Records Volume 35: Miscellanea

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Publications of the Catholic Record Society


THE Catholic Record Society was founded 10June 1904 , for printing Registers and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales .





No. I.

The Catholic Registers of Little Blake Street Chapel, now St. Wilfrid's, York, 1771-1838 Contributed by the late Joseph S. Hansomand others


The Register

No. II

The Catholic Registers of the Secular Mission in Newcastleupon-Tyne which ultimately became St. Andrew's , from 1765; with Notes on the Early Jesuit Missionsin Gateshead and Newcastle, 1688-1807. Transcribed by the late Rev. Jules Lenders . Edited and Annotated, with Historical Introduction, by James Rae Baterden

No. III.

The Catholic Register of Nut Hill and Hedon in Holderness, East Riding of Yorkshire . Transcribed by J. P. Smith. Edited and Historical Notes by James Rae Baterden




The Mission of St. Wilfrid's, York, the Registers of which are here presented to the public, came into being upon the eve of the rising of 1745 to be exact in 1742when Bishop Edward Dicconson , Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District, placed the Catholics ofYork under the care of the Rev. Thomas Daniel, with the obligation of continuing to serve Linton-on-Ouse, in the parish of Newton-on-Ouse , some ten miles north-west of the city. To provide the historical backgroundto this revival ofnearly two hundredyears ago, we should dowell tomake abrief surveyofCatholicity in Yorkin the centuries precedingit.

Itis certainthat therewas a colony ofRoman Christians ofEboracum , though no actual records survive, nor any established site, of a Christian church in Roman days Definite history begins in early Saxon times with the building by King Edwin in 627 of a wooden church , onthesiteof the present Minster, for his baptismat thehandsof St. Paulinus , the Bishop who ruled York and the surroundingdistrict for eight years Obliged to return to the south when Penda, King of Mercia, overthrewand slew King Edwin, Paulinusleft the see desolate and it remained without a ruler for thirty years A brighter period followed when St. Chad, a monk of Lastingham, and after him St. Wilfrid, shed the lustre of their sancity and zeal upon the diocese . Thiswas almostequalled by the fameand miracles of St. Oswald, who , while required by St. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury and Metropolitan of England, to retain his see ofWorcester , was raised by him to the dignity and responsibility of the Archbishopric of York in 972 . For twenty years he upheld this double charge, and died in Worcester on February 29th, 992 , in the thirty-third year of his episcopate. Coming to the Norman period we find the city of York growing rapidlyinto the same position in the wealth and number of its ecclesiasticalfoundations as it came presentlyto hold in its civil institutions and itspolitical importanceas the capital of the north

First among its eight Religious Houses was the BenedictineAbbeyof St. Mary; then the Priory of the Holy Trinity, also Benedictine , in Micklegate; nuns of the sameOrderwere in a prioryhard by at Clementhorpe, and Austin Friars in the monastery of St. Augustine. There were also communities of Franciscans , Dominicans , and Gilbertines, the latter in the Priory of St. Andrew St. William's " College, " a noble residence for the Minster Clergy, still survives. The number of secular churches, headed by St. Peter's magnificent cathedral, was forty-five; therewere seventeen chapels, other than chantries; sixteen hospitals, some, if not most, of which had their own chapels; not to speak of schools, the foremost being St. Peter's , dating from Saxon days, andrendered famousbythe nameofAlcuin . Simpson'sGuide to York, p 14 History and Antiquities ofYork, in3 Vols , A.Ward, York, 1785, Vol 2, pp. 161-164 . (Mostly drawn from Drake's Eboracum , E.H.W.) Simpson , op cit. , p. 37 .


Religion was thus well provided for, as also the education of the young and the needs of the sick Let us see how the Reformers dealt with these good works. In the first year of the reign of Edward VI the Act of Uniformity of Churches was passed, and nineteen of the forty-five parishes were united to others, their livings being declared insufficient, andmostofthe churches were pulleddown Theseventeen chapels were suppressed excepting two, but the statute was not completely put into execution until 1586, the twenty-eighth year of Elizabeth's reign The sixteen hospitals were alienated, or used for other purposes, but the name of St. Leonard's, the largest and best known, will recur later. From this era of destructionand desolation about onehundredand fiftyyears passedbefore the existence ofapublic chapel for Catholics Who then ministered to the remnant of the faithful during this dismal time ? Clearly, their help must have come from the priests whojourneyedat the riskof their livesthroughout the north of England, more than thirty ofwhom were put to deathordied in prison in York

Notable among these were Fr. Richard Holtby, S.J., who, after a life ofeighty-seven years, fifty-eight ofwhich were spent in the Societyand sixtyin the priesthood, died in May, 1640. Most of his priestly life was passed in Durham but some of it in Yorkshire and probably in York He had hair's-breadthescapes but was never caught, and he is described as" mostcleveras mason, carpenter, gardener, makingexcellenthiding places " He wrote " Relations of Executions in Yorkshire and Durham from 1593 to 1595"*

Fr. James Sharpe, S.J., under the name of Pollard, laboured for three years in Yorkshire before joining the Society After taking his vowshewas again placed there, and he has lefta valuablework entitled , " Recollections of Yorkshire Missions " In it he gives diversexamples of cruel persecution especiallyabout York, and of the constancyof Catholics in the reign of James I, from 1610 to 1614. Along with this record, Fr. Morris preserves a touchingstory in " Notes bya Prisoner in Kidcote, Ousebridge, " byWilliam Hutton, a draperin St. Christopher's parish, York, 1576-1590.

Fr. JohnMushalso finds a place in Fr.Morris' volumes Hewent to Douai in 1579 and after ordination he came to Englandandworkedfor twenty years. To him we owe the " Life of B. Margaret Clitherow , " and its intimate acquaintancewith affairs in York makes us morally certain that he laboured there and in the surrounding district He suffered imprisonment, but was released, anddied in 1617 .

Two other contributory factors in the upholding and even in the spread of the faith in York, during the dark and discouragingdays of persecution , were the foundation of St. Mary's Convent, with its almost unbroken line of Chaplains, and the maintenance of private chapels served byresidentchaplains in the houses ofseveral gentlemen . In 1686 the nuns of the " Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, " or " EnglishLadies," as they were oftencalled, founded bythe Ven Mary Ward, established themselves just outside MicklegateBar, and in this Ward, op. cit, pp. 164-6.

See Fr.John Morris'" Troubles ofour Catholic Forefathers,"which is now the title ofSeries I. Series II was re-published andcalled, " Catholics in York under Elizabeth. " Series III was also re-published and entitled, "Two Missionaries under Elizabeth A Confessor and an Apostate " The remarks ofFr.Sharpe,aliasPollard, andon Fr.Mush, arefromthesesources .

permanent home they maintained a succession of chaplains The mention of this house brings to mind Heworth Hall, close to York , where the holy Foundress had died forty years previously, leaving a small community It struggled on valiantly for five years and was then compelled to leave the country for Paris Heworth remaineda Catholiccentre, having been the home ofsome of the Thwing family, of which two members were priests , and were martyred, Edward in 1660 , and Thomas in 1680. Save Blessed Oliver Plunket, Archbishop of Armagh, he was the lastpriestto be executed in penaltimes.

The chaplains whoministeredto the nuns in " the greathousewithout the Bar" must have also affordedmuch spiritual help and consolation totheCatholics in the city. The names of several have been preserved: Rev. Roger Brockholes , a secular priest, died 1710 , Rev.Grey, S.J., ofwhom norecordexists, and Rev. Thomas Ecclestone (alias Holland), chaplainfor some time under the latter name. He died at St. Omer. After him six Jesuits succeeded one another of whom there is scanty information. They were Revs Edward Sadler, George Thorold, EdwardSaltmarsh , John St. Leger (really Chapman), Ralph Cavendish, and FrancisMannock The last named was a remarkably holy man He died in the Convent in 1748, and was buried in Trinity Church, Micklegate A brass plate was put into his coffin attesting his sanctity

By this time a resident priest had come to the part of the city near Bootham , but before enteringon the storyofhis labours , it is comforting to record the names of several ofthe old northern Catholicfamilieswho had town houses in York and there managed to shelter priests Mrs. More, widow of Thomas More, the last male descendant of Blessed Thomas to marry , or possiblywidow of Christopher Cresacre More,of Barnborough Hall, co. Yorks, who died in 1729 , ten years earlier than Thomas, lived in Colliergate , and for a time Fr. PeterMaire, S.J., was her chaplain Fr. John Platt, S.J., filled the same position in the house in Micklegate of Mr. Selby of BiddlestoneHall, Northumberland . Mr. andMrs. William Knight, of the Old Hall, Kingerby, Lincolnshire, had also a house in York, and Fr. Ignatius Anderson , S.J., ministered to them in either place in 1741 and 1743. To the Meynells of Kilvington, father and son, Fr. Robert Stanfield, S.J., was chaplain both at their country seats and at their houses in Micklegate Other chaplains were Fr. Ambrose Davis, O.S.B., and Fr. Robert Constable , S.J. " In 1743 there appearto have been five or six priestsin the city, one secular, four Jesuits, andone Benedictine , but as two of the Jesuits were at that time old men , it is probablethat the normalworkingnumberwas four"

The names of the Rev. Paul Stevenson and the Rev. John Knaresborough seem to form a link between the seventeenth century with its excessively severe treatment of Catholics , and the eighteenth which dealt rather more leniently with them Canon Ollard, the author quoted above, attributes this slight improvement, which took place between the Stuart risings of 1715 and 1745, to the alarm felt by the Government for the safety of the new Hanoverianline of sovereigns.

So we read in the interesting pages of his " Appendix A , " by Canon Ollard, Vicar ofBainton , E.Yorks, to" Papist Returns, DioceseofYork, 1735,' Bishopthorpe MSS. These Returns were taken at the Annual Visitations of the Archdeaconsfor the informing of Archbishop Blackburne ofYork, and in the instance quoted are supplied by Mr. Mosley, Curate of Holy Trinity, Micklegate .



Fr. Paul Stevenson had come to Englandfrom Douai about the year 1675. He is described as " an able and a witty man," and was appointed Public Preacher in what is named by Kirk the "Clergy Chapel " in York, in the reign of James II. At the Revolution in 1688 he was imprisoned , but was released, and he then lived with Sir Walter Vavasourat Hazlewood and ministeredto the Catholics in that part of Yorkshire He was alive in 1693.*

Fr. John Knaresborough , who died in York, Nov. 9th, 1724 , after labouring there for twenty years, wrote a manuscriptentitled " Sufferings of Catholics , " which was of the greatest value to Dodd when compilinghis History, and also to Bishop Challonerfor his" Missionary Priests . "

We hear next of the Rev. Bryan Tunstall the fourth son of Francis, youngerson of Tunstall of Wycliffe, Yorkshire. He was educated at Douai and after his ordination worked for several years in Flanders. He then came to England, and after the death of Fr. Knaresborough was appointedto York. Kirk in his sketch of him says: " He resided at Chapel House ' in Little BlakeSt." This we cannottake to mean more than a priest's house with a chapel in some part of it, forthe accepted tradition is that there was no public chapel until a quarter of a century later. Fr. Tunstall was Vicar General to Bishop Dicconson , a member of the Chapter, and Agent for the Clergy of Yorkshire. He died in York, June 1st, 1742 .

He was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas Daniel, who came of an old Lancashire family. He was born March 20th, 1714, made his studies atDouaiand was ordained there Hereturned to EnglandAugust 5th , 1740, and was placed by BishopDicconson atLinton-on-Ouse On the deathof Fr. Tunstall he was appointedto the newlyestablished mission in York, where he took up his residence at the " Chapel House , " and served the districtwhile also attending to the needsofLinton, ten miles away, at the express wish of his Superior. He was Vicar General to Bishop Petre whoalso seems to have resided fora time at Linton. Like his predecessor he was a member of the Chapter, and was Agent for the Society of Yorkshire Clergy, or " Yorkshire Brethren," as theyare styled to-day Tradition says that he built the first public chapelin Little Blake Streetin the year 1760.§ For anotherten years hedevoted himself to the building up of the parish, and passed to his reward on August 25th, 1770

The connectionbetween the ancient mission of Linton and the one newly founded in York deservesto be put on record here Throughout the latter half of the seventeenth century, and perhaps from an even earlier date, the little hamlet of Linton, on the extreme west of the parish of Newton-on-Ouse, had been an outpost of Catholicity in penal times, upheld by the zeal ofa staunchfamilyof recusants ofthe nameof Appleby. One of the earliest superioressesofthe Bar Convent, Mother Mary Appleby, was a member of this family, being the daughter of Mr. Thomas Appleby, by his wife Helen, daughter of Sir Thomas Gascoigne of Parlington, a constant friend and benefactor of the

* Kirk, Biographiesof English Catholics of the Eighteenth Century, 1909 , p. 219 Kirk, op cit (note by J. H.P.), p 146

Kirk, BiographiesofEnglish Catholics of18th century, p 237

Old English Catholic Missions, J. O. Payne, London, Burns and Oates , 1889 , page79 .


community. The Appleby family became extinct in the male line in 1743 preciselyat the date when the York Missionsaw the restoration of a chapel for its adherents Canon Ollard, quoting the " Returns of Papists " for Newton-on-Ouse, says there was a " Mass House " at Lintonin this parish. The Vicars Apostolic of the district made itat times a place of residence and it seems to have been the homeoftheir VicarsGeneral as well The history ofthis interestingMissionmaybe foundin C.R.S., Vol xvii, p 423 et seq , and Vol xxviii, p 153. Ollard gives the number of Catholics in 1706 as 35, in 1733 as 22 andin 1735 as 20

The next incumbent after Fr. Daniel was the Rev. John Lonsdale , born in 1736 , who is probably identical with the J. L. mentioned in the Seventh Douay Diary, C.R.S., Vol xxviii, p. 266 and note, as the son of Richard Lonsdale and Mary (Thornburgh) his wife. Heisthere statedto beofthe dioceseofChester (then comprising Lancashire ) and as taking the College oath, September 18th, 1763, at the age of twentyseven Wherehe first served on the mission is not known, but that he had charge of the Chapel ofLittle Blake Street soon after Mr. Daniel is proved by his signature , dated January 12th, 1771, tothe firstentryin theregister ofthe present St. Wilfrid'schurch Hediedin 1776.

The Rev. John Douglass succeededhim Bornin December, 1743, he went to Douai and took the College oath in 1764. He taught there with distinction, and also at Valladolid, but returned to England in 1773 and was appointed to Linton Three years later he took up residence in York where he laboured assiduously until 1790, when he was consecrated Bishop at the chapel of LulworthCastle, as V. A. of theLondonDistrict In 1794he opposed the action ofthe " Cis-alpine Club. " In 1795 he established the ecclesiastical College ofSt. Edmund at Old Hall, by placing there Dr. Gregory Stapleton and his band of students from the English College at St. Omer His health began to fail and in 1799 he applied to Rome for a coadjutor, but it was not until 1803 that Bishop Poynterwas nominatedto the post. Hedied in 1812 , leaving a high reputation for zeal and holiness . *

Followingon the departureofFr.Douglass therewas a short breakin the successionof Rectors in the YorkMission , lasting till October, 1791 . It seems not unlikely that the Rev. William Croskellministeredduring the interval though not named among the Rectors , for Payne (p 79) states that he resided at Blake StreetChapel about this time

The Rev. John Gillow became Rector in October, 1791. He was of the well known Lancashire family, and was destined to add his own measure of honour to the name . The necessity for a larger chapel was apparent , and the next few years were devotedby him to gathering bypublic subscriptionthe means for raisinga more ample andbefitting structure. The year in which it was opened is not on record but tradition points to 1802. Neither do we know who performed the opening ceremony, who assisted at it, nor on what day it took place It would be pleasant to suppose that the feast of St. Wilfrid, October12th, was the day chosen since it was certainly dedicated inhis name and the parish placed under his patronage , and this for reasons sufficientlyapparentto be well worthour consideration .

Of the six acknowledged Saints whom we know to have ruled the district, St. Paulinus, St. Chad, St. Wilfrid, St. John of Beverley, Gillow, BiographicalDictionary ofEnglish Catholics


St. Oswald and St. William, St. Wilfrid stands forth pre-eminent as well for the length of his rightful possession of the see (exactly fortyyears though several times driven from it), as for the results he achieved . He established the authorityand discipline of Rome, and developed monastic life in accordance with the rule of St. Benedict throughout Northumbria, and this in the face of opposition and downright persecution , such as would have daunted a less courageous spirit, or a soul lesson fire with a zealforGod, forjustice, andthewelfareoftheChurch Nowonderthat even before the Conquest, at a datenotmorethan three hundred years from his saintly death in 709, a church and parishin York bore his name . It is recorded in Domesday Book that a church dedicated to the Saint existed in the city, and it is spoken ofas an ancient rectory, given by Richard, son of Fin, to the Abbey of St. Mary, York. The community had the patronage and received outofit an annual pension ofhalf a markpayablebythe Rector . *

Asit happens, this ancientchurchstood only a stone's throwfrom the present St. Wilfrid's, on thespace between the modernBlakeStreetand Lendal, occupying, with its churchyard, almost the whole of it. The judges' lodgings in Lendal stand within the precincts on the south , as dotheAssemblyRooms andotherpublic buildingsonthenorth,fronting the street originally called " Bleake Strete," because it faced the north blasts From this ran a narrow lane, called Lop, Lob or Loup Lane, between the present theatre and St. Wilfrid's on one side, and arow of ancient houses on the other These were demolished when Duncombe Place was opened out and gave a new name to the locality At the passing of the Act of Union of Churches (1 Edward VI) previously mentioned , this old parish of St. Wilfrid was united to that of St. Michael-le-Belfry, with the restriction that if the parishioners should think fit to rebuild their church, the parish should remain as before. By the middle of the eighteenthcentury the site of churchand churchyard, as alreadysaid, had been built over orturned into gardens

Of the dimensions of the second chapel there is no record, but a reference to it in Kelly's Historical Dictionary of English Catholic Missions says: "It was of modern architecture and much admired for elegance, " and that " the organ cost £500, " page 455. Its orientation is indicated in a statementin a tablet to the memoryoftheRev. Benedict Rayment, placed at the lower end ofthe westernaisle, that he was buried in the chapel near that spot From this it wouldseem that in regard to the present church the direction of the second chapelwas diagonalfrom south-west to north-east, i.e. from the tablet referredto to a point somewhat below the present pulpit, with the priest's house and two others, mentionedin the deeds still extant, on the south and east, facing Lop Lane or Little Blake Street, in which they are said to have stood This site, with those of the theatre and the modern St. Leonard's as far as Bootham, formed part of the Liberty of St. Leonard'sHospital.§ In rebuilding the theatrein 1902 , the Norman vaultings ofSt. Peter's Hospital, as it was named until King Stephen rebuilt it and dedicated it afresh to St. Leonard, were, with the ex-

Ward, History and Antiquities of York, p 374 Ward, op. cit , pp 374-7 . London, KeganPaul, Trench and Trübner , 1907 . § Ward, History andAntiquities of York, pp 362-73 .


ception of one bay, unfortunately destroyed The ancient well of the Hospital still remains belowthe stage of the theatre . *

Thus, by the providence of God, the Catholicrevival, consummated in the new chapel and its stately successor to-day, is linked to the foundationsofour Catholicforefathersas farback as Norman and even Saxon days.

There is good reason to suppose that by this time Mr. Gillow, as he wouldthen be called, had the assistance of the Rev.William Croskellas curate . The growth ofthe parish, and the additional burden ofbuilding anxieties , would call for some help, and it is noticeable thatatthevery dateatwhichMr. Gillow'sincumbencycame to an end ,Mr. Croskellwas appointed chaplain at St. Mary's Convent This was in June, 1811 , when Mr.Gillow becamePresident of Ushaw College, and asis customary aDoctoratewas conferred uponhim. He held the post forfifteen years and fulfilled his duties to the great satisfactionof Bishop Gibson . He died July 6th, 1828 , aged 75 .

The Rev. Benedict Rayment, who had replaced him in 1811 , was bornatWorcesterin 1764, and was the second son of Thomas Rayment, Esq., by his marriagewith a daughterof BenedictConquest of Irnham Hall, Lincolnshire Mr. Rayment was ordainedDec., 1788, at Douai and workedin Flanders during the FrenchRevolution On returning to England he was appointed chaplain at Lartington Hall. rectorshipin Yorklastedthirty-one years, and he was Vicar Generalto Bishop Smith His tastes were literary and he translated from the Frenchseveral worksofinstruction and devotion HediedMarch23rd , 1842 , aged 78 . His

The building of a church for the Catholiccommunity in York to replace Dr. Gillow's chapel was in contemplation , and on a scale that called for elaborate preparations Catholic Emancipation had been achieved some ten years earlier, the second chapel no longer sufficed for thegrowthofthe flock, andit was time forthe Catholicbodytoshowits strength and determination before its fellow-citizens of York. This is evidentfrom a circular preserved in the archives ofSt. Wilfrid's, dated May 28th, 1839, telling us of" A Meetingof the Junior Members ofthe CatholicCongregation ofthe CityofYorkandthe Neighbourhoodheld in the Schoolroom on Monday, May 27th, 1839." The Rev. William Fisher was in the Chair and a resolution was unanimouslyadoptedto the following effect: "That a Society be nowformed having for its object the beautifying of the intended York Catholic Church with stained glass windows . " Nineother resolutions forthe appointmentof aCommitteeandof Collectors, the Rules of Procedure, etc. follow , with the signature : WilliamFisher, Chairman, York, May 28th, 1839 . This document reveals the further fact thatbythistimeMr.Rayment had a curate. He was already advanced in age and died three years later as we have said Though preparationsfor the fitting decoration of the church when built may have gone forward, the building ofthe new St. Wilfrid's did not eventuate for another twenty years. The Rev. Thomas Billington who now succeeded was quite in agreement with the intentions of his predecessor Kelly, as quoted by Payne (p. 81), tells us that in 1842 Bishop Briggs andtheHon.William Stourton resolved on the erection " of a really fine church" Unlooked for Sampson's Guide to York, p. 4 . Gillow, Biographical Dictionary ofCatholics


difficulties arose in the same year to thwart the plan The influx into the city of hundreds of Irish labourers driven from theirhomes by the appalling famine, and theirsettling for the most part about Walmgate, ata considerable distance from St. Wilfrid's, in a quarter where thecity was expanding, called for a church in their midst. The first steps for providing them with a school and temporary chapel were taken byMr. Billington, but he did not live to accomplish more He died in October, 1847 , having acted, as did so many of his predecessors, as Vicar General to his Bishop. " He was greatly esteemed in the city, and at hisdeath the Minster bell was tolled by orderof the Dean whopublicly referredto the deceased as a Christian gentleman , much to the annoyance of the Churchand StateGazette " It was he whoplaced the registers now publishedatthe disposal of the RegistrarGeneral when in 1840 he made his appeal to the Rectors ofall parishes,Non-Catholicas well as Catholic, to allow such valuabledocuments to be transferredto Somerset House , where their preservation would be safeguarded and they would be made available for public use Transcripts were made and were sentin exchange to such parishes as acceded tothe request

The Rev. Joseph Render was the next incumbent Born in Yorkshire, 1802 , he made his studies at Ushaw College and was ordained priest in 1825. Afterfillingthe office of Prefect of Studies for a yearhe was placed on the mission at Stockton-on-Tees in 1826 Four years later he was moved to St. Charles' , Hull, and on the death of Mr. Billington in 1847 Bishop Briggsappointedhim to York He at once took up the burden left him by his predecessor A site for a church , presbyteryand schools was secured in the centre ofthe newly populated area nearto the spot where there had stood in pre-Reformationdaysa church dedicated to St. George This naturally led to this Saint being chosen as titular patron of the newfoundation Here during thenext eight years Mr. Rendergave generously of his time and energy, overlooking the workof building, directing the beginningof the newparish and ministering to its needs, whilst still attending to those of St. Wilfrid's. In 1855 St. George's was made independentofthemother churchand was placed undera Rectorofits own, so settingMr. Render free to give his undivided attention to his own parish and to take in handthefinal preparationsfor the long delayed building ofthenew St.Wilfrid's Thenecessaryfundswere gatheredand in July, 1862,the old dilapidated chapel was removed and the present church begun. Designed byMr.George Goldie in the FrenchGothic style, it is a credit both to him and to the city of his birth Though overshadowed from some points of view by the great towers and the lofty roofs ofthe Minsteritcan holdits ownwhen viewed at close quarters, as a structure at once dignified, worthyofits purpose, and worthy ofthe city Inthe stained glass windows over the high altar, proposed, as we saw, bythe Junior Members of St. Wilfrid's Congregation as far back as the year 1839, St. Wilfrid and the other BishopSaints who ruled the diocesein Saxon, Danish and Norman days are fittingly represented It was opened by CardinalWiseman , June 2nd, 1864, amidst a greatgathering of the northern clergy and laity including most of the Catholic Bishops andnobility . By this time Bishop Cornthwaite had succeeded Bishop Briggs as Kelly, p 455 . Kelly, p 456


second BishopofBeverleyin the re-established hierarchy, and in 1869 he obtained for Father Render from Rome the dignity of Doctor of Divinity. *

Onthedivisionofthe dioceseof Beverleyin 1878 , thelesserhalfofthe cityof York , which lies south of the Ouse and forms part of the West Riding of Yorkshire, was attached to the diocese of Leeds, while the greater half, on the northern and eastern side, inwhich bothSt. Wilfrid's and St. George's parishes lie, was aggregated to the dioceseof Middlesbrough comprising the North and East Ridings of the county. The Rev. RichardLacy, whoformanyyears had laboured in Middlesbrough and had built a noble church dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour , was consecrated first Bishop of the Diocese, December 18th, 1879. One of his first acts was to nominate Dr. Render a Canon and Provost of the Chapter This well merited honour he did not long enjoy. He died only two years later, August 27th, 1881 , in his 79th year, leaving a notable memorial of his zeal and energy in the two churches he had raised to God's honour and glory. His successor , Rev. William Browne, had been Provost of the Nottingham diocese underBishop Bagshawe before he came into the Middlesbroughdiocese and was appointed to St. Wilfrid's His Rectorship was brief and uneventful, for he died at the comparatively early age of 56 in the January of 1887 . In contrastto him the next incumbentwas destined to rule the parish for the unprecedented term of thirty-three years This was Fr. Charles Dawson, a Yorkshire man bybirth. Born in 1845, hereceived his education at Ushawand was ordainedthere in 1869. He was first placed as a curate in Sheffield and then for a while as curate at St. Wilfrid's . Shortly after his consecration , Bishop Lacy summoned Fr. Dawson from York to make him Administrator of his Cathedral , a post he held from 1880 to 1887. In the latteryear on thedeath of Fr. Browne he returned to St. Wilfrid's as Rector Already a Canon , he later became Vicar General andProvost of the Chapter. In 1905 Pope Pius X made him a Domestic Prelate, a dignityhe enjoyed for the remainingfifteen years of his life He died on Feb. 2nd, 1920 , at the age of 75, leavingthe reputation of a zealous pastorand a capable admistrator devoted not merely to the spiritual interestsand tothe well-being of his flock but to the interests in a wider sphere ofall his fellow-citizens. He was succeeded by the present Rector, Rev. John Chadwick, who had assisted him as curate in his declining years Born in 1875, educated at Ushawand ordained there in 1904 , hefilled the post ofSecretaryto the Bishopbefore his appointmentas curateat St.Wilfrid's.

After five years as Rector, when the missions in England were canonicallyerected into parishes, he became the first Parish Priest of St. Wilfrid's, and on June 25th, 1931 , he was nominated a Canon by Bishop Shine, who had now succeeded Bishop Lacy To him we are indebtedforthe opportunity of publishingthe Registers ofLittle Blake Street Chapel, York, now St. Wilfrid's, Duncombe Place, from theyear 1771 to 1838. This enables the Society to complete the record of Catholicity in York in the seventeenth, eighteenthand the early years ofthe nineteenthcenturies , givenin its fourth volume, Miscellanea IV , 1907. This is contained in three contributions, Nos IX, X and XI, made by the late Mr. Joseph S. Hansom , entitled respectively, 'The * Gillow, op. cit , p.405 .


Nuns of the Institute of Mary at York from 1677 to 1825 , ' ' Papist Returnsfor the Cityof York and Part of the Ainsty, 1735 , ' and ' The Catholic Registers ofYork BarConventChapel, 1771-1826. '


The Register transferred to the keeping of the Registrar General , Somerset House, by the Rev. Thomas Billington in the year 1840 , when a transcript was given in exchange, consists of two portionswhich were originally bound together in marbled boards, with brown buckram back. On arrival at the Registrar'sOffice the volumeappears tohave been put into a fresh case, having cloth sides and vellum back and corners, labelled on the back" Yorks 422." Inside the coveris pasted the official certificate On the fly-leaf, which is of larger size paper, is written : " Register of Births and Baptisms kept at the Catholic Chapel in Little Blake Street in the City of York commencingin the year 1771 and ending in the year 1837" [1838added in pencil].

The volumeis made up of two portions Thefirstis of white paper, the pages measuring 12 x 8 ins , unruled, with an inch ruled off in red ink on each side. The date is placed in the left hand columnand the name concerned in the entryin the right hand column Both sides of the paper are written on The last leaf is blank and a leaf has been torn out immediately preceding it There is no paging and it commences at the top, withoutheading , with the entryof Jan. 13 , 1771 . The secondportion is 14 x9 ins , and consequently underlaps thefirst This also is ofunruledwhite paper, the exposed edges being very dirty. Margins are ruled on either side as in the earlier part. The first leaf has at the top " Baptismal Register from Jan 1 1828 , " but is otherwise blank The entries commence at the top of page 2, on the backofthe first page, with the entryof" Fredericus T. R. Fell, " which is faint and dirty. The tops ofthe firsttwo leaves are very soiled. The last page ofwritinghas theentries thrown intoa tabular form; following this is a blank leaf and then the original cover.

The last entry in Part I is dated 1 Dec., 1827, and is immediately followed by a small certificate of five lines at the bottom of the page whichrunsasfollows: - We certify that this is one of the Registers or Records deposited in the General Register Office, pursuant to the Act of the 4th Victoria, Cap. 92

John Bowring

Thomas Rees

John Shoveller Commissioners

The last entry in Part II is dated 25th March, 1838, and is at the bottom of the page, which is filled. From Jany. 5th to that date the entries are made in the columnar or tabular form reprobated by Mr. Hansom in hisnote to the Registers of Hammersmith, Vol XXVI, p 67, as not always indicating legitimacy or the name of the minister Fortunately neitherdefect is noticeable here, the alteration cominginto useatso latea date and affectingonly three months of the whole period of 60 years. The transcription is almostentirely the work of Mr. Hansom , whoasa member ofa familylongresidentin Yorkwas naturally interestedinit



A letter to him from the lateMonsignorProvostDawson, dated 15 Aug., 1910 , indicates that the first steps towards the publication weretaken at that date. A valedictory note in his own hand, dated 29th Sept., 1921 , following the last entryfor the year 1830, tells us that he feltno longerequalto thelabour Hehadcompleted 60 years out of the67to which the Registers run and expresses a hope that someone will be found to finish it This was eventually undertaken by Miss Amy Spark, and at a later datewas brought toits completionby Miss Lilian Durkin The final editorship, implying the collation of the transcription with theoriginalsat Somerset House, was carriedout attherequest of Canon Chadwick by the author of the Introduction, who, in this connection , wishes to acknowledge the material assistance he received therefrom Mr. Patrick Woods, of the Registrar General's Department It will be observed that there is no Register of Marriages in the following transcript, the reason being that apparently none was kept at St. Wilfrid's prior to 1837, the year in which the celebration of marriages in a licensed Catholic church was legalised and accepted for civil purposes

[Page 1]

Jan: 13


Anno Millesimo Septingentesimo primo Petr: Brodell die decima tertia Januarii, Baptizatus est Petrus filius Petri & [blank] Brodell conjugum, patrinis Roberto Hewetson & Joanna Swale, a me J. Lonsdale, Mission: Apost

EodemAnno 1771 die 22ª Januarii, Eboraci Joan: Stout Baptizatus est Joannes filius Joannis & Elizabethæ Stout conjugum, patrinis Gulielmo Burley & Sarah Smallpage per procuratricem Annam Taylor, a me Thoma Ferby, Miss Ap

27 EodemAnno, die vigessimaSeptimamensis Tho: Pecket Januarii Eboraci Baptizatus est Thomas , filius Thomæ & Elizabethæ Peckett conjugum, patrinis Richardo Hansom & Margarita Tompson J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap.

[Having given three specimens of the entries, with two wasteful margins, therest are closed up]

Eodem Anno 1771, die octava mensis Februarii , Eboraci Baptizatus est Jacobus filius Joannis & Annæ Consitt conjugum , patrinis Leonardo Metcalfe & Maria Byrne, a me J. Lonsdale Ap: Mis:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 17ª Februarii , Eboraci Baptizata est Isabella, filia Roberti & Annæ Atkinson conjugum, patrinis Carolo Hill & Anna Hunt, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 4ª Aprilis, Eboraci Baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Joannis & Sarah Walker conjugum, matrina Elizabetha Spence, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Eodem Anno, die 5a Apr : Baptizata est Maria filia [blank], matrinaAnnaTasker, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 24 mensis Aprilis Eboraci Baptizataest Catharina, pridie nata ex Caroli & Catharina Thorpe conjugibus, patrinis Roberto Lakeland & Sara Smallpage per procuratricem Maria Hutton, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Apost :

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 8a mensis Maii Eboraci Baptizata est Catharina filia Jacobi & Annæ Henderson conjugum, patrinis Thoma Jackson per procuratorem Thomã Henderson & Francisca Barret, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 8a Julii, Baptizata est Anna, filiaGeorgii & Mariæ Gibson conjugum, patrinis Michaele Walton per procura-

* See C.R.S. iv, p. 274, note Michael Walton was brother of Bishop Walton, V.A.N.D. , who died in York, Feb. 26 , 1780, aged 64, and wasburied at St. Michael-le-Belfry Mary G. was his sister .


torem Josephum Lodge & Elizabetha Gibson, a me Thoma Ferby Mis : Apos: [2] Anno Millesimo Septingentesimoprimo die 6ª Augusti, Eboraci Baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Roberti & Elizabethæ Consitt conjugum, patrinis Christophoro Sympson & Maria Consitta me Thoma Ferby Miss: Apos:

EodemAnno1771, die 6ª Aug: Eboraci Baptizatus estFranciscus , filius Patricii & Mariæ Byrne conjugum, patrinis Joanne Bruce & [blank] Consitt. a me Thoma Ferby Mis: Apos:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 15 Augusti, Eboraci Baptizata est Anna, pridie nata ex Richardo & Jana Hargate conjugibus, patrinis Gulielmo Wilkinson & Elizabetha Scot, a me Thoma FerbyMiss: Apos:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 26ª Augusti , Eboraci Baptizataest Elizabetha, filia Thomæ & Annæ Gerard conjugum, patrinis Georgio Crawford & Martha Wilkinson, a Jo: Lonsdale Miss : Apos.

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 29ª Augusti , in vico dicto Heworth Baptizata est Maria, pridie nata ex Georgio & Maria Thwing conjugibus, patrinis Georgio Gibson & Anna Bond, a me Thoma Ferby Miss : Apos:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 12ª Septembris, Baptizatus est Joannes , pridie natus ex Thoma & MariaReily conjugibus, patrinis Henrico Turner & Maria Tasker, a J. Lonsdale, Miss : Apost:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 17 Septembris, Eboraci baptizatus est Josephus , natus ex Bartholomeo & Louisa Colpiconjugibus, natione Italis, patrinis Josepho & Maria Scasochia, Italis, a J. Lonsdale Miss: Apost:

Eodem Anno 1771, die 22 Septembris, Lintoni Baptizatus est Jacobus , filius Joannis & Mariæ Lambert, patrinis Gulielmo Dawson & Anna Chambers , a J. Lonsdale Miss : Ap:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 4 Octobris, Eboraci Baptizatus_est Josephus, die 2ª ejusdem mensis natus ex Francisco & Anna Hunt conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Bruce & Anna Barwick, a J. Lonsdale Miss: Apost:

Eodem Anno 1771 , die 21ª Octobris, Eboraci Baptizata estMaria , filiaThomæ& Brigittæ Williams conjugum, matrina Maria Ridley, a J. LonsdaleMiss : Apost : [3] Anno Millesimo Septingentesimo primo, die IIª Novembris , Eboraci Baptizatus est Jacobus Benjaminus, eodem die natus ex Benjamino & Maria Goodwin conjugibus, patrinis Jacobo Heatley

Richard Hargitt and Jane Mills, both of the parish of St. Mary le Belfry, were married there by licence 3 Oct. 1769 (Yorks. Par. Reg. Soc., xi, 306) Anne became a lay sister at YorkBar Convent, whilst her eldersister, Mary Hargitt, joinedthe Sepulchrines at Liége (C.R.S. iv, 363 and xvii, 31).

See C.R.S. iv, pp 354-5, also pp 371, note, and 375 ,par 3 .

As stated in the IntroductionMr. Lonsdalewas servingthe congregation ofLinton -on-Ouse as well as Little Blake St. Chapel, York. A comparisonof the Linton Registers printed in Vol. xvii, C.R.S. , with the York Register, throwslightuponmany ofthe families to be metwithineither.


per procuratorem Jacobum Henderson & Anna Cowper, a J. Lonsdale Miss : Ap: [1772]

Anno Millesimo Septingentesimo secundo die 10 Januarii, Eboraci, Baptizatisunt gemelli, nati pridieex Joanne& Elizabetha Warham [conjugibus above], scilicet Jacobus, cui patrini fuerunt

Jacobus & Elizabetha Watson; & Joannes , cui patrini fuerunt

Jacobus Atkinson& Dorothea Buck, a J. Lonsdale, Miss Apos

Anno 1772, die 16 Februarii , Eboraci Baptizata estFrancisca ,die 12ª nata ex Roberto & Francisca Watson conjugibus, patrinus

Roberto Anderson & Elizabetha Turpin, a. J. Lonsdale Miss. Apos

Anno 1772 , die 5e mensis Martii, Eboraci Baptizata est Helena, nata die 19 Febr: ex Francisco & Helena Consitt conjugibus, patrinis Jacobo Bowton & Helena Consitt a J. Jonsdale Miss: Apos

Anno 1772, die 10 Maii, Tolertonix Baptizata est Maria, 4ªnata ex Thoma &AnnaStott conjugibus, patrinisSimoneTasker& Elizabetha Chapman, a J. Lonsdale Miss : Apos

Anno 1772, die 13ª mensis Maii, Nayburni Baptizataest Margarita, nata die 11ª ex Roberto & Sarah Charnock conjugibus, patrinisSimone Tasker & MariaDelsean , a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap

Anno 1772 ,die 31 Maii, Eboraci Baptizata est Elizabetha, nata die 27 aprilis ex Benjamino & Anna Renderson conjugibus, patrinis MatheoWilcox & Anna Murdent , a J. Lonsdale Mis. Ap.

Anno 1772, die 4 Augusti , Eboraci Baptizata est Maria, nata eodem die ex Jacobo et Anna Brown conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Warham & MariaWilson, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1772, die ga Augusti , Eboraci Baptizatus est Joannes , natus die 6 ex Joanne & SaraWalker conjugibus, patrini Thoma Spence & Anna Powel, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap: [4] Anno millesimo septingentesimo secundo, die 21ª mensis Augusti, Eboraci baptizata est Elizabeth, filia Matthei & SaraSnow conjugum, patrinis Georgio Colbeck & Sara Stonehouse , a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos

Anno 1772 , die 13ª Septembris, Eboraci Baptizatus est Petrus, pridie natus ex Richard & Maria Mountain conjugibus, patrinisLuca Ward & Jana Hargate, a J. LonsdaleMis: Ap:

Anno 1772, die 2ª Septembris, Eboraci baptizata est Margarita , die 13ª nata ex Joanne& Jana Moustier conjugibus, patrinisOswald Gray& Anna Taylor, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1772 , die 31ª Octobris, Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes, pridienatus ex Joanneet Anna Consittconjugibus, patrinis Roberto & Helena Consitt, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

* Tollerton lies about three miles north of Linton The name Tasker is still found there, see C.R.S.xvii, p 441 (Stott) Nayburn, now Naburn, six miles S.E. ofYork, was, like Linton, a stronghold of Catholicitysupported by the Palmes family, see C.R.S. iv, pp. 372 , notes See C.R.S.iv, pp 378, note, and 393, note (Colbeck).


Anno 1772, die 10 Novembris, Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus , die 3ª natus ex [blank] Murphyconjugibus, patrinisJacobo Thomas & Maria Perry, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1772 , die 15ª Novembris, Eboraci baptizatus est Georgius Josephus , eodem die natus ex Georgio & Anna Russel, conjugibus, patrinis Henrico Anderson & Anna Crawford, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1772 , die 18 Novembris, Eboraci Baptizatus est Maria, nata eodem die ex Fransisco & Anna Hunt conjugibus, matrina Maria Driffield, a J. LonsdaleMis: Ap:

Anno 1772, die 19ª Novembris, Eboraci baptizata est Jana, filia Thomæ & Elizabethæ Gibson conjugum, patrinisMichaeleTompson & Sara Stonehouse , a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1772, die 27 Novembris, Eboraci Baptizataest Anna,filia Joannis& Anna Graves conjugum, patrinisGeorgioGibson& Elizabetha Agar, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos: [5] Anno 1772 , die 6ª Decembris, Eboraci Baptizatus est Gulielmus, natus die 1ª ex Petro & Elizabetha Brodell conjugibus, patrinis OswaldoGray* & Alicia Gourard, a me J. LonsdaleMis: Apos

Anno 1772, die 6ª Decembris, baptizata est Elizabeth, nata die 30 Novembris ex Thoma & Elizabetha Spence conjugibus, patrinis Thoma Hill & Jana Firby, a me J. Lonsdale Miss : Apos.

Anno 1772 , die 13ª Decembris, Eboraci baptizatus est Carolus, natus die 6 ex Gulielmo & Anna Arundel conjugibus, patrinis Gulielmo Linton & Elizabetha Greenwood, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:


Anno millesimo septingentesimo tertio, die 14a mensis Januarii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Thomas, natus die 12ª ex Joanne & Elizabetha Stout conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Preston & Maria Hutton, a meJ. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1773, die 21 Januarii, Eboraci baptizata est Catharina , pridie nata ex Thoma & .. . Reynoldson conjugibus, matrina Maria Wallis , a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos

Anno 1773, die 24 Januarii, Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes, natus 17ª ex Roberto & Elizabetha Mountain conjugibus, patrinis Thoma Atkinson & Clementina Boutals, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap

Anno 1773, die 7 Februarii , Eboraci baptizata est Maria, nata die 29 Jan: ex Gulielmo & Maria Kirby conjugibus, patrinis Georgio Colbeck & Sara Bentley, a me J. LonsdaleMis Ap

Anno 1773, die 21ª Februarii , Eboraci baptizatus est Laurentius, pridie natus ex Carolo & Catharina Thorpe conjugibus, patrinis Michaele Tompson& Anna Pickering, a me J. LonsdaleMis: Apos

Anno 1773, die 7 Martii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Robertus , natus die 26 Febr: ex Patricio & Mary Byrne conjugibus, patrinis Francisco Bricknall& Helena Consitt, a me J. Lonsdale Miss Apost. [6] Anno 1773, die 28 Martii, baptizata est Eboraci Maria, nata

* See C.R.S. iv, p 378, note (Gray).


die 22ª ex Roberto & Anna Atkinson conjugibus, patrinis Michaele Hickson & AnnaTaylor, a J. LonsdaleMis: Apost

Anno 1773, die 4ª mensis Maii, Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes , pridie natus ex Richardo & Jana Hargate conjugibus, patrinis

Henrico Anderson & AnnaDarley, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1773, die ga mensis Maii, Eboraci baptizatus est Franciscus , natus die 4 ex Thoma & Elizabetha Peckett* conjugibus, patrinis

Joanne Preston& Elizabetha Linton, a J. LonsdaleMiss.Ap.

Anno 1773, die 22 Maii, Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes, pridie natus ex Thoma & Maria Bolland conjugibus, patrinis Michaele Tompson& Dorothea Calvert, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos

Anno 1773, die 17ª Junii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Thomas, natus die 11ª Maii ex Thoma & Maria Reilly conjugibus, patrinis Georgio Marshall & Elizabetha Matson, a J. Lonsdale Miss Apos

Anno 1773, die 13" Junii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Thomas, natus die [1 x out] 8 ex Francisco & Helena Consitt conjugibus, patrinis Gualterio Gleddell & Elizabetha Gleddall per procuratricem Elizabetham Aland, a J. Lonsdale, Mis : Apos

Anno 1773, die 16a Junii, Eboraci Baptizata est Anna, nata 27ª Maii et Matheo & Alicia Warren conjugibus, patrinisJoanne Smith & Elizabetha Silburn , a J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1773, die 20ª Septembris, Eboraci Baptizataest Jana , nata ex Jacobo& Anna Hendersonconjugibus, patrinis Rich. Wilbore& Anna Cowper, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos

Anno 1773, die 28 Septembris, Eboraci BaptizataestAnnaMaria , nata die ... ex Roberto & Maria Wallisconjugibus, patrinis Josepho Reynoldson & Elizabetha Agar per procuratricem Annam Barret, A. J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos


Anno 1773 , die 18 Octobris, Eboraci Baptizataest Juditha , pridie nata ex Joanne & Elizabetha Warham conjugibus, patrinis Petro Wilson & Elizabetha Matson, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos.

Anno 1773, die 21 Novembris, Eboraci Baptizatus est Josephus, natus ex Richardo & Maria Mountain conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Preston & Elizabetha Linton, a J. Lonsdale Miss. Apos.

Anno 1773, die 29ª Novembris, Eboraci Baptizataest Elizabetha , pridie nata ex Joanne & Susanna Smith conjugibus, patrinis Francisco Hunt & Maria Driffield, a J. Lonsdale Miss. Apos.

Anno 1773, die 4ª Decembris, Eboraci Baptizata est Catharina Anna pridie nata ex Joanne Alberto& Helena Audair conjugibus, patrinis Georgio Colbeck& MariaTasker, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos. [1774]

Anno millesimo septingentesimo septuagesimo quarto, die 12ª mensis Januarii, Eboraci Baptizataest Clementina, filia Joannis & Annæ Consitt, patrinis Patricio Byrne & Anna Consitt, a me J. Lonsdale Miss . Apos.

Anno 1774, die 2ª Februarii , Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha,

* SeeC.R.S. iv, p 381 , note (Peckett). See C.R.S.iv, p 381, note (Audaer).


pridie nata ex Thoma & Anna Gerard conjugibus, patrinis Georgio Colbeck& Maria Ullathorne , a me J. Lonsdale Mis Ap

Anno 1774 , die 5ª Februarii , Eboraci Baptizatus est Joannes eodem die natus ex Georgio & Anna Russel conjugibus, patrinis Thoma Atkinson& Anna Crawford, a me J. Lonsdale Miss Apost.

Anno 1774, die 6ª Februarii , Eboraci Baptizatus est Petrus, natus die 31 Januarii ex Petro & Elizabetha Brodell conjugibus, patrinis Gulielmo Cotham& Anna Stonehouse , a me J. Lonsdale Miss. Apost. Anne 1774 , die 24 Februarii , Eboraci Baptizataest Elizabetha, pridie nata ex Claudio & Maria Demie conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Preston& Anna Sympson, a me J. Lonsdale Miss.Ap.

Anno 1774, die 12ª Martii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Gulielmus, natus die 8a ejusdem mensis ex Carolo & Elizabetha Tasker [conjugibus above], patrinisSimone Tasker & Elizabetha Boddy, a me J. LonsdaleMis: Apost [8] Anno 1774, die 28 Martii, Eboraci baptizatus est Josephus, pridie natus ex Roberto & Anna Hewetson conjugibus, patrinis & SaraSmalpage, a me J. Lonsdale Miss. Apost.

Anno 1774, die 6a Aprilis, Nayburni baptizata est Anna, filia Thomæ& Sara Charnock conjugum, patrinis Jacobo Mills& Elizabetha Darbyshire, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1774, die 16a Junii, Eboraci Baptizata est Anna, nata die 13ª ex Thoma & Maria Bolland conjugibus, patrinis Thoma Gibson & SaraStonehouse , a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1774 , die 15ª Julii, Eboraci baptizatus est Henricus , filius Roberti & ElizabethæConsittconjugum, patrinisFrancisco& Helena Consitt, a me J. Lonsdale Miss : Apos

Anno 1774, die 7a Augusti , Eboraci baptizata est Martha, nata die 2ª ex Roberto & Elizabetha Mountain conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Preston& Martha Wilkinson, a me J. LonsdaleMis: Apos

Anno 1774, die IIª Augusti, Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus, pridie natus ex Roberto & Margarita Dolman conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Brigham per procuratorem Gulielmum Champney & Margarita Brigham, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos [The threefollowing entries are not signed, but are in the same handwriting .]

Anno 1774, die 6ª Septembris, Eboraci baptizata est Anna, nata eodem die ex Georgio & Maria Dodds conjugibus, patrinis Carolo Smith & Margarita Anderson .

Anno 1774 , die 8 Septembris, Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas filius .... Pindar conjugum, patrinis Georgio Colbeck & Anna Anderson

Anno 1774, die 11ª Septembris, Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Joannis & SaraWalker conjugum, patrinis Jacobo Brown& Maria Robinson .

Anno 1774, die 20ª Septembris, Eboraci baptizata est Maria, nata die 18 ex Patricio& MariaByrne conjugibus, patrinisMatheo Mills & HelenaConsitt, a me J. Lonsdale Miss : Apost.



Anno 1774, die 2ª Novembris , Eboraci baptizata est Joanna , natadie 31 Octobris ex Edwardo & Maria Smith conjugibus, patrinis GeorgioColbeck& Anna Bell, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos [A space is left here ]

Anno 1774, die 4ª Decembris, Eboraci Baptizatus est Gulielmus , natus die 23 Novembris ex Gulielmo & Maria Kirby conjugibus, patrinis CaroloTasker& MariaMarshall, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos.

Anno 1774, die 8a Decembris, Eboraci Baptizata est Henrietta, nata die 30 Novembris ex Joanne & Anna Ellison conjugibus, patrinisRoberto Anderson & Anna Hill, a J. Lonsdale Miss: Apos

Anno 1774, die 29ª Decembris, Eboraci Baptizatus est . pridie natus ex Thoma & Elizabetha Spence conjugibus, patrinis JacoboSmith& Anna Bell, a J.Lonsdale Mis: Apost [1775]

Anno millesimo Septingentesimo septuagesimo quinto, die 1ª mensis Januarii, baptizatus est Eboraci Robertus, pridie natus ex Roberto & Anna Atkinson conjugibus, patrinis Georgio Marshall& Isabella Brown, a J. Lonsdale Miss : Apos

Anno 1775 , die 31 Januarii, Eboraci Baptizata est Catharina , natadie 29ª ex Georgio& Anna Wilcockson conjugibus [unfinished].

Anno 1775 , die 10a mensis Februarii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Robertus, natus die 7a ejusdem mensis Februariiex Joanne& Anna Consitt conjugibus, patrinis Francisco & Helena Consitt, a J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos.

Anno 1775, die 26 Februarii , Eboraci Baptizataest Rebecca ,nata eodem die ex Gulielmo & Elizabetha Linton conjugibus, patrinis

Francisco Hunt & Maria Driffield, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1775 die 5ª Martii, Eboraci Baptizataest Anna Maria, nata die 18 Februariiex Alexandro &AnnaPoinclou conjugibus, patrinis

Joanne Band & AnnaConsitt, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos.

Anno 1775 die20ª Martii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Josephus, pridie natus ex Luca & Alicia Ward conjugibus, patrinis Richardo Danby & Elizabetha Turpin, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap: [10] Anno 1775 die 27ª Martii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Robertus , natus die 22 ex Francisco & Helena Consitt conjugibus, patrinis

JoanneWalker& MariaByrne, a me J. LonsdaleMis: Ap:

Anno 1775 die 31 Martii, Eboraci Baptizata est Maria, nata eodem die ex Georgio & Anna Gibson conjugibus, patrinis Gulielmo Champney & Elizabetha Gibson, a me J. LonsdaleMiss: Apos.

Anno 1775, die 31 Martii, Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus, pridie natus ex Matheo & SaraSnowconjugibus, patrinisCarolo Tasker & Anna Bell, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Apos

Anno 1775 die 6ª Maii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Jacobus, pridie natus ex Jacobo & Anna Brown conjugibus, susceptoribusJacobo Smith& Martha Wilkinson, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap.

Anno 1775 die 19a Junii, Eboraci Baptizata est Catharina , pridie nata ex Carolo & Catharina Thorpe conjugibus, patrinis Joanne Croft& Catharina Wheelhouse, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap


Anno 1775 die 10 Julii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Jacobus, natus die 7ª ex Richardo & Jana Harg[ate changed to itt] conjugibus, susceptoribus Roberto Anderson& MariaSympson, a me J. LonsdaleM.A.

Anno 1775 die 16 Julii, Eboraci Baptizatus est Georgius, natus die 14ª ex Joanne Alberto [& Helena above] Audaer conjugibus, susceptoribusJoanne Consitt & Elizabetha Linton, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap:

Anno 1775 die 29ª Julii, Eboraci Baptizata est Maria, nata eodem die ex Roberto & Margarita Dolman conjugibus, Patrino Roberto Dolman [Sen: above], Matrina per AnnamFentiman procuratricem Catharina Dolman, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap.

Anno 1775 die 17ª Aug: Eboraci Baptizata est Anna eodem die nata ex Gulielmo & Maria Fourniss, conjugibus, patrinis Roberto Bishoprick & Maria Heddon, a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Ap

Anno 1775 die 22ª Aug: Eboraci Baptizataest Elizabetha, nata eodem die ex Josepho Francisco, natione Italo, & Anastasia conjuge Hiberna, Patrinis Petro Brodell & MariaManini , a me J. Lonsdale Mis: Apost:



Anno 1776 die 24 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Carolus natus eode die ex Carolo & Elizabetha Tasker conjugibus, Patrinis Tho: Stot de Tollerton& Joanna Ferby, a me Joa: Douglass, Miss: Ap:

Anno 1776 die 26 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus die 24ej'de ex Patricio& Maria Byrne conjugibus, PatrinisTho: Coates & Maria Turpin, a me Joa: DouglassMiss: Ap.

Anno 1776 die 20 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata die 17 ejusde mensis ex Thoma & Maria Reilly conjugibus, Patrinis Joan: Macarti & Anna Maria Murray, a me Joa: Douglass, Miss : Apost:

Anno 1776 die 26 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Gualterus natus 21 ejdem ex Francisco & Helena [Consitt above] conjugibus, Patrinis Tho: Coates, Maria Driffield, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1776 die 2 Junii Eboraci baptizatus est Robertus natus pridieex Roberto & Anna Huison conjugibus, PatrinisLuca Ward& Catharina Wheelhouse , a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1776 die 20 Julii [sic] Eboraci baptisatus est Carolus natus pridie ex Joa: & Anna Consittconjugibus, Patrinis Henrico Baldwin , Maria Byrne, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1776 die 20 Junii [sic], Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus eode die exGeorgio& Maria Dods [conjugibus above], Patrinis Georgio Colbeck, Anna Brown, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1776 die 6 Augusti Eboraci baptizata est Marthanata 30 Julii ex Carolo & Sara Pinder conjugibus, Patrinis . . . . Taylor, JoannaWilliamson , a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1776 die 20 Septembris Eboraci baptizatus est Robertus natus 13 ejdem ex Gulielmo & Maria Kirby conjugibus, Patrinis Benjamino Renderson& Agnete Bentley, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

* See C.R.S. iv, p 381 , note


Anno 1776 die 8 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Robertus natus 6 ejdě ex Gulielmo Auberto & Helena Audaer conjugibus, Patrinis Joa: Consitt , Elizabetha Linton, a me Joa: DouglassM.A. [12] Anno 1776 die 8 Octobris Nayburni baptizatus est Georgius natus eodem die ex Joanne & Susanna Palmes* conjugibus, Patrinis Henricus & Elizabetha Witham in Holderness, a meJoanne Douglass Miss : Apost :

Anno 1776 die 3 Novris Eboraci baptizata est Margarita Clara nata eodě die ex Roberto & Maria Wallisconjugibus, PatrinisJoanne Brigham & Margarita Brigham, a me Joanne DouglassM.A.

Anno 1776 die 1ª Decembris Eboraci Baptizatus Joannes natus die 30 Novris ex Joanne et Maria Gleghorn conjugibus, Patrinis Thomas Bolland & Maria Fawbert [The writing is very small and may be either Fawbert or Fawbut I give the first, as it appears later and in other sources], a me Joanne DouglassM.A. [1777]

Anno 1777 die 6 Aprilis Eboraci Baptizata est Elizabetha natadie 4 ex [Joan x out] Roberto & Maria Fawbert conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor & Maria Calvert, a me Joanne Douglass M.A.

Anno 1777die 27 Aprilis Eboraci Baptizata est Annanata die26 ex Carolo & Catharina Thorp conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Wright, Elizabetha Walker, a me Joanne DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 28 Aprilis Eboraci Baptizatus est Joannesnatus die 19 ex Roberto & Anna Atkinson conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Foss & Joanna Smith, a me Joanne DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 20 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus eodě die ex Thoma & Maria Witham conjugibus, Patrinis Philippo Howard, Catharina Witham, a me Joanne Douglass, M.A.

Anno 1777 die 27 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus 26 ex Gulielmo & Joanna [Wheatley above] conjugibus, PatrinisJoanne Stout, Elizabetha Gounard, a me JoanneDouglassM.A.

Anno 1777die 6 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus [S xd out] natus 4 ex Joanne & Elizabetha Stout conjugibus, PatrinisMatheo Pattison, Anna Theakston , a me Joanne DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 15 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Joanna nata 10 ex

George Palmes son of John Palmes of Naburn and Susannah Wharrieof Hullwould seem to be the lastCatholic ofa familywhich came toNaburn from Somersetin the 12th c From 1226 to 1774 son succeeded fatherwithout a break George married Margaret Isabella daughter ofWilliamLindsay,Esq , ofOatlands, near Glasgow , leaving with other issue twosons who tookorders in the EstablishedChurch, the elder ofwhich succeeded to the Naburn estate

The Godparentswere Henry Witham, 4th sonof HenryWithamofCliffe, co Yorks and his wife, Elizabeth, d of ThomasLangdale, Esq, who resided in Holderness

Thomas was2nd son of HenryWithamofCliffe andresidedat Headlam , co Durham , his wifeMarywas d ofJames Thornton, Esq., ofNether Whitton, co Northumberland William died s.p. in 1831. His Godfather was ofthe HowardsofCorby Castle, co Cumberland CatherineWitham,wife ofHenry Withamof Cliffe, was d of AnthonyMeaburne, Esq ofPontop, co Durham , and his heiress.


Richardo & Joanna Harg[ate changed to itt] conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor, Anna Anderson, a me Joanne DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 12 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Carolus Henricus natus eodê die ex Francisco& Eleanora Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Henrico Anderson, Anna Consitt, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 23 Augusti Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 22 ex Joanne et Anna Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Alberto Audaer & Elizabetha Metcalf, a me JoanneDouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 24 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 31 Julii ex Georgio& Maria Carter conjugibus & Peregrinis, Patrina Maria Roe, a meJoa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 14 Septembris Eboraci baptizatus e Alexander natusdie28 Julii exAlexandro & Anna Poinclou conjugibus, Patrinis Henrico Anderson, MartinaCollet, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 15 Octobris Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata die 14 ex Thomas & Maria Bolland conjugibus, Patrinis Michaele Thompson, Maria Winterburn, a me JoanneDouglass Miss: Apost: [13] Anno 1777 die 23 Novris Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes Albertus, natus 20 ex Gulielmo Alberto & Eleanora Audaer conjugibus, Patrinis Matheo Pattison & Helena Consitt, a me Joanne Douglass , Miss : Apost:

Anno 1777 die 23 Novris Eboraci baptizata est Anna nataeode die ex Georgio & Anna Russel conjugibus, Patrinis Francisco Hunt, Maria Atkinson, a me JoanneDouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 7 DecemrisEboraci baptizatus est Ambrosius natus die 6 ex Thoma & Elizabetha Barber conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Barber, Elizabetha Bean, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1777 die 22 Decembris Eboraci baptizata est Francisca filia naturalis MargaritaSummersnata 15 , Patrinis Petro Wilson, Eliza Wilkinson, a me Joanna DouglassM.A.


Anno 1778 die 7 Januarii Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata eodě die ex Georgio & Maria Gibson conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Walton& Elizabetha Leaf per ProcuratoresGul: Champney&Eliza Gibson, a me J. DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 11 JanuariiEboraci baptizatus estGeorgius natus die 9 ex Georgio& Elizabetha Colbeckconjugibus, PatrinisRoberto Anderson, Sara Smith, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1778 die 21 Januarii Eboraci baptizata est Helena nata 20 ex Gulielmo & Elizabetha Linton conjugibus, Patrinis Francisco Consitt, Anna Atkinson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 28 Jan: Eboraci baptizata est Maria [Gleghornin margin] nata 27 ex Joanne & Maria conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Walker, Maria Roe, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 5 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Richardus natus 2 ex Patricio& Maria Byrne conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Consitt& Maria Smith, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 20 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Josephusnatus


19 ex Michaele & Margarita Hixon conjugibus, Patrinis Francisco Brecknal, Maria Thompson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 16 Aprilis Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 15 Joanne & Maria Harrison conjugibus, PatrinisPetro Wilson & Anna Brown, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1778 die 21 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus e Jacobus natus eodě die ex Thoma & Anna Gerrard conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Wright, Sara Wheelhouse, a me Joa: Douglass, M.A.

Anno 1778 die 22 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus eodě die ex Joanne & Elizabetha Wareham conjugibus, Patrinis Petro Wilson, Maria Reinoldson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 13 Maii Eboraci Baptizatus est Thomas natusII exClaudio & Maria Dimie conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Fitzgerald & Anna Pattison, a me Joan: Douglass , Missionario Apostolico [14] Anno 1778 die 14 Junii Eboraci baptizata est Lucia nata 12 ex Thoma & Maria Cuddey conjugibus, Patrinis Joa: Hargate, SaraSmallpage, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 20 Junii Eboraci baptizatæ sunt Anna, Maria& Martha natæ uno partu eodě die ex Tho: & Maria Robinson conjugibus , Patrinis, rae Georgio Colbeck, Anna Blakey, 2ae Thoma Gibson, SaraWalker, 3ae Thoma Gibson, Martha Scholay, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1778 die 30 Junii Eboraci baptizatæ sunt Lucia& Isabella natæ eode die ex AnnaSturdy, Patrinis Ric. Hansom, Marget : Bell, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 17 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Josephus natus pridie ex Tho: & Elizabetha Peckit [conjugibus above], Patrinis Pet: Wilson, Joanna Cotam, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 19 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Elizabeth nata 16 ex Gulmo & Eleanora Emers conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Mills, Elizab: Metcalfe, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778die 19 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannesnatus23 Junii ex Jacobo et Maria Bradshaw conjugibus, Patrin: Joa: Preston, Elizabetha Ballymore, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 20 Augusti Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 19 ex Roberto & Anna Huison conjugibus, Patrin: Jacobo Wheelhouse, Anna Johnson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 23 Septembris Eboraci baptizatus est Robertus natus eodê die ex Richardo & SaraWheelhouseconjugibus, Patrin: Gulmo Brigham, Cathar: Wheelhouse, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1778 die 26 Septembris Eboraci baptizata est MariaAnna nataeode die exGeorgio& Dorothea Thompsonconjugibus, Patrinis Tho: Smith, MariaGreenwood , a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 7 Decembris Eboraci baptizata est Anna Stead nata 1° ejdě ex Thoma & Maria Steadconjugibus, Patrinis Richardo & Joanna Hargate, a me Joan DouglassM.A.

Anno 1778 die 21 Decembris Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 20 ex Thoma & Maria Reily conjugibus, Patrinis Tho: Burrs, Eliza Bean, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

[1779] 23

Anno 1779 die 2 Februarii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannesnatus 1° ex Roberto & Maria Fawbert conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Arundel, Maria Gleghorn, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1779 die 5 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est Marianata1ª ex Carolo & Maria Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Heptonstall , Winefrida Nicholson, a Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 6 Februarii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannesnatus eodě die ex Mountain & Margarita Turner conjugibus, Patrinis Edmundo & Sara Aspinal, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 24 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est Marianata 22 ex Joanne & Anna [Consitt above] conjugibus, Patrinis Gul: Alberto Audaer, Clementina Metcalfe, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1779 die 13 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Anna Maria nata 12 ex Georgio& Anna Russell conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Anderson, Anna Atkinson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A. [15] Anno 1779 die 9 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus est Joannesnatus eodě die ex Thoma & Martha Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Georgio Hill, Joanna Ferby, a me Joa: DouglassMiss : Ap:

Anno 1779 die 14 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Richardus natus 13 ex Richardo & Joanna Harg[ate into itt] conjugibus, Patrinis JacoboTodd, Anna Blakey, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 6 Aprilis at Wigginton baptizata est Maria nata 30 Martii ex Joan: & Anna Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Thomas Smith, Maria Driffield, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 13 Aprilis Eboraci baptizata est Margaritanata II exGeorgio& Anna Wilcoxenxconjugibus, Patrinis MatheoWilcoxen , Elizabetha Hinderson, a me Joa: Douglass MissAp:

Anno 1779 die 13 Aprilis Eboraci baptizata est Annanatadie 7° ex Petro & Eliza Brodell conjugibus, Patrinis JacoboWood, Eliza: Arton, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1779 die 17 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus 16ex Michaele& Margarita Hixon, Patrinis Josepho Brisandt,Anna Peacock, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 6 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Carolus natus 4 ex Carolo& Catharina Thorp conjugibus, PatrinisJacoboTodd&Maria Dale, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1779 die 11 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus8 ex Joanne& Elizabetha Stout conjugibus, Patrinis Thomas Taylor, Maria Moore , a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 14 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata eodě die ex Maria Moore, Patrinis Petro Wilson, Hannah Camidge, a meJoa: Douglass Miss : Ap:.

Anno 1779 die 25 Junii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannesnatus 24 ex Matheo & Sara Snow conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Claisby [Cleasby] & AnnaFentiman, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

* Might read Wilcoxen; but Matthew Wilcockson appears as a witnessat St. Michael le Belfry in 1757. Later he appears to be grandfather of their children


Anno 1779 die 11 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata3 ex Georgio& Elizabetha Colbeck conjugibus, PatrinisMichaeleThompson, Susanna Tauler, a me Joa: Douglass

Anno 1779 die 24 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata eodě die ex Thoma & Anna Gerrard conjugibus, Patrinis Joa: Barber, Maria Smith [not signed].

Anno 1779 die 25 Julii Eboraci baptizata est WinefridaDorothea Iveson nata eodě die ex Gulielmo & Maria Iveson (of Hedon) conjugibus, PatrinisGul: & Anna Champney, a me Joa: Douglas M.A.

Anno 1779 die 29 Augusti , Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes[Mon xdout] natus 22 ex Joannes & [blank] Monastereconjugibus,Patrinis GeorgioMarshall, Anna Bell, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 9 Septembris Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 2 ex Jacobo & Esther Taylor conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Hill, Maria Bean [not signed]

Anno 1779 die 9 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus eodě die ex Roberto & Anna Huison conjugibus, Patrinis Edmundo Aspinal & Elizabeth Metcalfe, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1779 die 23 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Alanusnatus 21 Augusti (at North Allerton) ex Alano & Anna Wardell [conjugibus above] of Arundel in Sussex [Patrinus xd out, Susceptore above] Anna Bell [not signed] [16] Anno 1779 die 5 Novembris Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 4 ex Thoma & Martha Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo Hill, Martha Scholay, a me Joa : Douglass M.A.

Anno 1779 die 19 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Henricus natus 13 ex Francisco & Helena Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Gualtero & Maria Gledhill, a me Joa: DouglassMiss : Ap:

Anno 1779 die 28 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 14 ex Jacobo & . . . . Thomas conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor& Margarita Leach, a me Joa: DouglassM.A. 1780

Anno 1780 die 3 Feb¹ Eboraci baptizata estLucianata 31 Januarii exThoma &Maria Bolland conjugibus, PatrinisMichaeleThompson, Anna Bell, a me Joa: Douglas M.A.

Anno 1780 die 4 Feb¹ Eboraci Baptizataest Margaritanatadie 3 ex Joanne& Catharina Fitzgerald conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto & Margarita Pattison, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 14 Feb: Eboraci Baptizata est Marianata 13 ex Tho: & MariaFields conjugibus, PatrinisJoa: Langdale, Catharina Delsault, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1780 die 21 Feb¹ Eboraci Baptizata est Maria nata 20 ex Jacobo & Maria Cuddey conjugibus, Patrinis Tho: Singleton, Anna Hops, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1780 die 3 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Josephus natus 1º ex Roberto & MariaFawbert conjugibus, Patrinis Joa: Cleghorn, Joanna Cotham, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 12 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Sophia nata 30


Junii 1779 ex Alexandro & Anna Pointelou conjugibus, PatrinisJoa: Monastere , Margarita Boynton, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 15 Martii Eboraci Baptizatus est Joannesnatus 13 ex Joanne & Maria Harrison conjugibs, Patrinis Carolo Thorp, Ursula Hops, a me Joa: Douglas M.A.

Anno 1780 die 24 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus eodě die ex Joanne & Anna Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Francisco Consitt, Helena Taylor, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 18 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Abraham natus eodě die ex Josephe & Anna Walker conjugibus, Susceptrice Winefrida Moore, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1780 die 25 Maii Eboraci Baptizata est Isabella Atkinson nata eode die ex Thoma & Maria Atkinson conjugibus, Patrinis Thomas Eyre de Hassop, Elizabetha Lawson de Brough, per ProcuratricesGeorg.. Russell& MrsRobinson of Hassop, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1780 die 31 Maii Eboraci Baptizata est Anna nata 28 ex Thoma & Anna Gotry conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo & Anna Mills, a me Joa: Douglass M.A. [17] Anno 1780 die 11 Junii Eboraci baptizataest Anna nata 6 ex Joanne & Maria Cleghorn conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Mills, RachaelTomlinson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 2 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 30 Junii ex Gulielmo & Helena Audaer conjugibus, Patrinis Thomas Stonehouse , Joanna Linton, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 9 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Josephus natus 7 ex Carolo & Elizabetha Tasker conjugibus, Patrinis Tho: Peart, Eliz: Sympson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 26 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata 10 exGeorgio& Catharina Derbyshireconjugibus, PatrinisJacoboMills, Maria Derbyshire, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 26 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobusnatus eodẽ die ex Gulielmo & Elizabetha Linton conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor, MariaFields, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1780 die 6 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus 4 ex Gulielmo & Francisco Champneyconjugibus, PatrinisJoanne& Anna Champney, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 12 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Georgiusnatus 8 ex Carolo & Saræ Pinder conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne & [blank] Caley deHolderness, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 30 Octobris Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata eodě die ex Joanne & Elizabetha Wareham conjugibus, Patrinis JacoboMatson, Maria Wheelhouse , a me JoanneDouglassM.A.

*See C.R.S.iv,p 362, no 41 and note, p 363, no 49 andp 364, nos 55and 64. William CaleyofWithernwickin Holderness by his marriage with Mary Loraine ofBeauford, Woodhead, co Northumberland, came into possession of Grimoldby Grange, co. Lincoln . His mother Susanna was daughter and heiress of Samuel Mastin of Grimoldby Eighteen members of this old Catholic family were at school at the Bar Convent, York, and three became nuns


Anno 1780 die 18 Novembris Eboraci baptizata est Elizabeth nata eodě die ex Georgio & Anna Russell conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Atkinson, Rebecca Noel, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1780 die 27 Novris Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 23 ex Joanne & Elizabetha Stout conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo Thorp, Maria Wheelhouse , a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1780 die 31 Decembris Eboraci baptizata est Clementina nata die 29 ex Gulielmo & Eleanora Emers conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Hutton & Clementina Metcalfe, a me Joa : DouglassM.A.

[About threeinches are left blank, perhaps to commencethenextyear on a new page.]

1781 .

[18] Anno 1781 die 9 Januarii Eboraci baptizatus est Richardus natus 2 ex Georgio & Elizabetha Colbeck conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Auberte Audaer, Maria Colbeck, a me Joa: DouglassMiss: Apost:

Anno 1781 die 6 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est Marianata 2 ex Thoma & MarthaSmith conjugibus, Patrinis Gul : AubertoAudaer et MarthaScholay, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 11 FebruariiEboraci baptizata est Catharina nata eodě dieexThoma & Anna Waterton* conjugibus, Patrinis Edwardo Bedingfeld Avo& Catharina More, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 27 Februarii Eboraci baptizata Maria nata 22 ex Georgio & Anna Wilcoxen conjugibus, Patrinis Mattheo Wilcoxen , Maria Hardisty, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 5 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Michael natus eodě die ex Georgio& [Annaxd out] Maria Gibson conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Walton de Wolverhampton & Elizabetha Gibson, a me Joa Douglass M.A.

Anno 1781 die 24 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus est Georgius natus 22 ex Roberto & Anna Atkinson conjugum, Patrinis Joa: Barber , Eliza Baynes, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 14 Martii [Ebora x out] at Stamfordbridge baptizati sunt Maria & Gemellus FraterGulielmus nati eodě die ex Gulielmo & Maria Gascoigne conjugibus, Patrinis Petro Wilson of York& Helena Walkerof Gatehelmsley, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1781 die 15 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Petrus natus eode die ex Joanne & Sara Walker conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor, Dina Taylor, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 13 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus 10 exGulielmo & SaraChapman conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Johnson , WinefridaBurgess, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 1 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Laurentius natus 28

Charles Waterton ofWalton Hall, near Huddersfield, co. Yorks, married, in 1773, Mary, 3rd d of Christopher Crasacre More of Barnborough Hall, co Yorks, and was succeeded by his son Thomas. Anne his wife was daughter and sole heiress of Edward Bedingfield, sen , 2nd son of Sir Henry Arundell Bedingfield of Oxburgh, co Norfolk


Junii ex Petro & Elizabetha Brodell conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Hewison, Elizabetha Aspinal, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

[A space left here ]

Anno 1781 die 9 Septembris Eboraci baptizata est Christiana nata 4 ex Carolo & Maria Smith conjugibus Patrinis Henrico Dinmur de Thirsk, Maria Heptonstall avia, a me Joa DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 19 Septembris Eboraci baptizata estAnnanata 18 ex Carolo & Catharina Thorpe conjugibus Patrinis Joa Barber , FranciscaChicken, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 22 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Michael natus 18 ex Michaele& Margarita Hixonconjugibus, PatrinisLuca Ward, Maria Dickson, a me Joa DouglassM.A. [19] Anno 1781 die 28 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Robertus Crispinusnatus 25 ex Gulielmo Alberto& Helena Audaer conjugibus, Patrinis Thomas Smith & Elizabetha Matson, a me Joa. Douglass Miss: Apost.

Anno 1781 die 28 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Georgius natus 25 ex Thoma & Maria Bolland conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Gibson, Rebecca Powel, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1781 die 23 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 22 ex Gulielmo & Elizabetha Linton conjugibus, PatrinisTho: Atkinson , Eliza: Matson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1781 die 23 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 17 ex Joanne & Maria Harrison conjugibus, Patrinis Petro Wilson, Anna Hare, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

[A space left here.]

1782 .

Anno 1782 die 20 JanuariiEboraci baptizata est Saranata 10 ex Thoma & Maria Fields conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Pridgin, Anna Shore, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1782 die 3 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est Teresa Maria nata I ex Francisco & Helena Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Atkinson, Teresa Ellis, a meJoa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 12 Februarii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannesnatus eodě die ex Joanne & Maria Cleghorn conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Gerrard, Maria Nicholson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 28 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 26 ex Thoma & Martha Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Hudspith, FranciscaChicken, a meJoa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 8 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes natus 7 ex Roberto & Maria Fawbert conjugibus, Patrinis Georgio Colbeck, Maria Arton, a me Joan: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1782 die 17 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Benjamin natus 16 ex Matheo & Sara Snow conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo & Anna Jhonson, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1782 die 26 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata21 ex Richard & Joanna Harg[ate into itt] conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Anderson, Anna Wake, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.


Anno 1782 die 22 Junii Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus I ex Jacobo& MariaCuddey conjugibus, PatrinisBartholomeus Scott, Elizabetha Sympson, a me Joa: Douglass M.A. [20] Anno 1782 die 4 Junii Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 3 ex Thoma & Anna Gerrard conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor, Maria Smith, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Ap:

Anno 1782 die 5 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 3 ex Georgio & Anna Fisher conjugibus, Patrinis Joa: Barber, Dina Taylor, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 3 Septembris Eboraci Baptizatus est Jacobusnatus 2 ex Thoma & Elizabetha Peckitt conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo Wheelhouse, Joanna Young, a me Joa: DouglassM. Ap:

Anno 1782 die 13 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Georgiusnatus 3 ex Georgio & Catharina Derbyshire conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Derbyshire, Maria Bell, a me Joa Douglass M.A.

Anno 1782 die 19 Octobris at High Catten [Catton]baptizatus est Thomas natus 14 ex Thoma & Anna Oaks [vel Voaks above] conjugibus , Patrinis Gulielmo Gascoigne ofStamford-bridge & Elizabeth Reid of Haybridge mill, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 8 Novembris Eboraci baptizata est Sara nata 6 , ex Thoma & Catharina Dale conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith, Maria Winterburn, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 , die 15 Novembris at Stamfordbridge baptizataest Anna nata 13 ex Gulielmo & Maria Gascoigne conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Smith & Elizabetha Reid of Haybridge mill, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1782 die 1 DecembrisEboraci baptizatus estJonathan natus 26 Novembris ex Joanne & Elizabetha Stout conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor, Anna Hindson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 9 Decembris Eboraci baptizata est Francisca nata eodě die ex Georgio & Anna Russell conjugibus, Patrinis Hugone Tootell , Francisca Barrett, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 9 Decembris Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha nata 8 ex Joanne & Anna Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Francisco Consitt per Proc: Gul: Linton & Elizabetha Baynes, a me Joa: Douglass, M.A.

Anno 1782 die 21 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Hannah nata 20 ex Georgio & Elizabetha Colbeck conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Taylor, Elizabetha Matson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 13 Augusti Eboraci baptizat [a x out, us above] est Joann[a x out, es above] nat[a xd out, us above] eode die ex Roberto & Anna Hewitson conjugibus, Patrinis CaroloWheelhouse , Anna Walker, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1782 die 22 Septembris Eboraci baptizata est Marianata 19 ex Jacobo & Maria Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Hadley, Helena Dods per Proc: Tho: Hill, Mariam Smith- à Carolo Plowden, Joa: DouglassM.A. 1783 .

[21] Anno 1783 die 7 Januarii Eboraci baptizatus est Gualterus



natus eode die ex Francisco & Eleanora Consitt conjugibus, Susceptrice N. Shuttleworth , a me Joa: Douglass, Miss. Ap:

Anno 1783 die 24 Januarii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes Baptista Mathurina Goujin natus 16 ex Joanne Baptista & Anna Goujin conjugibus, Patrinis Dño Gualtero Vavasour* Baronetto & Mathurina de Beriot Pigott per procur: Carolü Lony & Saram Lund, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1783 die 16FebruariiEboraci baptizatus est Mattheus natus 12 ex Georgio & Anna Wilcoxen conjugibus, Patrinis Mattheo Wilcoxen Avo& Maria Wallis, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1783 die 19 Februarii Eboraci baptizatus est Carolus natus 14 ex Carolo & Elizabetha Tasker conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Peart, Eliza : Gray, a me Joa: Douglass, M.A.

Anno 1783 die 16 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Marianata 10 ex Patricio& MariaByrne conjugibus, PatrinisGulielmo Kellet, Alicia Ward, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost:

Anno 1783 die 17 Martii at Naburn baptizatus est Jacobusnatus 5 ex Jacobo & Anna Chapman conjugibus, PatrinisSimone Tasker , Maria Bell, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1783 die 13 [Martii xd out] Aprilis Eboraci baptizataest Catharina nata eodě die ex Thoma & Maria Robinson conjugibus, SusceptriceMartha Scholay, a me Joa: DouglassMiss: Apost :

Anno 1783 die 4 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Helena nata pridieex Joanne& Maria Cleghornconjugibus, PatrinisJacoboMills& Maria Gounard, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost .

Anno 1783 die 7 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Joanna nata eodem die ex Joanne & Elizabetha Wareham conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo Wheelhouse , Elizabetha Matson per procuratrices Joannem Barber, Mariam Richmond, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost

Anno 1783 die 25 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Abraham natus 30 Aprilis ex Henrico & Francisca Jefferson conjugibus, Patrinis Georgio& Maria Jefferson, a me Joa: DouglassMiss: Apost: Anno 1783 die 25 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannesnatus 19 ex Gulielmo & Sara Chapman [conjugibus above], Patrinis Gulielmo Kirby, Anna Johnson, a meJoa: Douglass Miss : Ap: [22] Anno 1783 die 8 Junii Eboraci baptizata est Winefrida nata 25 Maii ex Joanne & Jana Turpin conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Stead, Anna Marshall, a me Joa: DouglassMiss Ap: Anno 1783 die 9 Junii Eboraci Baptizatus est Franciscus natus

Sir Walter Vavasour of Hazlewood, co Yorks, 6th Baronet , Godfather, eldest son ofSirWalter, 5thB. by his 2nd wife ,Dorothy, eldest d ofMarmaduke, 4th Lord Langdale of Holme, co Yorks Mathurina de Beriot , G.M. , was thewife of Nathaniel Pigott, Chevalier de Garcin, son of Ralph Pigottof WhittonCourt, Twickenham, co Middlesex, by his wife Alathea Fairfax , only daughterofWilliam, 8th Viscount Fairfax, of Gilling Castle, co . Yorks, and brother of Charles Gregory, 9th and lastViscount On his death the Hon. Ann Fairfax, his only surviving child, succeeded to Gilling, and at her death in 1793 she left the estate to her cousin Charles Gregory Pigott, 2nd sonof Nathaniel who by royal license tookthe nameand arms ofFairfax


eode die ex Francisco & Teresa Cholmeley* conjugibus, Patrinis

Thoma Mitchell & Domina Catharina Engelfield [per Procuratores

Christopherū Meynell & Elizabetham Cole above], a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Ap:

Anno 1783 die 12 Junii Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 10 ex Joanne & Maria Harrison conjugibus, Patrinis Joan: Cook , Elizabeth Matson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1783 15 Junii Eboraci baptizata est Helena nata 6 ex Gulielmo Alberto [Audaer x out] & Helena Audaer conjugibus, Patrinis JosephVarley, WeneWenefrida Moore, a me Joa: Douglass

Miss: Apost :

Anno 1783 die 3 Julii Eboraci baptizataest Marianata eodě die exGulielmo & Elizabetha Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Mills, Anna Thompson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1783 die 5 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata eode die ex Thoma & Elizabetha Champney of Nuthill, Holderness , conjugibus, PatrinisGul: Champney& Anna SmithofNorthumberland , a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1783 die 18 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Mattheus natus eodem die ex Nicolao & Margarita Leadbitter (quæ antea Reed) conjugibus, de Northumberland , Patrinis Thoma Leadbitter, Elizabetha Gibson item de Northumberland per procuratores, Robertum Bishoprick & Dorothea Thompson, a meJoa: Douglass

Miss: Ap:

Anno 1783 die 20 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Josephusnatus eodě die ex Thoma & MariaAtkinson conjugibus, Patrinis George Townsend (of Sheffield) & Agnete Robinson (of Hassop) per procuratores Jacobu Robertu Mountain & Annam Atkinson, a meJoa: Douglass Miss : Apos:

Anno 1783 die 19 Novembris Eboraci baptizata est Francisca nata 18 ex Gulielmo Harrison & Dorothea Harrison (alias Chicken) conjugibus, Patrinis Nicolao Chicken & Martha Hadley per Procuratricem Doroth: Thompson, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1783 die 7 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Georgius natus 29 Novembris ex Gulielmo & Francisca Champney (qæ alias Bacon) conjugibus, Patrinis[Georgxd out] Richardo Thompson per procuratore Georgiu Gibson& FranciscaBarrett, a me Jo: Douglass

Miss: Apost : [23] Anno 1783 die 25 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes natus die 23 ex [Joan x out] Georgio & Maria Fisher conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne avo & Eliza : Matson, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost: 1784

Anno 1784 die 6 Januarii Eboraci baptizatus est JoannesBaptista MathurinaGoujin natus die 5 ex Joanne Baptista & Anna Goujin

* Franciseldestson ofFrancisand Teresa Cholmeleysucceeded toBrandsby Hall, co Yorks , in 1810. He married, in 1809, Barbara 5th d of Henry DarrellofCale Hill, co. Kent, and left issue four sons and fivedaughters Through his mother he inherited the estates of Sir Henry Englefield, Bart,of White Knights, co Berks He died 1 May 1854


(alias Johnson) conjugibus, Patrinis Gualtero Vavasour Baronetto & Mathurina de Beriot Pigott per Proc: Carolü Launor & Annam Bean, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost.

Anno 1784 die 8 Januarii Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes natus 5 die ej'de mensis ex Joanne & Francisca Mills conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Mills, Winefrida Moore, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost :

Anno 1784 die 8 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est Anna Maria nata 5 ejusde mensis ex Georgio & Anna Wilcoxen conjugibus, Patrinis Matheo Wilcoxen Avo & Anna Maria Hardisty, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Anno 1784 die 19 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est Marianata eode die ex Joanne & Dina Taylor conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Hutton , Anna Gerrard, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno 1784 die 4 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Helena nata 3 die ejusde mensis ex Jacobo & Maria Smith (quæ alias Thompson) conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Eastwood, Margarita Pearson , a me Joan: Douglass Miss : Ap:

Anno 1784 die 23 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Josephusnatus 22 ejusde ex Joanne & Elizabetha Stout conjugibus, Patrinis Benjamin Randerson, Catharina Thorpe, ame Joan: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno 1784 die 29 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 27 ejusde ex Thoma & Martha Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Oswald Gray, Elizabetha Hill, a me J. Douglass Miss : Apost: [24]

Anno Dñi 1784 die 2 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 23 Aprilis ex Gulielmo & Eleanora Emers conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Mills, Anna Mills, a me Joan: Douglass Missionario Ap:

Anno Domini 1784 die 10 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Henricus natus pridie ex Joanne & Anna Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo & Elizabetha Metcalfe pr Procuratricem Annam Hewitson , a me Joa: Douglass MissionarioApostolico

Anno Domini 1784 die 25 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Sara nata pridie ex Gulielmo & Anna Britain conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith, Elizabetha Hill, a me Joa: Douglass, Mission: Apostolico.

Anno Domini 1784 die 28 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Carolus natus pridie ex Richardo & Joanna Harg[ate into itt] conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith, Joanna Williamson , a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1784 die 31 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Carolus filius naturalis MariæPerkin natus eodě die, Patrinis Carolo & Christiana Yeoman, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apostolico.

Anno Dñi 1784 die 6 Junii Eboraci baptizatus est Georgiusnatus 30 Maii ex Roberto & Maria Fawbert conjugibus, PatrinisGulielmo Randerson, Maria Arton, a me J. Douglass Miss : Apost :

Anno Dñi 1784 die 6 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Annanataeode die ex Roberto et Anna Hewitson conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Wheelhouse (per Procurat Edmundü Aspinal) & Jana Young, a me J. Douglass Miss : Apost:


AnnoDñi 1784 die 23 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Euphemia nata 22° ex Francisco & Eleanora Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Anderson, Maria Gledhill, a me Tho: Nixon M.A. teste J. Douglass.

Anno Dñi 1784, die 9 Augusti baptizatus est, at Little Askam , Jacobus natus 3 ejusde mensis ex Jacobo & Margarita Chapman conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo & Sara Chapman, a me J. Douglass

Missionario Apostolico.

[25] AnnoDñi 1784, die 20 Augusti Eboraci baptizata est Joanna nata 17 ejusdem mensis ex Carolo & Maria Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Michaele Thompson, Maria Smith, a me Joa: Douglass

Miss: Apost :

Anno Dñi 1784, die 8 Septembris Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes natus 5 ejusde mensis ex Gulielmo & Maria Iveson (of Hedon in Holderness) conjugibus, SusceptriceArabella Hinderson, a me Joa: DouglassMiss : Apost:

Anno Dñi 1784, die 10 Septembris Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 7 ejusde mensis ex Thoma & Catharina Dale conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Stead, Hannah Camidge, a me Joa: Douglass

Miss : Apostolico

Anno Dñi 1784, die 4 Octobris Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 29 Septembris ex Patricio & Maria Byrne conjugibus, Patrinis Josepho Williamson , Alicia Ward, a me J. DouglassMiss: Apost:

Anno Dni 1784, die 6 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 4 ejusde ex Joanne & Christiana Barber conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith,WinefridaMoore, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1784, die 18 Octobris Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 17ejusdeex Petro & Elizabetha Brodell conjugibus, PatrinisThoma Bolland, Hannah Camidge, a me Joa Douglass Miss : Apost :

Anno Dñi 1784 die 24 Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Thomas natus 14 ejusdéex Gulielmo & Hannah Dowsonconjugibus, Patrinis JosephoVarley, MariaDutchburn, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost:

Anno Dni 1784, die 11 Novembris Eboraci BaptizataestSaranata eodě die ex Gulielmo & Sara Richaby Conjugibus, Patrina Ann: Britain, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Ap:

AnnoDni 1784 die 16 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Robertus natus eodě die ex Mattheo & Maria Pattison conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Pattison per Procurat : Thomã Smith, & Maria Saul, a me

Joa: Douglass Miss : Ap:

Anno Dni 1784, die 27 DecembrisEboraci baptizatus est Alfredus Joannesnatus eode die ex Georgio& Anna Russell (antea Crawford) conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Lonsdale, Elizabetha Crawford, a me

Joa: Douglass Missionario Apostolico. [26] 1785 .

Anno Dni 1785, die 16 Jan: Eboraci baptizata est Marianata25 Decembris 1784 ex Georgio & Catharina Derbyshire conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo Tasker, Anna Mills, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Francis Consitt, engraver, ofSt. Michael le Belfryparish, was married there, 3 Dec., 1767 , to Eleanor Gradhill, spinster of St. Helen'sparish Four of theirchildren died young and were buried at St. Martins, Coney St.


Anno Dni 1785, die 20 Jan : Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobusnatus 16 Octobris 1784 ex Georgio & Gratia Oxley conjugibus, Patrinis Georgio Brookes, Sara McGill, a me Joa: DouglassMiss. Ap:

Anno Dni 1785, die 25 Jan: Eboraci baptizata est TeresaMaria nata eode die ex Francisco & Teresa Cholmeley* (of Bransby) conjugibus, Patrinis ThaddeoO'Flahertyper Procuratore Christoph Meynell & Ursula Cholmeley per procuratrice Eliz: Cole, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost:

Anno Dñi 1785, die 8 Feb: Eboraci baptizata est Marianata7° ejusde mensis ex Jacobo & Maria Mills conjugibus (of Fullford), Patrinis Thoma Barber, Francisca Mills, a me Joa: Douglass Miss:


Anno Dñi 1785, die 20 Feb: Eboraci baptizatus est Georgiusnatus 10 ej'de mensis ex Gulielmo & Francisca Champney conjugibus (quæ alias Bacon), Patrinis JoanneWright per Proc: George Gibson & Elizabetha Gibson, a me Joa: DouglassMiss : Apost :

Anno Dñi 1785, die 3 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 1º ej'de mensis ex Joanne et Maria Cleghorn conjugibus, Patrinis

Benjamin Randerson, Anna Harrison, a meJoa: Douglass. Miss Ap:

Anno Dni 1785, die 7 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus eode die ex Gulielmo et Dorothea Harrison conjugibus (quæ alias Chicken). Patrinis Gulielmo Hedley, Helena Gibson , a me

Joanne DouglassMission: Apst:

Anno Dñi 1785, die 21 Martii Eboraci baptizataest Anna nata pridie ex Georgioet Elizabetha Colbeck conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith, Elizabetha Bean, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Ap:

Anno Dñi 1785, die 17 Aprilis Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 15 ejusde ex Joanne et Elizabetha Harrison conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Randerson, Maria Richmond, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1785, die 18 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Joanna nata 17 Aprilis ex Joanne & Maria Smith conjugibus, PatrinisGulielmo Smith per Proc: Jac: Brown & Margarita Singleton, a me Joan: Douglass Miss : Apost : [27] Anno Dňi 1785, die 19 Junii Eboraci baptizatus estFranciscus natus 15 ejusdě ex Carolo& Elizabetha Tasker conjugibus, Patrinis

Joanne Simpson, Maria Hall, a me Joan: Douglass Missionario Apost

Anno Dñi 1785, die 29 Junii Eboraci baptizatus est (sub conditione) Michael [Crathorne xd out, Garthorne above] adultus, Patrinus [erat above] Thomas Smith, a me J. Douglass Miss Ap:

Anno Dñi 1785, die 27 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata eode die ex Michaele et Barbara Ellis conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Ullathorne, Anna Goujin per procuratricem Mariam Ingram, a me Joa: Douglass M.A.

Teresa Mary the eldest of four daughters of Francis Cholmeley, who married in 1782 Teresa Ann, d of Sir Henry Englefield, Bart, of White Knights, co Berks The child died when nine years of age


Anno Dñi 1785, die 20 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus eode die ex Thoma & Elizabetha Peckittconjugibus [Patrinis x out] Susceptrice Hannah Ellison, a me Joanne Douglass Missionario Apostolico

Anno Dñi 1785, die 22 [Augusti xd out, Septembris above] Eboraci baptizatus est Georgiusnatus eode die ex Georgio& Maria Fisher conjugibus, Patrinis Mattheo Pattison, Dina Taylor, a me

Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost.

AnnoDňi 1785, die 24 [Augusti xd out, Septembris above] Eboraci baptizataest Anna nata pridie ex Carolo & Martha Metcalfe (quæ alias Maw) conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith, Anna Consitt, a me

Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1785, die 30 Octobris Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata ejusde ex Gulielmo & Elizabetha Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto Atkinson, Maria Ingram, a me Joa: Douglass MissApost: Anno Dñi 1785, die 4 Decembris Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes natus 29 Novembris ex Georgio& SaraBrookesconjugibus, Patrinis

Joanne McGill, Hannah McGill, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost: [Aboutthree inches, at bottom ofpage, blank, end ofyear.] 1786. [28] Anno Dni 1786, die 20 Januarii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus die 18 ejusdem ex Thoma & Martha Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith, Christiana Barber, a me Joa: DouglassMission: Aplco

Anno Dni 1786, die 1 Februarii (at Little Ask[h]am) baptizata est Elizabetha nata 25 Januarii ex Jacobo & Margarita Chapman conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo Tasker, Jana Bolland, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost :

Anno Dni 1786, die 7 Februarii Eboraci Baptizataest Henrietta nata 5 ejusde mensis ex Gulielmo [Carr xd out] & HenriettaCarr* (quæ alias Fermor, Standish, Strickland) conjugibus, Patrinis Bernardo White, Caroletta Strickland per procuratores Rob: Bishoprick , Eliza: White, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost :

Anno Dni 1786, die 12 Februarii Eboraci baptizatus est Carolus natus pridie ex Joanne et Anna Consitt conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo Metcalfe, Helena Consitt, a me Joanne DouglassMiss: Apst:

Anno Dni 1786, die 12 Martii Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 26 Februarii ex Jacobo& Maria Mills (ofFullford) conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Randerson, Winefrida [Witham xd out] Moore, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost: Anno Dñi 1786, die 20 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Francisca nata [8 ejusde above] ex Josepho& Francisca Clayton conjugibus, Patrinis Josephet AnnaVarley, a me Joa: DouglassMiss: Apost: AnnoDñi 1786, die4 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus estJoannesnatus 2 ejusde ex Joanne et Elizabetha Harrison conjugibus, Patrinis

Probably the Henrietta Carr here namedwas Miss Strickland, who when aged 18 married Ralph Standish, Esq., then Mr. Fermor formerlyhusband and now relictofMissMayes in 1774 , and lastlyMr. Carr. See C.R.S. iv, pp. 253 and 254 , nos 34 and 42 , " Fr. Laurenson'sNotes and Memoirs . "


OswaldoGray[Mar. x out] Elizabetha Matson, a me Joa: Douglass

Miss: Apost.

Anno Dñi 1786, die 5 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus est Georgius natus [4 ejusdé above] ex Joanne & Elizabetha Stout conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Randerson, Eliza Thorpe, a me Joa: Douglass

Missionario Apostolico

Anno Dñi 1786, die 30 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus[eodě die xdout] pridieex Joanne & FranciscaMillsconjugibus, Patrinis JoanneWareham, Margarita Singleton, a meJoa: Douglass

Miss: Ap: [29] Anno Dni 1786, die 3 Junii Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata die 1º ejusdemensis ex Carolo & Christiana Yeoman (antea Perkins) conjugibus, Patrinis [Tho x out] Nobilissimo Dño Luco Plunket per Procuratorem Carolum Hill & Sara Pinder , a me Joa: Douglass

Missionario Apostolico.

Anno Dni 1786, die 4 Junii Eboraci baptizata est Elizabethnata die2º ejusde ex Jacobo& Maria Smith(anteaThompson) conjugibus, Patrinis Carolo & Maria Smith, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost :

Anno Dñi 1786, die 21 Junii Eboraci baptizatus estCarolusnatus pridie ex Richardo & Joanna Harg[ate into itt] conjugibus, Patrinis Henrico [Anderson x out] & Anna Anderson, a me Joa: Douglass

Miss: Apost

Anno Dñi 1786, die 15 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Leonardus natus eodě die ex Gulielmo & Dorothea Harrison (quæ antea Chicken) conjugibus, Patrinis Nicolao Chicken, Martha Headley, a me J. Douglass Miss: Apost :

Anno Dňi 1786, die 1° Octobris Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus eodê die ex Georgio & Anna Russell (quæ antea Crawford) conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Luntley, Maria Reynoldson, per ProcuratoresGeorgiu Russell, Eliza : Crawford, a meJoa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1786, die 5º Octobris Baptizataest (at LittleAsk[h]am) Elizabetha nata 27 Septembris ex Joanne & Joanna Bolland(quæ antea Chapman ) conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo [Chapman xd out] & Margarita Chapman, a me Joa: DouglassMission: Apost :

Anno Dñi 1786, die 3° Decembris [Eboraci above] Baptizataest Joanna nata Novembris 29 ex Joanne & Dina Taylor conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Smith, Wenefrida More, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost

Anno Dñi 1786 die 10 DecembrisEboraci baptizatus estGulielmus natus pridie ex Gulielmo & Hannah Lakeland (q'æ antea Smith) conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Bolland, Maria Winterburn, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost: [Two inches blank End ofyear.] 1787 . [30] Anno Dñi 1787 [die 30 Januarii xd out] die 2º Februarii Cliftoni Baptizata est Helena nata die 30 Januarii ex Georgio & Maria Fisher (q'æ antea Ellison) conjugibus, Patrinis Francisco & Helena Hunt, a me Joanne Douglass Mission: Apost:


Anno Dni 1787 die 6 Feb: Eboraci baptizata est Sara nata eodě die ex Carolo & Martha Metcalfe (quæ antea Maw) conjugibus, Patrinis CaroloSmith, Maria Bell, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno Dni 1787 die 15 Feb: Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata eodě dieex Mattheo & Maria Pattinson (qæ antea Severs) conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo & Maria Pattinson per Proc: Rob : Pattinson , Wenefrida More, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

AnnoDñi 1787 die 7 Maii Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus pridie ex Thoma et Elizabetha Peckitt conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Roberto Mountain , Elizabetha Wilkinson, a me Joa: Douglass Miss Ap.

Anno Dñi 1787, die 27 Maii baptizata est (at Dringhouses) Anna nata ex Jacobo & Esthere Taylor conjugibus, Patrinis Mattheo Snow (Procuratore Jacobo Rose), Elizabetha Cleasby, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost .

Anno Dñi 1787 die 7 Julii baptizata est Maria Catharina nata eodě die ex Francisco & Teresa Cholmeley* [conjugibus above] (of Bransby) quæ antea Inglefield, Patrinis Edwardo Ferres , Maria Ann per Procurat : Christ: Meynel[1], Mariam Atcock, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost

Anno Dni 1787 die 14 Julii baptizata est Eboraci Elizabetha Francisca nata pridie ex Roberto & Hannah Anderson conjugibus (quæ antea Ibbetson), Patrinis Henrico Anderson, Francisca Tootell, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost: [31]

Anno Dñi 1787 , die 11 Novembris Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 4° ejusde ex Christophoro & Elizabetha Derbyshire (q'æ antea Butler) conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Derbyshire, Maria Bell, a me Joa: Douglass Missionario Apostolico.

Anno Dñi 1787, die 18 Novembris Eboraci baptizata est Hannah nata 16 ej'de ex Georgio & Sara Brookes (q'æ antea McGill) conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Randerson, Helena Stow , a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost :

Anno Dñi 1787, die 21 Novembris Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes natus 19 ej'de ex Joanne & Christiana Barber (q'æ antea Silburn) conjugibus, Patrinis Michaele Thompson, Winefrida Burgess, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Aplco. 1788

Anno Dni [1787 altered to] 1788, die 21 Januarii Eboraci baptizata est Joanna nata 19 ejusde ex Georgio& Anna Wilcoxen conjugibus, Patrinis Mattheo Wilcoxen, Anna Randerson, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost :

Anno Dni 1788 die 7 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est Annanata 25 Januarii ex Joanne & Elsy Scott conjugibus, Patrinis Roberto& Joannna Linton, a me Joanne Douglass Missionario Apostolico.

Mary Catherine Cholmeley married, in 1809, John Wright, junior, of Kelvedon Hall, co Essex, who died 1822 in vita patris She lived till 1858 HergodfatherwasEdward Ferrers,junior, son ofEdward FerrersofBaddesley Clinton, co . Warwickshire, whose sister Mary had married the elder Francis


AnnoDñi 1788 die 4 Martii at Little Ask[h]am baptizata est Anna nata 27 Februarii ex Jacobo & Margarita Chapman conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Chapman per Procuratorem Joa: Moorey, & [An xd out] Maria Moorey per procuratricem Joannam Moorey, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost : [32]

Anno Dñi 1788, die 22 Martii Eboraci baptizata est Hannah nata 21 ejusde ex Gulielmo & Hannah Lakeland (antea Smith) conjugibus Patrinis Georgio Marshall, Joanna Stokes, a me Joanne Douglass Missionario Apostolico.

Anno Dñi 1788, die 7 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus estJoannesnatus 5 ejusde ex Joanne & Sara Whitwell (quæ antea Randerson) conjugibus, Patrinis Richardo Arundel, Maria Bolland, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost:

Anne Dñi 1788, die 7 Aprilis Eboraci baptizatus estJoannesnatus eodě die ex Georgio & Anna [Crawford xd out, Russell above] (quæ antea Crawford) conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Douglass , Francisca Tootell, a me Joanne Douglass Mission: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1788, die 14 Aprilis Eboraci baptizata est Hannah nata 16 Martiiex Josepho & SaraChapman conjugibus, Patrinis Benjamin Randerson , Hannah Camidgeper procuratricem Annam Randerson , a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost :

Anno Dñi 1788, die 19 Aprilis Eboraci baptizata est Teresa nata 14 ejusde exCarolo& Maria Smith (qæ anteaHeptonstall) conjugibus, Patrinis Georgio Heptonstall , Elizabetha Gledhill , a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apostol :

Anno Dñi 1788, die 27 Aprilis Eboraci Baptizatus est (sub conditione) Gulielmus Nicholson adultus, Patrinis Roberto Thompson, Anna Nicholson, a me Joa: Douglass Missionario Apostolico.

Anno Dni 1788, die 18 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 5 ejusde ex Jacobo & Maria Mills (of Fullford) conjugibus, Patrinis JoanneWharam, Anna Gotry, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost:

Anno Dñi 1788, die 13 Aprilis Eboraci baptizataest Anna nata 5 ejusde [e]x Susanna Gascoigne, susceptrice Barbara Ellis, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost: [33] Anno Dñi 1788, die 3 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Radulphus natus26Juniiex Radulpho & Hannah Edwards, conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Rhodes , Helena Stow, a me Joanne DouglassMissionario Apostolico

Anno Dñi 1788, die 15 Julii Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 24 Maii ex Gulielmo & Francisca Champney (quæ antea Bacon) conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo & Elizabeth Champney, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apostolico

Anno Dni 1788, die 4 Augusti baptizata est (at Tocgwith) Sara nata Julii 28 ex [Gulielmo xd out, Georgio above] & Rachele Glew conjugibus, SusceptriceSaraThomlinson, a me Joa: DouglassMiss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1788, die 7 Augusti Eboraci baptizata est Elizabetha Cholmeley . Hergodmother, Mary, 2nd wife of George Anne of Burghwallis, co Yorks, was a d ofThomasNeadhamof Hilston Court, co Monmouth


nata Junii 28 ex Joanne & Anna Lawton conjugibus, Patrinis R. Joanne Douglass , Judith Hansby, a me Rob: HimsworthMiss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1788, die 31 Augusti Eboraci baptizata est Marianata 25 ejusde ex Roberto & Maria Fawbert conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Whitwell,Maria Bolland, a me Joa: Douglass MissionarioApostolico.

Anno Dni 1788, die 12 Novris Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 9 ejusde ex Jacobo& MariaSmith (qæ ante Thompson) conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Smith, Eliza Body, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost: [Blank space equaltwo entries .] [34] 1789.

Anno Dni 1789, die 18 Januarii Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 16 ejusde ex Gulielmo & Anna Kemen conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Byrne, Helena Consitt, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost:

Anno Dni 1789, die 31 Januarii Eboraci baptizata est Catharina* Henriettanata eodě die ex Francisco& TeresaCholmeleyconjugibus (quæ antea Inglefield), Patrinis Domino Henrico Inglefield [Baronetto above] & Domina Catharina Inglefield , Per Procurat : C. Meynel, Dor: Jerrat. ame Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1789, die 11 Februarii Eboraci baptizata est [Ann xd out]Maria Anna nata pridieex Roberto & Anna Hewitson (quæ antea Robinson) conjugibus, Patrinis Edmundo Aspinal et Alicia Ward, a me Joa: DouglassMissionario Apostolico.

Anno Dñi 1789, die 16 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 9° ejusde ex Georgio & Maria Fisher (qæ antea Ellison) conjugibus, Patrinis Michaele Thompson, Maria Salvidge, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1789, die 29 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 27 ejusde ex Antonio & Maria Pratt conjugibus, Patrinis Georgio Marshall, Hannah Dawson, a me Joa: DouglassMiss : Apost :

Anno Dñi 1789, die 13 [Maii xd out] Julii Eboraci baptizataest Joanna nata pridie ex Jacobo Roberto & Joanna Mountain conjugibus , Patrinis Thoma Smith, Elizabetha Mountain , a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost:

AnnoDňi 1789, die 17 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 15 ejusdem ex Roberto et Hannah Anderson (quæ antea Ibbitson) conjugibus, Patrinis Jacobo Luntley (per proc: Hen: Anderson) & AnnaAnderson, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apostolico

Anno Dñi 1789 , die 20 Julii Baptizatus est (at Osbaldwick) Radulphus natus 14 ejusdemexGulielmo & SarahWright (quæ antea Harrison) conjugibus, Patrinis Radulpho Wright, Margarita Leach , a me Joa: DouglassMiss : Apost: [35] AnnoDni 1789, die 30 Julii Eboraci baptizata est Joanna nata pridie ex Joanne & Dina Taylor (antea Tomlinson) conjugibus,

* CatherineHenrietta married in 1809 William John Charlton of Hesleyside, co Northumberland She died 1845. Hergodparentswere her grandfatherand grandmother for whom Christopher Meynell and DorothyGerard stoodproxies.



Patrinis Richardo Scaife , Joanna Marshall, a me Joanne Douglass Miss : Apost:

Anno Dni 1789, die 18 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Josephus natus [18 xd out, 15 above] ejusdemex Richardo & Joanna Harg[ate into itt] conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Randerson, Sarah Whitwell, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost:

Anno Dni 1789, die 27 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Joannes natus eodě die ex Georgio & Anna Wilcoxen conjugibus, Patrinis Mattheo Wilcoxen , Teresa Hinderson, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1789, die 25 SeptembrisEboraci baptizatus estMattheus natus eodě die ex Mattheo & Maria Pattinson (quæ antea Severs) conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma & MariaPattinson per proc: Michael: Thompson, Wenefrid : Agar, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost:

Anno Dñi 1789, die 14 Octobris baptizata est (at Naburn) Elizabetha nata 6 ejusde ex Joanne & Maria Bell (qæ anteaDerbyshire) conjugibus, Patrinis Georgio Derbyshire, Elizabetha Richardson, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apost:

Anno Dni 1789, die 24 Novembris baptizatus est Eboraci Gulielmus natus 17 ejusde ex Jeremia & Dorothea Hamond conjugibus, Patrina Anna Fentiman, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost :

Anno Dñi 1789, die 21 Decembris baptizatus est (at Tocquith) Joannes natus 15 ejusdem ex Georgio & Rach[a above]ele Glew conjugibus, Susceptrice Sarah Thomlinson, a me Joa: Douglass

Miss: Apost : [Spacefor one entry.] [36]


Anno Dni 1790, die 21 Jan: baptizataest Anna nata 16ejusdem mensis ex Richardo & Helena Hops (quæ antea Sands) conjugibus, Susceptrice Maria Sands, a me Joa: Douglass Miss Apost:

Anno Dñi 1790, die 24 Januarii Eboraci Baptizata estJoannanata , 22 ejusde ex Paulo & Maria Burgess conjugibus, PatrinisGulielmo Lakeland, Wenefrida Burgess per procuratricem Eliza: Ellis, a me Joa: Douglass Mission: Apostolico.

Anno Dni 1790, die 31 Januarii Eboraci baptizataest Anna nata 27ejusde ex Thoma & Catharina Dale (quæ anteaSmith) conjugibus, Patrinis Josepho Mercer, Maria Randerson, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost: Anno Dñi 1790, die 6 Februarii Eboraci baptizatus est Georgius natus eode die ex Christophoro & Elizabetha Derbyshire (qæ antea Butler) conjugibus, Patrinis GeorgioDerbyshire, Elizabetha Richardson, a me Joa: DouglassMiss : Apost :

Anno Dni 1790, die 11 Martii baptizatus est (at Little Askam) Joannes natus Februarii 21 ex Jacobo & Margarita Chapman conjugibus, Patrinis Joan: Moorey, Joanna Bollands, a me Joa: Douglass Miss : Apost :

Anno Dni 1790, die 28 Martii [Eboraci above] baptizata est

* SeeC.R.S.iv, p 381 , note andp 386 note (Burgess-Lakeland)

Francisca nata 26 ejusdemex Joanne & FranciscaMills conjugibus, Patrinis Gulielmo Derbyshire, Maria Salvidge, a me Joa: Douglass Missionario Apost:

Anno Dñi 1790, die 12 Maii Eboraci baptizatus estThomas natus II ejusdemex Jacobo& Esther Taylor conjugibus, Patrinis Mattheo Snow, Anna Bell, a me Joa: DouglassMission: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1790, die 21 Maii Eboraci baptizata est Maria nata 16 ejusdemex Thoma & Francisca Boston conjugibus, Patrinis Thoma Brown, Maria Smith, a me Joa: DouglassMissionario Apostolico [37] Anno Dni 1790, die 27 Junii [Eboraci above] baptizata est Elizabetha nata 21 ejusdem mensis ex Gulielmo & Hannah Lakeland conjugibus, Patrinis Paulo Burgess & Sara Burgess, a me Joanne Douglass Missionario Apostolico.

Anno Dñi 1790, die 22 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Jacobus natus 5 die Julii ex Jacobo & Maria Hargitt conjugibus, Patrina Anna Anderson, a me Joa: Douglass Miss: Apost:

Anno Dñi 1790, die 24 Augusti Eboraci baptizatus est Gulielmus natus 17 ejusdem ex Roberto & Isabella Wilkinson conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne & Anna Wilkinson per procuratricem Joannam Marshall, a me Joa: DouglassM.A.

Anno Dñi 1790, die 9 Septembris Eboraci baptizatus est Edwinus natus 3 ejusdem mensis ex Jacobo & Anna Atkinson (quæ antea Fleming) conjugibus, Patrinis Joanne Lawson, Dorothea Daile per procuratores Lucam & Aliciam Ward, a me Joanne Douglass Missionario Apostolico.

Anno Dñi 1790, die 24 Septembris Eboraci baptizata est Anna nata 22 ejusdě ex Carolo & Maria Smith conjugibus, Patrinis Petro Wake, Joanna Heptonstall per proc: Mariam Smith, a me Joanne Douglass Mission: Apostol:

Die 20 Septembris 1790 Nata & die 26 ejusde mensis baptizata fuit Maria Clayton filia Josephi & Francisca Clayton (olim Varley) conjugum, Patrinus fuit Franciscus Hunt, Matrina Maria Smith , a me Joanne Douglass Misso Apostco

Die 22 Novembris 1787 Nata & die 27 Septembris 1790 Baptizata fuit Elizabetha Hargitt filia Jacobi & Mariæ Hargitt (olim Simpson) conjugum, Matrina fuit Joanna Marshall, a me Joanne Douglass Missionario Apostolico.

[38] Die 4 Octobris Nata & eodě die baptizata fuit Elizabetha Linton filia Roberti & Elizabethæ Linton (olim Golay) conjugum , Patrinis fuit Gulielmus Derbyshire, MatrinaElizabeth Linton, a me Joanne Douglass Miss Apostolico.

Die 5 Decembris 1790 Natus et die 6º ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatus fuit Carolus Agar filius Seth & Winefridis Agar (olim Moore) conjugum : Patrinus fuit GeorgiusGibson, Jane Allen a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco.

* SeeC.R.S.iv, p 378 , note † (Lakeland). Charles Agar was the eldest ofeight children born to Seth and Winefride Agar between1790 and 1802 whose names occur in this register. William Seth, usually called Seth, Agar married 1st WinifrideMoore and by her had


Die 24 Decembris 1790 Nata& die 2 Januarii 1791 baptizatafuit Maria Bussey filiaGeorgii & Mariæ Bussey(olim Dorson) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Thomas Bolland, Elizabetha Dorson, a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco.


Die 30 Januarii 1791 Nata & die 2 Februarii ejusdemanni baptizata fuit Catherina Smith filia Jacobi & Mariæ Smith (olim Thomson) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Nicholas Chicken, Matrina Margarita Howell per procuratorem Mariam Smith, a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco

Die 4 Februarii 1791 Natus & die 5ª ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatus fuit Joannes Coleback filius Georgii & Annæ (olim Flecher) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Thomas Bolland, Matrina Jane Fawcett, a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco

Die 25 Februarii 1791 Nata & die 26 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizata fuit Isabella Pattison filia Matheii & Mariæ (olim Sivers) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Hugh Tutel, Matrina Jane Williamson , a me Joanne JonesMiss Apco. [39] Die 24 Februarii 1791 nata & die 27 ejusdemmensis& anni baptizata fuit Maria Anna Whitwell filia Joannis & Saræ (olim Randerson ) conjugum, Patrinus fuit Guilmus Randerson , matrina Anna Randerson, a me Joanne Jones Misso Apo

Die 24 Martii 1791 natus & die 28 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatus fuit Thomas Arundel filius Richardi & Mariæ (olim Hind) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Tho" Bolland, matrina Eliz: Randerson, ame Joae : Jones Misso Apco.

Die 2 Maii 1791 nata & die 9 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizata fuit Catharina Ruth Glue filia Georgii & Rachelis (olim Tomlinson) conjugum, Patrinus Thomas Taylor, a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco.

Die 3 Julii 1791 natus & eadem die baptizatus fuit Josephus Benedictus Russel filius Georgii & Annæ (olim Crawford) conjugum Patrinus Georgius Russel Matrina Esther Allen, a me Joanne Jones Miss Apco.

Die 5 Augusti 1791 Natus & die 7 ejusdem Mensis & anni baptizatusfuit Richardus Lee filius Helenæ Lee Patrinus JoannisWarham Matrina Hanna Dawson, a me Joae Jones Misso Apco.

Die 13 Augusti 1791 Nata, die 14 ejusdem mensis & Anni baptizata fuit Anna, filia Jacobi & Mariæ Mills (olim Hick) conjugum , Patrinus fuit Richardus Consit, MatrinaFrancis Mills, a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco

Die 16 Octobris 1791 Natus & die 23 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatus fuit Josephus Fisher filius Georgii & Mariæ Fisher (olim eight children the youngest of whom,Anne, died a nun at York BarConvent , Dec. 10, 1836. He married 2ndly, Jan. 16, 1815, Elizabeth d. ofJohn Robinson of South Park Farm, Hedon, and had by her Very Rev. CanonWilliam Seth Agar, born Dec. 25, 1815, who diedin 1872; Charles John born 1817 , whodied of cholera at York in 1849, and Mary Anne born 1819 , who went to Bar Conventin 1830. (Note by J.S. Hansom) See C.R.S. iv, p 366, no 80, and xvii, p 432, note


Ellison) conjugum, Patrinus fuit Joannes Stout, Matrina Alice Ward, a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco [40] Die 13 Novembris 1791 nata& die 16 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizata fuit MariaAnderson filia Roberti& Annæ (olim Ibbotson) Anderson conjugum, Patrinus Richardus Whittle, Matrina Mary Crabtree per procuratores Henry Anderson & Ann Russel , a me Joannes Jones Misso Apco.

Die 22 Novembris 1791 nata et die 23 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Harriote filia Francis et Teresa Cholmley* (olim Englefield) conjugum, Patrinus fuit GeorgiusTasburg, PatrinaAnna Petre per procuratores Christopherus Meynil et DorothaGerrard, a me Joae: Jones Misso Apco.

Die 23 Novembris 1791 nata et die 28 ejusdem Mensis & Anni baptizata fuit Maria filia Samuelis & Annæ Oldgate (olim Sturt) conjugum Patrinus fuit Carolus Tasker, MatrinaAnn Sturt, a me Joanne Jones Miss: Apco

Die 3 Decembris 1791 nata et die 11 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Margarita filia Thomæ et Catherine Dale (olim Smith) conjugum. Patrinus Thomas Bollan, Matrina Martha Smith, a me JoannesJonesMissºApco

Die 15 Decembris 1791 nata & die 24 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizata fuit Francis [sic] Atkinson filia Jacobi et Annæ Atkinson (olim Flemming) conjugum. Patrinus Joannes Lawson et Dorotha

Daile per procuratores Lucas Ward et Alice Ward, a me Joae Jones Misso Apco

Die 21 Decembris 1791 natus & die 27 ejusdem mensis & anni baptizatus fuit Joannes Thosmas [sic] filius Gulielmi et SaraWright (olim Harrison) conjugum. Patrinus Joannes Dawson, Matrina Maria Smith, a me Joae Jones Missº Apco. [1792] [41] Die29 Jan: Nata& die3ªFeb: [1792 above] baptizata fuit Eliz: Thompson filia Lud: & Eliz: Thompson (olim Murray) Conjugum: patrinus fuit Richdus Pearson , MatrinaMaria Thompson, A Me Jo: Gillow Miss : Aposco

Die 2 Feb: 1792 natus & die 3ª ejusd mensis baptizatus fuit Rob: Mountain filius Jac: & Joanna Mountain (olim Harrison) Conjugum: patrinus fuit Jo: Pindar, matrina Martha Mountain , A Me Miss : Aposco Jo: Gillow

Die 31 M[erasure, ar above]tii 1792 Natus et 24 Aprilis baptizatus fuit Robertus Chapman filius Jacobi & Margarita Chapman (olim Shaw) Conjugum, patrina fuit Jo: Moorey, a me Msso Aposco Jo: Gillow

* Harriet, youngest daughter of Francis and Teresa Anne Cholmeley, died unmarried in 1813. Her godfather was George Tasburgh of Bodney, co . Norfolk, who bequeathed his estates to his widow Barbara d. of Thomas Fitzherbert ofSwinnerton, co Staffs, and her issueby any future husband on condition of their takingthe name and arms of Tasburgh Barbara married 2ndly, George Crathorne leaving a daughter and heiress, Mary Augusta Rosalie Through her marriage to Michael Anne of Burghwallis the Bodney estates as well as those of Crathorne and Ness , North Riding, co . Yorks, passed to Michael Anne, who on his marriage in 1810 assumed the name Tasburgh by royal licence His son George reverted to the surnameAnne .


Die [12 altered to] 14 Martii nat[us xd out, a above]& die 18 Martii 1792 baptizata fuit Catherina AgnesHargitt, filia Richdi Hargitt&

Johanna Hargitt (oli Mills) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Rob: Taylor, Esther Hargrave Matrina&c. , A Me Jo: GillowMissoApsco&c

Die2[9xd out, 6 above] Martii 1792 nata & die 29 Martii baptizata fuit Johanna Linton, filia Rob: & Eliz: Linton ([olim above] Blocoe) Conjugum: Patrinus Gul: Linton, Matrina Eliz: [erasure] Linton, A Me Jo: GillowMissoAposco.

Die 1ª Ap: 1792 natus & die 2ª Apr: baptizatus fuit Mat. Burgess filius Pauli & Mariæ Burgess (olim Read) Conjugum: patrinusfuit Thomas Burgess , MatrinaEsther Hargrave, A Me Jo: Gillow Misso Aposco .

Die [8 erased]9 Martii 1792 nata& die 8 Apr: baptizata fuitMaria Bell, filia Jo: & Mariæ Bell (olim Derbyshire) Conjugum: patrinus fuit Gul: Derbyshire, Maria [Ath xa out] Arton, A Me Jo: Gillow MissoAposco. [42] Die 29 Aprilis nata & die 30 ejusde mensis baptizatafuit

Margarita Pattison, Filia Mat: Pattison & Mariæ Pattison (olim Severs) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Pattison , MatrinaN: Allen, A me Jo: Gillow, Misso Aposco.

Die 30 Junii 1792 natus & eodě die baptizatus fuit Tho: Agar filius SethAgar& Winefridæ Agar (olimMoore) Conjugum Patrinus Jo: Lonsdale, Matrina Maria Pattison, A me Jo: Lonsdale Mssõ Aposco

Die 4° Maii 1792 Natus & 6° ejusdē mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Jacobus Smith, filius Jo: & MariæSmith (olim Johnson) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Tho: Brown, Matrina fuit Eliz Linton, A Me Jo: Gillow Misso Aposco, &c

Die 6° Maii 1792 nata & die 24 Junii 1792 baptizata fuit Eliz: Derbyshirefilia Chris: Derbyshire & Eliz Derb. (oli. Buttler) Conjugum: patrinus fuit Jo: Mills, MatrinaAnna G[an xd out, ar above; then the a x out, and o still higher ]try. A Me Jo: Gillow Misso Aposco

Die 31 Aug: 1792 nata & die 1° Sep: baptizata fuit Eliz:Morlay filia Caroli Morlay & Teresa Morlay (olim Champ[n above]ey) Conjugum: patrinus fuit Gul : Cha[m above]pney, Matrina Cat: Witham . A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco

Die 18 Nov: 1792 Nata & eode die baptizata fuit Anna Halfpenny filia Gul: Halfpenny & Annæ (olim Cotton) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Michael Thompson, matrina Francisca Halfpenny A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco.

Die 4 Nov: 1792 & [eode xa out] die 22 baptizatafuit Rachel Glue filia Georg: & Rachel Glue (olim Tomlinson) Matrina fuit Anna Glue, a Me Jo: GillowMssõ Apsco. [43] Die 20 [Dec: xd out, Nov: above] natus [sic]& die 2ª Dec: baptizata fuit Anna Atkinsonfilia [Thomæ xdout] Jacobi & Annæ Atkinson (olim Flemming) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joannes Lawson, matrina [blank] Bedingfeld, per Procuratores Lucas Ward & Alice Ward A me Msso Aposco, J: Gillow.


Die 29 Nov: natus & die 2ª Dec: baptizatus fuit Tho: Lion filius Jac: & Susannæ Lion (olim Thorpe) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jo: Taylor A me Jo: GillowMsso Aposco.

Die 1ª Dec: Natus & die 16 ejusdem mensis baptizatus est Joannes Barns fillius Gualteri & Annæ Barns (olim Stralford), patrinus fuit Thos: Harrison matrina Emilia March, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Aposco

Die 13 Dec: Natus & die 16 ejusd mensis [Dec. 21st in margin, which does not agree with either date] baptizatus fuit CarolusArundel filius Richdi [A xd out] & Mariæ Arundel (olim Hmde ? Bankabove) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Randerson, matrina Anna Keasley. A me Jo: Gillow Misso Aposco

Die 25 Dec: Nat: & eode die baptizata fuit Clementina Blundell filia Nic: & Clementine Blundel* (olim Tempest) Matrinafuit Francisca Trafford , patrinus fuit Nic : Scroope, per procuratorem Dom: Trafford, A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco.

Die 25 Dec: natus & eod die baptizatus fuit Hen: Carolus Cholmeleyfilius Francisci & Teresa Cholmel[e abovely(olim Inglefield) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Sir Gul : Inglefield per Procuratoř Christop: Meynell, Matrina Barbara Tasborough per proc: Dorotheam Gerard. A me Jo: Gillow Miss , Aposco [1793]

Die 31 Dec: Natus & 6° die Jan: baptizatus fuit Tho: Bostonfilius Thomæ & Francisca Boston (olim Smith) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Hulworth & Matrina Maria Smith, A me Jo: Gillow. Mssõ Aposco

1793 .

[44] Die ... Martii 1793 nata & die 24 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Elizabetha Holdgate, filia Samuelis Holgate & Annæ Holgate (olim[word x out] Stott) Conjugum: patrinus fuit Joannes Stott& MatrinaElizabetha Bane A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco

Die 1 Aprilis 1793 nata & eode' die baptizata fuit MariaFrancisca Sheldon, filia Francisci Sheldon & Franciscæ Sheldon (olim Plowden) Conjugum: patrinus fuit Ed: Constable, matrina Dom: Bar: Eliz: Tichbourne, per proc: Constantiam Saltmarsh. me Jo: GillowMsso Aposco. A

Frances Blundell daughter and heiress ofNicholasBlundell of Crosby, co. Lancs, the last male representative of a line going back to 12th c , married Henry Peppard, Esq , of Crosby He was succeeded by NicholasPeppardof Crosbywhotooksurnameand arms of Blundell in 1772. He married Clementina, 3rd d of StephenWalter Tempest of Broughton, co Yorks She died 1821 , her husbandin 1795. They left one son, William, and two daughters. Frances the elder married Sir Edward Mostyn, Bart Clementinadied unm . in 1821

See note p 42. Henry Charles probably died in infancy as his name does notoccurin Burke or in Forster's Pedigrees

William Tunstall of Wycliffe , co Yorks, born in 1721 married Catherine Langdaleof Houghton and died s.p. in 1791 , leaving his estates to his nephew

Edward Sheldon, Esq. , of Winchester, who in 1788 married Cicely Constable. Of their three children, William died young, Edward who tookthe name of Constable dieds.p. in 1803, andFrancismarried Frances Xaveria d.ofEdmund Plowden, mother of the child Mary Frances Edward was her godfather.


Die 24 [Ap x out] Martii 1793 nata & die 7 Apr: baptizata fuit

Eliz: Cubit, filia Georgii Cubit & Edith Cubit (olim Sellars) conjugum: patrinus fuit Petrus Brodell & matrina Francisca Kirby. A me Jo: Gillow Msso Aposco. Barber [in margin, but no entry]

Die 9 Maii 1793 natus & die 12 Maii baptizatus fuit Thomas Rodley filius Jo: Rodley & Annæ [R or Bodley (olim Barker) Conjugum, patrinus fuit Wm. Beckaday & matrina Eliz: Barker, A me Jo: Gillow Msso Aposco.

Die 12 natus Maii et eod' die baptizatus fuit [Matt: above] Jo: HarefiliusGul: & Alicia Hare (olim Lee) Conjugum. Patrinusfuit

Jo: Bell, MatrinaEliz: Cole, A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco

Die 29 Maii natus & die 1º Junii baptizatus fuit Jacobus Linton filius Rob: Linton& Eliz: Linton (olim Blacoe) conjugum, patrinus fuit Jo: Smith & Eliz: Linton matrina, A me Jo: Gillow Mssõ Aposco

Die 2ª Junii nata & die 5ª ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Mountain filia Jacobi & Johanna Mountain (olim Harrison) conjugum : patrinus fuit Tho: Bolland, matrina Martha Mountain , A me Jo: Gillow Msso Aposco. [45]

Die 10 Julii natus & die 12 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Pet: Dale filius Thomæ & Cat: Dale (olim Smith) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Smith, MatrinaMartha Schola A [me xa out] Jac: Newsham [Although the name differs the handwriting does not change, indicating copying.]

Die 22 Sep: 1793 nata & die 29 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit [Anna x out] Maria Anna Thompson, filia Lud: Thompson & Eliz: Thompson (olimMurray) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Jos: Thompson, Matrina [Maria above] Thompson A me Jo: Gillow Msso Aposco.

Die 27 Nov: nata & die ra Dec: baptizata fuit Helena Antonia Andersonfilia Rob: & Annæ Anderson (olim Ibbertson) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jo: Shuttleworth& Anna Shuttleworthmatrina, per Procuratores Hen : Anderson & Anna Russel, A me Jo: Gillow Ms Aposco.

Die 11 Dec: nata & die 14 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Noonfilius Pat: Noon & Hel : Noon (olim Rider) Conjugu' patrinus fuit Andræus Hickey, Anna Tro[?a]dden

Matrina. A Me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco.

Die 22d Dec: nata & die . . . baptizata fuit Maria Keasley filia Richd' Keasley & Mariæ Keasley (olim Clark) Conjugum Pat: fuit Gul: Keasley, matrinaAnna Keasley [not signed]. 1794 .

Die 31 Dec: 1793 natus & die 1ª Jan. baptizatus fuit Gul: Agar, filius [Gul: Agar xd out, Seth above] & Winifridæ Agar (olim Moore) Conjugu'. Patrinus fuit Rob: Bishoprick, matrina [name or two xd out, Johanna above] Allen A me Jo: Gillow , Msso Aposco

Die 18 Jan: natus & die 19 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuitThomas


Smith filius Mariæ Smith Patrinus fuit Car: Holdforth, matrina Francisca Boston A me Jo Gillow, Msso Aposco. [46] Die 21 [J xd out, and blank] Dec: nata & die 2 [Jan. xd out, Feb. above] baptizata fuit Anna [Dimy xd out, Carter above] filia Thomæ& Anna Carter (olim Dimy) Conjugum Pat: fuit Samuel Burgess, Matrinafuit Anna Dimy A me Jo: Gillow Msso Aposco

Die 9 Martii & die 20 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit [Anna xdout , Maria above] Glue Filia Georgii et Rachel Glue (olim Tomlinson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Worswick, Matrina Anna Glue A me Jo: Gillow Msso Aposco.

Die 24 Maii nata Barbara Keasley& die 26 [ejusd' mensis above] baptizata fuit, filia Gul: Keasley & Eliz: Keasley (olim Wetherill) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Richdus Pratt, matrina Maria Wetherill, a me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco.

Die 11 nata & die 12 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuitMariaCatharina Russell filia Georgii & Annæ Russell (olim Crawford) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Jo: Atkinson, matrina Ester Allen, a me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco

Die 9 Junii natus & die 12 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Burgess filius Pauli Burgess & Mariæ Burgess (olimRead) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thomas Burgess, & Anna Burgess Matrina A me Jo: Gillow , Msso Apsco.

Die [5 x out]7 Junii nata& die 15 ejusde' mensis baptizatafuit [C x out] Eliz: Fisher filia Georgii & Mariæ Fisher (olim Ellison) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Rich: Marshall, Matrina Eliz: Peckitt A me Jo: Gillow, Msso. Apsco.

Die7 Junii nat[a]& die 15 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Isabella Barber, filia Gul: & Isabella Barber (olim Cowling) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Tho: Smith, Mat: Christiana Barber, a me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco.

Die 16 Junii natus & die [29 above] ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit

Jacobus Macdonald filius Alexandri & Mariæ Macdonald (olim Sullivan) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Andræus Phelan, Helena Hart matrina A me Jo: Gillow.

Die 29 Junii natus & die 6 Julii baptizatus fuit Rich: Arundel filius Rich: & Mariæ Arundel (olim Banks) Conjugum. Pat: Carolus Arundel, Matrina Anna Barber. A me Jo: Gillow, Mssõ Aposco [47] Die 15 Julii nata & die 18 [15 in margin would seem to refer to the day of birth] ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Welain[g or q] filia Andrææ & Annæ Welaing (olim Sullivan) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit ... . Matrina Sara Whitwell A me Jo: Gillow Mss: Aposco .

Die 19 Juliinata & 24 Jul : baptizata fuit [An xout] Eliz: Mills, filiaJacobi& MariæMills [(Conjugum) x out] (olim Hick) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Anna Laing. A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco.

Die 19 Juliinata& die 29 ejusdemmensisbaptizatus fuit Joannes Maud filius [names & x out] Martha Maud Patrinusfuit Thomas Linton & Eliz: Linton Matrina A me Jo: Gillow , Msso Aposco.


Die 16 Aug: natus & die 17° ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuitThomas Smith filius Tho: & Mariæ Smith [ (Conjugum) xd out] (olim Scholey) Conjugum Pat: fuit Thomas Bolland & Eliz: Hansom Matrina. A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco.

Die20 Aug: natus & die23 Sept: baptizatus fuit Hen: Chapman , filius Jac: & Margarita Chapman (olim Shaw) Conjugum Pat: fuit Gul: Chapman, Matrina Eliz: Hargrave A me Jo: Gillow , Msso Apsco

[Sep in margin]. . . baptizata fuit Ann EllisfiliaJohn & Elizabethæ Ellis. Sponsores fuerunt Revd J. Gillow & Elizabetha Clemenshaw , a me Jo: Gillow Msso Apco. [The writing of this entry is somewhat shaky, quite different to previous and subsequent entries In one margin is added in the same hand Ann" before "Ellis"intheusual hand, as if a blank, withthe surname, had been leftto befilled in later.]

Die 1 Nov: nata & die 26 Nov: baptizatafuit Anna Holgate, filia Sam: & Annæ Holgate (olim Stout) Conjugum. Pat: Rob: Tasker & Matrina [Eliz: above ] Brodwith. A me Jo: Gillow , Msso Apsco.

Die 29 Nov: natus & die 30 baptizatus fuit Jo: Hare filius Gul: Hare & Elicia (olim Lee) Conjugum Pat: fuit Gul: Randerson, Mat: Anna Mossley A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco. [48] Die4 Dec: natus & die 6 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Marshall filius Georgii & Mariæ [Marshall above] (olim Mason) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Richdus Pearson , Matrina Maria Easton. A me Jo: Gillow , Miss Apsco.

Die 17 Dec: nata & die 19 ejusde' Mensis baptizatafuit Lucia Maria Marshall, filia Richdi & Margarita Marshall (olim Peckitt) Conjugum Pat: fuit Jos: Peckitt, MatrinaEliz: Peckitt A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco [1795]

Die28 Dec: natus & die 5 Jan: bap: fuit CarolusMorin [Monin in margin], filius Tim: [Elois changed to Lois] Morin (olim Haland[e xd out]) Conjugum. Pat: Russell, Mat: Cat: Atkinson A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco.

1795 .

Die 6 Jan: natus & die 7 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius Parker, filius Jac: & Esther Parker (olim Hardgrave) Conjugum. Pat: Jos: Hansom, Mat: Emerentiana Garsome A me Jo: Gillow , Msso Apsco

Die 5 Jan: nat[us xd out, a above] & die 18 Jan: baptizata[as before] fuit Anna Derbyshire, filia Christo: et Eliz: Derbyshire (olim Butler) Conjugum Pat: fuit Gul: Randerson & Sara Mason Mat : &c A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco

Die 17 Jan: natus & die 18 baptizatus fuit Rob: Linton filius Rob: & Eliz: Linton (olim . . .. ) Conjugum Pat: fuit Tho: Linton & Eliz: Linton Mat: &c A me Jo : Gillow, Msso Aposco [Here is a blank space left for the insertion of the baptism of JohannaWilkinson, whose name appears in themargin.]



Die Dec: 15 nata & die [29 xd out, Jan: 28 above] baptizata fuit Eliz: Modesty, filia Mariæ Modesty Matrina fuit Johanna Marshall . A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco.

Die 3 Feb: natus & die 5 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jos : Bolland filius Jos: Bolland & Annæ Bolland (olim Charlton) Conjugum. Pat: Tho: Brown, Mat: Maria Macdonald per Procuratricem Margaritam Simpson A me Jo: Gillow, M: Aposco

Die 23 Feb: natus & die 27 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Rodley filius Jo: Rodley & Annæ Rodley (olim Barker) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Tho: Harrison, Matrina Eliz: Snow. A me Jo: Gillow , Msso Apsco

Die 24 Feb: natus & die 8 Martii baptizatus fuit Gul: Halfpenny, filius Gul: & Annæ Halfpenny(olim Cottom ) Conjugum. Mat: N. Barber Pat: Tootell [not signed]. ....

Die 26 Martii nata & die 29ª [Martii above] baptizata fuit Anna Keasley filia Rich: & Mariæ Keasley (olim Clark) Pat : Jac: Keasley, Mat. Anna Haindson [In the Bar Convent Chapel registers Ann Haindson appears as Handson (C.R.S. iv)] a Revd : Ad: Dno: Gul: Gibson, Vic: Apostlco.

Die 13 Martii natus & 29° baptizatus ejusd' mensis fuit Jo: Consitte, filius Jo: & Mariæ Consitte (olim Winter) conjugum. Pat: fuit Gul: Kirby, Mat : Cath Audaer A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco

Die 2[7 xd out, 6 above] Julii natus & die 27 Julii baptizatus fuit Tho: Keasley filius Gul: & Eliz: Keasley (olim Weatherill) Conjugum Pat : fuit Rich: Keasley, Matrina Anna Gill A Jac Melling, Msso Apsco Ita testor Jo: Gillow.

Die 31 Aprilis nat[us xd out, a above] & die 10 Mai baptizatus [as before] fuit Elizabetha Brodeith, filia Rob: & Eliz: Brodeith (olim Tasker) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Jo: Tasker, Mat : HenriettaEllison, a me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco.

Die 20 Aprilis nata & die 24 ejusde' mensis baptizatafuit Margarita Thompson filia Lud: Thompson & Eliz: Thompson (olim Murray) Conjugum Pat: fuit Tho: Moverley, Mat : Maria Thompson. A me Jo: Gillow, M: Aps:

Die Junii 24 (sub conditione) baptizatus fuit Joannes (vulgo Miles appellatus) Robinson, an: ætatis suæ 38 ad fide' Cat: Conversus

William Gibson, Bishop of Acanthos i.p. inf , was 5th son of Jasper Gibson, Esq , of Stonecroft, co. Northumberland . He studied and was ordained at Douai, came on the Mission in 1765, and was with the Silvertop family at Minsteracresfor several years In 1781 he succeeded Mr. Blount as President of the English College, Douai, which office he held till 1790. In that year he was consecrated Bishop and succeeded his brother, Matthew , as Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District On the seizure ofDouai College by the French and the arrival of the inmates in England he madeprovision for them first at Crook Hall, co Durham, and laterat Ushaw ofwhich he was the founder He lived to see it filled with students and to flourish and send out many ableand zealous missionaries for the Northern District. He died at his episcopal residence at Durham, 2 June, 1821 (Kirk's Biographiesof English Catholics, p 98).

Matrina fuit Eliz: Linton A me J [The original transcriber had probablygot into the way, and was going to insert Jo: Gillow] Gul: Croskell, Msso Apsco [50] Die 11 Julii nata & die 12 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Boston filia Tho: & Francisca Boston (olim .), Conjugu' . Pat fuit Jo: Stout, Matrina Maria Smith, a me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco

Die 19 Martii natus & die 19 Aug: baptizatus fuit Mat: Josephus Siddell, filius Georgii & Maria Siddell (olim Foss) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Tho: Foss per Proc: Laurentium Fallon, Matrina Helena Consitt. A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco.

Die 8 Aug: nata & die 16 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Maria Gallagan filia Bartle Gallagan & Helenæ Gallagan Conjugum, Matrina fuit Johanna Marshall A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco

Die 20 Sep: nata et die 21 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Maria Okelly filia .. Okelly et ... Okelly conjugum Patrinus fuit Patritius Dunnahaugh, matrinaMaria Migennes, a me Gul: Croskell, Miss: Ap: ....

Die 20 Sep nata & die 23 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Anna Bell, filia .. .... et .... Bell conjugum; Patrinus fuit Anthonius Hall, matrina Catharina Berkenshaw A me Gul: Croskell, Miso Apo

Die 15 Aug: nata & die 4 Oct: baptizata fuit Johanna Lyon, filia Jac: & Susanna Lyon (olim Thorps) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jo: Stout & MatrinaSaraTaylor, a me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco.

Die 8 Nov. natus & die 10 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Bolland filius Tho: & Alicia Bolland (olim ) Conjugu' . Patrinus fuit Gul Randerson, Matrina Martha Smith. A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco [1796]

Die26 Dec: nata& die 1ª Jan: baptizata fuit Carolina Josephina Andersonfilia Rob: & Annæ Anderson (olim Ibbertson) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Tho: Thompson &AnnaRussell. A me Jo: Gillow

Die 31 Dec: nata & die 2ª Jan: baptizata fuit Eliz: Agar, filia Seth & Winifridæ Agar (olim Moore) Conjugum Pat: Geog: Russel, Matrina ClaraWallis, a me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco. [51] 1796.

Die5 Jan: nata & die I Feb: baptizata fuit Anna Clayton filia Francisca & Jos: Clayton (olim Parly) Conjugum Pat: fuit Car: Smith, Mat : Margarita Howdle A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco

Die 9 Feb: nata & die 21 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Maria Barber filia [Isabell x out] Gul: & Isabellæ Barber [Conjuga xa out] (olim Cowling) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Jo: Gibson , Mat: Christina Barber A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco.

Die . Aprilis natus & die II ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Carolus Byrne filius Jo: & CarolettaByrne (olimWinter) Conjugu' Pat: fuit [Maria Gledhill xd out] Jo: Gibson, Mat : Maria Gledhill, a Gul: Croskell , Ms: Apsco.



Die 13 Maii natus & eodem die baptizatus fuit Geor: Hare filius Gul: & Alicia Hare (olim Lee) Conjugum Pat: fuit [Bor xd out] Benj: Randerson, Mat: Sara Whitwell a me Jo: Gillow, Msso Aposco.

Die 13 Maiinata & die 15° ejusd' mensis baptizata fuitAnnaDent filia Christop: Dent & Mariæ Dent (olim Randerson) Conjugum. Pat : fuit Gul: Randerson, Mat : Maria Ward. A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco.

Die 16 Maii natus & die 22° ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Gill, filius Gul: & AnnæGill (olim Keasley) Conjugum Pat: Rich: Keasley, Per proc: Gul: Keasley, Mat : Eliz: Keasley, a me Jo: Gillow Mis: Apo.

Parochia S: Crucis .

Die 29 Maii nata & [20 xd out, 2ª above] Julii baptizata fuitMaria Tasker, filia Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) Conjugum. Pat: Jo: Walker, Mat : SaraWalker. A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco. [52] Die 1 Junii nata & die [6 xd out] 7 baptizata fuit Eliz : Thompson, filia Gul: & Hel: Thompson (olim Lee) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Gul : Steward, Mat: Anna [Strudy xd out] Sturdy. A me Jo: Gillow, Ms: Apsco

Die 1° Julii 1796 nata et eodem die baptizata fuit Maria filia Anastasia Dawson. Patrinus fuit Tho: Bolland, Matrina Eliz: Dawson, a me Gul: Croskell M. Apo

Die 30 Junii nata & die 3ª Julii baptizata fuit Anna Parker filia Jac: Parker & Esther Parker (olim Ha[r above]dgrave) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Pet: Brodell, Matrina Eliz: Hansom A Me Jo: Gillow, Miss Apsco

Die 28 Junii nata & die 20 Julii baptizata fuit Eliz: Arundel filia Richd' Arundel & Mariæ Arundel (olim Hinde) Conjugum Pat: fuit Jo: Hargitt, Eliz: Barber matrina A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco

Die2 Aug: nata & die 7 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuitMariaHughes filia Jac: & Mariæ Hughes (olim Rogers) conjugu'. Pat: fuit Tho: Wheeler, Mat: [erasure] Sarah Scott A me Jo: Gillow Ms: Apsco

Die 1 Aug: nata & die 19 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Isabella Chapman filia Jac: & Marg: Chapman (olim Shaw) conjugu' Mat: fuit Eliz: Hargrave A me Jo: Gillow Ms: Apsco

Die 3 Oct: nata & die 21 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Sara Bell filia Jo: & Mariæ (olim Derbyshire) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Derbyshire, Matrina fuit Eliz: Richardson. A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco

Die 16 Sep: natus & die 22 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Morton filius Pauli & Saræ Morton (olim Teor) Conjugu' . Pat: Tho: Marshall, Mat: Cath: Dale A me Jo: Gillow Mss: Apsco [53] Die 31 Oct: nata & die 6 Nov. baptizata fuit Eliz: Jackson filia Tho: & Mariæ Jackson (olim Hops) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Mills& Eliz Simpson Mat: A me Jo: GillowMss: Aposco


Die 17Nov: natus & die 19 [ejusd' mensis above] baptizatus fuit

Jo: SmithfiliusJo: Smith& MariæSmith(olimJohnson) Conjugum.

Pat: fuit Jo: Atkinson, Mat : Cath: Atkinson A me Jo: Gillow

Msso Apsco

Die 18 Nov: nata & die 20 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Johanna Outhwaite filia Jo: & Mariæ Outhwaite (olim [Conjugu' x out]) Conjugu' Mat: fuit Anna Metcalf, A me Jo: Gillow

Msso Apsco.

Die 22 Nov: nata & eode' die baptizata fuit FranciscaKitson filia Gul: & Annæ Kitson (olim Skinners) Conjugum Mat: Johanna Doughlass A me Jo: GillowM: Ap:

Die 25 Nov: nata & die 27 ejusd' mensis baptizatafuit Maria Langdle filia Rog: Langdle & Susanna Langdle (olim Hindson)

Conjugum. Mat: fuit MariaArton A me Jo: GillowMsso Apsco

Die [4 above] Maii natus & die 7 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit

Jo: Rodley filius Jo: & Annæ Rodley (olim Barker) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Cor: Holdforth, Mat: Eliz: Dixon, a me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco.

1797 .

Jan: 31 natus & die 4 Feb: baptizatus fuit Jo: Mountain filius

Die 22 Maii nata & die 25 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Hannah HargravefiliaJac: & Mariæ Hargrave (olim Bonnet) C'jugu' . Pat: fuit Gul: Harton , Mat : Maria Crooe a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apº [This entry is crossedout] [54]

Jac: Mountain & Johannæ Mountain (olim Harrison) Conjugum

Pat: fuit Tho: Browne, Mat: Anna Wilcoxen A me Jo: Gillow Msso: Apsco.

Die I Feb: nata & die 5ª ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Maria [? St xd out] Marshall filia Georgii & Mariæ Marshall (olim Mason) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Georgius Marshall, Mat: fuit Maria Smith. A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco

Feb: die 2ª nata et die ga ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Maria filia Georgii Dale et IsabellæDale (olim Leck) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Michael Walker, Matrina p proc: Frances Leck, a me Guil Croskell , M.A.

Feb: 9 baptizata a me fuit MariaGluefiliaGeorg: & Rachel Glue (olimTomlinson) c'jugu' J. GillowM: Ap:

Feb: d. 12 natus & die 13 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Hebden filius Gul: & Cath: Hebden (olim Sherwood) Conjugum. Pat : Jac: Sherwood & Mat : Penny Sherwood per Proc: Gul: Linton & Joannan Keasley A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco

Feb: 13 natus et die 14 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius filius Ricardi et Mariæ (olim Clark) Keasley [conjugum above]: Patrinus fuit per procuratorem Jos: Burgess , Matrina Eliz: Keasley, a me Guil: Croskell Misso Aposco.

Die 12 Aprilis natus & die 15 baptizatus fuit Jo: Wilkinsonfilius

Jo: & AnnaWilkinson(olim Jackson) Conjugum. Pat: fuitTho: Barber, Mat: fuit Francisca Allen, a me Jo: Gillow Mso Apsco. [55] Die 18 Maii 1797 natus et die 30 ejusdemmensisbaptizatus


fuit Thomas filius ThomæetCatharinaPowell conjugum Patrinus fuit Michael Walker, Matrina Maria Dent, a me Gul : Croskell Misso Apo

Die 29° Junii natus & die 1° Julii baptizatus fuit Petrus Marshall filius Richdi & Margarita Marshall (olim Peckitt) Conjugum. Pat: fuit [Tho: xd out, Rob: above] Thompson, Mat: Maria Hughes, a me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco.

Die I Augusti 1797 nata & die 3 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Elizabeth filia Joanna Fawbert. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Fawbert, MatrinaElizabeth Snow: a me Gul: Croskell M.A.

Die 14 [Aug: above] natus & die 15 baptizatus fuit Jo: Agarfilius

Seth Agar & Winifridæ Agar (olim Moore) Conjugum Pat: fuit Jo: Barber, Mat: Francoe [Ag xa out] Halfpenny A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apsco

Die 5ta nata et 15 baptizata fuit Maria [Dimy xd out, Carter above]filia Thomæ et Annæ Carter (olim Dimy) conjugum, matrina fuit Maria Dimy A me Thoma Smith Misso Aplco

Die 16 [Aug: above] & die 17 baptizatus fuit Ed: Hare filius Gul : & Alicia[LTxd out] Hare ( [filius xd out] olim Lee) Conjugum. Pat : fuit Jo: Stout & Mat: Maria Gray A Me Jo: Gillow, M: A:

Die7 Augusti nata et die 24 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuitAnna filia Roberti et Elizabeth (olim Stott) Broadworth conjugum: Patrinus fuit Thomas Stott, matrina Anna Stott: a me Gul : Croskell, M.A.

Die 5 Nov: nata & die 26 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Lion filia Jac: & Susannæ Lion (olim Thorp) Conjugum. Mat: fuit Eliz: P .. ... . sey. A me Jo: Gillow, Msso Apsco. [56] [A blank spaceleft against Geor: Hen: Anderson in margin.]

Die 17 Dec: natus & die 20 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Christophorus Jackson filius Tho: & Mariæ Jackson (olim Hops) Conjugum. Mat: fuit Maria Cuddy A me Jo: GillowM: Ao: 1798

[A blank spaceleft againstWalkerinmargin ]

Die 25 Martii nata & die 28 baptizata fuit Hannah Randerson filia Mariæ & Gul: Randerson (olim Wallis ) conjugu' Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland & Mat : AnnaRanderson, a me Jo: GillowM: Ap: [A blank spaceleft against Dent inmargin.]

Die 29 Aprilis & die 8 Maii baptizatus fuit Josephus Thompson filius Ludovici & Eliz: Thompson (olim Murry) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Tho: Barber, Mat: fuit Dor: Pattison, a me Jo: Gillow M: Ap.

Die 8 Maii natus & die eodm baptizatus fuit Jo: Bolland filius Tho: & Alicia Bolland (olim Harrison) Conjugum Pat: fuit Tho: Smith, Mat: Rebecca Powell a me Jo: Gillow M. A.

Die 7 Maii natus & die 9 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Georg: Scott filius Jo: & Eliz: Scott (olim Frost) Conjugum Pat: fuit Alexander Congarton, Mat: Anna Gartry a me Jo: Gillow, M. A.


Die 14 Maiinatus & die 18 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit Thomas Megennes, filius Danielis et Rosa Annæ Megennes (olim Watson) conjugum: Patrinus fuit JoannesAlbertus Aud[a above]er, Matrina Anna Thompson, a me Guil Croskell , M° Aº.

DieAprilis 27 natus et die 21 Maii baptizatus fuit JoannesClayton, Filius Josephi et Francisca Clayton (olim Varley) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Richardus Varley, Matrina Elizabeth Gledhill, a me Guil: Croskell, M. A. [57] die 13 Junii natus & die 17 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Hen: Gill filius Gul: & Annæ Gill (olim Keasley) Conjugum Pat: fuit Gul: Keasley per Proc: Joanne' Bradley, Mat: Anna Burgess

A me Jo: Gillow M. Apsco.

Die 11 Julii 1798 natus et eodemdie baptizatus fuit [imminente mortis periculo above] Jacobus Cook, Filius Petri et Mariæ Cook (olim Ecklin) conjugum, et 14 ejusdem mensis suppletæ fuerunt cæremoniæ : Patrinus fuit Patricius Whealon, Matrina Maria Richardson, a me Guil: Croskell M. Apo.

Die Julii 2 natus et 16 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius Morin, filius Timothei et Élois Morin (olim Harland) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Gul: Wright, Matrina p procuratricem Sara Wright, a me Gul: Croskell M. Aº

Die Julii 22 nata et 26 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit MariaMcDonald, Filia Joannis et Carolettæ McDonald (olim Metley) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Guil: Stewart, Matrina Elizabeth Bolland: a me Guil: Croskell M° Aº

Die 19 Julii 1798 nata et die 26 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Anna Barber, Filia Gul: et Isabellæ Barber (olim Cowling) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Michael Walker, Matrina Anna Walker: a me Gul: Croskell M° A°.

Die 6 Aug: natus & die 9 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Gul Boston filius Tho: & Francisca Boston (olim .) Conjugu' Pat: Rob: Taylor [A xd out] Hannah Lodge Matrina a me Jo: Gillow M: Ap:

Die 29th Aug: natus & die 2° Sep: baptizatus fuit JacobusParker , filius Jac: & Esther Parker (olim Hargrave) Conjugum. Pat: fuit

Laur: Brodell, Mat: Maria Hansom A me Jo: Gillow Apsco Misso [58] Die 9 Sep: natus & die 10 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuitJo: Snowballfilius Henrietta Snowball. Pat: fuit Jo: Bell, Mat: Win: Agar, a me Jo: Gillow Mo Ap:

Die 7 Oct: nata & die 14 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Kirby, filia Mariæ & Gul: Kirby (olim Stoaker) Conjugum Pat: fuit Jo: Hargitt, Mat : fuit Sarah Simpson, a me Jo: Gillow M: Ap:

Die 18 Oct: natus & die 20 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius Atkinsonfilius [Jos: xd out] Joannis & Annæ Atkinson (olim Lacon) Conjugu'. Pat: fuit Rob: Hueson, Mat: Francisca Atkinson, a me Jo: Gillow M: Ap:


Die 10 Nov: natus & die 15 baptizatus fuit Gul: Dale filius Georgii & Isabellæ [Dale above] (olim Leck) Conjugum. Pat: fuit

Michael Walker, Mat : Johanna Inman . Ame Jo: Gillow M: Ap:

Die ... Nov: baptizatus a me fuit GeorgiusHenricus Talbot filius Jo: & [SusannaHarriet above] N: Talbot (olim Bedingfeld) c'jugu' . Pat : Jo: Lawson, Mat: MariaSelby, a me Jo: GillowM: Ap: 1799

Die ... Jan: nata & die 1ª Jan: baptizata fuit Eliz: Keasley filia Richdi & Mariæ Keasley (olim Clark) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Gul: Wright, Mat: Sarah Wright A me Jo: Gillow Mo Apo

Die 7 Jan: natus & eode' die baptizatus fuit Bernardus King, filius Jac: & Martha King (olim Mitchell) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Hargitte, Mat : Joanna [Eliz: above] Hargitt A me Jo: Gillow M: Apco


Die ra Jan: nata & eode' die baptizata fuit Eliz: Keasley filia Rich: & Mariæ Keasley (olim Clark) Conjugu' . Pat: fuit Gul: Wright, Mat : Sara Wright. A me Jo: Gillow M: Ap: Crossed out. See the first entryfor theyear, withwhichit does notquiteagree.] [59] Die 21 Jan: natus & eod' die baptizatus fuit Tho: Turner filius Patricii & Anna Turner (olim Macdermot) Conjugum. Pat: Philip: Ryon, Mat : Eliz: Hargitt A me Jo: GillowM: Ap:

Die 18 Feb: natus & die 23º ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Rob: Brodwith filius Rob: & Eliz: Brodwith (olim Stotte) Conjugu' . Pat: fuit Jo: Mills, Mat: MariaBrodell, A me Jo: Gillow M. Apsco.

Die 20 Feb: nat[us xd out, a above ] & die 23° ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Winef: Dinah Agar filia Seth & Winef: Agar (olim Moore) Conjugum. Pat : fuit Mat : Pattison, Mat: Maria Briggham. A me Jo: Gillow M. Ap

Die 7 Aprilis nati & eode' die baptizati sunt Josephus& Samuel Powell filii Thomæ & Cat: Powell (olim Cook) Conjugum Pat: fuit Jos: Bolland, Matrina Maria Smith A me Jo: Gillow Mo Apsco

Die 5 Julii natus & die 6° ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Rob: Mountain filiusRobt & Joanna Mountain (olim Harrison) Conjugum. Pat: Jo: Hargitt, Mat: Eliz: Bolland a me Jo: GillowM: Ap:

Die 7 Julii natus & die 14 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Johnsonfilius Jo: & Annæ Johnson (olim Wilson) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Georgius Purdy, Mat: Maria Hilstripp. A me Jo: Gillow M: Aps:

Die 29 Julii natus & eode' baptizatus fuit felix Ryan filius Felicis & Joanne Ryan (. .. .) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Gul : Dodd, Mat: Maria Taylor A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apos.

Die Julii 23 nata et die 26 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Joanna WalkerFilia Roberti et Annæ Walker (olim Randerson) [conjugum above] Patrinus fuit JoannesHogget, matrina Joanna Inman, a me

Guil: Croskell M. A.

Die 3 Aug: nata & die II ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Francisca Arundel filia Jo: & Sara (olim Pownder) Conjugum Pat: Gul:

Claisby [? Cleasby] Mat: Anna Pownder A me Jo: Gillow Misso Aposco .

Die 13 baptizatus fuit sub c'dioe Carolus Mortimer A me Jo: Gillow Miss Aps

Die 13 Aug: nata & die 15 ejusde' mensis baptizatafuit Sara Randerson , filia Gul : & Mariæ Randerson (olim Wallis) Conjugu' . Pat : fuit Tho:Smith, Mat: Sara Whitwell, a me Jo: GillowMiss Ap:

Die ... Julii natus & die 20 Aug: baptizatus fuit Tho: Chapman filius Jac: & Marg: Chapman (olim Shaw) Conjugu'. Pat: fuit Tho: Stout, Mat : Johanna [?] Mery [?] A me Jo: GillowMisso Aposco. [60] Die 22 Augusti 1799 natus et die 23 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Hare Filius Gulielmi et Alicia Hare conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Linton, Matrina Eliz: Linton, a me Gul: Croskell Mo Apº.

Die 3 Septembris 1799 nata et die 9 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit SaraMonerstere[Morestier in margin], Filia Mariæ Monerstere: Matrina fuit Joanna Rouklege: a me Guil: Croskell M° Aº.

Die 15 Sep: natus & die 16 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Joannes Abraham Staneforth filius Gul: & Eliz : Staneforth (olim ..) Conjugum Matrinafuit Sarah Chapman, A me Jo: Gillow Mo Apo.

1800 .

Die19 Jan: natus & die 21 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuitGeorgius Barner filius Gul: & Mariæ Barner (olim Atkinson) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Tho: Jackson, Matrina Hannah Litgemenn A me Jo: Gillow MoApo.

Die 26 Jan: natus & die 28 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Josephus Peckitt filius Josephi & Mariæ Peckitt (olim Scave) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Rich: Hargitt, Matrina Maria Jackson a me Jo: Gillow MoApo.

Die 8° Feb: natus & die 10 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Petrus [? Shannon xd out, Crofton above] filius Curtice & Esther Crofton (olim Shannon ) Conjugum. Pat : fuit Jos : Carrol, Maria Carrol Mat: a me Jo: GillowMo Apº.

Die 13 [Martii above] nata & eode' die baptizata fuit Henrietta Clifton filia Tho: & .... Clifton (olimRiddell)Conjugum Pat:fuit Humphræus Trafford, Matrina fuit Domina Maria Stapleton [not signed]

[A blank space left against Walker in margin ] [61] Die 14 Martii nata & die 22 Aprilis baptizata fuit Cat: Hilligen, filiaJo:& Annæ Hilligen (olim .... ) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria O'Brien a me Jo: Gillow Miss Aps

Die 13 Aprilis nata & die 27 ejusde' baptizata fuit Sophia Dent

Thomas Cliftonson and successorofJohnClifton, Esq., ofClifton,Westby and Lytham , co Lancs , born 1764, married in 1785 Elizabeth d of Thomas Riddell, Esq , of Felton Park and Swinburne Castle, co Northumberland They left two sons, Thomas, born 1788 , who succeeded his father, John , born 1790, who married Mary Trafford, d. of John Trafford, and two daughters, Mary, who died 1808 , and Henrietta


filia Christ : & Mariæ Dent (olim Randerson) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Gul: Randerson, mat : Eliz: Randerson, a me Jo: GillowMiss: Aposco:

Die Aprilis natus & die 4° Maii baptizatus fuit Car: Arundel filius Rich & Mariæ Arundel (olim Banks) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Car: Arundel , Mat : MariaBarber, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apos:

Die 10° Maiinatus fuit ThosHarton& postea baptizatus a Joanne Gillow, Miss Apos [Spo xd out] Patrini fuerunt Ludovicus & Elizabetha Thompson

[The above entry is inserted in another hand and in very pale inkin part of the blank space left for the insertion of an entryfor Maria Monica Siddell in margin.]

Die 18 Maii nata & die 25 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Hannah Sophia Anderson filia Rob: & Hannah Anderson (olim Hetson) Conjugu' Pat : fuit Georgius Russell, Mat: Marg: Iveson, a me Jo: Gillow Miss : Aps

Die 2 Junii nata & die 6 baptizata fuit MariaAgar, filia Seth & Winefrida Agar (olim Moore) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Gul : Pattison, Mat: Dor: Pattison , A me Jo: Gillow, Miss : Apos:

Die 20 Junii natus & die 22 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuitGeorgius Bolland filius Tho: & Alicia Bolland (olim Harrison) Conjugum. Pat: Tho: Browne, Mat: Winefrida Tootell A me Jo: Gillow Mo Ap:

Die 6 Julii nata & eode' die baptizata fuit Anna Maria Parker, filia Jac: & Esther (olim Hargrave) Conjugu' Pat: fuit [Petrus xd out, Laur: above] Brodell, mat Maria Brodell A me Jo: Gillow Miss : Apos:

Die 2 Julii nata & die 7 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Maria

BradleyfiliaRob: & Eliz: Bradley (olimTasker) c'jugu' Pat: fuit

Lucas Ward, Mat: AnnaTasker A me Jo: GillowM: Apos.

Die 18 Junii nata & die 12 Julii baptizata fuit Anna Murphey filia Jac: & Johannæ Murphey ([olim below] Pepper) c'jugum Pat: fuit Michael Macdonald, Mat : Cat: Macarthy , a me Jo: Gillow Miss: Apos: [62] Die [16 xd out, 26 above] nata Julii & die [17 xd out, 27 above] ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Colebeck filia Eliz: Colebeck . Mat: fuit Anna Colebeck A me Jo: Gillow Mo Aposco.

Die 20 natus Julii et die 26 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit

Mauritius Jones, Filius Mauritii et Susanna Jones ; Matrina fuit

Elizabeth Erwin; a me Gul: Croskell M° Aº.

Die 28 Julii natus & die 10 Aug: baptizatus fuit Gul: Masser filius Jos: Masser & Hel: Masser (olim Burnet) Conjugum Pat: fuit [Tho: xd out] Jo: Stout, Mat: fuit Francisca Joplaing a me, Jo: Gillow Misso Apost.

Die 19 Aug: natus & die 24 baptizatus fuit Jos: Gill filius Gul: & Anna Gill (olim Keasley) Conjugum. Pat: fuit JoannesBradley, Matrina Joanna Keasley. A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 8 Sep: natus & die 14 baptizatus fuit Jos: Tasker filius Jo:

&Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) Conjugu' Patrinus Laurentius Brodell, Mat: Sarah Richardson A me Jo: Gillow Miss Apost

Die 7 Sep: nata & die 14 baptizata fuit Maria KellyfiliaTimo: & Martha Kelly (olim Howard) Conjugu' Pat: Petrus Snow, Mat: Maria Tool. A me Jo: GillowMiso Apos:

Die 19 Aug: natus & die 11 Sep: baptizatus fuit Fred: Bernardus Clayton filius Jos: & Francisca Clayton (olim Varley) Conjugu' . Pat: Jos : Bosy, Mat: Marg: Hunt A me Jo: GillowMiss Apos°

Die 24 Sep: nata & die 26 ejusde' baptizata fuit Eliza Walker , filia Rob: & Annæ Walker (olim Randerson) Conjugum Pat: fuit

Wmxd out]Gul: Randerson, Matrina Eliz: [Rand xd out]Hargitte. a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apos:

Die4 Oct: natus & die 5 baptizatus fuit Gul: Kirbyfilius Gul: & MariæKerby (olim Stockill) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Hen: Hansom , Mat : Eliz: Kerby. A me Jo : Gillow Miss Apos:

Die 7 Octobris natus et die 8 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Jacobus Franciscus Wheeler, Filius Christophori et Annæ Wheeler (olim Mortimer) conjugum, Patrinus fuit Georgius Hoey, Matrina Anna Sturdy: a me Gul : Croskell , M. A.

