Records Volume 34: London Session Records

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Publications of the

Catholic Record Society Vol . XXXIV

THE Catholic Record Society was founded 10 June 1904, for printing Registers and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical , since the Reformation in England and Wales.


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(See page 24.)

Catholic Record Society

London Sessions Records 1605-1685.












and origin of these records: The SessionsI. Nature Area Repository Selection

of jurisdiction




II . General features :


Language and orthographyEngrossersand annotators Dating.


III. The Sources .

A. Sessions Files : ( 1) Description : Their numberConstruction Files of Recognizances and Oyer and Terminer Sessions Re-strung and broken files. (2) Documents they contain : (a) Newgate calendars: Temp. James Ad melius inquiren-



Marginal Temp - Interregnum and; Marginal notes; (b) II (c) Precepts and jury panels; ( ) Coroners inquinotes .









sitions-post - mortem ; (e) Indictments : General characteristics Clerical minutes CertiorariIndictments for priesthood For refusing the oath of allegiance For recusancy (Ben Jonson's recusancy) For being " Papists ; ( ) Incidental writings.


- -"



B, Sessions Books. C, Sessions Papers . D, Books of Estreats of Fines, " etc. E, Repertories of the Court of Aldermen .


IV. System of this book. V. Records temp. Oates Plot. Glossary of verbal contractions and legal terms TEXT .


London Sessions Records temp. James

I I temp Commonwealth



temp. Protectorate




temp. Charles



" temp. Charles II " " APPENDIX A. Precedent Books of Indictment


153 375

B. English translations




ILLUSTRATION: Facsimile of the indictment of the Venerable

Robert Drury for priesthood


INTRODUCTION . Nature and origin of these records . A. The Sessions. The I. original records herein published appertain to the sessions of the


courts of criminaljurisdiction as heldin and for the City of London prior to the institution of the Central Criminal Court in 1834. They are in no way concerned with the various civil courts established within the same territory the Court of Hustings, the Courts of the Mayor and of the Sheriffs nor with the Special Commissions of Nisi Prius whereby the King's Justices heard civil appeals at the Guildhall. These criminal courts were of three kinds, namely, General Sessions of the Peace, General Sessions of Gaol Delivery of Newgate, and General Sessions of Oyer and Terminer . Of these , the first two were held regularly (though not at fixed dates ) about eight times in the year, the former at the Guildhall and the latter at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey. In the early years of our period the number varied considerably ; under James the First we find sometimes as many as eleven , and at the commencement of the reign of Charles the Second as few as six Gaol Deliveries per annum. After 1669, however, the regular number was eight . Moreover, the annual number of the Sessions of the Peace was always at least one more than that of the Gaol Deliveries. Each Sessions of the Peace began at the Guildhall usually two days before the Gaol Delivery at Justice Hall, whither the court was adjourned by that time any business remained unfinished ; but whereas the Commission of the Peace sat during November each year, no Gaol Delivery was ever held in that month . Four of the annual Sessions of the Peace were known as Quarter Sessions. Sessions of Oyer and Terminer , on the other hand, were not of regular occurrence , being reserved for such unusual cases as could not be tried under the Commission of Gaol Delivery, and particularly for cases of treason (cf. p. ix). This court , whenever required , sat at Justice Hall concurrently with the Sessions of Gaol Delivery. The difference between the three types of sessions is to be seen in the wording of the several letters patent or " commissions" calling them into being. By the Commission of Gaol Delivery the Justices therein named were authorized " to deliver the gaol of Newgate of all the prisoners it contained that is to say, to proceed against each prisoner according to law , whatever the crime with which he was charged. Their powers being thus restricted to one gaol only (Newgate), the Commissioners of Gaol Delivery had no jurisdiction over criminals confined in other London prisons


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4 and 5 Will . IV, c. 36. * By Referred to in headings throughout the present book as " Sessions of

Newgate Gaol Delivery . " This ancient court -house was situated to the north of Newgate Gaol, on the site which the Central Criminal Court ( erected in 1905) now occupies .



unless they were removed to Newgate. This , however, was always done whenever was intended to bring such persons to trial at the


Old Bailey . In practice, therefore , the commission was very comprehensive. Nevertheless, it was not wide enough to meet all the contingencies of judicial business . It did not authorizeexcept in one or two statutory instances (e.g., recusancy)-the taking of indictments against persons who were not prisoners, nor did it warrant proceedings against those let to mainprize (cf. p. xxviii). In order to cover such cases and to give the powers of the Justices a universal applicability, a supplementary Commission of Oyer and Terminer (probably of later historical origin ) was issued . By this the same Justices were made competent to hear and determine " all treasons, felonies, and other crimes done within the territory of the City of London , irrespective of the present abode of the criminals themselves. The Commission of the Peace was similar to the latter in character, but differed from in it scope , the faculty of hearing and determining in Justices of the Peace being confined to crimes of less gravity than capital felony . Incidentally, it is necessary here to distinguish the above -mentioned General Commissions of Oyer and Terminer from the very rare Special Commissions of that name, by which certain Justices were appointed to try particular cases of extreme urgency_or importance. These special courts sat at the Guildhall.§ The


did , however, in the case of persons let to bail . Jacob, It apparently , s.v. Law*Dictionary Gaol Delivery . So Maitland thinks : Constitutional History , p. 140. The Old Bailey sessions are therefore sometimes referred to as " Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery of Newgate. " This raises a technical point which must try to explain . It was considered that the Commission of Gaol Delivery gave power merely to proceed upon indictments of prisoners ; that it did not authorize except in cases of recusancy (cf. records of proceedings ," pp. 118, 158, 164, 165, 172, 174), and possibly in other statutory cases the holding of grand-jury inquiries by which such indictments could be found (Jacob, Law Dictionary, s.v. Oyer and Terminer "). Consequently " whereas the trial , in cases of capital felony and in some cases of treason, proceeded by virtue of the Commission of Gaol Delivery , the antecedent inquiry, in cases of both kinds, had to be held by virtue of the Commission of Oyer and Terminer. This is illustrated in the proceedings against Richard Langhorne and John Francis Dickenson (cf. pp . 251, and note ; 325). In the less serious cases tried by the Commissioners of Gaol Delivery , the inquiry was made under the Commission of the Peace. The title mentioned above is therefore explained by the fact that justice was administered at the Old Bailey under two (actually three) commissions . Nevertheless , in the practice of contemporary recording clerks of London, the style given to a sessions was always defined by the commission under which proceedings subsequent to the inquiry were held. Thus, in by far the greater number of cases, the court was called simply Sessions of Gaol Delivery of Newgate." It was onlyin thosecomparatively rare cases in which the trial (as well as the inquiry) was conducted solely under the Commission of Oyer and Terminer, that the court was designated " Sessions of Oyer and Terminer." Throughout the presentbook this official system of nomenclature in reference to the sessions is preserved. § Fr. Henry Garnet, S.J. , was tried under one of these specialcommissions Plot . A tablet in March, 1606, for supposed complicity in the Gunpowder commemorating this and other such notable trials will be found in the Great Hall of the Guildhall .










documents relating to such sessions are not preserved among the records which I have examined. General commissions for both the Guildhall and the Old Bailey sessions * were issued annually by the Crown in the case of the Sessions of the Peace , to the Lord Mayor, the Recorder and the Aldermen, and in the case of the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and the Sessions of Gaol Delivery, to the Lord Mayor, the Lord Chancellor and other great Officers of State, the Chief Justices of King's Bench and Common Pleas and other judges of the Superior Courts at Westminster , the Attorney and Solicitor General, the City Aldermen, the Recorder, the Common Sergeant, the judges of the Sheriffs Courts and (at least in the early years of the reign of James the First) to the Bishop of London . The Lord Mayor was ex officio Chief Justice of all three courts and was named first in all commissions , but in practice the Mayor and Aldermen took but little active part in judicial proceedings , leavingthis to their lawyer colleagues on the bench. Thus at the Sessions of the Peace the Recorder was the acting judge . At the Old Bailey sessions the more serious cases were usually tried before the judges of the Superior Courts, those of a lighter nature before the Recorder, the Common Sergeant or a judge of one of the Sheriffs' Courts. The Recorder always passed the sentences and personally reported the capital cases to the Crown. Of the division of judicial business among these three courts , a detailed description will not be needed . The causes tried by the Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery at the Old Bailey were , roughly , treasons, misprisions of treason, and felonies, such as murder, burglary, and larceny . Of these offences, treason, according to ancient precedent, was tried at Oyer and Terminer.§ Thus coining or mint-treason in its various forms was, throughout our period, invariably determined by such commissions ; so also the high treason of priesthood at least during the reign of James the First. However, it was later held that , since the Commission of Gaol Delivery gave power to try the causes of all prisoners in the gaol specified in the letters patent , such Newgate prisoners as were charged with treason could be arraigned before the London Commissioners of Gaol Delivery, and this we find to have been the case during the Interregnum and the reign of Charles the Second with regard to treasonsconnectedwith religion . Sessions of the Peace dealt with less heinous misdemeanours,,, such as perjury, fraud, riot , and assault. Minor, unindictable






A number of original commissions for the Old Bailey Sessions are preserved in the Guildhall archives, dating from Charles the Second's reign. They prove that in any one year the same persons received both the Commission of Oyer and Terminer for London and the Commission of Gaol Delivery of Newgate ( two separate commissions ). Report on Municipal Corporations, 1837, Introd., p. 13. Cf. pp. 52, 64, and 76 in text. Jacob , Law Dictionary , s.v. Gaol Delivery . " Cf. Jacob, loc. cit.




offences like drunkenness were , no doubt , summarily determined out of sessions by the Aldermen , as Justices of the Peace , acting singly or in pairs . The offences which could be determined in this

manner were all of statutory origin and were very few during the seventeenth century . No records of such Petty Sessions appear to have survived . The ancient judicial system of the metropolis in regard to the Old Bailey sessions, however, was rendered somewhat intricate by the fact that these sessions were held not only for the City of London, but also for the County of Middlesex. Middlesex, unlike other Counties, was without Assizes of its own and had to send all its cases of treason and felony to be tried at the London sessionshouse Justice Hall . For that purpose it had , moreover, to remove all such offenders from its various prisons, where they had been temporarily confined, to the common gaol of Newgate, which adjoined Justice Hall and which was itself also within the City boundaries. Just as Newgate was the common gaol for both London and Middlesex prisoners, so was Justice Hall the courthouse where criminals from both territories were arraigned. At each sessions held at the Old Bailey, therefore, both London and Middlesex cases were tried, by virtue of a single commission of Gaol Delivery.§ Nevertheless, until the institution of the Central Criminal Court the records of the London cases were always kept distinct from those of Middlesex and were separately filed, an identical sessions being referred to in the City documents as Sessio tenta pro Civitate London, and as Sessio tenta pro Comitatu Middlesex in those of Middlesex. It is necessary to emphasize this point because the separate filing of the two series of records has led, in the past, to some confusion. A wide selection of the Middlesex series of History, p . 231. Medley, p. 424 . * Maitland , Constitutional presence Westminster : Jacob,

Owing to the of the King's Courts at Law Dictionary, s.v. "Assize . " It should be made clear that the Old Bailey sessions were not "Assizes, " the Justices lacking two of the commissions then regularly issued to judges on circuit , namely, those of Assise and Nisi Prius .

M.C.R. , I., Preface , pp . xx-xxvi. § In the seventeenth century (except in the last years of Charles the Second and during the following reign) the Middlesex magistrates, unlike those of London, were excluded from the Commission of Gaol Delivery a fact of which they complained to the Lord Chancellor in 1717 and 1718 , 29 April, 1718; and Rep . 122, fos . 3 and 239 : (Court of Aldermen Papers City Guildhall archives ) . However, they were represented in the General Commission of Oyer and Terminer annually issued for Middlesex (a number of these, dating from 1689, and of Commissions of the Peace for the same County , are preserved at the Middlesex Guildhall , Westminster), and thereby appear to have been empowered to take an active part on the Bench in the proceedings at the Old Bailey , at least with regard to Middlesex cases. That they did so in trials for treason under James the First is indicated in M.C.R. , vol. ii , where Sir Thomas Fowler, J.P. for Middlesex (p. 209) , is shown (p. 203) to have been appointed with other Justices to hear and determine a case of this sort . Nicholas Collyn , Esq. (op. cit. , pp. 207 and 209) provides another instance. These were not special commissions ( cf. infra, p. xxiv, note).




* has already been published, in calendar fashion, in Middlesex County Records (4 vols. , 1892) , under the editorship of the late John Cordy Jeaffreson a work which the present writer has found to be of the greatest assistance . Notwithstanding the explicit remarks of that learned and careful editor , in the course of four valuable prefaces , with regard to the limits of his subject, an opinion seems to prevail that the documents he calendared form the only extant records of the Old Bailey sessions. Possibly this misconception arose from the fact that he omits to mention where the London series is preserved . At any rate it is clear that students in general have neglected the City sessional records with which the present book is concerned. B. Area of jurisdiction. Our documents, therefore, relate exclusively to crimes done within the City of London, as distinct from the County of Middlesex an area which comprised not only the territory lying within the City walls, but also the extra-mural (i.e. , the Wards of Farringdon Without and Portsoken "andliberties those portions of wards known as Aldersgate Without , Bishopsgate Without and Cripplegate Without), including all the privileged ' precincts," except those of the two Temples. In extent this

sessional records





The originals of these records are now preservedat Middlesex Guildhall , Westminster. This work, which covers the period 1549-1688 ( and which has since been carried on to 1751 ) , is of very great value to students of the history of the penal times, but despite the assurance given us that the editor has been at pains to include references to every document bearing on the subject of religious persecution of Catholics, I find , from a cursory examination of the originals, that actually there are many omissions . For example, he omits all the data of the Newgate calendars for Middlesex until the time of the Oates Plot; and even there his references are not exhaustive. Mr. Jeaffreson's volumes suffer, in short, from deficiencies inevitable in a selective work covering so vast a range and dealing with so diverse a number of subjects. is therefore gratifying to be able to call attention to the work of Messrs . W. Le Hardy and G. L. Reckitt , who are at present engaged in a complete re-calendaring of the documents in this series. Typescript volumes (with indexes ) of this calendar, entitled Middlesex Sessions Records, from A.D. 1607 to 1612, are in B.M. and P.R.O. Mr. Le Hardy informs me that a printed volume carrying the same calendar to December, 1614, is to appear this year, and that a similar calendar covering the earlier years from 1549 is under consideration. While we are on this subject it may be useful to some of my readers to point out that Mr. Le Hardy has already produced calendars of the early Herts and Bucks Quarter Sessions records and is engaged in a similar work with regard to the Westminster Sessions ( from 1620) and those of Essex (from temp. Mary) . The Surrey Record Society has published a guide to the sessions records of that County , the originals of which, understand, are in the Muniment Room at Guildford . These records of Sessions of the Peace abound in material relating to the subject of recusancy . Such records as remain of the various provincial Assizes are now preserved Office , but only a few are of earlier date than 1700. at the Public Record They have not been calendared. Report on Municipal Corporations , 1837, p. 2 , § 4. The position of Bridge Ward Without, in Southwark, was, however, exceptional. Treason and capital felony done therein were tried , of course , at the Old Bailey ; but for all crimes of a lighter nature it had its own Sessions of the Peace four times a year. These Quarter Sessions for " the Town and Borough of Southwark" were, in our period, held at " the Court House on St. Margaret's Hill,






area did not exceed 700 acres , and, by reason of the rigorous laws passed under Elizabeth and Charles the Second restricting the erection of buildings in and around London, could not have contained at any time in our period many more than 130,268 inhabitants the known number of the populace in 1631.* Notwithstanding its limited size , however, its influence was very considerable ; for London , the centre of national movements and interests, has in all generations attracted those whose proper homes lie in more distant parts . There was a continual flow of visitors, both native and foreign ; manyof the landed gentry of England had their " Town residences whither they frequently resorted for purposes of business or pleasure. London records of this kind, therefore, will inevitably hold for the historian an interest far wider than their name would imply. From what has been said above it will be seen that theoretically the boundary between the City and the Metropolitan County was well defined; nevertheless some confusion is occasionally apparent in the minds of the lawyers of the period as to the actual area in which an offender lived or an offence was committed . A comparison of the present series of documents with those given in Mr. Jeaffreson's volumes shows that several recusants who lived within the borderland of the " liberties , and whose names occur among the London indictments , were at other times prosecuted in Middlesex . The cases of the priest, Charles Parry, and of the Catholic barrister , Richard Langhorne (cf. pp. 245 , note, and 285, note), afford two other notable examples of this inconsistency. C. Repository The original judicial records of London are preserved at the City Guildhall, in whose well-appointed Records Office the present writer examined them and made the transcripts here published . Unlike those of Middlesex, these documents appear never to have changed their official abode , but to have been housed here in the custody of the Town Clerk from their inception until the present day. One might expect that under such favourable circumstances they would have come down to us in a rare state of perfection and completeness . Unfortunately this is far from being the case. As a series they are not extant earlier than the second year of the reign of James the First, and even after that date the number of documents that are missing is very great vastly more than the losses among the Middlesex series . In attempting to







the actual building being the ancient parish church of St. Margaret, which was used for this purpose after 1540, but has since been demolished. Cf. Besant , London South of the Thames. A number of odd files of records relating to these sessions ( a separate series) is preservedat the City Guildhallnone of them earlier, probably , than the reign of Charles II. have not studied them, nor do they form any part of the materials of this book. M.C.R., II, p . xx. It will be observed , however, that this figure is far higher than at the present day, when the same region is monopolized by warehouses , offices , and business houses. The records of the sessions held at the Old Bailey from about 1745 , or such of them as survived the destructive fire of 1878, are preserved , so am told, in the archives of the Central Criminal Court.






account for these unfortunate disappearances , one may point first to the effects of damp, which are apparent in many of the early files. Another contributory cause lies probably in the fact that the sessions records were not allowed to remain undisturbed but were sometimes removed for prolonged consultation by the Town Clerks. Thus on September 19th, 1609, it was suggested in a report to the Court of Aldermen That the Records wch Mr Towneclark carryed out of the Treasory [the Chamberlain's strong-room] of deposicions veiwes Sessions Rolls and others whatsoever of former tymes before his tyme and those of latter tymes also synce himself was Town clerk be brought and reposed in the Treasory where they remayned before his tyme and ought contynually to be reposed." Such procedure on the part of their official custodian was clearly not conducive to the safe keeping of the records. There can be little doubt , however, that most of the missing documents perished at the time of the Great Fire of September, 1666, when, according to Strype , the old Guildhall was burnt to the ground . Among the minutes of the Court of Aldermen are one or two interesting references to the City records in connection with this catastrophe. Thus on October 18th, 1670, it was ordered that the Clerkes of the Utter Court doe place & put in order all Records in the Book house that escaped the dismall fire : from which rather awkwardly phrased entry gather that whereas the Treasury had hitherto been the proper abode of the sessions records, they were, after the Great Fire, lodged with the other City records in the Book House, another muniment room of the Guildhall . The latter repository is frequently mentioned in the Repertories of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but what we consider the part of the building it occupied is unknown . magnificent set of municipal records that actually did survive the Fire, we may reasonably suppose that this repositorydid not share the general destruction . Possibly it was situated in the vaults. The order of October, 1670, was repeated at the session of 13 October, 1674, when the minutes record that it was alleadged that many of them [ the Books and Records of the City were burnt or lost at the time of the said fire. These extracts , it will be seen, do not mention the sessions records in particular, but that they too suffered on that occasion may be inferred from the fact that the series of Sessions Files and Sessions Books are absolutely complete from October, 1666, whereas right up to the eve of that date gaps continually occur. D. Selection of Documents . The present work is not a complete .calendar of the London sessions records, but a selection of such documents in that series as relate to Catholics or have any bearing on the history of the persecution of Catholics in the matter of



" "










. 29, fol 87. William Sebright was Town Clerk 1574-1613 . * Rep Strype, Survey: ed 1720, , iii, 52. I Rep. 75, fol . 331. .


Rep . 79, fol. 399.



religion . As such it has been my intention and endeavour to make the work exhaustive. For the satisfaction of students ought to say that in gathering the materials I have personally examined all the sessional documents in these archives to the end of the reign of Charles the Second upwards of sixty thousand in number and that to the best of my knowledge every scrap of informationrelating explicitly to our subject to be found among them is set forth in the following pages in its original form . The reader, however, will please note the exact terms of this claim . There exists in this series one class of documents, namely , Recognizances (cf. p. xxix) , which, within the period 1605-1618, very rarely give any indication of the character of the cases to which they refer. Here, indeed, may have missed some hidden references to our subject , for regarded it as impracticable in a work of this kind to calendar some hundreds of documents on the chance of lighting here and there on an obscure Catholic name. Moreover, it is my duty to point out that I have acted on the assumption that the indictments and " certificates of conviction for being present at an assembly under colour or pretence of any exercise of religion in other manner than according to the liturgy and practice of the Church of England, pursuant to the Conventicle Acts of 1664 and 1670, do not actually include Catholics. These Acts were primarily directed against Protestant Dissenters (Quakers appear to have suffered most), and although they were indeed so phrased as to be applicable to Catholics attending Mass, would seem practically certain, from a comparison of the names of Conventiclers and Recusants " given in the third and fourth volumes of Middlesex County Records, that in the metropolis this legislation was never enforced in their regard. The statute of 23 Eliz., cap. , against the saying and hearing of Mass would presumably have formed the basis of any prosecution in the case of Catholics. Nevertheless, to guard as far as possible against omission in doubtful cases, have made it a rule to give in the footnotes a reference to every document and item which seemed likely to contain an allusion of interest to Catholic students.* is possible that the genealogist will be able to identify among these doubtful cases a number of Catholics unknown to me, but there will inevitably be some the majority perhaps entirely unconnected shall refer to this matter again when with the present subject . dealing in detail with Newgate Calendars (p. xxv) and Inquisitionspost-mortem (p. xxxii) . By way of further defining the limits of this work, it should be remarked that the Guildhall archives, rich in municipal records, contain other classes of muniments besides those to which have devoted my attention for instance, the Letter Books of the Corpora-



















Among these will be found references to such documents as noticed wherein recusants are shown to be concerned in prosecutions unconnected with religion. Having only the names and addresses by which to judge have probably inadvertently omitted a number of these cases.





tion, the Hustings Rolls, the Remembrancia, and the Repertories of the Court of Aldermen some of which have been or are being calendared. It should be understood that except in the case of the uncalendared Repertories (cf. p. liii) , from which a few extracts will be found in the ensuing pages , have not worked upon these. Some references to London recusants are to be seen in the Ana" lytical Index to the Remembrancia, 1579-1664 (published in 1888) , and it is possible that the other series of records mentioned above contain occasional allusions to the same subject.



. The Sessions Records of London : general features.--Since the II documents with which we are dealing are of a technical nature,


would be idle to expect those who have had no opportunity of studying judicial customs and procedure of the seventeenth century to be able readily to interpret them or to extract from them the measure of historical fact which they are capable of yielding. My task in the space here allotted to me will therefore be to describe and, so far as am able, to elucidate the documents themselves, rather than to generalize historically on the period which they In this difficult, not to say hazardous, undertaking , cover. have been guided by the writings of Jeaffreson, already mentioned, and by other standard works dealing with the subject . A. Language and Orthography Except during the years of the Commonwealth and Protectorate , when the vulgar tongue was employed, the language of the law was Latin . This Latin was, however, of a curious kind very English in construction , peculiar in vocabulary , and governed by rules of its own. The classicist may be startled to find, for instance, existit presentatum for it is presented," consideratum fuit for " it was decreed , and the extraordinary liberties taken with the conjunction quod . But when such peculiarities have been realized, this new language is the less difficult to understand by reason of its very resemblance to English forms . It has the advantage of straightforwardness. A greater difficulty lies in the abbreviated manner in which was written. Diffuse though all legal records are, owing to the legal passion for exactitude , their verbosity was then to some extent countered by an extremely contracted form of writing. In this sense your seventeenth-century legal scribe was indeed a master in the art of putting things briefly. Out of every ten words in the original MSS . hardly four have their full and proper Latin form , some being so shorn as to be quite meaningless unless one is acquainted with the various signs indicating the letters omitted. * It is now considered by most Record Societies (including our own)












Among these may cite Jacob, Law Dictionary (1756) ; Wharton , Law Lexicon ( 1876) ; Stephen, History of Criminal Law , 3 vols. ( 1883) ; and Maitland , Constitutional History of England ( 1926). English was finally substituted for Latin by 4 Geo. , c . 26. Jacob, Law Dictionary " Process. : For information on this subject see C. T. Martin , The Record Interpreter ( 1910) , Preface .






to be undesirable slavishly to reproduce the text of Latin documents in this abridged form; therefore in the transcripts which appear in this book the text of the originals has to some extent been expanded. Actually the method I have followed is that adopted in Volume XVIII of this Society's publications , wherein all internal contractions of words are expanded, but the terminal contractionssignified by the superior letter or apostrophe are preserved as in the MSS . By this compromise a considerable amount of space has been saved , and the text , at the same time, brought to a form which will be recognisable by those who have not forgotten their Latin . For their further assistance I have thought fit to include , at the end of this introduction, a glossary of abbreviated Latin words and legal terms occurring throughout the work. With the help of this and of the full translations of certain typical documents which will be found in Appendix B, the reader should be able fairly easily to gather the meaning of any document he may wish to consult . Additional aid in this respect has been given in the





In the matter of punctuation and the use of capital letters have followed the MSS . strictly. The former , for the most part, is conspicuous by its absence : the latter shows a freedom which defies all modern rules. Another peculiarity which these documents share with the other records of the period is the inconsistency need hardly point they exhibit in the spelling of proper names . out that such spelling is very largely phonetic . Not a little confusion is caused also by the exact similarity in all handwritings between small u's and n's, a fact to which have found it necessary frequently to call attention. For example, I was uncertain of the actual surname of the recusant William Jeudy (? otherwise Judith), until came upon another reference to him in the guise of Jewdy. On his first appearanceI had been inclined to give him the erroneous but more dignified name of Jendy. Before closing this subject would call attention to the great value of the vernacular documents of the period 1651-1660 as guides to the interpretation of the Latin records relating to similar offences in earlier and later years.






B. Authorship. (1) Engrossers and Annotators. The work of engrossing judicial documents, for the most part merely a matter of copying precedents, was assigned to a few special clerks in the various offices and chambers whence the documents issued . The accomplishments of these scribes in respect of penmanship and appreciation of Latin grammar varied considerably. We have on the one hand the crabbed writing and barbarous idiom of the gaol clerk who prepared the Newgate calendars in the early years of the reign of James the First characteristics to be found also among the recognizances written by the clerks employed by some of the Aldermen -Justices of the Peace on the other, the comparatively fine calligraphy and, in the main , accurate Latinity of the successive clerks responsible for the engrossing of indictments ,






precepts, pleas , and other writings originating in the office of the Town Clerk or his Deputy. Thus among the records appertaining to a single sessions one finds documents written in a dozen or more different hands , each showing peculiarities of its own, in spelling and in choice of formula. The difficulties arising from this multiplicity of styles are nevertheless considerably lessened by the fact that throughout long periods the same hands continually recur. The identity of these anonymous performers of legal hack-work would probably be of no particular interest to the reader, even were it ascertainable, but it is a matter of some regret that the same obscurity covers the annotators , for the latter clerks were evidently picked men and their work in court was of the highest importance judicially . This work consisted in entering briefly upon the original indictments the particulars of arraignment , which, for purposes of future reference , were in most cases the only legally evidential records of the proceedings in each case. The same clerk also annotated the recognizances , the Newgate calendars and the Sessions Books, and was responsible for this minuting at all the London sessions with which we are concerned during his term of office; of this the handwriting gives conclusive proof . The work of annotation , as will be seen below, was regarded as prominent among the duties of the Clerks of the Peace and of the Arraigns , but the dissimilaritybetween the actual signatures of these officersappended to the precepts (cf. p. xxxi) and the handwriting of the minutes makes it quite clear that , in practice, suchclerical work wasentrusted to an assistant. There seems no means of discovering who these assistant clerks were or what was their official title. In the present book have referred to them as clerks of the court.




(2) Clerks of the Peace and of the Arraigns . The Clericus Communis


or Town Clerk was not only the Keeper of the City Records (as he is to - day), but also Clerk of the Peace for the City, the emoluments of which Clerkship he enjoyed until 1801, when the two offices were separated . In this capacity he attended all Sessions of the Peace as the official Clerk of the Court. The duties of the London Clerk of the Peace of this period are enumerated in the minutes of the Court of Common Council of 6 August , 1829. Among his curial duties were the following: to attend the sessions and enter and record all proceedings of the court; to enter appearances and defaults of parties bound by recognizances , and to discharge the recognizances of those who performed the conditions ; to issue writs to Sheriffs and Bailiffs to return jurors for trials of indictments for misdemeanours. Among his inter-sessional duties : to issue precepts for holding sessions and summoning jurors ; to prepare and pass bills of indictments to be preferred to the grand jury; to make copies of indictments for misdemeanours when required ; to return writs of error and certiorari ; to estreat into his Majesty's

* Report on Municipal Corporations , 1837, § 33.

Minutes and Reports of Common Council, 1829-30. chives.)


( Guildhall




Exchequer the recognizances of such persons as made default and also all fines , issues , and amerciaments set by the court . As have already explained , all the ordinary clerical work connected with the office was performed by subordinates. At the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and of Gaol Delivery of Newgate held at the Old Baileythe corresponding office was known as the Clerkship of the Arraigns . This was not a corporate office, but one to which the Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer appointed . De facto, however, there is evidence that throughout our period they always appointed the person who was Clerk of the Peace for the City, i.e., the Town Clerk . Sufficient proof of this lies in the fact that the Town Clerk invariably signed and issued the precepts not only for the Sessions of the Peace, but also for the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and of Gaol Delivery. * Until 1801, therefore , the Town Clerk executed both offices. The Town Clerks were thus so intimately connected with the present records that a few particulars concerning them will not be out of place here. The names and dates of the successive Town Clerks in our period are : William Sebright, 1574 April , 1613. John Weld , April , 1613-September, 1642 (deprived as a Royalist). Robert Michell , October, 1642 July, 1649. John Sadler, July, 1649 September, 1660 (deprived as an adherent of the Parliament ) . Sir John Weld , Knt. , (restored) September, 1660 November, 1666 . William Avery, November, 1666 February , 1671/2 . William Wagstaffe, February , 1671/2-1690/91 . Several of these Town Clerks, however, by reason of infirmity or pressure of work, were allowed the assistance of Deputies during part of their careers . Thus we find in the Repertories of the Court of Aldermen that on 2 May, 1609, Richard Langley, of Lincoln's Inn , was appointed Deputy to Sebright at the latter's request. Langley probably held this post as long as Sebright remained in office. Robert Michell was admitted Deputy to Weld on 2 December, 1630 , and remained so till his own election as Town Clerk. Again, throughout his second period of office, Weld had the assistance of William Avery, who was appointed Deputy on 21 September, 1660. These are the only instances of such appointments recorded in the Repertories in the years 1605-1685. What was the nature and measure of this assistance ? So far as one can gather from the available records the Deputy Town Clerk had to hold himself in readinessto perform temporarily any duties incident to the office of his Chief that were required of him. It would seem that he was not assigned , completely and irrevocably , the exercise of any particular branch of them . On first studyingthe matter thought








* Further evidence that the Town Clerk acted as Clerk of the Arraigns may be seen in the series of warrants set forth in the text of this book (pp. 56 , 60, and 78) .



the evidence pointed to the fact that Deputies invariably took over the work pertaining to the Clerkships of the Peace and of the Arraigns, but a further examination showed that whereas the Deputies did at times exercise these functions, it was only intermittently. Thus, although the series of warrants directed by Montague the Recorder to Langley between 1610 and 1613 (already referred to) shows that Deputy executing duties belonging to the

Clerkship of the Arraigns , and although Langley's signature occurs on precepts for Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery between August, 1610, and February , 1612/13 , nevertheless Sebright's signature reappears on both series of precepts in March and April, 1613. Again , these records provide no evidence that Avery, as Deputy to Weld, performed any duties connected with the two offices . It would seem certain , therefore, that the Deputies acted as Clerks of the Peace and of the Arraigns only when and as long as the Town Clerk could not attend to these duties himself. C. Dating The peculiarities of dating observable in all seventeenth- century documents of this kind will be well known to most of my readers , so that need do little more than briefly allude to them here . (1) Old Style . It will be understood that the dates throughout the present work are according to the Old Style that is to say, ten days behind the reckoning of the Gregorian calendar which was observed in all neighbouring continental countries after 1583. England did not adopt the New Style until the Calendar Act of 1752. (2) The Legal Year . Another quite constant feature of these records is that the year was reckoned as beginning on March 25th, all days falling in the months of January, February, and March (up to and including the twenty-fourth day of that month ) being counted as belonging to the same year as that of the preceding December. The commencement of the legal year was altered to January 1st in 1753. (3) Regnal Dating. Whereas the annus Domini was exclusively employed in documents belonging to the period of the Commonwealth and Protectorate , the more usual method of dating at other times was to reckon by the regnal years of the reigning sovereign , counting each year as beginning on the anniversary of the accession to the throne. Since I have given the dates under both forms in headingsthroughout the present book, and, at the commencement of each reign, the actual day of accession, there is no need to set out here a table of regnal dates. In this connection it should be remembered, however, that Charles the Second reckoned his regnal years from the date of his father's death (Jan. 30, 1648/9 )-ignoring the intervening years of the Puritan Revolution so that the first actual year of his reign (1660) was styled 12 Charles . Mayoral Dating There remains another system of dating frequently used in these records which, so far as know, is peculiar to the City of London , and which therefore requires a more de-





- II "



* In 1801 we find a Mr Shelton, Deputy Town Clerk to William Rix, acting in bothcapacities:"Report ofthe "Court of Common Council, 3 November, 1801. (Guildhall archives.)



tailed explanation . It is to be found in entries in Newgate calendars of the first ten years of the reign of James the First until September, 1613, inclusively* ; in annotations to indictments infrequently under James but regularly thereafter ; and in annotated items in the Sessions Books. Dates according to this system have a form of their own by which they may be easily recognized, the day and the month being invariably denoted by numerals, in the following manner, e.g., 15/4/1605 or " 15.4.1605. The basis of reckoning is the mayoral year of office, and its distinctive characteristic lies therefore in the computation of the months. Here we come upon a phenomenon to which I must call particular attention. Throughout the period with which we are concerned, the annual election of the Lord Mayor took place (as it still does) on Michaelmas Day, September 29th, but the day of assuming office was October 28th, not November 9th, as it has been since the Reformation of the Calendar, 1752. An examination of the sessions records shows that in the earliest extant documents the mayoral dating supposes October (the first month after the election) as the first month of the year of office , but that from January, 1617, onwards, November (the first month after the assumption of office) was so reckoned. The changewas made some time between September, 1613, and January, 1617, for the last document bearing a date according to the October reckoning is the Newgate calendar of September, 1613, and the first in the November reckoning occurs on the file of January , 1617. We cannot fix the time of this change with greater precision, for such files as survive within this period contain no documents dated in the mayoral fashion. It is furthermore regrettable that no information can be discovered in the Guildhall archives which throws any light on the cause of this change in clerical custom. From what has been said above the reader will understand that the date, say, 15.4, occurring in the period 1605 to September, 1613, will signify 15 January, but after January, 1617, the same " One has also to remember, figures will stand for " 15 February . of course , that the figures indicating the year in mayoral dating assume the year to commence on March 25th. For instance,

- -


" " "




" 15 January 1605/6 ." To avoid " will signify I

confusion in this matter have given in the footnotes the modern equivalent of every mayoral date appearing in the text. Finally, a further peculiarity must be noticed. The dates ascribed to trials or appearances before the court are not, as a rule, precise , but signify merely the commencement of the sessions, during the course of which the trial was held or the appearance occurred. The sessions generally lasted about a week. also in the calendars of Middlesex prisoners up to this It wasso employed time, but, far as I know, nowhere else among the Middlesex records. Its presence in the Middlesex calendars is to be explained by the fact that the same gaol clerk engrossed the calendars both for London and for Middlesex. Cf. " Newgate Calendars ," infra, p. xxv. Beaven, The Aldermen of the City of London , ii, Introd. , p. xxviii.




III. The Sources. The records of the London sessions are derivable from six different sources , namely, Sessions Files, Sessions Books,


Sessions Papers , Books of Estreats of Fines, Amerciaments and and Precedent Books Recognizances forfeited and assessed,



propose now to consider these main groups of Indictment. separately. A. Sessions Files. (1) Description . (a) Their number The Sessions Files provide by far the largest and most important section of the records which comprise the present collection , the other sources giving merely subsidiary information. Throughout our period the files are composite in character; that is to say, each contains the original documents relating not only to the Guildhall Sessions of the Peace, but also to the Old Bailey sessions, which, as has been already pointed out, coincided about eight times a year. Speaking generally, therefore, we may say that there are eight files to every year , the documents of the November Sessions of the Peace being invariably filed with those belonging to the Sessions of the Peace and of Gaol Delivery held in the following December. The earliest extant sessional documents in the archives are a few odd membranes originally belonging to a file for the sessions of 14 July, 1568. No others have survived from Elizabethan times. Two loose documents dated 15 July, 1603, also remain. Not until January, 1604/5 do the files begin to take on the appearance of a series . The actual dates of the Old Bailey sessions between April, 1608, and February , 1659/60 , are given in the volumes of the original Gaol Delivery Register (preserved at the Middlesex Guildhall). Taking these dates as a basis of computation in that period, and assuming an average of eight sessions per annum where the sessional dates are unknown , conclude that from January, 1604/5 , to February , 1684/5 (when our period ends), 671 Sessions of Gaol Delivery were held at the Old Bailey, for each of which a London file once existed. Actually only 307 of these have survived . Of the 364 that have disappeared, 195 belong to the years of Charles the First, of whose reign only one file (dated 29 May, 1639) remains a calamity for the student of seventeenthcentury Catholicism, the period 1642-1649 being one of severe persecution in this City, on which there is great need of further light. A broad survey of the incidence of the gaps in the series at other times shows that the files of the reign of James the First are missing either singly or in groups, in no apparent order ; so that although no year is quite complete, nevertheless each year is represented by at least one file except the years 1623 and 1624, of which all the records are lost . From the Commonwealth onwards, however, it is remarkable that the files have disappeared not singly but in groups, often in groups of eight or multiples of







on the Precedent Books of Indictmentwill be found in * Some remarks Appendix A, p. 375. As quoted by Jeaffreson in M.C.R.



eight . Thus from May, 1649, to October, 1659, the series runs as follows : May, 1649-October, 1649 (five files), extant; December, 1649 - October, 1651 (sixteen files) , missing; December, 1651October, 1652 (eight files), extant ; December, 1652 October, 1653 (eight files), missing; December, 1653 October, 1655 (sixteen files), extant; December, 1655 October, 1656 ( eight files), missing ; December, 1656-October, 1659 (twenty-four files) , extant. can offer no explanation for this curious fact. Which set of conditions is the less unfavourable to the student is doubtful, but it will be agreed that whereas the state of the Jacobean records allows him to follow with more security the general trend of governmental policy regarding Papistry, he is , under the later conditions , enabled to obtain some reliable statistics within limited periods at least. For the first six years of the reign of Charles the Second only nineteen files are extant. We have no means of ascertaining the dates of the missing files, but, basing our calculation again upon an average of eight sessions per annum, would appear that thirty-three have here disappeared. From October, 1666 , to the end of this reign an unbroken series of Sessions Files and Books exists in excellent preservation . Thus as regards these two sources the London records of the Oates Plot period are fortunately entire.









(b) Their Construction. Having collected together the various parchments belonging to a preceding sessions, the Clerk of the Peace or one of his clerical servants went about the work of filing them in the following manner. He first procured a long piece of hempen string or a thin strip of vellum and threaded through the top left-hand corner of the largest and strongest of the membranes at hand. This was almost invariably the Newgate calendar of prisoners for that sessions, which he had already endorsed in a bold hand London scilicet . Sessio Deliberacionis Gaolae de Newgate, adding thereafter the full date. Knotting the string at the back of this document, he then proceeded to pierce the margin of each of the other documents in a similar place and to file them in a certain sequence as shall now describe . Next to the calendar were fixed most of the records of the Sessions of the Peace , to wit , the grand jury panel, the precept of venire facias ordering the Sheriffs to summon the grand jurors, the indictments (true bills) and the ignored bills in that order. Then were filed the following documents relating to the Sessions of Gaol Delivery: the petty jury panel * and precept, coroner's inquisitions -postmortem submitted to the grand jury and used as indictmentsfor murder or manslaughter, inquisitions - post -mortem on the bodies of prisoners lying dead in Newgate or other London prisons, indictments and ignored bills . Among the indictments were placed records of proceedings , pleas , writs of capias and supersedeas, and









On the back of this document was regularly recorded the date, commission, and adjournments of the current Sessions of Gaol Delivery . The grand jury panel mentioned above was endorsed in a similar way with a record of the Sessions of the Peace.




other writings incidental to the various cases. After these came the records of Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, if any such sessions were held, namely, the grand jury panel and precept, the writs of venire for the summoning of a special petty jury for each case, the panels pursuant thereto, the indictments and record of the sessions. The clerk then filed the recognizances of persons bound over to appear at the Sessions of the Peace and, finally, the recognizances relating in a similar way to the Sessions of Gaol Delivery. Such was the usual order of the filing in the period 1649-1685 . It is not to be supposed , however, that this order was always precisely adhered to, or that all the types of documents above are to be found on every file. The only documents which invariably occur are precepts, jury panels , true bills, and recognizances . Moreover, in the reign of James the First the investigator will find an even less consistent method of filing, possibly because many of these early files have been broken and re-strung in later times. Jacobean clerks appear, on the whole, to have favoured the following sequence : Newgate Calendar, grand jury precept and panel, Gaol Delivery petty jury precept and panel, indictments taken at Sessions of Gaol Delivery and of the Peace (in no discernible order), petty jury precept and panel for Sessions of the Peace, recognizances. The filing completed, the clerk now arranged the various membranes evenly as regards their upper edges and folded the broader documents backwards so that they should not emerge beyond the limits of the Newgate Calendar, first filed. He then wrapped the latter document round the others, giving to what was actually a file the appearance of a roll. It will be clear, therefore, that the length of these files (or rolls as their Middlesex counterparts are called by Jeaffreson) is determined by the breadth of the document employed as a wrapper . Under James the First this was about one foot : in later times, on the average , fifteen inches. There is also a considerable disparity in bulk between the files of this reign and those of the later period. Not only are the documents smaller and written on finer parchment, they are also less numerous. The average number of documents to be found on the files after the year 1649 is , should say, about 200 (some of the heavy files of December contain over 400) , whereas under James they rarely , if ever, exceed 150, the average being somewhere in the region of 80 documents. Judging from the number of indictments on files which are intact it would seem that London judicial business gradually increased during the seventeenth century .




of Recognizances and of Sessions of Oyer and Terminer.c) Files (The difference in size between the files of the Jacobean and later

epochs is to some extent accounted for by the fact that under James the First the recognizances , which always formed the most numerous class of documents relating to any sessions, were frequently filed separately. So also, as a rule, were the records of trials at Sessions of Oyer and Terminer . The latter deserve



Preserving, as they do, the records of the most important trials, the interest of these diminutive files is in inverse ratio to their size. They usually comprise merely five documents (two precepts, grand and petty jury panels, an indictment and a record of the sessions) relating to a single case ; sometimes another indictment occurs against a second offender with an extra petty jury precept and panel . It is to be feared that the very slightness of these files has been the cause of the disappearance of the majority of them. Actually, only five (and a few documents belonging to two others) have survived . The fact that among these survivors were discovered the records relating to no less than three Catholic Martyrs Drury, Newport , and Maxfield makes us realise the greatness of our misfortune in being deprived of the rest. some further notice .






(d) Re-strung and Broken Files Before closing these general remarks about the sessions files should not omit to comment on the far from satisfactory condition in which the ravages of time have left about a third of those of James the First's reign . Upon examination , the connecting thread of several of them was found to be broken and the documents loose ; in many other cases the nature of this cord proved that the file had been re-strung at some subsequent period . For purposes of the comparative study of the present records, it is of no little importance that the reader should be acquainted with these particulars and warned that in such cases the completeness of the files must be a subject of doubt. Although some reference to the matter has been made in the course of the book, have thought it necessary to subjoin here a full list of the Gaol Delivery files so affected Re- strung March , 1604/5 ; April , July, October, 1606 ; September, October, 1607 ; January, 1607/8 ; September, 1608 ; January, 1608/9 ; May, August , 1609 ; May , August , December, 1610 ; April, 1611 ; January, 1611/12 ; April, 1615 ; October, 1617 ; February , 1617/18 ; January, 1618/19 ; February , 1619/20 ; March , May, 1620 . Broken February , 1604/5 ; January, 1606/7 ; June , December, 1608 ; February , 1608/9; March, 1609/10 ; January, 1616/17 ; April, 1618 ; September, 1621 ; July , 1622.







Similar files are to be found among the Middlesex records . Jeaffreson, op. cit., describes these as files of " Special Sessions of Oyer and Terminer. This would appear to be misleading, as implying, technically , a special " commission. That the Justices appointed to try these cases held only the General Commission of Oyer and Terminer is clear from the wording of the Records of Sessions, where the commission is invariably referred to as ac ad easdem proad inquirendum . . . de quibuscunque prodicionibus . audiendum et terminandum." E.g., document (5) , p . 26. This diciones is further corroborated by the original Commissions of Oyer and Terminer of the later seventeenthcentury, still preserved at the London and Middlesex Guildhalls . These are all general commissions . Special commissions always contained the name of the particular person to be tried.









Between 1622 and 1685 the extant files are , generally speaking, in a very satisfactory state. The few instanceswhere their integrity is questionable are remarked upon in the course of the book. now propose to describe the 2) The documents they contain (various types of documents to be met with in the files, or such of them as find a place in the present work. (a) Newgate Calendars . * A few days before each Sessions of Gaol Delivery the Keeper of Newgate Gaol (or one of his subordinates) procured two large pieces of parchment and on one of



them inscribed, lengthwise, the names of all persons committed from London to Newgate since the preceding sessions, giving in each case the authority for the commitment , a brief description of the charge and , generally, the date of arrival at the prison . On the other he entered in a similar manner the particulars of Newgate prisoners arrested in Middlesex. In each case the order ofthe entries in this upper section corresponded with the chronological order of commitment . When the sessions opened he sent these two calendars" to the respective Clerks of the Arraigns ( or their assistants ) at Justice Hall , where further additions were made below of the names of such prisoners as arrived during the course of the sessions, that is to say, not only of recently arrested persons , but also of those who appeared on bail or were brought from other prisons to stand their trial at the Old Bailey. As the sessions proceeded, the clerk of the court who made these additional entries " also recorded in the left-hand margin of the documents, opposite the names , the orders of the court in each case. At the close of the sessions each calendar was filed with its own particular series of documents, forming the outer cover or wrapper of the file. We are concerned here , of course , with the London calendars only. The width of these documents has already been mentioned ; their length varies considerably. Some of the early ones measure only a foot in length, whereas among those of later years is not unusual to find specimens over five feet long composed of two or three skins stitched together . The great size of these later calendars is due to the much bolder handwriting then employed, and to other reasons which will appear later. Owing to the unfortunate custom of using them as file wrappers, several of the calendars





* The drafting of documents of this kind appears to have been ordered

by the statute 3 Hen. 7, c. 3 (1486) : cf. Stephen , Hist. of Crim . Law, i, 236-7.

Whether they have an earlier origin am unable to say . The entries were no doubt copied from the gaol register. have been unable to trace this register, but that such a record once existed stands to reason , and is, moreover, vouched for by Dr. Richard Smith , Bishop of Chalcedon , in the official catalogue of English martyrs presented by him to Propagandain 1628, where he refers to it as Registrum Carceris Neoportensis.'" In 1670 the Quaker, William Penn, also cites the Newgate Book " Liberties asserted in his tract The Second Part of the Peoples Ancient and Just (p. 31) . It is possible that the volumes of the register relating to our period were destroyed when Newgate was sacked by the Gordon rioters in 1780. The Middlesex calendars are attached to the files preserved at the Middlesex Guildhall , Westminster.







belonging to the period of James the First are missing, having become detached from their files, and such as exist are often badly torn and rubbed. From 1649 to 1685 , however, every existing file has its calendar attached, and their condition is far more satisfactory .

Written in uncouth Latin , the ( ) Calendars temp . James calendars of this period bear no title other than the words " London scilicet , followed by figures indicatingthe year. After September, 1613 , no dates whatever appear beyond this titular date and that contained in the endorsement, but up to that time the entries in the upper section are dated in the mayoral fashion, as already stated (p. xx). A fact of primary importance about the Jacobean calendars is that they do not give a complete list of all the prisoners then confined in Newgate, but only of those who had been consigned to the gaol since the preceding sessions and of those remanded prisoners whose cases were to be considered by the court. a) The sub-section Ad melius inquirendum. A section bearing this title ( for further inquiry ) was almost invariably added at the foot of the calendar by the gaol clerk, in which he placed the names of prisoners who had been committed some time before the preceding sessions and against whom it was intended to proceed by indictment and trial as soon as sufficient evidence was forthcoming. is common to find the same names occurring in this sub-section on several consecutive calendars, until such time as the persons concerned were arraigned or discharged. would point out, however, that the names of Catholic prisoners rarely appear under this heading at least up to the beginning of 1613. * is quite certain that , at this time, many Catholic prisoners, having refused the oath of allegiance, were kept in Newgate for long periods without being allowed to stand their trial. On three occasions only do we get a glimpse of the full list of these prisoners (cf. pp. 67, 73, and 86 in text). But it should be observed that these lists are documents distinct from the calendars and were drafted for a particular purpose. The names which they give never appear on the regular Newgate calendars except at the time of original commitment or on the rare occasions when one or another of their cases came up for the consideration of the court. As regards the majority of these prisoners there seems to have been no intention of instituting proceedings. B) Marginal Notes The annotations occurring in the left-hand (margin of the calendars were made for the most part by the clerk of the court and refer to court orders at the current sessions. Occasionally the gaol clerk added a memorandum, as , for instance,

















This applies also to the calendar of May, 1639 the only existing calendar of the reign of Charles I. Since this title is used with reference to prisoners not yet arraigned, it would appear to have no relation to the writ melius inquirendum. Exceptions to the general rule are the cases of Owen Browne, Mark Broughton, and Thomas Sleepe (pp . 42 et seq.), and of John Trentam and Thomas Fathers (p. 87).





when a prisoner died or was discharged before the opening of the sessions. Among the more frequently occurring annotations is the note Reprivatur sine ballio ( he is reprieved without bail ) This requires some explanation . The word " reprieve " at that time had a simpler and broader connotation than it has to-day. In these records is used not only in the modern sense of " reprieve, i.e., after judgment ( implying the suspension of the execution of a sentence), but also in the modern sense of remand (before conviction) . These different meanings are clearly shown in Commonwealth calendars , e.g. , in that of June, 1652 (p. , note), where the note Reprieved in Gaole is to be found not only in

" .*







" Thomas Budd "and John Jackson, who had the entries concerning

both been attainted for High Treason, but also in that of John Wilson or Warde, who had not even been indicted . Jeaffreson derives the word reprieve through the Old French reprist from the Latin reprehendere (or retro -prehendere) = to take back. Be this as it may, it is evident that in the present judicial records it meant merely re-imprisoned -without that further signification of pardon now commonly associated with the term . may add that whenever the word appears in its expanded Latin form in the London records it is always reprivatur a coined word peculiar to the legal language of the day. The note " reprieved without bail implies, therefore, simply that the prisoner concerned has been ordered back to prison by the court , to be detained there without the privilege of release on bail . On examining the series of calendars of this reign was struck by the fact that in every instance of the commitment of a Catholic to prison for offences connected with religion this note appeared in the margin . Since many entries on these calendars are accompanied by no description whatever of the cause of imprisonment , have set out in the footnotes all such entries to which this note is attached , in order that any Catholic names possibly included among them may be saved from oblivion. Another common marginal note is Indictatur= he is indicted, which occasionally appears in this full form (e.g., in the calendar of January, 1611/12) , but throughout our period is usually represented by the contraction Ind . It is important to observe that in cases of postponed trials the occurrence of this note on the calendars is not a sure indication of the actual date of indictment. Sometimes it does occur in the calendar of the sessions at which the indictment was preferred (e.g., in the case of Charles Parry, p. 253 in text), but it is generally to be found at the time of the deferred trial (cf. the cases of William Jennyson, p . 58 , note, and John Bully, p. 330) . The same inconsistency with regard to the use of the note indictatur appears in the Sessions Books. (ii) Calendars temp. Interregnum and Charles After a gap of ten years we find that by the year 1649 (when the series recommences) the Newgate calendars have developed into documents of * It occurs usually in the contracted forms repr sine ball ; sine ball ; or

















even sine




II, pp. 242-3.





far greater size and elaboration. From 1651 English is their lan-

guage , Latin being employed (after 1660) solely by the clerks of

the court in their additional entries and marginal annotations. We still find, of course , the list of recent commitments in the upper section, but the Jacobean sub- section " ad melius inquirendum " has now given place to two others, entitled respectively Prisoners reprieved to orders and Prisoners convicted and " reprieved before and after judgement -the first containing the names not only of prisoners remanded by the court at the preceding sessions, but also of those serving terms of imprisonment in Newgate according to sentence ; the second (as the title implies ) containing the names of convicted persons reprieved, either before or after judgment , at a sessions held some time in the past. These two sub- divisions , under Charles the Second , become merged into one, bearing the general title " London prisoners upon orders." Thus from 1649 the calendars give us a complete roll of all prisoners detained in Newgate at the time of each sessions a fact which is explicitly stated in a new main heading which the calendars bear in Charles the Second's reign, viz .: " A true and perfect Kallender of all prisoners in Newgate for Felonies and Trespasses ." The historical value of these documents is , therefore, greatly enhanced in this later period, for in them it is possible (where the series is complete) to trace a person from the beginning to the end of his imprisonment and, moreover, to discover how his imprisonment terminated whether by removal , discharge, or death. Marginal Notes . Among the annotations found in calendars of this period undated references to the release of prisoners are common. The limits of time within which the release actually took place can, however, be reduced to some extent if the inquirer takes the trouble to examine the handwriting of the notes . Where the note del ( delivered ") has been penned by the gaol clerk it will " be clear that the prisoner concerned must have been set free some time after the preceding sessions and before the calendar was handed over to the Clerk of the Arraigns at the opening of the current sessions. Where the author of the note was the clerk of the court one may safely assume that the delivery took place during the course of the current sessions while the calendar was in the possession of that particular clerk . I have been at pains to call attention to the handwriting of the marginal note appended to









every such undated item . The frequently occurring references to mainprize (manucaptio) in such notes as m in Cur (manucapitur in Curia= he is mainprized in court ) , raises the question of the distinction— now obsolete between mainprize and bail , which seems to require some remark . Mainprize was the receiving of a person into friendly custody, who otherwise might be committed to prison , upon security given by his mainpernors or sureties (manucaptores ) for his appearance at a time and place assigned . * A person mainprized was







Jacob, Law Dictionary , s.v. " mainprize.





regarded as being at large until the day of appearance, whereas a person let to bail (ballium ) was said to be not at large but in the ward or custody of his bail or sureties (plegii) for the time specified, and they (his bail) might keep him in prison if they so desired. Actually there is much confusion observable in the present records with regard to the use of these terms . For example, in many of the recognizances persons are stated to be delivered into bail " to mainpernors (e.g. , the first two recognizances occurring in the present book, pp . 3 and 4) ; again, John Francis Dickinson is noted on the Newgate calendar of February , 1680/81 (p. 320), as being mainprized in court , a fact which is incorrectly referred to in the next calendar by the term " bayle. One fact emerges , however, which , in the Sessions Books at least, receives constant testimony , namely, that a mainprized person did not himself give security for his appearance as he invariably did when bailed. From the evidence of such recognizances as are extant it would appear that, in the case of persons imprisoned at Newgate, mainprize, not bail , was usually allowed. an unindicted person, detained in prison, considered that bail should have been allowed in his case, he could sue out a writ of habeas corpus from the court of King's Bench, whereby the Keeper of the gaol was ordered to produce the body of the prisoner together with the cause of imprisonment , so that the King's court might judge of its sufficiency and either remand the prisoner, admit him to bail, or discharge him, according to the nature of the charge. We find several references to this proceeding in the margins of Newgate calendars of the Caroline period, usually in the form Del per Ha Cor ( Delivered [from Newgate] by Habeas Corpus ). Once this note has occurred the case invariably disappears from the present records , and the inquirer should seek further information among the records of the Court of King's Bench preserved at the Public Record Office . It is quite certain that when the superior court decided to remand the petitioner and submit him to trialas was apparently done in the cases of the Dominican , John Attwood (p. 300) , and of John MacNamara and Bernard Dennis (p. 335 and note -the prison to which he was remanded was not Newgate but, presumably, the King's Bench prison ; nor was the venue of the subsequent trial the Old Bailey, but the Court of King's Bench. On page 200 occurs an exceptional note relating to a Catholic prisoner, James Butler. It runs Reprieved by ha cor to ye King's Bench. The word reprieved, take , here signifies that the King's court found reason to remand Butler, " who was therefore removed from Newgate to the King's Bench prison. (b Recognizances. Whenever an arrest was made and is as well to remember that not only the parish constable, but also private persons were ( and still are ) empowered without special warrant or precept to apprehend in cases of treason, felony, and










' '"











Cf. Challoner, p . 583, and C.R.S. , vol. xxv.







even of breach of the peace, provided this last were done in their presence the prisoner was immediately brought before the nearest Justice of the Peace, for there were no police- stations in those days. This official thereupon either committed the accused straightway to gaol, or, if the offence were bailable, assigned him to the temporary custody of two sureties, under pecuniary bond for his appearance at the ensuing Sessions of the Peace or of Gaol Delivery according to the character of the alleged crime . bail was allowed, upon payment of a fee, * instruments termed " recognizances were drawn up, binding both the accused himself to answer to the charge in court and his accusers to give evidence. These documents stated the date at which the obligation was entered into, the name of the magistrate who witnessed it , the name, address , and description of the principal party and of his sureties (or, in the case of mainprize , of the accused and his mainpernors) , the pecuniary sums owed to the King in the event of the condition not being fulfilled, and the nature of the condition itself. Every recognizance was signed by the Justice before whom taken a sine qua non of validity , except, apparently, in it was the case of recognizances taken before the Lord Mayor, which were sometimes couched in the third person and unsigned. At the opening of the sessions the various Justices of the Peace their batches of recognizances to the Clerk of the " returned Peace, who, on the appearance or default of the persons thus bound over to appear, added the note comparuit or defaltam fecit at the foot of each document, and in the latter case subsequently sent in to the Exchequer an estreat or brief statement of the sums due to the King from the defaulting party and his sureties . Their purpose being fulfilled, the clerk then filed these strips of parchment with the other writings pertaining to the sessions, in the manner already described: whence follows the important corollary for the student of the present book that the sessions at which appearance was required by any recognizance is always the sessions on whose file the particular recognizance occurs. In addition to the cases referred to above, there were other occasions on which it was necessary to find securities. For example, a person showed signs of disaffection to the Government by his words or bearing, or was considereda danger to the due observance of law and order, the law could , by the exercise of preventive justice, insist on his being bound over in recognizances from session to session throughout a certain period pro bono gestu ( for good behaviour ), on the condition that if he failed in any way during that time to keep the peace towards the King and his subjects the principal party and his sureties became debtors to the Crown for the several sums in which they were respectively bound. mention this particularly because it was thus that a number of the more " dangerous " London Catholics were treated in the seven-










* The J.P. receiveda fee of 25. 4d. for cach recognizance in the eighteenth century . Stephen, Hist. of Crim . Law, i , 231.



teenth century , especially, as the present records prove, at the time of the Oates Plot. It is also noticeable that the security required in admitting Papists to bail was , generally speaking, heavier than in other cases. The amount varied , of course , according to the seriousness of the charge and the ability to pay, but the authorities were rarely satisfied with less than £50 and two sureties we accept the of £40 where the principal party was a Papist . generally admitted fact that money in this period was worth ten to fifteen times as much as it is to-day, we shall realize how excessively high these sums were.* Bearing in mind that in nearly every prosecution three or four persons had to be put under pecuniary bond to attend the sessions, whether to answer charges or to give evidence, the reader will hardly need to be told that the number of recognizances belonging to the years covered by this book is enormous. They form, in fact, quite half of the total number of sessional records preserved. Most of the earliest ones, until about the year 1617, are of little interest, since they rarely give any details of the accusations to which they refer. After that date, however, the engrossing clerks adopted the very laudable custom of adding at the base of each document, in English, a brief description of the charge. The series then becomes highly interesting to the researcher, who is thereby provided with a remarkable variety of information concerning every-day events, public and domestic. With regard to the recognizances which have been found suitable for inclusion in the present work, there are two further points to which the reader's attention should be called; first , that they generally give full addresses of persons who are only vaguely described in indictments as nuper de London ; secondly, that the persons entered as " bail or mainpernors for the appearance of a Catholic are in reality his friends or acquaintances, and, in several instances, probably Catholics themselves . and Jury Panels A month or so before each Sessions (c) Precepts of the Peace the Clerk of the Peace issued a precept of venire facias to the Sheriffs, ordering them to summon for the opening day of the sessions twenty-four good and lawful men de Corpore Civitatis, to serve as a grand jury not only for the Sessions of the Peace, but also for the Sessions of Gaol Deliverywhich followed at Old Bailey within the same week. The Sheriffs, having chosen these men, impanelled their names lengthwise on a long strip of parchment, adding, below, the record that each of them was " attached to








The general standard of these amounts was high. £40 from the principal party and £20 from the two sureties were quite common figures. might remark here on the frequent occurrence in the November S.P. records throughout our period of summonses for " letting of squibbes in the street the annoyance or injury of passers-by. The London precepts would be more correctly termed venire faciatis , there being two Sheriffs. Most of the administrative work of the Sheriffs was performed by the Secondaries (Report on Municipal Corporations, 1837, § 152 ) .


I "-to



appear at the court -house on the day specified. * Both precept and panel were then returned to the Clerk of the Peace . On their arrival at the Guildhall court -house , from twelve to fifteen of these potential jurors sometimes more, never less were selected, tried (for challenge) , and sworn in court (note the word Jur = Juratus, added opposite their names in the panels ), and thereupon held their inquiry on the bills of indictment preferred to them, finding them true or not true. On the opening day of the Sessions of Gaol Delivery (generally two days later) the same jury, still sitting, apparently , at the Guildhall , performed a similar duty with regard to the bills to be presented at Justice Hall. A petty jury to try the issue " between the King and such accused persons as had pleaded not guilty to true bills found by the grand jurors was never summoned for the Guildhall sessions, but only for those held at the Old Bailey . A study of the precepts would seem to show that cases arising at the former sessions in which a trial by jury was required were deferred till the ensuing sessions at Justice Hall . The procedure for obtaining a petty jury was similar to that already described in the case of a grand jury, but here the precept commanded that sixty persons should be impanelled from the City Wards in which the prisoners to be tried were arrested, and having duly appeared at Justice Hall, twelve only were elected and sworn. These twelve jurors appear to have served throughoutthe whole sessions. The present records give no direct evidence of " challenge, though it is clear that in Special prea number of cases special juries were impanelled. cepts for grand and petty juries were always issued for trials at Sessions of Oyer and Terminer . have generally omitted these precepts and panels in compiling the present work, considering them only remotely connected with our subject except in the case of the Martyrs, whose grand and petty jury panels the reader will find set out in the text .
















Coroners inquisitions -post-mortem on prisoners Among the officers whose presence was required at each sessions was the City Coroner. In the precept he was instructed to bring with him his records, chief of which were certain inquisitions -post- mortem taken by him since the preceding sessions. We are here concerned only



* Such, presumably, is the meaning of the note quilibet juratorum predictorum per se attachiatus est per Johannem Doe et Ricardum Roe on all jury panels. The functions of the fictitious " John Doe and Richard Roe in this connection are not clear. Possibly they represent the sureties or pledges for the jurors attendance. It is certain that they served as " common bail in some civil actions even in Coke's day (cf. Holdsworth , History of English Law, , 220) . Apparently procedurein criminal matters , in such formal things as securingthe attendance of a jury, tended to have a similar admixture of fiction . Cf. dates in endorsements of indictments , temp . James I. When special juries were required a special writ of venire (issued in the King's name) was sent out for each case. A recently constructed file of such writs and the panels pursuant thereto (A.D. 1666-1678 ) is preserved in the Guildhall archives.









with inquests held in the gaol of Newgate and other prisons of the metropolis, the records of which had to be produced in court in order officially to notify the Justices of the death of prisoners and of the necessary cessation of proceedings in their regard.

It is a notable fact that the latest document of this kind pre-

served among the sessions records of Middlesex is dated 14 April, 44 Elizabeth ( 1602). * Since it is quite certain that the London sessions files of the reign of Charles the Second contain inquisitions

relating not only to City prisoners but also to those of Middlesex, it is therefore probably safe to assume that all the extant inquisitions on City and Middlesex prisoners of the period 1605-1685 are to be found in the London files. Although the series is by no means entire for the early years, the completeness of the files after the year 1666 and the quantity of these documents that occur therein suggest that it probably is so fromthat date a circumstance for which we should be thankful, since in this latter period a number of Catholics died in gaol, the victims of Titus Oates . These documents are all signed by the Coroner and are duplicate indentures, the counterparts (presumably the halves bearing the seals and signatures of the jurors ) being kept by the Coroner himself. The particulars they contain normally comprise the place and date of the taking of the inquisition, the name of the deceased, the names of the jurors and their verdict regarding the date and cause of death. On the last point very little informationis usually afforded us, the majority of the inquisitions containing merely the vague statement that the prisoner died a natural death, " " by God's visitation. However, the Jacobean inquisitions generally add a reference to the pining sickness , i.e., gaol fever, a form of typhus, often described also in those of the Protectorate period as a violent malignant fever --and sometimes even give the length of the illness which ended in death . The object of these formal documents was , of course , merely to assure the authorities that death had occurred and to testify that it was not due to murder or suicide: they are naturally silent as to whether any particular severity of treatment hastened death. The reason for the imprisonment of the persons concerned is







, vol . i . * Cf. M.C.R. venue whence these

The jurors were drawn was always the Ward in which the gaol was situated (Farringdon Within) and the three adjacent Wards (Farringdon Without, Castlebaynard, and Aldersgate) : proborum et legalium hominum eiusdem warde et aliarum trium wardarum eidem warde proxime adjacentium prout mos est et consuetudo in civitate predicta (Inquisition-post - mortem on Walter Grosvener alias Gravener; file of 11 Jan., 1608/9) . There are signs that during the earlier part of the persecutionset on foot by Titus Oates Catholic prisoners were treated, whether actively or passively, with an excessive severity. On comparing the entries on Newgate calendars (London and Middlesex) with the inquisitions -post- mortem on prisoners between 15 January and 30 April , 1679, find that out of the thirteen prisoners who died during this period, six ( probably seven) were Catholics, and this at a time when the latter numbered less than one-fifth of the total number of persons imprisoned .







rarely stated, and then for the most part only in general terms, as pro felonia : pro suspicione alte prodicionis , etc., so that identification is frequently a matter of conjecture. Nevertheless, further research has proved beyond question that fifteen of the extant inquisitions refer to Catholic prisoners. These have been set out in the text . In view of the general interest of this series of documents, and particularly of the fact that a number of them may relate to Catholics unknown to me, have, moreover, given in the footnotes an analysis of every other inquisition-post-mortem occurring in the files throughout the period, except between the years 1660-1673, when the penal laws were not enforced. e) Indictments The bills preferred to the grand jury were (drafted and engrossed in the office of the Clerk of the Peace at the instance, generally, of the Justice before whom the offenders were first charged , and were based on the information then given by witnesses . The names of these witnesses for the prosecution were almost invariably appended, either at the foot of the indictment formula or, as in the reign of James the First, on the back of the bill. In holding their inquiry upon these several written accusations, the grand jurors themselves heard what evidence was necessary for them to decide whether there appeared to be prima facie case for trial, in which case the foreman added the words Billa Vera ( True Bill ) to the document . Upon such as contained, in their opinion, no triable issue he inscribed the word Ignoramus or we ignore "). We are ignorant Both the true and (ignored bills were then sent into the court at Guildhall or Justice Hall, where the persons whose bills had not been found were discharged and the others arraigned. When the sessions were over, both classes of parchments were filed with the other records of that sessional date. Ignored bills are not without their historical interest , but true bills or indictments , properly so called, are naturally of great importance and significance. Roughly, the number of indictments taken at each London sessions in our period averaged about thirty ; less under James the











Ignored bills were usually also mutilated with the scissors or scored

with the pen.

Since indictments in this period were written in Latin the question arises as to whether arraigned persons of no education could understand the purportof the accusations against them. They had, in fact , every opportunity of doing so, for was the custom for indictments to be read out in court in the vernacular, the original Latin being given only when appealed for. This is illustrated in the arraignment of the dissenting minister Thomas Rosewellon October 25th, 1684, for a seditious sermon. Rosewell found fault with his indictment and for some time refused to plead. In the course of an argu-


ment with the judges the following conversation occurred: Attorney General: " If you desire to hear the words read again to you, you shall. Justice Holloway : " Ay, with all our hearts. Rosewell: desire, you thank you, Sir, and my good lords. please, to have it read in Latin. " Justice Holloway : Read it in Latin [which was done . (State Trials , X, col. 152.)



"I "







First, in later times more. Again speaking quite generally, fewer indictments were presented at the Sessions of Gaol Delivery than at the Sessions of the Peace . Almost every kind of crime is represented amongst them, theft and assault being the most common. Those which bear any relation to Catholicism or to the exercise of the Catholic Religion are comparatively rare, and generally form but a small proportion of the total number of indictment membranes on a file . The following analysis gives the nature and number of the indictments of this kind (excluding ignored bills) which discovered in the files of the period 1605-1685: 201 indictments . For recusancy For refusing to take the oath of allegiance contained in the Statute 3 James , I


сар . 4



For priesthood

For seditious " words For being a " Papist (during the Interregnum only) popish " or For publishing scan-



" " literature







7 33

For reconciling to the See of Rome; for being so reconciled ; for saying and hearing Mass ; for complicity in the Oates

Plot one of each . Most of the above cases were heard at the Sessions of Gaol Delivery, except the treasons of priesthood and reconciliation seducing from the King's obedience , " ) , which, as have already said, were tried, in the earlier years, by virtue of Commissions of Oyer and Terminer. Although recusancy, in the sense of neglecting to attend the services of the Anglican Church, was regarded merely as a trespass and contempt, it was, by the statute 29 Eliz., cap. 6 (cf. p. xlii) , triable under Commissions of General Gaol Delivery. Nevertheless, we find that between the years 1677 and 1681 this offence was dealt with at Sessions of the Peace. With regard to indictments for recusancy it should be noticed that many, if not most, of them were directed, not against single individuals, but against a number of people . This characteristic, which they share with indictments for unlawful assembly (very rare under James the First) , makes them exceptional, for as a rule offenders were indicted singly. The actual number of persons indicted for recusancy, therefore, greatly exceeds the number of the true bills for this offence , and where such compound indictments occur recusants often form the majority of the total number of persons indicted at those particular sessions.






Transgressio et contemptus : cf. doc. 2, p. 101. Trespass " was a term applied to any infringement of the law less than treason, felony , or misprision of either. " Contempt " is here used in the general sense of a misdemeanour in not doing what is commanded. The following analysis shows where this is the case. The reader will bear in mind , however, that re-strung and broken files are not certainly complete:







() General Characteristics . The wording of indictments was regulated by precedents, each type of crime having its own particular formula , to which the draughtsman more or less strictly adhered. But whatever the crime or the formula, three main divisions are always observable: the caption (giving the venue: London, to wit ") , the statement, and the conclusion. To the historian the most valuable part of an indictment is , of course , the statement, in that it purports to give verified information as to the name, address , and status of the indicted party, and the date, place, facts, circumstances, and intent of his offence . The anxiety of the law to avoid defective statement and to forestall possible lines of defence is illustrated by the frequent use of the word nuper




in stating the address of the accused . * Mention has already been made that indictments contain the names of witnesses for the prosecution written in Latin . It would seem certain that these names were inscribed before the grand jury inquiry took place, either by the engrosser himself or by some other scribe in the office of the Clerk of the Peace. Since they occur not only on true bills, but also on those whichthe grand jury ignored, it would be misleading to say that they refer to witnesses at the trials. They would be more correctly described as the names of persons who could be called upon to give evidence before the grand jury, and also in court, if the case went to trial . In a few of the early indictments the note Jur' is appended to the names of such of these witnesses as actually testified before the grand jury. *




for recusancy 28 April, 1606 : 1606 26 July, : Feb. , 1604/5 6 : Dec. , 1608 : 12 Feb., 1608/9 : 3 May, 1610 : 3 Dec. , 1610 : 6 2 Mar. , 1610/11 : Aug., 1613 : I April , 1615 : Jan. , 1616/17 : 2 Dec., 1673: 38



against 39. Re -strung ; contains 27 other indicts . 13 55. 23 33 33 10. Broken ; 33 I 13 56 D3 99 . "

" " " 33

" " "



82. Re-strung ;

" 21. Intact; 54.

" 23




19. Re- strung; 67. Broken; 128. Intact ;

" 33






" 33

19 16








Jan., 1673/4: 15 33 53. " taken at G.D. Sessions, but All the above indictments for recusancy were since have been unable to distinguish, in Jacobean files, the G.D. from the S.P. indictments , have based my calculation in all but the last two instances of the above analysis on the total number of indictments on the file (G.D. and S.P.) ; in the last two, on the number contained in the G.D. section




alone .



that no such interpretation should be put upon the It, isbutprobable common not invariable , practice of describing married women as spinster This appears to be a survival from an earlier age (i.c. , alias uxor prior to the time of Chief Justice Coke), when the title " spinster implied the status of gentility, and was retained by the woman after her marriage. Whether the word continues to bear this meaning throughout the present records or had become a mere formality am unable to say. No single instance of the addition generosa has come to my notice. An example of this is to be seen in the endorsement of the ignored bill against the Earl of Shaftesbury : cf. p . 348, note.








Another method of recording the same fact, apparently , was for the foreman of the grand jury to write their names a second time on the back of the bill in English (cf. pp. 46 and 51). A notable feature of the indictments of the early years of James the First is the endorsement giving the name of the Lord Mayor and stating the fact that on such and such a day the record of Billa Vera or Ignoramus was delivered by the foreman (name given ) and his fellow grand jurors. This together with other evidenceestablishes the important fact that, although trials were frequently deferred , the sessions at which indictments were presented were always the sessions on whose files they are now to be found . The dates of postponed trials are given in the clerical annotations on the indictments. (ii) Clerical minutes or annotations on indictments. Being, in most cases , the only existing records of what happened in court upon the arraignment of the indicted persons , these notes are of considerable importance, but their contracted form and lack of punctuation provide the student with many problems which can be solved only by special study . Fortunately, this has already been done by Jeaffreson in his prefaces to Middlesex County Records. All need do is briefly to recapitulate his conclusions in so far as they are applicable to the present records , and to add some further remarks on such points as are peculiar to the London minutes. The main difficulty lies in the interpretation of certain formal phrases which continuallyrecur ; for instance, po se ve fa cul ca null . Expanded, this runs ponit se, venire facias, culpabilis, catalla nulla, and means He puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of the country or neighbourhood]* ; [the writ] venire facias [is issued to summon a jury] ; [he is found by the jury guilty; he has] no chattels [for forfeitureto the Crown . Thewords ve fa , however, are an addition to the usual formula and do not appear in Middlesex minutes . They are to be found only occasionally in those of London ; never after the year 1639. The interpretationof ve fa given above may be inferred from the analogous manner in which scribes of the period abbreviated the names of other writse.g., fa fieri facias) and sci fa (scirefacias)-and also from the fact that this interpretation preserves and illustrates the logical sequence of judicial proceedings , viz. , the accused first signifies his willingness to be tried by a jury; then the writ (at that time the necessary process for summoning a jury) is issued : finally, the jury give the verdict , guilty or not guilty. The phrase po se ve fa cul , etc. (or non cul") , is in fact a précis of the formalwording of the incidents of arraignment as described in the lengthy pleas and records of proceedings . This may be seen, for instance, in the plea of John Bully (p. 309 in text ), wherein occur the words :









' '


' '(

' ' ' '



' '

' ' "

'' ' "




* The legal meaning of patria, in the phrase ponit se super patriam, was

of the neighbourhood" : cf. Jacob, Law Dictionary, s.v. " patria ." " a jury M.C.R. , , pp. xxviii seq . The actual seizure of chattels would have


been done by the Sheriffs. interpretation of ca null .

' '

Presumably this is the meaning of Jeaffreson's



Et inde de bono & malo posuit se super patriam . . . Et superinde "preceptum fuit predicto vicecomiti quod venire faceret imediate

coram Justiciariis predictis duodecim etc. & Juratores tunc dixerunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Johannes Bullen alias Edwards non fuit culpabilis When an offender pleaded " guilty, the minute was merely cogn indict (cognovit indictamentum He confessed the indictment ) followed by the judgment or sentence . In the annotations to indictments for treason and capital felony upon which the jury gave a verdict of not guilty, there invariably occurs , after the words non cul , the further phrase, nec se he withdraw himself ( in flight [nec se retraxitJeaffreson = nor diddiscusses this point at great for the felony) ]. length. In ancient criminal law, a person found not guilty of an indictment for a capital offence could be shown, nevertheless, to have fled originally from those who wished to put him on trial (even innocent persons shrink from appearing in court ) , he was declared to have forfeited by that act all his goods and chattels to the King. This question concerning flight was always put to the jurors after they had returned their verdict of not guilty. do not, however, remember seeing a single case of " non cul sed se retraxit in the City records. The London jurors, when asked whether the prisoner had made flight , appear invariably to have replied in the negative . The judges were finally released from the duty of asking this question by 7 and 8 Geo . IV, c . 28, § 5. There are two facts which must be borne in mind by those who would interpret these annotations correctly: first , that unless preceded by a date they always refer to proceedings at the current sessions; secondly, that where a date occurs (the style of dating employed is, after the reign of James the First , usually mayoral) the date invariably refers to what follows in the minute. Thus the

..." ' "
















During the Protectorate the minuting clerks of London anglicised ve fa as a jury [is summoned] . Under Charles II the same idea is conveyed by the Latin Jurata , which frequently appears in annotations of that reign. Cf. John Bully's plea (p. 311) : " nec unquam ea occasione se retraxit." An example of the English rendering of these words adopted by legal scribes of the Interregnum is to be seen in the minute added to the indictment of Bartholomew Browne for priesthood, viz ., " pu se not guilty Pu se," incidentally , is a shortenedform nor fled acqted p. 114 in text). of " putteth self. " M.C.R. , IV, p. lxxiii-lxxix. On the above subjects no evidence has come to my notice among the London records which would warrant any dispute with Jeaffreson's conclusions, but although entirely removed from our subject it is worth remarking here that Ursula Powell, to whose case he devotes some attention (op. cit., III, p . xxii ; and IV, p . lxxiii ) , was not , as he supposed , actually hanged , but at the sessions of Dec., 1654, pleaded a royal pardon on condition of transportation (London calendar of Newgate prisoners of that date ) . This would seem to prove that the marginal S so frequently occurring in the Middlesex Gaol Delivery Register signifies not but suspendatur. " Cf. Maitland , Select Pleas of the Crown suspensus


' '





"(Selden Soc. " " ), Introd., p. xxv.


" "



minute pu se 13.2. a Jury not Guilty discharged , which appears on the indictment of Thomas Mabb in the file for the sessions of October, 1658 (p. 147 in text), signifies that Mabb pleaded not guilty at the same sessions of October, but that a jury was not summoned until 13 December (the next sessions) , when he was tried and acquitted . A glance at these dates will show that minutes or parts of minutes were often added a considerable time after the indictments were presented. When a lengthy judgment had to be recorded it was the habit of the clerks of the period to write the minute in whatever space remained at the top or bottom of the document, or even on the dorse ; otherwise, the usual practice was to begin immediately above the first occurrence of the name of the indicted person . In indictments containing the names of two or more offenders these annotations were therefore generally interlined within the text . At the risk, maybe, of some confusion, have preserved them in their original position in the ensuing transcripts , where, to distinguish them from the rest of the text , they are reproduced in italics .






(iii) Certiorari Several of the indictments in the present book will be found to exhibit an additional memorandum concerning

the removal of the case into the Court of King's Bench by the writ certiorari ( to be more fully informed ). This writ issued out of King's Bench (in criminal cases ) , and was addressed in the King's name to the judges or officers of inferior courts, commanding them to certify or to return the records of a cause depending (or already tried) before them , in order that it might be considered and determined (or re- determined) by such Justices of the higher court as should be assigned for that purpose. It could be issued for various reasons most frequently upon complaint that the party seeking the writ had received hard usage or was not likely to receive an impartial trial in the court below. A defendant, however, could obtain the writ only by the permission of the latter court and upon his entering into recognizances , and it was granted where matters of law alone were in question. Where a wrongful judgment of an inferior court was challenged on the ground of defect or error in pleading or process , the appropriate remedy was by writ of error. Certiorari was rarely allowed after a formal trial and verdict given in the lower court : of this only two instances occur in the present records , namely, the cases of Oswald Needham and others (p. 31), and of Sir Henry James (pp . 69 and 82). On the other hand the reader will find that it was not uncommon for persons convicted ( by default ) of recusancy to obtain the writexcept in the last three years of the Protectorate, when this privilege was expressly denied them by the Act for convicting , discovering " and repressing of Popish Recusants of 26 June, 1657. The memoranda never state the cause or motive for such removals. Information on this point and as to the outcome of these inquiries at Westminster must be sought for in the Controlment Rolls of the King's Bench at the Public Record Office, among the records of the







term immediately following the date given in the memorandum for the return of the writ or the certifying of the indictment. * for priesthood . Based on the Act against iv) Indictments (Jesuits , Seminary Priests and other such- like disobedient persons " (statute 27 Eliz., c. 2) , the formula of these interesting indictments varies with the different clerks who in different periods were responsible for the drafting of them, and is generally as involved as the wording of the statute itself. Indeed, by reason of the lack of punctuation , the sense of some of the Latin formulas for this crime appears at first sight quite unintelligible. Here, however, the vernacular indictments of the time of the Interregnum afford us a valuable guide to interpretation ( vide the bills against Edward Tressam and Bartholomew Browne, pp . 109 and 114). We find in all these indictments for priesthood that four facts had to be proved to obtain a conviction , viz., that the defendant was born in England or in the Dominions then possessed by England ; that he was ordained by authority of the See of Rome; that this ordination took place after the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 1559 ; that after such ordination he stayed in England. When the above points were established the case was complete. The question as to whether he meddled in matters intrinsically treasonable did not arise: the phrase ut falsus proditor has no significance beyond describing the general nature of the crime. The judgment of a traitor's death, which the reader will find added to a number of these indictments in the following pages, was actually carried out in the case of no fewer than one hundred and forty persons in England between the years 1585 and 1679. Of these, fifty-seven (including Robert Drury, Richard Newport , Thomas Maxfield , Francis Latham, and William Scott alias Crayford see text ) were executed at Tyburn or in other parts of London . * Two other features of these documents call for remark . First, the given date and place of the offence are almost always also the actual date and place of the priest's arrest . An examination of the entries of their commitment on the Newgate calendars proves how frequently this is the case. Nevertheless, it is not an invariable rule . Occasionally a date is given in an indictmentwhich further research shows to have been prior to the arrest. Secondly, the reader must be warned with regard to what is sometimesgiven




The law terms in our period were as follows : Easter Term : (till 1830) from Wednesday fortnight after Easter till Monday after Ascension . Trinity Term : (till 1830) from Friday after Trinity till Wednesdayfortnight following . Michaelmas Term : (a) ( till 1641) from 9 October ( 10th, if Oct. 9th was a Sunday) till 28 or 29 November. (1641-1751 ) from 23 or 24 October till 28 or 29 November. (bTerm ) Hilary : (till 1830) from 23 or 24 January till 12 or 13 February. Probably the majority of these were apprehendedin Middlesex, outside the jurisdiction of the City (see the large number of extant indictments for priesthood in M.C.R.) . Some were tried at the Court of King's Bench.




as the birth-place of the indicted person. For obvious reasons the majority of these priests concealed as much of their personal history as they could, and where information on this point was not

forthcoming, the draughtsman of the bill occasionally substituted the name of the parish in which the offender was arrested (cf. Robert Drury's indictment, p . 24). After the reign of James the First it was often considered sufficient to describe priests as nuper de London. v Indictments for refusing the oath of allegiance Certain difficulties connected with the interpretation of these indictments will be removed by an examination of the statute 3 James , cap. 4, §§ XIII XV, which authorized them. This Act for the better discoveringand repressing of Popish Recusants required that the new oath (which is therein set forth ) should be tendered out of sessions by Bishops or two Justices of the Peace to all recusants and other suspected persons above the age of eighteen years ; that those who refused it should be committed to the common gaol without bail until the next Sessions of Gaol Delivery, when the oath should again be tendered to them in open court ; and that they refused the oath on this second occasion they should incur the penalty of premunire, implying loss of the King's protection , forfeiture of all lands and goods , and imprisonment during the royal pleasure . The penalty , however, could be inflicted only by due course of law, i.e. , after indictment and conviction , and since the grand jury inquiry always preceded the work of the sessions the recusant had to be indicted for refusing to take the oath in court before this second refusal actually occurred a curious proceeding, which explains apparent errors in the dates given in some of the indictments (e.g., the indictment of Henry Maylard and Richard Kirkam , p. 64). Although the statute expressly requires that persons committed upon their first refusal of the oath should be proceeded against in the way above described at the sessions next following the date of their refusal, there is abundant evidence in these records that in many instances this direction was not complied with in the reign of James the First , but that they were kept in gaol for long periods unindicted and unconvicted. Proof for this is to be found in the three lists of Catholic prisoners set out in the text (pp. 67, 73, and 86) . The third division in these lists, entitled Recusant Papists, " refers, as may be seen by reference to Middlesex County Records, * to persons committed for their first refusal of the oath. Upon indictment and conviction for a second refusal in open sessions their names were transferred from the third to the second division , entitled Convicted for refusing the oath of allegiance (cf. the cases of Maylard and Kirkam in the first list) . The reader will notice the number of persons whose names remain in the third , p. 216. * II Further study proves, incidentally , that the names of several priests are here included among those convicted for refusing the oath . Their priest-


- I









hood was apparently unsuspected .




division throughout the three lists. In the case of London prisoners this offence was regularly described in the Newgate calendars (temp. James the First) as pro Causa Romana. * Another fact which deserves comment is that although this oath was designed with particular reference to Catholics, some Protestant Dissenters in the reign of Charles the Second were likewise prosecuted for refusing it (cf. pp. 366 seq.). The case of the Quakers is remarked upon on pages 154 and 155. (vi) Indictments for recusancy. Similarly, the indictments for not attending the Anglican service are found to include both Catholic and non-Catholic Dissenters. Thus William Atterbury, described elsewhere as an obstinate Brownist ," was indicted in Middlesex under the statute of recusancy at the sessions of May, 1619. * Among the present records there is an indictment for recusancy dated January, 1684/5 (cf. p. 373 ), against William Kiffin, who is almost certainly to be identified with a prominent London Anabaptist . No distinction appears to have been made with regard to the particular religious opinions of the offender. It is even possible that in some cases sheer laxity was the cause of nonattendance at church and of subsequent prosecution. The exact proportion of Catholics among these indicted recusants can therefore be gauged only by further genealogical research, and to this the obscurity of so many of the offenders presents an almost insuperable difficulty. Nevertheless, since the Act to retain the Queen's Majesty's subjects in their due obedience (statute 23 Eliz., cap. 1), which originated these indictments , was aimed primarily at Catholics, there can be little doubt that most of the persons so prosecuted were firm adherents of the ancient Faith. Bearing in mind , moreover, the history of the development of Protestant Dissent, we may go so far as to say that of the recusants who appear in the reign of James the First the vast majority were Catholics.§ The procedure in prosecutions for recusancy is outlined in the records proceedings " which were drafted in certain cases (e.g., "the case ofofWilliam Roper, p. 164), and was pursuant to the statute 29 Eliz., cap. 6 , § 5, which enacts that upon the indictment of such offender a proclamation shall be made at the same Assizes or Gaol Delivery in which the indictment shall be taken by which it shall be commanded that the body of such offender shall be rendered to the Sheriff of the same County before the next Assizes or General Gaol Delivery to be held in the same County. And if at the said next Assizes or Gaol Delivery the same offender Cf. Calendar for the sessions of January , 1615/16 : pp. 90, 91. M.C.R. , II, pp . 146 and 235 . There was a special statute against Protestant Dissenters, viz ., 35 Eliz., cap. 1. In the reign of Charles the Second they were prosecuted in great numbers under the two Conventicle Acts of 1664 and 1670 particularly the latter. § This conclusion is reached also by Jeaffreson with regard to the Middlesex records . M.C.R. , , p. xli, II








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so proclaimed shall not make appearance of record, that then, upon such default recorded, the same shall be as sufficient a conviction in law of the said offence whereof the party so stands indicted as is aforesaid, as if upon the said indictment a trial by This verdict thereupon had proceeded and been recorded. explains the annotation Proclamatus fuit secundum formam statuti ( He was proclaimed according to the form of the statute ) , which in one form or another is to be found on all indictments for recusancy . From 1673 it was the custom of legal scribes to add Defaltam fecit, Ideo &c . ( He made default , therefore [he incurred the penalty ) in cases where the summons contained in the proclamation was disregarded, but it is safe to say that the absence of such further words signifies the same thing default of appear-







ance and consequent incurring of the penalty of the statute.

When a recusant did obey the summons and appear at the sessions to " traverse " or plead not guilty to his indictment, submitting himself to a trial by jury, the clerk invariably noted the fact on the indictment . It will be seen that instances of this were very rare in London. Practically all recusants ignored the summons and, thus tacitly indicating their guilt , were convicted by default. The penalty upon conviction was a forfeiture to the Exchequer of £20 for every month during which the offender absented himself from the services of the Anglican Church, in default of which payment all his goods and two-thirds of his lands were seizable by the Crown. It is necessary to observe, however, that the mere fact of indictment and conviction is , of itself, no proof that these payments were actually made or that the property was actually seized, but only that the offenders had become debtors to the Crown and liable to such penalties. On the highly interesting and important question of the payment or exaction of recusancy dues the present records are silent . It was the business of the Court of Exchequer to attend to this. Consequently, after an estreat or précis of such of these convictions as suited the Crown Officers had been sent by the Clerk of the Peace into the Exchequer, the work of the local court was complete. The student who seeks information as to the final outcome of any of these recusant cases must examine the Exchequer records at the Public Record Office, Proclamation of recusants was made in court by the Cryer. Cf. The * of Office the Clerk of Assize : together with the Office of the Clerk of the Peace 2nd Ed., London, 1682: author anonymous), p . 69. ( Statute 29 Eliz., c. 6. By 3 James I , c. 4 , § XI, it was further enacted that the Crown was empowered, after 29 September, 1606, to refuse the forfeiture of £20 per mensem , and in lieu thereof to seize two-thirds of the goods and lands leaving to the recusant his chief mansion-house as part of his " " third part,. A note stating that an estreat had been made and delivered is occasionally to be found on indictments ; e.g., those of Thomas Bagshawe (p. 58) and Francis Holt (p . 61 ) . Such notes were superfluousand are by no means indicative of the actual number of convictions estreated. The RecusantRolls themselves and the Estreats of Fines Books far as the latter go (see " "-so performed in the majority infra)-afford ample evidence that this' duty was cases . of







particularly the Recusant Rolls wherein the above estreats were enrolled with marginal notes briefly describing subsequent proceedings . The annual Pells Books of Receipts give particulars of those recusants (reduced to a mere handful under James the First) who regularlypaid their fines twice a year into the Exchequer. In the case of the thousands who did not , it is clear from the statute of 29 Eliz. already referred to, that a further process had to issue out of the Exchequer before their property could be seized , but how far this was carried out in practice is at present unknown. The history of the Exchequer procedure with regard to recusancy calls urgently for further research . We should realize, moreover, that the liabilities of a person once convicted of, say, a month's recusancy, did not end with the payment of twenty pounds due upon that occasion . By the above statute of 29 Elizabeth his first indictment and conviction necessitated his paying into the Exchequer, in addition to the sum forfeited by that indictment and without any other conviction , a further sum of twenty pounds for every month thereafter, so long as he forbore to attend the Protestant services ; and if default were made in any part of any payment the full sequestration de"


scribed above ensued . However, although a single estreated conviction could thus cost the determined recusant either £240 per annum or the loss of all his goods and of two-thirds of his lands, is clear that the above enactment was not intended for the consideration of the local authorities , who, as the present recordsshow, would repeatedly and at short intervals convict the same person for this offence . The business of the sorting out of such estreats as appertained to persons previously convicted and therefore already liable to the penalty evidently lay with the Exchequer. Whether or to what extent recusants were penalized afresh upon successive convictions is again a question which can be settled only by a careful study of the Exchequer records. In any case it is easy to see how completely the fortunes of such persons were at the mercy of the Government. A noteworthyfact to which the present records testify is that the Catholic gentry of the provinces resorted in considerable numbers to London chiefly to the outlying parishes of St. Andrew Holborn , St. Dunstan in the West , and St. Anne Blackfriars notwithstandingthat they were prohibited, under pain of the forfeiture of £ 100, from dwelling or remaining within ten miles of the City's boundaries. This law came into force in 1606 by the statute 3 James , c. 4, § III, as a result of the Gunpowder Plot, but there is no evidence in the extant sessions records either of London or of Middlesex that these recusants were prosecuted for its infringement . Presumably they had all procured the necessary " licence." may add here that the indictments of Thomas Pemble, Thomas this Society's publications and the admirable Introxviii ofMiss * Cf.byvolits. editor duction , M. M. Č. Calthrop. Jacobean a few indictments both town and countryaddresses of the In





are given.

Vide pp . 38 seq.



Rickles, William Kiffin, and Charles Bateman (pp. 372 and 373), are the last indictments for recusancy ever presented in London. James the Second put a stop to prosecutions of this kind, and under William and Mary new methods of taxation were devised. Consequently the present volume rounds off a definite epoch in the history of the persecution of Catholics. The recusancy of Ben Jonson and other men of letters . Among the more notable documents in the present book there occurs on page 6 (doc . (2) ) an indictment of wide interest. The eighth entry on this indictment which charges twenty persons with recusancy during the three months following 5 October, 1605 runs, in English , as follows : Benjamin Johnson, late of the aforesaid parish of St. Anne within the precinct of the late Friars Preachers , long since dissolved , commonly called the Blackfriars , London, gentleman. From what has already been said it will be seen that he and all the other persons therein named (except Edward Wilton) were convicted for this offence by reason of their failure to deliver their bodies to the Sheriffs in accordance with the proclamation . On the same bill appear two other names of no little renown in the realm of letters, Thomas Lodge ( then practising medicine in London) and Edmund Bolton (Boulton). In an attempt to trace the further results of these particular convictions examined the Recusant Rolls at the Public Record Office for the third year of the reign of James the First and two or three years afterwards . found , however, that no estreat of this indictment had been enrolled. It would appear certain therefore that all escaped the penalty on the present occasion possibly owing to the protection which Jonson and his fellow authors enjoyed at Court. The reader will find one or two other references to Lodge and Boulton. Hugh Holland , the poet, also occurs in a number of instances ; another poet, John Beaumont (Beamonte), once (p. 14). Anthony Munday , a man of similar fame for literary achievement, but of far different predilections , appears twice in his characteristic role of informer and prosecuting witness against










recusants .

(vii) Indictments for being Papists. During the Interregnum whereas the old indictment for priesthood continued to be presented, , that for neglecting to attend the Anglican services naturally became obsolete . By no means , however, does this imply that Catholic layfolk enjoyed a respite from persecution. Recusants previously convicted were required to pay their forfeitures as before, or send into the Exchequer the rents of such sequestratedlands as they had compounded for. In addition to this, the Long Parliament in





Ben Jonson, the dramatist , became a Catholic some time after 1598 while imprisoned in Newgate on a charge of murder . He abjured the Faith twelve years later. Cf. D.N.B. Cf. C.R.S. iii, 305. Cavalier ; Letters of William Blundell to his Friends, 1620-1698 : edited by Margaret Blundell , p. 41 .



April , 1643, devised a new " oath of abjuration," by which all the distinguishing tenets of the Faith were specifically renounced. Anyone suspected of " Popery " might be offered this oath without the slow process of presentation and conviction in a court of sessions, and, upon a certificate of the refusal thereof signed by two Justices of the Peace , was liable to suffer the sequestration of twothirds of his estate, real and personal. * From 1643 to 1660 the term " recusant was thus applied in law to those who refused to take the oath of abjuration. In 1656 Cromwell's second Parliament prescribed certain principles whereby the tendering of the oath of abjuration (to which several additions were now made) and subsequent prosecution for its refusal were to be regulated. Embodied in the " Act for convicting, discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants," these measures became law on 26 June, 1657. This Act instituted two methods of prosecuting such persons as were " suspected or reputed to be Papists or Popishly affected," either of which was declared to be legally sufficient . One course was by indictment , of which several examples will be found in the following pages, briefly designated as indictments for being ' Papists ' (p. 115 et seq.). Proclamation was to follow indictment as in prosecutions for recusancy, the indicted person being summoned by that proclamation to appear at the next Sessions of Gaol Delivery or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to take the oath of abjuration set forth in The second method was that once in the text of the Act. every Quarter, not later than twenty- eight days before the Quarter Sessions, Justices of the Peace should issue warrants to the Constables and Churchwardens, requiring them to present upon oath fourteen days before the said sessions the names and addresses of all suspected Papists " dwelling within their several parishes. Three contemporary lists constructed from these returns of the Constables and Churchwardens will be found in the present book , pp. 119, 130, and 149. The Justices of the Peace were thereupon to issue further warrants to the above-mentioned officials to summon the persons so presented to appear at that same sessions, then and there severally to take the oath. If they failed to appear, proclamation was to be made that they should do so at the next Quarter Sessions . Whether the method of prosecution was by indictment or by presentment, neglect of appearance in compliance with the proclamation was , upon record being made of the default , tantamount to conviction . § The penalty was the same as has been already described the sequestration, by process out of the Exchequer, of two- thirds of all property, real and personal. Since this Act was expressly concerned with Papists, there




* Christian Moderator, or Persecution for Religion: London, 1652: quoted by Lingard ( 1829), xi, 179.

Cf. Firth and Rait : Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660 . The form of the oath may be seen in document (4) , p. 141. § Cf. Records of Proceedings " : docs . (2 ) , p. 115, and (2) , p. 123 in





is every reason to suppose that the persons indicted or presented under its articles, and here recorded as having failed to subscribe the oath, were actually Catholics. However , the occurrence of the name of William Lewis, the former chaplain to Charles the First, * in one of the lists (p. 131), shows the possibility that one or two Royalist Anglicans may be found, at any rate among those who abjured. It would appear that Doctor Francis Prujean , treasurer and ex -president of the Royal College of Physicians, * was likewise not a Catholic. Were it not for the absence of the last two files of the Protectorate, we could claim that we have here a complete set of recorded prosecutions in London under the Act of 1657. Curiously enough , Middlesex County Records (vol . III) contains no reference whatever to similar prosecutions in the metropolitan county. ( ) Incidental writings In addition to the various types of documentsdealt with in the foregoing sections, there will be found in the present collection a few examples of other writings occasionally to be met with in the files, namely, warrants, lists of prisoners, records of commissions, records of abjuration, lists of reputed papists, pleas and records of proceedings. Comment on these (where comment seemed needful) has been made in the footnotes and elsewhere in this introduction. On the last three classes of documents, however, some further observations may be added here. It would be rash to assume that the lists of reputed papists, given on pages 119, 130, and 149 seq., are equivalent to a complete census of the Catholics then residing in London . Many parishes are omitted , and since the original returns have not survived we have no means of ascertaining whether in every case returns were actually sent in . Moreover, we know nothing of the thoroughness of the search instituted by the constables and churchwardens. Owing to the subterfuges to which Catholics of the period were driven, there can be little doubt that many succeeded in escaping detection. Records of proceedings (these documents were called recorda in contemporary legal language) are rarely encountered in the files before the year 1613, and appear to have been drawn up for special cases only. They vary with the different proceedings they describe , and in some instances are of great value to students of the present subject as showing the procedure in prosecutions relating to religion. For the most part they are elaborate to the degree of tediousness . When the clerk was required to make up " the record of a criminal trial, for instance, he always gave a formal and detailed account of the sessions, commission, grand jury, indictment, arraignment , plea, petty jury, verdict, and judgment . Such matters are indeed of importance , but is exasperating to find that despite all this verbiage the two most interesting items of any trial, namely, the evidence and the judge's direction, are regularly omitted. Incidentally, it is of interest to * Cf. D.N.B. Cf. in particular , the Records given on pp . 115, 123 , 138, 164 165. ,








note that in the two Records of this kind given in the present book --both in cases of treason ( pp. 249 and 325)-the wording of the

judgment is fuller than that given on the original indictments. Since these Records form the authoritative statements of proceedings in the cases for which they were drafted , it would seem certain that the annotators of indictments for treason invariably abridged the actual sentence . have remarked on this point on


page 252.




" in this collection give particulars of stay of

proceedings (pp. 158 and 196 ) : others, again, describe the award various kinds of pleas , for instance, pleas to the writ as ofdeath of party (p. 161), misnomer (p. 174) , and special pleas , as pardon (pp . 83 , 96 , and 326). Records of pleadings, however, were apparently never made unless the plea was allowed.








The last-mentioned documents are frequently very similar in wording to actual pleas , but may be distinguished from them chiefly by their conclusion, which always gives the final decree of the court allowing the plea. Only four examples of formal pleas occur (cf. pp. 96, 101, 146, and 309) . For further information on this intricate subject must refer the reader to the law books already quoted.


B. Sessions Books . These form a series of folio volumes, for the most part in limp parchment covers, extending from August, 1662, to October, 1730. Up to May , 1666, they are defective, the records of some fifteen sessions being omitted , but after that date they provide us with a complete calendar of every sessions held at the Guildhall and the Old Bailey. From the fact that an odd volume of the year 1613 exists (containing no explicit references to our subject) we may assume that the series was once far more extensive, and that a vast number of earlier volumes have been


lost. Designed as a register or index of the proceedings in the various cases that appeared before the London criminal courts, these court minute books were originally intended merely for the use of the Clerk of the Peace and his subordinates, and are consequently of a severely technical and concise character ; but when, upon a little study, the general scheme of the work and the principles on which the entries were made are understood ( the volumes themselves give no description or explanation whatever of their contents) , they prove to be of great value in supplementing the evidence of the files . The latter , for instance, provide us with no information in the case of an unindicted person under bond to appear at a sessions, beyond the fact, tersely recorded on his recognizance , that he appeared or defaulted. It is to the Sessions Books alone that we must look for a record (provided he did actually appear) of the later proceedings in his regard. Further-


The regular form of " the judgment of a man attainted of high treason ( already referred to) . is given on p. 64 of The Office of the Clerk of Assize and his entrals [sic] and Privy Members shall includes the words . It be cut from his Body


" .. .





more , they contain occasionalorders of the court , parish assessments for the relief of the poor, presentments and addresses by grand juries , and other memoranda likewise unrecorded elsewhere . Since considerable use has been made of these sources in the compilation of the present work, some explanation must here be

given of the method employed by the original registrars. At the beginning of every Sessions of the Peace, the clerk, having received the recognizances taken before the Justices of the Peace since the previous sessions, first inscribed at the head of a new page in the Sessions Book the style , date , and commissionersofthe sessions then about to commence to which he added later the dates of the adjournments. Beneath this title he then proceeded to make brief entries of the name and address of every person thus bound under recognizances to appear at that sessions, leaving a space of about an inch between each entry, and adding under each name, a little to the left , the note ans or pros' or pros tr to indicate in a general way the purpose for which appearance was requiredwhether to answer a charge, to prosecute someone else, or to prosecute a traverse upon (i.e. , plead not guilty to) an indict" ment. In the second case, if the person to be prosecuted was in prison , the prisoner's name was added immediately opposite in the left-hand margin . In the right-hand margin the nature of each case was generally, though not invariably, referred to by such notes as G.B. (Good Behaviour), Papist, " pro insult , pro verbis, etc. The space above each entry was utilized, sometimes by another clerk, for the later insertion of a minute recording the due appearance ( or default) of the person in question and the further proceedings concerning him at the current sessionswhether discharge or re- delivery to bail . A second section, appertaining to the same sessions, was begun on a new page with a similar but shorter title, and was devoted to such cases as were determined by the court during the course of the sessions. The latter entries comprised merely the name of the indicted person and a brief description of the offence , a space again being left above each entry for a later annotation recording the arraignment and judgment in each case an annotation which was generally a precise copy of the minute on the original indictment. Between these two sections was inserted a third, without title of any kind, the purpose of which is not wholly clear. There can be little doubt that it contains entries of the appearance and deliveryto bail of persons not already under bond to appear but summoned by proclamation or writ or brought to the court in custody . Nevertheless, except in the case of proclaimed recusants (e.g. , pp. 180 seq.) , the reason for



' '








note will be found in the more expanded form ad prosequend * This My English rendering of , to prosecute a traverse, ' '

travers on page 159.

" is taken from an entry in the London Newgateit Calendar of December, 1651". noticed only one exception to this . Stonar Crouch was bailed on 12 May, 1679 (p. 242) , to appear at the sessions of the ensuing June. The record of his appearance is duly entered in the first section of the Sessions Book ( p. 254), but his re-delivery to bail is recorded in this third section (p . 255)-probably owing to lack of space in the earlier entry.




whose appearancewe can trace to the summons in their proclamation, and in the case of Newgate prisoners (e.g. , p. 264), whom the Sheriffs were ordered to produce by the precepts of venire , is impossible to say whether the persons named in this section were cited to the court by a writ of summons or were conducted thither under a warrant of arrest . Since bail was allowed upon appearance in every instance, it would indeed seem probable that the former was the process employed. Where such doubtful cases occur in this book, have used the non- committal heading Appeared and bailed in court. Hiswork for one sessions being now complete, the registrar later began, on the next page , a series of similar memoranda relating to the business of the Sessions of Gaol Delivery opening at the Old Bailey a few days after the above Sessions of the Peace, adding at the end a record of any trials that were held under Commissions of Oyer and Terminer . And so on through the book. Each London sessions was dealt with in chronological order in three divisions as already described. The mayoral system of dating was used in all entries. When a volume was full, the dates of the various sessions referred to within (generally about twenty in number ) were inscribed on the cover. In the matter of recusancy the Sessions Books are not very informative, for they contain records only of persons who actually attended the court . The fact that no initial recognizances were required in such cases , and the peculiar statutory procedurewhereby a recusant might lawfully be indicted and convicted in his absencethe case against him being complete, without trial, upon his failure to make the requisite appearance in court explain the silence of the Sessions Books with regard to those recusants who neglected was therefore only when a recusant personally the summons. appeared in order to plead against his indictment (a rare occurrence) that any allusion to these prosecutions is to be found. , as usually happened, his trial was then deferred and he, in the meantime, was allowed bail, his first appearance at the court and his delivery to bail were noted in the third section referred to above. Thereafter the case may be followed in the first section of the register for each subsequent sessions, until the final issue of the trial recorded in the second section under the appropriate date . An illustration of this will be found in the entries concerning John Mawson, Thomas Bentley, etc. (pp. 183 seq., in text), eight of whom were bound over from session to session for a year , and finally convicted in December, 1674. The outcome of the trials may indeed also be seen in the annotations to the several indictments of these persons on the files, but we are indebted to the Sessions Books alone for the interesting particulars relating to bail during that year . Some further remarks on the Sessions Books will be found in a later part of this Introduction (p. lviii). C. Sessions Papers By this general title is officially designated a very imperfect collection of records appertaining to certain extra - curial duties of London Justices of the Peace, particularly












the original examinations , depositions, and informations attested in their presence, handed in by them to the Clerk of the Peace on the eve of the various sessions and , in cases wherein it was decided to prosecute , produced in court as evidence. They are now preserved in bundles; the earliest containing documents relating to the years 1652-1670 , none of which, however, has any connection

with our subject . The selectiongiven in the present book all belong to the second bundle, the contents of which cover the years 16701689. It is clear that the extant papers form but a small fraction of the once existing documents of this class . Since they are the most circumstantial and the least formal of judicial records, it is a matter of lively regret that so many of the Sessions Papers have disappeared .


D. Books of Estreats of Fines, Amerciaments, and Recognizances forfeited and assessed . It was the duty of the Sheriffs, acting under orders from the Exchequer, to levy all monies due by forfeiture to the Crown : the responsibility of the Clerk of the Peace, as we have seen was at an end upon his sending into the Exchequer , a statement of such forfeitures incurred at the local sessions. In the books now under consideration are preserved the latter official's copies of these statements or estreats. Similar in appearance to the Sessions Books , these volumes are extant from October, 1659, and form a complete series one volume to each year until the middle of the eighteenth century . The entries are for the most part concerned with forfeitures incurred through failure to fulfil the conditions undertaken in recognizances , but the books also contain estreats of the forfeitures due upon conviction for recusancy during the reign of Charles the Second . As regards forfeited recognizances they prove that in every case where there was default of appearance thefact was duly notified to the Exchequer. The followingexample, dated June, 1674, is a typical estreat of the latter kind and relates to the case of Samuel Wright, the recusant Notary Public, who by his failure to appear at the Gaol Delivery Sessions of that date (cf. Sessions Book, p. 189 ) became the King's debtor in the sum of £100 and brought a liability of £50 upon each of his two sureties: De Samuel Wright de parochia sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate London Notario Publico quia non comparuit modo hic ad hunc diem cora prefat CIP Justic dicti Domini Regis ad respond eis omnibus & singulis que versus eu ex parte dicti Domini Regis objicerentur & pros tr cu effectu prout assumpsit pro seipso per quanda recogn per ipsum







'' '





' '

' De Christofero Irons de paroch' sancti Dunstani in orien London Generos ' un' pleg pred Samuel 'pro consimili ' ' ' De Willelmo Bigge de paroch sancte Marie ' Newington in Com Surr' Haberdasher al' ' pleg pred Samuel pro consimili ' ' '


Lli' LIP



The estreats of forfeitures for recusancy are to be found at the end of two of the volumes, those due to convictions in the period 1675-1683 being noted in the volume for 1673-74, and the forfeitures of Thomas Pemble, Thomas Rickles, William Kiffin , and Charles Bateman (convicted at the sessions of June, 1685) in that for 1684-85. Every case of recusancy which , by the evidence of the original indictments , we know to have resulted in conviction in the reign of Charles the Second finds its place here , except those of Peter Farmer , Thomas Napper, and Ann Rixley, who were convicted together at the sessions of October, 1677 (cf. p. 200, note). Moreover, no estreats for recusancy are to be found in these books which are not accounted for among the annotated indictments on the files of this period. have said elsewhere (p . xxii) that a number of the early files of Charles's reign are missing; nevertheless , the above facts, coupled with what we know from other sources concerning the comparative freedom from molestation which Catholics experienced during those same early years, * make fairly safe to claim that, despite these lacunae in the series of files, we have in the present volume of " London Sessions Records a complete set of the London indictments for recusancy under the second Charles, and that for the first thirteen years of his reign ( 16601673) there were no prosecutions in the City for that offence. This has been pointed out on p. 154, where attention is also drawn to another point established, this time quite definitely, by the Estreats of Fines Books, namely, that it was only after the Plot of Titus Oates that married women in London were liable to the usual forfeitures for recusancy in this reign . The proof for this lies in the fact that until January, 1679/80 (when the first recusancy cases after the Plot occur) , the usual figures indicating the amount of the forfeitures are always omitted in the estreats of their convictions . An example will make this clear. The following is a copy of the estreats in the case of William Eaton and his wife, convicted in January, 1674/5 De Willelmo Eaton de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste in ward de Cordweynor London pred Shoemaker quia non accessit ad Ecclesia' sua parochial nec ad aliqua al Ecclesia Capella sive usual locu communis precacionis et Divini servicii nec ibidem remansit tempore communis precacionis et Divini servicii ad aliquod tempus infra spaciu triu mensiu LXII prox sequen quintu diem Septembris Anno regni dicti domini Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. vicesimo quinto supradicto unde Indictat et Convict existit secundum forma & tenorem Statut in huiusmodi casu edit' & provis De [blank] Eaton de ead paroch in ward pred Spinster alias dicta [blank] Eaton uxore [blank pred Willelmi Eaton pro consimili





'' '





' '


' '















' '


William Blundell , of Crosby, Lancs. , writing shortly after the passing of the Test Act, 1673 ( at the end of which year we get the first extant London




Even where the woman is convicted apart from her husband the amount of the debt is likewise not mentioned . The same omission is to be noticed in the entries of these London estreats in the Recusant Rolls of the correspondingyears at the Public Record Office. Since the additional information afforded by the Estreats of Fines Books may thus be stated with comparative brevity, have refrained from formally incorporating their contents in the text of the present book. E. The Repertories of the Court of Aldermen This magnificent set of municipal records in 298 volumes contains minutes of the proceedings of the Court of Aldermen from A.D. 1495 to the present day. A manuscript subject index thereto has been carried as far as 1857. The London Court of Aldermen , constituted by the Lord Mayor and City Aldermen , sat at the Guildhall about twentyfive times a year and, with the Court of Common Council, formed (and still forms) the administrative body of the Corporation . Its judicial function was mostly confined to questions touching the election and admission of the officials of the City, but in its executive capacity it superintended the London prisons and ordered prosecutions, and in this way comes under our notice. A study of the seventeenth-century Repertories shows that persons arrested on serious charges were occasionally brought before this assembly, which would then and there hold a preliminary examination and either dismiss the case or remand the offender to gaol for trial at a subsequent sessions at the Old Bailey . The records of such proceedings are, in one or two instances , of no little interest to us. have picked out and inserted in the following pages, under their proper dates , all the indexed entries relating to our subject throughout the period.





IV. System of this book Some explanation will be required regarding the method by which the materials are here presented and arranged. The volume will be seen to consist, for the most part, of documents from the Sessions Files, arranged under headings indicating the particular file to which they belong. Here at once some confusion may possibly arise. has already been explained (p. xxi) that each of these files contains the records of at least two separate courts, Sessions of the Peace and Sessions of Gaol Delivery; must therefore make it clear that the recurrent heading, " File for Sessions of Newgate Gaol Delivery . . ., is intended briefly to de" scribe merely the Gaol Delivery section of the file. The composite character of these files should be taken for granted throughout: the absence of a reference to the records of other sessions on a file signifies that no documents relating to our subject have been found





among them.

indictments for recusancy in this reign) , says we are all here for the present in a most dreadful high suspense concerning the late rigorous proclamation and threats against our lives and fortunes. We have not known the like with so many great circumstances of terror, in 20 years last past. ' Cavalier , ed . Margaret Blundell , p . 140. Report on Municipal Corporations , 1837, p. 67.

. .. "




The files are dealt with in chronological order, but have set out the documents they enclose in the order in which they come to hand when one opens the file, irrespective of date, merely rearranging them where necessary according to the sessions to which they refer Gaol Delivery or Sessions of the Peace. This has been done with a view to facilitating the search of a student who wishes to consult an original . I may here remark that from what has already been said concerning the construction of the files (p . xxii) it follows that the first document which meets the eye on an unwrapped file is in reality the last document filed : consequently the reader will understand that where a number of recognizances or other classes of records belonging to one sessions occur together in the present book, the individual documents of those groups are set forth in the inverse order of their actual filing. With the exception of the periods 1625-1652 (when all files



except one are missing) and 1660-1673 ( wherein there is no evidence of the enforcement of the penal laws against Catholics), the dates of all extant Sessions Files lacking in references to our subject, and where it is possible the dates of all missing files, are given in the footnotes as the work proceeds . Sessions Papers and items from the Repertories are inserted under their appropriate dates. When the Sessions Books become available (temp. Charles II) I have placed the data therefrom immediately after the documents of the corresponding Sessions File. In short , the volume deals with the various sessions consecutively, but does not pretend to give the cases themselvesin the strict order in which they came before the court. Indeed , this order is nowhere clearly discernible in the records at our disposal. All minutes or annotations subsequently added to documents and to items in the Sessions Books are reproduced in italics a type which, in the text of the present volume, is employed exclusively for that purpose. ought finally to remark that in view of the vast number of names that occur, biographical notes have been omitted, except where some notes of this kind seemed necessary to account for the inclusion of documents which lack an explicit statement of the character of the offender and of the nature of the charge, or where difficulties in the text demanded them. References to theDictionary of National Biography, however, will be found in the Index.





Records temp . Oates's Plot, 1678-1681 V. . Sessions

The series of London Files and Sessions Books of this period being complete and in excellent preservation, the information they provide is, venture to say, of no little interest and importance, for notwithstanding their reticence in matters of detail they give us the names and the precise number of the persons required, for one reason or another, to appear at the sessions during this time of intense persecution. In the following pages have set forth all the records which have any bearing on the history of the Plot, even such as do not immediately concern Catholics. Since they are very varied






and occupy a considerable portion of the book, it may be of some assistance if an attempt be made here to co -ordinate, historically, this great mass of material. The exigencies of space forbid me to discuss the nature of that hateful imposture. limit my remarks to the effects of the intrigues of Oates and his fellows upon Catholics of the metropolis, as exhibited in the records with which we are dealing. Numerous and significant though these London records are , the student will be impressed actually by their paucity in comparison with the Middlesex records of the same period. This is doubtless to be explained not only by the fact that there were far fewer Catholics in the City than in the adjacent County , but also that the supposed scene of the plot lay outside the City boundaries. Of the men who suffered the extreme penalty at Tyburn in connection with the Plot, only one Richard Langhorne, the Catholic barrister of the Inner Temple (recently beatified)-was prosecuted in London . Nevertheless , it is safe to say that nowhere in England were the consequences of Oates's perjuries more acutely felt by Catholics in general than within the narrow limits of its Capital . The panic of the times is illustrated in the thirty-one royal proclamations which were issued between October, 1678, and December, 1680, prescribing the measures , both preventive and punitive, to be taken on account of this supposed treachery of Catholics. § No less than half of these relate particularly to London and its immediate vicinity. Some of them throw considerable light on the treatment of Catholics in the City and go far to explain the present records: propose therefore to make them the frame-work of my remarks. The first two proclamations , of October 20th and 24th, were concerned with the murder of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, and offered a reward , pardon, and security to anyone who would come forward with information. These were followed on October 30th by another which commanded all Popish Recusants to depart before November 7th from London, Westminster , and all other places (including the royal palaces ) within ten miles of the same : traders of twelve months' standing might remain : constables and churchwardens must report all suspects lingering after that date, to whom the Justices of the Peace must tender the oaths of allegiance and supremacylland commit such as refused to prison till the next sessions , when they were to be proceeded against according to law .






Some new light is thrown on the inner history of the Plot in M. V. Hay's The Jesuits and the Popish Plot, an important book recently published. Cf. Middlesex County Records, vol . iv. The documentsrelative to his case will be found on pp. 245 seq. The authoritative text of these proclamations is to be seen in the contemporary issues of the London Gazette , a set of which is in the Burney Collection, British Museum . Abstracts are given in A Catalogue of Tudor and Stuart Proclamations , edited by R. Steele , vol. i ( BibliothecaLindesiana). The oath of allegiance was that prescribed by the statute 3 James , c. 4. That of supremacy was the old oath prescribed by 26 Henry VIII, c. 1, repealed under Queen Mary and revived by 1 Elizabeth , c. I.




The reader will find some evidence of the results of these proclamations, particularly of the last one, in the file of December, 1678 (pp. 206 seq.). Philip Cooke , Roger Taverner, and Pugh Vaughan, who appear in the Newgate calendar of that date (also Ralph Conyers and Charles Byett : see later calendars ) , were all evidently regarded as visiting Catholics who had ignored the proclamation . It will be seen that three of these , Taverner, Vaughan, and Conyers , eventually died in gaol. On November 17th appeared a proclamation which enjoined that constables and churchwardens should take the names and addresses of all popish recusants of sixteen years of age and upwards, and hand in the lists to the nearest Justice of the Peace, who must send for the persons therein named, tender the oaths (no exceptions are mentioned) , and in case of refusal, require them to enter into recognizances to appear at the next Sessions of the Peace ; defaulters were to be committed to the Common Gaol, there to remain till the following Quarter Sessions or until delivered by due course of law. It ordered, furthermore , that all recusants should be disarmed, a reward of £10 being offered for the discovery of arms in a recusant's house . The two lists of subscribers to the oaths discovered among the Sessions Papers (pp . 205 seq ) show the effects of this proclamation . Since the series of Sessions Papers are far from complete, it is possible that other lists of a similar nature have disappeared. It would seem fairly certain that, terrified by the possible consequences of refusal, the majority of London Catholics took the oaths at this time. A point to be noticed here, however, is that although the law required both oaths to be taken, there are two instances in the present records (i.e., the cases of John Blake and Stonar Crouch, pp . 258 and 259) where the Justices allowed the oath of allegiance to be subscribed without the accompanying oath of supremacy. * Presumably this brought Blake and Crouch some mitigation of treatment , but what amounted to is not shown. Subsequent Sessions Books prove that it did not at any rate excuse them from having to find securities for their good behaviour. On November 19th another edict was issued , explanatory of the proclamation of the previous 30 October. The latter, it stated, did not extend to merchant strangers, provided they gave in their namesto theLord Mayor within six days; norto travellingforeigners on condition that within the same period they sent their names and addresses to the Secretary of State. The next day, November 20th , Charles , on the petition of Parliament , revived the sanguinary statute of 27 Elizabeth by a proclamation for the discovering and apprehending all Popish Priests, and Jesuits, except the Benedictine, Hudleston, and the foreign priests attending the Queen and ambassadors : £20 reward was offered for an arrest. On former occasions warning had been given to priests when it was intended to enforce this statute , giving For contemporary Catholic opinions regarding the oaths see Hay, The*Jesuits and the Popish Plot , pp. 139 seq.









them time to quit the country. Not so now . In every part of England they were immediately seized , imprisoned, indicted , and tried for their lives. During the course of the next year (1679) eight priests were put to death in the provinces for their priesthood alone . An examination of Middlesex County Records, vol . iv , will show how numerous were the arrests and condemnations in that County. The present records prove that in London the number of arrests was comparatively small . Ten persons were apprehended in the City on this charge between November, 1678, and October, 1680, but several of them were detained merely on suspicion and is probable that in one or two instances those so charged were not priests at all. The lure of £20 reward engendered perjurers by the dozen. Take the case of Peter Maria Mazzantini , committed to Newgate on 21 May, 1679 (p . 253 ). Mazzantini was not released until a letter from the Venetian Resident in London had been presented at the board of the Privy Council (May 23rd), pointing out that the accused , whose real Christian name was John, was actually a Surgeon, who had long lived in this Country and married a Wife who is a Protestant and has here a Child , he himself being an Italien and a subject of the great Duke of Tuscany and that he hath for some yeares actually served the said Resid , and had taken the Oath of Allegiance." However, Charles was determined if possible to save the priests from the death penalty and, in the case of all those convicted in London and Middlesex, achieved this by ordering their reprieve in gaol " during the King's pleasure. By an Order-in-Council of 4 June, 1679, he extended this concession to those who should thereafter be convicted in the provinces. His intervention was effective. No persons convicted merely of priesthood after the Spring Assizes of 1679 were put to death. Many, however, died in gaol through long imprisonment , for, except in a few cases , it was not until 1684 that royal pardons were issued . Among the documents in the present book will be found the coroners inquisitions - post-mortem regarding such priests (all of them Middlesex prisoners) as died in Newgate during this period. The next proclamation that concerns us appeared on December 20th, 1678. This measure , entitled For the disarming and securing of Popish Recusants, commanded that all recusants (presumably those who had not hitherto taken the oaths) should be required to enter into recognizances to keep the peace and to be of good behaviour; that these recognizances must be returned to the next Sessions of the Peace, when the persons concerned were to be proceeded against; if they failed to give such recognizances they were to be imprisoned until delivered by due course of law. So sweeping were the effects of this proclamation that a considerable number of our documents are attributable to it . The first batch of recognizances to which it gave rise is on the file for







Privy Council Register, P.C. 2/68 (P.R.O.). * Ibid ., under this date




the sessions of January , 1678/9 . The student who wishes to ascertain what proceedings were taken in regard to any of these persons should turn to the Sessions Book of the same date, where he will find the proceedings outlined in the annotations above each name. In many cases he will discover the words Comparuit et exoneratur ( He appeared and is discharged "), which imply either that the necessaryoaths were then and there taken (a fact which , in a few instances, is explicitly mentioned in the minute) , or that the person concerned produced a certificate that he had received " the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in a Protestant Church. * Those " who refused thus to satisfy the court were thereafter bound over from session to session, and their successive recognizances are to be seen in the Sessions Books until they incur forfeitureby defaulting or are finally discharged in January, 1681/2 . Incidentally, it is noticeable that sooner or later the majority of these persons decided that it was preferable to forfeit their recognizances rather than to endure this continuous and burdensome surveillance. The picture thus presented of the operation of the penal laws among the people of London is not without its interest, but it is after all a mere outline . The meagreness of the information conveyed in these brief minutes leaves us with several problems which cannot be So far as our evidence goes, it would seem satisfactorilysolved. that the Justices occasionally allowed themselvesa certain latitude in their administration of these laws. Meanwhile questions had been put to the judges with regard to the application of the foregoing enactments in particular cases, and on January 17th, 1678/9 , a proclamation appeared stating and enforcing their decisions . By it the Justices were informed that thenceforward all resident foreigners (tradesmen, servants to ambassadors, and " housekeepers ") who were not menial servants to ambassadors nor merchants (as distinct from tradesmen), must either take the oaths or find securities, and that no further exception must be made in this matter in the case of married women (the wives of Protestants ) and native menials of ambassadors : furthermore , that a recusant having taken the oaths on his first appearance in court (according to the requirements of the proclamation of December 20) should not again be bound over to keep the peace, but that if he refused the oaths on that occasion his subsequent taking of them would not free him of the obligation to find new securities. The last point doubtless explains why William Hudson, who took the oaths in April, 1680 (p . 290), is shown in later Sessions Books to be still obliged to appear.


., iv, 114 seq. * M.C.R For instance, we sometimes find in the Sessions Books the note respectuatur ( he is respited " ) instead of traditur in ballium exoneratur. " ... isoroften The reason for the postponement of appearance in such cases withheld from us. Nor is it clear what were the obligations of a person thus some instances respited. would seem that his recognizance was conIn


tinued for a further period; in others, that the case was

" virtually dismissed . This is set forth in the London Gazette of February 3-6 , 1678/9 .


" or



On May 4th, 1679, it was publicly announced that all licences granted since the previous 30 October for provincial Papists to enter within ten miles of London were now revoked: they must depart and not return for six months unless further permission be granted. The order was renewed on 3 December, 1679 , and 4 October, 1680, by which time these suspicious characters are said to have returned in great numbers. Consequently it was decided to enforce the old statute of 3 James , c . 4, by which such offenders should incur the fine of 100 ; and nine days later ( 13 October, 1680) churchwardens and overseers of the poor were incited to action by a proclamation which promised that half of the said fine would be devoted to the needs of the poor in the parish where the discovery of a lurking papist should be made. There is no evidence in the present records, however, that their efforts were successful. This remarkable series of proclamations ends on 3 December, 1680, with a further warning that all papists, including peers, must leave London at once ; but it was not until the advent of Sir John Moore as Lord Mayor in November, 1681, that Catholics in London began to breathe more freely . The lifting of the ban was of course due primarily to the fall of Shaftesbury's Party from power at the beginning of that year ; nevertheless, Sir John's personal views were all in favour of stemming the tide of persecution (see p. 344, note), and since it cost him no little trouble and unpopularity to carrythe new policy of moderation into effect, his name is worthy of our grateful remembrance. It will be noticed that during the Oates Plot period , indictments (as distinct from other classes of records) exhibiting matter of interest to Catholics are comparatively rare . Only two files contain indictments for recusancy, those of October, 1679, and October, 1681. On the latter occasion Titus Oates himself is seen in one of his last public acts as a prosecuting witness he was then falling into disrepute. However, some of the other indictments occurring in the last seven years of this reign are of considerable interest. would call attention particularly to those charging persons with seditious ог " libellous words relative to the murder of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey and other incidents of the Plot. Several of them illustrate very clearly the ubiquity of informers and the serious consequences that might befall anyone who was so rash as to question the reality of the " Popish Plot or the good faith of its actual contrivers . Nor should the reader overlook the evidence (here given mostly in the footnotes) of the fierce pamphlet warfare between Shaftesbury's men and the Court Party, shown in the numerous prosecutions for seditious literature. An outstanding figure of these years was the doughty Nathaniel Thompson , a printer of Fetter Lane, who entered the lists in August , 1679, to combat the Shaftesbury and Oates periodicals which were flooding the country. " Popish Nat," as he was nicknamed, edited a news-











But see note, p . 260. The total number of indictments for recusancy presented in London throughout the reign of Charles the Second was 298 (63 parchments) . Conviction followed in 231 cases,



paper of his own to prevent false reports, and published numerous pamphlets for which he was frequently prosecuted. have noted in the present book every reference to him occurring in the London records, for he appears actually to have become a Catholic towards the end of the reign .




In conclusion wish to express my sincere gratitude to His Lordship the Bishop of Cambysopolis ( the Rt . Rev. Joseph Butt, V.G.) for his kind hospitality and encouragement, particularly during the period in which the materials for this book were being collected. am also deeply indebted to Mr. A. H. Thomas, Deputy Keeper of the Records at the Guildhall , and to his assistant, Mr. P. E. Jones , without whose skilled assistance and unfailing courtesy the work could never have been achieved; to Miss J. Cameron and Miss N. McN. O'Farrell, who afforded me very considerable help at the Middlesex Guildhall and the Public Record Office respectively; to Mr. J. G. Muddiman , for giving me the benefit of his unrivalled knowledge concerning the printed sources of Charles the Second's reign ; to Mr. B. H. Newdigate, for reading the proofs and for several important suggestions , and to Mr. J. J. O'Reilly, of the Public Record Office, who examined the above introductory remarks in manuscript and suggested some valuable emendations. wish also to thank those of my own brethren who generously gave many hours of their time to the labour of typing the MSS .




Douai Abbey, Woolhampton . 21 May, 1934.


GLOSSARY OF VERBAL CONTRACTIONS AND LEGAL TERMS . * Note: (1) An apostrophe following the vowels a, e, or u generally signifies the omission of the single letter m ; otherwise , the contraction of a noun , pronoun, or adjective may stand for any case, number, or gender of the word. (2) The diphthongs a and c are invariably written e.

to abet.

Ab(b) ettare accessarius



accio action . adiornamentum = adjournment. adiornare to adjourn. adiudicare to give judgment. ad largu ad largum at large . advisate advisedly, intentionally . agreamentum agreement . al (1) alius other. (2) alias otherwise . (3) alioquin or else, otherwise. aldermannus alderman . alias otherwise; at anothertime. allegare to allege. allocacio award . allocare to allow, award. alloc allocatur is allowed .




alt altus high. alterare to change, alter.





Anglia= England. ann ; aº Anno= in the year. ( to) answer . ans antetunc previously. appellare to impeach , accuse. ar ; arm ; armig = armiger esquire. Arcub = (de) Arcubus of the Arches (Le Bow). ar ( r) ainare to arraign. arrestare to arrest. articul articulus = complaint, charge, article. assign assignatus "= appointed; assignee. assis assisa = assize.











to acknowledge .

atta attainted . attach attachiatus = " attached, bound or seized by writ. " attincta attaint, attainder. attinctare to attaint (Note attinctatus convicted and sentenced for treason or capital felony). (with affiniatting attingunt tate) are related. attornatus attorney. audiend et terminand = audiendum et terminandum = for hearing and determining (cf. Oyer and Terminer). audit (1) auditus a hearing. (2) auditus heard. aur aurifaber= goldsmith. autrefoisacquit (plea)= previously acquitted (of the same offence as the one charged in the indictment) .










= bail ballius ' ((2)) ballium bailiff. ballivus } of ' ( -this; Court, Court of King's usually in




banc bancus bench Common Pleas sense Bench with Regis). baronett baronettus = baronet. barr barra bar of a court. biga an object drawn by two horses ; hurdle; sledge. bon ( 1) bonus= good. (2) bona = goods. breve = writ .

' ' -


Compiled chiefly from The Record Interpreter, C. T. Martin (2nd ed., 1910) ; A New Law Dictionary , Giles Jacob (7th ed . , 1756) ; and Wharton's Lexicon , revised by J. S. Will (6th ed. , 1876). Law




Calumpniare to claim. capcio = taking. capt captus taken.

'' ' '

catall catalla= chattels. cerc ; cert ; certiorar = certiorari (writ). ? certificatura === certicertific' ficate. certificare to certify, estreat.



cess process

' cessat processus=

the process ceases, proceedings are stayed . civit civitas city. claia hurdle.


coadunacio assembly . cog ; cogn = cognovit(-erunt) = acknowledged , confessed (with indictamentum pleaded guil-



ty) . 1


( ) comitatus= county. (2) comparuit(-erunt; comparebit) = appeared (shall appear ). (3) committed (to prison). com committed (to prison) . com (m)iss (1) commissus com-





mitted , imprisoned .

(2) commissio com-


mission . compar comparuit( -erunt) = . appeared comparencia appearance compassare to compass, contrive. compassatio = contrivance, compassing. Computator Counter (prison ). concelare to conceal. concernen concernens concern-


ing. confect = confectus = addressed,


directed . cons (1) consideratum (est)= it is decreed, considered (and other tenses of considerare). custom . (2) consuetudo =contained . content contentus


'' - -

cont contra= against. controfactura counterfeit. convencio = meeting. conversacio = conversation, behaviour. conviccio = conviction. convict = convictus = convicted (in treason or capital felony,


the condition of an offender found guilty but not sentenced . Cf. attinctare) . cora coram = before . coron corona crown . coronat coronator= coroner . crastinum morrow. cu cum = since, whereas ; with. cur curia court .






' in'



(1) data= date. (2) datus, given.

dandus from dare togive. Dacorum = of the Danes ( references to the parish of St. Clement Danes). deber = debere= to owe. debit ( 1 ) debitum= debt. (2) debitus due (adj .). deced decedendum, from decedere depart, withdraw. dedicere to gainsay , controvert. ded dedit gave. defend defendens defendant . def fec defaltam fecit ( -erunt) = made default. del ( 1) deliberacio = delivery, re-




' ''

' 2


lease .

( ) deliberatur= is delivered, released.

deliberatur is delivered, re-




= delinquens = offending . demand demanda = citation, demand . deten detentus detained . detinet detinetur is detained . devisare devise . dic dicit says. dict dictus = said . dies day (also day, in sense of a time of respite given to a defendant Jacob , Law Dict.). divisare devise. Dom Dominus = Lord . duct ductus = led, brought.









Ead ,

eod , eorund = eadem, eodem, eorundem = same. ear , eor earum, eorum = ofthem . ecia , etia etiam= also. edit = editus made, published. effect effectus effect .













effectual '

= effectualiter = ef-


electus elected, chosen. escaet escaetor= escheator. escapium escape. eu eum him . evidenc' evidencia evidence. exactus = called , sumexact moned. Excambium Exchange . execucio execution . existere to be, exist (often used elect






for esse).


existen existens being . ext, exour, exon ur exoneratur= is discharged, exonerated . exta , exra extra without; at large ; issuing from. extran extraneus foreigner . extunc thereafter.




Faber ferrarius= blacksmith. falsitas forgery. felon felonia felony. Fidis , often used as genitive Fides ( St.) Faith. forisfacere to forfeit. forisfactura forfeiture. furcae= gallows .



G.B. Good Behaviour. gaol gaola (? gaolum ) = gaol. gener , generos , generoc = generosus, generocius= gentleman. geren gerens bearing . gerend , from gerere= to behave . Guihald Guihalda Guildhall.








Habr , haberd = haberdasher .


habit habitus had, held. ha cor = habeas corpus (writ). hambletus hamlet. hered heredes= heirs . homicid homicidium homicide .

' '' ''



Ign ignoramus we ignore , are ignorant (of bills) . impannellare to impanel. impetere to accuse, impeach . impeticio impeachment . imposit impositus= imputed.



imposter imposterum = hereafter. = imprimere to print . imprisonament = imprisonamentum imprisonment. inchoat inchoatus = begun. ind , indict indictatur is in-



'dicted' .

inde = of or concerning the charge .

indictament indictamentum = indictment . indictat indictatus indicted. indilate without delay. inferre= bring in , produce , deliver. infra within . in (n)uend innuendo meaning. inquirend , from inquirere = inquire. inquisicio inquisition, inquest, =







instan instans instant, present . instigacio instigation, impulse. insulta assault . integr', from integer==whole . interloqui to discuss, imparl . intul intulit brought in, delivered; inflicted. intratus entered , recorded . inven inveniendus , from invenire= find. it = item= also.






Jacen jacens lying. jovis (dies) Thursday. jud judicium judgment. junctor joiner. jur (1) juratores= jurors. (2) jurata jury . (3) juratus sworn. justic (1) justiciarius = a justice. (2) justicia justice.

' ' -








man , one of the artizan class. lapidarius stone-mason . lect lectus read, recited. legal legalis = lawful . legianc = legiancia = allegiance . levar levari to be levied . li libra pound (money ). libr ( 1) libra. (2) (from) liber = book . licenc licencia = permission . ligeanc ligeancia= allegiance .

'' ' ' '








liegeman , subject. locu tenen = locum tenens = lieutenant. lotura = rubbing or lotur sweating" (of coins ). lune (dies) Monday.




M , Maior' (Major ) = Maiore ( abl.) = mayor, in the mayoralty of. m , manucapt = ( 1) manucaptio= mainprize, security. (2) manucaptor = (asurety, mainpernor kind of bail : cf. Introd. , p. xxviii). md memorandum (sit) = Be

' '





remembered .

m magister master. machinare to plot, contrive. mal malus evil . malefactura malfeasance . mandat = mandatum= mandate, order. mansur mansurus , from manere = to remain. manutenere to maintain, support . marc = marca = mark (obsolete English coin 13s . 4d.). Marresc ' = Marrescallia = Marshalsea (prison ) . martis ( dies) Tuesday. mercator (scissor)= merchant (tailor) . mercurii (dies) Wednesday . mespricio (mispricio) = misprision. mil , milit , from miles knight . Miles Balnei Knight of the Bath.


' '





now .



moratus from morari = ' murdr murdrum = murder. ,

to remain.


Notic noticia tion . nunc (after Rex)= the present, reigning. nuncupat nuncupatus= called , styled.=



notice, observa-


occasionari to be rendered liable to special tribute ; to be vexed . octabus octave, eight days. offens offensa (offensus) offence (specifically, a crime not

ence .



obediencia = obedi-

' oblatus

tendered .




indictable, punishable summarily ). oier (oyer) et terminer to hear and determine (Old French). onerare to charge. ord ordines = orders . ordinacio ordinance .


P= post= after. pea postea afterwards, later. pac pacem(-is)= peace. Pall Pallatinus= Palatine. pandoxator brewer .



pardonacio pardon. paroch parochia= parish. pars principalis principal party. pat patet appears, is shown . paten patentes (litterae)= (letters) patent. patria jury of the " country " or neighbourhood . pen = pena penalty. periur periuria= perjury . perpetrať perpetratus perpetrated= . personal ', personal personaliter = personally . pharmacopola = druggist. piscenarius fishmonger . pistor baker , miller. placit ( 1) placitum= plea (after bene pleasure). (2) parts of placitare= to plead . plegius pleg = pledge , surety, bail . po se etc. (cf. Introd. , p. xxxvii) . pred , predict predictus afore-

' ''



' '-






said .


prefat prefatus= aforesaid . prefert prefertur is described


above. premiss premissa = the premisses ,


occasion, reason, com-

plaint .

'propositions antecedently

supposed or proved. presentare to present. pretens pretensus pretended .





racione by reason of. preteritus past. principalis= principal. raptum = rape . (1) prisonarius prisoner. recogn = (1 ) recognovit(-erunt) = acknowledged . (2) prisona prison. probor et legaliu hominu pro2) recognoscendum in( vestigate , examine . borum et legalium hominum= of good and lawful men (jurors ). record = recordum= record . Recordator= Recorder. procl === proclamatio= proclama- Record


preterit princ prison









tion .

' proclamatus= pro-


claimed . prodic prodicio= treason. prolacio utterance, pronounce-



to publish, proclaim


openly. proposit propositum = purpose , intent. prorogacio = proroprorogac ' gation.= pros (1) prosecutor . (2) parts of prosequi= to prosecute . pros tr (to) prosecute (a) traverse (cf. Introd. , p. xlix ) . proteccio protection. provis provisus provided. prox proximus next. Pulletr Pulletria Poultry (one of the Counters or prison houses of the Sheriffs). punicio punishment. pu se putteth self [ not guilty on a jury of the country] : abbreviated English rendering of po se etc., temp. Protectorate.


' '







Qual qualiter how. quer ? querens = plaintiff. querela= plaint.

' quietus acquitted, dis-








(1) retornabile returnable. (2) (after non cul nec se) re-


recusan recusancia = recusancy . rect rectus right, submissive to

' ' rectare to cite accuse law.

' '



rem = remain. reputat reputatus= reputed. requisiver = requisiverunt= they required. resp respectuatur is respited; = case is deferred , shelved (cf. Introd. , p. lviii, note). respon responsio = reply. respond , respondend = respondendum , from respondere = to



answer .


rober roberia robbery. routum disorderly assembly , rout .



Salinar = salinarius= salter. saturni ( dies ) Saturday. sc scilicet to wit. Scaccarium Exchequer. scir = ( 1) scire= to know. (2) sciri to be known. scissor= tailor. scit scituatus situated. secta law suit, prosecution . secund ( 1) secundum = according to. 2) secundus second. ( securitas security. sedic sediciosus= seditious . seisire to seize.








separal separalis = several . separat separatim = severally. sequen = sequens= following. sequit sequitur = sues, prosecutes .

' ''=-

' traxit withdrew (cf. Introd ., p . xxxviii ) . scrtificatio certificate.

rec , r', -erunt '

serviens ad clavam= sergeant -at' mace. , rep , reprivat reprivatur is serviens ad legem sergeant at-


recogn ==== recognovit

) acknowledged .

= r' reprieved , remanded (cf. In-


trod., p . xxvii) .

racionabil sonable.


racionabilis = rea-




serviens communis = common ser-





= session(s) .



sigillatus== sealed. similiter = likewise. socius fellow, colleague. ( 1) solvendus to be paid.


similit sol' soc


(2) soldum = fee. solis (dies ) Sunday . specificat = specificatus = specified .


spur spurius illegitimate. Ss scilicet to wit. stabilit stabilitus established . statut statutum ( statuta) = statute (s). suar , suor suarum , suorum . subcustod , from subcustos Under - Keeper (of Newgate gaol ) . subdit subditus= subject. subnominat = subnominatus == under-named . supponit supponitur = is sup-

' '






' '




supradictus == above-

' ' '

, denial. tr traversia traverse tr', trad traditur is delivered.

transgr transgressio trespass. transmar transmarinus = beyond the sea. triacio trial. triat triatus (from triare) = tried . typographus printer.




ultimus last.





ultra beyond , above . un unus one . utlagare to outlaw. utlagaria outlawry.



parts of venire= to come. veneris ( dies) Friday . vers versus= against. vic' , vicecom = vicecomes =



sheriff; viscount.


vict victualarius victualler . supranominat = supranominatus vid = vidua= widow. ' . vis visus seen . = above-named ' Surr Surreia (Surria) = Surrey. visitacio visitation . suspic suspicio = suspicion . voluntat , from voluntas = will, said .





tangens touching, concerning. tant tantum = only. tenementa tenements . tenend tenendus to be holden . tent tentus= holden . terc tercius= third. terr terrae lands. textor = weaver . tinctor= dyer. tonsura clipping (of coin).








War , warr









warda a City Ward. Westmonasterium

Westminster. Yeom , yoeman , yoman yeoman = commoner of the first class, free-holder.



B.M. C.R.S. Cal . S.P. Dom . =

D.N.B. G.D.

M.C.R. O. and T P.R.O. Q.S.P. S.P.

... ::


= ====

|| ||

British Museum . Catholic Record Society (publications of) . Calendar of State Papers ( Domestic ). Dictionary of National Biography. Gaol Delivery. Middlesex County Records (ed . J. Cordy Jeaffreson) . Oyer and Terminer Public Record Office . Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Sessions of the Peace.



(1) [Indictment of Ralph Lawson for recusancy. * London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Radulfus Lawson nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne London gener Qui decimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibernie regis fidei Defensor' etc. secundoet Scotie tricesimo octavo fuit etatis sexdecim Annor et ultra non accessit Anglice did not repayre Ecclesie sue parochiali de paroch sancti Dunstani pred nec alicui alii Capelle aut loco usuali communis precacionis et ibidem fuit tempore communis precacionisad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen predictu decimu diem Augusti annis secundo et tricesimo octavo suprad sed abstinuit ab eisdem Anglice hath forborne the same a pred decimo die Augusti annis secundo et tricesimo octavo supradictis per spaciu pred sex mensiu extunc prox sequen ' contra formam et tenorem cuiusdam Statuti apud West in Com Midd Anno regni domine Elizabethe nuper Regine primo pro uniformitate communis precacionis ac contra formam Statuti Anno regni eiusdemdomine Regine vicesimo tercio in huiusmodi casu edit' et provis' in dicti Domini Regis nunc et legum suar contempt ' manifestu necnon contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et dignitat suas etc. Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. [Endorsed Wytnes & Cransfeyld Lowe Maior XVo die Febr Anno secundo Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Henr Moodyell et soc suos etc.

















' ' '



' '








(2) [ Indictment of William Greene for recusancy.]

London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Willelmus Greene nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidentali London The remains of three earlier files [for sessions beginning 14 July, 10 . (1568) ; 15 July, 1 James I ( 1603 ) ; and 16 January, 2 James I (1604/5)] Eliz* exist, but are very incomplete and contain no documentsof particular interest to Catholics. This (broken) file of 15 February is also far from entire ; cf. Tierney-Dodd, Church History of England, iv, Appendix , p. xcii . Only seven indictments remain upon . it English translation of this document in Appendix B, p. 380 . Sic in MS. for sancti Andree in Holborne (cf. above) . The erroneous words are a subsequentaddition in another hand. § I.e. , for the prosecution. Thus in all indictments . See Introd., p. xxxiv . Foreman of the Grand Jury. Thus in all such endorsements . The words hoc record signify the indictment or " True Bill. A








Armig Qui decimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi secundo et Scotie tricesimo octavo infra sex menses [formula as (1) above]. Proclamat fuit secundu forma statuti etc.

[L. margin ] Billa Vera



* [Endorsed] Thomas FentonLowe Maior

' [as (1) above]. (3) [Indictment of Richard Benson for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Ricardus XVo die Febr' Anno secundo

Benson de paroch sancte Brigitte alias Bridget in warda de Faring' ton extra London gener' qui decimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini secundo et Scotie tricesimo octavo nostri Jacobi infra as (1) above . formula sex menses [ ]

L. margin ] Billa Vera ' [Endorsed ] John Panber Lowe Maior [ ' XVo die Febr' .... [as (1) above]. of Richard Hatton for recusancy.] (4) [Indictment ss

Proclamat fuit secundu formam statut etc.




. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Ricardus

Hatton de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidentali London generos' Qui decimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi secundo et Scotie tricesimo octavo infra sex menses [formula as (1) above].

' Vera margin ] Billa [L. Wittnes Endorsed ] [

Proclamat fuit secundu formam act parliam

XVo die Febr





Thomas fenton Lowe Maior as (1) above . [



(5) [Indictment of William Waller for recusancy. London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Willelmus Waller de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidentali london generoc Qui decimo die Augusti Anno Domini nostri Jacobi secundo et Scotie tricesimo octavo infra sex menses formula as [ *** (1) above]. Proclamat fuit secundum formam Statut etc. [L. margin ] Bylla Vera [ ? sfeyld * [Endorsed] Wytness Thomas Fenton ? [Lowe Maior ] XVo die Febr [as ( 1) above .














Witness, as Cransfeyld above . So also all persons whose names are similarly endorsed on indictments. ? or Pauber. Probably Cransfeyld. Cf. indictment (1) above. § Probably Thomas . Cf. indictment (2) above. Obliterated in MS.





(6) [Indictment of Francis Bowen and four other persons for

recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Franciscus Bowen nuper de paroch sancti Dunstani in warda de Farringdon extra yoeman Thomas Lodge nuper de paroch ecclesie Christi in warda de Farringdon infra in medicinis doctor Christofer Askewith nuper de dicta paroch ecclesie Christi in ward pred generosus Hugo Holland de paroch sancte Fidis Virginis in warda de Farringdon infra pred generos ' et Thomas Roper nuper de paroch sancti Petri in warda de Creplegate London pred Salinar decimo die Januarii anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi secundo et Scocie tricesimo octavo fuer et eoru quilibet fuit etatis sexdecim annor et ultra non accesser Anglice did not repayre nec eorum aliquis accessit ecclesiis suis parochial pred nec alicui alii ecclesie infra unu mensem prox sequen pred decimu diem Januarii sed abstinuer ab eisdem Anglice have forborne the same a pred decimo die Januarii remainder of formula as (1) above . Ad sess tent XVo.... die Februarii anno secundo Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Franciscus Bowen separatim po se ve fa cul etc. Et pred Thomas Lodge, Christoferus Askwith , Hugo Holland , Thomas Roper proclamat fuer secundum formam statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Lowe Maiore [Endorsed ] XV die Febr [as (1 ) above].







' '



' ....



' '











' '

' *





' '

' ....

OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING II FILE FOR SESSIONS 22 MARCH, 2 JAMES ( 1604/5 ). (1) [Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Giles to answer. London ss. Md quod sexto die Marcii anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. secundo et Scotie XXXVIII Thomas Giles de Cow lane in paroch sancti Sepulchri London Baskett maker trad in ball Johanni Yonge de paroch sancti Georgii in Southewerk yoman et Thome Godfrey de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Aldersgate London Chaundler usque prox Session' Deliberacionis gaole de Newgate pro Civitate pred tenend parat ad respondend omnibus etc. sub pena partis princ per se Quadragint libr et utriusque Manucapt pred per se viginti libr' legalis etc. de bonis etc. ad opus etc. quas etc. si etc. Capt et recognit Comparuit et Sacrament coram me prestitit corporal de Signed H. Mountagu [ supremitate Recordr























' '



* Ang.: At the Session held on the 15th day of February in the second year of the reign of King James , the above -named Francis Bowen separately puts himself [upon his country ]; [the writ] venire facias [is issued for a jury to be summoned] ; [ he is found] guilty etc. And the said Thomas Lodge, Christopher Askwith, Hugh Holland and Thomas Roper were proclaimed according to the form of the statute etc. English translation of this document in Appendix B , p. 380 .





MARCH 1604/5


Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas and Peter (2) [Penkevell to answer.]

London ss . Md quod secundo die Martii anno regni domini nostri Jacobi Anglie Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. secundo et Scotii XXXVIII Thomas Penkevell de London gener et Petrus Penkevell de London gener trad in Ball Johanni Trevilian de St Cleder in Com Cornub gener et Edwardo Tredwaye de paroch sancti Martini in le Vintrie London Draper usque prox session deliberacionis gaole de Newgate pro Civitat pred tenend parat ad respondend omnibus etc. sub pena utriusque princ pred per se ducent libr et utriusque Manucapt ' pred per se cent libr legalis etc. de bonis etc. ad opus etc. quas etc. si etc. Capt et recogn coram me Comparuer et ext per Signed] H. Mountagu [ Recordr cur quia indictantur etc.

' ' '





' ''







' ' '

' ' '









[Indictment of Thomas Morley for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Thomas Morley de parochia sancti Vedasti in warda de Farringdon infra London vicesimo die Februarii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibernie regis fidei Defensor' etc. secundo ac Scotie XXXVIII ° fuit etatis sexdecim Annor et ultra ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Februarii [formula as ( 1) , p. 1 . Ad sess ten ? Ideo Jud ? L. margin ] Billa Vera Lowe Maior [ Endorsed] Regis Jacobi infertur hoc XXII° die Martii anno secundo Regni recordu per Walteru Silkyns et socios suos etc.




'] ' [ '[





] ]




(4) [Indictment of Robert Holt and William Wiles for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Robertus Holt nuper de parochia Sancti Michaelis in warda de Cornhill London mercator Willelmus Wiles de parochia sancti Swithuni in warda de Walbroke London pred mercator et Radulfus Rogers de dicta parochia sancti Swithuni in pred warda de Walbroke London pred generosus vicesimo die Februarii annis regni Domini nostri secundo et Scotie XXXVIII° ad aliquod tempus Jacobi . ....mensem prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Februarii infra unu [formula as (6) , p. 3].







' .... '

St. Clether. * ?Ang appeared and are discharged by the Court, because they .: " They are indicted etc. " Cf. indictment (5) on this file. away .

The lower part of this and the following document has been torn In each case most of the minute recording proceedings has therefore

disappeared .

§ The words et Radulfus Rogers **** generosus are underlined in MS.




MARCH 1604/5



Ad sess' tent XXII° die Martii annis secundo Regni Regis Jac...

[ ?margin ].* Billa Vera






for Holte & Wyles . Ignoramus for Rogers.

Lowe M ]die Martii anno secundo '

[as (3) above].

(5) [Indictment of Henry Oven and six other persons for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Henricus Oven nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei magn in warda de Farringdon extra London yoman Thomas Penkevell de parochia sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de Farringdon extra London pred generos Willelmus Greene de pred parochia sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de Farringdon extra London pred yom Petrus Penkevell de pred parochia sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de Farringdon extra London pred gener Joachim Ball de pred parochia sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de Farringdon extra London pred Clericus Willelmus Wrench de pred parochia sancti Bartholomei magn in pred warda de Farringdon extra London pred Bokebinder ac Henricus Stephens de parochia sancti Benedicti Gracechurch in









' ' '' '







warda Pontis London pred Haberdasher vicesimo die Februarii secundo et Scotie tricesimo Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi octavo ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Februarii [formula as (6), p. 3]. Ad sess tent XXII° die Martii anno Secundo Regni Regis Jacobi supradict Henricus Oven, Thomas Penckevell , Willelmus Greene, Petrus Penkevell , Joachim Ball, Willelmus Wrench cognover Indictament pred Ideo quod iidem Henricus Oven, Thomas Penkevell, Willelmus Greene, Joachim Ball et Willelmus Wrench habeant et quilibet eor habeat pen statut pred etc. Pred Henr Stephens respectuatur.§ L. margin] Billa Vera Lowe M [Endorsed] XXII die Martii anno secundo [as (3) above .


' ... '








' '' '









REPERTORY OF THE COURT OF ALDERMEN, 1605 [Rep. 27 : fol. 125v .


Curia specialis die Sabbati ultimo die Novembris 1605 Annoque Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. Tertio [inter alia



Remainder of minute missing. The words Henricus Stephens .... Benedicti are underlined in MS. The clerk has omitted here , evidently by mistake, the name of Peter

Penkevell .

§ Ang.: At the Session held on the 22nd day of March, in the second year of the reign of King James , the above -named Henry Oven [etc. confessed the said indictment . Therefore [ is decreed ] that the said Henry it Oven [etc. ] have and each of them have the penalty of the said statute etc. The said Henry Stephens is respited. Cf. Introd., p . liii.






Walker comitted




Item it is ordered that Robert Walker one of the Under porters of the Compter in Woodstreete shalbe committed close prisoner to the gaole of Newgate there to remayne without bayle or mainprise touching the wilfull escape of Robert Walker A Priest out of the sayd Compter


FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING ( 1605/6 ) . * 9 JANUARY, 3 JAMES (1) [Recognizance for the appearance of Frances Young and Elizabeth Leake to answer. London ss . Tricesimo die Januarii anno regni Domininostri Coram Leonardo Jacobi nunc Regis Anglie etc. Tertio Francisca Hallyday Maiore Young de London vid et Elizabetha Leake uxor etc. Willelmi Leake de villa de Stafford in Com Stafford yeom tradr in ballio Francisco Dudley de parochia Sancti Egidii exra Cripplegate London Surgeon et Thome Hathway de parochia St Sepulchri exra Newgate London girdler sub pena utrique manucapt per se XXI et eidem FrancisceYoung XL legal monete Anglie Quod eedem Francisca Young et Elizabetha Leake personal comparebunt ad prox Sess' gaole Deliberacionis pro Civte London tenend etc. parat ad respondendum etc. Et quod non discedent sine licentia etc. Ac etiam quod interim eedem Francisca Young et Elizabetha Leake se bene gerent etc. Quas etc. Si etc. [Signed] Tho : Wilbraham Young et Leake ad respondendum non comparuer etc. et bene gerend Recusantsl









' ' '



[Indictment of James Prynce and nineteen other persons for (2) recusancy .] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Jacobus Prynce nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne in warda de de Farringdon extra London Aurifaber , Robertus Dannett

* Sic in MS. is curious that the under-porter and the priest should bear the same name. There is possibly an error here. All the files for the sessions occurring between this date and the preceding 22 March (five or six in number) have disappeared , except that for the G.D. Sessions of 16 May, 3 James I (1605) , which, however, contains no documents formally relating to Catholics or recusants. Attached to the present file of 9 January is the earliest extant Newgate calendar of London


prisoners .

The date of this recognizance proves that it really belongs to the file for the next Sessions ( 17 February) . Most of these early files appear to have been re-strung at later dates and many documentsare out of place. Thomas Wilbraham was Coroner of the City of London 1590-1610 . By virtue of his office , he could, indeed, take recognizances for bail, but it is curious to find his signature on a recognizance taken before the Lord Mayor. Ang.: " Young and Leake to answer and [to be of] good behaviour

[being] Recusants ."

Tor Daunett.



JANUARY 1605/6


parochia et warda pred Carpenter, Nicholaus Warnerde parochia et warda pred Taylor, Owen Browne de parochia et warda pred Aurifaber , Nicholaus Borgrove de parochia et warda pred gener , Sara Dauncer nuper de paroch' omniu Sanctoru in honye lane in warda de Cheape London pred Spinster alias Sara Dauncer uxor Roberti Dauncer de London pred Mercer, Henricus Dorrell de paroch sancte Anne infra precinctu nuper fratru predicatoru jamdudu dissolut vulgo vocat le Blackfryers London pred Armiger, Beniaminus Johnson nuper de pred parochia Sancte Anne infra pred precinctu nuper fratru predicatoru jamdudu dissolut vulgo vocat le Blackfryers London pred in warda de farringdon infra London pred gener, Henricus Wyse nuper de parochia Sancte Bride alias Brigittae in warda de farringdon extra London pred Textor, Willelmus Edwards de parochia Sancti Bottolphi extra














' '




' '



' '





Aldersgate in warda de Aldersgate London pred gener , (Edwardus quia protulit sertification quod conformitat etc. Wilton de pred parochia Sancti Bottolphi extra Aldersgate in warda de Aldersgate London pred gener' ) * Elizabetha Sotherton de pred parochia Sancti Bottolphi extra Aldersgate in warda de Aldersgate London pred Spinster alias Elizabetha Sotherton uxor Johannis Sotherton de London pred Armigeri, Thomas Lodge de parochia Ecclesie Christi in pred warda de farringdon infra London pred in medecinis Doctor, Thomas Reade de parochia Sancti Michaelis in warda de Cornhill London pred gener', Radulfus Everard de parochia Sancte Marie Magdalene in warda de Creplegate London pred gener , Humfridus Field de paroch Sancte Margarete Moyses in warda de Breadstrete London pred generos , Martin Pierson de paroch Sancti Olavi in Silverstrete in warda de Creplegate London pred musicion , Edmund Bolton de parochia Sancti Thome Apostoli in warda de Vinetria London pred gener , Thomas Nicholls de paroch Sancti Petri pauper in warda de Broadstrete London pred yoman , Ac Willelmus Higgins nuper de parochia Sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de farringdon extra London pred yoman , qui quinto die Octobris Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie Tertio ac Scotie XXXIX fuer et eorum quilibet fuit etatis sexdecim annoru et ultra ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen dict quintu diem octobris [formula as (6), p. 3]. Ad sess tent nono die Januarii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi etc. suprad Jacobus Prynce Robertus Dannett Nicholaus Warner Owinus Browne Nicholaus Borgrove Sara Danncer Henr Dorrell Beniaminus Johnson Henricus Wyse Willelmus Edwards Edwardus Wilton Elizabeth Sotherton Thomas Lodge Thomas Read Radulfus Everard























.... ' '
















gener are bracketed and underlined The words Edwardus Wilton in MS . The occurrence of Wilton's name in the minute written at the foot of the indictmentproves that the interlinear note exoneratur etc. (Ang.: " He is exonerated because he has produced a certificate that he conforms etc. ) must have been inserted after proclamation was made, though probably during this same Sessions.








JANUARY 1605/6


Humfridus Feild Martinus Pierson Edmundus Bolton Thomas Nicholls & Willelmus Higgyns proclamati fuer secundu formam statuti in huiusmodi casu edit ac provis etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Hallidaye M ] [ Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc IX die Januarii anno record per Simonem Sedgwik et soc suos etc.












3 APRIL , 4 JAMES (1606). (1) [Indictment of Roger Marten , junior, for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Rogerus Marten jun nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidentali London generosus qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tertio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred diem Augusti vicesimu .... [formula as ( 1), p . 1 . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Hallyday Maior [ ] ° die Aprilis Aº ° Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Thoma Chapman et soc suos etc.





' '



(2) [











' ' ( Indictment Roger Apleton ) ?


for recusancy.] Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Rogerus ? Apleton ] nuper de parochia Sancti Martini prope Aldersgate Lond Armiger Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad

London ss.





* The file for the G.D. Sessions beginning 17 February, 3 James (1605/6) exists but bears no documents relating to our subject. The IFebruary

Newgate calendar, however, yields inter alia the following three entries which possibly refer to Catholics: (a) it Ricardus Greene duct' gaole pred 20/4 per [blank] [ ? Dixson] gent , commiss per Johannem Popham militem etc. pro alta prodicione Gaol (Ang.: item , Richard Greene, brought to the aforesaid Dixson , gentleman, Newgate on 20 January [ 1605/6 by committed by Sir John Popham, Knight, etc. , for high treason") . (b) it' Johannes [? Starkye ] duct gaole pred 22/4 [22 Jan. per Ricardum Hickman gent commiss ' per Johannem Popham Militem etc. pro alta prodicione. (c) it [ ? Edwardus] Reade duct gaole pred 31/4 31 Jan. per Tho [? Hoverton ] Subcustod commiss ' per Johannem Popham Militem pro alta prodicione. The calendar is badly rubbed and no marginal notes are discernible. The present file of 3 April , 1606 (re- strung : not certainly entire) also contains a Newgate calendar, which is in very poor condition the whole right-hand side being quite illegible. One item therein , occurring among the entries of committals to Newgate since the preceding 17 February , may perhaps refer to a suspected priest " who figures later in these records , viz.: it' Henricus Mathew duct' gaol .... [rest obliterated] . No marginal note is discernible. Very doubtful. The third and fourth letters of this surname are quite illegible.























