to ye Earl of Burlington,* Margaret , his Daughter . Adam Kenningham, Leather Draper, Anne Kenningham, a poor Widow . George Hall, sawer , Anne, Wife of William Sanderson , Labourer , and Marmaduke their son . There are none in Shipton. 2-6. None. Witness my hand William Carr, Curate of Weighton . Septembr. 5th 1735 . Wellbury


Cleveland .

Wellbury, Sepbr. the 26, 1735. I 6. None. Abr : Todd , Rector of Wellbury.


Welton-cum- Melton Harthill . An exact & Particular Return to ye Enquiries sent, by his Grace ye Archbishop of York concerning Papists, or reputed Papists, & c. Q. 1-6 : None. By Stephen Thompson, Vicr. of Welton cum Melton. Date of September ye 22nd 1735.


Welwick, and Holmpton Holderness. Welwick, 16th of 8ber 1735 . Mr Jubb. reced yours of the 13th Instant and am surpriz'd that mine of the 17th Ultimo has been miscarried, for I sent pay with it by Chapman of Hull , the York Carrier, I hope notwithstandingthis may come time enough for an Excuse to his Grace the Arch Bp. Sr. I perus'd with all seriousness the Several Articles enjoyn'd by his Grace to be enquired into by his Clergy. And 1st as for Holmpton, there are no papists, or any other Dissenters in the Town or Parish. 2ly. Welwick: there is a poor widow woman that profess'd her self a papist for some time while her husband was alive , but he compell'd her to it , and since his death she frequents the Church when in health , but at present she is very weak and keeps her bed; her name is Frances Denby; for her husband's life time she used to go to hear one Mr Smith, a popish preacher at Nuthill not far from Headon. I know of none else in the Parish of Welwick, only Mr Ralph Crathorn, who is Rectr. or Impropriatr. of Welwick, and has an Estate there of about 400 £ p. Ann . and another more



Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington , 1694-1753 . * Richard Perhaps Rev. Thomas Smith (1674-1755 ) ; took the Oath at Douay


8 Sept., 1696, and was sent to England in 1700. In 1741 he was Chaplain at Oulston, co. Yorks., with Catherine, wife of the 1st Earl Fauconberg, where he died (Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns, 1743 ; Yorks . Arch. Soc. , Record Series, lxxvii , 196.

Of Crathorne and Ness ; died 1755 ; married Catherine, daughter of John Killingbeck , of Chapel Allerton.



considerable at Ness, not far from York, where he, presume, for the most part resides , for he seldom or never comes among us. However am a great sufferer by his Tenants, who seize and deny me several Tyths & c . , dues wch belongs to me as Vicr . And shall never be capable to right my self without a Copy of the Endowmt. wch is still extant among other Records in your Custody. This am certain of, because had once an opportunity of seeing and reading it. But forbear troubling you any furthir at present, being in haste, and shall ever remain and return my self Your most obliged St. Wm : Holiday.







Wentworth & Wath Doncaster. An Answer to His Grace the Archbishop of York's Enquiries concerning Papists or Supposed Papists in the Liberty of Wentworth & Parish of Wath. To the 1. There are two Papists in the Liberty, only, their Names Ann Sorby, & Margaret Pouls, Spinsters. None. . 2-6 Marm . Drake, Curate.



West Heslerton Buckrose. West- Heslerton Parish in the East-Riding of Yorkshire . The Answer of me, James Borwick, Rector of West- Heslerton, to certain Enquiries concerning Papists, given me in Charge, by Order of his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, in the worshipful the Arch- Deacon of the East-Riding's Visitation ; which was held at Bridlington on the seventh Day of August , in the year 1735. 1-6. None. Witness my Hand, this second Day of September in the year 1735 , James Borwick, Rector of West - Heslerton. Weston and Baildon Old Ainsty. have carefully examin'd the Articles concerning wt. number 1. of Papists or supposed Papists have in the Parish of Weston & Township of Bayldon , whether Men , Women, or Children &c and have none. 2-6. None. Richd Haighton for Weston & Bayldon. Sept. 22d 1735.




Westow Buckrose. September 10th 1735. his Grace the Lord Archbishop of In Return to the Enquiries ofsupposed Papists in the Parish of York, concerning Papists or Westow , in the East Riding of the County of York , do hereby certifie.



* In the Parish of Hovingham .



there are not any Papists or supposed Papists in the aforeI. That said Parish , that I know of, or have heard of.

. 2-6. None Witness

my hand Hen : Dealtary, Vicar of Westow .

Wetwang and Fimber Buckrose. To the Enquiries directed to the Minister of Wetwang and Fimber, We the said Minister and Churchwardens of Wetwang and Chappelwarden of Fimber in the East Ridingof the County of York do return the following Answer , exactly, particularly, and truly, to the best of our knowledge. 1-6. None. Witness our hands, Geo . Colbatch, Minister John Borlty Churchwardens of Wetwang . Tho . Wharram Chappelry of Fimber. John Taylor Septemb. 1735.



Wharram in the Street Dickering . William Mills Curate of Wharram in the Street returns a particular Answer to the Enquiries exhibited by his Grace the Lord ArchBishop of York . . 1-6. None As Witness my hand this tenth day of September 1735, William Mills, Curate of Wharram in the Street .


Wharram Percy Buckrose. William Mills, Vicar of Wharram Peircy returns a particular Answer to the Enquiries exhibited by his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of


York .

1-6 .

None. Witness my hand this tenth day of September 1735, William Mills, Vicar of Wharram-Peircy.


Wheldrake Bulmer . Wheldrake , Augst . the 25th do herebey Certifie whom may concern that we have not a Papist in the Parish of Wheldrake , nor do know of any one that has been perverted or attempted to be perverted to the Popish Religion , & of Consequence may Return & do Return a Negative to the other Enquiries. P. Wynne , Curate.




Whenby Bulmer.


In Obedience to the Order of His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York wth Respect to the six Rules of Enquiry concerning Papists delivered to me at the Visitation of the Arch Deacon of Cleveland held at Thirsk on Wednesday the 25th of June last past , Joseph I



Dowthwaite, Vicar of Whenby do make this following particular

Return . There are five Papists, but no more supposed Papists within this Parish of Whenby , three men & two women, but no children ; their Names are : John Schott, day labourer, sojourner Ursula Dalton, widow Catherine, wife of John Lee, blacksmithWilliam , son of William Young of Scackleton, farmer Thomas Wood, servant to Thomas Dresser, farmer. . None. 2-5 6. know none or heard of any now in this Parish who have been perverted to the Popish Religion except the above named John Scott, who was perverted about forty years since, but he will not own by whom. In Testimony of wch . particular Return have hereunto set my Hand this fifteenth Day of July 1735, Joseph Dowthwaite , Vicar of Whenby.










An Exact and particular Return fromWhiston parish in the Deanery of Doncaster and Diocese of York in answer to the Enquiries sent by his Grace the Ld. Archbishop of York to the Clergymen thereof . 1st. In answer to the 1st Enquirie, There are in the said Parish of Whiston , the several persons , Papists or supposed Papists, whose names & c follow, viz. Ann Savage, Wid : a Farmer. John Savage, A single man, A File Hewer, the Widow Savage's son .

Mary Savage, A single woman, the Widow Savage's Daughter . John Knight, the Widow Savage's Parish Apprentice . Bridget Priest, single woman, the Widow Savage's servt . maid. William Cowper, a Farmer. Margaret Cowper , his wife . Mary Cowper, Daughter to the sd William and Margaret . . None. 2-5 6thly. In Answer to the 6th Enquirie I know of no persons who have been perverted to the Popish Religion (except John Knight aforesd the Widow Savage's Parish Apprentice , by goingalong with his Mistress to hear Mass , and William Cowper aforesd, supposed to be perverted by his Wife. Witness my hand , Ob: Browne, Rect. Septr . the 19th, 1735. Whitby Cleveland .


A true and exact number of all the Papists or Supposed Papists within the Parish of Whitby, with their names, titles and trades,

wch. is as follows . Imp: Michael Snowdon, glover, and Eliz : his wife Mary Ventriss, wife of Matthew Ventriss, joyner Mary Calvert, widowGeorge Calvert, mariner Wm. Calvert, carpenter, and Mary his wife Anthony Calvert & John Calvert, seamen Stephen








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Atkinson, master and Mariner

Ann Wardal, widow Fran: Wardal , carpenter, and Margart . his wife Wm. Wardal, carpentr., & Eliz : his wife Joseph Wardal, carpentr.Mary, wife of Richard Atkinson , butcher Ambrose Lyth, carpentr. , and Mary his wife Joseph Harrison , mariner , & Jane his wife Richd . Wardal , mariner Matthew Smith, carpenter Wm. Avelock, labourer , and Mary his wife Wm. Boys, farmer , and Eliz. his wife Mary, wife of Isaac RidleyEliz: wife of Miles White , yeoman Ellinor Dale, servant to Miles White John Wilson , servant to Philip PursloveWm. Haggard, labourer , & Mary his wife Ann, daughter of Richd. Smelt, dyer Frau : Thorp, and Mary his wifeMary Hodgson, Eliz : Hodgson, Dorothy Hodgson, Alice Hodgson , four sisters, all unmarried . . 2-6. Nonewitness whereof I've hereunto set my hand this twenty In third day of Septemr. 1735, Tho : Farside, Curte. of Whitby.

- -



Whitkirk New Ainsty. I 6. None.



Dan: Hopkins, Vicr. of Whitkirke .

Wibsey Pontefract. This is to Certifie wm . it may Concern that have made a particular Enquiry in my Chappelry, and do not find any Papists or Supposed Papists therein . Neither is there any House or Place to which there is a resort of Papists on the Lord's Day, or at any other Time. Neither has there been any Visitation or Confirmation held by any Popish Bishop within my Chappelry. Neither do know of any Persons who have been perverted to the Popish Religion. As Witness my Hand Wm Smith, Curate of Wibsey .





Wickersley Doncaster. Sept. 8th 1735. In obedience to ye command of His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York have made ye following return to His Grace's enquiries concerning ye state of popery in our parish. have not a papist, or a suspected papist in our parish , I. We save only a stranger who has sojourned here a few months , and who is employed as a journey-man in the business of a cooper ; his name is William Rich . 2-6. None. Adamson Kenyon , Curate of Wickersley in Yorkshire .


Wiggington Bulmer . Q. 1 : John Venn a supposed Papist. Q. 2-6 : Answer, None. Richard Mosley, Rector.





Wilberfosse Harthill. Sepr. 28, 1735. There is not one Papist, nor one Dissenter from the Church of England in the Parish of Wilberfosse. As witness my hand John Plaxton , Curate Ibid.


Willerby Dickering.

A true and perfect answer to His Grace of York's enquiry about

Papists in the parish of Willerby, wch is as follows. 1-6. None. This is a true account as far as can by diligent enquiry make of the stateof the parish of Willerby as witness my hand Tho : Farside.



Winestead Holderness.

An Answer to the Enquiries received at Beverley August the 5th 1735 . None.


This is the true state of the Parish of Winestead with Relation to the abovementioned Enquiries , witness my hand this 16th day of September 1735. Edward Ellerington, Curate there . Winteringham Buckrose. Winteringham Parish in the East-Riding of Yorkshire. The Answer of me, James Borwick, Stipendiary Curate of Winteringham , to certain Enquiries concerning Papists, given me in Charge, by Order of his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York, in the worshipful the Arch-Deacon of the East- Riding's Visitation; which was held at Bridlington on the seventh Day of August in the Year 1735. 6. None. Witness my Hand, this second Day of September in the Year 1735, James Borwick, Stipendiary Curate of Winteringham .



Wistow New Ainsty. 1-6. None. As witness my Hand this Twentieth Day of September 1735, Mat: Maslen, Vicar of Wistow. Withernwick Holderness. The Answer to the Enquiries of the Most Reverend Father in God, Lancelott, by Divine Providence Lord Arch Bishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan , Exhibited at the Visitation of the Worshipful Dr Dering, Arch Deacon of the Arch-Deaconry of the East Riding of the County of York; held at Beverley on the 5th of August 1735. By John Segar Carter, Vicar of Withernwick in the Parts aforsd. Answer to Enquiry The number and names of the Papists within the first . our Parish are as follows, viz . Peter Batty,





a farmer , and Mary his wife. Elizabeth the wife of William Hirstwait, a farmer. Mrs Mary Caleyand Mrs Elizabeth Craythorn, * two Widow -Gentlewomen. Mary the Wife of Mathew Rogers a weaver. Isaac Batty, Batchelor and farmer. To Enquiry the Second . No Popish Priest, nor personsuppos'd to be such, resides constantly in the Parish, nor can be said to sojourn there : but somepersons presum'd to be priests do often resort to the House where the two Widow Ladies, above-said , do reside , viz . one Mr Smith,* a Chaplain of Cuthbert Constable Esqre., and one who goes by the name of Pinkard, & suppos'd to be the Parish Priest of Marton in the Parish of Swine, and one who goes by the name of Watson, titularly Rectr . of Halsham, and who resides at Nuthil nigh Burstwick. suspect that Mass is sometimes perform'd To Enquiry the Third. in the House where Mrs Caley and Mrs have not sufCraythorn do dwell ; tho ficient proof thereof . Tis certain that on some Lds days, particularly on the last, there was a more than ordinary resort of Papists. To Enquiry the fourth . We have no Popish School kept within our Parish. To Enquiry the fifth. No Visitation or Confirmation has been held in our Parish by any SupposedPopish Bishop that I know off. To Enquiry the Sixth. No person has been perverted to the Popish Religion within this Parish. Witness my hand this twelfth day of August 1735 John Segar Carter, Vicar of Withernwick.



Wold Newton Dickering . , Thomas Prickett, Clerk, Vicar of Would Newton in the East Ryding of the County of York do make answer to the several



widow of Thomas Craythorne, of Crathorne and Ness, co. *., Probably whose will is dated 18 Jan., 1714/15 ; he mentions therein his wife York Elizabeth : which Elizabeth was daughter of Charles Cokayne, 1st Viscount Cullen by Mary his wife, daughter to Henry O'Brien , 5th Earl of Thomond. Perhaps Rev. Thomas Smith (1674-1755 ) ; took the Oath at Douay, 8 Sept., 1696, and was sent to England in 1700. In 1741 he was Chaplain at Oulston, co. Yorks. , with Catherine, wife of the 1st Earl Fauconberg, where he died (Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns, 1743 ; Yorks . Arch. Soc. , Record Series, lxxvii , 196, ed . by Canon Ollard) . He occurs under Swine and

Sproatley. Formerly Tunstall ; took the name of Constable, 1718, on inheriting Burton Constable; he died 1746 (Gillow , Dict . Eng. Cath .; Kirk's Lives). Apparently John, vere Thomas Pinckhard (1702-1754 ) ( Kirk's Lives). V



articles of Inquiry relating to Papists &c . in obedience to the directions of his Grace the Arch Bishop of York as follows . . 1-6. None As witness my hand the first of September 1735 , Thos: Prickett, Vicar.


Womersley Pontefract. A list of Papists or suppos'd Papists in ye Parish of Womersley in ye County of York. At Stubs Walden in ye sd . parish Mr Thos. Piercy, * Gent . Mrs Mary Piercy James Spencer , Man Servt. Mary Barker , maid Servt. Ann Heppleston, Widw. Thos. Baits, Yeoman. Mary Baits, his wife Geo : Baits, his Son Wm Baits, his Grandson. Thos. Saul , Yeoman Katherine Saul, his wife. Wm Heppleston, Linen weaver Mary Heppleston, his wife. At Gridling Stubs in ye sd . parish. Mary Briggs, Widw. 2. No Popish Priest constantly dwells in ye parish . 3. Mass is suppos'd to be perform'd at Mr Thos. Piercy's at Stubs


4. There is no Popish School in our parish .

5. No Visitation or Confirmation has been understood to be perform'd in our parish . 6. No person been perverted to ye Popish Rign. As Witness my hand Anthony Weatherhead, Curate at Womersley. Woodkirk Pontefract . : Wilson , Farmer, Sister, & Mother . I. Tho 2-6. No. In witness whereof I set my hand J. Shaw Sep. 27: 1735 .


Woolley Doncaster. 1-6. None.

certify the truth of the Answers as above, and also further that Ithere is no Dissenter from the Church of England of any Denomina-

tion whatsoever, within the Chapelry of Woolley , Witness my hand this Eight day of September 1735. James Holdsworth, Curate . Thomas Percy, of Stubs Walden, registered his estate in 1715 (Estcourt and Payne, p. 313) .




Worsborough Doncaster. return this in Answer to ye Enquiries made by his Grace, ye Arch Bp of York . have only one Papist in ye Township of To Enquiry ye first . Worsborough, his name is Thomas Bywater , a Labourer . 2-6. None . This is a true Answer to his Grace's Enquiries , from Sr, Yr obedient Servt. G. Staniland . Worsborough , Sep: 23, 1735.





Wortley Doncaster. An exact & particular Return to certain Enquiries relating to Popery. Answ : 1st. Only one, Barbary Cocking by Name : a poor Widow, aged about Sixty.


Answ : 2-6. None . The Truth hereof

I do attest

J. Sunderland, Curate of Worsley. Wressle Harthill . have in the Parish of Wressle three Papists, viz. Joseph I. We Fletcher, ferryman at Loftsom , and his wife, Mary, wth a daughter abt. fourteen years of age. 2-6. None. Will. Burges, Vic: of Wressle.


Wykeham Rydale. We have only one Papist, Catherine the wife of Francis Barry. 2-6. None.Answer An to the Articles to be enquird into concerning Papists in the Parish of Wykeham by Ste: Newton.



Yarm Cleveland. An Answer to the Queries sent by His Grace the Arch Bishop of York to His Clergy in the Year 1735 with Relation to the Parish of Yarme in the Diocese aforesaid. Number of Papists Residing within the said Parish above I. The Age the of thirteen Years, & Their Names are as followethThomas Douglas, * reputed an Attorney, & his wife John Hakin , labourer , & Mary his wife John Wright, tailor , & Mary his wife Thomas Danby, joiner, & his wife Mary Harperley, widow Margaret Metcalf, widow William Allanson & Mary his wife, pedlar Willm. Grayson, draper, Mary his mother, a maid & man servant Thomas Douglass , batchelor, apothecary -Teresia Menell , spinster Margaret Hutchinson, spinsterAnn Thomson, & two daughters Richard Hostler, shoemaker, & Margaret his wife John & Thomas Todd, batchelors, tailors



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Doubtlessrelated to, and possibly fatherof John Douglass (1743-1812 ) ; * and Bishop of Centuria . V.A.



Kirkham, spinster John Coulson , blacksmith , with Mary his wife , man servt . George Williams , his wife, son , & daughter, labourer Thomas Mills, tailor John Witherington, & his wife Elizabeth Buck John Fisher, Eliz : his wife, man servant , & maid , butcher Jane Smith, widow Mary Smith, widow Margaret Smith, spinster Thomas Hutcinson, dyerGeorge Fisher, & Elizabeth his wife, butcher John Mayes * esqr. , Mary his wife, 3 man servants & three women servts. 2 . There is a reputed Popish Priest who constantly resides in Mr Mayes's Family, his Name is .... Syddal. * 3. Mr Mayes's House is the place of Resort where great Numbers of Papists assemble every Sunday & there Mass is understood to be perform'd. 4. There hath been a Visitation, & Confirmation suspected to have been held (as well as I can remember) about 5 or 6 years

- - --

ago , by a Popish Bishop. 5. There is no Popish School within this Parish that ever heard of. 6. There have been two Persons (within these 10 Years) Perverted to the Popish Religion , the one a Youth John Coulson , abt. the age of 21 , the other a widow Mary Harperley, about the age of 60 but by whom know not. Hen : Bradley, Curate of Yarme .




Yeddingham Buckrose. The Return of Wm Hebden Vicr. of Yeddingham , to the several Enquiries made by his Grace the Lord Arch - Bishop of York concerning Papists. 1-6. None. The Truth of the preceding Answers to my Lord ArchBishop of York's several Enquiries concerning Papists is here faithfully attested this 19th Day of Septembr. 1735 , by His Grace's Most obdt . Humble Servt., Wm: Hebden, Vicr . of Yeddingham .



All Saints in Pavement. 1. Mary, the Wife of John Greenwood, barber Mary, daughter of John Greenwood, do. Joseph Lodge, haberdasher of hatts -Jane, the wife of Jos . Lodge Eleanor Moulden, sen", Eleanor Moulden, Jun , strangers, at Mr Lodge's Rebecca , servant to Jos. Lodge Thomas Waud, a shoemaker & his wife.




- Will:

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Dodsworth , Rector of All Saints.

Son of Lawrence Mayes , of the Fryerage, Yarm, by the daughter of Lawrence Sayer, of Worsall . John Mayes died about 1742, and the Fryerage passed to the Meynells of Kilvington (Gillow, Dict . , iv, 548 ; see also C.R.S., iv, 253 , but there is some discrepancy between the two accounts). An alias for Charles Hodgkinson, S.J. (1700-1770 ) (Foley, Records S.J.,


viii, 363).

Most of the Returns for these York Parishes are printed in C.R.S., vol . iv, being reprinted from the Northern Genealogist .




York All Saints, North Street. 1. Margaret Cornforth & Ellenor Cornforth, Spinsters. Mary, wife of Joseph Hayton , carpenter. Mary, wife of Christopher Darbyshire, porter. John Forster, Curate of All Saints 2-6. None. Northstreet , in the City of York. York Holy Trinity in King's Court. 1-6. None.


Robert Reynolds, Vicar.

York Holy Trinity in Micklegate.


Supposed Papists Thomas Selby, * Esqr . & Lady two daughters footman Jane Pallister, Mary Clark, Jane Little, servants Roger Mennel, sen : esqr. & lady Susanna Wilkinson , Jane Rose , Catherine Judar, Anne Forster, servants Roger Mennel, jun : esqr. & lady John Blacket, Elisabeth Parker, servantsGeorge Kingsley, gentleman Jane Clark, servant Mr Andrien & wife, inholder Mrs Conyars § Mrs Clifford -Mrs Palmer, Mrs Mrs Metcalf , Mrs Stanfeild, Mrs Hodgson, Mrs Walker, Tidswel, lodgers Elisabeth Tasker, Elisabeth Benson, Frances Andars, servants John Herd, labourer, & wife wife of Arthur Morhil, cordwainer wife of Thomas Forster, taylor wife of Tim Knowles, malster wife of John Smelt, barber wife of James Thompson, barber. Supposed Priests Mr Pyet * -Mr Mennock.* T There is an House wherein Mass is understood to be performed.






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This would appear to be Thomas William Selby, of Biddleston, Northumberland, who was living at York in 1715. His wife was Barbara, daughter of Christopher Percehay, of Ryton, co. Yorks . Barbara, the eldest daughter, married Roger Meynell, of North Kilvington, and Elizabeth , the second , married John, 2nd son of Sir John Lawson, of Brough (Estcourt and Payne, Non-Jurors, and Burke's Landed Gentry, 1914). Roger Meynell, of North Kilvington, who, by Anne, daughter of Edward Charlton, of Hesleyside, had an eldest son Roger, who married , in 1735, Barbara Selby, as stated above (Burke's Landed Gentry, 1914). Probably the G. K. mentioned in Estcourt and Payne, p. 321. § Third Superior of the Convent of the Institute of Mary at Micklegate Bar ; she joined in 1717 ; elected Superior 1734; died 1756. A mistake for Eleanor Clifton, entered the Novitiate 1720 and died 1785, æt. 83. Palmer is probably a mistake for Palmes. Elizabeth Stanfield joined the Community in 1727 and died 1777. Mrs. Palmes and Mrs. Metcalf were apparently only boarders . There were two Miss Hodgsons members of this Convent viz., Mary who joined in 1718, became Superior 1746, and died 1760 ; and her sister Elizabeth , who joined in 1720 and died 1782. Helena Walker joined the Community 1699 and died 1747. Lay-sister, died 1745. * § AFrances Audas, is intended. She was a lay-sister and died at a great





age in 1772.

is probably Fr. Adam Pigott, S.J. (1673-1751 ). *|| Dr. Pyet . 78. , S.J. He died 1748, Francis Mannock alias







There is a School for Girls, kept by Mrs Conyars and Mrs Clifton.

A supposed Bishop * visits. None to my Knowledge have been perverted. Richard Mosley, Curate .

York St Crux. An answer to the Enquiries delivered at the late Visitation 1735. St Crux Parish in York . Atkinson , grocer David Hewison, innholder , his I. Mr Charles wife and daughter --Christopher Hewison, cutler Francis Bredall, apprentice to an apothecary. 2-6. I know not of any. Nich: Mosley, Recr. of St Crux . St Cuthbert. York An answer to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries concerning Papists and reputed Papists within the Parish of St Cuthbert in York . Answer to Article 1st. After a strict enquiry, I find the number of Papists above the age of thirteen years, (together with their names, titles , distinctions & trades) is as followeth, viz. In Mr Stapylton's family John Stapylton, esqr. Mrs Stapylton, his sister Elizabeth Perry, house -keeper Bridget Waterhouse, and another maid servant , and one man servant , whose names can't







learn . Richard Walker, horse-rider Judith Walker, his wife who are upon the removal into the Parish of Belfrys in York Mr Dale, house -keeper his wife & a maid -servant, who being but very lately come into the Parish , am not yet able to learn their names Mrs Hudson, sister to Mrs Dale Richard Curtis, gardiner Grace Curtis, his wife Edmund Munday, his apprentice who live in the parish of St Mary Lay-thorp, annex'd to that of St Cuthbert. Articles 2-5. None. To Article 6th. Nor do I know of any persons who have been perverted to the Popish religion , excepting John Wilstrop, formerly servant to Mr Clavering a Papist , & who is supposed to have been perverted in that family. Jonathan Dryden , Rector of St Cuthbert's . September 27th 1735.







York St Dennis. Answers to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York Six Enquiries. 1. Five . Viz. John Flemming , a labourer Margaret , his wifeCharles Flemming , apprentice to Gregg, tayler, in St Crux parish John Flemming , apprentice to George Woodhouse, barber, in St Crux parish Richard Flemming , apprentice to John Hood , a white smith, in St Hellens Parish. 2-6. None. Thomas Kayley, Rector of St Dennis. The Bishop was Bishop Williams , O.P. For this Convent and its in* , etc., see C.R.S., vol. iv. mates





York St George cum Naburn. Answers to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York Six Enquiries . Five . Viz . Mrs Mary Palmes , a maiden gentlewoman Mary, I. the wife of Thomas Dickenson, yeoman Michael Stockdale, a husbandman & Mary his wife-& Frances Haddock, servant to Michael Stockdale . No Children.



2-6 . None.

Thomas Kayley, Curate of St George cum Naburn , Annex'd to St Dennis .

York St Hellen's . 1735. An Answer to the Enquiries delivered at the late Visitation. St Hellens Parish in York . Mr Brigham Thomas Patrick, his servant Mr George ReyI. noldson, upholster, & his wife Henry Smith, his apprenticeLeonard Grimboldson, barber , and his mother Mr Keregan, stage- player , his wife and two daughters Sarah Hanley, his servant Mr Thomas Medcalfe, haberdasher, his wife and two daughters widow Downing , ale holder Richard Bond, hackney coach man , his wife and two daughters Catherine Rheims, his servant Richard Flemming, apprentice to a smith. not of any. 2-5 . I know 6. Widow Downing [perverted ] by her late Husband, a Papist . Nich : Mosley, Curate of St Hellens.







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York St John's Peculiar of Dean and Chapter. The Answer of John Bradley , Clerk, Curate of St John's within the Jurisdiction of the Dean and Chapter of York, made to Certain Articles of Enquiry from the Worshipfull William Ward Doctor of Laws, Commissary and Auditor of the Causes or Businesses of the Worshipfull the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of St Peter of York, and Exhibited at the Visitation held in the parish Church of St Michael's Belfryes in York held the Eighteenth Day of August 1735 . I. There are in the Said parish seven papists whose Names are William Green , a Taylor and his three Daughters Elizabeth , Margaret, Siberina , Elizabeth is at age, the other two are Under age, George Joy, a Taylor, and [blank] his wife. England , Cooper. ...... Ann Wilkinson, Servant to Thomas



2-6 .


Jo: Bradley.

York St Laurence Peculiar of D. and C. September ye 22nd 1735. An Exact and Particular Answr . to His Grace ye Lord Archbishop of York's Enquiries , Concerning Papists In ye Parish of St Laurence in York &c. have Five Papists, or Suppos'd Papists In my Parish ; viz : Joseph Thompson, a Husbandman & Martha his Wife, Each Aged about 50 years, as also Joseph Thompson, Junior their Son & Isabella & Mary their Daughters ; ye son's Age abt 21, ye 1st


I. I





Daughter 18th, ye 2nd 16 years; All 3, in nature of servants to yir Sd Parents. 2-6 . None. Given Under my Hand , ye Day & Year above Written . Joseph Shepherd Curate of St Laurence parish .

York St Margaret's. Answers to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York Six Enquiries . 1. Two . Viz. Mary the wife [of] Matthew Turner, labourer , & Catherine Coates, a poor widdow . No Children . 2-6. None. Thomas Kayley, Rector of St Margaret's . York St Martin's in Coney Str. Peculiar of D. and C. We have no Papist Convict . George Allason, White-Smith, & I. his Wife, And One Servant of ye Trade, George Hutchison by name are ye only supposed Papists in ye Parish. They have no children above ye Age of Thirteen. 2-6. None.


These Enquiries are Truly Answered

according to ye best Information could give. Witness my Hand Rd . Warneford August 19, 1735. Vicr . of Martins Coney Str.


York St Martin's Micklegate. 1. Upon diligent Enquiry find the following Persons in my Parish of St Martin's Micklegate in the City of York Reputed Papists Stephen Tempest , esqr John Cooper, his servant Wm Hutchinson & Elizabeth his wife Mary Hutchinson their daughter , a milliner Thomas Wilson, breeches makerBenjamin Calvert, barber Jane Dunstan, widow Mary Turner , button maker Dorothy Calvert, widow Anne Scarr, widowMrs Rooksby, widow Mr Fothergale, gent. Eliz. Wright, servant to Mr Lunn Mathew Scarr, taylor.



- . -





- --

Thomas Harrison , Rector of St Martin's Micklegate in the City of York.

York St Mary in Bishophill. The Answer of John Bradley , Clerk, Rector of St Mary in Bishophill the Elder, of the City and Arch Deaconry of York, made to certain Articles of Enquiry from his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York and exhibited att the Visitation of the Worshipfull Thomas Hayter, Master of Arts , Arch Deacon of the Arch Deaconry of York, held to be Stephen, eldest son of StephenTempest, of Broughton , * This appears his wife, daughter of Richard Fermor, of Tusmore. He married by Elizabeth Elizabeth , daughter of Sir Henry Lawson, 2nd Bart. of Brough, who died 1732. (Information of Miss Tempest.)



in the Parish Church of St Hellen in Stonegate, York, the 21st day of June 1735. I. There are in the said Parish Seven Papists whose Names are

Ellinor Ellis, aged 77 years, widow, and receives almes, Ellinor Wilson , married , aged 29 years, a poor woman, Elizabeth Croft , aged 80 years and receives almes , Mary Ingle, aged 27 years, Elizabeth Ingle, aged 22 years, Margaret Ingle, aged 19 years, Frances Ingle, aged 16 years ; these four sisters are unmarried , and are washer women. 2-6. None. Jo : Bradley .

York St Mary's Bishophill jun. Peculiar of D. and C. The Answer of ye Vicar of St Mary's Bishophill jun . in ye City of York to ye Articles of enquiry relating to Roman Catholics as given in at ye Visitation of the Ven ble Dean & Chapter of York, holden at St Michael le Belfreys, August 18th 1735. Ans. 1. Ye Number of Papists in ye Parish above ye age of thirteen are as follows, viz. Michael Hinckley Esqr and Mary his Wife. Bp. * Susanna Wife of George Rudd, Weaver . William Thompson, trade unknown. James Thompson, his son . John Jebb , Husbandman and Mary his Wife. Bartholomew Bean , Glover, and Mary his Wife. Mary Bean their daughter . Susanna , Wife of Thomas Hayes. Jane, Wife of Ingram Varley, Taylor. cop pop* Mary, Wife of William Atkinson , Labourer . George Darbisher, shoemaker. None. . 2-6 Witness my hand Gil . Fuller, Vicar St M. B. Jun. in ye City of York.



York St Mary's in Castle -gate. Anno Dom . 1735. 1st. After the most diligent enquiry that I have made in the Parish , I know of no Papists in it, but two , and these are George Thwing, that lives in Castlegate, he sells coals, and Dorothy his sister, who lives with him, they have no children for neither of them was ever married. 2nd 3rd. None. 4th. There is not any Popish School within this Parish , for persons of either sex, neither has been, for these two and twenty years last past , that I have heard of. 5th. don't know of, or ever heard, that ther was any visitation or confirmation held, or understood to be held , by any Popish


* These abbreviated words are written in the margin, but I find no clue

to their meaning.



Bishop within this Parish, for these two and twenty years last past . 6th. I know of no person or persons within this parish, who have been perverted to the Popish Religion , ever since I was Minister of it. John Burne, Minister of St Mary's in Castle-gate.

York St Mary Laythorp

Peculiar of D. and C. An Answer to his Grace the Lord Arch - Bishop of York's Enquiries concerning Papists, & reputed Papists within the Parish of St


Mary Laythorp. Answer to After ye best enquiry I can make, ye number of Papists Article 1st (together with their names , titles, distinctions & trades) I find to be as followeth, viz. Richard Curtis, Gardiner . Grace Curtis his Wife.


Edmund Munday His Apprentice . None. Jonathan Dryden Curate of St Mary Laythorp. September 27th 1735 .

York St Maurice St John Delpike Peculiars of D. and C. * An Acct . of ye Papists living in ye Parishes of St Maurice, & St John Delpike , in ye City of York . Dated September 20, 1735. There are Six Papists (each above ye Age of Thirteen Ansr . to Quest. 1st Years) in ye Parish of St Maurice : viz. Robert Young (a Gardener) ; & his Wife ; & her Sister, named Eleanor Errington ; Barthol' Scott (a Day- Labourer ) ; & his Wife; & Eliz' Shann , ( lately come from another Parish, to Stay in ye Family of Mr Preston during a Year, to Nurse a Young Child of his.).



There are Seven Papists (each above ye Age of 13 Years) in ye Parish of St John Delpike : viz. Mrs Vinter, Wid . (a Midwife ) ; & her Maiden Daughter , Ann Vinter ; & her Married Daughter , Mrs Wilstrop ; and ye Wid . Vinter's Servant , Ann ; Thomas Robinson, (a Journeyman Carpenter) ; George Mattson (an Ale- housekeeper ) ; & his wife. None. Wilstrop, ye Husband of ye above-mentioned Mrs Wilstrop, was perverted from ye Church of England to ye Popish Religion about Two years ago; in ye City of Paris, as his Wife's Family gave it out. He has not appeared in York for ye space of about a year. Will Foster, Curate of ye Parishes above-mentioned.


. 2-5 To Q. 6th.


* Many items in this Return are repeated in the next article.



York St Maurice, St Trinity, Goodramgate, and part of St John Delpike Peculiar of D. and C. * Papists in St Maurice's Parish, St Trinity's Goodramgate, & part of St John Delpike's ; September A.D. 1735. An Account of the Papists living in the following parts of the Cityof York , viz. in the Parish of St Maurice ; in that of St Trinity, Goodramgate ; & in that part of St John Delpike's which lyes within his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop's Jurisdiction. Being an Answer to the Six Quaeriesdeliver'd in Writingto me William Foster , Curate of the said Parishes, at the last Visitation of the Arch Deacon of York, holden in the Year 1735 . 1. There are Six Papists, each above the Age of Thirteen Years, in the Parish of St Maurice : viz., Robert Young, a gardener; & his wife; & her sister, named Eleanor Errington ;-Bartholomew Scott, a day labourer ; & his wife ;-Elizh Shann, lately come from another parish to stay, during a Year, in the Family of Mr John Preston ( a brewer) to nurse a young child of his There are Seven Papists, each above the age of 13 Years, in the Parish of St Trinity, Goodramgate : viz., Mr Francis Hasselgrave , a surgeon; (his wife being of the Church of England :) John Saxton, a joiner; & his servant , named Elizh Chambers -Christian Rawden, & Mary Wilson , both old widdows ; John Wawd, a stay-maker ; (his wife being of the Church of England :) & his apprentice , Charles Kershea. There are Five Papists, each above the age of 13 years, part of St John Delpike's Parish which is subject to that in the Arch Bp's Jurisdiction, viz., Mrs Vinter, widdow , a midwife; & her maiden Daughter , Ann Vinter ; & her married Daughter, Mrs Wilstrop; & the widdowVinter's servant , Ann .... [blank] ; -Thomas Robinson, a journeyman carpenter; (his wife of the Church of England ).


. None. 2-5 . 1 6

Wilstrop, the husband of the above-written Mrs Wilstrop , was perverted from the Church of England to the Popish religion about two years ago , in the City of Paris, (as his Wife's Family gives it out) . He has not shewn himself at York for about a year last past. John Wawd above mentioned was perverted from the Church of England about ten, or twelve years Since.


York St Michael le Belfrey ( Belfrays ") with Beddern Peculiar of D. and C. An Answer to ye Articles of enquiry from ye Arch Bishopof York


1735 .

To ye first 39 I think or 40, and four in ye Beddern. Mr Peart, an Attorney at Law, & his wife. MrsBuckley an Housekeeper, & Mr Tunstall, a Lodger. Mrs Southcot & 3 daughters, one Marryed. Mr Cherry, formerly a confectioner & his wife.


* Many items in this Return are repetitions from the preceding article.



Mr Nasom & his wife, He aged near 100. Dr Salkeld a Physician , a Lodger. Mr Henry Conyers an Inn Keeper, & a servant Maid Hannah . Mr Spenithorn, his wife, & her Sister. Mr Lancaster a watchmaker & his wife. Mr Hindley a clock maker, & his wife. Mr Jefferson & his wife, they used to let Lodgings. Christopher Raynoldson, taylor [and his wife cancelled] Mr Willm Russell, Writing Master. Mr Horncastle, a Scrivener & his Sister. Mr John Napier, a woollen draper, & 4 daughters. Mrs Barbara Marry'd to one who is Steward to Ld. Falconberg, and 3 other daughters, Elizabeth, Ann, & Katherine , and one woman Servant.

Mr Willm Hudson, Goldsmith & his wife. Mrs Pullen, aged 80 , a Lodger, Wm Baker, a joiner's wife. Mrs Hirst or Hayerst, a Shoomaker's widow . Mrs Killingbeck & her Servant , Lodgers. William Knight Curate of Belfrays . John Pearson , a Glover in ye Beddern & his wife. Mrs Acklam , a lodger, & Mrs Eliz : Langdale, lodger. William Knight , Subchanter. To ye Second. There is One, Mr Tunstal * by name. To ye 3rd. There is one where there is a Resort on ye Lord's day, in ye house belonging to Mrs Bulkeley where Mr Tunstal lodges. know of none. To ye 4th. I know To ye 5th. of none. I There is one William Hudson, a Goldsmith who To ye 6th. marryed one Mrs Ogle who perverted him about Six or Seven years ago. And there is one John Pearson , a Glover in ye Beddern who marry'd one Margaret Lasonby a year or two ago who pervertedhim. William Knight, Curate of Belfrays parish, and Subchanter & Keeper of ye Bedern. York St Michael's . St Michael's Psh: Anno Domini 1735. 1st. After the most diligent and strict enquiry that can make in this psh have found no more Papists in it , than the following persons namely James Lyth, who keeps a publick house in Low Ouse-gate, and Sarah his wife, but they have no children . Margaret the wife of Richard Farrer, upholder , she lives in Spurrier - gate, they have two children , but they are both infants. James Robinson, who keeps a little ale-




* Peter Bryan Tunstall , who died in York, 1742.

p. 237.

See Kirk's Lives,



house in Copper- gate. Joseph Hous, mariner, and his wife Catherine, they live in the water lane. 2-5. None . 6th. know of no persons within this Parish, who have been perverted to the Popish Religion , but Sarah the wife of James Lyth abovementioned : and its generally believed in the parish, that she was chiefly , if not solely, perverted by her husband : at least have never heard of any body else, that was blamed for it but him. John Burne Minister of St Michael's Parish.



York St Olave nigh York. Papists within the Parish of St Olave nigh York. John Bell, brickmaker John & Thomas Bell his sons, brickmakers -Ignatius Hyde, translator, & Margaret his wife Tho. Hardcastle, buckle maker Mary the wife of Montague Giles , brickmaker— Ann Wilkinson, widdow . There is not any Popish Priest, or Person suspected to be such dwelling or sojourning within the Parish of St Olave. Nor any Place wherin Mass is understood to be perform'd, or to which there is a resort of Papists on the Lord's Day, or at any Other time. There is not any Popish school within the said Parish. There hath not any Visitation or Confirmation been understood to have been held, by any Popish Bishop, within the said Parish . I know of no persons who have been perverted to the Popish





Will : Dodsworth , Curate of St Olave's. York St Sampson Peculiar of D. and C. 1. There are three Papists within the Parish of St Sampson, viz. John Parkinson and his wife, and Martha Hasle. 2-6 . None. This is a true answer to the inquireys made by his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. Witness my hand Bryan Allet , Curate of St Sampson.


York St Saviour's. St Saviour's in the City of York. Supposed Papists. Wife of Miles Denton, labourer No supposed Priest. No Mass performed . No School kept. No Visitation held . None perverted . Richard Mosley, Rector .

- Widow




[No name]*

In answer to his Grace the Lord Arch Bishop of York's direction

at the Arch Deacon's Visitation I return answer as follows. viz. 1-6. None. Witness my hand

W: Clarke

Nicholas Smith

W: x Johnson









Aldburgh. * A List of Papists, & of such as are so reputed , their Qualities , and Estates wthin the Parish of Aldburgh, in the West Riding of the County of York taken the 26 day of August 1706 . In Minskire [sic] part of the Parish of Aldburgh are Chris : Smith, and his son ; Peter Earle, and Jo : Gray, all poor farmers , and their wives . Sr. Tho : Tankard§ Barrtt's Estate at Minskire computed at 100 p. Ann. Edw : Morris , Vic : Richd Gilbartson , his mark, Constable. Rocliffe : Wm Tree, Tho: Sparrow, very poor farmers . Sr. Tho: Tankard's Estate in Rocliffe is valued at 150 p. Ann. Edw : Morris , Vic:

John Marshall , Constable. Burghbridge in the said Parish . Ambrose Jackson, Cath : his wife, gent . Wm Allen & his wife Christian the wife of Rich: Foard Wid : Wilkinson Ann Bradwith and Edw: Ingram, all farmers , & without any known Estates in this Parish. Witness our Hands Edw : Morris , Vic. Will : Scruton - Church Wardens Tho : Daniel , his mark Jo : Prance, his mark Andrew Atkinson, Chappel Warden.



- -

The name of this Parish is not stated. * Juxta the Diocese of Chester. Boroughbridge;


Minskip is intended. § Third Baronet ; b. 1665, d. 1744. Boroughbridge.



Drayton - cum Askham. * These are to certify whom it may concern that we have one Papist in Askham , Mary the wife of Paul Jackson, a woman in low circumstances. Witness our hands Henry Clarke, Vic : de Drayton cum Askham . Paul Jackson Lowther Churchwardens .



Burton Leonard. West Ridd: Com : Ebour . 1706. An exact and particular Account of all the Papists and reputed Papists in our Parish of Burton Leonard, within the Jurisdiction of the Dean and Chapter of Yorke . 1. Mr Robert Swale batchelor & Sojourner in our Parish, of no apparent estate save an annuity of twenty pounds. 2. Stephen Umpleby and Jane his wife, a ropemaker who has a freehold of about 46 p. annum . 5. George Penington, widower who farms about thirty pounds p. annum, and has four children . Judie Dickinson, wife to John Dickinson , a common bruer, she is a Papist and the husband a Protestant. 4. John Swale and Ellin his wife , and two children that receive alms of the town. [2 . John Yeates and his wife day labourers and reputed Papists. 2. Christopher Duffil and his wife , a yeoman of about twelve pounds p. annum freehold . The whole number of Papists and reputed Fifteen [sic in all Papists in our Parish of Burton Leonard. witness whereof subscribe my name In H : Lodge, Vic : de Burton Leo. John Markadam Churchwardens.





Drayton, with Stoakham and Askham . § These are to certify whom it may concern that we have no Papist nor reputed Papist at Great Drayton in the County of York. Witness our hands Henry Clarke , Vic : de Drayton cum Stoakham et Askham. John Salmon Inhabitants of Drayton. John Ketten Hexham. An account of all Papists & reputed Papists within the Town & Parish of Hexham in the Countyof Northumbr. withtheir respective Qualitys, Estates & c . taken this 13 day of Novembr . 1706. or East Drayton , co. Notts ., in the Deanery of Retford . * Great In the Deanery of Retford, Notts .

In the Parish of Ripon . § These Parishes are in the Deanery of Retford , co. Notts.



Hexham Town .

Market Street Ward. P. Annum . Benony Carr, Gent . Mary his wife. An estate worth abt. 40 0 0 Dorothy wife of Mr Thomas Shaftoe, Sollocitor Mr Cuth Lambert, Chirurgeon & Phisitian has 4 children an House & 2 Closes 9 0 0 Philip Jefferson his Appren . Ralph Ridley, taylr. Hannah his wife. Thomas Taylor, taylr . Elizt . his wife. 2 children George Brown, cooper. Cicilia his wife. A child. Mr Tobias Butler , shopkeeper. Mary his wife . 2 children .

Dorothy, wife of John Bruges a Dragoon. A child. Mary Errington, spinster Alexander Ridley, taylr. Jane his wife. A daughter. James Grey, taylr. Mrs Dorothy Lambert, wid. aged above 80. A

House & Orchard . Jane Charlton, wid. Mathew Armstronge, cordwainr . Wm Hutchinson, yeom. Jane his wife. 3 daughters. An Estate Mr Cade, a stranger .

A son &


6 0 0


Thomas Kirsopp , glovr. A son . 3 daughters. An

estate worth about 40 0 0 John Jefferson, cordw. Agath his wife. 4 children Frank Wrea , maulster . Dorothy his wife. 4 children . A House 5 0 0 Elizt . Heron, wid. A joynter or annuity 6 10 0 Barbara Jefferson. 2 sons . A daughter . An 5 0 0 Estate John Archbald, gardnr . Elizt . his wife Thomas Hunter , joynr . Margt . his wife. 6 children . Richard Hunter , joynr . Mark Robson , shop keepr . Jane, wife of John Kirsopp tanr. Bridget Fenwicke, wid. Isabel Fenwick, wid. A child . An Estate about 12 o o Jane Dickinson, wid. Jane, wid. relict of Laurence Dickenson, tanr , has 5 0 0 2 children . An Estate about Xtopher Dickinson, tanr. Jane his wife. 6 0 children. An Estate about Robt. Spoor, black]smith. Margt. his wife. 4 children . A Cottage house ΙΟ 0 Jos: Gibson, yeom . Robt . Hutchinson, cordwainr . A daughter. An Estate about IO O O

40 Ι



John Miller, gardnr . His wife. Robt . Studholme, tanr. George Studholme, tanr . Jos: Studholme, b lack]smith John Oxeley , weavr . A child Elizt . wife of Math. Morralee, yeom.


Priest People ward. James Canute , gent . Jane his wife. An Annuity


Benony Cook , glovг. Hencoats Ward. George Hutchinson, cordwainr . Jane his wife. 2 sons and 3 daughters Jos : Cook, glovr. 2 children . A House abt. Elizr. wife of Thomas Fern, hatter. 2 daughtrs Jane, wid. relict of Richard Carnaby late of Newburke , gent. 2 sons & 4 daughters. An Estate at Newburke abt. Gilbert Errington, gent. A lodgr. An Estate at Portgate abt. Clare, wife of Thomas Younger, cordwainr . Dorothy, wife of Thomas Brown , tinklr. A daughter. George Gibson, yeom. Richard Heron, yeom. An Estate abt. Hexham Shire. Willm Thirlewall of Newbigin esqr. His wife . A daughter . An Estate abt. He is now & has been for some years on [sic the County Jail, & his wife & family live nigh him Mrs Mary Burdett of the Hill, wid. A joynter abt. Jane, wife of George Carr of the Lee, yeom. Nicholas Welden of Aydon Sheels , yeom. Cuth Browne of Aydon Sheels & his wife. 2 children . John Waide of the Raw Green & his wife. A child. Thomas Lowes of the Upper Ashills , yeom. Jane his wife. An Estate in right of his wife abt. Robt. Forster of the Ashills yeom. Edw: Forster of Abbeyholme, labr. 3 children . Dominick Armstronge of Grundridge , yeom. Richard Chester of Grundridge , yeom. John Heron of the Paise . An Estate abt. out of wch . his mother has 61f 1os. od. p. annum. George Ritschell , Ministr. ibid.


30 0 0

200 50

0 0


0 0




40 0 0 12 0 0







Allendale . Mr John Lorrain whose Estate is abt. 15.0.0 his wife & 5 children viz. Thomas, Mary, Francis, Eliz . and Anne . Tho. Baxter, his


In Northumberland . W



servt., a reputed Papist . Ric. Errington, a mason who farms £8 p. annum . Mary, wife of John Armstrong of Colcoats. To the Revd Mr Richell , Vicar of Hexam . Allandale , 9br 17, 1706. Sr. According to my lord President's letter I send you an account of the Papists in this Parish . Mr John Lorrain steward to the Cheife of Beaufront * whose Estate is reckoned worth 5£ p. annum ; his wife is allsoe a Papist , he has 5 children viz. Thomas, Mary, Francis , Elizabeth , Ann. His man Tho : Baxter is allsoe a reputed Papest. There is allsoe one Richard Errington, a mason, who farms 8 pound p . annum at Burntongues . These are all in this Parish only on[e] Margt Armstrong wife to John Armstrong of Coldcoats. Pardon Haste. I am Your Loving Brother R. Paton . Hornby.* To the Honble the Dean & the Reverd the Chapter of York. Cuthbert Allen, Vicar of Hornby do hereby certifie, That we have no Man in our Parish who is either a Papist , or so much as reputed so to be; But we have a woman, who keeps a little Ale house, who is a profess'd Papist ; whose name is Catherin Jaques , the wife of Robert Jaques of Hunton, who is himself a profess'd Protestant of the Church of England . Witness my hand this 5th day of September 1706 Cuth : Allen. . Laneham (Notts.) August 23, 1706. We the Minister & Churchwardens of the Parish of Laneham in the County of York [sic] do certifie that we have neither Papist nor reputed Papist , but one poor old woman Anne Greaves the wife of William Greaves wch . sd . William is a constant comer to the Church. Neither is there any Papist that hath any Advowson or right of presentation , or donation of any Church or School wthin our


Parish .

Neither do we know of any such Trust committed by any Papist or reputed Papist to any other Person or Persons upon the fore-named accounts. Witness our hands Ja : Twist, Minr. ibid . Robert Draper.

William Whiteley. Little Ouseburn . § A Peculiar wthin the Dean & Chapter of Yorke In the West Ridg. of the sd . County: the yearly value of it is not above eight pounds John Errington, of Beaufront, who d. unm . 19 Dec. , 1718 . * Apparently History of Northumberland, 1897.) (Hodgson's Near Catterick . &

A Peculiar of the Dean and Chapter of York. Near Boroughbridge.



per Annum : And yet neither papist , nor reputed papist , nor any other Dissenter wthin the sd . Parish .

Ita testat

Wm : Wilcocke , Curate . Nath: Leak, Churchwarden.

Masham cum KirkbyMalzeard. An Account of the Papists & reputed Papists in the Parish of Massam cum Kirby Malzerd in Yorkshire . Thomas Topham of Netherdale in the Parish of Massam , he's a farmer & farms about twenty pound a Year under one Mr York. Thomas Brown of Colthurst in Netherdale aforesaid is a Yeoman & has a small Estate of about twenty pound a Year. Matthew Burnet of Hartwith & Winsley in the Parish of Kerby he is a Yeoman & farms about Sixty pound a Year under the Lady Otway. Charles Adamson of Swinton in Massam Parish Yeoman, he has an Estate of between 30 and 40 pound a Year. Christopher Duffeild of Galwhey in Kerby Parish is a farmer & farms a small farm of about ten pound a Year . Michael Duffeild of Galwhey aforesaid, he's a Yeoman & has a small Estate of about ten pound a Year. As for Presentations to livings or Advowsons, or Donation of Benefices or Schools there is no Papist in my Parish that has any thing to doe in any such matters. This is a true Account as far as can learn or know. Witness my hand P. Save, Vicar of Massam cum Kerby Malzerd. September 4, 1706.



Middleham. § June the 22d 1706. We the Dean of the Collegiate Church at Middleham and the Churchwardens thereof Doe hereby give a true Return of the names and Qualities of the Papists living at this Juncture of time within our Jurisdiction of Middleham aforesaid, & they are all as follows : viz: Mrs Dorothy Horner widdow, she enjoyes a dwelling house with the Appurtenances thereof in Middleham aforesd. dureing her naturall life. Mr George Allison nephew to the above named Dorothy Horner widdow, he has no visible estate that we know of. Mrs Elizabeth Bulmire, she lives solely upon the Charity of good Christian people. Christopher Stroaker & his wife Ann, poor Labourers. George Brown & his wife Mary, poor labourers . In witness whereof we have hereunto sett our hands the Peculiar. * A Elizabeth , daughter and heiress

of John Braithwaite , of Ambleside : 2nd wife of Sir John Otway, of Ingmire , Westmorland, who died 1693. (Burke's Commoners, 1838, vol . 4, p. 387. ) Now Galphay. § In Richmondshire.



day and Yeare first above written. Ch : Coleby, Dean of Middleham . Richard Sweeting John Topping


Willm : Blaids Note . A separate slip of paper folded in with the foregoing return [bears the name of Charles Houldford, who it was apparently the intention to include among the Papists of Middleham.] Liberty of Ripon. Librtat. de Ripon in Comm : Ebor. This is a true Return made by the severall Petty Constables within the sd . Libertyof all the Papists and Reputed Papists living within their respective Constableries, with their Names, Places of abode and Value of their Estates, together with the Names of such Papists as have Estates lying within their respective Constableries, & their Values, that do not live within them . In Answr . to an order from Her Maties. Most Honourable Privy Councill , Taken before by Her Maties. Justices of the Peace within the sd . Liberty the Thirteenth day of June in the fifth Year of the Reign of Or Soveraigne Lady Anne, by the Grace of God, Queen over England &ct. A: Dom : 1706 . Number Crossgate in Ripon 28 Julian Raper, wid: -Anne Anderson, spinster, her servant Eliz : Theakstone, spinster Geo : Bell & Dorothy his wifeCharityBell, spinster Anne Pyat, wid :— Anne Pyat, spinster Michaell Cant, Grace his wife , & three children Anne Cant, spinster Michaell Theakstone & 4 Children Ellen the wife of Ant: WalkerAlexander Parkinson & Margrett his wife ---Valentine Parkinson Walgrave Tanckred, gent :-Wm Colcoat, gent : Robt




Skelgate in Ripon Westgate in Ripon

All Hallowgate in Ripon

Jefferson, aprentice Cant. Eliz : Geldart.



Geo : Cant & John


I 16 Wm Ingram & his

daughtr Geo: Markenfield & his 2 sons Wid : Duffield & her daughtr Frances Cundall Mary Cundall Dorothy Webster & her sonJohn Young & Eliz : his wife and two children Alice Atkinson . 19 Tho: Gill , esqr. his estate valued at 20f p. Ann Mrs Wyvill , her estate val. at 10 p Ann Mrs Isabell & Mrs Jane . Wyvill, her daughters Mrs PearcyhayChrist : Hansome Eliz : Maltus Eliz :







- -.

- He

A younger son of Sir William Tancred, of Brampton, 2nd Bart. married Alethea Blacket.



. Tho : Pattyson Geo : Mr Anth : Anderson, his Estate val : at five pounds p. Ann . Mrs Eliz : Anderson, his daughtr . Geo: HansomeWm. Gregg , Eliz : his wife Anne Poppleton, wid -Isabell Rooksby, wid : Anne the wife of Tho : Chapman. 7 Leo : Cooper, Anne his wife, Mary his Nevison





- --


Whitcliffe cum Thorpe



daughter, his Estate valued at 8 p. Ann during his wifes life Anth: Jefferson , his Estate val : at 8£ p. Ann.Robt Jefferson's Estate val : at 17 p. Ann Symon Jefferson's Estate val : at 8 p. Ann and Richd Jefferson, Estate val : at forty shill : p. Ann. Mr John Day, a tennant to Sr Tho : Tanckred Ralph Parker, Eliz : his wife, Will : & Tho : his 2 children , his Estate is val: at tenn pounds p. Ann. Mr John Calvert, a tennant , Anne his wife & 6 children . John Buck, Margt. his wife, Bartho: Buck, Mary Buck, Ellen Buck, their children Ingheebert Cooper, & Eliz : his wife , Mich : Cooper, John Cooper & Mary Cooper their childrenMary Maltus, wid -Wm Wright & Margt. his wife Wm Wright Junr . & his wife and Frances Wright their daughter. John Leedonne & his wife Luke Palister hath an Estate -one Mich : Theakstone within the sd . Constablerie val : at 13£ p. Ann . William King, his Estate val : at 42 shill: & sixpence p. Ann Geo : King & Mary his wife Eliz : Grange, her Estate val : at 3£ sh. p. Ann John Grainge, Eliz : Grainge, Fra: Grainge & Ellen Grainge, her children Samuel Hardcastle, Jane his wife Tho: Dawson & Jane his wife Wm Ingleby, his Estate val : at 5 shill : p. Ann . Tho: Ingram, his Estate val : at 6 p. Ann. , his wife and 2 sisters Jane Thackrey, her Estate val : at 4£ p. Ann. -Mary Theakstone Ellen Swaile & 2 grandchildren wife of Tho:







Westwicke Bishopton cum Cloth [er Holme





Aisunderby * cum Bondgate








Grantley cum Eavestone




- -

- -





. * Aismunderby Probably the William Ingleby , of Raventofts, who registered his

estate in 1715 (Estcourt & Payne, Cath . Non-Jurors, p. 305). again below under Bishop Thornton .

He occurs




9 John Miller and Priscilla his wife Tho : Kendall Charles Kendall John Palliser -Wm Hodgson & Frances his wifeAnne Hodgson Richd Hodgson. 2 Richard Smithson- & Mary the wife of Tho : Burdett . 22 Tho : Ward, his Estate val : at 8 p. Ann. , Eliz : his wife John HawsonRichd Bickerdike John Bickerdike, his son , & his wife John Matson, Isabel his wife John Caudbeck , Ellen his wife -Geo: Hawson, Anne his wife John Hawson Anne his daughter John Rickinson, John his son , Eliz : his daughtr.Edwd. Matson, Mary his wife Jane Hodson, & Mich: her son. 2 Agnes Midleton & Isabell Midleton.


Bishop Monkton



-- -


Newby cum Mulwith Bishop Thornton


- -

- -

Mr William Ingleby , his Estate val: at 3s. 4d. p. Ann. , Mary his wife, & 2


daughters Geo : Cawbeck Wm Ratcliffe -John Horner-& Tho : Nursey, his men Theakstone, servts. Deborah Jane Renold, his maid servts. Mary Meswid : her Estate val : at senger, 5 16s. 3d. p. Ann., & her 2 daughtersTho : Truelove & Mary Ryby, her servts. -Christ : Caudbeck , his Estate val: 6s. 8d. p . Ann., Isabell his wife, & 5 children Tho : Harrison , his Estate val : at 7s. 6d. p. Ann., Haggatha his wife & 5 children Tho: Chapman, his Estate val : at 15 shill : p . Ann . , his wife and 3 children Wid : Palliser, her Estate val: Tho: Kay, his Estate at 9 shill : p. Ann val : at 4s. 6d. p. Ann . , his wife, & 5 children William Smith, his wife, & 3 children Wid : Caudry Robt . Darley, Dorothy his wife, & 2 sons Peter Darley & 4 children Robt. Hodgson , Anne his wife, & son Wm Hodgson, Anne his wife, & 4 children Tho: Kettlewell, Anne his wife, & I child Wid : Caudbeck, & her daughter Wid : Browne , & her daughter Edwd Darley, Jane his wife, & 4 children Wm Lawndale, Mary his This is probably widow the of Ewens Messenger, of Dale Bank, whose * , 1698, was proved 16 May, 1699. Her maiden name will, dated 20 Oct. been appears to have Ingleby. Ewens Messenger was a younger brother of William M., of Fountains. (History of Fountains Abbey , Surtees Soc. , vol. 67.)










-- --



wife, & child Margt . Clapham Tho: Kettlewell, Ellen his wife, & daughterI Christ : Joy, Anne his wife, & 6 childrenStephen Wadding Wid : Reynold & her daughter John Thompson, his Estate is val : at 2 Is. 3d Matthew Burnett , his . Estate is val : at 1 12s. p. Ann. Edward Thorpe, his Estate is val : at 3s . p. Ann.― John Barrass, his Estate is val : at 17 shill: p. Ann. Martin Hodgson & Wid : Browne, their Estate is val : at 9£ 7s. 6d. p. Ann . Robt. Jefferson, his Estate is val : at 3 p. Ann . William Shann, his Estate is val : 4£ 10s. od. p. Ann. and William Caudbeck , his Estate is val: at 9s. p. Ann . 10 Jane the wife of Wm Cornett Eliz : the wife of Quintin Walker , Dorothy & Margt. her daughters Alice the wife of












- -

North Stainley

cum Sleningford


Francis Browne Anne Browne Jane Clarke Margt . the wife of Edwd. Smithson, Barbarah & Eliz : her daughters. Dr John Barny, his Estate val : at 32 p. Ann. , his wife , one son, & one daughterRichd. Sanderson & his wife Tho : Pickersgill, his wife & son & daughter -Jane Duffield . 60 Mr John Messenger , his Estate val: at 35 5s . od . p. Ann. , his wife , & 2 children James & Marmaduke James TaylorAnne Husband John Thomson Eliz : Lowcock, her Estate val : at 1f 13s. 4d., & her daughter Wm Hawson, his Estate val : 13s. 4d Wm Turpin & his wife & Wm his son Tho : Wilkinson & 2 children Christ: Hodgson , his wife, & son John Wright, his wife, & sonChrist : Darley, his Estate val: 13s. 4d. p. Ann. Hen: Waddington, his Estate val : at 2 p. Ann. , his wife , Martin his son , Mary his daughter Tho : Ward, his 13s. 4d. p. Ann.Estate val : at Tho : Briggs, his Estate val : at 3£ 6s. 8d. p. Ann . Leo Cooper , his Estate val: at 20 shill : p. Ann Geo : Ward, his Estate 10s . 8d. p. Ann. , & Dorothy val: at his wife Tho : Ward & Jane his wife-





- . -










-If .-

Apparently son of Ewens Messenger and of Mary his wife before mentioned.



Francis Maltus, his Estate val : at 10 shill: p. Ann ., his wife & daughterGeo : Browne, his wife & son Wm Hodgson & Ellen his wife Tho: Burnett & William his son John Hulton & his wife Grace Hatton William Hutton & Eliz : Hutton Jane Lowcock & William Lowcock her son Mrs Mary Messenger hath an Estate within the sd . Constablery , val: at 22 13s. 4d. p. Ann. —Mr Wm Ingleby hath an Estate val: at 16s. 8d.




- --

p. Ann.


12 Mrs Trapps* -Mrs Kath : Trapps Mr Ambrose Trapps Mrs Margt. Trapps§ -Mrs Jane Trapps -Mrs Anne Trapps T Francis Trapps, his Estate val: at 77 p. Ann Tho : Grimston Anne Mary Thompson Wid : Grimstone Grimstone Robt Grimston. Hewick cum o No Papists, or Reputed Papists within this Constablerie . Hewick Nunwick cum o No Papists , or Reputed Papists within Howgrave this Constablerie. Sharowe o No Papists, or Reputed Papists within this Constablerie . Note There is also a separate engrossed copy of this Return. The copy above transcribed is unsigned; the engrossment bears the signatures of



- **





E. Blackett J. Aislabie C. Chambers, Mayor .

Elizabeth , daughter and coheiress of Thomas Appleby , of Linton on Ouse , and widow of Francis Trappes- Byrnand , of Nidd, who died in 1701. She was married in or about 1682 and died at the English Sepulchrine Convent at Liége in 1724. Daughter of Francis Trappes- Byrnand and Eliz. Appleby : married to Hugh Anderton, of Euxton, co. Lanc. , and died in 1760.


Brother of Katherine : died, unmarried, April , 1760. § Sister of Katherine : married to George, 3rd son of Thomas Crathorne, of Crathorne and Ness : dead before 1760. || Sister of Katherine : a Nun O.S.A. at Louvain : died 1735. Sister of Katherine : died, unmarried, 1732. Eldest son of Francis Trappes-Byrnand and Elizabeth Appleby : born about 1687 : died Dec. , 1761. In 1715 (Estcourt & Payne ) his estate was registered as worth £286 16s. 8d. per an.





II .



Sutton, & Marfleet in the East: Riding of the Diocese

Sculcoates ,

of York .

My Lord. After a careful and diligent Examination, may please yr it given in Grace to accept the following Returns to the Enquiries Charge to be answer'd according to the 114 Canon. 1. There are no Papists nor supposed Papists of either Sex in any of the Parishes above mentioned . 2. There is no Popish Priest nor any Person suspected to be such, who dwells or sojourns in any of the aforesaid Parishes. 3. There is no House or Place in any of the above Parishes, in which Mass is understood to be perform'd, or to which any Papists resort on the Lords -Day or at any other Time. 4. There is no popish School kept within any of the Parishes above for Persons of either Sex. 5. There has no Visitation or Confirmation been understood to have been held by any popish Bishop within any of the Parishes mentioned above. 6. No Person or Persons in my Parishes that I know of have been perverted to the popish Religion . This is an exact and true Return toyr. Grace's just Enquiries given in writing & signed this 23d day of September 1735 by (my Lord ) your Lordship's Ever Dutiful and obliged Humble Servant Thos . Patrick Minister Addressed His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York: Endorsed For ( Patrick's Return to the Articles Concerning the Papists in -Mr Sculcoates, Sutton & Marfleet in the East Riding. Septr. the 23rd 1735. N.B. The Articles of Enquiry were the same as in Bp. Gibson's paper about the laws against Popery.)



Laws against Papists, which it is suppos'd there is no I. Severe Design to put in Execution at this time.

I3 Eliz . C. 2

23 Eliz . c .

3 Jac :



Against bringing Bulls , Crosses &c. from Rome.

I. c. 4

Sculcoates is in the Deanery of Harthill ; Sutton and Marfleet are in the Deanery of Holderness. This return has been somehow separated from the rest of the Parochial returns, and has been found among other papers.



All Priests to depart the Realm. 27 Eliz : C. 2 23 Eliz : c . I Penalties for Saying or hearing of Mass. 3 Jac. I. c . 5 . 12. W. 3, c. 4 . 25 Eliz : c . 2 3 Jac . , c. 5 For Confining Papists to certain Places of abode I. W. & M. c. 9 & to hinder their keeping Arms or Horses. I. W. & M. c. 15) 27 Eliz : c . 2 I. Jac. I. c. 4 3. Jac . I. c. 5 Against Sending Children to Seminaries abroad. 3. Car. I. c. 2 . 12. W. 3. c. 4 . is Supposed, that there is no Intention at this time to put any of those Acts in Execution: except in the Case of keeping Known Mass - Houses and resorting to them openly. 2. Laws against Popery fitt to be put in Execution at this time . Fitt to be put in Execution where Known Mass 23. Eliz : c . I Houses are fix'd , and the Resort to them is open 3. Jac. I. c. 5 and publick . This is the case in many Parts of . 12. W. 3. c. 4 England . . 12. W. 3. c. 41 Against Popish Bishops exercising their FuncJtion isPerpetual Imprisonment . This done openly all over England by 4 Bishops, Who have their Districts assign'd.







Foreign Ambassadorsentertaining Such II. 12. W. 3. c. 41J Against Chaplains, as are natural- born Subjects to the

King. This and their entertaining great Numbers beyond what they have Occasion for, is said to be a Common Case and English or Irish Priests are much more capable of making Conversions than Foreign Priests. . 12. W. 3. c. 4 Against any Papist's Keeping School perpetual Imprisonment . This is known to be Commonly done. Against withdrawing Persons from the Pro23. Eliz : c . I testant Religion & reconciling them to the Church of Rome. Penalty High Treason. This is done by the Priests every day, & almost every where. the Penalty were made lower woud be a better Restraint. it Against any Popish Priests being found in the 27. Eliz: c. 2 Realm Penalty , High Treason This if the Penalty where lower , might be so far put in Execution , as to restrain the immoderate Numbers of them, which are understood to come over, and remain among Us. Method proceeding against Papists and Popery. 3. of












In the, year 1705 , a Petition was, presented to the House of

Lords by the Bishop of Chester and his Clergy, and by several Gentlemen in Lancashire, complaining of the Growth of Popery, and the Insolence of the Papists in those PartsUpon Which the Lords presented an address to the Queen , for a Proclamation to be published, requiring Magistrates to put the Laws in Execution , and the Arch-Bishops, Bishops, & Clergy to make Returns of Papists. If a like Method Should be taken now, the following Heads of Enquiry, or at least Some of them may not be improperHave You any Popish Families, or Single Persons being Papists,I. within your Parish ? -How many ? and what are their Names ? 2. Is there any Popish Priest, or any Person Suspected to be Such, who dwells in Your Parish or resorts to ? 3. Is there any House or Place in your Parish, in which Mass is understood to be perform'd , and to which there is a Resort of Papists on the Lord's Day. 4. Is there any Popish School Kept in your Parish, for persons of either Sex ? 5. Hath any Visitation or Confirmation been Understood to have been held by any Popish Bishop, within your Parish. 6. Do you Know of any Person that hath been perverted to the Popish Religion , & by whom ? (Endorsed Laws & Articles of Enquiry concerning Papists.)





Humbleton in Holderness of Yorkshire.

May 22d 1725 .

May it Please Your Grace, This Complaint wch. give your Grace the trouble of, after that the Justices had done what was proper for them to do with the two men Mentioned in it , they resolved to lay it before the Whole Bench of Justices, at the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace to Consider what further Course can be taken to restrain the bold open Course wch . the Popish Priests take in this part of Yorkshire. And Withal advised me to Send a Copy of this Complaint to Your Grace thereby to give your Grace only a hint of ye Growth of Popery amongst Us ; Indeed it prevails so far that in ye whole Town of Martine in our Neighbourhood, there is Scarce two Protestant Families in ye Whole Town . The Town belongs for the Most part to Cuthbert Constable§ (Formerly Tunstall) Esqr. Papist Nephew and Successor to ye Estate of the late Lord Viscount



* Nicholas Stratford (1633-1707 ), made Bishop of Chester 1689.

Lancelot Blackburne (1658-1743 ), Archbishop of York from 1724.

I.e., Marton .

§ See note under Swine.




The Justices were well pleased to see that neither ye of mye Curacys, nor the Greatness of ye Popish Families here, cou'd prevail with me to Sit Still Silent, & See my Parishioners Seduced from the Church of England (The best Church on Earth) to Popery. And for my part wou'd Chuse rather to live rather on Bread & Water than to betray the trust have prethat God & his Church hath Committed unto Me . sumed to give ye trouble of delivering this Letter to Your Grace to my Neighbour Wm Thompson Esqr. Warden of ye Mint, who is well Known for his Attachment and adherence to Our happy Constitution both in Church & State . Fearing that transgress too do in ye Most humble Manner much upon your Grace's time Subscribe my Self May it please Your Grace, Your Grace's Most Obedient Son, And most Faithfull humble Servant Thos. Thomson.


Smallness and Precariousness





[The Complaint enclosed.]


To the Right Worshipfull Wm. Lister, Francis Blunt & Jo: Storr Esqrs three of his Majesties Justices of the Peace in this Neighbourhood, the humble Complaint of Thomas Thomson Minister of Humbleton in Holderness & c. humbly Sheweth. That Whereas John England in Flinton & Ralph Gardam in Fittine, both in Humbleton Parish and both Protestants and Churchgoers being call'd by ye Said Mr Thomson Minister to bring both their Children , lately born , to be baptized by him the said Minister. The former , Namely John England, answered that his Child was baptized already (his Wife being a Papist) by one Mr Smith at Burton Constable, & yt he believed Mr Smith wou'd Stand by what he had done in Baptizing his Child , & boldly told Mr Thomson Minister , that he had thoughts of turning Papist himself ! The Latter, Namely " Ralph Gardam " being more upon his Guard, answered, that his Wife being a Papist conveyed his Child away to be Christened he Knew not Whither. Mr Thomson Minister being informed that one Eliz : Pattison a Protestant & Churchgoer was Keeper to Gardam's Wife, he called for her, & she freely acknowledged to Mr Thomson, before Mr Browne vicar of Aldbrough , that she by ye Parents Order, being for ye time their Servant , carried the Child to Danthorp Hall, where the Child was received from her, by one Mary Blackburne ; upper Maid to Mrs Thorpe, & Carried it to an upper Room (where the Keeper was not suffered to go) & the Said Mary Blackburn brought it back again to Pattison ye Keeper, & told her it was baptized . And Eliz : Pattison Keeper told Mr Thomson yt . she was informed at yt In-

* See note. under Swine. Fitting

See note under Withernwick . § See note under Humbleton .



stant time, that Mr John Thorne * Stood Godfather & the Said Mary Blackburn Stood Godmother for ye Child , & that she did not see Mr Howard (a Supposed Priest ) go up Stairs , but She was gone away with ye Child before he Came down Stairs , but who Christned (She not being admitted to see it Christned) she cou'd not tell . Now the Said Mr Thomson Minister humbly beggeth, that the Said Justices of ye Peace , before whom this Matter in a great Measure lyeth, to call before them by their Warrants the aforesaid John England & Ralph Gardam to answer to this Complaint laid against them . Now Mr Thomson's Complaint tho it must mention the two Fellows (England and Gardam) Yet his Main desire is that a Stop may be put to ye Growth of Popery amongst us, & yt . ye Open boldness of the Priests may be restrained by ye Wise Management of the Honourable Bench of his Majesties Justices of ye Peace : & the Complainant Tho : Thomson Minister humbly prayeth &c., Thomas Thomson . (Endorsed A Copy of Papers from Mr Thomson of Humbleton concerning ye Papists in Holdernesse, Deliver'd to Ld Townshend before L.E.),§






Bath. Feb : 20. 1726

My Lord.

My spouse's long ill state of health has brought me hither ; purpose to & her unexpected death will detain me some time. pay my duty to your Grace, on my return ; & to beg your advice & assistance , in the present, unhappy, situation of my parish, &


neighbourhood. The late Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, a quiet , peaceable man, being dead; he is succeeded by one of a quite different disposition , & behave. He, openly, practices upon my parishioners, & others, in so unlawfull, & daring a manner ; that unless a speedy stop be put to him, we have reason to fear the greatest evils. When your Grace was upon your Visitation, he was, but, just come; gave him, a character, on the side of charity, agreable


Thorne is possibly a mistake for Thorpe. The occupiers of Danthorpe * called were Thorpe. See note under Humbleton . Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend, 1674-1738 . § This probably stands for Lancelot Ebor . , i.e., Lancelot Blackburn, Archbp . of York. Thomas Howard , 8th Duke of Norfolk, 1683-1732. The Chaplain, whose doings are here the subject of complaint , cannot be the Chaplain at Sheffield , for the Vicar there was John Dossie, 1713-1754. The mention of Norton Cuckney, which is in Notts ., and not far from the Duke's seat at Worksop Manor, inclines me to suppose that the abused Priest was Chaplain there. The Rev. Cuthbert Haydock ( 1686-1763 ) was chaplain at Worksop from 1723 till death. (Appendix A to Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns.)



to his conduct , then . He has , since , gain'd , he has drawn away, two of my parishioners to his communion ; & does not stick, publickly, in publick houses , & where ever, else, he can, to spread his poison.

have made the business of my publick, & private, life, since found him so buzy to oppose him, & the pernicious errours of his church : but the influence of the family he is in, & his present conduct, permitted, must defeat my endeavours; espeacily, among those, who have any dependance upon it ; & the number of these, Your Grace must know, is very great . have consulted Mr Thornhagh , & Mr Mellish, two of our magistrates, & have pursu'd their advice to convict them ; & the bench of Justices, in their last quarterly sessions, upon my information , have issued their warrents to do it, in their next. In the parish of Norton Cuckny a child was born; the father a papist, the mother a protestant . This gentleman attended at a neighbouring house , till an opportunity serv'd, to baptize it ; the father demanded the child of the mother , but she , fearing his intent, denyd it . Upon this , he would have rent it from her ; &, so great was the struggle, we have reason to believe it was the death of the infant . Your Grace's advice, direction, & assistance , will be of infinite service to these parts ; & to your Grace's most obedient son , & most devoted , humble, servant , John Cooke. [addressed to The most Reverend Father in God Lancelot Lord Arch -Bishop of York In London . Endorsed] Mr Cooke's Letter to his Grace 20 Feb. 1726.