Die 21 Oct: natus & die 26 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Gall, filius Tho: & Francisca Gall (olim Howard) Conjugu' . Pat: MichaelEllis,Mat: FranciscaTaylor, ame Jo: Gillow Miss: Apos: [63]

Die 28 Oct: nata & die 2a Nov: baptizata fuit Ursula Jackson filiaTho: & MariæJackson (olim Hopps) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Geo: Hoy, Mat: MarthaStead A me Jo: Gillow Miss: Apos:

Die7Nov : nata & die 9 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit MariaHargitt filia Jac: & Eliz: Hargitt (olim Rylay) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Rich: Hargitt, Matrina Johanna Hargitt A me Jo: Gillow Miss . Ap.

Die 8 Nov: natus & die 10 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Ed: Donohoo filius Ohen Donohoo & Hel: Donohoo (olim Sullevan) Conjugum Pat: fuit Tho: Mackey, Mat: Marg: Mackee A me

Jo: Gillow Miss : Ap:

Die Nov: nata & die 16 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Barber , filia Gul: Isab: Barber (olim Cowling) Conjugum. Pat: Laur: Brodell , Matrina Eliz: Barber. A me Jo: Gillow Miss : Apos:

Die 13 Nov: nata & die 16 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Johanna Macharty filia Denis Macharty& Cat: Macharty (olim Macharty ) Conjugum Pat: fuit Petrus Carberry, Matrina Maria Peters, a me

Jo: Gillow Miss: Apos:

Die 22 Nov : natus & eode' die baptizatus fuit Gul: Bradley filius Jo: & Eliz: Bradley (olim Keasley) c'jugu'. Pat: fuit Oswaldus Gray, Mat : MariaBradley a me Jo: Gillow, M: Ap:

Die 21 Nov: natus & die 25 baptizatus fuit Jos: Headley filius Ric: & Sara Headley (olim ....) Conjugum. Pat: Tho: Stout , Mat Francisca Farrell, a me Jo: Gillow Miss : Ap:

Die 17 nata & die 21 ejusde' mensis [Dec: 21st in margin] baptizata fuit Maria Anna Walker filia Mat : & Annæ Walker (olim


[Waters xd out] Mountain) Conjugu' Pat: Jos: [Taylor above] & MariaTaylorMatrina. a me Jo: Gillow M. A: [1801]

Die 31 Dec: natus & die 8 Jan: baptizatus fuit Jo: Pollond,filius Pat: Polland & Eliz: Polland (olim Berry) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Pat: Farral, Mat: Eliz: Farral a me Jo: Gillow Miss : Apos [64] 1801

Die 3 Jan: natus & die 28 baptizatus fuit Rob: Linton filius Gul: & Mariæ Linton (olim Burnside) Conjugum Pat: fuit Gul: Hare, Mat: Eliz: Linton A me Jo: GillowMiss : Ap: Die 18 [Jan x out] Feb: natus & die eod' baptizatus fuit Car: Wade alius Danielis & Margarita Wade (olim Ryan) Conjugum Pat fuit Tho: Jameson, Mat: Lucia O'Reilly, A me Jo: Gillow Miss: Apos:

Die 6 Martii nata & die 28 ejusd' mensis baptizatafuit Eliz: Gannon, filia Eliz: & Ed: Gannon (olim Byrn) Conjugum Pat: fuit Patricius Fitsgerald, Helena Donahaugh Matrina, A me Jo: Gillow Miss : Apos:

Die 27 Martii natus & die 29 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Keasley filius Richal & Mariæ Keasley (olim Clark) Conjugu' Pat: Tho : Burgess , Matrina Johanna Keasley A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 5 Aprilis nata & die 6 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Johanna Smith , filia Jo: & MariæSmith (olim Browne) Conjugu' Pat: Gul: Randerson, MatrinaMargarita Smith A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

[A space is left here ]

Die4 Ap: natus & die 7° ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Garatry, filius Jo: & Marg: Garatry (olim Corbet) Conjugu' Pat: Jac: Wade, Matrina Eliz: Gannon A me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo

Die 28 Aprilis natus & die 30 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Benjaminus Randersonfilius Gul: & MariæRanderson(olim Wallis) Conjugu' . Pat : Rob: Clayton, MatrinaMariaSmith. A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo: [65] Die 22 Aprilis 1801 [nata above] et die 6 Maii baptizata fuit Elizabeth Filia Joannis et Annæ Rodley (olim Barker) conjugum; patrinusfuit Joannes Cleasby, MatrinaMaria Harrison: a meGul: CroskellM.A.

[A blank space against Winefrida Josephina MaxwellStanley in themargin.]

Die 6 Aprilis nata & eode' die baptizata fuit Eliz: Wright, filia Jac: & Mariæ Wright (olim Ward) Conjugu' Pat: Tho: & Mat: Eliz: Ward. A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 14 Maii natus & die 18 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Peckitt filius Jos : & Mariæ Peckitt (olim Scave) Conjugu' . Pat: Rich: Stead, Mat: Marg: Stead A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 29 Maii natus & die eode' baptizatus fuit Jo: Wightfilius Jac: & [Eliz: xd out, Joannæ above] Wight (olim Wharram) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Jo: Stout, Matrina fuit Eliz: Wharram . A me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº.


Die18 Junii nata & die 21ª ejusde' mensisbaptizata fuitCatharina Marshall filia Richdi & Marg: Marshall (olim Peckitt). Pat: fuit Richardus Hargitt, Mat: Joanna Hargitt, a me Jo: Gillow Miss° Apº.

Die 11° Julii nata & die 12 baptizatafuit Catharina Elizabetha Hansom filia Henrici & Saræ Hansom (olim Simpson ) Conjugu' . Pat: Richdus Hansom, Matrina Emerentiana Garsome a Me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº.

Die 23 Julii natus & die 25 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Thompson filius Ludovici & Eliz: Thompson (olim Murray) Conjugu. Pat : Gul: Wright, Mat: Sara Wright a me Jo: Lingard Presbytero.

Die 28 Julii, 1801, nata et die 31 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Catharina Hargitt, Filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Hargitt (olim Randerson) conjugum, Patrinus fuit Gul: Wright Matrina Eliz: Atkinson : a me Gul: Croskell M. Ap. [66]

Die 31 Julii nata & die 2ª Aug: baptizata fuit Eliz: Hardgrave filia Jac: & Mariæ Hargrave (olim Bonnet) Conjugum Pat: fuit Tho: Dobson, Matrinafuit Eliz: Hargrave, A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 1 Aug: nata & die 12 ejusde' Mensis baptizatafuit Clarinda Catharina Lawson filia Jo: & Clarinda Lawson (olimFallon)Conjugum. Pat: fuit Jo: Lawson Baroneta, Matrina Cat: Maire per ProcuratoresDnâ' Carr & Rich: Thompson, A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apo

Die5° Aug: natus & die 23° Augusti baptizatus fuitGul: Shackleton filius Eliz: Gerrard Pat : Robt Taylor, MatrinaAnna Hardware, A me Jo: Gillow M: Apos.

Die [27 Julii over erasure], 1800, nata, et die 9 Septembris, 1801 , baptizata fuit Emilia Vignali , Filia Jacobi et Saræ Vignali (olim Copperthwaite ) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Gul: Walker, Matrina Maria Brodelle, a me Gul: Croskell M Apo

Die 30 [Nov: xdout, Oct. above] nata & die 1ª Nov: baptizata fuit Sara Chapman filia Jac: & Margarita Chapman (olim Shaw) c'jugu' Pat : fuit [G xd out] Robt Audaer, Patrina Sara Hargrave a me Jo. Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 9° Dec: nata & die 10 ejusde' Mensis baptizata fuitJohanna

* Clarinda CatherineLawson, daughter and heiress of John Lawson, M.D. , ofYork, by Clarinda, hiswife, eldest daughter ofJohn Fallon, Esq., ofCloone , co. Roscommon , married in 1825 William second son of John Wright of Kelvedon Hall, co Essex , by his wife, Elizabeth Lawson, d and heiress of Sir John Lawsonof Brough, co Yorks, 5thBart On the death ofhis uncle , Henry Lawsonof Lartington , who had succeeded his brother, Sir John, as 6th Baronet, William Wright succeeded to Brough and assumed the name of Lawson. He was made a Baronet in 1841 and diedin 1865. His wifedied in 1861. Thegodfather namedwas Sir John, 5thBart of the first creation , and the godmother Catharine Maire, olim Fermor, wife of Henry Lawson, who assumed the name Maire on succeeding to Lartington by the will of John Maire her brother, but reverted to that of Lawson when he succeeded his brother , Sir John


Smith filiaJo: & Mariæ (olim Johnson) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Rich: Hargitt, Matrina Eliz: Atkinson, A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 31 Oct: nata& die 13 Decr. baptizata fuit Anna Powel filia Tho: & Cat: Powell (olim Cook) Conjugu' . Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland, Mat: Eliz: Bolland, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo [67] 1802

Die ... Dec: & die 2° Jan : baptizatus fuit Tho: Kirby filius Tho: & Eliz: Kirby (olim Love) Conjugu.' Pat : fuit Gul: Kirby, Mat: Eliz: Kirby, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 11 Jan: [nata] & die 17 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Barner filia Gul: & MariæBar[ber xd out, ner above] (olim Atkinson) c'jugu' . Pat: Rob: Atkinson, Matrina Marg: Stead, a me Jo: Gillow, Miss Apº.

Die 20 Jan: natus & die 31 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Franciscus Neerman filius Fran : & Annæ Neerman (olim Potts) Conjugu' Pat : fuit Tho: Penswick, Mat : MargritaStead, A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 24 Martii natus & die 27 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius Marshall filius Georgii & Mariæ Marshall (olim Mason) Conjugu' . Pat: Jo: Smith, Mat: Maria Howard a me Jo: Gillow Miss : Apo.

Die I Martii nata & die 28 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Hannah Crosby filia Jo: & Annæ Crosby (olim Watson) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Tasker, Maria Flinham Matrina, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 8 Aprilis natus & die II ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Parker filius Jac: & Esther Parker (olim Hargrave) c'jugu' Pat: fuit [Petrus xd out, Lawr: above] Brodell, Matrina Francisca Boston. A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apos.

Die 24 Aprilis nata& eode' die baptizata fuit AnnaArendel, filia Jo: & Sara Arendel (Pownder) Conjugum Pat: Jos: Galdi, MatrinaMaria Pownder [a me Jo: Gill xd out] a me Gul: Croskell. [This servesto exemplify that this, like many other entries, is a copy. It is more apparent in the writing But generally Mr. Croskell's entries are in different writing to the rest]

Die 16 Aprilis nata & die 19° ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Agar, filiaSeth & Win: Agar (olim Moore) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Car: Marshall, Mat: Cat: Marshall per Procuratric' Mat: Pattison & Dor: Pattison a me J. Gillow, Misso Apo [68] Die 24 Aprilis nata & 18 Maii baptizata fuit Eliz: Tasker filia Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) Conjugum Pat: Petrus Walker, Mat: Anna Crosby, a me Jo: GillowMssoApo.

Die 16 Maii natus & die 26 baptizatus fuit Tho: Brodwith filius Robt: & Eliz: Brodwith (olim Stott) Conjugu' . Pat: fuit Jo: Tasker . A me Jo: GillowMiso Apº

Die28 Maii nata & die 29 baptizata fuit Win: Sara Walker, filia Michaelis & Annæ Walker (olim Hall) c'jugu' . [Pat: fuit xd out] MatrinafuitWin: Hall, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo


Die Junii 19 , 1802, nata et die II [Julii over part oflong erasure] baptizata fuit Juliana Octavia Anderson Filia Roberti et Annæ Anderson (olim Ibbertson) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Joa: Shuttleworth, MatrinaTer: Iveson, a me Gul: CroskellM°A° .

Die 10 Julii, 1802, natus et II ejusdem mensis sub condiõe baptizatus fuit Joannes Cleasby, Filius Joannis et Mariæ Cleasby (olim Harrison) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Gul: Cleasby, Matrina

Elizabeth Gibson: a me Gul: Croskell M° Aº

Die 27 Julii, 1802, natus et die 28 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit Henricus Harrison, Filius Henrici et Elizabeth Harrison (olim Powell) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Thomas Taylor, Matrina Hanna Keasley: a me Gul: Croskell M° Ao.

[A blank space is left against the name of Barton in themargin.]

Die 25 Aug: nata & die 29 ejusde' Mensis baptizatafuit Anna Richmond filia Jos: & Mariæ Richmond (olim Chambers [?]) c'jugu . Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland, Matrinafuit Maria Arton, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 6 Sep: nata & die 12 baptizatafuit Anna MariaSmith, filia Jo: & Mariæ Smith (olim Browne) c'jugu' Pat: Tho: Smith, Matrina Eliz: Gray, a me Jo: GillowM: Ap: [69] Die9 Septembris, 1802, nata et die 16 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Maria Moloy, Filia Edmundi et Elizabethæ Moloy (olim Young) conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Bilton, a me Gul : Čroskell Mo Ao

Die 27 Sep: natus & die 3 Oct: baptizatus fuit Tim: Morine filius Tim: & [Eloizæ xd out, Lois above] Morine (olim Harland) c'jugu' . Pat: Gul : Wright, Matrina Sara Wright. A me J: Gillow Msso Apo.

Die Oct: nata& die 5 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Maria Anna Stanley, filiaCar: & MariæStanley (olim Macdonald) c'jugu' . Pat: Jo: Lawson, Matrina Teresa Constable A me Jo: Gillow Msso Apo

Die 20 Oct: natus & die 22 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Bryan filius Phil: & Mariæ Bryan (olim Curran) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jac: Blair, Mat : Eliz: Heap [?] a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 23 [Oct. above] natus & die 24 baptizatus fuit Jo: Vignali filius Jac: & SaraVignali (olim Copperweaht ) c'jugu' . Pat: Hen: Harrison, MatrinaAnnaFisher A me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo.

Die 10 Nov : 1802, nata et die 18 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Maria Jefferson, Filia Mariæ Jefferson, Matrinafuit MariaArton , a me Gul: Croskell M° A°

Die 4 Nov: nata & die 22 baptizata fuit Henrietta Dent, filia Christ: & Mariæ Dent (olim Randerson) c'jugu' Pat: Gul: Randerson , MatrinaJoanna Inman A me J: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 30 Nov: [nata]& die 5 Dec: baptizata Maria Xaveria Hargitt filia Jo: & Eliz: Hargitt (olim Randerson ) Pat: Gul: Pattison , Matrina Joanna Hargitt A me Jo: GillowMiss Apº.

Die 2 Dec: natus & die 6 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuitOswaldus


Bradley filius Jo : & Eliz: Bradley (olim Keasley). Pat: Rich: Keasley, MatrinaEliz: Gray, A me Jo: G: Miss Apº. [70] Die 9 Dec: natus & die 12 baptizatus fuit Tho: Jackson, filius Tho: & MariæJackson (olim Hopps) Conjugu' Pat: Christ: Wheeler,Matrina fuit Anna Lockwood, Ame Jo: Gillow Miss : Ap:

Die 10 Dec: natus & die 16 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus Joannes Parker filius Jos : & Rosa Parker (olim Rose) c'jugu' . Matrinafuit

Eliz: Bilton, a me Jo: GillowM: Ap:

Die 18 Dec: natus & die 19 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Richardus Hargitt, filius Rich: & Joanna Hargitt (olim Johnson) c'jugu Pat: fuit Georgius Pinder, Mat: Eliz: Hargitt A me J: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die14 Dec: natus & die 21 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius Gall, filius Tho: & Fran: Gall (olim Howard) Conjugu' Pat: Jos: Taylor, Matrina Joanna Varley , A me Jo: Gillow Missº Apo.


Die25Dec: nata & die 2ª Jan: baptizata fuit Euphemia Hastings, filia Henrici & Mariæ Hastings (olim Ash) c'jugum Pat: Jo: [? k changed to R]eily, Matrina Eliz: Bilton A Tho: Pitchford Apo Misso

Die 27 Jan: nata & die 28 ejusdm Mensis baptizatafuit Eliza Maria Lawsonfilia Jo [J.xd out] & C. Lawson (olim Fallon) Conjugu' Pat: Ed: Meynell, Mat: Maria Donelan per Procuratores Gul: Gage & Hel: Fallon A me Jo: GillowMiss Apº.

Die 29 Jan: baptizatafuit Eliz: Atkinson eod' die nata, filia Eliz: Atkinson , a me J: GillowMiss Aoº. [71]

Die 24 Jan: nata & die 30 ejusde' Mensis baptizata fuit FranciscaKerbyfilia Gul : & Mariæ Kerby(olim Stoaker) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Kerby, Mat: Eliz: Kerby, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apº

Die 25 Jan: nata& die 30 ejusde' mensis [baptizatafuit above] Anna Deighton filia Jo: & RachelisDeighton [baptizata fuit xd out] (olim Duckworth ) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Lawr: Broddell, Matrina fuit Eliz: Thompson A me Jo: GillowMiss Apº Feb: 3 nata & die 7 Feb: baptizata fuit Anna Johanna Wheeler , filia Christ : & Annæ Wheeler (olim Mortimer) c'jugu'. Pat: Tho: Bolland, Mat : Eliz: Hansom a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 25 Feb: natus & 27 baptizatus fuit Gul: Randerson filius Gul: & Mariæ Randerson (olim Wallis) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Tho: [Inman xd out, Browne above], Matrina Johanna Inman, A me J: Gillow Miss Ap°.

Die 28 Feb: natus & eod' die baptizatus fuit Georg: Keasley filius Rich: & Mariæ Keasley (olim Clark) c'jugu' [not signed]

Die 28 Feb: nata & die 2 Martii baptizata fuit Hannah Brodell, filia Laurentii & Hannah Brodell (olim Waine) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Walker, Mat : Maria Smith A me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 12 Martii natus & die 27 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuitGul: Barber, filius Gul: & Isabellæ Barber (olim Cowling) Conjugu' .


Pat : Michael Walker, Mat : Win: Agar, A Jo: Bell Misso Apº [Although a new name appears there is no change in the writing.]

Die 27 Martii natus & die 27 ejusde' Mensis bap: fuit Jo: Hargrave, filius Jac: & MariæHargrave (olim ? Burnett) Conjugu' Pat: Tho: Dobson, Mat: Marg: Chapman, a Jo: Bell Misso Apo.

Die 27 Martii natus & die 27 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Gannon , filius Ed: & Eliz: Gannon (olim Burn) Conjugu' Pat: Jo: Jerney, Mat: Margarita Bean, a Jo: Bell Misso Apo. [72]

Die 26 Martii natus & die 27 ejusde' Mensisbaptizatus fuit Gul: Crosby filius Jo: & Annæ Crosby (olim Watson) Conjugu' .

Pat: fuit Jo: Deighton & Mat: Rachael Deighton, a Jo: Bell Misso Apo.

Die 13 Aprilis nata & eode' die bap: fuit Francisca Hallfilia Jo: Hall & Sophia (olim Atkinson) C'jug' . Pat: fuit Gul: Wright, Mat: SaraWright, a me Jo: GillowMissoApo.

Die 8 Maii natus & eod' die baptizatus Tho: Wrightfilius Jac: & Mariæ Wright (olim Ward) c'jugum Pat: Gul: Fawbert, Mat: AliciaWard, a me Jo: GillowM: Apo

Die .... Aprilis natus & die 8 Maii baptizatus Eduinus Clayton, filius Jos: & Francisca Clayton (olim [W xd out] Varley) Conjugum Pat: Gul: Randerson, Mat : Maria Delso [? Delsant] a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº

Die 1[5 over 6] natus & die 16 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Parsons filius Jo: Parson & Barbara Parsons (olim Hewison) Conjugum. Pat: Jo: Hewison, Mat: Maria Aspinail, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apº.

Die 22 Maii nata & die ejusde' Mensis baptizatafuitMariaTasker filia Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) c'jugu'. Pat: Tho: Boston , Matrina Francisca Boston, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 16 Junii natus & die 19 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Bolland, filius Tho: & AliciaBolland (olim Harrison) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Richdus Hansom , MatrinaMariaRanderson A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 7 Julii natus & die 10 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Wagoner, filius Jo: & Joanna Wagoner (olim . . . . ) c'jugu' . Pat: Gul: Randerson, Mat: Eliz: Hargitte, A me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo

Die 12 Martii natus & eod' die baptizatus [wordillegible]Josephus Richmond, filiusJos: & Mariæ (olim Chambers) c'jugu' Pat: Tho Bolland, Mat: Martha Robison. [A me J: Gillow M° Apo in margin ] [73] Die 27 Junii natus & die 24 Julii baptizatus fuit Christophorus Harton filius Gul: & Eliz: Harton (olim Dawson) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Thos: Hurworth, Mat: Eliz: Thomp[? s]on, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 13 natus & die 14 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit MarcusFoster filius Marci & Francisca Foster (olim Taylor) Conjugu' Pat: Michael [Ellis above], Mat : . .. . Ellis, A me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo


Die 10 Aug: natus & die 14 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Michael Hedley, filius Nicholaii & Sara Hedley (olim Turner) Conjugu' Pat : fuit Gul: Smith, Mat: Maria Smith A me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 20 Aug: nata & die 23d ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Maria Hodgsonfilia Mariæ Hodgson Matrinafuit Maria Smith, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Anno 1797 (ut suppositur) natus Gul : Hopeex Africa baptizatus fuit 9° Oct: 1803. Pat: fuit Jo: Walker xd out ters above], MatrinaMaria Waters, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apº

Die 14 Oct: natus & eod' die baptizatus fuit SaraWalkerfilia Jo: & Anna Walker (olim Gautrey) Conjugum Pat: Jo: Lambert, MatrinaJoannaWilson, a me Jo: GillowMiss0Apº.

Die 14 Oct: natus & die 16 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuitRob: Chapman , filius Gul: & IsabellæChapman (olim Watson) Conjugum, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 6 Nov: nata & die 7 ejusde' Mensis baptizata Henrietta Briggitta O Ferrell, filia Richai & Henriettæ O Ferrell (olim Seagrarve) c'jugum. Pat: . . . . Mat: per Proc: Jac: & Francisca' Mitchell , a me Jo: GillowMisso Aº ..

Die 7 Nov: nata & die 8 ejusde' Mensis baptizata fuit Anna Monica Russell, filiaGeorg: & Eliz: Russell (olim Siddell) c'jugum. Pat: Alfridus Russell, Matrina Maria Rose , a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apº


Die 13 Nov: nata & die 20 ejusde' Mensis baptizatafuit

Anna Maria Andrews, filia Tho: & Mariæ Andrews (olim Callanan) Conjugu' Matrina Catherina Callanan, A me J: GillowMisso Apo

Die 6 Nov: nata & die 20 ejusde' Mensis baptizata fuit SaraMay filia Gul: & Saræ May (olim Norman) Conjugu' Pat: Jo: Stout, Mat: Anna Bilton, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 11 natus & die 21 Nov: baptizatus fuit Joannes Bradford filius Rob: & Eliz: Bradford (olim Stott) c'jugu' Pat: Jo: Mills, Mat: Eliz: Tasker a me J: GillowMisso Apo

Die 9 Dec: nata & die 11 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Barbara Anna Gill, filia Gul: & Annæ Gill (olim Keasley) Conjugum Pat: Paulus Burgess per Proc: Jo: Bradley Mat: Eliz: Bradley. a me Jo: Gillow Miso Apo

Die29 Dec: natus & eode' die baptizatus fuit Jo: Lovannan filius Petri & Honoræ Lovannan (olim Kilfoy) Conjugu' Mat: Eliz: Bilton, a me J: Gillow Misso Apº [1804]

Die 23 Februarii , 1804. nata et die 24 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Maria Richardson, Filia Isaaci et Saræ Richardson (olim Walker) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Joannes Walker, Matrina Eliz: Goodeer, a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo.

Die 6 Feb: natus & die 23 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Rodley, filius Jo : & Annæ Rodley (olim . . . .) Conjugu' Mat: Maria Holdpath , Pat: Tho: Hurworth, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº.


Die Jan: [16 above] nata & eode' die baptizata fuit Sophia Louisa Amcotts, filia Whartoni Amcotts [Baronetæ xd out] & Amelia Amcotts (olim Campbell ) c'jugu' Mat: a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo. Campbell,

Die 11 Feb: natus & die 26 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuitSamuel Powell, filius Tho: & Cat: Powell (olim Cook) c'jugu' Pat: Tho: Stead, Mat: Isab : Daile, a me J: Gillow Misso Apos°. [75] Die I Martii nata & die 2 baptizata Cat: Smith filia Jo: & Mariæ Smith (olim Johnson) Conjugu'. Pat : Gul: Randerson , Mat: fuit Cat: Helstripp, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apo.

Die 30 Martii natus & die 15 Aprilis baptizatus fuit Tho: Marshall filius Georg : & Mariæ Marshall (olim Mason) Conjugu' Pat : Gul: Lakeland, Matrina Maria Arton, a me Jo: Gillow Missº Apo.

Die 25 Apr: nata & die 29 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Hargittfilia jo: & Eliz: Hargitt (olim Randerson) Conjugu' Pat: Tho: Bolland, Mat: Joanna Inman, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº

Die 2ª Junii nata & die 6° ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Maria Balmbroughfilia Annæ & ThomæBambrough (olim .)c'jugu' . Pat: Tho: Halford, Mat: CæciliaWalker, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

[A blank space againstWin: Hall in the margin.] ..

Die 7 Junii nata & die 10 ejusd' Mensis baptizatafuit Maria Musgrave filia Christ: & Eliz: Musgrave (olim Kirby) c'jugu'

Pat: Georg : Audaer, Matrina Joanna Wilson A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 22 Junii, 1804, natus et die 24ejusdemmensisbaptizatus fuit Gulielmus Josephus Walker, Filius Michaelis et Annæ Walker (olim Hall) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Adamus Dale, Matrina p procuratricem Sara Hall jun: a me Gul: Croskell M.A.

Die 24 Junii nata & die 29 ejusde' Mensis baptizata fuit Maria Bradley filia Jo: & [Mar: xd out] Eliz: Bradley (olim Keasley) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Keasley, Mat: Eliz: Keasley per Proc: Richa' & Mariam Keasley, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 27 [Julii above] natus & die 29° ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Car: Parsons filius Jo: & Barbara Parsons (olim Hewison) c'jugu' . Pat: Edm: Aspinal, Matrina Joanna Inman, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo [76] Die 31 Julii nata & die 3 [or 8] Aug: baptizata fuit Maria Dent filia Christ: & Mariæ Dent (olim Randerson) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Gul: Wright, Mat: Joanna Inman, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo .

[A blank space against Samuelin the margin.]

Die 25 Aug: natus & die 30 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Car: Hargittfilius Rich: & JoannaHargitt (olim Johnson) c'jugu' . Pat: Jo: [Smith x out, Hargitt above] Mat : Eliz: Hargitt a me Joe: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die4 Aug: natus 1803 & die 10 Sep: 1804 baptizatus fuitTho: Lakeland, filius Gul: & Hannah Lakeland (olim Smith) c'jugu' . Pat: Jo: Stout, Mat : Joanna Sellers a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.


Die 14 Sep: nata & eod' die baptizata fuit Maria Chapman

Ite' eod die nata et eod' die baptizatafuit Anna Chapman filia Gul: & Joannæ Chapman (olim Hargitt) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Richdus Hargitt, MatrinaEliz: Hargitt a me Jo: Gillow Miss° Apo

Die 18 Sep: nata & die 19° ejusde' mensis baptizata fuitMartha Walker filia Gul : & Cæcilia Walker (olim Webster) c'jugu' Pat: Gul: Randerson, Mat: Maria Delso, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apº

Die 6 Oct: nata & die 11 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Margarita Tasker, filia Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) c'jugu' Pat : fuit Petrus Galliani, MatrinaAnna Tasker, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº

Die 18 Oct: nata & die 25 ejusde' mensis baptizata fuit Francisca Dale, filia Isab: & Georg: Dale (olim Leck) c'jugu' Pat: Jo: Walker, Mat : Francisca [D intoL]eck, a meJo: GillowMiss Apo.

Die 5 Nov: natus & die 7 ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Wheeler filius Annæ & [Mortimer xd out] Christ: Wheeler (olim Mortimer) c'jugu' . Pat Rich Hanson, Mat: Maria Smith, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Aposº. [77] Die2 Juliinata & die 23 Nov: baptizata fuit Anna Elizabetha [Flower above] filia Mariæ Flower, Pat: Jo: Howard, Mat: Anna Howard, a me Jo: [Howard xd out]GillowMiss Apº.

Die 25 Nov : natus & die 2ª Dec: baptizatus fuit Franciscus Chapman filius Jac: & Marg: Chapman (olim Shaw) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Pharell Fyland , Mat : Sara Chapman, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 13 Dec: natus & die 20 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Edwardus Richardus Anderson filius Rob: & Hannah Anderson (olim Ibbetson) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Tipping, Mat : Joanna Tipping Per Procuratores Michaelem & Anna' Walker a me J: Gillow Miss Apº.

1805 .

Die3 Jan: natus & die 6 ejusd' mensis baptizatus [Josephxdout] Gul: Hargrave, filius Jac: & Mariæ Hargrave (olim [C xd out] Bonnet) c'jugu' Pat: FranciscusChapman, Mat : Eliz: Chapman, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 18 Jan: nata & die 20 Jan: baptizata fuit Sara Holmes filia Jo: & Franc : Holmes (olim Horchard) c'jugu'. Pat : Lud: Thompson, Matrina Sara Chapman, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 3 Feb: nata & die 10 ejusde' mensis baptizatafuit Johanna Johnson, filia Robt & [Johannæxd out, Mariæabove] Johnson (olim Fauzard) c'jugu' Pat : fuit Hen: Rawson, Mat: Anna Chapman, A me Jo: GillowMiss Apo [78] Die 24 Feb: nata & eod' die baptizata fuit Alicia Wright filia Jac: & MariæWright (olim Ward) Conjugu' Pat: Jo: Ward per Pro: Jo: Bell, Matrina Alicia Ward, Per me J. Gillow, Miss Apo.

Die 26 Feb: nata & die 24 Martii baptizata fuit Henrietta Snow , filia Petri & Mariæ [Snow above] (olim Hargrave) Conjugu' Pat: Petrus Galliani, Matrina Eliz: Stones [?] a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.


Die .... natus & die 30 Martii baptizatus fuit Jac: Peckit filius Jos: & Mariæ Peckit (olim Scave) c'jug' Pat: Rich: Hargitt, Matrina Marg: Marshall a me Jo : GillowMisso Apo.

Die 18 Aprilis nata & die 21 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Cath: Kilner filia Jo: & Est: Kilner (olim English) Conju'. Pat : Jo: English, Mat : Anna Howard, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 30 Aprilis natus & die 7 Maii baptizatus fuit Gul: Fawbert, filius Jos: & JohannæFawbert (olim Wilson) Conjugu' Pat: Tho: Browne, Mat: Eliz: Fawbert, a me Jo: Gillow Miss° Apo.

Die 13 Maii natus & die 17 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Randerson filius Gul: & Mariæ Randerson (olim Wallis) C'jugu' . Pat : Jac: Snowdon, Mat: Maria Smith, a me Jo: Gillow M: Apo.

Die 11 Maii natus & die 26 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Ĵo: Barber, filius Gul : Barber & Isabellæ Barber (olim Cowling) Conjugu' . Pat: Mich: Walker, pat: Anna Nourse, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 30 Maii, 1805, nata et eodem die baptizatafuit Francisca Russell, Filia Georgii et Eliz: Russell (olim Siddell) conjugum: Patrinus fuit per procuratorem Robertus Allen, Matrina Francisca Russell: a me Gul : Croskell M. Apo

Die 28 Aprilis & die 30 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Pat : Tho: o Farrallfilius Richdi & Harriot o Farrall (olim Seagran [Seagrave below]). Pat: fuit Tho: Parsons , Matrina Maria, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo. [There is a long blank after Maria and then the word Seagrave , which I take to be a correctionof the previous part, but query.]


Die 9 Junii nata & die 10 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Maria Bolland filia Tho : & AliciaBolland (olimHarrison) conjugu' . Pat: fuit Jo: Cleasby, MatrinaMaria Smith, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 11 Aug: nata & die 12 ejusd' Mensis baptizatafuit Eliz: Harton filia Gul: & Eliz: Harton (olim Dawson) Conjugu' Pat: Jo: Stout, Mat: Hannah Dawson, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo [Hand changes.]

Die 25 Aug: 1805, nata et die 26 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit

Maria Burley, Filia Georgii et Saræ Burley (olim Brown) conjugum Patrinus fuit Georgius Brown, Matrina Dorothea Daile: a me Gul CroskellMiss Apº.

Die 9 Aug: 1805, natus et die 26 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit

Thomas Barton, Filius Thomæ et Eliz: Barton (olim ....) conjugum : Patrinus fuit Joan: Hargitt, Matrina Eliz: Thompson: a me Gul: Croskell Miss Ap°

Die 20 Aug: 1805, nata et die 29 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit

Juliana Hall, Filia Joannis et Sophiæ Hall (olim Atkinson) conjugum: Patrinus fuit JoannesDuvivier, Matrina SusannaDuvivier P procuratores: a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo.

Die 24 Aug: 1805 , nata et die 31 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit

Maria MacEvoy, Filia et Joanna MacEvoy (olim Waters) conjugum: Matrinafuit SaraHill: a meGul: CroskellM.Ap.


[Hand changes]

Die 2ª Sep: nata & die 9 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Maria Musgrove, filia [Phil: xd out] Christ : & Eliz: Musgrove (olim Kerby) Conjugu' . Pat: [Rob xa out] Georg: Audaer, Mat : Joanna Wilson , a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 9 Sep: natus & die 11 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Georg: Crosby, filius Jo: & Annæ Crosby (olim Watson) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Jo: [Jx out] Tasker, MatrinaEliz: Thompson, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 14 Sep: natus & die 17 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Benjaminus Walker, filiusRob Walker& AnnaWalker(olim Randerson) Conjugu' . Pat : fuit Jo: Smith, Mat: Maria Dent, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº [80] Die 4 Junii nata & die 28 Sep: baptizata fuit Anna Wyhill filiaGul: & Eliz:* Wyhill (olim Peckitt) c'jugu' Pat: Jac: Smith, Mat: Marg: Marshall a me Jn° Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 25 Sep: nata & die 28 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Marg: Lakeland, filia Gul: & [Annæ xd out] Hannah Lake Land [the name is in two lines and the writerprobably used the second capital inadvertently] (olim Smith) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jac : Smith, & Maria Smith, a me Jo: GillowM: Apo.

Die 9 Oct: [natus] & II ejusde' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Matt: Walker, filius Gul : Walker & Annæ Walker (olim Card) c'jugu' Matrinus [sic] Laur: Brodell, Matrina Sara Parker, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo.

Die 27 Sep : natus & die 14 Oct: baptizatus fuit Jac: Tasker, filius Jac: [Jx out] & Marg: Tasker (olim Lease) Conjugu' . Pat: fuit Simon Tasker, Mat : Eliz: Bradwith, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 3 Nov: natus & die 4 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Pinder, filius Jo: & Joanna Pinder (olim Gibson) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Tho: Gibson, Mat: Eliz: Gibson, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 3 Nov: natus & die 10 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Richmond filius [Tho: xd out, Jos: above] Richmond, & Mariæ Richmond (olim Chambers) c'jugu' Pat: Tho: Bolland, Matrina Joanna Precious, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 11th Nov: natus & die 17 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuitRob: Foster, filius [Rob: Tayl xd out] Marci [Taylorx out]& Francisca Foster (olim Taylor) Conjugu' Pat : Rob : Taylor, Mat: Dina Taylor, a me Jno Gillow Miss Apº. [1806]

Die 6 Feb: natus & die 7 ejusde' mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Smith, filius Jo: & Mariæ Smith (olim Brown) c'jugum Pat: fuit

Pet: Brodell, MatrinaMaria Smitha me Jo: GillowMiss Apº

Die 30 Dec: natus & die 8a Jan: baptizatus fuit Jo: Mattress filius N: Mattress & Mariæ Mattress (olim Lyon) Conjugum. Pat: fuit G: Hoy, & Maria Myers Matrina , a me Jo: Gillow , Misso Apo

These two are probably identical with William and Elizabeth Wyrel (olim Peckatt) occurring in Registers of BarConvent Chapel, York, 17 Nov., 1797. See C.R.S. iv, p 395 andnote (Wyrell)



Die 20 Jan: natus & die 26 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Henricus Browley filius Daniel & Cat: Browley (olim O Neil)

Conjugu' Petrus Dilaney, Matrina Cat: Turner, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 19 Jan: natus & die 26 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jacobus Fallon [Follon in margin] filius Jo: & Annæ Fallon (olim Blaney) Conjugu . Pat [Michael above) O neil, Matrina Eliz: Joney, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 25 nata & die 27 Jan : baptizata fuit Johanna Hargitt, filia Jo: & Eliz: Hargitt (olim Randerson) Conjugu'. Pat: Gul: Chapman , Mat : Eliz: Hargitt, a me Jno GillowMisso Apo [A blankspaceagainstBradley inthemargin.]

Die Feb: nata & die 26 ejusde' Mensis baptizata Anna Rodley, filia Jo: & Annæ Rodley (olim .... ) Conjugu' Pat: Tho: Hurworth, Matrina Anna Hewison, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apº [Hand changes.]

Die [Decembris over erasure] 27 , 1805, nata et die 28 Februarii [1806 above] baptizata fuit Catharina Radigan, Filia Michaelis et Helenæ Radigan (olim Nolan) conjugum. Patrinus fuit David o Brian, MatrinaMargarita Nate, a me, Gul: Croskell Miss Apº [Hand changes.]

Die 24 Feb: nata & die 2 Martii baptizata fuit MariaCooleyfilia Rog: & Eliz: Cooley (olim Doyle) Conjugu' . Matrina fuit Maria Modestier, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 24 Feb: nata & die 2 Martii baptizata fuit Maria Francisca Chapman, filia Gul : & Joanne Chapman (olim Hargitt) Conjugu' . Pat: Jo: Hargitt, Matrina Sara Chapman A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 24 Nov: natus & die 4 Martii baptizatus fuit Christ: Kelly filius Christ: Kelly & Mariæ (olim Walsh) Conjugu' . Pat: Car: Macdermot, MatrinaGratiaGillian, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo. [82] Die 24 Julii [1805 above] nata & die 16 Mart: baptizatafuit

Johanna Ransley, filia Jo: & Eliz: Ransley (olim Bean) Conjugu' . Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland, Matrina Gratia Gillian, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 14 Martii 1805 nata & die 7 Aprilis 1806 baptizata fuit Maria Scully filia Jo: & Mariæ Sculley (olim Lean) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit

Dionysius Carroll, Mat: GraceGillian, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apo.

Die 2da Maii natus & die 10 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Tasker, filius Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) Conjugu' Pat: fuit

Robtus Johnson, Matrina Sara Richardson, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 22 Maii nata & die 25 ejusde' Mensis baptizatafuit Eliz: Daile, filia G: Daile & Eliz: Daile (olim Leck) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Michael Walker, Matrina Johanna Leck a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo .

[Hand changes .]

Die 12 Julii, 1806, nati, et die 13 ejusdemmensisbaptizatifuerunt


Josephuset Sara Parsons, Filius et Filia Joannis et BarbaraParsons (olim Hewison) conjugum: Patrinus et Matrina Josephi, Jacobus Wilkinson, et Joanna Vardy: et Saræ, Patrinus et Matrina[fuerunt above] Gul: Randerson, et ElizabethMetcalf: a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo.

Die 26 Julii, 1806, natus et eodem die baptizatus est Jacobus Settle, Filius Gul: et Mariæ Settle (olim Ellis) conjugum: Patrinus Josephus Ellis, Matrina Barbara Ellis: a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo

Die 2 Aug: 1806, nata et die 5 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Anna Brown, Filia Georgii et Joanna Brown (olim Isaacson) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Jacobus Wright, Matrina Sara Burley; a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo. [Hand changes.]

Die 16 Aug: natus & 24 Augusti baptizatus fuit Rob: Gallfilius

Tho: & Francisca Gall (olim Howard) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Petrus Walker, Mat: Sara Richardson, a me Jno Gillow Misso Apo [83] Die 8 Nov: 1805 nata & 19 Nov: baptizata fuit MariaJohnson filia Caroli & Mariæ Johnson (olim Pattison) Conjugu' Pat: G.Audaer,Mat: [H or S ?Jellena Wilson, a meJo: GillowMissº Apo.

Die 27 Aug: natus & die 7 Sep: baptizatus fuit Gul: Johnson , filius Rob: & Mariæ Johnson (olim Fossard) c'jugu' Pat : Gul Turner, Mat: Sara Richardson, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 10 Sep : natus & die 15 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Snowden , filius Jac: & Cat: Snowden (olim Dinmoure) Pat: fuit [no entry] a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 26 Sep: natus & die 29 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Hen: Walker, filius Michaelis & Annæ Walker (olim Hall) Conjugu' Pat: Tho : Dawson per Proc: Adam Daile, Mat: Anna Browne per Procuratrice' Alicia' Ward, a me Jo: Gillow Missº Apº.

Die 4 Oct: nata & die 20ª ejusd' Mensis baptizatafuit Teresa Hall filia Jo: & Sophiæ Hall (olim Atkinson) c'jugu'. Pat: Rob: Allen, Mat: Teresa Browne per Proc: Gul: Randerson & Saram Wright, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº.

Die 23rd Oct: nata & die 26 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Anna Walker filia Jo: & Anna Walker (olim Gautry) Conjugu' Pat: Rob: Johnson, Mat: Eliz: Seymour, a me Jos Gillow Miss Ap° .

[Hand changes.]

Die 3 Nov: 1806, natus et die 5 ejusdem mensis baptizatus est Georgius Russell, Filius Georgii et Eliz: Russell (olim [L or Sliddell) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Geor: Siddell, MatrinaMaria Siddell, a me Gul: Croskell M° A°.

[Hand changes.]

Die 7 Nov: & die 10 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Pinder , filia Jo: & Joanna Pinder (olim Gibson) Conjugu' Pat: Car: Pinder & Mat : Eliz: Pinder per Georg: Pinder & Eliz: Gibson , a me Jo: GillowMiss Ap°. [84] Die [2 Dec: xd out]natus & die 2ª [ofxd out] Dec: baptizatus

fuit Gul: Heden filius Gul: & Eliz: Heden (olim Barker) Conjugu' . Pat: Jac: Barker, Matrina fuit Maria Crooe, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die8 nata & die 10 Dec: baptizata fuit Joanna Burleyfilia Gul: & Sara Burley (olim Browne) c'jugu' Matrina Joanna Stronge per Proc : Dor: Daile a me J: Gillow .

Die 12 Dec: nata & die 17 ejusd' Mensis baptizatafuit Maria Angelica Wheeler filia Christ : & Annæ Wheeler (olim Mortimer) Conjugu . Pat: Michael Ellis, Mat: Eliz: Hansom a me Jo: Gillow, Miss Apº.

Dec: 17 nata & die 22 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Joanna Randerson filia Gul: & Mariæ Randerson (olim Walker) c'jugu' .

Pat: fuit Jo: Simpson, Mat: Alicia Bolland, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 23 Dec: natus & die 25 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Mountain filius Jac: & Eliz: Mountain (olim Watson) c'jugu' .

Pat: Henricus Browne, Mat: Maria Robison, a me Jo: Gillow. Misso Apo.

1807 .

Die 26 [Jan: above] nata & eod' die baptizata fuit AnnaHarrison filia Jo: & Mariæ Harrison (olim Howe) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Howe; Mat: AnnaSmith, a me Jo: Gillow Miss° Apo.

Die I Feb: natus & die 8 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Josephus Marshall, filius Georg: & Mariæ Marshall (olim Mason) Conjugu' Pat : Christ: Wheeler, Mat: MariaArton, a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apº.

Die ra Martii nata & die 3ª ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Eliza Fawbert filia Gul: & Cath : Fawbert (olim Peat) Conjugu' Pat: Gul: Cleasby, Mat : Eliz: Seynor, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo. [85] Die 26 Martii natus fuit Richardus Waddington filius Richardi & Joanna Waddington (olim Mountain) a Joanne Gillow Miss Apº. [The writing, signature and style are different to the Rev. Mr. Gillow's entries and it will be seen that reference to baptism is not made .]

Die 28 Martii natus & die 31 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Musgrave, filius Chris: & Eliz: Musgrave (olim Kerby) c'jugu' Patrinus fuit [Jo: Wilson per Proc: above ] Jac: Mountain , Mat: Anna Browne, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 14 Ap: natus & die 16 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus Gul: Powell , filius Tho: & Cath: Powell (olim . .. . ) Conjugu' Pat: Tho: Hurworth, Mat: AnnaBolland, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apo

Die 14 natus & die 18 Aprilis baptizatus fuit Ed: Consitt, filius Tho: & MariæConsitt (olim Warner) c'jugu' . Pat: fuitG: Parvin & Maria Parvin per Pro: Leonardu' & Eliz: Metcalf, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº

Die 13 Ap: natus & die 19 baptizatus fuit Jac: Bradwithfilius Rob: & Eliz: Bradwith (olim Stott) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Christ: Derbyshire, Mat: SusannaLion a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.


[Hand changes.]

Die28 Aprilis, 1807, nata et die 29 ejusdemmensis baptizata fuit

Anna Catharina Angelica Hansom, Filia Hen: et Saræ Hansom (olim [Simpson]) conjugum Patrinus fuit R. Megginson, Matrina Sara Hall, a me Gul Croskell M° Apº

[Hand changes.]

Die24 Ap: nata & die 7 Maii baptizata fuit AnnaShut filia Pat: & BrigittæShut (olim Giloughley) c'jugu' PatrinafuitAnnaGray , a me Jo: Gillow Miso Ap.

Die 4 Maii natus & eodem die baptizatus fuit Rob: Wright ab Alicia Ward filius Jac: & Mariæ Wright Pat: fuit Geo: Audaer, Mat: Alicia Ward

Die 11 Oct: [1806 above] nata & die 20 Maii baptizata fuitEliz: Flower filia Mariæ Flower Mat: fuit Anna Howard, a Me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo

[Thefollowing inserted in a small space at bottom ofpage.]

Die 12 Junii natus & eod' die baptizatus fuit Gul: Peckitt, filius Jos: & Mariæ Peckitt (oli' Scave) c'jugu' . Pat: Richa Hargitt, Mat: Maria Marshall A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo [86] Die 19 Maii nata & die 24 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Anna Brodell, filia Laurentii & Mariæ Brodell (olim Smith) Conju' . Pat: fuit Richdus Hargitt, Mat : MariaSmith, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 22 Maii nata & die 25 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Hannah Hargrave filia Jac: & Mariæ Hargrave (olim Bonnet) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Harton, Mat: Crooe a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die [17 xd out, 18 above] Maii nata & die 31 Maii baptizatafuit SaraChapmanfiliaJo: & Fran: Chapman(olim Nicholson) Conjugu' Pat: fuit Jac: Hargrave, Mat: Eliz: Chapman, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 29 Junii natus & die [7 xd out] 6 Julii baptizatus fuit Rob: Barber filius Gul: & Isabellæ Barber (olim Cowling) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland, Mat: Anna Bilton, a me Jo: Gillow Miso Apº [Hand changes]

Die4 Juliinata et die 18 ejusdemmensis baptizata fuitMargarita Byrn, Filia Thadæi et Saræ Byrn (olim Moor) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Petrus Byrn, Matrina Anna Gray; a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo

[Hand changes]

Die 24 Julii natus & die [? 7 over 3, but Aug. 3 in margin] [Aug: above] baptizatus fuit Gul : Car: Anderson filius Rob & [M xd out] Annæ Anderson (olim Ibbertson) c'jugum Pat : Car: Whittle,

The missingnameis Simpson. Anne Hansom, as she was alwaysknown, mar 1st John Snow , who promised to be a great artist, having painted "The Meet at Blagdon, "" Chillingham Cattle, " and others, mostly ofanimals, and was engaged for the Illustrated London News They had one son, Richard , who was a designer ofstained glass and ecclesiasticaldecoration, his last work being with Messrs Ward and Hughesof London He died unmarried She mar 2ndlyTimothyMorine, tailor at UshawCollege, but had no children by him, and died there

Mat: Francisca Russell per Proc: Eliz: Anderson, a me Jo: Gillow , Misso Apo.

Die 19 Aug: nata & die 30 ejusd' Mensis baptizatafuit Teresa Joanna [Jackxdout] Tasker, filia Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) c'jugu' Pat : fuit Gul: Randerson, Mat : Sara Richardson, a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo.

Die 23 Oct: nata & die 24 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Hargitt, filia Jo: & Eliz: Hargitte (olim Randerson) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Richardus Hargitt, Mat : [Eliz: xd out, Joanna above] Hargitt. A me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo. [87]

Die 23 Oct: natus & die 25 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Snow , filius Jo: & Annæ Snow (olim Parker) c'jugu' . Pat: Jo: Harton, Mat: Maria Helstripp. A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die [15 xd out, 8 above] Nov: nata & die 15 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Marg: Barton, filia Tho: & Eliz: Barton (olim Hepworth) Conjugu . Pat: fuit Lud: Thompson, Mat: Maria Whitehouse [sic]. a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 16 Nov: nata & die 29 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Henrietta Gill, filia Gul: & Annæ Gill (olim Keasley) Conjugu' . Pat: fuit

Rich: Pratt, Mat : Maria Keasley, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 30 Nov: nata & die 7 Dec: baptizata fuit Eliz: Smith, filia Jo: & Mariæ Smith (olim Browne) c'jugu' Pat: Gul: Kleasby , Mat: Anna Aspinail . a me Jo: GillowM: Apo. 1808.

Die 5 Sep: nata & die 13 Januarii baptizata fuit Eliza Flintham filia Jo: & MariæFlintham (olim Epson) Conjugum. Pat: fuit Jac: Parker, Mat: Esther Parker, a me Jo: Gillow Miss. Apo.

Die 13 natus & die 17 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Parsons , filius Jo: & Barbara Parson [sic] (olim Hewison) c'jugu' Pat: Jac: Wilkinson , Mat: fuit Joanna Varley, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo.

Die20 Natus & die 21 Jan: baptizatus fuit Ed: Hall, filius Jo: & Sophiæ Hall (olim Atkinson) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Tho: Hall, Mat: Winefrida Hall, per Proc: Pat: Pattison & Doro : Pattison, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo [88] Die28 Jan : nata & die 2 Feb: baptizata fuit Joanna Faubert , filia Jos: & JoannæFaubert (olim Wilson) c'jugu' Pat: fuitGul: Faubert, Mat : Eliz: Coatson , a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 31 Jan: nata & die 4 Feb: baptizata fuit Maria Rennison [Bennison in margin]filia Jos: & Mariæ Rennison (olim Helstripp) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Smith, Mat : fuit MariaHelstripp. a me Jo: Gillow Miss Appº

DieI Feb: nata & die 7 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Harton , filia Gul: & Eliz: Harton (olim Dawson) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Gobbo, Mat: Eliz: Thompson a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo. [Hand changes .]

Die 7 Feb: 1808, nata et die 10 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Sara Burley, Filia Georgii et Saræ Burley (olim Brown) conjugum:


Patrinus (per procuratores) fuit Christophorus Tart, matrina Dor: Daile: a me Gul: CroskellMiss Apº

Die22 Octobris, 1807, nata et die 17 Februarii , 1808 baptizata fuit

SaraDobbs, Filia Richardi et Susannæ Dobbs (olimLock) conjugum: Matrina Fuit Francisca Chapman, a me Gul Croskell M°A° .

[Hand changes.]

Die7 Martiinata& die 9 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Maria Anna Smith , filia Tho: & Marg: Smith (olim Daile) c'jugu' . Pat: Rob: Daile, Mat: Dor: Daile per Pro: Anna' Walker & Adama' Daile, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apo

Die 11 Martii nata & die 13 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Anna

Rod lovernleyfiliaJo: & Annæ Rodley (olim Barker) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland , Matrina Maria Hewitson, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

[Hand changes.]

Die 14 Martii, 1808, nata et die 16 ejusdemmensis baptizata fuit

Maria Mawson, Filia Gulielmi et CatharinaMawson (olim Helstrib) conjugum. Patrinus fuit JoannesSmith, Matrina Maria Smith: a me Gul: Croskell, M.A.

[Hand changes]

Die 29 Martii natus & die 3º Aprilis baptizatus fuit Dionysius Donahy filius Dionysii& Mariæ Danahy (olim Haffernan) Conjugu' Pat: Ed: Gregg, Matrina Francisca Keife, A me Jo : Gillow, Misso Apo

[The next entry is in Mr. Gillow's handwriting.] [89]

Die 28 Martii nata & die 16 Aprilis baptizata fuit Marg: PatnidgefiliaGul: & Anna Patridge [this spelling is doubtful, but Patridge is in margin] (olim Keasley) c'jugu'. Pat: fuit Tho: Burgess , Mat : Eliz: Bolland a Tho : Pitchford M: Apo [This is in Mr. Gillow's writing.]

Die 15 Aprilis, 1808 nato et rite baptizato, die 22 ejusdem mensis ceremoniæ suppletæ süt Roberto Gibbons, Filio Hen: et Eliz: Gibbons (olim Holmes) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Tho: Bolland, Matrina Maria Richmond : a me Gul: Croskell M° Aº

Die 2ªMaii nata & die 15 baptizata fuit HenriettaBradley, filiaJo & Eliz: Bradley (olim Keasley) c'jugu' Pat : Gul : Keasley, Mat: Cat: Atkinson, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die Aprilis natus & die 15 Maii baptizatus Gul : Jos: Chapman, filiusGul & Joanna Chapman(olimHargitt) c'jugu' . Pat: Jo: Chapman, Mat: Clara Wallis a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

[Hand changes.]

Die 13 Junii, 1808, natus et die 14 ejusdemmensisbaptizatus fuit Joannes Lawrenson Settle, Filius Gul: & Mariæ Settle (olim Ellis) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Benj: Settle, MatrinaBarbara Ellis: ame Gul Croskell M° A° .

[Hand changes.]

Die Julii natus & die 3 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: . filius Patrinus fuit Jos: Wilson, Matrina Dina Taylor, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

[Hand changes]

Die 9 Julii natus et die II ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuitCarolus Pinder, Filius Joannis et Joanna Pindar (olim Gibson) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Carolus Pindar, Matrina Clementina Maxwell p procuratores: a me Gul Croskell M° A°.

[Hand changes.]

Die 4 Aug: natus & die 7 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Richardson, filius Isaci & Sara Richardson (olimWalker) Conjugu' . Pat : Jac: Allison, Anna WalkerMat: a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 29 Julii nata & die 15 Aug: baptizata fuitAnna Maria Johnson filia Rob Johnson & Mariæ Johnson (olim Fozard) c'jugu. Pat: Gul: Randerson, Mat: Anna Gray a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo. [90]

Die 26 Julii natus & die 15 Aug: baptizatus fuit Jo: Bell, filius Georgii& Anna Bell (olim Wilden) c'jugu' Pat: Gul: Arton, Mat: Anna Crosby, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº

Die 28 Julii natus & die 21 Aug: baptizatus fuit Rob: Dickison , filius Rob: & Eliz: Dickison (olim Cass) c'jugu' Pat : Jo: Chapman, Mat: Anna Crosby, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo

Die 7 Sep: natus & die 8 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Car: Hughes filius Sam: Hughes [not signed].

Die6 Sep: nata& die 8 ejusd' Mensis baptizat [us xd out, a above] fuit Francisca Maria Walker, filia Michaelis & Annæ Walker (olim Hall) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Hall, Mat : Sara Browne per Proc: Marg: [Browne xd out, Smith above] & Tho: Smith a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº.

Die 6 Aug: nata & eode' die baptizata fuit Eliza Ursula Birch, filia Tho: & Mariæ Birch (olim Boddy) c'jugu' Pat: Jos: Richmond, Mat: Eliz: Bradley a me Jo: GillowMiss° Apo

Die 4 Aprilis 1807 natus & die 29 Sep: 1808 baptizatus fuit Jac: Morgan, filius Hugh & Hannah Morgan (olim Smith) c'jugu' Matrina fuit Anna Gray. a me Jo: GillowMiso Apo.

Die 22 Sep : nata & die 2 Oct: baptizata fuit MariaGall, filia Tho: &Francisca Gall(olim Howard) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Car: Macdonald , Mat: [Cat: xd out, Isabella above] Howard A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die20 Nov: natus & die [7 xd out] 27 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Car: Brodell, filius Laurentii & Mariæ Brodell (olim Smith) c'jugu. Pat: Tho: Smith, Mat: Eliz: Metcalf a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo.

Die 1 Dec: natus & die [4 xd out] 5 ejusd Mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Dale, filius Georg: & Isabellæ Dale (olim Lake) [Lake is added in another hand later on the blank space] c'jugu' . Pat: Tho: Bolland, Mat: Lucia Bolland a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apº.

Die 29° Nov: nata & die 5 Dec: baptizata fuit Hel: Jacksonfilia Georg: & Hel: Jackson (olim Wilson) c'jugu' Pat: G: Audaer, Mat: Maria Shiers, a meJo: Gillow , Miso Apo. [91]

Die 10 Dec: natus & die I[4 over 3] ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Crowderfilius Jo: Crowder & Mariæ (olimLawson) c'jug' . Pat: Jo: Croce, Mat : MariaTaylor, a me Jo: Gillow, Miss Apº



Die 7 Jan: natus & die 8 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Rob: Parsons, filius Jo: & Barbara Parsons (olim Hewison) Conjugu' Pat : Jo: Smith, MatrinaAnnaVarley, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 5 Jan: natus & die 9 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Car: Gul: Fawbert, filius Gul: & Cath: Fawbert (olim Peat) c'jugu' . Pat: Car: Hargitt, Mat: Eliz: Fawbert, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 2[4 over 2, (24, 1808) in margin] Dec: natus & die 24 ejusde' Mensis [& anni above] baptizatus fuit Stephanus Dixon, filius Stephani & Hannah Dixon (olim Judgson) c'jugu'. Pat : fuit Jac: Dixon, Mat : MariaRichmond, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 31 Jan: natus & die 6 Feb: baptizatus fuit G. ... Morine, filius Tim: & [Louisa, u and a xd out]Morine (olim Harland] c'jugum. Pat : fuit Jo: Hargitte, Mat : SaraWright a me J. GillowMiss Apº.

Die 5 Feb: natus & die octavo ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuitGul: Allen, filius Robt! & Mariæ Allen (olim Buckle) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit

Gul: Allen, Mat : Eliz: Bucckle per Proc: Gul : Randerson, & Maria Bucckle a me Jo: GillowMissoApo.

Die 31 Dec: natus & die 12 Jan: baptizatus fuit Jo: Barton, filius Tho: & Eliz: Barton (olim ... . ) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Jo: Arton, Mat: Eliz: Brosby a Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo [92] Die 10 nata Feb: nata& die 13 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit

Anna Foster, filia Marci & Francisca Foster (olim Taylor) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Rob: Taylor, Matrina Dina Taylor, A me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 1 Jan: natus & die 13 Feb: baptizatus fuit Rob: Tasker , filius Jac: & Marg: Tasker (olim Leaf) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Simon Tasker, Mat: Maria Bell, a me Jo: GillowM: Apo

Die 16 Feb: natus & die 20 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Rodley, filius Jo: & Annæ Rodley (olim Barker) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jac: Wilkinson, Mat : Eliz: Gibson, a me J: GillowM: Apo

Die 22 Feb: nata & die 26 Feb: baptizata fuit Teresa Agnes Wheeler, filia Christ : Wheeler & Annæ Wheeler (olim Mortimer) c'jugu' . Pat: Jos: Ellis, Mat : Barbara Ellis, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 17 Sep: natus & die 26 Feb: 1809 baptizatus fuit Michael Mackew , filius Tho: & MariæMackew (olim Robison) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland, Mat: Hel : Dillon, a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apº

Die 7 Martii natus & die 19 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Tasker, filius Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Jo: Walker, Mat: fuit Dina Taylor, a me Jo: Gillow , Misso Apº

Die 1[6 over 5] Martii natus & die 26 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Chapman, filius Jo: & Francisca Chapman (olim Nicholson) Conjugu' . Pat : Rob: Chapman, Mat: Barbara Ellis, a me Jo: Gillow Miso Apo

Die 17 Aprilis natus & die 23 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Rob: [Chapmanx out]Spink, filius Tho: & Hannah Spink(olimDawson) Conjugu' Pat: Rob: Chapman, Mat: Anna Chapman, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº.

Die 9 Aprilis natus & die 23 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuitAlex: Renny Macdonell above], filius [Chichesterxd out, Renny Alexander above also xd out, Chichester below] Macdonell, & Annæ Grant Macdonald [filius xd out], Pat: fuit Dionysius Callagy, Mat : fuit Hel: Peters, a me Jo GillowMissº Apo. [93]

Die 24 Aprilis nata & die 26 baptizata fuit Maria Varley filia Ingram Varley & MariæVarley(olim Breers) c'jugu' Pat : Richdus Mezuixon [?], Mat: Ester Parker, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 24 Aprilis natus & die 27 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Mat: Russell, filius Georg: Russell, & Eliz: Russell (olim Siddell) c'jugu'. Mat: fuit Cath: [R xd out] Siddell, a meJ: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 3 Maii nata & die 7 ejusd' Mensis baptizata fuit Anna Pratt, filia Tho: & Eliz: Pratt (olim Hill) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Christ: Derbyshire, Mat: Anna Walker , a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 5 Maii natus & die 7 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Musgrave , filius Christ: Musgrave, & Eliz: Musgrave (olim Kerby) Conjugu. Pat: Gul: Kerby, Mat : Maria Smith, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo.

Die 31 Maii nata & die 4 Junii baptizata fuit Francisca Pinderfilia

Gul: & Eliz: Pinder (olim Clayton) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Jac: Smith, Mat: Francisca Clayton, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº

Die 9 Maii natus & [nono over eod crossed out] die [Junii above] baptizatus fuit Richdus Richmond, filius Jos: & Mariæ Richmond (olim Chambers) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Oils [?] per Proc: Thomam Bolland, Mat: Eliz: Thompson, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 26 Junii baptizata & die 30 Maii nata Sara Barber filia Gul: & Isabella Barber (olim Cowling) c'jugu' Pat : Adamus Dale , Mat: Anna Walker, a me J: Gillow Misso Apostco.

Die 17°Maiinata & die 25 Junii baptizata fuit Sara Hargrave, filia Jac: & Maria Hargrave (olim Barnett) c'jugu'. Pat. fuit Farrall Filon, Mat: Eliz: Barnett, a me Jo: Gillow, Miss° Apo. [Hand changes .]

Die 17 Julii, 1809, natus et eodem die baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Smith, filius Thomæ et Margritæ Smith (olim Dale) c'gum: Patrinus fuit Gul: Dale, Matrina Sara Dale per procuratores: a me Gul: Croskell M.A.

Die 20 Julii, 1809, nata et die 23 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit JoannaBurley, Filia Georgii et Saræ Burley(olim Brown) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Geo : Brown, Matrina Anna Varley; a meGul: Croskell Mo Ao [94] Die 25 Julii, 1809, natus et die 28 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit Joannes Jacobus Hargitt, Filius Joannis & Eliz: Hargitt (olim Randerson ) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Geo: Audaer, Matrina p proc: Anna Sturdy; a me Gul: Croskell M°Aº

Die 27 Julii, 1809, nata et die 30 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Anna Atkinson, Filia Joannis et Annæ Atkinson (olim Lacon) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Thomas Lacon, MatrinaAnna Stanforth per procuratores; a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo


[Hand changes]

Die 19 Aug: natus & die 21 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Alfridus Bolland, filius [Tho: Jo: xd out] Tho: & Alicia Bolland (olim Harrison) c'jugu' Pat : Jo: Bell, Mat: Eliz Metcalf a me Jo Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 27 Sep: nata & die 28 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Veronica Catharina Chapman , filia Gul: & JoannaChapman (olim Hargitt) c'jugu' . Pat : fuit Car: Wright, Mat: Teresa Constable per Pro: Saram Chapman a me J: Gillow, Misso Apo

Die 16 Sep : nata& die 1 Oct: baptizata fuit Cath: Dixon, filia Gul: & Annæ Dixon (olim Higgins) [possibly Higgnis] c'jugu' . Pat : Jo: Dawson, Mat: Hannah Lakeland a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die II [Sep: xd out, Oct: above] natus & die 15 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Radcliffe, filius Car: & Hel: Radcliffe (olim Smith) c'jugum. Pat: fuit Jo: Radcliffe, Mat: Cat: Smith a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo

Die 6 Oct: natus & die 17 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jac: Macholy, filiusJo: & BrigittæMacholy (olim Kearn) c'jugum Pat: fuit Jo: Arton, Mat : Eliz: Thompson a me Jo: Gillow, Miss Apº

Die 15 natus & die 18 Oct: baptizatus Jo: Hall, filius Jo: & Sophiæ Hall (olim Atkinson) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Mat: Pattison, Mat : Johanna Pattison, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apo

Die 30 Oct: natus & die 1ª Nov: baptizatus fuit Jos: Dent, filius Christ: & Mariæ Dent (olim Randerson) c'jugu'. Pat: fuit Jo: Parsons , Mat: fuit SaraWright a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apo.

Die ... Oct : nata & die 6 Nov: baptizata fuit Maria Anna Watson, filia Gul: & Eliz: Watson (olim Clayton) c'jugu' [Pat: xd out] Matrinafuit Anna Gray, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 27 Oct: nata & die 17 Nov: baptizata fuit Eliz: Warrham , filia Jo: & Susanna Warrham (olim Johnson) c'jugu' Mat: Eliz: Hargett, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo [95] Die21 Nov: natus & die 22 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: [Ar changed to Harlton, filius Gul: & Eliz [Ha over A]rton (olim Dawson) c'jugu'. Pat: fuit Lud: Thompson, Mat: Eliz: Thompson, a me J: GillowMiss Apº.

Die 15 Nov: natus & die 27 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Hen: Peckitt, filius Jos: & Mariæ Peckitt (olim Scave) c'jugum. Pat: fuit Richdus Hargitt, Mat: fuit Marg: Marshall, a me Jo: Gillow Miss Apº

Die27 Dec: nata & die 28 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit MariaJoy, filiaMat: & AnnæJoy (olimGrave) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Gul: Nicholson, Mat: Maria Nicholson a me J: GillowMissº Apº. 1810

Die 27 Jan: natus & die 29 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Walker, filius Petri & Joanna Walker (olim Cole) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jos: Richmond, Mat: Eliz: Seneyer a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apº.

[Hand changes.]

Die 14 Maii, 1810, nata et die 17 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit Teresa Randerson, Filia Gul: et Mariæ Randerson (olim Wallis) conjugum, Patrinus fuit JoannesBell, Matrina Eliz: Bilton, a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo [Hand changes]

Die 17 Maii nata & die 20 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit_Maria Hincliff, filia Thomæ Hincliff [?] (olim Berry) c'jugu' Pat: Francis Holmes , Mat: AnnaGray, a me J: GillowMiss Apº.

Die 11 Maii natus & die 22 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jo: Jackson, filius Georg: & Hel : Jackson (olim Audaer) c'jugu' . Pat: Gul: Kerby, Mat: Sara Wright, a me J: Gillow MissoApo.

Die 20 Maii nata & die 22 ejusd' mensis baptizatafuit Hel: McGoldon [McGolden in margin], filia Danielis Mc[D x out]Goldan & Eliz: McGoldan (olim .. ) Conjugu' Pat: Jos: Richmond, Mat: Eliz: Thompson, a me J: GillowMisso Apo

Die 6 Maii natus & die 26 ejusd' Mensis baptizatus fuit Hen: Turner filius Gul : & Saræ Turner(olimFossard) c'jugu'. Pat: Nic: Hedley, Mat: Anna Gray a me J: Gillow, Misso Apo. [96] Die 24 Maii [natus & die 27 ejusd' mensis above] baptizatus fuit Jo: Morrowfilius Isaaci & Annæ Morrow (olim Kirk) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Walker, Mat: Maria Brook, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die28 Maiinatus & die 30 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Leonardus Padget, filia [sic] Helenæ Padget Pat: fuit Jac: Wilkinson, mat: Eliz: Metcalf, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 5 Junii natus & die 10 baptizatus fuit Tho: Brodell , filius Laur: & Mariæ Brodell (olim Smith) c'jugu' Pat: Tho: Bolland, Mat: Maria Smith, a me J: Gillow M: Apo

Die 10 Junii nata & die 12 ejusd' mensis baptizatafuit Sara Coupland, filia Jac: & Isabellæ Coupland (olim Fountain) c'jugu' .

Pat: Benj: Settle, Mat: Maria Settle, a meJo: GillowMiss Apo. [Hand changes]

Die 30° Junii nata et die 8° Julii baptizata fuit Juliana Hagues Filia Thomæ& Martha Hagues (olimSherwood) conjugum:Patrinus fuit Luis Thompson, et Matrina Maria-Anna Sherwood, a me Petro Wilcock, Miso Apo

Die 2° Julii natus et die 8° ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Ransley Filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Ransley (olim Todd) conj : Patrino Mathæo Pattison, et Matrina Margareta Todd, a me Petro Wilcock, Miso Apo. [Hand changes .]

Die I[4 over 3] [Julii above] nata & die 16 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Eliz: Parsons , filia Jo : Parsons , & BarbaraParsons (olim Hewison) c'jugu' Pat: Christ: Dent, Mat : Anna Aspinail, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo. [Hand changes .]

Die 20 Julii, 1810, nata et 22 ejusdemmensis baptizata fuitHelena


Walker,Filia Mich: et AnnæWalker (olim Hall) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Joannes Du Vivier, MatrinaSusanna Du Vivierperprocuratores: a me Gul: Croskell M.A.

Die 20 Julii, 1810, natus et 22 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Thomas Smith, Filius Thomæ et Margarita Smith (olim Dale) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Adamus Dale, Matrina Anna Dale per procuratores; a me Gul: Croskell M° Apo

[Hand changes] [97] Die 18 Julii 1810 natus & die Augusti baptisatus est Thomas Kirby filius Gulielmi Kirby & uxoris ejus Annæ (olim Holmes). Patrini fuere Joannes Bell et Elizabetha Bilton. Thomas Bell, Miss Apua. [Hand changes ]

Die7 Aug: nata& die 9 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit SaraPinder, filia Jo: & JoannæPinder (olim Gibson) c'jugu'. Pat: fuit Richdus Ansom, Mat : Eliz: Ansom, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo . *

Die 6 Aug: nata & die 10 ejusd' mensis baptizatafuit Marg: Broadwith, filia Rob: & Eliz: Broadwith(olim Stott) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Gul: Chapman, Mat : Maria Dixon, a me J: GillowMisso Apo

Die 15 Aug: natus & die 16 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Francis Holmes [letters xd out] filius Francisci & Saræ Holmes(olimAllanson) c'jugu' Pat : Tho: Bolland, Mat : Maria Unwin, a me Jo: Gillow, Miss Apo

Die 13 Sep: nata & die 16 baptizata fuit Anna Hewson, filia Jo: & Hel: Hewson (olim Clayton) c'jugu' Pat : fuit Car: Radcliffe, Mat: Eliz: Pinder, a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo

Die 21 Sep: nata & 23 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Martha Wetherell, filia Tho: & Eliz: Wetherell (olim Chapman ) c'jugu' . Pat: Robtus Chapman, Mat : Francisca Chapman a me Jo: Gillow Miss : Apo.

Die 28 Sep: natus & die 30 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Rob: Settle, filius Gul: & MariæSettle (olim Ellis) c'jugu' Pat: fuitJos' Ellis, Mat : AnnaEllis, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apº.

Die 29 Sep: natus & die 30 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Benj: Ryan, filius Pierce Ryan, & Saræ Ryan (olim Richardson) c'jugu' Pat: Robt : Johnson, Mat: Eliz: Thompson, a me Jo: Gillow , Misso Apo.

Die 30 Sep: nata & die 4 Oct: baptizata fuit Eliz: Wells, filia Jos: & Mariæ Wells (olim Whitehouse) c'jugu' Pat: fuit Jo: Bradley, Mat : Sara Chapman, a me Jo: Gillow, Misso Apo. [98] Die 3ª Oct: natus & die 19 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Tho: Carley, filius Therday Carley & Saræ Carley (olim Hagan) c'jugu' . Mat: Maria Dalton, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo

[A spaceleft againstJacksoninthemargin ]

Die 22 Oct. natus & die ra Nov: baptizatus fuit Gul: Patridge, filius Gul: & Joanna Patridge (olim Keasley) c'jugm Pat: Richdus

* Richard Hansomand his wife Elizabeth Stonehouse , whose mother was Pindar See C.R.S.iv, p 378 , note .


Pratt per proc: G : Audaer, Mat : Maria Keasley, a meJ: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 29 Oct: nata & die rª Nov: baptizata fuit Anna Bradley, filia Jo: & Eliz: Bradley (olim Keasley) c'jugu'. Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland, Mat: Anna Bland per proc: Eliz: Gray, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 24 Nov: natus & die 25 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Jos: Waggoner, filius Jo: & Joanna Waggoner (olim Horner) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Rob: Chapman, Mat: Anna Lakeland, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 28 Nov: nata & die 2 Dec: baptizata fuit Maria Courtney, filia Pat: & Marg: Courtney (olim Macolnald) c'jugu' . Pat: Mat: Macornick, Mat : Cat: Carley, a me J: GillowMisso Apo

Die 29 Nov: natus & die 21 Dec: baptizatus fuit Gul : Lomas, filius Jac: & Marg: Lomas (olimMetcalf) c'jugu' Pat: Radulphus Lomas, Mat: Joanna Kleasby [probably Cleasby], a me J: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 23 Dec: 1809 & die 26 Dec: 1810 baptizatus fuit Tho: Hargrave, filius Jo: & Eliz: Hargrave (olim Madd) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Jo: Croce, Mat : Anna Crowder, a me Jo: GillowM: Apo. 1811 [99]

Die 28 Dec: nata& die 15 Jan: baptizata fuit Anna Conroy, filia Gul: & Saræ Conroy (olim Burbridge) c'jugu' Pat: Jac: Towneley, Mat: Joanna Nowland, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 25 [5 over 6] Dec: natus & die 20 Jan: baptizatus fuit Tho: Swinny,filiusMiles Swinny & AnnæSwinny (olim Pennalton) c'jugu. ' Pat: Jac: Mackewan, Mat: Maria [D x out] Mackewan , a me J: Gillow Miss Apo

[Hand changes]

Die 18 Januarii, 1811, nata et die 27ejusdemmensis baptizata fuit Maria Gallar , Filia Patricii et Magaritæ Gallar (olim McGlaughlin) conjugum: Patrinus Robertus Dickinson, Matrina Anna Crosby; a me Gul: Croskell Misso Apo.

[Hand changes.]

Die 26 Dec: natus & die 3 Jan: baptizatus fuit Jo: Silly, filius Jos: & MariæSilly (olim Flinn) c'jugu'. Pat: Tho: Bolland, Mat: Maria Richmond, a me Jo: Gillow Missº Apo.

Die 31 Jan: natus & die 3 [Jan: xd out, Feb: above] baptizatus fuit Jo: Pratt, filius Tho: & Eliz: Pratt (olim Hill) c'jugu' . Pat: Christ: Derbyshire, Mat: Anna Ellis, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Die 8 Feb: natus & die 12 Feb: baptizatus fuit Georg: Fawbert, filius Jos: & Joanna Fawbert (olim Wilson) c'jugu' . Pat: Jo: Rodley, Mat: Maria Hensley, a me J: GillowMisso Apo.

Die 4 Feb: natus & die 17 ejsd' mensis baptizatus fuit Lud: Bryan, filius Pat : & Rose Bryan (olim Burn) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit

MichaelHanly, Mat: fuit MariaDalton, a me J: GillowMisso Apo. [100] Die 6 Martii natus & die 10 Martii baptizatus fuit Benj: Ryley, filius Benj: & Annæ Ryley(olim . .. .) c'jugu' Pat: Rob: Johnson, Mat: Maria Modestier, a meJ: GillowMisso Apo.


Die 5 Martii nata & die 10 ejusd' mensis baptizatafuit Eliz: Johnson, filius [sic] Rob: & Mariæ Johnson (olim Fozard) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Pierce Ryan, Mat : Eliz: Metcalf, a me J: Gillow Misso Apº

Die 15 Martii nata & die 17 ejusd' mensis baptizatafuit Marg: Tasker, filia Jo: & Eliz: Tasker (olim Todd) c'jugu' Pat: Jos: Ellis, Mat : Dina Taylor, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo

Pat: Gul:

Die 9 Martii nata & die 17 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Anna Gall, filia Tho: & Francisca Gall (olim Howard) c'jugu' Randerson, Mat: AnnaWalker, a me Jo: GillowMiss Apo.

Die 18 Martii nata & die 21 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Hel: Wheeler, filia Christ : & Annæ Wheeler (olim Mortimer) c'jugu' . Pat : fuit Benj : Settle, Matrina Barbara Ellis, a me Jo: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 28 Martii natus & die 3 Apr: baptizatus fuit Jo: Chrysos: Russel, filius Georg: & Eliz: Russell (olim Siddell) c'jugu' Pat : fuit Jac: Smith, Mat : Eliz: Russell, a me J: Gillow Misso Apº.

Die 3 Martii nata & die 24 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Hel: Fawbert, filia Gul: & Cath: Fawbert (olim Peat) c'jugu' Pat: G: Audaer, Mat: Maria Wright, a me J: Gillow M. Apo

Die 8 Martii natus [sic] & die 24 ejusd' mensis baptizata fuitEd: Burn, filia Pat : & Mariæ Burn, c'jugu' Pat: fuit Tho: Bolland, Mat: Cat: Cunningham, a me Jo: GillowM: Apo

Die27Martii natus & die 1ª Ap: baptizatus fuit Ed: Pinder,filius Gul: & Eliza Pinder (olim Claylton) c'jugu' Pat: Rich: Pratt, Mat: Elicia [fxd out] Hewson, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo. [101] DieFeb: 12 nata & die 14 Ap: baptizata fuit Eliza Cainfilia Benj : & Mariæ Cain (olim Lawson) c'jugu' Mat: fuit Maria Dalton, a me J: GillowMiss Apo.

Die 9 Aprilis natus & die 13 Ap: baptizata [sic] fuit Tho: Atkinson Hall, filius Jo: & SophiæHall (oli' Atkinson) c'jugu'. Pat: Tho: Hall, & Win: Hall Matrina, per Pro : Car: Whittle & Annam Hewitson, a me J: GillowMisso Apo

Die7 Ap: natus & die 15 Aprilis baptizatus fuit Carolus [Smith xd out, Radcliffe above] filius Car: & Hel: Radcliffe (olim Smith) c'jugu' . Pat: Gul : Radcliffe, Mat: Anna Radcliffe, per Proc: Jac: Wilkinson, [& above ] Cath : Smith, a me J: Gillow Misso Apº.

Die ra Maii nata & die 3ª ejusd' mensis baptizata fuit Francisca Rodley, filia Jo: & Annæ Rodley (olim Barker) c'jugu' . Pat: fuit Jac: Harrison, Mat: Anna Bell per Proc: Maria' Dalton, a me J: Gillow Miss Apo

Die Ap: 1a 1810 nata & die 6 Maii [1811 above] baptizatafuit Cath: Keely, filia Mich: & Bridgittæ Keely (olim Morn) c'jugu' . Pat: Pat: Burn, Mat: Martha Eccles, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo [Thefollowing entry is inserted in a crowded manner, pale ink, and another hand when no spacehad been left.]

Die 9 Maii 1811 natus & 30 baptizatus fuit CarolusHall filius T.


Hall & Joannæ conjugum (olimJennison). Pat: fuitGul. Jennison Matrina Eliz. Hunter [not signed]

Die 18 Maii natus & die 26 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Gul: Spinks, filius Tho : & N: Spinks (olim .... ) c'jugu'. Pat: Farrell Fylan, Mat: Maria Barber, a me J: Gillow Misso Apo.

Die 5 Junii natus & die 9 ejusd' mensis baptizatus fuit Rob: Hargrave, filius Jac: & Mariæ Hargrave (olim Bonnet) c'jugu' . Pat: Jos: Ellis, Mat: Anna Bollands, a me Jo: GillowMisso Apo

Die 15 Julii, 1811 , natus et die 21 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit

Jacobus Chapman , Filius Joannis et Francisca Chapman (olim Nicholson) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Jacobus Coupland, Matrina

Maria Siddal; a me Gul : CroskellM°Apo.

Die 21 Julii natus et die 28a ejusdem mensis baptizatusfuit

Joannes Walker filius Petri et JoannaWalkerConjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Walker, Matrina Joanna Selles, a me Ludo Dehenne Pro.

[102] [The following note by Mr. Raymenthas been crowded intothe small blank at the head of the page.]

Die 12 Aug. 1811 in Vineam Domini Eboraci per[Ostium over portam] & non aliunde ingressus sum Benedictus Rayment

Die 10 Aug: 1811 , nata et die 13 ejusdem mensis baptizatafuit

Sara Hargitt, Filia Joannis et Eliz: Hargitt (olim Randerson).

Patrinus fuit Gul : Fawbert, Matrina Sara Chapman; a me Gul: Croskell Miss Apº

Die 21 Aug. 1811 natus et die 25 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit

Joannes Barber, filius Gul & Isab Barber (olim Cowling). Patrinus fuit Mich Walker, MatrinaAnn Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apos° .

Die 1 Sep. 1811 natus & die 8° ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit

Henricus Gill, filius Gul & Annæ Gill (olimKeasley) Patrinus fuit

Ric Megerson , Matrina Maria Pratt, a me Ben Rayment Misso Aposº.

Die 4 Sep. 1811 natus & die 8° ejusdem mensis bap fuit Thos

Ruben Bateman, filius Gualt & Annæ Bateman (olim .. . . )

Patrinus fuit Thos Barber, Matrina Han Litrehmond, a me Ben. Rayment Miso Apo.

Die 5 Sep. 1811 natus & die 8° ejusdem mensis bap. fuit Guliel. [Carolus above] Turner, filius Gul. & Sarah Turner (olim Tozard) [Conjugum above] Patrinus fuit Rob Johnson, Matrina Eliz Metcalf, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Die 25 Sep, 1811 nata & die 27 ejusdem mensis bap. fuit Maria Anna, filia Rob & Mariæ Allen (olim Buckale [sic]) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Buckle, per Procuratorem Joan. Lawson M.D. , & Margaritam Keith, A me B. Rayment Miso Apo

Die 20Sep. 1811 nata & eodem die bap fuit Maria,filiaThomæ& Catherine Braithwaite (olim Audaer) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Charolus Williamson , Matrina Maria Shires, a me B. Rayment. Ceremoniæ vero supplebantur Oct. 6 a Ludovico Dehen.


Die 14 Oct. 1811 nata & 15 bap. fuit Marg. filia Jacobi & Isabellæ Co[u above]pland (olim Fountain) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Bland, Matrina Barb. Ellis, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Die 23 Sep. 1811 natus [ & bap. fuit above] (& 15 Oct. Ceremonia suppletæ fuerunt) Joannes, filius Josephi & Sarah Campbell (olim Rogerson ) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jacobus Coupland, Matrina Ann Ellis, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Sept: 8, 1811 nata & Sept. 11 bap fuit Elizabetha,filia Helenæ Scot [& above] Nov. 3 ceremoniæ suppletæ fuerunt. Patrinusfuit Thos Bolland, & Matrina Anna Whitehead, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Die 18 [16 inmargin] Nov. 1811 natus& 18 bap. fuitJacobusfilius Ric. & AgnesMeggeson (olim Aspinall) in parochia Sanctæ crucis, Eboraci. Patrinus fuit Gul. Cleasby, & Matrina Maria Richmond, a me Ben Rayment Miso Apo.

Die 17 Nov. 1811 nata & bap. fuit Teresa filia Gul. & Mariæ Ransley (olim Todd) Conjugum. Patrinis Joanne Dean & Annâ Dean: Cæremoniæ suppletæ fuerunt Nov. 24 [writing xd out], a me Ben. Rayment Misso Apo.

Die 24 [Oct. over Nov.] 1811 natus & [bap. fuit above , and die2 Dec. over Sept. bap xd out] Gul filius Gul & Joanna Chapman (olim Hargitt) Conjugum. Patrinis [Joanne Bell xd out] Antonio Bland per Procuratorem JoannemBell, & Clara Wallis . Cæremoniæ autem suppletæfuerunt die 2 Dec. 1811 , a me B. Rayment Misso Apº.

Die 8 Nov. 1811 nata & die 20 bap fuit Anna filia Joannis & Anne Crowther (olim Lawson) Conjugum Matrina fuit Catherina Atkinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo. [103] Die 29 Nov. 1811 nata & die 4 bap fuit Maria Anna, filia Georgii Jackson & Helenæ (olim Audaer) Conjugum. Patrinis Georgio Audaer, Matrina Elizabetha Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Die 2 Dec. 1811 nata & die 4 bap fuit Franciscus Xaverius filius Josephi & Mariæ Peckett (olim Scaife) Patrinis Ric Hargitt & Margarita Marshall, a me Ben Rayment Misso Apo.

Die 18 Nov. 1811 nata [& bap. fuit Margarita above] & die 16 Decem [bap xd out] cæremoniæ suppletæ fuerunt Margaritæ, filiæ Thone Smith& Margaritæ Smith (olim Dale) Conjugum. Patrinis Jos Clement, & Dor Clement, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Die 19 Dec. 1811 natus & die 22 bap fuit Joannesfilius Joannis Bradley & Eliz. Bradley Conjugum (olim Keasley) Patrinis Gul. Chapman, Eliz. Gray, a me B. Rayment

Die 19 Dec. 1811 natus & die 22 bap fuit Gul. filius Laurentii & Mariæ Brodell (olim Smith) Patrinis Joanne Smith & Maria Randerson, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo 1812

Die29 Dec. 1811 & die 1 Jan. 1812 bap. fuit Gul filius Gul & Anne Sage, Conjugum (olim Siddel) Patrinis Benjo Settle & Elizabetha Sceling, a me Ben Rayment


Die 18 Jan. 1812 & die 20 bap. fuit Hen. filius Jos .& Christianæ Richmond (olim Simpson) Conjugum Patrinis Robto Johnson & Maria Richmond, a me Ben Rayment Miss Apº.

[From this date to Sept. 22, 1818 the entries are in English.]

Die 28 Jan. 1812 wasborn,& ye I March bapd subconditione John, ye Son of John Smith& My his wife (formerly Kitchen). Sponsors were Jos Ellis, & My Dalton, by me B. Rayment

8th of Jan. 1812 was born & ye 9th Do bapd Vincent Joseph, Son of Chas & Sarah Eyre his wife (formerly Pyke) SponsorsVincent Henry Eyre, & Juliana Eyre, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

March 28 , 1812 was born & 31 was bapd John, Son of Arthur & Jane Lynden, his wife (formerly[Cover Keating) Sponsors were John Ceating, & Mar: Ceating, by me B. Rayment Miss. Apos.

April 13, 1812 was born & 14 was bapd Geo Son of John & Jane Pindar, his wife (formerly Gibson) Sponsors were Thos Pindar& Martha Pindar, by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss.

March 15 , 1812 was born & ye same daywas baptized (& on April 14 ye ceremonies were supplied) James Son of Stephen & Hannah Dixon his wife (formerly Judson) Sponsors were James Dixon & Mary Clifton, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos

April 4, 1812 was born & April 18 was baptized Sarah, Daug. of Thos & Mary Turner (formerly Brown) his wife Sponsors were John Walker & Sarah Snell, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos. [104] April 10 was born & May I baptized Cora Mary, Daugh of Thos Hegues & Martha his wife, formerlySherwood Sponsors were Jas Coupland& MaryAnn Sherwood, by me B. Rayment.

July 27, 1811 was born & 18 May 1812 was baptized Thos Son of Isabella Sunderland (formerly Dent). Sponsors were Rd Pratt & Elizabeth Potts, by me B. Rayment.

May24, 1812 was born & 28 was baptized George, Son ofRobert Audaer & Frances his wife (formerly Jackson) Sponsors were Christ Dent & Eliz Bilton, by me B. Rayment.

May 22, 1812 was born & 29 was baptized Ann, Daugr of Wm Kirby & Ann his wife (formerly Holmes). Sponsors were John Hargitt & Eliz. Commins, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

June 10, 1812 was born & 13 baptized Jane, Daugr of John Hewson & Alice, his wife, formerly Clayton, Sponsors were Rob [Hewson xd out, Clayton above], Frances [H xd out] Clayton, by me B. Rayment.

June 11th1812 wasborn & 12thwas baptized CatherineMaryEyre, Dr of John Lewis [Eyre] & Sarah his Wife (formerly Parker).

* Charles Nathaniel Eyre, father of the child, was 2nd son ofVincent Eyre (junior),ofHighfield andNewbold, co Derby, by his wife Catherineonlychild of Wm. Parker, of Rainhill, co Lancs Born in 1779, he married Sarahd of Thomas Pyke and leftissue four sonsandthreedaughters Vincent Joseph was his eldest son The godfather Vincent Henry was his uncle, elderbrother of Charles Nathaniel See Kirk's Biographies of Catholics, pp. 74-5 .

John Lewiswas 4th son ofVincent Eyre of Highfield. He married Sarah d. ofWm. Parker of Kingston-on-Hull He was created Count oftheLateran Hall and Apostolic Palace CatherineMarywas their eldest daughter. She diedin 1825. Godfather her uncle, godmother her grandmother


Sponsors wereCha" Nathaniel Eyre & Mrs. Eyre Dowager by me B. Rayment.

June 14 was born & 18th was baptized JosephSon ofMat. Joy& Ann, his wife, formerlyGrave; Sponsors were Benj Settle & Sarah Chapman, by me B. Rayment

June 16 was born & 21 was baptized George, Son ofJohn & Phebe Gluew (formerlyBraithwaite ) his wife. Sponsors were John Walker & Rachael Gluew, by me B. Rayment.

June 21 was born& 26 was baptized Wm Son of JosephDoughty & Maryhis Wife (formerlyAinsley). Sponsors were Thos Haset , & Eliz. Coates, by me B. Rayment.

May 20 was born & June 28 was baptized Mary, Dr of Ann Precious ; Sponsors were Chris Wheeler & Ann Sturdy, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

June 29 was born & July 3 was baptized Thos Spink, since dead , by me B. Rayment.

July[5 over 7]wasborn & ye 7thwasbaptized Ann Daugr ofRobt Johnson & Mary his wife (formerly Fawceit) Sponsors were Wm Cattle & Mary Dalton, by me B. Rayment

July [6 over 2]was born & ye 12 was baptized ThosSon [ofabove] Francis Holmes& Sarah his wife(formerlyAllison) SponsorsJohn Sage & Barbara Ellis, by me B. Rayment.

July 9 was born & ye 12 baptized Catha Daugr ofTim Couhlan& Eliz his wife (olim Sullivan). Sponsors wereTho W[ea above]threll & Isabella Chapman, by me B. Rayment

July 17 was born & 18 baptized Francis, Son of Christ Dent& Mary his wife, formerly Randerson; Sponsors were John Bell & Eliz. Metcalf, by me B. Rayment

March 24wasborn & 18 July baptized Helen, Dr ofMaryBrearey, Sponsors were John Bell & Mary Gibbons, by me B. Rayment.

July 21 was born & 23 baptized Ann, Dr of John Carey& Ann his wife (formerly . ). Sponsorwas Eliz. Oliver, byme B. R.

July 21 was born & 25 was baptized Joseph , Son of Peter Waker [Walkerin margin] & Jane his Wife (formerlyCull). Sponsors were John Walk over k] & Sarah Richardson, By me B. Rayment, Apos. Missy.

July 10 was born & July 27 was baptized Ann Dr of John Fell& Eliz his wife (formerly Modesty). Sponsors were Robt Johnson& Mary Chambers , by me Benedict Rayment, Apos Missty [105] Aug. 20 was born & 23 baptized Jane Daugr of Francis Mountain & Jane hisWife (formerly[Monks) seemingly in different hand, and in darker ink]. Sponsors were John Crowther & Ann Crowther, by me B. Rayment.

Aug. 9 was born & 9th was baptized Wm Son of John Waggoner & Jane his wife (formerly Horner). John Walker& Hannah Lakeland Sponsors , by me B. Rayment

Aug. 31 was born & Sep. 6 baptized Wm Son of Christ Almond & Ann his wife (formerlyVerity) Sponsors were Wm Verity& Eliz. Verity, by me B. Rayment.


Sep. II was born & Sep. 14 baptized Teresa Elizabeth, Dr of Mic & AnnWalkerhis wife(formerlyHall). Sponsors wereThosFoss & Eliz Russell, by me B. Rayment.

Sep. 21 was born & Sep. 23 was baptized Maria Dr of David Hurworth & Ann his wife (formerly Atha). Sponsors were Thos Hurworth& Eliz Hurworth, by me B. Rayment

Sep. 24 was born & 27 baptized HenrySon of John Smith& Mary his wife (formerly Brown). Sponsors were Edmund Aspinall &Ann Dixon. By me B. Rayment

Sep. 26 was born & 28 baptized John Son of John Young & Eliz. his wife (formerlyHargitt). Sponsors were Joseph Peckitt& Mary Cuddie [not signed].

Oct. 2 was born & ye same day baptized Ann Catharine Dr of HenryRobinson& Catharine hiswife (formerlyClapham ). Sponsors were Robt Watson & Ann Fey, by me B. Rayment

Sep. 29 was born & Oct. 3 was baptized Winefred Dr of Jane Binns; Sponsors were James Wilkinson& CatherineSmith,byme B. Rayment, Apos Miss

Oct. II wasborn& Oct. 16 baptized Wm , Son of Henry Hem[ming over ing] & Ann his Wife (formerly Todd). Sponsors were John Rodley & Eliz. Randsley, by me B. Rayment.

Nov. 2 was born & 3d baptized Helen, Dr of Pierce Ryan &Sarah his Wife (formerly Ritchason) Sponsors were James Clancy & Eliz. Thompson, by me B. Rayment

Nov. 8 was born & same day baptized Jos: Benedict, Son ofWm Settle & Mary his Wife (formerly Ellis). Sponsors were John Barnet & Barbara Ellis, by me B. Rayment.

Nov. 3 was born & Nov. 23 was baptized Heny Son of Thos Barton & Eliz. his wife (formerly Hepworth) Sponsors were John Harton& MaryWells, by me B. Rayment.

Nov. 21 was born & Nov. 23 was baptized Margt, Dr of Thos Whetherull [Wetherallin margin] & Eliz. his wife (formerly Chapman). Sponsors were Robt Chapman, & My Smith, by me B. Rayment.

Nov. 18 was born & Nov. 30 was baptized Monica Drof John & Eliz Taskerhiswife (formerlyTodd) Sponsors were James Linton [&] Sarah Richardson, by me B. Rayment M.A.

Nov. 30was born & Dec 4 was baptized Helen Dr of Thos Braithwait[e inmargin] & Catharine his Wife (formerly Audaer). Sponsors were Robt Audaer & Sarah Wright by me B. Rayment. [106] Dec. [11 over 13] was born & Dec. 13 was baptized Joseph, Son of Mary Relph Sponsors were Thos Bolland & SarahJohnson , by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss.

Dec. 21 was born & Dec. 27 was baptized MaryAnn Daughter of IsaacMorrow& Ann his Wife (formerlyKirk). Sponsors wereJohn Walker & Jane Walker, by me B. Rayment Miss Apos

July 24 was born & Dec. 30 was baptized William, Son of John Robinson & Mary his Wife (formerly McMullen) Sponsors were


Robt Hurworth & Catherine Hurworth, by me B. Rayment Miss Apos


Jan. 15 wasborn & Jan. 18 wasbaptized Thos son of Rob & Mary Allan his wife (formerly Buckle). Sponsors were Margt Worswick & RicdWorswick , by me B. Rayment .

Feb. 2 was born & feb. 5 was baptized Mary Dr of James & Rebecca Cleancy his wife (formerlyJohnson). Sponsors were John Harton& Sarah Ryan, by me B. Rayment

Jan. 31 was born & Feb.8 was baptized Eleanora DrofWm Pindar & Eliz. his wife (formerlyCleyton) Sponsors were Robt Cleyton & My Cleyton, by me B. Rayment Miss Apos

Jan. 7 was born & feb 10 baptized MaryAnn Dr of Chas Ratcliff & Helen, his wife (formerlySmith) Sponsors were John Ratcliffe, Sarah Wright, by me B. Rayment

March 13 was born & 18 was baptized CicilyDr of Sam. Walker& Catharine his Wife (formerly Mather) Sponsors were ThoB Arundell& Mary Varley, by me B. Rayment

March 22 was born & 26 was baptized John Son of Mich. Murry & Mary his Wife (formerly . ... ). Sponsors were [blank] & SarahWoods, by me B. Rayment

Mar. 29 was born& Ap 5 was baptized MaryDr ofMarySeymor. Sponsorswere John Walker& MaryElliot, by me B. Rayment Mis . Ap

April I was born & Ap. 7 was baptized Thos Son of Tho & Frances Gall (formerly Howard). Sponsors were Thos & Isabella Howard, by me B. Rayment Apos Miss

Jan. 14 , 1809 [was born above]& Apr. 15 , 1813 wasbaptized John Joseph, Son of John JosephBarnet & JaneRidley his Wife. Sponsors were Cha³ McManus& Mary Morgan B.Rayment Miss.Apos

April24 were born & 25 , 1813 were baptized Mary& Ann, Daughters of John Colbeck & Eliz his wife (formerlyGoodell). Sponsors were Jonathan and Ann Mawson, by me B. Rayment.

May6th was born & ye 9th baptized Sarah, Daugr ofGeo. & Jane Brown (formerlyIsaason). Sponsors were James Wilkinson& Eliz. Metcalf , by me B. Rayment Mis. Ap.

May 22 was born & 24th baptized Thos Son of Thos (dead) & Ann Clerk (formerly Clarkson). Sponsors were John Dimier & Eliz Thompson, by me B. Rayment Mis .Apos.

May 22 wasborn & 26 baptized Jos Son of Christ & Ann Wheeler (formerlyMortimer ). Sponsors were Benj Settle & Eliz Hansom , by me Benedict Rayment Apostolic Missionary. [107] June 5 was born & June 6 was baptized Juliana Maria* Daugr of Chas Eyre & Sarah his Wife (formerly Pike). Sponsors were William and Mary Eyre, by me B. Rayment.

June 4 was born, & 7th was baptized Eliz Dr of James & Isabella Couplandhis wife (formerlyFountain). Sponsors were John Bell& Margt Marshall, byme B. Rayment [Apos. Miss above].

* Eldest daughter of Charles Nathaniel Eyre (supra, p 85n )


June 16 was born & ye same day baptized Mary Dr of John & Mary Harrison, his wife (formerly Howe). Sponsors were Adam Dale & Eliz. Howe, by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss.

June 18 was born & ye 20thwas baptized James Joshua Son of Josh. Steel & Mary his wife (formerly Newson). Sponsors were Isaac & Mary Morrow, by me B. Rayment Apos Miss

June 25 was born & 27 baptized Edd [Edwardin margin] Son of Mary Hodgson Sponsors were John Brown & Jane Hodgson, by me Benedict Rayment Apos. Miss.

June 27 was born & 29 baptized Eliz Dr of James Hargrave & Mary his Wife (formerly Bonnet) Sponsors were Rob Chapman & MaryBolland, by me B. Rayment.

July 9 wasborn & [15 over 17] baptized Laurence Son of Laurence Brodill & Mary his Wife (formerly Smith) Sponsors were Revd Thos Dobson, & Eliz. Metcalf, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

June 27 was born & July 25 was Christened Helen Hall Dr of Thos Hall,& Jane his Wife (formerlyJennisons). Sponsors were John Simpson & Sarah Woods, by me B. Rayment Miss .Apos.

July 18 was born & ye 19 baptized Mary Dr of Ra Meggeson [Meggisonin margin] & Agnes hisWife (formerlyAspinall) inye parish of St John Mickelgate in y city of York. Sponsors wereEdmund Aspinall & Mary Richmond, by me Benedict Rayment Apos. Missionary

Aug. 26 was born& 27 baptized Maria TheresaDrof Geo . Jos. Russell& hisWife Eliz (formerlySiddell). Sponsors wereJohn Hall & Elizabeth Gledhill , by me B. Rayment.

Aug. 31 was born & 5thofSepr wasbaptized Helen Dr of Ingram Varley & Mary his Wife (formerly Breers ). Sponsors were Ed. Woods & Martha Brown, by me B. Rayment.

Sep. 5 wasborn& ye 7th bap Ann, Drof John Hargett& Eliz. his Wife (formerly Randerson). Sponsors were Wm Randerson , Ann Gibbin, by me B. Rayment.

Sep. 4 was born & ye 7th bap. Eliz. Dr of Geo. Stout & Margt his Wife (formerlyMawson). Sponsors Jos Ellis & MarySettle, byme B. Rayment.

[Aug. over Oct.] 31 was born & 7th of Sep. wasbaptized Mary Dr ofThos. Dickinson & Eliz hiswife Sponsors wereWm Nicholson& Mary Hogson, by me B. Rayment

[Aug. or Oct.]* 20 wasborn & ye same daybaptized TheresaDrof ThosSmith & Margt his Wife (formerlyDale). Sponsors were [Mic. Walkerxd out, Francis Storey above] & [Sarah Hen Chapman xd out, MaryStory above], by me B. Rayment [108] [Nov.xdout,August above]* 3 wasborn & ye 6 baptized Sarah Ann Dr of Thos. & Susannah Spink his Wife (formerlyDawson). Sponsors were John Arton & Eliz Gibson, by me B. Rayment

Nov. 6 was bap Ann [Ann Shiplow Beal in margin]DrofJ. Beal & Dor his Wife (formerly Hardcastle) Sponsors were John & Mary Shimmins, by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss.

Thesemay be post entries Alterations make the datesvery doubtful


Nov. 7 was born & ye 9th bap John Son of Wm Smith & Margt his Wife (formerlyHopkirk). Sponsorswere James Linton & Eliz. Linton, by me B: Rayment

Nov. 3 was born & ye 4th bap. Thos Son of Thos Clark& Eliz. his Wife (formerly Oliver) Sponsors were Thos Hacet & Eliz Metcalf, by me B. Rayment Apos Missty

29 Nov. was born & ye 30th bap Mary Macewe [Mackew in margin]Dr of Thos & Mary Mchew his Wife (formerly Robinson). SponsorwasAnn Crosby, by me B. Rayment M.A.

Nov. 7 wasborn & 29th bap. Peter, Son of Patrick& SarahHiggins his Wife (formerly Dunn) Sponsors were Peter Mullin & Ann Abbot, by me B. Rayment .

Dec. 3 was born & dec. 5 was baptized Mary Dr ofJos Dobson& Eliz. his Wife (formerly Linton). Sponsors were James & Elena Linton, by me Benedict Rayment Apostolic Missionary

Dec. 13 was born & dec 15 baptized Wm Son of John Waram & Susan his Wife (formerly Johnson) Sponsors were John Waron & Ann Crosby, by me B. Rayment Miss. Apos.

Dec. 27 , 1810 was born & ye 3d of Jan. 1811 was baptized [byMr. Coope of Crake above] John Francis Son of Henry Smith [&] Charlotte his Wife (formerly Binnes [? Binros]), ye ceremonieswere supplied Dec. ye 5, 1813 at York by me B. Rayment Sponsors were John Chapman, Margt Plummer.

Oct. 25, 1813 wasborn & bap. & ye 30th Dec. christenedJos Sonof Wm & Jane Chapman his wife (formerly Hargitt). Sponsors were John Thompson& MaryWight, bymeB. Rayment

Dec. 28 was born & 31 baptized Ann Dr of Jos. Wells [Wills in margin] & Mary his Wife (formerly Whitehouse). Sponsors were Thos Barber & Eliz Gray, by me B. Rayment M.A. [1814]

Dec. 29was born & Jan. Iwas bapd Wm A. [Augustine in margin] Son of John Sage & Ann his Wife (formerlySiddle) Sponsorswere Benj Settle & Jane Bukle, by me B. RaymentM.A.

Dec. 31 was born & Jan. 2 was bapa Wm Son of Wm Patridge & Johanna his Wife (formerlyKeasly) Sponsors were Rd Meggison& MaryKeasly, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos

Dec. 28was born & Jan. 17, 1814 was bap. Wm [Son above]ofJos. Chapman& Ann his Wife (formerly Lenard or Lerard) Patrick Carroll & Eliz Hunter[Sponsors above], by me B. Rayment.

Jan. 13 was born & Jan. 20 bapa Hannah Dr of Francis Fowler & Mary his Wife, formerly Moorey Sponsors were Jas Chapman & Mary Moorey, by me Benedict Rayment M.A. [109] Jan. 12 was born & 23d bap. JaneDrof Wm Kirby & Ann his

Dom Thomas Jerome Coupe, O.S.B., born at South Hill, Chorley, 1754 Professed at St. Laurence's, Dieulouard, 1775. Prior of St. Laurence's , 1785-9 . Went on mission 1791. At Brandsby 1791-4 . At Oulston and Crayke 1794-1826 Retired to St. Laurence's, Ampleforth , and died there 1827 .

wife (formerlyHolmes) Sponsors were Cha Hargitt & Eliz Kirby, by me B. Rayment.

Jan. II was born& ye 25 wasbap CorneliusSon ofPeter Donovan & Eliz hiswife Sponsors wereJames M'eghan & Jane Fox, by me B. Rayment.

Jan. 21wasborn& 29 bap Eliz Dr ofMarkLongtoft&MaryAnn Thompson. Sponsors were Rd Meggison & Frances Litchmond , by me B. Rayment

Jan. 28 was born & 29 bap Rob. Jos. Allen, Son of Rob . Allen deceased & Mary his wife (formerlyBuckle). Sponsors were Rd& Margt Worswick, byme B. Rayment

Feb. 2 wasborn & 6th was bap. Heny WalkerSon ofJohnWalker & Mary his Wife (formerlyMitchell). Sponsors Peter Potts& Ann Morrow, by me B. Rayment.

Feb. 5 wasborn & 6 bap. John Son of John Pindar& Janehis Wife (formerlyGibson) Sponsors were John Bell& Eliz.Gibson ,byme B. Rayment

Feb. 8 was born & ye 10th bap Mary Dr of Jos. Peckett [Puckett in margin] & Maria his Wife (formerly Scafe). Sponsors were Rd Hargett& Lucy Marshall, by me B. Rayment M.A.

Feb. 4 was born & ye 13 bap. Jas son of Wm Turner & Mary his wife (formerly Brown). Sponsors were Sam Walker & Čath Walker, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

Feb. 12 was born & ye 13 bap. Sarah Dr of Peter Walker & Jane his Wife (formerly Cole) Sponsors were John Hargitt & Ann Walker, by me B. Rayment Miss. Apos.

Oct. 25 [1813 in margin] was born & bap & feb 14 , 1814 ye ceremonies were supplied to Theresa Dr of Wm Chapman & Jane his Wife (formerly Hargitt) Sponsors were Wm Thompson & Mary Ann Brigham, by me B. Rayment.

Jan. 30 was born & 15 feb bap Ann Dr. of Benja Brooks & Sarah his Wife (formerly Befort). Sponsors were Cap" Hunon & Mary Modesty, by me B. Rayment Miss Apos

feb 14 was born & 17 bap. Hen Jos. Boddy Son of Hy Boddy& Mary his Wife (formerly Simpson). Sponsors Thos Birch, Sarah Hanson [vere Hansom, formerly Simpson], by me B. Rayment.

feb. 16 was born& 20 bap Jos Son of Jos Bolton & Jane his Wife (formerly Medley) Sponsors were Thos Bland & Isab Coupland, by me B. Rayment.

feb 16 was born & 20 bap. Ricd Son of John Bradley & Eliz his Wife (formerly Keasly). Sponsors were Thos Bolland [&] Hannah Patridge, by me B. Rayment

Feb. 7was born & 27 bap James Son of Wm Bateman& Jane his Wife (formerly Hartley). Sponsors were Thos Bolland & Eliz Bateman [not signed]. [110] feb 10 was born & 12 March was bap. William Son of Tho Enderson & Jane his Wife (formerly Belt). Sponsors were Geo. Bolland & Mary Belt, by me B. Rayment


March 6 wasborn & 13 bap. Robt Son of Robert Audaer & Frances his Wife (formerlyJackson). Sponsors were John Hargitt & Helen Jackson[not signed].

feb 26 was born & 13 March bap Jas Son of BarnardMacdonald & Eliz. his Wife (formerly Tuit) Sponsors were Patric& Sarah Higgins, by me B. Rayment.

feb. 23 was born & March 21 bap. Mary Dr of Stephen Dixon & Hannah his Wife (formerly Judson) Sponsors were Jas Dixon& Mary Clifton, by me B. Rayment

[Thefollowing entry has been interlined ]

28 feb was born Anne Maria Eyre & bap. March 3d. Sponsors were Vincent HenryEyre& Mary Barbara Eyre [not signed].

March 5 was born & same day bap Francis Son of John Barnet & Jane his wife (formerly Ridley) Sponsors were Benj Settle& Mary Settle, by me B. Rayment

July9, 1813 was born & 17 of Ap. 1814 was baptized [Thos. over John or opposite; Thos. in margin], Son of Henry Braithwaite& Helen his Wife (formerly Scot) Sponsors were Wm Randerson& Eliz. Hunter, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

April 7 was born & April 17 was baptized John Son of George Cartwright & Mary his Wife, formerlyLynch. Sponsors were John O'Reilly& MarySmith, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos.

April 13 was born & May I was baptized Eliz Dr ofWm& Eliz. Nicholson (formerly Hodgson ) Sponsors were John Williamson & Louisa Nicholson, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

May7 was born & 8 was baptized Wm Wellington Son ofJohn& Barbara Parsons (formerlyRudech [?]) Sponsors were Jas Wilkinson & Ann Milner, byme B. Rayment Mis Apos

May 20 was born & 21 baptized Mic Son of Joseph Ellis & Ann his Wife (formerlyPiers) Sponsors were Geo Stout& Barb Ellis, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

May 20 was born & 27 baptized Catherine Dr of JosephDoughty & MaryhisWife (formerlyAinsley). Sponsors were John Parker& Esther Cross, by me B. Rayment

June I was born & ye 5 baptized Margt Dr of Wm Barber& Isabella his Wife (formerly Cowling) Sponsors were Thos & Mary Barber , by me B. Rayment .

June I was born & ye 5 baptized Eliz Dr of Christ Almond & Ann his Wife (formerlyVerity). Sponsors Wm Verity & Ann Verity, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

June 5 was born & ye 8th baptized Arthur Son of Edward Woods & Sarah his Wife (formerly Hartley) Sponsors were Geo . Wheeler & Sarah Spence, by me B. Rayment

June 6 was born & ye 8 bapa Rica Sonof Robert Chapman& Eliz. his Wife (formerly Hargitt). Sponsors were Wm Chapman&Harriot Strother, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

* Anna Maria was 2nd d of John Lewis Count Eyre and Sarah his wife (vide supra, p. 85) The Godfather was her uncle.



May 30 was born & 9 of June was baptized Cha³ Son of Geo Todd & Ann his wife (formerly O Neal) Sponsors were John Rodley & Margt O Neal, by me Benedict Rayment Mis .Apos.

June 5 was born & July 3d baptized Richard Sonof Thos Arundell & Hannah hisWife (formerlyLaurence). Sponsors wereRdArundell & Rachael Cuddy, by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss

June II was born & ye 12 baptized Edmund Son of Wm Ransley & Maryhis Wife (formerlyTodd). Sponsors were John Bell& Mary Ellison, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

June 30was born & Aug. I was baptized Peter Son of Tho" Birch & Mary his Wife (formerly Boddy). Sponsorswere Wm Randerson & Ursula Blakey, by me B. Rayment Apos Mis

June 30 was born & Aug. I was bap. Charlott Dr ofThos Birch & Mary his Wife (formerly Boddy). Sponsors were Wm Randerson& Eliza Wright, by me B. Rayment Apos. Mis.

June 29 was born & Aug. 2 was baptized TheresaDaugr of Thos Urworth [altered to Hurworth in margin] & Eliz his wife (formerly Curmack). Sponsors were David Urworth & Eliz Hill, by me B. Rayment Apos Mis

Aug. I was born& ye 7th was baptized Edmund Joseph Son of John Hewson & Alice his wife (formerly Clayton). Sponsorswere Adam Dale & FrancesClayton, by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss.

Aug. 2 was born & ye 7th baptized Elizabeth Dr of Francis Holmes & Sarahhiswife(formerly Allainson) Sponsors were JamesParker & Ann Sturdy, by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss.

Aug. 7 was born & ye 7th bap Sarah Dr of Wm Gough & Mary Gough hisWife (formerlyBrookes ). Sponsors were Jas McGennis& Mary Dalton, by me B. Rayment Apos Miss

Sep. 27 was born & ye 28 was baptized Edward Son of James & Mary McGinnes (formerlyMcAlear) Sponsors were Henry Chapman & MaryRobinson, byme B. Rayment Mis Apos

Oct. 17 wasborn & ye 18 baptized John Son of James& Rebecca Clancy (formerlyJohnson) Sponsors wereRedmond Burke& Sarah Wood, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

Oct. 27 was born& ye 31 baptized Rebecca Daughter ofGeorge Stout & Margt his Wife (formerly Mawson) Sponsors were Geo Wheeler& Eliz. Hunter, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos

Oct. 28 was born& Nov. 7 was baptized John Richmond , Son of MaryRichmond. Sponsors wereJohn Harton & Mary Dutchborn, by me B. Rayment Apost Missy.

Nov. 28 was born & 19 [sic] was bap Voluntine Son of John Barker & Mary his Wife (formerlyParvin). Sponsorswere Joseph Doughty& Sarah Mountain, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos. [112] Nov. 7 was born & ye 20th bap. MaryAnn Drof John Chapman & Frances his Wife (formerly Nicholson). Sponsors were Henry Chapman& Isab. Chapman, by me B. Rayment Apos. Mis.

Nov. 20 was born & ye 27 was baptized Thos Son ofWmFawbert & Catherinehis Wife (formerlyPeart). Sponsors were Jos . Fawbert & Eliz. Fawbert, by me B. Rayment.


October 28 was born & Nov. 28 was bap. Mat Son of John Snow & Ann his Wife (formerly Parker) Sponsors were Robt Land & Ann Land, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

Nov. 27 was born & Dec. 5 was bap Mary Dr of John Young & Eliz his Wife (formerly Hargitt) Sponsors were John Heslegrave & Mary Cuddy, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

Dec. I was born & ye II bap. Martin Son of Thos Nash & Margt his Wife (formerly[Nas xd out]Tobin) Sponsors wereN.N.& Eliz Hunter, by me B. Rayment Miss Apos 1815 .

Jan. 2 wasborn & ye 6th bap. Robt Son ofHenry& MaryChapman his wife (formerly Swan). Sponsors are Rob Chapman, Mary Wright, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

March 3 was born ye 7th was bapa Elizabet Daughter of James Lomas & Margt his Wife (formerly Metcalf) Sponsors were Jos. Stokes& MaryStokes, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

March 16 was born & 20 was bap. Wm Son of John & Isabella Brown his Wife (formerlyChapman). Sponsors were HenryChapman & Ann Bennington, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

March 17 was born & 26 was bap [John Son of above] Thos Weatherall & Eliz his Wife (formerly Chapman). Sponsors were JasRyan& Mary Hodgson, byme B. Rayment Mis.Apos.

April I was born & ye 2d was bap. Wm Son of Thos & FrancesGall, his Wife (formerlyHoward). Sponsors Thos Powell & Eliz Metcalf, by me B. Rayment

March 29 was born & April 2d bap Mary Dr of Laurence& Mary Brodell (formerly Smith) Sponsors were Chas Ratcliffe & Mary Smith, by me B. Rayment.

April 15 was born & ye 16th bap. Sarah Dr of Pierce Ryan & Sarah his Wife (formerly Ricchason). Sponsors were Bartholemeo Ambrosi & SarahSpense, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos.

April 9 wasborn & ye 23d bap SarahDr of John Tasker&Eliz. his wife (formerly Todd). Sponsors were Bart. Ambrosi & Sarah Richardson, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos. [113] April 29 was born & May 1st bap. Thos Son of Isaac Beck & [Ann over Eliz.] his Wife (formerly Cass). Sponsors were Geo. Bolland & Ann Sturdy, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos

April 23 was born & ye same day baptized Sarah Daughterof Wm Kirby & Ann his Wife (formerly Holmes). Sponsorswere Wm Fawbert & GraceMyers, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

May 10 was born & May 14 bap. Peter Son of Joseph Peckett [Peckitt in margin] & Maria his wife (formerly Skeif [? Scaif]) Sponsors were Lucy Marshall & PeterMarshall, by me B. Rayment

May 12 was born & ye 15th bap. Francis Son of Chas Ratcliffe & Helen his Wife (formerly Smith). Sponsors were Thos Ratcliffe& Mary Smith, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

May 12 was born & 21 was bap. Jos Son of Jos. Bolton & Jane his Wife (formerly Robinson) Sponsors were Thos Pratt & Elizabeth Hunter, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos.

May23wasborn&ye 28 was baptized Jos . Son of JamesCoupland & Isabella hisWife, formerly Fountain . Sponsors were Jos Coupland & Lucy Martial, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos

June 13 was born and ye 18 bap Ann Dr of James Hardgrave & Mary his Wife (formerly Bonnett). Sponsors were Geo . Bolland & Ann Bollan, by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos

June 29 was born& 30th baptized Vincent William Son of John [L. above] Eyre & [Sarah over Mary] his wife (formerly Parker). Sponsors were Thos Eyre & Juliana Eyre, by me B. Rayment.

July 2d was born & ye 9th bap Wm Son of IsaacMorrow&Ann his Wife (formerly Kirk). Sponsors were Peter Walker & Mary Walker, by me B. Rayment.

July 8 was born & ye 11thwas bapa Elizabeth Dr ofGeorgeBrown & Jane his Wife (formerlyIsaacson ). Sponsors were James Coupland & Eliz. Metcalf, by me B. Rayment.

June 18 was born & ye 17th of July was bapa Tho SonofThos Henderson [doubtful reading, but in accordance with correction in margin ; however, see last entry on p. 91 above ] & Jane his Wife (formerly Belt) Sponsors were James Taylor & Mary Belt, by me Benedict Rayment Mis. Apos

July 17 was born & ye 18 bap. by me Bendt Rayment MaryAnn, Daughter of Wm Settle & Mary his Wife, formerlyEllis Sponsors were John Barnet & Ann Ellis [114] July 19 was born & ye 23 bap Robt Son of John Hawe & Mary his Wife (formerly Kearns) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Christ & Ann Walsh.

July 16 was born & ye 23 bap. Veronica Daughter of Isaac Richardson & Sarah his Wife by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Jos. Boulton & Ann Poggitt

July 24 [& 2 xd out] was born & ye 25 bap. Thos Son of Josuah Steel & Mary his Wife (formerly Newsham ), by me B. Rayment Sponsors were John W[en ?]ham & Ann Hartley. 29 June was born Vincent Wm Eyre & ye 30th bap. Sponsors Juliana Eyre & Thos Jos. Eyre [interlined]. [This is the second entry of this baptism (see June 29-30 above), interlined in necessarily cramped hand, but without the names ofparents or celebrant ]

June 30 was born & ye 25 of Julywas baptized Ann Daughterof Ralph Chipchase & Charlotte his Wife (formerly Richmond) by me B. Rayment. Sponsors were Rd Meggeson & Mary Barnes.

July 25 was born & the 29 bap Sarah Daughter of JamesAdams & Hannah his Wife (formerlyDwyer). Sponsors were John Dwyer & Mary Madden, by me B. Rayment

July 30 was born & Aug. 14 was bap Louisa Dr of Charles Francesco & Harriot his Wife, by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors wereJos Fawbert & MaryAnn Ambrosio.

Vincent William eldest son of John Lewis Count Eyre. Hebecamea priest and Monsignore Was Rector 1859-71 of St. Mary's, Holly Place , Hampstead


Aug. 14 was born & ye 17 bap Wm R[icha over obt.] Son of Wm Hamerton & Mary Wheeler by me B. Rayment Sponsors Geo . Wheeler & Margt Wheeler

Aug. 16 was born & ye 20 bapd Mary Ann Daugr of Wm Smith& Margaret his Wife (formerly Hopkirk) by me B. Rayment Mis . Apos SponsorsJohn Smith& Mary Rennison.

Aug. 23 was born & Sepr 3d was bap Jane Daughter of Peter Walker & Jane Walker his Wife (formerly Calle) by me B. Rayment. John Waggoner & Ann Walker Sponsors .

Sep. 5 was born & ye 7th bap Veronica Mary Dr of Jos Stoke & Mary his Wife (formerly Harnon) by me B. Rayment Mis . Apos. Sponsors were Thos Barber & Ann Dent. [115] Sep. 7 was born & ye [9 xd out] 10th bap Jane Dr of John Snarr & Eliz. his Wife (formerly Simpson ) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Thos Bolland & Sarah Hansom .

Aug. 8 was born & ye 13 Sep. bap. Jane Dr of John Sampson & Eliz. his wife (formerly Britton) by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos Sponsors were Geo. Stonehouse & [Eliz. over Mary] Hunter.

Sep. 17 was born & ye 23 bap. Charles Son of Joshua Croce &Ann Carey. Sponsors were Anto Bazoni & Mary Wilson, by me B. Rayment .

Sep. 20 was born & ye 24 bap James Son of George Fisher & Frances his Wife (formerly Gowland) by me B. Rayment A.M. Sponsors John Simpson, Ann Gowland.

July 19 was born& Oct. 4 was bap. MaryAnn Dr ofRobtHick& Mary his Wife (formerly Dixon) by me B. Rayment Apos Missy Sponsors were Stephen Hick & Eliz Robinson.

Oct. 1st was born & Nov. 5 was bap. Helen Dr [of] JamesFoley & Judith her [sic] Wife (formerly Malone). Sponsors John Heslegrave & Eliz. Hunter, by me B. Rayment.

Oct. 17 was born & ye 5 of Nov. bap. Mary Ann Dr of Robt Thompson& Martha his Wife (formerlyDeighton) Sponsorswere John Deighton & Eliz. Burley, by me B. Rayment.

Nov. 2 was born& ye 6th bap. Ann Drof Ambrose Kellet & Jane his Wife (formerly McEvoy) by me B. Rayment . Sponsors were John Deighton & Ann Hartley.

Sep. 14 was born& Nov. 10 was bap WmSon ofMary Bartholomew . Sponsor was Eliz Hardy, by me B. Rayment Mis Apos

[Nov. over Dec.] 18 was born & [Nov. over Dec.] 26 was bap. Francis Son of Francis Kernan & Hannah his Wife (formerly Thompson) by me B. Rayment. Sponsors were Thos Weatherall and Isabel Brown

[Nov. over Dec.] 16 was born & Nov. 26 was bap MaryAnn Drof Francis Fowler & Mary his Wife (formerly Mo[or]y [see last entry but onep. 90]). Sponsors were HenryChapman & Eliz Weatherall , by me Benedict Rayment Apos Missy

[116] Oct. 4 was born & Dec. 7 was bap. Mary Dr of Patrick OBrien & Mary his Wife (formerlySutton) by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos Sponsors were James Adams & Hannah Adams

Dec. 15 wasborn & ye 18 bap. SarahDr of John Walker&Maryhis Wife (formerly Mitchell) by me B. Rayment Sponsors Isaac Morrow & Jane Walker.

Dec. 25 was born & ye 27 bap Wm Seth, Son of Seth Agar* & Eliz. his Wife (formerly Robinson), by me B. Rayment. Sponsors wereAdam Dale & Eliz Agar

Dec. 27 was born & ye 31st bap John Joseph, Son ofWm Barner & Mary his Wife (formerly Atkinson), by me B. Rayment Apos Missy Sponsors were Jos. Richmond and Catherine Ann Marshall [1816]

Jan. 8 was born & ye II was bap John Son of Robt Audaer & Frances his Wife (formerlyJackson) by me B. Rayment Mis . Apos. Sponsors Geo Audaer, Čath. Braithwaite.

Jan. 12 was born & ye 14th bap Jos Henry, Son of John Parsons & Barbara his Wife (formerly Ruddock), by me B. Rayment Sponsors [Edmund Aspinall xd out] Thos Fisher & Jane Varley.

June 12 was born & ye 14 [4 over 2] was bap. Monica Dr of Wm Chapman & Jane his Wife (formerly Hargitt) by me B. Rayment. Sponsors John Bell & Mary Hargitt

Jan. 23 was born & ye 25 bap Joseph [Son above] of Ricd Hansom & Eliz. his Wife (formerlyLakeland) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors ThosGibson, Eliz. Hanson [sic].

Jan. 16 was born & ye 27 bap Ann Dr of JasGallahar & Ann his Wife (formerlyMcCabban) by me B. Rayment

Feb. 15was born& ye 26 was bap. Theresa, Dr of John Waggoner & Jane his Wife (formerlyHorner), by me B. Rayment Apos. Missy. Sponsors were John Walker& Jane Walker

Jan. 7 was born at Cambridge & feb 29 was bap John, Son of John Warren & Susan his Wife, by me B. Rayment at York. Sponsors were John Warren & MaryWells. feb. 12 was born & ye 29 bap. Thos Son of James McLauglen & Eliz. hisWife, formerlyBrown, by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Ed Brannan & Eliz Bilton feb 23 was born& March 3d bap Eliz Dr of Wm Kendal & Eliz his Wife (formerly Fryer) by me B. Rayment. Sponsors were Wm Marshall & MarthaSimpson. [117] March 16 [6 over 7] was [born] & ye 17 [7 over 61thbap. Eliz. Dr of Robert Dickenson & Elizabeth hisWife (formerlyBlundell) by me Benedict Rayment , Apos Missy Sponsors were Tho Wake & Mary Hodgson.

April 10 was born, ye 13th bap. (& ye 28 ye ceremonies supplied) Thos Son of Thos Spink & Hannah his Wife, formerly Dawson , by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Thos Bolland, Sarah Chapman.

William Seth Agar became a priest and a Canonofdiocese of Plymouth. Was for many years Chaplain to the Augustinian nuns at Abbotsleigh and died there April 23 , 1872 .

Richd. Joseph Hansom the father was baptized at the Bar Convent Chapel, 23 Aug. 1776 .


May 14 was born& 24th bap. [Eliz. xd out] Isabella Dr ofHenry& Henrietta Freeman his Wife (formerly Dunn) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Geo Cooch [or Cooth] & Eliz. Hunter.

May25 was born& ye 26th bap Francis Son of Francis Holmes& Sarah his Wife (formerly Allison ) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Christ Wheeler & Eliz Cowney

May30 wasborn& June 5 bap. William SonofGeorge Howard & Hannah his Wife (formerly Brown) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Hugh Cosgrove & CeliaWgrn [?].

June 4 was born & ye 23d bap. John Cundill [Arundellabove] Son of Thos Arundell & [Hannah changed to Ann] his Wife (formerly Laurence) by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos Sponsors were Geo. Brown & Eliz. Arundell

June 25 was born & ye 28 bap. Thos, Son of JosephDoughty & Mary his Wife (formerly Ainsley), by me B. Rayment Mis . Apos. Sponsors were Thos Brown, Margt Cresswell .

June 28 was born & same day bap. John Lewis, Son of John Lewis Eyre & Sarah his Wife (formerlyParker), by me B. Rayment . Sponsors were Wm Francis Eyre & Sarah Wife of Chas Eyre [The hand and ink change materially at the point where the asterisk is placed.]

July 14 was born & July 27 bap. Wm , Son of Wm Pindar & Eliz hisWife (formerlyClayton), by me B. Rayment Mis.Apos Sponsors were Jas Tindall & Frances Clayton.

July 12 was born & [the 16th July aboveJuly 16 xd out] was bap Cha Jos Taylor Son of Jas Taylor and Eliz his Wife (formerly Barkworth ) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Francis Mountain & Mary Ann Prince [? Primes]

July 3 was born & ye same daybap Eda [Edw inmargin] Son of Edw Woods& Sarah his Wife (formerly Mostyn) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Jos . Fawbert & Eliz. Metcalf

Aug. 4 was born & ye 18 bap. Mat Son of Mat. Kirfoot&Margthis wife (formerly Sulivan) by me B. Rayment Mis Apos Sponsors were Wm Randerson & Eliz. Musgrave.

Aug. 5 was born & 18th bap John, Son of Jos Bolton & Jane his Wife (formerly Meadley), by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were John Walker& Ann Boggott

Aug. 16 wasborn& 19 bap. Mary AnnDrofChrist Almond& Ann & [sic] his wife (formerlyVerity) byme B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Geo Bolland & Mary Webster. [118] Aug. 20 was born & ye 22 bap Ann Dr of HenryChapman& Maryhis Wife (formerlySwann) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Rd Arundel & Sarah Spence

June 6 was born & 10th bap & ye 22 of Aug. receivd ye ceremonies of baptism, John Son of John Hewson& Alice his Wife (formerly

John Lewis, 2nd son of John Lewis Count Eyre, entered the priesthood but died in his twenty-sixthyear, 1842. Wm Francis was his uncle, 3rd son of Vincent Eyre, junior, and the godmother his aunt

Clayton), by me B. Rayment Mis Apos Sponsors were John Clayton & Ann Clayton.

July 28 was born & Aug. 24 bapa Helen Dr of John Kelly& Helen his Wife (formerly Gentenly) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Bart Ambrosi & Maria Donneganni

Aug. 31 was born& Sep. 4 bapa William Son of George Stout & Margt his Wife (formerly Mowson) by me B. Rayment Mis . Apos Sponsors were Thos Smith & Ann Howard

Sep. 3 was born & ye 8th bapd Jane Dr of Jos. Welds & Maryhis wife (formerlyWhitehouse) byme B. Rayment Mis. Apos Sponsors were John Harton& Ann Crosby

Oct. 6 wasborn & the 7th bap. Sarah, DrofRa Meggeson [Meggison in margin] & AgneshisWife (formerlyAspinall), by me B. Rayment Mis Apos Sponsors were William Fawbert & Eliz. Bustard

Oct. 10was born & same day bap. Alfred, Son of John Barnet & Jane his wife (formrley Ridley), by me B. Rayment Apos Missy Sponsors Ed. Wood & Barbara Ellis

Oct. 6 was born & ye 13 bap Theresa Dr of Sam Walker & Catherinehis Wife (formerlyMather) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Jos Fawbert & Sarah Spence.

Sep. 24 was born & Oct. 22 was bap. Jas Son ofAndrew McDonald &Margt his wife (formerlyGallaligher) by me B. Rayment M. Apos Sponsors were Hugh [K over Cloorness & MaryRainsford

Oct.7was born & ye 15th bap Elizabeth, Dr ofThomasWeatherall & Eliz. his wife (formerlyChapman), by me B. Rayment Mis.Apos. Sponsors were John Hargitt & Eliz. Chapman.

Oct. 12 was born & Nov. 16 bap William, Son of John Young & Eliz. his wife (formerly Hargitt), by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss . Sponsors were William Lock& MaryCuddy.

Nov. 14 wasborn& Nov. 20 bap Joseph, Son of Jos. Dearlove & Eliz his Wife, formerly Bradwith, by me B. Rayment Apos Miss Sponsors were Robt Bradwith& MaryDalton.

Nov. 23d wasborn & 27th bap Jane Dr ofAndrew Steward& Jane his Wife (formerly Mitchell ) by me Revd B. Rayment Mis. Apos. Sponsors were Samuel Powel& Eliz. Bilton.

Nov. 29 was born & Dec. 3 was bap. Mary Ann, Dr of Peter Walker & Janehiswife (formerlyCall), by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos. Sponsors were Wm Randerson & Ann Walker.

Dec. 2 was born & ye 4thwas bap Laurence Son of ThosTootell & Ann his Wife (formerly Cass) by me B. Rayment Apos Missy. Sponsors were Benja Walker& Francess Cass

Dec. 3 was born & ye 9th bap Catherine, Dr of Jas Clansey& Rebecca his Wife (formerly Johnson), by me B. Rayment A.M. Sponsors were Roger Cooney& Margt Thompson

Nov. 13 was born & ye 15th bap. Hannah Dr ofStephenDixon& Hannah hisWife (formerlyJudson) by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss Sponsors were Thos Bolland & Mary Winterburn. [119] Dec. 10 was born & ye 17thwas bap. Patrick , Son ofJohn


Faser& MaryhisWife (formerlyCommins),byme B. Rayment Apos Missy. Sponsors were Charles Hughes & Eliz Thompson.

Dec. 14 was born & the 27thbap. Wm Son of Isabella Sunderland Widow , by me B. Rayment Apos Missy. Sponsors were Ant. Hall & Ann Howard



Jan. 4 was born & Jan. 12 was bap George Son of Laurence Brodell & Maryhis Wife (formerlySmith) by me B. Rayment Apos. Missy. Sponsorswere Thos Smith& MarySmith.

Jan. 3d was born & the 4th bap. Theresa Dr of Robert Hick [? Hich] & Mary his Wife (formerly Dixon) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were Stephen Dixon & Mary Winterburn.

Feb. 2 received ye supplied ceremonies of baptism James , Son of John Bradley & Eliz hisWife (formerlyKeasley), byme B. Rayment Apos. Missy. YeaforesaidJames was born on ye4thNov. 1816 & bap. by me ye 5thofsame month&year Sponsors wereWmRanderson & Ann Keasley.

Feb. 3d was born & ye 10th bap. MaryAnn, Dr ofAnn Hartley ,by me B. Rayment Apos Missy Sponsors were Mary Modestier & B. Rayment

Feb. II was born [the 12th bap. above] Charles John, Son of Seth Agar& Eliz. his Wife (formerlyRobinson), byme B. Rayment Apos Miss Sponsors were Wm Caley & Margt Caley.

Feb. 9 was born & ye 14 bap. Mary Dr of Jas Turner& Mary his Wife (formerly Brown) by me B. Rayment Apos Missy Sponsors were Wm Heslegrave& Jane Brown.

Feb. 7 was born & ye 16 bap Edward Sonof Edd Ethel & Annhis Wife [formerly Baltch above; later the name appears as Balch and thepaternal name as Ether, pp 104, 111] by me B: Rayment Mis Apos Sponsors were StephenGudrick& Isab. Batch by proxies.

Feb. 20 was born & ye 23d bap. Helen, Dr of John Smith & Mary hisWife (formerlyKitchen), by me B. Rayment Mis Apos Sponsors were Wm Drew & Mary Gough.

Feb. 2 wasborn & ye 25th bap. Elizabeth Dr ofRichard Whitely& Margt his Wife (formerlyDixon) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors wereB. Rayment & Ann Todd, at ye Village ofHuntington

Feb. 24 was born Michael, Son Hugh Brady & Mary his Wife, formerly Lee, by me B. Rayment M. Apos Sponsors were Lewis Corrigan & Mary Scott

March 4 was born & ye 6th bap. Ann Dr of James McCauley& Margt his Wife (formerlyJohnstone) by me B. Rayment Mis Apos. Sponsors were Sam . Powell & Cath McDaniel.

March 13 was born & Ap. 2d was bap. Bridgett Daughter of Chris Wheeler& Ann hisWife (formerlyMo[r over 1]timer)byme B. Rayment Apos.Mis Sponsors were Chris Simpson& SarahSpence.

March 22 was born & April 6 bap. Wm Son of Robert Spince & Maryhis Wife (formerlyDixon) by me B. Rayment . Sponsorswere Geo. Bolland & Margt Guine


[120] March 26 was born & April 6 was bap Wm Son of Andrew Murry& Eliz. his Wife by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Jos Bolland & Ann Hardy.

April 13 was born & ye 25 was baptz Wm Son of Patric Horan & Sarah his wife (formerly Fletcher) by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos. Sponsors were Mat. McGarry & Eliz. Hunter

Ap 13 was born & May 18 bap. Thos Son ofWmMakeam& Margt his Wife(formerlyO'niel) by me B. Rayment Mis Apos Sponsors were John Heslegrave& Eliz Hunter

May 15 [5 over 3] was born & 18 bap. Sarah Daug of Piere [? Pierce] Ryan & Sarah his Wife (formerly Richardson) by meB. Rayment Sponsors were John Johnson & Eliz. Thompson.

May 18 was born & same daybap Constantia Margarite Daughter of Adam Dale & Helen his Wife (formerly[? C over Kayley) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors wereMr. Cayley & MissCayley.

June I was born & June 8th was bap Wm Son of Jas Coupland& Isabella his Wife (formerly Fountain) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Thos Bolland & Ann Bolland .

June 10 [o over 2] was born & ye 22d bap. Mary Ann , Dr of Joseph Steel & Mary his Wife (formerlyNewsham), by me B. Rayment Mis Apos. Sponsors were John Lomas & My Modesty .

June 22 was born & ye 26 bap. Mary, Dr of Wm Kirby & Ann his Wife (formerly Holmes), by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsorswere Wm Kirby Jun & Eliz. Musgrave.

June 27 was born & 29 bap Richard, Son of IngramVarley& Mary his Wife (formerly Bryers), by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos Sponsors were Tho' Hurworth & Mary Cundill

June 16 was born & July 7 was bap John Son of PeterGien & Margt his Wife (formerly Donahew) by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos. Sponsors were Francis Chapman& Eliz. Hunter.

July 10 was born & 11th bap Robert, Son ofWm Settle& Maryhis Wife (Ellis), by me B. Rayment Apos Mis. SponsorsJas Coupland & Ann Ellis

July12 wasborn & ye 18 bap SarahDr of Rd Lee& MaryhisWife (formerlyBaxter) by me B. Rayment Sponsors were [Geo xd out] Jos Settle & Mary Settle .

July 18 was born & ye 20th bap. Margarite Dr of John Chapman& Frances his wife (formerly Wilkinson) by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Thos Weatherall & Margt Chapman

July 22 was born & 25 bap. Thos Son of Jos Pickitt & Maria his Wife by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss Sponsors were Jos Pickitt Jun & Margt

July 24 wasborn & 27 bap. MaryDaugr of Jos .Henrick&Annhis Wife, formerly Dixon, by me B. Rayment M.A. Sponsors were Fran Chapman& Ann Almond.

July 29 was born & 30 bap. MaryAgnes Daug. of Mic.Walker& Ann his wife (formerlyHall) by me B. Rayment Mis. Apos. Sponsors were Cuthbert Watson & Ann Watson


May 21 was born& same night baptized Henry Cyril, Son ofWm Ransley& Mary his wife, by Revd Wm Croskell Sponsors wereThos Bolland & Eliz Metcalf Ceremonies added by me B. Rayment

Aug. 6


Aug. II was born & 14 bap. Mary Dr of Thos Brown & Eliz. his Wife (formerly Rawlins) by me Benedict Rayment Apos Missry Sponsors were Jos Bilton & Eliz. Metcalf.

July 29 was born & Aug. 27 bap Elizabeth Dr of Rd Camidge & Jane his Wife (formerly Lyon) by me B. Rayment Apos Missy Sponsors Joseph Fawbert & Ann Walker

Sep. 7 was born & y 11th bap. Mary, Dr of Pat McCabe & Jane hisWife (formerlyCastell), byme B. Rayment Apos Miss Sponsors were Chas Radcliffe & Eliz. Cross

Sep. 10 was born & 14 bap. Rosanna, Dr of Jas McGie& Alice his Wife, by me B. Rayment Apos. Miss . Sponsors were Rd Meggison & Mary Weld

Aug. 19 wasborn& Sep. 24 was bap. JosephSimpson Son of John Bean& Dorothy his Wife (formerlyHardcastle) by me B. Rayment. Sponsors were John Pinder & Sarah Spence.

Sep. 22 was born & 28 bap. John Son of John Fell Turner & Ann his wife (formerly[Modestyover another name]) by me B. Rayment. Sponsors Wm Barnet & MaryBolland

[From this point the date in the margin more often than notforms part and parcel of the entry A more deplorable featureis thefrequent omission of the maternal maiden name.]

Die Oct. 11° Natus et ejusdemmensis 15° die baptizatus fuitJos. Gall, filius Thomæ et Francisca Gall (olim Howard) Conj Matrina fuit Eliza Hunter. A me Roberto Brindle M. Apo.

Die 12ª Obri Nata et ejusdemmensis die decimâ nonâ baptizata fuit Margarita Smith filia Gulielmi & Margarita Smith Conjugum Patrinus fuit JoannesSmith,Matrinavero MargaritaSimpson A me Ludo De Henne Præsbo

DieOct. 5 Natus et eodem die bap fuit Henricus, filius Carolettæ Cass, ab Avitâ, & ceremoniæ postea suppletæfuerunt a me Bened Rayment Miss Apo

Die Nov. 3° Natus & 9° bap fuit Michael Hardgrave Filius Jac Hargrave & Mariæ, Conjugum; Patrinus fuit Jac Settle & Maria Cuddie, a me B. Rayment Mis Aposº

DieNov. 3 Natus& 15 bap fuit SarahMorrow , filia Isaac Morrow & Annæ Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan. Walker & Maria Ann Ambrosi . A me B. Rayment Miss Aposo

Die 13 Nov.Nata& die 20 bap fuit Joanna Freeman, filia N.& N. Freeman [conjugum above] Patrinus fuit Gul Mountain & Maria Belt, a me Benedicto Rayment Mis. Apos.

Die 26 Nov. nata & eodem die bap. fuit Theresia Harrison, filia Joan. & Mariæ Harrison (Conjugum). Patrinus fuit Rob. Smith& Matrina Anna Smith, a me B. Rayment Mis Apo

Die 9 [Nov. over Dec. ?] natus & die 14 Dec. bap fuit Carolus ,


filius Johannis Walker & Mariæ, Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Petr . Walker, & Sarah Richison, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss. Aposº.

Die 25 Nov. natus & 1° die Dec. bap. fuit Anna Sampson filia Joannis & Eliz. Sampson Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Pratt & Matrina .... Webster, a me Ben Rayment Miss Apo [1818]

Die 26 Dec. nata & Jan. I bap. fuit Maria Brown, filia Georgii & Joanna Brown (Conjugum). Patrinus fuit Joan. Hargitt & Eliz. Metcalf. A me B. Rayment . Nov 7bap fuit (& Die 16 [? 1817] cæremoniæ suppletæfuerunt)

Carolus Petrus Eyre, filius Joan& Sara Eyre (Conjugum). Patrini fuere Petrus Franciscus Foucher & Maria Eyre, a me B. Rayment Miss Aposo. [This entry, like several others of the Eyre family, seems to have been inserted at a later date .] [122] Jany 14° bap. fuit Maria Brocklebank [Drofxd out]filiaJoan18

Brocklebank & Mariæ Hunter (Trementium , vulgo Quakers) a me Bo Rayment Miss° Apos° & statim postea in matrimo juncta fuit

Those Stead [This seems to be an adult baptism followed by marriageto a Catholic]

Feb. 1[0 xdout] bap fuit Gul Robinson, filius Hugonis & Annæ Robinson (Conjugum) a me B. Rayment Patrinus Robs Audaer, Patra E. Hunter.

Jan. 27 nata fuit & feb. I bap Helena Audaer, filia Rob . & Francisca Audaer (Conjugum) Patrini Geo Audaer & Helen Jackson, a me B. Rayment M. Apos

feb. 20 natus fuit & 27 ejusdem mensis bap. fuit Jonathan filius

Those Hinderson & Joannæolim BeltConjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac. Coupland& Eliz. Chambers , a me B. Rayment Mis Apoto

Mart 6 nata fuit & 8 die bap fuit Joanna, filia Joan. Hewson& Alicia (olim Clayton) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan. Smith & Frances Clayton, a me B. Rayment , Mis Apo feb. 14 [wasbornxd out, Natus above]& 9° Martii bap fuitGulielmus, filiusJoan Pindar& Joanna (olimGibson) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rodolphus Musgrave & Eliz. Musgrave, a me B. RaymentMiso Apo.

March 14Nata & 16 bap fuit Maria, filia Joan Brown & Isabellæ , olim Chapman (Conjugum). Patrinus fuit Jac. Pennington & Matrina Maria Wright, a me B. Rayment Miss . Apos

March 8 Natus & 30 bap. fuit Edwardus, filius Joan Carass & Francisca , olim Garnet (Conjugum). Patrinus fuit Jac .Coupland, Matrina Margt Marshall A me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

April 6 Nata& 7 bap fuit Caroletta, filia Radol Lomas & [blank] (olim Horner) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan Parsons& Caroletta Gandasquez , a me B. Rayment Miss Apo

* Charles Peter, 3rd son of John Lewis Count Eyre, became a priest inthe Northern Vicariate, later a Canon of Hexham and Newcastle, V.G. and Administrator of St. Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle-on-Tyne In 1869 he was consecrated Archbishop and appointed Apostolic Delegatefor Scotland and Administrator of the Western District On the restoration of the Scottish hierarchyin 1878 hebecame Archbishop ofGlasgow,wherehe diedin 1902


April 5 nata & 12 bap. fuit Isabella, filia Ed¹ Ethel & Annæ (olim Balch Conjugum). Patrinus fuit Gul. Wilkinson, Matrina

Isabella Balch, a me B. RaymentMisso Apo

April 9 Nata & 22 bap. fuit Joanna, filia Mic. Fryer & Joanna (olim Linton) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jas Wilkinson & Helena Linton, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

March 31 Nata & 23 [April above] bap fuit Eliz. filia Thone Arundell & Hannah (olim Laurence) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit ThosSmith& Eliz. Arundell, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

April 22 [over April 22 is written April 9. see next ins .] nata & 23 bap. fuit Marg. filia Jac Clansey & Rebecca (olim Johnson) Conjugum Patrinus Rogerius Cooney & Maria Johnson, a me B. Rayment Mis. Apo.

Maii 5 nata & 9 bap. fuit Anna Mackinson, filia Ed¹ & Sarah Mackinson (olim Dickinson) Conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rob .

Brearay & MatrinaEliz Dickinson a me B. Rayment Miso Apo

Maii 11 nata & 14 bap fuit Helena Radcliffe, filia Car. & Helenæ Radcliffe (olim Smith) Conjugum, Patrinus fuit Pat McCab & Eliz Smith, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo. [123] April 9 [natus & above] bap fuit Jos. Gul Lockwood, filius Gul. & Isab Lockwood, conjugum (olim Barber). Patrinus fuit Joan [Harrison over another name], & [Maria over Eliz. and Barber over some other name], a me B. Rayment Mis Apo

Maii 4 natus & [? 8] Junii bap fuit Gul , filius Joannis Judge & Eleanor (olim Fleming) Conjugum A me B. Rayment Mis Apo. Patrinis G. Mountain & Eliz. Hunter.

Maii 22 Nata & bap fuit Joanna Hick filia Rob¹ & Mariæ Hick (olim Dixon) [interlined entry, not signed].

Jun 5 nata & 7 bap fuit SarahWalker, filia Petri & Joan Walker olim Cull (Conjugum) Patrinus Wm Randerson & Dina Taylor, a me B. Rayment, Mis. Apo.

Junii 14 nata [sic] & 18° die bap fuit Josephus, filius Josua Croce & Annæ, Conjugum (olim Carey) Patrinus fuit Ant. Gobbi & Mar.Anna Ambrosi , a me B. Rayment

Junii 17 natus & 21 bap. fuit Hen filius Hen & MariæChapman , olim Swann (conjugum), a me B. Rayment Miso Apo. Patrinusfuit Thos Weatherall & Maria Swann.

Julii 3 natus & 19 bap fuit Carolus Dearlove, filius Jos & Eliz. Dearlove (conjugum) Patrinus fuit Jos Fawbert & MariaDolton , a me Benedicto Rayment

Julii 12 natus & 19 bap. fuit Marg. Smith, filia Ant. & Joan. Smith Patrinus fuit Gul Randerson & Catherine Dinman, a me Benedicto Rayment M.A.

Julii20° natus et 21° baptiz.fuit GeorgiusMeggeson filius Richardi et Agnetis Meggison (olim Aspinall) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Ingram Varley, Matrina Elizabetha Chapman. A Me Robto Brindle M.A° .

Julii 31 nata & 9° Aug. bap. fuit Isabella, filia Gul & Cathe


Fawbert (olim Peet) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jos. Fawbert & Eliz. Fawbert, a me Bendto Rayment M. Apo.

Aug. 16natus & 30 Aug. bap. fuit Joannes, filius Joan McConnell & Mariæ (olim Beaty) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Jas McConnell & Judith Foley, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Aug. 18 natus & 30 bap. fuit Josephus , filius Bernardi Donoguhoe &Anna (olim Gough) Conjugum. Patrini fueruntCarolusGough& Catherina Gough, a me B. Rayment Miso Apº.

Sep. 8 natus & 13 bap. fuit Mic , filius Petri Ryan & Sarah (olim Richardson) Conjugum. Patrini fuerunt Joan Johnson, Matrina

Maria Dalton, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo

Sep. 20 nata & 23" bap. fuit Maria Anna, filia Ric¹ & Eliz Hansom (olim Lakeland) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Brown & Anna

Gibbin, a me B. Rayment M.A.

Sep. 21 nata & 28 bap. fuit Mat. Turner, filius Gul. & Eliz.Turner, Conjugum (olim Tozard). Patrinus fuit Gul. Bradley et Matrina

Joanna Walker, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo [124] Sep. 28 natus & Oct. 1° die bap fuit Ruben Barnet, filius Joans & Joanna Barnet , Conjugum (olim Ridley). Patrinusfuit

Joans Danby & Sara Woods, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Aposº

Sep. 15 Natus & Oct. 3 bap fuit Gul filius Francisci Fowler & Mariæ, Conjugum (olim Moory). Patrinus fuit Thos Eyre& Joan

Metcalf, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Oct. 7 Nata& II° die Oct. bap fuit Eliz. Maria Bingley, filia Gul Bingley & Mariæ (olim Giles) Conjugum, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo Patrinus fuit Jac Dixon& Sarah Randerson.

Oct. 4 Natus & 25 bap. fuit Gulielmus Marra, filius Lauren . Marra & Annæ Hopton (Conjugum) Patrinus fuit Ed. Redding & Eliz

Ryan, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Novs I Nata& 6° bap fuit Francisca Almond, filia Christ Almond & Annæ (olim Verity) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul Verity & Matrina Eliz. Verity, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Oct. 20 natus & Nov. 10° bap. fuit Henricus McLaughlin, filius Jac & Eliz. McLauglin(olim Brown) Conjum : Patrinus fuit Hugo McVagh & Maria Largay, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Natus Anno 1811 Julii7° & 1818 Nov. 11 baptiz. fuit Benjaminus Sollitt, filius Joan & Doroth Sollitt (olim Dawson) Conjugum, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 7 Nata& die 11° bap. fuit Susan Lamb, filia Eman. & Mariæ Lamb (olim Howard) Conjugum. PatrinisNat & Susanna Howard, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 3 Nata & die 12° bap. fuit Joanna Smith, fil Gul & Juliæ Smith (olim Hefy) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Joa: Philips, Matrina Helena Pratt, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 5 natus & 13° bap. fuit JacobusMcLarky, filiusJac.& Mariæ McLarkey [so in margin] (olim Sheehy) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit

Dan. Niel& Maria Wilson , a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 12 natus & 14 bap. fuit Thos Bolton filius Jos & Joan.


Bolton : Patrinus fuit Thos Spink & Eliz. Chambers , a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 18 natus & 22 bap fuit Jacobus, filius Jac Harnold & Elenoræ Harnold (olim Kerwin) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan Beal & Dorothea Beal, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Nov.28 natus & Dec. 2° bap. fuit Jos. Whitely, filius Ric & Marg. Whitely (olim Dixon) Conjugum, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Nov. 17 natus & Dec. 6° bap fuit Thos Gibson, filius Joan & Francisca Gibson (olim Atkinson) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Robs Atkinson& MariaBarnes, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Dec. 4 natus & 6° Bap. fuit Robt Clayton Pindar, filius Gul & Eliz Pindar (olim Clayton) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan. Clayton & Mary Gouthwaite , a me B. Rayment Miss Apº

Dec. I natus & 13 bap. fuit Anna Hodgins, filia Gul & Mariæ Annæ Hodgins (olim McMahon) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan . White & Marg Crafford, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 13 Natus& 20 bap. fuit Gul. Kendal, filius Gul Kendal & Eliz. (olim Fryer) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Hen. Chapman& Maria Pattison , a me B. Rayment Misso Apo. [1819]

Dec. 28 Nata & 1 Jan. 1819 bap. fuit Clara Wallis , filia Ed. & Margae Wallis (olim Dale) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Gul Dale & Clara Wallis, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Dec. 27 Nata& 2 Jan. 1819 bap. fuit Theresa Tootell, filia Thoae & Annae Tootell (olim Cass) Conjugum: Patrinus Thos Smith & Rachael Smith, a me B. Rayment Miss Apo [125] Die 20 Natus & 3° feb. 1819 bap. fuit Hen Serry, filius Joan. [& Eliz. x out] Serry. Patrini[us fuit xd out] Geo. Sherwood & Sarah Sowerby, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 27 Nata & 3° feb. 1819 bap. fuit Hannah Howard, filia Thoae Shafto & Han Howard ; Patrinis Nat Howard & Susan Howard, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo

1818 Dec.23 Natus & Jan. 10° bap. fuit Thos Stead , filius Those & Mariæ Stead (olim Brockelbank) Conjugum: PatrinisThos Bolland & Anna Mawson, a me B. Rayment

Jan. 15 Natus & 16 bap. fuit Thos Rudd, filius Mariæ Rudd. Patrinis Annâ Colbeck & [blank], a me B. Rayment Miss Apo. Die 21 Natus [& die proximo bap above] & 17° die Jan' cæremoniæ suppletæ fuere Emma Thompson filia Rob & Martha Thompson: PatrinisGulo Deighton & Anna Sowerby, ameBenedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Jan. 21 Nata & 24 bap. fuit Eliz. Kellet , filia Amb. & Joanna Kellet (olim McEvoy) Conjugum: Patrinis Sam Walker & Isab. Sunderland, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Jan. 23 Nata & 31 bap. fuit Winifreda, filia Jos & Joannæ Fawbert (olim Wilson) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Parker & Joanna Hodgson, a me B. Rayment MisoApo. Feb. 10Natus& 15 bap. fuit Joan. McCabe, filius Patr. McCabe &


Joanna (olim Castle) Conjugum: Patrinis Xtop Dent & Sarah Wright, a me B. Rayment Miso Apo.

Feb. 15 Natus & 21 bap. fuit Gul Holmes filius Francisc! & Sar. Holmes (olim Allison) Conjugum: Patrinis Geo Barker & Mariâ Dalton, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 16 Natus & Martii 2º bap fuit Joan filius Jac¹ & Eliz Tucker (olim Ramsden) Conjugum: Patrinafuit Maria Wilson , ame Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 24 Nata& Maii [sic,? Martii] 4° bap. fuit Monica, filia Gul & Mariæ Ransley (olim Todd) Conjugum: Patrinis Jaco Wilkin & Anna Shepherd: a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 20 Nata & Martii 8° bap. fuit Maria Anna Maguire, filia Hugonis & Isab. Maguire (olim Hart) Conjugum: Patrinis Daniele Hinds & Bridgitta Clerk, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 27 Natus & die Martii 7° bap fuit Thos Weatherall filius Those & Elizae Weatherall (olim Chapman ) Conjugum: Patrinis Henco Chapman& Maria Hodgson, a me B. Rayment Miss Apo. [Feb. 14 xdout, Mart 14 above] Natus & Martii 14° bap fuit_Gul filius Mariæ Gough (olim Brookes) nuper Viduæ; Patrinis Joane Smith& Mariâ Dalton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 25 Nata & Martii 15 bap fuit Helena Young, filia Joan. & Eliz. Young (olim Hargitt) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne O Neil & Maria Hargrave : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Martii 7 Natus & 27° bap. fuit Josephus Mercer, filius Joan . & Emma Mercer. Patrinis Joane Lomas & Mariâ Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [126] March 16Nata& 28° bapt fuit Rosa Anna Baxter filia Sam118 & Mariæ Baxter (olim Bennis) Conjugum: PatrinisGeorgiusKelly & Eliz. Kelly, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apº

Mar. 27 Nata & 30° bap fuit Carolus Goodear , filius Rachael Goodear (Patrinis Gulo & Maria Goodear ), a me BenedictoRayment Miso Apo.

April 2 Nata & 4° bap. fuit Anna Johnsonfilia Georgi & Mariæ Johnson (olim Walker) Conjugum: Patrinis Geo : Audaer & Mariâ Noble, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

Apr. 20 Nata & 25° bap fuit Eliz Brodell, filia Laur & Mariæ

Brodell, Conjugum (olim Smith). Patrinis Joanne Kipling & Joanna Smith, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Ap. 29 Natus & 3 Maii bap. fuit Jacobus, filius Jac . & Isabellæ Coupland Conjugum (olim Fountain). Patrinis Mat. Pattison& Maria Wright: a me B. Rayment Miso Apo

Ap 26 [6 over 9] Nata& Maii[2° over 30] bap. fuit Jac.Armstrong, filiaThos & Eliz. Armstrong Conjugum (olim McBearr [? McBean]) Patrinis Joane Divine& M.Johnstone: a me Ben. Rayment Mis .Apo.

Ap. 13 Natus & Maii [2° over 30] bap fuit Joannes Mercer, filius

Francisci & Annæ MercerConjugum (olimNeedham). PatrinisFrancisco Holme & Maria Mercer, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

Ap 28 Nata & Maii 3° bap. fuit Joanna Chapmanfilia Gul &


Joana ChapmanConjugum (olim Hargitt). PatrinisJoanne Barnet & Marià Peck, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

Jan. 18, 1818 Natus & postridie a Revd Domo Croskell bap fuit Cletus Chapman, filius Gul & Joanna Chapman (olim Hargitt). Die 3º Maii [1819 above] cæremonias supplevi Benedictus Rayment Missius Apocus Patrinis Joanne Bradley & Henrietta Strother

May 6 Natus & 8° bap. fuit Gul Pindar, filius Joan¹s & Joanna Pindar Conjugum (olim Gibson): Patrinis Radolo& ElizâMusgrave; a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

Ap. 11 Natus & Maij 9° bap. fuit Alexander McMullen, filius Alex. & Mariæ, Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Mack & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

Maij 3° Natus & 9° ejusdem mensis bap fuit Jac Dan Dixon filius Jac & Annæ Dixon (olim Hortley) Conjugum: PatrinisMariâ Winter & Stephen Dixon: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Maij 18 Nata & eodem die bap. fuit JulianaFrancisca Eyre, filia Joan Ludovici & Sarah Eyre (olim Parker) Conjugum Patrinis Revo Domo Petro Francisco Foucher & Maria Barbara Eyre: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Maij 31 Nata & Junii 6 bap. fuit Maria Anna Agar, filia Seth & Eliz Agar, Conjugum (olim Robinson) : Patrinis Hen. Robinson & Maria Agar: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Maij 25 Natus & postridie bap. fuit Gul. Spink, filius Those & Susan Spink (olim Dawson) Conjugum Patrinis Thoa Brown & Francisca Litchmond: a me Benedicto Rayment Missc Apo. [127] Junii 13 natus & postridie bap. fuit Gulielmus, filius Francisci & Hannah Kiernan (olim Thompson) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Divine & Margaritâ Chapman: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Junii 13 nata & 14 bap fuit Gulielmus Fredericus Lockwoodfilius Gul & Isabellæ Lockwood (olim Barber) Conjugum: Patrinis Seth Agar& ElizabethAgar: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Maii 2° nata & 19° die Junii bap. fuit Margarita McStay filia Patricii & Annæ McStay (Conjugum) olim Middlewood: Patrinis Petro Morgan & Helena Pratt : a me B. Rayment Miso Apo

Junii 26 natus & 29 bap. fuit Gul. Dixon,filius Stephani & Annæ Dixon (olim Judson) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Dixon & Maria Winterborn: a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo.

Maii 20° bap & nata fuit MariaAgnesWalker, filia Mic. & Annæ . Walker Conjugum (olim Hall): Patrinis Edo & Margarita Wallis: a me B. RaymentMisso Ap°.

Julii 24 natus & 1° die Aug. bap fuit Robertus Deerlove, filius Jos. & Eliz. Deerlove, olim Bradwith, Conjugum: Patrinis Petro Ryan & Maria Dalton: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Julii 21 Natus & 8° Aug. bap. fuit Jacobus Troy, filius Gul. &

3rdd of John Lewis Count Eyre MaryBarbara her aunt d ofVincent Eyre of Highfield, co . Derby.


Rose Troy, olim O'hara (Conjugum) Patrinis Gulo Carr & Catharina Howell : a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo.


Aug 29 [nata] & Sep. 19 bap. fuit Veronica Maria Audaer, filia Robti & Francisca Audaer, Conjugum (alias Jackson) Georgio Johnson & Annâ Dent, a Revd Rico Towers . *

Sep. 6 bap fuit Catherina McCuskar, filia Mat' & Elizae McCuskar, Conjugum (olim Rafter) Patrinis Maria Reynolds, a Revo Do. Towers

Sept. 21 Natus & 26 bap. fuit Mat. Clency, filius Jac & Rebecca Clency (olim Johnson) Conjugum Patrinis LaurentioThompson & Eliza Thompson, a me B° Rayment Mis. Apo.

Aug. 15 Nata & 28 Sep. bap fuit Maria filia Ric¹ & Joanna Camidge (olim Lyon) Conjugum: Patrinis Susanna & Lyon [sic] a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 20 Nata & 3° die Oct. bap fuit Sarah, filia David & Mariæ Daly, Conjugum (olim Roberts). Patrinis Pat. Doran & Cathar. Doran: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 3 Nata & die 10° bap. fuit Catharina Smith, filia Joannis & Mariæ Smith, conjugum (olim Kitchin): a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo Patrinis Thoa Weatherall & MariaGoff

Oct. 23 bap fuit Jac Dunn filius Geo. & Sarah Dunn, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo Patrinis Arthuro O Donell & Maria Johnson [128]

Oct. 28 Nata & die 30° bap. fuit Theresa Bon, filia Jos. & AnnæBon (olim . .. .) Conjugum: Patrinis Francisco Mountain & Maria Turner, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

Oct. 31 Nata& die 1° Dec. bap fuit Maria Eyre, filia Mat Joan Eyre & Mariæ (olim Martial) Conjugum: Patrinis Thoa Benn & Helena Pratt, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Nov. 11 Natus & die 18 bap. fuit Joannes Chapman , filius Joan. & Francisca Chapman (olim Nicholson) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Henerick & Maria Chapman: a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 13 Natus & die 21 bap fuit Georgius, filius Josephi& Mariæ Wells (olim Whitehouse) Conjugum: Patrinis Petro Ryan & Elizabetha Bradley: a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo.

Nov. 24 Natus & 28 bap fuit Jacobusfilius Arthuri O'Donnell & Joanna (olimMiller) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Clancey & Helenâ Pratt, a me Benedicto Rayment MisoApo.

Nov. 14 Nata & 28 bap fuit Elizabetha, filia Roberti& Mariæ Dixon (olim Clifton) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Dixon & Hannah Dixon: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 10 Natus& die 12° bap fuit Joannes, filius Those & Eliz

* Dom Richard Adrian Towers, O.S.B. , was professed at Lamspring Abbey in Westphalia in 1802, and ordained in 1805. He was at Ampleforth from 1817 to 1820 , in which year he went on the Missionand was at Workington. From 1830 to 1834 he was Priorof Ampleforth . He then passed to the Western District and was at Taunton till 1841 , and at Poole, Dorset , from 1841 to 1844, wherehe diedin that year.


Brown (olim Rawlins) Conjugum: Patrinis Jaco Wilkinson& Maria Bell: a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo.

Dec. 4 Natus & die 120 bap fuit Josephus , filius Jos. Fitzpatrick& Elizabethæ (olim Cass) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Browphy & Maria Hodgson, a me Bento Rayment M.A.

Dec. 18 Nata & 26 bap fuit MariaAnna Ashbrook filia Hen . & Margtae Ashbrook, Conjugum: Patrinis Maria Richa[r]dson & Joanne Walker: a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo. 1820

Jany 10 Natus & 12° die bap fuit Jacobus Farnan, filius Pat & Mariæ Farnan, Conjugum, olim McGoveran: Patrinis Cuthberto Watson & MariaWilson : a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Jan. 4 Nata& 16° die bap fuit Catherina Flinn , filia Pat & Marg. Flinn ([olim above] Dowling) Conjugum: Patrinis PatricioDillon & Maria Wilfort: a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Jany 6 Nata & 20° die bap fuit Sarahfilia Patr[i]cii&Margaritæ Rily, Conjugum (Kelly olim): Patrinis Denisio Tooley & Catharinâ Martin: a me B. Rayment MissºApo.

Jany. 23 Nata& 24° bap fuit Teresa Emma Hunter, filia Elizabethæ Hunter: Patrinis Joso Bolton & Maria Hodshon, a meBenedicto Rayment Misso Apo [129] Jan. 28 Nata& 30° bap fuit Maria Hardgrave, filiaJacobi & MariæHardgrave (olim Bonet) Conjugum: PatrinisJacoboBennington & Ann Bennington, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan. 14 Natus & 3° die Feb. bap fuit Jacobus O Neil, filius Joan. & Catharina O Neil (olim Curan) Conjugum: Patrinis Fran Mountain & MariaWilson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan. 8 Nata& 7° die feb. bap. fuit Ric[h xa out]ardus Caress filius Joannis & Francisca Caress (olim Garnet) Conjugum: Patrinis Francisco Mountain & Marga Marshall : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 18 Natus & 20° bap fuit JosephusSwalwell, filius Georgii & Annæ Swalwel (olim Fisher) Conjugum: PatrinisJoanne Mawson & Anna Gibbon: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 11 Nata& 14° bap. fuit Margarita filia Thoae & Marg. Smith (olim Hutchinson) Conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 11 Natus & 27 bap fuit Gulielmus Dodds, filius Joans & Mariæ Dodds (olim Gill) Conjugum Patrinis Brianus Haran & BridgettaMahon, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan. 13 Natus & Mart 20 bap fuit Joannesfilius AnnaHartley. Patrinis Gulielmo Settle & Maria Modestier, a me Benedicto Rayment Mis. Apo.