APRIL 1606




aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem formula as ( 1), p. 1 . .... [fuit secundum forma Proclamat statut etc. Vera margin Billa L. ] [Endorsed Hallyday Maior [ ] die Aprilis Aº ° [as (1 ) above].

Augusti ..









IIII ....


(3) [Indictment of John Arden for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Johannes Arden nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidental' London gener qui vicesimo die [? Augusti ] Anno regni Domini nostri ' tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem ? Augusti ] [formula as (1) , p. 1 . Proclamat est secundum formam Statut etc. L. margin Billa Vera Halliday M [Endorsed ] die Aprilis Anno quarto [as (1) above].







' ]

.... '







(4) [Indictment of John Fortescue for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Johannes Fortescue nuper de parochia sancte Anne in Blackfryars Lond generosus qui vicesimo die [? Augusti ] Anno regni Domini nostri ad Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem ? Augusti [formula as (1) , p. 1 . Proclamat est iuxta formam statut etc. [L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M ] [Endorsed die Aprilis Aº ° [as (1) above .






] ....









IIII ....


(5) [Indictment of Thomas Muttleburye for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Thomas Muttleburye nuper de parochia Sti Dunstani in Occidental London generosus Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (1) , p. 1 . Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Halliday M [ ] die Aprilis Ao [as (1) above].







' ] ' '






IIII ....

(6) [Indictment of Mark Ive for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Marcus Ive nuper de parochia St Dunstani in Occidental Lond Ar qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Anglie ad aliquod tempus ....menses prox sequen pred vicesimu' diem Augusti infra sex [formula as (1), p. 1].






' '





APRIL 1606



Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc.

[L. margin ] Billa Vera ] [Endorsed die Aprilis Aº



Halliday M IIII° [as (1) above].


(7) [Indictment of Mary Moore for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Maria Moore nuper de parochia Sancti Andree infra Allgate Lond vidua Que vicesimo die Augusti Anno Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod tempus tercio et Scotie XXXIXno Anglie infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (1), p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera L. [Endorsed Halliday Maior ] [ as (1) above . die Aprilis Aº °









' '




(8) [Indictment of Richard Hawley for recusancy.]

London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Ricardus Hawley nuper de parochia St Augustini apud Powles gate* Lond taylor Qui vicesimo die Augustini [sic Anno regni Domini nostri ad Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie XXXIX aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti [ formula as ( 1), p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Halliday Maior ] [ as ( 1) above . die Aprilis A° IIII ..





' '







(9) [Indictment of Andrew Hilton for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Andreas Hilton de parochia sancti Martini extra Ludgate London gener qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus Anglie infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as ( 1), p. 1 . Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. margin] Billa Vera L. Halliday Maior [Endorsed] as (1) above . die Aprilis Aº °


' ]




.... '








(10) [Indictment of Hugh Lawson for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Hugo Lawson nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne London Armiger qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen predictu vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as ( 1), p. 1] .






* St. Augustine by St. Paul's Gate (in Watling Street).





APRIL 1606



Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc.


margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed ] [



Halliday Maior'

as (1) above . die Aprilis Aº ° (11) [Indictment of Ferdinand Bawde for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Fardinando Bawde nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidental London pred Ar qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti as ( 1) , p. 1]. .... [formula Proclamat est iuxtaforma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Halliday Maior [Endorsed] die ° Aprilis Aº IIII [ as (1) above . (12) [Indictment of Sir Francis Smyth, Knt. , for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Franciscus Smyth nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidental London Miles qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Dei gra Anglie . ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (1) , p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta formam statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Halliday M Endorsed] die Aprilis Aº as (1) above]. ° (13) [Indictment of Philip Dobbes for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Philippus Dobbes nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidental London generoc qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (1), p. 1] . Proclamat est iuxta formam statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Halliday Maior [Endorsed] as (1) above . die Aprilis ° Aº ° (14) [Indictment of John Hilton for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Johannes Hilton nuper de parochia sancti Martini extra Ludgate London gener qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as ( 1), p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta forma Statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Endorsed Halliday Maior as (1) above . ° die Aprilis Aº °


' '




























IIII .... [













IIII .... [












IIII **** [










APRIL 1606


(15) [Indictment of Robert Syers for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Robertus Syers nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidenta London gener qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti formula as (1), p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Hallidaye M Endorsed] as (1) above . ° die Aprilis Aº °


'' [
















(16) [Indictment of John Edwardes for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Johannes Edwardes nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidenta London ' Armiger qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi

ad aliquod Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (1), p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta forma statuť etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Halliday Maior ] [ as (1) above . die Aprilis Aº °



' '






.... '




(17) [ Indictment of Edward Rowse for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Edwardus Rowse nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidenta London gener qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod Dei gra Anglie tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti formula as (1), p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta formam statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera Halliday Maior ] [Endorsed as (1) above . III° die Aprilis Aº °















(18) [Indictment of Thomas Persall for recusancy.]

London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Thomas Persall nuper de parochia sancti Botolphi London generoc qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod tempus Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti . as (1), p. 1 . [formula ] Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. Vera margin ] Billa [L. Halliday Maior [Endorsed] as (1) above . ° die Aprilis Aº °





.... '



' '





(19) [Indictment of Henry Atteslowe for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Henricus Atteslowe nuper de parochia sancti Botolphi infra Algate generoc




APRIL 1606



qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie

.... tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono .... ad aliquod tempus'

infra sex menses prox ' sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti , p. 1 ] . [formula as (1)est Proclamat iuxta forma' statut' etc. [L. margin] Billa Vera Halliday Maior [Endorsed] III° die Aprilis A° IIII° [as (1) above].




(20) [Indictment of James Bereford for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Jacobus Bereford nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidental London generoc qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ... tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen' pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as ( 1), p. 1] . Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye Maior [Endorsed ] III° die Aprilis Aº ° [as (1) above .


' '

' '






IIII ****



(21) [Indictment of Edward Morgan for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Edwardus Morgan nuper de parochia St Andree in Holborne Lond Armiger Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra '


tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus Anglie infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as ( 1) , p. 1 . Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Halliday Maior [Endorsed] die Aprilis ° Aº ° III [as (1 ) above .





.... '







(22) [Indictment of Sir George Rawley, Knt. , for recusancy. London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Georgius Rawley nuper de parochia Sti Andree in Holborne Lond Miles Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as ( 1) , p. 1]. Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Halliday Maior [Endorsed ] as (1) above . ° die Aprilis Aº ° ]


















(23) [Indictment of Edward Shelden for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores presentant quod Edwardus Shelden nuper de parochia Sti Dunstani in Occidental' Lond gener' Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra




tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono


ad aliquod tempus




APRIL 1606



infra sex menses prox ' sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti .... [formula as (1) , p. 1].


Proclamat est secundum forma statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Halliday Maior ] [Endorsed die Aprilis Aº ° [as (1) above].





IIII ....

(24) [Indictment of Thomas Mullineux for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Thomas Mullineux nuper de parochia Su Andree in Holborne Lond generosus Qui


vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Augusti . [formula as ( 1), p. 1 ]. Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Halliday Maior ] [Endorsed ° die Aprilis Aº ° [as ( 1) above .












IIII ***


(25) [Indictment of Lewis Tresham for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Lodovicus Tresham nuper de parochia St Dunstani in Occidental' Lond generos Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu' diem Augusti [formula as (1), p. 1 ]. Proclamat est iuxta forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Halliday Maior [Endorsed ] ° die Aprilis Aº ° [as (1) above .








' '







(26) [Indictment of John Beamonte for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Johannes Beamonte nuper de parochia St Dunstani in Occidental London generos Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (1), p. 1 . Proclamat est iuxtaforma statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera L. [Endorsed Hallidaye Maior [ ] as (1) above . ° die Aprilis Aº °


' '
















(27) [Indictment of Sir Cuthbert Hallsall , Knt. , for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Cuthbertus Hallsall nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidental Lond Miles Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod tempus tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Anglie infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (1), p. 1].






.... '





APRIL 1606



Proclamat est secundum forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Halliday Maior [Endorsed] as (1) above . * ° ° die Aprilis Aº





IIII ***. [




(28) [Indictment of Thomas Briskett and eleven other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Thomas Briskett de parochia Omniu Sanctor in warda de Dowgate London pred generos Thomas Spiller de parochia Omniu Sanctor Barking in warda Turris London generos Johannes Fitzwilliams alias Johannes Robynson de dict paroch Omniu Sanctor' Barking in pred warda Turris London gener' Willelmus Patridge de parochia Sancti Bartholomei magni in warda de Farringdon extra in suburb London Taylor Johannes Fisher de pred paroch Sancti Bartholomei in pred warda de Farringdon extra Shoemaker Johannes Gallawey de parochia Sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de Farringdon extra vintener Michael Webb de parochia Sancti Benedicti Fynck in warda de Broodstrete London gener Edwardus Prime de paroch Sancti Buttolphi in warda de Aldersgate London Miles Bartholomeus Broxbye de parochia Sancti Buttulphi in warda de Billingsgate London gener et Maria Broxby de pred parochia Sancti Buttolphi in pred warda de Billingsgate London Spinster alias Maria Broxbye uxor dicti Bartholomei Broxbye de dicta parochia Sancti Buttolphi in pred warda de Billingsgate London pred gener Johannes Hamms de parochia Sancte Marie Aldermanbury in warda de Creplegate London pred Silkweaver et Georgius Turner de parochia sancte Fidis in warda de Farringdon infra London in medicinis Doctor tricesimo die Decembr annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie tertio et Scotie XXXIX ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu diem Decembris [formula as (6), p. 3].

.... '

































Filed among the above twenty -seven indictments ( several of which are not entire) are the remains of four others, much mutilated . In each case more than half the document has been torn away. From what is left, however , is clear that they were once True Bills for recusancy (Billa Vera is discernibleon each), and since all are engrossed in the same hand as theother twenty -seven, is practically certain that the four persons concerned were indicted for recusancy covering the same period (i.e. , six months from 20 August, 1605). The only facts of any consequence still visible on these fragments are as follows : (a) London_ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Rutland Mull [remainder of surname, address, status and date missing. Below, however, the words tempus infra sex menses Proclamat est appear ] . [rest missing]. Note :-The full surname was probably Mullineux . Cf. C.R.S., xxii , p. 123. (b) London ss. Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Jana name of husband illegible ; alias dicta Jana Shelden uxor address , all dates and minute missing . London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Edwardus (c)








' " ...." "



[ ]

." [other facts missing].

London ss. 33

Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Thomas

[other facts missing].

I.e., Broad Street.




APRIL 1606


3 Apr 1606 pred Thomas Briskett Thomas Spiller Johannes Fitzwilliams alias Johannes Robinson Willelmus Patridge Johannes Fisher Johannes Gallawey Michael Webb Edwardus Prime Bartholomeus Broxby Maria Broxby Johannes Hamms et Georgius Turner proclamati fuer secundum forma statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera





Hallidaye Maio™ ] [Endorsed ° die Aprilis A° IIII [as ( 1) above .








(1) [ Indictment of Edward White for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Edwardus White nuper de parochia sancti Bottolphi extra Aldersgate London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ' Anglie . ad aliquod tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as (1), p. 1 . Ad sess tent XIo die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Edwardus White proclamat est secundu formam statuti etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M [Endorsed] Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record XIº die Julii anno per Johannem Warren et soc suos etc. (2) [Indictment of John Wright for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Johannes Wright nuper de parochia Sti Bottolphi extra Aldersgate London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii formula as ( 1), p. 1 . Ad sess tent XIo die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi supradict Johannes Wrighte proclamat est secundum formam statut . L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye M [Endorsed ] ° XIº die Julii anno [as (1) above . (3) [Indictment of Christopher Smith for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Christopherus Smith nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West Lond generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod tempus tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Anglie .. infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii as ( 1), p. 1 . [formula Ad sess tent XIO die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi supradict Christoferus Smyth proclamat fuit secundum formam statut" etc. L. margin Billa Vera Hallidaye M Endorsed] [as (1) above . XIº die Julii anno IIII






































' ]











File re-strung : Newgate calendar missing. the preceding May and June are lost.




The files for the sessions of




JULY 1606


(4) [Indictment of Edmund Lentall for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Edmundus Lentall nuper de parochia Sti Dunstani le West Lond Ar Qui primo die Januarii anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as (1) , p . 1 . Ad sess tent XI° die Julii A° ° Regni Regis Jacobi pred Edmundus Lentall proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera [Endorsed Hallidaye M ] [ XI die Julii anno IIII [as ( 1) above]. (5) [Indictment of Sir Francis Tunston , Knt. , for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Franciscus Tunston nuper de parochia St Dunstani le West London Miles Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu' diem Januarii [ formula as . (1) , p. 1sess Ad ' tent XI° die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Franciscus Tunston proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M Endorsed XIo die Julii anno IIII [as (1) above]. (6) [Indictment of Henry Dorrell for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Henr Dorrell nuper de parochia Sancte Anne in Blackfriars London ArmigerQui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as (1), p. 1 . Ad sess tent XI° die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Henricus Dorrell proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Endorsed] Hallidaye M XIo die Julii Anno IIII [ as (1) above . 7) [Indictment of Walter Hastinges for recusancy.] (London ss. Juratores presentant quod Walterus Hastinges nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West Lond gener Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as . (1), p. 1sess tent XIº die Julii anno Ad ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Walterus Hastinges proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M [Endorsed ] XIo die Julii Anno IIII ° [as (1) above .

] '







' '




[ [



























] ' ' '














' ''




















JULY 1606


(8) [Indictment of Rook Greene for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Rook Greene nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred primu' diem Januarii [ formula as ( 1 ), p. 1]. Regni Regis Jacobi suprad die Julii anno Ad sess tent Rook Greene proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Hallidaye M Endorsed] as (1) above . XIo die Julii Anno °












IIII *** . [





(9) [Indictment of Richard Benington for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Ricardus Benington nuper de parochia Sti Dunstani le West London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as (1), p. 1 . Ad sess tent XIo die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Ricardus Benyngton proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Hallidaye M Endorsed ] [ XIo die Julii anno IIIIº [as (1) above .





' '


.... '








(10) [Indictment of Anthony Fitzharbert for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Anthonius Fittzhar.... Dunstani le West London generosus bert nuper de parochia Sancti Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus Anglie infra sex menses prox sequen' pred primu' diem Januarii as ( 1), p. 1 . [formula Ad sess tent XIo die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Anthonius Fitzharbert proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye M ] [Endorsed ° XIº die Julii anno . as (1) above .

' '











IIII *** [




( 11) [ Indictment of Henry Beckett for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Henr Beckett nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra sex tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii formula as **** [ . (1) , p. 1sess Regni Regis Jacobi suprad tent Ad ° die Julii anno Henr Beckett proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye M ] [Endorsed as (1) above . ° XIº die Julii anno

] '



] ' ' ' XI
















JULY 1606


(12) [Indictment of Sir Edward Raleigh, Knt . , for recusancy.]*

presentant quod Edwardus Raleigh London ss . Juratores nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West London Miles Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus Anglie infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as (1), p. 1]. [L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M Endorsed] [ as (1) above . XIº die Julii anno







IIII ....


.... ]

(13) [Indictment of John Sleyfield for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores presentant quod Johannes Sleyfeild nuper de parochia St Dunstani le West London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii ' .... [formula as


(1), p. 1].




Ad sess tent XI° die Julii anno

° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Johannes Sleyfeild proclamat est secundum formam statut etc.

' '





[L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M [Endorsed ] [ as (1) above . XIº die Julii anno IIII 14 ( ) [Indictment of Sir Henry Bedingfield, Knt . , for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Henr Bedingfeild nuper de parochia St Dunstani le West London miles Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as (1), p. 1 . Regni Regis Jacobi pred die Julii anno Ad sess tent Henr Bedingfeild indictat est secundum forma statut etc. [L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M [Endorseddie] as (1) above . ° XIº Julii anno (15) [ Indictment of Richard Watton for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Ricardus Watton nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra .... tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii formula as (1), p. 1 . Ad sess tent ° die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Ricardus Watton proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Hallidaye M [Endorsed ] ° XIo die Julii anno [as (1) above .












' ' XI











' .... [

' ' ' ' ]' ' XI IIII ' IIII ****





This indictment bears no clerical minute recording proclamation or any*further proceedings . indiclat in MS. for proclamat . Evidently an error.




JULY 1606


(16) [Indictment of Walter Gifford for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Walterus Gifford nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West London gener Qui primo die Januarii Anno Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii .... [formula as . (1), p. 1sess ] tent ° die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Ad XI Walterus Gifford proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye M ] [Endorsed as (1) above . ° XIº die Julii anno















IIII *** [




(17) [Indictment of Sir John Bowles, Knt. , for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Johannes Bowles .... le West London Miles Qui primo nuper de parochia St Dunstani die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie .. tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as ' (1 ), p. 1]. Ad sess' tent XIº die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad









Johannes Bowles proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. [Subsequent memorandum Regni Regis Jacobi Et postea scilicet XVI° die Augusti A° alloc breve de Certiorar extra Banc geren Dat apud IX die Julii pred retornabil ibidem in Octabis Sancti Michaelis prox A° sequen Et postea scilicet XXX die Octobris annis [sic] ° transmittitur tenor istius record in Banc pred virtute brevis pred etc.

' ' IIIIto ' ' [L. margin ] Billa Vera ' [Endorsed ] IX die Julii anno








Hallidaye M as (1) above . °


IIII .... [



(18) [Indictment of Michael Hare for recusancy.] London ss. Juratores .... presentant quod Michael Hare nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West London Armiger Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex ....diem menses prox sequen pred primu Januarii .... [formula as ' . (1), p. 1sess Ad ] ' tent XI° die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad







Michael Hare proclamat est secundu formam statuti etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye M ] [Endorsed as ( 1) above . ° XIº die Julii anno





' [on the 16th day]


Ang.: " And afterwards, to wit of August in the 4th year of the reign of King James [ 1606], a writ of Certiorari is allowed, issuing from [ King's ] Bench, bearing date at [Westminster] the 9th day of July in the said 4th year, returnable there in the octave of St Michael next following . And afterwards, to wit, on the 30th day of October in the 4th year, the tenor of this record is transmitted into [King's ] Bench aforesaid, by virtue of the said writ etc. The clerk has here omitted the word Westmonasterium .




JULY 1606



(19) [Indictment of Sir John Drurye, Knt. , for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Johannes Drurye de parochia Sancti Dunstani le West Lond Miles Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred primu diem Januarii [formula as (1 ), p. 1] . Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Ad sess tent XI° die Julii anno Johannes Drurye proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Hallidaye M [ ] as ( 1) above . XIo die Julii anno °









IIII .... [









(20) [Indictment of Robert Pue for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Robertus Pue nuper de parochia St Dunstani Le West Lond Armiger Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex ....diem menses prox sequen pred primu Januarii formula as ' .... [ (1), p. 1]. Ad sess' tent XI° die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad








Robertus Pue proclamat est secundum formam statut etc.

L. margin] Billa Vera

[[Endorsed ]




Hallidaye M as (1 ) above]. [ (21) [Indictment of Sir Francis Clare, Knt ., for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Franciscus Clare nuper de parochia St Dunstani le West Lond Miles Qui primo die ' gra Anglie Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex ....diem menses prox sequen pred primu as Januarii ' **** [formula . (1), p. 1sess tent XIo die Julii anno Ad ] ° Regni Regis suprad


XIº die Julii anno IIII°




' '



Franciscus Clare proclamat est secundum formam statut etc.

[L. margin] Billa Vera [Endorseddie]




Hallidaye M [as ( 1) above . (22) [Indictment of Sir Mark Ive, Knt. , for recusancy. ] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Marcus Ive nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani le West Lond Miles Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii * [formula as (1) ,



Julii anno IIII°





p. 1].








Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Ad sess' tent XI° die Julii anno Marcus Ive proclamat' est secundum formam statut etc. [L. margin] Billa Vera Endorsed Hallidaye M as (1) above . XIo die Julii anno ****.














JULY 1606

(23) [Indictment of Richard Hatton for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Ricardus Hatton nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani in le West London generosus Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ' tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox ' sequen ' pred primu diem Januarii as ( 1), p. 1 . [formula Ad sess tent XI die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Ricardus Hatton proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye M ] [Endorsed as (1) above . XIº die Julii anno °

















(24) [Indictment of Sir Edward Manfield , Knt., for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Edwardus Manfeild nuper de parochia St Dunstani le West London Miles Qui primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as 1), p. 1 . ( Ad sess tent ° die Julii anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Edwardus Manfeild proclamat est secundum formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Hallidaye M Endorsed [ ] as (1) above . ° XI° die Julii anno







' XI










(25) [Indictment of Dorothy Spiller for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Dorothea Spiller uxor Henrici Spiller nuper de parochia Sancte Anne in BlackfriarsLond generosus [sic alías dicta Dorothea Spiller nuper de ead spinster Que primo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod tempus Anglie .... tercio et Scotie tricesimo nono infra sex menses prox sequen ' pred primu diem Januarii [formulasessas (1), p. 1 . tent XI die Julii anno Ad ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Dorothea Spiller proclamat fuit secundum formam statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Hallidaye M [Endorsed] as (1) above . ° XIº die Julii anno















' '



(26) [Indictment of Joan Prynce and twenty-nine other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Johanna Prynce de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra in suburb London pred Spinster alias Johanna Prynce uxor Jacobi Prynce de parochia et warda pred Aurifabri, Magdelena Prynce de parochia et warda pred vidua , Josephus Lovett de parochia et warda pred yoman, Susanna Payne de parochia et warda pred Spinster alias dicta Susanna Payne uxor Georgii Payne de parochia et warda pred generosi , Anna Barton de paro'









JULY 1606



chia et warda pred vidua , Elizabeth Roe de parochia et warda pred Spinster, Matheus Reynoldes de parochia et warda pred generosus , Katherina Reynolds de parochia et warda pred Spinster alias Katherina Reynolds uxor dicti Mathei Reynolds, Franciscus Apletree de parochia et warda pred yoman, Anna Turner de parochia et warda pred vidua, Thomas Worsley de parochia et warda pred generosus , Thomas Hoord de parochia et warda pred Armiger, Georgius Eaton de parochia et warda pred , Anna Lee de parochia Sancte Brigitte in warda pred Spinster , Jana Weatherall de predicta parochia Sancte Brigitte in pred warda de Farringdon extra Spinster alias Jana Weatherall uxor Jacobi Weatherall de pred parochia Sancte Brigitte in pred warda de Farringdon extra Bucklemaker, Alicia Butler alias dicta Alicia Edwardes de parochia Sancti Sepulchri in warda pred vidua, Parnella Davyes de pred parochia Sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de Farringdon extra Spinster, Elizabetha Garrett de pred parochia Sancti Sepulchri in warda pred vidua, Maria Teate de pred parochia Sancti Sepulchri in pred warda de Farringdon extra Spinster alias Maria Teate uxor Johannis Teate de pred parochia Sancti Sepulchri in warda pred Tayler, Willelmus Hawkyns de parochia Sancti Martini iuxta Ludgate in warda pred yoman, Johanna Etheyngham de pred parochia Sancti Martini in pred warda Spinster, Collia Peacock de parochia Sancte Mildrede virginis in warda de Breadstrete London Spinster alias Collia Peacock uxor Roberti Peacock de pred parochia Sancte Mildrede virginis in pred warda de Breadstrete London pred mercatoris , Anna Bourne de parochia Sancti Stephani in Colmanstrete in warda de Colmanstrete London Spinster alias Anna Bourne uxor Georgii Bourne de pred parochia Sancti Stephani in Colmanstrete in pred warda de Colmanstrete London pred generosi , Anthonius Wilnott de parochia Sancti Augustini in warda de Farringdon infra London pred yom , Margareta Adamson de pred paroch Sancti Augustini in pred warda de Farringdon infra London pred Spinster, Henricus More de parochia sancti Benedicti in warda de Castlebaynerd Londonpred Broderer, Carolus Gelibrand de parochia Sancti Buttolphi in warda de Billingsgate London pred , Elizabeth Gellibrand de pred parochia sancti Buttolphi in pred warda de Billingsgate London pred Spinster alias Elizabeth Gellibrand uxor pred Caroli Gellibrand & Barbara Bilbroughde parochia Sancte Katherine Creechurchin warda de Algate London pred Spinster alias Barbara Bilbrough uxor Ricardi Bilbrough de pred parochia Sancte Katherine Creechurch in pred warda de Algate London pred et Georgius Conwey de parochia Sancte Anne infra precinctu nuper fratru predicator vulgo voc le Black Fryers iamdudu dissolut in pred warda de Farringdon infra London pred generos qui primo die Aprilis annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus quarto et Scotie XXXIX infra tres menses prox sequen pred primu diem Aprilis [formula as (6), p. 3 . * A space is left here in MS . for word indicating status or occupation.












' '
































' [ ]* '''






' '

' ' '

' ''









JULY 1606


Ad sess tent XIo die Julii A° ° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Johanna Prynce Magdalena Prynce Johannes Lovett Susanna Payne Anna Barton Elizabetha Roe Matheus Reynoldes Katherina Reynoldes Franciscus Appletree Anna Turner Thomas Worsley Thomas Hoord Georgius Eaton Anna Lee Jana Weatherall Alicia Butler alias Alicia Edwardes Parnella Davyes Elizabeth Garrett Maria Teate Willelmus Hawkyns Johanna Etheyngham Collia continued on dorse ] Peacock Anna Bourne Anthonius Wilnott Margareta Adamson Henr More Carolus Gellibrand Elizabeth Gellibrand Barbara Bilbrough et Georgius Conwey proclamat sunt secundum formam statuti etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Halliday Maior Endorsed] as (1) above . ° XIº die Julii anno







[ [


IIII *** [



FOR GENERAL SESSIONS OF OYER AND TERMINER, VII FILE BEGINNING 19 FEBRUARY, 4 JAMES (1606/7 ). I (1) [Indictment of Robert Drurye for priesthood.]* London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege presentant quod Robertus Drurye nuper de London Clericus natus existens infra hoc regnu Anglie videlicet in parochia Sancti Gregorii in warda de Castelbaynerde London pred post festu Nativitatis Sancti Johannis ' Baptiste Anno regni Domine Elizabeth ' nuper Regine Anglie et ante undecimu diem Februarii anno regni Domini nostri primo Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie 'Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei defens ' etc. quarto et Scotie quadragesimo apud Valiodoled in Regno Hispanie






* Files for the Sessions of 3 October, 1606, and 15 January, 1606/7 (the former re- strung ; the latter broken) are extant , but contain no matter formally relating to Catholics. The Newgate calendars of these dates are missing. No records of the S.P. and G.D. Sessions of February, 1606/7 , have

survived . At the present Session of Oyer and Terminer there were only two trialsthose of Drury and Davies and the little file contains, in addition to the five documents here transcribed, only three others, viz . , two precepts of venire facias (for grand and petty jury) , and another petty jury panel, identical with the one set out above with the exception of the title which runs : Jur inter Dominum Regem quer' Et Willelmum Davyes nuper de London Clericu defend ." The petty jury precept directs that the jurors be ordered to attend at the Old Bailey court-house (Justice Hall) " die Jovis scilicet xixo die instan mensis Februarii ad hora prima post meridiem eiusdem diei. Apart from this, no additional information bearing on the history of the trials is given in any of the three unpublished documents. English translation of this document in Appendix B, p. 381. The authenticityof this indictment is unquestionable, but, curiously enough, the membrane appears to have been employed to indict another priest from Valladolid on a former occasion within the same year. The words " Robertus Drurye ," Gregorii in warda de Castelbaynerde,' " undecimum, Febundecimo," " Februarii , " and the whole minute recording arraignruarii, traces sentence , been over erasures Faint ment and have of writing written . are discernible where the skin has been rubbed, but its import is quite unintelligible . The practice of keeping in stock a number of indictment schedules with spaces left for filling in names and dates as the individual cases occurred was common enough , but it is without parallel in my experience to find a form which has been made to serve for two separate indictments , as is seemingly the case here . See frontispiece.







' '








in partibus transmarinis authoritate derivata a Sede Romana factus et ordinatus fuit Sacerdos ac leges et statut huius regni ' Angl minime ponderans nec penas in eisdem content' aliqualiter verens postea scilicet dicto undecimo die Februarii annis quarto


et XLmo predictis apud London pred videlicet in parochia et warda predictis felonice proditorie et ut proditor dicti domini Regis nunc fuit et remansit in contemptu ipsius domini Regis nunc corone et dignitatis suar necnon contra formam Statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis . Ad sess tent XIX die Februarii anno quarto Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Robertus Drury po se ve fa cul ca null Ideo Jud quod ad prisonam de de sic] Newgate unde venerat reducatur et quod abinde trahatur super claiam usque furcas de Tyborne et ibidem suspendatur per collu et quod semivivens prosternatur et quod membra sua amputentur et quod corpus suu in quatuor dividatur partes et quod membra et quarteria sua imponantur ubi dictus dominus Rex ea assignare voluerit etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Watts Maiore [ ] ° Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc XIX die Februarii Ao recordu per Simonem Sedgwik et soc suos etc.


















(2) [Indictment of William Davyes for priesthood. London ss. Jur pro Domino Rege presentant quod Willelmus Davyes nuper de London Clericus natus existens infra hoc regnu Anglie videlicet in parochia Sancti Augustini in warda de Broadstrete London pred post festu Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste anno Regni Domine Elizabeth nuper Regine Anglie primo et ante octavu diem Novembr anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris etc. quarto et Scotie quadragesimo apud Valiodoled in regno Hispanie in partibus transmarinis authoritate derivat' a Sede Romana fact et ordinat fuit Sacerdos Ac leges et statut huius regni Anglie minime ponderans nec penas in eisdem content aliqualiter verens postea scilicet dicto octavo die Novembr annis regni Dicti Domini nostri Jacobi Regis quarto et quadragesimo supradictis apud London pred videlicet in parochia et warda pred felonice proditorie et ut et ut [sic proditor dicti domini Regis nunc fuit et remansit in contemptu ipsius Domini Regis nunc coron et dignit suar necnon contra formam statut in huiusmodi casu [edit ] et provis etc. Regni Regis Jacobi Ad sess tent XIX die februarii anno suprad Willelmus Davyes po se ve fa cul ca null Ideo Jud quod ad prisonam de Newgate unde venerat reducatur et quod abinde trahatur super claiam usque furcas de Tiborne et ibidem suspendatur per collu et quod semivivens prosternatur et quod membra sua amputentur et quod corpus suu in quatuor dividatur partes et quod corpus et quarteria sua ponantur ubi dictus dominusRex ea assignare voluerit etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Watts Maior ° XIX die Februarii A° [as (1) above .



















' ' ' '




' ''




' ' ' '














(4) [Petty Jury panel.] Jur' inter Dominum Regem quer

[Grand Jury panel.]

Jur' pro Domino Rege ad Inquirend' super Comiss '



Et Robertum Drurye nuper


de London Clericu defend


Audiend & terminand Simo Sedgwick Jur Ricardus Harryson Jur Johannes [? Acton * Jur Thom Hampton Jur Willelmus Terrey Jur Augustin Soda Jur Johannes Colte Jur Fabian Simpson Jur Bartholomeus Graves Jur Henr Barker-- Jur Robertus Grome- Jur Philippus Sergeant Jur Lionel Bennett Jur

- -' ' ] ' -- '' ' ' -- ' '


' --- ' ' - ' - '' David Jur ' - ' Nicholaus Wilson Jur Willelmus Gonnell- Jur '' Owinus Davys

Henr [? Orrell] * Jur Willelmus Slack Jur Nicholaus Mathewe Jur Lactancius Rooper Jur Humfridus Lownes- Jur Johannes Hichcok Jur Willelmus Salvin Jur Johannes HarrisonJun Jur






' -'

Quilibet Jur pred per se attach est per Johannem Doe & Ricardu Roe (5) [Record of the Commission and Session. * London ss. Inquisiciones capt apud le Justicehall in le Olde Baillye in paroch Sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra in suburb London pred die Jovis scilicet XIX die Februarii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Regis Angl Franc Hybernie quarto et Scotie XLmo coram Johanne Wattes milite maiore Civitatis pred Willelmo Waad milite locu tenen Turris London Stephano Soame milite Johanne [? Garrard milite Thoma Bennett milite Leonardo Halliday milite Henrico Mountagu milite Henr Ricardo Wheler Matheo Dale Francisco Morgan et Jacobo [? Walrend ] Armigeris Justic Domini Regis ad inquirend per sacrament probor et legaliu hominu Civitatis predicte et libertat eiusdem per quos rei veritas melius scir poterit et inquiri de quibuscunque prodic mespric' prodic' insurreccionibus felon murdr homicid interfeccionibus & aliis articulis in litteris paten dicti Domini Regis eis et aliis inde direct specificat infra civitatem pred tam infra libertates quam extra perpetrat sive commiss Ac ad easdem prodic mespricion prodic felon murdr homicid & al articul & offens suprad secund legem et Consuetud regni Dicti Domini Regis Angl audiend et terminand assign Wattes Maior [Endorsed ] Sess oier & Terminer tent XIX die Februarii Anno ° Regni Regis Jacobi 1606||




























' '







letter of this surname doubtful. * First Second letter of this surname doubtful.








' '




'' ' IIII

The value of this document lies in the fact that it gives the fullest available list of justices commissioned for the trials of Drury and Davies. English translation in Appendix B, p. 381 . § A hole occurs here in the parchment : probably three words missing. The document is much worn, being the outer cover of the file. I.e. , 1606/7.



MAY 1607




I (1607).*

(1) [Ignored bill against Thomas Barham for recusancy. *


London ss . Jurator presentant quod Thomas Barham nuper Holborne London Ar Qui vicesimo die de paroch sancti Andree Decembr Anno Regni domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ' quarto et Scotie quadragesimo ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Decembr [formula as (1), p. 1 . L. margin ] Ignoramus [Endorsed Richard Browne











' ....



(2) [Ignored bill against William Dorrell for recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Willelmus Dorrell nuper de paroch sancti Andree in Holborne London Ar Qui vicesimo die Decembr Anno Regni domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra quarto et Scotie quadragesimo sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Decembr [formula as (1) , p. 1 . [L. margin] Ignoramus [Endorsed ] Richard Browne

'' ' '









(3) [Ignored bill against William Chamberlayne, senior, for

recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Willelmus Chamberlayne sen nuper de paroch' sancti Andree in Holborne London Ar Qui vicesimo die Decembr Anno Regni domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod quarto et Scotie quadragesimo tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Decembr [formula as ( 1), p. 1]. margin Ignoramus L. ] [Endorsed] Richard Browne









' ....




(4) [Ignored bill against Katherine White for recusancy.]

London ss. Jurator presentant quod Katerina White nuper de paroch sancti Dunstani in Occidentali London vid Que vicesimo die Decembr Anno Regni domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra quarto et Scotie quadragesimo sex menses prox sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Decembr as (1), p. 1 . [formula L. margin] Ignoramus Endorsed] Richard Browne










' ' '


Newgate calendar for this Sessions has not survived . The records * The G.D. Sessions of 17 April, 1607, have disappeared. of the This and the three following documentshave been deliberately mutilated

with the scissors the usual treatment at this period in the case of ignored bills .


Witness for the prosecution: so also in the three ensuing bills.








, 5

I 1607). *

(1) [Indictment of John Farmer for recusancy.]*

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Johannes Farmer nuper de parochia Sancti Sepulchri in London Generosus qui primo die Junii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibernie regis fidei Defensor etc. quinto et Scocie quadragesimo fuit aetatis sexdecim annoru et ultra non accessit Anglice did not repayre ecclesie sue parochiali pred nec alicui alie ecclesie capelle aut usuali loco communis precationis et ibidem fuit tempore communis precationis ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Junii annis quinto et quadragesimo suprad sed abstinuit ab eisdem Anglice hath forborne the same a pred primo die Junii annis quinto et quadragesimo supradict per pred spatiu ' pred unius mensis extunc prox sequen contra formam divers' statut in huiusmod' casu edit et provis Necnon contra pacem dicti domini Regis nunc coron et dignitat suas etc. Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. [Subsequent memorandum II.4.1605 . Transmittitur Tenor istius Recordi Termino Sancti Michaelis anno Vto Regni Regis Jacobi in Banc Domini Regis virtute brevis de certior extra eundem § dat XXVIII°




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* The records of the G.D. Sessions of 26 June and 17 August , 1607, are

not extant .

Attached to the present file (September ) is a Newgate calendar, in a subsection of which, entitled Reprivat ad melius inquirend ," occur, inter alia, the following entries (see Introd. , p. xxvii) : Gabriel Pryce sine ball sine ball Carolus Kneret [ ? or Knevet ] sine ball Margareta Browne sine ball Matheus Wenham Elizabeth Mor sine ball .... [illegible]. In this and subsequent indictments for recusancy a change is noticeable in the latter part of the formula . The mention of the two statutes, and 23 Elizabeth , now gives place to the phrase " contra formam diversorum statutorum ," in which is probably included a reference also to the two recent enactmentsagainst Popish Recusants , 3 James I , cap. 4 and 5 . The last figure 5 of this date has been written over an erasure, but it is an obvious error . Probably 1607 (i.e., 1607/8 ) is intended. The date, which in MS. is separated by a stroke of the pen from what follows, appears to be simply that on which the memorandum was written, and, unlike other notes of this kind , to be unconnected with the sense of the suggest the following translation as probably givingthe correct remainder. meaning of the whole memorandum: 11 January 1605/6 [? vere 1607/8]. In the Michaelmas term of the 5th year of the reign of King James , the tenor of this record is transmitted into the Lord King's Bench by virtue of a writ of certiorari issuing fromthe same ? Bench bearing date the 28th day of November in the year aforesaid, re] [turnable there on the morrow of the Purification of blessed Mary the Virgin " [i.e., 3 Feb. , 1607/8 . Two words are erased here in MS.: probably " Bancum gerentis," which are superfluous and frequently omitted in other notes of this kind.


' '' ''















die Novembr anno pred ibidem in Crastino Purificacionis beate Marie virginis. [L. margin] Billa Vera Wattes M [Endorsed ] XV die Septembr anno quinto Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Willelmum White et soc suos etc. Ricardus Browne * (2) [Indictment of Lady Mary Tresham for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Domina Maria Tresham nuper de paroch sancti Sepulchri London vidua que primo die Junii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie quinto et Scocie quadragesimo ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Junii [formula as (1) above . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Wattes M [Endorsed] XV die Septembr anno quinto [as ( 1) above]. Richard brown

' r'














.... '

.... '




(3) [Indictment of Susanna Watson for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Susanna Watson nuper de parochia sanct Dunstani in oriental London vidua que primo die Junii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra quinto et Scocie quadragesimo unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Junii [formula as (1) above . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Wattes M [ XV die] Septembr anno quinto . [as (1) above . Ricardus Browne

















of Thomas Barham for recusancy.] (4) [Indictment ss

London presentant quod Thomas Barham, . Juratores nuper de paroch Sanct' Andree in Holborne in London Armiger qui primo die Junii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus quinto et Scocie quadragesimo infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Junii [formula as (1) above . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed [ XV die] Septembr anno Wattes M as ( 1) above quinto ]. **** [ Ricardus Browne















(5) [Indictment of Henry Dorrell for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Henricus Dorrell nuper de parochia sanct Andree in Holborne London Armiger qui primo die Junii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie



* Witness for the prosecution.







ad aliquod tempus infra quinto et Scocie quadragesimo unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Junii [formula as (1) above . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera Wattes M [Endorsed] XV die Septembr' anno quinto **** as (1) above . Ricardus Browne (6) [Indictment of John Lutley for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Johannes Lutley de parochia Sancti Sepulchri London generosus alias dictus Johannes Lutley de Bromcroft* in Com Salopp generos qui primo die ad Junii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem contra forma ' et tenorem diversor' Statutor in Junii [formula as (1) above . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera Wattes M ] [Endorsed XV die Septembr' anno quinto [as (1) above .


























' ' '




FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 2 OCTOBER , 5 JAMES (1607). * of Oswald Needham for saying Mass and of thirty [Indictment other persons for being present at the same. London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Oswaldus Needham nuper de London Clericus vicesimo nono die Junii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie francie et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. quinto et Scotie quadragesimo apud London videlicet in parochia Ecclesie Christi in warda de farringdon infra London pred voluntarie dixit et celebravit un missam contra formam cuiusdam statut in parliamento nuper Domine nostre Elizabethe Regine tent apud Westmonaster' in Com Midd Anno regni sui XXIIItio in hoc casu edit et provis ' et contra pacem dicti Domini Regis coron et dignitat suas Et quod Willelmus Davis nuper de London clericus Hugo Whittoft nuper de London clericus Johannes Copley nuper de London clericus Johannes Hedley nuper de London yoman Nathanael Chisworth nuper de london Scissor Johannes Cutler nuper de london yoman Alexander Seaton nuper de london gener Roland Walker nuper de london Taylor Edmond Harrington nuper de london gener Ricardus Barrett nuper de london gener Ingram Martin nuper de london yoman Isaack Milles nuper de london yoman Henricus Jones nuper de london yoman Thomas Windsore nuper de london gener Willelmus Cropley nuper de london yoman Richardus Parker nuper de london yoman



















Broncroft . * This file has been re- strung at a later date . There must therefore be

some doubt as to its completeness .

No Newgate calendar is attached. English translation of this document in Appendix B, p. 382 .






Edwardus Garrett nuper de london yoman Georgius Conwey nuper de london yoman Franciscus Harris nuper de london Clothworker Maria Graye nuper de london Spinster Maria Smith nuper de london Spinster Jana Woodfall nuper de london spinster alias Jana Woodfall uxor Willelmi Woodfall nuper de london Taylor Magdalena Blagenuper de london Spinster alias MagdalenaBlage uxor Johannis Blage nuper de london Taylor Anna Dowce nuper de london vidua Maria Bradshaw nuper de london spinster Anna Powell nuper de london Spinster Johanna Whopper nuper de london Spinster Maria King nuper de london Spinster Helena Jones nuper de london Spinster ac Anna Foster nuper de london Spinster alias dict Anna Foster uxor Foster nuper de london [ dicto vicesimo nono die Junii annis quinto et XL supradict apud london pred in paroch et warda pred interfuer' presentes tempore dicte celebrationis missae pred ac eand missam sic ut prefertur dictam adtunc et ibidem voluntarie audiver ' contra formam statut pred ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc coron et dignitat suas

[ ]






] '






] Billa Vera [L. margin Ad sess tent IIdo die Octobr' annis [sic] regni Domini nostri ' supradicti ' Johannes Cutler Rolandus Walker Ricardus Jacobi quinto

Barrett Maria Bradshawe Anna Powell Ricardus Parker Johanna Whopper Maria King Helena Jones Jana Woodfall Magdalena Blague et Anna Dowce separatim po se ve fa omnes cul Ideo Jud quod ipsi et quilibet eor per se committatur prisone dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pred ibidem remanend per spaciu unius anni integri ex nunc prox sequen Ac quod solvat ad usum dicti Domini Regis [continued on dorse of document] Centu Marcas legalis monete Angl occacione omniu separal transgr et contempt in indictament ? content et specificat ] secundum formam statut in eo casu edit et provis etc. Endorsed Watts Maior 11º die Octobr Ao Vto Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc recordu per Johannem Melton et soc' suos etc. per testimoniu Georgii Cotham Francisci Harris et [ ? Johannis


[ [

' '[


Abbott ].




' ' '



' ' '













Subsequent memorandum on dorse 15. die Decembr annis Regni Regis Domini Regis Jacobi quinto et XLI° infrascript transmittitur tenor istius record coram Laurenci Tanfeild milite Capitale Barone Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis apud Serieants Inne in Chauncerye lane London virtute brevis Dicti Domini Regis de Certiorar extra Scaccariu pred ? coram eodem laur Tanfeild milite hoc instan XVo die Decembris A° quinto predicto.


' '




' '[ '



* Space left in MS . for Christian name.

Space left in MS . for word indicating status or occupation. would seem certain that the other persons whose names appear in the indictment above were not arrested. Had they pleaded " guilty (or been found not guilty ) , their names, with the note cognoverunt indictamentum (or non culpabiles ) , would have occurred in this minute in accordance with invariable usage .








JANUARY 1607/8



FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING ( 1607/8 ). 19 JANUARY, 5 JAMES * Gardiner priesthood Indictment of Barkley for . [ London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege presentant quod Barkleus Gardiner nuper de London clericus natus existens infra hoc regnu Anglie videlicet in parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra in suburb London post festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste anno regni Domine nostre Elizabeth nuper Regine Anglie primo et ante decimum septimum diem Septembris anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie Franc et Hybernie Regis fidei Defensoris etc. quinto et Scotie quadragesimo primo apud Romam in partitibus [sic] transmarinis factus et ordinatus fuit Sacerdos authoritate derivata a Sede Romana ac leges et statut huius regni Anglie minime ponderans nec penas in eisdem content aliqualiter verens postea scilicet dicto decimo die * Septembr annis regni Dicti Domini Regis nunc Anglie Franc et Hybernie quinto et Scotie quadragesimo primo supradictis apud London pred videlicet in parochia et warda pred felonice proditorie et ut proditor dicti Domini Regis nunc fuit et remansit in contemptu ipsius Domini Regis nunc coron et dignitatem suas necnon contra formam Statuti in huiusmodi casu edit ac provis etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Endorsed] Rowe Maior XIX die Januarii anno quinto Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc recordu per Timotheu Challon et socios suos etc.
























FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , XII BEGINNING 22 FEBRUARY, 5 JAMES ( 1607/8 ).§ (1) [Indictment of John Skynner for recusancy. London ss. Jurator presentant quod Johannes Skynner nuper de parochia Sancte Bride alias Brigitte in warda de Farringdon extra London generosus qui primo die Novembris anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie quinto ac Scotie ad aliquod tempus infra spatiu triu quadragesimo primo mensiu prox sequen pred primu diem Novembris [formula as (1), p. 28 . Proclamat fuit secundu formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. [Endorsed Wm Edwards testis Rowe Maior XXII° die Febr anno Vto Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Thomam Thwayts et soc suos etc.





' .... '















missing. The * The file for the G.D. Sessions of 2 December, 1607,theis past present file (of 19 January) has been broken some time and, since


only two indictments remain, is probably very incomplete. The Newgate calendar is not extant. Sic in MS. for " decimo septimo die. No minute touching further proceedings appears . Its absence may be taken as indicating that there was no trial upon this indictment. No Newgate calendar is attached to this file.








(2) [Indictment of George Mallett and Giles Webbe for recusancy.] presentant quod Georgius Mallett nuper de London ss . Jur paroch Sancti Sepulchri London Ar & Egidius Webbe nuper de eadem paroch Ar qui vicesimo die Novembris Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie quinto et Scotie quadragesimo primo fuer ' et uterque eor fuit etatis sexdecim annor et ultra non ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen accesser pred vicesimu diem Novembris sed abstinuer ab eisdem **** Anglice have forborne the same [rest of formula as ( 1) , p. 28 ] . Proclamat fuer secundu forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera testis [Endorsed ] Charles GrimstonRowe M [ as (1) above]. XXIIdo die Febr anno Vto Regni Regis Jacobi (3) [Indictment of Nicholas Tymperley and John Coffyn for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Nicholaus Tymperley nuper de paroch sancti Dunstani in Occidente London Ar et Johannes Coffyn nuper de eadem paroch Ar qui vicesimo die Novembris anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra quinto et Scotie quadragesimo primo tres menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Novembris as (2) above . [formula Proclamat fuer secundum statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed testis [ ] Charles Grimston Rowe M XXIIdo die Febr anno Vto [as (1) above]. of Bedingfield and ten other persons for (4) [Indictment Anthony recusancy.] London ss. Jur presentant quod Anthonius Bedingfeild nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidentali London Ar Henricus Atkinson nuper de eadem Ar Georgius Poulton nuper de eadem gener Johannes Crippes nuper de eadem gener Thomas Ryder nuper de ead gener Johannes Lewes nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne Ar Johannes Maynes* nuper de ead gener Willelmus Jenyson nuper de ead gener Thomas Aryndon nuper de ead gener' Maria Aryndon nuper de ead vid et Dorothea Brokesby nuper de ead vid qui primo die Decembr anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie quinto et Scotie quadragesimo primo existent ' etatis XVI annor et amplius non accesserunt nec eor aliquis accessit ad aliquod tempus infra duos menses proxim sequen dictu primu diem Decembr [remainder of formula as (1) , p. 28 . Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera testis [Endorsed ] Richard Brown Rowe Maior XXIIdo die Febr' anno Vto [as (1) above].




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* Last letter of

.... this surname






JUNE 1608






[Indictment of Edward Eston for recusancy. * London ss . Jur .... presentant quod Edwardus Eston nuper



de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon 1* Marcii anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie quinto ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses [formula as (1), 28 . . p Proclamat fuit secundum formam [statut etc. . margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed] Rowe M Morgan et soc suos etc. XX die Junii annis VIº





' ]








of John Cotterington and seven other persons for [Indictment recusancy


London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Cotterington nuper de paroch sancti . Dunstani in Occidenta London gener Robertus Barnes nuper de eadem paroch gener Jacobus Parkyns nuper de eadem paroch Ar Edwardus Cotterington nuper de eadem paroch gener Thomas Cotterington nuper de eadem paroch gener Paulus Alexander nuper de eadem paroch gener Georgius Gare nuper de eadem paroch' gener' et Thomas Dewell nuper de eadem paroch generoc Qui primo die Junii Anno regni Domini sexto et Scotie quadragesimo nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie primo ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred primu diem Junii [formula as (4) , p. 33] .


' **




















* The great Newgate Gaol Delivery Register (preserved at Middlesex Guildhall , Westminster) begins with the sixth regnal year of James , and from it we learn the date of every sessions held at the Old Bailey from this time until the end of the Protectorate. It will therefore enable us to ascertain henceforward the dates of all missing files. The London files for the preceding G.D. Sessions of 8 April and 11 May have disappeared . The present file (20 June) is broken and therefore possibly incomplete : only nine indictments remain. Half of this document has been torn away . The remaining fragment, however, proves that it was once an indictment against one person for recusancy, and preserves enough of the original for the whole to be reconstructed --with the exception of the status or occupation of Edward Eston and the day of March from which his three months recusancy was counted. This date must have been some time between 1 and 20 March (cf. date



of Sessions).

§ Christian name of the foreman of the grand jury illegible .

The file for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 27 July is missing. The present file ( 12 September) has been broken and is therefore possibly incomplete: the Newgate calendar is not extant . Part of the left side of this document (which would have contained the note " Billa Vera ") has been torn away . The names and other material facts of the indictment are, however, complete. Second letter of this surname doubtful : possibly Gore.









Proclamati fuer secundum forma statut etc. Rowe Maior XII ° die Septembris anno VIº Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Thomam Edney et soc suos etc. Evidenc ' Johannes Whithead



' '' '


FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING DECEMBER, 6 JAMES ( 1608). * (1) [Indictment of Robert Townesend and two other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Robertus Townesend nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne London in Com Midd Armiger Thomas Townesend filius eius nuper de ead parochia generosus et Maria Hankey nuper de eadem parochia Spinster Qui decimo die Maii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie XLI ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred decimu diem Maii [formula as (4), p. 33] . Proclamati fuer secundum formam statuti etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed] Primo die decembris anno VI ° Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Kenelm Collyn et soc suos etc. Testis Jhon Bingham




















Indictment of Edward Gage and three other persons for [recusancy

.] London ss. Jur presentant quod Edwardus Gage nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne London in Com Midd Armiger Jana Lyngen nuper de eadem parochia Spinster Willelmus Monnington nuper de eadem parochia generos [Anthonius Skynner nuper de eadem parochia Armiger scored et Simo Wacke nuper de eadem parochia generos ' Qui decimo die Maii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie quadragesimo primo ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred decimu diem Maii [formula as (4), p. 33] . Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. Subsequent memorandum * 10 die Januarii anno VI Regni Regis Jacobi allocat breve de certiorari extra Banc r ibidem in octabis sancti Hillarii prox futur

' ....






' '











' '

The file for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 7 October is missing. * recognizances Some for the Sessions of the Peace of 29 November exist, but

include no documents formally relating to Catholics. The Newgate calendar for the present Sessions (December ) is missing. The deletion implies, probably , that the bill was ignored in Skynner's case .

Ang On the 10th day of January in the 6thyear of the reign of King James a writ of certiorari is allowed, issuing from [ King's] Bench, returnable there in the octave of St Hilary next following ; by virtue of which writ the tenor of this record is transmitted into [King's ] Bench aforesaid in the aforesaid octave of Saint Hilary, etc. , for the aforesaid Edward Gage only etc.

.: "







virtute cuius quidem brevis transmittitur tenor istius recordi in banc pred in octabis sancti Hillarii pred etc. pro predicto Edwardo Gage tantu etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed [ Primo ]die decembris annoWeld Maior as 1 above . VIº [ () Testis Jhon Bingham






(3) [Indictment of Roger Blunt and twenty-six other persons for

recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Rogerus Blunt nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne London gener Thomas Blunt nuper de eadem gener Elizabeth Guatkin nuper de eadem vid Katerina Harper nuper de eadem vid Andreas Munden alias Sheppard et Johanna uxor eius nuper de eadem Dorothie * Elton nuper de eadem gener Johannes Pewteres nuper de eadem yoman Thomas Pewteres nuper de eadem yom Thomas Guillin nuper de eadem gener Willelmus Bifford Ricardus Stockton nuper de eadem yom Franciscus Hyett gener Johannes Lancaster alias Gryffyth gener Henricus Rawley gener Julian uxor eius Thomas Jancey Johannes Kemble Anna uxor eius Thomas Saice gener Walterus Saice Elizabeth uxor eius Sara Friser Spinster Thomas John James Willelmus [sic ] Monington Anna uxor eius [Johannes Carpenter yom scored] Edwardus Clarke nuper de eadem yoman et Martha uxor eius Qui vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie quadragesimo ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen secundo pred vicesimu diem Augusti formula as (4), p. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Weld Maior ] [Endorsed Primo die decembris anno VIº *** [as (1) above]. Testis Jhon Bingham


' .... '




















.... [








[Indictment of John Vaughan and fourteen other persons for [4) recusancy .]

London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Vaughan et Anna uxor eius nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne London gener Walter Vaughan gener Willelmus Unett § gener Ellenora uxor eius Anthonius Harper gener Maria uxor eius Johannes Smyth gener Willelmus Lutley yeoman Johannes Crofte gener Michael Vaughan gener Ricardus Wittingslowe alias Capper yom Willelmus Barbar Willelmus Watkyns et Ricardus Deynton nuper de paroch sancti Andree in Holborne pred yoman Qui












Sic in MS . for Dorotheus. * The contraction of this and the following entries is due to lack of space on a stock indictment form . The deletion implies, probably, that the bill was ignored in Carpenter's



case .

§ ? or Vuett.' The contraction of this and other entries is due to lack of space on a stock indictment form .






vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod Anglie ... sexto et Scotie quadragesimo secundo tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred vicesimu diem Augusti [formula as (4), p. 33]. Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed ] Primo die decembris anno VIº [as (1) above . Testis Jhon Bingham



' '











[Indictment of Everingham Cressey and thirteen other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Jur • presentant quod Everingham Cressey nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidentali London Armiger


Richardus Stapleton de parochia pred London pred Armiger Willelmus Ive nuper de parochia pred London pred generosus Edwardus Rookewood nuper de parochia pred London pred Ar Thomas Walton nuper de parochia pred London pred Armiger Katherina Poole nuper de parochia pred London pred vidua Robertus Barnes nuper de parochia pred London pred Armiger Georgius Peckham nuper de parochia pred London pred Armiger Robertus Ayer de parochia pred London pred Armiger Henricus Bagshaw nuper de parochia pred London pred generosus Nicholaus Bagshawe nuper de parochia pred London pred generosus Edwardus Faulcett nuper de parochia pred London pred generos Marmaducus Haslewood nuper de parochia pred London pred generosus Thomas Crewe nuper de parochia pred London pred generos qui XXXI° die Augusti annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus sexto et Scotie XLII infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (4), p. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed ] Primo die decembris anno VIº [as (1) above . Testis Richard Browne




'' ' ''








' '











' ' '






(6) [Indictment of William Lloyd, jun . , and seventeen other persons for recusancy.


London ss. Jur presentant quod Willelmus Lloyd iunior nuper de parochia Sancti Dunstani in occiden London generosus Thomas Pearce nuper de paroch pred generos Margareta Bellases nuper de paroch pred vidua Florencia Reynes nuper de paroch pred vidua Cassandra Stone nuper de paroch pred vidua Thomas Smythe nuper de paroch pred generos ' Ursula Smythe nuper de paroch pred spinster Dorothea Smythe nuper de paroch pred Spinster Richardus Horton nuper de paroch pred yeoman Humfridus Foster nuper de paroch pred yeoman et Willelmus Milward nuper de paroch pred generos Martinus Metcalf nuper de paroch

' .... '



























pred generosus Thomas Metcalf nuper de paroch pred yoman Georgius Robynson nuper de paroch pred yoman Johannes Wells nuper de paroch pred yoman et Willelmus Chalfant nuper de paroch pred generos Galfridus Poole de paroch pred generosus Nicholaus Thornton nuper de paroch pred Armiger qui XXXIº die Augusti annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie XLIIº ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (4) , P. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Weld Maior Endorsed] Primo die decembris anno VIº [as (1) above]. Testis Richard Browne

' '



























(7) [Indictment of William Thompson and two other persons for

recusancy. London ss. Jur presentant quod Willelmus Thompson nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in occidentali in Warda de Farringdon extra London generosus alias dictus Willelmus Thompson de Nowsall * in Com Staff generosus Anthonius Fearne de parochia et warda pred generosus alias dictus Anthonius Fearne de Civitate Oxon generosus et Willelmus Bustard de parochia et warda pred generosus alias dictus Willelmus Bustard de Atherby* in Com Oxon generosus qui tricesimo primo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie quadragesimo secundo ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (4), p. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed] Primo die decembris anno VI ° [as (1) above . Testis Richard Browne



' '


' ....





' '












(8) [Indictment of George Bushope and two other persons for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Georgius Bushope nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in occidentali in Warda de Farringdon exta London Generosus alias dictus Georgius Bushope de Brayles in Com Warr generosus Thomas Greeneham nuper pe parochia et Warda predictis Generosus alias dictus Thomas Greeneham de Brailes pred Generosus et Paulus Sherley de parochia et warda pred yoman alias dictus Paulus Sherley de Truemanheathe in pred Com Warr yoman qui tricesimo primo die Augusti Anno regno Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie quadragesimo Secundo ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (4) , p. 33 .




' ' '





* Gnowsall.





* ? Adderbury .



Location not ascertained.




Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc.





[L. margin] Billa Vera




Weld Maior ] Primo die decembris anno VI ° [as (1) above]. Testis Richard Browne



(9) [Indictment of Martin Metcalf and three other persons for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Martinus Metcalf nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in occidentali in Warda de Farringdon extra London Generosus alias dictus Martinus Metcalf de Hoode * in Com Ebor Generosus Thomas Metcalf de parochia et Warda pred generos alias dictus Thomas Metcalf de Underweston cliffe in pred Com Ebor Generosus Georgius Robinson nuper de parochia et Warda pred yoman alias dictus Georgius Robinson de Hemsley in Com Ebor' predict yoman et Johannes Wells de parochia et Warda predict yoman alias dictus Johannes Wells de Marton in Holdernes in dicto Com Ebor yoman qui tricesimo primo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ' Anglie sexto et Scotie XLII° ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (4) , p. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. margin] Billa Vera L. [Endorsed [ Primo ]die decembris annoWeld Maior as (1) above . VIº Testis Richard Browne


' '










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' .... [


(10) [Indictment of Ralph Crake and three other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Radulfus Crake nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in occidentali in Warda de Farringdon extra London Armiger alias dictus Radulfus Crake de Marton in le Would in Com Ebor Armiger Rogerus Conyers nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani pred in Warda pred Doctor [ in] medicinis alias dictus Rogerus Conyers de Hutton in Com Ebor Doctor in medicinis Radulfus Craswell de parochia et Warda pred Generosus alias dictus Radulfus Craswell de Nonkellinge in Com Ebor Generosus et Robertus Thorpe de parochia et warda pred Generosus alias dictus Robertus Thorpe de Thorpgarthe in Holdernes in Com Ebor Generosus qui tricesimo primo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ' Anglie sexto et Scotie quadragesimo secundo ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen' pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (4) ,




P. 33 .




' '

' '

' ' **







Hutton Conyers .

Grange, Kilburn, N.R. * ?Hood Whitestone. Helmsley. § Marton (in parish of Sowerby).


Nunkeeling. Location not ascertained .








' '


Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. memorandum Subsequent [ vide ordinem cur 10 Julii A ° VII° Regni Regis Jacobi pro pred Radulfo Crake vide al ordinem cur 6 Septembr Anno pred pro pred Radulfo Craswell Vera margin Billa ] L. [Endorsed [ Primo ]die decembris annoWeld Maior as (1) above . VIº [ Testis Richard Browne

it' it'












[Indictment of Owen Shopley and two other persons for recusancy.] London Jur presentant quod Owinus Shopley_nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in occidentali in Warda de Farringdon extra Lond Generosus alias dictus Owinus Shopley de Rowell in Com Northampt Generosus Robertus Jefferson nuper de parochia et warda predict yoman alias dictus Robertus Jefferson de Hickson in Com Northumbr yoman et Johannes Horne nuper de parochia et Warda pred yoman alias dictus Johannes Horne de Hickson pred yoman qui tricesimo primo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie XLII ° ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (4) , p. 33]. Proclamat fuer secundum forma statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed [ Primo die decembris annoWeld Maior as (1) above VIº . [ Testis Richard Browne




' '

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Indictment of Edward Spratt for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Edwardus Spratt nuper de parochia Sanct Dunstani in occiden London generosus qui XXXI die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie XLII ° ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (1) , p. 28 . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera Weld Maior ] [Endorsed Primo die decembris anno VIº [as (1) above . Testis Richard Browne





















an order of the court of 10 July, in the 7thyear of * Ang.: " item . See the reign of King James , for the aforesaid Ralph Crake.

item . See another order of the court of 6 September, in the aforesaid year, for the aforesaid Ralph Craswell. " These orders were doubtless recorded under their respective dates in the Sessions Books, now lost. Rothwell. ? Hexham.


JANUARY 1608/9










[Indictment of Hugh Speake for recusancy.


presentant quod Hugo Speake nuper London ss . Juratores .... in Occiden' London generosus qui de parochia sancti dunstani primo die decembris annis regni domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod sexto et Scotie quadragesimo secundo Angl tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem decembris [formula as (1) , p. 28 . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. [L. margin] Billa Vera












Weld Maior'

Endorsed ]




XI die Januarii anno VIº Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Thoma' Hill et soc' suos etc. ' Indictment of Sir (? Alexander ) Barlowe, Knt., and two other [persons recusancy.



London ss . Juratores presentant quod Alexus [ sic] Barlowe nuper de parochia sancti Dunstani in Occidentali in Warda de Farringdon [ London miles, Thomas Birch nuper de Warda et parochia pred gener , et Edwardus Bradshawe nuper de parochia et warda pred mercer, Qui primo die Augusti Aº regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Angl sexto et Scotie Quadragesimo secundo fuerunt ? separatim] etat sexdecim annor et ultra [ aut usuali loco communis precacionis et ibidem morat fuer tempore communis precacionis ad aliquod tempus infra quinque menses tunc prox sequentes Contra formam diversor Statut .... pro uniformitat communis precacionis edit et provisor Ac in contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc Coronam et dignitatem suas etc. [rest of formula as (4) , p. 33 . ]










' '


' ' '

This file has been re- strung at a later date ; its completeness is therefore doubtful . Among the indictments occurs the earliest extant inquisition -postmortem on a London prisoner. The inquest was taken on 26 December , 1608, at Newgate gaol on the body of one Walter Grosveneralias Gravener. The cause of his imprisonment is not stated. This person is not to be identified with a priest of the same name (C.R.S. , xxx, 48) , who was in Newgate in 1616 (Downside Review, Jan., 1932, p. 163 ; May , 1927, p. 196, and Jan., 1927, p. 61) . The following extract from this document gives all the available details of his death : Juratores dicunt super sacramentum suu quod pred Walterus Grosveneralias Gravener per spaciu ' decem dier' ante capcionem huius Inquisicionis infra gaol pred de quadam infirmitat vocat a pynninge sicknesse languebat Et de eadem infirmitate vicesimo quinto die dicti mens Decembris Anno regni dicti domini nostri Jacobi dei gra nunc regis Angl Francie et ' Hibernie fidei defensor ' etc. sexto et Scotie quadragesimo secundo suprad ' Ecclesie gaol pred scit paroch Christi in in in warda de Farringdon infra ' London pred idem Walterus Grossvenoralias Gravener ex visitacione divina









' '




" ' is signed by Thomas Wilbraham , Coroner of the City of The document


London. One word erased in MS . The word extra should have been substituted , but has been omitted .




JANUARY 1608/9


Proclamati fuer secundum forma Statut etc.




margin ] Billa Vera [L. [Endorsed]

Weld Maior as (1) above .


XIo die Januarii anno VI ..


.... [


[Newgate calendar for this Sessions : in sub-section entitled melius inquirend * ; inter alia] "' Reprsine ' ad ball " Browne ' Owinus it r ' Marcus Broughton sine ball' it' Tho sine ball' r' Sleepe

' ' r' it' '




(1) [Indictment of Trincola Katherine Smythe alias Garrett for

recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Trincola Katherina Smythe alias Trincola Katherina Garrett nuper de paroch Sanct Katherine Colman London vid que tricesimo primo die Augusti annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie XLIIdo ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred tricesimu primu diem Augusti [formula as (1), 28 . P. Proclamata fuit secundum formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed] Weld Maior XVI die Februarii anno VIº Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc recordu per Arthur ' Strangweys et socios suos etc.



















(2) [Indictment of Humphrey Berrye for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Humfridus Berrye nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra Lond pred generos ' Qui decimo die Octobr ' Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie sexto et Scotie aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen XLII decimu addiem Octobris pred [formula as (1), p. 28]. Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed] as (1) above . XVI die Februarii anno VIº ]


' ... '








Ang.: Ang.:



Remandedfor further inquiry." Cf. Introd. , p. xxvi. " He " is remanded without bail." Mark Broughton ( verè Crowder) was a Benedictine Cf. C.R.S., xxxiii , .

206-7. Browne and Sleepe (whose entries adjoin Broughton's in the calendar) were recusants whose names appear elsewhere in these records. The fact that their names occur in this sub -section indicates that all three had been committed to Newgate some time before the preceding Sessions (December).

Cf. Introd. , p. xxvi. This file has been re-strung and must be a mere fragment of the original . Only four indictments remain.






(3) [Indictment of Sir Francis Lovell, Knt. , for recusancy.]

presentant quod Franciscus Lovell London ss . Juratores nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri London miles alias dictus Franciscus Lovell nuper de East Harling in Comitat Norff miles qui primc die Novembris annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei sexto et Scotie XLII ad aliquod tempus gra Anglie ....diem Novembris sequen' pred primu menses tres prox infra formula as (1), p. 28 . Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed ] XVIº die Februarii anno VIº [as (1) above].





[ [




' ]




[Newgate calendar for this Sessions: in; sub-section entitled melius inquirend " inter alia] " [Repr' scored] adOwinus Browne '




Marcus Broughton Thomas Slepe




I (1609). §


(1) [Indictment of Maurice Buckland for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Mauricius Buckland ....Sepulchri London generos ' alias dictus nuper de paroch Sancti Mauricius Buckland nuper de Standlinche' in com Wiltes generos qui primo die Aprilis annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra septimo et Scotie quadragesimo secundo Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Aprilis statut in huiusmodi casu nuper edit et provis 1) , p. 28 . as ( formula [ Proclamat fuit secundum forma statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed ] die Anno Maii XXXI VII Regni Regis Jacobi infertur hoc record per Laur Evans et socios suos etc. Thomas Harris Testis







' ]




' ' .... ' ' ' ' '





The reason for this deletion am unable to explain . The title sometimes appears without repr , but its absence would seem to make no difference to the significanceof the title .




Ang.: They are remanded without [bail . The fact that these three names are bracketed together in MS. suggests that there was some connection between their several offences . In this sub- section of the calendar occur also, inter alia, the following entries: Willelmus Myles sine y Robertus Badcock [? or Baddock] § The files for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 29 March and 28 April are missing. The present file (May) has been re-strung and is therefore not certainly entire . It contains twenty- eight indictments . || Standlynch.






MAY 1609


(2) [Indictment of Richard Dybdale for recusancy. ]*

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Ricardus Dybdale nuper de paroch sancti Andree in Holborne London yoman alias dictus Ricardus Dybdale nuper de Chillington in Com Staff yom Qui primo die Marcii Anno Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod sexto et Scotie quadragesimo secundo tempus infra tres menses prox sequen predictum primu diem Marcii [formula as (1) , p. 28]. Vera margin Billa ] L. Endorsed Maior [ XXXI]die Maii Anno Weld VII ° [as (1) above]. Thomas Gunns Testis (3) [Indictment of William Hill for recusancy. London ss. Juratores presentant quod Willelmus Hill nuper de paroch sancti Andree in Holborne London gener alias dictus Willelmus Hill de Chillington in Com Staff generosus , Qui primo die Marcii Anno Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus sexto et Scotie quadragesimo secundo infra tres menses prox sequen predictum primu diem Marcii [formula as (1) , p. 28 ]. L. margin ] Billa Vera Weld Maior [Endorsed] XXXI die Maii Anno VIIº [as (1) above]. Thomas Gunns Testis (4) [Indictment of Cecilia Turbervell for recusancy. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Cicilia Turbervell nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London vidua alias dicta Cicilia Turbervell de Le Scarre in Com Glamorgan vidua que primo die Aprilis Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie . septimo et Scotie quadragesimosecundo ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred statut in huiusmodi casu nuper edit et primu diem Aprilis as ( 1) , p. 28 . formula provis' ] [ L. margin ] Billa Vera Weld Maior Endorsed XXXI die Maii anno VII° [as ( 1) above . Pattericke Commings Testis (5) [Indictment of Edmund Morley for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Edmundus Morley nuper de paroch sancti Sepulchri London generosus alias dictus Edmundus Morley nuper de Holme in com Lincoln generos qui primo die Aprilis annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod septimo et Scotie quadragesimo secundo .... diem Aprilis tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu [formula as ( 1) , p. 28 .





























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This and the two following indictments bear no minutes recording proclamation or other proceedings . It is practically certain , therefore, that these persons were not proclaimed. Location not ascertained.



MAY 1609


Ad sess tent XXXI° die Maii anno VII° Regni Regis Jacobi suprad Edmundus Morley proclamat fuit secundum forma statuti etc. Vide Billa Vera per Jur subscripta* Billa Vera [Endorsed]die Maii anno Weld Maior XXXI VII° .... [as (1) above]. calendar Newgate (6) for this Sessions : in sub- section entitled Reprivat ad melius inquirend ; inter alia " Marcus Broughton sine ball Thomas Sleepe sine ball














FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 22 MARCH, 7 JAMES ( 1609/10). * (1) [Indictment of William Fytter for recusancy. * London ss. Juratores presentant pro Domino Rege quod Willelmus Fytter nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne London yoman qui sexto die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. septimo et Scotie quadragesimo tertio fuit ultra etatem sexdecim Annoru eodem sexto die Augusti Annis supradictis non accessit ad ecclesiam parochialem sancti Andree predicti nec ad aliquam aliam ecclesiam , Capellam , seu usualem locu communis precacionis Sed eodem sexto die Augusti Annis supradictis et semper postea per spatiu quinque mensiu integr' extunc prox sequen obstinate et voluntarie absque causa rationabili abstinuit ab eisdem Anglice hath forborne the same contra formam statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis ac in manifestu contempt dicti Domini Regis et legu suar etc. proclamat secundum formam Statuti etc. margin] Billa Vera L. [Endorsed XXII die Marcii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VII ° infert hoc record per Johannem Skynner et socios suos etc. [Test ]is Rich Griffith 2 Indictment () [ of William Watson for recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Willelmus Watson nuper de parochia sancte Fidis [ ? infra] london generosus qui septimo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra







' '









' '






for Billa Vera ' written by the Jury. A reference .: " See below * Ang , at the foot of " then unusual position of this annotation to the the document.

The files for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 10 July, 6 September, 6 October, 6 December , 17 January , and 16 February are missing. A restrung file for the G.D. of 9 August, 1609, exists, but contains no matter appertaining to Catholics as such. The present file (22 March) is broken and is a mere fragment of the original (six indictments remain), but nineteen other indictments belonging to this Sessions (none of Catholic interest) have been discovered strung with the records of the Sessions of 17 April , 1618on a file of odd documents of various dates , apparently constructed sometime after 1699. The Newgate calendar for March, 1609/10 , is missing. The formula of this and the following indictment is considerably briefer than that usually employed for recusancy under James I. However, this modification is of no material significance .








septimo et Scocie quadragesimo terc fuit etatis sex.... et ultra eodem septimo die Januarii Annis decim annor supradictis aut ad aliquod tempus postea per spaciu duor mensiu integror non accessit ad ecclesiam parochialem sau cte Fidis pred in Warda de Farringdon infra london nec ad aliquam al ecclesiam capella aut usualem locu communis precacionis Sed eodem septimo die Januarii anno supradicto et semper postea per spaciu predictor duor mensiu extunc prox sequen obstinate et voluntarie as (1) above . Nondu capt proclam fuit secundum formam statut etc. Subsequent memorandum Ad Session tent vicesimo die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Octavo predictus Willelmus Watson comparuit de Recordo et intul certificator de sua Conformitate sub sigillo officii officialis Domini Archini [sic London super quo ac etiam quia pat de Recordo quod ad Session hic tent sexto die Decembris ult preterit predictus Willelmus Watson prestitit sacramentum allegiancie Ideo exonerat per Cur de hoc indictamento et ordinat quod null process emanebit vers eu superinde etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera ° die Marcii Anno Regni Regis [Endorsed XXII Jacobi VIIº as (1) above]. Testis Edmond Brown Edmundus Browne [sic







[ [

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' '



GAOL DELIVERY , XX FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE BEGINNING 24 MAY, 8 JAMES ( 1610) . § (1) [Recognizance for the appearance of Roland Reynoldes to answer and of John May to give evidence. London ss . Memorand quod octavo die Maii anno Regni Regis




not yet taken ." This note, nondum captus (the equivalent of * "large ") , is occasionally to be found on indictments for felony,



but seems wholly unnecessary here , for neither the arrest of the recusant nor his presence at the sessions was requisite for the due execution of the statutes (cf. Introd. , p . xlii ) . Nor does it seem likely, in view of the memorandum which follows in the bill, that Watson was wanted on a different and more serious charge. The note is probably due to carelessless. Ang.: At the Session held on the twentieth day of April in the eighth year of the reign of King James the aforesaid William Watson appeared of record and produced a certificate of his conformity under the seal of office of the Official of the Lord Archdeacon of London, upon which, and also because it appears upon record that at the Session held here on the sixth day of December last past the aforesaid William Watson took the oath of allegiance , he is therefore discharged by the Court of this indictment , and it is ordered that no process shall issue against him on this charge etc. " Although the term Archini bears no contraction mark in MS. , it is nevertheless most probably an abbreviated form of Archidiaconi (Archdeacon). The " Official was the name given to the Church Lawyer who assisted the Archdeacon of London in executing the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon's Court , otherwise called the Court of the Arches (from the Church of St. Mary le Bow, where sat) . The Official was judge of that court . Jacob, Law Dict. it formerly Indictments temp. James are often thus endorsed with the name of the witness both in English and in Latin. Cf. Introd. , p. xxxvii. The file for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 20 April is missing. The Newgate calendar for the present Sessions (May) has, among entries






MAY 1610



Jacobi octavo Roland Reynoldes de parochia sancti Sepulchri extra Newgate in suburb London haberd venit coram Thoma Cambell mil maiore civitis London ac un Justic ' etc. et recogn se debere Domino Regi XX legal etc. sol etc. sub condicione quod si pred Rolandus Reynoldes personal comparebit coram Justic etc. ad prox sessionem gaole deliberac' pro civite London tenend ad respondend ad ea omnia etc. et abinde non recesserit etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. Capt coram Domino Maiore

' '


' '


' '








Comparuit et exon**

lodging of papists in his house & abusing the Constable John May



Ma quod die et ann pred Johannes May de paroch supradict scriptor venit coram pred Thoma Cambell mil' Maiore etc. ac un Justic etc. et recogn se debere Domino Regi X legal etc. sub condicione quod si pred Johannes May personal Comparebit coram Justic etc. ad prox Sess ' gaole Deliberac pro Civite London tenend ad dand evidenc' versus pred Roland Reynoldes concernen ea dicta etc. et abinde etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. Capt coram domino Maiore Comparuit et dedt evidenc * Lower left margin ] May





' '




' '












(2) [Indictment of Thomas Peacock and twenty-one other persons for recusancy.]

London ss . Jurator presentant quod Thomas Peacock nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London Apothecary, et Elizabetha Peacock uxor dicti Thomae, Jacobus Leak nuper de parochia et warda pred yeoman, Walterus Spenser nuper de parochia et warda pred generosus , et Francisca Spenser uxor dicti Walteri, Robertus Jones nuper de parochia et warda pred generosus , et Dorothea Jones uxor dicti Roberti, Thomas Stephensonnuper de parochia et warda pred alias Thomas Boys nuper de parochia et warda pred scrivener, Willelmus Greene nuper de parochia et warda pred generosus , et Benneta Greene uxor dicti Willelmi, Willelmus Martin nuper de parochia et warda pred haberdasher, et Maria Martin uxor dicti Willelmi, Helenora Browne uxor Willelmi Browne nuper de parochia et warda pred glover, Willelmus Leake nuper de parochia et warda pred generosus , & [? Jana] Leake uxor dicti Willelmi, Johanna Petty nuper de parochia et warda pred spinster, Elizabetha Garrat nuper de parochia et warda pred vidua , Nicholaus Pilgrime nuper de












added to the calendar by the clerk of the court (cf. Introd. , p. xxv) , the

Elizabetha Wright following : vepri' * Ang.: " He appeared and is discharged. Ang.: He appearedand gave evidence. Christian name almost obliterated in MS.






MAY 1610


parochia et warda pred yeoman, et Margareta Pilgrime uxor dicti Nicholai , Thomas Davies nuper de parochia et warda pred scriptor, Pernella Davyes nuper de parochia et warda pred spinster, Gregorius Gunn nuper de parochia et warda pred yeoman, Qui XXVto die Augusti annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus septimo et Scotie quadragesimo tertio infra un mensem sequent pred XXVm diem Augusti [formula as (4) , p . 33 . Omnes isti proclamat fuer secundum formam statut etc. [L. margin ] Billa Vera [Endorsed] XXIIII ° die Maii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII ° infertur hoc record per Petru ' Camborne et socios suos etc. (3) [Indictment of Philip Robinson and fifteen other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Philippus Robinson nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in warda Farringdon extra London generosus , et Maria Robinson uxor dicti Philippi, Johanna Varney uxor Francisci Varney nuper de parochia et warda pred London pred generos , Elizabetha Fisher uxor Jacobi Fisher nuper de parochia et warda pred London pred Taylor, Elizabetha Potvin nuper de parochia et warda pred London pred spinster, Evangelistus Constantine nuper de parochia Sanct Anne et Agnes [sic] in warda de Aldrichgate* London pred extraneus, Edwardus Greene nuper de parochia Sancti Albani in warda de Cripplegate London pred Tyremaker , Maria Osborne nuper de parochia Sancte Brigide alias Bride in warda de Farringdon extra London pred , Johannes Reate nuper de parochia et warda pred London pred Bricklayer, Margeria Baylis uxor Thome Baylis nuper de parochia Sancti Martini in warda de Vintry London pred Dyer, Ivy Pottinger nuper de parochia Sancte Mildrede in warda de Bredstreete London pred vidua, Anna Ridley nuper de parochia Sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London pred spinster, Petrus John nuper de parochia et warda pred London pred yeom et Editha John uxor dicti Petri , Isabella Beale nuper de parochia et warda pred London pred , David Bowter nuper de parochia Sancte Anne in warda de Farringdon infra London pred , Boulemaker, Qui vicesimo die Februarii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie septimo et Scotie quadragesimo tertio ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred vicesimu diem



' ]




































' as (4), p. 33]. ' formula [ Omnes isti proclam fuer secundum formam statut etc.






margin ] Billa Vera' [L. Endorsed XXIIII° die Maii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII°





[as (2) above].

Indictment of James Prince and forty-three other persons (4) [for recusancy.


London ss. Juratores presentant quod Jacobus Prince nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne London Aurifaber, Barbara * I.e., Aldersgate.




MAY 1610



Hutton de paroch pred London pred vidua , Rosa Hamond nuper de paroch pred London pred Spinster, Brigitta Yates nuper de paroch' pred London pred spinster, Alicia Plunkett uxor Oliveri Plunkett nuper de paroch pred London pred cutler, Johanna Varney uxor Francisci Varney nuper de paroch pred London pred gener , Drago Lovett nuper de paroch pred London pred Aurifaber , et Elizabetha Lovett uxor dicti Dragonis, Richardus Lovett nuper de paroch pred London pred yeoman, Willelmus Baxter nuper de paroch pred London pred yeoman, Owinus Browne nuper de paroch pred London pred Aurifaber, Thomisina Hide nuper de paroch' pred London pred spinster, Edwardus Lee nuper de paroch pred London pred Laborer , et Anna Lee uxor dicti Edwardi , Jocosa Day nuper de paroch pred London pred vidua, Lionellus Tichborne nuper de paroch pred London pred gener , et Anna Tichborne uxor dicti Lionelli, Alexander Hambleton nuper de paroch pred London pred gener', et Francisca Hambleton uxor dicti Alexandri , Anna [? Edon] * nuper de paroch, pred London pred spinster , Maria Nelson nuper de paroch pred London pred spinster, Willelmus Tallis nuper de paroch pred London pred gener' , Ricardus Walters nuper de parochia Sancte













' ' '









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' '













Anne Blackfriers , London, yeoman, Maria Hawley

nuper de parochia Sancti Augustini vidua , Wentlyona Giles de parochia pred London pred vidua, Benneta Preston uxor Christopheri Preston nuper de parochia Alhallowes in le muro London gener , Bridgetta Fitzwilliams uxor Johannis Fitzwilliams nuper de paroch' pred London pred , Margareta Teat nuper de parochia Allhallowes Barking London vidua , Susanna Richinson nuper de parochia Sancti Benneti London pred vidua, Anna Udall nuper de parochia sancte Bride alias Brigette London vid Henricus Wise nuper de parochia pred London pred weaver, Johannes Dixon nuper de # parochia pred London pred yeoman, Jana Wetherell uxor [ Wetherell nuper de parochia pred London pred Bugletmaker , Christopherus Askwith nuper de parochia de Christchurch London Jerkinmaker et Anna Askwith uxor dicti Christopheri , Thomas Morley nuper de parochia Sancte Catherine Creechurch London Aurifaber, Barbara Bilberey uxor Ricardi Bilberey nuper de paroch pred London pred yeoman, 18 de la Falle nuper de parochia Sancti Georgii London stranger, Johannes Hams nuper de parochia Sancte Marie Aldermanburie silkweaver, ( § Peacock uxor Roberti Peacock nuper de parochia sancte Mildrede Merchant, Willelmus Wrench nuper de parochia sancti Martini ? Bookbinder , et Margareta Wrench uxor dicti Willelmi, Petrus



















* The last two letters of this surname are doubtful.

The name Maria Hawley is underlined in MS. and the word Respr

(" she is respited ") written above.

A space is left here in MS. for Christian name. § Christian name illegible. This document is badly rubbed. One word illegible in MS. D




MAY 1610


Wilkinson nuper de parochia sancti Michaelis [?] * yeoman, Willel-

mus Jeudy nuper de parochia sancti Stephani London Clothworker Qui XX die Novembris annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra septimo et Scotie quadragesimo tertio Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox ' sequen ' pred vicesimu diem Novembris [formula as (4) , p. 33]. Omnes isti proclamat fuer secundum formam statuti etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed [ ] XXIIII ° die Maii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII [as (2) above .












XXI (1)


of Parnel Towerson for recusancy.] [Indictment ss

London . Juratores presentant quod Parnell Towerson nuper de paroch de Fanchurch in warda Langborne London vidua que primo die Octobris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Octavo et Scotie XLIIIIº Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Octobris [formula as (1) , p. 28]. Proclamat fuit secundum formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Quinto die Decembr' Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIIIº [ infert hoc Record per Radulfum Edmonds et socios suos etc. Tho Gurley Edmund Browne gener's Anth Dun



.... '










' ' (2) [Indictment of Elizabeth Carradyne for recusancy. || '


presentant quod Elizabetha Carradyne nuper de Juratores parochia sancti Bartholomei magni in ward de Farringdon extra London vid Que primo die Octobris Annis regni Domini nostri Octavo et Scotie Quadragesimo quarto Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra unu mens ' prox sequen ' pred primu diem Octobris [formula as (1), p. 28 . Proclamat fuit secundum formam statut etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Quinto die Decembr Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° . [as ( 1) above Edmund Browne Tho Gurley gener Anth Dun









' Illegible in MS , but








space for two words. The files for the preceding G.D. Sessions of 3 July, 4 September, and 5 October are missing. That of 7 August (without its Newgate calendar)



exists, but yields no matter formally relating to Catholics. The Newgate calendar for the present Sessions (December, 1610) is not extant . I.e., St. Gabriel Fenchurch. § Witnesses for the prosecution. The significance of the bracket in this and following endorsements is not clear. The introductory words London ss . are missing from this document, but there is no reason to doubt that it is a London indictment .






(3) [Indictment of Hubert Hacon for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Hubertus Hacon nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London armiger qui primo die Octobris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Octavo et Scotie XLIIIIto ad mensem prox sequen ' pred primu diem aliquod tempus infra unu.... 1 Octobris .... [formula as ( ), p. 28]. Proclamat fuit secundum formam statut etc. L. margin] Billa Vera [Endorsed Quinto die Decembr Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° 1) above . [as (Edmund Browne Tho Gurley gener Anth Dun













' ' ' ' (4) [Indictment of Jane Leeke for recusancy.


London ss. Juratores presentant quod Jana Leeke nuper de parochia sancte Bridgitte in warda de Farringdon extra London vid Que primo die Octobris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei octavo et Scotie quadragesimo quarto gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Octobris [ formula as (1), p. 28 ]. Proclamat fuit secundum formam statut etc. margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed Quinto die Decembr' Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° 1) above . [as (Edmund Browne Tho Gurley Anth Dun gener Ed: Browne Anthony Dunne [sic *












' '






(5) [Indictment of Elizabeth Waferer for recusancy.]

London ss . Juratores presentant quod Elizabetha Waferer nuper de paroch sancti Dunstani in occidental in warda de Farringdon extra London vidua que primo die Novembris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Septimo et Scotie ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen XLIIItio pred primu diem Novembris [formula as (1), p. 28]. Proclamat fuit secundum formam statuti etc. L. margin] Billa Vera die Decembr' Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° [Endorsedas Quinto (1) above . Wm Nelthrop














(6) [Indictment of Edward Price for refusing the Oath of Allegiance.] *

London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Edwardus Price nuper de London generosus Septimo die Decembris Annis Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibernie * Cf. Introd., p. xxxvii. English translation of this document in Appendix B, p . 383 .







Regis fidei Defensor etc. Octavo et Scotie XLIIIIto fuit etatis decem et octo Annor et ultra apud London vizt apud Justicehall

' '

scit in le old Bayly* in paroch sancti Sepulchri extra Newgate in ward de Farringdon extra London pred in plena generali Sessione gaole deliberacionis adtunc et ibidem tent pro Civite London pred coram Willelmo Craven milite Maior Civit London pred Henrico Mountagu milite Recordatore eiusdem Civit Stephano Soame milite Henrico Rowe milite Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad gaolam de Newgate de prison in eadem existen' deliberand et aliis Justiciar Gaole Deliberacionis] pred et Justiciar pacis eiusdem Civit iidem Justiciar adtunc et ibidem requisiver predictum Edwardum Price capere et pronuntiare super sacrosancto dei Evangelio quoddam Juramentu content et specificat in Actu Parliamenti dicti Domini Regis tent apud Westm Anno Regni sui tertio intitulat an Acte for the better discoveringe & repressinge of Popish Recusants Et quod idem Edwardus Price obstinate adtunc et ibidem scilicet in dicta plena generali session gaole deliberacionis penitus recusavit capere iuramentu illud sic ut prefert eidem Edwardo Price per prefat Justiciar in dicta plena generali session gaole deliberacionis oblat in contempt dicti domini Regis nunc legumque suar Ac§ contra formam Statuti in huiusmodi casu edit' et provis ' ac contra pacem dicti domini Regis etc.I margin ] Billa Vera [L. [Endorsed Quinto die Decembr Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° as (1) above .







' '





























(7) [Indictment of George Muscott for refusing the Oath of

Allegiance.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Georgius Muscott nuper de London generosus Septimo die Decembris Annis Regni Octavo et Scotie QuadraDomini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie gesimo quarto apud Justicehall scituat ' et existen in le old coram Willelmo Craven milite Maior ' Civit London Bayly pred Georgio Episcopo London Henrico Mountagu mil Recordatore London Francisco Darcy Milite Thoma Fowler Milite, et Roberto Leigh Milite Justiciar' dicti Domini Regis ad gaolam de Newgate







words apud Justicehall . Bayly are interlined in MS . * The **** Omitted in MS . The words & repressinge are interlined in MS. § The words in contempt suar Ac are interlined in MS . No minute recording conviction and sentence or any further proceedings appears on this or on any of the five following indictments . may therefore be assumed that proceedings were stayed on this occasion . Since , however, all these persons ( except Lambert Kyrkham) appear in the list of prisoners in Newgate in February, 1611/12 , as convicted for this offence (see infra in text, p. 68 ) , they must have been again indicted (and convicted) some time in the period December, 1610 February, 1611/12 . These second indictments have not been found , but were possibly on the file for either 8 May or 26 July, 1611 , of which two sessions all records have disappeared. The words Henrico Mountagu .... London are interlined in MS.

' ....









de prison in eadem existen deliberand assign et aliis [formula as (6) above]. L. margin] Billa Vera Endorsed Quinto die Decembr' Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° [as (1) above].


[ [







(8) [Indictment of Lambert Kyrkham for refusing the Oath of

Allegiance.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Lambertus Kyrkham nuper de London Generosus Septimo die Decembris Annis Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Octavo et Scotie Quadragesimo quarto formula as (7) above]. L. margin] Billa Vera die Decembr Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° [Endorsedas Quinto .. [ (1) above .









(9) [Indictment of Edward Kinsman for refusing the Oath of Allegiance.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Edwardus Kinsman .... Septimo die Decembris Annis Regni nuper de London generosus Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie octavo et Scotie XLIIII° [formula as (7) above]. [L. margin] Billa Vera die Decembr Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° [Endorsedas Quinto .. [ (1) above .






....Indictment of Thomas Aprece for refusing the Oath




Allegiance.] London ss. Juratores presentant quod Thomas Aprece nuper de London generosus Septimo die Decembris Annis Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie octavo et XLIIII° [formula as (7) above . L. margin] Billa Vera Endorsed Quinto die Decembr' Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° [as (1) above].






( 11)

[Indictment of Henry Dorrell for refusing the Oath of Allegiance. ] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Henricus Dorrell .... Septimo nuper de London generosus Die Decembris Annis Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Octavo et Scotie quadragesimo quarto as (7 above formula ) [ ]. L. margin] Billa Vera die Decembr Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° [EndorsedasQuinto (1) above .



.... [

(12 )





[Indictment of Christopher Garnett and forty-eight other

persons for recusancy. London ss. Juratores presentant quod Christoferus Garnett


nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra London generosus et Johanna uxor eius Anna Hutchenson






uxor Henrici Hutchenson nuper * de parochia et warda predictis

London Cutler Johannes Adams nuper de paroch et warda predictis Cutler Willelmus Champney nuper de paroch et warda predictis yeoman Elizabetha Moodey uxor Georgii Moody de parochia et warda predictis Taylor Fardinando Emerson nuper de parochia et warda predictis Cutler et Johanna uxor eius Willelmus Mathew nuper de parochia et warda predictis Cutler et Helena uxor eius Johannes Blake alias Blague nuper de parochia et warda predictis Taylor et Magdalena uxor eius Suzanna Saule uxor Edwini Saule nuper de parochia et warda predictis generosi Willelmus Woodfale nuper de paroch' et warda predictis Taylor et Jana uxor eius Willelmus Cooke nuper de parochia et warda predictis generosus et uxor eius Elizabetha Everidge nuper de parochia et warda predictis spynster Katherina Parker nuper de parochia et warda predictis spynster Henricus Newby nuper de parochia et warda predictis Taylor Thomas Knight nuper de parochia et warda predictis Scrivener et Johanna uxor eius Georgius Matchett nuper de parochia et warda predictis yeoman Thomas Fletcher nuper de parochia et warda predictis Glasier et Agnes uxor eius Thomas Turbatt nuper de parochia et warda predictis yeoman Thomas Hayward de paroch et ward predictis Cutler et Maria uxor eius Anna Dowce nuper de parochia et warda predictis vidua Franciscus Hatton nuper de parochia et warda predictis shoemakerWillelmus Bissicke nuper de parochia et warda predictis yeoman Johannes Coe nuper de parochia et warda predictis Stationer et ] uxor eius Johanna Strange uxor Thome Strange nuper de parochia et warda predictis Taylor Anna_Cuddington nuper de parochia et warda predictis vid Margareta Battes nuper de parochia et warda predictis spynster Johanna Gressame uxor ## Ricardi Gressame nuper de parochia et warda predictis Hippon nuper de parochia et warda predictis vid Anthonius Skynner nuper de parochia et warda predictis gener Willelmus Eveson nuper de parochia et warda predictis gener et Maria uxor Robinson uxor !!! eius §§ Johannes Robinson nuper de parochia Sancte Anne in le









' ' '



word nuper is interlined in MS. * The The entries Johannes Adams

Willelmus Champney

The words Willelmus Woodfale

et Jana uxor eius are interlined


yeoman are interlined in MS . The word nuper is interlined in MS .

in MS.

A space is left here in MS . for Christian name. The words Thomas Hayward .... et Maria uxor eius are interlined

in MS.

is left here in MS . for Christian name. ** AThespace surname Gressame is interlined in MS.

A space is left here in MS. for words indicating the status or occupation of Richard Gressame and the Christian name of the widow Hippon . §§ The words et Maria uxor eius are interlined in MS. The words Robinson uxor are interlined thus in MS. over de parochia.






Blackfryers in ward de Farringdon infra London generos Albanus Greene nuper de paroch sancti Albani in Woodstreete in ward Criplegate London generosus * Jana Wetherall uxor Jacobi Wetherall de paroch Sancte Bridgitte in ward de Farringdon extra London generosi Maria Osmond nuper de paroch et ward ult predictis Spynster Henricus Wyse nuper de parochia et ward ult predictis Textor et Cicilia uxor eius Johannes Denavare de parochia et ward ult predictis alieniginus qui primo die Novembris Annis Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Octavo et Scotie ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen XLIIIIto pred primu diem Novembris formula as (4), p. 33]. Proclam fuer secundum formam statut etc. memorandum] [Subsequent 3.8.1614 certificat tenor istius indictamenti pro dicto Anthonio Skynner gener tantu et Conviccionis eius virtute brevis de certior extra Bancu Regis r ibidem indilate etc. * [L. margin] Billa Vera [Endorsed Quinto die Decembr Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII° as (1) above . My Lrd Bishop of London his Certificate





' '

' '


' ' '




' ''

' ....

.... [












FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 16 JANUARY, 8 JAMES ( 1610/11 ).§ (1) [Indictment of Henry Cowper for refusing the Oath of Al-



legiance .


London ss . Jurator presentant quod Henricus Cowper nuper de London yoman qui decimo sexto die Januarii Annis regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie octavo et Scotie apud Justicehall scit et existen in le Old Bayly XLIIII to coram Willelmo in plena generali Sessione Gaole deliberacionis Craven milite Maiore Civit pred Henrico Mountagu milite Recordatore eiusdem Civit Stephano Soame Milite et Thoma Bennett Milite Justiciar Dicti Domini Regis ad Gaolam de Newgate de prison in ea existen deliberand et aliis Justiciar Deliberacionis Gaole pred et Justiciar pacis eiusdem Civit Iidem Justiciar adtunc et ibidem requisiver [formula as (6), p. 51 . Ad Session tent XVI Die Januarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi


' '







' '











word generosus is interlined in MS. * The Ang On 3 May, 1614, the tenor of this indictment , for the said

.: "

Anthony Skynner, gentleman, only, and of his conviction , is certified [into King's Bench ] by virtue of a writ of certiorari issuing from King's Bench, returnable there without delay etc. The note indicates that the Bishop's certificate of the recusancy of the persons named in this bill was the evidence upon which the Grand Jury declared the bill true . § The Newgate calendar for this Sessions contains, inter alia , the following entries added by the clerk of the court at the foot of the document: Repr sine ball Robertus Bowmar Repr sine ball Roland Mackeney Tho Crowch [blank] Jeremias Gellebrand












JANUARY 1610/11


VIII° pred Henr Cowper Cogn Indictament' Ideo iudicium quod idem Henricus erit amodo in futur extra proteccionem Domini Regis Et omnia terr et tenementa bon et catall sua Dicto Domino Regi sint forisfact Ac quod imprisonament Corporis sui subeat ad volun-










tat' eiusdem Domini Regis etc. *

[Endorsed] Billa Vera (2)

[Indictment of Henry Hesketh for refusing the Oath of Allegiance.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Henricus Hesketh nuper de London yoman qui decimo sexto die Januarii Annis regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gra' Anglie . octavo et Scotie XLIIII to as (1) above . formula [ ] Ad Session tent XVI die Januarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi pred Henr Hesketh Cogn Indictament Ideo iudicium quod idem Henricus erit amodo in futur extra proteccionem Domini Regis Et omnia terr et tenementa bon et catall sua dicto Domino Regi sint forisfact Ac quod imprisonament Corporis sui subeat ad voluntat eiusdem Domini Regis etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera


' ' '





' '





[Warrant.] * Langley Wheras Henry Hesketh gent prisoner in Newgate Mr stands Indited and Convicted upon a premunire . This bearer desyres a coppy of the said Inditem . The weh think fitt you doe deliver him Midle Temple this XVIIIth of Nov. 1611 To Mr Langley Townclerk Yr Loveinge frend of London H. Mountagu : (3)



(4) [Indictment of Sir William Wiseman, Knt. , and sixteen other

persons for recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Willelmus Wiseman nuper de London, Miles, Anna Clarke nuper de London vidua, Hugo Holland nuper de London generos ', Josephus Lovett nuper de London Aur , Johanna Allen nuper de London spinster, Johannes Leysteed nuper de London Apothecar ', Alicia Soldye nuper de London spinster, Maria Wyn nuper de London spinster, Johannes



the Session held on the 16th day of January in the 8th year * Ang.: "AtKing James , the aforesaid Henry Cowper confesses the indictof the reign of ment [ i.e. , pleads guilty "]. Therefore judgment [is given] that the same Henry shall henceforth for the future be without the protection of the Lord the King; and that all his lands and tenements, goods and chattels be forfeited to the said Lord the King; and that he suffer the imprisonment of his body during the pleasure of the same Lord the King etc. " is curious that neither the name of Henry Cowper nor that of Henry Hesketh (see following indictment in text) appears in the current Newgate


calendar .

Written on paper (all, apparently, in the hand of Henry Mountagu) and stitched to the preceding indictment against Henry Hesketh. Actually William Sebright was Town Clerk 1574-1613 . Richard Langley was appointed his Deputy on 2 May, 1609. Cf. Introd. , p. xviii .



JANUARY 1610/11



Denavare nuper de London Cutler , Cicilia uxor Henr Wise nuper de London yoman , Suzanna uxor Georgii Oliver nuper de London yoman, Willelmus Spencer nuper de London yoman et Elizabetha uxor eius , Beatrix Goodyer spinster, Johannes Beale nuper de London yoman , Sara Richardson nuper de London vidua, Jana Griffith uxor Edwardi Griffith nuper de London yoman qui Decimo Die Novembr Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie . Octavo et Scotie XLIIII ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen predictu Decimu diem Novembr [formula as (4), p. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum form Statut etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera per Certific ' ac pñt [sic] etc. *



















(1) [Indictmentof Susanna and Frances Richardson for recusancy.]

London ss . Jurator presentant quod Susanna Richardson nuper de parochia Sancti Benedicti prope Paules Wharfe London vidua et Francisca Richardson nuper de eadem parochia spinster que primo die Februarii anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra septimo et Scotie XLIII fuer et utraque ear fuit Anglie etatis sexdecim annor et ultra non accesser et ear utraque non accessit ad aliquod tempus infra duodecim menses prox sequen pred primu diem Februarii annis septimo et XLIII° suprad [rest of formula as ( 1), p. 28 . Ad sess tent ° die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi secundum formam statuti etc. proclamaciofacta fuit VIII margin ] Billa Vera [L. [Endorsed] Rycard Worthington Craven Maior Feb Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Octavo infert hoc XIIII record per Ricardu Betts et socios suos.


















' ' Indictment


of Thomas Bagshawe for recusancy.] [ London ss . Jurator


presentant quod Thomas Bagshawe nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne London Ar Qui primo die Novembris Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra octavo et Scotie quadragesimo quarto Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred primu diem Novembris [formula as (1 ), p. 28].

' '




.... The meaning of these words is obscure : possibly


" by certificate and presentment etc." This would indicate that a certificate of the recusancy of the persons named in the indictment was delivered (probably by some ecclesiastical authority: cf. endorsement of document ( 12 ), p. 55) to the grand jury at this Sessions, whereupon the said jurors made their presentment " of these offences to the court , which presentment was then reduced to the form of the indictment given in the text. Cf. Jacob, Law Dictionary , s.v. " Presentment. " This file contains no recognizances . Witness for the prosecution.





FEBRUARY 1610/11


Extract etc.

Ad sess tent ° die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi VIII proclamaciofacta fuit secundum formam statuti etc. L. margin ] Billa Vera [Endorsed] Rychard Browne Craven Maior [as (1) above]. XIIII Feb Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Octavo







Calendar for this Sessions : in sub- section headed [Newgate Reprivat ad melius inquirend § ; inter alia. Willelmus Jennyson Repr sine ball Indict







" It

Ang.: is estreated etc." This note, added subsequently to the document, implies that since Thomas Bagshawe failed to appear at the following Sessions ( March) in obedience to the proclamation , the record of his conviction as a popish recusant is estreated into the Exchequer. For the course of proceedings against recusants see Introd., p . xlii .) Had (he duly appeared and pleaded to his indictment , the fact would have been noted on this document. Witness for the prosecution. of this calendar (which is entitled " London ss . In the upper section 1610 and endorsed Februarii ") occurs , inter alia , the following entry: " " Rep sine ball Thomas Caldwell [alias Cadewell scored] duct gaole pred ' Comiss , 1610/11 Benyon ad per Tho 2/5 [i.e., 2 February ] ' mandat Thome Fleming Mil Domini Capitalem [sic] Justic' Anglie In this sub-section occur also (inter alia) : Repr it Anna Hippey Rep sine ball it Anna Taylor ' This entry, which occurs on the dorse of the calendar, requires some . explanation William Jennyson was tried , not at the G.D. Sessions, but at a General Session of Oyer and Terminer beginningon the same day (14 February, 1610/11 ) as the former (cf. the minute on his indictment which follows in text), and at the same place Justice Hall, Old Bailey. With regard to the two marginal notes in this entry: (a) Indict (" he is indicted "). Jennyson had actually been indicted i.e., the True Bill had been found against him at the Sessions of 4 September, 1610 (cf. endorsement of his indictment in text) ; his trial upon it was postponed till the present date, 14 February. One would therefore expect in this calendar a marginal note referring to the trial, in place of indictaiur . It was at this period, however, the custom of clerks of the court to write indictatur opposite the names of persons who were tried at the current sessions with reference to the whole process (of indictment and trial), even where the offender was actually indicted at an earlier Sessions. No such note was made until he was brought up for trial, and then never anything but indictatur . (b) Repr sine ball ( He is remanded without bail "). Notwithstanding the fact that Jennyson was acquitted of the charge in this indictment (cf. minute on the following document in text), he was apparently sent back to gaol. There must therefore have been another charge against him already. This we may assume was his refusal of the oath of allegiance (see his name among those convicted for this offence in the list of prisonersdated February, 1611/12 ; infra, p. 68) . Jennyson, therefore, on the evidence of these records , was in gaol probably from September, 1610 (certainly from 22 October: cf. warrant , infra, p. 60, which implies his imprisonment), until February, 1612/13 (cf. third list of prisoners, p. 86) . The indictment upon which he was convicted for refusing the oath is not extant , but the proceedings connected therewith must have taken place after February, 1610/11 (for no one while suffering the penalty for one offence could be tried for another), probably at the Sessions either of May or of July, whose records alone are missing in the period February , 1610/11 , to





' '








' "


FEBRUARY 1610/11





I (1610/11 ). *

(1) [Indictment of William Jennyson for being seduced from the King's Obedience and reconciled to the See of Rome. * ] London ss . Jur present pro Domino Rege quod Willelmus Jennysonnuper de London 'Ar' ut falsus proditor cont illustrissimu




et Christianissimu ' principem dominum nostrum Jacobu dei gra Angl' Scocie Franc' et Hibernie regem fidei defensoremetc. supremu et natural Dominum suu timorem dei in corde suo non habensnec ' '


' '

debit legianc sue ponderans sed instigacione diabolica seduct primo die Septembr Anno regni dicti domini Jacobi regis nunc Anglie Franc et Hibernie quarto et Scocie quadragesimo apud london in paroch beate Marie de Arcub in Warda de Cheape london per quendam Roberts sacerdot pretendent se habere potestat absoluend subdit ipsius domini Regis ab eor naturali legienc erga dictum dominum Regem vel eos retrahend pro ea intencione a religione per auctoritat domine Elizabeth nuper Regine Anglie infra hoc regnu Anglie stabilit ad romanam religionem voluntarie et proditorie persuasus et retract' fuit a religione per auctoritat dicte nuper Regine infra dominia sua sexto die Januarii Anno regni dicte nuper Regine vicesimo tercio et antea stabilit ad romanam religionem intencione seipsum retrahend ab obedienc sua naturali erga dictum dominum Regem et adtunc et ibidem voluntarie et proditorie reconciliat fuit et promisit obedienc suam auctoritati sedis romane cont formam statut § in huiusmodi casu edit ' et provis ' et Cont pacem dicti domini Regis nunc etc. Ad sess De oier et terminer tent ° Die Februarii Anno







' '









' ''













February, 1611/12. The mere refusal of the oath (i.e. , before conviction for the same) was sufficient cause for his beingimprisoned " withoutbail for any length of time . Cf. Introd. , p. xxvi . In this case, the oath , take it, was first tendered and refused some time before February, 1610/11, probably on the day of his arrest.



* The extant records relating to this Sessions form a small bundle of threeunfiled documents, all touching Jennyson'scase. It is probable, therefore, that Jennyson alone was tried thereat . The third document ( which have not transcribed) is a precept, signed by Langley, the Deputy Town Clerk, ordering the Sheriffs to summon a jury for " Thursday, the 14th day of this instant February to give a verdict as to whether " William Jennyson be guilty or not of the treason of which he stands indicted." This precept is signed also by William Craven (the Lord Mayor), Sir Henry Mountagu Re( corder), George, Bishop of London, and Sir Stephen Soame, presumably the Justices commissioned to hear this case. Translation of this document in Appendix B , p. 383 . Space here in MS. for Christian name. The priest Roberts, here mentioned, is undoubtedly the Benedictine Martyr, Blessed" John Roberts, who was executed at Tyburn on 10 December , 1610. Cf. Dom Bede Camm , A Benedictine Martyr in England, pp . 225 and 228. § I.e. , 3 James , c . 4 , § 23 ( following 23 Eliz . c. 1), which declares this offence high treason .








FEBRUARY 1610/11


Regni Regis Jacobi ve fa non cul nec se

supranominatus Willelmus Jennyson po se VIII°Ideo Judicium quod Deliberat [sic]. r ' ' ' Vera' margin Billa ] L. [Endorsed Testis [sic Edmund Browne et Nichilas Fookes ] ] [ Cambell ™


Quarto die Septembris Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Octavo infertur hoc record per Georgiu Sotherton et socios suos. (2) [Warrant. * London . Mr Langley where an Inditemt was preferred at the Sessions holden in Sept. Last against one William Jenison. 1* the party desyers a Coppy of the same Inditemt the weh think fitt you doe deliver him accordingly . Midle Temple this XXIIth of october 1610 To Mr Langley Towneclark Yor Lovenge frend of London H. Mountagu : Memorandum another hand § in ] [ ? By tew of this warrant A coppy of the vir Indictm against Wm Jennyson was delivered upon Mr Records man 230 octobr by me J. Holland









[ ]


BEGINNING 14 MARCH, 8 JAMES ( 1610/11 ). I Indictment of John Fitzwilliams and nineteen other persons [ for recusancy.] London ss. Jurator presentant quod Johannes Fitzwillyams de paroch om Sanctor in muro London generosus , Thomas Davies ' de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London pred in medicinis ' Doctor , Willelmus Kitchenman de eadem paroch' sancti Dunstani , Margareta Wrench uxor Willelmi Wrench de paroch sancti Martini prope Ludgate London pred Bookebinder, Willelmus Smyth servus Willelmi Wrench , Francisca Spencer uxor Walteri Spencer de paroch sancti Sepulchri London pred , Maria Alkenton de eadem ' paroch vidua, Maria Alkenton spinster, Alicia Nash de eadem vidua, Willelmus Darbye de eadem paroch' et Suzanna uxor eius, Maria Lunne de eadem paroch vidua, Margaret Smyth de eadem paroch spinster, Jacobus Leake de eadem paroch' yoman , Mar'


' ' '








(on paper), attached to the preceding indictment . * Holograph One word erased in MS.

Cf. p. 56, note. The lower left-hand corner of the paper, containing part of this memorandum, has been torn away. The Newgate calendar attached to this file ( entitled " London ss. 1610 and endorsed " Marcii ") gives, inter alia, the following entry: sine ball Joana Fawset duct gaole pred 13/6 [i.e., 13 March, 1610/11 , per Gilbert Cowley Comiss' ad mandat Stephani


' it'


] '




Soame Mil . There are no recognizances on this file. Doctor are underlined in MS. The words Thomas Davies





MARCH 1610/11


gareta Gore de eadem paroch , Thomas Hildersham de eadem paroch et Maria uxor eius , Anna Tallys uxor Willelmi Tallys de eadem paroch , Christiana Bancks de eadem paroch vidua et Agnes Hinde uxor Augustini Hinde de eadem paroch qui decimo die Februarii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie octavo et Scotie XLIIII ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen ' pred decimu diem Februarii [formula as (4) , p . 33]. Ad sess tent ° Martii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi octavo proclamacio fact fuit secundum formam Statuti etc. versus omnes (except Thoma Davies in medicinis Doctore) Et omnimod prosec super hoc Indictamen versus prefat Thomam Davies cessat per mandatu Dominor secreti concilii Domini Regis per litteras suas geren Dat Januarii ult preterit * °Vera margin Billa ] L. [Endorsed Craven Maior [ ] Jacobi Octavo infertur hoc XIIII die Marcii Anno Regni Regissocios suos record per Johannem Sudbury et 2 Francis recusancy Holt for ( ) [Indictment of . London ss. Jurator presentant quod Franciscus Holt nuper de paroch sancti Bottolphi in warda de Aldersgate London generosus qui decimo die Decembr Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ' Anglie octavo et Scotie XLIIII° ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen ' pred decimu diem Decembris [formula as (1), p. 28]. Proclamat fuit secundum formam Statut etc. Subsequent memorandum] Extract huius indictament Del ult [ nono Regis Anno Regni Jacobi etc. April L. margin] Billa Vera [Endorsed Testis Thomas Harris Craven Maior XIIII ° die Marcii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Octavo [as (1) above].





' '' XIIII

' ' ' XIIII
































BEGINNING 3 SEPTEMBER , 9 JAMES ( 1611). * (1) [Indictment of John Gainsford for recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Johannes Gainsford nuper de parochia Sancti Andree in Holborne infra London Generos alias Johannes Gainsford nuper de Idburye in com Oxon Generos


' ....


' ' ' the Session held on the 14th of March in the

* Translation of minute : " At eighth year of the reign of King James , proclamation was made according to the form of the Statute etc. against all (except Thomas Davies, Doctor of medicine) . And prosecution of every kind upon this indictment against the aforesaid Thomas Davies must cease, by order of the Lords of the Privy Council of the Lord the King, by their letters bearing date the 14th of January last past. Ang.: An estreat of this indictment was delivered [i.e. , into the Exchequer] on the last day of April in the ninth year of the reign of King James etc. The files for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 5 April and 14 June are extant and complete, but contain no matter relating specifically to Catholics









qui primo die Junii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra ad aliquod nono et Scotie quadragesimo quarto Anglie tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred primu diem Junii . ' ' . 28]. [formula as (1), psecundum proclam fuit form Statut' etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera






Craven Maiore Die Septembris Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono infert hoc record per Willelmum Burt et socios suos etc. (2) Newgate calendar for this Sessions : in upper section entitled London ss . 1611 ; inter alia. * Willelmus Spencer duct gaole predict Repr sine ball per Edwardus [sic Browne Messenger Comiss per reverendissimo [sic] in Christo Patrem Georgiu Archiepiscopum [? Cantu ] ad Mandat pro Causa romana §



[ "









' '



FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY BEGINNING 4 DECEMBER, 9 JAMES ( 1611) ." Indictment of John and Margaret Gainsford for recusancy. London ss . Jurator presentant quod Johannes Gainsford

, ]




or recusants. In each case the Newgate calendar is intact, that of the latter date giving, inter alia , in the sub-section ( untitled in this case) referring to prisoners previously remanded, the following entries: sine ball Ricardus Smallwood



Dorothea Hill y sine ball The files for the G.D. Sessions of 8 May and 16 July are missing, but a small file of the former date exists, bearing the records of a General Session of Oyer and Terminer which dealt with one case of mint-treason. The following entries also appear, inter alia: Johannes Chapman Duct gaole predict 31/11 [i.e., 31 August, 1611 ] per franciscu' Barcket , Comiss ' ad mandat' Stephan Soame Mil' . Repr sine ball Arthurus Browne Duct gaole predict 31/11 per Ed' wardu' Ansell Comiss ' ad mandat Stephan' Soame Mil . Spencer's The date of William committal to Newgate is not given in the entry I have set out in the text. Since , however, it lies between two others 12/11 dated respectively " and 15/11, it is practically certain that he was committed some time between August 12 and 15, inclusive. The first entry in all these calendars invariably has Domini Regis de Newgate in place of " predict . This word, interlined in MS ., is either Cantu (i.e., " Cantuariensem") or captu (i.e., " captus ") ; probablythe former ; cf. similar entries in later calendars . George Abbot was translated from London to Canterbury in March, 1610/11 . The phrase pro Causa Romana seems to have signified the refusal of the Oath of Allegiance: cf. entries in calendar for January , 1615/16 (in text). The meaning of this rather dubious record seems to be as follows : William Spencer , brought to the aforesaid gaol by Edward Browne, Messenger ; comHe is remanded without bail mitted by the most reverend father in Christ George, Archbishop of Canterbury, by mandate [i.e., of the latter], for the Roman Čause. The Newgate calendar of this date, attached to the file, contains no items which seem likely to refer to Catholics. The records of the G.D. Sessions of 4 October have disappeared , but a


























nuper de paroch sancti Dunstani in the West London gener et Margaret Gainsford nuper de paroch pred vid qui XXVII die Maii Anno Regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Nono et Scotie XLIIII° fuer et uterque eor fuit etatis sexdecim annor ad aliquod et ultra non accesser et eor ' uterque non accessit tempus infra unum mensem prox sequent pred XXVIIº die [sic Maii [formula as (2) , p. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum formam Statuti etc. [L. margin] Billa Vera Pemberton maiore [Endorsed ] Quarto die Decemb" Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono infert hoc record per Samuel Armitage et socios suos

























[Indictment of William Evans and Anne Clarke for


* recusancy


London ss . Jurator presentant quod Willelmus Evans nuper de London mercator et Anna Clarke nuper de London vidua qui Primo die Decembris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus infra nono et Scotie XLVto unum mensem prox sequen ' predictum primum diem Decembris [formula as (2), p. 33 . Proclamat fuer secundum form statuti etc. Endorsed ] Billa Vera ex testimon Anthonii Dunn Pemberton Maiore Ad Session gaole deliberacionis tent XVI° die Januarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono infert hoc Record per Hugon Ley et Socios suos














BEGINNING 19 FEBRUARY, JAMES 1611/12 ). (1) [Indictment of Thomas Bell for recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Thomas Bell nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda Farringdon extra London pred gener qui primo die Januarii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi dei gratia Regis Anglie ad aliquod nono et Scotie XLVo tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Januarii [formula as ( 1) , p. 28].




' ....






separate file , of recognizances only , for the Sessions of the Peace of 2 October exists. This contains no documents explicitly relating to Catholics or recusants .

The Newgate calendar of this date contains the following entries, inter*alia : Repr sine ball Anna Powell duct gaole pred 17/3 [i.e., 17 December, 1611] per Johannem Kynge Comiss ad mandat Thome ' Cambell Mil' . At the base of calendar, in hand of clerk of the court] : Repr sine ball Johannes Woodward The Newgate calendar of this date gives no entries likely to refer to






Catholics .





FEBRUARY 1611/12 SESSIONS FILE I Proclamat fuit secundum formam statuti etc. ' Vera margin ] Billa [[L. Endorsed] Anthony Monday testis JAMES

Pemberton Maiore

Ad session' gaole deliberacionis tent' XIX die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono infert hoc Record per


Willelmum Payne et socios suos etc.


[Indictment of Edward Ecclestone and three other persons

for recusancy.]

London ss . Jurator presentant quod Edwardus Ecclestone nuper de parochia Sancti Olavi in warda de Algate London generos Laurenc Michelborne nuper de parochia sancti Andree in warda de Farringdon extra London generos Henricus Smyth nuper de parochia Sancti Olavi in warda de Criplegate London pred generos et Robertus Dawson nuper de parochia Sancti Petri in Cornhill in warda de Cornehill London pred generos qui decimo die Januarii annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie nono et Scotie XLVo ad aliquod tempus infra unu mensem prox sequen pred decimu diem Januarii [formula as (4), p. 33] . Proclamat fuer secundum form statuti etc. margin ] Billa Vera [L. testis Endorsed [ ] Anthonius Dunne Pemberton Maiore Ad Session gaole deliberacionis tent XIX die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono [as (1) above .






' ' '











' ....


(3) [Indictment of Henry Maylard and Richard Kirkam for refusing the Oath of Allegiance.] London ss . Juratores pro Domino Rege presentant quod Henricus Maylard nuper de London generosus , et Ricardus Kirkam nuper de London generosus qui vicesimo die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Angl ' .... nono et Scotie quadragesimo quinto fuer' et uterque eor' fuit etatis decem et octo Annor' et ultra apud London videlicet apud Justice hall scituat et existen in le Old Bayley in parochia Sancti Sepulchri extra Newgate in Warda de Farringdon extra London pred in plena generali Session ' Gaole Deliberacionis adtunc et ibidem tent pro Civitate London Reverendo pred' coram Jacobo Pemberton Mil' Maiore Civitis pred' ,






in Christo patre Johanne Episcopo London, Henrico Mountagu Mil uno servien Domini Regis ad legem et Recordatore Civitis pred Stephano Soame Milite et Henrico Rowe Milite Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad Gaolam de Newgate de Prison in ea existen deliberand et al Justiciar Gaole pred et Justiciar pacis eiusdem Civitis per eosdem Justiciar adtunc et ibidem requisit fuer capere et pronunciare super sacro sancto Dei Evangelio quoddam Jurament content et specificat in Actu Parliamenti dicti Domini Regis nunc tent apud Westm Aº regni sui tertio intitulat' An Act for the better discovering and repressing of popish Recusants Et quod iidem Henricus Maylard et Ricardus Kirkam obstinate adtunc et ibidem scilicet in dicta plena generali Sessione Gaole Delibera-














' '







FEBRUARY 1611/12



cionis penitus recusaver et uterque eor recusavit capere iurament illud sic ut prefert eisdem Henrico Maylard et Ricardo Kirkam per prefat Justiciar' in dicta generali Session Gaole Deliberacionis oblat in contemptu dicti Domini Regis nunc Legumque suar ac contra formam Statuti in huiusmodi casu edit et provis ' ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc coronam et dignitat suas etc. Ad Session tent decimo nono die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi nono predicti Henricus Maylard et Ricardus Kirkam sub custod Edwardi Barkam et Georgii Smythes vicecom Civitis London ad barr ibidem ducti in propriis person suis et separatimde premissis eis superius imposiť allocut per Cur hic qualiti se vellent acquietari uterque separatim dicit quod ipse non est culpabilis modo et forma prout per idem Indictament superius supponit sed de hoc ponere se super patriam uterque eor penitus recusavit aut aliquam respon dare Cur hic in exoneracione indictamenti predicti Ideo cons est per eandem Cur Verte [continued on dorse Quod omnia terr tenement bon et cattall infra nominat Henrici Maylard et Ricardi Kirkam et utriusqueerint sic forisfact dicto domino Regi ac quod ipsi Henricus Maylard et Ricardus Kirkam imprisonament Corporor sic eor subibunt durante beneplacito dicti domini Regis iuxta forma statut in huiusmodi Casu edit et provis etc.





















[ ]


margin] Billa Vera [L. Endorsed









' [' ] ''

' *

Pemberton Maiore [ Ad session ] gaole deliberacionis tent' XIX die Februarii Anno ' Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono .... [as (1) above].

(4) [Indictment of Elizabeth Vaux for refusing the Oath of

Allegiance. ] London ss. Jur . presentant quod Elizabetha Vaux nuper de London vidua que decimo nono die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie nono et Scotie Quadragesimo quinto fuit etatis decem et octo Annor adtunc et ibidem requisita fuit capere et pronuntiare et quod eadem Elizabeth Vaux obstinate adtunc et ibidem recusavit capere Juramentu illud sic ut prefert eidem Elizabeth formula as (3) above] Judicium pat in dorso [L. margin] Billa Vera of minute : " At the Session held on the nineteenth day of * Translation February in the ninth year of the reign of King James , the aforesaid Henry and Maylard Richard Kirkam, in the custody of Edward Barkam and George Smythes , Sheriffs of the City of London, being brought to the bar there in persons their proper and asked separately by the Court here how they would acquit themselves concerning the premisses above imputed to them , each severallysays that he is not guilty in the manner and form as is supposed by the above Indictment, but each of them utterly refused to put himself upon his country concerningthis , or to give any answer to the Court here in exoneration of the indictment aforesaid . Therefore it is decreed by the same Court (Turn Over) that all the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the hereinnamed Henry Maylard and Richard Kirkam, & of each of them, shall be forfeited to the said Lord the King and that they, Henry Maylard and Richard Kirkam, shall suffer the imprisonment of their bodies during the good pleasure ofthe said Lord the King, according to the form of the statute in a case of








this kind made and provided etc. Ang.: Judgment is recorded on the dorse. E









FEBRUARY 1611/12

Endorsed] Ad Session tent decimo nono die Februarii Anno Regni [Regis ' ' Jacobi Anglie etc. nono infra nominat Elizabetha Vaux sub


custod Edwardi Barkam et Georgii Smythes Vicecom Civitatis London ad barr ibidem duct in propria persona sua et de premiss ei superius imposit allocut per Cur hic qualiter se vellet acquietari dicit quod ipsa non est inde Culpabilis modo et forma prout per idem Indictamentu superius supponit sed de hoc ponere se super patriam penitus recusavit aut aliquam Responcionem dare Cur hic in exoneracione indictamenti pred Ideo cons est per eandem Cur quod omnia terre tenementa bona et Cattalla predicte Elizabethe Vaux erint [sic forisfacta dicto Domino Regi Ac quod ipsa Elizabetha Vaux imprisonamentu Corporis sui subibit durante bene placito dicti Domini Regis iuxta formam Statuti in huiusmodi Casu edit et provis etc. Pemberton Maiore Ad Session gaole deliberacionis tent XIX die Februarii Anno as (1) above . Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono


' '
















' *


.... [


[Indictment of Thomas Swanne for recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Thomas Swanne nuper de parochia sancte Bridgitte in warda de Farringdon extra London predict gener', qui XXIII° die Decembris annis regni Domini ' nostri Jacobi ad Dei gra Anglie nono et Scotie XLVo .... prox sequen ' pred XXIII° die aliquod tempus infra unu' mensem ' Decembris [formula as (1) , p. 28]. [sic]Proclamat fuit secundum form statuti etc.




' Vera margin ] Billa ' [L. Browne testis Edmundus Endorsed [ ] Pemberton Maiore

Ad Session' gaole deliberacionis tent' XIX die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. nono .... [as ( 1) above]. (6) [Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in sub-section headed melius inquirend " ; inter alia.] " Repr' adIndic " Ricardus Kirkam Henricus Maylard Indic Elizabetha Vaux* Indic ™

™ ™






9 JAMES I (1611/12 ). Recognizance for the appearance of John Warden to answer . London ss . Memorand quod decimo tertio die Martii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regis





of minute on preceding indictment . * Cf. translationthese The fact that entries occur in the sub-section so headed indicates that all three persons had been in Newgate since some time betweenthe G.D. Sessions of the preceding Decemberand January (at least) . (Cf. Introd. , p. xxvi, and note to list of prisoners in file for March following .) The Newgate calendar attached to this file contains no items likely to relate to Catholics.








fidei Defensor nono et Scotie quadragesimo quinto Johannes Warden de paroch sancti Andree in warda de Castlebaynard London Carpinter ven' coram Jacobo Pemberton milit maiore Civitis London pred ac un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat conservand assignat et recogn se debere Domino Regi XXI legalis monete Anglie solvend per via ' Recogn ' etc. Sub condit quod si pred Recognitor personaliter comparebit cora Justic' Domini Regis ad pacem ad prox Session pacis pro Civitate London tenend etc. ibidem responsurus ad ea omnia et singula que vers eu ibidem obiicientur Et abinde non recesserit sine licenc Justic etc. Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. Com et trad in ball for lodging John Chaplin a popishe Recusant in his house prout pat in Kalendar etc. *












' ' '






'' '




18 MARCH, 9 JAMES ( 1611/12 ). I List of Catholic prisoners for religion in Newgate gaol. Justice Hall Februarie 1611+ Richard Smith John Parr Richard Cooper Thomas Dallamore Thomas Morgan Thomas Martin -Suspected preists § Henry Mathew



Martin Harrington

Ang " He appearedand is delivered in bail as appearsin the Kalendar etc.' The Kalendar is not the Newgate calendar, but probably the Sessions Book for this date, now lost. Written on paper (in an unrecognizedhand) and filed among the G.D. indictments. Although there is no definite indication on the paper itself, nor elsewhere among the records on the file, as to its precise nature, may be confidently asserted that this document is a calendar of all the Catholic prisoners for religion (from London and from Middlesex) in Newgate gaol at the date specified. This conclusion has been reached after comparing with the two similar lists dated May, 1612, and February, 1612/13 (see infra in text, pp. 73 and 86 ) , and after submitting all three documents to numerous tests based on what is already known from other sources as to the movements of the persons whose names appear. [ Cf. Challoner's Memoirs of Missionary Priests ; Tierney-Dodd (vol . iv, Append. ) ; Foley's Records of the English Province S.J Middlesex County Records (vol . ii) , etc.] is probable that these lists are, in each instance, the result of an Order








It of the Court (now lost) to the Keeper of Newgate to produce at the G.D.

Sessions (note title Justice Hall on each ) the names of Catholics imprisoned

for religion, for the enlightenment of the Lord Mayor and other regular Justices of Gaol Delivery as to their character and number. Such information could not have been gathered from the Newgate calendars during this period, for, as has been pointed out in the Introduction (p. xxvi), the calendars were then concerned merely with committals and appearances before the Court, and did not until later develop into True and Perfect Kalendars of all prisoners in Newgate. I.e., February, 1611/12. It would seem probable that the document belongs to the preceding sessions and was filed among the March records by



mistake .

I.e., not yet convicted, but detained in gaol without bail , pending the institution of proceedings








Peeter Nanconnane alias Symonds Edward Smith Ric James alias Smith alias Newport


John Yate Martin White

Wm Toimowe Edward Kinseman Ric Raynsford Nyco Bosgrave Henry Dorrell


Henry Baylie

Thomas Price Edward Price Christyan Dam -Convict' for refusing the George Muskett oath of allegeance Henry Hesketh Henry Cooper Wm Jenysson John Clarck John Dabridgcourt Jone Dabridgcourt Morrice Kyffen Wm Hurst Henry Maylerd Ric' Kirckham & Elizabeth Vaux con convict



Henry Maylerd scored [John ] Blake


Mary Staynsemore

Elizabeth Reynoldes Mary Gower Susan Gubbs Tho Sleepe Grace Cooper Mary Okenton Wm Spencer


-Recusant papists§

I.e., tried and condemned for premunire, the penalty being loss of the King's protection , loss of property , and imprisonment durantebeneplacito Regis. are in the same hand The words Henry Maylerd [etc.has....beenconvict used. They are evidently .... ink as the rest of the paper, but different an insertion made after the conviction of thesethree persons at the preceding February G.D. Sessions (see their indictments in text, pp. 64 and 65). The presence of the names of Maylerd and Kirckham in this section proves that both were in Newgate some time before their indictment and conviction . It seems certain that the persons in this section were committed for refusing the Oath of Allegiance (not for refusing to go to church), but had not yet been convicted for this offence . Introd. , p . xli . (Cf. Middlesex County Records, vol . ii , for the cases of Elizabeth Reynoldes , Mary Gower, Susan Gubbs , Thomas Sleepe, Grace Cooper , and Mary Okenton.)






MARCH 1611/12


Elizabeth Gravener [Ric Kirckham scored Tho Bromfeild






GAOL DELIVERY XXXI FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE , BEGINNING 24 APRIL , 1O JAMES (1612). * (1) [Indictment of Sir Henry James , Knt. , for refusing the Oath of Allegiance. London ss . Juratores presentant quod Henricus James nuper de London, miles, qui XXIIII ° die Aprilis Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie decimo et Scotie XLVo fuit etatis decem et octo Annor et ultra in plena generali Session Gaole Deliberacionis coram Jacobo Pemberton milite Maiore Civitis pred Henrico Mountagu milite uno Servien domini Regis ad legem et Recordatore civitis predicte Thoma Lowe milite et Willelmo Craven milite Justiciar dicti Domini Regis requisit **** James Et quod idem Henricus fuit capere et pronuntiare miles obstinate adtunc et ibidem recusavit capere Jurament **** as (4), p. 65 . [formula Ad Session tent ° die Aprilis anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo predictus Henricus James miles po se ve fa Cul Ideo jud quod omnia terre tenementa bon et Cattall predicti Henrici James militis erint [sic forisfact dicto Regi Ac quod ipse Henricus James miles imprisonamentu Corporis sui subibit durante bene placito dicti Domini Regis iuxta form statuti in huiusmodi Casu edit et provis etc. [Subsequent memorandum 12.7.1618 certificat [tenor] istius indictament et Conviccionis in Bancu Regis virtute brevis de certior exta eundem [Endorsed ] Billa Vera Pemberton Maiore Ad Sess Gaole Deliberacionis tent XXIIII° die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. decimo infert hoc record per Hugonem Ley et socios suos etc.




' ' ....













' '















(2) [ Indictment of Francis Littleton for " false and evil " words.] London ss . Jurator pro Domino Rege presentant quod Franciscus ' Littleton nuper de London generosus primo Die Februarii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Nono et 'Scotie Quadragesimo quinto ' existen persona malor nominis fame et Conversacioniset Machinans ' ' et intendens gubernacionem dicti Domini Regis infra hoc Regnu Anglie Depravare et ecclesiam Anglicanam scandalisare et nequissimos proditores defendere Apud London videlicet in parochia


Remainder of the paper torn away. The unfinished bracket in the original shows that the list is incomplete. This file contains no recognizances . Ang.: On 12 April , 1618 [the tenor] of this indictmentand Conviction is certified into King's Bench by virtue of a writ of certiorari issuing from the same . " The word tenor has been omitted in MS .






APRIL 1612


Sancti Dunstani in occiden in warda De Farringdon extra London pred tunc et ibidem voluntarie false et nequiter Dixit et propalavit hec Anglicana verba sequen ' videlicet That the church of England was a Den of Theeves and that the King Did maynteyne a Den of Theeves, and that they that were in the Action of the powder treason (innuend pred proditor voc the Powder Traytors) were honest men and valient men And that yf William Townesend who said they were villayns and Rascolls were in some place where their frends were (innuend the frends of the said powder traitors) he (innuend pred Willelmu ) might have a Dagger stabbed in his bosome , in Dicti Domini Regis contempt et contra legeantiam suam debitam , et ad malu exemplu alior in huiusmodi casu Delinquen Nec non contra pacem Dicti Domini Regis coronam et Dignitatem suas Ad session tent XXIIII° die Aprilis anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo predictus Franciscus Littleton po se ve fa Cul Ideo iudicium quod recommittet prisone de Newgate ibidem et mansur quousque solvet ad usu dicti Domini Regis Centu libr pro fine per Cur hic super ipsum imposit occacione offens pred et postea durante bene placito dicti Domini Regis Et quando dictus Dominus Rex ipsum Franciscu Littleton ad largu ire permitt cons est per Cur hic quod antea deliberat primu imposuer sufficient securitat' de se extunc bene gerend erga dictum Dominum Regem et cunctu populu sun nisi Rex contrariu precipit etc. * [Endorsed] Billa Vera by examinacions taken before ye Lo: of Cant Pemberton Maiore Ad Sessionem Gaole Deliberacionis tent XXIIII° die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. Decimo [etc. as (1) above .




















' ' '





' '

' '

'" '







' '




(3) [Indictment of Margaret Walsingham for recusancy. London ss. Jurator presentant quod Margareta Walsingham nuper de parochia Sancte Bridgitte London Spinster que primo die Martii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie . nono et Scotie XLVto ad aliquod tempus infra unum mensem prox sequen pred primu diem Martii [formula as (1) p. 28 . Ad Session tent XXIIII° die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo , pred Margaret Walsingham proclamat fuit secundum form statuti etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera ex testimonio Anthonii Dunn





' ' '' ' '


] '



Translation of minute : " At the session held on the 24th day of April in * the tenth year of the reign of King James the aforesaid Francis Littleton puts himself [ not guilty on a jury of his country ], a Jury is called, [he is found] guilty. Therefore judgment [is given] that he be recommitted to the prison of Newgate there to remain until he shall pay to the use of the Lord the King one hundred pounds the fine imposed upon him by the Court here by reason of the offence aforesaid and [that he remain in Newgate] thereafter during the good pleasure of the said Lord the King. And when the said Lord the King shall permit the said Francis Littleton to go at large , is decreed by the Court here that before he is released he shall first have given itsufficient security for his future good behaviour towards the said Lord the King and all his people , unless the King orders the contrary etc.


- -




APRIL 1612



Pemberton Maiore

Ad Session Gaole Deliberacionis tent ' XXIIIIº die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. Decimo .... [as (1) above].


of Hugh Holland for recusancy.] (4) [Indictment ss

London . Jurator presentant quod Hugo Holland nuper de parochia Sancte Fidis London gener qui primo die Septembris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie nono et Scotie XLVto ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen predictu primu' diem Septembris [formula as ( 1), p. 28 . Proclamat fuit secundum form statut etc. Ad Session tent ° die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo XXIIII Endorsed Billa Vera ex testimonio Anthonii Munday Pemberton Maiore Ad Session Gaole Deliberacionis tent XXIIII° die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. Decimo [ as (1) above].

' ....


















Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in upper section entitled London ss. 1612 ; inter alia. Franciscus Littleton Indictatr Henricus James miles * Indictat




FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 28 MAY , 10 JAMES ( 1612). * (1) [ Indictment of William Vavasor for refusing the Oath of Allegiance. London ss . Juratores presentant pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu Quod Jacobus Pemberton Miles Maior Civitatis London predict Thomas Flemyng miles [ ? Capitali] & Justic






These entries have been added by the clerk of the court (cf. Introd. , p. xxv) . This file contains no recognizances . The Newgate calendar for the present Sessions gives the following entries of commitment inter alia: Rep sine ball Samuel Watts duct gaole pred per Thomam Sparrow Comiss ad mandat Domini Archiepiscopo [sic Cantuarencis . The above undated entry occurs between two others dated respectively " 8/8 and 11/8 . is certain therefore that Watts was committed to Newgatesome time within the period 8-11 May, 1612, inclusive. Rep sine ball Ricardus Parret duct gaol' pred 24/8 [i.e., 24 May, 1612] per Georgiu Syberye Comiss' ad mandat' Henrici Moun-











" It




tague Mil

Rep sine ball Johannes Silversted duct gaole pred 26/8 [ i.e. , 26 May , 1612 per Tho Ballard Comiss per mandat Stephani Soame Mil Among other names added by the clerk of the court: Rept sine ball Perce[? Jennyngs Rept sine ball R[adulfus ?] Cadberrye









' '



The formula of this indictment differs widely from others for refusing the oath of allegiance , and has apparently been engrossed by a different clerk. Translation of this formula in Appendix B, p. 384. Illegible in MS .




MAY 1612




Domini Regis ad placita coram ipso Rege tenend assign Henricus Mountagu miles unus servien Domini Regis ad legem ac Recordator Civit predicte Johannes Garrard miles Thomas Bennett miles Justic eiusdem Domini Regis ad pacem infra eandem Civitatem Conservand Necnon Justic eiusdem Domini Regis ad generalem Gaole Deliberacionem Dicti Domini Regis Civitatis predicte tenend assignat vicesimo octavo Die Maii Anno Regni Dicti Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Scotie Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. videlicet Anglie Franc' et Hibernie Decimo et Scotie Quadragesimo quinto apud London videlicet apud Justicehall scituat et existen in Le old Bayley in parochia Sancti Sepulchri exta Newgate in Warda de Farringdon exta London pred in plena generali Sessione gaole Deliberacionis adtunc et ibidem tent pro Civitat London pred obtuler ' Anglice Did tender Willelmo Vavasor nuper de Haselwood in Com Ebor Ar ulta etat octodecim et amplius existen ad Capiend et recipiend coram eisdem Justic adtunc et ibidem Jurament ' Allegeanc content in quodam Actu Parliamenti Dicti Domini Regis nunc tent per prorogacionem apud Westm in Com Midd Quinto Die Novembris Anno Regni sui Anglie Franc et Hibernie Tertio et Scocie Tricesimo nono in ea parte edit et provis Idem tamen Willelmus Vavasor ad capiend et recipiend Juramentum predictam [sic] sic eidem Willelmo Vavasor per prefat Justic ' oblat adtunc et ibidem apud parochiam sancti Sepulchri extra Newgate London pred penitus recusavit in malum et perniciosum exemplum alior in huiusmodi Casu Delinquen Ac Contra formam Statut in illo Casu edit et provis Et Contra pacem Dicti Domini Regis nunc Coronam et Dignitatemsuas . Ad Session gaole deliberacionis tent XXVIII° die Maii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo predictus Willelmus Vavasor po se ve fa cul Ideo iudicium quod omnia terre et tenementa bon et Cattall prefat Willelmi Vavasor erint [sic forisfact domino Regi Ac quod ipse Willelmus Vavasor imprisonamentu corporis sui subibit durante bene placito dicti domini Regis iuxta form statut in huiusmodi Casu edit et provis etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera



] '





























' '







' ' ' ' ' '











Indictment of Edward Lyngen for recusancy.] London ss . Juratores .presentant quod Edwardus Lyngen de parochia sancti Andree.... in Holborne London gener qui vicesimo die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie nono et Scotie quadragesimo quinto ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen predictu vicesimu diem Februarii formula as (1), p. 28]. Ad Session gaole deliberacionis tent XXVIII° die Maii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo predictus Edwardus Lyngen proclamat fuit secundum form statuti etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera















Three words illegible here in MS., probably giving the name of another Thomas Bennett miles justice . The words Thomas Flemyng [etc.] subsequent insertion in another hand. are a Near Tadcaster.





MAY 1612


(3) [List of Catholic prisoners for religion in Newgate gaol.]* Justice hall Richard Smith John Parr Richard Cooper Thomas Dallamore Thomas Morgan Thomas Martin Henry Mathew

Maie 1612 :

Martin Harrington

Peeter Symonds Suspected preists Edward Smith Richard Newport John Yate James Yates Francis Latham Francis Younge Thomas Blunt Wm Scott alias Crayford )

Martin White

Wm Toimowe Edward Kinseman Richard Raynsford Nico Bosgrave Henry Dorrell Henry Baylie Thomas Price Edward Price Christian Dam George Muskett

Henry Hesketh Henry Cooper Willm Jenysson John Clarck John Dabridgcourt Jone Dabridgcourt Morrice Kyffen Wm Hurst Elizabeth Vaux Richard Kirkham Henry Maylard Sr Henry James John Blake Mary Staynsemore Elizabeth Reynoldes Mary Gower Susan Jubbs Thomas Sleepe Grace Cooper

Convic' for refusing the oath of alleageance

Recusant papists

* Cf. notes to the similar list of February , 1611/12 (p. 67) .




MAY 1612


Mary Okenton Elizabeth Gravener Thomas Bromfeild John Thackwray Wm Greene


[Newgate calendar for this Sessions, among entries added by the clerk of the court.]* Ricardus James alias Newport Indictat Willelmus Vavasor Ar * Indictat ™



28 MAY, ( ). James alias Newport for priesthood.] (1) [Indictment of Richard London ss. Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentu suu presentant quod Ricardus James nuper de London Clericus alias dictus Ricardus Newport nuper de London Clericus natus infra hoc regnu Anglie videlicet apud Liegershasbye in Com Northampt et post festu Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno regni domine Elizabeth nuper Regine Anglie primo et ante primu diem Decembris Anno regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei defensor etc. nono et Scotie quadragesimo quinto factus et ordinat Sacerdos in partibus transmar , per authoritatem derivat ' et pretensam a sede romana, leges et statut huius regni Anglie minime ponderans nec penam in eisdem content aliqualiter veren predicto primo die Decembris Anno regni dicti domini Regis nunc Anglie Franc et Hibernie nono et Scotie quadragesimo quinto, a partibus transmar predictis in hoc regnu Anglie proditoriell venit videlicet usque London, usque paroch' beate marie de Arcubus in Warda de Cheape London predict ' et ibidem videlicet apud London predictam in paroch et Warda predictis predicto primo die Decembris Annis nono et quadragesimo quinto supradictis et diversis diebus postea , proditorie et ut falsus proditor dicti domini Regis, moram fecit, fuit et remansit Contra formam






' '




' '










* The usual sub-section entitled " Reprivati ad melius inquirendum "

is absent from this calendar. Newport had been in Newgate for some time prior to this date (cf. list of Catholic prisoners dated February, 1611/12, p. 68). Since Vavasor's nameis absent from the list of Catholic prisoners of May, 1612 (cf. text above), would appear probable that he was not in Newgate before his conviction at the current Sessions. The small bundle of documents relating to this O. and T. Sessions (at which Newport alone was tried) comprises the indictment and petty jury panel, both transcribed in the text below, together with two precepts of venire facias to the Sheriffs to summon a grand jury and a special petty jury for this case. The two latter documents contain no additional information and have therefore been omitted from the text . The grand jury panels have been filed with the records of the S.P. and G.D. Sessions held during the same week which indicates that the same jurors presented also all the bills for these latter Sessions. § Ashby St. Ledgers . || The word proditorie is interlined in MS.





MAY 1612



Statut' in huiusmodi casu edit ' et provis ' Necnon Contra pacem dicti domini Regis nunc Coron' et dignitat suas .


Judicium patet in dorso Endorsed ] [ Ad Session Oyer et termyner tent apud Justicehall etc. decimo octavo die Maii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi infranominat Ricardus James alias Ricardus Newport po se ve fa Cul Cattall null Ideo iudicium quod ad prison unde venerat reducat et ibidem super Claiam ponat et abinde super Claiam illam trahat usque furcas de Tyborne et ibidem suspendat per Collu et semivivens deiiciat et super terr prosternat Et quod membra et interiora sua extra ventrem suam [sic trahant ipso vivente et ibidem in ignem ponant et Comburiant Et quod Caput suu amputet Ac Corpus suu in quatuor partes dividat Ac Caput et quarteria sua ponant ubi dictus dominus Rex ea assignar voluerit etc. Billa Vera Pemberton Maiore Decimo Octavo die Maii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. decimo infert hoc Record per Willelmum Palmer et socios suos etc.



' '













[Grand Jury panels.]*

A] Pulletr' ss . [B] Woodstreet ss. [Ad inquirend pro Domino Rege . Jur pro Domino Rege ad in-


I6 7 8

9 10

II 12 14 15


quirend etc.

Willelmus Palmer Jur Thomas Nicholson Jur Humfridus Waterson Jur Johannes Woodall Jur Zacharias Helyng Jur Ricardus Downes Jur Thomas Eagles Jur Thomas Dennys Jur Meredith Broughton Jur Radulfus Hampson Jur Quilibet Jur pred per se Attach est per Johannem Hutchyns


'' '''





Ricardum Sergeant

'' '



Warda de Farringdon infra 2 Johannes Pemerton Jur 3 Edwardus Busshop Jur Jur 4 Johannes Harison



5 Willelmus Erbury Jur Ricardus Taylor Jur Quilibet Jur predictor per se attach est per



' '

Johannem Doo & Ricardum Roo [sic] Endorsed ] Pemberton Maiore [Sessio Pacis tent pro Civit London apud Guihald eiusdem Civitatis die Mercurii XXVII° die Maii Anno domini 1612 Annoque regni Domini nostri




* The words decimo octavo are a clerical error for vicesimo octavo an error which is repeated in the further endorsementof this document ( written by the same hand) . That the date of the beginning of the trial was actually May 28 is proved, not only by the endorsement of document (3) infra, but also by the two precepts mentioned in a foregoing note. These documents consist of two separate strips of skin (referred to as A and B in text), each containing about twenty -five names , every juror selected therefrom having a number placed opposite his name in the right margin and, in the left margin, the note Jur (Juratus- sworn ). The lists were issued by the two Sheriffs, each from his own Counter Poultry and Wood Street. The terms Broadstreet and Farringdon infra signify the wards from which the jurors were drawn.









MAY 1612


Jacobi dei gra Anglie Franc et Hibernie Regis decimo et Scotie



Jury panel.] [Petty ss


* ....




. Nomina Jur inter Dominum Regem Quer Et prisonar ad barram Willelmus Morgan Jur Radulfus Edmonds Jur Jacobus Esgrigge Jur Henricus Overton Jur Rogerus Oulton Jur Johannes Claxton Jur Johannes Daunser Jur Johannes Armitage Jur Anthonius Delaball Jur Johannes Taylor Jur Georgius Nashe Jur Thomas Champneys Jur Quilibet Jur pred per se attach' est per Johannem Doe & Ricardu Roe Inter Dominum Regem


'' ' ''



'' ''




Ricardu James alias Ricardu Newport Pemberton Maiore [Endorsed] Sessio tent apud Justicehall in le old Bayly in parochia sancti Sepulchri exta Newgate in suburb London die Jovis XXVIII die Maii Anno regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Regis Anglie Franc et Hibernie fidei defensor etc. decimo et Scotie XLVto coram Jacobo Pemberton milite Maiore Civits London pred Reverendo in Christo Patre Johanne Episcopo London Thoma Flemynge mil' Capital Justic domini Regis ad placita coram ipso Rege tenend assign Edwardo Coke milit Capital Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco suo Johanne Croke mil un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad placita Coram ipso Rege tenend assign Edwardo Bromley mil un Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Johanne Sotherton alter Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Stephano Soame mil Johanne Garrard mil Roberto Leigh mil Thoma Fowler mil Thoma Bennett mil Baptisto Hicks mil Henrico Mountagu mil un Servien dicti Domini Regis ad legem ac Recordator Civits predicte ac aliis sociis suis Justic ' dicti Domini Regis per litteras paten ipsius domini Regis eis et aliis inde confect ad inquirend per sacramentum probor et legalium hominum de Civite London per quos etc. de quibuscunque prodicionibus mespriscion prodicion etc. infra Civitatem predictam commiss etc. Ac ad eadem prodiciones mespriscion prodicion ' etc. audiend et terminand assign etc.











' '
































in this endorsementrefer to the time and place of the * The-inremarks swearing of the grand jury and of their inquiry. The grand juries for all the London Sessions sat at Guildhall . This endorsement gives us the fullest available list of justices commissioned to hear Newport's case,






XXXIV FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 2 DECEMBER, IO JAMES ( 1612). * I (1) [Indictment of William Day and twenty-two other persons

for recusancy.] London ss. Jurator presentant quod Willelmus Day nuper .... extra Algate in warda de Portsoken de parochia sancti Bottolphi London pred gener Johannes Burgennye nuper de parochia sancti Benedicti Finke in ' warda de Broadstreete London pred yeoman Jeremias ? Hide ] nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred yeoman [ Thomas Barrell nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred yeoman Margeria Preston nuper de parochia omn' sanctor in muro in warda de Broadstreete pred London pred spynster Willelmus Man nuper de parochia sancti Andr in Holborne in warda de ' Farringdon exta London pred yeoman Robertus Lockley nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred yeoman Margeria Reynols nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred vid Maria Yeats nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred spynster Petrus Bicknell nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei minor in dicta warda de Farringdon extra '








'' '


' ' '

'' '

London pred yeoman Willelmus Pettye nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in dicta warda de Farringdon extra London pred yeoman et Johanna Petty uxor dicti Willelmi Pettye Editha Wight nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred spynster Catherina Ward nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred vid Christiana Clarke nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred spynster Alicia Edwardes nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred vid Anna Griseld uxor Thome Griseld nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred yeoman Helena Bayly nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred spynster Anna Gower nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei magni in warda de Farringdon extra London pred vid Elizabetha Ham nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred spynster [Johannes Robinson nuper



' '

' ' ' ' ' '




* In





' the Newgate calendar of this date is the following entry added


inter alia , by the clerk of the court: Rep pro Domino Maiore Cornelius Johnson a Computator and, inter alia , in the sub-section entitled Reprivat ad melius inquired [(sic )]: Rept pro Recordatore Willelmus Cole With regard to the other sessions held after the preceding May, the file for the G.D. Sessions of 3 July exists, but no documents formally relating to Catholics or recusants are to be found therein . The Newgate calendar of this date gives the following entry inter alia in the sub-section headed Reprevat [sic ad melius inquirend : Repr sine ball Willelmus Greene The only remaining record of the Sessions of 19 August is a file of recognizances (for S.P. and G.D.) , which yields nothing of interest to Catholics. The file for the G.D. Sessions of 2 October is extant and complete, but likewise has no documents of Catholic interest. The Newgate calendar attached to this file gives the following entries, inter alia , written in the hand of the clerk of the court : Repr pro Recordator Ricardus Cooper Rept sine ball Willelmus Collingwood All but the first letter of this surname is doubtful : possibly Head . The word spynster is written upon an erasure in MS .
















de parochia et warda ultime predictis Taylor scored] * Humfridus Packingdon nuper de parochia sancte Helene in warda de Bishopsgate London pred gener Thomas Wase nuper de parochia sancti Benedicti in warda Castlebaynard London pred yeoman Petrus Sturke nuper de parochia sancte Anne in le Blackfryers in warda de Farringdon infra London pred yeoman qui primo die Octobris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie decimo et Scotie XLVIto ad aliquod tempus infra un mensem prox sequen predictu primum diem Octobris [formula as (4) , p. 33] . Ad Session tent secundo die Decembris Anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo proclamat fuer secundum form statuti etc. Endorsed Billa Vera





'' '


[ ] Warrant. 2 ) ( [ ]*








I am informed that Willm Daie gent' stands Indited and convicted upon the Statute of Recusancy for not repaireinge to church Neverthelessforthat ytt appears unto me by Credible Testimony that the said Willm Day Doth usuallie repaire to church and heare divyne Service and hath byn and is conformable to the Lawes and Statu in that behalf I therefore think fitt you make staie of the same Inditment and of anie further proceedinge therin untill you shall receive further order Midle Temple this XXVIth of January 1612§

London . Wheras


To Mr Langley Towneclark Yr Loveinge frend of the Cyttie of London H. Mountagu (3) [Indictment of Henry Lemynge and eleven other persons for

recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Henricus Lemynge nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra London pred yeoman Cutbertus Hutton nuper de parochia et ward pred yeoman Johanna Allen uxor Stephani Allen nuper de parochia et ward pred gener Thomas Hallyday nuper de parochia et ward pred gener Thomas Symons nuper de parochia et ward pred Pictor Franciscus Barsye nuper de parochia sancte Anne in le Blackfryers in warda de Farringdon infra London pred Coquus David Gonter nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred Ballmaker Maria Boulton uxor Edmundi Boultonde parochia sancte Brigitte in warda de Farringdon extra London pred gener Johannes Robinson nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei magni in warda de Farringdon extra London pred mercator scissor Elizabetha Hubbersteed uxor Roberti Hubbersteed nuper de parochia et ward ultime pred Sopeboyler Johannes Prigett nuper de parochia sancti Martini prope Ludgate in warda de Farringdon infra London pred yeoman et Helena Stephensonalias Boys uxor Thome




' '




' ' ''









* The deletion probably signifies that the bill was ignored in Robinson's


The last letter of this surname is doubtful. Cf. p. 56, note. Holograph (on paper). ? or Gouter . § I.e., 1612/13.






Stephenson alias Boys nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda

de Farringdon extra London pred scriptor ' qui decimo die Augusti annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie decimo et ad aliquod tempus infra un Scotie Quadragesimo sexto mensem prox sequen pred decimu .... die' Augusti [formula as (4), p. 33]. Ad Session tent' secundo die Decembris Anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo proclamat fuer secundum forma statuti etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera










' '


for this Sessions, in upper section entitled (4) [Newgate calendar London ss . 1612 ;



inter alia. Repr sine ball ? Jerumin ] * Poole duct gaole pred 28/2 per Rogeru PryseCustod Comiss ' perReverendissimo [sic] in Christo Patr Georgio Episcopo [sic Cant pro Causa Romana Among entries added by the clerk of the court Franciscus Latham pro prodicione § Indictat





' '








BEGINNING 14 JANUARY, 10 JAMES (1612/13 ).|| Sessions Newgate Calendar for this , in upper section entitled London ss . 1612 ; inter alia.





Repr sine ball



Johannes Trentam duct gaole pred



This Christian name is almost obliterated in MS ., but is evidentlya barbaric form of " Germanus" (cf. list of Catholic prisoners of February, 1612/13 , infra, p. 86) . Translation of this entry: He is remanded without bail. [? Jerumin ] Poole brought to the gaol aforesaid [i.c., Newgate] on 28 November [ 1612 by Roger Pryse , Keeper [i.c. , of Newgate], committed by the Most Reverend Father in Christ, George , Bishop of Canterbury, for the Roman





Cf. Introd., p. xxv. Notwithstanding the marginal note Indicial opposite this entry, no indictment against Francis Latham (Blessed John Almond , the Martyr) appears on the accompanying file . practically certain that It isandtherefore he was tried at a General Session of Oyer Terminer beginning on the same day as the current G.D. Sessions 2 December ( cf. the trial of Blessed Richard Newport on 28 May preceding. All high treason cases were dealt with by such O. and T. commissions . ). The documents of such sessions were, at this period, filed separately, and in this case are lost . Had Latham's trial occurred at a different time from that of the G.D. Sessions, the above entry would not have appeared in this calendar. An Inquisition- post-mortem occurs on this file, stating that Joseph Dunne nuper prisonarius infra gaola ' pred [i.e., Newgate] pro suspicione felonie " died in Newgate, " ex visitacione Dei, on 11 January , 1612/13 , of " a pynning sicknes lasting five days. Inquest taken 12 January. In the sub-section of this calendar, entitled " Reprivat ' ad melius inquirend , occurs , inter alia , the following entry: Repr sine ball it Edmundus Duffelde [and , added later by the clerk of the court]: Rowland Fletcher, comiss per eundem [i.e., Sir Repr sine ball '





' "'





Stephen Soame .





JANUARY 1612/13


Comiss per Episcopum * per London et Ali pro Causa Romana







I (1612/13 ).

(1) [Recognizance for the appearance of William Judith to answer.] London ss . Ma quod octavo die Februarii Anno Regni domini nostri Jacobi Dei grac Anglie Francie et Hibernie Decimo et Scotie QuadragesimoSexto Willelmus Judith de Bell Alley Colemanstreete London in propria persona ven coram me Thoma Cambell milit uno Justic dicti domini Regis ad pacem in Dicto [sic Civitate London et recognovit se deberi dict Domino Regi in Centu libris de terris et tenementis bonis et Catallis suis ad opus et usu dicti Domini Regis , hered et successor suor' fieri et levar sub condicione sequenti [Signed] Thomas Cambell That the above bounden William Judith personally appere before the Ks Mats Justics at the next Gayle deliveryto be houlden for the cyttie of London in the ould Baylie and answere for his not coming to church, and hence not depart wthout licens of the















Comparuit et exor§


Indictment of John Crayford and twenty-two other persons [for recusancy. ] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Johannes Crayford


nuper de parochia sancti Andree in warda de Farringdon extra London generos ' et Martha uxor eius , Alicia uxor Jeronomie Desoldie nuper de parochia sancti Andree undershaft in warda de Algate London pred extran Georgius Lopus nuper de parochia omniu sanctor Stayninge in warda de Langborne extran Elizabetha Phillipps nuper de parochia et warda ult pred Spynster, Martha uxor Johannis Fisher nuper de parochia sancte Brigitte alias Bride in warda de Farringdon extra London pred yeoman, Elizabetha Moore nuper de parochia et warda ult pred vid , Willelmus Wynne nuper de parochia et warda ult pred generos et Anna uxor eius , Ludovicus Lorick nuper de parochia et warda ult pred extran , Ezechias De la Forrest nuper de parochia et warda ult pred extran , Elizabetha uxor Henrici Burgys nuper de parochia et warda ult pred Scissoris , Thomas Thraughton nuper de parochia sancti Buttolphi extra Aldersgate in warda de Aldersgate London pred generos Ricardus Kent nuper de parochia








' ' ' ' ' ' '



' '








for name.

., 10 December , 1612. * I.espace MS. is here left


In the sub-section of the Newgate calendar of this date, entitled " Reprivat ' ad melius inquirend ," occurs , inter alia, the following entry:


Repr sine ball Edwardus [sic] Duffelde Ang.: He appeared and is discharged. The second letter of the name " Thraughton " is deleted in MS.







FEBRUARY 1612/13



et warda ult pred generos ' , Johannes Dabscott nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei minoris in warda de Farringdon extra London pred generos , et Johanna uxor eius , Elizabetha Taylor uxor Edwardi Taylor nuper de parochia et warda ult pred generos , Thomas Peircye nuper de parochia sancte Katherine Creechurch in warda de Algate London pred Musicus , Michael Francklyn nuper de parochia sancti Martini Ludgate in warda de Farringdon infra London pred yeoman, Lodovicus Jackson nuper de parochia sancti Olavi in Hartstreete in warda de Algate London pred yeoman et Brigitta uxor eius , Margeria uxor Willelmi White nuper de parochia Sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London pred musici, Katherina Ader nuper de parochia et warda ult pred vid , [Maria uxor Johannis Sidnam nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei maior in warda de Farringdon extra London pred militis et Willelmus Robinson nuper de parochia et warda ult pred yeoman scored qui Primo die Novembris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Decimo et Scotie XLVIto ad aliquod tempus infra un mensem prox sequen pred primum diem Novembris [formula as (4), p. 33]. Ad Session tent XVIII° die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi decimo proclamat fuer omnes secundum form statuti etc. L. margin] Billa Vera












' '





' '











(3) [Indictment of Sir Henry James , Knt. , for refusing the Oath of Allegiance.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Henricus James nuper de London miles qui decimo octavo die Februarii Annis regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Regis Anglie decimo et Scotie XLVIto ' fuit etatis octodecim Annor et ultra apud London videlicet apud Justicehall in plena generali Sessione deliberacionis gaole



dicti domini Regis de Newgate Coram Johanne Swynnarton milite Maiore Civitatis London pred Johanne Garrard milite Henrico Mountagu milite servien' dicti domini Regis ad legem ac Recordatore Civitatis predicte Willelmo Craven milite Jacobo Pemberton milite ac aliis sociis suis requisit fuit capere et quoddam iurament content et specificat in pronuntiare quodam Actu in Parliamento dicti Domini Regis nunc inchoat et tent per prorogacionem apud Westm" in Com Midd quinto.die tercio et Scotie Tricesimo nono Novembris anno regni sui penitus recusavit Et quod idem Henricus James obstinate as (4) , p. 65] . capere et pronuntiare iuramentu illud formula [ Judicium pat in dorso L. margin] Billa Vera










' '



] [Endorsed Ad Session tent decimo octavo die Februarii Annis Regni Regis



Jacobi Anglie etc. decimo et Scotie XLVIto infranominat Henricus James miles po se ve fa Cul Ideo cons est per Cur quod predictus Henricus James miles ponat a modo in futuro exta proteccionem

' '

" Put* outF by the Jury."