Stanley, June 23d 1735 Sir


The favour of yors together with the Societys Circular Letter, & an Extract from one abt the growth of Popery, came safe to hand for all which here beg leave to return My thanks. Since received



ye above Extract , and the Society's request to examine into the Truth of the Facts therein Mentioned have made my Business to inform My Self abot 'em and am sorry to Say that there is not the least room to doubt but that they are (for the Most part if not) meet entirely as the author of that Letter asserts them to be. with none who Know Sheffield, & the neighbourhood about it but what agree that of late years Popery has very visibly gain'd ground amongst them and that from 100 (which was the Number some few years ago) they are now by Bribes of 56 ye Man and other the like, base ungenerous methods increased to 700 or 800. So Swift a progress does that Bloody traiterous, idolatrous & Superstitious Religion make in those parts, & seems to be continually advancing






farther. Hathersick * I'm inform'd is a perfect nest of Papists , & in Chesterfield , & its neighbourhood, there's too much room to fear that the Author of that Letter from the North was not misinformed . But of Derby have not had any intelligence , and I so can say nothing as to it . About Gainsborough in Lincolnshire and East Retford in Nottinghamshire , hear that Bribes are likewise made use of, and with too much Isuccess amongst the poor labouring People to convert them to Popery : but of this had not so particular an Information as I had of Sheffield , Hathersick and Chesterfield : however it will be worth while to look Somewt more narrowly into it : for I'm afraid that the above method of converting is become almost general, and I cannot but believe that their Design in Labouring so constantly , and expensively amongst ye poorer Sort of people (for we hear of few or no others that become Papists now a Days) is to Secure Such a Number of men able to bear arms, that may be of Service to 'em in any future insurrection at home, or invasion from abroad in favour of the Pretender, & therefore that their buying Converts is only more privately enlisting so many Soldiers to do their bloody work for them, if God shou'd (as a punishmt for the crying Sins of this nation) ever permit them (that Bloody minded race of men) to prevail over us : which pray God may never be our Case : but that a timely and Sincere National Repentance May avert those Judgmts wch now hang over us , as almost ripe for Destruction . Lancashire, tho' a very large County , every one allows, abounds with Papists, and Lincolnshire has now More in it than it has had for many years. In the City of York I know that there



are several Popish Families of good Estates, that have an influence

in their neighbourhood, and am credibly informed that they have Mass performed there as constantly, and almost as publickly on the Lords day as the Church of England has divine Service: so that I hardly know whether there be more Papists in York or Sheffield. believe that books agt Popery might do good Service, Idisposed of amongst the Inhabitants of York, Sheffield, if prudently the neighbourhood of Hathersick, Chesterfield , East Retford & Gainsboro & about Lincoln . For in all these places they are pretty busy, believe in Making Converts. . am Sr both the Society's and yr obed humble Servt Sam¹ Disney. Endorsed 1735. A Copy of a Letter from one of ye Corresponding (Members of ye Society for propagating Xtian Knowledge communicated to his Grace by Mr Wilson . Concerning ye Growth of Popery especially at & about Sheffield.) 6.






A List of the most considerable papists within the jurisdiction of Rippon

1733. , in * Hathersage

Derbyshire, about nine miles SW. of Sheffield.



John Barney Gentleman William Benson the Elder formerly Rippon William Benson the Younger Protestants John Messinger of Fountain Abbey , Gentleman Mr Gordon, supposed to be a priest. Bishop Thornton - Carra Reputed priest. Littlethorp with Mr Robert Jefferson supposed to be a priest Anthony Jefferson, Gentleman. Whitscliffe Endorsed The Names of the Most Considerable Papists within ( the Jurisdiction of Ripon , 1733.)




The Names of the most Considerable papists in the Arch Deaconry of the East Riding 1733 . Harthill Deanery]. Holme in Spaldingmoor Lord Langdale § and his Lady & daughters.


Marmaduke Langdale Esq. , his Son. John Langdalell Gent . & his Wife

North Cave-


Joseph Langdale

SanctonHolderness D.



** Gent.

Thomas ChampneyGent. Leonard Metcalf Gent. Cuthbert Robinson Gent. Richard Rand * * formerly a protestant and now reputed to be a priest who goes by the Name of Mr Watson whose Father as is said was a Clergyman of the Church of England and he himself educated at Oxford. Richard Rand Gent. The Honle Cuthbert Constable Esq . Ralph Brigham Gent.

it HeadonSwine

Endorsed The Names of the Most Considerable Papists in the (East Riding 1733.



See note under Ripon. See note under Bishop Thornton . He came from Douay in 1696 or 1697 and lived with Marmaduke Witham , of Preston Hall, near Stockton-on-Tees. Later he was at or near Nidd and Bishop Thornton , and died in Yorkshire, 25 May, 1735. (Kirk's Lives : MS. in my possession.)


§ See note under Holme-on -Spalding Moor. See note under North Cave. John is apparently a mistake for Jordan. Perhapsa brother of Jordan Langdale.

** * See note under Burstwick ,




York 20 Feby 1745

My Lord

Enclosed your Grace Revised, a List of All ye Papists wthin your Libty of Ripon who in September last were summon'd to take ye Oath, ye Names of such as appear'd and Refused to take them and of such as made Default in appearing upon the SumonsTwo of those who appear'd (vizt .) Henry Mayer and James Skelton have been sometyme in Ripon Gaol, they were Comitted upon suspicion of holding Correspondence wth the Kings Enemy, and being papist Priests. am Your Grace's most Obedient humble Servant Jo: Wood. For his Grace The Lord Arch-Bishop


of York .

A List of the Papists within the Liberty of Ripon in the County of York.

Francis Trapps Esqr. Ambrose Trapps Gent. Lawrence Hawksworth Of Nidd Robert Grimston Francis Benson John Benson Henry Mayer, Gent. a Priest James Skelton, Gent. a Priest Thomas Harrison Robt Hodgson Jno Harrison Barnaby Coldbeck John Shann Of Bishop Thornton John Waddington Thos. Chapman Yeomen Geo . King Jno. Swale Wm Darley George Langthorne John Chapman Wm Swale Henry Maire (of the Lartington family) was educated at Douay, and was stationed at Leyburn : later he was at Raventofts, in Bishop Thornton , and at Mr. Witham's at Cliffe, where he died 5 Nov. , 1775 ( Kirk's Lives) . In 1760 he was at or near Nidd (MS . in my possession). He was sometime at Raventofts with Rev. H. Maire . He died 1757 (C.R.S. , iv, 249. ) See note under Liberty of Ripon in Appendix








Martin Waddington Thomas Benson Wm Hardisty Wm Askwith Of Markington cum Wallerthwait Jno. Rudd Chris. Wright Yeomen John Turpin John Hutton Joseph Peacock James Mattson Chris. Askwith Of Ingerthorpe John Ward Yeomen. Matthias Robinson Hodgson Wm Wm Stephenson Chris . Pickersgill Of Sawley Wm Reynard Yeomen Galen Body Robt . Constable , Sadler John Buck, Taylor Wm Benson , Yeom. Wm Cant, Taylor All the above named appeared but refused to take the Oath. Jno. Colebeck Jor. Kettlewell Edwd. Ingram Thos. Hodgson Geo. Hodgson Of Bishop Thornton Thos. Waddington Yeomen. Edwd . Mattson Edwd . Darley Stephen Waddington Robt . Darley Thos. Rendall Mark Brigs Jno. Brigs Henry Browne Jno. Hardcastle

Of Markington Yeomen

Thos . Wilkinson

James Marmaduke Richd Askwith Geo . Hawson Chris. Hodgson Thos. Ward Jno. Niccolls Geo. Hardcastle Ralph Lupton

WmKing Robt Lomas

Of Ingerthorpe Yeomen .

of Sawley, Yeom.

Of Bishopside Yeomen

of Grantley, Yeom.


Samuel Webb , Gent. Mary Grayson Mary Cant Dorothy Dixon Wm Child, Yeom. Easter Rudd


Of Ripon

Mary ye Wife of Edwd. Stork Eliz : Palliser These were Summoned but did not appear. (Endorsed The Names of ye Papists wthin ye Libty of Ripon summ'd to take ye Oath at Ripon Crt. 1745.) 9. PAPISTS IN CLEVELAND.





17 Sept. 1736.

please your Grace, Having been lately a Preacher in your Grace's Diocese

humbly apprehend it my Duty, [in] pursuance to your Grace's IInquiries & your Archdeacon's late Charge to his Clergy, to give

your Grace some Account of Popery in Cleveland above Yarm, where it is very infectious & exorbitant, supported chiefly by the Influence of a Popish Lawyer * in Yarm, at whose House (within the Liberty of Northallerton) which extends thither, the Papists assemble to Mass as publickly as the People go to Church; which they do also at Crathorn where I lived; close by the Church, & in greater Number than we had for our Congregation in the Parish , which was usually , while I was there , made up with Strangers from

neighbouring Parishes. did what was able to settle the People in their Religion & give theman abhorrence of Popery, & likewise printeda Discourse against its further Encroachment , as well as particular Errors, the latter being for the Use of the Parish ; which has drawn upon me the greatest injuries & abuse from the Papists & Jacobite [s], & by the Influence of the Lawyer aforesaid. Mr Pearson the Incumbent , of whom had a Lease , and from whom a Sum of Money was due to me at its Expiration, joined with the Enemies to his Church in the Injuries received, and has engaged his Living to them in order to raise Money to pay me off, & sent me unprepared and unexpected without reasonable Notice to my Living here, where was engaged with a Curate to my great Loss , & my Parsonage in the Occupation of a Tenant whom cou'd not then remove, & thus was forc'd to be at new charge in taking a House & Ground. This usage have received from him, tho he is hardly capable of doing the Duty & the Congregation are in general dissatisfy'd , as









* John Mayes , of the Fryerage, Yarm, who died 1772, aet. 72 (Gillow , Dict., iv, 548). James Pearson , instituted to Crathorne 9 Feb., 1715 (Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns , Yorkshire Archæological Society). Mr. Pearson was still in charge of Crathorne in 1743, and so seems to have cleared himself from Mr. Mawer's charges .



he is not able to restrain the Papists who have all he has at command , who drew away great Numbers before I came amongst them , & they tell me others are now like to follow thro' Discontent . Above half the Parish are Papists encreased to that Number from 2 or 3 Families in the present Incumbent's time & his Father's . lent Mr Pearson money last Spring when no one else wou'd, to Iacquit himself from being suspended , which he refuses to repay me for kindness, otherwise than by threatning to sue me for a breach in a garden wall, which 2 or 3 shillings wou'd repair, & which offer'd to do before Removal in the presence of 2 more Clergymen, Iwhich he then desired wou'd not trouble myself about, having I been at great expence in making his House fit for a family and in repairing his extravagant Gates. My Lord. this Complaint is drawn from me after insufferable Vexations, & with great reluctance and uneasiness to myself: and that may take this opportunity of communicating something better to Your Grace , may I humbly request your Grace's Encouragement of my Proposal of a Supplement to the London Polyglot, which has had the Honour of Sir Robert's * Encouragement & of the late Lord Chancellors, and is approved of by such great Divines as have had opportunity of Communicating what have done therein. have lately published my Proposals, & the Canticles with Several Hymns are ready for the Press , intended to be printed is proposed at Oxford where alone there are Types proper for it . to dedicate it to the Queen or the Princess of Wales, & to send a number of copies into the East, & especially Abyssinia, if practicable ; whose Monarchs & Subjects still boast of Solomon for the Founder of their Royal Race. must not presume to invade your Grace's Time any longer but that the Almighty may prosper your Grace in Every good which you are always ready & Zealous to promote ; and that you may enjoythe Blessing of long Life with as few of its Inconveniences as the Foe of Human Condition will allow , with the certain Prospect of being renew'd in a glorious Immortality , shall continue to be the Prayer of, May it please your Grace, Your Grace's most Devoted and most Obedient & Dutiful Servant







J. Mawer . Middleton - Tyas, near Richmond Sept 17, 1736 . Endorsed Mr Mawer, Sepbr ye 17th 1736 answd Sepbr ye 23d Containing a complaint agt . Mr Pearson Rector of Crathorne etc.


To His Grace the Rd Archbishop of York at His Grace's House in Westminster or at Edmonton near London .

* Presumably Sir Robert Walpole, 1676-1745 , the Whig Politician .




My Lord Arch Bishop Recd yr . letter and hath Comanded me to acquaint you in answer to it , that he commends you very much for ye Zeal you have shewn in opposing the Growth of Popery, and thinks according to the representation of ye Case in yr. letter, that

you have met wth very hard Treatmt, and that Mr Pearson hath acted a part very unbecoming a Divine of the Church of England . His Grace will order a particular enquiry to be made into his Conduct Especially as to that part of it, weh is the Subject matter of your Complaint . In the meantime, his Grace bids me tell you, that as you was a regular licensed Curate, it was not in Mr Pearson'spower to deprive you of his Curacy without assigning a legal reason, and till that Reason has been approved by the ordinary you may therefore & tis his Graces advice that you shou'd Return to Crathorn & go on to officiate there, for your licence gives you a Right so to do, & to demand your Stipend ; for which you may Sue him in the Spiritual Court. I am Sryour humble Servant Thos. Hayter Sepbr ye 23d 1736. B. (2) THOMAS HAYTER TO MI PEARSON . (Same date.) Sr My Lord Arch Bishop hath Just Recd A Complaint against You of a very Surprising Nature, which he is much concerned that any Protestant Clergyman of the Church of England Shou'd give any Just occasion to . His Grace will suspend his Judgment as to the Charge brought against you, till he hears what you have to say to Clear Your self from it ; and to afford you an opportunity of makeing your defence , is the occasion of my writing this letter to you. the Person who makes the Complaint is Mr Mawer, who was regularly Licenced by his Grace to be your Curate, and who hath a Legal Right to continue so , till he is removed by the same authority, upon legal grounds, and in a legal way. But instead of this, if you are truely represented, you have discharged him all at once, not only wth out any Regular application to the ordinary, but also wthout any previous Notice to Mr Mawer and what is worse the Motive upon wch you have taken this Rash Step, is sd . to be the particular Zeal he hath shewn to Stop the Increase of Papists in your Parish, who have, as he alledges , grown in yours and yr. Fathers time, from two or three Families to be more than half your Parishioners, that you are entirely at their Command, and have engaged Your living to them in order to Raise Money to pay Mr Mawer a sum due to him at the Expiration of a lease before you could attempt to turn him off. This is a very black accusation, if it be well founded : and his Grace cannot but Suspect that you * Thomas Hayter (1702-1762 ) , Archdeacon of York 1730 to 1751 : Bishop of Norwich 1749 : Bishop of London 1761. See D.N.B. , xxv, 305.



are, if not a favourer of the Papists, at least not so Zealous against them, as in point of Conscience and Duty you ought to be, from the Backwardness you have shewn to return him a true account of their Number in your Parish . For upon the Enquiry made in the Archdeacons Visitation of 1733, you gave in only 25, and upon the Second Enquiry in 1735 , wch. was occasioned by the in Compleat returns made to the first, you immediately advanced to 62. This is a Matter of the last moment to you, and which , if you cannot prove your self to be Innocent , will leave a lasting Stain upon your Character, and Expose you to other untoward Consequences , besides the loss of your Reputation as a Clergyman of the Church of England , the cheif Glory of wch is to be ye firmest Bulwork against Popery. have nothing more to add but that Mr Mawer is ordered to return to Crathorn & go on to officiate as your Curate, and you at your Peril are directed by this to permitt him so to do, and to pay him his Stipend as his licence obliges you to do, till you assign a legal reason for his removal , your answer to this is expected without delay . am Sir Your humble Servant Thos. Hayter. Downing Street, Westminster , Sept ye 23d 1736. (Endorsed : A copy of a Letter to Mr Mawer Curate at Crathorne another & to Mr Pearson R. of Crathorne, Septr ye 23d 1736.) C. Dr JACQUES ] STERNE TO Mr PEARSON 27 Sept. 1736. Copy of my Letter to Mr Pearson. Sept. 27, 1736. His Grace The Arch Bishop has communicated to me the Subject matter of Mr Mawer's complaint against you, and has enjoined me as your Archdeacon to examine strictly into ye Truth & Foundation of it, & especially to enquire into Your Conduct & concerns you nearly as a ClergyBehaviour towards the Papists. man of ye Church of England to clear yourself as far as you can of ye heavy Charge wch is brought against you. But is plain yt thro your negligence at least Such Numbers in your Parish have been perverted to ye Romish Religion as is an infinite Reproach to you, and such an one hope as cannot be laid to the Charge of any other Clergyman in England . His Grace has honour'd me with a very great Trust as the Archdeaconry abounds with Papists, & Those of that Sect shal find yt will keep a very watchful Eye upon them, & more especially upon those in Your Parish, and Upon You , Mr Pearson, who have tamely & scandalously ( the Facts are true) suffer'd so many of your Flock to be seduced & takenfrom you, & the King to be rob'd of ye Allegiance of as many










JacquesSterne, grandsonof Richard S. , Archbishop of York 1664-1683 , was instituted Rector of Rise 1722, Vicar of Hornsea and Riston 1729 : appointed Archdeacon of Cleveland and Precentor of York Minster 1735: later Archdeacon of the East Riding , and in 1755 Prebendary of the 3rd Stall at Durham . He was uncle and benefactor to Laurence Sterne, the author of Tristram Shandy. See D.N.B., liv, 199-201 , and ArchbishopHerring's Visitation Returns, ii , 89, and iii , 35.






of his subjects, who are drawn off to a foreign Dependence. You wil let me know wt you have to say in yr own Behalf. am, &c., &c. , (Endorsed Dr Sterne's Letter to Mr Pearson R. of Crathorne Septr ye 27th 1736. ) D. JAMES PEARSON TO Mr HAYTER . 2 Oct. 1736. Reverend Sr am very much Surprised at the perusal of your letter, a Complaint as Vindictive as it is ill founded could hardly [have been Expected from any Person Especially a Clergyman. But to come to ye matter in Hand. The Chief cause of my Misfortunes was occasioned by building, which Obliged me to make over my Living to Mr Mawer for 7 Years for Ready Money to Satisfy part of my Creditors. as Mr Mawer knew the expiration of his lease presume that was Reasonable Notice , but can aver that Mr Mawer had Six Months Notice , besides , therefore was forced to assign most of believe my living of May Day last to discharge my Engagements. that no Clergyman that is able to do duty will hire a Curate Wn he's nothing to do, nor nothing to maintain himself, besides he had a living of his own to go to Preferable to mine. My Living is now assigned to my Clerk and 2 Papists, who have been & now are Serviceable to Mr Mawer as well as my Self, and no Stain hope to our Religion . 1 have lost only two of my Parishioners, & made three Converts in 16 Years time & Mr Mawer in 7 lost one, and made none. do admitt that , that Sect has Increased in my time, because the Children of those Papists are generally Settled in ye was not Resident at Crathorn when the Number 25 was Parish. given in, in 1733 so am Intirely Innocent , and the Churchwarden thought yt a list of the Princapal Papists was Sufficient , when Mr Mawerwas Resident here No Protestants Recd. equal Freedom, & favours as ye Papists did at his House , But wn . he found yt . ye Currant was turned & yt . my Friends would neither Suffer me to Starve nor go to Jail, Complaint was (as believe) made to ye Neighbouring Magastrats, but they are too well acquainted wth ye Neighbourhood to be Misled. as he got no Remidy by his applicationat Home, he gave his Grace ye trouble of Reading a letter of Revenge: as he thought proper to Complain desire no more than a Fair hearing. It's all very well known that am so far a Stranger to Popery yt my Votes and interest wn ever occasion offered are demonstrated tokens of my affection and Hearty attachment to their Majesties now upon the Throne, and their Most Gracious Government. desire you'lle be pleased to Communicate ye Contents to his Grace wth my Duty & you'lle Infinitly Oblige, Revd Sr Your Most Obliged Humle Servt James Pearson. Crathorn , Octobr ye 24 1736. (Endorsed A Copy of Mr Pearson's Letter, R. of Crathorne , to Mr Hayter. Ye Original lent to Dr Sterne, Oct. ye 9.)


















9 Oct. 1736.

Revd. Dr

Having fully perform'd my engagements to Mr Mawer, I did not expect to hear of a complaint from him, especially one with as little foundation of truth as common honesty. My votes & interest whenever occasionoffer'd are (I hope) demonstrative tokens that I'm neither a favourer of Popery, nor Jacobitism . do admit yt. ye Papists are increas'd in my time occasion'd by their Children generally settling here , & as I'm not sole Ld. of ye Parish it's not in my power to prevent ye event . Besides , I do not believe yt. Crathorn is ye only place in England where Papists take sanctuary under a L. of their own persuasion , altho ' I'm represented to be singular in my conduct to em. I've only lost 2 of my flock during my residence at Crathorn wch was occasion'd by their marrying into Popish families, & not without indefatigable pains to reclaim them & tho I've lost them I've gain'd three Converts in ye same ' time, therefore was amaz'd to hear yt . a complaint had been lodg'd against me as scandalous as yt . through my negligence His Majesty had been rob'd of ye allegiance of many of his subjects. A report so false, & unbecoming a Clergyman who entirely knows my sentiments yt. I'm for ye establish'd Church, & its' interest & to continue so to my dying day. Therefore shall beg leave Itointend conclude with telling you yt I'm ready to acquit my self whenever I've ye opportunity to confront my accuser. am, Revd Sr Yr. Most obedient hume Servt James Pearson. Crathorn , Octobr ye 9th 1736. (Endorsed Mr Pearson's Answer to Dr Sterne . Oct. ye 9th 1736.) F. Mr H. BRADLEY OF YARM TO Dr STERNE. Yarm, Oct. 23, 1736.






Mr Archdeacon ! according to your Command, have made the best Inquiry am able ; & if my Information be Right hope ye following Account , will give you, in a good measure, ye satisfaction ye Desire. There are, at present, 41 family in the Parish of Crathorne, 20 of which are Papists ; 21 frequenters of the Church my Informer was not able to give so minute an Account of them , as to Tell the exact Numbers but Believes in all they may Amount to could not Get a more perfect the Number given in An. 1735. Account of this Matter, without Making the Business went about be judged Necessary, public, & Alarming the People; yet will Do it , at all Adventures . The Reason of these two different Accounts , take to be this. the usual Returns Made of the Papists to the sessrory [sic], were made by the Parish Officers; and as no Notice was ever taken of those Returns ; they usually Put down any Number, not heeding Exactness, in a Matter, they never found Enquired into afterwards . do not find that Mr Pearson did anything to stirr: up the









-I if It





Papists against Mr Mawer, more than that their Money affairs might Occasion some unwarrantable Deals between them two, in wch ye Papsists [sic] were accidentally Engaged the Papists Raised the Money (as they have always Done to relieve Mr Pearsons extravagancies) to pay Mr Mawer, at his leaving Crathorn : which perhaps Mr Mawer wd rather they had not Done. do not find that any have Turn'd Papists of late years but some few, who were Gain'd by Marriage ; nor, -yt Mr Pearson hath Lost any thro Neglect ; nor yet that he hath Gaind any by his Assiduity, or great Learning but He says He Gain'd 3 in 16 Years; & of the truth of this He must certainly know better than I.— on the contrary Mr Mawer, if He Lost any, It was not thro Neglect. He certainly Took very great pains in frequently Preach against the conspicuous Errors of the Church of Rome; and used every other Lawful Method to convert the erroneous, and to Confirm the Charge. He was very Charitable , and Useful to the People; and Left Crathorn well spoken of by all indeed He wrote a Book (a Caveat agst . Popery) a little before He Left Crathorn ; by wch . He might perhaps Enrage the Lawyers of my Neighbourhood, & such Papists as could Judge of Argument elsewhere ; but the Poor People of Crathorn , as far as I can Learn, have no spleen against Him upon any Account . They are indeed increased from two, or three familys in Mr Pearsons Fathers time, to the present Number: but this Is chiefly owing to the Branching of Familys ; to the Assiduity of the Steward , & Landlord * ; in putting In papist





Tennants as occassion offer'd ; more than any Neglect to be charged, at any time, upon the Incumbent. Mr Pearsons misfortunes may possibly have been Owing at first , to his Building more than his circumstances would allow at his first Coming to Crathorn : but time & care, might long since have Rid Him of yse unhappy Incumbrances ; instead of this He hath every Year sunk deeper : & tis certain the Papists have continually supplied him with Money; and with Securities [? too, wch they were not supposed Able to Raise; and are Ready, on all Occasions to be his security ; but for what they Do these surprizing Kindnesses (if anything more yn . out of goodwill, & Compassion) they best knew. Tis said those favours are Done by better Friends ; & have heard Mr Pearson say, yt his best farms are under very small a word illegible here] ; and that a few Years ago Mr Crathorn Cut down £200 pounds worth of Wood , which grew upon the Glebe. Whether Mr Pearsons Hatred to Popery be so great as He Declares, I know not; but earnestly Wish It may for the Good of those He has Left ; but fear his Voting will be no very honourable Test of his Loyalty (at least no demonstrative Token of his Affection, & hearty Atachment to their Majesty's on the Throne, as He Is pleased to express Himself) if He be found amongSrMiles'sVoters : will not say He Is : but am very certain He went about in Yarme








Ralph Crathorne, of Crathorne and Ness, died 1755.



Solliciting His Interests , & Appeared in Company with professed Enemies to their Majestys now on the throne. And now I Speak of Voting, Give me Leave to Mention my own Case You May Please to Remember, at Mr Turners first Election , you Urg'd me much to vote ; -but because then Thought I my Vote disputable ; and there being evidently no Occasion for It, did not Vote: but however, at ye Last Election (upon your I former Assurance, yt. my vote was Good; & by the strengthening Opinion of Dr Ward) I did vote ; but yet our wise Agents Have Objected to It & as a particular Instance of their great care in Enquiring after Votes; & to Shew how well they were Prepared to vindicate ye Falsitys they had so confidently offer'd to Parliament, as undoubted Truth ; you may find my Vote thus specified in their beg faithful Copy.-H.B. of Sheriff-hutton, Lands at Barnesley Pardon for offering this seeming Trifle ; upon a Matter of serious Inquiry; but I could not well Omitt ye Mention of It, when so fair an Occasion Offer'd , bec . however really Light in Apearance, yet to Me It has often been serious, & of weighty Concern. know not how far my first Omission might Prejudice me in ye Opinion of His Grace; but I have two good Reasons to be Confident, that my Fathers steddy Adherence, to the happy Principles wch Effected the Revolution ; & my constant Imitation of so good an Example ; & the hearty Affections of us both to ye present Establishmt both in Church, & State have more y" once Hinder'd my Advancement in the World : I am heartily sorry if there be any ground for my first suggestion; but that ye Last Is True, I am too well assured; & yet I am Pleas'd when I think It was the Only Barr to my success. Mr Mawer (after He had Proved Popery destructive both of Society, & True Religion ) I believe Did Move the Justices of the Peace, to assist Him ; & Complained of some Persons in the Neighbourhood ; but of what Nature his Complaints were; or against Whom ; or what Favour He Met with; I am Able to Give no further






Account .


have now finish'd my Answer ; to prolix It may be, for many other Useful Affairs in whichyour time might have been more have Written will be hope what seasonably Employ'd but Look'd upon as an Expression of my Diligence, & Willingness faithfully to Execute the trusts you Comitted to me. have said Nothing out of Prejudice, or favour to either Party ; but with Hopes have Related the to give some Light into subsisting Dispute, Facts as they Appeared to me upon Enquiry In this (as always Desire may) endeavouring to approve myselfyr most faithful & obliged humble Servant Hen : Bradley . (Endorsed Mr Bradley of Yarum's Letter to Dr Sterne, Oct. ye 23d 1736. Concerning Mr Pearson & Mr Mawer & ye State of Popery at Crathorne.)











G. Mr JA. BORWICK OF WHITBY TO Dr STERNE THE PRECENTOR OF YORK , 25 Jan. 1736/7. Mr Precentor, As it is my great Good-fortune to have a Cure within Your Arch -Deaconry, I am sure you will readily attend to ye complaints am about to make to You : Because I make 'em as a faithful Subject to K. George , & as a dutiful Minister of ye Church of England, against ye Practices of a People, who are determin'd Enemies to both; even in open Defiance of ye plainest & severest


Laws .

As Soon as was fix'd here , by ye Favour of my Lord Arch Bishop, was assur'd, yt I had not above 2 Popish Families in my Parish, yt Popery was held in universal Contempt , & yt I need be under no Apprehensions of it's spreading. But had not enjoy'd this pleasing Satisfaction long before I was alarm'd with an Account of ye Perversion of Mr John Breckon, Master of a Ship of 120 Tons, & of his having been to hear Mass at Egton. This new Proselyte to Popery was gone to Sea again before cou'd speak to him : But however, found, yt (ye little Time he stay'd on Shore ) he acknowledg'd his Perversion,-own'd his having been at Mass ,-argu'd for Popery in publick Company, and (as his wife has complain'd ) threaten'd Her & his Children with Damnation unless they follow'd his Example . This Accident ha's led me to enquire very carefully into ye Number & Behaviour of these Enemies of all our Happiness; and, instead of 2 or 3 Families so poor as to be below my Notice , have found , yt in my Parish, are near 40 grown Persons, besides Children, who profess Popery (to which Number they are increas'd from 7 or 8 within ye last 6 years ) I have found a good many more, who are very strongly suspected of being conceal'd Papists; because tho they sometimes go to Church yet; they never receive the Communion in our Way; which I take to be ye most Certain Criterion have found yt . one Mr Smith* (who till lately liv'd at EgtonBridge , & in whose House there is ye Mass -Room) is fix'd HERE, & ha's taken a large House in ye most private Part of the Town with a view (as is universally suspected) yt . ye Papists of this Place may assemble with ye greater Secrecy & Safety when ye Priest comes to Town And have found, yt. soon after any Popish women are delivered , ye said Priest (who lives at Egton-Bridge & is known by no other Name than that of Mr Philips ) is frequently seen going to their Houses , to christen their Children, as














Richard Smith , of Bridgeholme Green , Egton Bridge , was eldest son of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth , daughter of John Vavasour, of Willitoft . Marriage articles 14 May , 1685. He was a non-juror, and registered his estate at Northallerton 1717. He died March, 1738. By his wife, Mary Smelt, who survived him, he had three sons, the youngest of whom became a priest, and five daughters, two of whom were nuns in the Poor Clare Convent at Rouen. (Information from the late Mr P. B. Turnbull, of Cardiff , a descendant of the Smiths, of Egton , to whose generosity the transcribing of these documentsis largely due) . See note under Egton .



may well be suppos'd; for I am never called to do the office: Tho every Recusant, who neglects this for a Month, seems to incur a Penalty of 100f by 3. Jac . , c. 5. I At Egton ( a Parochial Chapelry within ye Parish of Lythe, ye adjoyning Parish to mine) lives ye Mr Philips above-mention'd , who is universally talk'd of as a Popish Priest ; & who, besides ye Chapelry of Egton, has ye Care of Whitby & of ye promising Harvest at Scarborough. This Philips has ye Character of a close artful man : for tho' he is often seen here going into Popish Houses , yet I have not yet got any legal Proof of his performing Offices in 'em. There lives with him one Crathorn (Brother of Mr Crathorn of Ness ) said to be a Tradesman who ha's fail'd ; who is much admir'd by ye Country People as a great Traveller , & a man of Sense, & who is thought to do a great deal of Mischief . In short, Matters at Egton seem to be brought to a Sort of Compromise: For (as Mr Robinson ye Curate assures me) ye Papists have a particular Part of ye Church- Yard assign'd em for ye Interment of their dead : And ' they are married , baptiz'd, & interr'd without his knowing any thing of ye matter ' till afterwards , yt they come to pay him his Fees .

At Ugthorp (a small vill immediatelyin the Parish of Lyth) lives one Mr John Trevet who is not only reputed a Popish Priest, but has own'd himself such to ye Vicar of Lyth; & by way of merit, h'as boasted to him, yt . he forfeited his Right to 1100 a year by his turning Papist & going into Orders. This Spark is so far from being afraid of the Law, yt . he teaches School (as the Vicar of Lythe complains) and has ye assurance to invite People to go hear him do his Duty. My sincere Attachment to ye Cause of our present Establishment in Church & State, which verily think to be ye cause of Truth & liberty, wou'd not suffer me to sit still while ye enemies of it are slily & gradually undermining it's Foundations, but oblig'd me to lay these Facts before you : in full Assurance of being favour'd with Your Instructions how to behave. Arguments in private they won't listen to ;-Conferences in Publick they always turn to their own Advantage by their Lies & Impudence ; When we lay open their Corruptions & Absurdities from the Pulpit they thence take occasion (as have fully experienced since came here ) to represent us as Favourers of Presbyterianism; And our Laws require such solemn & strict Proofs against ' em of Facts which no Body doubts of, & our Friends are so tender in speaking out, when seriously call'd upon, that it is extremely difficult to convict ' em beg to know whether legally . However, my Church-wardens ought not to give timely Notice to every grown Papist of ye Communion to be celebrated at Easter, & to put ' em in Mind yt . ye Law obliges 'em to receive it . For, if, upon Neglect or Refusal to observe such Notice , ye Law shoul'd deem ' em Recusants, they might





., Rivet , an alias for the Rev. John Monox Harvey . See note * I.e under Lyth.



then be easily dealt with upon any misbehaviour. But such Neglect or Refusal shou'd not legally make ' em Recusants, then beg to know what does ? For, am humbly of Opinion yt. ye first step to check their Boldness is to seperate these Goats from ye Sheep by some sure legal Mark of Distinction which they can neither wipe off nor conceal. But this & every Thing else submit and, if you are pleas'd to favour me with your particular Commands on this occasion , they shall be thankfully receiv'd & punctually executed by, Mr Precentor, Your most obliged humble Servant , Ja. Borwick . Whitby, Jan. 25, 1736.7. Endorsed Sterne about the Papists, 25 ( : Mr Borwick Letter to Dr Jan : 1736. )






IO .




& POLITICS, 1733.


2 Apr. 1733.

As there are very few things I sett a Value upon equal to

yt. of my Dr. Lord's Friendsp, I can necessarily dread nothing more yn yt . any Misrepresentation shou'd be made you whereby I might forfeit so great a part of my Satisfaction in Life; wch


know you'll allow to be a sufficient Excuse for this tedious Letter can't help troubling you wth in relation to an Affair yt has , perceive, made some noise in this Neighbourhood viz. Mr Bridges, ye Parson of Kippax, his having according to Report resigned his Living wth. a Design of turning Rom : Catholick ; and for wch .


* See note under, Aberford .

Arthur Ingram 6th Viscount Irwin, 1689-1736 . William Bridges was instituted to the Vicarage of Kippax 10 Dec., 1731, on the death of Thomas Lowther , and on the presentation of the King. His successor, William Wood, was instituted 4 July, 1733 (Information of the Registrar of the Diocese of York). There is an account of this episode in Appendix A, vol . iv, p. 188 of Archbishop Herring's Visitation Returns, 1743 Yorks. Arch. Soc.). Bridges's conversion annoyed Archbishop Black( he was credited with a desire to put the Penal Laws in force. This burn and alarmed Sir Edward Gascoigne , for Bridges was supposed to have been received by Bishop Williams , V.P., who lived on Gascoigne's Estate . Catholics generally were agitated, and the Papal Internuncio at Brussels wrote on 24 July, 1733, to Cardinal Petra to say that Bishop Williams was in serious peril and had been obliged to fly to the " most deserted and remote places , to escape prison and torture, carceri e tormenti, as the ' Pseudo - archbishop of York had issued a mandate for his capture, on account of his having made a conversion (which caused great noise) of a Protestant Minister , who instructed by Bishop Williams , nobly resigned his rich prebend, and publicly declared himself a Catholic " (Maziere Brady , Episcopal Succession, iii, 254) . The statement of the Internuncio was much exaggerated for Bridges held no rich prebend , and the Vicarage of Kippax was only worth £34 16s. 4d. per an.: and Bishop Williams merely withdrew to Mr. Tunstall's at Wycliffe for a few months. Gascoigne enlisted the sympathies of Lord Irwin , the Earl of Carlisle, and other Whig Peers, and before long, through their good



offices, the Archbishop was pacified, and the threatened storm blew over.



I'm told some people blame one Mr Williams (a Gentleman yt. lives in a House of my Wife's at Huddlestone) as no doubt he wd. highly deserve had he sought to buissye himself wth any such Concerns; for , my Lord , as have had ye pleasure of advising you more than once during ye Intercourse of ye Friendsp you have honour'd me wth, think we shou'd all be most entirely undeserving ye Lenity we are treated wth by ye Governmt , -cd we be capable of attempting to disturb it in any kind whatever : In Hopes therefore of finding ye latter part of ye Report groundless (and what Certainly there may be in any pt . of it only know for common Fame, having never in my Life seen Mr Bridges but once at Sr. J. Blands ) say to get satisfyed as to Mr Williams, I immediately on Saturday , ye first day heard of it, went over to him, when found him as great a Strainger to ye thing as my Self: He told me he had never seen Mr Bridges but twice ; yt . ye first time was abt. 6 or 7 Months ago, when Mr Bridges, having spoke of to Fleming , my Steward & his own Parishioners, several times before, did with him his own Brother & some mix'd Company go to Huddleston, and drank a Glass of Ale talking only of indifferent things ; yt. ye only other time he ever saw or heard from Mr Bridges, was ye beginning or middle of February, when He again went to Huddlestone; and he says then indeed Mr Bridges did among other things mention some Points of Controversy, abt. wch they had some little Discourse, but yt . he did not discover to him any Design of becoming Papist, neither dos he in any kind still know off his having such Intention only for ye Rumour spread of it in ye Country; Mr Bridges its seems told him, he had for some time held a Correspondence wth . some papists in these parts by Letters, but yt. is all Mr Williams knows of ye Matter: Now, as have said above, least a Misrepresentation of this Case should be made to yr. Lordsp in regard of any persons belonging to me, I'd not be easy till I had told you ye real Matter of Facts, for wch . dare pledge my Word, as above, and as yr. self will, doubt not, believe or may please to assure any Persons you shall think proper to sett right , if misinform'd. will not teaze you wth any further apologies for giving you this Trouble , these things are of so delicate & tender a Nature , yt. twou'd be injuring yr. Friendsp to Doubt of ye Allowing ye Freedom taken by













My Dr Lord Yr. ever faithfull & obliged Servt. Edwd Gascoigne.

Parlington, Apr: 2d 1733 . The Hogshead of Champagne is come and will be think as good as ye last. I'm much oblig'd to you for ye pretty Manner


is Bishop Williams , O.P., 1664-1740 . * This Gascoigne's wife was Mary, daughter of Sir Francis Hungate, of Saxton. Sir John Bland, 5th Bart., of Kippax.



& Taste, Sr. William Milner * [torn away here] so good to send according to yr . Desire at ye Bottom of it . (Endorsed: Sr. Edwd Gascoigns Lre to Lord Irwyn, concerning Mr Bridges of Kippax turning Papist. Addressed: To the Right Hon. Visc : Irwin att St Jame's Coffe House St James's, London . B. EARL OFCARLISLE TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. 5 Oct. 1733.

My La

have received ye honour of your Grace's of ye 25th wherein you acquaint me with ye receipt of Sr Rowland Winn's letter to your Grace upon ye subject of his offering his service to ye County & your answer to it in which you have shewn a great defference to ye Gentlemen of ye Country by not absolutely engageing yourself till you knew what measures they had taken. Upon Sr George Savill's declining to stand , it was thought man was so proper to supply his place as Sr Rowland , & yt no was judged necessary yt he should immediately declare; he goes on with good success, but Mr Turner has behaved very unaccountably upon this occasion, he refused to joyn with Sr George Savill & he has sent a very doubtfull answer to Sr Rowland, (a Copy of which have here inclosed) ; if he would have joynd with either of these Gentlemen I think there would not have been any contest, & ye peace of ye Country thereby preserv'd . how it may happen now no'body can tell. Your Grace will forgive me if mentionto you what has made some noise in ye Country, & has given a great alarm to all ye Freemen Catholicks of your Dioces, it has been declared to them by your Grace's orders, yt by some day in Jan : [some words here illegible] orders to bring certificates of their haveing been at ye service of ye Church of England , which is impossible for them to do, unless they renounce their Religion ; they can not tell how far your Grace intends to prosecute them upon ye Act yt obliges them to go to Church this being ye first step towards it, & if you do, it amounts they say to a Banishment ; don't doubt but your Grace has good reasens for what you have done, but those reasens not being known, & ye Roman Catholicks having behaved themselves peaceably & quietly this proceeding is generally disapproved. But ye reason why more particularly acquaint your Grace with this affair is, because am informed yt ye Roman Catholicks design to petition ye King, your Grace knows best, how far such a proceeding will be approved at Court . you will pardon ye liberty have taken, is intended for your Service. am with ye greatest respect My La Your Grace's most Faithfull Obed: Humble Servant Carlisle . (Endorsed Lord Carlisle's Letter, Oct. 5, 1733. ) Sir William Milner , Ist Bart. , of Nun Appleton . Charles Howard , 3rd Earl of Carlisle, 1669-1738 . 4th Bart. of Nostell, co . Yorks., 1706-1765. § 7th Bart. of Rufford , co. Notts .

















13 Oct.


My Lord Sr Edward Gascoigne haveing receiv'd a summons to appear at a certain time and Place for not attending his parish duty, desires me to acquaint your Grace he will pay an exact obedience to your orders in yt . & every thing, therefore begs to know your further intentions in summoning . Your Grace will have applications from much superior hands in behalf of gentlemen of his persuasion desiring to know the reason of the summons, & expressing their entire satisfaction in the mild usage of the Government . Sr Edward chooses to address your Grace thro' my hands because I had the honour of presenting last Winter a letter of his wherein he he has declar'd the same. beg your Grace to pardon this. could not help doeing should notI doe it as ought my duty to my neighbour . omitted assureing you he is with the greatest respect & esteem as Self, I profess my Your Graces Most obedient & Most Humble Servt. Irwin . Oct. ye 13th 1733.




if I

C. (2). THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK TO VISCOUNT IRWIN. 18 Oct. 1733. (Endorsed on Lord Irwins to the Archbishop .) My Good Lord. desire our friend Sr. Edward Gascoign may be in no pain about my Intention in the Summons he has receiv'd , because rely on his word that He had no hand in promoting that grevious Offence which Ye late Vicar of Kippax has given Occasion to. He wil do wel to appear by a Proctor at ye time & place to which he has been summon'd , wch . manner of Appearance (tho not matter of Right) has by my Order long since been allow'd of, not only to Him, but to any other Persons of Quality who shal choose to pray that Favour of the Court that their appearance in such manner may be accepted as an Obedience to ye summons serv'd upon em. is not my Intention to break in upon yt tacit Connivance wch ye Roman Catholicks by His Majesties great Lenity enjoy, at present, in the private exercise of their Religion . Nor is it my Principle , (as by my Conduct it has ever appeir'd ) to be greivous to any one, who behaves quietly & peaceably under ye Established Government , on the account of His Opinions merely Religious . But it must not be expected from me that shou'd tamely suffer my Flock to be perverted from their Religion or Allegiance by the busy Zealots of the Romish Church who ungratefully & Licentiously employ themselves in those Pervertions ; or that shou'd be unattentive to the loud complaints of ye great increase of their Numbers which have for some time assaulted me on al hands, & wch , have oblig'd me to Inquire into that Fact by the









only Method wch ye Law has put into my hands; that I may be enabl'd by that means , according to my Duty, to make a true & impartial Representation of these matters where it is of the most importance that they shou'd be known . If this shou'd happen to be in some smal measuretroublesome to such as have given no Occasion for it by their own particular behaviour , I shal hope for so much Candour from ' em, as to impute of their own Communion whose il Behaviour in Defiance it tothethose Laws is inexcuseable & which it is my Duty by al means of lawful to restrain as far as it is in my Power . This is what desire you, My Good Lord, to communicate I to our friend Sr. Edward Gascoign, for whom I have a particular esteem , wch he may depend upon himself & is at liberty also to communicate to any Person of Honour who may have been alike desirous to know the true Intention of

My Good Ld,

Yr. Lps. most faithful humble servt. L.E. * Answered Oct: 18 , 1733. (Endorsed on Lord Irwins letter of 13 Oct. 1733.) (These two letters endorsed: Lord Irwyns Letter to his Grace 18 [sic vere 13th] Oct. 1733. His Grace's answer endorsed concerning a Summons Served upon Sr. Edwd Gascoigne. Another endorsement says " Lord Irwyn concerning ye R. Catholicks. )





D. THE ARCHBISHOPOF YORK TO THE EARL OF CARLISLE. 3 Nov. 1733. My Lord I shall serve Sr. Rowland Winn to ye utmost of my Power ; of any Other Person I shal be silent til I hear what the York meeting of wensday last wil have produced; & shal hope Our freinds in the Country wil therupon come to some such Proper Resolutions as Mr Turners Behaviour shall suggest. am greatly obliged to Your Lordshipfor yr kind Intimation Concerning the Roman Catholicks ; & the warm alarm they have taken at my proceedings. But what ever ye Hot Ones among em ' may threaten of Complaints &c. against me on that Account , . em as are reasonable & peaceable am in no pain about it Such of ' will find me so too & wil for my part find the Penal Act as harmless as they can wish . But such as can be prov'd to have been perverting our People from their Religion & Allegiance must not expect to be suffered to do it wth Impunity , but to pay for their unquiet abuse of to much Lenity as they enjoy under the present Governmt . But to bee no farther tedious to yr . Lp . on that Subject beg leave to enclose the Copies of two Letters upon wch . have it




* Lancelot (Blackburn) Ebor. Y




pass'd my Lord Irwin & me, weh may serve to conclude yr Lps . present trouble from

My Ld.

To Lord Carlisle Nov. 3, 1733.

E. (1).

Yr. Lps. most faithful & Obedient humble servant , Lan : Ebor.


4 Nov.

1733 .

My Ld.

I should have sooner acknowledg'd your Grace's great

condescension in answering mine soe readily: as you gave me leave

to communicate yours to Sr Edd, and by his hands, who is a very

proper person, to the gentlemen of most distinction & quality of yt. persuasion: forbore troubling you, till I had an answer to the generous assurance your Grace gave them of your intentions towards them. They all express the utmost thankfulness for , and an entire reliance on your Grace's future favour. shall have the honour to introduce Ld. Faulconberg * to you: who shortly comes to town as embassador, if may use ye expression, from the rest to assure you of this, & a thorough compliance with all your commands. had almost forgot to acquaint your Grace they have already tak'n care yt . their people especially at York, shall behave with the decency they owe to the uncommon lenity the government has show'd them: of which they are highly sensible. the nominal Bish has quitted this place sometime, of which should have informed you before. beg pardon again for presumeing to meddle in this affair: but could not refuse a distress'd accus'd people , perhaps unjustly representing their case in soe humble a manner to your Grace. Your known Humaine behavior in these tendr points encourag'd me to hope your forgiveness; & leave to profess my Self with yt. respect & submission, as becomes me, Your Grace's Most obedient & Most faithful Svt. Irwin . Temple Newsam, Novr. ye 4th 1733. E. (2). THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK TO VISCOUNT IRWIN (not dated but in reply to the foregoing letter of 4 Nov. 1733).








My Lord,

have the Honour of Your most Obliging Letter of the 4th Instant , & have been so far from thinking the friendly part You have acted in the Affair that is ye Subject of it , to need, in any kind, the least Apology ; That I look upon myself as greatly oblig'd


Thomas Belasyse , 4th Viscount Fauconberg, 1699-1774 . See note under Coxwold. Bishop Williams , O.P.




to Your Lp. for giving me an Opportunity of taking off the Pre-


judices which were conceived against the Inquiries which have been making , in order only to discharge the Duties of my Station, when a very proper occasion call'd upon me. am very glad The Gentlemen of Quality & Distinction among the Roman Catholics who have most Authority among those of that persuasion are so good as to be satisfied in my true Intentions towards 'em, & that they are so just to their own Interest, & ours, which are in that Respect ye same , as to direct their people, & those at York especially, to avoid every thing yt . may give just Offence to Ours or to the Government that sits so easy upon em as ye Present has done, hitherto & is wel dispos'd to continue to do. Who ever is a Good English Man & a Good Neighbour wil be always welcome to Me, & shal take it as a great Honour done me when ever Lord Falconbridge, or any other Person of Quality of his Persuasion that afford me ye Opportunity of letting em see & know that Our difference in Opinion , as real office of Humanity will not make any Difference in the Behaviour of






My Lord

& obed'ent Servant, Yr. Lps most faithful . Lan : Ebor

(Endorsed Lord Irwyns Letter to his Grace 4 Nov. 1733. His Grace's answer indorsed .) F. (1). LORD FAUCONBERG TO THE EARL OF CARLISLE, 25 Nov. 1733.


My Lord

Yr. Lordship's kind Intercession to his Grace ye Archbishop , and repeated Assurance of yr. Readiness of helping me in what lies in yr. Power, makes me take ye liberty of troubling you with this to beg ye ffavour of you to writ one other line to his Grace to assure him, that my self, and all ye Roman Catholicks have all ye Dependance Imaginable on his Grace's Good Intentions, and that have assured yr. Lordship , that nor any of ye Head Roman Catholicks have, or ever had ye lest thoughts of Petitioning ye King ; And least this should appear a Contradiction to yr other oblidging letter Wou'd you not think it proper to tell his Grace, that yr. former Information was from one single Gentleman noeways Conversant with ye Rest of ye Roman Catholicks ! This I wholly submit to yr. Lordship , but cannot help wishing My Lord Archbishop should be informed of ye Misrepresentation made to yr Lordship , and wch had itt been true, must have been equally disrespectfull to him, as to yr. self, and my Lord Irwin, with whom as hope soon to have ye Honour of waiting on the Archbishop , wou'd be a great satisfaction to me to have his Grace first appriz'd from yr. friendly hand of ye true sentiments of ye rest of ye Roman Catholicks , as well as in particular of My Lord Yr. Lordship's most obedient and most HumbleServt. ffauconberg. York, Nov. 25, 1733.







F. (2) . THE EARL OF CARLISLE TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK , 27 Nov. 1733, (forwardingthe foregoing). My Ld. received ye enclosed from my [Lord] Fauconberg before he left ye Country, by which your Grace will see yt, ye account I gave you, & which I had from a Gentleman of yt . persuasion, ye petitioning ye King was never intended by ye Body of ye Roman Catholicks , of which my Ld. Farrconberg [sic] will inform your Grace more particularly he being gone up, I believe, purely upon yt.



Both Sides are hard at work upon ye account of ye approaching Election for this County, & both Sides speak very confidently of their success, but if ye Tories can carry their point for a single person against an united interest it will shew , yt. their interest is vastly superior to ye Whigs, or yt they have been much more industrious , but I think it will turn out otherwise. am with ye greatest respect My Ld. Your Grace's most Obed: Faithfull Humble Servant ,



Castle Howard ,

Nov. ye 27th.



1733 Ld Carlisle 27 Nov. , Ld Falconberg 25 Nov. )

II TO A POPISH SEMINARY. (So A PAPER CONCERNING 2 BOYS SENT endorsed; neither the year or the writers name appear.) In the Stage Coach from London to Winchester the seven.

teenth & eighteenth of October came two boys the one abt Eleaven and the other tenn years of age, they told the passengers that their father's name was L. Rollcourt , late living near Worwith [sic; ? Norwich , and that he dyed abt two months before, leaving a widdy and three sonns the eldest of wch was by the widdy who was a Roman Catholick sent to Doway, & those two ladds were gott downe at Roply * in order to be sent thereon to the supposed The Ladds declared their Popish Seminary at Warnsford . father was a Protestant & during his life they were instructed in that Religion the oldest being boarded in a Clergymans house , and they showed some unwillingness that they were sent to such a place where they were to be otherwise educated, they declared their father left abt 1400 pound & that they had a Grandfather living who was a Protestant & they believed he knew nothing of their being sent to a Popish Schole.



Ropley is four miles ESE. from Abresford. * Warnford is six miles NE . from Bishops Waltham Therewas, of course



a well known Catholic School at Twyford , near Winchester, formerly at Silkstead in that neighbourhood. It was founded at Silkstead in the reign of James II and was soon afterwards moved to Twyford . It was broken up in 1745. Can Warnford be a mistake for Twyford, or was the Twyford school transferred for a short time to Warnford ?





B. EVERARD HANSE, July 31, 1581.






V. B. CHRISTOPHER BALES AND HIS COMPANIONS , March 4, 1590. VI . V. ARTHUR BELL , O.F.M. , December 11 , 1643. The six Tracts here for the first time reprinted belong to a class of * writings which fills an important place in English literature of prenewspaper times. They will be welcomed by all who have at heart the story of our English Martyrs . Published as they were officially at the very time of the martyrdoms and with the express object of casting odium and discredit on the sufferers and their cause, they are chiefly valuable for the light they throw on the spirit by which the persecutors were animated. They will also be found to have preserved for us not a few details respectingsome of the martyrs which we should not otherwise have known, or to confirm what was otherwise only known from friendly witnesses . It is hardly necessary to point out how much more valuable evidence may often be when it comes from hostile sources than when it comes from friends. The first five of our Tracts are reprinted from copies, unique or almost so , in the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth. For their preservation we are indebted to the contemporary Archbishop Bancroft, to whose private library they originally belonged , and whose initials and arms are on their covers ; the permission to transcribe them we owe to his Grace the present Archbishop and to the late Archbishop Davidson. Number 6 is from the copy among the Thomason Tracts in the British Museum , which were presented to the nation by King George III in 1762 . The following are the full titles of two books several times referred

to below :


(1) Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London 1554-1640 , edited by E. Arber, 1875-1894 . (A continuation of the same to 1708 was edited for the Roxburgh Society in 1913-1914.) 2 A Short Title Catalogue of English Books, 1475-1640 , edited by A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave , 1927.



* Since these pages were in print a book has been published from the Princeton University Press, under the title William Shakespeare adapts a Hanging, in which the author , Dr. T. W. Baldwin , Professor of English in the Universityof Illinois, propounds a very interesting theory_connecting Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors with the martyrdoms of 1588. In support of he reprints , among other documentary evidence, the two tracts which we have numbered III and IV.





BLESSED EVERARD HANSE . July 31, 1581 . Blessed Everard Hanse was a native of Northamptonshire and a graduate of Cambridge . After some time in the Anglican ministry he was converted to the faith, was admitted to the seminary at Rheims in June , 1580 , and ordained priest in March, 1581. On April 4th he set out for the English mission under the assumed name of Duckett. Three months later he was arrested while visiting the prisoners in the Marshalsea . On July 28th he was tried under the new statute of persuasion (23 Eliz., c. 1) ; and hanged, drawn and quartered on the 31st. He is one of the martyrs declared Blessed by Leo XIII in 1886. Father Robert Persons, S.J. , writing his Epistle of the Persecution of Catholickes in England in the winter asof that same year 1581 , cites the recent case of B. Everard Hanse an example of persecution continued, as it so often was, even after the death of its victim , by means of slanderous libels. " In this wise (he says) verie latelie when they had hanged on their common gallowes that godlie and zelouse priest, Everard Hanse , and were affrayed leste some, perchaunce , wolde be moved with the martyrdome of that innocent, they gave owt in two contrarie bookes , thone impugnyng thother , certaine monstruouse errors and paradoxes and made this deade man the author thereof ; suche as this, that the bishopp of Rome cannot synne etc. , we now reprint is one of these " two contrarie bookes that . for the first time It was licensed four days after the martyrdom , on August 4th, 1581 , to Henry Bynneman, one of the more important London printers of his day, as A True Report of tharraignmentand execution of the late popishe Traitor Everit Haunce (Arber, Registers of the Stationers Company , ii , p. 151 ). Of the other pamphlet the untrue report to reform " whose errors the True Report was written unfortunately, no copy, as far as is known, exists ; neither is it entered in the Stationers Register. title, however, has been preserved by Watt (Bibliotheca BritanniIts full ca, i , p. 2164) in a long list of books printed by John Charlewood , and runs as follows :-The Arraignement and Execution of a wilfull and obstinate Traitour named Eueralde Ducket , alias Hauns ; condemned at the session House for High Treason, on Friday , beeing the 28th of July , and executed at Tiborne on Monday after, 1581 London, 1581 , 16mo. has We do not know who was the " M.S. who " gathered it. been suggested that he is Antony Munday, and this seems likely enough , for Munday was fond of calling himself a gatherer, and several of his books about this time were printed , like this, by Charlewood and White . The anonymous author of our present tract was , think, quite probably Master Robert Crowley, the " grave preacher " who figures so largely in the latter part of the story ; for whom, and for a list of his writings , see the Dictionary of National Biography. He writes good English, is well- informed as to facts, and comparatively moderate in his language , as we should expect from one in his position . Crowley is certainly the author of the statement regarding our martyr's tray" terous blasphemies , " part of which we print below, just as it is printed . in the original , in italics This libel was printed and circulated at the time, being licensed on the very day of the execution to Richard Jones, printer, under the title , The moste Trayterous protestation of Henrie








- " -














Everit alias Everit Duckette. Arber, Stationers Register, 31 July, 1581 . See also Persons, Epistle of Persecution, 1581 (in Concertatio, . 32) ; Allen, Briefe Historie, 1582; (p. 102 in Fr. Pollen's reprint ; in Concertatio, 1588, . 79). Three copies of the True Report exist : at the British Museum , at




Lambeth, and in the Huntington Library in California. A fourth recorded by Watt in Bibliotheca Britannica, , 72t (1824) , apparently i bore the imprint of the Queen's printer, Christopher Barker, instead of Bynneman's. The text has been used by Dom Bede Camm in his Lives of the English Martyrs, but has not, think, been till now reprinted.


A TRUE REPORT OF the Araignment & Execution of the late Popifshe Traitor, | EVERARD HAUNCE, executed at Ty borne, with reformation of the errors of a former untrue | booke published concerning the fame." Printed at London, by Henrie Bynneman, | Anno . 1581. (8vo. , 3 sheets , A C in 4s.)





is not well, that men of more needinesse than discretion or understanding, being not instructed in the truth of matters , do take uppon them, for a final rewarde at a Printers hande, to sette downe matters of fact in writing, and the Printers likewise for gaine do publish the same being not true: whereby, bothe the state is in many things offended, religion and the proceedingsthereof layd open to some infamie among ill affected persons , the orders of her Majesties Injunctions and commandementes broken, some private persons slandered, and other faultes committed , to the peril of greater inconvenience. Of this sort of untrue reportes is a pamphlet lately published , as gathered by M.S. and printed by Charlewoode and White , touching the arainement and execution of a wilfull and obstinat traitor , named Everard Ducket alias Haunce &c. Bycause the moste of the same Booke is untrue , and manye partes thereof , do lay open the honor of iustice to slaunder, and the cause of religion to some disadvantage of cavillous speaches : it hath bin thought good, that the trueth bee more certainely delivered, by some yt have better meane to knowe it, and better cause to be credited, and the Readers required to impute the errours of the former booke, to the audacitie of some one needy man, and not to any publique defacement of authoritie. Thus it is. There was one, calling himselfe Everard Haunce alias Ducket, a Papist , which sort commonly name themselves Catholikes. He was apprehended suspitious in his resort to such unsound and disobedient subjectes as be in the Marshalsea and other prisons, for being disturbers of the state of the realme and hir Majestie , by adhering to hir mortall enimye the pope, and by practising to withdrawe from her Majestie the due allegeance, reverent regard, and zealous affection that are, and ought to be in hir subjects, toward hir. Being before Maister William Fleetewood serieant at Law, and Recorder of the Citie of London , hee , very arrogantly & seditiously ,





uttered sundry bold speeches in maintenance of ye Romish pretended Catholike religion , & of ye Popes usurped authoritie. For which cause the said Maister Recorder committed him to the Gaole of Newgate, meaning, that at ye next sessions for delivery of ye said gaole , his speches might there be repeted, & he further examined by greater assistance of hir Majesties Justices, in that commission. At the day of the saide sessions being Friday the xxviij day of July last past, the saide Everard was in the docket among other prisoners, before Sir John Branch Knight , Lord Maior of London, the saide William Fleetwood, Recorder, Sir Ow. Hopton Knight lieutenant of hir Majesties Tower of London , Sir William Damsell Knight , Mayster Sekforde Maister of Requestes to hir Majestie, and other Justices of that Commission, for London and Middlesex. At the perusing of the gaole, Master Recorder called the said Everard to the barre, and charged him with divers arrogant and seditious speeches, in maintainance of the Popes authority in England which he willed ye prisoner himself to repete. Everard so refused to do, but required that he might be charged, by the accusations of such as heard his speches. Wherupon Maister Recorder caused the witnesses to be called & sent for. In the meane time, it was thought good, by examination , further to understand the state of the man , and the rather, by cause it is wel known , that such Popish priests, as are lately come over to seduce ye Queens subjects, do wander from place to place, aboute the realme, in disguised apparel , as souldiers, and servingmen, and such like, to say Masse in corners, to poyson the youth of England, and to prepare the Queenes deceived subjects, to joyne with any dangerous attemptsfor alteration of the state in favor of the Popishe heresie . So it is knowen that Campion andParsons, Brian, Wakeman , counterfait Setwal, and a multitude of other, have bin arraied like courtly Gentlemen, in Velvet Satten and coulours, and as men of warlike and secular professions, moste farre different from men of the Church , as they corruptely call them . So was Everarde asked what hee was in profession, and specially whether he were a Priest or no. He professed that he was a Catholike, and a Priest, one of the Seminary at Rheimes, and made Priest in forraine partes, and come over into thys realme, to persuade the Queenes subjectes to the Romish faith, whiche hee called (as the rest do usualy cal ) winning of soules . Being asked whether he had taken any othe, or made profession of obedience to the present Pope Gregorie, and his successors Popes of Rome, he boldly affyrmed to this effect, that he had vowed fidelity and obedience to ye Pope , & that he was ye popes subject. was asked whether he were the Popes subject here in England. Wakeman counterfeit Setwal . mean that Wakeman I take this, oftoWorcester used*the alias Setwal ( Sitwell ?) . RogerWakeman , was ordained at Douay in 1576, and came the same year , to England . In 1581 " Roger , occurs Wakeman of Clifford in Lancashire priest " among the recusant prisoners in Newgate (C.R.S., ii , p. 220). He died in prison and is one of the 44 dilati ' of 1886. See Bridgewater's Concertatio , ed. 1588, p. 412 ; , p . 104. Challoner, ed . 1924



" TRUE REPORTS " OF THE MARTYRS 393 He said Yea in England . It was asked what authority he thoughte the Pope have Englande, whereby he oughte SOME HOSTILE



mighte or


be the Popes subject in England . He said to this effect, that the Pope was supreme heade under Christ over the whole Catholike Churche, both in England and in al places , in all ecclesiasticall causes, and that the Pope hadde over the Churche in this realme, as great authoritie as he hadde a hundred yeres past, and as he now

hath at Rome. He was asked whether he thought the Pope to be a true teacher, and further whether the Pope were so warranted by any assurance or entailement of gods spirite to the Sea of Rome, that whatsoever doctrine he autenticallye delivered, the people of Christes Church were bound to receive and believe it . He sayde to this effecte, that the Pope may sinne or erre, as a man or a Doctor, but being Pope hee so hath the holy spirite of GOD, that as Pope he can not erre, and all his doctrines and sentences are true. It was saide to him that the Pope had by his Bul autentically as Pope , and wyth alleging the authoritie of Christ , & of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and Plenitudinem potestatis the fulnesse of power derived to himselfe, published this sentence as a sentence definitive and declaratory , that , Regnans in excelsis, cui data est omnis in caelo et

in terra potestas, Apostolorum principem Petrum Petrique successorem Romanum Pontificem, in potestatis plenitudine, unum super omnes gentes et omnia regna principem constituit, qui euellat, destruat, dissipet, disperdat, plantet et aedificet . Hee that raigneth in Heaven

(meaning Christ) to whom is given al power in heaven and in earth, hath appointed the prince of the Apostles Peter, and Peters successor the Bishop of Rome, in fulnesse of power, alone Prince over all nations and kingdomes, which may pul up, destroye, scatter, overthrowe, plante and build, & c . He was asked whether this were true doctrine or no. He boldly and definitivelye affirmed to this effect , that it is true doctrine . It was further saide to him, that the Pope had in the same sentence further declared definitively and expreslye in these words : De Apostolicae potestatis plenitudine, declaramus praedictamElizabetam hereticam et haereticorum fautricem , Quinetiam ipsam praetenso regni praedicti jure, nec non omni et quocunque dominio, dignitate, privilegioque privatam : Et item proceres, subditos et populos dicti regni, ac caeteros omnes qui illi quomodocunque jurauerunt, a juramento huiusmodi ac omni prorsus dominii, fidelitatis et obsequii debito, perpetuo absolutos, pro ut illos presentiumautoritate absolvimus , et privamus eandem Elizabetam pretenso jure regni aliisque omnibus supradictis, that is to say : Out of the fulnesse of the Apostolical power, we declare the saide Elizabeth an heretike and a favourer of Hereticks, and also hir from the pretensed right of the sayd Realme to be deprived , and moreover all the nobilitie, subjectes, and people of the said realm , and all other that have anye way sworne unto hir, assoyled for ever from such oth, and utterly from al dutie of allegeance , fidelitie and obedience , as we them assoyle by authoritie of these presentes , and doe deprive the same Elizabeth , of the pretensed righte of the kingdome and all other things aforesaid.





He was asked whether ye Pope had herein erred or no. He answered that he hoped that the Pope in so declaring did not erre. He was further asked whether he spake this with intentto perswade the Queenes subjects to be of the saide opinion that himself was. He sayd to this effect, that he came to save soules, and spake these things with intent and of purpose, that the people and hearers shoulde bee perswaded to be of his opinion , and so he wished them to be. Hereupon certain of the Bench and of the Courte, were required to sette downe his wordes in writing, and so they presentlye did . And then the Clerkes were commaunded, uppon these wordes to frame an enditement against him upon the statute of the xxiij yeare of hir Majesties raigne, entitled, An Act to retaine the Queenes Majesties subjectes in their due obedience. Which was done with ye advise of a learned Counceller, Maister James Dalton one of the Counsell of the Citie , and of hir Majesties Commission there, and was preferred to the great inquest of inquirie, & found Billa vera contayning this matter: That Everarde Haunce late of London , Clerke, otherwise called Everard Ducket late of London, Clerke, the xxviij daye of July in the yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England , France & Ireland Queene , defender of the faith & c. xxiij . At London, that is to say, in the parish of S. Sepulchre, in the ward of Faringdon without, of London aforesaid, malitiously intending to withdrawe the subjectes of our sayde soveraigne Ladye the Queene , from their naturall obedience towarde our saide soveraigne Ladye the Queene , and from the religion by hyr Majesties authoritie within hir dominions established, to the Romish religion , in ful and open sessions, then and there holden, before the Justices of our saide soveraigne Ladye the Queene of gaole deliverie of hir goale of Newgate of London aforesaide, then and there judicially sitting, did say & utter these false malitious and slanderous words, that is to saye , that he (meaning himself) the saide Everard , being in England, is subject to the pope in ecclesiasticall things . And that the Pope hath now the same authority here in England , over the Church, that he had a hundred yeares past, and whiche he nowe hath at Rome. And that the Pope hathe the holy spirite of God given unto him, and can not erre. And that the Pope in publishing that he hath authoritie to depose Kings and Princes hath delivered true doctrine . And where the Pope by his sentence hathe declared the Queene (meaning our saide soveraigne Lady the Queene ) an hereticke , and deprived hir of hyr Crowne of this realme of England, and hir subjects discharged of their allegeance , he hopeth that the Pope therein hath not erred. And that hee (meaning himselfe the saide Everard) is a Priest , and was so made at Rhemes beyond the Seas, and that he came over to wynne soules , and wished the Queenes subjectes to believe him in all these things. And that that which he hath spoken before, he spake it with purpose, and to that intent that the Queenes subjectes should believe him and be of the same opinion.




And further that the sayde Everard , by the words aforesayde

by him uttered, malitiously and trayterously, then and there dyd

put in practise, to withdraw the subjectes of our said soveraigne Lady the Queene , from the religion now by hir Majesties authoritie established within hir dominions, to ye Romish religion , with intent to withdraw the same subjectes of our saide soveraigne Lady the Queene from their naturall obedience to our sayde Ladye the Queene , against the peace of our said lady ye Queene , hir Crowne and dignitie, and againste the forme of the statute in such case lately made and provided . Uppon this Bil of enditement the sayd Everard was arraigned , where he denyed the wordes in such forme as they were sette downe, and so was admitted to pleade not giltie , & for his tryal he did, after the usual maner, put himselfe upon God and the country. A Jurie of London was called, & hee admitted to chalenge: he chalenged none, & so they were sworne, namely Anthony Hall

and his fellowes. The Jurie being sworn, the prisoner was againe commaunded to holde up his hande. He held up his left hand, but was admonished to hold uppe his right hand , with a rebuke given him by the Recorder, that he held up his left hand for a superstitious gesture, withholding his righte hand on hys breast : but in truth he held up his left hand, bycause his righte hande was occupied in holding his shackles to ease his legges . He obeyed and helde up his right hand. The Inditement was read and the Jurie were willed to heare their evidence . Bicause the speches and matter of this treason, was uttered and done in presence of the whole Bench, and audience there attending , one of the Commission there, who had sette downe the moste of those speeches in wryting, gave the evidence for the Queene , and recited his doings & speeches in manner as is declared, offering hys othe for the information of the Jurie , and the rest of the Justices affyrmed all the saide evidence to be true. And he which gave the evidence, further advertised the Jurie, that, for as muche as themselves were sworne, and were present, and did themselves heare the speeches uttered by the prisoner, they might and were bound in vertue of their othe, to take knowledge of so muche as lay in their owne knowledge, and whyche themselves had seene and hearde. Moreover, forasmuche as the prisoner, in pleading not gilty, and putting himselfe upon God and the countrey, had made denyall of the matter contained in the inditement, hee that gave the evidence, recited every particular of his speech, concluding severally to every parcel, with asking the prisoner whether were true or no. And then he confessed eche parte by it selfe . So after a keeper sworne, the Jurie departed , and after consultation shortly returned, and gave up their verdict, that he was guilty. The prisoner spake some frowarde speeches in justification of hys former treasons , not now worthy of recitall. Maister Recorder verye learnedlye (as for his great learning he is righte well able, and for his true zeale to God and hys soveraigne, and for the honor of hys profession of law, he is ever moste ready) declared how falsely,







any power over the Church of Englande is attributed to the Pope, and howe, by the common law, alwayes the Kings of this realme, have bin the chiefe over the Churche and Churche matters of this realme. Maister Sekforde likewise shewed, that this position that the Pope might depose Princes, was a doctrine not holden by the Papists themselves in times paste in this realme : and thereof gave example in the Popes commaundement to King Edwarde the firste , to leave hys intermedling with the Crowne of Scotlande, which commandement not onely the King did refuse to obey, but also the Nobilitie by speciall letter to ye Pope under their hands saide that the King should not obey . it admonition , gave judgeMaister Recorder, after a verye grave , ment of death upon the prisoner as in case of highe treason according to the statute, viz that he should be drawen, hanged, and quartred. And the Sheriffes were given in charge to see execution done. Whereupon he was carryed backe to the Gaole of Newgate, and one Maister Crowley, a grave Preacher, was sente for, and required by the Lord Maior, and the reste of the Bench, to resort to the prisoner, and to give him good instruction and counsel to die as a good Christian , which charge Maister Crowley accepted, and after some conferencehad with the prisoner, he returned with reporte , that he founde no conformitie in the prisoner, nor willingnesse to heare any good advise or exhortation: and further delivered a paper subscribed with sundry handes as followeth. Vicesimo octavo Julii, 1581. The same day Everard Hance alias Ducket being charitablye talked with by Robert Crowley preacher , at the appointment of the Lord Maior and the Bench , amongest other trayterous blasphemies, uttered these words following: Treason against the Prince is no sinne against God. Witnesses present who hearde him, are these who have subscribed , who hearing hys whole conference with the saide Roberte Crowley, founde him in all pointes of religion to have neyther discretion nor learning , but altogither ignorant, foolishe, and in effect utterly unlearned. Robert Crowley Francis God

William Barne John Wood Nycholas Sye

William Fosse John Drenton

Philip Williams

Robert Warcop Thomas Balthorp Thomas Rumney John Cawse Thomas West Richard Crompton Nicholas Bosgrave John Mulley.

It was further declared by those that were present and parties

at the conference, that this speech of Everards , that treason against the Queene is not any sinne against God, was by hym generally spoken of all treasons and traiterous attemptes against the Queene and not of any speciall matter touching the Supremacie or other




matter supposed to be specially made treason, and that so al the circumstance of the speech and answers did prove , and that the prisoner himselfe in such sense had delivered it generally touching treasons against her Highnesse person and estate. was thought good by some , that he should be executed the was next morning , beying Saturday , for this reason following. supposed , that in such simple plainenesse of flat treasonable affection as then appeered rife & rancke within him, he would not



sticke to utter the lyke common and universall disposition of the reste of hys secte , whereby hir Majestie and the state might be the better bothe warned and armed : where on the other side it was doubted, that some Papist might in longer delay, get some accesse unto him and advise him for the safetie of the reste of them, & for keepyng their common counsels secret till they bee riper for execution, to keepe backe such matter as otherwise he woulde more freely have uttered to the confutation of Doctor Allens Apologie, which beareth ye world falsly in hand, that Papists be true subjects : which matter was not feared in vaine, as afterwards fell out in hys qualifying of his speech, touching treason against the Queene to be no sinne. But the opinion for delay prevailed , not for any hope of doing good with him which was of all men holden desperate, but in respect of dutie , yt hir Majesties Counsell mighte bee informed thereof, to the intent , that if it were theyr pleasures he mighte bee further examined touching the instructions, intent, and practises of himselfe and hys complices, agaynst the Queene and hir Crowne, which peradventure was the lesse regarded, for that their doings are otherwise sufficiently knowen, and this was but one of ye simplest of them . But certaine it is, Crimine ab uno disce omnes, they be all as false, though not al so foolishe. Saterday being the next day folowing , and the sessions continuing, were broughte from the Fleete, from the Gatehouse, and from Newgate, and the Counters, sundry prisoners indited upon the statute for refusing to come to church &c. Among whom were also divers seminarie Priests which (no doubte) were of Duckets opinion, and if they hadde bin in like maner asked , woulde have likewise professed . But thus far they went, yt though they said they wer the Queenes true subjectes, and would serve and obey hir as theyr Soveraigne: yet being asked whether they would obey and serve hir as their rightfull soveraigne if the Pope commaunded the contrarie , they refused to answere . was sayd unto them that the Earles of Northumberland & Westmerland and the Northern rebels in ye North parts of England and also Saunders with his partakers in Ireland had actuallye rebelled against hir Majestie, by the Popes Bul , warrant and commandement. They were asked whether they thought these commaundements of the Pope to be lawfull commaundements, and the saide rebellions to be lawful doings. They refused to answere . They were asked the Pope commanded themselves to rebel & beare armes against the Queene , whether they woulde so do or no. They refused to answer directly, saying only that they trusted the Pope would not so






command . Al these persons refusing to come to Church, being convicted by their owne confession, had judgement according to the statute, to paye twentie pounde for everye moneth of such wilful absence from Church. Some endevoured to excuse themselves by saying that they had bene in prison during the time of their such absence . But this excuse was not allowed, by cause their imprisonment was not such as did withholde them from comming to Church, for that by order of the Counsels letters , they had bin & styll were offered to come to church wyth theyr keeper. Beside that this Cavil was so much the more manifest, for that they were by ye Benche offered to be discharged of the penaltie , if they yet would come to Church & there demeane them according to the statute, which they refused. Upon Monday folowing being the laste of July, about eight of the clocke in ye morning, Everard Haunce was carried to Tyborn to execution. Ther (being by like admonished by some instruction, knowe not of whom) to uphold some good opinion of ye rest of his sect, he qualifyed his former words, that treason against the Queene was no sin, by saying that he ment it only of the treason of denying the supremacy, which yet was not true : for he spake generally of al treasons against the Queene , as is before declared, so giving to understand that (as he saide at his arrainement ) he toke the Queene for a Prince lawfully deprived by ye Popes authority , & in the judgement of his sect , & that in yt respect it was lawful and no sin to enterprise any treason against hir. This he also confirmed to be his opinion , in that he answering the objection touching hir Majesties supremacie over the ecclesiastical state, did apply unto hir Majestie ye prohibition yt she might not speake in the congregation, which text maketh as much against hir Kingly estate over hir subjectes, as against hir governance over ye Clergy, appeareth also in this that but in truth against neither of both. he wickedly refused at the houre of his death to pray, or assent to any prayer at all , for the Queene , in any respect, either of hyr Kingly place or otherwise. And so continuingin the obstinate profession of his false Romish faith, and requiring the prayers of those of his sect , & refusing all other intercession to God for him, he suffered due paines of death and execution, as in cases of hye treason is due and accustomed by the lawes of this realm , to ye gret dread of Gods judgements to himself, & terrible example to other . Almightie God give to his complices speedie repentaunce, and to all other a perpetuall constauncie in trueth of religion, and fidelitie to theyr lawful and gratious soveraigne, and to hir Majestie a long and most prosperous raign. Wyth continuance of Gods blessings, & the thankefulnesse of hir people to hyr , and speciallye to God for hyr. Amen.