Feb. 5 Natus & Mart 20 bap fuit Franciscus filius Josephi & Mariæ Steel (Conjugum) olim Newsham Patrinis Gulielmo Settle & Elizabetha Fell, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 29 Nata & Martii 22 bap fuit Cecilia filia Joannis & Eliz Sampson (olim Britton) Conjugum : Patrinis Joanne Walker & Hannah Webser [sic]: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


March 7 Nata& April 2° bap fuit Maria, filia Pat McKew & Annæ (olim White) Conjugum Patrinis Henco Mallon & Margta Kelly, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

March 27 Natus & Ap 2° bap. fuit Jacobus, filius Isaac & Annæ Morrow (olim Kirk) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Walker & Maria Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss . Apo.

Martii 12 Nata & April 2° bap. fuit Anna, filia Pat. Weelan & Annæ (olim McTide) Conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo Dolly & Maria Mullegan, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Martii 20 Natus & April70 bap fuit Edmundus, filiusEdmundi& Margtae Lawless (olim Pierce) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Lawless & Maria Wilson : a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº [130] April6 nata & die7° bap fuit Maria Bean, a me B. Rayment [This short notice is added in a small space at the head of the page.]

Apr. 4 Nata& die 10° bap. fuit Anna filia Georgii & SaraBarker , Conjugum ([olim] Chapman): Patrinis Jaco Bennington & Annâ Bennington: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

April 14 Nata & die 16° bap fuit Maria Walker, filia Joannis & MariæWalker, Conjugum (olimMitchel) Patrinis Thoa Walker & Sarah Walker: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 23 Natus & 30 bap. fuit Josephus , filius Ingram & Mariæ Varley (olim Breers) Conjugum: Patrinis [Tho Walker & Sarah Walkerxd out; Rob. Waddington & Joanna Smith above]: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

April 28 Nata& 30 bap.fuit Teresa Walker, filia Petri & Joanna Walker (olim Call) Conjugum: Patrinis [Rob: Waddington & Joanna Smithxd out; Thoa Walker & Sarah Walker above]: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 1 Natus & 3º die bap fuit Edvardus Ether, filius Ed & Annæ Ether (olim Balch) Conjugum: Patrinis Thoma Walker & Annå Heslop: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 6 natus & 7° die bap. fuit Gulielmus Thomas Bingley filius Gul. & Mariæ Annæ Bingley (olim Whitwell) Conjugum: Patrinis Thoma Hilton & Joannâ Hinman : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

April 29 Nata & 14° die Maii bap fuit Dorothea Kirby, filia Gul' & Annæ Kirby (olim Holmes) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Fawbert & Francisca Kirby: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Maii 8 Nata & 21° die bap. fuit Rosannafilia Bernardi & Mariæ McDermot (olim King) Conjugum: Patrinis Jaco Lannan & Mariâ McAnn: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Maij 17 Nata & 24° bap. fuit Maria Steed, filia Thoae & Mariæ Steed, olim Brocklebank (Conjugum): Patrinis Thoa Bolland & Martha Hilton : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Maij 28 Nata& die 2º Junii bap. fuit Joanna Courteneyfil Pat. & Margarita Courtenay (olim McConnor) Conjugum: Patrinis Denitius Dalton, [Matrina xd out] Mariâ Gough: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº


[131] 11 June Nata& die 15° bap. fuit Dorothea Lockwood, filia Gul & Mariæ Lockwood (olim Belt) Conjugum: Patrinis Jaco & Isabella Coupland: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

10 June natus & 18 bap fuit Henricus Fell Turner, filius Joan & Eliz Fell Turner (olim Modestier) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Settle & MariaModestier: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

June 18 Nata & 19 bap. fuit Anna Rutledge filia Pate & Annæ Rutledge (olim Wedge) Conjugum: Patrinis Micle Maggennis & Celia [Kelly changed to Kenny], a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Ap.

July 20 Natus & 23° Julii bap fuit Jacobus Chapman , filius Henrici & Mariæ Chapman (olim Swann) Conjugum: Patrinis Jaco

Bennington & Sarah Barker: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

July 9 Natus & [30th over 29th] bap fuit Joannes, filius Patricii

Doran & Catharina(olim Kelly) Conjugum: Patrinis Jac . McDermot & Eliz. McDermot : a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

July 20 Nata & 30 bap. fuit Eli[z over s]abetha Pinder, filia Gul: Pinder & Eliz: (olim Clayton) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Clayton & MariaGoughtwaite : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

July 27 Natus & die 1º Aug. bap fuit Laurentius Woods filius Michaelis & Annæ Woods (olim McBean) Conjugum: Patrinis Thos

Clorins & Maria Wilford, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 5 Natus & 6° die bap. fuit Gulielmus McCab, filius Patricii& JoannaMcCab (olim Castles) Conjugum PatrinisThoma Bolland & Agnete Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 2 Nata & 7° die bap fuit Maria Freeman, filia Henrici & Henrietta Freeman (olim Dunn) Conjugum Patrinis Benedicto Rayment & Sara Ryan; a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [132] Aug. 1 Nata& die 11° bap. fuit Thos Regan, filius Briani & Winifreda Regan (olim Downe) Conjugum: Patrinis Geo . Oudare [? Audaer], Matrina Maria Dodds: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

July 30 natus & die 13° Aug. bap fuit Joannes filius Petri & JoannaDaly(olimBannister) Conjugum: PatrinisJacobo O'Donnell & Lætitiâ O'Donnell : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. the 26th natus & die 2º Sep. bap fuit Franciscus filius Josuah Croce & Annæ Croce [Conjugum xd out]: Patrinis Bart. Ambrosii & Elizabethâ Mountain : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 12 Nata& die 2° Sep. bap. fuit Anna Gawtry filia Benjamin & Margarita Gawtry (olim Verity) Conjugum: Matrinâ Elizabethâ Verity: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 19 Natus & Sep. 3° bap fuit Henricus Geraldi, filius Caroli & Sophia Geraldi (olim Reynolds) Conjugum: Patrinis Dominico Valentino & Sarah Reynolds: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 26 Nata & Sep. 3º bap fuit Joanna Elizabetha Gosson, filia Joannis & Esther Gosson (olim Bailey) Conjugum: a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apo.

Aug. 28 Nata & Sept. 3° bap. fuit Anna Plunkett, filia Maci [?]&


MariæPlunkett (olim Thrisil) Conjugum: Patrinis Mic. Keelly [or Kully]& Joanna Masterman: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo. Aug. 17 Nata& Sep. 5° bap. fuit Maria Lenand, filiaMic.&Annæ Lenand, Conjugum, olim Divin; Patrinis Gulo Renderson& Maria , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 3 Natus & 6° die bap. fuit Jacobus Radcliffe, filius Caroli & Helena Radcliffe (olim Smith) Conjugum: Patrinis Christophero Simpson& SarahWright: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 8 Natus & II° bap. fuit Thomas Pattison, filius Mat. & Helena Pattison (olim Hawksworth). Patrinis Gulielmo Pattison & Mariâ Pattison : è me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [133] 13 Sep. Natus & 13° Sep. bap. fuit Josephus Brown , filius Joannis & Isab. Brown (olim Chapman ) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Chapman& Anna Bennington : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

19 Sep. Nata & 24° bap fuit Joanna Armstrong, filia Those & Eliz. Armstrong (olim McBean) Conjugum; Patrinis Arthureo O'Donnell & Joanna O'Donnell : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

10 Oct. Natus & II° die bap. fuit Franciscus Josephus , filius Jac¹ & Anna Wilkinson (olim Milner) Conjugum: Patrinis Cuthberto Watson& Francisca Constable , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

23 Oct. Natus & 28° bap. fuit Henricus Joannes Lockwood filius Gul & Isabellæ Lockwood (olim Barber) Conjugum: Patrinis Michaele Walker & Annâ Barber: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

22 Oct. Natus & 28° bap fuit Joannes Hinderson, filius Thoae & Joanna Hinderson (olimBilk[? smudged]) Conjugum. PatrinisGulo Fawbert et Maria Walker: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

21 Oct. Natus & 29° bap. fuit Joannes Almond, filius Chris' & AnnæAlmond (olim Verity) Conjugum: PatrinisGeorgioAudaer& Catharina Verity; a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

26 Oct. Nata & 30° bap. fuit Elizabetha, filia ThoseHarrison& Mariæ (olim Dalton) Conjugum: Patrinis Petro R[a x out]yan & Marià Goff: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

6 Nov. Natus & 8° bap fuit Robertus Sharp[? e, so inmargin], filius Roberti & Annæ Sharp (olim Todd) Conjugum: Patrinis Edwardo Pindar & Francisca Kirby: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

7 Nov. Natus & 12° die bap. fuit Jacobus Rourke, filius Joannis & Mariæ Rourke (olim Hinnah) Conjugum: Patrinis Joañe Wight & Mariâ Hanlon : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

5 Nov. Natus & 26° bap. fuit Joannes Tynan, filius Mice & Elizabethæ Tynan (olim Ryan) Conjugum: Patrinis Laurentio Mare& Eliza Ryan : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [134] Nov. 28 Natus & Dec. 4° bap. fuit Gulielmus Dixon, filius Jacobi& Annæ Dixon (olimWorsley) Conjugum: PatrinisLaurentio Brodell & Maria Winterburn: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº *


Dec. 6 Nata & die 10° bap. fuit Anna Weathrill, filia Thomæ & Elizabethæ Weathrill (olim Chapman ) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Binnington& Maria Smith: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [1821]

Jany 6th Natus & die 14° bap fuit Gulielmus Dearlove, filius Josephi & Elizabethæ Dearlove (olim Bradwith) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Bradwith& Maria Dalton: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan 19 Nata& 21° bap. fuit Maria, filia Robt & JoannaThompson (olim Hodgson) Conjugum: Patrinis Thoa Smith & Mariâ Hodgson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 5 Nata & die [7 xd out] 8° bap. fuit Maria, filia Joannis & Alicia Hewson (olim Clayton) Conjugum: Patrinis Geo Bolland & Mariâ Clayton : a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

Feb. 16 Nata& 17° bap. fuit Martha Hansom, filia Ric¹ & ElizabethæHansom (olim Lakeland) Conjugum Patrinis Carolo [Bo xd out] Pollard & Elizabetha Hansom: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan 31 Natus & die 1° Feb. bap fuit JoannesParker, filius Caroli & Mariæ Parker (olim Peck) Conjugum, a Revdo Crane, & 22° Feb. ceremoniæ suppletæ fuerunt a me (Patrinis Carolo Pollard & MargtaGrave) Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

feb [ 5]Nata& die 11° Martii bap. fuit Monica Tootell, filiaThose & Anna Tootell (olim Cass) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Walker& Eliz. Metcalf: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Mar. 7 Nata & die 11° bap. fuit Theresa Catherina Bolton filia Jos. & Joanna Bolton (olim Medley) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Kendal & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [135] Martii 9 Nata & 15° bap. fuit Francisca Maria Ransley, filia Gul & Mariæ Ransley (olim Todd) Conjugum Patrinis Joanne Young [&] Barbara Nelson: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

April 3 Natus & 11° bap. fuit Hugo Jackson, filius Robt & Sarah Jackson (olim Cass) Conjugum: Patrinis Carolo Brodell& Franciscâ Cass: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

April 8 Nata & die 12° bap. fuit Catharina Hick, filia Roberti & Mariæ Hick (olim Dixon) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Settle & Maria Dixon: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

April 11 Nata & die 15a bap. fuit Monica Brodell, filia Laurentii & Mariæ Brodell (olim Smith) Conjugum. Patrinis Thoa Smith & Maria Anna Smith: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 23a Nata& die 24° bap. fuit SusannaBarnett, filia Joannis [&] Joanna Barnett (olim Ridley) Conjugum: Patrinis Joseph Fawbert & Sarah Woods: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 27Natus & die 29° bap.fuit Jacobus, filius Jacobi & Isabellæ Coupland(olim Fountain) Conjugum: Patrinis JosephoCoupland & Luciâ Coupland: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 13thNata& die 20° bap fuit SarahCoupland, filia Josephi& Lucia Coupland (olim Marshall) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Bell & Maria Brigham : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo


May 27 Natus & die 29° bap. fuit Patricius, filius Patricii & Mariæ O Connor (olim Smith) Conjugum: Patrinis Edvardo Pindar & Maria Smith: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

June 4 Nata & die 11° bap. fuit Elizabetha, filia Joannis & Francisca Gibson (olim Atkinson) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Barner & Annâ Barner : a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

June 11° Natus & die 12° bap fuit Thos Jos Eyre, filiusJoannis Ludovici & Sarah Eyre, olim Parker (Conjugum): Patrinis Joan Thomâ Eyre & Catherina Eyre : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


June 11 Nata& die 15° bap. fuit Elizabetha Anna, filia Mariæ AnnæTaylor : Patrinis Edvardo Pindar& Elizabethâ Taylor: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 13 Natus & die 16º bap. fuit Georgius Swallo[uell or uele above w underlined] [Swallowell ? in margin] filius Georgii Annæ Swalluell or uele aboveow] (olim Fisher) Conjugum: PatrinisThomâ Hilton & Margaritâ Creswell : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 16 Nata& 15° Junii bap: fuit Joanna Fowler, filia Jacobi & Mariæ Fowler (olim Moorey) Conjugum: Patrinis Thomâ Eyre & Maria Bilton: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

June 12 Nata & die 17° bap. fuit Elizabetha, filiaThomæ& Eliz. Harton (olim Halston) Conjugum: PatrinisJacobo Ryan & Joanna Steward: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 6 Natus & die 27° bap. fuit JoannesSpink, filius Thomæ & Susanna Spink (olim Dawson) Conjugum. Patrinis Samuele Walker & Sarah Hanson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

June 28 Nata & die 1° Julii bap fuit Elizabetha, filia Petri & Sara Ryan (olim Richardson) Conjugum Patrinis Barnardo McAvoy & Maria Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 5 Nata& die 8° bap. fuit Gulielmus, filius Gulielmi & Sarah Marshall (olim Waind) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Mountain & Catharina Mountain, a me Benedicto RaymentMisso Apo.

July 9 Natus & die 10° bap fuit Joannes Edvardus, filius Edwardi & Margarita Wallis (olim Dale) Conjugum: Patrinis Cuthberto Watson & Annâ Brown: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

July 9 Nata & die 11° bap. fuit Anna, filia Thomæ& Mariæ Belt (olim Webster) Conjugum: Patrinis Henrico Webster & Mariâ Annâ Purdy: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [137] Aug. 3 Nata& die 4° bap. fuit Carolina Anna Sophia Anderson, filia Rob Henet & Annæ Anderson (olim Bilton) Conjugum: Patrinis Edvardo Richardo Anderson & Hannah Sophia Anderson B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Thomas Joseph was 4th son of Count Eyre He married in 1861 Anna Jane, Hon Lady Milford, 4th d ofWilliam, 4thEarlofWicklow , andwidow of Richard Baron Milford He was ancestor of the Eyres of Uppercourt, co Kilkenny, and of Thorpe Lee and of Egham, Old Windsor, co Surrey His Godparents were his uncle and aunt, son and daughter of Vincent Eyre of Highfield.


Sep. 5 Nata& die 9° bap. fuit AnnShaftoe filia Thomæ & Mariæ Shaftoe (olim White) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Ryan & Joanna White, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep. 5 Nata & die 9° bap fuit Maria Kernan, filia Francisci & Annæ Kernan (olim Thompson) Patrinis Jacobo Clancy & Maria Goff: a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 30 Nata& die 10° Septembris bap. fuit Maria Harton filia Amos & Sarah Harton (olim Weatly) Conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Settle & Margarita Chapman, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 27 Nata & die 10° Septembris bap fuit Elizabetha filia Bernardi & Elizabethæ Henry (olim College) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo Settle & Mariâ Smith: a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 15 Nata & die 10° Septem. bap. fuit Maria, filia Joannis Caress & Francisca (olim Garnet) Conjugum Patrinis Jonathan Mawson & Margarita Marshall, a me B. Rayment Miss Apº.

Sep. 2 Nata & die 10° bap. fuit Margarita , filia Danielis Cuff& MargaritaCuff(olim Stoan) Conjugum: Patrinis Jonathan Mawson & Mariâ Smith: a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep 20° Nata & die 23° bap fuit Sara Parker, filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Parker (olim Thackeray) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo & Esther Parker : a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

Sept. 21 Nata & die 23° bap fuit Maria Wake filia Thomæ & Elizabethæ Wake (olim Handford) Conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Mountain & Agnete Thompson, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo. [138]

Sep. 5 Nata& 7° die bap. fuit Francisca, filia Petri & Joanna Walker (olim Call) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Walker & Maria Richardson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 14 Natus & die 20 bap. fuit Jacobus, filius Joannis & Eliz. Young (olim Hargitt) Conjugum: Patrinis JosephoJohnson & Maria Cook: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep. 15 Nata & die 20 bap. fuit Elizabetha Maria , filia Jacobi Colly& Annæ (olim Goody) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Henric & Christiana Young: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss. Apo

Sep. 15 Nata & die 20 bap fuit Margarita, filia Josephi Henric & Annæ (olim Dixon) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo Q[u]inn & Maria Harrison : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

July24 Natus & die 22° Aug. bap. fuit Gulielmus McMullen , filius Alexandri McMullen & Mariæ Richey: Patrinis Arthureo O'Donnell & Maria Wilson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Oct. 24Nata& die 28 bap fuit SarahLockwood, filiaGul & Mariæ Lockwood (olim Belt) Conjugum: Patrinis Roberto Waddington & Joanna McVey: a me Benedicto Rayment.

Nov. 2 nata et die 3 ejusdem mensis baptizata fuit Elizabeth

Jonathan Mawson, a convert born in 1755 , was thirteenthsonof Joseph Mawson of Stainburn in the parish of Kirkby Overblow, W.R. Yorks. He married Ann, d. of Hall and his wife Mary, d of George Colbeck ofthe Mount, York Both Halls and Colbecks were Catholics and the name recurs frequentlyin this Register See C.R.S. iv, p 393 , note


Colbeck , Filia Joannis et MariæColbeck (olim Hawkins) conjugum; Matrina fuit Anna Gibbon: a me Gul: Croskell M° A°

Sep. 22 Natus & die 5° Nov. baptizatus fuit Gulielmus McGennis , filius Gul: & Margarita McGennis (olim McCanna) Conjug: Patrinis Maria Wilson & [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Nov. 14 Nata & die 18° bap fuit HenriettaFreeman, filia Henrici & Henrietta Freeman (olim Dunn) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Ryan & Sarâ Ryan : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 21 Nata & 22° bap. fuit Edwardus Samuel Dale, filius Adami & Helenæ Dale (olim Caley) Conjugum: Patrinis Michaele Dunn & MargaritaCaley: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [139] Nov. 25 Nata & die 28° bap. fuit Anna Tole, filia Jacobi & Mariæ Tole (olim Giles) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Mountain & Francisca Litchman: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Ap°

Nov. 29 Natus & die 2º Dec. bap. fuit Edvardus O Donnell, filius Arthurei& JoannæO Donnell, olim Miller: Patrinis Joanne Johnson & Elizabethâ Armstrong : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Mar. 25 [1818 above] Nata & die 6° Dec. 1821 bap fuit Anna Rhodes [filiaAnnæ] & Benjamin Rodes (Conjugum): Patrinis Carolo Jefferson & Maria Wilson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [The name inthe margin is Ann Rhodes . See nextentryfor mother's baptismal and maiden names .]

Mar. 15 [1821 above] Nata& die 6° Dec. 1821 bap. fuitElizabetha Rhodes filia Benjamin & Annæ Rhodes (olim Pratt) Conjugum: Patrinis Carolo Jefferson& Mariâ Wilson : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. over Dec.] 9 Nati & die 12° Dec. bap fuerunt Gimelli, Gulielmus & Anna Teresia Earle, proles Georgii & Annæ Earle Conjugum: Patrinis Catherine Marshall & MariaRichmond: ame Benedicto Rayment Miss . Apº.

Dec. 21 Natus& die 23° bap fuit Henricus Barker, filius Jos & Sarah Barker (olim Chapman ) Conjugum: Patrinis Henrico Chapman & Elizabethâ Arundell: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 24 Natus & die 27° bap fuit Jacobus Hardgrave, filius Jacobi & Mariæ Hardgrave (olim Bonnet) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo & Sarâ Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. 1822.

Jany 3 Nata & die 8° bap. fuit Maria Croce , filia Josua & Annæ Croce, & Patrinis Jacobo Clansy & Mariâ Anna Mountain : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jany 6 Nata & die 8° bap. fuit Monica Anna, filia Gul¹& Mariæ Annæ Bingly [Bingleyin margin] (olim Whitwell) Conjugum: Patrinis Christophero Dent & Anna Dent: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [140] Jan 9 Nata & die 11° bap fuit Catharina Turner filia

* Educated at Ushaw; called to the Bar 1851; was a judge in India. He was the Catholic candidate for the Chelsea division on the formation of the LondonSchool Board in 1870. Died at Sandgate, Kent, 13June 1911 .


Gulo & Mariæ Turner (olim Tozard) Conjugum Patrinis Gulo Turner& Joanna Walker: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Ap°

Dec. 19, 1821 Natus & die 12° Jan 1822 bap. fuit Jacobus , filius Caroli & Joannæ Jefferson (olim Johnson) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Walker & Joanna Walker: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 20 Nata & 23° [? Jan.] bap fuit Elizabetha Barbara Lockwood, filia Gul & Isabellæ Lockwood (olim Barber) Conjugum: Patrinis Gul Walker & Elizabethâ Barber, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jany27 Nata& die 28° bap. fuit Maria Anna Layton, filia Joannis Layton: [M over Platrina Margarita Tunstall, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

Jan 31 Nata & die 3º feb. bap fuit Elizabetha Anna Stead , filia Thomæ& Mariæ Stead (olim Bruckelbank) Conjugum: Patrinis

Josepho Barclough & Maria Bolland : a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Feb. 2 Natus & die 23° bap. fuit Edvardus, filius Joannis & MariæSmith (olimKitchen) Conjugum: PatrinisArthureoO'Donnall & Marià Gough: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

Feb. 23 Natus & die 24° bap. fuit Gulielmus filius Matt: Joannis & Mariæ Hare (olim Marshall) Conjugum: Patrinis Roberto Waddington& Maria Dent, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 26 Natus & die 27 bap. fuit Thomas Sampson, filius Joannis & Eliz. Sampson(olim Britton) Conjugum: PatrinisMichaele Fryer & Constantia Stourton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 27 Natus & die 3º Martii bap. fuit Thomas Brown filius Those & Eliz Brown (olim Rawlin) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Robinson & Maria Annâ Bingley, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

[141] March 8 Nata & die 17° bap fuit Catherina Audaer, filia Roberti & Francisca Audaer, olim Jackson (Conjugum) Patrinis Geo Audaer & HelenaJackson: a meBenedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

March 18 Nata & die 24° bap fuit Anna Burley, filia Joannis & Eliz Burley (olim Sowerby) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Mawson & Annâ Haw: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

March 22 Natus & die 9° Ap bap fuit Nathaniel Howard, filia Martha, olim Shields, & Those Howard (Conjugum) Patrinis Nat. Howard & Mariâ Lamb: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

April 25 Natus & die 28° bap. fuit Henricus Sunderland filius Joannis & Anna Sunderland (olimFilby) Conjugum: Patrinis Christophero Wheeler & Matrina Maria Sunderland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 20 Natus & die 18° Maii bap fuit Richardus filiusBenjamini Gawtree& Margarita (olimVerity) Conjugum. PatrinisElizabethâ Collier &c., a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

April 10 Natus & die 20° bap fuit Gul Lamb, filius Emanuelis & Mariæ Lamb (olim Howard) Conjugum. Patrinis Gulo Ransley & Rebecca Clansy: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss° Ap°


May 15 Nata & die 1° Junii bap. fuit Anna Davis, filia Those & CatharinaDavis (olim O Neil) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Wrey & Maria Settle : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 6 Natus& die 7° bap fuit GeorgiusClout, filius Gulielmi& Joanna Clout (olim Whitehead) Conjugum: Patrinis Richardo Meggison& Maria Wilson: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

June 8 Natus & die 9° bap fuit Elizabetha Armstrong filia Thoae & Elizabethæ Armstrong (olim McBean) Conjugum: Patrinis

Arthuro & Joannâ O Donnell : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [142] Maij 22 Natus & die 24° Junii bap fuit Robertus Nutbrown , filius Jos & MariæNutbrown(olim Goodyrere) Conjugum Patrinis Gulo Goodyere& Anna Colley: ame BenedictoRayment Misso Apo.

Junii [16 over 24]Natus & die 21° Junii bap.fuit Henricus Smith , filius Those & Marg Smith (olim Hutchinson) Conjugum Patrinis

Gratia Myers & N. N., a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii 30 Nata& die 1° Julii bap. fuit Anna Cooper, filia Joannis & Mariæ Annæ Cooper (olim Rodley) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne

Milner & Elizab Rodley: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii 11 Natus & die 2° Julii bap fuit Jacobus Camidge filius

Richardi & JoannæCamidge (olim Lyon) Conjugum: Patrinis Geo. Crathorne & SusannaLyon, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Junii 20 Natus & die 4° Julii bap. fuit Gulielmus Crook, filius

Jacobi & Anne Crook (olim Soarden) Conjugum: Patrinis Edvardo Woods & Maria Tongue: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Julii 17 Natus & die 19° bap fuit Gulielmus Shaw , filius Thomæ & Anna Shaw (olim Hopps) Conjugum: Patrinis Francisco Hopps & Maria Hopps: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Julii 26 Nata & die 29° bap fuit Martha [Baltch, olim xd out]

Gudderick[filia and parents' names omitted] (olim Baltch) Conjugum: Patrinis Stephano Gudderick & Martha Baltch: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Julii 26 Nata & die 2º Aug. bap. fuit Caroletta Chapman , filia

Joannis & Francis[c]æ Chapman (olim Nicholson) Conjugum: Patrinis Richardo Meggison & Sarah Chapman: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Aug. 2° Natus & die 12° bap. fuit Joannes, filius Joannis & Maria Robinson (olim Neil) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Dent & Brigitta McNamara: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [143] Nov. 20, 1821 Natus & die 17° Aug. 1822 bap. fuit Joannes

Skelton, filius Joannis & Honoriæ Skelton (olim Craag) Conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo Burton [or Barton] & Brigitta Cavennah: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 17 Nata& die 19° bap. fuit Elizabetha, filiaGeorgii Martini [Dix xd out] & Mariæ Dixon (olim Dench) Conjugum: Patrinis

JoanneJohnson&Anna Brown: ameBenedicto Rayment MissºApº.

Aug. 21 Nata & die 25 bap. fuit Joanna Francisca Wallis filia Edvardi & Margaritæ Wallis (olim Dale) Conjugum. Patrinis

Revdo Thow Storey & Maria Brigham : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


Aug. 22 Nata& die 25 bap fuit Joanna Johnson, filia Joannis & Joanna Johnson (olim Slough) Conjugum: Patrinis Arthureo O'Donnell & Elizabethâ Armstrong: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 23 Natus & die 25° bap. fuit Jacobus Devine, filius Joannis & Annæ Devine (olim Johnson) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Smith & Maria Goughh; a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Aug. 21 Natus & die 1º Sep. bap fuit Josephus Waters, filius Gul & Margarita Waters (olim Cuningham) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Dwyer & Elizabetha Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 5 Nata & die 1° Sep. bap fuit Margarita Quin, filia Gul' & Annæ Quin (olim Franks) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Walker & Maria Williams, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Sep. 6 Natus & die 8° bap. fuit Henricus Harrison filius Jos. & Maria Harrison (olim Bradwith) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Bradwith& Maria Harrison, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Sep. 7 Natus & die 8° bap fuit Christopherus Almond, filius Christ & AnnæAlmond (olimVerity) Conjugum. Patrinis Ludovico & MargaritaThompson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 28 Nata & die 8° Sep. bap. fuit Judith White, filia Annæ White: Patrinis Gulo & Mariâ Barner, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

[144] Sep. 22 Nata& die 29° baptizata fuit Maria Ryan filiaPierce & SarahRyan (olimRichardson) Conjugum: PatrinisBar: McEvoy & Henriettâ Freeman: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 26 Nata & die 29° baptizata fuit Joanna Belt, filia Thoae & Maria Belt (olim Webster) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Kipling [&] CeciliaWalker, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 2 Nata & die 5° baptizata fuit Anna filia Isaac & Annæ Morrow (olim Kirk) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Walker & Mariâ Walker: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 21 Natus & die 6° Octobris baptizatus fuit Georgius Harton filius Amos & Sarah Arton (olim Weetley) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo Settle & Catharina Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Oct. 9 Nata& die 14° bap fuit Anna Arundel, filiaCaroli & Mariæ Arundel (olim Bayldon) Conjugum: Patrinis JosephoCoupland & Elizabetha Arundel: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Oct. 22Nata& die 27[7over 6] bap fuit Eliz Thompsonfilia Robu Thompson & Joannæ (olim Hodgson) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Milner& Maria Smith: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 16 Nata& die 27 bap. fuit Hannah Kirby, filia Gulielmi& Annæ [Kirby, olim] Holms (Conjugum). Patrinis Josepho Dent & Margarita Chapman: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 30 Natus & eodem die baptizatus fuit Samuel Walkerfilius Samuelis& Mariæjam mortuæ, Conjugum: PatrinisGeorgio Hilton & MarthaHilton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


Nov. 12 Natus & die 17° bap. fuit Josephus Chapman, filius Hen[r]ici & Mariæ Chapman (olim Swann) Conjugum: Patrinis

FranciscoChapman& Elizabethâ Philips : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 12 Nata & die 17° bap fuit Elizabetha Dearlove , filia

Josephi& Elizabethæ Dearlove (olimBradwith) Conjugum: Patrinis

Joanne Bradwith& Anna Ethell: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

[145] Nov 18 Nata & die 24° bap. fuit Margarita Sharpe, filia

Roberti & Annæ Sharp (olim Todd) Conjugum: Patrinis Thomâ

Sunter & Maria Musgrave: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 22 Nata& die 28 bap fuit Joanna[June inmargin]Jackson , filia Rob & C[h xd out]arolottæ Jackson (olim Cass) Conjugum: Patrinis Joso Hansom & Francisca Cass: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 22 Natus & die 28° baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Jacobus Harton,filius Thoae& Elizabethæ Harton (olim Helstone) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Devine & Margarita Thompson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 30 Natus & die 30° Nov. baptizatus fuit Joannes Rhodes , filius Mariæ Rhodes. Patrinis Joanne Hansom & Catharina

Hargitt: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Dec. 22 Nata & die 29° bap. fuit Francisca Gibson , filia Ricd & Susannæ Gibson (Fauston) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Fauston & Maria Stott: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo 1823 .

Jany1°& eodem die bap fuit Maria Anna McGeedy, filia Francisci & Mariæ Annæ McGeedy, Conjugum, postridie defuncta fuit simul cum matre

Jany 3d Nata& die 9° bap fuit Elizabetha Brown, filiaJoannis & Isabellæ Brown (olim Chapman ) Conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Musgrave& MariaSettle: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan 9 Natus & die 12° bap fuit Josephus Coupland , filius

Josephi & Lucia Coupland (olim Marshall) Conjugum: Patrinis

Jacobo Coupland& Anna Dent : ame Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Dec. 31, 1822 Nata [no date of baptism ] Maria AnnaMountain, filia

Josephi & CatherinæMountain (olimHurworth) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Cleasby & Elizabetha Hurworth, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Jan. 14 Nata & die 21 bap. fuit Emma Maria Frith, filia Elizab .& Henerici Frith (olimSimpson) Conjugum: Patrinis MichaeleFryer& Elizabethâ Chippendale, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [146] Jany 19 Natus & die 24 bap. fuit Joannes Sledmere, filius Carolette Sledmere, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan. 30thNatus & die 4° feb bap. fuit Thomas Franciscus, filius

Josephi & Joannæ Bolton (olim Medley) Conjugum: Patrinis ThomaSpink& Catharina Anna Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo


Feb. 3d Natus & die 9º bap fuit Joannes Pinder, filius Gul¹ & Elizabethæ Pinder (olim Clayton) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Clayton & Alicia Hewson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

Feby 10 Nata& die 16° bap fuit Joanna Weatherall, filia Thomæ & Elizabethæ Weatherall (olim Chapman ) Conjugum: Patrinis Pierce Ryan & Elizabethâ Chapman: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan. 24 Nata & die 16° feb. bap fuit Margarita Denahough filia Gul & Elizabethæ Denahough (olim Mooney) Conjugum. Patrinis

Catherina Hargitt &c.: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 24 Natus & 27° bap fuit Joannes, filius Joannis McCarnon & Susanna Brofi; Patrinis Richardo Dalton & Catharina Hargitt: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 16 Natus & eodem die bap. fuit Oswald Wellsfilius Josephi & Mariæ Wells (olim Whitehouse) Conjugum Patrinis Gulo & Mariâ Barner: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Feb. 26 Natus & die 2º Martii bap fuit Gulielmus Colbeck, filius Joannis & Mariæ Colbeck (olim Hawkins) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Mawson & Annâ Colbeck: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 11 Natus & die 12° bap. fuit Chas Parker, filius Caroli & Mariæ Parker (olim Peck) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Kipling & Joanna Smith: a JacoboNewsham Misso Apo

March 10 Natus & die 12° bap. fuit Gulielmus Henricus Eyre, * filius Joannis & Sarah Eyre (olim Parker) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo & Mariâ Eyre: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [147] [March 12 in margin] Bap. fuit [& xd out] die 16°& natadie 12°Martii, AmeliaWenefrida Anderson, filia [Roberti above] Henrici& Annæ Anderson (olim Bilton) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Edvardo Barton & Winifreda Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Feb. 25 Natus & die 23° Martii bap. fuit Robertus [Penrose above , Robert Penrose Tootell in margin] Tootell, filia Thomæ & Annæ Tootell (olim Cass) Conjugum: Patrinis JosephoDent& Margarita Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nata Aug. 24, 1822 & bap. fuit die 31 Martii, 1823 , Margarita Prince filia Mariæ Annæ Prince: Patrinis Carolo & Catharina Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

April 20 Natus & die 24° bap fuit Georgius Parker, filius Joannis & Elizabethæ Parker (olim Thackery) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo & Esther Parker : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

April 18 Nata & die 27° bap. fuit Maria Fell, filia Joannis Fell Turner & Elizabethæ (conjugum) olim Modestier; Patrinis Barnaba McEvoy& Maria Wright; a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 18 Nata & die 25° baptizata fuit Elizabetha Shafto, filia Those & Maria Shafto (olim White) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Fooks & Elizabethâ White: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

* William Henry5th and youngest son of Count Eyre entered the Jesuit Orderand was for many yearsat Farm Street, London He diedin 1898


May 21 Nata & die 25° bap. fuit Maria Anna Coupland, filia

Jacobi & Isabellæ Coupland (olim Fountain) Conjugum Patrinis Josepho Coupland & Maria Wright: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 31 Nata & die 3º Junii bap fuit Anna Bean, filia Cicilia Bean Patrinis Gulielmo Ransley & Joannâ Bolton: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 17 Nata & die 8° Junii bap fuit Maria Anna Howard filia Those & Martha Howard (olim Sheilds) Conjugum: Matrina fuit

Maria Land, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

June 19 Natus & die 22° bap fuit JoannesSwalwell filius Georgii & Annæ Swalwell (olim Fisher) Conjugum: Patrinis Carolo Pollard & Maria Fisher: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº [148] June 16 Natus & die 22° bap fuit Jacobus Spink, filius Those & Susanne Spink (olim Dawson) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo Musgrave& Joanna Bolton: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 26 Nata & die 23° Junii bap. fuit Catharina Caress, filia

Joannis & Annæ Caress (olim Garnet) Conjugum: PatrinisJosepho Fawbert & Margarita Marshall : ame Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Junii 26 nata [et above] eodem die baptizata fuit Georgiana Dale , filia Adami et Helenæ Dale (olim Caley) conjugum: Patrinusfuit

Geo: Dunn, matrinaAnna Dunn p proc , a me Gul: Croskell M.A.

Junii 24 Natus & die 28° bap. fuit CarolusFreeman ,filius Henrici & Henrietta Freeman (olim Dunn) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Bradley & Catharina Hargett: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii 5 Natus & die 6° baptizatus fuit Arthureus O Donnell, filius

Arthurii & Joannæ O Donnell (

) Conjugum: Patrinis

Thoma Weatherhill & Rosâ Gordon: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Julii 6 Natus & die 31 bap. fuit Edvardus Lamb, filius Ed. & AnnæLamb (olim ... . ) Conjugum: Patrinis FranciscoDent & Catherina Hargitt : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Julii 28 Nata et die 1 Augusti , 1823, baptizata fuit Anna Hansom filia Richardi et Eliz. Hansom (olim Lakeland) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Edvardus Wood, Matrina Joanna Cundall, a me Gul: Croskell M.A.

Aug. 1 Natus et die 6 ejusdem mensis baptizatus fuit Georgius Barner Filius Annæ Barner ; Mat: fuit Maria Barner, a me Gul: Croskell M.A.

Aug: 13 Nata & eodem die baptizata fuit Caroletta Meggison [Clout above], Filia Richardiet Agnetis Meggison (olim Whitehead) Conjugum Patrinus fuit R. [ends, and all crossed out, being superseded by the next entry].

Aug. 13 Nata & eodem die baptizata fuit Caroletta Clout, filia Gulielmi & Joannæ Clout (olim Whitehead) Conjugum: Patrinus fuit Richardus Meggison, MatrinaAgnesMeggison: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Aug. 13 Nata& die 14 baptizata fuit Emma Maria Harrison, filia


Joannis& Maria Harrison (olim Howe) Conjugum: PatrinisRoberto & Emma Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 16 Nata & die 23° bap. fuit MariaStudley, filia Joannis & Mariæ Studley (olim Fox) Conjugum: Matrina Maria Fox: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [149] Aug. 24 Natus & die 28° baptizatus fuit Jacobus Alfridus Lockwood, filius Gul & Isab Lockwood (olim Barber) Conjugum: Patrinis Michaele Walker & Elizabetha Barber: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Aug. 4 Nata & die 5° bap. fuit Emma Maria Bishop,filia Andreas & Annæ Bishop (olim Hedley) Conjugum: PatrinisJoanne Bradley & Catharina Hargitt: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 29 Nata & die 7° Sep. bap fuit Anna Dixon, filia Jacobi & Annæ Dixon (olim Worsley) Conjugum: Patrinis Georgio Audaer & Elizabetha Maria Hills, a me Benedicto Rayment MissoAp

Sep. 14 Nata& die 16° bap fuit Maria Kendal, filia Gul¹ & Annæ Kendal (olim Roper) Conjugum: PatrinisJosephoBolton& Joanna Bolton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 25 bap. & natus fuit Henricus Nutbrown, filius Jos . & Mariæ Nutbrown(olim Goodere) Conjugum Patrinis GeorgioHinsley & Maria Ann Nutbrown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep 22 Nata& die 1° Oct. bap fuit Maria Powell, filia Gulielmi & Margarita Powell (olim McGennis ) Conjugum: Patrinis Michaele Walker& Catherina Hargitt: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep 22 Bap. fuit Thomas Wake (qui die proximo migravit e vità) a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep. 30 Natus & die 5° Octobris bap. fuit Josephus Hardgrave, filius Jacobi & Mariæ Hardgrave (olim Burnet) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo Chapman & Margarita Chapman [both sponsors' names smudged out]: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 10 Baptizatæ & natæ fuerunt Elizabetha & Maria Barker , filiæ Josephi et Sarah Barker (olim Chapman ) Conjugum. Patrinis Henco Chapman & Anna Maney [or Money], Joanne Brown & Maria Stott, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Oct. 6 Nata et die 12° bap fuit SusannahArmstrong filia Thomæ et Elizabethæ Armstrong (olim McBean) Conjugum: Patrinis ThomasMullin& Joannâ Donneley: a me Benedicto RaymentMisso Apo. [150] Oct. 10 Natus & die 12° bap fuit Gulielmus Harrison, filius Those & Mariæ Harrison (olim Dalton) Conjugum Patrinis Joanne Smith& Elizabethâ Dearlove: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 23 Nata& die 26° bap. fuit Margareta Wright, filia Hugonis & Mariæ Wright (olim Yeomans) Conjugum: Patrinis Georgio Audaer & Anna Wilkinson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 10 Baptizata fuit Maria Atkinson, filia Those & Dinæ Atkinson (olim Hunter) Conjugum: Testes fuêre Alicia Berwick & Maria Wilson : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Ap° [Ex Tremente fit Catholica in margin: From a Quaker she becomes a Catholic "] "


Nov. 17 Natus et die 19 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit Lud[o]vicus Josephus [Eyre above] Filius Caroli et Saræ Eyre (olim Pike) conjugum: Patrinus fuit Joannes L. Eyre, matrina Sara Eyre, a me Gul. Croskell, M.A.

Nov. 22 Baptizatus fuit Christopherus Masser, filius Joannis & AnnæMasser, Conjugum, & paulo postmortuus est. 1824

Jan. 5 Natus & die 11° bap fuit Thos Walker, filius Petri & Joanna Walker (olim Call) Conjugum: Patrinis Isaac Morrow & Sarah Richardson: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. 12 Jan" natus et die 15 bap.fuit Thomas Whitely, filius Richardi & Margarita Whitely (olim Dixon) Conjugum Matrinafuit Francisca Cass , a Revd Jaco Newsham Miss Apo [This entry is in the same hand as Mr. Rayment's.]

Jan. 20 Nata& die 22° bap. fuit Elizabetha Ainsley filius Mariæ Ainsley Patrinis Samuele Powel & Maria Doughty, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan. 27 Nata & die 29 bap. fuit Elizabetha Finch, filia Caroli & [blank] Finch (olim. .) Conjugum Matrina fuit Catharina Alphey, a me Benedicto Rayment MissoApo. [151] Jany 12 Nata & die 17° bap. fuit Maria Fountaine, filia Thomæ & Elizabethæ Fountain [so also in margin] (olim Knight) Conjugum. Patrinis GeorgioMorine & Henrietta Freeman , a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apº.

Feb. 3ª Natus & die 8° bap fuit Jos [Tay xd out] Caynon, filius Francisci & Annæ Caynon (olim .) Conjugum. Patrinis

Joanne Smith& Maria Gough, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Jany 20 Nata & die 8° feb" bap fuit Rosa Isabella Thiodon, filia Joannis Francisci & Mariæ Rose Thiodon (olim Peti[er ?] Conjugum Patrinis Georgio Bolland & Isabella Eliz Barber, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo [

Feb. 1 ?] Nata & die 8° bap fuit Maria Hudson filia Gul: & Elizabethæ Hudson (olim Johnson) Patrinis Jos Johnson&Maria Johnson, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo [The last three entriesabove are very faint, and it is impossibleto be quite certain ofparts.]

Jan 25 Nata & die 14 feb" bap fuit Elizabetha Maria Stewart, filia Caroli& MariæStewar[t over d] (olimDillon) Conjugum. Patrina fuit Catherina Hargitt, a me B. Rayment Miss Apo

Feb. 11 Nata & die 15° bap fuit Veronica Maria Audaer , filia Roberti & Francisca Audaer (olim Jackson) Conjugum. Patrinis GeorgioAudaer & Annâ Dent, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 15 Natus & die 19 bap fuit Ambrosius Croce [filius and father's name omitted] & Annæ, [olim] Carey: patrinis [Bartolomeo above] Ambrosio & Joannâ Fawbert : a me B. Rayment Miss Apº

Louis Joseph was tenth and youngest child of Charles Nathaniel and Sarah Eyre He married Margaret Frances, 2nd d ofSirThomasHaggerston, of Ellingham, Northumberland, 2nd Bart. , and left issue. See C.R.S., iv (1907), p 405, note Godparentsto John Lewiswere his elderbrother and his wife Sara, d ofWilliam Parker, of Hull,


Feb. 16 Nata & die 22° bap. fuit Sophia Bingley filia Gul¹ & Mariæ Bingley (olim Whittle) Conjugum: Patrinis PatricioMcCave & Sophiâ Dent, a meB. Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 21 Natus & die 24 ejusdemmensis baptizatus fuit Joannes , filius Joannis & Elizabethæ Sampson (olim Britton) Conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Frith& MariaRobinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo: [152] 18 febyNatus & die 29° bap. fuit Edvardus McCollagan, filius Matthæi & Joanna McCollagan (olim Nicholson) Conjugum Patrinis Joanne McGinny & Maria Wilson, a me B. Rayment Misso Apº.

1823 Dec. 24 Natus & die 29 feb. 1824 bap. fuit Petrus Reney , filius Barnardi & Maria Reney (olim McLen[ing]) Conjugum.

Patrinis Josepho Dent & Catharina Hargitt, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

I March Nata & 2ª die ejusdem mensis & anni bap. fuit Joanna Ebditch [so inmargin], filiaJacobi & RebeccaEbdish(olimLambert) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Lambert & Helena Pratt, a me B. Rayment Miss Apo.

14March nata & die 15° ejusdemmensis bap. fuit MariaBelt, filia

Those & MariæBelt (olim Webster) Conjugum. Patrinis GuloVerity & Maria She[a above]rwin, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

18 Mart natus & die 19° bap fuit Thos Josephus Bolland, filius

Georgii & Winifredæ Sarah Bolland (olim Walker) Conjugum: Patrinis Thoa & Alicia Bolland , a me B. Rayment Misso Apo.

19 March Nata & die 20 bap. fuit Joanna Wallis filia Joannæ Wallis. Patrinafuit Joanna Wallis, a me B. Rayment Miss Apº

8 Mart Natus& die 21° bap fuit JoannesCamillus, filius Josephi & Lucia [Marshall xd out] Coupland (olim Marshall) Conjugum: Patrinis Thomå Smith& Anna Marshall, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo. March 28 Natus & die 4° Aprilis bap fuit Gulielmus Gibson filius

Richardi Gibson & Susanna (olim Fauston) Conjugum. Patrinis

Joanne Johnson& Hannah Scott: a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

April 2 Natus & die 4° baptizatus fuit Thomas Almond, filius

Christopheris & Annæ Almond (olim Verity) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulo Verity & Elizabethâ Verity, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo. [153] April 26 Natus & die 2º Maii bap fuit Thos Georgius Bolton , filius Josephi& JoannaBolton (olim Medley) Conjugum Patrinis [Thosxd out] Ric : Nettleton& Catherina Marsall; a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

April 22 Nata& die 2° Maii bap. fuit Esther Young, filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Young (olim Hargitt) Conjugum: Patrinis Matthæo Eyre& Maria Cook, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss° Apo. Nata & die 9° Maii bap. fuit Maria Bulmer, filia Jacobi & Mariæ Bulmer (olimRow) Conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Ransley & Maria Harrison , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 17 Nata& die 18° baptizata fuit Margarita Stout filia Georgii & Margarita Stout [Conjugum xd out] (olim Mawson) Conjugum, Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


May 16 [6 over 7]Nata& die 27° bap fuit Elizabetha SarahAnderson filia [Hen. xd out] Rob' Hen & Annæ Anderson (olim Bilton) Conjugum: Patrinis Nic. Witty & Elizabetha Anderson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

May 15 Nata & die 30° bap fuit Anna Quin, filia Gulielmi & Annæ Quin (olim Franks) Conjugum Patrinis Farrol Fylon & Catherina Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 23 Natus & die 9° Junii bap fuit Gulielmus Camidge, filius Richardi & Joanna Camidge (olim Lyon) Conjugum. Patrinis Eduardo Woods & Catharina Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

May 22 Natus & die 13° Junii bap. fuit Joannes Webb, filius Ricardi & Winifreda Webb (olim Barley) Conjugum Patrinis Thomâ Bolland & Martha Hilton: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

June 24 Nata & die 27° bap fuit Theresa Brown, filia Thomæ & Elizabethæ Brown(olim Rawlin) Conjugum Patrinis Christophero Derbyshire & Elizabethâ Metcalf ; a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 14 Natus & eodem die bap. fuit Franciscus Nutbrown, filius Jacobi & Maria Annæ Nutbrown (olim Mountain) Conjugum; Patrinis Francisco Mountain, Matrina Maria Nutbrown, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

[154] July2d Nata& die 11° bap. fuit Joanna Parker, filia Georgii & Alicia Parker (olim Haw) Conjugum : Patrinis Jacobo & Annâ

Wallis, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 2dNata& die 25 Julii bap. fuit Henrica (Hues xd out)Quin filia Dan Hues [sic] & HelenaQuin: Patrinis Joanne Ryan& Sarah Ryan, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Ap.

July 8 Nata & die 26 bap. fuit Helena Harrison, filia Mariæ Harrison : Patrinis E[d]mundo Ransley & Helena Simpson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

July 25 Natus & die 26° bap fuit Matt. Jacobus Pattison , filius

Matt. & [Helen inserted] Pattison (olim Hawksworth) Conjugum. Patrinis Carolo Williamson & Dorothea Pattison, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

July 24 Natus & die 26° bap. fuit Richardus Dixon, filius Joannis Martini & Mariæ Dixon (olim Dench) Conjugum: Patrinis Anna Martial & Roberto Dixon: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Ap°

Sep. 15 Natus & eodem die bap fuit Josephus Shaw filius Thomæ & Annæ Shaw (olim Hopps) Conjugum: a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Sep. 15 Nata & eodem die bap fuit MariaShaw , filia Tho[m]æ& Anna Shaw (olim Hopps) Conjugum: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep. 13 Natus & die 19° bap. fuit Carolus Wilson filius Gul. & Elizabethæ Wilson (olim Lupton) Conjugum: Patrinis Henrico Chapman& Maria Swann, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Oct. 6 Nata& die 12° [2 over 4] bap fuit Elizabetha Fowler, filia Jacobi & Maria Fowler (olim Moorey) Conjugum, Patrinis Eliz Moorey & [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apo.


Oct. 19 Nata & die 24° bap fuit Maria Barwick, filia Gulielmi Barwick& Alicia (olim Topham) Conjugum: PatrinisSamuelPowel & Maria Wilson : a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. I Nata & die 3º bap fuit [Margarita Agnes xd out , Harrietabove] Garbot, filia Gulielmi & Joanna Garbot (olim Benson) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Mitchellet Francisca Lockwood, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº. [155] Oct. 10Natus & die 8° Ñov. bap.fuit Jacob. IsaacColley, filius Jacobi & Anna Colley (olim Goodyear) Conjugum: Patrinis Georgio Hinsley & Elizabetha Hinsley, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 8 Natus & die 10° bap fuit Franciscus Simpson, filius Christopheri & MargaritaSimpson (olim Graves) Conjugum; Patrinis Carolo Parker & Sarah Randerson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

Nov. 3 Natus & die 13° bap.fuit ThomasCorrigan, filius Barnardi & Margarita Corrigan (olim Hoy) Conjugum, Patrinis Bernardo McCann & Catherina McGrow, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 6 Natus et die 13° bap. fuit Joannes Brown, filius Joannis & Isabellæ Brown (olim Chapman) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Musgrave & Elizabetha Weather[a]ll, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo


Sep. 13 Natus & die 15° Nov. bap fuit Gulielmus McSorleyfilius Owen & Margarita McSorley (olim Mullan) Conju[gu above]m. Patrinis Hugo Collins & Maria Nugent, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo


Nov. 11 Nata & die 12 bap. fuit Rosa Danby, filia Joannis & Mariæ Danby (olim Mason), Conjugum Patrinis Thomâ Fawbert & Maria Woods, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 19 [bap. xd out] Natus & die 21° bap fuit Josephus Body, filius Henrici & Mariæ Body (olim Simpson) Conjugum: Patrinis Ricardo Hansom & Anna Hansom, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 25 Natus & die 29 bap fuit Thos Mitchell, filius Joannis & Joanne Mitchell (olim Sherwood ) Conjugum: Patrinis Thomâ & Francisca Mitchell, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [156] Nov. 24 Nata & die 2º Decembris baptizata fuit Elizabetha Sunderland, filia Annæ Sunderland, Patrinis Georgio Smith & Isabella Sunderland, a me Benedicto Rayment.

Dec. 3 Nata & die 5° bap. fuit Maria Chapman , filia Henrici & Mariæ Chapman (olim Swann) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Brown & Anna Bennington, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Decr 7 Natus & die 12° bap fuit Joannes Benn, filius Those & Prudentiæ Benn (olim Coulton) Conjugum: Patrinis Mattheo & Mariâ Eyre, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Dec II Natus & die 12° bap fuit JoannesNorrison, filius Gul . & AnnæNorrison (olim Geldard) Conjugum: Patrinis FranciscoWoods & Joannâ Cundle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Dec. 4 Natus & die 17° bap. fuit Gulielmus Waugh, filius Joannis & Francisca Waugh (olim Dunn) Conjugum , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


Dec. 17 Natus & die 20° bap. fuit Joannes Sunderland, filius Joannis & Anna Sunderland, Conjugum: Patrinis Francisco Dent & Maria Anna Swann , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 25 Natus & die 26° bap. fuit Noelis Jacobus Lockwood, filius Gul & Isabellæ Lockwood (olim Barber) Conjugum: Patrinis Roberto & Isabellâ Barber, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Dec. 20 Natus & die 27° bap fuit Joannes Birch, filius Those & Mariæ Birch (olim Body) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Fawbert & Margarita Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. -Dec 25 Nata& die 28° bap fuit Monica [Ethol changed to Hethol] filia Eduardi& Annæ [Ethol changed to Hethol] (olim Balch) Conjugum: Patrinis Thoma Brown & Elizabethâ Gibbons, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [157] 1825 .

Jan 8 Nata & eodem die bap fuit Elizabetha Wake, filia Thone & Eliz. Wake (olim .. . . ) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Mostyn & Annâ Deighton , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss° Apo

Dec. 28, 1824 Nata& die 8° Jan¹ 1825 bap fuit Maria McCluskey filia Phil & Mariæ McCluskey (olim Lynch) Conjugum, Patrina Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Jan. 4 Natus & die 9° bap. fuit Jacobus Freeman, filius Henerici & Henrietta Freeman (olim Dunn) Conjugum: Patrinis Francisco Dent & Catherinâ Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 8, 1824 Natus & die 12° Janij 1825 bap. fuit Thomas Hopts, filius Joannis & Mariæ Hopts (olim Ainsworth ) Conjugum, Patrinis Thoma & Mariâ Hopts, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Oct. 18, 1823 Nata& postridie bap fuit MarthaHethol & die 16° Janj 1825 cæremoniæ expletæ fuerunt, filia Edvardi [&] Annæ Hethol (olim Balch) Conjugum, Patrinis Ricardo Nettleton & Anna Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Janj 5 Nata & die 17° bap fuit Joanna Machan filiaBarnardi& Elizabethæ Machan (olim Campbell) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne & Maria Machan , a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

Jany 9 Natus & die 24 bap. fuit Carolus O Donell , filius Danielis & Sarah O Donnell (olim Thorn) Conjugum: Patrinis Patricio Cannon & Mariâ Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment M.A.

Jany22Natus et die 30° bap fuit JacobusNawn [Mawn inmargin], filius Those & Catharina Nawn (olim Michaelrow) Conjugum, Patrinis Petro Aush & Mariâ Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [158] Feb. 2a Nata& die 6° bap. fuit AnnaCoupland, filiaJacobi& Isabellæ Coupland (olim Fountain) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Kipling& Lucia Coupland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Janj 31 Natus & die 9° Feb. bap. fuit Georgius Petrus Earle, filius Georgii & Annæ Earl Conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Mo Apo . Feb. 8 [bap fxd out] nata & die 12° bap. fuit Catherina Kean filius [sic] Thone & Mariæ Kean (olim Greane) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne& Catharina Raverty, a me Benedicto Rayment Mo Apo


Feb. 23 Natus & die 27° bap. fuit Daniel McDonagh, filius

Philippi & Margarita McDonagh (olim Quin) Conjugum: Patrinis

Daniele Quin & Mariâ Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

Feb. 28 Nata& die 1° Martii bap fuit Anna Bolland, filia Georgii & Winifreda Bolland(olim Walker) Conjugum: Patrinis Michaele& Anna Walker, Avo & Avâ, a me Benedicto Rayment MisoApo.

Feb. 14 Natus & die 3º Martii bap fuit Thomas Melross Tootle, filius Those & Annæ Tootle (olim Melross ) Conjugum, Patrinis

Edvardo Lomas & Maria Annå Allen, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 22 Natus & die 30 Martii bap. fuit Joannes McBride filius

Joannis & Elizabethæ McBride (olim Archdal) Conjugum, Patrinis

Jacobo Settle & SarahWoods: a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Martii 3° Natus & die 6° bap. fuit Elizabetha Cooper, filiaJoannis & Mariæ Annæ Cooper Conjugum, Patrinis Thoma Smith & Anna Rodley, a me Benedicto Rayment Mo Apo.

Feb. 22 Natus & die 11° Martii bap. fuit Thomas Kiernan filius Patricii & Mariæ Kiernan (olim Cain) Conjugum, Patrinis Denis Caligan et Brigittà Caligan, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo. [159] March 22 Natus & 27° bap. fuit Gul. Benedictus Parker, filius Caroli & Mariæ Parker (olim Peck) Conjugum, Patrinis

Joanne Milner & Joanna Thorpe, a me Benedicto Rayment Mo Apo

March 24 Natus & die 28° bap fuit Fredericus Jackson, filius Roberti & Carolettæ Jackson (olim Cass) Conjugum: Patrinis

Joanne Barnett et Margata Uijeley[?], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 7 Baptizata fuit Maria Rebecca Brocklebank ætatis suæ anno decimo nono, ex Sectâ vulgo dictâ Trementium seu Quakers, a me Benedicto Rayment Mo Apo

April 8thNata& die 11° bap. fuit Margarita McCann , filiaBernardi & Sarah McCann (olim Gallagh) Conjugum: Patrinis Bernardo McCamly et Brigitta Murray, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº Nov. 17, 1823 Natus & die 23° Aprilis 1825 bap. fuit Georgius Wilson, Patrinis PatricioJosepho O Gorman & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

April 22 Nata& die 23° bap. fuit Maria AgnesEyre, filiaJoannis & Sarah Eyre, Conjugum, Patrinis Mariâ & Vincentio Eyre, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

April 17 Natus & die 24° bap fuit Franciscus Weathr[i over a]ll, filius Those & Elizabethæ Weathrill (olim Chapman ) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo Barner & Isabella Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

April 3 Nata & die 4° bap. fuit Elizabetha Donelly, filia Neal & Margarita (Quin xd out) Donelly (olim Quin) Conjugum, Patrinis

Jacobo McGerr& Anna Sharp, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

April 6 Natus & die 7° bap fuit Thomas Belt, filius Thomæ & * MaryAgnes,fourthandyoungestdaughterofCount Eyre, diedin infancy


Mariæ Belt (olim Webster) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo Coupland& Elizabethâ Wright, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [160] April 14 Nata & die 8° Maii bap. fuit MonicaWaters, filiaGul. & Margarita Waters (olim Connyghen ) Conjugum: Patrinis Thomâ Barber & Marià Barber, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 9 Natus & die 12° bap fuit Josephus Kendal, filius Gul¹ & Annæ Kendal (olim Raper) Conjugum: Patrinis Francisco Woods & Helena Pratt, a me Benedicto Rayment M. Ap.

May7thNatus & die 16° bap. fuit Robertus Armstrong filius Thone & Elizabethæ Armstrong (olim McBean) Conjugum, Patrinis

Joanne Divine & Catherina Walch, a me Benedicto Rayment Mis° Apº

May 17 Nata & die 22 bap. fuit Maria Green, filia Mariæ Green , Patrinis Gulo Ransley & Helena Pratt, a me Benedicto Rayment M. Ap

April 26 Natus & die 22 Maii bap. fuit Gulielmus Rogers filius Joannis & Joannæ Rogers (olim Kelly) Conjugum: Patrinis B. Rayment & Annâ Haw, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo

Jany 18 Nata & die 25 Maii bap. fuit Elizabetha West, filiaMatt. & Mariæ West (olim Clerk) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Barnett & Elizabethâ Linton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 24 Nata& die 26 bap. fuit Margarita Wheeler filia Georgii & Annæ Wheeler (olim Richardson) Conjugum, Patrinis Thoma Smith& RachaelSmith, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June I Nata & die 5° bap. fuit Maria Anna Wallis , filia Jacobi& Annæ Wallis (olim Haw) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Haw & Alicia Haw, a me Benedicto Rayment MisoApo.

May 20 Nata & die 5° Junii bap. fuit Francisca Richardson filia Gul & Elizabethæ Richardson (olim Gonnell) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo Settle & Catharina Dixon, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

[161] June 6 Nata& die 9° bap. fuit Maria Swalwell filia Georgii & Anna Swalwell (olim Fisher) [Conjugum above], Patrinis Gulo Cleasby & Elizabethâ Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

June 11 Nata & die 12° bap fuit Maria Smith, filia Joannis & MariæSmith (olimKitchen) Conjugum, Patrinis Cornelio Walsh & Marià Gough, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Maij 22 Nata& die 28 ejusdem me[n]sis bap. fuit [Maria Morton above] & 12 die junii ei cæremonias supplevi, Patrinis Philippo McDonagh& Joanna Johnson , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Martii 31 Nata & die 14° Junii bap. fuit Elizabetha Wood filia Thomæ & Margarita Wood (olim Greham) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne& Elizabetha Bradley, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 25 Natus & die 260 bap. fuit Gulielmus Hurworth, filius Roberti & Mariæ Hurworth (olim Musgrave) Conjugum, Patrinis Thoma Kirby & Maria Mawson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº


June 23 Nata & die 30 bap. fuit Catherina Curren, filia Those & Mariæ Curren (olim O Bryan) Conjugum. Patrinis V. Trebado & Catharina Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

June 27 Nata& die 3° Julii bap fuit Anna Fawcet, filia Joannis & Mariæ Fawcet (olim Burton) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Bolton & Helena Pratt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 29 Natus & die 4° Julii bap. fuit Gul Henricus Birch filius Thone & Mariæ Annæ Birch (olim Hodgson) Conjugum, Patrinis Thoma Smith& Mariâ Annâ Birch, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

July 19 Nata & die 24° bap. fuit Joanna Atkinsonfilia Mariæ Atkinson, Patrinis Roberto Hurworth & Margarita Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº [162] 19 Julii Nata & die 24 bap fuit Elizabetha Thompson, filia Josephi & Hannah Thompson (olim Maskill) Conjugum: Patrinis [Josepho x out] Roberto Hurworth & Margarita Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

15 Julii Nata & die 30° bap. fuit Maria Gibson, filia Ricardi & Susannæ Gibson (olim Fauston) Conjugum: Patrinis Gulielmo & Maria Fauston Avo & Avâ, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

23 Aug. Nata & die 24 bap fuit Elizabetha Spink, filia Those & Susanna Spink (olim Dawson) Conjugum: Patrinis Richardo & Agnete Meggison , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

ISep Nata& die 2º bap. fuit Veronica Nutbrown, filiaJosephi & Mariæ Nutbrown (olim Goodyear ) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo Mountain & Sarah Chapman, a me BenedictoRayment Misso Apo.

5 Sep. Natus & die 12° bap. fuit Josephus Bingley filius Gul' & Mariæ Annæ Bingley, Conjugum: Patrinis Thoa Clifford & Maria Dent, a me B. Rayment Miss Apº

18 Aug. Nata & die 11° Septembris [bap above] fuit [Joanna xd out] Juliana Anderson filia Roberti Henrici & Annæ Anderson Conjugum [Patr xd out] (olim Bilton), Patrinis Roberto Anderton & Elizabetha W[h xd outjitty, a me B. Rayment Misso Apo

8 Sep. Nata & die 11° bap fuit Maria Foo over au]kes, filia Joannis & Sara Fookes (olim White) Conjugum, Patrinis Jaco Edvards & Annâ Bradford, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

8 Sep. Natus & die 13° bap. fuit Robertus Chapman, filius Joannis & Francisca Chapman (olim Nicholson) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Mountain & Sara Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss . Apo. [163] Sep. 17 Natus & die 27° bap. fuit Thomas Masterman , Patrinis Gulielmo Ball & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Sep. 30 Nata & die 2º Oct. bap fuit Elizabetha Maria Arundell, filia Caroli & Mariæ Arundel (olim Bayldon) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Mawson & Elizabethâ Hilton, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo. Sep. 20 Nata & die 15° Oct. bap. fuit Mary Long, filia Hannah Long, MatrinaCatherina Hargitt, a meBenedicto Rayment M.A.


Oct. 2 Natus& die 30° bap. fuit

Michael Bradley filius [Josephi & An xd out] Joannis & Sarah Bradley (olim Deighton) Conjugum: Patrinis Josepho Swales & Annâ Deighton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

Oct. 25 Natus & die 30° bap. fuit

Jacobus Couplandfilius Josephi & Lucie Coupland (olim Marshall) Conjugum: Patrinis Jacobo Coupland& SarahCoupland, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Oct. 26 Nata & eodem die bap fuit Helena Elizabetha Denny, filia Davidis & Margaritæ Denny (olim Golding) Conjugum: Matrina fuit Maria Barnet, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Nov. 17 Natus & die 20° bap. fuit Joannes Radcliffe, filius Caroli & Helena Radcliff (olim Smith) Conjugum, Patrinis Georgio Audaer & Sarah Wright, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 11 Natus et postea bap. fuit [Joannes Stead filius Thoae et Mariæ Stead above] et ceremoniæ suppletæ ei fuerunt die 12º Decembris, Patrinis Thoma Brown et Mariâ Mostyn, a me Benedicto Rayment Mo Apº.

Dec 17 Natus & die 18° bap. fuit Jacobus Barker , filius Georgii & Sarah Barker (olim Chapman) Conjugum: Patrinis Francisco Chapman & Isabella Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Mis° Apo [164] 1826

3d Jany Natus & die 8° bap fuit Carolus Augustus Wilson, filius Gulielmi & Mariæ Wilson (olim Lupton) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo & Hannah Hewson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

12 Jany Natus & die 14° bap. fuit Georgius Almond filius Christopheri & Annæ Almond (olim Verity) Conjugum, PatrinisLudovico Thompson & Maria Belt, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo.

19 Jany Natus & die [23 altered to] 22° bap fuit Franciscus Hardgrave, filius Jacobi & Mariæ Hardgrave (olim Bonnet) Conjugum, Patrinis PatricioFilon & Sarah Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

16 Jany Nata& die 23° bap fuit MariaDempsyfilia Timothæi & Joanna Dempsy (olim Plews ) Conjugum, Patrinis T. Grady& Annâ Higgins, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

25 Jany Nata& die 26 bap. fuit Elizabetha Sampson, filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Sampson, Patrinâ Elizabethâ Firth, a [me xd out] Revdo Francisco Martyn M. Apo.

[The aboveentry is in thesame writing as Mr. Rayment's.]

Feb. 1 [2x out]Natus & die 2° bap. fuit GulielmusHe[boverp]ditch filius Jacobi & Rebecca Hebditch (olim Lumbert), Patrinis Mariâ Bolland & [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jany 31 Nata & die 5° feb. bap. fuit Maria Lece[Lace inmargin], filia Joannis& AnnæLece (olimDixon) Conjugum: PatrinisRoberto Hurworth & Catharinâ Conroy, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

feb 3d [13 xdout] Nata & eodem die bap. fuit GeorgiusWalker Bolland, filius Georgii & Winifreda Bolland (olim Walker) Conjugum Patrinis Revd Dom. MichaeleTrappes& FranciscaWalker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Ap° .


[165] feb . 1 Natus & eodem die bap. fuit [& postridie ejus die mortuus est above] Josephus Wells, filius Josephi & Maria Wells, a me B. Rayment feb. 13 Nata& eodem die bap fuit Lucia Walla[s over ce] filia Margarita& EdvardiWallas (olim Dale) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Shuttlewort& Elizâ Gibson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº feb. 13 Natus & die 16° bap. fuit Gulielmus Ellis filius Josuæ & Elizabethæ Ellis (olim Turner) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo & Maria Turner, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. feb. 16 Nata & die 17° bap. fuit Elizabetha Barns filia Georgii& Joanna Barnes (olim Richardson) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Barnes & Elizabetha Barns, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo feb 17Natus & eodem die bap fuit GeorgiusClout, filius Gulielmi & Joanna Clout (olim Whitehead) Conjugum, Patrinis Richardo Meggison& Agnete Meggison ,a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo. feb. 26 Nata & die 2° Martii bap fuit Maria Etherington filia Joannis & Mariæ Etherington (olim Mitchell) Conjugum, Patrinis Ricardo Meggison & Anna Henderson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

March 2 Nata& die 13 bap. fuit Helena Lupton, filia Gul et Eliz. Lupton (olim Hopps ) Conjugum Patrinis Thomâ Foster & Elizabethâ Gibbin, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

March 22 Nata& die 28 bap. fuit Maria Pattison, filia Matt. & Helenæ [Hawks xd out] Pattison (olim Hawksworth) Conjugum: Patrinis Joanne Parsons & Anna Wilkinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

March 23 Natus & die 28 bap fuit Gulielmus Whitely, filius Ricardi & Margarita Whitely (olim Dixon) Conjugum, Patrinis Matthæo Pattison & Anna Whiteley, a me Benedicto RaymentMis Apo

March 30 Natus & die 20 Aprilis bap. fuit Georgius Morrow , filius Isaac & Annæ Morrow (olim Kirk) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Walker& Anna Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [166] March 29 Nata & die 2º Aprilis bap. fuit Maria O'Connor , filia Patricii & Mariæ O Connor (olim Smith) Conjugum, Patrinis GuloWebb & Joanna Thorpe, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apo [Thefirstfew words of an entry here are smudged.]

April 16 Nata & die 23° bap fuit Margarita CookfiliaGul¹ & Annæ Cook (olim Steward ) Conjugum: Patrinis Michael McMahon & Mariâ McMahon, a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apo

April 20 Nata& die 23° bap. fuit Joanna Hudgson, filia Gulielmi & Elizabethæ Hudgson (olim Johnson) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Johnson& Maria Johnson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 26 Natus & die 30 bap. fuit Alfredus Barber Lockwood filius Gul & Isabella Lockwood (olim Barber) Conjugum: Patrinis

Roberto Barker& Elizabethâ Hawkswell, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 25 Nata & die 30 bap. fuit Marcus Parker filius Caroli &


Mariæ Parker (olim Peck) Conjugum, Patrinis Thoma Smith & Joanna Thorpe, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April25 Natus & die4° Maii bap. fuit Carolus Farmer,filius Felicis & CatharinaFarmer (olim O Connor) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Gough& Catharina Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 13 Natus & die 15° bap fuit Gulielmus JoannesVaun filius Gul & Mariæ Vaun (olim Stoner) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Platt & Catharina Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

May 19 Nata& die 21° bap fuit Elizabetha Audaer, filia Roberti & Francisca Audaer (olim Jackson) Conjugum: Patrinis Georgio Audaer & Joanna Thorpe, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [167]

May 22 Natus & die 25° baptizatus fuit Robertus Chapman, filius Francisci & Joanna Chapman (olim Johnson) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Musgrave & Joanna Thorpe, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 28 Nata & die 30° bap. fuit Joanna Nutbrown filia Jacobi & Mariæ Annæ Nutbrown (olim Mountain) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Nutbrown et Annâ Cundill, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 13 Nata & 4° Junii bap fuit Maria Theresa Joanna O'Callaghan, filia LudoviciCaroli & Mariæ Georgianæ O'Callaghan (olim Goldfinch) Conjugum, Patrinis Petro Paulo O'Callaghan & Henriettâ CeciliaThelwall , a me Benedieto Rayment Misso Apº

Junii 2 Nata& die4° bap. fuit MonicaWalker, filia Petri&Joanna Walker (olim Call) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo Coupland & Annâ Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii [6 over 7] Nata & die 8° bap. fuit

Maria Smith filia Gul' & ElizabethæSmith (olimWhite) Conjugum, Patrinis Georgio Brown & Catherinâ Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo. Nov.25, 1825 Natus & die 11° Junii 1826 bap fuit ThomasWidenham filius Gul & Anna Widenham (olim Closy) Conjugum: Patrinis Michael Sharkey & Helenâ Sharkey, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Juni ... Nata & die 11° bap. fuit Anna Harton filia Amos & Sarah Harton (olim Wheetley) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo & Annâ Bennington, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii18 Natus & die 22° bap. fuit Andreas Maxwell filius Joannis & Annæ Maxwell (olim Mullen) Conjugum Patrinis Andrea Maxwell& Margarita McKaye, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii 15 Nata& die 24° bap. fuit Maria Anna Parker filia Joannis Parker & Annæ (olim Linton) Conjugum, Patrinis Michaele Friar & Joannâ Friar, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [168] June 21 Natus & die 26° bap fuit Carolus Parker [Charles Milton Parker in margin] filius Antonii & Helena Parker (olim Davis) Conjugum Patrinis Michaele Frier & Elizabethâ Linton, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Ap°.

June 23 Nata & die 29° bap fuit Anna Brown filia Joannis & Isabellæ Brown (olim Chapman ) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco & Maria Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apo.


April 24Nata& die r ° Julii bap fuit Maria Anna Bowman filia Cornelii & Annæ Bowman (olim White) Conjugum, Patrina Maria Ward, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii 28 Natus & die 2º Julii bap fuit Jacobus Bolton, filius Josephi & Joannæ Bolton (olim Meadley ) Conjugum, Patrinis Thomâ Spink & Elizabethâ Mountain , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Junii 28 Nata& die 6° Julii bap fuit Dina Tootell filiaJosephi & Elizabethæ Tootell (olim Pratt) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo & Annâ Tootell, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Aug. 15 , 1825 Nata& die 16° Julii 1826 bap. fuit MariaRidgefilia Antonii [mother's name omitted] Ridge (olim Allen) Conjugum, Patrinâ Catherinâ Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

June 30 Natus & die 18° Julii bap fuit Stephanus Dixon filius

Jacobi & Annæ Dixon (olim Worsley) Conjugum, Patrinis Stephano Dixon& Elizabetha Mountain, a me Benedicto Rayment Miso Apº.

Julii 11 Nata& die 23° bap. fuit Joanna McAvoy filia Joannis & AnnæMcAvoy (olimCavanna) Conjugum, Patrinis Edmundo Ranley et Maria Ingarm[? Ingram], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [169] Julii 15 Natus JacobusSmith filius Jacobi Imison [? Jenison] et Annæ Smith& baptizatus fuit die 23° ejusdemmensis Patrinis Thoma Murphy& Maria Murphy, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

Aug. 15 Nata & eodem die bap. fuit Clarinda Maria Wright [filia Gul & Clarinda [Wright xd out, Catharina Wright_interlined] (olim Lawson) Conjugum, Patrinis Henrico Lawson Baronetâ & Catharina Wright, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Ap° .

Aug. 18 Nata& die 20 bap fuit Anna Shaw, filia Thomæ& Annæ Shaw (olim Hopps) Conjugum, Patrinis Edmundo Ransley & Annâ Cavendish, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 6 Natus & die 21° bap. fuit Henricus Anderson, filius Roberti Henrici Anderson & Annæ (olim Bilton) Conjugum, Patrinis Edvardo Ricardo & Anna Sophiâ Anderson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

[The following is squeezed in.]

Die 16° Augusti Anno Dni 1826 Vineam Domini per ostium Eboraci ingressussum . Thomas Billington

Aug. 17 Nata& die 23ª bap fuit Elizabetha filiaJoannis Young& Elizabethæ (olim Hargitt) Conjugum, Patrinis Jaon [? Joan ] Marshall & Maria Eyre, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco

Aug. 20 Nata& die 27ª bap fuit Maria filia Geo : Parker & Alicia

* Clarinda CatherineLawson, daughter and heiress of John Lawson, M.D. , of York, by his wife Clarinda, eldestdaughter ofJohn Fallon, Esq., ofCloone , co . Roscommon , married in 1825 William, 2nd son of John Wright ofKelvedon Hall, co Essex , by his wife Elizabeth Lawson d and heiress of Sir John Lawson of Brough, co Yorks, 5th Bart On the death of his uncle Henry Lawson of Lartington , co Yorks, who had succeeded his brother Sir John as 6thandlastbaronet ofthe first creation,WilliamWrightsucceeded to Brough and assumed the name Lawson He was made a baronet, the first of the second creation, in 1841. Hediedin 1865and his wife in 1861


(olim Haw) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Chapman [&] Margaritâ Chapman, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco.

Julii 80 xd out, Junii 4° above] Nata & die 28° Octobris bap. fuit Elizabetha Burton, filia Jacobi & Joannes [sic] Burton (olim Gibson) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo & Maria Barner, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [170]

Aug. 21 Natus & die 2º Sep: bap fuit Thomas O Farrellfilius Joannis [O Farrell xd out] & Mariæ O Farrell (olim Casidy) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilton A me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Sep. 1o Nata& die 14° bap. fuit Anna Kendall filia Jacobi &Alicia Kendall (olim Watson) Conjugum, Patrinis Richardo Meggeson & AgnesMeggeson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Sep. 22 Natus & die [22 altered to] 24 bap fuit Thomas Chapman filius Hen: Chapman & Mariæ (olim Swan) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul Musgrave [&] Isabella Brown, ameThoâ Billington Misso Apco

Sep. 19° Nata& die 24° bap. fuit Maria Anna Gale filia Roberti Gale & Annæ (olim Taylor) Conjugum, Patrinis Thomâ Gale & Isabella Howard, a me Thoâ Billington Misso Apco.

Sep. 22 Nata & die 1ª Octobris bap. fuit Elizabetha Bradwith filia Joannis Bradwith & Elizabethæ (olim Boys) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul Randerson [&] Annâ Powell, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco. Sexto die Aprilis anno Dom: 1824 natus & die 2º Octobris An: Dom: 1825 bap. fuit Joan: Edvardus Stead filius Joannis Stead & Emilia (olim English) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Emma Stead,ame Thomâ Billington Misso Apco. [171] Sep. 29 Natus & die 3° Octobris bap: fuit Joannes Camidge filius Richardi Camidge & Joannæ (olim Lion) Conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabetha Wilton, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Sep. 26 Nata& die 6° Octobris bap fuit Anna Winterbottom filia Sara Winterbottom Matrinafuit Maria Anna Ambrose, ameThoâ Billington Misso Apco.

Oct. 6 Nata & die 8° bap. fuit Matthæus Binn , filius Those& Prudentiæ Binn (olim Colton) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo & Annâ Fawbert, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 13 Natus & die 18th bap fuit Thomas Jacksonfilius Roberti & CharolettaJackson (olim Cass) Conjugum, PatrinisThoa Billington& MargaritaWyclay, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 10 Natus & die 20° bap. fuit Carolus Dalyfilius Joannis Daly & Elizabethæ (olim Hogan) Conjugum, Patrinis Henerico Anthony [&] Annâ Hines, a me Thoâ Billington Misso Apco.

Oct. 13 Nata & die 21° bap fuit Anna Gibson, filia Francisca Gibson, Patrinis Gulielmo & Maria Barner, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Sep. 29 Nata & die 23° Octobris bap. fuit Joanna Isabella filia [Sunderland xd out] Joannis Sunderland & Annæ (olim Whitehead) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul: Settle & Isabella Sunderland, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.




Oct. 23 Nata& eodem die baptizata fuit AgnesClayton, filia Mariæ Clayton [Varley olim xd out]. Matrina fuit Alicia Hewson ,a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Oct. 29 [for Elizabeth Burton see before in margin]. *

Thefollowing entry is crossed out :-

Oct. 7 Natus et eodem die 9° bap fuit Matthæus Benn filius Thomæ & Prudentiæ Benn (olim Coulton) Conjugum , Patrinis Josephoet Joannâ Fawbert, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo. *

Oct. 6, 1825 Nata& die 1ª Nov: 1826 bap fuit Eliza: filiaJoannis Fellturner & Elizabethæ (olim Modesty) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul: Settle & Maria Modesty, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco

Oct. 24 Natus & die 5° Nov: bap: fuit Thomas Carroll filius Patricii Carroll & Mariæ (olim Crenion) Conjugum, Patrinis Jac: Nolan & Mariâ Wright, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 4 Nata & die 5a bap: fuit Maria Gautry filia Benjamini Gautry & Marg: (olim Verity) Conjugum, Patrinis Christophoro Almond[&] Elizabetha Verity, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Nov. 4 Nata & die 11 bap. fuit Joanna Kennedy filia Joannis Kennedy & Hellenæ (olim Arthur) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apeo [173] Nov. 26 Bap: fuit Helena, filia ThomæDuffy& Annæ (olim Walsh) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Robinson, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco.

[Nov. 30 Bap. fuit et xd out] Nov. 19 Nata & die 30° bap: fuit

Theresia Mercy Norrison [so also in margin] filia Gul & Annæ Morison (olim Geldard) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Theresa Ransley , a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apo.

Nov. 11 Nata & die 4° Decembris bap: fuit Maria Burns filia Joannis & Annæ Burns (olim Brown) Conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 3° Natus & die 9º bap fuit [Franciscus xdout, Fredericus above] Gulielmus Birchfilius Jacobi Birch & Elizabethæ (olim Bell) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Birch, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Dec. 5° Nata & die 10° bap. fuit Henrietta Lee filia Richardi& Mariæ Lee (olim . . . .) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne & Mariâ Settle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec 11 Natus et die 13° bap: fuit Josephus Dixon filius Georgii & Mariæ Dixon (olim Dench) Conjugum, Patrinis Roberto & Mariâ Dixon, Avo& Avâ, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. 12° Natus & die 15 bap: fuit Thomas West filius Matthæi West & Mariæ (olim Clark) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Barnett & Mariâ Wilson, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco. [174] Dec. 1° Natus & die 25° bap: fuit Robertus Fitzgerald filius Jacobi Fitzgerald & Annæ (olim Carr) Conjugum, Patrinis Alex: Langford [&] Maria Holden, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco.

Dec 11° Ñata & die 20° bap: fuit MariaQuin filia Guli & Annæ Quin (olim Franks) Conjugum Matrinafuit [ends]

* See above, p. 137 . See correspondingentry above, p. 137 .


Dec 28 Nata & die 31° bap. fuit Maria Dennis filia Georgii & Mariæ Dennis (olim Metcalf) Conjugum Matrina fuit Joanna Buckle), a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

[A blank space is lefthere ] [1827]

Dec. 29 Nata& die 7° Jan : bap: fuit Maria AnnaThompsonfilia Josephi Thompson & Hanna (olim Maskell) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul: Noble [&] Eliz: Thompson, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco.

Feb. 2 Natus & die 7° bap: fuit GeorgiusPotts filius Gulielmi & Mariæ Potts (olim Bell) Conjugum, Patrinis Thomâ & Elizabethâ Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment M.A.

[Feb. 24 xd out, Jan. 24 above] Natus & die 11° Feb: Bap: fuit

Samuel Hughes filius Danielis Hughes & Helenæ (olim Spencer) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul: Coney & Eliz: Metcalfe, a me Thoá Billington Missº Apco. [175] feby 9 Natus & die 11° bap: fuit Jacobus Coupland, filius Jacobi & Isabellæ Coupland (olim Fountain) Conjugum, Patrinis Ricardo Waddington & Elizabetha Chambers, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

Feby 12 Natus & die 15° bap. fuit Gulielmus JosephusWheeler, filius Margarita Wheeler, Patrinis Gulielmo Cooney & Annâ Wheeler , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 16 Nata & die 25° bap. fuit Elizabetha Almond filia Christopheri & Annæ Almond (olim Verity) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Thompson & Elizabethâ Collins, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

Feb. 26 Nata & 27° bap. fuit Rosa Wallis filia Edvardi & Margaritæ Wallis (olim Smith) Conjugum, Patrinis Michaele Josepho Quin & Catherinâ Shuttleworth , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Feb. 10 Nata & die 12ª Martii bap: fuit

MariaAnna Smithfilia Thomæ Smith & Margarita (olim Smith) Conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Swann, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco

Feb. 8° Nata& eodem die bap.fuit WinifredaBolland filiaGeorgii & Winif. Bolland (olim Walker) Conjugum, Patrinis Carolo Williamson & Anna Wilkinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [A space is left here with the name Clancy in the margin.] [176] March 12th Nata & die 18° bap fuit Teresa Bingley filia Gul & Mariæ Annæ Bingley (olim Giles) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Robinson & Martha Hilton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

March 11 Natus & die 18° bap. fuit Thomas Armstrong, filius Thomæ& Elizabethæ Armstrong (olim McBean) Conjugum , Patrinis Thomâ & Elizabethâ Boys, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

March 19 Natus & die 20° bap fuit

Miles Benedictus Dale, filius Roberti & Elizabethæ Dale (olim Pratt) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Fawbert & Maria Anna Kennedy, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


March 19 Nata & die 25 bap fuit Elizabetha Anna Webb, filia Winifredæ & Ricardi Webb (olim Varley) Conjugum, Patrinis

GeorgioHilton & Maria Anna Webb, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº

March 30 Natus & eodem die bap. fuit Georgius Nutbrown filius Josephi & Mariæ Nutbrown (olim Goodwell) Conjugum, Patrinis

Francisco Mountain & Maria Annâ Nutbrown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

March 28 Nata & die 1º Aprilis bap. fuit Joanna Rogers filia Joannis & Joannæ Rogers (olim Nugent) Conjugum, Patrinis

Christophero Dent & Elizabetha Montgomery, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

[177] Martii 29 Natus & die 8° Aprilis bap. fuit Jacobus Murphy filius Thomæ Murphy & Ellenæ (olim Maelin) Conjugum, Patrinis

Henerico & Annâ Smith, a me Thomâ Billington Misso Apco

Martii 25 Nata& die 8vo Aprilis bap fuit Anna Wells filia Josephi Wells & Mariæ (olim Whitehouse) Conjugum, Patrinis Antonio Smith[&] Maria White, a me Thoâ Billington Misso Apco.

Ap: [15 changed to 12] & die 15° ejusdem Mensis bap: fuitMaria

Elizabetha Arundel filia Caroli Arrundel & Mariæ (olim Bayledon)

Conjugum, Patrinis Patricio MacCab [1 xd out)e & Elizabetha Hilton, a me Thomâ Billington Misso Apco

March 16 Nata& die 16° Aprilis bap fuit MargaritaClancy, filia

Rogerii & Alicia Clancy (olim Burk) Conjugum, Patrinis Rogerio & Elizabethâ Cooney, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

April 8 Natus & die 18° bap fuit Isaac Robertus Colley, filius Jacobi & Annæ Colley (olim Goodyear ), Patrinis Georgio & Maria James, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 28 Nata & die 22 Aprilis bap fuit Maria Anna Waters filia Gulielmi & MargaritaWaters (olim Conygham) Conjugum, Patrinis GeorgioBrown& Maria Barber, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Ap°. [178] April 5° Nata & die 30° ejusdem mensis bap: fuit

Harriet Haw filia Gul: Haw & Annæ (olim Sowerby) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Anna Whittaker, a meThoma Billington MissºApco

April 14 Nata & die 17° bap. fuit Esther Parker filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Parker (olim Thackeray) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo Parker & Esther Parker, a meThoma Billington Misso Apo

Ap[r]il 30 Nata & die 13° Maii bap. fuit Sara Macdonald filia Phillipi Macdonald & Marg: (olim Quin) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul: Quin [&] Eliz: Boyes, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Maii 10° Nata& die 13° ejusdemmensis bap:fuitMariaFallonfilia Bernardi Fallon & Mariæ (olim Duffey) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Smith[&] Rosa Anna Fallon, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Maii 13 Nata & die 16° bap: fuit Maria Anderson filia Joannis & MariæAnderson (olimDaley) Conjugum. Patrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Maii 19 Nata& die 23 bap: fuit Elizabetha filia Henerici Firth& Elizabethæ (olim Simpson ) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Mande & Joanna Richardson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco



Maii Natus & die 24° bap: fuit Robertus Tutle filius Thomæ & Annæ Tutle (olim Cass) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Francisca Cass , a me Thomâ Billington Misso Apco

Maii 25 Natus & die 4° Junii bap: fuit Thomas Kierney filius

Those & Margaritæ Kierney (olim Cross) Conjugum. Matrinafuit

Maria Gardner, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Maii 27 Nata & die 7° Junii Bap: fuit Francisca Robinson filia

Georgii Robinson & Mariæ (olim Alderson) Conjugum Matrinafuit

Maria Wilson , a meThomâ Billington Misso Apeo

Junii 5 Natus & die 10° bap: fuit Joanna Trainer filius [sic] Petri & Helenæ Trainer (olim Mahoney) Conjugum, PatrinisJoanneSmith & Elizabethâ Armstrong, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Junii 8 Natus & die 13° bap. fuit Thomas Hurworth, filius Roberti & Mariæ Hurworth (olim Musgrave) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne & Annâ Harrison, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Maii27 Natus & die 18° Junii bap. fuit JacobusLaurentius Beety, filius Jacobi Laurentii Beety & Hannah Beety (olim Scruton) Conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Junii 15 Nata & die 18° bap. fuit Agatha Wilson, filia Gulielmi & Elizabethæ Wilson (olim Lupton) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Greenwood& Mariâ Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [180] Junii [22 changed to 18] Natus & die 22° bap: fuit Gulielmus

Hargrove filius Joannis & MariæHargrove (olim Shepard) Conjugum, Patrinis Thoma Waters & Mariâ Hargrave, a me BenedictoRayment Misso Apº.

Junii 27 Natus & eodem die bap: fuit Philippus JosephusLangdale, filius Caroli & Mariæ Langdale (olim Maxwell) Conjugum, Patrinis Philippo Stourton & Theresia Clifford, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Junii 24 Natus & die28° Bap: fuit Richardus Sproxtonfilius[blank] Sproxton Matrinafuit Elizabetha Bradley, a me Thoâ Billington Misso Apco.

Ju[n over 1]ii 4 Natus & die 8vo bap: fuit Andreas JacobusMulligan filius Jacobi Mulligan & Hellenæ (olim Pratt) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Marshall & Catharina Marshall, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Junii 16 Natus & die 8vo [Julii above] bap: fuit Joannes Whetherall filius Thomæ Whetherall & Elizabethæ (olim Chapman) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Chapman & Margaritâ Chapman, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Philip Joseph Langdale was 3rd son of Hon Charles Stourton , who in 1817 , as heir of Philip Langdale of Houghton, co Yorks, assumed thename Langdale. His father Charles Philip , 17th Baron Stourton, married Hon Mary Langdale in 1775. Hon Charles Stourton, born 1787, married first in 1817 Charlotte Mary , 5th d of Charles , 6th Lord Clifford, of Chudleigh, co. Devon, and by her, who died 1819, had twodaughters He married secondly in 1821 Mary, eldestdaughter of Marmaduke ConstableMaxwell of Everingham Park , co. Yorks, and by her hadfive sons and six daughters. Philip Joseph their3rd son diedin 1838 ,aged11 .


Julii 1 Nata & die 22° bap: fuit Elizabetha Whittakerfilia Caroli Whittaker & Annæ (olim Colbeck) Conjugum, Patrinis Elizabetha Mawson[&] JoanneMawson, a me Thomâ Billington Misso Apco. [181] Julii 15 Natus & die 22° bap. fuit Jacobus Coupland , filius

Josephi & Lucia Coupland (olim Marshall), Patrinis Josepho Fawbert & Catherinâ Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Julii 21 Natus & die 24° bap: fuit Joannes Mitchell , filius Joannis & Joanne Mitchell (olim Sherwood ) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne

Tasker & Margarita Simpson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

Julii 21 Natus & die 29° bap. fuit Robertus Sanderson filius

Gulielmi & Annæ Sanderson (olim Hewit) Conjugum, Patrinis

Elizabeth Hewit & [blank] Gill, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Julii 20 Natus & die 29° bap. fuit Joannes Brad[1]ey, filius

Joannis & Saræ Bradley (olim Deighton) Conjugum, Patrinis

JoanneSwale& Mariâ Dinmore, a me Benedicto Rayment MissºAp° .

Julii 23 Natus & die 29° bap fuit Gulielmus Gibson, filius Richardi jam mortui, & Susannæ Gibson (olim Fauston) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Fauston & Mariâ Fauston , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

JuliitoNata& die 31° bap.fuit Maria Anna Doherty filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Doherty (olim Daly) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Pindar& Mariâ Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

Aug. 6° Natus & eodem die bap: fuit Jacobus Mulholland, filius

Francisci & Cecilia Mulholland (olim Kelly) Conjugum, Patrinis

Jacobo Nunn & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Julii 28 Natus & die 11° Aug. bap. fuit Carolus Johnson, filius

Roberti & Annæ Johnson (olim Moon) Conjugum, Matrinâ Elizabethâ Stourton, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

Julii 20 Nata & die 20° Aug. bap fuit Sara Pierson filiaGul: & Helenæ Pierson (olim Gibson) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo Barner & Maria Barner , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Aug. 24 Nata& die 26° bap fuit TheresaMaria Ethel filiaEdvardi Ethel & Annæ (olim Babsh[sic]) Conjugum, Patrinis Ant: Brown [&] Martha Balsh, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco [182] Julii 20 Natus & die 26°AugustiBap: fuit ThomasDunnfilius Dionysii Dunn & Joanne (Carrol olim) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo Kearns [&] Anna Sweeney, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Aug. 26 Nata& die 28 Bap: fuit Maria Parker filiaCaroli & Mariæ Parker (olim Pexton) Conjugum, Patrinis Carolo Arundell & Sarah Randerson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 12 Natus & die 2° Sep. bap: fuit Thomas Powell filius Samuel & Joanna (olim Burrell) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Pindar & MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Sep. 3 Natæ & die 13° Sep. baptizatæ fuerunt Maria& Martha Watson Gemellæ, filiæ Martha & Joannis Watson Conjugum (olim Richardson). Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep. 15 Nata & eodem die baptizata fuit Anna Kendal filia


Patricii [?] & Annæ Kendal (olim Rogers ) Conjugum, a me B. Rayment Miss Apo

Sep. 21 Nata & die 25 bap. fuit Cecilia Belt, filiaThomæ& Mariæ Belt (olim Webster) Conjugum, Patrinis Christophero Almond & Elizabethâ Collier, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 19 Natus & die 30 ejusdem mensis bap: fuit Gulielmus

Hebditch filius Jacobi Hebditch& Rebecca (olim Lambert). [Patrinus fuit Franciscus Lambert interlined ] Matrinafuit Elizabetha Bradley, a me Thoâ Billington Misso Apco.

Sep. 13 Nata & die 2º Oct. bap: fuit Caroletta Stephenson filia

Joannis & Winifredæ Stephenson (olim Molone) Matrina fuit

Elizabetha Stourton , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo. [183]

Sep. 21 Nata& die 5° Oct. bap. fuit Sara Short, filia Patricii & Mariæ Shine [?] Conjugum (olim Carson), PatrinisJacoboLoughman & Catherinâ Tobin, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Sep. 19 Nata & die 7° Oct. bap fuit Maria Anna Rennison, filia

Mariæ Rennison, Patrinis Georgio Meggison & Maria Gentle, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Oct. 15 Nata& die 19° ejusdemmensis bap.fuit Maria Cooper filia

Joannis Cooper & Mariæ Annæ (olim Radley) Conjugum, Patrinis ArthuroWoods& Sarâ Randerson, ameThomâBillingtonMissoApco.

Oct. 22 Nata & die 29° bap. fuit Joanna Robinson filia Ricardi & Mariæ Robinson (olim Donally) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo Binnington & MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 9 Nata& die 11° bap fuit Anna Brown, filiaThose & Elizabethæ Brown (olim Rawling) Conjugum, Patrinis Georgio Brown & Maria Anna Webb, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. I Nata & die eodem bap: fuit Elizabetha Wright, filia Gulielmi & ClarindaCatharina Wright (olim Lawson) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Lawson, M.D., & [Margaritâ Wallis xd out] Dominâ Monica Lawson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Nov. 11 Natus & die 18° bap. fuit Josephus [Tootel altered to] Tootle, filius Josephi & Elizabethæ Tootell (olim Pratt) Conjugum, Patrinis Georgio Hilton& Hannah Tootle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 13 Natus & die 19° bap fuit Fredericus Hemsworth, filius Henricæ Himsworth, Patrinis Joanne & Joanna Himsworth, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [184] Nov. 8 Nati & die 29 ejusdem mensis & anni bap. fuerunt Josephus & Helena Walker, gemelli, filii Mat! & Maria Walker (olim Wyrell) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Etherington & Elizabetha Wyrell, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 16 Natus& die 27° Nov: bap: fuit Franciscus Hopps filius Joannis Hopps & Mariæ (olimAinsworth) Conj : Patrinus fuitMatt: Pattison, a me Thoâ Billington Misso Apco.

Elizabeth's father, William Wright, succeeding to Brough, co Yorks, on the death ofhis uncle, 6th bart , assumed the nameLawson John Lawson, M.D., was the child's grandfather, whose 1st wifewas Monica d ofNicholas StapletonofCarlton, co Yorks She died 1800 .


Dec. 2 Nata et die 4to ejusdem mensis bap: fuit Anna Golly filia Joannis & Mariæ Golly (olim . . . .) Conjugum. Matrina fuit

Maria Barner, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Dec 2° Nata & die 5° bap fuit Theresia Hilton, filia Those & Martha Hilton (olim Giles) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Proud & Maria Anna Bingley, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Novr 30 Nata & die 14° Decembris bap: fuit JacobusOwens,filius Joannis & Sara Owens (olim Smith) Conjugum, Patrinis Maria Wilson & N. N., a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.


Nov over Dec] 13 Natus & die 15° bap fuit Edvardus Freeman, filius Henrici & Henrietta Freeman (olim Todd) Conjugum, Patrinis Georgio Donally & Mariâ Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec. I Natus et die 19° bap. fuit Edvardus Smith, filius [Edvardi xd out, Joannis above] & Maria Smith (olim Jackson) Conjugum, Patrinis Roberto Manning & Joanna Carroll , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

We certify that this is one of the Registers or Recordsdeposited in the General Register Office, pursuant to the Actofthe 4th Victoria, Cap. 92


John Bowring Thos. Rees Commra John Shoveller

[Pages 185 , 186 have been cut out; 187 , 188 are blank, ending the pages 12 x 9 inches Then commencespaper 14 x 9 inches . All were evidently bound together, when at York, in a common cardboard cover ofthelarger size ]

[189] [190]

Baptismal Register from Jany 1st1828. 1828

Jany 3° Natus & die 5° bap fuit Fredericus Fell [Frederic Fell Turner in margin] filius Joannis & Elizabethæ Fell (olim Modestier) Conjugum, PatrinisGulielmo Settle & Maria Steel, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Nov 28, 182[6 or 7] Natus [sic] & die 6° Jan. bap. fuit anno 1828 Joanna Butler filia Richardi & Joannæ Butler (olim Dwyer) Conjugum, Patrinis Bernardo McAvoy& Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec 29, 1827 Nata & die 6° Jan. 1828 bap. fuit Emma Dempsey filia Timothæi & Joanna Timothei [sic] (olim Pluse) Conjugum, Patrinis Bernardo McAvoy & Maria Gough, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº.

This date is doubtful, the ink having faded and the paper being soiled and crumpled The first three entries are very faint For names compare the fourth entry on page 138 above .


Dec. 10 [182]7 Natus & die Januarii6° bap: fuit Robertus Hamilton filius Roberti Hamilton & Elizabethæ (olim Myers) Conjugum, PatrinisChristophoro & MariaAnna Bingley, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco

Jan. 16 Nata & die 18° ejusdem mensis bap: fuit Maria Pollard filia Caroli & Elizabethæ Pollard (olim Jefferson) Conjugum Matrina fuit HenriettaClarkson, a me T. Billington Misso Apco.

Jan: 5 Nata & die 18° bap: fuit MariaLupton filiaGul: & Elizabethæ Lupton (olim Hops) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Hops, a me T. Billington Misso Apco

Jany 16 Natus & die 21° bap: fuit Henricus Joannes Hanson, * filius Josephi& Hannah Hanson (olim Glover) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Musgrave& Elizabethâ Hanson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan 28 Natus & die 29 bap. fuit Thomas Kelly, filius Jos. & [blank] Kelly (olim Leonard) Conjugum, in Castello Eborac[ense ?], a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo [191] Jan: 31 Nata & die 3º Feb: bap: fuit Joanna Barwickfilia Gul : & Alicia Barwick(olim Topping) Conjugum, Patrinis Arthuro Woods & Maria Waggoner, a me Tho Billington Misso Apco.

Jan. 26Nata& die 3º Feb: bap: fuit Elizabeth Bodyfilia Henerici & Mariæ Body (olim Simpson ) Conjugum, Patrinis Bernardo McEvoy[&] Mary Birch, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Feb. 7 Natus & die 10° bap: fuit GeorgiusWheeler, filius Georgii & Anna Wheeler (olim Richardson) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Barnet & Margarita Simpson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Feb. 21 Nata & die 24° Bap. fuit Henrietta filia Gul: Hudson & Elizabethæ (olim Johnson) Conjugum, Patrinis Geo: Warvill & Priscilla Johnson, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco.

Feb. 22° Natus& die 24° bap: fuit Gul: Clout filius Gul Clout& Joanna Conjugum, Patrinis Gul: Musgrave [&] Eliz: Young, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

March 17 Nata & die 20° bap: fuit Jacobus Nutbrown, filius Jacobi & Mariæ Annæ Nutbrown (olim Mountain) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul. Mountain & Hannah Richardson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

[March over April] 17 Natus & die 29° bap: fuit Robertus Fawcett filius Roberti & Mariæ Annæ Fawcett (olim Wheetley) Conjugum, Patrinis Johna [?] Plummer & Margaritâ Fawcett, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

Mar: 20° Nata & die 21° bap: fuit Maria Carter [Cater inmargin] filia Thomæ & Mariæ Carter (olim Loughland) Conj : Matrina fuit Birgitta Loughland, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco [192] Mar: 22° Nata & die 22° bap: fuit Margaritafilia Thomæ King & Annæ King (olim Grifiths) Conjug: Patrinis Duncan Beaton & Sara Beaton, a me Thomâ Billington Miss Apco

Henry John, second child and eldest son of Joseph (Aloysius in confirmation ) Hansom, Architect , founder of The Builder and inventor of the Hansom Cab (Gillow , Dict Engl Cath , iii, 115.)


Mar: 17 Natus & die 30° bap: fuit Percius Patritius* filius Rob: Hen: Anderson & Annæ Anderson (olim Bilton) Conjug: Patrinis Gul: Anderson ([procurante xd out] pro Jac: Kirby) & Eliz: Fran: [Anderson above] loco [blank] Conyers, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

March 29 Natus & die 29° bap: fuit Thomas Barton filius[blank] Barton, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco. Mar. 22° Natus & die 23° bap: fuit Gulielmus Spink filius Thoae & Susanna Spink (olim Dawson) Conjugum, Patrinis Arthuro Woods & Anna Henderson, a me T. Billington Misso Apco [The signatureis repeated, with Thoma infull.]

April 3 Nata & die 6° bap: fuit Anna filia Francisca [sic] & Joanna Chapman (olim Johnson) Conjugum, Patrinis Henrico Chapman& Anna Berrington, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 10 Nati & die 11° bap: fuerunt Jacobus & Elizabetha soboles Jacobi & Mariæ Parker (olim Law) Conjugum, Patrinis N. Mitchell& Helena Parker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

April 10 Natus & die 13° bap: fuit Samuel filius Christopheri & Annæ Almond (olim Verity) Conjugum, Patrinis Ludovico Thompson & Elizabethâ Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 15thNata & die 19° Bap:fuit Joanna Wilson filiaJoannis& Anna Wilson (olim Barret) Conj: Patrinis Gul: Wilson [&]Joanna Fryer, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco [193] May 17 Nata & die 25° bap fuit Joanna, filia Georgii & Sara Barker (olim Chapman) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo Bennington & MarthaWeatherall, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

April 27 Nata& die 27° Maii bap:fuit SaraWhiteley filia Richardi & MargaritaWhitely (olim Dixon) Conjugum, Patrinis Gul : Fawbert & Anna Whiteley, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

June 6 Nata & die 7° bap: fuit Helena Etherington filia Joannis & Mariæ EtheringtonConjugum, Patrinis Thoma Murphy& Maria Mountain, a me Benedicto Rayment M.A.

May 16 Nata& die 8° Junii bap: fuit Maria AnnaLockwood filia Gul. & Mariæ Lackwood (olim Belt) Conjugum, Patrinis Rich: Waddington & Eliz: Chambers, a me Thoâ Billington Misso Apco.

June 9 Natus et eodem die bap: fuit Georgius Goldie filius Georgii & Mariæ Annæ Goldie (olim Bonomi), Patrinis Gulielmo

* Patrickis notgiven by Birt (Obits O.S.B.) Went to Ampleforth1840 , clothed as Bro . Maurus 23 Dec. 1847, ordained priest 10 April 1854. Went onMission to St. Peter's, Seel St. , Liverpool, 1853. Returned to Ampleforth as Prior, succeeding Fr. Wilfrid Cooper , in 1863. In 1866, on election of Prior Prest , was placed at Cowpen , Northumberland , till 1873 , when he became head-priest at St. Peter's, Liverpool Here he passed the remaining twenty-seven years of his life and died 9 March 1900, in his 72nd year. He sat in Chapter as titular Cathedral Prior of Rochester George Goldie became eminent as an architect, amongsthis works being the presentSt.Wilfrid'schurch atYork, opened 2 June 1862. His father wasa Scotsmanand a physician, his mother daughter of JosephBonomi, an Italian architect who settled in England and became A.R.A. He married Stylite Tiochan de Kersabiec of Nantes, France (Gillow, Dict Engl. Cath., ii)


Joanne Charlton & Agnese Bonomi, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

June 5 Natus & die 22° bap: fuit Thomas Riley filius Thomæ & Eliz: Riley (olim Macloughlin) Conjug: Matrinafuit Cath: Smith, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

June 17 Natus & die 22° bap: fuit Robertus Smithfilius Gul:& Eliza: Smith (olim White) Conjug: Patrinis Geo[r]gio Carvill & Sarâ Murphy, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco

June 11 Nata& die 29 bap: fuit Ann Doyle filia Georgii & Martha Doyle (olim Bridgeman) Conjugum, Matrina Elizabetha Robinson , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [194] Julii5 Natus & die 9° bap: fuit Gulielmus MichailParkerfilius

Antonii & Helena Parker (olim Davies) Conjug: Patrinis Michaele Fryer & Margarita Simpson, a me Thoa Billington Misso Apco.

Julii 22 Natus & eodem die bap: fuit [Thomas xd out] Josephus [Thomas above, Joseph Thomasin margin] Greenwood filiusGulielmi & Joanna Greenwood (olim Thorpe), Patrinis [Josepho Bolland xd out, Gulielmo Webb above] & Joanna Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment MissºApo

Aug. 5 Nata& die 8° bap: fuit Francisca Audaer, filia Roberti & Francisca Audaer (olim Jackson) Conjugum, Patrinis Benjamino Randerson & Judith Audaer, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Aug. 11 Nata & die 17° bap: fuit Elizabetha Chapman filia

Henrici & Mariæ Chapman (olim Swann) Conjugum, Patrinis

Jacobo Bennington & Maria Sturdy, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Aug. 16 Natus & die 31° bap: fuit Robertus Quin filius Gul: & Annæ Quin (olim Franks) Conjug: Patrinis Thomâ Boys [&] Eliz: Boys, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Aug. 25 Natus & die 7° Sep: bap: fuit Robertus Dixon, filius Jacobi & Annæ Dixon (olim Worsley) Conjugum, Patrinis Stephano Dixon & Maria Annâ Hick, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 3 Natus & die 7° bap: fuit Georgius Brown filius Joannis & Isabella Brown (olim Chapman) Conjugum, Patrinis Georgio Goldie M.D.& Margarita Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Sep. 8 Natus & die 14° bap: fuit JacobusWeatherall filius Thomæ & Elizabethæ Weatherall (olim Chapman) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Chapman& MarthaWeatherall, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

[195] Oct. 9 Nata & die 11° bap. fuit Anna Maria Scruton filia Gul & Anna Scruton (olimWilkinson) Conjugum, Patrinis Carolo Williamson & Helena Pattison, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 9 Nata & die 120 bap. fuit Elizabetha Shaw , filia Thomæ& Anna Shaw (olim Hops) Conjugum, Patrinis [sic] Thoma Murphy , Matrinâ Elizabethâ Lupton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Sep. 17Natus & die 21° bap: fuit Gulielmus Henrickfilius Josephi & Annæ Henrick (Dixon olim) Conjug: Patrinis Josepho Thompson [&] Helena Beal, a me Thomâ Billington Misso Apco

Oct. 18 Natus & die 26° bap: fuit Ludovicus Thompson filius


Joannis & Hannah Thompson (olim Maskill) Conjugum, Patrinis

Roberto Herworth [Hurworth] & Elizabetha Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 25 Natus & die 28° bap: fuit Thomas Bingley filius Gul: & Mariæ Annæ Bingley (olim Giles) Conjugum, Patrinis Georgio & Elizabetha Hilton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 11 , 1821 Natus & die 30° Oct. A.D. 1828 bap fuit Thomas Augustinus Davis, adultus, & filius Timothæ & Annæ Davis (olim Morris) Conjugum, Patrino Georgio Willougby, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

Oct. 29 Natus & die 10° [? Nov.] bap. fuit Gulielmus Ryan filius

Jacobi & Sarah Ryan (olim Sturdy) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Ryan & Helena Ryan, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Oct. 25 Natus & die 9° Nov. bap. fuit Gulielmus Morrow, filius

Isaac & Annæ Morrow (olim Kirk) Conjugum, Patrinis Petro Walker& Sarah Richardson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Oct. 28 Nata & die 9° Nov. bap fuit Anna Elizabetha Benn filia Thomæ & Prudentiæ Benn (olim Cotelton) Conjugum, Patrinis Richardo Waddington & Elizabethâ Chambers, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Nov. 14 Natus & die 16° bap. fuit Marcus Hardcastle, filius Joannis & Annæ Hardcastle (olim Barnes ) Conjugum, Patrinis JoanneGreen & Martha Hardy,a meBenedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Nov. 15 Nata & die 16° bap. fuit Maria Anna Merrington filia Dorothæ Merrington , Patrinis Richardo Hargitt & Catherina Rowntree, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco [196] Nov. 11 Natus & die 30° bap fuit Thomas Burton, filius Jacobi & Joanna Burton (olim Gibson) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo & Maria Barner, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Nov. 24 Nata& die 5° Decembris bap fuit Elizabetha Birchfilia Henerici & Joannæ Birch (olim Fox) Conjugum, Patrinis (per procuratores) David Fox & Maria Turner, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 23 Nata & die 26° bap: fuit Anna [Wyril xd out, Walker above] filia Matthei Walker & Mariæ (olim Wyril) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Coupland & Anna Wyril, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Nov. 30 Nata & die 7° Decembris bap: fuit Maria West filia Matthæi & Mariæ West (olim Clark) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Barnett& Elizabetha Leinton, a meThomâ Billington Misso Apco.

Dec. 18 Nata & die 21° bap: fuit Sara Francisca Dixon filiaGeo: Martini & [Saræ xd out, Mariæ above] Dixon (olim Dench) Conjug: Patrinis Georgio Warvill & Francisca Leonora Litchman, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apeo.

Dec. 12 Nata et die 25° bap: fuit Elizabetha Brearey filia [Gu x out] Georgii Brearey & Elizabethæ (King olim) Conjug. Matrina fuit Alicia Barruk, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Dec. 25 Nata & die 29 bap: fuit Anastasia Couplandfilia Jacobi

& Isabellæ Coupland (olim Fountain) Conjugum, Patrinis Sarah Coupland & Edvardo Keogh, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº. [197] Nov. 15° Nata & die 30° Decembris bap: fuit Margareta Anna Davidson filia Jacobi & Mariæ Davidson (olim Nacgedy) Conjug: PatrinisLoudavico [sic] & Maria Hurworth, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

1829 .

Jan. 2° Nata & die 4° bap: fuit Helena Josephina Bolland , filia Georgii & Winifredæ Bolland (olim Walker) Conjugum, Patrinis Michaele& Helena Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº.

Dec 27, 1828 Nata & die 4° Janj : 1829 bap: fuitCatharina Elizabetha Bell, filia Thoae & CatharinaBell (olim Dinmore) Conjugum , Patrinis Gulielmo & Margaritâ Swail, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Dec 27 , 1828 Natus & die 11° Janj. 1829 bap: fuit Samuel Bolton filius Josephi& Joannæ Bolton (olim Medley & Robinson) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Clout & Catharinâ Rowntree, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

Jan. 7 Nata & die 18° bap: fuit Helena Butler filia Richardi & Joanna Butler (Dwyer olim) Conjug: Patrinis Carolo Pollard [&] Elizabethâ Thompson, a me Th: Billington Misso Apco.

Jan. 14 Nata& die 18° Bap: fuit Margalita Coupland filia Josephi & Lucie Coupland (olim Marshall) Conjug: Patrinis JacoboCoupland & Elizabethâ Hurworth, a me Th: Billington Misso Apco

Jan. 21 Nata & die 25° bap: fuit Maria Arundell, filia Caroli & Mariæ Arundell (olim Baildon) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Musgrave & Maria Bolland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo [198] Jan. 16 Nata& die 20° bap: fuit Maria Morgan,filiaJoannis & Mariæ Morgan (olim Lochrey) Conjugum, Matrina Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Jan. 9 Natus & die 2° Feb: bap: fuit Joannes Smith filius Thomæ & Margarita Smith (olim Smith) Conjug: Matrina fuit Joanna Dobson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Jan. 28 Natus & die 2° Feb: bap: fuit Gulielmus HenericusTurner filius Gulielmi & Elizabethæ Turner(olimWheeler) Conjug: Patrinis Georgio Wheeler & Helena Wheeler, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Jan. 30 Natus & die 8° [? Feb.] bap: fuit Joannes Green filius Joanna Green, Patrinis Joanne Innis & Maria Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss° Apo

Dec. 2° 1828 Nata & die 14° feb: 1829 bap: fuit Isabella Stead , filia Gul & Elizabethæ Stead (olim Dent) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne & Isabellâ Harrison, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apº. Feb. Die 1º Nata & die 14° ejusdem mensis bap: fuit Elizabetha Shendon [both in the entry and in the margin the name looks more like Sherdon], filia Gul: & Mariæ Shendon (olim [? O Neil]) Conjug: Matrinafuit Eliz: Robinson, a me Tho : Billington Misso Apco


Feb. 13 Nata & die 21° bap: fuit SaraAnna filia Thomæ& Annæ King (olim Griffiths) Conjug: Patrinis Thomâ Armstrong [&] Mariâ Durham, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

May 27, 1828 Nata & die 26° Feb: bap: fuit MariaAnnaPrince filia Mariæ Annæ Prince. Matrina fuit Eliz: Robinson, a me Tho: Billington Misso Apco. [199]

Mar. 3 Nata & die 8vo bap: fuit Sara Watson filia Mariæ Watson Matrina fuit Maria Goff, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Mar: 2 Nata& die 9° bap: fuit Elizabetha Lancaster , filia Joannis & Annæ Lancaster (olimMcacenzy) Conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apº

Feb. 26 Nata & die 10° Martii bap: fuit Rosanna Walsh filia Jacobi & Anna Walsh (olim McCaver ) Conjugum Matrina fuit

MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Mar. 11 Nati & die 12° baptizati fuerunt Joannes et Georgius Potts gemelli & filii Gulielmi et Mariæ Potts (olim Bell) Conjugum, Patrinis Elizabethâ & Georgio Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo


Mar. 8 Natus & die 15° bap: fuit Gul: Bridgewater filius Thoma & Sara Bridgewater (olim Emison) Conjug: Matrina fuit Annâ Salton, a me Th: Billington Misso Apco

Mar. 12 & die 19° bap: fuit Anna Robinson filia Georgii & Mariæ Robinson (olim Alderson) Conjug: Matrinafuit Elizabetha Thompson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

March 13 Natus & die 27° bap: fuit Jacobus McKenny, filius

Jacobi & Catharina McKenny (olim Sloan) Conjugum, Patrinis

Roberto Dean& JoannaWatson, a me BenedictoRayment MissoApo.

March 25 Nata & die 29° bap: fuit Joannes Parker, filia Caroli & Mariæ Parker (olim Peck) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Greenwood& Alicia Parker, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

Dec. 24, 1828 Natus & die Ap 12° [1829 above] bap: fuit Petrus

Kendall filius Gul: Kendall& Annæ (olim Raper) Conjug: Patrinus fuit Joannes Leee [? Lece], a me Th: Billington Misso Apco. [200] April 16 Nata & eodem die bap: fuit Elizabetha Gothorpe filia Benjamin & Margarita Gothorpe (olim Verity) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Almond et Maria Verity, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

March 24 Nata & April 23 bap: fuit Eleanora Constantia Blake , filia Andrei Blake* & Barbara Eleanora Conjugis (olim Vidal),

* Andrew Blake, son of Dr. Andrew Blake, of Dublin, of the Blakes of Oranmore and Dunmacrina, co Galway, was then on duty in York as Army Surgeonto the 7th Dragoon Guards, which regiment renderedvaluable help in arresting the fire at York Minster in the preceding January He had previously been attached tothe98th Regiment, and had been captured at sea by the French While a prisoner ofwar nearVerdun he met and married his above-named wife, Barbe Eleanore Vidal The daughter mentioned above married in Nottingham in 1855 William Edward, younger son of Edward James Willson, ofLincoln, architect, Alderman ofthatcity,and Mayorin 1853; hewas thefirst Catholic tofill thatposition in a cathedralcity afterthechange


Patrinis Leonardus Vidal & Catherinâ Constantiâ Martin, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

May 14, 1815 Natus & die 2° Maii bap: fuit anno 1815 [? 1829]

Gulielmus Henricus Barker filius Gulielmi & Carolettæ Barker (olim Berley) Conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Settle, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo

March 29 Nata & die 3º Maii bap: fuit Margarita Knox, filia Joannis & Annæ Knox (olim Richmond) Conjugum, Patrinis Patrick Gibney & Maria Barner, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May2 Nata et die 4° bap: fuit [blank, Ann Elizabeth in margin] Sunderland filia Joannis et Annæ Sunderland (olim Whitehead) Conjugum, Patrinis [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apo.

May 1 Natus et die 5° bap: fuit Jacobus Wright, filius Eliza Wright, Patrinis Joanne Milner et Mariâ Belt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

April 17 Natus et die 19° bap: fuit Georgius Steel, filius Henrici& Hannah Steel [Steele in margin] (olim Lidstear) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo Randerson & Maria Anna Bingley, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo

May 7 Nata & die 10° bap: fuit Maria Elizabetha Musgravefilia Gul & MariæMusgrave (olimJackson) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Brown & Maria Bolland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 5 Natus & die 10° bap: fuit Gulielmus Thomas Mountain filius Francisci & Elizabethæ Mountain (olim Hodgson) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Mountain et Maria Anna Nutbrown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apo.

May 11 Nata & die 15° bap: fuit Sara Patridge filia Samuelis & Joanna Patridge (olim Johnson) Conjug: Patrinis Gul : Patridge & Maria Bradley, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco. [201] April 19 Nata & die 19° Maii bap: fuit Helena Walsh filia Matthæi & Brigittæ Walsh (olim Regan) Conjug: Matrina fuit Maria Henrick, a me Thoma Billington Misso . Apco

April 30 Natus & die 24° Maii bap: fuit Jacobus McDermot filius Bernardi & Mariæ McDermot (olim King) Conjugum, Patrinis Patricio Kearney & Maria Anna McGinniff, a me Benedicto Ray- ment Misso Apco

May25Natus et die 26° bap:fuit Josephus Colbeckfilius Joannis & Mariæ Colbeck (olim Hawkins) Conjugum, Patrinis Annâ Colbeck & [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Jany 18, 1826 Nata & die 20 Junii 1829 bap: fuit Sarah Louisa Booth, filia Richardi & Mariæ Booth (olim Wilson) Conjugum, MatrinaMaria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May 25 , 1828 Natus et die 20 Junii 1829 bap: fuit Alexander of religion. A brother of his, Robert William, became first Bishop of Hobart Town. William Edward had three daughters and a son , Dom Edward Hilary Willson, O.S.B. By a subsequent marriagetoAnne Hardman , of Birmingham, he had two daughtersand three sons, all Benedictine monks ofAmpleforthAbbey. Léonard Vidal was brother to Eleanore; Constance Martinwas her cousin


Booth filius Richardi & Mariæ Booth (olim Wilson) Conjugum, Matrinâ Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

June 14 Nata & die 21 bap: fuit Monica Wilsonfilia Gulielmi& Elizabetha Wilson (olim Lupton) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho & Joanna Watson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

June 20 Nata & die 24 bap: fuit Anna Sampson filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Sampson (olim Britton) Conjugum, Patrinis Elizabethâ & GeorgioDunn, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

June 24 Natus & die 25° bap: fuit Joannes Henericus Marshall filius Henerici & Alicia Marshall (olim Sunley) Conjug: Patrinis Joan: Randerson& Annâ Gray, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

June 14 Nata & die 7° Julii bap: fuit Anna Lee filia Richardi& Mariæ Lee (olim Baxter) Conjugum, Patrinis[Mariâ xd out] Jacobo Fisher & Maria Settle, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco. [202] July 4 Nata & die 9° bap. fuit Francisca Grayfilia Richardi & Margarita Gray (olim Graves) Conjugum, Patrinis Carolo Parker & MaryParker, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

July 9 Natus & die 13° bap: fuit Joannes Kendall filius Jacobi & Alicia Kendall (olim Watson), Patrinis Richardo Meggeson & Eliz: Purdy, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

July 12 Natus & die 15° bap: fuit Josephus Lyonfilius Thomæ & Mariæ Lyon (olim Fisher) Conjug: Matrina fuit Elizabetha Tootle, ame Thoma Billington Miss Apco

July4th Natus & die 20° bap: fuit JosephusWebb, filius Richardi & Winifreda Webb (olim Varley) Conjugum, PatrinisBartho[lo]meo Dillon & Maria Todd, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

July 26° Natus & die 27° bap: fuit Jacobus Coyle, filius Caroli & Martha Coyle (olim Heydon) Conjugum, Patrinis N. N. et Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

July 25 Nata & die 27° bap: fuit Paulina Maria Hansom filia Joannis [sic, recte Josephi] & Annæ [sic, recte Hannah] Hansom (olim Glover) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Parsons & Paulina Maria Shinton, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

July 26 Nata& die 27° bap: fuit Francisca Rogers, filiaJoannis& Joanna Rogers(olim Nugent) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Barnet & Elizabethâ Chambers, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

July 28 Nata & die 2º Augusti bap: fuit Elizabetha Chapman, filia Joannis et Francisca Capman [Chapman in margin] (olim Johnson) Conjugum, Matrina Martha Weatherall , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

July 11 Natus & die 12° bap: fuit Jacobus Ryan, filius Joannis & Caroletta Ryan (olim Liddle) Conjugum, Patrinis Petro Ryan & Maria Smith, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

It is fortunatethat I am the transcriber of these registers, which, as regards my parents' names, is distinctly wrong My father's old bible gives " York. PaulinaMary Hansom, born 25th July, 1829 , past3 a.m.,died 20th of May, 1843." My mother, although a Protestant thenand for a long time after, was at Miss Shinton's private school , and was a warm admirer of her Hencetheuse of the Christian names ; but I do notrememberhearing before of her sponsorship Her own baptism appears in these registers J. S.H.


Aug. 6 Natæ & eodem die bap: fuerunt Susannah& Margarita Dooley, filiæ Dionysii & Sarah Dooley (olim Stephenson), Patrinis [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [203] Julii 9 Natus & die 9° Augusti bap: fuit Jacobus Dogherty filius Joannis Dogherty [&] Brigittæ Dogherty [Conjug: xd out] (olim Boylan) Conjug: Matrinafuit Catharina Smith, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

August 6 Natus & die 9° bap: fuit Robertus Pratt, filius Jacobi & Elizabethæ Pratt (olim Swann) Conjugum, Patrinis Henrico & MariaChapman, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May 2 Nata & die 4° bap: fuit Anna Elizabetha [Wheeler xd out , Sunderland above] filia Joannis & Annæ Sunderland (olim Whitehead) Conjug: PatrinisPhillippo Schwerer[&] Margarita Hurworth, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Aug. 19 Natus & die 22° bap: fuit Henricus Tootle, filius Sarah Tootle, Matrinâ Mariâ Annâ Ambrose, Patrino Gulielmo Meara , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Aug. 9 Nata& die 23° bap: fuit Maria Anna Rafter, filia Edvardi & JoanneRafter (olim Gale) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Murry & Maria Settle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

July 29 Natus & die 25° Aug: bap: fuit Carolus Sanderson , filius Gulielmi & Annæ Sanderson (olim Hewit) Conjugum, Patrinis Richardo Nettleton et Editha Clerk, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep. 5 Natus & die 9° bap: fuit Gulielmus Harrison filius Mariæ Harrison Matrinafuit Elizabetha Dale & Petrus McGellin Patrinus, a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apº.

Sep. 12 Nata & die 14° bap: fuit Sarah Shimmons filius [sic] Micolis & Maria Shimmons (olim Atkinson) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Anna Winterbottom, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco [204] Sep. 16 Natus & die 19° bap: fuit Gulielmus Goldie filius Georgii & Mariæ Annæ Goldie (olim Bonomi) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Wright & Justinâ Bonomi, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep. 18 Nata & die 20° bap: fuit Hannah Gall, filia Georgii & MargaritaGall (olim Ashcroft) Conjugum, Patrinis Thomâ Gall & MatrinâElizabetha Metcalf, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep: 21 Natus et eodem die bap: fuit Josephus [Mawson* over Joseph Mawson, a vigorous supporter of the C.R.S., married, in 1865 , BlancheParry,dau. of the late Baker Gabb, J.P., D.L., ofAbergavenny, and sister of the lateJohn BakerGabb, K.S.G., PrivyChamb toLeoXIII From 1867 to 1904 he was Manager, Director or Representative of various Railwaysin Brazil; hewas appointed by the Government of Brazil to serve upon a Commission upon Railway Management , 1895 . togeological exploration in Brazilandwas F.G.S. ofthe Brazilian OrderofChrist, 1881 , andwith the theCirculo Catholico of Rio de Janeiro, 1899 settled at Hove, Sussex, where he died 1927 , leaving three son and three daughters His wife pre-deceased him in 1924 . He devotedhis sparetime Hewas madeCommendador lateMgr. Molina hefounded Returning to England, he


Mostyn] filius Josephi& Mariæ Annæ Mawson (olim Jackson), Patrinis Jonathan & M. Mawson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep: 19 Natus & die 22° bap: fuit Josua Palmer filius Joannis & Joanna Palmer (olim Hardy) Conjugum, Patrinis [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Sep: 19 Nata & die 27° bap: fuit Rosanna McDonnegh, filia Philippi & Margarita McDonnegh(olim Quin) Conjugum, Patrinis Carolo Duffy & Mariâ Annâ Sharp, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Oct: 9 Nata& die 12° bap: fuit

MariaAnnaCosgriff, filia Gulielmi & Mariæ Cosgriff (olim Short), a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Oct. 12 Natus & die 18° bap: fuit Vincentius Wilson filius Joannis & Anna Wilson (olim Barrett) Conjug: Patrinis Gulielmo Barner & Annâ Cockle, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Oct. 8 Natus & die 15° bap: fuit Alfridus Gulielmus Barrick filius Gulielmi Barrick & Alicia (olim Topping) Conjug: Matrinâ

Cath: Anna Marshall, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco [205] Oct 23 Natus & die eodem bap: fuit Robertus Camidge filius Richardi & Joanna Camidge (olim Lyon) Conjug: Matrinâ Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 13 Nata & die 17° bap: fuit Elizabetha Armstrong filia Thomæ & Elizabethæ Armstrong (olim Bains) Conjug: Patrinis Roberto Coony[&] Annâ Clancy, a me Thoma BillingtonMisso Apco. [? Aprilis over Novembris ] 3° Nata & die 17 Nov. bap: fuit

RosannaConolly filia Mariæ & Jacobi Conolly (olim Wilson) Conjugum, Patrinis Carolo Brighham& Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Nov. 28 Natus & die 30° bap: fuit Joannes Pattison filius Mat .& Helenæ Pattison (olim Hawksworth) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne & Anna Hawksworth , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Dec 3 Natus & die quinto bap: fuit Joannes Ryan, filius Jacobi & Sarah Ryan (olim Sturdy) Conjugum, Patrinis Pierce Ryan & Rachel Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Nov. 25 Nata& die 11° Decembris bap: fuit Maria [filia] Caroli & Annæ Stuart (olim Smith) conjug: Matrina fuit Elizabetha Boys, a me Thoma Billington Miss° Apco.

Dec. [2d over 3d] Natus & die 13° bap: fuit Gulielmus Johnson filius Roberti Johnson & Annæ (olim Moon) Conjug: Patrinis Jacobo Birch& Susannâ Spink, a me Tho" Billington Misso Apco [206] 28 Nov: Nata& die 20° Decembrisbap: fuit Rebecca Hinsley filia Joanna Hinsley Matrina fuit Maria Hinsley, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Dec. 6 Nata & die 25° bap: Elizabetha Divine filia Michaelis & Annæ (olim Wilkinson) Conjug: Patrinis Jacobo Beattie & Catharina Smith, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Dec. 6 Natus & die 25° bap: fuit Robertus Anderson filius Roberti Henerici & Annæ Anderson (olim Bilton) Conjug: Patrinis Thoma Billington & Elizabethâ Anderson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.


Nov. 26 Nata& die 27° Decembris bap: fuit Elizabetha Dickenson filia GulielmiDickenson & Mariæ (olim Pratt) Conjug: Matrina fuit MariaWilson, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco

Dec. 27° Eodem die [sic] bap: fuit AnnaDickensonsub conditione [nata die 22° Octobris anno 1824 above]filiaGul : & MariæDickenson (olim Pratt) Conjug: a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco 1830 .

Nov. 5 [ 1829] Natus & die 9° [? Jan.] baptizatus fuit Josua Palmer, filius Joannis & Joanna Palmer (olim Hardy) Conjugum, PatrinisThoma Reya & Elizabethâ Reya, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco [207] Dec. 26, 1829 Nata & die 18° Jan: bap: fuit Margarita Lennard filia Andreæ & Eleonora Lennard (olim MacLaughlin) Conjug: Matrina fuit Maria Duffey, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Jan. 6 Natus & die 21° bap: fuit Gulielmus Hopsfilius Joannis & Mariæ Hops (olimAinsworth) Conjug: Patrinis Gul: & Maria Hops, a me Thoma Billington Miss . Apco

Jan. 11 Nata & die 24° bap: fuit Elizabetha Birchfilia Jacobi & Elizabethæ Birch (olim Bell) Conjug: Matrinafuit Caroletta Birch, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Dec. 27 [? 1829] Nata & die Februarii 20 bap: fuit Joanna Haw filia Gul: & Annæ Haw (olim Sowerby) conjug: Patrinis Maria & Josepho Mawson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Jan 31 Nata& die 2° Februarii bap: fuit Martha Hardcastle filia Joannis & Annæ Hardcastle (olim Barnes ) Conjugum, Patrinis GeorgioWarvill[? Wawill] & Anna Hedley, a meBenedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Jany 5 Nata& die Feby 5° bap: fuit Helena Costerley [orCasterley] filia Joannis & MariæCosterley (olim Higgins) Conjug: Matrinafuit Eliz: Robinson, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco.

Jan. 20 Natus et die 24 bap: fuit JacobusParker, filius Jacobi Parker& Margarita Law [? Lane] Conjugum, Patrinis N. Mitchell & Helena Parker, a Thomâ Billington Misso Apco

Jany 5 Nata & die Feb: 9° bap: fuit Isabella Wilsonfilia Mariæ [M xd out] Wilson, Patrinis Gul: & Eliz: Settle, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Feb. 13 Natus & die 14 bap: fuit JoannesJosephusMiddelton, filius Petri & Julianæ Middelton (olim Stourton) Conjugum, Patrinis Carolo Constable& AliciaMiddelton, ame Benedicto Rayment Misso Apeo. [208] Feby 6 Nata& die 14° bap: fuit RosannaDimpsy [Dimpsey in margin] filia Timothæi & JoannæDimpsy(olimPlews) Conjugum , Patrinis Samuel Walker & Annâ Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss . Apco.

Nov. 22, 1829 Natæ sunt Carolina & Charoletta O Brien & die John Joseph, 3rd son of PeterMiddleton, Esq., of Myddleton Lodgeand Stockeld Park, co Yorks, by Juliana, 2nd daughter of Philip, 16th Baron Stourton.


28 Feb: bap: sunt filiæ Jacobi & Sophiæ O Brien (olim Former)

Conjug: Matrinæ fuere Maria Wilson & Eliz: Robinson, a me

Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Feb. 28 Natus & die 1º Martii bap: fuit Gulielmus Hudgsonfilius Gulielmi & Elizabethæ Hudgson (olim Johnson) Conjug: Patrinis

Lxd out] Josepho [? &] Priscilla Johnson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Feb. 27 Nata & die Martii 310 bap: fuit Brigitta Carter filia Thomæ & Mariæ Carter (olim Locklin) Conjug: Matrina fuit

Brigitta Laughlin, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

March 8 Nata & die 11° bap: fuit Anna Elizabetha Greenwood , filia Gul & Sara Joanne (olim Thorpe) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo Musgrave& Elizabethâ Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Dec. 29, 1829 Nata & die 11° Martii 1830 bap: fuit Catherina

Whitehead filia Eliz & Those Whitehead Conjugum Matrinafuit

MariaWilson , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

March 11 Natus & die 20 bap: fuit Richardus Butler, filius Richardi & Joannæ Butler (olim Dwyer) Conjugum, Patrinis

Joanne Doland & [blank] Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Mar. 17 Nata & die 22° bap: fuit Margarita Beaument filia

Joannis & Mariæ Beaument (olim Whitely) Conjug Matrina fuit

Margarita Whiteley, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Feb. 1829 Natus & die 9° Aprilis 1830 bap: fuit Charitas Perdieux filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Perdieux (olim Berry) Conjugum. Matrina fuit MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Feb.21 Natus & die 11° bap: fuit Hugo Trayner [so alsoin margin] filiusPetri& MariæTraner (olim Feigun) Conjugum, [PatrinisN. N. xd out]& Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [209] April 7th Nata & die 11° bap: fuit Anna BirchfiliaThomæ& Mariæ Annæ Birch (olim Thompson) Conjug: Patrinis Mariâ & Henerico Birch, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

March 20 Natus & die 11° Aprilis Bap: fuit Joannis Robertus Beattie filius Jacobi Laurentii & Annæ Beattie (olim Stutroner) Conjug., Patrinis JosephoWatson & Catharina Smith, ame Thoma Billington Misso Apco

April 5 Nata & die 18° bap: fuit Elizabetha McKeever filia Joannis & Mariæ Annæ McKeever (olim Swiney) Conjugum, Patrinis Henrico Lough & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

April 18° Natus et eodem die bap: fuit Henricus Mountain filius Josephi & Catharina Mountain (olim Herworth) Conjugum, Patrinis [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

April 18 Natus & die 21° bap: fuit Henricus Nutbrown filius Jacobi & Mariæ Annæ Nutbrown (olim Mountain) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Mountain & Mariâ Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

April 24 Nata & die 25 bap: fuit Emma Francisca Ethol, filia


Edwardi& Annæ Ethol (olim Balch) Conjugum, Patrinis Cornelio

Crawshaw&MatildaCroshaw, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

May 1 Nata& die 7° bap: fuit MarthaChapmanfilia Henerici & Mariæ Chapman (olim Swann) Conjug: Patrinis Georgio Johnson& Martha Whetherell , a meThomâ Billington Misso Apco

May 10 Nata & die 16° bap: fuit Jacobus Waddington filius

Roberti & Mariæ Annæ Waddington (olim Turpin) Conjugum, Patrinis Richardo & Elizabetha Waddington , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

May 15 Nata & die 23° bap: fuit Elizabetha Chapman filia

Francisci & Joanna Chapman (olim Johnson) Conjugum, Patrinis

Jacobo Bennington et Isabella Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

[210] 26 April Nata & die 23° Maii bap: fuit Helena Kelly filia

Joannis & Mariæ Kelly (olim Hamel) Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo

McDonnall & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May 24 Nata & die 28 bap: fuit Maria Shacketon [Shackelton in margin], filia Joannis & Louise Shackleton (olim Nickelson) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May 22 Natus & die 6º Junii bap: fuit GeorgiusFitzgerald filius

Jacobi & Margarita Fitzgerald (olim Welsh) Conjug: Patrinis Gul: Fitzgerald & Catharina Fitzgerald, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

May 20 Nata & die 6° Junii bap. fuit Maria AnnaTaotle [so also in margin] filia Josephi & Elizabethæ Tautle [sic] (olim Pratt) Conjug: Patrinis Gul: Geo Fawbert [&] Anna Taotle, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Junii 5 Nata& die 6° ejusdemmensis bap: fuit Catharina Leefilia Joannis & Anna Lee (olim Dixon) Conjug: Patrinis Gul: Dixon& Catharina Dixon, a me Thoma Billington Mis. Apco.

Feb. 24 Nata & die 7° Junii bap: fuit Anna Waters, filia Gul & Margarita Waters (olim Conyghen ) Conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. Junii 3º [or 9°] Nata et die 13° bap: fuit SusannaCarvinn filia Georgii & Sara Carvinn (olim Wood) Conjug: Patrinis Josepho Pape & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Jan. 16 Natus & die 13° Junii bap: fuit Thomas Gabriel Mulligin filius Jacobi & Helenæ Mulligen (olim Pratt) Conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [211] June 1 Natus & die 13° bap: fuit Georgius Wells filius Josephi& MariaWells (olim Whitehouse) conjug: PatrinisAntonio & Joanna Smith, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

June 12 Natus & die 17° bap: fuit Gulielmus Beltfilius Thomæ& Mariæ Belt (olim Webster) Conjug: Patrinis Henerico Walker & Maria Bolland, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

May 28 Natus & die 20° Junii bap: fuit JoannesO Farrellfilius Gulielmi & Elizabethæ O Farrell (Hayes olim) Conjug: Patrinis


Joanne O Sullivan& Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington Misso. Apco

June 20 Natus & die 270 bap: fuit Robertus Josephus filius Roberti & Mariæ Herworth (olim Musgrave) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Musgrave & Margarita Herworth , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss : Apco [There can be no doubt of these names being Hurworth.]

July 1° Nata & die 4° bap: fuit Adelaida Bingley, filia Gul: & Mariæ Annæ Bingley (olim Witworth) Conjugum, Patrinis [Benjamin x out, Gulielmo above] Randerson & Joanna Hargitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Aug. 15 , 1825 Nata & die 5º Julii 1830 , bap: fuit AnnaAshbrook , filia Henrici & Margaritæ Ashbrook (olim Maccanally) Conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

July7th Natus & die 10° bap: fuit Gulielmus Benedictus Scruton filius Gul:& AnnæScruton (olimMilner) Conjugum, Patrinis Henrico Kenny& Maria Kirkley, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

July 11 Nata & die 15° bap: fuit Joanna Young filia Joannis & Elizabethæ Young (olim Hargitt) Conjug: Matrinâ Mariâ Har[d over glgrave, a me Thoma Billington Miss. Apco. [212] July 29 Natus & die 1° Augusti bap: fuit Josephus Shafto filius Thomæ & Mariæ Shafto (olim White) Conjug: Patrinis Josepho Turner Ellerby & Maria Murphy, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco.

July II Natus & die 1° Augustibap: fuit Richardus Taylor filius Richardi& AnnæTaylor (olim Caroll) Conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Donnally& Catharinâ Hardcastle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Aug. 4 Nata & die 5° bap: fuit Sophia Clarinda, filia Edvardi & MargaritaWallis (olim Dale) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo & Clarinda Catharina Wright, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

July 27 Natus & die 8° Aug: bap: fuit Jacobus Barker filius Georgii & Saræ Barker (olim Chapman ) Conj: Patrinis Jacobo Binnington& Isabella Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

July 16 Nata & die 9° Augusti bap: fuit Charoletta Howe , filia Joannis [&]Sara Howe (olimLake) Conjug: Matrinafuit Elizabetha Robinson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Julii 6 Nata& die 29 bap: fuit GratiaCrowe, filiaThomæ& Hannah Crowe (olim Hill) Conjugum, Patrinis Matthæo Slamon & Anna Agar, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Sep. I Nata & die 2° bap: fuit Gertruda Maria Langdale, * filia

Gertrude Marywas the3rd daughter ofthe Hon Charles Stourton,whoin 1817 assumed the name Langdale upon a testamentary injunctionofPhilip Langdale of Houghton, co Yorks, as his heir. Hon Charles married 1stCharlotte Mary,5thdaughter ofCharles , 6thLord Clifford ofChudleigh, co Devon , and by her, who died 1819 , left two daughters He married 2ndly, in 1821 , Mary, eldestdaughter ofMarmadukeConstableMaxwell, of Everingham Park, co Yorks, and byherleftfive sonsandsixdaughters Gertrudediedunmarried in 1876. Charlotte Weld, godmother, was her aunt, 2nd daughter of Charles Philip 16thBaron Stourton, whomarried Joseph Weld ofLulworth, co . Dorset.


Honble Caroli & Mariæ Langdale (olim Maxwell) Conjugum, PatrinisPetro Maxwell & Caroletta Weld, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Jan. 6 Natus & die Septembris 5° bap: fuit SamuelisTaylor filius Thomæ & Mariæ Taylor (olim Gladwin) Conjug: Patrinis Thomâ & Mariâ Smith, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Sep. 5 Nata & die 14 bap: fuit Maria Parker filia Antoni & Ellenæ Parker (olim Davies ) Conjug: Patrinis Michaele Fryer& Eleonora [Erlington xd out] Linton, a me Thoma Billington Misso . Apco [213] Sep. 23 Natus fuit & eodem die bap: Robertus Gulielmus Body filius Henerici & Mariæ Body (olim Simpson) Conjugum, ame Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Sep : 19 Natus fuit & die 29 bap: Gulielmus Boradell filius Gulielmi & Annæ Boradel (olim Cassidy) Conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Oct. 5 Natus et die 10° bap: fuit Robertus Mullan McVey filius Joannis & Eliz. McVey (olim Aunts [?]) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep : 14 Nata & die 11° Oct. bap: fuit Agnes Bryan filia Gul & Anna Bryan (olim Plunkett) Conjugum Matrina fuit Abigail Masterman , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

Oct. 2 Natus & die 24° bap: fuit Marcus Shaw, filius Thomæ & Annæ Shaw (olim Hoppe) Conjugum, Patrinis Thomâ Hoppe et Maria Hoppe, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Oct. 7Natus & die 31° bap: fuit Henricus Lynch filius Joannis & Christina Lynch (olim Neary) Conjugum, Patrinis Martino Kenny etCatharina Reley, ameBenedicto Rayment MissoApco

Oct. 10 Nata& die 1° Nov: bap:fuit Elizabetha Merla filia Joannis & Annæ Merla (olim Walker) Conjug: Matrinafuit Eliz: Dale, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Oct. 27 Nata& die 7° Ñov: bap: fuit Emma West filia Matthæi & MariæWest (olimClark) Conjug: Patrinis GeorgioBrown & Elizabethâ Linton, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco [See end of year 1829 in margin] Josua Palmer.

Nov. 10 Nata & die 21 bap: fuit Maria Bell, filia Those & Mariæ Bell (olim Dinmore) Conjugum, Patrinis Edvardo Dinmore & [Matrina xd out]Catherina Dinmore, a meBenedicto Rayment MissoApco.

Nov. [28 over 29]Natus et die 30 ejusdemmensis& anni baptizatus fuit Jacobus Walsh, filius Jacobi Walsh & Annæ McKever, Conjugum, Patrinis Jacobo McDonald [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco [214] Nov. 28 Nata & die 1° Decembris bap: fuit Maria Spencer, filia Henrici & Helenæ Spencer (olim Bean ) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Coupland & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Dec. 2° Natus & die 5° bap: fuit Gulielmus Coupland filius Josephi & Lucia Coupland (olim Marshall) Conjugum, Patrinis Josepho Coupland & Mariâ Precious , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss . Apco.


Nov. 24 Natus & die 8° Decembris bap: fuit Jacobus Martinus Stephenson filius Zachariæ & Christianæ Stephenson (olim Wilson)

Conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Dec. 12 Baptizatus fuit Georgius Allanson natus die Junii 19° Anno Dni 1828 filius Georgii & Joannæ Allanson (olim Hopper)

Conjug: a me Thomå Billington Misso Apeo.

Dec. 12 Natus & die 19° bap: fuit JacobusDoran filius [Thomæ xd out] Joannis & Henrietta Doran (olim Galtry) Conjug: Patrinis Thoma King& Maria Durham, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Dec. 13 , 1830 Baptizatus , & die 14° feb. 1823 natus fuit Isaac Peckitt, filius Mariæ Peckitt, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Dec. 13 , 1830 Baptizata fuit Emma Peckitt, filia Mariæ Peckitt , sed natafuit 15° feb Anno Domini 1826 , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Dec. 20 Nata& die 25° bap: fuit Elizabetha Atleyfilia Roberti & Margarita Atley (olim Thompson) Conjug: [blank], a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 17 Natus & die 26° bap: fuit Michaelis Sarti, filius Geovanni Sarti & Annæ (olim Jackson) Conjugum, Patrinis Joanne Francis & Joanna Francis, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Die 24 Natus & die 26° bap: fuit Joannes Stephanus Coupland filius Jacobi & Isabellæ Coupland (olim Fountain) Conjugum, Patrinis Gulo Coupland & Margaritâ Coupland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [215] [1831]

Dec. 31 Natus & die 2° Jan Jacobi & Rebecca Hebditch Gulielmo Noble & Annâ Rudd, Apco

bap: fuit Georgius Hebditch filius (olim Pratt) Conjugum, Patrinis a me Benedicto Rayment Misso

Dec. 2° 1830 Natus & die 5° feb 1831 bap: fuit Benjaminus Sanderson filius Gulielmi & Annæ Sanderson (olim Hewett) Conjugum. Matrina fuit Anna Hardcastle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso . Apco

Jany 10 Natus & die 12° bap: fuit Jacobus Flynn filius Petri & Bridgittæ Flynn (olim Leonard) Conjugum, Patrinis Michaele Mack & Helena Kelly, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Dec. 27 Natus & die 12 Jan: bap: fuit Joannes Gall [or Gale], filius Roberti & Annæ Gall [or Gale] (olim Taylor) conjug: Matrinâ Anna Walker, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco. [Probably the old Yorkshire name is correct, but Mr. Billington nearly always, as in his own name, makes the second "1" short like"e."]

Jan. 8th Nata & die 15° bap: fuit Margarita Thompson filia Josephi& Annæ Thompson (olim Maskell) Conjug: PatrinisThoma Musgrave & Elizabetha Thompson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Jan. 20 Nata & die 25° bap. fuit Elizabeth , filia Roberti


Atley& Margt (formerlyThompson) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho& Elizabetha Thompson, a Thoma Billington, Misso Apco [See sixth entry on p. 160 above, and note variation in dates.]

Jan. 15. Nata& die 23° bap: fuit Elizabetha Brown filiaJoannis & Isabelle Brown (olim Chapman) conjug: Patrinis Jacobo Binnington & Maria Anna Goldie, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Jan. 29 [Feb. 6 xd out] Natus & die Feb. 6° bap fuit Alfredus, filius Gulielmi Willson* [Wilson in margin] & Elizabethæ (olim Lupton) conjug: Patrinis Josepho Wilson & Sara Hewson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Feb. 7 Natus & die 11° bap. fuit Jacobus Potts, filius Gulielmi & Mariæ Potts (olim Bell) conjugum. PatrinisThoma & Elizabetha Brown , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [216]

Jan. 8 & die Feb. 12° bap: fuit Margarita Burke filiaJacobi & Susanne Burke (olimScanling) conjug: PatrinisThoma Rafferty & MariaRafferty, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Feb. 11. Natus & die 13° bap: fuit Jacobus Cronin, filius Timothæi & Elizabethæ Cronin (olim Henesey) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Feb. 11. Natus & die 13° bap: fuit JosephusDuttonfilius Edwardi & Annæ Dutton (olim Cundle) Conjug: PatrinisJeremia Holmes& Joanna Cundle, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Jan. 16 Natus & die 18 bap: fuit [Thos Robert Mawson written above] a Revd Thoma Billington et die 12° Feb. ceremoniæ suppletæ fuerunt [eidem above] Thomæ MawsonfilioJosephi& MariæAnnæ (olim Chapman) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Feb. 13 Natus & eodem die bap: fuit Georgius, filius Georgii & Alicia Parker (olim Haw) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Fawbert et MariaAnna Kennedy, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Feb. 16. Natus & die 17° bap: fuit [Jacobus xd out] Franciscus filius Those Murphy& Helenæ [Reily xd out] Mclecar conjugum, Pa-

* Alfred, 3rd son ofWilliam Wilson, builder and contractor of York, was educatedatAmpleforth , where he took the habit in 1851 and was ordained priest in 1857. Owing toill-health he was senton the missionin thefollowing year After short periodsat WeobleyandBathhe served Abergavennyforfour years, then Rhymney for nineyears From 1876 to 1893 he was Rector ofSt. David's, Swansea He was made Canon of the diocese of Newport and Meneviain 1875 , and was V.G. to Bishop Hedley for some years Afterthree yearsaschaplain at Rotherwashe went in 1896 to Knaresbrough From there he retired in 1913 to Brownedge, near Preston In July 1915 he went to Ampleforth , wherehe died Sept. 18. He was titular PriorofWorcester from 1901. As a boy at Ampleforth he wrote for The Lamp, a Catholic Magazine founded at York in 1850

ThomasRobert 2nd son of JosephMawsonmarried Elizabeth Weeksof Salisbury, 1864. After some years in London he went to Brazil, where,likehis elder brother Joseph, he was in railway business for thirty-three years He was Assistant Superintendent of the Bahia and San Francisco Railway Co. , Ltd., whose affairshe liquidated inBahia andRio de Janeirowhentherailway was sold to the Brazilian Government Returning to London he died at Hampsteadin 1909 andhis wife in 1920 , leaving four sons and fivedaughters. Of these twowereeducatedat Ampleforth and became monks: Basil, clothed in 1899 , was ordainedin 1902; RogerAdrian, clothed in 1901 , was ordainedin 1909


trinis Jacobo et Hannah Reiley, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Feb. 18. Natus & eodem die bap: fuit Joannes[Henridge altered to] Henrick, filius Josephi & Annæ [Henridge altered to] Herrick (olim Dixon) conjugum. Patrinis Georgio Corvill & Francisca Conoly, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Feb. 21. Nata & die 22° bap: fuit WinifredaMurphy, filia Jacobi & Mariæ Murphy (olim [Mc xd out] Smith) conjugum Patrinis Joanne Marshall & Catharenina [sic] Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Feb. 25. Nata& die 1º Martii bap: fuit Sarah [Brighwateraltered to] Bridgwater, filia Thomæ & Sarah Bridgwater (olim Emmison) conjugum. Matrina fuit MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Feb. 2° Nata & die 2º Martii bap: fuit Elizabetha Webster, filia Those & Margarita Webster (olimTownend) conj PatrinisJoanne Perry & Louisa Shackelton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Mar: 7. Natus & die 8° bap: fuit Vincentius Cataneo filiusAntonii & MariæAnnæ Cataneo (olim Rymer) conj. PatrinisAugustino Cataneo & Mariâ Annâ Ambrosei, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco. [217] March 10. Natus & die 16° bap: fuit Georgius Smith filius Those Smith (olim . . . . ) conjugum Matrinafuit Agnes [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

March 14. Natus & die 17° baptizatus fuit Joannes Etherington, filius Joannis & Mariæ Etherington , PatrinisCaroloDuffy& Hannah Spink, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

March 1º Natus & die 20° bap: fuit Thomas [Bann altered to] Benn, filius Thoae & Prudentiæ Benn (olim Coulton) conjugum. Patrinis Ricardo & Elizabetha Waddington , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

March 18 Natus & die 2° [Aprilis above] bap: fuit Fredericus, filius Joannis& Anna Wilson(olimBarrett) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Barner & Anna Cockell, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Nov. 15. 1830 Nata & die 4° Aprilis 1831 bap fuit Joanna Brashaw, filia Jonathæ & Mariæ Brashaw (olimMcAvoy) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo & Elizabetha Settle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

March 27 Nata & die 4° Aprilis bap: fuit Elizabetha McLawklin filia Petri & Joanna McLawklin conjugum Patrinis Josepho Fawbert & Maria Carter, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

March 30. Nata& die 4° [Aprilis above] bap: fuit Catherina Anna Jackson, filia Helenæ Jackson. Patrinis JosephoFawbert& Maria Anna Jackson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

April 3a Natus & die 10° bap: fuit Joannes Hardcastle, filius Joannis & Annæ Hardcastle (olim Barnes) conjugum. Patrinis Edvardo Tims & AnnaBrodell, a me Benedicto Rayment, MissoApco.

April 14. Natus & die 24° bap: fuit Edvardus Jacobus, filius Henrici & Joannæ Birch (olim Fox) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Birch & [M xd out] Eliza Ursula Birch, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.



March 29. Natus & die 25° Aprilis bap: fuit Josephus Benedictus, filius [Kir xd out, Isaac above] Marrow & Annæ Kirk Conjugum. PatrinisGul. Heslegrave& Maria Firth, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

April 9. Nata & die 25 bap. fuit MariaAshbrook PatrinisGulielmo Heslegrave& Sarah Richardson, a me Benedicto RaymentMisso Apco

April 3 [April 3 and Mayabove xd out] Nata & die 3º baptizata fuit Francisca Tindale, filia Joannæ & Gulielmi Tindale conjugum (olim Richardson). MatrinaMaria Wilson, ame Gulielm[usxdout]o Glassbrook.

May 2° Nata & die 3º bap: fuit Francisca Barker filia Georgii & Mariæ Barker (olim Gall) conjugum Patrinis Josepho & Francisca Gall, a me Gulielmo Glassbrook.

April 5. Nata & die 3° Maii bap: fuit Maria Horner filia Gul¹& Mariæ Horner (olim Tomlinson) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

May7. Natus & die 8° bap: fuit JosephusRichmond, filius Jacobi & Joanne Richmond (olim Watson) conjugum Patrinis [blank], a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

April 14. Natus & die 16° baptizatus fuit Joannes Hanlan, filius Jacobi & Mariæ Hanlan (olim Conolly) conj: Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Gulielmo [Wilson xd out, Glassbrookabove] Misso Apco [April xd out, Maii above] 13. Nata & die 19 baptizata fuit Anna Wheeler, filia Georgii & AnnaWheeler (olimRichardson). Matrina fuit Helen Wheeler, a me Gulielmo Glassbrook, Misso Apco.

Maii 31 Nata& die 2° Junii bap: fuit Maria Lyon, filiaThomæ & Mariæ Lyon (olim Fisher) conjugum. Patrinis Georgio & Anna Swalwell, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Junii 20. Natus & eodem die bap: fuit Thomas Parsons, filius Josephi& Sara Parsons (olim Brook) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Mawson& Anna Brook, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Martii 13 Nata et die 4 [? Junii] bap: fuit Anna Hamsom [Hampsoninmargin]filia Josephi etAnnæ Hampsom ([olim]Anna Glover) conj: Patrinis [blank] Brodelle et MarthaHampsom, a me Gulielmo Glassbrook. [219] Junii 9. Natus & die 10° bap: fuit Edvardus Josephus Goldie , filius Georgii & Mariæ Annæ Goldie (olim Bonomi) conjugum: Patrinis Geraldo Eduardo Strickland & Justina Bonomi , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

In Edward Josephwas the 3rd son of Dr. George Goldie and brother ofthe architect He was educated at Ushaw and at the English College, Rome , wherehe was ordained 17 Dec. 1859. Returning to England he served as curate first at St. Peter's, Scarborough , then at St. Wilfrid's, York 1865 he became Secretary to Bishop Cornthwaite at Leeds , and in 1875 was madeaMonsignoreand appointed to Carlton, nearSelby. In 1880 hebecame a Canonofthe diocese ofLeeds Two yearslaterhewas transferredto York, where he built the school chapel and schools of the English Martyrs in Blossom Street, from designs by his brother Here he passed the remaining fourteen years of his life and died 23 Sept. 1896


Maii 15° Natus fuit JoannesWalker& 27° ejusdem mensis bap: fuit filius Joannis Walker & Mariæ Walker (olim Abbey), a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco [In margin under John Walker is written Italice Vaccar ]

Junii70Nata& die 12° bap: fuit Margarita Bradley filia Joannis & Sarah Bradley (olim Deighton) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Dinmore & Maria Anna Wheelhouse , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Junii 16° Nataet die 19° bap: fuit Elizabeth Patridge filia Joannæ & Samuelis Patridge conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Patridge & Maria Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Junii 21. Natus & die 26° bap fuit JosephusWeld filius Josephi & Elizabethæ Weld conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Dixon& Joanna Hinsley, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Maii 26.Nata& die27° Junii bap. fuit Maria Anna Grier filia Francisci & Mariæ Grier (olim Tamoney) conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo McDonald & Annâ King, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Julii9. Nata& die 12 Julii bap. fuit AnnaPulleyn filiaElizabethæ Pulleeyn. Patrinis Bartolom[e above]o Ambroge & Maria Annâ Ambrogi , a me Gulielmo Glassbrook.

Junii 30. Nata et die 13 Julii bap. fuit Margarita McDonnell filia Philippi et Margarita McDonnell (olim Quin) conjugum. Matrina Eleanor Lennard, a me Gulielmo Glassbrook

Julii 14. Nata et die 16 bap. fuit Teresa Arundellfilia Caroli et Mariæ Arundell (olim Bayldon) conj. Patrinis Josepho Morton & Elizab. Arundell, a me Gulielmo Glassbrook . [220] Feb. 9. Natus & die 24 Julii bap fuit Franciscus Connor , filius Caroli & Mariæ Connor (olim Mahon) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Julii 29. Nata& die 30° bap fuit Helena TeresiaDale filia Roberti & Elizabethæ Dale (olim Pratt) conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Crump, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Aug. 6° Nata fuit, & die 15° bap. fuit Catherina Kenny, filia Jacobi & Catherinæ Kennæ [sic] (olim Sloan) conjugum Patrinis Benjamin Ryan & Sarah Ryan, a me BenedictoRayment Misso Apco

Aug. 31. Natus & die 4° Sep. bap fuit Henricus Pratt, filius Jacobi & Elizabethæ Pratt (olim Swann) conjugum. Patrinis Henrico & Mariâ Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Sept. 17. Nata & die 22° bap fuit Sarah Dorothea, filia Gulielmi & Anna Scruton (olim Milner) Conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo & SarahGosfort, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Sept. 19. Nata & die 220 bap. fuit Joanna Gray[Grey inmargin), filia N. Gray& MargaritaGray (olim Simpson) conjugum. Patrinis Henrico Heming & Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Aug. 27. Nata & die 25° Sep. bap. fuit Teresa Davidson filia Gulielmi Davidson & Mariæ(olimDaniel) conjugum. PatrinisJacobo Bennington & Joannâ Randerson, a me Tho BillingtonMiss .Apco


Sep. 27. Nata & die 29° bap fuit Sarah Agnesia, filia Gul¹ & Joanna Greenwood (olim Thorp) conjugum. Patrinis Stephano Dixon & Joanna Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

Sep. 27 Natus & die4° Oct.bap: fuit Ludovicus Augustinus Dunn , filius Edvardi & MariæDunn (olim Swinburne) conjugum. Patrinis

Roberto Hurworth & Anna Gray, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Oct. 11.Nata& die 16° bap. fuit Elizabetha Carvill filiaGeorgii & Sarah Carvill (olim Woods) Patrinis Thoma Murphy & Maria Murphy, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [221] Oct. 19. Natus & die 21° bap fuit Gulielmus Musgrave filius Gul & Mariæ Musgrave (olim Jackson) conjugum. Patrinis

Roberto Herworth& Carolinâ Croshaw, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Feb. 8. Natus & die 24 Oct. bap. fuit Stephanus Lambert , filius Stephani & Catharina Lambert(olim Comar) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [Oct. 25. inmargin, Die xd out] Nata die 16° Octobris & die 25° bap fuit Elizabetha Johnson filia Roberti Johnson & Annæ (olim Moon) conjugum Patrinis Josepho Seynor & Elizabetha Thompson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Oct. [26 over 25] Natus & die 1° Nov. bap fuit Jacobus Birch filius Jacobi & Elizabethæ Birch (olim Bell) conjug: Matrina fuit

Maria Anna Birch, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 5. Natus & die 6° ejusdem mensis bap. [fuit] Gulielmus Henericus Bradwith filius Joannis & Elizabethæ Bradwith (olim Boyes) conjug. a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 10° Nata & die 11° ejusdem mensis bap. fuit Amy Maria Stourton, filia Philippi & CatharinaStourton (olim Howard) conjugum. Patrinis Lord Stourton et Catherina Maria Howard de Corby, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Nov. 11. Nata & die 16° bap. fuit Anna Burton, filia Jacobi & Joanna Burton (olim Gibson) conjug. Patrinis Gulo & Maria Barner, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Nov. [4° over 20] Nata & die 17° bap. fuit Maria Robinson filia Georgii & MariæRobinson (olimAlderson) conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep. 30. Natus & die 20° Nov. bap fuit Gulielmus Tootle filius Annæ Tootle Patrinis Thoma Stead & Sarah Tootle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Nov. 20° Natus & die 270 bap. fuit Robertus, filius Moysis & MariæTovy (olim Caton) conjug. PatrinisThoma Murphy& Maria Murphy, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco. [222] Nov. 19° Nata & die 27° bap fuit

Maria Anna Murphy

Amy Mary, correctly Anna Mary, was the eldest of four daughters of the Hon. Philip Stourton (4th son of Charles Philip 16th Baron Stourton) and Catharine, eldest daughter of Henry Howard, of Corby Castle , co. Cumberland She became a nun


filia Jacobi et Mariæ Murphy (olim Nugent) conjugum. Patrinis

Michaeli Carmody & Brigitta Carmody, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Dec. 4. Nata & die 6° bap fuit Eliza Lee filia Richardi& Mariæ Lee (olim Baxter) conjug: a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Dec. 14. Nata & die 25° bap fuit Maria Anna Armstrong filia Thomæ& ElizabethæArmstrong (olimMcBean) conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo & Sarah McDonald, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco [1832]

Dec. 31. Nata& die 1° Jan. 1832 bap fuit Sarah AgnesMeggison filia Mariæ Meggison Patrinis Josephi Coupland & AgneseMeggison, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Dec. 27, 1831 Natus & die 4° Jan. 1832 bap. fuit Thomas Gall, filius Georgii & MargaritaGall (olim Ashcroft) conjugum. Patrinis Gulo Heselgrave& Francisca Gall, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

Jan. 15. Natus & die 22° bap. fuit JacobusDempseyfiliusTimothei & Joanna Dempsey (olim Plews) conjug: Patrinis Joanne Walker & Anna Walker, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Jan. 20. Natus & die 25° bap fuit Gulielmus Greenfilius Joannæ Green, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Jan. 20. Natus & die 29° bap. fuit Michaelis King filius Thomæ& Annæ King (olim Griffiths) conjug: Patrinis Michaele Regan & Helena Ryan, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Jan. [18 over 29]Natus & die 29 bap fuit Petrus Cloutfilius Gul'& Joanna Clout (olim Whitehead) conj. Patrinis Josepho Coupland & Maria Hargrave, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss Apco

Jan. 31. Natus & die eodem baptizatus fuit Thomas Colbeck filius Joannis & MariæColbeck (olim Hawkins) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss° Apco

Jan. 9. Nata & die 4° Februarii bap. fuit Joanna Co[u above]lson filia Gul: & AnastasiaCoulson (olim Matson) conjug. Matrinafuit

Margarita Ella, a me Thomâ Billington Miss Apco

Dec. 25. 1831 Nata& die Feb. 7° 1832 bap fuit Maria Hops, filia Joannis & Mariæ Hops (olim Ainsworth ) conjug Matrina fuit Esther Hops, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco. [223] Feb. 10. Nata & die 15° bap. fuit Maria Anna Elder filia Annæ Elder. Matrinafuit Anna Ethol, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Feb. 7. Natus & die 19 bap. fuit Richardus Quin filius Gul & Annæ Quin (olim Franks) conjugum. Patrinis Philippo& Margarita McDonald, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Feb. 12. Natus& die 26° bap. fuit Gulielmus Ryanfilius Jacobi & Saræ Ryan (olim Sturdy) conjugum Patrinis Benjamino Ryan& Helena Ryan, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

Feb. 21. Nata& die 26° bap. fuit Isabella Chapman filia Henrici& MariæChapman (olim Swann) conjugum Patrinis Joanne Brown & Elizabetha Pratt, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss. Apco.


Jan. 28. Nata & die 29 bap fuit Joanna Palmer filia Joannis & JoannaPalmer (olim Hardy) conjugum Matrina fuit Elizabetha Hunter, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

[No date] Nata& die 310 Martii bap. fuit Maria Anna Smithfilia Thomæ& Elizabethæ Smith (olimMacfarlin) conjug. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington Miss . Apco

March 4. Nata & die 11° bap. fuit Maria Anna Bingley, filia Gulielma [sic]& Mariæ Annæ Bingley (olim Whitwell) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Benjamin Randerson, Matrina Harriot Dent, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

March 16. Nata & die 18° bap fuit Elizabetha Norrison filia Gulielmi [mother'sname left out] Norrison (olim Gildart) conjug., a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

March ... Natus et die 29° bap fuit Gulielmus Lee filiusRichardi &Maria Lee(olim Baxter) conjugum, Patrinis[blank]a meBenedicto Rayment Miss° Apco.