Opposite these deleted entries, in the left-hand margin, occur the words




FEBRUARY 1612/13


domini Regis et bona et Cattall terr et tenementa sua sint eidem domino Regi forisfact etc. Et idem Henricus James miles committitr per Cur prison dicti domini Regis de Newgate ibidem remansur durante bene placito dicti domini Regis. [Subsequent memorandum 12.7.1618 certificat tenor istius indictament' et Conviccionis in Bancu Regis virtute brevis de certior exta eundem bancu












[Indictment of John Edwardes for refusing the Oath of

Allegiance.] London ss . Juratores presentant quod Johannes Edwardes nuper de London Armiger qui decimo octavo die Februarii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie decimo et Scotie Quadragesimo sexto coram Johanne Swynnarton mil maiore Civitatis London pred Henrico Mountagu mil Serviente Domini Regis ad legem et Recordatore Civitatis London , Johanne Garrard mil Thoma Bennett mil' Thoma Lowe mil' et Willelmo Craven mil Ac aliis sociis suis [formula as (4) p. 65]. L. margin ] Billa Vera Ad istam eandem Session ven predictus Johannes Edwardes sub Custod Edwardi Rotheram et Alexandri Prescott vic' Civitatis London pred ad barr ibidem duct in propria persona sua Et statim de premiss ei superius imposit alloquut qualiter se velit inde acquietar dicit quod ipse in nullo est inde Culpabilis Et quesit ulterius per Cur qualiter se velit inde triari dicit per deum et Justic et nullam aliam responcionem Verte [continued on dorse ] inde Cur dare velit nec se super aliquam iurat patrie ponere velit Et super hoc dict est per Cur eidem Johanni Edwardes nisi ipse super iurat patrie se poneret iuxta debit legis form , Cur iudicium vers eu' dare velit Et imediate per Cur iteru quesit est ab eodem Johanne Edwardes an ipse pro transgr et offens in indictamento predicto specificat se ponere velit super iurat patrie iuxta debit legis form Qui nihil ulterius dicit preterquam prius dixerat. Ideo considerat est per Cur quod predictus Johannes Edwardes ponat a modo in futuro extra proteccionem dicti domini Regis et bon et Cattall terr et tenementa sua sint eidem Domino Regi forisfact etc. Et idem Johannes Edwardes Committit per Cur prisone dicti Domini Regis de Newgate ibidem remansur durante bene placito dicti domini Regis





' [



























' '










. translation of similar memorandum, p. 69, note. * Cf Translation of minute : At this same Session comes the aforesaid "

John Edwardes in the custody of Edward Rotheram and Alexander Prescott, Sheriffs of the City of London aforesaid , being brought to the bar there in his proper person . And being immediately asked concerning the premisses above imputed to him how he will acquit himself of them, he says that he is in no way guilty. And being asked further by the Court how he will be tried , he says by God and Justice and will give no other answer [Turn Over] to the Court on the matter nor will he put himself on any jury of the country . And upon this it is said by the Court to the same John Edwardes that unless he put himself upon a jury of the country according to the due form of law the Court will give judgment against him. And it is immediately asked again by the Court of the same John Edwardes whether he will put himself upon a jury of the countryfor the trespass and offence specified in the afore-




FEBRUARY 1612/13



(5) [Record of the pardon of John Edwardes.]* Ac postea scilicet ad deliberacionem gaole dicti domini Regis de Newgate pred tent pro Civitat' London pred apud Justicehall pred die Veneris scilicet decimo octavo die Februarii Annis dicti ' Regis Jacobi dei gra Regis Anglie Francie et Hibernie fidei domini




etc. undecimo et' Scotie Quadragesimo septimo coram ' Thoma Middleton milite maiore Civitatis London pred Stephano defensor


Soame milite Thoma Bennett milite Henrico Mountagu milite Servien ' dicti domini Regis ad legem ac Recordatore Civitatis predicte ac aliis sociis suis Justic dicti domini Regis ad gaol suam de Newgate pred de prison in eadem existen deliberand assign

' ' ' ' ' ' Venit predictus Johannes Edwardes et protulit hic in Cur quasdam ''

litteras patent dicti domini Regis sub magno sigillo suo Anglie ei Confect gerent Dat' apud Westm nono die Februarii Anno regni " dicti domini nostri Jacobi dei gra Regis Anglie Francie et Hibernie undecimo et Scotie XLVII quaru quidem litterar paten tenor sequit in hiis verbis videlicet Jacobus dei gra Anglie Scotie Francie et Hibernie Rex fidei defensor etc. Omnibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem Cu per quandam Inquisicionem ad Session deliberacionis gaole nostre de Newgate tent pro Civitate London apud Justicehall in le Old Bayly in parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London pred decimo octavo die Februarii Annis regni nostri Anglie Francie et Hibernie decimo et Scotie Quadragesimo sexto tunc et ibidem Capt coram Johanne Swynnarton milite maiore Civitatis London pred Johanne Gerard milite Thoma Bennett Henrico Mountagu milite servien nostro ad legem et Recordatore Civitatis London pred Thoma Lowe milite Willelmo Craven milite ac aliis sociis suis Justic nostris ad gaolam nostram de Newgate pred de prison in eadem existen deliberand assign per sacramentu Willelmi Morgane Nicholai Parkes Johannis Worall Arthuri Delavell Jacobi Blethen Roberti Brabant Hugonis Davyes Jacobi Butler Jacobi Porter Johannis Pyewell Thome Fox Thome Johnson Thome Boweland Samuelis Ford et Edwardi Ansell probor et legaliu' hominu de Corpore Civitatis pred extitit presentat Quod Johannes Edwardes nuper de London armiger [here follows a repetition of the indictment against John Edwardes for refusing the Oath of Allegiance ; vide document (4) above] Ac postea ad istam eandem Session ven





















' '







said indictment , according to the due form of law. But he says nothing more is decreed by the Court that the than he had said before . Therefore aforesaid John Edwardes be placed henceforth outside the protection of the said Lord the King and that his goods and chattels, lands and tenements be forfeited to the same Lord the King etc. And the same John Edwardes is committed by the Court to the said Lord the King's prison of Newgate, there to remain during the pleasure of the said Lord the King. This document, comprising two long sheets of parchment, is stitched



to the preceding indictment of John Edwardes. This mark occurs in the margin of the original , opposite the word Jacobus. must be noted, however, that wherever the phrase dicti Domini Regis It and the word suus (in reference to the King) occur in the original




FEBRUARY 1612/13


' on the said indictment] * Sciatis tamen quod nos pietate X minute

pred Johannes Edwardes [here follows a repetition of the clerical

nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu ' nostris pardonavimus remisimus et relaxavimus ac per presentes

moti de gra

pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris pardonamus remittimus et relaxamus prefato Johanni Edwardes nuper de London armigero alias dict Johanni Edwardes de Chirke in Com Denbighe armigero seu quocumque alio nomine [ nominis vel Cognominis officii dignitat artis loci vel locor idem Johannes Edwardes censeat vocet sive nuncupetr aut nuper censebat vocabat sive nuncupabat omnia et singul offens ' de recusand Jurament Allegianc predict ' ac de Premunire ac omnia alia offens delict Contempt transgr et malefacta quecumque pro aliqua recusacione et abnegacione prestand Jurament ' pred in indictament pred content et specificat ac omn et omnimod al offens transgr delict Crimina et malefacta quecumque premiss' in aliquo tangent sive Concern , licet Idem Johannes Edwardes de premiss vel aliquo premissor' indictat' impetit Convict attinct adiudicat utlagat seu condempnat exist vel non exist aut inde indictari impetir [sic, for impeti ] convinci attingi adiudicar utlagar seu condempnar contigerit in futur Necnon omn et omnimod utlagar si que in ipsum Johannem Edwardes occasione pred seu ear aliqua fuer promulgat sive promulgand ac omn et omnimod indictament attinctm Conviccionem Condempnatione penas penalitat imprisonament puniciones Corporal ac omn forisfactur et execuciones quecumque super vel vers' ipsum Johannem Edwardes racione seu occacione premissor seu eor alicuius habit fact reddit sive adiudicat aut habend faciend reddend sive adiudicand Necnon omnes et omnimod acciones sect querel impeticiones et demand quecumque que nos vers ipsum Johannem Edwardes racione seu occacione premissor seu eor alicuius habemushabuimus seu in futur habere poterimus aut hered sive successor nostri habere poterint in futur Sectamque pacis nostre que ad nos vers ipsum Johannem Edwardes pertinet seu pertinere poterit in futuro Et firmam pacem et hanc pardonacionem nostram eidem Johanni Edwardes inde damus et concedimus per presentes Et ipsum sic extra proteccionem nostram posit in proteccionem nostram recipimus Predicto statuto de Anno tercio Anno [sic] regni nostri Anglie Francie et Hibernie et Scocie tricesimo nono aut aliquo alio statuto actu provisione seu restriccione in Contrar inde in aliquo non obstan Volentes et per presentes mandantes quod predictus Johannes Edwardes per aliquos Justic' Vic' Escaet Ball aut aliquos indictment and minute, the pronoun noster is here employed. Also, the words adtunc et ibidem requisit' fuit are here underlined. The whole of the original clerical minute , however, is here put in the past*tense (dict fuit for dict est; vellet for velit ; dixit for dicit , etc.). Also, the words a tunc in futur exta proteccionem nostram et bon et Cattall are underlined in this copy, and opposite, in the margin, is the mark The words Sciatis de gra are underlined in MS ., and opposite, in the margin, is a cross . .... Two or three words are illegible here in MS.








' ' '


' '










' '









' ''





' ''






' '

































' '





FEBRUARY 1612/13




alios officiar' sive ministr nostros hered vel successor nostror racionesive occacione premissor sive eor alicuius minime molestetr perturbet inquietet seu in aliquo gravetr Ita tamen quod stet rect in Cur nostra si quis contra eu loqui voluerit de premiss vel aliquo premissor , licet idem Johannes Edwardes bonam et sufficient securitat non inveniat iuxta form et effectum cuiusdam actus in parliamento Anno decimo Edwardi tercii quondam Regis Anglie Progenitoris nostri apud Westm tent edit de se bene genend ex nunc vers' nos et cunctu populu nostrum Et ulterius sciat quod nos de amplior * gra nostra speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nostris promissimus [ sic] et concessimus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successor nostris promittimus et concedimus prefat Johanni Edwardes in verbo Regis quod predictu Jurament communiter vocat Juramentu Allegiancie non erit posthac oblat anglice shall not hereafter be tendered prefat Johanni Edwardes per aliquam personam sive personas habentes aut qui habuer sive habebunt potestatem sive authoritat idem iuramentu offerre seu ministrare Et idcirco pro nobis hered et successor nostris firmiter precipimus et mandamus Archiepiscopis Episcopis Justic Assis ' et pacis et omnibus et singular officiar et ministr nostris et omnibus aliis personis habentibus aut qui habuerunt sive habebunt potestatem sive aucthoritat iuramentu offerre sive ministrare quod ipsi nec eor aliquis aliquo tempore ' imposter offerat Capiat aut requirat sive offerri Capi aut requiri faciat vel Causabit ad vel de prefato Johanne Edwardes iurament pred ullo modo sed omnimodo desistant idem exigere nisi prefat Johannes Edwardes voluntar et spontan absque aliqua Coercione iurament pred prestare desiderabit Et he littere nostre patent erint [sic dictis Archiepiscopis Episcopis Justic Assis et pacis et omnibus aliis officiar ' ministr et person habentibus potestat sive authoritat idem iuramentu offerre sufficien' Warran in hac parte Et ulterius concessimus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefat Johanni Edwardes quod he littere nostre patent construent Capient et acceptabunt™ favorabilit et in maximu Commodu et beneficiu prefati Johannis Edwardes et stabunt et existent firme valide et effectual in lege erga vers et contra nos hered et successor nostros secundum veram intencionem placit' et graciam nostram non obstant predicto statuto de Anno tertio regni nostri Anglie Francie et Hibernie et Scocie Tricesimo nono aut aliquo alio statuto actu ordinacione provisione proclamacione sive restriccione aut aliqua alia re Causa vel materia quacumque in Contrariu inde in aliquo non obstant In cuius rei testimoniu has litteras nostras fier" fecimus patent Teste meipso apud Westm nono die Februarii Anno regni nostri Anglie Francie et Hibernie undecimo et Scotie Quadragesimo septimo. per breve de privato sigillo Coppyn. Et inde idem








' '





' '

























' '















* The words Et ulterius

marked , as above , in the margin.












amplior are underlined in MS. , and are


This word appears to reproduce the signature on the original Letters

Patent .





FEBRUARY 1612/13

Johannes Edwardes humiliter petit allocacionem et quod pretextu earundem litterar paten' ipse de premiss' per Cur predictam dimittat Super quo considerat est per Cur predictam quod littere paten pred Johanni Edwardes pro premiss allocant Et quod predictus Johannes Edwardes eat inde quiet' sine die etc.





' '



[List of Catholic prisoners for religion in Newgate gaol.]* Justice hall Februarie 1612 Richard Cooper Thomas Morgan Henry Mahew Peeter Symondes Edward Smith 13 John Yate suspected preists John Aynsewourth Wm Harbert Richard Kellett Henry Vachell German Poole John Trentham Richard Gryffen alias Smith Martin White

Wm Toimowe Edward Kinseman Richard Raynsford Nico Bosgrave Henry Dorrell

Henry Baylie

Thomas Price Edward Price Christian Dam 22 George Muskett Henry Hesketh Wm Jenysson John Clarck John Dabridgcourt Jone Dabridgcourt Morrice Kyffen Wm Hurst Elizabeth Vaux Richard Kirkham Sr Henry James Wm Vavasor John Blake Mary Staynsemore Elizabeth Reynoldes Mary Gower Susan Jubbs

Convic for refusing the Oath of Alleageance


Recusant papists

Cf. notes to the similar list of February, 1611/12 ; supra, p. 67. * I.e. , 1612/13 .



FEBRUARY 1612/13



Thomas Sleepe 16 Grace Cooper Mary Okenton Elizabeth Gravener Thomas Bromfeild John Thackwray Walter Warde

Patrick Bath Thomas Cabell Edward Allett Thomas Fathers 51

calendar for this Sessions, in upper section entitled [Newgate London ss . 1612 " ; inter alia . ] Repr sine ball Ricardus Smyth duct gaole pred 27 4 * per ' Johannem Bonnye alias' Wragge Messenger ' /, Comiss



per Dominum Episcopum London et Al pro Causa Romana Repr sine ball Edwardus Allet duct gaole pred 6/5 per Ricardu Broughton Messenger , Comiss per Dominum Episcopum London , et Al Comiss' pro Casa [sic] Romana Rep sine ball Thomas Fathers duct gaole pred 12/5 per $ ' [ Comiss per Dominum Episcopum London et Al Comiss' pro Causa Romana [In sub- section, entitled Reprivat ad melius inquirend " || ; inter alia. Rep sine ball Johannes Trentam Among other names added later by the clerk of the court. ¶ Johannes Edwardes ar Indictat Indictatr Henricus James miles






'' '

' '















BEGINNING 26 MARCH , JAMES ( 1613). Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in upper section entitled London ss . 1613 ; inter alia . Repr sine ball Humfridus Peate duct ' gaole Domini Regis de Newgate London




/ **


25 5 per Warrantu Reverend in Christo Pater [sic Georgium Episcopum [sic Cant et Ali' pro alta prodicione, videlicet a Seminarie Priste ; inter alia.] [In sub-section , entitled " Repr ad melius Inquirend Repr sine ball . Tho Fathers Johannes Trentam










., 27 January, 1612/13 . * I.e I.e., 6 February, 1612/13.

I.e. , 12 February, 1612/13 . § A space is left here in MS. for name of constable or " messenger. Cf. Introd., p. xxvi . I.e., 25 February, 1612/13 . Cf., Introd., p. xxv. Cf. Introd. , p. xxvi, note.










BEGINNING 6 AUGUST, ) .* II JAMES I (1613persons Richard Kinge and Indictment of other twenty-two for [ recusancy.] London ss . Jurator presentant quod Ricardus Kinge nuper de parochia sancti Andr .... ' in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra London pred yeoman Rogerus Browne nuper de parochia et warda predictis yeoman Maria Kitchen nuper de parochia et warda predictis vid Maria Kitchen nuper de parochia et warda predictis spinster, Francisca Holliday uxor Thome Holliday nuper de paro-




chia et warda predictis generosi Simo Ticheborne nuper de parochia et warda predictis generos ' Willelmus Martmot_nuper de parochia sancte Anne in le blackfryers in warda de Farringdon infra London yeoman Hugo Emerson nuper de parochia omn sanctor Barking in warda Turris London yeoman Thomas Burford nuper de parochia sancte Brigitte in warda de Farringdon exta London pred yeoman Franciscus David nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis extran ' Ricardus Greenway nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis yeoman Maria Simpson alias dicta Maria Allett nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis spinster Ricardus Ransford nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei magni in warda de Farringdon extra London pred generos Willelmus Robinson nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis yeoman Elizabetha Cleere nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis spinster Johannes Halye nuper de parochia sancte Katherine Creechurch in warda de Algate London pred yeoman Johanna Smyth nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis vid Philippus








The Newgate calendar of this date has the following entry, inter alia, in the upper section: Repr sine ball Johannes Crosse duct gaole pred 16/10 [i.e. , 16 July, 1613] per Warrant Tho Bennet Mil ad mandat [blank . In the sub -section , entitled " Reprivat ad melius inquirend " (inter alia ), the following : Georgius [ B raye Repr sine ball Alicia Butler deliberatur And, among other entries added by the clerk of the court: Rep sine ball Ricardus Fallowes The files for the G.D. Sessions subsequent to the preceding March are all extant and complete (with their respective Newgate calendars ), but yield no documents or items relating specifically to Catholics or recusants. They are of the following dates : 16 April, 19 May, and 30 June, 1613. The calendar of 19 May contains, among a number of entries added by the clerk of the court , the following : Repr sine ball Alicia Thomas Beniaminus Lee Repr sine ball This calendar is remarkable as being the earliest which possesses an extra section, added in the hand of the gaol clerk, and entitled Reprivat poste section et ante Judiciu " (" Reprieved before and after judgment ) which occurs regularly in later years . None of the persons whose names (in this calendar) are entered beneath was indicted for an offence connected with religion . The Newgate calendar wrapping the file for 30 June gives the following entry among others added by the clerk of the court : Repr sine ball Alicia Butler






' '' ' ]







" " -a '










Barnado nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis mercator Johannes Hams nuper de parochia sancte Marie Aldermanburye in

warda de Criplegate London pred silkweaver Bersaba Studley nuper de parochia sancti Martini in le vintrye in warda de le Vintrye London pred spinster Bartholomeus Honorett nuper de parochia sancte Trinitatis in warda de Portsoken London pred extran Robertus Salloway de parochia sancti Martini Outwiche in warda de Broadstreete yoman * et Petrus Henricus de parochia sancte Marie Ad montem in warda de Billingsgate London pred yoman qui primo die Marcii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie ad aliquod tempus decimo et Scotie XLVIto infra tres menses prox sequen predictum primum diem Marcii as (4), P. 33 . [formula ] Proclamat fuer secundum form statuti etc. Vera margin Billa L.










] '




FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY, BEGINNING 21 APRIL , 13 JAMES (1615). * persons for reand eighteen other [Indictment of Ann Lovett cusancy. London ss . Jurator presentant quod Anna Lovett nuper [de paro chia sancti Andr' in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra London pred spynster Dor Draper de eisdem parochia et warda in medicin doctor Johannes Deveere alias Penson de par ochia sancte Br]igitte in dicta warda de Farringdon [







.... [

' ]

hand in MS. * The word isyoman is interlined in another ,

This file in a very poor condition but apparently complete. A fragment of the current Newgate calendar is attached. Of the Sessions files for the Gaol Deliveries held after August, 1613, those of the following dates remain, none of which contains any documents formallyrelating to Catholics or recusants : (a) 9 September, 1613. In the sub-section of the calendar of this date, headed " Reprivat ' ad melius inquirend ," occur the following entries, inter alia: Georgius Braye Repr sine ball Repr sine ball Georgius Owen Comiss per Justic apud Hickshall 1 October, 1613; with Newgate calendar' attached: (c) 18 February, (b) 1613/14; also with Newgate calendar: (d) 6 May, 1614. Thirteen of the twenty -four indictments on this file have been so badly mutilated as to leave no indication whatever of their contents. The Newgate calendar of this last date gives, among a number of names in the hand of the clerk of the court, the following : Repr sine ball Johannes Gwynne All records of the G.D. Sessions of the following dates are missing: 2 December , 1613; 12 January , 1613/14 ; 30 March, 9 June, 18 July, 31 August , 7 October, 5 December, 1614; 16 January , 17 February, 1614/15 ; and 29 March, 1615. In severalplaces this indictment is either utterly destroyed or rendered indecipherable by damp. The lower part, which probably contained the usual notes " Billa Vera " and Proclamati fuerunt , " etc. , has disappeared altogether. Enough, however, " remains to assure us of the character of the document as an indictment for recusancy covering the period of one month from 1 March, 1614/15 . § The entry beginning Dor .., and the Christian name of Dr. Draper are obliterated.

' ' '









APRIL 1615


extra yeoman Jacobus Hudson de eisdem parochia et warda * ....udge de eisdem parochia et warda ult' pred' yeoman Margareta Boulton uxor Edmundi Boulton de parochia [et warda] de parochia et warda ult pred Maria ult' pred [ Allytt ] Hudson de parochia et warda ult pred spynster ' ', spynster Margareta ' ' Helena Haynes de parochia et warda ult' pred spynster, Maria ' Lardge de parochia et warda ult ' pred spynster Carolus Obear de ' de parochia sancti Barth' Magn' in dicta warda Farringdon extra extran ', Edwardus Gadburye de parochia sancti Bottolphi extra

[ ]


Aldersgate in warda de Aldersgate London generos Cicilia Tubman uxor Ricardi Tubman de parochia sancti Bottolphi extra Algate in warda de Algate London generos ' Jana Collye uxor Johannis Collye de parochia sancti Martini Ludgate in warda de Farringdon infra London scissor Adrianus Henricke de parochia sancte Marie Athill in warda de Billingsgate London extran Margareta Miles de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London spynster Anna Powell de parochia et warda ult pred spynster et Stephanus Johnson de parochia Ecclesie Christi in warda de Farringdon infra London yeoman Qui primo die Marcii Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie duodecimo [formula probably as (4), p. 33]. L. margin ] Billa Vera











FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 12 JANUARY, 13 JAMES ( 1615/16). * Newgate Calendar for this Sessions, in upper section entitled London ss . 1615 " ; inter alia. $ Repr sine ball Johannes Robinson, deten in gaolo pred per war Johannis Bennett Mil et Nicholai Kempe Ar pro










The remainder of the entry beginning Jacobus Hudson, and the Christian name and part of the surname of the following entry are obliterated . The word indicating the status or occupation of Edmund Boulton is illegible. The files for the G.D. Sessions of 25 May and 5 September, 1615, are extant , but no documents concerning prosecutions for religion appear on either. To each file is attached the current Newgate calendar, the following entries appearing, inter alia , in the upper section of that of 5 September: Rep sine ball Thomas Jenings detenet in Gaolo [sic] pred per warr Stephan Soame Milit [remainder missing . Rept sine ball Edetha Tyson detenet in Gaolo [sic] pred' per warr' Stephan Soame Mil [remainder missing . ] Note The right-hand side of this calendar has been torn away. separate recognizances (S.P. and G.D.) for the Sessions of 1 A file of December, 1615, exists, but the indictments have disappeared . All records of the Sessions of 3 July, 2 August, and 6 October of this year are missing. § In this Newgate calendar appears also the following entry: Rep sine ball Thomas Ayres deten in gaolo [sic] pred per war ' Episcop London, Thome Edwards et Nicholai Kempe Ar , videlicet for holdinge and mayntayninge eronious and scandelous opinions derogatorye and Contrarye to Religion None of the entries in this calendar is dated. The nearest date we have, therefore, for the committal of Robinson, Smith , and Norton is between 1 December , 1615 (the date of the last Sessions), and 12 January, 1615/16 .



' ' '













JANUARY 1615/16



Caus Romana, videlicet

for refusinge to take the oathe of allegiance Repr sine ball Johannes Smithe deten in gaolo pred , per war Episcop London Willelmi Bird et Nicholai Kempe Ar pro Caus Romana, videlicet for Refusinge to take the oathe of allegiance Repr sine ball Bassell Norton deten in gaolo pred per war Episcop London , Thome Edwards et Willelmi Bird Ar pro Caus Romana, videlicet refusinge to take the oathe of allegiance In sub-section, entitled " Reprivatus [sic ad melius Inquirend ;




' '

[ inter alia










' "*



Charatye Pinkewell

Repr sine ball



Johannes Richardson Prest

FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 15 MARCH, 13 JAMES ( 1615/16). Vallett for recusancy. [Indictment of Legon Proclamat fuit secundum form statuti etc. London ss . Jurator presentant quod Legon Vallett de warda de Farringdon extra London parochia sancti Sepulchri yeoman qui decimo die Septembris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie decimo tertio et Scotie XLIX® ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen predictu decimu diem Septembris [formula as (1), p. 28 . Vera margin Billa ] L. [Endorsed Wittnesses sic [ ] Henry Lammas











' ] '








[Indictment of Thomas Maxfield for priesthood.] Po se Cul Ca null vide iudicium in dorso

' ' ''


London ss . Jurator pro Domino Rege super sacramentu suu Cf. Introd., p. xxvi. The word Prest, take it , stands for " Priest." I The Newgate calendar of this date is extant but contains no entries likely to refer to Catholics or recusants . The file for the G.D. Sessions of


' '

the preceding 20 February is missing. § The records of this O. and T. Sessions have been filed with the documents relating to two other sessions of Oyer and Terminer held on April 12th and October 4th in the same year (1616) , at each of which sessions two persons were tried for coining. The cover-membrane of the file is thus inscribed: Jolles Maiore Duodecimo die Aprilis 1616, Vicesimo sexto die Junii 1616 & Quarto die Octobris 1616, Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Angl etc. Decimo quarto . Record triu' Session' tent separalibus diebus supradictis ™ Oyer & Term Blessed Thomas Maxfield's was the only case dealt with at this Session of June 26th . In addition to the documents given in the text the usual two precepts of venire facias are also filed , but contain no additional information beyond the fact recorded in the petty jury precept that the jury were required to attend " vicesimo sexto die Junii ad horam primam post meridiem eiusdem diei."










JUNE 1616

presentant quod Thomas Maxfield nuper de London Clericus natus infra hoc regnu Anglie videlicet apud Mare * in Com Stafford et post fest Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptist Anno regni domine Elizabethe nuper Regine Anglie primo et ante tertiu diem Novembris Annis regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gra ' Anglie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensor etc. decimo tertio et Scotie XLIX apud Doway in partibus transmarinis fact et ordinat Sacerdos per authoritatem derivat et pretens a sede Romana leges et statut huius regni Anglie minime ponderans nec pen in eisdem Content aliqualiter verens predicto tertio die Novembris Annis regni dicti domini Regis nunc Anglie Francie et Hibernie decimo tertio et Scotie XLIX supradictis a partibus transmarinis predictis in hoc regnu Anglie proditorie venit videlicet usque London usque parochiam beate Marie de Arcubus in warda de Cheape London pred et ibidem videlicet apud London pred in parochia et warda predictis predicto tertio die Novembris Annis XIII et XLIX supradictis et diversis diebus postea proditorie et ut falsus proditor dicti domini Regis moram fecit fuit et remansit contra form statut in huiusmodi Casu edit et provis ' necnon contra pacem dicti domini Regis nunc Coron et dignitat suas etc. ] Billa Vera [Endorsed The whinnamed Thomas Maxfield before his arraignemente was tendered the oath of alleagance in open Court, wch he absolutely refused to take. It was proved and Confessed by the said Thomas Maxfield that he was heere in England about sixe yeres sithence, and after wardes went beyonde ye seas unto Doway, where he received the orders of Preisthood by authoritie derivedfrom ye sea of Rome. That he retorned from Doway into England againe before November laste. That after his last retourne he was heere & Comitted Prisoner in ye Gatehouse where he brake ye prison . [signed H. Mountagu Ideo cons est per Cur quod infranominat Thomas Maxfeild prisone unde venerat reducat et ibidem super Claiam ponat et abinde super Claiam illam trahat usque furcas de Tybourne et ibidem suspend per Coll et semivivens deiiciat et super terr prosternat et quod membra et interiora sua extra ventrem suam [sic trahant ipso vivent ] et ibidem in igne ponant et Comburantur et quod Caput suu amputet ac Corpus suu in quatuor partes dividat ac Caput et quarter sua ponant ubi dictus dominus Rex ea assignari voluerit etc.


























' '


(2) [Grand Jury panel.]


' '

London ss . Ad inquirend pro Domino Rege Ricardus Holenden Jur Johannes Keysar Jur



Maer. Cf. vol . iii, C.R.S. The English memorandum and the Latin record of judgment are both in the same hand as that of the minute Po se Cul etc., on the face of the indictment (i.e., that of the clerk of the court). The signature, H. Mountagu, is in an entirely different hand.


JUNE 1616





Willelmus Walton Jacobus Sherley Thomas Copstack


Johannes Ithell Jacobus Parkes

' - '' -

Jur Jur Jur


Egidius Wyatt Jur Thomas Man Jur Pierceus Richardson -Jur Jacobus Blithe Jur Thomas Sharples Jur Edwardus Burie Jur Edmundus Willis Jur Nicholaus Clegat Jur Quilibet Jur pred per se attach est per Johannem Doo & Ricardum Roo [sic Endorsed Jolles Maiore [ * Sessio Oyer et terminertent pro Civitate London apud Justicehall in le olde Bayly in parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra in suburb London pred die Mercur scilicet vicesimo sexto die Junii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. decimo quarto et Scotie XLIX coram Johanne Jolles milite Maiore Civitatis London pred Johanne Garrard milite Willelmo Bowyer milite Thoma Fowler milite Baptist Hicks milite Johanne Bennett milite Henrico Mountagu milite un servien dicti Domini Regis ad legem ac Recordator Civitatis pred Thoma Lowe milite Thoma Jones Francisco Michell et Petro Phesant armigeris Justic dicti Domini Regis ad inquirend de quibuscunque prodicionibus etc. et ad easdem prodiciones et alia premiss' audiend et terminand secundum legem et cons ' huius regni Anglie assign Quo quidem die sessio predicta adiornat fuit usque diem Crastinum scilicet vicesimu septimu diem dicti mensis Junii ad horam septimam ante meridiem eiusdem diei apud Justicehall pred tenend Quo quidem XXVII° die Junii Sess ' pred adiornat fuit usque diem Jovis scilicet primu diem Augusti prox futur ad horam septimam ante meridiem eiusdem diei apud Justicehall pred tenend etc.

' ''



- '























[Petty Jury panel.]









London ss. Ad triand pro Domino Rege Johannes Dagger Willelmus Trebeek Ricardus Braby Robertus Jones Henr Crathorne Rolandus Worthington Willelmus Braye




Jur Jur Jur Jur - Jur Jur - Jur

'' - '

In this endorsement we have the fullest available list of justices commissioned for the trial of Bl. Thomas Maxfield . On which day another case was heard. Maxfield's trial ended on June 27th .

46 94


JUNE 1616





Anthonius Norton Thomas Cambell Humfridus Waterson Robertus Higden Quilibet Jur pred per se attach est per Johannem Doo & Ricardum Roo [sic ]





Jur Jur Jur Jur Jur

'' ''




(1) [Indictment of Joseph Lovett and fifty-six other persons for recusancy.]

Proclamat fuer omnes secundum form Statuti etc. London ss . Jurator . presentant quod Josephus Lovett nuper ....[sic] in Holborne in warda de Farringdon de parochia sancti Andrei extra London pred Aurifaber et Rosa uxor eius Margareta Weston nuper de parochia et warda predictis spinster Johanna Thacham nuper de parochia et warda predictis spinster et Anna ancilla eius Anna Newby nuper de parochia et warda predictis vid Anna uxor Oliver Plunckett nuper de parochia et warda predictis Cutler Johannes Leisted nuper de parochia et warda predictis Apothecary et Maria uxor eius et Johanna Thompson eor ancilla Thomas Fitzsimons nuper de parochia et warda predictis Painter Dreu Lovett nuper de parochia et warda predictis Aur et Elizabetha uxor eius Ricardus Lovett frater pred Dreu Lovett et Maria Hobby habitant in Domo eiusdem Dreu Lovett Joicea Day nuper de parochia et warda predictis vid Willelmus Sutton nuper de parochia et warda predictis Tinctor et Sara uxor eius , Anna uxor Lionel Tichborne nuper de parochia et warda predictis gener et Editha Lawrence eor ancilla Edwardus Elverton nuper de parochia et warda predictis generos et Dorcas uxor Roberti Drapernuper de parochia et warda predictis generos ' Ellena uxor Johannis Robinson nuper de parochia sancte Anne in le Blackfryers scissor' Edwardus Pryn nuper de parochia sancti Alphagie in warda de Criplegate infra London pred miles Jeromias Desoldie nuper de parochia sancti Andrei Undershaft in warda de Algate London pred exComparuit et habet diem ad indictament traneus et Alicia uxor eius Ludovicus Tresham nuper de parointerloquend usque Sess gaole deliberacionis prox post termin sancti
















' '





The Newgate calendar of this date is missing. With regard to the records of the G.D. Sessions held after the preceding March, the files for 12 April and 6 September, 1616, are extant but contain no matter explicitly referring to Catholics or recusants. In each case the Newgate calendar is intact, that of the latter date giving , inter alia in the sub- section entitled Reprivati ad melius inquirend , " the following entries: Repr sine ball Hugo Panton Janeta Webster Repr sine ball No recordsremain of the Sessions of 16 May, 26 June, 1 August, 4 October,





and 4 December , 1616 .

' '




JANUARY 1616/17



chia sancti Buttolphi extra Aldersgate in warda de Aldersgate Michaelis prox futur tenend etc. * Comparuit et habet diem ad indicThomas Frear nuper de parochia London pred miles tament interloquend usque prox Sess gaole deliberacionispro Civiet warda ultime predictis Doctor medicine Ricardus Greenebury tate London tenend etc. nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis generos Henricus Wise nuper de parochia sanctor Bride et Brigitte [sic in warda de Farringdon extra London pred weaver et Secilia uxor eius Ricardus Harrison nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis scissor et Sicilia uxor eius Jana Wetherall uxor Jacobi Wetherall nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis Horner Anna Hunt nuper de parochia sancti Buttolphi extra Bishopsgate in warda de Bishopsgate London pred vid Philippus Barnardo et Franciscus Sippriano nuper de parochia sancte Katherine Creechurch in warda de Algate London pred Extranei et Johanna uxor Johannis Halie nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis yeoman Bennetta Greene nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London pred spinster Ellenora uxor Willelmi Browne nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis glover Anna Tallis nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis vid et Johannes Tallis filius eius et Margareta Baker Ancilla eiusdem Anne Tallis Anna Houlden nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis spinster Maria Alkington nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis vid et Maria filia eius Alicia Edward nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis spinster Nicholaus Pilgrim nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis scissor et Margareta uxor eius Martinus White nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis scissor et Margeria uxor eius Anna Powell nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis spinster Anna uxor Thome Griseld nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis Chaundler Thomas Crow nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis Imbroderer et Francisca uxor Walteri Spencer nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis generosi et Willelmus Jewdy nuper de parochia sancti Stephani in Colemanstreete in warda de Colemanstreete London pred Clothworker Johannes Fitzwilliams nuper de parochia omniu sanctor in muro in warda de Broadstreete London pred gener et Brigitta uxor eius qui decimo die Septembris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie Decimo quarto et Scotie Lmo ad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen pred Xm diem Septembris [formula as (4) , p. 33]. L. margin ] Billa Vera













' '







' '










Ang.: He Tresham appeared [i.e., at the next (February) Sessions] and has a day to imparl the indictment until the first Sessions of Gaol Delivery to be held after next Michaelmas Term. To " imparl was to discuss or consider, with a view to preparing a defence . Cf. Jacob, Law Dictionary. Ang He [Frear] appeared [at the next Sessions] and is given a day to imparl the indictment until the next [April] Sessions of Gaol Delivery to be held for the City of London. The entry Johannes Fitzwilliams uxor cius is interlined in MS.




" "



.: "







JANUARY 1616/17



[Record of the pardon of Edward Elverton. * modo ad hanc prox generalem deliberacionem gaole pred Et ven predictus Edwardus Elverton in propria persona sua et dicit quod Dominus Rex per litteras suas patent geren dat apud Westm secundo die Januarii Anno regni sui Anglie Francie et Hibernie quarto decimo et Scotie quinquagesimo ex speciali gratia certa scientia et mero motu suis pro ipso hered et successor suis pardonavitremis' et relaxavit pred Edwardi Elverton per nomen Edwardi Yelverton hered executor administrator et assign eius Omnia offens Contempt malefacta forisfactur penalitat et pecuniar summas penas Corporal' et pecuniar' judicia et execuciones que per ipsum Dominum Regem quibuscunque modis pardonar poterint [sic ante et usque ad diem dat dictar litterar paten per vel racione Recusanc ' dicti Edwardi vel pro vel ratione sive occacione ullius offens ' mater act vel rei cuiuscunque habit fact perpetrat sive Commiss ' per pred Edwardum contra aliquam legem ipsius Domini Regis statut et ordinacio antehac habit' fact vel provis vers Recusantes vel aliquo modo tangen vel Concernen Recusantes Et predictus Edwardus Elverton profert hic in Cur litteras patent pred et humiliter pet allocacionem inde que sibi allocant per Cur Et ulterius Cons' est per Cur quod Edwardus Elverton de indictament pred § ulterius respondend et omnimod Conviccionesuper inde penitus exoneret* et quod eat inde quiet sine die etc. Endorsed] Ad deliberacionem gaole tent vicesimo die Februarii [Anno Regni Regis Jacobi XIIII ° infert hoc placitu || (2)









' '









' '

' '





' '




' '


' '







' '







(3) [Thomas Frear's plea of " not guilty."]¶

London ss . Et modo ad prox deliberacionem gaole domini Regis de Newgate pred tent pro Civitate London pred usque quam predictus Thomas Frear habuerat diem ad indictament pred interloquend ven predictus Thomas Frear per Henricu Frear Attornatu suu et habit audit indictament pred dicit ipse non est Culpabilis contra form statut in indictament pred specificat modo et forma prout per indictament pred versus eu superius supponit Et de hoc petit quod inquirat per patriam etc. Endorsed Ad deliberacionem gaole tent tertio die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi XVto infert hoc placitu



' **











' '' '







' '


This and the following document have been subsequently added to the * file; see endorsements English translation of the former in Appendix B, .

P. 385.

I.e., the sessions of 20 February, 1616/17 (cf. endorsement). Sic in MS. for Edwardo. § I.e., the preceding document. The words hoc placitu' refer to Elverton's plea of " pardon " recorded

in this document. English translation of this document in Appendix B, p. 385. I.e., the Gaol Delivery Sessions beginning 3 April , 1617 (cf. endorsement). The course of the proceedings against Thomas Frear was as follows. He appeared beforethe court at the sessions of February, 1616/17 (to which he




JANUARY 1616/17



(4) [Indictment of ten persons for recusancy.]*

Proclamat fuer omnes secundum form statuti etc. London ss . Jurator presentant quod Ricardus London pred Verginalmaker Franciscus Smyth Stephanus Johnson De Costa nuper de parochia Sancte Katherine et Sarah Creechurch in warda de Algate London pred § uxor Roberti Peacock nuper de parochia sancte Mildrede in Breadstreete in warda de Breadstreete London pred mercator'll Maria Crompton uxor Ricardi Crompton nuper de parochia Sancti Martini Ludgate in warda de Farringdon infra London pred Habr Petrus Henricus nuper de parochia Sancte Marie ad montem in warda de Billingsgate London pred Johannes Hams nuper de parochia Sancte Marie Aldermanbury in warda de Criplegate London pred silkweaver [? Maria Bockettuxor Thome Bockett nuper de parochia Sancti Martini in le Vintry in warda de Vintrey London pred Labourer qui primo die Octobris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie . ad aliquod decimo quarto et Scotie Lmo ....menses prox sequen pred primu diem Octobr tempus infra duos [formula as (4), p. 33] . L. margin] Billa Vera

' '' ' [


[ ]*

'[ ]















XLIV FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY, BEGINNING MAY, 15 JAMES I I (1617). ** Indictment Gadburye and eight other persons for of Edward [ recusancy .]


Proclamat fuer omnes secundum form statuti etc. London ss . Jurator pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Edwardus Gadburye nuper de parochia sancti

' ''


was summoned) and petitioned for a period of respite (a " day ) that he might have opportunityto imparl or consider his indictment , with a view to preparing his defence . The court granted a respite for imparlance until the next sessions (April) . He duly appeared in the person of his attorney at the sessions of April and , pleading not guilty, put himself on his country. Presumably the court then again gave a day until the following sessions (May) , when his case was tried by a jury. Unfortunately there is no record of the final result of the process at theMay sessions. The Sessions Book which would have noted this has disappeared. The upper part of this indictment has been partially destroyed by damp, but is safe to say that it originallyincluded the names of ten persons only. The surname, parish, and ward of this entry are obliterated . The remainder of this entry and the Christian name of De Costa are obliterated. The word giving De Costa's status or occupation is indecipherable; likewise the Christian name of Robert Peacock's wife. The word mercator is interlined in MS.






The word giving the status or occupation of Peter Henricus is in-

decipherable .

Christian name is very indistinct in MS . (doubtful) . ** This This file contains six inquisitions-post-mortem on Newgate prisoners

(offences not given), who are each stated to have died ex visitacione Dei of G




MAY 1617


Bottolphi extra Aldersgate in warda de Aldersgate London *


Generos Franciscus Holt nuper de parochia et warda predictis generos Augustinus Huddlestone nuper de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London pred generos et Alicia uxor eius Margareta Bolton uxor Edmundi Bolton nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis generos Suzanna Jubbs nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis vid Anna Redman nuper de parochia et warda ultime predictis vid Maria Grimbury nuper de parochia et






warda ultime predictis spinster et Francisca Duine nuper de parochiaet warda ultime predictis qui primo die Januarii Annis Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra' Anglie .... decimo quarto et Scotie quinad aliquod tempus infra tres menses prox sequen quagesimo pred primu diem Januarii .... [formula as (4), p. 33]. [L. margin ] Billa Vera







I (1617). *

[Recognizancefor the appearanceof Jerome Semyneto answer.] London ss. Memorand quod vicesimo quarto die Julii Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. XVto vener cora me Anthonio Benn Ar Recordator Civitat London et uno Justic Carolus Bostocke de parochia sancti Barthol parvi prope regalem excambiu civis et scrivenor London et Ricardus Westrawe de parochia Nicholai Acon civis et Clothworker London et ceper in ball quenda Jeronimu Semyne usque prox Sess ' gaole deliberacion pro civitat predicta

















a pineing sicknes " The following analyses give the main particulars in "each instance: .

(a) John Chapman died in prison 13 March, 1616/17, after an illness of seven days.

Inquest taken 14 March.

Hunt died in prison 16 March, 1616/17, after an illness lasting (b) William . from 9 March . Inquest taken 17 March

(c) William Oasten , Thomas Coy and Anne Ward died in prison respectively 5 April, 5 April and 6 April , 1617, after illnesses of respectively fourteen, eighteen and three weeks . Inquests taken 8 April . (d) Richard Ransdall (? or Rausdall) died in prison 26 April, 1617, after an illness of fourteen days. Inquest taken 28 April . after an illness of eleven (e) Stephen Rogers died in prison 28 April, 1617, days. Inquest taken on day of death. Saul died in prison 29 April , 1617, after an illness of nine days. ( ) Arthur Inquest taken on day of death. The Newgate calendar of this date (May, 1617) gives, inter alia, in the hand of the clerk of the court, the following entry: Repr sine ball Andreas Browne ven a Computator' in Pulletr Comiss



' ' ' per Thomam Bennett' . Repr sine ball ' calendar) ' of April 1617 (with Newgate The file for the' G.D. Sessions

ad melius inquirend , inter alia]: [And in sub -section headed " Reprivat " Rogerus 'Smith 3


exists, but contains no matter formally relating to Catholics or recusants. words in warda de Aldersgate London are interlined in MS . * The The Newgate calendar of this date gives the following entry, inter alia, in the sub- section headed " Reprivat ad melius inquirend ": Repr sine ball Radulphus Tappes The files for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 4 June and 16 July are


missing .









tenend sub pena uterque manucaptor predictos * in Centum et quinquaginta libras de bonis eor separatim levand etc. sub condicione quod predictus Jeronimus Seymine personaliter comparebit ad predicta sess' et abinde non recesserit sine licentia Cur Quod etc. signed Anty Benn comparuit et trad in ball prout pat in Kalendar To appere upon a daies warninge at the next Sess and soe from Sess to Sess ' , to live privat at his house in Redcross streete and to have access to the Spanish Embassador for the recovery of his health


' '










(2) [Indictment of John Grave and thirteen other persons for

recusancy. Proclamat fuer secundum form statuti etc. London ss . Jurator presentant quod Johannes Grave nuper de parochia sancti Andree in Holborne in warda de Farringdon extra London yeoman Alicia Hearsey nuper de parochia sancti Bottolphi extra Algate in warda de Algate London vid Thomas Prince nuper de parochia sancte Brigitte in warda de Farringdon extra London pred yeoman Jacobus Warren nuper de parochia et warda ult pred yeoman Anna Collye uxor Johannis Collye nuper de parochia et warda ult pred scissor Galfridus Miller nuper de parochia sancti Bartholomei magni in warda de Farringdon extra London yeoman Anna Doughtye nuper de parochia et warda ult pred spinster Ricardus Stokes nuper de parochia sancte Katherine Creechurch in warda de Algate London yeoman Elizabetha Chaulton nuper de parochia et warda ult pred spinster Ricardus Ruddocke nuper de parochia sancti Olavi in Silverstreete in warda de Cripplegate London pred yeoman et Ursula uxor eius Johannes Harvey de parochia sancti Sepulchri in warda de Farringdon extra London pred yeoman Maria Tallys nuper de parochia et warda ult pred spinster et Barbara Keys nuper de parochia sancti Thome Appostoli in warda de Cordwayner London pred spinster Qui primo die Aprilis Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie decimo quinto et Scotie quinquagesimo ad aliquod tempus infra duos menses prox sequen pred primu' diem Aprilis as 4 , p. 33 . [formula ) L. margin] Billa Vera


' '




' ' '
























Martis Decimo die Februarii 1617 Annoque Regni Regis Jacobi Angliae XVo inter alia utriusque manucaptorispredicti . * Sic in MS. for Ang.: He appeared and is delivered in bail, as appears in the Kalendar (i.e., not the Newgate calendar, but probably the Sessions Book of this date", now lost).




The word nuper is interlined in MS.





FEBRUARY 1617/18

Robert Farmer

Item this day Robert Farmer was brought before this Court by Michaell Wade dwelling in Aldersgate streete haberdasher and William Atkinson of St Andrewes in the Wardrope for a suspected Recusant Whereuppon the oth of Allegiance mencioned in the statute of 30 Jacobi Cap 4to was by this Court tendered unto him the wch he refused to take and therefore he was by this Court comitted to the gaole of Newgate there to remayne untill he conforme himselfe or other order be taken for his enlardgmt


FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY, BEGINNING 9 APRIL , 17 JAMES ( 1619). Sessions, * in sub- section entitled Newgate Calendar this for [ Reprivat ad mel inquirend ; inter alia. "Repr sine ball ' ] Alexander Bouitt * pro Recusant









FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 13 APRIL , 19 JAMES (1621) . * (1) [ Indictment of Elizabeth Blackwell for recusancy.] Proclamat fuit secundum form statut etc. London ss . Jur . presentant quod Elizabetha Blackwellnuper




This Newgate calendar also gives, in the upper section , inter alia, the following entry: Repr sine ball Franciscus Stanley detinet in gaola pred' super mandatu Thome Bennett milit With regard to the G.D. Sessions held after September, 1617, files for the following dates are extant but contain no matter of special interest to Catholics : 3 October, 1617 (Newgate calendar missing) ; 15 January, 1617/18 only) ; 25 February, 1617/18 (Newgate calendar missing) ; (recognizances 17 April, 1618 (Newgatecalendar missing) ; I July, 1618 (recognizances only) ; 2 October, 1618 (Newgate calendar missing) ; 14 January , 1618/19 (Newgate calendar fragmentary) . A file for the Session of Oyer and Terminer of 18 February, 1618/19, also exists, containing the documents relating to one case of mint-treason. All records of the G.D. Sessions of the following dates are lost : 4 December, 1617 ; 20 March, 1617/18 ; 20 May, 6 August, 3 September, 3 December, 1618; 18 February and 18 March, 1618/19. ? or Bonitt. In the Newgate calendar of this date occur the following entries, inter alia, in the sub-section headed " Reprivat ' ad melius inquirend " : Repr sine ball Ricardus Clun Repr sine ball Radulphus Tappes Repr sine ball Samuel Baker Repr sine ball Willelmus Holte Nathaniel Sparkes Repr sine ball Files of the following dates after the Sessions of April, 1619, are extant, but contain no matter explicitly relating to Catholics or recusants : (a) 12 May,





' '' '



'' '' '



APRIL 1621



de parochia sancte Fidei in warda de Farringdon infra London vid que duodecimo die Octobris Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei decimo octavo et Scotie LIIII° ad aliquod gra Anglie tempus infra sex menses prox sequen predictu duodecimu diem Octobris [formula as (1) , p. 28]. Subsequent memorandum [ Termino sancti Michaelis Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. decimo nono certificat tenor huius indictament in Bancu Regis virtute brevis de certior extra eundem ibidem a die sancti Michaelis in XV dies [L. margin] Billa Vera Wortham ar [Endorsed] Johannes Elizabetha Martyn*
















(2) [Elizabeth Blackwell's plea of " not guilty. ]

Ad quem diem


ven predicta Elizabetha Blackwell in propria persona sua et habito auditu indictament pred dicit quod ipsa non est culpabilis de transgr Contempt et offens ei per indictamentu pred imposit modo et forma prout per indictamentu pred vers eam superius supponit Et inde de bono et malo pon se super patriam etc. Et JohannesWeld armiger qui pro domino Rege













1619 (Newgate calendar fragmentary ) ; (b) 18 February , 1619/20 (Newgate calendar missing) ; (c) 31 March, 1620. In the Newgate calendar appear the following entries, inter alia , in the sub - section headed Reprivat ad melius inquirend : " sine Repr Willelmus Robinson ball Johannes Stanley Repr sine ball Repr sine ball Christoferus Brodich Edwardus Woorlech; Repr sine ball 31 May, 1620 (Newgate calendar missing) ; (e) 14 July, 1620. In the (d) Newgate calendar of this date, in the sub -section entitled " Reprivat ad melius inquirend , occur, inter alia: " Henricus Broughton Repr sine ball Johannes Stanley Delr Repr sine ball Job Carnaby; 1 September, 1620. The Newgate calendar attached to this file gives in the upper section , inter alia: Repr sine ball Radulphus Tappes , detinet in gaol pred ex mandato ' ' Mr Recordator , headed Reprivat ad melius inquirend , inter alia: [and in the sub-section ] ' Repr sine ball Henricus Broughton Repr sine ball Job Carnaby Johannes Lovett repr quia Cur nondum Repr ut antea advisant etc. The records of the G.D. Sessions of the following dates have not survived : 25 June, 28 July, 3 September, 1 October, 8 December, 1619 ; 14 January, 1619/20; 28 April, 6 October, 6 December , 1620 ; 12 January, 16 February, and 16 March, 1620/21 . Ang.: In Michaelmas term , in the nineteenth year of the reign of James , King of England, etc. , the tenor of this indictment is certified into King's Bench by virtue of a writ of certiorari issuing from the same [and ] returnable there within 15 days after St. Michael's day. Witnesses for the prosecution. This document is a subsequent addition to the file: cf. date of en-


'' '

















' '








dorsement .

§ I.e., 27 June, 1621 (cf. endorsement).





APRIL 1621

in hac parte sequitr similiter etc. Ideo ven' inde Jurat Coram Justic ' ad prox ' deliberacionem gaole pro Civitate London tenend * ubicumque etc. et qui nec etc. ad recogn etc. quia etc. Idem ' etc. quam prefat dies dat est tam prefat Johanni Weld qui sequit" ' Elizabethe Blackwelletc. Endorsed] Ad deliberacionem gaole tent' XXVII ° die Junii Anno [Regni Regis Jacobi Angl etc. decimo nono infert" hoc placitu '

' '






BEGINNING 15 FEBRUARY, 19 JAMES (1621/2 ). [ Recognizance for the appearance of George Matchett to




answer. ] London ss. Memorand quod sext die Februarii Aº Regni Regis Jacobi nunc Angl etc. XIX Georgius Matchett paroch sancti Dunstani in occident gener ven coram me Heneagio Finch Armigero Recordator' London pred sub pena C manucepit & se









' '

I.e., the Gaol Delivery Sessions of 27 July. It is certain that the trial*was fixed for this Sessions, for on this file (April) occurs the precept of venive facias, issued by John Weld , Clerk of the Peace, on June 28th, requiring the Sheriffs to summon a jury to try her case " die Veneris scilicet xxvii die mensis Julii prox futur ad horam octavam ante meridiem eiusdem diei. would appear, however, that Elizabeth Blackwell produced the certiorari (to remove her case into King's Bench) before the trial began: otherwise the words et convictionis would have been inserted after indictament in the memorandum on her indictment.






In the Newgate calendar of this date occur the following entries, inter alia, in the sub- section headed " Reprievat ' ad melius inquirend " : Willelmus Holte Repr sine ball



'' '


Repr sine ball Ricardus Clunn Repy sine ball Jarvasius Strickland With regard to the G.D. Sessions held after the preceding April, 1621, the file for 27 June exists, but contains no matter explicitly relating to Catholics or recusants . The attached Newgate calendar gives , inter alia, in the sub-section headed " Reprivat ' ad melius inquirend " the following entries: Repr sine ball Ricardus Clunn Repr sine ball Radulphus Tappes Johannes Eacupp Repr sine ball sine Maria Light ball Repr Repr sine ball Alexander Hanington Nathaniel Sparkes Repr sine ball Willelmus Holte Indictat Note : the marginal note " Indictat " to the last entry is possibly a clerical error , for no indictment against Holte is to be found on the file. However, if he was actually indicted, there can be no doubt but that proceedings were stayed, for Holte's name reappears in the calendar of 15 Feb., 1621/2 ( see above), with the marginal note indicating his further remand ad melius inquirend . ) " A few documents (including three indictments) belonging to the original file of 5 September also remain, but nothing of interest to Catholics appears . The Newgate calendar of this date is missing. The records of the G.D. Sessions of the following dates have disappeared: 16 May, 27 July, 5 October, 5 December, 1621, and 16 January, 1621/2 . The word sext is badly rubbed in MS possibly sept . § Manucepit (from manucapere to mainprize or become mainpernor for) in this context would seem to be an error on the part of the engrosser. The usual word employed in bail-bonds of this formula is recognovit acknowledged (cf. document (1), p. 47).


'' '




'' '











'' '




deber Dicto Domino Regi levari etc. quod compar' ad prox sess gaol Del ad respond etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. signed Heneage Finch Recordr Comparuit for requestinge the Keper of Newgate that Laurence Worthington a Jesuat preist myght goe abroad out of the gaole of Newgate upon weh request Worthington was had abroad & thereby is escaped

' ] [


(2) [Indictment of Robert Curtys for recusancy.] Proclamat fuit secundum form statut etc. London ss . Jur presentant quod Robertus Curtys de parochia sancti Dionisii Backchurch in warda de Langbourne London pewterer qui decimo die Augusti Annis regni Domini nostri Jacobi Dei gra Anglie decimo nono et Scotie quinquagesimo quinto ad aliquod tempus infra sex menses prox sequen pred decimu diem Augusti [formula as (1) , p. 28]. Endorsed] Frauncis Lanington testes Nicholas Woodcraft Billa Vera *



' ....







REPERTORY OF THE COURT OF ALDERMEN, MAY 1622 . Rep. 36: fol . 142 .




Jovis decimo sexto die Maii 1622 Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Anglie etc. vicesimo [inter alia


four other files belonging to the reign of James remain, none of * Only which contains any information specifically referring to Catholics or recusants . The dates of these files are as follows : (a) 29 March, 1622. The Newgate calendar attached gives the following entries, inter alia , in the sub-section headed " Reprivat ad melius inquirend " : Repr sine ball' Willelmus Holt Repr sine ball Ricardus Clunn (b) 5 June, 1622 (Newgate calendar missing ). This file contains a recognizance which possibly refers to a Catholic priest. I give it here in full: London ss . Ma quod XX die Maii A° Regni Regis Jacobi nunc Anglie etc. XX Willelmus Jackson paroch de Christchurch London Clericus ven coram me Heneagio Finch Armigero Recordat London ' pred sub pena CIP Thomas Peirce paroch' sancti Sepulchri gener sub pena L et Ricardus Matthewesparoch sancti Buttolphi exta Bishops' gate yeom sub pena L manuceperunt [ sic] se debere dicto Domino Regi levari etc. quod pred' Willelmus compar' ad prox session' gaol Del' quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. signed Heneage Finch Recorder ] To pleade his pardon Non Comparuit , 1622 (fragmentary) . The Newgate calendar of this date has (c) 17 July the following entry, inter alia, in the hand of the clerk of the court: Repr sine ball Henricus Roberts comiss ' in Cur The Newgate calendar gives the following entries, d) 4 October, 1622. inter alia, in the sub- section headed Reprivat ' ad melius inquirend " : Repr ut antea Willelmus Holte Jacobus Hinscliff Repr ut antea No files remain between this last date and 29 May, 15 Charles (1639) . I



















'' '






MAY 1622


Item this day Marmaduke Baxter Cittizen and Baxter commissus Musicion of London beinge here convented and havinge the oathe of allegiance tendered unto him by the Lord Maior and other Justices of the peace here present refused to take the saide oathe, for which his obstinacy the said Baxter is comitted to the Gaole of Newgate by the said Justices their to remaine untill by the due course of the lawes of this Realme he shalbee thence delivered


(27 March , 1625-30 January, 1648/9 .)


OF THE COURT OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER 1625 . Rep. 40 : fol . 28 .



Jovis Vicesimo quarto die Novembris 1625 Anno Regni Regis Caroli Anglie etc. primo [inter alia]. Item this daie Richard Allcot Quarles Alcott Quarles gent being Convented before comitted to this Court for a suspected Newgat for a Papist Preist, is by this Court suspected Papist Preist Comitted to the goale of Newgate there to remayne untill other order bee taken for his enlargment








[Indictment of Charles Powell for recusancy.]


London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentu suu presentant quod Carolus Powell de parochia sancte Bridgette alias Bride in warda de Farringdon extra London Pynn marchant vicesimo die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli dei gra Anglie Scocie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris etc. quarto decimo fuit etatis sexdecim Annor et ultra et non accessit angce did not repaire ad Ecclesiam parochialem sancte Bridgitte alias Bride


' '



This is the only sessions file extant for the reign of Charles I. Among the documents it contains is an inquisition -post-mortem on Thomas Watson, a prisoner in Newgate, who died a natural death in gaol on April 26th, 1639, " ex visitacione Dei." Inquest taken 27 April . Cause of imprisonment not


given. The Newgate calendar- wrapper of this date (29 May, 1639) has the following entries, inter alia, in the sub-section headed " Prisonar' reprivat pro melior' [ sic Inquirend : Edward Anderson Repr ad Johannes Barnes repr ad prior' ord prior ord Willelmus King









MAY 1639



pred nec ad aliquam al Ecclesiam Capella sive usualem locu communis precacionis nec ibidem fuit tempore communis precacionis ad aliquod tempus infra spaciu trium mensium prox sequen predictu vicesimu diem Februarii Anno XIIII supradicto sed abstinuit ab eisdem angce hath forborne the same a pred vicesimo die Februarii Anno XIIII supradicto per pred spaciu pred triu mensiu extunc prox sequen ' In contempt dicti domini Regis nunc legumque suar' contra forma statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis Ac contra pacem dicti domini Regis nunc Coron et Dig-






' nitat' suas etc. Proclam fuit


' '










' ' '


Subsequent memorandum postea ad deliberacionem Gaole domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitate London die lune scilicet octavo die Julii Anno Regni Regis Caroli XV pred Carolus non comparuit nec reddidit se vic London sed defalt fecit Ideo etc.






Vera [Endorsed] Billa Barthol: Chisell Hugh Neson


(30 January, 1648/9-15 December, 1653.)


(1) [Inquisition-post-mortem on John Hazell, prisoner in New-

gate. $ London ss . Inquisicio Indentat Capt apud Gaolam de Newgate London nono die Maii Anno Domini Millesimo sexcentesimoquadra-




* Ang.: Afterwards at the delivery of the Lord the King's gaol of Newgate held for the City of London on Monday, to wit, on the eighth day of July in the 15th year of the reign of King Charles , the aforesaid Charles did not appear nor did he surrender himself to the Sheriffs of London, but made default . Therefore etc. " (Cf. Introd., p. xlii.) Witnesses for the prosecution. This great file comprises the documents relating to the G.D. Sessions of 10 May, the Sessions of the Peace of 16 April and 7 May, and also a General Session of Oyer and Terminer of 10 May. In the Newgate calendar ( 10 May), inter alia in the sub- section headed Prisonar' Repr ad Ord ," occurs : ' ' mort Ricardus Wright Repr pro Manucapt ad Comparend' ad prox obtain mainpernors i.e. reprieved he for until [his ,appearance " at the next sessions " . The file for the first G.D. Sessions under the Commonwealth (4 April, 1649) is missing . That John Hazell was a Catholic seems certain (cf. current Newgate calendar , text and note). Translation of this document in Appendix B, p.








Two other inquisitions -post-mortem on Newgate prisoners immediately precede this document on the file, giving the following particulars : (a) William Fenwicke died in Newgate 1 April, 1649, ex visitacione Dei. Inquest taken 3 April.


(b) Nicholas Reynolds and Richard Wright both died in Newgate on 28 April, " ex visitacione Dei ." Inquest taken on day of deaths. (The cause of imprisonment is not stated in either of these inquests.)



MAY 1649


gesimo nono coram Roberto Keresforth gener Coron Civitat London predict super visum Corporis cuiusdam Johannis Hazell adtunc & ibidem mortui jacen ac in custod ibidem detent per sacramentum Christoferi Gibbs Thome Cope Jonathan Bedwell Ricardi Acres Radulfi Allestree Danielis Harris Thome Shelman Johannis Bright Willelmi Adee Jacobi Blackwell Ricardi Peele & Willelmi Carpenter probor et legal hominu Civitat London predict qui iurat et onerat ad inquirend quando qualiter et quomodo predict Johannes Hazell ad mortem suam devenit dicunt super sacramentum suu' predict quod predict Johannes Hazell octavo die Maii predict ' Anno supradicto in Gaola predict ex visitacione Dei obiit Et sic Jur predict super sacramentum suu predict dicunt quod predict Johannes Hazell modo et forma predict ad mortem suam devenit et non aliter ad eor notic In cuius rei testimoniu tam prefat Coron quam Jur predict huic Inquisicioni sigilla sua apposuer Die Anno & loco primo supradictis etc. Ex per me Robertum Keresforth Coron Civitat predict etc. 2 ( ) Newgate Calendar for this Sessions ; inter alia in sub-section entitled Prisonar' Repr ad Ord ."] * David Jones Mort Christian Bradley Radulfus Kilbourne Repr ad Repr ad prior ordin § Gilfford Hennedge Robertus Curtys prior Ord Johannes Lyon et Johannes Hasell Mort sub-section Inter alia in entitled " Prisonar Convict et Repr Ante et Post Judiciu ." ] Thomas Budd alias Petoe alias Repr per Warr: Johannis Warner Domini Maior et al in Sess White alias Greyll












































' '




Januarii 1647






GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING II FILE FOR SESSIONS OF21NEWGATE JUNE , 1649. Calendar for this Sessions ; inter alia in sub- section [Newgate entitled Prisonar Repr ad Ord ."





Cf. Introd. , p. xxxii, for comments on Newgate inquisitions-postmortem. Concerning section- titles on Commonwealth calendars see Introd. ,

p. xxviii.

The inquisition p.m. on David Jones is missing. The bracket on the right-hand side in MS. indicates that these persons all belong to a group later described (cf. calendars for September, 1649, and December, 1651, infra in text) as having been convicted in 1641 of premunire. Considering the date, therefore practically certain that all seven persons were Catholics who ithadis refused the Oath of Allegiance. Cf. Jacob, Law Dictionary , s.v. " praemunire." Ang.: They are reprieved [i.e. , remanded] to their former order." " A Benedictine. Cf. C.R.S. , vol . xxxiii, pp. 208-9. Ang.: Reprieved by warrant of John Warner, Lord Mayor, and Sessions of January , 1647/8 . others at the "


JUNE 1649




Christian Bradley Radulfus Kilbourne Gilfford Hennedge Repr' ad prior' Ord Robertus Curtys et Johannes Lyon sub-section entitled " Prisonar Convict et Repr Inter [ Antealiaet in post Judiciu ." ] Thomas Budd alias Petoe alias Repr per Warr : Johannis Warner Domini Maior et al in Sess White alias Grey






Januarii 1647







(1) [Indictment of Huntington Hastings alias Corney alias Greene for priesthood.]

10. 12. 1649, Alloc' breve de Cerc' [Subsequent memorandum] retornabile tres Mich et sertificatur


London ss. Jur pro Custod libertat Angl authoritat Parliament super sacramentum suu presentant quod Huntington Hastings nuper de London Clericus alias dictus Huntington Corney nuper de London Clericus alias dictus Huntington Greene nuper de London Clericusnatus fuit infra hoc regnu Angl Quodque idem Huntington post festu Nativitat sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno Regni Domine Elizabeth nuper Regine Angl primo et ante vicesimu sextu diem Julii Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo nono fact et ordinat fuit sacerdos per authoritat derivat et pretens a sede Romana in partibus transmarinis videlicet in Franc Quodque idem Huntington leges et statut Angl minime ponderans



' '

' ' '


' '











' ' ' July extant and contains an

is for the preceding Sessions of 27 * A file-post inquisition -mortem, dated 29 June, 1649, on a John Bayly , who died a natural death in Newgate on June 27. The cause of his imprisonment is not stated. This July file, however, yields no material relating specifically to Catholics apart from the entries in its Newgate calendar concerning Bradley, Kilbourne , Hennedge , Curtys, Lyon , and Budd, which appear in exactly similar terms as those on the calendar of 21 June . In the subsection (of the July calendar) entitled " Repr ad prior' Ord ' " occurs also the following entry , possibly referring to a Catholic : Phillippus Cavenaugh Repr pro Com Northton The present file (September) contains an' inquisition -post-mortem on one John Churchman, who died a prisoner in Newgate on August 7th , 1649, ex visitacione Dei ." Inquest taken on day of death. Ang.: On 10 October, 1649, a writ of certiorari is allowed, returnable in the three weeks [following the feast of S ] Michael ; and [the tenor of this indictment ] is certified [ into the Upper Bench]. From 1641 to 1751 Michaelmas Term began on the fourth day following the three weeks after the feast, i.e., October 23rd or 24th. Ang.: The Jurors for the Keepers of the Liberty of England by the authority of Parliament upon their oath do present Thus begin all indictments from the date of Charles I's execution until the commencement of the Protectorate. § The word Nativitat is interlined in MS .












nec pen in eisd content aliqualiter verens dicto vicesimo sexto die Julii Anno supradicto apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Dunstani in Occiden in Warda de Farringdon extra London pred proditorie et ut falsus proditor fuit et remansit contra forma Statut in huiusmodi casu edit ' et provis ' ac contra pacem publica








'' '


Henr Rowe*

[Endorsed] Billa Vera

(2) [Newgate Calendar for this Sessions ; inter alia in sub-section entitled Prisonar ' Repr ad Ord ."] *



Christian Bradley Radulfus Kilbourne -Repr ad prior' Ord super Gilfford Hennedge Robertus Curtys et premunire Johannes Lyon alia in sub- section entitled Prisonar Convict et Repr [Inter Ante et post Judiciu . "] Delivered Thomas Budd alias Petoe; Repr ' per Warr Johannis alias White; alias Grey ; Warner Domini Maior ' et al in Sess ' Januarii 1647. Del: per Warr Jo Bradshawe Domini Presidt











' '





Calendar for this Sessions ; inter alia in sub-section [Newgate entitled Prisonar Repr ad Ord . ]




Radulfus Kilbourne Gilfford Hennedge et Johannes Lyon


Repr' ad prior' Ord


Witness for the prosecution (cf. Introd. , p. xxxiv). Henceforth the names of witnesses are regularly found inscribed thus at the foot of the indictment formula , and not , as previously, on the dorse of the document. this sub-section occurs also the following entry: In per procl Phillippus Cavenaugh Repr pro Com Northton The words super premunire are a subsequent addition in another hand. Cf. p. 106, note. § This marginal note ( ad in MS.) is in the hand of the clerk of the court . is probable, therefore, that Budd was released from Newgate sometime during the course of the present Sessions.






" "

Delivered by warrant of John Translation of additional note : Bradshawe, Lord President [of the Council] etc. The names of Bradley and Curtys are absent from this calendar, which probably implies that they had either died or escaped some time after the preceding Sessions. Had they been released by warrant or removed to another prison, a note to this effect would almost certainly have been added to the present calendar. No inquisitions -post- mortem concerningthem, however, appear on the file,







V FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 10 DECEMBER, 1651. * (1) [Recognizancefor the appearance of Robert Austin to answer.]

London ss. Be it remembred That on ye 22d day of October 1651 Robert Austin of Blackfrys London Stationer Thomas Goldingham of ye parish of Christchurch Smith and William Lee of ye same parish Stationer personally came before me William Steele Esq Record and one of ye Justices of peace for ye said Citty of London and the said Robert Austin was delivered into baile by ye said Thomas Goldingham and William Lee untill ye next Sessions to be holden for delivery of ye Goale [sic] of Newgate etc. to answer etc. und paine of ye said principall 100¹ etc. and of each of ye said Baile 50¹ etc. to be levied etc. weh if etc. otherwise etc. [signed Wm Steele Appeared Robert Austin to answer etc. for printing popish bookesetc.



(2) [Recognizance for the appearanceof Thomas Blunt to answer.] London ss . Be it remembred That on ye 22d day of October 1651 Thomas Blunt of ye parish of Sepulchers gent John Wingfeild of ' ye parish of Christchurch gent' and Richard Burridge of ye same parish Merchant personally Came before me William Steele Esq Record and one of ye Justices of peace for ye said Citty and ye said Thomas Blunt was delivered into baile by ye said John Wingfeild and Richard Burridge untill ye next Sessions to be holden for ye delivery of ye Goale [ sic] of Newgate at Justicehall in le Old Baylie then and there to answer etc. und paine of ye said principall 100¹ etc. and of each of ye said Baile 50¹ etc. to be levied


etc. wch if etc. otherwise etc.

Tho : Blunt to answer etc. for causeing divers popish bookes to be printed etc.

[signed] Wm Steele Appeared

(3) [Ignored Bill against Edward Tressam for priesthood.]* London ss. The Jurors for the Keepers of the liberty of England by Authority of Parliamt uppon their Oathes doe present that Edward Tressam late of London Clarke was born wthin the Commonwealth of Englande And after the Feast of the Nativity of St John Baptist in the Yeare of the Reigne of the late Queene Elizabeth the first And before the tenth day of May In the Yeare of Or

* An inquisition -post-mortem on this file, dated 6 December, 1651, states that one Jane Hynde died a prisoner in Newgate by " Divine Visitacion on December 5 : cause of imprisonment not given. All the intervening files for the Sessions held after October, 1649, have disappeared . The sessional dates (G.D.) were 12 December , 1649 ; 10 January , 20 February, 1649/50 ; 24 April, 5 June, 10 July, 28 August, 3 October, December, 1650 ; 15 II June January, 19 February, 1650/51 ; 9 April, 14 May, 25 , 13 August , and 8 October, 1651 . The face of this document is scored a treatment which was customary when a bill was thrown out by the grand jury.







Lord One thousand Sixe hundred Fifty and One in forreigne parts beyond the seas was made and ordeyned a Preist by Authority derived & pretended from the Sea of Rome And that the same Edward Tressam not weighing the Lawes and Statutes of England nor any way fearing the Penalties in the same conteyned the said Tenth Day of May In the Yeare of Or Lord One Thousand Sixe Hundred Fifty & One * aforesaid from the aforesaid parts beyond the Seas came into this Commonwealth of England to London that is to say to the Parish of Michaell Royall in the ward of Vintrey London aforesaid and there att the parish & Ward aforesaid the said Tenth Day of May In the Yeare last aforesaid traitorously and as a false Traitor to this Commonwealth of England did remayne & abide against the forme of the Statute in this case made & provided And against the publike peace etc. Thomas Mayo James Wadesworth

] Wee doe nott Find this Bill true [Endorsed Sessions ; inter alia Newgate calendar this [entitled PrysonersforRepr ' To Orders."] "


Ralphe Kilbourne, and Gilfford Hennedge

in sub - section

Convicted of premunire in Anno 1641 : and Repr to their Former Order Inter alia in sub- section entitled Prysoners Convicted, and Repr before and after Judgmt. Thomas Budd alias in December 1647 They are to be kept Petoe , alias White. -Attainted of Highe gaole wthout Bayle in alias Graye§ Treason







FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 5 APRIL , 1652.1 1 The Engagement () [ . doe declare and promise that I will bee true and faithfull to the




words of or Lord * The .... & one are interlined in MS. Witnesses for the prosecution.

In this sub- section occurs also the following entry:

John Jackson Attainted of Highe Treason the 15th of January 1650 [i.c., 1650/51], § Budd had been re-arrested by order of the Council of State . Cf. Catholic Magazine, 1832, ii , p. 112. This bracket and note in MS . covers all the entries in the sub-section. The files for the Sessions of 14 January and 18 February, 1651/2, are extant , but contain no references to Catholics or recusantsexcept the entries in their Newgate calendars concerning Kilbourne , Hennedge , Budd, and Jackson , which are of exactly similar form to those in the calendar for December, 1651. On the February file is an inquisition -post-mortem, dated 27 January , 1651/2, stating that one Martha Kindersley , a prisoner in Newgate for some uncited offence , died a natural death in gaol on January 26 . This document (undated) consists of a long sheet of parchment inscribed thus at the top with the formula of the Engagement, below whichoccur the signatures or marks of a number of Newgate prisoners , among them the





APRIL 1652

Common Wealth of England as itt is now established without a King or house of Lords Henneag [signedThe ] Guilforde marke R of Ralph Kilbourne


Newgate calendar for this Sessions ; inter alia in sub-section [entitled Prisoners Repr to Orders.




Ralphe Kilbourne Gilfford Hennedge


Convicted of premunire in generall pardon Aº 1641 And Repr to their Former Order Inter alia in sub-section entitled " Prisoners Convicted and Repr before and after judgmt. Thomas Budd alias in December 1647 : Reprieved in Gaole Attainted of Highe wthout Petoe alias White bayle alias Graye Treason Delivered by the






(1) [ Recognizance for the appearance of Massie David to answer.]

London ss. Ma That the First day of July In the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fiftie and Two came before me John Kendrick Maior of the Citty of London and one of the Justices


two given in the text. The Engagement was substituted for the old oaths of allegiance and supremacy by the Rump Parliament in February, 1648/9 . On this file occurs also a printed certificate for taking the Engagement. as follows : It runsThese are to certifie all whom it may concerne , that Thomas Harinton ? or Havinton] inhabitant in the Ward of Farringdon within hath Volun[tarily and Solemnly taken and Subscribed the Engagementbefore me as Alderman of the said Ward this 10th daye of March 1649 [ i.e. , 1649/50


Robert Tichborne

[The italicized words have been] filled in by hand in the original .]


* In this sub -section occurs also the following entry: John Jackson, Attainted of Highe Treason, Reprieved in Gaolewithout the XVth of Januarii 1650 [1650/1 bail till hee take th'ingagemt according to the Act & then delivered. The file for the G.D. Sessions of the preceding 28 April is missing. That for the G.D. Sessions of 2 June is extant , but contains no mattertouching Catholics as such, except the entry in the Newgate calendar concerning Thomas Budd, which repeats verbatim the entry in the calendar of the preceding 5 April . In the same sub-section with Budd occurs also the following entry : John Jackson, Attainted of Highe Treason the XVth of Januarii 1650 Repr' To Orders" occurs, interalia: In the sub-section headed " Prysoners John Wilson or Reprieved in gaole , tyll hee bee discharged From the Warde warrt of the Council of State, Then, hee is to take the Engagem accordinge to the Acte With regard to the present file (July) , it should be observed that all these files contain the records not only of the Gaol Delivery Sessions but also of the Sessions of the Peace which were held regularly at the Guildhall two or three days before each Gaol Delivery (cf. Introd., p. xxi ). The current G.D. Sessions opened on 14 July at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey.




JULY 1652


of the Peace within the same Citty Massie David of Westminster Gent * in his owne personand then and there acknowledgedhimselfe to owe to the Keepers of the Liberty of England by Authority of Parliament XXI of lawfull etc. to be levied etc. and Edward Eiton of the parish of Mary le Bow Grocer and John Bird of the Strand in the Citty of Westmin Sollicitor acknowledged themselves etc. either of them to owe to the said Keepers etc. X¹ of lawfull etc. to be levied etc. Condicion etc. That if the said Massie David personally appeare at the Sessions of the Peace for the Citty of London to be holden to answeare etc. And thence etc. Then etc. Else etc. [signed ] John KendrickMaior Upon suspicion of being Appeared a Jesuite


Newgate calendar for G.D., 14 July ; inter alia in sub-section [entitled Prysoners Convicted and Repr before and after



Judgmt." *

] Thomas Budd alias Petoe , alias White

alias Graye


in December 1647 Attainted of Highe Treason

Theis are to be kept in gaole wthout


FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 13 OCTOBER , 1652.§ calendar for this Sessions ; inter alia in sub-section [Newgate entitled " Prysoners Convicted and Repr before and after Judgmt." Thomas Budd alias in December 1647 Theis are to be kept Petoe , alias White Attainted of Highe in gaole wthout alias Graye Treason Bayle




words Massie David of Westminster Gent are underlined in MS. * Thethis sub-section occurs also the following



John Jackson, Attainted of Highe Treason the XVth of Januarii 1650 And , inter alia , in sub-section headed " Prysoners Repr To Orders " : hee bee discharged Reprieved in gaole, a John Wilson or tyll Reprivedecalendar bove .... [etc. , Warde This bracket and note in MS. covers all the entries in this sub-section. § The file for the preceding 30 August is extant , but contains no matter relating specifically to Catholics, except the entries in the Newgate calendar concerning Budd, Jackson, and Wilson or Warde, which repeat verbatim those appearing in the calendar of the previous June. The entries concerning John Jackson and John Wilson or Warde again occur in the same position and with the same notes as in the calendar of the preceding June. This bracket and note covers , in MS. , all the entries in this sub -section . The records of the remaining Sessions of the Commonwealth, i.e. , of the following dates : 8 December, 1652; 12 January , 23 February , 1652/3 ; 20 April, 26 May, 13 July, 10 August, and 12 October, 1653, are missing. After this gap in the series of files, Budd's and John Wilson or Warde's names are absentfrom the calendars. They therefore died or were released sometime between October, 1652, and 12 October, 1653.










(1) [Recognizance for the appearance of Henry Mathewes, Ann Parry and Margaret Roberts to prosecute and give evidence


against Bartholomew Browne. London ss. Bee it remembred that on the fourth day of November In the yeere of our Lord one Thousand six hundred Fifty and six before John Ireton Alderman one of the Justices etc. came Henry Mathewes of the parishe of Giles in the Feildes in the County of Midds. Baker and acknowledged to owe to his Highnes the Lord Protector etc. the sume of Forty pounds to be levied of his goods and Chattells Lands and Tenements to the use of his said Highnes by way of Recognizance . Upon Condicion that if the said Henry Mathewes shall personally appeare at the next Sessions of Gaole delivery of Newgate to be holden for the Citty of London att The series of Protectorate sessions files is complete from December, 1653 ( the first sessions held under the Protectorate), to October, 1655, but these contain no matter explicitly referring to Catholics. They are of the


following dates: (a) 14 December, 1653.

tion headed

In the Newgate calendar, inter alia in sub-sec-

Convicted and Repr' before and after " Prysoners Judgmt," occurs :

John Jackson, attainted of Highe Treasonthe XVth ofJanuarii 1650 And repr by the Corte after Judgm (b) 13 January 1653/4. In the Newgate calendar John Jackson occurs as above , his and the other entries in that sub-sectionbeing bracketed on the right-hand side by the words " Theis are to bee kept in Gaole wthout Bayle " (c) 22 February, 1653/4. In the Newgate calendar the entry ve John Jackson is similar to that in the January calendar above. (d) 5 April , 1654. John Jackson occurs again as in the January calendar. , which is written in a new (c) 10 May,, 1654. , The Newgate calendar hand gives inter alia in sub- section headed " Prisoners Convicted, Attainted and Reprived before and after Judgment, the following : John Jackson Attaintedof high treasonthe 5th [sic] of Ja 1650 And repr by the Courte after Judgm , 1654. In the Newgate calendar, inter alia in sub- section ( 21 June headed Prisoners Reprived to Orders , " occurs the following entry: John Jackson is to bee delivered by virtue of the last generall pardon by act of Parl and by virtue of an Ordinance intituled an Ordinance for repealinge generall acts and resolves of Parliam : Made for or touchinge the subscribeinge or takeinge the Ingagem : Dated the 19 Ja 1653 : This Order was in









Apr Sess ' 1654. (g) 16 August', 1654. John Jackson's name is absent from this and subsequent calendars . The remaining files (their dates follow) are complete, each with Newgate calendar intact, but no matterlikely to refer to Catholics is apparent on any of them : 11 October, 13 December , 1654 ; 12 January, 21 February, 1654/5 ; 25 April , 30 May, 18 July, 5 September, and 10 October, 1655. The files of the following dates are missing: 12 December , 1655; 11 January , 20 February, 1655/6 ; 16 April, 21 May, 2 July, 13 August, and 15 October, 1656.







Justice hall in the Old Baily then and there to prosecute the Law with effect and give evidence against Bartholomew Browne etc. That then etc. Otherwise etc. Ann Parry of Mary White chappell in the County of Midds. widdow And Margaret Roberts of ye parishe of Olaves Silverstreete widdow Bound in XX¹ a peece to give in evidence [signed John Ireton Accused to be a Seminary Priest All appeared


(2) [Indictment of Bartholomew Browne for priesthood.] * The Jurors for the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland & Ireland etc. uppon their oathes doe present that

Pu se not guilty nor fled acqted Bartholomew Browne late of London Clarke whoe was borne att Galloway in the County of Galloway in the province of Connaught in Ireland Which County & province in Ireland was wthin the Dominions of the late Queen Elizabeth in the seaven & twentieth yeare of her reign & long before and afterwards is & remaneth a Seminary & popish preist after the feast of the Nativity of St John Baptist in the First yeare of the reigne of the said late Queene Elizabeth was made & ordained a Priest by authority derived challenged & pretended from the See of Rome And that hee the said Bartholomew Browne after hee was ordained & made a Preist in manner & forme aforesaid that is to say the Fowerth day of November In the yeare of Or Lord One thousand sixe hundred Fifty & Sixe att London that is to say in the parish of Giles wthout Cripplegate in the ward of Cripplegate London aforesaid wthin this Commonwealth of England traitorously did come into was & remained against the publike peace And against the forme of the Statute in this case made & provided etc. Henry Mathewes Robert Quinborrow Margaret Roberts Anne Parrey

[Endorsed] A true Bill

(3) [Newgate calendar ; entitled " The Deliverie of ye Gaole of Newgate for ye Citty of London att Justice Hall in ye old Bailey on Wensday ye 10th of Decber 1656 ; inter alia.] Barth : Browne Com: to ye sd Gaole by vertue of MrAld: Ireton his warr : for being a Popish Preist Dat : 4th 9ber 1656



The usual introductory words London ss . " are absent from this Bill. The omission is no doubt an oversight and without particular significance. Extended, this clerical minute reads : He puts himself [upon his country ; [he is found] not guilty, nor did he make flight [i.e., to avoid . arrest]. He is acquitted " Thus Commonwealth and Protectorate clerks of the court used to anglicize the earlier Latin formula " po se non cul' nec recessit." The significance of " nec recessit (" nor fled ") is, nevertheless , somewhat doubtful . The late Mr. Cordy Jeaffreson treats of the subject exhaustively in Middlesex County Records, vol . iii , Preface , pp . xiii seq., and vol . iv , Preface , pp. lxxiii seq . Cf. Introd. , p. xxxviii . Witnesses for the prosecution.












(1) [Indictment of Anne Allanson for being a " Papist . * London ss. The Jurors for the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland & Ireland & the Dominions & Territoryes thereunto belonging uppon their oathes doe present that proclaimed uppon the Commission of the Peace 15.3 she did not Anne Allanson of the parish of Bridgett otherwise Brides in the appeare Nor did take the oath etc. Butt therein did make default And


ward of Farringdon wthout London aforesaid Widdowe the Fowerher default Recorded Therefore etc. teenth day of October In the yeare of Or Lord One thousand sixe hundred Fifty and seaven was and is above the age of Sixteene yeares & is suspected & reputed to be a Papist and popishly affected Against the forme of the Statutes in this case made & provided & against the publike peace etc. Tho : Collisonl Endorsed True Bill A [ ]

(2) [Record of proceedings against Anne Allanson .] London ss. Be itt remembred that att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Munday the Twelveth day of October In the Yeare of or Lord One Thousand sixe hundred Fifty and Seaven before Sr Robert Tichborne Knight Maior of the Citty of London Thomas Atkin Thomas Andrewes and Thomas Foote Aldermen of the said Citty and others their fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid And alsoe to heare and Determine divers felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors within the same Citty committed That same Open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adorned by thaforesaid justices there untill Wednesday the Fowerteenth day of the said moneth of October In the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of The series of files for the period from December, 1656, to October, 1657, is complete (each with Newgate calendar attached), but none of them contains any explicit reference to Catholics . The dates of the G.D. Sessions, whose records are included in these several files , are as follows : 14 January, 18 February, 1656/7 ; 8 April, 13 May, 25 June, and 12 August, 1657. The present file ( October) includes, of course , the records of the G.D. Sessions of 14 October. The Newgate calendar of this latter date is intact. The indictment for being a Papist, as distinct from that for recusancy t.e., for not attending the Protestant service ), is found only under the Pro(tectorate , and was framed in accordance with the Act of Parliament of 26 June, 1657 An Act for convicting , discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants ." Cf. Introd. , . p xlvi . I.e., 15 January , 1657/8 . As usual , this date is to be connected with what follows in the note. She was proclaimed at the adjourned S.P. Sessions 14 October, 1657 (cf. next document in text) . Concerning mayoral dating of vide Introd ,





. p. xix.

§ I.e. , the Act of 26 June, 1657. || Witness for the prosecution. This document is stitched to the preceding indictment .





the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices and others their fellowes further to doe as the Courte should consider etc. And thereuppon by a certaine Inquisicion taken att that same Open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish and ward aforesaid on the said Wednesday thaforesaid Fowerteenth day of October in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Sr Robert Tichborne Knight Maior of the Citty of London Thomas Atkin Thomas Andrewes and Thomas Foote Aldermen of

the said Citty and Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty and others their fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors within the same Citty committed by the oathes of Joseph Hunton David Leader John Sexton John Freestone John Jermyn James Mullins

William Comyns Richard Hill John Stead John White George Compeire William Grantham Robert Flamen John Upcher and Ralph Stint good and lawfull men of the Citty of London aforesaid then and there sworne and charged to inquire for the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territoryes thereunto belonging and the body of the Citty aforesaid itt is presented that the Bill following is true London ss . The Jurors for the Lord Protector [the above indictment against Anne Allanson is here repeated, all notes and

minutes being omitted ] Whereuppon att the same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London by the said Adiornament att Justicehall aforesaid in the said parish of Sepulchers in the ward aforesaid on the said Fowerteenth day of October in the yeare aforesaid before the Justices last named and others their fellowes Justices aforesaid Proclamacion was made by the said Justices according to the forme of the Statute in this case made and provided By which Itt was commanded that the said Anne Allanson soe presented as aforesaid shall personally appeare att the next open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace to be holden for the Citty of London then & there to take and subscribe the Oath of Abiuracion mencioned and expressed in the Statute aforesaid or els uppon her Default then to be Recorded shee shalbe adiudged a popish Recusant Convict to all Intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid Att which next open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London that is to say att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Wednesday the Thirteenth day of January In the said yeare of Or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Seaven * before Richard Chiver-

* T.e. , 1657/8.





ton Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Andrewes Knights and John Fowke Esq" Aldermen of the said Citty Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors with in the same Citty committed that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adiorned by the aforesaid Justices there untill Friday the Fifteenth day of the said moneth of January in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices and others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should consideretc. And thereuppon at that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish and ward aforesaid on the said Friday the said Fifteenth day of January in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Richard Chiverton Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights and John Fowke Esq Aldermen of the said Citty and Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors with in the same Citty committed the said Anne Allanson soe proclaimed as aforesaid did not make her appearance uppon Record att the said last mencioned open Generall Quarter Sessions Nor in the same open Generall Quarter Sessions did take or subscribe the oath aforesaid but therein made default and her default therein is Recorded Therefore itt is Considered by the said Courte that shee the said Anne Allanson soe makeing default be adiudged a Popish Recusant convict to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid in that case provided NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING III FILE FOR SESSIONS16OFDECEMBER , 1657. *

(1) [Indictment of Joan Timberley for being a Papist . " ] This Indictmt was taken att the Generall Gaole deliveryfor London & Proclamacion was then & there made etc. 15.3. shee did not appeare nor did take the oath etc. Butt therein made default And

her default is Recorded Therefore etc. London ss. The Jurors for the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland & Ireland & the Dominions & Territoryes thereunto belonging uppon their oathes doe present that Joane Timberley of the parish of Dunstan in the west in the ward of Farringdon wthout London aforesaid Widdow the Tenth day of December In the yeare of or Lord One thousand sixe hundred

The Newgate calendar of this date is attached to the file , but contains no entries likely to refer to Catholics. I.e. , 15 January, 1657/8 the date when she was due to appear.







Fifty and seaven was and is above the age of Sixteene yeares [formula as ( 1) , page 115]. Mathew Ward*

[Endorsed] This is a true Bill

(2) [Record of proceedings against Joan Timberley.]* London ss . Be itt remembred that att the Generall Gaole Delivery of Newgate holden for the Citty of London att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon wthout London aforesaid on Wednesday the Sixeteenth day of December in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and seaven before Richard Chiverton Maior of the Citty of London John Glynne Cheife Justice assigned to hold Pleas before Oliver Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territoryes thereunto belonging in the upper Bench Hugh Windham one of the Justices of the Common Bench Peter Warburton one of the Justices assigned to hold pleas before the said Lord Protector in the upper Bench Richard Newdigate another of the Justices assigned to hold Pleas before the Lord Protector in the upper Bench Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights Aldermen of the said Citty of London and Sr Lislebone Longe Knight Recorder of the same Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to deliver the said Gaole of Newgate of the prisoners therein being, by the oathes of William Justice Richard Newberry John Tym Daniell Nicholls Henry Dixon Thomas Broxoline Arthur Younge Richard Cawthorne William Skinner Anthony Scarlett Thomas Fountaine Thomas Newton William Hill William Coltman & Mathew Capt good and lawfull men of the Citty aforesaid then & there sworne and charged to inquire for the said Lord Protector and the body of the Citty aforesaid Itt is presented that the Bill following is true London ss. The Jurors for the Lord Protector .. the above indictment against Joan Timberley is here repeated, all notes and minutes being omitted. ] By which itt was Commanded that the said Joane Tymberley soe presented as aforesaid shall personally appeare att the next Generall Gaole Delivery of Newgate to be holden for the said Citty of London then & there to take and subscribe the oath of Abiuracion mencioned and expressed in the Statute aforesaid or els uppon her default then to be Recorded shee shalbe adiudged a Popish Recusant convict to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid Att whichnext Generall Gaole Delivery of Newgate holden for the said Citty of London that is to say att the Generall Gaole Delivery of Newgate holden for the said Citty of London att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish and ward last aforesaid on Friday the Fifteenth day of January in the yeare aforesaid before Richard Chiverton Maior of the Citty of


for the prosecution. * Witness the original file this document is stitched to the precedingindictment .


I.e., 1657/8 .





London John Glynne Cheife Justice assigned to hold Pleas before Oliver Lord Protector of the Common Wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territoryes thereunto belonging in the upper Bench Peter Warburton one of the Justices assigned to hold Pleas before the said Lord Protector in the upper Bench Richard Newdigate another of the Justices assigned to hold Pleas before the Lord Protector in the upper Bench* Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights Aldermen of the said Citty of London and Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to deliver the said Gaole of Newgate of the Prisoners therein being the said Joane Timberley soe proclaimed as aforesaid did not make her appearance uppon Record nor then and there in the Gaole Delivery last aforesaid did take or subscribe the Oath aforesaid Butt therein made default And her default therein is Recorded Therefore itt is considered by the Courte that shee the said Joane Timberley soe making default be adiudged a Popish Recusant convict to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid in that case made and provided



( 1) [A list of reputed Catholics in London .] London ss . The names of such persons as are presented by the Constables and Churchwardens wthin the Citty of London to be suspected or reputed to be Papists or popishly affected the 19th day of December 1657 Warned & proclaimed Frances Howse the wife of Francis Howse Doctor of Physicke lodging 15.3.16578 att the house of one Mr Job King in the Parish of AnWarned and Procl


Warned & procl Warned & procl Warned & procl Not warned

drew Holborne in London

William Trevethein Ingraver liveing in the said parish of Andrew Holborne

Henry Lusher Apothecary

'' Frances his wife


dwelling in the

parish of Dunstans

Mary Denton their servant in the West Mary Katherines Widdow aged about 80 yeares

words in the upper Bench are interlined in MS. * The The records of the G.D. Sessions (beginning 15 January) are included

in this file. The Newgate calendar of the latter date is also attached. This list is written on three sides of a large folded paper and wasfound pinned to the document which follows it in the text above. It is the original list produced in Court at the current January Sessions, pursuant to the Act of Parliament of 26 June, 1657 (cf. next document in text). SL.e., 15 January , 1657/8 . The date refers not to the " warning i.e., first summons , by the constables ) but to the proclamation only (cf. next (document in text) . These marginal notes , warned & proclaimed, etc. , written were evidently added subsequentlyby an official in Court . in another hand,




JANUARY 1657/8


lodging in the house of Marke Staton in Towerstreete in the Parish of Dunstans in the East Warned & procl Anthony Cuning gent an Italian Lodgeing in the house of Peter Baldwin a Cooper in Fanchurchstreete neere the signe of the Blacke Raven in the parish of Alhallowes Stenyng Warned & procl Thomas Whittacre Esqre liveing in the house of John Harcourt in Salisbury Court in the parish of Bridgett otherwise Brides Warned & procl Mary Killingworth Widdow liveing in Shooelane in the said parish of Bridgett otherwise Brides Warned & procl James Beasly Perriwigmaker & liveing in the Mary his wife house of John Foster in Legge Alley neere Fleetebridge in the parish last aforesaid Warned & procl Peter Silleard Merchant dwelling in the parish of Martins Orgars in * his wife Warned & procl James Gilbert Martins Lane Warned & procl Peter Dellamer Merchant dwelling in the parish of Hellens Warned & procl Robert Turner an Apprentice to William Jefferson Taylor liveing in Lambe Alley in the parish of Mary Abchurch Warned and procl Francis Balne Liveing att the house of Lewes




' '





Warned & procl Warned & procl Warned & procl

' '

Warned & procl



Perydyth in Buttolph Lane in

the parish of Andrew Hubbard John Feild Laborer dwelling in the parish of Michaell Bassieshaw Doctor in Physicke dwelling [ ] Mortymer Indico Maus Merchant in Lymestreete in the parish of Dionis Backchurch Peter Diovard Merchant dwelling in the house


* A space is left here in MS . for Christian name.



JANUARY 1657/8


of one Widdow Mitchell in the parish of Margarett Pattons Warned & procl Thomas Rodamunter Merchant a Venetian liveing in the house of one John Hayes in the parish last aforesaid Gone & not found John Adams of Leadenhallstreete Pewterer in the parish of Andrew Undershaft Not proclaimed by John Sylvetti Embassador for the Duke of direccion of the Cort Tuscany lodging in the parish of Bartholmew the Greate butt was warned Warned & procl Anne Fossett an Italian merchant dwelling in the Parish of Bartholmew the Greate Warned & procl Mounsieur Luis Perin Merchant a Frenchman dwelling in the parish of Michaell Crookedlane ChamberWarned & procl James Cricke Apprentice to leine a Barber dwelling in the said parish of Michaell Crookedlane Warned & procl John Lilly a Waxchandler in the parish of Augustines Gone notfound Anne Cripplegate a Maideservant to Mr John Crooke a Mason liveing in the parish of Christchurch Warned & procl Thomas Borne a Bookeseller in Bethlem in the parish of Buttolph wthout Bishopsgate Warned & procl Barnadoe Maddeson Merchant Lodgingatt the house of Mr Warned & procl Safyrah Benkeine Widdow Warned & procl Sarah Jones the wife of MerCotton Edward Jones chant in the parish of Alhallowes on the


' ' '

[ ]*

' '



Warned & procl


Warned & procl


Warned & procl


Warned & procl Warned & procl Warned & procl



Charles Berenger a French Merchant liveing in

the said parish of Alhallowes on the Wall Francis Barnadoe & his Family a Ledger for Janeway dwel-

ling in the said parish

Humphry Aldington a Merchant att Carpenters hall in the said parish Richard Crone a Tapster in the same parish John Blake yeomen lodging att ( * Mathew Halley Harrisons Widdow att the signe of the Red Bull in the


parish aforesaid

* A space is left here in MS. for Christian name.




JANUARY 1657/8

Warned & procl Warned & procl Warned & procl Warned & procl Warned & procl Warned & procl

Henrickes Merchant '' Adrian Katherine his wife Adrian Henrickes their sonne ' Winifred & >their Daughters '' Mary All dwelling Elizabeth Depane their maide in the parish ' servt of Olaves Warned & procl John Baptista Guyatt Gent' & Hartstreete Warned & procl' Bridgett his wife ' ' John Warned and procl Fitzharbert servant to Mr

Symons att the Mumhouse in Markelane Jean Matthieu de Columme a Frenchman All Lodgers & Francisco Vinturo an Italian gone before All dwelling the Warrant came Frederico Fero Vitora an Italian in the parish Georgius Godefridus Comes de of Gabriell to the Constable Fanchurch Kolonitch a Dutchman Phillippus Jacobus Sheronits a Dutchman Warned & procl Signeur Augustine Curnell * Gent agent for the Portugall Embassador in the parish of James Dukes place Warned & procl Thomas Westen Laborer liveing in Barbican in the parish of Giles wthout Cripplegate Warned & procl Harman Marshall Broaker Warned & procl Edward Dale Tobaccoe Cutter All in GoldWarned & procl Robert Seagar Laborer lodging inglane in the att Mr Bevins a same parish





' ''


Warned & procl


Warned & procl

' '

Warned & procl Warned & procl


Warned & procl


Warned & procl Warned & procl

John Odell Bookebinder in Redcrosse streete in the same parish Peter Le Adore Merchant in Little Moore Feilds All in the Mary his wife same Jane Edwards Spinster in White parish Alley in little Moore feilds John Walgrave Merchant in Buttolph Lane All in the Frances his wife parish of Bartholmew Molyne his manser- George Buttolph vant Lane Elizabeth Vivion & his maidservants Elizabeth Hood

'' Warned & procl Warned & procl' ' The entries from

here to Elizabeth Hood , inclusive, are in a third hand which wrote the " Record of proceedings " following in text. The marginal




JANUARY 1657/8



13.3.1657 Proclaimed

Alexander Devellenour of the parish of Andrew Wardrobe in the Ward of Castlebaynard London Gent Lambert Bresson of the parish & Ward aforesaid Merchant Nicholas Goree of the parish & Ward aforesaid







Peter Delevere of the parish of Bartholmew Exchange in the Ward of Broadstreete London aforesaid Merchant Barnard Dargabell of the parish & Ward aforeprocl said Merchant 15.3.1657procl John Marquis of Winchester of the parish of Alhallowes on the Wall in the Ward of Broadstreete London James Aslyne of the parish of Andrew Underprocl shaft in the Ward of Lymestreete London Merchant procl Jane Wilcox of the parish of Gregoryes neere Paulls in the Ward of Farringdon wthin London Widdow procl Margarett Smyth the wife of John Smyth of the parish & Ward aforesaid Lynnendraper


' '





Record of proceedings against the persons named in the pre(2) [ceding document.] § London . Be remembred

ss that att the open Generall Quarter itt Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att the Guildhall of & in the same Citty on Wednesday the Thirteenth

dayof January In the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Seaven before Richard Chiverton Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Andrewes Knights and John

Fowke Esq Aldermen of the said Citty Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid And alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors notes warned & procl , etc. , however, continue in the same hand throughout

the paper



A sub -heading in MS. I.e., 13 January, 1657/8 the date of indictment only. Proclamation was made on 15 January (cf. document (3a), p. 138) . I.e., 15 January, 1657/8 the date of indictment and proclamation (cf. document (3b), p. 140) . § Written on parchment and inserted between the recognizances and indictments on the file.






JANUARY 1657/8

within the same Citty committed That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adiorned by the aforesaid Justices there untill Friday the Fifteenth day of the said Moneth of January in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid before the aforesaid Justices and others their fellowes further to doe as the Courte should Consider etc. And thereuppon att that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish & Ward aforesaid on the said Friday the said Fifteenth day of January in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Richard Chiverton Maior of the Čitty aforesaid St Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Fowke Esqr Sr Christopher Packe Sr John Dethicke Sr Robert Tichborne Knights Aldermen of the said Citty Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty John Ireton Thomas Aleyn and Walter Bigg Aldermen of the Citty aforesaid Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors with in the same Citty Committed The said Justices of the peace in pursueance of the late Act of Parliament begun att Westmr the Seaventeenth day of September in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe Hundred Fifty and Sixe made for discovering convicting & repressing of Popish Recusants* did deliver here att this Quarter Sessions in open Sessions severall presentments to be Recorded of the names sirnames addicions and places of abode of the severall persons here under named being of the age of Sixeteene yeares which had beene presented above Fowerteene dayes before the said Quarter Sessions to the said Justices by the Constables and Churchwardens of the severall parishes here under mencioned uppon their severall Oathes to be suspected or reputed to be Papists or popishly Affected And the said Justices of the peace haveing uppon the said presentments issued their warrants to the Constables of the parishes aforesaid severally & respectively thereby requiring them to summon every such person soe presented according to the said Act And the Constables of the severall parishes aforesaid haveing returned their said respective Warrants here in this open Quarter Sessions to be entred uppon Record & severally made Oath here of the due execucion thereof Neverthelesse the said persons soe presented and Summoned as aforesaid or any of them did not now here make appearance uppon Record nor in this open Quarter Sessions take and subscribe the oath in the said Act mencioned & thereuppon the said Justices in this open Quarter Sessions aforesaid did make proclamacion that every person soe presented & summoned as According to the Journals of the House of Commons , this Act was passed on 26 June, 1657 (cf. Firth and Rait, Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-60 ) . The date given here, 17 September, 1656, is the day on which the Parliament was summonedto meet . The words severally & respectively are interlined in MS.



JANUARY 1657/8



aforesaid shall personally* appeare att the next Quarter Sessions of the publike peace to be holden for the said Citty of London then & there to take the said oath according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid or otherwise every of them makeing Default therein such their default wilbe Recorded and every of them wilbe adiudged a Popish Recusant convict to all intents and purposes whatsoeveraccording to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid The names sirnames addicions and places of abode of the persons abovemencioned suspected or reputed to be Papists or popishly Affected Frances Howse the wife of Francis Howse Doctor of Phisicke lodging att the House of one Mr Job King in the parish of Andrew Holborne in London The list of names and addresses given in the preceding document is here repeated, with certain differences. And att the said next Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London that is to say att the Open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the said Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Munday the Nineteenth day of Aprill in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knt Maior of the said Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke Esq and Sr John Ireton Knight Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanorswith in the same Citty commited cometh Anne Penkevell of the parish of Alhallowes on the Wall London Widdow in her owne person whoe by the name of the said Safyrah Benkeine of the parish aforesaid Widdow att and in the last open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London was presented to be suspected or reputed to be a papist or popishly affected and was then and there Summoned and proclaymed as aforesaid And now here in this open Quarter Sessions holden for the Citty of London shee did personally make her appearance uppon Record And now here in this open Sessions did take and subscribe the said Oath of Abjuracion mencioned in the Act aforesaid and afterwards to witt [continued on dorse] on the said Nineteenth day of Aprill in the yeare last aforesaid the said open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was Adiorned by thaforesaid Justices there untill Wednesday the One and Twentieth



is interlined in MS. * The word personally differences be

The following are to noted in this list: (a) There are no marginal notes , except 19.6 . App & abiured, which occurs opposite the name of Safyrah Benkeine (cf. p. 141) . (b) All mention of the following persons is omitted : Mary Katherines ;


John Adams and John Sylvetti; Anne Cripplegate; Jean Matthieu de Columme , Francisco Vinturo, Frederico Fero Vitora, Georgius Comes de Kolonitch , Phillippus Jacobus Sheronits. (c) The whole sub- section headed Indicted is omitted , the list ending with the entry concerning Elizabeth Hood.



JANUARY 1657/8


day of the said moneth of Aprill in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden at Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices and others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should consider etc. And thereuppon att that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the said Citty by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the said parish of Sepulchers and in the Ward last aforesaid on the said Wednesday the said One and Twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Sr Richard Chiverton Knt Maior of the Citty aforesaid Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke Esq" Sr John Dethicke Knight Aldermen of the said Citty Sr Lislebone Longe Knt Recorder of the same Citty Sr John Ireton Knt & Thomas Alleyne Esq" Aldermen of the Citty aforesaid & others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors within the same Citty Committed the said Justices of the peace did here againe make proclamacion that every of the said other persons soe presented Summoned and proclaymed as aforesaid not now yett appeareing shall now here personally appeare att this open quarter Sessions of the publike peace here holden for the said Citty of London and now here take the said oath of Abiuracion according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid or otherwise they and every of them now here makeing Default therein such their Default wilbe Recorded & every of them wilbe adiudged a Popish Recusant Convict to all Intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid Neverthelesse the said other persons soe presented Summoned & proclaimed as aforesaid to witt thaforenamed Frances House the wife of Francis House William Treevethein Henry Lusher Frances his wife Mary Denton Anthony Cuning Thomas Whittacre Mary Killingworth James Beasely Mary his wife Peter Silleard [ * his wife James Gilbert Peter Dellamer Robert Turner Francis Balne John Feild [ ]* Mortimer Indico Maus Peter Diovard Thomas Rodamunter Anne Fossett Monsieur Luis Perin James Cricke John Lilly Thomas


Borne Barnado Maddeson Sarah Jones Charles Berenger Francis Barnadoe Humphry Aldington Richard Crone John Blake Mathew Halley Adrian Henrickes Katherine his wife Adrian Henrickes their sonne Winifred & Mary their daughters Elizabeth Dupane John Baptista Guyatt Bridgett his wife John Fitzharbett Seigneur Augustine Curnell Thomas Westen Harman Marshall Edward Dale Robert Seager John Odell Peter Le Adore Mary his wife Jane Edwards John Walgrave Frances his wife Bartholmew Molyne Elizabeth Vivion and Elizabeth Hood or any of them did not now here make appearance uppon Record Nor in this open Quarter Sessions did take and subscribe the oath in the said Act mencioned therefore the default of them and every of them is now here ReA space is left here in MS. for Christian name.



JANUARY 1657/8


corded and they and every of them are Adiudged Popish Recusants convict to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the

forme of the Act of Parliamt aforesaid

(3) [Indictment of James Aslyne for being a " Papist .” ]

Taken by the Commission of the Peace London ss . Jurors for the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territoryes thereunto belonging uppon their oathes doe present that

Proclaimed 21. 6. 1658 convicted James Aslyne of the parish of Andrew Undershaft in the ward of


Lymestreete London aforesaid merchant the Nyneth day of January In the yeare of or Lord One Thousand Sixe hundred Fifty and seaven was above the age of sixeteene yeares formula as (1), p. 115] . Christopher Iles Robert Davis John Crowe [Endorsed] A true bill


(4) [Indictment of John, Marquis of Winchester, for being a

Papist."] Taken by the Commission of the Peace doe present London ss . The Jurors for the Lord Protector Proclaimed 21. 6. 1658. convicted that John Marquess of Winchester of the parish of Alhallowes on the Wall in the ward of Broadstreete London aforesaid the Nyneth day of Januaryin the yeare of Or Lord One Thousand Sixe hundred Fifty and seaven was above the age [formula as ( 1), p. 115]. James Taylor [Endorsed] A true bill



of Jane Wilcox and Margaret Smith for being [Indictment Papists.


Taken by the Commission of the Peace London ss. The Jurors for the Lord Protector doe present Proclaimed 21. 6. 1658. convicted that Jane Wilcox of the parish of Gregoryes neere Paulls in the Proclaimed ward of Farringdon wthin London aforesaid Widdow & Margarett



Smith the wife of John Smith of the parish and ward aforesaid Lynnendraper the Eighteenthday of December In the yeare of or Lord One Thousand Sixe hundred Fifty and seaven were and I.e., the next Quarter Sessions beginning 21 April , 1658 ( at which he was commanded to appear ) . This date, as also in thefive indictments which follow in the text, refers to the conviction . They were all proclaimed at the Sessions of 15 January, 1657/8 (15.3 1657). Cf. document (3), (a) and (b), pp. 138, 140. The names added at the base of this and the following indictments are those of witnesses for the prosecution.






JANUARY 1657/8

either of them was above the age and were sic are] and .... as ( 1), p.[ 115]for either of them is suspected .... [formula . Theophilus Smith Thomas Butler Gregory Hardwicke Robert Seawell Edmond Paxton

[Endorsed] A true bill (6) [Ignored bill against John Aslyne for being a " Papist ."] * London ss . The Jurors for the Lord Protector .... doe present that John Aslyne of the parish of Andrew Undershaft in the ward of Lymestreete London aforesaid the Fowerteenth day of December In the yeare of or Lord One Thousand sixe hundred Fifty and seaven was above the age

[formula as ( 1), p. 115]. John Crowe Christofer Iles Robert Davis John Adams [Endorsed] Wee cannott fynde this Bill


(7) [Indictment of Alexander Devellenour and two other persons for being " Papists."]

Taken by the Commission of the Peace London ss . The Jurors for the Lord Protector doe present 15. 3. Proclaimed 21.6.1658 . convicted that Alexander Devellenour of the parish of Andrew Wardrobe in 15.3 Proclaimed the ward of Castlebaynard London aforesaid Gent Lambert Bresson 21.6.1658.convicted 15.3 Proclaimed of the parish and ward aforesaid Merchant and Nicholas Goree of





21.6.1658.convicted the parish and ward aforesaid Taylor the Eighteenth day of December In the yeare of or Lord One Thousand sixe hundred Fifty and seaven were and every one of them was above the age and were [sic for are] and every one of them is suspected [formula as (1), p. 115 . ] Edward Turner Tho : Stedman

[Endorsed] A true bill (8)

John Maycocke Rich : Peddar

Indictment of Peter Delavere and Barnard Dargabell for [being " Papists."]

Taken by the Commission of the Peace London ss. The Jurors for the Lord Protector doe present 15.3 . Proclaimed 21.6.1658 . convicted that Peter Delavere of the parish of Bartholmew Exchange in the


* The face of this document is scored of ignored bills. 1.e. , 15 January , 1657/8 .


the usual treatment in the case


JANUARY 1657/8



15.3 . Proclaimed ward of Broadstreete London aforesaid Merchant Barnard Darga21.6.1658.convicted bell of the parish and ward aforesaid Merchant [ and Elizabeth Haverland of the parish and ward aforesaid Widdow scored the Eighteenth day of December In the yeare of or Lord One Thousand sixe hundred Fifty and seaven were and every one of them was above the age and were [sic for are] and every one of them is .... as (1), p. 115 . suspected formula [ ]


Wm Savage John Lawson John Watts Tho : Edmonds Endorsed agaynst Delevere & Dargabell onely true A bill [ ] SESSIONS






/ *

[Recognizance for the appearance of Andrew Kinge to answer.1657 ]

London ss . Be it remembred yt on ye 15th day of March before me Sr Robt Knt Alderman & one of ye Justices of ye Peace for ye Citty of London came And: Kinge of Gyles London Merchant & was deliverd into bayle to Tho: Smyth of Math: friday St M: * in Cheapsid gold smith till ye first day of ye next Sessions of ye Peace houlden for ye Citty of London to answer und: ye Penalty of ye said And: LI & ye said surtye XL" yt then etc. otherwise etc. [signed Robert Tichborne Appeared For being suspected to be a Recusant file for the previous Sessions of 19 February , 1657/8, is extant and * Thewith complete Newgate calendar, but yields no matter of special interest to Catholics . The present file contains the records of S.P. 19 March, Q.S.P. 19 April, and G.D. 21 April . The Newgate calendar of the last date is extant. In this calendar is an entry of the committal to Newgate on 15 April of Henry Binstedd (or Binstead), of Chichester, co . Sussex, on a warrant for high treason . Subsequent records show that by August, 1658, ten others had joined him in prison on similar charges , viz ., Henry Neave (or Neve), of St. Buttolph's , Aldersgate, Gent.; Henry Bate (or Bates ), of Harlington , co. Bedford , Gent.; William Current (or Carent), of St. Foster's, Cheapside, merchant; Jonathan Hancocke, of St. Clement Danes, co . Midds. , goldsmith ; Humphrey Breach, of St. Anne's Blackfriars , tailor ; John Tirwhitt or Terwhite), of St Andrew's, Holborn , Gent.; John Goodwin, Edward (Vagar , Samuel Amey, and Richard Hall. The last mentioned person, committed on 15 May, died in Newgate of a Violent malignante feavor " on June, 1658. (Inquisition-post-mortem on the file of 8 July) . The rest, except Goodwin, were kept in gaol till October, 1658, when their liberty was allowed them upon finding security for their good behaviour. Goodwin was in Newgate till 15 December . It is probable that they were suspected of the royalist and anabaptist conspiracy threatening in that year, but the exact nature of the charges is nowhere stated in these records. The surname Tichborne is omitted in MS . stands for Matthew . The parish of St. Matthew , M: , probably also had the name of St Matthew in Cheap . Friday St. Cf. Harben, " Dictionary of London , p. 402. The words M: in Cheapsid in MS. are thus " probably only explanatory of " Math: friday St.










APRIL 1658


QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE , BEGINNING 21 APRIL , 1658. 1 ( ) [A list of reputed Catholics in London . * London ss . The names of the Persons presented by the Constables and Churchwardenswthin the Citty of London that are suspected and reputed to be Papists and Popishly affected the 19th of March 1657 * 21.6 . procl sum Charles Collonell Gent a Frenchman lodging and dieting att the house of John Sell att the signe of the Hen & Chickens in Hamons Key in the parish of Buttolph Billingsgate John Chamberleine Gent a Lodger att Edward procl sum Everitts house in Fetterlane in the Parish of Andrew Holborne procl sum Mary Aberall Widdow & dwelling in Plough William her sonne yard in Fetterlane in the Parish last aforesaid Lodgers att procl sum (Michaell Russell Stephen Russell the house of procl sum all Ancent [ sic] Russell (merchants procl sum Mr Leonard Lemyng in procl sum Vestien Francke Joseph Coverare their the parish procl sum Pauble servant [ sic] of Andrew procl sum Undershaft Jeames Aslyne Merchant Lodger in the house procl sum of Mr Wm Adams in the Parish aforesaid Lodging att John Walgrave Merchant Mris Sarah procl sum Frances Walgrave his wife Kinnestons procl sum house in the Spinsters Vivion Elizabeth & procl sum Parish of their Elizabeth Hood gone servants George Buttolph Lane Lodging att Robert Jasper Lugg Merchant gone Goodspeeds in the his Mary Lugg gone Magdalen Lugg sisters Parish aforesaid gone Samuel Burch of the parish of Sepulchers procl sum Lampblower Thomas Burch of the same parish Lampblower procl sum Anne Burch his wife procl sum



' '

' '



' '

'' ''

'' ''

'' ''

' '

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' '' ''

Written on three sides of a large folded paper. The note concerning the *similar list on the file of January, 1657/8 (p. 119), applies also to this document. I.e. , 1657/8 . I.c., proclaimed and summonedon 21 April [ 1658 . These marginal notes were evidently added by an official in court at the current Sessions.




procl sum

' '




APRIL 1658


Robert Turner an Apprentice to Wm Jefferson of the Parish of Mary Abchurch

Taylor Henry Lusher of the parish of Dunstan in the West Apothecary his wife Doctor Francis Pruiean Doctor of Physicke & the wife of the said Doctor of the parish of


procl sum

' '

Martins Ludgate Nicholas Detray of the parish of Buttolph Algate Smyth Nicholas Fountaine of the same parish Glasseprocl sum maker procl sum Indico Mace Merchant of the Parish of Dionis Backchurch procl sum Mortymer Doctor of Physicke of the same parish procl sum Harris Gent' lodging att the house of Mr Charles Harris in the same parish procl sum Thomas Lenthall Doctor of Physicke of the parish of Buttolph Aldersgate 21.6 . App & abiured William Lewis Doctor in Divinity of the same Parish procl sum Mris Mary Owen of the same Parish procl sum Nicholas Bishopp Taylor Lodger att one William Lemons a Cooke att the signe of the Feathers in the same parish dead Mary Chillingsworth of the parish of St Bridgett otherwise Brides Spinster procl sum Margarett Smyth wife of John Smyth of the Parish of Gregoryes by Paulls Lynnendraper procl sum Jane Wilcocks Widdow of the parish aforesaid procl sum Robert Crumlington Apprentice or servant to Mr James Hayes of the parish of Bennett Sherehogg procl sum Francis Ballew Gent' liveing in the house of Lewes Priddie in Buttolph Lane in the parish of Andrew Hubbard

' ' ' '

procl sum

' '

' '


' ' ' ' '

] ]


' ' '

' ' '


' '

' '

marginal note occurs against this double entry in MS. * No A space is left here in MS . for Christian name. I.c., " On 21 April he appearedand abjured."



procl sum

' ' procl sum procl' sum' ' ' procl sum [ ' ] *' ]*



' '

procl sum


procl sum procl sum procl sum procl sum

'' '


' '

procl sum

' '

procl sum

' '

procl sum procl sum procl sum

' ''' ''

procl sum procl sum

' ' ' ' procl sum '


procl sum

' ' ' ''

procl sum procl sum

'' ' ' '

procl sum procl sum


APRIL 1658

Nicholas Gorey in Duke Humphryes in the Parish of Andrew Wardrobe


Jane Gorey his wife Nicholas Delamott in Flower deluce Lane in the parish aforesaid Lucis Lamott [sic his wife Peter Celier Merchant of the parish of Martins Orgars Margarett Celier his wife James Gilbert Merchant Lodgers with the Ambrose Gilbert Merchant said Peter Celier Robert Siger lodging att Mr Bevings house and servant to the Venice Embassador in the Parish of Giles without Cripplegate John Odall Bookebinder of the Thomas Deale Tobaccoecutter same Thomas Weston Stocking seller parish Katherine Littleberry Spinster lodging at Mris Gilpins of the same parish Widdow Peirshe Shepalier a Frenchman and Fringmaker lodging att the house of Thomas Billings in the same parish Alice Williams Widdow lodging att the Widdow Tomlins in the same parish Peter Leadore Merchant of the same Anne Leadore his wife parish Jane Edwards Widdow lodging att the house of Elizabeth Allens of the same parish Widdow Barnard Smythson Apothecary of the parish


Elizabeth his wife

of Olaves

Silverstreete Augustine Cornell Agent for the Portugall Embassador of the parish of James Dukesplace Cresse Merchant of the parish of Ethelborough wife of John Coles John Baptista Guyatt Merchant ) ofthe parish Bridgett his wife of Olaves Anthony [sic] Guyatt Spinster Hartstreete their Sister


marginal note occurs against this entry in MS. * ANospace is left here in MS. for Christian name .



APRIL 1658

Adrian Henricke Merchant

procl sum procl sum procl sum procl sum procl sum procl sum procl sum

'' ' '' ''




Katherine his wife

Adrian Henricke their sonne Winifred && their Daughters


ofthe parish of Olaves

Mary Hartstreete Katherine Ball their servant Mary wife of Robert Cole merch John Fitzharbart servant to Mr Simmons in gone Markelane in the parish aforesaid 21.6 . App & abiured John Chaffey a Somersett sheire gent & of the Middle Temple London lodging att John Rapsons





' ' procl sum ' ' procl sum

procl sum

' '


' ' ' '

procl sum procl sum


in Lothbury in the

parish of Margarett Lothbury Lewis Perin of the parish of Michaell Crockedlane Merchant his wife * Gio Torriano an Italian Merchant lodging att Mr Foremans house in the shoemakers Rowe in the parish of Anne Blackfryers Stephen Quyney Taylor Lodging att Mr Tarbetts house in the Shoemakers Row in the same parish Anthony Symons Taylor Lodger att Mr Bullocks in the Round Court in the same parish Hadan Court wife of Hadan Court a French Merchant neere the Church of the same parish Dittye Russell Taylor lodging att Mr Randvilles house in Bridewell Lane in the same parish Harmond Skildermond a Journeyman Taylor att Mr PennyCoates Swann Alley [sicthein same parish in Francis a Journeyman Taylor Lodger att Mr Atkeys in Bridewell Lane in the same parish Dupree a Journey [sic] Taylor lodging att Mr Willoughbres in Bridewell Lane in the same parish Michaell & Journeymen Taylors lodging att Mris Joyes a Widdow neere the Raniere Broadplace in the same parish * A space is left here in MS. for Christian name. The word house is interlined in MS .



procl sum




procl sum





procl sum

' '

' ' '


' '' '

procl sum procl sum

procl sum

' ' ' ' procl sum procl' '' ' procl sum ' ' procl sum procl' ' '' procl sum



procl sum

' ' ' '

procl sum

Ember Williams a Freenchman & housekeeper neere the Broade place in the

Lodging att the said Ember Williams

procl sum procl sum

APRIL 1658

same parish William Gribarvall Watchmaker Mary his wife

gone gone




Anthony Cussett a Journeyman Taylor in

Bridewell lane in the same parish Francis Mazott Merchant of the parish of Theodore Wyer Merchant Michaell Cornehill Francis Brunett Merchant lodging att Mr Francis Pardinis Merchant * in the parish of Dunstans in the East Mary Katherins Lodging att Widdow Statons in the same parish Bartholmew Murtoyne Merchant Lodging att Widdow Suche in the same parish William Tasburye servants to the said Francis Pardinis of the same Bassill More parish John Selby Apprentise to Godfrey Burton of the parish of St John Baptist John Centeylyon Merchant Lodging att one Doctor Burrells in John Reare his servant the parish of Alhallowes Stayn-

yng Anthony Mychard Merchant of the parish of Alphage Jasper Duewart a Portugall gent lodging att Mr John Lawrence his house in Phillipp Lane in the parish aforesaid


Record of proceedings against the persons named in the [preceding document.


London ss . Be itt remembred that att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Munday the Nineteenth day of Aprill In the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke Esq Sr John Ireton Knight Aldermen of the said Citty The word Merchant is interlined in MS . * The word John is interlined in MS.

Written on parchment.



APRIL 1658


Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid And alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors within the same Citty Committed That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adiorned by the aforesaid Justices there untill Wednesday the One and Twentyeth day of the said moneth of Aprill in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices and others their fellowes further to doe as the Court should Consider etc. And thereuppon att the same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish & ward aforesaid on the said Wednesday the said One and Twentyeth day of Aprill in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty aforesaid Sr Thomas Atkin St Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke Esqr Sr John Dethicke Knight Aldermen of the said Citty Sr Lislebone Long Knight Sr John Ireton Knight and Thomas Aleyne Esq" Aldermen of the Citty aforesaid Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors with in the same Citty Committed The said Justices of the peace in pursuance of the late Act of Parliament begun att Westm the seaventeenth day of September in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Sixe made for discovering convicting and repressing of Popish Recusants did deliver here att this Quarter Sessions in open Sessions severall presentments to be Recorded of the names sirnames addicions and places of abode of the severall persons here under named being of the age of Sixeteene yeares which had been presented above Fowerteene dayes before the said Quarter Sessions to the said Justices by the Constables and Churchwardens of the severall parishes here under mencioned uppon their severall Oathes to be suspected or reputed to be Papists or popishly Affected And the said Justices of the peace haveing uppon the said presentments issued their warrants to the Constables of the parishes aforesaid severally and respectively thereby requiring them to Summon every such person soe presented according to the said Act and the Constables of the severall parishes aforesaid haveing returned their said respective Warrants here in this open Quarter Sessions to be entred uppon Record and severally made Oath here of the due execucion thereof And thereuppon William Lewis Doctor in Divinity of the parish of Buttolph Aldersgate and John Chaffey Gent' of the Middle Temple London and of the parish of Margarett Lothbury Twoe of the said persons soe presented & Summoned as aforesaid did now severally and respectively make his and their personall appearance uppon Record and in this open Sessions did severally take and subscribe the oath of Abiuracion in the said Act mencioned Butt the said other persons soe presented and summoned as aforesaid or any of them did not now here make appearance uppon Record nor in




APRIL 1658

this open Quarter Sessions take and subscribe the oath in the said Act mencioned and thereuppon the said Justices in this openQuarter Sessions aforesaid did make proclamacion that every person soe presented & summoned as aforesaid shall personally appeare att the next Quarter Sessions of the publike peace to be holden for the said Citty of London then & there to take the said oath according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid or otherwise every of them makeing Default therein such their default wilbe Recorded and every of them wilbe adiudged a Popish Recusant Convict to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid The names sirnames addicions & places of abode of the persons abovemencioned suspected or reputed to be papists or popishly affected

Charles Collonell Gent a Frenchman [The list of names and addresses given in the preceding document is here repeated, with



certain differences.] * And afterwards to witt att the said next open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London that is to say att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the said Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Munday the Fifth day of July in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the said Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John KendrickeEsq Sr Thomas Vyner Sr John Dethicke Knights and Thomas Aleyne Esq Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors with in the same Citty Committed That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adorned by thaforesaid Justices there untill Thursday the Eighth day of the said moneth of July in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden at Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices and others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should Consider etc. And thereuppon att the same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the said Citty by the adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the said parish of Sepulchers and in the ward last aforesaid on the said Thursday the said Eighth following differences occur in this list as compared with the pre* The ceding paper: (a) All marginal notes are omitted , except 8.9 . Abiured, which occurs opposite the name of Doctor Francis Pruiean (cf. p. 143 ). (b) The entries concerning the following persons are omitted : Elizabeth Hood; Jasper Lugg , Mary Lugg, and Magdalen Lugg ; Henry Lusher and his wife ; William Lewis ; Mary Chillingsworth ; Peter Celier, Margarett Celier; James Gilbert , Ambrose Gilbert ; John Fitzharbart; John Chaffey; Anthony Symons ; Harmond Skildermond ; Dupree; Raniere; William Gribarvall and Mary his wife .




APRIL 1658


day of July in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty aforesaid Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke John Fowke Esqrs Sr Thomas Vyner Sr John Dethicke Knights Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty Sr John Ireton Knight & Thomas Aleyne Esqr Aldermen of the Citty aforesaid & others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses & other misdemeanors with in the same Citty Committed cometh the aforenamed Doctor Francis Pruiean Doctor of Physickof the parish of Martins Ludgate whoe att & in the last Generall open Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London was presented to be suspected & reputed to be a Papist or popishly affected & was then & there summoned & proclaimed as aforesaid And now herein this open Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the said Citty of London by the Adiornament aforesaid hee did personally make his appearance uppon Record & now here in this open Sessions did take & subscribe the said oath of Abiuracion mencioned in the Act aforesaid And afterwards the said Justices of the peace did here againe make proclamacion that every of the said other persons soe presented Summoned & proclaimed as aforesaid not now yett appeareing shall now here personally appeare att this open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace here holden for the said Citty of London and now here take the said oath of Abiuracion according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid or otherwise they & every of them now here makeing Default therein such their Default wilbe Recorded & everyof them wilbe adiudged a Popish Recusant Convict to all Intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid Neverthelesse the said other persons soe presented Summoned & proclaimed as aforesaid to witt thaforenamed Charles Collonell John Chamberleine Mary Aberall William her sonne Michaell Russell Stephen Russell Ancent Russell Vestien Francke Joseph Coverare Pauble Jeames Aslyne John Walgrave Frances his wife Elizabeth Vivion Samuell Burch Thomas Burch Anne his wife Robert Turner Nicholas Detray Nicholas Fountaine Indico Mace [ * Mortymer * Harris Thomas [ Nicholas Lenthall MrisMary Owen Bishopp Margarett Smyth Jane Wilcocks Robert Crumlington Francis Ballew Nicholas Gorey Jane his wife Nicholas Delamott Lucis Lamott his wife Robert Siger John Odall Thomas Deale Thomas Weston Katherine Littleberry Peirshe Shapalier Alice Williams Peter Leadore Anne his wife Jane Edwards Barnard Smythson Elizabeth his wife Augustine Cornell wife of John Coles John Baptista * Cresse [ Guyatt Bridgett his wife Anthony Guyatt Adrian Henricke Katherine his wife Adrian Henricke their sonne Winifred & Mary their Daughters Katherine Ball Mary wife of Robert Cole Lewis Perin his wife Gio Torriano Stephen Quyney Hadan Court wife of Hadan Court Dittye Russell Francis Michaell Ember Williams






[ ]

* A space is left here in MS. for Christian name.




APRIL 1658

Anthony Cussett Francis Mazott Theodore Wyer Francis Brunett Mary Katherins Bartholmew Murtoyne William Tasburye Bassill More John Selby John Centeylyon John Reare Anthony Mychard Jasper Duewart or any of them did not now here make appearance uppon Record Nor in this open Quarter Sessions did take and subscribe the oath in the said Act mencioned therefore the default of them & every of them is now here Recorded & they & every of them are Adiudged Popish Recusants convict to all intents & purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid

(3) (a) [Record of proceedings against five persons indicted at the Sessions of January , 1657/8 , for being Papists.


Be itt remembred that att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Wednesday the Thirteenth day of January In the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Seaven before Richard Chiverton maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Andrewes Knights and John Fowke Esq" Aldermen of the said Citty Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid And alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors with in the same Citty Committed by the oathes of Thomas Hudson Thomas Smyth Thomas Harman Robert Mordent Thomas Hiller Eusebius Gurry William Hiller Thomas Haycocke Giles Bloomer Richard Phillipps Edward Nuell Stephen Wood Silvester Deane Michael Williams and Thomas Webb good and lawfull men of the Citty of London aforesaid then and there sworne and charged to inquire for the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions and Territoryes thereunto belonging and the body of the Citty aforesaid is presented that Alexander Devellenour of the parish of Andrew Wardrobe in the ward of Castlebaynard London aforesaid Gent Lambert Bresson of the parish and ward aforesaid merchant and Nicholas Goree of the parish and ward aforesaid Taylor the Eighteenth day of December [the indictment against these persons , given on page 128, is here repeated, all notes and minutes being omitted ] And that Peter Delevere of the parish of Bartholmew Exchange in the ward of Broadstreete London aforesaid Merchant and Barnard Dargabell of the parish and ward aforesaid Merchant the Eighteenth day of December the indictment against these persons (cf. page 128) is here repeated, the entry concerning Elizabeth Haverland and all notes and minutes being omitted ] And afterwards to witt on the said Thirteenth day of January in the yeare aforesaid That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty aforesaid was adiorned by thaforesaid Justices there untill Friday the Fifteenth day of the said moneth of Januaryin the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the London ss .






APRIL 1658


ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid before the aforesaid Justices & others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should consider etc. Whereuppon att that said open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden by the said Adiornament att Justicehall aforesaid in the said parish of Sepulchers in the ward aforesaid on the said Fifteenth day of January in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Richard Chiverton Maior of the Citty aforesaid Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Fowke Esq Sr Christopher Packe Sr John Dethicke Sr Robert Tichborne Knights Aldermen of the said Citty Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty John Ireton Thomas Aleyn and Walter Bigg Aldermen of the Citty aforesaid Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors with in the same Citty committed Proclamacion was made by the said Justices according to the forme of the Statutein this case made and provided By which Itt was commanded that the said Alexander Devellenour Lambert Bresson Nicholas Goree Peter Delevere and Barnard Dargabell soe presented as aforesaid shall personally appeare att the next open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace to be holden for the Citty of London then & there to take and subscribe the Oath of Abiuracion mencioned and expressed in the Statute aforesaid or els uppon their default then to be Recorded they shalbe adiudged popish Recusants and every of them shalbe adiudged a popish Recusant convict to all Intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid Att which next open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London that is to say att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Cittyof London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Munday the Nineteenth day of Aprill in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke Esq and Sr John Ireton Knight Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors within the same Citty committed That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adiorned by the aforesaid Justices there untill Wednesday the One and Twentyeth day of the said Moneth of Aprill in the yeare last aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices and others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should consider etc. And thereuppon att that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish and ward last aforesaid on the said Wednesday the said One and Twentyeth day of Aprill in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of




APRIL 1658

the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke Esq & Sr John Dethicke Knight Aldermen of the said Citty Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty Sr John Ireton Knight & Thomas Aleyne Esqr Aldermen of the Citty of London aforesaid and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanorswith in the same Citty committed the said Alexander

Devellenour Lambert Bresson Nicholas Goree Peter Delevere and Barnard Dargabell soe presented and proclaimed as aforesaid did not make their appearance nor any of them did make his or their appearance uppon Record att the last said mencioned open Generall Quarter Sessions Nor in the same open Generall Quarter Sessions did take or subscribe nor any of them did take or subscribe the oath aforesaid but therein made default and every of them then and there did make Default and his & their Default therein is Recorded Therefore they the said Alexander Devellenour Lambert Bresson Nicholas Goree Peter Delevere and Barnard Dargabell are adiudged popish Recusantsand every of them is adiudged a popish Recusant convict to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid in that case made & provided etc. (b) [On the dorse of the above document is the following record of proceedings against the four other persons indicted for being Papists at the Sessions of January, 1657/8 . London ss. Be itt remembred [preamble as in preceding record (3a) above] within the same Citty committed That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty aforesaid was adiorned by thaforesaid Justices there untill Friday the Fifteenth day of the said moneth of January in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices & others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should Consider etc. And thereuppon by certaine Inquisicions taken att that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish & ward aforesaid on the said Friday the said Fifteenth day of January in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Richard Chiverton Maior Atkin , Foote, Fowke, Packe, Dethicke, Tichborne , Lislebone Long, Ireton, Aleyn , and Bigg, as in preceding record (3a) down to misdemeanors with in the same Citty committed ] by the oathes of Thomas Hudson [the names of the jurors given in preceding record (3a) are here repeated] good and lawful men [as in preceding record] itt is presented that James Aslyne of the parish of Andrew Undershaft in the ward of Lymestreete London aforesaid merchant the Nynethday of January [the indictment given on page 127 is here repeated, all notes and minutes being omitted] And that John Marquesse of Winchester of











APRIL 1658


the parish of Alhallowes on the Wall in the ward of Broadstreete London aforesaid the Nyneth day of January [the indictment and minutes being given on page 127 is here repeated, all notes.... omitted ] And that Jane Wilcox of the parish of Gregoryes neere Paulls in the ward of Farringdon wthin London aforesaid Widdow & Margarett Smith the wife of John Smith of the parish and ward aforesaid Lynnendraper the Eighteenth day of December .... [the indictment given on page 127 is here repeated, all notes and minutes being omitted] Whereuppon att that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London by the said Adiornament att justicehall aforesaid in the said parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid on the said Fifteenth day of January in the yeare aforesaid before the Justices last named and others their Fellowes Justices aforesaid Proclamacion was made by the said Justices according to the forme of the Statute in this case made and provided By which itt was commanded that the said James Aslyne John Marquess of Winchester Jane Wilcox and Margarett Smith soe presented as aforesaid shall personally appear att the next open General Quarter Sessions of the publike peace [as in preceding record (3a) down to according to the forme of the Statute aforesaid "] Att which next open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same as in preCitty on Munday the Nineteenth day of Aprill ceding record down to same Citty misdemeanors with the in "



committed the said James Aslyne John Marquesse of Winchester Jane Wilcox and Margarett Smyth soe presented and proclaimed as aforesaid did not make their appearance & their Default therein is Recorded Therefore they the said James Aslyne John Marquesse of Winchester Jane Wilcox and Margarett Smyth are adiudged popish Recusants conclusion as in preceding record (3a)].


.... [

Record of the abjuration of Anne Penkevell alias Safyrah (4) [Benkeine, John Chaffey and William Lewis. London ss.


Be itt remembred that att the open General Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att and in the Guildhall of the same Citty on Munday the Nyneteenth day of Aprill in the yeare of or Lord One thousand sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights and John Kendricke Esq" Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid And alsoe to heare and determyne divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors wthin the same Citty committed came personally Anne Penkevell of the parish of Alhallowes on the Wall London Widdow whoe by the name of Safyrah Benkeine of the parish aforesaid Widdow att and in the last open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London was presented to be suspected or reputed to be a Papist or popishly




APRIL 1658

affected and was then and there summoned & proclaimed in the same open Sessions according to the late Act made for discovering convicting and repressing of Popish Recusants and now here in this next open Quarter Sessions holden for the Citty of London shee did personally appeare and now here did take and subscribe the Oath of Abiuration in the same Act mencioned in theis words folowing to witt Anne Penkevell of the parish of Alhallowes on the Wall London Widdow otherwise called Safyrah Benkeine of the parish aforesaid Widdow doe abiure and renounce the Popes Supremacy and Authority over the Catholique Church in Generall and over my selfe in perticuler And do believe the Church of Rome is not the true Church And that there is not any Transsubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper or in the Elements of bread and wine after Consecration thereof by any person whatsoever And doe alsoe beleive that there is not any Purgatory And that the consecratedHoast Crucifixes or Images ought not to be worshipped neither that any Worshipp is due unto any of them And alsoe beleive that Salvation cannott be merited by workes And do sincerely testify and declare that the Pope neither himselfe nor by any Authority of the Church or See of Rome or by any other meanes with any other hath any power or authority to depose the Cheife Magistrate of these nations or to dispose of any the Countryes Territoryes thereunto belonging or to authorize any Forreigne Prince or State to invade or annoy him or them or to discharge any of the people of theis Nations from their obedience to the cheife Magistrate or to give Licence or leave to any of the said people to bear Arms raise tumults or to offer any violence or hurt to the person of the said CheifeMagistrate or to the State or Government of these Nations or to any of the people thereof And do further swear That do from my heart abhor detest and abiure this damnable Doctrine and Position That Princes Rulers or Governours which be excomunicated or deprived by the Pope may by vertue of such Excommunication or Deprivation be killed murthered or deposed from their Rule or Government or any outrage or violence don unto them by the people that are under them or by any other whatsoever uppon such pretence And do further sweare That do believe that the Pope or Bishop of Rome hath noe Authority power or Jurisdiction whatsoever within England Scotland and Ireland or any or either of them or the Dominions or Territoryes belonging to them or any or either of them And all Doctrines in affirmacion of the said points do abiure and renounce wthout any equivocation mentall reservation or secrett evasionwhatsoever taking the words by me spoken according to the common and usuall meaning of them And do believe no power derived from the Pope or Church of Rome or any other person can absolve me from this my Oath and I doe renounce all Pardons & dispensations to the contrary. Soe helpe me God.












The marke of Anne


APRIL 1658




Alsoe att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace first above mencioned holden for the Citty of London before the Justices before named came personally John Chaffey Gent of the Middle Temple London lodging in the parish of Margarett Lothbury London whoe now here * was likewise presented to be suspected* to be a Papist or popishly affected and was summoned to appeare now here att this open Quarter Sessions as aforesaid and did now here take and subscribe the Oath of Abiuracion mencioned in the Act aforesaid in these words following to witt John Chaffey Gent of the Middle Temple London lodging in the parish of Margarett Lothbury doe abiure [formulaof Oathas







[signed] John Chaffey

Alsoe att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace first abovemencioned further holden for the said Citty of London by Adiornamt att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the Parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon wthout London on Wednesday the One and twentieth day of Aprill In the yeare above written before the Justices above named & others their Fellowes Justices aforesaid came personally William Lewis of Aldersgatestreete in the parish of Buttolph wthout Aldersgate London Doctor in Divinity whoe att the open Quarter Sessions first abovemencioned was likewise presented to be suspected or reputed to be a Papist or popishly affected & was summoned to appeare att this open Quarter Sessions as aforesaid & did now here take & subscribe the oath of Abiuration mencioned in the Act aforesaid in these words following

to witt William Lewis of Aldersgate Streete in the parish of Buttolph wthout Aldersgate London Doctor in Divinity doe abiure [formula of Oath as above]


[signed] W. Lewis



Record of the abjuration of Francis Prujean .] [London ss. Be itt remembred that att the open Generall Quarter

Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London by

Adiornament att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid on Thursday the Eighth day of July in the yeare of or Lord One ThowsandSixe hundred Fifty and eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John Kendricke John Fowke Esqrs and Sr Thomas


The words now here are interlined in MS . * The MS. words to be suspected are interlined


This file includes also the records of the G.D. Sessions of 8 July, together with the Newgate calendar of the latter date. The file for the preceding Sessions of 26 May is extant (with Newgate calendar), but contains no matter bearing on the history of Catholics.




JULY 1658

Vyner Knight Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors wthin the same Citty committed came personally Francis Pruiean Doctor of Physicke of the parish of Martins Ludgate London whoe by the name of Doctor Francis Pruiean Doctor of Physicke of the parish aforesaid att and in the last open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London was presented to be suspected or reputed to be a Papist or popishly affected and was then and there summoned & proclaimed in the same open Sessions according to the late Act made for discovering convicting and repressing of Popish Recusants and now here in this next open Quarter Sessions holden for the Citty of London hee did personally appeare and now here did take and subscribe the oath of Abiuracion in the same Act mencioned in theis words following to witt Martins Ludgate London I Francis Pruiean of the parish offormula Doctor of Physicke doe abiure of Oath as in (4), [

p. 142]

[signed] Fran : Pruiean




[Recognizancefor the appearance of Thomas Mabb to answer


ІІ ОСТОВЕК 1658. *

and of Henry Hills to prosecute. London ss. Bee it remembred that on ye third Day of October In the yeere of our Lord one Thousand six hundred Fifty and eight Thomas Williams of Little Brittaine in the parish of Bottolph Aldersgate Pewterer and undertooke for Thomas Mabb of the parish of Faith Stacioner under the paine of Twenty pounds and the said Thomas Mabb undertooke for himselfe under the paine of Thirty pounds which they did severally graunt to be levied etc. upon Condicion that if the said Thomas Mabb shall personally appeare at the next Sessions of the Peace to be holden for the Citty of London at the Guildhall to answear etc. and not Departe etc. and in the meane time be of the good behavior That then etc. Otherwise etc. signed John Ireton




Henry Hills of Bottolphs Algate printer bound in XXI to prosecute for printing popish bookes and resistinge the officers that came to search his house



contains also the documents relating to the G.D. Sessions of * This fileThe Newgate calendar of the latter date is attached. The file

14 October.

for the preceding Sessions of 18 August (with Newgate calendar) is extant, but contains no matter relating to Catholics. The usual phrase before St John Ireton Alderman and one of the Justices of the peace for the Cittyof London came is here omitted in MS.





(2) [Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Weston to

answer and of Thady Bourn and Christopher Waker to prosecute. London ss. Be it remembred that the eighth day of October in the yeare of or Lord 1658 before Robert Lord Tichborne Alderman & one of the Justices of the peace for the Citty of London came Thomas Waker of the parish of Butt . Aldergate [sic Skinner and Henry Brand of the same parish Peuterer and undertooke for Thomas Weston of the parish of Giles Creplegate Labourer that is to say of the sureties aforesaid under penalty of XX and the said Thomas Weston then present undertooke for himselfe under penalty of XLII wch they did severally grant to be levied of theire & every of their Lands and Tenemts goods and Chattells to the use of the said Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland & the Dominions & Territories thereto belonging by way of Recognizance upon Condition that if the said Thomas Weston shall personally appeare at the next generall Sessions of the publike peace to be holden for the Citty aforesaid then & there to answer etc. and not to departe etc. [Signed Robert Tichborne





All App



Thady Bourn of Covengarden upholstor & Christopher Waker of Cliffords Inne gent bound in XL to prosecute the said Weston upon suspition of being a Roman Catholik & endeavouring to seduce severall people to that religion (3) [Record of the abjuration of Thomas Weston. London ss. Be itt remembred that att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London by Adiornament att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the Ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid on Thursday the Fowerteenth day of October in the yeare of or Lord One Thousand Sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Sr John Dethicke Knights Aldermen of the said Citty & others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid & alsoe to heare and determine divers Fellonyes Trespasses and other misdemeanors wthin the same Citty Committed came personally Thomas Weston of the parish of Giles without Cripplegate Stockingseller whoe by the name of Thomas Wesson Stockingseller att and in the last open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London was by the Constables and Churchwardens of the said parish of Giles without Cripplegate presented to be suspected to



Christopher is interlined in MS. * The nameSessions

I.e., the

of the preceding July the file of which, however, " Papist."


contains no record of Weston's presentment as a






be a Papist or popishly affected & was then and there Summoned & proclaimed in the same open Sessions according to the late Act made for discovering convicting and repressing of popish Recusants And now here in this next open Quarter Sessions holden for the Citty of London hee did personally appeare & now here did take and subscribe the Oath of Abiuration in the same Act mencioned in theis words following to witt Thomas Weston of the parish of Giles with out Cripplegate London Stockingseller doe abiure [formula of Oath as in (4),


p. 142


The marke W of Thomas Weston

(4) [Indictment of Mary Mabb for assaulting John Field.] 12. * pleadeththat her name is Mercy & not Mary


London ss . The Jurors for the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland & Ireland and the Dominions & Territoryes thereunto belonging uppon their oathes doe present that Mary Mabb late of London spinster otherwise called Mary Mabb the wife of Thomas Mabb late of London Printer the Five & twentieth day of September in the yeare of or Lord One thousand sixe hundred Fifty and Eight wth force & armes & att London that is to say in the parish of Faithes in the ward of Farringdon wthin London aforesaid in and uppon one John Feild Citizen and Stacioner of London in the peace of God and in the publike peace then & there being did make an assault and him the said John Feild then and there did beate wound and evilly intreate soe that of his life itt was greately dispaired and other hurts and harms to the said John Feild then and there did To the greate damage of the said John Feild And against the publike peace etc. John Feild Endorsed] A true Bill Rich. Clarke



[Mercy Mabb's plea of Misnomer. London ss . And now that is to say att the Generall Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London Att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Munday the Thirteenth day of December in the yeare of or Lord One Thousand sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr John Ireton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights and John Kendricke Esq Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid & alsoe to heare and determine divers Fellonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors wthin the same Citty Committed Cometh Mercy Mabb the wife of Thomas Mabb of London Printer in her owne person and haveing heard the Indictmt aforesaid read unto her sayth that she hopeth that his Highnesse the said Lord Protector her the said Mercy for the premisses by the name of Mary Mabb ought not nor will further Impeach or trouble Because shee sayth


November (1658) at the Sessions of the Peace begun at the * I.e.,on12this Guildhall day. Witnesses for the prosecution.





that shee the said Mercy att the time of the takeing of the Indictm aforesaid and before and allwayes afterwards had to her Christian name Mercy and by that Christian name allways from the Tyme of her Birth was Baptized named called and knowne by the name of Mercy And that shee the said Mercy hath not nor ever had the name of Mary nor by that name of Mary was ever Baptized named called or knowne as by the Indictmt aforesaid above against her is supposed And this shee is ready to verify As the Courte shall Award And thereof prayeth the Judgemt whether shee ought to answere any further to the Indictmt aforesaid And that shee may goe thereof wthout Day etc. *

(6) [Indictment of Thomas Mabb for printing a

popish " book.] London ss . The Jurors for the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions & Territoryes thereunto belonging uppon their oathes doe present that pu se 13.2 a Jury not Guilty discharged Thomas Mabb late of London Printer the Five & twentieth day of September In the yeare of or Lord One thousand sixe hundred Fifty and Eight wth force & armes & att London that is to say in the parish of Faithes in the ward of Farringdon wthin London aforesaid one unwarrantable popish and superstitous booke written in the English tongue beareing this title to witt Englands old Religion out of Bedes owne words unlawfully & uniustly did print and cause to be printed In Contempt of the Lawes of England To the greate dainger of perverting the people of England from the true service of Almighty God To the evill Example of all others in the like case offending Against the forme of the Statute in this case made & provided And against the publike peace etc. John Feild Endorsed A true Bill Richard Clarke ] [




12 JANUARY, 1658 9.8 Record of proceedings against reputed Catholics in London .

[London ss . Be



itt remembred that att the open Generall Quarter-

files give no information of further proceedings in this case. * Subsequent 13 December (1658) the Sessions the Peace begun on





day at the Guildhall . Expanded, the whole note runs : At the present Sessions ( October) he puts himself upon a jury of his country . On December 13th a Jury is summoned; he is found not guilty and is discharged. This last word is represented in MS. by ad. Witnesses for the prosecution. This file contains also the records of the G.D. Sessions begun at Justice Hall on 12 January. The current Newgate calendar, as usual , wraps the file. Among the G.D. indictments is filed an inquisition -post-mortem on John Sumner , a prisoner in Newgate, for suspicion of High Treason of which he lay convicted," who died in gaol 1 January , 1658/9, " of God's visitacion . Inquest taken same day . Since his name does not occur on the London calendars we may assume that he was a Middlesex prisoner. The file for the preceding Sessions of 15 December is extant (with Newgate calendar), but contains no information likely to refer to Catholics. This document is not accompanied , as were the similar Records on

" "








JANUARY 1658/9

Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Munday the Eleaventh day of October In the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred

Fifty and Eight before Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Knights John

Kendricke Esq Sr Thomas Vyner Sr John Dethicke Knights Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanorswthin the same Citty Committed That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adiorned by the aforesaid Justices thereuntill Thursday the Fowerteenth day of said Moneth of October in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon with out London aforesaid before the aforesaid Justices and others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should Consider etc. And thereuppon att that same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the parish & ward aforesaid on the said Wednesday* the said Fowerteenth day of October in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Sr Richard Chiverton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Andrewes Sr Thomas Foote Sr Thomas Vyner Sr John Dethicke Knights Aldermen of the said Citty Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other misdemeanors wthin the same Citty committed in Pursuance of the late Act of Parliament begun att Westm the Seaventeenth day of September in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Sixe made for discovering convicting and repressing of Popish Recusants did deliver here att this Quarter Sessions in open Sessions severall presentments to be Recorded of the names sirnames addicions and places of abode of the severall persons here under named being of the age of Sixeteene yeares which had been presented above Fowerteene dayes before the said Quarter Sessions to the said Justices by the Constables and Churchwardens of the severall parishes here under mencioned uppon their severall Oathes to be suspected or reputed to be Papists or popishly affected And the said Justices of the peace haveing uppon the said presentments issued their warrants to the Constables of the parishes aforesaid severally and respectively thereby requiring them to Summon every such person soe presented according to the said Act And the Constables of the severall parishes aforesaid haveing returned their said respective Warrants the files for January , 1657/8, and April, 1658, by an earlier draft (on paper) of the list of Catholics it contains. * Sic in MS . An error for Thursday. After committed some such words as " The said Justices of the peace (omitted in MS.) seem to be required.


JANUARY 1658/9



here in this open Quarter Sessions to be entred uppon Record and severally made Oath here of the due execucionthereof Neverthelesse the said persons soe presented and Summoned as aforesaid or any of them did not now here make appearance uppon Record nor in this open Quarter Sessions take and subscribe the Oath in the said

Act mencioned and thereuppon the said Justices in this open Quarter Sessions aforesaid did make proclamacion that every person soe presented & Summoned as aforesaid shall personally appeare at the next Quarter Sessions of the publike peace to be holden for the said Citty of London then & there to take the said Oath according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid or otherwise every of them makeing Default therein such their default wilbe Recorded and every of them wilbe adiudged a Popish Recusant convict to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid The names Sirnames addicions and places of abode of the persons above mencioned suspected or reputed to be Papists or popishly affected John Lilley Waxchandler of the parish of Austins Robert Cromlington of the parish of Bennett Sherehogg London Drugster servant to * Hayes Widdow John Walgrave Merchant of the parish of Georg Frances his wife Buttolph Lane Elizabeth Viveon their maidservant John Chamberleyne liveing att Mr Edward Everetts house in Fetterlane in the parish of Andrew Holborne Mary Aveyrall liveing in Ploughyard in Fetterlane in the parish aforesaid William Brookes liveing in Blacke swanyard in Holborne in Anne his daughter the parish aforesaid Margarett Smyth wife of John Smyth of the parish of Gregoryes neere Paulls Jane Wilcox Widdow of the same parish William Gill Apprentice to Francis Clifford of the parish of Christophers Samuell Birch Lampblowers liveing in Angell Courte on Thomas Birch Snowhill in the parish of Anne Birch wife of the said Thomas Sepulchers John Toiana att Mr Dolhams house in Shoemakers Row in the parish of Anne Blackfryers Mr Hadan Cores wife in Glassehouse yard in the same parish Frances Kite att Mr Tewders house in Waterstreete in the same parish Dity Russell att Mr Ranwells house in Paved Alley in the same parish Ember Williams in the Nooke in the same parish Mable Hobson att Mr Deubyes house against the Church in the same parish



* A space is left here in MS . for Christian name.




JANUARY 1658/9

Stephen Coyne att Mr Turberts house in Shoemakers Rowe in the same parish Nicholas Detray Smyth Sarah Hunt Widdow Waterbearer of the parish of Buttolph Hugh Hanaken Smyth without Algate Rackett John Angelo Peter Prynne John Baptista Guyatt Merchant of the parish of Olaves Bridgett his wife Hartstreete Anthony Guyatt Spinster their Sister Mary wife of Henry Cole Merchant of the same parish Adrian Henwicke Merchant Katherine his wife Adrian his sonne of the same parish Mary & his daughters Wineffred Katherine Ball their servant Henry Lusher of the parish of S. Dunstans in the West London his wife Barnard Smithson of the parish of Olaves Silverstreete Sisell Fisher his man John Seagar servant to the Venice Embassador lodging att Mr Bevens house in the parish of Gyles without Cripplegate John Odall Bookebinder Thomas Dale Tobaccoecutter Katherine Littlebury Widdowes Francis [sic] Linsly Peircy Shavileers Frenchman and Fringmaker in the same parish Peter Ledore Merchant [ his wife * Thomas Weston Stockingseller Alice Williams Widdow lodging att Widdow Tomlyns Augustine Cornell Agent for the Portinggall Embassador in the parish of James Dukes place John Tilman Shoemaker in the same parish John Leads Painter of the parish of Katherine Creechurch John Parsons Musition lodging att the house of the said John Leads in the same parish Winefred his wife Nicholas Lamote Harnessemaker lodgeing att James Feacks house Lucy his wife Jin Duke Humphryes in the parish of Andrew Wardrobe Nicholas Gorey Taylor in Duke Humphryes in the parish aforeJane his wife said Francis Mazott Merchant of the parish of Michaell Cornehill Theodore Wyen* his servant






A space is left here in MS. for Christian name. Wyen here. Cf. Wyer in preceding list for April, 1658 (p. 134).



JANUARY 1658/9

Lewes Perene Merchant


lodging att the Signe of the Starre in Thams streete in the parish of Michaell Crookedlane Nicholas Farreroe Merchant Lodging att the Tanners in the parish Francis Tully his servant of Alhallowes on the Wall Jasper Bennett Merchant Lodging att William Walls house in Tunn ally in the parish aforesaid Thomas Macklin Merchant lodging att William Kings there Mary Aylsworth the wife of Peter Aylsworth in the same parish Barnadoe Maddeson Marchant lodging att Mr Cottons in the same parish Merchant , [sic Lodgers att Mrs Elizabeth Phillipp Carcovell Debreadus Clarkes Widdow in the same parish Mr John Bulke Merchant Lodging att John Colsons a Vict in Queenes head ally in the same parish Thomas Roach Merchant lodging att Widdow Randalls in the same parish Charles Berenger French merchant his wife in the same parish Francis Barnadoe Mary Katherines Lodging att the house of Elizabeth Staton in Tower streete in the parish of Dunstan in the East William Tasburghe servants to Francis Pardeny in the same parish Basil Moore Lawrence Debustee French merchants in the parish of Hellens Peter Delaman Doctor Lenthall Doctor of Physicke of the parish of Buttolph wthout Aldersgate Mary the wife of Francis Owen Nicholas Bishopp Taylor lodging att Mr Lemins house att the signe of the Feathers a Cooke in the same parish James Beasely Perrywigmaker in Legg Ally neere Fleetebridge in Elizabeth his wife the parish of Brides Thomas Smythson lodging att Mr John Folsetts house Barber Chirurgion in Newstreete neere Sholane in the same parish Gabriell Tressee Merchant in the parish of Ethelborow And afterwards to witt att the said next Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the Citty of London that is to say att the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the said Citty of London att the Guildhall of and in the same Citty on Friday the Seaventh day of January in the yeare of or Lord One Thowsand Sixe hundred Fifty and Eight before Sr John Ireton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Sr John Dethicke Knights & Thomas Aleyn Esqr Aldermen of the said Citty and others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other



his wife


[ ]*


[ ]

is left here in MS . for Christian name. * A space 1658/9 . Fossetts

? or





JANUARY 1658/9


misdemeanors wthin the same Citty Committed That same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace was adorned by thaforesaid Justices thereuntill Wednesday the Twelveth day of the said Moneth of January in the yeare aforesaid att Seaven of the Clocke in thaforenoone of the same day to be holden att Justicehall in the Old Bailey in the parish of Sepulchers in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid before thaforesaid Justices and others their Fellowes further to doe as the Courte should consider etc. Att which same open Generall Quarter Sessions of the publike peace holden for the said Citty by the Adiornament aforesaid att Justicehall aforesaid in the said parish of Sepulchers and in the Ward last aforesaid on the said Wednesday the said Twelveth day of January in the yeare aforesaid before thaforesaid Sr John Ireton Knight Maior of the Citty of London Sr Thomas Atkin Sr Thomas Foote Sr Thomas Vyner Sr John Dethicke Sr Richard Chiverton Knights Aldermen of the said Citty Sr Lislebone Long Knight Recorder of the same Citty and Thomas Aleyne Esqr Aldermen of the Citty aforesaid & others their Fellowes Justices assigned to keepe the publike peace in the Citty aforesaid and alsoe to heare and Determine divers Felonies Trespasses & other misdemeanors within the same Citty Committed The said persons soe presented Summoned and proclaimed as aforesaid to witt thaforenamed John Lilley Robert Cromlington John Walgrave [the names of all the persons in the list above are here repeated, in the same order or any of them did not now here make appearance ] uppon Record Nor in this open Quarter Sessions did take and subscribe the oath in the said Act mencioned therefore the default of them & every of them is now here Recorded & they & every of them are Adiudged Popish Recusants convict to all intents & purposes whatsoever according to the forme of the Act of Parliament aforesaid All which wee the Justices before named doe hereby humbly certify unto his Highnes Courte of Exchequer from Justicehall aforesaid the Twentyethday of January in the yeare aforesaid


FILE FOR SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 18 MAY, 1659. (1) [Recognizance for the appearance of Joseph Clerke to prosecute Theodore Connell. ] London ss . Md that the tenth day of May 1659 Came personally before mee Sr John Ireton Knt Lord Mayor of the Citty of London & one of the Justices etc. Joseph Clerke of St Giles in the feilds gen & then & there acknowledged himselfe to owe to his Highnesse the Lord Protector etc. XXI of lawfull etc. to bee levyed etc. That hee shall appeare at next sessions of Gaole delivery & prosecute agst Theodore Connell etc. : Maior [signed John Ireton accused to bee a Romeish Preist Appeared







The files for the two preceding Sessions of 23 February and 13 April are extant , but contain no matter formally relating to Catholics. Each has its Newgate calendar intact.




MAY 1659


Newgate calendar, entitled " The Gaole Deliverie of Newgate [holden Justice Hall for ye Citty of London ye Old




Baylie on Wensday ye 18th of May 1659 ; inter alia Reprived in Theodore Connell Com: to ye sd Gaole by verGaole wthout Baile tue of ye Ld Maior his warr Gaole being a Romish Preist: next for till Dat: 10th May 1659 * Delivery





for the appearance of Henry Fenwicke to take the [Recognizance Oath of Abjuration.


London ss . Upon the 21th Day of Aprill 1659 : before Sr Thomas Atkin & Sr Thomas Andrewes Knts two of ye Aldermen & Justices of the peace for the said Cittye came Henery Fenwicke of London gent & acknowledged himselfe to owe unto his Highnes the Lord Protector the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull mony of England upon Condicion That ye sd Hennery shall personally appeare at ye next quarter sessions to be holden for ye sd Cittye to take the Oath of abiuracion, & not Departe etc. Then etc. otherwise etc. Atkin [signed] Tho :Tho : Andrewes made defalt


CHARLES . 29 May, 1660-6 February , 1684/5 .



So far the only records at our disposal concerning the proceedings at Guildhall and Old Bailey Sessions have been the Files. From the time of Charles II, however , three other sources are also available, viz., Sessions Books , beginning August 1662 (complete after 1666) ; Books of Estreats of Fines , Amerciaments and Recognizances for"

feited and assessed, " complete from 1659 ; and a very incomplete The dorse of the calendar has a note to the effect that the G.D. Sessions began on Thursday the xixth of May 1659. This is probably an error.