II . BLESSED THOMAS ALFIELD & VEN. THOMAS WEBLEY. July 6, 1585. , Blessed Thomas Alfield native of Gloucester , son of an Eton master, scholar of Eton and fellow of King's College , Cambridge , came as a new convert to Douay in 1576. In March, 1581 , he returned a priest to the English mission . In April, 1582 , he was a prisoner in the Tower. Failing undertorture , or threat of torture , he yielded so far as to consent to go to church, and was released. He then returned, penitent , to the college at Rheims . In September , 1584, he was back in England distributing a large supply, which he had brought over, of Allen's newly printed Defence of Catholics. This was the offence for which in July, 1585 , he was brought to trial and condemned to death under the statute of 23 Eliz., c. 2, against " seditious " books . For a detailed hostile account of his trial see C.R.S. , v, p. 117, to which the present report may be regarded as a sequel . Concerning Thomas Webley (who is not yet beatified) we learn from this report much valuableinformation : his birthplace, his familyhe must have been nearly related to John Webley, who was Mayor of Gloucester in 1583-4, and to Henry Webley, the martyr of 1588 his apprenticeship to a London dyer who was either himself named Crabb or had married a widow of that name ; his conversion through a journey made with B. Thomas Alfield . That must have been in or before 1582. In 1585 he was caught helping the priest to distribute Allen's book. Being still an apprentice he was left on bail in the charge of his master : then hastily summoned to trial and executed within twentyfour hours, obstinate to the last. The registers of the Dyers Company perished in the Great Fire, or they would certainly have told us more about young Thomas Webley. For Topcliffe's report (March 18, 1584-5) on him and his friend William Crabb see C.R.S. , v, p . 105. It is worth noticing that when later on (April 25, 1586) Crabb was taken in an attempt to cross the seas, he was in the company of Henry Webley. The full title of Allen's book, for distributing which these two martyrs suffered , is as follows : A TRUE, SINCERE AND MO | DEST DEFENCE OF ENGLISH CATHOLIQUES that sufferfor their | Faith both at home and abroade : against a false, seditious and slaunderous Libel intituled ; THE Wherin is declared, EXECUTION OF JUSTICE IN ENGLAND. how uniustlie the Protestants doe charge Catholiques with treason ; how untrulie they deny their persecution for Religion ; and how deceitfullie they seeke to abuse strangers about the cause , greatnes, and maner of their sufferinges, with divers other matters | pertaining to this purpose. I No date or place , 8vo . , 222 pp. was written by Allen in English in the summer of 1584, and translated into Latin under his direction the same year. The Latin title is AD PERSECUTORES | ANGLOS PRO CATHOLICIS domi forisque persecutionem suf | ferentibus , contra falsum seditiosum et contumeliosum Libellum, inscriptum | IUSTITIA BRITANNICA , | vera, sincera et modesta Responsio, Scripta primum idiomate Anglicano , et deinde translata in Latinum. -No date or place , 8vo.,













285 PP.

Both these editions, the English and the Latin, were printed at the same press at Paris, according to Alfield, but perhaps more probably





at Father Persons's press at Rouen .

There is no ground for ascribing them to Ingolstadt , as has been sometimes done through confusion with a quite different book, DE IUSTITIA | BRITANNICA | SIVE ANGLICA , quae contra Chri | sti Martyres conti | nenter exercetur. | Ingolstadii, ex officina Typographica Davidis Sartorii, 1584. 8vo ., 93 pp. This last is a mere reprint of a part of Sander's De Visibili Monarchia Ecclesiae (Louvain, 1571 ). The Latin version of Allen's book may be seen in Bridgewater's Concertatio, editions 1588 and 1594. The English was reprinted a few years ago at the Manresa Press, Roehampton , in the Catholic Library. This Alfield tract does not appear in the Stationers Register. Two copies only are reported in the Short Title Catalogue ; the one at Lambeth, from which our transcript is made , and another at St. John's College, Cambridge.




THE LIFE AND END OF THOMAS AWFEELDA Se | minary Preeft and THOMAS WEBLEY | a Dyers fervant in London, beeing both Traitours, who were condemned as Fel lons for bringing Seditious books into this | Realme and difperfing of the fame, a | mong their favourers : for which they were Executed at Tibourne the 6 day of this Monthe | of July. | 1585. | -Imprinted at London for Thomas Nelfon dwelling at the weft end of Paules . | (8vo. , one sheet, 16 pp.)

is sufficiently known unto many honorable personages and divers other of this Realme, how this lewd preest Awfield hath of long time lived about London , secretly seducing the people to embrace his devilishdoctrine and to win them from their due alleagance towards God and their Prince ; and how by frequentingthe company of divers ignorant and simple people he did win them to be pertakers of his Romish & Antechristian Sinagoge . And to the end that some parte of his life and religion may plainly appeere to the common people, as also that the true cause of his death and his fellow companion may sufficiently be known : have taken in hand this short discourse, cheefly to beat downe the untrue reports of their favorers and fellowe Traitours, who secretly murmure that their death was only for Conscience sake and their Religion being Papists; although it shal be evidently seen by the sequel that they died rebellious traitours to God, their Prince and Cuntry. And yet notwithstanding received greater favour of law then either their offence deserved, or themselves or their favourers would on the contrary parte have ministred. And that their life & proceedings may generally be seen to all good subjects, have perticulerly and breefly set downe the trueth of the same , as well to satisfie them heerin as also to admonish others how to shun their pestilent doctrine wher with in many places they doo great harme ; the Lord for his mercie sake root them out speedily. Amen .




The life and proceedings of Thomas Awfeeld a Seminary Preest, being a Seditious person. This Awfeeld was borne in the towne of Glocester. His father being a Schoolmaister, brought him up in good Litterature, wherin




after he had been sufficiently trained, having his lattine tung, he went beyond the seas, and was there reconciled to the Pope, and entred into the Vowe of preesthood in the Seminary at Rheimes; and being there nusseled up among many the olde Caterpillers of that Church, he was sent into England with other Seminaries to insence and seduce the people against their Prince and Cuntry, and as much as in him lay to perswade them from their due obedience against their naturall and peerelesse Soveraigne; yea, to lay violent handes upon her, and seek to subvert and displace her highnes (whome God long preserve ) ; yea, and to murdure and make havock on Christian Princes, therby to bring in and advaunce the Romish religion to the uttermoste of their powers. This detestable Course took such effect in these hel-hounds that they after their comming insenced a number, who have sundry waies attempted the same, as well in seeking to murther her Majestie , as also in betraying of the Realme, to bring in forraine Invasion, and therby to spoyle the life and goods of every good subject . A plaine example whereof you had lately by Throgmorton & William Parry, alias ap harry ; yea & divers others who moste worthily have been executed for the same . And such Hipotiks (hypocrites ?) as these abhominable Seminaries weer perswaders of them to doo it to their utter confusion, shame & disgrace to their line and successours for ever .

This Jebusiticall preest, being a seducer among ye rest, was taken and Imprisonedin the Tower of London , and afterward upon his hipocritical submission he was set at liberty; yet not contented with this her Majesties gratious pardon, he departed over sea and returned prively, bringing over about 300 books & upward containing nothing but treason , heresie , blasphemy, and detestable doctrine writen by an Arch-papist called D. Allin ; which books he commended and did cause them to be dispearsed by his favourers , especially by Thomas Webley and William Crab , both notorious Papists, who as you shall heer, had been a favourer of the Gospel until they were seduced from it by this preest and other, as shall heerafter be shewed . And heer is to be noted that this Awfeld not only by departing out of the Realme and returning with these seditious books did incurre her Majesties displeasure and by the lawe deserved death as a fellon, but also by being found heere forty daies after the ende of the last parliament (being a Jesuit or Seminary Preest) did deserve by the lawe to die as a traitour . These books before mencioned being come to light, and this preest also that brought them over ; who being taken & examined was found guiltie of the same and after upon the fifth day of July at the sessions house in the olde Bailey was condemned and adjudged with great favour to be hanged at Tibourn, onely for bringing over these seditious bookes into England contrary to the lawes of this Realme ; the penaltie whereof is to dye as a fellon, & the dispersers or publishers of such like books to receive the same punishment , And this was the cause of his death, although he Z




deserved a sharper punishment in cases of hye treason wherein he stood at the time of his death. He was a person of meane stature , not full forty yeers of age and of no special good life but lived losely. It is known he was a greevous offendor to God, a Traitour to his prince , and a secret enemy to his country; although at his death he seemed to cullour the matter with a kinde of fained obedience as you shall after heer in the speech uttered at his death. The Life of Thomas Weblyn (sic.) .

This Thomas Weblin was borne in Glocester. His Parents being of good wealth and honest reporte brought him up in the feare of God, and being come to reasonable yeers did place him in London with a dier, being a man of good reputation within the Citie, where in the first parte of his prentiship he was so zealouse that what

good book he could buye or borrowe to read, or what good sermone he could repaire unto, he accounted it ye greatest felicitie he had, and continued in that kinde of profession a long time untill his going downe with Awfeeld to Glocester ; who being a Preest and a ranke Papist , did so incense and perswade this Weblin with his reronious doctrine , that although he went thether a protestant, he returned an arrogant Papist . And moreover Awfeeld so applied his labour herein that in short time he perswaded also one William Crab , the sonne of Webleis mistresse, dwelling in the same house, to be one of his schollers; and dealt so farre with them both that he brought them acquainted at Throgmortuns * house with one of his servants whose name was Rogers; to which place they oft times did repaire, and continually had what freendship Rogers could doe for them, as well for conference as otherwise; so that Webley would not come to ye Church, neither would read any book of divinitie , but privily would say they were nought , heriticall, falsely expounded or translated . But God, seeing his wilfulnes, gave him over even to the lust of his own hart, and suffered him to continue in his own blindness; so that at the returne of this Preest after he had been banished, being come into England with those books before mencioned, did think this Weblin a meet Instrument for this purpose, and made him privie to the same , and got him to be the distributer of many of them, to those whome he knewof that Sodomiticall Sinagoge. Which in shorte time it pleased God to bring to light ; wherupon he was secretly sent for and examined, and permitted to remaine with his maister, going under sureties untill Munday ye fifth of this July, at what time he was sent for to the Sessions house ; where remaining obstinate in defence of ye same, he was condemned to be hanged at Tibourn on the next day



Francis Throckmorton , the conspirator, executed July 10, 1584. Throckmorton House was near Paul's Wharf (C.R.S. , v, p. 124). For Edward Rogers , alias Nuttebie , his servant, see the tract A Discovery of Francis Throckmorton's Treasons in Harl. Misc ., iii , p. 192.




The end and execution of these two before mentioned. Upon the sixt day of this July, 1585, Maister Fidens, the usuall Minister accustomed to repaire to all condemned prisoners in Newgate, came thether in the morning about five of the clock to confer with the two prisoners before named, and perswaded them to prepare them toward death. But they seemed very obstinate , saying that they were sufficiently setled thereunto & therfore needed him not, and desired him that he would let them alone; neverthelesse he did not neglect his duety towards them, but willed them to beleve Christe Jesus , that they might die the servants of the Lord. And they answered him that they which did not beleve as they beleeved, were damned to the bottomles pit of hell fire ; neither could he get any better woordes of them but continued obstinate in their irreligious opinion . And between sixe and seaven of the Clocke the Carte was brought to Newgate by ye officers , which received them & convaied them towards Tibourn. But Maister Fidens, seeing their wilfulnes , went on foot after; & when the prisoners were at the Church walle of S. Andrewes in Holborn , the Minister of the church named M. Eaten came unto them & in Christian charitie perswaded them to think in what state they then stood, how wilfully they had dealt against ye Queens Majesties proceedings, & how greatly they had incurred her highnes displeasure towards them, wishing them to pray for her Majestie, to acknowledge their offence, & hartely be sorry for the same . But Awfeeld said, You doo not well to trouble us in these our Meditations . Nevertheless, he then seeing them so neere their death and in what state they stood, willed that the Cart should be staied, and so went up and conferred with them. But the Preeste seemed to stande in the defence of them both, saying they were even as good subjects as any there present. But Maister Eaten saide , If that bee so , wherfore were you condemned? Awfeeld answered, They say for fellony. Why, said the preacher, you knowe whether ye have trespassed in that sorte, ye or no. But he answered, they neither had offended her Majestie nor any way deserved that Death . Then he laide open their offence and the Princes Authoritie , and shewed how every subject ought to submit himselfe to the Authoritie of the higher powers, and repeated the minde of the fathers thereupon ; but in conclusion, whatsoever he did, the Preeste seemed to wil ye yonger man not to beleeve him ; wherat ye Minister said to the Preeste, Your offence is great in that you are giltie of the bloode of this man, meaning the yonger man, who was induced by him therunto. The Preeste notwithstanding said he would take it upon him if he should suffer torments in nine hells for the same . " Oh , said the Preacher, take heed what you doo ; for look, in what sorte you dye, in the same sorte shall you come to Judgement . And after















One Heton, a preacher, who contended to be parson of St Andrew's , Holborn , being maintained by some of the parish, had been himself in trouble the previous year. See Strype, Annals III, i, 406.






many reasons to disprove their grose errours, he said, " If you be so wilful wil leve you onto your wil , & wish you to prepare you I to deth, for we draw neer ye place of execution." But he would not any way be advised by him, & so came to the place of execution , wher, after the Executioner had fastened them with ye Rops about their necks , the preest began to professe much by saying he would shew him selfe a dutifull subject ; but it proved to the contrary, for al was in the advauncement of him selfe and the Pope, and in ye defence of ye book which he offered to justifie ; and in conclusion, although he professed him selfe to be her Majesties subject , and proffered to fight in her Majesties defence against all persons that should invade the Realme, yet he died a Traitour, and his fellowe companion also, denying her Majestie of her due title concerning the supremesiein the Church of England under God, whose authoritie she hath, and ought of duety to be acknowledged of every good Subject ; refusing to have any to pray with them , but desiring all Catholicks to say one Credo for them in ye midst of their Agony . And thus remaining in their obstinate opinion they were soone cut off. The Lord of his mercie root out al other such secret lurkers in corners, & graunt that either they may speedily be converted , or els that they may be brought to receive their just rewarde and end their daies in ye like or more sharper sorte.


III . FOURTEEN MARTYRS OF THE ARMADA YEAR . August 1588. For the very important official documents relative to the twentyfive martyrs, priests and laymen , who suffered between August 28th and October 5th, 1588, reference should be made to Father Pollen's scholarly article on The Massacre of 1588 " in C.R.S. , v, pp. 150-165. The short relation which here follows deals only with the fourteen who were condemned at the Old Bailey on Saturday, August 26th. Eight of these five priests and two laymen, and Felton, who, though a cleric and a professed friar, was not yet ordained suffered on Monday 28th. The remainder were to be executed two days later and were still living when our tract was published hurried through the press, no doubt, so as to be on sale at Tyburn on the Wednesday morning. This haste accounts for the errors in " the names of them that are to be executed . " One of them, Foxwell, never was executed . At the last moment his courage seems to have failed him, and " he was reprieved and had his pardon (C.R.S. , v, pp. 158 , 159). His place at Tyburn was taken by B. Margaret Ward, who suffered along with her helper John Roche and the other four on the 30th, but whose name does not appear on the list here printed . Her execution would seem to have been an afterthought . Richard Flewett " is of course the layman Richard Lloyd, " Flewett" and Floyd being obvious attempts to spell the Welsh name phonetically. For him see C.R.S. , v, p. 154 (Serjeant Puckering's list of persons












to be executed ) , p. 159 (certificate of execution) , p . 165 ( indictment), p. 194 (acrostic poem on Richard and his priest brother), p . 240 (Gerard's

catalogue ) . The name Flower, under which he appears in Challoner " and most of the Catalogues , seems to have originated in an error or . misprint of Stow's (edit 1615, p. 750 ) . It has led sometimes to confusion of Richard Lloyd with the priest, B. William Way , who was tried and condemned as William Flower, and executed at Kingston on September 23rd. In one place (the certificate above -mentioned ) Lloyd is designated alias Graye ; but it is very doubtful whether this was really an alias . On the one hand aliases were rarely used by laymen. On the other we must remember that the surname Lloyd is merely a collateral form of llwyd, the Welsh for grey. It seems to be a mere anglicising of the Welsh name , much as that of another Welsh martyr. Blessed Richard Gwyn, was anglicised into White. Richard Lloyd is the only one of the fourteen martyrs of August 28th and 30th who is not now beatified; he being apparently deferred so that all uncertainty may be removed as to his name. Of the two who " recanted , " John Vallentine appears in Puckering's list among those condemned for being reconciled , but with the added note, Recant. et relent . ideo pardon . William Pere is quite unknown. He can hardly be the priest William Parry, who , having been prisoner in the Clink since before the Act of 1585, was not liable to its penalties ; neither is there any record of his having yielded. For him see the prison - lists, C.R.S. , ii , pp . 246-283 passim, C.R.S. , v, p . 156. No clue exists as to the authorship of this tract. It bears an obvious resemblance in form , language and thought to No. II . was entered in the Stationers' Register on August 28th, the day of the first executions , as licensed to Henry Carre , the bookseller. Two copies only are known to exist the one in the Lambeth Library, whence this reprint is made , and another at St. John's College, Cambridge. No part, think , has ever been reprinted before .







A BRIEFE TREATISE | Discovering in fubftance the offences, and ungodly practifes of the late 14 TRAITORS condemned the 26. of Auguft 1588. With the maner of the execution of eight | Seene of them , which was on the 28. of Auguft fol | lowing. and allowed. London . Printed by John Wolfe, for Hen | rie Carre. 1588. | (8vo., one sheet , 16 pp.) The Substance of the offences and practices of fourteene Traitors. is not a little to bee marvelled at, to see how soone many of our English nation are by wicked members persuaded and allured to become Coparteners in dangerous actions, as well towards their Prince and nation, as also to the hurt of their soules , the losse of their lives and goods from their children for ever : not respecting their duetie and naturall care to the love, feare, and obedience of God , their Prince & Countrie : as hath been of late yeers seene amongst us in manie of them, who for their wicked practises, according to their desert, have justly been condemned and executed. The substance of whose ententions is well seene and knowen to the whole world, but chiefly to the good and duetifull subjects of this


406 land.



First , how that all ye sect or fellowship of these sorts of Traitors in generall have sought the deprivation of her Majestie from her Crown and dignitie Royall, whereunto shee is lawfully descended . Secondly, to murther, Massaker, spoile, and put downe the chiefest props and pillers of this land, namely her highnes most honorable Councell, & other the Peeres and Nobilitie thereof. Thirdly, by complotting with forreine power to procure invasion , thereby to overthrow the peaceable government , and to ruinate the whole state and common wealth of England . And last of all, to set up some forrein usurping Potentate , and under him to bring in a new kinde of Religion, stuffed full of blasphemie, idolatrie, hipocrisie, and such other trash mixed with the dregs & relikes of old Antichrist : and thereby for ever to roote out the peaceable government of this land , and the free libertie of the Gospell of Christ Jesus now daily preached and freely exercised amongst us ; which God of his mercie continue to the worlds ende. The ground of all which wicked practises hath been wrought by the Popes of Rome and their Ministers ; and the better to bring the same to passe, first they sought to slander and beat downe the Christian religion now used by sending Bulles into this land, besides other such like Popish toyes as Agnus Deis & pardons to sundry their Ministers, and to their friends & favourers Copes and such like furniture, for to sing & say Masses and obsequies for the soules of the dead; and have condemned us as heritikes and damnable people, without wee would leave of the profession of the true and sincere religion now amongst us used , & become ( as they termed ) it members of the Church of Rome in acknowledging the PopeSupreme head of the Church of England . And to the ende it might take a deepe impression in the hearts of the people , he did send over from Rome a verie sedicious and traiterous Bull against the Queenes most excellent Majestie, and the estates of this land, whereby hee committedgreat offence to God and wrong to her highnes by cursing her Majestie with Bell, booke and candle, whose highnes everie moment the God of heaven blesseth and preserveth. And sure if the Pope had any sparke of true Christianitie in him, hee would never offer (as hee hath lately done by a new Bull) to curse her whom God blesseth: but rather would punish and send home by banishing from him such of her bad & unnaturall subjects now within his Regiment , whom hee and his Ministers hath long persuaded to his Papall doctrine , now plaine fugitives and right Rebels to God, their Prince and Countrie : and the rather hee ought so to doo, by reason she is a lawful Prince born by Royall desent and lawfull succession , to weare the Crowne and Diademe of England . And they are subjects to her, who in her dominions representeth upon earth the person of God, sitting in the Seate of God to minister justice to everyone, as she hath done during the whole time of her reign, even with great clemencie and mercie to sundry bad and notorious offenders. Amongst whom his bad ministers and her Majesties bad and evil disposed subjects, hee found out one John Felton ; to him was this Bull committed in




charge, upon trust that hee should set up the same in England : which thing he did at the Bishop of Londons gate, where, for his traiterous & rash attempt the saide Felton was justly executed. Yet it is to be noted, that the said Felton , being a verie bad member to this land, did so farre nussell his sonne up in Popery, and did acquaint him with such like traiterous practises, that he would needes becomea fellow companion with Traitors even to the death , and was condemned in this company for high treason. * Sundry of these foureteene now condemned Traitors were Seminary Priestes, such as , seeing the Popes Bulles were not regarded, nor his perdons once received into the hearts of good subjects, nor might not bee suffered to bee brought over into this lande without danger of life, they and other their fellow Traitors devised this shift. They have come into this lande in the habits and apparrell of Gentlemen, and such as were not likely to bee adjudged for Massing or Seminary Priestes; and these jolly headded fellowes, having good maintenance from sundry their secrete favourers and fellowe Traitors , would scrape acquaintance with Gentlemen, yea, and with some of greater degree in title, where and with whom they would ride a hawking and hunting. Some of them under the colour of comming a wooing to their daughters, their neighbours heires, or Gentlemens daughters about the Countrie, woulde thus remayne sometime a moneth , two or three, more or lesse. then doubtfull of anie thing, or that hee or they were suspected , then they woulde hie them from that place into some other Gentlemans house , or out of that shire into another, until they did heare by their friendes and secrete favourers howe everie thing stood from time to time : and so during the time of their sojourning in those and such like places , they did secretely perswade their friendes, favourers, and wel-willers from their due obedience to their Prince and Countrie , contrarie to lawe. And thus by their subtil persuasion they woon a great number in this land so far from their obedience , that they were readie to take armes against the Queenes most excellent Majestie, and her loyall subjects, when any insurrection was; as manie did in the North parts of England with the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland, and as it had been seene at the late comming of the Spaniards to invade this Realme, had not the same been verie providently & carefully foreseene & prevented by the Queens most excellent Majestie and her wise and honorable Councell. Some others of them hath been practisers and conspirers of Treasons with notorious Traitors , as Throgmorton , Babington , with his confederates and such like, who have heretofore been executed for their inhumane treasons towardes their Prince and Countrie . Some of these Seminary Priests are such as returned into this land since they were banished, and by her Majesties great clemencie sent out of the land, at her highnes great charges ; & since their returne , they have secretly lurked in sundry places at England , to the entent only to seduse and withdraw sundry her loving subjects


Felton was a child of 3 years when his father was martyred , * B8.,Thomas August 1570.




from their due obedience as is aforesaid: which is of it selfe high

treason. Thus doth the pope and the secret enimies to his land send forth such their hanniels, or rather as may tearme them their hell-hounds, who, to bring to passe their wicked ententes, shame not to perswade that it is lawful to murder princes, and to lay violent handesupon them beeing the Lords annoynted . O damnable opinion ! farre be it from the heartes of Gods children once to conceave or harbor so wicked a thought in their heartes. But the devill, who is the author of evill , being accustomed to have his chappell neere where God buildeth hys Church, stirreth up his wicked members to be inventors of such detestable opinions therby to creepe into the Church of God and to be mayntained and taken hold of among ignorant people as an article of their faith. And this is to be noted that whatsoever harme the pope enterpriseth or entendeth towards England , he seldome sendeth any of his owne nation, but hee doth generally stirre up English men to be the instruments thereof. And first like a foxe he drawes them from us as lambes; and after hee hath well nussled them in his hereticall doctrine and blinde ignorance, then sendeth he them among us like woolves to infect, seduce and entangle other his countreymen with the same : so that he seeketh by all meanes to make one of us to be the spoyle and overthrowe of an other , whereby is plainly discerned the malicious minde and intent which he beareth towardes us. God for his mercy sake poure his grace into our heartes and graunt us the spirite of true understanding , that we may avoyd the snares of such charmers and inchaunters, and live like true subjectes to our Prince and country. To conclude, these seminarie priestes, these inhumayne Traytors against God, their prince and country, being brought to the ordinary place of Judgement before her Majesties Justices at the Sessions house, were severally arraigned , indicted and found giltie and condemned for the matters before recited, with much more circumstance then is here needefull to be set downe. Where they were found very obstinate, not shewing any sufficient ground of doctrine or reason for the defence of their erronious opinions and treasons committed, onely saying they are Catholickes, and therein they will die. And notwithstanding her Majesties mercy was there offered by the worshipful Justices to pardon and save some of them from death for the aforesaid offences which they had worthely deserved (so that and upon condition they would hereafter become confirmable [ sic] to her Majesties lawes and live from time to time like good & true subjectes) ; yet did they obstinately refuse the same , and denied hir Majestie to be supreme head of the Church of England , except John Vallentine and William Pere; which two men willingly recanted, acknowledging the Queenes most excellent Majestie to be Supreame head of the church of England , and by an othe ministred unto them by her Majesties Justices then present, , a north-country term = a greedy dog, a good-for-nothing * Hanniel mischievous fellow , etc. See Wright's Dialect Dict.





did sweare to become confirmable to her highnesse : and to live as a true subject to her Majestie during life.

is to be remembred that there was sixteene in all arraigned, whereof these two did recant , so that there was fourteene condemned besids them that did recant : which fourteene for their manifolde and greevous treasons and their perverst and obstinate opinions were set forth to heere their Judgementes, which was as followeth : That ten of them should be drawen, hanged and quartered, and the other foure to be hanged, where it should please hir highnesse to appoynt. And so they being pinnioned and their handesbound , were conveyed backe againe to the Gaole of Newgate in such sorte that all the people might easily see them .


The maner and order of their execution with the places where they were executed.

After that judgement had proceeded against them as is aforesaid, the Sheriffes of the citie of London stayed the execution of these traytors untill they might understand hir Majesties further pleasure. And albeit hir highnesse was fully satisfied of their wicked and secret practises, their unnaturall and ungodly offences committed towardes God, her person and the whole state of the realme, as also howe perverst and obstinate they were in their irreligious opinions, yet did her highnesse on the next day following, of hir most gracious accustomed and unspeakable clemencie give commaundement, that none of those fourteene Traytors shoulde be drawen or quartered according to their judgement before receaved: but with great mercy and compassion towardes them did mittigate the same , onely commaunding that they should be hanged in sundry places neere London. So that upon the 28 of August last in the forenoone William Gunter , one of the Traytors, being a seminary priest, came first into the cart, who sayd nothing but sate him downe. After him came Henry Weblen, who sayd in the carte that he was a man of occupation , and that hee was condemned for harboring of such as were seminary priests , denying obstinately that he never offended hir Majestie, but that he died for his conscience : and yet to harbour such as were traytors is treason of it selfe , and to denie hir highnesse to be supreame head of the Church of England is also high treason : and so laffing and therin smiling in the carte he sat him down. After him came William Deane, a man of a very perverst minde and opinion , who mumbling to him selfe in Latine, and seeming to justifie his bad and detestable opinion , the people cryed, " Downe with him into the carte. Whereunto these three being tied, they were conveyed along the citie to Myle-end, where William Deane and Henry Webley , shewing themselves perverst traitors, were hanged uppon a jebbit newly set up for them. Then was William Gunter convaied into Hollywell fieldes neere to the Theator or Playhouse, where Maister Sheriffe willed him to call upon God for





pardon and acknowledge his offences to hir Majestie ; whereat he answered that he would aske pardon of God, but not of hir Majestie , saying he had never offended her, and so he was hanged upon a newe jebbit prepared for him. After this the sheriffes and their officers returned to Newgate where they fetcht from thence in a carte Robert Morten , Hugh More, and Thomas Acton. These three were tyed in the carte, and so were conveyed into Lincolnes Inne fieldes, where, upon a jebbet, using the like speeche as the other had done, two of them ended their lives . From thence they conveyed the third man to Clarken Well, whose name was Thomas Acton ; where a jebbet was set up, and there he ended his life in maner as the rest did before. Then the sheriffs againe returned to Newgate, and tooke foorth Thomas Felton aforesayd ; who with James Clarkson were set uppon two severall horses , pinnioned , their feete tyed under horsse belly, and their handes tyed also , who being conveied to Braynford, were there executed accordingly . And thus they were hanged in severall places to the example of all other their favourers and secret Traytors; whome the Lord of his mercy converte or speedely bring to light , that they may be cut off by Justice according to their deserte.

FINIS . The names of the viii. Traitors executed on the eight and twentith

of August:

William Deane and Henry Webley , executed at Myle-end. William Guntur, executed at the Theater . Robert Moorten and Hugh Moore, executed at Lincolns Inne fieldes. Thomas Acton , executed at Clarken-Well. Thomas Felton and James Clarkson, executed between Braynford and Hunsloe, neere London.

The names of them that are to be executed


Richard Flewett , Henry Foxell , Edward Shelly , Richard Leigh, Richard Marten , and John Rooche. The names of them that recanted : John Vallentine and William Pere .




ROBERT SUTTON. October 5, 1588. " Thoughfew readers will have the patience to read through the whole of this long Relation, it is well worth printing, if only for the vividness

with which it brings before us one of the chief horrors of the last mo-






of the martyrs the hateful interference of the protestant ministers. The long controversial harangue of the " learned and godly Preacher ," and the long prayers which follow it, were delivered, it must be remembered , for the benefit of three men already weary with their rough three-mile journey in the executioner's cart from Newgate to Mile End Green. For two of them, after witnessingtheir companion's death, there remained a second long stage from Mile End Green to Holywell nigh the Theater " in Shoreditch; for one yet a third stage, "before he reached the scene of his passion on Clerkenwell Green. Stow's brief record of the three martyrs is as follows: The fift of October, John Weldon and William Hartley, made priests at Paris and remaining here contrary to a statute, were hanged , the one at the Miles end, the other nigh the Theator ; and Robert Sutton, for beeing reconciled to the Sea of Rome , was hanged at Clerkenwell (p. 751 ). Much has been added to our knowledge of these three martyrs since Challoner. In particular , it is now fully established that the John Weldon who suffered at Mile End on October 5, 1588, must be identified with the John Hewitt of the Douay Diaries and other sources. (See T. G. Law in Month, Jan., 1879. Also H. E. Dunn in Burton & Pollen's Lives of English Martyrs, 1583-88, with the authorities there cited. To these should be added for the indictments of Weldon and Hartley, Jeaffreson , Middlesex County Records , vols. and ii.) Our present tract, though described in Harleian Miscellany, x, p. 380, and used by the two writers just named , is now for the first time reprinted in full from the copy in the Lambeth Library. A second copy, the one described by T. G. Law, then the property of Canon Estcourt, is now in the library of Oscott College. This Oscott copy is dated at the end 24 October, 1588 , but the date does not appear on the Lambeth copy. The only other recorded copy is in the Henry Huntington Library in California (Short Title Catalogue, n. 25,229). The pamphlet was duly licensed and is entered in the Stationers Register under the name of Richard Jones , the printer, on October 18, 1588. The title as there entered is : The Arraignement and execucon of Three Traitors, viz John Weldon , Willyam Hartley, and Robarte Sutton (see Arber, ii , p. 504) . Richard Jones was a well- known printer , living at the Rose and Crown over against the Falcon, near unto Holborn Bridge without Newgate , his business being mostly of the ballad and pamphlet sort. was he who printed in 1583 The Severall Executions and Confessions of John Slade & John Bodye, which has been reprinted by Father Pollen in Acts of Eng. MM. and by J. B. Wainwright in Burton and Pollen's Lives . That book also, like this, carries on its title page coarsely executed wood-cuts, intended no doubt to stand as portraits of the two martyrs , and rather less displeasing than the three here






presented , which can scarcely be accepted as genuine portraits. The present True Report is a quarto of 24 pp. The Lambeth copy, much cut down, is bound with several others of a similar character, in

a volume stamped with the initials of Archbishop Bancroft. This tract, like the others , was published anonymouslyand we have no indication of its authorship. It is difficult, however , to resist the impression that it was written by the " learned and godly Preacher himself, who fills so large a space in it. Whoever it was , he writes fine, vigorous English, worthy of a better cause.






[Three wood-cut portraits.] A TRUE REPORT OF THE INDITEMENT, ARRAIGN MENT, CONVICTION, CONDEMNATION, AND EXECUTION OF IOHN WELDON, WILLIAM HARTLEY, | AND ROBERT SUTTON | who fuffred for high Treason, in feverall places about the Citie of LONDON, on Saturday the fifth of | October, Anno 1588. With the Speaches, which paffed between a learned Prea cher and them: Faithfullie collected, even in the same | wordes, as neere as might be remembred . | By one of credit , that was prefent at the fame. | Imprinted at London by Richard Iones, 1588.

(4to . three sheets , A


C , in 4s .)

To the Christian Reader, grace, and truth in Christ Jesus . Lamentable it is to beholde, yet most necessarie to consider

(good reader) howe that mighty and malicious enemy of mankind,

Satan, who in the Scriptures hath so manie names both of power, policie , and practise : albeit he hath alwaies, as a roaring lyon, walked about , seeking whom he might devour , yet nowe in these last and most daungerous daies , doth so busilie bestir himselfe against us: and as hee hath spread divers nets, layed many snares , used sundrie, some blooddie , some craftie, practises : finallie, bent all his forces, and employed all his meanes and Ministers, to disturbe the quiet and established estate of this Church of England , under the happie governement of our dread soveraigne, Queene Elizabeth : sometime, by thundering threatnings from the Sea of Rome, to pronounce her Majestie a Scismatike , an heretike , an usurper, & so to discharge her loyall subjects of their allegeance: sometime, assaieng how he cold prevaile by more then civill sword : sometimes, by raising sundrie daungerous and damnable sects and sectaries to diminish the credite , and hinder the good successe of the Gospell: sometimes, by sophisticall writing against the received trueth mightily confirmed by the infallible testimonie of the worde of God : sometime, by inciting and incensing graceles and godles persons to lay violent hands on the Lords anointed , to endaunger her sacred person: yea, to conspire her Majesties death and destruction ; and nowe lately, by sending in forraine power, to depose her highnes from her estate, crowne and dignitie; nay, to make a conquest of her kingdome, and (had the Lord permitted them) to have brought both us and our posteritie to utter confusion: so, since he seeth that the Lord, by her Majestie, though weake in respect of her sex, yet strong by hys power, who chuseth the weake thinges of the worlde to confound the strong, that his power might appeare in our infirmitie , hath repelled his violence, defeated his practises, withstood his forces, and overthrowen his complices: nay, to confesse the plaine trueth, and to make us all the daies of our life the more thankefull to his Majestie, that our great and glorious God, the Almighty Jehovah, whose name is the Lord of hosts, taking his owne cause in hand, hath not onely mightilie, or rather mira-



ATRVE REPORT ofthe inditement, arraign ment, conuiction , condemnation , and Cretution of Iohn VVeldon ,William Hartley, and ROBERT


ho fuffredforhigh Treafon, in feuerallplaces, about the Ciric of LONDON , on Saturdaythefifth of October . Anno 1588 .

ith theSpeaches,which palled between a learned

cher and them : Faithfullie collected, cuen in thefame wordes as necreas might be remembred .


25poneofcredit,that wasparlent at the famis,

Imprinted at London by Richard Iones, 1588


No. IV . Title-page , slightly reduced.







culously preserved her highnes, and defended us from the blooddie purposes of our most malicious enemies , so that the snare is broken and wee delivered; but hath further of late, without all mans aid to the glory of his name, astonishment of the papists, and woonder of the whole world, returned vengeance into their owne bosomes , and blood into their owne bowels, distressed their ships, runne them on the rockes, shoved them on the sands , sunck them in the seas, destroied their munition, and drowned their men ; returning the small remainder of them (if anye have escaped) with hys hooke in their nostrels, and his bridel in their lips, to their perpetuall shame and confusion. This the Lordes worke so wonderful in our eies, and so memorable for posterity, which even of it selfe were able (if their hearts be not harder than the Adamant ) to bring all the Papists and other the enemies of God and his gospell under the cope of heaven to consider how the truth is great and will prevaile, and how hard it will be for them to kick against the prick of God's power. Yet all this notwithstanding, Sathan will not thus cease, but still dooth prosequute his wicked purpose, and therefore by his vice- gerent, that Man of sin, that Son of perdition, that professed enemie of England , the pope, stil convaieth from time to time into the realm that secreat seminarie of sedition , which, covertly and craftelie dispersing themselves into all parts of this land, lead captive simple women and other seduced soules , travelling by all meanes to make proselites, double worse the children of hell then they themselves; and so robbe God of his creatures, Christ of his members, her Majestie of her subjectes, and the people of their salvation . Such were these persons here set downe, as by their behaviour at their arraignement, and exequution maye well appeare: which have penned faithfullie , as neere as could call to remembrance, in the same words that it passed . And this have done (gentle Reader) both for thy comfort and instruction, that hereby thou maist be the more sturred up to thankefulnes unto that gratious God that in mercie hath opened thine eies to see his truth, and mollified thy heart , to consent unto the same : and may it also stop thine eares , against all enchaunting perswasions of the adversaries, they shall go about to abuse thee : and joyne with me and all other good subjectes in faithfull and fervent praier for the long preservation of her Majestie in al felicitie, and either for the speedie conversion or finall confusion of all her enemies , Amen .





A true report of the inditement, arraignement, conviction, condemnation

and execution of John Weldon, William Hartley & Robert Sutton who suffered for high treason , on Saturday the 5th of October, Anno 1588. JOHN WELDON PRIEST, borne at Tollerton, in the countie of

Yorke, sometime student in Caius Colledge in Cambridge, was indited by the name of John Weldon, alias Savell, late of Graies In lane, within the Countie of Midd . , Clearke: for that he, being born within her Majesties dominions , was not onely made Priest at Parris by authoritye derived from the sea of Rome_contrarie to




the lawes of this realme, but had also traiterouslie afterwardes entred into this lande, sent by the Pope or his Substitutes, to execute the office of a Seminarie Priest here, contrary to an estatute in that behalfe provided : by vertue whereof, he was indited of high treason. This was the effect of his inditement: the forme am not able to set downe, neither is it now necessary. Beeing uppon this inditement arraigned on Friday the fourth of October at the Sessions house nigh Newgate, before the right honourable the L. Maior, the L. Chiefe Justice of England, the right worshipfull the D. Attourney generall, M. Sergeant Fleetwood, Recorder of the Citie of London , Sir Owen Hopton, Knight , Liefetenant of her Ma. Tower of London , Sir Rowland Haiward, Sir Wolston Dixie Knights, and divers other her Majesties Justices in commission of Oyer and determiner , and pleading thereuntonot giltie, he was asked how he would be tried. Whereunto hee would make no answere; and being required by the Clearke of the peace for the Countie of Midd ., after the reading of his said inditement oftentimes, to make certaine answere howhe would be tried according to the lawes of this realme and common dutie of all subjects, which (in such cases) are to bee tried by God and their Countrey ; the said Weldon , taking exceptions first to the inditement as false and untrue: then to the Jurie, or enquest to be impaneled upon him, as unfit men to trie him, being meere lay men : yea, and to the whole Bench, as unwoorthie to bee his Judges, resolved (as hee saied very maliciouslie, and slaunderouslie) before hand to condemne all Catholiques brought before them: affirmed himselfe to be a Priest , and therefore not triable by the common lawes , nor bounde to make answere to the inditement. And albeit he was answered by M. Recorder, verie gravelie and learnedly , that might appeare by dyvers old estatutes, and other antient recordes that even in the time of superstition , when the Pope exercised his greatest jurisdiction within this realme, yet Cleargiemen, Priestes, Abbots , yea Bishops, and Archbishops, might bee , and have bene in some cases tried by the common lawes, and by the verdict of twelve laye men, as by sundrie instances by him it was made manifest : yet the sayd Weldon, persisting in his obstinacie, and abusing the patience and long suffering of those Honourable and wor-




The indictment has been printed in Jeaffreson's Middlesex County Records, ii, p. 192, from the Roll of the Special Session of Oyer and Terminer predecessor of Hickes Hall in St John's Street, held at the Castle on Thursday after Michaelmas, 30 Elizabeth (Oct. 4, 1588). follows the






usual form, and contains no other charge but that of priesthood quod factus et ordinatus existens sacerdos apud R s (sic, not Paris) in partibus transmarinis authoritate derivata a sede Romana, etc..... die xvii Marcii anno regni dictæ domine Regine nunc xxixo (1587/8) apud Grais Inne Lane predictam in praedicto com. Middlesexiae fuit et remansit, etc..... The memorandum added by the clerk is :-dicit q(uo) d non est culpabil(is) set dic(it) q(uo)d non vult ponere se super patriam set vult triari per clericatum. Ideo eat ad penam . The last words can only refer to the " peine fort et dure the statutory penalty for refusing to plead. In this case, however, as shown in the text, the court took it upon itself, without a jury, to substitute the penalty of treason.








shipful personages there present, who had not onely gently heard him, but used many milde perswasions and inductions to have drawen him to conformity, promising all indifferencie and lawfull favour in hearing whatsoever he could justlie alleadge for his owne defence or disproving the inditement, so he would submitte himselfe to triall and answere according to the lawe : in the end, he had Judgement given against him by the said Maister Recorder, with the consent and by the dyrection of the L. Maior and the rest of the Judges and Justices, to be executed as a Traitour, viz . to be hanged, drawen, and quartered, and M. Sheriffes were thereupon required to see execution. 2. In like manner, WILLIAM HARTLEY , alias Garton , borne at Nottingham, was indited and arraigned after the same maner and for the same cause that Weldon was: which Hartley pleaded to his inditement , Not giltie, and after some frivolous allegations he was content to put himselfe to triall of God and the Countrey . * Against whome among other evidences , to prove his traiterous disposition, it was testified to his face by the oath of one Walton then present that a Letter was sent this last Summer by the said Hartley out of England to Parris, to certaine Seminarie Priests there, importing the full resolution of the said Hartley, and some other his confederates, immediatelie uppon the landing of the Spaniardes to have suppressed her Majesties Tower of London , and to have fired the Cittie. This Letter Walton affirmed , that hee saw in Parris ; and albeit Hartley denied the writing thereof , saieing that hee was sicke at the time when it would bee written, yet to make his good affection to her Majestie & the state further apparaunt , there was openly read a part of his owne examination , taken before Maister James Daulton, and Maister Richard Yoong Esquires, two of her Majesties Justices, and subscribed with his own hand, wherein among other things he had set it downe in plaine words, that if the Pope by his Apostolique authoritie do deprive the Q. Majestie, and doe discharge her subjectes of their obedience , and send an Armie to restore the Catholique Romaine Religion into England , he would not take her Majesties part, but woulde praye that the Catholique Romaine Armie might prevaile in that cause of Catholique religion: and in that faith he would spend , if he had them , ten thousand Millions of lives : and this he speaketh (as hee said) in the integrity of his soule. In the end he being found giltie by the Jury, after many froward and frivolous speeches, rather testifieng his impenitencie and impudencie , then deserving further memorie, he hadde Judgement as the first. Or rather at " Wyn," i.e., Wilne in Derbyshire, near the Notts. boundary.* See C.R.S. , v, p. 20. See the indictment , Jeaffreson, ii , 193. The date of his arrest is given as Sept. 18, 30 Elizabeth (1588). The clerk's memorandum is prefatus Willelmus Hartley po(nit) se (super patriam), culpabilis) , ca (talla) null(a). Ideo consideratum est quod trahatur super claiam ad locum execucionis , etc. The sentence is given in full.)





3. Then was the inditement of ROBERT SUTTON red : who was indited for that hee beeing borne, and heretofore sworne her Majesties subject, and taking uppon him the instruction of youth and office of a Schoolemaister within this realme : had yet not withstanding been of late yeares reconciled to the Churche of Rome and authoritie of the Pope, contrary to his former oath and allegeance , and against an estatute in that behalfe provided . * To this inditement the said Sutton pleading not gilty, and putting him selfe on triall, standing (though not with such obstinacy as the rest) to his opinion, concerning the authority of the B. of Rome, confessing her Majestie supreame governor, within her highnes dominions over all persons , but not over all causes : and yet having nothing to defend his assertion, but a froward will, and a sentence of a father alleadged ( as he saith) by Campion, which hee did not well remember, was in the end , also found giltie, and so had his judgement as the rest . After the denouncing whereof, they were had from the barre to Newgate for that night.

The execution of Weldon. The next day, being the fifth of October, the three above named were conveied through the Citie of London by M. Sheriffes to Mile-end, the place wher Weldon was executed: who being unbound , and raised upon his feet, was very gentlie and charitably required by M. Sheriffe to prepare himselfe to die, and to aske her Majestie forgivenes for his offences , who had mercifullie dispensed with the rest of his Judgement . Why, quoth he, " should aske her forgivenes, whom I never"offended ? " " No ? saith IM. Sheriffe Otley, hast thou not offended her ? Wast thou not borne a subject within her highnes dominions ? Wast thou not made Priest by authority derived from the Pope at Parris ? and afterwards camest thou not traiterously in to this realme, to withdraw her Majesties subjects from their obedience? Is this no ofence ? ' he, I came not willingly into this realme, was " No," quoth drawen against my will, and brought in by force." in Weldon ," quoth a learned and godly Preacher there present, " abuse not the people with such untruths. was my selfe at the arraignment , where it was proved to thy face,I yt thou first camest into this land of thine own voluntary, sent in by the direction of the Pope or his substitutes , and then thou beeing apprehended and committed , where the law might have justly bin executed upon thee as a Traitor, her Majesty of her free clemency pardoned thy life, onely banished thee her dominions . After that , thou camest in ye second time, and then being apprehended, thou cuningly and craftily didst abuse authority, pretending thy selfe to be converted , & promising to continue a Protestant during thy life, thou wast not onely enlarged & set at liberty, but hadst mony also given thee to supply thy wants , & didst secreatly convay thy







* This indictment is no longer in the roll with the two preceding, and

seems, like so many others, to be lost.





selfe into Flaunders , meaning (as it was to be conjectured) to kill the Earle of Leicester: which his Honour beeing advertised of, caused thee

to bee apprehended and sent over into England . Wherefore sith thy treacherie & hipocrisy is so notorius , stand not now upon Apologies and protestations to justifie thy selfe: but hearken unto the charitable & godly exhortation made unto thee by Maister Shiriffe: aske God and her Majesty forgivenes, from the bottome of the hart, that we may al be witnesses of thy conversion. have, quoth he, don nothing but as a Romaine Catholique priest ought to do, by ye direction of our most holy father the Pope, being the head of the Church : who onely hath authoritie over al persons , and in all causes Ecclesiasticall , as both by the word of God, counsailes , fathers , and all antiquitie it hath bene, and is to be graunted : and in this Catholique Romaine religion will die, and willingly shead my blood. Thy answer, quoth the Preacher, although putteth mee in smale hope to do thee good, yet least it should do the hearers harme : will (by M. Sheriffes patience) sith wee have so much time, and the executioner is not yet come , a little examine it, that so thy folly and falshood may the more appeare, and both thou and thy fellowes be drawen, if not to sorrow, which wish, yet at the least to shame and silence. Thy answere, as conceive , may be reduced to these three heads : first, a Pharisaicall justification of thine own doings. Secondly : a false suggestion of the Popes authority . Thirdly : a finall resolution , to die as thou hast lived : that is, an enemy to God and his Church , and a Traitor to thy prince & country. To the first thou saiest , thou hast done as a Romaine Catholique priest ought to do . Such Epythetons given to Priests or priesthood never hard: The scriptures mention onely three priesthoods: of Melchizedeck, proper onely to Christ : of Aaron , determined at the comming of Christ: & of the new testament , which priesthood onely is Catholique : that is, common or universall to the whole Church of God and every member of the same : according to the saieng of S. Peter : Vos estis regale sacerdotium : You are a royale priesthood. thou meane by a Romain priest , a priest professing the faith which the church of Rome held for the first 600 yeares after Christ, albeit our faith be not tied to persons nor places , but grounded on Christ Jesus the corner stone, yet would to God thou didst trulie professe that faith : then shuld we soone agree . That Church of Rome was a persecuted Church, not a persecuting Church . The Bishops thereof did not make Martyrs, as these doe nowe, but were martired themselves to the number of 25 in order one after another, being elected, not by factions conspiring , not by power, or parts taking, not by mony or frends making, as they be now: but by ye free voices of ye people & of the cleargie, with the approbation & consent of the Emperour : & as for the title, jurisdiction and institution of doctrin which the church of Rome now holdeth (to speake nothing of their maner of life & conversation, for that were too odious) , say, yt neither these, nor any of these , ever descended






















from ye primitive Age of ye Apostles, or from their succession : so that , although it hath the name of the Church Apostolical , and doth bring foorth a long genealogie of outwarde succession from the Apostles, as the Pharisies did in Christ hys time bring theyr discent from Abraham theyr father : yet this is onelie in name, and not in matter or effect. So that as Christ saied of the Pharisies, that they were the children , not of Abraham , but of the devill : so may say, that this Church of Rome now present, with this title, jurisIdiction and doctrine now used , can not be fathered upon the Apostles, nor deserveth to be called by that name of primitive Church, but that it hath an other author & that you are Scismatiks, that have departed from the antient faith of the Church of Rome, and not wee . To the second part of thy answere, concerning the authoritie of the Pope, whom thou saiest to bee supreame head over the Church, I would knowe of thee whence hee challengeth this his authoritie ? For that (quoth Weldon) he is heir unto Peter. Why then (quoth the Preacher) I will answere thee as Barnard answered Eugenius in his 237. Epistle ad Eugenium papam : Verus haeres Petri dicet cum Petro , Non dominantes in clerum, sed forma facta gregi. Verus successor Pauli dicet cum Paulo, Non dominamur fidei vestrae, sed adjutores sumus gaudii vestri . Verus discipulus Christi , audiet Christum dicentem et docentem : Estote mites quia ego mitis sum. In English thus . The true heire of Peter wil say with Peter : We are not Lords over the whole congregation, but are examples unto the flocke. The true successour of Paule will say with Paule : Wee are not Lords over your faith, but we are furtherers of your joy. The true disciple of Christ wil hear his Master teaching and saieng : Be you humble and meeke , for I am humble and meeke . * Thus thou hearest by the authority of S. Barnard , a learned and auntient father, (because you papists stand so much upon fathers), how the Pope your most holy father is neyther heire unto Peter, nor successour unto Paule, nor yet the disciple of Christ; and therefore wee might say boldly, and may say trulye, that he is


Antechrist , whose doctrine is hereticallie corrupted , whose title is falsely grounded, and whose Jurisdiction is presumptuously usurped. And where thou saiest, that the Popes sole authority in causes Ecclesiasticall may be proved by the word of God, counsailes, fathers , and all antiquitie: thou sinnest in being either of ignorance, thou know not the truth, or of malicious impudency , thou know it and will not confesse : for by all these it will appeare, that not the Pope but the Prince hath had, and ought to have, the supreame authority in al causes within their own dominions yea, even over the bishops themselves. And albeit must have regard and not to dispute : to the time, for thou art come hither to die, yet for Scriptures, David beeing a king numbred all the Priestes and Levites , and disposed them into 24 orders or courses , as they







Cf. Migne, P.L. , 182, 428 ( very inaccurately quoted).




came about : which institution Ezechias, being also a King, afterward renewed: which continued from David even till the time of Zachary , at the comming of Christ , beeing of Abias course , which was the right order . Did not Salomon a king displace Abiathar the priest by his kingly power, & placed Sadoch ? Did not Jehosephat and Josias beeing kinges, appoint Levits and Priestes ? And in the new testament , did not Christ himselfe both give and teach tribute to be given to Caesar ? to Caesar say, and not to the high Priest ? Did hee graunt Pilate to have authoritie over his owne person, and that from God ? Againe , declaring the Kings of nations to have dominion over them, and willing his disciples not to do so, dooth hee not give us to understand the difference betweene the regiment of his spirituall Kingdome , and of the kingdomes of this world, willing all worldly states to be subject unto the superior rulers and Magistrates : in whose regiment is dominion and subjection, and not in the other ? And doth not S. Paul say: Let every soule be subject to the higher powers ? Upon which words both Chrisostome and Theophilact do note, that neither Pope, Cardinall , Patriarcke , Byshop , Fryer, Moonke, Martyr or man, is excepted or exempted : Universos erudit sive Sacerdos ille sit, sive Monachus, sive Apostolus, ut se principibus subdant : He teacheth all sorts (say they), whether he be priest, Monke, or Apostle, that they should submit themselves unto their Princes. And dooth not Saint Augustine writing ad Bonifacium say in like sort : Quicunque legibus imperatoris, qui pro dei veritate feruntur, obtemperare non vult, acquirit grande supplicium : that is : Whosoever refuseth the lawes of the Emperour , which make for the truth of God, incurreth the daunger of great punishment : And in another place, writing to Cresconius , hath hee not these words : reges, sicut eis divinitus praecipitur, deo serviunt in In hoc enim quantum reges, si in suo regno bona jubeant mala prohibeant, non solum quae pertinent ad humanam societatem, verum quae ad divinam religionem, etc. That is : Kings according as it is enjoined them of God, doo serve God in that they are kings, if they in their Kingdome, commaund those things that bee good, and forbid those thinges that be evil : such as appertaine not onely to humaine society, but also to Gods Religion . And to come to your owne doctors . Dooth not Thomas of Aquine describing the office of a King, say thus : Hoc officium Rex se suscepisse cognoscat, ut sit in regno, sicut in corpore anima, et sicut deus in Mundo ? Let a King understand yt he hath taken this office uppon him, to bee in his kingdome as the soule within the body, and as God in the worlde . And as for Counsels : In the counsell of Nice, which was holden Anno 340 , the 6 Canon of the said Counsell, we finde it thus decreed : That in every province and precinct , some one Church and Bishoppe of the same , was appointed to have the jurisdiction of other Churches about, secundum morem antiquum, that is , after the auntient custome, as the wordes of the counsell do purport : so that the Bishop of Alexandria should have power, over Libia and Pentapolis . For as much as the






bishop of Rome hath the like in some maner, and so likewise in Antioch, Jerusalem, and other countries , let such order be kept (sayeth the decree ) that none of the Metropolitane Cities bee defrauded of the dignity due and proper unto them . In this decree , where the Bishop of Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch, are joyned together in one like maner of dignity with the Bishoppe of Rome : there appeareth no difference of honour to bee meant therein , much lesse any soveraintie allowed him. After this, followeth a generall counsell in Affrick, called the sixt Counsell of Carthage, holden Anno 420. Where were assembled two hundreth and seventeene Bishops : among whome was Saint Augustine himselfe. This Counsell continued the space of five


years, wherein was great contention , about the Supreamacie and

jurisdiction of Rome, the Bishoppe whereof was then Zozimus. This Zozimus, the Romaine Bishop, had received the same time into the communion of ye Church, without any examination , one that came to complaine unto him out of Affricke, named Apiarius, a Priest , whome Aurelius the Metrapolitan with the Counsell of Aphrike had worthelie excommunicated for hys detestable conditions before. Upon this, Zozimus, after hee had shewed this favour to Apiarius, for that hee dyd appeale unto him, sendeth to the Councell hys messengers , to wit, Faustus, Bishoppe of Potentyne , and two Priestes of the Church of Rome, named Philippus and Asellus, with thys request, that not onely Apiarius whom hee had absolved, might bee received of them againe, but that it might also bee lawful for Bishops or Priestes to appeale from the sentence of theyr Metropolytanes and of the Councel to the Sea of Roome: alleadging for himselfe the wordes (as hee pretended) taken out of the Nicene Councell. The Councell of Carthage hearing this , and remembring no such thing in the Councell of Nice to have beene decred: and yet not suspecting the Bishop of Roome to dare to falsefie the wordes of that Councell: writeth againe to Zozimus, declaring that they never reade to theyre remembraunce in theyr common Latine Exempler of the Nicene Councell any such Cannon: yet notwithstanding, for quietnes sake, they would observe the same for the tyme, till they might procure the originall Coppies of that Councell to bee sent to them from Constantinople, Alexandriaand Antioch. To the lyke effect afterward they wrote to Pope Boniface which then succeeded Zozimus; and thirdlie also, to Celestinus, which shortlie after succeeded Boniface. In the meane time this foresayde Councell sent theyr Legates Marcellus and Innocentius to Atticus, Patriarcke of Constantinople , and to Cyrrillus, Patriarcke of Alexandria , for the autentique coppies in Greeke of the sayd Nycene Councell : and after due examination , fynding there no such president as Zozimus and hys successours Bonifacius and Celestinuspretended, theywrote a sharpe Letter to the sayd Celestinus, declaring unto hym that they had perused all the Coppies of the Councell of Nice, and could find no such canon as he and his predecessors had falsely alledged ; and,






therwithal refuting the said cannon before mentioned , declared how the decrees of the Nicene Councell had , upon just causes and great considerations, committed all and singular persons Ecclesiasticall, as well Byshoppes as other, unto the charge of their Metropolitanes : for that the fathers of that Counselldid well foresee that all controveries might there best bee ended where they were begun: and that therefore they ought not to runne to any foraigne judge, or seeke further for outlandish helpe, as though God woulde inspire his justice and truth of examining unto one Bishoppe, and denie to a multitude congregated in a whole counsel: or as thoughthe itgrace of God would be prest and readie in one province but not in another , to instruct his ministers both prudentlye to understand Judgement, and constantly to maintaine the same . Wherefore , as by these and other reasons , they thought it not convenient for them to bring their matters over unto Rome, so, neyther was to bee found (said they) by any Counsell of the olde fathers decreed, that any legate shold be sent from Rome to them for deciding their controversies : and therefore exhorted they the said Bishop of Rome, that hee woulde not induce fumosum typum seculi in ecclesiam Christi, quae lucem simplicitatis et humilitatis praefert iis qui deum diligunt that is : that hee would not induce the swelling pride of the world into the Church of Christ : which Church sheweth and giveth the light of simplicitie and of humilitie to such as love to see God. And as for the malefactour Apiarius, whome the Bishop of Rome had absolved and received to the communion of the Church, this counsel afterward found him culpable and therefore proceeded against him, brought him to open confession of his faults, and so injoined him due penance for his demerits : notwithstanding the absolution and inconsiderate cleering of the Bishoppe of Rome before proceeding. There was also celebrated another counsel, called , Sinodus Melcuitana about the yeare 442. Where was decreed under paine of excommunication , that no Minister , Priest, or Bishop, shoulde appeale over the sea to the Bishop of Rome. And thus thou seest (Weldon) howe the Counsels make against thee. To these might ad infinit other authorities out of the fathers, beside lawes imperiall of Honorius , Justinian, Lodouicus Pius , Carolus Magnus, and divers others: to speake nothing of the auntient estatutes of this realme, whereby may appeare, how falsely thou affirmest the Pope to have been acknowledged in all times , and of all persons supreme head of the Church. But th'excutioner is come, and time passeth awaye. Wherfore to the last parte of thy answere, thy wilfulnes and obstinacie, we all are sorry for , and thou oughtest in conscience to be ashamed of it. Thou thinkest, peradventure , to gaine among the Papists ye name of a Martyr, but remember, is not paena , but causa , quae facit martyrem, not ye punishment but the cause that maketh ye Martyr : wherfore reconcile thy self to God, submit thy selfe to her Majestie , repent thee of thy sins , praye as a Christian should, that is with a deep feeling of the sinne without dispaire, and a stedfast hope in ye Mercy of God, sealed up in the bloud of Christe Jesus , without presumption ,










desire , quoth & so wil we all pray with thee and for thee. Weldon , all Catholiques to pray for me," and so began to mumble up certain praiers in Latin . The Preacher (seeing his obstinacie) willed the people to lift up their hartes in prayer, and so made this prayer following.


" "I



The prayer at Weldon his execution. Among all other thy benefits in the aboundance of the mercies 66 bountifullye bestowed upon us , O most gratious God and loving Father, we honor thy Majestie and praise thy holy name, for that when we sat in darkenes and in the shadowe of death , it pleased , of thy Fatherly kindnes to open our eyes , and to disclose thee " unto us the beautifull beames of thy glorious Gospel, and cleer " light of thy holy woord : through the which we have seene to our singular comfort , the great difference betweene trueth and falshood, betweene faith and opinion , betweene religion and superstition , between those holye exercises enjoyned us by thy expreste commaundement and the vain devises of our idle fantasies, finally between the happy daies which now we enjoy, and that miserable time which then we spent in ignorance and errour. And the more doo we praise thee for thy great mercies extended toward us in this behalfe, for that we see with sorrow how these silly soules are yet detayned in that palpable blindenes, nay as we feare, in given up for their unthankfulnes into a reprobate " just judgements : and yet, for that while there is life there is hope, and " minde for that the love of Christe dooth binde us to love our bretheren as Christe hath loved us : we most humbly beseech thee in the name and for the merites of thy Sonne Christe Jesus , to be merciful unto them to open their eyes that they may see, and to mollify their hartes that they may beleeve , to alter their willes that they may embrace, thy holy truth. Take from them, O Lord, the " stony hart, and give them a fleshy hart : and sith thy Sonne Christ " Jesus is the only way that errethnot, the only trueth that deceiveth not, the onely life that wasteth not, poure downe thy graces on in themselves, " them , that they, disclayming all hope and confidence renouncing all mans merits or meanes , may flye onely " and utterly to thy mercy in the death and passion of thy Sonne Christe Jesus . " Moreover, where their sinnes are, in thy juste judgements « now made manifest to the worlde, even their great and greevous committed against thy Majestie, against the sacred person " sinnes ,dread soveraigne Queene Elizabeth , against this state and of our " Realme of England : even those sinnes , for the which they have been justly condemned and are now worthely to be executed, and those sinnes for the which they cannot possibly be pardoned « unlesse they be from the bottome of their hartes both sorrowfull for them and ashamed of them: therefore O Lord, strike them thorowe with thy feare, cast them downe with a due and deepe of their horrible offences , give them melting hartes, " consideration " make them tremble at thy judgements, that they may confesse their faultes, and acknowledge their greevous offences to thee and




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her Majesty : And so, deare father, receive them to mercy, washe them in the bloud of thy Sonne Christe Jesus : and though their sinnes be as red as scarlet : make them as white as snowe: that " howsoever the law hath determined of their naturall lives , yet challenge thy own in them , rebuke that proud enemy that hath " so long abused them, and finally make them pertakers of everlife, through Jesus Christe our Lord, in whome we call " lastingthee, and pray unto thee as he hath taught us saying : " upon . etc. Our Fa " Then the executioner was commaunded doo his dutye to .


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The execution of Hartley. After Weldons execution, the other prisoners were brought to Holywell, nigh the Theater , where Hartley was to suffer. The preacher ceased not all the way to perswade him to repentance, and to aske her Majesty forgivenes ; and when they were come to the place of execution appointed for Hartley, he was willed to prepare am, quoth he, " willing and resolved to dye , him selfe to dye . hoping by this my short pain and suffering to enter into everlasting glorye. Remember, Hartley, quoth the Preacher, what was saide to thy fellowe . It is not the paine, but the cause , that maketh the Martyr , thou hast greevously offended God, her Majestie, and this whole land : thou commest hither to dye, not as a martyr, but as a traitor, for high treason : because that , contrary bothe to the lawes of God and this Realme, thou, sente in by our common enemy the Pope, hast sought to seduce her Majesties subjectes, to withdrawe them from their obedience to our dread soveraigne Queene Elizabeth , whom ye Lord long preserve over us , to move them to rebellyon , and to prepare them to joyne with the forraine enemye, that should come to invade us : besides those perticuler treasons vouched yesterday to thy face, for conspiring (with others) to surprise her Majesties Tower of London , and to fire this famous Citie. These are horrible treasons & therfore as we all say with S. Augustine (De verbis apostoli , sermone 2) , Dei Misericordia nos coronat, non enim digni fuimus, quos vocaret, vocatos justificaret , justificatos glorificaret. is the mercy of God that crowneth us, for we were not worthy of our calling, nor being called of our justification, nor being justified of our glorification. And with the same Augustine (Epist. 52 ), Nihil sumus per nos : peccata nostra sunt, merita autem dei ; suplicium nobis debetur, et cum premium venerit, dona sua coronabit, non merita nostra. We are nothing of our selves ; our sins are our own, but our merits are gods; we have deserved nothing but death , and when our reward shall come, God wil crowne his owne giftes , not our merits . For that our works, they be good are Gods and not ours, doone of duety, and therfore voide of desert ; for the creature cannot binde the creator, nor man deserve of God. And therfore saye with S. Paule (in the 2. to the is Ephesians) , that by grace we are saved, not of our selves ; the gifte of God, and commeth not of woorkes: And with the same Saint Paule ( Rom. ii ) , it be of grace, it is no more of woorkes, or

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So , thy woorks being thus made manifest to the worlde, thou oughtest to be sorry for them, and ashamed of them; especiallye, if there be in thee any sparke of Gods grace, thou oughtest with all harty sorrowe and unfained submission, to aske God and her Majestye forgivenes for the horrible treasons entended against her . have offended her highnes aske her , quoth Hartley, forgivenes. " thou have ! quoth Maister Sheriffe. is well knowne that thou hast highly offended both God and her, and hast committed treason against her. " , quoth he, " to exercise the function of a Romaine Catholique Prieste be treason, then have committed treason. Well, quoth the Preacher, thou hast heard what hath been said to thy fellow, we come not hether to dispute with thee ; the law thou seeste hath passed upon thee; thou haste beene indicted , araigned, and by lawfull triall found guiltye of high treason, and hadst judgement to suffer as a traitor, save that her Majestie hath dispensed with some parte of thy judgement . remaineth that thou prepare thyself to dye. thou wilt, we will praye with thee, so thou praye in English and as a good Christian should doo. will," quoth Hartley, praye in Latin, and desire you not to praye with me . "' Yet, quoth the Preacher, we will pray for thee. Wherupon he made then also this prayer following, the people joyning with him in great fervencie. The praier at Hartleys execution .

els were grace no more Grace .

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" Albeit we humbly acknowledge thy Judgements (most mightye

, yet alwaies to be just : in that thy wrath " Lord) how soever secretheavens

, againste all ungodlines and unis revealed from the « rightuousnes of men : which knowledging thee to be God, yet become vaine in their imaginations , " glorify thee not as God: but turning thy trueth unto a lye, woorshipping and serving the " creature, and forsaking their creator , which art to be praised for ever : and therfore we doo not mervaile though thou have thus thy Justice given up these froward persons for the time into " in minde , seeing they are presumptuous, dispising governe" reprobate ment , and standing in their owne conceiptes, feare not to speake evill of them that are in authoritie, nor to oppose themselves against thee and thine annoynted : yet sith thou art the God of mercy that willeth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he " should turne from his wickednes and live, and sith thy holy apostle not only commaunded us to make deprecations and for our selves , but intercessions also for others: and " supplications to pray for all men, yea even our enemies : and sith that as the tree falleth, so it lyeth, and as the day of death leaveth men, so the day of judgement must finde them : We seeing the blindenes, and lamenting the wilfulnes of these froward and " nay sorrowing obstinate persons , whom neither the deepe feeling of their greevous sinnes , nor the fearefull consideration of thy just judgements, nor the present expectation , or feare of death it selfe hath yet


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humbled , nor brought to the acknowledgment , much " sufficiently lesse the forthinking, of their great and notorious offences : doo

" most humbly beseech thee, and that for Christe his sake , that as C

thou art not onely the searcher but the ruler of all mens harts, " so it may please thee at this time to shew the power and presence


of thy holy spirit in mollifying the hardnesse , and reclayming the " frowardnes of these stubborn and irrepentant sinners: that " considering they have not only sinned against heaven and against

thee, but against thy whole Church, within this Realme of Eng" land: and especiallye against the principall piller therof, our

" dread soveraigne Queene Elizabeth : and seeing that there is left

" them now no further time (being by the just censure of law cut

by reformationof their lives , yet at "" off) to satisfythe congregation , messengers

by their mouthes the of their minds , they may " least abundance of their hartes, and with the inward touch out the of " and testimony of their conscience voide of all hipocracie, make " " it now evident and apparent unto us how sorrie and ashamed they of their disobedience towards thee, of their disloyalte towards "" are our most godly & gratious Princes, and of ther trecherous practises

their naturall cuntrie of England . That so they, fearing " against heavy and just judgement for their great and greevous thy " sinnes , maywrath feele sweet Mercies most comfortable promises

thy & " in forgivenes of the , and so, with the theef that hung on " the Crosse, received tosame , they may inherite thy everlasting " Kingdome through Jesusfavour Christe our Lord, to whome with thee "" and the holye Ghoaste be all praise and thanks -giving now and , Amen. " forever After the end"wherof the saide Hartley was executed as the first. The execution of Sutton. Then was the last man SUTTON convaied to Clerkenwell where he was appointed to dye : the preacher travailing still very earnestly to bring him to conformity. Wherin he so much prevailed as there was great hope conceived both by Maister Sheriffe and him, that the prisoner would have been converted, because he disclaimed divers pointes of popery which before he held : [ and] prayed for her Majestie, affirming that he would fight in her cause against what pope or potentate soever . Howbeit, this seemed afterward to be but fained in hope of life; for when he had requested Maister Sheriff yt he might be respited for a day or two , and have conference with the learned, for the better setling of his conscience ; and they very charitably had sent back to know the opinion of the Lord cheefe Justice of England , and her Majesties attourney generall , what might be doon therin, who being glad to heare therof, were willing he should be stayed, and gave such order : yet , after all this, the said Sutton being onely required to submit him selfe like a good subject to her Majesties authoritie, and acknowledge her highnes according to his dutye, to be supreme governor as well in all causes as over all persons , (for that he before had graunted ) he beingthus required both by M. Sheriffe and the Preacher, and promise made




unto him, that so his life should be respited : he stoode for a while as it were in a doubte what he might doo, and after said, that he would not acknowledge that , because the church of Rome did not graunt it : and I must , quoth he, " remaine in the unity of the " Church, or els I cannot be saved; for so saith S. Augustine . " That is, quoth the preacher, " in ye unity of the Church of Christe, not of the Church of Rome: for the unity of wicked persons is no unity, but a conspiracie. We must follow peace, but it must be in holynes we will see the Lord. Well, yet," quoth Sutton, " S. Augustine ifsaith " "thee as say. pray ," quoth the Preacher, " let me heare I S. Augustine . The woordes which he alleged are written by S. " Augustine in his Epistle Contra Donatistas , the woords [ are] these:




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Quisquis a catholica ecclesia fuerit seperatus, quantumlibet laudabiliter se vivere existimet, hoc solo scelere quod a Christi unitate disiunctus est, non habebit vitam ; sed ira dei manet super eum.

" And I pray thee, quoth the Preacher, what doo these woords make either for thee or against us ? These are S. August. words : Whosoever is seperated from the Catholique Church, although he otherwaies behave him selfe never so laudably, yet in this one offence because he is seperatedfrom the unityof the Church , he shal not have life, but the wrath of God remaineth upon him. Whye we graunt all this, and ad heerunto (if thou wilt) that which the same S. Augustine hath in another place, Non habebit deum patrem qui non agnoscit ecclesiam matrem, He shal never have God for his father, that wil not acknowledge ye Church for his Mother. But this is ( as said before) spoke of the Church of Christ , not of ye Church of Rome, which Churche is his bodye, whereof he speaketh John 15 : Abide in Me, and in you : as the braunch cannot beare fruit of it selfe, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, exceptye abide in me. am the Vine : ye are the braunches , he that abideth in meand in him, the same bringethfoorth much fruit : a man abide not in me, he is cast foorth as a braunch, that withereth : etc. Heerby thou maist see, or you at ye least (good people) doo see, (for he that is filthy, let him be filthy still ) , that it is the Church of Christe, that is the piller of trueth, whence we must have direction, and the arke of Noah , wherin we shall have salvation , even when all ye wicked shall be drowned . But to thee, Sutton, (quoth he) I feare thou hast dissembled with us all this while , and therefore (good people ), let us pray & leave him to God. Wherupon the preacher then also made a godly prayer , after ye which the prisoner persisting in his wilfulnes was forthwith executed.









The Prayer at Suttons execution . We have learned, O Lord, out of thy holy woord , how fearfull a thing it is to fall into thy hand, and how hard for him to be recovered, that was once lightned with thy grace, and having tasted of thy trueth, dooth afterward fall awaye as an Apostata,


" " and by laying hand to the Plough and looking back againe, dooth " not only make him selfe unmeet for thy kingdome, but dooth " crucifie againe the Lord Jesus , and make a mocke of him. And "




in the agony and bitternes of our soules , we pitying the " therfore dangerous, and (without repentance) damnable estate of this 66

creature , sometime a professor of thy name, but now "" Iamiserable defaser of thy glory, cut off ( through his due deserts ) not only

life naturall, but (if he dye in this obstinacie) from all hope "" from of salvation heereafter, doo, in the name of thy sonne Christe Jesus , most humbly beseeche thee,

to be mercifull unto him,

" and so to cleare the darknes of his understanding by the light of thy heavenly grace, so to mollefy the hardnes of his hart by the of thy holy spirit, that he, remembring from whence " opperation is fallen, may repent and doo the first woork : that he, dis" he clayming and renouncing all fellowship with the ante-christian " sinagog and those unfruitfull woorkes of darkenes, maye seeke "

the unitye, which is in veretye, and follow that peace which is "" joyned with holynes, submitting himselfe to all manner of ordinance men ever for thy sake, tendering his obedience not of of " servile feare , but in the affection of Charity, not for feare of death

" or hope of life, but for the love of righteousnes, and seeing the, " benefites and blessinges which thou hast plentifully powred on "

this Realme of England under the milde government of our dread "" soveraigne Lady, Queene Elizabeth , are in number so manye, in

" consideration so waightie , in use so necessarye , in proofe so com' fortable, and hitherto in thy great Mercy so continuall, as no eye " Ican be so blinded but it must see them, nor any hart should be " so hardned, but it should acknowledge them; that he among others having had good experience of them, may now with a " wounded conscience & greeved soule, for that through his owne wickednes and wretchednes, he hath cut off him selfe from further " fruition of them, from the botome of his hart aske both thee & " her Majesty forgivenes: and albeit the law hath pronounced him " unwoorthyof longer life on earth, yet he may be received into the " Heavens and so made pertaker everlasting , of glory, through a " lively in the death & blood sheding of thy Sonne Christe "' Jesus , faith in whose name we call upon thee and pray unto thee as " " he hath taught us saying, Our Father, etc." * FINIS .