April 1. Nata & die 50 bap: fuit Joanna Brown filia Abraham & MariæBrown (olim Collins) conjugum Matrinafuit MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment , Miss Apco

April 5. Nata& die 8° bap: fuit SaraBrown Milburne filiaLeonelis & Elizabethæ Milburne ([olim] Clapham) conjug: Patrinis Joanne Pans [?]& MariaAnna Bingley, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco [224] April 6. Nata & die 15° bap fuit Maria Josepha Settle, filia Jacobi & Annæ Settle (olim Whitehead) conjug PatrinisJacobo & Barbara Burrell, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

May 3rd Natus & die 6° bap: fuit SamuelJacksonfilius Ricardi& MariæJackson (olim Walker) Conjugum Patrinis Georgio Brown & Anna Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

May 5. Natus & die 9° baptizatus fuit Joannes Henricus Gallfilius Roberti & Annæ Gall (olim Taylor) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

May 17. Natus & die 18 bap fuit Richardus Cammidge [Camidge inmargin]filius Richardi &JoannaCamidge(olim Lyons) conjugum , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

May 16. Natus & die 19° baptizatus fuit CorneliusMcQuire , filius Edvardi & Mariæ [McQuire altered to] McGuire, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

May 17th Natus & die 19° bap.fuit Henricus MarcusBarnet, filius Marci & Annæ Barnet (olim Holland) conjugum Patrinis Joanne Marshall & Catharina Anna Marshall, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

May 18. Natus & die 20° bap fuit JoannesCroninfilius Timothæi Cronin & Elizabethæ (olim Hennesy ) conjugum. PatrinisBernardo MacEvoy & Carolina Melburne, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

May 16. Nata & die 20 bap fuit Elizabetha Waddington filia Roberti & Mariæ Annæ Waddington (olim Turpin) Conjugum, Patrinis [Ricdoover Gui:] Waddington & Elizabetha Waddington a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

May 18 Nata& die 24° bap. fuit MariaAnna Hatleyfilia Roberti


& Margarita Hatley (olim Thompson) conjugum PatrinisJosepho Thompson & Annâ Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May 21.Nata& die27 bap. fuit Priscilla filia Gulielmi & Elizabethæ Hudson (olim Johnson) Conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Sydney Johnson & Matrina Priscilla Johnson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco


May24. Natus & die 30 Junii bap: fuit Thomas Carlion filius Joannis & Francisca Carlion (olim Riley) conjugum. Patrinis PatricioKelly& Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May27. Nata& die 30 Junii bap fuit Joanna Stoney filia Gul & Mariæ Stoney (olim Lambert) conjug. Matrinafuit Maria Murphy, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

May 30. Nata & die 3º Junii bap fuit Joannes Jennings filius Gulielmi & Annæ Jennings (olim Bridgwater) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Meara & Elizabetha Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May5. Natus & die Junii 8vo bap: fuit Joannes HenericusSunderland, filius Joannis & Annæ Sunderland (olim Whitehead) conjug: Patrinis Gul: Settle & Elizabetha Purdy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

June 7°Natus & die 11° bap.fuit Gulielmus Dinningfilius Danielis & EleanoræDinning (olim Mahony) conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

May 13. Nata& die 16 Junii bap. fuit Anna Duston filiaMarki & Mariæ Annæ Duston (olim Prince) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Dalton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

June 16. Natus & die 20° bap fuit Josephus filius Louisæ & Joannis Shackleton (olim ... .) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Webster & Maria Beck, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Junii 23. Nata & die 25 bap: fuit Sarah Anna Tootell [Tootlein margin] filia Saræ Tootell (post paucos dies mortua est), a me Benedicto Rayment Miss. Apco.

Junii 19. Natus & die 27 bap: fuit JacobusJoannesfilius Jacobi & Margarita Ella (olim Plummer). Matrina fuit Maria Sellers , a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco [226] Junii 27 Nata& die 29 bap. fuit Martha Belt filia Thomæ & Mariæ Belt (olim Webster) conjugum Patrinis Georgio Sampson & Anna Ethel, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Julii 19. Nata& eodem die bap fuit Maria Edithafilia Georgii & Mariæ Annæ Goldie* (olim Bonomi) conjugum Patrinis Carolo Gregorio Fairfax & Francisca Editha Anne, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Julii 11 Nata & die 22° bap. fuit Helena Munden [Mundan in Mary Edith, elder daughter of George and Mary Anne Goldie , was educatedat the BarConvent, York, and took thehabittherein 1851 asSister Mary Walburga She died 23 Sept. 1905, just a year before her brother , CanonGoldie Hergodfather was Charles Gregory Fairfax, ofGillingCastle, co . Yorks, and her godmother Frances Edith Anne, of Burghwallis Hall, co Yorks.

margin] filia Patricii & Margarita Mundan conjug. Matrina fuit Helena Delaney, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Julii 20. Natus & die 22° bap: fuit Michael Josephfilius Jacobi & Helenæ Mullagen (olim Pratt) conjugum PatrinisGulielmo Brodell & Anna Dale, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Julii [23 over 24] Nata & die 26° bap. fuit Barbara Matilda filia Jacobi [Geo . xdout] Caroli & Matildæ Parsons (olimRank) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne & Barbara Parsons, avo & avâ, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Julii 23. Nata et die 29° bap fuit Maria filia Georgii et Annæ Wheeler (olim Richardson) conjugum Patrinis Joanne Perry et Helena Wheeler, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Julii 22. Nata& die 29° bap. fuit Maria Elizabetha filia Josephi& Elizabethæ Tootell [Tootle in margin] (olim Pratt) conjugum

Patrinis Carolo Walker& Teresa Tootle, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Maii 20 Nata & die 31° Julii bap fuit AnnaJoycefiliaSimonis & Brigittæ Joyce (olim Murphy) conjugum Matrina Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco

Julii 30. Natus & die 6° Aug. bap fuit Felix O'Brian filius Annæ O'Brian Fuit Matrina Abigail Masterman, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Aug. 1. Natus & die 6° bap fuit Robertus Richardus Simpson filius Joanna Simpson. Matrinafuit MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment [227]

Aug. 5. Nata et die 6º bap fuit [Margarita altered to Catharina] McDonald, filia Jacobi & Sara McDonald (olim Ruler), Patrinis Thoma King & Elizabethâ Armstrong, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

Maii 28. Natus & die 10° Aug. bap fuit Georgius Barker , filius Georgii & Mariæ Barker (olim Chapman) conjugum Patrinis Henrico Chapman& MariaSettle, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Aug. 9. Nata [sic]& die 12 bap. fuit JacobusfiliusJacobi& Mariæ Clare. Patrinis Roberto Johnson & Eliza Masterman, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

Julii 24. Nata & die 14 Aug. bap. fuit Hannah Digenan filia Petri et Catherinæ Digenan. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Aug. 15° Natus & die 26° bap. fuit JacobusCleary, filius Jacobi & Helena Cleary (olim White) conjug: Patrinis Carolo Lenard [&] Eliz: Robinson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Aug. 25°Nata & die 30 Sep. bap. fuit Isabella Gall, filiaRoberti & Annæ Gall (olim Taylor) conjugum Patrinis Thoma Gall & Francisca Gall, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco.

Aug. 18. Nata& die 5° Septembris bap fuit EmmaMariaHildreth [Heldrethin margin] filia [Thomæ& Elizabethæ xd out, Annæ above] Heldrith[conjug. xd out]. Matrinafuit Henrietta Outhwaite , a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.


May 18. Natus & die 9° Sep. bap. fuit Joannes Chapman filius Francisci & Joanna Chapman(olimJohnson) Patrinis JoanineChapman & Elizabetha Whetherill, a me Thoma Billington Miss . Apco.

[May 19 xd out, July 19 above] Natus et die 9° Sep. bap fuit John Lee, filius Joannis & Annæ Lee (olim Dixon) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Dixon & Catharinâ Dixon, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep. 7. Natus & die 9° bap fuit Thomas Bridgewaterfilius Thomæ &Sara Bridgewater (olimEmmison) conjug., a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

[228] Sep. 9. Nata & die 10° bap fuit Catharina Gawthorpe filia Benjamini & Margarita Gawthorpe (olim Verity) conjugum. Matrinafuit Catharina Simpson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Sept. 10° Nata & die 160 bap. fuit Maria Catharina filia Josephi & Lucie Coupland (olim Marshall) conjugum, Patrinis Gulielmo Coupland & Margarita Coupland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sept. 15 Nata& die 27 bap. fuit Elizabetha , filia Denis& Joannæ Mara (olim Crowder) conjugum Patrinis Anna & Gulielmo Mara , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Sept. 22. Nata & die 27 bap fuit MariaAnna Beatie filia Jacobi & Annæ Beatie (olim Stationer) conjugum Patrinis Gul. Johnson& Joanna James, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco [Sep. xd out, Aug. above] 10 Nata & die 30° [? Sept.] bap. fuit

Maria Maguire filia Joannis & Saræ Maguiere (olim Moyser) conjug. Patrinis Lionel Walker & Anna Walker, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Aug. 30. Nata & die 9° Oct. bap. fuit Anna Haw , filia Gul¹ & Annæ Haw (olim Sowerby) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Goff et Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco

Oct. 14. Nata& die 21 bap fuit Elizabetha filia Roberti& Mariæ Herworth (olim Musgrave) conjug Patrinis Josepho Swale & SarahCroshaw, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Oct. 25. Nata & die 30° bap fuit Elizabetha Nutbrown filia Jacobi & Maria Annæ Nutbrown (olim Mountain) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne McGuire & Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Sept. 28. Natus & die 30º bap fuit Georgius, filius Roberti & Maria Anna Fawcett (olimWheatley) conjugum PatrinisAnthonio Smith & Maria Swann, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Oct. 29. Nata & die 4° Nov. hap. fuit Maria Julia Wilson filiaGul. & Elizabethæ Wilson (olim Lupton) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Mawson& Maria Colbeck, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Nov. 5. Natus & die 11° bap fuit Gulielmus Fountain, filius Geo Fountain& Annæ Fountain (olim Sharp) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Johnson & Maria Murphy, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco [229] Nov. 14. Nata& die 180 bap. fuit Maria Anna Borner [Booner in margin] filia Gulielmi & Annæ Borner (olim Cackle) conj. Patrinis StephanoDixion & Anna Hilton, a meThoma Billington Misso Apco.


Nov. 14. Natus & die 18° bap. fuit Edwardus Petrus filius Jacobi & Isabellæ Coupland (olim Fountain) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne & HenriettaJohnson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Oct. 1. Nat [&] die 26° Nov: bap. fuit Elizabetha Shimmins filia Michaelis& Mariæ Shimmins (olim Atkinson) conjug: Matrina fuit [& die Nov. xd out] Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 27. Nata & die 30° bap. fuit Anna Sanderson filia Joannis & AnnæSanderson (olim ... . ) conj Patrinis Richardo Hargitt & Catharina Rowntree, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 23. Nata & die 3º Dec. bap: fuit in Ergastulo viæ Sae Mariæ, Helena, filia Michaelis et Bridgittæ McGorne (olim Casey) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment MissoApco.

Dec. 7 Natus & die 9° bap fuit Henricus, filius Thomæ & Elizabethæ Barnes (olim Bulmer) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Barnes & Anna Barnes, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Dec. 10. Natæ & eodem die bap sunt Elizabetha & Helena Bell filiæ gemellæHenerici & Helenæ Bell (olim Jackson), a me Thoma BillingtonMisso Apco

Dec. 15. Nata & die 18° bap. fuit Helena Meggisonfilia Mariæ Meggison . Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Dec. 15. Natus & die 18° bap fuit Gulielmus filius Gulielmi& Mariæ Potts (olim Bell) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma & Elizabetha Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss. Apco.

Dec. 24. Natus & die 30° bap fuit AndreasLenard filiusAndreæ& Helenæ Lenard (olim MacLouglin) Conjugum Patrinis Jacobo Armstrong [&] Maria Short, a me Thoma Billington Miss. Apco. [230] 1833

Nov. 28. 1832 Nata & die 1° Jan. 1833 bap. fuit Martha, filia

Joannis & Annæ Hardcastle (olim Barnes ) conjugum Patrinis

Josepho Sydney Johnson & Maria Sturdy, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Dec. 31. 1832 Natus & die 6° Jan. 1833 bap fuit JoannesJackson filius Gul Stokoe & Henricæ (olim Bradley) conjugum Patrinis

Joanne Bradley & Maria Powell, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss. Apco.

Jan. 8. Nata & die 11° bap fuit Joanna filia Gul & MariæMusgrave (olim Jackson) conjugum Patrinis Thoma Suoli & Maria Anna Musgrave, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Jan. 8. Natus & die 13° bap. fuit Thomas Euclid Bell,filiusThomæ & Mariæ Bell (olim Dimmore) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo & Anna Scruton, a me Benedicto Rayment , Miss Apco.

Jan. 2. Natus & die 15. bap. fuit Thomas, filius Richardi& Eliz. Wallis (olim Atkinson) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Jan. 17 Natus & die 20° bap. fuit Edvardus filius[Edvardixd out ,


Thomæ above]& Helenæ Finn (olim Calagan) conjugum. Patrinis Carolo Leonard & Sarah Sunderland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Jan. 1o Natus & die 22 bap fuit Josephus, filius Ant¹ & Mariæ Annæ Cataneo (olim Ryman [or Rymer]) conjugum Patrinis Augustino Cataneo & Maria Anna Ambrosio, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Jan. 20. Natus & die 23° bap fuit Joannes, filius Georgii & Annæ Myers (olim Russell) conjugum Patrinis Josepho Fawbert & Joanna Fawbert, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Jan. 16. Natus & die 27 bap fuit Edvardus Ward filius Gulielmi & HelenæWard (olim Little) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Jan. 27. Nata & die 5° Feb. bap [fuit] Eliza Birch, filia Thomæ & MariæBirch (olim Thomp[s]on) conj Matrina fuit Maria Birch, a me Thoma Billington Miss Apco. [231] Jan. 26 Nata & die Feb. 9 bap. [fuit] Joanna Briggs filia Joannis & Maria Briggs (olim Fitzgerald) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Robinson, a meThoma Billington Misso Apco.

Nov. 11 , 1832 Natus & eodem die bap. fuit [Josephus inserted above] Henricus Walker Wilson [Joseph Henry Walker in margin] filius AnnaWaker [sic] Patrinis Joanna Walker& Joanna Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Missº Apco.

Feb. 9. Natus & die 12° bap. fuit Carolus Hargitt filius Joannis & Elizabethæ Hargitt (olim . .. . ) conjugum Patrinis Joanne Randerson& Maria Anna Bingley, a meThoma Billington Misso Apco

Feb. 11. Nata & die 17° bap fuit Maria Agnes filia Jacobi & Rebecca Hebditch (olim Lambert) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Lambert& Maria Dale, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Feb. 21. Natus et die 22° bap fuit Georgius, filius Samuelis Butterworth et Rebecca (olim Fraster [or Feaster]) conjugum, Patrinis Francisco Woods et Elizabetha Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

Feb. 23. Nata et die 24° bap. fuit Elizabetha MacGrieve, filia Danielis et Rose MacGrieve (olim Smith) conjug. PatrinisGeorgio Pickles et Prudentia Smith, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco.

Feb. 25. Nata [&] die 30 Martii bap. fuit Margarita filia Josephi et Hannah Thompson (olim Maskell) conjugum. Patrinis Henrico Steelet Elizabetha Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss Apco.

Mar. 7. Nata et die 10° bap. fuit Maria Dutton filia Edwardiet Annæ Dutton (olim Cundell) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Kendrew , a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco. ,

Feb. 28. Nata et die 16° Martii bap. fuit Sophia filia Caroli et Mariæ Arundell (olim Baley) conjugum. Patrinis Carolo et Maria Parker, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Mar. 19. Nata et die 24° bap. fuit Teresa Maria, filia Joannis et Mariæ Jackson (olim Hurworth) conjugum Patrinis Josepho Mountain et Maria [Mountain xd out, Bolland above], a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.



Mar. 11. Nata et die 29° bap. fuit Anna Marshall filiaGeorgii Marshall et Joannæ (olim Dennis) conjugum. Patrinis R[i]chardo et Maria Waddington, a me Thoma Billington, MissoApco

April 1. Nata et die eodem bap fuit Francisca MariaMiddelton* filia Petri et Julianæ Middelton (olim Stourton) conjugum Patrinis Marmaduke Maxwell et Catharina Stourton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

April 1. Nata et die 4° bap fuit Maria Mawson filia Joannis et Annæ Mawson (olim Malkington ) conjugum. Patrinis Jonatha Mawson [&] Maria Kempley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Mar. 30. Nataet die 4° Aprilis bap. fuit Elizabetha filia Robertiet MargaritaGrey (olim Simpson) conjugum. Patrinis [blank] et [Ma xd out] Elizabetha Salvin [or Solvin], a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Mar. 20. Natus et die 7° Aprilis bap fuit JoannesQuinland filius Thomæ et Brigittæ Quinland (olim Quin) conjugum. Patrinis Gulo Colbecket Maria Hunter, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

April 22 Natus et die 12° bap fuit Alfredus Gulielmus filius Joannis Danby et Joannæ Firby conjugum Patrinis Bernardo McEvoy [&] Francisca Leonora Litchmond, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May 13. Nata et die 15° bap.fuit Teresiafilia Gulielmiet Joannæ Greenwood (olim Thorp) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Smith et Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco

May 8. Natus et die 22° baptizatus fuit Thomas Hinsley filius Joannæ Hinsley. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

May 6. Nata et die 26° bap. fuit Anna filia Roberti Henrici et Annæ Anderson (olim Bilton) conjugum Patrinis Joanne et Maria Harrison, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

May 6. Natus et die 31° bap fuit Georgius Tindal [Tindall in margin] filius Gul et Joanna Tindall conjugum Patrinis Jacobo Lyons et Maria Robinson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco [233] Jan. 31. 1832 Nata et die 7° Junii 1833 bap. fuit Elizabetha filia Anna Whitely. Matrina fuit Margarita Whitely, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

June 4. Nata et die 160 bap fuit Margarita Macdonald filia Philippi et Margarita Macdonald (olim Quin) conjugum. Matrina fuit Helena Lenard, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 27. Nata et die 21° Junii bap fuit Gulielmus Georgius Mattison filius Gul et Helenæ Mattison (olim Hopps) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Hopps et Matrina Maria Cass, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

June 22. Natus et die 23 bap. fuit Alfridus Ellerbyfilius Josephi et Elizabethæ Ellerby (olimKenly) conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Clare, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

* Frances Mary was the6thand youngest daughter of Peter andJuliana Middleton, of Myddleton Lodge and Stockeld Park, co Yorks Shebecame a nun, as did her threeeldersisters


June 20. Nata et die 23° bap. fuit AnnaArmstrong,filia Thomæ et Elizabethæ Armstrong (olim Dean) conjugum Patrinis Josepho Cooney et Maria Murph[y], a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 24. Nata et die 26° bap fuit Elizabetha Musgrave filia Thomæ et Mariæ Annæ Musgrave (olim Herworth ) conjugum. Patrinis Cornelio Croshaw et Anna Deighton, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 19. Nata et die 27° bap. fuit SarahAnna Morgan filia Petriet Anna Morgan (olim . ) conjugum. Patrinis Patricio etAnna Walsh, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 27. Nata et die 30° bap. fuit Joanna [Rosa intercalated] Watson filia Roberti et Joanna Watson (olim Cooke) conjugum. Patrinis Revo Thoma Billington et Maria Barton, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 1. Nata et die 3º bap. fuit Sarah Smith [Sarah Millington Smith in margin], filia Joannis et Priscilla Smith (olim Johnson) conjugum. Patrinis JoanneInniss etAnnaMawson, ame Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 27. Nata et die 7° Julii bap. fuit Maria Bennfilia Thomæet Prudentiæ Benn (olim Cowton) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne Innniss [sic] et Elizabetha Waddington , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco [234] June . Natus et die 7° Julii bap. fuit Jacobus Mac filius Michaelis et Brigittæ Mac (olim .. ) conj Patrinis Joanne Regan et Honoria Langan, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apeo

July 8. Natus et die 10° bap fuit GeorgiusJackson filius Thomæ et Elizabethæ Jackson (olim Steward) conjugum (et dein mortuus est), a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco

July 9. Natus et die 14° bap fuit Henricus Birchfilius Henrici et Joanna Birch (olim Fox) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Boddy et Joanna Boddy, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco

July 8. Natus et die 14° bap fuit Joannes Flinn filius Petri et Bridgittæ Flinn (olim Leonard) conjugum Patrinis Philippo Maguire et Helena Lyon, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July18. Nati et die 19° baptizatifuerunt Gulielmus [over Henricus] et Sarah [over Joanna] Dobson [soboles Gul Dobson et Annæ West, conj interlined ] Gemelli Patrinis Gulielmo Lockwood et Maria Wilson et Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

July 15. Natus et die 20° bap fuit Thomas Prattfilius Jacobi et Elizabethæ Pratt (olim Swann) conjugum. Patrinis Henrico Chapman et Martha Weatherill, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss Apco.

July24. Nata et die 27° bap fuit Margarita Patridgefilia Henrici et Joanna Patridge (olim Johnson) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Johnson et Margarita Weatherall , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Aug. 5. Nata et die 11° bap fuit Isabella Brown filia Joannis et Isabellæ Brown (olim Chapman) conjugum. Patrinis Ludovico Sandin et MariaMusgrave, a me Thomã Billington, Misso Apco.


Mar. 22. Natus et die 13° Augti bap. sub conditione fuit Jacobus Whetherill [Wetherillin margin] filius Roberti et Susanna Wetherill (olim Parkin) conjugum. Patrinis Gul Brown et Margarita Wetherill, a me T. Billington, Misso Apco.

Aug. 13. Natus et die 18° bap fuit Carolus Leech filius Helenæ Leech Patrinis Gul Settle et Elizabetha Settle, a me T. Billington, Misso Apco

Aug. 19. Nata et die eodem bap. fuit Joanna Fentiman filia Gulielmi Fentimanet Mariæ Fentiman (olim Bainbridge) conjugum, Patrinis Georgio Myers et Anna Fletcher, a me T. Billington, Misso Apco. [235] Aug. 14. Natus et die 20° bap. fuit Joannes Pollard filius Caroli et Elizabethæ Pollard (olim Jefferson) conjugum Patrinis Carolo Caley et Elizabetha Dean, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Aug. 20. Nata et die 24° bap. fuit Martha Shackeltonfilia Joannis et LouiseShacketon (olim Nickelson) conjugum Patrinis Jacobo et Maria Beck , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Aug. 12. Nata et die 7° Sep. bap. fuit Rosa Ryan, filia Thomæ et Elizabethæ Ryan (olim Robinson) conjugum. Matrina Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Sep. 2. Natus et die 8° bap fuit Augustinus Waters filius Gul¹ et Margaret Waters (olim Coningham) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma

Murphyet Sarah Murphy, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Aug. 9 Natus et die 80 Sept. bap. fuit Joannis Morgan filius

Henerici et Joanna Morgan (olim Bailey) conjug Patrinis Petro

Morganet MariaGormaley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Aug. 24. Nata et die Sepris 9° bap fuit Elizabetha Bodan filia

Thomæet MargaritaBodan (olimCostello) conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Aug. 31. Natus et die 15° Sepris bap fuit Josephus Henrick filius

Josephi et Annæ Henrick (olim Dixon) conjugum Patrinis

Richardo Nettletonet Maria Almond, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Sep. 16. Natus et die 18° bap fuit Robertus Ambrosius Taylor filius Joannis et Annæ Taylor (olim Dale) conjugum. Patrinis Roberto et Elizabetha Dale, a me T. Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 23. Nata et die 26° bap. fuit Sara Wilson filia Joannis et Anna Wilson (olim Barrett) conjugum. Patrinis Stephano Dixon et Anna Bolton, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Sep. 24. Natuset die 29° [? 25°] bap. fuit Thomas Birch filius

Jacobi et Elizabethæ Birch (olim Bell) conjug Patrinis Georgio Brown et Maria Lomas, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. [236] Oct. 3. Nata et die 6º bap. fuit Francisca Elizabetha Sunderland filia Arthuri et Saræ Sunderland (olim Holmes) conjug

Matrina fuit Anna Ridley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sept. 26. Natus et die 12° Octobris bap fuit Robertus Johnson filius Roberti et Annæ Johnson (olim Moon) conjugum. Patrinis

JoanneMawsonet Maria Wilson, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco


Oct. 31. Nata et die 3° [Nov.] bap. fuit Elizabetha Chapman filia Henerici et Mariæ Chapman (olim Swann) conj PatrinisRichardo et Anna Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Oct. 22.Nataet die 5° Novembris bap fuit SaraSmithfilia Thomæ et Margarita Smith (olim Smith) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Colbeck, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Nov. 6. Natus et die 21° bap. fuit Thomas Fox filius Teresa Fox. Matrinafuit Joanna Birch, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Oct. 27. Nata[sic] et die 1º Novembris bapt. fuit HenricusShillito filius Joannis et AnnæShillito (olimBeale) conjugum PatrinisHenrico Cataneoet Helena Spencer , a ReverendoDomo Felice Rouault.

Dec. 7 Natuset die 8vo bap fuit Thomas Gawthorpefilius Benjmi Gawthorpe et Margarita (olim Verity) conjug Matrina fuit [Eliz xd out] Maria Wilson , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 8. Nata et die 14° bap. fuit Henrica Walkerfilia Mattheiet Maria Waker(olim Wyrell) conjugum. Matrinafuit Anna Wyrell, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Dec. 13. Nata et die 17° bap. fuit Francisca Burtonfilia Jacobi et Joanna Burton (olim Gibson) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo et Maria Barner, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apeo

Dec. 18. Nata et die 22° bap fuit Isabella Munfrey filia Gulielmi et Saræ Munfrey (olim Alderson) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Johnson et Sara Hargitt, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 17.Natus et die 25° bap.fuit JoannesWelch filius Patricii et Annæ Welch (olim Langan), conjugum. PatrinisMartinoSchanling et Anna Regan, a me Thoma Billington, Miss° Apco.

Dec. 17 Nata et die 26° bap fuit Christiana Maria Maguire filia Philippi et Mariæ Maguire (olimLyons). PatrinisSusannaSpinket Petro Flynn, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apeo.

Dec. 28. Nata et die 29° bap. fuit Maria Anna filia Jacobi et Saræ Macdonald (olim Ruler) conjugum. Patrinis Petro et Sara Morgan, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apeo. [237] 1834 .

Januar 4. Natus et die 8° bap. fuit Joannes Gray, filius Josephi et Joanna Gray (olim Ibottson) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Jan. 12. Natus et die 19° bap. fuit Daniel Shiel Fitzpatrik filius Barnabæ Fitzpatrick et Mariæ Fitzpatrik (olim Sinnott) conjugum. Patrinis Petro Kaen et Elizabetha Dale, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 28, 1833 Nata et die 29° Jan. bap fuit Maria Walker, filia Richardi et Mariæ Walker (olim Richardson) conjugum. Matrina Maria Wilson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Feb.4. Nata et die 5° bap. fuit Caroletta Bradwith filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Bradwith (olim Boyes) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne et Joanna Randerson, a me Thoma Billington, MissºApco.

March 4 Natus et die eodem bap fuit Augustinus Josephus Cataneo filius Josephine Catanei (Patre jam mortuo). Patrinis Joanne et Maria Anna Cataneo, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.


March 5thnata et die 7° bap fuit Anna Fountain filia Georgii et Annæ Fountain (olim Sharp) conjug., a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apeo

March 9. Natus et eodem die bap fuit Thomas Shuttle [olim xd out] filius Francisci et Mariæ Shuttle (olim Murphy) conjugum. Patrinis Patricio McClaer et Sarah Murphy, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Feb. 28. Natus et die 16° Martii bap. fuit Joannes Carvill filius Georgii et Sarah Carvill (olim Wood) conjugum. Patrinis Thomã Webster et Louisa Shackelton, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Mar. 4. Nata et die 21° bap. fuit Teresa Catherina Dawson filia ThomæetSaraDawson ([olim] Butler) conjugum PatrinisHenerico Dawsonet Margarita Fawcett, a me Thoma Billington, Miss Apco

Mar. 18. Nata[sic] et die 23° bap. fuit Patricius Reganfilius Joannis et Helenæ Regan (olim Gormley) conjugum. PatrinisMichaele Reganet Maria Gormley, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

April 13. Natus et die 18° bap. fuit Josephus Hudgson filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Hudgson (olimJohnson) Conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Sydney Johnson et Priscilla Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

April 23. Natus et die 27° bap fuit Thos. Turpin Waddington filius Rob Waddington et Mariæ Annæ Waddington (olim Turpin) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Settle et Helena Waddington , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco. [238]

April 29. Natus et die 4° Maii bap. fuit Georgius Robinson filius Georgii et Mariæ Robinson (olimHoldrige) conjugum Patrinis CaroloWalkeret Maria Beck, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

April 25 nata et die 7° Maii bap fuit Joanna Aspin filia Georgii et Cæciliæ Aspin (olimSyran) conjug: Matrinafuit Abigail Masterman , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

April 8. Natus et die 8° Maii bap. fuit Joannes Allanson filius Georgii et JoannæAllanson (olim Hopper) conjugum Matrina fuit Anna Morley, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 6th Natus et die 18° bap fuit Gulielmus Mullens filius Gulielmi et JoannæMullens ([olim above] Moore) conjug. Matrina fuit Catharina Clancy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 14. Natus et die 18° bap. fuit Joannes Leuty, filius Joannis et Joanne Leuty (olim Davison) conjug Patrinis Gulielmo Munfreyet Elizabetha Bradley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 27. Natus et die 1º Maii bap fuit Thos Jackson filius

Richardi et Mariæ Jackson (olim Walker) Conjugum. Patrinis

Samuele Walker et Susanna Spink, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco .

May 9. Nata et die 4° Junii [bap. fuit above] Ursula Joanna

Ella filia Jacobi et MargaritaElla (olim Fawcett) conjug. Patrinis

Roberto Sanderson et Joanna Swann, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.


May 29. Natus et die 6° Junii bap. fuit Robertus Watson filius Roberti et JoannæWatson (olim Cooke) conjug: Patrinis Revo° G. Heptonstall et Elizabetha Moore, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apeo

May 17. Natus et die 8° [Junii above] bap. fuit Edvardus Storey filius Gulielmi et Mariæ Storey (olim Lambert) conjugum. Patrinis Francisco Suttle et Elizabetha Murphy, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

May 28. Nata et die 8° Junii bap fuit Margarita Gall filiaGeorgii et Margarita Gall (olim Ashcroft) conjugum. Patrinis Francisco Suttle et Francisca Gall, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco

June 20. Natus et die 22° bap. fuit Eduardus Dutton filius Edvardi et Annæ Dutton (olim Cundell) Patrinis Josepho Cundell et Maria Sturdy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. [239] April 5. Nata et die 22° Junii bap fuit Susanna Glynn filia Patricii et Susannæ Glynn (olim Dodds) conj. Patrinis Thoma Glynn et Elizabetha Groves, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Junii 5. Nata et die 27° bap. fuit Helena Addindall [Allendall in margin]filia Robertiet CatherinæAddindall(olim Caress) conjugum

Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Junii 21. Natus et die 29° bap fuit Thomas David Fryer filius

Joannis et Margarita Fryer (olim Hurworth) conjug. Patrinis Ludovico et Teresa Hurworth, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco

Junii 16. Natuset die 30° bap. fuit Joannes filius Caroli et Margaritæ Clinton (olim Butler) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Barrett et Elizabetha Casey , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Junii 29. Natus et die 1º Julii bap fuit Gulielmus Chambers filius Josephi et Annæ Chambers (olim King) conjugum. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Junii 22. Natus et die 1º Julii bap fuit Thomas Hardcastle filius Joannis et Annæ [Barns xd out] Hardcastle (olim Barns) conjugum Matrinafuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Junii 29. Nata et die 4° Julii bap. fuit Elizabetha Deacon filia Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Deacon (olim Talbot) conjugum Patrinis Jacobo Mackiness et Anna Dowling, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Julii 2. Natus et die 6° bap.fuit Matthæus Moorefilius Thomæet MariæMoore(olim Lazenby), conjugum Matrinafuit MariaWilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Junii 10. Natus et die 6° Juliibap fuit et Mariæ Lee ([olim] Baxter) conjugum. Francisca Almond, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Alfredus LeefiliusRichardi PatrinisRoberto Settleet

Julii 6. Nata et die 13° bap fuit Hannah [filia above; and Mariæ Lavin xd out] Gulielmi et Mariæ Lavin [Lawin in margin] (olim Robinson) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Julii 16. Nata et die eodem bap. fuit Elizabetha Dale filiaMariæ Dale, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.



July 29. Nata et die 30° bap. fuit Joanna Francisca Leadbitter, filia Joannis et Catherinæ Leadbitter (olim Swinburn) conjugum. Patrinis Roberto Leadbitter et Anna Charlton, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apeo

August 2d Natus et die 3° bap. fuit Thomas Musgrave filius Gulielmi et MariæMusgrave(olimJackson) conj. [Patrinis] Josepho Swale et Isabella Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

July28. Nata et die 30 Aug. bap. fuit Helena Barner filia Gulielmi et Annæ Barner (olim Corkel), conjugum Patrinis StephanoDixon et Anna Bolton, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July 22. Nata et die 3º Aug. bap. fuit Joanna [Brear over Brearer] filia Georgii et Eliz. Brearer (olimGarbett) conjug. Patrinis Carolo Fryer et Elizabetha Linton, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Aug. 20. Nata et eodem die bap. fuit Elizabetha Collins filia Joannis et Annæ Collins (olim Harman) conjug. [not signed].

Sep. 2. Nata et die 50 bap fuit Emma Colbeckfilia Joannis et Mariæ Colbeck (olim Hawkins) conjugum. Jonathan Mawson et Anna Colbeck Patrinis, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apeo.

Sep. 2. Natus et die 5° bap. fuit Joannes Hull filius Thomæ et Carolina Hull (olim Croshaw) conjugum. Patrinis Cornelio et Sara Croshaw, Avo et Ava, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep. 7. Natus et die 13° bap fuit Gulielmus Connorfilius Joannis et Joanna Connor (olim Chapman) conjugum. Matrinafuit Anna Walsh, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Sep. 12. Nata et eodem die bap. fuit Maria Bridgewater filia Thomæ et Saræ Bridgewater (olim Emmison) conjugum, a me T. Billington, Misso Apco

Aug. 6. Natus et die 13° Septembris bap fuit JosephusAugustinus Cataneo filius Antonii et MariæAnæn Cataneo (olim Rymer) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Fattorino et Josephina Cataneo , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apeo.

Sep. 1. Natus et die 15° bap fuit David Josiah Poolefilius Davidis Charoli Poole et Elizæ Martha Poole (olim Belk [or Belt]) conjugum Patrinis JosiahThoma Poole et Cecilia Joanna Poole , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco [241] Sep. 17. Nata et eodem die bap. fuit Catherina Anna Bickerdike filia Jacobi et Annæ Bickerdike (olim Buckle) Patrinis Thoma et Catharina Bickerdike, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 5. Nata et die 20° bap. fuit Joanna Snowden filia Lucæ [over Luke] et Rosæ Snowden (olim Jobe) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Sep. 9. Natus et die 12° bap fuit JoannesMacavity filius Michaelis et Elizabethæ MacAvity (olim Craig) conjugum MatrinafuitSara Macdonald, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Sep. 19 Natus et die 22° bap. fuit Robertus Manby Nutbrown filius Jacobi & Mariæ Annæ Nutbrown (olim Mountain) conjugum. Patrinis Carolo Fryer et Maria Mountain, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.


Sep. 14. Natus et die 23° bap fuit Josephus Sedgwick filius [Josephi et Elizabethæ xd out, Joannis & Annæ above, and Sedgwick altered to Sedgewick] (Lockwood olim) conjugum. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Bradwith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 26. Nata et die 28° bap. fuit Sarah Pinder, filia Thomæ et Elizabethæ Pinder (olim Hilton) conjugum. Patrinis Georgio et Sarah Pinder, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Sep. 26 Natus et die 30° bap. fuit David Christopherus Hurworth filius Roberti et Mariæ Hurworth (olim Musgrave) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Musgrave et Elizabetha Deighton, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Oct. 3. Natus fuit Henricus Hartonet die 5° bap. fuit filius Amice [sic]et Sarah Harton(olimWheatley) conjugum PatrinisEdmundo Ransleyet Maria Gough. Et gemellaejusdem, SarahHarton, eodem die nata [et baptizataxd out] et ambo baptizati fuêre, Patrinis Edmundo Ransley et Sarah Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Oct. 1st Natus et die 12° bap. fuit Edwinus Wilson filius Gul et Elizabethæ Wilson (olim Lupton) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne Pinder et Anna Wilson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco [242] Oct. 4. Natus et die 12° bap. fuit Joannes Regan filius Joannis et Sara Regan (olim Connor) conjugum Patrinis Petro Cahalan et Maria Gormeley, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Aug. 21. Nata et die 5° Nov. bap fuit Isabella Barker filia Georgii et Mariæ Barker (olim Chapman ) conj Patrinis Josepho Brown et Maria Musgrave, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Nov. 14. Nata et die 23° bap. fuit Susanna West filiaMatthæiet Maria West (olim Clark) conjugum Patrinis JoanneetMargarita Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Nov. 28. Nata et die 30° bap. fuit Maria Smith filia Joannis et Priscilla Smith (olim Johnson) conjugum PatrinisJosephoSidney Johnson et Anna Hudgson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Nov. 23. Nata et die 4° Dec. bap. fuit Maria Anna Barker filia Georgii et Mariæ Barker (olimGall). Matrinafuit FranciscaGall, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Dec. 6. Baptizatafuit Annafilia Josephi et AnnæChambers (olim King) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Dec. 4. Natus et die 7° bap fuit Christopherus Musgrave filius Thomæ et Mariæ Annæ Musgrave (olim Hurworth) conjugum. PatrinisThoma Kirbyet Teresa Ransley, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Dec. 14. Nata et die 21 bap fuit Catharina filia Joannis et ElizabethaHargitt (olim [Hewison altered to Jewison]) conjugum. Patrinis JosephoJohnson et Elizabeth Bingley, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Nov. 29. Nata et die 21° Dec. bap fuit SusannafiliaSamueliset Rebecca Butterworth (olim Fewster) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Mawsonet Joanne [sic] Gordon, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.


Nov. 13. Natus et die Dec. 23° bap. fuit Thomas Carter filius Joanna Carter. MatrinaEliz Carter [not signed]. [243] [1835]

Nov. 7 , 1834 Natus et die 30 Jan. 1835 bap. fuit Richardus Bowman, filius Joannis et Mariæ Bowman conjugum Matrinafuit Margarita [Bowman xd out] Whiteley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 27, 1834 Natus et die4° Jan. 1835 bap. fuit CarolusHebditch filius Jacobi et Rebec[c]æ Hebditch (olim Lambert) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Lambert et Maria Pinder, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Dec. 27 Nata et die Jan. 5° bap fuit Maria Anna Birch filia Henerici et JoannæBirch (olimFox) conjugum PatrinisGul Body et Alicia Sanderson , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Jan. 4. Nata et die 6° bap. fuit a me T. Billington, Misso Apco, Henrietta Hopps filia Richardi et Sara Hopps (olim Bonnet) conjugum, a me Th. Billington, Missº Apco.

Dec. 18, 1834 Natus et die 11° Jan. 1835 bap fuit Fredericusfilius Joannis et Joanna Danby (olim Firby) conjugum. PatrinisGeorgio Brown et Maria Anna Walton, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Dec. 17 [or 19], 1834 Natus et die 15° Jan. 1835 bap . fuitThomas Pelham Anderson filius Roberti Henrici Anderson et Annæ (olim Bilton) conjugum, Patrinis Thomas Josephus Owst et Helena Noble, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Nov. 9, 1834 [Natus above] et die Jan. 25° bap fuit Jacobus Barnaby filius Jacobi et CatherinaBarnaby[(olim Smith [?]above] conjugum Patrinis Thoma Smith et Maria MacMenimy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Jan. 24. Nata et die 25° bap fuit Maria Ridley filia Jacobi et Annæ Ridley (olim Smith) conjugum Patrinis Joanne et Maria Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 24, 1834 Natus et die 10° feb. 1835 bap. fuit Henricus Fawcett filius Roberti et Mariæ Fawcet (olim Wheatley) conjugum. Patrinis Antonio Smith et Joanne [sic] Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Feb. 10. Nata et die 120° bap fuit MariaDixon filiaStephani et Saræ Dixon (olim Coupland) conjugum. Patrinis Gul Coupland et Maria Bolland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco. [244] 11 Feb. Natus et die 15° bap. fuit Gulielmus Arundell filius Caroli et Mariæ Arundell (olim Bayldon) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo McLaren et Elizabetha Bayldon , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

16 Feb. Nata et die 1° Martii bap. fuit Jane Anne filia Eduardi et AliciaPrice (olim Pilkinton) conjugum Patrinis JacoboNewton et Sara Walker, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

25 Feb. Natus et die 1º Martii bap. fuit Nicholaus Magrane filius Thomæ et Catherinæ Magrane (olim Smith) [Conjug above], Patrinis Nicholao Magraneet MatildaWebster, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco


20 Feb. Nataet die 1º Martii bap. fuit Sarah Gray filia Richardi TindleyGray et MargaritaGray (olim Simpson) conjugum Patrinis Thoma Shaw et Maria Parker, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

3 Mar. Nata et die 15° bap. fuit Anna Murphy filia Thomæ et Annæ Murphy (olim Cheeseman) conjug. Patrinis Laurentio et Anna O Meara, a me Thoma Billington, Miss Apco.

17 Mar. Natus et die 24° bap [fuit] Henricus Kellyfilia Joannis et Catharina Kelley (olim Smith) conjug PatrinisRoberto Smith et LætitiaSmith, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco

March 27. Natus et die 29° bap fuit Henricus Coupland filius Josephi et Lucie Coupland (olim Marshall) conjug Patrinis Stephano Dixon et Eliz. Coupland, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

March 30. Nata et die 5° Aprilis bap fuit Maria Anna Fentiman filiaGulielmi et MariæFentiman (olimBainbridge), conjug Patrinis Thoma et AnnaShaw, a me T. Billington, Misso Apco

Mar. 25 Nata et die Aprilis 9° bap. fuit Sara Aspin filia Georgii et Cæciliæ Aspin, conjugum. Matrina fuit Monica Waters, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

April5. Natus et die 12° bap. fuit JosephusBatey, filius Jacobi et Hannah [Stat xd out] Batey (olim Station) conjugum Patrinis James Dillon et Elizabetha Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco [245] 14 April Nata et die 160 bap. fuit Maria Agnes Greenwood filia Gul et Joannes [sic] Greenwood (olim Thorp) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Sydney Johnson et Anna Brodell, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Mar. 28. Nata et die 19° Aprilis bap. fuit MariaEmma Redshaw filiaMichaelis et MariæRedshaw(olimMeynell) conjugum Matrina fuit Sara Lee, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

April 24. Nata et eodem die bap fuit JulianaParsonsfilia Jacobi et Matildæ Parsons (olim Rant) conjugum Patrinis Georgio Rivis Willoughby et Caroletta McCauley, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

Nov. 6, 1834 Natus et die Ap. 25° 1835 bap. fuit MarcusJosephus Duston filius Marci et Mariæ Annæ Duston (olim Prince) conjugum Matrina fuit Catharina Anna Marshall, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

April 7. Natus et die Ap 19. bap fuit Gul Owen filius Joan: et Sara Owen (olim Smith) conjugum. Patrinis Carolo Hull et Eliz. Hull, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 5. Natus et die 11° bap. fuit Josephus Thompsonfilius Jos. et Hannah Thompson (olim Maskel) conjugum PatrinisGulielmo Varley et Maria uxore, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

May 7. Natus et die 17° bap fuit Michael Divit filius Gulielmi et Helenæ Divit (olimRotchford) conjugum. Patrinis MichaeleGolding et Juda McGobbin, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss° Apco.


May 14. Nata et die 23° bap. [fuit] Maria Agnes filia Edwardi Mytum et CatharinaMytun (olim Smith) conjug: Patrinis Georgio Corville& Catherinâ Martin [or Mostin], a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 31. Nata et die 31° bap. fuit Helena Jackson filia Joannis et Elizabethæ Jackson (olim Hurworth) Conjugum Patrinis Robto Hurworth et Catharina Mountain, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

May 1. Nata et die 31° bap. fuit Charoletta BirchfiliaThomæ Birch et Mariæ Annæ (olim Thompson) conjug Patrinis Henrico Birchet Elizabetha Birch, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. [246] May 28. Nata et die 31° bap. fuit MariaPotts filia Gulielmi et Mariæ Potts (olim Bell) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Brown et Maria Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

May 27. Natus et die 7° Junii bap. fuit JosephusJennings filius Roberti et JoannaJennings (olim Bridgwater) conjugum Patrinis Edvardo Caress et Maria Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Sept. 17 , 1834 Natus et die Julii [? Junii] 28° [1835 above] bap. fuit Maria Elizabetha Allison filia Nathan Allison et Annæ (olim Fletcher) conjugum Patrinis Barnardo MacEvoy et Susanna Spink, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

June 25. Natus et die 28° bap. fuit Gul Henricus Chapman filius Henrici et MariæChapman(olimSwann) conjugum PatrinisJoanne Brown et Elizabetha Pratt, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 27. Nata et die 28° bap. fuit Maria Anna McLockling filia Mic McLockling et Bridgittæ. Patrinis Francisco Suttle et Sarah Suttle, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

June 25. Nata et die 280 bap. fuit Francisca Hilton, filia Georgii et Carolettæ Hilton (olim Holsby) conjugum. Patrinis Francisco Dent et Elizabetha Pinder, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

June 1. Natus et die [19 over 25] bap fuit Joannes Shillito, filius Henrici et Annæ Shillito (olim Beal) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Lawson et Maria Brodell [a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco xd out], a me father fidele [last two words not in T. Billington's hand].

June [? 15 over 10] Nata et die 16° Julii bap. fuit Sarah Stanton filia Alexandri et BrigittæStanton (olim Hober) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

July 16. Natus et die 17° bap. fuit Maria [filia] Jacobi et Saræ Macdonald (olim Ruler) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Armstronget Anna King, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

April 18. Nata et die 19° Julii bap fuit Maria Annafilia Joannis Cooke et Elizabethæ Cooke (olim Butler) conjugum Patrinis Carolo Harker et Elizabetha Harker, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July 13. Natus et die 20° bap. fuit Gulielmus Mawson filius Joannis et Annæ Mawson (olim Walkington ) conjugum [Patrinis] Petro Simpson et Elizabetha Mawson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.


July 20. Nata et die 21° bap fuit Monica Maria Salvin,* filia Gerardi et Winifredæ Salvin (olim Witham) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo SilvertopWitham et Anna Maria Salvin, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco. [247]

July 5. Natus et eodem die bap fuit Josephus Gray filius Josephi et Joannæ Gray (olim Ibbotson) conjugum. Matrina fuit

Maria Wilson, a me [not signed].

July 19. Nataet die 24. bap: fuit Lucia Croshawfilia Cornelii et Francisca Croshaw (olim Bickerdike) conjugum Patrinis Jacobo et Anna Bickerdike , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Julii 19. Nata et die 26 bap. fuit Margarita Harrison filia Davidis et Mariæ Catharina Harrison (olim Martial) conjugum. Patrinis JosephoMountain et Anna Weignwright , a me Benedicto Rayment Miss Apco.

July21. Nata et die 26 bap. fuit Louisa Joanna Bellfilia Henrici et Helenæ Bell (olimJackson) conjugum. PatrinisThomas Suartet Joanna Audaer, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

July28. Natus et die 29° bap fuit Rics Josephus Meggison filius MariæMeggison PatrinisGeorgioet Agnete Meggison, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July 21.Natus et die 29° bap: fuit Josephus Fountain filiusGeorgii et Hannah Fountain (olim Sharp) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Husband et Dorothea Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

July 28. [Baptizata altered to Nata; and & 31 bap. above] fuit MariaAnna Pratt in periculo mortis Patrinis Henrico Chapman et Anna Chapman, a Rev. Domo Jacobo Newsham.

July 31. Nata et die 2º Augusti bap fuit Emma Brown filia Joannis et Isabellæ Brown (olim Chapman ) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Chapman et Maria Bolland, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

Aug. 2 Nata et die 7° bap fuit Elizabetha StokoefiliaGulielmiet Harriet Stokoe (olim Bradley) conjugum Patrinis JacoboBradley et Elizabetha Barnet, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Aug. 9. Nata et die 16º bap: fuit Maria Anna Wheeler filia Georgii et Annæ Wheeler (olim Richardson) conjugum Patrinis Gulo McLenan et Helena MariaWheeler, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

* Gerard Salvin, fatherof the child, born in 1804 , was the son of William Salvin, of Croxdale, co Durham, by Anna Maria daughter of John Webb Weston, of Sutton Place, co Surrey In 1834 he married Winifred daughter of Henry ThomasMaire Silvertop, younger son ofJohn Silvertop,ofMinsteracres, co Northumberland, and Eliza only daughter of Thomas Witham , ofHeadlam, co . Durham . On the death of her uncle, William Witham , of Cliffe, co Yorks, the Cliffe estates passed to her, andher husbandassumed the additional name of Witham Lartington Hall, co Yorks, the seat of the Maires in the 18th century, and then of Henry Lawson on his marriage to Catherine Maire in 1771 , passed to Mr. Henry Thomas Maire Silvertop as heirwhen , in 1811 , Henry Lawson succeeded his brother Sir John Lawson at Brough The last ofthe (Silvertop) Withams to occupyLartingtonwas the late Monsignor Thomas Edward Witham, who succeeded his unmarried brother George, and diedthere in 1897


July30. Nata et die 22° Aug. bap fuit Elizabetha Weatheral [sic] filia Roberti et Susanna Weatherall (olim Parkin) conj. Matrina fuit Margarita Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss Apco. [248]

Nov. 15, 1834 Natus et die Aug. 24° 1835 bap fuitMattheus filius Thomæet JoannæBrigham (olim Fraser) conjugum. Matrina fuit Anna Needham, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 15. Natus et die 30° Augusti bap fuit Christopherus Tootle filius Hannah Tootle Patrinis Jacobo Dixon et Hannah Tootle , a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

Sept. 6. Natus et die 6° Sept. bap fuit Georgius Michell [sic] filius Rob: et Annæ Mitchell (olim Whitely) conjug Matrina Maria Beaument, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Sept. 2. Nata et die 13° fuit bap: Maria Munfrey filia Gulielmi Munfrey et Sara (olim Alderson) conjug Patrinis Josepho Fawbert et Elizabetha Hargitt, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sept. 8. Natus et die 20° bap: fuit Thomas Lennard filius Thomæ et Mariæ Lennard (olim Kearney) conjug Patrinis Joanne Smith et Maria Barrer, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Aug .... [1 Sep. xd out] Natus et die 27° Sep: bap fuit Joannes Quinn filius Gul et Annæ Quinn (olim Langan) Conjug. Patrinis Joanne et Sara Regan, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 17. Natus et die 12° Octobris bap fuit Carolus [Tyndallaltered to Tindall, Tindle in margin] filius Gul et Joannæ Tindall (olim Richardson) conjug Matrina Margarita Richardson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Oct. 2.Nataet die17 bap: fuit MatildaSophiaBreareyfiliaHenrici & Hannah Sophiæ Brearey (olimAnderson) conj PatrinisGulielmo Anderson et AnnaSpensley, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Oct. 6. [Nata] et die 18° bap: fuit Maria Anna Sanderson filia Gulielmi & Annæ Sanderson(olim Hewitt) conjugum. PatrinisGul Lawson[&] MaryAnne Allen, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Oct. 11. Nata et die 25° bap: fuit

MariaAnna Colly filia Dionizii et Elizabethæ Colly (olim Cadd) conjugum. Matrina fuit Brigitta Foley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Oct. 22. Nata et die 25° bap: fuit Helena Suttle filia Francisci et Mariæ Suttle [(olim Murphy) above] conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Husband et Brigitta Murphey, a meBenedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Oct. 20. Natus et die 25° bap: fuit David Welch filius Patricii et Annæ Welch (olim Langan) conjug: Patrinis Joanne Ludlaw et SaraMorgan, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Oct. 13. Natus et die 27° bap. fuit Robertus Gibson filius Roberti et DinæGibson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. [249] Nov. 16. [Nata above] et die 29° bap [fuit] Joanna Johnson filia Roberti et AnnæJohnson (olimMoon) conjug: PatrinisJosepho Swale & Maria Anna Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Nov. 25. Natus et die 29° bap fuit Gulielmus Smith filius Joannis et Mariæ Smith (olim Smith), Patrinis Maria et Gulielmo Goff , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.


Nov. 27. Nata et die 6° Decr bap fuit MargaritaAnnafilia Thoae Benn et Prudentiæ Benn (olim Cowton) conjugum Patrinis Joanna [sic] Laurentio Settle et Helena Hare, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Dec. 2. Nataet die 6° bap. fuit Catharina Joanna Bingley [parents' names omitted] (olim Whitwell) conjugum Patrinis Joanne Randerson et Joanna Perkins, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Dec. 7. Natus [sic] et die 8° bap. fuit Carolina WinifredaHall filia Thomæet CarolinaHall (olimCrashaw) conjugum. PatrinisThoma et WinifredaHall, Avo et Ava, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.

Oct. 7. Nata et die 27° Decr bap fuit Susanna Hicks filia Annæ Hicks. Patrinis Thoma Dalton et Susanna McKenney, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Dec. 6. Nata et die 27° bap fuit Elizabetha Henrickfilia Josephi et Annæ Henrick (olim Dixon) conjug. Patrinis Thoma et [Sara xd out]Murphyet SaraHusband, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco 1836

Dec. 29. Natus et die 8° Jan. 1836 bap. fuit Joannes Birch filius Jacobi et Elizabethæ Birch(olim Bell) Conjugum. PatrinisGulielmo Brodellet Eliza Birch, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Feb. 2. Natus et die 7° ejusdem mensis bap. fuit Cornelius Fox filius Teresa Fox . Matrinafuit Eliza Birch, a me Thoma Bllington, Misso Apco.

Feb. 11. Natus et die 21° bap. fuit JoannesReganfilius Joannis et Helenæ Regan (olim Gormaley) conjugum Patrinis Rogero Regan et Maria Gormaley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Feb. 10. Natus et die 26° bap. fuit Gulielmus filius Richardi Whiteley et Annæ (olim ... .) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Bowman, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Feb. 10. Natus et die 20 Martii bap fuit Georgius filius Joannis Sedgewicket Annæ (olim Lackwood) conjugum Matrinafuit Elizabetha Bradwith , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Feb. 5. Natus et die 6° Martii bap. fuit Corolus Henericus filius Joannis MacVay et Elizabethæ (olim )conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Lackwood, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco [250] March 7. Nata et eodem die bap fuit SarahClara Dixon filia Steph: et Sarah Dixon (olim Coupland) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Johnson et Maria Dixon, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Mar. 9. Nata et die 13° bap.fuit Maria AnnaMacgreeve filiaDaniel Macgreeve et Rosa (olim Smith) conjugum Patrinis Nicholao Macgrain et Maria McMenemey, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Mar. 9. Natus et die 20° bap fuit Edwardus Henraen filius Jacobi et Joannae Henraen (olimEllis) conjugum. PatrinisThoma Brown et Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Mar. 6. Natuset die 1° Aprilis bap. fuit Joannes Plummer [Plumm in margin] Ella, filius Jacobi et Martha Ella (olim Plummer) conjugum Patrinis Joanne Plumme et Maria Catherina Bell, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco.


Mar. 20 Natus et die 31° bap. fuit Jacobus filius Georgii Pollard et Catharina (olim Bell) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Allen, a me Thoma Billington, Miss Apco

Mar. 7. Natus et die 160 Aprilis bap. fuit Henericus Carter filius

Joanna Carter. Matrinafuit Eliz: Carter, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Apr. 16. Natus et die 17° bap: fuit Edvardus Lelbitter filius

Joanniset Catherine Lelbitter (olim Swinburn) conjugum Patrinis

Joanne Francisco Ledbitteret Elizabetha Kirksopp, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

April 13. Nata et die 200 bap. fuit Eleanora Joanna Poole filia

Davidis et Eliza Martha Poole(olimBalk) conjugum. Patrinis Carolo Hartleyet Eleanora Eyre, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Mar. 16. Natus et die Aprilis 24° bap. fuit JoannesBarnett filius

Joannis Barnett et Elizabethæ (olim Bradley) conjug Patrinis

Ruben Barnett et Elizabetha Bradely, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

April 2 Natus et die 1° Maii bap: fuit Gulielmus Horseman filius

Gulielmi et Saræ Horseman (olim Jackes) conjugum Patrinis T. Webster et MatildaWebster, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

May 1° Natus et die 7° bap: fuit James Robert Waddington filius

Roberti et Mariæ Annæ Waddington (olim Turpin) conjugum Patrinis Richardo Waddington et Elizabetha Waddington , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

April 30. Natus et die 8° [Maii] bap. fuit Jacobus Hebditch filius

Jacobi et Rebecca Hebditch (olim Lambert) conjugum. Patrinis Gul Lawson et Maria Anna Kenedy, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

May 7. Natus et die 19° bap. fuit Gulielmus Gall, filius Joannis et Elizabethæ Gall (olim Taylor) Conjug Matrina fuit Anna Walker, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

April 20. Natus et die 25° Maii bap: fuit Gulielmus filius Thoae et Elizabethæ Ryan (olim Robinson) conjugum MatrinafuitMaria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco. [251] May 4. Nata et die 30º bap. fuit Alicia Watson filia Roberti et Joanna Watson (olim Cooke) conjug Patrinis Gul. et Anna Scruton, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

May31. Natus et die 20 Junii bap: fuit Joannes Nutbrown filius Jacobi et Mariæ Annæ Nutbrown (olim Mountain) conjugum. Patrinis Josepho Coupland et Maria Nutbrown, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

May 14. Natus et die 3º Junii bap: fuit Jacobus Kelly filius

Joannis et Mariæ Kelly (olim Hamel) conjug: Matrina fuit Elizabetha Mackeity , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 26. Nata et die Junii 5° bap: fuit Maria Anna Regan filia Joannis et Saræ Regan (olim Connor) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne Regan et Helena Regan, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

June 15. Natus et die 17° bap fuit GeorgiusCorvillfilius Georgii


et Sarah Corvill (olim Wood) conjugum. Patrinis Ludovico et Elizabetha Thompson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 12.Nataet die 19° bap: fuit Catherina filia EduardiMylamet Catharina(olimSmith) Conjugum. Matrina fuit AbigailMasterman , a me Th. Billington, Misso Apco

June 16. Natus et die 26° bap. fuit JoannesMcGuire filius Philippi et Mariæ McGuire (olim Carey) conjugum Patrinis Patricio Welch et AnnaWelch, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco

June 15. Natus et die Julii 7° bap. fuit Thomas filius Thomæ Smith et Mariæ (olim Smith) conjug Matrinafuit Eliz Dale, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 5. Natus et die [170 altered to 10°] bap. fuit Gulielmus Barner filius Gul'Barner et AnnæBarner (olimCorkhill) conjugum Patrinis Samuel Walkeret Anna Walker, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco

July 15. Natus et die 17° bap fuit Gulielmus filius Edvardi Duttonet Annæ (olim Cundle) conjug. PatrinisEdvardo Woods et SusannaCundle, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 10. Natus et die 17° bap. fuit Jacobusfilius ThomæMurphy et Annae (olim Cheeseman) conjugum. Patrinis Carolo Mountain et Elizabetha Langan, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

July 13. Natus et die 17° bap fuit Richardus filius Ricdi Jackson et Mariæ Jackson conjugum. Patrinis Timotheo Cavaner et SusannaSpink, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss Apco.

July19. Natus et die 24° bap fuit Thomasfilius ThomæArmstrong et Elizabethæ (olim . ) Conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo et Maria Murphy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

July21. Nata et die 24° bap fuit Sarah Ann filia Joannis et Priscillæ Smith (olimJohnson) Conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Grenwood et Sarah Joanna Greenwood, a me Benedicto Rayment, Miss Apco. [252] April 25.Natus et die 27° Julii bap: fuit Joannes filiusGeorgii et JoannaAllenson [filiusxd out] (olim Hopper) conjugum. Patrinis JosephoHargrave et AnnaMorley, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July 21. Nata et die 27° Julii bap. fuit Sarah filiaGeorgii Gall et MargaritaGall (olimAshcroft) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July 24. Nata et die 31° bap. fuit Emilia Maria filia Joannis Wilson et Annæ (olim Barrett) conjugum Patrinis Gul Barner et Brigitta Mulvin, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Aug. 13. Natus et die 15° bap fuit Michael Shimmins filius Michaelis Shimmins et Mariæ (olim Atkinson ) conjugum. Matrina Maria Anna Ambrose, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

April 12. Nata et die 16° Aug: bap: fuit Anna Pattison filia Matthæi et HelenæPattison (olim Hakesworth) conjugum Patrinis Geo et Julia Audear, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Aug. 10. Natus et die 21° bap fuit Gulielmus filius Thomæ Husband et Saræ (olim Murphy) conjug Patrinis FranciscoSuttell et MariaSuttell, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco


Aug.19. Nataet die 28° bap: fuit Helena filia Phillippi MacDonald et Margarita (olim Quin) conjug. Patrinis Cornelio Clark et [Brigitta xd out] Prudentia Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Sep. 3. Nata et die 4° bap. fuit Maria filia Thomæ Corrigan et Rosa (olim Cornwell) conjug PatrinisJoanne Logon et Catharina Clancy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 4. Natus et die 5° bap: fuit Gerardus Thos Salvin filius Gerardi et Winifreda Salvin (olim Witham) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Thoma Salvin et Elizabetha Witham, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Sep. 6. Nata et die 11° bap: fuit Maria Anna filia Patricii Moore etAnnæ(olim Magrain) conjugum Patrinis Thoma Smith et Anna Needham, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 10. Nataet die 13° bap fuit ThomasMusgravefiliusThomæet Mariæ Annæ Musgrave (olim Hurworth) conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Kirby et Catharina Mountain , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apeo.

Sep. 14. Natus et die 24° bap fuit Michael LuptonWilson , filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Wilson (olim Lupton) conjugum. Patrinis Joanne Pinder et Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 28. Natus et die 26° Sep. bap. fuit Thomas Kelly a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Sep. 26. Natus et die 2º Oct. bap fuit Edvardus Kaen filius Eliz Kaen, [Patrinis Henry Crump et Anna Crump, in a different hand] a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Oct. 16. Natus et die 18° bap fuit Laurentius filius Gulielmi [&] Mariæ Brodell (olim Slater) conjug Patrinis JoanneSmithet Maria Brodell, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Oct. 4. Natus et die 4° Nov. bap: fuit Gul Smith filius Gul. Smith Jun. et JoannæSmith (olim Binns) conjug PatrinisAnt et Joanna Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco. [253] Sep. 26. Natus et die Octobris 25° bap: fuit Samuel filius Isaac [Cunhingham altered to Cunningham] et Elizabethæ (olim Maguire) conjugum Matrina fuit Margarita Chapman, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Oct. 20 Natus et die 40 Novemb . bap. fuit Gul . Smith filius Ant et Joanna Smith (olim Binns) conjugum. PatrinisAntonio et Joanne [sic] Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apeo [This , a variation of the last entry but one , is xd out]

Oct. 22. Natus et die 8° Novem. bap: fuit JacobusMorgan filius Petri et Sarah Morgan (olim Ginnis) conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo MacDonald et Elizabetha Morgan, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

* Gerard Thomas was the eldest son of Gerardand WinifredSalvin olim Witham (see note above, p 184) The godparents were his uncle and his grandmother


Nov. 14. Nata et die 200 bap fuit Eliza Fentiman filia Gul Fentiman et Mariæ (olimBainbridge) conjugum. PatrinisEduardo Caress et MaryAnne Jackson, a meThoma Billington,Misso Apco.

Oct. 2. Natus et die 20° Nov: bap: fuit Joannes Ward filius Johas et Margarita Ward (olim Berry) Conjugum Patrinis Gulo Lawson et Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Nov. 19. Nata et die 22° bap fuit Emma Weatherillfilia Margalita [sic] Weatherill Patrinis Samuele Partridge et Barbara Anna Gill, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Nov. 3. Nata et die 27° bap. fuit Maria Elizabetha Baccetti filius Petri Baccetti et Mariæ (olim Weld) conjugum. Patrinis Bartolemæo Ambrosio et Guiseppa Cataneo, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Nov. 22.Natuset die 4° Decembris bap [fuit] Michael ONeilfilius Jacobi O Neil et Annæ (olim Connolly) conjug. Patrinis Michaele O Neil et Elizabetha Riely, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Nov. 29. Natus et die 4° Decembris bap fuit Vincentius Croshaw filius Cornelii Croshaw et Francisca (olim Buckle) [Conjug above] Patrinis Roberto Buckle et Anna Bickerdike, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. I. Natus et die 4º bap. fuit Carolus Milburne filius Lionel Milburne et Elizabethæ (olim Clapham) conjugum. Patrinis Bernardo McEvoy et Carolina Milburne, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Oct. 24. Natus et die 5° Dec. bap fuit Joannis [sic]filius Joannis Mawson et Annæ (olim Walkinton) conjug. Patrinis Josepho Mawsonet Maria Whitehead, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apeo

Dec. 5. Nata et die 6° bap. fuit Isabella Nowton filia Joannis et Marthæ Nowton (olim Weatherall) conjugum Patrinis Gulielmo Brownet Isabella Brown, a meBenedicto Rayment, Misso Apco. [254] Nov. 17. Natus et die Decembris 6° bap. fuit Andreas filius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Barnes (olim Tilford) conjug Patrinis Joanne Telford et SaraFryer, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco

Dec. 6. Natus et die 11° bap. fuit Henericusfilius Henerici Doherty et Joanna (olim Fox) conjug Patrinis Jacobo et Joanna Walker , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Dec. 14. Nata et die 18° bap fuit Anna Teresafilia Francisci et Teresa Woods (olim Walker) conjug: Patrinis Gul Noble et Anna Rudd, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. 1837 .

1836 Dec. 20. Natus et die 1º Jan. [1837 above] bap.fuit Patricius Duffey filius Michael Duffey et Brigittæ (olim Lyons) conjug: MatrinaMariaDuffey, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Dec. 29, 1836 Natus et die 8° Jan. bap fuit HenericusHurworth

Henry Hurworthwent to Ampleforth in 1851 ,tookthe Benedictine habit in 1856 and was ordained priest in 1864. Passing to the missionin 1873 he was at Dowlaisand at Greenhill, Swansea. In 1877 he became professor of


filius Roberti et Mariæ Hurworth (olim Musgrave) conjug: Patrinis

Jos et Cath. Mountain, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 25, 1836 Nata et die Jan. 15° bap fuit Elizabetha Munfrey

filia Gul. et Saræ Munfrey (olim Alderson) conjug: Patrinis

Bernardo et Elizabetha MacEvoy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 18, 1836 Nataet die 16° Jan. bap fuit Alicia Jane McCarten

filia Joannis et Mariæ Mascarten (olim Fagan) conjugum. Patrinis

JacoboAllanet Joanna Armstrong , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Jan. 25° Nata et die 29° bap. fuit Joanna Teresa Chapmanfilia

Henrici et Mariæ Chapman (olim Swann) conjugum. Patrinis

Joanne Randerson et Elizabetha Pratt, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Jan. 8. Nata et die I Feb. bap fuit Elizabetha Joannes [sic]

Greenwood filia Gulielmi et Joanna Greenwood (olim Thorp) conjugum. PatrinisHenrico Smithet HarrietSmith, a meBenedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Jan. 5. Nata et die 14 feb. bap fuit Elizabetha Hawfilia Gul¹ et Annæ Haw (olim Sowerby) conjugum. Matrina Maria Wood, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Feb. Jan. [sic]... Natus et die 22 feb bap. fuit JoannesKade filius Milner Kade et JoannæKade (olim Wray) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco.

Jan. 6. Natus et die 25 feb. bap. fuit GeorgiusDanby filius Joannis et Joanna Danby (olim Farby) conjugum. Matrina fuit Sarah Coupland et Anto Smith, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco [255] Feb. 17. Nata et die 26 bap fuit Maria Joanna Weld filia MarthaWeld Matrinafuit Eliza Smith, a meBenedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Feb. 21. Natus et die 5° Martii bap fuit Henericus Birch filius Henerici et Joannæ Birch (olim Fox) conjug. Patrinis Jeacoboet Eliza Birch, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

March9. Nataet die 12° bap fuit Joanna Shackeltonfilia Joannis etLouiseShackelton (olim Nicholson) conjugum PatrinisThoma Webster et Louisa Shackelton, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Feb.22. Nata et die 12° Martii bap fuit SaraJervis filia Jacobi et Rosa Annæ Jervis (olim MacLoughlin) conjug Matrina fuit Sara Glover, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Sept. 4, 1836 Natuset die 25 Martii bap. fuit Robertus Chapman Barker filius Georgii et Saræ Barker (olim Chapman ) conjug. Patrinis Jacobo Chapman et MariaDunk, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Theologyat Belmont and Canon ofthediocese ofNewport and Menevia From 1883 to 1885 he was Prior of Ampleforthand then Chaplain at Stanbrook Abbey. He next acted as Secretary for ten years to Bishop Hadley at Llanishen, and was again a Canon of the diocese. In 1907 he returned to Belmont, and he died and was buried there


March 26. Nata et die 9º Aprilis bap: fuit Amelia Anna Milton filia Richardi et Brigittæ Milton (olim Dignum) conjug. Matrina fuit Catharina Holdbury, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

April 9. Natus et die 13° bap. fuit Carolus filius Caroli et Mariæ Arundell (olim Bayldon) conjug : Patrinis Jos. Mawson et Eliz. [Bayldon xd out, Thomas above], a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Jan. 16. Nata et die Aprilis 16° bap fuit SaraHuntfiliaFelicis et Sara Hunt (olim Hunt) conjug Matrinafuit Maria Rice, a me T. Billington, Misso Apco.

April 21. Natus et die ejusdem Mensis 23° bap fuit Carolus Fredericus Mytun filius Roberti et Catharinæ Mytun (olim Smith) conjug. Patrinis Joanne Smith et Maria Watson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

April 14. Natus et die 6° Maii bap fuit Henericus [Gall xd out] filius Georgii Barker et Mariæ (olim Gall) conjug Patrinis Geo. Gall et Margarita Gall, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apeo.

April 27. Nata et die Maii 70 bap fuit Maria Anna Studwart filia Joannis et Sara Studwart (olim Martin) conjug. Patrinis Joanne Ashcroft et Maria Macdonald, ameThoma Billington, Misso Apco.

April 12. Nata et die 8° Maii bap. fuit Eliza Bridgewater filia Thomæet Saræ Bridgewater (olim Emmison) conjug MatrinaSara Coupland, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. [Mayover April] 7. Nata et die 14 Maii bap fuit MariaPottsfilia Gulielmi et Mariæ Potts (olim Bell) conjugum Patrinis Thoma et Elizabetha Brown, a me Benedicto Rayment , Misso Apco [256]

May 12. Nata et die 14° bap. fuit Sara Anna Smith filia Joannis et Mariæ Smith (olim Smith) conjug Patrinis Hen. Smith et Maria Goff, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apeo.

April 18. Natus et die 15° Maii bap. fuit Eduardus Barrett filius Richardi et Sara Barrett (olim Maltby) conjug: Matrinafuit Maria Walker, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May9. Natus et die 15° bap fuit Josephus Watson filius Roberti et JoannaWalton (olim Cooke) Conjugum. Patrinis Thoma Smith [&] Susanna Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 5. Natus et die 24 bap fuit David Price filius Eduardi et Alicia Price (olim Pilkington) conjugum. Matrinafuit Alicia Price, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

May 14. Nata et die 27° bap. fuit Henrietta Barker filia Roberti et Saræ Barker (olim Boyle) conjugum Matrina fuit Elizab Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

May 29. Natus et die 8° Junii bap. fuit Felix McDonald filius Jacobi et Sarah McDonald (olim Ruler) conjugum. Patrinis Petro Morgan et Elizabetha McBety, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

June 15. Natus et die 18° bap. fuit Thomas Loughton filius Thomæ et Elizabethæ Loughtan (olim Rowley) conjug: Patrinis Danieli McGreene et Rosa MacGreene , a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco.

June 19. Natus et eadem die bap. fuit Joannes Collins filius


Joanniset AnnæCollins (olim

193 ) conjug Matrina fuit Rosa McGreene , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

June 18. Nata et die 20 Julii bap. fuit Joanna Kilroefilia Thomæ Kilroe et Joannæ (olim Connor) conjug Patrinis Thoma Rice et Alicia Rice, a me Thoma Billington

July 1. Natus et die 9° bap: fuit Christopherus Musgrave filius Gulielmi et MariæMusgrave(olimJackson) conjug. Patrini Stephano Dixonet Hannah Dixon, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July 7. Nata et die 9° Julii bap. fuit SaraMacbridefilia Jacobi et Elizabethæ Macbride (olim Carmichael) conjug. Matrina fuit

Margarita Wilson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

June 25. Nata et Julii die 10° bap fuit Maria Joanna Kelly filia Joannis et Mariæ Kelly (olim Hamel) conjug Patrinis Joanne Regan et Maria Gormally, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 2. Nata et die 10° bap fuit Anna [Burke xd out] Welch, filia

Patricii et Annæ Welch (olim Langan) conjug Patrinis Gulielmo Quin et Anna Quin, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 28. Natæ et die 30 bap fuerunt Martha et MariaCarwille filiæ Šaræ et Georgii (nunc mortui) Carwille, Conjugum Matrinis

Maria Wilson et Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

July 26. Natus et die 3° [? 30] bap. fuit Josephus JacobusFattorini filius Josuæ et Josephæ Fattorini (olim Cataneo) conjugum, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco. [257]

July 22. Natus et die 2º Aug. bap. fuit Joannes filius Henrici Coupland et Rosæ (olim Dalton) conjugum. Matrina fuit

Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

July 21. Natus et die 6º Aug. bap. fuit Joannesfilius Roberti et Susanna Weatherell (olim Parker) conjugum. Patrinis Jacobo Chapman et Maria Swann, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

March 1. Natus et die 13° Aug. bap fuit Joannes[filius]Gulielmi et Bridgittæ Thompson (olim Wilson) conjugum PatrinisPatricio Walsh et Maria Rice, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

March 20. Nata et eodem die bap fuit Maria JoannaMullagen filia Jacobi et Helenæ Mullagen (olim Pratt) conjugum Patrinis Roberto Dale et Anna Cooper, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Aug. 10° Natus et die 200 bap. fuit Carolus Hawkeswell filius Gulielmi et Annæ Hawkeswell (olim Smith) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Sturdy, a me Thoma [Hawkes xd out, Billington above], Misso Apco.

Oct. 28, 1836 Natus et die 26 Aug. 1837 bap. fuit Thomas Smith filius Thomæet Mariæ Smith (olim King) conjugum. Matrinafuit

Maria Wilson, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Aug. 24. Nataet die 27 bap. fuit Anna Thompson, filia Josephi et Annæ Thompson (olim Maskell) conjugum Patrinis Thoma Websteret Margarita Atley, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Aug. 24. Natus et die I Sep. bap. fuit Joannes Loftish filius Joanniset Mariæ Loftish (olim Roach) conjugum PatrinisJacobo


Rochworth et Helena Rochworth, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apeo.

Aug. 13. Nata et die 2º Sep. bap fuit HenriettafiliaMichaeliset Maria Redshaw (olim Meynell) conjug Patrinis Gul Lee et Sara Walker, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Aug. 28. Nata et die . Sep. bap. fuit Anna Fawcett filia Roberti et Mariæ Annæ Fawcett (olim Weatley) conjug Patrinis Josepho Swallwell et Anna Wyrell, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 14.Natus et die 17° bap fuit Joannes Robinson filius Georgii et Mariæ Robinson (olim Alderson) conjug: Matrina fuit Eliza Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Sep. 16. Nata et die 19° bap. fuit HenriettaPrattfiliaJacobi et Elizabethæ Pratt (olim Swann) conjug PatrinisAnnaet Jacobo Chapman, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

July 24. Nata et die 22° Sep. bap fuit Anna Carrfilia Henerici et Annæ Carr (olim Kelly) conjug. Matrinafuit Eliz. Robinson, a me Thoma Billington, M.A.

Sep. 2. Nata et die [24 over 23] bap fuit Anna Maria Power filia Patricii et Mariæ Power (olim O Niel) conjug Matrina fuit Anna Webster, a me Thoma Billington Misso Apco

Sep. 6. Nata et die 24° bap. fuit MariaElizabetha Matthews filia Joannis et Margarita Matthews (olim Shea) conjug. Matrina fuit Eliza : Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco [258] Sep. 8. Nata et die 30 bap. fuit Anna filia Joannis Hardcastle et Annæ conjugis [sic] (olim Barns). Matrinafuit Elizabetha Robinson, a me Benedicto Rayment Misso Apco

Oct. 11. Natus et die 18 bap. fuit Joannes Brown filius Gul. et Mariæ Brown (olim Moyser) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Smith et Anna Chapman, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Oct. 16. Nata et die 19° bap. fuit Margarita ClancyfiliaCatharina Clancy. Patrinis Rogerio Cooneyet Rebbecca Clancy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Oct. 23. Natus et die 28 [or 29] bap fuit Jos: Sturdy filius Gul et Alicia Sturdy (olim Mason) conjug: Patrinis Gul Hawskswell etMariaSturdy, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Oct. 31. et die 20 Novembris bap fuit Catharina Maria Isacchi filia Francisci et Elizabethæ Mariæ Isacchi (olim Ibbs) conjugum

Matrinafuit Helena Mulligan, a me Thoma Billington, MissoApco. 1836, Decem 23. Natus et die 12° Nov. 1837 bap.fuitThomas Hall filius Thomæ et Carolina Hall (olim Croshaw) conjugum

Patrinis Carolo Croskell et Maria Anna Croshaw, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Oct. 22. Natus et die 12° Nov. bap fuit JacobusBickerdike filius Jacobi Bickerdike et Annæ (olim Buckle) conjugum. PatrinisGul. Bickerdike et JoannaBickerdike , a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco

Nov. 9. Natus et die 16° Dec. bap fuit MariaAnna filia Patricii [mother's Christian name omitted] Haley (olim Hobbs ) conjugum. Matrina fuit

Maria Madden, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Oct. 7.Nataet die 19° Nov. bap fuit Anna Gray filia Josephi et


Joanna Gray (olimIbbotson) conjugum. Matrinafuit MariaWilson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Nov. 26. Natus et die Dec. 2° bap fuit JoannesHudgsonfilius Gulielmi et Elizabethæ Hudgson [Conjug: xd out] (olim Johnson) conjug Patrinis Josepho [name illegible] et Anna Hudgson, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Nov. 24. Natus et die 3º Decembris bap: [fuit] Thomas Glover filius Thomæ et Saræ Glover (olim Hewson) conjugum. Patrinis Gulo et Maria Vorley, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Nov. 23. Natus et die 3º Dec. bap: fuit Gulielmus Partridge filius Gul et Joanna Partridge (olimMumford) conjug Patrinis Jacobo Dixon et Prudentia Smith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco

Dec. 4. Nata et die 10° bap fuit Alicia MariaKendall filiaJacobi et MariæKendall(olim Cogill) conjugum. PatrinisJacobo Kendall et Anna Calvert, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. [259]

Nov. 11. Natus et die 14. bap fuit StephanusDixonfilius Stephani et Saræ Dixon (olim Coupland ) conjugum. Patrinis Gulielmo Dixon et Elizabetha Coupland, a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Dec. 5. Nata et die 16° bap: fuit Elizabetha Fowler filia Annæ Fowler. Matrina fuit Matilda Madavit , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco.

Dec. 10. Natus et die 16° bap: fuit Henricus Brown filius Joannis et Isabellæ Brown (olim Chapman) conjugum. Patrinis Georgio Goldie M.D. et ClaraWallis , a me Benedicto Rayment, Misso Apco

Nov. 27. Natus et die 18° Decembris bap: fuit Josephusfilius Nathan Allisonet Annæ (olim Fletcher) conjug. Matrinafuit Anna Spink, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apeo.

Dec. 13. Natus et die 22° bap: fuit Jacobusfilius Jacobi Collins et Catharina (olim Dogherty) conjug: Matrinafuit Marg: McDonald , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 11. Nataet die 25° bap: fuit Joanna Macgreaves [doubtful; Macgreows in margin, and Macgreaws in next line] filia Daniel Macgreaws et Rosa (olim Smith) conjug. Patrinis Patricio Moore et Anna Needham , a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apoo.

Oct. 16. Nata et die 27° Dec. bap [fuit] [Catherin in margin] Harrison filia David Harrison et Catharina (olim Morshall) conjug: Patrinis Edwardo [? Corseppor Corriss] et ElizaBirch, ameThoma Billington , Misso Apco.

Dec. 5 Natus et die 30° bap. fuit Jacobus Laurentius Betey filius Laurentii et Annæ Betey (olim Scruton) conjug Matrina fuit Catharina Beltey, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco.

Dec. 16. Nata et die 31° bap. fuit MariaSedgwickfilia Joannis et AnnaSedgwick(olimLackwood) conjugum MatrinafuitElizabeth Bradwith, a me Thoma Billington, Misso Apco. 1838

Aug. 26. [ 1837] Natus et die Jan. 2° 1838 bap: fuit Edwardus filius AnnæMarshall. Matrina fuit Elizabetha Wyrill, a meThoma Billington, Misso Apco


[260] Bap- Person

Born. tized Baptized. Parents Sponsors Minister 1838 1838

Jan. 2 Jan. 5

Jan. 2 Jan. 5

Jonathan John Taylor& ThosTaylor Anne formerlyDaleConjug.

Nov. 20 Jan. 8 Mary EmilyWaggoner

Jan. 6 Jan. 14 Helen Teresa Waggoner

Robert Dale Catharine Thomas Billington Dale

Miss: Apost: Thomas

Bridget George Aspin & Mary Kelly Aspin Cecilyformerly Billington Syran Conjug 1837


Miss: Apost: John Perry Bridget Wheeler

Jan. 19 Jan.21 MaryAnne Regan

Jan. 11 Jan. 23 Elizabeth Caroline Poole

Jan. 23 Jan. 25 Henry Thos Thornton Salvin of Milcrooks

Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Albert Coupland

George Wheeler & Anne formerly Richardson Conjug John Regan& Helen formerly Gormaley Conjug Charles David Poole & Eliza Martha formerly Balk Conj GerardSalvin and Winifred Salvin formerlyWitham

Joseph Coupland Lucy Coupland formerly Marshall Conj

Feb. 3 Feb. 15 George Hare Matthew Hare

Feb. 14 Feb. 18 Valentine Hebditch

Feb. 13 Feb. 18 Eliz Anne Snow

Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Emma MaryWilkinson

Jas Hebditch Rebecca HebditchConjug. John Snow MarySnow Conjug

Thomas Billington

Feb. 17 Feb. 25 MaryAnne

Feb. 4 Johnson & Helen formerly ConjugWaddington

James Wilkinson & Jane for[merly]: Swann Conjug. Robert Johnson & Anne formerly Moon Conjug

March 2 John Barnes WilliamBarnes & Elizabeth formerly Tilford Conjug.

Miss :Apost: Anne Walker Thomas Wheeler

Patrick Scanling,Mary Scanling

Felix Poole

Miss :Apost:

Thomas Billington


Benedict Rayment

Miss : Apost: Elizabeth Thompson

HenryThorn- Benedict ton Maire Rayment

Miss° Apost: Witham Mrs Salvin of Croxdale

Charles Croskell, IsabellaCoupland


Wm Lambert & Sarah Lambert

George Meggison, Mary Gibson

Benedict Rayment

Miss:Apost: Thomas Billington

Miss : Apost: Benedict Rayment Miss Apost: Benedict Rayment, Miss Apost

Richard Net- Thomas tleton, Mar- Billington garet Fawcett Miss° Apco

George Swall- Thomas well & Mary Billington


Joseph Fryer

Sarah Fryer

Miss : Apcus

Ben: Ray- ment Miss: Apol

HenryThomasThornton was second son of Gerardand Winifred Salvin (formerly Witham) The child's grandmother was Mary wife of Thomas Witham, of Headlam, co. Durham, and mother of Eliza Witham who married Mr. Henry Thomas Maire Silvertop See Note above, p 184; C.R.S., iv, p 251 ; and Fr. Laurenson's" Notesand Memoirs . "


Born tized Bap- Person Baptized 1838 1838

March2 March 4 Mary Lay- cock

Feb. 5 March 6 MaryAnne Mitchell

March 7 March 8 Mary Agnes Leadbitter

Jan. 22 March 8 Maria


Sponsors Minister

James Laycock and Hannah Sarah Macdonald

Thomas Billington

Apost: Miss : MaguireConjug. for[merly]:

Robert Mitchell

MaryWilson Thomas and Anne formerly Whiteley Conjug

John Leadbitter & Catharineformerly SwineburneConjug CorneliusCroCroshaw shaw & Frances formerlyBuckle

Robert Leadbitter, Mary Leadbitter

Thomas Bickerdike Ellen Bicker-


Apost: Miss:

Benedict Rayment

Miss:Apost: Thomas Billington


Feb. 19 March Elizabeth Conjug

MichaelGolaker dike Ealanor & Bridget CannonKelly

Feb. 23 March 9 Patrick Golaker for[merly]: Conjug.


Thomas Bill:

Mary Wilson Thos

Miss:Apost: 15 Tindall & Jane Richard- Billington son form[erly]: Apost:Miss : Conjug

March 1 March 18

March 18 March 19


William Wilson Geo: Good- Thomas Wilson & Elizabeth for- reake & Anne Bill: merly ConjugLupton . Wilson Apost: Miss :

Joseph Harris

JosephHarris and Catharine Rebecca Thomas Clancy Billington form[erly]: Apost:Miss : GrahamConjug

March March MaryJane Peter Cane & George Swall- Thomas 16 25 Cane Elizabeth for- well & Har- Billington merly ConjugStavely riet Crump Miss:Apost:

NOTE . -Thefollowing particulars refer to the first entryon page 65 above . Wharton, son of Alexander Emerson of Caistor, co Lincoln, and West Retford, co .Notts, was born Feb. 1739-40 andin 1777tookthe surnameof his first wife, Anna Maria Amcotts , on her succeeding as co-heir of her brother , Charles Amcotts, of Harrington , LL.D., and M.P. for Boston, created a baronet1796. Sir Wharton Amcotts married 2ndly Amelia Teresa , daughter of Duncan Campbell, R.N., of South Hall, co Argyll He died at Scarborough in 1807. His widow married WilliamWainman of Carr Head, co Yorks, and died at Shipley Hall 28 Jan. 1825, aged 71. (Burke's Extinct Baronetcies )






Formanyyears afterthe change ofreligion, exceptforthe martyrdom of priestsin Northumberland and Durham , we have no inklingof the doings of the old Catholic population in the two northern counties They probably went on much in the old way. In the moreremote districts of Northumberland probably little was known of what was doingelsewhere, and therewouldbe little or notroublefrom pursuivants and informers

Down tothe 19th century Northumberland and Durham were, with the exceptionofLancashire , probablythe most Catholiccounties inEngland. Most of the landed gentry were Catholic, and many of themkept chaplainsin their houses who served the neighbouringtenantry, most of whom were Catholic This did not apply to Newcastle ; as the late Rev. William Barry, D.D., says, " In all countries it (the Reformation) tookhold of the industrial centres; it flourished in the towns. "*

The Newcastle authorities were never zealous to prosecute, and the fearful visitations of the plague, no doubt, caused sufficient trouble without interfering much in religious matters Owing to the plague the population of the town in 1636 was probably not greater than in 1548; in 1636between May and December over 5,000 people perished

It is not until the early years of the 17th century that we geta glimpse of Catholic life in the neighbourhoodof Newcastle , in the person of Dame Dorothy Lawson , a name still revered on Tyneside She was the widow of Roger Lawson, son of Ralph Lawsonof Brough, Yorks , who on the deathof her husband went to live at St. Anthony's, a quiet nook on the banks of the Tyne about three miles below Newcastle Here she built a chapel, and Jesuit chaplains always resided in her house Although urged to do so by the Bishop of Durham , the Newcastle authorities refused to prosecute, and on her death , March 26, 1632 , she was buried with Catholicrites by her own priests, in the

"The Papacyand ModernTimes " (1911 ), p. 125 .

"The Life of Mrs. DorothyLawson, of St. Antony's , near Newcastle-onTyne" (1855) The author's Dedication is signed "William Palmes , " thought by Dr. Oliver, says a footnote, to represent Fr. William Palmer , S.J. (1591-1670), her Confessor. " Catholic Tyneside from the beginning ofthe Reformation tothe Restorationofthe Hierarchy, 1534-1850; withanAppendix on Old St.Andrew's, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, " by Rev.W.Vincent Smith(1930), p. 36 ff. "Men ofMark'twixt Tyne andTweed, " by Richard Welford (1895). 198

presence of the Magistrates and Aldermen, in All Saints' Church, Newcastle In 1615 Bishop James of Durham writes of "the flocking of priests even in a walledtown like Newcastle, where a few years ago there was not one recusant , " and in 1617 the Vicar of Newcastle writes that Popery flourishes " The above were , no doubt, exaggerations.

Thefirst account we have of an assemblage ofCatholics in Newcastle was on22ndApril 1654, when the Rev. John or Hugh Whitfield , S.J., who entered the Society in 1639 and came on the English Mission in 1648 , was arrested, after saying Mass in a house in the town, alongwith his congregation of thirty or forty people, some of whomwere from the country Two Protestant gentlemen went bail for him in the sum of £200 each, but eventually Fr. Whitfield was acquitted, anddiedinthe North, May 10, 1686. In 1684 the Rev. John March, the vicar,preaching before the Mayor, said he had observed of late that the Catholics " had begun to nestle more in or about the town than formerly they had done. " The quaint biographerof Ambrose Barnes, the Puritan aldermanofthe town (1657-1710), says: " The magistracy was mixt with Papists, and Protestants , Conformists , and Nonconformists. Menwere at a loss to see how suddenly the world was changed, the cap, the mace , and the sword [of the Corporation], one day carriedtothe church, anotherdayto the mass -house, another day to the dissenting-meetinghouse . "

The Jesuits about this time were the best organised and most numerous among the priests in this district, and were settled in Gateshead , where their " Annual Letters for 1688 state that there was here a 'sufficiently spacious chapel, and a well frequented school "" This chapel was the one attachedto what was afterwards known as Gateshead House , the greatgatewayofwhichwas still anoutstandingfeature of High Street about eighty years ago It stood on what had been part of the Hospital of St. Edmund the Confessor, founded by Bishop Farnhan in 1248, part of the church of which still stands. At the dissolutionofthe monasteries it was acquired by the Lawsons , and passed to the Riddellsand Claverings

The Rev. PhilipLeigh, S.J., alias Layton and Metcalfe, youngerson of AlexanderLeigh of Askhurst Hall in Orrell, Lancs, who enteredthe EnglishCollege, Rome, in 1671, andwas ordainedtherein 1675 , entered the Jesuit Orderin 1679 and was in Gateshead about 1681. In 1687 Dr. John Leyburn, the first Catholic bishop to visit the district for about a hundred years, confirmed there over 300 persons Fr. Leigh was appointedone of the chaplains to James II and was known on the mission as PhilipMetcalfe, his grandmother'sname, shebeing a daughter of Sir James Metcalfe, of Nappain Wensleydale Underthat name , on January 29, 1687-8, he preached a sermon in the " CatholicChappel, " Newcastle, before the Mayor and Corporationon the thanksgiving day for Queen Mary The sermon was dedicated to the Catholic Mayor, Sir William Creagh, and printed the same year by Henry Hills of " 1631-2 , March 27. Mrs. Dorothie W.Mr Roger Lawson, " buried (Parish Register, All Saints' , Newcastle) "Memoirs of the Life of Mr. AmbroseBarnes, late Merchant and sometime Alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne " (Surtees Society, vol 50 , 1867), PP . 175-177 . The quotation refers to the year 1686/7 . Henry Foley,S.J. , " Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus " (1875-83), Vol v, p 662


London, printer to the King

This chapel,which is said to have been used by the secular clergy, was situate in WhiteHart Yard (which still stands) in the Flesh Market, now the Groat Market. The late Dom Gilbert Dolan, O.S.B., believed that there was a Benedictinechapel in the town which was closed at the outbreak of the Orange Revolution, butI havefound no reference to it Dom John Basil Smeaton, O.S.B. , a native of Northumberland who was livingin the town andworking in co Durham, no doubt helped his Catholic brethren about Newcastle between 1689 and 1697. Dom Robert Killingbeck, O.S.B., was chaplain to Thomas Riddell of Fenham, on the outskirts of the town, between 1677 and 1679. With the coming of the Catholic James II some of the more sanguine holders of the old faith thought that Catholicismhad come into its own again ; it was, however, a fitful dream . So sudden and dramatic was the change in religious matters, that in the books of St. Andrew's parish church for 1688 we find an entry of Is. 4d for ringing the bells on that day of thanksgiving on which Fr. Metcalfe preached his sermon, whilst a few lines lower down the same sum was paid for ringing the bells for " deliverance from Popery. "

The Rev. George Brown, S.J., alias Pippard, resided at Gateshead before1701 , was the friend and confessor of the last Earl of Derwentwater, andattendedhim in his last days and on the scaffold in 1716 . On a January day in 1746 the populace, who welcomed the Duke of Cumberland on his way northto put downthe rising of 1745, burnt down the Jesuit house and chapel in Gateshead, and the Rev. John Walsh, S.J., then in charge, fled for protection to Felling Hall, near by, where the Brandlings kept Dominicanchaplains , and shortly after, when tranquillity was restored, removed to a house in The Close, Newcastle , backing on to the Tyne, once the home of the Royalist Mayor, Sir John Marley, and in recent years covered by the flour mills ofSpiller & Baker That was the site of the Jesuit Mission in Newcastle until the death of Fr. Walsh, May 26 , 1773. He was buried inSt.Nicholas's churchyard, 1773 May 28, John Walsh, Romish priest. "§

In theNewcastle district , as elsewhere, we have fairly good records of the Jesuit missions from early in the seventeenth century, and if the work of the secular clergyis not so well known, it must not besupposed that they were lacking in the zeal of their regular colleagues, but that no systematicrecords have been left of theirwork. Therewere 5 seminarypriests, 2 Jesuits, 2 Benedictines and I Franciscan working in Northumberland in or about 1632 , but during the 18th century the

Acopy of this pamphlet offorty pages 7 ins X 5 ins , closelyprinted, isin theCentral Reference Library, Newcastle There is a copy alsoin the British Museum

E.Mackenzie , " A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, including the Borough of Gateshead" (1827), i 363

Among other Jesuits who were stationed at Gateshead were the Rev. Wm Riddell, who died there in 1711; the Rev. Francis Anderton , who died in Newcastle in 1723; the Rev. Richard Molyneux, 1724-33; and the Rev. ThomasMaire, 1731-36

§ Parish Register, St. Nicholas's, Newcastle-on-Tyne The Rev. John Walsh, S.J. , in his Report for 1750 says there were about 250 communicants in his chapelin The Close at Easter; many, no doubt, came from Gateshead , and there was a secular chapel in the town at the same time. See Foley, op. cit.


regulars were more numerous . About 1750 there were 16 missions in the county served bythe regular orders, and only 4 by secular priests In 1750there were 20 Catholic missions in Northumberland, in 1829 only17. As previously stated, there was a chapel in WhiteHart Yard before 1688, and possiblysubsequent thereto, said to have been served by secular priests, where no doubt Fr. Metcalfe , S.J., preached his sermon before the Mayor in 1687-88 Accordingto Dr. Kirk, the Rev. Robert Riddle alias Carey, a secular priest, native of Northumberland, born 1644 , " lived many years in Newcastle-on-Tyne " He is nodoubt the Robert Carey, were Riddell, admitted as convictor to theEnglish College, Rome,4 Oct. 1664, at the ageof 20; leftfor Flanders after being ordained, 8 June 1669, and settled for some time with the nuns of Pontoise; he was chaplainthere in June 1671. He was possiblythe 4thson ofSirWilliamRiddell ofGateshead by Catherine daughterofSir HenryWiddrington, a brother ofthe Rev. Peter Riddell, S.J., who died in Maryland in 1667 , and uncle of the Rev. William Riddell, S.J., who was workingin the Newcastle districtat the same time as himself . His name appears in a list ofsecular priestsin August 1697 as " Mr Robert Riddle in Gateshead at Newcastle of about 15 years standing, a Roman . " So he probably came here, lived with his relativesin Gateshead, and was attachedto Newcastle 1682-1698 In him we probably trace the first of a regular succession of secular priests down to the opening of St. Andrew's a hundred years later.

The Rev. Thomas Witham, D.D., apparently succeeded There issome confusion about hisfamily, as there were threeThomas Withams about the same time He is thought to have been the son of Thomas Witham of Preston-le-Skerne, near Aycliffe, co Durham. Probablyborn about 1655-60, he went to Douai, thence to St. Gregory's , Paris, 1680 , and was ordainedAugust 1683. He remained there till 1687 , when he wentto England as one of the preachers in ordinary to James II; after the Revolutionhe returned to Douai, and to St. Gregory'sin 1695. In 1696 he went on the English Mission, and returned to St. Gregory's April 29, 1699 " after having served upon ye mission in Newcastle by B. (Bishop) Smiths order 11 months . " So he probably succeededthe Rev. RobertRiddell in Newcastle inAprilor May 1698, andremained till April 1699. The remainderof his clericallife was spent as Superior of St. Gregory's , Paris As there is confusionabout his birth, so thereis about his death. St. Gregory's Register says " Obiit Jan. 8, 1728 , "S but the Eyre Papers at Ushaw state definitely that " R. Thomas Witham, D.D., died Dec. 28, 1727 at Preston upon Skerne , near Stockton . "||

The Rev. Robert Ward is the next secular priest we trace here. He was nodoubt the Robert Ward, a native of the diocese of Durham , a studentofthe English College, Madrid, and afterwards of Valladolid His name is recorded in the Valladolid Register, " Year 1677. Robert Wardof Durham came here from the College of St. George in Madrid; after finishing his studies, and being ordained , he returned to England in 1684a learned and a pious youth. " He left for England 8 April

* C.R.S ., Vol 17, p. 268 . Ibid .,Vol 9, p. 114 . Ibid ., Vol 19, p. 115

§Ibid., Vol 19 , p. 101. In a footnote on p. 106 the Rev. Dr. Burtonsays that " hedied at Dunquerque 8 Jan., 1728 , " but gives no authorityforthe statement

||Vide Dr. John Kirk, " Biographiesof English Catholicsin theEighteenth Century " (1909) C.R.S. , Vol 30, p 173


1684, andtaught for about a year in theschool at Quosque, near Snaith , Yorks. In the quaint words of the Secretary of the Chapterin 1693, he" then lived a year or 2 on what he could get at York, where old MrSalkeld[Thomas Salkeld , alias Whalley, a chaplain] dying he struck in with the richandvertuouswidowMrsWestby where he has a very happy residence " In 1693 he is statedto " have been 8 or 9 years on the Mission and his age under40." The" richandvirtuous widow" may have died, as amongst the Eyre Papers is an unsigned and undated scrap which says, " Mr. Ward was incumbent of Newcastle when I went to Douai in 1715. I believe he was succeeded by Mr. Gibson. " Dr. Robert Witham, V.G. of the Northern District, went as President to Douai in Oct. 1715, and he may have written this note . We have no record of Fr. Ward's work in Newcastle, and we knownot where or when he died In 1715 he would be about 60 years of age

As was believed by the unknownwriter of the notereferredto, "Mr. Gibson " did succeedFr. RobertWard on the secular mission,Newcastle , The Rev.Thomas Gibson wasthe2ndsonofThomas Gibson ofStonecroft, byBridget daughterofJasper Charlton of Hawkhope, Northumberland, and was born in 1688. He was a nephew of the two Dominicansof that name who served the mission of Stonecroft, and uncle of the two Gibsons , Vicars Apostolic His elder brother George came out in the Derwentwater rebellion of 1715 , was captured at Preston and condemned to death, butthegaol fever of Newgate carriedhim off before the datefixed for his execution, and he was buriedin St. Giles's churchyard, London, Dec. 1716. Thomas Gibson took the college oath at Douai under the alias Bulmer 23 April 1709, and became one of the professors there He left Douai forthe English Mission 2 Sept. 1720 , and no doubt soon after took charge of the Newcastle secular mission Bythis time memoryoftherisingof 1715 , in whichhisfamilywere deeply implicatedand whichcausedseveremeasuresto be taken withCatholics, haddieddown. We knownotwhen the chapel in White Hart Yard was closed, but Fr. Gibson found a home and raised analtar in the present Nuns Lane, on the east side of Newgate Street, which formerly led into St. Bartholomew's Nunnery, some of the remains of which were still there, and its site was an open spacefor a hundredyears later, the Nun's Well existing downto 1840. Thepublicmarket between ClaytonStreet andGraingerStreet covers mostof the site Fr. Gibson's chapel was knownas the chapel in the Nuns. " Heandhissmallflock must have had some hard timesduring the severe winters of 1738 , 1739 and 1740 , buthewas in hisnative district, would have many personal friends, and probably led a fairly peaceful life therefor about 25 years He was a member of the Chapter, and was elected Archdeacon of Yorkshire in 1735.§ About 1727 or 1728 Dr. Williams, the newly appointed DominicanVicar Apostolicofthe Northern District, landed in secrecyat Tynemouth, and put up at the Bird in the Bush, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle. The old house was pulled downin 1927-28for street widening when the newTyne Bridgewas built Hereno doubt the bishopwould be visited by Fr. Gibson and probably said Mass in his chapel, and he gave Confirmation to 42 people there in 1728-9;|| he also C.R.S. , Vol 9, pp 109-10 . In the opinion of the Rev. W. Vincent Smiththis note is undoubtedly in the handwriting ofthe Rev. John Cotes (b. 1700, d. 1794) C.R.S., Vol 26, pp 182, 183 , and 143n § Dr. John Kirk, op cit ||C.R.S. , Vol 25, pp. 110 , 115 .


gave Confirmation at Gateshead while Fr. Molyneux was in charge. The congregation must have been small, for in the Papist returns for Newcastle in 1705 they numbered only 53 but were no doubt more. In January 1746 the populace who burnt down the Jesuit chapel in Gateshead also wrecked Fr. Gibson's chapel in The Nuns, Newcastle It speaks well for the public authorities of Newcastle that in the Newcastle Journal for I Feb. 1746 there is an advertisement signed by " Cuthbertson , Town Clerk," stating that " early on Sunday morning last some disorderly persons brokeinto and entered a house called the Nuns in Newgate St., and tookaway or destroyed several goods, and otherthings, "andofferinga rewardof£50 forinformation leadingtoconviction of the offenders For some time after this Fr. Gibson had to adopt variousdisguises untilthe stormblewover Dr.RobertCarnaby, V.G., addressed letters to him as " Mrs. Anne Lawrenceat the Nun's Gate. " Previous to 1746 an old mansion standingin a court in Newgate Street, on the opposite side to Nuns Lane, andwhichis supposedto have been a house ofthe Derwentwaterfamily, had fallen intoCatholic hands in the person of Mary, widow ofAlbertSilvertop ofMinsteracres , and daughterof Joseph Dunn of Blaydon One of her daughters had married a nephew of Fr. Gibson, his brother George's youngest son James, and she persuaded the persecuted priest to come and live in the old mansion, a two-storied house which stood in a garden This good ladydiedand was buried at St. Nicholas's 5 June 1756. In oneofthe rooms of this old house services were conducted by Fr. Gibson until his death in his 77th year He was buried in All Saints' churchyard, 1765 Jan. 22. The Rev. Thomas Gibson, Romishpriest "* In later years the court where this chapel was situate became the property of John Bell, land surveyor and bookseller, and was called Bell's Court; it adjoinedthe existing St. Martin's Court on the west side In recent times it was called Weir's Court It containedthe Newcastle secular chapel from 1746till 1798. Between 1808 and 1824the roomwhichhad been used as a chapelwas a masonic lodge, and in 1827 was the home ofthe Literary, Scientific, and Mechanical Institution. The siteduring the last twentyyears has been covered by largebuildings From what hasbeensaid, itwill be seen that the Rev. Thomas Gibson and the Rev. John Walsh, S.J., both of whom were victims of mob violence in 1746 , opened new places ofworship about the same time, and were contemporaries for nearly twentyyears

The Rev. Charles Cordell succeededFr. Gibson in the NewgateStreet mission The son of Charles Cordell , a London banker, by Hannah Darrell of the old family of Darrell of Scotby Castle in Sussex and Calehillin Kent, he was born 5 Oct. 1720 or 1721 , wasfor a timeatDame Alice's School, Fernyhalgh, Lancs , entered Douai 21 March 1734 , was ordained 19 Dec. 1744, and was one of the professors at the college until he left for the English Mission 10 June 1748, when he became chaplain to the Duke ofNorfolkat Arundel Castle, where he remained until April 1755. He then assisted his co-religionists at Roundhay, now part of the City of Leeds, and in the Isle of Man . Hecame to Newcastle in June 1765, a few monthsafter Fr.Thomas Gibson's death , and hisfirst entryin the registerof St.Andrew's is dated 28 July 1765 . Itis difficultto picture the Newcastle into which this south country* Parish Register, All Saints' , Newcastle E.Mackenzie , op cit , Vol 1, p 364 . Dr.John Kirk, op cit


man rode on that summer'sday. The medievalbridge which had borne the traffic across the Tyne for five hundred years, with its chantry chapel of St. Thomas of Canterbury on the north end and bearing quaint towers and houses, was still standingit was destroyed by a flood a few years laterand the square keep of Henry II looked down over it The town was completely enclosed by walls with numerous towers, and six gateways leading through them; the population would not exceed 25,000, nearly all of whom lived within the walls Mail coaches had not longstarted torun Only two years before , the streets were forthe first time lit withoil lamps, andthe publicpants formed the sole water supply of the people. The architectureconsisted chieflyofthose tall, quaint, half-timberedhouseswithoverhangingfronts, of which only two or three are now extant; the only entrance into the town from the south was up the steep street called The Side , between the Black Gateand the old churchof St. Nicholas Such was the place to which Fr. Cordell came morethan a century and a halfago to take charge of the small congregation in Newgate Street, and where he commenced the records of the secular mission which ultimatelybecame St. Andrew's The number of Papists given in returns for the four parishes of Newcastle in 1763 was 209; they were nodoubt muchmore numerous , still very fewfor a largetown, andspread overtwo missions. A scholarly and studious man, Fr. Cordell led a quiet and retired life; his political opinions were favourable to the Stuarts, but he never obtrudedthem in public Dr. George Hay, Vicar Apostolicof Scotland , paid him several visits, and stayed a week with himin February 1779 soon after his house and chapel in Edinburgh had beendestroyedbythe mob Muchof Fr. Cordell's time was spent in writing, editingandtranslating,andmanyofhis books were printedin Newcastle Hehadacontroversy with Fr. Warrilow, S.J., in the columns of the local press, ve the suppression of the Jesuit Order by Pope Clement XIV, whose life, translated from the French, was one of his books An attack was made on him and his house during the Lord George Gordon riots in 1780, but the authorities came to his aid, and no harm was done. About 1778 he was offered but declined the Presidency of the College ofSt. Omer. He " was particularly admiredforhismethodof preaching, which was easy, pleasing, and instructive . " There was an endowment producing £20 a year bequeathed by one ofthe Derwentwater family, probably Lady Mary Radcliffe, attachedto this mission , but in 1782 Fr. Cordell in a letter says that instead of £20 he was "forcedto content himself with £10 . " He diedin his house in Newgate Street Jan. 1791 and was buriedin St. John'schurchyard, "1791 , 28 Janry. Rev. Cha Cordell , Romishpriest. " His librarywas bought by John Bell, land surveyorand bookseller

The Rev. John Jones succeeded before 3rd May 1792 , when his name first appears in the Register, and he remained until after I Sept. 1793

There were several John Jones on the mission about this time, but he JosephGillow, " Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics" (1885 ff.). Richard Welford, op cit

Dr.John Kirk, op.cit

" Dilston Hall ; or, Memoirsofthe Right Hon James Radcliffe , Earl of Derwentwater , " byWm .Sidney Gibson(1850), p 172. The Eyre Papersstate that the Rt Hon . Francis Earl of Derwentwater (d. April 21 , 1696) left £400 for a secular priest in some place in Northumberland : " the profits thereof have been applied forthe maintenanceof a Priest in Newcastle" § Parish Register, St. John's, Newcastle


was probably the priest ofthat name, one of the Llanarth Courtfamily, born in 1759 , who was on themission at Gloucester fora shorttimeafter 1789. He signs the registerofLittle BlakeStreet, York, 5 Dec. 1790 to 27Dec. 1791. He was chaplaintothe Withams at Cliffe, nearDarlington, 1806-16 , served at Brooms, co Durham, 1816-18 , and went thence toMonmouth , near his home, where he was priest in charge until 1835. He diedin Manchester II March 1840.

TheRev.Thomas Storey, whohad beenfor someyears incumbentof the Cockshaw Mission , Hexham, succeeded. He makes only one entry in the Register, a baptism on 16 Sept. 1794. According to the notes of Fr. John Laurenson , S.J., he was "frightened to deathin returning home bybeingattacked by some women after supping with St John Lawson . " A more prosaic accountappears in the NewcastleChronicle for Saturday, 7th Feb. 1795: " On Monday at his house in Newgate Street, much regretted, the Rev. Mr. Storey a minister of the Roman Catholicpersuasion. He supped at a friends house that evening, and went home seemingly well, but dropped down dead as soon as he got intothe house " Fr. Laurenson , who was a contemporary, says he " died Incumbent of Hexham at Newcastle Feb. 2, 1795, " so he may have beenlooking after both missions .

Thencame a newly ordained priest, the Rev. James Worswick, whose name is writ large in the Catholic history of Newcastle and district. He was the son of Thomas Worswick of Leighton Hall, Lancs, his mother being a daughter of Robert Gillow of Singleton in the same county. Born 1 March 1771 , he received the rudimentsofhiseducation at Dame Alice's school, thence to Douai, where he arrived 13 Oct. 1781 During the FrenchRevolution he escaped with other students inMarch 1793. He completed his studies at Crook Hall, near Leadgate, co. Durham, founded shortly before. He was ordained at York, 18 April 1795, and came to Newcastle in the following June His name first appears in the Register 8 Sept. 1795, in which year there were 13 baptisms. In the census of1801 Newcastle had a populationof28,294. 37 persons were confirmedin the Newgate Street chapel byDr.William Gibson, V.A., 15 July 1796. An appeal issued about this time in reference to the proposed building of a Catholic place of worship says, "It has been often lamentedthat the Catholicinhabitants of Newcastle are not possessed of a convenientchapel The two chapels in present use , whichare heldundera precarious tenure, are inconveniently situated, one of them almost entirely excluded from daylight, and neithersufficiently capacious forthe congregation" Nearly £1000 was raised in subscriptions Fr. Worswickacquireda houseon theeast side of Pilgrim Street belonging to Richard Keenleyside , surgeon, and the large garden behindsloped downtothe ErickBurnandtheCarliolCroft. The property was conveyed to Dr. Wm Gibson , V.A., the Rev. Thos. Eyre of CrookHall, and the Rev. James Worswick in November1796 . The first churchofSt.Andrew, " a respectable brickbuilding 86feetlong byabout 36 feetwide" as it is described by a contemporary, was builtin the garden behindthe house , and was approached through Hill's Court On Sunday, 11th Feb. 1798, this, the pioneer Catholic church of * C.R.S , Vol 26, p 208

Ibid ., Vol . 4, p. 250

This is the date given by E. Mackenzie , op cit , i 365, andin John Sykes, "Local Records, or Historical Registerof Remarkable Events" (1824), p. 202

In the MS Diary of John Smith of The Brooms, he says, " 18 Feb. , 1798 , Mr. Worswick's new chapel opened. "


modern Newcastle, was opened with High Mass Fr. Worswick was the celebrant , and two French Refugee priests acted as deacon and subdeacon The Rev. John Yates of Esh, V.G., the Rev. John Bell, Messrs . Thomas Lupton, and George and Basil Barrett, students of CrookHall, who had been prisoners in France, formed the choir . In 1802 most ofthe FrenchRefugee clergy, who must have been ofgreat assistance to the native clergy, returned home. In this year an organ was placed in the west gallery of the church The church and the school afterwardsbuilt close to it stood on the siteofthe existing Worswick Street, made long after Fr. Worswick's time.

The Rev.William Warrilow, S.J., who succeededFr.Walsh, S.J., onthe Close mission, acquired new premises in WestgateStreet, close to the site of the Parcels Post Office, had his chapel on an upperstoreyand carried on his ministrythere until his death 13 Nov. 1807, and he was buried in St. John's churchyard, close to the present GraingerStreet, where his headstone may still be seen ; Fr. Cordell was buried in the same corner The lease of house and chapel was purchased by the Wesleyans, who worshipped there some years, whenit was known as ZionChapel, Zion Court, andfrom 1865 to 1871 Masswas again said here bythe priestsof St. Mary's Cathedral; it was then called St. Charles' . * On the deathofFr. Warrilow the Jesuitmission in Newcastlewas closed and its congregationamalgamated with St. Andrew's, which necessitatedthe enlargement ofthe churchin 1808. There was somesoreness felt by Fr. Worswick Sir John Lawson had suggested that a certain sum ofmoney should be given by the Societyto the secular clergy for the extra labour involved in taking over their work, but, says Fr. Worswick , " not a farthing have I received for the additional burdenof their congregation . "

Onrecentenquiry as to whetherthere were any registers kept onthe Jesuit mission in Newcastle, the librarian of Stonyhurst in a letter dated 1 June 1933 says: "I amafraid thatwe have no documents inthe Archives bearing upon the subject of your research I will enquireat Farm Streetto see if there are any documents there connected with the Newcastle Jesuit missions. Foley appears to state that Fr. Warrilow did notrenew his vows in the restored Society (Vol VII Collect, Partii, p. 819), so that his papers probably did not come into Jesuit hands . "

On 28 April 1869, 280 persons were confirmedin St. Andrew's by Dr. William Gibson, Vic Apost., and this number gives an idea of the strides made since the Confirmation in the old chapel 13 years before In addition to the labours of his own missionFr. Worswick gaveattendance to the Catholics of NorthShields everythree weeks, andlater on once a week , and after enlarging the gallery of his church to accommodate the increasingcongregation he commenced in 1817 to builda church in NorthShields

After the closing of the Jesuit mission in Newcastle in 1807, St. Andrew's was the only Catholic place of worship on Tyneside east of Stella Fr. Worswick had this extensive tract of country under his

* Rev W.Vincent Smith , op. cit. Dr. John Kirk, op cit About this time andduring the succeeding years the Jesuits gave up all their missions in Northumberland and co. Durham. It must have seemed hard to them to have to retire, just when the Catholic Revival was in progress, from a district where they had laboured so long during the Penal Days, and even sometimes , as far as we know, outnumbering the secular clergy. "The Historyof St. Cuthbert's, NorthShields, " by Rev. J. CanonStark , M.R. (1902).



charge, and Catholics walked from North Shields and other places as far as Blyth to hear Mass at Newcastle A writerin the Catholic Miscellany for October1829 says there were 8,000 Catholics in Northumberland, more than half of whom were under Fr. Worswick's care. Even then, though in his 59th year, he was the preacher every Sundayat St. Andrew's: " Noseverityofexertion, no fatigue,nowant of preparation, will induce him to omit this duty. " His bold, animated, impressive sermons , and his wonderful zeal and energy, had helped to increase his congregation Whereas in Fr. Cordell's time the baptismal entries seldom exceeded2 or 3 per annum,andwhenthenewchurchwas opened in 1798were only 19 , they had in 1826 increased to 112 , and in 1840 to 363

In June 1832 the Rev.William Riddell came as assistant priest. The 3rd son of Ralph Riddell of Swinburn Castle , Northumberland, he was born 5 Feb. 1807, studiedat Stonyhurst, wentto Rome in 1823, and was after his ordination secretaryto Cardinal Weld at the EnglishCollege, Rome,for some years Elevenyears after hisarrivalat Newcastle , the year Fr. Worswick died, he was elected coadjutor to Dr. Mostyn, Vic. Apost , whom he succeeded in 1847. His charge was brief, for whilst labouringin Newcastle duringthe typhusepidemic of thatyearhecaught the fever, and died 2 Nov. 1847. He was buriedoutsidethe west wall of St. Mary's Cathedral , where his table tomb may be seen . As the church even after enlargement was too small for the increasing population, Fr. Worswick commenced building the present Cathedral of St.Mary's, of which he was not destined to see the completion On 8 July 1843 he passed to his rest His remains were interred in the unfinished choir of St. Mary's, where a large brass in front of the high altarmarks the place of his burial. There is also a memorial windowto Fr. Worswick at the east endof the south aisle The Erick Burnwhich ran at the foot of his garden has long since been covered over,and the gaolsubsequently built on Carliol Croft has recently been swept away; about 1875 , owing to the march of modernprogress, his modest church and school were pulled down to make way for the new CentralPolice Stationalso recentlyrebuiltandthe newstreetalongside of it, but the name Worswick Street, given to the latter as an appreciation of the high characterthis zealous priest held in the estimationofhis fellow townsmen , will perpetuate his name in Newcastle history. New sites were provided by the Corporation for the new church and schools, and Worswick Street, which runs over the site of the first St. Andrew's, runs alongside the second and more elaborate building The second St. Andrew's (the existing church) was opened 26 Sept. 1875, and consecrated 27 Sept. 1921. A good presentation portrait in oils ofFr.Worswick hangs on the wallof the dining roomin St. Andrew'spresbytery.

Among the priests who at various times in the early years ofSt. Andrew's administeredBaptism are the following:- Rev. William Durant,Miss Ap , 9 March 1801. Rev. Thomas Smith , 16Oct.1804; he was afterwardsVicarApostolicoftheNorthern District, tillhis death30 July1831. TheRev. John Lingard,thehistorian, whilst at CrookHall and Ushaw , signs many times between May 1805 and July 1816 ; he died at Hornby, Lancs, 17 July 1851. A " Domino Lawson " is mentioned in a baptismof 26 Aug. 1807; he was probably

Richard Welford, op cit


one of the two brothers O.S.B. belonging to the Brough Hallfamily: Henry was serving at Morpethand Thomas at Richmond, Yorks ,at the time. Rev. Richard Albot signs 1811-13; he served Ellingham Hall, Northumberland, and Blackburn, Lancs, and died at Lea, Lancs, April 1857. Rev. William Hoggart, 1813-15, afterwards Dr. William Hogarth, 1st Bishopof Hexhamand Newcastle , d 29 Jan. 1866. Rev. James Platt, 1813, an uncle of Provost Platt; many years at Bishop Thornton, Ripon Rev. Francis Martyn,Aug. 1813 , whoseentriesarein English; a native ofNorwich, b. 1782, he spent most of his lifeinStaffordshire, d 1838. Rev. Wm Digby, March1817, probably Dom William Jerome Digby, O.S.B., whowas chaplainat Saltwell, closeto Gateshead , 1816-22, d Downside 13 June 1822. Rev. Thos Youens, 1819-20; PresidentofUshaw 1828-33; d. Liverpool 31 May 1848. Rev. William Birdsall, June 1823 ; he served Ellingham Hall, Northumberland, and Berwick-on-Tweed, where he died 18 Feb. 1838. Rev. Thomas Gillow , July 1825 ; served Callaly Castle 1797-1821 and North Shields 1821 till his death, 19 Mar. 1857; he was a relative of Fr. James Worswick Rev. John Rigby, July 1825 , no doubt Dom John Bede Rigby , O.S.B., who served Birtley, aboutsix miles from Newcastle , 1819-27, andd.atLamspring 15 Jan. 1837. Rev. Joseph Newsham , July 1817, probably the Jesuit brother of the President of Ushaw , d at Stonyhurst, Feb. 1849

An 18th century Meeting House ofthe Scotch Presbyterianson the Wall Knoll (near City Road) was acquired for a Catholicchapel of ease for St. Andrew'sby the Rev. FrederickBetham, curateofSt. Andrew's, and afterwardsof Gateshead; it was opened byhim 17 June 1852, and dedicated to St. Patrick It was afterwards used by the Dominicans whilst they served St. Andrew's It disappeared with much of that part of Old Newcastle about the same time as the first St. Andrew's, so that ofall the old Catholicplaces ofworshipin Newcastle and Gateshead during the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries not, so far as the writer knows, is a vestige left.

It is interestingto note that among the priests who from time to time signed the Registers ofSt. Andrew's were two future archbishops and five bishops, and of the latterthe two last bishops of the diocese served many years as parish priestson the mission .

Since the deathofthe Rev. James Worswick in 1843 the following priests have served this mission: -

Rev. John Ward, 1844

Rev. Arsinious Watson, afterwards Canon, 1844-45 .

Rev. Robert Smith , 1845 .

Rev. James Standen , 1845-47.

Rev. Joseph Cullen , 1847-51 .

Rev. Joseph Aloysius Brown, 1851-56

Rev. George I. L. Crawley, 1857-58 .

Rev. J. Humble, afterwards Canon , 1858-59.

Rev. Rudolf Suffield , 1859-60

The Dominicanshad charge from 1860 to 1873, and amongst their priests who served here were Revs Bernard Morewood , Dominic Aylward, Paul Stapleton, Paul Utilli, Louis Weldon, G. T. Portley, E. A. Williams, A. T. Silvesterand H. C. Fletcher, O.P.

Rev. Edward R. Rigby, 1874-78, diedat Darlington, 25 May 1901 .

Rev.Henry F. Berry, 1879-80, diedat Walker 20 Sept. 1904 .

Rev. John Robert Wood, 1884-90, died at Tow Law29 Nov. 1896.

Rev. Richard Collins , 1890-95, afterwards Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle , died at St.Mary's, Newcastle, 9 Feb. 1924 .


Rev. (afterwards Canon) Joseph Newsham, 1896-1901 , died at St. Mary's, Newcastle, 31 Jan. 1930 .

Rev. Richard J.Vaughan, 1902-1904, died at St. Joseph's, Newcastle , 19 Oct. 1924 . Rev. Mark Habell, 1905-7, died in retirement in Sunderland , 9 May 1923

Rev. Joseph Thorman, 1908-25, now Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle

Rev.John Jacobs, 1925 to the presenttime.

I have pleasure in stating that the Rev. W. Vincent Smith, of St. Andrew's , has kindly compared the transcript with the original Registers and made necessary corrections , a somewhat laborioustask; his valuable assistance in checking doubtful points in the Historical Notes and annotations , when advancing years compelled me to relinquish the taskofseeingthe workthrough the press, is alsomuchappreciated TheSociety's thanks are also due to the Rev. John Jacobs, the parish priest, for easyaccess to the Registers


The Registers of St. Andrew's as given in this volumeof the C.R.S. are contained in two volumes retained at the presbytery. It is apparent that these volumes were originally one fairly thick book , but when the binding broke away were re-bound separatelyand at different times.

Volume No. 1 is 8" x 6" x 1 " thick, and is now bound in half leather and cloth, in the style of binding of the second half of last century. The bookcontains (i) Baptisms from July 1778 to November 1819; (ii) two slips of paper, one recording a Baptism by the Rev. Thomas Youens in 1820, and the other several Baptismsby the Rev. John Rigby in 1825 ; and (iii) an Easter Communionlist and a First Communion list dated 1839 .

Volume No. 2 is 8" x 6" x about 1" thick, and is boundin modern full leather binding It is rather a mixed volume, and of the various sections (ii) and (iv) are written the reverse way to the main portion ofthebook, and sooriginally andnot in re-binding The bookcontains (i) a Confirmation list for 1796; (ii) the Rev. Charles Cordell'sStatus Animarum, the page edges of which were cut and lettered by the writer as in a modern address book ; (iii) Confirmation lists for 1809 , 1822 and 1823 , this last one appertainingto NorthShields; (iv) arecord of Burials from October 1765 to March 1800; and (v) a record of Baptisms from January 1820 to July 1825

The title of the Rev. Charles Cordell's Register , in bold semiornamental lettering,pasted on a blankleafinfrontofvolume No. 1,and thefiveentries ,July 1778 to 12 Feb. 1786, scattered overpagesI to 14 ofsame, is the only portion now left of the baptismal entries of his time. Theremainderis lost, but the Rev. William Riddell, afterwards Vicar Apostolic, while curate at St. Andrew's with the Rev. James Worswick 1832-43, copied the now missing portions, alongwith more of the Register, and put it in columnform , as given here, in a small book , which is preserved at St. Mary's Cathedral , Newcastle-onTyne From this copy, and also the five baptisms between July 1778 and 12 Feb. 1786nearly sixyearsit is evident that many baptisms were not entered



Baptizatorum, Christmatizatorum , Matrimonio junctorum, Mortuorum, Fidem amplexorum & Status animarum

Neocastri ab anno 1765


Carolus Cordell Londinensis C.A.-D.A.

Junii an: 1765 Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.




Born 1765


Baptized Parents

Sponsors Minister July 28 Anne

Robert Avery RogerBlack- Charles July 15 Margaret conj: lock , Frances Cordell Avery

1765 Octob Isabella Oct. 14 28

1766 June 22 James June 10 Cerem:

Samuel Burn Elizabeth conj: James Avery Mary conj:

ThomasClarke C. Cordell Isabella Bullock suppl July 13

1766 July 1 William June 13

1766 Aug. 25 John Aug. 3

1766 Aug. 25 William Aug. 16

John Crook Margaret conj: John Unthank Thomassina


ThomasLee Elizabeth conj:

1766 Oct. 25 William William Hedley Sept. 22

1766 Oct. 28 Nov. 26 William 1767 March 8 Margaret Cerem

Margaret Hedley conj:

Francis Blacklock,Maryconj: John Scott

WilliamAvery C. Cordell

Richard Jack- C. Cordell son, Mary Dunn

Francis Unthank , Susan Unthank John Warburton, Ann Wilson

JosephPaxton C. Cordell Elizab. Paxton Frances Avery C. Cordell C. Cordell

John MargaretBlakeyMason Thomas Hare C. Cordell C. Cordell Margaret conj: suppl June 7

1767 March 8 Mary Cerem.

John Scott

Thomas Hare C. Cordell Margaret conj: suppl June 7

1767 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 James Cerem James Cox Hanna conj:

Robert Brand Cath Brand C. Cordell suppl Nov.6

[Herefollow three blank spacesat the end ofthe page ]

1768 April4 March 28

1768 Aug. 21 Thomas Aug. 10

1768 Aug. 28 Thomas July 25

1768 Sept. James Sep. 11

George Atkinson Margaret William Ellison C. Cordell Dorothy Wilkin-

CharlesHow Maryconj: 210 son

James Bell

conj: George Pattison C. Cordell Mary conj: C. Cordell

Margaret Richardson

David Moyes Mary Coulter





Baptized Baptized 1769 Catherine

Sep. 13 Sept. 17


Mathew Prumball, Elizabeth

William Prum- C. Cordell 211

Sponsors Minister

ball,Catherine conj: Potts

1770 1770 Anne George Avery

Feb. 26 Mar. 24

1770 Aug. 17 Charles

Aug. 4

Anne conj: MaryCoxson

1771 1771 Robert George Pattison

Jan. 14 Jan. 21

William Avery C. Cordell

Sarah Heppell

ThomasClark C. Cordell

Elizab. Burn

James Bell C. Cordell

Mary conj: Elizab Midford

1771 June 22 Margaret Burn

June Elizabeth conj:

1771 Sept.9 John AnthonyMoor Sept. 9

Margaret conj: John Warburton

1771 Aug. 20 John Aug. 20 Cerem suppl Sept. 16

1771 Octob John Octob 29

Thomas Clark C. Cordell

Margaret conj: Catherine Greenwell

William Storey C. Cordell

Elizabeth Storey

Samuel Warburton , Mary Clark C. Cordell

Mary Hay

20 conj: 1771 Octob Charles David Johnson

Octob . 30

Anne conj:

29 1772 April 14 Isabella John Watson


1772 June 5 -

May 21

Mary conj:

William Oliver

Elizabeth conj: 1773 1773 George George Avery

Feb. 5 March 13

Anne conj: 1773 Sept. 23 Elizabeth

Sep. 20 Winigate conj:

1774 1774 Catherine May 31 May 31 Cerem . suppl June11

1774 July 18 Anne

July 11

1774 Aug. August Anthony Cerem.

Richard Dunn

Sarah conj: Anthony Moor

Margaret conj:

ThomasStorey C. Cordell

Margaret Ross

Robert Huggup C. Cordell

Isabella Watson

John Coulter

Sarah Hepple

1774 Dec. John John Oliver

Nov1775 1775 George .... conj: N. Brown

March4 March 23

William Avery C. Cordell

John Ellison CatherineDunn

ThomasClarke C. Cordell Elizab. Storey C. Cordell

ThomasStorey C. Cordell Storey

Margaret Avery C. Cordell

Mary Dummel C. Cordell suppl Nov. 4

CharlesHow C. Cordell Dec. 5

Hannah Liddell C. Cordell Dec- Baptiz conemb . emb ditionally

James George Avery

1776 April James April 18 29

1774 1777 Mary

March 4 March 16

1774 March Mary 1776 1776

Feb. 20 18


John Avery

Sarah John Watson

Margaret conj:

William Oliver

Elizabeth conj:

James Avery C. Cordell

John Blakey

Margaret Avery

Frances Avery C. Cordell

John AveryElizab Watson

John Coulter Elizab Hunter C. Cordell C. Cordell

[1] 1778 Baptizavi infantem natum die 13° mensis Julii ex Thoma et Maria Hays conjugibus de Parochia de Brumpton * near Scarborough in Comit . Eborae . Brompton, a parish and village 8 miles S.W. of Scarborough.


[Space blank]

Die 9 Mensis Augusti baptizavi infantem natam die 7° hujus ex Gulielmo et Maria Coates conjugibus in Parochiâ S. Joannis extra portam occidentalem, cui nomen impositum est Joanna Spoponderunt Fraciscus Coates et MariaForeman

[Rest of page blank.]

[2] and [3] blank. [1779-82] blank.

[4] 1783 Baptizavi infantem natam die 31 mensis Augusti ex [blank] et [blank] Brown conjugibus hujus urbis, cui nomen impositum est Brigitta Spoponderunt Carolus Hodkinson et Margarita Rutherford

[5]blank . Halfofthepage istorn out .

[6] 1784 Baptizavi infantem natum die 10 mensis Octobris ex Joanna et Sara Avery, conjugibus de Longbenton, cui nomen impositum estGeorgius Spoponderunt . .. . [sic]

[7]to [13]blank [1785] blank.

[14] 1786 Die 12 mensis Februarii baptizavi infantemnatumdie 6 ejusdemmensis ex [blank] et [blank] Brown conjugibushujus urbis, cui impositum est nomi [sic] Isabella Spoponderunt Gulielmus Dobson et Joanna Hamilton

[The abovefive entries are the only baptismal ones now leftinFr Cordell's handwriting. He died Jan. 26, 1791. Thereis a blank in the Register from 12 Feb. 1786 to 3 May 1792.]

[15] to [18] blank


[The outer margin in the Register as a rule repeats the name ofthe baptized and gives the parish in which the child's parents resided In orderto save space, only variations in the spelling of the former are noted, and these are embodied within square brackets in the text , while the name ofthe parish is given at the end of theentry.]

[19] Die 1m1 Maii 1792 Natus et die 3tia ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Robertus Giles, filius Nicholai et Margaritae Giles (olim Taylor) conjugum Patrinus fuit Robertus Taylor, Matrina Anna Taylor At Long Benton Per procuratores GeorgiusTaylor et Dorothea Taylor: a me Joanne Jones Miss Apco

Die1m1 Maii 1792 natus et die 7a ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Dod filius Roberti et Margaritae Dod (olim Puncheon) conjugum. Matrina Maria Puncheon: a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco AtLongBenton .

Die5taJunii1792 natus et die 7ªejusdemmensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joannes Evans, filius Gulielmi et Jane Evans (olim Gray) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Hedley, Matrina Susannah Wilson : a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco So Shields

[20] Die 17 Maii 1792 natus et die 5th Augusti ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Elizabetha Burn filia Joannis et Annae Burn (olim Donaldson) conjugum. Patrinus Thomas Burn, Matrina Francis Dobson: a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco S. John, Newcastle

Die 26 Junii 1792 nata et die 13 Augusti ejusdemanni baptizata

* The Puncheons of Benton are mentioned as Recusantsin 1683 .

fuit Elizabetha Conner, filia Laurentii et Mariae Conner (olim Flemming) conjugum. Matrina Susannah Wilson: a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco So Shields

Die 26 Augusti 1792 natus et die 24 Septembris ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Petrus filius Roberti et Magaritae Monkaster (olim Dunkerley) conjugum. MatrinaBrigeta Monkaster: a meJoãeJones Misso Apco So Shields.

Die 23 Septembris 1792 natus et die 26 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Petrusfilius Richardi et Sarae Clarke(olim Errington) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Franciscus Coates, Matrina Francisca Warburtonper procuratorem Elizabetha Warburton: a me Joanne Jones Miss Apco. Gateshead


Die 12 Novembris 1792 nata et die 16 ejusdemmensisetanni baptizata fuit Maria, filia Georgii et Annae Sprot (olim Whitehead) conjugum: a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco Ponteland

Die 8 Augusti 1792 nata et die 30 Decembris ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Maria, filia Jacobi et Elizabethae Gay (olim Rymer) conjugum. MatrinaSusannahWilson : a me Joanne Jones Misso Apco. No Shields

[Here two blank spaces.] [1793]


Die 2do Januarii 1793 nata et die 5 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Magarita McNeal filia Guielmi et Mariae McNeal (olim Pringle) conjugum. MatrinaMaria Foster: ame JoanneJones Miss Apco. All Saints, Newcastle.

Die 18 Januarii 1793 natus et die 24 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joannes filiusThomae et Annae Clark(olimManners) conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus Headley, Matrina Maria Manners: a me Joannes Jones Miss Apco. So Shields

Die 19 Aprilis 1793 nata et die 15 Maii ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Jane filia Thomae et Mariae Dun (olim Manners) conjugum. Matrina fuit Anna Clark: a me Joannes Jones Misso Apco. So Sheilds

Die 17 Junii 1793 nati et eadem die baptizati fuerunt Josephus Carolus et Maria gemina Carr filius et filia Gulielmi et Elizabetae Carr (olim Paxton) conjugum: a me Joanne Jones Miss° Apco S. John, Newcastle. [23]

Die 15 Junii 1793 natus et die 20 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joannes Young filius Joannis et Jane Young (olim Hodgson) conjugum. Patrinus Marcus Moody, Matrina Mageret Hodgson : a me JoanneJones Miss° Apco S. Nicholas, Newcastle

Die 1 Augusti 1791 Natus et die 3 Julii 1793 baptizatus fuit Thomas filius Thomae et Magaritae Huchinson (olim Wheatly) conjugum. Matrina Elizabetha Stratford: a me Joanne Jones Misso Apeo. All Saints , Newcastle.

Die 3 Julii 1793 natus et die 14 ejusdemmensis et anni baptizatus fuit Jacobus filius John et Elizabethae Chorley (olim Loggen) conjugum. Patrinus Miles Pinkelly, Matrina Maria Tomson: ame JoanneJones Misso Apco S. John Newcastle.

Die 22 Julii 1793 nata et die 25 ejusdemmensis et anni baptizata


fuit Anna filia Georgii et Mariae Jason (olim Simmons) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Richardus Clark, Matrina Anna Warburton: a me

JoanneJones Miss° Apco Nether Heworth [24] Die 21 Augusti 1793 nata et die Im Septbris ejusdem anni baptizata fuit Anna filia Eduardi et Sarah Demsi (olim Stairs) conjugum. Patronus fuit Jacobus Malone, Matrina Catherina Ewart: a me Joanne Jones Misso Apeo Newcastle, S. Nicholas. [1794]

Die 12 Septembris 1794 natus et die 16 ejusdem mensis etanni baptizatus fuit Jacobusfilius Jacobi et Elizabethae Gare conjugum MatrinaJoanna Hall: a me Thoma Story, Misso Apco N. Shields. [Above is the only entry in 1794, there is half a page blank.] [1795]

[25] Die 5 Septembris 1795 nata et die 8 ejusdem Mensis 1795 baptizata fuit MariaGreen filius[sic] Petri et Eliz (olim Scott) Green conjugum. MatrinaMargarettHedlam : a me Jac Worswick Misso Apco N: Shields

Die 3 Sep : 1795 natus et die 8 ejusdem Mensis baptizatus fuit Joannes Moore filius Edwardi et Elizabethae Moore (olim Winship) conjugum. Matrina Jane Winship: a me Jac. Wors : Misso Apco. Milbank Square [? No. Shields].

Die 14 Aug:] Sep: 1795 natus et die 8 ejusdem Mensis baptizatus fuit JacobusMaxfield filius Joannis et Annae Maxfield (olim Shields) conjugum Matrina Jane Hamilton: a me Jac . Wors: Misso Apco S. John, Newcastle.

Die 13 Sep. 1795 nata et die 5 Oct. baptizata fuit Joanna Winship filia Henrici et Annae Winship (olim Robinson) conjugum. Matrina Maria Tod: a me Jac Wors. Misso Apco Newcastle. [26] Die .... 1791 natus et die 5° Oct. 1795 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Mason filius Jacobi et Barbarae (olim Walsh) Mason [above & Patrinus Ledbitter]: [not signed]

Die primo Oct: 1795 natus et die 20 ejusdem Mensis baptizatus fuit Joannes Chorley filius Joannis et Eliz: Chorley (olim Loggon) conjugum, patrinus Jac: Chorley, matrina Anna Barker: a me Jac Worswick Misso Apco Newc:

Die4 Oct : 1795 natus et die 4 Oct. baptizatus fuit LucasPuncheon filius Joan: et Annae Puncheon(olim Pearson) Patrinus fuit Joan: Stoker, Matrina Maria Stoker: a me J: Worswick Misso Apco E: Benton Collery.

Die 20 [? Sept:] Oct: 1795 nata et die 4° ejsd: Mensis baptizata fuit Maria Strand filia Joannis et Mariae Strand (olim Potts): Matrina Maria Stoker: a laico baptizata E: Benton Collery. [27] Die ... Sep: 1795 nata et die 15 Nov: baptizata fuit Maria Rutlidge filia Tho: Rutlidge et Annae (olimScott). Matrina Margarita et Patrinus Joannes Scot : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco S. Johns Parish

Die ... Nov: 1795 nata et die 30 ejsd. Mensis baptizata [fuit] Maria [blank]filia inventa MatrinaMaria Stuart : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco.

Die28ª Nov: 1795 nata et die 6 Dec: baptizata fuit Maria Scanlin,


filia Edwardi et Elizabethae Scanlin (Lammon olim). Matrina Mrs Hamilton , Patrinus Thomas Magannis: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco St. John , Newc

Die 3a Dec. 1795 natus et die 17 ejusd: Mensis baptizatus fuit

Henricus Dodd, filius Roberti et Margaritae Dodd (olim Puncheon) conjugum. Matrina Maria Banks: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. Long Benton Collry


Die 19 Dec. natus et die 21 , 1795 baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Berti filius Mariae (olim Jones) [et] Laurentii Berti Patrinus Pochini , MatrinaMargarita Maclerin : a me Jac. Wors: Miss Apco.

Die 29° Maii 1794 nata et die 5 Januarii [1795] baptizatafuit

Elizabetha Hilliard filia Jos: et Ann: (olim Ramsey) Hilliard, sine patrino aut matrina: a me Jac:Wors : Miss° Apco. [1796]

Die 31° Dec. 1795 nata et die 31 Januarii 1796 baptizata fuit

Margarita Pierson filia Georgii et Margaritae Pierson (olim Taylor), patrinus Jacobus Scot, matrina Alicia Pearson : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco

Die 31 Januarii nata et die 1º Februarii ejusdem anni 1796 baptizata fuit Joanna Jacsonfilia Joannis et JoannaeJacson (olim Wilson) . Matrinauna ex filiis: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. [29] Die 6° Januarii natus et die 7° Februarii 1796 baptizatus fuit

Gulielmus Nowland, filius Jac: et Margaritae Nowlan (olimMeanen) Patrinus fuit Joannes Rotherford, MatrinaAnna Hudson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco.

Die 2º Februarii natus et die 24 Februarii 1796 baptizatus fuit Carolus Pierson filius Richardi et Ellinder Pierson (olim Burnop) Patrinus fuit Georgius Pierson, Matrina Ellin Reed: a me Jac: Worswick JarrowParish

Die 7° ? Feb:] Martii nata et die 2° ejusdem Mensis 1796 baptizata fuit [Christend not baptized above] Margarita Draycot filia Jos: et Mariae Draycot (olim Harrison). Patrinus fuitGulielmus Heaton, Matrina Catharina Draycot: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Gateshead, St Marys Parish . [30] Die 12° Martii 1796 nata et die 3º Aprilis baptizata [sic] 1796 baptizata fuit Margarita Brown filia Thomae et Joannae(olim Comyns) Brown . Patrinus Gulielmus Roantall, Matrina Ann Brown: a me Jac: Worswick. Newcastle, All Saints.

Die2°Aprilis 1796 natus et die 24° ejusd: mensis 1796 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Armstrong filius Guliel : [et] Eliz: (olimIngham) Armstrong Patrinus Joan: Summers, Matrina Dorotheus [sic] Summers: a me Jac Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead

Die 18 Aprilis 1796 natus et die 1° maii 1796 baptizatus fuit Joannes Doddfilius Roberti et JoannaeDodd (olim .... ). Patrinus Carolus Hodkinson , MatrinaMaria Douglass : a me Jac: Worswick , Misso Apco. St. Johns Parish [31] Die 13° Maii 1796 natus et die 27° Junii ejsd. anni baptizatus fuit Jacobus Hilliard filius Josephi et Annae (olim Ramsey) Hilliard. Matrina fuit Francisca Farrell: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Ap⁰⁰. Benton


Die 10° Julii 1796 natus et die 11° ejusd: mensis baptizatus fuit

JacobusMagannisfilius Thomaeet Joannae(olimCalvert) Magannis. Matrinafuit AnnaYoung, Patrinus Owen Clark: a me Jac . Worswick Misso Apeo. All Saints.

Die 2° Junii natus et die 5° ejusd: mensis et anni 1796 baptizata [fuit] Sarah Foster filia Dorotheae (olim Rotherford) et Gulielmi Foster Patrinus Jos: Matheson, Matrina Anna Hotkinson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Tynemouth. [32] Die 27° Junii natus et die 27° Julii ejusd anni baptizatus fuit

Thos: Robinson filius Patrici et Annae (olim Jacson) conjugum & MatrinaJoanna Young: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. St. Nic [In the margin thereis a note N.B. ō fuerunt conjuges."]

Die3° Decembris 1796 natus et die 14° ejsd mensis baptizatus fuit

Thomas O'Donnel filius Jacobi et Catharinae (olim Fisher) O'Donnel conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Foy, Matrina Catharina Foy: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco

Die 29° Decembris 1796 et die 30° ejusd mensis baptizatus fuit Thomas Sylvester filius nescitens [? nesciens] Patrinus Jacobus Mallone , MatrinaMaria Gregg: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. [1797]

Die 10° Januarii natus et die 15° ejusdem mensis et anni 1797 baptizatus fuit Edwardus Coner filius Jacobi et Joannae ([olim] ..) Coner. Patrinus JacobusMcTalin, Matrina FranciscaFarrell: a me Jac: Worswick Miss° Apco Hibernicus , 1797 . [33]

Die 13° Januarii 1797 natus et die 18° ejusdemmensis etanni 1797 baptizatus fuit Hugues Lochart filius Hugues et Etherae (olim Agan) Lochart Patrinus fuit Daniel Currens, Matrina Currens [sic]: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Nic Parish

Die 20° Januarii 1797 natus et die 5° Martii 1797 baptizatus fuit Joannes Geir filius Jacobi et Eliz: Geir (olim Rymer) conjugum Patrinus Gul: Robson, Matrina Eliz Hall: a me Jacobo Worswick Misso Apco Shields , North.

Die 1° Aprilis 1797 nata et die 19° baptizata fuit Anna Konner filia Laurentiiet Molly Konner (olim Fleming) conjugum Matrina fuit Nancy Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco Shields

Die 17° Aprilis nata et die 20° baptizata fuit Sara Scanlan filia Edvardi et Elizabethae Scanlan(olimLamont) Conjugum. Patrinus David Scanlan, Matrina Sarah Scott: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St. Andrews. [34] Die 15° Aprilis 1797 natus et die 19° ejsd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Georgius Mason filius Joannis et Winifridae Mason (olim .) conjugum. MatrinaD:Drake: a me Jac: Worswick , Miss Apco. Shields.

Die 15° Julii 1797 natus et die 18° ejusdemmensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joannes Murphy filius Gulielmi Murphy et Judae Grady Patrinus Jac: Leadbitter: ame Jac:Worswick Miss Apco Aliengi

Die26° Aug. 1797 natus et die4° Sep. 1797 baptizatus fuit Jacobus Gregg filius Gul: et Mariae Greggs (olim Potts) conjugum. Matrina Eliz: Potts : a me Jac: WorswickMiss Apco Shields, North.

Die 29° Junii 1797 natus et die 17° Sep: 1797 baptizatus fuit

Joannes Kellyfilius Joannis et Eliz: Kelly (olim Miller) conjugum. Matrina Maria Todd, Patrinus Davidus Todd: a me Jac: Worswick , Misso Apco. Aliegnus.


Die Sep. 1790 natus et die 20th Sep : 1797 baptizatus fuit Carolus Kelly filius Joan: et Eliz: Kelly (olim Miller) conjugum Patrinus Carolus Hotkinson , Matrina Anna Hotkinson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. Aliegnus

Die . 1793 natus et die 20° Sept. 1797 baptizatus fuit Thomas Kelly filius Joan: et Eliz: Kelly (olim Miller) conjugum. Matrina Maria Todd: a me Jac: Wors : Miss Apco. Alignus.

Die 27° Aug. 1797 nata et die 20° Sep: 1797 baptizata fuit

Joanna Manners filia Jacobi et Eliz: Manners (olim Proud) conjugum. Patrinus Franciscus Davy: Matrina Eliz: Blakeclock: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apeo. All Saints

Die 6° Aug: natus et die 9º ejusdem mensis et anni 1797 baptizatus fuit FranciscaWatsonfilia Roberti et HelenaeWatson (olim Chicken) conjugum Patrinus Joan: Stoker, [Matrina] Joanna Hamilton: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco S. Johns [36] Die 11° Sep: 1797 nata et die 21° baptizata fuitMariaForeman filia Francisci et Margaritae Foreman (olim Mann) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geor: Dunn, [Matrina] Margarita Dunn : a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco. St Nic.

Die 2do Martii 1797 nata et die 26° ejusd mensis et anni baptizatafuit a Jacobo Mather, AnnaJoanna, filia Robberti et Isabellae (olim Gibbon) Mather conjugum Patrinus Jacobus Mather, Matrina Helena Potts Gateshead

Die 12° Sep: 1797 nata et die 26° Sep : 1797 baptizata fuit

Isabella Moore, filia Georgii et Isabellae (olim Burke) Moore conjugum. Patrinus Franciscus Davy, Matrina Francisca Farrell: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. All Saints

Die 6° Oct: 1797 nata et die 11° ejsdm mensis et anni baptizata fuit Anna Weatlyfilia Rica et Aliciae (olim Crooks) Weatly conjugum Patrinus Gul: Passman , Matrina Maria Passman : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco Hartley. [37] Die 11° Decembris 1797 natus et die 27° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit David Nowlan filius Jacobi et Margaritae (olim McCowen) Nowlan conjugum. Patrinus fuit David Henderson, Matrina Francisca Farrell: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Nic. Parish [Rest of page blank.]


[38] Die 27° Dec: 1797 natus et die 8° Jan: 1798 baptizatus fuit Joannes Dodds filius Roberti et Margaritae Dodds (olim Puncheon) conjugum. Matrina Anna Puncheon: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. Long Benton.

Die 20° Dec: 1797 natus et die 5° Jan: baptizatus fuit Joan: Gatesell filius Hen: et [blank] (olim Cook) Gatesell conjugum. Per procuratorem Oliver. Patrinus Joan: Oliver, Matrina Marg: Passman : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco N. Shields

Die19° Jan: 1798 natus et die 10° Feb: ejusdemanni baptizatus


fuit Josephus Norwood filius Jos : Norwood et Mariae Simpson. MatrinaMaria Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco.

Die 20° Feb: 1798 nata et die 22° ejsdm mensis et anni baptizata fuit Anna Magannis filia Thomae et Joannae (olim Calvet) Magannis conjugum Patrinus Geo: Young, [Matrina] Anna Young: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apeo All Saints.

Die 28° Jan: 1798 natus et die 4° Feb: 1798 baptizatus fuit Philippus Pearson filius Richardi et Helenae Pierson (olim Burnup) conjugum. Patrinus Geo: Pierson, Matrina Ruth Pierson: [not signed]. Jarrow Parish. [39] Die 7° Martii 1798 natus et die 9° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Maria Bern filiaJoannis et Carolittae Bern (olim . . . .) conjugum. Patrinus N. Bell, MatrinaMaria Dale, per procuratores Rob: et Sara Sturdy: a me Jac: Wors: Miss° Apco. St Nic.

Die 4° Martii nata 1798 et die 11° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria Draycot filia Georgii et Mariae Draycot (olim Harrison) conjugum Patrinus Rob: Dobson, Matrina Anna Puncheon: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Gateshead.

Die 8° Martii natus et die 1º Aprilis 1798 baptizatus fuit Edvardus Potts filius Mariae Potts et Joannis Thompson Patrinus Ant. Thompson, Matrina MariaPotts: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. St Andrews

Die 29° Jan: 1798 nata et die 28° Feb: 1798 baptizata fuit Marg: Moncaster filia Rob: et Marg: (olim Donkales) Moncaster conjugum. Matrina Anna Thompson, Patrinus Gul: Hedly. S. Shields N.B. Caeremoniae fueruntsuppletae pro OwenMoncaster. Matrina M: Wilson. [40] Die 10° Martii natus et 16° ejsd mensis et anni 1798 baptizatus fuit Jos : Armstrong filius Gul: et Eliz: (olim Ingham) Armstrong conjugum Matrina Maria Summers: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead.

Die 14° Jan: 1798 natus [sic] et die 28 Feb: ejsd annibaptizata [fuit] N .... filia Edwardi et Eliz: (olim Winship) Moore Patrinus Jo: Puncheon, MatrinaMaria N.B. Caeremoniae fuerint spltae 17° Aprilis a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo L. Benton.

Die 10° Aprilis natus et die 16° ejsd mensis et anni 1798 baptizatus fuit Joannes Crooks filius Jos : et Marg: (olim Wilkinson) Crooks conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Crooks , Matrina Maria Crooks: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco Ouse Burn

Die 16° Aprilis nataet die 19° ejsd. mensis et anni 1798 baptizata fuit Maria Pochini filia Joannis et Joannae (olim Denton) Pochini conjugum Patrinus Bart Lipe, Matrina Maria Bunell : a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco All Saints.

[41] Die 20° Aprilis nata et die 30° Maii 1798 baptizata fuit Eliz: Crook filia Joan: et Eliz: Crooks (olim ). Matrina Sarah Crooks: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco Willington Quay.

Die 17° Junii nata 1798 et die 25° ejsd mensis et anni baptizata fuit Cath: Forster filia Gul: et Doroth: (olim Rutherford) Forster conjugum. MatrinaAnnaMatheson, Patrinus Jac: Matheson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco Tinmouth

Die 5° Julii natus 1798 et die 8° baptizatus fuit Edward : Jos: Scanlin filius Edv: et Eliz: Scanlan (olim Lammond) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Forster, Matrina Marg: Hamilton: a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco St Mary's, Gateshead

Die 20° Oct: 1798 et die 23° ejsd. mensis et anni baptizatus fuit

Nicolanus Giles filius Marg: (olim Taylor) et Nic: Giles Patrinus Rob: Taylor et Matrina Marg: Lamb : per procuratores

Rob: Crawford et Joanna Young: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. All Saints

Die 18° Oct: nata 1798 et die 22° Nov: 1798 baptizata fuit

Marg: Dobson filia Gul: et Joan: (olimWinn) conjugum Patrinus

Die 16° Nov: natus et die 18° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Gulielmus Watson filius Jos: et Annae (olim Akenside) conjugum. Patrinus Geo: Young, MatrinaAnnaAkenside: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. Gateshead [42]

Joannes Reevely, MatrinaMaria Davison: a me Jac: Wors: Misso

Apco All Saints Parish [1799]

Die28° Dec: 1798 natus et die 27° Jan: 1799 baptizatus fuit Gul: Curryfilius Thos Curryet Eliz: (olim Hudson) conjugum. Patrinus

Thos Brown, MatrinaEliz: Thompson: [not signed]. HighCarville

Die 29° Dec: 1798 nata et die 27° Jan: 1799 baptizatafuit

Maria Watson filia Rob: et Hellenae (olim Chicken) Watson conjugum Patrinus Rob: Sturdy, MatrinaEliz: Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco St Nic Parish

Die 2º Feb: 1799 nata et die 3º ejusd [mensis] et anni bap- tizata fuit Helena Moody filia Caroli et Marthae (olimAtkinson) Moody conjugum Patrinus Gul: Moody, Matrina AnnaSteel, per procuratores Joan: Sturdy et Sarah: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All Saints

Die 21° Sep : 1798 nata et die 10° Martii 1799 baptizata fuit Eliz: Burn filia Thomae et Joan: (olim Dodds) Burn conjugum Patrinus Jac: Strong, Matrina Joanna Brown : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. Tems [? The Teams, Gateshead]. [43] Die 13° Martii natus et die 3º Aprilis ejusdem anni 1799 baptizatus fuit Michael Hutchinson filius Thos et Margt Hutchinson (olim Wheatly) conjugum Matrina Margarita Thompson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apeo. All Saints.

Die 13° Aprilis 1799 natus et die 14° ejsd mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Gul: Lochart filius Hugh et Esther Lochart (olim Quen) conjugum. Matrina Margt Nowlan, Patrinus Jas Nowlan : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. St Nic

Die 30° Martii natus et die 14Aprilis ejusdm anni 1799 baptizatus fuit Jac: Fleming filius Nic: et Cath: Flemming (olim Lawen) conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Bern, Matrina Caroletta Bern: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco All Saints.

Die 27° Martii 1799 natus et die 10° Aprilis baptizatus fuit Ric: Wheatly filius Ricdi et Aliciae Wheatly (olim Crooks) conjugum. Patrinus Gul: Passman , Matrina Maria Passman : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco . Hartly [Hartley]


Die 16° Martii nata et die 19° Aprilis 1799 baptizata fuit Isabella Lorimir, filia Rob: et Margt Lorimir (olim Simpson ) conjugum. Patrinus Ben: Barruas, Matrina Mrs Thompson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. [44] Die 5° Aprilis nata et die 8° Maii 1799 baptizata fuit Maria Knight, filia Joannis et Mariae (olim Dance) Knight conjugum.

Patrinus Jac: Forster, MatrinaAnna Ord: a me Jac: Wors:

Die 16° Dec: 1798 natus et die 12° Maii caeremoniae fuerunt suppletae baptismi collati Jan : 16, 1799 in Matheum Neighters filium Geo: et Annae (olim Ross) Neighters, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Coulton, Matrina Margta Hamilton: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All Saints

Die 16° Dec: 1798 nata et die 12° Maii bapt: collati ye 16 ofJan. Maria filia Joan: et Annae (olim Ross) Neighters conjugum Patrinus Jac: Forster, Matrina Anna Ord: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. All Saints.

Die 19° Junii natus et die 27° ejsd mensis et anni 1799 baptizatus fuit Alex : Scottfilius Jac: et Mariae (olimDriskill) Scott. Patrinus

Jac: Nowlan, Matrina Elz: Laws: a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco. [45] Die 19° Julii 1799 natus et die 13° Augt ejusdannibaptizatus fuit Cuth: Stobsfilius Joan: et Marg: (olim Oswell) Stobsconjugum. Patrinus Gul : Hunter, MatrinaEliz Lilly: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco Gosforth Parish

Die 13° Julii 1799 natus et die 18° Augti ejsd anni baptizatus fuit Dorothea Wheatly filia Thos et Mariae (olim Cook) Wheatly conjugum. Patrinus [blank] Hunter, Matrina Maria Wheatly: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. Gosforth Parish

Die 1° Sep : 1799 nata et die 6º ejusdemmensis et anni baptizata fuit Anna ThompsonfiliaEdwardi et Eliz: (olimMonroe) Thompson conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Forster, MatrinaAnna Thompson: ame

Jac: Wors: Misso Apco All Saints Parish.

Die 31° Aug: 1799 natus et die 15° Sep: ejusdemanni baptizatus fuit Joannes McGrawn, filius Joan: et Annae (olim Sharp) McGrawn conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Forster, MatrinaAnna Thompson: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apeo St John Parish [46] Die 13° Sep: 1799 nata et die 17° ejusd mensiset anni baptizata fuit Joanna Thorburn filia Thae et Joannae (olim Harrison) Thorburn conjugum Patrinus Joannes Thorburn, Matrina Maria Thorburn, per proc: Jac: Wors: et Maria Thorburn: a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco Busy Village

Die 14 Sep: nata et die 22 ejusd mensis et anni 1799 baptizata [fuit] Marg: Crooks filia Jos: et Marg: (olim Wilkinson) conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Crooks, Matrina Maria Crooks : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco StAnn's

Die 19° Junii 1799 nata et die 8° Oct: baptizata fuit Eliz Davies filia Joan: et Esther (olim Fallerton) Davies conjugum Patrinus Hugh Lochart, Matrina Ann Curry: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco.

Die 28° Oct: 1799 nata et die 14° Nov: 1799 baptizatafuit Marg: Brown filia Tho et Joan: Brown (olim Comyns) conjugum.

Patrinus Daniel Burns, Matrina Maria Brown: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco All Saints.


Die 17° nata et die 19° Nov: 1799 baptizata fuit Maria

Pearson filia Geo : et Eliz: (olim Watson) Pearson conjugum.

Patrinus Jac: Forster, MatrinaAnnaThompson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. Parish St Andrew's

Die 27° Oct: 1799 nata et die 24° Nov: 1799 baptizata fuit

Eliz: Kirkley filia Mat: et Mariae Kirkly (olim Cook) conjugum: a meJac: Wors: Misso Apco. Patrinus Fran: Burnot, MatrinaEliz: Laws per procuratorem Ann Cook vice versa. Parish Wallsend

Die28° Nov : 1799 natus et die 29° ejsd mensis et annibaptizatus fuit Jos : Aug: Hayesfilius Mat: Miller et Mariae Hayes Patrinus

Sylvester Hayes, Matrina Maria Hayes, per procuratores Jac: Forster et Carolletta Bern ; a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco All Saints

Die 29 nata Nov: 1799 et die 1° Dec: 1799 baptizata fuitMaria Crooks filiaJo: et Mariae Crooks ([olim] Reed) conjugum Patrinus Gul: Laws, Matrina Eliz: Robson: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco. All Saints [48] Die 22 Oct: 1799 natus et die 11 Dec: 1799 baptizatus fuit

Joannes Watts filius David: et Annae ([olim] Mahonny) Watts conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Forster, Matrina Maria Scott ; a meJac: Wors: Misso Apco Ireland

Die 7° Dec: nata et die 15° ejsd mensis et anni 1799 baptizata fuit Maria Dawson filia Joan: et Mariae (olimFitzpatrick) conjugum.

Patrinus Car: Atkinson, Matrina Anna Currain : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco.

Die 15° Dec: 1799 natus et die 22° ejusdem mensis et anni bap- tizatus fuit ThosClark filiusJoan: et Joannae(Clark olim) conjugum.

Patrinus Joan: Young, [Matrina] Anna Young : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco Gateshead

Die20° Dec: 1799 natus et die 22° ejusd mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Lukas Anderson filius Jac: et Marg: (olim Clerk)_conjugum . Patrinus Jac: Forster, Matrina Joan: Magannes : a meJac: Wors: Miss Apco. All Saints [1800]

Die 1° Jan: natus et die . . baptizatus fuit Joannes Hunter filius Gul: et Eliz: (olim Austin) Hunter. MatrinaIsabella Hunter, Patrinus Thos Hunter: a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco. [49] Die 2doJan: 1800 nata et die 5° ejsd: Mensis et anni baptizata fuit Margta Nowlan filia Jac: et Margtae (olim McCuen) Nowlan conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Forster, Matrina Anna Thompson: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apeo All Saints.

Die25°Nov: 1799 natus et die 12° Jan: 1800 baptizatus fuitRob: Shanks filiusGul: et Eliz: (olim . . ..) Shanksconjugum Patrinus Jac: Fenwick, Matrina Maria Rogers: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco. All Saints.

Die 9° Jan: 1800 nata et die 16° baptizatafuit MariaDale filia Car: Dale et Isabellae Taylor Patrinus Jo: Harrison, Matrina Gratia Harrison : a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco StNic

Die 17° Jan: 1799 natus et die 17° baptizatus [fuit] ejsd: mensis et anni (Die autem 2º Feb: 1800 caeremoniaefuerunt suppletae) Gul: Smith filius Jac: et Mariae ([olim] Gourdon) conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Nowlan, Matrina Rosa Chambers . Caeremoniaesuptae a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. [50]

Die 2° Feb: natus et die 6º baptizatus fuit Joan: Dodds filius Mat: et Mariae Dodds (olim Blackclock) conjugum PatrinusGul: Duglass, Matrina Joanna Dodds per procuratorem Francica Teesel: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco.

Die 3º Feb: natus et die 6° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Jac: Bowdon filius Jac: et Joannae Bowdon (olim Lilly) conjugum. Matrina Anna Robinson: a meJac: Wors : Misso Apco

Die 15° nata et die 15° Martii 1800 baptizata fuit Barbara Hendersonfilia David et Mariae Henderson (olimTaylor) conjugum. Patrinus Geo: Dunn, Matrina Anna Taylor per procuratorem Eliz: Henderson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco St John's

Die 20° Martii 1800 nata et die 230 baptizata fuitMariaMcLaen filia Davy et Joan: McLane, conjugum Patrinus Daniel Curry, Matrina Eliz: Laws: a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco All Saints [51] Die 19° nata et die 27° Aprilis baptizatafuit Helenora filia Gul: et Dor: ([olim] Snaith) Hepple conjugum Patrinus Joan: Atkinson, Matrina Maria Atkinson: a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco. All Saints.

Die 31° aprilis 1800 nata et die 4° Maii baptizata fuit Anna Foreman filia Margta (olim Mann) et Fransici Do conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Shipney, Matrina Anna Mann: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco St John's

Die 21° Martii natus et die 11° Maii 1800 baptizatus fuit Geo: Noble filius Mat: et Mariae (olim Coates) conjugum. PatrinusGul: Laws, Matrina Doroth: Wilson : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. Huith [Heworth].

Die9° Maii 1800 nata et die 5° Junii anni 1800 baptizata fuit Anna Moorefilia Geo: et Isabellae (olimBeck) Mooreconjugum Patrinus Geo : Draycotte, Matrina Dorothea Wilson : a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco. All Saints. [52]

Die 3º Junii 1800 nata et die 29° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Lucia Biddell filia Ric: et Barb: (olim Singer) conjugum Patrinus Jo: Townby, Matrina Maria Fray, per procuratores Gul : Laws et Dor: Wilson : a me Jac: Wors : Miss Apco. Mary La Bonn [Marylebone], London .

Die 17° Maii 1800 natus et die 4° Julii 1800 baptizatus fuit Robertus Hilliard filius Jos: Hilliard et Annae (olim Ramsay) conjugum. Matrina Fransica Robson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco . All Saints

Die 3° Julii 1800 nata et die 10° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Margarita Giles filiaNic: et MargteGiles(olimTaylor) conjugum. Patrinus Tho Ward, MatrinaAnna Taylor, per procuratores Geo: Tayloret Dor: Wilson : a me Jac: Wors : Miss Apco. All SSts.

Die 10° Aug: 1800 natus et die 26° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Brown filiusJacobi et JoannaeBrown(olim Howe)

conjugum. Patrinus Geo: Howe, MatrinaMaria Duglass per proc: Mariam Cook: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's [53]

Die 16° Julii 1800 nata et die 14° Sept: 1800 baptizata fuit

Julia Smith filia Joan: et Joe Smith ([olim] McDonald) conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Gormond, Matrina Eliz: Hatherick : a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. Lorton.

Die 14° Sep: 1800 natus et die 16° 1800 baptizatus fuit Rob: Taylor filius Gul : etAnnae Taylor(olimMoody) conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Stoker, Matrina Maria Dawson per procuratricem Dor: Moody: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. E. Benton.

Die 14° Sep: nata et die 28° baptizata fuit Margta Hopper filia Geo: et Mariae Hopper (olim Thompson) conjugum Patrinus Geo: Pearson, MatrinaEliz: Hederick : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. All Saints

Die 15° Oct: 1800 nata et die 19° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria Eliz: Simon filia Jos: et Mariae Simon (olim Dale) conjugum Patrinus Jac: Carubini, Matrina Joanna Pochini : a me

Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St. John's [54]

Die 25° Oct: 1800 nata et die 28° Oct: 1800 baptizata fuit

Maria Anna Winship filia Jac: et Mariae Winship (olim Webster) conjugum. Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco, Gateshead

Die23° Oct: 1800 natus et die 29° ejsd: mensis et annibaptizatus fuit Josephus Watson filius Jos: et Annae (olim Akenside) Watson conjugum. Patrinus Jos: Johnson, Matrina Anna Young: a me

Jac: Wors : Misso Apco Gateshead .

Die22° Dec: 1800 nata et die 24° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria Anna Well filia Hen: et Eliz: (olim Newton) Well conjugum Matrina Eliz: Haddock, Patrinus Franc : Foreman: a me [not signed].