"County Wednesday May," is confirmed by the Gaol Delivery Register: cf. , "Middlesex Records, iii, 296 "



Subsequent files and calendars contain no further mention of Theodore Connell. It would appear, therefore, that before 29 June following , he either died or was discharged. The records of the G.D. Sessions of 29 June are included in this file, to which is attached also the Newgate calendar of that G.D. date. Two other files of the Protectorate period remain ( each with a Newgate calendar attached ), but neither contains any explicit references to Catholics. They are for the Sessions beginning 17 August and 5 October, 1659. The files for the last two Sessions of this period, i.e. , of 13 January and 22 February , 1659/60, have disappeared .





collection of miscellaneous Sessions Papers . A description of each of these series will be found in the Introduction . Since the Estreats of Fines " Books merely summarise the information which may be ascertained with greater fulness from the Files and Sessions Books , they have been passed over in the compilation of the present book, except for purposes of reference . Nevertheless , is to be observed that, being the only complete series of Sessional records covering all the years of this reign, they afford practically conclusive evidence on two important points, namely: (a) that in London under Charles II, until the outbreak of the Oates Plot persecution ( 1678 ), married women were exemptedfrom paying the fines for recusancy , even though convicted for this offence (see Introd., p. lii) ; (b) that in London from the beginning of this reign (June 1660) until December 1673, there were no judicial proceedings against Catholics in the matter of recusancy . Concerning this latter point the argument from the silence of the Estreats of Fines " Books is confirmed in a similar way by the existing "Files and Sessions Books . Seventy-two of the original hundred and five files are extant for these thirteen years , but none of them contains any matter relating to prosecutions for recusancy . The Sessions Books cover an even greater number of the Sessions held in this period, but again no references to the subject are to be found therein. While it is thus fairly certain that in London, until December 1673 , the laws against recusancy were not enforced , nevertheless there is evidence of considerable activity, between January 1661/2 and December 1664, in the prosecution of those who refused to take the Oath of Allegiance , contained in the statute " For the better discoveringand repressing of Popish Recusants " ( 3 James , c. 4). Curiously enough , it is probable that all the persons so proceeded against at this time were actually Quakers a then newly-formed body who , of course, refused to take oaths of any kind . Several of these persons were certainly Quakers , being either so named in the documents themselves or traceable in the archives of the Society of Friends; and since the majority of them are bracketed together on the Newgate Calendars which give the record of their imprisonment, the probability is that all were such . Some Catholics may, however , be included among them, and it is for this reason that give below a brief summary of the facts gathered from the Sessions Files . The names of the ascertained Quakers are asterisked : the query indicates doubtful , but probable, identity with a Quaker of the same name .










Nathaniel Kennick committed to Newgate 14 January 1661/2. Died there 17 April 1662 (inquest taken 18

April) .

convicted at Old Bailey John Crooke , late of London, Gent. John Bolton, Goldsmith 26 June 1662 and com3 " Isaac Grey, mitted to Newgate. Gent . (?) Robert Cobbett,,, committed to Newgate 8 June 1662 , " till he take " the oath." *John Woolridge, committed to Newgate 11 June 1662 , " till he take the oath."






• Richard Greeneway Samuel Fisher Henry Greene *Samuel Goodaker John Grimshawe

Richard Pilgrim

(?) John Howell

William Hart Robert Ewen (?) Richard Smith alias Swift Humphrey Hawthorne Edward Agas Levi Cooke Samuel Bradley John Hamersley Samuel Nettleford

committed to Newgate (between 14 May and 26 June 1662 ) " till they take the oath.


Thomas Orchard

Note. None of these persons William Johnson (?) Edward Andrewes (Crooke to Bailey inclusive) ap(?) Edward Southen alias Southwood pears on the Newgate calendar for July 1663 (intervening calen(?)William Kerby dars are missing ) . All were thereCuthbert Herle Charles Bailey fore released before that date . Richard Russell , bailed on 26 June 1663 to appear at the Sessions of 15 July following, but made default. Samuel Chidley, committed to Newgate between 12 October and 7 December 1664; liberated at Sessions of latter date .





[Indictment of George Bowman and eleven other persons for recusancy. * ]

London ss.

Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu' pre-


be remarked that in these documents the reign of Charles * It should as beginning on January 30th, 1648/9, the date of his father's is reckoned . execution The twelve years of the Commonwealth and Protectorate are thus counted as part of his reign. The present file has a Newgate calendar attached . An inquisition -post- mortem, dated 6 December, 1673, recording the natural death of one George Turner in Newgate, is also filed. The document gives neither the cause of imprisonment nor the actual date of death . Attention may be called , in passing , to an indictment which occurs on the file for the Sessions beginning 10 October, 1666, against Robert Hubert, " on 2 September late of London, labourer," for starting the Great Fire of London of that year. He was convicted and sentenced to be hanged . The document is interesting in view of the rumours circulated then and particularly at the time of Oates's plot to the effect that Catholics were responsible for that terrible event. The re- enforcement of the penal laws against recusants was occasioned by public consternation at the marriage of James , Duke of York, to the Catholic Mary of Modena on September 30th of this year, and at James's determination, when his bride arrived in England (November 21st), to live openly as a Catholic at St. James's palace rather than in the country . Cf. Lingard (1883 ed.), , 239 ix .







9.3 . Placit Misnomer 25.4 . Eat sine die etc. sentant quod GeorgiusBowman de Paroch sancti Sepulchri in Ward





9.3 . Placit' Misno-


de Farringdon extra London pred Corkecutter Katherina Bowman . Eat inde sine die etc. de paroch et ward pred Spinster alias dicta Katherina Bowman uxor pred Georgii Bowman Maria Burgesse de paroch et warď pred vid Jana Mason de paroch et ward pred vid Benedictus Prosser de paroch et ward pred Aurifaber Willelmus Presson de paroch et ward pred Aurifaber Thomas Barton de paroch et ward pred Barbitonsor Samuel Burch de paroch et ward pred Lampblower Johannes Edwards de paroch et ward pred ] Anna Edwards de paroch et ward pred Spinster alias dicta Anna Edwards uxor pred Johannis Edwards Thomas Dancer de paroch et ward pred Victualler et Thomas Kerlede paroch et ward pred in medicin doctor quinto die Septembr Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc' Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. vicesimo quinto fuer' et quilibet eor fuit Etat Sexdecim Annor' et amplius et adtunc et adhuc Inhabitan et comoran angce Inhabiteing and dwelling infra hoc Regnu Angl videlicet apud paroch et ward pred et non accesser nec eor aliquis accessit angce did not repaire ad Ecclesia sua parochial sancti Sepulchri pred nec ad aliqua ' al Ecclesia Capell sive usual locu Communis precacionis et divini Servitii et ibidem remanser et remansit tempore communis precacionis et divini Servitii sed voluntarie et obstinate absque aliqua causa racionabil abstinuer ' et quilibet eor abstinuit ab eisdem angce hath and have forborne the same a pred quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto supradicto usque diem Capcionis huius Inquisicionis videlicet per spaciu Triu mensiu integror et ultra Contra forma Statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Proclamat fuer iuxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera mer 25.4


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(2) [Indictment of Ignatius Decocke for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Ignatius Decocke de


' ....

* Ang.: On 9 January [ 1673/4 he pleads misnomer ; on 25 February [the plea is allowed, therefore] let him go without a day etc." Cf. document (44) in text, p. 174. A space is left here in MS. for word indicating status or occupation of John Edwards. Herle in Recusant Roll of 1674 (P.R.O.: E377/69) . This variant formula of the indictment for recusancy was employed in London throughout the present reign. Ang.: They were proclaimed according to the form of the statute etc. On 9 January [ 1673/4 they made default , therefore etc. ; i.e., as a result of their failure to appear at the next Sessions (January, 1673/4 ) they were all except George Bowman and his wife convicted of recusancy according to their indictment . Cf. documents (15) and (34) in text (pp . 164 and 172), which describe this procedure. Cf. also Introd. , p . xlii .













paroch sancti Martini Outwich in ward de Broadstreete London pred Mercator quinto die Septembr Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl vicesimo quinto fuit Etat Sexdecim Annor et ibidem remansit et non accessit absque aliqua causa racionabil abstinuit per spaciu Triu' mensiu [rest of formula as ( 1) above ] Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. Ideo etc. 9.3 Def fec Vera Endorsed Billa ] [



' ....





' '


Indictment of Robert Moody for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Robertus Moody de paroch sancti Christoferi in ward de Broadstreete London pred Perrivicesimo quinto wiggemaker quinto die Septembr Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu as .... (2 above] formula ) [ Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera













' ' '


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' ....'


(4) [Indictment of Jasper Cloett and Peter Vandermiller for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Jasperus Cloett de paroch sancti Benedicti Fincke in ward de Broadstreete London pred Lapidarius et Petrus Vandermiller de paroch et ward pred Lymner quinto die Septembr' Anno vicesimo quinto fuer et uterque eor fuit Etat Sexdecim annor non accesser nec eor uterque accessit abstinuer et uterque eor abstinuit per spaciu Triu mensiu rest of formula as (1) above] [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. Def fec Ideo etc. 9.3 [Endorsed ] Billa Vera







'' '





.... '

' .... '




' ' ' ' '

(5) [Indictment of Charles Beranger and five other persons for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur .presentant quod Carolus Berangerde paroch sancti Petri Pauperis in ward de Broadstreete London Broaker 9.3 po se 25.4.1673 . non pros per Attorn General Cess Daniel Arthur de paroch et ward pred Mercator Anthonius Depre-




' ' ' ' ' ' ' proces * ' mont de paroch et ward pred Mercator Franciscus Vanbrooke de ' ' ' Jacobus Vespreete de paroch et paroch et ward pred Mercator ' ' ' ward pred Mercator et Petrus Busler de paroch et ward pred ' ' 'per' ' ' Lymn quinto die Septembr' Anno .... vicesimo quinto spaciu Triu mensiu [formula as (1) above] ' ' ' forma Proclamat fuer Juxta Statut etc. 9.3 . Def' fec Ideo etc.



' ''



] Billa Vera

Ang.: On 9 January [ 1673/4 he puts himself [ ' not guilty upon a " ] ; on 25 February] , 1673 [i.e., 1673/4 . a non prosequitur jury*of his country ] ." Cf. following is entered Attorney General ; the process ceases by [document in ] textthe .







(6) [Record of stay of proceedingsagainst Daniel Arthur.] London ss. Alias scilicet ad Deliberacion Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall in le Old Bailey London in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred die Mercurii scilicet Decimo die Decembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl' Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. vicesimo quinto Cora Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London Edwardo Turner Milit et Baronett Capitali Barone Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Christofero Turner Milit un Baronu Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Ricardo Rainsford Milit un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad placita cora ipso Rege tenend assign Willelmo Wilde Milit' et Baronett al Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita cora' ipso Rege tenend assign Timotheo Littleton Milit' al Baronu Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Roberto Attkins Milit Balnei ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco Thoma Aleyn Milit' et Baronett' Johanne Lawrence Milit Thoma Bludworth Milit Willelmo Peake Milit Samuel Starling Milit Ricardo Ford Milit' Georgio Waterman Milit Aldermannis Civitat pred Johanne Howell Milit servien ad legem ac Recordatore eiusdem Civitat' Roberto Vyner Milit' et Baronett Josepho Sheldon Milit Dionisio Gawden Milit Thoma Davis Milit Francisco Chaplin Milit et Dannett Forth Armigero Aldermannis dicte Civitat et Georgio Gefferyes Armigero Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de Prison in ea existen deliberand assign per sacramentum Willelmi Streete Ricardi Chase Nathaniel Holton Samuel Marsh Mauritii King Ricardi Davis Willelmi Rowseby Johannis Taylor Johannis Hutton Thome Symonds Samuel Gosson Israel Felgate Roberti Browne Abrahami Taylor Thome Harrison Beniamini Gurnell et Johannis Merrey probor et legaliu hominu Civitat London pred adtunc ' et ibidem iurat et onerat existen' ad inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege et corpore Civitat pred extitit presentat quod Daniel Arthur de paroch sancti Petri Pauperis [the indictment for recusancy against Daniel Arthur alone is here repeated: formula and dates as (2) above; all notes omitted ] Ad quam quidem Deliberacion' dicte Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate proclamacio facta fuit Et per eandem proclamacionem adtunc et ibidem mandat fuit quod Corpus pred Daniel ' Arthur reddit sit angce should be rendred Vic Civitat London pred ante tunc prox Deliberacion Gaol pred in et pro Civitat London pred tenend iuxta forma Statut' pred et modo scilicet ad pred prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent in et pro Civitat London apud Justicehall pred in dicta paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward pred die Veneris scilicet Nono die JanuariiAnno vicesimo quinto supradicto cora prefat Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London Edwardo Turner Milit et Baronett Capitali Barone Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Ricardo Rainsford Milit un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita cora ipso Rege tenend assign Timotheo Littleton Milit al Baronu Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Roberto Attkins Milit Balnei ac un















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Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco Francisco North Milit Attornat Domini Regis General Thoma Aleyn Milit et Baronett Johanne Lawrence Milit Willelmo Peake Milit Willelmo Turner Milit Aldermannis Civitat' pred Johanne Howell Milit servien ad legem ac Recordatore eiusdem Civitat ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de prison in ea existen' Deliberand assign ' ven' pred Daniel Arthur in propr' persona sua sub Custod Henr Tulse Milit et Roberti Geffery Mil Vicecom Civitat London pred in Quor custod Idem Daniel Arthur preantea ex causa pred seipsum reddidisset Et habit audit Indictament pred dicit quod ipse non est inde Culpabilis et de hoc pon se super patriam et Franciscus North Miles Attornat dicti Domini Regis nunc General qui pro eodem Domino Rege modo in hac parte sequit similiter etc. Ideo ven inde Jurata cora prefat Justic ad prox Deliberacion Gaol pred pro Civitat London pred tenend ad Recogn' etc. Et qui etc. Quia tam etc. Idem dies dat est tam prefat Francisco North Milit qui sequit etc. quam prefat Daniel Arthur etc. Et super hoc de gra Cur special Idem Daniel Arthur Tradit" in Ball Beniamino Hinton de paroch sancti Edmundi Regis London Aurifabr et Thome Langham de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate London Gener usque prox Deliberacion dicte Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad prosequend travers sua cu effectu Sub pena prefat Daniel Arthur Centum librar Et utriusque pleg' suor' predictor Quinquagint librar quas etc. si etc. Ad quam quidem prox Deliberacion Gaol pred scilicet ad Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London pred apud Justicehall pred in dicta paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward pred die Mercurii scilicet vicesimo quinto die Februarii Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc vicesimo sexto Cora Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London [also Littleton , Attkins , Richardo Chiverton Milit ," Aleyn , Bludworth, Peake, Ford, Waterman , " Roberto Hanson Milit , and Howell: their additions repeated as above] " ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola' sua de Newgate de prison in ea existen Deliberand assign ven prefat Daniel Arthur iuxta Recognicion per ipsum et pleg suos in hac parte ut prefert Recogn in propr persona sua Ac protulit et deliberavit hic in Cur quodda warrant prefat Francisci North Milit qui sequit etc. Quod quidem warrant sequit" in hiis Anglicanis verbis sequen videlicet Whereas Mr Daniel Arthur Merchant stands indicted att Justicehall in the Old Bailey London for Recusancye These are therefore according to an order of his Matye in Councell beareing date the Thirteenthday of Februaryinstant To Authorize and require you forthwth to enter or cause to be entred a Nolle Prosequi uppon the said Indictmt and all proceedings Thereuppon And for soe doeing this shalbe yor warrt Given under my hand the Fower & Twentyeth day of February 1673 : * Fra: North To Mr Wagstaffe Towneclerke for the Citty of London Ideo Cess process














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* 1.c. , 1673/4 .







(7) [ Indictment of Martin Dyning and five other persons for

recusancy. London ss . Jur . presentant quod Martin Dyning de paroch sancti Bartholomei Excamb in ward de Broadstreete London pred Mercator Josephus Dullivier de paroch' et ward pred Mercator Lodovicus Dulivier de paroch et ward pred Mercator Carolus Debarbo de paroch et ward pred Mercator Michael Peters de paroch et ward pred Mercator Bosse de paroch et ward pred LymnerQuinto die Septembr' Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu [formula as (1) above] Proclamat fuer Juxtaforma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera













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[Indictment of Jonas Cudworth and three other persons for recusancy. London ss . Jur Cudworth de paroch . presentant quod Jonas ***Excamb sancti Bartholomei in ward de Broadstreete London pred Barber Thomas Webb de paroch et ward pred Factor Jacobus Dufoe de paroch et ward pred yeoman et Philippus Coppie de paroch et ward pred yeoman Quinto die Septembris vicesimo quinto Anno * per spaciu Triu mensiu as (1) above formula [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Vera Endorsed Billa ] [





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(9) [Indictment of Edward Cocker for recusancy.]

London ss . Jur presentant quod Edwardus Cocker de paroch sancti Vedasti alias Fosters in ward de Farringdon infra London Writing master Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo per spaciu Triu mensiu quinto formula as (2) above] [ Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera





( 10)






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[Indictment of Robert Almye for recusancy.]

9.3.po se 9. 2. 1674 JurLondon ss . Jur presentant quod Robertus Almye de paroch ata Cul forisfecit LX iuxta forma Statut etc. Ecclesie Christi in ward de Farringdon infra London pred Stavicesimo quinto per tioner quinto die Septembris Anno spaciu Triu mensiu [formula as (2) above] Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera









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A space is left here in MS. for Christian name. The additional note 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. is missing from this indictment . The omission is certainly an oversight, for the Sessions Book proves that Cocker, like the majority of the other persons indicted for recusancy at the December Sessions, 1673, failed to appear at the Sessions of the following month . Ang.: 9th [ 1673/4] he puts himself [ not guilty on a " On January 9th, 1674, a Jury [assembles ; he is jury of his country ]. On December ] etc. found guilty [and] forfeited £60 according to the form of the Statute " 17 , . 165 document ) in and note Cf. ( text p , .

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of Thomas Hall and two other persons

[ Indictment recusancy.]


9.3.po se 9.2.1674

London ss . Jur presentant quod Thomas Hall de paroch ....LX iuxta forma Statut etc. Jurata Cul forisfecit sancte Fidei in ward de Farringdon infra London pred Coquus Elizabetha Hall de paroch et ward [pred ] * Spinster alias dicta Elizabetha Hall uxor pred Thome Hall et Thomas White de paroch et ward pred Costermonger quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu [formula as (1) above] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def. fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed ] Billa Vera

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( 12)


















[Indictment of Mary Matthewes and nine other persons for recusancy.]

1674 po se London ss. Jur presentant quod Maria Matthewes de paroch Jurata Cul forisfecit LX iuxta etc. sancti Dunstani in Occiden in warda de Farringdon extra London vid Ricardus Tempest de paroch et ward pred Generos Ind 25.4 Alloc breve de Cerc Retornabile Va Pasche et 9.2 Johannes Mawson de paroch et ward pred Aurifaber Certificat po se 10.6 . 1674 placit mort Johannes Grant de paroch et ward pred Generos Gideon Harvey de paroch et ward pred in Medicin' Doctor Jana Nicholaus Smyth de paroch Harlington de paroch et ward





9. 2.

9.3 .









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9.3 . po se 9.2 . 1674 Jurata Cul foris-'

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et ward pred Barbitonsor Petrus Duffe de paroch et ward pred fecit LX iuxta forma Statut etc. Victualler Johannes Coffin de paroch et ward pred Jll et 9.3. po se 9.2.1674 Jurata Cul forisfecit LX iuxtaforma Statut etc. Willelmus Brand de paroch et ward pred Silversmythquinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu as (1) above] formula [ Proclamat fuer Juxtaforma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed ] Billa Vera





















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(13) [Record of the plea of Death for John Grant.] London ss .

Alias scilicet ad Deliberacion ' Gaol Domini Regis


* The word pred is omitted in MS . Ang.:


" of certiorari is allowed, ]returnable within fifteen days after 1673/4 a writ [Easter ,]and [the indictment ] is certified [into King's Bench etc. ] " Ang.: On January 9th [ 1673/4 he puts himself [ not guilty on a jury ' death is' pleaded ." "]; [at the Sessions beginning ] ] April 10th, 1674, of his country Cf. following document .

On December 9th [1673 he is indicted : on February 25th

in text

§ A space is left here in MS . for word indicating status of Jane Harlington . A space is left here in MS. for word indicating status or occupation of

John Coffin . K






de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall in le Old Bailey London in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred die Mercurii scilicet vicesimo quinto die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. vicesimo sexto Cora [ also Littleton , Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London Attkins , Chiverton , Aleyn, Bludworth, Peake , Ford, Waterman , Hanson, Howell , Sheldon, Gawden, " Jacobo Edwards Milit , and Chaplin ; their additions repeated as in document (6) above ac al sociis suis Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua' de Newgate de prison in ea existen' Deliberand assign quidam Johannes Graunt de paroch sancti Dunstani in Occiden London Haberdasher tradit fuit in Ball Daniel Arthur de paroch sancti Petri Pauperis London Mercator ' et Thome Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquo usque prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad prosequend travers sua cu effectu super quodda' Indictament versus ipsum Johannem Graunt nuper exhibit pro quibusda' transgr ' et Contempt Contra forma Statut pro uniformitate communis precacionis et divini servitii in Ecclesia et pro Administracione sacror Necnon ad retinend subdit dicti domini Regis in eor ' debit obedienc' edit unde Idem Johannes Graunt tunc nuper preantea Indictat fuit Et adhuc Indictat existit Sub pena prefat Johannis Graunt Centum librar et sub pena utriusque plegior suor Quinquagin librar quasquidem summas Centum librar et quinquagint librar Idem Johannes Graunt Daniel Arthur et Thomas Hall adtunc et ibidem separatim Recogn ' seipsos et quemlibet eor per se separatim et respective debere dicto Domino Regi de Bonis et Catall Terris et Tenement eorundem Johannis Graunt Daniel Arthur et Thome Hall et cuiuslibet eor per via Recognicion separatim levand ad usum dicti Domini Regis si pred Johannes Graunt deficeret in Condicion pred Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat ' London pred die Veneris scilicet Decimo * die Aprilis Anno vicesimo sexto supradicto Cora Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London Matheo Hale Milit Capitali Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Placita cora ipso Rege tenend assign Johanne Vaughan Milit Capitali Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco [also Christopher Turner, Attkins, Willelmo Ellis Milit al Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco, North, Aleyn, Lawrence, Peake , Ford , Waterman , Hanson, Howell , Vyner , Sheldon, Davis and Forth; their additions repeated as above and as in preceding document (6) ] ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de prison in ea existen Deliberand assign prefat Johannes Graunt licet solempniter exact non venit sed prefat Daniel Arthur et Thomas Hall in propr' personis suis












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* The clerk has omitted to state in this Record that the G.D. Sessions of 10 April were adjourned until April 29th, and that Grant and the other recusants were not required to appear until that adjournment. Cf. Sessions Book for 10 April , 1674, infra, p. 186, and note. Grant died on April 22nd→ a week before he should have appeared (infra, in the present document).







ven et dicunt quod Iidem Daniel Arthur et Thomas Hall prefat Johannem Graunt ad comparend modo hic habere non possunt quia dicunt quod ante istam eandem prox Deliberacion Gaol pred modo hic tent pro Civitat London scilicet vicesimo secundo die Aprilis Anno vicesimo sexto supradicto prefat Johannes Graunt apud dictam paroch sancti Dunstani in Occident mortuus fuit et obiit Et ibidem in dicta paroch sancti Dunstani in Occiden pred sepultus fuit Et hoc parat sunt verificare prout Cur etc. unde petunt Judiciu Et quod Iidem Daniel Arthur et Thomas Hall de premiss per Cur hic dimittant etc. Quodque bon et Catall Terr et Tenementa tam prefat Johannis Graunt quam ipsor Daniel Arthur et Thome Hall de Recognicion' pred erga prefat Dominum Regem exonerent Et Willelmus Wagstaffe Armiger Communis Clericus Civitat London qui pro predicto Domino Rege modo in hac parte sequit" pro eo quod tam per Relacionem et testimoniu multor fide dignor' de paroch sancti Dunstani in Occiden pred quam per sacramentum Johannis Farewell super sacrosancta dei Evangel in hac parte modo hic in Cur iurat' sufficienter hic in Cur testat est quod pred Johannes Graunt mortuus est et obiit apud dictam paroch sancti Dunstani in Occiden pred dicto vicesimo secundo die Aprilis Anno vicesimo sexto supradicto prout pred Daniel Arthur et Thomas Hall superius placitand allegaver hoc Idem Willelmus Wagstaffe non dedicit sed placitum ill ex parte dicti Domini Regis cogn fore verum Ideo cons' est per Cur hic quod tam bon et Catall terr et tenementa pred Johannis Graunt quam prefat Daniel ' Arthur et Thome Hall pleg prefat Johannis Graunt de Recogn pred erga dictum Dominum Regem penitus exonerent Quodque prefat Daniel Arthur et Thomas Hall inde per Cur hic dimittant et uterque eor dimittat etc. Et eant et uterque eor eat inde sine die etc.







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(14) [Indictment of Margaret Smyth and five other persons for recusancy . po se 25.4 . Allocat



London ss .

presentant quod Margareta Smyth de paroch Jur . breve de Cerc Retornabile XVa Pasche Et Certificat etc. pro ea tant

' in ward Farringdon extra London pred'' ' Ludgate sancti Martini ' ' ' et ward' pred'Egidius Vyner paroch vid Willelmus Roper ' Egidius ' paroch et ward pred de Fitz paroch et ward pred' ' [ Pemberton de paroch et ' ' Andreas'' Jacobus ward 'pred ' Crambleton paroch ward de



James de


[ Jet '' ' ' ' '






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pred Generos Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto 1) above as ( per spaciu Triu mensiu formula [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma .... Statut etc. 9.3 Def fecer Ideo etc. [Endorsed ] Billa Vera



I.e., at the Sessions of 29 April . is left here in MS . for word indicating status or occupation of A space Giles Fitz James . space is left here in MS . for word indicating status or occupation of James APemberton.






(15) [Record of the default and conviction of William Roper. ] * London ss. Alias scilicet Ad Deliberacion Gaol Domini Regis de ' as document (6) above, down to Newgate ad inquirend [ Rege pro dicto Domino et corpore Civitat' pred' extitit presentat " .... ] quod Willelmus Roper de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate in ward ' de Farringdon extra London pred Generos ' quinto die Septembris the indictment for recusancy against Roper alone is here .... [ : formula and dates as (2) above; all notes omitted] repeated Ad quamquidem Deliberacion' dicte Gaol' dicti Domini Regis de Newgate proclamacio facta fuit Et per eandem proclamacionem adtunc et ibidem mandat fuit quod Corpus pred Willelmi Roper reddit sit Et modo scilicet ad pred prox Deliberacion Gaol Nono die Januarii Anno dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent' as in document vicesimo quinto supradicto . .... (6) above, including [ names of Justices and dates, down to de prison' in ea existen' " Deliberand assign "] pred Willelmus Roper non reddidit corpus ' suu Vic Civitat ' London pred Nec fecit comparenc sua de ' ' ipsius Willelmi Roper' per Cur Recordo sed defalt' fecit Et defalt ' hic adtunc et ibidem Recordat' fuit per quod idem Willelmus Roper de premiss' sic ut prefert indictat existen legittimo modo Convict fuit et ad huc Convict existit 'secundum forma Statut ' ' in huiusmodi casu edit' et provis etc.










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(16) [Indictment of John Sadler and John Pitts for recusancy.]

9.3 po se 9.2 . 1674 JurLondon ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Sadler de paroch ata Cul forisfecit LX Juxtaforma Statut etc. sancti Johannis Baptiste in ward de Walbrooke London pred Mer9.3 po se 25.4 . non Cul Ideo eat inde sine die etc. cator et Johannes Pitts de paroch et ward pred Mercator Quinto die Septembris Anno Vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu as (4) above mensiu' formula [ ] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3. Def fecer Ideo etc. * Endorsed] Billa Vera




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English translation of this Record in Appendix B, p . 386. The document is important inasmuch as it describes the operation of the recusancy laws in the case of those the vast majority of recusants who, throughout the penal times, disregarded the summons to appear at the Sessions. See Introd., p. xlii . What is herein recorded concerning the proceedings against William Roper (and in the similar document (34) concerning Richard Staley and his wife) is applicable in its entirety to all the other recusants indicted at the Sessions. of December, 1673, to whom the annotation 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. refers Why the cases of Roper and the Staleys should have been singled out for special Records am unable to say. On January 9th [ 1673/4 he puts himself [' not guilty on a Ang jury of his country ] ; on February 25th [ 1673/4, he is found] not guilty. Therefore let him go [acquitted] without a day etc. The words 9.3 Def fecer Ideo etc. are clearly an error due to the carelessness of the clerk . That both Sadler and Pitts actually did appear on January 9th is stated in the interlinear notes over their names in this indictment .




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(17) [Record of proceedingsagainst John Sadler.]* London ss . Alias scilicet Ad Deliberacion' Gaol' Domini Regis de Newgate [as document (6) above, down to " ad inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege et corpore Civitat pred existit presentat ' quod Johannes Sadler de paroch' sancti Johannis Baptiste in ward de Walbrooke London pred Mercator [the indictment for ' recusancy against Sadler alone is here repeated: formula and dates as (2) above; all notes omitted Propter quod ad pred ] Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate publica procla' ' macio facta fuit super Indictament' pred secundum forma Statut ' in huiusmodi casu edit et provis' Quod pred Johannes Sadler redderet Corpus suu ' Vicecom Civitat London pred ante tunc prox Deliberacion' Gaol' pred et in 'pro Civitat London pred ' Regi de transgr et Contempt tenend Ad respond dicto Domino ' ' in Indictament pred superius specificat' aut aliter Convict foret ' iuxta Forma' Statut' in huiusmodi casu edit ' et provis ' Ad 'quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol' dicti Domini Regis tent in et pro Civitat London scilicet Ad Deliberacion Gaol' dicti Domini ' Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall pred in dicta paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward pred die Veneris scilicet nono die Januarii Anno vicesimo quinto supradicto cora prefat Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat ' London [also Edward ' Turner, Rainsford, Aleyn, Lawrence, Peake and Howell ; their additions repeated as in preceding documents on this file] ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de ' ' deliberand assign ven ' predictus Prison in ea existen Johannes ' ' Geffery milit Sadler sub custod Henr ' Tulse milit et 'Roberti vic' ' in cuius custodia ' Civitat London pred ex causa predicta preantea se reddidisset ad Barra hic duct in propr persona sua Et ' habit audit Indictament pred Dicit' quod Ipse non est inde Culpabilis Et de hoc ponit se super Patriam Et Willelmus Wagstaffe Ar Communis Clericus Civitat London qui pro predicto ' Domino Rege modo in hac parte sequit similiter etc. Ideo ven inde Jurata Coram Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad prox Deliberacion Gaol pred pro Civitat' London pred tenend ad Recogn etc. ' ' Et qui etc. Quia tam etc. Et idem dies Dat' est tam prefat ' Willelmo Wagstaffe Ar qui sequit etc. quam Johanni Sadler etc. Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion ' Gaol' dicti Domini Regis de Newgate

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An analysis of this Record is given in Appendix B, p. 387. Its importance lies in the fact that describes the treatment , not only of John Sadler (merchant), but also of Thomas Bentley, Maria Mathewes , William Brand , Peter Duffe, Gerard Bourne, Thomas Hall , and Robert Almye , who all similarly obeyed the summons and pleaded not guilty at the Sessions of January, 1673/4, and also of John Sadler (druggist) who appeared at the Sessions of the following February





Ad respond edit et provis . This phrase is omitted in the preceding documents (6) and ( 15 ) . Ang.: to answer to the said Lord the King for the trespass and contempt above specified in the indictment , or otherwise , he i.e. make default ] be convicted according to the form of the Statute in a case of this kind made and provided .



' .... '

cuius in MS. for quorum









scilicet Ad Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent as above die Mercurii scilicet Vicesimo quinto pro Civitat die Februarii Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc Vicesimo sexto Coram prefat Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London [also Littleton , Aleyn, Bludworth, Peake and Howell ; their additions repeated as in preceding documents on this file] ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola' sua' de Newgate de Prison in ea existen deliberand assign ven tam prefat Willelmus Wagstaffe Ar qui sequit etc. quam pred JohannesSadler in propr persona sua Et vic non mis ' inde breve* Ideo ut prius ven inde Jurata Coram Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de Prison in ea existen Deliberand assign Ad prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London pred tenend Et qui etc. Ad Recogn etc. Quia tam etc. Idem dies Dat est tam prefat Willelmo Wagstaffe Ar qui sequit etc. quam Johanni Sadler etc. Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol as above] tent pro Civitat' London die Veneris scilicet [Decimo die Aprilis Anno vicesimo sexto supradicto Coram prefat also Hale, Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London Aleyn, Lawrence, Peake and Howell ; their additions repeated as as above] in preceding documents on this file ] ac al sociis suis ven tam prefat Willelmus Wagstaffe Ar quam pred Johannes Sadler Ad Et vic non mis inde breve Ideo ut prius quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol tent pro Civitat die Mercurii scilicet vicesimo nono die Aprilis Anno London vicesimo sexto supradicto coram Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore also Vaughan, Rainsford , Aleyn, " Johanne Civitat London Fredericke milit ," Lawrence and Howell ; their additions repeated as in preceding Records ] ac al sociis suis [as above] ven " tam pred Willelmus Wagstaffe Ar quam pred Johannes Sadler Ad Et vic non mis' inde breve Ideo ut prius quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol tent pro Civitat London die Mercurii scilicet Tertio die Junii Anno vicesimo sexto supradicto Coram prefat Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London [also Edward Turner, Aleyn, Lawrence and Howell; their additions repeated as in preceding " Records " ac ven tam pred Willelmus Wagstaffe Ar al sociis suis [as above] quam pred Johannes Sadler Et vic non mis inde breve Ideo ut prius Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol

































.... Et vic non mis inde breve. '



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'' ' ' ' ' understand this to mean and the writ "

was not issued to the Sheriffs " and to refer to the writ venire facias to summon a jury. The writ in question was not sent out by Wagstaffe, the Town Clerk, until October 14th, 1674, when the Sheriffs were thereby required to have the jurors attend to try this case at the ensuing Old Bailey Sessions of 9 December an injunction which was duly executed as we may see by the record of the trial in the Sessions Book under that date (p. 195 in text). The original writs of venire for Sadler's case and for the cases of Bentley, Mathewes , etc. against whom, as is stated in a foregoing note, exactly similar proceedings were taken are preserved on a separate file (cf. Introd., p. xxxii, note) together with the jury panels . The same jurors tried all nine cases: their names are given in the present Record, infra . The reason for the many postponements of these trials is nowhere indicated.









tent' pro Civitat' London .... die Veneris scilicet Decimo septimo die Julii Anno vicesimo sexto supradicto Coram prefat Willelmo Hooker Milit' Maiore Civitat' London [also Edward Turner, Aleyn , Waterman , Hanson and Howell ; their additions repeated as in preceding Records . [as above] "] ac al' sociis suis Justic ven' tam pred Willelmus Wagstaffe Ar pred quam ' ....Ideo ut prius Johannes Sadler Ad Et vic non mis' inde breve quamquidem prox' Deliberacion Gaol' tent' pro Civitat die Mercurii scilicet Nono die Septembris Anno viceLondon simo sexto supradicto Coram prefat ' Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore ' also Edward Turner, Chiverton , Bludworth, Civitat' London [ as in Peake and Howell ; additions repeated William Turner, their as above preceding " Records "] ac al sociis suis Justic ] ' ' ven' tam pred Willelmus Wagstaffe quam pred[ Johannes Ar Sadler Ad Et vic non mis ' inde breve Ideo ut prius quamquidem prox ' Deliberacion Gaol tent' pro Civitat die mercurii scilicet Quarto decimo die Octobris Anno London vicesimo sexto supradicto Coram prefat Willelmo Hooker Milit' ' , Edward Turner, Maiore Civitat London ' , Lawrence, William [also Vaughan Aleyn , Fredericke Turner and Howell ; their additions repeated as in preceding " Records "] ac al sociis suis Wagstaffe Ar quam [as above ] ven' tam pred Willelmus pred Johannes Sadler Et vic non mis' inde breve Ideo ut prius tent' Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol' pro Civitat London die mercurii scilicet Nono die Decembris ' Anno vicesimo sexto supradicto Coram Roberto Vyner Milit et Baronett Maior' Civitat London [also Rainsford , Littleton, ' ' Windham , Atkins, Aleyn, Fredericke, Bludworth, Peake, Ford, Waterman and Howell ; their additions repeated as in preceding Records tam [as above] ven "pred "] ac al' sociis suis Justic Sadler Johannes Willelmus Wagstaffe in quam pred Ar .... pred' per Nathaniel Herne Milit propria persona sua Et Jur' Jurate et Johannem Lethulier milit Vic Civitat London pred ad hoc ' ' ' impannellat scilicet Gabriel Wettenhall Daniel Major Benjaminus Combes Petrus White Willelmus Foster Radulfus Stables Franciscus






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Plumer Johannes Bennett Fabian Browne Johannes Hancock Egidius Steele et Henricus Fleming exact vener qui ad veritat de premiss dicend electi triat et Jurat Dicunt super sacramentum suu quod pred Johannes Sadler est culpabilis transgr et Contempt pred contra forma Statut pred in Indictament' pred specificat ei Superius imposit modo et forma prout per Indictament pred superius versus eu supponit Ideo Cons est per Cur hic quod pred Johannes Sadler forisfaciat dicto Domino Regi pro transgr et Contempt pred Contra Forma Statut pred videlicet pro pred Tribus mensibus integris in quibus ipse non Accessit ad Ecclesiam sua parochial nec ad aliqua al Ecclesiam Capella sive usual locu Communis Precacionis et Divini Servitii Nec ibidem remansit tempore Communis Precacionis et Divini Servitii in Indictament pred specificat sed abstinuit ab eisdem angce did forbeare the same unde Ipse in forma pred Convict existit Sexaginta libras legalis

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monet Angl iuxta forma Statut pred Ac quod pred Johannes Sadler Capiatur etc. *







[Indictment of John Blake and seven other persons for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Blake de paroch sancti Swithini in ward de Walbrooke London Mercator * Bartholomeus Morlyede Naycoe de paroch et ward pred paroch et ward pred Mercator Lorenzo Madano de paroch et ward pred Mercator Lorenzo Nige de paroch' et ward pred § de paroch et ward pred yeoman yeoman et Alexander [ Lacchini de paroch et ward pred Mercator et Andreas Grove de paroch et ward pred yeoman Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu as (1) above formula [ Proclamat fuer iuxta ] forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Defalt fecer Ideo


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' ''



' ' ''


.... '



[Endorsed] Billa Vera (19)

[Indictment of William Vissier and Joseph Cottone for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Willelmus Vissier de paroch sancti Stephani in ward de Walbrooke London Mercator et Josephus Cottone de paroch' et ward pred Mercator Quinto vicesimo quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu [formula as (4) above] Proclamat fuer iuxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed ] Billa Vera [











' '




(20) Indictment of Frances Bates for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Francisca Bates de paroch sancte Marie Somersett in ward de Queenhith London pred vicesimo quinto Spinster Quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu [ (2) above] Proclamat fuit iuxta forma Statut 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera












' '

(21) [Indictment of Edward Sing for recusancy.]

London ss . Jur presentant quod Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti Nicholai Olaves in ward de Queenhith London pred Vicvicesimo quinto per tualler Quinto die Septembris Anno spaciu Triu mensiu [formula as (2) above] Proclamat fuit iuxtaforma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed Billa Vera

' ....



' ....




' ' ] ' , Capiatur pro fine = that he be taken for [i.e imprisoned till he pay] [ an offender ] " , upon trial, incurred a statutoryfine, the court the * fine." When [





always awarded a capias . However, there is no evidence that Sadler was committed to Newgate. Presumably he was imprisoned elsewhere in London. A space is left here in MS. for Christian name. A space is left here in MS. for word indicating status or occupation. § A space is left here in MS. for surname. A space is left here in MS. for Christian name.






(22) [Indictment of George Gould and five other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Georgius Gould * de paroch sancte Anne Blackfryers in ward de Farringdon infra London pred Katherina March de paroch et ward pred Peter Defryznoy de paroch et ward pred Willelmus Trebute de paroch [ et ward pred Jusdina Trebute uxor pred Willelmi Trebute Katherina Trebute de paroch et ward pred spinster vicesimo quinto Quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu' formula as (1) above] Proclamat fuer iuxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed [ ] Billa Vera






' '



' '


' ' ['



' '






'' ' '

' '


[Indictment of John Boutondon and two other persons for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Boutondon de paroch sancte Anne Blackfryers in ward de Farringdon infra London Maria Boutondon uxor pred Johannis Boutondon et CloudeBoutondon de paroch et ward pred Spinster Quinto vicesimo quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu .... as (1) above mensiu formula [ ] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera

' '












' '


(24) [Indictment of Ambrose Bonner for recusancy.] London ss. Jur presentant quod Ambrosius Bonner de .... Outwich paroch sancti Martini in ward de Bishopsgate London quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu as (2) above Triu mensiu formula [ forma Statut etc. .... Juxta Proclamat fuit 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed ] Billa Vera




... '








' '

(25) [Indictment of William Grigson and seven other persons for

recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Willelmus Grigson de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishopsgate in ward de Bishopsgate 9.3 po se 9.2 1674 Jurata Cul forisfecit London pred Cordweynor Thomas Bentleyde paroch et ward pred LXW Juxta forma Statut' etc. 9.3 po se 9.2.1674 Jurata Cul Bookeseller Gerrardus Bourne de paroch et forisfecit LX Juxtaforma Statut etc. ward pred yeoman Maria Porter de paroch et ward pred ]8









' ' ' Lyon de paroch et ward pred '






' '' '


'se 9.2.1674 9.3. po Samuel John Wright de

in Recusant Roll for 1674 (P.R.O.: E377 /69) . * Goldspace here MS. is word indicating status


left in for or occupation. The Recusant Roll for 1674 (P.R.O.) has Claude . § A space is left here in MS . for Mary Porter's status and Lyon's Christian


tion .

A space is left here in MS. for word indicating Lyon's status or occupa-






Jurata per Defalt Cul forisfecit LX Juxta forma Statut etc. paroch et ward pred Notarius publicus Franciscus Mols de paroch et ward pred Mercator et Johannes Mols de paroch et ward pred Mercator Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu [formula as (1) above] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed ] Billa Vera [





















' '

(26) [Indictment of John Littleboy and Thomas Grunwin for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Littleboy de paroch Omniu Sanctor Lumbardstreete in ward de Bishopsgate London pred Sadler et Thomas Grunwin de paroch et ward pred Scriveno quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto as (4) above per spaciu Triu mensiu [formula etc. Proclamat fuer Juxtaforma Statut 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera .




' '






' '


' '


(27) [Indictment of Katherine Bird and ten other persons for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Katherina Bird de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Algate in ward de Portsoaken London pred Spinster Phillippus Cooke de paroch et ward pred Glover Martha Cooke de paroch et ward pred Spinster alias dicta Martha Cooke uxor pred Philippi Cooke Franciscus Malin de paroch et ward 9.3.po se non Cul Ideo eat inde sine pred Tobaccoepipemaker Anna Smyth de paroch et ward pred die etc. vid Elias Massey de paroch et ward pred Glassmaker Maria Goodwin de paroch et ward pred vid Augustinus Rackett de paroch et ward pred Glassmaker Willelmus Hill de paroch et ward pred Glassmaker Thomas Burchley de paroch et ward pred Victualler et Josephus Reeves de paroch et ward pred Chirurgus vicesimo quinto .**** per spaciu Quinto die Septembris Anno Triu mensiu [formula as ( 1) above] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed ] Billa Vera [

' .... '


' '


' '


'' '






' ''





' '


' ' '


' '


' ' '





' ' '

' '


[Indictment of [ ? ] Shordate for recusancy.]

London ss. Ang.:


Shordate de ] puts himself not guilty on a

presentant quod

' .... [


" ]; on December 9th], 1674, a jury [is called ' ]; [he is found ' ] jury of his country guilty through default [and] forfeited £60 according to the form of the Statute etc. " On January 9th 1673/4 he


Wright originally formed one of the group composed of John Sadler , Thomas Bentley, etc. , who obeyed the summons to appear at the Sessions of January , 1673/4 . He continued to attend with them at each successive Sessions until April, 1674, after which he defaulted (cf. Sessions Book in text, p. 189) . He thus forfeited his recognizances ( 100), in addition to £60 for recusancy. The words Anna Smyth are underlined in MS. A space is left here in MS . for Christian name.






paroch sancti Edmundi Regis in ward de Langborne London vicesimo quinto Quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu formula as (2) above Proclamat fuit Juxta forma" Statut etc. 9.3 Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed Billa Vera

' ]*



' ''








' '

(29) [Indictment of Arnold Sertillion and Peter Derreward for recusancy .] London ss . Jur presentant quod Arnoldus Sertillion de .... Steyning in ward de Langborne London paroch Omniu Sanctor Mercator et Petrus Derreward de paroch et ward pred yeoman ' vicesimo' quinto quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu *** as mensiu Triu [formula (4) above] ' Proclamat fuer Iuxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. ' ' [Endorsed] Billa Vera









' '

(30) [Indictment of John Faggom for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Faggom de paroch sancti Gabriel Fenchurch in ward de Langborne London vicesimo quinto yeoman quinto die Septembris Anno .... as ( per spaciu Triu mensiu' 2) above] .... formula [ etc. Proclamat fuit Juxta forma" Statut ' 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc.






' '

Endorsed ] Billa Vera


(31) [Indictment of George Wood and Paul Denn for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Georgius Wood de paroch sancti Dionisii Backchurch in ward de Langborne London yeoman et Paulus Denn de paroch et ward pred yeoman quinto die Sepvicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu tembris Anno .... as (4) above formula [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed ] Billa Vera















' '

[Indictment of Walter Cheveres and Daniel Hinde for re-

cusancy .


London ss . Jur presentant quod Walterus Cheveres de paroch sancti Nicholai Acons in ward de Langborne London yeoma et Daniel Hinde de paroch et ward pred London yeoman vicesimo quinto quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu **** Triu mensiu formula as (4) above [ Proclamat fuer Juxtaforma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed ] Billa Vera













' '

[Indictment of Richard Staley and two other persons for recusancy.] London ss. Jur presentant quod Ricardus Staley de paroch sancte Marie Woolnoth in ward de Langborne London Goldsmith et Betteressa Staley uxor pred Ricardi Staley et Thomas Browne de paroch et ward pred yeoman quinto die Septembris Anno (33 )


' .... ' is left ' in' A space






MS . for word indicating status or occupation.




vicesimo quinto


(1) above ]



per spaciu Triu mensiu


' forma Statut '

Proclamat fuer Juxta

' etc. 9.3 . Defalt' fecer' Ideo



[formula as

[Endorsed] Billa Vera (34) [Record of proceedings against Richard and (? Elizabeth ) Staley.] *

London ss. Alias scilicet ad Deliberacion Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall in le Old Bailey London in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred die Mercurii scilicet Decimo die Decembris as in document (6) above, down to extitit presentat quod Ricardus Staley de paroch sancte Marie Woolnoth in ward de Langborne London Goldsmyth et Betteressa Staley uxor pred Ricardi Staley quinto die Septembris [the indictment for recusancy against these two persons alone is here given; formula and dates as 4) ( above; all notes omitted ] Super quo ad pred Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate proclamacio facta fuit Et per eandem Proclamacionem adtunc et ibidem mandat ' fuit quod corpora predictor ' Ricardi Staley et Betteresse Staley uxoris eius reddit sint angce should bee rendred Vic ' Civitat ' London pred ante tunc prox Deliberacion Gaol' pred in et pro Civitat London pred tenend aut aliter Convict forent iuxta forma Statut' pred Et modo scilicet ad prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent in et pro Civitat London apud Justicehall pred in dicta paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward pred die Veneris scilicet nono die Januarii Anno vicesimo quinto supradicto cora prefat also Edward Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London Turner, Rainsford , Littleton, Attkins , North, .... Aleyn, Lawrence, Peake , William Turner and Howell ; their additions repeated as in document ( 6) above] ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de prison in ea existen Deliberand assign pred Ricardus Staley et Betteressa Staley non reddider ' nec uterque eor reddidit Corpus suu Vic' Civitat' London pred Nec fecer Nec uterque eor fecit Comparenc sua ' de Recordo sed Defalt fecer et uterque eor' Defalt fecit Et Defalt ipsor Ricardi Staley et Betteresse Staley per Cur adtunc et ibidem Recordat fuit Propter quod Iidem Ricardus Staley et BetteressaStaley de premiss sic ut prefertur Indictat existen' legittimo modo Convict fuer et adhuc Convict existunt et uterque eor' Convict fuit et adhuc Convict existit secundum forma Statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis etc.











.... [






















' '




' ' '







' ' '



















' ' '


(35) [Indictment of Bridget Guiat and three other persons for

recusancy.] London ss. Jur presentant quod Bridgitta Guiat de paroch sancti Olavi Hartstreete in ward de Aldgate London vid Susanna Guiat de paroch et ward pred spinster Honora Guiat de paroch

' .... '


' '

* Cf. document ( 15) in text, p. 164, and note.


' '








et ward pred spinster et Johannes Guiat de paroch et ward vicesimo quinto pred [ Quinto die Septembris Anno mensiu as (1 ) above spaciu Triu per formula . [ ] ***Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera




]* ' ' '




' '

Indictment of Christopher Terne and three other persons [for recusancy.] mortuus est

London ss . Jur presentant quod Christoferus Terne de paroch sancti Andree Undershaft in ward de Aldgate London in Medicinis Doctor Anna Billingsly de paroch et ward pred vid Sara Maior de paroch et ward pred spinster et Elizabetha Plomer de paroch et ward pred spinster Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu formula as (1) above ] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera









' ' ....'









' '

[Indictment of James and Judith Fountaine for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Jacobus Fountaine de paroch sancte Katherine Coleman in ward de Aldgate London in medicinis Doctor et Juditha Fountaine de paroch et ward pred vicesimo quinto spinster Quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu as (4) above formula Proclamat fuer Juxta forma[ Statut etc. 9.3 Def fec Ideo etc. . Endorsed ] Billa Vera [














' '

(38) [Indictment of John and Ann Lead for recusancy. ] London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Lead de paroch sancte Katherine Creechurch alias Christchurch in ward Aldgate London pred Painter et Anna Lead de paroch et ward pred spinster alias dicta Anna Lead uxor pred Johannis Lead Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu **** mensiu ' formula as (4) above Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 Def fec Ideo etc. . Endorsed Billa Vera [ ]


' ....



' '







' ' ]



' ' '

[Indictment of Henry West for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Henr West de paroch sancti Michaelis iuxta Crookedlane in ward Pontis London yeoman Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu Triu mensiu formula as (2) above] Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 Def fec Ideo etc. . [Endorsed ] Billa Vera (39 )






' '




' '


' '

(40) [Indictment of Peter and Mary Grossecutt for recusancy. ] London ss. Jur presentant quod Petrus Grossecutt de paroch ' sancti Benedicti Gracechurch in ward Pontis London pred Danceingmaster et Maria Grossecutt de paroch et ward pred '




' '

A space is left here in MS . for word indicating status or occupation.







spinster alias dicta Maria Grossecutt uxor pred Petri Grossecutt Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto . per spaciu Triu mensiu .... formula (as 4) above] [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera


.... '





' '

(41) [Indictment of William Smyth for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Willelmus Smyth de paroch sancti Antholini in ward de Cordweynor London pred vicesimo quinto Junctor Quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu formula as (2) above [ Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera












' '

(42) [Indictment of Elizabeth Davis for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Elizabetha Davis de paroch sancti Thome Appostoli in ward de Cordweynor London pred Spinster alias dicta Elizabetha Davis uxor Ricardi Davis de vicesimo quinto eisdem Quinto die Septembris Anno per as (2) above spaciu Triu mensiu formula [ ] Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. , 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc, Endorsed] Billa Vera










' '



[Indictment of William Eaton and his wife for recusancy. London ss. Jur . presentant quod Willelmus Eaton de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste in ward de Cordweynor London pred Shoemaker et * Eaton de paroch et ward pred Spinster alias dicta [ Eaton uxor pred Willelmi Eaton Quinto die * vicesimo quinto Septembris Anno per spaciu Triu mensiu' formula as (4) above [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. 9.3 . Def fec Ideo etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera





] ]



] ' '








' '

(44) [Record of proceedings on plea of misnomer by George and

Katherine Burman . * London ss . Alias scilicet ad Deliberacion Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall in le Old Bailey London in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred die Mercurii scilicet Decimo die Decembris as in document (6) , down to " extitit presentat quod Georgius Bowman de paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Corkecutter et Katherina Bowman de paroch et ward pred spinster alias dicta Katherina Bowman uxor pred Georgii Bowman quinto die Septembris [the indictmentfor recusancy against these two persons alone is here given ; formula and dates as (4) ; all notes omitted] Ad quamquidem Deliberacion dicte Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate proclamacio facta fuit Et per eandem Proclamacionem adtunc et ibidem mandat fuit






.... [










' '


is left here in MS. for Christian name. * indictment ( ) in text, p . 155. 1








quod corpora predictor Georgii Bowman et Katherine uxoris eius reddit sint angce should be rendred Vic Civitat London pred ante tunc prox Deliberacion' Gaol' pred in et pro Civitat' London pred tenend aut aliter Convict forent iuxta forma Statut' pred Et modo scilicet ad prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent in et pro Civitat London apud Justicehall pred in dicta paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward pred die Veneris scilicet nono die Januarii Anno vicesimo quinto supradicto cora prefat Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Civitat London also Edward Turner, Rainsford, Littleton , Attkins , North, .... Aleyn , Lawrence, Peake, William Turner and Howell ; their additions repeated as in document (6)] ac al sociis suis Justic' dicti Domnii Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de prison in ea existen Deliberand assign vener quida Georgius Burman de paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Corkecutter et Katherina Burman uxor pred Georgii Burman in propr personis suis sub custod Henr Tulse Milit et Roberti Jeffery Milit Vicecom Civitat London pred in cuius * custodia ex causa predicta preantea iidem Georgius et Katherina se reddidissent quiquidem Georgius et Katherina per nomina Georgii Bowman de paroch' sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Corkecutter et Katherine uxoris pred Georgii Bowman modo hic impetuntur et indictantur et habit audit Indictament pred eis lect prefat Georgius instanter modo hic dicit quod ipse idem Georgiusracione Indictament pred impeti seu onerari non debet quia dicit quod ipse idem Georgius habet et tempore Capcionis Indictament pred et semper antea et continuo postea a tempore Nativitatis sue habit' cognit reputat et nuncupat fuit per nomen et Cognomen Georgii Burman Quodque idem Georgius non habet vel unqua habuit nomen Georgii Bowman nec per nomen Georgii Bowman unqua habit reput cognit vel nuncupat fuit prout per Indictament pred superius falso supponitur Et hoc parat ' est verificare Et inde petit Judiciu Et quod ipse idem Georgius de premiss per Cur hic dimittatur Et eat inde sine die etc. Et prefat ' Katherine modo hic instanter dicit quod ipsa eadem Katherina racione Indictament pred impeti seu onerari non debet quia dicit quod ipsa Katherina tempore Capcoiis Indictament pred et diu antea et semper postea hucusque fuit et adhuc uxor legittima prefat Georgii Burman et continuo post maritagiu inter prefat Georgiu et ipsam Katherina habit cognit reputat et nuncupat fuit per nomen et cognomen Katherine Burman uxoris dicti Georgii Burman Quodque ipsa eadem Katherina non habet vel unqua habuit nomen Katherine Bowman nec per nomen Katherine Bowman unqua habit reput cognit vel nuncupat fuit prout per Indictament pred superius falso supponitur Et hoc parat est verificare Et inde petit Judiciu Et quod ipsa eadem Katherina de premiss per Cur hic dimittat Et eat inde sine die etc. Et quia prefat Justic et Cur hic se advisare voluit de et super premiss priusqua Judiciu inde reddant dies inde dat est prefat Georgio Burman et Katherine uxori eius




















' '




























* cuius in MS. for quorum .

' '






' '


' '
















' ' '

































in Statu quo nunc etc. hic usque ad prox Deliberacion Gaol pred

pro Civitat pred tenend de Judicio suo inde audiend etc. Eo quod prefat Justic et Cur hic inde nondum etc. Et super hoc de gra Cur special prefat Georgius Burman et Katherina Burman uxor eius traduntur in Ball Clement Linby de paroch sancti Sepulchri London Barber et Thome Throughton de paroch pred Cutler usque ad prox Deliberacion Gaol pred pro Civitat London tenend sub pena prefat Georgii Burman Quadragint librar et utriusque pleg pred viginti librar quas etc. si etc. Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol pred scilicet ad Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat' London apud as above die Mercurii scilicet vicesimo quinto Justicehall die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra vicesimo sexto cora' Willelmo Hooker Milit Maiore Anglie Civitat London [also Littleton , Attkins , Chiverton , Aleyn, Bludworth, Peake, Ford, Waterman , Hanson, and Howell ; their additions repeated as in preceding Records ‫ ود‬on this file ] ac al sociis suis Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de prison in ea existen' Deliberand assign ven prefat Georgius Burman et Katherina Burman uxor eius iuxta Recognicionem per ipsum Georgiu et pleg ipsius Georgii et prefat Katherine in hac parte ut prefertur Recogn ' in propr personis suis Et Willelmus Wagstaffe Ar Communis Clericus Civitat London qui pro predicto Domino Rege modo in hac parte sequit vis' lect et plene intellectis dictis placitis prefat Georgii Burman et Katherine uxoris eius hic superius in forma pred placitat Ac ecia Indictament pred hic superius in forma pred recitat Necnon Record admissionis ipsius Georgii Burman in Libertat Civitat ' London secundum Cons eiusdem Civitat' Intrat Recordat' et sub Communi Sigillo eiusdem Civitat Sigillat Ac pro eo quod per relacionem et testimoniu diversor Ligeor dicti Domini Regis fide dignor quam per al probabil evidenc modo hic in Cur dat satis constat et testificat est in Cur quod prefat Georgius Burman et Katherina uxor eius qui modo hic comparent Et qui per Indictament pred superius hic recitat Indictat existunt sunt une et eedem persone Et non al neque divers' et quod prefat Katherina est uxor pred Georgii Burman Et quod ipse idem Georgius Burman habet et tempore capcionis Indictament pred et semper antea et continuo postea a tempore Nativitatis sue habit cognit reputat fuit per nomen et cognomen Georgii Burman Quodque ipse idem Georgiusnon habet vel unqua habuit nomen Georgii Bowman nec per nomen Georgii Bowman unqua habit reputat cognit' vel nuncupat fuit prout Iidem Georgius Burman [et Katherina] * uxor eius pro exoneracion suis premissor superius modo hic placitand aligaver hoc idem Willelmus Wagstaffe non dedicit sed placitu pred in omnibus fatet et cognoscit esse veru Super quo vis' et per Cur hic plene intellectis omnibus et singulis premissis Cons est per Cur quod prefat Georgius Burman et Katherina uxor eius eant inde sine die et Uterque eor eat inde sine die etc.

' '' ' ' '


















' ' ' ' ' '








































' ' ' ''


* The words et Katherina are omitted in MS .


'' '










' '


















JANUARY 1673/4




A. (1)




[Indictment of Michael Sheires and ten other persons for recusancy .


London ss . Jur presentant quod Michael Sheires de paroch sancti Egidii extra Cripplegate in ward de Cripplegate London pred yeoman Johannes Colter de paroch' et ward pred yeom' Ricardus Horton de paroch et ward pred yeoman Johannes Dunn de paroch et ward pred yeoman Willelmus Marston de paroch et ward pred Aurifaber Franciscus Temple de paroch et ward pred Aurifaber Maria Elliot de paroch et ward pred spinster Paulus Vandeneuor de paroch et ward pred yeoman Julianus Ladore de paroch et ward pred Callenderer Georgius Jones de paroch et ward pred Faber Ferrar et Jana Bowdrey de paroch et ward pred spinster Quinto die Septembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Angl vicesimo quinto per spaciu formula as ( 1), p. 155] quatuor mensiu integror et ultra [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. [Endorsed ] Billa Vera


' ' '























' '


' '





' '


' ....'

(2) [Indictment of Henry Bengars and five other persons for recusancy.] London ss. Jur . presentant quod Henr ' Bengars de paroch ' sancte Marie Abchurch in ward de Candlewicke London Scissor 25.4 . Allocatur breve de Cerc Retornabile XVa Pasche Et Certificatur Franciscus Teressy de paroch et ward pred Mercator Dominico '

' '

pro eo tanto




pred yeoman Franciscus Turke de paroch et ward pred yeoman Andreas Lawrance de paroch et ward pred yeoman et Willelmus Woolger de paroch et ward pred Salesman Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto 1), p. 155 as ( per spaciu quatuor mensiu formula [ Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. [Endorsed ] Billa Vera de paroch et ward








' '


' '








(3) [Indictment of Francis Mole and Jeremiah Hawgins for recusancy.] London ss. Jur presentant quod Fransciscus Mole de paroch sancti Michaelis .... iuxta Crooked lane in ward de Candlewicke London Mercator et Jeremia Hawgins de paroch' et ward pred Mercator Quinto die Septembris Anno .... vicesimo quinto per spaciu quatuor mensiu [formula as (4), p. 157] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. ' ' [Endorsed ] Billa Vera



' '




' '

? or Vandenenor . Current Newgate calendar attached. On February 25th [ 1673/4] a writ of certiorari is allowed, Ang.: returnable within fifteen days after Easter. And [the indictment ] is certified [into King's Bench] ; for him alone. The Recusant Roll for this year ( P.R.O.: E377 69) has Lupce. /







JANUARY 1673/4


(4) [ Indictment of Margaret Harris and fourteen other persons for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Margareta Harris de paroch sancti Andree Holborn in ward de Farringdon extra London pred vid Chariti Davis de paroch et ward pred vid Johanna Davis de paroch et ward pred vid Ricardus Jones de paroch et ward pred Generos Maria Vaughan de paroch et ward pred vid Johannes Butler de paroch et ward pred Generos Butler uxor pred Johannis Butler Ricardus Shawe de paroch et ward pred Sadler * Shawe uxor pred Ricardi Shawe Willelmus Jarrett de paroch et ward pred waterman Michael Napp de paroch et ward pred Bricklayer Maria Napp uxor pred Michael Napp Anthonius Gutthrow de paroch et ward pred Scissor * Mollins uxor Willelmi Mollins de paroch et ward pred Chirurg Anna Nurse uxor Walteri Nurse de paroch et ward pred in medicin Doctor Quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu quatuor mensiu [formula as **** 1 155 . ), p ( Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera




' ' ' ']*' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' [ '] '


' ' '' ]



' '

' '









' ' ' '




' ' '




' '

' ' '



(5) [Indictment of John Rice and two other persons for recusancy.] 25.4 [po se scored ] 9 .


presentant quod Johannes Rice de paroch Jur 1674 Jurata per defalt Cul forisfecit LXXX Juxta forma . 2. London ss.

' in


sancti Olavi veteri Judaismo in ward de ColemanstreeteLondon Statut etc. Mercator Johannes Gargill de paroch et ward [pred ] Upholster et Edwardus Adams de paroch et ward pred yeoman quinto die vicesimo quinto Septembris Anno per spaciu quatuor mensiu [formula as ( 1), p. 155 Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera









' ' '





(6) [Indictment of Mark Buceline for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Marcus Buceline de paroch sancte Margarete Lothbury in ward de Colemanstreete London vicesimo quinto Generos Quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu quatuor mensiu [formula as (2) , p. 156 ....Statut etc. Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Vera [Endorsed] Billa







' '




Christian name. * A space is left here in MS . for 1673/4 po se scored in MS.

. On Ang On February 25th [ ; December.:9th, 1674, a jury [is called]; [he is found guilty through default £80 according to the form of the Statute etc. [andThe ] forfeited erasure of po se ( he puts himself ) is an error : cf. Sessions " ". Book, p. 195 in text The word pred is omitted in MS.








JANUARY 1673/4





(7) [Indictment of John Barrow and ten other persons for re-

cusancy . ] London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Barrow de paroch sancti Stephani Colemanstreetein ward de Colemanstreete London yeoman [Nathan Pagett de paroch et ward pred in Medicin Doctor scored Maria Goopy de paroch et ward pred Spinster Andreas Goopy de paroch' et ward pred yeoman Humfridus Adomson de paroch et ward pred Ingraver Anna Northbury de paroch et ward pred vid Elizabetha Adomson de paroch et ward pred spinster [Johannes Sharpely de paroch et ward pred scissor scored Priscilla Hardcastle de paroch et ward pred spinster Thomas Goodwin de paroch et ward pred Factor Josephus Hughes de paroch et ward pred Porter Hugo Oneale de paroch et ward pred yeoman et Maria Shad de paroch et ward vicesimo quinto pred Spinster Quinto die Septembris Anno as (1), p. 155 per spaciu quatuor mensiu formula [ ] Proclamat fuer Juxta forma Statut etc.










' '


] [Endorsed Billa Vera quo


' '

' ''















' '' ' '

' ' '





Ignoramus quo ad Nathan: Paggett

John Barrow Mary Gooby Humphry Addamson

John Sharpely

Ann Northbury Elizabeth Addamson Priscilla Hardcastle Thomas Goodwyn Joseph Hughes Hugh Oneal Mary Shadd* (8) [Indictment of Nicholas Gorey for recusancy.] Allocatur breve de 25 London ss. Jur presentant quod Nicholaus Gorey de paroch Cerc Retornabile XVa Pasche Et Certificatur etc. sancti Stephani Walbrooke in ward de Cheape London pred Mercator quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu quatuor mensiu as (2), p. 156 formula ....Statut etc. Proclamat fuit iuxtaforma Endorsed Billa Vera [ ] (9) [Indictment of John Sadler for recusancy.





' ' [


' '

' ....


] po se

4 9.2.1674 London ss . Jur presentant quod 25. Johannes Sadler de paroch Jurata Cul forisfecit LXXX Juxta forma Statut etc. sancte Marie de Arcubus in ward de Cheape London pred Druggster quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto per spaciu quatuor mensiu formula as (2), p. 156 [ Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. [Endorsed ] Billa Vera

.... ' '

' ....

"' '






.... '

' '

Andrew Goopy's name is omitted from this list in MS. by error. He was convicted with the others, for his name appears with theirs the Book

of Estreats of Fines, under date February 25th, 1673/4.






JANUARY 1673/4

(10) [Indictment of Morris Williams for recusancy.] London ss. Jur . presentant quod Morris Williams de paroch sancti Pancratii Soperlane in ward de Cheape London pred Mercator quinto die Septembris Anno vicesimo quinto **** per spaciu quatuor mensiu formula as (2) , p. 156] Proclamat fuit juxta forma Statut etc. Endorsed ] Billa Vera [





' ....






(11) [Indictment of John Lynch for recusancy. London ss . Jur presentant quod Johannes Lynch de paroch sancti Michaelis Bassieshawe in ward de Bassieshawe London pred vicesimo quinto yeoman quinto die Septembris Anno per spaciu quatuor mensiu [formula as (2), p. 156 Proclamat fuit Juxta forma Statut etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera












(12) [Warrant.]* Lett noe Indictmt for Recusancy agt Sr Lawrence Dibusty being a Merchant stranger resideing here for traffique Frances Dibusty his Lady Katherine de la Rode alias Parrode her Chamber maid Michael Daransitter her footeboy John de Berion alias de Kiriberion & Anthony Harispe Sr Lawrences servts be preferred to the Grand Jury Till his Mattes pleasure concerning them and every of them be further signified to his Matyes Justices of Gaole Delivery of Newgate and the Generall Quarter Sessions to be holden for the Citty of London And this shalbe yor warrt Dated att Justicehall in the old Bailey the 19th of January 1673 * signed Fra : North To the Townclarke of the Citty of London $ ? Ma This warrt was signed by Mr [ Attorney Generall in the Courte of Gaole Delivery this 19th January 1673






9 JANUARY, 25 CHARLES . (1) [Appeared on summons and bailed in court at this Sessions. ¶ Johannes Mawson de parochia sancti Dunstani in occident London Aurifaber traditur in ball Henr Hothersall de






on paper. * Written The first letter of this name (Kiriberion ) is doubtful.

I.e., 1673/4 ; so also in the added memorandum below. § This memorandum is in the same hand as the warrant itself. The first word, indecipherable in MS. , is probably Md. A description of the Sessions Books will be found in the Introduction,

p. xlviii. Of all the Recusants proclaimed at the Sessions of December 10th, 1673 , the following alone obeyed the summons .




JANUARY 1673/4



paroch sancte Bride London Vintner & Georgio Wapell de Foster lane London Aurifabr' usque prox Del Gaol' ad pros tr' sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg L * Thomas Bentley de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Bookseller traditur in ball Thome Guy de paroch sancte Marie Woolnoth London Bookeseller & Stephano Chapell de paroch sancti Jacobi Dukes place Lond mercator ' usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr C & L Daniel Arthur de paroch sancti Petri pauperis London mercator traditur in ball Beniamino Hinton de paroch sancti Edmundi Regis London Aurifabr' & Thome Langham de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate London Generos usque prox Del Gaol ad pros' tr C & L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London mercator traditur in ball Johanni Ethersey de paroch sancti Benedicti Sherehogge London Generos & Rogero Arkingstall de paroch sancte Marie Bothaw London Skynner usque prox ' Del Gaol ad pros tr C & MargaretaSmyth de paroch' sancti Martini Ludgate London traditur in ball Thome Nicholas de paroch sancti Leonardi Eastcheape London Lynnendraper & Simoni Hutchinson de paroch' sancti Martini Ludgate London Lynnendraper usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr C & LI Johannes Graunt de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Haberdasher traditur in ball Willelmo Fatherne de paroch pred London Stacioner & Thome Langhorne de paroch' sancte Bride London Farryer usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr C & L Maria Mathewes de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Londonvid traditur in ball Humfrido Horne de paroch' pred Scissor & Roberto Peacocke de paroch' pred Lynnendraper usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg




'' '



' ' '






' '





' '


'' '




' ' ' '


' '


' LI

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '


' '




' '










' ' '' ' '' '

Gerrardus Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi BishoppsgateLondon


Broker traditur in ball Marco Proudford de paroch Omniu Sanctor' Barking London Mercator & Johanni Blake de paroch sancti Stephani Walbrooke London Mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr C & LII Ang.: John Mawson, of the parish of St Dunstan in the West, London, Goldsmith , is delivered in bail to Henry Hothersall of the parish St Bride , London , Vintner , and to George Wapell of Foster Lane, London of , Goldsmith until the next Gaol Delivery , to prosecute his traverse [see Introd., p xlix ,, ] under pain of 100 from the principal party and of £50 from each .of the sureties.








' '



' '


C & L . This is , of course , an abbreviation of the final words sub pena etc. the


first entry.



JANUARY 1673/4



Willelmus Brand de paroch' sancti Dunstani in occiden London Silversmith traditur in ball Roberto Gerrard de Fosterlane London Ironmonger & Johanni Hill de paroch sancti Michaelis Woodstreete London Servien ad clavam usque prox Del' Gaol' ad





pros ' tr CH & LII

' Petrus Duffe de paroch sancti Dunstani ' in occiden' London yeom ' rowe' traditur in ball Ricardo Bolt de Paternoster


London Silkeman & Henr' Worster de eod loco London Mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros ' tr sub pena partis principal CH & Georgius Burman Ind per nomen Georgii Boeman de paroch sancti Sepulchri London Corkecutter et Katherina uxor eius traduntur in ball Clement Linby de paroch sancti Sepulchri London Barber & Thome Troughton de paroch pred Cutler usque prox Del Gaol ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. sub pena partis principal 40 & utriusque pleg 2011 Samuel Wright Indictat per nomen Samuel Johannis Wright de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Notarius publicus traditur in ball Nathaniel Brookes de Cornehill London Stacioner & Edwardo Ainge de paroch sancti Martini Vintrey London Generos usque prox ' Del Gaol ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. C & L Thomas Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquus traditur in ball Willelmo Musson de paroch sancti Gregorii London Barber & Edwardo Ange de paroch sancti Martini Vintrey London Generos usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & Robertus Almye de paroch Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner traditur in ball Willelmo Cheney de paroch pred Shoemaker & Willelmo Small de paroch sancti Antholini London Joyner usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & L Johannes Pitts de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator traditur in ball Johanni Ethersey de paroch sancti Benedicti Sherehogg London Generos & Rogero Arkingstall de paroch sancte Marie Bothaw


' ' ' LI' '
















' '




' '*

' '

' '



'' '

' ' '













' '




' ''




' Ang.: George Burman, indicted under the name of George Boeman, * of the parish of St. Sepulchre , London, cork- cutter , and Katherine his wife,

are delivered in bail to Clement Linby, of the parish of St. Sepulchre , London, barber, and to Thomas Troughton, of the parish aforesaid , cutler, until the next Gaol Delivery, to answer etc. and not depart etc. under pain of £40 from the principal party [ sic] and of £20 from each of the sureties." We may assume from the similarity between this entry and the preceding one concerning George and Katherine Burman that Wright, like them, originally intended to plead misnomer . However, later entries in the Sessions Books make it clear that this special plea was subsequently disallowed and that he then proposed to traverse his indictment on some other





JANUARY 1673/4


' '

' ''



London Skynner usque prox Del Gaol ad pros' tr sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg L


Sessions. ] [Among entrieset of trials at thissecundum


procl facta forma Statut etc. Et 10.2 . Ind reddidit se vicecom modo po se non Cul Ideo eat inde sine die





Anna Smith pro Recusan












Among persons previously [this Sessions.

bound over for appearance at


Comparuit & protulit breve de Cerc § Johannes Mawson de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London pros tr'll Aurifaber



' Comparuit


& traditur in ball Jacobo Toding de Marke lane & Thome Sanders prope Billingsgate vict usque prox Del Gaol ad pros' tr C & utriusque pleg L



' '

' '


' '

Thomas Bentley de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate Lonpros tr don Bookeseller

' '

Comparuit et protulit non pros Attorn [General scored ] Domini Regis General'¶ Daniel Arthur de paroch sancti Petri Pauperis London Merpros tr cator





' '


Comparuit & protulit breve de Cerc Margareta Smyth de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate London pros

' tr'




Comparuit et traditur in ball Daniel Arthur de paroch sancti Petri Pauperis London Mercator & Thome Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquo usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Johannes Graunt de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Lond pros tr Haberdasher





' '


' '











Ang.: On December 10th [1673 she was indicted and proclamation was made according to the form of the Statute etc. And she rendered herself to the Sheriffs. Now [ i.e., at the Sessions of January, 1673/4 she puts herself not guilty on a jury of her country ] ; [she is found not guilty. Therefore let her go [acquitted of the charge without a day etc." The file for this Sessions is extant , with Newgate calendar, but contains no documents relating specifically to Catholics or recusants. I.e. , at the preceding Sessions. Vide pp . 180 seq








§ Ang.: " He appeared and produced a writ of certiorari." , " To prosecutea traverse." Cf. Introd. , p. xlix. II.e. Ang.: He appeared and produced a non prosequitur from the Lord


the King's Attorney General.







' ' '


Comparuit & traditur in ball Humfrido Horne de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Scissor et Wither Cheney de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate London Clockmaker usque prox Del Gaol ad pros' tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Maria Mathewes de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London vid pros tr

' '' '

' '






Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London mercator & Johanni Graunt de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Haberdasher usque prox Del Gaol ad pros' tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg ₤11 Gerardus Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Broker pros tr



' ' ' '






' '



' '*

Comparuit & traditur in ball Petro Duffe de paroch pred yeoman & Petro Sayfe de paroch sancti Petri Cheape London Distiller usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C &

' '

' '


' '

utriusque pleg LII Willelmus Brand de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Lond Silver smyth pros tr


' '





Comparuit & traditur in ball Willelmo Brand de paroch pred Silversmyth & Petro Sayfe de paroch sancti Petri Cheape London Distiller usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr ' ' ' ' ' sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Petrus Duffe de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Lond '


pros tr

' '

' '






Comparuit & placit misnomen Ideo eat inde sine die etc. Georgius Burman de paroch sancti Sepulchri Corkecutter




ans § Comparuit & placit misnomen Ideo eat inde sine die etc. Katherina uxor eius



Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquo & Daniel Arthur de paroch sancti Petri Pauperis London Mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena partis principal Cir & utriusque pleg L Samuel Wright de paroch' sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate Notarius ans'




' '







Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Graunt de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Haberdasher & Daniel Arthur





, the parish of St. Dunstan in the West (Brand's own parish). * I.e. ? or Sayse. and pleaded misnomer . Therefore let him go Ang.: " He appeared a day. [discharged ] without "

§ I.e., To answer" (to whatever may be objected against him on the part of the Lord the King).








de paroch sancti Petri Pauperis London mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Thomas Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquus




' ''

pros tr

' '


' Li

Comparuit & traditur in ball Willelmo Small de paroch sancti Antholini London Junctor & Willelmo Cheyney de paroch Ecclesie Christi London Cordweynor usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Lu Robertus Almye de paroch' Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner pros


' '

' tr'







Comparuit & Jud Pitts de paroch' sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator pros tr



' '

(2) [Appeared on summons and bailed in court at this Sessions. Nicholaus Goorey de paroch sancti Stephani Walbrooke London Mercator traditur in ball Daniel Arthur de paroch sancti Petri Pauperis London mercator et Thome Langhorne de le old Bailey London Leatherseller usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg LI Johannes Rice de paroch' sancti Olavi in veteri Judaismo London mercator traditur in ball Petro Kirwell de paroch sancti Georgii Buttolph lane London mercator et Philippo Browne de paroch sancti Dunstani in Orien London mercator usque prox ' Del' Gaol' ad pros tr sub pena C et utriusque pleg L Johannes Sadler de paroch' sancte Marie de Arcubus Lond Druggster traditur in ball Johanni Ethersey de paroch sancti Benedicti Sherehogg London Generos et Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London mercator ' usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C et utriusque pleg L









' '





' ' '


' '




' ''



' '





[Among entries of trials at this Sessions.]


10.2 . Ind & procl facta secundum Statut' etc. Et 9.3 . rediddit se vicecom et po se modo Jurata non Cul Ideo eat






inde sine die etc. Johannes Pitts pro recusan


.: " He appeared and [has] judgment ." * Ang Sessions Of all the recusants proclaimed

at the of 9 Jan. , 1673/4 , the following persons alone appeared in accordance with the summons . Ang.: At the Sessions beginning] 10 Dec. [ 1673] he was indicted and proclamation was made according to the Statute etc. And at the [ and Sessions beginning 9 Jan. [ 1673/4 he rendered himself to the Sheriffs put himself not guilty on a jury of his country ]. Now [i.e. , at the present Sessions of February a Jury [ is summoned ] ; [ he is found not guilty. There] ] fore let him go [acquitted] of the charge without a day etc.









APRIL 1674





II (1674). *


persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.



29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball

Thome Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquo & Gerrard Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Haberdasher usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg



' ' ' ' ' ' ' de Thomas Bentley paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate ' L11

' tr'



29.6. Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Sadler de paroch

' '


sancte Marie de Arcubus Lond Druggist & Gerrard Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Haberdasher usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque


' I' '



' '

pleg Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Mercator pros tr

' '




Johannes Grant de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Haberdasher pros tr

' '



29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball Roberto Peacocke de


Fleete streete London Lynnendraper & Johanni Phillipps de Millford lane in paroch sancti Clementis Dacor in Com Midd scissor usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C¹³ &


' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' London vid' '

utriusque pleg L Maria Mathewes de ead paroch pros tr'


' '

* The file (with Newgate calendar) for this Sessions is extant , but contains no matter relating specifically to Catholics or recusants. Ang.: On April 29th [ 1674] he appeared and was delivered in bail The G.D. Sessions beginning 10 April were adjourned until April 29th. is clear from the date here given ( and repeated in the similar clerical notes which follow) that the group of recusants referred to did not appear at the Sessions of April 10th, but were allowed an extension of bail on the recognizances already taken at the Sessions of the preceding February until the adjourned Sessions of April 29th. This postponement of the recusant cases, due, no doubt , to pressure of work and to the close proximity of the latter Sessions, was seemingly decidedupon by the Justices at the commencement of the Sessions of April 10th, for it will be noticed that the clerk responsible for keeping the Sessions Book had already entered them as being due for appearance at this earlier Sessions. When they appeared , as required, at the adjourned Sessions, instead of entering all their names afresh under that date, he added the records of their later appearance over the names he had already written prefixing those records by the date " April 29th." I.e., the parish of St. Dunstan in the West ( the parish of John Grant above).



- -




APRIL 1674



Duffe 29.6. Comparuit &detraditur in ball subnominat Petro paroch sancti Dunstani in Occiden & Henr Dorsett '




London Clothdrawer usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Willelmus Brand de ead paroch * London Silver smyth pros tr



' '






' '


29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball' prefat Willelmo Brand & Henr' Dorsett usque prox' Del' Gaol' ad pros' tr sub pena '

CIP & utriusque pleg Petrus Duffe de ead paroch * London yeoman


pros tr

' '

'L '

29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Bentley de paroch pred Stationer & Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Gerrardus Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate










' ''


Lond Broker

' tr'

29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball Christofero Irons de


paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Generos & Willelmo Bigg de paroch sancte Marie Newington in Com Surr Haberdasher usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg³ LII Samuel Wright de ead paroch London Notarius Publicus ans


' ' ' ' '





' '


29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Bentley de paroch pred & Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator usque prox Del Gaol as pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Thomas Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquus







' tr'






' '

29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball' Thome Hall de paroch


sancte Fidei London Coquo & Willelmo Cheney de paroch Ecclesie Christi London Cordweyner usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Robertus Almye de paroch Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner pros tr

' '

' '

'L '



Comparuit Et protulit breve de Cerc 25.4 Nicholaus Gorey de paroch sancti Stephani Walbrooke London pros tr' Mercator





* I.e., the parish of St. Dunstan in the West (the parish of John Grant

above ).

Certainly an error in MS. for pros tr . Cf. the minute above his name in the Sessions Book for the preceding February, p. 184. I.e., February 25th [1673/4 ]. Gorey had already been bailed at the

' '



APRIL 1674



Defalt fec * Johannes Rice de paroch sancti Olavi London Mercator pros tr

' '


' '

in veteri Judaismo

29.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator & Johanni Ethersey de paroch sancti Benedicti Sherehogg London Generos usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Johannes Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus London Druggster pros tr




' ' '' '


' '






' '



Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this

[ Sessions.]

Comparuit et traditur in ball Gerrard Bourne de paroch pred Broker & Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg L Thomas Bentley de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate London Bookeseller pros tr




' ' ' ' '' ' '


' '

' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Gerrard Bourne & Johanni Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus London Grocer usque prox Del Gaol and pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg LII Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London pros Mercator


' '

' '

' tr'




' '



Comparuit & traditur in ball Chamberleyn Planten de paroch ' pred's Vintner & Johanni Phillipps de paroch sancti Clement Dacor in Com Midd Scissor usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Li ' ' Maria Mathewes de paroch' sancti Dunstani in occiden London pros tr' vid'



' '







' '


February Sessions ( vide p . 185). He must, therefore, have appeared again later at the same Sessions and produced this certiorari . Note. As explained in the Introduction, p . xx , the dates given in these annotations seem to indicate merely the beginning of the Sessions, during the course of which appearance was made. default. * Ang.: " He madeSessions The files for the of April 29th and June 3rd, 1674, are extant (both with Newgate calendars ) , but neither contains any documents referring to Catholics or recusants as such . I.e., the same parish as that of Thomas Bentley . This will be clear in mind that throughout the Sessions Books the minutes conit is borne if cerning proceedings were added later over names already entered by the


same clerk.

§ I.e., the parish of St. Dunstan in the West.

See preceding footnote .



JUNE 1674



Comparuit & traditur in ball Henr Dorsett de Fetter lane London Clothdrawer & Christofero Atthow de paroch sancte



'' ' 'paroch' London Silversmyth '

Marie Savoy in Com Midd Goldsmyth usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L


' '

Willelmus Brand de ead pros tr


' '



Respectuatur per Cur super affidavit Henr Dorsett de Fetterlane Lond Clothdrawerquod pred Petrus est in regno Hibernie * Petrus Duffe de ead paroch London yeoman




pros tr

' '




Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Johanni Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus London Grocer & Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusquepleg' L Gerardus Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Broker pros tr


' '' '



' '


' '

Samuel Wright de paroch sancti Notarius Publicus pros tr


' '




Bottolphi Bishoppsgate

Comparuit & traditur in ball subnominat Roberto Almye & Thome White de paroch' Ecclesie Christi London Fruiterer usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Thomas Hall de paroch' sancte Fidei London Coquus


' II' '




' '

' tr'


Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Hall & Thome White usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C¹ & utriusquepleg LI Robertus Almye de paroch' Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner



' '

' tr'



' '


Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus London Grocer & Gerard Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Broker usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus London pros tr Druggster


'' '

' '



' ' '

of St. Dunstan in the West. . , the parish * I.e Ang He is respited the Court on the affidavit

. "




by of Henry Dorsett of Fetter Lane, London, Clothdrawer, that the aforesaid Peter is in the Kingdom of Ireland ." I.e., the parish of St. Dunstan in the West. Defaltam fecit] : " He made default . [ " Probably a clerical error for Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator' , who was one of his bondsmen on every other occasion throughout this year. likely that John Sadler the Grocer It seems and John Sadler the Druggist were the same person .




JULY 1674





17 JULY, 26 CHARLES II (1674).



persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.]

Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Lond Mercator & Johanni Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus London Druggster usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena partis principal Cl & utriusque pleg LI Thomas Bentley de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate Bookeseller pros


' ' ''

' tr'


' '





Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Bentley & Johanni Sadler Druggster usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena CIP & utriusque pleg L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator pros tr


' ' ' '

' '

' '

' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball Humfrido Horne de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Scissor & Johanni Phillipps de paroch sancti Clementis Dacor in Com Midd Scissor usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Maria Mathewes de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Lond pros tr vid


' '

' '


' ' '

' '


' '


' ' '



Comparuit & traditur in ball Petro Duffe de paroch pred yeom & Henrico Dorsett de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Lond Clothdrawer usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Willelmus Brand de ead paroch London Silversmyth pros tr

' '


' ' ' ' '

' '


' ' ' ' '


Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Willelmo Brand & Henr Dorsett usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena CH & utriusque pleg L Petrus Duffe de ead paroch London yeoman pros

' tr'



' '


' ''



' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Hall & subnominat Thome Hall usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Gerardus Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate pros Broker


' tr'





' '


' '

The file for this Sessions ( with Newgate calendar) is extant , but contains no documents relating specifically to Catholics or recusants. I.e., the parish of St. Dunstan in the West (William Brand's parish). Sic in MS .: an obvious error . It is impossibleto say who was Bourne's other surety on this occasion .



JULY 1674





Comparuit & traditur in ball Gerrard Bourne & Johanni Sadler Druggster pred usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Thomas Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquus pros

' ' Li ' '

' tr'


' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquo & Willelmo Brand de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Silversmyth usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Robertus Almye de paroch' Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner pros tr




'' ' '


' '


' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Johanni Sadler mercator & Thome Bentley usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr subpena CIP & utriusque pleg L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus Lond pros tr Druggster


' '

'' ' ' '


' '








persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit & traditur in ball subnominat Johanni Sadler Mercator & Gerrard Bourne usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg L Thomas Bentley de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppspros tr gate Bookeseller








' '



' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball subnominat Johanni Sadler Druggster & prefat Thome Bentley usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London pros ' tr' Mercator


' '




' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Roberto Almye & Johanni Sadler Mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena CI & utriusque pleg L Maria Mathewes de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London pros

' tr'


' '




' '

' '




* The file for this Sessions ( with attached Newgate calendar) is extant , but contains no documents referring explicitly to Catholics or recusants. An inquisition -post-mortem on this file states that one Robert Dutch , a prisoner in Newgate pro suspic felon" ," died a natural death in gaol ' " 3 September , 1674. Inquest held on day of death . Sic in MS. for subnominat' Roberto Almye & prefat Johanni Sadler Mercator









& traditur in ball subnominat' Petro Duffe & ' ' ' ' tr' sub pena C


Thome Hall usque prox Del Gaol ad pros

& utriusque pleg L Willelmus Brand de ead paroch London Silversmyth pros tr




' '


Comparuit & traditur in ball subnominat Thome Hall & prefat Willelmo Brand usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Petrus Duffe de ead paroch London yeoman pros tr


' '

' '





' '


Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Bentley & subnominat Johanni Sadler Druggist usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Gerrardus Bourne de paroch' sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate Broker pros tr



' '

' '



' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Bentley & subnominat Roberto Almye usque prox Del Gaol' ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg LI Thomas Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquus pros tr





' '



' '

' '



' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Hall & Petro Duffe usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena CH & utriusque pleg L Robertus Almye de paroch Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner pros tr



' '


' '


Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Johanni Sadler Mercator & Gerrard Bourne usque prox Ďel Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & Johannes Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus Lond Druggster pros



' tr'



' ' '


' '







persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions .] Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Sadler de paroch sancti Baptiste London Mercator' & Gerard Bourne de paroch' ' ' is ' Sessions , con-

( with Newgate calendar) extant but * The file for this tains no documents specifically relating to Catholics or recusants. There occurs, however, an indictment against Nicholas Goerai nuper de London Mercator for assaulting one Robert Cragg on July 28th, 1674, in the parish of St. Stephen Walbrook . A recognizance filed among the records of the Sessions of the Peace of December 7th following shows that on October 20th, 1674, before William Hooker, the Lord Mayor, " Nicholas Goray de Barge







' '

sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate London Broker usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Thomas Bentley de paroch' sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate London Bookeseller pros


' '


' tr'

Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus London Druggist & Thome Bentley pred usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Mercator pros tr



' L '

' '


' '


' '


Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Johanni Sadler Mercator et Roberto Almye de paroch Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque

' I' '







' '

pleg Maria Mathewes de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London pros vid

' tr'




Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquo & Petro Duffe de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London yeoman usque prox Del Gaol ad pros sub pena C & utriusque pleg tr L Willelmus Brand de ead paroch London Silversmyth





' '


' tr'

Comparuit & traditur

' '





' '



in ball prefat Willelmo Brand &

Del Gaol ad pros tr' sub pena C¹¹ & utriusque pleg Lli Petrus Duffe de ead paroch London yeoman Thome Hall usque prox



'' ' '

' tr'



Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Bentley & Johanni Sadleir Druggist usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena CH & utriusque pleg L sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate Gerrardus Bourne de paroch pros' tr' Lond Broker


' ' ' ' '


' '



Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Gerrard Bourne & Johanni Sadleir mercator usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L Thomas Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquus



pros' tr '


' '



' '

' '

yard BucklersburyLondon Mercator ( in the sum of £40), Johannes Rainer "' and Christopherus Iles de Leadenhall de Leadenhall streete London Salinar streete pred (in the sum of £20 each ) entered into recognizances for Goray's appearance at the Sessions of December 7th For breach of the peace in " tried at this latter Sessions, assaulting Robert Cragg . He appeared and was found not guilty and acquitted . Goray was most probably the recusant of the same address who occurs frequently in these records . The circumstances of this assault are nowhere mentioned in detail . M





OCTOBER 1674 SESSIONS BOOK II Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Thome Hall & Willelmo ' ad pros ' tr sub pena C & Brand usque prox Del Gaol ' ' ' utriusquepleg LI CHARLES




Robertus Almye de paroch' Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner pros tr

' '

Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Johanni Sadleir mercator & Gerrard Bourne usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena C & utriusque pleg L " Johannes Sadleir de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus Lond Druggist pros tr



' '


' '







' '




Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Sessions .


Comparuit & Jud Thomas Bentley de paroch' sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate Lond Bookeseller pros tr Comparuit & Jud Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Lond pros tr Mercator Comparuit & Jud Maria Mathewes de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Lond pros tr vid Comparuit & Jud Willelmus Brand de ead paroch Lond Silversmyth pros tr Comparuit & Jud Petrus Duffe de ead paroch London yeoman pros tr Comparuit & Jud Gerrardus Bourne de paroch sancti Bottolphi Bishoppsgate pros tr Lond Broker Comparuit & Jud Thomas Hall de paroch sancte Fidei London Coquus pros Comparuit & Jud Robertus Almye de paroch' Ecclesie Christi London Stacioner pros tr Comparuit & Jud Johannes Sadler de paroch sancte Marie de Arcubus Lond Druggster pros tr

' '



' '

' tr' ' '

' '




' '

' '



' ' ''

' '

' '



' '







'' '




The file for this Sessions (with Newgate calendar) is extant , but contains no documents specifically relating to Catholics or recusants. Ang.: " He appeared and [had] judgment ."





[Among entries of trials at this Sessions.]


10.2.1673. Ind & proclamac ' fact' 9.3 . po se modo Jurata


Juxtaforma Statut' etc.

Cul forisfecit LX

'' [



Thomas Bentley pro recusan tres menses

10.2 . 1673. Ind



as over Bentley ] Johannes Sadler pro recusan tres menses


10.2.1673 . Ind

' Ind '

as over Bentley Maria Mathewes pro consimili tres menses



as over Bentley 10.2.1673 . ] Willelmus Brand pro consimili tres menses

10.2.1673. Ind Et proclamacio fact fuit iuxta forma Statut etc. 9.3. po se modo Jurata Cul forisfecit LX Juxta forma Statut etc. Petrus Duffe pro consimili tres menses









as over Duffe ] 10.2.1673 . Ind Gerrardus Bourne pro consimili tres menses

.... [ ' Ind

as over Duffe ] 10.2.1673 . Thomas Hall pro recusan ' tres menses



10.2.1673 . Ind [as over Duffe Robertus Almye pro recusan tres menses




9.3.1673 . Ind & proclamaciofact' fuit iuxta forma Statut




po se modo Jurata Cul forisfecit LXXX Juxta forma Statut etc. Johannes Sadler Druggster pro recusan quatuor menses etc.






' etc. 25.4 po 'se modo Jurata per' Defalt Cul .

9.3.1673 . Ind & proclamaciofact fuit iuxta forma ' Statut LXXX

' forisfecit

Juxta forma Statut etc. Johannes Rice pro recusan quatuor menses




10.38.1673 . Ind & proclamacio fact fuit iuxta forma Statut etc.




9.3 . po se modo Jurata per Defalt Cul forisJuxta forma Statut etc. Samuel John Wright pro consimili tres menses fecit LX




Ang beginning] December 10th, 1673, he was At the Sessions indicted and proclamation was made . At the Sessions beginning January 9th [1673/4 he put himself [' not guilty on a jury of his country . Now a ] , Jury [being summoned, he was found] guilty [ and forfeited £60 according to the form of the Statute etc. Thomas Bentley for recusancyduring three months.


.: " [







I.e., the Sessions beginning February 25th, 1673/4 . modo Jurata per Defalt Cul Now [ i.e. , at the present Sessions of December, 1674 a Jury [being summoned, he was found] guilty by reason of his

" ]




$ 10.3 in MS . An error for 10.2 ( 10th December).












(1) [ Indictment of Daniel Arthur for recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Daniel Arthur de paroch Omniu Sanctor super muru in ward de Broadstreete London pred ' ' ' Mercator tertio decimo die Decembris Anno regni Domini nostri '




Caroli secundi Dei gra Anglie vicesimo sexto per spaciu formula as (2), p. 156] duor mensiu integror et ultra [ Ricardus Awbery Anna Andrewes Proclamaciofacta fuit 14.6 . Comparuit [Endorsed] Billa Vera Capt ad Del Gaol de Newgate § (2) [Record of stay of proceedings against Daniel Arthur.


' '








London ss . Alias scilicet ad Deliberacion Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate tent [as in document (6) , p. 158] die Veneris scilicet decimo nono die.... Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi vicesimo septimo Cora Roberto Vyner milit et Dei gra Angl Baronett Maiore Civitat London [also Edward Turner, Rainsford, Atkins, Aleyn , Lawrence, Bludworth and Howell ; their additions repeated as in earlier Records of proceedings of this reign] ac al sociis suis Justic ' dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de prison in ea existen Deliberand assign per sacramentum Pauli Palmer Roberti Browne Abraham Taylor Johannis Silvester Johannis Merrey Willelmi Springall Henrici Caswell Thome Hanson Thome Sheereing Georgii Beake Thome Finch Thome Day Egidii Baggs Anthonii Hartley Willelmi Butler Thome Bayley et Edwardi Tew probor' et legaliu hominu Civitat London pred adtunc et ibidem iurat et onerat' existen ad inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege et corpore Civitat pred existit presentat quod Daniel Arthur de paroch Omniu Sanctor super muru [the above indictment for recusancy against Daniel Arthur is here repeated; all notes omitted ] Ad quamquidem Deliberacion dicte Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate proclamacio facta fuit Et per eandem proclamacion adtunc et ibidem mandat fuit quod Corpus pred Daniel Arthur reddit' sit angee should bee rendred Vic Civitat London ante tunc prox Deliberacion Gaol pred as in document (6) , p . 158 Et modo scilicet ad pred prox Delibera] cion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent' die Mercurii scilicet quarto decimo die Aprilis Anno vicesimo septimo supradicto Coram prefat Roberto Vyner milit et Baronett Maiore Civitat '














































' .... '




Newgate calendar attached. The file for the preceding Sessions of 15th January, 1674/5 (with Newgate calendar) exists, but yields no information concerning Catholics or recusants as such . The Sessions Book likewise makes no specific reference to Catholics in the records of the Sessions of January and February, 1674/5. Witnesses for the prosecution. Ang.: Proclamation was made . On April 14th [ 1675 he appeared ." Ang This indictment ] was taken at the Gaol Delivery of Newgate."


.: " [







London [also Edward Turner , Littleton , Atkins, Aleyn , Peake and Howell ; their additions repeated as in earlier Records of ven pred Daniel Arthur this reign] et al sociis suis Justic .... Herne milit et Johannis in propr' persona sua sub Custod Nathaniel Lethulier milit Vicecom Civitat London pred in Quor Custod Idem Daniel Arthur preantea ex causa pred seipsum reddidisset Et fecit comparenc ' sua ' de Recordo Et statim habit ' audit Indictament pred petit quod cesset ulterior prosecucio super Indictament pred quousque prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat' London tenend etc. Super quo de gra Cur' hic special Idem Daniel Arthur Traditur in Ball Thome Langhorne de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate London Skynner et Johanni Farwell de interiori Templo London Generos usque prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad respondend etc. Et tunc ad placitand ad Indictament pred Et non Deced etc. * sub pena prefat Daniel Arthur ducent librar Et utriusque Pleg suor predictor Centu librar Quas etc. Si etc. Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol pred scilicet ad Deliberacion' Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent die Mercurii scilicet decimo nono die Maii Anno vicesimo septimo supradicto cora prefat ' Roberto Vyner milit et Baronett Maiore Civitat London [also Rainsford, Wylde, Windham, Atkins, Aleyn , Lawrence, Hanson and Howell; their additions repeated as in earlier " Records " of this reign] et al sociis suis Justic Ven prefat Daniel Arthur iuxta recognicion per ipsum et Pleg suos in hac parte ut prefertur recogn in propr persona sua ac protulit et deliberavit hic in Cur quodda warrant Willelmi Jones Milit Attornat dicti Domini Regis nunc General Qui pro dicto Domino Rege in hac parte sequitur etc. Quodquidem warrant sequitur in hiis Anglicanis verbis sequen videlicet ' Whereas Mr Daniel Arthur Merchant sworn servant to the Queenes Matye stands indicted in London for recusancy These are in pursuance of an Order of his Matye in Councill made the 19 of this instant May to require and authorize you to forbear proceedings thereupon for this Sessions To the end his Matye may bee further informed concerning the case of the said Arthur And for soe doeing this shalbee yor warrant Given under my hand this 20th day of May 1675 W. Jones To Mr Wagstaff Towneclerke of London or to his Deputy these Ideo cess process Quousque etc. Et super hoc de gra Cur special Idem DanielArthur traditur in Ball prefat Thome Langhorne et Johanni Farwell usque prox Deliberacion dicte Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad respondend etc. Et tunc ad placitand ad Indictament pred Et non Deced etc. * sub pena prefat Daniel Arthur Centu librar et utriusque suor Pleg predictor quinquagint ' librar Quas etc. Si etc. Ad quamquidem prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate scilicet Ad Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent die Mercurii scilicet septimo die Julii Anno vicesimo septimo supradicto Cora prefat Roberto_Vyner milit et Baronett Maiore Civitat London also Edward etc. are interlined in MS. non Deced The words Et *




' '







' '







' '

'' ' '








' ''



















' .... ' '


' '


' ' ' '' '

















' ' ' '


' '















'' '






Turner , " Thome Twisden milit et Baronett un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita cora ipso Rege tenend assign , Rainsford, Littleton , Aleyn , Fredericke, Peake and Howell ; their additions repeated as in earlier " Records " of this reign] et al sociis suis ven prefat Daniel Arthur iuxta recognicion pred per ipsum et Pleg suos in hac parte ut prefertur recogn in propr persona sua ac protulit et deliberavit hic in Cur quodda al warrant prefat Willelmi Jones Milit qui sequitur etc. Quodquidem warrant sequitur in hiis Anglicanis verbis sequen videlicet By vertue of an order from his Matye in Councell dated the 19th day of May 1675 These are to authorize and desire you forthwith to stay all Proceedings against Daniell Arthur of London Merchant upon an Indictm for Recusancy Given under my hand this 24th day of June 1675 Wi : Jones To Mr Wagstaff Town Clerke for the Citty of London Ideo Cess process etc.








' "



' ' ' ' ' '














[Appeared on summons and bailed in court at this Sessions.] Daniel Arthur de paroch' Omniu ' Sanctor' super_muru Lond mercator traditur in ball' Thome Langhorne de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate London Skynner & Johanni Farwell de interiori Templo London Generos usque prox Del' Gaol ad respond etc. ' ' ' Et placit' Indictament' pro Recusan' Et non deced etc. sub pena partis principal CC & '






utriusque pleg Cl





II (1675).


(1) [Record of an Order of the Court at this Sessions. ] Dominus Rex Vers'

Daniel Arthur Indictat pro recusan accedere ad Ecclesia sua parochial vel al Ecclesia etc. per spaciu Duor mensiu etc.


' '


' '

' '




Nisi pred Daniel Arthur comparuerit hic in Crastino et placitabit ad Indictament versus eu Convict existit secundum forma Statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis §









The file for this Sessions (with Newgate calendar) is extant , but contains no documents specifically relating to Catholics or recusants. placit Indictament' pro Recusan = To plead to his indictment for Recusancy. The file for this Sessions contains the original warrant (written on paper), dated 20th May, 1675, authorizing the postponement of proceedings against Daniel Arthur. The wording is as given in the Record " in text, p. 197. The current Newgate calendar is attached to this file. Ang.: Unless the aforesaid Daniel Arthur appears here tomorrow







MAY 1675



Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Sessions . ]


Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Langhorne de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate London Skynner & Johanni Farwell de interiori Templo Lond Gener usque prox Del Gaol ad respond etc. et placitand etc. Et non deced etc. sub pena partis principal CH & utriusque pleg L Daniel Arthur de paroch omniu Sanctor super muru London





'' '

'' '






'' '









persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit Daniel Arthur de paroch omniu Sanctor super muru London Generos '











calendar, entitled " A true and perfect Calendar of all [Newgate the Prisoners in the Gaole [sic] of Newgate for Fellonies and Trespasses the 10th day of May 1676

"is ; inter alia]

and pleads to the indictment against him , he convicted according to the form of the Statute in a case of this kind made and provided . ' On the file for this Sessions which is wrapped in the current Newgate calendar occurs the original paper warrant of the Attorney General dated 24th June, 1675, authorizing the stay of proceedings against Daniel Arthur. The wording is as given in the Record of proceedings , " p. 198 in text . The file also contains a record of recognizances , taken on 26th May, 1675, before Alderman Sir William Turner, of Richard Hill de Hartshorne Alley in Moorefeilds shoemaker and Edward White de Whitecrossestreete Blacksmyth in the sum of £20 each, for the appearance at the London Sessions of the Peace (to be held on 5th July, 1675) of Peter Derward, to answer For the good behavior being charged by Mr Sertillion Merchant his Master uppon suspicion of haveing imbezilled severall of his goods ." The clerical minute on the document states that Derward made default . Both Sertillion and Derward were recusants see preceding records . There is no further information in Sessions Files or Books concerning this case. The files for the Sessions held since the preceding July, 1675, are all extant and complete with Newgate calendars . The dates of these G.D. Sessions are as follows : I September, 13 October, 8 December, 1675 ; 14 January, 23 February, 1675/6 ; and 5 April, 1676. The Sessions Books for this period are also complete. None of these files or books contains any explicit reference to Catholics or recusants . The file of January 14th, 1675/6 , contains a recognizance taken on January 11th before Sir Richard Raynsford, J.P., of Nathaniel Thompson (later a convert to Catholicism) in the sum of £100, and of his two sureties Will Browne de paroch sancti Andr Holborne Gener et Edwardus Fowkes de paroch sancti Dunstani in occident Stationer £50 each) for Thompson's appearance at the next Generall Sessions_at Old Bailey, to answer for printing seditious and scandalous pamphlets. He













' '














Reprieved by ha cor to ye

' '

Kings [? Bench]




MAY 1676

James Butler Comitted by the Rt Honourable Sr Joseph Sheldon Knt Lord Major etc. and Sr Richard Ford Knt for ) that he did acknowledge himselfe to be a Recusant or Roman Catholique and being [? requested according to an Act of Parliament to take the Oath of Supremacy thereby required , which he refused etc. Dat 13°



April 1676






(1) [Indictment of Peter Farmer and two other persons for recusancy.]!!

appeared and was exonerated.

Two separate bills (both on this file) against him in conjunction with " Thomas Ratcliffe nuper de London Stacioner and Jonas O'Farel nuper de London Labor", were drafted, charging them " " with printing and publishing, on January 5th , 1675/6 , " A Letter from a Concerning Parliament man to his freind the proceedings of the house of Commons this last Sessions begun the 13th of October 1675. Printed in the yeare 1675. A third bill also occurs, this time against Thompson and Rawlins nuper de London Labor " for printing and publishing "onJacobus the same day Twoe seasonable discourses concerning this presentParliament Oxford Printed in the yeare 1675. " All three bills were, however, thrown out by the grand jury. J. G. Muddiman, in an article in the Month, July, 1921 (under the pen -name of " J. B. Williams "), discusses the probability that Nathaniel Thompson was received into the Catholic Church about 1684. * The clerk of the court invariably made his marginal notes in Latin. This note, being in the vernacular and, apparently, in the same hand as the main entry, was therefore made by the gaol clerk some time beforethe calendar was handed over to the clerk of the court at the beginning of the MaySessions. Thus we may assume that James Butler was removed to the King's Bench prison before May 10th. Cf. Introd. , pp . xxviii, xxix. One word illegible in MS. This date refers to Butler's committal to Newgate. § The documents relating to the G.D. Sessions of July 11th, 1677, including the Newgate calendar, are also on this file. The Sessions Book records another appearance (on bail), at the adjourned Quarter Sessions of July 11th, 1677, of the printer, Nathaniel Thompson, of Fetter Lane. His prosecutor on this occasion , " Robertus Stevens de little Brittaine Printer, " likewise bound to appear, made default , so Thompson was exonerated. The nature of the charge is unknown, for the original recognizance (which would have mentioned it) is missing from the file. The series of Sessions Files (all with Newgate calendars intact) and Sessions Books for the intervening period May, 1676 July, 1677, are complete, but no references to Catholics or recusants can be found therein . The dates of these G.D. Sessions were as follows : 28 June, 23 August , 11 October, 13 December, 1676; 17 January , 7 March, 1676/7 ; 25 April , and 1 June, 1677 . No record of this indictment and conviction is to be found in the current Estreats Book, nor do the names of these three persons appear in the Recusant Roll (P.R.O.) . It is clear that no estreat was made.








JULY 1677



Procl facta fuit 8. 12. 1677 non reddider seipsos sed Defalt


fecer Ideo etc.



London ss . Jur presentant quod Petrus Farmer de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Armiger Thomas Napper de paroch et ward pred yeoman et Anna Rixley de paroch et ward pred Spinster octavo die Aprilis Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl vicesimo per spaciu Triu mensiu integror et ultra nono [formula as (1), p. 155 ] Johannes Ramsey General Capt'ad ' Quarterial ' Session pacis Endorsed Billa Vera ]






' '




' '








(2) [Record of proceedingsagainst Peter Farmer, Thomas Napper and Ann Rixley. ] London ss . Memorand quod Ad general' Quarterial Session '



pacis Domini Regis tent' pro Civitat London apud Guihald eiusdem Civitat ac infra eandem Civitat die Lune scilicet nono die Julii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc' Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor' etc. vicesimo nono Cora Thoma Davies milit Maior Civitat London Johanne Fredericke milit













Thoma Bludworth milit Aldermannis Civitat pred et Willelmo Dolben milit Recordatore eiusdem Civitat ac al Sociis Suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat pred Conservand Necnon ad divers felon transgr et al malefacta infra eandem Civitat perpetrat audiend et terminand assign ' General' Quarterial Sessio ista pacis adiornat fuit per prefat Justic dicti Domini Regis hic usque diem Mercurii scilicet undecimu diem eiusdem mensis Julii Anno supradicto ad hora septima ante merid eiusdem diei apud Justicehall in le old Bailey in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred tenend cora prefat Justic et al Sociis suis ad faciend ulterius prout Cur Cons etc. Ac superinde per quanda Inquisicion ' Capt ad ista eandem General Quarterial ' Session' pacis tent pro Civitat London per Adiornament pred apud Justicehall pred in paroch et ward pred dicto die Mercurii undecimo die Julii Anno supradicto cora prefat Thoma Davies Milit' Maior ' Civitat London Ricardo Chiverton milit Thoma Aleyn milit et Baronett et Johanne Fredericke milit Aldermannis Civitat ' pred et Willelmo Dolben milit Recordatore eiusdem Civitat' ac al' sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat pred Conservand Necnon ad divers' as above assign per Sacramentum Nicholai Kelke Johannis Jekyll Johannis Fencell Willelmi Longmore Thome Charleton Jacobi Rawlins Fisher Dilkes Georgii Juxon Mauritii King Thome Needham Thome Salter Willelmi Bancks Johannis


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Ang. Proclamation was made . [At the Sessions beginning] October 8th, *1677, they did not render themselves [to the Sheriffs] but made default. Therefore etc. " I.e., they were convicted by reason of their default . Witness for the prosecution. I.e., " [This indictment was ] taken






JULY 1677


Billers Thome Poole Ricardi Blaney Ricardi Browne et Thome Webb probor et legaliu hominu Civitat' London pred qui adtunc et ibidem Jurat et onerat existen ad Inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege et Corpore Civitat pred existit presentat quod Petrus Farmer de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Armiger Thomas Napper de paroch et ward pred Yeoman et Anna Rixley de paroch et ward pred Spinster Octavo die Aprilis [ the above indictment for recusancy against these three persons is here repeated; all notes omitted] Super quo ad pred General Quarterial Session pacis dicti Domini Regis tent pro Civitat London per Adiornament ' pred apud Justicehall pred in paroch et ward pred dicto die Mercurii undecimo die Julii Anno supradicto Cora prefat Justic' ult nominat et al Sociis suis pred proclamacio facta fuit et per eandem proclamacion adtunc et ibidem mandat fuit quod Corpora pred Petri Farmer Thome Napper et Anne Rixley reddit' sint Angce should be rendred vic Civitat London pred ante tunc prox General Quarterial Session pacis dicti Domini Regis in et pro Civitat London pred tenend aut aliter Convict ' forent Juxta forma Statut pred et modo scilicet Ad pred prox General' Quarterial ' Session pacis dicti Domini Regis tent' pro Civitat London apud Guihald eiusdem Civitat ac infra eandem Civitat die Lune scilicet Octavo die Octobris Anno vicesimo nono supradicto Cora prefat Thoma Davies milit Maiore Civitat London Johanne Fredericke Milit Roberto Hanson milit et Josepho Sheldon milit' Aldermannis Civitat pred ac al Sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat pred Conservand Necnon ad divers [as above ] assign pred Petrus Farmer Thomas Napper et Anna Rixley non reddider nec aliquis eor reddidit Corpus suu Vic' Civitat London pred nec fecer nec quilibet eor' fecit Comparenc' sua de Record sed Defalt fecer et quilibet eor' Defalt ' fecit Et Defalt ipsor Petri Farmer Thome Napper et Anne Rixley per Cur hic Record est Propter quod Iidem Petrus Farmer Thomas Napper et Anna Rixley de premiss sic ut prefertur Indictat ' existen legittimo modo Convict sunt et quilibet eor Convict est secundum forma Statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis *






















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Although the records are complete, there is no evidence in these archives of further judicial proceedings in London against Catholics in matters of religion between this date and October, 1678, when we begin to find references to the persecution arising from the perjuries of Titus Oates. Each file for this intervening period has the current Newgate calendar attached, the dates of the Sessions (G.D.) being 6 September, 10 October, 12 December , 1677 ; 16 January, 27 February, 1677/8 ; 10 April, 16 May, 3 July, and 28 August, 1678. On the file for April 10th, 1678, however, occur two interesting documents which concern Elizabeth Cellier, the Catholic midwife . The contents of these documents here analyse: (a) Record of recognizances , taken on March 27th, 1678, before Alderman Sir William Turner, of John Atterbury " de Throgmorton streete London Packer, " Thomas Rogers " de Kings streete in Cheapside London Buttonseller, " and George Sturman " de throgmorton streete London Packer," in the sum of £40 each, for the appearance , at the Sessions of the Peace to be held on April 8th following,












in court at this Sessions. ] [Appeared and bailed de Ivy Lane vid traditur in Ball' Thome ' in Com Surr Generos' Denton de Chinsey ' etc. Et usque prox Session pacis ad 'respond ' ' ' gerend non deced etc. Et interim de se bene ' eor Vc pena utriusque ' etc. sub ' '

Susanna Denton





of Susanna Atterbury to answer . The memorandum below runs:

To keepe the Peace towards Eliz : Cellier. " Susanna Atterbury "duly appeared .

(b) True Bill that on March 26th, 1678, in the parish of St. Martin Ludgate, in the ward of Farringdon within London, John Atterbury, senior, late of London, Packer, Susanna Atterbury, wife of the aforesaid John, John Atterbury, junior, late of London , yeoman, Sara Atterbury, late of London, Spinster, and Elizabeth Atterbury, late of London, Spinster, did assemble and congregate riotously , routously and unlawfully to the disturbance of the King's peace, and,

being then and there assembled , did assault , strike , wound and maltreat one Elizabeth Cellier, the wife of Peter Cellier, so that it was despaired of her life , to the grave injury of the same Elizabeth Cellier. The names of the witnesses for the prosecution are given at the foot of the bill: Elizabetha Cellier, Edwardus Kempe, Willelmus Coxe. " Clerical minutes over the names of the defendants show that they all pleaded " not guilty " on April 17th, and that the jury found John Atterbury senior and Susanna his wife guilty of assault but not of riot . The others were acquitted . John and his wife were each fined twenty shillings. The file containing the records of this and the G.D. Sessions of 16 * October is extant (with Newgate calendar attached) , but yields no material concerning Catholics or recusants as such. Spelt Detton in other entries. She was a Catholic, but the reason why her appearance was required is nowhere stated : probably merely to ensure " good behaviour " during the Oates Plot scare . For a description of this collection of papers see Introd. , p. 1. All the papers here given were doubtless produced at the following Sessions of December 11th 1678 . , In this bundle (marked Sessions Papers 1670-1689 ) occurs also the following curious paper: Lond ss . The Informacion of Thomas Knight of Northumberland Alley London vict taken the 14th day of December 1678 Before me Sr John Frederick Knt & Alderman & one of his Mats Justices of the peace of the Citty of London etc. This Informant sayth, that coming last night into his house about 8 or gen of the Clock, one Mathew Penn being then in his house told him, That Mary Saintbard wife of Nathaniel Saint-Bard had spoken dreadfull words , to witt, y' shee the sd Mary would kill the King, whereupon this Informant asked her, why shee sayd soe , and asking her what King shee would kill, shee sayd the King of Hearts or Diamonds but this Informant told her that was butt a quibble, And then shee sayd againe , that shee would kill the King, and that shee had said soe before , & shee would say againe itTaken [signed Tho. Knight and sworne the day and yeare above said before me [signed] John frederick The Informacion of Mathew Penn of Northumberland Alley aforesayd










(1) [The examination of Thomas Fynney, * 2 November, 1678. ] London ss . The Examinacion of Thomas Fynney gent taken the second day of November 1678 Before Sr John Frederick Knt & Alderman and one of his Mats Justices of the peace of the Citty of London as followeth Being demanded when hee Examinant left Oxford saith about Easter was twelve monethes, and from thence went into the Countrey into Cornwall to his Aunt Julian Gross att Pensance neer the Mount there, where hee tarried about 3 or 4 monethes, and after that, came for London where hee tarried about 3 or fower monethes more and then went into Holland under Collonell John Bellass, where hee remained about two monethes, in the Capacity of a Clarke and Gentleman of the pikes in the Company of Capt Obrian , and from thence, went to the University of Lovin in Flaunders, where hee studied about halfe a yeare, and from Lovin, came to Bruges where hee had an Unckle called David Le Gross Captaine in the Duke of Yorks Regimt , and from thence, came to Ostend where hee Shipt on Board the Barbarbella for England and arrived here on Tuesday last in company wth Some of the Duke of Monmouthes servants, and since his coming to London hath taken his Lodging att the three tobaccoe Rolls in High -Holborne an Alehouse [Signed] Tho : Finny Examined & taken


before me [signed John Fredericke [Endorsed] The Examinacion of Thomas Fynny gent etc.


(2) [Information of John



12 November, 1678.



John Child, *

London ss . The Informacion of John Edwards of Aldermanbury Lond gent taken upon oath this 12th day of November 1678 Before Sr John Fredericke Knt & alderman & one of his Mats Justices of the Peace of the Citty of Lond as followeth This Informant sayth that John Child last night came into ye Company of this Informant, being att one Mrs Williams house in Butlers Alley in Grub streete, and said Child of his owne accord




Combemaker taken the 14th day of December 1678 Before me Sr John Frederick Knt & Alderman [etc. as above ] as followeth This Informant sayth, That last night being in Thomas Knights house in Northumberland Alley drinking wth Nathaniel Saint bard, Mary wife of the sd Nathaniel Saint-bard said shee would kill the King, and some one of Company whom hee cannot well remember, asked her what King , whereupon shee said the King of Diamonds or Spades, but afterwards shee sayd shee would kill ye King but this Inform saith, That shee was in ' Drinke The marke of Mathew x Penn aforesa Taken and sworne the day and yeare above said before me [signed ] John frederick The Informacions of Thomas Knight and Mathew Penn agt Mary [ Endorsed ] St Bard taken 14th of Xber 1678. Newgate calendar for 11th December , 1678, p. 211 in text. Cf * .






wthout any urging, said, that Oates was a Rogue for impeaching those Persons , and that hee deserv'd to be hanged & hee the sd Child did say hee himselfe did hope to see it, Whereupon the said Informt told the said Child , there were wiser men, then hee or himselfe did understand it , and why should they trouble themselves abt it, thereupon the sd Child stroke this Informant. [signed] John Edwards Jurat coram me Fredericke ] John [signed The Informacion of John Edwards etc. taken 12° [Endorsed ] Novembr 1678


(3) [Reputed Catholics in London who took the oaths 21 November, 1678.


A List of ye names of such Papists or soe reputed that did on ye

21st of Novembr 1678 take ye Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy before Sr Robt Hanson and Sr Thomas Davies Knts Two of his Mats Justices of ye Peace of ye Citty of London . Piercey Joslin in ye Parish of St Sepulchres Glasier & Dorcas his


Tho: Pasham in Fleete-lane Bookebindr & Frances his Wife Wm Hollingshead lodging att Mr Fox's in Cow lane James Terpine of Cowlane Painter Peter Aviett a Taylor lodging att Mr Reynoldson's in St Brides Parish Robt Danson on Snow-hill Watch maker James Skerritt Aprentice to ye Widd * Grocer at ye Ramme in Smithfield Sarah Mascall lodging att Mr Shawes in Fleete-lane Jno Croft of Cow lane a Bodiesmaker George Nevill of ye same Dyer Thomas Newton on Snow- hill Taylor & Elinor his Wife Charles Bowyer of Chick-lane Barber Richd Draper Apprentice to Mr Corbett of Fleete-Lane Turner Eliz : Evans Servt to Mr Harris on Snow- hill Organ maker Eliz : Cother another of his Servants George Boreman of Chick-lane Corke-Cutt George Dockwray of Smithfield Grocer Susanna Oldfeild and lodgers att Mr Dorms in Black & White Mary Oldfeild Court in ye Old Bayly Milliner James Hurst att Mr Gunn's in Angell Cot in St Sepulchres Parish Elenor Mason an Almeswoman of St Sepulchres Parish Wm Trabutty neare Fleete- Ditch Picture Drawer Hen: Parsons lodging att Mr Manlette's in ye Old Bayly Jno Pibus a Lodger att Mrs Fostrs neare Fleete Ditch Dorothy Wyott in Stone Cutts Streete Widdow Fardinando Herbert Yeoman of ye Stirrup to ye Queene Ralph Johnson of Fleete streete Taylor & Sarah his Wife Eliz: Pierce a Lodger att Mr Argent's a Broker in Harpes Alley wthin ye Parish of St Brides alias Bridgett

* I.c., Widdow (?) .






Jno Hewett of St Brides Varnisher & Dorothy his Wife Francis Savage Lodgr att Mr Fletchrs in Blackfryrs Chandler Anne Pickering in Black fryrs Silver and Gold Lace maker Bridgett Griffeth Widdow Lodging att Mr Brasby's in Salisbury Court Jane Wilstonecroft Wife of Charles Wilstoncroft in Vine Cot in Shooe Lane Cristall Cuttr Anne Browne Wife of Thomas Browne in Shooe Lane Carpentr Eliz: Kettle of Red Lyon Court in St Sepulchres Parish Button & Loope maker George Knappe of New- streete in Shooe Lane Goldsmith Anth : Stepps Servt to Mr Pakeman in ye Old Bayly Jane Read of PopinjayAlley in St Brides Parish Widdow Robert Thorne Painter Jno Goade Clerke Antonio Saraceno of Crutchett fryrs Soape boyler Jno Toriano in Black fryrs Teacher of Languages Henry Roper & his Wife in Bippsgate Streete Eliz: Burgesse of Little St Bartholomew's Widdow Jno Deane of St Bartholomew's ye great Schoolemasterand Frances his Wife lodging att Mr Gilberts Thomas Owens gent Lodging att one Mr Luggs in Bloomesbury [Signed] Robert Hanson Thomas Davies [Endorsed] Recusants names yt tooke the oathes


(4) [Reputed Catholics in London who took the oaths 10 December, 1678.]

A list of the names of those Popish Recusants or soe reputed who

have taken the oaths of Supremacy & Allegiance before us Sr Robt Hanson & Sr John Moore Knts two of his Mats Justices of the Peace for theCity of London upon the 10th day of Decemb Annoque dom 1678 Egbert Vandoorn of the Parish of St Michaell Baseingshaw in the City of London Diamond Cutter etc. Henry Cousturier * of St Michaell aforesd in the City aforesd Marchant etc. Jonas Cudworth of St Michaell aforesd Barber Chyrurgeon etc. ™


XVIII A. (1)


)* II and of Edward Hawkins to prosecute. ] London ss . Memorand quod septimo die Novembris Anno Regni

(a) [Recognizancefor the appearance of John Montague to answer


Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXX Coram me Georgio


Consturier. * ? orthis section of the file occurs also a recognizance taken on November


19th, 1678, before the Lord Mayor, Sir James Edwards, Knt . , J.P. , of Edward






Waterman Milit un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat' pred Conservand assign ven Johannes Montague de paroch sancti Michael crooked Lane [ et tradit in Ball Samuell Lemott de paroch eadem mercator et Egidius Rooks de paroch sancti Martini Orgaris Dier usque prox session pacis pro Civitat London tenend ad respondend etc. utriusque Et non deced etc. sub pena partis principal pleg pred XXI Legalis etc. Levand etc. Quas etc. si etc. Memorand quod die et Anno pred Coram me ven Edwardus Hawkins de paroch sancti Alhallows less Barber Chirurgeon et adtunc et ibidem recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summa XX sub condicion quod si pred Edwardus personaliter Comparuit ad session pacis pred ad prosequend legem cu effectu et dand evidenc ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus Quod tunc etc. prefat Johannes Montague in causa Alioquin etc. Signed Geo : Waterman Upon Suspition of subverting protestants to Popery Comparuer

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(b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Michael Warton to answer. London ss. Memorandum quod Vicesimo octavo die Octobris Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Anglie tricesimo vener coram me Thoma Aleyn Milite et Baronetto uno Justiciar Pacis de Civitat predict conservande Michael Warton de St Alhallows Staining a Distiller of Waters recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 2001 legalis etc. levand etc. Edwardus Bolnes de Queen Street in parochia de St Mary le Bow Medicus et Willelmus










Sing de St Michael Queenhith Coffeeman " in the sum of £40, and of two sureties, Philip Canthorne ibidem Cheesemonger Archer " " and 20William each), for the de Warwick Court in paroch Ecclesie Christi Gener ( appearance of the said Edward Sing at the next Sessions of the Peace and ad observ publicam pacem precipue erga Georgiu Knight. A memorandum on the document runs, For misbehaveing 'himselfe " to the Guards. of From the Sessions Book we learn that Edward Sing duly appeared at the December Sessions and was again bound over, on his own recognizances 40), to appear at the next Sessions of the Peace. On his appearance at the Sessions of January, 1678/9 , he was discharged by the court . No further details of the misdemeanourwith which he was charged are to be found . He was not indicted . Edward Sing is doubtless to be identified with a Catholic of the same name (and address ) who figures elsewhere in these records. A space is left here in MS . for word indicating status or occupation of John Montague. Sic in MS. for Egidio. Sic in MS. Probably an error for XLI . § Sic in MS. for comparuerit. Sic in MS. for Johannem . A space is left here in MS . for word describing the category or class of the offence. In the case of a priest, practising to absolve and seduce from the King's allegiance to Popery was made treason by a statute of 23 Elizabeth. is clear, however, that Montague was not suspected of being a priest It . The words a Distiller of Waters are interlined in MS.



















Hedges de Basinghall Street Mercator separatim recogn se et eor utrumque debere dicto Domino Regi 2001 legalis etc. levand etc. sub condicione quod predictus Michael Warton personaliter comparebit ad proxim Session Pacis pro Civitat predict etc. Signed] Tho : Aleyn Mr Warton being a Papist and Respur refuseing to take the Oath of Allegeance and Supremacy


' [ '






(c) [Recognizance for the appearance of Peter Parent to answer.]

London ss . Memorand quod XXVI° die Octobris Anno Regni Regis Carol Secund nunc Angl etc. XXX Coram me Johanne Frederick Milite uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London Conservand assignat venerunt Nicholas Gorey de Bucklers- bury London Mercator et Nicholas Moysy de Pancrass - lane London Mercator et manuceperunt pro quodam Petro Parent quod idem Petrus Parent personaliter compar ad prox Session pacis pro Civitate London tenend ad respond etc. Sub pena utriusque Manucaptor pred C quas etc. si etc. [Signed ] John frederick for the Good behavior etc. being a Suspicious Person & a Papist etc. Defalt fecit

' '

















(2) (a)





Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Wetnall and [Joseph Hide to prosecute William Bristoe .]

London ss. Ma quod 30 die Novembr Anno Regn' Carol secundi etc. Tricesimo Coram me Thoma Davies Milit un Aldermannor ac un Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat pred Conservand Assignat in propr personis suis venert Thomas Wetnall super Snow hill Salesman et Josephus Hide de eadem


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In this section of the file occurs also the following recognizance of Thomas Knight and Matthew Penn to appear and prosecuteMary Saintbard : London ss . Memorand quod xiiii die Decembris Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. xxxo Cora me Johanne Frederick Milite uno ' Regis ad pacem infra Civitat Aldermanno ac uno Justiciar ' dicti Domini ' London Conservand assignat vener' Thomas Knight de Northumberland Ses Katherina [sic] Coleman Lond vict et Matheus Alley infra paroch Penn de eadem Combemakeret unusquisqueeor' recogn' se debere dicto Domino Regi xl legal etc. levand etc. per via' Recogn ' sub condicione quod iidem Thomas Knight et Matheus Penn Personaliter comp ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgatepro Civitate London per adjournament tenend ad pros' legem cu ' effectu et dand eviden ex parte dicti Domini Regis vers' quandam Maria uxor ' Nathaniel' Saintbard labor' in causa Proditionis Tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [signed] John frederick For Treason etc. saying she the said Mary Saintbare Comparuit [sic ? for comparuerunt] would kill the King etc. (Note. Mary Saintbard was not indicted .)

' '






















gener et cognovert se debere

dicto Domino Regi separal sum vigint libr legalis etc. Levand etc. Condicio quod ipsi personaliter comparuerint ad prox Session Gaol deliberac de Newgate tent' apud le Old Bayly pro Civitat pred & Com Middlesex ad tunc et ibidem Prosequend et dand in evidenc versus William Bristoe nunc in prisona de Newgate pred existent Et abinde non etc. Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed Thomas Davies







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' '


For ye sd Wm Bristoe his speakeing dangerous words relating to ye late murther of Sr Edmondbury Godfrey



[Inquisition-post-mortem on William Fogarty,* prisoner in Newgate. London ss . Inquisicio Indentat' Capt pro Serenissimo Domino Rege apud Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate scituat in paroch sancte Ecclesie Christi in ward de Farringdon infra London pred die Mercurii scilicet sexto die Decembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra' Angl Scoc Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo Cora ' Johanne Robotham Generos Coronat Civitat London pred super Visu Corporis cuiusdam Willelmi Fogarty adtunc et ibidem mortui iacen per Sacramentum Edwardi Hearne Edwardi Read Jacobi Athey Georgii Lamprey Nathaniel Pollard Johannis Biggs Jacobi Goddard Thome Scott Willelmi Young Willelmi Osborne Jacobi Dunstar Henr Bigland et Henr Swindall probor et legaliu hominu Civitat London pred qui adtunc et ibidem iurat et onerat existen ad Inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege quando ubi qual et quomodo pred Willelmus Fogarty ad mortem sua devenit dicunt super Sacramentum suu quod pred Willelmus Fogarty tunc existen Prisonar in Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pred qui antetunc comiss ' fuit illuc pro suspic alt Prodicionis postea scilicet die Jovis scilicet quinto die Decembris Anno Tricesimo supradicto in Gaol pred ex visitacione Dei natural mortem obiit et non aliter nec aliquo alio modo Et sic Jur pred super Sacramentum suu pred dicunt quod pred Willelmus Fogarty adtunc et ibidem ad mortem sua in modo et forma pred devenit et non aliter ad notic' eorundem Jur In Cuius (b)











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William Fogarty , a Catholic physician, had been committed to Newgate* on September 30th, 1678, for suspected complicity in Titus Oates's " plot." He was a Middlesex prisoner. Cf. Middlesex County Records (vol. iv) ; Foley, Records S.J. ( vol. v) .

Another inquest occurs on this file , taken on Wednesday, December 11th, " pro suspic ' Felon , whodied a natural death in prison on December 10th, ex visitacione Dei. Powell was a Middlesex prisoner, but I can find no record of him in M.C.R. Sic in MS . for Veneris . for suspicion of high treason. Fogarty , therefore, had not been 1678 , onthe body of Philip Powell, a prisoner in Newgate



arraigned . N


' ""












rei Testimoniu tam prefat Coron quam Jur pred huic Inquisicioni sigilla sua apposuer die Anno et loco primo supradictis ' per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred




Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss. A true & perfect [Kallender of all ye Prisons in Newgate for Fellony & Trespasses : 11° Decembr 1678 ; inter alia. ] by the Rt honoble ' Phillip " Cooke Comd Ad Inven bon m


' '


Sr James Edwards Knt Lord Maior of the Citty of London and Sr Robert Hanson Knt, for refuseing to take the Oathes of allegianceand Supremacie being duely offered him Dat 13° Novem-

Cora Magistro Recordatore Ad Comparend ad prox




General Quarterial Session pacis ad respond Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc.


' '


' *


br 1678


Roger Taverner Comd by the Rt honoble Sr James Edwards Knt Lord Cora Magistro Recordatore Maior of the Cittyof London as preceding note and Sr Thomas Alleyne Knt for refuseing to take the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacie being by them lawfully tendered to him Dat 19th Novembr 1678 Salvo Custodiend Pugh Vaughan Comd by Sr Thomas Alleyn & Sr Wm Turner Knts, haveing conin Gaol sine fessed that he is a Roman Ball etc. Catholique & being taken in the Citty of London contrary to his Majites Proclamacion and refuseing to take the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacie tendered to him Dat 20 ° Novembr'

Ad Inven bon m





' '








* Ang.: To find good mainprize beforeMr Recorder for his appearance at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to answer etc. and not depart etc. and for his good behaviour in the meantime etc." The marginal notes which are written in Latin on this and the following Newgate calendars are all in the hand of the clerk of the court . They were therefore written in court during the course of the sessions to which the calendar pertains, and refer to curial decrees. The same is to be said with regard to the single note " delivered " (dd in MS.) . The English marginal notes were written by the clerk of the gaol before the calendar was handed over to the clerk of the court at the beginning of the sessions. These remarks will enable the student to calculate approximately the length of imprisonment in certain instances where no dates are given in the MS. The date, as in all similar entries, is that of the prisoner's committal to Newgate. Ang.: " To be kept securely in gaol without bail etc. § I.e., Proclamation of 30th October, 1678. Cf. Introd. , p. lv .









delivered * Ad Inven bon m Cora Thoma Davies Wm Bristoe Comd by Sr Thomas Davies milit ad Comparend Knt, charged upon Oath for ad prox Del Gaol ad words spoaken by him relateing to the Murther of Sr respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se Edmundbury Godfrey Knt bene gerend Dat 30 Novembr 1678 Discharged by the John Deane Comd by the said Sr Thomas sd Sr Thomas the being suspected to be a Romish 30th ofNovem 1678 preist and for want of sureties Dat 19° Novembr 1678 delivered John Child from the Poultrey Compter


' ' '

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Comitted by Sr John Fredericke for saying Mr Oates was a Rougue for Impeaching those persons & that hee deserved to be hanged


Thomas Finney thencecomitted by him§ for saying other bookes were fitter to be burnt than ye Popish bookes!!

B. (1)



[Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions.


27.3 . Respur super affidavit ThomeDettonusque marginal note delivered (dd in MS.) opposite Bristoe, Child , and * The was written by the clerk of the court . is probable, therefore, that Finney they were released some time during the course of the present Sessions. The entries concerningJohn Child and Thomas Finney are in the hand of the clerk of the court, which indicates that these persons were brought to Newgate (from the Poultry Counter prison) after the calendar had been delivered to that official by the Newgate clerk, i.e. , on the opening day of the Sessions. I.e., from the Poultry Counter prison. SI.e. , Sir John Frederick. This entry immediately follows that of John Child on the calendar. Below this entry (and in the same hand) occurs the following : Salvo Custodiend Mary Saintbard Committed by St John FrederGaol sine Ball etc. in icke , Kn accused by Thomas Knight for speaking daingerous & treasonable words saying shee would kill the King. Further below (again in the same hand) is a record of the committal of Nicholas Ridley a Quaker, who is, at this Sessions, ordered to remain in " before Mr Recorder for his good behaviour. Newgate until he finds sureties His name again occurs in the calendar for the next Sessions (January, 1678/9), under the sub-title " London prisoners upon Orders, where his offence is described as for Recusancie in not takeing the same Oathes " (i.e., of Allegiance and Supremacy) . The marginal note, however, shows that before the January Sessions began he was bailed by the Recorder for his appearance at the next Gaol Delivery . " He does not appear again in the


' '




calendars .









prox Quarterial Session' pacis ad respond etc. pt festu' Pasche prox etc. * Susanna Detton de Ivy lane Vid'






Def fec'



Petrus Parent ans


Respur Super affidavit Willelmi Hedges de quod pred Michaelest *



[ Omniu ] ' de paroch Michael Wharton ' ' Sanctor' ans Steyning


10.3 . Comparuit & Respur per Cur etc. § Johannes Mountague de eodem ans


pro suspic' subversion Protestan'


' Comparuit

Edwardus Hawkins de Thamestreete Barber pros'



. II DECEMBER, 1678for appearance at this

Among persons previously bound over Sessions.



Comparuit Thomas Wetnall de Snowhill Salesman pros Comparuit Josephus Hide gener pros


Willelmum Bristoe


XIX. (1)






(a) [Recognizance for the appearance of Peter Busler to answer.] London ss. Md quod XIIII die Januarii Ano Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXX ° Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un ' ' ' ' Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra





January 27th [1678/9] she is respited on the affidavit of .: " On * AngDetton Thomas until the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to answer etc. after the feast of Easter next following etc. " Good Behaviour

I.e., [for]


He is respited on the affidavit of William Hedges of [space for address] to the effect that the aforesaid Michael is [blank . § Ang.: He appeared at the Sessions beginning 10th January , 1678/9, and is respited by the Court etc. eodem loco [ : i.e. , Crooked Lane (mentioned in the preceding entryin the Sessions Book). This is the regular form of a Sessions Book entry when persons were due to appear to prosecute one who (as William Bristoe) was already in custody. Ang.:








JANUARY 1678/9



Civitat' London conservand assign' ven' Petrus Busler de paroch sancti Gregorii London generos ' Et traditur in ball Samuel Cob de ' '



paroch pred Coquo et Johanni Dennis de paroch pred Joyner usque prox Session pac ' pro Civitat' London tenend die Lune scilicet XX die Januarii instant ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend Sub Pena Partis principal Cu et utriusque pleg pred L legalis etc. levand etc. quas etc. si etc. [Signed Wm Turner For his good behavior & to Keepe the peace towards or Soveringe Comparuit

















Lord the King and all his people hee being a Roman Catholike

(b) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Sadler to answer. London ss. Memorand quod vicesimo tertio die Decembris Anno Regni Regis Carol secundi nunc Angl etc. XXX Coram me Georgii Waterman Milit un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London conservand assign ven Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptist Mercator et traditur in Ball Edwardus Thornburgh de paroch sancti Dunstani in oriente Mercator et Granado Chester de paroch magni sancti Hellini Grocerus* usque prox Session pacis pro Civitat ' London tenend ad respond et non decedend etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena partis principal' centum Libr et utriusque pleg' pred centum Libr quas etc. si etc. [Signed] Geo : Waterman The said John Sadler is Bound to ye Peace he being a Reputed Comparuit Papist





' '





















' '

Recognizance for the appearance of Peter Groscott to answer. London ss . Memorand quod vicesimo tertio die Decembris Coram me Georgio Waterman ven Petrus Groscott de paroch sancti Benneti Gracechurch Dancingmaster et traditur in Ball Gulielmus Newman de eadem paroch' Piscenarius et Samuel Argall de paroch omniu Sanctor Lumberd Streete Haberdasher usque prox General Session pacis . as recognizance(b) above . ] Signed Geo : .... Waterman [ ] The said Peter Groscott bound to ye Peace he being a Reputed Comparuit
















(d) [Recognizance for the appearance of William Rigby to answer.] London ss . Memorand quod vicesimo tertio die Decembris coram me GeorgioWaterman ven Gulielmus Rigby de paroch sancti Laurentii Pountny victular et traditur in Ball Abrahamu ? Chitty de paroch sancti Benneti Pauleswharfe Brewer et










MS. for Edwardo Thornburgh magne sancte Helline Grocero. * Sic in MS ....Piscenario. Sic in . for Gulielmo Newman Surname doubtful . MS. badly rubbed.




JANUARY 1678/9


Willielm [ sic] Bowden de paroch' sancti Margareti * new Fishstreete Pewterer usque prox General' session pacis [as recognizance ' (b) above]. [Signed] Geo : Waterman The said William Rigby is bound



to ye Peace he being a Reputed




[Recognizance for the appearance of John Betts to answer. London ss . Memorandum quod octavo die Januarii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Anglie tricesimo ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Milite et Baronetto uno Justiciar Pacis de Civitat predict conservand etc. Johannes Betts de St Andrew Undershaft in Medicinis Doctor recogn se debere Dicto Domino Regi 401 legalis etc. levand etc. Samuell Shenton de Gracechurch street Sadler et Prosper Fenton de Seething Lane Cooperseparatim recogn se et eor utrumque debere dicto Domino Regi 2011 per se legalis etc. levand etc. sub Condicione quod predictus Johannes Betts personaliter comparuer ad prox Session Pacis pro Civitat predict tenend etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. [Signed ] Tho : Aleyn For being a Papist recusant and Comparuit to be of good behaviour




















( ) [Recognizance for the appearance of Anthony Sarecynie to

f answer . ]

London ss. Memorandum quod sexto die Januarii ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Antonius Sarecynie de St Olaves Hart street Hard sope maker recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 40 legalis etc. levand etc. Henricus Barkley de AldermanburyMercator et Sampson Perris de St James Dukes place Mercator separatim ... 2011 sub Condicione quod predictus Antonius Sarecynie as recognizance (e) above . personaliter compar ] [Signed Tho : Aleyn For being a Papist recusant and Comparuit to be of good behaviour










(g) [Recognizance for the appearance of William Holmes to

answer. London ss . Memorandum quod sexto die Januarii ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Willelmus Holmes de St Botolph Algate Taylor recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 40 legalis etc. levand etc. Henricus Punnys de le Minories Joyner et Johannes Knight de 2011 sub St Giles Cripplegate Cloth-worker separatim Condicione quod predictus Willelmus Holmes personaliter compar






' ....

as recognizance ( e) above ] .




[Signed] Tho : Aleyn

For being a Papist recusant and

to be of good behaviour

* Sic in MS . for Abrahamo Chitty Margarete.


.... Willelmo Bowden




JANUARY 1678/9



(h) [Recognizance for the appearance of Henry Velder to answer. London ss . Memorandum quod tercio die Januarii ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Henricus Velder de St KatherineCreechurch Taylor recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 2011 legalis etc. levand etc. Willelmus Black de eadem Bricklayer recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 10ll legalis etc. levand etc. Sub Condicione quod predictus Henricus Velder personaliter compar as recognizance (e) above . ] Signed Tho : Aleyn [









' ' '



For being a Papist recusant and to be of good behaviour


Defalt fecit


Recognizance for the appearance of John Hunt to answer.



London ss . Memorandum quod tercio die Januarii ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Johannes Hunt de St Katherine Creechurch Taylor recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 2011 legalis etc. levand' etc. Willelmus Black de eadem Bricklayer recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 10ll legalis etc. levand etc. Sub Condicione quod predictus Johannes Hunt personaliter compar as recognizance (e) above . .... [Signed] Tho : Aleyn For being a Papist recusant and to be of good behaviour Defalt fecit







' ' '





[Recognizance answer .]

for the appearance of Augustine Racketto to

London ss. Memorandum quod tercio die Januarii ... ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Augustinus Racketto de St Botolph Aldgate Glassmaker recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 40 legalis etc. levand etc. Johannes Marcy de St Botolph Aldgate Glassmaker et Daniell Cardon de eadem Glassmaker separatim 2011 Sub Condicione quod predictus Augustinus Racketto personaliter as recognizance (e) above . compar ] Signed] Tho : Aleyn [ For being a Papist recusant and to be of good behaviour Comparuit




.... '




(1) [Recognizance for the appearance of Elias Marcy to answer.] London ss. Memorandum quod tercio die Januarii ven' coram me Thoma Aleyn Elias Marcy de St Botolph .... Aldgate Glass.... maker recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 40 legalis etc. levand ' etc. Johannes Gerrett de St Botolph Aldgate Brass Founder et Andrew Peere de eadem Turner separatim 2011 Sub Condicione quod predictus Elias Marcy personaliter compar [as recognizance (e) above . [Signed] Tho : Aleyn For being a Papist recusant and




to be of good behaviour






JANUARY 1678/9



(m) [Recognizancefor the appearanceof Peter Depoyesto answer.] London ss . Memorandum quod tercio die Januarii ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Petrus Depoyes de St Botolph Aldgate Fanmaker recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 40 legalis etc. levand etc. Fredericus Lichfeild de St Botolph Aldgate Bricklayer et Ricardus Crachley de eadem Merchant Taylor separatim 2011 Sub Condicione quod predictus Petrus Depoyes personaliter compar as recognizance (e) above . ] Signed Tho : Aleyn [ For being a Papist recusant and Comparuit to be of good behaviour


.... '







[Recognizancefor the appearance of Mathias Bartholomew to answer.] London ss . Memorandum quod tercio die Januarii . ven ' coram me Thoma Aleyn Mathias Bartholomew de St James Dukes place Taylor recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 40 legalis etc. levand etc. Thomas Rutty de St Edmund Lumbard street Haber2011 . dasheret Henricus Wright de eadem Draper separatim Sub Condicione quod predictus Mathias Bartholomew personaliter as recognizance (e) above . compar ] Signed] Tho : Aleyn [ For being a Papist recusant and Comparuit to be of good behaviour (n)

.... '




.... [

(o) [Recognizance for the appearance of Peter Vanderleye to answer . ]

ven' London ss . Memorandum quod secundo de Januarii as recognizance (e) above] Petrus coram me Thoma Aleyn [ Vanderleye de Castle yard in hounds ditch recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 2011 legalis etc. levand etc. Sub Condicione quod personaliter comparuer ad prox Session Pacis pro Civitat predict tenend etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. Dicto die et Anno Willelmus Batman de Castle yard in Hounds ditch Exchange Broker recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi roll legalis etc. levand etc. Sub Condicione quod predictus Petrus Vanderleye personaliter compar ad prox Session Pacis pro Civitat predict tenend etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. [Signed] Tho : Aleyn For being a Papist recusant and Comparuit to be of good behaviour

















' '

(P) Recognizancefor the appearance of John Blake to answer. London ss. Memorandum quod vicesimo quarto die Decembris Johannes Blake de St ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Katherine Coleman Mercator recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 1001 legalis etc. levand etc. Sub condicione Dicto die et Anno Henricus Lambe de St Mary Woolnoth Gouldsmith et Albayney Armstronge de St Dunstans in the East Wine Cooper separatim recogn se et eor' utrumque debere dicto Domino Regi











JANUARY 1678/9



50 Sub condicione quod predictus Johannes Blake personas recognizance (o) above . aliter compar ] [Signed] Tho : Aleyn For being a Papist recusant and Comparuit to be of good behaviour (q) [Recognizance for the appearanceof Henry Rooper to answer. London ss. Memorand quod tercio die Januarii Ano Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXX Anno Dom 1678 Coram me Roberto Hanson Milit uno Aldermannor ac un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad pace' infra Civitat' Lond Conservand assign ven Henrico Rooper de St Bottolph Bishops gate London gener recogn se debere dicto Dom regi quadragint Libr solvend Rice Hopkins de Garlick Hill London scrivener et Guliellimu [sic] Bullocke de Greene Harbour Courte in old Bayley London Cooper recogn se debere dicto dom regi quadragint Libr solvend etc. Sub condicion quod si pred Henrico * Rooper personal Comparebit ad prox session pacis pro Civitat London tenend etc. [Signed] R. Hanson Henry Rooper bound to keepe the peace & to be of good behavior according to his Mats late Comparuit proclamacion being a supposed Papist etc. ( ) [Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Bentley to




'' '






' '




' '


' '










r answer .


London ss . Memorand quod Die Lune sexto die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. Tricesimo ven cora me Jacobo Edwards mil Major ' Civit' pred un Justic etc. Thomas Bentley prope Bedlam Bookseller Et Samuel Tanner ibidem Plumber & Jacobus Evitts ibidem etia Baker Et tunc & ibidem idem Thomas recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi Quadragint libr legalis etc. Et etia pred Samuel & Jacobus recogn se et eor cuilibet debere dicto Domino Regi Vigint libr legalis etc. levari etc. Condicio etc. quod si pred Thomas person compar ad prox session pacis pro Civit London tenend etc. ad respond etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. Signed Ja : Edwards Major Being reputed to [be a ] Roman Catholick Comparuit












' '







' '





' '


15 JANUARY, 30 CHARLES (1678/9 ). Recognizance appearance for the of William Bristo, junior, to [ answer .



London ss. Ma quod XX° die Decembris Anno Regni Regis Caroli


* Sic in MS . for Henricus.

I.e., Proclamation of 20 December , 1678. Cf. Introd., p. lvii . Sic in MS. for quemlibet (or utrum que). .






secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXo Cora me Thoma Davies Milit un Aldermannor Civitat London ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat pred Conservand assign ven Willelmus Bristo sen de paroch Sancte Anne Blacke Fryers London Generos ' et Robertus Hull de Medio Templo London Generos et Recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi separal summas XL legalis etc. levand per via Recogn Sub Condicione quod si Willelmus Bristo Jun filius pred Willelmi Bristo sen personaliter comparuerit ad prox Deliberacionem Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad respond etc. et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend Quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. Signed] Thomas Davies Comparuit (b) Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss . A true & perfect Kallender of all the Prisoners in Newgate for Felonies & Trespasses the 15th day of January 1678 ; inter alia. ] Ralph Connyers Comd by Sr George Jeffreys Ad Inven bon m cora Magistro Knt Record of the Citty of London for that he is a popish Recordatore ad Comparend ad Recusant and a very dangerouse person to the King & prox Del Gaol ad respond etc. Et non Governmt & hath beene at Mass wthin these two yeares Deced etc. Et interim de se bene by his owne Confession . Dat gerend etc. 23º Decembr 1678 George Browne Comd by Sr Wm Turner John Butler Knt charged by Robert Owen Hurst Escaped Wynn Esq forthat they Ind in Middles wth severall others did Richd Mills & enter his house under Christofer Brunker pretence to search for Roman Catholics & others concerned in the Plott & did robb his house of severall parcells of silver plate, Jewells, Rings and money, Value 150 Dat 31° Decembr









' '



JANUARY 1678/9



' '




















' ''' ' '

' *







' on calendar, entitled London Prisonersupon Orders ; [Sub-section " " inter alia.



] Phillip Cook

Roger Taverner


for Recusancy in not takeing the

Oathes of Allegiance & supremacie

word sen is interlined in MS. * The translation ' , cf.

For footnote, p. 210 . Ang.: Indicted in Middlesex." The original indictment appears to have been lost , but the Gaol Delivery Book (Middlesex) for this Sessions shows that Browne, Butler , Mills , and Brunker were all convicted of the burglary and sentenced to be hanged (Middlesex County Records, iv, 278) .




JANUARY 1678/9



To find baile before Mr Recorder to appeare at the next Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace to answer etc. & for their good behavior for misdemeanor in words. To find baile before Sr Thomas Davies Knt to appear as above sd * etc.

Bailed by the Wm Bristoe sd Sr Thomas Pugh Vaughan

for Recusancie




persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


24.4 . Comparuit & Respectuatur etc. per Cur fuit extra iuxta proclamacionet die crastino redire in

rure§ Michael Wharton de paroch Omniu Sanctor ans Steyning Comparuit & exonur etc. Thomas Bentley prope Bedlam Bookeseller




' Papist



Comparuit & exontur etc. Henr Rooper de paroch sancti Bottolphi ans Bishoppsgate London Gener




' occurring in the ' I.e , at the next Gaol Delivery of Newgate words * .

( preceding item in the calendar) . Beneath this entry occurs the following: Mittatur ad Bridewell Marie Saint Bard for suspicion of severall Lond ad laborand usque felonies etc. prox Del Gaol de Newgate Et tunc Reducatur etc. I.e., Proclamation of 30 October, 1678. Cf. Introd., p. lv . The wretched Latinity and lack of punctuation make the meaning of this minute uncertain . may perhaps be rendered thus : He appeared on February 24th [1678/9 and is respited by the court . In accordance with the proclamation he has been outside [London , and to-morrow is to return into the country That Wharton had left London some time before the preceding December Sessions is shown by the minute above his name in the Sessions Book entry for that date : cf. p. 212 in text. The present note was evidently made at the February Sessions. Ang He appeared and is discharged etc. Some account of the treatment of Catholics in London during the Oates Plot will be found in the

' ' '





.: "




Introduction, p. liv. will occasionally be found that the marginal note Papist is omitted in the Sessions Books, even where that designation is "used on"the corresponding recognizance in the file. This omission should not necessarily lead us to conclude that the persons concerned were later found to be nonCatholics , but rather that the clerk was in too great a haste to trouble about adding a note which he regarded as superfluous . Many lapses from consistency are noticeable in these records.





JANUARY 1678/9


Comparuit et traditur in Ball Jonathan Gawthorne de Buttolph Algate Skinner et Samuel Stubborne de paroch sancti Thome Southwarke Chirurg usque prox Sess pacis Quarterial ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena partis principal L & utriusque pleg'


' ' ''


' '



pred XLII




Johannes Blake de sancta Katherina Coleman





Comparuit & exotur etc. Petrus Vanderleye de Castleyard in Hounsditch



Comparuit et traditur in ball Thome Ruttey de Lumberd streete mercator et Henrico Wright de eadem Buttonseller usque prox Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena Partis principal C et utriusque Pleg pred L Mathias Bartholomew de S. James Dukes Place














' '

Comparuit et exonur etc. Petrus Depoyes de Algate Fanmaker ans Comparuit et exontur etc. Elias Marcy ibidem * Glassmaker ans Comparuit et exontur Augustinus Racketto ibidem * Glassmaker

Papist Papist



' '



Def fec Johannes Hunt de sancte Katherine Creechurch

' '




Def fec' Henry Velder ibidem





Comparuit & exour etc. Willelmus Holmes de Algate Taylor ans Comparuit & exour etc. Anthonius Sarecinie de St Olaves Hartstreete Hartsopemaker ans Comparuit & exour etc. Johannes Betts de St Andrew Undershaft in medicin ans' Doctor Comparuit & exour etc. Willelmus Rigby de paroch' sancti Laurentii Pountney Vict ans








Papist Papist

* I.e. , of Algate. The entries from John Blake to John Sadler (inclu-

sively) are successive in the Sessions Book. I.e., the parish of St. Catherine Creechurch .



JANUARY 1678/9



Comparuit & exour etc. Petrus Groscott de paroch sancti Benedicti Papist Gracechurch Dancingmaster ans' Comparuit et traditur in ball Radulfo Izard de paroch sancte Hellene Grocer et Roberto Marryott de Threadneadlestreete mercator usque prox Quarterial session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Papist London mercator ans Comparuit et traditur in ball Samuel Cobb prope Drs Comons London Coquo et Johanni Dennys de Pater noster rowe Joyner usque prox Quarterial session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena partis principal CIP et utriusque pred pleg Petrus Busler de paroch sancti Gregorii London


' '





















' '



'' ' I



15 JANUARY, 1678/9 .

persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Resptur per Cur

Willelmus Bristoe Jun ans






' fil' Willelmi Bristoe sen'

SESSIONS OF THE PEACE , BEGINNING 18 FEBRUARY,* 31 CHARLES (1678/9 ). Recognizance for the appearance of George Biggland




answer.] London ss. Ma quod 25 die Januarii anno Regni Regis Domini nostri Caroli secundi D.G. Anglie etc. XXXIO cora me Thoma Bludworth milite etc. venerunt Georgius Biggland de Aldersgate Streete wire drawer Henricus Biggland de Newgate Streete Linnendraper et Jno Brathwait de Longlane uphoulsterer Et omnes eoru se debere dicto Domino Regi 40 legalis etc. levand etc. Sub Condicione quod Georgius Biggland personaliter comparuerit ad proxima Sessione' Pacis pro Civitate London tenend ad respondend etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. Tho. Bludworth [Signed For staying in London Contrary to ye Kings Proclimation Comparuit being a popish recusant










on the file. The Sessions Book has February * This is the date given Sic MS

24th .


. for XXX .

I.e. , Proclamation of 30 October, 1678.

Cf. Introd., p. lv.






(b) [ Recognizance for the appearance of Charles Byett to answer. ] London ss. Mdum quod decimo die Februarii Anno Regni Domini

nostri Carol secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. tricesimo primo in propr person' suis ven' cora' me Jacobo Edwards mil' Major' Civis London ac un Justic' ejusdem Civtis ad pacem infra eand Civtem conservand Johannes Atterberry de Throgmorton str Packer & Johannes Odlin de Lothbury Fanmaker et tunc & ibidem dicti Johannes & Johannes r se et eor ' utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi vigint' Libr' legalis etc. levari etc. Condicio quod si Carol' Byett person compar' ad proxim Gen ' Session pacis pro Civte London tenend ad respond etc. et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. et interim sic*











bene gesserit


[Signed] Ja : Edwards Major For refuseing to take ye Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy & bound over to his good behaviour according Defalt fecit to ye late Proclamacion *



[Recognizancefor the appearance of Francis Shyneeto answer.]

London ss . Ma quod XVIII ° die Februarii Ano Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXIº Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra Civit London conservand assign ven Franciscus Shynee de Angel Streete in paroch Ecclesie Christi London generos Et traditur in Ball Thome Joyner de paroch sancti Bottolphi Billingsgate London Wharfinger usque prox Session pac pro Civit' London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend Sub pena partis principal C et pleg pred L legalis etc. levand etc. quas etc. si etc. [Signed ] Wm Turner For his good behavior being a Roman Catholike Defalt fecit





' ' ' '







' '



' '






' '




(d) [Recognizance for the appearance of Nicholas Bradshaw to

prosecute William Rumley . London ss . Md quod XXIII die Januarii Ano Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXX Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra Civit London conservand assign ven Nicholaus Bradshaw de Round Court in paroch sancti Martini le Grand London yeom Et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi Summa XX legalis etc. levand etc. per via recogn sub Condicione quod si pred Nicholaus Bradshaw personal comparuerit ad prox Del Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civit London tenend ad prosequend legem cu


'' '



' '











'' '


' ' '




Sic in MS . for se . * I.e. , Proclamation of 20 December , 1678. Cf. Introd. , p. lvii . tenend in MS . A clerical error for ad prox ad prox Del Gaol Session pacis tenend .



' ....



' '





effectu versus quend Willelmum Rumley * in causa transgr quod

tunc etc. al etc.




[Signed] Wm Turner For speakeing seditious words in the Gaole of Newgate (e)

Defalt fecit


for the of Henry Richards to answer and of George Hatton and two other persons to give


evidence .



London ss. Ma quod XIº die Januarii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXX Čora me Thoma Davies Milit' un Aldermannor' Civitat' London Ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat pred conservand assign ven Henr Richards de paroch sancte Bridgitte alias Brides London Gener' Et Recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summa XL legalis etc. levand etc. Sub condicione quod si pred Henr personal comparuerit ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc.












' '







Defalt' fecit


' ' '

Ma quod die et anno supradicto cora me prefat Thoma Davies ven Georg Hatton de paroch sancti Olavi veteri Judaismi Bricklay Johannes Ebsworthde paroch sancte Margte Lothbury Clockemaker & Alex Glanister de paroch sancte Alphag ' Carpenter Et separatim Recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi separal summas XX legalis etc. levand etc. ad dand evidenc' ex parte dicti Domini Regis ut evidenc' vers' prefat Henr adtunc etc. alioquin





' '








' ' '

Signed Thomas Davies ] For telling ye grand rounds wthout [ London ] yt hee scorned yt power by wch they Acted Comparuer pros & would doe their businesse ye next morning & saying yt George Hatton was a blacke saturnall Rogue & fitt to be Oates his






Recognizance for the appearance of Andrew Crambleton to f [answer and of Samuel Horne to prosecute. ] London ss . Md quod 19° die Jan Anno Regn Regis Carol secundi ' ' Mil' un' Aldermannor' ac un Tricesimo Coram ' me Thoma Davies ' Con-' Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat pred ' ' ' person suis servand Assignat' etc. in propr vener" Robertus ' Wheately de paroch St Sepulchr' 'Brewr et Sam Johnson de Distaffe Lane Tallow 'Chandler et Recognoverunt se debere dicto Domino Regi separal sum 2011 legalis etc. levand etc. ' ' ' '



lay-brother, at this time a Middle* William Rumley was a Benedictine of being concerned in Oates's plot.

sex prisoner in Newgate, suspected

Cf. M.C.R., vol. iv . This doubtful word is interlined in MS. Ang.: The prosecutors appeared.










Condicio quod si Andr Crambleton personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session pacis tent apud Le Guild Hall Ad respond etc. et interim de se bene gerend etc. Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. Md quod dict die et Anno coram me in propr' person sua ven Sam Horne de paroch St Dunstans in Le Occiden' Clock Maker et cognovit se debere dicto Domino Regi Sum 2011 legalis etc. Levand etc. Condicio quod si ipse personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session pred ad prosequend versus pred Andr Crambleton et abinde non etc. Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed ] Thomas Davies For ye sd Andrew Crambleton his haveing had a Paper of dangerous Consequence found in his Custody and being a Papist for returning Comparuer out of ye Countrey into ye [ ? Citty]* contrary to ye Kings Proclamation










' '


' '





' '


[Indictment of Henry Richards for seditious words.]


20. 12. po se 14. relicta vereficacione Cogn' Indictament' fin 1118 1111d Et Comittitur etc.


London ' . Jur pro Domino '

Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Henr Richards nuper de London Generos Machinans et malitiose intendens Dominum nostrum Carolu secundum nunc Regem Angl Supremu et naturalem Dominum suu ac Regimen et Gubernacionem ipsius Domini Regis huius regni sui Angl in rebus militar rite Stabilit in maximu odiu et Contempt apud omnes Ligeos et Subditos ipsius Domini Regis inducere machinansque ulterius atque intendens Officiar militar dicti Domini Regis vilipendere et depravare Et ad ill nefandissimas imaginaciones intenciones et proposita sua pred Perimplend et Perficiend Idem Henr Richards undecimo die Januarii Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc Tricesimo circa hora secundam in nocte eiusdem diei apud London videlicet in paroch sancte Bridgitte alias Bride in ward de Farringdon extra London pred habens Colloquiu cu quoda Johanne Ewer adtunc et adhuc Locu Tenen Roberto Baxter Capitan militu Peditat angce a Company of Foote Soulders infra Civitat London in Stacione sua adtunc & ibidem existen angce being upon the guard de et Concernen ' Authoritat ipsius Johannis Ewer in ea Parte hec malitiosa opprobiosa anglicana verba ( seipsum Henr Richards innuendo) Doe scorne sequen videlicet the Power (Authoritat et Potestat prefat Domini Regis in rebus militar innuendo) by whichyou (eundem Johannem Ewer innuendo) Doe Act malitiose seditiose in auditu diversor Ligeor et Subditor ss



' '















' '










' '












The first three letters of this word are indecipherable. I.e., Proclamation of 30 October, 1678. Cf. Introd. , p . lv. Ang.: On October 20th [ 1679 he puts himself [' not guilty ' on a jury of his country . On November 14th [1679 , abandoning verification [by a jury] , he confesses the indictment [ i.e., pleads guilty ]. He is fined 3/4 , and is committed etc."














dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem Presen ' per verba et dicta expressa dixit et Publicavit Ea intencione et proposita ad Cordial' amorem debit fidelitat' et Ligeanc' eorundem Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis ab ipso Domino Rege retrahend In Contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc Legumque suar' In malu' Exemplu omniu al' in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem ' nunc Coron et Dignitat suas' etc. dicti Domini Regis '







Alexander Glanister

Johannes Ewer

Johannes Ebsworth *

[Endorsed] Billa Vera SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING (2) 26 FEBRUARY, 31 CHARLES II ( 1678/9). * (a) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Gibbon to answer.]