V. B. CHRISTOPHER BALES, V. NICHOLAS HORNER , and V. ALEXANDER BLAKE. March 4, 1590 . Stow thus records the execution of these three (Chronicle , p. 761 ) : Bales, made Priest beyond the Sea , was convicted of Christopher "Treason , for remaining in this Realme contrary to a statute. Also Nicholas Horne and Alexander Blage , convicted of felony for relieving of Bales, contrary to the like statute. These were all executed on the 4. of March, 1589/90. Bales was hanged , bowelled and quartered in


* The Oscott copy adds : " 24 Octob. 1588. "




Fleetstreete at Fewterlane end , Horne hanged in Smithfield, and Blage hanged at Graies Inne lane end . For contemporary evidence on the Catholic side (abundant for Bales and Horner, somewhat less so for Blake) it will be enough to refer, besides Ribadeneira and Champneyquoted by Challoner, to the Relations of Dr. Barrett (C.R.S. , v, p. 179 ), of Father John Gerard , S.J. Robert Southwell, S.J. (ibid., p. 330 there is a (ibid., p. 291 ), of B., Records , i , p. 325 ), of F. Robert Persons, S.J. (in translation in Foley his Philopater, 1592 , n . 285) , of Peter Penkevel and others in Pollen, Acts of MM , and Morris, Troubles . The Privy Council warrant for Bales's torture is printed C.R.S. , v, p . 179. The Bishop of Chalcedon , in his Official Catalogue of 1628, was able to quote for the first two the Newgate Register, since then, unfortunately lost. He omits Blake. is a pity that we have not fuller information about the alleged repentance of this martyr. As will be seen from the title our present very brief relation is only a part of a longer one. By far the greater part of the tract is taken up with the highly sensational story of poor Agnes Bankyn, who, all that she confessed about herself was true, well deserved her fate; but that is beside our present purpose . The license for this book, under a title substantially the same as below, except that it assigns Agnes Bankyn's execution to the same day as that of the three martyrs instead of the next day, was granted to the publisher William Wright on March 13th, under the handes




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" of the Bysshop of London and the Wardens" (Stationers ' Register). Our reprint is from the only known copy, in the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth (S.T.C. , 1310).

A TRUE RECITALL | touching the cause of the death of THOMAS BALES , a | Seminarie Priest, who was hanged and quartered in Fleet Street | on Ashwednesdaie laft paft. | 1590 . | , Whereunto is joyned the true | cause ofthe death of ANNIS BANKYN who upon the next day following was burned in Saint Georges fields about fixe of the clocke at night . | -London. | Printed for William Wright. | 1590. | (8vo, one sheet , 16 pp.) On Wednesdaie being the fourth day of March last, 1590 , there was a Seminarie Priest brought forth of Newgate, who a few daies before had ben justly condemned for high Treason; where according to his judgement before past , and the qualitie of his offence, hee was laide upon a hurdle , and from thence drawne into Holborne , and so through fetter lane convaied into fleet street , where was a new Jebbet Set up for that purpose, and people in great abundance resorted to see the prisoner executed. This Priest came thether apparelled in the habit of a Gentleman , in a dublet of blacke satten, cut with great cuts, & drawn out with white silke . He had on a paire of small round paine hose , & on everie paine a faire gold lace; his neather stockes were of purple silke, and a paire of bootes over them, Gentleman like, turnd downe at knee, and faced with velvet. He had a blacke felt hat on his head, and his haire was verie long, so that he could hardly be knowen from an ordinarie Gentleman. Thus being apparelled and come to the place of execution ,






conducted thether by the Sheerife of London, and the officers of the said Citie; for that the Jebbet was not full ready , the sheerife did withdrawe the prisoner into a house hard by, where an ancient & worshipfull Gentleman in office towards her Majestie had some time of conference with the prisoner. And when everie thing was in a readines, the prisoner was brought backe again to be executed. And first before hee went up, his boots were pulled off, and his neather stocks also, whereby his feete and legs were naked, his other clothes hung loose about him, with his hands tied, and so went hee up the ladder, the hangman being then readie on the top of the jebbet to receive him with the halter, which he put about his neck. Which done, the priest began to speake unto the people, shewing them that hee was a Priest , and after went about to defend the popish religion colorably , and seemed to justifie himselfe, by saying he had not offended her Majestie. Wherupon the Gentleman before mentioned spake unto ye priest , and shewed him wherein he had offended the laws of this land, in cases of high treason. First by being a Seminarie Priest ( therby a sworne enemie to this land), and havinglived out of the lande among her Majestiesenemies, was agayne lately returned onelie to persuade her Majesties subjectes from their due obedience . The confession of this priest also taken before in writing, was read openly, where he sayde that the Pope hath authoritie to depose the Queenes Majesty of England ; as though the Queens Majesty and the religionnow used in England , had bin under the government of the Pope , and therefore to bee disanulled at the Pope's pleasure; whereby hee denied her Majestie of her supremacie in the Churches of her dominions , which is high treason of it selfe. Last of all , he shewed unto the people, & avouched to the prisoners face, (which he coulde not denie) , that this priest who was an Englishman borne, and therefore a subject to her Majestie, contrarie to his duetie, had betaken himselfe a long time a subject & servant to the Pope , with sundrie other , who together were lately come over into England, to persuade her Majesties subjects from their obedience , by becomming assistants and favourers of a new invasion , now speedily pretended by the helhounds of the Romish Sinagogue, therby to become traitors to her Majestie, in working the ruine of this lande, as hath bin lately pretended, yet their hope made frustrate by Gods providence, who stil doubtles fighteth for this land , and defendeth all the true subjects thereof , for the sake of our holie Judith , who swaieth the sword of justice with great wisdome and mercie, whose person the God of heaven prosper and continue in this land, and grant unto her long life, and a peaceable raigne over us , that during her life she may so quaile the hearts of all the enimies to this land , that none hereafter may dare to attempt the hurt thereof. This Popish Priest aforesaid, after a few Popish praiers mumbled was turned from of the ladder, and permitted to hang himselfe, to until he was dead, and after was quartered in severall peeces, to be set up in severall places , to the example of al other hereafter. And over the Jebbet was written in great letters the cause of his death in these wordes, viz.





FOR TREASON AND FAVORING OF FORRAINE INVASION. In the forenone of the same daie also , there were two hanged, the one in Smithfield, and the other in the fieldes at Graies Inne lane end, for secret harboring , reciving and denying this Priest & others such pernitious persons , by whose meanes great hurt may arise . The one died a very obstinate Papist , the other a very penitent persen , sorie that hee had transgressed her Majesties laws in that case : which thing he onely did for worldly benefit . To conclude, let this their follie forewarne al others, how they enter into actions , and refraine from secret harbouring, releeving or succouring such leud persons , who seeke by all possible meanes to ruinate this lande, by depriving the Queenes most excellent Majestie, and bringing in foraine enimies: that by invasion they may shedde the bloude of innocents, and roote out all her Majesties loving subjects, which God grant may never come to passe, Amen.

VI. VEN. ARTHUR BELL, O.F.M. December II , 1643 . belongs a Our last tract to considerably later date than its predecessors. Parliament was now supreme, and had taken on itself the office of persecutor . Towards the end of September , 1643 , a packet of important papers had been seized ; amongst others the Brief of Urban VIII ordering the inception of the Ordinary Process for the Beatification of the then recent English Martyrs, and an instruction from the Archbishop of Cambrai, to whom the Cause had been entrusted, commissioning nine English priests as delegates to hold the necessary enquiries. The whole batch of documents was ordered to be printed as a Parliamentary paper, and appeared under the title of The Popes Brief : or ROMES Inquiry after the death of their Catholiques here in England... Printed for Edw. Husbands , December 7, 1643 (4to, 38 pp.) . For a full account of the Brief see Father John Morris in the Month for April, 1870.

Meanwhile one of the nine commissioners elect, Father Arthur Bell, in religion Father Francis , O.F.M., had himself fallen into the hands of the persecutors . On that same day, December 7th (the coincidence must have been designed) , he was tried and convicted of his priesthood, and on the 11th suffered the usual cruel sentence . Our present tract, short but to the point , was published on the day of the execution. The following short paragraph from The True Informer, a Parliamentary newspaper we have now come to the age of newspapersfor the week ending Saturday, December 9th, may be here added as a further illustration of the spirit of the times.


A RELATION OF THE CONDEMNATION OF FOURE MEN "FOR STEALING THE AMBASSADOURS PLATE AND OF FATHER BELL FOR BEING A POPISH PRIEST. The Quarter-sessions was kept this weeke in London according to the usuall course , and on Friday Decemb . 8, the Court proceeded to the condemnation of those that were the day before tried and found guilty




of severall crimes worthy of death. The parties condemned were these : One Father Bell, a popish Priest, was condemned for seducing His Majesties Subjects in England, and other practices agitated by him, contrary to the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, and had his sentence to be drawne, hang'd and quartered, on Monday next, and his quarters to be set upon the 4 Gates of the City. After his condemnation , he spake to this effect . That he hoped shortly that all England should turne to the Roman Catholique Religion. Which

speech of his (if we consider the many designes of the papists) is not without ground. Yet notwithstanding, we hope , that that God who hath formerly delivered us from all their Machinations, will now declare himselfe for his owne Church and people , which should be the prayer of all good Protestants. There are also foure condemned for stealing the Ambassadours plate, and 5 others for several offences, who are

to be executed on Monday next.

This may serve to confute all the false reports of Aulicus and other Malignants, concerning that businesse. An earlier article in the same issue gives an account of the newly published Commission sent by the Pope into England, and some Observations thereupon. " It includes a summary of the Archbishop of Cambrai'sletter with the names of the nine Commissioners . Our present pamphlet may be found in the Stationers' Register duly licensed to the bookseller Thomas Bates under date December 11, 1643. We print from the (perhaps unique ) copy among the Thomason tracts in the British Museum . It is bound with other contemporary pamphlets in a volume numbered E. 26.



THE CONFESSION, | OBSTINACY AND IGNORANCE, | OF FATHER BELL, A ROMISH PRIEST. | Wherein is declared , the manner of his Tryall , Condemnation, and Execution, on Munday Decemb. 11. 1643. | Together with the names of those that suffered for steal | ing the Ambassadours plate; and the names and facts of others | who were executed at Tiburne the same day. [ Woodcut . London, printed for Thomas Bates , and are to be sold at his shop in the Old Baily . 1643 . (4to, one sheet , 8 pp.) The Priests and Jesuits under the supremacy of the Pope and Church of Rome, as they have been the fomenters, contrivers , and the nourishers of almost all the debates, conspiracies, and massacres committed in divers forraigne Nations (which have afforded them entertainment ) in all ages since their first originall and institution ; as is apparent by the parricide of Henry the third King of France, and other Princes (who professed even the same Religion ) inhumanly massacred by them, which would be too tedious particularly in this place to mention: So to come neerer both to our owne times and Nation (for we shall also omit their maine plots, and contrivances of the death of our late most illustrious and religious Queene Elizabeth) they were the prime Instruments of raising the late unparallelled and bloody Rebellion in Ireland, and the causes of the murthering of above an hundred thousand innocent Protestants there , and finding that all their plots and machinations would








, CONFESSION Obftinacy,and Ignorance of Father BELL a Romifb Prieft.



Wherein is declared, the manner of his Tryall , Condemnation, and Execution , on Munday Decemb. 11. 1643 . Together with the names of thofethat fuffered for steal" ling the Ambaffadours plate; And the namesand facts of others who were executedat Tiburne thefame day.


Printed for ThomasBates, and are to be fold at hisfhop in Decemb . 11 the Old- Baily . 1643.

No. VI.


Title-page, slightly reduced.





prove unsuccessfull to advance their owne Religion in these three Kingdoms , unlesse they kindled the like flames and combustions in England also , finding much favour from persons in authority in this Kingdome , who suffered them to go unpunished (although contrary to the Lawes and Statutes of this Kingdome ) they have so brought about their stratagems, as to cause a civill and unnaturall warre also in this Kingdome ; notwithstanding which designes of theirs so apparent to the whole world , it is beyond admiration to thinke that any of that viperous brood should be so audacious and still to continue in this Kingdom. And this may serve to satisfie the world what just cause there is to proceed against them in Justice for their Delinquency therein. But that which intend more particularly to informe you of at this time, is, concerning the Tryall , Condemnation and Execution of one Father BELL , who being taken by those who were inabled from thence by the State for that purpose, and laid in Newgate, and was brought to the Sessions House the last weeke; where being indicted upon the Statute, and putting himself upon God and his Countrey , the witnesses proving him to have been a Priest beyond the Seas, and that they had knowne him (being an Englishman borne) say Masse in England and to seduce divers of his Majesties subjects : Upon which Indictment the Jury found him guilty, and the Court proceeded to sentence , which was to this effect : That he should goe from thence to the place from whence he came (viz. Newgate) and from thence on a Hurdle to the place of Execution , and there to be hanged by the necke, cut downe alive and quartered , and his Quarters to be set upon the severall gates of the City. According to which sentence he was drawne on a Hurdle on Munday Decemb. 11. to Tyburne the place of Execution; where being come, he spake as followeth: stand here to die, and declare unto you all the cause of my cumming hither, nothing being brought or proved against me, but was only condemned for being a Priest of the Catholike Church . Had been a Heathen Priest, or a Priest after the Leviticall Order, then should not so much have wondred at it to have been put to death in a Christian Land; but that a Catholique Priest should be put to death by those that pretend to be Christians, and to follow Christ and his Gospel , this is that sensible men will wonder at. But those that have their judgements blinded , that ; " see nothing, they may proceed. to the like they have done before and so they doe now to me They pretend Lawes, but these Lawes as they were ill -made, so they have beene worse kept. Now professe before you all , and testifie here with my life and blood, before God and Jesus Christ his Sonne that is to judge, that die a true member of the Catholique Church. Being interrupted by one, who said, " You meane the Roman Church; saies he : you would have me distinguish it , with all my heart distinguish it from any Protestant Church, heretickes, or Conventicles, and call it the Roman Church. My parents lived and " died in that Religion , and for my part have beene brought up




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435 " TRUE REPORTS " OF THE MARTYRS in the same faith; and were I to live any longer here, would " professe I to my dying day, though were to die a thousand SOME HOSTILE

I . And this I testifie or to suffer never so great Torments "" before God Jesus and Christ. ' The Sheriffe hearing him continue thus obstinate , and speaking ' deaths it


against our Lawes and Religion , spake to him in this manner, viz., Mr Bell, To goe on to traduce our Lawes, and seduce our people, we will not heare you any longer : mee thinkes you should thinke death, and desire God to open your eyes that you may see " upon blindnesse . You were not onely condemned for being a your , but it was proved against you, and you confessed , that Priest "« you were an Englishman borne, and that you went over to take , and you returned backe hither againe. Now the Letter " Orders of the Law is thus, That an Englishman borne, going over to take Orders, and returning backe againe, the Law interprets that he comes to seduce the King's subjects. " There was not one word spoke of seducing. Mr Bridges spake, This is not a time to dispute , Mr Bell; pray apply your selfe to God , and humble your selfe before him . ' " Mr Bell spake, Here are many people , but suppose that they as are, Kingdome is , seduced ; and if a man labour to reduce the " them think it is good service. The people are deluded, because they have a piece of the Catholique Religion ; they believe the " Incarnation of Christ , and the Resurrection and Passion of Christ ; but what is this ? Therefore declare the truth to the people,











" ,I " " that may further their soulesI. " ThenI the people in detestation"of his speeches, and of his waies, cryed out, Helpe your selfe. Then he spake againe, " They that speake false doctrine, do not desire to heare others ; but I tell you, that the Protestant Religion



"" hath no divine faith.


Then the Sheriffe spake,

" faith.

" " I

" Doe not scandalize our Protestant

Well, doe heartily forgive all men that had a hand in my death , and desire to be forgiven; for most willingly die in the Catholique faith. Mr Bridges spake, Mr Bell pray apply your selfe to God. have declared my mind already. " The greater is your infatuation. God hath not beene pleased to open your eyes ; and as your punishment hereafter is secret, so your judgement here is just. You know what your owne authour Cajetan speakes , Inter poenas Dei mirabilis. Then he spake againe, cannot reduce, do not desire " to be seduced ." am sorry for it . The Lord gives mercy to whom he will, Iand whom he will , he hardens. The the Minister of Newgate spake to him, and urged him to repent . He still obstinately answered, " Repent ? what should repent " for ? have a good cause.








" " "

I " "

" If I








" TRUE REPORTS " OF THE MARTYRS Then the Sheriffe spake, " Mr Bell , unlesse you will speak to the " glory of God, and edification of your soule , speak no more."' And so, as in blindnesse he lived, obstinately blindnesse he ended




his daies.

Also there was one Captaine Towers, that pretended a warrant for the searching of malignants houses, and under that pretence, plundered the Countesse of Nottinghams house , and many other houses : and for this ( and very justly) was condemned to die ; and being brought to the place of execution, unexpectedly declared himselfe to be a Roman Catholique ; for being asked by the Minister of Newgate whether he died a Roman Catholique ? answered: Yes, die a Roman Catholique . Do what you will with me, I to . will " I , stand it " " but, sayes the Minister , " minde some thing else; you




6 are now come to suffer death . " Then he peremptorily answered ,

" Well, he and

shall be in

I but the ere long. come to declare nothing to the world I " blisse . faith that die in, namely the Catholike Faith Pray God for“ them Ithat accused me, and desire to be forgiven. "Igive I " And so as Father Bell died , he died very obstinately, living and

dying in blindnesse and darknesse. What was in their minds , whither they should goe, and where they are, God knowes; we are not to judge , but to leave this their Confession , Obstinacy , and Ignorance for all judicious Readers to ponder on it . Also Tillet and Freeman were hanged for robbing of the Lord Ambassadour of his plate , to the value of And one Butler for Burglary, breaking open a house in Chirklane .

Another for robbing of Grayes Inne. And Maudlin Latch for murdering of her childe. Printed accordingto Order.

As the preceding pages deal with several martyrs whose causes for beatification or canonisation are still sub judice, they have been submitted for the approval of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, which is hereto annexed .

" Nihil Obstat. H. Quentin O.S.B. , Rel. Gen. S. Rit. Congr."




* An asterisk signifies more than one entry to a page ; n indicates a note on the page. Abbaye de Saint- Sauveur -le -Vicomte, diocese of Coutances 189 Abbey, Crist : 324 ; Mary 324 Ab (b) erford, New Ainsty, co . York.


52, 206* Abbot, J. 159 ; Mary 159 Abbotson, Elis : 195; Margaret 195, 196; Thomas 195 Abraham(s), 201 ; John 201 ; Margaret 197 Abresford, Hants . 388n Acanthus, bishop of 195*n; see Gibson Acaster Malbis, New Ainsty, co.


York. 207

* , co . York. 207 *, Acklam , Buckrose 208 ; Cleveland, co. York. 207 208 , Acklam ( ) 348 Ackworth, Pontefract 208 Acomb, New Ainsty, nr York 208* Acorn Bank , Temple Sowerby, Westmorland 47 Acton, Thomas 410 * Adamson, Charles 355%; Edw: 239 ; George 283 ; Jane 284 ; Margaret


239 ; Martin 263, 284

Adcock, Barbara 232 Addingham, Craven, co. York. 208* Addington, Visc. Sidmouth 167 Addison, George 257 ; James 207, 219 ; John 242 ; Katherine 259 ; alias Hildreth, Rev. Will. 208n Adwick on Dern , Doncaster, co.


York 208

Affonseca, Susanna de 37 Agincourt , France 45, 46 , 56 Airan , dio. Bayeux 183 Aire , SW . France 130* ; Poor Clares

at 130

Airey , Arey , Anne 83 ; Augustine 83*n; Bridget 83 Airsome, Airson, Dorothy 260 ; Francis 270* ; Joseph 270 ; Mary 270 *; Thomas 269 Aiskew , Bedale, N.R. , co . York. 102n Aislabie, Aisleby , Anne 263 ; J. 360 ; John 283 ; Mary 263 ; Thomas 263 ; W. 217

Aismunderby, Aisunderby, cum Bondgate, Ripon, Yorks . 357*n Akers, Thomas 157 Alcock, John 283 Aldborough, Aldbrough , Aldburgh , juxta Boroughbridge, co. York., dio. Chester 50, 208 * n, 350 *n ; in Holder-

ness, co. York. 209 *, 364 Alderson, Tho : 228, 243 , 312 Aldfield , Ripon, co . York. 209*, 210 Aldfield , Awfield , Rev. Thomas, blessed , martyr 389, 399-402 Allain , Rev. Charles Claude Louis, canon 187 344; George Allanson, Allason, 344 ; Mary 339 ; William 339 Allen , Allan , Allin, Antrum 150, 151, 165* n ; Cuthbert 354* ; Eleanor 150 ; Eleanor Manuella 150* ; Ellen 165 ; Helen 151 ; Margaret 317 ; Matilda 151 , 165; Wm. 260 ; Rev. William, D.D. , cardinal 118, 391, 397 , 399401 , passim ; Rev. William, S.J. 124, 131 * , 167-169 Allendale, Northumb . 210*, 353, 354 Allet, Allot, Bryan 349 ; Rob : 315 Allgood, Richard 210 Allison , Alison, Alice 197 ; Elizabeth Ellen 278 ; George 355 ; 278 *; Walter 278 ; Willm. 278 Allum, Mary 153 ; Thomas 153 Almeida, Anthonyde 37 Almond, Anthony 292 * ; G. 272 Almondbury, Pontefract , co . York 210 * Alne, Bulmer, co. York. 210 * Alnwick, An ( w) icke, Hexham 45, 61, 281 Alston, Mary 323 Alston Lane, nr Grimsargh, co. Lancaster 88n Ambleside, Westmorland 110, 112,


355n Amiel , Amyel , Frances 112 ; Francis I12*n ; Thomas Henry 112; see Aumal , Aymal Amotherly , Ryedale, N.R. , co. York. 211



Amorium , Bishop of 194n ; see Petre Ampleforth , Rydale, co . York. 57, 210 *n

Andars, Anders, William 265 ; see Audas Anderson, Anne 356 ; Anthony 357 ; Eliz: 357 ; William 194; alias Anderton , Rev. Sir William 57 * Anderton, Elizabeth 360n ; Hugh 360n ; Isabel 248 Andrade, de , Catharine 37 ; Francis 37

Andreoni, Catherine Mary Louisa 137 ; Sebastian 137; Susannah 137 Andrien, 341 Angers , France 188 Angram , Bulmer , co. York. 235 Anjou , dio. Mans 182, 185*, 187* " Anna Maria Smart and Co." 121n Anne , Anne 224n , 248 * n ; Eleanor 227n ; Elizabeth 227n , 248 *n; Eliz. Eccleston 194 ; Frances 248n ; George 224n , 227*n ; Margaret 227*n, 249 *n; Marmaduke 227n, 248 *n ; Michael


227 n, 248n Annebecq , dio. Coutances 182 Anneville , 1892 Anquetil , Rev. Louis Jacques 186, 187 Anston, Doncaster, co . York. 210 Antwerp , Belgium 51 , 253 Appleby, Westmorland 45, 73n Appleby , Apleby , Anne 209; Elizabeth 360n * family of 290n ; Henry 209 ; Thomas 36on Appleton, Sarah 255 ; Wm . 255 Appleton upon Wiske, Cleveland, co. York. 211* Appleton- le - Street , Ryedale, co. York. 211 * Appleyard, Jon : 329 * Arber , E., quoted 389-391 Arbor , Harbour , Elizabeth 152, 163;





see Harbor

Archbald, Elizt . 352 ; John 352 Archolm , Ar (g) (lr)holme, co . Lancaster 197-201 passim Arksey, Doncaster, co. York. 211 *, 212

Armathwaite , Cumberland 50 Armitage, see Armytage Armitstead, Agnes 112, 115, 116 ; Eleanor 85, 89, 92, 94, 95, 115 ; Helen 85; Margaret Eleanor 112 ; Nicholas 115 ; William 85 , 100, 105, 109, 112, * 115 116 Armley , Old Ainsty , co . York. 212 * Armsom, Dorothy 319 ; John 319 Armstrong (e) , Dominic 353 ; Eliz: 281 ; John 281, 282, 354* ; Margaret 210, 354 ; Mathew 352 Armthorp , Doncaster, co . York. 212 * Armytage, Armitage , Francis 315n *;


Sir Francis, 1st Bart. 315n ; Sir George 315n ; Mary 315*n Arncliff, Craven, co . York. 212

Arnet , Geo. 328 Arnold , Ann 141, 142, 144 ; Henriette 141; Jane 152, 154; Mary (Elizabeth) 141, 144 ; Matthias 141, 144 Arram 201*n; see Arkholme Arrowsmith , Alice 196 Arsome, Mary 235 ; Thomas 235 Arthur, Rev. Charles 127 ; alias Mannock, Rev. Francis, S.J. 341 *n Arundel , Sussex 52, 126n Arundel , Ellen 156; Margaret 11 ; Mary 162 ; Thomas 162*; William 162

Ascot, co . Oxford 127 ; Friars Minor

at 127

Ashton, Elizabeth 196 ; Hilary 196, 199

Askew, Appolonia 165 Askham, Retford , Notts . 351 *n Askrigg, N.R. , co. York. 199 Askwith , Chris : 370 ; Elizabeth 299 ; Richd 370 ; Sithy 299 ; Wm . 299 , 370 Aslabie, W. 217 Aspinall , Elizabeth 107 ; Mary 215 Asselin, Rev. Jean François 182 Assigny, dio . Rouen 132, 187, 188 Aston, Doncaster, co . York. 212 * Atkinson , 224; Alice 356 ; 342 ; Eliz : Andrew 350 ; Charles 284 * ; Ellis 298 ; James 224 ; John 270, 284 ; Katherine 270 ; Mary 335, 345 : Richard 335 ; Robt: 254, 281 ; Stephen 334, 335 ; William 284, 345 Atleague, co. Roscommon 144 Attarsoney, Francis 148 Attwood, John 176 ; Margaret 176 ; Mary 176

Atwick, Holderness , co . York. 212*

Aubert, Rev. Jean 181, 183 Auburn , Dickering, co. York. 213*n Aucapitaine, Louis 140, 158; Richard Mary 140, 158 ; Therese Louise Marie 140 Auch, Anne 80*n; Joseph 80; Mary 80 *n ; Stephen 80 Audaer, Elizabeth 292* ; John Albert

" William 292

292 ;

Audas, Frances, vel. 341*n Aughton, Harthill , co. York. 213 ; co. Lançaster 199, 200 * Augsberg , Bavaria 44 Aumal , Aymal , Elizabeth 110; Frances 110* n ; Francis 110 ; see Amiel , Amyel Austwick , Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland 199 Authieux - sur-Calonne , dio. Lisieux 187

Avelock, Mary 335 ; Wm: 335

INDEX Avenières, dio. Mans 182 Avranches, dio . of 186*, Cathedral 187 Awfield , see Alfield Ayde, Robert 214 Aydon Sheels, Hexham 353* Ayres, Jeremias 152 Ayscough, Allen 253 Azevedo , Ambrose de 37


Babe, alias Price, Rev. Bruno, O.S.F. 129

Babington, Anthony 407 Bacon , Margt : 253 ; Tho : 253 Baddesley Clinton, Knowle, co. Warwick 224n Badger , Jonathan 301 * ; Mary 301 Badinoch, Badenach , Agnes 79, 81 ; Dorothy 89, 93 ; William 70, 72, 79, 81 * Badsworth, Doncaster, co. York. 213 Bagby, Bulmer , co . York. 277* Bagenal, co . Carlow, Ireland 69n Bagenal, Mary 69n ; Wm., 69n Baildon, Bayldon , Old Ainsty , co .

York. 332*

Baile, Bryan 305; Christopher 305 ; Thomas 305 Bailey, Baily, Bayly, Anne 214* ; Rev. Francis 127 ; Hannah 111; Mary 111 ; Michael 310 ; Thomas ; see Beily Bailey- en- Riviere, dio . Rouen 182 Bainbridge, Phil : 241 Baines , Baynes , Banes , Agnes 77-79 passim , 82; Alice 112, 115, 196 ; Catherine 83 , 85-87 passim, 90, 91, 94, 115 ; Eleanor 115 ; Elizabeth 77, 86 ; Ellen 196 ; Helen 194; Henry 91 *, 112, 115 ; James 82, 83, 85-87 passim, 90, 91, 94, 194; Jane 112; Jo. 194; John, 77-79, 82*, 85, 199 ; Mary 87, 195 ; Mary Anne 94 ; Nicholas 206 ; Richard 78, 194, 196 ; Robert 79 ; Thomas 78, 83, 112, 115, 195, 268 Bainton, Baynton, Harthill , co.


York. 205, 213*

Baitie , Francis 248 ; James 248 Baits, Geo . 338 ; Mary 338 ; Thos. 338 ; Wm . 338 Baker, Rev. Arthur Pacificus, O.S.F. 264*n ; Saml : 308 ; Wm . 348 Baldwin , T. W., Dr. 389 Bales , Bayles, alias Mallet , alias Evers, Rev. Christopher (Thomas) , blessed, martyr 389, 428-431 passim Balguy, James 222 ; Thomas 222 195 ; Alice 197 ; Ann 202 ; Ball, James 197 ; Jane 196 ; John 196 ;

Mary 197*n Ballance, Dorothy 250; John 250


Balthorp, Thomas 396 Bamber, Margaret 79; William 79* Bancroft , Archbishop 389, 411 Bangs , James 169, 170* ; Jane 170 ; * Mary Ann 170 Banister, Bannister, Adam 52; Agnes 52 ; Mary 51 ; alias Rutter, Rev. Henry 52 ; Robert 51 ; Rev. Robert 51*, 52 * Banks, Ann 151; Elizabeth 151, 153 ; James 151; Joseph 265 ; William 153 Bankyn, Agnes , Annice 429 * Bannerville-sur-Ajon , dio . Bayeux 186

Bannisdale 46 * Barber, Geo : 320 ; Mary 310; Wil-

liam 246 , 310*

Barberi, Rev. Dominic , Ven . 128* Bardon, Elizabeth 267 Bardsey, New Ainsty, co . York. 213* Barelli , Barilly, John 150; Joseph 140* ; see Borelli 135n Barges , dio. Séez 187 Barker, Ann 250, 305 ; Barbara 207; Christopher 226 , 391 ; Elizabeth 239, 241, 305* ; Frances 253 ; George 207, 241; Henry 308* ; James 250 ; John 253, 259, 310; Margaret 226 ; Mary 230, 305, 338 ; Peter 305 * ; Robert 239 ; Valentine 303 ; William 230* Barlow , Catherine 106; Rev. Edward , V.G. 48 ; John, 106; Mary 106 Barmby Marsh, Harthill , co. York . 213*

Barmston, Dickering, co . York. 229* Barnborough, Barnburgh , Doncaster,

co. York. 214*n, 304n

Barnbow, Barwick in Elmet, York. 215

co .

Barnby upon Dunn, Doncaster, co.

York. 214*

Barnby, Joseph 224* ; Mary 225, 324 ; Rosamond 324 Barne, Barn (e)s, 264 ; John 264 ; Rev. Joseph 58 * ; William 396

Barnesley 378 Barnet, 349 359 ; Ann 395 ; Barney, Barny , Dr. 359 ; John 298, 368 ; Thomasin 298 Barneyside 48n ; see Burneside Barnoldswick, Craven, co. York. 221 *, 222 Barnsley, Doncaster, co. York. 214 Barrass , John 359 Barrett , Barret , Anastasia 157 ; Basil 144 ; Rev. Basil 144; Elizabeth 166 ; James William 144 ; John 109, 322 ; Mary Maria 144 ; V. Rev. Richard , D.D. , quoted 429 ; Robert 106 ; Seraphine 106, 109 ; Thomas 106 n 109 n; Winefride 144*









Barrow, Margaret 55 Barrow - in - Furness , co . Lancaster

Beaver, Tho : 220 , 321 Beazley, Ann 156 ; John 156; Robert

Barry , Bary, Abigail 139-141 , 143*, 144, 146 , 147 , 149, 158, 161 ; Ann 139; Augustin James 141; Catherine 147, 339 ; Francis 339 ; Francis Mary

Beck, Amy 79; Dorothy65*, 81*, 84 ; Dorothy Agnes 81 ; James 79, 81, 83 , 89 ; James Robert 89 ; John 65, 70; Margaret 81 , 83 , 89* ; Miles 83* Beck Tenement," Dodding Green


140, 158 ; James 139-141 , 143, 147 ;

John 154, 163* ; Mary 140*, 152, 155, 158, 163 ; Mary Abigail 158 ; Thomas 92" Bartlett , Rev. Edward 58 ; Theresa Mary 156 Barton- in- the- Street , Ryedale, co.

York. 215*

Barton, Anne 83-85, 242 ; Dorothy 271; John 241; Margery 242 ; 242 ; Will : 242 * Michael Bartram , James 319 ; Margaret 319 Barwell , Elizabeth Mary 169 ; Mary 171, 172; Theresa 177 Barwick in Elmet, New Ainsty , co. York. 215 Barwick , George 234 ; Mary 234 Bassy, Mary 315 Bateman, Hannah Mary 173; Mary 218 ; Ralph 284 ; William 218 Baterden , James Rae 45 Bates , Thomas 432 , 433 * Bateson , Ann 194 Bath, Somerset 365 Bath, Mary 211 *; Wm. 211* Batley, Pontefract, co. York. 215* Batty , Edward 215 ; Elizabeth 257 ; Isaac 337 : Jane 321 ; John 321 * ; Mary 215, 321, 337 ; Peter 336 ; Thomas 320 Baubigny, dio . Coutances 184 Bawmer, John 288 ; Thomas 288 ; William 288 Baxter, Isaac 228 ; Tho. 353, 354 Bayes, Bays, John 308 ; Lawrence



Bayeux, Normandy , dio . 122n , 123, 132 , 134 , 181-7; Cathedral 134 Baynham, Baynam, Elizabeth 164 ; Ellen 164 ; Rev. George Athanasius, O.S.F. 122*, 129 , 130*, 135-7, 152*, 153 ; Thomas 164 * Beadnal, Dorothy 230 Beal, Jane 250 ; John 250 Bean , Alice 241 ; Anne 239 ; Bartholomew 345 ; Christopher 239 ; Margaret 242 ; Mary 345* ; Matthew 241 ;

Will: 242 *

Beathwaite (Brithwate) Green , near Levens Hall, Kendal 70*n, 81 *n, 82 Beaufront, Northumb . 281 *n, 354 *n Beaumesnil, dio. Evreux 183-5 Beaumont, Ann 232 ; John 307 ; Rev. Joseph 185 Beaunieux, Rev. François 183, 186



Beckett, Joseph 239 Beckford, family of 53

Bedale in Wensleydale , W.R. Yorks . 57, 102n Beecroft, Mary 219 Beeford , Holderness , Yorks . 215 * Beeforth, Frances 294 ; Francis 294 Beenham , Berks. 119, 129 Beeston , Old Ainsty, Yorks . 216* Beeston , William 271

Beetham, near Kendal , Westmorland 50*n Beily , Beiley, Elizabeth 139-141 , 144 ; see Bailey Belasyse, Catherine 234 n, 331n * , 337n ; Mary, the hon. 322n ; Penelope 234 *n; Rowland, the hon. 234*n; Thomas, 3rd Visc : Fauconberg 322n ; Thomas, 4th Visc. Fauconberg 234*n, 386-8 203 ; Anne 203, 206, 215, Bell , 235, 322 ; Rev. Arthur (Francis), O.F.M. , Ven. 389 , 431-6 ; Charity 356 ; Cudworth 223 ; Dorothy 356 ; Elizabeth 77, 281 ; Grace 211 *; George 356 ; Hannah 206 ; James 203 ; Jane 203 ; John 211 *, 349* ; Jonathan 215 ; Mary 51 , 93 , 94, 96, 106, 109, 114*, 291 ; Thomas 114, 266, 281

Bellingham, chapel at, Kendal, Westmorl: 55, 56 Bellingham, family of 47 ; John 106, 108, 111 , 113 ; Margaret 106 ; Mary 108*, 113 ; Mary Anne 106, 111 ; Sir

Robert 56 ; Sir Roger 55; Thomas 113 ; Thomasine 56 Bempton, Dickering 213n , 216*n Benard, Rev. Armand 132*, 138* Beneauville, dio. Bayeux 183, 186 Benedictines at Farnborough 127 Benlows, William 240 Bennet (t), Anne 86 ; Cecilia 88; Elizabeth 87; George Cowban 88; James 86* , 87; Margaret 87 ; Mary 86 , 87 ; Robert 88, 296 ; William 86 Benson , 64, 65; Anne 64 ; Bridgett 298 ....; Dorothy 64 ; Elizabeth 341 ; Francis 369 ; Henry 65; James 64, 65; Jane 65 ; John 281, 369 ; Mary 316 ; Robert 64 , 271 ; Thomas 370 ; William 298 *, 368 *, 370 Benwell, Northumb : 54

INDEX Bentley, Daniel 271 ; Eliz : 244 ; Mary 260

Bernierre, Rev. Michel Nicolas 182 ; Rev. Paul François 184 Berrington, alias Wilkinson , Rev. Thomas 59 ; see Wilkinson Berry, Eleanor 154 Berthelot, Rev. Denis François Guillaume 182 Berwick, Northumb : 60 Besant , Sir Walter 121n Beson, Agnes 92 ; Anne 94 ; John Christopher 93; Joseph 92-4 ; Mary 92-4 ; Matilda 94; Sophia 93 Bessingby , Dickering , Yorks . 231 * Beswick, Harthill , Yorks . 273* Betham, Beetham, Agnes 195; Ann 195 ; Catherine 234n ; alias Fowler, John 234 Beumont, Alice 197 Beuzeville- la - Grenier, dio. Rouen 184* Beveridge , Rev. Jerome, O.S.F. 128 Beverley, Harthill, Yorks . 103 , 212, 216*, 218 , 233 , 259, 262, 264*, 285,

294,313,336 * Bickerdike, .... 358 ; Alice 316 ; John 218 , 358 ; Margarett 218 ; Mary Thomas 316 316, Richd 358 ;

William 316 Bickmore, Mary Lucy 170


Bidard, Rev. Julien 187 Biddleston, Northumb . 341n Biggins , John 253 ; Wm . 281 Biggs , Cecily 139; Robert 139 : Sarah 139 321 Bigland, Thomas Bilbrough, New Ainsty, Yorks . 216, 217 *

Bilcliffe , Richard 248n Bill, Sara Wenifrida 170 Billington , Elisabeth 195 ; James 46; Jane 46, 195; Rev. John 46 ; Margaret 82 ; Mrs 200 ; Thomas 46 ; Wm . 199

Bilsdale, Ryedale, Yorks . 217 Bilton , New Ainsty, Yorks . 217 * Binfield , Berks. 119* Bingham, Notts . 204 Bingham, John 154 Bingley, Craven 217 * Bingley, Elizabeth 315 Biniville , dio. Coutances 186 Binks, Mary 227 Birchall , Wm . 196 Bird , Eliz : 209 ; Jno : 209 ; Louisa 172

Birdford , Bulmer , Yorks . 217 * Birdsall, Buckrose, Yorks . 217 * Birkett, family of 85n ; Rev. Sir John 85n Birkin, New Ainsty, Yorks . 217*


Birmingham , co . Warwick. 130 Birstall , Pontefract, Yorks . 218 * Birt, Dom Henry Norbert , O.S.B. 57n , 205-7, 248n , 253n , 270n , 278n Bishop, Frances 157 Bishop Auckland , co. Durham 53, 60 Bishop Burton , Harthill, Yorks . 218 * Bishop Monkton, Ripon, Yorks . 218 *,

358 Bishopside , Ripon , Yorks . 357, 37 ° Bishops Waltham , Hants . 388n BishopThornton, Ripon, Yorks . 218 *, 219* , 357 , 358, 368* n , 369 *n Bishopthorpe, New Ainsty, Yorks . 204, 219, 350, 361 Bishopton cum Cloth(er) Holme, Ripon 357 Bishoptoncum Clotheram and Sutton, Ripon, Yorks . 299 Biville -la-Baignard, dio. Rouen 182, 184*, 185 Black, David 111 ; Jane 111; Margaret 111 Black Burton , Lancs. 197, 201 Blackbrook, near St Helens , Lancs. 52 Blackburn, Lancs. 84n Blackburn , Blackb (o) (u) rn(e ), Benjamin 220n , 308, 309 *n; Catherine 226; Joseph 331 ; Lancelot , Archbishop of York 204-388; Margaret 296, 331 ; Mary 220 * n, 364*, 365 Blacket(t) , Alethea 298n ; E. 360 ; John 341 Blacktoft , Harthill , Yorks . 219 Blaids, Willm. 356 Blaine, John 110 Blair, John 1IO Blake, Blage, Alexander, ven . 428*, 429 * ; Z: 249 Blakey, Elizabeth 317 Bland, Sir John , 5th bart. 382*n Blandall, see Blundell Blankney, co . Lincoln 263n Blardière, la, manor of, Montreuil

IZIN Blardière, De la, Rev. Pierre Louis Guy Miard , canon 122, 124*, 131*, 153 , 167-176, 180 ; Luc Miard , Sieur de la 131 Blashal, Frances 268 Blaydon- on -Tyne, co. Durham 53, 57 Blenkholme, Thos . 266 Blount , Domina 149 ; Sir Edward 58 ; family of 117 ; Michael Henry 166, 179

Blundell , Blandall , Rev. Joseph , S.J. 326*n

Blunden, Edmund 121n Blunt , Francis 364 Blyth, Blyde , Ann 296 : Ignatius 296 * ; James 296 ; John 296 Boardman, Rev. James , canon 54



Body, Bodye, Bridget 142 ; Galen 370 ; John 411 Bois - Hellain , dio . Lisieux 132 Boisnet, Rev. Guillaume André Jean 187 ; Rev. Guy Joseph 186 Boisney , dio. Lisieux 134 Bolbec , dio. Rouen 184* Bolina, in Achaia, Bishop of 196*n ;

see Smith

Boullée, Rev. Pierre 186 Boulmer, Anne 266 ; Dorothy 266 ; William 266 Boulogne 121 , 131 * ; Ursuline Convent at 121 Boune , Ann Sarah 158 ; Sarah Ann 153 ; see Bune Bourdon, Rev. Jacques René Joseph 182

Bourg- le -Prêtre, dio . Mans 187* Bourgeois , Margaret 323 ; Nicholas 323 house 220 Bourne, Born , Burn (s ), Catherine Bolton, Lancs. 52; near Bolland, 253 ; Elizabeth 80 , 260 ; Hugh So*; James 92 ; Jane 92 , 97 ; Rev. Jonas Yorks . 220 * 288 ; Alice 95 ; Eleanor (Thos .) 262 *n; Luke 135, 137 ; MarBolton, 88-91, 94-9 , 102, 104, 110; Geo : 288 ; garet 135, 137; Michael 92, 97*n; Helen 91 , 107; Mary 88, 98 ; Samuel Sarah 97 ; Wm. 260 ; see Burns 88 , 90 , 91 , 94-9 , 102, 104*, 110; Bowland, Rev. Francis 126*n, 135*, Thomas 102 ; Tobias 107 ; Tobias 147-154 , 161-5 Derome 91* Bowman, Thomas 292 Bolton on Derne , Doncaster, Yorks . Bowment, Ann 197 Bowness , Westmor.: 79n , 81n , gon , 92 220* Bolton Percy, New Ainsty, Yorks . Bowness , Richard 250 220 * Bowring , John 116 Bolts Cross, Peppard, co . Oxford 144 Box, Ann 146 , 149 , 164; Hanna 150; Bond , Agnes 195; Elizabeth 155 ; John 146*, 149, 150, 164 ; William Henry 146, 170 ; Joseph 145, 155*; 149, 164 Juliana (Elizabeth) 173-7; Martin Boyan, P. A. , 2, 33n Joseph Ann 140; Mary 146; Mary Boyle, Richard, Earl of Burlington Matthias 142; Rebecca 176; Richard 331 n 343 ; Sarah 140, 142, 145, 146, 150, Boynton, Dickering , Yorks . 231 * Boys , Eliz : 335 ; Wm : 335 155*, 170 ; Thomas 140, 142, 145, 146, 169, 170, 198 Bracewell, Craven, Yorks . 221 *, 222 Bondgate , Ripon, Yorks . 221 *, 298, Bradfield, Berks. 119 ; Doncaster, Yorks . 222 * 357 Boner, Barnabas 163 ; John 163 * ; Bradford, Pontefract , Yorks . 222 * 201 , 288 ; Bradley, Bradeley, Mary 163 Anne 100 ; Arthur 85 ; Edward 100, Bonn , Bridget 107 ; Mark 107* ; : Booker, Cecilia 139; Frances 139; 288 Eliz 85 ; Henry 276, 340, 343 , 344*, 376, 378 ; James 254 ; John Thomas 139 252, 265, 330, 343 , 344 ; Mary 288 ; Booth, John 279 * Bore , Thomas 309 Mary Anne 100 ; Rebecca 244 see Barelli Stephen 85; Thomas 288 Borelli , 135n ; Joseph 140; Bradley Field, in Kirkby Kendal, 140 Borlty , John 333 Westmorl : 55 see Bourne Born, Brady, James 141 ; Mary 141; Boroughbridge, Burghbridge, W.R. Mary Ann 141 ; Maziere, quoted 381n Yorks ., dio . Chester 208*n, 209, 283 , Brafferton , Bulmer, Yorks . 223 Bragg , Elizabeth 72; John 72 ; Mary 350 n, 354n Borwick , Borick , Dorothy57 ; Isabelle 72 Braithwaite , Edward 289 ; Elizabeth 71, 72 ; James 332* , 336, 379, 381 * ; John 57 355n; family of 47, 65n ; John 355 ; Bosc- Morel, dio. Evreux 185 Mary 47n; Mr 206, 221, 249, 289 ; see Bosco, Burscough Richard 47 n ; Thomas 47n; Sir Bosgrave, Mary Tregian's maid 26; Thomas 48n Nicholas 396 Braithwell , Doncaster, Yorks . 223 Bossall , Bulmer, Yorks . 221 * Bramham, New Ainsty, Yorks . 223 Bosworth, Joseph 143 ; Mary 143 ; Brampton (Hall) , near BoroughWilliam Frederick 143 bridge, W.R. Yorks . 298n , 366n Bramston, R. Rev. James Yorke , Botherston, Margaret 201, 202 bishop 177 Boton, Elizabeth 145* Bolland, Craven, Yorks. 220* Bolsterstone , near Sheffield, Doncaster, Yorks . 220 *n, 309n ; Glass-



















INDEX Bramley, Old Ainsty, Yorks . 223* Branaghan, Branhagen, Catherine94, 95; John 95; Patrick 94*, 95* Branch, Sir John, knt. 392 Brandling, Branlin , 293 ; Anne 301*n ; Charles 301n ; Ralph, 301* n 302

Brands Burton , near Hornsea, E.R. Yorks. 223* Brandsby, Bransby, Bulmer, Yorks. 71n, 223, 224 *n Brantingham, Harthill , Yorks . 224*


Bray, John 84, 85 Braynford, neere London 410 * Bready, James 140 ; 140 Thomas Ann 140 ; Brearcliffe, John 232, 327* Brear(e) y, Ann 316 ; Saml : 287 Breckon, John 379 Bredall, Francis 342 Breers Chapel , Pontefract , Yorks . 224 Brehan, Breham, Rev. Antoine Marie François 186, 187 Breighton, Brighton , near Bubwith, Yorks . 226 Bremin, Margaret 274 288 ; Anne 288 Brereton, Brettargh, Henry 54 ; Rev. Henry 52, 54* ; Mary 54 Brewer, Mary 239* ; Thomas 239 Brewster, Eliz : 294 Brian , Brien , Bryan , 392 ; Catherine 155 ; Edward 148*; Eleanor 156*; Ellen 156; John 156* ; Mary 148 ; Peter 148 Bridge Hewick , near Ripon , Yorks .


299 *n

Bridgeholme Green , Egton Bridge, Cleveland, Yorks . 379n Bridges , 435 ; Michael 335, 270; William 381-4 quoted 392n, 400 Bridgewater, Bridlington , Dickering , Yorks . 225, 243 , 278, 332 , 336 Brigdale, James 151 Briggs, Ann 315 ; Anthony 317 ; Edward 317 ; Elizabeth 317*; Jane 317 ; John 299, 315, 324, 370 ; Mark 370 ; Mary 317, 338 ; Richard 315*; Sarah 315 ; Thomas 301 , 359, 370 Brigham, 320, 343 ; Rev. Charles 52* ; Ralph 320 , 368 ; Sarah 52 ; William 52, 320 Brigham Hall, Cumberland 52 Brigsteer, Brigstear, near Underbarrow, Westmorl : 76 *n Brionne, Rev. Pierre 186 Brisby, Jordan 260 ; Mary 260 Brisset , Rev. Jean François 185 Bristol, co. Gloucester 174*n Brith wate Green , see Beathwaite 70 Brittain , Britton, John 105, 301


British Museum, London 1 , 2, 131n, 188, 389, 391, 432 Brix , dio . Coutances 183*, 186 Broadbent , Anne Mary 86 ; Catharine 86 , 88 , 89, 92 , 94, 96, 99 * n ; Catharine Seton 92 ; Elizabeth Seton 94 ; James Seton 99 *n ; John 86, 88, 89 , 92 , 94 *, 96, 97, 99 *n; Margaret Deborah 96 ; Sarah 89 Broadhead , Ann 296 Brockbank, William 259 Brockholes, Thos : 194 Brodsworth, Doncaster, Yorks . 225* Brogdon, Molly 200 ; Thos 200 Brompton, Cleveiand, Yorks. 225 *; Doncaster, Yorks . 327 Brooke, Brook ( e) ( s), Ann 178 ; Dorothy 291 ; alias Hunt, Rev. Ignatius , S.J. 309n ; Joshua 327 ; Sarah 178* ; Sarah Mary Agnes 173 ; Thos. 291 Brooksbank, Joseph 283 Broomfield, Lancs. 196-8 passim Broomhead, Elizabeth 308 ; Harriot 308 ; Jane 308 ; John 308 ; Katherine 308

Brotherton, New Ainsty, Yorks. 225 *,

226 *

Brough, near Catterick , N.R. Yorks . 46 , 74

, 304n, 341n, 344

Brough, John 68 , 69 ; Marg't 253 ; Simeon 253 Broughton, near Preston, Lancs. 46 ; (Hall) near Skipton , Craven, Yorks .

* (e), * 208, 353, 358-360 Brown ; Alice 235, 359 ; Allen 318* ; Anne 235, 318*, 359 ; Cicilia 352 ; Cuthbert 226 , 230n , 251 n, 344n

235, 353 ; Dorothy 197, 235, 262 , 315, 353 ; Edwd : 262, 263 ; Elisabeth 195 Ellen 195, 299 ; Frances 290 , 299 ; Francis 359 ; George 197, 352 , 355 , 360 ; Helen 195; Henry 370 ; Isabelle 198; James 195, 199; Jane 195, 318 ; Joan 215 ; John 208, 209, 252, 263, 268, 364 ; Margaret 235 ; Mary 195, 263 , 315 , 355; Ob: 334 ; R. 279 , 303 ; Robt: 215 ; Thomas 235, 295, 315, 353 , 355 ; Will : 230 Brownbill , John 61 Brownill, Anne 308 ; Elizabeth 309 ; Henry 308 ; John 309 * Bruges , Belgium 130 Bruges , Dorothy 252 ; John 352 Brussels , Belgium 381n Bryn (Hall), in Ashton- in-Makerfield, parish of Winwick, Lancs. 74n, 304n Buck , Anne 250*, 251 ; Bartho : 357 ; Elizabeth 298 , 340 ; Ellen 357 Hellen 298 ; John 250, 298 , 357, 370 Margaret 298 , 357 ; Marma : 270 ;; Mary 298, 357 ; Matt : 225






Bubwith , Harthill , Yorks . 226*, 227 Buckingham, Hannah 87; Henry 87 Buckle, Winifred 322 347 ; Jane 156 ; Buckley, Jeremiah 157; John 81 ; Martin 81 ; Mrs 117; Sarah 81 Buckrose, deanery, E.R. Yorks . 204, 207, 217 , 227, 230, 276, 278, 279, 292, 298 , 307 , 308 , 310, 313, 314 , 325, 330, 332 , 333*, 336 , 340 Bugthorp(e) , Buckrose, Yorks. 206,


Bulk, Lancs. 196

Bulkeley, Mrs 348 Bullen, Agnes 194*n ; Edward 194*n Bullock , Bulloik, Anne 68 , 274; Elizabeth 68*, 69; Helen 69 ; Mary 266 ; Richard 266 ; Robert 266 ; Thomas 68*, 69*, 274 ; William 68, 266

Bulmer, deanery, N.R. Yorks . 204, 210, 217, 221, 223*, 227 *, 233 , 235, 237, 239 , 243-5, 247, 252, 260, 261, 264, 268, 270, 272 , 277, 289 , 290, 293, 318-320, 3225, 297 , 303, 308, 311-5 ,

4,327,330,333* 335

Bulmershe, Bulmers (Court), Eurley or Erleigh , Berks. 124*, 167*; see Woodley Lodge Bulmire , Elizabeth 355 Bunce , John 161* Bune , Sara Ann 139*, 153 ; see Boune Burdett, Mary 352, 353 ; Tho : 358 Bures , dio. Bayeux 185 Burgess , Burges, Allen 165; Ann 139, 157, 234 ; Charles 165; Elizabeth 139*, 141* ; Joan 102; Mary 165; Thomas 234 ; William 102 , 339 Burghfield, Berks. 119 Burghwallis , Doncaster, Yorks . 227*n, 228, 248n , 249 * n ; chapel at 228

Burke, Ann 150 ; John, quoted 121n, 227n, 248 *n, 341 *n, 355n

Burleson , Mary 285 Burley, Mary 88, 90 Burlington , Richard Boyle, Earl of 331* Burnby, Harthill, Yorks . 205, 228 * Burneside , Burneshead , near Kendal, Westmorl : 47 *n, 48n , 56, 64-8 , 72, 73 : Hall 47, 65*n Burnett , Burnet , Christopher 248 *; Edward 248 ; Matthew 355 , 359 ; Tho : 360 ; Rev. Thomas, S.J. 251 *n; William 360 Burniston , near Scalby, Dickering , Yorks . 306 Catharine 82; Burn (e), Burns, Charles78; Elizabeth 115; Joan 97 ; ; John 89 , 346 , 349 Michael 89 , 97; Miles 115 ; Sarah 97 ; see Bourne

Burnley, Lancs. 54* Burnsall, Craven , Yorks. 228* Burntongues, Allendale, Northumb : 354

Burritt, Sarah 299 Burrow , Dorothy 64, 65, 69 ; Robert

237 ; W. 268 Burscough, Jane 288 n Burstwick , Holderness , Yorks . 205 , 228 , 229 * n, 259, 260n , 297 n, 337 , 368*n Burton, near Lancaster 199; Sussex 130 Burton , Ann 325 ; Rev. Edwin Hubert , canon, quoted 120, 128-130, 411* ; Jno : 227 Burton Agnes , Dickering, Yorks . 229* Burton Constable , Holderness , Yorks . 53, 229n , 320*n, 337n , 364 Burton Leonard, Ripon, Yorks . 229 *, 230, 351 *n Burythorpe, Buckrose, Yorks . 230* Busnel, Rev. Pierre Nicolas 184 Bustard, 206 ; Stephen 206 436 ; Agnes 52 ; Anne Butler, 150 ; Elisa 147, 149; Mary 320, 352 ; Richard 52; Tobias 352 Buttery, Christopher 235 ; Isabel 235 Bye, Bridget 156; James 156 ; Stephen 156 Bynneman, Henrie 390, 391* Bywater, Mary 207 , 248 ; Thomas 339





Cade, Mr 352 Caen , Normandy 123*n, 132, 134, 184, 186*n; Universityof 134 Cahagnolles , dio . Bayeux 182 Caine, Cain, Charles 216 ; Ellen 162; Guilbert 143* ; Helena 143 ; Mary 216 ; Sarah 216 ; Thomas 143 ; William 162 Calehill, Kent 126n Caley, 321; John 321 ; Mary 337 Wm 321 Callaly Castle, Northumberland 52 Callipolis, James Smith, Bishop of 48 80 ; Anne 82 ; M. 86; Callon,



91 William ....

Calnen, John 151* ; Mary 151 Calvados , Normandy 134 Calverley , Pontefract , Yorks . 230* Calvert, Anne 278 , 322, 357 ; Anthony 334 ; Benjamin 344 ; Dorothy 344 ; Edward 278 ; Elizabeth 322 * ; George 334 ; John 334, 357: Mary 235, 334*; Thomas 322 ; Wm . 334 Camblesforth, New Ainsty, Yorks. 239 Cambrai431; Archbishop of 431, 432 Cambridge 56 n , 121*, 130, 390, 399, 400, 405 , 414; Caius College 414; King's 399 ; Pembroke Hall 121 ; St.



INDEX John's 400 , 405 ; Trinity College 56*n ; University of 56n Camera , Anthony Monisius da, canon

38 Camm , Dom Bede , O.S.B. , quoted 391 Campbell, Cam(p) bel(1), Anne 88; Edward 86 ; Isabelle 106 ; James 86, 91 , 95, 104, 108, 112, 114*n ; James Read 95; Jane 104 ; John 106* , 108 ; Mary 86 , 88 , 91 , 95, 104, 108, 114 ; William 88, 114 Campeaux , dio . Bayeux 185 Campion, Rev. Edmund , mar. 392,



Campsal , Doncaster, Yorks . 230 * Canada 54 * Canavan , Ann 142 ; John 142 ; Thomas 142 Cane End , near Mapledurham, Oxfords . 148 Canning, Mary Jane 149, 164 ; Thomas 149, 164 Cansfield , Tunstall , Lancs. 196, 200 , 201 Cansfield , Eliz : 195 Cant, Anne 356 ; George 356 ; Grace 356 ; John 356 ; Mary 371 ; Michael 356 ; Wm 370 Canterbury, Archbishop of 389, 429 Cantley, Doncaster, Yorks . 241* Canute , James 353 ; Jane 353 Capenborrough Hall, Kellet , Lanc . 196 Capps, Mary 234 Capstick , Elizabeth 78 Carbury, see Conbury Cardiff, Glamorgans. 379n Cardoso de Torneo, Francisco4 Cardwell, Ann 68 ; Michael John 115 Care, John 228 (Carey , George), Knight Marshal 9 *,


Cargrove , Edward 93 Carling, Catherine 226 ; Robt . 226 Carlisle , Cumberland 53 , 55, 61 Carlisle , Charles Howard , 3rd Earl of 381n , 383 n, 385-8 ; R. Rev. Roger Leyburne, Bishop of 47 Carlton (Hall) (Towers), near Snaith , Craven, Yorks . 46 , 53, 226 *n, 231 *n, 316*n ; in Cleveland, N.R. Yorks . 230 * Carlton Mineot, Bulmer, Yorks . 303* Carmelites ( Theresians ) at Lanherne 162n Carmichel, Bernard 108 ; Grace 108 ; John 108 Carnaby , Dickering, Yorks . 231* Carnaby, Bridget 262 ; Jane 353 ; Richard 353 ; ( ) 353 Carolin, Catherine 154 Carpiquet , dio . Bayeux 186




Carnan , Anna Maria 120n ; Charles 122n ; John 121 ; Mary 122*n ; Thomas 121n ; William 121 , 122n Carrack Christian 233 Carre, Carr, Benony 352 ; Catherine 281 ; George 281 , 353 ; Henrie 405 * ; Jas : 208 ; Jane 353 ; John 210; alias Dunn , Rev. John 218*n, 219, 368*n ; Mary 303, 352 ; Robert 303 ; William 218, 228 , 263 , 331 Carree, (Jeanne) (Jane) 138* Carrigan, Patrick 294 Carroll, Caroll, Bernard 157 ; Mary 161

Cartelage , Joseph 258* Carter, Cartar , Elizabeth 114n, 240 ; Esther 283 ; Jer : 307 ; John 114n, 240, 283 ; John Segar 255 , 285 , 286, 336, 337 ; Mary 79 , 81 ; Philip 283 ; Rev. William 114 n ; Rev. 58 Cartmel, Lanc. 224n Cary, Lucy 155 ; Sophia 151 ; Sophia Charlotte 154 Casado, D. Pedro P. 4 Case , Richard 308 Casemore, William 158 ; Rev. (William) Ignatius , O.S.F. 129 , 158 n Cass , 208 * ; Anthony 316 ; Emanuel 316 ; Eustace 257, 259 ; Frances 316 ; Jno : 208 ; Margaret 316 ; Mary 316 ; Stephen 316 Cassens , Henry 311 ; Mary 311 Cassidy, Mary 142-145 Castle Howard , Bulmer, Yorks . 388 Castleford , Pontefract , Yorks . 231 * Castlehead 107 Castlehow , Mary 80 Castleton , Wm . 309 Castley , Thos . 312 Castro , Michael a, archbishop 38; Lady Violantia a 33 Catlin, Christian 306 ; Edward 306 Caton , Lanc . 194, 196-200, 202 , 203 Caton , Rev 58 Catterick, N.R. Yorks. 47n , 48n, 265, 3542 Catton , Harthill, Yorks . 231 * Catton , Alice 244 ; Elizabeth 250 ; James 250 ; Job 250 ; John 244, 319 ; Mary 250 Catwick, Holderness , Yorks . 232 * Cauchard , Rev. Antoine 182 358 Caudry, Caudbeck , Caw(d)eck, 358*; Ann 218 ; Christ : 358 ; Ellen 299, 358 ; George 218, 358 ; Isabell 358 ; 358 ; Margrett 299 ; John 299 William 359 Caux, Petit Caux, dio. Rouen 182*n, 184 Cavenaugh , Eleanor 99, 100, 104, 106-8, 111, 113, 115*


* *






... ,



Cauvicourt, dio. Bayeux 183n Caversham , near Reading, Oxfords. 137, 138, 157, 181 , 185, 188, 189* Cawfield, Jane 140 Cawood , New Ainsty, Yorks . 232 * Cawse, John 396 Cawthorne, Doncaster, Yorks . 296 * Cayley, Arthur 225 ; Eliz : 209 ; Margaret 60; Samuel 60 ; Willm 209 Cecil , Theresa 155 ; Thomas 155; William 155 Cemetery , Public , Parkside Road, Kendal 61 ; Ushaw 60 Centuriae, Bishop of 169, 339n ; see Douglass Cereghetti, Cerighetti , Abondio 135 ,


* , dio. Lisieux 181 * Cerqueux Cetti, Andrew 150, 153 ; Elizabeth 150*, 153 Chace, Frances 149 Chadwick, 301 Chalcedon , Bishop of 429 ; see Smith Challes , Elizabeth 157 Challoner, R. Rev. Richard, bishop 120 , 128-130, 392n , 411 , 429 Chambers , Brigid 269 ; C. 360 ; Elizh 347 ; Thomas 194, 228, 290 ; William 269* Chambres, dio : Avranches 186, 187 Champcervon , dio . Avranches 186*, 187* Champney , Anne 71; Anthony, D.D. , quoted 429 ; Dorothy 248 ; Isabel 248 ; Mary 209 ; Michael 209 ; Philip 248 ; Thomas 71, 248 ; William 248 Chandler , Elizabeth 206 ; Mary 206, 296 Chant, Ann 306 ; Thomas 306 Chapel Allerton , Old Ainsty, Yorks . 232 * , 248n, 266n , 331n Chapelle, Rev. François Guillaume 182 , 185 Chapelle -Gauthier, dept . of the Eure, dio . Evreux 183* n Chappelthorp , Pontefract 232* Chapman , 358 ; Anne 357 ; Barbary 323; Christopher 323 ; George 242 ; Jane 242 ; John 210 218, 265, 369 ; Katherine 218 *; Mary 210, 218 ; Thomas 218, 245, 357, 358, 369 ; the York Carrier 331 Charles , Ann 153 Charlewood, John 390 ; and White 390, 391 Charlton, Anne 341n ; Edward 262 , 341n ; family of 57 ; Jane 352 ; Mary 141





Chartres , Normandy 184, 187 Chaterton, Ann 220 ; William 220 Chauvet , Rev. Pierre 186

Cheatham , Chetham, Ann 75 ; John 206 ; Thomas 75* Chedeville , Rev. Julien Pierre 186 Cheeseburn Grange , near Newcastleon-Tyne 49, 52 Chen , Richard 151 Cheron , Rev. Gabriel Louis 184, 185 Cherry, 347* Cherry Burton , Harthill , Yorks . 232 * Cheshire , Elizabeth 308 ; George 308 Chester 57, 204, 208n , 350n Chester , Nicholas Stratford , Bishop of 363*n ; Richard 353 Chesterfield , Derbys. 367 * Chevreuil, Rev. Louis Pierre 185 Chichebovile, dio . Bayeux 183 132 ; Elizabeth 298 ; Child(e) (s), W. M. 125n ; Wm : 298 , 371 Chillington , Staffs. 214n Chipp , Chip, Charles 150, 152, 154*; Charles Antony 140; Charles Michael 154 ; Daniel 139-141 , 144, 146, 161 * ; Eliza (beth) 139-141, 144, 146 , 150, 152, 154 , 161 ; James John 140, 146 Jane 152, 154 ; Jane Eliza 152 *; John 139 , 140*, 154 ; Lucy 150 Luisa Maria 152 ; Mary Lowisa 144, 152, 156; Michael Peter 161 ; Stanislaus George 141 ; Thomas 139 Cholme , William Maw 292* Cholmeley, Cholmley, Allithea 224 *n; Anne 71, 224 n ; Francis 71, 224*n ; Mary 224n ; Thomas 224 n Chow , Uriah 309 Christian, James 301 Christopherson , R. Rev. John , Bishop 56n Chudleigh , South Devon 320n Church Fenton, New Ainsty, Yorks . 245 *n, 246 Clapgate , Berks. 118n Clapham , Marg't 359, Clara , of St Francis, Donna 37 Clark(e) , Clerk, Rev. Albert George, B.A. 127; Alice 298 ; Ann 147 , 149 ; Dorothy 298 ; Eliza : 100, 147 , 149 ; George 271 ; Henry 247, 351 ; Jane 341 ; John 154, 208, 303 ; Margaret 321; Mary 100, 147*, 149, 208, 262, 341 ; Philip 147 , 149* ; Step : 230, 292 ; Thomas 100, 275 ; W : 350; Will : 255 Clarkson, James 410 *; John 311 ; Thos 201 Claughton, near Garstang, Lanc . 58, 84n, 197-201, 203 342 Clavering, Rev Clayton, Doncaster, Yorks . 247-9, 315 Clayton , John 232 Cleckheaton , Pontefract, Yorks . 232* Cleg, Antony 250 ; Eliz : 250 Clemenger , Marmaduke 318



; ;







* *


INDEX Clemenshaw , Ann 253 * ; Elizabeth 224 ; Margaret 253 ; Richard 224, 253 ; Robt . 253 ; Thomas 240 Cleveland , N.R. Yorks . 204 *, 207, 211, 225, 230, 235, 237, 239-241, 250 , 254-6, 259 , 263, 269, 271*, 273 , 275, 276 , 283 , 284, 286 *, 287, 292, 312, 314 , 318 , 319 , 331, 333, 334 , 339, 371-381 Cleworth, Tho : 230 Cliffe-on- Tees, near Darlington , N.R. Yorks . 57 , 369 ; Hall, 84n Clifford , Lanc . 392n Clifford , Amy 320n ; Elizabeth 113, 321n ; Frances Anne 113; Hugh, 2nd Lord 320n , 321n; Mary McDonell, Lady 171 ; Mrs , see Clifton: Thomas, bart . 172 ; William 113 Clifton , Eleanor 341*n, 342 ; Rev. (James ) Bernardine, O.S.F. 128 Clinchamps , dio. Coutances 182 Coates, Coats , Catherine 344 ; Rev. Charles 120, 124 * n ; Eliz : 294 ; Ja : 247, 250 ; John 234 ; Mary 241 ; Tho : 294 Cock, Cox, Anne 64 , 197; Deborah 70 ; Elizabeth 197 ; Hannah 64-70 ; Helen 65 ; Henry 67 ; John 64-70, 197 ; Mary 64, 197 ; Thomas (Threlfall) Thrailfay 67 n ; William 69 ; Winefrid 66 ; see Cox 64n Cocker , Christopher 317 ; Mary 317 Cocking, Barbary 339 Cocklin, Coclin, John 112 , 115; Mary 112, 115 ; Michael John 115 ; Patrick 112 Cockshaw , Cocklaw, Hexham 262n*, 281 Cockshutt, Tho : 296 * Cohan , Ellen 179 quoted Cokayne , Cockayne, Charles , Ist Visc. 206n , 277n Cullen 337 ; Elizabeth 337n ; Mary







Colbatch , Geo : 256, 314, 333 Colcoats , Coldcoats, Northumb : 354* Colcoat , Wm . 356 Coldbeck , Colebeck , Barnaby 369 ;

Jno: 370

Cole, Coles , Alfred 155 ; Anne 263 ; Cornelius 263 ; Elizabeth 155 ; Esther 155; Theresa 155 Coleby, Ch : 356 ; Tho : 218 Colegrave , Robert 166 Coley, near Reading, Berks. 120*n Colleges Ampleforth , N.R. Yorks . 57; Caen, Normandy 134 ; Cambridge 130; Caius ' 414; King's 399 ; Pembroke Hall 121 ; St John's 400 , 405 ; Trinity 56*n ; Crook Hall, co . Durham 52, 84n , 91n ; Douay, France 50-2, 55 , 58 *, 59*, 91n *,

126n ; Lisbon, English College 1*, 2, 46, 71n , 266n *; Lisieux , Normandy 123 ; Liverpool , St Edmund's 54 ; Old Hall, St Edmund's 126; Oscott, St Mary's 1*, 21n , 411 ; Paris, Sorbonne182 ; Reading, Oxfords. 134 ; Rheims, France 399 ; Rome, English College 55n , 59, 229n ; Mazarine 59 ; St Omer's, France 42, 52 ; Stonyhurst , Lanc . 1, 33n, 52 ; Ushaw, St Cuthbert's , co. Durham 53*, 54*, 60* , 61, 84n *, 91n*, 114n ; Valladolid , St Alban's 82n , 84n. 134; William 165 Collier, Collingham, New Ainsty, Yorks . 233 * quoted 234n *; Bern : Collins, 272 ; Catherine 87, 150 ; Elizabeth 138 ; Henriet 138*; John 87, 138, 147 , 148; Laurence 137; Rebecca 159 ; Susan 147*, 148 ; Thomas 137,


138 ,

147 ,

148 ;

Timothy 159 ;

Ushley 159 Collinson, Elizabeth 257 ; Ralph 257 Colinworth, Alana 148 Collover, Colover, Denis 113, 115 Colne, Lanc . 54 Colson , Wm . 239 Colston , Ann 322 ; Ralph 322 Colthorpe (Cowthorpe) , New Ainsty, Yorks . 233 Colthurst, in* Netherdale, W.R. Yorks . 355* Comaleach , Anne 254 ; Thomas 254 Combes, 118 Complin, Ann 156


Conaughky, Patrick 163 Conbury, Carbury, Joan 100; John 100; Margaret 100 Conelly, Connelly, James 142; Jane 197; Thos 197 Congleton , Cheshire 52 Conigham , see Cuningham 88*n Conisbrough, Doncaster, Yorks . 233 * Coniston, Lanc . 74 , 81n Connell, Anne 104, 105, 108*n, 110, Isabelle 108; John 105 ; 114 Laurence 96, 104, 105, 108*, 110, 114 ; Margaret 108 ; Mary 114 ; Matthew 108; Peter 114 ; Philip 96 ; Rose Anne 110 Connery, Edward 152, 154, 163 ; Elizabeth 152, 163 ; Mary Ann 163* ; William Arbor 152* Conney worth , Elisabeth 239 Connor, Bridget 156 ; John 115 Conolly, Laurence 112 Conroy, Francis 138*; Mary 138 Consett , Consit( ), provost at Ushaw 61 ; Ellinor 266 ; John 241 *; Mary 241 ; Peter 266 ; Susanna 266 ; William 293 Constable , Amy, the Hon . 320 *n ;


t ....,



Cuthbert , the Hon. 320*n , 337*n, 363*n, 368 ; Marianne ( Lady) 175 ; Sir Marmaduke, 4th and last bart. 2442 ; Mary 299 ; Mr 209 * ; Rob't : 298, 370 ; William, 4th Visc. Dunbar 320n Convent of St Clare 37, 130 ;

of the

Most Holy Trinity, Lisbon 4 ; Ursuline, Boulogne 121 Conway , 77 : Agnes 108; Anne 67, 68, 75, 80, 104, 108*n ; Dorothy 68, 76, 78, 80* ; Eleanor 92 ; Elizabeth 66 , 73, 76, 87 *, 89, 92, 93, 108, 113 ; Isabelle 72 ; James 87-9, 92, 94, 96, 99, 104, 108, 112 * ; Joan 79, 93, 99, 101 ; John 79, 89, 104, 108, 113 , 115 ; Jos. 76; Margaret 68, 70, 94; Mary 66-70, 72, 73, 87, 89, 92, 94, 96 , 99, 104, 108, 112; Robert 6670, 72 , 73 ; Thomas 73; see Connell 108* n Conyers , Conyars, Esther 341 n, 342 ; George 265 ; Henry 348 Cook(e) , Andrew 273 ; Ann 297 ; Benjamin 263 ; Benony 353 ; Catherine 273 ; Christina McIntire 113 ; Elizabeth 139 ; George 239 ; Hen : 319 ; J: 160* ; Jane 156 ; John 155 , 156 , 179n , 297, 366 ; Joseph 262 , 353 ; Martha 113 ; Thomas 113 Cookham , Berks. 119 * Cookson , Jos : 283 Coomes, Anne 136* Cooper , 170, 299 ; Anne 357; Eliz : 357 ; Henrietta 148* ; Howard 143*; Ingheebert 357 ; John 344, 357 ; Leo 357 , 359 ; (Maria) (Mary) 141, 143, 153, 357 ; Mich : 357 Coopland , Copeland, Coupland, 68 ; Eleanor 63 ; Eliza 58 ; Francis 63 ; Robert 63 *, 68 *n, 234 ; Susan(na) 63*, 68*n; Thomas 58 Coppockhow , Skelmergh, Westmorl .