Die 25 Nov: 1800 natus et die 30° Dec: baptizatus fuit Joannes Howefilius Joan: et Annae Howe (olim Marr) conjugum. Patrinus Geo: Howe, MatrinaAnna Howe: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. StNic. [55] [1801] [Space for one baptism blank.]

Die 2do Feb: 1801 natus et die 8° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Geo: Draycotte filius Geo: et Mariae (olim Harrison) Draycotte conjugum. Patrinus Gul: Douglass, Matrina Joan: Dobson: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco St Mary's[Gateshead].

Die 22do Feb: natus et die 9° Martii ejusd: anni 1801 baptizatus fuit Josias Wheatly filius Ricdi et Aliciae Wheatly (olim Crooks) conjugum Patrinus Gul: Passman, MatrinaMaria Passman : a me Gul: Durand Misso Apco. Hartly.

Die 6° Martii 1801 natus et die 24° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Thos Hutchinson filius Thos Hutchinson et Annae Hut. (olim Pearson) conjugum. Patrinus Andreas Robson , Matrina Maria Robinson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco All SSts . [56] Die 19° Martii 1801 nata et die 31° baptizata fuit Eliz: Davison filia Margtae (olim Hall) Davison et Gul: conjugum. Matrina Eliz: Hadderick: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco AllSaints.


Die18° Martii 1801 natus et die 5° Maii 1801 baptizatus fuitRob: Simons filius Joan: et Eliz: Simons (olim Hardy) conjugum Patrinus Car: Atkinson per procuratorem Joannes Miller, Matrina MargtaSimons: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. Gateshead

Die 26° Aprilis natus et die 20° Maii 1801 baptizatus fuit Joan: Bell filius Joannis Bell et Eliz: Forster Matrina Eliz: Hadderick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SSts.

Die 12° Maii natus et die 22° ejsd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Thos Finley filius Geo: Finley et Isabellae Watson. Matrina Dor: Wilson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. All SSts. [57] Die 12° Maii 1801 natus et die 3º Junii ejusd: anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Younghusbandfilius Lan: et Eliz: Younghusband (olim Woodruff) conjugum Matrina Helena Corkan: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco St Mary's, Gateshead

Die 13° Junii 1801 natus et eodem die baptizatus fuit Joan: Hendersonfilius Davidis et Mariae (olim Taylor) Henderson conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Taylor per procuratorem Geo: Dunn, Matrina Ann Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's.

Die 15° Junii 1801 nata et die 5° Julii ejusd: anni baptizatafuit Maria Anna Cooper filia Joan: et Cath: Cooper (olim Burlison) conjugum. Patrinus Gul: Burlison, Matrina Eliz: Mitchell: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Long Benton .

Die8° Aug: 1801 natus et die 13° ejusd: mensis et annibaptizatus fuit Josep: Crooks filius Jos: et Margt Crooks (olim Wilkinson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jos : Crooks, MatrinaEliz: Crooks : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. [58]

Die 3° Aug: 1801 natus et die 80 baptizatus fuit [blank] Moody filius Caroli et [blank] Moody (olim Atkinson) conjugum: ame Jac:Worswick .

Die 2doSep: 1801 natus et die 6° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Car: Sherwood filius Jac: et Annae Sherwood (olim Hotkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Hotkinson et MatrinaMaria Harris: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo StAndrew's.

Die8° Oct: 1801 natus et die 25° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Gardiner filius Jac: et Mariae (olim Renwick) Gardiner conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Gardiner, MatrinaAnnaOrd: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead .

Die6° Nov: natus et die 15° ejusd: mensis et anni 1801 baptizatus fuit Gul: Pearson filius Geo: et Eliz: Pearson (olim Watson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jo: Hedly, Matrina Sarah Moody: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Andrew's. [59] Die 25° Oct: 1801 nata et die 22° Nov: baptizata fuit Maria Parkin filia Gul: et Mariae Parkin (olim Richerson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul : Laws, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco.

Die7°Nov: 1801 nata et die2º Dec: baptizata fuit Eliz:Dodly,filia Jos: et Cath: Dodly ([olim] Fannan) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jos: Robson, Matrina Joan: Dodds: a me Jos: Worswick Miss Apco. St John's

Die 6° Dec: nata 1801 et die 14° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata

fuit Margta Doyle filia David et Thomasine Doyle (olim Hall) conjugum. Patrinus Mat: Noble, Matrina Eliz: Ellot: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All SSts

Die27° Nov: 1801 nata et die 20° baptizata fuit Joanna Pearson filia Geo: et Margtae Pearson (olimTaylor) conjugum. Patrinus Ric: Pearson, Matrina Hellena Pearson: a meJac: Worswick Miss° Apco Huith [? Heworth]. [60] [1802]

Die 3° Oct: 1798 [?] nata et die 17° Jan: 1802 baptizata fuitMargta Bern filia Greg: et Mariae Bern [? Burn] (olim Boyd) conjugum Patrinus Daniel Curren, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco Wigdon [? Wigton], Cumb.

Die 10° Maii 1800 natus et die 17° Jan: 1802 baptizatus fuit Eds Bern filius Greg: et Mariae Bern (olim Boyd) conjugum Patrinus fuit Mic: Quien, MatrinaAnn Thorman : a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. All SSts.

Die 30° Dec: 1801 nata et die 17° Jan: 1802 baptizata fuitMaria Hunter filia Gul: et Eliz: (olim Austin) conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Thos Hunter, MatrinaJoana Lilly: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Gosfort [Gosforth]

Die 30° Martii 1797 nata et die 28° Jan: 1802 baptizata fuit Anna Readshaw filia Geo : et Annae Readshaw(olim Roberts) conjugum

Matrina Eliz:Hadderick : a meJac:Worswick Miss Apco AllSSts

Die 26° Nov: 1799 [?] natus et die 28° Jan: 1802 baptizatus fuit

Geo: Readshaw [Redshawinmargin] filius Geo: et Annae Readshaw (olim Roberts) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn , MatrinaDoroth Wilson: a me Jac : Worswick Misso Apco. All SSts. [61] Die 26° Oct: 1801 natus et die 31 Jan: 1802 baptizatus fuit

Geo: Duglass filius Jo: et Eliz: Duglass (olim Newton) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Geo : Duglass, MatrinaDor: Wilson : a meJac: Worswick MissoApco.

N.B. fuerunt suppletae Caeremoniae pro filia Mariae Smithquae fuerit baptizata a ministroProt: EstsororGeo: Pearson . All SSte.

Die 3º Feb: 1802 natus et die 8° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Shanks filius Gul: et Eliz: Shanks (olim Sanderson ) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Fenwick, Matrina Maria Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS:

Die 19° Maii 1802 natus et die 6° Junii ejsd: anni baptizatus fuit

Joan: Alex: Davies filius Joan: Davies et Esther (olim Fullerton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Witfield, Matrina MargtaHamilton: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Nic:

Die 18° Maii 1802 natus et die 12° Junii 1802 baptizatus fuit

Maria Dodds filia Rob: et Margt (olimPuncheon) Dodds conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Cooper, MatrinaTumlen : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. Long-Benton . [62] Die 19° Junii 1802 natus et die 20° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Robertus Wilkinson filius Jos: et Mariae Wilkinson (olim Middlemoot) conjugum Patrinus Gul: Douglass, Matrina Joanna Douglass : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Nic:

Die 9° Maii 1802 natus et die 12° Julii ejusd: anni baptizatus fuit


Gul: Lemon filius Alex: et Mariae Lemon (olim Brady) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Robson, MatrinaCath: Huert: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. St Mary's [Gateshead]

Die 3° Junii 1802 nata et die 15 Julii 1802 baptizata fuit Margta Ridshaw filia Geo: et Annae Ridshaw (olim Roberts) conjugum. Matrina fuit Doroth: Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All SSta

Die 9° Julii 1802 nata et die 19° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria Anna Geddes filia Gul: et Mariae Geddes (olim Donnell) conjugum Patrinus Jos: Robson, Matrina Maria Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo All SSts

[63] Die 8° Aug: 1802 nata et die 8° Aug : 1802 baptizata fuit Eliz: Dodds filia Joan: et Annae Dodds (olim Longstaff) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Laws , MatrinaEliz: Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo All SSta

Die 20° Julii 1802 natus et die 19° Aug: 1802 baptizatus fuitGul: Seal filius Fran: et Annae Seal (olim Hartley) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, MatrinaAnna Hartley: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SSts

Die 13° Sep: 1802 natus et die 17° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Jac: Long filius Jac: et Eliz: ([olim] . . . ) Long conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo : Kelly, Matrina Margta Stephens: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco S. Andrews.

Die 8° Sep: 1802 natus et die 19° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Jac: Warburton filius Jac: et Eliz: (olim M'all) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Miller, Matrina Anna Miller: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo . St John's.

[64] Die 13° Sep: 1802 natus et die 280 ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Jac: Merton filius Jac: et Cath: Merton (olim Barton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Hotkinson , MatrinaN. Taylor: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco S: Shields.

Die 12° Oct: 1802 natus et die 18 baptizatus fuit Nic: Brown filius Those et Franciscae Brown(olim Strong) conjugum PatrinusGeo: Strong per procuratorem Jac: Worswick , Matrina Maria Wilson p. nullum procm: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apeo.

Die 11° Nov: 1802 natus et die 11° baptizatus fuit Martinus Gilvray filius Gul: et Mariae Gilvray (olim Jacson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Worswick, Matrina Maria Jacson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Nic

Die 9° Nov: natus et die 14° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Foreman filius Francisci et Margae Foreman (olim Foreman) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Young, Matrina Eliz: Shipley: a me Jac: WorswickMiss Apco.

[65] Die 15° Oct: [1802] nata et die 15° baptizata fuit Dora Howe filia Benett et Doroth: Howe (olim Dunning) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo: Howe,Matrinasoror ejus: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco

Die9° Nov : 1802 nata et die 21 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Joanna Young filia Joans et Joanae Young (olim .) conjugum. Patrinus Joannes Davies, Matrina Isabella Ellot: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco S. Andrews

Die 2do Nov: 1802 natus et die 26° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Daniel Nowlan filius Jac: et Margtae Nowlan (olim McCauen) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Stuart, Matrina Margta Stuart : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All SS18

Die 2do Nov: 1802 nata et die 26° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Eliz: Nowlan filia Jac: et Margtae Nowlan (olim McCauen) conjugum. Matrina Maria Robson: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. All SSto


Die 25° nata et die 28° ejusd: mensis Nov: et an: 1802 baptizata fuit Hellena Sherwood filia Jac: et Annae (olim Hotkinson) conjugum Patrinus Joan: Smith, Matrina Maria Hotkinson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco S. John's

Die 23° Nov: 1802 nata et die 28° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Anna Armstrong filia Mat: et Mariae Armstrong(olim Fell) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo: Howe, Matrina Anna Howe: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SSts

Die7° Dec: 1802 nata et eodem die baptizatafuit Maria Henderson filia David et Mariae Henderson (olim Taylor) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Taylor, Matrina Anna Henderson per pro- curatricem Eliz: Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Andrews

Die 14° Dec: nata et die 20° ejusd: mensiset anni baptizatafuit Francisca Hyamon filia Mariae (olimSimons) et Geo: Hyamon conjugum. Patrinus Jos: Warburton per procuratorem Jac: Wors:, Matrina Joanna Lutenor: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Huith [? Heworth]. [67]

Die 2do Dec: natus et die 26° Dec: 1802 baptizatus fuit Tho Anderson filius Jac: Anderson et Margae (olim Clark) conjugum. Patrinus Lucas Anderson , Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. All SSt . [1803]

Die 10° Dec: 1802 nata et die 2do Jan : 1803 baptizatafuitAnna Doguerti filia Joan: et Margtae Doguerti [? Doherty] (olim Dick) conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Madden, Matrina Magta Fitzpatrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. St. John's

Die 15° Jan: 1803 nata et die 16° ejusdem diei [sic] et [anni] baptizata fuit Catha Draycott filia Gul : et Mariae (olim Harrison) Draycott conjugum Patrinus fuit Car: Moody per pr: Gul: Laws, Matrina Maria Gibson: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. St Mary's, Gateshead

Die 12° Jan: 1803 nata et die 16° ejsd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Hen: Dean [Todd inmargin]filius Joan : et Annae ([olim] Todd) Dean conjugum. Patrinus fuit David Todd, Matrina Todd [sic]: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco St John's. [68]

Die 3º Jan : 1803 nata et die 16° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria McKone filia Gul: et Briga (olim M'agee) McKone conjugum. Patrinus fuit Martinus Gillin, Matrina Judith Whaly: a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apco. All SSts .

Die 24° Jan: 1803 nata et die 300 ejusdemmensis etannibaptizata fuitMaria Forsterfilia Jac: et Mariae Forster (olimHayes) conjugum

Patrinus Joan: Berry, Matrina fuit Anna Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick Miss : Apos: All SSts

Die 11°Jan: 1803 natus et die 31° ejusd: mensis et annibaptizatus est Lancelot Jos: Younghusband filius Lancelot et Eliz: Younghusband(olim Woodroof) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Woodroof : a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco Gateshead

Die 5° Feb: 1803 nata et die 10° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata [fuit] Maria Longstaff filia Geo: Lindsly et Joanae Longstaffconjugum Matrina Margta Longstaff : a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco [69]

Die 50 Feb: nata et die 13° ejusdem mensis et anni 1803 baptizata fuit Joannes Bowdon [Lilly in margin] filia Thoae et Joanae Bowdon (olim Lilly) conjugum Patrinus fuit Henre Lilly, Matrina Francisca Brown: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco StJohn's.

Die 10° Feb: 1803 natus et die 2do Martii 1803 baptizatusfuit Car: Albertus Juncker filius Car: et Marthae Juncker (olimNewman) conjugum Patrinus Jac: Forster, Matrina Margia Raitherford [not signed]. All SSts

Die 25° Martii natus et die 27° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Geo: Palmer filius Ephrem et Mariae Palmer (olim Law) conjugum. Patrinus Barth: Brown , Matrina Maria Palmer per procuram Franciscam: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All SSts

Die 30° Martii nata et die 3º Aprilis ejusd: anni baptizatafuit Maria Thelwell filia Gul: et Eliz: Thelwell(olim Russell) conjugum. Patrinus Geo: Pearson , Matrina Eliz: Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Jarrow.

[70] Die20° Martii natus et die 30° Aprilis 1803 baptizatus fuit Jos: Dowling filius Jos: et Annae Dowling (olim Graham) conjugum. Patrinus Gul : Taylor, Matrina Margta Thorman : a me Jac: Wors: Miss Apeo All SS:

Die 19° Aprilis natus 1803 et die 15° Maii ejusd: anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Watson filius Robt et Hellenae Watson (olim Chicken) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Chicken, Matrina Sarah Chicken per proc: Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco StNic .

Die 23° Maii natus et die 5° Junii baptizatus fuit Gul: Coirefilius Gul: et Isabellae Coire (olim Edmonson) conjugum PatrinusRob: Joblin, MatrinaDor: Joblin: a me Jac: Wors : Misso Apco Wall'sEnd

Die 5° Dec: 1802 nata et die 9° Junii 1803 baptizatafuit Maria Anna Johnson filia Those et Joan: Johnson (olim Winship) conjugum Matrinafuit Eliz: Moore: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco St Andrew's.

[71] Die 8° Dec: 1802 nata et die 11° Aprilis 1803 baptizatafuit

Anna Boyle filiaMic: et Joan: Boyle (olim Laws) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joanes Wilson, MatrinaEliz: Gare: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco, S. Shields.

Die 12°Junii 1803 natus et die 23° ejusd: mensis et annibaptizatus tuit Maths Yates filius Mat: et Eliz: Yates (olim Cran) conjugum. Patrinus fuit David Henderson, Matrina Anna Miller: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Huith [? Heworth]

Die 30º Junii 1803 natus et die 1º Julii 1803 baptizatus fuit

Joan: Fenton filius Joan: et Louisae Fenton (olim Strachan) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Archd Strachan, Matrina Eliz: Dodds: a me

Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo St Nic.

Die 8° Julii 1803 natus et die 14° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Jac: Thomasfilius Jac: et Annae Thomas(olimFleming) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car : Confort p: proc: Jac: Worswick, Matrina Eliz: Kelly: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco S: Shields. [72] 8vo Julii natus et die 14° Aug: 1803 baptizatus fuit Thoas Crooks filius Joan: et Eliz: (olim Hudson) Crooks conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Crooks, MatrinaEliz: Crooks : a meJac: Worswick Misso Apco. WallsEnd.

Die 15° Julii natus et die 16 Aug: 1803 baptizatus fuit Jac: Taylor filius Joan: et Mariae Taylor (olim Thorley). Patrinus fuit Jac: Kaohao [?], Matrina Dor: Leith: a me Jac: Worswick Miss° Apco. S: Shields

Die 10 Aug: 1803 nata et die 23° ejusdm mensis et annibaptizata fuit Doroth : Forster filia Gul: et Doroth: Forster (olim Rutherford) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Trumble p: Jac: Wors:, Matrina Eliz: Wilson per procuratricem Anna Maddison: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Tinmouth.

Die 15° Aug: 1803 nata et die 23° baptizata fuit Maria Anna Trumble filia Jac: et Cath: Trumble (olim Robson) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Newcomb: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco N: Shields.

Die7° Aug: 1803 nata et die 18° baptizata fuitEliz: Maria Mordoch filia Mariae (olim Borwell) et Rob: Mordoch conjugum. Patrinus Joa: Borwell, Matrina Charlote Bern: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Sunderl [? Sunderland]. [73] Die 17° Sep: 1803 nata et die 19° baptizata fuit Maria Robson filia Jos: et Margtae Robson (olim Hamilton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Wilkinson, MatrinaCharlotte Bern : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo St Andrew's

Die 17 Sep: 1803 nata, et die 25° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Eliz: Ryan filia Patr' et Eliz: Ryan (olim Paine) conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Smith, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's

Die 29° Aug: 1803 natus et die 2do Sep: 1803 baptizatus fuit Corn: Toddfilius Dav: et Isabellae Todd (olimFerbridge) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Henr: Todd, Matrina Anna Dean: a me Jac: Wors: MissoApco. StJohn's

Die 13° Aug: 1803 nata et die 4° Sep : baptizata fuitMariaAnna Loury filia Gul: et Annae Loury (olim Hedley) conjugum. Matrina Eliz: Blahyp: procuratricem Keth Patterson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Gateshead Fell. [74]

Die 28° Oct: 1803 nata et die 3º Nov: baptizata fuit Anna Winship filia Hen: et Annae Winship (olim Robinson) conjugum. Matrina Maria Sanderson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Byker Hill.

Die 10° Nov: nata 1803 et die 6° Dec: 1803 baptizata fuit Anna Hedly filia Joan: et Cath: Hedly (olim Woodworth) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Gul : Evans, Matrina Maria Newcomb: a me Jac: WorswickMiss Apco Shields

Die 1° Dec: 1803 natus et die 11° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Gul : Doyle filius Da: Doyle et Those (olim Hall) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Laws, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo All SS: [1804]

Die 11° Jan: 1804 natus et die 5° Feb: 1804 baptizatus fuit Gul: Crooks filius Jos: et Margae Crooks (olim Wilkinson) conjugum. Patrinus Gul: Laws, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apo. Huith[? Heworth]

Die 2 nata et die 5° Feb: 1804 baptizata fuit MargtaMellon filia Patr: et Rosae Mellon (olim Kelly) conjugum. Patrinus Gul: Lutenor, MatrinaJoan: Lutenor: a me Jac: Wors: Misso Apco. [75] Die 20° Jan : 1804 natus et die 20° Feb: 1804 baptizatus fuit

Jos: Pearson filius Geo: et Eliz: Pearson (olim Watson) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Jac: Forster, Matrina Hedly: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Andrew's .

10° Feb: 1804 nata et die 17° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit

Isabella Brown filia Brigae Brown et Edva Campbell o conjugum. Matrinafuit MariaDummell [not signed]

Feb. 10° 1804 nata et die 17° baptizata fuit Gratia Brown_filia Brigae Brown et Edvdi Campbell o conjugum. Matrina fuit Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco.

Die 29° Feb: 1804 [natus] et die 18° Martii 1804 baptizatus fuit

Corn: Herrington filius Joan: et Eliz: Herrington (olim Snowdon) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Ratcliffe, MatrinaAnna Laws: a me

Jac: Wors: Miss Apco

All SS . [76] Die 14° Martii 1804 natus et die 18° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Thos Sewellfilius Joan: et Eliz: Sewell (olim Ellot) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo: Howe, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: ame

Jac: Worswick Misso Apco, St John's

Die 220 Feb: 1804 natus et die 20° Martii 1804 baptizatus fuit

Geo: Shanksfilius Gul: et Eliz: Shanks (olim Sanderson) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Jac: Ingham, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apeo All S.

Die 6° Martii 1804 nata et die 27° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Anna Joblin filia Gul : et Eliz: Joblin (olim Gally) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Joan: Harrison, MatrinaGratia Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco St Nic

Die 31° Martii 1804 nata et die 3º Aprilis baptizata fuit Maria Stephens filia Joan: et Sarah Stephens (olim Lane) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Alex: Knight, Matrina Anna Maddison: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Tynemouth.

[77] Die 7° Aprilis 1804 natus et die eodem baptizatus fuit Joan: HendersonfiliusDavid et Mariae Henderson(olimTaylor) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit [blank] p: procuratorem Geo: Dunn jur, Matrina Maria Taylor per procuratricem Eliz: Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Andrew's.

Die 10° Maii 1804 natus et die 13° baptizatus fuit Joan: Stanton

filius Patricii et Mariae Stanton (olimMolloy) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jeremias Kennyet Winifrid Kernin Matrina: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco StNic

Die 9° Maii 1804 nata et die 26° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria Pearsonfilia Geo: et Marg: Pearson (olim Taylor) conjugum. Matrina fuit Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Jarrow.


Die 18° Maii nata et die 3º Junii baptizata fuit MargtaHunter, filia Gul: et Elizae Hunter (olim Austin) conjugum PatrinusJos: Hunter, MatrinaIsabella Hunter: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. Gosfort

Die 28° Aprilis 1804 nata et die 3º [? 30] Junii baptizata fuit Eliza

Christie filia Jac: et Annae Christie (olim .... ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit An Hodgson, Matrina fuit Maria Stuart: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo St Nic.

Die 4° Junii 1804 natus et die 6° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Gul: Wilkinsonfilius Jos: et MariaeWilkinson(olimMiddlemost) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Wilkinson, Matrinafuit Cara Bern: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Andrew's. [79]

Die 22° Maii 1804 nata et die 10° Junii 1804 baptizata fuit

Maria Dean filia Joan: et Annae Dean (olim Todd) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Young, MatrinaMaria Hedly: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. St John's

Die 22° Junii 1804 natus et die 24° ejsd: mensis et annibaptizatus fuit Joan: Moody, filius Car' et Marthae Moody (olim Atkinson) conjugum Patrinus Geo: Howe, Matrinafuit Maria Sturdy: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Mary's [? Gateshead]

Die 29° Junii nata et die 3º Julii baptizata fuit AnnaTaylorfilia Gul : et Annae Taylor(olim Moody) conjugum. Patrinus Tho"Moody, Matrina Cath: Oliver : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo Benton

Die 24° Julii 1804 nata et die 6° Aug: 1804 baptizata fuit Joanna Wheetly filia Steph: Wheetly et Joan: (olim Little) conjugum. Patrinus Jac: Dunn, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS : [80] Die 13° Julii nata et die 14° Aug: 1804 baptizata fuit Maria Newtonfilia Joa: et Mariae Newton (olim Ord) conjugum Matrina fuit Maria Passman : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. Hartl[e]y Panns

Die 4° Aug: 1804 nata et die 19° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Anna Thirlwall filia Gul: et Éliz: Thirlwall (olim Russell) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Lutenor, Matrina Joana Lutenor: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Huith [? Heworth]

Die6° Junii 1804 nata et eodem die baptizata fuit Sarah Bellfilia [blank]Bellet [blank] Bell(olim Todd) Matrina Isal Bell, Patrinus Gul: Todd per procur: Geo: Bell: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. N.B. Caeremoniaefuerunt suppletaedie 27° Aug: StAndrew's

Die 11° Junii 1804 natus et die 9° Sep: 1804 baptizatus fuit Jac: Hughes filius Patr: Hughes et Margae (olim Bryan) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thoas Pearson , Matrina Maria Pearson : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. Jarrow.


Die 17° Sep: 1804 nata et die 22° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Joan: Rose filia Gul: et Sarah Rose (olim Fletcher) conjugum. MatrinaEliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Gateshead

Die 15° Sep: 1804 natus et die 22° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Henr Robinson filius Gul: et Joane Robinson (olim Dawson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit o , Matrina fuit Eliz: Kinnah: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo Lamely [? Lamesly].

Die4° Oct: 1804 natus et die 9º ejusd: Mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Thompsonfilius Radul: et Margae Thompson (olim Henry) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thoas Brown, Matrina Eliza Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS:

Die 20 Septembris 1804 natus et die 16 Octobris ejusdem anni baptizatus est Joannes Morton filius Jacobi et Catharinae Morton (olim Baston) conjugum Matrina fuit Dorothea Koho: a me Thoma Smith* Misso Apleo. [82] Die 25° Sep : 1804 natus et die 22° Oct: ejusdemanni baptizatus fuit Ricardus Wilson filius Ricd et Mariae Wilson (olim Sherwood) conjugum Patrinus fuit Rob: Sherwood, Matrina Sarah Sturdy: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo All SS:

Die4° Oct: 1802 natus et die 4º Nov: 1804 baptizatus fuit David Bairn [or Bourn]filius Greg: et Mariae Bairn (olimBoyde) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Redul: Hardy, Matrina Anna Curry: a meJac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS:

Die 22° Sept: 1804 nata et die 4º° Oct: 1804 baptizata fuit Maria Bairn [or Bourn], filia Greg: et Mariae Bairn [?] (olim Boyde) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Davison, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS:

Die 16° Sept: 1804 nata et die 11° Nov: 1804 baptizata fuit Doroa

Joblin, filia Joan: et Sarah (olim Mellon) Joblin conjugum Patrinus fuit Rob: Joblin, MatrinaDor: Joblin: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Wall'sEnd [83]

Die 8° Maii 1803 nata et die 19° Nov: 1804 baptizatafuit

Serah Swaine filia Car: et Sarah Swaine (olim Morris) conjugum

Matrina Joanna Magannis: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS: Die 15° Julii 1803 nata et die 9° Nov: 1804 baptizata fuit Maria Bernefilia Those et Sarah Berne(olim Cox) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Forster, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Nic:

Die 27° Oct: 1804 natus et die 19° Nov: 1804 baptizatus fuit Patric: Bern filius Those et Sarah Bern (olim Cox) conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Joan: Bern, Matrina Teresa Bern: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Nic:

Die 7° Oct: 1804 nata et die 13° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata

Son of John Smith ofThe Brooms, co Dur , b 1763, Ord at Douai 1788 , was prisoner at Doulens during theRevolution, returned to England 1795 , servedsecularmissionofOld Elvet, Durham, 1795-1821, consecrated coadjutor to Dr.WilliamGibson1810, succeeded him as Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District 1821 , died at Ushaw College 30 (not 31) July 1831 (C.R.S. , Vol 26 , p. 257)

fuit Eliz: Coulson, filia Joan: et Eliz: Coulson (olim Wilson) conjugum. Matrina Margta Wilson p: procuratricem Eliz: Shanks: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco N.B. Coeremoniae fuerunt suppletae 21 Nov: 1804. All SS: [84]

Die 15° Nov: 1804 natus et die 25° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus [fuit] Jac: Mahar [Meher in margin] filius Mic: et Aliciae (olim Richardson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Ingham, Matrina. Margta Ingham: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco S: John's

Die 24° Julii 1803 natus et die 9° Dec: 1804 baptizatus fuit Thoas Duglass filius Joan: et Eliz: Duglass (olim Newton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Sewell, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco

All SS:

Die23. 1804nata et die 11° Dec: 1804 baptizata fuit Isabella Brown filia Joan: et Orculla [?] Brown (olim Telford et Winter) conjugum Matrina fuit Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. Gateshead

Die 26° Nov: 1804 natus et die 16° Dec: 1804 baptizatus fuit Jac: Atkinson filius J. .. . Atkinsonet Eliz: Shaw Patrinus fuitGeo: Howe et Matrina Maria Laws: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS : [85] Die 13° Dec: nata et die 16° ejusd: mensis et anni 1804 baptizata fuit Maria filia Joan: Burke et Rosae (olim Crosby) conjugum Patrinus fuit Daniel Kelly, Matrina Maria Bryan: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo

All SS:

Die Nov: 30° 1804 natus et die 27° Dec: 1804 baptizatus fuit Mic: Forster filiusGul: et Doroth: Forster, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Mattison, MatrinaAnnaMattison: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco.


Die 11° Dec: nata et die 27° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit

Margta Dodd [Dodds in margin] filia Rob: et Margtae Dodds (olim Punshen) conjugum. Matrina Anna Punschen: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Benton E:

Die 30° Nov: 1804natus et die 29° Dec: 1804 baptizatus fuit Gul: Wallace filius Gul: et Margtae Wallace (olim Sarsfield) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Ellot, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All SS : [86] Die 20th Dec: 1804 nata et die 30° Dec: 1804 baptizatafuit Maria Lamb filia Joan: et Sarah Lamb (olim McKenolty) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Davison, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo All SS: [1805]

Die 12° Dec: 1804 natus et die 3° Jan: 1805 baptizatus fuit Jos: Gregg filiusGul: et Dor: Gregg (olimJohnson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Gregg, Matrina Eliz: Potts: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco St Andrew

Die 26° Dec: 1804 natus et die 22° Jan: 1805 baptizatus fuit

Ephraim Palmer filius Ephraim et Mariae Palmer (olim Low) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan : Elliot, MatrinaIsabella Hudson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Mary's, Gateshead .

Die 26° Jan: 1805 nataet die 27° Jan: 1805 baptizata fuit Hellena

Davies filia Joan: et Esther Davies (olim Fullerton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Laws, MatrinaEliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's

[87] Die 23° Feb: 1805 nata et die 5° Martii 1805 baptizata fuit

Maria Eliza Warburton filia Samuelis et Barb: Warburton (olim Robson ) conjugum. Matrinafuit Catha Walker: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. S: Shields.

Die 12° Martii 1805 natus et die 17° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Greg: Silv: Forster filius Jac: et Mariae Forster (olim Hayes) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Atkinson et Matrina Maria Shepherd: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. St John's.

Die 8° Aprilis et die 12° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Jos: EllotfiliusJoan: et Annae Ellot (olim Wiggum) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ric Nicolson, Matrina Margta Giles: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS:

Die 29° Martii 1805 nata et die 28° Aprilis 1805 baptizatafuit

Maria Toddfilia David et Isabellae Todd (olimFerbridge) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan : Deen, Matrina Joana Young: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's.

[88] Die 26° Aprilis natus et die 19 Maii baptizatus est Gulielmus Younghusband, filiusLancelottiet Elizabethae Younghusband (olim Woodrooff) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gulielmus Lawes, Matrina Elizabetha Hadrick: a me Joan : Lingard Miss : Apost : Gateshead

Die 14° Ap: 1805 natus et die 7° Junii 1805 baptizatus fuitThos Carus Bell filius Joan: et Mariae Bell (olim Atkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Bell, Matrina Isaba Bell: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. St John's

Die 14° Apr: 1805 nata et die 7° Junii 1805 baptizata fuit Eliz: Bellfilia Joan: et Mariae Bell (olimAtkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Bell, Matrina Isabs Bell : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. St John's.

Die27° Maii 1805 natus et die 6° Junii baptizatus fuit Rob: Scott filius Gul: et Mariae Scott (olimWheatly) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Hen: Wild, MatrinaMaria Ladely : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco [89] Die 5° Aprilis 1805 nata et die 9° Junii 1805 baptizatafuit

Maria Anna Avery filia Jac: et Margte Avery (olim Robinson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo: Avery, Matrina MariaAvery: a me Jac : Worswick Misso Apeo StAndrew

Die 22° Feb: 1805 natus et die 12° Martii baptizatus fuit Carolus Howe filius Benedicti et Doroth: Howe (olim . . . .) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Hen: Deboard, Matrina Eliz: Howe: a me Jac: Worswick Miss° Apco. Cowpen [near Blyth].

Die 16° Maii nata et die 13° Junii ejusd: anni 1805 baptizatafuit

Joannes [sic] Reedshaw filia Geo: et Annae Reedshaw (olim Roberts) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rob: Taylor p: procurm , Matrina Margt Giles: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. All SS:

Die 18° Aprilis natus et die 23° ejusd: mensis et anni 1805 baptizatusfuit Jac: Pollockfilius Jac: et Margte Pollock (olim Cowly) conjugum. Matrina Eliz: Kelly: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco S: Shields


Die 120 Junii 1805 [nata] et die 2do Julii 1805 baptizatafuit Catha Trumbull filia Jos: et Cathae Trumbull (olim Robson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Gare, Matrina Eliz: Gare: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco N: Shields

Die 23° Junii 1805 nata et die 5° Julii 1805 baptizata fuitJoanna Patrick filia Jac: et HelenaePatrick (olimRenly) conjugum. Matrina fuit Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead

Die 26° Dec: 1802 natus et die 14° Julii 1805 baptizatus fuit Joannes Patrickfilius Jos: [? Jac:] et Hellenae Patrick(olim Renly) conjugum Patrinus Joan: Davies, MatrinaEliz: Heddrick: ame Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. Gateshead.

Die 15°Julii 1805 natus et die 18° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit [child's nameomitted; filius] Gul : et Judith Murphy. Patrinus fuit Jac: Thompson, Matrina fuit Eliz: Haddrick. N.B. ō married: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead. [91] Die 17° Junii 1805 nata et die 8° Aug: 1805 baptizatafuit

Maria McDonald filia Joan: et France McDonald (olim Little) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Ellot, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick St Mary's

Die 8° Aug: 1805 nata et die 29° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizata fuit Martha Winship filia Hen: et Annae Winship (olim Rawlinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo All SS:

Die 23° Aug: 1805 nata et die 1° Sep: baptizata fuit MariaAtkinson filia Barth¹ et Margtae Atkinson (olim Cook) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Manners, Matrina Eliz: Laws: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. St Nic: [92] Die 9 Sep: 1805 natus et die 12° Sep: 1805 baptizatus fuit Carus Ingham filius Jac: et Margae Ingham (olim Hotkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Sherwood, Matrina Maria Hodkinson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. St John's

Die 30° Ap: 1805 nata et die 13° Sep: 1805 baptizata fuit Eliz: Wanless filia Rob: et Mariae Wanless (olim Smith) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Ellot, Matrina Maria Sanderson: a me Jac: Worswick Miss° Apco. All SS:

Die 3° Sep: 1805 natus et die 27° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Gul: Duglass filius Joan: et Eliz: Duglass (olim Newton) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Ellot, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. St Andrew.

Die 1° Oct: 1805 nata et die 2º ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Isabella Wilkinsonfilia Jos: et Mariae Wilkinson(olim Middlemass) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Shepherd, Matrina Sarah Sturdy [not signed] St Andrew [93] Die 12° Apr: 1803 natus et die 13° Oct: 1805 baptizatus fuit Jac: Kayeril filius Jac: et Mariae (olim Rez) Kayeril conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul : Laws, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. All SS:

Die 7° Oct: 1805 natus et die 5° Nov: 1805 baptizatus fuit Gul: Hedly filius Joan : et Sarah Hedly (olim Chipchix) conjugum . Matrina Maria Newcomb: ameJac: Worswick Misso Apco S: Shields

Die 17° Oct: 1805 natus et die 18° Nov: baptizatus fuit Cars Bell[Todd in margin] filius Car' et Eliz: Bell (olim Todd) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Geo : Todd, Matrina Anna Bell: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Andrew .

Die20° Nov: 1805 natus et die 28° ejusd: mensis et annibaptizatus fuit Joan: Crooks filius Jos: et Margtae Crooks conjugum (olim Wilkinson). Matrina fuit Ellenor Reed, Patrinus Mat : Yates: ame Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Usworth

[94] Die 2do Dec: 1805 natus et die 4° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Henericusfilius Jos: et Margae Robson(olim Hamilton) conjugum Patrinus fuit Andreas Robson, Matrina Anna Todd: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco St John's

Die 25° Nov: 1805 natus et die 8° Dec: ejusdem anni baptizatus fuit Rob: Deanfilius Joan: et Annae Dean (olim Todd) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Dean p: procm Da: Todd, Matrina Joa Young: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Nic: [1806]

Die 6° Jan: 1806 nata et die 12° Jan: 1806 baptizata fuit Anna Young filia Joan: et Joanae Young (olim Austin) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo : Howe, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco.

[95] Die Nov: 24° 1805 nata et die 15° Jan: 1806 baptizatafuit Joanna filia Jos: et Mariae McCarty (olim Magannes) conjugum. MatrinaEliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco

Die 26° Jan: 1806 nata et die 31° ejusd: mensiset anni baptizata fuit Elenora filia Penelope (olim Sherwood) et Geo: Thomas conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Sherwood, Matrina Elenora Sherwood: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco St Nic:

Die26° Maii 1805 nata et die 3º Feb: 1806 baptizata fuit Hellena Whitfield, filia Rob: et Elenorae Whitfield (olim Brown) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Barker, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick : a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco Walls End.


Die 22° Jan : 1806 nata et die 10° Feb: ejusdemanni baptizata fuit Sarah Crompton filia Jac: et Annae Crompton (olim Wilson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Wilson, Matrina Sarah Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo. All SS:

Die 29° Jan: 1806 natus et die 10° Feb: ejusdemanni baptizatus fuit Joan: Janson filius Geo: et Mariae Janson (olim Simmons) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Simmons, Matrina Maria Right: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Warburton Place.

Die9° Feb: 1806 natus et die 13° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Gul: Hodgson filius Gul: Hodgson et Sarah Kelly. Patrinus fuit Joan: Davies, Matrina Joan: Young p: procm Maria Stuart: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. Gateside .

Die 30° Jan: 1806 nata et die 16° Feb: 1806 baptizatafuitMaria Merlin , filia Jos: et Eliz: Merlin (olim Trotter) conjugum Patrinus Hen: Wild, MatrinaAnna Wild : a me Jac: Worswick Miss° Apco. Gosfort [Gosforth]


Die 8° Feb: 1806 natus et die 16° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joan: Sewell filius Joan: et Eliz: Sewell (olim

Elliot) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Douglass, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's

Die 14° Feb: 1806nata et die 23° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Eliza filia Gul : et Elizae Thilwall [Thirlwall in margin] (olim Russell) conjugum. Patrinus Rob : Gibson, Matrina Maria Triffet: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Jarrow.

Die 12° Martii 1806 nata et die 13° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Joanna Gray filia Eliz: (olim Hardy) et Joan: Gray conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thoas Hardy p: procurat: Rad: Hardy, Matrina Maria Hardy: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead. [98]

Die 14° Feb: 1806 natus et die 17° Martii baptizatus fuit Thos McKay filius Jac: et Sarah McKay (olim Rogers) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Joan: Coulter, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. Huith [Heworth]

Die 17° Martii 1806 natus et die 23° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Abraham Haviside filius Abrahamet Margtae (Foreman olim) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rob: Taylor, Matrina Margta Giles: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All SS:

Die 9° Dec : 1805 nata et die 22° Apr: 1806 baptizata fuit Anna Burlwell filia Joan: et Annae Burlwell (olim Pattison) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Burlwell, MatrinaEliz: Gare: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Shields [99] Die 16° Jan: 1804 natus et die 4° Maii [1806] baptizatus fuit

Geo: Strong filius Jos: et Sarah Strong (olim Peel) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Hen: Wild, MatrinaAnna Wild: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Kenton.

Die 16° Maii 1806 nata et die 16° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Anna Taylor Henderson filia David et Mariae Henderson. Patrinus fuit Čuth: Dunn, Matrina Maria Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Andrew.

Die 26° Maii 1806 nata et die 1º Junii 1806 baptizatafuit Maria Anna Fenton filia Joan: et Louisae (olim Strachan) Fenton conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Ingham, MatrinaCharlotte Bern: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's

Die 2do Maii 1805 natus et die 20° Junii 1806 baptizatus fuit

Patricius Coyle filius Jac: et Joanae Coyle (olim Bigery) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo

All SS: [100] Die3º Junii 1806 natus et die 22° Junii 1806 baptizatus fuit

Rob: Palmer filius Ephrem et Mariae Palmer (olim Low) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Allison, Matrina Eliz: Allison: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead.

Die 22doJunii 1806 nata [sic] et die 13° Julii 1806 baptizatus fuit

Joan: Strong, filius Jac: et Sarah Strong (olim Peel) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Joan: Strong, MatrinaEliz: Smiles: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Kenton.

Die 15°Aug: 1806 natus et die 17° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Ric: Landennan [Landonnan in margin] filius Geo: et Mariae Landennan (olim Richardson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo: Lutenor, MatrinaJoan: Lutenor[not signed] Huith [Heworth]

Die26° Julii 1806natus et die 17° Aug: 1806 baptizatus fuit Rob: Johnson filius Rob: et Mariae Johnson (olim Bellaby) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Thoas Hunter, Matrina Francisca Bellaby: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Huith [Heworth] [101]

Die 25° Aug: 1806 nata et die 26° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit MariaMurdu filia Ewen [?] et Marthae Murdu (olim Foster) conjugum Patrinus fuit Car: Foster, MatrinaMariaCook: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco Huith [Heworth]

Die 14° Aug: 1806 nata et die 3° Sep: 1806 baptizataest Joanna Dodds filia Rob: et Marae Dodds (olim Puncheon) conjugum. Matrina fuit Del Puncheon: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Benton.

Die 14° Sep: 1806 nata et die 18° ejusdem mensis baptisata est Maria filia Joannis et Elisabethae Hardy (olim Potts) conjugum.

Matrinafuit Ann Hardy: a me Joan: Lingard Miss Apos: Gateshead

Die 1° Sept: 1806 natus et die 20 ejusdem mensis baptisatus est Carolus filius Gulielmi et Annae Taylor (olim Moody) conjugum Patrinusfuit Carolus Moody, matrina Maria Davison: a me Joan: Lingard, Miss : Apost : Jarrow. [102] Die 18° Nov: 1806 natus et die eodem baptizatus fuit Geo: Plumpton filius Eliz: Plumpton et [blank]. Patrinus Jacs Thompson , Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead .

Die21° Sep: 1806 nata et die 23° Nov: 1806 baptizata fuitIsabella filia Annae et Ant : Erringtonconjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Radcliff, MatrinaJoan: Errington: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Jarrow

Die 12° Nov: 1806 natus et die 30° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus est Tho filius Gul: et Elizee Pierson (olimWatson) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Joan: Jaques, Matrina Eliz: Heddrick : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Andrew

Die 12° Nov: nata et die 2º Dec: 1806 baptizatafuit MariaAnna filia Jac: et Cath: Nellis (olim Stratford) conjugum PatrinusTho Langtree, MatrinaAnna Stratford: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Tynemouth. [103]

Die 10 Nov: 1806 natus et die 2do Dec: 1806 baptizatus est Adrianus Turnbull filius Jac: et Cathae Turnbull (olim Robson) conjugum Patrinus Joan: Buwell, MatrinaN: Newbury p: procm Anna Reed : a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco N. Shields.

Die 26° Oct: 1806 natus et die 3° Dec: 1806 baptizatus estGeo: filius Joan: et Mariae Croser [Smiles in margin] (olim Smiles) conjugum. Patrinus Gul: Giles, MatrinaEliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco Gosforth

Die7° Nov: 1806 natus et die 8° ejusdemmensis et anni baptizatus est Gul: filius Car: et Eliz: Bell (olim Todd) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Robson, Matrina Roz: Heaton: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. St Andrew

Die 18° Dec: 1806 nata et die 21° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Margta filia Joan: et Eliz: Pile (olim Grundy) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo : Lutenor, MatrinaDor: Giles: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Huith[Heworth].

[104] [1807]

Die 4° Jan: 1807 nata et die 12° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Elizafilia Geo: et Joan: Wascoe(olim Bell) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul: Giles, Matrina Thoa Dodd: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco

Die 11° Feb: 1807 natus et die 15° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Joan: filius Angelo et Aliciae Lazari (olim Gerrard) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Pochini, Matrina Maria Hotkinson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St. John's

Die 23° Jan: 1807 nata et die 10° Feb: 1807 baptizatafuit Joanna Scott filia Gul: et Mariae Scott (olim Wheatly) conjugum. Matrina fuit Joa Wheatly, Patrinus Tho" Wheatly p: procm Jac: Worswick: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco.

Die7thFeb: 1807 nata et die 17° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Joa filia Alex: et Julnae Edwards (olim Connor) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Anders, Matrina Eliza Flemming: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco S: Shields. [105] Die 11° Jan: 1807 nata et die 17° Feb: 1807 baptizataest Catha filia Joan: et Eliza Crooks (olimHudson) conjugum Matrina Anna Cook p: procm Crook: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Wall's End

Die 17° Jan: 1807 nata et die 19° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata fuit Isabella, filia Joan: et Eliz: Gray (olim Hardy) conjugum. Matrina fuit Isabella Hardy per procurm Eliz: Hardy: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco Gateshead

Die 25° Feb: 1807 natus et die 4° Martii 1807 baptizatus est Redulphusfilius Rob: et Eliz: Broadlent [? Broadbent](olim Smith) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Thompson, Matrina Sarah Hodgson p: proc: Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead

DieMartii 2do 1807 nata et die 8° ejusd: mensis etannibaptizata fuit Maria McDonald filia Eliz: McDonald et Alex: Do o conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Gregg, Matrina Margta Stuart : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Se Andrew. [106] Die 6° Martii 1807 natus et die 9º ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Joan: filius Jac: et Margtae Ingham (olim Hotkinson) conjugum Patrinus KnudNielsenWolff, MatrinaAnnaSherwood: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's

Die 17° Martii 1807 natus et die 20 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est JoansfiliusGul: et Eliz: Hunterconjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Lilly, Matrina Anna Wild: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Kenton.

Die 18° Martii natus et die 20° ejusd: mensis et anni 1807 baptizatus est [blank] filius Gul: et Eliz: Hunter conjugum. Patrinus Jos: Hunter, Matrina. . . . Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Kenton.

Die 19° Martii natus et die 30° ejusdem mensis et anni 1807 baptizatus est Joan: filius Jos: et Eliz: Marly (olim Gibson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Coulton, Matrina Maria Leadly: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo Gosforth.

[107] Die 18° Nov: 1804 nata et die 31° Martii 1807 baptizataest Rosa filiaJoan: Higgins et Mariae Lauryo conjugum Patrinus fuit

Jac: Dunn, MatrinaEliz: Haddrick: a meJac: WorswickMissoApco. All Saints

Die 5° Aprilis 1807 nata et die 10 ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Catha, filia Joan: et Anna Dean (olim Todd) conjugum Patrinus fuitDavid Todd , MatrinaMaria Hedley: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco St Nic

Die 26° Martii 1807 nata et die 27° Aprilis 1807 baptizata est Maria filia Jac: et Annae Christy (olim Archer) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Lena, Matrina Margt Stuart: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco

Die 21° Aprilis 1807 nata et die 1º Maii 1807 baptizataest Anna filia Barth' et Margtae Atkinson (olim Cook) conjugum. Matrina Anna Cook p: procm Eliz: Laws, Patrinus Car: Hotkinson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo StNic [108] Die 30 Aprilis 1807 nata et die 3º Maii 1807 baptizata est Anna, filia David et Isab: Todd (olim Farbridge) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Young, MatrinaAnna Dean: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St John's

Die 23° Aprilis 1807 natus et die 21° Maii 1807 baptizatus est Tho filius Those et Rosae Hunter (olim Kelly et Mellon) conjugum. Patrinus Gul: Giles, Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Gateshead

Die 26° Maii 1807 natus et die 4° Junii 1807 baptizatus est Jos: filius Nic: et Sarah Wilson (olim Ball) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thoas Wilson, Matrina Sarah Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo All SS:

Die 5° Maii 1807 nata et die 6° Junii 1807 baptizataest Joana Robinson filia Gul: et Joanne Robinson (olim Dawson) conjugum. Matrina fuit Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Lamely [? Lamesly]

[109] Die 8° Aprilis 1802 natus et die 14° Junii 1807 baptizatus est Thos filius Geo : Hodgsonet Rebeccae Tempest Patrinusfuit Tho Wilson, Matrina Sarah Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS:

Die 18° Julii 1807 natus et die 29° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Joan: filiusJoan: Story et Isabellae Hall MatrinaJoan Hall: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco. N: Shields.

Die 11° Maiinataet die 16° baptizata est Maria, filia Isa: Murphy et Thoae, conjugum (olim McLeer). Patrinus fuit Petrus Woralon, MatrinaMaria Cooper [not signed] S: Shields

Die 28° Julii natus et die 16° Aug: baptizatus est Michael, filius Jos: Pollock et Margtae (olim Cowly) conjugum PatrinusJoan: Davies, Matrina Cath: Morten [not signed] S: Shields [110] Die 15° Aug: 1807 nata et die 17° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Catha Anna, filia Joan: et Cathe Cotton (olim . . . ) conjugum Matrina Eliz: Haddrick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco St Nic:

Die 19° Aug: 1807 nata et die 20° ejusdemmensis et anni baptizata

est Monica Teresa, filia David et Mariae Henderson (olim Taylor) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Taylor, MatrinaMaria Stephenson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo St Andrew.

Die 19° Julii 1807 nata et die 23° Aug: 1807 baptizata est Maria , filia Joan: et Sarah Joblin (olim Millem) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Rob: Joblin, MatrinaMariaThompson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. Wall's End

Die20 Maii1807 natus et die 6 Septembrisejusdemanni baptizatus est Joannes filius Johannis et SaraeMcCran (olim McCohual) conjugum Patrinus fuit Hugo McMahon, Matrina Rosa Wynne: J. Lingard. Inniskilling Dragoons. * [111]

Die4 Sep: 1807 nata et die6 baptizata est Anna filia Joannis etMariae Wingate (olimRobson) conjugum. Patrinus ThomasWingate, Matrina Maria Wingate : a me Joan: Lingard St Andrew's

Die14 Sep: nata et die 20 ejusdemmensis baptizata est Dorothea filia Francisciet Margaritae Foreman (olimMan) conjugum Patrinus Antonius Hodgson, matrinaMaria Shipley loco Annae Man absentis: a me Joan: Lingard St John's.

Die 26° Sep: 1807 nata et die 27° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Eliza filia Geo: et Mariae Draycotte (olim Harrison) conjugum. Patrinus Gul: MatrinaJoaa Lutenor: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 29° Maii 1807 natus et die 26° Oct: 1807 baptizatus est Philippus, filius Those et Aliciae Corkan (olim Turnbull) conjugum Matrina Ellenor Corkan: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco All SS: Parish [112]

Die 17° Oct: 1807 nata et die 8° Nov: 1807 baptizataest Maria, filia Gul: et Dor: Gregg (olim Johnson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Bern, Matrina Brig: Brown: a me Jac: WorswickMisso Apco. St Andrew's.

Die 7° Nov: 1807 natus et die 15° ejusd: mensis et annibaptizatus est Geo: filius Joan: et Esther Davies (olim Fullerton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ricd Wingate, Matrina Joa Pochini : a me Jac: Worswick . St John's

Die 5° Nov: 1807 natus et die 6º ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus est Rob : filius Those et Joane Thorburn (olim Harrison) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thas Gray, Matrina Eliz: Gray: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 10° Nov: 1807 nata et die 22° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Maria filia Joan: et Marthae Mordu (olim Forster) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Forster, Matrina Maria Forster : a me Jac: Worswick All SS : [113]

Die 10° Nov: 1807 nata et die 22° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizata est Margtafilia Joans et SusanaeGraham (olim Robinson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: MacMillen , Matrina Eliz: Triffet: a me Jac: Worswick. Warbottle [? Walbottle]

Die 20° Nov: 1807 nata et die 2 Dec: 1807 baptizataest Sarah Pearson, filia Geo: et Eliz: Pearson (olim Watson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Shanks, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew's

* Father probably stationed in NewcastleBarracksatthetime .


Die 20° Nov: 1807 nata et die 6° Dec: 1807 baptizataest Joan: filia Geo: et Annae Readshaw (olim Roberts) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Cooper, Matrina Marg: Thorman : a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 12° Junii 1807 natus et die 6° Dec: 1807 baptizatus est Gul: Haderick [Hadderick in margin] (si non antea baptizatus) filius Rob: et Mariae Cortis . Patrinus fuit Joan: Pinkny, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick Jarrow [114] Die 8° Nov: 1807 natus et die 16° Dec: 1807 baptizatus est Marcus, filius Joan: et Mariae Crozer (olim Smiles) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Shanks, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick. Gosforth.

Die 14° Dec: 1807 natus et die 27° Dec: 1807 baptizatus est Joans filius Gul: Thirlwall et Eliz: (olim Russell) conjugum. Patrinusfuit AntsErrington, MatrinaMaria Taylor p: procur : Isab : Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apeo Huith [? Heworth].

Die27° Dec: 1807 natus et die 28° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Joan: filius Geo : Thomas et Penelope (olim Sherwood ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Sherwood per procuratm Jac: Sherwood, Matrina Margta Ingham: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. StNic:


Die 13° Jan: 1808 nata et die 15° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Maria filia Adami et Marthae Downy (olim Snowball) conjugum Patrinus fuit Car: Hodkinson, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew's.

[115] Die4° Feb: 1808 nata et die5° ejusd: mensis etannibaptizata est Anna filia Jac: et Annae Sherwood (olim Hodkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Ingham, Matrina Anna Hodkinson: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die9° Feb: 1808 natus et die 15° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus est Jac: filius Jac: et Annae Lone (olim Laws) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Sherwood, Matrina Anna Burn: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew

Die 25° Jan: 1808 natus et die 18° Feb: 1808 baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: Scott et Mariae (olim Adams) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Shanks, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick


Die 25° Jan: 1808 nata et die 21° Feb: 1808 baptizata est Maria, filia Those et Eliz: Emerson [Emmerson in margin] (olim Crooks) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Ellot, Matrina Isabella Reed : a me Jac : Worswick . Jarrow.

[116] Die 29° Martii 1808 nata, et die 3º Aprilis baptizata est Eliza Young filia Joan: et Joanae Young (olim Austin) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Pinckny, Matrina Anna Calvert: a me Jac: Worswick Miss° Apco All SS:

Die 5° Aprilis natus 1808, et die 24° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus est Rob: filius Rob: et Eliz: Hedderick (olim Swinny)

* Haderick may be one of the child's forenames .

REGISTERS OF NEWCASTLE -UPON-TYNE 243 conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Pinkny, Matrina Isabella Stuart: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco Jarrow.

Die 18° Aprilis natus 1808 et die 25° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Dionysius, filius Edv: et Cathae Maden(olim Raverty) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jos: Robson, Matrina Maria Pain: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. All SS:

Die 5° Maii natus 1808 et die 8° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus est Mic: Joan: filius Joan: et Mariae Commoli (olim Callen) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Slopani, Matrina N. Pochini: a me Jac: Worswick Miss Apco St Nic: [117]

Die 16° Maii 1808 nata et die 2do Junii 1808 baptizataest

Maria filiaJac: et Eliz: Duglass (olim Newton) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jos: Robson, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick: a me Jac: Worswick Misso St Andrew.

Die 1º Junii 1808 natus et die 19° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Joan: filius Thoae et Gratiae Peery (olim Scott) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ants Errington, Matrina Eliz: Ogle: a me Jac: Worswick Misso. Gateshead.

Die 31° Maii 1808 natus et die 3º Junii baptizatus est Barths filius Bar et Eliz: Lee (olim Hodgson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Daniel O Curren, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead.

Die 18° Julii 1808 nata et die 31° ejusdm mensis et annibaptizata est Maria, filia Car: et Sarah Byrne (olim Carr) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Davies, Matrina Sarah Lake : a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew [118]

Die 3° Aug: 1808 nata et die 14° ejsd: mensis et anni baptizata est Maria, filia Abraham et Margtae Heavyside (olim Foreman) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Scott, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 19° 1808 Julii nata et die 2do Aug: baptizataest Margta,filia Gul: et Joan: Bainbridge (olim Dickenson) conjugum. Matrina Margta Jason: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 27° Julii 1808 nata et die 21° Aug: 1808 baptizata est Maria , filia ThoseBell et Ellenorae (olim Dobson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Lutenor, [Matrina] Joanna Lutenor: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead

Die 29° Julii 1808 nata et die 21° Aug: 1808 baptizata est Eliz: filia Gul: et Eliz: Hunter (olim Austin) conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Jos: Hunter, Matrina Anna Lilly: a me Jac: Worswick. Gosforth. [119] Die 19° Aug: 1808 nata et die 21° Aug: 1808 baptizataest Eliz: filia Ephrem et MariaePalmer (olim Laws) conjugum Patrinus fuit Rob: Taylor, Matrina Marg: Giles: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 23° Aug: 1807 [nata et] die 26° Aug: 1807 baptizataesta Domino Lawson Margarita filia Bent et Dorae Howe (olim Dinning) conjugum. Caeremoniae fuerunt suppletae a me die 22° Aug: 1808. Matrina fuit Margta Watson p: procuratricem Anna Howe : Jac: Worswick . Horton [? Harton].

Die 22° Aug: 1808 nata et die 26° Aug: 1808 baptizata est Eliza


Ingham, filia Jac: et Marg: Ingham (olim Hodkinson) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Jac: Sherwood, Matrina Maria Hodkinson : a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 9° Aug: 1808 nata et die 28 Aug: 1808 baptizataest Bridgta filia Jos: et Ma: Tagg (olim Layden) conjugum Patrinus fuit

Miles Pinkny, Matrina Eliza Hadderick: a me Jac: Worswick


Die21° Aug: 1808 natus et die 4° Sep: 1808 baptizatus est Frans, filius Joan: et Margtae Treacy (olim McNaughton) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Gul : Ellot, Matrina Isaba Reed: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 31° Aug: 1808 natus et die 4° Sep: baptizatus est Edv: filius

Edw: Hind et Mariae (olim Vaux) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thoas Vaux p: proc: Dan: Curren, Matrina Eliza Harrison p: procim Eliz: Hedderick: a me Jac : Worswick St Andrew

Die 8° Sep: 1808 nata et die 13° 1808 baptizata est Dorothaea , filiaCuthbertiet AbigalLiddell(olim Bulman) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo : Dunn , MatrinaDor: Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew.

Die 8° Feb: 1805 natus et die 22° Sep: 1808 baptizatus est Jos: filius Jac: et Mariae Potts (olim Carnes) conjugum Patrinusfuit

Joas Lammon : a me Jac: Worswick Glasgow. [121] Die 1° Maii 1803 nata et die 22° Sep : 1808 baptizata est Maria, filia Jac: et Mariae Potts (olim Carnes) conjugum Matrina Maria Lammon: a me Jac: Worswick . Glasgow.

Die 9° Sep: 1808 nata et die 22° Sep: 1808 baptizataest Maria, filia Ric: et Mariae Wilson (olim Sherwood ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Sherwood, Matrina Penelope Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 270 Sep: 1808 natus et die 28° 1808 baptizatus est Jos: filius Jos: et Margt Robson (olim Hamilton) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Duglass, Matrina Eliz: Hadderick : a me Jac: Worswick. St John's

Die 3º Oct : 1808 natus et die 4° Oct: 1808 baptizatus est Joan: filius Jos: et Mariae Wilkinson (olim Middlemass) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Car: Byrne, Matrina Maria Byrne: a me Jac: Worswick. St John's [122] Die 14° Oct: 1808 nata et die 19° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata est Maria Anna, filia Jac: et Barbarae Murphy (olim Hall) conjugum Patrinus fuit Edv: Hyanson, Matrina Eliza Hadderick: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew.

Die 15° Sep: nata et die 23° Oct: 1808 baptizata est Eliz: filiaGul: et Marg: Davison (olim Hall) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Davison, Matrina Eliz: Davison : a me Jac: Worswick Morenton [? Monuton].

Die 21° Oct. 1808 natus et die 24° ejusdem mensiset anni baptizatus est Guls , filius Joan: et Eliz: Coulson (olim Wilson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, Eliza Shanks fuit matrina: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 3° Nov: 1808 nata et die 6° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata est Joannafilia Joan: et Eliz: Hardy (olim Potts) conjugum Patrinus

fuit Thos Hardy, Matrina Isabella Hardy: a me Jac: Worswick.



Die 17° Sep : nata, et die 9° Oct : ejusdemanni 1808 baptizata est Margta, filia Rob: et Elenorae Whitfield (olimBrown) conjugum . Patrinus fuit nemo, matrina Eliz: Hadderick [not signed]. Walls End.

Die9° Nov: 1808 natus et die 27° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus est Henricus , filius Hen' et Isabae Collins (olim Hunter) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Hunter, Matrina Maria Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick Gosforth.

Die 7° Dec: 1808 nata et die 12° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizataest Isabellafilia Joan: et Annae Dean (olim Todd) conjugum Patrinus fuit Car: Larkin, MatrinaMargtaTodd p: procm Maria Hedley: ame Jac: Worswick. Gateshead.

Die 220 Dec: 1808 natus et die 26° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Franciscus Bradshaw Hendersonfilius David et Mariae Henderson (olim Taylor) conjugum Patrinus fuit Francis Taylor per procm David Henderson, Matrina Eliz: Heaton: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead [124] [1809]

Die 7° Jan: 1809 natus et die 16° Jan: 1809 baptizatus est Gul: filius Gul: et Mariae Scott (olim Wheatly) conjugum Patrinusfuit Thos Wheatly, MatrinaJo Wheatly: a meJac: Worswick. Denton Burn.

Die 24° ? Jan.] 1809 nata et die 15° Feb: 1809 baptizata est Catha filia Car: et Eliz: Bell (olim Todd) conjugum Patrinusfuit Mat: Dunn p: procm Cuth : Dunn, MatrinaBrig: Dunn p: procm Hannah Lawson: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew.

Die7° Feb: 1809 natus et die 20° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizatus est Petrus, filius Geo: et Mariae Collier (olim Dobbison) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo: Lutenor, Matrina Anna Burn: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die Feb: 15 , 1809 natus et die 6º Martii 1809 baptizatus est Thos filius Joan: McKenna et Hannah (olim Black) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Handy, Matrina Eliz: Hedderick: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

[125] Die 12° Martii 1809 nata et die 13° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Louisa, filia Jac: et Louisae Fenton (olim Strachan) conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Byrne, Matrina Isabella Reed: a me Jac : Worswick . St John's.

Die 28° Feb: 1809 natus et die 20 Aprilis baptizatus est Thos , filius Cuth" et SarahPeterson (olim Shaw) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Tho Swinburn p: procm Hugh Shaw, Matrina AnnaSwinburnp: procm Eliz: Hedderick: ame Jac: Worswick StJohn's

Die 1° Ap: 1809 natus et die 30° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizatus est Gul: filius Jac: Strong et Sarah (olim Peel) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Steps Wheatly, Matrina Francis [sic] Reedshaw: a me Jac: Worswick


Die4° Maii 1809 natus et die 5° ejusd: mensis et anni bap- tizatus est Jacobusfilius Jac: et Annae Sherwood (olim Hudkinson)


conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo: Thomas, Matrina Marg: Ingham : a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 1º Ap: 1809 nata et die 7° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizata est Isabella, filia Dav: et Isabellae (olim Ferbridge) Todd, conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Young, MatrinaAnna Dean: a me Jac: Worswick St John's

Die8° Maii 1809 natus et die 14° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizatus est Gul: Geo: filius Jac: et Mariae (olim Hays) Forster Patrinus Geo : Todd pr procm Geo: Lutenor, Matrina Anna Bell: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead

Die 24° Ap: 1809 nata et die 9° Maii ejusdm anni baptizata est Anna filia Joan: et Eliz: Pile (olim Grundy) conjugum. Matrina N. Steils p : procm MargtaGrundy: a me Jac: Worswick WallsEnd. [127] Die 25° Maii 1809 natus et die 28° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizatus est Andreas Graham filius Joan: et Suzanae Graham (olim Robinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan : Robinson, Matrina Anna Curren: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 20° Maii 1809 natus et die 6° Junii 1809 baptizatus est Jac: Turnbull filius Jac: et Cathae Turnbull (olim Robson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Cornforthp: me, matrina Maria Baines: a me Jac: Worswick N: Shields.

Die 18° Junii 1809 natus et die 19° ejusdm mensis et annibaptizatus est Joans Gray filius Joan: et Eliz: Gray (olim Hardy) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rad: Hardy p: proc: Joan: Duglass, Matrina Joan: Hardyp: proc: Isabella Hardy: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead [128] Die 20° Junii 1809 natus et die 2do Julii 1809 baptizatus est Robertus Arthur, filius Jos: et Annae Arthur (olim Blakburn) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thoas Hunter, MatrinaDor: Arthur: ame Jac: Worswick Gosforth.

Die 3° Junii 1809 natus et die 4° Julii 1809 baptizatus est Jacobus Dunnavan, filius Mic: et Joanae Dunnavan (olim Blackburn) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Tully, Matrina Catha Huert: a me Jac: Worswick St John's

Die 17° Julii 1809 nata et die 30° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizata est Eliza Snaith, filia Jacobi et Joanne Snaith (olim Snaith) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul : Burlison, Matrina Dor: Snaith: a Domino Joan: Lingard, Teste Jac: Worswick. All SS: [129] Die 29° Junii 1809 natus et die 23° Julii 1809 baptizatus est David , filiusJacobi et Eleonorae Oliver (olim Foster). Patrinus fuit Car: Foster, Matrina MariaCook: a Dño Lingard, Teste Jac: Worswick.

Die 1° Julii 1809 nata et die 13° Aug: 1809 baptizata est Henrietta, filia Joan: et Mariae Wingate (olim Robson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ric: Wingate, Matrina Maria Wingate : a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew.

Die2doAug: 1809 natus et die 6° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizatus est Joannes, filius Joans et Joanae Young (olim Austin) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Pincknay, Matrina Eliza Pincknay : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic: Parish.

[130] De 10° Martii 1809 natus et die 27° Aug: 1809 baptizatus est

Jacobus , filius PhilippiMcKabe et Eleonorae(olimKelly) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Sheering, Matrina Isaba Robson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die6°Maii 1809 natus et die 27° Aug: 1809 baptizatus est Jacobus Brannenfilius Chris¹ et Joannae ([olim]Wright) conjugum Patrinus Geo: Lutenor, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick Huith [? Heworth]

N.B. Caeremoniae fuerunt suppletae pro Roberto Branner et baptizatus est conditionnate , natus die 15° Maii 1807. Patrinus Jos: Burn, MatrinaJoana Lutenor.

N.B. Eodem die 27 Aug: 1809 caeremoniae fueruntsuppletaepro Tho Barner, filio Gul: et Mariae Barner (olim Atkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit [blank]: a me Jac: Worswick.

II° Jan: 1809 natus et baptizatus tribus hebdomadis postea a Sacerdote catho [unfinished]. [131]

Die 14° Aug: 1809 natus et die 28° Aug: 1809 baptizatus est Joannes Scott filius Joan: et Mariae ([olim] Adams) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniel O Curren, Matrina Eliz: Marr: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die 14 Aug: 1809 nata et die 3º Sep: 1809 baptizata est Mariafilia

Joan Colling et Mariae (olim Linn) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Young, Matrina Maria Shipley: a me Jac: Worswick . St John's

Die 6° Sep: 1809 nata et die 11 Sep : 1809 baptizataest Henrietta, filia Edwardi et Henre Campbell(olim Reasby) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Tasker, Matrina Dora Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick Misso Apco. StJohn's [132] Die 22° Aug: 1809 nata et die 13° Sep: 1809 baptizata est Elenora Corken filia Those et Aliciae (olim Turnbull) conjugum Matrina fuit Elenora Corkan: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 29° Julii 1809 nata et die 24° Sep: 1809 baptizata est Sarah, filia Joan:Joblin et Sarah Joblin (olim Mellon) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan : Pinkny, MatrinaMariaThompson: a me Jac: Worswick Wall's End

Die 12° Junii 1809 nata et die 27° baptizata est Anna , filia Joan: et Mariae Bell (olim Atkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Ingham ut proc: pro Car: Bell, Matrina Anna Bell: a me Jac: Worswick . St John's

Die 12° Aug: 1807 natus et paucis diebus lapsis baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: Bell et Mariae (olim Atkinson) conjugum. Caeremoniae fuerunt suppletae die 27 Sep: 1809. Patrinus fuit Jac: Sherwood : a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew. [133] Die 28° Sep: 1809 nata et die 1º Oct: 1809 baptizata est Eliz³, filia Edwardi Maddonet Cathae (olim Rafferty) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Berry, Matrina Anna Curren: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 15° Sep: 1809 natus et die 9° Oct : 1809 baptizatus est Step³, filius Joan: et Mariae Croser (olimSmiles) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Gul: Shanks , MatrinaMaria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick Benwell

Die 17° Oct: 1809 natus et die 20° Oct: 1809 baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Adam Downey et Mariae (olim Snowball) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Jac: Ingham, Matrina Dina Snowball: a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew.

Die 29° Oct: 1809 nata et die 5° Nov: 1809 baptizata est Isabella, filiaGeo: Glendining et Mariae (olimRichardson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ric: O Connor, Matrina Thoa Dodd : a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead . [


Die 220 Oct : 1809 natus et die 6° Nov: 1809 baptizatus est Joan:filius ThoaeHand et Marthae (olim Nelson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: McKunan, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 10° Nov: 1809 nata et die 11° ejusdm mensis et anni baptizata [est] Eliza Heaton filia Gul: et Eliza Heaton (olim Henderson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Dunn, Matrina Anna Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 23° Oct: 1809 natus et die 19° Nov: 1809 baptizatus [est] Jos: Emmersonfilius Thoaeet Elizae Emmerson (olim Crooks) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Jos: Crooks, Matrina Elenor Reed: a me Jac: Worswick. Jarrow.

Die 13° Oct: 1809 natus et die 19° Nov: 1809 baptizatus est Joan: Bombelli, filiusJerom: et Annae Bombelli (olim Greaves) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Paul Ladzari, MatrinaAlicia Ladzaray: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic: [135]

Die26° Nov: 1809 natus et die 29° Nov: 1809 baptizatus est Mat :Liddell, filius Cuth¹ et Aliciae Liddell (olimBulman) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Gibson , Matrina Isabella Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew.

Die 4° Dec: 1809 natus et die 6° Dec: 1809 baptizatus est Geo: Howe, filiusGeo: et Margae Howe (olim Watson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Shipley, MatrinaAnastasia Wollet p: procm: a me Jac: Worswick . StAndrew

Die 7° Dec: 1809 nata et die 13° Dec: 1809 baptizata est Dor: Heavyside, filia Abrm et Margtae Heavyside (olim Foreman) conjugum Patrinus Gul: Giles p: procm Gul: Shanks, Matrina Dora Taylor: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 16° Dec: 1809 natus et die 17° Dec: 1809 baptizatus est Tho Foreman, filius Fran et Margae Foreman (olim Mann) conjugum . Patrinus fuit Thos Foreman p: procm Joan: Shipley, Matrina Maria Shipley: a me Jac: Worswick. St John's. [136] Die .. Maii 1809 natus, et die 20° Dec: 1809 baptizatus est Thos Joblin filius [blank] Priscillae Joblin. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 20° Julii 1809 natus et die 22° Dec: 1809 baptizatus est Jacobus Guire, filius Gul : Guire et Annae (olim Hatton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 3° Dec: 1809 nata et baptizata , et die 22° Dec: 1809 caereHe was headmasterofSt. Andrew's School about this time Matthew Liddell, s of Cuthbert Liddell of Benwell Hall, Newcastle-onTyne, mar Susanna Cuddon Became managerand main owner of Mickley Colliery Built Prudhoe Hall about 1870 and founded the Catholic Mission there Died 20 Oct. 1881 and buried in vault of chapel (" History of the Parish of Prudhoe on Tyne, " by Rev. J. Lenders , 1929.)

moniaefuerunt pro Eliz: Sandyland , filia Thoae et Elizae Sandyland (olim Grey) conjugum Patrinus Gul: Sandyland, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick. St John's [1810]

Die 31° Aug: 1809 [nata] et die 2do Jan: 1810 baptizataest Anna, filia Rob: Ramsay et Isabae (olim .) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul: Burlinson, Matrina Anna Winship: a me Jac: Worswick Shields [137]

Die 20° Dec: 1809 nata et die 7° Jan: 1810 baptizata est Isabella Thirlwall, filia Gul: et Elizae Thirlwall (olim Russell) conjugum Patrinus fuit Nic: Bellamy, Matrina Thoma Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 13° Jan: 1810 nata et die 19° Jan: 1810 baptizata est Maria Anna Ingham, filia Jac: et Margae Ingham (olim Hodkinson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Coates, Matrina Anna Sherwood: ame Jac:Worswick. St John's.

Die 17° Jan: 1810 natus et die 21° Jan: 1810 baptizatus est Daniel Turner, filius Patrici et Uni: Turner (olim Mulkaran) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Joan: Harrison, Matrina Maria Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 19° Jan: 1810 nata et die 26° ejusdemmensis et anni baptizata est Anna filia Geo: et Joana Wascoe (olim Bell) conjugum. Matrina Maria Smith: a me Jac: Worswick [138]

Die 11° Feb: 1810 natus et die 18° Feb: 1810 baptizatus est Thos Pinkney, filius Joans et Elize Pinkney (olim Hadderick) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rob: Crawford, Matrina Maria Hill: a me Jac : Worswick. AllSS:

Die 6° Martii 1810 natus et die 9° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizatus est Joannes , filiusBarnabyMcCuen et Mariae (olim ... .) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Geo: Bass , Matrina SusannahSwinburn : a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead .

Die 28° Feb: 1810 natus et die 13° Martii baptizatus est Joan: Bap: filius Joan : Bap: Rochican [Rochicen in margin] et Joanae (olim Patton) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, MatrinaSarah Millo: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die10° Martii 1810 natus et die 15° baptizatus est Geo: Henderson , filius David et Mariae Henderson(olim Taylor) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Larkin, Matrina Eliza Dunn: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead. [139]

Die 21° Martii nata et die 2do Aprilis 1810 baptizata est Hellena Atkinson filia Barth' Atkinson et Margtae (olim Cook) conjugum Patrinus fuit Nic: Giles, Matrina Joan: Stoker : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 4º Martii 1810 nata et die 6° ejusd: mensis et anni baptizata est Eliza filia Petri Guilfoil et Mariae (olim Reynols) conjugum. Matrina fuit MargtaFarrel: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 31° Martii 1810 natus et die 9° Aprilis 1810 baptizatus est Samuel Davies , filius Joan: et Esther Davies (olim Fullerton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Scott p: procm Gul : Shanks, Matrina Cara Byrne: a me Jac: Worswick . St John's

Die 15° Martii 1810 natus et die 9° Aprilis 1810 baptizatus est Gul: Nelles filius Jac: et Cathae Nelles (olim Stratford) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, MatrinaJoana Dunn: a me Jac:Worswick. St Andrew [140]

Die 28° Martii 1810 nata et die 22° Martii [? Aprilis] 1810 baptizata est Anna, filia Rob: Elrington et Margtae (olim Lenox) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Elliot, Matrina Joana Vaux : a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die 30° Aprilis 1810 nata et die 30° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata est Maria, filiaJac¹ McKannan et Cathe(olim McKannan) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Daniel O Curren, MatrinaAnnaO Curren: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die22° Aprilis 1810 nata et die 9° Maii 1810 baptizataest Brigita, filia PetriMcKenna, et Hellenae (olimPatterson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joans Short, Matrina fuit Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick All SS :

Die ... Maii 1810 natus et die 27 ejusdemmensis baptisatus est Joannes Josephus, filius Joannis et [blank] Tasker (olim Reevely) conjugum Patrinus fuit [blank] Reevely, Matrina[blank] Reevely: a me Joan: Lingard Kenton. [141] Die 7° Junii 1810 natus et die 10 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Joannes filius Jac : Lennon et Annae (olim Turner) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Petrus Gormon, Matrina Brigita Mackmanus: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die5° Junii 1810 nata et die 11° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata est Eliza, filia Geo: et Eliz: Pearson (olim Watson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Pearson , MatrinaEliz: Mills : ameJac: Worswick . S. Andrew

Die 26° Maii 1810 natus et die 24° Junii 1810 baptizatus est Joannes, filius Thoae et Joanae Sanderson (olim Freek) conjugum. Patrinus fuitGul: Davies, MatrinaAnnaScott: a meJac: Worswick.


Die Junii 1810 nata et die 26° ejusd: mensiset annibaptizata est Sarah, filia Hugh et Joannae Dannavan (olim Smith) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Rogers, Matrina Harrison Eliza: a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [142] Die 27° Junii 1810 nata et die 6º Julii 1810 baptizata est Maria, filia Jac: Thomas et Penelope (olim Sherwood ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Sherwoodabsentis, MatrinaAnna Proctor: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 29° Junii 1810 nata et die 9° Julii 1810 baptizata est Joan , filia Gul: et Joanae [blank] (olim Dickenson) conjugum Matrina fuit Joana Wake : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 30° Julii 1810 natus et die 8° Aug: 1810 baptizatus est Petrus Callahan filius Petri et Eliz: Callahan (olim Fagan) conjugum Patrinusfuit Gul : Shanks: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead.

Die 30º Julii 1810 natus et die 27° Aug: 1810 baptizatus est Geo: filius Geo: et Cathae Dobinson (olim Cambell) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Burn, MatrinaAnnaBurn: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS: [143] Die 12 Aug: 1810 nata et die 9° Sep: 1810 baptizata est

Sarah, filia Ant¹ Errington et Joana Richardson Patrinus fuit Jos: Crooks , Matrina Sarah Russell: a me Jac: Worswick Huith

Die25° Aug: 1810 nata et die 13° Sep: 1810 baptizata estSusanna , filia Car : Joan: StuartBell et Eliz: (olim Todd) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Todd p: procm, Matrina Anna Bell: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 13° Julii 1810 nata et die 25° Sep: 1810 baptizata est Eliza Hicks, filia Caleb et Grace Hicks (olim Porter). Matrinafuit Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 20° Sep : 1810 natus et die 3° Oct: 1810 baptizatus estAnts Murphy, filius Jac: et Bar: Murphy(olim Hall) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul: Shanks, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . St John's. [144]

Die 12° Oct: 1810 nata et die 19° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata est Maria, filiaJac: et Annae Sherwood (olim Hodkinson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Byrne, Matrina Maria Hodkinson: a me Jac : Worswick St Nic:

Die 11° Oct: 1810 natus et die 28° Oct: 1810 baptizatus est Gul: Hunter, filiusGul : et Eliz: Hunter (olim Austin) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Hunter, MatrinaMargt Lock p: procm Franca Teasdale: ame Jac: Worswick Gosforth

Die 24° Oct: 1810 natus et die 29° Oct: 1810 baptizatus est Joan , filius Joan et Eliza Douglass (olim Newton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, MatrinaIsela Ellot : a meJac: Worswick . StAndrew .

Die 3º Nov: 1810 natus et die 5° Nov: 1810 baptizatus est Rob: filius Joan: et Hannah Dean (olim Todd) conjugum . Matrina fuit Maria Ransley p: procm Maria Hedley, Patrinus fuit Ant: Hodgson: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead [


Die 20° Oct: 1810 nata et die 11° Nov: 1810 baptizataest Eliza, filia Pauli Lazari et Sarah (olim Matly [? Matby]) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jerom: Bombelli, Matrina Alicia Lazari: a me Jac: Worswick . St Nic:

Die 31° Oct: 1810 natus et die 12° Nov: 1810 baptizatus est Joans filius Mic Gillon et Mariae (olim Smith) conjugum Patrinusfuit HughGillon, MatrinaMaria McCleran: a meJac: Worswick. StNic:

Die 17° Nov : 1810 natus et die 22° Nov: 1810 baptizatus est Jac , filius Owen et Joane Clark (olim Maginnis et Calvert) conjugum Patrinus fuit Rob: Errington, Matrina Thoma Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 13° Nov: 1810 natus et die 2º Dec: 1810 baptizatus est Jac: filius Those Peery et Grace (olim Scott) conjugum. Patrinus fuit

Thos Thorburn, Matrina Eliz: Ogle: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead .

[146] Die 2do Dec: 1810 natus et die 8° Dec: 1810 baptizatus est Nic : filius Gul: et Mariae Scott (olimWheatly) conjugum. Matrina fuit Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . New burn.

Die 270 Sep: 1810 nata et die 26° Dec: 1810 baptizata est Joan filia Gul: Fitzpatrick et Joanae (olim Smith) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan Quinn, Matrina Joana Wallis : a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead .

Die 3° Dec: 1810 natus et die 26° Dec: 1810 baptizatus est Edi Hall Campbell, filius Ed¹ et Hen: Campbell conjugum Patrinus fuit Duncan Campbell p: Edv: Campbell, MatrinaJoan Silvertop* p: procm Francisca Tasker: a me Jac : Worswick . St John's .

Die . . . Nov: 1810 natus et die 28° Dec: 1810 baptizatus est Joan Anderson [so in margin], filius Those King et Eliz: Anderson. Matrinafuit Maria Gandy : a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead. [147] [1811]

Die 23° Jan: 1809 natus it die 16° Jan: 1811 baptizatus est Tho . Watson [so inmargin],filius Jac: Uphill et JoanaeWatson Patrinus fuit Gul: Watson, Matrina fuit Hellena Watson: a me Jac: Worswick . St Andrew.

Die 14° Jan: 1811 nata et die 18° Jan: 1811 baptizata est Anna Heaton, filia Gul: et Eliza Heaton (olim Henderson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo: Dunn, Matrina Anna Heaton p: procm Rosa Watson: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 22° Jan: 1811 nataet die24° Jan: 1811 baptizataest Joanna , filia Geo: et Sarah Wilkinson (olim Sturdy) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Byrne, Matrina Eliza Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 23° Jan: 1811 nata et die 30° Jan: 1811 baptizataest Maria Winship filia Mariae et Ric : Winship (olim Walker) conjugum Matrinafuit Eliza Walker p: procm: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead



Die 15° Maii 1809 natus et die 8° Feb: 1811 baptizatus est Joan : Cotterfilius Ric: et Eliz: Cotter (olim Smith) conjugumsine caeremoniis: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 6° Feb: 1811 natus et die 13° Feb: 1811 baptizatus est Gul: Mangan, filius Ric : et Sarah Mangan (olim Donavan) conjugum Patrinus fuit McCarrelOwen, Matrinafuit Margta Maires: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Feb: 1811 natus et die 17° Feb: 1811 baptizatus est Joannes Mayne, filius Joan: et Marg: Mayne (olim McGuire) conjugum. Patrinus fuit McCuluff , Matrina Brig: Champny: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 30 Jan: 1811 natus et die 24° Feb: 1811 baptizatus est Petrus [Kelly erased]filius Joan: Short et Eleonae (olim Murphy) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniel Curren , Matrinafuit Maria Hedley: a me Jac: Worswick

[149] Die 7° Feb: 1811 nata et die 4° Martii baptizataestAnna McGee, filia Hen: et Annae McGee (olim James) conjugum Patrinus fuit McCort , Matrina SusannaBoswell: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 18° Feb: 1811 nata et die 4° Martii baptizataest Dora filia Gul: Carr et Dora (olim Marshall) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jos: Harrison, Matrina fuit Maria Laws: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die2º Martii 1811 natus et die 7° ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus est Joan: Thompson filius Gul: et Mane Thompson (olim Possibly one of the Gateshead Silvertops.

Thompson ) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul: Leedbitter, Matrina ElizaAtkinson : a me Jac: Worswick St Nic: [150] Die 26° Feb: 1811 nata et die 11° Martii 1811 baptizataest Alicia, filia Mic: Phalan et Sarah (olim Savage) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Patricius Grace, MatrinaHellena Ireland: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die11° Feb: 1811 nata et die 11° Martii 1811 baptizata estAlicia, filia Joan: Wilson et Elize (olim Woodward) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jos: Jobey, Matrina Alicia Ladzari : a me Jac: Worswick . ShieldsS:

Die 10° Feb: 1811 natus Samuel Nixon et die 12° Feb: 1811 baptizatus est filius Ric : Nixon et Margae (olim Briton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Lutenor p: procm Jac: Dunn, Matrina Joana Lutenor. N.B. Caeremoniae fuerunt suppletae 11° Martii 1811 a me Jac: Worswick Huith [? Newcastle] [151] Die 10° Feb: 1811 natus et die 12° baptizatus est Chris: filius Ric: Nixon et Margae (olim Briton) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Joan: Simmons p: procm Gul : Shanks, Matrina Maria Simmons. N.B. Caeremoniae fuerunt suppletae 11° Martii a me Jac: Worswick Huith [? Heworth]

Die31° Martii 1811 nata et die 30 Martii [? Aprilis] 1811 baptizata est Isabella filia Those et Annae Hardy (olim Miller) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rad: Hardy, Matrina Joans Hardy p: procm Joan: Hardy: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die 13° Martii 1811 natus et die 4° Aprilis 1811 baptizatus est Joans , filius Aaron Tempest et Sarah (olim Crooks) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Shanks, Matrina fuit Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS : [152] Die30° Martii 1811 nata et die 6° Aprilis baptizata est Maria Anna Palmer, filia Ephrem et Mariae (olim .. . .) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rob: Taylor p: procm Rob: Errington, Matrina fuit Margta Giles : a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 6° Martii 1811 natus et die 7° Martii 1811 baptizatus est Gul: Dunn filius Geo: Those Dunn et Joane (olim Douglass ) conjugum. Matrina fuit Eliza Dunn, Patrinus fuit Gul: Douglass: a me Jac: Worswick . St John's

Die 2do Aprilis 1811 natus et die 8° Aprilis 1811 baptizatus est Joans filius Cuth' et Abigail Liddell (olim Bulman) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo : Dunn, Matrina Maria Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick . St Andrew.

Die 24° Martii 1811 nata et die 15° Aprilis baptizata est Joanna , filia Joan Gray et Eliza (olim Heppell) conjugum Patrinus fuit

Gual: Murphy, Matrina Elenora Reed: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead

[153] Die27° Aprilis 1811 natus et die 1º Maii 1811 baptizatus est Jac: Oliver, filius Jac: Do et Marg: Johnson o conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Smith et MatrinaMaria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . St Andrew

Die4° Maii 1811 natus et die 6° Maii 1811 baptizatus est Philippus Joans , filius Jos: et Margae Robson (olim Hamilton) conjugum.

Patrinus fuit Steps Wilkinson, Matrina Maria Robson: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 20° Aprilis 1811 natus et die 23° Ap: 1811 baptizatus [est] Jac: Oliver (Caeremoniae fuerunt suppletae 12 Maii 1811) filius Jac: Oliveret Elenae (olim Foster) conjugum Patrinus fuit Car: Foster, MatrinaMaria Foster: a me Jac: Worswick Heworth

Die 25° Aprilis 1811 natus et die 19° Maii 1811 baptizatus est Thoasfilius Hen: Collinset Isabae (olimHunter) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul: Hunter, Matrina Francisca Collins: a me Jac: Worswick Gosforth


Die 1° Maii 1811 nata et die 20° Maii 1811 baptizata est Maria, filia And : McDermot et Sarah (olim MacMullan) conjugum. Matrinafuit Maria Laws: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 11° Junii natus 1811 , et die 12° Ju¹ 1811 baptizatus est Gulielmus, filius Cuth' et SarahPatterson (olimSwinburn) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Hugh Swinburn p: procm ThosSnowdon, MatrinaAnna Shaw p: procm Suz : Cailey: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die 8° Junii 1811 natus et die 14° Jun' 1811 baptizatus estGeo: Fin, filius Geo: et Mariae Fin (olim Delanay) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, MatrinaIsaba Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 19° Maii 1811 natus et die 16° Junii 1811 baptizatus estThos , filius Those et Elizae Emmerson (olim Crooks) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Gray, Matrina fuit Isa: Reed: a me Jac: Worswick. Jarrow .

[155] Die 17° Junii 1811 nata et die 20° Junii 1811 baptizata est Joanna, filia Joan's et Mariae Wingate (olim Robson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ric: Wingate, Matrina fuit Maria Wingate: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew.

Die 13 Julii 1811 nata et die 14 ejusdem mensis baptisataest Elisabetha filia Joanniset LouisaeFenton ([olim] Straffen) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ant : Hodgson, Matrina Elizabetha Mesnard: a me Joanne Lingard St John's

Die 15 Julii 1811 natus et die 20 ejusdem mensis baptizatus est Thomas filius Gulielmi et Elizabethae Thirlwall (olim Russell) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Peary, Matrina Marg: Errington: a me Richardo Albot Jarrow.

[156] Die 18 Apr. 1811 nata et die 28 Julii baptizatafuitMariafilia Lucae et ThomassinaeMcDermot (olim Clish) conjugum Patrino Joanne Common et Matrina Maria Kay: a me Richardo Albot Newburn.

Die7° Aug: 1811 natus et die 13° Aug: 1811 baptizatus est Mat Liddell Atkinson, filius Mat: Atkinson et [blank] (olim Liddell) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Cuth: Liddell, MatrinaMaria Henderson: ame Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die 11° Aug: 1811 natus et die 16° Aug: 1811 baptizatus est Radulphus Hardy, filiusJoan : et Eliz: Hardy (olimPotts) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rad : Hardy, Matrina Joana Hardy p: procm Isa: Twedel: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead.


Die 8° Aug: 1811 nata et die 26° Aug: 1811 baptizata est Maria, filiaRowlandi McGee et Elizae (olim CollinsBrown) conjugum.

Patrinus Joan: Stuart, Matrina Marga Stuart: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS:

Die 12° Aug: 1811 nata et die 26° Aug: 1811 baptizataest Anna, filia Joan: Jacson et Esther (olim Gray) conjugum Patrinus fuit

Thos Gray, MatrinaAnna Gray: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die12° Aug: 1811 nata et die 26° Aug: 1811 baptizata est Hellena , filia Those Sandylandet Eliza (olim Gray) conjugum. Patrinusfuit

Gual: Robinson, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick. Newburn

Die 26° Aug: 1811 natus et die 2° Sep: 1811 baptizatus est Franciscus , filius Thoae et Marthae Hand (olim Buckless ) conjugum

Patrinus fuit Jac: McCanna , Matrina Catha McCanna : a me Jac: Worswick . All SS : [158]

Die 9° Sep: 1811 natus et die 15° Sep: 1811 baptizatus est Joannes , filius Joas et Mariae (olim Harrison) Barker, conjugum. Patrinus fuit Steps Wilkinson, Matrina Barba Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew.

Die 30° Junii 1811 natus et die 22d0 Sep : 1811 baptizatus conditionata est Gulielmus, filius Felicis et Chrisae Monaghan (olim Stalker) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Cosgrave , Matrina Anna Brown: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 11° Aug: 1811 natus et die 29° Sep: 1811 baptizatus est Joannes, filius Gul : Wood et Joanae (olim Crawford) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Hand , Matrina fuit Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 10° Oct: 1811 nata et die 14° Oct: 1811 baptizataest Eliza Grayfilia Elizae Gray et Car: (olim Hardy Mater) conjugum Patrinus fuit Rad: Hardy p: procm Gul : Cooper, MatrinaIsab: Twedel: ame Jac: Worswick. Gateshead. [159] Die 10° Oct: 1811 nata et die 14° Oct: 1811 baptizataest Francisca Johnson, filia Rob: et Mariae Johnson (olim Simmons) conjugum Patrinus fuit Rob: Crawford, Matrina fuit Anna Simmonsp: procm Maria Kay: a meJac: Worswick . All SS: Die 8° Oct: 1811 natus et die 21° Oct: 1811 baptizatus est Thoas filius Those Johnson et Mariae (olim Mollay) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Donnavan, Matrina Maria Duffy: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 23° Sep : 1811 Joan³ natus et die 21° Oct: baptizatus est ,filius Joan Croser et Mariae (olim Smiles) conjugum. PatrinusfuitGul: Davison, MatrinaN. Thorman : a me Jac : Worswick Gosforth.

Die 16° Junii 1811 nata et die 21° Oct: 1811 baptizata est Maria, filia Gul: Davison et Margtae (olim Hall) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul : Scott, Matrinafuit Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick. Jarrow. [160]

Die 17° Oct: 1811 natus et die 23° Oct: 1811 baptizatus est Mats, filius Anglo Ladzari et Aliciae (olim Gerard) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Ingham, Matrina Penpe Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 29° Maii 1811 nata et die 28° Oct: 1811 baptizata est Eliza, filia Hen: Carr et Marthae Carr (olimKirkpatrick) conjugum Matrina fuit [blank] : a me Jac: Worswick . All SS :

N.B. eodem die baptizatum esse Danielem Carr conditionate et caeremonias esse suppletas, natumdie 24° Feb: 1807 , Patrino Jac: Dunn.

Die 28° Aug: 1811 nata et die 4° Nov: 1811 baptizataest Catha [filia] Bernd Duffy et Mariae (olim McCort) conjugum Patrinus fuit Patricii Duffy, Matrina Maria Boyce: a me Jac: Worswick.

All SS :


Die 5° Nov: 1811 nata et die 11° Nov: 1811 baptizataest

Alicia, filia JoasYoung et Joanae (olimAustin) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Step: Wilkinson, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS :

Die 15° Nov: 1811 nata et die 17° Nov: 1811 baptizata est Hannah, filia Petri Tonor et Uni: (olim Mulheron) conjugum Patrinusfuit Jac: Lammon, Matrina Joana Welsh: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 8° Dec: 1811 nata et die 12° Dec: 1811 baptizata est Maria

Teresa, filiaGeo : et Isab: Lutenor (olim Stuart) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Antonius Hodgson, Matrina Teresa McKenzaiep: procm Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 18° Dec: 1811 nata et die 20° Dec: 1811 baptizataest Elizª, filia Jac: et Annae Sherwood(olimHodkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Hodkinson, Matrina Penelope Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick. StNic:


Die 25° Nov: 1811 natus et die 30° Dec: 1811 baptizatus est Mic' , filius Petri McCaronet Marg: (olim Tully) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Arrowsmith, Matrina Anna Maginnis: a me Jac: Worswick. Gosforth


Die25° Dec: 1811 natus et die 1° Jan: 1812 baptizatus estJoannes Haworth, filius Joannis H: Hudson et Joane (olim Marshall) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul: Douglass, Matrina Joanna Dunn: a me Jac: Worswick AllSS:

Die 17° Jan: 1812 natus et die 22° Jan: 1812 baptizatus est Jac: Ingham, filius Jac: et Margae Ingham (olim Hodkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Hodkinson , MatrinaMaria Hodkinson : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 29° Dec: 1811 natus et die 22° Jan: 1812 baptizatus est Car: Innis, filius Jac: et Elizae Innis conjugum (olim Harris) Patrinusfuit Car: Cooper, Matrina Maria Gandy: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

[163] Die 25° Sep: 1811 natus et Die 22° Jan: 1812 baptizatus est Gul: Mills filius Gul: O Connor et Mariae Mills Patrinus fuit Gul: Thompson, Matrina Catha Huart: a me Jac: Worswick . StNic: Die 2do Feb: 1812 natus et die 5° Feb: 1812 baptizatus est Geo: filius Chris: Ryan et Ciciliae (olimSavage) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniel Curren, Matrina Joana Heavyside: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 23° Feb: 1812 nataet die 28° Feb: 1812 baptizataest Maria, filia Jac: Lennon et Annae (olim Toner) conjugum Patrinus fuit Patrick Mundy, Matrina Unity Toner: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic :

Die 16° Feb: 1812 natus, et die 2do Martii baptizatus est Joannes , filius Joan: McGee et Mariae (olim Gleeson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, Matrinafuit Esther Champney: a me Jac: Worswick Shields [164]

Die 18° Martii 1812 natus et die 1º Aprilis baptizatus est Joannes, filius Jos: et Joannae Robbins (olim Anderson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Hugh Kennedy, Matrinafuit Hellena Anderson: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 10° Martii 1812 nata et die 5° Aprilis 1812 baptizata estMaria , filia Petri Spence et Laetiae (olim O Hara) conjugum Patrinus fuit

Rob: Joblin, Matrina Anna Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Wall's End

Die 10° Martii 1812 nata et die 6° Aprilis baptizata estMaria,filia ThoseMcConnonet Jemimae (olimRankin) conjugum. Matrinafuit

Rosa Hunter : a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 25° Martii 1812 natus et die 13° Aprilis 1812 baptizatus est MichaelMurphy, filius Jac: et Barb: Murphy (olimHall) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Car: Byrne p: procm Jac: Keedy, Matrina Maria Hodkinson: a me Jac: Worswick St John's. [165]

Die28° Martii 1812 nata et die 13° Aprilis 1812 baptizata est Maria Anna, filia Geo: Glendenning [Glendening in margin] et Mariae Annae (olim Richardson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Ric: Wingate, MatrinaMaria Smith: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead.

Die 10° Maii 1812 natus et die 15° Maii baptizatus est Radul: Tweddle, filius Sam: Tweddle et Isab: (olim Hardy) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rad: Hardy p: procm Gul: Cooper, Matrina Isab: Wilkinson: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead.

Die20° Maii1812 nata et die 22° Maii 1812 baptizata estEliza,filia David et Mariae Henderson(olim Taylor) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Gul: Heaton, Matrina Anna Dunn p: procm Rose Dunn: ameJac: Worswick . Heworth


Die 20° Maii 1812 natus et die 31° Maii 1812 baptizatus est Joannes, filius Alex: McDonald et Mariae (olim Clarke) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniel Curren , Matrina Chris McNally: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die28° Maii 1812 nata et die 14th Junii ejusdem anni baptizata est Joanna, filia Jacobi et Catharinae (olim MacBride) McClough conjugum Patrinus fuit Michael Macclough, MatrinaAnnaBoyle: a me J. Lingard. Close

Die 16 Junii nata et die 17 ejusdem mensis baptisata est Anna filia Georgii Dunn et Joannae (olim Douglass) conj: Patrinus fuit GeorgiusDunn, Matrina [blank] Douglass: J. Lingard. [167]

Die 22° Maii nata et die 21 Junii baptisata est Margarita, filia Josephi et Annae Robinson (olim Jobling) conjugum. Patrinus Robert Jobling, Matrina Dorothea Jobling: a me J. Lingard St John's .

Die 6 Junii nata et die 21 Junii baptisata est Maria filiaThomae Cosgrowet Elisabethae(olim Hall) conjugum. PatrinusfuitJoannes Gorninget Dña Giles : à me J. Lingard BykerHill

Die 10° Junii 1812 natus et die 29° Junii baptizatus est Rob:


filius Jac: Wardropper et Mariae (olim Clannet) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Hann, MatrinaEliza Hann: a meJac: Worswick. Jarrow.


Die 25° Junii 1812 natus et die 17° Julii 1812 baptizatus est Giles, filius Joan: Pinkny et Eliz: (olim Hadderick) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Andrews p: procm Gul : Cooper, Matrina Maria Dale: a me Jac: Worswick. N: Shields

Die 1º Junii 1812 natus et die 26° Julii 1812 baptizatus est Jonathan, filius Joans et Isabae Thompson (olim Greer) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rob: Dodds, Matrina Eliza Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick. LongBenton

Die 18° Julii 1812 nata et die 5° Aug: 1812 baptizata est Marg: Wascoe, filia Geo: et Joan: Wascoe(olim Bell) conjugum. Matrina fuitMariaSmith: a me Jac: Worswick. StNic:

Die 10° Aug: 1812 nata et die 11 Aug: 1812 baptizataest Margta Arthur, filia Gul: et Cathae Arthur (olimWinter) conjugum Patrinus fuit Rob: Arthur, MatrinaDorothea p: procm Anna Gare : a me Jac: Worswick Gosforth [169] Die 9° Aug: 1812 nata et die 15° Aug: 1812 baptizataest Catha, filia Those et Mariae Moody (olim Spencer) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Mat: Dunn p: prox : Car: Hodkinson, Matrina Maria Davison: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 29° Julii 1812 natus et die 16° Aug: 1812 baptizatus est Hens Foster Thompson, filius Gul: et Mariae (olimThompson) Thompson, conjugum. Patrinus Thos Wingate, Matrina Anna Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick . StNic:

Die27° Julii 1812 natus et die 16° Aug: 1812 baptizatus estJoans , filius Joans Charlton et Elizae (olimYoung) conjugum Patrinus fuit JoansCharlton, MatrinaMartha Charlton : a me Jac: Worswick. St John's

Die 2doAug: 1812 nata et die 24° Aug: 1812 baptizataest Cath³ , filia Adam Downey et Mariae (olim Snowball) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul: Dixon, Matrina Dia Snowball: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew [170] Die 21° Julii 1812 natus et die 26° Aug: 1812 baptizatus est Thos, filius Jac: et Joanae Snaith (olim Snaith) conjugum Patrinus fuit Gul: Cooper, Matrina[blank] Ellot: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 23° Dec: 1808 nata et die 5° Sep: 1812 baptizataest Maria

Anna, filia Jac: et Annae Smith (olimMurphy) conjugum. Matrina MariaForeman: a me Jac: Worswick

Die22do Dec: 1810 natus et die 8° Sep: 1812 baptizatus est Hen: filius Jac: et Mariae Smith (olim Murphy) conjugum Patrinusfuit

Joan: Ewbank : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 30° Sep : 1812 natus et die 2° Oct: 1812 baptizatus est Gul: filius Jos: et Eliz: Marlen (olim Gibson) conjugum. Patronus fuit Henrs Lilly: a me Jac: Worswick Gosforth. [171] Die 30° Sep: 1812 nata et die 2do Oct : 1812 baptizataest Eliz: filia Jos : et Eliz: Marlen (olim Gibson) conjugum Matrina Brig: Champny p: procm Joana Lawson: a me Jac: Worswick. Gosforth

Die 17° Oct: 1812 natus et die 25° Oct: 1812 baptizatus est Joan filius Gul: Guy et Hellae Guy (olim Shotton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Daniel O Curren, Matrina Isa: Ellot: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS:

Die 21° Oct: 1812 nata et die 9° Nov: 1812 baptizata est Anna, filiaJac: et AnnaeDougharty (olimBrown) conjugum Patrinusfuit

Daniel O Curren, Matrina Rosa Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick



Die 31° Aug: 1812 natus et die 23° Nov: baptizatus est Eds, filius Joan: et Cathae Hedley (olim Woodruff) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Pat: Lacy, Matrina Eliza Pinkney: a me Jac: Worswick

Shields N: [


Die 28° Oct: 1812 natus et die 16° Nov: baptizatus est Gul: filius Luc : et Christianae Haggerty (olim Nowlan) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Hartnett, Matrina Ceca Rathborne p: procm Maria Haggerty: a me Jac: Worswick . Shields N:

Die 6 Nov: 1812 natus et die 15° Nov: 1812 baptizatus est Gul: filius Jac: et Sus: Murray (olim Mulnay) conjugum Patrinusfuit

Tim: Fanlen, Matrina Brig: McConnell: a me Jac: Worswick .

Shields N:

Die 22° Nov : 1812 nata et die 14° Dec: 1812 baptizata est Alicia filia Pauli Ladzari et Sarah (olim Matly) conjugum. Matrina fuit

Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die Sep: 1° 1812 natus et die 20° Dec: 1812 baptizatus est Jac: filius Const: O Neil et Margae (olim Bulmer) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: McKennee, MatrinaElenora Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick. Shields N: [173] Die 23° Nov: 1812 nata et die 21° Dec : 1812 baptizataest Margta, filia Terence Kilbride et Cathae (olim Pyne) conjugum. Patrinus o, Matrina fuit Eliz: Anderson: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS:

Die 27° Nov: 1812 natus et die 27° Dec: 1812 baptizatus est Joans , filius Joan: Hogg et Mariae (olim Hewitson) conjugum. Patriuns fuit Joan: Gray, Matrina Isaba Reed: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateside

Die 6° Dec: 1812 nata et die 14° 1812 baptizata est Joans, filia Gul: et Eliz: Laing (olim Wheatly) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos: Wheatley,Matrinafuit Hannah Dunn p: procm Joana Wheatly: a me Jac: Worswick Benwell

Die 24° Dec: 1812 natus et die 27° Dec: 1812 baptizatus est Joans, filius Joan: Young et Joanae (olim Austin) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo : Lutenor, Matrina Maria Ganly: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS: [174]

Die 1° Dec: 1812 natus et die 27° Dec: 1812 baptizatus est Jerom, filius Jerom Bombelli et Annae (olim Greaves) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Berry, Matrina Eliz: Dunning: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:


Die 18° Jan: 1813 nata et die 24° Jan: baptizata est Barbarafilia Joan'sBarker et Mariae (olim Harrison) conjugum. PatrinusJacus

Dason, Eliz: Harrison Matrina: Gul Hoggart St Andr: North umber ld Street [Northumberland St.].

Die 11° Jan : 1813 natus et die 27° Jan: 1813 baptizatus est Jac: filius Jac: Follis et Eliz: (olim Wood) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, MatrinaMaria Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 220 Jan 1813 natus et die 26° Jan: 1813 baptizatus est Hens filius Cuth¹ et Abigail Liddell (olim Bulman) conjugum Patrinus fuit Geo: DunnJun , MatrinaDora Atkinson p: procm Maria Henderson : a me Jac: Worswick StAndrew [175]

Die29° Feb: [ ? 1812] nata et die 7° Feb: 1813 baptizata est Esther, filia Gul: Bambridge et Joanne (olim Dickinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joans Reed p: procm Joan: Gray, Matrinafuit Marg: Jason: a me Jac: Worswick. Lamesby.

Die 1° Jan: 1813 nata et die 10° Feb: 1813 baptizata est Elenora , filia Jac: et Mariae Robinson (olim Mallam) conjugum. Matrina Rosa Hunter: a meJac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die 31° Jan: 1813 natus et die 14° Feb: 1813 baptizatus est Rad , filius Those et Hannah Hardy (olimMiller) conjugum. Patrinusfuit

Sam Tweddell, Matrina Eliza Gray: a me Jac: Worswick Wall's End ?

Die 12° Feb: 1813 natus et die 15° Feb: 1813 baptizatus est Joan filius Joan: Mollins et Margae (olimSmart) conjugum Patrinusfuit Jac: Dunn, Matrina Rosa Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [176] Die 24° Dec: 1812 nata et die 15° Feb: 1813 baptizataest Margta filia Jacobi Murphy et Honorae (olim Dunn) conjugum. PatrinusMich: Conroy, Matrina Ellena Galway: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 16° Feb: 1813 natus et die 28° Feb: 1813 baptizatus est Gul: filiusGul: Thirlwall et Eliza (olimRussell) conjugum . Patrinusfuit Rob: Dobson, Matrina Margt Errington: a me Jac: Worswick. Jarrow

Die 24° Feb: 1813 natus et die 1° Martii 1813 baptizatus est Thomas, filius Jos Dean et Hannah (olim Todd) conjugum Patrinus fuit Car: Hodkinson, Matrina Maria Hedley: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead .

Die ... Jan : 1813 natus et die 1º Martii baptizatus est Mathias , filius Car: Stuart Bell et Eliz: (olim Todd) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thos Todd p: procm Joan: Coulthard , Matrina Catha Todd: a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [177] Die 6° Feb: 1813 natus et die 4° Martii 1813 baptizatus est Joan: filius Gulielmi Carr et Dorae (olim Marshall) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Jac: Dunn, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die28° Feb: 1813 natus et die 14° Martii baptizatus est Joans filius Thoseet Eliz:Emmerson (olimCrooks) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jos: Crooks, Matrina Margta Errington: a me Jac: Worswick Jarrow.

Die 11° Martii 1813 nata et die 18° Martii 1813 baptizata est Maria, filia Sarah Hutchinson (olim Jacson) et Ric¹ conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Jacson, Matrina Eliz: Marr: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 24° Feb: natus 1813, et die 21° Martii baptizatus estGul:filius Joan: et Isab: Cooper (olim Robinson) conjugum. Patrinus Car: Cooper: a me Ric: Albot, Teste Jac: Worswick. [178]

Die 15° Martii 1813 natus et die 21° Martii baptizatus est Jacobus , filius Jac: Byrne et Eliz: (olimDixon) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Mic: Barrett, Matrina Esther Murphy: a me Jac: Worswick . Shields N:

Die8° Martii 1813 nata et die 22° Martii 1813 baptizata est Eleon: Sarah Tolly, filia Joan: et Sarah Tolly (olim Hall) conjugum. MatrinaN. Hall: a me Jac : Worswick N: Shields

Die 22° Dec: 1812 nata et die 2do Jan: 1813 baptizata est Marg: filia Gul: Story et Isab: (olim Hall) conjugum. Matrina Eliz: Pinckny : Dño BrownTeste, a me Jac: Worswick N: Shields

Die 30° [ 28] Martii 1813 natus et die 28° [? 30] Martii 1813 baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Ric: et Mariae Winship (olimWalker) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Thos Walker, Matrina FrancesTeasdale: a me Jac:Worswick . St John's [179]

Die 4° Martii 1813 nata et die 29° Martii 1813 baptizataest Eliza filia Mariae (olim Maral) et Ed: Hunter conjugum. Patrinus fuit Chris : Brennan, Matrina Isab: Wilkinson: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 13° Martii 1813 nata et die 5° Aprilis baptizata est Marga, filia Geo: Pearson et Eliza (olim Watson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Fenton, Matrina Maria Henzy: a me Jac : Worswick . St Andrew.

Die Jan: 22° 1813 nata et die 5° Ap: 1813 baptizataest Cath³ , filia Gul: Bannister et Judith (olim Byrne) conjugum Matrina Rosa Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 26° Martii 1813 natus et die 7° Aprilis baptizatus est Chris: filius Those Peary et Gratiae (olim Scott) conjugum. Patrinusfuit Thoas Ogle p: procm Gul : Ewbank, Matrina [Anna crossed out] Peary p: procm Eliz: Ogle: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead. [180]

Die 21° Martii 1813 natus et die 11° Aprilis 1813 baptizatus est Joan: filius Lucae McDermot et Thoae (olim Clish) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Mic: Ward, MatrinaMaria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . Newburn.

Die 27° Martii 1813 natus et die 12° Ap. baptizatus est Patrick , filius Petri O Callanghan [O Callang in margin] et Mariae (olim McKay) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Gul : Caulther, Matrina Maria Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 14° Ap: 1813 nata et die 19° Apri : 1813 baptizata est Margta filia Jac: Sherwoodet Annae (olimHodkinson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo: Thomas, MatrinaMaria Blakeclock: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 19° Ap: 1813 natus et die 30° Ap: 1813 baptizatus est Rob: Greavson filius Suz: Allen et Thone Greavson MatrinaAnna Reay: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [181]

Die 21° Ap: 1813 nata et die 12 Maii baptizata est Cath , filia Patrici Donaghany et Franciscae (olim Mullen) conjugum Patrinus fuit Mic: Brannan , Matrina Catha Marmont : a me Jac: Worswick .


Die 31° Dec: 1812 natus et die 17° Maii 1813 baptizatus estThomas, filius Gul: Reily et Joan: (Goolding olim) conjugum Patrinus fuit NeilTully, MatrinaAgnes Boyle : ameJac: Worswick. StNic:

Die 24° Maii 1811 natus et die 17° Maii 1813 baptizatus est Gul: filiusChris: Brannan et Joan: (olimWrightson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joan: Ewbank: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 27° Martii 1813 natus et die 17° Maii 1813 baptizatus est Joan: filius Chris: Brannan et Joan: (olim Wrightson) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Rob : Wilkinson, Matrina Maria Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead

[182] Die ... Maii 1813 natus et die 19° Maii baptizatus est Geo: filius Jo: Taylor et Annae (olim . . ..) conjugum Patrinus fuit

Rob: Giles p: procm Mark Teasdale , MatrinaAnna Proctor : a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 17° Maii 1813 nata et die 24° Maii 1813 baptizata est Maria, filia Joan: Davies et Esther (olim Fullerton) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo: Glendening, Matrina MariaMesnard: a me Jac: Worswick . St Andrew .

Die 16° Maii 1813 natus et die 24° Maii 1813 baptizatus est Patricius, filius Gul : Kashiltyet Ellen : (Macguire olim) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Davies, Matrina Grace Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew

Die4° Maii 1813 nata et die eodem baptizata est etdie 24° Maii caeremoniae supae Maria, filia Neil Tunny et Cath: (olim Good) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Ben: McKenna, Matrina Eliz: Harrison: a me Jac: Worswick.

[183] Die 27° Maii 1813 natus et die 29° Maii baptizatus est Gul: Jos: filius Gul: Thompson et Isabellae (olim Millis) Patrinus Jos: Dunn, MatrinaHenriettaHott : a me Jac: Worswick. AllSS:

Die 21° Feb: 1813 nata et die 14° Junii baptizata est Joanna, filia Joan: et Joanae Hudson (olim Marshall) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Geo : Thos Dunn, Matrina Maria Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew.

Die 26° Junii 1813 nata et die 4° Julii 1813 baptizataest Maria, filia Jac: Gilhaugher et Elizae (olimKillmartin) conjugum Patrinus fuit Dan: O Curren, MatrinaAnna Henwright : a meJac: Worswick. St Nic:

[184] The sixfollowingentries are on two sheets of paper inserted here in the Register , pages 185 (2 entries), 186 (2), 187 (blank) and 188 (2 entries).

[185] Die 12 Julii 1813 Natus et die 18 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizatus fuit Edwardus Wingate, filius Joannis Wingate et Mariae Wingate (olim Robson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Thomas Wingate , Matrina Maria Wingate: a me Jac: Platt Misso Apco

Die 15 Julii 1813 Nata et die 18 ejusdemmensisetannibaptizata fuit Joanna Hand, filia Thomae Hand et Marthae Hand (olim Buckley) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Roney, Matrina Anna Burn: a me Jac: Platt Misso Apco.

[186] Die 3 Junii 1813 nata et die 18 ejusdem mensis et anni baptizata fuit Esther Palmer filia Ephrem Palmer et Mariae Palmer

(olim Lowe) conjugum Patrinus fuit Jacobus Hales, Matrina Frances Redshaw: a me Jac: Platt Misso Apco.

Die 13 Julii 1813 nata et die 18 ejusdemmensis et anni baptizata fuit Maria Anna Howe, filia Georgii How et Margaritae How (olim Watson) conjugum Patrinus fuit Joannes Fenton, Matrina Anna How: a me Jac: Platt Misso Apco

[187] blank .


On the 25th day of July 1813 was born and on the 1st day of Augt was baptized James Domogan son of Patrick and Elizh Domogan. Sponsors James Mason, Cathe Domogan [not signed].

On the 31st day of July 1813 was born & on the 2nd of Augt 1813 was baptized Elizabeth Thomas daughter of George and Penelope Thomas Sponsors John Sherwood, Mary Hodkinson : by me FrancisMartynAp. Misss. [189]

Die 22° Julii natus, et die 25° Julii 1813 baptizatus est Gulielmus, filius Georgii Wilkinsonet Sarae (olim Hardy) conjugum Matrinus fuit Gulielmus Heaton, et MatrinaAnna Dunn : a me Ric: Albot

Die 22° Julii 1813 Nata, et die 25° Julii 1813 baptizata est Francisca Monica, filia Davidis Henderson et Mariae (olim Taylor) conjugum Patrinus fuit Bernardus Taylor, et Matrina Elizabeth Walker: a me Ric: Albot

Die25° Junii 1813 nata, et die 25° Julii 1813 baptizata est Elizabetha filia Joannis Walker et Mariae (olim Collier) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joa: Fergusson et Matrina Anna Burn: a me Ric: Albot.

Die 25° Junii 1813 natus, et die 25° Julii 1813 baptizatus est Jacobus Marmont filius Jacobi Marmont et Margaritae (olim Donough) conjugum Patrinus fuit Josephus Robson: a me Ric: Albot [190] Die 6° Aug: 1813 nata et die 8° Aug: 1813 baptizata est Maria Anna, filia Mariae Usher et Joan: Gorman Patrinus fuit N. Lutenor p: procm Gul : Davies, Matrina Brig: Champney: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 2do Sep: 1813 natus et die 4° Sep: 1813 baptizatus est Gul: filius Gul: et Eliz: Heaton (olim Henderson ) conjugum. Patrinus fuit Joan: Smith, MatrinaMaria Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew.

Die 2° Sep: 1813 nata et die 8° Sep: 1813 baptizata est Isabella, filia Ric: et Marg: Nixon (olim Briton) conjugum Patrino Rob: Dobson p: procm Jo: Wilson, Matrina Maria Nixon: a me Jac: Worswick. Heworth

Die 3º Feb: 1813 natus et die 21° Sep: 1813 baptizatus est Hen® Brown, filius Thoae Brown et Annae Douglass . Patrinus fuit Jac: Keedy: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS: [191]

Die 24° Sep: 1813 natus et die 26° Sep: 1813 baptizatus est Gul: filius Joan: et Eliz: Hardy (olim Potts) conjugum Patrinus fuit Sam: Tweddle, Matrina Eliz: Gray: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead .

Die25° Sep: 1813 nata et die 27° Sep: 1813 baptizataest Joanna ,

filia Geo: et Isabellae Lutenor (olim Stewart) conjugum. Patrino Jos: Lutenor, MatrinaMaria Byrne: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 11° Sep: 1813 nata et die 3° Oct: 1813 baptizata estSarah,filia Joan: et Eliz: Gray (olim Heppell) conjugum Patrinusfuit Gul: Bainbridge, Matrina Hannah Reed: a me Jac : Worswick Heworth

Die 11° Sep: 1813 natus et die 3° Oct: 1813 baptizatus est Gul: filius Phil : et Annae Sheridan (olimEllot) conjugum Patrinus Ber: Doran, Matrina[blank] McKenna: a me Jac: Worswick AllSS: [192]

Die 11° Sep: 1813 natus et die 25° Oct: 1813 baptizatus est Car: Joans, filius Car: Pearson et Mariae Richardson PatrinoGul: Pearson , Matrina Eliza Pearson: a me Jac: Worswick . Wickam

Die 22° Oct: 1813 natus et die 25° Oct: 1813 baptizatus est Thos filius Gul: et Eliz: Hunter (olim Austin) conjugum Patrinus Thos Hunter, Matrina Eliz: Lily: a me Jac : Worswick Kenton [N.B. Gemini in margin.]

Die 23° Oct: natus 1813 et die 25° Oct: 1813 baptizatus est Jos: filius Gul: et Eliz: Hunter (olim Austin) conjugum. Patrino Jos: Hunter, Matrina Maria Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick Kenton

Die 30° Oct: 1813 nata et die 1° Nov: 1813 baptizata est Maria Sarah Cuitt, filia Hen: et Mariae Cuitt (olim Shipley) conjugum. PatrinoGul : Shipley p: procm Jo: Fergusson, MatrinaIsab: Wilkinson: a me Jac: Worswick. St John's [193]

Die 24° Sep: 1813 nata et die 15° Nov: baptizata est Maria , filia Hugh Dowling et Marg: (olim Bowman) conjugum. Matrina Anna Robson: a me Jac: Worswick Long Benton

Die 6° Ap: 1813 natus et die 3° Dec: 1813 baptizatus est Gul: filius ThoseLeach etAnnae (olim Shotton) conjugum. PatrinoJoan: Ewbank, MatrinaMariaShotton : a me Jac: Worswick St John's

Die .. . 1810 natus et die 8° Dec: 1813 baptizatus est Thos, filius Those Leach et Annae (olim Shotton) conjugum PatrinoGeo: Draycotte: a me Jac: Worswick . St John.

Die 4° Dec: 1813 natus et die 16° Dec: 1813 baptizatus est Franciscus, filius Joan: et Marg: Main [Cooper in margin, but obviously a slip] (olim McGuire) conjugum. Patrino Jac: Roney, Matrina Cath: Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick . Wall's End [194] Die 29° Dec: 1813 natus et die 31° Dec: 1813 baptizatus est Miles Patterson filius Cuth: et Sarah Patterson (olim Shaw) conjugum. Patrinus Thos Snowdon, Matrina Hannah Middleton : a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead . [1814]

Die 25° Nov: 1813 natus et die 26 Nov: 1813 baptizatus est Rob: filius Rob: et Mariae Johnson (olim Simmons) conjugum Caeremoniae suppletae sunt 12 Jan: 1814 , Rob: Davison patrino, Maria Davison matrina p: procm Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick.

All SS:

Die 14° Jan: 1814 nata et die 16° Jan : 1814 baptizataest Isabella , filia Those Bolam et Eliz: (olim Blakey) conjugum, Patrino Step: Wilkinson p: procm Cuth : Pattison, Matrina Maria Palmer : a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead.

Die 14° Dec: 1813 natus et die 10 Jan: 1814 baptizatus estDavid, filius Petri et Laetitiae Spence (olim O Hara) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Cooper p: procm Edv: Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick Wall's End [195]

Die 10° Nov: 1811 nata et die 24° Jan: 1814 baptizataest Sarah, filia Jac: et Annae Mitchell (olim Sankster) conjugum.

Matrina Maria Bell : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 12° Jan: 1814 natus et die 7° Feb: 1814 baptizatus [est] Jos: [filius] Gulielmi Marshall et Mariae (olim Wilson) conjugum. Patrinus Joan: Coulthard, Matrina Eliz: Marr: a me Jac: Worswick


Die 12° Feb: 1814 natus et die 14° Feb: 1814 baptizatus est Radulphus, filius Joan: et Eliz: Gray (olim Hardy) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hardy p: procm Joan: Coulthard , Matrina Joa Hardy : a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead.

Die 13° Feb: 1814 natus et die 18° Feb: 1812 [sic] baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Petri McGuire et Mariae (olim Magee) conjugum, Patrino Gul : Pearson, Matrina Anna McGuire: a me Jac: Worswick [All] SS . [196]

Die 6º Feb: 1814 natus et die 21° Feb: 1814 baptizatus est Thos, filius Jac: Stephenson et Joane (olim Imlage) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Dunn, MatrinaMariaBell: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 20° Feb: 1814 natus et die 28° Feb: 1814 baptizatus est Rogerius , filius Joan: Corran [Coran in margin] et Katha (olim Mony) conjugum, Patrino Petro Kelly, Matrina N. Harrison p: procm Maria Bell: a me Jac: Worswick StNic:

Die5° Martii 1814 nata et die 7° Martii 1814 baptizataest Agnes filia Jos: et Margae Robson (olim Hamilton) conjugum, Patrino ThomaBannison, MatrinaMaria Anna Smith: a me Jac: Worswick. StNic:

Die24° Feb: 1814 natus et die 7° Martii 1814 baptizatus est Rob: filius The Cosgrowet Isabellae (olim Hall) conjugum, PatrinoThoa McGavi, MatrinaDor: McGavi : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [197] Die 27° Feb: 1814 natus et die 8° Martii baptizatus est Samuel Joan: filius Sam: Thoae et Isab: Tweddell (olim Hardy) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hardy, Matrina Joana Hardy: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead

Die 19° Martii 1814 nata et die 23° Martii baptizataest Maria, filia TerenciMcIver et M. (olim McKenna) conjugum, Matrina Joana Reily, PatrinoGul : Boyle: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 4° Martii 1814 nata et die 27° Martii baptizata est FranaDor filia Joan: Collings et Mariae (olim Lynn) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Hunter, Matrina Frana Collings [not signed]. St John's

Die 1° Ap: 1814 nata et die 2º Ap: 1814 baptizata est Joana filia Geo: Those Dunn et Joanae (olim Douglass ) conjugum, Patrino Cuth: Dunn, Matrina Eliz: Heaton : a me Jac: Worswick Westgate. [198]

Die 22° Martii 1814 nata et die 10 Ap: 1814 baptizataest

One of the Dunn family who lived in Bath House , Westgate Road, Newcastle, generous subscribersto the building ofSt. Mary's Cathedral

Hannah filia Giles Pincknay et Mariae (olim March) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Pincknay, Matrina Catha Pincknay: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 21° Martii 1814 natus et die 10 Ap: baptizatus est Gul: [filius] Luke Farrell [Ferrall in margin] et Annae (olim Aaron) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Tully, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick. Wickam.

Die 10 Apr: 1814 natus et die 18 Ap: 1814 baptizatus est Gul: filius Jos: et JoeRobbins (olim Anderson) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Trees, Matrina Ellennor Anderson: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 17° Ap: 1814natus et die 20° Ap: 1814 baptizatus est Archbald, filius Joan: Fenton et Louisae (olim Strachan) conjugum, Patrino Jos: Robson, Matrina Hannah Dean: a me Jac: Worswick. St John's. [199] Die 1° Feb: 1814 nata et die 2do Maii baptizata est Anna, filia Those et Agn: Gall (olim Andycott) conjugum, [Matrina] Cath: Berkly: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS:

Die2° Maii 1814 natus et die 3° Maii 1814 baptizatus est Gul : filius Joan: Haworth Hudson et Joanae (olim Marshall) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Heaton, Matrina Eliz: Heaton: a me Jac: Worswick


Die 2do Maii 1814 nata et die 9° Maii baptizata est MariaAnna Shea, filia Jac: et Sarah Shea (olim Harper) conjugum, Patrino Tho Cantwall , Matrina Anna Richardson: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 9° Ap: 1814 nata et die 11° Maii 1814 baptizataest Maria Anna, filia Edv: Flinn et Mariae (olim Lalor) conjugum, MatrinaJul: Scott: a me Jac: Worswick M.A. Gateshead

[200] Die 8° Maii 1814 nata et die 13° 1814 baptizata est Anna , filia Jac: et Marg: Ingham (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Fletcher, Matrina Maria Hodkinson : a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew.

Die 9° Aug: 1784 natus et die 21° Maii 1814 baptizatus est Jos: filius Benj: et Sarah Robbins (olim Wilkinson) conjugum, Teste et Patrino Thoa Trees : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 17° Ap: 1814 nata et die 29° Maii baptizata est Catha , filia Caroli Cooper et Mariae (olim Taylor) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Cooper, matrina Deba Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick. Jarrow.

Die24° Maii 1814 natus et die 1º Junii baptizatus est Joan: filius Jac: Murphy et Barb: (olim Hall) conjugum, Matrina Maria Kay, Patrino Gul: Pearson: a me Jac : Worswick St John's [201] Die 21° Maii 1814 natus et die 12° Junii 1814 baptizatus est Joannes, filius Joan: et EleonoraeJacques (olim Pearson) conjugum , Patrino Gul: Jacques , Matrina Eliza Jacques : a me Jac: Worswick . All SS :

Die 17° Maii 1814 natus et die 29° Junii 1814 baptizatus est Gul: filius Chris' et Mariae Tate (olim Bell) conjugum, Patrino Mic: Boughan, MatrinaMaria Boyle : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 3º Maii 1814 natus et die 1° Julii 1814 baptizatus est Step: Dean filius Thoae Dean et Annae Fullerton, Patrino Gul: Pearson , Matrina[blank]Elliot: ameJac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 3º Julii 1814 nata et die 10° Ju: 1814 baptizataest Catha , filia Gul: Conroy et Sarha [sic] (olim .. .) conjugum, Patrino

Joanne Doyle, MatrinaMaria Doyle : a me Jac: Worswick StNic [202]

Die 30° [? 10] Julii 1814 natus et die 10° [? 30] 1814 baptizatus est Mat : filius Sam: Bell [Stephensonin margin] et Mariae Crenson , Patrino Gul : Carr, Matrina Maria Laws: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Junii 1814 nata et die 10º Julii 1814 baptizata est Maria, filia Car: Boyle et Annae (olim McBride) conjugum, Patrino Clem: Killin, MatrinaMaria Killin: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 15° Junii 1814 natus et die 10° Julii baptizatus est Jos: filius Gul: Thirlwall et Eliz: (olim Russell) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Hales , Matrina Anna Proctor: a me Jac: Worswick . Jarrow

Die 29° Junii 1814 [natus] et die 17° Julii baptis est Joannesfilius Bernardi McKanna et Elizabethae (olim Parkison) Patrinus Jac: MacKanna et Anna Sprout Matrina: Gulo Hoggart M.A.* St Maria, Gateshead [203]

Die27° Julii natus et die 31 ejusdem[mensis] baptizatus est Gulielmus filius Isaaci Neileson et Elizabethae (olim Ennis) conjugum. Patrinus JoannesDavies et Anna Halbrook Matrina: Gulo Hoggart. St Nic:

Die 21° Julii nata et die 14° Aug: 1814 baptizataest Maria, filia Joan: Young et Mariae (olim Newcomb) conjugum, Patrino Car: Larkin, Matrina Anna Bell : a me Jac: Worswick. Gosforth .

Die 24° Julii 1814 nata et die 14° Aug: 1814 baptizata est Maria , filiaJac:Wardroper et Mariae (olim Clennet) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Curry, MatrinaAnna Sprout : a me Jac: Worswick StJohn's

Die 29° Julii 1814 natus et die 14° Aug: 1814 baptizatus est Geo: filius Patricii Smithet Eliza (Dawson olim) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Galacher, MatrinaJoana Shavalin: a me Jac: Worswick . StJohn's. [204]

Die 24° Aug: 1814 nata et die 25° Aug: 1814 baptizataest Agnes, filia Gul : et Mariae Thompson (olim Thompson) conjugum , Matrina Anna Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 30° Aug: 1814 natus et die 9° Sep : 1814 baptizatus est Thos , filiusThose Flower et Hannah (olim Smith) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Wilson , Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Sep: 1814nata et die 25° Sep: 1814 baptizataest Maria, filia Petri George et Joanae (olim Alliburton) conjugum, Patrino Ang: Ladzari , Matrina Maria Anna Robson: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 17° Aug: 1814 natus et die 3º Oct: 1814 baptizatus est Tho³, filius Edw: et JoanaeWood (olimMcClaren) conjugum, PatrinoThoa Wilson, Matrina Reb: Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [205] Die 27° Sep: 1814 natus et die 7° Oct: 1814 baptizatus est Radulphus filius Jos: et Mariae Wilkinson (olim Middlemust) con-

* Native of Dodding Green , Westmorland, b 1786, went to CrookHall and ordained at Ushaw 1809. Served Cliffe Hall on Tees 1816-24, then moved toDarlington,wherehe spentthe rest ofhis life. Consecrated Vicar Apostolic 1848, and Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle1850 till his death in 1866. The name is thus spelt at Kendal to-day (C.R.S., Vol 32 , p. 53.)

jugum, Patrino Joan: Wilson, Matrina CathaMcKenna: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die 5° Oct: 1814 nata et die 9º Oct: 1814 baptizata est_Maria, filia Joan: Hales et Elizae (olim Hetherington) conjugum, Patrino Nic: Giles, MatrinaDor: Ward: a me Jac: Worswick. AllSS:

Die 15° Ap: 1814 nata et die 17° Oct: 1814 baptizata est Marga, filia Joan: Charlton et Eliza (olim Young) conjugum, Matrina Maria Charlton : a me Jac : Worswick St John.

Die 18° Oct: 1814 natus et die 24° Oct: 1814 baptizatus est Rob : [filius] Luc: Robinson et Annae (olim Joblin) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Lock, Matrina Franc: Teesdale: a me Jac: Worswick St John.

[206] Die 26° Oct: 1814 natus et die 30° Oct: 1814 baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Jac: Lenning et Annae (olim Turner) conjugum, PatrinoPetri Kelly, MatrinaBrig: McManes : a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die Sep: 1814 natus et die 6° Nov: 1814 baptizatus est Edw: filius Jac: McCalpinet Marg: (olim Clarke) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Follis, MatrinaAnna Johnson: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 2do Nov: 1814nata et die 27° Nov: 1814 baptizata est Maria , filia Jos : et Eliz: Gordison (olim Launders) conjugum, Patrino Alex : Campbell, Matrina p: procm Eliz: Elliott: a me Jac: Worswick S. John.

Die 27° Junii 1813 nata et die 8° Dec: 1814 baptizata est Eliza McManes , filia Achneh (olimMillanophy) et Mat: McManes conjugum , MatrinaAnna Reay: a me Jac: Worswick [207] Die 4° Julii 1814 natus et die 26° Dec: 1814 baptizatus est Mic: filius Nic: Downing et Annae (olim Orbury) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Hall: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS: [1815]

Die ... Dec: 1814 nata et die 1° Jan: 1815 baptizata est Isabella, filiaJoan: Thornton et Annae (olim Dockerty) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Lindsay, Matrina Isabel: Lindsay: a me Jac : Worswick. St Mary

Die 20° Dec: 1814 nata et die 1° Jan: 1815 baptizata est Marga [filia] Joan: Hogg et Mariae (Huison olim) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Gray, Matrina Helena Reed: a me Jac : Worswick .

Die 29° Nov: 1814 natus et die 2do Jan: 1815 baptizatus estJac: filius Jac: Sanderson et Mariae Annae (olim Sturdy) conjugum, Patrino Alex: Dodds, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . St Nic: [208] Die ... Dec: 1814 natus et die 2do Jan: 1815 baptizatus est Jos: filius Gul: Guy et Hellenae (olim Chuxton) conjugum, Patrino Jos : Robson, Matrina N. Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 24° Dec: 1814 natus et die 23° Jan: 1815 baptizatus est Thos Routladge Wingate , filius Those Wingateet Marg: (olim Harrower) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Wingate et MariaWingate [Matrina]: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 28° Dec: 1814 nata et die 5° Feb: 1815 baptizata est Hellena

filia Petri McKenna et Hell: (Patterson olim) conjugum, Patrino Dan: Freil, MatrinaCatha McKenna: ameJac : Worswick ShieldsS:

Die 14° Jan: 1815 nata et die 23° Jan: 1815 baptizataest Eliza filia Joan: et Eliz: Pinkney [Pinknay in margin] (olim Hedderick) conjugum, Matrina Juliana Scott: a me Jac: Worswick. Shields North


Die 21° Jan: 1815 nata et die 5° Feb: 1815 baptizataest [blank] filia Those et Eliz: Emmerson (olim Crooks) conjugum , Patrino Jos: Crooks, Matrina Isab: Reed: a me Jac: Worswick . Hawith [? Heworth].

Die 10° Feb: 1815 nata et die 13° Feb: 1815 baptizataestCatha filia Gul: et Dora Carr (olim Marshal) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Wilson, MatrinaHenriettaSharman: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead.

Die 1° Dec: 1814 nata et die 2do Dec: 1814 baptizataest Maria Bibiana Hays, filia Geo : et Cec: Hays (olim Thompson) conjugum, Matrina Barbara Wilkinson p: procm N: Young : a me Jac: Worswick N.B. Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletae 21 Feb: 1815


Die 210 Feb: 1815 nata et die 27° Feb: 1815 baptizataest Maria, filia Joan: [et] Mariae Barker (olim Harrison) conjugum, Patrino Sam: Tweddall, Matrina Anna Proctor : a me Jac: Worswick S. Andrew .

Die 17° Feb: 1815 natus et die 20° Feb: 1815 baptizatus est Edwar : filius Cuth: et Abigail Liddell (olim Bulman) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Dunn, Saltwell, Matrina Isab: Henderson: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 15° Martii 1815 natus et die 20° Martii 1815 baptizatus est Jos : Cuth: filius Jos: Rutherford et Mariae (olimHardy) conjugum, Patrino Rad: Hardy p: proc: Joan: Wilson, MatrinaJoan: Palmer: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead

Die Feb: natus et die 20° Martii baptizatus est Edw: Heron , filius Bryan Heron et Cath: Ramsay, PatrinoJoan: Fenton, Matrina Brig: Hall: a me Jac: Worswick All SS : [211]

Die 11° Martii 1815 natus et die 23º Martii baptizatus est Thomas Rutlidge Wingate filius Joan: et Mariae Wingate (olim Robson) conjugum, PatrinoRic: Wingate, MatrinaMariaWingate: a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew

Die 6° Martii natus et die 26° Martii 1815 baptizatus estPatr:filius Joan: et Sus: Graham (olim Raverty) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Raverty, MatrinaEliz: Follis : a me Jac: Worswick. Shields.

Die 16° Feb: 1815 nata et die 27° Martii 1815 baptizata estMaria Anna Bombelli, filia Jer: Bombelli et Annae (olimGraves) conjugum, Patrino Jos : Jobi et Isab: Elliot: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die26° Martii 1815 [nata] et die 28° Mar: 1815 baptizata estMarg: Penelope, filia Jac: et Annae Sherwood (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Fletcher et Maria ByrneMatrina: ameJac:Worswick. St Nic:

[212] Die 24° Martii nata et die 30° Martii 1815 baptizata estMarga filia Those Bolam et Eliz: (olim Blaky) conjugum, Patrino Cuth:

Pattison, Matrina Maria Hodkinson : a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 20° Martii nata et die 31° Martii 1815 baptizata est Diana , filia Adam Downey et Mariae (olim Snowball) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Sharman, Matrina Maria Hodkinson : a me Jac: Worswick. St John

Die 1° Ap: 1815 nataet die 21° Ap: 1815 baptizata est Rosa, filia Jac: et Mariae Robinson (olim Mellon) conjugum, Matrina Anna Reay: a me Jac: Worswick. Hewith[? Heworth]

Die 15° Ap: 1815 natus et die 23° Ap: 1815 bap: est Jac: filius Jac: et CatheMcKenna (olim McKenna) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Corrigan, Matrina Anna Sprout : a meJac: Worswick All SS: [213]

Die 31° Martii 1815 nata et die 23° Ap: 1815 baptizata est Maria, filia Joan: Short et Ellenorae (olim Murphy) conjugum, Patrino Patrico Kelly, Matrina Hannah Heavyside: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 19° Martii 1815 nata et die 4° Maii baptizata est Agnes, filia Geo: Glendenning et Mariae (olim Richardson) conjugum, Patrino Hen: Thompson, MatrinaHell: Smithp: proc: Maria Smith: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead .

Die 1° Maii 1815 natus et die 7° Maii 1815 baptizatus est Car: filius Geo: et Eliz: Pearson (olim Watson) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Robertson, Matrina Maria Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die30°Ap: 1815 nata et die 8° Maii bapa est Joan" , filia Those et Hanh Hardy(olim Millen) conjugum, Patrino Alex : Dodds , Matrina Eliz: Gray: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead . [214]

Die6°Maii 1815 natus et die 10° Maii1815 baps est Thos,filius Gul: Irving et Joanae (olim . .. .) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Fenton , Matrina Marg: Fenton: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 14° Ap: 1815 natus et die 15° Maii bap: est Paulusfilius Pauli Ladzari et Sarah (olim Matly) conjugum, Patrino Angelo Ladzari, Matrina Mag: Badini : a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 9° Ap: 1815 natus et die 15° Maii bap: est Geo: filius Geo: Harbottle et Marg: (olim Tilly) conjugum, Patrino Edw: Hind, Matrina Eliz: Burlinson : a me Jac: Worswick Jarrow.

Die 10° Maii nata 1815 et die 22° Maii 1815 baptizata est Hannah filia Rob: et Aliciae McFall(olim Robinson) conjugum, PatrinoCar: Lynch, MatrinaKatha Maginnes: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead. [215] Die 2do Maii 1815 natus et die 22° Maii baptizatus est Geo: filius Ed: Hind et Mariae (olim Vaux) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hardy p: procm Joan: Fenton, Matrina Eliz: Gray: a me Jac: Worswick . St Andrew.

Die 24° Maii 1815 natus et die 25° Maii bap: est Joan: filius Geo: et Isabae Lutenor (olim Stewart) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Young, MatrinaAnna Burn: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 7° Maii 1815 nata et die 4° Junii 1815 bap: est Anna, filia Joan: et Isabae Cooper (olim Robinson) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Cooper, MatrinaDeb: Cooper: a me Jac: Cooper[sic] L: Benton.

Die 17° Maii 1815 natus et die 5° Junii bap: est Thos filius Luc¹

McDermot [? McDunnott: McIvers in margin, obviouslya slip] et Those ([olim] Clish) conjugum, Patrino Jerem: McIvers , Matrina

Maria McIvers: a me Jac: Worswick. Benton. [216]

Die 19° Junii 1815 natus et die 23° Junii 1815 baptizatus est Jac: filius Jac: Graham et Marg: (olim Pray) conjugum, Patrino Ardel Rogan, MatrinaMaria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 19° Junii 1815 natus et die 260 Junii 1815 baps est Gul: filius

Joan: Roney et Mariae (olim Nuiles) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, Matrina Maria McDonald: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die 16° Junii 1815 nata et die 30° Ju: 1815 baptizataest Joana , filia Pat: Shay et Annae (olim Walker) conjugum, Matrina Isab: Irvin: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS :

Die 11 Julii 1815 natus et die 17° Julii baptizatus est Georgius filius Fran Foreman et Margaritae Foreman (olimMann) conjugum. Patrinus Josephus Falla et matrina Elizabetha Browne: a me Gulo Hoggart.


Die 13° Julii natus [sic] 1815 et die 23° Julii baptizatus est Anna filia Joannis Palmer et Joannae (olim Hardy) conjugum.

Patrinus R. Hardy et Matrina Maria Rutherford: a me Gulo Hoggart St Nic:

Die 25 Junii natus 1815 et die 30° Julii baptizatus est Catharina filia Petri Kirkley et Elizabethae (olim Swan) conjugum, Patrino Roberto Dodds et Matrina Maria Shippon: a me Gulo Hoggart. Long Benton.

Die2doJulii 1815 nata et die 6° Ju: 1815 baptizataestCath³,filia Car: Lynch et Hannah (olim McKone Kay) conjugum, PatrinoMic: Brannan, Matrina Brig: Robinson: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead


Die 9° Aug: 1815 natus et die 10° Aug: 1815 baptizatus est Nic: filius Ant: et Mariae Hodgson (olim Giles), conjugum, Patrino Joan: Young, MatrinaMarg: Giles: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 7° Aug: 1815 nata et die 10° Aug: 1815 baptizata est Anna, filia Riddell Robson et Annae Robson (olim Nelson) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Leadbitter, Matrina Sarah Nelson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Julii 1815 nata et die 13° Aug: 1815 baptizataest Marga, filia Ephrem Palmer et Mariae (olim Lone) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Dawson et [Matrina] Dorth Ward: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 10 1815 Ap: nata et die 16° Aug: 1815 baptizata est Maria, filia Joan: Connelly et Esther McLockland conjugum, PatrinoGul: Henderson , MatrinaJulianaScott : a me Jac: Worswick [219] Die 6° Aug: 1815 nata et die 21° Aug: 1815 baptizataest Eliza, filia Gul: et Annae Turnbull (olim Capati), Patrino Joan: Coulthard, Matrina Bridgitta Fallows : a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 19° Aug: 1815 natus et die 23° Aug: 1815 baptizatus est Jos: filius Rob: Johnson et Mariae (olim Simmons) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Gibson p: procm Joan : Fenton, MatrinaMaria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 1º Sep: 1815 nata et die 10° Sep: 1815 baptizata est Maria

Anna, filia Joan: Malholland et Mariae (olim Bell) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Donnelly, MatrinaMariaCollins: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS:

Die 7° Sep : 1815 natus et die 18° Sep: 1815 baptizatus est Geo: filius Barnabae McKenna et Elizae (olim Parkinson) conjugum, Patrino Car: Utterson, Matrina Sarah Pattison : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:


Die 18° Sep: 1815 natus et die 20° Sep : baptizatus est Antonius , filius Jacobi Bertini et Margae (olim Reed) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, Matrina Isab: Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 5° Sep : 1815 natus et die 21° Sep: 1815 baptizatus est Laurentius , filius Laur: et Gillenae Fannan (olim Douglass) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Mason, Matrina [blank] McKenna: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 13° Sep: 1815 nata et die 25° Sep: 1815 baptizata est Elenora , filia Petri Duffy et Annae (olim Murphy) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Duffy, MatrinaAnna Lennan: a me Jac: Worswick StNic:

Die 24° Aug: 1815 natus et die 25° Sep: 1815 baptizatus est Jos: Russell [filius, Christian name omitted] Thelway et Elizae (olim Russell) conjugum, Patrino Fenwick Errington, Matrina Thoma [not signed]. [221] Die 7 Sep: 1815 natus et die 25° Sep: 1815 baptizatus est Joan: filius Ric: Winship et Mariae [olim Walker), conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Walkerp: procm Joan: Fenton, MatrinaDora Walker: a me Jac: Worswick . Gosforth

Die 22° Sep: 1815 nata et die 25 Sep: 1815 baptizata est Eliza Louisa, filia Gul: et Isabae Thompson (olim Millis) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Dunn, MatrinaAnna Saunders: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 26° Sep: 1815 natus et die 27° Sep: 1815 baptizatus est Geo: filius Geo: Those Dunn et Joanae (olimDouglass ) conjugum, Patrino Mat : Dinning, Matrina Maria Henderson: a me Jac : Worswick. St John's .

Die 1° Oct: 1815 natus et die 2do Oct: 1815 baptizatus est Thos filius Those Martin et Kathae (olim Dowling) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Young, Matrina Katha Westanner: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [222] Die 2do Oct: 1815 natus et die 4° Oct : 1815 baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: Murrayet Rachel (olim . . . ) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Ingham, MatrinaCeciliaHayes: a me Jac: Worswick. StJohn's.

Die 27° Sep: 1815 natus et die 6° Oct: 1815 baptizatus est Jac: Mic: filius Car: Bell et Elizae (olim Todd) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Todd, MatrinaHannah Lawson: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 15° Oct: natus et die 23° Oct: 1815 baptizatus est Thos, filius Those Crosgrow et Isabae (olim Hall) conjugum, Patrino Ber: McKever, Matrina Laetitia Spence : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 14° Sep: 1815 natus et die 25° Oct: 1815 baptizatus est Joan , filius Gul : Bambridgeet Joanne (olim Dickenson) conjugum, Patrino Mic: Ewbank, MatrinaMaria Kay: a me Jac : Worswick Lamesly. [223] Die 23° Oct: 1815 natus et die 1° Nov: 1815 baptizatus est Rob: Buckless Hand, filius Thone Hand et Marthae(olim Buckless)

conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Cummins, MatrinaEliza Champeny: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 11° Nov : 1815 nata et die 13° Nov: baptizata est Maria Anna Sarah Haggerston, filia Thoae et Marg: Haggerston* (olim Robertson) conjugum, Patrino Marmaduke Maxwell Constable p: procm Joan: Jobson, Matrina Wenefr: Haggerston: a me Jac: Worswick. Wickam.

Die 11° Nov: 1815 natus et die 4° Dec: 1815 baptizatus est Jac: Russell, filius Rob: et Mariae Russell (olim Scott) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Russell, MatrinaSarah Russell: a me Jac : Worswick. Jarrow .

Die 6° Dec: 1815 natus et die 9° Dec: 1815 baptizatus est Geo: Gibson filius Thoae et Margae Gibson (olim Cailey) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Gibson, MatrinaMargta Caileyp: procm Hellena Cailey: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew. [224] Die 1° Dec: 1815 natus et die 13° Dec: 1815 baptizatus est Joan: Spence, filius Petri Spence et Laetiae (olimO'Hara) conjugum, Patrino Petro Ryan, Matrina Maria Gandy: a me Jac: Worswick All SS :

Die 8° Dec: 1815 nata et die 20° Dec: 1815 baptizataest Eliza, filia Fran: Hawkins et Mariae (olim Cary) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Hannah, MatrinaEliz: West: a me Jac: Worswick. St John's.

Die 25° Dec: 1815 natus et die 28° Dec: 1815 baptizatus est Gul: Hen:filiusHen: et Mariae Cuitt (olimShippen) conjugum, PatrinoN. Wilkinson, MatrinaMaria Foreman: a meJac: Worswick StJohn

Die 3° Dec: 1815 natus et die 11° Dec: 1815 baptizatus est Sam : Chris : filius Ric: et Marg: Nixon (olim Pritting) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Dobson, MatrinaMaria Nixonp: proc : Eleanora Oliver : a me Jac: Worswick Hewith. [1816] [


Die6° Jan: 1816 natus et die 8° Jan : baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Joan: et Annae Fletcher conjugum (olim Blacklock), Patrino Car: Sherwood, MatrinaEliza Blacklock: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 6° Jan : 1818 [sic] natus et die 8° Jan: baptizatus est Tho³, filius Gul: Connellyet Hannah (olim Capel) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Fenton, MatrinaN. Ingham: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 18° Jan: 1816 nata et die 22° Jan: 1816 baptizata estSuzanna , filia Joan: H: Hudson et Joane (olim Marshall) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Heaton, MatrinaRosa Heaton: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 21° Dec: 1815 natus et die 24° Jan: 1816 baptizatus est Rob: filius Joan: Lodge et Joan: (olim Knox) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, Matrina Anna Bell: a me Jac: Worswick Newburn. [226] Die 1° Jan: 1816 natus et die 26° Jan : 1816 baptizatus est

This was the eldest child (called Miriame Sarahin pedigree) of Sir Thos . Haggerston of Ellingham (eldest s of Sir Thos Haggerstonof Sandhoe), by Margaret Robinson only child of William Robertson of Ladykirk on Tweed , whom he marr 24 Jan. 1815 ; he succeeded as 6th bart in 1831 , and died suddenly at Brussels 11 or 13 Dec. 1842. His wife d . 4 Nov. 1823. The child now baptized was born at Whickham, near Blaydon-on-Tyne, and on 10Sept. 1834 marr. David, youngests of Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees . Eldestchild of George Gibsonof NewcastlebyMargaret Elizabeth, d. of Samuel CayleyofUphall, Lincs.; d . in London 8 March 1896

Joans filius Gul: et Joan: Brown (olim Forster) conjugum , Patrino Gul : Pearson p: procm Ant : Errington, Matrina Eliza Liddell p: proc: Isab: Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick Tanfield.

Die 25° Jan: 1816 natus et die 1º Feb: 1816 bap: est Jos: Joan: filius Cuth: Pattison et Sarah (olim Middleton) conjugum, Patrino Hugh Middleton p: procm Tho: Snowdon, MatrinaMariaPalmer: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die. Jan : 1816 nata et die 13° Feb: 1816 baptizataestAnna, filia Patr: Downey et Annae (olim Caran) conjugum, Matrina Maria Downy: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead.

Die4° Feb: 1816 natus et die 29° Feb: 1816 bap: est Joan: filius And: McAvoy et Mariae (olim Murphy) conjugum, Patrino N. Gough, Matrina Anna Gough: a me Jac: Worswick St Andrew [227] Die 10° Feb: 1816 nata et die 4° Martii baptizata est Maria Anna, [filia] Sam: et Margae Graham (olim Courtenay) conjugum, MatrinaAnna Scullen: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die7° Martii 1816 natus et die 13° Martii 1816 baptizatus est Jos: filiusJos: et Joan: Robbins (olimAnderson) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Anderson p: procm Joan: Fenton, Matrina Hellena Anderson: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 2doMartii nata et die 13° Mar: baptizata est Maria, filia Gul: et Suz: McLaughlan (olim McLaran) conjugum, MatrinaIsa: Elliot: a me Jac: Worswick

Die9° Martii 1816nata et die 18° Martii baptizata est Marga, filia Rob: Robinson et Marthae (olim Russell), PatrinoTeren: McIvers , Matrina Anna Duffy: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [228] Die 13° Martii 1816 natus et die 22° Martii 1816 baptizatus est Dan: filius Joan: Thornton et Annae (olim Dogherty) conjugum , Patrino Ant: Errington, Matrina Suz : McCollom: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 11° Martii 1816 natus et die 25° Martii 1816 baptizatus est Fred: filius Jac: et Barb: Murphy (olim Hall) conjugum, Patrino Car: Howe p: procm Gul : Murphy, Matrina Maria Hind: a me Jac: Worswick. St John

Die 18° Martii 1816 nata et die 1º Ap: 1816 baptizataest Isab filia Jac: King et Isabae (olim Tate) conjugum, Matrina Joan Thompson, Patrino[illegible]: a me Jac: Worswick . St Nic:

Die 16° Martii 1816 natus et die 11° Ap: 1816 baptizatus est Sam: filius Joan: et Eliz: Gray (olim Hepple) conjugum, Matrina Maria Simmons, Patrino Joans Do p: procm Joan: Fenton: a me Jac: Worswick . Hewith [? Heworth] [229] Die 14° Ap: 1816 natus et die 17° Ap: 1816 baptizatus est Geo: filius Geo: et Pene: Thomas (olim Sherwood) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Sherwood, Matrina Anna Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick. St And:

Die 7° Martii 1816 nata et die 18° Ap: 1816 baptizataest Maria filia Joan: et Marg: Main (olim McGuire) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Curren, Matrina Brid: Chemney: a me Jac: Worswick Benton

Die 4° Ap: 1816 nata et die 22° Ap: 1816 baptizata fuit Sarah Lamb, filia Mariae Mellon et Jos: Lamb, Patrino Manuel Ward ,

Matrina Maria Carr p: proc: Eliz: Sommerville: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 1° Ap: 1816 natus et die 23° Ap: baptizatus fuit Owen Geo: filius Jac: Malarky [Malarchy in margin] et Mariae (olim Shee) conjugum, PatrinoThoa Keahan, Matrina Katha Walsh: a me Jac: Worswick. St Andrew. [230]

Die 7° Martii 1816 nata et die 22° Martii baptizata fuitMarg: filia Luke Farrell et Annae (Aaron olim) conjugum, Patrino N. Bembridge, Matrina Anna Pile p: procm Anna Reay: a me Jac: Worswick N.B. Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletae die 10° Maii Wickam.

Die 10° Maii 1816 natus et die 13° Maii 1816 baptizatus fuit

Daniel, filius Jac: Leonard et Annae (olim Turner) conjugum, Patrino Mic: Murray, MatrinaGraceHarrison : a meJac: Worswick. StNic:

Die 9° Maii 1816 natus et die 20° Maii 1816 baptizatus fuitBernard , filius Pat: et Cathae McFarlan (olim Clark) conjugum, Patrino Ber: McManes , MatrinaEliz: Kelly: a me Jac: Worswick . StAnd: [231] Die 24° Maii 1816 nata et die 27° Maii 1816 baptizatafuit Suz: filia Teren: McKeavy et Mariae (olim McKenzie) conjugum, Patrino Luke McDermot , Matrina Maria Cunningham: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 1° Junii 1816 nata et die 70 Junii baptizatafuit Maria , filia

Those Keahan et Mariae (olim Hicky) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Keerns , Matrina Julia Walsh: a me Jac: Worswick. StAnd:

Die 1º Junii 1816 nata et die 7° Junii 1816 baptizatafuit Eliza , filia Those Keahan et Mariae (olim Hicky) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Walsh, MatrinaMaria Gough: a me Jac: Worswick StAnd:

Die 6° Maii 1816 nata et die 9° Junii 1816 baptizata fuit Eliza, filia Jac: Darby et Kat: (olim Curran) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Dowling, Matrina Anna Slateray p: proc: Eliz: Marr: a me Jac: Worswick . St And: [232]

Die 30 Junii 1816 nata et die 10° Junii 1816 baptizata fuit

Marga, filia Geo: et Marg: Howe (olim Watson) conjugum, Matrina Eliz: Howe, Patrino Petro Foreman: a me Jac: Worswick . St John.

Die 13° Julii 1816 natus et die 15° Julii 1816 baptizatus fuit Jos: filius Jac: et Marg: Ingham (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, Patrino Joseph Fletcher, Matrina Anna Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick . St And:

Die 10 Julii natus est et die 20 Julii baptizatus est sineceremoniis consuetis Joannes, filius Joannae Todd de Morpeth : a me Joa: Lingard Shield Field.

Die4° Maii1816 natus et die 22 Julii 1816 baptizatus fuit Georgius filius Georgii Donellan et [blank], Patrino Joanne Fenton , Matrina Anna Reay: a me Joa: Lingard. All Saints. [233] Die 2a Julii nata et die 28 ejusdem mensis baptisataest Helena filia Patricii Macdonald et Mariae ([olim] Caughton [?]) conjugum, Patrino Thoma Swinburn : a me Joanne Lingard. "St Nicolas

Die 28 Julii nata et eodem die baptisata est Catharina filia Gulielmi Marshall et Mariae (olimWilson) conjugum, MatrinaAnna Rear, et Ceremoniaefuerunt suppletaea me J: Lingard. All SS:

Die 21° Aug: 1816 natus et die 25° Aug: 1816 baptizatus estGul: filius Jac: Hales et Eliz: (olim Hetherington) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Gally, MatrinaEliza Bass: a me Jac: Worswick All SS: Die Aug: 1816 natus et die 260 Aug: 1816 baptizatus est Hen: filius Hugh et Annae Harrison (olim Pattison) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, Matrina Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [234] Die 4° Julii natus et die 6° Sep: 1816 baptizatus est Joan: filius Ric: Jacson et Hellenae (olimBlaky) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Jacson, Matrina Eliza Marr : a me Jac: Worswick. St And:

Die 12° Sep: 1816 nata et die 16Sep : 1816 baptizata est Joana filia Alex: Cameron [Brown in margin, obviously a slip] et Elen (olim Brown) conjugum, Patrino Alex: Dodds, Matrina Joana Brown: a me Jac: Worswick. AllSS:

Die 27° Aug: 1816 nata et die 16° Sep: 1816 baptizata est Alicia filia Jac: Gordon [Robinson in margin, obviously a slip] et Mariae (olim Robinson) conjugum, Patrino Hen: Robinson, Matrina Isaba Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick Newburn

Die 26° Sep: 1816 nata et die 30° Sep: 1816 baptizata est Anna, filia Joan: et Mariae Barker conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, Matrina Maria Draycott p: proc: Cath: Do: a me Jac: Worswick. St And: [235] Die 8° Sep : 1816 natus et die 13° Oct: 1816 bap: est Joan: filius Joan: et Marthae Tully (olim Hall) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Atkinson, MatrinaElizaAtkinson: a me Jac: Worswick N: Shields

Die 16° Oct: 1816 natus et die 18° Oct: baptizatus est Mart: filius Mart: Hales et Mariae (olim Glaspy) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, MatrinaIsab: Elliot : a meJac: Worswick.

Die 9° Oct: 1816 nata et die 20° Oct: 1816 baptizata est Sarah, filia Those et Mariae Moody (olim Spencer) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Burlinson, Matrina Anna Burlinson : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: Die 31° Oct: 1816 natus et die 11° Nov: 1816 baptizatus est Edv: filius Barth: McIvers et Eliz: Kelly conjugum, Patrino Terence McIvers , MatrinaMcIvers [sic]: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [236] Die 5° Nov: 1816 natus et die 11° Nov: 1816 baptizatus est Thos filius Sam: Tweddell et Margae (olim Chicken) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Ferguarson, MatrinaIsab: Wilkinsonp: proc: Isab: Elliot: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead

Die 1° Nov: 1816 natus et die 14° Nov: 1816 baptizatus est Joan: Riddell, filius Riddell Robson [Riddell in margin] et Annae (olim Nelson) conjugum, Patrino Geo : Dunn p: proc: Thom Gibson , MatrinaAnna Dunn p: procm Marg: Gibson: à me Jac: Worswick St John's.

Die7° Oct: 1816 natus et die 25° Nov: baptizatus est Joan:filius Ephrem et Mariae Palmer (olim Lowes) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Gally p: procm Ant: Errington, Matrina Anna Readshaw p: proc: Eliz: Gray: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:


Die 26° Nov: 1816 natus et die 29° Nov: 1816 baptizatus est Gul: filius Gul: Giles et Cathae (olim Todd) conjugum, PatrinoNic: Giles p: proc: Joan: Fenton, Matrina Carha Todd p: proc: Mariam Hodgson : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic: [237]

Die 14° Nov: 1816 nata et die 4° Dec: 1816 baptizataest Isabellafilia Gul: Hunter et Elizae (olim Austin) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Hunter, MatrinaAnna Teesdale : a me Jac: Worswick Gosforth .

Die 6° Nov: 1816 nata et die 9° Nov: 1816 baptizataest Sarah filia Geo: et Sarah Wilkinson(olim Sturdy) conjugum, PatrinoCar: Byrne, MatrinaMaria Byrne : a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 20° Nov: 1816nata et die 13° Dec: 1816 baptizata est Hellena, filia Mat: Montgommery [Fitzpatrickin margin, obviouslya slip]et Mariae (olim Fitzpatrick) conjugum, Matrina Joan Carr, Patrino

Joan: Fenton: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [1817]

Die 5° Feb: 1816 nata et die 9º Jan: 1817 baptizata est Sarah , filia Gul: Ridley et Marg: (olim Bruce) conjugum, Patrinus Hen: Thompson, Matrina Maria Cunningham: a me Jac: Worswick. [238]

Die 1° Dec: 1816 nata et die 10° Jan: 1817 baptizataest Marga filia Alex : Cairns et Marga (olim Hogan) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Lynes, MatrinaMaria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 19° Jan: 1817 nata et die 27° Jan: 1817 baptizata est Suza , filia Joan: Short et Eleon: (olim Murphy) conjugum, MatrinaAnna Smith: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 27° Jan : 1817 natus et die 29° Jan: 1817 baptizatus [est]

Joans, filius Bern : Paolochi et Joanae (olimHarl) conjugum, Patrino

Jos: Falla, MatrinaMaria Pochini : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die ... •Jan : 1817 nata et die 29° Jan: 1817 baptizata est Joana filia Petri et Eliza Domigan (olim Fairbairn ) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Cooper p: proc: Bern: Paolochi, Matrina Catha Cooper : a me Jac: Worswick. Long Benton [239] Die 17 Dec: 1816 natus et die 22 Dec: 1816 baptizatus est Gul: filius Mic: et iae MurrayMar(olim Morgan) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Fitzpatrick, Matrina Maria Connolly: a me Jac: Worswick N.B. Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletae 18 Feb: 1817. Gateshead.

Die 3º Feb: 1817 nataet die 24° Feb: 1817 baptizata est Elizafilia Joan: et Mariae Hogg (olim Huson) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Crooks p: proc: Joan: Fenton, Matrina Isabella Reed : a me Jac: Worswick. Heworth

Die 29° Ap: 1814 natus et die 26° Feb: 1817 baptizatus est Rob: filius Joan: et Hannah (olim Thompson) Wardropper conjugum, Patrino Jac: Wardropper : a me Jac:Worswick. Elswick. [240] Die 2do Feb: 1815 nata et die 26° Feb: 1817 baptizataest Hannah, filia Joan: et Hannah Wardropper (olim Thompson) conjugum,MatrinaAnna Robinson: a meJac: Worswick Elswick

Die 8° Feb: 1817 nata et die 16 Feb: 1817 baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: et Hannah Wardropper (olim Thompson) conjugum Patrinus Joan: Harrison, MatrinaGrace Harrison : ameJac: Worswick

N.B. Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletaedie 26 Feb: 1817. Elswick.

Die 28° Feb: 1817 nata et die 10 Martii baptizata est Marg: filia Ed: Burk et Suz : (olim Macolm) conjugum, Matrina Maria Murray: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die 11° Martii 1817 natus et die 13° Martii 1817 baptizatus est Jos: filius Geo: et Dor: Todd (olim Giles) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Giles, Matrina MariaHodgson: a me Jac: Worswick All SS : [241]

Die 14° Martii 1817 nata et die 17° Martii 1817 baptizataest

Joana filia Joan: et Cathae Young (olim Lawson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Young, Matrina Maria Lawson: a me Jac: Worswick St John's.

Die 15° Martii 1817 natus et die 17 Martii 1817 baptizatus [est]

Jos: filius Joan: et Louisae Fenton (olim Strachan) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Ferquerson, Matrina Eliz: Brown: a me Jac: Worswick St. John

Die4° Martii 1817 natus et die 17° Martii 1817 baptizatus est Jac: filius The Daly et Marg: (olim Roney) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, Matrina N. Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead .

Die 18° Martii 1817 natus et die 26° Martii baptizatus est Pet:

Joan: filius Gul: et Isab: Thompson (olim Mellis) conjugum , Patrino

Joan: Young, MatrinaEliz: Saunders p: proc: N. Howe: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [242]

Die 18° Martii 1817 nata et die 18° Martii 1817 baptizata est Marga Francisca, filia Thoae et Margae Haggerston(olim Robertson) conjugum, PatrinoThoa Haggerston p: proc: Gul: Taylor, Matrina Francisca Haggerstonp: proc: Joanm Gibson: a me Jac: Worswick. St And:

Die31° Jan: 1817 natus et die 30° Martii 1817 baptizatus est Rob: filius Those Wingate et Margae (olim Harrower) conjugum , Patrino

Joan: Wingate, Matrina Maria Wingate : a me Jac: Worswick St And:

Die 25° Martii 1817 natus et die 30° Martii 1817 baptizatus [est] Corn: filius Pet: Shee et Annae (olim Walker) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Follis, MatrinaCatha Thornton: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS : Die 27° Martii 1817 natus et die 30° Martii baptizatus est Bern: filius PatriciiDuffyet Annae (olim Murphy) conjugum, PatrinoLuca Kelly, MatrinaAnnaLeonard: a me Jac: Worswick. StNic: [Thefollowingentry is on a scrap of paper insertedin the bookon page 242.]

March 27 , 1817 , wasbaptisedMarySusanna , daughter ofCuthbert Patterson and Sarah Patterson (olim Shaw) in lawful wedlock , born on the 25th instant Sponsors , Thomas Snowdon and Susanna Caley: Rev. Wm Digby [243] Die9° Ap: 1817 nata et die 16° Ap: 1817 baptizata est Anna , filia Rob: et Ellenae [Dillon in margin] (olim Trenner) conjugum, Patrinoō, MatrinaAnnaHamilton: a me Jac: Worswick . 2nd. d of Sir ThomasHaggerston of Ellingham, by Margaret Robinson (pedigree says she was born at Whickham near Blaydon-on-Tyne). She married at Brussels 2 July 1850 Lewis Eyre ; d. at Dover 25 Aug. 1892 and was buried there The godfather was no doubt her grandfather, Thos. Haggerston of Sandhoe, and the godmother Frances Smyth, wife of Sir Carnaby HaggerstonofHaggerston.