London ss. Memorand quod die Sabbati 15 Febr Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. XXXIº ven cora me Francisco Chaplin mil et Alderman ac un Justic pro Civit pred ad pacem conservand etc. Johannes Gibbon de paroch Sancte Kathar Gent Et Williel [? Potter] de Watteling Street Medicamentarius Et Georgius Gost de paroch Sancte Brides Gent Et tunc & ibidem idem Johannes recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi Ducent libr legalis etc. Et etia pred Williel & Georgius tunc & ibidem recogn se & eor cuilibet § debere Dicto Domino Regi Centu libr legalis etc. levari etc. Condicio etc. quod si pred Johannes person ' compar' ad prox Session Gaol deliberacion pro Civit London & Com Middlesex Et non etc. ad respond etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [Signed Fran . Chaplin For being taken with a considerable quantaty of papiste bookes Comparuit that he owens to be his owne





' ''




' ' ' '













' ' '





' ]


(b) [Inquisition-post -mortem on Roger Appleton ,

prisoner in Newgate.] London ss. Inquisicio indentat capt pro serenissimo Domino Rege apud Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate scituat in paroch Ecclesie Christi in ward de Farringdon infra London pred die








for the prosecution. * Witnesses Among the indictments in this section of the file is a True Bill against

Owen Hurst, nuper de London labor , for breaking the prison of Newgate on January 14th, 1678/9, he having been committed thither on December 31st, 1678 , by Sir William Turner, J.P. , on a charge of robbing Robert Wynn Esq . (cf. Newgate calendar for January preceding, p. 218 in text) . On the, same bill Dorothy Ramsey, nuper de London Spinster," is charged with aiding and abetting his escape. There is a note to the effect that the jury at this Sessions acquitted Dorothy Ramsey, but no mention is made of proceedings against Owen Hurst. The first letter of this surname is doubtful. Sic in MS. for quemlibet (or utrumque





The Newgate calendar of Middlesex prisoners for the present Sessions this person:

(Feb. 26th) has the following entry concerning 0







Martis scilicet quarto die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. XXXI° Cora Johanne Robotham Generos Coron Civitat London super visu Corporis cuiusda' Roger' Appleton adtunc et ibidem mortui iacen per Sacramentum Henr Buckley Johannis Slade Andree Wheeler Johannis Clarke Galfridi Brathwaite Ricardi Cunrigg Edwardi Pickes Petri Wood Henr Hubbard Johannis Wells Sampson Baker et Roberti Brooke probor et legaliu hominu Civitat London pred qui adtunc et ibidem iurat et onerat existen ad Inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege quando ubi qual et quomodo prefat ' Roger Appleton ad mort' sua devenit dicunt super Sacramentum suu pred quod pred Roger Appleton qui antetunc comiss fuit ad Gaol pred existens Papisticus recusans postea scilicet die solis scilicet secundo die Februar Anno XXXIº supradicto in Gaol' pred ex visitacione Dei natural mortem obiit Et sic Jur pred super sacramentum suu pred dicunt quod pred Roger Appleton modo et forma pred ad mort sua devenit et non aliter nec aliquo alio modo ad notic eorundem Jur In cuius rei Testimoniu tam prefat Coron quam Jur pred huic Inquisicioni Sigilla sua apposuer die Anno et loco primo supradictis per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred

































'' '








'' ' '





[Inquisition-post-mortem on Ralph Conyers, prisoner in

Newgate.] London ss . Inquisicio indentat capt [as preceding inquisition ] Cora die Jovis scilicet vicesimo tertio die Januarii Anno XXXRadulfi Johanne Robotham cuiusda Corporis Super visu Conyers adtunc et ibidem mortui iacen per sacramentum Thoma Deale Willelmi Loe Thome Wyn Johannis Doe Johannis Heard Christopheri Den Ricardi Feate Samuel Goad Edmundi Weaver Edwardi Marter Francisci Kelme Samuel Toe et Johannis Samon probor et legaliu hominu dicunt Super Sacramentum qui suu pred quod pred Radulfus Conyers qui antetunc Comiss fuit ad Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pred existens Papisticus recusans postea scilicet dicto die Jovis scilicet vicesimo tertio die Januarii Anno Tricesimo supradicto adtunc ex visitacione Dei naturalem mortem obiit Et sic Jur pred super sacramentum suu



.... '




' ''






Mort' in Gaol





Roger Appleton Comd by Sr Wm Waller Knt. for beinga Romeish Preist Dat . 22 ° Jan. 1678 i.e., [

1678/9 . ( Middlesex Guildhall archives. )


Neither Appleton nor any of the three other recusants (Conyers , Tavernor, and Vaughan) , whose inquisitions followin text, had been arraigned. Two other inquisitions on Newgate prisoners occur on this file: (a) Taken on January 24th, 1678/9 , on the body of Richard Fitcherley, a prisoner pro felon' et pro ead convict , who died a natural death on Friday , the said January 24th, " ex visitacione Dei. (b) Taken on February 9th, 1678/9 , on the body of John Leake, a prisoner " pro felon et pro ead convict , who died a natural death on Saturday, February 8th, " ex visitacione Dei." Both Fitcherley and Leake were Middlesex prisoners , but no record of them appears in M.C.R.


" '












pred dicunt quod pred Radulfus Conyers modo et forma pred ad mort' sua ' devenit per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred





(d) [Inquisition-post-mortem on Roger Tavernor , prisoner in Newgate. ] London ss. Inquisicio indentat capt [as inquisition (b) above die Jovis scilicet Tertio decimo die Februarii Anno Tricesimo primo Cora Johanne Robotham super visu Corporis cuiusda Roger Tavernor adtunc et ibidem mortui iacen per sacramentum Johannis Burgis Roberti Hilcocke Edmundi Culpepper Johannis Simpson Thome Mitchellburne Ricardi Carey Willelmi Thompson Willelmi Carter Josephi Ashe Edwardi Bates Ricardi Ellary et Johannis Graves probor' et legaliu' hominu dicunt super qui sacramentum suu pred quod pred Roger Tavernor qui antetunc Comiss' fuit ad Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pred existens Papisticus recusans postea scilicet die Mercurii scilicet duodecimo die Februarii Anno Tricesimo primo supradicto in dicta Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate ex visitacione Dei natural mortem obiit Et sic Jur pred super sacramentum suu pred dicunt quod pred Roger Tavernor modo et forma pred ad mort sua devenit per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred




' ....












'' '



[Inquisition -post-mortem












on Pugh Vaughan, prisoner


Newgate. as inquisition (b) above London ss. Inquisicio indentat Capt , ] die Jovis scilicet vicesimo tertio die Januarii Anno Tricesimo cora’Johanne Robotham super visu Corporis Cuiusda Pugh Vaughan adtunc et ibidem mortui iacen per sacramentum Josie WarneJohannis BurstallWillelmi Daveson Edwardi Peppitt Ricardi Elsly Cornelii Clanson Ricardi Broughton Johannis Grey Willelmi Authorson Willelmi Wright Thome Long Thome Baker et Thome Sheppeard probor et legaliu hominu dicunt super qui sacramentum suu pred quod pred Pugh Vaughan qui antetunc comiss fuit ad Gaol pred existens Papisticus recusans postea scilicet die Mercurii scilicet vicesimo secundo die Januarii Anno Tricesimo supradicto in dicta Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate ex visitacione Dei natural mortem obiit Et sic Jur pred Super sacramentum suu pred dicunt quod pred Pugh Vaughan modo et forma pred ad mort sua devenit per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred ( ) Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss . A true & perfect Kallender of all the Prisoners in Newgate for Felonies and Trespasses the 26th Day of February 1678 ; inter alia. ] Bailed by ye Rt honoble Charles Byett Comd by yesaid Rt honoble ye Lord Maior etc. 10 ye Lord Maior etc. & Sr Febr 1678 Joseph Sheldon Knt for












f [


























refuseing to takethe Oathes of Allegiance & Supremacy tendred him . Dat 9º Feb-


ruarii 1678 James Douglas from Woodstreete Compter Ad Inven bon m ' coram Domino Maiore comitted by my Ld Maior ad Comparend adprox for saying there was noe '

' ' sess pacis ad 'respond ' etc.

Et non deced' etc.



Et interim de se bene gerend etc.



calendar, entitled Orders " ; inter alia.]

" London Prisoners upon

[Sub- section on

Mort in Gaole Ralph Conyers being a popish Recusant Mort in Gaol Roger Taverner Repr to their severall former Orders Phillip Cooke Mort in Gaol Pugh Vaughan for being a Popish Recusant









Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this

[ Sessions.


26.4 . Comparuit & tr in ball



Roberto Wheately de eadem Brewer & Jacobo Acord de Ramm Alley Vict usque prox Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg pred LI





' '





Andreas Crambleton ans



Samuel Horne de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Clockpros maker



* Cf. translation in footnote, p. 210 .


Below this entry occurs the following : Mary Saintbard for speaking words against his Majte to be sent to Bridewell London & there kept to hard Labour till ye next Gaole Delivery etc. & then to be delivered. Four other prisoners (felons ) are here bracketed with Taverner and Cooke in the original calendar. § This is the date given on the file. Actually, the Sessions Book gives 24th February. I.e., the parish of St. Sepulchre mentioned in a minute immediately preceding in the Sessions Book. Sent thither







20.12 . Comparuit & tr in ball ad pros tr * Henr ' Richards de paroch sancte Bridgitte London Gener ans Comparuit & pros Georg Hatton de paroch sancti Olavi veteri Judaismo Brickpros






' '



' '




pro verbis sedic'


Ebsworth Clockemaker




Compar Alexander Glanister



' Def fec

' '


Nicholaus Bradshawe de Round Courte Rumley pros in St Martins le grand Yeom


pro verbis




Def fec'

Franciscus Shynee de Angell streete ans'

Def fec Carolus Byett

' '





' Comparuit & exour capt' Jurament ' Georgius Biggland de Aldersgatestreete







26 FEBRUARY, 1678/9 .


Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this



Comparuit & exour etc. Johannes Gibbon de paroch sancte Katherine

Gener ans' Record of an Order of the Court .






Whereas a Chest full of popish superstitious Bookes were lately taken in London in the custody of one John Gibbons and brought before Sr Francis Chaplin Kn one of his Matyes Justices of the peace wthin this Citty Which Bookes were since claymed by Doctor John Betts Phisitian dwelling in Lymestreete Itt is Ordered by this Courte That the Lord Bishopp of London be attended with the said Bookes to inspect & Peruse them, And that afterwards the same Ang.:

his traverse. to prosecute "

On October 20th [1679] he appeared and is delivered in bail


Ang.: He is indicted . A reference to Richards's indictment at the present Sessions. Ang.: He appeared and is exonerated. The Oaths were taken. I.e. the oaths of allegiance and supremacy












Bookes be disposed of in such wise as his Lor PP shall be pleased to

direct and order therein


XXI . (I) (a)

II Recognizance for the appearance of Margaret Smith to [answer . ]

London ss . Memorandum quod Vicesimo octavo die Februarii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angliæ tricesimo primo ven coram me Thoma Aleyn Milite et Baronetto Uno Justiciar pacis de Civitat predict conservand etc. Margaretta Smith de St Martins Ludgate Vid recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 100ll legalis etc. et Andreas Bonnell de St Dunstans in East et Thomas Crawley de eadem Mercatores separatim recogn se et eor utrumque debere Dicto Domino Regi 50 per se legalis etc. levand etc. Sub Condicione quod predicta Margaretta Smith personaliter Comparuer ad prox quarter Session Pacis pro Civitat predict tenend etc. [Signed Tho : Aleyn For Refuseing to take the Oaths Comparuit of Allegiance and Supremacy Recognizance Thomas Cheverell to appearance of for the (b) answer. London ss. Ma quod 60 die April Anno Regn Regis Carol' secundi etc. 31° Coram me Thoma Davies Milit un Aldermannor ac un Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat' pred Conservand Assignat' etc. in propr person ' sua venit Walter Needham de Charter house yard Medicin Doctor et traditur in Ballio Thoma Cheverell de Hind -Court in Fleetstreete gener' usque prox session pacis tenend apud Le Guildhall pro Civitat pred Ad respondend etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena partis principal ducent libr legalis etc. Et pleg pred Cent' libr ' Levand etc. Quas etc. Si etc. [Signed ] Thomas Davies sd ye For Thomas Cheverall § his aperance att ye next Sessions of the Peace and to be in ye meane time of Comparuit ye good behavior

' '


' ''























' ' '














or Bennell. * ?The special reason for the enforced appearance of Thomas Cheverell

(and of Mary Molins and James Pemberton whose recognizances follow in text) is nowhere indicated, but since all three persons occur elsewhere in theserecords as recusants , it is safe to assume that they, like other Catholics during the Oates Plot panic, were suspected of dangerous disaffection on account of their religion and were bound over " to the good behaviour because they had refused to take the oaths. Sic in MS. for Thomae (Dative) . is clear from this memorandum that the clerk, in engrossing the It terms of the present recognizance , has interchangedthe names (? and addresses) of the principal party (Cheverell) and of his surety (Needham). A very curious error.




APRIL 1679



(c) [Recognizance for the appearance of Mary Molins to answer.] London ss. Md 24° die Martii 1678/9 Coram me Thoma Davies Mil [as in preceding recognizance (b)] in propr' personis suis [venerunt] Willelmus Molins de St Andr' Holborne London Chirurgus et Jacobus Molins de St Bridgett Chirurgus Et cognovert se debere Dicto Domino Regi separal sum 2011 legalis etc. Levand '



' '



Condicio quod si Maria Molins uxor predicti Willelmi Molins Personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session' pacis tent apud Le Guildhall pro Civitat' pred Ad respondend etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed ] Thomas Davies For ye aperance of ye sd Mary Molins att next Sessions of ye peace & her being of ye good behavior in ye Comparuit meane time






(d) [Recognizance for the appearance of James Pemberton to answer .


London ss. Ma quod 30 die April ' Anno Regn' Regis Carol secundi etc. 31° Coram me Thoma Davies [as in recognizance (b) above in propr persona sua venit Jacobus Pemberton de St Martin Ludgate Found" et traditur in Ball Francisc Pemberton de Civit Westminst" Weaver et Henr Litherland de St Martin pred Chirurgus usque prox Session' pacis tent apud Le Guildhall Sub pena partis principal vigint libr' legalis etc. Et utriusque pleg pred separal' sum vigint ' libr etc. levand etc. Quas etc. Si etc. [Signed] Thomas Davies For ye sd James Pemberton's apearenance [sic att ye next Sessions ] of ye peace & in ye meane time to be Comparuit of ye good behavior



















(e) [Recognizance for the appearance of William Hodson to answer .


London ss. Ma quod decimo quarto die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. Tricesimo primo Cora me Josepho Sheldon Milit uno Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ' ad pacem infra Civitat London conservand assign ven Willelmus Hodson de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishopsgate London in propr persona sua et traditur in Ball Willelmus Moonsey de paroch sancte Bridgitte alias Bride London Cooper et Lancelotus & Girlington de paroch sancti Egidii extra Cripplegate

















word venerunt is omitted in MS . * Thespace . is here

left A in MS for word denoting status or occupation of William Hodson. Sic in MS. for Willelmo. § Sic in MS . for Lanceloto.



APRIL 1679




London Haberdasher usque prox Session Pacis pro Civitat London tenend ad respondend etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. * Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] Jos. Sheldon Being reputed to be a Papist Comparuit







for the appearance of James Verbeck and Mary, (f) [Recognizance , his answer. wife to


London ss . Memorand quod septimo die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Caroli Secund nunc Angl XXXI Coram me Johanne Frederick milite uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar' dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London conservand assignat venit Jacobus Verbeck de paroch Sancti Bennett Fincke London Ordinary Keeper et Maria uxor eius et tradit fuerunt in. ball WillelmiCastleton de Chisewell streete London Cordwinder et Abraham Darbell de Frogmorton streete London tonsor usque prox Sessionem Pacis pro Civitate London tenend ad respond etc. Sub pena part principal C et utriusque pleg L quas etc. si etc. [Signed ] John Frederick peace etc. And Keepe Kings To the also to be of ye good behavior Defalt fecitl etc. being Papists etc.


' ' '


' '







' '

' '




Recognizance for the appearance of Peter Vandermewlin to [answer . ] ss die Regis


London . Memorand quod XXVI° Martii Anno Regni Caroli Secund nunc Angl XXXI Coram me Johanne Frederick [as recognizance (f) above] venit Petrus Vandermewlin de Adams Court in Broadstreete London Lymner et traditur in ballio Thome Verbecke de eadem Mercator et David Allemand de paroch Sancti Clement Eastchepe Broker usque prox Sessionem Pacis Sub pena part principal C et utriusque pleg L quas etc. si etc. [Signed] John Frederick To Keepe his Maties peace etc. & to be of ye good behavior Defalt fecit etc. being a Papist etc.


' '



' '






(h) [Recognizance for the appearance of Giles Fox to answer.] London ss . Memorand quod XXVI° die Martii Anno Regni Regis Caroli Secund nunc Angl XXXI Coram me Johanne Frederick [as recognizance (f) above] venit Egidius Fox de Breadstreete London diamond cutter et traditur in ball Ricardi¶ Gelling de S. ' Michael Crooked Lane Lond mercator' et Edward Druett de


' '



The clerk has here omitted to record the sums of money in which the principal and sureties were bound an oversight which of course completely invalidated the recognizance , though no notice appears to have been taken ofit. Sic in MS. for Willelmo. Sic in MS . for venerunt . § ? or Darrell. Sic in MS. for fecerunt. Cf. Sessions Book, p . 239 in text. Sic in MS . for Ricardo.





APRIL 1679



Queenstreete London Mercator' usque prox Sessionem Pacis Sub pena part principal C et utriusque pleg L quas etc. si etc. [Signed John Frederick To Keepe the Kings peace etc. And also to bee of ye Good behavior etc. being a Papist etc. Comparuit







(j) [Recognizance for the appearance of Jasper Cloett to answer.] London ss . Memorand quod XVII die Martii Anno Regni Regis Caroli Secund nunc Angl XXXI° Coram me Johanne Frederick [as recognizance (f) above] venit Jaspar Cloett de paroch Sti Bennett Finck London Jeweller et traditur in ball Johannis * Bonner de Petty France London Jeweller et Edward Stockdale de paroch St Clement Danes in Com Middlesex Jeweller usque prox Sessionem Pacis Sub pena partis principal' C et utriusque pleg L quas etc. si etc. '










[Signed] John Frederick

To Keepe his Mats peace etc. And also to be of ye Good behavior etc. being a Papist & refuseing to take ye Oathes of Allegiance & Supremacy etc.




(k) [Recognizance for the appearance of Anthony de Block to

answer. London ss . Memorand quod XXV die Martii Anno Regni Regis Caroli Secund nunc Angl XXXI Coram me Johanne Frederick as recognizance (f) above] venit Antonius de Block of Frogmorton streete London Ordinary Keeper et traditur in ball Isaac Doreslayde eadem gener' et Edward Cooke de Threadneedlestreete London Vintner usque prox ' Sessionem Pacis sub pena partis principal CH et utriusque pleg L quas etc. si etc. [Signed John Frederick To Keepe his Mats peace etc. And also to be of ye Good behavior etc. being a Papist & refuseing to take ye Oathes of Allegiance and Comparuit Supremacy etc.


' '







] '




(1) [Recognizance for the appearance of Philip Cooke to answer.]

London ss . Memorand quod undecimo die Martii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angliae etc. tricesimo primo coram me Georgio Jeffreys Mil Recordator Civitat London Ac uno Justic Dicti Domini Regis [ad pacem ] pro Civitat predict conservand assignat vener Phillipus Cooke de paroch Sancti Egidii in Campis in Com Middlesex Glover Thomas Kedley de paroch sancte Bridgitte London Victualler Robertus Turpin de Hatton Garden in paroch Sancti Andree Holborne in Middlesex







* Sic in MS. for Johanni.







The words ad pacem are omitted in MS .





APRIL 1679



pred Bricklayer et Thomas Williamson de paroch sancte Bridgitte pred Taylor in propriis personis suis , et predictus Phillipus Cook recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam Centu librar' legalis monete Anglie Et predicti Thomas Kedley Robertus * et Thomas Williamson et quilibet eor' separatim Recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi Summam quinquaginta librar' legalis monete Anglie de bonis et Catallis terris et tenementis suis ad opus Dicti Domini Regis levand etc. Sub condicione quod si ipse predictus Philippus Cook personaliter comparuerit ad prox Quarterial Session Pacis pro Civitat pred tenend ad respondend etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed ] Geo : Jeffreys Recordr By Order of Court haveing refused the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy Comparuit

















(a) [Indictment of James Douglas for seditious words.] Po se Cul fin L Et Comittitur etc. Et inven bon m de se ' '

'' '

bene gerend etc. *



London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Jacobus Douglas nuper de London Yeoman Timorem Dei in Corde suo non habens nec debit Ligeanc sue ponderans sed Instigacione Diabolica mot et seduct' Machinansque et malitiose intendens dictum Dominum Regem nunc Supremu et naturalem Dominum suu et Jacobu Ducem Munmouth fil suu naturalem in maximu odiu malevolenc' et Contempt apud omnes subditos suos inducere Machinansque ulterius atque intendens Seditionem et rebellionem infra hoc Regnu Angl movere suscitare et procurare Ac Cordial' dileccionem et vera' et debit ' obedientia quam veri et fideles subdit dicti Domini Regis erga ipsum Dominum Regem gererent et de iure gerere tenentur penitus detrahere delere et extinguere et ad ill nephandissimas imaginaciones intenciones et proposita sua predicta perimplend et perficiend Idem Jacobus Douglas vicesimo tertio die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei defensor etc. tricesimo primo apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Jacobi Garlickhith in ward de Vintrey London pred ex sua Diabolica mente et imaginacione de et contra prefat Dominum Regem Carolu secundum nunc Regem supremu et naturalem Dominum suu in auditu diversor Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem presen falso malitiose nequiter seditiose et advisate dixit propalavit et publicavit quod Dux Monmouth (pred honorabil Jacobu Ducem Munmouth fil prefat Domini






' ''


' ' '















' *









' '



The surname Turpin is here omitted in MS . Ang He puts himself [ not guilty on a jury of his country] ; he is found guilty, is fined £50, and is committed etc. [i.e. to prison till the fine be paid and is [then] to find good mainprize for his good behaviour etc.


. " ]







APRIL 1679


Regis innuendo)


Spur fuit Et speravit quod null Spur unquam Regnaret hic (Infra hoc Regnu Angl innuendo) Et quod fuit nulla Conspiracio (Conspiracionem contra vitam Prefat Domini Regis pro qua divers proditores Attinct et suspens fuer innuendo) ac quod Quidem Stigmatici angce Rogues de ead movebant ipsum Dominum Regem angee Putt the same into the Kings head (Conspiracionem pred innuendo) Et quod Edmundus Berry Godfrey miles seipsum suspensit Et quod fatres sui excogitabant angce Contrived quod credit fuit angee to make itt beleeved quod murdrat fuit pro preservacionesubstantie sue Et quod Dominus Rex (prefat Dominum Regem nunc innuendo) Perturbat ' fuit quod due Persone execut fuer ea occasione Et quod fact fuit ad satisfaciend populu Et Persone pred Innocent fuer Ea intencione et proposit ad Cordialem Amorem debit fidelitat et Ligeanc omniu Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis ab ipso Domino Rege retrahend Et sedicion inter prefat Ligeos et Subditos eiusdem Domini Regis contra ipsum Dominum Regem nunc Suscitare et movere Contra Ligeanc sue debit In malu Exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera




































' '


(b) [Inquisition- post-mortem on John Adlam alias Ayleworth,

prisoner in Newgate. ] London ss . Inquisicio indentat' capt' pro serenissimo Domino Rege apud Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate scituat in paroch Ecclesie Christi in ward de Farringdon infra London pred die Lune scilicet decimo septimo die Martii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo primo Cora ' Johanne Robotham Generos Coronat Domini Regis pro Civitat London super visu Corporis cuiusda Johannis Adlam alias Ayleworth adtunc et ibidem mortui iacen per Sacramentum Ricardi Stokson Willelmi Barrs Stephani Bentley Willelmi Crouch Ephraim Lewis Edwardi Lambe Henr Eaton Georgii Cooke Willelmi Mereday Johannis Scott Hugon Gardner et Willelmi Newland probor et legaliu hominu Civitat London pred qui adtunc et ibidem iurat et onerat existen ad Inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege quando ubi qual et quomodo prefat Johannes Adlam alias Ayleworth ad mortem sua devenit dicunt super Sacramentum suu pred quod pred Johannes Adlam alias Ayleworth qui antetunc Comiss fuit ad Gaol de Newgate pred pro suspic alt prodicionis et postea convict et attinct pro offens pred postea scilicet dicto die Lune scilicet decimo septimo die Martii Anno Tricesimo primo supradicto adtunc in dicta Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pred ex visitacione Dei natural


' '










' '




' '







' within

The scribe has omitted here the brackets dos " in indictments are regularly enclosed .














which these " innuen-

Sic in MS. for fratres. A Benedictine, arrested in Middlesex, and condemned to death 25 Nov. 1678, for priesthood. Cf. M.C.R., vol. iv, and Douai Magazine, vol . vi, March, 1931 .




APRIL 1679


mortem obiit Et sic Jur pred super Sacramentum suu pred dicunt quod pred Johannes Adlam alias Ayleworth adtunc et ibidem modo et forma pred ad mortem sua' devenit et non aliter nec aliquo alio modo ad notic eorundem Jur In cuius rei Testimoniu ' tam prefat Coron quam Jur pred huic Inquisicioni Sigilla sua apposuer die Anno et loco primo supradictis per me Johannem Robotham Coronat London pred







' '








(c) [Inquisition-post-mortem on Mathew Medburne and Edward Preston, prisoners in Newgate. ] London ss . InquisicioIndentat' capt' . inquisition] [as preceding die Jovis scilicet vicesimo die Martii Anno Tricesimo primo ....

Johanne Robotham Generos Coronat super visu Corporis cuiusdam Mathei Medburne et Edwardi Preston adtunc et ibidem mortui iacen per Sacramentum Willelmi Newman Fisher Hatley Brian Clarke Petri Strange Ricardi Buttler Walter Burrell Ellis Griggs Caroli Lingwood Willelmi Samber Edwardi Carsinore Johannis Willford Willelmi Pemblebury et Johannis Topham à qui probor et legaliu hominu iurat et onerat existen ad Inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege quando ubi qual et quomodo prefat Matheus Medbourne et Edwardus Preston ad mortem sua devenit dicunt super Sacramentum suu pred quod pred Matheus Medbourne et Edwardus Preston qui antetunc Comiss fuit ad Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pred , pred Matheus Medbourne pro suspic felon et alte prodition et pred Edwardus Preston pro felon' Convict et Attinct ' postea scilicet dicto die Jovis scilicet vicesimo die Martii Anno Tricesimo primo supradicto in dicta Gaol ex visitacione Dei natural mortem obiit Et sic Jur pred super sacramentum suu pred dicunt quod pred Matheus Medbourne et Edwardus Preston adtunc et ibidem modo et forma pred ad mortem sua devenit per me Johannem Robotham Coronat London pred










' ....










' '


















Medburne was a Middlesex prisoner, committed to Newgate (26 October, 1678) on suspicion of complicity in the Oates Plot (cf. M.C.R. , vol . iv). Preston was likewise a Middlesex prisoner of whom, however, can find no record in M.C.R. Other inquisitions on Newgate prisoners in this file: (a) Taken March 15th, 1678/9 , on the body of Robert Thompson, a prisoner pro suspic' felon ," who died a natural death on the said March 15th, ex visitacione Dei." (b) Taken April 15th, 1679, on the body of John Hersey, a prisoner pro suspic felon , who died a natural death on the said April 15th, " ex visitacione Dei. " " Thompson and Hersey were Middlesex prisoners ( no record in M.C.R.). Another inquisition occurs ; on John Newling, a London prisoner (probably a burglar), who died March 24th, 1678/9. Sic in MS. for corporum . So also below, mortui for mortuorum , devenit for devenerunt, Comiss' fuit for Comiss' fuerunt , obiit for obierunt. for suspicion of felony and high treason." Medbourne, therefore, had not been arraigned.












APRIL 1679


Newgate Calendar, entitled " London ss . A true and perfect Kallender of all the Prisons in Newgate for Felonies & Trespasses the 30th day of Aprill 1679 ; inter alia.]




Bailed by ye said Sr George 23 Apr

John Aurney* Comd by Sr George Jeffreys Knt Recorder of the Citty of London for speaking of Treasonable words & being a very dangerous person & for want of sureties for his appearance at the next sessions of the peace Dat 21º




April' 1679 *

-section on calendar, entitled London Prisonersupon Orders [Subinter " "; alia.] Ad inven' bon m Ind James Douglasse for seditious words etc. cora Magistro' ' To find baile before the '


Ld Maior etc. to ap-

Recordatore ad Comparend ad prox Del Gaol etc. ad respond etc. Et non

peare at ye next Sessions of the peace for

' ' ' '' deced etc. Et interim de se'bene gerend etc. ) '

London etc. for ye County of Kent

Phillip Cooke




Repr to their severall form orders etc.






Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Sessions .]

5.7.Respur per Cur Quousque prox



General Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. § Susanna Detton de Ivy lane London vid






Comparuit & traditur in Ball Jonathan Gawthorne de Towerhill Furrier et Johanni Ryder de PaulswharffeBrazier


Oates . * Probably a victim ofoccurs I can find no( further record of this case.

Beneath this entry the following in the hand of the clerk of the court) : delivered Mary Saintbard brought from Bridewell Repr etc. This note refers to Cooke and five other prisonersbracketed with him in the original . Ang.: On May 5th [1679 she is respited by the Court until the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to answeretc. I.e., December 9th, 1678. This marginal note gives the date when Susanna Detton was last bound over : cf. p. 212 in text.








APRIL 1679


usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced Et interim de se bene gerend etc. sub pena partis principal C & utriusque Pleg pred L Johannes Blake de paroch sancte Kath-









' ' ''

erine Coleman Mercator



Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Rutty de Lumberdstreete mercer et Henr Wright de Clements Lane Draper usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non



' de ' gerend' etc. '' Et interim sub pena partis principal ' ' ' et utriusque pleg LI ' de paroch sancti Mathias Bartholemew '


se bene C


Jacobi Dukes place Mercator


Comparuit & traditur in ball Radulfo Izard de paroch Sancte Hellene Grocer


' over Bartholemew

et Granado Chester ibidem Grocer usque

as Sub pena partis principal C



' '


et utrius-


que pleg LII Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Mercator ans



Def fec Petrus Busler de paroch sancti Gregorii

' '


Lond Generos '




Comparuit & traditur in ball Roberto Wheateley de eod loco * Brewer & Jacobo Acourte de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Coquo usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis . as over Bartholemew ] sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg 50 Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri ans















5.7.Comparuit & traditur in ball

Thome Kidley de paroch sancte Bride Vict & Thome Williamson de ead Tobacconist usque prox General Quaras over Barterial Session pacis


* I.e.,


' ' ' ' .... [ the parish of St. Sepulchre ( Crumbleton's parish) .




APRIL 1679


tholemew] sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg L Philippus Cooke de paroch' sancti Egidii in Campisin Midd Glover ans


' '



Comparuit & traditur in ball Jacob Foote de Frogmorton streete Lapidary et Johanni Odlin de Lothbury Merchant usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Bartholemew] sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg Antonius de Blocke de Frogmortonstreete London Ordinary ans Keeper











' LI'

Comparuit & traditur in ball Johanni Bonner de Pettyfrance Jeweller usque prox General Quarterial Session as over Bartholemew sub pacis eor L .... pena utriusque Jasper Cloett de paroch sancti Benedicti Finck Lond Jeweller ans







' '' '



in ball' 5.7 . Comparuit & traditurMichaelis Ricardo Jellyde paroch' sancti Crookedlane

Mercator & Adamo Crumpton de Colemanstreete Factor usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis . [as over Bartholemew] sub pena .... partis principal C & utriusque pleg 50l Egidius Fox de Broadstreete Diamond-












' Def fec'


Petrus Vandermewlin de Adams courte in ans Broadstreete



Def fec'



Jacobus Verbecke de paroch sancti Bene-

dicti Fincke ordinary




Def fec Maria uxor eius ans Comparuit & traditur in ball Beniamino Cletherow de Pettyfrance Turner et Ricardo Mosely de Leadenhall markett Coquo usque prox General Quarter-

' '









APRIL 1679


as over Bartholemew] sub pena partis principal XL et utriusque Pleg pred XX Willelmus Hodson de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsans gate

ial Session pacis



[ '






30.6 . Comparuit & traditur in ball prefat Willelmo Molins & Jacobo Mullins de paroch Sancte Bride London Chirurg usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Bartholemew] sub pena utriusque M L Maria Molins uxor Willelmi Molins





' '





5.7.1679 . Comparuit et cepit sacramenta supremac & Allegianc Et Exur '



Thomas Cheverall ans' 5.7 . Comparuit

& traditur in ball Whitfeild de paroch' sancti Martini in Campis Gener & David Floyd de eod loco yeoman usque prox



' '



General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Bartholemew sub pena Cl






Jacobus Pemberton de paroch sancti Marans


G.B. §

tini Ludgate Founder

Comparuit & exour etc. Margareta Smyth ans



[Appeared and bailed in court at this Sessions. Franciscus Pritchard de Angell streete wyerdrawer tra- Existens ditur in ball Petro Floyer de Steyn- Papisticus ing lane Aurifabr & David Floyd de Whitecrosse streete wiredrawer usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. sub pena C &













* I.e., April 30th [1679]. Sub pena utriusque m L = under pain of £50 from each mainpernor. " For the technical distinction betweenbail and mainprize see Introd. , p. xxviii . Ang.: On May 5th, 1679, he appeared and took the oaths of supremacy and allegiance ; and he is discharged etc. § I.e., Good Behaviour.










APRIL 1679




30 APRIL , 1679. at this Sessions. Among entries trials of [ po se Cul fin L Et Comittitur etc. se bene gerend etc. Jacobus Douglas pro verbis sedic


' ' ' '


' '





Et Inven' bon m de

FILE, JUNE , 1679 .






31 CHARLES (1679). for the appearance of Matthew Turner to

answer and of Martin Barnham to prosecute. London ss. Ma quod ° die Junii An° Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXI° Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac' infra Civit London conservand assign ven Henr ' Curtis de Eagle and Child Alley in Shoelane in paroch sancti Andree Holborne London Pewterer & Johannes Phillipps de Milford Lane in paroch sancti Clement Dacor in Com Middles Tailor Et manuceper pro Matheo Turner videlicet utriusque Manucaptor pred XL legalis etc. levand etc. per via recogn sub condicione quod si pred Matheus Turner personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session pac pro Civit London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend quod tunc etc. al etc. Ma quod die et Anno pred cora' me ven Martin Barnham de Little Brittaine London Bookeseller Et recogn etc. XXI legalis etc. levand etc. per via recogn sub condicione quod si pred Martin Barnham personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session' pac' pro Civit London tenend ad prosequend legem cu effectu versus predict ' Matheu Turner in causa transgr quod tunc etc. al etc. [Signed] Wm Turner For being a Roman Catholike and taken in the Citty of London and refuseing to take the Oathes of Allegiance & Supremacye and Defalt fecer assaulting the said Martin Barnham 15.12. Comparuit Preceding this section, in a list of summoned persons who were bailed at the present Sessions, occurs an entry stating that " Johannes Mazott de Bucklersbury mercator appeared and was delivered in bail to Christopher Guyves " eadem Druggist and to Nicholas Garrett de Bishoppsor Gnyves ] " de [gatestreete " ) appearance at the next"Gaol Delivery , Weaver for his (Mazott's " to answer certain charges against him ; under pain of £40 from Mazott and £20 from the two sureties. The Sessions Book gives further the record of Mazott's appearance at the said next Gaol Delivery (June), when he was discharged by the court . The nature of the charge is nowhere stated. John Mazott is no doubt to be identified with the Catholic of that name and address who figures elsewhere










' '

' ''






' '





















' '





' ' ' '





in these records . Cf. head of indictment , p. 234, and note.

Ang.: P

They [i.e., Turner and Barnham] made default [with regard





JUNE 1679


Recognizance for the appearance of Charles Maule to answer. ] London ss . Memorand quod decimo octavo die Maii Anno Regni Domininostri Caroli secundi nunc RegisAngliae etc. tricesimo primo coram mee [sic ] Georgio Jeffreys mil' Recordator' Civitat London ac un Justiciarior dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat pred conservand assign ven Carolus Maule de paroch sancte [Marie * Alderman Bury London Joyner Josephus Foster in [sic paroch sancti Bartholomi magni Innholder et Willelmus Foort de paroch sancti Bartholomi minor Cutler in propriis personis suis et predictus Carolus Maule recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam Centum librar legalis monet Angliae et predicti Josephus Foster et Willelmus Foort et uterque eor separatim recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam quinquaginta librar legalis monet Angliae de bonis et Catallis Terris et Tenementis suis ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. Sub condicione quod si ipse predictus Carolus Maule personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat pred tenend ad respondend etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [signed Geo : Jeffreys Recordr For enterteyning suspicious persons privately in his house supposed (det) Defalt fecit to be Papists (c) Recognizancefor the appearanceof Stonar Crouch to answer. London ss . Md quod duodecimo die Maii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Anglie etc. tricesimo primo Stonar Crouch de Staple Inn London Generos ' Johannes Ince de Fenchurchstreete London Generos ' et Henricus Smith de Aldermanbury Pharmacopaeia in propr person suis ven coram me JacoboEdwards mil Major Civits London et un Justiciar etc. Et tunc et ibidem dictus Stonar Crouch recogn se debere Dicto Domino Regi C legalis etc. levari etc. Et dicti Johannes Ince et Henricus Smith recognover se et eor' utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi L legalis etc. levari etc. to the Sessions of June, 1679]. At the Sessions of October 15th, 1679, he i.e., Turner ] appeared ." An attempt , however, has evidently been made to [erase the words Defalt fecer in MS. It is certain that neither Turner nor Barnham technically " defaulted " at the present Sessions. This is proved from the Sessions Book (cf. p . 254) , where Barnham is definitely stated to have appeared (comparuit) and where, over Turner's name, occurs the note 15. 12. Comparuit& traditur in ballium ( not Defaltamfecit, as would certainly have been written had he made true " default "). With regard to Turner, therefore, it is clear that although he attended the court neither at this Sessions nor at any time until October 15th, 1679, his failure to appear during this period was not regarded as a formal " default," but that his bona fide inability to appear was in some way intimated to the justices, who thereupon excused him . is also clear that the clerk was not immediately informed of the reasons for Turner's non-appearance indeed, it would seem probable that he remained ignorant of the circumstancesuntil quite late in the current Sessions, for records of the " default " were actually entered in the Estreats of Forfeitures Book, but were subsequently deleted . Cf. p . 253 and note . word Marie is omitted in MS . * The The significance of dēt is doubtful ; possibly decessit (" left London or is dead ). In any case, the fact that the word is bracketed in MS . " " seems to indicate that the scribe regarded it as an error .






































' ]' ] ' '







JUNE 1679



Condicio etc. Quod si dictus Stonar Crouch personaliter comparebit ad prox Session pacis pro Civite London tenend etc. ad respond etc. Et interim se bene gesser erga dictum Dominum Regem et cunctum populum suu Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [signed Ja : Edwards Major Crouch being a Papist & continueing in London contrary Comparuit to his Mats Proclamacion of 4to Maii 1679 (d) [Recognizance for the appearance of William Adams and John Bellamy to prosecute Francis Rockely. * London ss. Ma quod decimo nono die Maii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Anglie etc. Tricesimo primo in propr personis suis vener' cora me Jacobo Edwards mil Maior ejusdem Civitat ac un Justiciar ejusdem Civitat ad pacem conservand Willelmus Adams de paroch sancte Bridgitte scissor & Johannes Bellamy de Sancti Martin Ironmonger Lane Gener Et tunc et ibidem recognover se Et eor utrumque separatim debere dicto Domino Regi 401 legalis etc. levari etc. Sub condicio quod personal comparebunt ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat London tenend etc. ad prosequend versus Franciscum Rockely Et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [signed] Ja : Edwards Maior For speaking severall words tending to the great derogation of the Kings Evidences concerning the Comparuer Plott (e) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Blake to answer. London ss . Md quod XIX die Maii An° Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXI° Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civit' Lond conservand assign ven Marcus Proudfoot de Harpe Lane in Tower streete Mercator Jonathan Edwin de Ludgate streete bookeseller et Willelmus Mather de paroch sancti Bottolphi Ald' gate Dyer Et manuceper pro Johanne Blake videlicet utriusque CH manucaptor pred legalis etc. levand etc. per via recogn Sub Condicione quod si pred Johannes Blake personal comparuerit ad prox Session pac pro Civit London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. quod tunc etc. al etc. [signed Wm Turner For his good behavior hee being A Roman Catholike haveing not taken the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacye and remaineing in Comparuit the City of London in contempt of his Matyes Proclamacion * can find no further reference to Rockely in these records . Possibly he was a Middlesex prisoner in Newgate, but there is no mention of him in
































'' '










' ' '






' '

' '












JUNE 1679





Recognizance for the appearance of Mary White to give evidence against Richard Langhorne.




Middlesex ss . Memorand quod Duodecimo Die Novembr Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi etc. Tricesimo primo ven Maria White De Brick lane in Hambleto De Bednall in Com pred Spinster_& cog se Debere Dicto Domino Reg' Centu libr Thomas Troy De eadem Textor quinquagint libr & Willelmus Broad De eadem Frameworkcutter quinquagint libr legalis monet' Angl De bon & Cattall ter & tent suis fieri & levari ad opus Dicti Domini Regis si Defecerint Condicione sequent That the sd Mary White Doe personally appere in his Mattes Court where one Richard Langhorne Shall bee brought to Tryall. And there give in Evidence agt him . Comparuit signed Jo . Underwood









' ' '










(b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Peter Maria Mazzentine

to answer.] London ss. Petro Maria Mazzentine de paroch sancti Martini in Campis in Com Middlesex Recogn se debere Domino Regi 100ll Johannes Chaliner de eadem paroch Scriptor 5011 Recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi Andreas Goreden de paroch' & Com pred Recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 50 The Condicion of this Recogn above written is such that if the abovenamed Petro Maria Mazzentine doe personally appeare at the next Sessions & Gaole Delivery of Newgate to be holden in the Old Bayley for the Cittie of London there to answare to wt shall be objected agt him , he being suspected to be a Romish Preist, then this Recogn to be voyde Capt & cogn 29° Maii 1679 coram [signed Will Scroggs Comparuit

















(c) [Recognizance for the appearance of Miles Prance to prosecute

and give evidence against Charles Parris .] London ss . Ma quod ° die Maii Ano regni Caroli secundi nunc




This was Richard Langhorne, junior, a Middlesex prisoner in Newgate from I November, 1678 , until some time between 15 January and 26 February , 1679/80, within which period he was set at liberty (Newgate calendars : Middlesex Guildhall archives) . He was suspected of complicityin the Oates Plot , but the Middlesex records contain no indictment against him , nor can find that he was ever brought to trial. The presence of a Middlesex recognizance of November on this London file for June is an instance, rare at this period, of official carelessness. Incidentally , it proves that the file was constructed considerably later than the Sessions to which the documents appertain . There are signs that such tardiness was not uncommon in the period covered by this book. She appeared -probably at the Sessions beginning 10 December, 1679 (i.c. , the G.D. Sessions immediately following the taking of this re-



cognizance ).





JUNE 1679


Angl etc. XXXI° Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac' infra Civit London conservand assign ven Miles Prance de Princes Streete in Comon* Garden in Com Middles Goldsmyth Et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summa C legalis etc. levand etc. per via' recogn Sub condicione quod si pred Miles Prance personal comparuerit ad prox Session Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civit London tenend ad prosequend legem cu effectu et dand Evidenc ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus quenda Carolu Parris in causa felon quod tunc etc. al etc. [signed Wm Turner Being charged by the said Miles Prance to be a Romish Preist & Comparuit taken wthin the City of London












' '



' '


















(d) [Indictment of Richard Langhorne, senior, for complicity in Oates's

popish plot. * po se Cul Ca null Trahatur super Biga'usque ad furcas de Tiborne Et ibidem Suspendatur per Coll Et vivus super Terra prosternaturAc quod interiora sua extra ventrem suu" Capiantur Ipsoque vivente Comburentur Et quod Caput suu amputetur Quodque Corpus suu in quatuor partes Dividatur Et quod Caput et quarter ill ponantur ubi Dominus Rex ea assignare voluerit etc. § London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentantquod Ricardus Langhorne Sen nuper de London Armiger ut falsus Proditor illustrissimi serenissimi et excellentissimi Principis Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Supremi et naturalis Domini


' '






' ''









* Sic in MS . for Covent. , It is curious that hitherto from the time of his arrest on October 7th, 1678, Blessed Richard Langhorne had been regarded by the gaol clerk as a

Middlesex prisoner, his name being entered in each successive Newgate calendar for Middlesex until this date, and never in the corresponding calendars for London. A possible explanation of this inconsistency lies in that fact that although Langhorne was a London man (of St. Dunstan's in the West), the Plot with which he was charged was supposed to have been hatched in Middlesex. Cf. M.C.R. vol.





The use of the term biga in place of claia (a medieval Latin word for a hurdle) is noticeable in sentences for treason on London and Middlesex indictments in the reign of Charles II . In this connection, the meaning of biga is clearly an object drawn by two horses, " and not specifically "a two-horsed car or chariot " (its classical meaning). There is contemporary evidence that the Catholic martyrs during Oates's plot were drawn to Tyburn, like their predecessors, on a hurdle or " sledge. " Cf. The Caryll Letter ; Month, March 1933 , . Ang. He puts himself [ not guilty on a jury of his country ; he is found] guilty; [he has] no chattels [for forfeiture to the Crown] ; [it ]is decreed] that he be drawn on a hurdle to the gallows of Tyburn and there be hanged by the neck, and, whilst yet alive, be thrown upon the ground, and that his entrails be taken out of his belly and , he still living, be burnt, and that his head be cut off and his body be divided into four parts, and that those head and quarters be placed where the Lord the King shall be pleased to appoint etc. " Cf. p. 252 and note.










JUNE 1679



sui Timorem Dei in Corde suo non habens nec debitum Ligeanc sue ponderans sed Instigacione Diabolica mot et seduct' Cordialem dileccionem et vera' debitam et naturalem Obedientiam (quas veri et fideles subditi dicti Domini Regis erga ipsum Dominum Regem gererent et de iure gerere tenentur) penitus Subtrahens et divisans et totis viribus suis Intendens pacem et communem Tranquillitatem huius regni Angl perturbare ac veru Dei Cultuminfra hoc Regnu Angl usitat et lege stabilit' evertere et sedition' et rebellion infra hoc Regnu Angl movere incitare et procurare et Cordialem dileccionem et veru debitum et Obedientiam quas veri et fideles subditi dicti Domini Regis erga dictum Dominum Regem gererent et de iure gerere tenentur subtrahere relinquere et extinguere Tricesimo die Septembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc' Franc ' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Dunstani in Occidente in ward de Farringdon extra London pred falso malitiose subdole et proditorie cum multis aliis falsis Proditor dicti Serenissimi Domini Regis nunc (Jur pred Ignot ) proposuit Compassavit imaginat fuit intendebat Consuluit et agreavit seditionem et Rebellionem infra hoc Regnu Angl Contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc suscitare et stragem miserabilem inter subditos dicti Domini Regis nunc huius Regni Angl procurare et causare et dictum Serenissimu Dominum Regem nunc a Regali statu titulo potestate Regimine Regni sui Angl totaliter deprivare deponere deiicere et exheredare et [? ipsum] * dictum Dominum Regem ad mortem et finalem destruccionem ducere et ponere et Gubernacionem huius Regni Angl subvertere et alterare et veru et sinceru Dei Cultum in hoc Regno Angl lege stabilit et usitat alterare et statum totius huius regni Angl in omnibus suis partibus bene institut totaliter subvertere et destruere Et Bellu infra hoc Regnu Angl contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc procurare et levare Et ad easdem nephandissimas prodiciones proditor Imaginaciones proposiciones Compassacion et agreamenta pred perficiend et perimplend ipse pred Ricardus Langhorne postea scilicet dicto Tricesimo die Septembris Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc Tricesimo supradicto et divers al temporibus antea apud London pred in paroch et ward pred falso advisate malitiose subdole et proditorie Composuit Invenit angee did Contrive et scripsit duas Epistolas angce Letters mittend quibusda' personis Jur pred Ignot usque ad Civitat Rome et usque ad quenda' locu angce vocat St Omers in partibus transmarinis ad procurand adherentiam auxiliu et assistantiam Pape Romane et Regis Gallici et al personar sibi prefat Ricardo Langhorne et al falsis proditor dicti Domini Regis pred (Jur ignot ) veru Dei Cultumin hoc Regno Angl lege Stabilit et usitat ad superstitionem Ecclesie Romane alterare Et Gubernacionem huius regni Angl Subvertere Et dictum Dominum Regem ad mortem et finalem destruccionem ducere et ponere Et quod ipse pred Ricardus Langhorne in ulteriori persecucion prodicion et proditor imaginacion ' intencion et agreamenta sua pred die et







' '















' ''






















' '











' ''








' '

* One word illegible in MS.





The word intencion is interlined in MS.




JUNE 1679





Anno supradictis et pred aliis temporibus antea apud London pred

in paroch et ward' pred' Composuit Invenit angee did Contrive et scripsit duas al Epistolas angce Letters mittend usque ad Romam ' transmarinis cuidam Christophero Anderton tunc pred in partibus




Rectori Collegii anglicani apud Roma pred et duas alias Epistolas mittend usquead pred locu angee vocat' St Omers pred in partibus transmarinis divers' personis ibidem residen' (Jur' pred Ignot ) Et per prefat Epistolas respective Proditorie advisavit dictam Papam et eosdem Christopheru Anderton et al personas sic ut prefertur (Jur pred Ignot ) et in partibus transmarinis residen' de viis et mediis angce meanes habendis perficiendi dictas nephandissimas prodiciones pro alteracione veri Dei Cultus in hoc Regno Anglie Stabilit et usitat ad Ecclesie Romane superstitionem et pro subvercione Gubernacionis huius regni Angl et pro morte et destruccion dicti Domini Regis Et ea intencione quod pred Christoferus Anderton et al Ignot Person auxiliu assistentiam et adherentia procurarent sibi pred Ricardo Langhorne et al falsis Proditor in hoc regno Angl (Jur pred Ignot ) ad alterand veru Dei Cultu pred ad Romane Ecclesie superstitionem et ad subvertend Gubernacionem huius regni Angl pred Et ad dictum Dominum Regem ad mortem et destruccionem ponend Et quod pred Ricardus Langhorne postea scilicet die et Anno supradict apud London pred in paroch et ward pred proditoriedeliberavit Epistolas pred mittend eisdem Christofero Anderton et al personis in partibus transmarinis ad proposita proditoria pred perficiend Et Juratores pred ulterius super sacramentum suu pred Dicunt quod predictus Ricardus Langhorne ulterius ad easdem nefandissimas prodiciones proditorias Imaginaciones proposicion Compassaciones suas pred perimplend et perficiend postea scilicet dicto Tricesimo die Septembris Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc Tricesimo supradicto apud London pred in paroch et ward pred Quinque Comission Inscript fact per Authoritat derivat a sede Romana pro Constituend Officiar Militar' pro ConduccioneTurmar' angee forces in hoc regno Angl contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc Levand pro alteracione Religionis vere Protestane reformat ad usum et superstition Ecclesie Romane et pro subvercione Gubernacion huius regni Angl proditorie recepit Et Quinque al Comission inscript fact per Authoritat' derivat a sede Romana pro ' Constituend Officiar Civiles pro Gubernacione huius regni Angl postquam nefandissimas prodiciones et proditorias imaginaciones proposicion et Compassaciones suas pred perimplissent [sic et perfecissent adtunc et ibidem proditorierecepit Et quod pred Ricardus Langhorne postea scilicet die et Anno ult supradict apud London pred in paroch et ward pred separal Comission illas sic recept divers ' falsis proditor' subdit dicti Domini Regis nunc Jur pred ' Ignot falso scienter et proditorie destribuit dedit et disposuit ad Constituend Officiar' tam Militar quam Civiles ad proposita



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* Sic in MS . for dictum .






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The bracketsoccurring here in MS. are an error on the part of the scribe. Sic in MS . for Protestantis .



JUNE 1679




proditoria pred Et quod pred Ricardus Langhorne postea scilicet die et anno ult supradict ' apud London pred in paroch et ward pred un al Comission Constituere et authorizare ipsum pred ' '


' ' ' ' '





Ricardum Langhorne fore advocat' General' Exercitus ad Bellu ' pred contra dictum Dominum Regem gerend in hoc regno Angl levand falso proditorie et contra Ligeanc' sue debitum a quadam persona Jur pred Ignot claman authoritat concedendiComission in ea parte a sede Romana recepit et habuit et Comission ill adtunc et ibidem falso advisate et proditorie inspexit perlegit et in possessione sua Custodivit Et ad eandem Comissionem adtunc et ibidem falso scienter advisate et proditorie Consensit et assensu suu adtunc et ibidem proditorie dedit Ea Intencione quod ipse pred Ricardus Langhorne locu et Officiu advocat General Exercitus pred haberet et exequeretur quando exercitus pred foret levat contra dictum Dominum Regem per ipsum pred Ricardum Langhorne et al falsos proditor dicti Domini Regis Jur pred Ignot in Execucione proditor' Compassation' imaginacion et agreamentor pred Et Jur pred super Sacramentum suu pred ulterius Dicunt quod cum Willelmus Ireland Johannes Grove et Thomas Pickering et al falsi Proditor' subdit Domini Regis Jur pred Ignot vicesimo Quarto die Aprilis Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc Tricesimo supradicto apud parochiam sancti Egidii in Campis in Com Midd proditorie Consultaverunt inter se dictum Serenissimu Dominum Regem nunc ad mortem et finalem destruccionem ducere et ponere et Religionem in hoc Regno Angl recte et lege stabilit ad superstition Ecclesie Romane mutare et alterare Ipse pred Ricardus Langhorne postea scilicet dicto Tricesimo die Septembris Anno regni dicti Domini Regis Tricesimo supradicto apud London pred videlicet in pred paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden in ward de Farringdon extra London pred de Consultacione pred noticia' habuit et Consultacionem illam pro destruccione dicti Domini Regis et pro alteracione Religionis in hoc Regno recte stabilit ad superstition Ecclesie Romane et proditor Agreament in Consultacion ill habita contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc adtunc scilicet dicto Tricesimo die Septembris Anno Tricesimo supradicto ab eodem Domino Rege advisate et proditorie Concelavit et ad Consultacionem illam dicto die et Anno ult supradictis apud London pred in paroch et ward pred proditorie Concensit* et dictos Willelmum Ireland Johannem Grove et Thoma Pickering ad prodicion pred perpetrand et perficiend dicto die et Anno ult supradictis apud London pred in paroch et ward pred falso malitiose subdole et proditorie abettavit consuluit manutenuit et Comfortavit Et quod pred Ricardus Langhorne postea scilicet dicto Tricesimo die Septembris Anno regni dicti Domini Regis nunc Tricesimo supradicto apud London pred in paroch et ward pred falso subdole proditorie movit et solicitavit Monachos angce vocat the Benedictine Monckes quor nomina eisdem Jur ignot existunt expendere et solvere summa sex Mille librar ' legalis monet Angl




















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in MS. for consensit. * Sic The words et perficiend are interlined in MS .






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JUNE 1679



procurare personam ad dictum Dominum Regem proditorie interficiend et murdrand Cumque quidam Edwardus Coleman et al falsi Proditores Subdit ' dicti Serenissimi* Domini Regis nunc Jurator pred Ignot vicesimo nono die Septembris Anno Regni Dicti Domini Regis nunc Tricesimo apud parochiam sancte Margarete Westm in Com Midd pred proditorie Conspiravissent et Consultavissent inter se procurare Rebellionem et sedition infra hoc Regnu Angl contra dictum Dominum Regem et ipsum dictum Dominum Regem a Regali statu suo et Regimine huius regni Angl deprivare et exheredare Et ipsum Dominum Regem ad mortem et finalem destruccionem ducere et ponere Et Gubernacionem huius regni Angl alterare Et veram et sinceram Dei Religionem in hoc Regno lege stabilit alterare et mutare Ac Cu ipse pred Edwardus Coleman proditorie scripsisset quatuor Epistolas cuidam Monseiur le Ches tunc Servo et Confessori Regis Gallici ad procurand Assistentiam Auxiliu et Adherentiam dicti Regis Gallici ad perficiend et perimplend proditorias Imaginaciones suas pred ipse pred Ricardus Langhorne postea scilicet dicto Tricesimo die Septembris Anno regni dicti Domini Regis Tricesimo supradicto apud London pred in paroch et ward pred ( satis scien materia Proditoriam in eisdem Epistolis Content ) ad Epistolas illas Consensit et adtunc et ibidem pred Edwardum Coleman ad prodiciones suas pred perpetrand et perficiend falso subdole advisate malitiose et proditorie abettavit Consuluit manutenuit et Comfortavit Contra debitum Ligeanc sue Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Necnon Contra forma Statut in huiusmodi casu edit et provis etc. Titus Oates Willelmus Bedloe [Endorsed ] Billa Vera


























' '' '












(e) [Record of proceedings against Richard Langhorne, senior.]

London ss. Memorand quod Per quanda Inquisicionem capt pro Domini Rege apud Justicehall in le Old Bailey London in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred die veneris scilicet Tertio decimo die Junii Anno regni Domini nostri Car secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc & Hibernie regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo primo Cora Jacobo Edwards mil Major Civitat London Thoma Aleyn mil' et Baronett Thoma Bludworth milit Willelmo Turner mil' Aldermannis Civitat' et Georgio Jeffreys mil un de Concilio Domini Regis erudit in Lege ac Recordatore eiusdem Civitat ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis Per Litteras Paten ipsius Domini Regis eisdem Justic prenominat et aliis quibuscunque quatuor vel pluribus eor ' sub magno sigillo dicti Domini Regis Angl Confect' ad Inquirend per sacramentum probor et legaliu hominu de Civitat pred ac al viis modis et mediis quibus melius sciver aut poterint [sic] tam infra Libertat quam extra Per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit de quibuscunque






























' '

The word Serenissimi is interlined in MS . * Witnesses

for the prosecution.






JUNE 1679



prodicionibus mispricionibus prodicion ' Insurreccionibus rebellionibus Controfactur tonsur' lotur falsis fabricacionibus & al falsitat monet huius regni Angl et al Regnor' sive Dominior quoruncunque ac de quibuscunque murdr' felon Homicid Interfeccionibus burglar rapt mulier Congregacionibus conventiculis illicit verbor prolacionibus coadunacionibus mispricionibus confederacionibus falsis Allegianc ' transgr Riot rout retencionibus escapiis Contempt oppressionibus ac de al articulis & offens ' in eisdem Litteris Paten dicti Domini Regis specificat' Necnon Accessar eorundem infra Civitat pred tam infra libertat quam extra Per quoscunque et qualitercunque habit fact Perpetrat sive Comiss ac deal Articulis et Circumstanciis premissa seu eor aliquod vel aliqua qualitercunque concernen plenius veritat et ad easdem prodiciones et al premissa audiend & Terminand secundum legem et Cons huius regni Angl assign per sacramentum Johannis Stowe Samuel' Barron Roberti Davy Johannis Spencer Willelmi Truelocke Josephi Rogdale Roberti Patten Thome Kilner Hugonis Horton Francisci Wilson Thome Watson Johannis Shelley Roberti Cowley Thome Jorden Johannis Rowe Roberti Hind et Abrahami Jesson * probor & legaliu hominu Civitat London pred qui adtunc et ibidem Jurat et onerat existen ad inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege et Corpore Civitat pred existit presentat' quod Ricardus Langhorne sen nuper de London Armiger et falsus Proditor .... [the preceding indictment against Richard Langhorne is here repeated, all notes being omitted ] Per quod precept est Vic ' Civitat pred quod [non] omitt etc. Quin Caperent prefat Ricardu Langhorne si etc. Ad Respond etc. Quodque postea scilicet Ad Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent' pro Civitat London apud Justicehall pred in dicta Paroch sancti Sepulchri in Warda de Farringdon extra London pred dicto die Veneris scilicet tertio decimo die Junii Anno Tricesimo primo supradicto Cora prefat Jacobo Edwards milit Major Civitat' London Willelmo Scroggs mil Capitali Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita coram ipso Rege tenend assign § Francisco North mil Capitali Justic dicti Domini Regis de Bancoll Willelmo Mountagu Capitali Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Roberto Atkins mil' Balnei al Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco Thoma Jones mil un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita coram ipso Domino Rege tenend assign Willelmo Dolbin mil al Justic ' dicti Domini Regis ad placita coram ipso Rege tenend assign ' WillelmoEllis mil al Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco Francisco Pemberton mil al Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad placita Cora ipso Rege tenend assign Thoma Raymond un Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Edwardo Atkins mil al Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Willelmo Jones Attornat dicti Domini Regis General Heneagio Finch mil Solicitator dicti Domini Regis General Thoma Aleyn mil et Baronett Thoma Bludworth












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' ' Spelt Ragdale in original Grand Jury panel on this file). '

( * The name of Abraham Jesson does not appear on the original panel.

The word non is omitted in MS.

§ I.e., Lord Chief Justice of King's Bench. I.e., Lord Chief Justice of the Common Bench (Common Pleas) .

' '


JUNE 1679



mil' Willelmo Turner mil et Georgio Waterman mil' Aldermannis Civitat ' pred et Georgio Jeffreys mil' un' de Concilio dicti Domini Regis erudit in Lege* ac Recordatore eiusdem Civitat' ac al ' ' sociis suis Justic ' dicti Domini Regis ad Gaol sua ' de Newgate de ' assign Prisonar' in ea existen Deliberand' ' Deliberacio Gaol' pred ' adtunc et ibidem Adiornat est per prefat Justic' dicti Domini






Regis hic usque diem Sabbati scilicet Quartu decimu diem eiusdem mensis Junii Anno Tricesimo primo supradicto ad hora Septima






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is there spelt Beaker.







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ante merid eiusdem diei apud Justicehall pred tenend Cora prefat Justic ult nominat et al sociis suis ad faciend ulterius prout Cur Cons' etc. Ac superinde ad pred Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London pred Per Adjornament pred apud Justicehall pred in paroch & warda ult pred dicto die Sabbati scilicet Quarto decimo die Junii Anno tricesimo primo supradicto Cora prefat ' Justic ult nominat Et al sociis suis pred prefat Justic dicti Domini Regis Oyer et Terminer ? prius ] supra Nominat Per manus suas propr Deliberaver Indictament pred hic in Cur Gaol Deliberacion pred de Recordo in forma Juris Terminand etc. super quo ad ista eandem Deliberacion Gaol Dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent' pro Civitat pred per adjournament ' pred apud Justicehall pred dicto die Sabbati Quarto decimo die Junii Anno Tricesimo primo supradicto Cora prefat ' Justic Gaol Deliberacionis pred supra nominat ven pred Ricardus Langhorne sub Custod Ricardi How milit et Johannis Chapman milit' vic' Civitat' pred (in Quor custod ex causa pred preantea Comiss fuit) ad Barra hic duct in propria persona sua Qui Comittitur prefat ' Vic' Civitat London pred Et statim de premiss' pred in Indictament pred specificat ei superius Imposit alloquut qual se vellet inde Acquietari Idem Ricardus Langhorne Dicit quod ipse non est inde culpabilis Et inde de bono et malo pon se super patriam et Ideo Imediat ven inde Jurata etc. Cora prefat Justic Gaol Deliberacionis pred § hic etc. Et Jur Jurate illius per prefat Vic ad hoc Impannellat scilicet Arthurus Young Edwardus Beater Robertus Twyford Willelmus Yapp Johannes Kirkham Petrus Pickering Thomas Barnes Franciscus Neeves Johannes Hall Georgius Sitwell Jacobus Wood et Ricardus Cawthorne exact vener' qui ad veritat de et super premiss Dicend elect triat et Jurat Dicunt super sacra* I.e., King's, Counsel. This word probably prius , is illegible and, with the three preceding words, is interlined in MS. The point here is that whereas Langhorne's indictment was taken , on June 13th, by the Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer (the group of Justices first mentioned in this Record) , the trial upon it took place before the Commissioners of Gaol Delivery (the second group) on the following day . Actually, the same persons held both commissions : cf. Introd. , p. ix . The words Gaol Deliberacion' are interlined in MS. § The words Gaol Deliberacionis pred are interlined in MS . ' I.e., a special Jury. The original Petty Jury panel, entitled " Nomina ad Jur triand apud Justicehall die Sabbati xiiiio die Junii 1679 Inter Dominum Regem & Ricardum Langhorne Sen on this file. The names thereon " occurs correspond with those given here in the Record, with the exception of Beater, which






















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JUNE 1679



mentum suu quod pred Ricardus Langhorne est culpabilis de alta prodicione pred in Indictament' pred specificat ei superius Imposit modo et forma prout per Indictament pred superius versus eu supponitur Et quod Idem Ricardus Langhorne null habuit bona seu catall terr sive tenementa ad eor notic ' Et super hoc statim Quesit est de prefat ' Ricardo Langhorne si quid pro se habeat vel dicere sciat quare Cur' dicti Domini Regis hic ad Judiciu et Execucionem de eo super veredictum pred procederenon debeat Qui nihil ulterius dicit preterquam ut prius dixerat super quo vis et per Cur hic plene intellectis omnibus et singulis premiss' Cons est per Cur hic quod pred Ricardus Langhorne ducatur ad Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate unde venit & ibidem super Bigam Ponatur et abinde usque ad furcas de Tiborne trahatur Et ibidem per Collum suspendaturet vivens ad terram Prosternatur Et quod secreta Membra eius amputentur et interiora sua extra ventrem suu * Capiantur et in Ignem ponantur et ibidem Comburentur Et quod caput eius Amputetur Quodque Corpus eius in quatuor partes dividatur Et quod Caput et quarteria sua Ponantur ubi Dominus Rex ea assign voluerit etc.



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( ) [Indictment of Charles Parry for priesthood .] 15.3.1679. triat' in Middles et habuit iudiciu' etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super Sacramentum suu presentant quod Carolus Parry nuper de paroch sancti Vedasti alias Fosters in ward de Farringdon infra London pred Clericus Natus infra Dominia dicti Domini Regis nunc et existens Sacerdos factus et ordinatus per Authoritat derivat ' a sede Romana angce ' the Sea of Rome post Festu Nativitat ' sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno regni Domine Elizabethe nuper Regine Angl Primo et ante ' Tertio die Maii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra' Angl' Scoc' Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor' etc. Tricesimo Primo Leges et Statut huius Regni Anglie minime ponderans nec ' aliqual " verens dicto Tertio die Maii Anno penas in eisdem Content ' Tricesimo Primo supradicto infra hoc Regnu' Angl scilicet apud











pred paroch sancti Vedasti alias Fosters in ward pred Proditorie et ut falsus Proditordicti Domini Regis nunc fuit et remansit Contra forma Statut in huiusmodi Casu edit et provis Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et dignitat suas etc.







Titus Oates

[Endorsed] Billa Vera




Miles Prance

This mutilation apparently formed an integral part Et quod secreta of the sentence on condemned traitors (cf. p. 326) , but is never mentioned in the minutes on the actual indictments . It would be unsafeto infer from this omissionthat themutilationwas not performed. Cf. Introd. , p. xlviii, and note. was tried in Middlesex at the Sessions beginning January Ang.: ", He 1679/80 ], and had judgment etc." It is clear therefore that 15th, 1679 [i.e. Parry was not tried on this London indictment . An analysis of the similar Middlesex indictment to which the above minute refers will be found in M.C.R., iv, 131. It bears the same dates as this but describes Parry as of St. Giles in the Fields. " On it, also, is the record of his sentence to the death of a traitor, in the usual terms. Witnesses for the prosecution.







JUNE 1679


(g) [Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss. A true and perfect Kallender of all ye Prisons in Newgate for Felonies and Trespasses the 5th day of June 1679 ; inter alia. ] " Charles Parris Comd by Sr William Turner Knt Ind


charged upon oath by Miles Prance to be a Romish preist and being taken by him in the Cittye of London Dat 3 May


1679 Bailed by ye sd Rt honoble ye Lord Maior etc. And the said Sr Robert 12th May 1679

Discharged by the Lords Spirituall

& Temporall in

Parliamt assembled 13° May 1679 Bailed by La cheife Justice Scroggs 29

Stoner Crouch Comd by the Rt honoble Sr James Edwards Knt LordMaior of the Citty of London & Sr Robt Hanson Knt who (being by his owne confessiona Papist & above the Age of 18 yeares ) hath refused to take the Oathes of Allegiance & Supremacy now tendred unto him by them & for continuing in this Citty in contempt of his Maties Proclamacion. Dat 9 ° Maii 1679 Augustine Belson Comitted by Sr Geo : Waterman Knt he being accused upon suspicion of being a Jesuite and severall warrants out against him to apprehend him Dat 9º May


Peter Maria Mazzantini


1679 Comd by Sr George Waterman

Knt charged by Henry St Quin-

tin & John Beverley gentlemen upon suspicion of being a popish

May 1679

preist or Jesuite Dat 21 ° May 1679

Ad inven bon m cora Magistro Recordatore ad comparend ad



' '

' '' ' respond etc. Et non

prox Quarterial Sess pacis ad


deced etc.



Mathew Turner comitted by the sd Sr Wm


being a Roman Catholicke &

refuseing to take the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy


good mainprize before Mr Recorder for his appearance * Ang.: " To find Sessions of the Peace to answer etc. And not depart etc. at the next Quarter


Matthew Turner had been mainprized on June 2nd to appear at this Sessions

(vide recognizance , p. 241). It would seem that he made a late appearance and was thereupon committed straightway to Newgate. Presumably, the , here , was

order for his dischargeon bail noted executed before in the margin the next Sessions, for Turner's name does not occur in subsequent calendars . have been unable, however, to find any record of this second recognizance . I.e., Sir William Turner , J.P. (named in a preceding entry on the calendar ). This entry is all in the hand of the clerk of the court . Mathew





JUNE 1679


-section on this calendar, entitled London Prisoners upon " [SubOrders ; inter alia.



till the same be paid & to find baile before Mr Record to appeare at the next Gaole Delivery etc.

James Douglasse fined 50lt to rem



(1) (a)



Among persons previously bound over for appearance at

[ Sessions. this ]

Comparuit & exour etc. Ad ult Sess tr in ball usque prox General Quarterial Session etc.'*

Johannes ans





' ' '




Franciscu Rockley


Comparuit Willelmus Adams de paroch sancte Bride Scissor pros Comparuit Johannes Bellamy de paroch sancti Martini Ironmongerlane Gener pros






pro verbis


Comparuit & traditur in ball ut ptea Stonar Crouch de Staple Inne Lond Generos ans

' Def fec *




' '

Carolus Mawle de AldermanburyJunctor ans 15. 12. Comparuit & traditur in ball Matheus Turner ans Comparuit Martinus Barnham de Little Brittaine Bookeseller pros




Papist &

pro insult



Turner therefore was committed to Newgate at the beginning of the current Sessions (June 5th) , i.e., after the calendar had left the possession of the gaol clerk . Such entries made in the calendars by theclerkof the court invariably lack dates of committal. .: He appeared and is discharged etc. At the last Sessions * Ang he was delivered in bail until the next General Quarter Sessions etc." April ] Blake's appearance at this Sessions was an error (the June Sessions not being Quarter " Sessions) . He was therefore discharged for this occasion, but duly appears in July on his April recognizances (cf. p. 261). Opposite the record of Mawle's default in the Estreats of Forfeitures Book occurs the marginal note " for entertaining [of Papists scored suspitious persons in his house. Ang On 15th October [1679 he appeared and is [ then] delivered in bail. Cf..:pp. 241 (note) and 277.












JUNE 1679


(b) [Appeared and bailed in court at this Sessions.] Stonard Crouch de Staple Inne Generos ' traditur in ball Johanni Ince de Clifford Inne Generos ' et Gilberto Crouch de [? uinter] Courte in Fleetestreete Gent usque prox Quarterial ' Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena partis Principal VC II Et utriusque pleg pred CC







(2) (a)



' '


5 JUNE , 1679. Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this



] Comparuit

& pros * Miles Prance de Coven garden Paris generos pros Respur usque prox Session pacis etc. Petro Maria Mazzantine A preist ans (b) [Entry of trial , under the special heading London ss. Ad Deliberacion Gaol Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall in le old Bailey London die Veneris scilicet Tertio decimo die Junii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. Tricesimo primo . ] po se Cul Ca null Trahatur super Biga usque ad furcas de Tiborne Et ibidem suspendatur per Coll et vivus super Terra prosternaturAc quod interiora sua extra ventrem suu Capiantur Ipsoque vivente Comburentur Et quod Caput suu Amputetur Quodque Corpus suu in quatuor partes Dividatur Ac quod Caput et quarter ill ponantur ubi Dominus Rex ea assignare voluerit etc. Ricardus Langhorne pro alt' prodicione Carolu












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QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING (1679) . 14 JULY, 31 CHARLES (a) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Hewett to answer. London ss . Ma quod 50 die Junii 1679 Coram me Thoma Davies




first letter of this word is doubtful. The word is possibly intended * "The Winter." Harben's Dictionary of London , however, gives no locality

to be

of this name . With regard to the present entry see Introd. , p . xlix , note. Since is certain that Charles Parry alias Paris was not tried at this Sessions (theitSessions Book contains no record of any such proceedings ), the words & pros ( and prosecuted ) must refer merely to the giving by Prance " " of some evidence in the case, probably before the grand jury. Ang.: He is respited until the next Sessions of the peace etc. " Actually, Langhorne's trial was held at the adjourned Session on Saturday, June 14th. Cf. . 251 p . Translation in footnote, p. 245 .






JULY 1679


Milit un Aldermannor ' ac un Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civit pred Conservand Assign etc. in propr ' person suis venert Radolph Stevens de St Brides Feltmak" et Daniel

' '




' '' et recognovert dicto Domino Regi Howell de ead Cabinettmaker ' si Johannes legalis etc. Levand etc. separal sum Quinquagint ' libr'Hewett ' 'quod Condicio personaliter comparuerit ad ' prox General' Session pacis tent apud Le Guild-hall pro Civitat ' Respondend ' etc. Et interim de se bene' pred' Ad tunc et ibidem ' ' gerend etc. Et abinde non etc. ' '


[signed ] Thomas Davies

For the sd Jno Hewett's appearance att ye next quartr Sessions of ye Peace & his being in ye meane time

of ye good behavior he being a Papist & remaining in ye sd Citty


contrary to his Mats late Proclamation *

(b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Rene Harris to answer.] Md quod 30 die Junii 1679 Coram me Thoma Davies as recognizance (a) above ] venert Ricardus Dely de St Milit' [ Ann Black-fryars Shooemaker et Thomas Lacke de paroch St Sepulchr Smith et recognoverunt dicto Domino Regi separal sum ' London ss.


' ' '

Quinquagint libr' legalis etc. Levand etc. Condicio quod si Rene Harris personaliter comparuerit ad prox General Session pacis [signed Thomas Davies For ye sd Rene Harris his apparence att ye next quartr Sessions of ye peace & in ye meane time to be of ye good behavior he being a Papist Def fecit & remaining in ye sd Citty contrary to His Mats late Proclamation (c) [Recognizance for the appearance of Richard Schoolemaster to answer.] London ss . Ma quod 50 die Junii 1679 Coram me Thoma Davies as recognizance (a) above ] venert Caspar Braem de Milit Fleetestreete Cabinetmaker et Edward Somerton de St Brides victuallet recognoverunt dicto Domino Regi separal sum Quinquagint libr legalis etc. Levand etc. Condicio quod si Ricardus Schoolemaster personaliter comparuerit ad prox General' Session pacis [signed ] Thomas Davies For ye sd Richard Schoolemaster his apparence att ye next quartr Sessions of ye Peace & his being in ye meane Comparuit time of ye good behavior he being a Papist & remaining in ye sd Citty contrary to His Mats late Proclamation








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* I.e., of 4 May, 1679: cf. Introd., p. lix.





JULY 1679



(d) [Recognizance for the appearance of Edward Bostock Fuller to answer.] London ss . Ma quod 3º die Junii 1679 Coram me Thoma Davies Milit' [as recognizance (a) above ] venert Johannes Knibbe de le Old Bayly parva in paroch' St Sepulchr' Taylor et Johannes Potts de paroch St Dunstans in le West Carpenter et recognoverunt



dicto Domino Regi separal sum Quinquagint libr legalis etc. Levand etc. Condicio quod si Edwardus Bostock Fuller personaliter comparuerit ad prox General' Session pacis [signed Thomas Davies For ye sd Edward Bostock Fuller his apparence att ye next quartr Sessions of ye Peace & his being in ye meane time Comparuit of ye good behavior he being a Papist & remaining in ye sd Citty contrary to His Mats late Proclamation (e) [Recognizance for the appearance of Gregory Gyfford to









answer .


London ss . Memorandum quod vicesimo quinto die Junii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Regis Angl etc. tricesimo primo vener cora me Jacobo Edwards mil Majore Civtis London un Justiciar dicti Domini Regis nunc ad pacem conservand etc. in propr person sua Gregorius Gyfford de Chancery Lane in Com Middlesex Gener Jonathan Beale de Aldersgate street London Scissor et Jacobus Bodycott de Ivy Lane London Mealeman Et tunc et ibidem dictus Gregor Gyfford recogn se debere Dicto Domino Regi Cent libr legalis etc. levari etc. Et pred Jonathan Beale et Jacobus Bodycott recogn se et eor utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi quinquagint libr legalis etc. levari etc. ' ' Condicio etc. quod si pred Gregorius Gyfford personal compar ad prox Session' pacis pro Civite London tenend etc. ad respond etc. et abinde non etc. quousque etc. Et interim si se bene gesserit etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. signed Ja : Edwards Major For continuing in[ Towne] contrary to His Maties late Proclamacion being a reputed Papist * having taken the oath of Allegiance & Supremacy before My Ld Major Comparuit & Sr Thomas Bludworth Knt ( ) [Recognizance for the appearance of Henry Kilminster to


' '










f answer .

' '


' '





' '


London ss. Memorand quod XXI die Junii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secund nunc Angl etc. XXXI Coram me Johanne Frederick Milit uno Aldermanno ac uno Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London conservand assign venit Henricus The words which follow have been subsequently added by the same hand .












JULY 1679


Kilminster de Blow bladder street London watchmaker et traditur in balliu Roberti Badan de eadem Millener et Gabrielis Lapp de


Foster Lane London Millener usque prox ' Sessionem pacis pro

Civitate London tenend ad respond etc. sub pena partis principal'

' '


et utriusque pleg' pred XXI quas etc. si etc. [signed] John frederick for the good Behaviour etc. being Comparuit a Papist etc.




(g) [Recognizance for the appearance of Nicholas Crouch to answer . ]

London ss. Md quod decimo tertio die Junii Anno Domini 1679 coram me Roberto Hanson mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic ' Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat' pred conservand assignat etc. vener Nicholaus Crouch de Staples Inn London gener & Ricardus Savye de par St Pulchr * & recogn ' se debere dicto Domino Regi summam Centum libr' separatim legalis etc. levand etc. Condicio quod pred Nicholaus Crouch Compar ad prox Session pacis tent pro Civitat' London pred ad respond etc. et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [signed ] R. Hanson The sd Nichol Crouch being Respur a reputed Papist & refuseing ye oaths etc.


' '




' ' ' '' '











Record of the taking of the Oath of Allegiance by John [Blake .


London ss . Memorand quod duodecimo die Maii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gratia Anglie Scotie Francie et Hibernie Regis Fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo primo Johannes Blake de London Mercator in propr person sua ven coram nobis Jacobo Edwards mil' Major Civitis London et Roberto Hanson mil' ejusdem Civtis Aldermanno duobus Justiciar dict Domini Regis ad pacem infra eand Civitem conservand assignat etc. (me prefat Jacobo Edwards mil' Major Civitis London pred existen un Justiciar Quor ) Et tunc et ibidem voluntarie super sacr Evangelist Dei accepit Juramentum Allegiantiae secundum forma et


















' ' '


. * An interesting variant of Sepulchriare

This and the following document the only two of their kind to be found in these archives. If it was a regular practice to draft such records, the majority of them must (although, strictly, of a sessional character) have been filed among the private papers of the various Justices before whom the oath was taken . Like the other documents, they are written on parchment. It is significant of the suspicion in which Catholics were then held that, although they had taken the oath, Blake and Crouch were not thereby exonerated from the burden of having repeatedly to find sureties for their good behaviour. Cf. Sessions Books, infra. However, these two cases were exceptional; cf. Introd. , p . lvi. un Justiciar Quor (" one of the Justices of the quorum ") , i.e., one of the special Justices named in the Commission of the Peace whose presence was essential for the execution of certain business .








JULY 1679




effectum cujusd Statuti fact' apud Westm in Com Middles' anno Regni tertio Jacobi nuper Regis Anglie etc. Dat apud Civitem London pred eodem duodecimo die Maii Anno Regni dict Domini Regis tricesimo primo pred : Edwards Major [signed] Ja Robert Hanson







( ) [Record of the taking of the Oath of Allegiance by Stonar


Crouch.] London ss . Memorand quod duodecimo die Maii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gratia Anglie Tricesimo primo Stonar Crouch de Staple Inn London Generos ' in propr person sua ven coram nobis Jacobo Edwards mil Major Civitis London et as Record (h) above Roberto Hanson mil ] [signed ] Ja : Edwards Major Robert Hanson





.... '




(k) [Indictment of Matthew Turner for assaulting Martin Barneham.] *

21.3 . po se Jurata per consens' non Cul' Ideo eat inde sine

die etc. London ss. Jur pro Domino Rege super Sacramentum suu presentant quod Matheus Turner nuper de London Yeoman Decimo Nono die Junii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo primo vi et armis etc. apud London videlicet in paroch Sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred in et super quenda Martin Barneham in pace Dei et dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem existen Insult' fecit Et ipsum Martin Barneham adtunc et ibidem gravissime et viciosissime verberavit vulneravit et maletractavit Ita quod de vita eius desperabatur Et al enormia eidem Martin Barneham adtunc et ibidem Intul Ad gravem Dampnu ipsius Martini Barneham Ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Martinus Barnham § Endorsed Billa Vera

























have included this indictment in the text because there appears to have been some connection between Martin Barnham and Turner's original summons for being a Papist. Cf. Recognizance on file for June, 1679 , p. 241 in text. The wording of the indictment is formal in character, and is

similar to that found in other indictments for assault. Ang.: On January 21st [ 1679/80 ] he puts himself not guilty ; a Jury [is summoned ] by consent; [he is found] not guilty. Therefore let him go [acquitted of the charge ] without a day etc. Thus, although the indictment was taken at this Sessions of July, Turner was not tried upon it until the Quarter Sessions of the following January . Cf. Sessions Book for January, 1679/80 , p. 280 in text. Sic in MS . There seems to be an error here (cf. date of recognizance , P. 241). Possibly this error was the cause of Turner's acquittal ? The indictment may, however, refer to a second and later assault , though there is no further evidence of this. § Witness for the prosecution.








JULY 1679






(a) [Recognizancefor the appearance of John White and Silvanus Perrott to prosecute and give evidence against John Jennings

and Nicholas Saltmarsh . ] London ss . Md quod XIX die Junii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXI ° Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra Civit London conservand assign ven Johannes White servus Johanni Jennings de Jewenstreete London Smyth Et recogn etc. Cl legalis etc. levand etc. per via recogn Sub condicione quod si pred Johannes White personal comparuerit ad prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civit London tenend ad prosequend legem cu effectu versus prefat Johannem Jennings & quenda Nicholaum Saltmarsh in causa proditor quod tunc etc. al etc. Ma quod die et An° pred cora me ven Silvanus Perrott apud domu Johannis Pellings de Marke lane London gener Et recogn C sub condicione quod si ipse tunc & ibidem personal comparuerit ad dand Evidenc versus prefat Johannem Jennings et Nicholau Saltmarsh in causa pred quod tunc etc. al etc. signed Wm Turner For imageining and conspireing Comparuit the death of his Maty by shooting him
















' '










' ' '







' '







[Newgate Calendar, entitled London ss. A true & perfect Kallender of all the Prisoners in Newgate for felonies & Trespasses this 16th of July 1679 ; inter alia. del per baile att Antonio fernandes Comd by Sr Georg Jeffreys ye Kings bench Barr Knt Recorder of ye Citty 21 June 1679 of London being charged with Suspicion of high Treason as being Privie to an attempt upon ye Life of his Sacred Matte att Windser in Septem Last Dat 14 Junii '79






In this section of the file are to be found four indictments (" True Bills ") for recusancy , which have not transcribed, for they are identical with those on the file for October, 1679 (q.v.), with the following exceptions : (a) All are for two months' recusancyfrom May 10th, 1679. (b) None has any minute concerningproceedings , except the last occurring on the file, which is headed Cessat process' (" the process ceases "). (c) The names here occurring on the last two indictments are all grouped upon one membrane ( but in the same order) in the October file. Other slight differences of spelling have been noted in the footnotes to the October indictments . It may be observed that the minute cessat process appears to refer to all the four indictments. There is no record in the Estreats of Forfeitures Books of any convictions for recusancy of this date. Comparuit refers to John White. Silvanus Perrott did not appear (no record of appearance in Sessions Book).






JULY 1679


m in Cur m in Cur


Jennings by Sr Wm Turner Kn * Saltmarsh Charged by John Whyte upon '' JoNicholas Comd

his oath upon Suspicion of high & contriveing & Conspireing to Kill his Most Sacred Matle by shooting Him in St James's Park Dat 20 June 1679 *


Johannes Dormer §

on this calendar, entitled " Prisoners upon Orders ; [Sub-section " inter


to rem in Gaol wthout bail



James Douglasse

Repr to their severall former ordersll

Charles Parris

Ind of high Treason being a







persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Session. ]


Comparuit et traditur in ball Johanni Ryder de Thamestreete Founder et Carolus Hawkeshead de Colemanstreete Scriptor usque prox Session




Quarterial pacis pro Civitat Lond tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc.





Et interim de se bene gerend etc.

Sub pena partis principal CCI et utriusque pleg Cu³ Johannes Blake de paroch sancte Kathans erine Coleman Mercator




Def fec Mathias Bartholomew de paroch sancti ans Jacobi Dukes place Marriner

' '



., manucaptus in Curia (" mainprized in Court ") . * I.e The word Treason is omitted in MS . The date, as usual , refers to the prisoners committal to Newgate. ' § A late addition the calendar, the hand to


of the clerk of the court. July. This note refers to Douglasse and eight other prisoners bracketed with him in MS . This note refers to Parris and twelve other prisoners bracketed with him Dormer , therefore, must have been committed to Newgate on 15 or 16

in MS. Sic in MS. for Carolo . I.e., April 28th, 1679 the date of the Sessions at which John Blake was last bound over.






JULY 1679


Comparuit et traditur in ball Radulfo Izard de Bishoppsgate Grocer et Granado Chester de paroch pred usque prox Session Quarterial pacis [as over Blake Sub pena partis principal CC et utriusque pleg C Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Mercator ans










Comparuit et traditur in ball Jacobo Ecupp de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Vict et Roberto Wheateley de paroch sancti Sepulchri Pandoxator usque prox Session Quarterial pacis [as over Blake Sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg L Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri Lond ans


' ' '










Def Fec'



Philippus Cooke de paroch' sancti Egidii ans in Campis in Com Midd Glover




Comparuit et traditur in ball Johanni Awdlin de Lothbury mercator et Thome


Cooke de eodem scissor usque prox Session Quarterial pacis as over Blake Sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg LII


' ]



.... [ '

' '

Antonius De Blocke de Throckmortonstreete Ordinary ans Keeper Def fec Jasper Cloett de paroch sancti Benedicti Fincke Lond Jeweller ans


' '




' '

Def fec


Egidius Fox de Broadstreete Diamondcuttr


Comparuit et traditur in ball Thome Lusher de paroch sancti Dunstani in Occiden Bricklayer et Willelmo Mountney de eadem Generos usque Prox Session Quarterial pacis [as over Blake ] Sub pena partis principal CC et utriusque pleg C Willelmus Hodson de paroch sancti Botans tolphi extra Bishoppsgate














JULY 1679



Def fec'


Jacobus Pemberton de paroch sancti


Martini Ludgate


London Founder

Comparuit et traditur in ball Willelmo Mullins de paroch sancti Andree Holborne London Chirurg et Jacobo Mullins de paroch sancte Bride Chirurg usque prox Session Quarterial pacis as over Blake Sub pena utriusque m pred CC Maria Mollins uxor Willelmi Molins Chirurg ans'


' '


' ' ' ]

' '




Def fec

' '

Franciscus Pritchard de Angellstreete Wyerdrawer ans


20. 12. Respur per Cur


' Quousque

prox Quarterial Session' pacis ad


respond etc. * Stonar Crouch de Staple Inne Lond Generos ' ans



16.9 . Comparuit & exour etc. Petrus Maria Mazantino ans


21.9.Comparuit & exour etc.

Susanna Detton de Ivy Lane Lond vid

' '




20. 12. Respur per Cur

'' Quousque

prox Quarterial' Session pacis ad


respond etc. § Nicholaus Crouch de Staples Inne Generos' ans



21.9 . Comparuit & exour etc. Henr ' Kilminster de Blowbladder streete ans Lond watchmaker||



is respited by the court until the * Ang.: On October 20th [ 1679] heanswer next Quarter"Sessions of the Peace , to etc. implyingthat Crouch



appeared neither at the present Sessions nor at the following August Sessions. The Justices must have been cognisant of and satisfied with the reasons for his non -attendance, otherwise a default would here have been recorded against him .

I.e., July 16th, 1679. I.e., July 21st, 1679. § Vide footnote concerning Stonar Crouch above. The absence of the word Papist opposite this entry does not necessarily mply the discovery that Kilminster was not a Catholic. A similar omission





JULY 1679


16.9 . Comparuit & exour etc. Gregorius Gyfford de Chancery lane in Midd Generos ans






Comparuit et traditur in ball Johanni Potts de Fetter Lane Carpenter et Johanni Knibb de le old Bailey Taylor usque prox Quarterial Session pacis as over Blake Sub pena partis principal CC et utriusque pleg Cli Edwardus Bostock Fuller de Whitefryers













21.9 . Comparuit et traditur in ball Jasper Braem de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Cabinettmaker et Edwardo Sommerson de Fleetestreete Vict usque prox Quarterial Session as over Blake Sub pena pacis .... C et utriusque pleg partis principal






' '






Ricardus Schoolemaster





Def fec'


Rene Harris ans



Comparuit et traditur in ball Daniel Howell de paroch sancte Bridgitte Cabinetmaker et Radulfo Stephens de eadem Feltmaker usque prox Quarterial Session pacis [as over Blake ] Sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg L Johannes Hewitt de paroch sancte Bridgitte Varnisher ans '




(2) (a)





' '




16 JULY, 1679. Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this




Comparuit Johannem Jennings Johannes White servus Johannis Jennings Nicholaum Saltmarsh pros de Jewenstreete Smith



[Newgate prisoners mainprized in court at this Sessions.] Johannes Jennings de Jewenstreete Smyth traditur in Ball' Johanni Jennings Sen de eodemWyerdrawer et Johanni


will be observed in many other cases, e.g., the earlier entries concerning Susanna Detton . It should also be remarked that the above names are separatedfrom each other by many entries in the original .



JULY 1679



Watson de eodem Generos usque prox Del Gaol ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Sub pena utriusque Pleg pred XL!! pro verbis sedic


' '



' ' ' '




Nicholaus Saltmarsh Jun traditur in Ball Nicholao Saltmarsh Sen de Enfeild in midd Farrier et Johanni Hill de BPpsgate Blacksmythusque prox Del Gaol ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Sub pena utriusque m pred XL"! pro consimili





SESSIONS FILE, AUGUST, 1679. XXIV A. SESSIONS OF THE PEACE , BEGINNING 25 AUGUST, (I) 31 CHARLES II (1679). (a) [Recognizance for the appearance of Randolph Taylor






answer.] London ss . Memorand quod primo die Augusti Anno Regni Domini nostri Carol secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. XXXIº in propr person suis vener cora me Jacobo Edwards mil Major' Civils London ac un Justiciar dicti Domini Regis infra eandem Civtem ad pacem conservand Randolphus Taylor prope Stacioners Hall Amen Cornr Ricardus East de Foster Lane Ironmongr Thomas Browne de Avy Mary Lane Lynnen Draper et tunc et ibidem dictus Randolphus dicto Domino Regi 50 et dicti Ricardus et Thomas rse seet debere eor utrumque Per se debere dicto Domino Regi XX legalis etc. levari etc. Condicio quod pred Randolphus personal' comparuer ad prox Session pacis pro Civte London tenend ad respondend etc. et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [signed ] Ja : Edwards Major For setting forth ye Hystery Comparuit of ye Plott




' ' '















(b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Richard Tonson answer .]



London ss . Memorand quod sexto die Augusti Anno Regni Domini nostri Carol secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. tricesimo primo Ricardus Tonson Civis et Stacioner London Inhabitans prope Grayes Inn Gate in Com Middles' et Adiel Mill de Pater noster Row London Stacioner in propr personis suis vener' coram me Jacobo Edwards Major Civils London et un Justiciar etc. Et tunc et ibidem dictus Ricardus Tonson rec se debere dicto Domino Regi XL et dictus Adiel Mill XX legalis etc. levari etc.











The word Pleg is, no doubt , a clerical error for m (manucaptorum ). Cf. the following entry For the distinction between plegius and manu-


captor see Introd., p. xxviii. Probably a non-Catholic . can find no evidence that Tonson was a Catholic,








' '

Condicio etc. Quod si pred Ricardus Tonson personaliter comparebit ad prox Session pacis pro Civte London tenend ad respond etc. et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [signed Ja : Edwards Major for printing a Hystory of ye Comparuit late Plott wthout lawfull






(c) [Recognizancefor the appearance of John Dormer to answer. London ss. Memorand quod vicesimo primo die Julii Anno regni Regis Caroli nunc Angl etc. XXXI° Annoque Domini 1679 coram me Roberto Hanson Mil un Justic dicti Domini regis ad pacem infra Civitat London conservand assign ven Thomas Hotchkis de Clerkenwell in Com Middlesex Apoth et Johannes Starr de eadem Cooke recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi quinquagint libr separatim solvend etc. [signed R. Hanson Sub Condicion quod Johannes Dormer personal comparebit ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat London tenend etc. Respur*






' '

' '













' '


(d) [Indictment of Richard Tonson for printing and publishing a book without authority. ] po se 20. 12 .. Jurata non Cul Ideo eat inde sine die etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege presentant quod Ricardus




Tonson nuper de London Stacioner machinans et intendens pacem et communem tranquillitat huius regni Angl Perturbare Sexto die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra' Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor' etc. Tricesimo primo vi et armis etc. apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Martini Ludgate in ward de Farringdon infra London pred pro lucro et comodo suo propr illicite iniuste et iniuriose imprimi causavit sub Colore et pretext legal Authoritat quenda' libru ' Intitulat The History of the Plott or a brief and Historical Account of the Charge and Defence of Edward Coleman Esq William Ireland Thomas Pickering John Grove Robert Green Henry Berry Lawrence Hill Tho : Whitebread William Harcourte John Fennick John Gavan Anthony Turner Jesuites Richard Langhorne Esq Sir George Wakeman Baronet William Marshall William Rumley James Corker Benedictine moncks not omitting any one materiall passage in the whole proceeding By Authority Et quod pred Ricardus Tonson postea scilicet dicto Sexto die Augusti Anno supradicto pred libru sic Per ipsum imprimi causat Sub Colore et pretext legal Authoritat ut prefertur vi et armis etc. apud London videlicet in Paroch et ward pred et divers al' locis infra Civitat pred


























Ang.: He is respited (i.e. , the case is deferred). Ang.: At the present Sessions] he puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of his country]. On October 20th [ 1679 a Jury [is summoned; he is found not guilty. Therefore let him go [ acquitted ] of the charge without a day etc."














illicite et iniuste vendicioni exposuit vendidit et utteravit ubi revera pred Ricardus Tonson adtunc scilicet dicto Sexto die AugustiAnno


supradicto nec unquam antea seu postea non habuit aliqua legal Authoritat ad imprimend seu imprimi causand libru pred Ad magna disturbacionem pacis dicti Domini Regis In malu et Pernitiossimu Exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas







' '








' '

Samuel Rycroft Randolphus Taylor Johannes Whitlocke* Endorsed ] Billa Vera [




Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Crispe and John Booth to prosecute and give evidence against John Beresford.




London ss. Md quod 27° die Julii 1679 Coram me Thoma Davies Mil un Aldermannor ' ac un Justiciar etc. in propr personis suis venert Thomas Crispe de Fleete streete Glasse sell et Johannes Booth de eodem Salter et Cognovert se debere Domino Regi separal sum Quinquagint libr' legalis etc. Levand etc. Condicio quod si ipsi personaliter Comparuerint ad prox Session Goal [sic deliber de Newgate tent apud Justice hall in Le old Bayly pro Civitat pred et Com Middlesex Ad tunc et ibidem prosequend et dand in evidenc versus Johannem Beresford Et abinde non etc. Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [signed Thomas Davies For ye sd John Beresford his declareing himselfe to be a Jesuit and that he said Masse in a Church in Portugall called Seniora St foy and for declaring Defalt fecer that it was lawfull to kill any person that opposed their Religion


' '























Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss. A True & Perfect [Kallender of the names of all the Prisoners in Newgate for felony & Tresspass the 27 day of August 1679 ; inter alia.] "


Jno Beresford Comd by Sr Thomas Davies Knt for declareinge himselfe to be a Jesuite & yt he said Masse in a Church in Portugall Called Senjora St Fea & yt itt was Lawfull to kill any person yt did opposehis Religion Dat 27 July 1679

* Witnesses for the prosecution. ? orfey.


This marginal note (dd in original) is in the hand of the clerk of the court. It is probable, therefore, that Beresford was released some time during the course of the present Sessions.






[Sub-section on this Calendar, entitled " London Prisoners upon Orders ; inter alia.




[ ] in Gaol sine Ball ' Baile]d' by Sr Rob [Hans on Knt [ ] Repr' ad prior' separal Ordines etc.






Charles Parris Ind for high Treason & [sic



for being a Preist

Upon Suspicion of being a Preist etc. James Douglasse Repd to their Severall former Ordrs etc.

Jno Dormer



persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions . ] Respur super affidavit Thome Hotchkis quod pred Johannes


Infirm est


Johannes Dormer ans'

Comparuit et traditur in ball Jacob Tonson de Fleetestreete Stacioner et Ricardo Jones de Cliffords Inne Generos usque prox Session pacis ad pros tr cu effectus sub pena cuiuslibet eor XL legalis etc. Ricardus Tonson Civis & Stacioner London

' ' '







' Comparuit & exour etc.

Randolphus Taylor prope Stacioners hall London





27 AUGUST, 1679 . Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this

[ Sessions.]

15. 12. Respur etc. per Cur existens mort || Johannes Jennings de Jewenstreete Smyth





15. 12. Comparuit et Respur etc. Nicholaus Saltmarsh Jun




The left edge of the calendar opposite this and the following entry has been torn away . Douglasse is one of a group of six prisoners, all bracketed (right and left) in the original calendar, as here transcribed. Ang.: The case is deferred on the affidavit of Thomas Hotchkis that the aforesaid John [Dormer] is . § I.e., ad prosequendam traversiam cum effectu (" to prosecute a traverse on his indictment ] with effect " ) . See Introd. , p. xlix. Ang On October 15th [ 1679 the case is deferred etc. by the court, he [i.e., Jennings] being dead .




.: "

ill "








Def fec'

' ' '

Thomas Crispe de Fleetestreete Glasseller pros Def fec Johannes Booth de eodem Salter pros

Johannem Beresford




XXV. (1)


FILE, OCTOBER , 1679 .




[Indictment of (? Alexius ) Shadd for recusancy.]*


14.3.po se 28.6 . Jurata

London ss . Jur presentant quod Elexius Shadd de paroch Cul forisfecit C iuxta Forma Statut sancti Egidiiextra Cripplegate in ward de Cripplegate extra London pred Fringmaker [Johannes Gurney de paroch pred in ward pred Fringmaker et Anna Tavernor de paroch pred in ward pred Spinster scored Decimo die Maii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Tricesimo primo per spaciu Quinque mensiu integror et ultra [formula as ( 1) , p. 155 20. 12. proclamaciofacta fuit 14.3 po se s Endorsed Billa Vera quoad Elecxus Shadd ] Ignoramus quoad John Gurney Ann Taverner




] '








' ' ''







In this section of the file occurs an indictment of " Elexius Shadd nuper de London Yeoman " for setting up and exercising, in the parish of St. Giles Without Cripplegate, London, the art, mystery or manual occupation of a weaver for the space of eleven months and more, from November 10th, 1678, in quaquidem Art mister sive manual occupacion ' Textor pred ' ' fuit per spaciu '' septem annor ut Apprenidem Elexius Shadd non educat ticius," against the form of the statute in that case provided. The names of the witnesses for the prosecution inscribed on the bill are John Wilkinson , Alexander Roberts, Charles Burroughes, and Richard Briggs. Proceedings were as follows : at the Sessions of January 14th, 1679/80 , he pleaded not guilty " and was delivered in bail to Robert Chandler " de Redcrosstreete , ' Weaver, and to Nicholas Gouge, of the Old Bailey, Draper, until the next Quarter Sessions (April) in recognizances of £10, and of £15 from each surety (Sessions Book). A jury was summoned to try the case at the adjourned Q.S.P. of April 28th, 1680, but Shadd defaulted and was, in his absence, found guilty with regard only to the last two months of the aforesaid eleven, and fined £4 according to the form of the Statute (14.3 . po se 28.6 . Jurata per Defalt Cul pro duobus ult mensibus pred xicim mens forisfecit iiii iuxta forma Statut' etc. Quodque Capiatur etc.) . Elexius Shadd is, no doubt, to be identified with the recusant of the same name. Vide p. 260, note. Ang.: On January 14th [ 1679/80 ] he puts himself [ ' not guilty upon a jury of his country ]. On April 28th, 1680, a Jury [ is summoned] ; [he is found guilty and forfeited 100 according to the form of the Statute . Ang.: On 20th October [1679] proclamation was made . On 14th January 1679/80 he [i.e., Shadd alone ] puts himself [' not guilty upon his country].'








' '















(b) [Indictment of Louis Parant , Martin Hall and John Vanlaer for recusancy.]

London ss . Jur presentant quod [Franciscus Rape de paroch sancti Olavi in veteri Judaismo in ward de ColemanstreeteLondon pred Mercator scored] Ludovicus Parant nuper de Paroch sancti Stephani Colemanstreete in ward pred mercator [Petrus Parant de paroch ult pred in ward pred Yeoman Franciscus Parant de paroch ult pred in ward pred Yeoman Arthurus Harris de Beacley de paroch ult pred in ward pred mercator Robins de paroch paroch ult pred in ward pred Yeoman ( ult pred in ward pred Yeoman Edmundus Cooley de paroch ult pred in ward pred Yeoman Johannes Edwards de paroch ult pred in ward pred Yeoman scored] Martinus Hall de paroch ult pred in ward pred Yeoman JohannesVanlaer de paroch ult pred in ward pred Generos [Marcus Busheelere de paroch ult pred in ward pred Generos Franciscus Delawn de paroch ult pred in ward pred Generos ' et Herman Vanlanderker de paroch ult pred in ward pred Yeoman scored] Decimo die Maii Anno regni Domini Tricesimo primo nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl per spaciu Quinque mensiu integror et ultra [formula as (1) ,

' ....


' '



' '' ' '




' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

'' '' ' ' p. 155']






'' ''' '' '' ' '' ' '' ' ' '





20.12 . Proclamacio facta fuit 14.3 . Convict' existunt & quilibet eor Convict existit Et forisfact certificat sunt Lewis Parant Martin Hall John Vanlaw Fra : Rape Ignoramus quoad Petre Parent Fra : Parent Arthur Harris




[Endorsed] Billa Vera quoad





Beakly Robins

Ed: Cowley John Edwards Marke Bushellere Fra : Delaune Harman Vanlanducker

(c) [Indictment of Robert Moody and twenty-three other persons

for recusancy. ] London ss . Jur .... presentant quod Robertus Moody de paroch ' sancti Christoferi in ward de Broadstreete London pred PerriwigA space occurs here

' for Christian name. in



MS . On October 20th [ 1679 proclamation was made . On January 14th [1679/80 they are convicted and each of them is convicted, and their forfeitures are certified [into the Exchequer]. That the conviction of these recusants (and of those in the following indictment in text) was due to their default of appearance at the January Sessions is proved by the absence of any reference to them in the Sessions Book. A space is left here in MS. for Christian name.










' '



' ' ' '



maker Daniel Arthur de Paroch sancti Petri Pauperis in ward pred mercator Spinster * Arthur de paroch ' et ward ult pred , Edwardus pred alias dicta Arthur uxor Daniel Arthur * Hussey de paroch et ward ult pred CoachmanFranciscus Hunnay de paroch et ward ult pred Gener ' Margeria Cudworth de paroch de paroch et ward et ward ult pred Spinster Elizabetha ult pred Spinster Petrus Vandermulen de paroch et ward ult pred Lymner Alexandra Delapora Vandermulen de paroch' et ward ult pred Spinster alias dicta Alexandra Delapora Vandermulen uxor prefat Petri Vandermulen Paulus Boyce de paroch et ward ult pred Broker Emarentia De Roux de paroch et ward ult pred Spinster alias dicta Emarentia De Roux uxor pred Pauli Boyce Thomas Lightfoote de paroch et ward ult pred Porter Willelmus Dale de paroch et ward ult pred Porter Thomas Wise de paroch sancti martini Outwich in ward de Broadstreete London pred mercator [Robertus Pinte de paroch et ward ult pred Yeoman Thomas Ayleward de paroch et ward ult pred Yeoman Anna Cosgriggl de paroch' et ward ult pred ( ' )¶ scored Elizabetha Dudley de paroch sancti Bartholomei prope Excambiu in ward ult pred Spinster alias dicta Elizabetha Dudley uxor Abrahami Dudley de paroch et ward ult pred' Yeoman Franciscus Mannuk miles & Baronett de paroch et ward ' ult pred Mauritius Roch de paroch et ward ult pred mercator Jacob Voett de paroch et ward ult pred Jeweller Anthonius Deblock de paroch et ward ult pred Yeoman Katharina Deblock de paroch et ward ult ' pred Spinster alias dicta Katharina Deblock uxor prefat Anthonii Deblock Carolus Lethulier de paroch et ward ult pred musickmaster [Willelmus Hughes de paroch sancti Benedicti Fincke in ward ult pred Danceing master Fabian Browne de paroch et ward ult pred scored Jasper Cloett ( de paroch et ward ult pred Lapidarius Jacobus Verbergde paroch et ward ult' pred Yeoman et Maria Verberg de paroch et ward ult pred Spinster alias dicta Maria Verberg uxor prefat Jacobi Decimo die Maii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Tricesimo primo per spaciu Quinque mensiu integror et ultra [formula as ( 1), p. 155]




'' '



' ' ' ' '' '










' '

' ' ' '





' '




' '

' '

' '






] [ ]









' '

' ' '


' '





' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ... ....




' ' '' ' '





' '











A space is left here in MS. for Christian name. It is noteworthy that in the Estreats of Forfeitures Book the statutory fine ( 100 here) occurs after the names of wives at this date and henceforward under Charles II . In the earlier part of the reign all wives had been exempted. Cf. Introd.,

p. lii.

A space is left here in MS . for surname. Spelt Deale in indictment on file of preceding July. Thomas Wise is the first name on the fourth indictment preservedon the fileof July preceding. The other names followthereon in the above order. Spelt Cosgriffe in indictment on file for preceding July Sessions. A space is left here in MS . for word indicating status of Ann Cosgrigg. A space is left here in MS. for word indicating status or occupation of Fabian Browne. Spelt Verbecq in indictment on preceding July file .








20.12 . proclamacio facta fuit 14.3 . Convict existunt et quilibet eor Convict existit Et forisfact certificat sunt [Endorsed] Billa Vera quoad Ignoramus quoad Robert Moddy Robert Penett Daniell Arthur Tho: Alward




Ann Cosgrige

* Arthur uxor Ed: Hussey Fra : Hunna


Wm Hewes Fabian Browne

Mary Cuddworth




Peter Vandermulling Allex Delapora Vandermullin Paull Boyse Emarinsha Derouxkes uxor Tho : Lightfoott Wm Dale Tho : Wise

Eliz : Dudly

Sr Fra : Mannicke Morr : Roach Jacob Voett Anth : Deblock Kath : Deblocke Char: Lethulire Jasep Cloett James Verbeck Margert Verbeck uxor (d) [Indictment of Peter Essington for contriving and publishing a false and scandalous libel against Sir Joseph Sheldon. * po se 17.1 Allocatur breve de Cerc retornabile indilate Et Certificatur etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Petrus Essington de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra








A space is left here in MS . for Christian name. Immediately preceding this indictment on the file occurs an Ignored Bill, drafted in exactly similar terms, against a certain Henry Davis nuper


de London Imbroiderer . The original recognizance with which this prosecution began is also to be was taken on October 7th , 1679, before found in this section of the file. Sir George Jeffreys, the Recorder, of Thomas Spencer de Miniories [sic tallow Chandler, Arthur Rowland Apothecarie," and Robert Wordsworth de eodem loco Ironmonger, in the sum of £50 each, for the appearance of Peter Essington de hounsditch Brazier and Henry Davis Imbroiderer de eodem loco at the next Quarter Sessions of October 13th, to answerthe charges made against them. The Sessions Book shows that both appeared ; that Davis was discharged on October 20th ; and that Essington was again de Algate Generos delivered in bail, this time to William Lillingston and to ThomasWhiteing " de eadem Junctor" (450 each) for his appearance to prosecute a traverse on his indictment at the next Sessions of the Peace (November) . On November 17th he appeared and produced a certiorari for the removal of the case into a higher court . Ang At the present Sessions] he puts himself [ not guilty on a







It "





.: " [










Algate in ward de Portsoaken London pred Brasier septimo die Octobris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo Primo illicite nequitur et malitiose machinans et intendens quietu statu et communem Pacem et tranquillitatem Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis Inhabitan infra Civitat London et allibi infra hoc Regnu Angl inquietare et Perturbare Et divers differentias [inter] Cives Civitat pred excitare movere et procurare Necnon quenda Josephu Sheldon mil adtunc et adhuc un Aldermannor Civitat London Ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat pred Conservand assign qui bene Performasset Officiu Maiorat Civitat pred in maximu odiu Contempt infamia' et scandalu non solu cu omnibus Civibus et Inhabitan Civitat pred veru etiam cu omnibus al Ligeis et Subditis dicti Domini Regis Nunc Eundem Josephu Sheldon mil ' adtunc Cognoscentibus et tunc imposteru Cognoscend inducere Ac divers lites [et differentias inter prefat Josephu Sheldon mil' et Cives & Inhabitan Civitat pred ac omnes pred al' Ligeos & Subditos dicti Domini Regis eidem Josepho Sheldon tunc Cognitos & Cognoscend excitare movere et procurare Necnon bon nomen fama et reputacion eiusdem Josephi Sheldon mil Perciare et auferre Postea scilicet dicto Septimo die Octobris Anno supradicto ( existen die eleccionis quatuor Civiu Civitat pred ad deserviend in Parliament tunc futur ) apud London videlicet in Paroch sancti Michaelis Bassieshaw in ward de Bassieshaw London pred in Guihald ibidem ad nephandissimas et malitiosas machinaciones et intenciones suas pred Celerius efficiend et exequend ex Prava et propr ' imaginacion ipsius Petri Essington quodda falsam § scandalosu et odiosu libellu angce a libell de et Concernen prefat Josephu Sheldon mil et ad defamacionem opprobiu & scandalu eiusdem Josephi Sheldon mil vi et armis etc. malitiose illicite nequiter et seditiose adtunc et ibidem devisavit finxit Composuit & scripsit Et devisari fingi Componi et scribi causavit Tenor cuius quidem libelli sequen videlicet Sr Joseph Sheldon was Baile for Mr Sheldon of Weston in Warwicksheire Prisoner in the Tower for being concerned in the Plot in Easter Terme last That Sr Joseph Sheldon dayly vissits ye Lords in ye Tower And hath a Brother Highpreist at Ghant that goes forth under the Canopy when ye Hoast goes abroad to Administr ye extreame Unction And is Draper to the Duke of Yorke Ac Jur pred super sacramentum suu pred ulterius Dicunt quod pred Petrus Essington ex ulteriori malitia sua Postea scilicet dicto Septimo die Octobris Anno Tricesimo Primo supradicto apud Guihald pred in paroch et ward pred dictum falsum & scandalosa'll libell vi et armis etc. malitiose nequiter illicite & scandalose jury of his country]. On November 17th [ 1679 a writ of certiorari is allowed, returnable immediately, and [the tenor of this indictment ] is certified etc. " King's Bench . [i.e., into word inter is omitted in MS . * The The word et is omitted in MS . I.e., to pierce , wound (?). § Sic in MS. for falsum Sic in MS. for scandalosu . .






' ''




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'' '







'' '















palam publicavit & palam publicari causavit In Contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc Legumque suar Ad Magnu opprobriu scandalu defamacionem & infamia prefat Josephi Sheldon mil In magnu opprobriu Perturbacionem et violacionem pacis dicti Domini Regis et populi sui Inquietud In malu exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Thomas Dexter Samuel Merne* Endorsed] Billa Vera




[ (2) (a)







' '

' '







[ Inquisition-post-mortem on Thomas Jennison,

prisoner in Newgate.] London ss . Inquisicio indentat capt pro Serenissº Domino Rege apud Gaol dicti Domini Regis in paroch Ecclesie Christi in ward de Farringdon infra London pred die Sabt vicesso die Septembris Anno regni Domini Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. tricesso primo coram Johanne Robotham Generoso Coronat Civitat London pred super visum corporis cuiusdam Thome Jennison adtunc et ibidem mortui jacent Per Sacrament Thome Taylor Willelmi Aylward Johannis Blake Ricardi Symonds Ricardi Powditch Pelagii Smyth Lanceloti Hunt Samuelis Wright Johannis Gibbons Jacobi Davies Johannis Robinson et Josephi Barefoot probor et legaliu hominu Civitat' London pred qui adtunc et ibidem jurat et onerat existent ' ad inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege quando ubi qualiter et quomodo pred Thomas Jennison ad mortem suam devenit dicunt super sacrament suu pred quod pred Thomas Jennison nuper de London Cleric qui commiss fuit ad Gaol pred in paroch et ward pred pro Suspit' alt prodicion , die et Anno supradict ex visitacione Dei obiit et naturaliter ad mortem suam devenit et non aliter neque aliquo alio modo in cujus rei testimon tam prefat Coronat quam Jurat prefat huic Inquisicioni sigilla sua apposuere Die Anno et loco primo supradictis per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred (b) [Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in sub-section entitled Prisoners upon Orders " ; inter alia. James Douglass All Repr to their former ordrs etc. § Charles Parries Indicted of high Treason Beeing A Romish Preist















' '




'' ' '






















? or Meine. Witnesses for the prosecution. A Jesuit, committed to Newgateon September30th, 1678, for suspected complicity in the Oates Plot . Cf. M.C.R. , vol. iv; Foley, Records of the English Province S.J., vol . v, etc. He was a Middlesex prisoner. for suspicion of high treason. Jennison, therefore, had not been arraigned. This note refers to Douglass and seven other prisoners bracketedwith him in MS .













[Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this ] Comparuit & traditur in ball' Carolo


Hawkeshead de Colemanstreete Scrivener et Johanni Rider de Thamestreete Brazier usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Sub pena Partis principal C Et utriusque Pleg pred L Johannes Blake de paroch sancte Katharine Coleman ans

' '

14.9.1679 *

' '



' ' ''



Mercator Comparuit et traditur in ball Radulfo Izard de Bishopsgate Grocer et


Granado Chester de eodem Grocer usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis as over Blake ] Sub pena Partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti

' '




' ' '' Johannis Baptiste Mercator

Comparuit & traditur in ball Roberto Wheateley de Fleeteditch Brewer et Jacobo Bawdicott de eodem Mealeman usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Blake ] Sub pena Partis principal CH et utriusque pleg pred L Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri Lond ans







' '




Comparuit & traditur in ball Thome Cooke de paroch sancte Margarete Lothbury Scissor et Johanni Audlin de eadem Fanmaker usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis as over Blake Sub pena Partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred Lii Antonius De Blocke de Throckmorton Streete Ordinary ans Keeper













I.e., July 14th, 1679 the date when Blake was last delivered to bail.

* probable that this and the other marginal note Papist refer It seems " "







Comparuit & traditur in ball Willelmo Mounsey de Fleetestreet Generos et Thome West ibidem Bricklayer usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Blake ] ....principal Sub pena Partis C et pred utriusque pleg LIP Willelmus Hodson de paroch sancti


' '






' ' ' ' Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate

Comparuit & traditur in ball Willelmo Molins de paroch sancti Andree Holborne Chirurg et Jacobo Molins de paroch sancte Bride Chirurg usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Blake] Sub pena utriusque mtor pred L Maria Molins uxor Willelmi Molins Chirurg ans







' .... '


' '

' Comparuit & traditur' in ball Johan'

ni Potts de Fetter Lane Carpenter et Johanni Nibb de le Old Bailey Taylor usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Blake] Sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred L Edwardus Bostocke Fuller de Whitefryers ans' Generos Def fec' Ricardus Schoolmaster de paroch sancte Bride ans' Cabinettmaker






' '




Comparuit & traditur in ball Radulfo Stephens de St Brides Hatmaker & Daniel' Howell de eadem Cabinett-


maker usque prox General Quarterial Session pacis [as over Blake ] Sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg pred L Johannes Hewitt de paroch sancte Bride Varnisher ans



' .... ' '


'' '


21.12 . Comparuit & Jud * Ricardus Tonson Civis & Stacioner London pros tr also not merely to Blake but to all the other persons down to and including John Hewitt, for these entries follow each other in the Sessions Book. * Ang.: On October 21st [ 1679 he appeared and [had judgment."

' '









Appeared and bailed in Court at this Sessions. Johannes Dormer de Clerkenwell Gener' apud domu Marie Dormer ibidem traditur in Ball Thome Hoskins de eodem






Apothecary et Johanni Starr ibidem CoquoUsque prox Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Sub pena Partis principal 100ll et utriusque Pleg L Et interim de se bene gerend etc.

' '





' '



at this Sessions. [Among entries of trials ] se

modo Jurata non Cul Ideo eat inde sine

25. 10. Ind & po


die etc.* Ricardus Tonson pro imprimend






Appeared and bailed in Court at this Sessions. ] Margareta Smyth de St Martins Ludgt Vid traditur in Ball Andree Bonnell & Thome Crawley mercator in mincing Lane London usque prox Quarterial Session' pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena cuiusPapist libet eor XLII Matheus Turner de paroch' sancti Andree Holborne Stacioner Traditur in Ball Josepho Bennett de sancti Egidii in Campis in Com Midd Stacioner et Johanni Phillipps de St Clements Deanes Draper usque prox Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena cuiuslibet eor L Papist SESSIONS FILE, DECEMBER, 1679. XXVI . *
























10 DECEMBER, 31 CHARLES ( 1679). Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in sub-section, entitled soners upon Orders ; inter alia. James Douglasse Reprd to their severall former ordrs etc. Charles Parris Indicted for high Treason being a preist




" Pri-

* Ang.: On August 25th [1679 he was indicted and put himself [ not guilty upon a jury of his country ].] Now [i.e., at the present Sessions] a Jury [is summoned ] ; [he is found] not guilty ; therefore let him go [acquitted] of the charge without a day etc." On this great file are to be found the documents relating to three Sessions, viz ., Sessions of the Peace beginning 14 November, Sessions of the Peace beginning 8 December , and Sessions of Gaol Delivery (10 December ). contains , however, no documents bearing on Catholic history , apart from It the calendar entries given in text. The Sessions Book gives no entries whatever of special interest to Catholics under thesedates. This note refers to Douglasse and eight other prisoners bracketed with him in MS.







JANUARY 1679/80




II calendar for this Sessions, in sub -section entitled Pri[Newgate " soners upon Orders ; inter alia. " ]*

Charles Parris

Ind for high Treason being a Romish Preist to

'' etc.




, 1679/80 .


II Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Sessions .



21.3 . Respectuatur etc. per Cur Quousque prox


' '


Quarterial Session pacis super affidavit Magistri Ince Attornat quod est in rure Stoner Crouch ans



21.3 . Respectuatur

[as over Stoner Crouch]

Nicholaus Crouch ans

' Comparuit et traditur in Ball' Abrahamo Taylor de Colemanstreete Watchmaker et Carolo Hawkeshead

de Bellalley ibidem Scriptor usque prox Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred L Johannes Blake de paroch sancte Katharine Papists Coleman mercator ans




' '







' '

Comparuit et traditur in Ball Granado Chester de St Hellens Grocer et Johanni Foster de paroch omniu sanctor Lumberd streete London Ironmonger usque [as over Blake sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste mercator ans greate









' '

Comparuit et traditur in Ball Johanni Accutt de Fleetestreete Goldsmyth et Jacobo Bawdicott de


The name of James Douglass appears neither in this nor in subsequent calendars . can find no record of his death, nor is there any marginal note opposite his name in the preceding calendar for January , indicating his discharge or bail. Through the carelessness of the clerk we are thus left with a mystery as to the time and manner of his leaving Newgate. Ang On January 21st 1679/80 he is respited by the Court until the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace, upon the affidavit of Mr Ince, his attorney , to the effect that he [i.e. , Crouch is in the country. This marginal note evidently refers to Blake and all the ensuing entries , for they follow each other in the Sessions Book.



.: "







JANUARY 1679/80



Newgate streete mealeman usque [as over Blake] sub pena partis principal CP et utriusque


'I '

pleg pred Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri Lond ans'




17. 12. Comparuit et tunc traditur in ball etc. * Antonius De Blocke de Throckmorton streete ans Ordinary Keeper



Comparuit et traditur in ball Willelmo Mounsey de paroch sancte Bridgitte London Generos et Thome Lusher de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Bricklayer usque .... [as over Blake] sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred






' '




Willelmus Hodson de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate ans


Comparuit et traditur in ball Willelmo Mullins de Shoe Lane London Chirurg et Jacobo Mullins de paroch sancte Bridgitte in Fleetestreete Chirurg usque [as over Blake] sub pena utriusque m





pred CI

' '


Maria Molins uxor Willelmi Molins de paroch sancte ans' Bride Chirurg

28.6 .


' Comparuit & Respur etc. per Cur Quia



cepisset Jurament * Edwardus Bostocke Fuller de WhitefryersGeneros ans'


Comparuit et traditur in ball Radulfo Stevens de Popings alley in Fleetestreete Hatmaker et Daniel Howell de Salisbury Courte Cabinetmaker usque [as over Blake] sub pena cuiuslibet eor Johannes Hewitt de paroch sancte Bride Varnisher






' I'


Comparuit et traditu : in ball Roberto Chandler de Redcrosstreete Textor et Nicholao Gouge de le old Bailey London Draper usque prox General Session effectu sub pena Quarterial Pacis ad pros partis principal X et utriusque pleg pred XVI Elexus Shadd de paroch sancti Egidii Cripplegate Fringemaker




' '


' ' ' tr'cu' ' ' ' ]



Ang.: On October 17th [ 1680 he appeared , and is then delivered to bail*etc. " Cf. Sessions Book of that date, p . 304 in text. Ang.: On April 28th [ 1680 he appeared and is [then] respited etc. by the court , because he had taken the oaths. I.e., to traverse, probably , both his indictments . Cf. file for October preceding, p . 269 and note. He is indicted . A reference to the two indictments against § Ang Shadd on .: the file for October, 1679.









JANUARY 1679/80


In Gaol Respectuatur Johannes Dormer de Clerkenwell Generos apud domu Marie Dormer ans'





Comparuit et traditur in ball Andree Bonnell de Mincing Lane Mercator et Thome Crawley de eadem mercator usque as over Blake sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred










Margareta Smith de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate


Lond Vid'


ans '

Comparuit et traditur in ball Johanni Phillipps de paroch sancti Clement Dacor in Com Midd mercator scissor et Josepho Bennett de paroch sancti Egidii in Campis in Com pred Stacioner as over Blake sub pena partis princiusque pal C et utriusque pleg pred LIP Matheus Turner de paroch sancti Andree Holborne ans' Lond Stacioner







' '

' '









[Among entries of trials at this Sessions.] 16.9 . Ind modo po se Jurata per Consens non Cul Ideo eat inde sine die etc. Matheus Turner pro Insult super Martinu Barneham (2)








II (1679/80 ).


[Recognizance for the appearance of Richard Browne to answer.] London ss . Memorand quod secundo die Februarii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Anglie etc. XXXII coram me Georgio Jeffreys mil Recordator Civitat' London ac uno Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat pred conservand assignat vener' Ricardus Browne de Lincolnes Inne in Com Midd Armiger Ricardus Browne miles et Baronett et Johannes [Browne de White Fryers in Civitat London pred Ar in propriis



' ' ']






'' ' committed to John Dormer

was gaol. He is respited." .: a In * Ang , as " Middlesex prisoner, on November 12th, 1679, charged with Newgate being a priest, concerned in raising a rebellion in Ireland and conspiring the King's death (NewgateCalendar for December , 1679: Middlesex Guildhall archives). Ang.: Indicted on July 16th [1679 , he now [ i.e., at the present Sessions] puts himself [ not guilty upon jury of his country ] ; a Jury summoned by consent; [he is found] not guilty. Therefore let him go [isacquitted ] [ ] of the charge without a day etc. The date given in the margin of the calendar (p. 285) is probably wrong.







FEBRUARY 1679/80



personis suis et predictus Ricardus Browne Armiger recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam due mille libre [ sic] legalis


monet Et predicti Ricardus Browne mil et Bar et Johannes Browne recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam mille libre [sic] bone et legalis monet Angl de bonis et catallis terris et tenementis suis ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. Sub Condicion quod ipse predictus Ricardus Browne Ar personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session' pacis pro Civitat pred tenend ad respondend Et interim se bene gesserit etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin















[Signed] Geo : Jeffreys Recordr for speakeing very seditious & scandalous libells agt the King etc. * (b)

[Recognizance for the appearance of Matthew Bareinger, junior, to answer.]* London ss . Md quod XXIIII ° die Januarii Anº Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXI Cora ' me Willelmo Turner Mil' un Aldermannor ' ac' un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra Civitat London conservand assign ven Matheus Bareinger' ' ' Middles Poulterer senior de Beare yard in Clare market in Com ' et Ricardus Morley de Smythfeild prope le Barrs Shoemaker Et manuceper pro Matheo Bareinger Junior& videlicet utriusque ' manucaptor pred L legalis etc. levand' etc. per via' recogn Sub ' Condicione 'quod si pred Matheus Bareinger Jun" personaliter ' comparuerit ad prox Session' pacis pro Civit' London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend ' quod tunc etc. al etc. ' [Signed Wm Turner ] For obteyning A horse from one Wm Bird by false tokens Def fecit



' '











The clerk has failed to add the minute comparuit to this recognizance . Cf. Sessions Book, p. 286 in text. Cf. Newgate calendar for this Sessions, infra in text . Two other documents relating to this case occur on the file: (a) a recognizance , taken on January 20th, 1679/80, before Sir William Turner, J.P., of John Collins de Barnaby streete in villa et Burg de Southwarke in Com Surr Tanner, Joseph Bickley de Kingstreete in paroch sancti Egidii in Campis in Com Middles' Shoemaker and William Bird de Water lane in Fleete streete London yeom in the sum of £20 each , , for their appearance at the next Sessions of the Peace (February) to prosecute and give evidence for the Crown against Matthew Bareinger, For obteyning A horse from one Wm Bird by false tokens weh was the horse of one John Collins . All three persons duly appeared : cf. Sessions Book, p. 285 in text : (b) an ignored bill against Matheus Baringer nuper de London Yeoman in which it is alleged that he, on 10 December, 1679, in the parish of St. Bride , un Spadonem angee a Gelding color Bay pretii Quadragint solid de bon et Catall cuiusda Johannis Collins adtunc et ibidem Invent adtunc et ibidem illicite et iniuste cepit et abduxit . The names of the witnesses prepared to prosecute are inscribed on the bill , viz. , John Fisher, John Collins,




















William Bird , and Joseph Bickley . The word senior is interlined in MS . § The word Junior is interlined in MS.










FEBRUARY 1679/80


(c) [Indictment of Richard Browne, junior, for " scandalous and seditious " words. ]


Cerc allocatur retornabile in XVa Pasche Et Certificatur etc.* London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Ricardus Browne Jun nuper de London generos Timorem Dei in corde suo non habens Ñec debit Ligeanc' sue ponderans sed instigacione Diabolica mot et seduct' Machinansque et intendens dictum Dominum Regem nunc supremu et naturalem Dominum suu in maximu contempt apud omnes fidel Ligeos et subditos suos inducere Et sedicionem et rebellionem contra ipsu Dominum Regem infra hoc regnu Angl movere suscitare et procurare Necnon testes ipsius Domini Regis contra divers nefandissimos proditor Romane religion ' qui ipsum Dominum Regem per conspiracionem ad mortem et finalem destruccionem adducere et religionem infra hoc regnu Angl rite stabilit alterare proditorie consultavissent vilificare et scandalizare Ac cordialem dileccionem et vera et debit obedientiam quam veri et fidel subdit' dicti Domini Regis erga ipsum Dominum Regem gererent et de iure gerere tenentur penitus detrahere delere & extinguere Et ad ill nefandissimas imaginaciones intenciones et proposita sua pred perimplend et perficiend Idem Ricardus Browne Jun vicesimo nono die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. tricesimo primo apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Martini Ludgate in ward de Farringdon extra London pred habens colloquiu cu quodam Roberto Mountague Ex sua diabolica mente et imaginacion contra prefat ' Dominum Regem nunc in auditu divers Ligeor et subditor dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem presen falso malitiose nequiter seditiose et advisate dixit propalavit et publicavit Quod Doctor Oates Bedloe Prance & Dugdale (quosdam Titum Oates Willelmum Bedloe Milonem Prance & Stephanum Dugdale testes ipsius Domini Regis contra divers proditor pred innuendo ) fuer omnes scelesti angce Rogues et iurarent aliquod Et quod non fuit aliqua conspiracio angce Plott (conspiracion person Romane religion contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc innuendo) intens seu fict angce contrived per Papistas (person Romane religion innuendo) Et quod Dominus Rex (prefat Dominum Regem nunc innuendo) emisit angce putt out proclamaciones suas solummodo placare angce to appease populos Et non removere papistas (personas Romane Religion innuendo ) a Civitat' London Et ulterius quod Dominus Rex (ipsum Dominum Regem nunc iteru innuendo) bene amabat Papistas (person Romane religion iteru innuendo) non obstante proclamaciones suas Ea intencione et proposit ad cordialem amorem debit fidelitat et Ligeanc omniu fidel Ligeor ' et Subditor ' dicti Domini Regis ab ipso Domino Rege retrahend Et sedicion & rebellion' infra hoc regnu Angl suscitare & movere Ac testes pred vilipendere & scandalizare Contra Legianc sue debit In malu exemplu' omniu al in con-















' '








' '



' '



' '























' '



' '




' '






' '

Ang.: A certiorari is allowed, returnable in the quindene of Easter. And*[the tenor of this indictment ] is certified etc." [i.e. , into King's Bench].



FEBRUARY 1679/80




simili casu delinquen Ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc & Dignitat suas etc. Robertus Mountague Endorsed Billa Vera Edwardus Nusam











(a) [Recognizance for the appearance of Robert Diggs to answer.]

London ss. Memorand decimo nono die Februarii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. XXXIO coram me Georgio Jeffreys mil' Recordator Civitat London ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat pred conservand assign Vener Samuel Howard de paroch Sti Clementis Dacor in Com Middlesex gentl et Franciscus Thompson de paroch sancti Buttolphi Bishopsgate London Joyner in propriis personis suis et predictus Samuel recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi Summam quinginta librar legalis monet' Angl et predictus Franciscus recogn etc. summam Centum librar similis monet' de separal bonis et catallis terris et tenementis suis ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. Sub condicione quod si Robertus Diggs personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session Gaol Deliberacion dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat pred tenend ad respondend etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] Geo : Jeffreys Record Suspected to be a Priest Comparuit (b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Robert Mountegue to prosecute and give evidence against Richard Browne. ] London ss. Memorand quod XXIX die Januarii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXI° Coram me Johanne Frederick milite uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London conservand assignat venit Robertus Mountegue gener habitans apud domum cuiusdam Crispe de Fleet streete Lond Scissor et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi XXI legal etc. levand etc. per via' Recogn sub condicione quod si idem Robertus Mountegue personaliter compar ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat ' London tenend ad prosequend cum effectu et dand eviden ex parte dicti Domini Regis vers quendam Ricardum Browne de Lincolns Inn Lond gener' in causa Prodicionis Tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] John fredericke for speaking of dangerous words of his Maty saying that hee (meaning his Maty) loved the Papists well Comparuit enough notwithstanding his Proclamacions and other dangerous words agt his sd Maty & Goverm and Religion here established by Lawe etc. for the prosecution. * Witnesses Sic in MS . for xxxiio . Charles II's thirty-second regnal year began on January 30th, 1679/80 .



' '









' '

' '






' '









[ ]







' '






' '



Sic in MS . for ? quingentarum . § A space is left here in MS . for Christian name.










FEBRUARY 1679/80


(c) [Recognizancefor the appearance of Miles Prance to prosecute

and give evidence against William Gildon alias Bacon. London ss . Memorand quod XXVIII die Januarii Anno venit Miles XXXI Coram me Johanne Frederick milite Prance de paroch sancti Egidii in Campis infra Com Middlesex as recoggener et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi Cl ....Prance pernizance (b) above] sub condicione quod si idem Miles sonaliter compar ad prox Gaol Deliberacion dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad prosequend cum effectu et dand eviden ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus quendam Willelmum Gildon alias Bacon in causa Prodicionis Tunc etc. alioquin etc. [Signed ] John fredericke for being a Popish Priest borne in his Maties Dominions & remayning here Contrary to the Comparuit Statute etc.
















(d) [Inquisition-post-mortem on David Joseph Keymish,* prisoner in Newgate.]


London ss. Inquisicio Indentat capt pro serenissimo Domino Rege apud Gaolam Dicti Domini Regis de Newgate in paroch Ecclesie Christi in Warda de Farringdon infra London die mercurii vicesimo octavo die Januarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi dei gra Ang Scoc Franc & Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. tricesimo primo coram Johanne Robotham Gener Coronat Civitat London pred super visum Corporis cuiusdam Davidis Josephi Keymish adtunc et ibidem mortui Jacent per sacramentum Willelmi Biston Thome Babington Rogeri Griffith Bernardi Smithson Willelmi Gately Johannis Middleton Francisci Clarke Josephi Sellatt Jacobi Chamberlaine Noel Whiteing Johannis Eully & Johannis Martin probor & legaliu hominu qui adtunc & ibidem iurat & onerat existent ad inquirend pro dicto domino Rege quando ubi qualiter et quomodo predictus David Josephus Keymish ad mortem suam devenit dicunt super Sacramentum suu predictum quod predictus David Josephus Keymish qui comissus fuit ad Gaolam pred pro felon & alta prodicione, vicesimo septimo die Januarii Anno supradicto apud Gaolam pred in paroch & Ward pred ex visitatione Dei obiit Et sic naturaliter ad mortem suam devenit & non aliter neque aliquo alio modo In cuius Testimoniu tam prefat




























prisoner indicted for priesthood at the Sessions of January, * A Middlesex 1679/80 , vol. iv ) . He was a Dominican (C.R.S. , xxv, 126 : (, M.C.R. . 566 . prisoners

Challoner p ) Two other inquests on Newgate occur on this file, concerning (a) Charles King , a convicted London robber, who died on February 24th ; and (b) William James, a London prisoner suspected of burglary , who died on February 17th, 1679/80 . The phraseology here makes it almost certain that Keymish had not been convicted upon his indictment . Had he been convicted, the words et pro eadem offensa convictus would, in accordance with clerical custom , have been added .

FEBRUARY 1679/80





Coronat quam Jurat pred huic Inquisicion ' sigilla sua apposuerunt die Anno & loco primo supradictis per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred (e) [Newgate Calendar, entitled London ss. A True & Perfect Kallender of the Names of all the Prison's in Newgate for felony & Trespass , the 26 february 1679 * ; inter alia. Math . Berrenger Comd by Sr Wm Turner Knt Bailed by ye charged by Jno Collins for cheatsaid Sr Wm ye ing him of a horse by Falsetokens 24 January Dat 20th January 1679 Liekwise charged by ye said Sr Wm accused by Wm Bird to be in ye Late Popish Plott & to have a hand in ye Murth of Sr Edmund Berry Godfrey Dat. 20 January 1679 Wm Gildon alias Comd by Sr Jno frederick Kn Charged by Miles Prance for A Bacon Romish Preist Dat. 28th January












Rich Bailed by Mr Recorder ye 30th Jan: 1679

Browne Comd by Sr Jno frederick accused by Robt Mountague for speakinge Dangerous words agt his Maty & Goverm Dat. 29 Jan : 1679




SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING 23 FEBRUARY, 1679/80 . Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this

[ Sessions.


Comparuit & pros

' ' '

Johannes Collins de Barnaby streete in Southewarke

Tanner Mathew Comparuit & pros Josephus Bickley de Kingstreete in paroch sancti Baringer Egidii in Campis Shoemaker pros' Comparuit & pros Willelmus Bird de Waterlane in Fleetestreete yeom pros . So also in the entries which followin this calendar. * I.e.., 1679/80 Note The name of Charles Parris or Parry, the priest, is not entered in this or subsequent London calendars . An examination of the original records of the Middlesex Sessions (preserved at Middlesex Guildhall , Westminster) proves that he, with five other priests, was tried and condemned to death for the priesthood at the present Sessions of February, but was reprieved after judgment . His name hereafter occurs regularly in successive Middlesex calendars, until the Sessions of July 2nd, 1684, when he was pardoned by the King and released . We have here an instance of the overlapping of the two jurisdictions of London and Middlesex, noticeable also in the case of Blessed Richard Langhorne, who, although regarded as a Middlesex prisoner (and who, from the time of his arrest until his trial, was entered in the Middlesex calendars ) , was nevertheless indicted and tried in London. Such instances, however, are uncommon . can find no evidence in Files or Sessions Books of any further propros










FEBRUARY 1679/80


Def fec Matheus Bareinger Jun



Ign *


' 'Ricardus Comparuit & protulit Browne de Lincolnes


breve de Cerc





Inne Ar'



26 FEBRUARY, 1679/80 . Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions. Comparuit & recogn etc. 401 usque prox Del Gaol ad pros Willelmum Gildon alias Bacon § Wm Gildon Milo Prance de paroch sancti Egidii in Campis alias Bacon pros Midd Comparuit & pros Robertus Montague inhabitans apud domu Ricardu Crispe in Fleetestreete Browne pros









' '



'[ ]


Comparuit & exour etc. Robertus Diggs ans

' A.

XXIX. (1)


FILE, APRIL , 1680 .



for the appearanceof Christopher Rygalt to answer. [Recognizance London ss . Memorand quod XVIII ° die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Carol secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXII ° Coram me Johanne Frederick Milite uno Aldermannor ' ac uno Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitatem Lond Conservand assignat venit Christopherus Rygalt de Basing Lane infra paroch Sancte Marie Aldermary Lond gener et traditur in Ball Thome Lee de eadem scissor et Elinoris Cocke de eadem vid usque prox Session pacis pro Civitate Lond tenend ad respond etc. Sub pena partis principal XL et utriusque pleg pred XXI quas etc. si etc. [Signed John fredericke for the good Behavior etc. being Comparuit a Papist & a Suspicious, dangerous person etc.















'' ' '



' '


ceedings on this second charge against Mathew Berrenger. The nature of the charge, however, makes it probable that Berrenger was a Catholic. I.e , Ignoramus ; a reference to the ignored bill against Bareinger on the file for this Sessions. Cf. p. 281, note.

* ."


He appearedand produced a writ of certiorari. reference to Browne's indictment on the Ang.: He is indicted file for this Sessions. Cf. p. 282 . Ang.: He appeared and acknowledged etc. £40 until the next Gaol Delivery to [appear and ] prosecute William Gildon alias Bacon. || A space is left here in MS . for Christian name.










APRIL 1680






[Recognizancefor the appearance of John Walker and Margery , his wife, to answer.]


London ss. Md quod XVIII die Aprilis Ano Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXII Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ' ac un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra Civit London conservand assign ven Johannes Walker de Gunpowder Alley in Shoe lane yeom Et Margeria uxor ejus Et traduntur in ball Hugoni Griffith de Warwicke lane Tailor & Georgio Watson de Harpe Alley Joyner usque prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civit London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend Sub pena prefat Johannis Walker C & utriusque pleg' pred L legalis etc. levand etc. quas etc. si etc. [Signed Wm Turner For refuseing to take the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacye being Comparuer Roman Catholikes

'' '

















' ' '







[Inquisition-post-mortem on John Morgan, * prisoner in Newgate. London ss . Inquisicio Indentat capt pro serenissimo Domino Rege apud Gaolam Dicti Domini Regis de Newgate in parochia Ecclesie Christi in Warda de Farringdon infra London die lune vicesimo secundo die Martii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi dei grac Anglie Scoc' Franc & Hibernie Regis fidei Defensoris etc. tricesimo secundo coram Johanne Robotham gener Coronat Civitat London super visum Corporis cuiusdam Johannis Morgan adtunc et ibidem mortui jacentis per sacramentum Willelmi Yourth Johannis Long Giles Hancocke Georgii Gascoin Willelmi Peake Johannis Herbert Thome Howell Willelmi HaslehamJohannis Hopkins Jonath Salisbury Johannis Smith et Henrici Gayler probor et legaliu hominu qui adtunc et ibidem jurat et onerat existen ad inquirend pro dicto domino Rege quando ubi qualiter et quomodo predictus Johannes Morgan ad mortem suam devenit dicunt super sacramentum suu predictu quod predictus Johannes Morgan qui comissus fuit ad Gaol pred pro alta prodicione et





' '








' ' ' ' Middlesex prisoner, attainted priesthood



for at the G.D. Sessions *A of April 30th, 1679 (Middlesex County Records, vol. iv). He was, however, reprieved after judgment and received a royal pardon at the Sessions of 27August following (MiddlesexGuildhall archives: original Newgatecalendars and Gaol Delivery Book). I have been unable to discover the actual terms of this pardon, but the usual condition was that the person should leave the country within a certain period ( two to six months after the pardon) and never return . The existence of the present inquisition seems to indicate that John Morgan broke this condition , and thus invalidating his pardon was again made prisoner. It is curious that no official record of this second arrest can be found, but there can be no doubt as to the identification , for I have ascertained that there was no other London or Middlesexprisoner of this name in Newgate at the time, convicted of high treason.




APRIL 1680


convict' pro ead , * vicesimo primo die Martii Anno supradicto apud Gaolam pred in paroch & ward pred et visitacione dei obiit et ' suam devenit et non aliter neque aliquo sic naturaliter ad mortem alio modo In Cuius Rei Testimoniu ' tam prefat ' Coronat' quam Jurat' pred huic Inquisicioni sigilla sua apposuerunt die Anno et





loco primo supradictis

per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred




(c) [Inquisition-post-mortem on Richard Gerrard,

prisoner in Newgate.] (b) above London ss . Inquisicio Indentat capt [as inquest ] apud Gaolam dicti Domini Regis de Newgate die Jovis undecimo die Martii Anno tricesimo secundo super visum Corporis Richardi Gerrard adtunc et ibidem mortui jacentis per sacramentum Johannis Barnes Willelmi Coode Richardi Robinson Josephi Mortimer Richardi Yeomans Nicholai Good Johannis Ramridge Willelmi Hawkins Edmundi Coleing Richardi Ledgingham Willelmi Deverex & Andrei Wheeler probor et legaliu hominu dicunt super sacramentum suu predictu quod predictus qui Richardus Gerrard Armiger qui comissus fuit ad Gaolam predictam pro suspicione alte prodicionis , decimo die Martii Anno supradicto ex visitacione dei obiit et sic naturaliter apud Gaolam pred ad mortem suam devenit et non aliter per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred

' '












post-mortem on Richard Prince alias Lacy alias (d) [Inquisition, & prisoner Newgate




London ss . Inquisicio Indentat capt above [as inquestdie(b)Mercurii apud Gaolam dicti Domini Regis de Newgate decimo die Martii Anno tricesimo secundo super visum Corporis cuiusdam Richardi Prince adtunc et ibidem mortui jacentis per sacramentum Johannis Bustall Willelmi Sanders Thome Seale Roberti Franklin Richardi Farewell Nathanielis Hopkins Richardi Downes Samuelis Sherriffe Johannis Beresford Edwardi Willfords Johannis Gilbert & Danielis More probor et legaliu hominu qui adtunc et ibidem jurat et onerat existen ad inquirend quando predictus Richardus Prince alias Lacy alias Ellis ad mortem suam devenit dicunt quod pred Richardus Prince alias Lacy alias Ellis qui comissus fuit ad Gaolam pred pro sus-




.... ....












* et convict pro ead (" and convicted for the same "). Morgan's pardon being rendered'void , his' original conviction would ipsofacto return into force.

A Catholic Middlesex prisoner, committed to Newgate on 19 May, 1679, for complicityin the Oates Plot (Middlesex Guildhall archives: original Newgate calendar for June, 1679). Cf. also Foley, Records of the English Province S.J., vol . v. for suspicion of high treason. Gerrard, therefore, had not been arraigned. § A Jesuit prisoner, committed to Newgate from Middlesex on 5 December, 1679, for complicity in the Oates Plot (Middlesex Guildhall archives : original Newgate calendar for December , 1679 ) . Cf. also Foley, op. cit. , vol . v.





APRIL 1680



picione alte prodicionis , * decimo die Martii Anno supradicto apud Gaolam pred ex visitacione dei obiit et sic naturaliter ad mortem suam devenit et non aliter


per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred




Newgate calendar, entitled London ss. A True and Perfect Kallendar of the Names of all the Prisons in Newgate for felony and Trespass the 21st day of April 1680 ; inter alia.] Salvo Custodiend in Nico Crouch Comd by Sr Pat Warde Knt upGaol sine Ball etc. on susp of wounding Jno Arnold Esq & other Crimes Dat 19




'' }






Aprill 1680

-section on this Calendar, entitled London Prisoners Upon [SubOrders " " ; inter alia.] Comd

Wm Gildon alias Bacon

for high Treason being a Romish Priest to Rem etc.






persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit et traditur in ball Aron Slade de paroch sancti Bottolphi Algate in Harrow alley mercator et Johanni Ryder de Thamestreete Founder usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend sub pena cuiuslibet eor XL Johannes Blake de paroch sancte Katherine Coleman ans Mercator






' '


' '

' '

Respur super affidavit Granado Chester de paroch sancte Hellene Grocer quod pred Johannes Sadler est



in Rure

Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste ans' mercator


Comparuit et traditur in ball Jacobo Bawdicott de Ivy Lane mealeman et Jacobo Acutt de Fleetestreete


Coquo usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis






for suspicion of high treason." Prince, therefore, had not been

arraigned .

Arnold was a Monmouthshire J.P. , prominent in arresting priests (he had arrested Blessed Philip Evans, who suffered for his priesthood at Cardiff on July 22nd , 1679) . Lord Ailesbury (Memoirs) calls him a vile fellow who later committed suicide. The above assault seems to have been a



" in the Plot trumped-up affair intended to revive interest . Ang.: He is respited on the affidavit of Granado Chester of the parish of St. Helen, Grocer, to the effect that the aforesaid John Sadler is in the country .










APRIL 1680



over Blake ] sub pena partis Principal L

utrius' Andreas Crumbleton ' ' de'paroch' sancti Sepulchri Lond' ans ' pacis Comparuit & cepit Jurament ' ' Justic' que Pleg pred






Willelmus Hodson de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate Lond ans


' Comparuit


et traditur in ball Willelmo Mullins de Shoe lane Chirurg et Jacobo Mullins de paroch sancte Bride London Chirurg usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis as over Blake ] sub pena utriusque


' ' '


' '




m pred L Maria Molins uxor Willelmi Molins de paroch sancte Bride Chirurg ans

' Comparuit pacis *




& exour etc. cepit Jurament cora Justic






Hewitt de paroch' sancte Bride Lond


Comparuit Elexus Shadd de paroch sancte Bride Fringemaker pros tr


' '

Comparuit & exour etc. Margareta Smith de paroch sancti Martini Ludgate


Lond Vid'



Comparuit et traditur in ball Johanni Phillipps de paroch sancti Clement Dacor mercator et Johanni Phillipps de paroch sancti Clement Dacor Stacioner usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis [as over Blake] sub pena cuiuslibet cor XL Matheus Turner de paroch sancti Andree Holborne Stacioner ans













10.7 Respur per Cur Quousque prox Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non Deced etc. Stoner Crouch ans as over Stoner Crouch 10.7. Respur Nicholaus Crouch




.... [



' '*


ans oaths before

and is discharged. He took the * Ang.: " He appeared " Ang.: On May 10th [ 1680] he is respited by the Court until the next Peace, Sessions of the " to answer etc. and not depart etc." The date is a a Justice of the Peace.

clerical error : the May Sessions did not begin until the 24th.



APRIL 1680



Comparuit & exour etc. Quia recogn vers ipsum in Cur Domini Regis cora ipso Domino Rege apud



Westm *



Christoferus Rygalt de Basinglane in paroch sancte Marie Aldermary Lond Gener









persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.



Milo Prance de paroch' sancti Egidii in

Willelmum Gildon alias Bacon




Comparuit & ipse & Margeria uxor eius traduntur in ball Hugoni Griffith de Paroch sancte fidei London Scissor et Johanni Beane de paroch sancti martini in Campis in Com Midd Cordweynor usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis ad respond et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. sub pena Partis principal C & utriusque pleg pred L Johannes Walker de Gunpowder Alley in Shoelane yeom



' ' '' ' '


'' ' '





Comparuit Margeria Walker uxor eius



(3) ADJOURNED QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE , BEGINNING 28 APRIL , 1680. Among entries of trials at this Sessions.



13. 12. Ind 14.3.po se modo Jurata per Defalt Cul forisfecit Elexius Shadd pro recusan




Ang . He appeared and is discharged etc. because there is a recognizance against him [ i.c. , to prosecute him ] in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster . is to be noted that Prance did not prosecute Gildon alias Bacon at this Sessions, otherwise we should have had here the words Compar et pros . Gildon was not indicted until the following September Sessions, and even then proceedings were stayed before trial . Cf. p. 298 and note. Ang : On October 13th [ 1679 he is indicted ; on January 14th 1679/80 he puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of his country ; now i.e., at the present Sessions a Jury [is summoned] ; [he is found guilty by default and forfeited 100] . Immediately above this entry in the Sessions Book is the record of Shadd's conviction for exercising unlawfully the trade of a weaver, as follows : po se modo Jurata 13. 12. Ind 14 per Defalt Cul pro duobus ult mensibus pred XIeim mens forisfecit iuxta forma Statut etc. Et Capiatur etc. Elexius Shadd pro uten arte Textor per spaciu XIcim mensiu Cf. p. 269 , note.














[ ]"

' ' 3.







IIII"' ''







XXX . (1) (a)


MAY 1680






[Recognizancefor the appearance of Charles Shadd to answer.]

London ss. Ma quod tertio decimo die Maii Anno Regni Domini nostri Car secundi nunc Regis Anglie etc. Tricesimo secundo Carolus Shadd de Harrow alley in Gravell lane London Woolwiner Miles Tompkins de St Mary le Spittle prope Norton Folgate in Com Middlesex Textor et Georg Clarke de Fountaine Court in le ' Minories London Sadler in propr person' suis ven' coram nobis Roberto Clayton mil' Major Civitis London et Johanne Frederick mil duobus Justic ' Domini Regis etc. Quor ipso Major' de Quor * Et tunc et ibidem dictus Carolus Shadd recogn' se debere dicto Domino Regi L legalis etc. levari etc. Et dicti Miles Tompkins et Georgius Clarke r' se et eor' utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi XL consimilis etc. levari etc.










Cond etc. Quod si dictus Carolus Shad personaliter comparebit ad prox Sess pacis pro Civite London tend etc. ad respond etc. Et abinde non etc. quod si etc. Quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [Signed Robert Clayton Major John frederick For refuseing to take ye Oathes of Alleigeance & Supremacy being a Roman Def fecit Catholick by his owne









Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Wigg and three [other persons to answer and of Elias Best to prosecute.


London ss . Memorand quod Decimo nono die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Carol secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXII Coram me Georgio Waterman Milit un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat' pred Conservand assign ven Thomas Wigg de paroch sancti Martini Orgars Hopmerchant et Johannes Rice de eadem paroch Hopmerchant et Jeremiah Audly de paroch' sancti Michaelis Crooked Lane Salter et Robertus Cooke de eadem paroch victular in propriis personis suis et recogn illos debere dicto Domino Regi Centem Librae sub Condicione quod si pred Thoma Wigg et Johannem Rice et Jeremiah Audly et Robertu Coock personal Comparuerit ad prox Session pacem pro Civitat London tenend ad respond etc. et non deced Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. Memorand quod die et anno predict ven Elias Best de paroch sancti Martini Orgars Hopmerchant in propria persona sua et







' '






















Quor ipso Major de Quor of whom the Mayor himself is of the quorum " Cf. p. 258, note. Sic in MS. for se. Also ( in this upper section of the recognizance) Centem Librae for Centum Libras ; Thoma Wigg for ThomasWigg ; Johannem Rice for Johannes Rice ; Robertu Coock for Robertus Coock ; Comparuerit for Comparuerint; pacem for pacis.










MAY 1680


recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi XXX sub Condicion quod si pred Elias personalr Comparuerit ad Session pacis pred et pros Legem cu effectu versus pred Thoma Wigg Johannem Rice Jeremia Audly et Robertu Cooke in Causa ] Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] Geo : Waterman For being Reputed Papists Comparuer



' '



' '

' '







II calendar for this Sessions, in sub- section entitled " Lon[Newgate don Prisoners Upon Orders ; inter alia. " ] Wm Gilden al For Being a Romish Preist to Rem' All to Rem ' Bacon Jetc.




Nico Crouch upon Suspicion of wounding Jno Arnold Esq ™


persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit & exour etc. Nicholaus Crouch ans'

Comparuit & exour etc. Thomas Wigg de paroch sancti Martini orgars ans Hopmerchant Comparuit & exour etc. Johannes Rice de ead Hopmerchant





Comparuit & exour etc. Jeremia Audly de paroch sancti Michaelis ans' Crookedlane Salter Comparuit & exour etc. Robertus Cooke de eadem yeom



'EliasComparuit paroch &


Best de

Respur Quia non potuit pros ||

' sancti Martini orgars

pros '


A space is left here in MS. for word signifying the category of the offence: i.e. ? transgressionis trespass




This note refers to Gilden and six other prisoners bracketed with him

in MS.

The marginal note Del" ( Delivered ) is in the hand of the clerk of " was released " some time before the opening the gaol indicating that Crouch of this May Sessions. § No references to Catholics appear in the records of the Gaol Delivery Sessions (26th May ) in the Sessions Book. Ang.: He appeared and is respited because he could not prosecute.








MAY 1680

' '

Def fec

Carolus Shadd de Harrowalley in Gravell Lane Woolwiner ans








(1) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Hindley to give

evidence against Thomas Saunders. London ss . Memorand quod quarto die Junii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secund nunc Angl etc. XXXII Coram me Johanne Frederick Milite uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitatem London conservand assign venit Johannes Hindley de Cliffords Inne Lane Lond Stacioner et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi XXI legal etc. levand etc. Per viam Recogn Sub condicione quod si idem Johannes Hindley personaliter compar' ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitate Lond tenend ad dandam eviden ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus quendam Thoma Saunders labor in Causa Prodicionis Tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] John frederick Comparuit for high Treason etc.








' '






' ' ' '



Recognizance for the appearance of Robert Benson to give (2) [evidence against Thomas Saunders.


London ss . Memorand quod quinto die Junii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secund nunc Angl etc. XXXII Coram me Roberto Clayton Milite Majore Civitat London ac uno Justiciar as recog nizance (1) above] venit Robertus Benson de Cliffords Inn Lond * sub gener et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi XXI condicione quod si idem Robertus Benson personaliter compar ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem ad dandam eviden versus .... quendam Thoma Saunders [Signed Robert Clayton Major Comparuit for high Treason etc.

















[Indictment of Thomas Sanders for seditious words.]*

17.9.po se Jurata per consens' non Cul' Ideo eat inde sine

die etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super Sacramentum suu



* Although this recognizance was taken before a different Justice, it was engrossed by the same clerk as wrote the preceding document: the handwriting in each case is the same . Although this indictment was presentedat the Sessions of Gaol Delivery, the trial was held at the adjourned Quarter Sessions. Cf., Sessions Book,

p. 297 . Ang.: On July 17th [ 1680] he puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of his country]. A Jury [is summoned] by consent;' [he is found] not guilty. Therefore let him go [acquitted] of the charge without a day etc.





JULY 1680



presentant quod Thomas Sanders nuper de London Yeoman Timorem Dei in Corde suo non habens nec debit Ligeanc sue Ponderans sed Instigacione Diabolica mot ' et seduct machinansque et intendens sedicion et Rebellion contra ipsum Dominum Regem supremu et naturalem Dominum suu infra hoc regnu Angl movere suscitare et procurare Et miserabilem stragem inter subditos dicti Domini Regis nunc causare Ac ad nephandissimas imaginaciones intenciones et proposita sua pred perimplend et Perficiend Idem Thomas Sanders primo die Junii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra' Angl Scoc' Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo secundo apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden' in ward de Farringdon extra London pred habens Colloquiu cu quoda Johanne Hindley de prefat Domino Rege nunc ac contra ipsum Dominum Regem nunc ex diabolica sua mente et imaginacion in auditu divers' Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem presen Malitiose nequiter seditiose et advisate dixit et publicavit malitia * et diabolica proposita sua pred videlicet Quod ipse pred Thomas Sanders seduct fuit Angce was drawne in per papistas circa octo menses tunc elapsos Et quod ipse pred Thomas Sanders cepisset Angeehad taken upp summa Ducent librar in nomine Magistri sui (quenda Johannem Bellinger magistr prefat ' Thome Sanders innuendo) et expendisset pro Armis Angee Armes Et quod illa Arma fuer in quoda Cellar in Quoda loco Angce vocat Salisbury Courte Et quod intenciones illor (seipsum Thoma Sanderson [sic] et al nephandissimas Personas innuendo) fuit prefat Dominum Regem nunc interficere Ea intencione et proposit ad fidelitat et Ligeanc omniu fidel Ligeor et subditor' dicti Domini Regis ab ipso Domino Rege retrahend Et sedicion & rebellion contra prefat Dominum Regem nunc infra hoc Regnu Angl suscitareet movere Et miserabil stragem inter subditos dicti Domini Regis causand Contra Ligeanc sue debit In malu Exemplu omniu al in Consimili casudelinquen Ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas



' '



















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' '








' '

' '

Robertus Benson

[Endorsed ] Billa Vera (4) Ind


Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss. A true & Perfect [Kalendar of the Names of all the Prisoners in Newgate for fellony & Trespasses the 7th July 1680 ; inter alia.] " Tho : Saunders Comd by Sr Jno frederick Knt & Sr Patience Ward Knt accused for high Treason for Conspireingye Death of our Soverigne Lord ye King & endeavouring to Raise Armes to cast [? out ] his Sacred Majtle & Goverm*, Dat . 4th June 1680

Sic in MS. for malitiosa. * Witnesses

for the prosecution.

Sic in MS. for intencio. § One word indecipherable in MS.




JULY 1680


[In sub-section of calendar, entitled " Prisoners upon Orders " ; inter alia.]

Bailed by ye sd Wm Gildon alias To find baile before ye Rt hoble Bacon ye Lord Major to Appeare att ye Rt hoble






persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions .


Comparuit & traditur in Ball Aron Slade de Algate Generos & Johanni Ryder de Queenhith Founder usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg pred Lll Johannes Blake de paroch sancte Katherine Coleman Papist Mercator ans


' '










Comparuit & traditur in Ball Granado Chester de St Hellens Grocer & Johanni Foster de Gratioustreete Ironmonger usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis as over Blake sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Lond Mercator ans


' ' 'I ' '








Comparuit & traditur in ball Jacobo Bawdicott de Ivy Lane Mealeman & Jacobo Acutt de Fleetestreete Coquo usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis [as over Blake ] sub pena partis principal C & utriusque pleg pred Ĺ Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri Lond



ans '







Comparuit & traditur in ball Willelmo Mullins de Shoe Lane Chirurg usque prox Quarterial Sess as over Blake sub pena mtor pred C pacis .... [uxor Willelmi ]Mullins de paroch sancte Maria Mullins Bride Chirurg ans'










Respur super affidavit quod est in prisona Matheus Turner de paroch sancti Andree Holborne Stacioner ans



[ ]§

Stoner Crouch ans '

I can find no trace of the original recognizance . I.e., GracechurchStreet. Ang.: He is respitedupon an affidavit that he [ i.e. , Turner] is in prison. " § No minutesappearabove the names of Stoner and Nicholas Crouch in MS.





JULY 1680




Nicholaus Crouch ans'

17.9 . Comparuit & exour etc.

Johannes ans

Walker de Gunpowder alley in Shoelane







17.9 . Comparuit & exour etc.