Copt Hewick , near Ripon 299 *n Coquainvilliers, dio . (Lisieux ) (Bayeux) 188 Corbet , John 285 Cordes, Fr Augustin de 4 Coresma , Catharine 37 Cornary, Bridget 156; Edward John 156 ; Elizabeth 156 ; John 156 Cornbrough, Bulmer , Yorks . 311 Cornett, Jane 359 ; Wm : 359 Cornforth, Ellinor 341 ; John 235, 236 ; Margaret 341 ; Robert 236 ;

alias Roydon , Rev. Thomas 48-50 196, 197, 202 ; Ann Cornthwaite, 196, 197; Betty 201 ; Bryan 198*n, 202 ; Elizabeth 199*n ; Helen 199 ; James 196, 202 ; Jane 195, 196; John 195; Mary 111 , 197, 199* n , 203 ;


Robert 111 , 197*n; R. Rev. Robert, bishop 197-9; Thomas 202 ; Rev. Thomas 50; William 196, 198*n, 201 Cornwall, Elizabeth 172 Corr , Anne 109, 113 ; Daniel 109, 113 ; Eleanor 113 ; John 109 Cortez , Emanuel 37

Cosbach, 199 Cosgrove, Edward 90 * ; Margaret 90 Cosnard, Rev. Louis 185 Costabadie , Mr 283 Cotham , John 313 Cottam , Dickering , Yorks . 233 Cottam , Cottum , Alice 222 ; James 65 ; Rev. Jacques 182 ; Rose 65; William 222 (Cotter) , R. Rev. William T. , D.D. Bishop of Portsmouth 128 Cotteral, Coterell, Elizabeth 197 ; Rebecca 79 ; Sarah Anne 79 Cottingham, Harthill , Yorks . 233 * Coubert , dio . Coutances 183* Couesmes, dio . Mans 186 Couland , James 157*; Margaret 157


Couldrey, Edward 174-7; Elizabeth 175 ; Juliana (Elizabeth) 174-7 ; 177 ; Rebecca 176 ; Thomas Mary

176 ; William 175 Coulonche , dio. Mans 182, 185 Coulson , Cowlson, Coulston, 202 * ; Ann 217, 281 ; Catherine 199; Chris : 273 ; Elizabeth 197, 198, 202, 217 ; Gabriel 198*n, 202 ; Jane 197, 199* , 235 ; Jean 201 ; John 196-8 , 201, 202, 340 * ; Jonathan 197 , 198 , 202 ; Mary 198 , 201, 340 ; Matthew 281 ; Molly 196; Rebecca 198, 201 ; Thos : 235 ; William 217 Coulton, Rydale, Yorks . 266 Coulton , Anne 80; Eleanor 94 George 80, 81 , 83 , 85, 87 * , 89, 94 ; John 85 , 89 ; Mary 80, 81 , 83, 85, 87 , 89, 94 ; William 81, 83 Courtel, Rev. Jean Jacques 185 Courtfield, co. Hereford 124, 173 Coutances , Normandy 134, 182-6, 188*, 189* Coutourier, Rev. L. H. J. 127* Coventry, Warwicks . 130 Cowban, Dom George 88*n ; Lucy 88 ; Rev. Richard 88n Cowell, Catharine 115; Edward 115 ; Francis 115 Cowper, Anne 296 ; Charles 294 *; Jordan 322; Joseph 322 ; Margaret 296, 334 ; Mary 334 ; Rachel 322 ; William 296, 334 Cowslade , Anna Maria 136, 161 ; Eleanora 120*n, 124, 137, 146 ; Ellen 141 , 150; Mary 136, 137 , 152; Mary Anne 120n , 122 ; Matilda 149, 158; Matilda Mary 120* n, 124,









INDEX 137 MB 158 ; Thomas 120 , 122, 136, 137 , 152 Cox, Cock, Hannah 64, 65 ; Helen 65 ; Henry 64 ; Jane 63 ; John 64 , 65; Joseph 170 ; Joseph Andrew 169 ; Margaret 139, 153 ; see Cock Coxhead, Oliver 118 Coxlodge, near Newcastle-on -Tyne 61 Coxwold , Bulmer, Yorks. 205, 233-5, 386n Crabb, Crab, 399 ; William 399 *, 401, 402 Craesbeke Press, Lisbon 1-3 Cragan , co. Armagh, Ireland 138 Cragg, Crags , Agatha 102 ; Agnes 99, 108, 114 ; Anne 83 , 84, 87, , 112, 114, 115 ; Eleanor 109; Isabelle 110, 112, 114, 115 n ; Joseph 105 , 114, 115; Margaret 103, 105, 108, 111, 115 ; Mary 106, 115, 237 ; Richard 110; Robert 83 ; Stephen 106, 109, 112 ; Thomas 83, 101 , 103 *, 105, 108110, 112, 114 ; William 99, 103*, 106*, 108 , 110, , 115, 237 Crambe , Bulmer , Yorks . 235* Cramer , Mary 234 Crapper , John 222 ; Mary 222 Crathorne, Cleveland, Yorks . 205 , 235*, 236, 266n , 331n , 337 , 36on ,







371-8 Crathorne, Cra(y)thorn( e), .... 380 ; 337*n; Catherine 266 *n ; Elizabeth Francis 260 ; George 36on ; James 241; Margaret 260, 360n ; Ralph 266 *n, 267*, 331*n, 377 , 380; Thomas 260, 337n , 360n Craven , W.R. Yorks . 204, 205, 208, 212, 217, 220*, 221, 226 , 228 , 250 , 254 , 266, 270, 272 *, 273, 277, 282,

283 , 288, 313*, 324, 328 Craven , George 319 Cravens, in Littledale, Lanc . 197, 198 Crawford, Crawfurd , Ann 239 ; George 239 ; Rev. Gibbs Payne, M.A. 130n, 187 Crawforth, Francis 228 ; George 228 ; Jacob 228 ; Mary 228 *; Philip 228 Creakhill, Richard 211 * Cressingham Park, Reading 127 Cresswell , Creswell , Ann 136 ; Charles 136 ; James 136* ; John 52; Sarah 52, 136; William 136* Crewdson , Anne 64 ; John 64 ; Sarah 88-90 ; Thomas 64 Crewland, Elizabeth 93 Crisp ( e) , Frederick Arthur 117n ; Hen : 231 Croe, Christopher 279 Croforth, Roger 257 202 ; Rev Croft(s) , , canon, quoted 266n ; Alice 196, 197; Ann Christopher 251 ; Dorothy 196;





251*; Elizabeth 194, 345 ; Henry 196, 198, 199 , 202 * ; John 198, 202, 321 ;

Mary 202, 321

Crofton, Pontefract, Yorks . 236*n, 237

Crolly, Andrew 116 ; Anne 113 ; Mary 113 , 116; Peter 113 , 116 Crompton, Richard 396 Cronan, James 147; Margaret 147 Cronur, James 148 ; Margaret 148 Crook, near Kendal 79 *n, 105, 107 ; Mills 79 *n, 110, 112 ; Hall, co. Durham 52, 84n , 91n ; see Ushaw Crook, Elizabeth Agnes 145* ; Rev. George 48 ; Mary Teresa 145 Crosby , Ravensworth, Westmorl : 73n

Crosby 283 ; Eliz : 224 ; Martin , 283 ; Mary 224; Matt : 224 Crosland , Bridget 291n ; Dorothy 278 ; Henry 278 ; Sir Jordan 291n Crosley, Crossley , Hannah 77 , 80, 83 , 84 , 86 , 89; Henry 84 ; James 77 80, 83 , 84, 86, 89 ; John 80; Joseph 89; Mary 77 , 324 ; Michael 77 ; Will . 324 Cross, John 234 Crosser, Fr : 268 ; Margaret 268 Crosswell , Elizabeth 153 Croughan, Ceilaw 144. Crowder, Grace 236 ; William 236 Crowley, Robert 390 * , 396 * Croxdale , co. Durham 55n Cuff, Mary 157 Culcheth, Culcheigh, Elizabeth 59 , 67 Cullen, Charles Cokayne, 1st Visc . 337n




Culley, Mary 235 Culsha (w) , Culshew, Barbara 196; John 201 ; Thomas 199* Cumberland , Duke of 58 Cundall, Frances 356 ; Mary 356 Cun (n) ingham, Conigham, James 88, 92, 95*, 101 , ; Joseph 92 ; Margaret 111, 147; Mary 95 ; Sarah 88, ; Thomas 88 92, 95 *, 101 *, Cunswick, near Kendal 47 *, 48*, 56 Currer, John 272 Curry, Rev. Luke , canon 53, 54, 60* Curtis Elizabeth 155; Grace 342, 346 ; Richard 342, 346 ; Teresa 155;


William 155

Curwen, Curwins, 64*n; Bridget 64 ; Catharine 66; Helen 66; James 64, 66n ; alias Wilkinson , Rev. John 55*n; Mary 64, 66n Cushion , Bridget 159 ; Edward 159 ; James 159 Čusk (e) ( ) ll. Anne 101 ; Charles 103, 107 ; Hugh 97*n, 101* n, 104* n; Margaret 90*n, 101* n, 103, 104*n ; see Kuskell, McCuskill Cussin , Mary 270





Cutler, Ann 222 ; Hannah 222 ; Mary 222

Cuverville, dio . Bayeux 185, 186 Dade , Thomas 229

Dalby, Bulmer, Yorks . 237* Dale, Adam 234, 311, 323 ; Alice 327 ; Ann 234 , 311 ; Benjamin 234 ; Bridget 314, 315 ; Catherine 234 ; Christopher 314, 315 ; Cuthbert 314; Dinah 234; Dorothy 323 ; Edmond 234 ; Edward 294 ; Elizabeth 294, 312* , 315, 327 ; Ellen 234 ; Ellinor 335 ; Gabriel 312 ; Jane 314, 315 ; John 284, 294, 314, 315 ; Margaret 294 , 327 ; Matthias 314 ; Mr, Mrs 342 *; Ralph 312 ; Rebecca 323 ; Sarah 234 ; Thomas 314, 327 Dale Bank 358n Daleside , Littledale , Lanc . 198 Daley, Ellen 152; Honora 148 Dallachy, John (Paul) 176, 177 Dalston, Hornby , Lanc . 56 Dalston, family of 47 Dalton, d'Alton, Daulton , Edmund 142 , 144 , 145* ; James 394, 416 ;

Mary 141*n, 142*, 144 , 145 , 153 * ; Ursula 334 99, 100; Mary 98 Daly, Dame Alice [Harrison ] s School, Fernyhalgh , Lanc . 51 Dams, Elizabeth 309 Damsell, Sir William, knt . 392 Danby, Cleveland, Yorks . 45, 46, 50,


* , Danby

237 , 299n

339; Cisily 235 ; Thomas 339 ; William 235 Dancastle, family of 119 Daniel, Catherine 322 ; Rev. François Zacharie 183*, 186; John 322 ; Tho : 350; alias West, Rev. Thomas, S.J. 46, 56 Danoly, Margaret 135, 137 ; see

Donelly Danson, Ann 196; Christ : 196; Ellen 196 ; James 196 Danthorpe Hall , near Humbleton , E.R. Yorks . 268n*, 364*n, 365n Darbey, Darby , Edward 88 ; George 246 ; Isab : 88 ; John 88 Darbisher, Darbyshire , Christopher 341; George 345

Darell , Dorrill," Rev. James , S.J. 251*n Darfield, Doncaster, Yorks . 237* 358* ; Agnes 246 ; Ann Darley, 246* ; Christ : 359 ; Dorothy 219 , 358 ; Edw : 358, 370 ; Ellen 219 ; James 265 , 317 , 330 ; Jane 358 ; John 224, 246*; Joseph 316; Margaret 290 ; Peter 358; Robt . 358 , 370 ; Thomas 246 ; Wm 369



Darlington on the Tees, co. Durham 57, 84n* Darnley, Anne 248 Darrington , Pontefract , Yorks . 237 * Darter, William S. 125* Darton, Dawton , Doncaster, Yorks. 237, 238 Darwent , Charles 222 ; Jane 222 ; John 222 ; Thomas 222 ; William 222 Daumesnil, Rev. Pierre Nicolas Joseph 186 Davidson, archbishop 389 206* n; Catherine Davis, Rev. 115, 161 ; Elizabeth 175, 176*, 178* ; Mary 92 , 161 * , 196 ; Peter 89; Rev. Peter, S.J. 251n; Robert 115* ; Thomas 161 Davison, Edwd . 262 ; Eliz: 262 Dawlir, Ann Born 138 ; Sarah 138; William 138 Dawson, Jane 357 ; Mark 251 ; Mary 251 ; Tho : 263, 357 Day, Fra : 327 ; Jo : 326 ; John 357 ; Susan 147, 148 Deadman , Ann 148 Dean Gibson Memorial Schools , Kendal 60 Dealtary, Hen : 333 ; John 206, 227; Wm 313 Deane , Richard 118* ; Rev. William



408*, 410

Dearden , Elizth. 300

Dearing, Dering , Anne 268 ; Francis 268 ; Heneage 300 ; Henry , LL.D.

212, 255 , 259, 285, 336 De Baudre, Debaudre, Rev. Jean François 184 de Bur (Debur ), Rev. Louis Nicolas François 187 De Chardonay, Therese Louise Marie 140 Dee, Ellen 157 Dehain, John 273 Deighton, Jane 316 ; John 316 ; Roger 316 ; William 316 d'Eincourt , family of 56; Ralf 45 De la Blardière, see Blardière de la Motterie , Rev. Henry Louis François Stanislas Gerard 185 Delaney, Andrew 148 ; Jane 148 ; Mary 158 De Lanoë, Rev. Jean Mathurin , abbé 125, 134, 145*, 163 ; see Lanoë De la Rue, Delarue, Rev. François 183-5 ; Rev. Pierre 184 De la Torre, Dominic 149 Délivrande, la, dio. Bayeux 183, 184* Demay, de May, Rev. Pierre Louis 184, 185 Dembrino, Rev. Stephen 154 De Millet, Rev. Jean René 182, 185 De Montiers, Demontiers, Ann 159,


INDEX 179n ; Anna Maria Elizabeth 150; Charles 150, 152 , 154, 155, 159 , 179 * n; Elizabeth 150; see Montiers de Montigny (Demontigny) , Rev. Charles Joseph 185 Denby, Doncaster, Yorks . 238 * Denby , Frances 331 Dennehy, Rev. Gerald 127 De Normanville, Ann 156 ; Rose Bertha 156; William John 156 Dent, Ann 303 ; Thomas 303 Denton, Barbara 291 ; Frances 291 ; Miles 349 ; R. 319 ; William 228 Derby 367 Derome , Durham , Adam 105; Agnes 67, 71 , 72, 80, 81*, 103, 106, 108 ; Alice 79, 80 , 97 ; Anne 65, 69-71, 73 , 75-9, 82, 88*, 90 *, 91, 96, 98 , 102, 105, 109, 113, 114 ; Baxter 108 ; Cecilia 75 ; Charles 84, 108-111 ; Daniel 113 ; Eleanor 65-7 , 70-3, 757, 80, 107, 109, 112-4, 116; Elizabeth 62 , 65 , 67, 71, 73*, 75, 76, 7883, 87, 89, 91, 92 , 94-6, 111 ; Ellen 110; George 79, 88, 97, 98 , 101 , 103 , 107, 109*, ; Gregory 88 ; Helen 70, 71 , 73 , 75; Isaac 104 ; Isabelle 77, 78 ; James 62, 71 , 76, 78, 89, 90, 92, 94-6, 98 , 101 * , 102 * , 104, 105, 109, 114* ; Jane 66, 90 , 108, 109 ; John 69, 72, 76 , 78-80, 82 *, 84-6, 88*, 90*, 93, 94, 96, 103, 105-110, 112, 113, 116* ; John Wilson 110 ; Joseph 74-84, 88, 90, 113 ; Margaret 81, 108 ; Mark Thomas 85 ; Martha 72, 76-82, 84, 88 , 90, 91 ; Mary 62, 64n, 65, 73, 75-80, 82, 84-9 , 91 *, 92 *, 95-8, 101, 104, 107, 109, 110*; Mary Anne 106; Matilda 107, 111 ; Matthew 62, 64-7, 71 , 73-5, 78 , 79 , 81-3 , 86 , 88, 89 *, 95 , 96 , 111; Paul 69, 70, 73 , 75-7, 80 ; Peter 73 ; Prudence 77 ; Richard 62, 65, 67 , 69-71, 73, 75-8, 80, 83, 101 , 107, 113 ; Richard Baxter 82, 106, 111 , 112, 114 ; Richard Ormerod 90 ; Sara 110112; Stephen 112 ; Thomas 62 , 65 n, 71 *, 75 , 78 , 87 , 89, 92 * , 95-8, 101 , 104 , 110 ; Thomasina 110; Tobiah 67, 75 , 81 , 85*, 87, 88, 91, 95, 98, 102-5, 107 ; see Durham Derwentwater, Anna Maria , Countess of 317n ; James Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of 317n Desmond , Mary 162 Desprairies , Madame 134 288 ; Thomas 288 Dewhurst, Dewsbury, W.R. Yorks . 215*, 293 Dicconson, R. Rev. Edward , bishop 56 Dick , Agnes 109 Dicker, Mary 163












.... ....





Dickering, E.R. Yorks . 204, 213 , 216,

225 , 229 , 231 , 233 , 243, 246, 247 *, 249, 250, 252, 256-8, 261, 268, 278 , 289* , 291, 298 , 302 , 306 *, 307, 316, 326 * , 327,333,336,337 Dickinson, Dickenson, Ann 299 ; Humphrey 223 * ; Jane 352 * ; John 322, 351 ; Judie 351 ; Laurence 352 ; Mary 343 ; Thomas 343; Xtopher352 Dickson, Elisabeth 305; Thomas 305 ; see Dixon Didmon, Mary 154 , 162 Diego de Sousa 4 Diell , Jean Charles 142* Dieppe , France 188 Dignum, Andrew 107; Mary 107 Digosville, dio. Coutances 183 288 ; Elizabeth 288 ; Dilworth, Margaret 288 ; Robert 288 Dinavon, Daniel 162 , 163 * ; Mary 163; see Donovan Dinmore, Edward 323 ; Joseph 295 ; Richard 323 ; Thomas 323 Dinnington, Doncaster, Yorks. 328 * Disney, Sam¹ 367 Dixie, Sir Wolston, knt . 415 Dixon, Dixson, 72; Ann 199, 303 ; Arthur 63 , 64, 83 ; Christopher 72 ; Dorothy 371 ; Edward 198 ; Eleanor 64, 72 ; Elizabeth 63, 64 , 70, 72, 75 , 88 ; Isabel 270 ; James 68, 70 , 72 ; Jane 68 , 70, 199, 303 ; John 83 , 95 , 303 ; Mary 73 ; Nathaniel 55 ; Rd 198; Sally 202 ; Sarah 194; Squire 72 Valentine 278 ; Thomas 73, 75 ; Wm: 215 Dobson , 201 ; Alice 196; Grace 288 ; John 196; Mary 197, 200 ; William 199, 201 Docker, in Kendal , Westmorl . 55 Dodding Green , Westmorl . 45-56, 58, 60 * , 63n *, 81n* , 89n , 91 Dodgson , Agatha 101; Ann 232 ; Chr : 250 , 252 ; William 101 * Dodsworth, Mary 323 ; William 323, 340, 349 Doe, Ann 149* ; Eleanor Ann 146 ; Elizabeth 146, 147 , 149 ; Elizabeth Mary 141-3, 145 ; Elizabeth Petronilla 141 ; Frances Amelia 145*; George 141-3, 145-7, 149 ; George Frederick 143 ; Henry James Laurence 145 ; Juliana 147; Mary Ann 417; Matthias Francis Mary 142 Dofoot, John 248 Doler, William 138, 153 Doles , Mary 244 126n ; Charles 139 Dolman, Dominicans, Haverstock Hill, London 127 Domville, Charles (Sir) 180











Donaghue, Rev. John 57




Donald, Mary 150 153; Abigail Donavan, Donovan, 151 ; Daniel 154 ; Mary 151 ; Mary Ann 154; William 154 Doncaster, W.R. Yorks . 204, 208 , 210, 212-214, 220 *, , 222, 223, 225 , 227,, , ,


230 , 233 237 * 238 * , 240 * 245 , 247 * 255, 257-9, 261, 263, 265, 274, 276 , 279 , 282, 283, 285, 287, 295 , 296, 298, 300 , 302 , 303, 308, 311*, 315, 317*, 321 , 322, 324-330, 332, 334, 335,


338,339 * Donelly, Danoly, Anne 97 ; James 97; Margaret 97, 135, 137; Patrick 152 Donn, Richd 308 Donogue , Bridget 99 ; Michael 99 ; Susan 99 Doran, Rev. John 127; Marga 96 Dorby, Ed . 85; Isab . 85 ; Peter 85 ; William 85 Dormer, Eliza , Lady 180; Ernest W. 167

Dornan, Alexander Stephenson 76; Anne 75 , 76, 82, 84, 85, 91 ; Eleanor 82; James 75-83, 85; Lucy 85; Mary 75-80, 82, 83 *, 85*, 91 ; Matilda 83 ; Rosalie 78 ; Thomas 80* Dorothy, Barbara 102 ; William 102* Dorrill, vere Darell , Rev. James , S.J.

351 *n Dossie, John 309, 365n Dossin , Rev. Pierre 181 *, 183, 187 Douai, Do ( u) (w) ay, (College) 47, 502, 55 , 58 , 59*, 91 *n , 126n, 129*, 130*, 218n , 224n, 226n , 234n , 299n , 31on , 331n , 337n , 368n , 369n , 388 , 392n , 399, 411 Douforth , Dorothea 321 ; Wm : 321 339 ; R. Rev. John, Douglas(s), bishop 132, 137, 153, 169, 339 ; Mary 281n ; Thomas 339 n Dover, Kent 122, 131 , 188* , 189 * Dowbiggin, Thomas 252 , 269*, 313*, 330 Dowker , Chr : 303 343 Downing, Downs, Dorithy 236 ; John 236; Joseph 236 Dowthwaite , Joseph 333, 334 Drain , John 73 ; Mary 73 ; Thomas 73 Drake, Jo : 276; John 297 ; Marm : 332 ; Samuel 327 ; William 259 Dransfield, Samuel 249 Draper, Robert 354 Draqueville, en Petit Caux, dio. Rouen 182*n, 184, 185 Drax, New Ainsty, Yorks . 238 , 239 Drayton, Great or East , Retford , Notts. 351 n Drenton, John 396 Dreton, Steven 313 Dresser , Elizabeth 257 ; John 228,










257 ; Joseph 257 ; Mary 228 ; Richard 228 ; Thomas 334 Drew, Sarah 228 ; William 228 Driffield , (Great) (Little ) , E.R. Yorks . 255 *, 256 * Driffield, Christopher 246 Dring , James 242 ; Jane 242 Dringhouses , Acomb, W.R. Yorks . 208 Driscoll, Driscol , Abigail 151 ; Brigit 147 ; Catherine 147: Eleanor 156 ; Helen 144 ; Mary 156; Mary Ann 151* ; Patrick 156; Timothy 151 ; Wm. 147 Driscon, Mary Anne 150, 151 Drumare, Rev. Guillaume 182 Dryden, Jonathan 342, 346 Drypool, Holderness , Yorks . 300* Dublin 121 n, 145, 158 Dubois, Rev. François 132, 137, 138 Dubourieu, Peter 277 Duck , Ann 239 ; Christopher 250 ; Jane 250 ; John 239 Duckenfield, I., 245 Duckett, Ducket , alias Hanse, Rev. Everard , blessed 390* , 391 *, 396, 397 ; family of 47 : Jane 104* ; Mary 110 ; Richard 104, 110 ; Sara 113; Thomas 104, 110, 113 ; Winefrid 110, 113 Duclos, Rev. N., canon 161*n, 162 ; Rev. Pierre Paul 184 356 ; Christopher 299, Duffield , 355 ; Elizabeth 299 ; Jane 359 : Michael 355 Duffil, Christopher 351 Duffin, Ann 234 Duffy , Helen 96 ; James 91 ; John 96*; Margaret 91 ; Mary 91 Dufresne, Rev. Jean Nicolas Marie Anne 185 Dunbar, Elizabeth , Lady 321 *n William Constable , 4th and last Visc. 320n , 321n, 363n, 364 n Dungarnen, Catherine, Lady 179 Duning, Eliz : 252 ; Jno : 252 63 ; Anne 63, 64, 66, 67; Dunn, Cecilia 82 ; Field 273 ; Frances 297 ; H. E. 411 ; James 54; John 63-7, 88, 90 ; alias Carr, Rev. John 218*n, 219 , 368 * n ; Joseph 297 ; Rev. Joseph , canon 54 ; Lucy 82 ; Margaret 176 ; Mary 54, 66, 67; Samuel 82 Dunnington, Bulmer, Yorks . 239 * Dunord, Rev. Jacques Marin , O.S.F. 187, 188 Dunsforth (dio . Chester ) , W.R. Yorks .







208* n, 209 Dunstan, Jane 344 Dunston, co . Durham 61 Dupont, Rev. Etienne 182, 183 ; Rev. François Louis 183, 186


INDEX Durham 53-5, 60, 91n , 219, 374 Durham, Derome, Eleanor 65; Eliz : 65 ; Helen 64 ; Mary 64* ; Matthew 64, 65 ; Paul 64n * ; Richard 64 ; Thomas 65; see Derome 63 , 64 , 65 Du Roy, Rev. Philippe 183 Durton , in Broughton , Lanc . 46 Duson , John 214 Dutchbourn, Dutchburn , Francis 323 ; Jane 323 ; John 315 Duval, Père Toussaint 188 Duvey, Rev. Eustache 184 Duxbury, Alice 92 ; Anne 105, 113; Eleanor 109 ; Hannah 99; Henry 113 ; Isabelle 109, 113, 115*; James 84, 103, 108, 111* ; Jane 94 ; John 87, 108, 109, 111, 113; Margaret 108, ; Mary Anne 89 , 111 ; Samuel 103 ; Sarah 84, 85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 97, 99, 101 , 103 , 105, 109, 113* ; Thomas 97; William 84, 85*, 87, 89, 92, 94, 97, 99, 101 *, 103 , 105, 109*, 113*,



Dwyer , Maurice 139 Dyck, Agnes 107, 111 ; Elizabeth 107; John 107, 111 ; John Francis 111 Dylay, Martha 309 Dynoodt, Rev. Louis 127 Earby, in Thornton , Craven 324 Earl , Earle (s), 350 ; Ann 143 ; James 141, 143, 153; Marie 141, 143, 153; Mary Gregory 141 ; Peter 350 Earley, Erleigh, Eurley , near Reading 124, 167* ; see Osbern Giffard Earnshaw , Editha 328 ; Joseph 112 ; Ralph 328 Easington, Cleveland, Yorks . 239 * ; Holderness , Yorks . 273 * Easingwold, Bulmer, Yorks . 239*n,



East Appleton, near Catterick , Yorks . 47n East Ardsley, Pontefract 240 * East Harlsey, Cleveland, Yorks. 240 * East Ness, near Hovingham , Yorks . 266*, 267 East Retford, Notts. 367* East Rownton , Cleveland 270 Eastbourne ( Easebourne) 126n* Easterside , Rydale 259 Eastham, Agnes 83; Jane 83, 108; Thomas 83 , 89 Easton , Cleveland, Yorks . 292, 293 Easton, George 256 Eastrington, Harthill , Yorks . 240 * Eaten , Heton , Maister 403 n, 411, 417 * Eavestone , Evostons, near Sawley, Ripon 305, 357 Eccles, Rev. John Lawrence, O.F.M. 46* Ecclesfield , Doncaster 240 *

Ecorches , dio. Séez 184, 185, 187 Edgehill, Warwicks . 45 Edgeston , Rachel Ann 170 Edinburgh 61 Edlington, Doncaster 240, 241 Edmunds, Elizabeth 147 Edstone , Rydale, Yorks . 241* Edward, Edward (e) (s) , Catherine 154*, 162 ; Frances 154 ; Matthias 283 ; Thomas 117* Egerton, Eleanor 235 ; Ralph 235 Egton, Eggton, Cleveland, Yorks . 205, 241 , 242 *, 256 n, 284, 379 *n, 380 *n; Bridge, brigg 205 , 242 *n , 379 *n, 380 * Eidsforth, Charles 75 ; Mary 75* Elden , Elisabeth 271 ; Thomas 271* Eldon, co. Durham 57 Eleker, James 260 Ella, Ann 291 ; Richard 291 Elland, Ealand, near Halifax 242* , 243 Eller , Elizabeth 97 ; Jane 97 ; Michael 97 Elleray, John 225 Ellerby , in Swine, Yorks . 321 Ellerington , Edward 294, 336 Ellerker , Edward 233 ; Sarah 233* Ellershaw, Ellen 200 Ellerton , Harthill , Yorks . 213* Ellinwood , Elizabeth 197; William 197 Elliot , Ellot [Hellot] Lanc . 199* Ellis , Christopher 113; Eliz : 262 ; Ellinor 345 ; Frances 262; Richard 262; William 226 Ellison, Alfred J., M.A. , LL.M. 61 , 93n; Anne 93n, 105, 113, 206, 239 ; Eleanor 113 ; Elizabeth Jane 107 ; family of 93n ; Frances 105; Francis, 113; Francis Charles 113 ; Gertrude 206 , 310 ; Hellin 244 ; Jane 95, 105, 107, 110, 113; John 95, 105, 239 ; Luke 93 *n, 107, 110; Margaret 107 ; Mary 71, 93 *n, 95; Mary Agnes 93, 113 ; Michael 93n ; Richard 113 ; Tho : 244 ; William 71*n, 93 *n, 95*, 105, 107, 110, 113, 310 ; William


Cuthbert 93n Elloughton , Harthill , Yorks . 243 * Ellwood , Elwood, Daniel 101 ; Ed : 195; Winefrid 105 Elmsall , H. 324 Elsworth, Rebecca 278 Elvige, Mary 155 Elvington , Bulmer, Yorks . 243* Elvins, Ruth 122, 152 Emalleville , dio. Evreux 183, 184 Emley, Emely , Elmley , Pontefract , Yorks . 243 , 252, 321n ; Park-Gate, near 243 Endmoor, End Moor, Preston



Richard , near Kendal 77*n, 78, 80, 83, 84 Emerson , Emmison, 288 ; Margaret 228 ; Philip 228 ; Richard 288 Engelbach, George Frederick 61 364 ; Eliz : 268 ; John England, 268 , 364*, 365 * ; Thomas 343 Englefield, Berks. , church at 131n ; manor of 119*, 130 ; see Inglefield Englefield, Catherine Day 129; Sir


Charles 130*n ;

129 ;

family of 117, 119,

Rev. (Charles or Francis)

Felix , O.S.F. 129 , 130 ; Sir Francis, knt . 130 ; Henry 129 ; Sir Henry , bart. 122, 130, 135, 152, 157 ; Sir Henry Charles , last knt . 130, 131n



Envermeu, dio. Rouen 132 Equimbosc, en Caux, dio . Rouen 182* n Ergham, Dickering, Yorks. 243 * Erleigh, see Earley Errington , Hexham 281 Errington , Anne 210 ; Barbary 312 ; Eleanor 346 , 347 ;. Gilbert 353 ; John 210, 354*n ; Mary 281n , 352 ; 312 Nicholas ; Richard 354* ; Thomas 281 * n ; William 281*n Escrick, Bulmer, Yorks . 243 Esh Laude, near Ushaw, Durham 54 Eskdale , Cleveland 250 * n Espinall, Bryan 209 Espinola , Anthony Maria 36 Esquerchin, near Antwerp , Belgium 51

Estcourt, canon 411 ; and Payne, quoted 205, 219n , 236n, 281n,

301n , 338n, 341n *, 357n , 360n Esterhazy, Prince 160; Princess 160 Etherington, Helen 200, 220 ; Mary 199 ; William 200 Etienne, Rev. Michel François 186 Eton, Bucks. 161 , 399* Etton , Harthill , Yorks . 244 Eudes , St Jean 123n Eudistes , Congregationof 123*n, 183, 187 ; Grands Séminaires 123n Europum, Bishop 196n ; see Penswick Euxton, Leyland , Lanc . 248n , 360n Evans, Griffin 33* ; Hannah 258 ; Margaret 273 Evening, Marg. 82 Everdale, Jane 168 Everingham, Harthill, Yorks . 244 n Everit, Henrie, alias Everit Duckette , Eueralde Ducket , alias Hauns [ Hanse ], 390 , 391 Evrecy, dio. Bayeux 186 Evreux, Normandy 131 , 182-5 Exeter 15 ; heretical bishop of 15 Eyles , see Iles , Isles 225n 301 ; Elizabeth Mary 145 ; Eyre, George 308 ; Hannah 308 ; John 308 ;





Juliana 173 ; Mary Teresa 145 ; Rose 308 ; Thomas 145, 173, 308 ; Vincent 169

Eyston, Basil 149 Faceby , Cleveland, Yorks . 230* Faceby, Rev. Thos: 50 Fagon, see Feagon 105*n Fair, Eliz: 74; Margaret 74 Fairburn , Ann 151 Fairfax , Anne 252n; Charles , the Hon : 252 , 253*, 260 ; Charles Gregory, 9th and last Visc. 252*n, 321n ; Elizabeth, Lady 321n ; Mrs , the Hon : 253 ; William, 8th Visc : 252 *n Fairlamb, John 263* Faithwaite , John 200 299 ; Frances 299 Falkeon, Falkiner , Mary Ann 121 ; Richard



Fall, Elizabeth 322 ; Robert 322 Fallen Ewe, in Underbarrow, Westmorl . 48 Fallowfield , Elizabeth 76 ; Hen : 194; Jane 76; John 76 Falmouth, Cornwall 162n Faria, Pedro da Sylva de 4 Faringdon, Rev. Hugh Cook, abbot,

blessed 117 Faris, Martha 142 Farleton, Lanc. 196, 197 , 199*, 201 Farlington , Bulmer, Yorks . 197, 244 * Farnborough, Hants . 127 Farnham, Surrey 150 Farnley, Old Ainsty, Yorks . 245 Farren, Catherine 147* ; John 147; Margaret 147 Farrer , Farrah , Farray , Anne 244 : Margaret 348 ; Mary 317; Richard 348 ; Thomas 244, 317; W. 287 Farrington , Eliz : 81 ; John 234 Farside , Tho : 335, 336 Father Wilkinson 60 Faucett Forest , in Kendal, Westmorl :





55 Fauconberg, Faulconberg, Catherine, Lady 234*n, 331n , 337n ; 1st Earl 331n, 337n; Thomas ( Belasyse), 3rd Visc: 322n ; Thomas, Earl , 4th Visc : 234*n, 386-8 Faulq, dio. Lisieux 182, 187 Fauvel, Rev. Pierre 183* Favrel, Rev. Jacques Thomas Nicolas 184, 185, 187

Fawcet(t) , Elizabeth 259 ; Frances 235 ; George 292 ; John 235 *; Richard 259*; Thos : 235 ; William 235

163 ; Jeremiah 329 Fawkes, Rev Feagon , Fagon, Agnes 110; John 105; Margaret 105*, 110; Peter 105 , 110; Thomas 105



INDEX Fd, Eliz : Aral 194 ; C. Issabel 194 Featherston, Matthew 234 Fécamp , dio. Rouen 188 Felix Kirk , Bulmer , Yorks . 245 * Felkirk, Doncaster, Yorks . 245* Fell , Tho : 241 Fellows, Elizabeth (Mary ) 141-3, 145, 149

Felton, John , martyr 406, 407*n; Mary 143 ; Rev. Thomas, O.Š.F. , blessed 404 407 n, 410* , * Fengate , Tengate, Joseph 213 [Fenton (Church Fenton) , New Ainsty, Yorks . 245*n, 246 Fenwick (e), Bridget 352 ; Isabel 352 ; Mary 234 ; Mrs 198*n, 200 Feras, Bridget 144, 145 ; Catherine 144 ; John 144, 145* Ferey, Rev. Francis 185 Fermor, Elizabeth 226n , 251n , 344 ; Richard 344 Fern, Eliz : 353 ; Thomas 353 Fernally, Joseph 308 Fernandez , Emanuel 36 Fernyhalgh, near Preston, Lanc . 51 * Ferrand, Anne 250 *, 251 ; James 250, 251 ; John 250, 251 ; Mary 250, 251 ; Matthew 283 ; Olive 250, 251 ; P. 217 ; Tho : 250 ; Thomas Michael


250* , 251

Ferrers, Edward 224n ; Mary 224n Ferrières, dio . Lisieux 181, 183* Ferris, Rev. Francis, D.D. 127 Ferron, de la Ferronnays, Rev Mgr. 131 Ferry Fryston, Pontefract, Yorks .




Ferrybridge, Pontefract , Yorks . 246, 297 Fetherston , Pontefract 246 * ; Moor 246 Fewson, David 257 Fewston(e), Old Ainsty, Yorks . 246 * Fidens , Maister 403* Fields , Mary 306; Michael 306* Fierville -la - Campagne , dio. Bayeux 183, 184, 186 Figuerido, Francis de 36 Filey, Dickering , Yorks . 246 * Fimber, Buckrose, Yorks . 333* Finch , John 324

Finch's Buildings, " Lady Va"chell's House , Hosier "St , Reading


120; (Church) (Presbytery) 120, 122, 124, 125, 130, 135 ; see Reading House Ffinchampstead, Berks. 119, 120* Finn , Ellen 179; John 179; William 179 Firbeck, Doncaster 247 328 ; Ann 246; George Firth, 328 ; Thomas 246


Fisher, Agnes 68 , 69n ; Alice 199 ; Ann 68, 71 , 198 ; Elizabeth 67-71, George 340 ; 340*; Esther 71 Helen 69; James 67, 70, 199, 200 ; , 340 ; 88 ; William 67, 69 Nigel John 67-71 Fishlake, Doncaster 247* Fitting , Fittine, Humbleton , Holderness, Yorks . 364 Fitz- geral, James 155* ; Lucy 155 Fitz- patric, Mary 148 Fitzwilliam , Margaret 227n ; Thomas



Flamanville, dio . Coutances 184 Flamborough, Dickering , Yorks . 213n , 247 *n Flaxman, John 48n Fleetwood, Fleetewood, Sir John 57; Rev. John, S.J. 251 *n ; William, Serjeant at law and Recorder 391 *, 415, 416 382 ; Fleming, Flemming, Charles 342 ; Rev. Charles 54; Sir D. 48n; John 324, 342 * ; Margaret 342 ; Richard 342, 343 Fletcher, Eliz : 250 ; Frederick Francis 143* ; John 250 ; Joseph 322, 339 ; Mary 322, 339 ; Thomas , the informer 50 Fleury, Rev. Jean Pierre Jacques 187 Flewett , Richard , vere Lloyd 404 , 405 , 410 Flin , Mary 162; Thomas 162



Flintoft, Jane 228

Flinton , Humbleton , Yorks . 364 Pontefract, Flockton , Thornhill , Yorks . 247 * Flood, Fludd , Anne 99 ; Eleanor 105 Flower, Flowers, Floyd , 122 ; Frances 157 ; Richard , vere .... Rev.

William Way, blessed 404, 405 ; see Lloyd

Foefar, 253 Fogg, Fog, Anthony 140*, 146 *, 147 ; Edward 147; Robert 157 * , Catherine 100 ; Edward Foggarty 100 ;

Peter 100

Foley, Abigail 139-141 , 143 ; Rev. Henry , brother S.J., quoted 45 , 1932, 205, 225 , 227n, 237n , 245n, 251n *,

268n , 304n , 326n, 340n, 429 Folkton , Dickering, Yorks. 247* Follifoot , near Spofforth , Yorks. 316 Forcer, Rev. Francis, S.J. 1, 2, 44 Forden , Hunmanby , Yorks . 268 Forrest, Forest, John 203 ; Mary 198, 200, 203 ; Wm 203 Forster, Anne 341 ; Benjamin 228 ; Edward 353 ; Jane 228 ; John 243 , 341 ; Robt: 353 ; Thomas 341 Fosse, Joseph 236 ; Mary 236; William 396



Fort St George 322n

Foster, Anne 309 ; James 296 ; Jane 249 ; Mary 234, 296 ; Robert 234 ; Thomas 283 ; William 309, 346 , 347 Foston, Bulmer , Yorks. 247* ; Dickering, Yorks. 289 * Fothergale, 344 ....Pierre Foucher, Rev. François 133*n Fountains (Abbey), near Ripon 227n, 248n, 299*, 30on , 358n, 368 Fourches , dio . Séez 184, 187 Fowler, Charlotte Emilia 139 ; Elizabeth 143*, 147, 148*, 158, 164*; Emily 179 ; Frederick 179 ; James 158, 161 *; Jane 137, 138* , 153, 157 ; John 147 , 148, 161 ; alias Betham John 234n; John Baptist 138 ; Louisa 138, 161 ; Lucy 137, 158 ; Mary Ann 158, 161; Rev. Reginald 126 ; Richard 215 ; Robert 137, 138*, 140 , 153 ; Thomas 139*, 148, 153, 158 ; William Henry 148* Fox , Anne 307 ; Barbara 156; Eliz: 220 ; Frans : 307 ; James 156 ; John 241 ; Mary 156 ; Susannah 267 ;

William 267

Foxcroft , Agnes 67, 70*, 71 ; Ellin 203 Foxholes , Dickering , Yorks . 247* Foxwell, Foxell , Henry 404, 410 Fraistrop (Fraisthorp ), Dickering , Yorks . 213n, 247 n Franchland, John 197 ; Sara 197 Francis, Father , O.F.M. ( Rev. Arthur Bell), ven., martyr 431 ; George 145 Franciscans at Ascot 127 ; Mapledurham 129 ; Reading Abbey 117, 125n ; Ufton Court 129 ; White130 knights Franco, Rev. Antonio , S.J. 44 Frank, Dorothy 229; Margaret 257 ; Mary 257 ; Thomas 257 Frankland , Ambrose 328 ; Dom Hugh , O.S.B. 270 n, 271 ; Mary 217 Ralph 283 ; Richard 217 ; Ursula 244; William 271, 317*n ; Winefred 317 *n Franklin, Rev canon 54 Franqueville, dio. Laon 132 Freeman, 436 Freke, Elizabeth 171 Fremanger, Rev. Jean 185 Frérot , Rev. Pierre 182 , 184, 185 Fresney , dio. Bayeux 182 ; -le-Puceux 184 Frickley, Doncaster, Yorks. 224n, 227n , 247-9, 315 Fróes , Francis Henry 151 , 165; John 150 ; John Francis 165 ; Mary Agnes 151 ; Mary Inez 165; Mildred 150, 159, 165* Frouin , Rev. Jean Baptiste François 184






Froggott , John 275 Frydaythorpe, Dickering, Yorks. 249* Fryerage, the, Yarm 340*n , 371n Fulforth , near the city of York 249* ; Gate Fulforth 249 Fulker , Edward William 155, 176 ; Sarah Agnes 155*, 176 Full Sutton, Harthill, Yorks . 250 * Fuller , Gil : 345 ; Thomas 118n ; Rev. Thomas, D.D. 56n Furness , Lanc . 46 Furniss, Anne 308* ; Elizabeth 308*; Mark 308* ; Robert 308* ; Wm 308* Furtado de Mendoza , Elizabeth37* ; George 37 ; Lopez 37 Fylde Plumpton, Lanc. 53 Fylingdales, Cleveland 250 *n Fysh, Rt : 267, 278 , 314



Gailey, Charles 178, 179 Gainsborough, Lincolns . 367* Gaisford, Thomas 180* Gale , Tho : 265 Gallini , Alfred (Alberto) 145* ; Arthur 145* ; F. 158 ; Francis 141*n, 145 ; Francis Alberto 145 Gallon, Dorothy 284 * ; Luke 284 *; Margaret 263 ; Thomas 284 Galphay , Galwhey, Kirkby Malzeard 355 Gandy , Anne 58n ; Anthony 58n , 67; Eleanor 58 n; alias Leyburne, Rev. James 56, 58*n, 59 ; Thomas 58 ; William 58 n Ganton, Galm(p)ton , Dickering , Yorks . 250* Garbut, Ann 217; Elizabeth 241 ; Jane 284 ; John 241 ; Thomas 241 , 284 Garcia, Joaquin 105 ; Joaquin Silverius John Joseph Maria 105 ; Margarita 105 Gardam , Ann 220 ; Catherine 268 ; Ralph 268, 364 *, 365 ; Roger 220 Gardiner, Oliver 69 Garel , Rev. Pierre Jean - Baptiste 186 Garencieres , Theoph : 306, 318 * Garforth , New Ainsty, Yorks . 250 * Gargrave, Craven, Yorks . 250* , 252 201 * Garner, 229 ; Frances Garnet(t), Garnit , 290; Jno : 195 ; Robert 266 Garrard, family of 119 Garrott, Alice 149, 150 Garsome , 232 ; Richard 232 Garstang, Lancs. 54 , 58 Garstang, Tho : 263

* *




Garth-how, " Garth Row , in " " 80*n, 84 "Skelmergh 53,

Garton, Dickering 252 * ; Holderness 252* Gascoigne ,

5th bart : 206n; Sir


INDEX Edward , 6th bart : 206 *n , 207*n, 250*, 381-6 ; Elizabeth 248n ; family of 305n ; Sir John 248n ; Mary, Lady 206 * n, 382*n 231 ; Margaret 231 ; Gaskin, Thomas 231 , Gastin Elizabeth 258 ; John 258 Gatehelmesley , Bulmer, Yorks . 252 * Gateside, near Selside Hall on the Fells, Kendal 65-7, 69, 70

Gatti 135n

Gauville-la- Campagne, Gauville en Gauvillois, dio. Evreux 182*n Gavin , Anne 115; John 115; Michael 115 Gaynes, Jane 327 ; John 327 Geldart, Eliz : 356 ; William 254 Genseck, Francis 108 Gerard , Gerrard , G (é) (i)rard , Anne 304n ; Catherine 74n ; Lady Clare 195; Rev. Henry Louis François 184 ; Rev. Jean Baptiste 182, 186 ; John 195, 296 ; Rev. John, S.J. 429 ; Mary 296 ; Robt . 195 ; Sir Robert 74n ; Sir William , 4th bart. 309n Ghent , Belgium on Gibbons , Garratt 148 Gibbs, Sarah 140, 142, 145, 170 ; and Doubleday, quoted 234n Gibson, 236n , 318 ; ) bishop 361 ; Agnes 73 , 76 ; Anne 73, 77, 310 ; Christopher 82, 93 *, 99, 102 ; Edward 76-9, 82*, 84, 85 , 87*; Elizabeth 84, 99 *, 102, 111 ; family of 60 * ; George 267, 353 ; Helen 82 *, 84-7, 89, 91, 92, 94, 97 ; Henry 310; Rev. James , dean 60 , 61 ; Jasper 91n ; John 79, 257, 321; Joseph 73 , 76, 93, 102, 352; Rev. Joseph 61 ; Margaret 60, 91n ; Mary 73, 76 , 77 , 79, 81, 83, 84, 90 , 94, 95 , 102, 257; Mary Agnes 85, 100, 104 ; R. Rev. Matthew , bishop 91m* ; Robert 48n , 90, 104; Robert Joseph 82 ; Thomas 60, 278 ; R. Rev. William, bishop 52*, 91 *n, 195 n, 19бn Giffard, Gefford, Catherine 214*n; John 214n Peter 214n ; Walter 214 *n Gilbartson, Richd 350 Gilbert, Mich : 315 Giles, Mary 349 ; Montague 349 Gill , Ann 326 ; Bridget 248 ; Francis 326* ; John 271 ; Josias 248 ; Mary 314 ; Thomas 314, 326*, 356 ; Wil-

.... *






* * *




liam 310 Gill Church, in Barnoldswick 222 Gillet, Rev. Henry 61 Gilling (Castle), Rydale, Yorks. 252-

4, 260*n

Gillis, Brine (Brian) 143; Mary 143 ; Patrick 143

Gillot , Alice 222 ; George 222 Gillow , Joseph, quoted 52*n, 53n, 126n, 205, 208n , 234n, 236n, 248 n, * 288n , 337n, 34on

Gilmore, Dom Robert Paul, O.S.B. 207*n , Rev. Edward 48, 49 Gilpin Gin, Edward 97; Elizabeth 97 Ginochi, Andrew 111 Girdler, Catherine 171 Gisburn, Craven, Yorks . 254 * Gittel , Francis 170 Givendale , Ripon , Yorks . 357 G.K. 341*n Gladall, Jonathan 206 Glaisdale , Glasedale , Cleveland, Yorks. 254, 255 Glencross, Reginald M. 62 Gloucester 399 , 400, 402 * * 81*; Glover, Anne 65, 81 ; Eleanor George 63 , 81 ; John 63-5 ; Margaret 63-5 , 72 Gobson, Mary 92 God, Francis 396 Godley , John 293 * Godquin, Rev. Jean François Nicolas 124-6, 132, 135*, 138-141 , 153, 160*, 161 * Goffe, Ann 220 ; William 220 Golden , near Probus, Cornwall 19 Golden , Mary 194 Golding, Patrick 143*

Goldsborough, Goldsbrough, Anne 328 ; Elizabeth 248 * ; John 328 ; Thomas 248 Golond , Mary 315 Gondisali Vaz Coutinho, Don 36 Gondré , Gondray, Rev. Jean Nicolas 122, 125 , 126, 132, 135* , 137, 138, 146 , 147 , 160, 161 * Gonfonoleri, John 102 ; Sara 102 ; Susan 102 Goodamscales , Dodding Green, Westmor : 81*n, 83, 89 Goodchild , Mary 155 ; Rachel 147 Goodman, Ann 150 ; Anna Maria 150; James 150; Mary Ann 150 Goodmanham , Harthill , Yorks . 255 * Goodrick, Ann 234 ; Margaret 264 ; Mary 224 ; Mercy 264 ; Robert 234 Goodwin, Geo : 287 ; Richard 322* Goodyer , John 149 ; Margaret 149 ; Neomé 149 Gordon , Rev. Peter, of Alcantara , O.S.F. 319 *n, 368 ; see C.R.S. 14, pp. 387, 388 *n Gorges, dio . Coutances 186 Gorhit , Frances 294 ; William 294 Gorron, dio. Mans 186 Gosling , Gostling, Ann 234 ; Elizabeth 234 ; Henry 234 ; Margaret 234 ; Mary 165; Philip 234 ; William 234

* *



Gosnet, Rebecca 159 Gosport , Hants . 188 Goss, R. Rev. Alexander, Bishop of Liverpool 52 ; Eliz : 89 ; Richard 89 Gosselin, Rev. Gilles 187 ; Rev. Jacques 184 Gouberville, dio . Coutances 182 Gouge, Nichs : 254 Gougeon , Rev. André Ambroise Gervase 185 Gouget , Rev. Pierre Michel 183, 184, 186 Goulet, Rev. Charles Jacques Pierre 187 Gowling, Elizabeth 269 ; Frances 269 Gowndrill, G. 212 Goxhill , Holderness, Yorks . 255 * Gradwell, R. Rev. Robert , bishop 58, 59m Graham , Grayham, Agnes 96 , 101, 103, 104 , 107, 110; Andrew 107 ; Eleanor 101 ; Elizabeth 110, 114*; Isabelle Anne Mary 114 ; James 103, 114 ; John 94; Margaret 110 ; Mary 94, 98 ; R. 232 ; Robert 94, 96*, 98, 101, 103, 104, 107, 110; Sarah 114; Wm . 263 Grainge, Grange , Elizabeth 315, 357 ; Ellen 299, 357 ; Fra : 357 ; John 295, 357; Mary 295




Grainville - sur - Fleury, dio. Rouen 132*

Granier, Rev. Charles Jean -Baptiste 183, 184

Grantley, near Ripon 298, 357, 37 ° Granville, Normandy 189 Graves, Anne 77 Gray, Grey, James 262, 352 ; Jo: 350 ; John 148, 209, 256, 291 ; Lucy 234 ; Mary 148 ; Matthew 234 Grayrigg, Westmorland 47, 49 Grayson, Mary 339, 371 ; Willm. 339 Grear, Robert 328 Greasborough , Doncaster, Yorks . 255 Great Ayton , Cleveland, Yorks . 255* Great Hatfield , near Hornsea 285 Great Malton , E.R. Yorks . 229 Great Strickland, Morland , near Appleby , Westmor. 45 Greaves, Anne 354 ; William 354* Green , Greene , Catherine 266 ; Elizabeth 266, 343* ; Frances 211, 321 ; Margaret 343 ; Nicholas 266 ; Rev. Pierce W. 127; Siberina 343 ; Susanna 266* ; Thomas 211, 240 ; William 321 , 343

Greenbury, Arthur 250 Greenwich, Kent 129, 130 Greenwood , John 340 ; Mary 340 * "; Sarah 114; Thomas 261 ; William 114 ; William Nelson 114 Gregg, 342 ; Eliz : 357 ; Wm . 357


Grenville, Sir Richard , general on; Sir Richard , sheriff of Cornwall 9* n,

15 Grepp, Grep , Andrew 111; Catherine 115; Frances 108; Francis 105-8, 111, 115 ; Jane 105; John Joseph 105 ; Margaret 108, 111 , 115 ; Mary 105 , 106 Gressingham , Lancs. 200 Greswold , Rev. (Thomas) Andrew, O.S.F. 128* Franciscan House, Greyfriars, Reading 117 Greyson , Cecilia 139 Gridling Stubs, Womersley, Pontefract 338 Grieg, Catherine 159 ; Cornelius 159; David 159; Margaret 159 Griffiths , Griffith, Arnold 302 ; R. Rev. Thomas, bishop 126* Grimboldson, Leonard 343 Grimsdale , Eleonora 148



Grimshaw, Thos: 54 Grimston(e) , Anne 360; Rev. Martin O.S.F. 120* , 128; Robert 360 , 369 ; Tho : 360 ; Wid : 360 Grindal, Dickering, Yorks . 256 Grisedale , near Windermere 74*n Grocock, John 282 ; Richard 282 Grosville, dio. Coutances 185 Grout, Catherine 145, 146; Charles 146; Elizer 145; William 145, 146 Grove House , Leyburn , N.R. Yorks . 47n Grover, Bridget 154 ; George 154 ; Margaret 154 Guadeloupe 142 Gudgeon, Widow 288 Gueron , dio. Bayeux 183

Guilding, Rev. J. M. , F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. 118 Guisbrough, Cleveland 256* Guiseley , Old Ainsty, Yorks . 50, 257* Gunter, Guntur , Rev. William 408*, 410

Gurwood, George 256, 291, 303 Guy, Catherine 154*, 162 ; James 154 , 162 ; James Augustine 154; Robert Edward (s) 154*, 162* Gwyn, Richard, blessed 405 Gybson , Isabel 241 Gyrling , Nic : 290 Habe , Elizabeth 156 Hackness , Dickering , Yorks . 257* Haddock, Frances 343 Hadwen, Elizabeth 96, 98 *, 102-4, 108, 113; Isaac 96 , 98 * ; Rebecca 98 ; Thomas 96 Haggard, Mary 335 ; Wm . 335 Hague , Alice 222 Haigh, Franc : 220


INDEX Haighton, Richd 332

Haines , Frances 149* Haiward , Sir Rowland, knt . 415 Hakin (s), Ann 298 ; John 339 ; Mary 339 ; Wm 298 Haldsworth , Tho : 224 Halia , Bishop of 133*, 160 see

Poynter Halifax ,


Pontefract ,

Yorks .

242 , 257 , 271, 316* , ; 195, 288 Ann 196 235 , Hall , 240 ; Anthony 395 ; Elizabeth 74, 149, 196 ; Ellen 235 ; Frances 149, 290 ; Francis 240 ; George 288, 331 ; Henry 251 *, 288 ; Isabel 288 ; John 74, 141 , 143-5, 147 , 149, 158, 233, 235, 279, 290 * ; Rev. Louis 126; Mary 74, 235, 251*, 288 * ; Ralph 235 ; Richard 288 ; Robert 251 ; Thomas 196, 290, 324 ; Ursula 235, 290 ; William 240 , 290 Hallas, George 309




Halliday , Holiday, Holyday , Amy 89, 93 , 96 , 98, 102*, 104; Anne 64, 69* , 79, 93, 98*, 101 , 102 , 104, 113*; Anne Mary 104 ; Eleanor 77, 80, 81 *, 105 ; Elizabeth 76, 99 ; George 64-9, 71*n, 74-81, 85 *, 90, 92 , 93, 96*, 98 *, 100, 101 , 103, 104, 106, 107; Helen 71 ; Isabelle 74-9, 81 , 89, 96, 99-102, 104, 107, 108, 112; Jane 96, 108, 113 ; John 75, 78, 93 , 95 , 96, 98, 99, 101 , 104, 108, 113* ; Jos . 64-7 ; Margaret 64-9 , 71, 76, 90 , 112 ; Mary 64 , 69 , 72 , 74 , 75 , 96 , 99 , 101 , 104 , 108 ; Patience 68, 76* ; Peter 69 ; William 66, 74, 89, 91 , 93, 96, 98 , 102, 104, 332



Halsham, near Burton Constable, Yorks . 257 , 337 Haltwhistle , Northumberland 54 Hammerton, Thomas 248 206 Hammond, Hampstead , Middlesex 128, 176 Hancock, Dorothy 308* ; John 308* Hande, Robart 244 Handsworth, Doncaster 257, 258 Hane , John 156 Hanley, Sarah 343 Hannah, Elizabeth 108* ; Thomas



Hanotel, Rev. Nicolas 184, 185 Hansby, Frances 299* Hanse, Haunce, alias Duckett, Rev. Everard, blessed 389-398 Hansome , Christ : 356 ; Geo : 357 Hapes , Anne 95 Harbor, Harbour , Edwin William 177 ; Elizabeth 163 ; Henrietta 177 ; see Arbor Hardgrave, Robert 318 Hardcastle George 295, 370 ; Jane

357 ; Jno: 370 ; Peter 246 ; Samuel 295, 357 ; Susannah 295 ; Tho : 349 Hardicker, Hardiker , Anne 73, 200 ; John 72, 73 ; Sarah 72*, 73; Thomas 72, 73 ; William 73 Hardin, in Thornton , Craven 324 Harding, Edward 272 ; Jane 272 Hardisty, Wm 370 Hardwick - by -the-Sea 93n 136, 157 ; Elizabeth Hardwick , 270 ; Francis 285 ; George 234 ; Jane 234 ; Mary 224, 262 ; Robert 270; Thomas 271 ; William 224 , 262 Hardy, Alice 250 ; Francis 250; Jon : 274 ; Tho : 287 Hare, Hayre , Ceilaw 144 ; Francis Edmund 144 ; Joseph 246 ; Mary 244; Peter 144 Harewood, New Ainsty, Yorks. 258* Hargreave(s) , Alice 309 ; Elizabeth 231 n; Howson 238 ; Mary 231n ;


William 231n

Harker , Elizabeth 104, 107, 108, 113; Jane 321; Peter 228 Harland, Alice 242 ; Catherine 242 ; Elizabeth 250 ; Eleanor 241 ; Francis 242 ; George 242 ; John 242 , 250; Mary 241, 242 ; Richard 241 ; Will : 256 Harling , Betty 201 ; Elizabeth 200 Harmon, Julyan 118 Harmwood, Ellen 176 Harpen, Robert 256 Harperley, Mary 339, 340 Harrington , Bartholomew 155; Catherine 155; Julia 155 Harris , Jane 81, 144, 145 ; John 144, 163 ; Joseph 81 ; Mary 81 , 163; * Mary Jane 145; Philip 81 ; Rev.

William 126 , 156*, 157 Harrison, Harison,

358 ; Alice Anne 241, 242 , 252, 254 ; Barbara 254, 312 ; Dorothy 254, 312 ; Elizabeth 268, 276 ; Enoch 239 ; Francis 242 ; George 319 ; Haggatha 358 ; Henry 254 ; Jane 335 ; John 218, 234, 254, 312, 269 ; Joseph 295, 335; Mansfield 307 ; Mary 93 , 211 *, 235 ;

218, 232, 234, 239, 254, 271, 312 ; Matthew 291 ; Rachel 319 ; Robert 93n, 232 ; Thomas 218 *, 234, 252 , 276, 344 , 358, 369 ; William 241, 267, 271 Harswell, Harthill , Yorks . 258* Hartgrave, Charity 298 Harthill, E.R. Yorks. 204, 213* , 216*, 218 , 219 , 224 , 226, 228, 231-3, 240, 243, 244 , 250, 255, 258*, 261-4, 266 , 267 , 269, 273-5, 281, 283*, 287, 291, 292 , 302, 303, 307*, 313*, 320, 328331, 336, 339, 361n, 368 Harting , J. V. 50



Hartley , Jane 207 ; Robert 207 ; alias Garton , Rev. William, blessed 389, 410-4, 416 *, 424-6 Harton, near Bossall , Bulmer, Yorks . 221

Hartwith, Kirkby Malzeard, Yorks . 355

Harvey, vere Hervey , Rev. Moxon, alias John Moxon, alias John Rivett 280* n, 284*n Harwood Dale, Dickering , Yorks. 258 , 259

Harwood, Ann 301 Hasle , Martha 349 Hasselgrave , Francis 347 Hasselt , Belgium 117n Hassey, Ann 156 ; Victoria Grace 156 Hastings, Richard 207 Haston, Bridget 152*; Peter 512 Hatfield , Doncaster, Yorks . 259 * Hatfield , , quoted 2 Hathersage , Hathersick , co. Derby.



Hathornthwaite , John 288n ; William 288n

Hattenville , dio. Rouen 182n Hattersley, Ann 301 ; Jane 301 ; John 301 ; Thos: 301 Hatton , C. 118; Rev. Edward Antoninus, O.P. 291 * n, 310*n ; Grace 360

Haughton, Abigail 73 Hauguel, Rev. Louis François 184 Haunce , Hauns, see Hanse Havelock, Christian 241 ; Joan 241 ; Margaret 241 ; Will : 241 Haverstock Hill, London , Dominicans at 127 , 118 Haward C. Hawkeshead, near Coniston Water , Westmorland 81 *n Hawkesworth, Hawksworthe, Barbary 270 ; Jane 321 ; John 271, 308, 321; Lawrence 369 ; Martin 271 ; Mary 271, 308 ; Thomas 270 ; William 272

Hawnby, Rydale, Yorks . 259* Haworth , Pontefract , Yorks . 259 * Haworth , Edward 251 ; Elizabeth 251

Hawson, Anne 358* ; Frances 299 ; Geo: 358 , 370 ; John 299, 358*;

Wm: 299 , 359 Hawxwell , Richard 311

Haydock, Rev. Cuthbert 365n ; family of 126n ; Rev. George Leo. 59 Haydon Bridge, Northumb . 54* Haydon, Henry 150, 151 ; Mary Ann 150*, 151*

348 Hayerst, Hayes , James 155 ; Thomas 345

Susanna 345 ;


Thomas, Archdeacon of York 214, 238, 243, 290, 344, 373-5 Hayton, Ann 258 ; James 265 ; Joseph 341 ; Mary 341

Hazlewood, near Tadcaster, Yorks . 263n , 310n , 322*

H.B.P., Rev. Henry Brettargh 54 "Head , George Edwin 177 Headington,

158 ; Elizabeth 142* Headon , James 140; Maria 140 ; William 140 Heal, Cormack 278 ; Ellen 278 ; Mary 278 ; Roger 277 ; Tho : 278 Healas , Mary 239 ; Robert 239 Healy, Rev. (Richard) Bonaventure, O.S.F. 129 Hearne, Herne, David 158; James 158, 162 ; Lucy Mary 177 ; Mary 158; Mary Ann 162 Hearnshaw, Margaret 243 ; Samuel 243 Hebblethwaite, Mary 316 Hebden , Wm 211 *, 340 * Heckey, John 154 ; Mary 154 Heddon , Hedden, Rev. George Henry 310*n Hedon , Headon, Holderness259, 260, 297 , 331, 368 Hegan , John 108 Heitman, John Conrad 153 ; Mary Ann 153




Helbeck of Bannisdale 46 "Hellot " , Lancs: , Helot , in Roberandale 198, 199*

Helmsley, Hemsley, Bulmer, Yorks . 260 * , 261 ; Cleveland 287 ; Rydale 215 , 259 , 274, 292, 294, 311 , 314 Helperthorpe, Dickering 261 * Hemingborough, Harthill, Yorks . 261 * Hemsworth, Doncaster, Yorks . 261 * Henderson , Anne 292; Jno : 292 168 * Hennen, Henno, Père 128 Heppleston , Ann 338 ; Mary 338 ; Wm . 338 Heptonstall, Ann 310 ; John 250; Mathew 250 ; Thomas 310* Herbot, Rev. Jean-Baptiste Pierre 184 Hercy, Cecilia Maria 163 ; Henry 163; Mary 163 Herd, Hen : 209 ; John 341 Herdsman, William 314 Hereford 116 Hermans, Herman , Rev. François Pierre 182; Rev. Thaddeus, O.F.M.



117 n; see Thaddeus * , Ann 262 ; Elizt . 352 ; John Heron 262 , 353 ; Richard 353 Héronchelles , dio . Rouen 182 Herring, Archbishop 205, 208n, 224n,


INDEX 226n , 229n , 244 , 245n , 264n , 266n ,

331n, 337n , 365n , 371n , 374n , 381n ;

William 150 Herst, Hirst , Ann

196 ; Elis . 196; Henry 196; James 196; Mary 195 ; Priscilla 198 ; Richard 196 ; Rob :

196; see Hurst

Hervey, alias John Moxon, alias John Rivett, see Harvey 284*n Hesketh , Anne 91 Hesketh Bank , near Lancaster 51 , 52 Heskett, Elizabeth 296 Hesle , Harthill , Yorks . 262 *

Hesleyside , Northumb: 57, 341n Heslington, Bulmer, Yorks . 261 *, 262 Hessey, Michael 239 Heston , Bridget 163 ; James 163 ; Peter 163 Hetherington, Elizabeth 196 ; Isabella 196 ; John 196 ; Margaret 196; Nicholas 196 Heton, Eaten, Maister 403 *n Hett, co. Durham 93n Heurtevent, Rev. Antoine 182 , 183 Heuste, Rev. Charles 186 Heversham , near Kendal 9on , 93n* Hewett, alias Weldon, Rev. John , blessed 389 410-8 422 423 , , , Hewick cum Hewick , Ripon 299 *n, 360 Hewison, Christopher 342 ; David 342 Hewitt , Hewit , Elizabeth 207; John 258, 266 ; Sarah 178 Hexham, Hexhamshire 55n , 60, 61, 204*, 262 * n, 263 , 351-3 ; Abbeyholme 353 ; the Ashills 353 ; Grundridge 353 Hencoats 353 ; the Hill 353 ; the Lee 353 ; Newburke 353* ; the Paise 353 ; Portgate 353 ; Raw Green 353 ; Upper Ashills 353 Hexham and Newcastle 61 ; Rev. William Hogarth, Bishop of 52, 84n* Heywood, Josua 327 Hibbert, Washington 179 Hickey, Denis 159 ; Eleanor 159 ; I. 159; James 159 ; John 159; Mary 159* Hickin , Sarah Ann 172 Hickington , Peter 243 *


Hide, W. 256

"56Hie Comber , " Kirkland, Westmor:

High Hoyland, Doncaster, Yorks. 263*

High Melton, Doncaster 241 Hildreth , alias Addison, Rev. Will:


288 ; Ann 284 ; Brigid 241 ; Hill, .... 284

Ellis ; John 283 ; Josh : 282 ; Lucy 231 *n; Richard 241 , 288 ; Thomas 231N

Hillam , New Ainsty , Yorks . 289 Hilsley, Mary 156 ; Theresa 148, 156 Hilston , Holderness, Yorks . 300* Hilton, Cleveland, Yorks . 235 , 236 Hilton, David 176 ; Elizabeth Mary 173; Sarah 176; see Ilton Himsworth , Jane 325 Hincaster, Hinkaster Green , Heversham , near Levens Hall , Westmor : 45*n, 75, 77, 83, 88 , 90* n , Hinckley , Mary 345 ; Michael 345 Hinderwell , Cleveland, Yorks . 263 * Hindle, Ellen 288 348* Hindley, Hird, Christopher 306 ; Jane 306 ; Mary 306




... 348

Hirst waite, Elizabeth 337 ; William

337 Hobson , Catherine 212 ; Henry 297 ; James 212 ; Jane 308 ; Sarah 297 ; Thomas 221 ; Wm. 308 Hodge , Dorothy 257 ; John 257 Hodgeon , Ellen 271 ; Helen 271 ; Henry 271 ; William 271 195*; Hodgkinson, Hodkinson Alice 197; alias S ( ) ( )dd(a) (e) , Rev. Charles , S.J. 340n ; Thos 197 Hodgson , Hods(h) on, Hogdson, 70, 281n , 354n , 358, 359 ; Albert 194 ; Alice 335 ; Ann 219, 284, 358 *; Catharine 97 ; Christopher 316, 359, 370; Dorothy 335 ; Ed : 195 ; Elizabeth 70, 218 , 219, 241, 250, 284, 316 *, 335, 341* ; Ellen 299, 360 ; family of 50 ; Fran (s) 224, 261, 274 ; Frances 358 ; Francis 297 ; George 218, 370 ; Isabel 299 ; Jane 195, 225 , 358 ; John 250 ; Martha 219* ; Martin 359 ; Mary 299 , 335, 341 *n ; Mich : 358 ; Natl : 247 ; Richa 358 ; Robert 143*, 144 , 164*, 218, 358, 369 ; Thomas 219 , 370 ; Rev. Thomas 53 ; William 70, 86, 213 , 299, 316, 358 *, 360, 370

i y....



Hogard, Thomas 284 Hogarth, Hoggarth , Howgarth , Amy 80, 83, 84; Dorothy Mary 80 ; family of 53 ; Joanna 65, 67 ; Lancelot 80 , 84 ; Rev. Robert, dean 52, 53 , * 81*n, 84n, 89 *n ; William 52 , 84n ; R. Rev. William, bishop 52 , 53, 60, 81n, 84*n; William Joseph 84 Hoggert, Francis 241; Martha 241 Holbeck, Old Ainsty 263* Holden, Holding , Holdon, Alice 102, 106* ; Anne 101*, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 112; George 101 ;

Henry 109;

Jane 199; John 101, 102, 104*, 106, 107, 109, 112 ; Joseph 102; Margaret 112 ; Mary 109, 234, 288 *n ; Richard 288 ; Teresia 198; Thomas 109, 234 ; Holderness, E.R. Yorks . 204, 209,



212 , 215 , 223 , 228 , 232 , 252, 255 , 257 , 259 , 264 , 265, 267 *, 272 , 273 , 282 , 285, 294 , 295*, 297, 300*, 311, 313, 320, 327, 328, 330, 331, 336 , 3612 , 363 * , 365 , 368 Holdforth , Bartholomew 253 ; Eliz : 253 ; Ellen 253 ; Mary 253* ; Robert

* * *

253* Holdsworth , James 338; M. 310, 311 Holehon, John 284 Holiday, Holyday , see Halliday Holland, Thos. 246 Hollis , William 306* Hollym , Holderness 264* Holme, upon the Wolds, in Spalding Moor, Harthill , Yorks. 263 *, 264 , 322n, 368 *n; Rydale 266 ; Hall, Rotherham, Doncaster 3012 Holmes, Holm (e) (s ), Edward 55 ; Eliza 58 ; Eliz : 209 ; George 155 ; John 229 ; Jos : 276 ; Marmaduke 309 ; Mary 155; Rob 209 ; Rev. Thomas, O.S.F. 129 ; William 155 Holmeside, co . Durham 226n Holmfirth Chapel, Pontefract, Yorks .


Holmpton, Holderness , Yorks . 331 * Holoran, Mary 80 ; Richard 80 ;

Sarah 80 Holt , Chris : 230 Holtby , Bulmer, Yorks . 265*, 330* Hone , Ons , Elizabeth 136 n, 165 ; John 136*n ; Susan 136 n Honley, Pontefract, Yorks . 265 * Hood, John 342 Hoony, Peter 102 Hooper, F. 128 Hooton Roberts , Doncaster, Yorks .