Die 5° Nov: 1816 nata et die 16° Ap: 1817 baptizata est Marg: filia Geo: McNorton et Marg: (olim McNorton) conjugum, Matrina

Anna Surtees : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 4° Martii 1817 nata et die 17° Ap: 1817 baptizata est Maria , filia Joan: et Annae Cooper (olim Young) conjugum, PatrinoAlex: Dodds, Matrina Isab: Elliot: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 28° Martii 1817 nata et die 1° Maii baptizataest Maria, filia

Pauli Rigan et Joan: (olim Hill) conjugum, MatrinaMariaMcIver , Patrino Dan: Hewes : a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [244]

Die 28° Martii 1817 nata et die 1º Maii baptizata est Anna, filia ThoneSeedet Chris: (olim McDonnell) conjugum, Matrina Joana

Rigan: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead.

Die 26° Ap: 1817 natus et die 5° Maii baptizatus est Jos: filius

Pauli Ladzari et Sarah (olimMaclay [? Matly]) conjugum, Matrina

MariaAnna Smith, Patrino Jos: Jobi: ame Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die 6° Junii 1816 nata et die 7° Maii 1817 baptizata est Eliza filia

Joan: et Annae Cooper (olim Humes) conjugum, Patrino Alex: Dodds, Matrina Joana Stewart : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 23° Ap: 1817 natus et die 12° Maii baptizatus est Jac: filius

Lucae McDermot et Those (olim Clish) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Robinson , MatrinaMariaThompson: a meJac: Worswick StNic: [245]

Die 9° Maii 1817 natus et die 16° Maii baptizatus est Pat: filius Bern: Norman et Annae (olim McPeek) conjugum, Patrino

Car: McPeek , Matrina SarahMcP.: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 4° Junii 1817 nata et die 6° Junii 1817 baptizata est Maria filia Geo: T: Dunn et Joanae (olim Douglass ) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Dunn, MatrinaAnna Dunn: a me Jac: Worswick. StJohn.

Die 7° Junii 1817 nata et die 13° baptizata est Anna, filia Joan: Hardy et Eliza Hardy (olim Potts) conjugum, PatrinoRad: Hardy, Matrina Maria Rutherford: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead.

Die 19° Ap: 1816 natus et die 20° Jun: baptizatus est Jos: filius Benj : et Mariae Annae Shaw (olim Mansfield) conjugum, Patrino Alex: Dodds : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic: [246]

Die 1° Ap: 1817 nata et die 23° Junii 1817 bap: est Brig:filia Hugh Machan et Marg: (olim Dobie) conjugum, Matrina Isab: Elliot: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 22° Junii 1817 nata et die 30° Junii baptizata est Catha Anna , filia Pat: Burke et Cathae (olim Nash) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Donnelly, Matrina Eliz: McIver: a meJac:Worswick All SS:

Die30° Junii 1817 natus et die 2do Juliibaptizatus est Jac:* filius Thoseet Marg: Gibson (olim Cailey) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Dunn, Matrina Maria Gibson p: proc: Maria Anna Caily: a me Jac: Worswick St And:

Die 6° Julii natus et die 20 Julii baptizatus est Elender [? Eleanor] Mitchel filia Joannis et Elender Mitchel (olim Wealing) conjugum, Patrino Felix Larkin, Matrina Anna Jackson: a me Jacobo Newsham . Shields

Went to Sedgeley Park School andthen to Ushaw , wherehe was ordained 24 Sept. 1842. Served at Berwick-on-Tweed and Bishop Auckland, co. Durham . Went in 1847 to Kendal ,Westmorland, wherehe spent forty-eight years as priest, dying 11 Jan. 1895. (C.R.S. , Vol 32, p 60.)


247] Die220 Julii 1817 nata et die 4 Aug: 1817 baptizata est Eliza filia Those Hardyet Hannah (olimMiller) conjugum, Pat[rino] Rad: Hardy p: procm Alex Dodds, Matrina Eliza Gray: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 30º Julii nata 1817 et die 8° Aug: 1817 baptizataest Anna, filia Jos: Robinson et Jose (olim Anderson) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Anderson p: proc : Gul : [blank], Matrina Anna Anderson p: proc: Ellenora Anderson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 8° Aug: 1817 nata et die 13° Aug: 1817 baptizata est Hellena, filia Those McGuire et Nappy(olim Doyle) conjugum, MatrinaMaria Dayly p: procm Christina Moran : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 25° Julii 1817 natus et die 13° Aug: 1817 baptizatus est Antonius, filius Jac: Wardropper et Mariae (olim Clennet) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Wardropper, Matrina Anna Robinson p: Joan: Taylor: a me Jac: Worswick. Jarrow [248] Die 1° Aug: 1817 natus et die 20° Aug: 1817 baptizatus est Joans filius Thoae Cosgrove et Isab: (olim Hall) conjugum, Patrino Chris: Brennan, Matrina Anna Maginnes: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead

Die 16° Aug: 1817 natus et die 20° Aug: 1817 baptizatus estJoan: Ant: filius Car: Bianchi et Marg: (olim Calvert) conjugum, Patrino Jos: Jobi, MatrinaJoana Watson : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 18° Aug: 1817 nata et die 24° Aug: 1817 baptizata est Dora filia Jo: Gally et Joanae (olim Jewiet) conjugum, Patrino Tho Thorburn, MatrinaMarg: Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die 1° Aug: 1817 Hannah Pearson nata [et] die 24° Aug: 1817 baptizata est, filia Geo : Pearson et Eliza (olim Watson) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Draycott, Matrina Maria Draycott: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [249] Die10° Aug: 1817 Laus natus et die 24ªAug: 1817 baptizatus est, [filius] Laur Fenning et Gillings (olim Douglass) conjugum, PatrinoMal: Ward, MatrinaMariaFinn: a me Jac: Worswick St


Die 22° Aug: 1817nata et die 25° Aug: 1817 baptizataest Maria Anna Hodgson, filiaAnt: et Mariae Hodgson (olimGiles) conjugum, PatrinoNic: Giles, MatrinaMarg: Giles: a me Jac: Worswick . St Nic:

Die6° Aug: 1817 nata et die 1° Sep : 1817 baptizata est Suzafilius [sic]Joan: Graham et Suze (olim Rafferty) conjugum, PatrinoEdw: Dowling, MatrinaJulia Dowling: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 5° Sep: 1817 nata et die 8° Sep: 1817 baptizata est Maria, filia Pet: Croker et Dianae (olim Baxter) conjugum, MatrinaJoanna Lutenor: a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [250] Die 5° Feb: 1817 natus et die 13 Sep: 1817 baptizatus est Thoas filius Abraham Oyston et Mariae (olim Whitfield) conjugum , Patrino Thoa Oyston p: procm Alex : Dodds, MatrinaAnn: Oyston p: proc: Anna Reay: a me Jac: Worswick Pelton.

Die26° Sep: 1817 nata et die 29° Sep: 1817 baptizata est Joan"filia Jac: et Annae Sherwood (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Thomas, Matrina Maria Bambridge : a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die 12° Oct: 1817 nata et die 26° Oct: 1817 baptizataest Maria, filia Rob: Robinson et Marthae (olim Russell) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Maine, MatrinaAnna Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 12° Sep: 1817 nata et die 27° Oct: 1817 baptizataest Catha [filia] Gul: et Elen: Watson (olim Boner) conjugum, MatrinaMaria Wilson: a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [251]

Die 2º Oct : 1817 natus et die 13° Oct: baptizatus est Rob: filius Gul: Bambridge et Joase (olim Dickenson) conjugum, Patrino

Cuth: Rumfordet MatrinaAnna Proctor p: procm Maria Bambridge : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die9° Oct: 1817 nata et die 2d0 Oct: [sic] baptizata estAnna ,filia

Greg: Urn et Annae (olim Sprout) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Gally, Matrina Grace Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick StNic:

Die 15° Oct: 1817 natus et die 3° Nov: baptizatus est Thomas , filius Irvin Dinning et Brid: (olim O'Connor) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Cooperp: proc: Joan : Wilson, Matrina Catha Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick. L. Benton

Die 22° Oct: 1817 nata et die 3º Nov: 1817 baptizataest Maria, filia Joan: Wilson et Eliz: (olim Woodward) conjugum, Patrino N: Swinburne p: proc: Alex: Dodds, MatrinaRosannaJobi: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic: [252]

Die 26° Aug: 1817 natus et die 20° Sep: baptizatus est Thos filiusThose Charlton et Sarah (olim Phillips) conjugum, PatrinoThoa Young, Matrina Anna Mills: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die Oct: 1817 natus et die 17 Nov: 1817 baptizatus est Edw: filius Car: Butler et Mariae (olim Godfrey) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Todd: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 30° Nov: 1817 nata et die 15° Nov [? Dec.] baptizata est Hannah, filiaRic: Nixon et Marg: (olim Brahan) conjugum, Matrina Maria Stuart: a me Jac: Worswick . Gateshead

Die 27° Ap: 1817 natus et die 22° Dec: 1817 baptizatus est Gul: filius Dan: Muckanulti et Annae (Fergusson olim) conjugum, Patrino JaDonnelly, MatrinaEliza McIvers: a me Jac: Worswick

All SS: [253] Die 7° Aug: 1817 nata et die 26° Dec: 1817 baptizata est Sarah, filia Pat: Brown et Mariae (olim Hoy) conjugum , Matrina

Julia Dowling: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die 19° Dec: 1817 natus et die 29° Dec: 1817 baptizatus est Rob: filiusBern: McKenny et Eliza (olim Parker) conjugum, Patrino Car: Ottison, MatrinaMarg: McKenny: a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [1818]

Die 3° Dec: 1817 natus et die 7° Jan: 1818 baptizatus est Petrus , filius Gul : Thelwall et Eliz: (olim Russell) conjugum, Patrino Thoa

Thelwall p: proc: Gul : Renwick, Matrina Marg: Thelwallp: proc: Maria Kay: a me Jac: Worswick . Jarrow

Die 16 Dec: 1817 nata et die 9° Jan: 1818 baptizata est Maria, filia Gul: Ridley et Marg: (olim Bruce) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Thomas, Matrina Pen: Thomas: a me jac: Worswick. StAnd: [254] Die 31° Dec: 1817 natae Catha et Isabella Cooper geminaeet

die 8° Jan: 1818 baptizatae [sunt], filiae Joan: et Isabae Cooper(olim Robinson) conjugum, Matrina Catha Cooper Jun et Cath: Cooper Sen : a me Jac: Worswick Walls End

Die5° Jan: 1818 nata et die 12° Jan: baptizata estAnna,filiaJac: Lenning et Annae (olim Turner) conjugum, PatrinoHen: Monaghan, MatrinaMaria Kay: a meJac: Worswick St Nic:

Die ... Dec: 1817 natus et die 26 Jan : 1818 baptizatus est Arch: Kingfilius Jac: et Isab: King (olim . .)conjugum, Patrino Gul: Glisson, Matrina Anna Duffy: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 2do Jan: 1818 nata et die 26° Jan: 1818 baptizata est Gratia filia Adam Downing et Mariae (olim Snowball) conjugum, Gul: Harvey Patrino, Matrina Eliza Mesnard: a me Jac: Worswick Wall'sEnd.

[255] Die 2do Martii 1818 natus et die 12° Martii bap: est Joan filius Joan:Fowle et Cathae (olimMcCormic) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Ward, MatrinaAnna Forster: a me Jac: Worswick StAnd:

Die 1° Ap: 1818 natus et die 22° Ap: 1818 baptiz : est Ric: filius Ric: et Mariae Winship (olim Walker) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Walkerp: proc: Gul : Fletcher, Matrina Eliz: Greenhen: a me Jac: Worswick . Gosforth

Die 1° Maii 1818 natus et die 11° Maii 1818 baptizatus est Jac: filius Hugh Harrison et Annae (olim Patterson) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Thompson, Matrina Maria Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die3° Maii 1818 nata et die 27° Maii 1818 baptizataest Elizafilia Jac: Gilmore et Mariae (olim Bleewood) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Quin, Matrina Frana Readshaw: a me Jac: Worswick. Hewith [Heworth].


Die ... Maii 1818 natus et die 270 Maii baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: Roney et Mariae (olim Denton) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Gilmore, Matrina Catha McKenna: a me Jac: Worswick St John

Die7° Maii 1818 nata et die 1° Junii 1818 bap: est Maria, filiaCar: et MariaeMcCarty (olim Wood) conjugum, MatrinaElizaIrvin: ame Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 12° Ap: 1818 natus et die 1°Junii 1818 baps est Rad: Brannan , filius Chris: et Joane (olim Wrightson) conjugum, Patrino Tho Cosgrove p: proc: Geo : Smith: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die 1º Feb: 1816 nata et die 1° Junii 1818 baptizata est Maria, filia Chris: et Joanae Brannan (olim Wrightson) conjugum, Matrina Dor: Heppell p: proc: Eliza: Hall: a me Jac: Worswick N.B. Children to be looked after Gateshead

[The following eight entries made on pp 275 and 276 of the Register are printed here in order to preserve the chronological order .]

[275] Die 23° Maii 1818 natus et die 8° Junii bap: est Mat: filius Mat : Mongomery et Mariae (olim Fitzpatrick) conjugum, Patrino Alex: McDonnell, Matrina Esther Smith: a me Jac : Worswick All SS:

Die 12° Junii 1818 natus et die 15° Junii 1818 bap: est Joan:filius

Joan: et Cath: Young (olim Lawson) conjugum, Patrino Ant: Hodgson, Matrina Maria Lawson: a me Jac: Worswick St John

Die 3° Jan¹ 1818 natus et die 15° Junii baps est Car: filius Tho: Swinburn [Magee in margin] et Joan: Magee, Patrino Geo:Smith, Matrina Isab: Elliot: a me Jac: Worswick . St And:

Die 12° Junii 1818 natus et die 5° Julii baptizatus est Joan: filius Rob: Scott et Annae (olim Sanderson) conjugum, Patrino Tho: Sanderson, Matrina Anna Scott : a me Jac: Worswick Chester [? Chester-le-Street]. [276]

Die 8° Julii 1812 natus et die8° Julii 1818 baptizatus estGul: filius Ric: Berns et Franc: (olim Healy) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Fletcher: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 5° Aug: 1816 nata et die 8 Julii 1818 baptizata est Margafilia Ric: Berns [Barns in margin] et Franciscae (olim Hialy [sic]) conjugum, MatrinaBrig: Fall: a me Jac:Worswick

Die 24° Maii 1818 natus et die 8° Julii baptizatus est Geo: filius Ric: Berns et Fran : (olim Healy) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Renwick : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 18° Junii 1818 nata et die 12° Julii 1818 baptizataest Joana , filia Ephrem Palmer et Mariae (olim Low) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Galley, Matrina Marga Giles: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: [257]

Die 18° Julii 1818 nata et die 19° Julii 1818 baptizataest Elizafilia Ric: RutlidgeWingate et Eliza (olim Wilson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Cretteck, Matrina Maria Wingate : a me Jac; Worswick. St And:

Die 12° Julii 1818 nata et die 26° Julii 1818 baptizata est Elena , filiaJoa:Martin et Annae (olim Campbell) conjugum, Pa[trino]Rob: Smart et MatrinaAnnaSmart : a meJac: Worswick Gateshead

Die Julii 1818 nata et die 3° Aug: 1818 bapa est Anna Curry [so in margin] filia Gul: Errington et Marg: Curry, Matrina Marg: Curry: a meJac:Worswick . All SS:

Die ... Julii 1818 nata et die 10° Aug: 1818 bapa est Isabella , filia Gul: et Esther Smith (olimConnolly) conjugum, MatrinaHellena Davies : a me Jac: Worswick All SS: [258]

Die 5° Maii 1818 natus et die 19° Aug: 1818 baptizatus est Gul: filius Ric : Rhodes et Joanae (olim Aistor) conjugum, Patrino Mal: Ward p: proc : Gul : Fletcher, Matrina Sarah Rhodes: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 4° Junii 1818 natus et die 19° Aug: 1818 baptizatus est Clemens, filius Clementis et Mariae Chambers (olimBeck) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Renwick, MatrinaBarba Beck: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die ... Aug: 1818 natus et die 24 Aug: 1818 baptizatus est Jac: filius Gul : et Suz : McLaughlan (olim McLaran) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Barrett, Matrina Joana McKay: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS:

Die 19° Aug: 1818 natus et die 24° Aug: 1818 baptizatus est Car: filius ThoseMoody et Mariae (olim Spenser) conjugum, PatrinoMat: Magee in margin maybe a slip, in which case olimshould have been written before Magee in the entry

Gul: Dunn p: proc: Geo: Smith, Matrina Anna Taylor: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:


Die 23° Aug: 1818 nata et die 25° Aug: 1818 baptizata est Isaba Sarah, filia Gul : et Isabae Thompson (olim Mellis) conjugum, Patrino Pet: Mellis p: proc: Gul: Fletcher, MatrinaAnna Saunders p: proc : Joana Hall: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

Die 19° Maii 1818 natus et die 30° Aug: 1818 baptizatus est Thoas filius Those Dobson et Mariae (olim Middlemiss) conjugum, Patrino Tho Curry, Matrina Francisca Dodds: a me Jac: Worswick. Jarrow .

Die 12° Aug: 1818 natus et die 17° Aug: 1818 baps est Jac: filius [blank] Peery et Mariae (olim Shiel) conjugum, Patrino Mic : Peery, Matrina Eliza Mushells p: proc: Grace Peery: a me Jac: Worswick. Gateshead .

Die 19 Aug: 1818 natus et die 4 Sep: 1818 baptizatus est Edw: filius Ant: Campbellet Mariae (olim McDonnall) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Smith, MatrinaIaba Elliot: a meJac: Worswick. [260] Die 26 Julii 1816 nata et die 21° Sep: baptizataest Anna , filia Rob: et Mariae Brown (olim Hadrington) conjugum, Matrina Anna Henwright: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead .

Die 20 Ap: 1814 nata et die 21° Sep: 1818 baptizata est Maria, filia Rob: et Mariae Brown (olim Haddrington) conjugum, Matrina Frana Jobling [not signed] Gateshead.

Die 20° Sep: 1818 nata et die 28 Sep: baptizata est Marga filia Jac: et Margae Ingham (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, Patrino Car: Sherwood, Matrina Eliza Fletcher : a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 6° Sep: 1818 natus et die 28 Sep: 1818 baptizatus est Joans filius Pat: McDonnell et Mariae (olim Clauten) conjugum, Patrino Tho Barret, Matrina Marga Errington: a me Jac: Worswick Heworth


Die25° Sep: 1818 natus et die 28 Sep: baptizatus est Thoas Jos: filius Tho : et Margae Gibson (olim Cailey) conjugum, Patrino Mic: Dunn p: proc: Rob: Leadbitter , MatrinaAnna Dunn p: proc: Eliza Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick. StAnd:

Die 29° Jan: 1818 natus et die 7° Oct: 1818 baptizatus estGul: filius Gul: Lee et Jnae Winter, Patrino Jac: Duffy p: proc: Geo: Smith, MatrinaGrace Harrison : a meJac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 28°Martii 1818 nata et die 7° Oct: 1818 baptizata est Hellena filiaJac: Andersonet Joane(olimGray) conjugum, PatrinoHen: Robson, Matrina Joana Hamilton: a me Jac: Worswick Gateshead

Die7° Oct: 1818 nata et die 9° Oct: 1818 baptizata est Rosa, filia Geo : Dunn et Jone (olimDouglass) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Heaton , Matrina Marga Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick Westgate. [262]

Die 8° Oct: 1818 natus et die 22° Oct : 1818 baptizatus est Hen: filius Geo: et Mariae Harbut (olim Tilly) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Curry, Matrina Sarah Russell p: proc: Elenora Harbut: a me Jac: Worswick Jarrow

Die 23° Oct: 1818 natus et die 26° Oct: 1818 baptizatus est Jac: filius Geo: et Margae Howe (olim Watson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Miller,MatrinaEliza Howe: a meJac : Worswick StJohn's


Die 19° Oct: 1818 nata et die 26° Oct: baptizataest Marga filia

Joan: et Mariae Barker (olim Harrison) conjugum, Patrino Tho Ledbitter, Matrina Suz: [blank]: a me Jac: Worswick St And:

Die 6° Sep: 1818 nata et die 4 Nov: 1818 baptizata est Maria Anna, filia Those McKrayet Annae (olimPurdy) conjugum, Matrina

Eliz: Miller: a me Jac: Worswick


Die 25° Oct: 1818 nata et die 13 Nov: 1818 baptizata est Suzafilia Benj Shawet Mariae Annae (olimMansfield[?]) conjugum, Matrina Sarah Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 20° Oct: 1818 natus et die 15° Nov: 1818 baptizatus est Jac: filius Sam : et Marg: Tweddell (olim Chicken) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Ferquerson, MatrinaIaba Wilkinson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Nov: 1818 nata et die 27° Nov: 1818 baptizataest Maria, filia Jacobi McKenna et Cath: (olim McKenna) conjugum, Patrino

Jac: O Gorman, MatrinaMaria Collins: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die26° Nov: 1818 natus et die 30° Nov: 1818 baptizatus est Ant: Gul: Peile et Mariae (olim Byrne) conjugum, Patrino Car: Byrne, Matrina Sarah Wilkinson: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 14° Nov: 1818 natus et die 30° Nov: 1818 bap: est And: filius Lucae McDermot et Thomae (olim Clish) conjugum, Patrino

Pat: Connelly, Matrina Eliza Domegan: a me Jac: Worswick. St Nic:

Die21° Dec: 1818 natus et die 26° Dec: 1818 baptizatus estGeo: filius Alex : Cameronet Hel : (olim Brown) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Brown, MatrinaMaria Foreman: a meJac: Worswick.


Die 25° Dec: 1818 nata et die 80 Jan: 1819 baptizata est Marga filiaHen:etMariae Cunningham (olimCavanagh) conjugum, Patrino Jac: OGorman, Matrina Maria Henderson: a me Jac: Worswick. All SS: Die 30° Oct: 1818 nata et die 10° Jan: 1819 baptizata est Joana filiaCons' O Neil et Margae (olim Bulmer) conjugum, Patrino Bern' Doran, MatrinaCatha Quin: a me Jac: Worswick S: Shields. [265] Die 11° Jan: 1819 natus et die 13° Jan: 1819 baptizatus est Joan:filius Jos: Summers et Marg: (olimMartin) conjugum,Patrino

Ant: Hodgson, Matrina Maria Ormond: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 26° Dec: 1818 nata et die 17° Jan: 1819 baptizataest Dora , filia Those et Sarah Russell (olim Fairly) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Russell, Matrina Sarah Russell: a me Jac: Worswick Kenton

Die 31° Dec: 1818 nata et die 22° Jan: 1819 baptizata est Catha [Martin in margin, obviously a slip] filia Martini et Mariae Hales (olim Gillespi) conjugum, Patrino Carolo Ingham, Matrina Han: Smart: a me Jac : Worswick. All SS:

Die 5° Jan 1819 natus et die 12° Jan 1819 baptizatus est Rob: filius Joan: et Marthae Tully (olim Hall) conjugum, Patrino Tho Allen , MatrinaMaria Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick N:Shields [266]

Die 14° Jan 1819 nata et die 9° Feb¹ 1819 baptizataest Eliza, filia Joan: et Eliza Grey (olim Heppell) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Crooks, Matrina Joana Grey: à me Jac: Worswick Heworth.

Die8° Feb¹ 1819 nata et die 12° Feb¹ 1819 baptizata estCath³ filia Gul: et Cathae Giles (olim Todd) conjugum, PatrinoAnt: Hodgson, Matrina Suz: Todd : a me Jac: Worswick

All SS:

Die9° Feb¹ 1819 nata et die 12° Feb' 1819 baptizataest Hannah , filia Geo: et PenelopeThomas (olim Sherwood) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Sherwood, Matrina Maria Wright: a me Jac: Worswick St And:

Die 9° Feb¹ 1819 nata et die 15° Feb 1819 baptizataest Hellena , filiaCar:Lynch et Han: (olimMcConaugham)conjugum,PatrinoPat: Graham , Matrina Maria Fitzimons : a me Jac: Worswick. All SS :

[On a scrapofpaper insertedhere is thefollowing entry.]

Marga Moody daur of Thoas & Mary Moody born Jany 20, 1819 , baptized Oct 6th 1820. George Wilson Meriner G. Father, Ann Taylor G. Mother. Vide Oct: 1820 . [267] Die 27° Jan' 1819 natus et die 22° Feb: 1819 baptizatus est David, filius Jac: Fitzgerald et Hel: (Nowlan olim) conjugum, Patrino SewellChorley, Matrina Han: Smart : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 8° Feb: 1819 nata et die 1º Martii 1819 baptizata est Maria Anna conditionate , filia Jerom : Bombelli et Annae ([olim] Greve) conjugum, MatrinaMaria Meellery: a me Jac: Worswick . AllSS:

Die27° Oct : 1816 natus et die 1° Martii baptizatus est Jos: filius Jerom: Bombelli et Annae (olim Greve) conjugum, Patrino Christo: Bronca: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die7° Feb: 1819 natus et die 3º Martii 1819 baptizatus estGul: filius Joan: Lodge et Joanae (olim Knox) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Donringham p: proc: Joan: Gray, MatrinaEliza Donringham : ame Jac : Worswick.

[268] Die13° Feb: 1819 natus et die 11° Martii 1819 bap: est Joan: Howard James , filius Joan: H: Kyan et Eleon: (olim .... ) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Kyan, MatrinaElean: Baggs, p: proc: Joan: Miller et N: Hill: a me Jac: Worswick St Nic:

Die 7° Jan: 1819 natus et die 12° Mar: 1819 baptizatus est Jac: filius Joan: et Isab: Cooper (olimRobinson) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Cummin, Matrina Maria Cooper: a me Jac : Worswick Long Benton

Die . Feb: 1819 natus et die 29° Martii baptizatus est Joan: filius Jac: McCray et Annae (olim Byers) conjugum, Patrino Hugh Duffy, Matrina Francisa Atkinson p: proc: Mariam Stewart : a me , Jac: Worswick .

Die 17°Martii 1819 natus et die 29° Mar: 1819 baptizatus estRob: filius Rob: Pattison et Joan: (olim Dodds) conjugum, PatrinoAlex: Woodman p: proc: Car: Ingham, Matrina Percilla Dodd p: proc: Grace Harrison [not signed]. St Nic: [269] Die 1° Martii 1819 nata et die 3º Ap: 1819 baptizata est Isaba Heppell filia N: Heppell et Mariae Stafford, Patrino Gul: Taylor, Matrina Fra Bernes : a me Jac: Worswick. St And:

Die 12° Ap: 1819 nata et die 19° Ap: 1819 baptizata est Esther, filia Jac: et Annae Sherwood (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Sherwood, Matrina Eliz: McCall: a meJac: Worswick StNic:

Die 17° Ap: 1819 natus et die 21° Ap: 1819 baptizatus est Geo:


filius Nic: et Sarah Wilson (olim Day) conjugum, Patrino Ant: Hodgson , Matrina Marg: Hall: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 20° Ap: 1819 natus et die 26° Ap: 1819 baptizatus est Edw: filius Pat: Burke et Cathae (olim Nash) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Murphy: a me Jac: Worswick All SS : [270]

Die20° Ap: 1819 nata et die 26° Ap: 1819 baptizata est Joana filia Bern: Paulichy [Paulitchy in margin] et Joan: (olim Earle) conjugum, Patrino Paul : Ladzari, Matrina Anna Mills: a me Jac: Worswick . All SS:

Die 19° Ap: 1819 natus et die 28° Ap: 1819 bap: est Joan: filius Jos: Lee et Joanae (olim Snowball) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Thomas , Matrina Pene Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick St And:

Die 29° Feb: 1819 nata et die 6° Ap: 1819 bap: est Maria, filiaAnt: et Mariae Errington (olim Pearson ) conjugum, Matrina Eliz: Pinknay: a me Jac: Worswick N: Shields"

Die4° Feb: 1819 Isaba nata et die 24° Feb: 1819 baptizataest , filia Car: Cooper et Mariae (olim Taylor) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Tully, MatrinaDeb: Cooper : a me Jac: Worswick S: Shields [271] Die30° Ap: 1819 nata et die 12° Maii baptizata est Eleonora , filia Geo: Shaw et Mariae (olim Sherwood) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Thomas, MatrinaPenep : Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick. StNic:

Die 9° Maii 1819 nata et die 12° Maii baptizata est Marga Joana filiaGeo:Toddet Dor: (olimGiles) conjugum, PatrinoAnt: Hodgson, Matrina Marga Giles: ameJac: Worswick

All SS:

Die 7° Jan: 1819 natus et die 24° Maii baptizatus est Car: filius

Rob: Russellet Mariae (olim Scott) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Lutenor p: proc: Car: Ingham, Matrina Joana Dobson p: proc: Joan: Carr: a me Jac: Worswick All SS:

Die 31st Maii 1819 nata et die 2do Junii 1819 bapa est Cara filia Joan:FowletCathae (olimMcCormic) conjugum, PatrinoJac:Ward, Matrina Maria Emmerson: a me Jac: Worswick.

[Thefollowing five entries, in another hand, are unsigned.] [272]

Die 3 Junii nata et 27 Junii baptizata [est] Helena filia

Joannis Porteus et Annae (olim Strong) conjugum, Sponsoribus Jacobo Redshawet Eliz: Gray

Die 29 Junii nata et 18 Julii baptizata [est] Maria Dominica filia Jacobi Bardini et Margaritae (olimLays) conjugum,Spons:Dominico Castellati, Isabella Castellati.

Die Junii 3 natus et 18 Julii baptizatus [est] Joannesfilius Thomae Barlow et Mariae [blank] conjugum, Spons : Joanne Carr et Maria Simmons

Die 16 Julii nata et die 18 Julii baptizata [est] HelenafiliaJosephi Robbins et Joanna (olim Anderson) conjugum, Spons: Joanne Anderson et HelenaAnderson

Die 12 Julii natus et 18 baptizatus [est] Carolus filius Caroli Bianchi et Margarito (olim Calvert) conjugum Spons : Christophus Bronar et Maria Anna Ladzrie

[The following seventeen entries, on pages numbered 277 to 280 towards the end ofthe volume , are printed here in order to preserve the chronologicalorder .]


Die 20° Martii nata et die 28° Julii 1819 baptizata est Maria Anna Oliver, filia Joan: et Cathae Oliver (olim Gregg) conjugum, PatrinoCar: Ingham, MatrinaMaria Stuart: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 20° Junii 1819 nata et die 24° Julii baptizata est Joana Turnbull, filia Those et Marg: Turnbull conjugum, Patrino Tho Kentwell, Matrina Maria Stoker : a Thoa Youens, Teste Jac: Worswick

Die 12° Julii 1819 natus et die 4 Aug: 1819 baptizatus est Joannes , filius Nic: Foster et Joan: (olim Train) conjugum, Patrino Car: Ingham, MatrinaMaria Renwick : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 16° Julii natus 1819 et die 16° Aug: 1819 baptizatus est Gul: filius Joan: Wardroper et Han : (olim Thompson) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Wardroper et Matrina Maria Anna Robinson [Wardroper]: a me Jac: Worswick

[278] Die 160 Junii 1819 natus et die 3º Aug: 1819 baptizatus est Rad: filius Jos: Rutherford et Mariae (olim Hardy) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Ward, Matrina Eliza Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick . N. Shields.

Die 13° Aug: 1819 natus et die 19° Aug: 1819 baptizatus est Franciscus, filius Petri Duffy et Annae (olim Murphy) conjugum, Patrino Hugh Duffy, MatrinaGrace Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Aug: 1819 nata et die 20° Aug: 1819 baptizataest Joana filia Joan: Gray et Annae (olim Simpson) conjugum, Patrino And: Robson, MatrinaJoana Hamilton: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 20° Aug: 1819 natus et die 23° Aug: 1819 baptizatus est Mark , filius Petri Connelly et Eliz: (olim Smith) conjugum, PatrinoDennis Regan, Matrina Kat: Main: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 22 Sep: 1819 natus et die 14° Oct: 1819 baptizatus est Jos: filius Gual: Howe et Fran : [blank] conjugum, PatrinoGul: Hedley, Matrina Marga Errington: a me Jac: Worswick. [279] Die 8° Sept: 1819 nata et die 10 Sep: 1819 baptizata est Marg: filia Ant: Hodgson et Mariae (olim Giles) conjugum, Patrino Step: Catnach p: proc: Car: Ingham, MatrinaMariaWingate: ame Jac: Worswick

Die 12° Sep: 1819 nata et die 13° Sep: 1819 bap: est Maria, filia Joan: Young et Cath: (olim Lawson) conjugum, PatrinoRob:Smith, Matrina Eliza Heaton: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 11° Aug: 1819 natus et die 13° Sep: 1819 bap: [est] Andreas filius Joan: McInnes et Cath: (Reed olim) conjugum, MatrinaCath: Killey, Patrino [blank]: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die Sep: 1819 nata et die 21° Sep: 1819 baptizata est Hellena, filia Thoae Joyceet Mariae (olim Smith) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Gillespie, MatrinaAlicia Gillespie: a me Jac: Worswick [280] Die 30 Sep: 1819 natus et die 18° Oct: 1819 baptizatus est Joan: filius PetriMcGuire et Joan: (olim Dixion) conjugum, Patrino

Geo : Davies : a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Sep : 1819 nata et die 18 Oct : 1819 baptizata est Maria King, filia Jac: King et Isabellae (olim Tate) conjugum, Matr:Anna Leonning: a me Jac: Worswick .

* President of Ushaw College 1828-33; d. 31 May 1848

Die 14° Oct: 1819 natus et die 1° Nov: 1819 baptizatus estGul: filius Isaac Pearson et Mariae (olim Curran) conjugum, PatrinoCar: Mordu: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 13° Oct: 1819 nata et die 1° Nov: 1819 baptizata est Anna filia Jos: Brown et MariaeBroadbent, Matrina Anna Smith: ameJac: Worswick.



Die 4º Oct: 1819 natus et die 1° Nov: 1819 baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: et Mariae Hogg (olim Hewitson) conjugum, Patrino Jacob Reedshawp: proc: Joan: Miller, Matrina Eliza Grey: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 9° Nov: 1819 nata et die 10° Nov: 1819 baptizataest Anna , filia Gul: Carr et Dor: (olim Marshall) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Ladzari, MatrinaMaria McCormick: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Nov: 1819 nata et die 17° Nov: 1819 baptizata est Hannah filia Gul: et Hannah Thompson (olim Shine) conjugum, Patrino [blank], Matrina Maria Stuart: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 10° Julii 1818 natus et die 10° Jan: 1819 baptizatus est Thomas, filius Jac: Stuart et Mariae (olim Magdalen) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Thompson, quando Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletae die 17 Nov: a me Jac: Worswick. [274]

Die 7° Dec: 1819 natus et die 20° baptizatus est Joan: filius Edw: Burke et Suz: (olimMcColne) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Davies , Matrina Suz : McKenny: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 24° Oct: 1819 nata et die 30° Nov: 1819 bapa est MariaJoana filia Hen: Coulton et Mariae (olim Jacson) conjugum MatrinaAnna Jacson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 20 Nov: 1819 natus et die 30° Nov: baptizatus est Joan:filius Giles Pinkny et Mar: (olim Mark) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Robson , Matrina Marg: Errington: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 1° Nov: 1819 nata et die 30° Nov: baptizata est Margtafilia Joan: Helder et Annae Muncaster conjugum, MatrinaAnna Thornton: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 3° Nov: 1819 nata et die 30° Nov: 1819 baptizata est Joana filia Rob: Murray et Mariae (olim Grimshaw) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Thornton, Matrina Sarah Russell: a me Jac: Worswick.

[The following entry is insertedat the end ofthe volume .]

On the 8th Sunday after Pentecost I Thomas Youens baptised Sara Murphy the daughter of John Murphy& Maria Burke (conjugum), who was born June 23rd 1820. Sponsors, Patrick Burke, Margaret Wright.

[The lists of Easter Communicants and of First Communicants noted on p. 209 are not reproduced here, as they are of a later date than the period covered by this transcript .]


[It has not been thought necessary to load the letterpress with the four longlistsof Confirmations described on p 209, but thereaderis referred to p 319 belowfor the" Status Animarum" and top. 321for the" Mortui . "]



[98] Die4° Jan: 1820 natus et die 10° Jan: 1820 baptizatus est Edw: Joannesfilius Edw: et Mariae Peal (olim Byrne) conjugum, Matrina Teresa McKenzie, PatrinoGul : Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die Jan: 1820 nata et die 14° Jan: 1820 bapa est Eliza filia Joan: Scanlan et Eliz: (olim .) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton, Matrina Louisa Fenton: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 9° Jan: 1820 natus et die 17° Jan: 1820 baptizatus est Edw: filius Edw: Handling et Hellenae (olim Faghan) conjugum, Patrino Mart: Hales , MatrinaMaria Hales: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 16° Jan: 1820 nata et die 21° Jan: 1820 bap: est Anna Esther Thompsonfilia Gul: et Isab: Thompson (olim Mellis), Patrino Joan: Saunders, Matrina Anna Saunders p: proc: Joan: Ladzari et N: Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 17° Jan: 1820 natus et die 31° Jan: 1820 baptizatus est Hugh, filius Hugh Harrison et Annae (olim Pattison) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Ladzari , MatrinaEliza Irvin: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Jan: 1820 natus et die 4° Feb: 1820 baptizatus est Hen: filius Hen:Harrison et Annae (olim George) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Laurenson p: proc: Joan: Ladzari, Matrina Marga Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 29° Jan: 1820 natus et die 7° Feb: 1820 baps est Thomas , filius Joan: Laurenson et Margae (olim Harrison) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Clarkp: proc: Joan: Ladzari, MatrinaMarga Harrison : ame Jac: Worswick.

Die 1° Jan: 1820 natus et die 7° Jan¹ 1820 bap: est Alex: filius Those Roberts et Mariae (olim . . . ) conjugum, Patrino Car: Develing:a me Jac: Worswick . [100] Die 30º Jan: 1820 nata et die 2do Feb: 1820 baptizataest Maria Rowe Pinkney filia Joan: et Elize (olimHadderick) conjugum, Matrina Marga Errington, PatrinoGiles Pinkney: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die5° Dec: 1819 nata et die 1º Feb: 1820 baptizata est Annafilia Joan: Healey et Hel : (olim Dowling) conjugum, Patrino Pet: Dunican, Matrina Maria Money: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die70 Feb: 1820 nata et die 9° Feb: 1820 bap: est Francica filia Those et Margae Gibson (olim Cailey) conjugum, Matrina Suz: Cailey, Patrino Sam: Cailey p: proc: Joan: Leadbitter: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 1° Feb: 1820 nata et die 15° Feb: 1820 baptizataest Anna filia Joan: Foster et Annae (olim Keuling) conjugum, Matrina Ellena Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick. [101] Die 5° Feb: 1820 natus et die 23° Feb: 1820 baptizatus est Rob: filius Thoae Cavaghet Hel: (olim Erskin) conjugum, [Patrino] Pet: McManning, MatrinaSarah Cosgrove : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 2do Feb: 1820 natus et die 23° Feb: 1820 baptizatus est Jos:

* ThomasGibson was the son of George Gibsononly son of James Gibson of StagehowBank House, by Dorothydaughter of Albert Silvertop of Stella and Newcastle; his wife was Margaret Elizabeth daughter of Samuel Cayley of Uphall, Lincs This child Frances died unmarried 19 Aug. 1889 .


filius Irvin Dinning et Brig: (olim Connor) conjugum, PatrinoThoa Cavagh p: proc: Joan: Cooper, Matrina Cath: Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 13° Feb: 1820 natus et die 6° Martii 1820 baptizatus est Edw: filiusThose Daly et Mariae (olim Cummins) conjugum,PatrinoJoan: Ladzari, MatrinaJulia McCarty: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 17° Feb: 1820 nata et die 6° Martii 1820 bap: est Joana filia Those Emmerson et Eliz: (olim Crooks) conjugum, Patrino Jos: Crooks, Matrina Han: Reed p: proc: Isa: Emmerson: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 24° Martii 1819 natus et die 20° Martii 1820 baptizatus est Joan: filius Petri Ward et Priscillae (olim Henderson) conjugum, Patrino Isaac Henderson, Matrina Barbara Tweddell: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 24° Feb: 1820 nata et die 27° Feb: baptizata est Sarah Mallone filia Edw: et Margae (olim Murray) conjugum, Matrina Kahan: a me Jac: Worswick. N.B. Ceremoniae fueruntsuppletae die20Martii

Die ... Martii 1820 natus et die 24° Mar: baptizatus est Patrick filius Pat: Dunn et Annae (olim Foley) conjugum, Matrina Hel: Cannon , PatrinoMic : Cannonp: Car: Mordue: a meJac:Worswick.

Die29° Feb: 1820 natus et die 7° Martii 1820 baptizatus est Jac: filius Jac: Kalan et Annae (olim Park) conjugum, Patrino Laur: Headon p: proc: Joan : Thos, Matrina Maria Headon: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die27° Feb: 1820 nata et die 10° Ap: 1820 baptizataestHela filiaGul: et Hel:Watson (olimBoner) conjugum, PatrinoBer:McGar, Matrina Maria Montgomary : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 5° Feb: nata 1820 et die 10° Ap: 1820 baptizataest Marga filia Car: Boyle et Annae (olim McBride) conjugum, Patrino Jer: Bombelli, Matrina Nel : Watson : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 22° Ap: 1820 natus et die 24° Ap: 1820 baptizatus est Jos: filius Joan: Rayner et Marg: (olim Taylor) conjugum, Patrino Den: Marky, MatrinaAnna Boyle: a me Jac: Worswick . *

Die 27° Ap: 1820 natus et die 1° Maii 1820 baptizatus est Geo: filius Geo: Coulson et Eliz: Howe, Patrino Benn: Howe p: proc: Joan: Thomas, MatrinaAnna Howe: a me Jac: Worswick [104]

Die ... Ap: 1820 natus et die 2do Maii 1820 baptizatus est Jac: filius Jac: et Irena Luens (olim Nowlan) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Passman, Matrina Isaba Errington: a me Jac: Worswick. N: Shields.

Die 25° Jan : 1820 natus et die 22° Feb: 1820 baptizatus [est]Alex: filius Jac: et Annae Croyle (olim Graham), PatrinoGul: Graham p: procm Dno Davison, Matrina Anna Jacson: a me Jac: Worswick. N: Shields

Die 18° Ap: 1820 natus et die 10 Maii 1820 baptizatus est Gul: filius Joan: et Mariae Weelbury (olim Stephenson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Millerp: proc: Joan: Thomas, MatrinaMariaSanderson: a me Jac: Worswick

See below, p.[105]ofRegister.


Die 15° Ap: 1820 nata et die 15° Maii 1820 baptizata estAnnafilia Hugh et Marthae Sweeny (olim McKenny) conjugum, Patrino FranciscoWard, MatrinaEliz: Irvin: ame Jac:Worswick.


Die 22° Ap: 1820 natus et die 150 Maii Ceremoniaefuerunt suppletaepost baptismum datum die 24° Ap: Leopold [?]filius Joan: Rayner et Marg: (olim Wilson [?]) conjugum, Patrino[blank] p: proc: Geo : Davies, MatrinaBrig: Fall: a me Jac: Worswick . *

Die 4° Junii 1820 natus et die 9° Junii 1820 baptizatus est Geo: filius Geo: Shannet Mariae (olimSherwood ) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Sherwood, Matrina Ellenora Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Maii 1820 natus et die 9° Junii baptizatus est Jac: filius Petri Callaghan et Cathae (olim Ox) conjugum, Patrino Car: Mcmanes , MatrinaHen: Thompson: a meJac: Worswick

Die 23° Maii 1820 nata et die 14° Junii 1820 baptizataest Grace filia Those Peary et Mariae (olim Shevill) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Thomas, Matrina Anna Peary p: proc: Maria Oliver: a me Jac: Worswick. [106]

Die 18° Junii 1820 natus et die 8° Julii 1820 baptizatus est Joan: filius Jac: et Mariae Wardroper (olim Clennet) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Wardroper, Matrina Anna Thompson p: proc : Eliza Gray: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 5° Julii 1820 nata et die 8° Julii 1820 baptizata est Rebecca filia Joan: Palmer et Joanae (olim Hardy) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hardy p: proc: Joan: Miller, MatrinaEliz: Gray: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 25° Junii 1820 natus et die 9° Julii 1820 baptizatus est Lucas filius Lucae McDermot et Thae (olim Clich) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Kelly, Matrina Maria Headen: a me Jac: Worswick

Die Julii nata et die 7° Aug: 1820 baptizata est Joan filia Geo: Sturdy et Mariae (olim Reddy) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Thompson, Matrina Marga Jason: a me Jac: Worswick. [107] Die ... Julii 1820 natus et die 25° Aug: 1820 baptizatus est Franciscus Watson Pearson filius Geo : et Elizae Pearson (olim Watson) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Draycott, MatrinaMariaDraycott p: proc: Matrem : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 27° Aug: 1820 nata et die 1° Sep: 1820 baptizataest Marga filia Hen: Wilser [? Wilson] et Mariae (olim Minto) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Wilson, MatrinaMaria Wilson : a meJac: Worswick .

Die Aug: 1820 natus et die 15° Sep: 1820 baptizatus est Rad: [filius] Gul: Wilson et Thomae (olim Taylor) conjugum, PatrinoThoa Snowdonp: proc: Geo : Davies, MatrinaMaria Palmer p: proc: Maria Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 15° Sep: 1820 natus et die 20° Sep: 1820 baptizatus est Geo: [filius] Jac: Barker et Mariae (olim Harrison) conjugum, Patrino Cutho Rumford , MatrinaEliza Pape: a me Jac: Worswick. [108] Die 13° Sep: 1820 natus et die 21° Sep: 1820 baptizatus est Joans filius Joan: Hardy et Eliz: (olim Potts) conjugum, Patrino Rad : Hardy, MatrinaMaria Gandy: a meJac: Worswick.

Die ... Aug: 1820 nata et die 25° Sep: 1820 bapa est Maria Seeabove, p.[103] ofRegister

Anna filia Pat: Quin et Isabae (olim Blackwood) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Readshaw, MatrinaMargaReadshaw: [a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 13° Ap: 1820 natus et die. . Maii 1820 bap: est Joan: et ceremoniaefuerunt suppletae die 4° Oct: filius Ephrem et Mariae Palmer (olim Low) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Liddell p: proc: Gul: Bass, Matrina Maria Liddell p: proc: Marg: Giles : a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Sep: 1820 nata et die 4° Oct: 1820 baptizataest Maria Anna filia Geo: Todd et Dor: (olim Giles) conjugum, Patrino Nic: Giles , Matrina MariaForeman: a me Jac: Worswick [109] Die 8° Sep: 1820 natus et die 9° Oct : 1820 baptizatus est Chris : filius Chris: Brennan et Joanae (olim Wrightson) conjugum, Patrino Jos: Robson, MatrinaEliza Davies: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 5° Aug: [nata] et die 22° Aug: 1820 bapa est Alicia, filia Jac: Hann et Isabae (olim Burn) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Wardroper p: proc: Gul: Robson, MatrinaEliza Pinkney: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Sep: 1820 nata et die 11° Oct: 1820 baptizata est Isabella, filius [sic] Hen: et Mariae Thompson (olim Callagher) conjugum, Patrino And: Robson p: proc: Jos: Robson , Matrina JanaHamiltonp: proc: Sarah Lock: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die . . .Aug: 1820 nata et die 16° 1820 baptizataest Annafilia Thone Johnson et Mariae (olim Moley) conjugum, Patrino Hugh McCort , Matrina Marga Mallone: a me Jac: Worswick. [110] Die 17° Oct: 1820 natus et die 18° Oct: 1820 baps est Mic: filius Dom Morrison et Joae (Murrayolim) conjugum, PatrinoEdw: Mollone, Matrina Marga Mollone: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 20° Jan: 1819 nata, et eodem tempore baptizata est Marga, filia Those et Mariae Moody, et ceremoniaefueruntsuppletae Oct: 6º 1820 , Geo: Wilson Patrino, Matrina Anna Taylor: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die9° Oct: 1820 natus et die 25° Oct: 1820 baps est Hen: filius Gul: Hannay et Margae (olim English) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Main , MatrinaMarga Main: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Oct: 1820 nata et die 3° Nov: 1820 baptizata est Anna, filia Those Walton et Joanae (olim Thompson) conjugum, Matrina Isab: McGuire: a me Jac: Worswick . [111 ] Die. Oct: 1820 natus et die 6° Nov: 1820 baptizatus est Gul: filius Gul : Smith et Esther (olim McLaughlan) conjugum, Patrino Martini Hales, Matrina Maria Hales: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die5° Nov: 1820 nata et die 8° Nov: 1820 bapa est Anna Doma Paulicci, filia Bern: et Joanae (olim Earle) conjugum, PatrinoAnt: Genelli, MatrinaJoana Stoker : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 2do Nov : 1820 nata et die 13° Nov: 1820 baptizata estHannah filia Mat:Montgomery et Mariae(olim Fitzpatrick) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Ferquerson, Matrina Catha Walls: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 24° Ñov: 1820 nata et die 28 Nov: 1820 baptizata est Hannah, filia Edw: Murray et Mariae ([olim] Hughes) conjugum, Patrino Tho Daylyp : proc : Car: Mordu, Matrina Marga Dayly : a me Jac: Worswick

[112] Die 19° Nov: 1820 natus et die 28° baptizatus est Hen:filius

Those Mackoy et Han : (olim ? Puroy) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Bass, Matrina Han: Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 20° Nov: 1820 natus et die 30° Nov: 1820 baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: Mallamet Eliz: (olimMarshall) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Ward, Matrina Maria Watson : a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Nov: 1820 nata et die 4° Dec: 1820 bapa est Margafilia Joan: Shaddyet Cathae (olim Ryan) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Bass , MatrinaMaria Stuart: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 21° Nov: 1820 natus et die 18° Dec: 1820 baptizatus est Jacobus, filius Thone Carnes et Joanae (olim Monaghan) conjugum , Patrino Jos : Robson: a me Jac: Worswick. [113] Die . . . Nov: 1820 natus et die . . . Dec: 1820 baptizatus est Joan: filius Joans Dowling et Margae (olim Duffy) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Dully, MatrinaMaria Dully: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 14° Aug: 1820 nata et die 20° Dec: 1820 baptizata estHellena , filiaCorn: Lyons et Annae (olim Kingston) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Henby, MatrinaMarg: Mallone: a meJac: Worswick.

Die9° Nov : 1820 natus et die 12° Dec: baps est Gul: filius Alex : Twiff et Eliza (olimShaw) conjugum, Patrino[blank], MatrinaMarga Errington: a meJac: Worswick

Die 18° Dec: 1820 nata et die 22° Dec: 1820 bapa est Mariafilia Gul: et Priscillae Eliza Stoker ([olim] Emmerson) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Dunn, Matrina Rosa Stoker: a me Jac: Worswick [114]

Die 2do Dec: 1820 nata et die 28° Dec: 1820 bapa est Anna [filia] Pat: McMullan et Rosae (olim McNamara) conjugum, Patrino Jos : Robson, MatrinaMariaCallaghan: a meJac:Worswick [1821]

Die7° Dec: 1820 natus et die 3º Jan¹ 1821 baps est Gul: filius Jac: Wright et Marg: (olim Draycot) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Draycot p: proc: Joan: Miller, MatrinaMaria Draycot: a me Jac:Worswick

Die Sep: 23° 1820 natus et die 3° Jan: 1821 baps est Franciscus filius Ric: Savage et Elize (olim Scott) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Donnell p: Jac: Duffy, Matrina Maria McCordy: a me Jac: Worswick

Die21° Dec: 1820 natus et die 31° Dec: 1820 baps est Jac: [filius] Those Duffyet Joan: (olimVastip) conjugum, PatrinoDen: Donnelly, Matrina Anna Thompson p: proc: Gratia Harrison: a me Jac: Worswick. N.B. Ceremoniae suppletae3º Jan: 1821 . [115] Die ... Dec: 1820 nata et die 3º Jan : 1821 bapa est Sarah, filia Joan: ONeil et Cathae (olim Rabbit) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Fagan, MatrinaMarga Dowling: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 20° Sep: natus et die 26° Dec: 1820 baptizatus est Thomas filius Mat :Cherryet Joanae(olim Harrison) conjugum, PatrinoEdm: Scanlan, Matrina Anna Connor: a me Jac: Worswick Shields

Die 1° Jan 1821 nata et die 9° Jan: 1821 bapa est Anna, filia Jeremii Gray et Marg: (olim Reynolds) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Reynolds, Matrina Eliza Wild: a me Jac: Worswick. Shields.

Die . Sep : 1820 natus et die 31° Dec: 1820 baptizatus est Arthur Thomas O Neil filius Constantine O Neil et Margae (olim

Bulmer) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Collins , MatrinaMaria McKenna: a me Jac: Worswick. Shields


Die 10° Jan: 1821 nata et die 15° Jan: 1821 bapa est Francisca filia Corn: Davin et Franciscae(olim Bell) conjugum, Patrino Jerom Bombelli, MatrinaSarahMcKen: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Dec: 1820 nata et die 15° Jan 1821 bapa est Sarah filia Gul: Blackellet Sarah (olim Quin) conjugum, PatrinoCornsDavin , Matrina Anna Tate: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 17° Dec: 1820 natus et die 26° Jan¹ 1821 baps est Gul: filius Hen: Ward et Mariae (olim Flinn) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Harding, Matrina Maria Hughes: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die Jan 1821 nata et die 29° Jan¹ 1821 bapa est Marga filia Mic: OMara et .. .. (olim Gardener) conjugum, Patrino Car: Carrol, Matrina Elenora Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick. [117] Die 13° Jan 1821 nati et die 31° Jan¹ 1821 bap'suntAliciaet Thos [infantes . . .] Hand et Marthae (olim Buckley) conjugum; Patrino Aliciae, Pat: Kelly et Matrina Eliza Hall; Patrino Thoae, Dennis Harrald [et] MatrinaCatha Nelson, p : proc: Geo: Davies et Joan: Thos: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 70 Feb: 1821 natus et die 19° Feb: 1821 baptizatus est Franciscus Joan: filius Fran: Barnasconi et Isab: (olim Murray) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Nichol, Matrina Brig: Fall: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 180 Feb: 1821 nata et die 23° Feb: 1821 bapa est Mariafilia TheHardyet Hanh (olim Miller) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hardy p:proc:Car:Mordue, Matrina Eliza Gray: ameJac:Worswick. N.B. Maria AnnaMoody, nata Jan: 31 , 1821 fuisse bapm, Rob: Taylor et Anna Taylor Sponsoribus: a me Jac: Worswick . Vide 24 Ap: 1824. [118] Die 19° Feb: 1821 natus et die 26° Feb: 1821 bapus est Thos filius Jac: Ingham et Margae (olim Hodkinson) conjugum , Patrino Ant : Hodgson, MatrinaMaria Potts: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 13° Feb: 1821 natus et die 26° Feb: 1821 baptizatus est Thos filius Joan: Martin et Annae (olim Campbell ) conjugum, PatrinoJo Thomas, Matrina Maria Fenton: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 21° Feb: 1821 natus et die 26° Feb: 1821 baptizatus est Jac: filius Car: Craton et Mariae (olim Harper) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Thoma, MatrinaAnna Cestles: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 170 Feb: 1821 nata et die 28° Feb: 1821 bapa est Mariafilia Jac: Stewart et Mariae (olim Magdalen) conjugum, Patrino Jos: Robson, MatrinaEliz:Miller: a meJac: Worswick [119] Die 11° Feb 1821 natus et die 5° Martii 1821 baptizatus est Franciscus , filius Jac: Murphy et Barb: (olim Hall) conjugum, Patrino Edw: Hind, Matrina Eliza Watson : a me Jac: Worswick

Die . . .Jan 1821 nata et die 23° Jan: 1821 baptizata est Catha filia Pat: et Brig: Runda (olim Runda [?]) conjugum, Patrino Pat: McGowen , MatrinaCatha Mulronay : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 210Sep: 1820 natus et die 20 Feb: 1821 baps est Joan: filius Joan: McKen et Dor: (olim Wilson) conjugum, Patrino Mic: Ward, Matrina Eliza Pinkney: a me Jac: Worswick

Die27°Feb: 1821 natus et die 12° Martii baps estJohn Craddwick filiusGul: Hedleyet Annae (olimCradwick) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Cradwick, Matrina Elenora Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick


Die 10 Jan¹ 1821 natus et die 12° Martii 1821 baps est Daniel filius Joan: McManus et Eliza (olim Coyle) conjugum, Patrino Jos: Robson, Matrina Joana Carnes : a me Jac: Worswick

Die . Martii nata 1821 et die 12° Martii 1821 bapa est Maria filia Those Byrne et Annae (olim Cunningham) conjugum, Patrino Tho* Maclane, Matrina Isabella Barnosconi: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 22° Feb: 1821 nata et die 16° Martii 1821 bapa est Catha filia Jac: Morgan et Annae (olim McKay) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Huges, Matrina Maria McKenny : a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Martii 1821 natus et die 17° Martii 1821 baps est Joan: Pat: filius PatriciiFarroll et Margae (olim Moony) conjugum , Patrino Nic: Hylandp: proc: Joan: Thomas, MatrinaBridg: Mallen: a me Jac: Worswick

[121] Die 26° Feb: 1821 natus et die 19° Martii 1821 baps est Radulphus filius Joan: Newby et Hellenae (olim Forster) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Burn, MatrinaAnnaForster: a meJac: Worswick

Die270 Feb: 1821 nata et die 19° Martii 1821 bapa est Margafilia Those Lyons et Mariae (olim Casey) conjugum, PatrinoDavid Hind, MatrinaHella Forster : a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 18° Feb: 1821 nata et die 19° Martii 1821 bapa est Rosafilia Barth McIvers et Eliza (olim Kelly) conjugum, Matrina Eleonora Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick

Die3º Martii 1821 natus et die 23° Martii 1821 baptizatus estBernardus filius Arthuri Lowrie et Annae (olim McCrossan) conjugum , Patrino Car: Ingham, Matrina Anna Teasdale : a me Jac: Worswick . [122] Die 21° Martii nata et die 26° Martii bapa est Rosafilia Car: Brannan et Rosae (olim Ward) conjugum, Patrino Martino Hales , MatrinaBrig: Cleland: a me Jac: Worswick

Die21° Martii nata et die 26° Martii 1821 bapa est BrigafiliaEdw: Norton et Catha (olimMcConnell) conjugum, PatrinoCar: Brannen , Matrina Sarah McKen: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die22° Martii 1821 natus et die 27Martii 1821 baps est Edw: filius OwenMuldoon et . . . . . (olim .. . .), PatrinoThoa Behan, Matrina Anna Behan: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 30° Martii 1821 natus et die 16° Ap: 1821 baps est Rob: filius Rob: Dodds et Franciscae (olim Dobson) conjugum, Patrino Shafto Dodds, MatrinaJoana Lutenor: a me Jac: Worswick. [123] Die 12° Ap: 1821 natus et die 16° Ap: 1821 baps est Ric: filius Jac: Sherwood et Annae (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Baron p: proc: Gul: Sherwood, MatrinaSarah Thomas: ame Jac: Worswick

Die9° Martii 1821 [natus] et die 10 Ap: 1821 bap: est Rob:filius Those Russell et Sarah (olim Fairly) conjugum, Patrino Pat: OConnor , MatrinaSarah Russell: a me Jac: Worswick

Die22° Ap: 1821 nata et die27° Ap: 1821 bapa est Catha filiaJoan: et Cathae Young (olim Lawson) conjugum, Patrino Gul : Heabon , MatrinaHanh Lawsonp: proc: Maria Lawson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die4° Martii 1821 natus et die 31° Ap: [? 30° Ap: or morelikely 1º Maii] 1821 baps [est] Pat: filius Hugh Dunackay et Joan: (olim Smith) conjugum, Jac: Stewart Patrino , Matrina Joan:Cairn: a me

Jac : Worswick


Die 2do Ap: 1821 natus et die 31° [sic] Ap: 1821 baps [est]

Gul: filius Nic: Forster et Joanae (olim Train) conjugum, Patrino

Geo: Reedshaw p: proc: Car: Mordu, MatrinaAnna Surtees : a me

Jac: Worswick .

Die3º Ap: 1821 nata et die 31° Ap: [sic] 1821 bapa est Sarah filia

Gul: Thelwell et Eliz: (olim Russell) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Miller p: proc: Joan : Stewart, Matrina Eliza Miller: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 1° Maii 1821 natus et die 2do Maii 1821 baps est Thos filius Thoae et Margae Gibson (olim Caley) conjugum, Patrino Rob' Leadbitter, Matrina Eliza Dunn p: procm : Anna Castles : a me Jac: Worswick. N.B. Patrinus Adam Dale

Die 6° Ap: 1821 nata[sic] et die 9° Maii 1821 baptizatus est Geo: filius Ant Errington et Mariae (olim Pearson) conjugum, Patrino Car: Cooper p: proc: Car: Mordu, Matrina Maria Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 2do Maii 1821 nat: et die 14° Maii 1821 bapa est Cath filia Jac: McCray et Annae (olim . .) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Kain et Esther Duffy Matrina: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Maii 1821 nata et die 18° Maii 1821 bapa est Marga filia

Car: Bianchi et Margae (olim Calvert) conjugum, Patrino Francisco Paulitchi p: proc: Geo: Stewart, Matrina Joan Paulitchi: a me Jac : Worswick.

Die 17° Maii 1821 natus et die 21° Maii 1821 baps est Joan: filius

Joan: Oliver et Cathae (olim Grey) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Hanlan , Matrina Joana Karnes: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 1° Junii 1821 natus et die 8° Junii 1821 baptizatus est Joan: filius Pat: Hewges et Sarah (olim . . . ) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Thomas et Matrina Anna Harrison: a me Jac: Worswick


Die 15° Martii 1821 nata et die 11° Junii 1821 bapa est Hanh filia Gul: Knox et Mariae (olim Arckless) conjugum, Patrino Tho Trumbull, Matrina Marga Trumbull: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die28° Maii 1821 nata et die 11° Junii 1821 bapa est Anna [filia]

Joan: Portus et Annae (olim Strong) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Readshaw, MatrinaEliza Grey: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 12° Junii 1821 nata et die 18° Junii 1821 bapa [est] Margta filia .... Morning et Sarah (olim Barnfather) conjugum, Patrino

Car: Hayes, MatrinaElizaWilson : a meJac: Worswick .

Die 22° Junii 1821 nata et die 25° Junii 1821 bapa est Marga filia Daniel Campbell et Roze (olim Burke) conjugum, Patrino Petro Campbellet Matrina Joana Simpson: a me Jac: Worswick . [127]

Die1º Julii 1821 natus et die 4º Julii 1821 baps est Jac:filius

Hen: Monaghan et Elizae (olim Atkinson) conjugum, Patrino Hugh

* Succeeded to Low Warden estate under the will of his uncle Matthew Leadbitter in 1874 ; married first Harriet Rayner who died in 1873 , and secondlyEliz.AnnAtkinson whodied s.p. 4 Dec. 1879 .

Duffy p: proc: N. Greggs, Matrina Fran Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 5° Julii 1821 nata et die 9º Julii 1821 bapa est Sarahfilia Jac: Murray et Cath: (olim Curran) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Henlay, MatrinaMargaDayly: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 10° Julii 1821 nata et die 11°Julii 1821 bapa est Dor:filiaAnt: Hodgson et Mariae (olim Giles) conjugum, Patrino Mat: Robson , Matrina Maria Foreman: a me Jac: Worswick

Die220 Junii 1821 nata et die 15° Jun: [? Julii] 1821 bapa est Isa" filiaSam: Tweddell et Margae (olim Chicken) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Wilson, MatrinaMaria Gandy: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 16° Julii 1821 nata et die 17° Julii baptizata est Maria filia Gul: Sexton et Hellenae conjugum (olim Fitzpatrick), Matrina Brid: Martin, [Patrino] Corn: Sullivan : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 1º Julii 1821 nata et die 20° Julii 1821 bapa est Maria [filia] Joan Grant et Eliz: (olimKidd) conjugum, PatrinoJoannes Hanley, MatrinaKat: Collins: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 5° Julii 1821 nata et die 20° Julii 1821 bapa est Joanna filia Rob: Pattison et Joanae (olim Dodd) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Atkinson, Matrina Eliza Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die Julii 1821 nata et die 23° Julii 1821 bapa est Hellena [filia] Joan Brown et Marg: (olim Tray) conjugum, Patrino . . .. McFarlan, MatrinaPhoebe Hennagan: ame Jac: Worswick. [129] Die Junii 1821 natus et die 10° Aug: 1821 baps est Hen: filius Rob: Marshall et Mariae (olim Temperly) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Dean, Matrina Maria Marshall p: proc: N: Miller: a me Jac: Worswick

Die26° Julii 1821 natus et die 13° Aug: 1821 baps est Joan:filius Those Davies et Mariae (olim Carrol) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Cole p: proc: Joan: Thomas, Matrina Hela Cassidy: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 19° Aug: 1821 nata et die 22° Aug: 1821 bapa est Marga filia Geo: Brown et Thomae (olim Willis) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton p: proc: N: Thomas, Matrina N: Hormston : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 15° Aug: 1821 natus et die 22° Aug: 1821 baps est Joan:filius Jeremiae Heghair et Brig: (olim Murphy) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Brown, MatrinaN: Cameron: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 16° Aug: 1821 nata et die 28° Aug: 1821 bapa est Cath filia Jac: McKenna et Cathe ([olim] McKenna) conjugum , Patrino Constantino O Neil, Matrina Eliza Hall: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Aug: 1821 nata et die 28° Aug: 1821 bapa est Anna filia Petri Connelly et Brig: (olim Smith) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Robinson, MatrinaAnnaMcLaughlan: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 29° Aug: 1821 natus et die 5° Sep: 1821 baps est Geo: Adam filius Gul: Thompson et Isabellae (olim Mellis) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Ramsay, MatrinaDora Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 12° Sep: 1821 natus et die 15° baps est Gul: filius Sam: Warrell et Mariae (olimMcCormic) conjugum, PatrinoMic : Connelly, MatrinaMarg: Nowlan : a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 16° Sep : 1821 nata et die 23° Sep: 1821 bapa est Maria,

filia Mic: Connelly et Bridget (olim Hynes) conjugum, Matrina Hela Fallon, Patrino Petr: Fallon : a me Jac: Worswick

Die14° Sep: 1821 natus et die8° Oct: 1821 baps estGul:filiusGul: Cook et Mariae (olim Stoker) conjugum, Patrino Martino Hales, Matrina Gratia Harrison : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die28Sep: 1821 nata et die 8° Oct: 1821 bapa estAnna,filiaPetri Duffy et Annae (olimMurphy) conjugum, Patrino FranciscoMurphy , Matrina Euphelia Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 13° Sep: 1821 natus et die 4° Oct: baptizatus est Jac: filius Jac: Higgins, et Isabellae (olim Hedley) conjugum, Patrino Gul: McManamy, Matrina Suz : Burke: a me Jac: Worswick . N.B. Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletaedie 8° Oct. [132]

Die 10 Oct: 1821 natus et die 15° Oct : 1821 baps est Joan: filius Pat: Shee et Eliz: (olim Horn) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Gray, Matrina Eliza Horn: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 11° Oct: 1821 natus et die 15° Oct: 1821 baps est Jos: filius Geo: Shaw et Mariae (olim Sherwood) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Thomas , MatrinaSarah Thomas: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 21° Sep: 1821 nata et die 17° Oct: 1821 bapa est Joana filia Rob: Memikon et Isab: (olim Wilkinson) conjugum, Patrino Sam: Tweddell p: proc: Joan: Gray, Matrina Eliz: Shipley: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Oct: 1821 nata et die 22° Oct: 1821 bapa est Joana filia

Jeremiae Tuhy, et Joanae (olim Bryan) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Kaine, Matrina Eliza Jones: a me Jac: Worswick [133]

Die 18° Oct: 1821 nata et die 25° Oct: 1821 bapa est Anna filia Owen Caulfield et Brigae (olim Farroll) conjugum, Patrino Car: Molloy, MatrinaMaria Molloy: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 18° Oct: 1821 natus et die 28° Oct : 1821 baps est Jac: filius Joans et Eliza Scanlan , PatrinoJoan: Davies, MatrinaEliza Davies: ame Jac: Worswick

Die 27° Oct: 1821 nata et die 2do Nov: 1821 bapa est Joana filia

Joan: Ryan et Eliza (olim Vickers) conjugum, PatrinoNic: Falan , Matrina Sarah Henry: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 6° Nov: 1821 natus et die 9° Nov: 1821 baps est Thomasfilius

Edw:Gallerty et Suz: (olimFarles) conjugum, PatrinoTho" Flattery, Matrina Rosa Flattery: a me Jac: Worswick. [134] Die ... Oct: 1821 nata et die 12° Nov : 1821 bapa est Catha filia Dennis ONeilet Cathae (olim Mahanny) conjugum, PatrinoPat: Sevillep: proc: Joan:, MatrinaN: Miller: a me Jac: Worswick. "

Die 20° Oct: 1820 natus et die 12° Nov: 1821 baps est Thomas filius Those Passymore et Mariae Grant, Patrino Pat: Dommagan p: proc: Gul:. MatrinaEliza Domagan: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die26° Oct: 1821 natus et die 30° Nov: 1821 baps est Joan:filius

Joans Gray et Annae (olim Simson) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Gray, Matrina Eliza Dommingan: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 12° Nov : 1821 nata et die 3º Dec: 1821 bapa est Anna filia

Joan: Wardroper et Annae (olim Thompson) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Newton p: proc: Martin Hales, Matrina Anna Robinson p: proc: Eliz: Dommingan : a me Jac: Worswick

[135] Die ... Nov: 1821 natus et die Dec: 10 baps est Gul: filius McManamy Gul : et Joanae (olim Liddell) conjugum, Patrino Joan: McCormick , MatrinaEliza Grant : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 9° Nov: 1821 nata et die Dec: . . . 1821 bapa est Eliza filia Dennis O Conor et Helae (olim Sullivan) conjugum , Patrino Joan: Sail p: proc: Gul: Bainbridge, Matrina .. . O Connor p: proc: Maria Renwick : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 21° Dec: 1821 natus et die 31° Dec: 1821 baps est Jac: filius Jac: McDonnell et Sarah ([olim] McKen) conjugum, Patrino Alex: Hales, Matrina Eliza Mullen : a me Jac: Worswick .


Die2doJan 1822 nata et die 11° Jan: 1822 bapa est Catha filiaJac: Skehillet Cathae (olim Hicky) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Bainbridge, Matrina Anna McKenzie: a me Jac: Worswick.

[136] Die Jan 1822 natus et die 30º Jan: 1822 baps est Jac: filius Petri Maclan et Annae (olim Burns) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Finn, MatrinaSarah McDonnell: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 3° Janº 1822 nata et die 31° Jan° 1822 bapa est Anna filia Joan: Glover et Margae (olim Wawn) conjugum, Matrina Eliza Hall: ame Jac:Worswick.

Die3º Feb: 1822 natus et die 6º Feb: 1822 baps est Thomasfilius Edm : Devin et Cathae (olimKelly) conjugum, PatrinoRic: McGath, MatrinaMaria Falmyngham : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 10° Jan 1822 natus et die 6º Feb: 1822 baps est Isaac filius IsaacFisher et Mariae Chapman , Patrino Joan: Finn, MatrinaIsab: McGuire: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die25° Jan 1822 nata et die 21° Jan' [? Feb.] 1822 bapa est Eliza filia Joan: Smith et Sarah Rutlidge, MatrinaAnnaMullan, Patrino Gul: Mullan : a me Jac: Worswick. [137] Die 9° Jan 1822 nata et die 25° Feb: 1822 bapa est Marga filia Berd: Henny et Annae ([olim] McCuin) conjugum, Patrino Jac: McCollom, MatrinaMarga McCollom: ame Jac: Worswick

Die 6° Martii 1822 nata et die 8° Martii 1822 bapa est Marga Penelope filia Geo: Thomas et Penelope(olim Sherwood) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Barron, Matrina Hellena Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 5° Martii 1822 nata et die 12° Martii bapa est Eliza filia Gul: Reed et Joane (olim McCall) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Fletcherp: proc: N: Robson, MatrinaEliza McCall: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Martii 1822 nata et die 22° Martii 1822 bapa est Maria Anna, filia Joans Slater et Mariae (olim Robinson) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Robinson, Matrina Francisca Joblin: a me Jac: Worswick.

[138] Die20°Martii nata et die 28° Martii bapa est Eliza filiaMartini Hales et Mariae (olim Glaspy) conjugum, Patrino Christi Bronar , MatrinaMariaBronar : a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 13° Jan 1822 nata et die 28° Martii 1822 bapt : est Maria, filia Corn' Lyons et Annae (olimSkinson) conjugum, PatrinoMartino Hales , MatrinaKat: Murray: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 25° Martii 1822 nata, et die 28° Martii bapa est Maria filia

Joan: Leonard et Margae (olim . . . ) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Mic: Grown, Matrina Joana Grown: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 25° Martii 1822 natus et die 1º Ap: 1822 bap est Thomasfilius

Joan: Barker et Mariae (olim Harrison) conjugum, Patrino Jo N: Miller, Matrina Eleonore Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick [139]

Die 24° Martii 1822 nata et die 1° Ap: 1822 bapa est Eliz: filia Pat: Higgin et Eliz: (olim Downly) conjugum, Matrina Anna Wartin: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 3° Ap: 1822 nata et die 9° Ap: 1822 bapa est Anna , filiaJoan: Hanleyet Suz: (olimConnelly) et conjugum, PatrinoTerentio Johnson, Matrina Dora O Bryan: a meJac:Worswick

Die 5° Martii baptizati fuerunt Jac: et Patricius Johnson [parents' names omitted], qui fuerunt nati 3º Martii 1822 , et Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletae 9° Ap: 1822, Patrino pro Jac: Jas Murray et pro Patricio Joan: Hanley, Matrina Eliz: Miller: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 23° Ap: 1822 natus et die 27° Ap: 1822 baps est Joan: filius Joan: Scanlan et Cathae (olim McFee) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Harragon, MatrinaBrig: Connelly: a meJac:Worswick. [140] Die 10° Ap: 1822 natus et die 29° Ap: 1822 baps est Jac: filius Pat: Burke et Cathae (olim Nash) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Donnelly, MatrinaN: Miller: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 15° Ap: 1822 nata et die 5° Maii 1822 bapa est Anna , filia ThosePearyet Mariae (olim Shevell) conjugum, PatrinoRob: Peary, Matrina N: Sherwood: a me Jac:Worswick .

Die2doMaii 1822 natus et die 6° Maii 1822 baps est Thomasfilius Gul: et Hanh Thompson (olim .) conjugum, Patrino Alex: Hales, MatrinaHanhSmart : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Ap: 1822 natus et die 6° Maii 1822 baps est Jacob filius

Jacob Bardini et Mary (olim Lee) conjugum, PatrinoAlex: Hales , Matrina Brig: Fall: a me Jac: Worswick

[141] Die4° Maii 1822 nata et die 7° Maii 1822 bapa est Brigit filia

Joan: Ward et Annae (olim McLaughlan) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Hagan, MatrinaAnna Conlon: a me Jac: Worswick

Die1°Maii 1822 natus et die 20° Maii 1822 baps est Jac:filius Jac: Peacock et Suz: (olim Todd) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Ward, Matrina Marga Todd p: procm Cathm Giles: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 18° Maii 1822 natus et die 22° Maii 1822 bapsest Gul: filius N: Bray et Kate (olim .) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Gray, Matrina Joana Sharp: a me Jac: Worswick

Die .. Maii 1822 nata et die 28° Maii 1822 bapa est Catha filia Bar Brady et Mariae (olim McDonnell) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hanby, Matrina Suz : Hanly: a me Jac: Worswick [142]

Die 11° Junii 1822 nata et die 13° Junii 1822 baps est Marga filia Geo: et Margae Howe (olim Watson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Miller p: proc: Joan: Thomas, Matrina Eliza Howe: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 29° Maii 1822 nata et die 16° Junii 1822 bapa est Marga filia Gul: Hedley et Annae (olim Carrick) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Sherwood, Matrina Marga Carrick: a me Jac: Worswick


Die 18 Maii 1822 natus et die 160 Junii 1822 baps est Thomas , filius Chris: Lee et Hanh (olim Reed) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Reed p: proc: Mart : Hales, MatrinaHel : Reed: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 28° Maii 1822 nata et die 16° Junii 1822 bapa est Marga filia

Mal : Ward et Annae (olim Morrison) conjugum, Patrino

MatrinaEliza Kenan: a me Jac: Worswick .

[143] Die 13° Junii 1822 nata et die 21° Junii 1822 bapa est Eliza

filia Daniel Hammell et Cathae (olim Downly) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Barker, MatrinaEliza Downly: a meJac : Worswick.

Die 23° Junii 1822 natus et die 26° Junii 1822 baps est Joan: filius Joan: Herron et Margae (olim . . . .) conjugum, Patrino Jac:

McKowin, MatrinaBridg: Mac Ken: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Junii 1822 nata et die 8° Julii 1822 bapa est Anna , filia

Joan: Hogg et Mariae (olim Hasan) conjugum, Matrina Maria

Emmerson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 18° Junii 1822 nata et die 10° Julii 1822 bap: est Catha filia

Thone Johnson et Mariae (olim Moley) conjugum, Patrino Dan: Moley, MatrinaCatha Daley: a me Jac: Worswick.

[144] Die 18° Julii 1822 nata et die 5° Aug: 1822 bap" est Hellena , filia Geo: et Mariae Sturdy (olim . .) conjugum, Patrino Ant: Hodgson p: proc: Car: Ingham , Matrina Sarah Wilkinsonp: proc: Hel : Sherwood[not signed]

Die ... Maii 1822 natus et die 5° Aug: 1822 baps est Joan: filius Ric: Savage et Elizae (olim Scott) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Domigan p: proc: Joan: Gray, Matrina Eliza Domigan: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 15° Junii 1822 natus et die 25° Junii 1822 baps est Thosfilius Joan: et Elizae Gray (olim Heppell) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Reedshaw p: proc: Gul: Bainbridge, Matrina Maria Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick N.B. Ceremoniaefuerunt suppletae 7 Aug:

Die 29° Julii 1822 natus et die 19° Aug: 1822 baps est Jac: filius McKuen et Mariae (olim Clavenagh ) conjugum, PatrinoPat: Croker, MatrinaMaria Killan: a me Jac: Worswick [145] Die24° Julii 1822 natus et die 19° Aug: 1822 baps est Barth: filius Lucas McDermot et Thomassinae (olim Clish) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Connelly, MatrinaN: Shippen: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 9° Aug: 1822 natus et die 23° Aug: 1822 baps est Thomas , filius Clem : Wilson et Thomae (olimTaylor) conjugum, PatrinoRad: Taylor p: proc: Joan : Gray, Matrina Isab: Taylor p: proc: Maria Slaytor: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 12° Aug: 1822 nata et die 26° Aug: 1822 bapa est Margafilia Jac: Gallagher et Mariae (olim McCurdy) conjugum, Patrino Nic: McEentire, Matrina Eliza Miller: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10 Aug: 1822 nata et die 30 Aug: 1822 baptizata est Marga [filia] Thomae Walton et Jane (olim Thompson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Willock, Matrina Maria Renwick: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die . Aug: 1822 natus et die 30 Aug: 1822 bap: est Hugh filius Hugh Dogherty et Mariae McKewen, Patrino Joan: Finn et [Matrina]Joana Walton: a me Jac: Worswick . [146] Die 29° Aug: 1822 natus et die 30° Aug: 1822 bapsestJos:

Dunn , filius Thone Gibsonet Margae(olim Caley) conjugum, Patrino

Sam: Caley Sen p: proc : Gul: Caley et Matrina Joana Gibson p: proc: N: Caley: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 6° Aug: 1822 natus et die 2do Sep: 1822 baps est Jac: filius Jac: Gilmore et Mariae (olim Blackwood) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Main, Matrina Barbara Coulthard : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 2do Aug: 1822 nata et die 2do Sep: 1822 bapa est Mariafilia

Joan: Hallydale et SarahTrumbull, PatrinoJoan: Finn et [Matrina] Cicilia Carr: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 28° Aug: 1822 nata et die 6° Sep: 1822 bapa est Maria [filia]

Car:McDevot et Mariae (olimWhite) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Finn, Matrina Catha Collins: a me Jac:Worswick. [147]

Die 29° Sep: natus et die 2do Oct: 1822 baps est Jos: filius Jos: et Mariae Lutenor (olim Watson) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Dodds , Matrina Joana Atkinson : a meJac: Worswick .

Die . . . Oct : 1822 nata et die 16° Oct: 1822 bapa est Sarah, filia Edw: Ryly et Margt (olim . . . .) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Birmingham , MatrinaAnna Ward: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Aug: 1822 natus et die 16° Oct : 1822 bap: est Rob: filius

Cullen et Joannae (olim Radford) conjugum, Patrino Ric: Arrundel, MatrinaSarahThomas: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 28 Julii 1822 natus et die 16° Oct: 1822 bap: est Jeremiah filius Ric: Nutten et Eliz: (olim Dunbar) conjugum, Patrino Mat: Mordue: ameJac: Worswick . [148]

Die27° Oct: 1822 nata et die 28° Oct: 1822 bapa est Suzanna filia Edw:Flinn et Marg: (olim Pray) conjugum, PatrinoHugh Green , Matrina Anna Thompson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 5° Oct : 1822 nata et die 4º Nov: 1822 bapa est Elizafilia Hugh Harrison et Annae (olim Patterson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Thomas, MatrinaSuz : Burke : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 15° Oct: 1822 nata et die 11° Nov: 1822 bapa est Eliz: filia

Jac: Donnaghon et Mariae Broadbent, Patrino Pat: Domaghon p: proc: Thom Foreman, Matrina ElizaDomagan: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Nov: 1822 natus et die 13° Nov: 1822 baps est Geo: filius Joan: Oxleyet Joanae (olim Wilson) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Fulham , Matrina Eliza Wilson: a me Jac:Worswick.


Die 5° Nov: 1822 natus et die 18° Nov: 1822 baps est Jos: filius Jos: Bernard et Annae (olim Mennard) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Gregg, MatrinaEliz: Miller: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 13° Junii 1822 natus et die 18° Nov: 1822 baps est Hugh filius Corn: Devon et Franciscae (olim Bell) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hanley, MatrinaMargtaMallone: a me Jac: Worswick

Die . Nov: 1822 natus et die 22 Nov: 1822 baps est Joan : filius Jacson Guilmore et Cathae (olimFinn) conjugum, Patrino Hen: Robson, Matrina Eliza Hall: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 7° Nov: 1822 nata et die 29° Nov: 1822 bapa est Agnes filia

* Younger brother of the Rev. James Gibson. He was educatedatUshaw and Rome and was ordained priest 26 March 1853. He had charge of the mission of Alnwick, Northumberland, for thirty-five years, till his death9 April 1890



Joan: Printice et Joanae (olim Shee) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Quinham p: proc: Joan: Stuart, Matrina Brid: Quin: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 25° Nov: 1822 nata et die 2do Dec: 1822 bapa est Anna filia Rob: Anderson et Isabae (olim Wallace) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Ladzari, MatrinaEliza Miller: a meJac: Worswick.

[150] Die 21° Nov: nata et die 2do Dec: 1822 bapa est Ursula filiaGul : Hannah et Margae (olim English) conjugum, PatrinoHugh Mallanghan, Matrina Marga Lanaghan: a me Jac: Worswick .


Die 2do Jan 1823 nata et die 13° Jan¹ 1823 bapa est Mariafilia Those Reah et Eliza Gray, Patrino Joan: Oliver, Matrina Maria Hardy: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 7° Jan 1823 nata et die 13° Jan¹ 1823 bapa est Joana filia Jac: Craig et Mariae . . . . conjugum, Patrino . .. . Stewart, Matrina MargaMallone: a meJac:Worswick

Die 18° Aug: 1822 nata et die 13° Jan¹ 1823 bapa est Isabella filia Mic: Morgan et Annae ([olim] Edwards) conjugum, PatrinoMartino Hales, Matrina Marga Mullagan: a me Jac: Worswick. N.B. baptized at Dumfries 6 weeks ago.

Die5° Dec: 1822 natus et die 15° Jan¹ 1823 baps estJoannesfilius Mic: Pandegrast et Mariae Annae ([olim] Bracewell) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Stewart, Matrina Maria Stewart : a me Jac: Worswick. [151] Die 4° Jan¹ 1823 natus et eodem die baps est Rob: filius Cuth : Dunn et Margae (olim Gillow) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Dunn Sen , Matrina Annae Gillowsen : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 30° Dec: 1822 nata et die 27° Jan 1823 bapa est Margafilia Ant: Giles et Ellenorae Cameron, Patrino(Thos Stewart proc:) Geo: Brown, Matrina Catha Brown p: proc: Hen: Scanlan: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 24° Jan¹ 1823 natus et die 27° Jan 1823 baps est Gul: filius Joan: Oliver et Cathae (olim Gregg) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Gregg, Matrina Brig : Fell: a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Jan 1823 natus et die 3º Feb: 1823 baps est Joan:filius Neil Maclaine et Cathae (olim Macmaniny) conjugum, Patrino Hen: Cawfield, MatrinaMaria Stephenson: a meJac: Worswick

Die . Jan 1823 natus et die 10° Feb: 1823 bap: est Daniel filius Daniel Murrayet Mariae (olimMurray) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Connelly, Matrina Catha O Ryly: a me Jac: Worswick. [152] Die 17° Feb 1823 nata et die 20° Feb: 1823 bapa est Lucia filia Joan: Haworth Hudson et Joanne (olim Marshall) conjugum, Patrino Joane Leadbitter, Matrina Maria Hill: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 12 Jan 1823 nata et die 22° Feb: 1823 bapa est MariaAnna filia Step: Hill et Joanae (olim Wake) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Wake p: proc: Gul : Davies, Matrina Anna Fenwick: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 30° Jan 1823 natus et die 25° Feb¹ 1823 baps est Thomas filius Joan : Dovenson et Cathae (olim Cooper) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Hope, MatrinaMaria Anna Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick

Die25° Feb: 1823 natus et die 30 Martii 1823 baps est Joan:filius

Gul: Pattison et Mariae (olim Graham) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Graham p: proc: Thoa Stewart , [Matrina] Maria Isaba Graham: a me Jac: Worswick .


Die 1º Feb: 1823 natus et die 4° Martii 1823 baps est Thos filius Those et Margae Turnbull (olim Sproate) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Turnbull p: proc: Thom Stewart, Matrina Maria Turnbull p: proc: Eliz: Cantwell: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 8° Martii 1823 natus et die 18° Martii 1823 baps est Joannes filius Jac: Ingham et Margae (olim Hodkinson) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Fletcher, MatrinaEllenora Dent: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Jan: 1823 nata et die 18° Feb: 1823 bapa est Joana filia

Gul: Bambridge et Joanae (olim Dickenson) conjugum, Matrina FranciscaEllisonp: proc: Marg: Bambridge: a me Jac: Worswick

Die24° Feb: 1823 natus et die 23° Martii 1823 baps est Edv:filius Gul: Knox et Mariae (olim Hartless) conjugum, PatrinoAnd: Knox p: proc: Mart: Hales, Matrina Dora Knox p : proc: Eliz: Hall : a me Jac : Worswick [154] Die 3º Martii 1823 nata et die 24° Martii 1823 bapa est Carolina Cara Eliz: Stevens filius [sic] Geo : Stevens et Eliza (olim .) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Cullen, Matrina Anna Humble: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Feb: 1823 nata et bapa [est] (die 24° Martii ceremoniae fuerunt suppletae) Anna filia Gul : et Annae Martin (olim Cashety) conjugum, Matrina Marga Mallone, Patrino Edw: Mallone: a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Feb: 1823 natus et baps est Geo: filius Gul : Ward et Annae (olim Turner) conjugum, Matrina Maria Quin: a me Jac: Worswick N.B. Ceremoniae fueruntsuppletae die 24° Martii

Die21° Martii 1823 natus et die 27°Martii 1823 baps est Jac:filius

Joan: Young et Cathae (olim Lawson) conjugum, Patrino Joane Leadbitter , MatrinaN: Heaton: a meJac: Worswick . [155]

Die 1º Ap: 1823 nata et die 2do Ap: 1823 baptizataest Eliz:* filia Geo: Dunn et Joanae (olim Douglass) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Stoker, Matrina Rosa Heaton : a me Jac: Worswick

Die .. Martii 1823 natus et die 7° Ap: 1823 baps est Joan: Alex: filius Jos: Black et Mariae (olim Ladzari) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Ladzari, Matrina Maria Avery: a me Jac: Worswick. Dec 19° Martii nati 1823 et bap sunt Jos: et Esther Monaghan filius et filia Hen: et Eliz: Monaghan (olim Atkinson) conjugum, Matrina pro filio Francisca Atkinson, Patrino Jos: Atkinson; Matrina Esther Duffy pro filia, Patrino PatricioOmilay: a me Jac: Worswick

Die7° Martii 1823 natus et die 10° Ap: 1823 baps est Mic: filius Nic: Foster et Joanae (olim Blacburn) conjugum, Patrino Mat: Blacburn p: proc: Joan: Foreman, Matrina Eliza Surtees p: Eliz: Hall: a me Jac: Worswick.

Elizabeth d of Geo Thos . Dunn of Bath House, Newcastle, married 25 May 1848 James Kirsopp of TheSpital, Hexham, and GreatWhittington, son and heir of James Kirsopp né Gibson The present owner of The Spital, James Joseph Kirsopp, J.P., is theirson (C.R.S. , Vol 26, p 173)


Die 28° Dec: 1822 nata et die 10° Ap: 1823 baps est Maria filia Rad: Yates et Annae (olim Atkinson) conjugum, Pat: Mat: Yates, matrina Isaba Reed p: proc : Anna Yates: a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Martii 1823 nata et die 12° Ap: 1823 bapa est Maria Anna filia Geo: Ball et Annae (olim Jones) conjugum, Matrina Bridget McDermot, Patrino N: Memanamar: a me Jac: Worswick

Die9° Ap: 1823 nata et die 14° Ap: 1823 bapa est Suz:filia Car: Kelly et Sarah (olim Johnson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Hand, Matrina Ellena Davies: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 1° Martii 1823 natus et die 21° Ap: 1823 baps est Thomasfilius

Hugh Donaghy et Joannae (olim Smith) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Donaghy, Matrina Rosa Wilkinson: a me Jac: Worswick

[157] Die14° Ap: 1823 natus et die 21° Ap: 1823 baps est Abraham filius Joan: Proud et Annae (olim Ellot) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Whalen, Matrina Eliza Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die Jan: 28° 1823 natus et die 29° Jan¹ 1823 baps est Car: filius HughGreen et RosannaeJobi (et ceremoniae fueruntsuppletae die 28 Ap:), Patrino Francisco Bernasconi, Matrina Brig: Fall: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 7° Ap: 1823 nata et die 30° Ap: 1823 bapa est Maria, filia Rob: Jones et Joanae (olim Douglass ) conjugum,-Patrino Joan: Summers, matrina Anna Mackue: a me Jac: Worswick

Die30 Martii 1823 nata et die 5° Maii 1823 bapa est Eleonora filia Those Seed et Christianae (olimMcDonald) conjugum, Matrina Eena Twizell: a me Jac: Worswick [158] Die8° Maii 1823 nata et die 16° Maii 1823 bapa est Sarahfilia Cuth: Pattison et Eliz: (olim Robinson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Newton, Matrina Maria Palmer : a me Jac: Worswick .

Die23° Maii 1823 nata et die 27° Maii 1823 bapa est Maria, filia Pat: Duffyet Annae (olim Murphy) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Moran , Matrina Hellena Mignn [? Magin]: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 15° Maii 1823 natus et die 29° Maii 1823 baps est Jac: filius Dan: Donaghan et Anas: (olim Brithet) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Barker, MatrinaBridg: Wardell: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 3° Maii 1823 nata et die 7° Maii 1823 bapa est Hena Cecilia , filia Gul: Thompsonet . . (olim Mellis) conjugum , PatrinoPetro Mellis, Matrina Hara Hatt: a me Jac: Worswick. [159] Die29°Maiinata et die 2do Junii 1823 bapa estAnnafiliaJac: Foy et Sarah (olim Rutlidge) conjugum, Patrino Nic: Tominey, Matrina Eliza Carr: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die6° Jan 1823 natus et die 2do Junii 1823 baps est Jac:filiusMic: Troddam et Mariae (olim Kirk) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Foy: a me Jac: Worswick

Die21°Maii 1823 nata et die 7°Julii 1823 bapa est SarahfiliaJac: Cavanaghet Cath: (olim Crawford) conjugum, PatrinoMartinoHales , MatrinaMaria Hales: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 30° Junii 1823 nata et die 14° Julii 1823 bapa est Sarah, filia Gul: et Dor: Gregg(olimJohnson) conjugum, PatrinoCuth: Dent et Eleonora Matrina : a me Jac: Worswick

[To pages 158 and 159 of the Register are attached two scraps of paper bearing thefollowingentries .]

Hannah thelawful daughter of John and Hannah (olimWoolford) Heslop, of Summer Hill, Parish of St John, Newcastle, born on the 18th and baptized on 22 June 1823 by W: Birdsall Sponsors Thos Heslop & MaryWoolford .

Robert William the lawful son of John and Jane (olim Porter) Atkinson, of the Parish of All Saints, Newcastle, was born on 12th and baptized on the 16th of June 1823 by W: Birdsall Sponsors William Thompson and Ann Forster: Teste Revo Jaco Worswick. [160]

Die 2do Julii 1823 natus et die 21° Julii 1823 baps est Geo: filius Sam : Tweddell et Marg: ([olim] ..) conjugum, Patrino Cuth: Dent et [Matrina] Elen : Dent: a me Jac: Worswick

Die Julii 1823 natus et die 21° Julii 1823 bap: est Barths filius Mic: Moffat et Mariae Burns conjugum, Patrino Thoa Cunningham, MatrinaEleonora Ryan : ameJac: Worswick.

Die 28° Junii 1823 nata et die 21° Julii 1823 bap: est Cath: filia Edw: Norton et Cathae (olim McConnell) conjugum, Matrina Suz: McLaughlan: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Julii 1823 natus et die 23° Julii 1823 baps est Car: filius Car: Bianchi et Margae (olim Calvert) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Miller, MatrinaEliza Hall: a me Jac: Worswick. [161]

Die 14° Julii 1823 natus et die 23 baps est Rob: filius Cul: Dunn et Franciscae(olim Bellerby), Patrino Mic : Bellerby , Matrina Marga Elliot: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 170 Junii 1823 natus et die 23° Julii baps est Geo: filius Jos: Woodward et Margae (olim Clark) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Jones et Matrina Maria Surtees : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 20° Julii 1823 natus et die 28° Julii 1823 baps est Joansfilius Neal Turner et Bridg: (olim Daly) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Jones, Matrina Maria Downing: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die30° Maii natae 1823 et 28° Julii 1823 baptizatae sunt Hellena et Anna Geminae, filiae Cornelii Lyons et Annae (olim Skinson) conjugum, Matrinis Marga Daly et Katha Murray: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 2do Aug: 1823 nata et die 4° Aug: 1823 bapa est Hanh filia Edw:Mallone et Marg: (olimMurray) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Hanlay, MatrinaSuz : Connelly: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 150 Julii 1823 natus et die 4° Aug: 1823 baps est Jac: filius Gul: Smith et Esther (olim McLaughlan) conjugum, Patrino Edw: Mallone, Matrina Joana Murray: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 21° Julii 1823 nata et die 11° Aug: 1823 bapa est Joana filia Those Fenwick et Mariae (olim Gandy) conjugum, Patrino Sam: Tweddell, MatrinaAnna Young: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 2do Aug: 1823 nata et die 18° Aug: 1823 bapa [est] Sophia Hena filia Hen: Thoae Gough et Eliz: ([olim] ORyly) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Jones, MatrinaN : Stewart : a me Jac: Worswick [163] Die ... Aug: 1823 nata et die 1° [Sep:]bapa est Joana filia Hen: Collins et Rosae (olim Lennon) conjugum, PatrinoN : Jones, Matrina Maria Cunningham aut Murphy: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 2doJunii 1823 natus et die 1° Sep: 1823 baps est Alex: filius BertMurphy et Mariae ([olim] Cunningham) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Hanley, Matrina Rosa Collins: a me Jac : Worswick.

Die 9° Aug: 1823 natus et die 80 Sep: 1823 baps est Mat: filius

Rob: Clark et Brig: (olim Baxter) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Barker, Matrina Eliza Watson: a me Jac: Worswick.

[164] Die 3° Sep: 1823 nata et die 12° Sep: 1823 bapa est Anna filia

ThoneBarron et Mariae (olimPotts) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Barron p: proc: Joan: Barker, Matrina Joana Potts: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 8° Sep: 1823 nata et die 12° Sep: 1823 bapa est AnnafiliaPat: Hugheset Sarah (olim. . . .) conjugum, MatrinaEliza Miller: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 17° Aug: natus et die 15° Sep: 1823 baps est Joann: filius Joan: Donnelly et Elizae (olim Morton) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Thompson, MatrinaAnna Pattison : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die . Aug: 1823 nata et die 15° Sep: 1823 bap" est Eliza filia Joan: Johnson et Margae (olim Thorp) conjugum, MatrinaEliza Forest: a me Jac: Worswick.

[165] Die aug: 1822 nata et die 19° Sep: 1823 bapa est Maria, filia Daniel McCan et Margae (olimBateson) conjugum, Patrino Edw: McKenna, Matrina RosannaMcKenna: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 14° Sep: 1823 nata et die 22d Sep: 1823 bapa est ElizafiliaJac: Murphy et Barae (olim Hall) conjugum, Patrino Step: Wheatley, Matrina Een Sherwood: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die24° Aug: 1823 natus et die 23 Sep: 1823 baps est Joan: filius Car: Cooper et Mariae (olimTaylor) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Cooper, Matrina Catha Cooper : a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Sep: 1823 nata et die 29° Sep: 1823 bapa est Eliza filia Joan: Turner et Eliz: (olimSmith) conjugum, PatrinoPat: Domigan p: proc: N: Barker, MatrinaEliza Domigan: a meJac:Worswick .

[166] Die . Sep: 1823 nata et die 29° Sep: 1823 bapa est Hellena filia Jac: King et Elizae (olim Tate) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Thompson, Matrina . . McGuire: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 4° Sep: 1823 natus et die 29° Sep: 1823 baps est Car: filius Joan: Cooper et Isabae (olim Robinson) conjugum, Patrino Car: Cooper p: proc: Joan: Barker, Matrina Debh Cooper: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 12 Sep: 1823 natus et die 1º Oct: 1823 baps est Geo: Carr Pearson filius Geo: Pearson et Eliz: (olim Watson) conjugum, PatrinoCar: Pearson et MatrinaEliza Shipley: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 2do Oct: 1823 nata et die 6° Oct: 1823 bapa est Maria filia Joan: Conly et Marg: (olim Cawfield) conjugum, Patrino Jac: McKenna, Matrina Katha McKenna: a me Jac: Worswick [167] Die Sep: 1823 natus et die 15° Oct: 1823 baps est Samuel filius Sam: Grey et Eliz: (clim McManiman) conjugum , PatrinoJoan: Barker, Matrina Marg: Mallone: a meJac: Worswick ...

Die6° Oct: 1823 natus et die 20° Oct: 1823 baps est Thomasfilius Pat: Rodey et Mariae (olim McKenna) conjugum, Patrino Patr: O'Mely p: proc : N : Barker, Matrina Grace Harison: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 14° Oct: 1823 nata et die 28° Oct: 1823 bapa est Marga filia

Joan: Donnelly et Annae (olim O Magan) conjugum, MatrinaBrig: Fall: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 28° Maii 1823 nata et die 22° Oct: 1823 bapa est Cathafilia Gul: Ryly et Joanae (olim Winter) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Barker, Matrina Joan: Carr: a me Jac: Worswick [168]

Die 10 Oct : 1823 nata et die 25° Oct: 1823 bapa est Maria filia Thoe Face et Annae (olim Elliot) conjugum, Patrino Cuth: Dent, MatrinaAnna Elliot : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 25° Sep: 1823 nata et die 25° Oct : 1823 bap* est Hanh filia

Those Strong et Mariae (olim Pine) conjugum, Matrina Marga Snowball: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 15° Sep: 1823 nata et die 20° bapa est Maria Joana Teresa , filia Gul: et Margae Caley (olimSmith) conjugum, PatrinoMic: Dunn , Matrina Anna Dunn p: proc: Suz : Caley: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 29° Oct: 1823 natus et die 7° Nov: 1823 baps est Jacobus, filius Gul: et Joanae Reed (olim McKall) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Henderson, MatrinaEliz: McCall: a me Jac: Worswick [169]

Die26° Oct: 1823 natus et die 10° Nov: 1823 baps estMichael filius Benj: Harper et Annae (olim Wheatly) conjugum, Patrino Step : Wheatley, MatrinaMarg:Snowball: a meJac: Worswick.

Die Oct: 1823 natus et die 24° Nov: 1823 baps est Hen: filius Hen: Brown et Eliz: ([olim] Dornan) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Macguire, Matrina Anna Naughen: a meJac: Worswick .

Die 17° Nov : 1823 natus et die 24° Nov: 1823 baps est Jos: filius Jac: McCaugliff et Marg: (olim Johnston) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Stewart, Matrina . . . McCoy: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die . Nov: 1823 nata et die 26° Nov: 1823 bapa est Maria filia Pat: Shee et Annae (olim Walker) conjugum, Patrino Den: McSolay, MatrinaAnnaMcGuire: a me Jac: Worswick [170] Die 14° Nov: 1823 nata et die 1° Dec: 1823 bapa est Eliz: filia Gul: Gray et Elenorae (olim Atkinson) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Thompson, MatrinaN: Atkinson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 1º Nov : 1823 nata et die 1° Dec: 1823 bapa est Elenora filia Joan: Grant et Eliz: (olim Kidd) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Macmanomy, Matrina Catha Robson: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Nov: 1823 natus et die 3º Dec: 1823 baps est Rob: Jac: filius Rob: et Isab: Marr (olim Walker) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Stavan, Matrina Eliza Marr : a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 14° Nov: 1823 nata et die 5° Dec: 1823 bapa est Mariafilia Hen: Wilson et Mariae (olimMinto) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Wilson, Matrina Dora Wilson p: proc: Eliza Gray: ame Jac:Worswick . [171] Die5° Dec: 1823 natus et die 15° Dec: 1823 baps estThomas filius Joan: Scanlanet Elizae (olim McCue) conjugum, PatrinoGul: McCue, MatrinaAnna McCue: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 19° Oct: 1823 natus et die 15° Dec: 1823 baps est Joan: Geo: filius Joan: Todd et Isab: (olim Fennings) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Young, Mat : Catha Young: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die25° Nov: 1823 natus et die 8° Dec: 1823 baps est Joan: Geo: filius Gul: et Priscillae Stoker (olim Emmerson) conjugum, Patrino Math Gul: Dunn, MatrinaEliza Dunn : a me Jac: Worswick


Die 15° Dec: 1823 natus et die 23° Dec: 1823 baps est Mic: filius Daniel Hammell et Cathae (olim Donnelly) conjugum, Eliza Hogg Matrina, PatrinoJac: Murray: a me Jac: Worswick . [1824] [172] Die27° Dec: 1823 nata et die 12° Jan¹ 1824 bapa estFrancisca filiaJoan: Slater et Mariae Annae (olimRobinson) conjugum , Patrino Joan: Robinson p: proc: Jac: Green, Matrina MariaAnna Smith: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 25° Aug: 1822 nata et die 19° Jan 1824 bapta est Francisca, filia David Barron et Franciscae (olim Foster) conjugum, Patrino Thoa Barronp: proc: Tho: Stewart, Matrina Anna Barron : a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 18 Jan 1824 nata et die 19° Jan¹ 1824 bapa est Maria Anna, filia Cuth: et Margae Dunn (olim Gillow) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Gillow p: proc: Geo: Tho: Dunn, Matrina Eliza Dunn: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die4° Jan 1824 natus et die 21° Jan¹ 1824 baps est Gul: filius Rob: et Joanae Pattison (olim Dodd) conjugum, PatrinoThoaDodd p: proc: Tho: Stewart, MatrinaEliza Shipley: a me Jac: Worswick. [173] Die ... Dec: 1823 nata et bapa est Joana filia Joan: Hanlyet Suz: (clim Connelly) conjugum, et ceremoniae suppletaedie 28 Jan 1824, Matrina Marga Mallone: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 12° Dec: 1823 natus et die 28° Jan: baps est Jac: filius Jac: Money et Hanh Hill, MatrinaDora McDonnell: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 25° Jan 1824nata et die 29° 1824 bapa est Hellena filia Jac: Hagan et Isabellae (olim Hedley) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Croker, MatrinaJoana Scanlan: a me Jac:Worswick

Die 14° Jan 1824 nata et die 29° 1824 baptizata est Catha filia Nic: Falan et Annae (olim Falconor) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Carlan, Matrina Eliza Carlan: a me Jac: Worswick [174] Die 26° Jan¹ 1824 natus et die 2do Feb¹ 1824 bap: est Edw: filius Petri Higgins et Eliza (olim Donnely) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Higgins p: proc : Thom Stewart, Matrina Maria Boylan : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Jan 1824 nata et die 2do Feb 1824 bapa est Annafilia Gul: Macgahulan et Suz : (olim . . . ) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Foy, MatrinaSarah Foy: a meJac: Worswick

Die 12° Feb 1824 natus et die 13° Feb¹ 1824 baps est Ant: filius Ant: Hodgson et Mariae (olim Giles) conjugum, Patrino Tho Pattison, Matrina Catha Giles: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die4° Jan 1824 natus et die 15° Feb: 1824 baps est Thomasfilius Those Peary et Mariae (olim Shewell) conjugum, PatrinoThoaPeary p: proc: Martin Hales, Matrina Anna Peary p: proc: N:Miller: a me Jac: Worswick

[175] Die 14° Feb 1824 natus et die 220 Feb 1824 bapsest Joan: filius Lucae McDermot et Thomae (olim Cowly) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Stewart, Matrina Eliza Domigan: a me Jac: Worswick

Die7° Feb¹ 1824 natus et die 1º Martii 1824 baps est Joan: filius Pat: Burke et Cathae (olim Nash) conjugum, Patrino Edw: Nash , Matrina Hanh Scanlan: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 18° Feb¹ 1824 natus et die5° Martii baps estArthur, filius Jac: McDonald et Sarah (olim McCan) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Martin

Matrina Catha Martin: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 19° Dec: 1823 nata et die 15° Martii 1824 bapa est Maria, filia

Joan: Bardsleyet Eliza (olim Reagh) conjugum, PatrinoPat : Owen, Matrina Eliza Marr : a me Jac: Worswick



Die Feb 1824 nata et die 15° Martii 1824 bapa est

Maria,filiaGul: Sord et Annae (olim Warf) conjugum,PatrinoJoan: Oliver, Matrina Katha McGuire: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Feb¹ 1824 nata et die 22° Martii 1824 bapa est Marthafilia

Francisci Barnasconi et Isabae (olim Murray) conjugum, Patrino

Jos : Jobay, MatrinaBridg: Fall: a me Jac : Worswick

Die ... Feb 1824 natus et die 22° Martii 1824 baps est Thomas filius Dan: McAnultyet Annae (olim . . ) conjugum, PatrinoCar: McAnulty, MatrinaMarg: Curry: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 29° Jan 1824 nataetdie Martii 1824 bapa est Elizafilia

Joan: Lawson et Annae (olim Strong) conjugum, Patrino McAnulty, Matrina Marga Curry: a me Jac: Worswick . [177]

Die 1º Ap: 1824 nata et die 3º Ap: 1824 bapa est Maria Anna, filia Thoae et Marg: Gibson (olim Caley) conjugum, Patrino

Mic: Dunn p: proc: Gul: Caley, MatrinaAnna Dunn p: proc: Suz: Caley : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 1° Ap: 1824 nata et die 5° Ap: 1824 bpa aest Eliza filia Joan: Wilson et Eliza (olim Woodward) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Whalen,

Matrina Maria Davidson : a meJac:Worswick.

Die 12° Martii nata et die 18° Martii bapa est Sarah filia Joan: Gillespie et Cathae (olim Regan) conjugum, Patrino N: Barker,

Matrina Maria Henry: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 25° Martii 1824 natus et die 12° Ap: 1824 baps est Mart: filius Martini Hales et Mariae (olim Gillespi) conjugum, Patrino

Gul: Sherwood, Matrina Eliza Hall: a me Jac : Worswick.


Die 2do Feb: 1824 natus et die 12° Ap: 1824 baps est Jac: filius Hugh Macgroveet Annae (olim Thompson) conjugum, Patrino

Mart: Hales, Matrina Catha Neal : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 28 Martii 1824 nata et die 12° Ap: 1824 bapa est Mariafilia

Joan: Brother et Cathae (olim Rogers) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Oliver, Matrina Anna Macgrove: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 5° Feb: 1824 natus et die 21° Ap: 1824 baps est Hen: filius

Joan: Wardropper et Han: (olim Thompson) conjugum, Patrino

Mart: Hales, MatrinaGrace Harrison N.B. Jac: Wardropperest Patrinus: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Ap: 1824 Catha nata et die 20° Ap: bapa estfilia Jac: McCray et Annae (olim Byers) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Sord , Matrina Catha Daly: a me Jac: Worswick.

[179] Die 20 Martii 1824 natus et die . . . Martii baps est Gul: filius Gul: Hedley et Annae (olim Carrick) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Carrick , Matrina Maria Anna Smith: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 28 Martii nata et die 20° Ap: 1824 bapa est Isa³ filia Chris:

* Died unmarried


Lee et Han: (olim Reed) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fentonp: proc: Jac: Green, Matrina Isa Reed : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 18° Ap: 1824 natus et die 20° Ap: 1824 baps estThomasfilius Pat: McKearney et Mariae (olim Fadon) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Cronny,Matrina SarahMcDonnell: a me Jac: Worswick

Die . .Ap: 1824 natus et die 20° Ap: 1824 bap: est Joan: filius Gul : Magee et Elizae (olim Ormston) conjugum, PatrinoEdw : .. . , Matrina Catha McLain: a me Jac: Worswick [180] Die22°Ap: 1824 natus et die 26° Ap: 1824 baps estGul:filius Joan: et Mariae Barker (olim Harrison) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Harrison, Matrina Grace Harrison: a me Jac: Worswick N.B. Nomen Gul: Rennison

Die 18° Martii 1824 natus et die 21° baps estPat:filiusPat: Brown et Mariae (olim Hoy) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Oliver, Matrina Maria Murray: a me Jac: Worswick Ceremoniaesuppe 26 Ap:

Die7° Ap: 1824 natus et die 28 Ap: 1824 bap: est Jac: filius Jac: Wright et Marg: (olim Draycot) conjugum, Patrino Cuth: Dent,

MatrinaHel: Dent: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Ap: 1824 natus et die 28 Ap: 1824 bap: est Joan: filius Gul: Memanamy et Joan: (olim Liddell) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Ingham, Matrina Maria Draycot: a me Jac: Worswick [181] Die 1° Ap: 1824 natus et die 10° Ap: 1824 baps est Joan: filius Geo: Donnelly et Annae (olim Terford) conjugum, Patrino Bard:McIver , MatrinaEliz:McIver: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 30° Martii 1824 natus et die 1° Ap: 1824 baps est Joan:filius Bard: McIver et Eliz: (olimKelly) conjugum, PatrinoGeo: Donnelly, Matrina Catha Todd: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10 Ap: 1824 natus et die 10 Maii bap: est Adam filius Rob: Gordonet Suz: (olimCarr) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Oliver, Matrina Anna Wardle : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 12° Feb: 1824 nata et die Feb: 1824 bapa est Bridg:filia Jac: Nailor et Grace ([olim] McLaughlan) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Swinny, Matrina Rosa Davlin: a me Jac: Worswick

N.B. Mariam Guilmor esse baptm 13 Maii [182] Die 26° Ap: 1824 natus et die 10 Maii 1824 baps est Joan: filius Pet: Boyland et Cathae (olim Connelly) conjugum, PatrinoRob: Gordon, Matrina Eliza Connelly: a me Jac: Worswick

24 Ap: 1824 nata et die 17 Maii bapa est Hela filia Thoae Moody et Mariae (olim Spenser) conjugum, PatrinoThoa Stewart et proc: pro Car: Taylor, MatrinaAnna Taylor: a me Jac: Worswick

N.B. Ceremoniaefucrunt suppletae pro Anna Moody filia Thoae et Mariae Moody .

Die ... Maii 1824 natus et die 17° baps est Joan: filius Jac: Macarteny et Suz : (olim Lenox) conjugum, Patrino Petro Davlin, Matrina Maria Davlan: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 13° Ap: 1824 natus et die 17° Maii bap: est Jos: filius Gul: Robertson et Cathae (olim Granby) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Oliver, MatrinaMaria Quin : a meJac: Worswick.

[183] Die ... Maii 1824 nata et die 24° Maii 1824 bapa est Hela filiaPat: Crokeret Diae ([olim]. .. ), PatrinoJac:Scanlan, Matrina Cath: McCue: a me Jac: Worswick


Die 17° Dec: 1823 nata et die 24 Maii 1824 bapa est Cicilia filia Rob: Liddell et Joanae (olim Macintire) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Oliver, Matrina Brig: Drainer : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 16° Maii 1824 nata et die 24 Maii 1824 bapa est Maria, filia Hugh Robinson et Marg: (olim Carlisle) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Stewart, MatrinaAnna Shee: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Ap: 1824 nata et die 28° Maii 1824 bapa est Hela filia Gul: Ward et Mariae Watson, Patrino Gul : Watson p: proc: Thom Stewart, Matrina Hela Jemmison p: proc: N: Lynch: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 28 Maii 1824 nata et die 8° Junii 1824 bapa est Maria filia Joan: et Mariae Wingate ([olim]. . . .) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Duglass, Matrina Maria Wingate : a me Jac : Worswick.

Die 20° Maii 1824 natus et die 8° Junii 1824 baps est Gul: filius Gul: Thompson et Hanh (olim Shields) conjugum, Patrino Rob:

Smart, MatrinaCatha Neil: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die7°Junii 1824 natus et die 16° Junii 1824 baps est Joan: filius Jac: McKenna et Cathae (olim McKenna) conjugum, Patrino Jac: McKann, Matrina Marg: Connelly: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Ap: 1824 nata et die 21° Junii 1824 bapa est Eliza filia David Barron et Franciscae (olim Forster) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Forster, MatrinaMarga Forster: a me Jac: Worswick

[Here is inserted a large piece ofpaper, foldedin two, andnumbered 185-186 , on which are thefollowing nine entries ; they are not in the handwriting of Father James Worswick, but presumably in that of FatherRigby.]

July 17 [1824] Was bapt: William Thomas , son of Rich William Swan and EllenDavis (fil: illeg:) born 13th Inst. Spons: Jas and Elizabeth Davis.

18 Was bapt : William Atkinson, son of John Warburton Atkinsonand Jane Atkinson(born 10th Inst ) Sponsors John Thompson and Ellenor Gray.

18 Was bapt : Henry, son of Christopher and Jane Brennen (born June 11th) Sponsors John Oliver and Elizabeth Scanlen

19 Was bapt: Edward, son of Edward and AgnesMcConnell (born 9 weeks). Spons : John Rigby N.B. The parents are trampers.

19 21 Was bapt: James, son of Robert and Hannah McGordan (born 14 days). Spons : The Smith and Sarah Kelly. Was bapt: Niel, son of Niel and Unity McConnell (born 13 Inst .). Spons: John Miller and Mgt Murphy.

22 Was bapt: Catherine, da: of John and Catherine Oliver (born 12thInst). Spons : Wm Greggand MaryDavinson.

22 Was bapt : Jane, da: of Phillip and Sarah Musgrove (born 14 Ult.) Spons: Mary Gregg N.B. Trampers

25 Was bapt : Isabella, da: of Henry and Isabella Robson (born 25 Januarylast) Spons : Mathew Guire and Maria Keenan


N.B. Hos esse baptizatos a Dno Rigby Misso Apoco testatur Jac: Worswick.

[Onthebackofthis sheet are thefollowingfourmemoranda .]

I have given all the rightsofthe Church to an old woman called Henzell 82 years old, LowGlass Houses.

Sick . William McGee, Wall Knoll, I believe at the bottom of Manor Chare, since removed to the Infirmary and getting better . Was never with a priest beforegiven him a little instructionThat is all

July 17th Married John Keening and Mary Quin. James Joycey dead Gray's Court Nil Nil Nil

[187] Die 7 Junii 1824 natus et die 2do Aug: 1824 baps est Gul: filius Jac: Peacock et Suz : (olim Todd) conjugum , Patrino Ant: Hodgson, Matrina Catha Giles: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die26° Julii 1824 natus et die 2do Aug: 1824 baps est Jac: filius Jac: Walton et Joana (olim Thompson) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Oliver, Matrina Isaa Macguire: a me Jac: Worswick

Die26°Junii 1824 natus et die 2do Aug: 1824 baps est Joan: filius Joan: McKenna and Ruth (olim Carr) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Fenton p: proc : N: Barker, matrina Joan: Wilkinson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 5° Aug: 1824 natus et die 8° Aug: 1824 baps est Edw: filius Edw: Flinn et Marg: (olim Pray) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Shanks , MatrinaAnna Green : a me Jac : Worswick. [188] Die 2do Aug: 1824 nata et die 9° Aug: 1824 bapa est Brig: filia Joan: Young et Cath: (olim Lawson) conjugum, Patrino Rob: Fletcher, MatrinaMaria Potts : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 28° Julii 1824 nata et die 30° Julii 1824 bapa est Margafilia Jacobi et Margae Badini (olimLee) conjugum, PatrinoAnt: Hodgson p: proc: N: Bianchi, MatrinaEliza Scanlan: a me Jac: Worswick

Die . .Aug: 1824 nata et die 16° Aug: 1824 bapa est Dora [filia]

Joan: Oxleyet Joane (olimWilson) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Oliver, Matrina Joana Hunter: a me Jac: Worswick ..

Die 2do Aug: 1824 natus et die 16° Aug: 1824 baps est Jac:filius Hen: Turner et Mariae (olim McDermot) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Barker: a me Jac: Worswick.


Die 21° Maii 1824 natus et die 18 Aug: 1824 baps est Jos: filiusGeo : Stronget Annae (olimCharlton) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Barker, Matrina Anna Hall: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die Ap: 1824 nata et die 3° Sep: 1824 bapa est Joana filia Edw: McGarry et Mariae (olimCambleton) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Barker, MatrinaEliza Miller: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 38° [sic] Aug: 1824 natus et die 6° Sep: 1824 baps est Joan: filius Joan: Molloy et Annae ([olim]. . . .) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Barker, Matrina Eliz: Horan: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die29°Aug: 1824 nata et die6° Sep: 1824 bapa est Marga filiaRic: Bullis et Brig: (olim McKan) conjugum, PatrinoN: Hales , Matrina Maria Baker: a meJac: Worswick [190] Die 15° Aug: 1824 natus et die 7° Sep: 1824 baps est Francis-

cus filius Hugh Cockeran et Mariae (olim Kirk) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Donnevan, MatrinaEliza Ingham: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 3°Aug: 1824 nata et die 8° Sep: 1824 bapa est GratiafiliaJoan: Portus et Annae (olim Strong) conjugum, Patrino Geo: Readshaw , Matrina Maria Forster: a me Jac: Worswick

Die . Aug: 1824 natus et die 10° Sep: 1824 baps estJoan: filius Mal: Ward et Annae ([olim] Morrison) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Glison: a me Jac : Worswick

Die 6° Julii natus et die 10° Sep: 1824 baps est Daniel filius Joan: Connelly et Cath: (olim Fultrop) conjugum, Patrino Tim: Lynch, Matrina Maria Hales: a me Jac: Worswick [191]

Die 11° Maii 1824 nata et die 19° Maii 1824 bapa est Maria [filia] Hugh Guilmore et Hanh (olim . . . .) conjugum, PatrinoPat: Quinn, Matrina Isaa Quin: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 24° Aug: nata et die 13° Sep: 1824 bapa est AnnaJulianafilia Hen: St. George et Annae (olim Thompson) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Thompsonp: proc: Joan: Barker, Matrina Maria Thompsonp:proc: Eliz: Cleland: a me Jac: Worswick

Die22° Aug: 1824 natus et die 20° Sep: 1824 baps est Geo: filius

Pat: 0 Bryanet Mariae (olimMiller) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Duffy, Matrina Joana Duffy: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 29° Sep: 1824 nata et die 11° Oct: 1824 bapa est Mariafilia Joan: et Annae Jones (olim Pattison) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Graham , MatrinaMariaPattison: a me Jac: Worswick. [192]

Die 1º Oct: 1824 nata et die 18° Oct : 1824 bapa est Elizafilia

Dan: McCaan et Margae (olim Bateson) conjugum, Patrino Edw: McKenny, MatrinaRoz:McKenny: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 4° Oct: 1824 nata et die 18° Oct : 1824 bapa est Hen: filia Edw: McKenny et Roz: (olim Fagan) conjugum, Patrino Dan : McCaan , Matrina Marga McCaan : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 28° Sep: 1824 natus et die . . . Oct: 1824 baps est Jos: filius

Jac: Henry et Mariae (Crozer olim) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Oliver et Matrina Catha McGuire: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 2do Oct: 1824 natus et die 25° Oct : 1824 baps est Car: filius

Jac: Gallagher et Mariae ([olim] McKurdy ) conjugum, Patrino Fre: McTyre, MatrinaEliza Kelly: a me Jac: Worswick.

[Here are insertedfivepages ofnotepaper bearingthefollowingentries] [193] Die 26° Dec : 1824 natus et die 31° Dec: 1824 baps est Step: Octavus Thompson filius Gul: et Isaae Thompson (olim Mellis) conjugum, PatrinoAlex: Mellis, Matrina Esther Summers: ameJac: Worswick.

Die ... Dec: 1824 nata et die 31° Dec: 1824 bapa est Mariafilia

Jac: et Eliz: Dodds (olimAtkinson) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Dawson, Matrina Maria Dawson: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 12 Dec: 1824 natus et die 31° Dec: 1824 baps est Joan: [filius] . Grundy et Joan : Grundy (olim Nickolson) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Thompson, MatrinaAnna Hall: a me Jac: Worswick . [1825]

Die 17° Nov: 1824 natus et die 3° Jan 1825 baps est Geo: filius

Geo: Milburn et Mariae (olim Newcomb ) conjugum, Patrino Benj: Tyzeck, Matrina Alicia Tyzeck : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 25° Dec : 1824 nata et die 30 et 2do [sic] Jan' bapa [est] 1825

Maria filiaJac:McCahyet Mariae (olim Punshon) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Leonard et Marga Leonard Matrina: a me Jac: Worswick. [194] Die 29° Dec: 1824 nataet die 30 Jan 1825 bapa est Barbara Anna, filiaGul: Hallet Annae (olimGibson) conjugum, Patrino Hen: Gibson p: proc: Joan: Miller, Matrina FranciscaGibson: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die6° Dec: 1824 natus et die 3º Jan 1825 baps est Thomasfilius Nic: Fosteret Joanae (olimTrainor) conjugum, PatrinoHen: Wilson p: proc: Jac: Gray, Matrina Marga Readshaw: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 15° Dec: 1824 nata et die 8° Jan 1825 bapa est Mariafilia Clem:Wilsonet Thoae (olimTaylor) conjugum, Patrino Gul : Taylor p: proc: Joan: Miller, MatrinaJoan" Newton p: proc: MariaPalmer: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die6° Jan 1825 natus et die 12° Jan' 1825 baptizatus est Joan: filius Joan: Atkinson et Annae ([olim] . .) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Barker, MatrinaMariaDawson: a me Jac: Worswick. [195] Die 9° Jan 1825 natus et die 12° Jan' baps est Geo: filius JacsonGuilmore et Cathae(olimFinn) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Green, Matrina Isa Carr: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 4° Jan 1825 nata et die 12 Jan' bapa est Maria filia Thone Boylan et Mariae (olim McBride) conjugum, Patrino Petro Boylan, Matrina Catha Boylen : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 12° Dec: 1824 nata et die 12° Jan 1825 bapa est Maria, filia Joan: Athy et Isabae (olim Hunter) conjugum, PatrinoJos: Hunter p: proc: Joan: Barker, MatrinaMaria Hunter: a me Jac:Worswick

Die 23° Dec: 1824 nata et die 17° Jan 1825 bapa est Joana filia

Joan Macdonnell et Brig: (olim Clay) conjugum, Patrino Gul: Comb, Matrina Isaba Quin: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die . Jan: 1825 nata et die 17° Jan 1825 bapa est Annafilia

JoansCoar et Cathae (olim Toail) conjugum, Patrino Hen: Doonan , Matrina Maria Doonan: a me Jac: Worswick. [196] Die 15° Nov: 1824 [natus] et die 24 Jan 1825 baps est Gul: filius Jos: Bernard et Annae (olimMenard) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Cavnack, MatrinaSarahSmith: a meJac: Worswick.

Die 5° Feb: 1825 natus et die 14° Feb: 1825 baps est Jos: filius Joan: Shaw et Hellenae Gibson, Patrino Mart: Hales, Matrina Franc: Bern: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die7° Feb: 1825 nata et die 14° Feb: 1825 bapa est Eliz:filia N: Mequaid et Helac (conjugum), Patrino Hen: Doonan , MatrinaMaria Neven: a me Jac: Worswick .

Die 24Junii 1824 baps estet natus 23 Junii 1824 Joans filius Car: McDevot et Mariae (olim White) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Barker , N.B. Ceremoniae fuerunt suppletae 21° Feb: 1825: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Feb: 1825 natus et die 21° Feb: 1825 bapsest Edw: filius Phil: Ryly [? Rielly] et Hanh (olim Hustole) conjugum, PatrinoJac: McCormic, MatrinaMaria McCormic: a me Jac: Worswick



Die 29° Nov: 1824 nata et die 21° Feb: 1825 bapa est Catha filia Gul: Ryly et Joanae ([olim] Wintrop) conjugum, PatrinoPhil: Ryly, Matrina Hanh Ryly: a me Jac : Worswick

Die 27° Jan 1825 natus et die 23° Feb: 1825 baps est Gul: filius

Joan: Gray et Elizae (olim Heppell) conjugum, Patrino Hen:Wilson , Matrina Isa Gray: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Feb 1825 nata et die 9° Martii 1825 bapa est Annafilia

Joan:Swinyet Roz: (olimDavlin) conjugum, Patrino Pat: Gallagher, Matrina Eliz: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 28° Feb: 1825 natus et die 13° Martii baps est Franciscus, filius Rob: Dodds et Franciscae (olim Dobson) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Dodds p: proc: Joan: Barker, Matrina Anna Dobson" ame

Jac: Worswick

Die 16 Feb¹ 1823 nata et die 17° Martii 1825 bapa est Brig: filia

Jeremiae Dwyer et Eliza ([olim] Singleton) conjugum, Matrina

Marga Carrick: a me Jac: Worswick. [198] Die 20° Jan¹ 1825 nata et die 17° Martii 1825 bapa est Marga filia Jerh Dwyer et Elizae (olim Singleton) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Carrick, MatrinaEliza McCall : a meJac: Worswick.

Die 14° Martii 1825 natus et die 18° Mar: 1825 baptizatus est Joan: Thomas filius Jos : et Mariae Lutenor (olim Watson) conjugum,

Patrino Geo: Andr: Lutenor, Matrina Maria Teresa Lutenor : a me

Jac: Worswick .

Die ... Martii 1825 natus et die 28° Mar: 1825 baps estJos:filius Car: Bianchi et Care (olim .. )conjugum, Patrino Jac: Badini, Matrina Joan: Paulitzi: a me Jac: Worswick

Die . . . Martii 1825 natus et die 28° Martii 1825 bap: est Car: filius Car: Divine et Franciscae (olim . . . .) conjugum, Patrino

Joan: Oliver, MatrinaKatha McTaggart: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Martii 1825 natus et die 28° Martii baps est Jac: filius Simon Hopeet Annae (olimKennedy) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Green , Matrina Catha Larkin: a me Jac:Worswick. [199]

Die 17° Martii 1825 natus et die 5° Ap: 1825 baps est Pat: filius Jac: King et Isabellae (olim Tight) conjugum, Patrino Tim: Lynch, Matrina Maria Moran: a me Jac : Worswick

Die 17° Martii 1825 natus et die 25 baps est Joan: filius Joan: Proud et Annae (olim Elliot) conjugum, Patrino The Shannay, Matrina Sarah Wilson : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die ... Martii 1825 natus et die 5° Ap: 1825 baps est Jac: filius Pat: Murray et Cathae (olim Hannah) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Morgan, Matrina Esther Fell: a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Martii 1825 nata et die 11° Ap: 1825 bapa est Anna filia Rob: et Joanae Jones (olim . . . ) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Oliver, Matrina Sarah McDonnell: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 10° Ap: 1825 nata et die 18° Ap: 1825 bapa est Rachel filia Phil: McCal et Mariae (olim Brankswell) conjugum, Patrino . . . . McKenna, Matrina Catha McKenna: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 16° Ap: 1825 natus et die 25 Ap: 1825 baps est Joannes filius Thone et Mariae [? Barron, insertedin pencil; see entry 12 Sep. 1823] (olim Potts) conjugum, Patrino Geo : Potts p: proc: Jac: Green, Matrina Isaba Potts p: proc: . .. . Potts : a meJac: Worswick.

[200] Die16º Ap: 1825 natus et die 27° Ap: 1825 baps est Rob: [?] filius Car: Stewart et Isabae (olim . .. .) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Green, MatrinaMaria Stewart: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 2doMaii nata et die 9° Maii 1825 bapa est Sarahfilia Han et Joan: Heslop conjugum, Patrino Thoa Harrison p: proc: Mart: Hales, Matrina Hellenora Wilson p: proc: Hellena Nichol: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 9° Ap: 1825 natus et die 9° Maii baps est Gul: [?filius Gul:] et Mariae Power (olim Reardon) conjugum, Patrino Jac: G ... [illegible]: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 31° Julii 1824 nata et die 16° Maii 1825 bapa est Joana filia Joan: Fran: Cullenet Joanne (olim Redford) conjugum, PatrinoJac: Green p: Joan: Fenton (aut vice versa), Matrina Maria Wilcock: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 14° Maii 1825 natus et die 16° Maii 1825 baps est . . . filius Dan: Linchy et Cathae (olim Murphy) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Oliver : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 18° Maii 1825 natus et die 24° Maii 1825 baps est Hughfilius Hugh and Cathae Brannen (olim Connelly) conjugum, Patrino Petro Connelly,MatrinaSarahMcKenna: a meJac: Worswick [201] Die 27° Maii 1825 nata et die 17° Junii 1825 bapa est Maria Anna, filia Petri Connelly et Joanae (olim Bohannagh) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Smith, Matrina Maria Anna Douglass: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 13° Junii 1825 natus et die 20° Junii 1825 baps est Joannes filius Bern: Timmons et Helae (olim McCullen) conjugum, Patrino Petri Connelly, MatrinaJoana Connelly: a me Jac: Worswick

Die ... Maii 1825 natus et die 20° Junii 1825 baps est Hugh, filius Gul: McCastlan et Bridgeta (olim Ryly) conjugum, Patrino Joan:, MatrinaBridg: Fall: a me Jac: Worswick

Die 2doJunii 1825 nata et die 20° Junii 1825 bapa est Hanke filius Edw: McGraw et Eliz: ([olim] Larkin) conjugum, Patrino Petri Connelly, Matrina Maria Birmingham : a me Jac: Worswick.

Die 13° Junii 1825 natus et die 24° Junii 1825 baps estJoansfilius Joan: Morton et Hanh (olim Bradford) conjugum, Patrino Jac: Green, Matrina Isabella Gray .Eodem die Geminus Rob: [Morton] natuset die 27 baps est Rob: filius ut supra, PatrinoJoan: Oliver , MatrinaElenora Dent: a me Jac:Worswick .

Die 8° Junii 1825 natus et die 27 Junii 1825 baps est Jac: filius Jac: Murphy et Barbarae (olimHall) conjugum, PatrinoGul: Gregg, Matrina ElizaWatson : a me Jac: Worswick

Die9° Junii 1825 natus et die 30º Junii baps est Jac: filius Thoae Turnbullet Margae (olim Sproat) conjugum, PatrinoJoan: Punshon p: proc: Franc: Bianchi, Matrina Eliz: Turnbull p: proc : Eliz: Cantwell : a me Jac: Worswick

Die 30° Junii 1825 nati et die 3º Julii 1825 bap¹ sunt Joans et Rads filii Jac: Fairless et Elen: (olim Temple) conjugum, Patrinis Joan: et Rob: Temple ; Matrina 1¹ Joana Stoker , Matrina 2d1 Dora Morley: a me Jac: Worswick.

Die22 Julii 1825 nata et die 23 Julii 1825 Baptizataest Margarita

Magdalena Parker Dunn filia Cuthberti et Margaritae Dunn (olim Gillow). Patrinusfuit Georgius Thos Dunn, MatrinaAlicia Gillow: ameThoa Gillow, Misso Aposo

[The following six entries , which appear on page 282 ofVol 1 , are inserted here in chronologicalorder .]

July 13th [1825] Was bapt : Mary Ann da: of Edward and Mgt Riley (born the 4th Inst ), Spons : Jn° Miller and Eliz: Hall: by me JnoRigby.

33 " 17thWas bapt : Charles, son of Pat: and Ann Kaine (born 16 Inst.), Spons : Ross: Killen and Isabella Caor: by me

Jno Rigby.

17th Was bapt : John Carrick, son of William and Ann Headhy (born the20th Ult ), Spons : Jno and Mgt:Carrick: by me John Rigby.

,, 23d Was bapt: John, son of John and Jane Palmer (born 18th Inst.), Spons : John Howe and Eliza Graye: by me

John Rigby.

" 25 Was bapt : Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary Ann Black (born 19th Inst .), Spons : John and Sarah Ladrie: byme

John Rigby.

Die 22 Julii 1825 natus et die 8° Aug: 1825 baps est Gul: filius

Bern: et Jennet Scott (olim Mason) conjugum, Patrino Joan: Pagman, Matrina Anna Mason: a me Jac: Worswick.


[All words within quotationmarks in this section are crossedout in theoriginal.]



" Atkinson , Charles N . Castle."

Anderson, Anne, Servt

Avery, James, John, Will , Marguerite

[35] blank



Brand, Robert," and Catherine his wife inSandgate. Children , Joseph, Mary

Brotherton , Robert Hartley pans. Brownley, Helen NCastle.

Bell, Eliz Kenton Gone away. Bell, Anne NCastle.

Burn, Elizabeth

Brown, John, Harecutter Londinum abiit.

Buteland, Dorothy, wife of Peter

[33] blank


Mr ThomasCoatsSenr

Dorothy Coats his wife.

Mary, " C. 'Josep Thomas " Lawrence, Thomas, John, Francis

Joseph, Benjamin

Cowlter, John Senr , John Junr , Susanna Servt at Bedlington, Mary Do. NCastle, Elizabeth

Curry, John.


Chaters died 13 March 1770 Catharine , Mary. Chambers, Anne Robert her son

Carrick, John

[31] blank .



Dicconson , Elizabeth , Uxor Cuthberti.

Dixon, William, Apostata 1769. Eheu !

[29] blank

[28] E.

Ellison , Hanah, Servt Elizabeth Do.

Ellison, William, Bricklayer.

[27] blank .

[26] F.

Fellow, Martha, and her daughter Mary, NCastle

Foster, Henry & Mary, husband & wife, Children. Ralph, in Jamerican [?Jamaica] abiit 1771 , Protegat eum Dominus . ""Fairchild . "

Fairlamb , Alice wife of [blank]. Glasshouses down the Shore . Jam Vidua 1770 .

Fenwick, John, Shoemaker

Buteland 1770

Mary his sister, Dorothy jam vidua

[25] G.

Gibson, Isabel, wife to James, Groat Market, NCastle



Hare, George, Senr Thomas Bedlington, Junr. Apostatavit

An 1768 " Apostata George Junr. mortuus . Hogg, Elizabeth, Children Marguerite, Gone 1769 .

Hunter, William [dead insertedlater]& Eliz: his wife. Daughter

Elizabeth, Servt

Heron, John, NCastle Dead 1769. Hamilton, Margt., Widow, NCastle

Huccuss , Robt & Deborah his wife , NCastle .

Harris, Mary, wife of John Harris, Mariner.

Hodshon, Mary, Spinster " Hay, Mary, wife of" [blank] Hay. NCastle. Humble.

[23] blank.

[22]" Innes, Anne . "

[21] blank .


King, Elizabeth , widow "

Kellet, Elizabeth

Mary, W.

[19] blank .

[18] L.

Liddle, Cuthbert and Maryat [blank]. Liddle, William, Plumber.

A MaryHodgson, Spinster, was buried at St. Nicholas's4 Feb. 1781

Leg, Richard, Roper.

[17] blank.



Midford, Elizabeth , Mother & Daughter. NCastle

Moyster, John & Ann, Husband & wife. NCastle. Mason, Margt.: her son. McKay, Thomasine

Mitchel, Marguerite, Mantua-maker Gone 1768 .

[15] blank


Nevil, Charles , Ewesburn.

[13] blank




Ottaway, Jane, & her son Thomas , Shore.

[II] blank .


Richardson, Isabel. NCastle.



Rowland, Anne & Ths her son, Lobby-hill. Notinmy Par . "

Richardson, Margt Senr., Item [?Idem] Junr , NCastle.

Robson, Helen, Low Glass-houses.

Ross , Margt.

[9] blank.



Silvertop, Albt , Rosemary-lane

Surtees, Mary, Servt , Benwell Married 1770 .

Selby, Margt., Mantua-maker, NCastle

Scott, Mary& Jane, Mother & daughter

Scott, Mary, wife of John, NCastle Children Margt. and Mary. Storey, Elizabeth

William, Apprentice to Michelson. Thomas ,

[7] blank.

[6] do to Js Gibson .


'Trotter, John, Carpenter" A rogue

[5] & [4] blank .


[96] 1765. Die 23 Mensis Octobris Viatico et extrema unctione ante munitavita excessitJana Hall, annos nata 83. Sepulta est in coemeterio

Die ... Mensis . . Viatico et extrema unctione ante munitus vita mortali excessit Gulielmus Filius . . . . et .. Avery de Longbenton annos natus . .Sepultus est [unfinished]

Die ... Mensis .. . Viatico et extrema unctione munita vita

* Son of Albert Silvertop of Stella, by Mary daughter of JosephDunn of Blaydon Educated at Douai under the nameof Dunn Left Douai 18 Aug. 1731. Studied medicineat the University of Leyden He was blind for the greater part of his life. Lived with his sisters in RosemaryLane, Newcastle , overlooking St. John's churchyard, where he was buried 2 Nov. 1789 ("Minsteracres , " by Rev. Jules Lenders , and"Historyof Northumberland , " Vol vi, pp 212-19).

mortali excessitJana GordonVidua . . . Gordonde. . . .Sepulta est [unfinished].

Die 30 Mensis Aprilis Viatico et extrema unctione ante munitus vita mortaliexcessit Jacobus Parks deEwes-burn, annos natus . . . Sepultus est ad Ballast-Hill . [95] 1767. Die 26 Mensis Martii confessione pridie purgatus, et sacra Eucharistia non multis ante diebus refectus ex vita hac mortali excessit Richardus Hodshon viduus armiger de Lintz in Comit Dunelm, annos natus 67. Sepultus est in Ecclesia St Nicolai hujus urbis.

Die20mensis Juliivita excessit Georgius Hare junior annosnatus 25. Sepultus est in coemeterioomnium Sanctorum hujus urbis.

Die ... mensis [con]fessione purgatus vita excessitMichael Bell annos natus [unfinished].

[94] Die 21 Mensis Januarii in Tyna submersus est Marcus McGregor.

Die 6° Mensis Julii vita excessit, perceptis sacris Eccl[es]iae ritibus et sacramentis, Anna Hickson Vidua. 1769. Die 1° Mensis Nov. viatico et extrema unctione munitus vita excessit Joannes Heron an. aet 74 .

Die 15 Mensis Nov. sacra Eucharistia extrema unctione, aliquot ante dies, munitus vita excessit Robertus Brand, annos natus 64 . 1770. Die14 Mensis Martii sacra Eucharistia et extrema unctione munita vita mortali excessit Catharina Chaters Vidua annos nata Sepulta est in coemeterio S. Joannis. [93] 1770. Die 6 Mensis Junii perceptis pridie viaticoet unctione Sussanna uxor Joannis Stevens militis emeriti annos nata 64 e vivis excessit . 1771. Die sexto Mensis Martii Eucharistia die 21 Feb. ante percepta, et extrema unctione 4to hujus roborata, e vivis excessit Anna Bell Innupta sexagenaria aliquot annis major Sepulta est in coemeterioS. Andreae

* The Ballast Hills burial ground, about three acres, used for Nonconformist interments, was near the Ouseburn , and containedhundredsofgravestones erectedto noted Newcastlepeople from 1700 to 1844. They were all removed and theground madeinto a children's playground about May 1931 (Mackenzie , op cit, i, 408) The Registers of Ballast Hills Burial Ground were published in 1933 by the Newcastle-on-Tyne RecordSociety in Vol 9 Richard HodgsonofGateshead, as a RomanCatholic, registeredhis estate in the chapelry of Tanfield, co Durham, under the Act of 1715. It wasletto his son Ralph. He had succeeded in 1669 to property at Lintz in Tanfield underthe willofhis uncleAlbert Hodgsonofthat place, and his son Ralph died in 1773 leaving issue by his wife Catherine , daughter and co-heiress ofRoger Strickland of Catterick, an only daughter Catherine, wife of ThomasSelby of Biddleston. The aboveRichard may have been the brother of Ralph, saidto have died 1773. In the Parish Register ofSt. Nicholas, Newcastle, wherehe was buried 30 March 1767 , he is describedas " of Lintz Hall. " His wife , " Frances wife ofRichard HodgsonofLintz, Esq, " was buried at St. Nicholas's 29 Sept. 1765. There were two nuns of Gravelines, daughters of Hodgsonof Lintz, co Durham (C.R.S., Vol 14, pp 145 , 155) I have not found a clear pedigree of the later Hodgsons of Lintz Both Surtees'" History ofCounty Durham " and the Surtees Society'sVol 131 saythat Lintz continued in the Hodgsonfamily" until the extinction ofthe maleline in Ralph Hodgson, Esq., 1773."

1771. Die Nono Mensis Martii, Viatico refecta, et extrema unctione ante circiter dies 15 roborata, e vivis excessit Dorothaea Kirsopp innupta, annos nata, ut putatur, 48. Sepulta est Asceloduni [92] 1771. Die 20 Mensis Apr. Extrema unctione roboratus , et SS. Eucharistia aliquot ante dies refectus, e vivis excessitThomas Coats Caupronariuset extraportam OccidentalemNovicastri, annos Sepultus est in coemeterioS. Joannis. natus

1771. Die 21 mensis Junii extrema unctione roborata, et viatico corporis Dni refecta, e vivis excessit Elizabeth King Vidua, annos nata 74. Sepulta est in [blank] S. Nicolai

1771. Die 15 Mensis Sept. extrema unctione roborata, et viatico corporisDni refecta ante dies octo, e vivis excessit Maria ClarkVidua de Denton-Burn, annos nata 36. Sepulta est in Parochia de Newburn.

Die 5 Mensis Oct. extrema unctione pridie roboratus e vivis excessit Gulielmus Hunter de Marcello hujus oppidi annos natus 74. Sepultus est in coemeterioS. Nicholai [91] 1771. Die 30 Mensis Octobris extrema unctione roborata , et viatico Corporis Domini refecta, e vivis excessit Maria, Uxor Joan: Hay Fabri nautici ad ripam, annos nata Sepulta est in coemeterio omnium SS 1772. Die 20 Mensis Januarii extrema unctione roborata , et viatico corporis Dni refecta, e vivis excessit Anna uxor Thomae Innes in ponte superiore, annos nata Sepulta est in coemeterio Su Andreae

Die 21° Mensis Martii perceptis Ecclesiae sacramentisvitafuncta est Marguerita Debord* Vidua annos nata 77. Sepulta est in Sti. Nicolai hujus urbis [90]

Die 26 Mensis Martii perceptis Eccl[es]iae sacramentis, obiit Janet Primrose Vidua. 1772. Die 18 Mensis Maii perceptis Ecclesiae sacramentis vita functa est Maria Withaminnupta 1773. Die 8° Mensis Januarii perceptis Ecclesiae Sacramentis vita excessit Margarita, Uxor Joannis Warburton . Die 25 Mensis Februarii perceptis, ut credo, Ecclesiae Sacramentis , vita functus est Archibaldus McDonald

[The above is the last entry in Father Cordell's writing; the remainingentries are by Father Worswick] [89] 1795 Die 22 Sep: extrema unctione roborata, e vivis excessit Maria uxor Geo: Piersonin Gates-head. 1796 Die16Martii extrema unctione roboratus et viaticocorporis Dni e vivis excessit JacobusBlacklock in Castle-Garth.

* Probably widow ofthe Debordwhokept theWhiteHartInn in the Flesh Market, which adjoinedtheWhiteHartYardwherethe Catholicchapelwasin 1687. It was a noted rendezvous for Jacobite families when they came to town about the middle of the 18th century

A John Warburton lived at Carrs Hill, Gateshead . His daughter Firances married Jasper Gibson, solicitor, of Newcastle , 21 Jan. 1793 and had six sons , four ofwhom were solicitors, andthree daughters


1796 Die 11 Junii extrema unctione roborata et viatico corporis

Dni e vivis excessit Isabel Dunn uxor Geor: Dunn New: Road

1797 Die Jan: 9° extrema unctione roborata et viatico corporis

Dni e vivis excessitN. Hamilton , High Bridge.

1798 Die 10° Jan: extrema unctione roborata et viatico corporis

Dni e vivis excessit Maria Lamb South Shields

1797 Die Julii 27° extrema unctione roborata et viatico corporis

Dni e e [sic]vivis excessit Marg: McColly. High Bridge

Mulier Canceri afflicta nomine [blank]. Near the Long Stairs.

1798 Die 9° Jan: viatico Corporis Dni [refecta] e vivis excessit


1796 Die Oct: 14° extrema Unctione roborata et Viatico Corporis Domini e vivis excessitJoanna Gray

1798 Die Adoris Judicis extrema Unctione roborata et Viatico Corporis Domini e vivis excessit Maria Gray. Old woman , Gateshead

1798 Die Julii extrema Unctione roborata et ViaticoCorporis

Domini e vivis excessit N. Wilson (Germanica). N.Shields.

1798 Die 11° Oct. Viatico Corporis Domini roborata e vivis excessitN. Oliver. The Side

1798 Die ... Decm extrema Unctione et Viatico Corporis Dni roborata e vivis excessit Maria Simpson (Kenton )

1799 Die 24 Jan: Extrema Unctione et Viatico Corporis Dni roborata e vivis excessitJoanna Dodds.

1799 Die 5° Junii Sacramento poenitentiae roborato e vivis excessit Esther Lochart. [87] 1799 Die 3º Dec: Viatico Corporis Dni et extrema unctione roboratus Nicolaus Claizer e vivis excessit

1800 Die 220 Jan: Viatico Corporis Dni et [extr xd out] roboratus e vivis excessit Michael Wheatly.

1800 Die 5° Martii Viatico Corporis Dni et Extrema Unctione roboratus e vivis excessit Anna Bell

1800 Die24° Martii nullo Sacmo roboratus e vivis excessit Mat: Dodds

1800 Die 27° Apr : Maria Jenkins Viatico Cris. Dni et extrema Unctione roborata e vivis excessit

1800 Die 29° Ap: e vivis excessit Eliz: Dixon sine Sac

1806 Die 28° [no month] Maria Fullerton o[mn]ibus Sac: acceptis e vivis excessit






Both Nut Hill, now usually speltNuthill, and Hedon, which lieabout two miles apart, are in the south-west partof Holderness, in the southeast of the East Riding of Yorkshire. About a hundred square miles ofmainly agricultural land is covered by this mission, a large portion of whichis not morethan twenty feet above mean sea level, and muchofit not tenfeet . Nuthill is mentioned in Domesday Bookas Notele Peter de Nuthill is named in an inquisition held at Burstwick, close by, in October 1338. It would seem never to have been anything but a few dwellings or homesteads Hedon, though not mentionedin Domesday Book, was the most important port on the Humber for centuries , and hadmorethan double the length of quayage for ships in the thirteenth century that Hull had even in 1775 ; but when John Leland visited there in the sixteenth century it was degenerating , and its entrance channel two miles in length was gradually silting up A charter was granted to the town by Henry II and confirmedby John. In 1366 it elected amayor and bailiffs, an honourit still holds, and it returnedtwo members to Parliament until disfranchised in 1832. The town, consisting mainly of one long street, has for long been of little importance, and its population in 1921 was only 1,321 . It once contained four churches , but for long has only had one, the present St. Augustine's, " the King of Holderness, " which has been described as the finest purely parish churchin the wholeof the East Riding. " Catholics were fairly numerous about here during the Penal times In 1676they were returned as about 208 in the Deaneryof Holderness, 217 in 1706, 236 in 1718 , andin 1780, shortly after this Register begins, the number returned was 418, half the total Catholic returns for the whole ofthe East Riding Their numbers bulklarge in the Nonjurors' list underthe Act of 1715, from gents and yeomen to the two brothers Meak of Hedon, " Papists " and glaziers, and one of them, Roger, with Anne his wife, is included in a list of Papists in 1735. They appear always to have had the ministration of priests

Thefirstpriestofwhose missionarylabours in Nuthill and neighbourhood we haveanyrecord is the Rev. Joseph Metcalfe , alias Eglesfield, a nativeof Yorkshire, born probablyatNuthill about 1636. Educated at Douai, he came on the Mission about 1672. His residence was at first always at Nuthill with his parents and after their death with the widow of his elder brother He is supposed to have been principally supported by Mr. Henry Constable of Burton Constable and his sister, uncle and aunt to Lord Dunbar, who had allowed his predecessor, Mr. Hodgson, 14 a year. He was "a vertuous able man, exceeding prudent and very active " He died on the 28th of March 1729.*

Thomas and William Metcalfe, the sons of LeonardMetcalfeandAnne his wife, ofNuthill, Holderness , entered Douai 14 May 1735. Thomas

* VideDr. John Kirk, " BiographiesofEnglish Catholicsin theEighteenth Century" (1909), and C.R.S. , Vol 9, p. 109 325

died at Pocklington without issue, and William is not traced Their uncle, the Rev. WilliamMetcalfe , was a Douai priest. Leonard, gent., the father , was a Nonjuror and figures in a list of Papists, togetherwith his wife and their son and daughter, in 1735. There is a mural monument to Leonard Metcalfe and Anne his wife in Burstwick churchclose by, which states that he died 29 November1749 aged 73 and his wife 5 May 1747 aged 60 , and the names of four sons, including the above Thomas and William, and one daughter, Mary (probably the Mary Metcalfe who married John Robinson of South Park in 1739), are mentioned on the memorial, which bears the family arms Mrs. Elizabeth Raines ofNuthill, by will dated 25 July 1725 , lefta guinea to Mrs. Mary MetcalfeSenr , and " To the priest who shall assist at my death, at Nuthill, £150, to be by him put out, with the approbationof the superior of the secular clergy, and the interest to be employed for the use ofthe said priest and his successors , being clergymen . To Mr. Metcalf, £50 in trust, and for the use of poor Catholics in Holderness , the interest of £50 . " Her husband was connected with the Wyton family of Wytonnear Nuthill. *

The Rev. Richard Franck, a native of Knighton, Yorks, born 1630 and ordained at Valladolid 1653, came on the English Mission in May 1656. He lived withMr. Beckwith (presumablya layman) at Marton in Holderness, five miles north-west of Nuthill and close to Burton Constable , " where he hath always pay'd for his dyet " and had "a parish of several towns. " There has been a modest Catholicchurchat Marton since 1769. Father Franck died in 1696 .

The Rev. Thomas Sheppard died in Holderness 19 June 1774 . InArchbishopBlackburn's Visitation Returns for 1735 the following priests are mentionedas livingin the district covered by this Register: A Person suspected to be a PopishPriest, who dwells at MrMetcalf's in the Parish (Burstwick), where Mass is understood to be performd, his surname is Watson" There also appears to have been a school here conducted by Richard Rand, a convert. A " Mr Thomas Smith, a reputed Priest," was residingin the Parish of Swine; he was supposed to be chaplain to Mr. Cuthbert Constable and resided at Nuthill; he and" one who goes by the name of Pinkard "|| visitedtwo widow ladies , Mrs. Mary Caley and Mrs. Elizabeth Craythorne, andsaid Massattheir house, in the ParishofWithernwick, aboutfourmilessouth of Hornsea . Many names andparticulars ofCatholics are to befound in the volume of the Catholic Record Society referred to Catholicsin Holderness , aswell as their priests, clustered mainly in this corner , about Nuthill and Hedon, on the lands and under the aegis of the Catholic Constables

The Rev. Thomas Ferby, whofirst signs this Register, was the eldest son of Thomas Ferby by Dorothy Lumsden. Born in Yorkshire 25 March 1740 , admitted to the English College, Rome, 15 July 1754 and ordained 17 December 1763, he leftforthe Mission I May 1764. Hewas at Little Blake Street, York, 1764-71 , and is mentioned in the Archbishopof York's list of priestsin 1767. He served Nuthill from March

George Poulson, " The History and Antiquities of the Seigniory of Holderness " (1840-41), ii 367 ; C.R.S. , Vol 28, p 2012

C.R.S. ,Vol. 9 ,p. 109 . See C.R.S. , Vol 32, p 229. The Rev. James Watson, educatedat the English College, Rome, died at York 20 Feb. 1772 , aged 75 . § Ibid., pp. 320, 321. The Rev. Thomas Smith (1674-1755), educatedat ||Ibid , p 337 . Douai

1774 to October 1777 , but may have been there for some timebefore commencing a register, as undoubtedly there was a chapel at Nuthill forty years before he is definitely known to have come there. Hethen went to Craythorne, near Yarm, Yorks, and was there from November 1777 to July 1794; he came to Brough Hall, Yorks, the seat of the Lawsons, on 25 August 1794 and remained there until September 1807 , when hewent to Scorton nearCatterick as chaplainto the PoorClares , then living in the house which is now the Hospital of St. John of God, remaining there until his death 11 June 1823 ; he was buried in the nuns' cemetery

The Rev. James Foster signs for three baptisms 29 March and 11 April 1778, while chaplain at Burton Constable He was a son of James FosterandEmerentia Hay and was in some way connected with a Robinson of Nuthill His father was a tenant farmer of Ashton Hall near Lancaster , where he was born 14 February 1747 n.s. He went to Douai in September 1764 and left college after his ordination 5 June 1774. He was chaplain for three years to Sir Walter Vavasour of Hazlewood Castle, Yorks From there he went to Burton Constable in Holderness, where he remained seven years, about 1778-85 . He then went to Turnham Hall, Lancs, and remained there until his death 17 February 1824.*

There is a blank between April 1778 and July 1785 , when the Rev. Thomas Caton takes office A native of Broughton, Lancs, he was the son of JohnCatonand AnneGregson ofLancaster Born 26 September 1756, admitted to the English College, Lisbon, 30 October 1768, and ordained 11 March 1780 , he left forthe Mission in 1782. Joseph Gillow in his recordsof the English College, Lisbon, says he was stationedat Alston Lane, Lancs, till 1785 , " where [? when] removed toTowneley Hall . " This is a mistake, as his last entry in the Alston Lane Register is dated 25 December 1784 , and his first entryat Nuthill July 1785. Shortlyafter his arrival Confirmationwas givenby Dr. Matthew Gibson, Vicar Apostolic, on 22 September 1785. He served Nuthill until May 1787, and the rest of his life was spent in his native Lancashire, at CulchethHall, Townley Hall, and finallyat Cottam from July 1812 until his death 14 August 1826

There is no signature to the entries in the Register, in clear neat handwriting, from 22 November 1787 to June 1795, when three signatures of the Rev. J. Worswick are found The Rev. John Worswick , elder brother of James who served many years in Newcastle -on-Tyne, was the son of Thomas Worswick of Leighton Hall, Lancs, by Alice daughter of Robert Gillow of Singleton, Lancs Born 28 September 1761 , he went to Sedgeley Park School and thence to Douai, where he was ordained in 1786, and came on the Mission in 1787. Hewas at Brooms, co Durham, in 1793-4. He served Hedonin 1795, and was at Garstang, Lancs, in December 1797 and until he went to Hornbyin 1798. He died at his father's house 2 October 1809 and was buried in the domestic chapel

The Rev. Peter Osmond was here from March 1797 to September 1798, and during this period 23 baptisms are recorded, an average of 15 per annum . There is no trace or reference to him before or after in any Catholicsource He was probably a French Refugee priest.

The Rev. Thomas Taylor succeeded, and signs the Register from

* C.R.S ., Vol 20 , p. 184 . WilliamCroft, " Historical Account of Lisbon College. With a Register compiledby JosephGillow " (1902), p 186.

November 1798 to May 1801. He is not traced on the Mission after Hemayhavebeen the Rev. Thomas Taylor whodiedat Cornsay House , co. Durham , 24 miles south of Lanchester, 14 November 1818 and is stated to have been of Douai.

The Rev. Sebastian Marious or Mariour, or more probably Manour , nodoubt a FrenchRefugee priest, signs threeentries in 1801 .

The Rev. Joseph Swinburnesucceeded, and is stated to have been a native of Northumberland He was in the school of Rhetoric at Douai in 1793 and in 1794 a prisonerin Dourlens. Liberated 25 Feb. 1795 he came to CrookHall, and was ordained 3 April 1800. Hedonappears to have been hisonly mission , and he served itfor aboutthirty-nine years, makinghisfirstentryin September 1801. He laid the foundation stone of the existing church at Hedon on 12 August 1803 , and signs the Register until September 1839. He then retired, and died in Hull 7 December 1845, aged 71

The Rev. Henry Newsham , who served here about three years, left no records. The son of Thos. Newsham of Westby cum Plumpton, he was born 25 September 1806 and was ordained at Ushaw in 1830 . His first mission was at the chapel in Dumpling Lane, Barton, Lancs The " Catholic Directory " places him at Leeds, where he took over St. Patrick's from the Dominicans in 1834, and at Penrith 1834-36 . I found his name in the four-leaved Register of Penrith, Cumberland , in Somerset House, wherein a pencil note says " he must have been stationed here at leastin August 1834." The Haydock Papers say he was at Houghton Hall, Yorks, 1837-39, and then apparently came on the Hedon mission 1840-42. Thefact that we find no records of hisin this Register is apparently typical, as the pencil note in the Penrith Register goes on to say that he " seems to have only registered the baptismswith a pencil, at ye end ofye ritualinhaste, intending perhaps to put dates in afterwards; displeased at some reports he got removed Oct. 1836." He was at Brooms, co. Durham, 1843-46, andwent thence to Ashton le Willows, Warrington, 1847-73 He was at Long Moor Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool, from 1873 till his death 4 December 1874.*

The Rev. WilliamParsons, accordingto a note in the Register, came here " a few days before I Jan. 1843 " and makes his first entry, aftera blank in the Register from 1838 , on 15 October1843. He was ordained at Ushawin 1839, was at Egton Bridge, Yorks, 1842-43, and then came to Hedon , where he signed the Register from October1843 toApril 1849 . He left for Sheffield to August 1849and was stationedat the chapelin NorfolkRow 1849-50 His name is not in the " CatholicDirectory " for 1851. From 1852 to 1855 he was at Mossley, Ashton-under-Lyme; his name is missing in 1856. He was probably in bad health, as he died 7 April 1857 at the house of Mrs. Chisholm, in Melbourne , Australia, receivingthe last rites ofthe Churchfrom the Right Rev. Dr. Gould.

The following priests have since served Hedon: -

Rev. FrancisTrappes, August 1849

Rev. Robert Tate, D.D., March 1 , 1851 .

Rev. Joseph Cottam Fisher , April 14, 1853 .

Rev. John Leadbitter, January 11 , 1885 .

Rev. David J. Smith, September 15 , 1889.

Rev. John Murphy, March 1907 .

Very Rev. Cornelius Canon English, October1913

Very Rev. James Canon Griffin, August 1921 (still in charge)

* C.R.S ., Vol 16, p 585

The Society'sthanksare due to the Very Rev.Canon Griffin forallowing a copyofthis Register to be made andforfacilities in doingso; also to the Librarian at Ushaw College (Rev. Bernard Payne, B.A.), who kindly searched the early Catholic Directories and other sources for particulars of priests who served on this mission .


The original volume preserved at Hedon Chapel in Holderness is bound in vellum and measures 8" x 6 " and is about "thick.

The firstentryin the bookat one time was July 7, 1785, butata later datea few leaves of an earlierregisterwere foundandwere inserted atthe beginning of the volume

These earlier records contain 34 entries of baptisms. Of these 31 are signed by the Rev. Thomas Ferby and extend from March26, 1774 to October12 , 1777; andthe last3 are bythe Rev. James Fosterand are allfor June 1778. The last pagegives a list of confirmationsbythe Right Rev.William Gibson at Nuthill Chapel on September 27 , 1795 .

At a later point in the volume, immediately after the list of confirmations on September 22, 1785, is another inset of 8 leaves or 16 pagesmeasuring about 6 " x 4" (of which 5 pages are blank) and containing baptisms from November 22, 1787 to March 12 , 1793 , and marriages from March 2 , 1788 to June 30, 1793 .

On the next page is pasted a leaf from the Rev. Mr. Worswick's Ritualwhich contains 5 baptisms , all in 1795 .

Following on this is the main part of the book, giving a list of marriages, baptisms and burials commencing March 2 , 1797. The letter below, evidently writtenby the brother of the Rev. Joseph Swinburne soon after the latter's death, refers no doubt to the following pages.

Marion Terrace , Wednesdaymorning.

DEAR SIR , It would be very convenient to me if the Carrier couldcomeon the morrow at 12 oClock for I think there will be too much for him on a regular day; if so be pleased to send me a line, but if that is not quite convenient I shall at any rate beready. I have at length discovered some registersof Baptisms &c in 1787 under S.W. Firby; some drawershad not been opened for many yearsandIhaveno doubt they have escaped my brother's memory

Be pleased my most respectful compliments to Mrs. Underhill and believe me to be yrs sincerely Wm SWINBURNE.

Register of the Catholic Congregation of Nut-Hill from March 1797 , and of SS . Mary and Joseph's, Hedon .


A list of the children that have been baptized by Mr Thos Ferby during his stayin Holderness . [1774]

Imprim 1774 die 26° Martii baptizata est Maria Norgrave, filia Gulielmi Norgrave (A-Catholici) et Elizabethae (Catholicae), Patrino Gulielmo Denton et MatrinaSara Batty: a me Thoma Ferby Miss° Apostolico

27° Martii baptizata est Joanna Moor filia Annae Moor , Patrino Joanne Moor et Matrina Dorothea Dowforth: a me Thoma Ferby Misso Aposto

30Aprilis baptizata est FranciscaFawcittfilia Thomaeet Joannae Fawcitt (de Hull), Patrino JoaneMarsland et MatrinaMaria Robinson: a me Thos: FerbyMiss Aposto

22 Maji baptizatus est Thomas Foster filius Thomae Foster (ACatholici) et Mariae Foster (Catholicae) de Marton , Patrino . Wiles et MatrinaSaraWilliams: a me Thos: FerbyMiss Aposto.

11ºJuliibaptizatus est ThomasChambers filiusAntonii (Catholici) et Annae Chambers (ACatholicae), Patrino Edmundo Chambers et MatrinaMaria Row: ameTho: Ferby Miss Aposto

17°Julii baptizatus est GeorgiusShires natus die 16° hujus, filius Georgii (Catholici) et Franciscae Shires (Catholicae) de Hull, Patrino Gulielmo Steward et Matrina Troth Caley: a me Thoma Ferby Miss Aposto.

Die 18° Julii baptizatus est Joanna Jackson natadie 17° hujus, filia Joannis et Joannae Jackson (de Sutton), * Patrino Gulielmo Steward et Matrina Elizabetha Gray: a me Thoma FerbyMisso Aposto

31° Julii baptizatus est Thomas Jackson natus 27° hujus, filius Francisci et Mariae Jackson (de Sprotley), Patrino Franciso DeeringetMatrinaAnna Dringwater: a me Tho: FerbyMiss Aposto.

Die 21 Augusti baptizata est Anna Wansworth (de Hull) et jam mortua

Die 18 Octbris baptizatus est Robertus Tompson filius Robertiet jam mortuus.

Die 13° Novbris baptizata est Maria Watson filia Richardi et Elizabethae Watson, Patrino Georgio Caley et Matrina Anna Ligthcow: a me Tho: FerbyMisso Aposto (paritermortua).

Nowa small busy town with a population of about 2500 , 2 milesnorthof the outskirts of Hull and 6 miles west of Nuthill. In St. James's churchis a fine tomb with the effigy of Sir John de Sutton, who died 1338/9, and a twelfth century font



Die 5° Feb baptizata est Wenefrida Iveson nata 4 hujus, filia Gulielmi (Acatholici ) et Mariae (Catholicae), de Hedon, Patrino Jacobo Champney et Matrina Wenefrida Champney: a me Tho: Ferby Miss Aposto (jam mortua)

Die 26° Martii baptizatus est Gulielmus Winship natus die 19 hujus, filius Jacobi et Mariae Winship (de Burstwick), Patrino Josepho Harrison et Matrina Anna Craggs: a me Thoma Ferby Miss Aposto

Die 10° Aprilis baptizata est Margarita Norgrave filia Gulielmi (Acatholici) et Elizabethae (Catholicae), Patrino Thoma Ferby* et Matrina Rosa Caley: a meThoma FerbyMiss° Aposto (jammortua).