Margeria Walker uxor eius





7 JULY, 1680.

persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit Robertus Benson de Cliffords Inn Lond Gener pros Comparuit Johannes Hindley de Cliffords Inne Lane Lond Stacioner pros










17 JULY, 1680. Among entries at this Sessions .] of trials [ se modo po Jurata per Consens' non Cul Ideo eat 7.9.Ind inde sine die etc. * Thomas Sanders pro verbis sedic










(1) [ Recognizance for the appearance of John Miller to answer.] London ss . Mdum quod Octavo die Septembr Anno regni Domini ' nostri Carol secundi nunc Regis Angl' etc. Tricesimo Secundo in ' The initials G.B. ( Good Behaviour ) have been written upon the word papist in MS., implying the correction of an error, apparently . Ang On July 7th [ 1680 he is indicted . Now [i.e. , at the present Sessions] he puts himself [ not guilty on a jury of his country . A jury ] is summoned by consent . He is found not guilty. Therefore let him go charge acquitted the a etc. of without day [ Among the indictments in the G.D. section of the file occurs an ignored bill against Langley Curtis nuper de London Bookeseller for causing to be printed and for selling without licence on Sept. 13th, 1680, in the parish of St Bride, Farringdon Without, a pamphlet entitled The Tryal of Elizabeth Cellier The Popish Midwife At the old Baily Septemb: 11. 1680 For printing and publishing the late Notorious Libel Intituled Malice Defeated etc. Where she was found Guilty." Two other ignored bills are also filed, one against the said Langley Curtis, the other against David Mallett, of the parish of , printer, for causing to be printed and for selling without Martin Ludgate St. , authority, on Sept. 13th, 1680, Sessions Papers concerningthe proceedings




.: "


















propr' person suis venit cor' me Roberto Clayton mil Maior Civitat' pred etc. Johannes Miller de Franckford Gener ' Roderig Mansell de paroch sancte Margarete Westm Arm Petrus Kidd de ' paroch sancti Bartholomei Exchange Coffeeman & Franciscus Aston de paroch sancti Martini in Campis Gener Et tunc & ibidem ' ' dictus Johannes Miller recogn ' se debere dicto Domino Regi Ducent Libr' Et dicti Roderig' Mansell Petrus Kidd & Franciscus Aston









recognover per se debere dicto Domino Regi Centu Libr legalis etc. Levari etc. Sub condicione quod pred Johannes Miller personal comparebit ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat London tenend ad respond etc. Et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [Signed] Robert Clayton MajorComparuit charged to be a Jesuite (2) [Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Dangerfield to prosecute and give evidence against John Atwood .] London ss . Memorand quod XXVIII ° Die Julii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secund nunc Angl etc. XXXII Coram me Johanne Frederick Milite uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar' dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London conservand Assignat venit Thomas Dangerfeild habitans apud Le Red Lion prope Le Royall Exchange London gener et recogn Se debere dicto Domino Regi L legal etc. levand etc. Per viam Recogn Sub Condicione quod si idem Thomas Dangerfeild personaliter compar ad prox Goal [sic Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitate London tenend ad pros legem cum effectu et dandam eviden ex parte dicti Domini Regis vers quendam Johannem Atwood labor in Causa Proditionis alt Tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed ] John fredericke for High Treason, being a Romish Priest etc. and Comparuit remayning here in England Contrary to the Lawes of this Realme etc. (3) [Indictment of William Gildon alias Bacon for priesthood. London ss. Jur pro Domino Regi super sacramentum suu presentant quod Willelmus Gildon nuper de paroch sancti Egidii extra Cripplegate in ward de Cripplegate extra London Clericus



' '











' '


' '




















at the Old Bailey, 10th- 13th Sept., 1680. The titles of these " Papers ," quoted in the bills , are in each case different, but each contains a reference to the famous trial of Elizabeth Cellier. Sic in MS . for venerunt . * According to the Sessions Book [cf. p. 300 in text] , Miller was under bond to appear not at the Sessions of the Peace, but at the Gaol Delivery Sessions. Moreover, the present recognizance occurs not in the S.P., but in the G.D. section of the file. The words ad prox Session pacis must , therefore, be a clerical error for ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem de Newgate. The absence of any clerical minute touching proceedings is sufficient proof that William Gildon alias Bacon was not tried upon this indictment . This is further confirmed by the silence of the Sessions Book. Proceedings were evidently stayed before trial .












alias dictus Willelmus Bacon nuper de paroch et ward pred Clericus Natus infra Dominia dicti Domini Regis nunc et existens sacerdos factus et Ordinatus per Authoritat ' derivat a sede Romana angce the Sea of Rome post Festu Nativitat sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno regni Domine Elizabethe nuper Regine Angl Primo et ante vicesimu diem Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc' Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo secundo Leges et Statut huius regni Angl minime ponderans nec penas in eisdem Content aliqualr verens dicto Vicesimo die Februarii Anno Tricesimo secundo supradicto infra hoc Regn Angl scilicet apud pred paroch sancti Egidii extra Cripplegate in ward pred Proditorie et ut falsus Proditor dicti Domini Regis nunc fuit et remansit Contra forma ' Statut' in huiusmodi casu edit et provis ' Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regisnunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Titus Oates Miles Prance* Endorsed] Billa Vera



' ' ' '







' '









prisoner in Newgate ] London ss. Inquisicio Indentat' capt pro Sereniss Domino Rege apud Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate in paroch Ecclesie Christi in warda de Farringdon infra London pred die lune sc : nono die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gratia Anglie Scoc' Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. tricesso secundo coram Johanne Robotham Generoso Coronat Civitat London pred super visu Corporis cuiusdam Georgii Nevill adtunc et ibidem mortui jacent per Sacrament Jacobi Moreton Abrahami Lee Benjaminis Paxton Henrici Withers Johannis Fyfeild Johannis Moncrife Willelmi Peston Willelmi Rogers Stephani Copping Edwardi Weston Henrici Warren Isaaci Hall et Jeremiah Bredon proboru et legaliu hominum Civitat London pred qui adtunc et ibidem jurat et onerat' existent ad inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege quando ubi qualiter et quomodo pred Georgius Nevill ad mortem suam devenit dicunt super sacrament' suu pred quod pred Georgius Nevill qui commiss fuit ad Gaol pred in paroch et warda pred pro suspic felon' et alt prodicionis, die dominico sc octavo die Augusti Anno supradicto ex visitacione Dei obiit et naturaliter ad mortem suam devenit et non aliter neque aliquo alio modo in cujus rei testimon tam prefat Coronat quam Jurat pred huic Inquisicioni sigilla sua apposuere die Anno et loco primo supradictis per me Johannem Robotham Coronat Civitat London pred


-post-mortem on George Nevill, [Inquisition .








' '


















' ' ' ' '








for the prosecution. * Witnesses Middlesex prisoner committed

, to Newgate on May 22nd , 1679, for A complicity in Oates's " Plot " (Middlesex Guildhall archives : original Newgate calendar for June, 1679) . for suspicion of felony and high treason. Nevill, therefore, had not been arraigned.










Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss . A true & Perfect [Kalendar of the Names of all the Prisonsin Newgate for felony & Tresspass the 10th day of September 1680 " ; inter alia.] ha Comd

Del per Knt cor'Jno Attwood Chargedby Sr Jno Frederick by Thom Dangerfeild ye 19th Aug '80 for [? being a] Romish Preist Dat 28 July 1680







persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.]



Compar Thomas Daingerfeild de le Red lyon prope Excamb' pros Lond Gener

' Comparuit




& exour etc.

Miller de Franckford Generos '

[pros scored ans












[Recognizance for the appearance of Christopher Maynard to



prosecute and give evidence against Henry Lee. ] London ss . Memorand quod primo die Octobris Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Anglie etc. XXXII ° coram me Georgio Jeffreys mil un Servien Domini Regis ad legem Recordatore Čivitat London Ac un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat pred conservand assignat venit Christopherus Maynard de paroch sancti Michaelis Cornehill London Watchmaker in propria persona sua et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam viginti librar legalis monete Anglie de separal bonis et catallis terris et tenementis suis ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. Sub Condicione quod si ipse personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat predict tenend ad prosequend legem cum effectu et dand evidenc versus Henricu Lee Clericum pro Causa transgressionis Et non deced etc. quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] Geo : Jeffreys Record To prosecute for exposeing Comparuit A Scandalous libell

























Delivered by habeas corpus. Attwood was almost certainly removed " to some other prison probably King's Bench. Cf. Introd., p . xxix. Indecipherable in MS. The last figure here 8 is doubtful.








(b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Henry Lee to answer.]

London ss. Memorand quod primo die Octobris Anno Regni as in preceding recognizance] XXXII° coram me Georgio Jeffreys vener Henricus Lee de Titchmarsh in Com Northampton mil' Clericus et Reverend Beniaminus Calamy theologiae professor propriis personis suis et predictus Henricus Lee recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam Ducent librar' legalis monete et predictus Beniaminus Calamy recogn' se debere dicto Domino Regi summam Centum librar Sub condicione quod si predictus Henricus personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session Pacis pro Civitat predict tenend ad respondend etc. Et non deced etc. quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] Geo : Jeffreys Recordr To answere for exposeing a Scandalous Libell Comparuit non sol feod B.C.*






' '













[Indictment of Henry Lee for publishing


" a scandalous libel."]

London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super Sacramentum suu presentant quod Cu Quidam homines Romane Religion (quor nomina Jur pred adhuc Ignot sunt) machinan et intenden Pacem et Communem Tranquilitatem hujus regni Angl Perturbare Et prefat Dominum Regem nunc et Vera Religion infra hoc Regnu Angl Stabilit' in odiu et contempt ' inducereNecnon quenda Titu Oates et quasda al Personas Jur pred Ignot existen Testes product ex Parte dicti Domini Regis nunc versus divers proditor nuper Attinct de Alta prodicione pro proditorie Conspirand dictum Dominum Regem nunc ad murdrand et ad vera Religion pred subvertend in maximu odiu scandal infamia & Contempt apud omnes Ligeos et Subditos dicti Domini Regis nunc inducere vicesimo nono die Septembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Anglie Scoc' Franc & Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo secundoapud London videlicet in paroch sancti Michaelis Cornehill in ward de Cornehill London pred vi et armis etc. illicite falso nequiter Diabolice malitiose scandalose & seditiose scripser et imprimer & scribi & imprimi Causaver quodda' fals' malitios scandalos et seditios' Libellu Intitulat A Vindication of the English Catholiks from the pretended Conspiracy against the life and Government of his sacred Majesty discovering the chiefe Falsities & Contradictions contained in the Narrative of Titus Oates In quoquidem Libello inter al continentur hec falso ficta et scandalosa verba sequen videlicet It is evident to the whole world that some innocent persons ( proditor' pred innuendo) have been accused and condemned meerly because it pleased these Kings evidences (prefat Titu Oates & al testes ex parte dicti Domini Regis nunc innuendo) Ac in al' Parte pred Libell' continentur hec

' '



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' '






Ang. Benjamin Calamy has not paid the fee ' (i.e., his share of the fee required for the drafting of this recognizance ?). Sic in MS . for impresser (impresserunt ).








falsa ficta & Scandalosa verba sequen videlicet you (prefat' Titu Oates innuendo) swear all you have said is true we (prefat homines Romane religion innuendo) know and will prove all is false you (prefat Titu Oates iteru' innuendo) stand alone in asserting the truth of this Oath (sacramentum & testimoniu pred Titi Oates versus proditor pred innuendo) we (prefat homines Romane Religion innuendo) shew its falsehood by many witnesses To you (prefat Titu Oates iteru innuendo) Lying and perjury is as familiar as eating or breathing , Our Witnesses (Testes pro proditor contra dictum Dominum Regemnunc innuendo) are of unblemisht Reputation your Story (testimoniu iurat per pred Titu Oates de machinacion & conspiracion pred innuendo) is incredible and morally impossible, ours (testimoniu prefat hominu Romane religion innuendo) evidently probable and morally certain , your Tale (testimoniu prefat Titi Oates innuendo) is every day changed as being the offspring of your fancy and having no subsistance but from it , ours (testimoniu ex parte prefat ' hominu Romane Religion innuendo) always the same as being grounded on real Facts in Fine all your Art (art' prefat Titi Oates innuendo) though directed by some more wise then your selfe (ipsum prefat Titu Oates innuendo) and seconded by Bedlow and such Fellowes (Willelmum Bedloeet al nuper testes prefat domini Regisinnuendo) could never make out the truth of any one material point questioned by us (ipsos prefat homines Romane Religion' innuendo) nor the falshood of any material point alledged in our defence . So the lying Spiritt doth evidently discover it self in your narrative (enarration prefat Titi Oates innuendo) and the Spirit of truth is as Clearly seen in our Apology (Libellu pred innuendo) We (prefat homines Romane Religion innuendo) suffer with truth we (prefat homines Romane Religion ' innuendo) suffer for truth and truth will free us (eosdem homines Romane Religion innuendo) 18.12 . po se 6.2 . relicta vereficacione Cogn Indictament fin IIIS IIIId Et Comittitur etc. Quidam tamen Henr Lee nuper de London Clericus premiss satis sciens sed Ligeanc sue debit minime ponderans Et machinans & intendens prefat Dominum Regem nunc et vera Religionem in hoc Regno Angl stabilit in odiu et contempt inducere Necnon prefat Titu Oates et al Testes ex parte dicti Domini Regis nunc iurat contra proditor pro prodicione pred vilipendere et in maximu odiu scandal Infamia et Contempt ' apud omnes Ligeos et subditos dicti Domini Regis nunc inducere postea scilicet Dicto vicesimo Nono die Septembr Anno supradicto apud paroch et Ward pred eundem Libellu sic ut prefertur script ' et impress vi et armis etc. illicite iniuste malitiose et scandalose publicavit et publicari causavit Contra Ligeanc' sue debit in Malu et Pernitiosissimu






' '

















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' '


Ang.: On October 18th [ 1680 he puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of his country ]. On December 6th, abandoning verification [by a jury , he confesses the indictment . He is fined three shillings. and four pence, and is committed etc. El comittitur is probably formal Lee was certainly never committed to Newgate: presumably he paid his fine in court.










' '



Exemplu omniu al in consimili casu delinquen' Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Christofer Maynard Thomas Fisher Thomas Jorden *






II calendar, entitled " London ss . A true and Perfect [Newgate Kalendar of the names of all the Prisoners in Newgate for fellony & Trespasses the 13th day of October 1680 ; inter alia. Salvo custodiend John Bully committed by Mr Recorder charged

' '

in Gaol sine ball etc. *





by Miles Prance to be A Romish Preist



OCTOBER , 1680 . Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this


[ Sessions. ]




Comparuit et traditur in Ball Thome Lusher de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Bricklayer et Willelmo Mounsey de St Brides Generos usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis ad respond Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. subpena partis principal L et utriusque pleg pred XLW Willelmus Hudson de Bishoppsgate Shipwright




'' '


' '





per Cur ' 13.3.81 . Comparuit & ' .!! Mercator Blake de paroch sancte Katharine Coleman Respectuatur

Johannes ans'



Comparuit et traditur in ball Granado Chester de BDDsgatestreete Grocer et Georg Bonnett de Walbrook Haberdasher as over Hudson] sub pena partis principal L et utriusque pleg pred XLI Andreas Crumbleton de paroch' sancti Sepulchri Lond








* Witnesses for the prosecution.

' '

Ang.: To be safely guarded in Gaol without bail etc. The date of Bully's commitment to Newgate is not stated here , but was probably October 14th, 1680 the date given in his indictment. Cf. Sessions File for December, 1680, p . 308 in text. § William Hudson had been discharged from his former recognizances at the Sessions of April, 1680, when he took the oaths (cf. p. 290 in text). cannot find any record in Files or Books of the reason for his appearance at this Sessions of October. One may assume , therefore, that the above exoneration was later found to have been an oversight, infringing the final provision in the proclamation of 17 Jan., 1678/9 (cf. Introd. , p. lviii), and that Hudson was now informed that he must still continue to find securities for his good behaviour. Ang. On January 13th, 1681/2 , he appeared and is [ then] respited by the court etc."













Maria Mullins uxor Willelmi Mullins de paroch sancte Bride * ans Respur super affidavit Arthur Godley de paroch sancti Egidii in Com Middles quod pred Matheus est in prisona Domini




' Regis in ' Southwarke



Matheus Turner de paroch sancti Andree Holborne ans



Comparuit et traditur in ball Beniamino Calamy de Aldermanbury Clerico & Ricardo Kidder de St Martins Outwich Clerico usque prox Sess pac ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. sub pena partis principal XL et utriusque pleg pred XX Henr ' Lee de Tidmarsh in Com Northampton Clericus ans


'' '





' '






Comparuit & pros Christoferus Maynard de Cornehill Watchmaker pros



(2) [Appeared and bailed in court at this Sessions.] Anthonius Deblock de paroch sancti Bartholmei prope Excambiu Lond Gener et Traditur in ball Thome Cooke de Lothbury Scissor & Johanni Olding ibidem Perfumer usque prox Quarter Sess' pacis ad Respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. Sub pena cuiuslibet eor L legalis etc.
















of Martha Cooke against John Francis Dicken[Thesoninformation .§


The Informacion of Martha Cooke taken before Sr William Turner Knt and Alderman and one of his Matyes Justices of the peace within the City of London the 21st day of Octob 1680 This Informant saith that shee was borne in Irelandbut was brought up and bred in the Protestant Religion And shee saith that in ™

minute occurs above this entry in MS. * No Ang upon the affidavit of Arthur Godley of the . Giles " Heinistherespited County of Middlesex to the effect that the aforesaid parish of St Mathew is in the Lord the King's prison in Southwark. Probably the King's " prisons in SouthBench prison is here referred to ." There were four other wark

the Marshalsea , the White Lion, the Clink , and the Counter. I.e., Indictatur (" he is indicted )-a reference to Lee's indictment on the current file: supra in text . § Cf. Dickenson's indictment for the present offence , p. 324.







March or Aprill last shee together with one Mr Underwood was committed to his Matyes Gaole of Newgate uppon suspicion of Clipping, And whilst shee was in the Gaole and before her tryall, one Madam Philboy who lives in Bowstreete in Common garden , and one Mrs Smyth who like wise lives in Common garden came to visit one Mr Clarke who was then a prisoner in Newgate, And they seeing this Informant stand by the fire in the Gaole did aske her if shee were a prisoner to whom this Informant replyed yes, & they asking this Informant what shee was in Newgate for, shee told them, and then they began to be familiar in discourse together, And they came often afterwards to visitt her & the said and one scored Mr Clarke, and they did aske her what Religion shee was of, and what her beleife and Faith was, and shee told them shee was a Protestant , and Mrs Smyth pretending to be sorry for her, gave her money severall tymes from Mrs Philboy And Mrs Smyth told her shee was sorry for her that shee had not a better beleife , And this Informt further saith that Madam Philboy & Mrs Smyth asking her if shee was guilty for wch shee was accused , shee answered shee was not and did tell them that one Richardson brought the tooles & things into her chamber for wch shee was accused, And then Madam Philboy promised to get her a pardon not confesse who brought the things into her chamber, if shee would shee & told her if would become a Roman Catholike & be converted shee would get her a pardon though shee were condemned, gave her 20s [if shee scored and bid her plead her belly shee were condemned and to give the Midwife that money, And accordingly this Informant did take her tryall & was condemnedand did plead her Belly & gave the Midwife the money & was repreived for Pregnancye , And this Informant further saith that about a day or two after shee was condemned the said Mrs Philboy and one John Francis Dickenson who is a Romish Preist came to her to Newgate, and the said Madam Philboy told her shee had brought her a Preist and desired her to let him confesse her And the said Dickinson bid this Informant be steddy in her faith and [told her scored bid her be firme in her beleife, and told her that was the right way to heaven and that the [Catholike faith scored] Roman Catholike faith was the true faith and the right way to heaven, And then the said John Francis Dickenson did confesse her, and put a wafer into her Mouth and crossed her severall tymes over her head, and absolved her, and bid her strike her hand on her breast and say Lord have mercy on her Soule, And Captaine Clarke stood at the doore all the while to watch that noe body should see them , And afterwards the sd Madam Philboy came often to see her and told her shee should be sure of her pardon, and told her shee had a warrt [in her pocket scored to put her in the pardon, and this Informant depending on these promises did seeke noe other way or meanes to get her Old Bailey Sessions of 21 April, 1680 (M.C.R. , iv , 282) . ., at the * I.cCooke Martha was a Middlesex prisoner. I.e. , Covent Garden.









The words from Mr Philboy " are interlined in MS. T






pardon and was therefore left out of the last pardon, * And this Informant saith that at the last Sessions shee was called downe to her former Judgmt & hath ever since layne in the condemned hole, and [that scored this day one Nurse Mary who belongs to the Gaole did bring the aforesaid John Francis Dickinson to & scored ? her to the condemned hole, and then this Informant desireing the other prisoners to withdraw into another roome the said Dickinson tooke her by the hands and said unto her poore Soule the Lord have mercy on thee and hee did bid her kneele downe on her knees & confesse to him weh shee did and then hee gave her absolucion & gave her the Sacrament and did speake a great deale to her in Latin wch shee does not know And further saith not Signed Martha Cooke Jurat cora me 21° die Octobris Anno supradict [Signed] Wm Turner Endorsed] The Informacion of Martha Cooke agt John Francis Dickenson

][ ]










II (1680).

(a) [ Recognizancefor the appearanceof Alexius Shadd to answer.] London ss. Memorand quod Nono die Novembris Anno Domini 1680 Annoque Regni Regis Car secdi nunc Angl etc. XXXII Alexius Shadd De parochia St Egidii Creplegate Lond Haberdasher venit cor' me Robert ' Hanson Milit un Just Dict Dom ' ' se 'Debere Reg ad pac' in Lond conservand assignat' et assumpsit ' Dict Dom Reg Quinquagint libr' Edmond Jackson De parochia St Vadus [sic] alias Foster London Mercer et Thom Cope De parochia St Buttolph Aldersgate London assumpserunt se Debere Dict Dom Reg Trigint ' libr' separatim etc. Levand etc. Condicion that ' Alexius Shadd appeare the next Sessions of the Peace for the Citty London be held the to at Guildhall And not Depart the Court of wthout license that then etc.









' '

For being a reputed Papist and refuseing the Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacy and staying in London Contrary to his Matyes proclamacion §



' '





Defalt' fecit

Martha Cooke pleaded a royal pardon in court at the Sessions of February, 1680/1 (granted on condition of transportation ). She was released from Newgate during the following Sessions beginning 13 April , 1681 . (Original. Newgate calendar of Middlesex prisoners: Middlesex Guildhall archives ) Here occur three or four illegible words, scored in MS. The signature of Hanson the J.P. does not appear on this recognizance. § The proclamation referred to was issued on October 4th, 1680. Cf. Introd., p . lix .







(b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Mark Silley to answer and of Samuel Oates to prosecute.] London ss. Ma quod vicesimo octavo die Octobris Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Anglie etc. tricesimo secundo Marcus Silley de le Middle Temple London Gener et Thomas Amy Bucklersbury Druggist in propr person' suis ven coram me Roberto Clayton mil Major Civitis London et un Justiciar etc. Et tunc et ibidem rec se et eor utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi C legalis etc. levari etc. Sub Cond etc. Quod si dictus Marcus Silley personaliter comparebit ad prox Sess pacis etc. Ma quod dictis die et anno Samuel Oates de paroch sancti Egidii in Campis in Com Middles' ven coram me prefat Roberto Clayton mil Major etc. Et tunc et ibidem recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi XX legalis etc. levari etc. Sub Cond etc. Quod si dictus Samuel person comperebit sic ad prox Sess pacis ad prosequend dictum Marcum Silley



























[Signed Robert Clayton Major For ye sd Silleys speakeing scandalous words of Dr Titus Comparuer Oates & calling him Rogue









for the appearance of William Lyon to prose-


cute and give evidence against John Francis Dickenson. London ss . Ma quod XXIº die Octobris Ano Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXII Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor etc. ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra Civit London conservand assign ' ven Willelmus Lyon de NewgateStreete London Vict' Et recogn' etc. XX Sub Condicione quod si pred Willelmus Lyon personaliter comparuerit ad prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civit London tenend ad prosequend leg cu effectu & dand Evidenc





















'' '

in the sum of £20 taken * In this section of the file occurs a recognizance ,

on November 5th, 1680, before Sir William Turner J.P., of William Harrison apud le Dog Taverne in Newgate streete London yeom , for the latter's appearance at this G.D. Sessions of Decemberto prosecute and give evidence against a certain Henry Boatman, charged by ye sd Wm Harrison uppon his


" ag ye King. Oath for speaking treasonable words "


The current Newgate

calendar gives the record of Boatman's committal as follows : Salvo custodiend' Henry Boateman charged in custody by Sr Wm Turner in Gaol etc. Knt charged upon Oath by Wm Harrison for speakeing Treasonable words agt his Maty Dat 6 Nov 1680 The Newgate calendar for the next Gaol Delivery (17 January, 1680/81 ) shows that Boatman was released from gaol during the course of that Sessions. Boatmanwas never indicted, so that there is no evidence as to the nature of his alleged remarks. That he was a Catholic is doubtful.









ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus quenda Johannem Franciscum Dickenson in Causa felon quod tunc etc. al etc.


' ' [Signed] Wm Turner

For comeing to his Matyes Gaole of Newgate & wthdraweing one Martha Cooke a Prisoner in the sd Gaole from her Religion & reconcileing her to the church of Roome & confessing and absolveing her & giveing the host hee being a Romish Preist


(b) [Indictment of John Bulley for priesthood.] 25.4 . placit special' 13.6 . Cogn * London ss. Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu


' presentant quod 'Johannes Bulley nuper de paroch sancti Martini' Ludgate in ward de Farringdon infra London pred' Clericus Natus ' Domini Regis nunc et existens'Sacerdos factus infra Dominia dicti

et Ordinatus per Authoritat ' Derivat' a sede Romana angce the Sea of Rome post Festu Nativitat sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno '


Ang. On February 25th [ 1680/81 he delivered] a special plea. On April 13th [ 1681] he confessed [ the indictment . The unusual and involved proceedings concerning John Bully are set forth in two " Sessions Papers preserved at the British Museum . at the Old Bailey, 25th February, 1680/1 (press mark : (a) Proceedings 103 1850/c.6 / ) inter alia : Bully alias Edwards, a Popish Priest, was brought to the " John bar in order to his Tryal, the Witness for the King being ready, but upon the reading his Indictment , he delivered a special Plea document in text] , signed by Edward Saunders , Counsellor [atnext Law, by which he desired he might stand it, certaining that he had formerly been Tryed for the Same Fact at Lancaster, that he having then been acquitted , had not taken any Orders from the See of Rome since, and in the summ deny'd that he was a Priest, whereupon he was Ordered to be continued till next Sessions." (b) Proceedings at the Old Bailey, 13th April, 1681 (press mark: 515/1.






2/47 -inter alia : )Bully, a Popish Priest, was brought to the Bar, and being " John asked what he would Plead, after having begg'd the Pardon of the

Court for the needless trouble he had put them to, in putting in a special Plea last Sessions, to which Mr Attorney Generalhad since demurr'd, he pleaded Guilty, confessing himself a Priest, and that he had taken Orders from the See of Rome , desiring wholyto cast himself upon the mercy of the Bench, saying that since his having taken Orders he had wrote a Treatise against the Popish Doctrine of Deposing Kings and that he had convinced about 30 Catholicks of the unlawfulness of that Tenent, and obliged them to take the Oaths, and that it was not above 6 Weeks space betweenhis being cleared at Lancaster, and his being taken by Mr Prance and others in London , in which space he had several times taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and did intend to abjure the Realm before, but that sickness hindred him , and having heartily desired the Court to interceed for Mercy towards him, his Confession was Recorded and he Ordered back. is clear from the final words, " his Confession was Recorded and he Ordered back, that Bully was not sentenced , but was " reprieved before judgment ." Cf. Sessions Book, April, 1681 , p. 331 in text.










regni Domine Elizabethe nuper Regine Angl primo et ante Quartu decimu diem Octobris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo secundo Leges et Statut hujus regni Angl minime ponderans nec penas in eisdem content aliqual verens dicto Quarto decimo die Octobris Anno Tricesimo secundo supradicto infra hoc Regnu Angl scilicet apud paroch sancti Martini Ludgate in ward pred Proditorie et ut falsus Proditor dicti Domini Regis nunc fuit et remansit Contra forma Statut' in huiusmodi casu edit et provis Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas

' '






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[Endorsed ] Billa Vera




Miles Prance*

(c) [Warrant.] * Lett John Bullyn have a Coppy of the Indictmt preferred against him or soe much thereof as may inable him to in form his Counsell to plead auterfoits acquitt

[Signed] W. Dolben

22 Febr' 1680

(d) [John Bully's plea of autrefois acquit.] 25.4.1680 del placit special [Bully adversus

' ' '


Domini Rs Auterfoits Acqt Indictament capt 8.2.1680 § L. margin] Et predictus Johannes Bully ven & defend vim & Iniur quando etc. & omnem prodicionem & quicquid etc. Et dicit quod ipse non intendit quod dictus dominus Rex nunc ipsum occasione premissor ' modo impetere velit quia dic quod ipse idem Johannes Bully semper a tempore nativitatis sue hucusque cognit fuit tam per nomen Johannis Bullen alias Edwards quam per pred nomen Johannis Bully Et idem Johannes ulterius dic quod alias scilicet ad Cur domini Regis de placitis Corone pro domino Rege tent apud Castrum Lancastr in Com Pall Lanc pro Com Lanc pred die mercurii vicesimo quarto die Marcii Anno regni domini Caroli secundi dei gra Regis Angl Scoc Franc & hibernie fidei defensoris etc. tricesimo secundo cora Willelmo Dolben Milit un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita cora ipso Rege tenend Assign Capital Justic dicti Domini Regis ad omnia placita tam corone quam Assisar nove disseisin seu mortis antecessor Juris utrum certificacion & Attinct et al placita quecunque infra Com Pall Lanc arainand seu prosequend apud Lanc pred seu Alibi in eodem















' *




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Witnesses for the prosecution. on paper. The warrant bears no address but was doubtless Written directed to the Clerk of the Peace ( i.e. , the Town Clerk ). Sic in MS . for Dominum Regem . Ang.: On February 25th, 1680/81 , he delivered a special plea of autrefois acquit [in bar of] the indictment taken on December 8th, 1680. The formal preamble is here so abbreviated as to be quite unintelligible . The ancient writs of novel disseisin , mort d'ancestor, juris utrum, certification (of assize) , and attaint (see Jacob : Law Dictionary) have since been


abolished .








Com tenend Audiend et terminand assign ' et Edwardo Atkins un Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis apud Westm un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad omnia placita tam Coron quam Assisar nove disseisin seu Mortis Antecessor' Juris utrum certificacion & Attinct & alia placita quecunque infra Com Pall Lanc arainand seu prosequend apud Lancastriam pred seu alibi in eodem Com tenend audiend & terminand assign idem Johannes Bully ad * general Gaole deliberacion' tent pro Com Pall' Lanc apud Castrum Lanc in Com predicto dicto vicesimo quarto die Marcii Anno regni dicti domini Caroli secundi Regis tricesimo secundo supradicto cora prefat Willelmo Dolben Milit & Edwardo Atkins Milit & al Sociis suis Justic' dicti domini Regis ad Gaolam dicti Domini Regis Com pred de prisonar in ea existen deliberand ac ad quascunque prodiciones felon' & al' Malefacta in eodem Com perpetrat audiend & terminand assign per sacramentum Laurencii Rawstorne Ar Johannis Risley Ar Johannis Starkey Ar Thome Pickenson gener Ricardi Morte gener Willelmi Wilson gener' Francisci Webster gener Rogeri Parkinson gener Ricardi Eskrigg gener Willelmi Greenbank gener Henr ' Lathom gener Edwardi Darwen gener Johannis Pennington gener Johannis Fox gener Ricardi Dewhurst gener Johannis Goose gener & Walteri Hall gener probor & legaliu hominum Com pred Jur et onerat ad inquirend & presentand pro dicto domino Rege & pro Corpore Com pred Indictatus fuit per Nomen Johannis Bullen alias Edwards nuper de Skirton in Com Lanc Cleric de eo quod ipse natus infra Dominia dicti domini Regis nunc existen sacerdos fact & ordinat' per Authoritat ' derivat ' a sede Romana Angce the Sea of Rome post Festu Nativitat sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno regni domine Elizabethe nuper Regine Angl Franc & Hibernie primo & ante primu diem Aprilis Anno regni domini Caroli secundi dei grat Regis Angl etc. tricesimo primo leges & Statut huius Regni Angl minime ponderans nec penas in eisdem content Aliqualiter verens dicto primo die Aprilis Anno regni domini Caroli secundi dei gra Regis Angl etc. tricesimo primo supradicto apud Skirton pred in Com Lanc pred proditorie & ut falsus proditor dicti Domini Regis fuit & remansit cont formam Statut in huiusmodi casu edit & provis necnon cont pacem dicti Domini Regis Coron & dignitat suas Et postea ad tunc prox general Gaol deliberacion tent pro Com Pall Lanc apud Castrum Lanc ' in Com pred die Sabbati vicesimo primo die Augusti Anno regni dicti domini Caroli secundi dei grat nunc Regis Angl etc. tricesimo secundo coram prefat Willelmo Dolben Milit un Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad placita cora ipso Rege tenend Capital Justic dicti Domini Regis ad assisas in Com Lanc capiend assign et Edwardo Atkins Milit un Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis apud Westm & altero Justic dicti domini Regis ad assisas in Com Lanc capiend etc. Et al sociis suis Justic' dicti domini Regis ad Gaol domini Regis Com

' ''




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' Bully ad are inter-

Johannes The words seu alibi in eodem Com lined in MS. ? Scorton. The word prefat is interlined in MS.


' ''






















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'' '











pred de prisonar in ea existen' deliberand ac ad quascunque prodiciones felon & al malefacta & transgr ' in eodem Com perpetrat audiend & terminand assign ven prefat Johannes Bullen alias Edwards in propria persona sua per Willelmum Johnson Ar vic Com Lanc pred cuius custod ex causa pred antea comiss fuisset ibidem ad barram duct' Et vis ' Indictament pred per ' Justic pred ipse pred Johannes Bullen alias Edwards allocut fuit per Cur ibidem qualiter ipse de premissis superius ei imposit se velit acquietari ipse predictus Johannes Bullen alias Edwards tunc dixit quod ipse non fuit aliquo modo culpabilis de premissis pred Et inde de bono & Malo posuit se super patriam Et Johannes Otway miles Attorn general domini Regis Com sui Pall Lanc qui pro Domino Rege in ea parte secut fuit similiter etc. Et superinde precept fuit pred vic' quod venire fac' imediat cora Justic' pred duodecim etc. per quos etc. Et qui nec etc. ad recogn etc. quia * tam etc. Et Juratores scilicet Nathan Lord Willelm Harrison Johannes Wingle Johannes Billing Jacobus Pemberton Johannes Barret Johannes Houghton Robertus Satterthwaite Henr Romsbotham Stephanus Butler Milo Barton & Johannes Walthew per Willelm Johnson Ar' Vic Com Lanc pred ad id impanellat exact similiter vener qui ad veritat de premissis dicend elect triat & Jurat tunc dixer super sacramentum suu quod pred Johannes Bullen alias Edwards non fuit culpabilis de prodicione superius ei imposit nec unquam ea occasione se retraxit Et superinde visus & per Cur ibidem intellectis omnibus & singulis premissis cons fuit quod pred Johannes Bullen alias Edwards iret de premissis superius ei imposit' sine die acquietat prout per Recordu & process inde in pred Cur' dicti domini Regis Com sui Pall Lanc pred apud Castru Lanc pred residen manifeste liquet & apparet Et predictus Johannes Bulley modo prisonar ad barram hic ulterius dic & verificare vult quod predictus Johannes Bullen alias Edwards in Recordo Indictamenti pred & Judicii pred superinde hic apud Castru Lanc pred nominat Et ipse idem Johannes Bulley modo prisonar hic ad Barram et qui super indictamentu pred in Cur hic arrainat existit est una & eadem persona Et non alia neque diversaquodque Crimen & offens ' ipsius Johannis Bulleyin existend Sacerdos fact & ordinat per Authoritat derivat a sede Romana ' in recordo Judicii Acquietacion ipsius Johannis Bulley $ pred mencionat & crimen & offens ' in existendo sacerdos fact & ordinat per Authoritat derivat a sede Romana in Indictamentopredicto super quo idem Johannes Bulley modo arrainat existit sunt una eademque crimen & offens Et non alia neque diversa quodque idem Johannes predicto primo die Aprilis Anno regni dicti domini Regis nunc tricesimo primo supradicto & semper abinde postea hucusque fuit remansit & Continuavit residen in Angl ut Indigena huius regni Angl videlicet apud parochiam sancti Martini Ludgate














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The words ad recogn' etc. are interlined in MS. * nec unquam retraxit . Nor by reason of it did ever withdraw himself. See Introd .... . , p. xxxviii. " " Sessions ,

I.e., at the present

at the Old Bailey. § I.e. at Lancaster.






pred *


Et ulterius ipse idem Johannes Bully protestando quod ipse ad aliquod tempus ad vel ante predictum primu diem Aprilis Anno tricesimo primo supradicto non fuit fact' ordinat sive profess sacerdos per aliquam Authoritatemderivat' calumpniat ' sive preten a pred sede Romana In facto idem Johannes Bulley Dicit quod ipse ad aliquod tempus post predictum primu diem Aprilis Anno tricesimo primo supradict hucusque non fuit fact ordinat sive profess Sacerdos per Aliquam Authoritat sive Jurisdicion derivat calumpniat ' sive pretens a sede Romana pred Et hocidem Johannes Bulley paratus est verificare unde petit Judic' si dictus dominus Rex nunc ipsum Johannem Bulley occasione premissor pred ulterius impetere velit Et quod ipse idem Johannes de premissis exoneretur & ab hac Cur dimittatur etc. ex margin ] [Signed Edw : Saunders§ , Calendar Newgate London ss . A true & perfect entitled e () Kalendar of the names of all Prisoners in Newgate for Felony & Trespass the 8th of December 1680 ; inter alia.] John Francis Comd by Sr Wm Turner Knt charged by Martha Cooke for being a Romish Priest weh he confessed Dickinson Dat 21 Oct 1680 Sub-section on this calendar, entitled " London Prison's upon Orders ; inter alia.] John Bully Upon suspicion of being a Rom : Priest












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[ ' -L. [








(I) (a)




II persons previously bound over

Among [Sessions . ]

for appearance at this

Comparuit & Jud'll Henr ' Lee de Tidmarsh in Com Northampton Clericus pros This statement is not , of course, literally true . From April 1st, 1679 * (the date of his first arrest) , until August 21st, 1680 (the date of his acquittal), he was in the custody of the Sheriff of Lancashire presumably in the gaol of Lancaster Castle . It must have been only after his acquittal that he became a resident in the parish of St. Martin , Ludgate, London. The point , however, that Bully has to make for the purposes of this plea is that at no time after April 1st, 1679 , did he leave England, become a priest and return (see infra). The above statement is not, think, intended to imply more than that he I can prove his continual residence in England over the period specified . protestando , i.e., while neither affirming nor denying; waiving the " point ." The legal signification of this word is that the pleader wishes to brush aside one matterin order to take his stand upon another, which begins In facto (or Pro placito) dicit, i.e., " he asserts in fact " ( or " in behalf of his plea "). Probably examinatur intimating that the text of the above plea has been examined and corrected. The note is in a different hand.


' tr'



§ Edward Saunders was evidently Bully's Counsel . It is worth remarking that at this period no Counsel was allowed a prisoner unless some doubtful point of law arose. In appeals or upon special pleas (such as this) Counsel was assigned to the prisoner by the court . Jacob : Law Dictionary. Ang. He appeared and [had judgment .








Comparuit & Exotur etc. Marcus Silley de le medio Templo Lond Generos


pro verbis




Comparuit Samuel Oates de paroch sancti Egidii in Campis pros Justic non signavit recogn * Elexius Shadd de Cripplegate Haberdasher









[Among entries of trials at this Sessions .] . 12. Ind & po se modo relicta vereficacione Cogn Ind fin IIIIa Et Capiatur etc.* Henr Lee pro publicand libell





' '




persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit Johannem Willelmus Lyon de Newgate streete London vict Dickinson pros









[Recognizance for the appearance of Roland Steed to answer


and of James Edwards to prosecute and give evidence .] London ss. Memorand quod tertio decimo die Januarii Anno regni Regis Caroli secundi Anglie etc. tricesimo secundo Annoque


.: The justice has not signed the recognizance -which was * Ang thereby invalidated . Ang.: On October 11th [1680 he is indicted and puts himself not guilty upon a jury of his country ]. Now [i.e. , at the present Sessions abandoning verification [by a jury ], he confesses the indictment [and] is fined threeshillings and four pence . And let him be taken etc. [i.e. , and imprisoned until he pay it . Cf. p. 302 and note. Among the indictments in this section of the file is a curious ignored bill for (? attempted) subornation of perjuryby Thomas Weekes of the parish of St. PeterCornhill , milliner , and John Carter of All Hallows, Lombard Street, joiner, who are alleged to have offered , on November 5th, 1680, £20 to William Eaton , the servant of Ralph Eddowes , a coffee-house keeper of the parish of St. Michael, Cornhill , if he (William Eaton) would swear before the House of Commons that Joseph Pagett " de Barwell in Com Leicestr' , Clericus, had written certain scandalous words concerning some resolutions passed by the Commons on November 2nd . Information " by word of mouth," charging Pagett with this offence was, it is stated, laid before the House on November 5th. The present bill givesthe gist of this information in the following passage : versus quenda Josephu Pagett de Barwell in Com Leicestr' Clericum pro ' cuiusda' Radulfi Eddowes scituat' in paroch sancti Michaelis scribend in domo Cornehillin ward de Cornehill London pred' existen Communi Popina angee '


















JANUARY 1680/81


Domini 168 [sic] Coram me Jacobo Edwards Milite uno Alderman Civitat' London ac uno Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat predict ' conservand' assignat' vener' Rolandus Steed




Thomas Pelling de parochia sancti Andree holborne London Cittizen and Turner of London et Thomas Granger de Alderman Bury Cittizen and haberdasher of London in propriis personis suis et predict Rolandus recogn ' se debere dicto Domino Regi summam Quadraginta librar legalis monete Anglie et predict Thomas et Thomas et uterque eor separat' recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam viginti librar similis legalis monete Anglie de bonis & catallis terr et tenementis suis ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. sub Condicion quod si predictus Rolandus personal











a Coffee house in et super quenda ' Papir ' Continen' vota domus Comun fact die martis secundo die Novembris Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentessimo Octogesimoadtunc et ibidem existen' divers' opprobrios' et scandalos ' verba et figur' videlicet pro scribend in et super Papir' pred' prope hoc votu inter vota pred Resolved Nimine [sic] Contradicente That the Duke of York's being a Papist And the hopes of his comeing such to the Crowne hath given the greatest Countenance and Encouragement to the present designs and Conspiracies against the King and Protestant Religion hec opprobriosa et scandalosa Anglicana verba vicelicet A Damned Lye Et pro scribend In et super Papir' pred prope hoc votu inter vota pred' existen' Resolved Nimine Contradicente That in Defence of the Kings Person and Government and of the protestant Religion this house doth declare That they will stand by his Majesty with their lives and fortunes And that if his Majesty shall come by any violent death (which God forbid) they will Revenge itt to the utmost upon the Papists has figuras 1648 Et pro scribend in et super Papir' pred prope hoc votu ' inter vota pred Resolved That a bill be brought in to disable the Duke of York to Inherit the Imperial Crown of this Realme hec opprobriosa et scandalosa Anglicana verba videlicet Voted like Rogues . The document does not definitely state that it was Eaton who gave this false testimony. If it were actually he, he must have turned King's evidence, for his name occurs at the bottom of the bill, with those of Ralph Eddowes and John Pagitt, " as a witness for the prosecution. Another ignored bill is to be found among the G.D. indictments on this file, against Francis Smyth , of the parish of St. Michael, Cornhill , bookseller (" Librarius "), for writing and publishing on December 24th, 1680, a scandalous tract called " A Speech lately made by a Noble Peer of the Realm , containing hec falsa ficta et scandalosa verba sequentia Tis a very hard thing to say That we cannot trust the King and that we have already been deceived so often That we see plainly the apprehensions of Discontent in the people is no Argument at Court And though our Prince be in himselfe an Excellent Person that the people have the greatest Inclinations Imaginable to love yet we must say He is such an one as no Story affords us a Parallel of How plain and how many are the Proofs of the Design to murther him How little is he apprehensive of it " ; and " My Lords hear of a Bargain in the house of Commons and an Address made to the King But this know And must boldly say it and plainly That the Nation is Betrayd if upon any Terms we part with our money till we are sure the King is ours have what laws you will and what Conditions you will they will be of no use But wast Paper before Easter if the Court have money to set up for Popery and Arbitrary designs in the meanwhile On the other hand give me leave to tell you my lords the King hath no reason to distrust his People no man cango home and say That if the King Comply with his People they will do nothing a Prince for him but tear all from him We want a Government And we want That we may trust even with the spending of half our Annual Revenues for some tyme for the Preservation of these Nations." The names of the witnesses against Smyth occur at the foot of the Bill Thomas Jenkins and Samuel Booth .

' '


















JANUARY 1680/81





comparebit ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat predict tenend ad respondend etc. & interim se bene gerend etc. et non deced etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. For speaking of seditious words and being a reputed Papist Dicto die et Anno in propriis personis suis vener coram me Jacobus Edwards de paroch sancte Marie Overs Southwarke in Com Surr & recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam as above sub Condicion quod si personal viginti librar Comparuerit ad prox Session' pacis ad prosequend legem cum effectu et dand Evidenc versus Rolandum Steed quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [Signed Ja : Edwards Comparuer (b) [Indictment of John Mazott for seditious words.] 23.4 po se 23.4 Quassat per Cur pro insuffic inde etc.* London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant' quod Johannes Mazott nuper de London Yeoman Sexto die Decembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc & Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor' etc. Tricesimo secundo existensReligion papal Et Deum pre oculis suis non habens sed Instigacione Diabolica mot et seductus Et falso malitiose et Diabolice machinan et Intenden Serenissimu Dominum nostrum Carolu secundum Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regem ' hujus regni Angl Necnon vera' Religion protestan infra hoc Regnu Angl Et Justicia' legum huius regni Angl' rite stabilit in maximu odiu scandal Infamia et Contempt ' inducere Et scandalu Contempt et infamia imponere super quibusdam Personis Quor nomina Jur pred adhuc Ignot sunt que tunc nuper preantea product Fuissent Testes et Testimon dedissent ex parte dicti Domini Regis contra Willelmum nuper vicecom de Stafford adtunc impetit de Alta prodicione in alt Cur Parliament dicti Domini Regis nunc adtunc assemblat' et tent existen apud Westmr in Com Midd pro proditorie Conspirand cu quam plur al proditor Jur pred Ignot dictum Dominum Regem nunc ad murdrand et vera protestan Religion in hoc Regno Angl lege Stabilit subvertend et superstition ' Ecclesie Romane in hoc Regno Angl inferre Et guerra et Rebellion infra hoc Regnu Angl levand & suscitand Idem Johannes Mazott ad ill nephandissimas Imaginaciones Intenciones & proposita sua Perimplend et perficiend postea scilicet dicto sexto die Decembris Anno Tricesimo secundo supradicto apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Stephani Walbrooke in ward de Cheape London pred habens colloquiu cu quoda Israel Wormall de et Concernen Triacion prefat Willelmi vicecom Stafford et Conspiracion pred angce the Plott proditor pred Et pred Israel Wormall adtunc et ibidem Interrogans pred Johannem persona sua venit. * Sic in MS . for in propria23rd Ang.: On February [ 1680/81 ] he puts himself [ not guilty ' upon a jury of his country]. On the same day [the indictment ] is quashed by the court for insufficiency [of evidence] etc.












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' '



' ' '' ' ' ' '



















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'' ' '


























JANUARY 1680/81



Mazott quid Cogitabat deveniret de pred Willelmo Vicecom Stafford et Conspiracion pred ange the Plott Ipse Idem Johannes Mazott ex sua Diabolica mente et Imaginacion in Auditu divers Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem presen falso malitiose nequiter seditiose et advisate adtunc et ibidem dixit et respondit Quod aliqua Persona Convict ' posset per falsa et mendacia Sacramenta Testiu per quod vita sua perdideret angce might be sworn out of his life tam ille (prefat Willelmum Vicecom Stafford innuendo) Ea Intencione et proposit Cordial Amorem debit fidelitat & Ligeanc omniu Ligeor' et Subditor' dicti Domini Regis ab ipso Domino Rege retrahere et vera protestan Religion in hoc Regno Angl lege Stabilit' relinquere Ac Religion Ecclesie Romane Amplectere Et Justicia ' legu huius regni Angl in Scandal et Contempt Inducere Necnon Testes dicti Domini Regis qui Testimoniu dedissent Contra prefat Willelmum Vicecom Stafford et quam plur al proditor pred pro Conspiracion pred vilipendere et scandalizare Contra Ligeanc' sue debit In malu Exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Henr Rowe Thomas Brinley Israel Wormall Johannes Reynolds Beniamin Bullivant Joshua Bolt Ricardus Baker Endorsed] Billa Vera


























' '


' '







' '




' '






Calendar for this Sessions, in sub-section entitled " Pri[Newgate soners upon Orders " ; inter alia. ] John Bully For being a Rom : Priest to rem John Francis For being a Rom : Priest alias Dickinson to rem





QUARTERSESSIONS OF THE PEACE , BEGINNING 14 JANUARY, 1680/81 . persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit et traditur in Ball Willelmo Mounsey de paroch sancte Bride Gener et Thome Lasher de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden Bricklayer usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis ad respond Et non deced etc. Et interim de

' '


se bene gerend








Willelmus Hudson de Bishoppsgate

' Witnesses



etc. sub pena partis principal

CI et utriusque Pleg pred



' Papists


the prosecution. * This note isforapparently intended to apply also to Sadler, Crumbleton

and Turner .

These entries follow each other in the Sessions Book.



JANUARY 1680/81



Comparuit et traditur in Ball Georgio Bonnett de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Haberdasher et Granado Chester de paroch sancte Hellene Grocer usque as over Hudson] sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred L Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Dowgate Mercator ans




.... [


' ' '



Comparuit et traditur in Ball Jacobo Bawdicott de Christchurch Mealeman et Willelmo as over Hudson Mounsey pred usque ] sub pena partis principal C et utriusque pleg pred L Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri Lond ans




' '






Comparuit & Respur per Cur Quousque prox Session ad respond etc. * Matheus Turner de paroch sancti Andree ans Holborne







Comparuit et exour etc. Anthonius Deblocke de paroch sancti Bartholoans mei prope Excambiu





Comparuit et traditur in Ball Thome Pelling de paroch sancti Andree HolborneLondon Innekeeper et Thome Granger de Aldermanbury Joyner usque prox Sess pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. sub pena partis principal XL et utriusque pleg pred XX Rolandus Steed





' ' '




Comparuit & non potuit pros


Jacobus Edwards de paroch' sancte Marie Overs pros Southwarke





SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING 23 FEBRUARY, 33 CHARLES II ( 1680/81 ).* (a) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Mazott to answer. London ss . Memorand quod XXVII ° die Januarii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXII Coram me Roberto Clayton Milit uno Aldermannor ' ac uno Justic dicti Domini Regis







He appeared and is respited by the Court until the next to answer etc. Ang.: He appeared and could not prosecute. Among the G.D. indictments on this file occurs a broadsheet entitled


" "






FEBRUARY 1680/81



ad Pacem infra Civitatem London Conservand Assignat venit Johannes Mazott de Bucklers-bury London Mercator et Traditur in Ball Johannis * Newton de Cheapside London Grocer et Petri Smyth de Greate St Bartholemews London farrier usque prox Session Pacis pro Civitate London tenend ad respond etc. Sub paena partis principal C et utriusque Pleg' pred L quas etc. si etc. Signed] Robert Clayton To answeare a Trespasse Comparuit whereof hee stands indicted etc. (b) [Indictment of John Mazott for seditious words.] po se 25.4 Allocatur breve de Cerc retornabile in XVa Pasche Et Certificatur London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Johannes Mazott nuper de London Yeoman This indictment is identical in wording with that on the preceding file, p. 315, with the exception of the form of Mazott's reply to Wormall, which is here given as follows :] dixit et respondit Quod queque Persona racione falsor Sacramentor privaretur vita sua angce might be sworne out of his life Eque ac ille angce as well as hee (prefat Willelmum Vicecom Stafford innuendo) Ea intencione Henr Row Israel Wormall Beniamin Bullivant Ricardus Baker Joshua Bolt Endorsed Billa Vera


' '







' '

















(a) [Recognizance for the appearance of Thomas Dangerfield to prosecute and give evidence against Edward Sing. ] London ss. Memorand quod XV die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXIII Coram me Johanne '


The Presbyterian Pater Noster, Creed and Ten Commandments, and, "next to it, an indictment against Thomas Ashenden nuper de London Clericus, Nathaniel Thompson nuper de London Typographus et Josephus Hindemarsh nuper de London Stacioner for publishing this blasphemous parody . Over Hindemarsh's name occurs the minute 13.6 . Cogn Indictament Cur advisari vult etc. 20.7 . Allocatur breve de Cerc retornabile in Crastino Sancie Trin Et Certificatur etc. (" On April 13th [1681 he confesses the indictment but the Court wishes to be advised etc. [before proceeding to judgment ]. On May 20th a writ of certiorari is allowed, returnable on the morrow of Holy Trinity , and [ the indictment ] is certified etc. [ into King's Bench ). The Bill bears no note touching proceedings against Ashenden or Thompson. is delivered into the bail of John Newton (a variant .: " * Ang formula ). Ang.: At this Sessions of February 23rd] he puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of his country ]. On February 25th a writ of certiorari is allowed, returnable in the quindene of Easter. And [the indictment ] is certified Bench] ." [into King's Witnesses for the prosecution.
















FEBRUARY 1680/81



Frederick milit uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London Conservand Assignat venit Thomas Dangerfeild de Cornhill London gener' et recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi C legal etc. levand etc. per viam recogn sub Condicione quod si idem Thomas Dangerfeild Personaliter compar ad prox Goal [sic] deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad pros legem cum effectu et dand evidenc ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus quendam Edward Sing labor in causa Prodicionis Tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed] John fredericke Comparuit for high treason etc. (b) [Indictment of Edward Sing for seditious words. London ss. Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Quidam Edwardus Coleman Willelmus Ireland Thomas Pickering & al proditor' existen Papal Religion per debitum legis Cursu nuper Attinct fuer de alta prodicione pro proditorie Conspirand Serenissimu Dominum nostrum Carolu secundum Dei gra Angl Scoc' Franc' et Hibernie Regem fidei Defensor etc. ad mortem & final' destruccionem adducere et ponere et gubernacionemhujus regni Angl subvertere et Sinceru DeiCultu infra hoc regnu Lege Stabilit ad superstitionem Ecclesie Romane mutare et alterare et guerra et Rebellion infra hoc regnu Angl levare et causare Et quod Quidam Robertus Green Henr Berry et Lawrence Hill (cu divers al Personis adhuc ad largu ) existen Papal Religion similiter per debitum legis Cursu nuper Attinct fuer pro felonice voluntarie et ex malitiis suis precogitat interficiend stranguland et murdrand Quenda Edmundum Berry Godfrey milit nuper un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Com Midd Conservand assign apud quenda Domu angee vocat



' ''











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16.3.81 Somersett house in Com Midd Quidam Edwardus Sing nuper de non Cul Ideo eat inde sine die etc. * London Yeoman existen Papal' Religion Et Deum pre oculis suis non habens sed Instigacione Diabolica mot ' et seduct Ac nequiter malitiose Diabolice et pro iniqui lucri causa machinans et intendens ulterior prosecucion Conspiracion angee the Plott per proditor pred Contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc et ulterior prosecucion pred person adhuc ad largu pro murdrand prefat Edmundum Berry Godfrey retardare et impedire Necnon fidel Subditos hujus regni Angl in Displicenc dicti Domini Regis nunc inferre et proditor Conspiracion' pred super eosdem fidel Subdit Imponere Ipse pred Edwardus Sing Vicesimo die Augusti Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo primo et divers al diebus et vicibus tam antea quam postea apud London videlicet in Parochia sancti Dunstani in occiden in ward de Farringdon extra et divers al locis infra Civitat pred In auditu divers ' Ligeor & Subditor


po se















' '

' '' '

' '




of February 25th he puts himself [ not .: At this * Ang upon a jury of his country]. On January] 16th, 1681/2, a Jury [is guilty summoned . He is found] not guilty. Therefore let him go acquitted [ ] of the charge without a day etc. "



' 'Sessions'







' '' '

. Jurata





FEBRUARY 1680/81


dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem et in divers' al' locis pred presen existen ex sua Diabolica mente & Imaginacion Dixit ' ' retulit & publicavit Quod Edmundus Berry Godfrey Miles (Edmundum Berry Godfrey mil' murdrat' per pred Robertu Greene ' Henr' Berry & Lawrenc' Hill innuendo) murdrat' fuit angce was murdered per Presbiterianos (quosda fidel' Subdit dicti Domini ' ' Regis hujus regni Angl Religionis protestan innuendo) Et quod ' ' Conspiracio papal angce the Popish Plott fuit Invencio angce a '




Contrivance Presbiterianor' ( fidel subdit pred Innuendo ) destruere Romanos Catholicos angce Romane Catholicks In malu et pernitiosissimu Exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Tho . Daingerfeild * [Endorsed] Billa Vera

' ' '









Newgate Calendar, entitled " London ss . A true & Perfect [Kalendar of the names of all the Prisoners in Newgate for


felony & Trespass the 25th day of February 1680 ; inter alia.] Ad inven' bon m Edward Sing Comd by Sr John FredInd cora Magistro erick Knt accused upon Recordatore ad oath by Thomas Dancomparend ad prox gerfeild for a Papist & Sess ad pros endeavouring to § for tr ' throw plott upon ye Presbiteirians & Transcribing Severall Letters importing High Treason Dat 15 February 1680 on this calendar, entitled " Prisoners upon Orders "; [Sub-section inter alia.] Salvo custodiend John Bully Indicted for being


' '


'' ' '






John frances alias Dickinson

m in Cur

' '

Referred to their -Severall former To Rem for orders to beinga Rom- Rem ish Preist

a Romish Preist

sine in Gaol etc


' **

Witness for the prosecution. I.c., 1680/81 (as elsewhere on this calendar) . reference to Sing's indictment on the present He is indicted " file ( supra in text). § Ang.: He is to find good mainprize before Mr Recorder for his appearance at the next Sessions to prosecute a traverse [ upon his indictment ] ." Ang.: " He is to be safely guarded in gaol without bail etc. Mainprized in Court . " Mainprize or bail was very rarely Ang.: allowed to prisoners charged with treason, and could be done only by a warrant of high authority. In this case the warrant was obtained probably through the influence of the Count of Miranda , the Portuguese Ambassador Extraordinary (to whom Dickenson was chaplain), for it was this nobleman who eventually obtained his pardon. Cf. Cal . S.P. Dom., April 15, 1681 . This note refers to Bully and Dickinson and twelve other prisoners bracketed with them in MS .















(1) SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING 23 FEBRUARY, 1680/81 . persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Comparuit & exour etc. Rolandus Steed

' Comparuit & Exour & protulit breve de Cerc' *


Johannes Mazott de Bucklersbury mercator



(2) (a)


25 FEBRUARY, 1680/81 . Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this





Comparuit & pros Thomas Dangerfeild de Cornehill London Gener pros





(b) Newgate prisoner mainprized in court at this Sessions. Johannes Francis Dickenson traditur in Ball Johanni Sharples de


' paroch sancti Martini in Campis in

' Yeoman & Roberto WhitMidd ' ' usque prox' Del Gaol' Yeoman feild Com


ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. sub pena utriusque m pred Cu


' '



FILE, APRIL , 1681.

APRIL, 33 CHARLES II ( 1681). II Recognizance the appearance of John MacNamarra

for [prosecute and give evidence against Maurice FitzGerald .




London ss . Memorand quod XVIII ° die Martii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secund nunc Angl etc. XXXIII Coram me Johanne Frederick milite uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar' dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London Conservand Assignat venit Johannes Mac - Namarra de Le Old Change Lond gener et recogn ' se debere dicto Domino Regi XXI legal etc. levand etc. Per viam recogn Sub Condicione quod si idem Johannes Mac-Namarra Personaliter compar ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat' Lond tenend ad pros legem cum effectu et dand evidenc ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus quen-










The words & protulit

are a subsequent addition .











.... Cerc' (" and produced a writ of certiorari ")

" He is indicted "-a reference to Mazott's indictment on the corres-

ponding file (p . 318 in text).

Sic in MS. for ad prox Sess' pacis. Cf. Sessions Book, p. 330 in text. U





APRIL 1681





dam Mauriciu Fitz Gerrald gener in Causa Transgr etc. Tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed John frederick for making a riott & assault on Comparuit the said John Mac -Namarrah etc. and reskuing of one Robert Poore from him being charged upon Oath for treason etc. (b) [Recognizance for the appearance of Maurice FitzGerrard to answer.] London ss . Memorand quod XXII° die Marcii Anno Regni Regis as recognizance (a) above] XXXIII° Coram me Johanne Frederick milite venerunt Josephus Bishopp de Colemanstreete London Clothworker et Jacobus Rogers de paroch Ste Marie Aldermanbury Lond Clothworker et manuceperunt pro quodam Mauricio Fitz Gerrard labor' quod idem Mauricius FitzGerrard Personaliter compar ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgate * ad respond etc. Sub pena utriusque Manucaptor pred XX....quas etc. si etc. [Signed] John frederick for making a riott & assault upon John Mac-Namarra gent & reskuing of one Robert Poore a Comparuit Person charged upon Oath for Treason from him (c) [Indictment of John Baggett and four other persons for riotous assembly and assault.] Allocatur breve de Cerc retornabile in mens Pasche Et Certificatur etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Johannes Baggett nuper de London Generos Mauritius Fitz -gerrald nuper de London Generos ' David Fitzgerrald nuper de London Generos ' Ricardus Fitzgerrald nuper de London Generos et Thomas Connoway nuper de London Generos alias dictus Thomas Condon nuper de London Generos ' Nono die Martii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo tertio vi et armis etc. apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden in ward de Farringdon extra London pred riotose routose et illicite sese assemblaver et Congregaver ad pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Perturband Ac quod pred Johannes Baggett Mauritius Fitzgerrald David Fitzgerrald Ricardus Fitzgerrald & Thomas Connoway alias Condonadtunc et ibidem sic assemblat et Congregat In et super quenda Johannem MacNamarra Generos in pace Dei et dicti Domini Regis adtunc et ibidem existen vi et armis etc. riotose routose illicite et iniuste Insult fecer Et ip Johannem



























' '













in MS . for ad prox' Sess' pacis. Cf. Sessions Book, p . 330 in text. * Sic Ang.: of certiorari is allowed, returnable in one month from " A writ : and [ the indictment ] is certified etc. " [ i.c. , into King's the day of Easter Bench].



APRIL 1681



Macknamarra adtunc et ibidem vi et armis riotose routose et illicite verberaver vulneraver et maltractaver' Ita quod de vita eius desperabatur Et al enormia eidem Johanni Macknamarra adtunc et ibidem vi et armis etc. riotose routose et illicite Intul Ad grave Dampnu ipsius Johannis Macknamarra In Contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc Legumque Suar in Malu Exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Johannes MacNamarra Bryan Haynes Dennis MacNamarra * Vera Endorsed Billa ] [













' '




(a) [Recognizancefor the appearance of Edward Sing to answer.] London ss . Memorand quod quarto decimo die Martii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angliae etc. XXXII coram me Georgio Treby mil' Recordator' ac un' Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat' London Conservand assignat Vener' Thomas Lightfoot de Byshopsgate Street without ' et Willelmus Dale de Swan Yard extra Byshopsgate Victualler



' Carpent in propriis et uterque eor' separatim recogn dicto Domino Regi summam quadraginta librar legalis' ' suis monet Angliae de separal bonis et catallis terris et tenementis personis suis

se debere



ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. Sub Condicione quod si Edwardus Sing personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session Gaol Deliberacion pro Civitat London pred tenend ad respondend etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. Et non deced etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [Signed Geo : Treby Recordr per Ordin Curiae Comparuit












' (b) [Recognizancefor the appearance of John Baggett to answer ] London ss Memorand quod XVI° die Marcii Anno Regni Regis ' ' etc. XXXIII° Coram me Roberto Caroli Secund nunc Angl Clayton Milite' uno Aldermannor uno Justiciar dicti Domini ' ' ac Conservand Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London assignat vener' ' ' ' unt Petrus Nois prope Temple barr infra paroch sancti Clement ' .


Danes Perouckmaker, Nicolaus Caroll de Bores streete in Covent Garden scissor, Robert Bernavall prope St Clemts Church pred gener' et Robertus Pursell de Oxenton street prope Haymarket infra paroch St Martini in Campis gener et manuceperunt pro quodam Johanne Bagget gener quod idem Johannes Baggett personaliter compar ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regisde Newgt pro Civitate London tenend ad respond etc. sub pena utriusque Manucaptor pred L quas etc. si etc. [Signed ] Robert Clayton for making a riott & assault on one John Mac-Namarrah gent etc. Comparuit










' '


* Witnesses for the prosecution.


Sic in MS. for XXXIII .



APRIL 1681



(c) [Recognizance for the appearance of John MacNamarrah to


prosecute and give evidence against John Baggett . London ss . Memorand quod XVo die Marcii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXIII Coram me Roberto Clayton Milite uno Aldermannor ac un Justiciar Dicti Domini Regis ad pacem infra Civitat London Conservand assignat venit Johannes Mac-Namarrah de Pauls Chaine London Gener' et recogn se debere dicto domino Regi C legal etc. levand etc. per viam recogn Sub Condicione quod si idem Johannes Mac-Namarrah personaliter compar ad prox Gaol Deliberacionem dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitate London tenend ad pros legem cum effectu et dandam evidenc' ex parte dicti Domini Regis versus quendam Johannem Baggett in causa Transgr et mag Malefact Tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed Robert Clayton for making a riott & assault with others not yet taken on the said John MacNamarrah by meanes whereof Comparuit One Robert Poore a Person charged upon Oath for Treason etc. made his escape etc.













' '








(d) [Indictment of John Francis Dickenson for reconciling one of the King's subjects to the See of Rome. po se Cul Ca null Trahatur super Biga usque ad furcas de Tiborne Et ibidem Suspendatur per Coll Et vivens super Terra '



' ' prosternaturAc



quod Interiora sua extra ventrem suu Capiantur Ipsoque vivente Comburentur Et quod Caput suu Amputetur Quodque Corpus suu in quatuor partes Dividatur Ac quod Caput et quarter ponantur Ubi Dominus Rex ea assignare voluerit etc. * London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu


' ill' '



presentant quod Johannes Francis Dickenson nuper de London Generos existens Sacerdos factus et Ordinat per Authoritat derivat a sede Romana angce the See of Rome post Decimu diem Junii Anno regni Domini Jacobi nuper Regis Angl Quarto scilicet Tricesimo die Octobris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo secundo apud London videlicet in paroch Ecclesie Christi in ward de Farringdon infra London pred quanda Martha Cooke un Subdit dicti Domini Regis a Natural obedienc sua debit eidem Domino Regi nunc felonice et proditorie persuasit et subtraxit Et ipsam Martha Cooke ad sedem Romana angce the See of Rome adtunc & ibidem felonice & proditorie reconciliavit Contra forma























translation of this minute cf. p . 245 , note. * For English Any person convicted of " practising to withdraw a subject from the King's obedience and to reconcile the same to the Pope or See of Rome


after 10th June, 1606, was to be adjudged guilty of high treason. An Act for the better discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants (Statute 3 Jac. I, c. 4, §xxii) .



APRIL 1681



Statut in huiusmodi casu edit ' et provis ' etc. Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron' et Dignitat' suas etc. *


Martha Cooke Nathaniel Partridge Willelmus Underwood

[Endorsed] Billa Vera

(e) [Record of proceedings against John Francis Dickenson. London ss . Memorand quod per quanda Inquisicion Capt pro Serenissimo Domino Rege apud Justicehall in le old Bailey London in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred die mercurii scilicet Tertio decimo die Aprilis Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc' Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo tertio Cora Willelmo Dolben milit un Justic Domini Regis ad placita Cora Ipso Rege tenend assign Johanne Lawrence milit' Willelmo Turner milit Georgio Waterman milit Aldermannis Civitat London pred Georgio Treby milit Recordatore eiusdem Civitat Johanne Moore milit Henr Tulse milit et Jacobo Smyth milit al Aldermannis dicte Civitat ac al Sociis suis Justic per Litteras Paten ipsius Domini Regis eisdem Justic prenominat et aliis ac quibuscunque quatuor vel as pluribus eor document (e) , p. 249 , down to secundum .... [ inregni dicti Domini Regis Angl legem et Consuetud Assign Per Sacramentum Ricardi Hicks Georgii Widdowes Samuel Tucker Johannis Baker Philippi Lassells Laurentii Evans Ricardi Stroud Willelmi Whitwell Ricardi Cope Johannis Laurence Mathei Walford Anthonii Foster Thome Collins Ricardi Hayes Josephi Smyth Samuel Howard et Thome Allen probor' et legaliu hominu Civitat London pred adtunc et ibidem Jurat et onerat existen ad Inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege et Corpore Civitat pred existit presentat quod Johannes Francis Dickenson nuper de London Generos ' existens' Sacerdos [the above indictment of Dickenson is here repeated ; all notes omitted ] Propter quod precept est Vicecom Civitat London pred Quod non omitt etc. Quin Capiant eu ad Respondend etc. Quodquidem Indictament prefat Justic dicti Domini Regis postea scilicet Ad Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat pred apud Justicehall in le old Bailey in paroch sancti Sepulchri .... as above] dicto die Mercurii Tertio decimo die Aprilis Anno Tricesimo Tertio supradicto Cora prefat Willelmo Dolben milit [the above list of Justices is here repeated in identical terms ] al Aldermannis dicte Civitat ac al Sociis suis Justic ' dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de Prison in eadem existen Deliberand assign Per manus suas propr Deliberaver' hic in Cur de Record in forma Juris terminand etc. Et superinde ad predictam Deliberacion' Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall pred dicto die Mercurii Tertio decimo die Aprilis Anno Tricesimo tertio supradicto Cora prefat Justic ult nominat ven





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English translation of this indictment in Appendix B, p . 388. * Witnesses for the prosecution.


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APRIL 1681


prefat Johannes Francis Dickenson sub custod Slingsby Bethell Ar et Henr Cornish Ar Vicecom Civitat London pred (In Cuius* Custod ex causa pred preantea Commissus fuit) ad barra hic duct in propr persona sua Qui Committitur prefat vic etc. Et Statim de premiss pred in Indictament pred specificat ei superius Imposit allocut qual se velit inde Acquietari Idem Johannes Francis Dickenson Dicit quod ipse non est inde Culpabilis Et inde de bono et malo ponit se super Patriam Ideo Immediate ven inde Jurata etc. Cora prefat Justic ult nominat hic etc. Et Juratores Jurate illius per prefat ' Vic' ad hoc Impannellat scilicet Anthonius Playford Willelmus Bignall Willelmus Champion Robertus Mullins Abraham Williams Daniel Rice Johannes Potter Johannes Abbott Johannes Lands Thomas Hunt Nathan Greene et Petrus Cozens exact vener qui ad veritat de et super premissis pred Dicend elect triat et Jurat' Dicunt super Sacramentum suu quod prefat Johannes Francis Dickenson est culpabilis de alt prodicione pred in Indictament pred specificat ei superius Imposit modo et forma prout per Indictament pred superius versus eu supponitur Et quod Idem Johannes Francis Dickenson null habuit bona seu catell terr sive tenementa ad eor notic' Et super hoc statim Quesit est de prefat Johanne Francis Dickenson si quid pro se habeat vel dicere sciat quare Cur dicti Domini Regis hic ad Judiciu et execucionem de eo super veredictum pred procedere non debeat Qui nihil ulterius Dicit preterquam ut prius Dixerat super quo vis et per Cur' hic plene Intellectis omnibus et singulis premiss' Cons' est per Cur hic quod prefat Johannes Francis Dickenson Ducatur ad Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate unde venit & ibidem super Biga ponatur [the wording of the sentence is the same as that given in document (e) , p. 252





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.]$ [Warrant .

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London ss scored] Let Coppyes of the Indictment and Conviction [ofMiddlesex John Francis Dyckenson a Flandrian for perverting Martha Cooke from the Protestant Religion be made and delivered to the bearer hereof and for soe doeing this shall be your warrant Given under my hand this 29th day of Aprill 1681 [Signed] R. Sawyer To William Adderley Esq Clerk of the Peace for Middlesex or his Deputy scored To the Towne Clerke of London or his Deputy



[Record of the pardon of John Francis Dickenson.] Ad Deliberacion Gaol' Domini Regis de Newgate tent pro Civitat London apud Justicehall in le old Bailey pred'll in paroch' sancti (g)



MS . for quorum . * ?SicorinLauds .


This bracket is omitted in MS. § Written on paper. || The word pred and the absence of the usual London ss. at the beginning seem to signify that this document is intended to be a continuation of the preceding " Record" (e).




APRIL 1681




Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred die Veneris scilicet vicesimo die Maii Anno Tricesimo tertio supradicto Cora Patien Ward Milit Majore Civitat London Willelmo Mountagu Capitali Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini RegisThoma Raymond milit un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita Cora ipso Rege tenend assign Edwardo Atkins milit un Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Willelmo Gregory milit' al Baron Scaccarii dicti Domini Regis Job Charleton milit' un Justic dicti Domini Regis de Banco Thoma Aleyn milit et Baronett Willelmo Turner milit Aldermannis dicte Civitat Georgio Treby milit Recordatore eiusdem Civitat Johanne Moore milit & Jacobo Smyth milit al Aldermannis Civitat pred et Georgio Cure Ar Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad Gaola sua de Newgate de Prison in ea existen Deliberand assign ven pred Johannes Francis Dickenson iuxta quanda Recogn per mtores suos in hac parte prius Recogn Et Reddidit se dicte Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate sub Custod prefat Slingesby Bethell Ar et Henr Cornish Ar Vic Civitat London pred Ac per eosdem Vic ad barra hic duct in propr persona sua Idem Johannes Franciscus Dickenson Committitur prefat Vic Et Statim quesit est de prefat Johanne Francisco Dickinson si quid pro se habeat vel dicere sciat quare Cur hic ad execucionem Judicii pred procedere non debeat Dicit quod prefat ' Dominus Rex nunc certis de causis Ipsum prefat Dominum Regem ad presen specialiter moven et racione Enarracionis eidem Domino Regi reddit per Georgiu Treby mil pred de gra sua Special Ac ex certa scientia et mero motu suis per Litteras suas Paten sub magno Sigillo suo Angl Confect geren Dat apud Westm Decimo die Maii Anno regni sui XXXIII° supradicto Pardonavit remisit et relaxavit eidem Johanni Francisco Dickenson seu quocumque alio Nomine vel Cognomine seu addicione nominis vel Cognominis aut loci Idem Johannes Franciscus Dickenson sciatur Censeatur vocetur sive nuncupetur aut nuper sciebatur Censebatur vocabatur sive nuncupabatur Felon et alta Prodicionem in Indictament pred mencionat per se solum sive cum aliqua al persona vel aliquibus aliis personis ante hac fact Commiss sive perpetrat licet Ipse de premissis vel aliquo de premissor Indictat arrestat appellat rectat Impetit Attinct Condemnat utlagat sive adjudicat existit vel non existit aut inde Indictari arrestari appellari rectari Impetiri Attingi Convinci utlagari sive adjudicari Contigerit in futuro Ac omnia et singula Indictamenta Judicia Attinct Condemnaciones Execuciones Imprisonament Puniciones et omnes al penas et penalitat quascunque In super vel versus dictum Johannem Franciscum Dickenson de pro sive Concernen premiss seu eor aliquem habit fact reddit' sive adjudicat aut Imposteru habend reddend fiend sive adjudicand Necnon omniu et singul utlagar versus prefat Johannem Franciscum Dickenson racione sive occasione premissor seu eor aliquor vel alicuius promulgat sive imposteru promulgand Ac omnes et omnimod Sect Querel forisfactur ' Impeticiones et demand quecumque que Idem Dominus




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* Sic in MS . for impeti.




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Sic in MS . for aliquid .








APRIL 1681


Rex versus Ipsum racione premissor seu eor alicuius habuit habet seu in futuro habere poterit aut Hered seu Successor sui ullo modo



' ipsius Domini ' Regis Que habere poterint* in futuro Sectaquepacis

ad Ipsum Dominum Regem versus prefat Johannem Franciscum Dickenson Pertinet seu Pertinere poterit racione premissor seu eor aliquor vel alicuius Et firma' pacem ipsius Domini Regis ei inde Dedit et Concedit per Litteras suas Paten' Nolens quod Idem Johannes Franciscus Dickenson per Vicecomites Justic' Ballios aut al ministros eiusdem Domini Regis Hered et Successor' suor occasione premissor per Litteras suas Paten pred Pardonat seu eor' aliquor vel alicuius molestetur occasioneturperturbetur seu in aliquo gravetur Volens quod dicte Littere Patentes ipsius Domini Regis quoad omnia et singula premissa in eisdem mencionat et pardonat bone firme valid et effectual in Lege sint et erint licet Crimin et offens pred minus certe specificat existunt Quodque dicta Pardonacio ipsius Domini Regis in omnibus Curiis ipsius Domini Regis et alibi Interpretetur& adiudicetur in beneficentissimo sensu pro firmior exoneracioneprefat Johannis Francisci Dickenson Ac etiam placitet et Allocetur in omnibus Curiis ipsius Domini Regis absque aliquo brevi de Allocacione in ea parte prius obtent' sive obtinend Denique Idem Dominus Rex voluit et Intencionem sua fore Declaravit quod nisi prefat JohannesFranciscusDickenson seipsum transportetur aut transportari faciat ante Tricesimu diem mensis Maii prox sequen post Dat pred Litterar Paten ipsius Domini Regis extra Dominion ipsius Domini Regis tunc Pardonacio pred Ac omnia in eadem content nullius erint vigoris aut effectus aliquo in eisdem Litteris Paten express e Contrario non obstan aliquo defectu aut aliquibus defectibus in Litteris Paten pred Content aut aliquo Statut Actu Ordinacione Provisione proclamacione sive restriccione aut aliqua al' re causa vel materia quacumque in Contrar inde in aliquo non obstante prout in eisdem Litteris Paten plenius apparet Quasquidem Litteras Paten premiss testificand Idem Johannes Franciscus Dickenson profert hic in Cur Que sequitur in hec verba scilicet Carolus Secundus Dei gra Anglie Scotie Francie et Hibernie Rex fidei Defensor etc. Omnibus ad quos presentes Littere nostre pervenerint Salutem Cum per Quandam Inquisicion Capt pro nob apud Justicehall in le Old Bailey London [the form is as that of Record (e) above, to the end of the indictment] Super quoquidem Indictament pred Johannes Franciscus Dickenson de alta prodicione Convict et Attinct fuit Sciatis vero quod Nos certis de causis pardon follow here , the form being as [the terms of the down to above, p. 327, in aliquo non obstante ] In






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Sic in MS. for Concessit. . * Sic in MS .. for poterunt Sic in MS for erunt. So also below. § Sic in MS . for transportet. Sic in MS . for Dominia . With the following differences : (1) Wherever any reference to the King occurs , the first person plural is here used (e.g., nostri for dicti Domini Regis etc. ) ; (2) The surname of the grand juror William Whitwell is here given as Whitehill . With the following differences : (1 ) Present tense used for past (e.g. ,


APRIL 1681





Cujus rei Testimoniu has Litteras nostras fieri fecimus Patentes Teste me ipso apud Westm Decimo die Maii Anno regni nostri


Tricesimo tercio Per ipsum Regem Barker * Quar quidem Litterar Paten prefat Domini Regis nunc pretextu Idem Johannes Franciscus Dickenson petit quod Ipse de premiss per Cur hic Dimittatur Super quo vis et per Cur' hic plene intellectis omnibus et singulis premissis Cons est per Cur hic quod pred Johannes Franciscus Dickenson de felon et alt prodicione pred in Indictament pred mencionat Et iudiciu superinde reddit versus pred Johannem Franciscum Dickenson Eat inde sine die etc.




















[Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss . A true & Perfect Kalendar of the Names of all the Prisoners in Newgate for Felony & Trespass the 13th day of Aprill 1681 ; inter alia.


Bailed by ye


John Bagget Comd by Sr Robert Clayton Knt said Sr Robert Charged upon oath by Dennis Mac-Namarrah for making an 16 March 1680$ assault & Riott with others on John Mac-Namarrah who went to apprehend one Robert Poore a person charged upon oath for being a Traitor & Concerned in ye Popish Plott in Ireland upon wch ye said Robert made his Escape Dated 15th March 16808 came upon bayle committed John Francis Dickenson Ind for High treason


pardonamus for pardonavit) ; (2) Wherever the King is there referred to, the first person plural is here used (e.g., Nos for dictus Dominus Rex noster for suus).


Barker is evidently the copy of a further signature occurring on the original Letters Patent . The King's signature is not transcribed; its presence , however, on the original is indicated by the words Per ipsum Regem . Sic in MS . for iudicio . In this section of the calendar occurs also an entry recording the commitment, on 5th April, 1681, of one Giles Whitturne (or Whittorne ) by Sir Thomas Alleyn , J.P. , " for speakinge scandelus & Treasonable words against his Majte. " Later records show that on May 16th he was mainprized (before Mr Recorder Treby) by his son, Giles Whittorne of St. Giles in the Fields, corn chandler, and John Wakefield, a baker of Alhallowes le great in Thames street, in recognizances of £40 each. On the original recognizance is the note" his Matte was pleased to say he would pardon " him for once and trust him upon his good behavior. That this person was a Catholic, however, is doubtful ; more probably he "was an extreme follower of the Whig Party, which had now fallen from power after the dissolution of Charles's third Parliament (March 28th) and the failure of the Exclusion Bill .


§ I.e., 1680/81. Having been let to mainprize at the preceding Sessions (cf. Sessions Book , p. 321 in text), Dickenson now surrendered himself in accordancewith the terms of the recognizance . This could not have been earlier than April 13th, for the present entry is in the hand of the clerk of the court and was written during the course of the current Sessions. The marginal note Ind He is indicted ) is a reference to his indictment on this file (supra in text).







APRIL 1681


[Sub- section on this calendar, entitled " London Prisoners upon Orders " ; inter alia.] Jno Bully Ind for Being a Romish Preist to Rem Edwd Sing To find Baile before Mr Recorder To appeare Del att ye next

Ind *




B. SESSIONS BOOK, APRIL , 1681. QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING APRIL, 1681 . Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions . ] Comparuit et traditur in Ball Willelmo Mounsey de paroch sancte Bridgitte alias Bride London Gener & Thome Lasher de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden London Bricklayer usque prox Sess pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. sub pena cuiuslibet eor L Willelmus Hudson de Bishoppsgate Lond Shippwright ans' Comparuit et traditur in Ball Georgio Bonnett de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste London Haberdasher & Granado Chester de paroch sancte Hellene Grocer usque prox quarterial Sess pac ad respond Et non deced etc. sub pena cuiuslibet eor Lip Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Dowgate London Mercator ans Comparuit et traditur in Ball Johanni Bawdicott de Christchurch Mealeman & Willelmo Mounsey pred Gener as over Sadler] sub pena cuiuslibet eor Liv






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' .... [ ' Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri London



ans '


Mauritius FitzGerrard Labor






' Comparuit & pros'§



Johannes Mack Namarra de le old change London Generos pros






Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Sessions .

13 APRIL , 1681.


Comparuit & Jud'll

Johannes Francis Dickenson ans

He is indicted ." Bully was actually indicted at the preceding December Sessions (cf. p . 308 in text). Delivered. This marginal note was written by the gaol clerk. Sing was therefore"released on bail before the opening of the present Sessions. The record of this initial recognizance is not extant. Ang.: " He is respited. , the case is deferred. " I.e. prosecuted (against Maurice FitzGerrard). He appeared and Ang






" He appearedand [had] judgment ."



Comparuit & pros






Comparuit & protul breve de Cerc Johannes Baggett Generos







Comparuit & Traditur in Ball Thome Lightfoote & Willelmo Day ibidem Vict usque prox Del Gaol ad pros tr sub pena cuiuslibet eor LI Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti martini In Campis Gener ans


de BPPsgate extra Vict



Ind (b)


Johannes Macnamarra de Paulschayne Lond Gener

Johannemf Baggett

APRIL 1681






[Among entries of trials at this



' '

' ' Sessions .]

8.2 . Ind modo Cogn' Indictament' Rep

per Cur ante Judiciu Johannes Bulley existens Sacerdos Roman ' & proditorie remanen in Angl





po se Cul Ca mull Trahatur super Biga usque ad furcas de Tiborne Et ibidem suspendatur per Coll et vivens super Terra prosternaturEt quod secreta membra eius amputenturg Ac quod interiora sua extra ventrem suu Capiantur Ipsoque vivente Comburentur Et quod Caput suu Amputetur Quodque Corpus suu in quatuor partes Dividatur Ac quod Caput et quarter ponantur ubi Dominus Rex ea assignare voluerit etc. Johannes Francis Dickenson pro proditorie persuadend & subtrahend Martha ' Cooke a natural obedienc Et reconciliand ipsam ad sedem Romana

' '











' ill'






FILE, MAY , 1681.





(1) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Francis Dickenson to plead his pardon.] London ss. Memorand quod Decimo septimo die Maii Anno Regni


Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angliae etc. XXXIII°

coram me Georgio Treby mil Recordator ' Civitat London ac un




'' '

Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat pred conservand assign Vener Thomas Whitfeild de Cranbourn street in paroch Sancti Egidii in Campis in Com Midd Taylor Willelmus Plomer de long Acre in paroch pred Tallow chandler Et Robertus Whitfeild




.: * Ang Ang

He appeared



' 'and produced ' writ of certiorari. a


He is indicted . .: Sessions "319Actually, Sing's indictment was taken at . Cf. the preceding "


in text.

On December 8th [ 1680 he is indicted . Now [i.e., at the present Sessions] he confesses the indictment [i.e., pleads guilty]. He is reprieved by the Court before judgment . The words Et quod secreta amputentur are interlined in MS. Ang.:



] "




MAY 1681


de Cranbourn street in paroch' pred Cardmaker in propriis personis suis et quilibet eor separatim recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi summam Centu librar legalis monet Angliae de separal bonis et Catallis terris et tenementis suis ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. sub condicione quod si Johannes Franciscus Dickenson personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session Gaol Deliberacion dicti Domini Regis de Newgate tenend ad Placitand Pardon dicti Domini Regis etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim se bene gesserit etc. quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. [Signed Geo : Treby Record Comparuit










' '







(2) [Ignored bill against William Barlowe and nineteen other persons for recusancy. ] London ss. Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu





presentant quod Willelmus Barlowe de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Generos Thomas Lingen de paroch et ward pred Gener ' Philippus Draycott nuper de paroch et ward pred Ar Johannes Purcell nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Henr Fox* nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos ' Johannes Thimbleby nuper de paroch et ward pred Armiger Willelmus Newson nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Robertus Thorold nuper de paroch et ward pred Armiger Willelmus Thorold Jun nuper de paroch et ward pred Gener Johannes Thorold nuper de paroch' et ward pred Gener Franciscus Thorold nuper de paroch et ward pred Gener' Jacobus Palmer nuper de paroch et ward pred Ar' Allen Perrey nuper de paroch et ward Ar' Henr ' Hildiard nuper de paroch et ward pred Ar Edwardus Willoughby nuper de paroch et ward pred Gener Domina Maria Smyth nuper de paroch et ward pred Vid Lewis Smyth nuper de paroch et ward pred Gener Thomas Holder nuper de paroch et ward pred Ar Willelmus Braitford nuper de paroch et ward pred Ar & Robertus Smyth nuper de paroch et ward pred Gener Vicesimo die Aprilis Anno regni Domini nostri spaciu Tricesimo tertio Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl *** . per (1 ) , p. 155 unius mensis [formula as.... ] Samuel Barrowe Del Gaol etc. [Endorsed] Super Commission Ignoramus (3) [Newgate calendar, entitled London ss . A true and perfect Kallender of the Names of all the Prisoners in Newgate for


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felony & Trespass the twentieth of May 1681

"; inter alia.]

first letter of this surname is doubtful. * The Witness for the prosecution. Ang.: Upon the commission of Gaol Delivery etc. This note, written by the clerk who engrossed the document, probably intimates that the bill is to be preferred to the grand jury at the then next G.D. Sessions (i.e., the present Sessions, beginning 20th May). § This section of the calendar contains also the following names : a) Francis Smith, committed to Newgate by the Privy Council on April ( 5th, 1681, for Conspireing to deprive the King of his Crowne & Governm





Deliverd by Hab:

2d May 81



MAY 1681



Robt Ely gent Comd by Sr Robt Clayton Knt charged upon Thomas Samson and John Macknamaras Oaths for Contriveing to Levy Warr and to Subvert his Majts Goverment in Ireland Date 16:


Aprill 81

Johannes Francis Dickenson Attinct de alt' prodicione Placit special pardon Domini Regis ex gra geren Dat Xo die Maii instant sub provisione seipsum quod transportetur extra Dominion dicti Domini Regis nunc ante Tricesimu diem eiusdem mensis Maii instant et Allocatur etc.§ [Sub- section on this calendar, entitled " London Prissoners upon Orders ; inter alia. ] Jno Fran : Dickenson Then Attd of severall Fellon & H : Treason Repr' after Judgmt to rem'¶ John Bully Then Convicted of H. Treason repr before Judgment





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& to Sett up free estate .

The Sessions Book shows that he was allowed bail on June 6th following , upon recognizances of £1,000 and three sureties of £500, until the next Sessions of July 6th, when he was discharged. This, no doubt, is Elephant Smith, the Anabaptist teacher, and publisher of Smith's Protestant Intelligence (cf. Muddiman, The King's Journalist) . (b) Samuel Harris , Committed [on May 18th, 1681 by Sr Wm Turner Knt charged by Robert Stephens one of his Mattes Messengers of the Printing Press for uttering and disperseing severall seditious & Treasonable Papers And by another warrt Dated 20th daye of May 1681, from the said Sr William for High Treason for uttering & publishing a Libell Intituled Treason in graine . He, like Smith above , was bailed till the Sessions of July 6th and then exonerated. Stephens , his accuser, was indicted for perjury (at the Sessions August following ) in thus charging him with responsibility for Treason in graine. have not been able to ascertain Harris's identity. Possibly he was a relation of Benjamin Harris , the Anabaptist publisher . (cf. Muddiman, op cit. ) .








" I


* Cf. Introd., p. xxix.

Sic in MS . for transportet . Sic in MS . for Dominia . § This entry is in the hand of the clerk of the court and was added to the calendarafter Dickensonhad pleaded his pardon in court . Ang.: John Francis Dickenson, attainted of high treason, pleads the special pardon exgratia of the Lord the King, bearing date the tenth day of this instant May, on condition that he transport himself beyond the dominions of the said Lord the present King before the thirtieth day of the same month of May: and [the pardon] is allowed etc. The word Then in this and the following entry refers to the date " 13 April, mentioned in a preceding item in this calendar. So also in entries concerning Bully in later calendars . This entry concerning Dickenson was, of course, written by the gaol clerk before the Sessions began . The note following the name refers also to two other prisoners bracketed with Dickenson in the calendar.







MAY 1681






Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this

[ Sessions.


Comparuit & traditur in Ball Thome Lightfoote de BPDsgate Coquo et Willelmo Dale de eadem Carpenter usque prox Session Oyer & Terminer * ad pros tr cu effectu sub pena utriusque mtor pred CH Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti Martini in Campis Generos pros tr



XL (1)

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Recognizance for the appearance of John Macknemarr and John Maclane to answer. ] London ss. Memorandu quod decimo die Junii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi Nunc Angl etc. XXXIII Coram me Thoma Bludworth Millite & un Aldermannor ac unu Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra Civitatem London Conservand Assignat ven Johannes Macknemarr de le Old Chang' London gent et Johannes Macklane de Broad Street London gent et uterque eoru' Recog se debere dict Domino Regi 40ll Legalis etc. Levand etc. et Similiter Thomas Sampson de Kingstreet Westmr gent et Johannes Craven London Skinner et separatim recogn se debere dict domino Regi 2011 Legalis etc. per viam Recognizance [ sic ] Sub Condicione quod predict Johannes Macknemarr et Johannes Macklane personaliter Comparuerint ad proximam Sessionem pac' pro Civitate London tenend ad respondend etc. et non deced etc. et interim de se bene gerend quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [signed ] Tho. Bludworth Comparuer For their good behaviour












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6 JULY, 1681 . London ss . Ad General Gaol Newgate Calendar, entitled Deliberacion tent apud Justicehall die Mercurii sexto die Julii Anno Regni Regis Car secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXIII ; inter alia.











Sessions of Oyer and Terminer were held at the Old Bailey simultaneously with the Gaol Delivery Sessions there. Cf. Introd. , p. vii. John (and Denis) Macnamara, John Maclane, William Hetherington , and Bernard Dennis (vide Newgate calendar for this Sessions, infra) were all members of a numerous band of Irish informers against Archbishop Plunket and the Irish Plotters . " Cf. Moran, Memoir of the Most Revd Dr Plunket, chaps. xxv and xxvi . John Arthur (see calendar) was probably another of these Irish hirelings of Shaftesbury (Cal . S.P. Dom. 1680-81 , p. 674), and is not to be identified with the brother of the London merchant, Daniel Arthur, who is mentioned in later London records .




JULY 1681



John Arthur Bal per Mr John


Rect *


Del per

Dat [ same charged upon John Macknamarrah Comd by the




by Sr George Treby Knt

Record of the Citty of London for misprision of Treason Dat. 23 May 81 Wm Hetherington Comd by the same charged upon John Arthurs Oath for compassing & imagineing the death of the King John Arthurs Oath for inticeing one Maurice FitzGerald wth offers of to swear agt her Maty that she plotted wth the Duke of York & severall other Peers to destroy the King & to bring in



] Dat 23 May 1681

Comd by the same charged upon John Arthurs Oath for the aforesaid Crime & for uttering seditious words Dat. 25 May 81 [Sub- section on this calendar, entitled " Prisons upon Orders ; inter alia. John Bully Then Convicted of H. Treason repr before Judgmt to rem

Del per ha Cor

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Barnard Dennis








(1) QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING 4 JULY , 1681 . [Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions.


* I.c., " Bailed by Mr Recorder"-no doubt on condition of his appear-

ance at the court of King's Bench to prosecute Hetherington , Macnamara, and Dennis. Henry Muddiman's news - letter of 7th June, 1681, states that the last two persons were arraigned there on this chargeon June 6th; Hetherington the week before . Arthur's recognizance should therefore be found

together with their indictments on the King's Bench file of that date. I.e., Sir George Treby (as also in the following entries). Date illegible, but, from the position of this entry in the calendar, almost certainly 23rd May, 1681. § I.e., Delivered by Habeas Corpus " : cf. Introd. , p . xxix. It should be remarked that this and the other two marginal notes in the calendar were written by the gaol clerk. In each case, therefore, the delivery from Newgate took place some time before the opening of the present Sessions. || MS . illegible. Presumably the same crime as that imputed to John Macnamara, since this entry immediately follows on the calendar. The prosecution of these persons was the outcome of Charles's anger at this latest development Plot conspiracy the impudent attempt to implicate her in the Popish Majesty the Queen . "John Arthur appears to have turned King's evidence. have not discovered the result of their trial, but Macnamaraand Hetherington were apparently acquitted ; cf. pp . 336 and 337 in text. The word Then refers to the date " April 13th, which occurs in a preceding entry.









JULY 1681



Comparuit & Traditur in Ball Johanni Bawdicott de Ivy Lane Mealeman & Willelmo Mounsey de paroch sancte Bride Cooper usque prox Quarterial Sess pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. sub pena Partis principal L & utriusque pleg pred XLI Willelmus Hudson de Bishoppsgate London


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Comparuit & traditur in Ball Granado Chester de St Hellens Grocer & Georgio Bonnett de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Haberdasher usque . as over Hudson sub pena partis principal L & utriusque pleg pred XLI Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Dowgate Lond Mercator ans




' '

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Comparuit & traditur in Ball Johanni Bawdicott de Ivy Lane Mealeman & Willelmo Mounsey pred usque [as over Hudson sub pena utriusque Pleg XLIP & Partis Lu ] Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri London ans'






29. 10. Comparuit Et Respur per Cur Quousque


etc. *


Johannes Macknemarr de le Old Change Lond Generos




Comparuit & exour etc. Johannes Macklave

de Broadstreete Lond









Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions. ] Comparuit et Recogn se debere Domino Regi Summa L usque prox Del Gaol ad respond etc. Et pros tr cu effectu etc.

6 JULY, 1681 .






' ' '' '

Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti Martini in Campis Generos pros

' tr'



* Ang.: " On 29th August [1681] he appeared and is [then] respited by the court until etc." There is no record of Macnamara's reappearance at any subsequent Sessions, so, possibly, Quousque signifies that the case is shelved or postponed indefinitely . Maclane's name is frequently thus mis- spelt in the official records. Cf. Moran, op. cit., p. 313, note. Ang.: He appearedand gave security in the sum of 50 until [ i.e., for his appearance at] the next Gaol Delivery Sessions, to answer etc. And to prosecutehis traverse with effect etc.





JULY 1681



(b) [Appeared and mainprized in court at this Sessions.] Willelmus Hetherington nuper Prisonar in Newgate traditur in Ball Elie Best de Thamestreet Hopmerchant & Roberto Bolter de Cornehill Bookeseller usque prox Del' Gaol ad respond etc Et non deced etc sub pena utriusque mtor pred CHI








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(1) [Recognizancefor the appearance of Peter Lamport to answer. Middlesex ss . * Decimo die Augusti Anno Domini 1681 Annoque Domini 1681 [sic] Annoque Regni Regis Car secundi 33cio Willelmus Whitfeild de Rosemary Lane in White Chappell victual recogn se debere Domino Regi Quinquagint lib : Egromont Thynn de Swan Alley in East Smithfeild Silkthrower recogn se debere Domino Regi Quinquagint lib : Condition Peter Lamport personally appeare at the next Sessions of the Peace to bee holden for the Citty of London at Justice Hall in the Old Baileythen and there to answeare to all such matters as on his Maties behalf shall bee objected against him by James Carroll for endeavoring to Suborn him to sweare against severall persons upon the accompt of Treason, and in the meane time to be of his good behaviour And not Depart the Court etc. [signed J. Ricroft Comparuit



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(2) [Indictment of Peter Lamportefor subornation of perjury.] 31.10 . po se 14. 12. Allocatur breve de Cerc' retornabile in

tres sancti Michaelis London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Petrus Lamporte nuper de London Yeoman septimo die Junii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo tertio existens Religion Papal Ac adtunc bene sciens Quenda Jacobu Caroll fore Divulgator angce a Discoverer Conspiracion proditorie Papistar Contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc ad Ipsum murdrand Et vera protestan Religion infra hoc Regnu











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of this Middlesex recognizance on the London file is * The occurrence an instance of the occasional overlapping of the two jurisdictions . Lamporte's offence is claimed to have been committed within the City boundaries (see indictment which follows). Actually Lamporte appeared and was indicted not at the Sessions of the Peace, but at the Sessions of Gaol Delivery of Newgate: cf. current Sessions Book (p. 340 in text ). Ang.: On 31st August [1681] he puts himself [' not guilty ' upon a jury of his country ]. On 14th October a writ of certiorari is allowed, returnable [to King's Bench] within the three weeks following St Michael's day.









Angl Stabilit et profess ' Destruend Ipse Idem Petrus Lamporte Deum pre oculis suis non habens sed Instigacione Diabolica mot et seduct et falso nequitur malitiose et Diabolice machinans' et Intendens Serenissimu Dominum Regem nunc Ac Religion pro' testan infra hoc Regnu Angl Stabilit' et profess in maximu odiu ' ' Infamia' et Contempt inducere Necnon Veros et fidel' Subditi* eiusdem Domini Regis professor' vere Religion ' protestan pred in ' magn periculo vitar suar' inducere Ac Conspiracion Papistar pro ' ' proditorie Conspirand dictum Dominum Regemnunc ad murdrand vera Religion protestan hoc Regno Lege et Angl' Stabilit ad ' ' in subvertend et superstitionem Ecclesie Romane in hoc Regnu Angl' Inferrend et Guerra' et Rebellionem infra hoc Regnu Angl' ad








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Levand et Suscitand adtunc adnihilare et auferre Predictus Petrus Lamporte postea scilicet dicto Septimo die Junii Anno Tricesimo tertio supradicto ad ill nefandissimas Imaginaciones Intenciones et proposita sua pred Perimplend et perficiend apud London videlicet in paroch sancte Marie Woolnoth in ward de Langborne London pred ad pred Jacobu' Caroll accessit Et adtunc et ibidem habens Colloquiu cu pred Jacobo Caroll de et Concernen Conspiracione proditoria Papistar ' pred Ipse Idem Petrus Lamporte adtunc et ibidem nequitur advisate malitiose et Diabolice Dixit et asseruit prefat Jacobo Caroll Quod per longu tempus ult preterit fuit magn Enarratio conspiracionis Papistar angce A Popish Plott (Conspiracion proditor papistar pred innuendo) sed fuit tantum Conspiracio Presbiterianor angce a Presbyterian Plott (Conspiracion fidel Subdit ' dicti Domini Regis Religion protestan innuendo) Et quod Isti (prefat fidel Subdit dicti Domini Regis nunc protestan Religion innuendo) Qui Conati fuissent explicare Conspiracion Proditor Papistar Subito Seisirents et suspenderent si non Converterent ista (Conspiracion' proditoria Papistar innuendo) super Presbiterianos (fidel Subdit dicti Domini Regis Religion protestan ' innuendo) Et quod Comes de Shaftesbury (Anthonium Comit de Shaftsbury un Proceru huius regni Angl innuendo) et divers al Proceres protestan Religion et alios Seisirent et mitterent ad Turrim (Turrim London innuendo) Ac Jur pred super Sacramentum suu pred ulterius Dicunt quod pred Petrus Lamporte ad pred Nefandissimas Imaginaciones Intenciones et proposita sua pred melius perimplend et perficiend postea scilicet dicto Septimo die Junii Anno Tricesimo tertio supradicto et divers al diebus et vicibus tunc antea apud paroch et ward pred et divers' al locis infra Civitat pred illicite iniuste nequitur malitiose et diabolice movit Incitavit aliciit et per-



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in MS . for subditos. * Sic The words conspiracionis Papislar angee A Popish Plott are interlined in MS .


Isti in MS . would seem to be an error for Istos. § The significance of the subjunctive here (and in suspenderent, seisirent and mitterent below) is not clear : possibly, " they ( the Catholics) would seize. " Sic in MS Comitem . . for Sic in MS. for ? allicuit (from allicere draw, entice) .




: AUGUST 1681


suasit eundem Jacobu Carol res agere angce to be concerned in explicand angce in making out ista ' (Conspiracion proditoria Papistar pred innuendo) fore Conspiracio* Presbiterianor angce


' ' '' ' a Presbyterian' Plott (Conspiracion' fidel' Subdit ' dicti Domini

Regis Religion protestan innuendo) Quia nunc fuit tempus facere Condiciones suas angce his own Termes (Condiciones per prefat






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Jacobu Carol faciend super diabolica Conspiracion pred innuendo ) Ea Intencione ad Ipsum Jacobu Caroll procurare et subornare falsum et Corrupt Testimon & Periur Contra fidel subdit dicti Domini Regis Religion' protestan ' infra hoc Regnu Angl pro iniqui lucri causa falso et Diabolice ad Committend et perpetrand Et veritat Conspiracion Proditor' Papistar Contra dictum Dominum Regem et Religion protestan infra hoc Regnu Angl Stabilit ad pervertend et destruend In Contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc Legumque suar' Ad magn periculum vitar quam plurimor fidel' subdit ' dicti Domini Regis Religion' protestan infra hoc Regnu Angl In Pessimu Exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac Contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Jacobus Caroll Johannes Grymes Willelmus Lewys Robertus Bawdron Johannes Zeale Laurentius Mowbrey * [Endorsed] Billa Vera




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Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in untitled sub- section [containing the names of prisoners " upon orders " ; inter alia.] John Bully Then convicted of H. Treason repr ' before Judgt to rem





31 AUGUST, 1681 .

persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions. ] Sic in MS . for Conspiracionem . * Witnesses for the prosecution.

In this (G.D.) section of the file occurs also an indictment against Richard Walden and Thomas Horrocks, both " late of London, yeomen , " for writing and publishing, on 7th July, 1681, in the parish of Christ Church, Farringdon Within, a scandalous and seditious " libellus , " entitled " The true Englishman speaking plaine English in a Letter from a friend to a friend , " which contained the following sentence, " And since there can be noe trust given to this Godly Couple of Popish brethren Nor any releife to be expected from the Parliament, trust to yor swords in Defence of yor lives Lawes Religion & property like the stout Earle of old who told a King that if Magna Charta would not defend him he would be releived by Longa Spada . Each, at this Sessions, confessed the indictment and was fined 20 shillings. The Newgatecalendar shows that they were originally imprisoned in the Poultry Counter . Robert Stevens was the witness against them. The Godly Couple of Popish brethren "were , doubtless , King Charles and the Duke of " York , and Walden and Horrocks themselves arrant Whigs.









Comparuit & recogn etc. L usque prox Session Oyer & Terminer ad pros tr * Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti Martini in Campis Generos pros tr



' '

' ' ' '



Comparuit & exour etc. Willelmus Hetherington nuper Prisonar in Newgate



Comparuit & traditur in ball Willelmo Woodfield de Rosemary Lane Vict & Ricardo Jones de Shadwell in Midd Silk dyer usque prox Sess pacis ad pros tr sub pena Partis Principal C & utriusque Pleg pred


' Lli






' ' ' '


Petrus Lamport de Rosemary Lane Generos








FILE, OCTOBER , 1681 .




Recognizance for the appearance of Nathaniel Thompson to answer. London ss . Memorand quod decimo tertio die Octobr ' Anno Regni Regis Car ' secundi tricesimo tertio venit coram nobis Patient Ward mil Major Civitis London et Georgio Treby mil Recordatore dicte Civitis duobus Justiciar' dicti Domini Regis nunc ad pacem conservand etc. Nathaniel Thompson apud le Crosse Keys Fetter lane London Bookeseller in propr persona sua Et tunc et ibidem recogn se debere Domino nostro Regi Quadragint libr legalis etc. levand etc. Condicio quod si ipse pred Nathaniel Thompson personal comparebit ad prox Session pacis pro Civite London tenend etc. Ad respondend Et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [signed] Geo : Treby Recordr For publishing and selling 3 scandalous and seditious Pamphletts (viz¹) A Dialogue Comparuit betwixt ye Devill and ignoramus Doctor, ye Poore prison's Lamentacion , An Excellent New Ballad§














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appeared and gave security of £50 until [ i.c., for his appear.: " He Sessions * Angthe next of Oyer and Terminer to prosecute a traverse [on ] his indictment ]." Indictatur (" He is indicted ") . Cf. Lamport's indictment on the file for this Sessions : p . 337 in text. ance at

The words de Rosemary Lane Generos' are a subsequent addition in the

same hand.

§ can find no evidence that Thompson was prosecuted for the last two pamphlets.








[Indictment of Nathaniel Thomson for printing and publishing a libellous and scandalous pamphlet "]


Cerc retornabile in octab sancti 5.7 . Allocatur breve de ' etc.


Hillarii Et Certificatur London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Nathaniel Thomson de paroch [sancti] Dunstani in occiden in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Typographus Decimo die Octobris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc & Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. tricesimo tertio illicite nequiter & malitiose machinans & intendens quietu statu & communem pacem & tranquilitat Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis infra Civitat London et alibi infra hoc regnu Angl inquietare & perturbare Et divers' differentias inter Ligeos & Subditos pred excitare movere & procurare Necnon quenda Titu Oates Clericu un Divulgator' angce discoverers & testiu proditor conspiracionis papistar dictum Dominum Regem nunc ad murdrand et vera protestan religion infra hoc regnu Angl stabilit et profess ad destruend in maximu odiu contempt infamia & scandalu cu omnibus Ligeis et Subditis dicti Domini Regis nunc eundem Titu Oates adtunc cognoscentibus et tunc imposteru cognoscend inducere Ac divers' lites & differentias inter prefat Titu Oates ac omnes pred Ligeos & subditos dicti Domini Regis eidem Tito Oates tunc cognitos & cognoscend excitare movere & procurare necnon bon nomen fama testimoniu & reputacionem eiusdem Titi Oates peiorare & auferre postea scilicet dicto Decimo die Octobris Anno supradicto apud London videlicet in paroch & ward pred ad nefandissimas & malitiosas machinaciones & intenciones suas pred celerius efficiend & exequend quoddam falsum scandalosu & odiosu Libell de et concernen prefat Tito Oates et ad defamacion opprobriu & scandalu eiusdem Titi Oates Intitulat A Dialogue betwixt the Devill And the Ignoramus Doctor illicite nequiter & malitiose devisat composit & script per quosdam homines quor nomina Jur pred adhuc ignot sunt Ipse pred Nathaniel Thomsons adtunc & ibidem illicite nequiter libellose & malitiose impressit & publicavit et imprimi & publicari causavit Tenor cuiusquidem libelli sequitur scilicet A Dialogue betwixt the Devil and the Ignoramus Doctor. Devil Behold from the Infernall Lake I'm come , To fright thy Soul to its Eternal doom : To tell thee, Villain , that thy Reign's expir'd, And now be sure thou shalt no longer hir'd Be by me, no, nor any of the damn'd, To drench in Innocent Bloud this mournfull Land . Hence then be gone, and doe noe more pursue Villanies Hell could ne'er act but by you: Now Heaven stops my power, and thy hand, And now tell thee, Doctor, thou art damn'd . Doctor. O Spectre !







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Ang. May [ 1682] a writ of certiorari is allowed, returnable " On] 5th to King's Bench within the octave of St Hilary's day [ 1682/3]. And [the [indictment ] is certified etc. " [i.e. , into that court]. The word sancti is omitted in MS. Doctor are interlined in MS. The words Dialogue betwixt § The surname Thomson is interlined in MS.







spare a while my dreadfull doom ! Go back and tell the damn'd

come, come; Only let me compleat the Ils I've begun, Then I IHeaven and unto you come Dev. The Bloud o th farwell, I ' .


Innocent aloud does cry, Revenge, Revenge, on cursed Doctor more o th Innocent shall bleed , nor die. Dr. Well, the time's come, the fatal day's at hand, That forever, ever must be damn'd . O curst Revenge ! What Mischiefs have done. Abjur'd the Father and Blasphem'd the Son . The Sacred Spirit of truth at once have Banish'd , and that my vengeance * might buy, I've caus'd the best of Innocents to dye. See where their Ghosts appear in Purple ray'd, Victims, by Perjury alone betray'd: See how they shake their Heads , and bleed afresh, Their wounds gape wide in their new murder'd flesh; And these most frightfull Visions come , cause Th bloudy villanous Murderer stand by. Tis true, that the cruel Murderer am, And thousands more by Purjury to trepan solemnly did vow, and often swear And none t'escape, from th Peasant to the Peer; Nay Sacred Prelates, Princes Queens and Kings , Should have made up my Bloudy Offerings, Ten Thousand more of Innocents had di'd, Cause King, Queene , and Duke had sacrific'd : Citties and Towns I'd Fir'd, not withstood , And quench'd the flames with Innocent Blood. Let me but live in this world three yeares more, This Island then shall swim in Christian gore; Ile subvert Governments and murder Kings, Sow discord amonge friends I'le doe such things Shall make the world believe there is not that Villanous thing have not power to act: I'le make the World believe (let me but stay) That Light is Darkness, and that Night is Day; That the Saviour of the Nation am, And that Christ was of noe avail to Man ; Then the Sacred Gospels will destroy, Swear they'r but fictions Stories and a Lye; Perswaide them that the Bible's but a farce, No more to be esteem'd then is my [ sic] Soe I'le inprove the art of Purjury, That none who are not Skill'd in villany Shall live ; thus will fitt this Isle for Hell And then adieu the World and Heaven farewell, Thus a Learned Doctor will commence , And the people be ador'd for Nonsence , And with Sedition I their Souls will influence. Devil. Peace thou Prophane wretch , hold Villain hold , for know with Heaven and Earth thou are too bold , And must tell thee another Winter old Thou shalt not be, thy Life & Soul are sold: When flat on th Alter Thou thyselfe didst Lay, Remember that thou gav'st thy Soul away, To me; and Swor'st for ever thou'dst be mine Might'st thou but compass thy Hellish designe; To imbrue thy hands in Innocent blood, And murder all who had the face of good : Devils and Hell in this Thou hast out done, By thy damn'd Perjury i'th face o'th sun, Hence then be gone to Hell, away away For in this place thou shalt no longer stay. (Spoken by an old Acquaintance ) Why how now Doctor Vanish'd fled and gone , What none but Monsieur Devil, and You alone ? Are all your Projects come to this damn'd end Thus to be hamper'd and

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vengeance have been written upon * The words The Sacred Spirit an erasure in MS . The erased words are illegible.






ridden by a Fiend ? Unpitied lye, blaspheme and groan thy last, Belch forth thy unhallow'd Soul and blast Hell it self with thy unsanctify'd breath , And groveling i'th shades of Eternall death leave thee, Ha, Ha, Ha, poor Doctor Good night little Mr Devil's Doctor, In Contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc legumque suar' Ad magn opprobriu scandal defamacionem & infamia prefat Titi Oates In magn perturbacionem pacis dicti Domini Regis & populi sui inquietud In malu exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron & dignitat suas etc. Stephanus Whiteway Ricardus Farley Johannes Rathbone * [Endorsed] Billa Vera













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(c) [Indictment of Nathaniel Thompson for printing and publishing a scandalous libel."] "

5.7 . Allocatur breve de Cerc' retornabile in Octab' sancti

Hillarii Et Certificatur etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Nathaniel Thompson nuper de paroch sancti Andree Holborne in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Printer undecimo die Octobris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc' Franc' et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. tricesimo tertio illicite nequiter et malitiose machinans & intendens quietu statu & Communem Pacem et tranquilitatem ligeor & subditor dicti Domini Regis inhabitan infra Civitat London et alibi infra hoc regnu Angl inquietare & perturbare Et divers differentias inter Cives Civitat pred excitare movere & procurare necnon quendam Johannem Jekyll Civem Civitat pred in maximu odiu contempt infamiam & scandalu non solu cu omnibus Civibus & inhabitan Civitat pred veru etiam cum omnibus al ligeis & subditis dicti Domini Regis nunc eundem Johannem Jekyll adtunc cognoscentibus & tunc imposteru cognoscend inducere Ac divers' lites [ et ] differentias inter prefat ' Johannem Jekyll et Cives & inhabitan Civitat pred ac omnes pred al ligeos & subditos dicti Domini Regis eidem Johanni Jekyll tunc cognitos & cognoscend excitare movere & procurare necnon bon nomen famam & reputacion eiusdem Johannis Jekyll pejorare & auferre Ipse pred Nathaniel Thompson postea scilicet dicto undecimo die Octobris Anno supradicto apud London videlicet in paroch & ward pred ad nefandissimas & malitiosas machinaciones et intenciones suas pred celerius efficiend et exequend quoddam falsum scandalosu & odiosu libellu de & concernen prefat Johannem Jekyll et ad defamacionem opprobriu & scandalu ejusdem Johannis Jekyll malitiose illicite & nequiter devisat composit & script per quosdam homines quoru nomina Jur pred adhuc ignot sunt adtunc et ibidem illicite nequiter libellose & malitiose inter


















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for the prosecution. * Witnesses The word et is omitted in MS .








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Cf. minute on precedingindictment .







al' res impressit & publicavit & imprimi & palam publicari causavit Tenor cuiusquidem libelli sequitur scilicet Guildhall October 4 At a Court of Aldermen it was Ordered That a Committee of Aldermen should be appointed to inspect into the Practices of Mr Jeakell and others of his Party concerning the false Reports and scandalous Reflections that they busied themselves in on the last Election day as is reasonablysuppos'd on Purpose to incite men not to give their Votes for Sir John Moor * our Present Lord Mayor Elect the better Sir John Moore was an Anglicar Tory. That an inquiry was actually made into the intrigues of John Jekyll and other Whig Dissenters (Shaftes-



bury's Party) to thwart the rightful election of this loyalist Lord Mayor is shown by a series of depositions and informations preserved among the Sessions Papers ( Bundle 1670-1689 ) in these archives. here transcribe the most interesting among them : (a) [Deposition of John Jekyll] 19° Octobr' 1681. John Jekell Citizen and Fishmonger of London sayes that two daies after Michaelmas day last Dr Cox told him that what hee saied Sr John Moore did speak at his Father in Lawe's at Tootin was that there was no Danger now of a Popish Plott for there were severall men tryed and executed upon it and therefore there was an end of that but there was another sort of people that were restlesand that would alter the Government into a Common Wealth and that was more dangerous than the other, or words to this effect. [signed ] John Jekyll. (b) [ Deposition of Daniel Cox: undated .] The words weh heard from Sr John Moore att Tooting November last were according unto the best of my Remembranceand uppon frequent Recollection the Ensuing Discoursing Concerningthe Popish Plott weh hee then fully owned : Hee added that a full Discovery thereof having been made and the Conspirators punished or imprisoned hee apprehended no great Danger to the Government from them But that there was a Restlesse active sort of people of Common wealth principles that were Endeavouring to bring us into Confusion and that the Government had cause to have as watchfull an Ey over them as over the Papists. [signed ] Dan : Coxe [Endorsed : Dr Cox No (7). (c) [Information of Richard Hoare] duodecimo die Octobris 1681. Richard Hoare Citizen and Goldsmith of London saieth that one Mr Smith an Apothecary in Southwarke reported on the Hustings in Guildhall on Michaelmas day last before the Election of the Lord Mayor (abundance of People being then in the Hall) that Sr John Moore said hee did beleive that there was no Popish Plott but that Hee beleived there was a presbeterian Plott or Words to that Effect and Hee then asking Mr Smyth if Hee heard Sr John Moore say so, who replied no and then the said Mr Hoare asking him why hee would report soe malicious a thing was answered by the said Mr Smyth that hee had it from a Friend that had it from Dr Cox and therefore he beleived it or words to that Effect. [signed ] Richard Hoare. [Endorsed : 12° Octobr 1681. Richard Hoare's Information N° (5).] (d [Information of Dr Novell : undated .] On the day Sr John Moore was chosen La Mayor for the ensuing yeare I having business in BartholomewLane, I passed through the insurance Office Court, intending to goe through Amsterdam Coffee-house into the said Lane; But as I pass'd along met with one Spineage , who is call'd by some Capt : Spineage , and knowing him to be a relation of a Worthy Friend of Mine sate down by him and call'd for a Dish of Coffee, weh thinke I had scarse dranke before Mr Oates came into the Room, who applying himselfe to Mr Spineage ask'd him how the Choice went ? Spineage answered he had not heard, Then immediately answered that there was no doubt but Sr John Moor would carry it. Mr Oates hastily answered was inform'd it replyed Why Sr; What make you thinke so ? was his right in Course, and that he had all the Church of England men of his side and many of ye ModerateDissenters. Mr Oates replyed ; Dissenters ? Those Dissenters are Rascals, and so are all such , that will hold up their hands for such a Popish Rascal as Moor is funderlined in MS. ]. Then putting

















to enable them to carry on their Hellish Fanatick Intrigues The Committee are to report the matters (as they shall find them) to the Court in Order to the bringing those that are Guilty to Condign Punishment In Contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc legumque suaru Ad magn opprobriu scandalu defamacionem et infamiam prefat Johannis Jekyll In magn Perturbacionem & violacionem pacis dicti Domini Regis et Populi sui inquietud In malu exemplu omniu al in Consimili casu delinquen Ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et dignitat suas Alice Green Rebecca Peyton * Endorsed] Billa Vera




' '















[Indictment of Henry Nevill and twelve other persons for recusancy. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Henr Nevill nuper de paroch sancti Andree Holborne in ward de Farringdon extra London Armiger Johannes FitzGerrard nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Jacobus











his Thumbs under his Girdle he flang away in a great passion not giving me the Opportunity of answering him. (being amazed at those irreverent an[d] undecent expressions ;) told Spineage thought he was Mad, and that he ought to bleed ; Spineage said need not have stood up so much for Sr John Moor and those words of Mr Oates's, to wch thought fit to give no answer , but being much Mov'd to heare so worthy a person abus'd, related these passages immediately tho without any designe of doing Mr Oates injury having ever had a respect for everything weh saw that was good in him, and in particular for the Discovery he hath made of ye Popish Plot . [signed ] T: Novell . [Endorsed : Dr Novell No (6).,] Other papers signed by Robert Jenkes Citizen and Leatherseller, Henry Hunter, John Sweetaple, and Mr Smyth, Apothecary, complete the series. There is no evidence in these archives that Jekyll and his companionswere further prosecuted in this matter. In this Q.S.P. section of the file occurs also a bill against Samuel Mearne (the bill is ignored in his case) and James Wade (Vade), bookseller, of St. Dunstan's in the West, for publishing a " malicious libel " against theretiring Lord Mayor (Sir Patience Ward) , Sheriffs (Slingsby Bethell and Henry Cornish ) and Sirs Robert Clayton and Thomas Player, Aldermen all Whigs and Dissenters entitled A new Ballad of London's Loyalty To a pleasant new Tune call'd Burton Hall. " Several verses of this divertingproductionstrongly Tory in character are quoted in the indictment . No minute occurs indicating proceedings against Wade. for the prosecution. * Witnesses section of the file is to be found an indictment against In this G.D. Benjamin Tooke, stationer, of the parish of St. Gregory, Farringdon Within, for printing and publishing on 10 May, 1681, a " malicious libel " (in three parts) against the House of Commons and Dissenters , entitled Heraclitus Ridens or a Dialogue between Jest and Earnest concerning the Times " evidently a Tory production . Several offending passages are quoted from this trenchant satire on the Whig intrigues of the times. A minute on the bill states that Tooke " was allowed a writ of certiorari returnable [to King's Bench] within the octave of St Hilary's day [ 1681/2 .

















Thompson nuper de paroch et ward pred Bookeseller Margo Thompson nuper de paroch et ward pred Spinster Johannes Turner nuper de paroch et ward pred Bookeseller Johannes Burroughes nuper de paroch et ward pred Miles Johannes Gage nuper de paroch' et ward pred Armiger Georgius Roberts nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos ' Henr Blasden nuper de paroch et ward pred Pharmacopola Maria Blasden nuper de paroch et ward pred Spinster alias dicta Maria Blasden uxor pred Henr ' Blasden Edwardus Browne nuper de paroch' et ward pred Yeoman Francisca Browne nuper de paroch et ward pred Spinster alias dicta Francisca Browne uxor pred Edwardi Browne et Petrus Theodore nuper de paroch' et ward pred Generos tertio die Julii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Angl Tricesimo per spaciu trium mensiu integror ' et ultra tertio [formula as (1), p. 155 Willelmus Powell * Proclamacio facta fuit secundum forma statut etc. 7.2 . Defalt fecer Ideo etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera




' ' ' '


' '

' ' ' '




' ''



'' '






'' '










.... '

(b) [Indictment of Sir Thomas Preston, bart. , and nineteen other persons for recusancy. ] London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu



presentant quod Thomas Preston nuper de paroch sancti Dunstani in occiden in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Baronett Gregorius Stapleton nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos ' Ricardus Petre nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Robertus Petrenuper de paroch et ward pred Generos ' Willelmus Byflett nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Willelmus Thompson nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos ' Franciscus Grimston nuper de paroch' et ward pred Generos Thomas Gunter nuper de paroch et ward pred Yeoman Johannes Miller nuper de paroch et ward pred Yeoman Adamus Piggott nuper de paroch et ward pred Swordcutler Gawen Wood nuper de paroch et ward pred Yeoman Willelmus Hodgshons nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Stonard Crouch nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Petrus Beaugrand nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Georgius Wilson nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos ' Roger' Powell nuper de paroch et ward pred Armiger Willelmus Hutchinson nuper de paroch et ward pred Linnendraper Willelmus Crouch nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos Willelmus Garrett nuper de paroch et ward pred Generos et Robertus Winn nuper de paroch et ward pred Yeoman Tertio die Julii Anno regni Domini










' '


' ' '



' '






'' '








' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' '



' '

' ' ' '


' '






. * Witness for the prosecution Proclamation was made according to the form of the statute Ang.: etc. At the Sessions beginning] 7th December [ 1681] they made default. Therefore etc." [ i.e. , they were convicted]. Spelt Petree in Estreats of Forfeitures Book. § Spelt Hodgson in Estreats of Forfeitures Book.





nostri Caroli secundi Angl triu mensiu integror et ultra








per spaciu

Tricesimo tertio

p. 155] [formula as ( 1),....

' Willelmus Powell

Titus Oates* proclamacio facta fuit secundum forma Defalt fecer Ideo etc. [Endorsed] Billa Vera



' Statut' etc. 7.2.

(c) [Newgate calendar, in untitled sub-section containing the names of prisoners " upon orders " ; inter alia.] John Bully Then Convicted of H. Treason repr before ' iudgt



(1) QUARTERSESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING 14 OCTOBER , 1681. [Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions.


Respur super affidavits Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Dowgate Lond Mercator ans




Comparuit et traditur in Ball Jacobo Bawdicott de Ivy Lane Mealeman & Willelmo Mounsey de paroch sancte Bride Chirurg usque prox Quarterial Session pacis ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend etc. sub pena cuiuslibet eor XL Willelmus Hudson de Bishoppsgate London Shippright










Comparuit & traditur in Ball supranominat Jacobo Bawdicott & Willelmo Mounsey sub condicion pred || sub pena cuiuslibet eor XL Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri London





'' 21. 12. Comparuit & protul' breve de Cerc'T Petrus Lamporte de Rosemary Lane London Generos





' tr'

Respur in prisona Cur Domini Regis Matheus Turner ans Witnesses for the prosecution. *




Cf. minute on preceding indictment . I.e., 13th April, 1681. Ang.: He is respited upon an affidavit " [produced at this Sessions]. || I.e., as stated in minute over Hudson above. On 21 October [ 1681 he appeared and [then] produced a Ang.: . writ of certiorari " Ang.: Case deferred. He is in the King's Bench prison.


" " "





Ind *







Comparuit & protul breve de Cerc 12.2 Nathaniel Thompson apud le Crosse Keyes in Fetterlane ans' Bookeseller




persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions .] Comparuit & Recogn' etc. XL usque prox Sess' Oyer ' & Terminer ad pros tr

' ''

Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti Martini in Campis Generos pros tr


' '








for the appearance of Nathaniel Thompson to [Recognizance answer.] London ss . Ma quod XVII° die Novembris An° Regni Regis Car: secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXIII Cora me Willelmo Turner Mil un Aldermannor ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pac infra

' ' '

' I.e.,






12th December [ 1681 ]. * Indictatur is indicted ). This refers to Thompson's indict(" He ment for publishing the Dialogue"" only: cf. p. 341 in text. "

Cf. p. 340, note. § In the G.D. section of this file is to be found the famous bill against Anthony , Earl of Shaftesbury, for high treason, together with the panel of the grand jury who ignored it . Endorsed on the indictment are the names of witnesses against him , as follows : Mr John Booth ; Edward Turbervile ; blank] Feiria [or ? Feirra ] ; [blank] Johnson; John Smith ; Stephen Dugdale; [David FitzGerald ; John Macnamarra; Dennis Macnamarra; Bernard Dennis; Edward Ivie; Bryan Haynes; Edmond Murphy ; [blank] Godolphin; Fran . Gwinn ; Wm Blathwayt ; Sr Leoline Jenkins. The names of Feiria, Johnson, Dugdale, FitzGerald, Murphy , and Godolphin are scored in MS., implying , think, that although these persons gave information anteriorly to the drafting of the bill, they did not testify before the grand jury. To the remaining names the note Jur (Juratus, " sworn") has been subsequently appended in each case, from which it may be inferred that these persons gave evidence on both occasions, their later testimony before the grand jury being delivered on oath. The indictment contains no charges specifically of interest to Catholics. An English translation of it, together with a full account of the proceedings , was published by Samuel Mearne and John Baker (" by his Majesty's Command ) in December, 1681. This tract is to be found in the British Museum : press -mark, 515 1. 4. The names of the grand jury are given in a complementary tract, issued by the same publishers, entitled " The Two Associations (B.M., press-mark T. 1. * (76)) . The volumes in which these two tracts occur contain much important information on the period. On this file occurs also an inquisition -post-mortem, dated 23rd October, 1681, on Edward Edwards, a prisoner in Newgate, who died a natural death in Newgate on October 21st. Cause of imprisonment not stated.











Civit London conservand assign' ven' Nathaniel Thompson de Fetter lane London Printer Et traditur in ball Samuel' Carr de '


Paulschurchyard in paroch sancti Gregorii London Booksell & Walter Davis de Amen Corner London bookebinder usque prox Session pac' pro Civit' London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend Sub pena Partis Principal C & utriusque pleg pred L legalis etc. levand etc. quas etc. si etc. [signed Wm Turner









' '

' '

Being charged in a warrt granted by the right honoble the Lord Maior for publishing seditious bookes reflecting on severall Persons in the Governmt





of this City



calendar for this Sessions, in untitled sub-section con[Newgate taining the names of prisoners " upon orders " ; inter alia.] John Then Convicted Treason rem







of High



persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions. ]

12.2 . Comparuit & protul breve de Cerc Nathaniel Thompson de Fetterlane London Printer







7 DECEMBER, 1681 . Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this

[ Sessions.]

Comparuit & recogn etc. XL usque prox Session Oyer & Terminer ad pros tr's Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti Martini in Campisyeom pros tr



' '



' '

* I.e., 13th April, 1681. Ang.: " On 12th December [ 1681] he appeared and [then] produced a writ of certiorari .



He is indicted ." Since the file for the present Sessions contains no indictment of Nathaniel Thompson, it is evident that this entry and the corresponding recognizance on the file (see text, supra) refer to proceedings on the indictment for libel against John Jekyll presented at the preceding " text). October Sessions (cf. p". 343 in Cf. p. 340, note.



JANUARY 1681/2




/ *




Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions .] Respur per Cur Quousque prox etc. Matheus Turner ans 24.3 . Comparuit & exour etc. Johannes Sadler de paroch sancti Johannis Baptiste Mercator ans'


' *




24.3 . Comparuit & exour etc. Willemus Hudson de Bishoppsgate London Shippright ans 24.3 Comparuit & exour etc. Andreas Crumbleton de paroch sancti Sepulchri Lond





' B.



16 JANUARY, 1681/2 . § Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this


[Sessions . ]

Comparuit & Jud || Edwardus Sing de paroch sancti Martini in Campis in Com Midd Yeoman pros (2) [Among entries of trials at this Sessions. 25.4.81 . Ind & po se modo Jurata non Cul Ideo eat inde sine die etc. Super Comission Edwardus Sing pro Sedicione Oyer & Terminer

' ' '







The file containing the records of the Q.S.P. and G.D. Sessions of this date is extant but yields no matter explicitly referring to Catholics or recusants , apart from the entry in the Newgate calendar concerning John Bully, which runs exactly as that in the calendar for December preceding . Ang.: He is respited by the court until the next etc." Actually, Turner was not required to reappear until the Q.S.P. of July (cf. p. 356). Ang.: On 24thJanuary [ 1681/2] he appeared and is dischargedetc. The two entries transcribed beneath are to be found in the Sessions Book in the section assigned to the Gaol Delivery Sessions of this date, the title of which section concludes with these words : Md quod Sessio Oyer & Terminer tent & Adiornat fuit eisdem diebus et locis ac coram prefat Justic prout Del Gaol pred . Ang.: He appearedand [had judgment . Sic in MS . for pros tr . Ang.: On 25th February , 1680/81, he was indicted and put himself not guilty upon a jury of his country ]. Now [ i.e., at the present Sessions] a Jury [is summoned] ; [he is found] not guilty. Therefore let him go acquitted of the charge without a day etc. It should be remarked that [the date here given (25.4.81 . ) is a clerical error for 25.4 . So , according to the system of dating then in vogue among lawyers.




' "' '

[' **






' '













FILE , FEBRUARY, 1681/2.






(1) [Indictment of Nathaniel Thompson for printing and publish-

ing a scandalous libel. ] Allocatur breve de Cerc retornabile in Crastino Assencion Domini Et Certificatur etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Nathaniel Thompson nuper de paroch sancti Andree Holborne in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Printer vicesimo tertio die Februarii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra' Angl' Scoc Franc & Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. Tricesimo Quarto illicite nequiter et malitiose machinans et intendens Quietu Statu et Communem pacem et tranquilitatem Ligeor [as in indictment (c ) , p. 343] perturbare Necnon quendam Johannem Cowper un Coronator Domini Regis Comitat sue Midd in maximu odiu contempt [the surname Cowper substituted for Jekyll] pejorare et auferre Ipse Nathaniel Thompson postea scilicet dicto vicesimo tertio die Februarii Anno supradicto apud London videlicet in paroch et ward pred ad nefandissimas & malitiosas machinaciones exequend quoddam falsum scandalosu & odiosu libellu de et concernen prefat Johannem Cowper publicari causavit Tenor cuiusquidem Libelli sequitur scilicet London Feb. 22 This morning the Sessions began at Hicks's hall where a Considerable number of Gentlemen were sworn for the Grand Jury Sir William Smith being























' ' ....








In the S.P. section of the file occurs a recognizance , taken 28th January , 1681/2, before Sir Wm . Turner, for the appearance at this Sessions (beginning 22nd Feb. ) of John Hales to answer for assaulting Peter Gorey and John Barber & abuseing them as they were passing the streete. On the same document is the record that Peter Gorey de Well Cort in Soper lane, London, mercator , and John Barber de Watling Streete, salter, " are bound over to appear and prosecute . All duly appeared. Hales, nuper de London yeoman,' was immediately indicted for the assault as against Gorey alone (the indictment is on this file) , pleaded guilty and was fined 6s 8d. Peter Gorey was doubtless a member of the Catholic family which figures elsewhere in these records . In the Sessions Book record of this case his name is spelt Garry .








There is an unusual indictment in this G.D. section of the file against

Thomas Cheeke, Lieutenant of the Tower of London, and James Walmsley , one of the warders, for starving Edward Whitaker , a prisoner there from 8th July to 28th November, 1681, committed for high treason. Cheeke and Walmsley were allowed, on 10th July, 1682, a certiorari, returnable, for the Michaelmas term next following , to King's Bench. Edward Whitaker was a non - Catholic solicitor , connected with the traitor Edward FitzHarris. Two inquisitions -post-mortem on Newgate prisoners occur, stating that : (a) Henry Stevens died a natural death in gaol on Monday, 13th Feb., 1681/2 . Inquisition taken on 15th Feb. (b) Richard Peckles died a natural death in gaol on Saturday, 29th January, 1681/2. Inquisition taken on 29 Jan. Cause of imprisonment not given in either case. Ang A writ of certiorari is allowed, returnable [to King's Bench on the morrow of Ascension Day. And [ this indictment ] is certified [ thither etc.


.: "

] ]






Chairman Then immediatelythey proceeded to business And the first was one Mr Cooper one of the Coroners for the County of Middlesex who was partly Indictted for refusing to view the murthered Body of Tho : Thyn Esq. and partly for extorting demanding and receiving at several times several Sums of money above his Fees and contrary to several Statutes in that case made and provided In contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc ' Johannes Cowper Josephus Jekyll *

[Endorsed] Billa Vera (2) [Newgate calendar for this Sessions , in untitled sub-section containingthe names of prisoners " upon orders " ; inter alia.] John Bully Convicted of H. Treason 13 Apr 81



(I) (a)



FILE, APRIL , 1682.*

QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING (1682). 24 APRIL , 34 CHARLES Recognizance for the appearance of Alexander Burnet § and John Ewen to answer and of Titus Oates to prosecute.




London ss. Mdum quod vicesimo secundo die Aprilis Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. tricesimo quarto vener coram me Johanne Moore mil' Major Civitat London ac un Justiciar dicti Domini Regis nunc ad pacem conservand etc. Alexandrus Burnet de old Pall Mall in paroch sancti Martini in Campis in Com Midd Gener' Johannes Ewen de Lothbury London Mercator Jacobus Kelke de Cornhill London Pewterer et Johannes Danvers de Cateatonstreete London Leatherseller in propr personis suis Et tunc et ibidem pred Alexandrus Burnet et Johannes Ewen recogn se et eor utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi XL


' '













* Witnesses for the prosecution.

The file has evidently been broken and at a later date re-strung in a haphazard fashion, with the result that it is now impossible to distinguish the Q.S.P. from the G.D. indictments . It is practically certain , however, that no documents of Catholic interest have been lost. Among the Q.S.P. recognizances on the file is one taken before Sir William Turner on 23rd Feb., 1681/2 , for the appearance at this Sessions of William Noble de Threadneedle Alley in paroch de Shoreditch in Com Middles , porter ," to answer " For his good behavior being Committed to Bridewell by Sr Thomas Bludworth for sayeing Sr George Jeffreyes was one of the Duke of Yorkes Knights etc." He appeared and was discharged (Sessions Book). § A priest of this name, a Scotsman , had been condemned to death for priesthood and for reconciling non- Catholics to the Faith, at the Old Bailey Sessions of December, 1674, reprieved in Newgate, pardoned in February, 1674/5 , and banished (cf. M.C.R., vol. iv, and Cal. S.P. Dom . Car. ). He was a native of Aberdeen , and had come over from Rome in 1673 (Sessions Paper City Guildhall for 9 Dec. , 1674, in Black Book of Newgate 1674-9 Library) . In Gordon's Catholic Church in Scotland (p. 528), it is erroneously stated that this priest died in Paris in 1672. Alexander Burnet was the first priest prosecuted as such in London or Middlesex under Charles II.










APRIL 1682



legalis etc.

Et dicti Jacobus Kelke et Johannes Danvers recogn et eor utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi XX11' legalis etc. levar etc. Condicio etc. quod si ipsi pred Alexandrus Burnet et Johannes Ewen personal comparuer' ad prox Session' pacis pro Civitat London tenend etc. ad respond etc. Et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. Et interim se bene gess etc. Et die et anno pred Titus Oates de Shorters Court in Throgmortonstreete recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi XX legalis etc. levar' etc. Condicio etc. quod si ipse Titus Oates personal comparebit ad prox Session pacis pro Civite London ad pros et preferend bill Indictament versus pred Alexandru et Johannem Ewen etc. [signed John Moore Major Titus Oates haveing sworne the Peace agt Burnet & Ewen Comparuer seipsos






' ' ' '












[Recognizance for the appearance of Nathaniel Thompson to



London ss . Mdum quod vicesimo die Martii Anno regni domini nostri Caroli secundi nunc Regis Angl etc. Tricesimo Quarto in propriis personis suis ven coram me Johanne Moore mil Major Civits London ac un Justic dicti Domini Regis nunc ad pacem ' conservand etc. Nathaniel Thompson de Fetter Lane London Printer Willelmus Cooper de little Brittain London Stacioner et Ezechiel Polster § de Fetter Lane pred Gener' Et tunc et ibidem pred Nathaniel recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi C legalis etc. Et dicti Willelmus et Ezechiel recogn se ipsos et eor utrumque per se debere dicto Domino Regi L legalis etc. levar etc. Condicio etc. quod si ipse Nathaniel Thompson personal comparuerit ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat London tenend etc. ad respond etc. Et abinde non etc. quod tunc etc. alioquin etc. [Signed John Moore Major For printing and publishing Libells Comparuit
















' '







26 APRIL , 1682. Newgate calendar for this Sessions , in untitled sub-section containing the names of prisoners " upon orders ; inter alia. John Bully Convicted 13 Apr 81 of high treason





* Actually , no indictment was preferred .

swear the peace against a person is to show that one has just " " to keep the peace . Wharton Law


cause to fear his menaces, in order to get him bound over

Lexicon. , This recognizance and the corresponding entry in the Sessions Book (infra in text) clearly refer to proceedings upon the indictment found against Nathaniel Thompson at the preceding Sessions (p . 351 in text). Surname doubtful . MS. badly rubbed. W



APRIL 1682




QUARTER SESSIONS OF PEACE , BEGINNING 24 APRIL , 1682. persons previously bound over for appearance at this Among [ Sessions .]

26.6 . Respur etc. Et Allocatur breve de Cerc * Nathaniel Thompson de Fetterlane Printer


' ans' Comparuit


& ipse & subnominat Johannes

Ewen ' traduntur in ball Johanni Danvers & Johanni Palmer ' Curryers usque prox' Session' pacis de Petticoate Lane pro Civitat London tenend ad Respond Et non ' deced etc. ' Sub pena partes' principal & eor utrique ' ' pred XL L ' utriusque Pleg ' Alexander Burnett de 'old Pall Mall in paroch sancti ' ' etc.


Martini in Campis Gener'



Comparuit Johannes Ewen de Lothbury London Mercator ans'

Comparuit & pros Titus Oates de Throgmorton streete pros










II (1682).

Recognizance for the appearance of John Brookes to answer.] [London ss . Memorand quod sexto die Maii Anno Regni Domini ' Regis Angl' etc. XXXIIII° Coram me Caroli secundi nunc nostri Georgio Treby mil' Recordator' Ac un Justic' dicti Domini Regis nunc ad pacem infra Civit' London 'conservand assign Vener ' ' in Com' ' Midd' Johannes Brookes de paroch sancti Egidii in Campis ' ' & Com pred gener Thomas gener Franciscus Herne de paroch ' et personis ' de paroch' & Com pred Fringmaker ' Tompkins propriis in ' ' ' se debere dicto Domino Regi suis Et predictus Johannes 'recogn summam quadragint ' librar' legalis monet' Anglie Et predicti Franciscus et Thomas et uterque eor' separatim recogn se debere ' dicto Domino Regi summam viginti librar similis legalis monet



Anglie de separal bonis et catallis terris et tenementis suis ad opus dicti Domini Regis levand etc. Sub condicione quod si ipse predictus Johannes Brookes personaliter comparuerit ad prox Session





Ang.: On 26th April [ 1682] he is respited etc. And a writ of Certiorari is allowed." The form of this minute seems to indicate that Thompson produced the certiorari later at the same Sessions. He is indicted . The indictment referred to must be that on the file for the preceding Sessions. No indictment of Thompson occurs on the current file. Sic in MS. for partium principal & eor' utriusque.












pacis pro Civitat pred tenend ad respondend etc. Et interim etc. Et non deced etc. Quod tunc etc. Alioquin etc. signed Geo : Treby Record







For suspicion of Cutting the Duke of Yorkes Picture in Guildhall*




JUNE, 1682. I Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in sub - section entitled Pri-

[ soners upon Orders ; inter alia. ] " John Bully Convic' 13 Apr 81 for H. Treason ' B.





persons previously bound over for appearance at this [Among Sessions.


Compar Respur in regno Scoc Alexander Burnett de paroch' sancti Martini in Campis





Comparuit & exour etc. Johannes Ewen de Lothbury London Mercator ans

Comparuit & exour etc. Johannes Brookes de paroch sancti Egidii in Campis in Com Midd Generos ans





* Henry Muddiman refers to this outrage in his news - letter of 28th January, 1681/2, stating that the Mayor and Aldermen had offered, by proclamation, a reward of £500 for the capture of the perpetrator . Nathaniel Thompson , in his Loyal Protestant for 3rd June, says that Miles Prance, the informer, supported by Oates , recently swore that the damage had been done by one Brooks, " a Catholic, who had told him (Prance ) of the deed as a Popish secret . " A. G. Temple, in his preface (p. viii ) to the Catalogue of Works of Art belonging to the Corporation of London , states that the damage consisted in cutting off the legs in the portrait and that the picture was then hanging" in the great Hall , but has since disappeared . Van der Vaart's was later similarly maltreated. portrait of William This portrait of James appears to have been painted by Lely, for which he received , on 9th January, 1671/2, a fee of £100 (MS. 330, Guildhall Library). The significance of this much abbreviated minute cannot be stated with any certainty . It is certain, however, that the note was all written during the present Sessions and that no part of it is a subsequent addition . One may suggest as a probable translation : He appeared [at this Sessions and is respited [because he lives] in the Kingdom of Scotland. " Bearing in mind the fact that what was required of Burnet was that he should keep peace Oates the towards Titus , am inclined to think the words in regno Scocia imply that he (Burnet) was about to return home to Scotland and that consequentlythere was no further need of recognizances for this purpose in London . Hence respectuatur , he is respited signifying that the case is shelved but not finally dismissed . Ang.: He appeared and is dischargedetc.




















JULY 1682


FILE, JULY, 1682.


12 JULY, 34 CHARLES II (1682). Newgate calendar for this Sessions, in untitled sub-section containing the names of prisoners " upon orders " ; inter alia. John Bully Convicted 13 Apr 81






QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE , BEGINNING 10 JULY, 1682. Among persons previously bound over for appearance at this Sessions. ] Respur per Cur quia in prisona Marresc' Domini Regis *


Matheus Turner




XLIX A. SESSIONS FILE, SEPTEMBER , 1682 . SESSIONS OF THE PEACE, BEGINNING 4 SEPTEMBER, (1) 34 CHARLES II ( 1682). (a) [Recognizance for appearance of Leonard Sharp, Peter Kidd

and Josiah Ragdale to prosecute John Wyne. London ss . Memorand quod 28° die Julii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secund nunc Angliae etc. XXXIV Coram me Roberto Clayton Milit uno Aldermannor ac uno Justiciar' dicti Domini Regis ad pacem pro Civitat' pred Conservand assign venerunt Leonard Sharp de Parochia St Gyles Cripplegate London joyner et Petrus Kidd de St Bartholomew Exchange Hatbandmaker et Josiah Ragdale de Honylane markett London Tallowchandler Et uterque eor recogn se debere dicto Domino Regi 50 legal etc. levand etc. per viam recogn Sub condicione quod unusquisque eor' Personaliter compar ad prox Session pacis pro Civitat' Londini tenend ad Prosequend legem cum effectu et dand evidenc' ex parte dicti domini Regis versus quendam Johannem Wyne in causa Transgr Tunc etc. Alioquin signed Robert Clayton For declareing that he beleived Sr Edmundbury Godfrey was murthered Comparuer by the Presbiterians and that he would Swear itt (b) [Indictment of John Winde * [sic for scandalous words.]



























Ang.: He is respited by the Court because he is in the Lord the King's prison of the Marshalsea . " seems improbable that John Wyne (or Winde) was a Catholic. It been so reputed, the descriptive phrase existens Papalis veligionis Had he would almost certainly have been added after his name in his indictment cf. indictment against Peter Lamporte , p. 337 in text) . Henry Muddiman, in his news -letter of 14th October, 1682, refers to this prosecution in the








po se . 12. Jurata Cul fin XL Et Comittitur etc. London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Cu Quidam Robertus Greene Henr Berry et Laurentius Hill (existen' Papal religionis ) in Cur ipsius Domini Regis coram ipso Rege tent apud Westm in Com Middles per debitum Legis cursum Attinct fuissent pro felonice voluntarie et ex malitiis suis precogitat interficiend stranguland et murdrand Edmundum Bury Godfrey Milit nuper un Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Com Middles conservand assign apud quandam domu angce vocat Somersett house in Com pred Et quod pred Robertus Greene Laurentius Hill et Henr Berry separaliter sus-


' '



' '









' '











' '


po se

pens fuissent per Coll

' pro murdro pred' Quidam Johannes Winde ' nuper de London Piscinar' premiss satis sciens existens homo ' perverse et maledisposit' mentis et disposicionis Et Deu pre oculis suis non habens sed instigacione Diabolica mot et 'seduct Et ' ' differentias' et malitiose et diabolice machinans et intendens divers dissenciones inter Ligeos et Subditos dicti Domini Regis movere et

procurare et pacem dicti Domini Regis infra Civitat pred perturbare Ac Leges et iustitiam hujus regni Angl in et super eosdem Robertu Greene Henr Berry & Laurentiu Hill pro murdro pred dat et execut vilipendere et scandalizare Necnon quosdam fidel Subdit eiusdem Domini Regis hujus regni sui Angl protestan religion in displicenc dicti Domini Regis inferre Et eosdem fidel Subdit dicti Domini Regis protestan religion cu murdro prefat Edmundi Bury Godfrey Milit falso et nequiter accusare et calumniare Ipse pred Johannes Winde vicesimo octavo die Julii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc & Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. tricesimo quarto apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Bartholomei prope Excambiu in ward de Broadstreete London pred ad dictas falsas malitiosas et diabolicas machinaciones et intenciones suas pred perimplend et perficiend in auditu quamplur Ligeor et Subditor dicti Domini Regis fide dignor adtunc et ibidem presen ex sua diabolica mente & imaginacion dixit retulit et publicavit Quod Presbiteriani (quosdam fidel Subdit ' dicti Domini Regis Religion ' protestan infra hoc regnu Angl innuendo) murdraver angce did murder Edmundum Bury Godfrey Mil (prefat Edmundum Bury Godfrey Mil strangulat et murdrat per prefat ' Robertu ' Greene Henr Berry et Laurentiu Hill existen Papal religion innuendo) Et ego (seipsum Johannem Winde innuendo) sacramentu dicam angce will sweare quod ipsi (eosdem fidel subdit dicti Domini Regis religion ' protestan ' infollowing words : At Old Baily, Mr Wine , a very honest citizen, who stands " of all men , having overshot himself in discourse and said well in the opinion there was no Popish but a Presbyterian Plot , was upon Trial found guilty and fined £40 . Ang.: At this September Sessions] he puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of [his country]. On 11th October [ 1682 a jury [is summoned]; he is found guilty, fined £40, and is committed etc." Wyne appears to have paid his] fine immediately , for his name does not occur in the Newgate calendar for the next Sessions. The words Et Comittitur etc. are probably formal. Nevertheless, it is possible that he was confined elsewhere .

' ' ''













" "








'' '



















' '





















nuendo) murdraver prefat Edmundum Bury Godfrey Mil Et in conscientia mea ( conscientia' ipsius Johannis Winde innuendo) credo quod ipsi ( eosdem fidel' subdit dicti Domini Regis religion ' protestan innuendo) murdraver ipsum prefat Edmundum Bury Godfrey Milit Ad magnu opprobriu et scandal Cur dicti Domini Regis ac Legu et iustitie huius regni Angl contra prefat ' Robertu Greene Henr Berry & Laurentiu Hill pro murdro pred dat et execut Ad magn disturbacionem pacis dicti Domini Regis In malu et pernitiosissimu exemplu omniu al in consimili casu delinquen' Ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron et Dignitat suas etc. Leonardus Sharpe Petrus Kidd Josias Ragdale * Endorsed Billa Vera


' '



' '










' '


' '


' '






[ (2)


(a) [Recognizance for the appearance of John Wyne to answer.] London ss . Mad quod XXVIII ° die Julii Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXIIII° Cora' me Willelmo Turner mil' ' un Aldermannor ' ac un' Justic' dicti Domini Regis ad pac' infra Civitat London conservand assign' ven' Johannes Newham de Newfishstreete Barber & Willelmus Musson de Pauls churchyard Barber et manuceper' pro Johanne Wyne videlicet utriusque manucaptor pred L legalis etc. levand' etc. Per via' recogn' Sub '


' '



'' ''

Condicione quod si pred Johannes Wyne Personal comparuerit ad prox Deliberacion Gaol dicti Domini Regis de Newgate pro Civitat London tenend ad respond etc. Et non deced etc. Et interim de se bene gerend quod tunc etc. al' etc. [signed Wm Turner For his good behavior being Committed to Newgate by Sr Robert Clayton for Comparuit sayeing hee beleived Sr Edmondbury Godfrey was murthered by ye Presbiterians








Newgate calendar, entitled " London ss. A true and [Kalendar of all the Felons and Trespassers in the Gaole of


Newgate September ye Sixth 1682 ; "inter alia. John Wynne Comd by Sr Robert Clayton Knt charged upon oath that the said Wm Turner 28th John Wynne said heedid beleive July 1682


bayl'dby Sr





Witnesses for the prosecution. Two inquisitions -post-mortem on Newgate prisoners occur in this sec-

tion of the file, giving the following particulars : James Rutter died a natural death 6th September, 1682. Inquisition taken same day. Anne Buckley died a natural death 1st September, 1682. Inquisition taken 2nd September. In neither case is the cause of imprisonment stated. The suggested words are omitted in MS .






Sr Edmd Bury Godfrey was murthered by the Presbiterians & hee would sweare it Dat. 28thJuly 1682 on this calendar, entitled " Prisoners upon Orders ; [Sub-section " inter alia


* Johannes

Bully existens Sacerdos Roman' Et Convict de alta prodicion [placitat] Special' pardon Domini

' '


Regis ex gra geren' Dat' dat [sic] apud Westm dicto XXII die Septembris instant 1682 Et Allocatur etc. Sub Proviso quod [si ] Ipse pred Johannes Bully non exibit extra Angl et omnia Dominia Domini Regis transitur super mare quam primu opportunitas fuerit infra spatiu duor mensiu prox pt Dat pardon pred aut si pred Johannes Bully unquam in futuro duran tempore vite sue imediate sequen eosdem duos menses prox pt Dat eiusdem pardon Remanebit in Angl seu in aliquo al Dominior dicti Domini Regis aut redibit in Angl seu in aliquo al Dominior ipsius Domini Regis Quod tunc pardonacio eius sit & erit omnino vacua et nullius vigoris quoad pred Johannes& Bully si non exibit extra Angl et omnia al Dominia eiusdem Domini Regis infra spaciu duor mensiu’ [ut] predictum est vel si remanebit vel redibit in Angl vel aliquo al' Dominior' ipsius Domini Regis unquam in futuro duran tempore vite sue















' '









' ' '




This entry, which is repeated in the Sessions Book (p . 360 in text), was added to the calendar at the adjourned Sessions of 22nd September, when Bully pleaded his pardon in court . Ang.: John Bully, being a Roman priest and convicted of high treason, pleads the Lord King's special pardon ex gratia , bearing date at Westminster the said 22nd day of this instant September 1682. And the pardon is allowed etc. [by the court] , with the proviso that [ ] he, the aforesaid John Bully, shall not leave England and all the dominions of the Lord the King, by sea, at the first opportunitywithin the space of two months next following the date of the aforesaid pardon, or if the aforesaid John Bully shall ever in the future, during his life-time immediately following the same two months after the date of the same pardon, remain in England or in any other of the same Lord the King's dominions or if he shall return into England or any other of the same Lord the King's dominions, then his pardon is and shall be utterly void and of no validity regarding the aforesaid John Bully, if he shall not quit England and all the other dominions of the same Lord the King within the space of two months as aforesaid or if he shall ever remain in or return to England or any other of the dominions of the same Lord the King in the future during his life-time. The word placitat is here omitted in MS., but present in the Sessions Book record (infra ). The word si is omitted in MS . and also in the Sessions Book record. § Sic in MS . for Johannem . || The word ut is omitted in MS. , but present in the Sessions Book record.













bound over to appear at this Sessions.] [Among persons previously Comparuit & pros Leonardus Sharpe de'paroch sancti Egidii ' Cripplegate Joyner pros


Johannem Winde

Comparuit & pros Petrus Kidd de paroch sancti Bartholomei prope Excambiu Hatbandmaker pros

'' '


Comparuit & pros Josia Ragdale de Honylane Markett Tallowchandler pros





6 SEPTEMBER , 1682 . persons previously bound over to appear at this Sessions. Among [ ] . Comparuit & traditur in ball Hugoni Mayo de 4. Thamestreete Fishmongt et Johanni Newham de old fishstreete Lond Tonsor usque prox Sess' pacis pro Civitat London tenend ad pros tr cu effectu sub pena partis Principal C et utriusque Pleg pred L Johannes Winde de paroch sancte Margarete Newfishstreete Piscinar ans









' ' '



' '


ADJOURNED SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING 22 SEPTEMBER , 1682 . Under the general title " Ad Deliberacion Gaol Domini Regis de

[ Newgate tent pro Civitat London per ' Adjornament '

apud ' Justicehall in le old Bailey London die Veneris scilicet Vicesimo secundo die Septembris Anno Regni Regis Caroli secundi nunc Angl etc. XXXIIII occur the names of many prisoners who pleaded their pardon at this Sessions ; inter alia. Johannes Bully existens Sacerdos Roman [entry as on calendar above, p . 359 in text, with the addition , at the end, of the words Et si Del sol XIII IIIId *






' '







FILE, OCTOBER , 1682 .



Newgate calendar ; in untitled sub-section referring to " prisoners upon orders ; inter alia.




4th September [ 1682 : i.e., at Sessions of the Peace held * Ang.:] "heOnappearedand is delivered in bail at Guildhall Ang.: And provided he pay the fee of 135 4d. All pardoned prisoners were obliged to pay this glove-silver " (price of a pair of gloves for the " the same to be paid , before being discharged judge) , or give security for


from custody.

/ "


Del 90

' *

John Bully




Then Pleaded his Maties Pardon on Condicion to depart the Realme wthin 2 Monthes





OCTOBER , 1682. persons previously bound over to appear at this Among [


Sessions. ]

Comparuit & Jud's Johannes Winde de paroch sancte Margarete Newfishstreete Piscinar pros


' tr'



[Among entries of trials at this Sessions .] 4. II . Ind .& po se modo Jurata Cul' fin' XL Comittitur

' ll etc


Johannes Wind pro verbis concernen murdru Edmundi Bury Godfrey mil








APRIL , 1683.

The records relating to the Sessions of December 1682 , January and February 1682/3 and April 1683 are extant and entire but provide no material so intimately connected with Catholic history as to justify formal presentation in the text of this book . The following documents, however , are worthy of notice. (1) Sessions File, December , 1682. (a) Several indictments of Whigs and Dissenters for publishing seditious literature " against the King and Government (mostly with " a view to the exclusion of James, Duke of York, from the succession)




* Ang.: Set at liberty 9th [October, 1682 . Such , think , is probably the correct interpretation of this note which was written by the gaol clerk. I.e., 22nd September, 1682 mentioned in a preceding entry in the calendar .

the of trials at

Immediately preceding entries the G.D. Sessions of 13th October, 1682, is set out an Order of the Court as follows : That all housekeepers wthin this Citty and the Libertyes thereof whoe keepe any Alehouse or other Publick house for entertainment by virtue of any License from any Justice or Justices of the peace wthin this Citty And shall not constantly (wthout a Lawfull excuse) goe to their Parish Church or some other Church or Chappell there to heare Divine Service according to the Law And shall hereafter go to any meeteing under Colour or Pretence of any Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdome shall not have any License for the future Granted unto them or any of them to keepe any Alehouse or VictuallingHousewthin this City and the Liberties thereof And itt is Ordered That severall Printed Copies of this Order be sent to and left with the Aldermen of every ward for the better Observation thereof." The order is headed " For preventing Inconveniencyes that may happen by keepeing Alehouses & Victualling Houses whoe dissent from the discipline of the Church of England, and appears to be directed chiefly against Protestant Dissenters. § Ang.: He appeared and [had ] judgment . Ang.: On 4th September [ 1682 he is indicted and puts himself not guilty etc. ]. Now [i.e., at the present Sessions] a jury [ is summoned] ; [he is found] guilty, fined £40 and is committed etc. "













DEC. 1682


APRIL 1683

are to be found on this file, among them an indictment of one Joshua Bowes for writing and publishing on 23rd November , 1682 , in the parish of St. Mary, Aldermanbury, a scandalous and seditious libel against the King ," entitled " Mac's triumph in imitation of the King of Poland last will and testament." * On December 2nd , Bowes, de paroch (thus is he described Su Egidii in Campis in Com Middlesex gener in the recognizance on this file), had been bound over in £200 and two sureties of £ 100 provided by Allanus Holloway de paroch sancte Bridgette alias Brides London, Medicus " and " Nathaniell Fogg de Ashwood in Com Cestriæ, gener" appear at the next London Sessions of the peace (beginning 4th Dec.) to answer " for writeing publishing & sending two scandalous Libells Directed to John Dubois Esq agt his Matte & the Government & particularly agt his highness James Duke of Yorke." The above - mentioned indictment was accordingly preferred against him at this Sessions. In it the libellous passage is quoted as follows (punctuation as in MS.) : To good beleiving Charles I give tis pitty, A hated nation and a more loath'd Citty, with Quo warrantoes Romes new fire balls more Malitious then the flames itt felt before , with all the Buggbeare Gorgons of the nation, The Oxford Army Blanck Association , Protestant Treason Popish Innocence Godfrey's sham murder Irish Evidence , with Albany and Colemans last Editions Bound upp wth Quixot and Quivedoes visions , My vows oaths . honour all thats sacred bee. Illustrious Coleman eternized by thee Rise with a taper fitt for such a Ghost Dipt in that sulphur where sent thee post. Oh charme my slumbers wth thy voice divine Like Scylla to the sleeping Cataline . For my Religion (my Religion, yes , Oh tis a word of wondrous Emphasis , For when uppon one Axle in one Soule, Religion with my moralls joynd cann rowle, Itt seems a miracle as strange and odd , As transubstantiated Bread and God.) For my Religion wth such care conceal'd , Like beauty under vizor unreveal'd, That by kind noli prosequies untry'd Lett never sitting Parliaments deride , Unprov'd till fire and stake expound ye Riddle Then lett my praise bee tuned to Rogers fiddle. " The witnesses against Bowes ( their names occur on the indictment) were John Dubois, senior, John Dubois , junior, Charles Dubois, Daniel Dubois, and John Emery. His trial was postponed till 23rd February, 1682/3, when he was convicted, fined £100 , and sentenced to stand in the pillory from a.m. till noon on three several market days , first , " in Cornhill near the Exchange ," secondly , " in Cheape, to wit, near Honylane market there," thirdly, " at the upper end of Leadenhall Street," and to be imprisoned in Newgate till he paid his fine. (b) One may also notice an indictment (taken at the Newgate Gaol Delivery Sessions beginning 6th Dec.) of Thomas Stringer nuper de London Generos for writing , printing and publishing on 20th * The offending words (infra in text) were primarily directed not against the King but against the Duke of York, who is referred to in the title as (cf. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1682, p. 536), and as speaking in the first person "inMac the quoted passage. " Mac appears to be an abbreviation of MacNinny a contemporary Whig nickname for the Duke. ( Roger North , Examen , p. 101) and an allusion to his exile in Scotland " The King of Poland is Shaftesbury, who is usually said to have wished to be elected King of"Poland. In his deposition Bowes disclaimed authorship of the libel, saying it had been given him by Elkanah Settle, the author of A Character of a Popish Successor, who recanted in 1683 (cf. D.N.B.). Bowes does not appear to have been indicted for any other libel than the one referred to in this note.

















This bracket is omitted in MS.




DEC. 1682

APRIL 1683




June , 1682 , in the parish of St. Bottolph -without-Aldersgate, a " scandalous pamphlet entitled A Second Letter from a Person of Quality to his friend about Abhorrers and Addressors etc. " The following offending passages are quoted in the indictment : Tis plain these men (Ligeos subditos dicti Domini Regis nunc innuendo) mean and intend by this abhorrence (quanda detestacion versus Associacion in papir script pretens fore invent inter quosdam papir Anthonii Comit Shaftesbury innuendo ) and under this notion [ ? motion] to create an association for all the Tories to mainteyn a Popish Successor and to introduce Arbitrary power And whosoever joynes with or doth not vigorously oppose such practices is guilty of these designes ; and That which concernes the mercenary forces is no more then every mans duty as much as in him lies (which means as lawfully he may) to endeavour intirely to disband all such mercenary forces as we have reason to believe are raised to advance Arbitrary power." On 15th January, 1682/3, a certiorari was allowed to Stringer, returnable in King's Bench within the octave of St. Hilary's day next following .
