Hopgood , Susanna 136n, 165 Hopkin (s), Dan : 335 ; Frans : 224 ; Mary 170, 224, 311 ; Wm . 311 Hopkinson, John 208 Hopton, Sir Owen , knt . 392 , 415 Hopwood, Mark 209 Horbury, Pontefract , Yorks . 265 Horbury , Alice 302* ; Thomas 302* Hornby, near Lancaster 58, 59 , 192203 ; St Mary's Chapel 192, 193 ;


near Catterick , N.R. Yorks . 265*, 354*n Hornby , Catherine 228 ; Jane 321 ; Robert 320 , 321 Horncastle, 348*

...239 Horncliff, Mary Horncop (Hall), Kendal Green , Westmor : 69*n, 70 Horne, Henry 110, 112 ; Henry Bulmer 110 ; Margaret 110, 112 ;

Mary Theresa 112 Hornsea, Holderness, Yorks . 265 *, 285n, 376n

Horner, Dorothy 355 *; Elizabeth 329; John 329 * , 358; Nicholas, Ven. 428 , 429 * Hornsey, Francis 237 Horridge, John 251* ; Margery 251 * ; Mary 251* Horseman , Mary 210 ; Thomas 210 Horsfall , Elizabeth 196 Horsforth , Old Ainsty 265* Horton , co . Gloucester 129 ; in Ribblesdale, Craven, Yorks . 266 Hostler, Margaret 339 ; Richard 339 Hotham, Harthill , Yorks . 266 Hothersall, Henry 65, 69, 70 Hough, Thomas 326 Houghton, Pontefract , Yorks . 291n Houldforth , Charles 356 Hous, Catherine 349 ; Joseph 349 Housesteads , Northumb . 60 Hovingham, Rydale, Yorks . 266*, 267, 332 *n How, Cumberland 53 Howard, Charles , 3rd Earl of Carlisle 383*n; see Carlisle: Charles , Duke of Norfolk 198 ; Thomas, 8th Duke of Norfolk 365n ; Rev. William, S.J. 268 * n, 365* n Howcroft , Edward 296 ; Hannah 215 Howden, Harthill , Yorks . 267* Howell , Elizabeth 172 Howgarth , see Hogarth Howgrave, Ripon , Yorks . 360 Howlden, James 260 Howlett , Nicholas 278 Howley, Bridget 102 ; John 102 ; Mary 102 Howson, Ann 313 ; see Hawson Howton , Frances 260 Hoyland, Edward 237 ; George 222 ; Hannah 222 Hubbard, Mary 154 Hubbersty, Robert 48 *n ; Zachery 48 Huddersfield, Pontefract , Yorks . 267 * Huddlestone , Sherburn, New Ainsty, Yorks . 310, 382 n 201* ; Huddleston, Hudleston, James 79; Mary 79* Hudson , 348 * Ann 196 ; Christopher 270 ; Isabel 270 ; Harry 222 ; John 240, 270, 271; T. 230 ; Tho : 307 ; William 270 *, 348* Huggate, Harthill , Yorks . 267 * Hull, Holderness, Yorks. 133n, 267, 273, 331 Hull, Elizabeth 150, 153 Hullin, Rev. Pierre 186, 187 Hulse , John 118 ; Thomas 118 360 ; John 360 Hulton , Humbleton, Holderness, Yorks . 267, 268 *n, 363-5 Humphrey(s), A. L. , F.S.A., F.R.G.S. 120n , 125n ; Hen : 294








INDEX Hungate, family of 305n ; Sir Francis, Ist bart . 305n ; Sir Francis, 4th bart . 206n , 282n ; Mary 206* n, 282 *n Hunmanby, Dickering, Yorks . 268 * Hunslet, near Leeds , Old Ainsty, Yorks . 268*, 302 Hunsloe, neere London 410 Hunt , Ann 290 ; Frances 290; alias Brooke or Brooks, Rev. Ignatius , S.J. 309*n; Jane 290 ; Peter 290 ; Thos : 290*

Hunter, 207, 301n ; Frances 207; John 207 ; Marg't 352 ; Phillip 309 ; Richard 352 ; Thomas 352 Huntington , near York, Bulmer 268* Huntington , Henry, Library, California 391, 411 Hunton , near Catterick 354 Hursfield, John 80 Hurst, Herst , Berks. 119, 120 Hurst, Anne 80; Elizabeth 80 ; John



Husband(s), Anne 359 ; Edw. 431 Husenbeth , F. C., Dr. 190

Hussey , W. 127 Hutchinson, Hutcinson, Ann 71, 262 ; Dom Anthony Cuthbert , O.S.B. 278*n, 317 n; Elizabeth 74, 241, 344; George 74, 344 , 353 ; Hannah 74 ; Henry 241 ; Jane 66, 67, 69, 262 , 352, 353 ; John 241 ; Joseph 262 ; Margaret 317, 339 ; Mary 344 ; Rob't 352; Tobias 65-8, 71 , 72, 74; Thomas 340 ; Wm. 344, 352 Hutton , Lancs. 66, 67 Hutton , Eliz: 360 ; James 281 ; John 299, 370 ; Dom William Bede, O.S.B. 57 Hutton Bushell, Rydale 268 * Hutton Cranswick, Harthill 269* Hutton House , [Castle Eden , co . Durham 53 Hutton Pannell, Doncaster 249 Hutton Rudby, Cleveland 269*, 270 Hutton Wansley, als. Long Marston, New Ainsty 227n, 270 Huttons Ambo, Bulmer 270 * Hyde, Hydes, Ann 153 ; Charles Hyde 136, 137, 153 ; Ignatius 349 ; Margaret 349 ; Robert 255 ; Sarah 153; Thos. 309* ; W. 328 Hygges, William 118




Hylle , Joachim 92

Ibbotson, Frances 209 ; John 209 Iles, Isles, Eyles, Ambrose, alias Jackson, S.J. 225 *n ; Ambrose 225 ; Ann 225 ; Henry 225 ; James 296 ; Mary 225* ; Richard 296 ; Thomas 296

Ilkley, Craven, Yorks . 270 *, 31бn Illingworth, Pontefract , Yorks , 271 *

Illinois, U.S.A. 389n Ilton, David 176-8; Edward David 177: James 178 ; Sarah 177, 178 ; * William 178 ; see Hilton 126n Ingall, Ingerthorp, near Ripon, Yorks. 299,


358, 370*

Ingilby, family of 219n ; John 199

Ingle , Elizabeth 345 ; Frances 345 : Margaret 345 ; Mary 345 Ingleby, 358 ; Mary 358 * n ; William 357*n, 358, 360 Ingleby Arncliffe , Cleveland 271 * Ingleby Greenhow, Cleveland, 271 *, 272

Ingledew, Mary 236 Inglefield , Berks. 119 * Inglewhite Lodge , Garstang, Lancs. 54

Ingmire , Westmor : 355n Ingoldstadt, 400 Ingram , 209, 356, 357 ; Edward 209, 370 ; Jane 322 ; Margaret 72, 298 ; Mary 69, 70, 299 ; Tho . 357; Wm. 356 Innocens, dio. Rouen 183 Institute of Mary, the Bar Convent,


York 341*n

Ireland 33*, 54, 144, 158, 161 , 164, 300 Ireland , Isabel 236 ; John 236 n,


237 *n

Ireling, Dorothy 197 Irving, Alice 82n ; Joseph 82n ; als. Sherburne, Rev. Thomas, V.G. 84*n; Rev. William 82* n, 84n Irwin , Arthur Ingram , 6th Visc : 381 n, 383-7

* , Adeline 266 ; Frances 266 Ishaw Isleworth , Middlesex 124, 167-9

209 , 282 , 288 ; Ambrose Jackson, 209 ; Anne 282 ; Anthony 260 ; Christopher 290, 295 ; Dorothy 57 : Edw : 244 ; Elizabeth 244, 260 , 291 ; Eleanor 277 ; Ellin 200 ; George 226, 244, 277 ; Grace 260 ; John 257, 260, 282 , 288, 291, 326* ; Luke 260; Margaret 260 ; Mary 244*, 319 , 351 ; Paul 351* ; R: 255 ; Thomas 239, 260 * , 297,319,330 Jacobites , The 45 Jagger, Abigail 223 ; Isaac 223 James , Richard 172, 173, 178; the Pretender 55*n Jaques , Catherin 354 ; Robert 354 245 ; Joshua 245* Jarvise, quoted 411, 415n Jeaffreson, ,



**** 416п Jebb , John 345 ; Mary 345 310, 348 ; Agath . Jefferson, 352 ; Ann 232 , 299 ; Anthony 299, 357, 368 ; Barbara 352 ; Bridget 262 ;




Eliz: 262 ; Hen : 264 ; Jane 262 ; John 352 ; Katherine 299 ; Peter 262 ; Philip 352 ; Richard 357 ; Rob't 262, 356, 357, 359 ; Symon 357 ; Rev. Robert 368*n; Thos : 262 Jeffray , Wm. 246 Jennison, Jenison, John 294 ; Margaret 294 ; Mary 323 ; Wm . 294 Jersey, Channel Islands 188 Jinks , Ann 140*, 141 *, 143*, 145, 170; Mary Ann 141 Johns , see Jones

Kainan , Kurnan ,Margaret 145 Kalman , Charles 156; Jane 156 ;

Patrick 156 Kay, Kaye

153 , 288 , 358 ; Ellen 225 ; James 225 ; John 288 ; Mary 228; Ralph 312 ; Richard 217, 288, 289 ; Tho : 212 , 358 Kayingham, Holderness , Yorks . 272* Kayley, Thomas 318, 342-4 Keat, Mary 157 Keep, Mary 153 Keighley (Kighley ), Craven, Yorks. 272* Kelbrooke, Thornton , Craven 324 Keld , Katherine 284* ; Wm . 284 ' Kell, Joanna Maria Elizabeth 170 Kellet , Kellot, Lancs. 196, 197*n Kellet , Francis 90, 92 ; Francis Simpson 90 ; Isabelle 90 , 92 ; Robert 92 Kellington , Pontefract , Yorks . 272 * Kelly, Kel(1) ey, Anne 100; Rev. Bernard W. 129 ; Bridget 142 ; Den ( nis) 77, 319 ; Rev. Henry, L.P. 127 ; James 142, 146 ; Margaret 100 ; Mary 138 ; Patrick 142; Sarah 77 ; Thomas 77, 150, 151 ; William 100 Kempe, John 55 Kempley, James 235 Kendal, Westmor . 45-116 ; Castle54; Chapels 55 , 56, 69n ; New Road 59 ; see Stramondgate, Stricklandgate Kendal, Kendall , Agnes 83 ; Charles 358 ; Margaret 260 ; Mary 94, 103, 278, 299 ; Mary Ann 152 ; Newell 299 ; Richard 260 * ; Rev. Richard ,


Johnson, Johnston, .... 142, 164 *; Alice 94 ; Anne 94 , 97, 98, 100, 109, 215, 315* ; Ann Caroline Joanna 143 , 164 ; Edw. 262 ; Edward Joseph 145; Eleanor 103 ; Elizabeth 83, 106, 174, 262, 264 ; Ellen 243 ; Ferdinando 51 ; Frances 51 , 206, 274 ; Francis 283 ; Isaac 103 ; Isabelle 92, 98 , 100, 103, 106, 109, 115 ; Jane 94 , 98 ; John 86, 94, 97, 98, 100, 103 , 106, 109, 115*, 142-6; Joseph 86-8 ; Judith 83, 868, 92, 94, 106, 109, 115 ; Magdaleine 163 ; Margaret 115 ; Martin 264; Mary 87 142, 144-6, 164*, 226 ; Michael 63* ; Ralph 323 ; Richard 83, 86-9, 92 *, 94, 100, 106, 109* , 115, 257 ; Rev. Robert 51 * n ; Samuel 216 ; Dr: 121n ; Sophia 143 , 164 ; Sophia Anna 145, 164 ; Sophia Willemina Maria [Magdelene Van Maren from * Medilbourg] 145, 163, 164* ; Thomas 94, 98, 100, 115, 145, 163; Rev. Thomas, vere Middlehurst 46, 58, 59 *, 62, 64*n, 65, 69, 70*n, 72*, 74 ; Thomas, capt : 143, 164 ; W: 350 ; chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk Wm . 243 , 289 288* n; Ivo Tailbois , 1st baron of Jole, Pontefract, Yorks . 230 , Joseph 318 55 ; Tho : 278, 358 Jolly * Jones , Ann 178 ; Elizabeth 153 , 161, Kennedy, Anne 85; Catharine 85; 169-74 ; Rev. John , S.J. 248*n ; Hugh 85 Mary Frances 161 ; Richard 133, 161, Kennet, B. 222 ; Rev. Henry 224 *n Kenningham, Adam 331 ; Anne 331 390, 411 , 412 , 413 Jonquerets- de -Livet , dio. Evreux 183- Kenyon, Adamson 335 Keregan, 343 5 Kermikkel , James 291 Jordan, Margaret 157 , ; 81 263 81 81; Kern Paul Joseph, Anne * John Robert Jouen, Rev. Jean Baptiste 187 Kernan , Rev. Francis J. , B.A. 127 *; Jouvin , Rev. François André 181 *, George 146 ; James 146 ; Sarah 146 ; Thomas 151 183 Jowsey, Francis 284 Kerney, Dennis 319 359 218, 343, 359 ; Ann ; Kerrison , Anne 272 Joy, . 359 George 343 Kersey, Peter 234 253 Christ ; ; Mary 244, 258, 330 , 331 ; Kershaw, Anne 297 ; Thomas 297 Jubb, Thomas 311* Kershea, Charles 347 Keswick , Cumberland 105 Judar, Catherine 341 85 Vincent 85 , Joseph Ketten , John 351 Justi ; Mary *; Kettlewell , Craven, Yorks . 272* 85* Kettlewell 359 ; Anne 219 *, 298 , 358 ; Ellen 359 ; Jor : 370 ; Mary 317 ; Kaen, Catharine 113 ; Michel 113* Thos : 316, 358 , 359 Kahar , Mary



INDEX Key, Will . 208 Keynes, Edward 118 ; Katharyn 118

Kid, James 321

Kiernan, Ann 154 Kilburn , Ann 291 ; Francis 291 Kilburne , Bulmer , Yorks . 272*, 273 Kildale, Cleveland, Yorks . 273* Kildwick, Craven, Yorks . 273* Killamarsh , co. Derby . 258 Killarney, co . Kerry, Ireland 162n Killingbeck , 245, 348 ; Anne 248 ; Catherine 266n ; Charles 248 ; Edward 248 *n, 249 ; Elizabeth 248 ; Frances 248 n; Jane 248 ; John 245 , * 248, 266n ; Margaret 248 ; Mary 248 Kilnsea, Holderness, Yorks . 273* Kilnwick, Harthill, Yorks. 273* Kilroy, John 109 ; Judith 109 ;

Patrick 109 Kilshaw , Catharine 67; George 199 ;

Richard 92 ; Sarah 92 ; Thomas 92 Kilvington , Kilvinton, near Thirsk , Bulmer , Yorks . , North 292, 340n , 341n * ; South 245* n, 314 * King Charles 9 *, 10*, 45 ; Charles 45; Edward I 396*; Edward III II 46 ; Edward VI 130 ; George II 379 ,


383, 387, 388 ; George 389 ; 167; Henry VI 12n ; Henry Henry VIII 54, 56n, 117 ; Henry of France 432 ; James , 45, 253, 388n ; John IV of Portugal 5 ; Philip of Spain 130* ; Philip of Spain 2, 30* , 31 ; Anne 87, 106, 107; King, Elizabeth 101, 107, 295 ; George 357, 369 ; Henry Alban 102; Isabelle 94 ; Jane 90 , 114; John 111; Rev. John Henry, Mgr . , canon, V.G. 127, 134 ; Joseph 154 , 162; Margaret 92; Mary 87, 89 , 90 , 92, 94, 97 , 98, 101, 102, 107 , 108*, , 295, 357 ; Mary Sarrah 141 ; Stephen 98 ; William 87, 89 , 90 , 92, 94 , 97*, 98 , 101, 102, 107, 111, 295*, 357, 37 ° King's Arms Inn , ' Castle St. , Reading 122-4, 134 King's House (Settlement ), Winchester 122*n, 123, 181 ; see Reading House , also Vasterns ' King's Lynn , Norfolk 52







... III *





King's Meaburne, near Morland, Westmor: 73 n * 118 Kingeswell, Katheryn Kingsley, George 341 Kingston 405 ; on Hull, Holderness, Yorks . 273*; St Mary's 273 Kingston, Ann 270 ; Eliz : 270 Kippax , New Ainsty, Yorks . 273*, 274, 381-4 Kirk, Kirke, Christopher 234 ; Elizabeth 234 ; Jane 329 ; Rev. John , DD

D.D. , quoted 50* n, 51n *, 57n , 59*n, 129, 205, 224n, 234n , 302n , 337*n,

368n, 369n

Kirk Bram with, Doncaster, Yorks .


Kirk Deighton, New Ainsty, Yorks .


Kirk Ella, Harthill, Yorks . 275* Kirk Heaton, Pontefract Yorks . 275* Kirk Sandal , Doncaster, Yorks . 276

Kirk Smeaton, Doncaster 276*

Kirkburne , Harthill , Yorks. 274* Kirkburton, Pontefract 274* Kirkby, Richard 314 Kirkby, with Broughton , Cleveland 276* Kirkby Grindalyth, Buckrose, Yorks . 276* Kirkby Ireleth , near Barrow in Furness , N. Lancs. 307n Kirkby Kendal, Westmor : 45*, 54, 56; see Kendal Kirkby Knowle , Bulmer, Yorks. 277 * Kirkby Lonsdale , Westmor : 65n , 77n Kirkby Malhamdale, Craven, Yorks . 277 *

Kirkby Malzeard, Kerby Malzerd, W.R. Yorks . 355* ; Galphay, Galwhey 355*n; Hartwith 355; Winsley 355

Kirkby Misperton, Rydale, Yorks . 277*

Kirkby Moorside , Rydale 277 Kirkby Overblow, New Ainsty, Yorks . 277 , 278 *n Kirkby Stephen (Steven), Westmor:


Kirkby- under-Dale, Buckrose, Yorks .


Kirkby Wharfe ( Wharp) , New Ainsty

205, 278* Kirkdale , Rydale, Yorks. 274* Kirkham , Lancs. 51, 82n, 84n 201*, 340 Kirkham , Kerkham Ann 196; Gilbert 198 ; John 200 ;; Nanny 200 ; Richard 196, 201 ; Sarah 199 Kirkland, Kendal, Westmor : 56*, 58 , 67 n, 68, 74, 82, 84-6, 88 *, 91 , 92, 94 , 96, 98 Kirkleatham , Cleveland, Yorks . 275





276 Kirklees (Hall), near Dewsbury, W.R. Yorks . 315n Kirklevington , Cleveland 276 * Kirsop (p) , Bridget 262 ; Jane 352 ; John 252 ; Thomas 262, 352

Kirwan, .... 174n Kitchen , Kitching, Anne 108; Philip 286

Knags, John 254, 312 ; Mary 312 ; Wm. 312



Knight, Anne 142, 248 *n ; Arnold 248n ; Elizabeth 248 *n; John 248n , 334* ; Robert 258 ; William 248 * n, 348*

Knollys , Sir Francis 120, 122 Knowles, Henry 196; Tim. 341 Knox, Rev. T. F. 118n Kretz , Saxony 153 Krieger, Christiana Frederika 153 Kürnan , Margaret 145 Kusey, Margaret 155 Kuskell , Cusk (e) (i) ll , Charles 111, 113, 114 ; Eleanor 97 ; Hugh 97*n, 101*n; Margaret 9on , 97*n, 115; Mary 114; see McCuskell 114 Kusker, Charles 99 Labladiere, La Blardière , Rev. P. 167* ; see Blardière, De La la Crique, dio. Rouen 183*n Lacy, John 75*; Mary 75 Ladywell , Fernyhalgh, Lancs. 51 Lafone, Ven : H. P. M. , archdeacon 521 Lajeunesse , Elizabeth 150 Lakeland, Robert 294 Lallouette (Lalouette) , Rev. Jean Baptiste , canon 187 Lamb, Catherine 82 , 86 , 95, 104, 106 ; Jane 98 ; John 86; John Fisher 86 Lamberlee , Robt. 262 Lambert, Cuthbert 262, 352 ; Dorothy 352 ; Rev. Jean Nicolas 184 ; John 257, 282 ; Katherine 262 ; Margaret 227 Lambourne, fam . of 119 Lambspring Monastery, near Hildes-


heim, Lower Saxony 57* Lamplugh, Thomas 221 Lancaster 48, 50*, 54, 61 *, 70, 1942, 196, 198

348* ; Jos : 329 ; Lancaster, Mary 63, 65, 66 Lande- Patry, dio. Bayeux 187 ; Landes 186 Lane, Eliz: 319 ; fam. of 126n ; Mary 142 *

Lane House , near Argholme, Lancs. 197

Laneham, Notts . 278*, 354 *n Langdale, Alethea 263 ; Ann 291 *n, 368* n; Bridget 2912; Dorothy 263*n, 368 ; Elizabeth 263, 348 ; Elizabeth , Lady 263* n, 368 ; fam. of 263 ; Frances 303 ; John 368 * n; see Jordan : Jordan 291 *n ; 292 , 368*n; Joseph 291, 368 *n ; Lady 304n; Marmaduke 291n; Marmaduke, 4th Lord 263 *n, 264*, 368 *n ; Marmaduke, 5th and last Lord 263n , 368*n ; Mary 291*n, 368 *n ; Philip 2912 Lange, Rev. Jacques Simon 185

Langford, Agnes 141* ; Catherine 141 , 153, 161 ; Elena 149* ; Elizabeth 153, 161 ; Frances 149* ; Joseph 149*, 153 ; Mary 158 Langhorn (e) , Langthorn , Agnes 69 ; Elizabeth 72 ; George 369; Isabel 63, 65, 67-75, 93 ; James 74 ; John 69, 73 ; Joseph 72, 77, 91, 93 ; Margaret 69, 72-6 ; Mary 74, 75, 93 ; Sarah 71-5 ; William 68-75, 83, 88, 93

Langley, Langly , Anne 163 ; Elizabeth Travis 163 * ; William 163 Langstaff, John 286 Langtoft , Dickering, Yorks . 278, 279 Langton, Buckrose, Yorks . 279 * Lanherne, Cornwall 162n Lanöe, Rev. François Alexandre 187, 188 ; see De Lanöe Laon, dio . of France 132 Laon, Sara 197 Lartington , fam. of 369n Lasonby, Margaret 348 Lassey, Ann 206 Lastingham, Rydale 279* Latch, Maudlin 436 Latham , Laytham , Anne 84, 93*, 96; Eleanor 78 ; Elizabeth 82 ; George 82 ; Mary 63*, 66*, 67 Laughton, Doncaster, Yorks . 258 , 279*

Laurence, Lawrence, Ann 155, 159, 179n ; Benjamin 159 ; Theresa 179n ; Sir Thos . 13IN Laurenson, Rev. John , S.J. 46n Laval , France 189 Lavery, Bernard 107


Law, Brigit 241 ; Mary 158, 177 ; Mary Ann 162, 175 ; T. G., quoted 411 ; William 158

Lawkland , Yorks. 198* Lawless , Margaret 93 : Peter 93; Sarah 93 359 ; Mary 358 ; Lawndale, Wm . 358 .... 47n ; Anastasia_74n; Lawson, Edmund 269 * ; Elianor 242 ; Elizabeth 341n , 344n ; George 241 ; Sir Henry, 2nd bart : 344" ; John 242 , 341n ; Sir John 341n ; Sir John bart : 74n ; Lady 304n ; Mary 68 , 242 ; Miss 344 ; Petronel 241 ; Thos : 233 * Lawson-Tancred , Sir T. 298n Laybourne, Layb(o)urn , Henry 244, 258 ; John 56 ; Lucy 56 ; see Leyburn(e) 223 ; Ezach 223 Laycon, 201* ; Alice Layfield, Leyfield , 195, 197, 200 ; Ann 194, 196, 197, 200 ; Christopher 199; Edward 197* ; Elizabeth 199 ; Helen 197 ; James 199 ; Jane 195, 196, 198 ; Jo : 194;



INDEX John 197, 198, 202 * ; Margaret 194,

195; Martha 196, 200 ; Mary 198, 201 ; Michael 198, 201 ; Richard 196, 198, 199, 202 ; Robert 197, 201 ; Thomas 197, 198, 200*, 202 ; William 194 , 201, 202

* , see Latham Laytham

Lazari, Alice 78 ;

Angel 78; Matthew


Leach, Richard 81 * Lead (Hall), near Aberford , Yorks . 303 Leadbitter, Margaret 91n ; Nicholas 91n; Ralph 262 Leak, Leake, Jon : 329 ; Nath: 355 ; Thos . 218 Leaming, Leeming, Elisabeth 195 ; George 200 ; Margaret 195 * Leary, Bridget Ann 169; Cornelius 154; Margaret 154, 158 ; Mary 154 Leathley, Old Ainsty, Yorks . 279, 281 Le Bas, Rev. Louis 183, 185-7 Le Beck, 207; Nicholas 206, 207 Le Berger, Rev. Jean Jacques 184 , Le Bidois Rev. André 185, 186 Le Bigre, Rev. Jean Baptiste 183-5 Le Blanc, Rev. Paul Charles 187, 188 ; Rev. Pierre Mathurin 184 Le Blond, Rev. Jacques François 181* Le Bohineu, Rev. Pierre 186 Le Boucq , Marie Madeleine 132, 133 Le Bourgeois , Rev. François 186 Le Canu, Rev. Charles François 186 Le Chevalier, Mary 138* Le Comte, Leconte, François 134* Leconfield, Harthill , Yorks . 281* Ledom , Elizabeth 218 ; John 218 Ledsham, New Ainsty, Yorks . 281 Lee , Bridget 272 ; Catherine 334 ; Jane 94; John 325, 334 ; Michael 156 ; William 272 Leech, Jane 288 ; John 238 ; Philip 320 Leedonne , 357 ; John 357 Leeds, Old Ainsty, Yorks . 52, 223 , 245* , 282*, 30In Leek, Clara 148 *n ; Henrietta 148*; Thomas 148* Lees, William 234 Le Febvre , le Fêvre, Lefebvre, Rev. A. Chs 136n , 166; Rev. Jean Baptiste François d'Annéville 189n ; Rev. Jean François 187; Rev. Joseph 185, 186 ; Rev. Thomas 183 Le Fort, Rev. Pierre 187 Lega , Maria 37 Le Gagneur , Rev. Nicholas Robert 182, 187 Legg, Dorothy 271 Legh , Anne 30in Le Goux, Rev. Phillipe 181* Leicester , Earl of 418



Le Grave , Rev. William, D.S.O. , canon 127* Leigh, Catharine 81 , 82 ; John 82 ; Richard 410 ; Robert 81, 82 ; Thomas 81

Leighton Hall , near Lancaster 50 L'Isle, John 247 Le Maître, Rev. François 182 Le Male, Rev. L., canon 134* Le Marié, Rev. Nicolas 186, 187 Le Marinier , Rev. Jacques Etienne

184, 186 Lemèe, Rev. Francis 187, 188 Le Moine, Rev. Etienne 183*, 185 ; Rev. François Charles 186 Le Monnier (Lemonnier) , Rev. Jacques 186 Le Noir , Rev. René 184 ; de la Brosse , Elizabeth Anne 121N, 122 ; Jean Baptiste , chevalier 122 ; Mrs 158* Le Normand, Rev. Georges 182 100; Daniel Leonard, Lenard, 95, 100*; James 172 ; John 172 ; Martha 109 ; Mary 172 Le Pareur (Lepareur), Rev. Robert François 182 Les Pieux, dio. Coutances 189 Leppington, Buckrose, Yorks . 307 * Le Quetier, Rev. Jean Nicolas 183 Le Quien , Lequien, Rev. Toussaint 122, 132, 138, 187-9 Le Rat , Lerat , Rev. Pierre 183, 184, 186 Le Roi, Rev. Jacques 187 Le Sage, Rev. Gilles Julien 124 Le Scellierre , Rev. Antoine Bon Nicolas 182 Le Tellier , Letellier , Rev. Charles François 132, 138, 160 le Terrier, Rev. Pierre Henry 185 Letwell , Doncaster, Yorks . 282* Leven , Holderness 282* Levens Hall , near Kendal, Westmor. 45n, 46, 81n Levey, Adam 196, 200 ; Jean 196 Le Vicq, Rev. Charles Nicolas 187, 188 Levisham, Rydale, Yorks . 282* 128 ; Mary Lewes , Lewis, Rev 139*, 168 Lewhouse, on River Eden 50; see Low House Leyburn, N.R. Yorks . 47n , 299, 369n Leyburn(e) , Leybourne, Layburne, fam. of 47 , 49, 50 ; Rev. George, D.D. 47, 48, 50; als . Gandy, Rev. James 58; John 47-9, 56; R. Rev. John , bishop 47, 48 ; Lucy 56; Rev. Roger , Bishop of Carlisle 47 Leycestr, R. 118 Lichtertein, Prince 160 Liddell, Mrs Matthew 61




Liége 36on ; English Sepulchrine London 19, 28, 45 , 46, 50, 58, 61, 62 , Convent 360n 99n, 117, 121, 122, 124-31 , 133*, 134, Light , Jane 271 ; John 271 ; Thomas 137, 150, 152, 153, 158-60, 166, 168271 70, 172, 177*, 188, 226n , 267, 372, Lightcliffe , Pontefract, Yorks . 282 * 383, 388, 409 *, 410, 412, 413 , 415-7 , Lile , Jane 87; John 87; William 87 429-33; ye olde Bailey 401 , 404, Lillebonne, dio. Rouen 184n 432 , 433 ; British Museum 1, 2, 131n , Lincoln 367 188, 389 , 391, 432 ; Canonbury House 121 ; the Castle " 415n; Castle St. Lindars, H. F. 128 133 ; Chirk-lane 436 ; Clarken Well Lindley , Mary 325 Lingard , Rev. John, D.D. 193*n, (Green ) 410 * , 411*, 426 ; the Clink (prison) 405 ; " Counter 1952 of the Linigal , Francis Theresia 144 Poultry 117 ; Counters ( prisons) 397 ; Faringdon Linton , Martha 241 ; Matthew 318 ; Downing Street 374 Ursula 318 without 394 ; Fleete ( prison) 121n , 397; Fewterlane 429 ; Fleetstreete Linton , New Ainsty, Yorks . 316 Linton , near Skipton , Craven 282, 283 429"; Gatehouse " Prison 117, 397 ; Linton upon Ouse, Bulmer , Yorks. 51, Graies (Grayes ) Inne 431, 436; Graies In lane 414 n, 429 , 431 290n, 360n ; * Liphat , Joseph 239 Hampstead 128, 176 ; Hanover Square 166 ; Haverstock Hill 127; Liptrot, Catherine 253 Lisbon, Portugal 1-4, 31*, 38 , 39, Hickes Hall, St John's Street 415n; 44 , 46, 71n, 266 *n, 322n ; Arch- Holborn 133, 403*n , 411 , 429 ; Holybishop of 38 ; English College 1*, 2, well, Hollywellfields, Shoreditch 409, 46, 71n , 266 *n ; Convent of the Most 411, 424 ; Islington 121; Kensal Holy Trinity 4; National Library 1 ; Green Cemetery 99n ; King's Bench St Dominic's 4 ; St Roch, Jesuit Prison 121 *n; Lambeth 119 , 389, Church and House 1-3 , 31, 36, 41, 43, 391, 400 , 405, 411 *, 429 ; Lincoln's 44; Santa Casa da Misericordia 44 Inn 50 ; Lincolnes Inne fields 410 * ; Lisieux, Normandy 123*, 131 , 132*, Marshalsea (prison) 390, 391 ; Mayor 134, 181-3, 187*, 188*; Cathedral of 392, 396*, 415, 416 ; Moorfields 187 , 188 ; Grand Séminaire 123 99n ; Myle - end , Mile end (Green ) 409, Lister , Ann 168; James 154 ; Jane 411 *, 417: Newgate gaole 392 *n, 168*, 170 ; Joanna Ann 169 ; Thomas 394, 396 , 397, 403 *, 408 , 410*, 411 *, 168*, 170* ; Wm ., J.P. 364 415 , 417, 429 *, 433-6 ; the Oratory 118n ; Paules (St Paul's), west end Little, Jane 341 Little Ouseburne , near Borough- of 400; Paul's Wharf 402n; Pitt Street 134 ; Prospect Place 134 ; bridge 283*, 354 *n Littledale, Lancs. 194, 197-200, 202, Public Record Office 118, 123, 131, 134, 188 ; St Andrewe's, Holborn 203 Littlethorp with Whitscliffe , near 403 *n; Saint George's fields 134, 429; Ripon, Yorks . 368 Saint George's , Hanover Square 166 ; Littleton , Lyttelton, Anne 70, 79, 88, St Mary's Chapel , Kensal Green 99n ; 89, 92 St Mildred's 117 ; St Sepulchre 394 ; Liverpool 52, 54, 58, 114n ; R. Rev. Sessions House 434; Shoreditch 411 ; Alexander Goss, Bishop of 52 Smithfield 429 , 431 ; Southwark 126 ; Livesey , Molly 197 ; Rd 198 Spanish Place 99n ; Temple Street 134 ; Theator or Playhouse 409-11, Liyra , Margaret 158 ; see Leary Lloyd , Llwyd, Richard, martyr 404 , 424 ; Tower 392, 399, 401, 415 , 416, 405*, 410 ; see " Richard Flewett ; 424; Tyburn 390 , 392, 400-2, 404*, also blessed William Way; ; Tylney Street 131n ; West" alias 432-4 374; Westminster Abbey, Graye 405 minster " , Harthill, Yorks. 283 * Lockington the " Close 117 Lodge, H. 351; Jane 340 ; Joseph340* London, Bishop of 117, 407, 429; Congregation of the Oratory 118n Lofthouse, Cleveland, Yorks . 283* 127; Francis Mousley Lofthouse, Loftus , Jane 226 ; John Lonergan, 83 ; Margaret 198; Mary 83; Richard 127 * 69, 71, 82 ; Samuel 83 ; Willm 226 Long, James 156 Long Drax , New Ainsty, Yorks . 239 Loker or Laker, Lancs. 200 Long Preston , Craven, Yorks . 283* Lomas, Robt . 370 Londesborough, Harthill, Yorks. 205, Longinotts, Rev. John 127 Longmire, George 295 , 328 283 *, 372, 373n







INDEX Longuet, fam. of 134; Rev. François 124 , 125*, 132-5, 139-45, 153*, 158, 161 , 164, 168 ; Rev. Louis , M.A. , blessed 132, 134; Marie Madeleine 132 ; Vincent Nicolas François 132, 133

Lonlay-l'Abbaye, dio . Mans 186 Lonsdale ,

209 * ;

Jno: 209 *;

Rev. John 51*; Mary 219 ; Richard


William 209*, 218 , 219

Loocock, Ann 219 ; Thomas 219 Lorcher, Rev. Nicolas Augustine 182, 184*, 185

Loriot , Rev. Louis 122*, 124, 132,

135 , 137 , 138*, 153*n Lorrain , Anne 353 , 354 ; Eliz: 353 , 354 ; Francis 353, 354 ; John 353, 354 ; Mary 353, 354 ; Thomas 353 , 354 Loudon, Cath. 79; James 79; Joseph 79 Louis, Rev. Jean François 184 Louth , co . Leinster , Ireland 161 Louvain 400 ; Convent of Augus-


tinians 360п Lovat, Charlotte , Lady 154 Loveday, Ann 306 ; John 306 *; Mary 306

Loveden , Dothery 118 Lovegrove, James 171 ; James Peter 173 Loversall, Doncaster, Yorks . 238* Lovett, Tho. 264 Low House, near Armathwaite , Cum-

berland 50 Low Levens 93n Lowcock,..... 359 ; Eliz : 359; Jane 360 ; William 360 Lowes, Jane 353 ; Lucy 89 ; Thomas 353

Lowry, Charles 209 ; Elizabeth 228 *;

John 228, 281 Lowther , John 240 ; Thomas 381n ;

Will. 351

Lowthorp , Dickering 289 * Lucas, Rich : 195 Luck , Robert 267 Luddenden , Doncaster, Yorks . 283 * Lulworth Castle, Dorset 195n, 288n Lumley, Thomas 237, 325 Lummas, Robt. 305 Lund, Harthill , Yorks . 283* Lunn , 344 Luot , dio. Avranches 186* Lupton, Dorothy 295 ; Edward 83 ; James 91 ; Ralph 295 , 370 ; Rob't 277

Lydiate Hall, Halsall , Lancs. 236n Lynch , Bridget 159 ; Catharine 86 ; George 152; Henry 86 ; Honora 157; James 156, 159 ; John 86, 156, 159 ; Mary Ann 152; Mary Ellen Frances

152 ; Rev. PatrickJ. 127; Sarah 156; Ushley 159 ; William Dominic 152; William John Francis 152 Lyons, Ellen 157; Martin 157* Lythe , Lyth , Cleveland, Yorks . 205, 284*, 380 * Lythe, Lyth , Ambrose 335 ; Dorothy 295 ; Hellenor 284 ; Isabel 284 ; James 348, 349 ; John 284 ; Margaret 241; Mary 241, 335 ; Ralph 295, 370; Richard 284 ; Rob't 277 ; Sarah 348, 349 Lyttelton , see Littleton


Mabire, Rev. Jean 183, 184 Mabley, John 308 ; Martha 308 Macanelli, Mary 80 *n ; Peter 80 * n McCaharney, Thomas 150 McCarthy, Anna Victoria 154 ; Catherine 155, 157 ; Daniel 155 ; Elizabeth 111 ; Eleanor 154 ; Ellen 155; James 111 , 135, 137 ; Jeremiah 111; Julia 151; Michael 154 ; Owen 151* McCarty, McCart ( n)(a) y, Anthony 142* ; Edward 146, 161 ; Mary 151 ; Michael 152 McClosky, Elizabeth 98, 100 ; Jane 98 McCormic(k) , James 151; Mary 113 McCornell, John 90 McCosker , Hugh 90 McCuen , Sarah 92 McCuskell, McCusker, Anne 101 ; Hugh 90, 97*n, 101 *n , 104* ; Margaret 90*n, 97*n, 101 *n, 104 ; Mary 90; see Cuskill McDermot, Anne 98 ; Margaret 98 ; Walter 98 McDonald, Rev. Archibald G. 127 McDonnel, McDorrel , Ella 156 ; John 156 ; Mary 156

Mcfarlan, Dorothy 106 ; James 106 ; Sarah 106 McGaurd, Rose 104 McGennis , McGinnis, John 158; Margaret 101 McGinn, Edward 94* ; Mary 94 McGloglan, McCloglan, Anne 112*n; John 112 ; Mary 112 McGowen , Rose 108

McGran, Esther 101 ; Mary 101 ; Patrick 10I McGrath, Esther 96 ; Mary 96 ; Patrick 96 McGrou , Catharine 110 Machel(1) , Leonard 80 ; Mary 114 McHanna, Mary 114 McHenry, Anne 97 ; Bridget 97 , 100* ; Hugh 97, 99, 100 Machrath, Mary 66 Mackanalti , Macanelli, Mary 80* ; Peter 80



McHugh , Jane 178 ; Patrick 178* McKusker , Hugh 101* ; Margaret 101* n ; see McCuskell, Cushell 97*n, IOI *n McLedden, John 149* ; Julia 149 McManus, Margaret 156; Michael 156 McMullen, McMullins , Edward 146, 161; Hugh 146, 161 ; James 95* ; Mary 146, 161 Macrecth, Elizabeth 106 ; Esther 106 ; George 106

McShell, Domina 156 Madden , R. R. 1 *

Madew, Rev. Edward , O.S.F. 129* Madox, Anne 74 ; Mary 74, 78, 79 , 81 Madré , dio. Mans 182, 185 Madrid, Spain 1 *, 30, 38 ; National

Library 1*

Magalhaes , Fr Pedro de 4* Mahlberg, Germany 153 Mahony, Bridget 156, 159; Catherine 150 ; James 159; John 150* ; Patrick 150 Maidenhead , Berks. 147 Maidwell , Wm 198, 201 Maillet , Antoine 142 ; Charles Marie 142; Martha 142 Maine, James 76 ; Jane Mary 76;

Margaret 76 Mainman, 253 Maire, Mayer, *n*n; ; Eliza.... 304 369 beth 64; Rev. Henry Peter 64 ; Thomas 64 Maisons, dio . Bayeux 183, 186 Malbon, Thomas 263 Malby, Charles_194 Mallard , Rev. Jacques François 184, 187; Nathan 316 Mallet, Rev. Bon Michel 186 Mally , Charles 200 ; James 200 Malone, Alice 149, 150 ; Elizabeth 149; Ellen 150*; Frances 149 ; Thomas 149, 150 Malony, Catherine 154; Thomas 154* Malta 45 Maltby, near Yarm , Cleveland, Yorks . 318* ; Doncaster 285* Maltby, Christopher 306 ; Mary 306 Malthouse, Mary 210 ; Philip 210 Malton, Rydale, Yorks. 285* 360 ; Eliz : 356 ; Francis Maltus, ....357 360 ; Mary Malverley, Frances 322 ; John 322 Man, Mann, J. 274 ; John 125n *;

Ri : 210 ; Samuel 271 ; William 267

Manby, Frances 166 Mancel," " Marcel, " see Manul "Manchester , Lancs. 51, 54, 80 Mangan, W. C. 127 Manknowls, Easter 324 ; Henry 324 Manneville- la -Pipard, dio . Lisieux 182 ; -la - Raoult 182

Mannock, als. Arthur, Rev. Francis, S.J. 341*n Manoir, dio. Bayeux 186 Mans , France 182*, 185-7 Mansell, Rob't 277 Manson , James 298 ; Margrett 298 Manul, Rev. Jean Marie 122*n, 188* Mapledurham, Oxfords. 117, 122, 129*, 130, 136*n, 148* , 165*, 166* Mappleton, near Hornsea, E.R.Yorks. 285 * n, 286 Marcillé-la-ville , dio. Mans 186 Marescot , Rev. Joachim 183, 186 Maresq , Rev. Jean Baptiste François 183

Marfield , Robert 207 Marfleet, Holderness , Yorks . 361 *n Marhood, Mary 238 ; Samuel 238 Marion , Rev. Jacques 182, 183*, 186 Mark , James 320 Markadam, John 351 356 ; Geo : 356 Markenfield, Market Weighton, Harthill , Yorks .


330 *n

Markington , near Ripon, Yorks . 299 , 359, 370* Markland , Alice 226n Marlowe, Bucks. 118 305 ; James 299 , Marmaduke,


305, 370 ; Mary 299 Marr , Doncaster, Yorks . 225* Marsden , Pontefract , Yorks . 286* Marsden , Barbara 248 ; Dorothy 70 ; Eliz: 202 ; John 248, 286 ; Mary 63 , 64, 66 ; Saml : 263 Marsh, Rev. James 194 Marshal, Knight Marshal (George Carey) 9*, 15 Marshall , Marshal, Ann 303 ; Ed: 282 ; Edward 247, 285 ; Eliz: 220 ; Helen 309 ; Jervass 305 ; John 91, 224 , 303, 350; Rev. Joseph 53 ; Mary 224, 236, 301 * ; Matthew 301 ; Richard 236 ; Robert 309 ; Thomas 286 *, 322 Marske , Cleveland, Yorks . 286* Marten, Richard 410 Martigny, dio. Séez 187 Martin , Ann 196; John 199; Marie Barbe 134 ; Rev. Noël Paul Thomas, V.G. 123 n , 181-7 Marton, Cleveland, Yorks. 286 * ; oum Moxby , Cleveland 286 * ; (Martine ) ; in Swine Parish, near Burton Constable, Holderness 53, 363*n Masco, see Myerscough 288 n Masham , Massam, cum Kirkby Malzeard , Ripon , Yorks . 355*n Maslen , Matthew 232, 336 Mason, Anne 321 ; Elizabeth 257 ; John 321 ; Martha 257 ; Richard 118 ; Tho : 325 ; Wm . 267


* *



INDEX Master, Masters , Elizabeth 122, 152 ; Jane 74* ; Margaret 74; Philip 74 Matson, Mattson , Edward 358, 370 ; Francis 268, 289 ; Isabel 358 ; James 299 , 370; John 299, 358 ; Mary 358 Mattocks, Anne 91 Maulds Meaburn, near Appleby and Shap , Westmor . 73 Mawdesley, Lancs. 52 Mawer, J. 371-8 Mawlam, Ann 234 ; William 234 Mawley, (Cleobury Mortimer ) , Shropshire 58* Mawson, Mathew 295 Maxwell , James 113 May, Charles 224 Mayer, see Maire Mayne , Cuthbert , blessed 2, 9, 16, 17 Maynooth, co . Kildare 162n Mayo, Mio , Ireland 142 Mazarine College , ( ? Collegio Naza-

229 *n, 368 ; Margaret 339 ; Mary 223 , 228 *, 256, 327 ; Richard 311 ; Rob't 298 ; Tho . 260 ; Rev. William 299* n Methley, Pontefract , Yorks . 286, 287 Mexborough, Doncaster, Yorks . 287* Meyer, Rev. Cuthbert , S.J. 174n Meynell, Men(n)el(1), Menhil , Mennings, Anne 341 n ; Barbara 341n ; family of 208n , 340n ; George 208n ; Rev. James 237*n , 245*n, 296 *n , 297 , 304 *n; Roger 341 * n ; see

Mearing, Maria 143 *

see Johnson Middlesbrough, Cleveland, Yorks . 207,


reno , Rome ) 59 Maziere Brady, quoted 381n

Mease, Thomas 216 , 233, 246 Medcalfe , Thomas 343 Meek , Ann 259 , 260 ; Nicholas 260 ; Roger 259 Meggison , Elizabeth 259 ; William 259 Méheudin, dio. Séez 184, 185 Mekharvay, James 135, 137 ; see

McCarthy Mell , Ann 244 ; John 244 ; Mary 244 ; Robert 244 Mellish, J.P. 366 Mello, Luiza de 37 Melner, Nickles 256 Meltham, Pontefract , Yorks . 286 * Mence , J. 215 Mendoza 37 ; see Furtado Menhil , Rev. 237 *n ; see Meynell Mennell, Menel, Meynell 245 n; * Anne 341*n ; Christopher 235 ; Edward 235 ; Elizabeth 235 ; George 235 ; Henry 236 ; Isabel 235 ; James 235 ; Jane 235 , 236, 266 ; John 236 ; Mary 235 ; Robert 236 ; Roger 341*n; Susanna 235 ; Teresia 339 ; see Meynell Mennock, see Mannock Mesnil-sous -Lillebonne, dio . Rouen


184 n Messenger , 358, 359 ; Elizabeth 300 *n ; Ewens 358n *, 359n ; James 359 ; John 227n , 248n, 299 * n, 359 *n, 368 *n; Rev. John , S.J. 227 n, 228 , 248* n; Margaret 227n , 248n , 299 *n ; Marmaduke 359 ; Mary 358-60; Michael 299 *n; William 300n, 358n



Metcalfe, Metcalf, 341*n; Francis 327; John 298 ; Leonard 228*,




Mezière , Rev. Jean - Baptiste Philippe 132, 135, 138* , 187 Miard , Luc , Sieur de la Blardière 131 ;

see Blardière

Middelburg, Medilbourg, Zeeland , Holland 143, 145, 163, 164* Middleham, in Richmondshire, Yorks . 355* , 356 * Middlehurst, Elizabeth 59 ; John 59; als. Johnson, Rev. Thomas 46, 58, 59 ; 208

Middleton, Middelton , near Pickering, Cleveland, Yorks . 235 *, 236 , 287*, 311 ; Harthill 287*; ( Hall) parish of Rothwell , near Leeds 282, 293, 301n , 302 * n ; (Lodge) near Ilkley, Craven 270n , 271 *n, 316n Middleton-in -Teesdale, co. Durham 51

Middleton, Middelton , Agnes 358 ; Ann 270 ; Isabell 358 ; John 270; Marmaduke 271n , 316 *n ; Thomas 270



N.R. Yorks . 372 Midgley, Sam: 303, 315


Miers, Mires, Catharine 291, 316, 322 ; Elizabeth 284 ; William 284, 316 Milber , Phillip 308 Milford Hall , in Kirkby Wharfe , Yorks. 205 Miller, John 353, 358 ; Priscilla 358 Millhouse, at Patten in Kirkby "Kendal , Westmor. 55 Millington , Jane 244 Mills, Henry221 ; John 221 ; Thomas


340 ;

William 207*, 333*

Milner , Ann 206 ; Elizabeth 242 ; R. Rev. John, D.D. , bishop 124, 172, Josuah 287; 174, 190* , 195n ; Stephen 217 ; Thos. 242 ; Sir William, Ist bart . 383*n Milnes, Milns , Alice 290 ; Ambrose 290 ; Mary 309 ; Thomas 290 Milness, Thomas Borne de 74 Milton, Charlot Frances 138; Dominic 138: Henriet 138*



Milnthorp , Westmor. 9on Minskip , Minskire , Aldburgh , W.R.

Yorks. 350*n

Minsteracres, co . Durham 52*n, 9In Mirfield , Pontefract, Yorks. 287* Misterton, Retford , Notts . 287 Mitchel , Ann 140, 234 ; Margaret 234 ; Susannah Maria 140; Thomas 234 Mitton , near Whalley , Craven, Yorks .

205, 288*, 289 Mitton , Rob't 254 ; Rog'r 313 Moed , Catherine 138; Francis 138* Moffet , Lancelot 262 Molens, Molyns, Michael, high sheriff 118* n Molteno, Rev. Thomas Mylius 126*n, 135, 154-60, 162 Monday, Ann 311 ; Christopher 266 ; Edmund 311 ; Jane 260 ; Mary 311 ; Wm . 260 Money, Walter , F.S.A. 119*n Monisius da Camera , Anthony , canon 38 Monkfriston , New Ainsty, Yorks . 289 * Monk Hesleden , co. Durham 93n Monkhouse, Agatha 103; Joseph 103 ; Robert 103 Monmouth 129 Monteilles, dio. Lisieux 181*, 182 Montgomery, Mongomery, Agnes 95 ; Anne 89, 90, 93-5, 97 , 98 , 101, 103*, 104, 107, 109-12 ; Anne Monica 101 ; Jane 88 , 97 ; Joseph Peter Paul 112 ; Margaret 98 ; Mary 93 ; Robert 88 ; Robert Just 111 ; Sarah 107; Stephen 90, 107 ; William 81, 86-8, 90, 91, 93, 95 , 97 , 98, 101, 104, 107, 110-2 Montier( s) , Ann 158 ; Charles 158* ;


see De Montiers, Demontiers

Montreuil , Broglie, Bernay, dept . Eure 131*n Moody, Ann 169, 170* ; John 253 ; Mary 253, 254* ; Richard 253 Moony, Bridget 101, 112 ; Sylvester 106, 108, 110*, 112 , 114

Moor, James 82 ; Jane 82 ; John 82 ; see More Moor End, near Kendal, Westmor. 73 Moor Monkton , New Ainsty, Yorks . 289*

Moorhouse, Ed. 305 ; John 321 ; Mary 310 ; William 310 235 ; Catherine More, Moor (e), * 214*n; Rev. Charles 234*n ; Christopher Cresacre 304n ; Dinah_234 ; Dorithy 235 ; Edward 270 ; Elizabeth 270 ; Helen 197 ; Hugh, mar. 410* ; Mary 304n ; Sylvester 271 ;


Thomas 214 n, 235 ; William 271* Morehouse , Helena 114n ; Henry 114*n; William 114n



Morgan, Alexander 92 ; Anne 106; Edward 79; Margaret 80 ; Mary 7880 ; Peter 78-80; Winifrid 78 Morhil , Arthur 341 Moriceau, Rev. Pierre 185 , 189* Morin , Rev. Marin 182 Morland, near Appleby , Westmor. 45, 73n Morley, Anne 259 ; Dorothy 55: George 136*n ; Henry 259 ; Tho : 217; William 55 Morpeth, Northumb . 301n Morralee, Elizt. 353; Math : 353 Morris, Bridget 151 ; Edw. 350*; Rev. John , S.J., quoted 1 *, 21n , 44n, 429 , 431

Morrison, 262 ; Richard Caleb 153 ; Sarah.... 153; Wm . 262 Morrow , Jane 281 * ; John 281 ; Patrick 281 Morrys, Edmond 118 Morten, Moorten , Robert, Ven. 410* Morton, Thomas 125 Morville , Sir Hugh 73 *n; Mauld 73n Mosey , William 273, 283, 307 Mosley, Nich: 342, 343 ; Richard 335, 342

Mostyn, Barbara 166 ; Sir Piers, bart . 166 Mouche , de la , dio. Avranches 186, 187

Moulden, Moulding , Eleanor 340*; Henry 100 ; Jane 100; Richard 100 Moungey, 174 Mount , Ann 148; Daniel 148 *; James 328 ; John 81 , 109; Margaret


109 ;

William 148

Mount Falcon, Tipperary 121 71 ; Elizabeth 71 ; Mountain , Margaret 71 Moura, Elizabeth de 37* Mousset , Rev. Julien 182 Moutiers- en -Auges, dio . Séez 185n Mowbrick (Hall), near Kirkham Lane 51, 82n Moxby, Cleveland, Yorks . 286 Much, Elizabeth 303 ; Wm. 303 Mudie, Robert 122n Muggeridge, A. 128 Mullen, 80 Muller , George 153 Mulley, John 396 Mullhollan , Charles 95 ; Hugh 95 ; Margaret 95 Mullins, William 148 Mulneux , Mark 197 Mul with, Ripon, Yorks. 358 Munday, Ann 253 ; Antony 390 *; Edmund 342, 346 Murphy, Bernard 85 ; Denis 155, 156 ; Domina 71 ; Dorothy 108 ; James 154 ; John 108; Margaret 154


INDEX Murran, Bridget 86 ; James 86 ; Lucy 86

Murray, Murry, Ann 151; Catherine 82 ; John 79-82; Margaret 79 ; Rachel 79-82; William 81 Musgrave, Richard 244, 286, 318 Musika, Stephan 145*, 164 Muston, Dickering , Yorks . 289 * Myers , in Docker, in Kendal , Westmor. 55 Myers , Elizabeth 214 Myerscough , Masco . 92, 97 ; Anne 83; Arthur 100 ; .... Arthur Burns 86 ; Catharine 84, 86, 88 , 90 , 93, 95 , 97n; Charlotte 95 ; Dorothy 95-7, 99, 101, 104; Edward 288 *n ; Eleanor 101; Ellin 288 ; James 83 , 97 ; Jane 84, 107; John 90, 288 * ; Mary 88 ; Mary Agnes 88 ; Richard 88, 288 ; Simon, Cymone 82-4 , 86 *n, 88*n, 90, 92, 93 , 95-7 , 99 *, 101 ; Thomas 93, 288 Myton, Bulmer, Yorks . 289 * Nafferton, Dickering , Yorks . 289* Naish , Elizabeth 155 348 ; John 348 Napier,


Nason , 348 (Nateby ) , Naitby, Lancs. 48, 49 Naudasher , Christiana Frederika 153 ; Xaverius, capt. , adjt . 153 Neal , John 270 ; Mary 156 Neaton, Mary 142 Neauphe , near Séez 134 Needham , Rev. Joseph 165 * , 166 Neesom, Nesom, Mary 215 , 296 ; Sarah 215 ; William 296 Negretti, John 137 Nehou , dio. Coutances 183 Nelson , Agnes 114 ; Edward 276 ; Thomas 271, 400 Ursula 271 ; Nendick, 292 Nesham , co . Durham 47n Ness , Hovingham , Cleveland, Yorks . 331n , 332*n, 337n, 36on , 377 , 380 Nessfield , Nesfield, Frances 306 ; John 297, 324 NetherPoppleton, New Ainsty, Yorks. 200* Nether Silton, Osmotherly, Yorks . 46 Nether Warden, Northumb . 91n Netherdale, Masham, Ripon, Yorks,



355* Nethi, Julia 149 Nettleton, Ann 228 ; John 228 Neville, family of 56 Nevin , Catherine 263 Nevison , Geo : 357

New Ainsty , W.R. Yorks., archdiocese 204, 206-8, 213, 215-7 219 , , 220, 223 , 225, 232, 233*, 238 , 245 ,

250, 258, 270, 273, 275, 277, 278 , 281,


289*, 290 , 303, 305, 310, 316 , 320 322, 324, 325, 329, 335, 336 New Malton Rydale, Yorks 285 * Newark , Notts. 204 Newbery, Anna Maria 122n ; Arthur Le Blanc 122n ; family of 122n *; Francis 121 ; John 121*n, 122*n ;

Mary 122 * Newbigin, near Egton , Cleveland, Yorks . 353 Newborn, Christopher 319*; Eliz: 319 ; Isabel 319 Newbrough, Newburke , Newburgh, near Coxwold, Bulmer, Yorks 234 , 235 ; Hexham 353* Newby, Ripon , Yorks . 358 Newby, Nuby, Agnes 63 ; Anne 75 ; Christopher 74 , 75 *n ; Elizabeth 295 ; Frances 75 ; James 93, 101 ; Jane 72 ; John 75 , 295 ; Mary 65, 68, 72 ; Robert 63*; Thomas 65 ; William 649. 75 ; William John 63 Newcastle - on -Tyne, Northumb . 49, 52, 54 , 60, 61*, 281n Newdigate, Rev. C. A., S.J. 2, 44, 389 Newhouse , Morehouse, Helen 114 n ; * Henry 114 n; William 114*n Newington Butts, Surrey 160* Newland, near Howden, Harthill , Yorks. 267 Newman, Rev. John Henry, cardinal 128 Newsham , 201 ; Ann 197 ; James 199 , 201



Newton, near Chester 57: near Bilsdaie, Rydale, Yorks . 217 Newton, Ann 197, 262 ; Eliz: 262 ; John 262 , 320 ; Ste : 268 , 339 Newton Kyme, New Ainsty, Yorks . 290 * ; upon Ouse, Bulmer 290* Niccolls, Nichol (1) s , Dorothy 305 *; F. 295 ; Joan 305 ; John 305*, 370 Nicholson, Nicolson, Ann 305 * ; Cornelius 56n , 57, 59 ; Henry 310 ; Jane 196; Jn : 273 ; Mary 73* ; Thomas 305* ; William 73, 257 ; and Burn, authors 57 Nicolas , Rev. Julien 181 *, 182 Nidd (Hall), near Ripley , Ripon , Yorks . 218n , 231* n, 301n , 315n , 360* n, 368n, 369*n Night [Knight] , Ann 142 Nixon, Anne ; Catharine 107*, ; Hutchinson 107; Richard 111 No family name :-Ann 346-8 ; Barbara 348 ; Eleanor 277 ; Elizabeth 348 ; Jane 197; John 197; Katherine 348 ; Margaret 149 ; Mary 108, 150, 169, 172 ; Mary Monica 138, 175 ; Sr Miles 377 ; Rebecca 340 ; William



66 Noble , Edmund 246



Noblet, Rev. Jacques 187, 188*; John 72 ; Margaret 72; Mary 108; Richard 72

Nockalls, Ric : 264 Norfolk , Duke of 240 ; Charles Howard , Duke of 198 ; Edward , 9th Duke of 308 *n ; Mary Winefred, Duchess of 288 * n ; Thomas Howard , 8th Duke of 288n *, 365 *n Normanby, Rydale, Yorks . 290 *, 325 * Normanton, Pontefract 290 *, 291 Norris, David 269 *; Helena 269* North Burton , Dickering , Yorks . 291* North Cave, Harthill , Yorks . 291 *, 292, 31on , 368* North Ferriby, Harthill , Yorks . 275 * North Frodingham, Holderness,

Yorks. 232* , near Thirsk, N.R. North Kilvington Yorks . 1032, 340n, 341n North Newbald. Harthill*, Yorks . 292 North Shields , Northumb . 54 North Stainley, Ripon , Yorks . 359 Northallerton , Cleveland , Yorks. 371, 379

Northouse, 282 ; John 282 Northumberland, Earl of 397 Norton, Buckrose, Yorks . 292 * 215 ; George 257; Norton, Matthew 215 Norton Cuckney , Notts. 365n , 366 Norwich 373 , 388 Nostell, near Wakefield, W.R. Yorks .



Nottingham 204 *, 278, 287, 351n*,

416 *n

Nottingham, Countess of 436 ; John 236

Nourry, Nourri , Rev. Pierre 189* Nowel, Agnes 199 Nowland, Charles 158 Nugent, Henry 114; Margaret 114* Nun Appleton 383n Nunburnholme, Harthill, Yorks. 292* Nunkeeling, Holderness , Yorks . 212 *, 213

Nunn, Ellen 225 Nunnington , Rydale 292* Nunwick cum Howgrave, Ripon , Yorks . 360 Nursey, Tho : 358 Nuthill, near Burstwick , Holderness, Yorks . 229n , 331 , 337 Nuttall , Jos : 233 Nuttebie, als. Rogers , Edward 402n Nye, Rev. Harold 127 Oakingham, Berks. 137*n , 148, 157 ; see Wokingham O'Brien, Alice 148-50; Daniel 104, 107; Elena 149; Henry , 5th Earl of Thomond 337n; Rev. James 127 ;

John 148*; Juliana 172 ; Mary 1715, 337n ; Thomas 150 ; William 14850 O'Connell, Daniel 124 , 175 *n ; Lawrence 98 ; Mary 157 ; Matthew 99 O'Connor, O'Con(a) (o) r, 140 Rev. Donald Murphy 127 ; Mary 141 ;; Rev. Maurice 162* n Oddy, Elizabeth 328* ; William 328 O'Donnell, James 113; Mary 113 ; Michael 113 O'Dowd, Rev. Michael 127 Odstock , near Salisbury, Wilts. 317n Ogle ,

.... 348

Ogleford 69n Old Ainsty , archdeaconry of York

(Leeds) 204, 208 , 212 , 216, 223 , 232 , 245, 246, 257, 263, 265, 268, 279, 282, 294, 332 Old Hall 126n Old Malton , Rydale, Yorks . 285* Oldam , Tho : 245 Oldcorn ( e), 90 ; Anne 63-9, 74*, 79, 86-9 , 100, 107, 109-11 , 114, 115 ; Christine 77 , 88 ; Deborah 64*, 67 ; Eleanor 77 ; Elizabeth 103, 105, 109, 112 , 115 ; Henry 68 ; Isaac 67, 89, 106* ; Isabelle 83 * ; Jane 78, 90, 97, 106; John 66, 80 *, 83 , 84 , 88 , 94; Jonathan 77, 90, 95, 106, 111, 115 ; Joseph 63-9, 76, 86, 89* , 97 , 98 , 103, 105, 109, 112, 115 ; Judith 69, 76, 80; Margaret 83, 97, 98, 107, 110*, , 115 ; Mary 74 , 76-8, 80 , 81, 83 , 84, 86, 87, 89, 92 , 98, 103, 106*, 110-2 , 115; Mary Anne 106; N. 83 ; Robert 114; Sarah 106* ; Stephen 74, 76-9, 80, 81, 83 , 84, 86 , 87 , 89, 98, 101 , 103, 105-7, , 115 ; Thomas 64 , 66 , 76, 78, 83 , 84 , 100, 107, 109*, 110, 114; William 74 , 76, 77, 81 *, 102 , 103 , 1IO Olendon, dio. Séez 187 Oliver, Ann 235 ; Anthony 253 ; Edward 160*, 172; Edward Frederick George 172 ; Rev. George , D.D. 162n ; Mary 160*, 172 Ollard, Canon 205, 208n , 224n , 226n, 229 n, 244n , 264n, 266n , 337n O'Loughran , Rev. Robert 127 O'Lucan , Helena 143* Omler , Ann 228 * ; Richard 228 O'Neil, Hugh 96 ; James 106; Mary 96, 106; Patrick 106 Onfroy, Rev. François 183, 184 Ons, Hone, Elizabeth 136; John 136*n; Susan 136; see Hone Ontario, Canada 54 Opoix , Rev. Louis Guillaume 187 Oram, Edward 214 Orford, near Warrington , Lancs. 53 Orleans , Duchess of 160 ; Duke of 160

.... *









INDEX Ormady , Ann 64 Ormesby , Cleveland, Yorks . 292 * , 293* Ormondy, Roger 234 Ortelli , Dependente 155 Osbaldwick, Rydale, Yorks. 293* Osbern Gifford , Earley , Berks. 167 Osbrough , Cicely 261; Hannah 269 ; James 269 ; John 269 Oscott (St Mary's College ), Birmingham 1*, 2, 21n , 411 *, 428n


Osmotherly, Cleveland, Yorks . 46*, 319 *n Ossett, Pontefract , Yorks . 293 * Oswaldkirk, Rydale, Yorks . 294* Oswaldwick, near Helmsley, Rydale, Yorks. 294 Otley, Old * Ainsty, Yorks . 294* Otley, Otlow, sheriffe 417; Anne 76 ; Elizabeth 70, 72 , 73, 75*, 76, 83 , 86, 87, 91 ; Isabelle 70 ; John 70, 72 , 73, 75, 76; Joseph 73 : William 72 O'Toole, 160, 161 ; Elizabeth 145 , 164* ; Matthew 161 Otteringham, Holderness , Yorks. 294* Otway, Elizabeth , Lady 355 *n ; Sir John 355n Oulston, near Coxwold, Bulmer, Yorks . 235, 331n , 337n Ouram, Mary 246 Oust , Ouston, see Owst, Owston Over Helmsley, Bulmer, Yorks . 330* Over Silton , Bulmer , Yorks . 294 * Overend , Geo: 313 Overfield, Ann 253 ; Eliz : 253 ; Mary



Overton, Bulmer, Yorks. 295 * Owbridge, Mary 297 Owst, Owste, Oust, Dorothy 257 *; Frances 260* ; Hannah 257 ; Margaret 228 ; Thomas 257* ; William 228 , 257 Owston, Ouston, Doncaster, Yorks . 295*

Owthorne, Holderness , Yorks . 295 * Oxeley , Oxley, Elizabeth 296 ; Frances 311 ; John 311, 353 ; Thomas 296 Oxford 47 , 117, 129*, 130, 133 , 229n , 368 , 372 Ozeville , dio. Coutances 182, 183


P.A.B., see Boyan

Pacheco 4 Pacheo, Pantaleo Rodriguez 4* Padley, Ann 228 ; Thomas 309* Page, Mary 208 ; Thos : 208 Pain , Ismena 144 ; see Payne Palethorp, Wm 240 Palfriman , John 309 ; Thomas 309 ; Timothy 309 341 n; Johes 118 Palmer,


Palliser, Pal (l) ister, 358 ; Eliz : 371 ; Jane 341 ; John 358 ; Luke 357 Palmes , Mary 341n , 343 * Pangbourne, Berks. 119, 125*n, 128 , 157

Pannal, Pennal, near Harrogate, New

Ainsty, Yorks . 277, 278

Panton, Jane 170* Papps, Anne 156 Parigné - le- Polin, dio. Mans 187 Paris 50, 55n *, 132, 134, 346, 347 , Les 399, 414 n, 416* , 417; Carmes *134 ; Notre Dame des Victoires 50 Park, .... 63*, 64; Agnes 69 ; Anne 63, 65, 70 ; Edward 101 ; Elizabeth 64n, 65, 68 ; James 63-70, 78, 79, 81 ; Jane 65-70 ; John 63, 79 ; Joseph 101, 103 ; Lawrence 63; Margaret 78, 79, 81 , 101, 103 ; Mary Anne 81 ; Richard 67 ; Robert 78; Sarah 64; Thomas 69 , 103 Park Farm, Tilehurst , Berks. 127, 128 288 ; Alexander 288 ; Parker, Ann 316 ; Elisabeth 341, 357 ; Ellis 298 ; John 316 ; Margaret 308 ; Ralph 357 ; Thomas 298, 309 , 357 ;

Will: 357

Parkin , George 318 * ; Mary 65 349 ; Rev. 58 ; Parkinson, Alexander 356; Anne 251 ; Betty 200 ; Christopher 254 ; Eliz : 86 ; George 251 ; Jane 199, 200 ; John 198, 349 ; Margrett 356 ; Valentine


356 ;


William 197

Parlington, near Aberford , New Ainsty, Yorks . 206*n, 207, 248n , 305 , 382

Parnet, John 239 ; Mary 239

"55Parr " Chapel , Kendal, Westmor.

Parr, Catherine 54 Parret, Parrot , J. 122, 152 Parry , Rev. Bonaventure, O.S.F. 120; als. Apharry, Rev. William 401 , 405 Parsison , Hannah 279 *; Richard

279 * Parsler , Passler , Theresa 136 n Parsons , Persons , Rev. Robert , S.J. 392 ; see Persons Partington , John 114. Pasman , Passman, Anne 235, 236, 315 ; John 235 , 276 ; Joseph 236 Mary 236 ; William 236*, 315 Pateley Bridge, Ripon , Yorks. 295 * Paton, R. 354 ; see Patten , Patton Patou, Rev. Guillaume 182, 185 Patrick , Mary 266 ; Terry 253 ; Thomas 266, 343, 361 * Patrington, Holderness , Yorks . 295* Patten , in Kirkby Kendal , Westmor.






Patten, Patton , Andrew 96; Anne 96; Nicholas 256 ; Patrick 96 Pattison, Pattyson , .... 202 ; Eliz: 364 * ; James 218 ; Robert 292 ; Tho : 357 Paull , near Hull, Holderness, Yorks . 205, 228 , 229* , 260n , 297n 167; Cecily 139; Payne, Payn, Elizabeth 122, 152 ; Ismena 144, 157: James 122, 152* ; John Orlebar 50n , 58 , 133 ; Maria 154


Peace, Mary 139 Peacock , Dorothy 67 ; Elizabeth 214 ; Francis 235 ; Jane 235 ; Joseph 299 , 370 ; Richard 299 Pearson , Anne 241* , 242 ; Elizabeth 240, 242 ; Francis 241, 242 ; Grace 242; James 236, 371-8; Jane 260; John 240, 241, 348* ; Margaret 241, 242, 348 ; Nath. 318 ; Richd . 241 ; Thomas 55 ; Will. 241, 242 , 254 347 ; Thomas 282 Peart, Pecqueult, Rev. Jacques Constant 183 Pedro , Fr Adrian 4 Pedro de Magalhaes, Fr 4 Peirson, Pierson, Anne 256, 263 *, 284 ; Bradshaw 319 ; George 284 ; Hellenor 284 ; Isabelle 75 ; Ralph 256 ; Robert 263, 273 ; Thomas 284 Pemberton , 202 ; Edward 198, 202 ; Ellen 197 Penelope (Mary Tregian) 26 Penfeather, Ann 150 ; Thomas 150* Peniston , Doncaster, Yorks . 296 * Peniston , John 162* ; Sarah 162 Penkevel , Peter 429 Penn , John 243 Pennington, Betty 202 ; George 351 Rev. William 199 Penrith , Cumberland 47, 59, 61 Penswick, R. Rev. Thomas, bishop 196n Peppard , co. Oxfords. 144 Pepper , 206 ; Richard 206 Percehay , Pearcyhay, 356 ; Barbara 341n ; Christopher 341 Percy, Piercy, Mary 338 ; Thomas 338 *n Pere , William 405 , 408 , 410 Perkins, fam. of 117, 119; Jonathan 238 Perkinson, William 248 Perotti, Frances 70 Perrot, Andrew 230* Perry, Elizabeth 342 Persons , Rev. Robert , S.J. 390-2, 400 , 429 Pert, Edmond 323 ; John 323 ; Mary 323 Peter of Alcantara Gordon , Rev., O.S.F. 319 n, 368 Petit- Caux , dio . Rouen 182, 184, 185







Petra, Cardinal 381n Petre , R. Rev. Francis, bishop 194n Pettey, Henry 316 ; Jane 316 Petworth, Sussex 126n Phelin, John 156 Phillips, Phylips, Philippes, als . Purshall, Rev. Peter 242*n, 256 *n, 379*n, 380* ; Rev. René Jacques 184, 186 Pibus , Anthony 291 Pickering, 282 ; John 206 ;

William 282

359 ; Christopher Pickersgill, 305, 370 ; Tho : 359 Pickthall , Pickhall , Pikehall , John 97; Mary 94, 97 *n ; Sarah 94 ; Thomas 91, 94, 97 *n Picot, Rev. Pierre 182 Pidding, John 228 Pierre , Rev. Charles 186 Pierre-Ronde , dio . Evreux 183 n, 184 Pierrefitte , dio . (Séez ) ( Bayeux) 132 Pieux, des, dio . Coutances 189 * Piggot, Pigot , Rev. Adam, S.J. 341 ; Hollis 238 Pike, Anne 139 ; Lucy 138, 153 ; Mary 137 ; Mary Ann 138, 139, 153 ; Michael 137; Samuel 137-9, 153 , 157, 166 ; Thomas 137 Pin , dio. Séez 185 Pinckhard, Pinkard , Rev. Thomas 337 *n Pinckney, William 323 Pindar, Pinder, Agnes 227 ; Bartholomew 295 ; Catherine 227 ; Frances 214; J. 227; Jane 291 ; John 217 , 227 ; Peter 227 Pippet, Gabriel 127 Pitrou , Rev. Georges 133, 134 Pitt, John, Lt. -Col . , M.P. 322n *; Mary, the Hon. 322*n ; Thomas 322n Pizzey , Ann 171-5; Ann Elizabeth 173 ; Benedict 171 ; Benedict John 177 : Catherine Mary 174*; Frances Winefrid 177 ; John 171-5; Juliana Elizabeth 175 ; Lucy 173 ; Lucy Catherine 177; Mary Ann 175; Mary Frances 172 ; Sarah Mary 177 Plasse, F.-X., canon 123 n, 124, 132 * Platt , Alice 53; John 53 : Oliver 55 ; Rev. Ralph, D.D. , V.G. , Provost 53 ,




60 Plaxton , John 320, 336 Plompton, Plumpton , near Kirkby Overblow, New Ainsty 248 *n, 278n, 316, 317 n Plompton*, Plumpton , Anne 224n; Elizabeth 227n, 248n * ; Isabel 248n ; John 248n * ; Robert 227n, 248n*,

317 *n

Plumgarth , Plumbgarth , near Kendal, Westmor . 90 *n, 92 * Plunket (t) , Rev. Francis, Cistercian


INDEX 1-5, 8-10, 33*; * Mother of Francis 1 , 2 ; Lady Philippa 33 Plymouth, Devons. 129 Podeste, Joseph 105; Mary 105 Pole or Poole , George 155; Rev. James , S.J. 220n ; Mary 155 ; Thomas 155 Pollard, A. W. 389 ; John 247 ; Rich : 216 Pollen, Rev. J. H. , S.J., quoted 391 , James 33 ;

404 , 411 *, 429 Pongny, Rev. Jean Guillaume 185*n Pontefract, W.R. Yorks . 204, 208 *, 210 , 215 , 218 , 222, 224, 230-2, 236 , 237, 240, 242 , 243, 246 , 247 , 257, 259, 261, 264, 265*, 267, 271 , 272 , 274, 275 , 282, 286*, 287, 290, 293 , 296-8, 300, 301, 304, 305, 314, 316*,



Pontus , Rev. Jean Baptiste , V.G. ,


Pool , Poole, Benjamin 129 ; Catherine Day 129 ; Fra : 264 ; William 319 Poor Clares, at Aire 130 ; Convent, Rouen 379n Pope 391-432 passim; Benedict XIV 129 ; Clement V 279 ; Eugenius IV 16, 392, 393 ; 46 ; Gregory Leo 390 ; Sixtus V 130 ; Urban VIII 431 Popham , Justice 9 * Poplar House , Westend, Hampstead 128 Poppleton , Popleton, Anne 357 ; Elizabeth 322 ; John 322 Poret , Rev. Guillaume Charles 184* Porters, Mary 244 Portland, Lord 9, 10 Portsmouth, Hants . 120, 127, 128, 132, 188*; Bishop of 128; see Cotter Potter, Robert 233 , 318 Potts, Dom John Bede , O.S.B. 244*n Pouls , Margaret 332 Poulton in the Fylde, Lancs. 114n ; Hall, Little, Lancs. 114n Powel, Elizabeth 159 ; J. 159 Power, Christopher 111 ; Elizabeth 111; John 137 ; Mary 137, 152 ;




Nicholas Powys-Lybbe , R. 127 Poynter, R. Rev. William, bishop 125,


132, 133 , 141n, 158, 160* , 169, 170, 172 Prance , Jo : 350 ; Thomas 217, 240 245 ; Gertrude 327; Pratty, Willm 245 Preston , Lancs. 47n; near Hedon, Holderness , Yorks . 229n , 297* Preston Hall, near Stockton -on -Tees, co. Durham 368n Preston Patrick , near Kendal 65n ,



Preston Richard, near Kendal 72*n, 77n, 82 Preston, 346, 347 ; Agnes 80, 85, 87, 91, 96 ; Christopher 87, 88 , 91, 95*, 100*, 102, 111 ; Elizabeth 88, 90, 94 , 96, 100, 102, 103 , 105, 109, 112, 114, 115*, 257 ; James 91, 94; John 90, 109 ; Joseph 90, 96 ; Mary 70, 76 ; Matthew 90 ; Robert 87, 90, 91, 95 , 96, 108 ; Ruth 90 , 95, 100, 102, 103 , 107 ; Thomas 88, 109, 257; William 85 , 87 , 88, 90 , 91, 94, 96,


100* , 102*, 103, 105, 109, 112, 114, 115* Preswick, Oliver 256

Pretender," the " Young," Prince "Charles Edward Stuart 58, 367 ; James Francis Edward Stuart, the

Old 55n* "Price , "Rev. 322* n ; Anne 206 ; .... Bruno , O.S.F. 129; als. Babe, Rev.

Frances 226 ; Rev. John 322n ; als. Pugh, Rev. Maurice 322n 154; Sarah Prichard, Pritchard , 176 ; Sarah Ann 172 ; Thomas (John) 172, 173 Prickett , Thos: 338 Priest, Bridget 334 Primavesi 135n Princess Mary 130; of Wales 372 Princeton 389n Prockter, Proc( k) tor, Cuthbert 199 George 317 ; John 317 ; Margaret 317 ; Philip 263 Protham, Frances 254 Prowde, Wm . 287, 311 Prudhoe -on -Tyne, Northumb . 61 Puccini, John Baptist 70 Puckering, Serjeant 404 , 405 Pudsey, Pontefract, Yorks . 230 Pugh, Mary 163; als . Price, Rev. Maurice 322n Pugin, Augustus Charles 126n ; Augustus Welby Northmore 126n ; Edward Welby 126n 348 ; Anne 287 ; Pulleine, Pullen , William 287, 315 Punch, Anne 110 ; John 110 ; Mary




Puncheon , Wm 262

Purden, Mary Ann 161 Purret, Catherine 303 Purshall, als. Phillips , Rev. Peter 242 n, 256*n, 379 n, 380 * Purslove , Philip 335 Purston Jaglin , Pontefract , Yorks . 246 Pydsey Burton , Holderness, Yorks .