Die 18° Junii baptizata est Dorothea Ballance filia Josephi (Catholici) et Elizabethae (Acatholicae), PatrinoJacobo Winshipet Matrina Sara Craggs : a me Tho : Ferby Miss Apost° (jam mortua)

Die25° Junii baptizatus est JosephusHarrison natus die 18° hujus, filius Joannis et Mariae Harrison (de Ross), Patrino Thoma Owstet Matrina Dorothea Champney: a me Thoma Ferby Miss Aposto.

Die 26°Junii baptizata est Maria Champneynata die 24 hujus, filia Joannis (Catholici) et Mariae Champney (Acatholicae) de Lillydike, Patrino Joanne Champney Seniore et Elizabetha WythamMatrina: a me Thoma FerbyMisso Aposto [1776]

Die 15° Jan' baptizatus est Gulielmus Maclin natus die 11° hujus, filius Gulielmi (Catholici) et Hannae (Acatholicae) de Lelly, Patrino Joanne Hawksworth et Matrina Elizabetha Bywater: a me Thoma Ferby Miss Aposto

Die 9° Maji baptizatus est Michael Watson natus eodem die, filius Michaeliset Watson de Burstwick, PatrinoThoma Ferbyet Matrina Anna Bingley per procuratorem : a me Thoma FerbyMisso Aposto

Die 15° Maii baptizata est Anna Norgravenata die 12° hujus,filia Gulielmi Norgrave (Acatholici ) et Elizabethae (Catholicae), Patrino Francisco Deering per procuratorem et Matrina Elizabetha Crawford: a me Thoma FerbyMiss Aposto

Die 11° Junii baptizata est Maria Chambers nata die 8a hujus,filia Antonii (Catholici) et Annae (Acatholicae) de Rial, Patrino Thoma Chambers (vel Gulielmo Craggs) et Matrina Maria Craggs : a me Thoma Ferby Miss Aposto.

Die 26 Junii baptizata est Anna Webster nata 24ª hujus, filia Roberti (Acatholici ) et Mariae Webster (Catholicae), PatrinoThoma Caley et MatrinaAnna Bird: a me Thoma FerbyMiss Aposto

Die 25° Nov : baptizata est Anna Champneynata 20 hujus, filia Joannis (Catholici) et Mariae Champney (Acatholicae) ut supra, Patrino Thoma Smith et Matrina Anna Champney: a me Thoma Ferby Miss Aposto. [1777]

Die 16ª Jan' baptizata est Maria Watson nata die 10 hujus, filia Joannis (Acatholici ) et Margaritae (Catholicae) de Holsham , * Probably the priest who was baptizing.

Patrino Davide Wrightet MatrinaMaria Craggs: a meThoma Ferby Misso Aposto.

Die 21° Jan' baptizata est Elizabetha Watson nata 20 hujus, filia Richardi et Elizabethae Watson, Patrino Thomas Chambers et Matrina Elizabetha Norgrave: a me Thoma FerbyMisso Aposto.

Die 27° Jan' baptizataest MariaGowthrop nata 23 [? 24] hujus, filia Richardi (Acatholici ) et Mariae (Catholicae), Patrino Davide Wright etMatrinaMaria Duty: a me Thoma FerbyMisso Aposto.

Die26° Martii baptizata est Wenefrida Iveson nata 25° hujus,filia Gulielmi (Acath ) et Mariae (Catholicae), Patrino Jacobo Champney et MatrinaWenefrida Champney: a me Thoma FerbyMisso Aposto

Die 29 Martii baptizata est Elizabetha Winship filia Jacobi et Mariae Winship nata 29° hujus, Patrino Joanne Jackson de Burstwick, MatrinaMariaAddison: a me Thoma FerbyMisso Aposto.

Die 25 Junii baptizata est Anna Mason nata die 10 hujus, filia Joannis et Elizabethae Mason (de Preston), Patrino Gulielmo Williamson et Matrina Elizabeth Brigham: a me Thoma Ferby Misso Aposº.

Die4°Aug' baptizata est Maria Harrison nata 2 hujus,filiaJoannis et Mariae Harrison (de Ross), PatrinoHenrico Caley et MatrinaAve Ason: a me Thoma FerbyMissºApost.

Die 7° Septbris baptizatus est Georgius Ballance natus 5° hujus, filius Josephi (Catholici) et Elizabethae (Acathae) de Rial, Patrino Thomas Ferby et Matrina Elizabetha Allan: a me Thoma Ferby , Misso Aposto .

Die 12° Octbris baptizatus est Gulielmus Cuthbertus Robinson natus die 11° hujus, filius Joannis et Troth Robinson * (South Park), Patrino Joanne Robinson Sen: et Matrina .... a me Thoma Ferby Missionario Apostolico [1778]

Die 29° Martii baptizata est Jana Champney nata die 20º hujus, filia Joannis (Catholici) et Mariae Fewson (Acathol) de Lelly Dike, Patrino Leonardo Caleyet MatrinaMaria Iveson: ameJacoboFoster Misso Aposto.

Die 29 Martii baptizatus est Josephus Norgrave filius Gulielmi (Acatholici) et Elizabethae Denton (Catholicae), Patrino Joanne Brigam et Matrina Elizabetha Norgrave: a me Jacobo Foster Misso Aposto.

Die 11 Aprilis baptizata est Francisca Morris filia Thomae (Acatholici) et Franciscae Drew (Catholicae), Patrino Jacobo Champney et MatrinaAnna Champney: a me Jacobo Foster Misso Aposto. [

There is a blank in the Register between II April 1778 and October 1785.]

* John Robinson of South Park was the son of John Robinson of South Park by marriage in 1739 with Mary d of Leonard Metcalf of Nuthill. Born in 1742 , hemarried in 1776 Elizabeth Troth, d ofWilliamCaleyofGrimoldby Grange, co Lincoln This WilliamCuthbert, their eldest child, became a Benedictinemonk (see C.R.S. , Vol 7, p 266n.; Henry Norbert Birt " Obit Book ofthe English Benedictinesfrom 1600 to 1883").

PERSONS Confirmed by the Rt Revd W. Gibson at Nut-hill Chapel Sep: 27, 1795. *

Nathan Weatherall

Ann Rawcliffe


Ann Richardson

Jane Pindar

Thos : Richardson

John Iveson

Winafred Iveson

Joseph Harrison

Teresa Iveson


Hannah Ruddiforth


Jno Robinson

Ann Booth

Dan Champney


Ann Johnson


Wm Booth

Mich: Watson

Mary Weatherall

Ann Northgreaves

Thomas Champney

Ann Jefferson


Thos: Collison







James Francisca


Maria Clare

Maria Catherina

















CATALOGUS Baptismatorum ad Capellamapud Nuthilla die septimo Julii anno 1785 secundum mandatum Illmi Dni Gulielmi

Walton hujus Districtus Septentrionalis Episcopi. [1785]

Die undecimo Octobris anni 1785 Ego Thomas Caton, Sacerdos Missionarius ad Capellam apud Nuthill, baptizavi Infantem masculumnatumdie octavo ejusdemmensis ex Gulielmo Metcalfe Catholico et Maria Coy Acatholica Conjugibus apud Hull, Infanti

This record is out of order hereand should reallyappearafter the Rev. J. Worswick's entries on p 339. Dr. William Gibson , consecrated Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District, in succession to Dr. Matthew Gibson , 5 Dec. 1790, died 2 June 1821 (C.R.S., Vol 26, p 190n ).

The son ofWilliamWalton of York Born about 1716, he enteredDouai in October1731 , wasordained in April 1741, and was professorat that college for many years He was appointed coadjutor to Dr. Francis Petre , Vicar Apostolic, and on his death in December1775 he succeeded him in the Northern District In 1770 he went to live with the Rev. John LonsdaleatLittle BlakeStreet, York, and died in that city 26 Feb. 1780

LeonardMetcalfe of Nuthill, gent, was a Nonjuror in 1715. Probably a son of Leon: Metcalfe " ofHoothill [? Nuthill] in Burstwick in Holderness , whose will was proved at York in 1683" (E. E. Estcourt and J. O. Payne, " The English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715 , " 1885). A priest (Rev. James Watson) lived at his house in 1735 .

Nomen Gulielmus Patrini erant David Wright Jun et Maria Duvisie [? Duvivier].

Die 16 Octobris anni 1785 Ego Thomas Caton Sacerd : mission: ad Capellam apud Nuthill baptizavi infantem masculum [natum] die 14 ejusdem mensis ex Ricardo Craggs et Elizabetha Jackson Caolcis: [? Catholicis] Conjugibus in Burstwick Infantinomenimpositum erat Gulielmus, Patrini JoannesJacksonet Eliz Rudiforth. [1786]

Die 18° Februarii anni 1786 Ego Thomas Caton Sacerd : Mission: ad Capellamapud NuthillbaptizaviInfantem Masculum natumdie praecedenti ex Thoma et Elizabetha ChampneyCaolcis : conjugibus apud Nuthill, Infanti nomen Thomas Patrini Joannes Raines (de Flinton) et TeresaChampney

Die 26 Februarii anni 1786 Ego Thomas Caton Sacerd : Mission: ad Capellam apud Nuthill baptizavi Infantemmasculum natumdie 18 ejusd: mens : ex Josepho Harrison et Maria caolcis: conjugibus apud Hedon, Infanti nomen Rogerius (Thomas), Patrini Joannes Brigham per procuratorem et Elizabetha Wilson. Died April 28 , 1787 .

Die 10 Martii 1786 Ego Thomas Caton Sacerdos Mission: ad Capellam apud Nuthill baptizavi infantem masculum natum die 80 ejusd: mensis ex Joanne Richardson et Elizabetha Lithgew Caolcis: Conjugibus apud Hedon, Infanti nomen Joannes, Matrina Anna Lithgow per Mariam LithgowProcurat:

Die 10 Martii 1786 Ego T: Caton Sacerdos Miss : ad Capellam apud Nuthillbaptizavi Infantem masculum natum die praecedenti ex Joanne Wright et Joanna Caolcis : Conjugibus apud Halsom , Infanti nomen Gulielmus Patrini erant David Wright Jun et Maria Boothby.

Die 25 Martii 1786 Ego Thomas Caton Sacerd: mission: ad Capellam apud Nuthill baptizavi Infantem famellam natam die 20 ejusd: mensisex Georgio Reed (Acãolco) et ElizabethNorthgraves (Caolca :) conjugibus apud Elsternwick , Infanti nomen Joanna , Patrini Gulielmus Crawforth et Anna Northgraves

Die 19 Aprilis 1786 Ego T: Caton sacerdos miss: adCapellamapud Nuthill baptizavi Infantem masculum natum die 17 ex Davide Wright et Sara Masterman Caolcis : conjugibus apud Halsom , Infanti nomen David, Patrini David Wright (Avus) et Elizabeth Dresser. Died March 1787 .

Die 15 Septembris 1786 Ego T: Caton Sacerd : mission : ad Capellam apud Nuthill baptizavi Infantem famellam natam die 14 ejusd: mensis ex MichaeleWatson et Anna Smith Caolcis : Conjugibus apud Burstwick, Infanti nomen Maria, Matrina Martha Winship.

Die 1 Octobris 1786 Ego Thos Caton Sacerd : Mission: ad capellam apd: Nuthill baptizavi Infantem masculum eod : die natum ex Ricardo Craggs et Elizabethae Jackson Caolcis : Conjugibus in Burstwick, Infanti nomen Jacobus, Patrinus Joannes Craggs, MatrinaN: Jackson. [1787]

Die 11° Februarii 1787 Ego Thomas Caton Sacerd : Mission: ad

Capellam apd Nuthillbaptizaviinfantemfamellam natam diesexto ejusd: mensis ex Joanne Robinson et Elizabethae Caley Caolcis: Conjugibus apd: Southpark, Infanti nomen Susannah, Patrinus Josephus Denton, Matrina Helena Caley.

Die 14 Febr¹ Ego T: Caton Sacerd : Mission: baptizavi infantulam natam die 10 ex Maria Wilkinsonapud Burstwick, Nomen infanti Anna, Patrini JoannesHossmanet Anna Watson.

Die 11 Martii 1787 Ego T: Caton Sacerd : mission: baptizavi infantulam die 4 ejusd: mensis natam ex Joanne Hawksworth (Catholico) et Maria Hanway (Acatholica) Conjugibus, Nomen datum Esther, Patrini Jeremias Brigham et Sarah Wright.

Die2 Maii 1787 Ego T: Caton baptizavi filiam Joanniset Joannae Wright conjugum apud Halsom natam die 29 Aprilis, Infanti nomenCatherina, Patrini JoannesJohnson et Sarah Wright

Die ... Maii 1787 Ego T: Caton baptizavi filiam Ricardi et Annae Swales Conjugum apud Ottringham natam die ejusd: mensis , Nomen Maria, Patrini Josephus Harrison et ElizabethRowe .

PERSONS Confirmed by Mr Gibson 1785 .

David Wright, son of John

John Craggs


John Richardson

Wm Bamforth

Richd : Swales

Ann Northgraves

Eliz: Craggs

Mary Wright

Jane Wright

Ann Fisher

Mary Marshall

Mary Dresser, Leftus

belonging to Nuthill Sept: 22 ,

Margt : Riby, Left us

Eliz: Rudiforth, Left us


Winifred Champney

Anna Watson

Ann Brigham


Ann Iveson

Mary Iveson

Teresa Champney

Elizab: Watson

Ann Wright

[Another handwriting begins here .]


Nov: 22 was born Eliza Champneydaughter of Thos Champney and Eliza Lorraine and bap: 23. Patrinus Geo: Lorraine, matrina Doroth : Champney


January 13 was born Geor: Reed son of Geor: Reed and Eliza Northgrave of Elsinwick and bap: 20t. Patrinus Will: Denton, matrina MaryWright

February 8 was born Mary Craggs Daughter of Richard Craggs and Eliza Johnson and bap: 10. Patrinus John Johnson, matrina Martha Winship.

March I was born David Palmer son of James Palmer and Mary Addison and bap: the 29. Patrinus Will: Addison, matrina Jane Deering.

* Dr Matthew Gibson, consecrated Vicar Apostolic, in succession to Dr. Walton, of the Northern District 3 Sept. 1780 , died 19 May 1790 (C.R.S. , Vol 26 , p. 153n).

April 8 was born Henry Robinson son of John Robinson and ElizaCaleyand bap: the 9. Patrinus Hen: Witham Esq., matrina Winefride Hunt

April 22 was born Jane Pindar Daughter of Richa Pindar and Susanna Pearson and bap: the 27. Patrinus Mr Richardson , matrina Mary Harrison .

May I was born MaryWright Daughter of Peter and An:Wright and bap: the4. Patrinus John Wright, matrinaMaryWright.

May 11 was born Mary Pindar and bap: [blank]. PatrinusMr Richardson, matrinaMaryHarrison.

May 17 was born Eliza Richardson and bap: the 18: Patrinus Richa Swailes , MatrinaMaryServt to DoctorCaley.

May29 was born Eliza Salmonand bap: the I of June. Patrinus Craggs Sen , matrinaMrsCrawford

July 28 was born Mary An: Owst and bap: 29. Patrinus Jos: Denton, matrina Mrs Mould.

December7 was born Geo. Swails and bap: [no date]. Patrinus Tho Swailes , matrina Mrs Richardson.


January 8 John Hawksworth bap: Patrinus Leon: Robinson , matrina Mary Harrison

May 18 wasborn MaryWilson and bap:the19. SponsorsMr and Mrs Wilson

Jue 24, 1789 was born anna Watson and bap: the 25. Patrinus John Horseman, matrinaMrsLongbrough

Octobr 26 was born Thomas Owst and bapt: 27 Robinson, Matrina Winnifrid Foster.

Nov: 19 [was] born Eliza. Robinson, Bapt: 22. Foster, matrina Rose Caley Lincolnshire .

Nov: 24 [was] Born Wil: Harrison, Bapt : 26 Gorrard, matrina Miss Leech.



Patrinus Wil:

Patrinus Mr

January 15 John Craggs born and bapt : the17. Patrinus David Wright Jun , matrina Martha Dresser

Feb: 11 Robert Champneyborn and bapt : Patrinus John Smith, matrinaMargaret Smith.

March 2 Charles Wright born and bapt : the 4t PatrinusCraggs Jun , matrina Mrs Harrison apud Patrington

March 28 An: Hawkworth bapt : Patrinus Josph: Harrison , Matrina Mrs Craggs

May 22 Eliza. Reed born and bap: 23. PatrinusJohn Jackson , Marton ; Matrina Martha Northgraves, Elsinwick.

* He married Elizabeth Grant, d of his first cousin Grant Robinson , 6 June 1820 "

Possibly the "Matthew Henry Witham Esq. d. 1 Nov. 1790 aged 57 whose memorial is in Burstwick Parishchurch A John Withamand his wife were in the Papistreturns for Burstwick in 1735

ThemodestCatholic chapel ofMarton, on northside of Burton Constable and about five miles from Nuthill, was built by William Constable , Esq., in 1769 and has had a succession of priests ever since. It was dedicatedtothe Most HolySacrament Dr. Charles Howard wasat Marton from 1774 till his

June 7 Eliza Raines Daughter of Mr Raines of Flinton and Eliza Farnley born and bapt : the 12 at Hull Patrinus JamesChampney, Matrina Eliza Champney of Nuthill.

June 28 Mercy Wright born at Holsom and bapt : the 30th. Patrinus Thos Colinson, matrinaAnn Johnson

July9t Sara Salmonborn and bapt: 11t Patrinus CraggsSen* , matrina Dorothy Johnson.

July 17 ThosWilson born and bapt 18. PatrinusJohn Brigham Esq , matrina Mrs Iveson .

Nov: 6 Wiliam Oustborn and bap: the 9t, on whichdayitdied.


January , Charles Craggs born the 17t and bapt : the 20t Patrinus Thos Dresser , Matrina MaryJacksonof Sutton

March 16 Born William Marshil of Welwick Row and bapt: the 30t. Patrinus Thos Wilson of Haverfied, matrinaMissMarshil

April 4 Born John Radley, Pidsey Burton, bapt: 1ot N: Northgrave , matrinaJane Gibson.


April 5 Born Anna Harrison, Hedon, Bapt : 10t Patrinus N: Kipling, matrina Eliz: Robinson .

May 1 Bap: Thos Hodghsonson ofAn: Hodghson, incertoPatre.

June 29 MaryWright born and Bapt: July 1o. Patrinus Collinson Junt, matrinaDorothyJohnson, Keyingham.

Sept: 14 Thos Chambers of Thorn bapt : Robinson, Matrina MaryHarrison ofHedon [1792] Patrinus Leonard

January 1 William Wilson Born at Haverfield and Bap: the 6t Patrinus John Robinson, Matrina Mrs Iveson.

Jan: 21 Jane Craggs Born and Bapt: the 25. Patrinus Jos. Harrison, Matrina Jane Jackson ofSutton.

March 29 Born El[i]za Champney and Bapt: the 30t Patrinus Geo: Lorraine, Matrina Cathar: Witham, Nuttles. [Apparently the same neat clear writingfrom Nov. 22 , 1787 down to this No signatures Another handwriting then begins , possibly the Rev. J. Worswick's ]

Sept : 9 Born John Dresser Son of Thos and Martha Dresser of Halsom and baptized ye 12. Patrinus Richardus Craggs, Matrina Maria Wright.

death in 1821. The Rev. Thos Hodgsonwas succeeded by the Rev. Robert Hogarth, 1823-58

John Champney of Nuttles, gent. , was a Nonjurorin 1715 and withhis son Thomas held the estate at Sutton A Thomas Champney of Clayton, yeoman, and CatherineChampneyofthe same place, in the East Riding , were also Nonjurors at this time, and it is pleasanttofindthe familyat Nuthill and neighbourhoodand still adding to the Catholic population all through this Register. There are memorialsin Burstwick church to ThomasChampneyof Nuttles, who died 29 June 1811 aged 59 , and Mary his daughter, who died 5 May 1806 aged 22; also toMaryChampneyof Nuthill d. 15 July 1776 aged 61 , John her husbandd. 18 Aug. 1780 aged 66, John Champney, Preston , d 3 July 1803 aged 62, and Mary his wife d. 6 Nov. 1819 aged 69 (Estcourt and Payne, op. cit.; Poulson, op cit , ii 362)

Nowknown as Burton Pidsea or Burton St. Peter, a small village 2 m . east ofNuthill and 4 m. from Hedon The parish church of St. Peteris ofEarly Englishstyle

Octr4 Born Frances Crawford Daughter of Wm and Jane Crawford and baptized the same day Godmother Hannah Rudiforth [1793]

Jan: 28 Baptized MaryJackson Daughter of Joseph Jacksonand Ann Alvin (Conjugum) in Burstwick. Wm Reed born II ofApril and Baptized the 5 of May son ofThos Reed and JaneDeering. Godfather Wm Deering, [Godmother] Mary Deering: by me J. W. Thos Deering son of Eliz: Deering born 12 of March, Thos Reed and Eliz: Deering Sponsors , bap:5 ofMay.

[Here followfour blank pages, then again the same handwritingas from 22 Nov. 1787 to 29 March 1792.]

March 2, 1788 sham . *

April 7, 1788

May 18, 1789 .

Nov: 2, 1789 .

May 5, 1790 .

Nov : 24, 1790.

Jan: 23, 1791 . Elsinwick.

Sept: 16, 1791 .

Nov: 28, 1791

Park, Holderness


David Wright to Mary Johnson, both of Hol-

Peter Wright to An Wright

John Jacksonto Jane Grice. Thos Dresser to MarthaJackson . CharlesMorley to TeresaChampney. William Foster to An: Iveson.

John Jacksonof Marton to Martha Northgravesof

Jerrard Brigham to Anna Yewland.

William Crawford to Jane Denton, both ofNorth

JosephJacksontoAn: Orvin ofBurstwick, April 9 , 1792.

John Battyof Halsham to Rosamund Pearson of Hedon , June 30 , 1793.

[This last entry may have been written by the Rev. J. Worswick. All the above entries from 22 Nov. 1787 are on four sheetsfolded, making 16pages 61" x 4" , stitched, and fastenedinto a larger book .]


The 5 registers on this paper, which is a leaf from MrWorswick's Ritual, were pasted in this book by Mr Francis Trappes Oct. 1849 . N.B. Four of these are on the front of this leaf and the fifth on top of the reverse , which is not pasted like the rest ofthat page.

H.Craggs born 7 ofJune [17]95 Bapt : 25. Sonof Richard Craggs and Elizabeth Jackson Godfather J: Jackson and [Godmother] Ann Jackson

Bapt: J. W.

Dav. Wetherall son of Nathan Wetheralland MaryHarrison , born 13 July [17195. Sponsors DavidWright and MarthaDresser . Bapt: by J.W. 16 July.

Halsham lies 2 m east of Burstwick, with a population now ofabout 200. The parish church ofAll Saints is of Norman and late Decoratedstyle The Registerbegins in 1563. Near the church is a beautiful mausoleumbuilt 1790-1800, wherein several members of the Constable family who died from 1747 to 1804 are laid Some of these, as well as the bones of early ancestors , were removedfrom the vault in the parish church There is a hospital here founded in 1570 , by will of Sir John Constable , for eight poor men and two poor women The names of 28 Papists were given in the return totheArch-

Mary Nicholson born 11 May daughter of Jas Nicholson and Sarah Watson bap: 16 of July [? 1795] by J. W. SponsorsRobt Masterman and MaryWright.

John Batty son of John Batty born 8th July and Rosamund Pierson. Sponsors John Richardson and Jane Wright. Bapt: 16 of July by J: Worswick

Ed: Jackson born Nov: 3 [1795], Bapt: 17, Cetera completa this day 23 Nov. , Son of Robt Jackson and Ann Alvin, Prot.: by me

J: W:

The foregoing registers were collected and insertedin this book , in order to bemoresecure, by Mr Francis Trappes, Oct 1849.

[The Rev. Peter Osmond evidentlycommencedthis Register in 1797 and wrote the title on the front page of the cover . Thepreceding records , found by the Rev. Francis Trappes many years later, are fastened infront ofsame.]

REGISTER of the Marriages, Baptisms and Burials of the Roman Catholic Congregation of Nut-Hill, in the Parish of Burstwick, in Holderness , from the second of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven to the . . . . [1797]

[1] Margaret daughter of Thomas Champney of Nuttles in the Parish of Burstwick and of Elizabeth Lorain his wife born and baptized on the 2d of March 1797. Godfather Thomas Champney; Godmother Anna Champney Proxy for Elizabeth Smith: Peter Osmond, Priest.

William Craggs of the Parish of Burstwickdied March 18th 1797 , aged 78 years, and was buried on the 20th of the same month: P. Osmond, Priest

DorothyChampneydied at Headon May 6th 1797 , aged 48 years, and was buried on the following day: P. Osmond, Priest. [2] John Wade and Jane Garnett both of the Parish of Burstwick were married this 14th day of May 1797 , by me Peter Osmond in presence of George Wade, Thomas Wade and John Robinson: P. Osmond , Priest.

Henry Foster and Anna Booth both of the Parish of Keyingham were married this 14th day of May 1797 , by me Peter Osmond in presence of John Booth, William Booth and John Robinson: P. Osmond , Priest

MaryDunn wife ofJohn Renardsondied at Preston June 5th1797 , aged 56 years, and was buried on the 7th of the same month: P. Osmond , Priest


Joseph (Elder) twin born, Son of Matthew Burn and Mary Lowry his wife of Headon, born and Baptized June 29th 1797 , Godfather Henry Caley, Godmother Jane Kipling: P. Osmond , Priest

Mary (Younger) twin born, daughter of Matthew Burnand Mary Lowry his wife of Headon, born and Baptized June 29th 1797 . bishopofYork fromHalsham in 1735, including 3 poor people in thehospital (C.R.S., Vol. 32, p. 257).


Godfather Henry Caley, Godmother Jane Kipling: P. Osmond , Priest

Margaret Daughter ofWilliam Northgraves and AnnaEspiner his wife of Elstrinweek * born October 25th1797 , and Baptized on the 29thof the same month. Godfather William Crawforth , Godmother Alice Dearing: P. Osmond, Priest.


Margaret Daughter of William Northgraves and Anna Espiner of Elstrinweek died November 1st 1797 , aged eleven days, and was buried on the followingday: P. Osmond, Priest

Samuel Smith (born in the Parish of Preston) died at Headon November 6th1797 , aged 18 years, and was buried onthefollowing day: P. Osmond, Priest.

William Son of William Crawforth and Jane Denton his wife of North Park , born December 22d 1797 , and Baptized on the 25thof same month; Godfather Richard Caley, Godmother Anna Espiner wife ofWilliam Northgraves : P. Osmond, Priest.


MarthaJackson daughter of John Jackson of Sutton and wife of Thomas Dresser of Halsham died December 26th 1797 , aged 29 years, and was buried on the 28thof same month: P. Osmond , Priest


Martha daughter of Richard Craggs and ElizabethJackson his wife of the Parish of Burstwick, born January5th 1798, and Baptized on thefollowing day. Godfather and Godmother William and Mary Craggs, brother and sister of the said Martha Craggs : P. Osmond, Priest

John son of Thomas Reed and Jane Dearing his wife of Keyingham , born January 20th 1798, and Baptized on the 28th of same month. Godfather William Dearing, Godmother Elizabeth Taylor, Grandfather and Grandmother of the said John Reed: P. Osmond , Priest

[6] Martha Northgraves wife of John Jackson died inthe Parish of Hambleton March 3d 1798, aged 26 years, and was buried on the following day: P. Osmond, Priest.

Josephson of DavidWright and Sarah Mastermanhiswife , ofthe parish of Halsham, born and Baptized March 18th 1798. Godfather Thomas Collinson, Godmother Anna Johnson: P. Osmond, Priest.

John son of John Wadeand Jane Garnett hiswife, of the Parishof Burstwick, born and Baptized on the 5th of May 1798. Godfather George Wade, Godmother Anna Gathworth, Grandfather and Grandmother of the said John Wade: P. Osmond , Priest.

[7] AnnaDaughter ofJohn Hokesworth and Anna Hodgsonhiswife of Lelley born April 15th 1798, and Baptized on the 6th of May 1798. Godfather Thomas Jackson, Godmother Anna Barrell: P. Osmond, Priest

William son ofThomasJacksonandAnna Baker hiswife,ofLelley, born April 17th1798, and Baptized on the 6th ofMay 1798. God* Elstronwick , a scattered village 3 m . north-east of Hedon and a mile from Burton Pidsea ... A small village 2 miles south ofNuthill.

father Edward Jackson, Godmother Anna Barker : P. Osmond, Priest

John son of John Ballance and Mary Porter his wife, of Ryhill, * born May 13th 1798, and Baptized on the 19th of same month. Godfather William Ballance, Godmother Hannah Bigland: P. Osmond, Priest

[8] Anna Daughter of John Batty and RosamandPearsonhis wife of Rimswell in the parish of Seathorn, born June 20th 1798 , and Baptized on the 24th of same month Godfather Thomas Foster, Godmother Winefred Metcalf : P. Osmond, Priest.

Sarah Anna Daughter of Robert Coudbertand Elizabeth Dearing his wife of Elstrinweek, born September 3d 1798, and Baptized on the 9th of the same month Godfather William Dearing, Godmother Jane Dearing wife of Thomas Reed: P. Osmond ,Priest.

[9] JosephNorthgraves was born Decemb. 14 and baptized by me December 17th 1798. Jos Northgraves his uncle was Godfather, Mary Dearing was Godmother . The parents of William and Annare inhabitants ofthe Parish of Elstrinweek : ThosTaylor.

Richard Craggs was born December 24 and Baptized by me December25th1798. Godfather Lewis Clifford Esqr, Godmother M. Bouth The parents Richard and Elizabeth Craggs residing in the parish of Burstwick: T. Taylor.


Ann Jackson born Febry 22 , babtized by me March 18th , Godfatherthe Revd T. Taylor, Godmother Jane Wade; thefather Jos . Jackson Catholic, the mother protestant , residing in Burstwick: T. Taylor.

John Wilson born March 4th, Baptized March 18th , Godfather Thos Wilson, Godmother Margaret Iveson ; the parents both Catholic residing at Havrefield near Patrington: Thos Taylor.

Ann Reed born July 15, baptized on the 22d, themotherCatholic , father protestant, then residing at toll bar of Keyingham, her father Thomas Reed, his [? her] mother Jane Dearing Godfather John Booth, Godmother Amy Kitchin: T. T.

Philipp Crawford of North park baptized by me T. T. the . . . of Septemberand born the 3d ofAugust, the fatherWilliam Crawford, the [mother] Jane Denton Godfather William Northgraves, Godmother Elizab. Richardson.


[10] Ann Robi[n]son babtized by me Febry 2d 1800 , Godfather Thos Oust, Godmother Eliza Wilson of Haverfield, the parents Leonard and Mary Robinson Catholics residing at Wrangling in the Parish of Preston: T. T.

Samuel Craggs born March 14th, Baptized by me March 16th , Godfather Hen Foster, Godmother . Craggs, the parents Ric: and Eliza residing in the parish ofBurstwick: T.T.

Peter Jacksonborn May 16th, babtized by me June 15 , Godfather

Avillage with a population of about 260 lying near the road midway between Hedon and Ottringham It takes its name from the family ofDe Ryall, theancient inhabitants Theword " of" shouldprobably be omitted


Ric Caley, Godmother Jane Crawford, theparents Catholicsresiding at Lella, 1800 .

JamesCollinswas babtized by me, the parents residing at Keningham,intheyear 1800: T. T. The same JamesCollins was bornthe 16th of October of the said year, his father James Collins, his mother Rose AnnaO'Hara *; Godfather Henry Foster, Godmother Amy Kitchin

John Bird born October 2d , babtized October 5th, ye parents Joseph and Eliza Bird residing at Hedon Godfather Henry Shipman, Godmother Mary Pindar : T. T. anno 1800 .


William Battywas babtized by me Mayye 10th 1801. Godfather John Wright, Godmother Mrs Oust of Halsham, the parents both Catholics residing near Horesham: T. T.

Peter Crawford son ofWilliam and Jane Denton his wife born the 12 of June and baptized the 14 of the same, his Godfather Isaac Denton, his godmother Mary Caly wife of John Robinson: Seb. Marious, pt. Thischild is since deadtwo weeksold. [11] JosephJackson Son of Josephand Anna Alvin his wife ofthe parish of Burstwickborn July 12th 1801 and baptized on the 26thof the same month. Godfather Michael Watson, Godmother Jane Garnet (Wade) : Seb Mariour , Priest

Sarah Craggs bornAugust 4th 1801, baptized the 9th ofthe same month, her father Richard Craggs, the mother Elizabeth Jacson residing in Parish of Burstwick Godfather William Craggs, Godmother Mary Craggs : Mariour, Priest.

Ann Wade daughter of John Wade and Jane ([olim] Garnett) his wife born Sept. 12 and baptized Sept 13 by me JosephSwinburn , M.A., at Burstwick, the Godfather James Collins, Godmother AnnWade. She died Sep. 26 andwasburied thefollowingday. [12] Thomas son of Thomas Reed and Jane ([olim] Dearing) his wife born Sept., baptized Oct. II by me at Keyingham-Bar, Godfather James Collins, Godmother Rosa Collins The child's father protestant , Mother Catholic: JosephSwinburn, M.Ap. [1802]

Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary Wilson of Haverfield born Jany 11 and baptized Jany 18, Godfather Joseph Harrison , Godmother by proxy Ann Jones: by me Joseph Swinburne, M.A. Margaret daughter ofWilliam and Ann Norgraves born Feb ... and baptized Feby 21 , Godfather Wm Dearing, Godmother Eliza Dearing. The parents reside at Elstrinwick: by me Joseph Swinburn, M.A.

[13] Elizabeth daughter of Leonard and MaryRobinsonhis wifeof Wranglingin the Parish of Preston born April twenty-sixth and baptized May the second Godfather Samuel Robinson (proxy

* The first Irish names noted in the Register A Thomas Oust of Halsham and his family are in the Papist returns for 1735 , and Mass is " understoodto be perform'd " at his house oncea month (C.R.S., Vol 32, p. 257) SeeHistoricalNotes above, p 328 .

Jno Robinson), Godmother Mary Robinson the childs sister: by me Joseph Swinburn , M.A.

RichardCraggs of the Parish of Burstwickdied May 19 and was buried May21 aged43 : JosephSwinburn.

Peter son ofWilliam Crawford and JaneDenton hiswifeborn May 29 at North park in the parish of Burstwickand baptized June 27 , Godfather John Wade, Godmother Mary Watson: by me Joseph Swinburn

[14] John Champneyof Preston* died July3 and wasburiedJuly 6, aged sixty-two: JosephSwinburn.

Joseph son ofRichardCraggs (deceased) and Elizabeth his wifeof Burstwick, born August 11 , baptized 11 , Died 12 and was buried 14 ofthesame month: byme JosephSwinburn.

Teresa daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Bird of Hedon born August 26 and baptized August 28, Godmother Mary Pindar : by me Joseph Swinburn

Ann daughter of John and Jane Wade of the Parish ofBurstwick born September the 28 and baptized Octbr 3, Godfather George Wade (grandfather of the girl), Godmother Ann Wade (her aunt): by me Joseph Swinburn .

[15] Peter son of John and Ann Hawksworth of Lelley born Oct. ., baptized November 6, Godmother AnnHawksworth ofEllerby: by me Joseph Swinburn.

Elizabeth Crawford of North park died Nov. 12 and was buried Nov. 14 aged 72: Joseph Swinburn

David Wright of Halsham died Nov. 18 and was buried Nov. 21 , aged 41: JosephSwinburn.


GeorgeSon of Thomas and Jane Reed of Kayingham bornJany 20th , baptized 20, cetera completa 21 , Godmother El[i]za Dearing, since dead: J.Swinburn

Susanna daughter ofJohn and Rose BattyofRimswell born March 7th, baptized March 20 , Godfather John Wright, Godmother Mary Harrison : by me Joseph Swinburn. [16] Leonard Caley of Lelley, died April 20th, buried April22 ,aged 77: Joseph Swinburn.

George Son of William and Ann Norgraves of Elsternwickborn August 25, baptized September 4. Godfather Thomas Dearing of Fitling, Godmother Jane Crawford of Northpark: by me Joseph Swinburn

David twin born son of Joseph and Ann Jackson of Burstwick born Nov. 6, baptized Novbr 7 , Godfather John Wade, Godmother Mary Robinson of Southpark : by me JosephSwinburn.

Anna Ruth twin born Daughter ofJosephJacksonand Ann([olim] Alvin) his wife of Burstwick born Nov. 6, baptized 7 Nov , God-

* An important village 2 m north of Hedon and 2 m west of Nuthill, frequently referred to in the Register In the returnof Papists for 1735 it is stated" That thereareonly twelve Papistsin the ParishofPreston , "including "Mary Champney,Widow , Thomas, John, Mary, Katherine, and Elizabeth , her children " (C.R S., Vol 32, p. 297).

father John Wade, Godmother SusannaRobinson of South Park: by me JosephSwinburn. This childis since dead [17] Susannadaughter of Leonard and Mary Robinson ofWranglings in the parish of Preston, Holderness, born Nov 27 , baptized Dec 11. Godfather Thomas Wilson of Haverfield (proxy Samuel Robinson), Godmother Susanna Robinson of South park : by me Joseph Swinburn


Mary daughter of John Watson and Mary (formerlyRobinson) his wife of Hedon born Jany 3, baptized Jany 5, cetera completa 14 . Godfather Leonard Robinson grandfather of the child, Godmother Mary Robinson Great-Aunt ofDitto: by me JosephSwinburn. [18] David son of Joseph and Ann Jackson of Burstwick died Jany22, andburied Jany 24, aged about 10weeks: JosephSwinburn.

John JohnsonofHalsham died Jany27 and wasburied thefollowing day, aged 80: JosephSwinburn.

Jane daughter ofThomas Read and Jane ([olim] Dearing) his wife of Keyingham born Jany baptized Feby 8th Godfather Bernard Henny, Godmother MaryPalmer: by me JosephSwinburn

Rose daughter of JamesCollins and Rose Anna ([olim]O'hara) his wife born at Keyingham Jan 28, baptized Feby 8. Godfather Bernard Henny, Godmother MaryPalmer: by me JosephSwinburn [19] Stephen sonofJohn Wadeand Jane ([olim] Garnet) hiswifeof Burstwick born March 4, baptized March 5. Godfather George Wade, Godmother Ann Wade (proxy Mary Watson) Sen , Grandparents of the child: by me JosephSwinburn.

Elizabeth Harrison of Patrington died Sept. 12 and was buried Sept. 15, aged 21 : JosephSwinburn.

AmeliaKitchin of Otringham died Oct. 4 and was buried Oct.6, aged 73

Charlesson ofMaryWright born at Halsham Oct. 28, bapt Nov.5. Godfather Thomas Collins, Godmother El[i]za Masterman of West Newton : by me JosephSwinburn.

The Catholic Chapel at Hedon was blessed April 7, 1803 by the Revd Charles Howard of Marton, S.T.D., being empoweredby the Bishop of Acanthos, V.A. The first stone was laid at the SouthWest Angle Augt 12 , 1803 by the Incumbent The Chapeland altar are under the name and patronage of the B: Virgin Mary and St Joseph

*Aconsiderablevillage 2 milessouth ofNuthill, which lies in the parish of Burstwick , and about 3 miles east of Hedon There were 45 Papists of the parish returned in 1735 (C.R.S. , Vol 32, p 228) Its 14th century parish church of All Saints contains memorials of the Catholic families of Metcalf and Champney (see Historical Notesabove)

A parish and pleasant village 5 miles south-east of Hedon, population about 600.

A small but ancient town and once a Roman station It is recordedin DomesdayBook as belongingto theArchbishop of York, who held the manor until the Reformation In the time of Edward II a charter was granted to William, Archbishop of York, to hold a weekly market and yearlyfairhere, which are still held Thefine parish church of St. Patrickis one ofthefinest and most perfect parish churches in the Kingdom. It is calledthe" Queen of

Themarbleholy water pots are madefroma column brought from Alexandria duringthe conquestofEgypt [1805]

[20] Joseph Harrison and Elizabeth Cottis both of the parish of Welwick were married this seventh day of Jany by me Joseph Swinburn in the presence of Henry Caley, Mary Robinson and Hanna Ruddiford: by me Joseph Swinburn, M.A.

Sarah daughter of John and Rose ([olim] Pearson) Batty of Rimswell born Jan 24 , baptized Feby 4. Godfather Wm Wright (proxy Jno. Wright), Godmother Ann Johnson: by me Joseph Swinburn

Margaret Alston of Pidsey Burtondied April 25, aged3

Hanna Ruddiford dementiâ capta violenter mortua. [21] James Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Bird of Hedon baptized May 20. Godfather James Bird, Godmother Mary Pindar : by me Joseph Swinburn .

Jane Daughter of Leonard and MaryRobinson ofWranglings born May 12, baptized May 24. Godfather Charles Robinson of Pocklington, Godmother MaryWatson the child's sister: by me Joseph Swinburn

George son of . . . . Carrick of the parish of Preston born June baptized June 15, died a few days after: Jos. Swinburn.

Jane daughter of Leo and Mary Robinson of Wranglings died July . [22] Thomas Richardson and Ann Haughton both ofthe parishof Paghillweremarried this twenty-fourth day of June in thepresence of Mary Hedley, Ann Richardson, Elizabeth Richardson, etc., by me Joseph Swinburn , M.A.

* Arthur twin-born son of Thos and MaryWilson of Haverfield born July 31, baptized Aug. 7. Godfather John Robinson ofLelly, Godmother Margaret Iveson: bymeJosephSwinburn.

* James twinborn son of Thos and Mary Wilson of Haverfield born July 31, baptized Augt 7. Godfather James Champney, Godmother Teresa Iveson: JosephSwinburn. * Uncertain which is eldest [23] John Richardson of the parish ofHolmptonand MaryDeering of Hedon were married this day [?] of Nov in presence of Mrs Deering, John Deering, Mary Hedley, etc.: Joseph Swinburn. [1806]

John son of Joseph Harrison and Eliz. his wife ofEsington born Dec 9, 1805, baptized Jany 2, 1806. Godfather Thos Owst jun' , Godmother Mrs Sarah Wright [not signed] Holderness , " in contrast to the " Kingof Holderness " at Hedon,and its tower and spire canbe seenfor many miles over this flatcountry. It was to Ploughland Hall in Holderness , which stood a little northof this hamlet and nearto Welwick and Patrington , that MarmadukeWard, lord of Gwendale , brought in 1590 his little five-year-old daughter Mary, out of reach of the persecuting President of the North, who had sworn to purge Yorkshire of Papists, andleft her inthe care ofhergrandmother, Mrs. Wright This child wasthe MaryWard, the foundress ofthe Instituteofthe B.V. Mary. Her tombstonemay be seenin the little parish churchyard ofOsbaldwick , near York, dated Jan. 1645 .


MaryChampneyof Nuttles died at Fulford near York May 5 and was buried at Burstwick. R.I.P.

Bernard Son of James and Rose Collins of the Parish of Keyingham bornMay 26, baptized June 2d Godfather Bernard Henny , Godmother Jane Read: by me Joseph Swinburn.

Matildadaughter of Thomas and Frances Carrick oftheParishof Preston born . . . . and baptized .. Godfather Jos Swinburn, Godmother Matilda Salvidge of Marton: by me Joseph Swinburn

Jane daughter of John and MaryWatson of Hedon born Septber and baptized Sept: 21. Godfather Sam Robinson, Godmother MrsWilson Sen : by meJosephSwinburn.

MaryHedleyofHedon died October 20th andwasburied atMarton, aged70. Requiescatin pace.

Annwife of JosephJacksonof Burstwickdied Octbr20


Joseph Swinburn of Hedon did Baptize John son of Leonard Robinson ofWranglings, parish of Burstwick[nodate given].

Christopher Collis and MaryDaughter of Mic. and Ann Watson of Burstwickmarried Nov. 29 in presence of Jno Robinson Jun and Mic. Watson junr [not signed]. [1807]

William son of John Batty and Rosa : his wife of Rimswellborn April 17 and baptized 23. Godfather Thos Owst Jun , Godmother Cat Wright: by me J. Swinburn

Elizabeth daughter of Thos and Ann Gumbald born July 11 , baptized July 15. Godmother Ann Richardson [not signed].

Richardson of ThornGodfather Will Craggs,

Hanna Daughter of Christopher and Mary Collis of Burstwick born Aug. 28 and baptized Aug. 31. Godmother Ann Watson , Grandmother of the child : by me Jos. Swinburn.

Mary daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Drew ([olim]Kendry) his wife born Sept. 5 at Preston, baptized the same day, caetera completa Oct. 11. Godfather Thos Swales, Godmother Ann Wade: by me Jos. Swinburn

Edward son of Josephand Elizabeth Harrison bornat Essington in HoldernessSept. 18, baptized Oct. 4. Godfather Thos Wilson of Haverfield, Godmother Marg: Iveson: by me Jos Swinburn

George Son of Leonard and MaryRobinson his wifeofWranglings in the parish of Preston born Nov. 6, baptized 7 , caetera peracta Dec. 20 [not signed]

William Craggs of Burstwick and Mercy Blenkin of Otringham married Nov. . . . in presence of Mary and EsterFoster and Marg. Coverdale.

William Castle and Ann Johnson of Halsham married Dec. 20 in presence of Jno Robinson jun , Thos Collison, etc.


James son of Thos and Mary Wilson of Haverfield died Jany 4, 1808

* Nodoubt the priest in charge. Easington, a small village in the extreme south-east corner of Yorkshire , closetothe sea northofSpurn Head, 14 milesfrom Hedon.

Elizabeth daughter of John and Mary Watson of Hedon born Jan 27 , baptized Jany 30. Godfather Thos Richardson , Godmother Margaret Coverdale .

George sonofThos and Jane Readof Keyingham bornFeby. baptized March 3. Godfather [blank], Godmother Rose Collins

Elizabeth Wilson of Maudlin House died March 21 , aged 74. R.I.P.

Post manerecepta sacrma debilis in ignes incidit Elizabeth wifeof Jno. Robinsonof South Parkdied April 21, aged (58). R.I.P.

David son of Mercy Wright of Halsham born April 23, baptized the same day. Godfather Jn° Wright Sen , Godmother Catharine Wright (Since dead 1809.)

MrsDuty died May 12 at Burstwickaged about 70

Sarah daughter of John and . ... Moore of Thorny Crofts born May 22, baptized June 9

Michael Watson of Burstwickdied June 15 aged74 .

Elizabeth daughter of Wm and Mercy Craggs of Little Humber* born August 29th, baptized Sept. 7. Godfather John Craggs, Godmother Eliza : Richardson.

Jane daughter of Wm and Ann Northgraves of Elstrinwick born Aug 23, baptized Aug. 28 by Revd Mr Thebald Godfather Wm Marshall, Godmother Mary Dearing

Lucy daughter of James and Rosa Collins of Kayingham born Sept. 15 , baptized Nov 13. Godmother Margaret Coverdale.

LIST of Persons Confirmed at Hedon Oct. 12, 1808, by Rt Revd Wm Gibson , Bp of Acanthos

Thos . Champney

Thos. Owst

Geo . Wright


Jno Richardson


Jno. Craggs

Edm. Jackson

John MaryChampney

Joseph Mary Craggs



Jane Craggs

Mercy Craggs

Peter MaryWilson

John Eliza Champney

Charles Margaret Robinson

Henry MaryFoster

Thos Dering Thos

Susan Robinson

Eliz: Robinson


Jane Champney







Esther Foster Agnes

Jane Wade

Maria Jos Cath. Wright



Mary Dor. Simpson Aloisia

Mary Mary Kitchin


JamesCraggs ofBurstwickdied 19 December, aged 21. R.I.P. [1809]

MrsWright of Halsham died Jan 27, aged92

ThomasCollisonof Halsham died Jan 29 , aged72.

Thomas Collison and Mary Watson of Halsham married Feby 12 in presence of Sarah Hillberd, Susan Robinson, Geo. Siddall.

Ahamlet on the very low-lyingground near the Humber 3 miles south of Hedon.

Probably a French Refugee priest; only signature between1807 and 1809

He succeeded his brother Bishop Matthew Gibson in 1790 confirmationat Hull to 72 peoplethreedayslater, 15 Oct. 1808

He gave


Maria daughter of John and Sarah ([olim] Moore) Robinson of Lelley born Feby 24, baptized Feby 27. Godfather Robt Tichborne, Godmother MaryRobinson: Jos Swinburn

JosephHarrison of Easington died March 23 , agedabout 34 .

Michael Watson Colly son of Christopher and Mary Colly of Burton Pidsea born May 2, baptized May 6. Godfather Michael Watson, Godmother Rosa Collins: by me Jos: Swinburn.

John Booth of Keyingham Marsh died May 21 , aged60.

Rose daughter of John and Rosa Batty of Rimswell born May10 , baptized May 29. Godfather Thos Collison, Godmother Mrs Sarah Wright: JosephSwinburn.

John Hardy Richardson son of Thos and Ann Richardson of Thorn Gumbald born May 30, baptized June 4th. Godfather John Richardson jun , Godmother Eliza. Anderson (fromYork): by Jos Swinburn

Mercy wifeofWm Craggs of Little Humber died July1st, aged 23 . R.I.P.

Mary daughter of Thos and Mary Collison ([olim] Watson) of Halsham born Sept. 25, baptized Oct. 5. Godfather George Siddall, Godmother Cath Wright: by me Jos. Swinburn.

Ann Daughter of Richard and Winifrid Ray baptized Nov 13 aged about 5 weeks. Godfather Thos Collison, Godmother Eliza: Harrison : by me J: Swinburn .

William Wilson of Hull and Ann Richardson of the parish of Paghill married Nov 22 in presence of Thos and Jno. and Eliza Richardson, by me Jos: Swinburn


Anthony son of John and Jane Wade of Burstwick, born Jany5, baptized Jany 9. Godfather Anthony Wade (Uncle to the child), Godmother Eliza Jackson: by me J: S:

AnnChampneyof Hedon died at York Jan 12 aged .. R.I.P.

John Hawksworth ofLelleydied Jany 14 aged R.I.P.

John son of John and Mary Watson of Hedon, born Feb: 26 , baptized March 4th. Godfather Robt Tichbourne, Godmother Margaret Iveson: by me JosephSwinburn.

Frances daughter of John and Sara Robinson of Lelley, born April 5th, baptized April 9th Godfather (per proxy) Francis Meynell of Worlaby, Godmother (per proxy) Frances Hardcastle of York: per JosephSwinburn.

Jerome Brigham of Preston died April 13 aged more than go years R.I.P.

WmCrawford ofNorth Parkdied May25 aged 45.

Leonard Robinson of Wranglins in Parish of Burstwickdied June 4 aged 65. R.I.P.

MaryRobinsonofSouth Parkdied June 6th aged 70. R.I.P.

Robert son of John and Rose Batty of Rimswell, born June 25, baptized July 2. Godfather Jno Richardson, Godmother Eliza Richardson: by me J:S:

There was a Ralph Brigham, chief " stewart " to the Hon Cuthbert Constable, his wife and their son William, about twenty-one years old, living in the Parish ofSwinein 1735 (C.R.S. , Vol 32, p 320).

William Son of John and Sarah (or Mary) Moore ofThornycrofts , born May 27 , baptized July 15. Godfather James Bird grandfather ofit, Marton; Godmother Ann Bird wife of the aboveJs: B: per me Jos: Swinburn .

HenryShipmanof Hedon died July 26 agedabt 70 .

MaryDaughter ofChristopher and MaryColly of Burstwick , born 5th Decr, baptized by me Decr 9th Godfather Jos: Swinburn, Godmother Jane Craggs : J: Swinburn.

Thomas Son of Thomas and Ann Richardson of Thorn [? Thorngumbald], born Dec 23, baptized the same day Godfather Robert Stoddart, Godmother Eliz: Richardson: by me Joseph Swinburne.


HenrySon ofThomasandJane Read of Kayingham , born Feby15 , baptized March 3d Godfather Thos Dearing, Godmother Rosa Collins: by me Jos: Swinburn.

Robert Consit of Hull and MaryCraggs of BurstwickmarriedMay 1st in presence of Jno Jackson and Geo: Wright pr Jos: Swinburn.

James Gordon a travelling Irishman died at Otringham May 27

Thomas Champney of Nuttles and Mary Harland of Burton Pidsea married June 2nd in presence of Robt and Eliza Champney and Sarah Hilbert, per me JosephSwinburn.

Thomas Champneyof Nuttles died at Acomb near York June 30 aged 59. R.I.P.

Ann Wilson wife of Wm Wilson of Hull died in the parish of Paghill, died July8. R.I.P.

Samuel Robinson July 28 aged 29 . of South Park died suddenly from lightning

Thomas twin son of Thos and Mary Collison of Halsham , born Aug: 16, baptized Aug: 17. Godfather John Batty, GodmotherAnn Castle

Jane twin daughter of Thos and Mary Collison, born Augt 16, baptized Aug: 17. Godfather Wm Wright, Godmother Sarah Wright Died Augt 19 .


David son of John and Mercy Wright of Halsham , born Dec 18th 1811, baptized Jany 7th Godfather Wm Wright, Godmother Mary Bigland. J: S:

William Son of John and Hanna Dering of Hedon , born Jan 26 , baptized and died the same day: J: Swinburn

Thomas Son of Thomas Champneyand Mary ([olim] Harland) his wife of Nuttles in parish of Burstwick, born March 30, baptized April 2. Godfather James Champney, Godmother Jane Champney: per me Joseph Swinburn

George Wright of Halsham and Mercy Craggs of Burstwick

A parish, township andpleasantvillage 7 mileseast-south-eastof Hedon . The parish church of St. Wilfrid is ofEarlyEnglish and Decoratedstyle. The parish register dates from 1536

A son of John RobinsonofSouth Park and Elizabeth TrothCaley

married April 29 in presence of Wm and Jno Craggs, by Jos: Swinburne.

Michael Son ofJames Kelly and Mary ([olim] Murphy) his wife of theCarlow Militia, born at Paul April 30, baptized May 1st GodmotherMary King: by me JosephSwinburn.

HenryFoster of Keyingham Marshdied May9.

Ann daughter of John and Mary Watson of Hedon , born Aug: baptized Augt 8 caetera peracta Godfather Thoms Dering, Godmother Margt Robinson: J: Swinburn .

Caroline daughter of James and Catherine Mason of Thorn Gumbald, born Augt 19, baptized Aug: 26 caetera [com]pleta Sept. 19th 1813[12]. Godfather Thos Taylor of Flinton, Godmother Ann Fisher.

James Mason ofThorn[? Thorngumbald] died Sept 10. R.I.P.

William Wright of Halsham and Frances Johnson of Flinton married Sept 20 in presence of Edward Haggerston Taylor: J: S: and Thos:

SamuelCraggs ofBurstwickdied Oct: 14 aged 12 years R.I.P.

James son of Thomas and Ann Richardson of Little Humberin the parish of Paghall, born Nov 14 , baptized Nov 16 Postea. Sponsors Revd James Newsham and Ann Champney: Josh Swinburn

Thomas Champney of Ryhill and Winifrid Iveson of Preston married Nov 28 in presence of James Champneyand Teresa Iveson: J: S: obtenta disp .

Edmund Chambers of Ryhill died Dec 24. R.I.P.

Elizabeth daughter of John and Rose Batty of Rimswell, born Nov 28, baptized Dec 28. Godfather Wm Wright, Godmother SarahWittan: byme JosephSwinburn [1813]

Margaret Robinson ofWranglins died Feby 15 aged 18. R.I.P.

Robert Alvin Craggs Son of Jane Craggs of Little Humber, born March 21, baptized March 23. Godfather per proxy Thomas Richardson, Godmother Elizabeth Craggs : p: me Jos: Swinburne. This child since dead.

* On northbank of the Humber nearthemouth ofthe entrancechannelto Hedon In Domesdayit is called" Pagele " and" Pagel" Nodoubt a place of strategic importance when a descent on Britainby Napoleonwas expected, and wherethe child's father would be stationed About a mile distant is the ruined brick tower of Paul Holme, with the arms of Holme and Wastneys John Holme married Eliz. Wastneysin 1438. The church is built onthe edge of the Humber

No doubt Edward, second son of Thomas Haggerston of Sandhoe , Northumberland, by Winefrid daughter of Edward Charlton of Reedsmouth , Northumberland ; born 7 June 1788, succeeded his brother Sir Thomas as seventhBaronet of Ellingham in 1842, and died at Hexham,unmarried, 6 May 1857. He was succeeded by his brother John: the baronetcy passed through three brothers in succession

Probably the Rev. James Newsham, a native of Lancs, b 1789 and educated at Crook Hall After being ordained he served Linton upon Ouse from January to August 1821 , was ChaplaintoYork Bar Convent 1821-37, and then went to Southport He retired in 1840 and died at Birkdale 9 Dec. 1855 (C.R.S. , Vol 17, pp 428-9)

Mary daughter of Thos and Mary Champney of Nuttles in the parish of Burstwick, born April 18, baptized the same day Godfather Robt : Champney, Godmother Elizabeth Champney: p: Jos: Swinburn . This child died Sept 19 , 1813.

William Son of John and Mercy Wrightof Halsham , bornMay22 , baptized May 31. Godfather Thos Collison, Godmother Rosa Batty: Jos: Swinburn

Mary Daughter ofThomasand Elizabeth Dibb of ThornGumbald born July 18, baptized the same day caetera peracta Godfather Caley of Hull, Godmother . "

Rosa Anna daughter of Thomas and Jane Read of Kayingham , born July 17 , baptized July 25. Godfather Jno Wade, Godmother MaryPindar: per me Jos: Swinburn

William Son of Thomas and Ann Richardson of Little Humber baptized Nov 5, born Octor 25. Sponsors Revd Thos Hodgson and Mrs Hall: Josh Swinburn.

Owen son of James and Rose Collins of Keyingham, born Nov 16 , baptized Nov 29. Godmother Jane Read: J: S: This child died in Decr.


John Robinson, of South Park, died Jany 11 aged 73. R.I.P.

Sarah Wright of Halsham perished in a storm near Ridgemont Jany 21 aged 50. R.I.P.

MaryPickering died at Preston Jany 27 aged92. R.I.P.

John Son of Thomasand MaryCollisonof Halsham , born Feby26 , baptized March 3. Godfather Thos Owst (per proxy), Godmother . Batty: pr Jos: Swinburn.

For the following information about thisfamilyofCaley, so long resident in the district and so frequently found in this Register, I am almost wholly indebted to Mr. J. P. Smith, its transcriber A William Caley of Marton bought an estate at Withernwickin 1661. His son, William Caley (2) of Withernwick , married Mary Loraine, possibly a daughter of Sir Thomas Loraine of Loraine, Northumberland (her brother PhilipLoraine, O.F.M., died cir 1765). Their son , William Caley (3) ofWithernwick , born 1720 , married Susannah daughter and heiress of Samuel and Susannah Mastin of Grimoldby Grange, Lincs , and granddaughterofWilliam Mastin and TrothDownes, and by that marriage (Feb. 21, 1741) brought this Lincolnshire estate into his family. William Caley died April 21 , 1787, aged 67 , and his widow Dec. 29 , 1790, aged 74. They had a large family Mary, theelder oftwin daughters born in 1744 , entered York Bar Convent in 1760 and died in 1806. Anne married John Eastwoodin 1774 and diedin 1778, and Susannah theirdaughter married John Duvisier, a name which occurs frequently later on in the Register. Elizabeth Troth Caley married John Robinson of South Park , Holderness , and their family is also frequently found in the Register William Caley of Kingston upon Hull married 2 Jan. 1781 Frances d of Robert Loraine of Beaufront Woodhead, Northumberland. Another daughter, Constantia, b. 1761 , entered York Bar Convent in 1775 and d. 1804 . Their daughter Catherine married Alexander Knight of Sixhills Grangeand Market Rasen, whose sonSirArnold Knight, a surgeon, was knighted in 1841, and his son Edmund, born in 1827 , became Bishop of Shrewsburyand died in 1905 aged 78

Probably the priest who afterwards served at Marton He married Elizabeth Troth Caley and she predeceased him 21 April 1808 , aged 58 (see above, p 332).


William Son of Thomas Champneyand Mary his wife of Nuttles in the parish of Burstwick, born March 28, baptized March 29. Godfather Thos Smith, Godmother Margaret Smith: by me Joseph Swinburn. Elizabeth Robinson of Wranglands died April 28 aged 12 yrs. R.I.P.

ThomasWilson of Maudlin house died May7thaged 94. R.I.P.

Thomas Smith of Barrowton , Northumberland , and Elizabeth Champneyof Hedon were married May 30 by Dispensation of Bp. Gibson in presence of Thos Champney, Will Smith, and Margaret Champney, by me Jos: Swinburn

Charlotte daughter of John and Mary Watson of Hedon , born July 26, baptized July 30. Godfather Charles Robinson (pr proxy), Godmother Sarah Hilberd: by J:Swinburn.

Charles Son of John and Sarah Robinson ofSouth parkparishof Burstwick, born Augt 10 , baptized Aug. 15. Godfather Wm Westwood, Godmother Margaret Westwood (pr proxy): Joseph Swinburn.

John Wrightof Hedon diedSept 1staged 88, formerlyofHalsham R.I.P.

MaryAnn Owstof Halsham died Oct 2ndaged26. R.I.P.

Richard Sproxton and Ann Wade of Roose married Novr 28 in presence of Helen Wade p: J: Swinburn [1815]

Anndaughter ofWm Wright and Frances ([olim] Johnson) hiswife, born Dec 19 , 1814 , baptized Jany 4. Godmother Mary Bigland: by me Joseph Swinburn.

Seth Agar of York and Elizabeth Robinson of South Park were married in presence of Thos Wilson, Revd Wm Robinson,* Jno Robinson, and AnnGwillim, Jany 15: J: Swinburn

Sarah Daughter of Thomas and Eliza Dibb of Thorn Gumbald, born March 5, baptized 6th Godfather Isaac Denton, Godmother Ann Watson : J: S:

Robert Stoddart and Ann Kidd of the parish of Paghill married April 9, present Sara Hilberd: J: Swinburn

WinifredChampneyof Hedon died June 8thaged 60. R.I.P.

Joseph Denton of Thirtleby and Margaret Iveson of Preston were married July 30. Present Thos Wilson Sen , Thos Wilson Jun' , Eliza and Monica Wilson : J: Swinburn.

Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary Champney , born at Hedon Oct 22nd , baptized 23. Godfather Thos : Owst Jun , Godmother Mary Foster: J: Swinburn

Robert son of John and Sarah Whittonof Halsham, born Oct 3d , baptized, Caetera completa Oct 30. Godfather John Batty, Godmother Eliza : Peck.

Dom William Maurus Robinson, O.S.B. , eldest son of John Robinsonof South Park by Elizabeth Troth Caley, was baptized at Nuthill 12 Oct. 1777 , professed at Lamspring 17 May 1792 and died there 31 May 1832. The bride was his sister, born 19 Nov. 1789 .

LISTof Persons Confirmed at Hedon Oct 6, 1815 by Bp Gibson . *

Rob ChampneyJohn

Henry CraggsJames


Thos MarshallJoseph


Eliza CraggsCatharine

Ann CraggsAgnes

Martha CraggsMary


Ann Jackson


Mary ChampneyMary Joseph

Mary ColleyMagdalena

Mary DeringAnna

Eliza WilsonMaryAloisia

Sarah Hilberd Mary

Ann DentonMaryMagdalen

Thomas Salvidge

From Marton-

George Caley

George Harker

Tho Harker

Wm Harker

Robt Scott

Charles Salvidge

Frances Salvidge

James Hodgson

Peter Hodgson

Joseph Hodgson

George Whitehead

Thos Milburn

Mathew Caley

Leonard Caley

John Thompson

Willm Hodgson

Edward Hall



Ann Kipling

Martha Kipling


Frances Walker

Ann Salvidge, Agnes Dent, Louisa Dent, Ann Dent, Mary Hall, Mary Thompson, Ann Caley, Eliza Milburn, Mary Milburn, Ann Milburn . ...... 51.

William Dering of Hedon died Nov 10 aged 75. R.I.P.

Mary Pindar of Hedon died Nov 20 aged 67. R.I.P. [1816]

ThomasOwstof Halsham died Jany26 aged68. R.I.P.

Edward son of Thomas and Ann Richardson of Little Humber , born Jany 24, baptized Jany 29. Died Feby 11.

AnnTheresa daughter of ThomasandAnnPurdon ofEllerby, born Jany 25, baptized Jany30. Godfather JosephNaseby, Godmother Mary Salvidge: per me JosephSwinburn

Jane daughter of . .. . Dent of Sproatley died Feby 17 , buried 19. J. S.

ThomasSwales died at West Newton Feby 26. R.I.P.

Leonard Robinson Son of John and MaryWatson of Hedon , born March 16, baptized March 17. Godfather Charles Robinson, Godmother MaryBurn: bymeJosephSwinburn.

Elizabeth daughter of William and Frances Wright of Halsham , born Feby 10th , baptized March 19. Godfather John Bigland, GodmotherSarahWhitton: bymeJosephSwinburn Died April4th .

John son of William and Ann ([olim] Dixon) Dowthwaite of Ellerby in the parish of Swine , born March 2nd , baptized April9th.

Bishop William Gibson

Small scatteredvillage near Hull and HornseaRailway 6 miles north of Hedon A few miles to the west stood the old Carthusian Priory of Swine , foundedfor nine nuns before1155 , and at theDissolution of theMonasteries there was a Prioress and 15 nuns Notrace is left ofthe monasterybuildings,


Godfather Jos: Naseby, Godmother Ann Wilkinson: by me Jos: Swinburn

Robert Champneyof Keyingham and Sara Harland were married April ... in presence of Jane and Margaret Champney, etc.

Robert Brankley and MaryDering of Fitling weremarried May 18t in presence [of] Thos Dering Stevenson

Christopher Meynell of Hull and Susanna Robinson* ofSouth Park were married Sept 5 in presence of Thos Wilson Sen' , Jno. Robinson, Mary Meynell, etc.

Teresa BirdofHedon diedAug: . . aged 14 .

Samuel Son of John and Sarah Robinson of South Park in the parish of Burstwick, born Novr 7th, baptized Nov 11th. Godfather

Christopher Meynell, Godmother Eliza Robinson: by me Joseph Swinburn


Jane Wright (Widow) of Halsham died Feby

William Garton of Ellerby and Ann Craggs of Burstwick married Feby 15 in presence of William Craggs and Jane Alvin

Robert son of Robt Champney of Keyingham and Sara ([olim] Harland) his wife, born February 25, baptized Feby 26. Godfather James Champney, Godmother Winefrid Champney: by me Joseph Swinburn.

Elizabeth Jessydaughter ofThos and MaryChampneyofHalsham , born March 7 , baptized March 10. Godfather Mr Platford (proxy R: Champney), Godmother Margt Champney (proxyMrsCollinson): by me Joseph Swinburn

George Joseph Russell of York and Mary Wright of Halsham married in presence ofJohn and Eliza: Richardson

HenrySon of Thomasand AnnRichardson of LittleHumberinye parish of Paghill, born May 17, baptized May 19. Godfather John Richardson, Godmother Elizabeth Richardson: by me Joseph Swinburn

John Thompson of Fliorpne [? Thorpe, near Pocklington ] and MaryRobinson of South Parkwere married Nov 2nd inpresenceof Thos Wilson, Charles Robinson , etc.

Elizabeth daughter ofJosephWilliamson and Jane ([olim]Dalton) his wife, born Nov 29, baptized Decr the second. Godfather Wm Williamson , Godmother Catherine Mason: by me Jos: Swinburn . Elizabeth Craggs of Burstwick [died] Dec 30 aged 22 [1818] R.I.P.

Thomas Son of John and Sarah Robinson of SouthPark inthe Parish of Burstwick, born Jany 15 , baptized Jany 18. Godfather ThomasOwst, Godmother MaryWilson : by me Jos: Swinburn.

but the chancelof the Priory chapel survives in the present parish church. In theArchbishop of York's list of priestsin 1767 a Mr. James Taylor is given as livingin Swinefor 4 years, and his age as 38 . He wasa chemist and druggist of Hull; she was the daughter of John Robinson of South Park, by Eliz TrothCaley. She was baptized here 11 Feb. 1789. Her elder brother was the Benedictinemonk, WilliamCuthbert (Maurus) Robinson. Theirdaughter Mary was a Presentation nun in Manchester, who died in 1866 (C.R.S., Vol 7, p 267n .).

Charles Johnson of Hull, and Elizabeth Richardson of the Parish of Paghall, were married May 14th in presence of John Richardson Sen , Thos and John Richardson Jun . JosephSwinburn

Helen daughter of John and Mary Watson of Hedon , born May 29th, baptized June 1. Godfather Henry Robinson, Godmother Eliza Robinson: by me Jos: Swinburn

William Son of William and Frances Wright of Halsham , born June 10th, baptized June 21. Godfather Geo : Wright, Godmother Ann Castles : by me Jos: Swinburn

Mark Son of John and SarahWhittanof Halsham, born June 13th , baptized June 21. Godfather John Batty, Godmother MrsCollison: by me Jos: Swinburn.

WilliamMarshall and Martha Craggs married Sept: 16, in presence ofWm Craggs, etc.

James son of Thomas and Mary Champney of Halsham, born October twenty-fourth, baptized 25 Oct. Godfather Thomas Wilson Jun , Godmother Ann Owst: by me Joseph Swinburn.

Ann Watson widow died at Hedon Nov 19. R.I.P.

Edward Son of Thomas and Ann Richardson of Little Humber in the Parish of Paul , born November the nineteenth, baptized Nov 26. Godfather Thos: Hall, Godmother Mrs Hall of Little Humber : by me JosephSwinburn [1819]

Sarah Daughter of Robert and Sarah Champney of Keyingham Marsh, born January 17th 1819, baptized Jany 18. Godfather Thomas Wilson Jun , Godmother JaneChampney: JosephSwinburn.

Helen Watson of Hedon died aged7 months

Matildadaughter of Charles and MaryWright of Patrington, born February fifteenth, baptized March 10. Godfather JosephWright, Godmother Elizabeth Harrison : by me Jos: Swinburn

WilliamWrightof Halsham died March 15 aged 8 months: J.S.

William son of Elizabeth Read of Hedon, born March thefifteenth, baptized March nineteenth Godmother Jane Read, Grandmother ofchild : by me Jos: Swinburn

Mary Harrison of Halsham died March 31st R.I.P.

Charles Craggs of Burstwickdied June 24. R.I.P.

Susanna Hodgson of Burstwickdied Sep: 11 .

Mary Jane daughter of William and Frances Wright of Halsham, born September the second, baptized Sept: 20th Godfather John Whittan, Godmother Rose Batty: by me Joseph Swinburn

MaryChampneyof Prestondied Nov. . . aged. ...


Helen daughter of John and Mary Watson of Hedon , born Decr twenty-second, baptized Dec 24: by meJos: Swinburn [1820]

Henry Caleyof Hedondied Jany3d aged 75. R.I.P.

Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary Champneyof Halsham , born Feby twenty-eighth,baptized the same day Godfather Wm Wright, Godmother Mrs Champney (proxy Mrs W. Wright): by me Jos: Swinburn .


Henry Robinson of Sproatley, and Eliza Grant Robinson of Hedon, were married June 6th (obtenta dispensatiõe ) in presense of Thos Wilson of Magdalen, Charles Robinson , Grant Robinson, Jno Robinson, etc., by me Jos: Swinburne

Charles Son of John and Sarah Whitton of Halsham, born September the eighth, baptized Octr 8th Godfather Wm Wright, Godmother Ann Castle: byme Jos:Swinburn

Marthadaughter ofWilliam and Hannah Webster of Hedon, born October fourteenth, baptized Oct 18. Godfather Thos Wilson Sen , Godmother Sarah Hilbert: by me Jos: Swinburne.

George Son of Thomas and Ann Richardson of Little Humber, born November the ninth, baptized Nov: 13. Godfather Mr Walker of York, Godmother Mrs Walker, (proxies) Jno. Richardson and Mrs Hall: by me Jos: Swinburne.

Robert Carr Esq of Wakefield and Helen Waterton of Walton Hall,atthetimeresiding at Hull, were married bymeDecember5, in presence ofhis father and brother, and Eleanor and Isabella BedingfieldAuntsoftheyoung lady: J:Swinburne.


John Richardson of West Newton died suddenly at Hedon on New Yearsday, 1821: J. S.

Winifred Brigham ofBilton died Jany9, 1821

William Ferguson and Jane Champneyof Preston were married March 1st in presence of James Champney, Ann Champney, etc.: Jos: Swinburn.

William twinson of Josephand JaneWilliamson ofPreston , born April fourth, baptized April5th. Godfather Will Williamson , Godmother Ann Fisher : byme Jos: Swinburn died afew weeksold.

Mary twin daughter of Joseph and Jane Williamsonof Preston , born April fourth, baptized Aprilfifth. Godfather CharlesMason , Godmother Mary Drew : byme Jos: Swinburn. died afew weeks old.

Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Eliza Grant Robinson of Sproatley, born April fourth, baptized Aprilfifth. Godfather John Robinson, Godmother Sarah Robinson: by me JosephSwinburne.

Emma Mary daughter of Robert and Sarah Champney of the Parish of Keyingham, born May 13th, baptized May 14th. Godfather Thos Champney, Godmother Mary Champney: by J: Swinburn

George Son of Thomas and Mary Champney of Halsham , born

* They both perished , alongwithone daughterClara, inthefire at Sproatley Grange , 29 Jan. 1867 (C.R.S., Vol 7, p 266n .)

A daughter ofThomas Waterton of Walton Hall, near Wakefield, Yorks, by Anne d of Edward 2nd s of Sir Henry Arundel Bedingfeld ofOxburgh, Norfolk, 3rd Bart Her eldest brother wasthe celebrated Charles Waterton , naturalist , writer and traveller He was a lad of about 15 at the Rev.Arthur Storey's school at Tudhoe, co Durham, when the Dquai students who had escaped at the time of the Revolution arrived there, and tellssome amusing stories about them

Miss Elizabeth Robinson was a member of the C.R.S. at the time of her death 9 Jan. 1914 , aged 92 (C.R.S. , Vol 7, p 266n .; vol 17, p 432).

June 30, baptized July first. Godfather Robt Smith, Godmother Margaret Champney: by Jos: Swinburne

Sarah Daughter of John and Sarah Robinson ofSouthpark in the parish of Burstwick, born August first, baptized the same day. Godfather Thos Hall, Godmother Mrs Meynell: by me Jos: Swinburne

Sarah Daughter of Adam and . . . . Sunderlandof Preston , born August 13, baptized August 17 .

MaryBooth of Hedon died Sept 2nd . R.I.P.

William Robsonand Mary Jackson of Burstwick were married Sept 3, present Edmund andJosephJackson, etc.


Jeffrey Son of Jeffrey and Matilda Matcham of Bilton baptized Oct 17 , born Sept. caetera peracta Novr Charles Salvidge and MaryHall : Jos : Swinburn.

Charles Son of Charles and Mary Wright of Patrington, born October nineteenth, baptized Nov 21. Sponsors Jos: Wright and MaryFoster: by me Jos: Swinburn


John Sharp and Elizabeth Jackson married Jany 2, Witnesses Edmund and Anne Jackson: J. S.

Edmund Son of William and Mary Robson of Burstwick, born February Eighteenth, baptized Feby 24. Sponsors John Caley and Ann Jackson: Josh Swinburn.

John Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Caley of Hedon, born March twenty-fourth, baptized March 25, Caetera peracta Sept 25 . Sponsors Ann and Matthew Caley: J: Swinburn

Eliza RichardsonofLittle Humber died April 20, aged 14. R.I.P.

John Son of Robert and Sarah Champneyof Keyingham Marsh , born June fourteenth , baptized June 17th. SponsorsEdward Sheldon and Mrs Champney Sen': by me Jos: Swinburn

John Champney FergusonSon of William and Jane Ferguson of Preston, born July 30, baptized July thirty-first by me Joseph Swinburn

Catharine daughter of Henry and Eliza Robinson of Sproatley , born August seventeenth, baptized Aug : 18, Sponsors Christ and Susan Meynell: by me J: Swinburn

Richard Harrison and Catharine Mason of Preston married [no date].


Richard Son of Thomas and Mary Champney of Halsham , born February ye eight, baptized the ninth Feby, Sponsors Thos and WinifredChampney of Keyingham Marsh: by me Jos:Swinburn

James Son of Adam and . . Sunderland of Preston, born February twenty-sixth, baptized March fourth: Jos: Swinburn.

Joseph Ignatius, Son of Thomas and Anna Richardson of Little Humber in the Parish of Paul, born February twenty-seventh , baptized March eleventh, Sponsors Joseph Swinburn * and Mrs Clifford (ProxyMrsHall): by me Josh Swinburne

Mary WifeofWilliam Robson of Burstwickdied March 12. R.I.P. * No doubt the priest in charge.


Ann daughter of George and Mary Clayton of Burstwick, born February twentieth, baptized March 15 , Godmother Ann Stevenson: by me Jos : Swinburne

DavidSon of Charles and MaryWrightofPatrington, born November 17 , 1822 , baptized April sixteenth 1823, SponsorsGeorge and Mercy Wright: byme Jos: Swinburn .

Francesdaughter ofWilliam and FrancesWrightofHalsham ,born April 12, baptized April sixteenth 1823, Sponsors Thos Collison and Ann Castle: by me Jos: Swinburn

Emma Lucy daughter of John and MaryWatson of Hedon , born April twenty-seventh, baptized the following day.

Mary daughter of Joseph and Jane Williamson of Preston, born baptized August first, Caetera peracta Aug. 24 , Sponsors Edward Hall and MaryDrew .

CharlesSon of William and Hannah Harker ofLelleyin Parish of Preston, born Augt ninth, baptized August the twelth, Sponsor

Thomas Harker: JosephSwinburn

Mary daughter of Mary Nicholson of Halsham , born July 26 , baptized Aug: 22, Godmother Sarah Nicholson grandmother ofthe child : by me J: Swinburn.

Teresa daughter of Henry and Eliza Robinson of Sproatley, born November third, baptized Nov 4th , Sponsors Chrispher Meynell and Miss Agar: by me Joseph Swinburn.

William Son of Jeffery and Matilda Matcham of Bilton, born November nineteenth, baptized Nov 25 , Sponsors Thomas Salvidge and Cecily Dent : by me JosephSwinburn

George Champney and Elizabeth Wilson were marriedwith dispensation Nov 27, in presence ofThomas,William and John Wilson , etc.: J.Swinburn.


George Son of John and MaryHarrison of Thorn Gumbald , born December twenty-eighth 1823, baptized Jany 17, 1824, Godfather

Edward Hall, Godmother Mary Monkman: by me Jos Swinburn

Edward Son of John and Sarah Robinson of South Park in the Parish of Burstwick, born March seventeenth, baptized March 18th , Sponsors Seth Agar and Mary Meynell: by me JosephSwinburn

Edward Son of Thomas and Mary Champney of Halsham, born April 24, baptized 26th, Sponsors JamesChampney and MrsChampney: Jos: Swinburn Died June first.

Hanna daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Caley of Hedon, born June seventh, baptized June eight, Caetera peracta Sept: SponsorsAnn and Mathew Caley.

Elizabeth Daughter of William and Frances Wright of Halsham , born July twelth, baptized July 26, Sponsors Thos Champney and Mrs Collison: by me Jos: Swinburn.

Marydaughter of Henryand Ann Caleyof Ryhill in theParishof Burstwick, born Novr . , baptized Nov 31st: [? 30th] Jos: Swinburn

A village 2 miles from Hedon on road of Keyingham. Married first Mary Porter of Bedale, N.R. Yorks, d 1858; secondly, Mary Priestman in 1860, d 1915 .


Richard Caleyof Hedon died April3d. R.I.P.

Edward Son of John and MaryHarrison ofThornGumbald in the Parish ofPaul, born March 20, baptized April 20, Sponsors William Harkerand MatildaMatcham: by me Jos: Swinburn.

Sarah Hilbert died June 4, R.I.P., aged51 [?].

MatildaMatcham of Bilton died Aug. 24. R.I.P.

Mary Jessey daughter of Henryand Eliza Robinson ofSproatley, born Augst27th, baptized August 31st, Sponsors ThosOwst andEliz: Agar: J: Swinburn

Eliza daughter of Charles and Mary Wright of Patrington, born August 8, baptized Oct second, Sponsors JosephWright andMary Kitchin: Joseph Swinburn.

Matilda daughter of William and Hanna Harker of Lelley, born October 8th, baptized Oct 13, Caetera peracta Nov 28 , Sponsors

Joseph Harker and Alice Scott: Jos: Swinburn

Clara Daughter of Thomas and MaryChampneyof Halsham , born Decr third, baptized December 4th, Sponsors Arthur and Mary Wilson : by me Jos: Swinburn .


Robert son of Samuel and Elizabeth Caley of Hedon, born April fifteenth, baptized April nineteenth

Helen daughter of James and Susanna Doran of the Parish of Owthorn, born March twenty-fifth, baptized April twenty-third, Sponsors John Battyand MaryNicholson: byme JosephSwinburn

Arabella Daughter of Patrick and Ann O'Hara, born at Keyingham July 12th , baptized July 23 , Godmother Ann Castles: by me Josh Swinburn

Lewis Bertrand son of Thomas and Ann Richardson of Little Humber, born Oct 9, baptized Oct 11 , Sponsors John Richardson and . Wilson : by me Josh Swinburn.

LucyGrant daughter ofHenryand Eliza: RobinsonofSproatley , born October 22nd , baptized Oct 25, Sponsors Samuel and Mary Caley per proxies Charles Robinson and .. Seely: by me J: Swinburn

Frances Esther daughter of William and Frances Wright of Halsham, bornOct: 25, baptized November 2nd, SponsorsTho³ Collison and Ann Castles : by me Josh Swinburn. [1827]

Elizabeth Harrison diedat Patrington aged 7 Jany2nd1827.R.I.P.

Josiah Son of ... Moore of Paghall, born Jan 12 , baptized Jany 18 by me Josh Swinburn.

Ann Daughter of Henryand Ann CaleyofRyhill, born February 4th, baptized Feby 7th: Josh Swinburn.

* Outhorneis one of the " lost towns " of Holderness , due to encroachments by the sea The township and parish, except on the sea side , completely encircles Withernseaand part ofit is includedinthattown. Its ancient parish church, consecrated in 1488, with part of the churchyard fell into the sea in 1816 , andabout the time ofthis birth no trace ofthem were left She became a Good Shepherd nun; another sister was in York Bar Convent (C.R.S., Vol 7, p 267n ).



Moses Leonard Son of Moses and Elizabeth Walker of Kirbynear Malton, born at Kirby April 11th, baptized at Hedon June 12th , Sponsors Leonard and Ann Caley: by me Jos: Swinburn

Ann Crosby of Burstwick died Aug: 6 aged 57. R.I.P.

Monica daughter of John and MaryHarrison ofThornGumbald , born Augt 9, baptized Sept. 2nd, Sponsors Thos Pindar and Ann Jackson: Jos: Swinburn.

Cornelius Caleyof Hedon died Oct 6 aged 7. R.I.P.

Ann Owst died at Keyingham died Oct: 26 aged . [1828]


Abraham Guy and Mary Nicholson married Jany 12, in presence ofAnn Kipling

Caroline Crawford daughter of David and Elizabeth Crawford of Preston, born Jan 25 , baptized Jany28.

MaryBattyof Rimswell died Feby 7. R.I.P.

Ann Batty of Rimswell died March .. R.I.P.

Robert Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Caley, born May 22nd , baptized May 23.

Norah daughter of James Harman and Norah ([olim] Howe) his wife, born April 25 at Patrington , baptized May 31 , SponsorMartha Kipling: by me Jos: Swinburn

Catherine daughter of Abraham and Mary Guy, born June Seventh, baptized July sixth, Sponsors Henry Caley and Sarah Nicholson, since dead: by me Jos: Swinburne.

Catherine daughter of William and Frances Wright of Halsham , born Aug: 6th, baptized Aug: 24, Sponsors Josh Wright and Hanna Batty: by me Jos: Swinburn . [1829]

MaryAnn EmilyOwst daughter of Thomas and Isabella Owst of Halsham, born April4th, baptized April 5th, Sponsors Josh Swinburn and MrsMary* Wilson (by proxy): by me Josh Swinburn * Lincoln.

Anthony Son of John and Mary Walker alias Vacca baptized June 22: themother saidthat she was fromWolsingham, thechild baptized hereon account of illness; she said he wasborn at Stokesley, the father an Italian travellingmusician

John BattyJun* died at Rimswell June 28-9

Henry son of Henry and Ann Caley, born at BurstwickAugt 2 , baptized Augt 7, Caetera peracta July 7th 1831 , Sponsors Mich. Nicholson and Ann grandmother Caley.

Martin Gurfy [Godfrey written above] son of Henry [Andrew written above] and Rose Gurfy (or Godfrey) baptized Nov 22 , Sponsors Thos and MaryGraham: by me J.S.


Marydaughter ofJohn and MaryHarrison of Ryhill, born Feby6, baptized Feby 22 , Sponsors Henry Caley and Cecily Monkman: by me J: Swinburn

A village with a population of about 150 1 mile from the eastcoastand 2 miles north of Outhorne; 10 mileswestof Hedon

Wolsinghamis in Weardale, 16 miles south-westofDurham

Amarket town in N.R. Yorks, 8 miles south ofMiddlesbrough.

Francis son ofPeter Brannan and Mary([olim] Daly) hiswife, born Aug: 26, baptized Aug: 29, Sponsors Bernard Wardand Margaret Connor: by me J. S.

Catharine Daughter ofDavid and Eliza Crawfordof Preston , born Nov 3, baptized Nov 23 , Caetera completaAugt 10 , 1834, Sponsors Wm Williamson and Ann Fisher.


Jane daughter of Moses and Eliza Walker of Driffield, born April 7th, baptized June sixth, Sponsors Henry and Ann Caley: by me Josh Swinburn

Mary Ann daughter of Hanna Batty of Rimswell, born Feby20 , baptized July 17, Sponsors Wm Wright and Rose BattySenior: Jos: Swinburn

Andrew Godfrey son of Andrew and Rose Godfrey, * born at Patrington July first, baptized July 24, Sponsors Edward and Ann Barrad Uncle and Aunt of the child: JosephSwinburn

Mary Champney of Halsham, Wife of Thomas Champney , died suddenly April 10. R.I.P.

William son of John and Mary Harrison of Ryhill, born July22 , baptized Augst 7th , Sponsors Richard Jordan and Cecily Monkman: by me Josh Swinburn

William John son of William and Frances Wright of Halsham , born Sept : 13, baptized Sept: 25, Sponsors Thos Collison and Rose Batty: by me Josh Swinburn

Ann Elizabeth daughter of Edward and Mary Walker ofWest Newton, born Oct 17 , baptized Oct: 18: by me Josh Swinburn.


Mary Ann daughter of Robert and Ann Thompson of Preston , born Feby 14, baptized Feby 26th, Sponsors William Harker and Cecily Monkman: by me Jos: Swinburn.

Ann Wade of Preston died [blank] aged 8

George Wade husband of Ann died Dec 31 , 1831 , aged86.

Margaret daughter ofCharles and MarthaCoyne baptized 26 June, born at Pickering, aged 15 weeks.

Jannet Elizabeth daughter of Michael and Jannet Elizabeth Hunt, born at Brompton May 9, baptized July 22 , Sponsors Thos Richardson Sen and Mrs Simpson: by me Jos: Swinburn

Thomas son of Thomas Josh and Isabella Owst of Halsham, born July 21, baptized July twenty-third, Sponsors Edward Haggerston§ and Mary Ann Dearsley: by me Josh Swinburn died soon after aged about 3 months.

Leonard Son of Henryand Ann Caley of Burstwick, born Augt2nd , baptized August 26 , Sponsors John Wade Jun' and MaryNicholson: Jos: Swinburn.

* The same parentsare enteredas Gurfyin last entryof 1829above . This and the precedingentryare in pencil Thecollocation of these two entries and the words " husband of Ann " would suggest that the preceding entryrecordsthe death of George's wife, in whichcase a figure in her ageas given must have faded. A pleasantlittle townin N.R.Yorks, 9 milesnorthofMalton §Seepage 350 above



John Son of .... and Ann Marritt (his wife), born March 26 , baptized and died the same day: J: Swinburn .

Edward Son of Thomas and MaryKnapton of Preston , bornMay 27 , baptized 29, Caet[e]ra [com]pleta, Sponsors Wm Williamson and Mary Ann Simpson: per meJos:Swinburne.

Edward Son of John and Mary Harrison of Ryhill, born June 5 , baptized June 23 , Sponsors Edward Hall and Ann Castle: by me Jos: Swinburn

Jane daughter of Robt and Ann Thompson of Preston , born May 30, baptized June 30, Sponsors Robt and Ann Stathers: by me Jos: Swinburn

Eliza daughter of Joseph and Sarah Hepton of Burstwick, born June 29, baptized July 21st, Sponsors HenryCaleyand MaryNicholson: by me Jos: Swinburn.

John SonofJohn and MaryCuff, born July8th, baptizedAugst4th, Sponsors John Murphyand MaryGard: by me Jos: Swinburn

Michael son of Timothy and Mary Snee, born Augt II, baptized Aug: 21 , Sponsors Tho Gandley and Margt Gummon: byme Jos: Swinburn

John Wade and Helen Greensides Married Nov 25 , present Jno. Wade Sen and Cecily Monkman: Jos: Swinburn

Ann Castle died at Halsham Oct 20 aged 63. R.I.P. [1834]

Mathias Fisher of Lelley and Ann Jackson of Burstwickmarried 1st April

Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary Knapton of Preston, born March 21st , baptized April 2nd, Sponsors [blank].

Charles Robinsonof Hedondied April 16 aged88 .

Jane Williamson of Preston Widowdied July 19 .

James Son of David and Elizabeth Crawford of Preston , born July 15, baptized July 21 , Sponsors Jos: Swinburne and Cathe Harrison : by me Jos: Swinburn this child died Nov: 1835

Elizabeth ChampneyWidowdied at Hedon aged74 .

Francis Son ofPeterand CatherineSkuse, born 14 Nov atSand-leMare, baptized Nov 18, Sponsors Michael and MaryAnnManning: by me Jos: Swinburn

Jane Marrit Daughter of . .. . and Ann Marrit of Hedon , born Nov 25, baptized the same day, Caetera peracta 17 May 1835 , Sponsors BarnardWard and Elizabeth Kipling: bymeJos:Swinburn . [1835]

Joseph Son of Matthiasand Ann Fisher of Burstwick, born Jany 14 , baptized Feb 8, Sponsors HenryCaley and Ann Wade: byme JosephSwinburn.

Francis Macdonald and Harriet Holmes married Feb 14 , present Ann Davis and Cecily Monkman

A hamlet on the seacoast 2 miles northof Withernsea, called" Sandley Marr " by Poulson At this time (1833) a " Preventive Watch House erected near Sand-le-mere in 1800 was 84 yards from the cliff, in February 1922 it was only 4 feet from theedge.

Eliza daughter of Michael and Ann Manning, born Feby 5, baptized March 8th, Sponsors Edd Matthew and Cecilia Monkman: by me Jos: Swinburn .

Harriet daughter of Robert and Ann Thompson of Preston, born April 23, baptized May 24, Sponsors Wm Williamson and MaryBurn: by me JoshSwinburn.

CorneliusSon of John and MaryHarrison, born May 11th ,baptized June 7, Sponsors Wm Williamsonand Monica Hall: by me Josh Swinburn

William Son of Joseph and Sarah Hepton of Burstwick, born Aug. 7th, baptized Augt 30, Sponsors Michael and .. Nicholson: by me Josh Swinburn.

Jane Wade of Burstwickdied [blank]

William Son of Thos and Mary Knapton of Preston baptized Novr 4th, Caetera peracta Nov 29, Sponsors Wm Williamson and Ann Fisher: Joseph Swinburn

Thomas Champney and Elizabeth Dawson married Nov 16 , present Wm Harland and Harriet Himsworth

Edmund Robsondied Nov 23 .

Helen daughter of Henry and Ann Caley of Burstwick, born Nov 10, baptized Dec: 13, Sponsors Rob Stathers and HelenWade: Josh Swinburn .


George Champneyof Newton Garthdied Jany 1st .

Margaret daughter of Nicholas and Margaret Veltmann of Hedon , born April 15th , baptized April 17 .

William Marrit Son of ... . and Ann Marrit of Hedon, born July 23, baptized July 25

Sarah Agnes daughter of Hanna Battyof Rimswell, born Dec 17 , 1834, baptized Oct 25, Godmother Harriet Himsworth : by me Jos: Swinburn

Hanna daughter of Joseph (deceased) and Sarah Hepton of Burstwick, born Oct 31, baptized Nov 6, Godmother Mary Nicholson: by me Jos: Swinburn. died soon after Louisa daughter of David and Elizabeth Crawford of Preston baptized Dec 9, about2 weeksold.


Francis son ofRobert and AnnThompsonof Preston, bornJany9, baptized March 19

John Robinson Jun of Southpark died Jan 2 agedabout24 .

Edmund Son of Mathias and Ann Fisher of Burstwick, born Novr 19 , baptized Dec 17 , Sponsors John Wade and Mary Walker. [1838]

Margaret daughter of Michael andAnn Manning, born Jan 10 at Sand la Mar, baptized Feb 18 , Sponsors Peter Skuse and Harriet Himsworth: by me J: Swinburn

Richard Augustus Son of Nicholas and Margaret Veltman of Hedon, born March 18, baptized March 20 byme Jos: Swinburn.

Peter Sonof Peter and Catharine Skuse , born April21st , baptized May 27 at Sand la Mar, Sponsors Patrick Brenning and Ann Manning: byme Jos: Swinburne .


Elizabeth daughter of Thomasand MaryKnapton ofPreston , born May 10th, baptized June 10th, Sponsors John Wade and MaryBurn: by me Josh Swinburn.

Isabella daughter of John and Mary Harrison of Ryhill, born the later end ofNov 1836, baptized while in fits by aLaick,thenunder condition by me June 24, 1838, Sponsors Edward Halland Monica Hall: Jos: Swinburn.

Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Ann Caley of Burstwick, born Feb: 22, baptized by a Laick, after sub conditione Sept 9 by me . Sponsors Matthewand Mary Ann Caley: Jos: Swinburne

John Son of Robert and Ann ThompsonofPreston, bornAugst 25 , baptized Sept: 30, Sponsors [blank]. [On a loosepiece ofpaper]

Louisa Crawforth Borne Nov 24th1836 , Caroline Crawforth Borne June 30, 1839 , daughters of David and Eliza Crawforth.

Mr Swinburns register finishes here He was succeeded by Revd Henry Newsham in 183. who remained at Hedon 4 years but I can find no register during his Incumbency. Francis Trappes* [Four blank pagesfollow.]

[On a piece ofpaper pasted in]

The body of John Robinson Sent of South Park near Hedon Holdernesswas interred in the Catholic Chapel Hedon onthefourth dayof April A.D. 1846, theburial service being performed by me William Parsons

The Revd William Parsons became Incumbent a few daysbefore I January 1843 .

A.D. 1843 die decimo quinto mensis Octobris. Ego Gulielmus Parsons baptizavi infantem ex Henrico et Anna Caley ([olim] Whitehead) conjugibus natam die vegesimosecundo mensisAugusti, Cui impositum est nomen Ada Patrini fuerunt Thomas Knapton et Sara Hepton.

A.D. 1844 Diesexto Junii ego Gul : Parsons baptizaviinfantem ex Patricio et Birgitta Galagher [Gallagher in margin] (olim Murray) natum die decimo sexto mensis Maii, Cui impositum e[st] nomen Joannes Patrini fuêre Michael Murray et Sara Gallagher

Rev. Francis Trappes , to whom, as will be seen, we owe thanks thatthis Register is even as complete as it is, was the eldest son of Francis Michael TrappesofNidd, co. York, by Elizabeth d of James Lomax of Clayton House , Lancs Born 28 Jan. 1790, he was educated atStonyhurst, enterednoviceship ofthe SocietyofJesus in Sept. 1808 and taught there 1813-18; ordained 1820 . Was at Pontypool in 1820 andat St. Wilfrid's, Preston, in 1824. Went in 1827 toLea House , Thornley, Lancs , wherehe rebuiltthe house and chapelmainly at his own expense. In 1841 he had trouble with his ecclesiastical superiors which involved an appeal to Rome, but remained until 1849. He was at Nuthill and Hedon 1849-53, went thenceto Chepstow, and wasatCheeseburn Grange, Northumberland, 1856-70 In the latter year he retired to live with his nephewMr. T. B. Trappesat Clitheroe, Lancs, where he died 9 Feb. 1871 , and was buried at Stonyhurst

The son of John Robinson of South Park and Eliz Troth Caley; marr Sarah Moore, b 1787

This was inserted later, probably by the Rev. F. Trappes.

A.D. 1844 Die decimo tertio mensis Octobris ego Gulielmus Parsons hujus loci Hedon Missionarius Aplicus baptizaviinfantem die vigesimo nono Septembris ex Michaele et Maria Murray (olim Gallagher) conjugibus natum, Cui impositum e[st] nomen Jacobus. Patrini fuerunt Jacobus Murray et Elizabeth Murray.

A.D. 1844 Die trigesimo mensis Decembris, ego Gulielmus Parsons hujus loci (Hedon) Miss Aplicus baptizavi infantem die vigesimo quinto ejusdem mensis natum ex Gulielmi et Maria Stickney (olim Champney) conjugibus, Cui nomen impositum est ThomasAmbrosius Patrini fueruntSamuelRobinson et Elizabeth Champney.

A.D. 1845 Die trigesimo mensis Junii ego Gul: Parsons sacras ceremonias adhibui infanti baptizato a me An: Dni 1843 die decimo mensis Aprilis, nato dieoctavo ejusdemmensis ex Gulielmo etMaria Stickney (olim Champney ) conjugibus Patrini fuerunt Thomas Champney et Jessica Elizabeth Champney. Nomen impositum est Gulielmus.

A.D. 1846 Die quinto mensis Aprilis ego Gul: Parsonsbaptizavi infantem die tertio ejusdem mensis natum ex Gulielmo et Maria Stickney (olim Champney ) conjugibus Cui nomen impositum ē Augustinus [Austin in margin]. Patrini fuere Fredericus Smith Dodsworth et Elizabeth Champney 1846 Die vigesimo tertio mensis Octobris ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem natamdie decimo ejusdem mensis ex Joanne et Birgitta Daley (olim Brown) conjugibus, Cui nomen impositum est Catherina Matrina fuit Dorothea Underhill

A.D. 1846 Die primo mensis Novris ego Gul: Parsonsbaptizavi infantem natumdie sexto Octobris ex David et Elizabeth [Crawforth in margin] (olim Mason) conjugibus, Cui impositum e[st] Nomen Joshephus Mason Patrini fuere Joannes Dibb et Teresia Robinson.

A.D. 1846 Die vigesimo secundo mensis Novris ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem ex Jacobo et Anna Braithwaite (olim Smith) conj natam die vigesimoprimo Octobris, Cui impositum e[st]nomen Maria Joanna. Patrini fuere Sara Hepton et Petrus Skuse. 1846 Die sexto mensis Decembris ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem die quinto mensis Octobris ex Anna Elizabeth Williamson natam , Cui nomenimpositum e[st] Margarita Anna. Patrini fuerunt Helena Wreghitt et Joannes Wreghitt.

A.D. 1847 Die vegesimo octavo mensis Augusti ego Guliels Parsons baptizavi infantem natam die decimo nono ejusdem mensis ex Martino et Catherina Conolly (olim Cosgrave) conjugibus, Cui impositum e[st] nomen Hanah. Matrina fuit Birgitta Cosgrave .

A.D. 1847 Die secundo mensis Septembris ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem natam die tregesimo Augusti ex Gulielmo et Maria Stickney (olim Champney) conjugibus, Čui nomen impositum e[st] Clemens. Patrini fuere ThomasWilson et FranciscaJosephina Robinson.

A.D. 1847 Die vigesimoprimomensis Novembris ego Gul : Parsons baptizavi infantem natam die vigesimo tertio mensis Octobris ex


Thoma et Elizabeth Carrick (olim Purdon) conj: Cui impositum est nomen Ethelreda Lucia Patrini fuere Maria et Thomas Knapton. 1847 Die decimo mensis Decembris ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem natum die nono ejusdem mensis ex Ricardo et Elizabeth Champney (olim Dibb) conj : Cui impositum e[st] nomen Thomas Dibb Patrini fuere Josephus Dibb et Maria Dibb.

A.D. 1847 Die vigesimo quinto mensis Decembris ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem natum die decimo quinto ejusdem mensis ex Patricioet Maria Connor (olim Lyons) conj: Cui impositum e[st] nomen Thomas. Patrini fuere Patricius Robinson et Margarita Robinson.

A.D. 1848 Diedecimotertio Februarii ego Gul: Parsonsbaptizavi infantemnatum die decimo octavo Januarii ex David et Elizabeth Crawforth (olim Mason) conj: Patrini fuerunt Thomas Meynell et TeresaRobinson. Cui nomen impositum est Edwardus Josephus.

A.D. 1848 Die vegesimo mensis Julii ego Gul : Parsonsbaptizavi infantemnatum die quintoJulii ex Georgioet Elizabeth Wood (olim Reeves) conj Patrini fuerunt Thomas Robinson et Elizabeth Meynell Cui impositum e[st] nomenJacobusAloyisius

A.D. 1849 Die undecimo mensis Januarii Michael Trappes de Kingston upon Hull(testante Gulielmo Parsons) baptizavitinfantem natum die duodecimomensis Decembris 1848, ex Monica Harrison

A.D. 1849 Die vigesimoquinto mensis Februarii ego Gul : Parsons baptizavi infantem die vigesimo sexto Januarii natumex Thoma et Maria Knapton olimWilliamson . Matrina fuit LuciaRobinson.

A.D. 1849 Die vigesimo nono Maii ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem natumdie vigesimoprimo Maiiex Roberto et Maria Cassey (olim Reilly) conj., Cui nomen impositum est Joannes. Patrinus fuit Joannes Fury.

A.D. 1849 Die quarto mensis Junii ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem natam die tertio ejusdem mensis ex Thoma et Maria Meynell (olim Southwell) Conj: Cui impositum e[st] nomen Maria Agnes Patrinus fuit Revdus Joannes Telford et Matrina fuit Elizabeth Meynell

A.D. 1849, Die decimo sexto mensis Junii ego Gul: Parsons baptizaviinfantem die decimo ejusdem mensis natum ex Gulielmo et Maria Stickney (olim Champney) Conj : Cui impositum est nomen Gulielmus Patrini fuerunt Thomas Champney et Jessica Maria Champney de Ridgmont.

* Son of FrancisMichaelTrappesof Nidd Hall , Yorks, byEliz d of James Lomax of Clayton, Lancs; born 23 April 1797, ord Dec. 1821. He was in chargeofthe Hull mission while his elder brother Francis was at Hedon , and died at Hull 7 June 1873

Rev. John Telford was a student at St. Edmund's College about 1830 He served the Belgian Chapel in London 1841-45; was at Ryde, Isle ofWight, 1846-65 ; and died probably there 7 Nov. 1865. He was possibly connected with thefamilies ofStickney or Champney

At this time a substantial homesteaderected on the site of old Nighshed Cottage; but the name applied to a largetractof pasturebetweentheManors ofBurstwickand Burton Pudsey, andit is uncertain to whichit belonged As

A.D. 1849 Die nono mensis Augusti ego Gul : Parsons baptizavi infantemnatam die Septimo mensis Julii ex Birgitta Rice deMayo, Ireland, Cui nomen impositum est Maria Anna Patrini fuere Joannes Fury et Dorothaea Underhill.

A.D. 1847 Die decimo octavo mensis Januarii ego Gul: Parsons baptizavi infantem natum die 23 natum ex Georgio et Elizabeth Wood (olim Reeves) conjugibus, Cui nomen impositum est Joannes. PatrinifueruntJoannesRichardson et Emma Champney

A.D. 1848 Die 23 mensis Maiiego Gul : Parsons baptizavi infantem natum die 28 mensis Martii ex Thoma et Maria Knapton (olim Williamson ) conjugibus, Cui nomen impositum e[st] Thomas. Patrini fuerunt Thomas Dibb et Joanna Caley.

A.D. 1849 Die decimo sexto mensis Aprilis ego Gul : Parsons baptizavi infantem ex Ricardo et Anna Elizabeth Champney(olim Dibb) conj: natam die nono Aprilis, Cui nomen impositum est Maria . Patrini fuere David Hardy Lorrimar et Anna Lorrimar.


Ego Gulielmus Parsons die 30 mensis Junii conjunxi in matrimonium Arthur Hardy Lorrimar ACatholicus et Annam Champney Catholicam .

A.D. 1844 Vigesima 4th die mensis Julii ego Gulielmus Parsons hujus loci (Hedon) Missionarius Aplicus conjunxi in matrimonium Gulielmum Thompson de loco Lane Head (or Herd) cum Maria Robinson Testes fuere Francisca Robinson et Sara Robinson.

N.B. The Revd Wm Parsons quitted his incumbency at Hedon Aug: 18, 1849, to assume the incumbency of Sheffield.

[Written on inside ofbackcover]


Rev. Thomas Ferby's Register at Nuthill begins 1774

Rev. James Foster

Rev. ThomasCaton


Rev. T. W. [Worswick]

Rev. Peter Osmond

Rev. Thomas Taylor

Rev. SebastianManour

Rev. JosephSwinburn

Rev. HenryNewsham

Rev. William Parsons

Rev. Francis Trappes, August

Rev. Robert Tate, D.D., March 1

Revd Joseph Cottam Fisher, April 14th

Rev. John Leadbetter, January11th

Rev. David J. Smith, September 15th

showingthe condition ofthis partofHolderness butlittlemorethana century ago, an old resident in 1841 used to tell how in the wintertime he, as a boy, regularly skated from Ridgmont to school at Roos, three miles away (Poulson, op. cit, ii 369)


An asteriskattached to a number indicates that the nameoccurs more than once on that page, while the use of n does not necessarilydirect attention exclusively to the footnote .

Agnes 162; Catherine 211; Edward 312; Elizabeth 211; James 74; Joanna* 250*; Joseph 195; Mary 12, 67 , 214, 336; Samuel 65; Susan 285; Thomasine 272; William 250, 280, 299

Aaron, Anne 266, 275

Abbey, Mary 164

Abbot, Anne go

Adams, Hannah 95, 96; James 95, 96; Mary 242, 247; Sarah95

Addindall (? Allendall), Catherine 178; Helena 178; Robert 178

Addison, Mary 332, 335; William 335

Agar, 358; Anne 41n ,60 , 158; Charles 4on; Charles John 41n , 100; Elizabeth 15 , 16, 41 , 49, 97* , 100 , 108* , 352 , 359; Ethera 216 ; John

52; Mary 56 , 108; Mary Anne 41n , 108; Seth 40, 40 , 43, 45, 49, 52, 54,

56, 60, 97, 100, 108* , 352 , 358; Thomas 43; William 45; William Seth 40n, 97; very rev William Seth 41n, 97n; Winifred 39, 40n, 43, 45, 49, 52, 53 , 54, 56, 60, 63; Winifred

Dinah 54

Ainsley, Elizabeth 125; Mary86, 92 , 98 , 125

Ainsworth, Mary 129 , 143, 155 , 166

Aistor, Joanna 283

Akenside, Anne 219* , 223

Aland, Elizabeth 16

Albot, Rev. Richard 208, 254* , 261 , 263*

Alderson, Mary 141 , 150 , 165 , 194; Sarah 176, 185, 191

Allainson, Sarah 93

Allan, Elizabeth 332; James 191; Mary 88 ; Robert 88; Thomas 88

Allanson, George 160* , 177; Joanna 160, 177; John 177; Sarah 80

Allen , 136; Esther, 41, 46; Frances 51; Jane 40 ; Joanna 45;

Mary76, 83, 91, 187; MaryAnne 83, 130, 185; N. 43; Robert 67 , 70, 76 , 83, 91; Robert Joseph 91; Susan 261; Thomas 285; William 76* Allendall (? Addindall), Catherine 178; Helena 178; Robert 178

Allenson, George 188; Joanna 188; John 188

Alliburton , Joanna267

Allison, Anne 183, 195; Elizabeth 237 James 75; Joseph 195; Mary Elizabeth 183; Nathan 183 , 195; Sarah 86, 98, 107; Thomas 237

Almond, Anne 86, 92, 98, 101 , 105 , 113 , 120 , 126, 133, 139 , 146; Christopher 86, 92, 98, 105, 113 , 120* , 126 , 133, 138 , 139, 143, 146; Elizabeth 92 , 139; Frances 105, 178; George 133; John 113; Mary 175; Mary Anne 98; Samuel 146; Thomas 126; William 86 , 150

Alphey, Catherine 125

Alston, Margaret 345

Alvin , Anne 338, 339, 342, 343: Jane 354

Ambrosio, Ambroge, Ambrogi, Ambrose, Ambrosei, Ambrosi, Ambrosii, Bartholomew 94* , 99, 112, 125 , 164 , 190; Mary Anne 95, 102, 104 , 137 , 153, 162, 164 , 172 , 188

Amcotts, Amelia 65; Amelia Teresa 197; Anna Maria 197; Sir Charles , bart 197; SophiaLouisa 65; Wharton 65; Sir Wharton, bart 197

Anders, John 239

Anderson, Amelia Winifred 122; Anne 17 , 21 , 35, 38 , 40, 42, 45, 49, 61, 72 , 115 , 122, 127, 132 , 136 , 146 , 154 , 173* , 181, 280 , 304 , 319; Anne Sophia 136; Caroline Anne Sophia 115; Caroline Josephine 49; Edward Richard 66 , 115, 136; Eleanor 266 , 280 ; Elizabeth 73, 127, 154, 252, 259 ,

The form Joanna, being common to both languages, has been adopted throughout in the Index whereverit occurs in the Latin text, although any of the other ten English alternatives may have been intended Jane would generally suggest itselfas the most likelyrendering, butthe occurrenceofJana or even Jane in Latin entries by the same hand in close conjunction with the use ofJoanna would seem to suggest that it was notthe form in generaluse in the district


348; Elizabeth Frances 36, 146; Elizabeth Sarah 127; George Henry 52; Hannah 36, 38, 56, 66; Hannah

Sophia56, 115, 185; Helena 257 , 274 , 284, 287; Helena Antonia 45; Henry 15 , 16, 21 , 35, 36, 38, 42, 45, 136; rev Ignatius, S.J. 3; Isabel 304; James 221 , 227 , 284; Joanna 257 , 266, 274, 280, 284 , 287; John 140, 252 , 274 , 280, 287; Juliana 132; Juliana Octavia 61 ; Luke 221 , 227; Margaret 17, 221 , 227 ; Mary 42 , 140*; dom Maurus, O.S.B. 146n; Percy Patrick 146n; Robert 14 , 18 , 19 , 21 , 23, 27, 32, 36, 38, 42, 45, 49, 56, 61 , 66, 72, 154 , 304; Robert Henry 115 , 122 , 127 , 132, 136 , 146 , 154, 173, 181; Thomas227; Thomas King 252; Thomas Pelham 181; William146 , 185; WilliamCharles 72

Anderton, rev Francis, S.J. 2001; Robert 132

Andrews, Anne Mary 64; John 258; Mary 64; Thomas 64

Andycott, Agnes266

Anne, Ann, Frances Edith 168n; George 37n , 42n ; Mary 36 , 37n; Mary Augusta Rosalie 42n ; Michael 42n

Ansom, Elizabeth 80; Richard 80

Anthony, Henry 137

Appleby, Helen 4; mother Mary 4; Thomas4

Archdal, Elizabeth 130

Archer, Anne 240

Arckless , Mary 297

Arendel, Anne 60; John 60; Sarah бо

Armstrong, Anne 174 , 227 ; Elizabeth 107 , 113 , 117 , 119* , 120, 124 , 131 , 139, 141, 154 , 166, 169, 174,188, 215 , 218; James 107 , 171 , 215 ; Joanna 113, 191 ; Joseph 218; Mary 227; Mary Anne 166; Matthew 227; Robert 131 ; Susan 124; Thomas 107 , 113 , 119, 124 , 131 , 139* , 150 , 154 , 166, 174 , 183, 188*; William 215 , 218

Arrowsmith, John 256

Arrundel, Charles 140 (?); Mary 140 (?); Richard 303

Arthur, Anne 246; Catherine 258; Dorothy 246, 258 (?); Helena 138; Joseph 246; Margaret 258; Robert 246, 258; William 258

Arton, Elizabeth 23; John 76, 78 ,89; Mary 27, 31, 43, 51, 61* , 65 , 71; William 75

Arundel, Anne 15, 120; Charles 15 , 44, 46 , 56* , 120; Elizabeth 50 , 120; Frances 54 ; John 54; Mary 41 , 44, 46, 50, 56, 120; Mary Elizabeth

140 (?); Richard 37, 41 , 44 , 46* , 50, 56, 98; Sarah 54: Thomas 41; William 15 , 23

Arundell, Anne 98; Charles 132 , 142, 149 , 164 , 172, 181, 192*; Elizabeth 98, 104 , 116, 164; Elizabeth Mary 132; Hannah 93, 104; John Cundill 98; Mary 132, 149* , 164, 172 , 181 , 192; Richard 93*; Sophia 172; Theresa 164; Thomas88, 93, 98, 104; William 181. Cf. Arendel, Arrundel, Arundel

Ash , Mary 62

Ashbrook, Anne 158; Henry 110 , 158; Margaret 110 , 158; Mary 163; Mary Anne 1IO

Ashcroft, John 192; Margaret 153 , 166, 178, 188

Ason, Ave 332

Aspin, Bridget 196; Cecilia 177 , 182; Cecily 196; George 177, 182 , 196; Joanna 177; Sarah182

Aspinail, Anne 73, 79; Mary 63

Aspinal, Edmund 23, 24, 31 , 38, 65; Elizabeth 27; Sarah 23

Aspinall, Agnes 84, 89, 99, 104; Edmund 87 , 89

Atcock, Mary 36n

Atha, Anne 87

Athy, Isabel 316; John 316; Mary 316

Atkinson, 224, 254; Anne 12 , 16, 18 , 20, 21, 23, 26, 30, 40, 42, 43* , 53, 77 , 240, 306, 316; Bartholomew 235, 240, 249; Catherine 47, 51 , 74, 84; Charles 221, 224, 319; Dinah 124; Dorothy 244, 247, 260 , 298; Edwin 40; Eleanor 309 ; Elizabeth 59, 60, 62* , 171 , 233, 253, 276, 297 , 298, 305, 315; Elizabeth Anne 297n; Euphelia (? Euphemia) 299; Frances 42, 53, 106, 115, 286, 298, 305; George 26, 53, 210; Helena 249; Isabel 12, 25: J.233 ; James 14, 40, 42, 43 , 233: Jane 307 , 313; Joanna 132 , 303; John 20, 46, 51, 53, 77, 222, 234, 307 , 316*; John Warburton 313; Joseph 30, 305; Margaret 210 , 235, 240 , 249; Martha 219 , 231; Mary15 , 16 , 21 , 25, 30, 55, 60, 97, 124, 132, 153, 171, 188, 218 , 222, 226 , 234* , 235 , 247*; Matthew 254; Matthew Liddell 254; N. 309; Robert 12 , 16, 18* , 20, 26 , 34 , 60, 106; Robert William 307; Sophia 63, 67, 70, 73, 78, 82; Thomas 15 , 17 , 25, 26, 27 , 30, 124 , 210; William 276 , 298 , 313

Atley, Elizabeth 160, 160-1 ; Margaret 160, 161 , 193; Robert 160 , 160-1

Audaer, Audair, Audear, Catherine 48, 83, 87, 118; CatherineAnne 16; Eleanor 21 ; Elizabeth 135; Frances



85, 92, 97, 103, 109, 118, 125 , 135 , 147*; G. 70, 75, 81, 82; George 19 , 65, 68, 72, 77, 84 , 85, 97, 103, 107 , 113 , 118, 124* , 125, 133, 135, 188; Helena 16 , 19 , 20 , 25, 27, 30* , 79, 103; Joanna 184; John 97; John Albert 16, 19, 21, 53; Judith 147; Julia 188; Robert 20, 59, 85, 87, 92* , 97 , 103* , 109 , 118 , 125, 135, 147; Robert Crispin 27; Thomas 25; Veronica Mary 109, 125; William 25; William

Albert 20, 21 , 23, 26 , 27, 30

Aunts Elizabeth 159

Aush, Peter 129

Austin, Elizabeth 221, 225, 231 , 243 , 251, 264* , 277; Joanna 236, 242 , 246 , 256 , 259

Avery, Anne210, 211*; Frances 210* , 211; George 211* , 212 , 234; James 210* , 211* , 234 , 319; John 211* , 212 , 319; Margaret 210, 211* , 234; Marguerite 319; Mary 210 , 234, 305; Mary Anne 234; Robert 210; Sarah 211 , 212; William 210 , 211* , 319 , 321

Aylward, rev Dominic, O.P. 208

Babsh, Anne 142

Baccetti, Elizabeth 190; Mary 190; Peter 190

Bacon, Frances 30, 33, 37

Badini, James 314, 317; Mag 270; Margaret 314* Cf. Bardini

Baggs, Eleanor 286

Baildon, Mary 149

Bailey, Esther 112; Joanna 175

Bainbridge, Joanna 243; Margaret 243; Mary 175, 182, 190; William 243, 264, 300* , 302

Baines , Mary 246

Bains , Elizabeth 154

Bairn (? Bourn), David 232 ; Gregory 232*; Mary 232*

Baker, Anna 340; Mary 314 .

Balch, Anne 104, III, 129* , 157; Isabel 104. Cf. Babsh, Balsh, Baltch , Batch

Baldwin, Henry 19

Baley, Mary 172

Balk, Eliza(beth) Martha 187, 196

Ball, Anne 306; George 306; Mary Anne 306; Sarah240; William132

Ballance, Dorothy 331; Elizabeth 331, 332; George 332; John 341*; Joseph331 , 332; Mary 341 ; William 341

Ballymore, Elizabeth 22

Balsh, Martha 142

Baltch, Martha 119 119; Ann 100;

Bambridge , Esther 260; Joanna 260 , 272 281, 305*; John 272; Margaret

305; Mary 280, 281 ; Robert 281; William 260, 272, 281, 305

Bambrough, Balmbrough, Anne 65; Mary 65; Thomas 65

Bamforth, William335

Band, John 18

Bane, Elizabeth, 44

Banks, Mary 46, 56, 215

Bannison, Thomas 265

Bannister, Catherine 261; Joanna 112; Judith 261; William 261

Barber, Ambrose 21; Anne 46, 53, 113; Christina 32, 34, 36, 46, 49;

Elizabeth 21 , 50, 57* , 118 , 124; Isabel 46* , 49, 53, 57, 62, 67, 72 , 77 , 83, 92, 104, 108, 113, 118, 124, 129* , 134; Isabel Elizabeth 125; James 32; John 21, 24, 26, 27, 28 , 29, 32, 36* , 52 , 67 , 83; Margaret 92; Mary 49, 56, 83, 92, 104, 131 , 140; N. 48; Robert 72 , 129; Sarah 77; Thomas 21, 33 , 51 , 52, 83, 90, 92, 96, 131 ; William 46, 49, 53 , 57, 62* , 67, 72 , 77 , 83, 92

Barclough, Joseph 118

Bardini, Jacob 301*; James 287; Margaret 287; Mary 301; Dominica 287. Cf. Badini


Bardsley , Elizabeth 311; John 311; Mary 311

Barker, Anne 45, 48, 51 , 58 , 74 , 76 , 82, 111, 214, 276, 341; Barbara 259; Charlotte 151; Elizabeth 45 , 71 , 124; Frances 163; George 107 , III, 133, 146, 158, 163, 169* , 180* , 191 , 192 , 292; Henrietta 192; Henry117 , 192; Isabel 180; James 71 , 133, 158, 292; Joanna 146; John 93, 255* , 259 , 269, 276, 285, 301 , 302, 306, 308* , 309 , 312 , 314* , 315 , 316* , 317; Joseph 117 , 124, 236; Margaret 285; Mary 93 , 124 , 163 , 169, 180* , 192, 255 , 259, 269* , 276, 285, 292, 301, 312; Mary Anne 180; N. 308* , 311 , 314; Robert 134 , 192; Robert Chapman 191; Sarah 111 , 112 , 117 , 124, 133 , 146, 158 , 191 , 192; Thomas 301; Voluntine 93; William 151 , 312; William Henry 151

Barkworth, Elizabeth 98

Barley, Winifred 127

Barlow, John 287; Mary 287; Thomas 287

Barnaby, Catherine 181 ; James 181* Thomas 287

Barnasconi, Barnosconi , Francis 295 , 311; Francis John 295; Isabel 295 , 296, 311; Martha 311

Barner, Anne 60 , 115 , 123, 179 , 188; George 55, 123; Helena 179; John Joseph 97; Mary55, 60, 97 , 120 , 122 , 123, 137 , 142 , 144, 148 , 151 , 165 , 176 ,


247; Thomas 247; William 55 , 60 , 97 , 115 , 120 , 122, 130, 137* , 142 , 148 , 154 , 162, 165 , 176, 179, 188* , 247

Barnes, Ambrose 199 ; Andrew 190; Anne 148, 155, 162, 171 *; Elizabeth 171 , 190, 196; Henry 171 ; John 196; Mary 95, 106; Thomas171; William 134 , 171 , 190 , 196. Cf. Barns

Barnet , Alfred 99 ; Anne 167; Elizabeth 184; Francis 92 ; Henry Mark 167; Jane 88, 92, 99 ; Joanna 105 , John 87 , 92, 95, 99, 105, 108 , 145; John Joseph 88* , Joseph 152; Mark 167; Mary 133; Reuben 105; William 102

Barnett, Elizabeth 77, 187; Joanna 114; John 114 , 130 , 131 , 138 , 148 , 187*; Mary 77: Reuben 187 , Susan 114

Barnfather, Sarah 297

Barns, Anne 44, 178, 194; Elizabeth 134* George 134; Joanna 134; John 44; Walter 44. Cf. Berns

Baron , Thomas296. Cf. Barron

Barrad, Anne 361; Edward 361

Barrell, Anne 340

Barrer, Mary 185

Barret, Anne 16, 146; Frances12

Barrett, Anne 154, 162, 175, 188; Basil 206; Edward 192; Frances 28 , 30; George 206; Michael 261; Richard 192; Sarah 192; Thomas 178, 283, 284

Barrick, Alfred William 154; Alice 154; William 154

Barron, Anne 308, 310; David 310 , 313; Elizabeth 313; Frances 310* , 313; John 308, 317; Mary 308 , 317; Thomas 300 , 308 , 310 , 317

Barruas, Ben 220

Barruk, Alice 148

Barry, rev William 198

Bartholomew , Mary96; William96

Barton , 61; Catherine 226; Elizabeth 67 , 73, 76, 87; Henry 87; James 119 ; James Edward 122; John 76; Margaret 73; Mary174; Thomas 67* , 73 , 76, 87, 146. Cf. Burton

Barwick, Alice 128, 145; Anne 13; Joanna145; Mary128; William 128 , 145. Cf. Barrick

Bass, Elizabeth 276; George 249; William 293 , 294*

Baston , Catherine 232

Batch, Isabel 100

Bateman , Anne 83; Elizabeth 91; James 91; Jane91; Thomas Reuben 83; Walter 83; William 91

Baterden , James Rae 198, 325

Bateson, Margaret 308, 315

Batey, Hannah 182; James 182; Joseph 182


Batty, 351; Anne 341 , 360; Elizabeth 350; Hannah 360 , 361 , 363; John 338, 339* , 341, 343 , 345 , 346,348* 349,350,352,355,359 ; John, Junr 360; Mary 360; Mary Anne 361; Robert 248; Rosamond 338 , 339, 341; Rose 343, 345 , 346 , 348* , 350, 351, 355, 361; Rose, senr 361; Sarah 330 , 345; Sarah Agnes 363; Susan 343; William 342, 364

Baxter, Bridget 308; Diana 280; Mary 101 , 107, 152, 166, 167 , 178; Rose Anne 107; Samuel 107

Bayldon, Bayledon, Elizabeth 181 ; Mary 120 , 132, 140, 164, 181 , 192

Cf. Baildon

Baynes, Elizabeth 26 , 28

Bazoni, Anthony96

Beal, Anne 89, 183 ; Anne Shiplow 89; Dorothy 89, 106; Helena 147; J. 89; John 106

Beale, Anna 176

Bean, Anna 31, 123; Cecilia 123; Dorothy 102; Elizabeth 21 , 22 , 33 , 69; Helena 159; John 102; Joseph

Simpson102; Margaret 63; Mary2 , III

Beatie, Beattie, Beaty, Anne 156 , 170; James 154, 170; James Lawrence 156; John Robert 156; Mary 105; Mary Anne 170. Cf. Beety, Betey Beaton , Duncan 145; Sarah 145

Beaument, John 156; Margaret 156; Mary 156 , 185

Beck, Anne 94; Barbara 283; Isaac 94; Isabel 222; James 175; Mary 168, 175, 177 , 283 ; Thomas94

Beckaday, William 45


Bedingfeld, 326 43: Anne 356n; Edward 26, 356бn; sir Henry Arundel 356n; Susanna Harriet 54

Bedingfield, Anne 26n ; Edward,senr. 26n ; Eleanor 356; sir Henry Arundell 26n; Isabel 356

Beety, Hannah 141 ; James Lawrence 141*

Befort, Sarah91

Behan , Anne 296; Thomas 296

Belk (? Belt), Eliza Martha 179

Bell, 49* , 231*; Anne 18* , 24* , 40, 49, 75, 82, 236, 246, 247* , 251, 267, 273, 319, 322, 324; Charles 234* , 236* , 238, 245, 247, 272; Charles John Stuart 251; Charles Stuart 260; Catherine 149 , 187 , 245 ; Catherine Elizabeth 149; Eleanor 243; Elizabeth 39, 138 , 155, 165 , 171 , 175 , 186 , 224, 234 , 236 , 238, 245, 251, 260 , 272 , 319; Frances 295, 303; George 75 , 231 ; Helena 171* , 184; Henry 171 ,


184; Isabel 231, 234*; James 210 , 211; James Michael 272; Joanna 239, 249, 258; rev John 63* , 206; John 39, 43, 45, 50, 53 , 66, 75 , 78, 79 , 80, 84, 86* , 88, 91, 93, 97, 114 , 224* , 234* , 247*; Louisa Joanna 184; Margaret 22; Mary 28, 29, 36* , 39 , 43* , 50, 76, 110 , 139 , 150, 159* , 161 , 171* , 183, 192, 234 , 243, 247* , 265* , 266, 267, 272; Mary Catherine 186; Matthew 267; Matthias 260; Michael 322; N. 218; Samuel 267; Sarah50; Susan 251 ; rev. Thomas 80; Thomas 149, 159, 171 , 243; Thomas Charles 234; Thomas Euclid 171 ; William 238

Bellaby, Frances 238; Mary 238

Bellamy, Nicholas 249

Bellerby, Frances 307; Michael 307

Belt, Anne 115; Cecilia143; Jane 91 , 95: Joanna 103, 120; Martha 168; Mary 91 , 95, 102, 112, 115 , 116 , 120 , 126 , 131 , 133, 143, 146, 151 , 157 , 168; Thomas 115, 120 , 126 , 130 , 130-1 , 143 , 157, 168 ; William 157

Cf. Belk

Beltey, Catherine 195

Bembridge , N.275

Benn, Anne Elizabeth 148; John 128; Margaret Anne 186; Mary 174; Matthew 138; Prudence 128 , 138 , 148, 162 , 174, 186; Thomas 109 , 128 138, 162* , 174, 186. Cf. entry of Binn on p 137 , but note differencein dates and in godparents

Bennington, Anne 94 , 110 , 111 , 113 , 128, 135; James 110 , 111 , 112 , 135 , 146, 147 , 157 , 164

Bennis , Mary 107

Bennison, see Rennison

Benson, Joanna 128

Bentley, Agnes 19; Sarah 15

Berkenshaw , Catherine 49

Berkly, Catherine 266

Berley, Charlotte 151

Bern, Charlotte 218, 219, 221 229* , 231 , 237; Ed 225 ; Frances 316; Gregory 225*; John 218, 219 , 232; Joseph 241; Margaret 225; Mary 218, 225*; Patrick 232; Sarah 232; Theresa 232; Thomas 232. Cf. Gregory 225*; John 218, 219, 232; Berne

Bernard, Anne 303, 316; Joseph 303* , 316; William 316

Bernasconi , Francis 306

Berne, Mary 232; Sarah232; Thomas 232

Bernes, Frances 286

Berns, Frances 283*; George 283 ; Margaret 283; Richard 283 ; William 283. In the margin to Mar-

garet's entry the name is given as Barns

Berrington, Anne 146

Berry, 79; Elizabeth 58, 156; rev Henry F. 208; John 228 , 247 , 259 ; Margaret 190

Berti, Lawrence 215 ; Mary 215 ; William 215

Bertini, Anthony 272 ; James 272; Margaret 272

Berwick, Alice 124

Betey, Anne 195; James Lawrence 193; Lawrence 195

Betham , rev Frederick 208

Bianchi, Charles 280, 287* , 297 , 307* , 317; Charlotte 317; Francis 318; John Anthony 280; Joseph 317; Margaret 280, 287 , 297* , 307; N. 314.

Bickerdike, Anne 179, 184, 190 , 194; Catherine 179; Catherine Anne 179; Ellen 197; Frances 184; James 179, 184, 194*; Joanna 194; Thomas 179 , 197; William 194

Biddell, Barbara 222; Lucy, 222; Richard 222

Bigery, Joanna 237

Bigland, Hannah 341; John 353; Mary 349, 352

Bilk, Joanna 113

Billington, rev Thomas7, 136*-143* , 144 , 145-161 , 164, 165*-183* , 185*197*

Bilton, Anne 64, 72, 115, 122 , 127 , 132 , 136, 146, 154, 181 ; Elizabeth 62* , 64 , 79 , 80, 85, 97, 99; Joseph 102; Mary 61 , 115

Bingley, Bingly, Adelaide 158; Anne 331; Catherine Joanna 186; Christopher 145; Elizabeth 180; Elizabeth Mary 105; Joseph 132; Mary 105 , 126; Mary Anne 111 , 117, 118 , 132 , 139 , 144 , 145, 148, 151 , 158 , 167* , 172; Monica Anne 117; Sophia 126; Theresa 139; Thomas 148; William 105 , 111 , 117 , 126, 132, 139, 148, 158 , 167; William Thomas III

Binn, Matthew 137; Prudence 137; Thomas 137. Cf. Benn

Binnes (? Binros), Charlotte go Binnington, James 114 , 143, 158 , 161

Binns, Jane 87; Joanna 189*; Winifred 87

Binros, see Binnes

Birch, Anna 156; Charlotte 93, 155, 183; Edward James 162 ; Eliza 172 , 186* , 191 , 195; Eliza Ursula 75 , 162; Elizabeth 138, 148, 155* , 165, 175, 183 , 186; Frederick William 138; Henry 148 , 156, 162, 174* , 181 , 183 , 191*; James 138 , 154 , 155, 165* , 175, 186, 191 ; Joanna 148, 162 , 174 , 176, 181 , 191 ; John 129, 186; Mary


75, 93 , 129 , 138, 145, 156 , 172*; Mary Anne 132* , 156, 165, 181 , 183; Peter 93; Thomas 75, 91, 93* , 129 , 132, 156, 162, 172, 175 , 183; William

Henry 132

Bird, Anne 331, 349; Elizabeth 342 , 343 , 345: James 345* , 349; John 342; Joseph 342, 343, 345; Theresa 343, 354

Birdsall, rev. William 208, 307*

Birmingham, James 303; Mary 318

Birt, dom HenryNorbert 332n

Bishop, Andrew 124; Anne 124; Emma Mary 124

Bishoprick, Robert 19 , 30, 34,45

Black, Hannah 245; John Alexander 305; Joseph 305, 319*; Mary 305; Mary Anne 319

Blackburn, Blaeburn, Anne 246; Archbishop 3, 326; Joanna 246, 305; Matthew 305

Blackclock , Mary 222

Blackell, Sarah 295*; William 295

Blacklock, Anne 273; Elizabeth 273; Francis 210; James 323; Mary 210; Roger 210; William210. Cf. Blackclock, Blakeclock

Blackwood , Isabel 293; Mary 303

Blacoe, Elizabeth 45

Blahy, Elizabeth 229

Blair, James 61

Blake, Andrew 150n; dr Andrew 150n; Barbara Eleanor 150; Eleanor Constance 150

Blakeclock, Elizabeth 217; Mary 261

Blakey, Blaky, Anne 22 , 23; Elizabeth 264 , 269; Helena 276; John 210 , 211; Ursula 93

Bland , Anne 81; Thomas 84, 91

Blaney, Anne 69

Bleewood, Mary 282

Blenkin, Mercy 346

Blocoe, Elizabeth 43

Blount , rev . 48

Anthony 84;

Blundell, Blundel, Clementina 44n; Frances 44 *; Nicholas 44n ; Wil-


Bodan, Elizabeth 175; Margaret 175; Thomas 175

Boddy, Elizabeth 17; Henry 91; Henry Joseph 91; Joanna 174; Mary 75, 91 , 93*; Thomas174

Bodley (? Rodley), Anne 45

Body, Elizabeth 38, 145; Henry 128 , 145, 159; Joseph128; Mary128 , 129 , 145, 159; Robert William 159; William 181

Boggott, Anne 98

Bohannagh , Joanna 318

Bolam, Elizabeth 264, 269 ; Isabel 264; Margaret 269; Thomas264, 269

Bollan, Anne 95; Thomas 42

Bolland, Alfred 78; Alice 49, 52, 56, 63, 67, 71, 78, 126; Anne 17 , 48, 71, 130; Elizabeth 21, 35, 53, 54, 60, 74, 101; George 27, 56, 91 ,94, 95, 98, 100, 114, 125 , 126, 130, 133, 139 , 149; George Walker, 133 ; Helena Josephine 149; Jane34; Joanna35 ; John 16 , 35, 52; Joseph 48* , 54 , 101; Lucy 24, 75; Mary 16, 17, 21 , 24, 27, 37, 38, 67, 89, 102, 118, 133, 149, 151 , 157, 172, 181 , 184; Thomas 16, 17, 20 , 21 , 24 , 27, 32, 35, 41 , 45, 47, 49* , 50, 52 , 56, 60 61 , 62, 63* , 65, 67-69, 72, 74 , 75-80 , 81 , 82 , 84, 87, 91* , 96, 97, 99, 101 , 102, 106, III, 112 , 126 , 127 ; Thomas Joseph 126 ; William 63; Winifred 130 , 133 , 139* , 149 ; Winifred Sarah 126

Bollands, Anne 83; Joanna 39

Bolton, Anne 175, 179; James 136; Jane 91, 94, 98; Joanna 105-6 , 114 , 121 , 123* , 124 , 126, 136 , 149; John 98; Joseph91* , 94* , 98, 105-6 , 110 , 114 , 121 , 124 , 126, 132, 136, 149; Samuel 149; Theresa Catherine 114; Thomas 105; Thomas Francis 121 ; Thomas George 126

Bombelli, Anne 248, 259, 269, 286*; Jerome 248, 251, 259* , 269, 286* , 291, 295; John 248; Joseph 286; Mary Anne 269, 286

Bon, Anne 109; Joseph109; Theresa 109

Bond, Anne 13

Boner, Helena 281 , 291

Bonet , Mary 110

Bonnet, Mary 51, 59, 66, 72, 83, 89, 117 , 133: Sarah 181

Bonnett , Mary 95

Bonomi, Agnes 147; Joseph 14бn; Justina 153 , 163; Mary Anne 146 , 153, 163, 168; Stylite Tiochan 146n

Booner, Anne 170; Mary Anne 170; William 170

Booth , Alexander 151-2; Anne 339; Anne (Maria) 333; John 339, 341, 348; Mary 151 , 152, 357; Mary (Anne) 333; Richard 151 , 152; Sarah Louisa 151; William 339; William (John) 333. Cf. Bouth

Boothby, Mary 334

Boradel, Boradell, Anne 159; William 159*

Borner, see Booner

Borwell, John 229; Mary 229

Boston, Anne49; Frances 40, 44, 46 , 49, 53, 60, 63; Mary 40; Thomas40 , 44* , 49, 53 , 63; William53

Boswell, Susan 252

Bosy, Joseph57

Boughan, Michael 266


Boulton, Joseph 95

Bourn (? Bairn), David 232; Gregory 232*; Mary 232*

Boutals, Clementina 15

Bouth, M. 341

Bowdon, James 222* ; Joanna 222 , 228; John 228; Thomas 228

Bowman, Anne 136; Cornelius 136; John 181; Margaret 264; Mary 181 , 186 ; Mary Anne 136; Richard 181

Bowring, John 144

Bowton, James 14

Boyce, Mary 256

Boyd, Boyde, Mary 225* , 232*

Boyes, Elizabeth 140, 165, 176

Boylan Bridget 153 ; Mary310, 316*; Peter 316; Thomas 316

Boyland, Catherine 312; John 312; Peter 312

Boyle, Agnes 262 ; Anne 228 , 257 , 267 , 291*; Charles 267 , 291; Joanna 228; Margaret 291; Mary 266 , 267; Michael 228; Sarah 192; William 265

Boylen, Catherine316

Boynton, Margaret 25

Boys, Elizabeth 137 , 139, 147 , 154; Thomas 139 , 147

Bracewell, Mary Anne 304

Bradely, Elizabeth 187

Bradford, Anne 132; Elizabeth 64; Hannah 318; John 64; Robert 64 .

Bradley, ; 69; Anne 81 ;

Elizabeth 56, 57, 62, 64, 65, 74 , 75, 81, 84, 91, 100, 109, 131 , 141 , 143 , 177, 187; Harriet 184; Henrietta 74 , 171; James 100, 184; John 53, 56, 57 , 62, 64, 65, 74, 80, 81, 84* , 91, 100 , 108 , 123 , 124, 131 , 133, 142* , 164 , 171; Margaret 164; Mary 56, 57 , 65, 151; Michael 133; Oswald 61-2; Richard 91; Robert 56; Sarah 133 , 142 , 164; William 57 , 105. Cf. Bradely

Bradshaw, James 22; John 22; Mary22

Bradwith, Charlotte 176; Elizabeth 68, 71, 99, 108, 114, 121 , 137* , 165 , 176, 180, 186, 195; James 71; John 114 , 120 , 121 , 137 , 165, 176; Robert 71 , 99 ; William Henry 165

Brady, Bartholomew 301; Catherine 301; Hugh 100; Mary 100, 226 , 301; Michael 100

Brahan, Margaret 281

Braithwaite, Braithwait , 365; Catherine 83 , 87, 97; Helen 87 , 92; Henry 92; James 365; Mary 83; Mary Joanna365; Phoebe 86; Thomas83 , 87, 92

Brand, Catherine 210, 319; Joseph 319; Mary 319; Robert 210, 319, 322

Brankley, Mary 354; Robert 354

Brankswell, Mary 317

Brannan, Charles 296; Christopher 262* , 282*; Ed 97; Francis 361; Joanna 262* , 282*; John 262; Mary 282 , 361; Michael 261, 271; Peter 361; Ralph 282; Rose 296*; William 262

Brannen, Catherine 318; Charles 296; Christopher 247; Hugh 318*; James 247 ; Joanna 247

Branner, Robert 247

Brashaw, Joanna 162; Jonathan 162; Mary 162

Bray,Catherine301; N. 301; William 301

Brear, Brearer, Elizabeth 179; George 179; Joanna 179

Brearay, Robert 104

Brearey , Elizabeth 148*; George 148; Hannah Sophia 185; Helen 86; Henry185; Mary86; Matilda Sophia 185

Brecknal, Francis 22

Breers, Mary 77, 89 , 111

Brennan, Christopher 261 , 280 , 293*; Joanna 293

Brennen, Christopher 313; Henry 313 : Jane 313

Brenning, Patrick 363

Bricknall , Francis 15

Bridgeman, Martha 147

Bridgewater, Bridgwater, Anne 168; Eliza 192; Joanna 183; Mary 179; Sarah 150 , 162* , 170, 179 , 192; Thomas 150 , 162 , 170* , 179 , 192; William 150

Briggs, Joanna 172; most rev. John 7; John 172; Mary 172

Brigham, Brigam, Briggham, Brighham , 348n ; Anne 335, 338; Charles 154; Elizabeth 332; Gerard 338; Jeremiah 335 ; Jerome 348; Joanna 185; John 17, 20, 332, 334 , 337; Margaret 17, 20; Mary54, 114 , 119; Mary Anne 91; Matthew 185; Ralph 348n; Thomas 185; William 22 , 348n ; Winifred 356

Brindle, rev . Robert 102 , 104

Brisandt, Joseph 23

Britain, Anne 31 32; William 31 Sarah 31; Brithet , Anastasia 306

Briton, Margaret 253* , 263

Britton , Elizabeth 96, 110, 118 , 126 , 152

Broadbent, Elizabeth 239; Mary 289 , 303; Ralph 239; Robert 239

Broadlent, Elizabeth 239; Ralph 239; Robert 239

Broadwith, Elizabeth So ; Margaret So; Robert 8o Cf. Brodwith


Broadworth, Anne 52 ; Elizabeth 52; Robert 52

Brockholes, rev Roger 3

Brocklebank, Brockelbank, John 103; Mary 103* , 106, 111 ; Mary Rebecca 130

Brodeith, Elizabeth 48*; Robert 48

Brodell, Broddell, Brodelle, Brodille, 163; Anne 23, 72 , 162 , 182; Charles 75 , 114; Elizabeth 15 , 17 , 23 , 27 , 32 , 107; George 100; Hannah 62*; Lawrence 26-7, 53, 56, 57* , 60, 62 , 68, 72, 75, 79, 84, 89* , 94, 100 , 107 , 113 , 114, 189; Mary 32, 54, 56, 59, 72, 75, 79, 84, 89 94* , 100, 107 , 114 , 183, 189*; Monica 114; Peter 12* , 15, 17 , 19 , 23, 27, 32 , 45, 50, 68; Thomas 79; William 15 , 84 , 169, 186, 189

Brodwith, Elizabeth 47, 54, 60; Robert 54 , 60; Thomas 60. Cf. Broadwith Brofi, Susan 122

Bronar, Christopher 287, 300; Mary 300

Bronca , Christopher 286

Brook, Anne 163; Mary 79; Sarah 163

Brookes, George 33, 34, 36; Hannah 36; John 34; Mary 93, 107; Sarah 34 , 36

Brooks , Anne 91 ; Benjamin 91; Sarah91

Brophy, see Brofi , Browphy

Brosby, Elizabeth 76

Brother, Catherine 311; John 311; Mary 311

Brotherton, Robert 319

Browley, Catherine 69; Daniel 69; Henry 69

Brown , 212*; rev 261; Abraham 167; Anne 14 , 18 , 19 , 22 , 70 , 115 , 119, 135, 138 , 143 , 215 , 255, 259, 263, 284, 289; Anthony 142; Bartholomew 228; Bridget 212 , 230* , 241 , 365; Catherine 304; Eleanor 236, 245; Elizabeth 95, 97, 102, 105 , 109-10, 118, 121, 127 , 139 , 143 , 150 , 161 , 168 , 171 , 172 , 192 , 278, 309; Ellen 276; Emma 184; Frances 226, 228; rev George, S.J. 200; George 67, 70, 77 , 88, 95, 98, 103, 135 , 140 , 143, 147, 150, 159, 167 , 175 , 181 , 211 , 285, 298* , 304; Grace 230; Hannah 98; Helena 285, 298, Henry 195 , 263, 309*; Isabel 18 , 94 , 96, 103, 113, 121 , 128 , 130 , 133, 135 , 137 , 147 , 157 , 158, 161 , 174* , 179 , 184 , 190 , 195, 212, 230, 233; James 14 , 17, 18 , 33, 222; Jane88, 95, 100; Joanna 70 , 103 , 167 , 215 , 219 , 220 , 222, 274 , 276; John 89, 94, 103 , 109-

10 , 113 , 121 , 124, 128 , 135 , 147 , 151 , 161, 166, 174 , 183, 184 , 194, 195, 222 , 233, 274, 298, 319; Joseph 113 , 180 , 289; rev. Joseph Aloysius 208; Margaret 215 , 220, 298*; Martha 89; Mary 14 , 68, 85, 87, 91, 100, 102 , 103* , 167, 183 , 194, 221, 281, 284* , 289 , 312; N. 211; Nicholas 226; Orculla 333; Patrick281, 312*; Robert 284*; Sarah 67 , 73, 77, 88, 281; Theresa 127; Thomas40, 43, 48, 98, 102, 105 ,108, 109-10, 118* , 127, 129, 133, 139 , 143, 161 , 171 , 183, 186, 192, 215, 219 , 220, 226, 232, 263; Thomasine298; William 94 , 175, 190, 194, 274

Browne, Anne 70, 71; Elizabeth 271; Henry 71 ; Mary 58 , 61 , 73; Sarah 71, 75; Theresa 70; Thomas 51 , 56, 62, 67; rev. William 9

Brownley, Helen 319

Browphy, John 110

Bruce, John 13*; Margaret 277 , 281

Bruckelbank, Mary 118

Bryan, Agnes 159; Anne 159; James 61; Joanna 299; Lewis 81; Margaret 231; Mary 61 , 233; Patrick 81; Philip 61; Rose 81; William 159

Bryers, Mary 101

Buck, Dorothy 14

Buckale, Mary 83

Buckle, Bucckle, Bukle, Anne 179, 194; Elizabeth 76; Frances 190 , 197; Jane 90; Joanna 139; Mary76* , 88 , 91; Robert 190; Thomas 83. Cf. Buckale

Buckless, Martha 255 , 272

Buckley, Martha 262 , 295

Bullis, Bridget 314; Margaret 314; Richard 314

Bullock, Isabel 210

Bulman, Abigail 244 , 253, 260 , 269; Alice 248

Bulmer, Elizabeth 171 ; James 126; Margaret 259, 285, 294-5 ; Mary 126* . See Gibson , rev. Thomas

Bunell, Mary 218

Burbridge, Sarah 81

Burgess, Anne 46, 53; Joanna 39; John 46; Joseph 51; Mary 39, 43, 46; Matthew 43 ; Paul 39, 40 , 43, 46 , 64; Samuel 46; Sarah 40 ; Thomas 43, 46, 58, 74; Winifred 26, 36 , 39

Burk, Alice 140; Ed. 278; Margaret 278; Susan 278

Burke, Catherine 279 , 287, 301 , 310; Catherine Anne 279; Edward 287 , 289; Isabel 217; James 161 , 301; John 233, 289, 310; Margaret 161; Mary233, 289; Patrick279, 287 , 289 , 301, 310; Redmond 93 ; Rosanne 297; Rose 233; Susan 161 , 289 , 299 , 303

Burley, Anne 118; Elizabeth 96, 118; George 67 , 73, 77: Joanna 71 , 77: John 118; Mary 67; Sarah67 , 70, 71 , 73* , 77: William 12 , 71

Burlinson, Anne 276; Elizabeth 270; William 249 , 276

Burlison, Catherine 224; William 224 , 246

Burlwell, Anne 237*; John 237*

Burn, 211 ; Anne 212 , 242 , 245, 250, 262, 263, 270 ; Ed 82; Elizabeth 63, 210, 211* , 212 , 219; Isabel 210 , 293; Joanna 219; John 212; Joseph 247, 250, 296, 339 ; Margaret 211; Mary 82, 339* , 353 , 363, 364; Matthew 339*; Patrick 82*; Rose 81; Samuel 210; Thomas 212 , 219

Burnet, Burnett, Helena 56; Mary 63 , 124

Burnop, Ellinder 215. Cf. Burnup

Burnot, Francis 221

Burns, Anne 138, 300 ; Daniel 221; John 138; Mary 138, 307

Burnside, Mary 58

Burnup, Helena 218. Cf. Burnop

Burrell, Barbara 167; James 167; Joanna 142

Burrs, Thomas22

Burton, Anne 165; Elizabeth 137 , 138; Frances 176; James 119 , 137 , 148 , 165 , 176; Joanna 137 , 148 , 165 , 176; Mary 132; Thomas 148

Bussey, George 41; Mary 41*

Bustard, Elizabeth 99

Buteland, Dorothy 319, 320; Peter 319

Butler, Buttler, Charles 281; Edward 281; Elizabeth 36 , 39, 43, 183; Helena 149; Joanna 144* , 149, 156; Margaret 178; Mary 281; Richard 144 , 149, 156*; Sarah 177

Butterworth , George 172; Rebecca 172, 180; Samuel 172, 180; Susan 180

Buwell, John 238

Byers, Anne 286 , 311

Byrn, Elizabeth 58; Margaret 72; Peter 72; Sarah72; Thady 72

Byrne, Anne 296; Charles 49 , 243 , 244, 257 , 277 , 285; Charlotte 49, 249; Elizabeth 261; Francis 13 ; James 261*; John 38, 49, 345, 351, 252; Judith 261; Mary 12 , 13 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 19* , 21 , 29* , 32* , 243 , 244 , 264, 269 , 277 , 285, 290, 296; Patrick 13 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 19, 21, 29, 32; Richard 21; Robert 15; Sarah 243; Thomas 19 , 296

Bywater, Elizabeth 331

Cackle , Anne 170

Cadd, Elizabeth 185

Cahalan, Peter 180

Cailey, Caily, Helena 273 ; Margaret 273* , 279, 284, 290; Mary Anne 279; Samuel 290; Susan 254 , 290. Cf. Cayley

Cain, Benjamin 82; Eliza 82; Mary 82 , 130

Cairn, Joanna 187

Cairns , Alexander 297; Margaret 277* Calagan, Helena 172

Caley, 25, 351; Ada 364; Anne 351n, 353, 357, 358* , 359*,360* , 361* , 363, 364"; Catherine 351n; Charles 175; Constantia 351n ; Cornelius 360; Doctor 336 ; Eliza 353; Elizabeth 335, 357, 358 , 359, 360, 364; Elizabeth Troth 332n , 349n , 351n , 352n, 354n; Frances 351n; George 330, 353; Hannah 358; Helena 117 , 123, 335, 363 ; Henry 332, 339, 340 , 345, 353, 355 , 358, 359, 360* , 361* , 362 , 363, 364*; Joanna 367; John 25 , 357*; Leonard 332 , 343 , 353 , 360, 361; Margaret 100, 117 , 297 , 303, 309, 311; Mary 25n , 326 , 351n , 353, 358 , 359; MaryAnne 364; Mary Joanna Theresa 309; Matthew 353 , 357, 358, 364; N. 303; Richard 340 , 342, 359; Robert 359, 360; Rose 331 , 336; Samuel303, 357 , 358, 359* , 360; Samuel (Paul) 333; Susan 25n , 278 , 309, 311, 351n ; Thomas 331; Troth 330; William 25n , 100 , 303 , 309 , 311 , 332n, 351n . Cf. Cayley, Caly

Caligan, Bridget 130; Denis 130

Call, Jane 99; Joanna III, 116 , 125 , 135

Callaghan , Catherine292; James 292; Mary 294; Peter 292

Callagher , Mary 293

Callagy, Denis 77

Callahan, Elizabeth 250; Peter 250

Callanan, Catherine64; Mary64

Calle, Jane96

Callen, Mary 243

Calvert, Anne 195, 242; Dorothy16; Joanna 216 , 251 ; Margaret 280 , 287, 297 , 307; Mary20

Calvet, Joanna218

Caly, Mary 342

Cambell , Catherine250 .