Sessions File , January, 1682/3 (Q.S.P. , 15 Jan.; G.D., 17 Jan.). This contains an inquisition -post- mortem, dated 16th January, 1682/3, on a Newgate prisoner , John Search, who was found to have died a natural death in gaol on Sunday, 14th January. The cause of his imprisonment is not stated. (3) Sessions File, February , 1682/3 (S.P. , 21 Feb.: G.D. , 23 Feb.). Two further inquisitions-post -mortem on Newgate prisoners occur here. In neither case, however , is the actual date of death or the cause of imprisonment recorded . The main facts to be gleaned from these documents are to the effect that William Howard and Alexander Elston died in gaol from natural causes ( ex visitacione Dei ) . The date " of the inquisition on the former was 22nd Jan. , 1682/3; on the latter, 13th Feb., 1682/3. (4) (a) Sessions File, April, 1683 (Q.S.P. , 16 April : G.D. , 18 April) . The Newgate calendar wrapping this file gives entries of the committal of John Griffith and Francis Bampfield (respectively on 25th and 24th February, 1682/3) for refusing to take the oath of allegiance contained in the Act for the better discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants " (3 Jac . , cap . 4). Griffith and Bampfield were dissenting ministers: cf. p. 366, note. Robert Cole, probably also a Dissenter , is recorded as having been imprisoned for the same cause on 1st April, but was released, apparently, on taking the oath in court at the present Sessions. (b) Sessions Book, April, 1683. After the entries of trials at the G.D. Sessions beginning 18th April 1683, is to be found the text of a lengthy address presented by the grand jury to the Lord Mayor, Sir William Pritchard , at the Quarter Sessions of 16th April , in consideracion of our Duty and in obedience " to the Directions given us by Mr Recorder in his Charge. Since the main theme of the address is the necessity of " suppressing unlawful Conventicles , in which seditious sectaryes and other disloyall persons find opportunity to distill the poysonous principles of Schisme and Rebellion , there is no justification for giving here even an analysis . " Students of the history of London Nonconformity, however , would find the original interesting. It is noteworthy that the first of the repressive measures advocated runs as follows: For preventing of which Mischiefs we present that all care ought to be taken for the









DEC. 1682


APRIL 1683

speedy Conviccionof Popish Recusants that soe they may be disabled from practising the Common Law of this Realme as Councillrs Clerkes Attorneys or Solicitors, the Civill Law as Advocates or Proctors, or Practising of Phisick or exercising the trade of Apothecary or bearing office in any Court or haveing the Command of any Shipp or fortresse of the Kings Majestye his heires and successors , as in and by an Act of Parliament in the 3rd year of King James is provided. Andfurther that all Laws made against Jesuits Popish Priests and other Popish Recusants whatsoever be putt in Execution duly. No other reference to Catholics occurs .




, MAY, 1683 .



II (1683).*

(1) [Indictment of William Hodgson and Mary, his wife, for

recusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Willelmus Hodgson de paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate in ward de Bishoppsgate London pred yeoman & Maria Hodgeson nuper de London Spinster alias dicta Maria Hodgesonuxor prefat Willelmi Hodgeson Decimo sexto die Aprilis Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Tricesimo quinto per spaciu unius mensis integri Angl' as et ultra .... 157 (4 , p formula ) . [ ] Humphridus Nenduk Proclamacio facta 12.9 . defalt fecer forisfecer uterque eor XX iuxta forma Statut etc. Ideo etc. Endorsed] Billa Vera















* In this section of the file occurs also an indictment of Francis Smith, junior, of St Michael's Cornhill , stationer, and Elinora Smith , junior, of the same parish, spinster, (Whig Dissenters ) for printing and publishing in the said parish on 6th March, 1682/3, a " scandalous " pamphlet entitled The " second Part of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government, beginning where the former left viz . From the yeare 1677 unto the year 1682. By Philo veritas," containing the following false and scandalous passage: " were clearely on" the ConBut now The Majority of Voices in Councill "spirators side and though for a shew and colour The Councill every day busied themselves in searching into the Plot yet all came to no other effect but to betray and baffle the Discovery for by the great power the Conspirators had among them everything was as soon stifled as discoveredand now some of the honestest of the Council began to leave coming there Others that came in resolved now They were to sail with the Tide haveing lost their reputations with the Country and having dipped themselves in Prorogueing the first Parliament were resolved to side with the Conspiratorsand Prorogue the Second even before the day of meeting came and thereby Gain tyme to bring about their intended sham plotts upon the Protestants. " Francis and Elinor Smith were tried upon this indictment on 18th December, 1683, and were acquitted .

Witness for the prosecution. Ang.: " Proclamation was made. They made default [at the Sessions of 12th July [1683 and eachetc.of them forfeited £20 according to the form of the Statute etc. Therefore " Appended to the record of these two convictions in the Estreats of Forfeitures Book is the note Del per Magistr Wagstaffe Baroni Streete in Camera sua 26. No. 83 ( Delivered by Mr Wagstaffe [Town Clerk] to Baron Streete of the Exchequer] in chambers, 26th November, 1683 ).










MAY 1683



(2) [Ignored bill against Thomas Roach for recusancy.] London ss . Jur .... presentant quod Thomas Roach nuper de


paroch sancti Michaelis Cornehill in ward de Cornehill London pred Generos ' (existens Papal religion ') vicesimo die Novembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Angl tricesimo quarto .... per spaciu sex mensiu integror et ultra [formula as (2) , p. 156 Henr Wright Edwardus Ravenscroft * Endorsed] Ignoramus














* II calendar, entitled " London ss. The Names of all the [Newgate Trespassers and Felons in the Gaole of Newgate the 12th [ ]


' in Gaol sine Ball ' ' etc.



1683 ; inter alia. Salvo custodiend James Rothwells Comd by the Rt Honble the

Lord Majr and Sr Henry Tulse Knt for refuseing to

for the prosecution. * Witnessessection of the file occur two indictments of a Whig Dissenter, In this John Culliford , " nuper de London yeoman " : (a) for writing and printing on May 10th, 1682, in the parish of St. Michael, Cornhill , a " scandalous book entitled " The Second parte of Ignoramus Justices or an Answer to the Scandalous Speech of Sir W. S. Baronett spoken to the Grand Jury at the

Sessions of the peace held for the County of Middlesex att Hickes Hall on Munday 24 Aprill 1682 [etc. ]. Passages from this work are quoted in the indictment . (b) For writing, printing and publishing on 10th April, 1683, in the parish of All Hallows on the Wall, a " scandalous pamphlet entitled The second Part of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government beginning where the former left viz . From the yeare 1677 unto the yeare 1682. By Philo veritas. The offending passage quoted is as follows : But that We may take all things in their Course before we come to shew the effects of this Discovery (Deteccionem ConspiracionisPapistar contra dictum Dominum Regem nunc innuendo) We must show how some of the Grand Conspirators (prefat Magnates Proceres & Dominos privati consilii ipsius Domini Regis innuendo) with their Prince Leader the D. of Y. (Jacobu Ducem Ebor innuendo) had laid their design for the bringing their devices to pass about the King ( prefat Dominum Regem nunc innuendo) whom they thought being Oblidged otherways could not be so hearty with them as the D. (dictum Jacobu Ducem Ebor iteru innuendo) certainly would be therefore they (prefat Magnates Proceres et Dominos privati consilii ipsius Domini Regis innuendo) contrived his dispatch (mortem dicti Domini Regis nunc innuendo) among themselves into another world but to cast the Odium on the Fanatick party. The witnesses for the prosecution on this second indictment were Robert Stephens , Thomas Bradill, Francis Smith, and James Attwood . Clerical minutes on thesedocuments show that Culliford was tried and found guilty of both indictments on 29th August, 1683, and in each case fined £100 and sentenced to stand in the pillory at Cornhill on one day from a.m. till noon; to remain in Newgate till he paid his fines, and then to find sureties for his good behaviour for the space of two years next following . On this file are also to be found four indictments and other documents relating to the prosecutions for the Rye House Plot. These indictments were taken at a general session of Oyer and Terminer held at Justice Hall, Old Bailey, on 12th July, 1683. Ang.: To be kept securely in gaol without bail etc. James Rothwell was a Catholic : cf. p . 366, note.




















JULY 1683



take ye Oath contained in

two Severall Acts videlicet 3rd & 17th of King James* Dat . 19 June 83 SESSIONS


FILE , AUGUST, 1683. *



calendar of this date ; in untitled sub-section referringto [Newgate prisoners upon orders ; inter alia.





Rothwell For refuseing the oath of Alleigeance to rem








(1) [Indictment of Francis Bampfield , John Griffiths, Daniel Reynolds , James Warner , and James Rothwells the oath of allegiance.]

for refusing

* The words 17th of King James are certainly an error . There was no Act of Parliament of this date. The reference is probably to the Statute 17 Charles II, cap. 2, which contains a brief oath for Nonconformists. In the S.P. section of this file occurs a very large number of recognizances and indictments relating to prosecutions for unlawful assembly in conventicles especially in Devonshire Square . Similar documentsare to be found in abundanceon every file from this date until the end of Charles II's reign. Three inquisitions -post- mortem on Fleet prisoners are filed in the G.D. section , giving the following particulars : Jeremiah Robson died a natural death in gaol 25th July, 1683. Inquisition taken 28th July. William Ducy died a natural death in gaol 30th July, 1683. Inquisition taken day of death. John Seabrooke died a natural death in gaol 28th July, 1683. Inquisition taken day of death. In no case is the cause of imprisonment stated. In the attached Newgate calendar are records of the committal to gaol (on 29th July and 5th August , 1683, respectively) of Daniel Reignolds and James Warner, for refusing the oath of allegiance of 3 Jac. , cap. 4. Both I were Nonconformist ministers : see note infra. This note refers also to Francis Bampfield and John Griffith, whose names are bracketed with Rothwell's in MS . § A Sessions Paper of this date (Brit . Mus.: press- mark , 515 1. 2) describes Bampfield, Griffiths , Reynolds and Warner as four dissenting Ministers," and proceeds as follows : James Rothwell , a Roman Catholick, " , which he offered to take, but when had the Oath of Allegiance tendered him he came to the words mentioned therein, Asserting the Kings Rightful Title to these Realms and other his Majesties Dominions, and that the Pope had no Power or Jurisdiction therein, he bogled , and would proceed no further , whereupon he was Re-manded to Prison. the end of the same " Towards refused to take the Oath of Paper it is stated that " James Rothwell , having Allegiance, and thereunto pleaded Guilty, was awarded Imprisonment during his Majesties Pleasure, and to have his Goods , Chattels etc. seized to the use of the King. Bampfield died in Newgate, 16th February , 1683/4 (cf. infra, p. 370, note) . Griffiths , Reynolds and Warner remained in prison till the Sessions of 14th April , 1686, when they were released (Newgate calendar of that date) .









London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu prepo se 16.3 . Jurata Cul Judiciu in dors * po se sentant quod Franciscus Bampfeild de London Generos Johannes po se 16.3 Jurata Cul Judi16.3 . Jurata Cul Judiciu in dors Griffiths nuper de London Generos ' Daniel Reynolds nuper de po se 16.3 . Jurata Cul Judiciu in dors ciu in dors London yeoman Jacobus Warner nuper de London yeoman & Cogn Indictament Cons' est quod pred Jacobus sit extra protecJacobus Rothwell nuper de London yeoman qui undecimo die Octocionem Domini Regis Et terras et tenementa bon & catall Domino bris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Dei gra Angl Regi forisfaciat Et quod corpus ejus remanet in prisona ad volunScoc Franc et Hibernie Regis fidei Defensor etc. tricesimo quinto tat Domini Regis etc. fuer et quilibet eor fuit etat octodecim annor et amplius apud London videlicet apud Justicehall in le old Bailey scituat et existen in paroch sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London pred in plena General Quarterial Session pacis adtunc et ibidem tent pro Civitat London pred per Adiornament Coram Willelmo Pritchard Milite Maiore Civitat London Georgio Jeffreyes Milit et Baronett Capitali Justic dicti Domini Regis ad placita cora ipso tenend assign Thoma Jenner Milite Recordatore Civitat pred Johanne Chapman Milit et Simone Lewis Milit ac al sociis suis Justic dicti Domini Regis ad pacem in Civitat pred conservand Necnon ad divers felon transgr et al' malefacta infra eandem Civitat perpetrat audiend et terminand assign per eosdem Justic adtunc et ibidem requisit fuer et quilibet eor requisit fuit capere et pronuntiare super sacrosanctaDei Evangelia quoddam Jurament content et specificat in quoda Actu in Parliament Domini Jacobi nuper Regis Angl inchoat et tent per prorogacionem apud Westm in Com Midd quinto die Novembris Anno regni sui Anglie Franc ' Et Hibernie tertio et Scotie tricesimo nono nuper edit' et provis' Intitulat An Act for the better discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants Et quod Iidem Franciscus Ban pfeild Johannes Griffiths Daniel Reynolds Jacobus Warner Jacobus Rothwell obstinate adtunc et ibidem scilicet in dicta plena General Quarterial Session pacis pred penitus recusaver et quilibet eor recusavit capere et pronuntiare iurament illud eisdem Francisco Bampfeild Johanni Griffiths Daniel Reynolds Jacobo Warner Jacobo Rothwell per prefat Justic adtunc in dicta plena General Quarterial' Session pacis pred oblat In contempt dicti Domini Regis nunc Legumque suar' Contra forma Statut in


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Ang.: the present Sessions] he puts himself [' not guilty etc. . " [At[1683/4 ] On * 16th January jury [is summoned] ; [he is found] guilty. ' Judg] aback ment [is recorded] on the this indictment [of ]." Sic in MS . for remaneat . Ang present Sessions] he confesses the indictment [i.c. , At the pleaded guilty . is decreed by the court that the aforesaid James [Rothwell be put outside the protection of the Lord the King, and that he forfeit to the Lord the King his lands, tenements, goods and chattels, and that his

.: " [

] [ ]]


body remain in prison during the Lord the King's pleasureetc.








huiusmodi casu edit et provis ' Ac contra pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron & Dignitat suas etc. Tho: Spencer Carolus Cooper * [Endorsed] Billa Vera Franciscus Bampfeild Cons est quod Quilibet eor sint et quilibet Johannes Griffiths eor sit extra proteccionem Domini Regis Et terras et tenementa bon & catall Domino Daniel Reynolds Jacobus Warner Regi forisfaciant Et quod corpora eor remanent in prisona ad voluntat Domini








' '

Regis etc.

(2) Ind


Newgate calendar of this date; in untitled sub-section re[ferring to " prisoners upon orders " ; inter alia.] James refuseing oath Alleigeance

Rothwell For










Among entries of trials at this Sessions. Cogn Indictament Cons est as over Rothwell's name .... in indictment on p. 367 Jacobus Rothwell pro obstinate Recusand sacramentum in Statut 3º Jacobi


' ]



] [








for the prosecution. * Witnesses remaneant Sic MS in

. for


This note refers also to Bampfield, Griffiths , Reynolds and Warner, bracketed with Rothwell in MS . § In this G.D. section of the file is an indictment against John Ayliffe nuper de London Ar for high treason in attempting to kill the King "and subvert the government (probably in connection with the Rye House Plot ) . The absence of any note recording proceedings indicates that Ayliffe was not tried upon this indictment . Two inquisitions -post-mortem are also filed , giving the following facts : John Portman died a natural death in the Fleet prison 29th November, 1683. Inquisition taken 30 Nov. Christopher Townsenddied a natural death in Newgate 30th October, 1683. Inquisition taken 1 Nov. In neither case is the cause of imprisonment stated. The S.P. section contains two indictments for " writing, printing and publishing scandalous and seditious libels against the King," viz.: (a) Against Zacharias Raphson for " An Apology for God's Worship And Worshippers both in the Purity of the one and Liberty of the other (b) Against Thomas Delawne for " A Plea for the Nonconformists. " Extracts from each of these Nonconformist tracts are given in the indictments . Both were convicted at the January Sessions following , judgment being that the publications be burnt at the Royal Exchange, and that the







calendar of this date * ; in sub-section entitled " London [Newgate Prison's upon Ordrs ; inter alia.



James Rothwell Convicted of a Premunire to rem wthout baile etc.



FILE, JANUARY, 1683/4. SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY, BEGINNING 16 JANUARY, 35 CHARLES ( 1683/4 ). * ; in untitled sub-section referring Newgate calendar of this date [ to prisoners upon orders inter alia. James Rothwell Referr'd to their sevrall form ordrs to rem








SESSIONS OF NEWGATE GAOL DELIVERY , BEGINNING (1683/4 27 FEBRUARY 36 CHARLES Inquisition-post-mortem on James Baker , § prisoner in New-


(1) [





authors be fined 100 marks and give security for their good behaviour for a whole year . Unable to pay the fine , Delawne remained in Newgate till between January and February, 1685/6 , when he died there (marginal note on calendar of latter date : inquisition not filed) . Raphson ( Ralfson) died in Newgate on 20th March, 1683/4 (cf. p. 371) . Entries in this calendar show that Thomas Delawne ( see preceding note) was committed to Newgate on 30th November, 1683, for writing the Plea for the Nonconformists " ; and that on 3rd December , William Wallis , "Alexander Mackellon, Robert Todd, William Grubb, John Trisdell and John Mounteth were imprisoned for refusing the oath of allegiance of 3 Jac. , cap. 4. A Sessions Paper of this date in the British Museum refers to these persons as six Scotchmen . were probably " Cargillite " Covenanters . " They Wallis took the oath in court and was bailed; the others, persisting , were indicted and convicted of the premunire at the next Sessions (January, 1683/4). Mackellon died in Newgate, 29th July, 1684; Todd was pardoned on 10th March, 1684/5 , on condition of transportation to the West Indies (Sessions Book) ; the rest remained in gaol till 24th February, 1685/6, after which date their names cease to occur in the Newgate calendars. They appear to have been released, for no inquisitions - post-mortem concerningthem are



filed .

Six inquisitions -post-mortem on prisoners occur in this section of the file , from which the following particulars are gathered: Robert Bingham died a natural death in the Fleet prison 26th Dec. , 1683. Inquisition taken 27th Dec. John Portman Gent." died a natural death in Newgate 29th Nov. , 1683. Inquisition taken 30th Nov. Thomas Harris died a natural death in Newgate 23rd Dec., 1683. Inquisition taken 24th Dec. Thomas Danson died a natural death in Newgate 8th Jan., 1683/4 . Inquisition taken 9th Jan. William Howe died a natural death in Newgate 7th Jan., 1683/4 . Inquisition taken 9th Jan. Daniel Carter died a natural death in Bridewell roth Jan., 1683/4. Inquisition taken 11th Jan. In no case is the cause of imprisonment stated. This note refers to Rothwell and four other prisoners bracketed with him in MS. §James Baker ' was the Jesuit, Anthony Hunter , committed to Newgate 18th May , 1679, and convicted for his priesthood 28th February, 1679/80 X







London ss. Inquisicio Indent capt pro Serenissimo Domino Rege apud Gaolam de Newgate in Paroch de Christs Church in warda de Farringdon in London die Veneris vicesimo quinto die Januarii Anno Regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi dei gra Anglie Scocie Francie & Hibernie Regis fidei defensor etc. XXXV Coram Edwardo Smith gener Coron dicti domini Regis infra Civitat London pred super visu corporis cujusdam Jacobi Baker adtunc & ibidem mortui jacen per sacramentu Johannis Ives Roberti Milward David Evans Roberti Homes Georgii Bristow Samuelis Wall Henrici Todd Edwardi Roberts Josephi Dovee SamuelisWilles Henrici Cooke & Willelmi Stanton proboru & legaliu hominu qui adtunc & ibidem jurat & onerat existen' ad inquirend pro dicto Domino Rege quando & ubi obiit qualiter & quomodo predictus Jacobus Baker ad mortem suam devenit dicunt super sacramentu suu predictu quod predictus Jacobus Baker (nuper in Gaola predict prisonar ) die Jovis vicesimo quarto die Januar Anno supradicto in Gaola predict in paroch & warda predict morte Naturali & ex visitacione Dei obiit Et non aliter neque aliquo alio modo ad Noticiam eorundem Jur In Cujus Rei Testimon tam prefat Coron quam Jur predict huic Inquisicioni sigilla sua apposuer die Anno & loco primo supradictis [signed] Edw : Smith Coron

' ''







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' '







[Newgate calendar of this date ; in untitled sub -section re-


ferring to prisoners upon orders ; inter alia.] James Rothwell Repr to their sever" form Ordrs to rem etc. *








The records of the successive sessions in this period are extant and entire but contain no material relating specifically to Catholics or cf. article by the present writer, " The Hunter -Hesketh prosecutions," (Downside Review, , 1933) .

He was a Middlesex prisoner. July Five other inquisitions on prisoners are filed . These give the following facts: Francis Bampfield died a natural death in Newgate 16th Feb. , 1683/4. Inquisition taken 16th Feb. Henry Wine died a natural death in Newgate 2nd Feb. , 1683/4. Inquisition taken 4th Feb. William Cooper died a natural death in Newgate 1st Feb. , 1683/4. Inquisition taken 4th Feb. Robert Slater died a natural death in the Fleet prison 16th Feb. , 1683 4Inquisition taken 18th Feb. Henry Mott died a natural death in the Fleet prison 19th Feb. , 1683/4. Inquisition taken 19th Feb. In no case is the cause of imprisonment stated. The word anno is omitted in MS . * Among the entries of committals in this calendar occur the names of George Keith and Daniel Monroe (the former a prominent Quaker: see D.N.B.), imprisoned on 29th January , 1683/4, for refusing the oath of allegiance. They were never indicted , but remained in Newgate until 29th July, 1684, after which sessional date their names disappear from the calendars. No inquisitions-post-mortem concerning them are to be found on the files. This note refers to Rothwell and eleven other prisoners bracketed with him in MS .









recusants, beyond the repeated entry of James Rothwell's imprisonment (in terms identical with that in the preceding February calendar ) . The following are the dates of these sessions together with a few facts

worthy of notice. (a) Q.S.P. beginning 7 April , 1684; G.D. , 9 April. In the G.D. section of the file occur eight inquisitions- post -mortem on Newgate prisoners , giving the following particulars: John Bedford died " a natural death " in gaol 10th March, 1683/4 Inquisition taken 10th March. Zachariah Ralfson ‫ود‬ 20th March, 1683/4. Inq. tn . 21st March. 33 Peter Bell 26th March, 1684. 26th March. George Charlett " 28th March. "" " 27th March Ephraim Pettiford "" 28th March. . " 26th March, Edward Wilkinson 5th April, "3 7th April " 33 " Peter Anderson "" 31st March. 30th March , John Butler 18th March. " " 16th March, . b) case is cause stated ( S.P. beginning 13 the of imprisonment In no, 1684 G.D. , 15 May . (c) Q.S.P. beginning 30 June, 1684; G.D., May ; 2 July. In the G.D. section of the file is an inquisition -post -mortem on William Davis, prisoner in Newgate ( cause not stated ), who died a natural death in gaol 13th June , 1684. Inquisition taken the same day. (d) S.P. beginning 1 September, 1684: G.D. , 3 September . Three inquisitions on Newgate prisoners occur in the file, giving the following facts: Alexander MacKellon died a natural death in gaol 29th July, 1684. Inquisition taken 30th July. Nehemia Dod 25th July, 1684. Inq. tn. 27th July. Mary Snead 6th August,,, 6th August. " ", ‫د‬ no case is the cause of imprisonment stated . (e) Q.S.P. beginning InOctober 6 , 1684; G.D. , 8 October . ( ) S.P. beginning 8 December , 1684 ; G.D., 10 December. Throughout these files , documents relating to the prosecution of Conventiclers are very numerous . * 33







* The following typical example of a compound indictment for conventicling , chosen at random from the file of July, 1684, may prove of interest : London ss . Jur pro Domino Rege super sacramentum suu presentant quod Ricardus Deane nuper de London Generos ' Lucas Warren nuper de London yeoman Willelmus Westwood nuper de London Labor Willelmus Went' worth nuper de London yeoman Crispe Grange nuper de London Pandoxator Johannes Greene nuper de London Junctor Nehemia Cox nuper de London Generos Jana Bateman nuper de London vid et Josephus Swetman nuper ' Quinto decimo die Junii Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi de London Dei gra Angl [etc.] Tricesimo sexto vi et armis etc. apud London videlicet in paroch sancti Bottolphi extra Bishoppsgate in ward de Bishoppsgate London pred routose illicite et tumultuose sese assemblaver ' & congregaver ad pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc perturband Ac quod pred Ricardus Deane Lucas Warren [the above names are here repeated] adtunc et ibidem sic assemblat & congregat existen sub Colore & pretext exercitii Religion ' in alio modo quam secundum Liturgia' & usu Ecclesie Anglicane in quada Structur scituat in Pettyfrance apud paroch & ward pred vi et armis etc. routose illicite et tumultuose fuer & remanser' In Contempt' dicti Domini Regis nunc Legumque suar Ad magn' disturbacionem pacis dicti Domini ' al in consimili casu delinquen Ac contra Regis In malu exemplu omniu ' ' pacem dicti Domini Regis nunc Coron & Dignitat suas etc. Witness the prosecution Henricus Daniell for [[Clerical minutes interlined in]the text ] Cogn Indictament fin xxvi viiid Quodque Capiatur etc. [over Deane ] .



















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JANUARY 1684/5








(a) [Indictment of Thomas Pemble and Thomas Rickles for re-

cusancy.] London ss . Jur presentant quod Thomas Pemble nuper de paroch sancti Bartholomei parvi in ward de Farringdon extra London pred Coatseller et Thomas Rickles nuper de paroch pred in ward pred Pistor Vicesimo nono die Novembris Anno regni Tricesimo sexto Domini nostri Caroli secundi Angl have forborne the same a pred Vicesimo nono die Novembris Anno Supradicto usque Tricesimu diem mensis Decembris Anno Tricesimo sexto supradicto per spaciu unius mensis Integri [rest of formula as (4), p. 157





' '










Johannes Hatton * Proclamacio facta fuit Dominus Rex obiit 27.6 procl iteru facta fuit Et non Comparuer ad prox etc. Ideo etc. * [Endorsed] Billa Vera




Warrant for stay of proceedings against Thomas Pemble and [Thomas Rickles .



Whereas an Indictment was preferred at the Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace held at Guildhall the fourteenthday of Janry Anno 360 of the late King against Thomas Pemble and Thomas Rickles of the Parish of St Bartholomews London for not repaireing to Church And whereas it appeares to mee by Certificate under the hands of severall of the said Parish that the said Thomas Pemble and Thomas Rickles doe constantly frequent the Church dureing the tyme of Divine Service and sermon These are to Authoriz and Desire you to enter or Cause to be entered a Cessat Processus Upon the said Indictment against the said Thomas Pemble and Thomas Rickles aforesd And Stay all Proceedingsthereupon Untill Cogn Indictament fin vi viiid Quodque Capiatur etc. [over Warren and Westwood . Cogn Indictament fin xls Quodque Capiatur etc. [over Wentworth . vis viiid po se 20. 11. [i.e., 20 September, 1684] Jurata Cul fin Quodque Capiatur etc. over Grange . po se Jurata per consens Cul fin xls Et Committitur etc. [over Greene . po se Jurata per consens Cul fin Et Committitur etc. [over Cox . Quodque Capiatur etc. over po se Jurata per consens Cul fin




' ' ' '



' ' '' '' iii iiii ' ' '

' ' xiiill'



] [

Bateman]. mort [over Swetman ]. [Endorsed] Billa Vera. Witnesses for the prosecution. Proclamation was made . The Lord the King died. On Ang.: 27th April [ 1685] proclamation was again made. They did not appear at the next [Quarter Sessions]. Therefore etc. [i.e. , they stand convicted by default]." Written on paper.





JANUARY 1684/5



further order from mee . And for soe doeing this shall bee your warrant Given Under my hand the 24th day of November 1685 [signed] R. Sawyer* To William Wagstaff Esq Clerk of ye Peace for London or his Deputy (c) [Indictment of William Kiffin and Charles Bateman for recusancy. ] London ss . Jur presentant quod Willelmus Kiffin * nuper de .... extra Cripplegate in ward de Cripplegate paroch sancti Egidii







extra London pred Generos et Carolus Bateman nuper de paroch et ward pred Barbitonsor chirurg vicesimo nono die Novembris Anno regni Domini nostri Caroli secundi Angl Tricesimo sexto have forborne the same a pred vicesimo nono die Novembris Anno Supradicto usque Tricesimu diem mensis Decembris Anno Tricesimo sexto supradicto per spaciu unius mensis rest of formula as (4), p. 157 integri .... [ Willelmus Newberry Willelmus Edmonds Proclamacio facta fuit antequam diem Dominus Rex obiit 27.6.procl iteru facta fuit Et non Comparuer ad prox etc. Ideo etc.§ Endorsed ] Billa Vera [















16 JANUARY, 1684/5 . Newgate calendar of this datell ; in untitled sub-section referring to prisoners upon orders ; inter alia.





Sir Robert Sawyer was Attorney-general from February , 1680/81, to December , 1687. Cf. D.N.B.


Probably to be identified with a prominent Anabaptist of the same Cf. D.N.B. Witnesses for the prosecution. § Ang.: Proclamation was made . Before the day [ i.e. , the date of the ensuing Quarter Sessions at which they were summoned to appear, viz., 27th April, 1685], the Lord the King died. On 27th April proclamation was again made and they did not appear at the next [Quarter Sessions . Therefor etc. [i.e. , they stand convicted by reason of their default ]. This minute (and that on the preceding indictment in text) must, therefore, have been written during or after the Quarter Sessions beginning 13th July, 1685 (1 name .






This calendar contains entries of the committal of three more persons for refusing the oath of allegiance of 3 Jac. , cap. 4; viz., (a) Richard Baxter, a Sabbatarian Anabaptist not the Puritan divine (cf. Boyle, Richard Baxter, P. 72 seq.) committed to Newgate 28th December, 1684. He was released at the Sessions beginning 29th April, 1685, without being indicted . (b) John Phrayser and (c) Alexander alias Andrew Crayford, both committed 14th January, 1684/5 . These two prisoners , described by Henry Muddiman , in his news- letter of 22nd January , as Scotchmen " and " dangerous persons " " (therefore probably Covenanters) , were together indicted for their refusal of the oath on 16th January (indictment in G.D. section of this file). Phrayser then took the oath and was discharged , but Crayford persisted and was








JANUARY 1684/5

James Rothwell Referr'd to their sever" form ordrs to rem

* ' until

convicted of the premunire. Crayford remained in Newgate after the next Sessions beginning 25th February. Thereafter his name no longer occurs in the calendars . He was probably released , for there is no record of his death. This note refers to Rothwell and twenty - two other prisoners bracketed with him in MS. On March 7th, 1684/5, the new King , James II, granted a special ( and unconditional) pardon, ex gratia , to fifteen London prisoners , including James Rothwell . This they all pleaded in court at the adjournment of March 21st, and the pardon was allowed on the usual condition of glovesilver (13/4 ). (Sessions Book, under entries relating to the G.D. Sessions of Feb. , 1684/5) . The exact date of Rothwell's release from Newgate does not appear , but it must have occurred some time between March 21st and April 29th (the date of the next Sessions), when his name is absent from the calendar.




Six seventeenth - century manuscript books of precedents are preserved in these archives , containing model formulas of indictments for various crimes , intended for the guidance of Clerks of the Peace when drafting such documents . In most cases the formula alone is given, A.B. being substituted for actual names, and dates being omitted. Occasionally , however , names and dates have been inserted by the scribe, who has thus apparently preserved for us complete copies of actual indictments, the originals of which have since disappeared (cf. marginal note to B (4) (b) infra). Nevertheless , such second-hand evidence is obviously to be treated with circumspection . Three of these books contain matter of interest to Catholics . In view of the character of the source, give below merely the main facts exhibited in these indictments, in English abstracts . The minutes are translated




literally . A. Bound in original parchment, and inscribed ( in a later hand) " Indictmts & Proceedings at Sessions 38. Folio 21v. [Indictment of Richard Yorke for conspiracy in the " Gunpowder Plot." Date of original indictment, 28th January, 1605/6-4th Nov. , 1606 ]. Title: Treason pro insurreccione proditoria. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Richard Yorke, late of Hodyngton ? Huddington ] in the County of Worcester, gentleman, as a false traitor against our Lord James , King of England etc. did, on 5th November last past , at Dunchurch in the County of Warwick, conspire not only to depose the said Lord the King but also to kill him, to subvert the government and change the religion of this realm and, moreover, to induce the King's foreign enemies to invade the Kingdom ; and with this object, on 5th November aforesaid, at Dunchurch aforesaid, did assemble with Robert Catesby, Thomas Pearcy, John Wright and Christopher Wright, all later killed in open rebellion against his Majesty, and with Sir EverardDigby, Knight, Robert Winter Esq., John Graunt Esq., Ambrose Rookewood Esq., Thomas Bates and Robert Keyes, lately attainted of high treason, and then and there did traitorously discuss the ways and means by which the aforesaid treasonable designs might be carried out ; in which discussion the said Robert sic Yorke did agree to rise with the aforesaid traitors in open [and actual rebellion against the King and with them to undertake a warlike progress through the County of Warwick and divers other counties and traitorously to gather to their company as many papists as possible and to incite the latter to join with him and them in open and actual rebellion against the King. Moreover, that the said Richard Yorke, for the more effectual execution of these treasonable designs , being associated with manyothertraitors to the number of forty persons in warlikearray, armed and equipped








with horses and geldings, did afterwards on the same fifth day of November, in the night-time , traitorously begin his march with the aforesaid traitors at Dunchurch in the said county and with them did ride for the space of two hours with the aforesaid treasonable intentions . No proceedings on this indictment are noted .



B. Similarly bound, and inscribed " Indictts 1603-1640. (1) Folio 3v . [Indictment of Roger Payne for recusancy. Date of original indictment, June, 1604. Usual formula] . Left margin : " Pro Recusancia. 1° Eliz : 23° Eliz: The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Roger Payne, late of the parish of St Sepulchre in the ward of Farringdon without London, Cobler," was on 20th May, 2 James I [ 1604] above the " age of sixteen years, and did not repair to his parish church for divine service nor to any other church, chapel or usual place of common prayer during one month next following the said 20th May. Minute. At the Sessions held on the second day of July in the second year of the reign of King James , the above-mentioned Roger Payne pleaded guilty . Therefore it is decreed that he have the penalty of the aforesaid statute in a case of this kind made and provided etc. " (2) Folio 24v . [Indictment of William Bostocke for refusing the oath of allegiance. Date of original indictment, March, 1625/6 . Usual formula . ] Left margin: for refusing to take the oath of allegiance. 3°





Jac: Praemunire. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that William Bostocke, late of London, gentleman, being on 22nd March, 1 Charles I [ 1625/6], above the age of eighteen years, at a Session of Gaol Delivery of Newgate held on that day for the City of London at Justicehall in the Old Bailey, was required by Allan Cotton , Mayor of the City of London , Sir John Leman , Knight, Sir Edward Barkham , Knight, Sir Martin Lumley , Knight , and other Justices, to take the oath specified in the Act for the better discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants [3 James I , cap. 4 , and that the said William Bostocke did then and there obstinately refuse to do so. He pleaded guilty . Therefore it is decreed by the Minute. court that he be placed henceforward for the future outside the protection of the Lord the King , and that his goods and chattels, lands and tenements be forfeited to the same Lord the King etc.; and he is committed by the court to the said Lord the King's gaol of Newgate, there to remain during the pleasure of the said Lord the King etc.







Conway for recusancy. (3) Folio 24v. [Indictment of Lady Ann , .

Date of original indictment, March 1625/6 . Usual formula ] Left margin : For Recusancy. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Lady Ann Conway, of the parish of St Peter le Poor, widow, did not repair to her parish




church for divine service, nor to any other church, chapel or usual place of common prayer during one month next following the third day of February , I Charles I [ 1625/6 . She was proclaimed according to the form of the Minute. Statute etc. Later memorandum. At the Gaol Delivery of Newgate held for the City of London on the 21st day of April in the second year of the reign of King Charles I , the said Ann Conway did not render her body to the Sheriffs of London according to the proclamation aforesaid , nor then and there did make her appearance of record. Therefore she is convicted of the contempt and offence aforesaid according to the form of the statute etc. "





(4) Folio 26v . (a) [Indictment of many persons for recusancy.

Date of original indictment, Feb., 1625/6. Usual formula]. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Robert Curtis , Ann Cooke , Lord Viscount Mountague [ addresses and additions not given] and many other persons [ unnamed but see below] did not repair to their parish church for divine service, nor to any other church, chapel or usual place of common prayer [during one month next following 2nd January , Charles [ 1625/6 ]. Minute . All were proclaimed according to the form of the statute etc.






(b) [Record of proceedingsagainst the persons named in the original of the above indictment. Left margin : The entryes endorsed upon the Endictmt where some of them have pleaded not guilty & att the next sessions confessed & recanted, others found guilty by the Jury and the rest convicted by default . Md that these entryes agree verbatim with the originalls.




At the Sessions of Gaol Delivery of Newgate held for the City of

London at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey on Wednesday, 2nd March, 1 Charles I [1625/6], before Allan Cotton, Mayor of the City of London , John Sotherton, Baron of the Exchequer, Sir Edward Barkeham, Knight , Sir Martin Lumley, Knight , Philip Watson Esq. , and other Justices, the said Viscount Mountague , Sir Thomas Hawkins , Knight , Sir Nicholas Fortescue, Knight, John Moore , Hugh Holland , Thomas Hickes , Promothea Hickes, his wife, Richard Mayes, Charles Kemble, Richard Watson and Henry Brooke appeared in their proper persons and, the indictment being read , severally say they are not guilty and put themselves upon their country, and John Weld Esq., who prosecutes for the Lord the King, likewise ; and the same day [for trial] at the next Gaol Delivery Sessions is given to the said John Weld as to the Viscount Mountague and the others, except Fortescue. The other persons named in the indictment [ i.e. , Robert Curtis , Ann Cooke and possibly others whose names have not been copied into this Precedent Book did not make their appearance of record therefore ; ] they stand convicted of the indictment by default .



At the next Gaol Delivery Sessions, held at the aforesaid place on Friday, 21st April , 2 Charles [ 1626] , before Allan Cotton , Sir William Jones , Knight , Justice of the King's Bench, Sir George Crooke, Knight, Justice of the Common Pleas , Barkeham, Lumley , Watson and other Justices, the following appeared in their proper persons , viz., Mountague, Hawkins , Moore, Holland , Thomas Hickes, Mayes , Kemble , Watson, Brooke and Edward Yeates. Whereupon Moore and Watson were found guilty of the indictment by a jury ; Mountague and Hawkins , abandoning their former plea, pleaded guilty. Holland , Thomas Hickes , Mayes, Kemble, Brooke and Yeates severally made their submission in doe here openly , publiquely and court in the following form, voluntarily renounce & refuse my former Contempt and obstinacy specified in the Indictmt whereof am endicted in not coming to Church and doe voluntarily submitt my selfe in [ ? my due obedience towards my soveraigne lord the King in causes of religion and doctrine now established by the lawes of this Realme of England and doe faithfully promise from the bottome of my hearte from henceforth to conforme my selfe in causes of religion & doctrine aforesaid , and in such conformityto Continue to my lives end and doe humbly pray that this my submission may bee recorded. The submission was allowed by the court , and each of the said six persons having taken the oath of allegiance specified in the statute of 3 James , cap. 4, it was decreed that they, i.e., Holland, Thomas Hickes , Mayes, Kemble , Brookes [sic] and Yeats [sic], be discharged of the aforesaid indictment. At the Gaol Delivery Sessions held at ,the aforesaid place on Wednesday, 24th May , 2 Charles [ 1626] before Allan Cotton, Jones , Sir James Whitlocke, Knight, Justice of the King's Bench, Sir John Leman , Knight, Lumley and other Justices, Prothesia sic Hickes, wife of the said Thomas Hickes, appeared and made [her submission in court in the form given above and took the oath of allegiance, whereupon she was discharged by the court of her aforesaid indictment. Sir Nicholas Fortescue also appeared and now pleaded guilty, abandoning his former plea .









(5) Folio 27v. [Indictment of George Matchett " for extolling the authority of the Pope ." Date of original indictment ,

October , 1625 April , 1626. ] The Jurors for the Lord King present that George Matchett, late of London , gentleman, being a seditious and ill-disposed person, plotting not only to subject England and the imperial Crown thereof once more in servitude to the unlawful jurisdiction and authority formerly usurped by the Bishops of Rome, but also to alienate the minds and hearts of the King's subjects from their due obedience and to raise sedition and rebellion within this realm, did, on 8th October, Charles [1625 ], in the parish of St Lawrence in Old Jewry, in the ward of Cheap , advisedly, wittingly, publicly, seditiously and maliciously defend and extol the said authority, jurisdiction and power usurped by the Bishop of Rome, in the






following speech : That hee that spake anything against the Pope or hee that was the popes enemy was a Rogue and a villaine and that the Pope had supremacy above the King of this Kingdome . Minute . He puts himself upon his country and is reprieved i.e. , sent back to gaol probably Newgate] by the court, without [bail etc. Later memorandum . " On the first day of Easter Term 2 Charles i.e. [ , in April , 1626] the tenor of thisindictment is certified into King's Bench , according to the form of the statute in a like case made and provided etc.







C. Similarly bound, and inscribed " Precedents 1584, 26th Eliz . to 1638, 14th Chas . I. Folio 8v. [Indictment of Edward More for priesthood . Date of original indictment, 1628 (or later) . Usual formula . Left margin : for being borne in England and made a Preist beyond the seas etc. and afterwards coming over remayned here. is treason per Statut 1° [sic Eliz. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Edward More, late of London, clerk, born within the realm of England , and ordained a priest beyond the seas by authority derived from and pretended by the See of Rome after the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, I Eliz . [24 June, 1559 and before 5th March, 3 Charles [1627/8 , did , on the said 5th March, come from abroad to the parish of St Mary le Bow, in the ward of Cheap , London , and on the said 5th March, and on various days afterwards [ et diversis diebus postea , as a false traitor , did remain there. No minute of proceedings on this indictment is given . ]















Indictment for recusancy ; doc . (1), p. 1 . London, to wit. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Ralph Lawson , late of the parish of Saint Andrew in Holborn London, gentleman, who, on the tenth day of August in the second year of the reign of our Lord James, by the grace of God , King of England France and Ireland, Defender of the faith etc. , and the thirty- eighth year of his reign over Scotland , was of the age of sixteen years and more, did not repair to his parish Church of the parish of Saint Dunstan [sic for Saint Andrew] aforesaid nor to any other Chapel or usual place of common prayer nor was present there at the time of common prayer at any time within the six months next following the aforesaid tenth day of August in the above-mentioned second and thirty-eighth years , but hath forborne the same from the aforesaid tenth day of August in the second and thirty - eighth years above-mentioned for the space of the aforesaid six months thereafter next following; against the form and tenor of a certain Statute in a case of this kind published and provided at Westminster in the County of Middlesex in the first year of the reign of the lady Elizabeth, late Queen, for the uniformityof common prayer, and against the form of a Statute in a like case published and provided in the twenty - third year of the reign of the same lady the Queen, to the manifest contempt of the said Lord now King and of his laws, and also against the peace of the said Lord now King , his Crown and dignity etc. [Clerical minute He was proclaimed according to the form of the statute

] etc.

Left margin] True Bill [Endorsed ] Witness


Cransfeyld .

Lowe, Mayor. On the 15th day of February in the second year of the reign of King James this record is delivered by Henry Moodye and his fellows etc. Recognizance : doc . ( 1 ) , p. 3 .

London, to wit . Be it remembered that on the sixth day of March in the second year of the reign of our Lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith etc. and the 38th year of his reign over Scotland , Thomes Giles of Cow Lane in the parish of St. Sepulchre, London, Basket maker, was delivered in bail to John Yonge of the parish of Saint George in Southwark , yoeman , and to Thomas Godfrey , of the parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate , London, Chandler , until the next Sessions of Gaol Delivery of Newgate to be held for the City aforesaid , prepared to answer to all matters [that shall be then and there objected against him on behalf of the Lord the King] , under the penalty of the principal party himself, forty pounds, and of each of the said sureties [ mainpernors ], twenty pounds of lawful [money of England] ; [to be levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements severally] for the use [of the said





Lord the King], which [ they severally shall forfeit ] if [the said Thomas Giles make default in the aforesaid condition]. Taken and acknowledged Clerical minute He appeared and took [the ] corporal oath of supremacy. before me: H. Mountagu, Recorder . Indictment for priesthood: doc . (1 ), p. 24. London , to wit. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Robert Drurye, late of London, Clerk, being born within this realm of England, to wit, in the parish of St. Gregory in the ward of Castlebaynard , London aforesaid , was made and ordained a Priest after the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist in the first year of the reign of the Lady Elizabeth, late Queen of England, and before the eleventh day of February in the fourth year of the reign of our Lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc. , and in the fortieth year of his reign over Scotland, at Valladolid in the Kingdom of Spain , in parts beyond sea, by authority derived from the See of Rome ; and very little weighing the laws and statutes of this Kingdom of England and not in any degree fearing the penalties contained in the same, afterwards, to wit, on the said eleventh day of February in the aforesaid fourth and 40th years , was and remained in London aforesaid , to wit, in the parish and ward aforesaid , feloniously , traitorously and as a traitor of the said lord now King; to the contempt of the lord now King himself, his crown and dignity, and also against the form of the statute in a like case published and provided etc. Clerical minute] At the sessions held on the 19th day of February in the fourth year of the reign of King James, the above-mentioned Robert Drury puts himself not guilty on a jury of his country] ; a jury is summoned ; [he is found] guilty; [he has] no chattels [for forfeiture to the Crown ]. Therefore judgment [is given] that he be led back to the prison of Newgate whence he had come, and that he be drawn thence upon a hurdle to the gallows at Tyborne and be there hanged by the neck, and that while still alive he be thrown down , and that his members be cut off, and that his body be divided into four parts, and that his members and quarters be placed where the said lord the King shall be pleased to appoint, etc.



[Left margin]


True Bill .

Watts, Mayor. ] [Endorsed On the 19th day of February in the 4th year of the reign of King James, this record is delivered by Simon Sedgwik and his fellows, etc. Record of Commission : doc . (5), p. 26 . London , to wit. Inquests taken at Justice Hall in the Old Baily, in the parish of St. Sepulchre , in the ward of Farringdon-without, in the suburb of London aforesaid , on Thursday, to wit, the 19th day of February in the fourth year of the reign of our Lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, and in the 40th year of his reign over Scotland , before Sir John Wattes, Knight, Mayor , Sir William Waad, Knight, Lieutenant of the of the City aforesaid Tower of London, Sir Stephen Soame, Knight, Sir John Garrard, Knight, Sir Thomas Bennett, Knight, Sir Leonard Halliday, Knight,

Sir Henry Mountagu, Knight, Henry [ , Richard Wheler, Mathew Dale, Francis Morgan and James [ Walrend] , Esquires , Justices , appointed to inquire, on the oath of good and lawful men of the City




aforesaid and of the liberties of the same by whom the true facts may be the better known and examined concerning whatsoever treasons , misprisions of treason , insurrections, felonies , murders, homicides, slayings and other articles specified in the letters patent of the said Lord King directed to them and others , [which have been perpetrated or committed within the city aforesaid , both within and without the liberties thereof, and to hear and determine the same treasons, misprisions of treason , felonies , murders , homicides and other articles and offences above-mentioned according to the law and custom of the realm of the said Lord the King of England. Endorsed Wattes, Mayor. Session of Oyer and Terminer held on the 19th day of February in the 4th year of the reign of King James : 1606/7.





Indictment for saying and hearing Mass : p . 30. London, to wit . The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Oswald Needham , late of London, clerk, on the twenty -ninth day of June in the fifth year of the reign of our Lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith etc. , and the fortieth year of his reign over Scotland , in London, to wit, in the parish of Christ Church, in the ward of Farringdon within London aforesaid , did voluntarily say and celebrate one mass, against the form of a certain statute in this case published and provided in the parliament of our late Lady Elizabeth the Queen, held at Westminster in the County of Middlesex in the 23rd year of her reign, and againstthe peace of the said Lord King , his crown and dignity . And that William Davis, late of London, clerk, Hugh Whittoft [etc. , etc. ] were present at the time of the said celebration of the mass aforesaid and then and there did voluntarily hear the same mass so said as above -mentioned, against the form of the aforesaid statute and against the peace of the said Lord now King, his crown and dignity , etc. [Clerical minute] At the session held on the 2nd day of October in the fifth year of the reign of our Lord James, the above -mentioned John Cutler, Roland Walker [etc. , etc.] severally put themselves [ not guilty on a " ; all [are found guilty. jury of their country] ; a jury is summoned each Therefore judgment [is given] that they and of them be severally committed to the said Lord the King's prison of Newgate aforesaid [sic , ] there to remain for the space of one whole year hereafter next following; and that each pay to the use of the said Lord the King one hundred marks of lawful money of England by reason of all and every the trespasses and contempts ? contained and specified in the indictment, according to the form of the statute in that case published and provided , etc. margin] True Bill . [Left Watts, Mayor. [Endorsed ] On the 2nd day of October in the 5th year of the reign of King , James this record is delivered by John Melton and his fellows , etc. On the testimony of George Cotham , Francis Harris and [? John Abbott ] . Subsequent memorandum . [ the 15th day of December] in the fifth and forty-first years of the reign On of the Lord King James herein -noted [sic], the tenor of this record is transmitted before Sir Lawrence Tanfield, Knight, Chief Baron of the Exchequer of the said Lord the King, at SergeantsInn in Chancery Lane,






by virtue of a writ of Certiorari of the said Lord the King, issuing from the Exchequer aforesaid, [? returnable before ] the same Sir Lawrence Tanfeld, Knight, this instant 15th day of December in the aforesaid fifth year. Indictment for refusing the Oath of Allegiance : doc . (6) , p. 51 . London , to wit. The Jurors for the Lord the King present that Edward Price , late of London, gentleman , on the seventh day of December in the eighth year of the reign of our Lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland and the forty-fourth year of his reign over Scotland, was of the age of eighteen years and more , [and


in London, to wit, at Justice Hall, situatedin the Old Bailey in the parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate , in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid , in full General Session of Gaol Delivery then and there held for the City of London aforesaid before Sir William Craven , Knt., Mayor of the Cityof London aforesaid , Sir Henry Mountagu, Knt ., Recorder of the same City, Sir Stephen Soame, Knt . , Sir Henry Rowe , Knt., Justices of the said Lord the King for the delivery of the gaol of Newgate of the prisoners therein being , and other Justices of Gaol [Delivery] aforesaid and Justices of the Peace of the same City, the same Justices then and there required the aforesaid

Edward Price to

take and pronounce upon the holy Gospel a certain Oath containedand specified in an Act of Parliament of the said Lord the King held at Westminster in the third year of his reign entitled " An Acte for the better discoveringe and repressinge of popish Recusants " ; and that the same Edward Price then and there , to wit, in the said full General Session of Gaol Delivery, obstinately and utterly refused to take that oath thus offered, as said above, to the same Edward Price by the aforesaid Justices in the said full General Session of Gaol Delivery ; to the contempt of the said Lord now King and of his laws, and against the form of the Statute in a like case published and provided and against the peace of the said Lord the King, etc.

[Left margin] True Bill . [Endorsed] On the fifth day of December in the eighth year of the

reign of King James this record is delivered his fellows , etc.

by Ralph Edmonds and

Indictment for being seduced from the King's Obedience, etc.: doc . ( 1), p. 59. London , to wit . The Jurors present for the Lord the King that William Jennyson, late of London, Esquire , as a false traitor against the most illustrious and Christian prince our lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland , France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc., his supreme and natural lord, not having the fear of God in his heart nor considering the debt of his allegiance but being seduced by diabolic instigation, on the first day of September in the fourth year of the reign of the said lord James now King of England, France and Ireland and the fortieth of his reign over Scotland , at London in the parish of blessed Mary le Bow in the Ward of Cheape, London, by a certain John Roberts, a priest, who pretended he had the power of absolving the subjects of the same lord the King from their natural allegiance towards the said lord the King and of withdrawing them, with that intention, from the religion established within this realm by





authorityof the lady Elizabeth, late Queen of England, to the Roman religion, was persuaded and withdrawn from the religion established by the authority of the said late Queen within her dominions on the sixth day of January in the twenty - third year of the reign of the said late Queen, and earlier, to the Roman religion, with the intention of

withdrawing himself from his natural obedience towards the said lord the King , and then and there was voluntarily and traitorously reconciled and did promise his obedience to the authority of the Roman See ; against the form of the statute in a like case published and provided, and against the peace of the said lord now King, etc. Clerical minute] At the Session of Oyer and Terminer held on the 14th day of February in the 8th year of the reign of King James the abovenamed William Jennyson puts himself [ not guilty upon a jury of his country ; a jury is called. The jury find that he is ] not guilty and that he did not withdraw himself [in flight for the felony]. Therefore judgment [is given] that he be discharged. margin] True Bill. [Left Endorsed ] Witness : Edmund Browne and Nichilas Fookes . [ Cambell , Mayor. On the fourth day of September in the eighth year of the reign of King James this record is delivered by George Sotherton and his fellows.






Indictment for refusing the Oath of Allegiance ; doc . (1), p. 71 . London, to wit . The Jurors present for the Lord the King upon their oath that Sir James Pemberton, Knt. , Mayor of the City of London aforesaid , Sir Thomas Flemyng, Knt. , [ ? Chief] Justice of the Lord the King appointed to hold pleas before the same King [i.e., of King's Bench ], Sir Henry Mountagu, Knt. , one of the sergeants of the Lord the King at law and Recorder of the aforesaid City, Sir John Garrard, Knt., Sir Thomas Bennett, Knt . [and another; name illegible], Justices of the same Lord the King [appointed] to preserve the peace in the same City and also Justices of the said Lord the King appointed to hold the General Gaol Delivery for the City aforesaid , on the twentyeighth day of May in the year of the reign of our said Lord James , by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland , France and Ireland, Defender of the faith to wit, the tenth of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the forty-fifth , at London, to wit, at Justice Hall situated and existing in the Old Bailey in the parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate , in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid, in full General Session of Gaol Delivery for the City of London aforesaid , then and there did tender to William Vavasor , late of Haselwood in the County of York, Esquire, being above the age of eighteen years and more [sic], for his acceptance then and there before the same Justices , the Oath of Allegiance contained in a certain Act of Parliament held by prorogation at Westminster in the County of Middlesex on the fifth day of Novemberin the third year of his reignover England, France and Ireland and the thirty - ninth over Scotland , in that part published and provided. The same William Vavasor, however, utterly refused to take and accept the aforesaid Oath thus tendered then and there to the same William Vavasor by the aforesaid Justices in the parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate , London aforesaid, to the evil and pernicious example of others offending in a case of this kind; against the form of the Statute in that case published and




provided and against the peace of the said Lord now King, his crown and dignity . [Clerical minute] At the Session of Gaol Delivery held on the 28th day of May in the tenth year of the reign of King James, the aforesaid William Vavasor puts himself not guilty on a jury of his country]. A jury is summoned. He is found guilty. Therefore judgment [is given that all the lands and tenements, goods and chattels of the aforesaid William Vavasor shall be forfeited to the Lord the King, and that he, William Vavasor, shall suffer the imprisonment of his body during the pleasure of the said Lord the King according to the form of the statute in a case of this kind made and provided , etc. Endorsed] True Bill .







Record of pardon; doc. (2) , p. 96 .

And now at this next General Session of Gaol Delivery the aforesaid Edward Elverton comes in his proper person and says that the Lord the King, by his letters patent, bearing date at Westminster the second day of January in the fourteenth year of his reign over England, France and Ireland and the fiftieth of his reign over Scotland , of his special grace, certain knowledge and spontaneous act , has on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors , pardoned , remitted and released to the aforesaid Edward Elverton, by the name of Edward Yelverton, his heirs , executors , administrators and assigns, all offences, contempts , malfeasances, forfeitures, penalties and sums pecuniary, pains corporal and pecuniary, judgments and executions , which by the same Lord the King can in any way whatsoever be pardoned, for or by reason of the recusancy of the said Edward, or for or by reason or occasion of any offence, material act or anything whatsoever had, done , perpetrated or committed by the aforesaid Edward, before and until the date of the said letters patent, against any law of the same Lord the King, [or against any] statute and ordinance formerly had , made or provided against recusants or in any way touching or concerning recusants . And the aforesaid Edward Elverton brings here in court the said letters patent and humbly petitions their award; which [letters patent] are allowed by the court. And further court that Edward Elverton be completelyexoneratitedis decreed by theanswering from further to the aforesaid indictment and from all conviction upon it ; and that he go acquitted without a day, etc. Endorsed This plea is delivered at the Gaol Delivery held on the twentiethday of February in the 14th year of the reign of King James.



Plea of

" not guilty "; doc. (3), p. 96.

London, to wit . And now at the next Delivery of the Lord the King's Gaol of Newgate aforesaid , held for the City of London aforesaid , until which [Sessions ] the said Thomas Frear had had a day to imparlthe " said indictment, the aforesaid Thomas Frear comes in the person of , a Henry Frear, his attorney, and after hearing of the said indictment , says he is not guilty against the form of the statute specified in the said indictment in the manner and form as by the said indictment against him above is supposed. And concerning this he petitions that an inquiry be made by the country, etc. Endorsed This plea is delivered at the Gaol Delivery held on the [third day of April in the 15th year of the reign of King James.






Inquisition -post-mortem: doc . (1 ), p. 105 . London, to wit . An Inquisition ( indented) taken at the gaol of Newgate, London, on the ninth day of May, A.D. 1649 , before Robert Keresforth, gentleman , Coroner of the aforesaid City of London, upon a view of the body of one John Hazell, then and there lying dead and detained there in custody, by the oath of Christopher Gibbs , Thomas Cope , Jonathan Bedwell, Richard Acres , Ralph Allestree , Daniel Harris, Thomas Shelman , John Bright , William Adee , James Blackwell, Richard Peele and William Carpenter , good and lawful men of the City of London aforesaid , who , then and there being sworn and charged to inquire when , how and in what manner the aforesaid John Hazell came to his death, say, upon their aforesaid oath, that the aforesaid John Hazell, on the eighth day of May aforesaid , in the above-mentioned year, died in the aforesaid gaol by the visitation of God . And the aforesaid jurors , upon their aforesaid oath, say that the aforesaid John Hazell thus came to his death, in the manner and form aforesaid and not otherwise , to their notice. In testimony of which thing both the aforesaid Coroner and the aforesaid jurors have put their seals to this Inquisition on the day, in the year and at the place first mentioned above, etc. is examined by me Robert Keresforth, Coroner of the City

It aforesaid , etc.

Record of default and conviction : doc . ( 15) , p. 164 .

London, to wit. Furthermore, to wit, at the Delivery of the Lord the King's Gaol of Newgate [held for the City of London at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey, London, in the parish of St. Sepulchre in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid , on Wednesday , to wit, the tenth day of December in the twenty -fifth year of the reign of our Lord Charles the second, by the grace of God , King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, etc. , before Sir William Hooker, Knt., Mayor of the City of London, Sir Edward Turner, Knt. and Baronet, Chief Baron of the Exchequer of the said Lord the King, Sir Christopher Turner, Knt ., one of the Barons of the Exchequer of the said Lord the King, Sir Richard Rainsford, Knt ., one of the Justices before the said of the said Lord the King appointed to hold pleas King (i.e. , of King's Bench) , Sir William Wilde, Knt . and Baronet , another Justice of the said Lord the King appointed to hold pleas before the said King, Sir Timothy Littleton, Knt . , another of the Barons of the Exchequerof the said Lord the King, Sir Robert Attkins, Knight of the Bath and one of the Lord the King's Justices of the Bench (i.e. , of Common Pleas), Sir Thomas Aleyn, Knt. and Baronet, Sir John Lawrence , Knt. , Sir Thomas Bludworth, Knt. , Sir William Peake, Knt., Sir Samuel Starling, Knt . , Sir Richard Ford, Knt., Sir George Waterman, Knt . , Aldermen of the City aforesaid , Sir John Howell, Knt., Sergeant -at -Law and Recorder of the same City, Sir Robert Vyner, Knt . and Baronet, Sir Joseph Sheldon , Knt . , Sir Denis Gawden, Knt. , Sir Thomas Davis, Knt. , Sir Francis Chaplin, Knt ., and Dannett Forth Esq. , Aldermen of the said City, and "George Gefferyes Esq., Justices of the said Lord the King, appointed to deliver his Gaol of Newgate of the prisoners therein being , it is presented upon oath by William Streete, Richard Chase, Nathaniel Holton, Samuel Marsh, Maurice King , Richard Davis, William Rowseby, John Taylor, John Hutton , Thomas Symonds , Samuel Gosson, Israel Felgate , Robert



Browne , Abraham Taylor , Thomas Harrison, Benjamin Gurnell and John Merrey, good and lawful men of the City of London aforesaid , then and there being sworn and charged to inquire for the said Lord the King and the body of the City aforesaid (see doc. (6) , p. 158 ) ], that William Roper , of the parish of St. Martin , Ludgate, in the ward of Farringdon without London aforesaid , Gentleman , on the 5th day of September [here follows his indictment for recusancy ]. At which Delivery of the said Lord the King's Gaol of Newgate proclamation was made and by the same proclamation it was then and there ordered that the body of the said William Roper should be rendered [to the Sheriffs of the City of London aforesaid before the then next Delivery of the aforesaid Gaol to be held in and for the City of London aforesaid according to the form of the Statute (see doc . (6) , p. 158) ] . And now , to wit, at the aforesaid next Delivery of the said Lord the King's Gaol , Newgate Justice aforeheld [in and for the City of London at of Hall said in the said parish of St. Sepulchre in the ward aforesaid , on Friday, to wit,] the ninth day of January, in the aforesaid twenty -fifth year before the aforesaid Sir William Hooker, Knt., Mayor of the City of [London , Sir Edward Turner, Knt . and Baronet, Chief Baron of the Exchequer of the said Lord the King, Sir Richard Rainsford, Knt. , one of the Justices of the said Lord the King appointed to hold pleas before the same King , Sir Timothy Littleton, Knt ., another of the Barons of the Exchequer of the said Lord the King, Sir Robert Attkins, Knight of the Bath and one of the Lord the King's Justices of the Bench, Sir FrancisNorth, Knt ., Attorney General of the Lord the King, Sir Thomas Aleyn, Knt . and Baronet, Sir John Lawrence , Knt ., Sir William Peake, Knt . , Sir William Turner, Knt . , Aldermen of the City aforesaid , Sir John Howell, Knt ., Sergeant- at -Law and Recorder of the same City, and others their fellows , Justices of the said Lord the King appointed to deliver his Gaol of Newgate of the prisoners therein being (see doc . (6) , pp. 158-9 ) ], the aforesaid William Roper did not render his body to the Sheriffs of the City of London aforesaid , nor did he make his appearance of record , but made default, and the default of the same William Roper was then and there recorded by the Court, whereby the same William Roper , being thus indicted, as above stated, of the premisses, was in lawful manner convicted, and still stands convicted, according to the form of the Statute in a case of this kind published and provided, etc.


Analysis of record of proceedings : doc. (17) , p. 165. Gaol the Delivery of Newgate at Old Bailey beginning on WednesAt day, December 10th, 1673 , before the Justices whose names are given in the preceding translation, the grand jury [names given in preceding translation] presented the indictment for recusancy against John Sadler, of the parish of St. John Baptist in the ward of Walbrook, London , merchant [see doc . ( 16), p. 164] , and proclamation was then made . By this proclamation Sadler was ordered to appear at the next Sessions January 9th, 1673/4 to plead to the indictment . He ] [ appeared, pleaded " not guilty," putting himself on a jury of his country. Bail was then allowed him until the next Gaol Delivery Sessions [beginning February 25th, 1673/4 when it was intended to ] hold the trial . He and his prosecutor , William Wagstaff, Town Clerk of the City of London, attended in due course, but the writ had not been issued to the Sheriffs to summon a jury, consequentlythe trial was postponed . Sadler was again bailed [ see Sessions Book until the ]



next Sessions which opened on Friday, April 10th , 1674. He and his prosecutor again appeared , but again the trial was postponed owing to the jury not being summoned . This was repeated at the successive Sessions of 29th April, 3rd June , 17th July, 9th September and 14th October, 1674, Sadler appearing at each and being delivered to bail for the intervening periods . At the Sessions beginning December 9th, 1674, the Sheriffs having now impanelled a jury to try the case [their names are given here], Sadler was found guilty of the charge of recusancy during three months as specified in the indictment, for which " trespass and contempt the Court gave judgment that he should forfeit £60.


Indictment for reconciling one of the King's subjects to the See of Rome : doc . (d), p. 324 . . London, to wit The Jurors for the Lord the King upon their oath present that John Francis Dickenson , late of London, gentleman, being a priest made and ordained by authority derived from the See of Rome, did , after the tenth day of June in the fourth year of the reign of the Lord James, late King of England, to wit, on the thirtieth day of October in the thirty-second year of the reign of our Lord Charles the second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland , France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, etc. , at London, to wit, in the parish of Christ Church in the ward of Farringdon within London aforesaid, feloniously and traitorously persuade and withdraw one Martha Cooke, a subject of the said Lord the King, from her natural obedience due to the same Lord the King now reigning, and did then and there feloniously and traitorously reconcile the same Martha Cooke to the See of Rome ; against the form of the Statute in a like case published and provided, etc., and against the peace of the said Lord now King, his crown and dignity, etc. A translation of the clerical minute on this indictment will be found in a footnote, p. 245. ]



p. xliii, 1. 16, and p. xlix, l. 19 for " not guilty " to read against. Glossary, p. lxiii; s.v. " lapidarius for stone -mason read stone -cutter, lapidary.


INDEX OF PERSONS AND PLACES. * An asterisk signifies more than one entry to a page : n indicates a note on the page . A dagger placed before a name refers the reader to The Dictionary of National Biography. Abbreviations. Ald. Alderman ; B.Ex. Baron of the Exchequer; C.B.Ex. Chief Baron of the Exchequer; C.J.C.P. Chief Justice of Common Pleas ; C.J.K.B. Chief Justice of King's Bench; C.J.U.B. Chief Justice of the Upper Bench; c. jur. coroner's juror ; g . jur.= grand juror; J.C.P.= Justice of Common Pleas ; J.G.D. Justice of Gaol Delivery of Newgate; J.K.B. Justice of King's Bench; J.O.T. Justice of Oyer and Terminer ; J.P. Justice of the Peace ; J.U.B. Justice of the Upper Bench; p . jur. = petty juror ; T.C. Town Clerk.




- -

Abbot , George, Archbp . of Canterbury 62 79 , 87 ; Bp . of London 59n ; J. G. D. 52 Abbott, John, p . jur . 326 ; witness 31 , 382 Aberall, Mary , wid . 130, 137; William, son 130, 137; see Aveyrall Aberdeen , Scotland 352n Ac(c) utt, James , cook 289 , 296 ; John, goldsmith 278 ; see Acourte ,





victualler 228 ; see Acourte, Accutt Acourte, James , cook 238 ; see Acord, Accutt Acres, Richard , c. jur. 106, 386 Acton, John, g. jur. 26 Adams , Edward , yeom. 178; John, cutler 54* ; pewterer 121 , 125n ; Acord , James ,

witness 128 ; William, 254; Mr. William 130

tailor 243 ,


Aldersgate Street 100, 143 , 221 , * 229, 257 Aldersgate Ward xxxiiin; Without xi Al(d)gate 220 *, 272n , 296 Aldington , Humphrey , mercht . 121, 126 Alexander (surname omitted ), yeom. 168 Alexander, Paul, gent. 34 Alkenton , Mary, spr. 60 ; wid . 60 ; see Alkington , Okenton Alkington , Mary , daughter of Mary 95 ; wid . 95 ; see Alkenton , Okenton Allanson, Anne, wid . 115-117 pass. Al(1)cott Quarles , Richard , suspected priest 104 Allemand, David , broker 232 Allen , Elizabeth , wid . 132 ; Joan, spr. 56; wife 78 ; Stephen , gent. 78 ; Thomas, g. jur. 325 Allestree, Ralph, c . jur. 106, 386 Allet(t) , Edward 87 ; als. of Simpson,




Adam's Court, Broad Street 232, 239 * Adamson , Margaret, spr. 23, 24 Mary ; see Allytt 1) eyn( e) , Thomas , Addamson , see Adomson ( Al Ald. , J.P. 124 ; Adderbury, co. Oxford 38n esq., Ald. , J.P. 126, 135-7 pass., Adderley , William, esq., Clerk of 139, 140 , 151, 152 ; Sir Thomas, Bt. , the Peace for Midds . 326 Ald., J.G.D. 158, 159*, 162*, 165–167 Adee, William, c . jur. 106, 386 Ader, Katherine , wid . 81 Adlam, John, als . Ayleworth 235*, 236; O.S.B. 235n Adomson , Elizabeth , spr. 179 * Adomson, Addamson, Humphrey , engraver 179* Agas, Edward 155 Ailesbury , Lord ; see Authorities Ainge , Ange , Edward , gent . 182* Albany 362 Aldermanbury 204, 214, 242, 254, 304, 314, 317

pass. , 172, 175, 176, 196, 197 , 198, 250 , 327, 386 , 387 ; J.O.T. 249 ; J.P. 201 , 207, 208, 214-217 pass ., 230 , 329n ; Kt. , Ald ., J.P. 210 All Hallows, Parish of (Dowgate Ward) 15; Barking 49, 181, (Tower Ward ) 15 , 88; The Great 329n ; Honey Lane (Cheap Ward ) 7; The Less 207 ; Lombard Street 213, 278 , 313n, ( Bishopsgate Ward) 170 ; Staining 120, 134, 207, 212 , 219, (Langbourn Ward) 80, 171 ; London Wall 49, 60, 121*, 125, 141, 142, 151 ,







196, 198, 199 , 365n, (Broad Street Aslyne, James , mercht . 123, 127, Ward) 77, 123, 127, 141 , 196 130, 137, 140, 141* ; John 128 Atherby (?Adderbury) , co. Oxford 38 Allytt, Mary , spr. 90 ; see Allett Almond, Blessed John, martyr 79n ; Athey, James , c. jur. 209 see Latham , Francis Atkey , Mr. 133 Almye, Robert 165n, 189, 191 *, 192, Atkin, Thomas , Ald. , J.P. 115, 116; 195 ; stationer 160, 182 , 185, 189, Sir Thomas, Kt., Ald. , J.G.D. 118 , 119 ; Ald., J.P. 117 , 123-6 pass., 191-194 pass. * Alward , see Ayleward 134-141 pass ., 143, 145, 146 , 148 *, Ambassadors , see under the various 151, 152, 153* countries Atkinson, Henry , esq. 33 ; William Amen Corner 265, 349 100 Amey, Samuel 129n Atterbury , Atterberry, Elizabeth, spr. Amsterdam Coffee House , Bartholo- 203n ; John , packer 202n , 222 ; mew Lane 344n jun., yeom . 203n ; sen., packer 2031* ; Sara , spr. 203n ; Susanna , wife 203n * ; Amy, Thomas, druggist 307 Anabaptists 373 * William, Brownist xlii Anderson, Edward 1042 ; Peter 371 Atteslowe, Henry, gent . 12 Anderton, Christopher, Rector of The Atthow, Christopher, goldsmith 189 English College, Rome 247 * At(t) kins [Atkyns ], Sir Edward, Andrewes , Ann , witness 196 ; Edward . , B.Ex. , Justice of Assize 310*; Kt 155; Thomas, Ald. , J.P. 115, 116 ; J.G.D. 250, 327 ; Sir Robert, Sir Thomas, Kt. , Ald. , J.P. 117, K.B., J.C.P., J.G.D. 158 , 159 , * 123, 138, 148, 153* Ange , see Ainge

162* , 167, 172, 175, 176, 196, 197*, 250, 386 , 387 Angel Court, St. Sepulchre's 205 ; At ( ) wood , James , witness 365 ; Snow Hill 149 John [Peter 300 ; labourer 298; Angel Street 229 , 240, 263 ; St. O.P., xxix ; priest 300 * Audlin , John , fan -maker 275 ; see Sepulchre's 222 Ann (surnameomitted ), maid - servant Awdlin, Odlin , Olding Audly , Jeremiah, salter 292*, 293* 94 Aurney, John 237 Ansell, Edward , g . jur. 83 Ap(p)leton, Roger 226* ; esq. 8 ; Austin , Robert, stationer 109* Authorities, referred to in introducpriest 226n ; yeom. 23 Ap( p) letree, Francis 24 tion and notes : Aprece , Thomas , gent. 53 ; see Price Ailesbury, Thomas Bruce, Earl of, Memoirs (Roxburghe Club) 289 Archer, William, gent. 2072 Beaven : The Aldermen of The Arches , court of 46* City of London (2 vols.) xx Arden, John, gent. 9 Besant : London South of the Argall , Samuel , haberdasher 213 Thames xii Argent, Mr. , broker 205 Arkingstall , Roger , skinner 181, 182 Black Book of Newgate (contemArmitage, John, p. jur. 76 ; Samuel , porary sessions papers, 1674-1679) foreman g. jur. 63 352 Cavalier ; Blundell , Armstronge, Albayney , wine- cooper Margaret : Letters of William Blundell to his 216 Friends, 1620-1698 ( 1933) xlv, liii Arnold , John, esq. 289, 293 ; J.P. 289n wife 271, 272 ; Daniel Boyle, Richard Baxter 373 Arthur , Calendar of State Papers (Domestic ) 199n ; gent. 199 ; mercht . 157-159 pass. , 162 , 163 , 181, 183-185pass., 320, 352, 362 Camm , Dom Bede : A Benedictine 196-198 pass., 271 *, 272 , 334n; servant to the Queen 197; John Martyr in England (1897) 59 Catholic Magazine (1832) 110 334 , 335* Catholic Record Society, PublicaAryndon, Mary, wid . 33; Thomas, tions of (various), xvi, xxix , gent. 33 Ashby St. Ledgers (Northants ) 74n xliv , xlv, 15, 41 , 42, 92, 106 , 284 Ashe, Joseph , c . jur. 227 Challoner , Richard ; Memoirs of Ashenden , Thomas, clerk 318n * Missionary Priests (ed. 1924) xxix , Ashwood, Cheshire 362 Ask(e) with, Ann , wife 49 ; Chris67, 284 Christian Moderator, or Persecu topher, gent. 3 ; jerkinmaker 49 tion for Religion (1652) xlvi Aston, Francis, gent. 298*


...., * * *







INDEX Authorities continued Court of Aldermen Papers x Douai Magazine : The last years of Dom John Placid Adelham , alias Adlam, alias Ayleworth (March,


1931 ) 235 Downside Review: ( Jan., 1932) 41 ; Early lists of our Spanish Fathers (Jan., 1927) 41 ; The HunterHesketh prosecutions (July, 1933) 370; Odds and Ends (May, 1927) 41

Firth (C. H.) and Rait (R. S.) : Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-60 (3 vols. , 1911) xlvi, 124 Foley, Henry, S. J.: Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus ( 1877-83 ) , 67, 209, 274 , 288 * Gordon, Rev. J. F. S. , The Catholic Church in Scotland (1867) 352 Harben , H. A. , A Dictionary of London ( 1918 129 255 ) , Hay, M. V.: The Jesuits and the Popish Plot (1934) lv , lvi Holdsworth, W. S.: History of English Law (3 vols. , 1909) xxxii Hustings Rolls xv Jacob, Giles : A New Law Dictionary (1756) viii*, ix *, x , xv*,

xxviii, xxxvii , lxi , lxii , 46, 57,

95, 106, 309, 312 Jeaffreson , J. Cordy : Middlesex County Records (4 vols. , 1886-92 ), x xii, pass., xiv, xv, xxi , xxiii, χχίν xxvii, xxxiii, xxxvii*, xxxviii* xl xlii pass. , xlvii, lv, lvii , lviii , 67, 68, 114, 153, 209,




218,223,226,235,236 *

243 ,

245, 252, 274, 284, 287, 305, 352 Essex Quarter Le Hardy, W Sessions Records (calendar) xi ; Herts and Bucks Quarter Sessions Records (calendar) xi ; Westminster Sessions Records (calendar) xi ; and Reckitt , G. L.: Middlesex Sessions Records (calendar ) xi


Letter Books of the Corporation of London xiv Lingard, Rev. John , D.D .: A History of England xlvi, 155 London Gazette ( Burney Collection , B.M.) lv, lviii Maitland, F. W.: Constitutional History of England ( 1926) viii, Pleas of the Crown xSelden , xv ; Select Soc.) xxxviii ( Martin, C. T The Record Interpreter (2nd ed.: ., 1910) xv, Mearne, Samuel , and lxi Baker , John : The Two Associations ( 1681 ) 348

Authorities continued Medley, D. J.: English Constitutional History (revised ed., 1925) x Minutes and Reports of the Court of Common Council xvii , xix Month : The Caryll Letter (March, 1933) 245 ; Nathaniel Thompson and the Popish Plot (July, 1921) 200 Moran, Rev. P. F. , Memoir of the Most Rev. Dr. Plunket ( 1861 ) 334, 336 Muddiman, Henry: News -letters, 1678-1685 (extracts edited by J. G. Muddiman : typescript at Douai Abbey) 335, 355, 356, 373 J. G., The King's Journalist (1923); 333*; see Williams , J.B. Newgate Book xxv North, Roger: Examen ( 1740) 362 The Office of the Clerk of Assize : together with the Office of the Clerk of the Peace (2nd ed., 1682) xliii,


Pells Booksof Receipts ( P.R.O.) xliv Penn , William : The Second Part of the People's Ancient and Just Liberties asserted (1670) xxv Privy CouncilRegister(P.R.O.) lvii * Recusant Rolls (P.R.O.) xliv , xlv, liii , 156, 169*, 177, 200 Registrum Carceris Neoportensis XXV

Remembranciaxv* ; Analytical Index to (1888) xv Repertories of the Court of Aldermen x, xiii*, xv, xviii, liii * ; and Text Report on Municipal Corporations

(1837) ix, xi, xvii, xxxi, liii State Trials (Cobbett) xxxiv Steele, R.: A Catalogue of Tudor and Stuart Proclamations (Bibliotheca Lindesiana) lv Stephen , Sir J. F.: History of the Criminal Law of England, 3 vols. ( 1883) xv, xxV XXX Strype , Survey ( 1720 ed.) xiii* Surrey Record Society , Publica-


tions of xin

Temple , A. G.: Catalogue of Works of Art belonging to the Corporation of London 355 Thompson, Nathaniel : Loyal Protestant , 1682 (newspaper ) 355 Tierney, Mark: Dodd's Church History of England (1839-43 ),

vol. iv 1 , 67

Wharton, Law Lexicon


by J. S. Will , 1876) xv, lxi , 353 Williams , J. B. (J. G. Muddi-


man), article on Nathaniel Thompson (Month, July, 1921) 200



Authorson, William, c. jur. 227 Ave Maria ( Avy Mary ) Lane 265 Avery, William, Deputy T.C. xviii, xix ; T.C., xviii Aveyrall , Mary 149 ; see Aberall Aviett , Peter, tailor 205 Awbery, Richard, witness 196 Awdlin, John, mercht . 262 ; see Audlin, Odlin , Olding Ayer , Robert , esq. 37 Ayl(e) ward , Alward , Thomas, yeom.

Barham, Thomas, esq. 27, 29 Baringer, see Bareinger Barkam, Edward , Sheriff 65, 66 ; see Barkeham Bark ( e) ham, Sir Edward , Kt. , Ald. , J.G.D. 376-378 pass .; see Barkam 329 *; Henry , g . jur. 26 Barker, Barkley, Henry, mercht . 214 ; see Gardiner Barlowe, Sir ? Alexander, Knt. 41 ; William , gent . 332 271 , 272 ; William, c . jur. 274 Barnaby Street , Southwark 281n , 285 Ayleworth , als. of Adlam , John Barna( r)do (e), Francis, Ledger for Ayliffe [Ayloffe ] , John , esq. 368n* Janeway 121, 126 ; Philip, foreigner Aylsworth , Mary, wife 151 ; Peter 151 95 ; merchant 89 Aynse wourth , John , suspected Barn( e) ham , Martin 259*, 280 ; bookseller 241 , 242n *, 254 ; witness 259 priest 86 Barnes , John 104n ; foreman c . jur. Ayres, Thomas gon 287 ; Robert , esq. 37; gent . 34 : Thomas, p . jur. 251 Babington, Thomas, c. jur. 284 Barrell , Thomas, yeom. 77 Bacon , als. of, Gildon, William Badan , Robert, milliner 258 Barret (t), John , p. jur. 311 ; Richard, Badcock (? Baddock), Robert 43n gent . 30 , 31 Baddock?, Robert 43n ; see Badcock Barron, Samuel , g. jur. 250 Bagget ( t), John 324 , 329 , 331 ; gent. Barrow (e) , John , yeom. 179* ; Samuel, witness 332 322 * , 323 , 331 Baggs, Giles , g . jur. 196 Barrs, William, c . jur. 235 Bagshaw(e) , Henry, gent. 37; Nicho- Bars , The ( Barrs ) , Smithfield 281 las, gent. 37 ; Thomas xliiin, 58n ; Barsye , Francis, cook 78 Bartholomew, Mathias, mariner 261 ; esq. 57 Bailey, Charles 155*; see Bayley, mercht . 238 ; tailor ( ? sailor) 216*, 220 Bartholomew Lane 344n Baylie Baker, James 370* ; als . Hunter , Barton, Anne, widow 22, 24 ; Miles, Anthony , S.J. 369n ; John 348n ; p. jur. 311 ; Thomas, barber 156 see Mearne , Authorities; g. jur. 325 ; Barwell , co. Leicester 313n * Margaret, maid- servt . 95 ; Richard, Basinghall Street 208 witness 316, 318 ; Sampson , c . jur. Basing Lane 286, 291 226 ; Samuel 1oon; Thomas, c. jur. 227 Bate , see Bates Baldwin , Peter, cooper 120 Bateman, Charles , barber-surgeon Ball , Joachim, clerk 5* ; Katherine , xlv, lii, 373 ; Jane, wid . 371n, 372n Bates , Bate, Edward , c . jur. 227 ; servt . 133, 137, 150 Frances , spr. 168; Henry, gent. 129; Ballard, Thomas, 71n Ballew, Francis, gent. 131, 137 ; see Thomas 375 Balne (Balue) Bath, Patrick 87 Balne (Balue) , Francis 120, 126 ; Batman, William, exchange broker see Ballew 216 Bampfeild, Bampfield, Francis Battes, Margaret, spr. 54 363*, 368n , 37on ; dissenting minis- Bawde, Ferdinand, esq. 11 Bawdicott, James , meal-man 275, ter 366n* ; gent. 367*, 368 Bancks , Christiana, wid . 61 ; William, 278, 289, 296 , 317, 347*; John , mealman 330, 336* ; see Bodycott g. jur. 201 Barbar, William 36 Bawdron [Bolron ], Robert, witness Barbarbella (ship) 204 339 Barber, John, salter 3512* Baxter, Marmaduke, musician 104*; Richard , . Sabbatarian Anabaptist Barbican 122 373n ; Robert , Capt. 224 ; William , Barcket, Francis 62 Barefoot, Joseph , c . jur. 274 yeom . 49 Berrenger, Bayl ( e) y , Helen, spr. 77 ; John 107 ; Bareinger, Baringer, . 281n , 285 ; Matthew , 286n* jun Thomas, g. jur. 196; see Bailey, 281 *, 286; sen. , poulterer 281 ; Baylie yeom . 281n ; see Beranger, Berenger Baylis, Margery, wife 48 ; Thomas , Barge Yard, Bucklersbury 192n dyer 48












INDEX Baylie, Henry 68 , 73, 86 Beacley , Beakly, yeom. 270 *

... ,

Beake, George , g. jur. 196 Beaker (Edward) 251n ; see Beater Beakly, see Beacley Beale, Isabel 48 ; John , yeom. 57 ; Jonathan, tailor 257 Beamonte, John , gent. xlv , 14 ;


see Beaumont Beane, John, cordwainer 291

Bear Yard, Clare market , Midds. 281 Beas (e) ly, Elizabeth, wife 151 ; James periwig-maker 120, 126, 151 ; Mary , wife 120, 126 Beater , Beaker, Edward , p . jur. 251 Beaugrand, Peter, gent. 346 Beaumont, John, poet xlv; see Beamonte Beaven , see Authorities Beckett, Henry , gent. 18* Bedford , county 129n Bedford , John 371 Bedingfeild, Bedingfield, Anthony, esq. 33 ; Sir Henry , Kt. 19* Bedlam 217, 219 ; see Bethlem Bedloe, Bedlow, William 282 *, 302*; witness 249 Bednall, Bethnall , co . Midds. 244 Bedwell, Jonathan , c . jur. 106, 386 Bell , Peter 371 ; Thomas, gent . 63 Bell Alley , ColemanStreet 80, 278 Bellamy, John , gent . 243 , 254 Bellases, Margaret, wid . 37 Bellass , Col. John 204 Bellinger, John 295 Belson , Augustine, suspected Jesuit


253 Benedictine Monks 248 Bengars , Henry, tailor 177 Benington, Richard , gent. 18 ; see


Benkeine , Safyrah, wid . 121 , 125 , 141 , 142, als . of Penkevell, Anne Benn , Anthony , esq. , Recorder 98, 99 Bennell , see Bonnell Bennet (t), Jasper, mercht . 151; John, John, Kt . 90; g. jur. 167 ; Joseph , stationer 277, 280 ; Lionel , g. jur. 26 ; Thomas 98n ; Sir Thomas, . 88n, 100n ; J.G.D. , 55, 72 , Kt 82, 83 , 384 ; J.O.T. 26, 76, 93, 381 Benson , Richard , gent . 2 ; Robert, gent. 294*, 297 ; witness 295 Bentley, Stephen , c . jur. 235 ; Thomas, 1, 165 , 166n , 170n , 187, 190-193 pass. , 195*; bookseller 169, 181, 183, 186, 188* , 190, 191 , 193, 194, 217, 219 ; stationer 187 Benyngton, Richard 18 ; see Benington Benyon , Thomas 58n Beranger , Charles , broker 157 ; see Berenger , Bareinger




Bereford, James, gent. 13 Berenger, 151 ; Charles , **. wife French mercht 121, 126, 151 ; see Beranger, Bareinger Beresford, John , c . jur. 288 ; ' Jesuit



Bernavall, Robert , gent. 323 Berrenger, see Bareinger Berry( e) , Henry 266, 319, 320, 357*, 358 ; Humphrey , gent . 42 Besant , see Authorities Best , Elias 293 ; hop-mercht . 292 , 293, 337 Bethell [Bethel] , Slingsby, esq ., Sheriff 326, 327, 3452 Bethlem 121 ; see Bedlam Bethnall, see Bednall Betts , John , M.D. 214 *, 220, 229 ; Richard, foreman g . jur. 57 Beven , Mr 150; see Bevin , Beving Beverley, John, gent. 253 Bevin, Mr, victualler 122 ; see Beving, Beven

Beving, Mr 132; see Beven, Bevin Bickley, Joseph , shoemaker 281n,

285; witness 281n Bicknell , Peter, yeom. 77 Bifford , William 36 Bigg (e) , Walter , Ald . , J.P. 124, 139, 140; William , haberdasher li , 187 Big (g) land, George, wire - drawer 221 *, 229 ; Henry , c . jur . 209 ; Henry , linen- draper 221 Biggs , John, c . jur. 209 Bignall , William, p . juror 326 Bilberey, Barbara, wife 49 ; Richard, yeom. 49 ; see Bilbrough Bilbrough, Barbara, wife 23 , 24 ; Richard 23 ; see Bilberey Billers, John , g. juror 202 Billing , John , p. jur. 311 Billings , Thomas 132 Billingsgate 183 Billingsly , Ann , wid . 173 Bingham, John , witness 35-37 pass .; Robert 369n Binstead , see Binstedd Binstedd , Binstead, Henry 129n Birch , Anne, wife 149; Samuel, lamp-blower 149 ; Thomas, lampblower 149 ; gent . 41 ; see Burch Bird , John, solicitor 112 ; Katherine , spr. 170 ; William 91 *, 281 *, 285 ; witness 281n ; yeom. 281n , 285 Bishopp, Joseph, cloth - worker 322 ; Nicholas, tailor 131 , 137, 151 ; see Bushope , Busshop Bishopsgate 262, 265 , 275, 303 , 316 , 323, 330, 334, 336, 347 , 350 Bishopsgate Street 206 , 241n , 303 Bishopsgate Street Without 323, 331 Bishopsgate Ward Without xi




Bissicke , William, yeom. 54 Biston, William, foreman c . jur. 284 Black, William, bricklayer 215* Black and White Court , Old Bailey 205 ( not in Harben) Blackfriars 109, 206 * ; see St. Anne,

Parish of Black Swan Yard, Holborn 149 Blackwell , Elizabeth , wid . 100, 101,

102 ; James , c . jur. 106, 386 * , John, tailor 31 ; Maud, wife Blage 31 ; see Blague, Blake Blague, Maud 31 ; see Blage, Blake Blake , John 68, 73, 86 , 220 , 243 *, 254 ; c . jur. 274 ; mercht . lvi , 168, 181 , 216, 217, 220, 238, 258*, 261, 275 , 276n , 278 , 289, 296 , 303 ; yeom. 121 , 126; als . Blague, tailor 54 ; Maud als. Blague, wife 54 ; see Blage, Blague Blaney, Richard, g. juror 202 Blasden , Henry , druggist 346* ; Mary, wife 346 Blathwayt , William, witness 348n Blethen, James , g. jur. 83 Blithe , James , g. jur. 93 Bloomer, Giles , g . jur. 138 Bloomesbury 206 Blow Bladder Street 258, 263 Bludworth , Sir Thomas, Kt. , Ald. , J.G.D. 158, 159, 162, 166, 167 , 176, 196, 250, 386 ; J.O.T. 249 ; J.P. 201, 221*, 257 , 334*, 352n Blundell, Margaret, see Authorities ;






William liin Blunt , Roger, gent. 36 ; Thomas , gent. 36 ; Blount ], Thomas, gent. 109* ; suspected priest 73 Boat(e) man, Henry 3072 * Bockett, Mary, wife 97 ; Thomas, labourer 97 Bodycott, James , meal-man, 257 *; see Bawdicott Boeman , see Bowman Bolnes , Edward, medicus 207 ' Bolt , Joshua, witness 316, 318 ; 182 , Richard silk-man Bolter, Robert , bookseller 337 Bolton, Edmund , gent. xlv*, 7, 8, 98 ; John, goldsmith 154 ; Margaret, wife 98; sec Boulton Bonitt , see Bouitt, Bonnett Bonnell ( ? Bennell) , Andrew, mercht . 230, 277, 280 Bonner, Ambrose 169 ; John , jeweller



233, 239 Bonnett, George , haberdasher 303, 317, 330, 336 ; see Bonitt Bonnye , John, als . Wragge, messenger 87 Book House , Guildhall xiii * Booth, John, salter 267, 269 ; Mr



John , witness 348n ; Samuel , witness 3142

Boreman, George, cork- cutter 205 ; Burman , Bowman Bores Street , Covent Garden 323 Borgrove, Nicholas, gent . 7* Borne, Thomas, bookseller 121, 126 ; see Bourne Bosgrave, Nicholas 68, 73, 86 Bosse, , limner 160 Bostocke , Charles , scrivener 98 ; William, gent. 376* ; see Fuller Botolph's ( Buttolph ') Lane 120, see


122, 131 Bouitt (? Bonitt), Alexander 100

Boulton, Edmund 90* ; gent. 78 ; Margaret, wife 90 ; Mary, wife 78 ; see Bolton Bourn (e), Anne, wife 23*, 24; George, gent. 23 ; Gerard 165n, 188, 1902, 191-195 pass .; broker 181 , 184, 187-190 pass., 192-194 pass ; haberdasher 186*; yeom. 169; Thady, upholsterer 145; see Borne Boutondon, Claudia, spr. 169 ; John 169* ; Mary, wife 169 Bowden, William, pewterer 214 * Bowdrey, Jane, spr. 177 Boweland, Thomas, g . jur. 83 Bowen, Francis, yeom. 3* Bowes , Joshua, gent. 362 * Bowles , Sir John, Kt. 20* Bowman, Boeman, George , corkcutter 156*, 174-176 pass. , 182*; Katherine , wife 156*, 174 , 175* ; see Burman , Boreman Bowmar, Robert 55n Bow Street, Covent Garden 305 Bowter, David , bowlmaker 48 Bowyer, Charles , barber 205 ; Sir William, Kt. , J.O.T. 93 Boyce , Boyse , Paul, broker 271*, 272 Boyle , see Authorities Boys , als . of Stephenson , Thomas , Helen Boyse , see Boyce Brabant, Robert , g. jur. 83 Braby, Richard, p . jur. 93 Bradill , Thomas, witness 365n Bradley, Christian 106-108 pass.; Samuel 155 Bradshaw( e) , Edward , mercer 41; John , Lord President 108* ; Mary, spr. 31* ; Nicholas, yeom. 222*, 229 Braem, Caspar , Jaspar, cabinetmaker 256 , 264 Brailes, co . Warwick 38 ; see Brayles Braitford , William, esq. 332 Brand , Henry , pewterer 145; William 165n, 190*, 192-195 pass.; silver-

smith 161, 182, 184 , 187*, 189-194


INDEX Brasby, Mr 206 Brathwait (e), John, upholsterer 221 ; Geoffrey, c. jur. 226 Braye , George 88n, 89n ; William, p . jur. 93 Brayles , co. Warwick 38 ; see Brailes Breach , Humphrey , tailor 1292 Bread Street 232 Bredon , Jeremiah, c . jur. 299 Bresson, Lambert , mercht . 123, 128, 138-140 pass . Brick Lane, Bethnall , Midds. 244 Bridewell, house of correction 219n , 228n , 237 , 352n , 369n Bridewell Lane 133 , 134 (not in

Harben) Bridge Ward Without xin Briggs, Richard, witness 269n Bright , John , c . jur. 106, 386 Brinley, Thomas, witness 316 Briskett, Thomas , gent. 15 , 16 Bristo( e) , William 209 *, 211 *, 212 * ,

219 ; jun . 218 , 221 ; sen. 218 , 221 ; sen . , gent. 218 Bristow, George , c . jur. 370 British Museum xin, lvn, 308n , 348n , 366n , 369n Broad , William, framework-cutter 244 Broad Place , Blackfriars 133, 134 (not in Harben) Broad Street 232 , 239*, 262 , 334, 336 ;

Ward 75 Brodich, Christopher 101n Brokesby , Dorothy , wid . 33 : see Broxbye Bromeroft (Broncroft ), co . Salop 30 Bromfeild, Thomas 69 , 74, 87 Bromley, Sir Edward , Kt. , B.Ex. , J.O.T. 76 Broncroft (co . Salop.) 30n Brooke, Henry 377, 378* ; Robert ,

c. jur. 226 ; see Brookes Brook(e)s, 355n ; Anne, daughter 149 ; Henry 378; John, gent. 354 355 ; Nathaniel , stationer 182 ; William 149 ; see Brooke Broughton, Henry 101n ; Mark xxvin, 42 , 43, 45 : (vere Crowder) Meredith, g. jur. 75; Richard , c . jur. 227 ; messenger 87 Brown(e), Andrew 98n ; Anne, wife 206 ; Arthur 62 ; Bartholomew, priest xxxviiin, xl, 114 ; Edmund , witness 46 , 50 , 51 , 60, 66, 384 ; Edward , yeom . 346 * ; 62 ; messenger Eleanor, wife 47, 95 ; Fabian 271*, 272; g. jur. 167 ; Frances , wife 346*; George 218* John , esq. 280, 281 ; Margaret 28n ; Owen xxvin, 42 , 43; goldsmith 7 , 49 ; Philip, mercht . 185 ; Richard 285, 286 ; esq. 280 , * 281, 286* ; gent . 283 ; jun. , gent.




* *






282 * ; g. jur. 202 ; witness 27* , 29 , 30, 33, 37-40 pass. , 58 ; P Sir Richard, Bt . 280, 281 ; Robert, g. jur. 158, 196, 387 ; Roger, yeom. 88 ; Thomas , carpenter 206 ; linen-draper 265* ; yeom. 171 ; William, gent. 1992 ; glover 47, 95 Brownist xlii Broxby( e) , Bartholomew, gent. 15*, 16 ; Mary , wife 15 * , 16; see Brokesby Broxoline, Thomas , g. jur. 118 Brunett , Francis, mercht . 134 , 138 Brunker , Christopher 218 * Buceline, Mark , gent. 178 ; see Busheelere

Buckland, Maurice, gent. 43* Bucklersbury 193n , 208, 241 , 307, 318, 321

Buckley, Anne 358n ; Henry, foreman c. jur. 226 Budd, Thomas, als . Petoe , als. White , als. Grey (Graye) xxvii , 106-108 pass., 110-112 pass .; O.S.B. доби

Bulke, John, mercht . 151 Bullen, John , als . Edwards, priest xxxviii, 309-311 pass .; see Bull (e)y,

Bullyn Bull( e)y, John xxvii, xxxvii, xxxviiin, 333*, 335, 339, 347, 349, 350m , 352 , 353, 355 , 356, 361 ; priest 303*, 308-312 pass. , 316, 320 *, 330*, 331 , .

359*, 360 ; als Edwards, priest 308 ; see Bullen , als. Edwards, Bullyn Bullivant , Benjamin, witness 316, 318 Bullock (e) , Mr 133 ; William, cooper 217 Bullyn , John 309 ; see Bullen, als. Edwards, Bull (e) y Burch, Anne, wife 130, 137; Samuel , lamp - blower 130, 137, 156 ; Thomas, lamp - blower 130, 137 ; see Birch Burchley, Thomas, victualler 170 Burford , Thomas, yeom. 88 Burgennye, John , yeom. 77 Burgesse, Elizabeth , wid . 206 ; Mary, wid . 156 Burgis, John, foreman c. jur. 227 Burgys, Elizabeth , wife 80 ; Henry ,

tailor 80

Burie, Edward , g . jur. 93 Burman, George, cork- cutter 175*, 176*, 182* , 184; Katherine , wife 175 , 176*, 182*, 184 ; see Bowman, Boreman Burnet (t) , Alexander, gent. 352-355 pass .; priest 352n * Burrell , Dr 134; Walter , c. jur. 236 Burridge, Richard, mercht . 109* Burroughes, Charles , witness 269 ; Sir John, Kt . 346 Burstall , John, c. jur. 227



Burt , William, foreman g . jur. 62 Burton, Godfrey 134 Busheelere , Bushellere, Mark , gent. 270* ; see Buceline Bushope , George , gent. 38 * ; see Bishopp, Busshop Busler, Peter, gent . 213, 221, 238 ;

limner 157

Busshop , Edward , g . jur. 75 ; see Bishopp, Bushope Bustall, John, foreman c. jur. 288 Bustard, William , gent. 38* Butler, wife 178 ; Alice 88n * ; Alice , als . Edwardes, wid . 23 , 24 ;


James xxix *, 200* ; James , g. jur. 83 ; John 178, 218 , 371 ; Stephen , p. jur. 311; Thomas, witness 128 ; William, g. jur. 196; see Buttler Butler's Alley , Grub Street 204 Butt , Rt. Rev. Joseph , V.G., Bishop

of Cambysopolis lx

Buttler , Richard , c . jur. 236 ; see Butler Byett , Charles lvi , 222 , 227, 229 Byflett , William, gent . 346 Cabell , Thomas 87 Cadberrye ,? Ralph 71n Cade well (Thomas) 58n Calamy, Benjamin, clerk 304; Rev. Benjamin 301* Caldwell, Thomas 58n Calthrop, Miss M. M. C. xlivn Cambell, Thomas, p. jur . 94 ; Sir Thomas, Kt . 63n ; J.P. So* ; Lord Mayor 47 *, 60, 384 Camborne , Peter, foreman g. jur. 48 Cambysopolis , Bp . of; see Butt Cameron , Miss J. lx Camm , Dom Bede ; see Authorities Canterbury, Archbp . of 70, 71n; George [Abbot ] , Archbp . of 62*, 79*, 87 Canthorne [? Cauthorne , Philip, cheese-monger 207n Capper, als. of Wittingslowe , Richard , yeom . 36 Capt, Matthew , g. jur. 118 Carcovell, Philip, mercht . 151 Cardiff 289n Cardon , Daniel, glass -maker 215 Carent , see Current Carey, Richard , c . jur. 227 Carnaby , Job 101 Carpenter , John, yeom. 36 * ; William , c. jur. 106, 386 Carpenters Hall 121 Carr, Samuel , bookseller 349 Carradyne, Elizabeth , widow 50 Car(r) oll, James 337 ; informer 337339 pass .; witness 339; Nicholas, tailor 323




Carsinore , Edward , c . jur. 236 Carter, Daniel 369n ; John , joiner 313n ; William, c . jur. 227 Castle Baynard Ward xxxiiin Castleton , William, cord-winder 232 Castle Yard, Houndsditch 216 *, 220 Caswell , Henry , g. jur. 196 Cateaton Street 352 Catesby, Robert 375 Catherine of Braganza], Queen 197, 205, 335 * Cauthorne , see Canthorne Cavenaugh , Philip 107n , 108n Cawthorne, Richard, g . jur. 118; P. jur. 251 Celier , Margaret, wife 132, 136n ; Peter, mercht. 132 , 136n; see Cellier,



Silleard Cellier, Elizabeth , midwife 2022, 297n, 298n ; wife 203 *; witness 203 ; Peter 203n ; see Celier , Silleard Centeylyon , John, mercht . 134, 138; see Sertillion Central Criminal Court vii* , x, xiin Chaffey , John, gent. , of Somerset 133 , 135 , 136 , 143 * Chalcedon , Bp. of xxvn Chalfant, William, gent . 38 Chaliner, John , scrivener 244 Challon, Timothy, foreman g. jur. 32 Challoner , Richard , Bp.; see Authori-


Chamberlaine , Chamberlayne, Chambarber berleine, Chamberleyne, 121; James , c. jur. 284 ; John 149 ; gent. 130, 137 ; William, senior , esq . 27 ; see Planten


Champion , William, p. jur. 326 Champney , William, yeom. 54 * Champneys , Thomas, p. jur. 76 Chancery Lane 31, 382 ; co . Midd. 257, 264 Chandler , Robert, weaver 269n, 279 Chapell , Stephen, mercht . 181 Chaplin , Sir Francis, Kt., Ald., J.G.D. 158, 162, 386 ; J.P. 225 *, 229; John 67 Chapman , John 62n , 98n ; Sir John , Kt. , J.P. 367 ; Sheriff 251 ; Thomas , foreman g. jur. 8 Charleton [Charlton], Sir Job, Kt., J.C.P., J.G.D. 327 ; Thomas, g. jur. 201

Charlett, George 371 Charterhouse Yard 230

(not in Harben) Chase, Richard , g. jur. 158, 386 Chaulton, Elizabeth , spr. 99 Cheapside ( Cheape ') 202n , 318, 362 Cheeke, Thomas, Lieut. of the Tower of London 35In * Chester , County 362


INDEX Chester, Granado 262 ; grocer 213 , 238, 275, 278 , 289*, 296, 303, 316 , 330, 336 Cheverell , Cheverall, Thomas 240; gent . 230 * Cheveres, Walter , yeom. 171 Che(y) ney, William, cordwainer 185, 187 ; shoemaker 182 ; Wither, clockmaker 184 Chichester, co. Sussex 129n Chick Lane 205* Chidley , Samuel 155 PChild, John 204*, 205 *, 211 * Chillingsworth, Mary, spr. 131, 136n ; see Killingsworth

Chillington, co. Stafford 44* Chinsey [? Chertsey] , co . Surrey 203 Chirke , co . Denbigh 84 Chisell, Bartholomew, witness 105 Chiswell ( Chisewell ) Street 232 ' Chisworth, Nathaniel , tailor 30 Chitty, Abraham, brewer 213, 214n Chiverton , Richard , Lord Mayor , J.G.D. 118 ; J.P. 116, 117, 123, 124 Sir Richard, Kt. , Ald. , J.G.D. 159;, 162, 167, 176 ; J.P. 152, 201 ; Lord Mayor, J.P. 125, 126, 134-141 pass.,


143 , 145, 148

Christ Church, Parish of 49 , 1032 , 109 , 121 , 182, 185* , 187 , 189*, 191-194 pass., 207 , 222, 317, 330, (Farringdon Ward Within) 3 , 7, 30, 41п , 90, 160 , 209 , 225 , 235 , 274 , 284, 287, 299 , 324, 339 , 370, 382, 388 Churchman , John 107n Clanson, Cornelius, c . jur. 227 Clarck, John 68, 73, 86 Clare, Sir Francis, Kt. 21* Clare Market , Midds . 281 Clark(e) , Capt. 305 ; Mr 305 * ; Ann , wid . 56, 63 ; Brian , c . jur. 236; Christiana, spr. 77; Edward, yeom. 36; Mrs Elizabeth , wid . 151; Francis, c. jur. 284; George , sadler 292 * ; John, c . jur. 226 ; witness 372; Martha, wife 36 ; Richard, witness 146 , 147 ; see Clarck, Clerke Claxton , John, p. jur . 76 Clayton, Sir Robert, Kt. , Ald . 345n ; J.P. 317, 318, 323 , 324 *, 329*, 333, 356 , 358 ; Lord Mayor, J.P. 292 , 294 , 298 , 307 Cleere, Elizabeth , spr . 88 Clegat, Nicholas, g. jur. 93 Clement's Lane 238 PClerke [Clark], Joseph , gent. 152 Clerkenwell 277, 280 ; co . Midd . 266 Cletherow , Benjamin , turner 239 Clifford, Francis 149 Clifford's Inn 145, 255, 268, 294, 297 Clifford's Inn Lane 294, 297


* *

* *


Clink, prison 304n Cloett , Jasper, Jasep , jeweller 233, 239, 262 ; stone- cutter 157, 271 , 272 Clun(n) , Richard 100n, 102n*, 103n* Cob ( b) , Samuel , cook 213, 221 Cobbett , Robert 154 Cocke, Eleanor, wid . 286 Cocker , Edward , writing-master 160 * Coe

wife 54 ; John , stationer 54 Coffin, John 161*; see Coffyn Coffyn, John, esq. 33 ; see Coffin Coke, Sir Edward , Kt., C.J.K.B. , xxxiin , xxxvin ; C.J.C.P., J.O.T. 76 Cole, Henry, mercht . 150 ; Mary, wife 133, 137, 150; Robert 363 ; mercht .


133, 137 ; William 77n Coleing , Edmund , c . jur. 288 Coleman , Edward [martyr 249 , ] * 319, 362* ; esq. 266 Coleman Street 80, 239, 261 , 275 , 278, 322 Coles, wife 132, 137 ; John 132 , 137

Collingwood, William 77

Collins , John 281n *, 285 ; tanner 281n , 285 ; witness 281n ; Thomas, g. jur. 325 Collison , Thomas , witness 115 Collonell, Charles , gent. , Frenchman 130, 136, 137 Collye, Ann , wife 99 ; Jane , wife 90 ; John , tailor 90 , 99 Collyn, Kenelm, foreman g. jur. 35 ; Nicholas, esq., J.P. , of Midds. xn Colson , John, victualler 151 Colte , John, g. jur. 26 Colter , John, yeom. 177 Coltman, William, g . jur. 118 Combes, Benjamin, g. jur. 167 Commings , Patrick, witness 44 Commons , House of 313n *, 3141 *, 345n Compeire , George, g . jur. 116 Comyns , William, g. jur. 116 Condon, als. of Connoway, Thomas Connaught, province, Ireland 114 Connell, Theodore, priest 152, 153* Connoway, Thomas, als . Condon, gent. 322 Con(n)yers , Ralph Ivi*, 218 , 226228 pass .; Roger, M.D. 39 * Constantine, Evangelistus, foreigner 48 Consturier , see Cousturier Conventiclers xiv , 363, 371n Conway, Lady Ann, wid . 376, 377 Conwey , George , gent. 23, 24 ; yeom .



Coode, William, c . jur. 288 Cook ( e), Coock , wife





Ann 377* ; Edward , vintner 233 ;

George, c . jur. 235 ; Henry , c. jur. 370 ; Levi 155 ; Martha 304-306 pass., 308, 312 , 324 , 326, 331, 388 *; wife 170 ; witness 325 ; Philip lvi, 210, 218, 228 *, 237* ; glover , 170 , 233 , 234 , 239, 262 ; Robert , victualler 292 , 293 ; yeom. 293 ; Thomas, tailor, 262, 275, 304 ; William, gent. 54 Cooley, Cowley, Edmund , yeom. 270 * Cooper, Charles , witness 368 ; Grace 68*, 73, 87 ; Henry 68, 73 ; Richard 77n; suspected priest 67, 73 , 86 ; ? William 370n ; stationer 353 ; see Cowper Cope, Richard , g. jur. 325 ; Thomas 306 ; c . jur. 106 , 386 Copley , John, clerk 30 Coppie, Philip, yeom. 160 Copping , Stephen, c . jur. 299 Coppyn , ..... 85 Copstack , Thomas, g . jur. 93 Corbett , Mr, turner 205 Core, wife 149 ; Mr Hadan 149;








see Court

Corker, James , O.S.B. 266 Cornell, Augustine, agent 132, 137, 150; see Curnell Corney , als . of Hastings, Huntington ,

als. Greene Cornhill 182, 319, 321 , 337, 352 , 362, 365n Cornish, Henry, esq. , Sheriff 326 , 327, 345n Cornwall, co . 4, 204 Cosgriffe (Ann), 271n ; see Cosgrigg Cosgrigg , Cosgrige, Cosgriffe, Ann 271 , 272 Cotham , George, witness 31 , 382 Cother , Elizabeth , servt . 205 Cotterington, Edward, gent. 34 ; John, gent. 34 ; Thomas, gent . 34 Cotton, Mr 151; mercht. 121; Allan , Lord Mayor , J.G.D. 376-378 pass . Cottone , Joseph, mercht . 168 Counter, prison 77n ; Southwark , prison 304 Court, Hadan, French mercht . 133, 137; wife 133, 137 ; see Core ? Consturier, Cousturier, Henry , mercht . 206 Covenanters , Cargillite 369n , 373n Garden Covent ( Covengarden, Comon Garden ) 145, 245, 255, 305 * , 323 Coverare , Joseph , servt . 130, 137 Coyne, Stephen 150 ; see Quyney Cow Lane 3, 205 , 380 Cowley, Gilbert 6on ; Robert , g. jur. 250; see Cooley Cox ( e) , Dr 344 * ; Daniel 344n ; Nehemia, gent. 371n, 372n






Cowper , Cooper, Henry , yeom. 55, 56 ; John, Coroner of Midds. 351*, 352 ; witness 352 Coy, Thomas 98n Cozens, Peter, p . jur. 326 Crachley, Richard, mercht . tailor 216 Cragg , Robert 1921, 193 Crake , Ralph , esq. 39 , 40 Crambleton, Andrew 224 *, 228; Andrew, gent. 163 ; see Crumbleton Cranbourn Street , St. Giles's, Midds. 331 , 332 Cransfeyld ,? Thomas, witness 1 , 2, 380 Craswell, Ralph, gent. 39 *, 40* Crathorne, Henry , p. jur. 93 Craven , John, skinner 334 ; Sir William, Kt. , J.G.D. 69 , 81-83 pass.; Lord Mayor 57, 58, 59 , 61 *, 62; J.G.D. 52 , 55, 383 Crawley, Thomas , mercht . 230, 277, 280 Crayford, Alexander (Andrew) 373 , 374n ; John , gent . 80; Martha , wife 80; als. of Scott , William Cresse, mercht . 132 , 137; see Tressee Cressey, Everingham , esq. 37 PCrewe , Thomas, gent. 37 Cricke, James , apprentice 121, 126 Crippes, John , gent . 33




Cripplegate 313 Cripplegate , Anne, maid- servt. 121 ,

125n Cripplegate Ward Without xi Crispe, 286 ; tailor 283; Thomas, glass - seller 267 , 269 Croft (e), John , bodice- maker 205 ; John, gent . 36 Croke , Sir John , Kt. , J.K.B. , J.O.T. 76 Cromlington, Robert, drugster 149 , 152 ; see Crumlington Crompton, Mary, wife 97 ; Richard,


haberdasher 97; see Crumpton Crone, Richard , tapster 121, 126 Crooke [Croke], Sir George, Kt., J.C.P., J.G.D. 378 ; John , gent. 154, 155 : Mr John, mason 121 Crooked Lane 212n Cropley , William, yeom. 30 Crosby, Lancs. liin Crosse, John 88n Crouch , Gilbert, gent. 255 ; Nicholas 278 , 289 , 290 , 293 * , 296 , 297; gent . 258*, 263 ; Stonar( d), Stoner 253, 278 , 290, 296 * ; gent. xlixn, 243*, 254, 255 , 258n, lvi*, 242 , 346 259, 263 *, ; PWilliam , gent .

346 ; c . jur . 235 ; see Crowch Crowch, Thomas 55n ; see Crouch Crowder (als . Broughton), Mark,

O.S.B. 42n


INDEX Crow( e) , John , witness 127, 128 ; Thomas , embroiderer 95 Crumbleton, Andrew 238*, 262, 275,

279 , 290 , 296 , 303 , 316 , 317, 330 , 336, 347, 350; see Crambleton Crumlington, Robert , apprentice 131, 137; see Cromlington Crumpton , Adam, factor 239 ; see


Crutched ( Crutchett ') Friars 206 Cuddington , Ann , widow 54 Cud(d)worth , Jonas, barber 160; barber- surgeon 206 ; Margery, spr. 271, 272 Culliford, John , yeom. 365n* Culpepper, Edmund, c . jur. 227 Cuning , Anthony, gent. 120, 126 Cunrigg, Richard, c. jur. 226 Cure, George , esq., J.G.D. 327 Curnell , Signeur Augustine, gent. 122 , 126 ; see Cornell Current (Carent) , William , mercht . 1292 Curtis , Henry , pewterer 241 ; Langley, bookseller 297n * ; Robert 377 ; sec



Curtys , Robert 106-108 pass.; pewterer 103; see Curtis Cussett, Anthony, journeyman - tailor 134 , 138 Cutler , John, yeom. 30, 31, 382

Dabridgcourt, Joan 68, 73 , 86; John 68, 73, 86 Dabscott , Joan, wife 81 ; John, gent. 81 Dagger , John, foreman p. jur. 93 Daie , William, gent. 78; see Day

Daingerfeild, see Dangerfeild Dale , Edward , tobacco- cutter 122, 126; Matthew , esq., J.O.T. 26, 381 ; Thomas , tobacco- cutter 150; William, carpenter 323 , 334 ; porter 271, 272 ; see Deale

suspected Dallamore, Thomas, priest 67, 73 , Dam , Christian 68 73, 86 Dangerfeild , Daingerfield, Thomas 300, 320 ; gent. 298* , 300, 319*, 321 ; witness 320 Daniell, Henry , witness 371n ; see Danyell Dan (n) cer, Sara 7 ; Thomas, victualler 156 ; see Dauncer, Daunser Dannett, Robert , carpenter 6, 7 ; see Daunett Danson, Robert , watchmaker 205 ;


Thomas 369n Danvers, John, currier 354 ; leatherseller 352 353 , Danyell, Roger, p. juror 94 ; see


Daransitter, Michael, footboy 180 Darbell ( ? Darrell ) , Abraham , barber 232

Darbye, Suzanna , wife 60 ; William 60

Darcy, Sir Francis, Kt ., J.G.D. 52 Dargabell, Bernard, mercht. 123, 129 , 138-140 pass . Darrell , see Darbell Darwen, Edward, gent., g . juror 310 Dauncer, Robert , mercer 7 ; Sara , wife 7 ; see Danncer, Daunser Daunett, Robert 6n ; see Dannett Daunser, John, p . jur. 76 ; see Danncer, Dauncer

Daveson , William, c . jur. 227 David, Francis, foreigner 88 ; Massic , gent. , suspected Jesuit 112* Davies, James , c. jur. 274 ; Thomas, M.D. 60*, 61 ; Sir Thomas, Kt. , Ald. , J.P. 205 , 206, 208 , 209, 211*, 218 *, 219 , 223*, 224, 230*, 231 *, 255-257 pass , 267 *; Lord Mayor, J.P. 201 , 202 ; William, priest 24n, 26n ; see Davis, Davyes, Davys Davis, Charity , wid. 178; Elizabeth , wife 174 ; Henry, embroiderer272n*; Joan, wid . 178 ; Richard 174 ; g . jur. 158, 386 ; Robert , witness 127, 128 ; Sir Thomas, Kt., Ald . , J.G.D. 158, 162, 386 ; Walter , bookbinder 349 ; William 371 ; ' clerk 30, 382 ;






see Davies, Davyes, Davys . 250 Davy, Robert , g. . 83 ; Davyes , Hugh, g .

jur jur

Parnel, spr. 23, 24, 48 ; Thomas , scrivener48 ; William, priest 24n , 25* ; see Davies , Davis, Davys Davys, Owen , p . jur. 26 ; see Davies, Davis , Davyes Dawson, Robert, gent. 64 Day, Joyce, widow 49, 94 ; Thomas, g. jur. 196 ; William 78 ; gent . 77; victualler 331 ; see Daie Deale , Thomas, foreman c . jur. 226 ; tobacco- cutter 132, 137 ; (William ) see Dale 271n Deane , Frances , wife 206 ; John, schoolmaster 206 ; ' suspected priest 211 ; Richard , gent. 371n * ; Silvester,

. jur. 138 g Debarbo , Charles , mercht . 160

de Berion, John , als . de Kiriberion, servt . 180 de Block (e) , Deblock(e), Anthony , 317 ; gent. 304 ; ordinary -keeper 233 , 239, 262 , 275, 279 ; yeom. 271 , 272 ; Katherine , wife 271 , 272 * * . 151 Debreadus , Mr, mercht Debustee, Lawrence, French mercht . 151 ; see Dibusty Decocke , Ignatius , mercht . 156



de Columme, Jean Matthieu , French- Deynton, Richard, yeom. 36 Dibusty, Frances , wife 180; Sr. man 122, 125n De Costa, Lawrence, mercht . stranger 180; 97* see Debustee Defryznoy, Peter 169 de Kiriberion , als . of de Berion, John Dickenson, Dickinson, John 313; Delaball, Anthony, p . jur. 76 John Francis xxix , 321, 327-333 De la Falle , pass.; gent., priest 324-326 pass., stranger 49 De la Forrest, Ezechias , foreigner 80 388 ; priest 304 , 305 , 306* , 308, * Delaman, Peter, French mercht . 151 ; 312 ; see Francis; Dyckenson see Dellamer Digby, Sir Everard , Kt. , 375 Delamott, Nicholas 132, 137 ; see Diggs, Robert 286 ; ' suspected priest 283 Lamott de la Rode , Katherine , als . Parrode, Dilkes, Fisher, g . jur. 201 chamber-maid 180 Diovard, Peter, merchant 120, 126 Dissenters , Nonconformists xiv, xlii* , Delavell, Arthur, g. jur. 83 Delawn(e), Delaune, Francis, gent . 344n *, 3452 *, 361 *, 363*, 364n, 365n , 366n*, 368n 270 ; Thomas 368n , 369n * Delevere, Peter, mercht . 123 , 128, Distaff Lane 223 129, 138-140 pass . Dixon, Henry , g. jur. 118 ; John, Dellamer, Peter, merchant 120, 126; yeom. 49 ; see Dixson see Delaman Dixson, gent. 8n* Dobbes, Philip , gent. Dely, Richard , shoemaker 256 Denavare, John , cutler 57 ; foreigner, Dockwray, George , grocer 205 Doctors' Commons 221 55 Denbigh, county 84 Dod, Nehemia 371 Doe, John xxxiin*, 26 ; see ' Doo Den(n) , Christopher, c. jur. 226 ; Doe, John , c . jur. 226 Paul , yeom. 171 Dolben , Dolbin , W. 309 ; Sir Dennis, Bernard xxix , 334 , 335 ; * William, witness 348n ; John , joiner "213 ; see Kt., J.K.B., Justice of Assize 309, 310 ; J.G.D. 250, 325; Dennys * Dennys, John, joiner 221 ; Thomas , J.O.T. 325 ; Recorder , J.P. 201* see Dennis . 75 , Dolham 149 Mr. ; g. jur Denton, Mary , servant 119, 126 ; Doo, John 75, 93, 94 ; see Doe Susanna , wid . 203 ; Thomas, gent . Dor Christian name 89* Doreslay, Isaac, gent. 233 203 ; see Detton Depane (Dupane) , Elizabeth , maid- Dormer, Mr. , milliner 205 ; John 261 *, 266 , 268* ; gent. 277, 280; servt . 122, 126 suspected priest 268, 28on ; Mary Depoyes, Peter, fan-maker 216*, 220 ' Depremont, Anthony, mercht. 157 277 , 280 De Roux, Derouxkes, Emarentia, Dorrell , Henry 68, 73 , 86 ; esq . 7*, wife 271 272 17*, 29; gent. 53; William, esq. 27 Derreward,, Peter, yeom. 171 ; see Dorsett , Henry 187, 190; clothdrawer 187 , 189*, 190 Derward Derward, Peter, servt . 199n *; see Doughtye, Ann , spr. 99 Douglas(s) (e), James 228, 237, 241, Derreward Desoldie , Alice, wife 80, 94 ; Jerome, 254, 261 *, 268*, 274 , 277 , 278n ; * * yeom . 234 * foreigner 80, 94; see Soldye , . . , ., Dovee, Joseph c 370 , ., Dethicke Sir John Kt Ald J.P. jur 124, 126, 135-7 pass. , 139, 140*, Doway, Flanders 92 * . 145, 148 , 151, 152 Dowce, Ann , wid 31*, 54 Detray, Nicholas, smith 131 , 137, 150 Downes, Richard, g. jur. 75 ; c. jur. Detton, Susanna 264n ; wid . 212, 237", 288 263 ; Thomas 211, 212n ; see Denton Draper, M.D. 89 * ; Dorcas, Deubye , Mr. 149 wife 94 ; Richard, apprentice 205; Deveere, John, als . Penson , yeom. 89 Robert , gent. 94 Devellenour, Alexander, gent . 123, Draycott, Philip , esq. 332 128, 138-140 pass. Druett , Edward, mercht. 232 Deverex , William, c. jur. 288 Drury (e) , Sir John, Kt . 21*; Robert, Devonshire Square 366n priest [ven. martyr] xxiv, xl, xli, Dewell, Thomas, gent. 34 24 , 25, 26 , 381 *; see frontispiece Dewhurst, Richard, gent. , g. jur. 310 PDubois , Charles , witness 362; Dexter, Thomas, witness 274 Daniel, witness 362 ; John, esq. 362 ;







' .... '





INDEX John , jun. , witness 362 ; John, sen., witness 362 Ducy, William 366n Dudley, Dudly, Abraham , yeom. 271 ; Elizabeth, wife 271*, 272 ; Francis, surgeon 6

Duewart, Jasper, Portuguese gent. 134, 138 Duffe, Peter,


192* ,

195 ;

victualler 161 ; yeom. 182, 184, 187*,

189, 190* , 192-194 pass. Duffelde , Edmund 79n ; Edward Son Dufoe , James , yeom. 160 Dugdale , Stephen 282 * ; Stephen , witness 348n * Duine , Frances 98 Duke Humfrey's (' Humphryes ') 132, 150* Dul( ) ivier , Joseph , mercht . 160 ; Lewis, mercht . 160 Dunchurch, co. Warwick 375*, 376 Dun(n) (e), Anthony , witness 50 , 51 , 63, 64, 70; John, yeom. 177 ; Joseph 79n Dunstar, James , c . jur. 209 Dupane, see Depane Dupree, journeyman - tailor 133 , 136n Dutch, Robert 1914 Dybdale , Richard , yeom. 44 * Dyckenson , John Francis, Flandrian 326; see Dickenson; Francis Dyning, Martin , mercht . 160




Eacupp , John 102n ; see Ecupp Eagle and Child Alley , Shoe Lane 241 Eagles, Thomas, g. jur. 75 East, Richard, ironmonger 265* East Harling , co. Norfolk 43 East Smithfield 337 Eaton , wife lii * , 174 ; George 23, 24 ; Henry, c . jur. 235 ; William, servt. 313n , 314n ; shoemaker lii *, 174* Ebsworth, John , clock-maker 223 , 229; witness 225 Ecclestone , Edward , gent . 64 Ecupp, James , victualler 262 ; sec

217 , 222 , 242, 243 , 253, 257-259 pass. , 265 , 266 ; Jane, spr. 122, 126; wid . 132, 137 ; John 156* ; esq. 12, 82-87 pass .; gent. 204, 205 ; yeom. 270* ; Thomas gon, 91 ; William, gent. 7 ; witness 32 ; als. of Bullen, Bull(e) y, John ; als . of Butler, Alice Edwin, Jonathan, bookseller 243 Eiton , Edward , grocer 112 Elizabeth (surname omitted ), spr. Queen of England xiv, 271 , 272 ; xxxv, xl, xlii xliv pass., xxi, xxxiii , , 1vn , 1vi I , 24, 25 , 32 , 59, 74, 92 , 107, 109, 114, 252, 299, 309, 310, 376 , 379-382 pass., 384 Ellary, Richard, c . jur. 227 Elliot, Mary, spr. 177 Ellis , Sir William, Kt . , J.C.P., J.G.D. 162, 250 ; als . of Prince, Richard, als. Lacy Elsly, Richard, c . jur. 227 Elston, Alexander 363 Elton , Dorothe, gent. 36 Elverton, Edward 96*, 385* ; gent. 94 ;






see Yelverton

Ely, Robert 333

Emerson, Ferdinand, cutler 54 ; Joan, wife 54 ; Hugh, yeom. 88 Emery, John , witness 362 Enfield, co. Midd . 265 English College, Rome 247 Erbury , William , g. jur. 75 Esgrigge , James , p . jur. 76 Eskrigg, Richard, gent. g . jur. 310 Essington, Peter, brazier 272 *, 273 * Eston, Edward 34* Ethersey, John, gent. 181 , 182, 185, 188

Etheyngham, Joan, spr. 23 , 24 Eully , John, c . jur. 284 * Evans, David , c . jur. 370; Elizabeth, servt . 205 ; Lawrence, foreman * Philip, g. jur. 43 ; g. jur. 325 ; martyr 289n ; William, merchant 63 Everard, Ralph, gent. 7* Everett, Edward 149; see Everitt Everidge , Elizabeth , spr. 54 Eacupp Everitt , Edward 130; see Everett Eddowes , Ralph, coffee -house keeper Eveson , Mary, wife 54 ; William, 313n ; witness 314n gent. 54 * Edmonds, Ralph, foreman g . jur. Evitts, James , baker 217 50, 383 ; p. jur. 76; Thomas, witness Ewen, John , mercht . 352-355 pass.; 129 ; William, witness 373 Robert 155 Edney, Thomas, foreman g . jur. 35 Ewer, John , Lieut. 224* ; witness225 Edon, Ann , spr 49 Exchange , see Royal Exchange . Edward (surname missing) 15 Exchequer , court of xviii, xxx, Edward, Alice, spr. 95, xlvi pass. , li*, 31, 58n , 152, 270n , xliiiEdward (e) s , Alice , wid . 77 ; Ann , 383 wife 156 ; Edward 348n ; James 315 317; Sir James , Kt. , Ald ., J.G.D. 162;, Faggom, John , yeom. 171 J.P. 314, 315 ; Lord Mayor, J.G.D. Fallowes, Richard 88n 250; J.O.T. 249 ; J.P. 206n , 210*, Fanchurch [Fenchurch], Parish of






(Langbourn Ward) 50;

see St. Gabriel Farewell , John 163 ; Richard, c . jur. 288 ; see Farwell Farley, Richard, witness 343 Farmer , John , gent . 28 ; Peter, esq. lii, 201, 202* ; Robert 100* Farreroe, Nicholas, mercht . 151 Farringdon Ward, Within iiin, xxxiiin,

75 ; Without xi, xxxiiin Farwell , John, gent. 197-199 pass.;


see Farewell

Fatherne, William, stationer 181 Fathers, Thomas xxvin, 87* Faulcett, Edward , gent . 37; see Fawset, Folsett, Fossett Fawset, Joan бon ; see Faulcett , Folsett, Fossett Feack, James 150 Fearne, Anthony, gent . 38* Feate , Richard , c. jur. 226 Feild, Humphrey 8 ; John, labourer 120, 126 ; stationer 146* ; witness 146, 147; see Field Feiria (? Feirra) , witness 348n* Felgate, Israel, g . jur. 158, 386 Fencell, John , g. jur. 201 Fenchurch ( Fanchurch ') Street 120 , 242

Fennick [Fenwick], John , Jesuit Fenwicke [martyr, ] 266 ; see Fenton Prosper, cooper 214 ; Thomas, witness 2 * . 153

; William Fenwicke, Henry , gent 105n ; see Fennick Fernandes , Antonio 260 Fetter Lane lix, 130*, 149* , 189*, 200m , 264,276,340,348,349* , 353 * , 354 Field , Humphrey , gent. 7 ; see Feild Finch, Heneage , esq. , Recorder 102, 103* ; Sir Heneage , Kt. , Solicitor Gen. , J.G.D. 250 ; Thomas, g. jur. 196

Finney, see Fynney Firth (C. H.) ; see Authorities Fisher, Elizabeth , wife 48 ; James , tailor 48 ; John , shoemaker 15, 16 ; witness 281n ; yeom. So; Martha , wife So; Samuel 155 ; Sisell , servt . 150 ; Thomas, witness 303 Fitcherley, Richard 226n* FitzGerald, FitzGerrard , David , gent. 322*; witness 348n * ; John, gent. 345 ; Maurice 330 * , 335 ; gent . 322 * ; labourer 322, 330 ; Richard, gent . 322* FitzHarbert , Fitzharbart , Fitzharbett, John , servt . 122, 126, 133, 136n ; see


FitzHarris , Edward 351n FitzJames, Giles 163 *

FitzSimons, Thomas, painter 94 ; see Symons FitzWilliams , FitzWillyams , Bridget, wife 49, 95 ; John 49 ; gent. 60, 95*; als. Robynson, gent. 15, 16 Fit (t)zHarbert, Anthony , gent . 18*; see Fitzharbert Flamen, Robert , g. jur. 116 Flanders 204 Fleet , prison 366n, 368n , 369n, 37on* Fleet Bridge 120, 151 Fleet Ditch 205* , 275 Fleet Lane 205* Fleet Street 186, 205 , 230, 255, 256 , 264, 267-269 pass., 276, 278, 279 , 283, 285, 286, 289, 296 Fleming, Flemyng, Flemynge, Henry, Sir Thomas, Kt. , g. jur. 167 ; C.J.K.B. 58n; J.G.D. 71 , 384; J.O.T. 76 Fletcher, Mr. , chandler 206 ; Agnes, wife 54 ; Roland 79 ; Thomas ,



glazier 54 Flower de Luce Lane 132 ( not in Harben) Floyd, David , wire- drawer 240 ; yeom. 240 ; see Lloyd

Floyer, Peter, goldsmith 240 Fogarty, William 209 * ; physician 209n Fogg, Nathaniel , gent . 362 Foley, Henry , S.J.; see Authorities Folsett ( ?Fossett) , Mr John, barbersurgeon 151 ; see Faulcett , Fawset Fookes , Nicholas, witness 60 , 384 ; see Fowkes Foort , William, cutler 242 * Foote, James , lapidary 239 ; Thomas, Ald. , J.P. 115, 116; Sir Thomas, Kt. , Ald., J.G.D. 118, 119 ; J.P., 117, 124-6 pass., 134-7 pass ., 139-141 pass., 143, 145, 146, 148* , 151 , 152 Ford, Sir Richard, Kt. 200 ; Ald., J.G.D. 158, 159, 162 , 167, 176, 386 ; Samuel, g . jur. 83 Foreman, Mr. 133 Fortescue , John , gent. 9 ; Sir Nicholas, Kt. 377 , 378 Forth , Dannett , esq. , Ald., J.G.D. 158 , 162, 386 Fossett , Anne, Italian mercht. 121, 126; see Faulcett , Fawset, Folsett Foster, (husband ) 31; Mrs. 205 ; Ann , wife 31; Anthony, g . jur. 325;



Humphrey , yeom. 37; John 120 ; ironmonger 278, 296 ; Joseph, innholder 242* ; William, g. jur. 167 Foster Lane 181* , 182, 265 Fountain Court, Minories 292 Fountaine, James , M.D. 173 ; Judith, spr. 173 ; Nicholas, glass- maker 131, 137; Thomas, g. jur. 118


INDEX Fowke, John , esq. , Ald. , J.P. , 117 , 123, 124, 137-140 pass. , 143 Fowkes , Edward , stationer 199n ; see Fookes Fowler, Sir Thomas, Kt. , J.G.D. 52; J.O.T. 76, 93 ; J.P. of Midds . xn Fox, Mr. 205 ; Giles , diamond- cutter , 232, 239 , 262 ; Henry , gent . 332 ; John, gent. , g. jur. 310 ; Thomas, g. jur. 83 France , King of Louis XIV 246, 249 * Francis, journeyman - tailor 133, 137 Francis , Frances , John, als . Dickinson, priest 316 , 320* ; see Dickenson Francke , Vestien, mercht . 130, 137 Franckford 298, 300 Fran (c) klyn , Michael, yeom. 81 ; Robert, c. jur. 288 Fraser, see Phrayser Frear , Henry, attorney 96, 385 ; Thomas 96 , 385 * ; M.D. 95 * Frederick(e), Sir John , Kt. , Ald., J.G.D. 166, 167 , 198 ; J.P. 201 *, 202-205 pass . , 208 *, 211 *, 232 * , 233 , 257, 258 , 283 * -286 pass. , 292* , 294 * , 295 , 298 * , 300 , 319322 pass. Freestone, John , g . jur. 116 Friends , Society of 154 Friser, Sara , spr. 36 ; see Phrayser Fuller, Edward Bostock (e) 257 *; gent . 264, 276, 279 Fyfeild, John , c. jur. 299 Fynney , Fynny, Finney , Finny, Thomas , gent . 204 , 211* Fytter, William, yeom. 45






Gadburye, Edward , gent. 90 , 97 Gage , Edward , esq . 35 , 36 ; John , * esq . 346 Gainsford , John , gent . 61 *, 62 ;

Margaret, wid. 63 Gallawey , John, vintner 15, 16 Galloway (Galway), co. Galway, Ireland 114 Gardiner , Barkley priest 32 , Gardner, Hugh, c. 235 Gare (?Gore ) , George . 34 , Gargill, John, upholsterer 178 Garlick Hill 217 Garnet (t), Christopher, gent. 53 ; Henry, S.J., viiin; Joan, wife 53 Garrard , Gerard, Sir John, ., J.O.T. 26, 76, 93 , 381 ; J.G.D. Kt 72, 81-83 pass , 384 . Garrat , Elizabeth , widow 47 ; see Garrett Garrett , Edward , yeom. 31 ; Elizabeth, wid . 23 , 24 ; Nicholas, weaver 241n; William, gent. 346 ; als . of Smythe, Trincola Katherine ; see Garrat

Garry (Peter) 351n ; see Gorey Gascoin , George , c . jur. 287 Gatehouse, prison, Westminster 92 Gately, William, c . jur. 284 Gavan , John, Jesuit [martyr 266 Gawden , Sir Denis, Kt., Ald . , J.G.D. 158, 162, 386 Gawthorne, Jonathan , furrier 237 ; skinner 220 Gayler, Henry , c . jur. 287 Geffery, Sir Robert , Kt. , Sheriff 159, 165 ; see Jeffery Gefferyes , George , esq., J.G.D. 158, 386 ; see Jeffreyes Gellebrand , Jeremias 55n Gel(1) ibrand, Charles 23, 24; Elizabeth, wife 23 *, 24 Gelling, Richard, mercht. 232; see Jelly George IV, King of England xxxviii Gerard , see Garrard Gerrard, Richard, esq. 288 * ; Robert , ironmonger 182 Gerrett, John, brass -founder 215 Ghent ( Ghant ) 273 Gibbon(s) , John 229 ; gent. 225 , 229 ; c . jur. 274 Gibbs, Christopher, foreman c . jur. 106, 386 Gifford , Walter , gent. 20 * , see Gyfford Gilbert, Mr. 206 ; Ambrose, mercht . 132, 13бn ; James 120, 126; mercht . 132, 136n ; John, c . jur. 288 Gildon , Gilden, William, als. Bacon 286 *, 291 *, 296 ; priest 284, 285 , 289, 293 * , 298* , 299 Giles , ? Gwendoline, wid . 49 ; Thomas, basket-maker 3, 380, 381 Gill, William, apprentice 149 Gilpin, Mrs., wid. 132 Girlington , Lancelot , haberdasher231 Glanister, Alexander 229 ; carpenter 223 ; witness 225 Glass House ( Glassehouse ') Yard, Blackfriars 149 Glynne, John , C.J.U.B. , J.G.D. 118, 119 Gnowsall, co . Staffs. 38n Gnyves , see Guyves Goad(e) , John , clerk 206 ; Samuel , c. jur. 226 Goddard , James , c . jur. 209



Godfrey, Sir Edmondbury , Edmund Berry, Edmundbury , Edmund Bury lv, lix , 209, 285, 356, 358,

359, 362 ; Kt . 211, 235, 319*, 320 * , 361 ; J.P. of Midds. 357 , 358 ; Thomas , chandler 3, 380 Godley , Arthur 304 Godolphin Sydney, Earl of , witness 348n Goerai , Nicholas, mercht . 192n ; see Goorey, Goray, Goree, Gorey









Gold (George) 169n ; see Gould Golden ( Golding ) Lane, Cripplegate 122 Goldingham, Thomas, smith 109* Gonnell, William, p . jur. 26 Gonter ( ? Gouter), David , ball -maker



Gooby , see Goopy Good, Nicholas, c . jur. 288 Goodaker , Samuel 155 Goodspeed, Robert 130 ? Goodwin, Goodwyn, John 1292 *; Mary, wid . 170; Thomas , factor 179* Goodyer , Beatrice, spr. 57 Goopy, Gooby, Andrew, yeom. 179 ; Mary , spr. 179* Goorey , Nicholas, mercht . 185 ; see Goerai, Goray, Goree , Gorey Goose, John, gent. , g. juror 310 Goray, Nicholas, mercht . 1921, 193n* ; see Goerai , Goorey, Goree , Gorey Gordon Rioters xxvn Gordon , Rev. J. F. S.; see Authorities Gore ?, (George) 34n ; Margaret 61 ; see Gare Goreden, Andrew 244 Goree, Nicholas, tailor 123, 128, 138140 pass .; see Goerai , Goorey, Goray,



Gorey , Garry, Jane, wife 132, 137, 150; Nicholas, mercht . 179, 187*, 208 ; tailor, 132, 137, 150 ; Peter, mercht . 351n ; see Goerai , Goorey, Goray, Goree Gosson, Samuel, g . jur. 158, 386 Gost, George , gent. 225 Gouge, Nicholas, draper 269n, 279 Gould , George 169 ; see Gold Gouter , see Gonter Gower, Ann , wid . 77 ; Mary 68 *,


73, 86

Gracechurch Street ( Gratioustreete ) 214, 296* Grange , Crispe, brewer 371n , 372n Granger, Thomas , haberdasher 314 ; joiner 317 Grant, John gent. 161 , 162n*; haberdasher 186*, 187n ; see Graunt Grantham, William, g. jur. 116 Graunt, John, esq. (conspirator) 375 ; haberdasher 162 , 163*, 181, 183, 184 ; see Grant Grave , John , yeom. 99 Gravel Lane 292 Gravener, Elizabeth 69, 74, 87 ; als. of Grosvener, Walter Graves , Bartholomew, g. jur. 26 ; John , c . jur. 227 Graye , Mary , spr. 31 ; als . of Budd, Thomas , als . Petoe, als . White ; see





Gray's Inn Gate, co. Midd . 265 Great St. Bartholomew, Parish of 318 ; see St. Bartholomew the Great Great St. Helen, Parish of 213, 278 Green Arbour ( Harbour ) Court , ' Old Bailey 217 Greenbank , William, gent. , g . jur. 310 Green ( e) , Alban , gent . 55 ; Alice, witness 345 ; Benet(t)a, spr. 95: wife 47 ; Edward , tyremaker ' 48 ; Henry 155 ; John , joiner 371 , 372n ; Nathaniel , p . jur. 326 ; Richard, 8n ; Robert 266, 319, 320, 357*, 358; Rook , gent . 18 *; William 74, 77 ; esq. 1; gent. 47 ; yeom. 5*; als. of Hastings, Huntington, als . Corney Greenebury , Richard, gent. 95 Greeneham , Thomas, gent . 38* Green (e) way, Richard 155 ; yeom . 88 Gregory, Sir William, Kt. , B.Ex. , J.G.D. 327 Gressame, Joan, wife 54* ; Richard 54* Grey, Isaac, gent. 154; John , c . jur. 227 ; als. of Budd , Thomas, als. Petoe, als. White ; see Graye Gribarvall , Mary, wife 134, 136 ; William, watchmaker 134, 136n Griffeth , Bridget , wid . 206 ; see Griffith, Griffiths , Gryffyth Griffith, Edward , yeom. 57 ; Hugh, 57; tailor 287, 291 ; ; Jane, wife John 363*, 366n Richard, witness see . , 284 ; Griffeth 45 ; Roger, c. jur Griffiths , Gryffyth dissenting Griffiths , John 368n; minister 366n * ; gent. 367*, 368; see Griffeth , Griffith, Gryffyth



' ,c Griggs ,


Ellis . jur. 236 Grigson , William, cordwainer 169 Grimbury, Mary, spr . 98 Grimshawe, John 155 Grimston, Charles , witness 33 * ; Francis, gent . 346 Griseld , Ann , wife 77, 95 ; Thomas,

chandler 95; yeom. 77 Grocer , wid. 205 Grome , Robert , g . jur. 26 Groscott, Peter, dancing-master 213 *, 221 ; see Grossecutt Gross, Julian , aunt 204; see Le Gross Grossecutt , Mary, wife 173 , 174; Peter, dancing-master 173 , 174; see Groscott Grosvener , Grossvenor, Walter, als. Gravener xxxiiin , 41n* Grove , Andrew, yeom. 168 ; John martyr 248 *, 266 [Grubb , William 369n Grub Street 204 Grunwin, Thomas, scrivener 170 Gryffen, Richard, als . Smith, suspected priest 86 '




INDEX Gryffyth, als. of Lancaster, John ; see Griffeth, Griffith, Griffiths Grymes, John, witness 339 Guatkin, Elizabeth , wid . 36 Gubbs, Susan 68* ; see Jubbs Guiat , Bridget , wid . 172; Honora, spr. 172; John 173; Susanna , spr. 172 ; see


Guildford , Muniment Room at xin Guildhall, London viiin, ixn, xn , xii-xiv pass., xviin, xixn, xxivn, xxxiin , lx, 76n, 273*, 344 *, 355 ; Sessions held at, passim Guildhall Library 352n , 355n Guillin, Thomas, gent. 36 Gunn, Mr. 205 ; Gregory, yeom. 48 Gunns, Thomas, witness 44* Gunpowder Alley , Shoe Lane 287 , 291, 297 Gunpowder Plot viiin, xliv , 375 Gunter , Thomas, yeom. 346 Gurley , Thomas, gent. , witness 50 *, 51 *

Gurnell , Benjamin, g . jur. 158, 387 Gurney , John , fringe -maker 269 * Gurry , Eusebius, g. jur. 138 Gutthrow, Anthony , tailor 178 Guy, Thomas, bookseller 181 Guyatt, Anthony , spr. 132, 137, 150 ; Bridget, wife 122, 126, 132, 137, 150 ; John Baptist , gent. 122, 126; mercht . 132 , 137, 150; see Guiat Guyves ( ?Gnyves), Christopher, druggist 241n Gwinn(e) [Gwyn], Francis, witness 348n; John 89n Gyfford, Gregory, gent, 257 , 264 ,


see Gifford

Hacon , Hubert , esq. 51 Hale, Sir Matthew , Kt. , C.J.K.B. , J.G.D. 162, 166 Hales, John, yeom. 351n Halie, Joan , wife 95 ; John, yeom 95 . ;



Halley, Halye Hall, Elizabeth , wife 161 * ; Isaac, c. jur . 299 ; John, p. jur. 251 ; Martin, yeom . 270*; Richard 129n ; Thomas 165, 189, 190*, 192-195 pass .; cook 161-163 pass. , 182-187 pass., 189, 191-194 pass.; Walter, gent. , g. jur. 310 Halley, Matthew , yeom. 121 , 126; see

Halie, Halye Halliday, see Hallyday Hallsall, Sir Cuthbert , Kt. 14 Hallyday , Hallidaye , Halliday, Sir Leonard , Kt. , Ald. , J.O.T. 26, 381 ; Lord Mayor 8-22 pass., 24 ; J.P. 6 ; Thomas , gent. 78; see Holliday Halye, John, yeom. 88 ; see Halie, Halley

Ham, Elizabeth , spr. 77 Hambleton, Alexander, gent . 49 ; Frances , wife 49 Hamersley, John 155 Ham (m)s, John , silk-weaver 15, 16, 49, 89, 97 Hamond, Rose, spr. 49 Hamond's ( Hamons ) Key 130 ' . 75 Hampson , Ralph , g. jur Hampton, Thomas , g. jur . 26 Hanaken, Hugh, smith 150 Hancock(e) , Giles , c. jur. 287; John , g. jur. 167 ; Jonathan, goldsmith 129n

Hanington, Alexander 102n Hankey, Mary, spr. 35 Hanson, Sir Robert , Kt., Ald. , J.G.D. 159, 162*, 167, 176 ; J.P. 202 , 205 , 206*, 210, 217*, 253 *, 258 *, 259 *, 266 *, 268, 306 * ; Thomas,

g. jur. 196

Harben (H. A. ), see Authorities Harbert, William, suspected priest 86; see Herbert Harcourt ( e), John 120 ; William , Jesuit [martyr] 266 Hardcastle, Priscilla , spr. 179* Hardwicke, Gregory, witness 128 Hare, Michael, esq. 20 * Harinton (? Havinton ), Thomas Harison, John , g. jur. 75; see Harrison, Harryson Harispe, Anthony, servt . 180 Harlington , co . Bedford 129n Harlington, Jane 161* Harman, Thomas, g. jur. 138 Harp ( Harpe, Harpes ') Alley 287 ; St. Bride's 205 Harp ( Harpe ') Lane, Tower Street





Harper, Anthony, gent . 36 ; Katherine, wid . 36; Mary, wife 36 Harrington , Edmund , gent. 30 ; Martin , suspected priest ' 67, 73 Harris , gent. 131, 137 : Mr. , organ-maker 205 (see Harris , Rene ) ; Mr. Charles 131; Arthur, mercht . 270 * ; Benjamin, publisher 333 ; " Daniel, c . jur. 106, 386 ; Francis, clothworker 31 ; witness 31, 382 ; Rene 256 , Margaret, wid . 178 ; 264 ; Samuel 333n * ; Thomas 369n ; witness 43 , 61 Harrison, wid . 121 ; Cecilia, wife 95; John , junior, p . jur. 26; Richard, tailor 95 ; Thomas, g. jur. 158, 387 ; William, p . jur. 311 ; yeom. 307n* ; see Harison, Harryson Harrow Alley , Gravel Lane 292 ; St. Botolph's, Aldgate 289 Harryson, Richard, g . jur. 26 ; see Harison, Harrison




Hart , William 155 Hartley, Anthony, g. jur. 196 Hartshorn Alley , Moorfields 1992 Harvey, Gideon, M.D. 161 ; John , yeom . 99 Hasell, John 106; see Hazell Haselwood, co . York 72, 384 Hasleham , William, c. jur. 287 Haslewood , Marmaduke, gent . 37 Hasting( e) s, Walter , gent. 17 ; Huntington , als. Corney, als . Greene , priest 107 Hathway, Thomas , girdler 6 Hatley, Fisher, c . jur. 236 Hatton , Francis, shoemaker 543 George , bricklayer 223*, 229 ; John , witness 372 ; Richard, gent. 2, 22* Hatton Garden , co . Midd . 233 Haverland, Elizabeth , wid . 129, 138 Havinton , see Harinton Hawgins, Jeremiah, mercht . 177; see Hawkins , Hawkyns Hawkeshead, Charles , scrivener 261 , 275, 278 Hawkins , Edward , barber 212 ; barber-surgeon 207; Sir Thomas, Kt.


377, 378 *;

William, c . jur.

288 ;

Hawgins, Hawkyns Hawkyns, William, yeom. 23, 24; see Hawgins, Hawkins Hawley, Mary , wid . 49 * ; Richard,


tailor 10

Hawthorne , Humphrey 155 Hay, M. V.; see Authorities Haycocke , Thomas , g. jur. 138

Hayes , wid. 149 ; Mr. James 131 ; John 121 ; Richard , g . jur. 325 Haymarket 323 Haynes , Brian , witness 323, 348n ; Helen, spr. 90 Hayward , Mary , wife 54* ; Thomas,

cutler 54* Hazell, John 105n, 106 *, 386* ; see Hasell Head , see Hide , Jeremias Heard, John, c . jur. 226 Hearne, Edward , foreman c . jur. 209 Hearsey, Alice , wid . 99 ; see Hersey Hedges, William 212 * ; mercht . 208 Hedley, John, yeoman 30 Helmsley, co. York 39n Helyng, Zachary , g . jur . 75 Hemsley (Helmsley) , co . York 39 Hennedge , Henneag , Gilford, Guilforde 106-108 pass. , 110*, * Henricke( s), Henwicke, Adrian , foreigner 90 ; Adrian , mercht . 122, 126,


133, 137, 150 ; son 122, 126, 133, 137, 150 ; Katherine , wife 122, 126, 133, 137, 150 ; Mary, daughter 122, 126, 133 , 137, 150; Winifred , daughter 122, 126, 133, 137, 150

Henricus, Peter 97 *; yeom. 89 Henry (surname missing) , J.O.T. 26, 381 ; VII , King of England xxvn ; of England lvn VIII, King Henwicke, see Henricke(s) Herbert, Ferdinand, yeoman of the stirrup to the Queen ' 205 ; John, c. jur. 287 ; see Harbert Herle, Cuthbert 155 ; Thomas 156n; see Kerle Herne, Francis, gent. 354* ; Sir Nathaniel , Kt. , Sheriff 167, 197 Hersey , John 236n* ; see Hearsey Hesketh, Henry 56 *, 68, 73, 86; gent . 56 ; yeom. 56 Hetherington, William 334 , 335*,



337, 340 Hewes , see Hughes Hewett, Hewitt, Dorothy , wife 206; John 256 ; varnisher 206 , 264, 276 , 279, 290 Hexham, co. Northumberland 4on



Hichcok, John, p. jur. 26 Hickman , Richard, gent . 8n Hick(e)s , Sir Baptist , Kt., J.O.T. 76, 93 ; Promothea (Prothesia), wife 377, 378 ; Richard , foreman g. jur. 325 ; Thomas 377 , 378 * , 351, 365 Hicks Hall, co . Midd . 89n " Hickson ( ?Hexham), co. Northumberland 40* Hide ( ?Head), Jeremias, yeom. 77 Hide, Joseph , gent. 208, 212 ; Thomasina , spr. 49 Higden, Robert , p. jur. 94 Higgins, Higgyns, William, yeom. 7, 8 High Holborn 204 Hilcocke, Robert , c . jur. 227 Hildersham, Mary , wife 61 ; Thomas 61

Hildiard , Henry, esq. 332 62; John, blacksmith 265 ; sergeant - at-mace 182; Lawrence 266 , 319, 320, 357*, 358; Richard , g. jur. 116 ; shoemaker1994; Thomas, foreman g. jur. 41 ; William , g. jur. 118 ; gent . 44*; glass-maker

Hill, Dorothy


Hiller, Thomas, g. jur. 138; William , g. jur. 138 Hills, Henry , printer 144 Hilton, Andrew , gent. 1o ; John, gent. II Hind Court, Fleet Street 230 61 ( ,

; Augustine Hind e), Agnes wife 61 ; Daniel , yeom. 171 ; Robert, g. jur. 250 Hindemarsh, Joseph , stationer 318n* Hindley, John 295 ; stationer 294 , 297 ; witness 295 Hinscliff , James 103n Hinton , Benjamin, goldsmith 159, 181



INDEX Hippey , Ann 58n Hippon , wid. 54 Hoare , Richard , goldsmith 3442 * Hobby , Mary 94 Hobson, Mable 149 Hodgs(h) on, Hodgeson , Mary , wife 364 ; William, gent. 346 ; yeom.




; see Hodson, Hudson

Hodson , William 231 * , 240 , 262 , 276, 279, 290 ; see Hodgshon, Hudson Hodyngton (Huddington ) , Worcs. 375 Holborn 149 Holder , Thomas, esq. 332 Holdernes (s) , co . York ( E.R.) 39 * Holdsworth W.S.) , see Authorities Holenden , Richard, foreman g . jur. 92 Holland 204 Holland, Hugh xlv, 377, 378 ; gent . 3 , 56, 71 ; J. 60 Holliday, Frances , wife 88 ; Thomas, gent . 88 ; see Hallyday Hollingshead , William 205 Holloway, Allan , medicus 362 ; [Sir Richard, Kt. ] , J.K.B. xxxivn* Holme , co. Lincoln 44 Holmes , William, tailor 214*, 220;






Homes Holt ( e), Francis, gent. xliiin , 61, 98 ; Robert, merchant 4, 5 ; William


100n, 102n*, 1032 * Holton, Nathaniel , g. jur. 158, 386

Holy Trinity, see Trinity, Holy Homes, Robert , c . jur. 370 ; see Holmes Honey Lane Market 356, 360, 362 Honorett, Bartholomew, foreigner 89 Hood , Elizabeth , maid- servt. 122*, 125n, 126 ; spr. , servt . 130, 13бn Hood Grange , Kilburn, co . York 39n ; see Hoode

Hoode, co. York 39 ; see Hood Grange Hooker, Sir William, Kt., Lord Mayor 192n ; J.G.D. 158*, 159, 162* 165-167 pass., 172, 175, 176, 386, 387 Hoord, Thomas, esq. 23, 24 Hopkins, John, c. jur. 287 ; Nathaniel , c. jur. 288 ; Rice, scrivener 217 Horne , Humphrey , tailor 181, 184, 190; John , yeom. 40; Samuel, clock- maker 224, 228 Horrocks, Thomas, yeom. 339 * Horton, Hugh, g. jur. 250 ; Richard, yeom . 37, 177 Hoskins , Thomas, apothecary 277


see Hotchkis

House, see Howse Hoverton, Thomas 8n Howard, Samuel , gent. 283 * ; g. jur. 325 ; William 363 How (e), Sir Richard, Kt. , Sheriff 251 ; William 369n Howell , Daniel, cabinet-maker 256 , 264, 276, 279 ; John 155; Sir John , . , Recorder, J.G.D. 158, 159 , Kt 162*, 165-167 pass . , 172, 175, 176, 196, 197 , 198, 386, 387 ; Thomas, c. jur. 287 , Frances , Howse, House wife 119, 125, 126; Francis, M.D. 119 , 125, 126 . Hubbard, Henry, c jur. 226 Hubbersteed , Elizabeth , wife 78; Robert , soap - boiler 78 Hubert, Robert, labourer 155n Huddington, see Hodyngton Hud( d) leston( e) , Alice , wife 98 ; Augustine, gent. 98 ; John Dionysius] , O.S.B. lvi Hudson, James 90 * ; Margaret , spr. 90 ; Thomas, foreman g . jur. 138, 140 ; William , shipwright lviii, 303*, 316, 330, 336, 347 , 350 ; see Hodgshon, Hodson Hughes , Hewes , Joseph , porter 179*; William , dancing-master 271, 272 Hull, Robert, gent. 218 Hunnay, Hunna , Francis, gent. 271, 272 Hunt , Ann , wid . 95 ; John, tailor 215*, 220 ; Lancelot , c . jur. 274 ; Sarah , wid . 150; Thomas, p. jur. 326 ; William 98n Hunter, Anthony , S.J. , als . Baker, James 369n ; Henry 345 Huntington , see Hastings Hunton , Joseph , foreman g. jur. 116 Hurst, James 205; Owen 218 ; labourer 225n *; William 68, 73, 86 Hussey, Edward , coachman 271, 272 Hutchenson, Hutchinson , Ann , wife 53 ; Henry , cutler 54 ; Simon, linendraper 181 ; William, linen- draper 346



Hutchyns, John 75 Hutton , Barbara, wid . 49 ; Cuthbert , yeom. 78; John, g. jur. 158, 386 Hutton (Conyers), co . York 39* Hyett , Francis, gent . 36 Hynde, Jane 109n Idburye, co. Oxford 61

; Iles, Christopher 193n ; witness 127,

Hotchkis, Thomas 268 *; Thomas, apothecary 266 ; see Hoskins Hothersall, Henry, vintner 180, 181n Houghton, John, p. jur. 311 Houlden , Ann , spr. 95 Houndsditch 216 , 220, 272n *


Ince, Mr., attorney 278* ; John, gent . 242*, 255 Inner Temple

xi , lv, 197-199 pass Insurance Office Court 344n Ireland 114, 142, 189*, 280m, 304, 329, 333, 334




Ireland , William [martyr] 248*, 266 , 319 Ireton , John , Ald. 113, 114*; J.P. 124, 139 ; Sir John, Kt ., Ald., J.P. 125, 126, 134, 135, 137, 139 , 140*, 144 ; Lord Mayor , J.P. 146, 151, 152* Irons, Christopher, gent. li , 187 Ithell, John , g. jur . 93 Ive, Mark, esq. 9 ; Sir Mark , Kt. 21* ; William, gent. 37 Ives, John, foreman c . jur. 370 Ivie, Edward , witness 348n Ivy Lane 203 , 212, 237, 257, 263 , 289, 296, 336*, 347 Izard , Ralph , grocer 221, 238, 262, 275


Jackson, Bridget , wife 81 ; Edmund, mercer 306 ; Lewis, yeom. 81 ; John

xxvii, 110-113n pass .; William, clerk 103n

Jacob , Giles ; see Authorities James , King of England xlv, 373n , 374n; see York, James , Duke of James , Sir Henry, Kt. xxxix, 69*, 71, 73, 81 , 82, 86, 87; Richard , als. Newport [vere Newport 74; priest 74 , 75, 76; als. Smith , als. Newport (vere Newport ) , ' suspected priest 68 ; William 284n ; see Newport Jancey , Thomas 36 Janeway 121 Jarrett , William, waterman 178 Jeaffreson , J. Cordy; see Authorities Jeakell, see Jekyll Jefferson , Robert , yeom . 40 *; William, tailor 120, 131 Jeffery, Sir Robert, Kt. , Sheriff 175; see Geffery Jeffrey (e) s, Sir George 352n ; Bt. , C.J.K.B. , J.P. 367 ; Kt. , Recorder, J.P. 218, 233 , 234, 237*, 242 *, 260, 272n, 280 , 281, 283 *, 300 *, 301 * K.C. , Recorder, J.G.D. 251 ; J.O.T. 249 ; see Gefferyes Jekyll , Jekell, Jeakell, John 343345 pass. , 349n ; fishmonger 344n ; g. jur. 201 ; Joseph , witness 352 Jelly , Richard, mercht . 239 ; see






Jenkes , Robert , leather seller 345n Jenkins, Sir Leoline, Kt. , witness 348n; Thomas, witness 314n Jenner, Sir Thomas , Kt . Recorder, J.P. 367 Jen ( n)ings, John 261 , 264 ; smith 260 , 264*, 268 * ; sen., wire -drawer 264 ; Thomas gon ; see Jennyngs Jen (n) ison, Thomas, clerk 274 ; S.J. 2742 ; William 60 ; see Jennysson Jennyngs, ? Perceval 71n ; see Jennings Jen(n)ys(s) on, William xxvii, 58 *,



, 60, 68, 73, 86; esq . 59, 60, 383 , 384 ; gent. 33 Jermyn, John , g . jur. 116 Jesson, Abraham , g. jur . 250* Jeudy, William, clothworker xvi , 50 ; see Jewdy, Judith Jewdy, William, clothworker


95 ; see Jeudy, Judith Jewin Jewen ) Street 260, 264* John, Edith, wife 48 ; Peter, yeom. 48 Johnson, witness 348 ; Benjamin, gent. xlv, 7 ; PCornelius 77n ; Ralph , tailor 205 ; Samuel , tallow- chandler 223 ; Sarah, wife, 205; Stephen 97 ; yeom. 90 ; Thomas g. jur. 83 ; William 155; esq., Sheriff of Lancs. 311 ; see Jonson Jolles, Sir John, Kt., Lord Mayor 91n, 93 ; J.O.T. 93 Jones , David 106* ; p. jur. 26; Dorothy , wife 47 ; Edward 121 ; George , blacksmith 177; Helen, spr. 31*; Henry , yeom. 30; Mr. P. E. lx ; Richard, gent. 178, 268 ; silk-dyer 340 ; PRobert, gent. 47 ; p. jur. 93 ; Sara, wife 121 , 126; Thomas, esq., J.O.T. 93 ; Sir Thomas, Kt. , J.K.B., J.G.D. 250; Sir William , Kt., Attorney Gen. 197 , 198*; J.G.D. 250; J.K.B., J.G.D. 378* Jonson , Ben . xlv* ; see Johnson PJorden Jordan] , Thomas, g. jur. 250 ; witness 303 Joslin, Dorcas , wife 205 ; Piercey, glazier 205 Joye, Mrs., wid . 133 Joyner, Thomas, wharfinger 222 Jubbs, Susan , Suzanna 73 , 86; wid . 98 ; see Gubbs Judith , William xvi , 80 *; see Jeudy,









Jewdy Justice, William, foreman g . jur. 118 Justice Hall in the Old Bailey (parish of St. Sepulchre , Farringdon Ward Without), passim Juxon, George , g. jur. 201 Katherin (e)s, Mary 151; wid . 119, 125n, 134, 138

Kedley, Thomas, victualler 233, 234; see Kidley

Keith , George 370n Kelke, James , pewterer 352, 353; Nicholas, foreman g . jur. 201 Kellett , Richard, suspected priest



Kelme, Francis, c . jur. 226 Kemble, Ann , wife 36 ; Charles 377, 378* ; John 36 Kempe, Edward , witness 203n ; Nicholas , esq. 90*, 91 Kendrick(e), John , esq. , Ald. , J.P.