Pyet, Pyat , Anne 356* ; Dr. 341 ; see Pigott



Quaker Meeting House , Kendal, Westmor. 57 Quarmore (? Quernmore) , Lancs. 198 Queen Anne 356, 363 ; of George 372 ; Elizabeth 1 * , 2 , 8, 9 *, 12-5, 17, 19*, 28, 29 , 42 *, 44, 130*, 391-432 passim; of Charles I 10 ; Mary



56* n

Quentin, Rev. H., O.S.B. 436 Querqueville, dio. Coutances 188 Quettehou, dio . Coutances 182, 183*, 186

Quineville, dio. Coutances 183 Quirk , Esther 113; Helen

Philip 113

113 :

Rackley, Ann 178; John 178 ; Mary Agnes 178 Radcliffe, Ratcliffe , Agnes 242 ; Anne 3012 ; Anna Maria , Countess of Derwentwater 317n ; Eliz : 224 ; Ellen 224 ; Frances 224 ; Francis 301* n ; Henry 301n * ; James , 3rd Earl of Derwentwater 317n ; Joseph 234 ; Mary 234 ; W.M. 210 ; Wm 224 , 238 , 358 Ragaen , Ragan, Ellen 152 ; Helen 144; Mary Ann 144; Timothy 143 282 ; Peter 282 Railton, Raines , Rains, fam. of 229n ; John 297 ; Mary 297 ; or Rand, Rev. , Richard, als. James Watson 229 *n, 297 *n, 368*n Rainforth , Rainford , 201 ; Ann 199; Betty 201 ; Br(i) (y) an 196, 200 ; Elizabeth 195; Francis 109, 114* ; Jack 201 ; John 109; Margaret 196 ; Mary 199 ; Molly 201 ; Phyllis 109, 114 Rakes , John 209, 210 Ramsden , Elisabeth 323 Ramsey , Hannah 213 ; John 213 ; Mary 322 Rand , Mary 259, 260 ; Richard 229 * n, 259, 260 * n ; or Raines , Rev. Richard , vere Rev. James Watson 229 *n, 297 *n, 368 *n; see Raines Ransom , Ranson, George 277 ; Jane 264 ; Robert 264 Ranville, dio. Bayeux 185 Raper , Julian 356 Raskelfe , Bulmer, Yorks . 297* Rassendale 72 ; see Ravenstonedale Rastrick, Pontefract, Yorks. 298 * Ravenfield, Ranfield, Doncaster, Yorks . 233 Ravenstonedale , near Kirkby Stephen , Westmor. 70*n, 72n





Raventofts, in Bishop Thornton , Ripon 219 *n, 266n , 357n, 369n *

Raw, George 312

Rawdon, near Guiseley, Yorks . 50

Rawcliffe ,

288 * ; Francis 288 ; James 288 Rawdon, Rawden, Christian 347 ; fam . of 50 ; see Roydon Rawlinson, Rawlandson, Agnes 77; Rev. Francis J. 192; Marg . 77 ; Peter 77 Rawmarsh, Doncaster, Yorks . 298 *,


325* Rawson, Ann 301 * ; Francis 301 ; John 301 ; Susan 301, 302 ; William 301 * , 302 Ray, Anne 109 ; Elizabeth 102 ; George 65, 73*, 75*, 76*, 78, 79, 84 ; Helen 72, 73 ; Isabelle 73 ; J. 206, 207 ; John 63-5 , 68, 72, 73, 78, 89, 95, 97, 99, 101-8, 111-3 , 115 ; Marg . 76; Mary 102, 104, 107, 113; Mary Eleanor 113 ; Robert 63; Sarah 63, 65, 72 ; Susan 78*, 104; William 78 Raynoldson, Reynoldson, Christopher 348 ; George 343 Read , Reed, Reid, 95 ; Anne 71; Eleanor 105; Hannah 88 ; James 71 *n; Jane 85 ; Mary 86; Miles 71 ; see Reid 71 * n Readhead , Wm 315 Reading, Berks. 117-189 ; Abbey 117, 125n , 131n ; Castle 118 ; Cemetery 181 , 189 ; Church of the English Martyrs 127*, 128; College 134 ; Cressingham Park 127; Crown Inn 160 ; Duke of Edinburgh Hotel 128 ; Finch's Buildings 120, 122 ; Franciscan House 117; Friar Street Greyfriars 117; Grammar 125 ; School 125 ; Hosier Street 120, 122, 124, 130 ; House (Presbytery) 120, 122-4, 130, 134, 181 , 184 ; Library 134: Minster Street 122, 135* ; Park Farm , Tilehurst 127; Pulsometer Works, Oxford Road 125 ; Railway Tavern 128* ; Resurrection Chapel 125 n, 135, 141n , 160, 164 ; Rising Sun Inn 125 ; Shinfield Road 127 ; Silver Street 158 ; Sun Lane 157 ; University 134 ; Vastern Lane, see Vasterns : Witham Place 132*; Mayor of 118 , 125 Reading House Settlement120-4, 181, 188 Readon , Daniel 157; Hannah 157 ; Нопога 157 Reah , John 284 ; Mary 284 Really, Jane 144, 145, Récollets , Convent of, Saint -Servan 188 Record Office, Public 118, 123, 131, 134, 188 Reddit, Anne 64; James 64, 68; Mary 63, 64, 69 ; Sarah 63-70 Redgrave , G. R. 389













INDEX Rees, Thos . 116 Regan , Eleanor 155 Registrar General 57, 62 * ; Office, London 116 Regnault, Rev. Louis, D.D. , canon 182 Reid, 71n; Cecilia 72 ; Charles 73 ; Eleanor 70; Hannah 67-70, 72, 73 : James 67-70, 72, 73; Jane 69 ; Mary 68 ; William 67 , 74 ; see Read

71*n Reighton, Dickering 298 * Remington, Tho : 329 Rempley, Jane 311 ; Jno. 311 Renardson , Anne 272 ; Thomas 272 Rendall, Thos . 370 Renémesnil , dio. Bayeux 183, 186 Renny-Garth, Scarborough 306 Renouf, Rev. Jean Pierre Louis 187-9 Renoult, Rev. Peter 189 ; see Renouf Retford, Notts . 204, 287, 351n * Revet , see Rivett 222 ; Ann 222 ; Rowland Revil, 222 ; Thomas 222 Reville, dio. Coutances 186


Reydon, see Roydon Reynard, Wm 370 Reynes, Anne 239n ; Thomas 239n 359 ; ElizaReynold(s), Renold, beth 299 ; Jane 358 ; Robert 341 ; Wm 299 Rheims, France 390, 392, 394, 399,


401 ; College 399, 401 Rheims, Catherine 343 Rhodes , 240 ; John 263 ; Mary 295 ; Thomas 215 , 295 ; William 240 Ribadeneira, Rev. Pedro de , S.J., quoted 429 Ribblesdale , Ridlesdale, Craven, Yorks . 266 * Ribeiro, Victor 44, 109; Alice 106; Anne 71, Rice, 101, 105, 106, 108-10, 112; Anne Mary 109, 110, 112 ; Edward 104, 106, 109, 112*; Elizabeth 110 ; Henry 101 , 106, 110*, 112, 113, 116; Isabelle 110 ; James 71, 108-10; Jane 110; John 109 ; Mary 113, 116 ; Miles 71 ; William 101 Rich, Dom Francis, O.S.B. 248 *n ; William 335 Richard, Richards, Rev. Germain 183 ; James 172, 173, 178 ; M. 208 Richardson, Andrew 315 ; Anne 72, 257, 315 ; Anthony228 ; Charles 223 ; Dorothy 70, 72; Elizabeth 299 ; Grace 299* ; Helen 194; Jane 206 ; John 259 , 287, 294 , 311 ; Joseph 249 ; Mark 70, 72 ; Mary 72, 228, 244, 257 ; Peter Geoffry 195 ; Phyllis 299 ; Thomas 70, 287; W. 224 Richell, Ritchell , George 353, 354




Richmond, N.R. Yorks . 204, 265, 292, 317n , 372

Rickinson, Eliz : 358 ; John 358* Riddell, Edward 52 ; fam. of 49 ; Francis 179 Riddell- Blount , Edward Francis, J.P., Major 49 ; fam . of 49 Ridge , Ann 264 ; Eliz : 264 ; John 264 Ridley, Alexander 352 ; Ellen 253 : Hannah 262*, 352 ; Isaac 335 ; Jane 352 ; John 262 ; Mary 262 *, 335 ; Ralph 262, 352 ; Thoms 281 ; Wm 262 Rigby, Alice 53 ; John 53 Rigg, Alice 312 ; James 108; Mary 108, 111 , 113, 114; Thomas 108, 111 , 113 ; Thomas Jackson 113 Riley, Catherine 90 ; Margaret 159 ; Michael 159 Rilley , Ann 143 Rillington , Buckrose, Yorks . 298 * Ringrose, Rev. John , canon 126, 135, 164, 167, 176-180 Ripley, Ripon , Yorks. 219n Ripley, Elizabeth 271 Ripon, Rippon, W.R. Yorks . 204, 205,

209, 218*, 221, 226n , 229, 295 *, 298* , 300 , 305, 312, 351n, 356-60, 367-71; Gaol 369 Ripponden , Pontefract 300* Rise, Rice, near Hornsea, Holderness 300 , 374 Rishton, Edward 210 * Riston, Holderness 265, 374n Rivara, Rev. Emmanuel 126 Rivers, Charles James 155; Elizabeth 155; William 155 Rivett , Revet, Rev. John, als. John Moxon, als . Monox Hervey 284 *n , 380 *n Roberandale , Roeburndale, Lancs. 198 , 202 298 ; Edward Robert, Roberts, 325 ; Jane 236; Joseph 298 ; Mary 325 ; Rev. Pierre Gilles 182 ; Samuel 298, 325 ; Thomas 148* Robert Hall (now Hornby ), Lancs., 58 *, 192-203 Robertson, Jane 236 : Ralph 236 228, 237 , 321 ; Robinson, Charles 303 ; Cuthbert 368 ; Edward 300* ; Elizabeth 79, 319 ; Ellin 271 ; Frances 237, 268 ; Henry 244, 271 , 274, 281 ; James 293*, 348 ; John 66, 79, 228 , 271 , 278, 319 ; Jonathan 241, 242 , 255, 380 ; Joseph 79 ; Margaret 235, 271, 284, 303, 316 ; Mary 271 ; Matthias 299, 370 ; Michael 321 ; Ralph 235 ; Rebecca 299 ; Richard 268 ; Robert 322 ; Samuel 215 ; Thomas 237, 271, 284 , 347 ; William 228*, 299, 319


* *





Robotham, Bernard 95 ; Hugh 95 ; John 75 ; Mary 95 Robshaw, John 282 ; Mary 282 Robson , Mark 352 ; Mary 262 ; Thos. 262 ; Will. 229 Roche , Rooche , John 404 , 410 Rochester , co. Stafford 55n Rock, Rev. Daniel , D.D. 126*, 157* Rocquancourt, dio . Bayeux 184 Rodriguez, Fr Francisco, S.J. 44 Rodwell, Tho , 212 Roe, Aggy 200 ; Agnes 242 ; Alice 242 ; Elizabeth 241 ; George 242 ; Israel 242 ; Jane 241 ; Margaret 242* ; Matthew 242 ; Michael 242 Roehampton, London , S.W. 400 Rogers , Agnes Mary 177; David 93 * ; Dom Edward Dunstan, O.S.B. 206 *n, 207 ; als . Nuttebie , Edward 402 * n ; Elizabeth 93 ; Elizabeth Ann 177 ; James 147 ; Mary 337 ; Mary Ann 147 ; Matthew 337 ; Rev. Michel François 185 ; Rachel 147; Theresa Mary 177 Rojou, Rev. Louis 182 Roker, Emily 179 Rollcourt , L. 388 Roman Catholic Chapel 62 * ; Meeting House, Stramondgate, Kendal 57 Rome , Italy 17 , 54, 55 , 59 , 99n , 129*, 1932, 211, 229n, 244, 274, 322n , 361, 377, 390 , 392* , 394 , 406 *, 411, 412, 414, 417-9, 431, 432 ; English College 55 , 59, 211 , 229n ; Mazarine 59 Roney, Margaret Mary 103 ; Patrick 103* 68 Rook, 344 ; Isabell 357 Rooksby, Roose, Holderness, Yorks . 300* Rootless , John 315* ; Mary 315 Ropley, near Abresford, Hants . 388 * Rose, 235 ; Catherine 245 Charlotte 109 ; Elizabeth 235, 236 ;; James 245 ; Jane 234, 341 ; John 234 , 235 ; Margaret 109; Robert 236 ; Thamar 234 ; Thomas 235 ; William 109, 245 Rosthorn, Elizabeth 101 ; Isabelle 100, 101 , 103* ; James 100*, 101, 103* ; Jane 100 Rotherham, Doncaster, Yorks . 300*,









Rothwell , near Leeds , Pontefract, Yorks . 282, 301*n, 302 * Rotterdam, Holland 164* Rouen, Normandy 55n*, 122, 126*, 131*, 132 , 137, 138*, 182-8, 379 , 400; Poor Clare Convent 379n ; Rue des Capuchins 131; English nuns at 55n *

Roulier, Rev. Jean 187

Roundell, John 227n ; Margaret 227n Roundhay, Barwick-in-Elmet , New Ainsty, Yorks . 215 , 231n Rourk , Bridget 155 ; Elizabeth 155; Mary 155*; Michael 155 Roussell, Rev. Michel 183 Roussière , dio. Evreux 185n Row, Rowe, .... 202 ; Anne 67 ; Christopher 67 ; Frances 67 Rowelidge, George 239 ; Jane 239 Rowell, John 274 Rowington, co. Warwick 234n Rowland, George 263 Rowlandson, Anne 84 ; John 86; Margaret 83, 84, 86 ; Mary 80 ; Peter 83, 84, 86 ; Thomas 83 Rowley, Harthill , Yorks . 302 * Rowney, Catherine 104 ; John 104* Rowsby, Hinderwell , Cleveland, Yorks . 263 Roxburgh, Roxbaurgh, Elizabeth 112 ; John 108, 112, 115* ; Margaret 108, 112, 115 ; Mary 108 Royal Academy, London 99n Roydon , Rawdon, Reydon, Rev. Thomas (No. 2) 50*, 51*, 58 , 63 n; als. Cornforth , Rev. Thomas, V.G. (No. 1) 48-50 Royer, Rev. Pierre François 183-5 Rudd , Rud , Easter 299, 371 ; George 345 ; Hannah 291 ; John 261, 298 ,


299*, 370 ;

Mary 299 ; Susanna 345

Rudderfoot, James 323 ; Jane 323 Rudston, Dickering , Yorks . 302*, 303 Rufford , Notts. 383n Ruillé , en Anjou 182, 185, 187*; College 185 ; dept . Sarthe 187; dept . Mayenne 187 Rumney, Thomas 396 Ruscombe , Berks. 119, 120 Rushton, Mary 244 ; Ralph 244 Russell, Russel(1) (s), Barbara 63 ; Christ. 63 , 64; Elizabeth 63*, 64, 271 ; Priscilla 63, 64; Willm 348 Ruston Parva, Dickering, Yorks . 289* Rutter , als. Banister, Rev. Henry 52* Ryan, Denis , Dr 157 Ryby, Mary 358 Rydin, Sarah 308 ; Wm . 308 Ryedale , Rydale N.R. Yorks . 204, 210, 211 , 214, 217 , 241, 252, 259, 266, 268, 274, 277 , 279, 282, 285 , 290, 292, 294, 303, 307, 311 , 314, 319, 325, 339 Rymer, Eliz : 262 ; Rob't 262 Ryther, New Ainsty, Yorks. 303* Ryton , near Newcastle-on-Tyne 341n


Sablé -sur-Sarthe , dio. Mans 185*n Sacret , J. H. 134 Saddler , Rob't 235 Saffray, Rev. Guillaume 185


INDEX Sagar, Robert 286 Sainer , Ann 305 ; Mary 305* ; Richard 305 ; William 305 Saint Alban's College, Valladolid 82n , 84n; Saint - Aubin - sur-Rille , dio . Ev-


reux 183-5; Saint-Aubin-du-Thenney, dio . Lisieux 181 *, 183, 187; St Barbara V.M. 165 ; St Bernard 1-5 , 8 , 10; St Bernard's Abbey, Coalville, co. Leicester. 52 ; Sainte- Catherinede- Honfleur , dio. Lisieux 182 ; St Catherine's Chapel, Underbarrow 85n ; St Catherine's (the Strickland Chapel) , Kendal 55 ; St Christopher du Bosc-Morel, dio . Evreux 185 ; Saint-Clair -de -Halouze, dio . Bayeux 182 ; Saint Contest, dio . Bayeux 182 ; Sainte - Croix - Grand - Tonne, dio . , Durham 183 Cuthbert's Bayeux ; St 53 ; Saint Dominic's, Lisbon 4; St Edmund's College , Liverpool 54; Saint Francis Xavier, S.J. 43 ; SaintFromond, Fécamp, dio. Rouen 188 ; Saint George 45 ; Saint George's , Hanover Square, London 166 ; St George, The Holy Trinity and, Kendal 56, 59, 62 ; Saint Georges-laRivière , dio. Coutances 189; Saint Germain de Lisieux 187; Saint Germain, Tournebu, dio. Coutances 188; Saint Germain-le- Fouilloux , dio . Mans 182; Saint - Germain-Langlot , dio . Bayeux 134, 184, 186 ; Saint Giles ', Reading 140, 141*, 146 , 147*, * 157 , 158, 161, 188 ; Sainte- Honorine -du- Fay, dio . Bayeux 185; St Hubert , deanery of, Durham 60; Saint -Jacques de Lisieux 132 , 187*; Saint Jame's Coffe House , St James's , London 383 ; Saint James Cemetery, Reading 179n ; Church 124-7, 132, 157, 164, 179 ; Saint- Jean de Caen , dio. Bayeux 184; Saint- Jean des Baisants, dio. Bayeux 184; SaintJean-sur-Mayenne, dio. Mans 182; St John Baptist 165*; St John and St Martins , Beverley 216*; St John, alias Thropham, or Thorpe St John, Doncaster 303* ; Saint John Lees , Hexham 281 , 282 ; St Joseph's, Liverpool 114n ; St Kattin's, Kirkby Kendal 56; Saint Laurence's, Reading 119 , 137 , 138*, 145-7, 149, 157 , 158, 164, 188 ; Saint Laurentdes- Grez, dio. Lisieux 183*n; SaintLaurent -du-Tencement, dio . (Evreux) (Lisieux) 131 *n ; Saint-Léger- du-Bosdel , dio. Lisieux 181 * ; Saint-Lô , dio . Coutances 189; Saint-Malo, dio. Bayeux 186n, 188 ; Sainte-Marie-desMonts, dio. Coutances 182*n ; Saint Martin , Tours 134 ; Saint-Martin -leEE


Blanc, dio. Rouen 185; Saint-Martindes- Moutiers, dio. Séez 185*n ; SaintMartin- du-Vieux-Verneuil , dio. Chartres 184, 187 ; [St Mary ] (Lady Chapel ), Bellingham Chapel , Kendal 55, 56; St Mary, Beverley 216* ; St Mary's , Carlisle 61 ; Saint Mary's, Hornby 192 ; St Mary's , Kensall Green , London 99n ; St Mary's , Kingston upon Hull 273 ; St Mary's, Newington Butts , Surrey 160*; St


Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle-on-Tyne

54, 61 ; St Mary's , Reading 119 , 139, 141 , 142, 144-6, 157 n, 158 , 160 *, 163, 187, 189* ; St Mary's-on-the Quay, Bristol 174 n ; Saints Mary and Joseph , Carlisle 53; Saint Mary Magdalen 165; St Michael, Archangel 165; St Michael's, Newcastle- onTyne 54; St Mildred's Church, London 117; St Nicholas, Beverley 216 * ; Saint Nicolas des Authieuxsur-Calonne , dio. Lisieux 187 ; SaintNicolas de Caen 186; Saint -Nicolas, Rouen 184 ; Notre Dame des Victoires, Paris 50 ; St Omer, France45, 52; St Oswald's, Durham 55n; Saint - Ouen - de-la -Cour, dio . Séez 184, 185; Saint Patrice d'Argences, dio. Bayeux 183, 184, 186; St Patrick's , Leeds 52; St Peter's Cathedral, Lancaster 194n ; St Peter's, Caen 186n; St Peter and St Paul, Hull 133n ; Saint - Pierre- Bénouville, dio . Rouen 182n ; Saint-Pierre- Canivet 132 ; Saint-Pierre-de - Cerqueux, dio. Lisieux 181* ; Saint-Pierre-de-Cormeilles, dio. Lisieux 187; SaintPierre- sur-Dives, dio . Séez 184-6; Sts Robert and Alice Chapel , Dodding Green , Kendal 48 ; St Roch, Lisbon 1-3, 31, 36 , 41, 43 , 44 ; Saint Sauveur Lendelin, dio. Coutances 182 ; SaintServan, France 188 ; St Sewan , France 187 ; Saint - Siméon , dio. Lisieux 187; Saint Sylvain , dio. Rouen 185; Saint - Thomas d'Evreux 184 ; St Thomas Beckett , Holy Trinity and, Kendal 55 ; St Thomas of Canterbury 73n ; St Thomas's Priory, Staffs. 234*n ; Saint-Vigor-leGrand Priory , Bayeux 134 ; SaintVigor -des-Monts, dio . Coutances 182n ; St Wilfrid's, Bishop Auckland , Durham 60 ; St William's, East Reading, Berks. 127*






Laurence, Lady Catherine Emelia , Lady 179 Margaret Elizabeth Frances Anne;, Lady 179; Mary, Lady 180 Sainville, dio. Rouen 184 Salisbury, Sarum, Wilts. 119 *, 162*n 179 ,

180* ;



Salkeld, Dr 348 Salmon , Bridget 152, 163 ; John 351 ; Rev. Louis 182 288 ; Robert 288 Salthouse , Salton, Rydale, Yorks . 303 * Salton, George 321 Salvin, Anne 55n, 239n ; Elizabeth 239 ; Gerald 55n ; Sarah 239 ; Thomas 239*n; William 239n Samlesbury , near Preston, Lancs.


114n * Samples, Mary 202 Sancton , Harthill , Yorks . 303*, 368 Sand Hutton , Bulmer , Yorks . 303 * Sandal (1) Magna, near Wakefield, Pontefract 304 , 305 Sander, Saunders , Rev. Nicholas, D.D. 397 , 400 Sanderson , 281, 359 ; Ann 238*, 299, 331 ; Benjamin 238 ; George 281 ; Marmaduke 331 ; Richd . 359 ; Sarah 239 ; William 299, 331 Sandford, Ann 153; Elicha 153 Sandhoe, Hexham 281n Sandhurst, Berks. 119, 120 Sandwell, Richard 199 Santa Casa da Misericordia, Lisbon 44 Sarratt, Elizabeth 100; Esther 100; John 100 Sartori , David 400 Sarum, Bishop of 119*n ; Jocelin, Bishop of 167



Sarvant, Francis 218 Saul , Katherine 338 ; Thos. 338 Saunders , 397 ; Mary 265 Savage, Ann 334*; Elizabeth 309 ; John 334 ; Mary 334 ; Paul 301 ; Wm . 309 Save, P. 355 Savill, Sir George, 7th bart . 383*n Sawdon , Thomas 314 Sawkin (s), Benjamin Thomas 107 ; Daniel 109 ; David 107; Elizabeth 107, 109 ; Joseph Christopher 109 Sawley, Ripon , Yorks . 305*, 358, 370* Saxton , New Ainsty, Yorks . 206n,


305* n, 382n Saxton , Anthony 206 * ; Elizabeth 239 ; John 347 ; William 239 Sayer, Alban 293 ; Ann 270* ; Elizabeth 312 ; George 312 ; James 312 ; John 269 , 312 ; Judith 312 ; Lawrence 34on ; Mary 270 ; Robert 269 ; Susanna 312 ; Thomas 269 * , 312 Scacleton , Rydale, Yorks . 266 ; Bulmer, Yorks . 334 Scafe, Scife, Adam 194 ; Anne 194, 195; Mich . 195 Scalby , Scawby, Dickering , Yorks . 220 *, 306 * Scannell , David 178 ; Rev. John M. 126


Scamonden , Pontefract , Yorks . 305* Scantlebury, Rev. Robert Elliott 117, 127 Scarborough, Dickering, Yorks, 306*, 318, 380 Scaresbrig , 313 ; Robert 313 Scarlet , Christopher 234; Ellen 234 Scarr, Anne 344 ; Matthew 344 Scasbricke , Wm . 281 Seawton , Rydale, Yorks . 307 Scelles, Rev. Jean Jacques 184, 186 Schapel , Michael 135, 137 Schefford , Rev. Peter, O.S.F. 117 Scholes, Barwick-in-Elmet , Yorks .




Scholey , Anne 230 ; Francis 230 Schott, John 334 Schwaab , Francis 153 Scorbrough, Harthill, Yorks . 307 * 243 , 346, 347 ; Ann 314 ; Scott, Barthol . 346, 347 ; Bridget 155 : James 213 ; John 265, 314 , 334 *; Rokeby 330 ; Tho . 314 ; Wm. 281 Serayingham , Scraingham, Buckrose, Yorks. 307* Scriven, Edward 297 * ; Eliz : 209 ; Jno . 209 45 ; fam. of 46, 50; Scrope, Margaret 227n, 248n , 299*n ; Simon 45, 299n Scruton, Will : 350 Sculcoates , Harthill, Yorks . 361 *n Scully, V. Rev. Vincent J., C.R.L. , D.S.O. 2 Seamer, Dickering, Yorks . 276, 307* Seamer, Ann 270


Seasdale, M. 261

Seathwaite, near Barrow- in-Furness , Lancs. 307 n * Harthill, Yorks . 307*, Seaton Ross,

308 Secqueville -en - Bessin , dio . Bayeux 123 Sedbergh, Sidbergh, W.R. Yorks . 72 n, 79, 111; Grammar School 72n Sedgeley Park School , Staffs. 46, 54, 60 Sedgwick, Sidzgwick, near Kendal 63* n Seed , Anne 104, 110, 195 ; Eleanor 110; Elizabeth 105, 195; Hannah 101, 103, 105, 107, 112, 115; Joseph Thompson 101; Margaret 99, 113 ; Mary 195 ; Mary Hannah 107; Phoebe 112; Robert 99 , 101, 103 , 105, 107, 112, 115; Robert Swarbreck 115 ; Sarah 99 ; Thomas 103; William 104, 110 Séez, Normandy 122, 123*n , 125, 131 , 132 , 134*, 184-7 Sekforde , Mayster 392, 396 Sellars , Helen 303 ; Richard 303 *




INDEX Selby, Barbara 341 * n ; Elizabeth 341n ; Thomas William 341*n Selside ( Hall), near Kendal 46-51, 55, 56*n, 65n* Sepple, Julia 151 Sergeant, Rev 58 Serocold , Ralph 328 Sessay, Seassey, Bulmer, Yorks . 308 * Settrington, Buckrose, Yorks . 308* Setwal, 392 *n Sewart , John 76 ; see Suart Sexton , Alexander 99 ; Jane 99 ; Michael 99 Shaftoe , Dorothy 352 ; Thomas 352 Shakeshaft , Laurence 99 ; Margaret 99 ; Richard 99 Shakespeare, William 389n * Shalley , Hugh 106 Shan , Shann, Ann 248, 271 ; Catherine 317; Christopher 218 ; Eliz : 346 , 347 ; John 369 ; Marmaduke 315 ; Michael 248 ; Stephen 317 ; Thomas 322, 328 ; William 359 Shanks , Caroline (Mary) 177 ; Mary 152; Sarah Agnes 155, 176; Sarah Mary 177 ; Robert 176 Shap, Shapp on the Fells, near Kendal , Westmor . 47, 65n , Son, 81n , 100*n Sharkey, Jane 148 Sharow(e), near Ripon 299, 360 Sharp , A. Mary, quoted 129, 130 ; Abraham 283 ; Hanah 259 ; John 259 ; Margaret 259 ; Wm . 312 Sharples, Richard 197 Sharrock, Margaret 97 , 98 ; Mary 97 109, 115; Diaconus D'ns Shaw Gull 198; Elizabeth 105 ; George Reynold 156 ; Hannah 105; J. 338 ; James 105, 272* ; Jane 241 ; Katherine 272 ; Margaret 107; Mary 241 ; Mary Anne 106; Michael , 113, Ralph 241 ; Robert 272 ; 115 Theresa Ann Catherine 156 ; Thos. 241 ; Victoria Grace 156 Sheard, Michael 287 Sheffield, Doncaster, W.R. Yorks. 52, 205, 301n * , 308, 309 * n, 365n , 366 , 367*n Sheffield , Geo : 307 ; John 316 Sheldon, John 210 ; Mary 210 Shelly , Edward 410 Sheperd, Shepherd , Sheppard, Anna 154, 250 ; Jane 196; Joseph 196, 262, 268, 293, 344 ; Wm 250 Sherburn, Shereburn, New Ainsty, Yorks . near Leeds 206, 246, 310*; or Shereburn, Buckrose, Yorks . 310, 311 Sherburn(e) , Alice 82; als. Irving, Rev. Thomas, V.G. 84*n; see Shire-





, ....





Sheriff Hutton , Bulmer , Yorks . 311*

378 Sherwood , Elizabeth 266 ; Ellen 254 ; George 266*; John 266 ; Rev. Joseph, canon 102*n, 103n, 106; Mary 266 ; Robert 259 ; Thomas 266 * Shiels, Anne 107 ; Hugh 107; Sarah 107 Shinfield, Berks. 119* Shippen , 215 ; Frederick 311 ; Henry 290; Nicholas 215 ; Rebecca 311 ; Richard 215 Shipton , near Market Weighton , Harthill , Yorks . 330, 331 Shireburn, fam. of 288n ; Mary Winefred 288n ; Sir Nicholas 288n Shiregreen , Harthill , Yorks . 240 * Short, Jane 262 Shotsbrooke , Berks. 119 Shovell, Thomas 234 Shoveller, John 63 n, 116 Shrewsbury, Charles , Earl of 135, 137 Shutt, Anne 64 ; Catherine 69; Dorothy 67 ; Elizabeth 65; Francis 63 ; Isabelle 63 ; John 63-7 , 69, 70 ; Margaret 63-7, 69; Mary 63 Sidgreaves , Mary 54 Sidmouth, Addington , Visc. 167 Sigglesthorne , Holderness , Yorks . 229, 311 Sigsworth, Elizth. 319 ; John 319 Silkstead , Hants . 388n* Silkstone , Doncaster, Yorks. 311* Silver, Ann 170-5, 177, 178 ; Charles 170, 171, 178 ; Charles John 177 ; Elizabeth 169-74, 178 ; Elizabeth Ann 169 ; Elizabeth Mary 177 : George 174 ; Henrietta 169, 173, 177 ; Henrietta (Mary) Magdalen 173, 177 ; James 171 , 177 , 178 ; John 16974, 177 , 178 ; Joseph 173, 177 : Sarah 168-71 , 177 , 178*; Thomas 172, 177 , fam . of 52, 91n Silvertop Simonds , H. and G., Ltd. 128 Simondson , Lister 278 Simpson , Simson, Sympson, 206 ; Abigail 270 ; Anne 66, 75, 149, 230 , 310 ; Catherine 310 ; Christopher 284 ; Clement 319 ; Elizabeth 310; Esther 63* , 66 * , 67 ; Francis 299 ; George 92 ; Henry 299; Isabelle 63, 66 ; James 310* ; John 225 Margaret 92 , 93 , 98 , 103, 108, 113, 256, 284 ; Mary 63, 206, 299, 305, 319 ; Nicholas 305 ; Philip 230, 310; Richard 71 , 81, 84, 86, 91, 97, 98 ; Thomas 63 , 66*, 67 *, 73 *, 206 *; William 92 , 93 , 98 *, 102 *, 108, 113, 289 ; William Holyday 113 Singleton, Agnes 64; James 82; Mary 82 ; Nicholas 82; Thomas 225

* *








Sims , Anne 141 144 , Sinnington, Rydale, Yorks . 311 * Sissons, Ann 264 ; Tho . 264 Sitwell , 392n Sizer, Ann 246 ; Mary 246 * ; Robert 246* Sizergh , Seizergh , near Kendal, Westmor . 45-8 , 54, 55, 59, 66, 69 n, 71 n, 74 n, 93 n, 95, 105, 107, 110, 113 ; Hall, 46, 93n ; Ist baron 45, 7In 93 ; Adam 96-8, 100-3; Skaife, Anne Elizabeth 104 ; Eleanor 101-3; Elizabeth 96-102, 107 ; Francis 96 , 98, 102, 110; Hannah 104 , 108, 110 ; Margaret 108 ; Michael 97 , 101, 104, 108, 110, 112; Sarah 108 ; Teresia 96 ; Thomas 99 , 103 * ; Thomasine 97, 98, 101-4, 107; Wilfrid 102; Winefrid 98 Skeckling, Holderness , Yorks, 229 Skee, Sarah 87 Skeffling, Holderness , Yorks . 273 Skelbrook, Doncaster, Yorks. 311*, 312 Skelsmergh , Skelmerg( e) (h) , (Hall) , near Kendal , Westmor. 47 *, 48*, 52, 55 74, 80 Skelton, Bulmer, Yorks . 312* ; cum Brotton , Cleveland 312 * ; Ripon 312 , 359 Skelton, Rev 58; George 266 *; Gerrard 320 ; Rev. James 266*, 267, 369* Skerne , Harthill, Yorks . 313 Skidby, Harthill, Yorks. 313* Skipsey , Holderness , Yorks . 313 * Skipton, Craven, W.R. Yorks . 217, 226, 228 , 254, 270, 282, 313* Skipwith , Bulmer, Yorks . 313 Skirpenbeck, Buckrose, Yorks . 313 Slack, Joseph 210 Slade, John 411 Slaidburne, Craven, Yorks . 313*, 314 Slaithwaite, Slaighwaith , Pontefract 314 * Slane, Mary 95 ; Patrick 91 Slater, Thomas 71 Slaughter, Barbara 166 ; Charles Alfred 148 ; Frances 166; Henry 166 ; Henry Robert 166 ; Lucy 156; Mary 148, 156 ; Theresa 148, 156 ; William 148, 156 Sledmere, Buckrose, Yorks . 314 *













Sleningford, cum North Staneley, Ripon 299, 359 Slines , Edward 159 ; Mary 159 Slingsby, Rydale, Yorks. 314* Small, James 172; James Joseph 173 Smallpage , Smalpage, Frances 214 ; Isabel 316 ; Thomas 277, 316 Smart, Anna Maria 120-2, 137, 157 ; Christopher 120* n, 121*n, 157n;

Elizabeth (Anne) 121*n, 122, 131, 137 ,

[158], 189 ; Mary 136, 152 ;

Marianne, Mary Anne 120-2 Smeashall , Lancs. 197 Smelt, Ann 335 ; John 341 ; L. 279 ; Mary 379n ; Richd. 335 Smilber, Phillip 308 Smirk, Barbara 234 Smith, Smyth , 313, 350, 358 ; Anne 166, 197, 239*, 241, 242, 270; 235 ; Anthony Benjamin 317 ; Bridget 309 ; Chris. 350; Cicely 235; Cuthbert 250 ; Elizabeth 102 *, 103-5, 107*, 241, 357, 379n ; fam . of 205, 239n, 379n ; George 239 ; Henry 343 ; 102* , 104*, 105*, 107; Is. 259 ; James James ,

Bishop of Callipolis R. Rev. 48-50; Jane 83 , 85, 195, 241, 266 , 340; John 239*, 241, 313 ; John

Peter, J.P. 61, 192; Joseph 288 ; Margaret 102, 250, 340 ; Mary 89, 235 *, 241,

284, 288, 340, 379n ; Mary Ann 143*; Matthew 335 : 202 ; 350 ; Richard Nicholas Molly 284 *, 311, 379*n ; Rt Rev. Richard , Bishop of Chalcedon 429 ; Robert

313 ; Sarah 220 ; Susanna 235; Theresa 165; Thomas 165, 206*, 220, 235, 253 , 284, 379n ; Rev. Thomas 320*n, 321 , 331*n, 337*n, 364 n; Rt

Rev. Thomas, 196*n;


Bishop of Bolina

William 239, 241 , 335, 358 Smither, John 308 Smithson, Barbarah 359 ; Edwd . 359 ; Eliz : 359 ; Margt . 359 ; Richard 358 ;


Willm 236 Snab ( b), on the river Lune, near Claughton, Lancs. 199, 201*n Snails, Dorothy 297 Snaith, Pontefract , Yorks . 226n Snaith, John 257 288 ; Robert 288 Snape, Snelgrove , Crelia 151 Sneton , Cleveland 314 * , PonteSnidale , near Normanton . , 290 , 291 fract Yorks * * Snowden , Snowd(o) ( w) n, Barbara 241 ; : 334 James 72 Eliz ; ; Michael 334 Solomon 372 Somers, Joseph 289* Somerscale , Joseph 208 , 290 Somerset House , London 52 , 59*, 61, 62, 74 Sonning, Berks. 119* ; Park 167 Sorbonne , the , Paris 182 Sorby, Ann 332 Soresby, Alice 309 ; William 309 Sotteville, dio. Coutances 186 Soulby, Mary 260 Sousa, Diego de 4 Souter, David 293 South Cave, Harthill, Yorks . 243*



INDEX South Cliff , Harthill , Yorks . 291* South Dalton, Harthill 287 * South Hall, Hutton-Cranswick, Harthill 269 South Kilvington , Bulmer, Yorks . 314* South Kirkby, Doncaster, Yorks . 315 n South Otterington, Bulmer 315*n Southam , alias Sullam, Berks. 119 Southcot, 347* Southwark, London 126 Southwell, Rev. Robert , S.J., blessed mar . 429 Sowerby, near Thirsk , Bulmer 315* near Halifax , Pontefract 316*; Bridge, Pontefract 316 Sowray, Richard 217 Spaldington, Spalgton, Bubwith , Yorks . 226 Spark , Frances 323 ; George 323 ; Mary 323 Sparling, Eleanor 207 ; John 207 Sparrow, Elizabeth 299 ; Margaret 209 ; Thos : 299 Speed , Jane 285 * Speeton, Dickering, Yorks . 316* Spence, Frances 248 ; John 248 Spencer, Spencar, Anne 84; Geo. 239 ; James 338 ; Jane 326* ; John 226 ; Lawrence 118; Mary 239 ; Tho . 264 ; Wm 281 Spenithorn, 348 * Spinke, Francis 227 ; Katherine 227 Spinkill , co . Derby. 326






Spofforth, New Ainsty, Yorks . 205,

316 *, 317 * Spooner, Joshua 309; Martha 309 Spoor , Marg't 352 ; Rob't 352 Sproatley, Holderness , Yorks . 320 , 321, 337n Sprottbrough, Doncaster, Yorks. 317* Stackenible , Jane 178 Stackhouse , Wm 316 Stafford, Fr Ignatius , S.J. 1, 2, 44 Judith 147 ; Julia 147; Mary, Lady 151 Stagshey Cloghouse, St John Lees , Hexham 281 Stainforth, Doncaster, Yorks . 259 Stainthorp, George 270 Stainton, Cleveland 318* ; Doncaster,


Yorks . 317, 318 Stamford, Ann 242 ; Richd. 242 Standish , near Wigan , Lancs. 74 n * Standish, Edward 71 ; ThomasStrickland 59 Stanfield, Elizabeth 341*n ; Rev. Robert , S.J. 245 n * Staniland, G. 339 Stanley , near Wakefield 366 Stanley, Agnes 196; James 197;

John 287 ; Mary 195, 197; Thomas Stanley Massey , bart . 172 Stanton, Willyam 118 Stapleton , Stapylton , 342 ; Mrs Bryan 129 ; Eleanor 227n ; fam. of 46, 53, 226n ; John 342 Stark, Marmaduke 264 Staten , Mary 279 Statham, Anne 309 ; William 309 Staveley , near Windermere, Westmor. 99, 100*n, 103*, 106*, 109, 115 Stawker, Mary 215 Stearsley , Bulmer, Yorks . 224 Steele, 302 ; John 302 ; Mar302 ; Mary 302 ; Thomas maduke.... 302 ; Willm 302

Steer , Charles 222 ; W. 240 ; Wil . 231 Stella, near Blaydon-on -Tyne, co. Durham 53 n Stephenson , Stevenson, 305 Alexander 61; Amer 314 ; Ann 305 ;; Chris. 305 ; Dorithy 284 ; Jonathan 326 ; Mary 256 ; Robert 46n , 48-52, 55-7 , 284; W. 298; Wm. 284, 305 , 370; Rev. William H., canon 60, 61 Sterne , Jacques , Dr 374-6, 378, 379, 381 ; Laurence 374n ; Richard 374n Stillingfleet, Bulmer , Yorks . 318 * Stillington , Bulmer, Yorks . 318 * Stoakham, Retford , Notts . 351*n Stockdale , Mary 343 ; Michael 343* Stockeld , Stockfield, near Spofforth, New Ainsty , Yorks . 271n , 316 n Stockton, Bulmer, Yorks. 318* Stockton- on -Tees, co . Durham 57, 368n Stokesley , Stoaksley, Cleveland 241, 319 * Stoke wellhall , Essex 166 Stokoe , Alex 282 Stonas, Anne 312 Stonecroft , Hexham 91n , 262n Stonegrave , Rydale, Yorks . 319 * Stonehouse , Stonehurst, Catherine81, 82, 84 Stonor, Charles 151 ; Charles Henry 154; Eugenia Maria 154 ; Mary 151 * ; Sophia 151; Sophia Charlotte 154 ; Thomas 151 Stonyhurst (College) , Whalley , near Blackburn , Lancs . I , 33n, 52, 288*n Store , Wm 283 Stork, Edwd . 298, 371; Mary 298, 371 Storr, Jo., J.P. 364 Stors, or Stars, William 199 Storth End, near Preston Patrick , Kendal, Westmor. 65 *n Story, Rev. Arthur 192 ; Jane 285 253 ; Charles , Stourton, Sturton , the Hon. 291n ; Charles , Lord , 8th baron 12; Dom John , O.S.B. 253 *n, 260* n ; 15th Lord 291n ; 16th Lord






291n ; Mary 12, 291n ; William, 12th Lord 253 , 291n quoted 405, 411, 428 Stow, Strafford, Thomas Wentworth , Earl of 9, 10; Wm 321


Stramondgate, Kendal 57-9 Strange , Ann 142; George 142 ; James 142 ; Jane 142 * ; John 142, 153 ; Maria 140 ; Mary Ann 142 Stratford, Nicholas, Archbishop 363n Stratforde Mortimer , Berks. 119 Street, John 320 Strensall, Bulmer, Yorks. 319 * Strickland, Great, Morland , near Appleby , Westmor. 45 59 ; Anastasia 74*n ; Strickland, Anne 55, 71N ; Catherine 74 ; , , Cecilia 45 46 69-71; Charles 45, 46, 69 *n; fam . of 45*, 46*, 56, 93n * ; Sir Gerald, G.C.M.G., Ist baron of Sizergh 45, 71n ; (Gerard) Jarrard 69-71; George 70*n; Jane 56 ; Jarrard Edward 45, 69 , 71 n * ; Mabel 46 ; Manuel 165 ; Manuella 150, 165; Mary 69* n, 70; Mrs 46 ; Sir Robert , M.P. 45 ; Thomas 45, 59, 74*n; Sir Thomas de, hero of Agincourt , banneret 45 , 46 , 55*n, 56*; Thomas Peter 45, 46, 69n ; Walter 45, 55, 56, 69n ; Sir Walter 45 ; Walter , Capt. R.N. 71n ; Mr Walter 47n ; William de 45 ; Rev. William, S.J. 45 ; Winifrid, dame 55; see Standish Strickland -Standish , Thomas 59 Stricklandgate, Kendal 58 Stringer, Catherine 301 Stroaker, Ann 355 ; Christopher 355 Strother, Thomas 212 Stroud, co. Gloucester 128 Strutt , Mary 66 Stuart , Mary 130 ; Robert 212 Stubbs , Hannah 103 * ; Henry 103 ; James 103 Stubs Walden, Womersley, Pontefract, Yorks . 338*n; Stubs Hall 338 Studholm(e), Barbara 262 ; George 353 ; Joseph 262 *, 353 ; Rob't 353 Studley , Ripon, Yorks . 210 Sturdy, Anne 273 , 277, 318 ; Barbara 266 ; Benjamin 272, 273 ; Christopher 277 ; David 307 ; Dor . 253 ; Dorothy 307 ; Elizabeth 256, 307; Jane 266 ; John 256, 307 ; Mary 266 , 273, 315 ; Michael 253 ; Philip 272, 273 ; Sylvester 307 ; Theophila 307; Thomas 266, 307 ; Ursula 253 Sturton, see Stourton Stutton, near Tadcaster, New Ainsty,


Yorks. 322


Suart, Sewart, Agnes 83 ; Anne 111 ; Anthony 97 ; Christopher 100 ; Eliza-

beth 82, 83, 85-7, 89-91, 93, 96 , 97, 99 *, 100, 102; Isabelle 104; James 91 ; Jane 93 ; John 76 , 77, 82 , 83, 85-7, 89-91, 93, 96 , 97, 99 , 100, 102, 104 ; John Francis 82 ; Mary 86, 104; Mary Anne 85; Sarah Anne 96; Thomas 87 ; William Burgess 102 Suddaby , Ann 330 ; Robert 330 ;



Sarah 330 Suddell , Thos. 47n Suddons, Anne 92

Suggett , 283 ; Robert 283 Sulham, Sullam, Berks. 119 , 149 Sulhamsteed -Abbas , Berks. 119 ; Banister, Berks. 119 Sullivan, Sulivan 135; Ann 156; Catherine 152 , 159 ; Rev. D. 71 n; Daniel 151 ; Eleanor 155 ; Ellen 152, 156 ; Helen 154; James 138 ; John 151 ; Margaret 138; Mary 151* ; Mary Ann 155; Philip 152, 155, 156 ; Thomas 138* Sully, dio. Bayeux 182 Sumner, Sunner, Alice 94 ; Anne 101 , 103 , 106; Elizabeth 88 ; Helen 100; John 91 ; Margaret 97 ; Mary 88 , 91, 94, 97, 100, 105, 110; William 88 , 91 , 94, 97, 100 Sumpton, Jno. 246, 298, 316 Sunderland , co. Durham 55n , 57 Sunderland , J. 339 ; Wm . 300 New Sutton, Holderness 361*n Ainsty 225 ; upon Derwent , Harthill 320* ; in the Forest, Bulmer 320 * Sutton, Anne 87, 93 , 96 *, 98 ; Eleanor 241 ; Grace 228 ; Jane 321 ; John 91 ; Mary 88, 91 , 105, 110 ; Matthew 241 ; Rev. Robert , blessed 389, 410-4, 417 , 424, 426-8 ; William 88, 91 357 ; Ann 218 ; Swaile, Swale , Ellen 351, 357 ; James 209 ; John 218, 317, 351, 369 ; Lawrence 299 ; Mary 218 ; Robert 351 ; Sarah 305 ; Tho : 357 ; William 218, 369 Swallow, Joseph 220 Swan , Elizabeth 286 Swansea, co. Glamorgan 162n Swarbrick , John 104 Sweeney, Sweeny , Bernard 156; James Michael Charles 140; Jane 140 ; Patrick , 140 Sweeting , Richard 356 Sweetsir , Charles 167; see Switzer Swillington , New Ainsty, Yorks . 320* Swinbank, Edward 312 ; Eliza 312 296; Agatha 296 ; Swinden , Ann 220 ; Benjamin 296 ; John 296 ; Michael 296 ; Thomas 220 Swindler, Margaret 196 Swine, Holderness , Yorks . 320* , 321*, 337 n, 363n, 368 ; Lane, Pontefract 246










INDEX Swinton, Doncaster, Yorks . 321* ; near Masham , Ripon 355; Ryedale 211

Switzer, Charles 165 ; Elizabeth 153; George 136, 157* n ; George Lewis 153 ; John 153, 157; Sarah 153 Syddal, Siddell, als . Rev. Charles Hodgkinson 340*n Sye, Nycolas 396 Sykehouse, Doncaster, Yorks . 321* Sykes, Christian 308 ; Gylford 308* ; James 197 ; Mary 308 ; Phineas 308 Sylva de Faria, Pedro da 4* Sympson , see Simpson

Tadcaster, New Ainsty, Yorks . 206 , 212, 238 , 250, 322*

Tailbois, Ivo, 1st Baron of Kendal 55 Talacre , near Prestatyn , Flint 166 Talbot, Charles 171 ; Dorothy 240 ; Elizabeth 169, 179 ; Francis, the hon . 168; Henriet Susanna 137 ; Rt. Rev. James , bishop 130, 165*; John , the hon. 137; Louisa Georgina 137; Margaret, the hon. 168*n, 169*n ; Mary 168-171 ; Mary , the hon. 137; William 170, 174n Talfaisse , Rev. Jacques 186 Tame , Edward 153 ; Margaret 153,

158 Tancred , Tankard , Tan (c)kred, Alethea 298n , 356n ; Elizabeth , Lady 300n ; Sir Thomas, 3rd bart. 299 , 300* n, 350*n, 357 ; Walgrave 298 *n, 356*n ; Walter 298 * n ; Sir William, 2nd bart. 298n , 356n ; see Lawson-

Tancred Tankersley, Doncaster, Yorks . 322 * Targa, Spain, Bishop of 4* Tascard , Elizabeth 215 ; John 215 Tasker, Elizabeth 275 , 341*n; Ja. 226 Jno . 226 ; Margrett 226 ; ; 207 Simon Tate, John 215 ; Will. 244 Tatham, Tautham , Lancs. 197, 200, 203

Tattersall, fam. of 120 Tavistock, Devon. 162n Taylor, Tayler , Alice 234 ; Ann 215 , 305 ; Dorothy 262 ; Edward 159, 262 ; Elizabeth 159 , 224 , 270, 312, 352 * Ellen 176; Francis 305, 320; Gabriell 215 ; Isabel 312 ; James 269, 359 ; Jane 262 ; John 224, 234, 273 , 320, 333 ; Joseph 159 , 269 ; Margret 312 ; Mary, 224 *; Sarah 156 ; Susannah 270; Thomas 220, 224, 262, 283*, 311, 312, 352 ; Timothy 224 ; Tobias


312 ; William 285, 310 Teesdale, Teasdale , Tiesdale, J. 323 ;

Rev. John

Mary 66, 67

Vincent , O.P. 266n;

Tebay , Westmorland 7on 160; Anne Mary Teighe, Tighe, 140 ; Frederick 172; Mary 160*, 172 Tempest , Rev. 226 * n ; Alice 226n ; Arthur 222 ; Elizabeth 251n , 226 * n, 344n * ; fam . of 226n * ; Mary 231n ; Miss 251n , 226n ; Mrs 226n ; Stephen 231n , 251 *n, 226 *n, 344 n; Thomas 231n ; William 226n Temple Newsam 386 Temple Sowerby, Westmor. 47 Tenant, Tennant , Agnes 66, 67, 72 ; Anne 65 , 66, 68* ; Benson 65 ; Cath. 66-9 ; (Geofry) (Jeffery) 63, 66-9 ; Joanna 67 ; John 68 , 268 ; Mary 268 ; Tho. 324 ; William 64-8 , 70, 72 Tengate [? Fengate] , Joseph 213 Teroni, Henrietta 102 Terrington , Bulmer, Yorks. 323* Testa , Matilda 159 Thackaray, Thackrey, Jane 357 ; William 285 Thaddeus , Father, O.F.M. 117 n, 205 , * 264n , 319n ; see Hermans Thaez , Christopher 155*, 156; Margaret 155, 156 Thame, Oxfords. 122, 123 ; Sir Francis Knolly's house (for Breton priests) 120, 122, 123 Than, dio . Bayeux 182, 186 Theakston( e), Theakson ( e) , 298; Deborah 358 ; Elizabeth 356 ; Mary 316, 357 ; Michaell 356, 357 Theale , Berks. 145 Thew, Eleanor 150, 165 ; Ellen 157 Thirkleby, Bulmer, Yorks . 323* ; in Swine Parish, Holderness 321 353 ; Willm 353 Thirlewall , Thirsk , Bulmer, Yorks . 103n, 223 , 233, 277, 297, 315, 320, 322, 323 *, 333 Thomas , Joseph 223 Thomason, , quoted 389, 432 Thomlinson, Elizabeth 206 ; Gabriel 206 Thomond, Henry O'Brien , 5th Earl of 337 Thompson , Thomson, 202 ; Ann 210, 262, 298, 339 ; Elizabeth 78, 87, 88 , 91 , 92 , 95 , 96, 107, 210, 273 , 316 ; Frances 284, 302 ; Henry 235 ; Isabella 343 : James 105, 341, 345 ; Jane 76, 294 ; John 214 , 262, 296 , 359 ; Joseph 343 ; Leod 224, 323 ; Marmaduke 329 ; Martha 210, 343 ; Mary 89, 113 , 317, 343, 360 ; Rev. Peter Antoninus , O.P. 262* n ; Ralph 202 , 262 ; Sarah 329 ; Stephen 78*, 91, 95, 331 ; Thomas 210, 302 , 364 , 365* ; W. 264 ; William 210, 228, 243, 244, 298, 345 , 364 ; see Tomson quoted 248n , 305n Thoresby, Thorganby, Bulmer, Yorks. 323

.... ....













Thormanby, Bulmer, Yorks . 324

Tiplady, Edward 267 ; Elizabeth 257 ; * Thornaby, Cleveland 318* John 236 ; Mary 236 ; Rebecca 267; Thornburgh, Thornburrow , Agnes 51 ; Steven 236 Frances 51; 50, 51 ; fam . of 46, Tipperary 121 Francis 46n ; Jane 55 ; Nicholas 48 ; Tipping, Mary 79 ; Thomas 79 ; 55; Roland Thomasin, Lady 56* n; William 79 William 46 *n, 48 , 49 *, 51*, 55*n, 56; Tobin, Bridget 152 ; Ellen 152* ; Rev. William , D.D. , pres . of Douay John 152; Thomas 152 50, 51, 55n ; Sir William, kt. 56*n Tocqueville, dio . Rouen 132 Todd , Abr. 331 ; Clare 266; Elizabeth Thorne, Doncaster, Yorks . 324 * ( , , s) Thorne Thorn J. 314; John 365 ; 292 ; John 339 ; Margaret 292 *; Robert 207 ; Temperance 207 ; see Mary 292 *; Thomas 339 Thorpe Todwick, Doncaster 327* Thorner, New Ainsty, Yorks . 324 * Tofeild, William 233 Thornhagh, Toledo , Spain 105* J.P. 366 , , , Thornhill Pontefract Yorks . 247, Tollerton, N.R. Yorks. 210, 414 Tollevast, dio . Coutances 182, 183*, 324* Thornton juxta Bradford, Pontefract , 185 282; William 282 Yorks. 324*n ; in Rydale, Cleveland Tolson, 324n, 325n ; in Craven 324*n ; on Tomlin , W. 313, 328 . , , 324n Spalding Moor Harthill Yorks Tomlinson, Deborah 238 ; Magdalen Thornton- le - Street , Bulmer, Yorks . 226 ; William 312 Tompleson , Barbara 196 ; Thos 196 324n Thorp-Arch , New Ainsty , Yorks . 325 Tomson , Tompson, Agnes 74 ; ElizaThorp- Basset , Buckrose, Yorks. 325 * beth 74 ; Jane 321 ; John 74 , 321 ; see Thompson Thorpe , 273 *, 282, 364 ; Edward 299 , 359 ; Elizabeth 241, 268 *n, 282 , Tong, Pontefract, Yorks . 327* 285 , 301 ; Francis 241*; Frau : 335 ; Tongue , More 196 James 228 ; John 209, 268*, 365*n; Tonsey , Alice 250 Lancelot 285 ; Margaret 268 ; Mary Tontin , Dominic 157 218 , 335 ; Paul 301 ; Thomas 282 Topcliffe, Bulmer , Yorks. 327* Thorp Parva cum Whitcliff, near Topcliffe, Richard 399 Topham, Ann 289 *; John 213 *n, 216 , Ripon 299 Thorp St John, Doncaster, Yorks . 303 247*n, 289 ; Mat . 324 ; Thomas 355 Thorp-Salvin, Doncaster, Yorks. 328* Toppin, Topping, John 210, 356 Threlkeld, John 267 Torneo, Francisco Cardoso de 4 Throckmorton House , near Paul's Totty , Frances 315 ; Robt. 315 Touffreville-sur- Eu, dio. Rouen 188* Wharf 402n Throckmorton, Throgmorton , Francis Tournebu, dio. Coutances 188 the conspirator 401, 402 * n , 407 Tour (s), dio. Bayeux 134, 182, 183 Thrush , George 107 200, 202 ; CapTowers, Touers, Thrybergh, Doncaster, Yorks . 325 * taine 436 ; Frances 194 ; John 201, Thurnham Hall , near Lancaster 51 202 293 ; Grace 293 * ; Thurnscoe, Doncaster, Yorks . 326* Townend, Thwaites, Anne 114*n ; James 114 ; William 293 * Jane 114 Towney, Anne 88; Jane 88; Peter 88 Thwing , Dickering , Yorks . 326* Townley, near Burnley , Lancs. 45, Thwing , Dorothy 345; George 345 6gn Tiberiopolis, Bishop of 31on; see Townley, Cecilia 45 , 46, 69n ; Charles , 69 ; William 45, 69n Williams O.P. Townshend , Charles , 2nd Visc. 365*n Tickhill, Doncaster 326* Tidswell, 202; Elizabeth 194, 341 Townson, Tilehurst , Tylehurst , Reading West 202 ; Ellen 197 ; J. 194; Jean 202 ; 119*n, 127, 165* ; Church of the John 199, 202 ; Robert , 198, 202 ; English Martyrs 127, 128 ; Common Thomas 197 166 Tranfield, Matthew 308* Trappes , Trappes - Byrnand , Ambrose Tillet, 436 Tindale, Tingdale, Ann 288 ; Eliz: 360*n, 369 ; Anne 231*n, 301n , 315n, 226 ; Ellen 288 ; Jno . 226 ; Joseph 360 * n ; Christopher 316n * ; Christo226 pher, Dr 231*n ; Elizabeth 231*n, Tinsley, alias Tinslaw , Doncaster, 360 *n ; Francis 231n *, 360*n, 369 ; Yorks . 326* Henry 231 *n ; Hugh 316* n ; Jane







INDEX Jane, rel . O.S.A. 360 *n; Katherine 360*n ; Lucy 231*n ; Margaret 360 *n; Mary 231* n, 315n ; Robert 301n , 315n Trappes -Lomax, Richard , J.P., Major 231n ;

204, 205 Travers , Henry 292* Travert, Rev. Julien 183 Travis, Ann 163 ; Mary 163; Thomas 163, 200 Tréauville, dio. Coutances 183-5 232 ; John 232, 246 Tree (s), Treeton , Doncaster 327 Tregian, Trudgeon, Trugien , Francis 1-44 ; his daughter Philippa 1, 33 ; John 11 ; Margaret 11 ; Mary 12, 19*, 24 Trentham, Sir Charles 55n ; Winefrid




Trenton, Ontario , Canada 54 Trevet , John 380 ; see Revet, Rivet, also Harvey Trinidad 162n Trinity Church, Holy, Kendal 56, 59 , 62; College, Cambridge 56*n Tristram Shandy 374 "Troarn " 185 , dio. Bayeux Truelove , Tho. 358 Trumphlet, near Kirk Sandal, Yorks.



Tuer, Joseph 106, 108 Tunstal(1), near Hornby, Lancs. 198, 199; Holderness , Yorks . 327, 328 347, 381n; Cuthbert Tunstall , 320n , 337*n, 363* n ; Peter Bryan


348 *n

Turbert, Rev. Louis 184 Turer, 84; Jane 84 *n, III ; Joseph 84*n Turnbull , fam . of 205 ; P. B. 205 *, 379n*; see Smith 378 , 383, 385 ; Turner, Tourner, Betty 201 ; Dorothy 231 ; Elizabeth 114 , 199, 200 ; Francis 253 ; George 234, 237 ; Hugh 104, 114* ; Isabelle 112; James 237, 290 ; Jane 88 ; Jennett 328 ; Jo. 223 ; Martha 196,


201 ;

Mary 344* ; Matthew 344 ; Michael 231 ; Molly 201 ; Nicholas Richard 2013 291 ; Peter 224; Robert 328 ; Rob't Mountain 91 ; Sarah 237, 290 ; Thomas82-4, 87 ,93 * Turpin, .... 359 ; Frances 299 ; John

299, 370 ; Wm . 299, 359* Turvile , George Fortescue 173; Mary 173 Tusmore, Oxfords. 226n , 251n , 344n Tussaud , Tussand , Elizabeth 99 n; Francis 99 ; Francis Babington 99*n; Joseph 99 * n ; Marie 99 ; old Madame Marie 99 Tutley Cottage 137



Twilley , Will . 208 , 330 Twist , Ja. 354; Ja. 354 Twistleton , Thomas 267 ; Wm 240 Twyford , near Winchester, Hants . 388n *

Tyburn, Tiborn (e) 390, 392 , 400-2, 404*, 432-4 Tyneside 93n Ufton (Court), Berks. 117*n, 119*, 122, 129* , 130*, 135

Ugglebarnby, Cleveland, Yorks . 250 Ugthorpe, Egton Bridge, Cleveland, Yorks . 58, 284*, 380 Ullerskelf, Kirkby Wharfe, New Ainsty , Yorks . 278 Ullethorne, Charles More 94 Ulroom, Holderness, Yorks . 328 Umpleby, Jane 351 ; Stephen 351 Underbarrow, Vnderburrow , Westmor. 48, 76n , 77, 84*n, 85 *n 89 * , 90 ; Alice 85, 86 ; Unsworth, Anne 85 , 86 , 98 , 194; Catherine 94, 95, 98, 100* , 107 ; Eleanor 85*, 92, 93, 97*, 99 ; Elizabeth 86, 95, 109 ; James 200 ; John 92, 93* ; Joseph 86, 93-5, 98 , 100, 107; Marg. 195; Richard 92, 99, 109; Thomas 85*, 89, 90, 92-4 , 97, 99, 109 ; Thomas Simpson 89 ; William Wilding 107 Unthank , Elizabeth 250 ; Francis 250 ; Wm 284 Uphall, Lincs. 60 Ushaw (College), Durham 53 *, 54 , 60*, 61 , 84n*, 91n* , 114n, 195n Usher , Anne 286 ; Robert 244; Thomas 286 Ussy, dept . Calvados , dio. (Séez) (Bayeux) 132-5 Usulæ , Bishop of 177 ; see Bramston


Vachell, fam. of 120 ; Lady 120 * ; Thomas 120; Sir Thomas 120 Vachell's house , Lady," Hosier St. , "Reading 120; see Build" Finch's(House also see Reading ings ) Presbytery) (Valcanville , dio. Coutances 182 Val -du -Theil, dio . Evreux 185 Valladolid, Spain 57, 82n *, 84n*, 130*; St Alban's College 82n , 8412 Vallentine, John 405, 408 , 410 Valpy, Richard , Dr 125 Van Maren, Magdeline 145, 163 ; Magdeline from Medilbourg Sophia Willemina Maria 163, 164 ; Sophia


143, 164

Vanderstichele, Rev , canon 54 Varley, Ingram 345 ; Jane 345 Varry , dio . Séez 184 Vary, Elizabeth 270 Vasouy, dio. Lisieux 187




Vasselin , Rev. Etienne 182 Vasterns, Vastern Lane, Reading 125n ; Chapel of the Resurrection 124-6, 135 , 141n, 160, 164 Vasteville, dio. Coutances 182 Vaucelles de Caen, dio. Bayeux 186 Vaughan, James 136*, 138 ; Jeremiah 136 ; Michael 140* ; William 124, 173 Vavasour, Vavassor, Vavouser 291 ; Dorothy, Lady 263n ; Elizabeth 379n ; fam . of 322 ; John 379n ; Mary 226 ; Peter 277*n; Sir Peter 277*n; Thos. 226* ; Walter 226 * ; Sir Walter , 5th bart . 263n ; Sir Walter , 4th bart., S.J. 277n Vaz Coutinho, Gondisali, Don 36 Venn, John 335 Ventriss, Mary 334; Matthew 334 Verah, William 203 Verden , Elizabeth 234 Verneusses, dio . Lisieux 187, 188 Véron, Rev. Charles 182 Vevers , Wm 232 Vice - comes, " Viscount 12 * n Villers -en - Ouche, dio. Séez 131 Villers-sur- le - Roule , dio. Evreux 182 346*, 347; Ann 346, 347 Vinter ,




Wadding, Stephen 359 Waddington, Craven , Yorks . 328 * 359 ; Ann 219, Waddington, 299 ; Dorothy 299 ; Hen. 359 ; John

324, 369 ; Martin 218, 299, 359, 370 ; Mary 219, 305, 324 , 359 ; Stephen 219 , 305, 359 , 370 ; Thos. 370 353; Charles Wade, Waide, 236* ; Elizabeth 236 ; John 236,

282*, 353 ; Mary 236 ; Thomas 243 Wadsley , Ecclesfield , Doncaster, Yorks. 240 see Wawne Waghen, near Hull, Wainwright , J. B. 411 Wakefield, Pontefract, Yorks. 243, 246, 261, 328 Wakefield, John 308 Wakeman, Rev. Roger 392*n Waldegrave , Elizabeth 298n Wales , Doncaster, Yorks . 328 * Walker , Alice 209 * ; Ann 142, 173, 175 ; Ann Mary Catherine 173 ; Anthony 64, 356 ; Dorothy 359 ; Eliz. 65, 69 , 359; Ellen 298, 356; Helena 341 n; John 66, 320 ; Judith 342; Marg't 359 ; Rev. P. C. 205 ; Quint (in) 312 , 359 ; Richard 342 ; Thomas 165 Walkington , Harthill , Yorks . 328 * Wall , Hexham 281



Waller , Betty 200 Wallerthwaite , near Ripon 299*n, 370 Walling , Betty 202 ; Ellin 202 ; Martha 202

Walls, Anne 322 ; William 256; Winefred 256 Walmesley, Wamsley, 200, 201, 288 ; Alice 198 ; Ann .... 194, 197, 199, 200; Barbara 196 ; Rt Rev. Charles , O.S.B., bishop 195n ; Edward 197, 199; Ellen 288 ; Geoff . 223 ; Henry 195; Ignatius 196; James 202, 288; John 197, 201 ; Mary 197, 202 ; Ned. 202 ; Peter 197, 285 Walpole, Sir Robert 372*n Walsingham, F. 118* Waltham Abbas , Berks. 119 Waltham St Laur'e , Berks. 119 Walton , New Ainsty, Yorks . 329*; Hall, near Wakefield, Pontefract, Yorks . 304 n * 416 Walton, , ....196 ; *;PaulElizabeth_254 254 ; Peter 305 ; Mary 196; Wm 305 ; Rt Rev. William , D.D. , bishop 51 Wanless Park, Wensleydale, Yorks . 47n Wantage, Berks. 142 Warcop, Robert 396 288 , 313 ; Dorothy 359 ; Ward, Elizabeth 147, 148, 224 * , 358 ; Geo. 224, 359 ; Mrs Humphrey 46; James , painter 60 ; Jane 239, 359 ; John 224, 283, 285, 370; Margaret 224 ; Margaret , blessed 404 ; Mary 234, 239, 285 ; Richard 313; Seth 119; Thos . 358, 359*, 370 ;

William 288, 290 ;

William , LL.D. 343, 378 Wardal, Wardell , Ann 229 , 234, 335 ; Austin 269 ; Eliz . 335 ; Fran . 335 ; Joseph 335 ; Margaret 335 ; Richard 229, 335 ; Wm 335 Wardlow , Anne 210 ; Patrick 210 Wareing, Waring , Ellen 254 ; Margaret 288 ; Thomas 288 Warfield , Berks. 119 *, 132, 137, 138 Wargrave, Berks. 119 Warmfield , Pontefract , Yorks . 329* Warmsworth, Doncaster, Yorks . 329* Warneford, Rd . 344 Warn( s) ford, Hants . 388*n 215*; Spencer 213 Warren, Warrick , Warwick , Ann 139, 140*, 142*, 153 , 158 ; John 165 Warrilow, C. 175 ; Catherine 169,


174, 175 ; Charles 170, 175, 178; Charles Edward 177 ; Elizabeth 175, 176*, 178 ; James 171 , 175-8; James John 177 ; John 139 , 16871 , 175, 178 ; Mary Anne 170, 174, 178 ; Sarah 139, 168-71 , 173, 176-8 ; Sarah Mary 170; William 139, 168, 173, 175 , 176*, 178 *; William Edward 173 Warriner , Wariner , Agnes 66 ; John 65 ; Mary 65, 66 ; Robert 65*n, 66*n



INDEX Warrington , Lancs. 53 Warris , Mary 238 Warter , Harthill, Yorks . 329 Warthill, Bulmer, Yorks. 330* Warton, Jane 231n ; see Wharton Warwick , Tho. 211 ; see Warrick Water Fryston, Pontefract, Yorks. 246 *

Waterhouse, Bridget 342 ; Catherine 296 ; Frances 296 ; James 102*, 104, 108; Jane 198 ; Margaret 102, 104, 108, 296 ; Mary Jane 104; Theresa 108 ; Thomas 199 Waterloo, near Brussels 53 Waters, 253 canon 61 Waterton, Rev. ......304*n ; Mary; Anne 304n ; Charles Thomas 304 n; Rev. 304 *n; Thomas , S.J. 304n Wath, Doncaster, Yorks . 330, 332* Watin , Dorothy 240 Watkins , John 88n ; Mary Agnes



88*n Watkinson, John 226, 289 Watson, Agnes 217 ; Ann 229, 315 ; Bridget 271 ; Elizabeth 235 ; Emanuel 246 ; James 271 ; Rev. James , vere Richard Rand ( ? Raines ) 229 n * , 297 *n, 337, 368 * n ; Jane 234, 235 * ; " John 218, 219, 221, 229, 230 ; Mary 235; Michael 229 ; Richard 281 ; Robert 271 Watters, Ann 323* ; Elizabeth 235 ; Francis 323 ; John 323 Watton, Harthill , Yorks . 330* Watts, Watt, quoted 390, 391 ; Rev. P., S.J. 288n Waud, Wawd, .... 340 ; John 347*; Thomas 340 Waugh, Rev. Norman, quoted 301n, 3022

Wawne (Waghen), Holderness , Yorks . 330 * Wawne, Eleanor 277 ; William 277 Wawton , George 299 ; Mary 299 Way, Rev. William, blessed 405 Wayles, Anne 266 ; Edward 266 Weal, co . Essex 166 Weale , Rev. Francis Laurence 120, 126 ;

J. Cyril M. 120, 123, 125 ,

132-5, 181 Weatherhead, Wetherhead, Anthony 338 ; John 220 Weaver, Agnes 203 ; Ann 203 * John 199, 203 Weaverthorpe,*Buckrose, Yorks . 330* Webb, Anna Maria 317n ; Catherine Day 129 ; Edward 129; Sir John, Samuel 371 3rd bart. 317 n ; Winefred 317 n * ; * Webster, Webester, Dorothy 356 ; Eliz: 309 ; Jonathan 309 ; Rev.



Thomas 124, 125, 149*, 164*, 167, 169, 170

Webley, Weblin , Weblyn , Henry , mar. (1588) 399 *, 408 *, 410 ; John 399 ; Thomas, ven. 389, 399-404 Weddell, Bridget 262 Wedgewood , Elizabeth 242 ; Francis 284; Will. 242 Weighton, in Swine parish, Holderness, Yorks . 320 Weld, Mary 172, 174 ; Thomas 171 Welden, Weldon, als . Savell, vere Hewitt, Rev. John, blessed 389, 41019, 423 , 424 ; Nicholas 353 Welding, Ellen 195; John 195 ; Richard 196 Welford, Anne 235 ; Eleanor 235 ; Jane 235 ; John 235* ; Mary 235 ; William 235 Wellbury, Cleveland, Yorks. 331 * Wellman, Sarah 177*, 178* Wells, Edward 86 * ; Sarah 86 Welsh , Catherine 111; Charles 121n ; John 111 ; Peter 111 Welton, Harthill , Yorks. 331* Welwick , Holderness , Yorks . 331* Wensleydale , N.R. , Ripon , Yorks . 477

Wentworth , Doncaster, Yorks . 332* West, Anne 105; Margaret 105 ; Robert 105 ; Thomas 396 ; als. Daniel, Rev. Thomas, S.J. 46*, 56 West Heslerton, Buckrose, Yorks . 332 *

West Ness, in Stonegrave parish, Rydale, Yorks. 319 West Stockwith, Notts. 287 Westby, fam . of 51 Westhead , Agnes 90 ; Mary 102 Westmorland, Earl of 397 Weston, Old Ainsty, Yorks . 332* Weston, Eleanor 306 ; Richard 309 Westow, Buckrose, Yorks . 332*, 333 Westwicke, Ripon, Yorks . 357 Wetheral, Anastasia 136 ; James 136;

William 136 Wetherby, New Ainsty, Yorks . 316

Wetherherd, Chris. 325 Wetwang, Buckrose, Yorks . 333* Whaddon, Cambs . 226n* Whan, Ellen 179 Wharram Percy, Peircy, Buckrose, Yorks . 333*; in the Street, Dickering 333*

Wharram , Tho. 333 Wharton, Warton , Agnes 68 , 73 , 76-8 , Christopher 67; Edward 73, 77; Eleanor 70 ; Elizabeth 197; Esther 67: Jane 197, 288 ; John 64, 68*, 70-4, 91 ; Margaret 70, 196, 200 ; Mary 66, 70*, 196 ; Peter 196, 198*, 200 ; Rachel 68*n, 74, 91 ; Sarah 64,



67 ; Susan 73, 74; Thomas 70, 78, 198; Will. 195; see Warton Whatmuff, Anne 114; William 114 Wheble, Ann 157*n ; Catherine 170 ; Lady Catherine 179 *, 180*; Charlotte Anne 171 , 175 ; Daniel O'Connell 124, 175, 180; Edmund Joseph 172 ; Eleanor 180; Elizabeth Mary (Josephine Anne) 169, 173, 174*n; Ellen 180 ; Emelia Catherina Maria 179 ; Ernest James 179 ; fam. of 124, 167, 179; Frances Margaret 168, 169, 173, 174 ; Francis Joseph 180 ; George Vincent Joseph 173, 176 ;

Gerondus Joseph 180 ; James 124 , 126 , 131 , 154, 167-176, 179*n, 180* ; James Joseph 172; James William St Laurence 179 , 180 ; Jane 168*n, 172, 173, 178 ; John Joseph 174 : Rev. John 179; Juliana_175; Leo Joseph Daniel 180; Lucy Catherine (Mary Josephine ) 170, 173 ; Maria Juliana 171 , 176 ; Mary, 168171 175, 177, 180 ; Mary Anne ; Mary Jane 168 ; Mary Theresa 172, 174 ; Richard 157n ; Robert 168, 169, 173; Sydney Joseph 180; Tristram Joseph 179 ; Ursula Mary 180; Vincent Joseph 173; William Francis 173 Wheeler, Ann 138 ; Cæsar 138 ; Cordelia 138 Whelan, Bernard 127 Wheldrake, Bulmer, Yorks . 333* Whelpside , Westmor. 48 Whenby, near Ampleforth , Yorks. 57 , 333, 334* Whinfell Common , near Kendal, Westmor. 49 , 83 n Whiston , Doncaster, Yorks . 334 quoted 305n ; Ann Whitaker , 316 ; Frances 227 ; George (John) 173*; Thomas 317 Whitby , Cleveland, Yorks. 334*, 335, 379, 380 Whitcliffe , Ripon , Yorks . 357 136*, 315 ; Ann 136, 242 ; White , Bridget 112, 151 ; Elizabeth 242*, 335 ; Francis 241, 242 * ; Henry 151 ; James 112 , 136 ; Jane 86, 242 ; John 242 ; Margaret 242 ; Mary 86, 241 , 242 ; Mary Anna Lewisa 138; Miles 335*; Ralph 242 ; blessed Richard Gwyn 405 ; Thos 241, 315* ; Timothy 86 ; Will . 241, 242 * White Ladies , Staffs. 214n Whitehaven, Cumberland 57 Whitehead, als . Wrightson , R. 261 Whiteknights , White Knights , Berks. 117, 120, 122, 127-130, 135, 136, 165* ; chapel of 165 Whiteley, William 354 Whitkirk, New Ainsty, Yorks . 335*




* *


Whitfield , Ann 242 ; Eleanor 242 ; Francis 242 ; Mary 316 Whitley , Elizabeth 174 Whittel, Whittle, Elizabeth 74*; James 74 ; Mary 199 ; Robert 74 Whittington , Lancs. 198 Whitwell, near Kendal, Westmor. 49 Whorlton , Cleveland, Yorks . 269, 270 Wibsey, Pontefract , Yorks . 335* Wickersley, Doncaster, Yorks . 335* Wickham , Henry 257 Wickins , John 322 Widdrington , Anne 30in ; (Elizabeth) 263 ; Rob. 301n ; William, 3rd Lord 263n Wigan , Lancs. 51 Wiggington, Bulmer 335 Wiggins, John 237 Wighill and Rusforth, New Ainsty,

Yorks. 329*

Wighton , Gilb . 250 Wignal , Sarah 200 Wilberfosse, Harthill, Yorks. 336 * Wilbore, Mary 316 ; Richard 316 Wilcock, Willcock , Grace 194, 199, 202 ; Wm 283, 354 Wilden, Wilding, Ann 200 ; Lancelot 199;

M. 195; Nic : 200

Wild (e)man, Wileman, Anne Mary 93 ; George 75*n, 87, 90, 93 , 95, 98100, 111 ; Henry 76 ; Jane 95 ; John 75*n, 76, 87, 89, 90 , 92 , 94, 97-100, 105, 115 ; Margaret 75, 76, 85, 87, 90*, 92, 94, 96-100, 105; Sarah 90,

93 , 95, 98 , 100 Wildsmith , Anne 240 ; Elizabeth 308 ; John 240 ; Joseph 240 * ; Mary 240 Wilkinson , Wilkison , 359 ; Anne 71, 343, 349 ; James 288 * ; Jean , Jenny 196, 200 ; John 71 ; als. Curwen, Rev. John 55*n ; Joseph 71 ; Margaret 55 ; Mary 67, 70-2, 74, 75, 257 ; Susanna 341 ; Thomas 77, 90, 92, 257, 288, 299*, 359, 370 ; Wm 244 Wilks, Elizabh . 242 ; George 212*; John 242 ; Mary 242 ; Will. 242 Willaert , Rev. Henry 126n Willerby , Dickering 236 Williams , Anne 88 ; George 340 ; Hugh 148 ; Philip 396 ; Robert 88 ; Rt Rev. Thomas Dominic , O.P. , bishop 302 n, 310*n, 322n , 342n, 381n , 382*n, 386 * n ; William 88 Williamson , Agnes 85, 106 ; Brian 106 ; Catherine 70, 78-80, 82; Elizabeth 104, 106 ; Isabel 72 ; James 323 ; John 69*, 70 , 72, 76, 77, 79 , 80, 82-5, 87 , 94* , 100 , 104 , 106, 112 ; Joseph 281 ; Mary 69, 70, 72, 82-5 , 87 , 104, 111, 112, 196; Molly 201 ; Thomas 85 ; William 84, 104






Willows , The, Kirkham , Lancs. 84n



Willitoft , near Bubwith , Harthill,

Yorks. 45, 69n , 226, 227, 379m Wilne , co. Derby . 416n Wilson, Willson , .... 201, 338, 367 ; Anne 88 , 90 , 109, 198, 224* ; Barbara 195, 196, 201 ; Benjamin 291 ; Betty 197 ; Dorathy 201 ; Edward 263; Elizabeth 165, 196, 198*, 199,

201, 263, 284, 290, 291 ; Ellinor 345 ; George 63, 224 *, 254 ; Helen 195; Isabella 199, 201 ; James 88, 90 ; Jane 253 ; John 78*, 91, 198*, 201, 240, 305, 335 ; Joseph 74, 196, 197; Lancelot 74, 75 , 198, 200, 201 ; Lucy 77 , 231 *n ; Margaret 65, 66*, 68, 70 , 72 ; Mary 74, 75, 83, 86, 196, 200, 231*n, 241*, 291, 347 ; Matthew 284 ; Molly 196; Richard 196; Richard Ormerod 88 ; Richard Ormerod Derome 90; Robert 268 ; Stephen 241 ; Thomas 338, 344 ; William 63*, 66*, 72, 2312 * Wilson Brown , J. 61 346 , 347 ; John 242 Wilstrop , Wilton , Cleveland, Yorks . 286* , Wilton R. Cecil, B.A. 205, 244n Winchester, Hants . 122*n, 123, 157 , 171 n, 174 n, 176, 177, 179n, 181*, 188*, 189 , 388 *n ; King's House The King's Arms Inn, 122; see


* *







Reading Wincksley, near Ripon, Yorks . 298 Wind , John 277, 323 Winder, near Cartmel, Lancs. 224n Winder, Mary 198, 202 Windermere, Westmor. 61 , 74n, 100n Windle, Thomas 309* ; Winifrid 309* Windsor Nova, Berks. 119 Winestead , Holderness, Yorks . 336* Wingell , Jane 234 Winkfield , Berks. 119 Winmore, Barwick -in-Elmet , New

Ainsty 215

Winn , Sir Rowland, 4th bart . 383*n,


Winship, William 228 Winsley, in Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon , Yorks. 355 Winteringham, Buckrose, Yorks. 336* Wise, John 302 Wiseman, M. Rev. Nicholas, cardinal 99n

Wistow, New Ainsty, Yorks . 336* Witford , Elizabeth 137 Witham , Essex 175 228, 369n ; Catherine Witham , 281 ; fam . of 57; R. Rev. George , D.D., bishop 50; Henry 277 ; Dom James (Wilfrid) , O.S.B. , Prior of Lambspring 57; James's Mr John " 57; John 228* ; Marmaduke 368n Withering , Mary 206

Witherington , John 340 Withernsea, Holderness , Yorks . 264* Withernwick , Holderness , Yorks . 320n , 336 , 337, 364n Withers , Edm. 295 ; Wm 325 Witherslack, Whitherslack , near Kendal , Westmor. 47, 48*, 100 Woburn, Woborn , Margaret 315 ; Mary 323 Wokingham, Berks. 137n Wold (Would) , Newton, Dickering, Yorks . 337 * 405 Wolfe, John Wolley, Edward 317* Wolstenholme, Wostendhm, Ann 222 ; John 222 Womersley, Pontefract , Yorks . 338* Wood, Andrew 227 ; Ann 234, 241 ; Anthony 253 ; Elizabeth 234*, 253*,

315 ; George 215, 302 ; Grace 284* ; Henry 253 ; James 234 ; Jo. 369 ; John 396 ; Mary 227 ; Robert 284*; Thomas 315 , 334 ; William 214, 253, 274, 303 , 381 Woodhal, Sarah 239 ; William 239 Woodhead , Hexham 281 Woodhouse , near Kendal , Westmor.




77,79 Woodhouse , George 342 Woodkirk , Pontefract , Yorks. 338 Woodley Lodge , Berks. 117-134, 158, 167-180; Chapel at 139; see Bulmershe Court 124 Woodmansey, Elizabeth 303 ; Richard 303

Woodruffe, Robert 73 Woodyeare , Richard 258 Woolf , Agnes 83, 89 ; Elizabeth 89 ; Jane 83, 110 ; Thomas Eastham 83 , 89 Woolhampton, Berks. 119 , 124, 125, 157, 159, 167

Woolley, Doncaster, Yorks. 338 * Wooton Bassett , Wilts. 130* Worcester (and district) 46 , 392n Worksop Manor, Notts . 365 * Worrilow , Thomas 234 Worsall, near Yarm , N.R. Yorks . 340n

Worsborough, Doncaster, Yorks. 339 * Worswick , Rev. James 193 *, 195 Worthington , Rev. Thomas, O.P. 302 *n

Wortley, Worsley, Doncaster, Yorks .


Worwith [ ? Norwich] 388 Wray, near Lancaster 196-201 , 203 Wray , William 228

Wrayton , Lancs. 199, 200 Wrea, Wreay , Dorothy 352 ; Frank 352; Geo. 262 ; Mary 263 Wrennall , Rev. William, mgr . 192



Wressle, Harthill , Yorks . 339* Wrigglesworth , Catherine 301 ; Tho . 301

359, 408n ; Anne 209, Wright, 296 ; Christian 285 ; Christopher 299, 312, 370; Dorothy 305 ; Elizabeth

218, 260 , 322, 344 ; Frances 166, 259, 299, 357 ; George 322 ; Hugh 296 ; John 240, 299 , 339, 359 ; Margt. 357 ; Mary 299, 339 ; Richard 305 ; Sarah Anne 99 ; Thomas 99, 257, 259 , 285 , 305 ; Wm 312, 357 *

Wrightington Hall, near Wigan , Lancs. 51 Wrightson, als . Whitehead, R. 261 Wyatt , Anne Sophia 92 ; Francis 92 *, 94 ; Mary 92 *, 94*; Thomas 94 Wycliffe , near Richmond, N.R. Yorks . 381n Wykeham, Rydale, Yorks . 339* Wykes, Isaac 276, 282 Wyld , John 301 Wyn , co. Derby 416n Wynne,"P. 333 Wytham , Mr John, see Witham , James 57 356 ; Isabell 356; Jane 356 Wyvill,



Yapp, Mary 143 Yarm, Cleveland, Yorks . 205, 339 , * 340*n , 371*, 376-8 , Yeates , Fr 314 ; John 351 Yates Yattenden, Berks. 141n, 145 Yealand, Lancs. 52 Yearsley, near Coxwold, Bulmer ,

Yorks. 234

Yeddingham, Buckrose, Yorks . 340* Yeoman , Elizabeth 300n Ymare, dio . Rouen 182, 185 Yong, Anne 266 ; Christopher 266 ; Dorothy 266 ; William 266 York 51*, 130, 193n, 204-388; (Parish) Churches 340-50; Little Blake St. 51 Young(e) , Yoong, 346 ; Ann 264 ; Charles 298 ; Elizabeth 298 ; Honora 163 ; James 232 ; Margrett 298 ; Mary 270 ; Richard 416; Robert 346, 347 ; William 334 * Younger, Clare 353 ; Clarice 262 ; Thomas 353 Zealand, Zeeland , Holland , 143 , 164* Zouch, Charles 305


Catholic Record Society NTA







THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 Together with the Roll of Members, the Constitutions , & c

Constitutions 1. Name. The name of the Society is " THE CATHOLIC RECORD



2. Objects . The objects are the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical , since the Reformation in England and Wales .

3. Management . The affairs of the Society are managed by a Council consistingof twelve members , three trustees and four honorary officers , viz., The Recorder , Bursar, Legal Adviser and Secretaryfour forming a quorum. It has power to appoint a President and Vice -Presidents , its Chairman and Officers , and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership. Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re- election . Nominations of New Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretary fourteen days before the Annual Meeting. The representation and management are reserved to Catholic Members .

4. Subscription . The subscription is one guinea per annum commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year. No volume will be issued to any member whose subscription is unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid . A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretary, before the 1st day of June , or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year. Personal Life-Membership may be obtained on payment of twenty guineas in advance . Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas . All life subscriptions are to be capitalized. 5. Back Numbers . Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (if in stock) on such terms as the Council may direct. 6. Meetings . An Annual Meeting is held in the month of June or July, of which at least seven days ' notice is sent to all the members . with a statement At this meeting a report of the, work of the Society, of the income and expenditure is presented . This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society. An Extraordinary General Meetingmay be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days notice , stating the object of the meeting, shall be given.


7. Audit. The Bursar's accounts are audited by a member of the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31. N.B. The Bursar deals with Membership and Subscriptions.




Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio) Hon . Recorder R. BELLEW ,


Somerset Herald

Hon. Legal Adviser HUBERT HULL, Barrister - at - Law

Hon. Bursar LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY , J.P., F.S.A., 15 Morpeth Mansions,

Westminster, S.W.I

Hon . Secretary RICHARD CECIL WILTON , B.A. , 31a St. James Square, S.W.I



* Hon . Librarian

TWENTY -SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT. HE Council have pleasure in presenting their Twenty-seventh THE Annual Report . A new situation has arisen with regard to the offices of the Society. From the beginning the work was done and the spare volumes stored in the Secretary's house . For some years past, however, the Council meetings have been held at the Offices of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Victoria Street , but circumstances make it probable that this accommodation will no longer be available . At the same time the Council realise that our back volumes and records cannot remain permanentlyat old Norfolk House, where they have been since the resignation of Mr Hansom and where the Hon. Secretary has been able to carry on his work. The Society is greatly indebted to the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk for so long allowing us to make use of part of their London House , though, of course , this arrangement cannot continue indefinitely. The Council have also had under consideration, at the same time , the provision of accommodation or the Gillow Library. It may be necessary to make some proposals to meet the new conditions . By this time the volume containing the Records of the English College at Valladolid should have been in the hands of members , but an unexpected delay has prevented its issue in time for the present meeting . The Miscellanea volume is practically all in type, the principal item being the Bishopthorpe collection of Recusant Returns made in the year 1735 by direction of Archbishop Blackburn . The volume will also contain the Kendal and Reading Registers and some smaller contributions . A volume of Lancashire Registers is also in the Press. The Bursar is pleased to report a generous donation from the late Mr P. B. Turnbull towards the preparation of the York Returns , and also the accession of the following sixteen new members since


1st ,

1930 :

Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon


Brown of Ushaw ; Rev. Alfred Gilbey ; Rev. Etienne Robo ; Rev. Cuthbert L. Waring; Mrs P. A. Boyan ; Messrs William Clarkson, Edmond Hutton , J. C. Macnamara ( Life Member) , J. T. Mumford ; the Universities of Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) , and St Louis , U.S.A.; the Huntingdon Public Library, California ; and the Public Libraries

in England of Hendon, Reading, and Southampton . The Society The Council have to record

loses three members by resignation .

with deep regret the deaths of the following members: Sir Henry Farnham Burke, Garter King of Arms, a Vice- President; Rt Rev. Ambrose Burton, Bishop of Clifton; Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon Nolan , Editor of the 7th Douay Diary ( C.R.S., Volume 28) ; Messrs John Brownbill, Hubert H. Edmondson, Thomas F. Farrell, and Philip B. Turnbull. R.I.P. The membership on May 31st , 1931, was 378. Four members of the Council retire in rotation: Mr J. P. Smith, Vice- President, Mr G. Elliot Anstruther, Mr G. F. Engelbach, and Fr C. A. Newdigate, S.J. All four members are available for re-election .


NOTICES . Members are requested to call the attention of their friends to the

Society and its work. Transcripts of interesting unpublished documents ready for the press, together with the loan of the originals for the purpose of collation, are invited . It is desired always to have material for half a dozen volumes ready for printing , as special donations for printing may enable the output of work to be increased . Offers of help in transcribing documents , especially in the Public Offices in London, where the greater part of the documentsrelating to the country are stored, are invited . Parish priests are especially requested to provide exact copies of old registers in their custody, or to give facilities for this being done . Serious loss of time and expense have been incurred in some cases by manuscript being sent incomplete or modified. It is desired to impress on transcribers that papers should be complete, without excisions , verbatim et literatim, although they may not agree with modern ideas . Merit lies in their absolute integrity and identity, as far as modern printing will allow. Members desirous of paying annual subscriptions through their bankers can be supplied with a " Banker's Order," on application to the Bursar or Secretary. is requested that corrections in names or addresses be kindly notified to the Secretary as soon as possible .


The Council has learnt with great regret of the deaths of the Bishop of Nottingham , Mr J. S. Hansom (the principal founder of the Society) , and Professor W. A. S. Hewins , a member of the Council .




£ s. d.

220 10 0 May 31 To 21 Life Subscriptions @ £10 10 о 63 0 0 3 Life Subscriptions @ 21 0 о 2 " Legacy from James Britten, K.C.S.G., deceased 200 18 " Other Moneys . 1,759 16 10


£ 2,244 50 The value of the above Investments at 31st May , 1931 ,

AND RECEIPTS For the Year ended


Dr. 1930


To Balance brought forwardfrom last

£ s. d6.

Account : Cash at Bank Current Account Cash in hands of HonorarySecretary



May 31

Received : , Subscriptions for year 1929/30 37



3 I " " "

,, Life Subscription , invested per




% 1929/47

117 19


358 1 2 21 о 19 11

42 6

- 914

% Victory Bond

04 35 War







312 18 32 11

1930/31 1931/32 1932/33

contra Donations Back Numbers ‫ود‬ Maps "31 Dividends on Investments : 0 o Consols £500 950 0 o 5% War Loan


s. d.

£ s. d2.


298 31

113 18


36 16

I II 39

1 11



0 2


6 o

£2,306 0 3,Total Receipts for the Year


87 7 529 16 10

£647 16


To the Members of the Catholic Record Society : We report that we have examined the above Statement of Receipts and vouchers relating thereto, and certify the same to be in accordance therewith . şecurities on behalf of the Society, and confirm the cash balances on Current Salisbury House, London Wall, London , E.C. 2. 5th June , 1931


ACCOUNT , 1930-31.


£ s. d.

Cost Price 1931 Nominal Value May 31 By £950 0 o 5% War Loan 1929/47 £933 II 10 50 % Victory Bond 40 18 0 " 500 0 o Consols " 786 2 5 5% War Stock 1929/47 420 7 3




do. purchased during the Year ended 31st May, 1931



7 11



do .

19 17 10

о 2,244



£2,244 50 is stated by Messrs Coutts and Co. to be 2,153 6s. od.


31st May , 1931. 1931 May 31



By Volume XXX John Whitehead & Son Ltd. , Printing, etc.


" "


£ s. d. £ s. d.

Volume XXXI :


Titus Wilson & Son , Printing

Hon . Secretary , Honorarium 52 10 O Petty Disbursements . 18 15 4 33 ‫ود‬

Hon. Bursar , Postage, Stationery , etc. 39




Advertisements Society of St Vincent de Paul for use of room

686 4 0 о








55 0 15 13 6 600006602


Gillow Library, Insurance

4 10 0

Postage, R. C. Baigent " Annual Report ",, Transcribing " Central News , Reporter " Income Tax, 1929/30 and 1930/31 " Audit Fee " Bank Charge " " Total Payments for the Year

2 10

24 3 22 4 21 9 21 11 20 2


in War Loan , per Invest21 ment Account Balance carried forward to next Account: Cash at Bank Current Account £202 5 98 Cash in hands of Hon . Secretary 14 0 6 о Hon . Bursar








416 10 о

33 Investment






£647 16

Payments for the Year ended 31st May, 1931 , with the books, pass books and Messrs Coutts & Co. , of 440, Strand, W.C. 2 , certify that they hold the foregoing Account . THOMSON, GREGORY, THOL & Co. , Auditors, Chartered Accountants



TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Twenty- seventh Annual Meeting of the Catholic Record Society was held in the Rooms of the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W.1 , on Thursday , the 9th of July, 1931. The Right Hon. Viscount FitzAlan, K.G., President of the Society , tookthe Chair. During the course of the meeting, however, his Lordship had to leave, his presence being requiredin the House of Lords . The Chair was then taken by Mr John P. Smith, J.P. , Vice - President. Among those present were : Right Rev. Monsignor Duchemin; Right Rev. Monsignor Hallett ; Very Rev. Canon Fletcher ; Rev. Alphonsus Bonnar , O.F.M.; Rev. Hugh Bowler, O.S.B.; Rev. John E. Petit ; F. W. Chambers , K.S.G .; Major Francis Skeet, F.S.A.; Messrs R. C. Baigent, F.R.Hist.S .; G. E. J. Coldwell ; W. A. S. Hewins ; J. G. Macnamara; E. J. Raynor , and Mrs Raynor ; Andrew de Ternant ; J. Cyril M. Weale ; E. A. Wilkinson; L. C. Lindsay , J.P. , F.S.A. (Hon . Bursar) ; and R. C. Wilton , Hon . Secretary. Messages of regret for absence were received from the Right Rev. the Abbot of Ampleforth, O.S.B .; Right Rev. Monsignor Henson; Rev. Bede Camm, O.S.B.; J. H. Canning, K.S.G., O.B.E .; Col. Raleigh Chichester- Constable; Major Richard TrappesLomax , J.P.; Mr G. F. Engelbach; Mr Reginald M. Glencross , F.S.G., F.R.S.A.I.; and Mr Augustine Quinn, J.P. The Secretary, Mr R. C. Wilton , having read the AnnualReport, the President moved the adoption of the Report and the Balance Sheet attached : this was seconded by Rev. Hugh Bowler, O.S.B., and carried unanimously . Mr J. P. Smith, Vice - President, having taken the Chair at this point, said he had not come prepared to make a speech , but he would like to say a few words with regard to the issue of the volumes. We should like the volumes to come out regularly and systematically year by year, he said, " but those who have experience of printing know it is very difficult to say exactly when a volume will come out. Fresh questions arise from time to time, but think members will be satisfied to know that in addition to the Valladolid volume , which may be in our hands within a month or so, there are two others in course of preparation , one at least of which should be ready before Christmas. The Chairman then called upon the Hon . Bursar , Mr Lindsay, to propose a resolution as to taking any necessary action for the future accommodation of the Society.





Mr Lindsay:


9 We are in a great difficulty with regard to

storing our books and documents. want to ask the General Meeting to pass a resolution giving the Council full powers to act in case of emergency. Our difficulties at the present time are that we have the Gillow Library, with a certain number of valuable books given to us by the widow of the late Mr Gillow, and these are housed under the care of Miss Willis at the Reference Library at Kensington , but that is on sufferance. All our stock of documents and past volumes are at Old Norfolk House, which we may have to leave at any time. The time will come when we must find a place for our stock , and we likewise ought to have a decent office and library combined where people can come and consult our volumes, and the Secretary can do his work conveniently . move that the Council be empowered when the time comes to take the necessary steps to meet the emergency. We shall have to use some of our funds to do it ; we cannot take an office for nothing; that is really why want your sanction. In reply to a question from a member as to the number of volumes to be accommodated, Mr Baigent replied that the Gillow Library consisted approximately of 4,000 volumes, at present housed by Miss Willis in her Library . In addition we are just commencing to gather a few volumes which form the library of the Record Society proper, he said. Some of our members have been kind enough to make donations, and as time goes on and this becomes known , no doubt these donations will increase. At present the Library consists of a collection of works , most of which are rather old, but valuable for reference purposes and from the antiquarian point of view . But no doubt we shall later on receive copies of new volumes, and if we get some sort of accommodation our members will be able to make use of them. We have also our stock of surplus volumes. We are on the point of issuing our thirtieth volume and we have several copies of back volumes to supply the demands of new members. We have already given members warning that the early copies are getting very scarce indeed, and so we have had to put up the terms at which they can be supplied. But the storage takes up a certain amount of










Mr Lindsay's resolution was seconded by Mr H. G. Macnamara and carried unanimously . The Chairman then asked the Rev. Hugh Bowler , O.S.B., to read a paper on the Recusant Records of the City of London . RECUSANT RECORDS IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE CITY OF LONDON .

have been asked to give a brief account of the results of some research work have been doing at the Guildhall on behalf of our Society. Here , among one of the fullest sets of municipal archives in existence , are preserved the Sessional Records of the City of London (as distinct from the County of Middlesex ) , consisting chiefly of a series of original files relating to the sessions held at the Old Bailey




for the gaol delivery of Newgate , and the Sessions of the Peace held at the Guildhall during the 17th century and later . These sessions files comprise the indictments of persons on trial , the records of recognizances for appearance at the sessions to answer , to prosecute , or to give evidence , and other documents concerning the business of the court such as jury panels , warrants, precepts , and writs ; occasionally also records of inquests on persons who died in Newgate . They are all written on strips of parchment in abbreviated Latin except dur-



ing the period of the Commonwealth and Protectorate , when a quaintform of English was employed . The membranes for each sessionare strung together at one end , and are generallywrapped in the Newgate "calendar of the current date a strip of skin of varying length on which are inscribed the names of all the prisoners in the gaol at the time, the date of their committal and their offence, with brief marginal notes indicating the proceedings against each prisoner. The number of documents on each file ranges, roughly, between 80 and 400 ( came across one containing over 200 indictments) and their interest is very varied. Although they are mere records of crime, it is remarkable, as one goes through the indictments and recognizances, to see how they reflect the great events of the time. They also throw much light on the social and domestic life of the people their speech, their dress, their occupations and their amusements . This series of sessions files for London begins in the second year couple of odd files of an of the reign of James (January, 1605) earlier date exist and continues to the middle of the 18th century ; alas , with many gaps, notably in the reign of Charles , of which only I one file remains . The loss of the sessional records of Charles I's reign is most unfortunate from our point of view, for the period 1642-46 was one of most severe persecution in London, on which we need further enlightenment. However, the periods of James I, the Commonwealth and Protectorate, and Charles II are fairly well represented , while the files for the later reigns are practically complete . was gratifying to find the period of the Oates plot particularly well documented . have already examined all the extant files to the beginning of the reign of William and Mary over 350 in number and have carefully transcribed every document and item of Catholic interest which they contain. And those who know anything of Papist history of the 17th century will readily appreciate the possibilities of such a series of records in illustrating the administration of the penal laws. Among these documents have been discovered , for instance , the original indictments of four Tyburn martyrs the Ven . Robert Drury, Blessed Richard Newport, Thomas Maxfield, and Richard Langhorne; also three interesting lists of popish prisoners in Newgate in 1612-13 and several inquests on Catholic confessors who died for the Faith in Newgate at the time of the Oates plot. The most frequently occurring document of interest to us is the indictment for recusancy . Very many of these have been met with throughout the period, until the end of the reign of Charles particularly under James I, after the Gunpowder Plot. Catholic recusancy is also well represented among the recognizances during the periods of more active persecution . Another source of information which these archives contain is the series of Sessions Books which are extant from the first year of Charles II's reign ( 1660) and continue in almost uninterrupted sequence. They give brief notes on the proceedings against every person who for any reason had to appear at the various sessions , and are valuable
















II in corroborating and supplementing the evidence obtained from the files . For instance, where a file is missing , the Book fills the gapso these Session Books the assistance

that with of I think I may say with certainty that I know every instance of the appearance of a Catholic at the sessions under Charles II . They also indicate further

proceedings against persons whose indictments or recognizances appear on the files thus giving a brief, but complete outline of the penal history of London Catholics in that period. There are also two or three 17th century Precedent Books of Indictment . These contain model formulas of indictment for various crimes , and were intended for the guidance of Clerks of the Peace in drawing up these documents . Many of the formulas have been copied from actual indictments of an earlier date. Here discovered copies of indictments for priesthood, for recusancy , for conspiracy in the Powder Plot, and for refusing the Oath of Allegiance giving names and dates . Although such evidence is second-hand, would seem to be fairly trustworthy. One or two of these transcripts are from Charles I's reign for which, as have already said, there are no other sources available. Among the various bundles of Sessions Papers preserved at the Guildhall some very interesting documents have come to light : refer to several 17th and 18th-century lists of Londonpapistsdrawn up from the returns of churchwardens and constables . Most of these are copies of the actual lists handed in by the Town Clerk to the Privy Council for purposes of taxation, and are extant for the following dates : December, 1657, March and September , 1658 , under the Protectorate; for July , 1689 (William and Mary) ; for June , 1706; for April, 1711, and March, 1713 (Queen Anne) ; for July, 1715 (George I) ; for February, 1744, and October, 1745 ( George ) . A number of the original returns II from the wards and parishes made in August, 1723 , are also preserved , but the list which in all probability was constructed from these reports is missing. The lists give names, addresses, and occupations of all Papists or reputed Papists residing within the City, and should be valuable , not only to the Catholic genealogist , but also to those interested in the topographical history of London. Of a similar character is a list of Papists holding property in London early in the reign of George made in pursuance of the " Act to oblige Papists to register their names and real estates of the first year of that Sovereign . It is in tabulated form and gives the name and addresses of each Papist owner (there are 25 in all ; most of them residing in other parts of the country) and the names of the tenants; it also describes the estates , their situation and their yearly value . It is perhaps worth recording that all the sessions papers in these archives have been carefully examined , and copies made of every document bearing on the history of London Catholics . I had intended originally to confine myself to the 17th century, but these lists appeared so interesting that determined to add them also to my collection of transcripts. Altogether, the amount of material that these archives have yielded is large when one considers the comparatively small area covered by the City in the 17th century, and the fact that provincial Catholics were prohibited by law from residing within ten miles of . Under James , indeed , this statute, made immediately after the Powder Plot, did not deter large numbers of Catholic gentry from coming to Town and risking the £ 100 fine, but the later records show that finally had its effect, for they are concerned chiefly with Papist townspeople , merchants, and tradesmen only a few of the more














audacious gentlefolk being discovered in the outlying parishes of St. Dunstan- in-the-West, St. Anne , Blackfriars, and St. Andrew, Holborn. would be possible to generalise for a considerable time on the evidence provided by these records but must confine myself to one or two points of interest. One fact which strikes the student immediately is the extraordinary influx of Irish people into the City about the beginning of the 18th century. Before the time of the Oates plot ( 1678 ) Irish names hardly ever occur , but from this time onwards they appear with increasing frequency. Under George the majorityof London Catholics were evidently of Irish origin . The London records also bear witness to the peaceable and inoffensive character of the Catholic people of those times. No doubt, a sense of helplessness was induced among them by the antagonism of their neighbours who had the laws on their side, and by the knowledge of the comparative fewness of their own numbers . Very different was the behaviour of their companions in distress the Dissenters , whose indictments for " riotous assemblies after the Conventicle Act of 1664 would fill a bulky volume. The Papists, as a body, appear








have borne their troubles with resignation.

If they lost their at the continual suspicion in which they were held , at the frequent interference of the authorities in their daily lives and the repeated prosecutions , they were, for the most part , wise enough not to do so in public. On the important question of the constancy of London Catholics under persecution , these records provide sufficient evidence for us to assert that they were , as a body, definitely tenacious of their Faith. For example , under the Protectorate, out of a Catholic population of about one hundred , there are only five instances of the taking of the Oath of Abjuration and it is not certain that all these five persons were in reality Catholics. Anne Penkevill, a widow of the parish of Allhallowson-the-Wall, certainly was. This lady, who belonged to a fine old Catholic family of Cornish origin, long resident in London, seems to have retained at least a sense of humour in the midst of her troubles. In her efforts to evade the penalties of the law she adopted the alias of tempers

Saphirah Benkeine


a most appropriate choice under the circumstances and signed the oath not with her name but with her mark. The " mark she employed was a cipher is to be feared, however, that during the panic occasioned by the Oates plot, many gave way. A list of Papistswho took the oaths in Novemberand December , 1678 , gives fifty-five names . But in the balance against this defection we have the evidence that several Catholics went to prison rather than subscribe and were kept there until their death . What has been said will , trust, give some idea of the material which hope to get prepared for the press, and will enable you to estimate the value of sessional records as sources of English Catholic history in Reformation and post-Reformation times. The London records , a great part of which is said to have been destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666, are meagre in comparison with some of the collections relating to the provincial Assizes . Some of these, indeed , are being or have been calendared by students employed by variousCounty historical societies , but there still remain many archives up and down the country in which these Sessional records lie untouched, or at least unopened , since the day when they were first filed and put away. is , undoubtedly, a proposition worth considering that some Catholic research students should concentrate upon them before the











ravages of time render them altogether illegible. Their intrinsic interest and the light they throw on local history would well repay the necessarily laborious work entailed in their examination.

Major Francis Skeet, J.P. , in moving a vote of thanks to Father Bowler , asked how much space roughly the printing of his work would take up. should think that the material have got Father Bowler : together so far, would take up about a volume and a half of the



normal size . Major Skeet: Do you have to eliminate any Quakers ? Father Bowler : The names of Quakers and other Protestant Dissenters are occasionally to be found among those of Catholics on the indictments for recusancy and, unfortunately, is impossible it to distinguish them with certainty. But such instances are few. The Statute , 23 Eliz. , cap. 1 upon which these indictments were based was definitely aimed at Popish recusants, and there can " of persons " so proceeded against be no doubt that the great majority



were resolute Catholics. The Chairman seconded the vote of thanks, and said was the intention of the Council to deal with the matter as soon as they


could, and it would probably mean two volumes. The vote of thanks was carried unanimously . should like to add an observation about the Mr Baigent : county returns being examined . Members will recollect that about five or six years ago reference was made in the Chairman's speech at a meeting to the statement that the Board of Historical Studies was prepared to consider theses prepared by Catholic students on such matters of interest , and that arrangements would be made for their impartial examination . that sort of thing can be done eventually these two matters may be brought together, because we can have a student preparing a thesis on that kind of question it will be very excellent . Already one of our members has been able to secure a degree on a thesis so presented an account of the Catholic problem in the latter part of the sixteenth century which is a good precedent. It is desirable that students should engage in such interesting research work; it would be of great value for the benefit of other readers and investigators . The re-election of the four retiring members was then moved and carried. Mr F. W. Chambersproposed a vote of thanks to Lord FitzAlan, which was carried unanimously . The Secretary proposed a vote of thanks to the Society of Antiquaries for kindly granting the use of their Room; this was seconded by Mr L. C. Lindsay and carried unanimously .








F Founders on June 10, 1904


L Life Members


Libraries and other Institutions are to be found under Towns and Places . Those in the Metropolis are under London .

F Abbotsleigh, Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Newton Abbot , Devon. Aberystwyth , Cardiganshire. The National Library of Wales (W. ,


Llewellyn Davies M.A., F.L.A., Librarian ).

Adamson , Rev. Philip , St Alban's Rectory, Cheshire.

Mill Lane , Liscard,

Albany, New York , U.S.A. New York State Library (J. I. Wyer , Director ) , Messrs G. E. Stechert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C.2 Ampleforth Abbey Library (Rt Rev. The Abbot , O.S.B. ), Malton, Yorkshire. Anderton , Henry Ince , Hotel des Trois Couronnes, Vevey , Switzerland. Anne , Miss , Burgwallis Hall, Doncaster , Yorks. Anstruther , G. Elliot, 4 Adelaide Road , Hampstead, N.W.3 Antiquaries , Society of, see London . Arundel ! of Wardour, The Lady , Wardour Castle , Tisbury , Wilts. Ashburnham, Lady Catherine , AshburnhamPlace , Battle, Sussex. Attley, Henry William, 545 Weston Road , Northampton. Baigent, Richard Coventry, F.R.Hist.S., 57 Sarsfield Road , Balham, S.W.12

Bailie, Captain Matthias Godard Anthony, 8 London Road, Shardlow, Derby. Baker, Thomas , 72 Newman Street, W. Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Peabody Institute (L. H. Dielman, Librarian ) , c o Messrs Allen and Son , Ltd. , 14 Grape Street,



Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

Barrow Public Library (Charles W. Gabbatt, Librarian ) , Ramsden Square , Barrow-in-Furness , Lancs . Bartlett, Joseph Henry, 28 Ashley Place , Westminster, S.W.I Baterden , James Rae, 54 Brighton Grove , Newcastle -on -Tyne. Beaumont, The Lady, Carlton Towers , Snaith, Yorks. Beaumont College, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. , Old Windsor, Berks . Bedingfeld, Sir Henry Paston , Bt. , J.P., Oxburgh Hall, Stoke Ferry , Norfolk . Bedingfeld, Mrs Raoul, " Borghese, " Higher Lincombe Road, Torquay. Bellew , George R., Somerset Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4 Belmont Abbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot , O.S.B. , Hereford. Bergholt (East), Lady Abbess , O.S.B. , St Mary's Abbey, near Colchester , Suffolk. Berkeley, Robert V. , J.P., F.S.A., Spetchley Park, Worcester. Berlin , Prussian State Library, c/o Messrs Asher & Co., Behrenstrasse 17, Berlin, W.8 Birmingham, Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams , Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , 6 Norfolk Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Birmingham The Oratory , Very Rev. The Superior, Hagley Road, Edgbaston. Birmingham Public Libraries (The City Librarian ) , Reference Department , Ratcliffe Place , Birmingham.




Blackburn Public Library ( Richard Librarian ), Library Street, Blackburn, Lancs . Blundell, Captain Francis N. , J.P., D.L., Crosby Hall, Blundell-sands, Liverpool . Bodleian Library, see Oxford . Bodmin, Cornwall, St Mary's Priory, Very Rev. The Prior, C.R.L. Bolton Public Libraries (Archibald Sparke , F.R.S.L., F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Victoria Square , Bolton, Lancs . Bostock, Rev. Claude , Holy Trinity, Parliament Street, Newark, Notts . Boston College Library (Rev. William M. Stinson, S.J. , Librarian ), University Heights, Chestnut Hill, Mass. , U.S.A. Boston Public Library (Charles F. D. Belden , Librarian ) , Boston, Ashton,

F.L.A. ,

Mass., U.S.A.

Boston, Mass. , U.S.A. New England Historic Genealogical Society (Wm. Prescott Greenlaw , Librarian ), 9 Ashburton Place . Boyan, Mrs P. A. , St Andrew's, Yelverton, Devon. Bradford Public Library (W. H. Barraclough, Librarian ) , Darley Street , Bradford. Brentwood, Rt Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Brentwood, Essex. Brighton Public Library (Henry D. Roberts , M.B.E. , F.L.A., Director), Church Street, Brighton. Bristol Central Library (L. Ackland Taylor, F.L.A. , Librarian ), Bristol . British Museum , see London . Brown, Rt Rev Mgr Canon , President, Ushaw College, Durham. Brownbill , John, M.A. R.I.P. Bruges , Belgium Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.L. , Le CouventAnglais. . Brussels, Belgium. Société des Bollandistes , 24 Boulevard St Michel. Buckfast Abbey, Rt Rev. The Abbot of, O.S.B. , Buckfastleigh,


Devon .


Burton, Rev. Harold, Walnut Tree House , Station Road, Hamptonon - Thames , Middlesex . Cahill, Martin J. , 24 Alderbrook Road , Balham, S.W.12 L Callaway, Rev. Thomas , St Mary's Presbytery, Chipping, Preston, Lancs . Cambridge , Peterhouse Library (A. W. Ward , Librarian ). Cambridge The Librarian , St Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant . Cambridge University Library (Alwyn F. Scholfield , M.A., Librarian ) , Cambridge . Cambridge , Massachusetts , U.S.A. Harvard University Library, c o Messrs Allen & Son , Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue,





Cambysopolis , Rt Rev. Joseph Butt, Bishop of, 22 George Street, Portman Square , W.1 F Camm , Rev. R. Bede, O.S.B.. , M.A., F.S.A. , Downside Abbey, Stratton- on- the-Fosse, Bath Canadian Parliament Library , see Ottawa . Canning , Joseph Herbert, K.S.G. , O.B.E., Crindau, Newport, Mon. Cardiff, Most Rev. FrancisMostyn, Archbishop of, K.M., Archbishop's House , 24 Newport Road , Cardiff. Cardiff Public Library (Harry Farr, F.L.A. , Librarian ), Trinity Street, Cardiff, Glam .



. Ancient Order of Hibernians ( H. P. Close, Hon. Librarian ),


39 Charles Street.

Cardwell, Miss Mary Gertrude, M.D., 173 Copster Hill Road, Oldham ,

Lancs . Carnegie, John, B.A. , Burwash, Sunbury-on -Thames , Middlesex. Carter, Very Rev. Canon T. Walmsley, St Joseph's , Sheringham ,

Norfolk .

Carus, Alexander Hubert , les Marais , Billinge End, Blackburn, Lancs. Catterall, Very Rev. John H. Canon , St Augustine's Rectory, Austin's Place, Preston , Lancs. Chadwick, Very Rev. Canon Alfred, St Mary's, Alnwick , Northumberland . Chambers , F. W., K.S.G. , M.A., 20 Holmes Road, Twickenham, Middlesex . Charlton, George Victor Bellasis , Woodford Lodge , Thrapston,

Northants .

Chicago , Ill . , U.S.A. Newberry Library (G. B. Uttley, Librarian ), The General Library, University of Chicago , Chicago , Illinois,



Chicago University Library, Ill . , U.S.A., c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens and Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.I Chichester -Constable , Colonel Raleigh, J.P. , Burton Constable , Hull. , Rev. Robert, 24 Heathcote Road , Epsom , Surrey. L Christall Ciceri , Leo . J. , I St Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon. Clarkson , William, The Rosary, Carter Lane , Barton, Preston , Lancs . Cleveland Public Library, Ohio, U.S.A. (Miss L. A. Eastman, Librarian ) (c o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co., 140 Strand , W.C.2). Clifton , Rt Rev. George A. Burton, Bishop of. R.I.P. College of Arms, see London . Colwich, The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St Benedict's Abbey, nr. Stafford. L Connolly, Very Rev. James C. Canon , St Joseph's , Bugle Street,


Southampton. Constitutional Club, see London . Copenhagen , Denmark The Royal Library (c/o Mr Francis Edwards , . 83 High Street, W.1 ) . , , Cotton Rev. John D.D. , M.A., St Mary's Presbytery, Kemp Street,


Fleetwood , Lancs .

Cox, Rev. George Bede , O.S.B. , St Mary's Priory , Highfield Street, Liverpool, W. Crank, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Thomas S., V.F., Mount Pleasant, Chorley. Crowle, St Norbert's Priory Very Rev. the Prior , C.R.P., Scunthorpe, Lincs. Cuming , Miss Agnes , 11 Wellesley Avenue, Hull . Dalton, Mr Justice Llewelyn C., Judges ' Chambers , Colombo , Ceylon, c o Barclay's Bank Lid , Lewes, Sussex. Day, Samuel Henry, The Looe , Selsey, Sussex. Derby Public Library (James Ormerod, F.L.A. , Librarian ), Derby. de Zulueta, Miss Agnes , 5 Douro Place , Kensington, W.8 F de Zulueta, Captain Francis, D.C.L., M.A., Regius Professor of Civil Law, 37 Norham Road , Oxford. Dibdin , George E. , Brockweir, Allt-yr-yn Avenue , Newport, Mon. Dolan, Very Rev. Oswald Canon , V.F., St Mary's Rectory, Norfolk Row, Sheffield . Doran , Rev. John, The Presbytery, Douai Abbey, Rt Rev. The Abbot of, O.S.B. , Woolhampton R.S.O. ,




Berks .



Downside Abbey Library (The Librarian , O.S.B. ) , Stratton -on-theFosse , near Bath. Dublin National Library of Ireland ( R. J. Best , Litt.D. , F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Kildare Street. Dublin Very Rev. Fr Provincial , S.J., 35 Lower Leeson Street. Dublin Trinity College Library (J. G. Smyly, Litt.D. , F.T.C.D., Librarian ) . Duchemin, Rt Rev. Mgr Charles, Collegio Beda , 67 via S. Niccoloda Tolentino, Rome, 5. Ealing Priory , Very Rev. The Prior , O.S.B. , Charlbury Grove , Ealing, W.5 Edinburgh, Rev. Mother Superior, St Margaret's Convent, Strathearn


. .-


Road .

Edinburgh Public Library ( Ernest A. Savage, F.L.A. , ChiefLibrarian ), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh. Edinburgh The Signet Library (John Minto , M.A., Librarian ) . Edmondstoune-Cranstoun , C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland. Ellison, Alfred Joseph , M.A. , LL.M. , 27 Walpole Street, Chelsea, S.W.3 F Engelbach, George Frederick, 152 Cambridge Street, Westminster, S.W.I Eyre, Stanislas Thomas , J.P. , 13 Chesham Street, S.W.I Eyston, Mrs , Wroxton , Kingston, Bagprize , Abingdon. Falkner, John Meade, Divinity House , Durham. Farrell, Thomas . R.I.P. FitzAlan , Colonel the Rt Hon. the Viscount, K.G. , G.C.V.O. , D.S.O. , Cumberland Lodge , Windsor. Fitzherbert- Brockholes , Major John, M.C. , Claughton-on- Brock, Garstang R.S.O. , Lancs . Fletcher, Very Rev. John R. Canon, Greenbanks , Dawlish Road, Teignmouth, Devon. Fogarty, Philip Christopher, I.C.S. , The Secretariat, Rangoon , Burma. Fort Augustus Abbey, Inverness . Rt Rev. The Abbot , O.S.B. L Freeland, Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon John, V.G. , Catholic Rectory, Unthank Road, Norwich. Fulham Public Library , see London . Gainsborough , Mary, Dowager Countess of, The Court, Chipping Campden , Glos . Gainsford , William , Somersby House , Spilsby, Lincs. Gaisford-St Lawrence , Julian Charles , J.P., Howth Castle , Dublin . Gardner, Rev. John , The Rectory, Formby, Liverpool . Genealogists, Society of, see London. Georgetown University, see Washington . Gibbons , Francis James Joseph , K.C.S.G. , The Hall , Penn , near Wolverhampton. Gibson , W. H. , 49 , North Side, Clapham Common , London, S.W.5 Gilbey, Rev. Alfred N., Bishop's House, Brentwood, Essex . Gillow, Mrs Joseph (Honorary) , Fyldeholme, Broad Lane, Hale,




Cheshire . Glasgow Very Rev. Rector, St Peter's College, Bearsden . Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries (S. A. Pitt , City Librarian ) Glasgow University Library, c o Messrs Jackson , Wylie & Co., 73 West George Street, Glasgow. Glencross , Reginald M., M.A., LL.B., F.S.G. , F.R.S.A.I., 176 Worple Road , Wimbledon, S.W.20 Record Searcher .






Gorham , James J., M.A. , M.D., J.P. , 16 Ashley Gardens , Victoria

Street, S.W.I Göttingen University Library, Zugangs -Abteilung I, Göttingen, Hanover, Germany. Gray, Rev. John, St Peter's , Falcon Avenue , MorningsideRoad, Edinburgh. Green -Armytage, Robert N., 5 Queen's Parade , Bath. Guilday, Rev. Peter, Ph.D., 1234 Monroe Street, N.E., Brookland, D.C. , U.S.A. Guildhall Library, see London . F Hall, Very Rev. Canon Francis John , V.F., St Charles's Rectory, Jarratt Street , Hull. Hammersmith Public Library , see London . F Hansom , A. J. R., 110 Palace Gardens Terrace , Kensington, London , W.8 Harding, George, 64 Great Russell Street, W.C.I Harrow , Middlesex, Rev. Mother Superior, Visitation Convent. F Harting, Miss Johanna H., 101 River View Gardens, Castelnau , Barnes , S.W.13

Harvard University Library , see Cambridge, U.S.A. Hawkesyard Priory, Rugeley , Staffordshire, Very Rev. The Prior, O.P. Hayward , Very Rev. Canon Francis M., St Mary's Rectory, Worksop, Notts . F Hayward's Heath, Sussex. Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Priory of Our Lady of Good Counsel . Hendon Central Public Library (James E. Walker, F.L.A., Chief Librarian ) , The Burroughs, Hendon , N.W.4 Henson , Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon Edwin, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid , Spain. Hewins , William Albert Samuel , M.A. R.I.P. Hexham and Newcastle , Rt Rev. Joseph Thorman, Bishopof, Bishop's House , Tynemouth, Northumberland. Heythrop College, Chipping Norton, Oxon ., Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. F Hook, Rt Rev. Monsignor Paul Edward, Ph.D., Hyfrydle , Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire. Hope, Captain Geoffrey A. E. , Kirkby Fleetham, Northallerton , Yorkshire. Howell, Rev. John E., The Presbytery, King's Road , Chingford, E.4 Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis Eyre, R.N. (retd .), D.L., J.P., Sawston Hall, Cambridgeshire . Hull, Hubert , 4 Paper Buildings , Temple , E.C.4 Hull Public Library (W. H. Bagguley , F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Albion Street, Hull . Hunnybun, William Martin , M.A., 3, Elm Grove Mansions , Church Road , Hanwell, W.7 Huntington Library, San Marino, California, U.S.A. Hutton , Edmund, 114 Clifton Hill , St John's Wood , N.W.8 Iles, Very Rev. Canon Richard Augustine, St George's Rectory, Billet Street, Taunton, Somerset . Jarrett, Very Rev. Bede, Provincial , O.P. , M.A., S.T.I. , St Dominic's Priory , Southampton Road, Haverstock Hill, N.W.5 Jerningham, Sir Henry S., Bt. , J.P. (Honorary) , 9 Queen's Terrace , Windsor. John Rylands Library, see Manchester. Johnson, Basil Henry, 3 Artillery Mansions , Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I


ROLL OF MEMBERS Johnson , Rev. Humphrey John T., Oak Hurst , near Derby. Jones, Sir Evan Davies , Bt. , D.L. , LL.D. , J.P., Pentower, Fishguard, Pembrokeshire (Communications to 6 Addison Road, Kensington , W


L Kean , Rev. Charles George, C.J. , St George's College, Weybridge, Surrey.

Kelly, Rev. Bernard W., F.R.Hist.S. , 12, Trent Road, Brixton Hill,

S.W.2 Kensington Public Library, see London . L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C. , Gillingham

Hall, Beccles, Suffolk. F Keogh, C. George Neal , 12 Girdler's Road , ,West Kensington, W 14 King, Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon John H. V.G. , 29 Jewry Street, Winchester, Hants. Klincksieck, Monsieur (for the Bibliothèque Nationale) , 11 Rue de Lille, Paris , c /o Messrs Dawson & Sons, Cannon House, Pilgrim Street, E.C.4 F Knill , Alderman Sir John , Bt. , K.C.S.G. , Crosslets, Alfriston , Sussex. LancashireCounty Library ( J. D. Cowley , M.A., F.L.A. ), I Fishergate


Hill, Preston , Lancs . Lancaster , Rt Rev. Thomas W. Pearson, O.S.B. , Bishop of, The

Cathedral, East Road, Lancaster. Lancaster Public Library (Gilbert M. Bland, F.R.G.S. , M.R.S.L., Librarian ) , Storey Institute, Old Town Hall, Lancaster. Langdale, Colonel Philip, O.B.E., J.P. , Houghton Hall, Sancton R.S.O. , Yorks. La Mothe Houdancourt, La Duchesse de, 7 Rue Galilée , Paris 16 . R.I.P. L Langtree, Very Rev. Canon Richard Lanherne , Rev. Mother Prioress , O.C.D. , St Columb, Cornwall. Leadbitter , Eric C. E., 160 Addiscombe Road, Croydon. Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G., Flint House, Holcombe , Bath. Leeds, Rt Rev. Joseph R. Cowgill, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Seminary Street, Leeds. Leeds Public Libraries ( R. J. Gordon , City Librarian ), Central Library, Municipal Buildings , Leeds . Leicester , Hubert Aloysius, K.C.S.G. , J.P. , The Whitstones, Worcester . Lenders , Rev. Jules , Minsteracres , Shotley Bridge, co . Durham. L Lindsay, Leonard C. C. , J.P. , F.S.A. , 15 Morpeth Mansions , Westmin-

ster, S.W.I Liverpool, Most Rev. Richard Downey, D.D. , Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , Woolton, Liverpool, S. Liverpool Public Libraries (George H. Parry, F.L.A. , Chief Librarian), William Brown Street, Liverpool . Liverpool . St Francis Xavier's , Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. , Salisbury Street. Liverpool The Friary, Fox Street ( Rev. Father Guardian, O.F.M.) . London. Antiquaries, Society of, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W.1 London. Bayswater St Mary of the Angels , The Superior, O.S.C., Westmoreland Road, W.2 London. British Museum Library, c /o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.1 London Clapham Our Lady of Victories, Very Rev. The Rector, C.SS.R. , Clapham Park Road, S.W.4 London. College of Arms (The Secretary ) , Queen Victoria Street,








. Constitutional Club Library, Northumberland Avenue,



London. Forest Gate , E.7 Very Rev. The Provincial, O.F.M., The Friary, Khedive Road. London Fulham Public Libraries (W. T. Creed, A.L.A. , Librarian), 598 Fulham Road, S.W.6 London. Genealogists , Society of (Mrs. K. Bell, Secretary ) , 5 Bloomsbury Square , W.C.i London Guildhall Library (J. L. Douthwaite, F.L.A. , Librarian ), The Guildhall , King Street, E.C.2 London Hammersmith Public Libraries (H. P. Dinelli , A.L.A., Librarian ) , Brook Green Road, W.6 London. Hampstead Rev. Mother, I.B.V.M. , St Mary's Convent, England's Lane, N.W.3 London Haverstock Hill Very Rev. The Prior, O.P. , St Dominic's Priory , Southampton Road, N.W.5 London. Hornsey Very Rev. The Prior, C.R.L. , Austin Canons, 12 Womersley Road, N.8 London Kensington Public Libraries (A. Heywood Jones, F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Kensington High Street, W.8 London Kensington ( South)-The Oratory Library, S.W.7 London. Kensington (South)-Very Rev. The Provincial , O.S.M., St. Mary's Priory, 264 Fulham Road, S.W.10 London Library (C. T. H. Wright, LL.D. , Secretary and Librarian), 14 St James's Square , S.W.1 London The Month (Rev. Joseph Keating , S.J. , Editor), 31 Farm Street, Berkeley Square , W.1 London Public Record Office Library, c/o Superintendent of Publications , Book Department , H.M. Stationery Office, Princes Street,














Westminster , S.W.I

London. Royal Historical Society (Miss M. B. Curran, M.A., Librarian ), 22 Russell Square , W.C.I London University Library (Reginald A. Rye, Librarian ) , South Kensington, S.W.7 London. Westminster Public Libraries (Reginald B. Wood, F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Buckingham Palace Road , S.W.I Long, Rev. Henry, The Presbytery, Leighton Buzzard, Beds . Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward, The Presbytery, South Shore , Blackpool, Lancs. McCabe, Rt Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Provost, V.G. , St Hilda's Rectory, Whitby, Yorks. McGuirk, Rev. John , The Presbytery, Rush , co . Dublin , Ireland. , 33 Valentines Road , Ilford, Essex . L Macnamara, T. G. McNulty, Rev. John F. , M.A. , St Anne's, Junction Street, Ancoats,


Manchester .

McNulty , Joseph , B.A., 7 Buccleugh Avenue, Clitheroe, Lancs . Madison, Wis., U.S.A. Wisconsin State Historical Society (Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D., Librarian ), c /o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co. , 140 Strand , W.C.2 Mahoney, Rev. E. T., D.D. , St. Edmund's College, Ware, Herts. Manchester The Victoria University (Charles W. E. Leigh, M.A., Librarian ). Manchester Public Libraries (L. Stanley Jast, F.L.A. , Librarian ), Piccadilly, Manchester. Manchester John Rylands Library (Henry Guppy, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D., F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Deansgate .






Manresa House , Roehampton, S.W.15 , Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. Martin , John, Clare House , 16 Salisbury Road, Liverpool. L Martin , Mrs. T. E., 2 The Ferns , St Luke's Road , Torquay, Devon. Mathew, Rev. David, M.A., 224 Ashley Gardens, S.W.1 Maynooth, co. Kildare, Ireland . St Patrick's College (Rev. G. Pierse , Librarian ) . Melbourne Public Library (Robert D. Boys , B.A., Chief Librarian ), Victoria , Australia , c o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co. , 43 Piccadilly,




Menevia, Rt Rev. Francis Vaughan, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Wrexham, Denbighshire. Michigan University (William Warner Bishop, M.A., Librarian ) , Ann Arbor , Michigan, U.S.A. , c/o Messrs H. Sotheran & Co., 140 Strand, W.C.2 Middlesbrough, Rt Rev. Thomas Shine , Bishop of, Bishop's House , Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough Public Libraries (W. Lillie, Librarian ), Victoria Square , Middlesbrough, Yorks. Milner, Rev. Henry F., Upholland College, nr . Wigan, Lancs . Milton , Rev. Anthony , Priest's House , Uckfield, Sussex. Minnesota University Library, Minneapolis, Minn . , U.S.A., c/o Messrs G. E. Stechert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C.2 Mitchell Library, see Glasgow. " Month," see London . Moorat, Samuel , 25 Pembroke Gardens , Kensington, W.8 Moore , Rev. Bernard, St Austin's, Stafford. Moriarty , Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Ambrose , D.D. , V.G. , 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury. Mount St Bernard's Abbey, near Coalville, Leicestershire , Very Rev. The Superior, O.C.R. Mount St Mary's College, Spinkhill , near Sheffield , Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. Mulgrew, Francis M., 36 Grosvenor Road , Birkdale, Southport, Lancs. Mumford, John Twaites, 66 Victoria Street, S.W.1 . Munich. Bavarian State Library, Ludwigstrasse 23 , Munich (c/o Börsenverein der deutschen Buchhändler , Gerichtsweg 26, Leipzig C.1. ) Namur, Belgium.--Rev. Superioress General , Couvent de Notre Dame . c o Sister Provincial, Convent of Notre Dame , Ashdown Park, Coleman's Hatch, Sussex. National Library of Ireland, see Dublin.


Newberry Library, see Chicago. Newcastle - on-Tyne Public Libraries ( Basil Anderton, M.A., F.L.A. ,

Librarian ) , New Bridge Street.

Newcastle - on- Tyne. St Dominic's Priory , Red Barns (Very Rev. The Prior, O.P. ) . Newdigate , Bernard H., Foxcombe Heath, Boar's Hill, Oxford. Newdigate , Rev. Charles A., S.J. , 31 Farm Street, Berkeley Square ,



New England Historic Genealogical Society, see Boston. New Hall, Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.S.S. , Chelmsford , Essex. New South Wales Public Library, see Sydney. New York Historical Society (A. J. Wall, Librarian ) , 170 Central

Park West, New York City, U.S.A. New York Public Library (Edwin H. Anderson, Librarian ) , Aston Library Building , 40 La Fayette Place , c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.I



New York State Library , see Albany. Noble , Sir John Henry Brunel , Bt . , Ardkinglas , Inveraray, Argyll. Norfolk, The Duchess of, Arundel Castle , Arundel, Sussex. Northampton, Rt Rev. Dudley C. Cary-Elwes , Bishop of, Bishop's House , Kingsthorpe Road , Northampton. Nottingham, Rt Rev. Thomas Dunn, Bishop of. R.I.P. O'Connor, Rev. I. Arthur, M.C. , H.C.F., St Edward's, Thurloe Street, Rusholme , Manchester . O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis , O.B.E., C.F. , St Joseph's , Queen's Road , Aldershot, Hants . Ontario Legislative Library , see Toronto. Oscott College , Birmingham. The Rt Rev. The Rector. O'Sullivan , Richard, 2 Cloisters , Temple , E.C.4 O'Toole, Rev. Patrick, The Presbytery, Haunton , Tamworth, Staffs. Ottawa, Canada . Canadian Parliament Library (A. D. Cellas, LL.D., and R. Burrell , Librarians ) , c /o Messrs Allen & Son Ltd. , 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2. Oulton, Lady Abbess of, O.S.B. , St Mary's Abbey, Stone , Staffs. Oxford Blackfriars, 64 St Giles' Street The Rev. The Vicar . Oxford The Bodleian Library (Arthur E. Cowley, M.A., D .,





. F.B.A., Librarian ).





Campion Hall, 11 St Giles Street, Very Rev. The Master,



M.A., 72 Shooter's Hill Road ,

Pantin, Blackheath, S.E.3 Panton, Wragby, Lincolnshire. Very Rev. The Superior, O.S.F.C. ,


Franciscan College .

Paris Bibliothèque Nationale , see Klincksieck (Monsieur). Parisotti , Rev. Albert , O.B.E., C.F. , c/o Glyn , Mills & Co. (Holt's Branch) , Kirkland House, Whitehall, S.W.I Parker, Colonel John W. R., C.B. , J.P. , F.S.A., Browsholme Hall, near Clitheroe, Yorkshire. Parkminster Charterhouse , Partridge Green, Sussex, Very Rev. The Prior . Peabody Institute, see Baltimore, U.S.A. Pennsylvania Historical Society, see Philadelphia. Pennsylvania University Library, see Philadelphia. Petit, Rev. John E., M.A., Catholic Church, Grays , Essex . Petre, Sebastian Henry, Tor-Bryan, Ingatestone, Essex. Philadelphia, Pa . , U.S.A. Pennsylvania Historical Society , 1300 Locust Street, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.1 Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Pennsylvania University Library (Asa Don Dickinson, Librarian ), 34th Street and Woodland Avenue. Plymouth Rt Rev. John Barrett , Bishop of, Bishop's House, Cecil Street, Plymouth . Portsmouth Rt Rev. William Cotter, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth. Portsmouth. Central Public Library (James Hutt , M.A., F.L.A. , Borough Librarian ) , Town Hall Square , Park Road. Preston , Free Public Library, The Librarian , Preston , Lancs. Preston. St Ignatius', Meadow Street, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey ,







President, Yorkshire ArchaeologicalSociety ( Record Series and Journal) and Yorkshire Parish Register Society.



23 Public Record Office Library , see London . Quick, Joseph Louis, 41 Windsor Road, Forest Gate , E.7 Quinn, Augustine, J.P. , The Beeches, Sea View Road , Wallasey, Cheshire .

Radcliffe, Charles A. F., The Old Hall, Stackhouse , Settle, Yorks. Ratcliffe College , Very Rev. The President , I.C., near Leicester. Reading Public Libraries (Francis M. Bunce , Chief Librarian ), Central Public Library, Blagrave Street, Reading. Reynolds , Colonel Sir James Philip, Bt . , D.S.O. , J.P. , M.P., Abercromby Square , Liverpool. FL Riddell, Cuthbert David Giffard, J.P., Swinburne Castle , Barrasford, Northumberland. Riddell, Edward Charles , J.P. , Hermeston Hall, Oldcotes , Rotherham, Yorks., Kinwarton House, Alcester, Warwickshire. Riddell - Blount , Major Edward Francis, J.P., Cheeseburn Grange , Newcastle -on-Tyne. Robertson , Charles, K.S.G. , Lady Place , Sutton Courtenay, Berks. Robo , Rev. Etienne, Catholic Church, Farnham, Surrey. Roehampton, Rev. Mother Superior, Sacred Heart Convent, S.W.15 Rome . BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA (Honorary). Monsignor Giovanni Mercati, Prefect, The Vatican. Rome . Collegio Inglese , Via Monserrato 45 (The Rt Rev. The Rector) . Rome Collegio Beda , 67 Via San Niccolo da Tolentino (The Rt . Rev. The Rector) . Helens St (Lancs .) Holy Cross , Rev. The Rector, S.J. St Helens (Lancs .) St Mary's, Lowe House, Rev. The Rector, S.J. St Leonards -on -Sea ( Sussex) , Rev. Mother Superior, Convent H.C.J. St Louis University Library (Rev. Henry H. Regnet, S.J. , Librarian ), St Louis, Missouri , U.S.A. , c/o G. E. L. Coldwell , 18 Red Lion Passage , W.C.I Salford, Rt Rev. Thomas Henshaw , Bishop of, Bishop's House , Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester . San Marino Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (Leslie E. Bliss , Librarian ), San Marino, California, U.S.A. Sands, William Henry Bethune , 15 King Street, Covent Garden ,




Scantlebury, Rev. Robert Elliott , St Swithun's, Waverley Road, Southsea , Hants . Scrope, Henry Aloysius, Troutbeck, Eastleach, Lechlade , Glos. Scrope, Stephen Francis Eustace , 71 The Drive, Hove, Sussex. Sharrock, Very Rev. Canon Thomas , St John's Cathedral, Chapel Street , Salford, Lancs. Shaw , James F. , J.P., Bourton Hall, Rugby, co . Warwick. Sheffield Public Libraries (J. P. Lamb, Librarian ) , Surrey Street, Sheffield , Yorks. Sheffield University Library (A. P. Hunt, B.A., F.L.A. , Librarian), The University , Sheffield , Yorks. S.O., Essex. L Sheldrake , Harry James ,, White Barn, KelvedonS.O. , Essex. L Sheldrake , James Ernest Farm Hill, Kelvedon L Sheldrake , Willie , White Barn, Kelvedon S.O. , Essex. Shepherd , Very Rev. Canon Francis, The Convent , Chudleigh, Devon. Shrewsbury, Rt Rev. Hugh Singleton , Bishop of, Bishop's House, 39 Beresford Road , Birkenhead. Signet Library , see Edinburgh. Skeet, Major Francis J. A., J.P., F.S.A. , Syon House , Angmering, Sussex,



Sleeman , Mrs, Witcombe Park, Gloucester .

F Smith, John Peter, J.P., Arndene, Barrow- in-Furness , Lancs.

Smith, Miss M. A., The Grove , Barnard Castle , co . Durham. Smith , Richard, J.P., Greenfield House , Lancaster. Smith, William Abbey, J.P. , Rosebery Villa, Hutton Avenue, West Hartlepool, co . Durham. Smith , William Bernard Stanislaus , J.P. , Newsham House , Broughton, near Preston , Lancs. Southampton Public Libraries (Albert H. Davis, F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Central Public Library, London Road, Southampton. Southwark, Rt Rev. Peter E. Amigo, Bishop of, Bishop's House , St George's Road, Southwark, S.E.1 Stafford, Lt.-Col . the Lord , D.S.O. , Swynnerton Park, Stone, Staffs. Stanbrook Abbey, The Lady Abbess , O.S.B. , Worcester. Stockport Public Libraries (R. Hargreaves , F.L.A. , Librarian), Wellington Road South, Stockport, Cheshire . Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Lancs . Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. Strasbourg National and University Library, 6 Place de la Republique, Strasbourg , Bas- Rhin, France . Strawberry Hill, St Mary's College, Very Rev. The Principal , Twickenham , Middlesex . Stroud (Glos.) The Rev. Mother Prioress , O.P. , St Rose's Convent. Sumner , Francis G. , J.P., Dene House , Kineton , Warwickshire. Sumner , Rev. Francis J., Hampton-on -the-Hill, Warwick . F Sutcliffe, Very Rev. William Ormond Canon , M.A. , 7 Howitt Road, Hampstead , N.W.3 Sydney. New South Wales Public Library (W. H. Ifould , Librarian ) , c o Messrs Truslove & Hanson , 153 Oxford Street, W.1 F Syon Abbey The Lady Abbess , O.SS.S., South Brent, Devon. Tacchi- Venturi , Rev. Pietro, S.J. , Piazza del Gesu 45, Rome 117. L Taylor -Smith, Mrs M. E. Piercey , Colpike Hall, Lanchester, co . Durham. Teignmouth, Lady Abbess , O.S.B. , St Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth, Devon . Tempest , Miss (Blanche Cecil) , Taitlands, Settle, Yorks. L Toke, Leslie A. St L., Bucksford, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ontario Legislative Library (A. T. Wilgress, Librarian ), c/o Messrs Allen & Son, 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 Trappes - Lomax, Miss , Salesbury Hall, Ribchester, near Preston. Trappes -Lomax, Major Richard, J.P., Allsprings, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancs . Treowen , Major -General the Lord , C.B. , C.M.G. , Llanarth Court, Raglan , Monmouthshire. Trinity College Library , see Dublin . Trotman, John William , c /o Rev. Mother Superior, Ursuline Convent, Brentwood, Essex . Turnbull, Francis Harold, K.C.S.G. , Colhugh , Llantwit Major , near Cardiff. Turnbull, Maurice J. , Egton, 110 Penylan Road, Cardiff. Turville -Petre , Colonel Oswald , J.P. , B.A. , Bosworth Hall, Rugby. Universal Knowledge Foundation Inc. , 19 Union Square West, New York City, U.S.A. Upholland, Wigan , Lancs . St Joseph's College, Very Rev. The President. Urquhart , Francis Fortescue , M.A., Balliol College, Oxford.









Ushaw College Library, Durham (Rev. W. Godfrey, D.D. , Ph.D., Librarian ). Valladolid, Spain Rt Rev. The Rector, Colegio de Ingleses . L Vassall- Phillips, Rev. Oliver R., C.SS.R. , C.F., St Joseph's, Bishop Stortford , Herts. Vatican Library, see Rome. L Vaughan , Major Charles Jerome , O.B.E., J.P., Courtfield, Ross, Herefordshire. Vaughan, Rev. Herbert, D.D. , Mission House, Brondesbury Park, N.W.6 Lord , M.A., Harrowden Hall, Wellingof Harrowden, The FL Vauxborough , Northants . Victoria Public Library, see Melbourne . Wake, Philip Kenyon, K.S.G., Handsworth Grange, Sheffield . Wales, National Library of, see Aberystwyth . Wallasey Public Libraries (W. Wilson, F.L.A. , Chief Librarian) , Earleston Central Library, Wallasey, Cheshire . Waring, Rev. Cuthbert L., M.A. , St Edmund's House, Cambridge . Warrington, Mrs J. Francis, Walton Grange , Wakefield, Yorks. Washington, Georgetown University Library ( Rev. Timothy Barrett , S.J. , Librarian ), Washington D.C. , U.S.A. Washington. Library of Congress (Herbert Putnam, LL.D., Litt.D., Librarian ) , Washington, D.C., U.S.A., c/o Messrs Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 Wedgwood , Mrs Rowland Henry, Mill Lane House , Slindon , Sussex. Weld, Francis Joseph , 32 Weld Road , Birkdale, Southport, Lancs . F Westminster, His Eminence Cardinal Bourne, the Archbishop of, Archbishop's House, Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster, S.W.I Westminster Public Libraries, see London . Whelan, Miss Margaret H., B.A. , 47 Park Crescent, Undercliff , Bradford, Yorks. White, Thomas , 17 Brynhyfryd Road, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon. L Whitfield , Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O. , Catholic Rectory, Southendon - Sea, Essex . Wigan Free Public Library (Arthur J. Hawkes , F.S.A., A.L.A., Chief Librarian ) , Rodney Street, Wigan. Wilcox , George, 19 Mount Carmel Street, Derby. F Williamson , George Charles , Litt.D. , J.P. , Mount Manor House , Mount Street, Guildford, Surrey. Willson , Very Rev. E. Hilary, O.S.B. , The Priory, Easingwold, Yorkshire. Wilton , R. Cecil , B.A. , 31a St James's Square , S.W.I Wimbledon, S.W.19 Wimbledon College, Very Rev. The Rector, S.J. Wimbledon Public Library (Henry William Bull, F.L.A., Librarian ), Wimbledon High Road, S.W.19 Wisconsin State Historical Society, see Madison. Wonersh , St John's Seminary Very Rev. The Rector, Wonersh, . near Guildford, Surrey. Woodruff, Mrs Cumberland , 87 Woodstock Road, Oxford. Henry, Higher Bartenney, St Just in Penwith, FL Woollan, Joseph Cornwall. Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. , c/o Messrs Allen & Son , Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 F York Rev. Mother, I.B.V.M., St Mary's Convent , Micklegate Bar. York Public Library (Arthur Finney, Librarian ) , Museum Street, York . Young, Smelter Joseph , Richmond Park, near Sheffield .







REFERENCES TO RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. Abbotsleigh, Bodmin , Bruges , Hayward's Heath, Hornsey. Ampleforth, Belmont , Bergholt , Buckfast , Colwich, Douai , Downside, Ealing , Fort Augustus, Oulton , Stanbrook, Teignmouth .



BRIDGETTINE South Brent . CARMELITE Lanherne. CARTHUSIAN Parkminster . CHARLES, Oblates of St London ( Bayswater). CISTERCIAN Mount St Bernard's. DOMINICAN Hawkesyard, London ( Haverstock Hill), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Oxford , Stroud (Glos .) . FRANCISCAN Liverpool , London (Forest Gate) , Panton, SouthAscot, Taunton. HOLY CHILD JESUS NUNS St Leonards. INSTITUTE OF B.V. MARY London (Hampstead), York. INSTITUTE OF CHARITY Ratcliffe . JESUIT Beaumont, Boston College , U.S.A. , Brussels , Dublin, Heythrop, Liverpool ( St Francis Xavier), Manresa , Mount St Mary's , Oxford (Campion Hall), Preston (St Ignatius ) , St Helens (2), Stonyhurst , Wimbledon . NOTRE DAME NUNS Namur . ORATORIAN Birmingham , London.




- Crowle London Clapham) - -NewRoehampton . Hall (- Kensington) Edinburgh - - Harrow . Cambridge Glasgow, Maynooth Oscott, Rome English









SECULAR COLLEGES , College and Beda), Strawberry Wonersh.




Hill, Upholland, Ushaw, Valladolid ,

PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Aberystwith (National Library of Wales), Barrow, Birmingham , Blackburn , Bolton , Bradford , Brighton , Bristol , Cardiff , Derby , Hendon, Hull, Lancaster, Leeds , Liverpool , London (Fulham , Guildhall , Hammersmith , Kensington,Westminster), Manchester, Middlesbrough, Newcastle-on -Tyne , Portsmouth , Preston, Reading, Sheffield, Southampton, Stockport , Wallasey, Wigan , Wimbledon , York. SCOTLAND Edinburgh , Glasgow . IRISH FREE STATE Dublin (National Library) . ENGLAND AND WALES






VICTORIA Melbourne. UNITED STATES Boston (Mass. ), Chicago



(Ohio) , New York.

(Newberry Library) , Cleveland



TEN YEARS OBITUARY 1922 Cosgrave , Very Rev. Lawrence Canon , V.F. , 9 March, æt. 73. Stokes , Philip Folliott Scott, 13 July, æt. 70. Fitzwilliam , Lady Alice Mary Wentworth, Oct., æt. 73. Thomas , Charles Edward, 4 Nov., æt. 69 . 1923

Boothman, Edward Duncan, M.A., 22 Jan. , æt. 78. Wilmot, Hon. Alexander Count, K.S.G., K.H.S., 3 April, æet. 86 . Newdigate, Alfred , M.A., 20 April, æt. 93 . Leeming, Henry Heatley, K.S.S. , 21 May, æt . 65. Meynell, Edgar John, 4 July, æt. 63. Weetman, Henry Charles, 7 Oct., æt. 73. Waldron, Rt Hon . Laurence Ambrose , P.C., 27 Dec. , æt. 65. 1924

Fitzherbert-Brockholes , William Joseph , C.B.E., 21 Jan. , æt. 72. Cahill, (Miss ) Mary Angela Christine, 22 March, æt. 55. F Tatum, Rev. George Benson , M.A. , 27 March, æt . 69. Trappes -Lomax, Helen (Mrs Thomas Byrnand), 15 June, æt. 79 Coulston , Henry Joseph , J.P. , 21 July, æt . 62. F Britten, James , K.C.S.G. , F.L.S., 8 Oct., æt. 78. Bequeathed £200 to the Society. Munich, Charles James, F.R.Hist.S., 8 Oct. , æt. 63. 1925

F Casartelli, Rt Rev. Charles , Bishop of Salford, 18 Jan., æt. 72. Smith, (Miss ) Ellen, 20 Jan. , æt . 67. Hussey -Walsh , Valentine, April, æt . 63. Radcliffe, Richard D. , 26 April, æt. 83. F Pollen, Rev. John Hungerford, S.J. , 28 April, æt . 66. Andrew, Ellen (Mrs William R.) , 9 Dec. , æt . F Burton , Very Rev. Edwin H. Canon , D.D., 13 Dec., æt . 55 . Torre- Diaz, Bertha Countess de, 22 Dec. , æt. 77. Loughnan, Ignatius Hamilton , 29 Dec. , æt. 84. 1926

Barton, James, 6 March, æt . 65. Gainsborough , Charles W. Noel, 3rd Earl of, 17 April, æt. 76. Parfitt, His Honour Judge , K.C., 17 May, æt. 68. Lindsay, William A., K.C., C.V.O. , F.S.A., Clarenceux King of Arms,

13 Sept. , æt. 80 . Gainsford , William D. , J.P. , 4 Oct. , æt. 83.

1927 Roskell , Charles John, 7 March, æt. 77. Mawson , Joseph , F.G.S. , 29 April, æt . 97. Kerr, Admiral Lord Walter , G.C.B. , J.P., 12 May, æt. 88. Stevenson , Very Rev. William Canon, 5 Aug. , æt. 74. Gainsborough , Arthur Noel , 4th Earl of, 27 Aug., æt. 43 . F Williams , Alfred , J.P., 9 Sept., æt. 85. Myerscough , Very Rev. Thomas Canon , 14 Sept. , æt. 73.

28 1928 Tempest , Mrs. Eleanor Blanche , 26 Jan. , æt. 73. Keating, Most Rev. Frederick, 2nd Archbishop of Liverpool, 7 Feb .. æt. 65. Walmesley , Very Rev. William Provost, 20 June, æt. 86 . Phillipson, Rev. William A., O.S.B. , 11 Sept. , æt. Keily, Rt Rev. John, Bishop of Plymouth , 23 Sept. , æt. 74. 1929

Anderton, Mrs Casilda Ince, 19 Jan., æt. 81 . F Wainewright , John Bannerman , 29 March, et . 57. Gasquet , His Eminence Cardinal Aidan, O.S.B. (3rd President), 5 April, æt . 83 .

Lacy, Rt Rev. Richard, 1st Bishop of Middlesbrough, 11 April, æt. 83. Broadhead , Rt Rev. Monsignor Joseph , 23 June, æt . 68 . F Wood , Herbert Maxwell, M.A. , F.S.A. , F.S.G. , 3 Oct., æt. 61 . Watson, Rt Rev. Mgr Edward John, M.A., 23 Nov., æt. 81. 1930

Harding, George, 23 Jan. , æt . 69. Codrington, the Hon. (Mrs. ) Mary, 19 Feb. , æt. 74. Burke, Sir Henry Farnham, K.C.V.O., C.B. , Garter Principal King of Arms, 21 Aug., æt. 71. Turnbull , Philip Bernard, 20 Oct., æt . 51. Farrell, Thomas Frederic, 17 Nov., æt . 81 1931

Nolan, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Edmond, 9 Jan. , æt. 73. Burton, Rt Rev. George Ambrose , Bishop of Clifton , 8 Feb. , æt. 79. Brownbill , John, 20 May, æt. 75. Dunn , Rt Rev. Thomas , Bishop of Nottingham, 21 Sept. , æt. 61. F Hansom , Joseph Stanislaus , Founder of the Society, 7 Nov., æt. 86. Edmondson , Hubert H. Hewins , William A. S. , 16 Nov , æt . 66.

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