INDEX 125, 126, 134-7 pass., 139, 140, 141, 143 , 146, 148 ; Lord Mayor 111, 112 Kennick, Nathaniel 154 Kent, County 237 Kent, Richard , gent. So Kerby, William, 155 Keresforth, Robert, gent., Coroner 106 * , 386* Kerle (? Herle), Thomas, M.D. 156 Kettle, Elizabeth , button and loop maker 206 Key(e) s, Barbara, spr. 99 ; Robert 375 Keymish, David Joseph 284 ; O.P. 284n Keysar, John, g. jur. 92 Kidd , Peter, coffee - man 298* ; hatband -maker 356, 360 ; witness 358 Kidder, Richard , clerk 304 Kidley, Thomas, victualler 238 ; see



Kiffin , William, gent . xlii , xlv, lii, 373 ; see Kyffen Kilbourne, Ralph 106-108 pass., 110*, III * Kilburn , co. York, N.R. 39n Killingworth, Mary , wid. 120, 126 ; see Chillingsworth

Kilminster , Henry, watchmaker 258 ,


Kilner , Thomas, g. jur. 250 Kindersley, Martha 11on , ; John, Bp . of London , [King64 J.G.D. J.O.T. 76 King (e), Andrew, mercht . 129 ; Charles 284n ; Mr. Job 119, 125 ; Mary, spr. 31*; Maurice, g. jur. 158, 201, 386 ; Richard , yeom. 88 ; William 104n, 151; see Kynge King's Bench , Court of xxix*, xxxix*, xln, 2on, 28 *, 352 *, 55*,


69 * , 82, 101 * , 102n , 161n, 177n , 200*, 260 , 273n, 282n , 291*, 300n , 318n* , 322n , 335n *, 337n , 341n , 345n, 351n *, 363, 379 ; prison xxix *, 200n , 304n, 347 King Street , Cheapside 202n ; St. Giles - in - the - Fields, Midds . 281 , 285 ; Westminster 334 Kinneston, Mrs Sarah 130 Kins ( e)man, Edward 68, 73, 86; gent . 53 Kir (c) k(h)am, John, p. jur. 251; Richard xli , 66, 68 , 69, 73, 86; gent. 64 , 65 ; see Kyrkham Kirwell, Peter, mercht . 185 Kitchen, Mary , spr. 88 ; wid . 88 Kitchenman, William 60 Kite , Frances 149 Knappe, George, goldsmith 206 ; see Napp Kneret (?Knevet) , Charles 28n



Knevet, see Kneret Knibb (e), John, tailor 257, 264 ;



Knight , George 207n ; Joan, wife 54; John , cloth-worker 214 ; Thomas 211n ; scrivener 54 ; victualler 203n*, 204n , 208n *

* , Kolonitch



Comes de, Dutchman 122 125n , Kyffen , Maurice 68, 73, 86; see


Kynge, John 63n ; see Kinge Kyrkham , Lambert , gent. 52n , 53; see Kirckham . 168 Lacchini, ....,, mercht Lacke, Thomas smith 256 Lacy, als. of Prince, Richard, als. Ellis Ladore, Julian , callenderer 177; see Le Adore, Leadore, Ledore Lamb ( Lambe ') Alley 120 Lambe, Edward , c . jur. 235 ; Henry , goldsmith 216 Lammas, Henry , witness 91 Lamote, Lucy, wife 150; Nicholas, harness -maker 150 ; see Delamott , Lamott Lamott , Lucis , wife 132, 137 ; see Delamott , Lamote Lamport (e) , Peter 337*, 356n ; gent. 340* , 347; yeom. 337, 338 * Lamprey, George, c. jur. 209 Lancashire liin , 310-312 pass. Lancaster, castle 309-312 pass .; city 308n *, 310, 3112 ; county palatine 309-311 pass. Lancaster, John , als . Gryffyth, gent . 36 Lands ( ? Lauds) , John, p . jur. 326 Langham, Thomas, gent. 159, 181 Langhorne, Richard , jun . 244 *; [Sen. 255 *; barrister xii, lv; esq. 266 ; sen. , esq. 245-252 pass .; martyr 245n*, 285n ; Thomas, farrier (?furrier) 181 ; leather-seller 185 ; skinner 197-199 pass. Langley, Mr. , T.C. 56 *, 60* , 78; Richard , Deputy T.C. xviii *, xix*, 56n , 59n Lanington , Francis, witness 103 Lapp, Gabriel, milliner 258 Lardge, Mary, spr. 90 Lasher, Thomas, bricklayer 316, 330; see Lusher


Lassells , Philip, g. jur. 325 Latham, Francis, suspected priest xl, 73, 79*; see Almond , John,



Lathom, Henry , gent. , g. jur. 310 Lauds (John), 326n ; see Lands Laurence, John, g. jur. 325



Lawrance, Andrew, yeom. 177 Lawrence, Edith, maid-servt . 94 ; Mr. John 134; Sir John , Kt., Ald., J.G.D. 158, 159, 162, 165-167 pass ., 172, 175, 196, 197, 386, 387 ; J.O.T. 325

Lawson, Hugh, esq. 10 ; John , witness 129 ; Ralph, gent. 1, 380 Lead , Ann , wife 173*; John, painter 173

; see Leads

* Leadenhall Market 239 Leadenhall Street 121, 1932 , 362 Leader , David , g . jur. 116 Le Adore , Mary, wife 122, 126 ; Peter, mercht. 122, 126 ; see Ladore, Leadore , Ledore Leadore , Ann , wife 132, 137 ; Peter, mercht . 132, 137 ; see Ladore, Le Adore, Ledore Leads, John , painter 150 ; see Lead * Leak( e), Elizabeth , wife 6* ; James , yeom . 47, 60; Jane, wife 47 ; John 226n *; William, gent. 47 ; yeom. 6 ; see Leeke le Ches, Mons ., confessor of the King of France 249 Ledgingham , Richard, c. jur. 288 Ledore, wife 150; Peter, mercht. 150 ; see Ladore, Le Adore, Leadore Lee, Abraham , c . jur. 299 ; Ann, spr. 23, 24 ; wife 49 ; Benjamin 88n ; Edward , labourer 49 ; Henry 313 ; clerk 300-302 pass., 304 *, 312 ; Thomas, tailor 286 ; William , stationer 109*; see Leigh , Ley Leeke , Jane , widow 51 ; see Leake Leg ( Legg, Legge ') Alley 120, 151 Le Gross, David , capt. 204; see Gross Le Hardy, W.; see Authorities Leicester , county 3132* Leigh, Sir Robert , Kt., J.G.D. 52; J.O.T. 76; see Lee, Ley Leisted , John, apothecary 94 ; Mary, wife 94; see Leysteed Lely [Sir Peter, Kt .] , painter 355n Leman, Sir John, Kt., Ald., J.G.D. 376, 378 Lemin, Mr. , cook 151; see Lemon Lemon, William, cook 131 ; see Lemin Lemott , Samuel, mercht . 207 ; see Delamott , Lamote, Lamott Lemyng(e) , Henry , yeom. 78 ; Mr. Leonard 130 Lent (h) all, Dr. , M.D. 151 ; Edmund , esq. 17*; Thomas, M.D. 131 , 137 Le Scarre, co. Glam. 44 Lethulier, Lethulire , Charles , musicmaster 271 , 272 ; Sir John , Kt. , Sheriff 167, 197 Lewes , John , esq. 33

Lewis, Ephraim , c . jur. 235 ; Sir Simon, Kt ., J.P. 367 ; William, D.D. xlvii, 131 , 135, 136n, 143* Lewys, William, witness 339 Ley, Hugh, foreman g. jur. 63 , 69; see Lee, Leigh Leysteed , John, apothecary 56 ; see Leisted Lichfeild , Frederick, bricklayer 216 Liegershasbye (Ashby St. Ledgers ), Northants . 74 Light , Mary 102n Lightfoot ( e) , Lightfoott, Thomas , cook 334 ; porter 271, 272 ; victualler , 323, 331

Lill(e) y, John, wax-chandler

121 ,

126, 149, 152 Lillingston , William, gent. 272n Lime ( Lyme ) Street 120, 229 Lincoln , county 44 Lincoln's Inn xviii, 286 ; London 283 ; co . Midd . 280 Linby, Clement, barber 176, 182*


Lingard, Rev. John, D.D.; see Authorities Lingen, Thomas, gent . 332 ; see Lyngen Lingwood, Charles , c . jur. 236 Linsly, Frances , wid. 150 Litherland , Henry, surgeon 231 Littleberry , Katherine , spr. 132, 137 ; see Littlebury

Littleboy, John, sadler 170 Little Britain (' Brittaine ') 144, 2000, 241, 254 , 353

Littlebury , Katherine , wid . 150; see

Littleberry Little Moorfields 122 * Little Old Bailey 257 Little St. Bartholomew, Parish of 206 ; see St. Bartholomew the Less Littleton , Francis 71 ; gent. 69, 70* ; Sir Timothy, Kt., B.Ex. , J.G.D. 158 , 159, 162, 166, 167 , 172, 175, 176, 197, 198, 386, 387 Lloyd, William, jun., gent. 37 ; see

Floyd Lockley, Robert , yeom. 77 Lodge , Thomas, M.D. xlv , 3, 7* Loe , William , c . jur. 226 ; see Lowe Lombard ( Lumberd ') Street 220, 238 London, Archdeacon of 46n ; Bp . of , 55, 80, 87 , 9on , 91 *, 229 ; ix George [Abbot ] , Bp . of 52, 59 ; Great Fire of xiii , 155n ; John [King], Bp. of 76 Long(e), John , c . jur. 287 ; Sir Lislebone, Kt ., Recorder, J.G.D. 118, 119 ; J.P. 116, 117, 124, 126,






140 ,



Thomas, c . jur. 227 Long Acre, St. Giles's , co . Midd . 331


INDEX Longmore, William, g . jur. 201 Lopus , George , foreigner So Lord, Nathan , foreman p . jur . 311 Lorick , Lewis, foreigner 80 Lothbury 133, 222, 239, 262, 304 , 352, 354, 355 Louvain ( Lovin ' ) , University of 204 * Lovell, Sir Francis, Kt. 43 * Lovett, Ann , spr. 89; Drew , goldsmith 49, 94 ; Elizabeth , wife 49 , 94; John 101n ; Joseph, goldsmith 56, 94; yeom. 22, 24 ; Richard , brother of Drew 94 ; yeom . 49 ; Rose, wife 94 Lowe, Sir Thomas, Kt. , J.G.D. 69, 82, 83 ; J.O.T. 93 ; Lord Mayor 1-5 pass., 380 Lownes , Humphrey , p. jur. 26 Ludgate Street 243 Lugg, Mr. 206 ; Jasper, mercht. 130, 136n ; Mary, sister 130, 13бn ; Magdalen , sister 130, 136n Lumley, Sir Martin, Kt . , J.G.D. 376-378 pass. Lunne, Mary, wid . 60 Lupce (Dominic ) 177n ; see Lupee Lupee (?Lupce), Dominic , yeom. 177 Lusher, wife 131 , 136n , 150 ; Frances , wife 119, 126; Henry 150 ; apothecary 119, 126, 131 , 136n ; Thomas, bricklayer 262, 279 , 303 ;


Mahew, see Mathew, Henry Maior , Sara, spr . 173 Maitland (F.W.), see Authorities Major , Daniel , g . jur. 167 Malin , Francis, tobacco-pipe-maker 170

Mallett , David , printer 297n ; George , esq. 33 Man, Thomas, g. jur. 93 ; William, yeom. 77 Manfeild, Sir Edward , Kt . 22 * Manlette, Mr. 205 Mannuk, Mannicke, Sir Francis, Bt.

271, 272 Mansell, Roderick, esq. 298 * March, Katherine 169 Marcy, Elias , glass-maker 215 , 220 ; John , glass -maker 215 ; see Massey Mare (Maer), co. Stafford 92 Mark ( Marke ) Lane 122, 133, 183, 260 Marryott , Robert , mercht . 221 Marsh, Samuel , g . jur. 158, 386 Marshall, Herman , broker 122, 126 ;



William , O.S.B. 266 Marshalsea , prison 304 , 356 * Marston, William, goldsmith 177 Marten, Roger, jun., gent . 8 ; see

Martin, Martyn Marter , Edward , c . jur. 226

Martin , C. T.; see Authorities ; Ingram , yeom. 30 ; John, c . jur. 284; see Lasher Mary, wife 47 ; Thomas, suspected Lutley , John, gent . 30 * ; William , priest 67, 73; William, haberdasher see Marten, Martyn 47 yeom . 36 Lynch , John , yeom. 180 Martin's Lane 120 Lyngen, Edward , gent. 72 * ; Jane, Martmot , William , yeom. 88 Marton in Holdernes , co . York 39 spr. 35 ; see Lingen 169 ; John , 106-108 Marton in le Would, co . York 39 Lyon , * pass.; William, victualler 307*, 313 Martyn , Elizabeth , witness 101; see Marten, Martin Mabb , Mary, wife 146* ; Mercy, Mary , Nurse 306 ; of Modena wife 146 , 147*; Thomas, printer 155n ; Queen of England xin, lvn Mascall, Sarah 205 xxxix *, 146 , 147 ; stationer 144* Mace , Indico , mercht. 131 , 137 ; see Mason , Eleanor, almswoman 205; Maus Jane, wid . 156 Massey, Elias , glass -maker 170 ; see Mackellon, Alexander 369n *, 371 Mackeney, Roland 55n Marcy Macklane, Macklave, Maclane, John, Massie, see David Matchett, George, gent. 102 , 378 ; gent . 334*, 336 * Macklave, see Macklane yeom . 54 Mather, William, dyer 243 Macklin , Thomas, mercht . 151 MacNamar(r)a ( h) , Macknamar( r)a(h) , Ma (t) hew( e) , Helen, wife 54 ; Henry Macknemarr, Denis 329 ; witness 8n ; Henry, suspected priest ' 67, 323, 348n ; John xxix, 329 , 333-335 73, 86; Nicholas, p . jur. 26; William, pass .; gent. 321-324 pass. , 330, 331 , cutler 54 334*, 336*; witness 323, 348n Mat (t)hewes , Henry , baker 113*; witness 114 ; Mary 165n, 166n , 195 ; MacNinny 362n Madano , Lorenzo, mercht . 168 wid. 161 , 181, 184, 186, 188, 190, Maddeson , Barnado, mercht . 121, 191 , 193, 194 ; Richard , yeom. 103n 126, 151 Maule, Charles , joiner 242 * ; see Maer, see Mare Mawle





Maus , Indico , mercht . 120, 126; see Mace Mawle, Charles , joiner 254* ; see

Maule Mawson, John , goldsmith 1, 161, 180, 181n, 183

Maxfeild [Maxfield], Thomas, priest 92*; martyr xxiv , xl , 91n , 93n* ? May, John, scrivener, constable47 * Maycocke , John, witness 128 Mayes , Richard 377, 378* Maylard, Henry xli , 66, 73 ; gent . 64 , 65 ; see Maylerd *, Henry 68* ; see Maylard Maylerd Maynard, Christopher, watchmaker

300, 304 ; witness 303 Maynes , John , gent. 33 Mayo, Hugh , fishmonger 360 ; Thomas , witness 110 Mazott, Francis, mercht . 134, 138, 150 ; John , mercht . 2412 *, 318, 321 yeom. 315 , 316 *, 318* Mazzantini, Mazzantine, Mazzentine, Mazantino, John, surgeon lvii ; Family of lvii ; Peter Maria , suspected priest lvii* , 244 , 253, 255, 263 Mearne , Samuel 345 , 348n ; see Merne, and Authorities Medb (o)urne, Matthew 236* Medley (D.J.) ; see Authorities Melton, John, foreman g. jur. 31 Mereday, William, c . jur. 235 Merne,? Meine , Samuel , witness 274 ; see Mearne Merrey, John , g. jur. 158, 196, 387 Metcalf, Martin, gent . 37, 39* ; Thomas, yeom . 38 , 39* Michaell, journeyman - tailor 133, 137 Michelborne, Lawrence, gent. 64; see





Mitchellburne PMichell, Francis, esq., J.O.T. 93 ; Robert, Deputy T.C. xviii; T.C.

xviii ; see Mitchell Middlesex , County x xii pass., xxn , xxiii-xxv pass ., xxxiii*, ,xxxvii, xxxviiin, xln, xlii*, xliv, lv lvii*, , 67n, 72, 81, 113, 129n, 186, 188, 189, 190, 209 *, 218 * , 223 , 225*, 226n, 233 *, 235 , 236n *, 239 , 243-245 pass., 248 , 249 , 252*, 257 , 259, 262 , 264-267 pass., 274 , 277 , 280 *, 281 * , 283-288 pass., 291 , 292, 299n , 305, 307, 315, 319 , 321, 326 , 337*, 340 , 350-352 pass. , 354, 355, 357*, 362,


365n , 367, 380, 382, 384 Middlesex Guildhall , Westminster xn xin, xxi, xxivn, xxvn, lx, 34n , 226n, 280n , 285n, 287n, 288n*, 299n , 306n Middle Temple xi , 56, 60, 78 , 133, 135, 143*, 218, 307, 313


Middleton, John, c. jur. 284 ; [Myddelton], Sir Thomas, Kt., Lord Mayor, J.G.D. 83 Miles, Margaret, spr. 90 ; see Myles Mill, Adiel , stationer 265 Miller, Geoffrey, yeom . 99; John, gent . 298 , 300 ; suspected Jesuit 298 ; yeom. 346 Mill (e)s, Isaac, yeom. 30 ; Richard 218 * Millford Lane, St. Clement Danes , Midds. 186, 241 Milward , Robert , c. jur. 370 ; William ,

gent. 37 Mincing Lane 277, 280 Minories, The ( Miniories ')

214, 272n , 292 Miranda , Count of, Portuguese Ambassador Extraordinary 320n Mitchell , wid. 121 ; see Michell Mitchellburne, Thomas, c. jur. 227;

... ,

see Michelborne Moddy, see Moodey Robert Mole , Francis, mercht . 177 Molines , Mol (1) ins , wife 178 ;


James ,





240 ,


276 ;

Mary 230n ; wife 231 *, 240, 263, 276, 279 , 290 ; [Molines], William , surgeon 178, 231*, 240* , 263, 276 *, 279 , 290 ; see Mullins Mols, Francis, mercht . 170; John, mercht . 170 Molyne, Bartholomew, man-servt. 122, 126

Moncrife, John, c . jur. 299 Monday, Anthony , witness 64; see Munday Monmouth, county 289n Monmouth , James , Duke of 204, 234


Mon( n) ington, Ann , wife 36 ; Thomas , John, James , William 36 ; William , gent. 35 Monroe, Daniel 370n Montague, John 207* ; Robert 286; see Mountagu, Mountague Mood ( e) y, Moddy , Moodye, Elizabeth, wife 54 ; George , tailor 54; Henry, foreman g. jur. 1, 380; Robert, periwig-maker 157, 270 , 272 Moonsey , William, cooper 231 ; see Mounsey, Mountney Moor( e) , Basil, servt . 151 ; Elizabeth, wid . 80; John 377, 378 ; Sir John, Kt. , Ald. , J.G.D. 327 ; J.O.T. 325 ; J.P. 206 ; Lord Mayor elect 344*, 345" ; Lord Mayor lix * ; J.P. 352, 353 ; Mary, wid . 10; see More * Moorfields 1992 Mor , Elizabeth 28n Moran (Rev. P. F. ) ; see Authorities Mordent, Robert, g. jur. 138



INDEX More , Basil, servt . 134, 138; Daniel, c. jur. 288 ; Edward , priest 379 ; Henry, embroiderer 23 , 24; see Moore Moreton, James , foreman c . jur. 299 foreman g. jur. 34 Morgan, Edward, esq. 13 ; Francis, esq., J.O.T.;, 26, 381 ; John 287 *, 288 ; priest 287n ; Thomas, suspected priest 67, 73, 86 ; William, foreman p. jur. 76 Morgane , William, foreman g . jur. 83 Morley, Edmund , gent . 44 , 45 : * Richard, shoemaker 281 ; PThomas 4 ; goldsmith 49 Morlye, Bartholomew, mercht . 168 Morte, Richard, gent. , g. jur. 310 Mortymer, Mortimer , M.D. , c . jur. 288 ..... 120, 126, 131, 137 ; Joseph Mosely , Richard , cook 239 Mott , Henry 37on


Mounsey , William, cooper 336 ; * gent . 276, 279, 303, 316, 317, 330 * ; surgeon 347 ; see Moonsey , Mount-


ney Mount, The, Penzance 204 Mountagu Montagu] , Sir Henry, xix , 3 , 4, 56 *, 59n , Kt,., 71Recorder , 78, 92 *, 381 ; J.G.D. 52*, 60 55, 64, 69 , 72 , 81-83 pass. , 383, 384 ; J.O.T. 26, 76, 93, 381 ; William, C.B.Ex. , J.G.D. 250 , 327 ; see Montague , Mountague Mountague, Mountegue, Viscount 377 , 378 *; John 212 ; Robert 282 , 285 ; gent. 283 *; witness 283 ; see Montague, Mountagu Mounteth, John 369n Mountney, William, gent . 262 ; see Moonsey , Mounsey Mowbrey, Lawrence, witness 339 Moysy, Nicholas, mercht. 208 Muddiman, Henry ; see Authorities ; J.G. Ix; see Authorities Mullineux , Rutland 15n ; Thomas, gent. 14 Mullins, James , g. jur. 116 ; James , surgeon 263, 279, 290 ; Mary , wife 296, 304 ; Robert , p . jur. 326 ; William 304 ; surgeon 263 , 279 , 290, 296* ; see Mollins Mumhouse , Mark Lane 122 Munday, Anthony , witness xlv, 71 ; see Monday Munden , Andrew, als. Sheppard 36; Joan , wife 36 Murphy, Edmund , witness 348n* Murtoyne, Bartholomew, mercht . 134.



Muscott, George , gent . 52; see Mus-


Muskett, George 68 , 73, 86; Muscott


Musson , William , barber 182, 358 Muttleburye, Thomas, gent. 9 Mychard, Anthony, mercht. 134, 138 Myles, William 43n; see Miles

Nanconnane als . Symonds, Peter, suspected priest 68 ' 178; Michael, Napp, Mary , wife bricklayer 178*; see Knappe Napper , Thomas, yeom. lii , 201, 202 * Nash (e), Alice , wid . 60 ; George, p. jur. 76 Naycoe, 168 Neave (Neve ), Henry, gent. 129n Needham , Oswald , priest xxxix, 30 , 382 ; Thomas, g. jur. 201 ; Walter ,


M.D. 230* Neeves, Francis, p. jur. 251 Nelson , Mary, spr. 49 Nelthrop, William, witness 51 Nenduk ( ?Neuduk), Humphrey, wit-

ness 364 Neson, Hugh, witness 105 Nettleford, Samuel 155 Neuduk, see Nenduk Neve, see Neave Nevill , George 299*; dyer 205 ; PHenry , esq. 345 Newberry, Richard , g. jur. 118; William, witness 373 Newby, Ann , wid . 94 ; Henry , tailor

54 Newdigate, Mr. B. H. lx ; Richard, J.U.B. , J.G.D. 118, 119 New Fish Street 358 Newgate Gaol, passim ; keeper of 67n, 79*, 103 Newgate Street 221 , 279, 307*, 313 Newham, John, barber 358 Newington, co. Surrey 187 Newland, William, c. jur. 235 Newling, John, 236n Newman, William, fishmonger 213 *; foreman c . jur. 236 Newport, Richard , priest , martyr xxiv, xl, 74n *, 76n , 79n; suspected priest 73 ; als . of James , Richard, als. Smith (vere Newport) Newson , William , gent. 332 New Street , Shoe Lane 151, 206 Newton, Eleanor, wife 205 ; John , grocer 318*; Thomas, g. jur. 118 ; tailor 205 Nibb, John, tailor 276 : see Knibbe Nicholas , Thomas, linen - draper, 181 Nicholls, Daniel, g . jur . 118; Thomas , yeom. 7, 8 Nicholson, Thomas, g . jur. 75 Nige , Lorenzo, yeom. 168 Noble , William, porter 352n Nois , Peter, peruke-maker 323 Nonconformists, see Dissenters




Nonkellinge(Nunkeeling), co . York 39 Nooke , The, Blackfriars 149 (not in Harben) Norfolk , county 43 . North , Sir Francis, Kt. , Attorney Gen. 180 ; J.G.D. 159*, 162, 172 , 175, 387 ; C.J.C.P., J.G.D. 250; Roger , see Authorities Northampton, county 40 , 74, 107n,

Oliver, George , yeom. 57 ; Suzanna ,

wife 57

Oneal (e) , Hugh , yeom. 179 * Orchard, Thomas 155

O'Reilly , Mr. J. J. lx Orrell , Henry , foreman p . jur. 26 Osborne , Mary 48 ; William, c. jur. 209 Osmond , Mary, spr. 55 Ostend 204

108n, 301, 304, 312 Northbury, Ann , wid . 179* Northumberland, county 40 Northumberland Alley 203n *, 204 , 208n Norton, Anthony, p . jur. 94; Basil gon , 91 Norton Folgate, Midds . 292 Novell, Dr. 345n ; T. 345n

Otway, Sir John , Kt . , Attorney Gen. of Lancs. 311 Oulton, Roger, p. jur. 76 Oven , Henry , yeom. 5 Overton, Henry, p. jur*. 76 Owen , Francis 131 : George 89n; Mrs Mary 131, 137; Mary, wife 151 Owens , Thomas gent . 206 Oxenton Street , Haymarket 323 Oxford 362 ; city 38, 200n ; county 38, 61 ; University 204

178 Nusam , Edward , witness 283

J.P. 124, 139, 140

Nowsall (Gnowsall) , Staffs. 38 Nuell, Edward , g. jur. 138 Nunkeeling (co. York) 39n Nurse , Ann , wife 178; Walter , M.D.

Oasten, William 98n Oates, Samuel 307 , 313 ; Titus , 205, 223, 237n; Dr. 282 ; Mr. 211, 344 , 345 ; Dr. Titus 307 ; Titus xxxiii*, lv , lix, 202n , 282, 301 , 302 , 353-355 pass., 355 * ; clerk 341 , 343 ; witness 249, 252, 299, 347 ; Plot of xin, xxii , xxxi, xxxv, lii , liv-lx pass., 155n , 203 , 209 , 219n , 223n , 230n , 235, 236n , 243 , 244 , 245-249 pass ., 265, 266*, 273, 274 , 282 *, 285, 288n *, 289n , 299n , 301 , 302 *, 315 , 316*, 319 *, 320 , 329, 334 , 335 , 337-339 pass., 344 , 345 , 357n , 364n , 365n Obear, Charles , foreigner 90 Obrian, Capt. 204 Odall, John, book-binder 132, 137 , 150 ; see Odell Odell , John , book- binder 122, 126 ;








see Odall

Odlin, John, fan-maker 222 ; mercht. 239 ; see Audlin, Awdlin , Olding O'Farel, Jonas , labourer 200n O'Farrell , Miss N. McN. lx Okenton, Mary 68*, 74, 87 ; see Alkenton , Alkington Old Bailey 185, 205 , 206, 217, 264, 269n, 276, 279 ; Justice Hall in,

passim Old Change 321, 330, 334, 336 Oldfeild, Mary 205 ; Susanna 205 Old Fish Street 360 Olding, John , perfumer 304 ; see Audlin , Awdlin , Odlin Old Pall Mall, St. Martin's-in-theFields, Midds . 352 , 354

Packe , Sir Christopher, Kt. , Ald.,

Packingdon, Humphrey , gent. 78 Pag (g)ett, Pagitt, Joseph , clerk 313 *; witness 314 ; [Paget], Nathan,

M.D. 179*

Pakeman , Mr. 206 Palmer, James , esq . 332 ; John, currier 354 ; Paul, foreman g. jur. 196; William , foreman g. jur. 75 Panber (? Pauber) , John, witness 2 Pancras Lane 208 Panton, Hugh 94n Parant, see Parent Pardeny , Francis 151 ; see Pardini Pardini, Francis, mercht . 134* ; see


Pardeny Parent, Parant , Francis, yeom. 270*; Lewis, mercht. 270 * ; Peter 208*, 212 ; yeom . 270 *

Paris, France 352n Paris , see Parris Parker, Katherine , spr. 54; Richard, yeom. 30, 31 Parkes , James , g. jur. 93 ; Nicholas, g. jur. 83 , Parkinson Roger, gent. , g. jur. 310 Parkyns, James , esq. 34 Parr, John , suspected priest ' 67, 73 Parret, Richard 71n Parr (e)y, Ann , wid . 114* ; witness 114; Charles , priest xii, xxvii, 252* ; see Parris

Parris, Parries, Paris, Charles 255* ; priest 245*, 253, 261 *, 268, 274, 277, 278, 285n; see Parrey Parrode , als . of de la Rode , Katherine Parsons, Henry 205 ; John, musician 150; Winifred , wife 150 Partridge, Nathaniel , witness 325; see Patridge


INDEX Pasham , Frances , wife 205 ; Thomas , bookbinder 205 Paternoster Row 182, 221, 265 Patridge, William , tailor 15, 16 ; see Partridge

Patten , Robert , g . jur. 250 Pauber , John 2n ; see Panber Pauble , servt . 130, 137 Paul's Chain 324, 331 Paul's Wharf 237 Paved Alley , Blackfriars 149 Paxton, Benjamin , c. jur. 299 ; Edmund, witness 128 Payne, George , gent. 22 ; Roger, cobbler 376*; Susanna , wife 22 *, 24 ;

William , foreman g. jur. 64

Peacock (e), wife 49 , 97 ; Collia, wife 23 *, 24 ; Elizabeth , wife 47 ; Robert , linen - draper 181 , 186 ; merchant 23, 49 , 97 ; Thomas , apothecary 47 Peake, William, c. jur. 287 ; Sir William, Kt., Ald. , J.G.D. 158, 159 , 162*, 165-167 pass., 172, 175, 176, 197, 198, 386, 387 Pearce, Thomas, gent. 37 ; see Pierce, Peirce Pearcy Percy], Thomas 375 ; see



[ Peircye

Peate, Humphrey , priest 87 ; see Petoe Peckham , George , esq . 37 Peckles, Richard 351n Peddar , Richard , witness 128 Peele, Richard , c . jur. 106, 386 Peere, Andrew, turner 215 Peirce , Thomas, gent. 103n ; see Pearce , Pierce Peircye , Thomas, musician 81 ; see

Pearcy Pelling, Thomas, inn-keeper 317 ; turner 314* Pellings, John, gent . 260 Pemberton , Francis, weaver 231 ; Sir Francis, Kt. , J.K.B., J.G.D. 250 ; James 163*, 230n ; founder

231*, 240, 263 ; p. jur. 311 ; Sir James , Kt., J.G.D. 81 ; Lord Mayor 63-67 pass ., 69-71 pass., 75, 76; J.G.D. 64, 69, 71, 384 ; J.O.T. 76 Pemble, Thomas xliv , lii , 372 * ;

coat-seller 372 Pemblebury, William, c . jur. 236 Pemerton, John, g. jur. 75 Pen (c) kevell, Anne 142 ; wid., als. Benkeine, Safyrah 125, 141, 142 ; Peter, gent. 4, 5* ; Thomas 5 ; gent . Pinkewell 4, 5*; , see Penett see Pinte Penn , Matthew , comb- maker 203 *, 204n *, 208n * ; William, Quaker, see Authorities Pennington, John, gent. , g. jur. 310

PennyCoates , Mr. 133 Penson, als. of Deveere , John Penzance , Cornwall 204 Peppitt, Edward , c. jur . 227 Percy, see Pearcy Perene , wife 1513 Lewis, mercht . 151 ; see Perin Perin, wife 133, 137; Mons. Lewis, French mercht . 121 , 126 , 133, 137 ; see Perene Perrey, Allen , esq. 332 Perris, Sampson, mercht . 214 Perrott, Silvanus 260* Persall, Thomas, gent . 12 Perydyth, Lewis 120; see Priddie Peston, William, c. jur . 299 Peters, Michael, mercht . 160 Petoe, als. of Budd, Thomas, als. White , als . Grey; see Peate Petre , Petree , Richard , gent . 346 ; Robert, gent. 346 Petree, see Petre Petticoat Lane 354 Pettiford, Ephraim 371 Petty( e) , Joan, spr. 47 ; wife 77;



William, yeom. 77


Petty France 233, 239 , 371 Pewteres , John, yeom. 36 ; Thomas, yeom . 36 Peyton, Rebecca , witness 345 Phesant , Peter, esq., J.O.T. 93 Philboy, Madam 305* ; Mrs. 305 * Philip ( Phillipp ) Lane 134 Phillipps, Elizabeth , spr. 80 ; John , draper 277 ; mercht . 290 ; mercht . tailor 280; [Phillips ], stationer 290 ; tailor 186, 188, 190, 241 ; Richard, g . jur. 138



see Friser

[Fraser], John 3731*;

Pibus , John 205 Pickenson, Thomas, gent. , g . jur. 310 Pickering , Anne , lace -maker 206 ; Peter, p. jur. 251; Thomas [martyr], 248 *, 266, 319 Pickes , Edward , c . jur. 226 Pierce , Elizabeth 205 ; see Pearce ,


Martin, musician 7, 8 Piggott, Adam, sword-cutler 346 Pilgrim ( e), Margaret, wife 48, 95 ; Nicholas, tailor 95 ; yeom . 47; Richard 155 Pinkewell , Charity 91 ; see Penckevell Pinte, Penett, Robert , yeom. 271 , 272 Pitts , John, mercht . 164*, 182, 185* Planten, Chamberleyn, vintner 188 Player, Sir Thomas, Kt ., Ald. 345 " Playford, Anthony, foremanp. jur. 326 Plomer, Elizabeth, spr. 173 ; William, tallow - chandler 331 ; see Plumer Plough Yard, Fetter Lane 130, 149 Pierson ,



Plumer, Francis, g. jur . 167 ; see Plomer Plun ( c) ket( t), Alice , wife 49 ; Ann , wife 94 ; [Oliver ], Archbp . , [martyr] 334 ; Oliver, cutler 49 , 94* Poland , King of 362* 'Pollard , Nathaniel' c jur 209 ,



Polster , Ezechiel, gent . 353* Poole, Geoffrey, gent. 38 ; German, suspected priest Jerumin 86; 79 *; Katherine , wid . 37 ; Thomas, g. jur. 202 Poore , Robert 322 *, 324 , 329 Popham , Sir John , Kt. 8n


Popinjay Alley, St. Bride's 206 Popish Nat lix Popping's ( Popings ') Alley , Fleet Street 279 Porter, James , g. jur. 83; Mary 169 * Portman, John 368n ; gent. 369n Portsoken Ward xi Portugal 267* ; Ambassador of 122, 132, 150; Ambassador Extraordinary of 320n Potter, John , p . jur. 326 ; William , druggist 225 Pottinger, Ivy, wid . 48 Potts, John , carpenter 257, 264, 276 Potvin, Elizabeth , spr. 48 Poulton, George, gent. 33 Poultry Counter 75*; prison 98n , 211* , 339n Powditch, Richard, c. jur. 274 Powell, Ann 63n ; spr . 31 , 90, 95 ; Charles , pin -merchant 104, 105* ; Philip 209 * ; Roger, esq. 346 ; Ursula xxxviiin ; William, witness 346, 347 Prance, Mr. 308n ; Miles 253 , 282 *, 285, 286 , 291 * , 303, 355n * ; gent. 255 , 284 ; goldsmith 245* ; witness 252 , 299, 309 Presbiterians , Plot of 320 *, 338*, 339 , 344 , 356-359 pass. Prescott , Alexander, Sheriff 82 * Presson, William, goldsmith 156 Preston , Benneta, wife 49 ; Christopher, gent. 49 ; Edward 236 ; Margery, spr. 77; Sir Thomas, Bt. 346 Price, Edward 68, 73, 86; gent . 51, 52*, 383 ; Thomas 68 , 73, 86; see Aprece , Pryce , Pryse Priddie, Lewis 131 ; see Perydyth Prigett , John, yeom. 78 Prime, Sir Edward , Kt. 15 , 16 Prince, James , goldsmith 48 ; Richard, als. Lacy, als . Ellis 288 *, 289n ; S.J. 288n; Thomas, yeom. 99 ; see






Prynce Prince's Street , CoventGarden, Midds.

245 Prisons , see Bridewell, Clink, Counter

Gatehouse , (Southwark), Fleet, King's Bench, Lancaster, Marshalsea , Newgate, Poultry Counter, White Lion, Wood Street Counter Pritchard, Francis, wire -drawer 240, 263 ; Sir William, Kt. , Lord Mayor 363 ; J.P. 367 Privy Council lvii*, 61 *, 197, 198 Propaganda Fide, Sacred Congregation de xxvn Prosser, Benedict, goldsmith 156 Proudfoot, Mark, mercht . 243 ; see Proudford Proudford, Mark, mercht . 181 ; see Proudfoot Pruiean [Prujean , wife 131 Dr. Francis, M.D. ,xlvii, 131;,

] ...

136n , 137, 144*

Pryce, Gabriel 28n ; see Aprece, Price, Pryse Prynce, James , goldsmith 6, 7, 22 ; Joan , wife 22 *, 24 ; Maud, widow 22, 24; see Prince Pryn (ne) , Sir Edward , Kt. 94; Peter 150 Pryse , Roger, Keeper of Newgate 79* see Aprece, Price, Pryce Publications, seditious," ' popish,' unlawful ,' etc.: An Apology for God's Worship



A Dialogue betwixt the Devill and the Ignoramus Doctor 340 , 341 England's old Religion out of Bedes owne words 147

An Excellent New Ballad 340 Heraclitus Ridens 345 The History of the Plott


266 *


.... 265,

A Letter from a Parliament man to his freind .... 200n Mac's triumph 362 Malice Defeated . 297 ... A new Ballad of London'sLoyalty..



A "Plea for the Nonconformists 368n * The Poore prisoners Lamentacion 340 The Presbyterian Pater Noster 318n A Second Letter from a Person of 363 Quality The Second parte of Ignoramus Justices 365n The Second Part of the Growth of Popery 364n, 365n A Speech lately made by a Noble Peer 314n Treason in graine 333n The true Englishman speaking




.... ....

plaine English


.... 339n

INDEX The Tryal of Elizabeth Cellier, the Popish Midwife 297n Twoe seasonable discourses concerning this present Parliament. Oxford, printed in the year 1675 2002 A Vindication of the English Catholiks 301 Public Record Office xin*, xxix, xxxix , xliii, xlv, liii , lviin, lx*, 156n, 169n *, 177n , 200n Pue [ Pugh , Robert , esq. 21* ; see




Vaughan Punnys, Henry, joiner 214 Purcell , John, gent. 332 Pursell, Robert , gent . 323 Pyewell, John, g. jur. 83

Quakers xiv, xlii, 154*, 211n, 370n Quarles , Al(1) cott , Richard , suspected priest 104* ' Queenhithe 296 Queen's Head Alley , All Hallows, London Wall 151 Queen Street 233 ; St. Mary-le-Bow, 207

Quinborrow, Robert , witness 114 Quyney, Stephen , tailor 133, 137 ; see Coyne Rackett(o) , Augustine, glass - maker 170, 215*, 220 ; John Angelo 150 Ragdale, (Joseph) 250n ; Josiah, tallow- chandler 356, 360 ; witness 358 ; see Rogdale

Rainer, John, salter 193 Rainsford, Sir Richard, Kt., J.K.B., J.G.D. 158 , 165-167 pass., 172, 175, 196, 197, 198, 386, 387 ; see Ransford, Raynsford Rait (R. S.) ; see Authorities (Firth) Raleigh, Sir Edward , Kt . 19 ; see

Rawley Ralfson, Zachariah 369n , 371 ; see Raphson, Rapson Ram ( Ramm ) Alley 228 Ramridge, John, c . jur . 288 Ramsey , Dorothy , spr. 225n * ; John , witness 201 wid. 151 Randall, Randville, Mr. 133 ; see Ranwell Raniere, journeyman-tailor 133, 136n Ransdall (? Rausdall) , Richard 98n Ransford, Richard, gent. 88 ; see Rainsford, Raynsford Ranwell , Mr. 149 ; see Randville Rape , Francis, mercht . 270 * Raphson , Zachariah 368n, 369n ; see Ralfson, Rapson Карзоп, John 133 : see Ralfson, Raphson Ratcliffe , Thomas, stationer 200n




Rathbone , John, witness 343 Rausdall, see Ransdall ? Ravenscroft, Edward, witness 365 Rawley, Sir George, Kt. 13 ; Henry, gent. 36 ; Juliana , wife 36 ; see

Raleigh Rawlins, James , g . jur. 201 ; labourer 2001

Rawstorne, Lawrence, esq. , foreman

g. jur. 310

Raymond , Sir Thomas, Kt. , B.Ex. , J.G.D. 250 ; J.K.B., J.G.D. 327 Raynsford, Richard 68 , 73, 86 ; Sir Richard, Kt ., J.P. 1994 ; see Rainsford, Ransford Read ( e), Jane, wid . 206 ; Edward Sn ; c. jur. 209 ; Thomas, gent. 7* Reare , John, servt. 134, 138 Reate , John, bricklayer 48 Reckitt , G. L.; see Authorities

Le Hardy) (Red Cross

( Redcrosse ') Street 99, 122, 269n, 279 Red Lion Court, St. Sepulchre's 206 Redman , Ann , wid . 98 Reeves, Joseph , surgeon 170 Reignolds , Daniel 366n ; see Rey-


Reynes, Florence, wid . 37 disReynol(d) (e)s, Daniel 368n ; senting minister ' 366n *; yeom. 367*, 368 ; Elizabeth 68 *, 73 , 86 ; John, witness 316 ; Katherine , wife 23*, 24 ; Margery, wid . 77 ; Matthew , gent. 23 , 24 ; Nicholas 105n ; Roland, haberdasher 47*; see Reignolds Reynoldson , Mr. 205 Rice , Daniel , p. jur. 326 ; John 195; hop -mercht . 292 * , 293* ; mercht .


178, 185, 188

Richard (surname missing), virginalmaker 97 Richards, Henry, gent. 223, 224 *, 229 * 305 ; Frances , spr. Richardson, 57 ; John , priest 91 ; Piers , g. jur. ; , . 93 Sara wid 57 ; Susanna , wid. 57 ; see Richinson Richinson, Susanna , wid . 49 ; see Richardson Rickles, Thomas xlv, lii , 372 * ; baker 372 Ricroft , [Ricraft ], J., J.P. 337 ; see Rycroft Rider, see Ryder

Ridley, Ann , spr. 48 ; Nicholas, Quaker 211n Rigby, William, victualler 213, 214, 220 Risley, John, esq., g . jur. 310 Rix , William , T.C. xixn Rixley , Ann , spr. lii , 201, 202 * Roach , Maurice 272 ; Thomas, gent. 365; mercht . 151 ; see Roch



Roberts, Alexander, witness 269n ; Edward , c . jur. 370 ; George , gent. 346; Henry 103n ; John ] , priest 59, 383 ; O.S.B. , martyr 59n ; Margaret, wid . 114; witness 114 Robins, yeom. 270 * Robinson, wife 54; Ellen, wife 94; George , yeom. 39 * ; John 90*; c . jur. 274 ; gent. 54; merchant tailor 78 ; tailor 77, 78n , 94; Mary, wife 48 ; Philip, gent. 48 ; Richard, c. jur. 288 ; William 1o1n ; yeom. 81 , 88 ; als. of Fitzwilliams , John , gent.; see Robynson Robotham, John, gent. , Coroner 209, 210 , 226 *, 227 *, 235 , 236 *, 274 , 284 , 285, 287-289 pass. , 299 * Robson , Jeremiah 366n Robynson, George , yeom. 38 ; als . of Fitzwilliams , John, gent ; see Robinson Roch, Maurice, mercht . 271 ; see Roach Rockely, Rockley, Francis 243 , 254 Rodamunter, Thomas , merchant, Venetian 121, 126 Roe, Elizabeth , spr. 23 , 24 ; see Rowe " Roe, Richard xxxiin *, 26 ; see




Rogdale , Joseph , g.


jur. 250 ; see

Rogers , James , cloth-worker 322 ; Ralph, gent . 4, 5 ; Samuel 98n ; Thomas, button- seller 202n ; William, c . jur . 299 Rome , Bishop of 142, 378* ; ' cause of 62 *, 79 , 80, 87*, 91 *; Church of 142 *, 246-248 pass. , 308, 315, 316, 319, 338 ; city 32, 246, 247* , 352n ; Pope of 142 , 246, 247, 324 , 366n , 379 Religion of 59 , 302 *, 384 ; See of xxxv, xl , 25*, 32, 59, 74, 92 *, 107, 110, 114, 142, 247, 248, 252, 299, 308 *, 310-312 pass. , 324 , 331, 379, 381, 384, 388 * Romsbotham, Henry , p. jur. 311 Roo, Richard 75, 93, 94; see Roe Rookewood , Ambrose, esq. 375 ; Edward , esq. 37 Rooks , Giles , dyer 207 Rooper, Henry, gent. 217 , 219 ; Lactantius , p. jur . 26 ; see Roper Roper, wife 206 ; Henry 206 ; Thomas, salter 3 ; William, gent. xlii , 163, 164 , 387 ; see Rooper Rosemary Lane 340 *, 347 ; Whitechapel 337
















Rotheram, Edward , Sheriff 82 * Rothwell , Northants . 4on

Bothwell, James


365 * , 366*, 368-

371 pass., 374 ; yeom . 367 , 368 Round Court, Blackfriars 133 ; St. Martin's le Grand 222, 229 Row (e) , Henry , witness 108, 316 , 318 ; Sir Henry , Kt., [Ald. , J.G.D. 52, 64 , 383 ; Lord Mayor 32-35 pass.; John , g. jur. 250 ; see Roe Rowell (Rothwell ) , Northants . 40 Rowland, Arthur, apothecary 272n Rowse, Edward , gent. 12 Rowseby, William, g. jur. 158, 386 Royal Exchange 298, 300, 362, 368n Ruddocke, Richard, yeom. 99 ; Ursula ,




wife 99

Rumley, William 223 , 229 ; O.S.B.


Russell, Ancent, mercht . 130, 137:


149 ;





Michael, mercht . 130, 137; Richard 155 ; Stephen, mercht . 130, 137 Rutter, James 358n Rutt( e)y, Thomas, haberdasher 216 ; mercer 238 ; mercht . 220 Rycroft , Samuel , witness 267 ; see Ricroft Ryder, Rider , John, brazier 237, 275 ; founder 261, 289 , 296 ; Thomas , gent. 33 Rye House Plot 365n, 368n Rygalt , Christopher, gent. 286, 291

Sir W., Bt.,' 'Sir,William Sadleir John

365n ; see Smith,


Sadler , , 170n , 195, 220n ; druggist 165n , 179, 185, 186, 188-195 pass .; grocer 188, 189*; mercht . 164-168 pass. , 181, 184194 pass ., 213 , 221 , 238, 262, 275 , 278, 289 *, 296 , 31бn , 317, 336, 347, 350 , 387 , 388 *; T.C. xviii Saice, Elizabeth , wife 36 ; Thomas, gent. 36 ; Walter 36 ; see Sayfe Saintbard, Saint-Bard, Saintbare, Mary, wife 203 , 204n *, 208n , 211n , 219n , 228n , 237n ; Nathaniel 203 , 204n *, 208n St. Alban, Parish of (Cripplegate Ward) 48 ; Wood Street (Cripplegate Ward) 55 St. Alphage, Parish of 134, 223 ; (Cripplegate Ward ) 94. St. Andrew, Parish of (Aldgate Ward) 10; (Farringdon Ward Without) 64, 80; Holborn xliv, 1 , 10, 13 , 14, 27 , 29 , 33, 36*, 44*, 45, 48, 57, 61, 72 , 119 , 125, 129n , 130, 149, 199 , 231 , 241, 263 , 276, 277, 280, 290, 296, 304, 314, 317 , 380*, (Farringdon Ward Without) 6, 7 , 22*, 23 , 32, 42, 48, 53 , 77 , 78, 88, 89, 94, 99, 178, 343 , 345, 351 ; Holborn , co . Midds . 233 ; Holborn,







INDEX London, in Co. Midds. 35; Hubbard , 120, 131 ; Undershaft 121, 130, 214 , 220, (Al (d) gate Ward ) 80, 94, 173, (Lime Street Ward ) 123 , 127, 128, 140 ; by - the- Wardrobe 100, 132, 150, (Castle Baynard Ward) 123 , 128, 138 St. Anne, Church of, Blackfriars 133, 149 St. Anne , Parish of ( Farringdon Ward Within) 48 ; Blackfriars xliv , xlv, 7, 9 , 17, 49, 94, 129n, 133, 149, 218, 256, (Farringdon Ward Within) 7, 23, 55 , 78 , 88, 169 * ; see Black-



friars SS. Anne


Agnes ,

Aldersgate Ward) 48 (St. Antholin , Parish

Parish of

of 182, 185 ;

(Cordwainer Ward) 174 St. Augustine, Austin , Parish of 49, 121 , 149; (Broad Street Ward) 25 ; (Farringdon Ward Within) 23*; by Paul's Gate 10 St. Bartholomew, Parish of 372 ; -by-the-Exchange 98 , 298 , 304 , 317, 356, 360, (Broad Street Ward)

49, 205, (Farringdon Ward Without) 7, 32; see SS. Bride and Bridget;

St. Bridget Bride and Bridget, Parish of (F'don Ward Without) 95 ; see St. Bride ; St. Bridget St. Bridget, Parish, of 70, 229, 231, 233, 234, 243, 264*, 279 ; (Farringdon Ward Without) 2, 23 , 51, 55, 66, 78 , 88, 89 , 99 ; als. Bride 120*, 131 , 223 , 231 , 330, 362, (Farringdon Ward Without) 48 , 80 , 104*, 115, 224 ; Fleet Street 279 ; see St. Bride ; SS. Bride and Bridget St. Buttolph , see St. Botolph St. Christopher, Parish of 149; (Broad Street Ward) 157, 270 St. Cleder (?St. Clether) , co . CornSS.

wall 4

St. Clement, Church of 323 St. Clement, Parish of, Danes , ( Deanes . ) Ixii , 277, 290 , 323, co. Midd 129n, 186, 188, 190, 233, 241, 280, 283 ; Eastcheap232 St. Clether, see St. Cleder St. Dionis, Parish of, Backchurch 120, 131 , (Langbourn Ward) 103,


123, 128 , 138, 160 *, 271 , 357 ; The Great 5*, 15*, 50, 77, 78, 88, 90, 121, 206 , 242, (F'don Ward 171 Without) 99 ; see Great St. Bartholo- St. Dunstan, Parish of, -in-themew; The Less 242, (Farringdon East li, 29, 120, 134, 151, 185, Ward Without) 77, 81 ; see Little 213, 216, 230 ; -in - the-West, xliv , 1 , 2 , 8-14 pass. , 16-22 pass ., 27 St. Bartholomew , St. Bartholomew * , the Little; The Little ( Farringdon 33 , 34, 37 , 40, 41, 60*, 63, 102, Ward Without) 372 ; see Little 119, 131, 150, 162, 163 , 180-184 pass., 186-191 pass. , 193* , 194, St. Bartholomew , St. Bartholomew the Less 199n , 224 , 228, 238 , 245 , 257, St. Benet , Parish of 49 ; (Castle 262*, 264, 279, 303, 316, 330, 345 , Baynard Ward) 23, 78 ; Fink 232, 380 , (Farringdon Ward Without) 233, 239 , 262, (Broad Street Ward) 3, 38-41 pass. , 51 , 70, 108, 117, 15, 77, 157, 271 ; Gracechurch 213, 161, 246 , 248, 295, 319, 322, 332 , 221, (Bridge Ward) 5, 173 ; Paul's 341, 346 ; Wharf 57, 213 Sherehog 131, 149, St. Edmund, Parish of, King and 181 , 182, 185, 188 Martyr 159, 181, (Langbourn Ward) St. Botolph, Parish of 12 ; ( Alders- 171; Lombard Street 216 Ethelburga ( Ethelborough, gate Ward ) 15, 61 ; ( Billingsgate St. Ward) 15 , 23 ; Aldersgate 3, 16*, " Ethelborow ) , Parish of 132, 151 129n , 131, 135, 143 , 144, 145, 151, St. Faith , Parish of 71 , 144, 162, 306, 363, 380 , (Aldersgate Ward) 182-187 pass . , 189, 191-194 pass ., 7 , 80, 90 , 95 , 98 ; Al ( d)gate 12, 131, 291 ; (Farringdon Ward Within) 144, 150, 214-216 pass. , 220 , 243 , 3, 15, 101 , 146, 147, 161 ; within 289, (Al(d)gate Ward ) 90, 99 , London 45 (Portsoken Ward) 77, 170 , 272 ; St. Foster, Parish of, Cheapside Billingsgate 130, 222 ; Bishopsgate, 129n ; see St. Vedast , 103 , 121 , 181-184 pass. , 186- St. Foy, Fea , Fey, Seniora , Church of, 194 pass., 217, 219, 231, 240, 262, Portugal , 267 276, 279 , 283 , 290 , (Bishopsgate St. Gabriel, Parish of, Fenchurch Ward) 95, 169, 364, 371n 50n, 122, (Langbourn Ward) 171 ; St. Bride, Parish of 151 , 181 *, 205, see Fanchurch 206*, 225 , 238 , 240, 254, 256 , St. George, Parish of 49 ; Botolph 263, 276*, 279 , 281n , 290*, 296, Lane 122, 130, 149, 185 ; Southwark 303, 304, 316, 336, 347; (Farringdon 3, 380 Ward Without) 297n ; als . Bridget St. Giles, Parish of 129; Cripplegate
















6, 122,

132, 145 , 146, 150, 214, 269n , 279 , 306, 356, 360, (Cripplegate Ward) 114, 177, 269, 298 , 299, 373 ; co . Midd . 304 ; -in- the-Fields 285, 313, 329n , co. Midd . 113, 152, 233 , 239, 248 , 252n , 262 , 277, 280 , 281 , 284 , 286, 291, 307, 331, 354, 355 , 362 St. Gregory, Parish of 182, 213 , 221, 238 , 349 ; ( Castle Baynard Ward) 24 , 381; (Farringdon Ward Within) 345 ; -by- St . Paul's 131, 149, (Farringdon Ward Within) 123, 127, 141 St. Helen, Parish of 120, 151, 221 , 238, 289 * , 296, 317, 330 , 336 ; (BishopsgateWard) 78 St. James , Parish of, Duke's Place 122, 132, 150, 181 , 214 , 216 , 220, 238, 261 ; Garlickhithe (Vintry Ward) 234 St. James's Palace 155 St. James's Park 261 St. John, Parish of, Baptist 134, 182, 184-194 pass., 213 , 221, 238, 262 , 275, 278, 289, 296 , 317, 330, 336, 350, (Cordwainer Ward ) lii , 174, (Dowgate Ward) 317, 330, 336, 347, (Walbrook Ward) 164, 165, 387 St. Katherine, Catherine, Parish of 225, 229 ; Coleman 42, 208n , 216 , 220 , 238 , 261, 275, 278, 289, 296, 303 , (Aldgate Ward) 173 ; Creechurch , 49, 150, 215 , 220 , (Al (d) gate Ward) 23 , 81, 88, 95, 97, 99 ; Creechurch , als. Christchurch (Aldgate Ward) 173 St. Lawrence, Parish of, Jewry (Cheap Ward) 378 ; Pountney 213 , 220 St. Leonard, Parish of, Eastcheap 181 St. Margaret, Church of, Southwark 231 ,





Orgar 120 , 132, 207, 292 * , 293 *; Outwich 304, (Bishopsgate Ward) 169, (Broad Street Ward ) 89, 157, 271 ; Vintry 4 , 182*, (Vintry Ward) 89, 97 St. Mary, Church of, le Bow 46n St. Mary, Parish of, Abchurch 120, 131 , (Candlewick Ward) 177 ; Aldermanbury 49 , 242 , 322, 362, (Cripplegate Ward ) 15 , 89 , 97 ; Aldermary , 286, 291 ; Bothaw 181 , 182; le Bow ( de Arcubus ') 112, 185, 186, 188-194 pass., 207 , (Cheap Ward) 59, 74, 92, 179, 379, 383 ; -at-Hill (Billingsgate Ward ) 89, 90, 97; Magdalen (Cripplegate Ward) 7; Newington , co . Surrey li, 187; Overies ( Overs ), Southwark 315, 317 ; Savoy, co. Midd . 189 ; Somerset (Queenhithe Ward) 168 ; Spital (' le Spittle), Norton Folgate, Midds. 292 ; Whitechapel, co. Midd . 114; Woolnoth 181, 216, ( Langbourn Ward ) 171, 172, 338 St. Matthew , Parish of, Friday Street 129* St. Michael, Parish of 50 ; (Cornhill Ward) 4, 7; Bassishaw 120, 206*, (Bassishaw Ward ) 180, 273 ; Corn-




hill 134,

150, 300, 313n , 314n, 364n, 365n , (Cornhill Ward) 301 , 365; Crooked Lane 121 *, 133, 151 , 207, 232 , 239, 292, 293 , (Bridge Ward) 173, (Candlewick Ward) 177;


Queenhithe 207n; Royal (Vintry Ward) 110 ; Wood Street 182 St. Mildred, Parish of 49 ; (Bread Street Ward) 23 *, 48 ; Bread Street (Bread St. Ward) 97 St. Nicholas, Parish of, Acon 98, Olave (Langbourn Ward) 171 ; (Queenhithe Ward) 168 xiin St. Margaret, Parish of, Lothbury St. Olave , Parish of (Al(d) gate Ward) 64 ; (Cripplegate Ward) 64 ; 133, 135, 143*, 223, 275 , (Coleman Street Ward) 178 ; Moses (Bread Hart Street 122, 132, 133, 150, 214, Street Ward) 7; New Fish Street 220, (Al( d) gate Ward) 81, 172; Old Jewry 185, 188, 223, 229, 214, 360, 361 ; Pattens 121 ; West(Coleman Street Ward) 178 , 270 ; minster 249, 298 Silver Street 114, 132, 150, ( Cripple, St. Margaret's Hill Southwark xin St. Martin, Parish of 49 ; (Vintry gate Ward) 7,99 Ward) 48 ; by Aldersgate 8 ; -in- St. Omers 246, 247 the - Fields 240, 298, 323, 331, 336 , St. Pancras , Parish of, Soper Lane 340, 348, 349, 354 , 355, co. Midd . (Cheap Ward ) 180 244 , 291, 321, 350, 352 ; le Grand St. Paul's Churchyard 349 , 358 222 , 229 ; Ironmonger Lane 243, 254 ; St. Peter, Parish of (Cripplegate Ludgate 10, 11, 60, 131, 137, 144*, Ward) 3 ; Cheap [Westcheap] 184*; 159, 181 * , 183, 184, 197-199 pass ., Cornhill 313n , (Cornhill Ward) 64; 230, 231 *, 240, 263, 277, 280, 290, le Poor 162, 181 , 183-185 pass. , 376, 297n, 312n, (Farringdon Ward With(Broad Street Ward ) 7, 157, 271 in) 78, 81 , 90, 97, 203n , 266, 308, St. Quentin, Henry , gent . 253 ) 309, 311, (Farringdon Ward Without St. Sepulchre , Parish of 3, 28, 29, 23*, 163, 164, 201, 202, 282 , 387 ; 33, 43 , 44, 60, 1032, 109, 130, 149,




176, 182 * 184.205 * , 206,223 , 228n , 238 *, 256-258 pass., 262 , 275, 279, 290 , 296 , 303, 317, 330, 336, 347 , 350, 380 ; (Farringdon Ward Without) 5*, 7, 15, 23 , 34, 44, 47, 48, 51 , 77, 79, 81, 90, 91 , 95, 98, 99 , 156, 174, 175 , 259, 376 ; -without -Newgate 6 , 47, 72 , 76,




(Farringdon 64, 72


Without) 52,

St. Stephen, Parish of 50 ; (Coleman Street Ward ) 23*, 270 ; (Walbrook Ward) 168 ; Coleman Street (Coleman St. Ward) 95, 179 ; Walbrook 181 , 185, 187, 192n , (Cheap Ward) 179, 315 St. Swithin , Parish of (Walbrook Ward) 4 , 168 St. Thomas , Parish of, Apostle (Cordwainer Ward) 99, 174, (Vintry Ward ) 7 : Southwark 220 St. Vedast , Parish of, als . Fosters Within) 306, (Farringdon Ward 160, 252 * ; Foster Lane (F'don Ward Within) 4 ; see St. Foster Salisbury, Jonathan , c. jur. 287 Salisbury Court 120, 206, 279, 295 Salloway, Robert , yeom. 89 Salop, county 30 Salter , Thomas, g. jur. 201 Saltmarsh, Nicholas 260 *, 261, 264 ; jun. 265, 268 ; sen. farrier 265 Salvin , William, p. jur. 26 Samber, William, c . jur . 236 Samon, John, c. jur. 226 Sam(p)son, Thomas 333 ; gent. 334 Sanders, Thomas 297 *; victualler 183; yeom. 295* ; William, c . jur. 288 ; see Sanderson , Saunders Sanderson , Thomas 295 ; see Sanders , Saunders Sara (surname missing) 97 Saraceno, Antonio , soap- boiler 206;


see Sarecynie Sarecynie , Sarecinie, Anthony, hard soap maker 214 , 220 ; see Saraceno . 311 Satterthwaite, Robert, p. ? Saul ( e), Arthur 98n ; Edwin , gent.



54 ; Suzanna , wife 54 Saunders, Edward , Counsellor- at-Law 308n , 312 *; Thomas 294, 295 ; labourer 294; see Sanders , Sanderson Savage, Francis 206 ; William, witness 129 Savye, Richard 258 Sawyer , R. 326 , 373 ; Sir Robert, Gen. 373n Kt., Attorney Sayfe ( ?Sayse) , Peter, distiller 184* ; see Saice Sayse, see Saice, Sayfe Scarlett, Anthony , g . jur. 118 Scarre, Le, co. Glam. 44

School ( e) master ,

Richard 256 *, 264 ; cabinet -maker 276 Scorton, Lancs. 31on

Scotland 142, 355 , 362n Scott , John , c . jur. 235 ; Thomas, c. jur. 209 ; William, als . Crayford suspected (O.S.B.) , martyr xl ;


priest 73


Scroggs, Sir William , Knt . , C.J.K.B. 244, 253 ; J.G.D. 250 Seabrooke , John 366n Seagar, Seager , John, servt . 150 ; Robert, labourer 122, 126; see Siger Seale, Thomas, c . jur. 288 Search , John 363 Seaton, Alexander, gent . 30 Seawell , Robert , witness 128 Sebright, William, T.C. xiiin , xviii * , xix, 56n Sedgwi (e) k, Simon, foreman g. jur.

8, 25, 26, 381 Seething Lane 214 Selby, John , apprentice 134, 138 Sell , John 130 Sellatt, Joseph, c . jur. 284 Semyne, Seymine, Jerome 98, 99 Seniora St. Foy, Fea , Fey, Church of, Portugal 267* Sergeant , Philip , g . jur. 26 ; Richard 75 Sergeant's Inn, Chancery Lane 31, 382 Sertillion , Mr. , mercht. 1992* ; Arnold , mercht . 171; see Centeylyon Settle , Elkanah 362n Sexton , John , g. jur. 116 Seymine , see Semyne Shad( d) , Charles , wool-winder 292 *, 294 ; Alexius , Elexius 291 *; fringemaker 269*, 279 , 290 ; haberdasher 306*, 313 ; yeom. 269n * ; Mary, spr. 179* Shadwell, co. Midd . 340


Shaftesbury, Anthony [Ashley], Earl of xxxvin, lix *, 334 , 338*, 344n , 348n , 362n , 363 Sharp ( e), Leonard, joiner 356, 360 ;

witness 358 Sharpely, John, tailor 179* Sharples, John, yeom. 321 ; Thomas, g. jur. 93 Shavileers , Peircy, Frenchman, fringemaker 150 ; see Shepalier Shawe ,

wife 178 ; Mr. 205 ;

Richard, sadler 178 Sheereing , Thomas, g . jur. 196 Sheires , Michael, yeom. 177 Shelden, Edward , gent. 13 ; Jane, wife 15n ; see Sheldon Sheldon , Mr. 273 ; Sir Joseph , Kt., Ald., J.G.D. 158, 162*, 386; J.P. 202 , 227 , 231, 232 , 273 , 274; * Lord Mayor 200 ; see Shelden



Shelley , John , g . jur. 250 Shelman, Thomas , c . jur. 106, 386 Shelton, Mr. , Deputy T.C. xixn Shenton , Samuel , sadler 214 Shepalier , Peirshe , fringe -maker, Frenchman 132, 137 ; see Shavileers Shepp (e)ard , Thomas, c . jur. 227 ; als. of Munden, Andrew Sherley , James , g. jur. 93 ; Paul , yeom . 38* Sheronits , Phillippus Jacobus , Dutchman 122, 125n Sherriffe, Samuel , c . jur. 288 Shoe Lane ( Shooe Lane, ' Sholane ) 120, 151 , 206 * , 241, 279, 287, 290, 291, 296, 297 Shoemaker's Row, Blackfriars 133*, 149, 150 Shopley , Owen , gent. 40* Shordate , 170 Shoreditch , Parish of, Midds . 352n Shorters Court, Throgmorton St. 353 Shynee, Francis, gent . 222, 229 Sidnam , Sir John , Kt. 81 ; Mary , wife 81 Siger , Robert , servt . 132, 137 ; see Seagar Signs : Blacke Raven, Fenchurch St. 120 Crosse Keys, Fetter Lane 340 347 , Dog (Tavern) Newgate Street 307n , , Feathers St. Botolph's Aldersgate 131, 151 Hen and Chickens , Hamond's Key 130 Ramme, Smithfield 205 Red Bull, All Hallows, London



Wall 121

Red Lion , Royal Exchange 298, 300 Starre, Thames Street 151 Tanners , All Hallows, London Wall 151 Three Tobaccoe Rolls (Ale-house ), High Holborn 204 Silkyns, Walter , foreman g . jur. 4 Silleard, wife 120, 126 ; Peter, merchant 120, 126 ; see Celier, Cellier Silley, Mark , gent. 307*, 313 Silversted , John 71n Silvester , John , g. jur. 196 Simmons , Mr. 133 ; see Symons Simpson , Fabian, g. jur. 26 ; John, c. jur. 227 ; Mary , als . Allett, spr. 88 Sing , Edward 320*, 321, 323, 330 , 350 ; coffee -man 207n ; gent. 331*, , 319 348 ; 334, 336 , 340 labourer ; victualler 168 ; yeom. 319 , 349, 350 , Sippriano, Francis foreigner 95 Sitwell , George , p. jur. 251 Skerritt , James , apprentice 205 Skildermond, Herman , journeymantailor 133, 136n



Skinner, William, g . jur . 118 ; see Skynner Skirton (? Scorton) , Lancs . 310* Skynner, Anthony, esq. 35* ; gent. 54, 55* John , foreman g. jur. 45 ; gent. 32; see Skinner Slack, William, p. jur. 26 Slade , Aaron, gent. 296 ; mercht . 289 ; John , c . jur. 226 Slater , Robert 370n Sle( e)pe, Thomas xxvin , 42 , 43, * 45, 68 *, 73, 87 Sleyfeild, Sleyfield, John , gent. 19 * Small, William, joiner 182, 185 Smallwood, Richard 62n Smith, Mr. , apothecary 3442 ; Ann 183; Christopher, gent. 16 ; Edward, suspected gent., Coroner 370*; Elephant,' priest 68, 73, 86; . ; publisher 333n Elinor jun., spr. 364n* ; Francis 332n, 333n ; witness 365n; jun., stationer 364n * ; Henry, druggist 242 * ; (John) , gon ; John, c. jur. 287 ; linen -draper 127, 141 ; witness 348n ; Margaret, wid . 230 *, 280, 290 ; wife 127, 141* ; Mary, suspected spr. 31 ; PRichard, 67 , 73 ; als. Swift 155 ; priest Dr. Richard, Bp . of Chalcedon xxvn; Roger 98n ; Theophilus, witness 128; Sir William , chairman of Midds . grand jury 351 ; als. of Gryffen, Richard ; als . of James, als. Newport (vere Newport ), Richard, see Smithe, Smyth , Smythe Smithe, John 91 ; see Smith , Smyth, Smythe Smithfield 205 *, 281 Smithson, Bernard 150; c. jur. 284 ; see Smythson Smyth, Mr. , apothecary 344n*, 345 ; " Mrs. 305* ; Ann , wid . 170*; Christopher 16 ; Francis 97 ; bookseller 314n * ; Sir Francis, Kt . 11; Henry, gent. 64 ; Sir James , Kt. , Ald., J.G.D. 327 ; J.O.T. 325 ; Joan, wid. 88 ; John 149; gent. 36; linen - draper 123, 131 ; Joseph , g . jur. 325; Lewis, gent. 332; Margaret 181 , 240; spr. 60; wid . 163 , 183, 277 ; wife 123, 131, 137, 141, 149; Lady Mary, wid . 332 ; Nicholas, barber 161 ; Pelagius , c . jur. 274 ; Peter, farrier 318 ; Richard 87; Robert , gent. 332 ; Thomas, g. jur. 138 ; goldsmith 129; William , joiner 174; servant 60; see Smith , Smithe, Smythe Smythe, Dorothy , spr. 37 ; Thomas , gent . 37 ; Trincola Katherine , als. Garrett , wid . 42 ; Ursula, spr. 37 : see Smith , Smithe, Smyth Smythes , George, Sheriff 65, 66



INDEX Smythson , Bernard, apothecary 132, 137; Elizabeth , wife 132, 137 Thomas 151 ; see Smithson Snead, Mary 371 Snow Hill 149, 205*, 208, 212 Soame, Sir Stephen, Kt. 59n , 6on,

Starr, John, cook 266 , 277

Hall 265 , 268 ; Stationers wid. 134; Elizabeth Staton, '

62n*, 71n, 79 , 9on* ; J.G.D. 52, 55, 64, 83, 383 ; J.O.T. 26, 76, 381 Soda , Augustine, g. jur . 26 Soldye, Alice , spr. 56; see Desoldie Somerset, county 133 Somerset House , co. Midd . 319, 357 Somerton , Edward, victualler 256 ; see Sommerson

Sommerson , Edward , victualler 264 ; see Somerton

Soper's Lane 351n Sotherton , Elizabeth, wife 7 ; George, foreman g. jur. 60, 384 ; John , esq. 7; Sir John, Kt. , B.Ex. , J.G.D. 377 ; J.O.T. 76 Southen , Edward , als. Southwood 155 Southwark xin*, 3, 281n , 285, 304 , 315, 317, 344 , 380 Southwood , als. of Southen, Edward Sowerby , Parish of, co. York 39n Spain , Ambassador of 99 ; Kingdom of 24, 25, 381 Sparkes, Nathaniel 100n , 102N Sparrow, Thomas 71n Speake, Hugh, gent . 41 Spencer, Elizabeth , wife 57 ; Frances , wife 60, 95 ; John , g. jur. 250 Thomas , chandler 272n ; witness 368 ; Walter 60 ; gent. 95 ; William 62 *, 68 ; yeom . 57; see Spenser Spenser, Frances , wife 47 ; Walter , gent. 47 ; see Spencer Spiller, Dorothy , wife 22 *; Henry, gent. 22 ; Thomas, gent . 15, 16 Spineage, 344 , 345 ; Capt. 344n ; Mr. 344n Spratt, Edward , gent. 40 Springall, William, g. jur. 196 Stables, Ralph, g . jur . 167 Stafford, city 6 ; county 6, 38, 44*, 92 Stafford, William, Viscount martyr 315 , 316 , 318 Staining ( Steyning ) Lane 240 Staley , Elizabeth ( Betteressa ) wife 164n*, 171, 172* ; Richard 164n *; goldsmith 171*, 172* Standlinche (Standlynch), Wilts. 43 Stanley , Francis 1oon ; John 101n Stanton, William, c . jur. 370 Staple Inn 242, 254, 255 , 258, 259 , 263* Stapleton, Gregory, gent . 346; Richard, esq. 37 Starkey, John , esq., g. jur. 310 Starkye , John 8n Starling, Sir Samuel , Kt. , Ald. , J.G.D. 158, 386












151 ; Mark 120 Staynsemore , Mary 68 , 73 , 86 Stead, John, g. jur. 116 Stedman , Thomas , witness 128 Steed, Roland 314 , 315 , 317, 321 Steele, Giles , g. jur. 167 ; R., see Authorities ; William, esq., Recorder 109* Stephen (Sir J. F. ), see Authorities Stephens, Henry , haberdasher 5* ; Ralph, felt-maker 264 ; hat- maker 276; Robert , King's Messenger of the Printing Press 333 ; witness 365n ; see Stevens Stephenson, Helen, als . Boys , wife 78 ; Thomas, scrivener 47, 79 Stepps, Anthony, servt . 206 Stevens, Henry 351n ; Ralph, feltmaker 256 ; hat-maker 279 ; Robert, printer 200n ; witness 339 ; see Stephens Stint , Ralph, g. jur. 116 Stockdale , Edward , jeweller 233 Stockton, Richard, yeom. 36 Stokes , Richard , yeom. 99 Stokson , Richard , foreman c. jur. 235 Stone, Cassandra , wid . 37 Stonecutter Street 205 Stowe, John , foreman g. jur. 250 Strand , Westminster 112 Strange, Joan, wife 54 ; Peter, c . jur. 236 ; Thomas , tailor 54 Strangweys, Arthur, foreman g. jur. 42 Streete, Street, Sir Thomas, Kt. ] B.Ex. 364 ; William, foreman g. jur. 158, ,386 Strickland Gervase 102n Stringer, Thomas , gent . 362 , 363 Stroud, Richard, g. jur. 325 Strype , see Authorities Stubborne , Samuel , surgeon 220 Studley , Bersaba , spr. 89 Sturke, Peter, yeom. 78 Sturman, George , packer 202n Suche , wid . 134 Sudbury, John, foreman g. jur. 61 Sumner, John 147 Surrey, county xin, li , 187, 203, 281n, 315 Sussex, county 129n Sutton, Sara , wife 94 ; William, dyer




94 Swan Alley , Blackfriars 133; East Smithfield 337 Swan Yard, Bishopsgate 323 Swanne , Thomas, gent. 66 Sweetaple , John 345n Swetman, Joseph 371n , 372n



Swift , als. of Smith, Richard Swindall, Henry , c . jur. 209 Swynnarton, Sir John , Kt. , Lord Mayor, J.G.D. 81-83 pass . Syberye , George 71n Syers, Robert , gent. 12. Sylvetti, John , Ambassador of the Duke of Tuscany 121, 125n Symond (e) s, Peter, suspected priest 73 , 86; Richard , c. jur. 274 ; Thomas, g. jur. 158, 386 ; als. of Nanconnane, Peter ; see Simmons, Symons Symons , Mr. 122 ; Anthony , tailor 133, 136n ; Thomas, painter 78 ; see Fitzsimons, Simmons , Symondes


Tadcaster (co . York) 72n Tallis , Ann , wid . 95 * ; John , son of Ann 95 ; William, gent. 49 ; see

Tallys Tallys, Ann , wife 61 ; Mary, spr. 99 ; William 61 ; see Tallis Tanfeild Tanfield] , Sir Lawrence, ., C.B.Ex. 31*, 382, 383 Kt Tanner, Samuel , plumber 217 Tappes, Ralph 98n , 100n , 101 , 102n Tarbett, Mr. 133; see Turbert Tasburye , Tasburghe, William, servt .


servt . 94; Margo, spr. 346 ; Nathaniel,

bookseller 340* , 348* ; printer lix , 1992 *, 200 *, 318n * , 341* , 343*, 349 , 351 , 353 , 354 * (see Authorities) ; Robert 236n * ; William, c . jur. 227 ; gent. 38*, 346 Thornburgh, Edward , mercht . 213*


Thorne, Robert, painter 206 Thornton, Nicholas, esq. 38 Thorold, Francis, gent . 332 ; John, gent . 332; Robert , esq. 332 ; William , jun., gent. 332 Thorpe, Robert , gent. 39* Thorpgarthe in Holdernes , co . York 39

Thraughton, Thomas, gent . 80; see Throughton , Traughton , Troughton Threadneedle Shoreditch, Alley , Midds. 352n Threadneedle Street 221, 233

Throgmorton ( Frogmorton, Throckmorton ' ) Street 202n , 222, 232, 233,


239 , 262, 275 , 279, 353, 354 Throughton, Thomas , cutler 176; see Thraughton , Traughton , Trough-

Taverner, Tavernor, Ann , spr. 269 * ; Roger lvi , 210 , 218, 226n , 227*, 228 * Taylor, Abraham, g . jur. 158, 196, 387 ; watchmaker 278 ; Ann 58n; Edward, gent . 81 ; Elizabeth , wife 81; James , witness 127 ; John, g. jur. 158, 386 ; p . jur. 76; Randolph 265", 268 ; witness 267 ; Richard , g. jur. 75 ; Thomas , foreman c . jur. 274 Teat (e) , John, tailor 23; Margaret, wid . 49 ; Mary , wife 23*, 24 Tempest, Richard, gent. 161 Temple , A. G., see Authorities ; Francis, goldsmith 177 Temple Bar 323 Teressy , Francis, mercht . 177 ; see

ton Thwayts, Thomas, foreman g. jur. 32 Thyn (n), Egromont, silk- thrower 337; [Thynne , Thomas, esq. 352 Tiborne, see Tyburn Tich( e)borne , Ann , wife 49. 94; Lionel , gent. 49 , 94 ; Robert IIIn; Robert , Lord , Ald. , J.P. 145*; Sir Robert, Kt. , Ald. , J.P. 124 , 129 , 139, 140 ; Lord Mayor, J.P. 115, 116; Simon, gent . 88 Tidmarsh, see Titchmarsh Tierney, Mark , see Authorities Tilman , John, shoe -maker 150 Timberley, Tymberley, Joan, wid. 117-119 pass.; see Tymperley Tirwhitt, Terwhite , John, gent . 129n Titchmarsh, Tidmarsh [Tichmarsh], Northants . 301, 304 , 312 Todd , Henry , c . jur. 370 ; Robert


Toding, James , mercht . 183 Toe, Samuel, c . jur. 226 Toiana, John 149 ; see Torriano Toimowe, William 68, 73 , 86 Tomlin , Tomlyn , , wid . 132 , 150 Tompkins, Miles , weaver 292*; Thomas , fringe-maker 354 * Tonson , Jacob, stationer 268; Richard 277 ; stationer 265-268 pass., 276 Tooke , Benjamin, stationer 345** Tooting 344 * Topham, John , c . jur. 236 Tor( r) iano, Gio, Italian mercht . 133 , 137 ; John , teacher of languages 206 ; see Toiana

134, 138, 151

Cresse, Tressee Terne , Christopher, M.D. 173 Terpine, James , painter 205 Terrey, William, g. jur. 26 Terwhite, see Tirwhitt Tew, Edward , g. jur. 196 Tewder, Mr. 149 Thacham, Joan, spr. 94 Thackwray, John 74, 87 Thames ( Thams Street 151, 212, 261, 275 , 289 , 329n, 337, 360 Theodore , Peter, gent. 346 Thimbleby, John, esq. 332 Thomas (surname missing) 15n Thomas , Mr. A. H. lx ; Alice 88n Thom(p)son, Francis, joiner 283 * James , bookseller 346 ; Joan, maid-


3692 *



INDEX Tower Hill 237 Tower of London 273, 338 , 35In Towerson , Parnel, wid . 50 Tower Street 120, 151 , 243 Town( e) send, Christopher 368n; Robert, esq. 35 ; Thomas, gent. 35 ; William 70 Trabutty, William, picture - drawer 205 ; see Trebute Traughton, (Thomas) Son see Thraughton, Throughton, Troughton Treasury, Guildhall xiii*


Trebeek , William, p. jur. 93 Trebute , Justina , wife 169 ; Katherine , spr. 169 ; William 169* ; see Trabutty Treby, Sir George , Kt. , Recorder, J.G.D. 327 ; J.O.T. 325 ; J.P. 323 , 329 , 331, 332, 335 , 340* , 354 355 Tredwaye, Edward , draper 4 Treevethein , see Trevethein Trent(h) am, John xxvin, 79, 87* ; suspected priest 86 Tresham, Lewis, gent. 14; Sir Lewis, ., 94, 95n; Lady Mary , wid . 29 Kt Tressam, Edward , priest xl , 109, 110 Tressee, Gabriel, mercht . 151 ; see Cresse , Teressy Trevethein, Treevethein, William, engraver 119 Trevilian , John , gent . 4 Trinity, Holy, Parish of ( Portsoken





Ward) 89 Trisdell, John 369n Troughton, Thomas, cutler 182*; see Thraughton , Throughton, Traughton Troy, Thomas, weaver 244 Truelocke , William, g. jur. 250 Truemanheathe, co. Warwick 38 Tubman, Cecilia, wife 90 ; Richard, gent. 90 Tucker, Samuel, g. jur. 325 Tully , Francis, servt . 151 Tulse, Sir Henry, Kt. , Ald. , J.O.T. 325 ; J.P. 365 ; Sheriff 159, 165, 175 Tun Tunn ) Alley 151 Tunston, Sir Francis, Kt . 17* Turbatt , Thomas, yeom. 54 Turbert, Mr. 150 ; see Tarbett Turbervell, Cecilia , wid . 44* Turbervile, Edward , witness 348 Turke, Francis, yeom. 177 Turner, Ann , wid. 23, 24 ; Anthony , Jesuit [martyr 266; Sir Christopher, Kt. , B.Ex. , J.G.D. 158, 162, 386 ; Edward, witness 128 ; Sir Edward, Bt., C.B.Ex. , J.G.D. 158*, 165-167 pass.,



172, 175, 196, 197, 198, 386, 387 ; George 155n ; M.D. 15, 16 ; John , bookseller 346 ; Matthew 241 , 242n *, 253 * , 254 * , 280 , 304 , 316 , 317 ,


347, 350*, 356 ; stationer 277, 280, 290, 296* ; yeom. 259 * ; Robert, apprentice 120, 126, 131, 137; Sir William , Kt . , Ald. , J.G.D. 159, 167 , 172, 175, 251, 327, 387 ; Ald., J.O.T. 249, 325 ; J.P. 1991, 202 , 212 , 213, 218, 222 , 223, 225 , 241 , 243 , 245 , 253 *, 260 , 261, 281* , 285 *, 287 , 304, 306, 307 *, 308, 312, 333 *, 348, 349, 351n , 352n , 358 * Turpin , Robert , bricklayer 233, 234n



Tuscany, Ambassador for Duke of 121; Duke of lvii, 121 Twisden [Twysden] , Sir Thomas, 198 Bt., J.K.B., J.G.D. Twyford , Robert , p . jur . 251 Tyburn, Tiborne, Tyborne , Tybourne (gallows ) xl, lv , 25*, 59 , 75, 92,

245 * , 252, 255 , 324, 331, 381 Tym, John , g. jur. 118

Tymberley, see Timberley Tymperley, Nicholas, esq. 33 ; Timberley Tyson, Edith gon


Udall, Ann , wid. 49 ..udge (surname), yeom. 90 Uinter ( ?Winter ) Court, Fleet Street 255

Underwood, Mr. 305 ; Jo ., J.P. 244 ; William , witness 325 Unett (?Vuett) , Eleanor, wife 36 ; William , gent. 36 Underweston Cliffe, co . York 39 Upcher, John , g . jur. 116 Upper Bench, Court of 107n

Vachell, Henry , ' suspected priest 86 Vade , see Wade Vagar, Edward 129n Valladolid ( Valiodoled ') , Spain 24 *,


25, 381

Vallett , Legon, yeom. 91 Vanbrooke, Francis, mercht . 157 Vandeneuor (?Vandenenor), Paul, yeom . 177 Vanderleye , Peter 216*, 220

Vandermewlin, see Vandermulen Vandermiller, Peter, limner 157 ; see Vandermulen Vandermulen, Vandermewlin, Vandermullin (g) , Alexandra Delapora, wife 271 , 272 ; Peter, limner 232, 239, 271 , 272; see Vandermiller Van Der Vaart [Jan], painter 355n Vandoorn, Egbert , diamond- cutter 206

Vanlaer, Vanlaw, John , gent. 270* Vanlanderker, Vanlanducker, Herman, yeom. 270* Vanlaw, see Vanlaer



Varney, Francis, gent. 48 , 49 ; Joan, wife 48, 49 Vaughan, Ann , wife 36 ; John , gent . 36 ; Sir John , Kt., Č.J.C.P., J.G.D. 162, 166, 167 ; Mary, wid . 178 ; Michael, gent. 36 ; Pugh, lvi*, 210, 219, 226 , 227*, 228 ; Walter , gent . 36 Vaux, Elizabeth 66 , 68, 73, 86; wid . 65*, 66* Vavasor, William 86 ; esq. 72*, 74*,

priest 6 ; under-porter of Wood Street Counter 6 ; Roland, tailor 30, 31, 382 Wall, Samuel , c . jur. 370 ; William

*, 220 Venetian Resident lvii* Venice , Ambassador of 132, 150 Verbeck(e), Verbecq, Verberg, James , ordinary -keeper 232, 239 ; yeom. Mary, Margert, wife 271 * , 272 ; 232, 239, 271 , 272 ; Thomas, mercht .


384 , 385 Velder , Henry , tailor 215



232 Vespreete, James , mercht . 157 Vine Court, Shoe Lane 206 Vinturo , Francisco, Italian 122, 125n Vissier , William, mercht . 168 Vitora , Frederico Fero , Italian 122,

125n Vivion , Viveon, Elizabeth , maidservt . 122, 126 ; spr. , servt . 130,

, , Jacob, jeweller 271, Voett 272 Vuett ? (William) 36n ; see Unett Vyner, Giles , gent. 163 ; Viner] , Sir Robert, Bt . , Ald. , J.G.D. 158, 162, 386 ; Lord Mayor , J.G.D. 167, 196*, 197* [Viner], Sir Thomas, Kt. , Ald., J.P. 136, 137, 144, 148*,

137 149



Waad, Sir William, Kt., Lieutenant of the Tower of London, J.O.T. 26, 381 Wacke, Simon, gent . 35 Wade , Vade, James , bookseller345n * ; Michael, haberdasher 100 Wadesworth Wadsworth ], James , witness 110 Waferer, Elizabeth , wid . 51 Wagstaff (e) , Mr. , T.C. 159, 197, 198, 364 ; William, esq. , Clerk of the Peace 373 ; T.C. xviii, 163*, 165-167 pass ., 176 , 387 Wakefield, John, baker 329n Wakeman, Sir George, Bt . 266 Waker, Christopher, gent. 145 ; Thomas, skinner 145 Walbrook 303 Walden, Richard, yeom. 339 * Walford , Matthew , g. jur. 325 Walgrave, Frances , wife 122, 126 , 130, 137, 149 ; John , mercht . 122,



126, 130, 137, 149, 152 Walker , John, yeom. 287*, 291, 297 ; Margery, wife 287, 291*, 297 ; Robert,


Waller ,

William ,




William, Kt., J.P. 2261 Wallis , William 3692 * Walmsley, James , warder of the Tower of London 351n * Walrend, James , esq. , J.O.T. 26, Walsingham, Margaret, spr. 70* Walters, Richard, yeom. 49 Walthew, John , p. jur. 311 Walton , Thomas, esq. 37 ; William ,

g. jur. 93 Wapell, George, goldsmith



Warburton , Peter, J.U.B. , J.G.D.

118 , 119 Ward (e), Anne 98n; Catherine, wid. Sir 77 ; Matthew , witness 118 ; Patience, Kt. , Ald. , J.P. 289, 295; Lord Mayor 345n 327; ; J.G.D. , John Walter 87; als . of Wilson Warden, John, carpenter 67 Wards, City; see under the various

parishes Warne, Josiah, foreman c . jur. 227 Warner, James 366n , 368n ; dissenting minister 366n *; yeom. 367*, 368 ; John, Lord Mayor 106-108 pass.; Nicholas, tailor 7* Warren, Henry , c. jur. 299 ; James, yeom . 99 ; John, foreman g. jur. 16 ; Luke 371n*, 372n Warton , Mr. 208 ; Michael, ' distiller of waters ' 207, 208 ; see Wharton Warwick , County 38 *, 273, 375* Warwick Court, Christ Church 207" Warwick Lane 287 Wase , Thomas, yeom. 78 Water Lane, Fleet St. 281n , 285 Waterman, Sir George , Kt., Ald., J.G.D. 158, 159, 162*, 167*, 176 , 251, 386 ; J.O.T. 325 ; J.P. 207*,



213*, 214 , 253 *, 292, 293 Waterson, Humphrey , g. jur. 75; Humphrey , p . jur. 94 Water Street , Blackfriars 149 Watkyns, William 36 Watling ( Watteling ) Street 1on, 225 , 35In Watson, George , joiner 287; John , gent. 265 ; Philip, esq., J.G.D. 377 378 ; Richard 377, 378 ; Susanna, wid . 29 ; Thomas 104n ; g . jur. 250; William, gent. 45, 46 129 ; Sir Watt (e) s, John , witness John, Kt., Lord Mayor 25, 26, 29-31 pass., 381, 382 ; J.O.T. 26, 381 ; Samuel 71n*






INDEX Watton, Richard, gent. 19 * Weatherall, James , buckle- maker 23 ; Jane, wife 23 *, 24 ; see Wetherall , Wetherell Weaver , Edmund , c. jur. 226 Webb (e), Giles, esq . 33 ; Michael, gent . 15, 16; Thomas, factor 160 ;

g. jur. 138, 202

Webster , Francis, gent. g . jur. 310 ; Janet 942 Weekes, Thomas, milliner 313n Weld , John , T.C. xviii* ; esq. 101, 102 377*; Sir John , Kt. , T.C. xviii , xix ; [Sir Humphrey , Kt .], Lord Mayor 35-45 pass. Well Court, Soper's Lane 35In Wells, John, c . jur. 226 ; yeom. 38, 39* Wenham , Matthew 28n PWentworth , William, yeom. 371n, 3722 Wesson, Thomas, stocking-seller 145 ; see Westen , Weston West , Henry , yeom. 173 ; Thomas, bricklayer 276 Westen , Thomas, labourer 122, 126 ; see Wesson, Weston West Indies 369n

Westminsterxn *, xin*, xxvn, xxxix, lv, 20n , 34n , 52, 64, 83, 85*, 96, 112 , 124, 135, 148, 285n , 291 *, 298, 310* , 327, 329, 334, 359 , 383, 385; city 231 ; co . Midd . 1, 72 , 81, 249, 259, 315, 357, 367, 380 , 382, 384 Weston , co . Warwick 273 Weston , Edward , c . jur. 299 ; Margaret , spr. 94; Thomas, labourer 145 *; stocking-seller 132, 137, 145, 146 , 150; see Wesson , Westen Westrawe , Richard , clothworker 98 Westwood , William, labourer 371n, 372n Wetherall, James, gent . 55 ; horner 95; Jane, wife 55, 95 ; see Weatherall ,


Wetherell Wetherell, bugletmaker 49; Jane , wife..... 49 ; see Weatherall , Wetherall Wetnall, Thomas, salesman 208, 212 Wettenhall, Gabriel, foreman g. jur.



Wharton, Michael 212 *, 219* ; see Warton; Authorities Wheatel (e) y, Robert , brewer 223 , 228, 238, 262 275 , Whe (e)ler, Andrew, c . jur. 226, 288 ; Richard, esq., J.O.T. 26, 381 Whitaker, Edward , solicitor 351n * ; see Whittacre White, Edward , blacksmith 1994 ; gent . 16*; John , g. jur. 116 ; servt . 260*, 264 ; Katherine , wid . 27;

Margery, wife 81, 95 ; Martin 68, 73, 86; tailor 95 ; Mary, spr. 244 *;; Peter, g . jur. 167 ; Thomas 189 costermonger 161; fruiterer 189 ; William, foreman g. jur. 29 ; musician 81 ; als . of Budd , Thomas, als. Petoe , als. Grey ; see Whyte, Wight White Alley , Little Moorfields 122 Whitebread [Whitbread ], Thomas, Jesuit [martyr] 266 Whitechapel 337 Whitecross Street 1992, 240 Whitefriars 264, 276 , 279, 280 Whitehill, William, g. jur. 328n ;



Whiteing , Noel, c . jur. 284 ; Thomas, joiner 272n White Lion , prison 304n Whitestone (co . York) 39n Whiteway, Stephen, witness 343 Whitfeild , Robert , card-maker 331 ; gent. 240 ; yeom. 321 ; Thomas, tailor 331 ; William, victualler 337 ; see Woodfield Whithead, John , witness 35 Whitlocke Whitelocke], Sir James , Kt., J.K.B., J.G.D. 378 ; John , witness 267 Whittacre , Thomas, esq. 120, 126 ; see Whitaker Whittoft, Hugh, ' clerk 30 , 382 Whitturne , Whittorne , Giles , jun., corn- chandler 329n ; sen . 329n



Whitwell, William, g . jur. 325, 328n ;

see Whitehill

Whopper, Joan, spr. 31* Whyte, John 261 ; see White, Wight Widdowes, George, g. jur. 325 Wigg, Thomas, hop-mercht . 292 *, 293

* Edith, spr. 77 ; see White, Wight, Whyte Wilbraham , Thomas, Coroner 6*, 4In Wilcox , Wilcocks, Jane, wid . 123, 127, 131, 137, 141*, 149 Wilde, Wylde , Sir William , Bt., J.K.B., J.G.D. 158, 197, 386 Wiles, William, merchant 4 , 5 ; see Wyles Wilkinson , Edward 371 ; John, witness 269n ; Peter, yeom. 50 Willes , Samuel, c. jur. 370 Willford , John, c . jur. 236 Willfords , Edward , c. jur. 288 William III, King of England 355n ;

and Mary xlv; IV viin Williams , Mrs. 204 ; Abraham , p. ; Alice , wid . 132, 137, 150 jur. 326149 ; ; housekeeper , Frenchman Ember 134 137 ; Maurice, mercht . 180 ; Michael, g. jur. 138 ; Thomas, pewterer 144



INDEX see Authorities

Williams , J. B., 'Williamson ' , tailor 234* ; , Thomas

tobacconist 238 Willis, Edmund, g. jur. 93 Willoughbre , Mr. 133 Willoughby , Edward , gent. 332 Wilnott, Anthony , yeom. 23, 24 Wilson , Francis, g . jur. 250 ; George, gent. 346 ; John , als . Warde xxvii, IIIN, 112n ; Nicholas, p. jur. 26; William , gent. g. jur. 310 Wilston (e)croft , Charles , crystalcutter 206 ; Jane, wife 206 , . Wilton, Edward gent xlv , 7* Wiltshire , county 43 Winchester, John [Paulet], Marquis of 123, 127, 140, 141* Wind (e), John 360, 361 ; fishmonger 356n , 357*, 358, 360, 361 ; see Wine, Winn , Wynne Windham [Wyndham ], Hugh, J.C.P., J.G.D. 118, 167, 197 Windsor ( Windser ') 260 Windsore, Thomas, gent. 30 Wine , Mr. 357n ; Henry 37on ; see Winde, Winn , Wynne Wingfeild , John, gent. 109* Wingle , John, p. jur. 311 Winn, Robert , yeom. 346 ; see Winde , Wine , Wynne Winter , Robert , esq. 375, Winter (Court ) 225n ; see Uinter Wise, Cecilia, wife 57, 95 ; Henry, weaver 49, 95 ; yeom. 57 ; Thomas, mercht . 271 , 272 ; see Wyse Wiseman, Sir William, Kt . 56 Withers, Henry, c . jur. 299 Wittingslowe , als . Capper, Richard, yeom . 36 Wood, Gawen, yeom. 346 ; George, yeom. 171 ; James , p. jur. 251 ; Peter, c . jur. 226 ; Stephen , g. jur. 138 ? Woodall, John, g. jur. 75 Woodcraft, Nicholas, witness 103 Woodfall , Woodfale, Jane , wife 31*, 54 ; William, tailor 31, 54* * , William, victualler 340 ; Woodfield see Whitfeild

Wood Street Counter 75 * ; prison 6, 228 Woodward, John 63n Woolger, William, salesman 177 PWoolridge, John 154 Woorlech, Edward 101n Worall, John , g. jur. 83 Worcester, County 375 Wordsworth , Robert , ironmonger 2720

Wormall , Israel 315* ; witness 316,318 Worsley, Thomas, gent. 23, 24Worster, Henry, mercht . 182 Wortham , John , esq. , witness 101 Worthington , Lawrence, Jesuit 103 *; Richard, witness 57 ; Roland , p . jur. 93 Wragge, als. of Bonnye, John Wrench, Margaret, wife 49 , 60 ; William , bookbinder 5*, 49, 60* Wright ( e), Christopher 375 ; Elizabeth 47n; Henry , button- seller 220; draper 216, 238 ; witness 365 ; John (conspirator) 375; .gent. 16* ; Richard 1052* ; Samuel , c jur. 274 ; notary public li * , 182 , 184, 187, 189; Samuel John 195 ; notary public

169, 170n , 182 ; William, c . jur. 227 Wyatt, Giles, g. jur. 93 ; see Wyott Wyen, Theodore, servt . 150* ; see

Wyer Wyer , Theodore, mercht . 134, 138;

see Wyen Wylde, see Wilde

Wyles (William) 5 ; see Wiles Wyn (n) (e) , Ann , wife 80; John 356*, 358*; Mary , spr . 56 ; Robert , esq . 218 , 225n ; Thomas, c . jur. 226; William, gent. 80 ; see Winde , Wine, Winn Wyott, Dorothy, wid . 205 ; see Wyatt Wyse, Cecilia, wife 55; Henry, weaver 7*, 55; see Wise Yapp, William, p. jur. 251 Yate, John , suspected priest ' 68, 73, 86 Yates , Bridget , spr. 49 ; James, suspected priest 73 e Yeat( ) s, Edward 378* ; Mary, spr. 77 Yelverton, Edward 96, 385 ; see Elverton Yeomans , Richard , c . jur. 288 Yonge , John , yeom. 3, 380 ; see Younge York , county 39*, 72, 384 York, James [Stuart ], Duke of


155 , 204 , 273 , 314n * , 335, 339 , 352n, 355* , 361, 362 * , 365n* ; see James Yorke, Richard, gent. 375* ; Robert 375 Young(e), Arthur, foreman p. jur. 251 ; g. jur. 118; Frances , wid. 6* ; 73 ; suspected priest Francis, William, c. jur. 209 ; see Yonge . . 287 c Yourth , John, foreman jur



Zeale, John, witness 339


Catholic Record Society A










WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 , 1933, Together with the Roll of Members, the Constitutions, &c.

Constitutions 1. Name . The name of the Society is " THE CATHOLIC RECORD



2. Objects . The objects are the transcribing, printing , indexing , and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical , since the Reformation in England and Wales .

affairs The affairs of the Society are managed by a 3. Management . The Council consisting of twelve members , three trustees and five honorary officers , viz., The Recorder , Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian , and Secretary four forming a quorum. It has power to appoint a President and Vice -Presidents , its Chairman and Officers , and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership. Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re -election. Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretaryfourteen days before the Annual Meeting. The representation and management are reserved to Catholic Members .


4. Subscription . The subscription is one guinea per annum commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year. No volume will be issued to any member whose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society , and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid. A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursaror the Secretary, before the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year. Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twenty guineas in advance . Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas . All life subscriptions are to be capitalized. 5. Back Numbers . Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (if in stock) on such terms as the Council may direct . 6. Meetings . An Annual Meeting is held in the month of June or July, of which at least seven days' notice is sent to all the members. of the work of the Society, with a statement At this meeting a report of the income and expenditure, is presented . This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society. An Extraordinary General Meetingmay be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days ' notice, stating the object of the meeting, shall be given.

7. Audit. The Bursar's accounts are audited by a member of the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B. The Bursar deals with Membership and Subscriptions





COUNCIL (Elected)



O.F.M., D.D.




Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio) Hon. Bursar LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY , J.P., F.S.A. , 15, Morpeth Mansions,

Westminster , S.W.I

Hon. Recorder GEORGE R. BELLEW , Somerset Herald

Hon. Legal Adviser HUBERT HULL, Barrister - at - Law

Hon. Librarian

R. C. BAIGENT, F.R.HIST.S. Hon. Secretary RICHARD CECIL WILTON , B.A. , 31, Charles Street,

St. James's Square, S.W.I Bankers



Council pleasure in presenting to the members of the Record Society the Twenty- ninth Annual Report. THHECatholic Volume distributed to members in



last, and Volume XXXIII, Memorials of Father Augustine Baker, and other Documents relating to the English Benedictines , will be

issued shortly


A Miscellanea volume is already in hand which will contain the Catholic Registers of St. Wilfrid's , York; St. Andrew's , Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Minsteracres, Nuthall, Hedon (in Holderness ), Marton (in Holderness) and, it is hoped, those of Worksop , Notts; the Sulyard Papers , with the Haughley Park Registers; the Swynnerton Records; some letters , etc. , from the collections of the Rev. John Knaresborough, and extracts from his MS. " History of the Sufferings of Catholics " (c . 1724) ; and a roll giving the addresses of the Jesuit Fathers resident in England in 1767. Furthermore , sufficient matter for one volume of Dom Hugh Bowler's transcripts of London Sessional Records relating to Catholics is ready for the press , covering the period 1605-1685 . There remains material for a second volume to be issued as oppor-

tunity serves .

As mentioned in last year's Report, the Council has in course of preparation the Register and the Responsa Alumnorum , with other records of the Venerable English College at Rome, and Father John Warner's ( S.J.) History of the Oates Plot. Other work in hand includes(1) A transcript of the WarwickStreet Chapel , London , Registers . These records of marriages and births in the custody of the Presbytery in Golden Square begin only as from 1747, whereas the Chapel is thought to have been founded as early as 1730. As a result of careful investigation , however, the Council have now succeeded in locating the Registers covering the first seventeen years of the Chapel's existence, and will thus soon be in a position to fill this gap in the history of one of the oldest Catholic centres of missionary activity in London at the dawn of the Revival. (2) The important Registers in the keeping of the Portuguese Embassy. These consist of eight volumes and comprise the Registers of Marriages and Births of the Chapel Royal at St. James's from 1662, of the Chapel Royal at Somerset House from 1671, and of the Chapel of the Portuguese Legation from 1700 down to 1829, when this place of worship was closed . By special permission of His Excellency the Portuguese Ambassador, confirmed by the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Society is now engaged in transcribing these Registers, which comprise some ten thousand entries. There is a ninth volume containing exhaustive Inventories of the PortugueseChapel's possessions at various dates, and valuable lists of the Chaplains and of non-resident Priests attached to the Chapel, together with some biographical data. In this connection the Councilwish to acknowledge theiri ndebtedness to Dr. Edgar Prestage, Camoens Professor of Portuguese Language, Litera4


ture and History in London University, for his kind offices in securing for the Society access to these extremely interesting volumes, which are among the oldest Catholic records of the kind extant appertaining to London . Finally, the Society has acquired, with a view to publication, a collection of documents of special interest to London Catholics, viz . the Returns of Papists in the several Parishes of the Diocese of London made by the Incumbents to the Bishop, Robert Lowth,

in 1780.

From what has been said it will readily be seen that the Society does not suffer from lack of material. At the present rate of

publication of one volume a year the above works will meet the output for several years, not to mention the transcripts of a considerable number of unpublished Catholic Registers that have been accumulating in the Archives of the Society almost since its inception . The difficulty that limits its operations is financial, viz. lack of funds combined with the high cost of production . Moreover, the Council is for ever confronted with the urgent necessity of providing the Society with suitable premises where its business can be efficiently transacted , where its transcripts and stock can be safely housed , where adequate accommodation can be found for the Gillow Library, and where the Society's valuable store of manuscripts and printed books can be made accessible to members

and students. The Council has invited Sir John Knill, Bart., V.P., and Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B., to become Honorary Members. The Bursar has the pleasure to report the accession of sixteen new members during the past year as follows : Very Rev. Canon Henry Mackin , B.A.; Rev. Thomas Flynn, Ph.D. , M.A.; Rev. Sir John O'Connell, LL.D. , M.A.; Rev. A. Valentine Elwes ; Mrs. W. A. S. Hewins; Miss Agnes Mott ; Messrs. Charles Bateson, Francis T. Giles , E. N. Geijer , M.C., F.S.A. (Rouge Dragon ) , Henry HornyoldStrickland (Life Member) ; Colonel Edward Joicey ; Messrs . Robert N. Roskell, Edward G. Wilson ; St. Beuno's College , St. Asaph ; St. Edmund's College , Ware, and the Grey Friars, Oxford. He regrets to announce the loss of eight members by resignation. The Society has lost by death the following members: Francis , 12th Lord Stafford , Rt . Rev. Monsignor Paul Hook, Ph.D. , Rev. Jules Lenders, Colonel Sir James Reynolds, Bart. , D.S.O., M.P. , Messrs. John Meade Falkner , Julian Gaisford-St. Lawrence, J.P., Miss Johanna Harting (a Founder) , Messrs . Joseph L. Quick, James E. Sheldrake, and John W. Trotman. R.I.P. The membership on May 31st was 366. Four members of the Council retire in rotation: Rev. Hugh Bowler, O.S.B., Very Rev. Canon Fletcher , Mr. J. H. Canning, K.S.G., O.B.E. , and Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale. All four are eligible for re-election.


NOTE The following have joined the Society since the Annual Meeting: Squadron-Leader Cuthbert J. S. Dearlove, R.A.F.; Miss Alice Eccles ; Messrs. J. Kyrle Fletcher, Thomas J. Gaisford- St . Lawrence, M.C., Joseph C. Lamb , James R. Reynolds, Richard Scrope, A. H. Spurrier , C.M.G.; Admiral Lord Stafford , K.C.B. , and Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth Evetts .


Since deceased.

- R.I.P.




£ s. d.


May 31 To 21 Life Subscriptions @ £10 10 0 4 Life Subscriptions @ 21 ""3 Legacy from James Britten, K.C.S.G., deceased

220 10 84 0 200 18 . 1,529 9



Other Monies

0 0 2


£2,034 18 1 The value of the above Investments at 31st May , 1933,

AND RECEIPTS For the Year ended




June I

To Balance brought forward from last Account: Cash at Bank Current Account Cash in hands of Honorary Secretary




,, Subscriptions Received : 3 for year 1930/31 1931/32 9 322 "‫ " د‬1932/33 " 1933/34 24 1934/35








May 31

£ s. d. £ s. d.





9 9 2




376 19 0 16


31 10

Sale of Investments

To the Members of the Catholic Record Society :

I I о


82 7 4

Total Receipts for the Year


9 6

3 3 0

¥ 338

- 9780

War Loan .



Dividends on Investments : Consols £500 50 0 0 4% Victory Bond 0 15 Bonus on Conversion of War Loan 17 11



5 I 121

£ s. d.

Donations Back Numbers

" " Maps





535 12



6 11

£887 87

We report that we have examined the above Statement of Receiptsand vouchers relating thereto, and certify the same to be in accordance therewith . securities on behalf of the Society, and confirm the cash balances on Current Salisbury House , London Wall , London , E.C. 2. 8th June, 1933-


ACCOUNT , 1932-33.


Nominal Value


May 31 By

1,100 497 500



31% War Loan.

Book Value 1,614 10 10

£ s. d.

7 3 % War Loan £

oo Consols

420 7 3

2,034 18


£2,034 18 1 is stated by Messrs Coutts and Co. to be

1,942 1s. 4d.

PAYMENTS ACCOUNT . 31st May, 1933. 1933 May 31

By Volume XXXI :


Titus Wilson & Son, Printing . Leighton- Straker, Binding and Post-


s. d £ s. d. I

27 15


48 5 3

age 33



Volume XXXII : -John Whitehead & Son Ltd. , Printing, Balance 330 9 8 Leighton- Straker, Binding and Post49 17 4 age Mrs. Martin , Index 7 15 o Emery Walker , Ltd., Illustration I 17 5 Volume XXXIII : John Whitehead & Son Ltd. , Printing, on Account . 1002 Index , on Account


0 0

76 0 4







Hon . Secretary , Honorarium 52 10 о Petty Disbursements 30 18 4- -83 8 33 33 Hon. Bursar , Postage, Stationery , etc. 33 Hire of Room 4 o Purchase of Documents 12 15 ,‫د‬ Insurance , Gillow Library and Office 4 10 "‫د‬ Advertisements 33 4 0 13

о 400110692000


Annual Reports


" Transcribing 13

Central News , Reporter

" Income Tax, 1932/33


" Audit Fee


Bank Charges



38 7 0 2 5 7 0


2 0

0 13

Total Payments for the Year Balance carried forward to next Account: Cash at Bank Current Account £92 11 Cash in hands of Hon . Secretary




Hon . Bursar.


8 3


393 96 0 4 6887 8 7

Payments for the Year ended 31st May, 1933 , with the books, pass books and Messrs Coutts & Co., of 440, Strand, W.C.2, certify that they hold the foregoing Account . THOMSON, GREGORY, THOL & Co. , Auditors, Chartered Accountants.


TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of the members of the Catholic Record Society was held in the Rooms of the Society of Antiquaries , Burlington House, Piccadilly , on Wednesday, July 5, 1933, the Right Hon. Viscount FitzAlan, K.G. , President, in the Chair . There were present, among others, the Right Rev. the Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle; the Very Rev. Canon J. R. Fletcher; Rev. Sir John O'Connell, Rev. Wilfred Kelly, of the English College, Rome, Rev. Father Marcellus, O.S.F.C., Rev. Conrad Walmsley, O.F.M., M.A., Rev. Alphonsus Bonnar , O.F.M., D.D. , Rev. Charles Newdigate, S.J.; Mrs. N. H. Wallis , Major Francis J. A. Skeet, J.P. , F.S.A., Major Charles J. Vaughan , O.B.E. , J.P., and Messrs. G. F. Engelbach, T. G. Macnamara, B. H. Newdigate, J. Cyril M. Weale, Hubert Welchman , Leonard C. C. Lindsay , J.P. , F.S.A. (Hon . Bursar), and R. Cecil Wilton , B.A. (Hon . Secretary). Letters of regret for non-attendance were received from the Right Rev. the Bishop of Southwark , the Rev. Hugh Bowler , O.S.B. , Major -General Lord Treowen, C.B., C.M.G., Colonel Raleigh Chichester-Constable, J.P., Major Richard Trappes-Lomax, J.P., and Messrs . R. C. Baigent, F.R.Hist.S. (Hon . Librarian), J. R. Baterden, J. H. Canning, K.S.G., O.B.E. , E. N. Geijer, M.C., F.S.A. (Rouge Dragon) , Augustine Quinn, J.P., and J. P. Smith (VicePresident) . The Hon. Secretary having read the Annual Report, the Balancesheet and Statement of Accounts were presented by Mr. Leonard C. C. Lindsay , Hon . Bursar, who incidentally remarked that he had that morning received a letter of regret from a member for non- attendance accompanied by an application for a new membership an eminently practical mode of apology which he hoped would meet with general imitation. On the motion of the President, seconded by Mr. T. G. Macnamara, the Report and Accounts were unanimously adopted. The Rev. C. Newdigate , S.J. , then proposed the re-election of the four retiring members of the Council. The Right Rev. the Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, in seconding the motion, desired to testify to his personal appreciation of the invaluable work carried out by the Society and to the interest taken in its activities in his part of the country. He confessed to having entertained a hope that the Council might see their way to publish a General Index of the whole of the volumes issued to date, but he now realisedthe difficulties of such an undertaking . Under the circumstances he was grateful to the Council for the General Index of the Contents of Volumes to XXXII which had been produced during the past



9 year : it was a most valuable aid to research and would prove of great assistance to anyone who had occasion to consult these volumes. The retiring members of the Council and the Honorary Officers having been re- elected unopposed, on the invitation of the Chairman the Rev. Alphonsus Bonnar , O.F.M. , D.D. , then read the following paper on SOME FURTHER LIGHT ON THE DOUAI DIARIES.

In the Catalogues des Manuscrits des Bibliothèques Publiques. Tome VI : Douai (Paris , 1878 ) " MS . 898 is described as Notes relatives au Couvent des Récollets Anglais de Douai 1639-1643 . A few years ago, as was anxiously searching for manuscript records relating to the Franciscan Martyrs of the seventeenth century naturally turned to this MS . and took advantage of a visit to the Continent to go to Douai. On taking up the MS . found described on the back and on the fly- leaf in the same terms. The fly-leaf describes as a Livre d'Ephémérides du Couvent des Récollets Anglais de Douai Commencé en 1639 , abandonné en 1643. However, on turning to the MS . itself saw immediately that it was a Diary, not of the English Franciscans , but of the English College of the Secular Clergy , and took it to be my duty to transcribe it for the Catholic Record Society. The MS . is at present bound in heavy leather and should say that















this is probably the original binding. The inscription on the fly-leaf is apparently of the beginningof the last century. With the permission of the Librarian added the note: " Hoc Diarium minime Recollectorum Anglorum diurnales notitias continet sed bene Collegii duaceni Anglorum a clero saeculari . " The pages of the Diary measure 33.5 cms. by 32 cms. Each page is ruled so as to make a border all the way round, and the whole page is ruled vertically between the two horizontal rulings. One page is allotted to each day, so that events of different years are found on the same page. The numeration is by folios and not by pages. This description of the Douai MS., as shall call it, shows to differ in method of composition from the other Douai Diaries in a very important particular . The other Diaries are continuous day-to-day narratives and the compilers had therefore no anxiety as to space. The system adopted , however , in the Douai MS. ought to have been seen to be quite impossible from the beginning, in those days when loose-leaf books were unknown. Presumably it was for this reason that this formidable day- book, mostly still blank, was abandoned and the FourthDiary as we know it took its place . Besides the actual Diary the Douai MS. contains two loose papers . One of these is a letter from Margaret Walmsley to her son John concerning his entrance at Douai. There is no mention of any John Walmsley in our Douai Diaries or in the Douai MS. If the Margaret Walmsley who writes the letter is the same as the lady mentioned in the foot-note to p . 149 of the Seventh Diary, then John Walmsley would most likely have entered the College between 1690 and 1710. We could then date the letter as between these two years . We could fairly conclude that the Douai MS . which is the subject of the present Paper was in possession of the College at least as late as 1690. The other loose paper is a list of monies opposite names. The hand-





writing here is an impossible scrawl and appears to me to be the same as that responsible for the list of Professors at the end of the Fifth Diary. This latter list gives the Professors from 1655 to 1694: so that the conclusion that the Douai MS. was in the possession of the College at least as late as the last decade of the century appears to be strengthened . But we must hasten to say something of the Diary which forms the bulk of the Douai MS. evident from the form of the Diary and its careful rulingthat It ismeant was to be a Diary and not merely notes for a Diary. The itearliest entry is on August 12th, 1639. The first entry in the Fourth Diary is on January 4th, 1642. Thus the Douai MS. covers the two and a half years preceding the opening of the Fourth Diary. For the year 1639 the Douai MS . has seven entries , for 1640 one entry only, and for 1641 three entries . In the two years which overlap with the Fourth Diary viz. 1642 and 1643 there are 25 entries for 1642 and 15 for 1643 : in all 11 entries less than the Fourth Diary for these two years . However, in the entries which are common to both, items are sometimes given by the Douai MS . which are omitted in the Fourth Diary and there are discrepancies . The extra information supplied



by the Douai MS. is sometimes the alias of a student, sometimes his birthplace. One extra entry in the Douai MS . recounts an ex voto pilgrimage of the President, accompanied by the Rev. Edmund Ireland and the Rev. Edward Fitzherbert , to the Sanctuary of Montaigu or Scherpenheuvel . This was on August 18th, probably in 1642 the year is not given in the MS . Occasionallywe find that the Diary and the Douai MS . reverse the true names and the aliases. The history of the English College at Douai reflects in its ups and downs the story of Catholics at home . The year 1640 ushered in a period of great trial for the Church in England: the storm had been preparing for some time . So in the College at Douai a very low ebb was reached in the years immediately preceding 1642. The Douai MS. throws a little more light on the obscurity of those hard days. We must welcome even this scant addition to our knowledge . may prove interesting if I give a concrete example of the way in which these documents , which are gradually coming to light, interpret and supplement one another. Under date 13th March 1642 the Douai MS. says that Thomas Langley returns to England, and gives three reasons: he was not very well fitted for study, he was anxious to see



his people


suos videndi desiderio tenebatur, and his fees were not being

paid very regularly. The first reason we can pass over, as it is the exceptionrather than the rule for lads to be very well fitted for studies ; the second reason would appear at first sight to mean simply homesickness; and, as to the third reason, we are left in the dark regarding the cause of the non-payment of the fees. But the Fourth Diary tells us that Langley's real name was Forcer. A Roll in possession of Ushaw College, which is an authenticated extract from the Pipe made in 1637, tells us a long story of the temporal penalties laid on the Forcers of Durham from 1595 onwards , which must have reduced them to a state bordering on penury. Some crisis seems to have developed about 1637 and probably explains why this student wanted to go home to see his people . will attempt to give what appears to me to be the most probable theory of the origin and history of the Douai MS . It was commenced as a formal Diary in 1639 , but was badly kept on account of the unsettled state of the College. When the Rev. Edmund Ireland arrived (12th October 1641 the MS , says) he continued it, as the handwriting


II seems

to show . Seeing, however , that the system imposed by the allotting of a page to a day was quite impossible he began what we know as the Fourth Diary, commencing with January 1642. There is, however , a verbal dependence of the Fourth Diary on the Douai MS . The Diary amplifies and presumably corrects or attempts to do so . But the dependence is very clear. The MS. presumably remained in the College, at least for many years . There is just a possibility that may have been lent to the English Franciscans , and that might be the explanation of its being catalogued as a Franciscan MS . would have been seized with their library. The finding of the Douai MS. seems to me to change the whole problem of the Douai Diaries. In the first place there may be, or may have been, several Diaries like the Douai MS . which are not reckoned as " Diaries and the existence of which has not been recognised as possible. Furthermore, think we must turn our eyes to the Continent, to France , for these and for the Sixth Diary rather than to England. feel that can guarantee that they are not in the Bibliothèque Communale at Douai. Lille, Arras and Paris seem to me to be the best hunting- ground. In conclusion wish most sincerely to thank M. Louis Noël, the








Librarian at Douai, for his unfailing courtesyand help.

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by the Rev. Sir John O'Connell, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the Lecturer for his Paper. A cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman was carried by acclamation on the motion of Major Charles J. Vaughan, seconded by the Rev. Wilfred Kelly . In acknowledging it Viscount FitzAlan expressed the pleasure it had given him to be able once more to preside on that occasion. The Report of the Council had been of exceptional interest, and he looked forward with confidence to the future of the Society. Its activities , however, must be governed by its resources , and he hoped to see a considerable increase in its membership during his tenure of office. On the motion of Mr. J. Cyril M. Weale, seconded by Mr. R. Cecil Wilton , a vote of thanks was passed to the Society of Antiquaries for the loan of their Rooms, and the proceedings closed .





Founders on June 10, 1904


Libraries and other Institutions are to be found under Towns and Places . Those in the Metropolis are under London .

F Abbotsleigh, Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Newton Abbot, Devon . Aberystwyth , Cardiganshire . The National Library of Wales (W.


Llewellyn Davies, M.A., F.L.A. , Librarian ). Aberystwyth , Very Rev. the Rector, St Mary's College. Adamson , Rev. Philip J., Bishop's House , 39 Beresford Road, Oxton, Birkenhead . Albany, New York , U.S.A. New York State Library (J. I. Wyer, Director), The Librarian , New York State Library, Albany, New York, U.S.A. Ampleforth Abbey Library (Rt Rev.the Abbot, O.S.B. ) , Malton, Yorks. Anderton , Henry Ince, Hotel des Trois Couronnes , Vevey , Switzerland. Anne , Miss , Burgwallis Hall, Doncaster, Yorks. Anstruther, G. Elliot, 52 Parkhill Road , Hampstead , N.W.3 Antiquaries, Society of, see London . Arundell of Wardour , The Lady, Wardour Castle , Tisbury, Wilts. Ashburnham, Lady Catherine , Ashburnham Place, Battle , Sussex.


Baigent, Richard Coventry, F.R.Hist.S. , 57 Sarsfield Road , Balham , S.W.12

Baker, Thomas , 72 Newman Street, W. Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Peabody Institute (L. H. Dielman, Librarian ) , c/o Messrs Allen and Son, Ltd. , 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 Barrow Public Library (Charles W. Gabbatt, Librarian ), Ramsden Square , Barrow- in -Furness , Lancs. Bartlett, Joseph Henry, 28 Ashley Place , Westminster, S.W.I Baterden, James Rae, 54 Brighton Grove , Newcastle -on- Tyne, 4. Bateson , Charles Henry, c/o Truth (N.Z.) , Private Bag, Wellington, N.Z. Beaumont, The Lady, Carlton Towers , Snaith, Yorks. Beaumont College, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , Old Windsor, Berks . Bedingfeld, Sir Henry Paston, Bt. , J.P., Oxburgh Hall, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk . Bedingfeld, Mrs Raoul, " Borghese , " Higher Lincombe Road ,Torquay. Bellew , George R., Somerset Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4 Belmont Abbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot , O.S.B. , Hereford. Bergholt (East ), Lady Abbess, O.S.B., St Mary's Abbey, near Colchester , Suffolk. Berkeley, Robert V. , J.P., F.S.A., Spetchley Park, Worcester. Berlin, Prussian State Library, c /o Messrs Asher & Co. , Behrenstrasse 17, Berlin, W.8 Birmingham, Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams, Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , 6 Norfolk Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Birmingham The Oratory , Very Rev. the Superior, Hagley Road, Edgbaston. Birmingham Public Libraries (The City Librarian ) , Reference Department, Ratcliffe Place , Birmingham. Blackburn Public Library ( Richard Ashton, F.L.A. , Librarian) , Library Street, Blackburn, Lancs .





Blundell, Captain Francis N., J.P., D.L., Crosby Hall, Blundell -sands, Liverpool. Bodleian Library, see Oxford . Bodmin, Cornwall, St Mary's Priory, Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L. Bolton Public Libraries (Archibald Sparke , F.R.S.L., F.L.A., Librarian ), Victoria Square , Bolton, Lancs. Boston College Library (Rev. William M. Stinson, S.J. , Librarian ) , University Heights, Chestnut Hill, Mass., U.S.A. Boston Public Library (Charles F. D. Belden , Librarian ) , Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. New England Historic Genealogical Society (Wm. Prescott Greenlaw , Librarian ) , 9 Ashburton Place . Boyan, Mrs P. A., St Andrew's, Yelverton, Devon. Brentwood, Rt Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Brentwood, Essex . Brighton Public Library (Henry D. Roberts , M.B.E. , F.L.A., Director), Church Street, Brighton. Bristol Central Library (James Ross, F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Bristol . British Museum , see London . Brown, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon , President, Ushaw College, Durham. Bruges , Belgium Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Le CouventAnglais. Brussels, Belgium. Société des Bollandistes , 24 Boulevard St Michel. Buckfast Abbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot of, O.S.B. , Buckfastleigh, Devon. Burton, Rev. Harold, Walnut Tree House, Station Road , Hamptonon - Thames , Middlesex .




L Callaway, Rev. Thomas , St Mary's Presbytery, Chipping, Preston , Lancs . Cambridge , Peterhouse Library (A. W. Ward, Librarian). Cambridge The Librarian , St Edmund's House Library, Mount




Cambridge University Library (Alwyn F. Scholfield , M.A., Librarian ), Cambridge . Cambridge , Massachusetts , U.S.A. Harvard University Library, c o Messrs Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue,




Cambysopolis , Rt Rev. Joseph Butt, Bishop of, 22 George Street, Portman Square , W.1 F Camm , Rev. R. Bede, O.S.B. , M.A., F.S.A. (Honorary) , Downside Abbey, Stratton -on- the-Fosse, Bath. Canadian Parliament Library, see Ottawa . Canning , Joseph Herbert, K.S.G. , O.B.E., Crindau , Newport, Mon. Cardiff, Most Rev. FrancisMostyn, Archbishop of, K.M., Archbishop's House , 24 Newport Road , Cardiff. Cardiff Public Library (HarryFarr, F.L.A. , Librarian ), Trinity Street, Cardiff, Glam . Cardwell, Dr. Mary, Copster House , Hollins Road, Oldham, Lancs. Carnegie , John, B.A., Burwash, Sunbury-on -Thames , Middlesex. Carter, Very Rev. Canon T. Walmsley, St Joseph's , Sheringham ,


Carus , Alexander Hubert, les Marais, Billinge End, Blackburn, Lancs. Catterall, Very Rev. Canon John H., St Augustine's Rectory, Austin's Place, Preston , Lancs . Chadwick, Very Rev. Canon Alfred , St Mary's, Alnwick, Northumber-

land .



Chambers , F. W. , K.S.G. , M.A., 20 Holmes Road , Twickenham Middlesex . Charlton, George Victor Bellasis , Woodford Lodge , Thrapston


Chicago , Ill ., U.S.A.

Newberry Library (G. B. Uttley, Librarian ) , The General Library, University of Chicago , Chicago , Illinois , U.S.A. Chicago University Library, Ill . , U.S.A., c /o Messrs B. F. Stevens and Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.I Chichester -Constable , Colonel Raleigh , J.P., Burton Constable , Hull. L Christall, Rev. Robert, 24 Heathcote Road, Epsom , Surrey. Ciceri, Leo . J., I St Mark's Crescent , Newport, Mon. Clarkson , William . R.I.P. Cleveland Public Library, Ohio, U.S.A. (Miss L. A. Eastman, Libra rian) (c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd. , 43 Piccadilly, W.1). Clifton, The Rt Rev. William Lee, M.B.E. , Bishop of, St Ambrose , Leigh Woods , Bristol . College of Arms, see London . Colwich, The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St Benedict's Abbey, nr. Stafford. L Connolly, Very Rev. Canon James C. , St Joseph's , Bugle Street, Southampton. Constitutional Club, see London . Copenhagen , Denmark The Royal Library (c/o Mr Francis Edwards, 83 High Street, W.1 ) . Cotton, Rev. John, D.D. , M.A., St Mary's Presbytery, Kemp Street, Fleetwood , Lancs . Cox, Rev. George Bede , O.S.B. , St Mary's Priory , Highfield Street, Liverpool, W. Crowle , St Norbert's Priory Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.P. , Scunthorpe, Lincs. Cuming , Miss Agnes , 11 Wellesley Avenue, Hull.






Dalton, Mr Justice Llewelyn C., c/o A. W. Innes, Esq. , Richmond Lodge , Lewes , Sussex. Dearlove , Squadron -Leader C. J. S. , R.A.F., Harris Bank, Newtown, near Newbury, Berks. Delany, Very Rev. Bernard, O.P. , B .Litt. , Provincial , St Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W.5 Derby Public Library (James Ormerod , F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Derby. de Zulueta, Miss Agnes , 5 Douro Place , Kensington, W.8 F de Zulueta, Captain Francis,, D.C.L., M.A., Regius Professor of Civil Law, 37 Norham Road Oxford. Dibdin, George E., Brockweir, Allt-yr-yn Avenue, Newport, Mon. Dolan, Very Rev. Canon Oswald , V.F. , St Mary's Rectory, Norfolk Row , Sheffield . Doran, Rev. John, 96 Pyle Street, Newport, I. of W. Douai Abbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot of, O.S.B. , Woolhampton, nr. Reading . Downside Abbey Library (The Librarian , O.S.B. ), Stratton-on-theFosse, near Bath . Dublin National Library of Ireland (R. J. Best , Litt.D. , F.L.A., Librarian ) , Kildare Street. Dublin Very Rev. Fr Provincial , S.J. , 35 Lower Leeson Street. Dublin Trinity College Library (J. G. Smyly, Litt.D., F.T.C.D., Librarian ) . Duchemin, Rt Rev. Mgr Charles , Collegio Beda , 67 via S. Niccoloda Tolentino, Rome , 5.

. . .-



Ealing Priory, Very Rev. the Prior , O.S.B. , Charlbury Grove , Ealing, W.5 Eccles, Miss Alice, 49 Preston Road , Newtown, Longridge, nr. Preston . Edinburgh, Rev. Mother Superior, St Margaret's Convent, Strathearn Road .

Edinburgh Public Library (Ernest A. Savage, F.L.A. , ChiefLibrarian ), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh . Edinburgh The Signet Library (John Minto , M.A., Librarian ) . Edmondstoune -Cranstoun , C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark , Scotland. Ellison, Alfred Joseph, M.A., LL.M. , 18 Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2 Elwes , Rev. Aubrey Valentine D., c/o Mrs. H. de Bless, 113B St. James's Court , S.W.I F Engelbach , George Frederick, 152 Cambridge St. , Westminster, S.W.I Evetts, Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth, 7 King's Mansions , Lawrence Street, Chelsea, S.W.3 Eyre, Stanislas Thomas , J.P., 13 Chesham Street, S.W.I Eyre-Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis, R.N. ( retd. ), Sawston Hall, Cambridge . Eyston, Mrs. E., New House , Kingston Bagpuze , Berks.



FitzAlan , Colonel the Rt Hon . the Viscount, K.G., G.C.V.O. , D.S.O., Cumberland Lodge , Windsor. Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Major John, M.C. , Claughton-on- Brock, Garstang R.S.O. , Lancs .

Fletcher, J. Kyrle , 79 High Street, Newport, Mon. Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John R., Greenbanks , Dawlish Road , Teignmouth, Devon. Flynn , Rev. Thomas E., Ph.D. , M.A., St Mary's, Chorley, Lancashire Fogarty, Philip Christopher, I.C.S. , The Secretariat, Rangoon , Burma. Fort Augustus Abbey, Inverness. Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. L Freeland, Rt Rev. Monsignor. Provost John , V.G., Catholic Rectory Unthank Road , Norwich Fulham Public Library, see London . Gainsborough , Mary, Dowager Countess of, The Court, Chipping Campden, Glos . Gainsford, William, Somersby House, Spilsby, Lincs. Gaisford-St Lawrence , Julian Charles, J.P. R.I.P. Gaisford -St Lawrence, Thomas J., M.C. , M.A., Howth Castle, co. Dublin . Gardner, Rev. John , The Rectory, Formby, Liverpool . Geijer, E. N., M.C. , F.S.A. ( Rouge Dragon) , Pursuivant of Arms, College of Arms , Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4 Genealogists, Society of, see London . Georgetown University, see Washington . Gibbons , Francis James Joseph , K.C.S.G. , The Hall , Penn , near Wolverhampton. Gibson , W. H., J.P., 49 North Side, Clapham , London, S.W.4 Gilbey, Rev. Alfred N., Fisher House, Guildhall Street, Cambridge . Giles , Francis T. R.I.P. Gillow, Mrs Joseph (Honorary) , Fyldeholme, Broad Lane, Hale,


Cheshire . Glasgow Very Rev. the Rector, St Peter's College, Bearsden . Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries (S. A. Pitt , City Librarian). Glasgow University Library, c o Messrs Jackson, Wylie & Co., 73 West George Street, Glasgow.






Reginald M., M.A. , LL.B., F.S.G. , F.R.S.A.I. , 176 Worple Road , Wimbledon, S.W.20 Gorham , James J. , M.A. , M.D., J.P., c/ o Royal Societies' Club, 63 St James's Street , S.W.I Göttingen University Library, Zugangs -Abteilung , Göttingen, Hanover, Germany. Gray, Very Rev. Canon John, St Peter's , Falcon Avenue , Edinburgh. Green- Armytage, Robert N., 5 Queen's Parade , Bath. Guilday, Rev. Peter, Ph.D., 1234 Monroe Street, N.E., Brookland, D.C., U.S.A. Guildhall Library, see London .


F Hall, Very Rev. Canon Francis John , V.F. , St Charles's Rectory, Jarratt Street, Hull. Hammersmith Public Library, see London . F Hansom , A. J. R., IIO Palace Gardens Terrace , Kensington,

London, W.8 Harding, George, 64 Great Russell Street, W.C.I Harrow, Middlesex , Rev. Mother Superior, Visitation Convent. F Harting , Miss Johanna H. R.I.P. Harvard University Library , see Cambridge, U.S.A. Hawkesyard Priory , Rugeley , Staffordshire, Very Rev. the Prior, O.P. Hayward, Very Rev. Provost Francis M., St Mary's Rectory, Worksop, Notts. F Hayward's Heath, Sussex. Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Priory of Our Lady of Good Counsel . Hendon Central Public Library (James E. Walker, F.L.A. , Chief Librarian ) , The Burroughs, Hendon , N.W.4 Henson , Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon Edwin, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain. Hewins, Mrs W. A. S. , 20 Milner Street, Chelsea, S.W.I Hexham and Newcastle , Rt Rev. Joseph Thorman, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Tynemouth, Northumberland. Heythrop College, Chipping Norton, Oxon ., Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Hook, Rt Rev. Mgr Paul E., Ph.D. R.I.P. Hope, Captain Geoffrey A. E., Kirkby Fleetham, Northallerton , Yorkshire. L Hornyold- Strickland, Henry, J.P. , Sizergh Lodge, Kendal, Westmorland. Hull, Hubert , 4 Paper Buildings, Temple , E.C.4 Hull Public Library (W. H. Bagguley , F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Albion Street, Hull. Huntingdon Library, see San Marino . Hutton, Edward, 114 Clifton Hill , St John's Wood, N.W.8


Iles, Very Rev. Canon Richard Augustine, St George's Rectory, Billet Street , Taunton, Somerset . Jerningham, Sir Henry S. , Bt . , J.P. (Honorary) , 9 Queen's Terrace , Windsor. John Rylands Library, see Manchester. Johnson , Basil Henry, 3 Artillery Mansions , Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I Johnson, Rev. Humphrey John T., Oak Hurst , near Derby.

* Record Searcher .



Jones, Sir Evan Davies , Bt. , D.L. , LL.D. , J.P. , Pentower, Fishguard, Pembrokeshire (Communications to 6 Addison Road, Kensington, W


L Kean, Rev. Charles George, C.J. , St George's College, Weybridge, Surrey.

Kensington Public Library, see London . L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C. , Gillingham Hall, Beccles,


F Keogh , C. George Neal, 12 Girdler's Road , West Kensington, W 14


King, Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon John H., V.G. , 29 Jewry Street, Winchester, Hants . Kirchberger, Miss , c/o C.T.S. Library , 38 Eccleston Square, S.W.I Klincksieck, Monsieur (for the Bibliothèque Nationale) , II Rue de Lille, Paris, c/o Messrs Dawson & Sons, Cannon House, Pilgrim Street, E.C.4 F Knill, Alderman Sir John, Bt . , K.C.S.G (Honorary), Crosslets , Seaford , Sussex.

Lamb, Joseph Cuthbert, B.A. , Scotby House, Scotby, near Carlisle . Lancashire County Library (J. D. Cowley , M.A., F.L.A. ), I Fishergate Hill , Preston , Lancs . Lancaster, Rt Rev. Thomas W. Pearson, O.S.B. , Bishop of, The Cathedral, East Road , Lancaster. Lancaster Public Library (Gilbert M. Bland, F.R.G.S. , M.R.S.L., Librarian ), Storey Institute, Old Town Hall, Lancaster. Langdale, Colonel Philip, O.B.E., J.P., Houghton Hall, Sancton R.S.O. , Yorks. La Mothe Houdancourt, La Duchesse de , 7 Rue Galilée , Paris 16 Lanherne, Rev. Mother Prioress , O.C.D. , St Columb, Cornwall. Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G., Flint House, Holcombe , Bath. Leeds, Rt Rev. Joseph R. Cowgill, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Seminary Street, Leeds . Leeds Public Libraries (R. J. Gordon , City Librarian ), Central Library, Municipal Buildings, Leeds . Leicester , Hubert Aloysius, K.C.S.G. , J.P., TheWhitstones,Worcester. L Lindsay, Leonard C. C. , J.P. , F.S.A., 15 Morpeth Mansions , Westminster, S.W.I Liverpool, Most Rev. Richard Downey, D.D. , Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , Woolton, Liverpool, S. Liverpool Public Libraries (George H. Parry, F.L.A. , ChiefLibrarian ), William Brown Street, Liverpool . Liverpool . St Francis Xavier's , Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , Salisbury Street. Liverpool The Friary, Fox Street ( Rev. Father Guardian , O.F.M.). London. Antiquaries, Society of, Burlington House, Piccadilly , W.1 London. Bayswater St Mary of the Angels, The Superior, O.S.C., Westmoreland Road, W.2 London. British Museum Library, c /o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.1 London. Clapham Our Lady of Victories, Very Rev. the Rector, C.SS.R. , Clapham Park Road, S.W.4 London. College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4 London. Constitutional Club Library, Northumberland Avenue,







London Forest Gate , E.7 Very Rev. the Provincial , O.F.M., The Friary, Khedive Road .






Fulham Public Libraries (W. T. Creed, A.L.A. , Librarian ) , 598 Fulham Road, S.W.6 London. Genealogists , Society of (Mrs. K. Bell , Secretary), 5 Bloomsbury Square , W.C.I



London. Guildhall Library (J. L. Douthwaite , F.L.A. , Librarian ), The Guildhall , King Street, E.C.2 London. Hammersmith Public Libraries (H. P. Dinelli , A.L.A. , Librarian ), Brook Green Road, W.6 London. Haverstock Hill Very Rev. the Prior , O.P. , St Dominic's Priory , Southampton Road, N.W.5 London. Hornsey Very Rev. the Prior , C.R.L., Austin Canons, 12 Womersley Road, N.8 London Kensington Central Library (A. Heywood Jones, F.L.A., Librarian ) , Kensington High Street, W.8 London. Kensington (South)-The Oratory Library, S.W.7 London. Kensington (South)-Very Rev. the Provincial, O.S.M., St. Mary's Priory, 264 Fulham Road, S.W.10 London Library (C. T. H. Wright, LL.D. , Secretary and Librarian ), 14 St James's Square , S.W.I London The Month (Rev. Joseph Keating, S.J. , Editor), 31 Farm Street, Berkeley Square , W.1 London. Public Record Office Library, c/o Superintendent of Publications, Book Department , H.M. Stationery Office , Princes Street, Westminster , S.W.I London. Royal Historical Society (Miss M. B. Curran, M.A., Librarian ) , 22 Russell Square , W.C.I London University Library (Reginald A. Rye, Librarian ) , South Kensington, S.W.7 London. Westminster Public Libraries (Reginald B. Wood, F.L.A., Librarian ) , Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.I Long, Rev. Henry, The Presbytery, Leighton Buzzard, Beds . Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward, The Presbytery, South Shore, Blackpool, Lancs.









Mackin, Very Rev. Canon Henry, B.A., St Mary's, Hexham. McCabe, Rt Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Provost, V.G. , St Hilda's Rectory, Whitby, Yorks. McGuirk, Very Rev. John , V.F., The Presbytery, Rush, co. Dublin, Ireland. L Macnamara , T., G. , 33 Valentines Road , Ilford, Essex. Madison, Wis. U.S.A. Wisconsin State Historical Society (Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D., Librarian ) , c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, W.1 Mahoney, Rev. E. J., D.D. , St. Edmund's College, Ware, Herts. Manchester The Victoria University (Charles W. E. Leigh, M.A., Librarian ). ManchesterPublic Libraries (The Librarian ) , Piccadilly, Manchester . Manchester John Rylands Library (Henry Guppy, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D. , F.L.A. , Librarian ) , Deansgate . Manresa House , Roehampton, S.W.15 , Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Martin , John , Clare House , 16 Salisbury Road, Liverpool . L Martin , Mrs. T. E. , 2 The Ferns , St Luke's Road, Torquay, Devon. Mathew, Rev. David, M.A., Litt.D. , Cathedral Clergy House , 36 Charles Street, Cardiff. Maynooth, co . Kildare , Ireland . St Patrick's College .








Melbourne Public Library ( Robert D. Boys , B.A., Chief Librarian ) , Victoria , Australia , c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, W.1 Menevia , Rt Rev. Francis Vaughan, Bishop of, Bishop's House ,

Wrexham, Denbighshire. Michigan University (William Warner Bishop, M.A., Librarian ) , Ann Arbor , Michigan, U.S.A. , c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly,


Middlesbrough, Rt Rev. Thomas Shine, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough Public Libraries (W. Lillie, Librarian ), Victoria Square , Middlesbrough, Yorks. Miletopolis, Rt Rev. Ambrose Moriarty, Bishop of, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury. Milner, Rev. Henry F., Upholland College, nr . Wigan, Lancs. Milton , Rev. Anthony, The Priest's House, Uckfield, Sussex. Minnesota University Library, Minneapolis , Minn. , U.S.A., c o Messrs G. E. Stechert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C.2 Mitchell Library , see Glasgow. Month," see London . Moorat, Samuel , 25 Pembroke Gardens , Kensington, W.8 Moore , Rev. Bernard, St Austin's, Stafford. Mott, Miss Agnes , 4 Dingle Road, Boscombe Overcliffe, Bournemouth. Mount St Bernard's Abbey, near Coalville, Leicestershire , Very Rev. the Superior, O.C.R. Mount St Mary's College, Spinkhill , near Sheffield , Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Mulgrew, Francis M., 36 Grosvenor Road , Birkdale, Southport, Lancs . Munich. Bavarian State Library, Ludwigstrasse 23, Munich (c/o Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Beschaffungsamt, Berlin, C.2)


National Library of Ireland , see Dublin . Newberry Library , see Chicago. Newcastle - on-Tyne Public Libraries (Basil Anderton, M.A., F.L.A., Librarian ) , New Bridge Street. Newcastle -on -Tyne. St Dominic's Priory, Red Barns (Very Rev. the Prior , O.P. ). Newdigate, Bernard H., Foxcombe Heath, Boars Hill, Oxford. Newdigate , Rev. Charles A. , S.J. , 31 Farm Street, Berkeley Square ,



New England Historic Genealogical Society, see Boston. New Hall, Rev. Mother Prioress , C.R.S.S. , Chelmsford , Essex. New South Wales Public Library , see Sydney . New York Historical Society (A. J. Wall , Librarian ) , 170 Central Park West, New York City, U.S.A. New York Public Library ( Edwin H. Anderson, Librarian ) , Aston Library Building, 40 La Fayette Place , c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.1 New York State Library , see Albany. Noble, Sir John Henry Brunel, Bt. , Ardkinglas, Inveraray , Argyll. Norfolk, The Duchess of, Arundel Castle , Arundel, Sussex. Nottingham, Rt Rev. John F. McNulty , M.A., Bishop of, St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham . O'Connell, Rev. Sir John , LL.D., Mission House, BrondesburyPark, N.W.6



O'Connor, Rev. I. Arthur, M.C. , H.C.F., St Edward's, Thurloe Street, Rusholme , Manchester . O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis , O.B.E., C.F. , St Joseph's , Queen's Road , Aldershot, Hants . Ontario Legislative Library , see Toronto . Oscott College, Birmingham. Right Rev. the Rector. O'Sullivan , Richard, Lamb Building, Temple, E.C.4 O'Toole, Rev. Patrick, The Breakers , Seaton , Devon . Ottawa, Canada . Canadian Parliament Library (A. D. Cellas, LL.D., and R. Burrell , Librarians), c/o Messrs Allen & Son Ltd., 14



Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 Oulton, Lady Abbess of, O.S.B. , St Mary's Abbey, Stone , Staffs. Oxford Blackfriars, 64 St Giles' Street Very Rev. the Prior, O.P. Oxford The Bodleian Library (H. H. E. Craster , M.A., D Litt.,





F.S.A., Librarian ). Oxford Campion Hall, 11 St Giles Street, Very Rev.the Master, S.J. Oxford Greyfriars, Iffley Road , Very Rev. the Principal, O.S.F.C.




Pantin , William Abel, M.A., 72 Shooter's Hill Road , Blackheath, S.E.3 Panton, Wragby, Lincolnshire. Very Rev. the Superior, O.S.F.C.,


Franciscan College.

Paris Bibliothèque Nationale , see Klincksieck (Monsieur) . Parisotti , Rev. Albert , O.B.E., C.F. , c/o Glyn, Mills & Co. (Holt's Branch ), Kirkland House , Whitehall, S.W.I Parker, Colonel John W. R. , C.B. , J.P. , F.S.A., BrowsholmeHall, near Clitheroe, Lancs . Parkminster Charterhouse , Partridge Green, Sussex, Very Rev. the Prior . Peabody Institute, see Baltimore, U.S.A. Pennsylvania Historical Society, see Philadelphia. Pennsylvania University Library, see Philadelphia. Petit , Rev. John E. , M.A., Catholic Church , Grays , Essex . Petre, Sebastian Henry, Tor - Bryan, Ingatestone, Essex. Philadelphia, Pa. , U.S.A. Pennsylvania Historical Society, 1300 Locust Street, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown , 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.I Philadelphia, Pa ., U.S.A. Pennsylvania University Library (Asa Don Dickinson, Librarian ), 34th Street and Woodland Avenue . Plymouth Rt Rev. John Barrett , Bishop of, Bishop's House, Cecil Street, Plymouth . Portsmouth Rt Rev. William Cotter, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth. Portsmouth Central Public Library (James Hutt , M.A., F.L.A., Borough Librarian ) , Town Hall Square , Park Road. Preston , Free Public Library, The Librarian , Preston , Lancs. Preston. St Ignatius , Meadow Street, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. Public Record Office Library, see London .







Quick, Joseph Louis. R.I.P. Quinn, Augustine, J.P. , The Beeches, Sea View Road , Wallasey , Cheshire. President, Yorkshire Archæological Society (Record Series and Journal) and Yorkshire Parish Register Society.




Radcliffe, Charles A. F., The Old Hall, Stackhouse , Settle, Yorks. Ratcliffe College, Very Rev. the President, I.C., near Leicester. Reading Public Libraries (Francis M. Bunce , Chief Librarian ), Central Public Library, Blagrave Street, Reading . Reynolds , Colonel Sir James Philip, Bt. , D.S.O. , J.P. , M.P. R.I.P. Reynolds , James R., Leighton Hall, Carnforth, Lancashire . FL Riddell, Cuthbert David Giffard , J.P., Swinburne Castle , Barrasford, Northumberland . Riddell, Edward Charles , J.P., Hermeston Hall, Oldcotes , Rotherham, Yorks., Kinwarton House, Alcester, Warwickshire. Riddell- Blount , Major Edward Francis, J.P. , Cheeseburn Grange , Newcastle -on -Tyne. Robertson , Charles , K.S.G., Begbroke Place , Oxford. Robo , Rev. Etienne, Catholic Church, Farnham, Surrey. Roehampton , Rev. Mother Superior, Sacred Heart Convent, S.W.15 Rome . BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA (Honorary) . Monsignor Giovanni Mercati, Prefect, The Vatican . Rome Collegio Inglese , Via Monserrato 45 (The Rt Rev. the . Rector). Rome Collegio Beda , 67 Via San Niccolo da Tolentino (The Rt . the Rector) . Rev. Roskell , Robert N., 7 Upper George Street, W.I St Asaph, Flint, Wales . St Beuno's College (Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. ) . St Helens (Lancs .) St Mary's, Lowe House , Rev. the Rector, S.J. St Leonards -on- Sea (Sussex) , Rev. Mother Superior, Convent H.C.J. St Louis University Library (Rev. Henry H. Regnet, S.J. , Librarian ) , St Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. , c/o G. E. L. Coldwell , 18 Red Lion Passage , W.C.I Salford, Rt Rev. Thomas Henshaw, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester. San Marino. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (Leslie E. Bliss , Librarian ), San Marino, California, U.S.A. Sands, William Henry Bethune, 15 King Street, Covent Garden , W.C.2 Scantlebury, Rev. Robert Elliott, St Swithun's, Waverley Road, Southsea , Hants. Scrope, Richard, Brook's Club, St James's Street, S.W.I Scrope , Stephen Francis Eustace , 71 The Drive, Hove, Sussex. Sharrock, Very Rev. Canon Thomas , St John's Cathedral, Chapel Street, Salford, Lancs . Shaw , James F., J.P., Bourton Hall, Rugby, co. Warwick . Sheffield Public Libraries ( J. P. Lamb, Librarian ) , Surrey Street, Sheffield , Yorks. Sheffield University Library (A. P. Hunt, B.A. , F.L.A. , Librarian ), The University , Sheffield , Yorks. L Sheldrake , Harry James , White Barn, Kelvedon S.O., Essex . L Sheldrake , James, Ernest. R.I.P. L Sheldrake , Willie White Barn, Kelvedon S.O., Essex . Shepherd , Very Rev. Canon Francis, The Convent, Chudleigh, Devon. Shrewsbury, Rt Rev. Hugh Singleton, Bishop of, Bishop's House , 39 Beresford Road , Birkenhead. Signet Library, see Edinburgh. Skeet , Major Francis J. A., J.P., F.S.A. , Syon House , Angmering,







F Smith, John Peter, J.P., Arndene , Barrow-in-Furness , Lancs.

Smith , Miss M. A., The Grove , Barnard Castle , co . Durham. Smith, William Abbey, J.P. , Rosebery Villa, Hutton Avenue, West Hartlepool, co . Durham. Southampton Public Libraries (Albert H. Davis, F.L.A. , Librarian ), Central Public Library, London Road , Southampton. Southwark, Rt Rev. Peter E. Amigo, Bishop of, Bishop's House, St George's Road, Southwark, S.E.1 Spurrier, A. H. , C.M.G. , O.B.E., F.R.G.S. , The Museum , Zanzibar, East Africa. Stafford, Admiral Lord, K.C.B., Swynnerton Park, Stone , Staffs. Stanbrook Abbey, The Lady Abbess , O.S.B. , Worcester. Stockport Public Libraries (R. Hargreaves , F.L.A. , Librarian), Wellington Road South, Stockport, Cheshire. Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Lancs . Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Strasbourg National and University Library, 6 Place de la République, Strasbourg , Bas-Rhin , France . Strawberry Hill, St Mary's College, Very Rev. the Principal , Twickenham , Middlesex. Stroud ( Glos.) The Rev. Mother Prioress , O.P. , St Rose's Convent. Sumner , Francis G. , J.P. , Dene House , Kineton, Warwickshire. Sumner, Rev. Francis J., Hampton- on-the- Hill, Warwick. F Sutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A., 7 Howitt Road, Hampstead, N.W.3 Sydney New South Wales Public Library (W. H. Ifould, Librarian ), c/o Messrs Truslove & Hanson , 153 Oxford Street, W.1 F Syon Abbey.--The Lady Abbess , O.SS.S., South Brent, Devon .




Tacchi-Venturi , Rev. Pietro, S.J. , Piazza del Gesu 45, Rome 117. Taunton, Rev. Mother Abbess, O.S.F. , Franciscan Convent. L Taylor-Smith, Mrs M. E. Piercey , Colpike Hall, Lanchester, co. Durham. Teignmouth, Lady Abbess , O.S.B. , St Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth, Devon . Tempest , Miss , Taitlands, Settle, Yorks. L Toke, Leslie A. St L., Bucksford, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent. Toronto, Ontario, Canada . Ontario Legislative Library (A. T. Wilgress, Librarian ), c /o Messrs Allen & Son, 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 Trappes -Lomax, Major Richard , J.P., Allsprings, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancs . Treowen , Major -General the Lord, C.B., C.M.G. , Llanarth Court, Raglan , Monmouthshire. Trinity College Librarv , see Dublin. Trotman, John William . R.I.P. Turnbull , Francis Harold , K.C.S.G. , Angel Hotel, Cardiff. Turnbull , Maurice J. , Egton, 110 Penylan Road, Cardiff. Turville -Petre, Colonel Oswald , J.P. , B.A., Bosworth Hall, Rugby.


Upholland, Wigan, Lancs. St Joseph's College, Very Rev. the President. Urquhart , Francis Fortescue , M.A., Balliol College, Oxford . Ushaw College Library, Durham (Rev. Bernard Payne , B.A., Librarian ) .


Valladolid , Spain

. Rt Rev. the Rector, Colegio de Ingleses .



L Vaughan ,


Major Charles Jerome , O.B.E. , D.L. , J.P. , Courtfield, Ross,

Herefordshire. Vaughan, Rev. Herbert , D.D., Mission House , Brondesbury Park , N.W.6 FL Vaux of Harrowden, The Lord, M.A., Harrowden Hall, Wellingborough , Northants . Victoria Public Library , see Melbourne . Wake, Philip Kenyon, K.S.G. R.I.P. Wales, National Library of, see Aberystwyth . Wallasey Public Libraries (W. Wilson, F.L.A. , Chief Librarian ), Earleston Central Library, Wallasey, Cheshire . Ware. St Edmund's College, Rt Rev. the Rector. Waring, Rev. Cuthbert L., M.A., St Edmund's House, Cambridge . Warrington, Mrs J. Francis, Walton Grange , Wakefield, Yorks. Washington, Georgetown University Library (Rev. Timothy Barrett , S.J. , Librarian ) , Washington D.C., U.S.A. Washington. Library of Congress (Herbert Putnam, LL.D., Litt.D .. Librarian ) , Washington, D.C. , U.S.A., c /o Messrs Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 Weale , J. Cyril M., 60 Bromfelde Road, Clapham , S.W.4 Wedgwood , Mrs Rowland Henry, Mill Lane House , Slindon , Sussex. Weld, Francis Joseph , 32 Weld Road , Birkdale, Southport, Lancs . F Westminster, His Eminence Cardinal Bourne , Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster, S.W.I Westminster Public Libraries, see London . Whelan, Miss Margaret H., B.A., 47 Park Crescent , Undercliff, Bradford, Yorks. White, Thomas, 17 Brynhyfryd Road, Stow Hill , Newport, Mon. L Whitfield , Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O. , Catholic Rectory, Southendon- Sea , Essex . Wigan Free Public Library (Arthur J. Hawkes , F.S.A., A.L.A., Chief Librarian ), Rodney Street, Wigan. Wilcox, George, 58 Breedon Hill Road , Derby. F Williamson, George Charles, Litt.D. , J.P. , Mount Manor House, Mount Street, Guildford , Surrey. Willson, Very Rev. E. Hilary, O.S.B. , The Priory , Easingwold, Yorkshire. Wilson, Edward Geoffrey , Greystones, Kendal. Wilton , R. Cecil , B.A., 31 Charles Street, St James's Square , S.W.I Wimbledon, S.W.19 Wimbledon College, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Wimbledon Public Library (Henry William Bull , F.L.A., Librarian ) , Wimbledon High Road, S.W.19 Wisconsin State Historical Society, see Madison. Wonersh , St John's Seminary Very Rev. the Rector, Wonersh , near Guildford, Surrey. Woodruff , Mrs Cumberland, 87 Woodstock Road, Oxford. FL Woollan, Joseph Henry, Higher Bartenney, St Just in Penwith, Cornwall. Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A., c/o Messrs Allen & Son, Ltd. , 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2 F York Rev. Mother, I.B.V.M. , St Mary's Convent , Micklegate Bar. York Public Library (Arthur Finney, Librarian ) , Museum Street, York . Young, Smelter Joseph , Richmond Park, near Sheffield .






Aberystwith (National Library of Wales), Barrow, Birmingham , Blackburn , Bolton , Brighton , Bristol , Cardiff , Derby, Hendon, Hull, Lancaster, Leeds , Liverpool , London (Fulham, Guildhall , Hammersmith , Kensington, Westminster ) , Manchester, Middlesbrough, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Portsmouth , Preston, Reading, Sheffield, Southampton , Stockport , Wallasey, Wigan , Wimbledon , York. SCOTLAND Edinburgh , Glasgow . IRISH FREE STATE Dublin (National Library). NEW SOUTH WALES Sydney. VICTORIA Melbourne. UNITED STATES Boston (Mass . ) , Chicago (Newberry Library), Cleveland (Ohio) , New York .









Abbotsleigh, Bodmin , Bruges, Hayward's Heath , Hornsey. Ampleforth , Belmont, Bergholt , Buckfast , Colwich, Douai, Downside, Ealing , Fort Augustus, Oulton, Stanbrook, Teignmouth . BRIDGETTINE South Brent . CARMELITE Lanherne. CARTHUSIAN Parkminster . CHARLES, Oblates of St London (Bayswater). CISTERCIAN Mount St Bernard's . DOMINICAN Hawkesyard, London (Haverstock Hill) , Newcastle-on-Tyne, Oxford , Stroud (Glos .). FRANCISCAN Liverpool , London ( Forest Gate ), Panton , South Ascot, Taunton . HOLY CHILD JESUS NUNS St Leonards. INSTITUTE OF B.V. MARY York. INSTITUTE OF CHARITY Ratcliffe . JESUIT Beaumont, Boston College , U.S.A., Brussels , Dublin, Heythrop , Liverpool ( St Francis Xavier) , Manresa , Mount St Mary's , Oxford (Campion Hall) , Preston (St Ignatius ) , St Helens , Stonyhurst , Wimbledon . ORATORIAN Birmingham , London . PREMONSTRATENSIAN Crowle. REDEMPTORIST London (Clapham) . SACRED HEART NUNS Roehampton. SEPULCHRINE NUNS New Hall. SERVITE LONDON (S. Kensington) . URSULINE Edinburgh . VISITATION NUNS Harrow .





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SECULARCOLLEGES Cambridge, Glasgow, Maynooth , Oscott , Rome ( English College and Beda ), Strawberry Hill, Upholland , Ushaw, Valladolid , Wonersh.



Fitzherbert -Brockholes , William Joseph , C.B.E., 21 Jan., æt . 72. Cahill, (Miss) Mary Angela Christine, 22 March, æt. 55. F Tatum, Rev. George Benson , M.A., 27 March, æt. 69. Trappes - Lomax, Helen (Mrs Thomas Byrnand), 15 June, æt. 79. Coulston, Henry Joseph , J.P., 21 July, æt. 62. F Britten , James , K.C.S.G. , F.L.S., 8 Oct., æt. 78. Bequeathed £200 to the Society. Munich, Charles James , F.R.Hist.S., 8 Oct., æt. 63. 1925

F Casartelli, Rt Rev. Charles , 5th Bishop of Salford, 18 Jan., æt. 72. Smith, (Miss ) Ellen, 20 Jan. , æt. 67. Hussey -Walsh, Valentine, April, aæt. 63. Radcliffe, Richard D., 26 April , æt . 83. F Pollen , Rev. John Hungerford, S.J. , 28 April, æt. 66. Andrew, Ellen (Mrs William R.) , 9 Dec. , æt. F Burton, Very Rev. Edwin H. Canon , D.D. , 13 Dec. , Torre - Diaz, Bertha Countess de, 22 Dec. , æt. 77. Loughnan, Ignatius Hamilton , 29 Dec. , æt. 84.

t. 55.


Barton, James, 6 March, æt. 65. Gainsborough , Charles W. Noel, 3rd Earl of, 17 April, æt . 76. Parfitt, His Honour Judge , K.C., 17 May, æt. 68 . Lindsay, William A., K.C., C.V.O. , F.S.A. , Clarenceux King of Arms,

13 Sept. , æt . 80 . Gainsford , William D., J.P. , 4 Oct., æt. 83.

1927 Roskell , Charles John , 7 March, æt . 77. Mawson , Joseph , F.G.S. , 29 April, æt . 97. Kerr, Admiral Lord Walter, G.C.B. , J.P., 12 May, æt. 88. Stevenson , Very Rev. William Canon , 5 Aug., æt. 74. Gainsborough , Arthur Noel, 4th Earl of, 27 Aug., æt. 43 . F Williams , Alfred , J.P., 9 Sept. , æt. 85. Myerscough , Very Rev. Thomas Canon , 14 Sept. , æt. 73. 1928

Tempest , Mrs. Eleanor Blanche , 26 Jan. , æt. 73. Edmondson , Hubert Henry , 20 Jan. , æt . 57.

Keating, Most Rev. Frederick, 2nd Archbishop of Liverpool, 7 Feb.. æt. 65. Walmesley, Very Rev. William Provost, 20 June, æt . 86. Phillipson, Rev. William A., O.S.B. , 11 Sept. , æt. Keily, Rt Rev. John, 4th Bishop of Plymouth, 23 Sept. , æt. 74. 1929

Anderton, Mrs Casilda Ince, 19 Jan. , æt. 81 . F Wainewright, John Bannerman , 29 March, æet. 57. Gasquet , His Eminence Cardinal Aidan, O.S.B. (3rd President) , 5 April, æt . 83. Lacy, Rt Rev. Richard, 1st Bishopof Middlesbrough, 11 April, æt. 83. Broadhead , Rt Rev. Monsignor Joseph , 23 June , æt . 68 . Langtree, Very Rev. Richard Canon, 30 Aug., æt. 74. F Wood , Herbert Maxwell, M.A., F.S.A., F.S.G., 3 Oct. , æt. 61 . Watson, Rt Rev. Mgr Edward John , M.A., 23 Nov., æt. 81.

26 1930

Harding, George, 23 Jan., æt. 69. F Codrington, the Hon. (Mrs.) Mary, 19 Feb. , aæt. 74. Burke, Sir Henry Farnham, K.C.V.O., C.B. , Garter Principal King of Arms, 21 Aug., æt. 71. Turnbull , Philip Bernard, 20 Oct., æt. 51. Farrell , Thomas Frederic, 17 Nov., æt. 81 . 1931

Nolan, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Edmond, 9 Jan. , æt . 73. Burton, Rt Rev. GeorgeAmbrose , 5th Bishopof Clifton , 8 Feb. , æt. 79. Brownbill , John, 20 May, æt. 75. Dunn , Rt Rev. Thomas , 5th Bishop of Nottingham , 21 Sept. , æt . 61. F Hansom , Joseph Stanislaus , Founder of the Society, 7 Nov., æt. 86. Hewins , William A. S., 16 Nov., æt. 66 . 1932

Cary Elwes , Rt Rev. Dudley Charles, 5th Bishop of Northampton, , æt. 64. I May Vassall -Phillips, Rev. Oliver R., C.SS.R. , 8 May, æt. 75. Hunnybun, William Martin , M.A., 22 May, æt. 90. Lenders , Rev. Jules , 17 July, æt . 72. Falkner, John Meade , 22 July, æt . 74. Stafford, Francis E. Fitzherbert , 12th Lord, 18 Sept. , æt. 73. Gaisford -St Lawrence , Julian C. , J.P., 7 Nov., æt. 70. Sheldrake , James E. , 7 Nov. , æt. 70. Reynolds , Col. Sir James P. , Bart . , D.S.O. , M.P. , 12 Dec., æt. 68. 1933

Hook, Rt Rev. Mgr Paul, Ph.D. , 7 March, æt. 51. F Harting , Miss Johanna H., 11 March, æt. 87. Trotman, John W., 27 April , æt. 65. Quick, Joseph L., 12 May, æt. 84. Giles , Francis T., 13 Aug., æt. 75 . Clarkson , William, 10 Aug., æt. 64. Wake, Philip Kenyon, K.S.G., 23 Sept. , æt. 80.

Requiescant in pace.

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