Cambleton , Mary 314

Cameron , Alexander 276 , 285; Eleanor 304; Ellen 276; George 285; Helena 285; Joanna 276 ; N. 298

Camidge, Cammidge , Elizabeth 102; Hannah 23 , 32* , 37; James 119; Jane102, 109, 119, 127, 137 , 154 , 167; John 137; Mary 109 ; Richard 102, 109 , 119 , 127 , 137, 154, 167*; Robert 152; William 127


Campbell ,

65 ; Alexander 268; Amelia 65 ; Amelia Teresa 197; Anne 283, 295; Anthony 284; Danuel 297; Duncan 197 , 252; Edward 230* , 247 , 252* , 284; Edward Hall 252; Elizabeth 129; Henrietta 247* , 252; John 84; Joseph 84; Margaret 297; Mary 284; Peter 297; Rosanne 297; Sarah 84

Cane, Elizabeth 197; MaryJane 197; Peter 197. Cf. Cain

Cannon, Bridget 197; Helena 291; Michael 291; Patrick129

Cantwall, Thomas 266

Cantwell, Elizabeth 305, 318

Caor, Isabel 319

Capati, Anne 271

Capel, Hannah 273

Caran, Anne 274

Carass, Edward 103; Frances 103; John 103

Carberry , Peter57

Card, Anne 68

Caress, Anne 123; Catherine 123, 178; Edward 183 , 190; Frances 110 , 116; John 110 , 116 , 123 ; Mary 116; Richard 110. Cf. Carass

Carey, Anne 86* , 96, 104, 125; John 86; Mary 188. Cf. Cary; Riddell or Riddle, rev Robert

Carlan, Elizabeth 310; James 310

Carley, Sarah80; Therday (? Thady) 80; Thomas 80

Carlion Frances 168; John 168; Thomas 168

Carlisle, Margaret 313

Carmichael , Elizabeth 193

Carmody , Bridget 166; Michael 166

Carnaby, dr Robert, V.G, 203

Carnes, James 294 ; Joanna294, 296; Mary 244*; Thomas 294

Carney, Catherine81

Caroll, Anne 158

Carr, Anne 138, 194* , 289; Catherine 269; Cecilia 303; Daniel 256; Dorothy 252* , 260, 269, 289; Elizabeth 213 , 255, 306 ; Helen 356; Henrietta 34*n; Henry 194 , 255; Isabel 316; Joanna 277 , 278 , 309; John 260, 287; JosephCharles 213; Lady 59 ; Martha 255; Mary_213, 275; Robert 356 ; Ruth 314; Sarah 243; Susan 312; William 34" , 109 , 213 , 252, 260 , 267 , 269, 289

Carrick, 345; Anne 301, 311; Elizabeth 366; Etheldreda Lucy 366; Frances 346; George 345; John 311 , 317, 319 320; Margaret 301 , 317 , 319; Matilda 346; Thomas346 , 366

Carrol , Charles 295; Joanna 142; Joseph 55: Mary55, 298

Carroll, Denis 69; Joanna 144; Mary 138; Patrick 90, 138; Thomas 138

Carson , Mary 143

Carter, Cater, Anne 46*, 52; Bridget 156; Elizabeth 181 , 187; George 21; Henry 187; Joanna 181, 187; Mary 21, 52, 145 , 156, 162; Thomas 21, 46, 52 , 145, 156 , 181

Cartwright, George 92 ; John 92; Mary 92

Carubini, James 223

Carvill, Elizabeth 165; George 147 , 165, 177; John 177; Sarah 165, 177

Carvinn, George 157; Sarah 157; Susan 157

Carwille, George 193; Martha 193; Mary 193; Sarah 193 Cary, Mary 273

Casey, Bridget 171; Elizabeth 178; Mary 296

Cashety, Anne 305

Casidy, Mary 137

Cass, Anne 94, 99, 106, 114, 122 , 141; Charlotte 102, 121 , 130 , 137; Elizabeth 75, 110; Frances 99, 114 , 121 , 125 , 141 ; Henry 102; Mary 173; Sarah 114

Cassey, John 366 ; Mary 366; Robert 366

Cassidy, Anne 159; Helena 298

Castell, Jane 102

Castellati, Dominic 287; Isabel 287

Castle, Anne 346, 349, 356, 358, 362*; Joanna 107; William 346

Castles, Anne 297, 355 , 359*; Joanna 112

Cataneo, Catanei, Anthony 162 , 172 , 179; Augustin 162, 172; Augustin Joseph 176; Giuseppa 190; Henry 176; John 176; Joseph 172; Joseph Augustin 179; Josepha 193; Josephina 176 , 179; Mary Ann 179; Mary Anne 162 , 172 , 176; Vincent 162

Catnach , Stephen 288

Caton, Anne 327; John 327; Mary 165; rev Thomas 327, 333, 334* , 335* , 367

Cattle, William 86

Caughton , Mary 275

Caulfield, Anne 299; Bridget 299; Owen 299

Caulther , William 261

Cavagh, Helena 290; Robert 290; Thomas 290 , 291

Cavanagh, Catherine306; James 306; Mary 285; Sarah 306

Cavaner , Timothy 188

Cavanna, Anne 136

Cavendish, Anne 136; rev Ralph, S.J. 3

Cavennah , Bridget 119

Cavnack , John 316

Cawfield , Henry 304; Margaret 308

Cayley, Margaret Elizabeth 29on; Helen 101 ; Mr. 101 ; Miss 101; Samuel290n . Cf. Cailey

Caynon , Anne 125; Francis 125; Joseph 125

Ceating, Jane85 ; John 85; Mary85

Cestles, Anne 295

Chadwick, rev John (canon), 9, II

Chambers, Anne 13 , 178, 180* , 320 , 330, 331; Anthony 330, 331; Clement 283*; Edmund 330, 350; Elizabeth 103, 106, 139, 146, 148, 152; Joseph 178, 180; Mary 61. 63, 68, 77 , 86, 283, 331; Robert 320; Rose 222; Thomas 330, 331 , 332 , 337; William 178

Champney , Champny, Champeny, 355, 358; Anne 24 , 25, 331* , 332 , 339 , 348, 350, 355, 356 , 367; Anne Elizabeth 367; Bridget 252 , 258, 263; Catherine 337 , 343"; Clara 359; Dan (James) 333; Dorothy 331, 339; Edward 358; Elizabeth 30 , 37 , 273 , 334, 353* , 337* , 339 , 343" , 347 , 351 , 352, 358, 362, 363, 365* , 366; Elizabeth Jessie 354; Emma 367; Emma Mary 356; Esther 257; Frances 25, 30, 33, 37; George 30, 33 , 356, 358, 363; James 37* , 331 , 332* , 337,345,350,354,355,356,358 ; Jane 354, 355, 356; Jane (Mary) 347; Jessica Elizabeth 365; Jessica Mary 366; John 25, 331* , 337*n , 343 , 357; Margaret 339, 352, 354* , Mary 30, 331* , 337*n, 343*n, 346 , 347 , 351* , 352* , 354, 355* , 356* , 357 , 358 , 359, 361 , 365* , 366, 367; Mary (Mary Anne) 333; Mary(Mary Joseph) 353; Mrs., senr 357; R. 354; Richard 357 , 366, 367; Robert 336 , 351, 354* , 355 , 356, 357*; Robert (John) 353; Sarah 354* , 355* , 356 , 357; Theresa 43 , 334 , 335, 338; Thomas 30, 334* , 335 , 337 , 339 , 343n , 350, 351 , 352* , 354, 356* , 357* , 358* , 359, 361, 363, 365 , 366; Thomas (John) 347; Thomas (Peter) 333; Thomas Dibb 366; William 17 , 18, 21 , 24 , 25* , 30* 33 , 37 , 43, 352; Winifred 331 , 332 , 335 , 350 , 352 , 354 , 357 Chapman , Capman , Anne 29, 37, 66* , 76, 90, 98, 146, 176 , 184 , 194*; Charlotte 119; Cletus 108 ; Elizabeth 14 , 34 , 66, 72, 80, 87, 92, 94, 99* , 104 , 107 , 114 , 122* , 130, 141 , 147 , 152 , 157, 176; Frances 72, 74, 76, 80, 83 , 93 , 101 , 109, 119 , 132, 152; Francis 66* , 101* , 121 , 133, 135* , 137 , 141 , 146 , 147 , 157 , 170; Hannah 37; Henry 47, 93 , 94 , 96, 98, 104* , 106 ,

107 , 112 , 117 , 121 , 124 , 127 , 128 , 137 , 146 , 147 , 153 , 157, 164, 166, 169 , 174 , 176, 183, 184, 191 ; Isabel 50, 64 , 86, 93 , 94, 103 , 113, 121 , 128, 135 , 147 , 161 , 166, 174, 184, 195; James 29* , 32* , 34, 35, 37, 39, 42, 47, 59, 55, 59, 66, 83, 90, 112 , 191 , 193, 194; Jane 90, 91, 97; Joanna 35, 66, 69, 74 , 78 , 84, 107 , 108 , 135, 146, 157 , 170, 179; Joanna Theresa 191 ; rev John, S.J. 3 ; John 29, 39, 72 , 74 , 75 , 76, 83, 90, 93, 101 , 109* , 119, 132, 152 , 170*; Joseph37, 90* , 121; Margaret 32 , 34, 35, 37 , 39 , 42, 47, 50, 55, 59, 63, 66, 101* , 108 , 116, 120, 124 , 137 , 141 , 185, 189; Martha 157; Mary 66, 94, 98, 104 , 109 , 112, 121 , 128 , 135 , 137 , 147, 153 , 157, 164, 166, 169, 176, 180 , 183, 191, 300; Mary Anne 93, 161; Mary Frances 69 ; Monica97; Richard 92, 176; Robert 42, 64, 76 , 80, 81 , 87, 89, 92, 94* , 132 , 135; Sarah 26 , 29 , 32, 37, 55, 59, 66* , 69, 72, 78 , 80 , 83, 86, 97, 111, 117* , 119 , 124 , 132* , 133* , 146, 158, 180, 191 ; Theresa 91; Thomas 55 , 137; Veronica Catherine 78; William 26* , 29, 32, 37, 47 , 64, 66, 69 , 74 , 76, 78, 80, 84* , 90* , 91, 92, 97, 107-8, 108, 113, 117 , 124 , 184; WilliamHenry 183; William Joseph 74

Charlton, Anne 48, 179, 314; Bridget 202; Catherine Henrietta 38n; Edward 350n ; Elizabeth 258, 268; George 202; Jasper202; John 258* , 268 ; Margaret 268; Martha 258 ; Mary 268; Sarah281; Thomas281*; William John 38n, 146-7; Winifred 350n

Charnock, Anne 17; Margaret 14; Robert 14; Sarah 14 , 17; Thomas 17

Chaters, 320; Catherine 320 , 322; Mary 320

Cheeseman, Anne 182 , 188

Chemney, Bridget 274

Cherry, Joanna 294; Matthew 294; Thomas 294

Chicken, Dorothy 30, 33, 35; Frances 27*; Helena 217 , 219 , 228; Joseph 228; Margaret 276, 285, 298; Nicholas 30 , 35, 41; Sarah 228

Chipchase, Anne 95 ; Charlotte 95; Ralph 95

Chipchix, Sarah 235

Chippendale, Elizabeth 121

Chisholm, Mrs. 328

Cholmeley, Cholmley, Barbara zon; Catherine Henrietta 38n ; Francis, senr. 36-7n; Francis 29-30, 30n , 33 , 36, 38, 42*n, 44; Harriet42n; Henry Charles 44 ; Mary 36-7n ; Mary


Catherine 36n ; Theresa 30n , 33 , 36 , 38, 42, 44; Theresa Anne 33 , 42; Theresa Mary 33n ; Ursula 33

Chorley , Elizabeth 213 , 214; James 213 , 214; John 213 , 214*; Sewell


Christie, Anne 231; Elizabeth 231; James 231

Christy, Anne 240; James 240; Mary 240

Chuxton , Helena268

Claisby, John 23 ; William55

Claizer , Nicholas 324

Clancy, Clancey, Clansy, Clansey, 139; Alice 140; Anne 154; Catherine 99, 177 , 189 , 194; James 87, 93 , 99, 104 , 109, 116; 117 , John 93; Margaret 104, 140, 194; Rebecca 92, 99, 104, 118, 194, 197; Roger 140 . Cf. Cleancy, Clancy

Clannet , Mary 258

Clapham , Catherine 87; Elizabeth 167, 190

Clare, James 169*; Mary 169, 173

Clark, Anne 90* , 213*; Bridget 308; Catherine275; Cornelius 189; Elizabeth 90; James 251; Joanna 221 , 251; John 213, 221, 290; Margaret 227 , 307; Mary 48, 51, 54 , 58 , 62 , 138, 148, 159, 180, 211 , 323; Matthew 308; Owen 216, 251; Richard 214; Robert 308; Thomas 90* , 211* , 213 , 221

Clarke, Margaret 268; Mary 257; Peter 213; Richard 213; Sarah 213; Thomas 210 , 211

Clarkson, Anne 88; Henrietta 145

Clauten , Mary 284

Clavenagh , Mary 302

Clay, Bridget 316

Clayiton, Eliza 82

Clayton , Agnes 138; Alice 85, 93, 98-9 , 103, 114; Anne 49, 99, 358; Edwin 63; Elizabeth 77, 78, 98, 106 , 112, 122; Frances 34* , 40, 49 , 53 , 57, 63, 77 , 85, 93, 98, 103; Frederick Bernard 57; George 358; Helena 80; John 53 , 99 , 106 , 112, 122; Joseph 34 , 40, 49, 53, 57, 63; Mary40, 114 , 138, 358; Robert 58, 85. Cf. Cleyton Cleancy, James 88; Mary 88; Rebecca 88

Cleary, Helena 169; James 169*

Cleasby, Elizabeth 36; John 58 , 61* , 67; Mary 61 ; William 55, 61 , 71 , 84, 121 , 131. Cf. Kleasby

Cleghorn , Anne 25, 33; Helena 29; John 24 , 25 , 27* , 29, 33; Mary25 , 27 , 29,33

Cleland, Bridget 296; Elizabeth 315

Clemenshaw , Elizabeth 47

Clement , Dorothy 84; Joseph84

Clency, James 109; Matthew 109; Rebecca 109

Clennet , Mary 267 , 280 , 292

Clerk, Anne 88*; Bridget 107; Edith 153 ; Margaret 221; Mary 131 ; Thomas 88*

Cleyton , Elizabeth 88; Mary 88; Robert 88

Clifford, 357; Charles , lord 141n , 158n; Charlotte Mary 141n , 158n; Lewis 341; Theresa 141; Thomas 132

Clifton, 55; Elizabeth 55"; Henrietta 55n; John 55n ; Mary55n , 85, 92, 109; Thomas 55*n

Clinton, Charles 178 ; John 178; Margaret 178

Clish, Clich , Thomasine254 , 261 , 271 , 279, 285, 292, 302

Clorins , Thomas 112

Closy, Anne 135

Clout, Charlotte 123; George 119 , 134; Joanna 119, 123, 134, 145 , 166; Peter 166; William 119, 123 , 134 , 145* , 149 , 166

Coar ,Anne 316; Catherine316; John 316

Coates, Elizabeth 86; Francis 212 , 213; Joanna 212; John 249; Mary 212 , 222; Thomas 19*; William 212

Coats, Benjamin 319; Dorothy 319; Francis Joseph 319; John 319; Joseph ThomasLawrence319; Mary 319; Thomas 319* , 323

Coatson, Elizabeth 73

Cockell, Anne 162

Cockeran , Francis 314-5; Hugh 315; Mary 315

Cockle, Anne 154

Cogill, Mary195

Coire, Isabel 228; William 228*

Colbeck, Anne 33, 83, 106, 122 , 142 , 151 , 179; Elizabeth 21 , 24* , 26, 28 , 33, 88, 116-7; Emma 179; George 14 , 15 , 16, 17 , 18, 19, 21* , 22 , 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 116n ; Hannah 28; John 88 , 117, 122 , 151 , 166, 179; Joseph 151; Mary26, 88, 116 , 117, 122, 151, 166, 170, 176, 179; Richard 26; Thomas 166; William 122 , 173

Cole, Elizabeth 30, 33, 45; Jane 91; Joanna 78; John 298

Coleback, Anne 41; George 41; John 41

Colebeck, Anne 56*; Elizabeth 56

Colinson , Thomas 337 College, Elizabeth 116

Collet, Martina 21

Colley, Anne 119, 128 , 140; Isaac Robert 140; James 128, 140; James Isaac 128; Mary (Magdalen) 353Cf. Colly

Collier, Elizabeth 118 , 143; George 245; Mary 245, 263; Peter 245

Colling John 247; Mary 247*

Collings, Frances 265; Frances

Dorothy 265; John 265; Mary265

Collins, Anne 179, 193; Bernard 346; Catherine 195, 298, 303; Elizabeth 139, 179; Frances 254; Henry 245 , 254, 307; Hugo 128; Isabel 245 , 254; James 195* , 342* , 344, 346, 347 , 351; Joanna 307; John 179 , 192 , 193; Lucy 347: Mary 167 , 272, 285 ; Owen 351; rev. Richard 208; Rose 307 , 308, 342 , 344 , 346, 347* , 348 , 349 , 351; Rose Anne 342, 344; Thomas 254 , 295 , 344

Collins Brown, Eliza 254

Collinson , 337 , 354; Thomas 340

Collis, Christopher 346*; Hannah 346; Mary 346*

Collison , 355, 358; Jane 349; John 351; Mary347, 348* , 349 , 351; Thomas 346, 347 , 348 , 349 , 351* , 358, 359, 361; Thomas (John) 333

Colly, Anne 116; Christopher 348 , 349; Denis 185; Elizabeth 185; Elizabeth Mary 116; James 116; Mary 348, 349*; Mary Anne 184; Michael Watson 348

Colpi, Bartholomew 13; Joseph 13; Louisa 13

Colton, Prudence 137. Cf. Coulton

Comar, Catherine 165

Comb , William 316 Commins, Elizabeth 85 ; Mary 100

Commoli , John 243; Michael John 243

Common , John 254

Comyns, Joanna 215 , 220

Mary 243 ;

Coner , Edward 216 ; James 216; Joanna 216

Concy, William 139

Confort, Charles 229

Congarton , Alexander 52 Coningham, Margaret 175

Conlon, Anne, 301

Conly, John 308; Margaret 308 ; Mary 308

Connelly, Anne 298; Bridget 298, 299 , 301; Catherine 312, 315, 318; Daniel 315; Elizabeth 288, 312; Esther 271; Hannah 273; James 304; Joanna 318*; John 271 , 315; Margaret 313; Mark 288; Mary 271 , 299; MaryAnne 318; Michael 298, 299; Patrick 285, 302; Peter 288, 298, 318*; Susan 301 , 307, 310; Thomas 273; William 273

Conner, Elizabeth 213; Lawrence 213; Mary 213

Connolly, Anne 190; Esther 283; Mary 277

Connor, Anne 294; Bridget 291; Charles 164; Francis 164; Joanna 179, 193; John 179; Juliana 239; Margaret 361; Mary 164 , 366; Patrick 366; Sarah 180, 187; Thomas 366; William 179

Connyghen , Margaret 131

Conolly, Catherine365; Hannah 365; James 154; Martin 365; Mary 154 , 163; Rosanna 154

Conoly, Frances 162

Conquest, Benedict 7

Conroy, Anne 81; Catherine133, 267; Michael 260; Sarah 81 , 267; William 81, 267

Consitt, Consit, Consitte, 13; Anne 12, 14, 16 , 18 , 19, 21* , 23 , 25, 28 , 31 , 34*; Charles 19, 34; Charles Henry 21; Clementina 16; Ed. 71; Eleanor 21 , 29, 32n ; Elizabeth 13 , 17 , 28, 30, 34 ; Euphemia 32; Francis 14, 16, 17 , 18 , 19, 21* , 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32n ; Helena 14* , 15, 16 , 17 , 18 , 19, 21 , 24 , 27, 34 ,

38, 49; Henry 17 , 24, 31 ; James 12 , 13; John 12, 14* , 16, 18 , 19 , 20 , 21* , 23 , 25, 28, 31, 34, 48*; Mary 13 , 23 , 30, 48, 71 , 349; Richard 41; Robert 13 , 14 , 17 , 18* , 349; Theresa Mary 27; Thomas 16, 71; Walter 19 , 29; William 25 , 30 , 34

Constable , Charles 155; Cicely 44"; Cuthbert 326; Edward 44n ; Frances 113; Henry 325 ; sir John 338; Marmaduke Maxwell 273; rev. Robert, S.J. 3; Theresa 61, 78; William 336n

Conyers, 146

Conygham , Margaret 140

Conyghen, Margaret 157

Cooch, George 98 Cook , 217; Anne 134, 221 , 239, 240; Catherine 54, 60, 65; Elizabeth 183; James 53; Joanna 174 , 178 , 187, 192; John 30, 183 ; Margaret 134 , 235, 240, 249; Mary 53 , 116 , 126 , 220, 221, 223, 238, 246, 299 ; Mary Anne 183 ; Peter 53: William 134 , 299*

Cooley, Elizabeth 69 ; Mary 69; Roger 69

Cooney, Coony,Elizabeth 140; Joseph 174; Robert 154; Roger99, 104 , 140 , 194; William 139

Cooper, Anne 119, 193, 270, 279*; Catherine 224 , 264 , 266, 277 , 281* , 282* , 291 , 304, 308 ; Charles 256 , 261 , 266, 287 , 297 , 308*; Deborah 266 , 270, 287 , 308; Elizabeth 130 , 279; Isabel 261 , 270, 281, 282, 286 , 287 , 308; rev James 270; James 286; John 119, 130 , 143, 224 , 225, 242 , 261 ,


265, 266, 270, 277, 279* , 281 , 282 , 286, 291, 308*; Mary 143 ,, 240 , 266 , 279, 285, 286, 287, 297, 308; Mary

Anne 119, 130, 143, 224 , 304; dom Wilfrid 146n; William 255 , 257 , 250* , 261, 270

Cooth, George 98

Copperthwaite , Copperweaht , Sarah 59, 61

Coran, Catherine 265; John 265; Roger 265

Corbet, Margaret 58

Cordell, rev. Charles 203-4 , 210* , 211* , 212, 323; Charles 203 ; Hannah 203

Corkan, Corken, Alice 241 , 247; Eleanor 241 , 247*; Helena 224; Philip 241; Thomas 241 , 247

Corkel, Anna 179

Corkhill, Anne 188

Cornforth, Charles 246

Cornthwaite, Bishop 8 , 163n

Cornwell, Rose 189

Corran, see Coran

Corrigan, Bernard 128 ; John 270; Lewis 100 ; Margaret 128 ; Mary 189; Rose 189; Thomas 128 , 189

Corriss, Edward 195

Corsepp, Edward 195

Cortis, Mary 242; Robert 242; William Had(d)erick 242

Corvill, Corville, George 162 , 183 , 187 , 187-8; Sarah 188

Cosgrave, Bridget 365; 365; Thomas 255 Catherine

Cosgriff , Mary 154; Mary Anne 154; William 154

Cosgrove, Hugh 98; Isabel 280; John 280; Sarah 290; Thomas 280, 282

Cosgrow, Elizabeth 257; Isabel 265; Mary 257; Robert 265; Thomas257 , 265

Costello, Margaret 175

Costerley, Casterley, Helena 155; John 155; Mary 155

Cotam, Joanna 22

Cotelton , Prudence148

Cotes, rev. John 202

Cotham, Joanna 24 ; William 17

Cotter , Elizabeth 252; John 252; Richard 252

Cottis , Elizabeth 345

Cotton, Cottom , Anne 43 , 48; Catherine 240; Catherine Anne 240; John 240

Coudbert, Elizabeth 341; Robert 341; SarahAnne 341

Couhlan, Catherine86 ; Elizabeth 86; Tim 86

Coulson, Anastasia 166; Elizabeth 233* , 244, 291; George 291*; Joanna 166; John 233, 244; William 166, 244

Coulter, John 211* , 237 ; Mary 210

Coulthard, Barbara 303; John 260 , 265* , 271

Coulton, Henry 289 ; John 220 , 239; Mary 289 ; Mary Joanna 289; Prudence 128 , 138, 162

Coupe, Coope, dom Thomas Jerome, O.S.B. gon

Coupland, Albert 196; Anastasia 148; Anne 129; Edward Peter 171; Elizabeth 88, 182, 195; Henry 182 , 193 ; Isabel 79, 84, 88, 91, 95, 101 , 107 , 112 , 114, 123 , 129, 139, 149 , 160, 171 , 196; James 79, 83, 84 , 85 , 88 , 95, 101 , 103* , 107* , 112 , 114* , 121 , 123 , 129, 131, 133 , 135, 139* , 142 , 148-9, 149, 160, 171; John 193; John Camille 126; John Stephen160; Joseph 95* , 114* , 120, 121* , 123 , 126 , 128, 133, 142, 148 , 149 , 159* , 166* , 170 , 182, 187, 196; Lucy 114* , 121 , 126, 129, 133, 142, 149, 159, 170, 182 , 196; Margaret 84, 149, 160 , 170; MaryAnne 123; Mary Catherine170; Rose 193 ; Sarah 79, 114 , 133 , 149 , 181, 186, 191 , 192, 195; William 101 , 159 , 160, 170 , 181

Courtenay , Courteney, Courtney, Joanna 111; Margaret 81 , III, 274; Mary 81; Patrick 81 , 111

Coverdale, Margaret 346, 347*

Cowling , Isabel 46, 49, 53, 57 , 62 , 67 , 72 , 77 , 83, 92

Cowlter, Elizabeth 319; John 319*; Mary 319; Susan 319

Cowly, Margaret 234, 240 ; Thomasine 310

Cowney, Elizabeth 98

Cowper, Anne 14 , 16 James 210*; Cowton , Prudence 174 , 186

Cox , Hannah 210; Sarah 232*

Coxson, Charles 211; Coy, Mary 333 Mary 211

Coyle, Charles 152; Elizabeth 296; James 152 , 237; Joanna 237; Martha 152; Patrick 237

Coyne, Charles 361; Margaret 361 ; Martha 361

Craag, Honora 119

Crabtree , Mary 42

Cradwick, Anne 296; John 296

Crafford, Margaret 106

Craggs, 336* , 337, 341; Anne 331, 354; Anne (Agnes) 353; Charles 337 , 355: Eliza 335, 341; Eliza (Catherine) 353; Elizabeth 334* , 335 , 338, 340, 341, 342, 343, 347 , 350 , 354: H. 338; Henry (James) 353; James 334 , 347: Jane 337 , 349 , 350; Jane (Theresa) 347: John 334, 335, 336, 347, 350; John (Charles) 347; Joseph

343: Martha 340, 355; Martha (Mary) 353; Mary 331 , 332, 335 , 340 , 342, 349; Mary (Aloysia) 347; Mercy 346, 347 , 348 , 349; Mercy (Margaret)

347; Richard 334* , 335, 337 , 338 , 340, 341* , 342, 343*; Robert Alvin 350 ; Samuel 341 , 350; Sarah 331 , 342; William 331, 334, 339, 340, 342 , 346* , 347 , 348, 350 , 354 , 355; William (John) 347

Craig, Elizabeth 179 ; James 304; Joanna 304; Mary 304

Cran, Elizabeth 228

Crane , rev. 114

Crashaw , Caroline 186

Crathorne, Barbara 42n ; George 42n , 119 ; Mary Augusta Rosalie42n

Craton, Charles 295 ; James 295; Mary 295

Crawford, 336; Anne 15, 17 , 32 , 35, 37 , 41, 46; Caroline 360; Catherine 306, 361; David 360 , 361; 362, 363; Elizabeth 32, 35, 331 , 343 , 360, 361, 362, 363 ; Frances 338 , George 13 ; James 362; Jane 338* , 341, 342* , 343*; Joanna255; Louisa 363; Peter 342, 342; Philip 341; Robert 219, 249, 255 ; William 338* , 341 , 342, 343, 348

Crawforth, Caroline 364; David 364 , 365 366 , Edward Joseph 366; Elizabeth 364, 365, 366; Jane 340; Joseph Mason 365; Louisa 364; William 334, 340*

Crawley, rev George I.L. 208

Crawshaw , Cornelius 157

Craythorne, Elizabeth 326

Creagh, sir William199

Crenion, Mary 138

Crenson, Mary 267

Creswell, Cresswell, Margaret 98, 115

Cretteck , John 283

Croce, Crooe , 72; Ambrose 125; Anne 96, 104, 112 , 117 , 125; Charles 96; Francis 112; John 75 , 81; Joseph104; Joshua 96, 104 , 112 , 117; Mary 51 , 71 , 117. (Crooe is probably a misreading)

Croft, John 18; William 327

Crofton, Curtice 55; Esther 55: Peter 55

Croker, Diana 280, 312; Helena 312; Mary 280; Patrick 302, 310 , 312; Peter 280

Crompton, Anne 236; James 236; Sarah 236

Cronin, Elizabeth 161 , 167; James 161 ; John 167; Timothy 161 , 167

Crenny, James 312

Crooks, Crook, 239 ; Alice 217 , 219, 223; Anne 119; Catherine 239; Elizabeth 218* , 224, 229* , 239 , 242 ,

248, 254, 260 , 291; James 119; John 210, 218 , 220 , 221 , 229, 236 , 239; Joseph 218 , 220, 224* , 230, 236 , 248 , 251, 260, 269, 277 , 285, 291; Margaret 210 , 218 , 220* , 224, 230, 236; Mary 218 , 220 , 221*; Sarah 218 , 253; Thomas 229*; William 119, 210 , 230 Crosby, Anne 60* , 63, 68, 75* , 81 , 99, 360; George 68; Hannah 60; John 60, 63, 68; Rose 233; William 63

Croser, see Crozer Crosgrow, Isabel 272; Thomas 272* Croshaw , Caroline 165, 179 , 194; Cornelius 174 , 179 , 184 , 190 , 197; Frances 184, 190, 197; Lucy 184; Maria 197; MaryAnne 194; Matilda 157: Sarah 170, 179; Vincent190 Croskell, Charles 194; rev William 5,7, 49 , 50, 51*-53* , 54 , 55 , 56-58 , 59 , 60, 61* , 64, 65, 67 , 69, 70 ,72* , 74 , 75, 77 , 79 , 80 , 81, 83* , 102 , 108, 117 , 123* , 125

Cross, Elizabeth 102; Esther 92; Margaret 141

Crowder , Anne 81; Joanna 170; John 75; Mary 75; William 75

Crowe, Grace 158; Hannah 158; Thomas 158

Crowther, Anne 84* , 86; Croyle, Alexander 291 ; James 291 John 84, 86 Anne 291;

Crozer, Croser, George 238; John 238, 242, 247, 255*; Mark242; Mary238 , 242, 247 , 255, 315 ; Stephen 247

Crump, Anne 164, 189; Harriet 197; Henry 189

Cubit, Edith 45; Elizabeth 45; George 45

Cuddey, Cuddie, Cuddy, James 24 , 28*; Lucy 22; Mary 22, 24* , 28 , 52, 87 , 94, 99 , 102; Rachel 93 ; Thomas 22

Cuddon, Susan 248n

Cuff, Daniel 116; John 362*; Margaret 116*; Mary 362

Cuitt, Henry264, 273; Mary264 , 273; Mary Sarah264; William Henry 273

Cull, Jane 86; Joan 104

Cullen, 303; Joanna 303, 318*; John 305; John Francis 318; rev. Joseph 208; Robert 303

Cummin, John 286

Cummins, John 273; Mary 291

Cundall, Cundell, Cundill, Cundle, Anne 135, 161, 172, 178, 188; Joanna 123, 128 , 161 ; Joseph 178; Mary 101 ; Susan 188

Cunningham, Cuningham, Anne 296; Catherine 82; Elizabeth 189; Henry 285; Isaac 189; Margaret 120, 285; Mary 275, 277 , 285, 307, 308; Samuel 189; Thomas 307


Curmack, Elizabeth 93

Curran, Curan, Currain, Curren, Anne 221, 246, 247; Catherine110, 132, 275 , 298; Daniel 225, 244, 252, 256 , 257; James 274; Mary 61 , 132 , 289; Thomas 132

Currens, 216; Daniel 216

Curry, Anne 220, 232, 283; Daniel 222; Elizabeth 219 ; James 267; John 320 ; Margaret 283* , 311*; Thomas219 , 284*; William 219

Daile, Adam 70 , 74; Dorothy40, 42 , 67 , 71 , 74 ; Elizabeth 69*; G. 69; Isabel 61; Margaret 74: Robert 74

Dale, Adam 65, 77, 80, 93, 97, 101 , 117 , 123 , 297; Anne 39, 80, 169, 175 , 196; Catherine 28, 32, 39, 42, 45, 50 , 196 ; Charles 221; Constantia Margaret 101 ; Edward Samuel 117n; Elizabeth 139, 153 , 159, 164 , 175 , 176 , 178, 188; Frances 66; George 51 , 54 , 66, 75; Georgiana 123; Helena 101 , 117 , 123; Helena Theresa 164; Isabel 51, 54, 66, 75, 221; Margaret 42, 80, 84, 89, 106, 115, 119, 134, 158; Mary 23, 32 , 51 , 172, 178 , 218 , 221 , 223, 258; Miles Benedict 139; Robert 139 , 164, 175, 193, 196; Sarah 28; Thomas 28 , 32, 39, 42 , 45, 75; William 54 , 106; William Peter45

Dalton, Denis 111; Jane 354; Mary 80, 81, 82 , 85, 86, 93, 99, 105, 107* , 108 , 113 , 114, 124, 168; Richard 122; Rose 193 ; Thomas186

Daly, Daley, Bridget 307 , 365: Catherine302, 311, 365; Charles137; David 109; Edward 291; Elizabeth 137 , 142; James 278; Joanna 112; John 112 , 137 , 365; Margaret 278 , 307; Mary 109, 140, 291, 361; Peter 112; Sarah 109; Thomas 278 , 291

Cf. Dayly

Danby, Alfred William173; Frederick 181 ; George 191; Joanna 173 , 181 , 191; John 105, 128, 173, 181 , 191 ; Mary 128; Rose 128; Richard 18

Dance, Mary 220

Daniel, Mary 164; rev . Thomas (canon) I, 4

Dannavan, Hugh 250; Joanna 250; Sarah 250

Darby, Catherine275; Elizabeth 275; James 275

Darbyshire, Elizabeth 17

Darley, Anne 16

Darrell, Barbara 3on ; Hannah 203; Henry30n

Dason, James 259-60

Davidson, James 149; Margaret Anne 149; Mary 149, 164, 311; Theresa 164; William 164


Davies, Elizabeth 220, 293, 299; Ellen 159, 306; Esther 220, 225, 234 , 241 , 249, 262; George 241 , 288 , 289 , 292* , 295; Helena 147, 233-4 , 283: John 220 , 225, 226, 234, 235, 236, 240 , 241, 243, 249, 262* , 267, 298, 299; John Alex 225; Mary262 , 298; Samuel 249; Thomas 298; William 250, 263, 304

Davin, Cornelius295*; Frances295*

Davinson, Mary 313

Davis, dom Ambrose, O.S.B. 3; Anne 119, 148, 362; Catherine 119; Elizabeth 313; Ellen 313; Helena 135; James 313; Thomas 119; Thomas Augustin 148 ; Timothy 148

Davison, (?) rev.- 291; Elizabeth 223, 244 ; Joanna 177; John 232 , 233; Margaret 223, 244, 255; Mary 219, 238, 255, 258, 264; Robert 264; Thomas 244; William223 , 244 , 255*

Davlin, Davlan, Mary 312; Peter 312; Rosanne 317; Rose 312

Davy, Francis 217*

Dawson , Anastasia 50; rev . Charles (mgr ) 9; Dorothy 105; Elizabeth 50, 63, 67, 73, 78, 267, 363; Hannah 38, 41, 67, 76, 97 ; Henry177; James 271; Joanna 232 , 240; John 42, 78 , 221; Joseph 315; Mary 50, 221* , 223 , 315, 316; Sarah 177; Susan 89, 108 , 115 , 123, 132, 146; Theresa Catherine 177; Thomas 70, 177; William 13

Day, Sarah 287

Dayly, Margaret 293, 298; Mary280; Thomas 293

Deacon , Elizabeth 178*; William 178

Dean , Deen, Anne 84, 227, 229, 231 , 236, 240* , 245, 246, 266; Catherine 240; Elizabeth 174, 175; Hannah 251 , 260, 266; Henry 227; Isabel245; John 84, 227, 231 , 234, 236, 240 , 245 , 251, 298; Joseph 260; Mary 231; Robert 150 , 236, 251; Stephen 266; Thomas 236, 260, 266

Dearing, Alice 340; Elizabeth 341, 342, 343: Jane 340, 341* , 342 , 344; Mary 341 , 347; Thomas 343 , 349; William 340 , 341, 342. Cf. Deering Dearlove , Deerlove, Charles 104; Elizabeth 99, 104, 108, 114 , 121* , 124; Joseph99* , 104, 108, 114, 121; Robert 108 ; William 114

Dearsley , MaryAnne 361 de Beriot Pigott, Mathurina 29n , 31

Deboard , Debord, Henry 234; Margaret 323n

Deering, 345; Elizabeth 338*; Francis 330, 331; Jane 335 , 338; John 345; Mary 338, 345; Thomas 338; William 338. Cf. Dearing

Deerlove, see Dearlove

Dehenne , De Henne, Dehen, rev. Louis 83* , 102

Deighton, Anne 62, 129, 133 , 174;

Elizabeth 180; John 62, 63, 96*; Martha 96; Rachel 62, 63 ; Sarah 133 , 142, 164; William 106

de Kersabiec , Stylite Tiochan 146n

Delaney, Delanay, Helena 169; Mary 254

Delsant, Mary 63

Delsault, Catherine 24

Delsean, Mary 14

Delso, Mary 63, 66

Demie , Claude 17; Mary 17 Elizabeth 17;

Dempsey, Dempsy, Demsi, Anne 214; Edward 214; Emma 144; James 166; Joanna 133, 166; Joanna

Timothy144; Mary 133; Sarah214; Timothy 133 , 144, 166

Denahough, Elizabeth 122; Margaret 122; William 122

Dench, Mary 119 , 127 , 138, 148

Dennis, George 139; Joanna 173; Mary 139*

Denny, David 133; HelenaElizabeth 133; Margaret 133

Dent, 52 , 353; Agnes 353; Anne 50, 96, 109, 117, 121 , 125, 353; Cecily358; Christopher50, 56, 61, 65, 78, 79 , 85, 86, 107, 117 , 140; Cuthbert 306, 307, 309, 312; Eleanor 305, 306 , 307 , 318; Elizabeth 149; Francis 86, 123 , 129* , 183; Harriet 167; Helena 312; Henrietta 61; Isabel 85; Jane 353; Joseph 78 , 119 , 120 , 122, 126; Louisa 353; Mary 50, 52, 56 , 61 , 65* , 68, 78, 86, 118 , 132; Sophia55 , 126; William 50

Denton, Anne (Mary Magdalen) 353; Elizabeth 332; Isaac 342, 352; Jane 338, 340, 341, 342 , 343; Joanna 218; Joseph335 , 336, 352; Margaret 352; Mary 282; William 330 , 335

Derbyshire , Anne 47; Catherine 25, 28, 32; Christopher 36, 39, 43* , 47, 71, 77 , 81 , 127; Elizabeth 25 , 36, 39 , 43* , 47: George 25, 28* , 32, 39*; Mary 25, 32, 36, 39, 43, 50; William 28, 36, 40 , 43, 50. Cf. Darbyshire

Dering, Hannah 349; John 349; Mary 354; Mary(Anne) 353; Thomas 347, 350; William 349, 353

Derwentwater, earl of200 de Sutton, sir John 330n

Develing, Charles 290

Devin, Catherine 300; Edmund 300; Thomas 300

Devine, Anne 120; James 120; John 120 , 121 Devon , Cornelius 303; Frances 303; Hugh 303

Dibb, Anne Elizabeth 367; Elizabeth 351, 352, 366; John 365; Joseph 366; Mary 351, 366; Sarah 352; Thomas 351, 352, 366, 367

Dicconson , Cuthbert 320; rt rev

Edward 1 ; Elizabeth 320

Dick, Margaret 227

Dickenson , Anne 155 ; Elizabeth 97* , 155: Joanna 243, 250, 272, 281, 305; Mary 155*; Robert 97; William155*

Dickinson, Elizabeth 89, 104; Joanna 260; Mary 89; Robert 81 ; Sarah 104; Thomas 89

Dickison, Robert 75*; Elizabeth 75

Dickson, Mary 27

Digby, rev William 208 , 278

Digenan, Catherine 169; Hannah 169 ; Peter 169

Dignum, Bridget 192

Dilaney, Peter 69

Dillon, Anne 278; Bartholomew 152; Ellen 278; Helena 76; James 182; Mary 125; Patrick 110; Robert 278

Dimie, Claud 22; Mary 22; Thomas 22

Dimier, John 88

Dimmore, Mary 171

Dimpsey, Dimpsy, Joanna 155; Rosanne 155; Timothy155

Dimy, Anne 46* , 52; Mary52

Dinman, Catherine 104

Dinmore, Dinmoure, Dinmur, Catherine 70 , 149 , 159; Edward 159; Henry 27; Joseph 164; Mary 142 , 159

Dinning, Bridget 281, 291; Daniel 168 ; Dorothy 243; Eleanor 168; Irwin 281 , 291; Joseph 290-1; Matthew 272; Thomas 281; William 168

Divin, Anne 113

Divine, Anne 154; Charles 317*; Elizabeth 154; Frances 317; John 107 , 108, 131 ; Michael 154

Divit, Helena 182; Michael 182; William 182

Dixion, Joanna 288; Stephen 170

Dixon, Anne 78, 87, 101 , 108* , 113 , 116 , 124* , 133, 136, 147* , 157 , 162 , 170, 175, 186, 353; Catherine78, 131 , 157 , 170; Elizabeth 51 , 109, 119 , 261 , 324; George 138; George Martin 119, 148; Hannah 76, 85, 92, 99* , 109 , 193: James 76, 85* , 92, 105, 108* , 109 , 113, 124, 136, 147, 185 , 195; James Daniel 108; John Martin 127; Joseph 138; Margaret 100 , 106 , 125 , 134, 146; Mary 80, 92, 96, 100* , 104 , 109, 114 , 119, 127, 138* , 148 , 181 , 186; Richard 127; Robert 109 , 127 , 138 , 147; Sarah 181 , 186, 195; SarahClara 186; SarahFrances 148; Stephen 76* , 85, 92, 99, 100, 108* , 136* , 147 , 165, 175, 179 , 181 , 182 ,


186 , 193, 195*; William 78 , 108 , 113 , 157, 164, 170, 195, 258 , 320

Dobbison , Mary 245

Dobbs, Richard 74; Sarah74; Susan 74

Dobie, Margaret 279

Dobinson, Catherine 250; George 250*

Dobson, Anne 174, 317; Eleanor 243; Elizabeth 90; Frances 212, 296, 317; Joanna 149, 219, 223, 287; Joseph 90; Margaret 219; Mary 90, 284; Robert 218 , 260, 263, 273; Sarah 174; rev. Thomas 89; Thomas 59, 63 , 284 ; William 174* , 212 , 219

Dockerty, Anne 268

Dodd, Dod, Henry 215; Joanna 215 , 298, 310; John 215; Margaret 212 , 215, 233; Percilla 286; Robert 212 , 215*; Thomas 310; Thomasine239 , 248; William 54, 212

Dodds, Dods, Alex 268, 270 , 276 , 279* , 280* , 281; Anne 17, 226; Elizabeth 219, 226* , 228 , 229, 258, 315; Frances 284, 296, 317; Francis 317; Frederick Smith 365; George 17 , 19; Helena 28 ; James 315; Joanna 219; 222, 224, 238, 286, 324; John 110 , 217 , 222, 226, 317; Margaret 217 , 225, 233*; Mary 17 , 19 , 110 , 112 , 222, 225* , 238, 315; Matthew 222 , 324; Robert 217 , 225, 233, 238, 258 , 271, 296* , 303, 317; Shafto 296; Susan 178; Thomas 249; Thomasine 251; William 19 , 110

Dodly, Catherine 224; Elizabeth 224; Joseph 224

Dogherty, Anne 274; Bridget 153; Catherine 195; Hugh 302*; James 153; John 153; Mary 302

Doguerti, Anne 227; John 227; Margaret 227

Doherty, Elizabeth 142; Henry190*; Joanna 190; John 142; Mary Anne 142

Dolan, dom Gilbert, O.S.B. 200

Doland , John 156

Dolly, James III

Dolman, Catherine 19; Margaret 17 , 19; Mary 19; Robert 17 , 19*; William 17

Dolton , Mary 104

Domagan , Domegan, Domigan, Domogan , Dommagan, Dommingan, Catherine 263; Elizabeth 263, 277 , 285 , 299* , 302 , 303, 308, 310; James 263; Joanna 277; Patrick 263 , 299, 302, 308; Peter 277

Donaghan , Donnaghon, Anastasia 306; Daniel 306; Elizabeth 303; James 303, 306; Mary 303; Patrick 303

Donaghany, Donneganni, Catherine 261 ; Frances 261; Mary 99; Patrick 261

Donaghy, Danahy, Donahy, Denis 74*; Hugh 306; Joanna 306; John 306; Mary 74; Thomas306

Donahaugh, Helena 58

Donahew , Donohoo, Donoguhoe , Anne 105; Bernard 105; Ed 57; Helena 57; Joseph 105; Margaret 101 ; Ohen 57 275 ; Donaldson , Anne 212

Donelan, Donellan, George 275*; Mary 62

Donkales, Margaret 218

Donnell, John 294; Mary 226

Donnelly, Donnely, Donneley, Donelly, Donnally, Donally , Anne 309, 312; Catherine 310; Denis 294; Elizabeth 130, 308, 310; Francis 158; George 144 , 272, 279, 301 , 312*; Joanna; 124; John 281 , 308* , 309 , 312; Margaret 130 , 309; Mary 143; Neal 130

Donough, Margaret 263

Donovan , Donavan , Donnavan , Donnevan, Cornelius 91; Elizabeth 91; John 255, 315; Peter 91; Sarah 252

Donringham, Elizabeth 286; Patrick 286

Dooley, Denis 153; Margaret 153; Sarah 153; Susan 153

Doonan, Henry 316*; Mary 316

Doran, Bernard 264, 285; Catherine 109, 112; Helen 359; Henrietta 160; James 160, 359; John 112 , 160; Patrick 109, 112; Susan 359

Dornan, Elizabeth 309

Dorson, Elizabeth 41; Mary 41

Dougharty, Anne 259*; James 259

Doughty, Catherine 92; Joseph 86 , 92, 93, 98; Mary 86 , 92, 98, 125; Thomas 98; William 86

Douglass , Douglas, Doughlass, 257; Anne 263; Elizabeth 251%; Gillena 272; Gillings 280 ; Joanna

51, 225, 253 , 257, 265, 272, 279 , 284 , 305 , 306; rev . John (bishop) 5, 19*-40 , 43*; John 237 , 251*; Mary 215; Mary Anne 318; William 223 , 225 , 253, 256

Dovenson , Catherine 304; John 304 ; Thomas 304

Dowforth , Dorothy330

Dowling, Anne 178 , 228; Catherine 272; Edward 280; Helena 290; Hugh 264; John 294*; Joseph228*; Julia 280 , 281; Margaret 110 , 264 , 294*; Mary 264; Patrick275

Downe, Winifred 112

Downes, Troth 35In

Downey,Downy, Adam 247, 258, 270; Anne 274*; Catherine 258; Diana 270; James 247; Mary247, 258 , 270 , 274; Patrick 274

Downing, Adam 282 ; Anne 268; Grace 282 ; Mary 282, 307; Michael 268; Nicholas 268

Downly, Catherine 302; Elizabeth 301, 302

Downy, Adam 242; Martha 242 ; Mary 242

Dowson, Hannah 32; Thomas 32; William 32

Dowthwaite, Anne 353; John 353; William 353

Doyle, Anne 147; Daniel 230; David 225; Elizabeth 69; George 147; John 267; Margaret 225; Martha 147; Mary 267; Nappy 280; Thomasine 225, 230; William 230

Drainer, Bridget 313

Drake, D. 216

Dunk, Mary 191

Dunkerley, Margaret 213

Draycott, Catherine 215, 227, 276 ; Elizabeth 241 ; George 218, 222, 223* , 241 , 264

280, 292, 294; Joseph215; Margaret 215, 294, 312; Mary 215 , 218* , 223 , 227 , 241, 276, 280, 292, 294 , 312; William 227 Draycotte, Draycot,

Dresser, Elizabeth 334; John 337; Martha 336, 337, 338 , 340; Mary 335; Thomas 337 , 338, 340

Drew, Edward 346; Elizabeth 346; Frances 332; Mary 346, 356 , 358; William 100

Driffield, Mary 15, 16, 18, 19 , 23

Dringwater, Anne 330

Driskill, Mary 220

Duckworth, Rachel 62

Duffy, Duffey, Anne 138, 272 , 274 , 278, 282, 288, 299* , 306; Bernard 256, 278 ; Bridget 190; Catherine 256; Charles 154, 162 ; Eleanor 272; Esther 297 , 305; Francis 288; Helena 138; Hugh 286, 288 , 297-8 ; James 272, 284, 294* , 315; Joanna294 , 315; Margaret 294; Mary 140 , 155 , 190 , 255, 256, 306; Michael 190; Patrick 190, 256 , 278, 306; Peter 272 , 288 , 299 ; Thomas 138 , 294

Duglass, Elizabeth 225, 233, 235 , 243; George 225*; James 243; John225 , 233 , 235, 244, 246 ; Mary 223, 243; Thomas 233; William 222 , 235 , 313

Dully, James 294; Mary 294

Dummel, Dummell, Mary 211 , 230

Dun, Jane 213 ; Mary 213 ; Thomas 213

Dunackay, Hugh 297 ; Joanna 297; Patrick 297

Dunbar, Elizabeth 303; Lord 325

Dunican, Peter 290

Dunn, Anne 123, 211, 257* , 263, 267 , 276 , 279, 284 , 291 , 309 , 311; Bridget 245; Catherine 211; Cuthbert 237 , 245, 265, 304, 310, 319; Denis 142; Edward 165; Elizabeth 152 , 230 , 249, 252, 253, 284, 297, 305n , 309 , 310; Frances 128, 307; George 109 , 123, 152, 217, 222, 224, 230 , 244 , 252 , 253, 257* , 260, 269, 272* , 276, 279 , 284, 304, 305, 324; George Thomas 253, 262, 265, 272, 279 , 305n , 310 , 319; Hannah 259; Henrietta 98, 112 , 117 , 123, 129; Honora 260; Isabel 324; James 109, 225 , 226 , 231 , 235,237,240,244,248 * , 249,250 , 251 , 253, 254, 256 , 257 , 260* , 265; Joanna 142 , 250, 253, 256, 257 , 265* , 272, 279, 284 , 305; Joseph 203, 262 , 321ñ ; Lewis Augustin 165; Margaret 217 , 284 , 304 , 310, 319; Margaret Magdalen Parker 319; Mary 165, 203, 210, 279, 321n, 339; Mary Anne 310; Matthew 245, 258; Matthew William 309; Michael 117 , 284, 309, 311; Patrick291*; Richard 211 ; Robert 304, 307; Rose 257 , 284; Sarah90, 109, 211; Thomas 142 , 248 , 279 ; William 253, 284, 294, 307

Dunnahaugh, Patrick 49

Dunnavan, James 246; Joanna 246; Michael 246

Dunning, Dorothy 226 ; Elizabeth 259

Durand, Durant, rev William 207 , 223

Durham,Mary 150, 160

Duston, Anne 168; Mark 168 , 182; Mark Joseph 182; Mary Anne 168 , 182

Dutchborn, Dutchburn , Mary 32, 93

Dutton, Anne 161 , 172, 178, 188; Edward 161, 172, 178* , 188; Joseph 161; Mary 172; William 188

Duty, 347; Mary332

Duvisie, Mary 334

Duvisier, John 351n; Susan 351n

Duvivier, Du Vivier, John 67 , 80; Susan 67, 80

Dwyer, Bridget 317; Elizabeth 317*; Hannah 95; Jerry317*; Joanna 144 , 149, 156; John 95; Margaret 317; William 120

Earl, Earle, Anne 117 , 129; Anne Theresa 117; George 117 , 129; George Peter 129; Joanna 287 , 293; William 117


Eastwood , Anne 351n; John 31, 351n; Susan 35In


Ebditch, Ebdish, James 126; Joanna 126 ; Rebecca 126

Eccles , Martha 82

Ecclestone, rev. Thomas 3

Ecklin, Mary 53

Edmonson , Isabel 228

Edwards , Edvards, Alex 239; Anne 37 , 304; James 132; Joanna 239; Juliana 239; Ralph 37*

Eglesfield , see Metcalfe, rev Joseph

Elder , Anne 166; Mary Anne 166

Ella, James 168, 177, 186; James John 168; John Plumm or Plummer 186; Margaret 166, 168, 177; Martha 186; Ursula Joanna 177

Ellerby, Alfred 173; Elizabeth 173 , Joseph 173; Joseph Turner 158

Elliot, Elliott, 266; Anne 309* , 317 ; Elizabeth 236-7 , 268; Isabel 242 , 254, 269, 272, 274* , 276* , 279* , 283, 284; John 233; Margaret 307; Mary 88; N. 268, 278 ; William 250. Cf. Ellot

Ellis, 63; Anne 33, 47 , 80, 81 , 84, 92, 95, 101; Barbara 33, 37, 70 , 74, 76 , 82, 84, 86, 87, 92, 99 ; Elizabeth 39, 47 , 134; Joanna 186; John 47: Joseph 70, 76, 80, 82, 83, 85, 89; Joshua 134; Mary 70, 74, 80, 87, 95, 101; Michael 33, 57, 63, 71 , 92; Theresa 27; William 134

Ellison, Anne 18; Elizabeth 320; Frances 305; Hannah 34, 320; Henrietta 18 , 48; John 18, 211; Mary 35, 38, 42, 46, 93; William210, 320

Ellot, 258 ; Anne 234 , 264 , 306; Elizabeth 225, 230; Isabel 226 , 251 , 259 ; John 233, 234, 235*; Joseph 234; William 242 , 244. Cf. Elliot

Elrington, Anne, 250; Margaret 250; Robert 250 269; Emers, Clementina 26; Eleanor 22 , 26, 31; Elizabeth 22; Thomas 31 ; William 22 , 26 , 31

Emmerson , Emerson, Alexander 197; Elizabeth 242 , 248 , 254, 260, 269, 291, 294; Isabel 291; Joanna 291; John 260; Joseph248; Mary 242, 287 , 302; Priscilla 309; Thomas 242, 248, 254* , 260, 269 , 291; Wharton 197

Emmison, Emison, Sarah 150 , 162 , 170 , 179, 192

Enderson , Jane 91; Thomas 91; William 91

Englefield , Engelfield, Lady Catherine 30; sir Henry 3on, 33n ; Theresa 42; Theresa Anne 33"

English, very rev. Cornelius 328; Emily 137; Esther 67; John 67; Margaret 293 , 304

Ennis, Elizabeth 267

Epson, Mary 73

Errington, Anne 238; Anthony 238 , 242, 243 , 251 , 274* , 276, 287 , 297; Fenwick 272; George 297; Isabel 238, 291; Joanna238, 251; Margaret 254, 260* , 284, 288 , 289, 290 , 294; Mary 287* , 297; Robert 251 , 253 ; Sarah 213 , 251; William 283

Erskin, Helena 291

Erwin, Elizabeth 56 Espiner, Anne 340* Estcourt, E. E. 333n, 337n

Ethel, Ethell , Anne 100, 104, 121 , 142 , 168; Edward 100* , 104, 142; Isabel 104; Theresa Mary 142. Cf. Ethol Ether, Anne III; Edward 111*

Etherington, Helena 146; John 134 , 143, 146, 162*; Mary 134* , 146 , 162

Ethol, Anne 157, 166; Edward 157; Emma Frances 156. Cf. Ethel Evans, Jane 212; John 212; William 212 , 230

Ewart, Catherine214

Ewbank, John 258, 262, 264; Michael 272; William 261

Eyre, Anna Maria 92n ; Anna Jane 115n; Catherine 85n , 115n; CatherineMary 85n; Charles 85, 88, 98, 125; Charles Nathaniel 85n* , 86, 88n. 125n; archbishop Charles Peter 103n; dowager mrs 86; Eleanor 187; count John 122n, 130n; John 103; archbishop John Lewis 1032; rev John Lewis 98n ; count John Lewis 92n, 103n , 108n , 115n , 125n; John Lewis 85n, 95n, 98n*; John Thomas 115n*; Juliana 85, 95*; Juliana Frances 108; Juliana Maria 88; Lewis 278n ; Lewis Joseph125n; Margaret Frances 125n , 278n; Mary 88, 103, 109n, 122 , 128, 130 , 136; MaryAgnes13on ; Mary Barbara 92 , 108n; Matthew 126, 128; Matthew John 109; Sarah 85n* , 88, 92 , 95, 98n* , 103, 108, 115, 122 , 125n* , 130; rev Thomas 205 ; Thomas 25 , 95, 105 , 115; Thomas Joseph 95, 115n; Vincent 85n* , 98n, 108n, 115n , 130; Vincent Henry 85n , 92; Vincent Joseph 85n; mgr Vincent William 95 ; William 83 , 122; William Francis 98n; rev William Henry, S.J. 122n ; William Henry122n

Fadon, Mary 312

Fagan, Fagham, Elizabeth 250; Helena 290; Mary 191 ; Patrick294; Rosanne 315. Cf. Feigun Fairbairn, Elizabeth 277 Fairchild, 320 Fairfax, hon. Alathea 29n ; hon


Anne 29n ; viscount Charles Gregory

29n ; Charles Gregory 168n; Nathaniel 29n; viscount William 29n

Fairlamb, Alice 320

Fairless, Eleanor 318; James 318; John 318; Ralph 318

Fairly, Sarah 285, 296

Falan, Anne 310; Catherine 310; Nicholas 299 , 310

Falconer, Anne 310

Fall, Bridget 283, 292, 295, 301 , 306 , 309, 311, 318 ; John 318

Falla, Joseph 271 , 277

Fallerton, Esther 220

Fallon, Anne 69 ; Bernard 140; C. 62; Clarinda 59, 136n; Helena 62 , 299; James 69; John 59n , 69 , 136n; Lawrence49; Mary 140n; Peter 299; Rose Anne 140

Fallows, Bridget 271

Falmyngham, Mary 300

Fanlen, Timothy 259

Fannan, Catherine 224; Gillena 272; Lawrence 272*

Farbridge, Isabel 240

Farby, Joanna 191

Farles, Susan 299

Farmer, Catherine 135; Charles 135; Felix 135

Farnan, James 110; Mary 110; Patrick 110

Farnham, bishop 199

Farnley, Eliza 337

Farral, Elizabeth 58; Patrick58

Farrel, Margaret 249

Farrell, Anne 266, 275 ; Frances57, 215, 216, 217*; Luke 266 , 275; Margaret 275; William 266

Farroll, Bridget 299 ; John Patrick 296; Margaret 296; Patrick296

Faser, John 99-100 ; Mary 100; Patrick 99-100

Fattorini , Fattorino , Joseph 179; Joseph James 193; Josepha 193; Joshua 193

Faubert, see Fawbert

Fauston, Mary 132, 142; Susan 121 , 126 , 132 , 142; William 121 , 132, 142

Fauzard, Mary 66

Fawbert, Anne 137; Catherine 71 , 76, 82, 93, 104-5 ; Charles William76; Elizabeth 20, 52, 67 , 71, 76, 93 , 105; George 31, 81; Helena 82; Isabel 104-5; Joanna 52, 67, 73* , 81 , 106 , 125 , 172; John 23, 27; Joseph 24 , 67, 73 , 81, 93, 95, 98, 99, 102 , 104 , 105, 106 , 111 , 114, 123, 129, 138, 142 , 162* , 172, 185; Mary 20* , 23 , 24, 27 , 31, 38 ; Robert 20, 23, 24 , 27 , 31 , 38; Thomas93, 128; William 52, 63 , 67, 71, 73, 76, 82, 83, 93, 94, 99, 104-5 ,

113 , 137 , 139 , 146, 161 ; William George 157; Winifred 106

Fawbut , Mary 20

Fawceit, Mary 86

Fawcet, Anne 132; Henry181; John 132; Mary 132, 181; Robert 181

Fawcett, Anne 194; George 170; Henry 181; Jane 41; Margaret 145 , 177 , 196; Mary 181; Mary Anne 145, 170 , 194; Robert 145* , 170 , 181 , 194

Fawcitt, Frances 330; Joanna 330; Thomas 330

Feaster, Rebecca 172

Feigun, Mary 156

Fell, Anne 86; Bridget 304; Elizabeth 86 , 110, 144; Esther 317; Frederick 144; John 86, 144; Mary 227

Fellow, Martha 320; Mary 320

Fellturner, Fell Turner, Elizabeth 112, 138 , 144; Frederick 144%; Henry 112; John 112, 138 , 144

Fenning, Gillings 280

Fennings, Isabel 309

Fentiman, Anne 19, 23, 39; Eliza 190; Joanna 175; Mary 175, 182 , 190; Mary Anne 182; William 175 , 182 , 190

Fenton, Archibald 266; Elizabeth 254; James 245; John 229* , 237 , 254 , 261 , 263 , 266, 269, 270* , 271* , 272* , 273* , 274* , 275 , 276* , 277* , 278* , 290, 298, 312, 314, 318; Joseph 278; Louisa 229 , 237 , 245* , 254 , 266 , 278, 290; Margaret 270; Mary 295; Mary Anne 237

Fenwick, Anne 304 ; Dorothy 320; James 221; Joanna 307; John 225, 320; Mary 307 , 320; Thomas 307

Ferbridge, Isabel 229, 234, 246

Ferby, Dorothy 326; Joanna 19 , 23; rev Thomas 12, 13 , 326-7 , 330* , 331* , 332* , 367 ; Thomas326

Fergusson , Ferguson , Ferguarson , Anne, 281; Jane 356, 357; John 263, 264 , 276; John Champney 357; William 356 , 357. Cf. Ferquerson Fermor , 34n; Catherine 59n ; Henrietta 34n

Ferquerson , John 278 , 285, 293. Cf Fergusson

Ferrall, Anne 266; Luke 266; William 266

Ferrers, Edward 36n*; Mary 36n

Ferres, Edward 36

Fewson, Jane Champney 332; John 332; Mary 332

Fewster , Rebecca 180

Fey, Anne 87

Fidele or Fidelis, rev. father 123. Perhaps a French Refugee priest


Fields , Mary 24 , 25, 27; Sarah 27; Thomas24 , 27

Filby, Anne 118

Filon, Farrall77; Patrick 133

Finch, Charles 125; Elizabeth 125

Finley, George 224; Isabel 224; Thomas 224

Finn, Fin, Catherine 303, 316; Edward 171-2; George 254*; Helena 172; John 300* , 302, 303*; Mary 254, 280; Thomas 172

Firby, Jane 15; Joanna 173 , 181

Firth, Elizabeth 133, 140*; Henry 140; Mary 163

Fisher, Anne 28* , 61, 110, 115 , 123 , 131 , 335, 350, 356, 361, 362* , 363*; Catherine 216; Dinah 28; Edmund 363; Elizabeth 46; Frances 96; George 28, 30, 34 , 35, 38, 41, 46, 96; Helena 35; Isaac 300*; James 96 , 152; John 30; Joseph41 , 362; rev

Joseph Cottam 328, 367; Mary 30 , 34 , 35 , 38 , 41, 46, 123 , 152, 163, 300; Matthias 362* , 363; Thomas97; rev William 7

Fitzgerald, Fitsgerald, Anne 138; Catherine 24 , 157: David 286; George 157; Helena 286; James 138 , 157, 286; John 22, 24; Margaret 24 , 157; Mary 172; Patrick58; Robert 138; William 157

Fitzherbert, Barbara42n ;Thomas42n

Fitzpatrick, Barnaby 176; Daniel Shiel 176; Elizabeth 110; Helena 298; Joanna 251*; Joseph 110*; Margaret 227; Mary 176, 221 , 277 , 282 , 293; William 251 , 277

Fitz(s)imons , Mary 286

Flattery, Rose 299; Thomas 299

Fleming, Flemming, Anne 40, 42 , 43, 229; Catherine 219; Eleanor 104; Elizabeth 239 ; James 219; Mary 213; Molly 216; Nicholas 219

Fletcher, Flecher, Anne 41 , 175, 183 , 195, 273; Elizabeth 284; George 305; rev H. C., O.P. 208; James 273 ; John 273; Joseph275; Robert 266 , 269 , 300, 314; Sarah 101 , 232; William282, 283* , 284

Flinham, Mary 60

Flinn, Bridget 174; Catherine 110; Edward 266, 303, 314*; John 174; Margaret 110 , 303, 314; Mary81 , 266 , 295; Mary Anne 266; Patrick 110; Peter 174: Susan 303. Cf. Flynn

Flintham, Eliza 73: John 73; Mary73

Flower, Anne Elizabeth 66; Elizabeth 72; Hannah 267; Mary66,, 72; Thomas 267*

Flynn, Bridget 160; James 160; Peter 160, 176. Cf. Flinn

Foley,Anne 291; Bridget 185; Helen

96; rev. Henry, S.J. 199n; James 96; Judith 96, 105 Follis, Elizabeth 260, 269; James 260* , 268, 278 Follon, see Fallon Fookes, Fooks, John 122, 132; Mary 132; Sarah 132 Foreman, Anne 222; Dorothy 241; Francis 217 , 222, 223, 226, 241 , 248 , 271 ; George 271; John 226, 305; Margaret 217, 222, 226, 237, 241 , 243 , 248* , 271 ; Mary 212 , 217, 258 , 273 , 285, 293, 298; Peter 275; Thomas 248* , 303

Forest, Elizabeth 308 Former, Sophia 156 Forster, Anne 282, 296, 307; Catherine218; Charles 241; Dorothy 218, 229* , 233 ; Elizabeth 224; Frances 313; Gregory Silvester 234; Helena 296*; James 219, 220* , 221* , 227 , 228, 230, 232, 234 , 246; Joanna 274 , 297; John 313; Margaret 313; Martha 241; Mary 227* , 234 , 241 , 246, 315; Michael 233 ; Nicholas297; William 218 , 229, 233, 297; William George 246

Foss, Mary 49; Thomas 49, 87; William 20

Fossard , Mary 70; Sarah 79. Cf. Fozard

Foster, Anne 76, 290* , 338, 339; Charles 238 , 246, 254; Dorothy216; Eleanor 246; Emerentia 327; Esther 346; Esther (Agnes) 347; Frances 63, 68, 76, 310; Helena 254; Henry 320, 339, 341, 342, 350; rev James 327 , 332* , 367; James 327; Joanna 288, 305, 316; John 288, 290; Mark 63* , 68, 76; Martha 238; Mary 213 , 254 , 320 , 330, 346, 352, 357; Mary (Clara) 347; Michael 305; Nicholas 288, 305, 316; Ralph 320; Robert 68; Sarah 216; Thomas 134 , 316 , 330* , 341; William 216, 336 , 338; Winifred 336

Foucher, rev. Peter Francis 103 , 108

Fountain, Fountaine, Anne 170 , 177*; Elizabeth 125; George 170, 177 , 184; Hannah 184; Isabel 79, 84, 88 , 95, 101 , 107 , 114 , 123, 129, 139 , 149 , 160 , 171; Joseph184; Mary 125; Thomas 125; William 170

Fourniss, Anne 19; Mary 19 ; William 19

Fowl, Fowle, Caroline287; Catherine 282, 287; John 282* , 287

Fowler, Anne 195; Elizabeth 127 , 195; Francis 90, 96, 105; Hannah 90; James 115 , 127; Joanna 115; Mary 90, 96, 105, 115 , 127: Mary Anne 96 ; William 105


Fox, Cornelius 186; David 148; Jane 91; Joanna 148, 162, 174, 181 , 190 , 191 ; Mary 124*; Theresa 176 , 186; Thomas 176

Foy, Anne 306; Catherine 216; James 216, 306* , 310; Sarah306, 310

Fozard, Mary 75, 82. Cf. Fossard

Francis, Joanna 160; John 160

Francisco, Francesco , Anastasia 19; Charles 95; Elizabeth 19 ; Harriot 95; Joseph 19; Louisa 95

Franck, rev . Richard 326

Franks, Anne 120, 127, 138, 147 , 166

Fraser, Joanna 185

Fraster, Rebecca 172

Fray, Mary 222

Freek, Joanna 250

Freeman, Charles 123; Edward 144; Henrietta 98, 112, 117* , 120 , 123 , 125 , 129 , 144; Henry 98, 112 , 117 , 123 , 129, 144; Isabel 98; James 129; Joanna 102 ; Mary 112; N. 102*

Freil, Daniel 269

Friar, Frier, Joanna 135; Michael 135* . Cf. Fryer

Frith, Elizabeth 121 ; Emma Mary 121; Henry 121; Joseph 126

Frost, Elizabeth 52

Fryer, Charles , 179*; Elizabeth 97, 106; Joanna 104* , 146; John 178; Joseph 196; Margaret 178; Michael 104 , 118 , 121, 147, 159; Sarah 190, 196; Thomas David 178. Cf. Friar

Fulham , Joseph 303

Fullerton, Anne 266; Esther 225 , 234 , 241 , 249, 262; Mary 324

Fultrop, Catherine 315

Fury, John 366, 367

Fylan, Fyland, Fylon, Farrell (Farrol, Pharell) 66, 83 , 127

G- James, 318

Gabb , Baker 15n; Blanche Parry 153n; John Baker 153n

Gage, William 62

Galacher , James 267

Galagher , Bridget 364; John 364; Patrick 364; Sarah 364

Galdi, Joseph 60

Gale (? Gall), Anne 137, 160; Joanna 153; John 160; Mary Anne 137; John 160; Robert 137, 160; Thomas 137

Gall, Agnes 266; Anne 82, 160 , 167 , 169, 266; Elizabeth 187; Frances 57, 62 , 70, 75, 82, 88, 94, 102 , 163 , 166, 169, 178, 180; George 62 , 153 , 166, 178 , 188, 192; Hannah 153; Isabel 169; John 160, 187; John Henry 167; Joseph 102 , 163; Margaret 153, 166, 178* , 188; Mary 75 , 163, 180, 192*; Robert 70, 160, 167 ,

169; Sarah 188; Thomas57, 62 , 70, 75, 82, 88* , 94, 102 , 153 , 166 , 169 , 266; William 57 , 94, 187. Cf. Gale

Gallagan , Bartle 49; Helena 49; Mary 49

Gallagh, Sarah 130

Gallagher , Bridget 364; Charles 315; Elizabeth 317; James 302 , 315; John 364; Margaret 302; Mary 302 , 315, 365; Patrick 317 , 364; Sarah 364. Cf. Galacher, Galagher, Gallahar

Gallahar, Anne 97*; James 97

Gallaligher, Margaret 99

Gallar, Margaret 81; Mary 81; Patrick 81

Gallerty, Edward 299 ; Susan 299; Thomas 299

Galley, John 283

Galliani, Peter66*

Gally, Dorothy 280; Elizabeth 230; Joanna 280; John 276* , 281; Joseph 280

Galtry, Henrietta 160

Galway, Ellen 260

Gandasquez, Charlotte 103

Gandley, Thomas 362

Gandy, Mary 252, 256, 273, 292 , 298 , 307

Ganly, Mary 259

Gannon , Ed 58, 63; Elizabeth 58* , 63; John 63

Garatry, John 58; Margaret 58; Thomas 58. Cf. Gartry

Garbett , Elizabeth 179

Garbot, Harriet 128; Joanna 128; William 128

Gard, Mary 362

Gardener , 295

Gardiner, James 224; John 224*; Mary 224

Gardner , Mary 141

Gare, Anne 258; Catherine 258; Dorothy 258 (?); Elizabeth 214 , 228 , 235, 237; James 214* , 235

Garnet, Anne 123; Frances 103 , 110 , 116; Jane 342 , 344

Garnett, Jane 339, 340, 342

Garsome, Emerentiana 47, 59

Garthorne , Michael 33

Garton, Anne 354; William 354

Gartry, Anne 52. Cf. Garatry

Gascoigne, Anne 28, 37; Helen 4; Mary 26* , 28; Susan 37; Sir Thomas 4; William 26* , 28 217; Henry 217; Gatesell, John 217

Gathworth, Anne 340

Gautry, Gautrey, Anne 64 , 70; Benjamin 138; Margaret 138; Mary 138

Gawthorpe, Benjamin 170 , 176;


Catherine 170; Margaret 170 , 176 Thomas 176

Gawtry, Gawtree, Anne 112; Benjamin 112 , 118; Margaret 112 , 118; Richard 118

Gay, Elizabeth 213; James 213; Mary 213

Geddes, Mary 226; MaryAnne 226; William 226

Geir, Elizabeth 216 ; James 216; John 216

Geldard, Anne 128 , 138

Genelli, Anthony 293

Gentenly, Helen 99

Gentle, Mary 143

George, Anne 290 ; Joanna 267; Mary 267; Peter 267

Geraldi , Charles 112; Henry 112; Sophia 112

Gerard , Gerrard, Alice 239 , 255; Anne 13 , 17 , 22, 24, 28, 31 ; Dorothy 42, 44: Elizabeth 13 , 16-7, 24 , 59; James 22; Thomas 13 , 17 , 22 , 24, 27 , 28*

Gibbin , Anne 89, 105; Elizabeth 134

Gibbon, Anne 110, 117; Isabel 217

Gibbons , Elizabeth 74, 129; Henry 74; Mary 86; Robert 74

Gibney, Patrick 151

Gibson , Anne 12 , 18, 137 , 316; Bridget 202; Dinah 185; Dorothy 290n; Eliza 134; Elizabeth 13 , 15 , 18, 21* , 26, 30, 33, 61 , 68, 70, 76, 89, 91 , 115 , 239 , 258*; Elizabeth Anne

297n; Frances 106, 115, 121 , 137 , 290n, 316, 323n ; George 12 , 13 , 15 , 18, 21, 26 , 30, 33, 40, 203, 273n* , 290n; Harriet297n ; Helena 33, 142 , 316; Henry 316; Isabel 320; rev

James 279n, 303n; James 203, 290n , 305n, 320, 321; Jane 15, 85, 91, 337; Jasper 48n, 323n; Joanna 68, 70, 75, 80, 103, 108 , 137, 148 , 165 , 176 , 278 , 303; John 49* , 106, 115 ; rev. Joseph Dunn 302-3 , 303n ; Margaret 276 , 279, 284, 290, 297, 303, 311; Margaret Elizabeth 273n , 290n ; Mary 12n, 18 , 21, 26, 132, 196, 227 , 279; Mary Anne 311n; rt rev Matthew 48n, 335n, 347n; Michael 26 ; Richard 121 , 126 , 132, 142; Robert 185* , 237; Susan 121 , 126, 132 , 142; rev Thomas 202-3; Thomas 15 , 17 , 22* , 27, 68, 97, 106, 248, 271, 276, 279, 284, 290n, 297* , 303, 311; Thomas Joseph 284, rt rev William48n , 205 , 206, 333 , 344, 347, 353n; William 126, 142; William Sidney 204n Gien, John 101 ; Margaret 101; Peter 101 Gildart , -167 Giles, Anthony 304; Catherine 277 ,

286* , 301 , 310 , 314 ; Dña 257; Dorothy238 , 278, 287, 293; Eleanor 304; Margaret 212, 219, 222* , 234* , 237, 243, 253, 277, 280, 283, 287, 293 , 304; Martha 144; Mary 105 , 117 , 271, 280, 288, 298, 310; Mary Anne 139, 148; Nicholas 212 , 219* , 222 , 249, 268, 277, 280, 293; Robert 212 , 262, 278; William 238 , 239, 240 , 248 , 277* , 286

Gilhaugher, Elizabeth 262; James 262; Mary 262

Gill, 142; Anne 48, 53 , 56, 64, 73 , 83; Barbara Anne 64, 190; Henrietta 73; Henry 53, 83; Joseph 56; Mary 110; William 50, 53, 56, 64, 73, 83

Gillespie , Gillespi, Alice 288; Catherine 311; John 288, 311; Mary285 , 311; Sarah 311

Gillian, Grace 69*

Gillin , Martin 227

Gillon, Hugh 251; John 251; Mary 251 ; Michael 251

Gillow, Alice 319, 327; Anne 304; rev. John 5, 7, 42*-83*; Margaret

304, 313, 319 ; Robert 310, 327; rev Thomas208 , 319

Gilmore, Elizabeth 282; James282* , 303*; Mary282 , 303

Giloughley, Bridget 72

Gilvray, Martin 226; Mary 226; William 226

Ginnis, Sarah 189

Gladwin, Mary 159

Glaspy, Mary 276 , 300

Glassbrook , rev William 163* , 164*

Gleddell , Elizabeth 16; Walter 16

Gledhill, Elizabeth 37, 53, 89 ; Mary 24, 32, 49; Walter 24

Gleeson , Mary257

Gleghorn, John 20* , 21; Mary 20, 21* , 23

Glendening , Glendenning , Glendining, Agnes 270; George 248, 257 , 262 , 270; Isabel 248; Mary 248 , 270; Mary Anne 257*

Glew, George 37, 39; John 39; Rachel 37, 39; Sarah 37. Cf. Glue

Glisson, Glison, William 282 , 315

Glover, Anne 152, 163 , 300; Hannah 145, 152; John 300; Margaret 300 , Sarah 191 , 195; Thomas 195*

Glue, Gluew, Anne 43, 46; Catherine Ruth 41; George 41, 43, 46, 51, 86; John 86; Mary 46, 51; Phoebe86 Rachel41 , 43* , 46, 51 , 86

Glynn, Patrick 178; Susan 178*; Thomas 178

Gobbi, Anthony 104 Gobbo , John 73

Godfrey, Andrew 361*; Henry 360;

Martin 360; Mary 281; Rose 360 , 361

Goff, Mary 109 , 113, 116, 150 , 185 , 192; William 170, 185. Cf. Gough

Golaker, Bridget 197; Michael 197; Patrick 197

Golay, Elizabeth 40

Goldfinch , Mary Georgiana 135

Goldie, mgr Edward Joseph 163n* , 168n; George 8, 14бn* , 147 , 153 , 163n , 168n , 195; Mary Anne 146, 153, 161 , 163, 168n; Mary Edith 168n; sister Mary Walburga 168n; William 153

Golding, Margaret 133; Michael 182

Golly, Anne 144; John 144; Mary 144

Gonnell, Elizabeth 131

Good, Catherine 262

Goodear, Goodeer, Goodere, Goodyear, Goodyere , Goodyrere , Anne 128, 140; Charles 107; Elizabeth 64; Mary 107 , 119 , 124, 132; Rachel 107; William 107 , 119

Goodell, Elizabeth 88

Goodreake , George 197

Goodwell , Mary 140

Goodwin, Benjamin 13; James Benjamin 13; Mary 13

Goody, Anne 116

Goodyear, see Goodear

Goolding, Joanna 262

Gordison , Elizabeth 268; Joseph 268; Mary 268

Gordon , 322; Adam 312; Alice 276; James 276, 349; Jane 322 Joanna 180; Mary276; Robert 312*; Rose 123; Susan 312

Gormaley, Gormally, Gormeley, Gormley, Helena 177 , 186 , 196; Mary 175 , 177 , 180 , 186, 193

Gorman, John 263; Mary 263; Mary

Anne 263

Gormon, Peter 250

Gormond, John 223

Gorning, John 257

Gorrard , 336

Gortry, Anne 43

Gosfort, Sarah 164; William 164

Gosson, Esther 112; Joanna Elizabeth 112; John 112

Gothorpe , Benjamin 150; Elizabeth 150; Margaret 150

Gotry, Anne 25* , 37; Thomas25

Gough, Goughh, Anne 274; Catherine 105; Charles 105; Elizabeth 307; Henry Thomas 307 ; Joseph 135; Mary93, 100, 107, 111 , 118, 120 , 125 , 131 , 144 , 180, 275; N. 274; Sarah 93; Sophia Henrietta 307; William 93 , 107. Cf. Goff

Goughtwaite, Mary 112

Goujin, Anne 29, 30, 33; John

Baptist 29, 30; John Baptist Mathurina 29 , 30

Gould, rt. rev dr 328

Gounard, Elizabeth 20; Mary 29

Gourard , Alice 15

Gourdon, Mary 222

Gouthwaite, Mary 106

Gowland, Anne 96; Frances 96

Gowthrop, Mary 332*; Richard 332

Grace, Patrick 253

Gradhill, Eleanor 32n

Grady, Judy 216; T. 133

Graham, Andrew 246; Anne 228 , 291; Catherine 197; James 271*; John 241, 246, 269, 280; Margaret 241 , 271 , 274; Mary 305, 360; Mary Anne 274; MaryIsabel 305; Patrick 269, 286; Samuel 274; Susan 241 , 246, 269, 280*; Thomas 360; William 291 , 305 , 315

Granby, Catherine 312

Grant, Eleanor 309; Elizabeth 298 , 300, 309; John 298, 309; Mary 298 , 299

Grave, Anne 78, 86 ; Margaret 114

Graves, Anne 15* , 269 ; John 15 ; Margaret 128 , 152

Gray, Anne 72, 75* , 78, 79* , 152 , 165 , 194, 255, 288, 294, 299 ; Charles 255; Eleanor 309, 313; Elizabeth 29 , 61 , 62, 81, 84, 90, 237, 239, 241, 246 , 253 , 255* , 260, 263, 264, 265, 270* , 274 , 276, 280, 287, 292* , 295, 302 , 304 , 309* , 317 , 330; Esther 255; Frances 152; Isabel 239 , 317 , 317; James 316; Jane 212; Jeremy 294; Joanna 164, 176, 184, 195, 237, 253, 284, 288 , 324; John 176 , 237, 239, 246* , 253 , 254, 259 , 260, 264 , 265 , 268 , 274 , 286 , 288, 299* , 301, 302* , 317 ; Joseph 176 , 184* , 194-5; Margaret 152 , 164 , 182 , 294; Mary 52, 324; N. 164; Oswald 14 , 15n , 31 , 35, 57; Ralph 265; Richard 152; Richard Tindley 182; Samuel 274; Sarah 182 , 264; Thomas 241, 255, 302; William 309, 317

Graye, Eliza 319

Greane, Mary 129

Greaves, Anne 248, 259

Greavson, Robert 261; Susan 261; Thomas 261

Green, Anne 314; Charles 306; Elizabeth 214; Hugh 303 , 306; James 310 , 312 , 316 , 317* , 318*; Joanna 149, 166; John 148 , 149; Mary 131* , 214; Peter 214; Rosanne 306; William 166 Greenhen, Elizabeth 282

Greensides, Helen 362

Greenwell , Catherine 211


Greenwood, Anne Elizabeth 156; Elizabeth 15; Elizabeth Joanna 191 ; Joanna 147 , 165, 173 , 182, 191 ; Joseph Thomas 147; Mary22; Mary

Agnes 182; SarahAgnes 165; Sarah

Joanna 156 , 188; Theresa 173; William 141 , 147, 150, 156, 165 , 173 , 182 , 191

Greer, Isabel 258

Gregg, Greggs, Catherine 288, 304; Dorothy 233 , 241, 306 ; Ed 74; James 216; Joseph 233*; Mary216* , 241 , 313; N. 298; Sarah 306; William 216 , 233, 239, 241, 303 , 304, 306, 313, 318

Gregson, Anne 327

Greham , Margaret 131

Grenwood, William 188

Greve, Anne 286*

Grey, rev, S.J. 3; Catherine 297; Elizabeth 173, 249, 285* , 289, 297, 308 ; Joanna 285; John 285; Margaret 173; Robert 173; Samuel 308*

Grice, Jane 338

Grier, Francis 164; Mary 164; Mary Anne 164

Griffin, very rev. James 328, 329

Griffiths, Grifiths, Anne 145, 150 , 166

Grimshaw , Mary 289

Groves, Elizabeth 178

Grown, James Michael 301; Joanna 301

Grundy, 315; Elizabeth 238, 246; Joanna 315; John 315; Margaret 246

Gudderick , Gudrick, Martha 119; Stephen 100 , 119

Guilfoil, Elizabeth 249; Mary 249 ; Peter 249

Guilmore, Guilmor, Catherine 303, 316; George 316; Hannah 315 ; Hugh 315; Jacson 303, 316; John 303; Mary 312 , 315

Guine, Margaret 100

Guire, Anne 248; James 248; Matthew 313; William 248

Gummon, Margaret 362

Gurfy, Henry 360; Martin360; Rose 360

Guy, Abraham 360*; Catherine 360; Helena 259 , 268; John 259; Joseph 268; Mary360*; William 259, 268

Gwillim , Anne 352

Habell, rev. Mark 209

Hacet, Haset, Thomas 86, 90

Hadderick, Haddrick , Hadrick, Hatherick, Elizabeth 223* , 224* , 225* , 227, 229, 230* , 231, 232* , 233* , 234* , 235* , 237 , 238* , 239, 240* , 241 , 242 , 243 , 244* , 245 249, 258 , 290 ,

Haddock, Elizabeth 223

Hadley, Martha 30; William 28

Hadrington, Haddrington, Mary284*

Haffernan, Mary 74

Hagan , Helena 310; Isabel 310; James 310; Patrick 301; Sarah 80

Haggerston , sir Carnaby 278n ; Edward 350n , 361; Frances 278n ; sir John 350n ; Margaret 273, 278n; Margaret Frances 125n , 278n; Mary Anne Sarah 273 ; Miriame Sarah 273n; sir Thomas 125n, 273n , 278n* , 350n*; Winifred273 , 350n

Haggerty, Christina 259; Luke 259; Mary 259 ; William 259

Hagues, Juliana 79; Thomas 79

Haindson, Anne 48

Hakesworth, Helena 188

Haland, Lois 47

Halbrook, Anne 267 Martha 79; Hales, Alex 300, 301*; Catherine 285; Elizabeth 268, 276, 300; James 263, 267 , 276; John 268; Martin 276* , 285, 290, 293, 296, 299* , 300* , 302, 304, 305, 306, 310, 311* , 316, 318; Mary 268, 276 , 285, 290, 293, 300, 306, 311, 315; N. 314; William 276

Haley, Patrick 194 194; MaryAnne 194; Halford, Thomas 65

Halfpenny, Anne 43* , 48; Frances 43 , 52; William 43, 48* Hall, 116 , 351, 355 , 356, 357 ; Anne 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 87, 101 , 108 , 116 , 314, 315, 316 ; Anthony 49, 100; Barbara 244, 251 , 257, 266, 274 , 295, 308, 318; Barbara Anne 316; Bridget 269; Caroline 186 , 194; Caroline Winifred 186; Charles 82; Ed 73; Edward 353, 358* , 362 , 364; Elizabeth 216, 257 , 282 , 295, 298, 300, 303, 305* , 307 , 311, 319; Frances 63; Helen 89; Isabel 240, 261, 265 , 272, 280; Jane 89, 321; Joanna 83 , 214 , 240, 284; John 63, 67, 70, 73, 75, 78* , 82, 89 ; Juliana 67; Margaret 223 , 244 , 255 , 287; Martha 276, 285; Mary 33, 116n, 353 , 357; Monica363, 364; N. 261; Sarah65, 72, 261; Sophia63, 67 , 70, 73, 78, 82; T. 83; Theresa 70; Thomas 73, 82, 89, 186* , 194* , 355, 357; ThomasAtkinson 82; Thomasine 225, 230; William 268, 316; Winifred 60, 65, 73, 82, 186

Hallydale, John 303; Mary 303; Sarah 303

Halston, Elizabeth 115

Hamel, Mary 157 , 187 , 193

Hamerton, Mary 96; William 96; William Richard 96



Hamilton , 215; Anne 278; Elizabeth 145; Jane 214 ; Joanna 212, 217, 284 , 288, 293; Margaret 219 , 220 , 225 , 229, 236, 244 , 253 , 265 , 320; N. 324; Robert 145*

Hammell, Catherine 302, 310; Daniel 302 , 310; Elizabeth 302; Michael 310

Hamond, Dorothy 39; Jeremiah 39; William39

Hampson , Hamson, Hampsom, Hamsom , Anne 163*; Joseph 163; Martha 163

Hanby, John 301

Hand, 295; Alice 295; Francis 255; Joanna 262; John 248, 306; Martha 248 , 255, 262 , 272 , 295 ; Robert Buckless 272; Thomas 248, 255* , 262 , 272 , 295

Handford, Elizabeth 116

Handling, Edward 290*; Helena 290

Handson, Anne 48

Handy, Thomas 245

Hanlan, James 163 ; John 163, 297; Mary 163

Hanley, Hanlay, Hanly, Anne 301; Joanna 310; John 298 , 301* , 303 , 307 , 308 , 310; Michael 81; Susan 301 , 310

Hanlon, Mary 113

Hann, Alice 293; Eliza 258; Isabel 293: James 258 , 293

Hannah, Catherine 317; James 273; Margaret 304 ; Ursula 304; William 304

Hannay, Henry 293; Margaret 293; William 293

Hansby, Judith 38

Hansom , Hanson, Anne 72n , 123 , 128 , 152n; Anne CatherineAngelica 72; Catherine Elizabeth 59 ; Elizabeth 47, 50, 62, 71 , 88 , 97* , 105 , 114* 123 , 145; Hannah 145, 152n; Henry 57, 59, 72; Henry John 145n; John 121 , 152; Joseph 47, 97, 121 , 145 , 152 ; Joseph(Aloysius) 145n; Joseph S. 1 , 10; Martha 114; Mary 53; MaryAnne 105; Paulina Mary152n; Richard 12 , 22, 59, 63, 66 , Son , 97 , 105 , 114 , 123 , 128; Richard Joseph 97n; Sarah 59, 72, 91, 96, 115

Hanway, Mary 335

Haran, Brian 110

Harbottle, George 270*; Margaret 270

Harbut, Eleanor 284; George 284; Henry 284; Mary 284 158; Hardcastle , Anne 148, 155, 160 , 162 , 171 , 178 , 194*; Catherine Dorothy89, 102; Frances 348; John 148, 155, 162* , 171 , 178, 194; Mark 148; Martha 155, 171; Thomas178 Harding, Robert 295

Hardisty, Anne Mary 31 ; Mary 26

Hardman, Anne 151n

Hardware, Anne 59

Hardy, Anne 101, 238 , 253, 279; Elizabeth 96, 224 , 237 , 238 , 239 , 244 , 246, 254, 255, 263, 265, 279, 280, 292; Hannah 260, 270, 280, 295; Isabel 239, 245, 246, 253, 257 , 265; Joanna 154, 155, 167, 244, 246, 253 , 254 , 265* , 270, 271 , 292; John 238, 244 , 253 , 254, 263 , 265* , 270, 279, 292* , 295; Martha 148; Mary 237 , 238 , 269, 288, 295, 304; R. 271 ; Ralph 232 , 237 , 246 , 253, 254* , 255 , 257 , 260, 269, 279, 280, 292; Sarah 263; Thomas 237, 245, 253, 260, 270 , 280 , 295; William 263 Hare, Alice 45 , 47, 50, 52, 55; Anne 27; Ed 52; George 50 , 196, 320* , 322; Helena 186, 196; John 47; Mary 118 , 196; Matthew 196; Matthew John 45, 118; Thomas210*; ThomasBedlington 320; William 45, 47 , 50, 52, 55* , 58, 118 Hargitt, Hargitte , Hargett , Hargate, Anne 13n, 65, 89; Catherine59, 120 , 121 , 122 , 123* , 124* , 125, 126 , 127* , 129, 132 , 135, 136, 180; Catherine Agnes 43 ; Charles 31, 35, 65, 76 , 91 , 172; Elizabeth 27, 40, 54, 57 , 59, 61 , 62 , 63, 65* , 66, 69 * , 73* , 77 , 78, 83, 84, 87, 89, 92, 94, 99, 107, 116 , 126 , 136 , 158, 172, 180, 185; James 19 , 40* , 57: Jane 13 , 14 , 16, 19, 90 , 91 , 97; Joanna 20-1, 21, 22 , 23 , 27, 31 , 35, 39 , 43, 57, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69* , 73 , 74, 78 , 84, 108* , 158; Joanna Elizabeth 54; John 16, 22, 50, 53, 54* , 59, 61, 65* , 69* , 73 , 76, 77 , 83, 85, 89, 91, 92, 99, 103, 172, 180; John James 77: Joseph 39; Mary 13 , 40* , 57, 97 , 130; Mary Xaveria 61; Richard 13n, 16, 19, 21 , 22, 23n , 27 , 31 , 35, 39, 43, 55,57, 59, 60, 62 * , 65, 66, 67, 72 , 73, 78, 84, 91, 148 , 171 ; Sarah 83, 176

Hargrave, Hardgrave, Anne 95; Elizabeth 47, 50, 59* , 81 , 89; Esther 43 , 47, 50, 53, 56, 60; Francis 133; Hannah 51 , 72; James 51 , 59, 63, 66, 72* , 77 , 83 , 89, 95, 102, 110 , 117* , 124 , 133; John 63, 81; Joseph 124 , 188; Mary 51, 59, 63, 66* , 72 , 77, 83 , 89, 95 , 102 , 107 , 110* , 117 , 124 , 133 , 141 , 158 , 166; Michael 102; Robert 83; Sarah 59, 77; Thomas 81; William 66. Cf. Hargrove Hargrove, John 141; Mary 141; William 141 Harker, Charles 183 , 358; Elizabeth 183; George 353; Hannah 358, 359; Joseph 359; Matilda 359 ; Thomas


353, 358; William 353, 358, 359* , 361

Harl, Joanna277

Harland, Elois 53; Lois 61, 76; Mary 349*; Sarah 354*; William 363

Harman, Anne 179; James 360; Norah 360*

Harnold, Eleanor 106; James 106*

Harnon, Mary 96

Harper, Anne 309; Benjamin 309; Mary 295; Michael 309; Sarah266

Harragon, Patrick 301

Harrald, Dennis 295

Harris, Catherine 197; Elizabeth 256 ; John 320; Joseph 197*; Mary 224, 320

Harrison, Harison , 336, 366; Alice 52, 56, 63, 67, 78; Anne 22, 33* , 71, 141, 276 , 282, 290* , 297, 303 , 337; Barbara 255; Catherine 195* , 357 , 362; Cornelius 363; David 184 , 195; Dorothy 30 , 33, 35; Edward 346 , 359, 362; Elizabeth 33, 34, 61 , 113 , 244, 250, 260, 262, 288, 303 , 344, 345 , 346, 348, 355, 359; Emma Mary 123; Frances 30; George 358; Grace 221 , 230, 262, 275, 277 , 281 , 284, 286, 288, 294, 299, 308, 311, 312; Helena 127; Henry 61* , 120 , 276 , 290*; Hugh 276 , 282, 290* , 303; Isabel 149, 364; James 30, 82, 282; Joanna 42, 45, 51, 54 , 220, 241 , 294 ; John 22 , 25* , 27, 30 , 33, 34* , 71 , 89 , 102 , 104, 124 , 141, 149, 173, 221 , 230 , 249, 277, 312, 331, 332, 345, 358, 359, 360* , 361, 362, 363, 364; Joseph120 , 252 , 331 , 334 , 335 , 336 , 337 , 342 , 345 , 346, 348; Joseph (John) 333; Leonard 35; Margaret 184 , 290*; Mary 22 , 25, 27, 30, 58, 61 , 71, 89* , 102 , 113 , 116 , 120* , 124 , 126, 127 , 153 , 173 , 215 , 218, 223, 227, 241 , 249 , 255, 259, 269, 285, 292, 301, 312, 331, 332 , 334 , 336* , 337, 338, 343 , 355 , 358, 359, 360* , 361, 362, 363, 364; Mary Catherine 184; Monica 360, 366; N. 265; Richard 357; Roger (Thomas) 334; Rose 260; Sarah38, 42; Theresa 102; Thomas 27, 44 , 48, 113 , 124, 318; William 30, 33* . 35, 124, 153, 336 , 361

Harrower, Margaret 268 , 278

Hart, Helena46; Isabel 107

Hartless, Mary 305

Hartley, Anne 95, 96, 100, 110, 226*; Charles 187; Jane 91; John 110; Mary Anne 100; Sarah 92

Hartnett ,John259

George 120; Henry 180; John 73 , 87, 88, 93, 99 ; Mary 116; Sarah 116, 120, 135 , 180*; Thomas56 , 115 , 121; William 51 , 63, 67, 72, 73 , 78*; William James 121

Harvey, William 282

Hasan, Mary 302

Haset, Hacet, Thomas86, 90

Hastings, Euphemia 62; Henry 62; Mary 62

Hatherick, see Hadderick

Hatley, Margaret 168; Mary Anne 167; Robert 168

Hatt, Harriet 306

Hatton, Anne 248

Haughton, Anne 345

Haviside, Abraham 237* , Margaret 237

Haw, Alice 127, 131 , 137 , 161 ; Anne 118, 131* , 140 , 155, 170* , 191; Elizabeth 191; Harriet 140; Joanna 155; John 131; William 140 , 155 , 170 , 191

Hawe, John 95; Mary95 ; Robert 95

Hawkins, Elizabeth 273 ; Francis 273 ; Mary 117 , 122, 151 , 166, 179, 273

Hawkswell,Hawkeswell, Hawskswell, Anne 193; Charles 193 ; Elizabeth 134; William 193 , 194

Hawksworth, Hawkworth , Anne 154 , 336, 343*; Esther 335; Helena 113 , 127 , 134, 154; John 154, 331 , 335 , 336, 343, 348; Mary 335; Peter 343

Hay, 320; Emerentia 327; John 211 , 323; Mary 211 , 320, 323

Hayes, Cecilia 272; Charles 297; Elizabeth 157; JosephAugustin 221; Mary 221* , 227 , 234; Matthew Miller221; Sylvester221

Hays, 211 ; Cecilia 269; George 269; Mary 211 , 246 ; Mary

Bibiana 269; Thomas 211

Heabon, William 296

Headen, Mary 292

Headhy, Anne 319; John Carrick 319; William 319

Headley , Joseph57, 213; Richard 57; Sarah 57

Martha 35; Cf. Hedley Mary 291

Headon, Lawrence 291; Healey, Healy, Hialy, Anne 290; Frances 283*; Helena 290; John 290

Heap, Elizabeth 61

Heatley, James 13

Heaton, Anne 252*; Elizabeth 245 , 248* , 252, 263, 265, 266, 288; N. 305; Rose 273 , 305 ; Roz (? Rosanne) 238 ; William 215, 248, 252 , 257, 263* , 266, 273, 284

Heavyside , Abraham 243 , 248; Dorothy 248; Hannah 270; Joanna

Harton, Amice 180; Amos 116 , 120 , 135 Anne 135; Christopher 63; Elizabeth 63, 67* , 73* , 78, 115* , 121; 395


256; Margaret 243, 248 ; Mary 243 . Cf. Haviside

Hebden, Catherine 51 ; James 51; William 51

Hebditch, Charles 181 ; George 160; James 133 , 143, 160, 172, 181, 187* , 196; Mary Agnes 172; Rebecca 133, 143, 160, 172 , 181 , 187, 196; Valentine 196; William 133 , 143

Heddon , Mary 19

Heddrick, Hedderick , Hederick, Elizabeth 223, 228, 231, 232* , 233* , 235* , 236* , 237 , 238, 242, 244 , 245* , 269; Robert 242*

Heden, Elizabeth 71; William 71*

Hedlam, Margaret 214

Hedley, Hedly, 230; Anne 124 , 155, 229* , 296 , 301 , 311; Catherine 229, 259; Edward 259; Isabel 299 , 310; John 224, 229 , 235 , 259; John Craddwick 296; Margaret 210 , 301 ; Mary 231 , 240, 245 , 251 , 252, 260, 345* , 346; Michael 64; Nicholas 64 , 79; Sarah 64 , 235; William 33 , 210* , 212 , 218, 235 , 288 , 296, 301, 311*

Hefy, Julia 105

Heghair, Bridget 298; Jeremiah298; John 298

Hegues, Cora Mary 85; Martha 85;

Thomas 85

Helder, Anne 289; John 289; Margaret 289

Heldreth, Hildreth, Heldrith, Anne 169; Emma Mary 169

Helstone, Elizabeth 121

Helstripp, Helstrib , Catherine65, 74; Mary 73*

Hemming, Heming Anne 87; Henry 87 , 164; William 87

Hemsworth, Himsworth , Frederick 143; Henry 143; Joanna 143; John 143

Henby, John 294

Henderson , Anne 12 , 16, 134 , 146 , 224 , 227, 248 ; Anne Taylor 237; Barbara 222; Catherine 12; David 217 , 222 , 224 , 227, 228, 230, 237 , 241 , 245* , 249 , 257 , 263; Edward 265; Elizabeth 222, 227, 248, 252 , 257 , 263; Frances Monica 263; Francis Bradshaw 245 ; George 249; Isaac 291; Isabel 248, 269 ; James 12 , 14 , 16 ; Jane 16, 95; John 224, 230 , 309; Mary 222 , 224, 227 , 230, 237* , 241 , 245, 249, 253, 254 , 257, 260 , 262 , 263* , 270 , 272 , 285; Monica Theresa 241; Priscilla 291; Thomas 12 , 95*; William 271

Henlay, John 298

Hennagan , Phoebe 298

Hennesy, Henesey, Elizabeth 161 , 167

Henny,Anne 300 ; Bernard300, 344* , 346; Margaret 300

Henraen, Edward 186; James 186; Joanna 186

Henrick, Henric, Henerick, Herrick , Anne 101 , 116 , 147 , 162, 175, 186; Elizabeth 186; John 162; Joseph 101 , 109 , 116 , 147 , 162 , 175* , 186; Margaret 116; Mary 101 , 151; William 147

Henry, Bernard 116; Elizabeth 116*; James 315; Joseph 315 ; Margaret 232; Mary 311 , 315; Sarah299

Hensley, Mary 81

Henwright, Anne 262 , 284

Henzell, 314

Henzy, Mary 261

Heppell , Hepple, Dorothy 222 , 282; Eleanor 222; Elizabeth 253, 264 , 274, 285, 302, 317; Isabel 286; Mary 286; N. 286; Sarah 211*; William 222

Hepton, Eliza 362; Hannah 363; Joseph 362, 363*; Sarah 362, 363* , 364, 365; William 363

Heptonstall, rev G. 178; George 37; Joanna40; Mary27 , 37; Thomas23

Hepworth, Elizabeth 73, 87

Heron, Herron, Bryan 269; Catherine 269; Edward 269; John 302* , 320, 322; Margaret 302

Herrick, see Henrick

Herrington, Cornelius230; Elizabeth 230; John 230

Herworth, Catherine 156; Elizabeth 170; Margaret 158; Mary 158 , 170; Mary Anne 174; Robert 148 , 158 , 165, 170; Robert Joseph 158

Heslegrave , Heselgrave , John 94, 96, 101; William 100, 163* , 166

Heslop , Anne III; Hannah 307* , 318; John 307, 318; Sarah 318; Thomas 307

Hetherington, Elizabeth 268, 276

Hethol, Anne 129 *; Edward 129*; Martha 129; Monica 129. Cf. Ethol

Hetson, Hannah 56

Hewes , Hewges (? Hughes ), Daniel 279 ; John 297; Patrick297; Sarah297

Hewetson , Hewitson, Hewison, Anne 17 , 28, 31 , 38, 69, 82; Barbara 63 , 65, 70 , 73 , 76, 79; Joanna 28; John 63; Joseph 17; Mary 74, 259 , 289; Mary Anne 38; Robert 12 , 17, 27, 28 , 31 , 38

Hewett, Hewitt, Hewit, Anne 142 , 153, 160, 185; Elizabeth 142

Hewson , Alice 82, 85, 93, 98, 103, 114, 122, 138; Anne 80; Edmund Joseph 93; Hannah 133; Helena 80; Jane 85; Joanna 103; John 80, 85, 93, 98 , 103, 114; Mary 114; Sarah 161 , 195; William 133


Heydon , Martha 152

Hick, Catherine 114; Joanna 104; Mary 41, 46, 96, 100, 104, 114; Mary Anne 96, 147; Robert 96, 100, 104, 114; Stephen96; Theresa 100

Hickey, Hicky, Andrew 45 ; Catherine 300; Mary 275*

Hicks , Anne 186; Caleb 251; Elizabeth 251; Grace251; Susan 186

Hickson, Anne 322; Michael 16 Cf. Hixon

Higgin, Elizabeth 301*; Patrick 301

Higgins, Anne 78, 133; Edward 310; Elizabeth 310; Isabel 299; James 299* , 310; John 240 ; Mary 155 ,240; Patrick 90, 92; Peter 90, 310; Rose 240; Sarah90, 92

Hilbert, Hilberd , Sarah 347 , 349 , 352* , 356, 359; Sarah (Mary) 353

Hill, Anne 18; Charles 12 , 24 , 35;

Elizabeth 31* , 77, 81, 93 ; George 23; Hannah 158, 310; Joanna 279 , 304; Mary 249 , 304; Mary Anne 304; N. 286; Sarah67; Stephen304; Thomas 15 , 24 , 28

Hilliard, Anne 215* , 222; Elizabeth 215; James 215; Joseph 215* , 222; Robert 222

Hilligen, Anne 55; Catherine 55; John 55

Hills, Elizabeth Mary124; Henry199

Hilstripp, Mary 54

Hilton, Anne 170; Charlotte 183; Elizabeth 132 , 140, 148 , 180; Frances 183; George 120, 140 , 143, 148 , 183; Martha III, 120, 127, 139 , 144; Theresa 144; Thomas III, 115, 144

Himsworth, Harriet363*; rev . Robert 38

Hincliff, Mary 79; Thomas79

Hind, David 296; Ed 270; Edward 244* , 270, 295 ; George 270 ; Mary 41, 244, 270 , 274

Hinde, Mary 50

Hinderson , Arabella 32; Elizabeth 23; Joanna 103 , 113; John 113; Jonathan 103; Theresa 39; Thomas 103 , 113

Hinds, Daniel 107

Hindson, Anne 28; Susan 51

Hines , Anne 137

Hinman, JoannaIII

Hinnah , Mary 113

Hinsley, Elizabeth 128 ; George 124 , 128; Joanna 154 , 164, 173; Mary 154; Rebecca 154; Thomas173

Hixon, Joseph21-2 ; Margaret 22, 23, 27; Michael 22 , 23, 27*; William 23

Hmde Bank (? Hindebank), Mary 44

Hobbs , 194 Hober, Bridget 183

Hodgins , Anne 106; MaryAnne 106; William 106

Hodgson , Hodghson, Hodshon, rev. 325; Albert 322n; Anne 231 , 337 , 340; Anthony 241 , 251 , 254 , 256, 271, 280, 283, 285, 286, 287* , 288, 295, 298, 302 , 310* , 314*; Catherine 322n*; Dorothy 298; Edward 89; Elizabeth 92, 151, 243 ; Frances 322n ; George 240; James 353 : Jane 89, 213; Joanna 106 , 114 , 120; Joseph353; Margaret 213, 288; Mary 64* , 89, 94 , 97, 107, 110* , 114 , 271 , 277 , 278, 280, 288, 298 , 310 , 320n ; Mary Anne 132, 280; Nicholas 271; Peter 353; Ralph 322n ; Rebecca 240; Richard 322n; Sarah 236 , 239 ; Susanna 355; rev. Thomas 337n , 351; Thomas240 , 337; William236* 353

Hodkinson, Anne 242* , 251, 256 , 261 , 269, 280, 286, 296; Charles 212 , 215 , 242, 256 , 258, 260 ; Margaret 244 , 249, 256, 266, 275, 284, 295 , 305; Mary 238 , 244, 251 , 256, 257 , 263 , 266,270*

Hoey, George 57

Hogan, Elizabeth 137; Margaret 277

Hogarth, rev. Robert 337n

Hogg,Anne 302; Elizabeth 277 , 310 , 320; John 259* , 268, 277 , 289* , 302; Margaret 268, 320; Mary 259 , 268 , 277, 289, 302

Hoggart, rev . William 208, 267n , 271*; William 260

Hogget, John 54

Hogson, Mary 89

Hokesworth, Anne 340*; John 340

Holdbury, Catherine 192

Holden, Mary 138

Holdforth, Charles 46; Cor 51

Holdgate, Elizabeth 44

Holdpath, Mary64

Holdrige, Mary 177

Holgate, Anne 44, 47*; Samuel 44, 47

Holland, Anne 167. Cf. Ecclestone , rev Thomas

Holme, Elizabeth 350n; Francis 107; John 350n

Holmes, Holms, Anne 80, 85, 90-1, 94, 101 , III, 120; Elizabeth 74 , 93; Frances 66; Francis 79, 80* , 86, 93, 98* , 107; Harriet 362 ; Jeremiah 161; John 66; Sarah 66, 80, 86, 93, 98 , 107, 175: Thomas 86; William 107

Holsby, Charlotte 183

Holtby, rev. Richard, S.J. 2

Hope, Anne 317; James 317; Simon 317; Thomas 304; William 64

Hopkirk, Margaret 90, 96

Hoppe, Anne 159; Mary 159; Thomas 159


Hopper, George 223 ; Joanna 160 , 177 , 188; Margaret 223; Mary 223

Hopps, Hops, Anne 24, 39, 119 , 127* , 136, 147; Elizabeth 134 , 145; Esther

166; Francis 119, 143; Helena 39 , 173; Henrietta 181; John 143 , 155 ,

166; Mary 50, 52, 57, 62, 119 , 143 , 145 , 155* , 166*; Richard 39, 181; Sarah 181; Thomas 173; Ursula 25; William 155*

Hopton, Anne 105

Hopts, John 129; Mary 129*; Thomas 129*

Horan, Elizabeth 314; Patrick 101; Sarah 101; William 101

Horchard, Frances 66

Hormston, N. 298

Horn, Elizabeth 299*

Horner, 103; Jane 86, 97; Joanna 81; Mary 163*; William 163

Horseman, John 336; Sarah 187; William 187*

Hortley, Anne 108

Hossman , John 335

Hotkinson, Anne 216, 217 , 224 , 227; Charles 217 , 224, 226, 240; Margaret 235, 239; Mary 227 , 239

Hott, Henrietta 262

Howard, Anne 66, 67 , 72, 99, 100; Catherine 165; CatherineMary 165; Dr. Charles 336n, 344; Frances 57 , 62, 70, 75, 82, 88, 94, 102; George 98; Hannah 98 , 106*; Henry 165n; Isabel 75, 88, 137; John 66; Martha 57 , 118 , 123; Mary 60, 105 , 118; MaryAnne 123; Nathaniel 105 , 106 , 118*; Philip 20; Susan 105 , 106; Thomas88, 118, 123; ThomasShafto 106; William 98

Howdle, Margaret 49

Howe , How , 226; Adam 89; Anne 223* , 227 , 243, 263 , 291; Benedict 226 , 234, 243, 291; Charles 210, 211 , 234, 274; Charlotte 158; Dorothy 226* , 234 , 243 ; Elizabeth 89, 234, 275 , 284 , 291, 301; Frances 288; George 223* , 226, 227 , 230, 231 , 233, 236, 248 , 263, 275, 284 , 301; James 210 , 284; Joanna 222; John 158, 223 , 319 ; Joseph 288; Margaret 243, 248, 263, 275* , 284 , 301*; Mary 71 , 89, 124 , 210; Mary Anne 263; N. 278 ; Norah 360; Sarah158; Walter 288; William 71

Howell, Catherine 109 ; Margaret 41

Hoy, G. 68; George 57; Margaret 128; Mary 281, 312

Huart, Catherine256

Huccuss, Deborah 320; Robert 320

Hudkinson, Anne 245

Hudson, Hudgson, Anne 180, 195 , 215 ; Elizabeth 125, 134, 145 , 156 ,

168, 177 , 195, 219, 229, 239; Henrietta 145; Isabel 233; Joanna 134 , 256, 262* , 266, 273, 304; John 195, 262; John H. 256 , 273; John Haworth256 , 266, 304; Joseph 177; Lucy 304; Mary 125; Priscilla 168; Susan 273; William 125 , 134 , 145 , 156* , 168 , 177 , 195 , 266

Hudspith, William 27

Huert, Catherine226 , 246

Hueson, Robert 53

Huggup, Robert 211

Hughes, Huges , Anne 308; Charles 75, 100; Daniel 139; Helena 139; James 50, 231; John 296; Margaret 231; Mary50* , 52, 293, 295; Patrick 231 , 308 ; Samuel 75, 139: Sarah308

Huison, Anne 19, 22, 24; James 24; Mary 22, 268 ; Robert 19* , 22, 24

Hull, Caroline 179; Charles 182; Elizabeth 182; John 179; Thomas 179

Hulworth , Thomas 44

Humble, rev J. 208

Humes, Anne 279

Hunon, captain

320; Anne 305; 91 Hunt, Anne 12 , 13, 15; Felix 192; Francis 13 , 15 , 16 , 18, 21, 35 , 40; Helena 35; Janet Elizabeth 361*; Joseph 13 ; Margaret 57; Mary 15; Michael 361; Sarah 192*; Winifred 336

Hunter, 220, 239*; Dinah 124; E. 103; Ed 261; Elizabeth 83, 90, 92, 93, 94* , 96* , 98, 101* , 102 , 104 , 110 , 167 , 211 , 221 , 225, 231 , 239* , 243* , 251 , 261, 264* , 277 , 320*; Isabel 221 , 231 , 245 , 254, 277 , 316; Joanna 314; John 221 , 239; Joseph 231 , 239, 243 , 264* , 316; Margaret 231; Mary 103, 173, 225, 245 , 260 261* , 262, 264, 316; N. N. 94; Rose 240, 257 , 259, 260, 261; Theresa Emma 110; Thomas 221 , 225 , 238 , 240* , 245, 246, 251, 264* , 265 , 277; William220 , 221 , 225, 231, 239* , 243 , 251 , 254, 264* , 277 , 320, 323

Hurworth , Urworth , Anne 87; Catherine 88, 121; David 87, 93; David Christopher 180; Elizabeth 87, 93, 121 , 149, 183; rev Henry, O.S.B. 190n; Lewis 149, 178; Margaret 153, 178; Maria 87; Mary 131 , 141 , 149, 172, 180, 191 ; Mary Anne 180, 189; Robert 88 , 131 , 132* , 133 , 141 , 165, 180, 183, 191; Theresa 93, 178; Thomas 63, 64, 69, 71, 87, 93, 101 , 141; William 131

Husband , Sarah 186, 188; Thomas 184, 185, 188; William 188 Huson , Mary 277


Hustole , Hannah 316

Hutchinson, Huchinson, Anne 223; Margaret 110, 119, 213, 219 ; Mary 260; Michael 219; Richard 260; Sarah 260; Thomas 213* , 219 , 223*

Hutton, John 26, 31 ; Mary 12 , 15

Hyamon, Frances 227; George 227; Mary 227

Hyanson, Edward 244

Hyland, Nicholas 296

Hynes, Bridget 299

Ibbetson, Ibbitson , Ibbotson, Ibottson, Ibbertson, Anne 42, 45, 49, 61 , 72; Hannah 36, 38, 66; Joanna 176 , 184, 195

Ibbs, Elizabeth Mary 194

Imlage, Joanna 265

Ingarm, see Ingram

Ingham, Anne 266; Charles 238 , 285 , 286, 287, 288* , 296, 302; Elizabeth 215, 218, 243-4 , 315; James 230 , 233 , 237, 238, 239, 242, 244, 247, 248, 249 , 255, 256* , 266, 272, 275, 284, 295, 305 , 312; John 239, 305; Joseph 275; Margaret 233, 238, 239, 242 , 244 , 246 , 249 , 256 , 266, 275, 284* , 295, 305; Mary Anne 249; N. 273 ; Thomas 295

Inglefield, lady Catherine 38n; sir

Henry 38n; Theresa 36, 38, 44; William 44. Cf. Englefield

Ingram, Ingarm, Mary 33, 34, 136

Inman, Joanna 54* , 61, 62, 65*

338** , 339, 340, 341, 342, 343* , 344, 346 , 353 , 357* , 360, 362; Anne Ruth 343; CatherineAnne 162; Charlotte 121 , 130, 137; Christopher42; David 343, 344; Ed 339; Edmund 357*; Edmund (Henry) 347; Edward 341; Eliza (Mary) 347; Elizabeth 50 , 174 , 183, 334* , 338, 340, 342, 348, 357; Esther 255; Frances85 , 92, 97, 109 , 118 , 125 , 135, 147; Francis 330; Frederick 130; George 75, 79 , 84, 174; Helena75* , 79, 84, 92, 103 , 118 , 162, 171 , 183, 184, 276; Hugo 114; J. 338; Jane 337, 338; Joanna 121 , 215 , 330*; John 79 , 172 , 183 , 215 , 255 , 260 , 276 * 330 , 332 , 334 , 336, 338 , 340* , 349; Joseph 338 , 341 , 342* , 343* , 344 , 346, 353, 357; June 121; Martha 338* , 340*;Mary50 , 52, 55, 57 , 62 , 144, 151 , 165, 167 , 171 , 172 , 177 , 179, 188, 189, 193, 226* , 330 , 337 , 338, 353, 357 ; Mary Anne 84, 154, 162, 190; N. 334; Peter 341; Richard 167 , 177 , 188* , 210 , 276; Robert 114 , 121 , 130 , 137 , 339; Samuel167; Sarah114 , 260 ; Theresa Mary 172; Thomas 12 , 50 , 52 , 55, 57 , 62* , 137, 174 , 177, 330, 340*; Ursula 57; William 340

Jacobs, rev . John 209

James, rt rev 199; Anne 252 ; George 140; Joanna 170; Mary 140

Jameson, Thomas 58

Innes, Innis, Inniss, Innniss, Anne 320, 323; Charles 256 ; Elizabeth 256; James 256 ; John 149 , 174*; Thomas 323

Ireland, Helena 253 sir

Irvin, Elizabeth 282, 290, 292; Isabel 271

Irving, Joanna 270; Thomas 270; William 270

Isaacson , Isaason, Jane 88, 95; Joanna 70

Isacchi, Catherine Mary 194; Elizabeth Mary 194; Francis 194

Iveson , 337*; Anne 335, 338; John 32; John (James) 333; Margaret 56, 341, 345, 346, 348, 352; Mary 24, 32, 331, 332, 335; Mary (Maria Catherine) 333; Theresa 61 , 345, 350; Theresa (Maria Clare) 333; William 24 , 32, 331, 332; Winifred 332, 350; Winifred (Francisca) 333; Winifred Dorothy 24

Jackes , Jacques , Jaques , Eleanor 266; Eliza 266 ; John 238, 266*; Sarah 187; William 266

Jackson , Jacson , 80, 341 ; Anne 51 , 160, 216, 255, 279, 289, 291 ,

Janson , George 236; John 236 ; Mary 236

Jaques, see Jackes

Jason, Anne 214; George 214; Margaret 243, 260, 292; Mary 214

Jefferson , Abraham 29 ; Anne (Maria) 333; Charles 117 , 118; Elizabeth 135 , 175; Frances 29; George 29; Henry 29; James 118; Joanna 118; Mary 29, 61*

Jemmison, Helena 313

Jenkins, Mary 324

Jennings, Anne 168; Joanna 183; John 168; Joseph 183; Robert 183 , William 168

Jennison, Jennisons , Jane 89; Joanna 83; William 83

Jerney, John 63

Jerrat (vero Gerard), Dorothy 38n

Jervis, James 191; Rose Anne 191; Sarah 191

Jewiet, Joanna 280

Jewison, Elizabeth 180

Jobay, Jobe, Jobey, Jobi, Joseph253 , 269, 279, 280, 311; Rosanne 281, 306; Rose 179

Joblin, Jobling, Anne 230, 257 , 268; Dorothy 228 , 232* , 257; Elizabeth


230; Frances 284, 300; John 232, 241, 247 ; Mary 241; Priscilla 248; Robert 228 , 232, 241, 257*; Sarah 232, 241, 247*; Thomas 248; William 230

Jobson, John 273 John of Beverley, St., 5

Johnson, Jhonson , Anne 22, 27 , 29, 31, 54, 86, 107, 120, 142, 154 , 165 , 175, 185, 196, 211, 268, 293, 337, 340 , 345, 346; Anne (Maria) 333; Anne Mary 75; Catherine 302; Charles 70 , 142, 211, 355; David 211; Dorothy 233, 241, 306, 337*; Elizabeth 82, 125, 134, 145, 156, 165 , 168 , 177, 195, 308, 335, 355; Frances 152, 255 , 350, 352 ; George 107 , 109 , 157; Henrietta 171; James 301; Joanna 62, 65, 66, 118, 120* , 131 , 135 , 146 , 151 , 157 , 170 , 174 , 185, 228 ; John 54* , 101 , 105 , 117 , 119, 120, 126 , 171 , 308, 335* , 344; Joseph 116 , 125 , 134 , 156, 176 , 180, 186, 223 , 271; Joseph Sydney (Sidney) 168, 171 , 177 , 180 , 182; Margaret 253, 308; Mary 43, 51 , 60, 65, 66, 70 , 75 , 82, 86, 104, 107 , 109 , 125, 134 , 238, 255* , 264 , 271 , 293, 302, 338 ; Mary Anne 196, 228; Patrick301; Priscilla 145 , 156 , 168, 174, 180, 188; Rebecca 88, 93, 99, 104 , 109; Robert 66, 69, 70* , 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86* , 142, 154 , 165 , 169, 175* , 185, 196, 238* , 255 , 264* , 271 ; Sarah 87, 306; Susan 78, 90; Terence 301; Thomas228, 255* , 293, 302 ; William26, 27, 70, 154, 170* , 174

Johnston, Margaret 309

Johnstone, M. 107; Margaret 100

Jones, Anne 306, 315, 317 , 342; Elizabeth 299; James 307*; Joanna 306, 317; rev John 41* , 42* , 204-5 212* , 213* , 214*; John 307 , 315; Mary 215 , 306, 315; Maurice 56*; N. 307; Robert 306, 317; Susan 56

Joney, Elizabeth 69

Joplaing, Frances 56

Jordan, Richard 361

Joy, Anne 78, 86; Joseph 86; Mary 78; Matthew 78 , 86

Joyce, Anne 169; Bridget 169; Helena 288; Mary 288; Simon 169; Thomas 288

Joycey, James 314

Judge , Eleanor 104; John 104; William 104

Judson, Judgson, Anne 108; Hannah 76, 85, 92, 99

Juncker, Charles 228; Charles Albert 228; Martha 228

Kade, Joanna 191; John 191; Milner 191

Kaen, Edward 189; Elizabeth 189; Peter 176

Kahan , 291

Kain , Patrick 297

Kaine, Anne 319; Charles 319; Patrick 319; William 299

Kalan, Anne 291; James 291*

Kaohao, James 229

Karnes, Joanna 297

Kashilty, Ellen 262; Patrick 262; William 262

Kay, Mary 247* , 248, 249, 250 , 251* , 253* , 254, 255 , 256 , 259, 260 , 261 , 264 , 266 , 267 , 268, 271* , 272 , 276 , 277 , 281 , 282

Kayeril , James 235*; Mary 235

Keahan, Eliza 275 ; Mary 275*; Thomas 275*

Kean, Catherine 129; Mary 129; Thomas 129

Kearn, Kearns, Bridget 78; James 142; Mary 95

Kearney, Patrick 151

Keasley , Keasly, Anne 44, 45 , 48, 53, 56, 64, 73 , 74, 83, 100; Barbara 46; Elizabeth 46, 48, 50, 51, 54 , 57 , 62 , 65* , 74 , 81 , 84, 91 , 100; George 51 , 62; Hannah 61; James 48; Joanna 51, 56 , 58, 80; Johanna 90; John 58; Mary 45* , 48, 51, 54* , 58, 62, 65 , 73, 81, 90; Richard 45 , 48* , 51 , 54* , 58, 62 , 65; Thomas48; William45, 46, 48, 50, 53, 65, 74

Keedy, James 257 , 263

Keely, Keelly, Bridget 82; Catherine 82; Michael 82 , 113

Keenan, Maria 313

Keening, John 314; Mary 314

Keerns, James 275

Keife, Frances74

Keith, Margaret 83

Kellet, Ambrose 96, 106; Anne 96; Elizabeth 106, 320; Jane 96; Joanna 106; Mary 320; William 29

Kelly, Kelley, Anne 194; Catherine 112 , 182, 300; Cecilia 142; Charles 217, 306; Christopher 69*; Daniel 233; Eleanor 197 , 247; Elizabeth 107 , 217 , 229 , 234 , 275, 276, 296, 312, 315; George 107 , 226; Helena 99* , 157, 160; Henry 182; James 187 , 350; Joanna 131 ; John 99 , 157 , 182, 187, 193, 217*; Joseph 145; Luke 278; Margaret 110 , III; Martha 57; Mary 57, 69 , 157 , 187 , 193, 196, 350; Mary Joanna 193 ; Michael 350; Patrick 168, 270, 292, 295 ; Peter 265, 268 ; Rose 230 , 240; Sarah 236, 306, 313; Susan 306; Thomas 145 , 189, 217; Timothy 57

Kemen, Anne38; James 38; William 38


Kempley, Mary 173

Kenan, Elizabeth 302

Kendal, Kendall, Alice 137 , 152; Alice Mary 195; Anne 124, 131 , 137 , 142 , 143 , 150; Elizabeth 97* , 106; James 137 , 152 , 195*; John 152; Joseph 131 ; Mary 124 , 195; Patrick 143 ; Peter 150; William 97, 106* , 114 , 124 , 131 , 150

Kendrew , Mary 172

Kendry, Elizabeth 346

Kenly, Elizabeth 173

Kennedy, Kenedy, Anne 317; Helena 138; Hugh 257; Joanna 138; John 138; Mary Anne 139, 161 , 187

Kenny, Catherine 164*; Celia 112; Henry 158; James 164; Jeremiah 231; Martin 159

Kentwell, Thomas 288

Keogh, Edward 149

Kerby, see Kirby

Kernan, Kernin, Anne 116; Francis 96* , 116; Hannah 96; Mary 116; Winifred 231

Kerwin, Eleanor 106

Keuling, Anne 290

Kidd, Anne 352; Elizabeth 298 , 309

Kiernan, Francis 108; Hannah 108; Mary 130; Patrick130; Thomas130; William 108

Kierney, Margaret 141 ; Thomas141*

Kilbride, Catherine 259; Margaret 259; Terence 259

Kilfoy, Honora 64

Killan , Mary 302

Killen, Ross. 319

Killey, Catherine 288

Killin, Clement 267; Mary 267

Killingbeck, dom Robert, O.S.B. 200

Killmartin , Elizabeth 262

Kilner, Catherine 67 ; Esther 67; John 67

Kilroe, Joanna 193*; Thomas 193

King, Anne 145, 150, 164 , 166 , 178 , 180, 183; Archibald 282; Bernard 54; Elizabeth 148, 308, 320, 323 ; Helena 308; Isabel 274* , 282 , 288 , 317; James 54, 274, 282, 288 , 308 , 317; Margaret 145; Martha 54; Mary 111 , 151 , 193 , 288, 350; Michael 166; Patrick 317; Sarah Anne 150; Thomas 145, 150, 160, 166, 169

Kingston, Anne 294

Kinnah, Elizabeth 232

Kipling, Anne 353, 360; Elizabeth 362; Jane 339, 340; John 107 , 120 , 122, 129 ; Martha 353, 360; N. 337

Kirby, Kerby, Anne 80, 85* , 90 , 94 , IOI, III, 120; Dorothy 111; Elizabeth53, 57 , 60* , 62, 65, 68, 71 ,77, 91; Frances 45 , 62 , 111 , 113; Hannah 120; James 146; Jane 90; Mary

15* , 18 , 19 , 53, 57, 62, 101; Robert 19; Sarah94; Thomas 60* , 80 , 131 , 180, 189; William 15 , 18 , 19 , 29, 48, 53, 57 , 60, 62* , 77 , 79 , 80, 85 , 90, 94, 101* , III, 120

Kirfoot, Margaret 98; Matthew 98* Kirk, Anne 79, 87, 95, III, 120 , 134 , 148, 163; dr John 325; Mary306 , 315

Kirkley, Kirkly, Catherine 271; Elizabeth 221, 271; Mary 158 , 221; Matthew 221; Peter 271

Kirkpatrick, Martha 255

Kirsopp, Kirksopp, Dorothy 323; Elizabeth 187, 305n; James 305n*; James Joseph 305

Kitchen, Kitchin, Amelia 344; Amy 341, 342; Mary 85 , 100, 109 , 118 , 131 , 359; Mary (Anne) 347

Kitson, Anne 51; Frances 51; William 51

Kleasby, Joanna 81; William 73

Knapton, 366; Anne 362; Edward 362; Elizabeth 364; Mary 362* , 363 , 364, 366* , 367; Thomas 362* , 363, 364 , 366* , 367*; William 363

Knight, Knaresborough, rev. John 3, 4 3*; Alexander 230 , 351n; sir Arnold 351n ; Catherine 351n; rt rev Edmund 351n ; Elizabeth 125; John 220; Mary 220*

Knox, Andrew 305; Anne 151; Dorothy305; Edward 305; Hannah 297 ; Joanna 273, 286; John 151; Margaret 151; Mary 297 , 305; William 297 , 305

Koho, Dorothy 232

Konner, Anne 216; Lawrence 216; Molly 216

Koorness , Hugh 99

Kully, Michael 113

Kyan, Eleanor 286; James_286; John H. 286; John Howard James 286

Lace,Anne 133; John 133; Mary133

Lackwood, Anne 186 , 195; Mary 186

Lacon, Anne 53, 77; Thomas 77

Lacy, Patrick 259 ; rev . Richard (bp.) 9

Ladely, Mary 234

Ladrie, John 319; Sarah 319

Ladzari, Ladzaray, Ladzrie , see Lazari

Laing, Anna 46; Elizabeth 259; Joanna 259 ; William 259

Lake, Isabel 75; Sarah 158, 243

Lakeland, Anne 81; Elizabeth 40 , 97 , 105 , 114 , 123; Hannah 35 , 37* , 40, 65, 68 , 78, 86; Margaret 68; Robert 12; Thomas65; William35* , 37 , 39 , 40 , 65* , 68


Lalor, Mary 266

Lamb, Anne 123; Ed 123; Edward 123; Emanuel 105, 118; John 233; Joseph 274; Margaret 219; Mary 105, 118* , 233, 274, 324; Sarah 233 , 274; Susan 105; William 118

Lambert, Catherine 165; Francis 143: James 13, 126; John 13 , 64; Mary 13 , 168, 178; Rebecca 126 , 143 , 172, 181 , 187; Sarah 196; Stephen 165*; William 172 , 181 , 196

Lammon, Elizabeth 215; James 256; John 244*

Lammond, Elizabeth 219

Lamont, Elizabeth 216

Lanaghan, Margaret 304

Lancaster, Anne 150; Elizabeth 150; John 150

Land, Anne 94; Mary 123; Robert 94

Landonnan, Landennan, George 237; Mary 237 ; Richard 237

Lane, Margaret 155; Sarah 230

Langan, Anne 176, 185* , 193; Elizabeth 188; Honoria 174

Langdale, Langdle, Catherine 44n; Charles 141 , 159; Dorothy 29n ; Elizabeth 2on ; Gertrude Mary 158n; John 24; lord Marmaduke 29n ; Mary 51 , 141n , 159; Philip 141n , 158; Philip Joseph141n ; Roger 51; Susan 51; Thomas 20n

Langford, Alex. 138

Langtree, Thomas 238

Lannan, James III

Largay, Mary 105

Larkin, Catherine 317; Charles 245, 249, 267; Elizabeth 318; Felix 279

Laughlin, Bridget 156

Launders , Elizabeth 268

Launor, Charles 31

Laurence, Anne 98; Hannah 93 , 104

Laurenson, John 290*; 290; Thomas 290

Laury, Mary 240


Lavin, Hannah 178; Mary 178; William 178

Law, Margaret 155; Mary 146 , 228

Lawen, Catherine 219

Lawes, William 234

Lawin, Hannah 178; Mary 178; William 178

Lawless, Edmund 111*; James III; Margaret 111

Lawrence, Anne 203

Laws, Anne 230, 242; Elizabeth 220 , 221 , 222, 235, 240; Joanna 228; Mary 233, 243, 252, 254, 267; William 221 , 222 , 224, 226, 227 , 230* , 234

, 235

Lawson, rev 243; Anne 84, 311; C. 62; Catherine 184n , 278 , 283, 288, 296 , 305, 314; Clarinda

59n , 136n; Clarinda Catherine 59n , 136n , 143; dame Dorothy 198n , 1992 ; Elizabeth 25, 59n, 13бn , 311; Eliza Mary 62; Hannah 245 , 272 , 296; rev. Henry, O.S.B. 207-8; sir Henry 136n*; Henry 59n* , 184n; Joanna 258; sir John 59n , 136n , 184n ; John, M.D. 59n, 61, 83, 13бn , 143n ; John 40, 42, 43, 54, 62, 311 ; Mary 75 , 82, 278, 283, 296 ; lady Monica 143n; Ralph 198; Roger 198, 1992; rev Thomas, O.S.B.207-8; sir William 59n, 136n; William 143n , 183, 185, 187 , 190

Lawton, Anne 38; Elizabeth 37-8; John 38

Laycock, Hannah 197; James 197; Mary 197

Layden, Mary 244

Lays, Margaret 287

Layton, John 118; Mary Anne 118

Cf. Leigh, rev Philip

Lazari, Ladzari, Ladzaray, Ladzrie, Alice 239, 248, 251 , 253 , 255, 259; Angelo 239, 255, 270 ; Augustin 267; Elizabeth 251; John 239 , 289, 290* , 291 , 304 , 305; Joseph 279; Mary 305; Mary Anne 287; Matthew 255; Paul 248n , 251, 259, 270* , 279 , 287; Sarah 251 , 259 , 270 , 279

Lazenby, Mary 178

Leach , Anne 264*; Margaret 24, 38; Thomas 264*; William 264

Leadbitter, Leadbetter, Catherine 179 , 197; James 216 ; Joanna Frances 179; rev John 328, 367; John 179, 197 , 290, 304, 305 ; Margaret 30; Mary 197; Mary Agnes 197; Matthew 30 , 297n; Nicholas 30; Robert 179, 197, 271, 284, 297 ; Thomas 30

Cf. Ledbitter

Leadly, Mary 239

Leaf, Elizabeth 21; Margaret 76

Lean, Mary 69

Lease, Margaret 68

Lece, Leee, Anne 133; John 133 , 150; Mary 133

Leck, Elizabeth 69; Frances 51 , 66; Isabel 51 , 54 , 66; Joanna 69

Ledbitter, Leedbitter, Lelbitter , 214; Catherine 187; Edward 187; John 187; John Francis 187; Thomas 285 ; William 253

Lee, Alfred 178; Alice 45, 47 , 50, 52; Anne 152 , 157, 170; Bartholomew 243*; Catherine 157; Christopher 302, 311-2; Eliza 166; Elizabeth 210, 243; Hannah 302, 312; Helena 41, 50; Henrietta 138; Isabel 311-2; Joanna 284, 287; John 157 , 170* , 287; Joseph 287; Margaret 314: Mary 100 , 101 , 138, 152, 166 , 167 ,


178, 301; Richard 41 , 101 , 138 , 152 , 166, 178; Sarah 101 , 182; Thomas 210, 302; William 194, 210, 284*

Leech, 336; Charles 175; Helen 175

Leg, Richard 321; Roper 321

Leigh, Alexander 199; rev Philip, S.J. 199

Leinton, Elizabeth 148

Leith, Dorothy 229

Lemon, Alex. 226; Mary 226; William 226

Lena, James 240

Lenand , Anne 113; Mary 113; Michael 113

Lenard, Andrew 171*; Anne 90; Charles 169; Helena 171 , 173

Lenders, rev . Jules 198, 248n , 321n

Lennan , Anne 272

Lennard, Andrew 155; Eleanor 155 , 164; Margaret 155; Mary 185 , Thomas 185*

Lenning, Anne 268, 282*; 282 James 268, Lennon , Anne 250, 256; James 250 , 256; John 250 ; Mary 256; Rose 307

Lenox, Margaret 250; Susan 312

Leonard , 145; Anne 275, 278; Bridget 160, 174; Charles 172; Daniel 275; James 275; John 301 , 316; Margaret 301, 316; Mary300-1 .

Cf. Lenard, Lennard

Leonning , Anne 288

Leuty, Joanna 177; John 177*

Leyburn, rt. rev. John 199

Liddell, 254; Abigail 244 , 253 , 260, 269; Alice 248; Cecilia 313; Cuthbert 244 , 248n, 253 , 254 , 260 , 269; Dorothy 244; Edward 269; Elizabeth 70 , 274; Hannah 211; Henry 260; Joanna 300, 312 , 313 ; John 253; Mary 293; Matthew 248n ; Robert 313 ; William 293

Liddle, Charlotte 152; Cuthbert 320; Mary 320; William 320

Lidstear, Hannah 151

Ligthcow, Anne 330

Lilly, Anne 243 ; Elizabeth 220; Henry 228, 258; Joanna 222 , 225 , 228; John 239

Lily, Elizabeth 264

Linchy,Daniel 318


104: James 25, 45, 51, 87 , 90*; Joanna 25, 36, 43, 104; Mary 58; Rebecca 18 ; Robert 36, 40, 43, 45, 47* , 58; Thomas27, 46, 47; William 15, 18, 21 , 25, 27, 28, 43, 55 , 58

Lion, Elizabeth 52; James 44, 52; Joanna 137; Susan 44 , 52, 71; Thomas 44. Cf. Lyon

Lipe, Bartholomew 218

Litchman, Litchmond, Frances 91, 108, 117; Frances Leonora 148 , 173, Litgemenn, Hannah, 55

Lithgow, Lithgew, Anne 334; Elizabeth 334; Mary 334. Cf. Ligthcow

Litrehmond, Hannah 83

Little, Frances 235; Helena 172; Joanna 231

Lochart, Esther 216, 219 , 324; Hugh 216* , 219 , 220; William 219

Lochrey,Mary 149

Lock, John 268 ; Margaret 251; Sarah 293; Susan 74; William 99

Locklin, Mary 156

Lockwood, Alfred Barber 134; Anne 62, 180; Dorothy 112; Elizabeth

Barbara 118; Frances 128; Henry

John 113; Isabel 104, 108 , 113 , 118 , 124 , 129 , 134; James Alfred 124; JosephWilliam 104; Mary 112 , 116 , 146; Mary Anne 146; Noel James 129; Sarah 116; William 104 , 108 , 112 , 113, 116, 118, 124, 129, 134 , 146 , 174; William Frederick 108

Lodge, Hannah 53; Joanna 273 , 286; John 273 , 286 ; Joseph 13 ; Robert 273; William 286

Loftish, John 193*; Mary 193

Loggen , Loggon, Logon, Elizabeth 213, 214 ; John 189

Lomas, 103; Charlotte 103; Edward 130; Elizabeth 94; James 81, 94; John 101 , 107; Margaret 81, 94; Mary 175; Ralph 81 , 103; William 81

Lomax, Elizabeth 364, 366n ; James 364, 366n ; T. B. 364

Lone, Anne 242 ; James 242*; Mary 271

Long, Elizabeth 226; Hannah 132; James 226*; Mary 132

Longbrough, 336

Lindsay, Isabel 268; Margaret Isabella 20n; Thomas268; Williamzon

Lingard, rev . John 59 , 207 , 234, 238* , 241* , 246* , 250, 254, 257 , 275* , 276

Linn , Mary 247 318; Catherine 318;

Linton, Anne 135; Eleanor 159; Elizabeth 16* , 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27 ,

40 * , 43* , 45* , 46 , 47* , 49, 55, 58, 90 * , 131 , 135 , 159, 179; Helena 21, 90 ,

Longstaff, Anne 226; George Lindsly 228; Joanna 228; Margaret 228; Mary 228

Longtoft, Elizabeth 91; Mark 91; Mary Anne 91

Lonsdale , rev John 5, 12* , 13n* , 14-19 , 333 ; John 32; Mary 5; Richard 5

Lony, Charles 29

Loraine, Lorain, Lorraine, Dorothy 335; Elizabeth 335, 339 ; Francis


351n; George 335, 337; Mary 25n , 351n; rev Philip, O.F.M. 351n; Robert 351n; sir Thomas 35In

Lorrimar , Lorimir, Anne367*; Arthur Hardy 367; David Hardy 367 ; Isabel 220; Margaret 220; Robert 220

Lough, Henry156

Loughland, Bridget 145; Mary 145

Loughman, James 143

Loughton, Loughtan, Elizabeth 192; Thomas 192*

Loury, Anne 229; Mary Anne 229; William 229

Lovannan, Honora 64; John 64; Peter 64

Love , Elizabeth 60

Low , Lowe , Lowes , Mary 233 , 237 , 262-3, 276, 283, 293

Lowry, Lowery, Lowrie, Anne 296; Arthur 296 ; Bernard 296 ; Mary 335.339 *

Ludlow , John 185

Luens , Irene 291; James 291*

Lumbert, Rebecca 133

Lumsden, Dorothy326

Lund, Sarah 29

Luntley, James 35, 38

Lupton, Elizabeth127 , 134, 141 , 145 , 147 , 152 , 161, 170, 180, 189, 197; Helena 134; Mary 133, 145; Thomas 206 ; William 134 , 145

Lutenor, George 237, 238, 245, 246, 247 , 256, 259 , 264, 270; George

Andrew 317; Isabel 256 , 264 , 270;

Joanna 227 , 230, 231, 237, 241 , 243 , 247 , 253 , 263-4, 280, 296; John 231 , 270; John Thomas 317; Joseph264 , 287, 303* , 317; Mary 303, 317; Mary

Theresa 256 , 317; N. 263 ; William 230, 241, 243 , 253

Lynch, Catherine 271; Charles 270 , 271, 286; Christina 159; Hannah 271 , 286 ; Helena 286; Henry 159; John 159; Mary 92, 129; N. 313; Timothy 315, 317

Lynden, Arthur85; Jane85; John 85

Lynes, John 277

Lynn, Mary265

Lyon, Helena 174; James 49; Jane 102; Joanna 49, 109, 119, 127 , 154; Joseph 152; Mary 68, 152 , 163*; Susan 49, 109, 119; Thomas 152 , 163

Lyons, Anne 294, 300, 307*; Bridget 190; Cornelius294, 300, 307; Helena 294, 307 ; James 173; Joanna 167; Margaret 296; Mary 176, 296, 300 , 366; Thomas 296

Mac, Bridget 174: James 174; Michael 174

McAcenzy, Anne 150

M'agee, Bridget227

McAlear, Mary 93

M'all, Elizabeth 226

McAnn, Mary 111

McAnulty, 311; Anne 311; Charles 311; Daniel 311; Thomas 311

Macarteny, James 312; John 312; Susan 312

Macarthy, Catherine56

Macarti, John 19

MacAvity, Macavity, Elizabeth 179; John 179; Michael 179

McAvoy, Andrew 274; Anne 126; Bernard 115, 144*; Joanna 136; John 136, 274; Mary 162 , 274

McBean , Anne 112; Elizabeth 107 , 113 , 119, 124 , 131 , 139 , 166

McBearr, Elizabeth 107

McBety, Elizabeth 192

McBride, MacBride, Macbride, Anne 267, 291; Catherine 257; Elizabeth 130 , 193; James 193; John 130*; Mary 316; Sarah 193

McCaan, Daniel 315*; Elizabeth 315; Margaret 315*

McCab, Joanna112; Patrick 104 , 112; William 112

McCabban , Anne 97

McCabe, MacCabe, Jane 102; Joanna 107; John 106; Mary 102; Patrick 102, 106, 140

McCahy, James 316; Mary 316*

McCal, Mary 317; Philip317; Rachel


McCall, Elizabeth 286, 300, 309 , 317; Joanna 300 , 309

McCalpin, Edward 268; James 268; Margaret 268

McCamly, Bernard 130

McCan , Daniel 308; Margaret 308; Mary 308; Sarah 311

Maccanally,Margaret 158

McCann , Bernard 128 , 130; Margaret 130; Sarah130

McCanna , Catherine 255; James 255; Margaret 117

McCarnon , John 122*; Susan 122

McCaron , Margaret 256; Michael256; Peter 256

McCarrel, Owen 252

McCarten , Mascarten , Alice Jane 191

McCarty, Charles 282 ; Joanna 236; Joseph 236; Julia 291; Mary 236 , 282*

McCastlan , Bridget 318; Hugh 318; William 318

McCauen , Margaret 227*

McCaugliff, James 309; Joseph 309; Margaret 309

McCauley, Anne 100; Charlotte 182; James 100; Margaret 100

McCave, Patrick126

McCaver, Anne 150

McClaer, Patrick 177

McClaren, Joanna 267

McCleran , Mary 251

McClough , Macclough , Catherine257; James 257; Joanna 257; Michael 257

McCluskey, Mary 129*; Philip 129

McCohual , Sarah241

McCollagan , Edward 126; Joanna 126; Matthew 126

McCollom , James 300; Margaret 300; Susan 274

McColly, Margaret 324

McColne, Susan 289

McConaugham , Hannah 286

McConnell , Agnes 313; Bridget 259; Catherine 296 , 307; Edward 313*; James 105; John 105*; Mary 105; Niel 313*; Unity 313

McConnon , Jemima 257; Mary 257; Thomas 257

McConnor , Margaret 111

McCordy, Mary 294

Catherine 282, 287; James 316; John 300; McCormick, McCormic, Mary 289, 298 , 316

McCort , 252; Hugh 293; Mary 256

McCowen , Margaret 217

McCoy , 309

McCran, John 241*; Sarah 241

McCray, Anne 286, 297, 311; Catherine 297, 311; James 286, 297 , 311; John 286

McCrossan, Anne296

McCue, Anne 309; Catherine 312; Eliza 309; William 309

McCuen, McCuin, Anne 300; Barnaby 249 ; John 249; Margaret 221; Mary 249

McCullen , Helena 318

McCuluff , 252

McCurdy, Mary 302

McCuskar , Catherine 109; Elizabeth 109; Matthew 109

McDaniel, Catherine 100

McDermot, Macdermot, Andrew 254 , 285; Anne 54; Bernard 111 , 151; Bridget 306; Charles 69; Elizabeth 112; James 112 , 151 , 279; John 261 , 310; Luke 254, 261, 270-1 , 275, 279 , 285, 292* , 302, 310; Mary III, 151 , 254 , 314; Rosanne111; Sarah 254; Thomas 270-1; Thomasine 254 , 261 , 271, 279, 285, 292, 302, 310

McDevot , Charles 303, 316; John 316; Mary 303* , 316

McDonagh , McDonnegh, Daniel 130; Margaret 130, 154; Philip 130 , 131 , 154; Rosanne154

McDonald, MacDonald, Macdonald,

Alexander 46, 239, 257; Andrew 99; Anne Grant 77; Archibald 323; Arthur 311; Barnard 92 ; Catherine 169; Charles 75; Charlotte 53; Christina 306; Elizabeth 92, 239; Felix 192; Frances 235; Francis 362; Harriet 362; Helena 189 , 275; James 46, 92, 99, 159, 164, 166, 169, 176, 183 , 189, 192, 311; Joanna 223; John 53, 235, 257; Margaret 99, 140 , 166, 173* , 189, 195; Mary46, 48, 53 , 61, 183, 192 , 235, 239, 257 , 271 , 275; MaryAnne 176; Michael 56; Patrick 275: Philip140, 166, 173, 189; Sarah 140, 166, 169, 176, 179, 183, 192 , 197 , 311

McDonnall, James 157; Mary 284 McDonnell, Macdonnell, Macdonell, Alexander 282; AlexanderRenny 77; Anne Grant 77; Bridget 316; Chichester 77; Christina 279; Dorothy 310; James 300*; Joanna 316; John 284, 316; Margaret 164*; Mary 284, 301; Patrick284; Philip 164; Sarah 300* , 312 , 317

McDunnott, see McDermot M'eghan, James 91

McEvoy, MacEvoy, Bar 120; Barnaby 122; Barnard or Bernard 145 , 167 , 173, 183 , 190, 191 ; Elizabeth 191; Jane96; Joanna 67, 106; Mary 67

Macewe, Mchew, Mackew , Mary 90*; Thomas90

McFall , Alice 270; Robert 270

McFarlan, Macfarlin, Hannah 270; 298; Bernard 275; Catherine 275; Elizabeth 167; Patrick 275 McFee, Catherine 301 Macgahulan, Anne 310; Susan 310; William 310 McGar, Bernard 291 McGarry, Edward 314; Joanna 314; Mary 314; Matthew 1o1 McGath, Richard 300

McGavi, Dorothy265; Thomas 265

McGee, Anne 252*; Eliza 254; Henry 252; John 257*; Mary 254, 257; Rowland 254; William314

McGeedy, Francis 121 ; Mary Anne 121*

McGellin, Peter 153

McGennis , James 93 ; Margaret 117 , 124; William 117* McGerr, James 130

McGie, Alice 102; James 102; Rosanne 102

McGill, Hannah 34; John 34; Sarah 33 , 36

McGinnes , Edward 93; James 93; Mary93


McGinniff , Mary Anne 151

McGinny, John 126

McGlaughlin, Margaret 81

McGobbin , Judy, 182

McGoldan , McGolden, Daniel 79 ; Elizabeth 79 ; McGordan , Hannah 313;

McGoldon, Helena 79 James 313; Robert 313

McKannan, Catherine 250; James 250; Mary 250

McKay, McKaye, Anne 296 ; James 237; Joanna 283; Margaret 135; Mary 261; Sarah 237; Thomas237; Thomasine 321

McKearney, Mary 312; Thomas 312 Patrick 312;

McGorne , Bridget 171 ; Helena 171; McKeavy, Mary 275; Susan 275; Michael 171 Terence 275

McGoveran , Mary 110

McGowen , Patrick 295

Macgrain, Nicholas 186

McGraw, Edward 318; Elizabeth

Hanke 318

McGrawn, Anne 220; John 220*

Macgreaves , Macgreaws , Macgreows ,

Macgreeve , MacGrieve, Daniel 172 , 186 , 195; Elizabeth 172; Joanna 195; Mary Anne 186; Rose 172 , 186 , 195

McGreene , MacGreene , Daniel 192; Rose 192, 193

McGregor, Mark 322

Macgrove , Anne 311*; Hugh 311; James 311

McGrow, Catherine 128

McGuire, Macguire, McQuire,

308; Anne 265, 309; Catherine 311 , 315; Cornelius 167; Edward 167; Ellen 262; Helena 280; Isabel 293, 300, 314: James 265; Joanna 288; John 170, 188, 288; Margaret 252 , 264 , 274 ; Mary 167 , 188 , 265;

Nappy 280; Patrick 309; Peter 265, 288; Philip 188; Thomas 280

Machan, Bernard 129; Bridget 279; Elizabeth 129; Hugh 279; Joanna 129; John 129; Margaret 279; Mary 129

Macharty, Catherine 57; Denis 57; Joanna 57

Macholy, Bridget 78; James 78; John 78

McInnes, Andrew 288; Catherine 288; John 288

Macintire, Joanna 313

McIver, Bard 312*; Elizabeth 279 , 312*; John 312; M. 265 ; Mary 265 , 279 ; Terence 265

McIvers , 276; Bartholomew 276, 296; Edward 276; Eliza(beth)

276, 281, 296; Jeremiah 271; Mary 271 ; Rose 296; Terence 274 , 276

Mack, John 108; Michael 160

McKabe, Eleanor 247; James 247; Philip 247

McKall , Joanna 309

McKan, McKann, Bridget 314; James 313

McKanna, MacKanna, Bernard 267; Elizabeth 267; James 267; John 267

Mackee, Margaret 57

McKeever, Anne 159; Bernard 272; Elizabeth 156; John 156; MaryAnne 156

Mackeity, Elizabeth 187

McKen, Bridget 302 ; Dorothy 295 ; John 295*; Sarah 295, 296, 300 McKenna , 264 , 272 , 317;

Barnaby 272; Benjamin 262; Bridget 250; Catherine268, 269, 270 , 282, 285, 298* , 308 , 313, 317 ; Edward 308; Elizabeth 272; George 272; Hannah 245; Helena 250, 268-9, 269; James 270* , 285, 298 , 308 , 313; John 245, 313, 314*; M. 265 ; Mary 285 , 295 , 308; Peter 250 , 269; Rosanne 308; Ruth 314; Sarah318; Thomas 245

McKenny, McKenney, McKennee, Bernard 281; Catherine 150; Edward 315*; Elizabeth 281; Henrietta 315; James 150* , 259; Margaret 281; Martha 292; Mary 296; Robert 281; Rosanne 315*; Susan 186, 289

McKenolty, Sarah 233

McKenzie, Mackenzie , McKenzaie, 322n; Anne 300 ; E. 2001; Mary 275 ; Theresa 256 , 290

McKever, see McKeever

McKew , Mackew, Anne 111; Mary 76 , 111; Michael 76; Patrick 111; Thomas 76

Mackewan, James 81 ; Mary 81

Mackey, Thomas 57

Mackiness , James 178

Mackinson, Anne 104; Ed 104; Sarah 104

Mackmanus, Bridget 250

McKone, Bridget 227; Mary 227; William 227

Mc Kone Kay (? McConachy), Hannah 271

Mackoy, Hannah 294; Henry 293-4; Thomas 294

McKray, Anne 285; MaryAnne 285; Thomas 285

Mackue, Anne 306

McKuen , McKewen, McKowin, 302; James 302*; Mary302*

McKunan, John 248

McKurdy, Mary 315

McLane, Maclane , Maclan, McLaen,


McLain, Maclaine, Anne 300; Catherine 304, 312; Davy222; James 300; Joanna 222; John 304; Mary 222; Neil 304; Peter 300; Thomas 296

McLaran, Susan274, 283

McLaren, William 181

McLarkey, McLarky , James 105*; Mary 105

McLaughlan, McLaughlin, McLauglen, McLauglin, Anne 298 , 301; Eleanor 155; Elizabeth 97 , 105; Esther 293, 307; Grace 312; Henry 105; James 97, 105, 283 ; Mary 274; Susan 274 , 283 , 307; Thomas 97; William 274 , 283. Cf. MacLoughlin

McLawklin, Elizabeth 162; Joanna 162 ; Peter 162

Maclay, Sara 279

Mclecar , Helena 161

McLeer , Isabel240

McLenan , William 184

McLening, Mary 126

Maclerin, Margaret 215

Maclin, Hannah 331; William 331* McLockland, Esther 271


MacLoughlin, Macloughlin, Louglin, McLockling, Bridget 183; Elizabeth 147; Helena 171; Mary Anne 183; Michael 183 ; Rose Anne 191. C. McMahonMcLaughlan , Hugh 241; Mary 134; Mary Anne 106; Michael 134

McManamar, N. 306

McManamy, Mcmanamy, Macmanomy, Macmaniny, McMenemey , MacMenimy, Catherine 304; Joanna 300, 312; John 312; Mary 181 , 186; William299, 300* , 309 , 312

McManes, Achneh 268; Bernard 275; Bridget 268; Charles 292 ; Elizabeth 268; Matthew 268

McManiman, Elizabeth 308

McManning, Peter 290

McManus , Charles 88; Daniel 296; Elizabeth 296; John 296

MacMillen, John 241

McMullen, McMullan, MacMullan, Alexander 108* , 116; Anne 294; Mary 87, 108, 116; Patrick294; Rose 294; Sarah 254; William 116

McNally, Christina 257

McNamara , Bridget 119; Rose 294

McNaughton , Margaret 244

McNeal, Margaret 213; Mary 213; William 213

McNorton, George 279; 279*

Macolm , Susan 278

Macolnald, Margaret 81

Macornick, Matthew 81


Mcquaid, Elizabeth 316; Helena316; N. 316

McQuire , see McGuire

McSolay, Denis 309

McSorley, Margaret 128; Owen 128; William 128

McStay , Anne 108; Margaret 108; Patrick 108

McTaggart, Catherine 317

McTalin , James 216

McTide, Anne III

McTyre, Fre(derick) 315

McVey, MacVay, McVagh, Charles

Henry 186; Elizabeth 159 , 186; Hugh 105; Joanna 116 ; John 159 , 186; Robert Mullan 159

Madavit, Matilda 195

Madd, Elizabeth 81

Madden, James 227; Mary 95 , 194

Maddison , Anne 229, 230

Maddon , Catherine247; Edward 247; Elizabeth 247

Maden, Catherine 243; Denis 243; Edward 243

Maelin, Ellen 140

Magdalen, Mary 289 , 295

Magee, Elizabeth 312; Joanna 283; John 312; Mary265; William 312

Magin, Mignn, Helena 306

Maginnis, Maginnes, Magannis, Magannes, Maggennis , Anne 218 , 256 , 280; Catherine 270; James 216; Joanna 216 , 218, 221, 232, 251 ; Mary 236; Michael 112; Thomas 215 , 216 , 218

Magrane , Magrain, Anne 189; Catherine 181; Nicholas 181*; Thomas 181

Maguire, Maguiere, Christina Mary 176; Elizabeth 189; Hannah 197; Hugh 107; Isabel 107; John 170; Mary 170 , 176; Mary Anne 107; Philip 174 , 176; Sarah 170

Mahanny, Catherine 299

Mahar, Meher, Alice 233; James 233; Michael 233

Mahon, Bridget 110; Mary 164

Mahony, Mahoney, Mahonny, Anne 221; Eleanor 168; Helena 141

Main, Maine, Catherine 288; Francis 264 ; John 264 , 274 , 281, 293 , 303; Margaret 264 , 274 , 293; Mary 274

Maire, Catherine 59n, 184n; Henry 59n; John 59n ; rev Peter, S.J. 3 ; rev. Thomas, S.J. 2002

Maires, Margaret 252

Makeam,Margaret 101; Thomas 101 ; William 10I

Malarchy, Malarky, James 275; Mary 275 : Owen George 275

McPeek, Anne 279; Charles 279; Sarah 279 407

Malholland, John 272; Mary 272; Mary Anne 271-2


Malkington, Anne 173

Mallam, Elizabeth 294 ; John 294*; Mary 260

Mallanghan, Hugh 304

Mallen, Bridget 296

Mallon, Henry III

Mallone, Edward 291 , 305 , 307*; Hannah 307; James 216; Margaret

291 , 293 , 294, 303, 304 , 305, 307 , 308; Sarah 291

Malone, James 214 ; Judith96

Maltby, Sarah 192

Man, Mann, Anne 222, 241; Margaret 217 , 222, 241, 248, 271

Mande , John 140

Maney, Anne 124

Mangan, Richard 252 ; Sarah 252; William 252

Manini , Mary 19

Mann, see Man

Anne 97, 121 , 154 , 167, 182; Charles 60, 122; Dorothy 252, 260, 289; Edward 195; Elizabeth 294; George 16 , 18 , 24, 37, 38, 47, 51* , 60* , 65, 71 , 173; Henry 152, 298; Joanna 39, 40* , 48, 49, 173, 256 , 262, 266 , 273 , 304; John 136 , 141 , 162 , 167; John Henry 152; Joseph 71 , 265; Lucy 91 , 94 , 114 , 121, 126, 133, 142 , 149 , 159, 170, 182 , 196; Lucy Mary 47; Margaret 47, 52, 59, 67, 68, 78, 84 , 88, 103, 110 , 116 , 122, 123, 129; Martha 355; Mary 18, 47, 51* , 60, 65 , 71 , 72 , 118, 265, 276, 298* , 335; Peter 52 , 94; Richard 46, 47, 52, 59; Robert 298; Sarah 115; Thomas 50, 65; Thomas (Joseph) 353; William 47, 97 , 115* , 265, 276, 347 , 355

Marshil, 337; William 337

Marsland, John 330

Martial, Anne 127; Lucy 95; Mary 109; Mary Catherine184

Manning, Anne 363*; Eliza 363 ; Margaret 363; Mary Anne 362; Michael 362, 363*; Robert 144

Mannock, rev Francis, S.J. 3

Manour, Mariour, Marious,

Manners, Anne 213; Elizabeth 217; James 217 , 235; Joanna 217; Mary 213* rev

Sebastian , 328, 342* , 367

Mansfield , Mary Anne 279, 285

Mara, Anne 170; Denis 170; Elizabeth 170; Joanna 170; Willlam 170

Maral, Mary 261

March, Emily 44; rev. John 199; Mary 266

Mare , Lawrence 113

Mariour, Marious, see Manour

Marjoribanks, David 273n ; sir John 273*; Mary Ann Sarah 273n


Marky, Denis 291

Marlen, Elizabeth 258*; Joseph258*

William 258

Marley, sir John 200

Marly, Elizabeth 239; John 239; Joseph239

Marmont, Catherine 261; James 263 ; Margaret 263

Marr, Anne 223 ; Elizabeth 247 , 260 , 265, 275, 276, 309, 311; Isabel 309; Robert 309; Robert James 309

Marra , Anne 105; Lawrence 105; William 105

Marritt, Marrit, Anne 362* , 363; Jane 362; John 362; William 363

Marrow, Anne 163; Joseph Benedict 163

Marsall, Catherine 126

Marshal, Dorothy269

Isaac 163;

Marshall, Alice 152; Anne 29 , 126 , 173, 195; Catherine 59, 60 , 117 , 122 , 135 , 141 , 142 , 162 , 276; Catherine

Martin, Anne 283, 295, 305*; Bridget 298; Catherine 110, 183 , 272, 311; Catherine Constance 151 ; Constance 151n ; Eleanor 283; John 283, 295, 311; Margaret 285; Sarah 192; Thomas 272* , 295; William 305

Martyn, Martin , rev Francis 133, 208 , 263

Mascarten , Alice Jane 191 ; John 191 ; Mary 191

Maskell, Maskill, Maskel, Anne 160, 193; Hannah 132, 139, 148, 172, 182

Mason , 321; Alice 194; Anne 319, 332; Barbara 214; Caroline350; Catherine350, 354, 357; Charles 356; Elizabeth 332 , 365, 366; George 216; James 214* , 263 , 272 , 350*; Janet 319; John 216, 332 ; Margaret 210 , 321 ; Mary 47 , 51, 60, 65, 71 , 128; Sarah, 47; Winifred216

Masser, Anne 125; Christopher 125; Helena 56; John 125; Joseph 56; William 56

Masterman , Abigail, 159, 169 , 177 , 188; Eliza 169, 344; Joanna 113; Robert 339; Sarah334, 340; Thomas 132

Mas'in, Samuel 25n, 351n ; Susan 25n , 351n*; Troth 351n; William351n

Matcham, Jeffrey 357* , 358; Matilda 357 , 358 , 359*; William 358

Mather, Anne Joanna 217; Catherine 88, 99; Isabel 217; James 217*; Robert 217

Matheson , Anne 218; James 218; Joseph216

Matly, Sarah 251 , 259 , 270 , 279

Matson, Anastasia 166; Elizabeth 16* , 27 , 28 , 29, 30 , 35; James25; John 30

Matthew, Edward 363

Matthews , John 194; Margaret 194; Mary Elizabeth 194

Mattison, Anne 233; Helena 173; James 233; William 173; William George 173

Mattress , John 68; Mary 68; N. 68

Maud, John 46; Martha46

Maw , Martha 34 , 36

Mawson, Anne 88, 106, 116n , 173 , 174 , 183 , 190; rev Basil 161n; Catherine 74; Elizabeth 142 , 161n , 183; John 110, 118, 122, 142, 173 , 175, 183, 190*; Jonathan 88, 1162* , 154 , 173 , 179; Joseph 116n , 132 , 153 , 154, 155, 161n* , 163, 170 , 180 , 190, 192 ; M. 154; Margaret 89, 93 , 126; Mary 74, 131, 155 , 173: Mary Anne 154, 161 ; rev Roger Adrian 161n; Thomas Robert 161n; William 74

, 183

Maxfield, Anne 214; James 214; John 214

Maxwell, Andrew 135*; Anne 135; Clementina 75; John 135; Marmaduke 173; Marmaduke Constable 141n , 158n; Mary 141n , 158n , 159; Peter 159; Philip Joseph 14In May, Sarah 64*; William 64

Mayes, 34n

Mayne, John 252* ; Margaret 252

Meaburne, Anthony 20n ; Catherine 2012

Meadley, Jane 98; Joanna 136

Meak, 325 325; Anne 325 ; Roger

Meanen , Margaret 215

Meara, William 153, 168

Medley, Jane 91; Joanna 114 , 121 , 126, 149 ; Robinson 149. Cf. Meadley

Meellery, Mary 286

Megennes, Daniel 53; Rose Anne 53; Thomas 53

Meggison, Meggeson, Megerson, Megginson , Agnes 84, 89, 99, 104, 123, 132 , 134 , 137 , 166, 184; George 104 , 143, 184, 196; Helena 171 ; James 84; Mary 89, 166, 171 , 184; R. 72; Richard 83 , 84, 89, 90, 91, 95, 99 , 102 , 104 , 119* , 123, 132 , 134* , 137 , 152; Richard Joseph 184; Sarah 99; Sarah Agnes 166

Melburne , Caroline 167

Melling, rev . James 48

Mellis , 306; Alexander 315; Isabel 278 , 284, 290, 298 , 315; Peter 284 , 306 Mellon, Margaret 230; Mary 270 , 274; Patrick 230; Rose 230 , 240; Sarah 232 , 247

Melross, Anne 130

Memikon, Isabel 299; Joanna 299; Robert 299

Menard, Mennard, Anne 303, 316

Mercer, Anne 107; Emma 107; Francis 107; John 107*; Joseph 39 , 107; Mary 107

Meriner, George Wilson 286

Merla, Anne 159; John 159 Elizabeth 159;

Merlin, Elizabeth 236; Joseph 236; Mary 236

Merrington, Dorothy 148; Mary Anne 148

Merton, Catherine 226; James 226*

Mery, Joanna 55

Mesnard , Elizabeth 254, 282 ; Mary 262

Metcalfe, Metcalf, Anne 34, 51 , 325 , 326; Charles 31 , 34* , 36; Clementina 23, 26; Elizabeth 21, 22, 24, 31 , 70 , 71, 75 , 78, 79, 82, 83, 86, 88, 89, 90 , 94, 98, 102* , 103, 114 , 127 , 139 , 153; sir James 199; Jean 105; rev. Joseph 325 , 326 ; Leonard 12, 71 , 325, 326, 332 , 333n*; Margaret 81, 94; Martha 34 , 36; Mary 139, 326* , 332n, 333; Sarah36; Thomas325-6; rev William 326; William 325-6 , 333, 333-4; Winifred 341. Alias of rev Philip Leigh, S.J.

Metley, Charlotte 53

Meynell, Meynel, Meynil, 357; C. 38; Christopher 30, 33, 36, 38n , 42, 44, 354 * , 357 , 358; Ed 62; Elizabeth 366*; Francis 348; Mary 182 , 194 , 354n , 358, 366 ; Mary

Agnes 366; Susan 354 , 357; Thomas 366*

Mezuixon, Richard 77

Michaelrow, Catherine 129

Michelson, 321

Middlemass , Middlemiss , Mary 235, 244, 284

Middlemoot, Mary 225

Middlemost , Middlemust , Mary 231 , 267

Middleton, Middelton, Alice 155; Frances Mary 173"; Hannah 264; Hugh 274; John Joseph 155n; Juliana 155n , 173n; Peter 155n* , 173n; Sarah 274

Middlewood , Anne 108

Midford, Elizabeth 211 , 321*

Migennes , Mary 49

Mignn, see Magin

Milburn, Milburne, Anne 353; Caroline 190; Charles 190; Eliza(beth) 167 , 190 , 353; George 315-6 , 316; Lionel 167 , 190; Mary 316, 353; Sarah Brown 167; Thomas 353

Milford, hon Anna Jane 115n; Richard Baron 115n


Millanophy, Achneh 268

Millem, Sarah 241

Millen, Hannah 270

Miller, Anne 226, 228, 253; Elizabeth 217* , 285, 295, 297, 301, 302 , 303 , 304, 308, 314; Hannah 260, 280, 295; Joanna 109, 117; John 224, 226, 284 , 286, 289, 291, 292, 294, 297, 301, 307 , 313, 316* , 319; John N. 301; Mary 315; N. 298, 299, 301, 310

Millis, Isabel 262 , 272

Millo, Sarah 249

Mills, Anne 25, 31 , 32 , 37 , 41 , 281 , 287; Elizabeth 46, 250; Frances 31 , 33, 35 , 40 , 41; James 17 , 22, 25* , 29 , 30, 31, 33, 34 , 37, 41, 46; Jane 13n; Joanna 43; John 31* , 35 , 40 , 43, 50, 54 , 64; Mary 33* , 34, 37, 41 , 46, 256; Matthew 17; William 35 , 256

Milner, Anne 92, 113, 158, 164; John 119 , 120, 130 , 151

Milton, Amelia Anne 192; Bridget 192; Richard 192

Minto, Mary 292 , 309

Mitchell, Mitchel, Michell, Anne 185 , 197, 265; Eleanor 279*; Elizabeth 224; Frances 64, 128 ; George 185; James 64 , 265; Jane 99; Joanna 128, 142; John 128* , 142* , 279; Marguerite 321; Martha 54; Mary 91 , 97, 111 , 134; Mary Anne 197; N. 146, 155; Robert 185 , 197; Sarah 265; Thomas 30 , 128*

Modestier , Elizabeth 112 , 122 , 144; Mary 69, 81 , 100 , 110 , 112

Modesty, Anne 102; Elizabeth 48, 86, 138; Mary 48, 91, 101 , 138

Moffat, Bartholomew 307; Mary 307; Michael 307

Moley, Daniel 302; Mary 293, 302

Molina , mgr. 153n

Mollay, Mary 255

Mollins, John 260*; Margaret 260

Mollone, Molone, Edward 293; Margaret 293; Winifred 143

Molloy, Moloy, Anne 314; Charles 299; Edmund 61 ; Elizabeth 61; John 314*; Mary 61 , 231 , 299

Molyneux, rev. Richard, S.J. 2002

Monaghan , Christina 255; Elizabeth 297, 305; Esther 305; Felix 255; Henry 282 , 297, 305; James 297; Joanna294; Joseph 305; William 255

Monastere, Monerstere , John 24* , 25; Mary 55; Sarah55

Moncaster , Monkaster , Bridget 213 ; Margaret 213, 218*; Owen 218; Peter 213; Robert 213 , 218

Money, Mony, Anne 124; Catherine 265; Hannah 310; James 310*; Mary 290

Monin, Charles 47

Monkman , Cecilia 363; Cecily 360 , 361* , 362*; Mary 358

Monks, Jane 86

Monroe, Elizabeth 220

Montgomery, Montgommery, Montgomary, Mongomery, Elizabeth 140; Hannah 293: Helena 277; Mary 277, 282, 291 , 293; Matthew 277 , 282* , 293

Moody , 224*; Anne 223 , 231 , 238, 312; Catherine 258; Charles 219 , 224 , 227 , 231, 238 , 283; Dorothy 223; Helena 219, 312; John 231; Margaret 286, 293 ; Mark 213; Martha 219 , 231; 286 , 293, 312*; Sarah 224 , 276; Mary258, 276, 283, Mary Anne 295; Thomas 231 , 258 , 276, 283, 286, 293, 312*; William219

Moon , Anne 142, 154, 165, 175 , 185, 196

Mooney, Moony, Elizabeth

Margaret 296

Moor, Anne 330; 122 ; Anthony 211*; Joanna 330; John 211 , 330; Margaret 211*; Sarah 72

Moore , 347, 359: Anne 189, 222; Edward 214 , 218; Elizabeth 178 , 214 , 218 , 228; George 217 , 222; Isabel 217* , 222; Joanna 177; John 214, 347, 349; Josiah359; Mary 23* , 178, 349; Mary Anne 189 ; Matthew 178; N. 218; Patrick 189, 195; Sarah 347 , 348, 349, 364n ; Thomas 178; William 349; Winifred 25 , 30 , 31,32,34,40,43,45,49,52,54,560, 60

Moorey, Moory, Elizabeth 127; Joanna 37; John 37, 39, 42; Mary 37 , 90* , 96, 105 , 115 , 127

Moran, Christina 280; James 306; Mary 317

Mordock, Elizabeth Mary 229; Mary 229; Robert 229

Mordu, Mordue, Charles 289, 291, 293, 295, 297*; John 241; Martha 241; Mary 241; Matthew 303

More , 3; Catherine 26; Christopher Cresacre, Crasacre 3 , 26n; Mary 26n ; Thomas 3; Winifred 35 , 36

Morestier , Mary 55; Sarah 55

Morewood , rev. Bernard, O.P. 208

Morgan, Anne 174, 296, 304; Elizabeth 189; Hannah 75 ; Henry 175; Hugh 75; Isabel 304; James 75 , 189 , 317; Joanna 175; John 149 , 175; Mary 88 , 149* , 277 , 296; Michael 304; Peter 108 , 174 , 175 , 176 , 189, 192; Sarah 176, 185, 189; SarahAnne 174; Thomas 296

Morin, Morine, Anna Catherine An-


gelica 72n; Charles 47; G. 76; George 53, 125; Lois 47 , 53, 61 , 76; Timothy47 , 53, 61* , 72n, 76

Morley, Morlay, Anne 177 , 188; Charles 43, 338; Dorothy 318; Elizabeth 43; Theresa 43, 338

Morn, Bridget 82

Morning, Sarah 297 297; Margaret 297;

Morris, Anne 148; Frances 332*; Sarah 232; Thomas 332

Morrison, Anne 302, 315; Dominic 293; Joanna 293; Michael 293

Morrow,Anne 79, 87, 91, 95, 102 , 111 , 120* , 134, 148; George 134; Isaac 79, 87, 89, 95, 97, 102 , III, 120 , 125 , 134 , 148; James 111; John 79; Mary 89; Mary Anne 87; Sarah102; William 95 , 148

Morshall, Catherine 195

Morten, Catherine 240

Mortimer, Anne 57, 62, 66, 71, 76, 82, 88, 100; Charles 55

Morton, Catherine 232; Elizabeth 308; Hannah 318; James 232; John 232 , 318*; Joseph 164; Mary 131; Paul 50; Robert 318; Sarah 50; William 50

Mosley, rev

Mossley, Anne 47 3

Mostin, Catherine 183

Mostyn, sir Edward 44"; lady Frances 44 ; John 129; Mary 133; Sarah98

Mould, 336

Mountain, Anne 57-8; Catherine115 , 121 , 156, 183, 189, 191 ; Charles 188; Elizabeth 15, 17, 38, 45, 71 , 112 , 136 , 151; Francis 86, 98 , 109 , 110* , 127 , 132 , 140 , 151 , 156; G. 104; Henry 156; James 42 , 45, 51 , 71*; James Robert 30, 36, 38 , 54; Jane 86*; Joanna 38* , 42, 45, 51, 54, 71; John 15 , 51; Joseph 16 , 115 , 121 , 156, 172, 184, 191; Martha 17 , 42 , 45; Mary 14, 16 , 146 , 179; Mary Anne 117 , 121 , 127 , 135, 145, 156 , 170, 179, 187; Peter 14; Richard 14 , 16 ; Robert 15 , 17 , 42, 54; Sarah93; William 71 , 102, 116 , 117, 132 , 145 , 151; William Thomas 151

Moustier, Jane 14; John 14; Margaret 14

Moverley, Thomas 48

Mowson , Margaret 99

Moyes, David 210

Moyser, Mary 194; Sarah170

Moyster , Anne 321; John 321

Muckanulti, Anne 281; Daniel 281; William 281

Muldoon , Owen 296 296; Edward 296;

Mulheron , Uni(ty) 256

Mulholland, Cecilia 142 ; Francis 142; James 142

Mulkaran, Uni(ty) 249

Mullen, Mullan, Mullin , Anne 135, 300; Elizabeth 300; Frances 261; Margaret 128; Peter 90; Thomas 124; William 300

Mullens, Joanna 177; William 177*

Mulligan, Mulligen, Mulligin, Mullagan, Mullagen, Andrew James 141; Helena 141 , 157, 169, 193 , 194; James 141 , 157 , 169, 193; Margaret 304; Mary 111; Mary Joanna 193; Michael Joseph 169; ThomasGabriel 157

Mulnay, Susan 259

Mulronay, Catherine295

Mulvin, Bridget 188

Mumford, Joanna 195

Muncaster , Anne 289

Mundan, Munden, Helena 168; Margaret 169; Patrick 169

Mundy, Patrick 256

Munfrey, Elizabeth 191 ; Isabel 176; Mary 185; Sarah 176 , 185 , 191 ; William 176, 177 , 185 , 191

Murdent, Anne 14

Murdu, Ewen 238; Martha 238; Mary 238

Murphy, Murphey, Murph, 235; Alex 308; Anne 56, 182* , 188 , 258, 272, 278, 288, 299, 306; Anthony 251; Barbara 244, 251 , 257 , 266 , 274 , 295, 308, 318; Bernard 308; Bridget 169 , 185, 298; Catherine318; Eleanor 252 , 270 , 277; Elizabeth 178, 308; Ellen 140; Esther 261; Francis 161 , 295, 299; Frederick 274; Helena 161; Honora 260; Isabel 240; James 56, 140, 162, 166, 188* , 244 , 251 , 257, 260, 266, 274, 295, 308 , 318*; Joanna 56; rev John 328; John 216, 266, 287 , 289, 362; Judith 235; Judy 216; Margaret 260 , 313; Mary 136, 158, 162, 165* , 166 , 168 , 170 , 174, 177 , 185, 188 , 240 , 258 , 274 , 289 , 307 , 308, 350; Mary Anne 165 , 244 ; Michael 257; Sarah 147 , 175 , 177, 188, 289; Thomas 136 , 140 , 146 , 147 , 161 , 165* , 175, 182, 186 , 188 , 240; Walter 253; William 15 , 216 , 235 , 274; Winifred 162

Murray, Murry , Andrew 101; Anne Mary 19 ; Bridget 130, 364; Catherine 298, 300, 307, 317; Daniel 304*; Edward 293; Elizabeth 42, 45, 48, 52, 59 , 101, 365; Francis 153 ; Hannah 293; Isabel295, 311; James 259 , 298 , 301 , 310, 317 , 365*; Joanna 289 , 293 , 307; John 88 , 272*; Margaret 291 , 307; Mary 88, 277 ,


278, 289, 293, 304, 312, 365; Michael 88, 275 , 277 , 364, 365; Patrick317; Rachel272; Robert 289; Sarah298;

Susan 259; William 101 , 259, 277

Musgrave , Christopher 65, 71 , 77, 180, 193 ; Eliza(beth) 65, 71 , 77 , 98, 101 , 103 , 108 , 174; Joanna 171; Mary 65 , 121 , 131 , 141 , 151 , 158, 165, 170 , 171 , 174 , 179, 180* , 191, 193; Mary Anne 171 , 174, 180, 189; Mary Elizabeth 151; Ralph 103, 108; Thomas77 , 160, 174, 179, 180* , 189*; William 71 , 121 , 123, 128 , 135 , 137 , 145 , 149, 151 , 156 , 158, 165* , 171 , 179 , 193

Musgrove , Christopher 68; Elizabeth 68; Jane 313; Mary 68; Philip 313; Sarah 313

Mush, rev John 2

Mushells , Elizabeth 284

Myers, Anne 172; Elizabeth 145; George 172 , 175; Grace 94, 119; John 172; Mary 68

Mylam, Catherine 188*; Edward 188

Mytun, Mytum, Catherine 183 , 192; Charles Frederick 192; Edward 183; Mary Agnes 183 ; Robert 192

N., N. 119 , 144

Nacgedy, Mary 149

Nailor, Bridget 312; Grace 312; James 312

Naseby, Joseph 353, 354

Nash, Catherine 279, 287, 301 , 310; Edward 310; Margaret 94; Martin 94; Thomas 94

Nate, Margaret 69

Naughen , Anne 309

Nawn, Catherine 129; James 129; Thomas 129

Neadham , Mary 37n; Thomas37n

Neal, Catherine 311

Neary, Christina 159

Needham, Anne 107 , 185, 189 , 195

Neerman , Anne 60; Francis60*

Neighters , Anne 220*; George 220; John 220; Mary 220; Matthew 220

Neil, Catherine 313; Mary 119

Neileson, Elizabeth 267; Isaac 267; William 267

Nelles, Nellis, Catherine 238 , 250; James 238 , 250; Mary Anne 238; William 250

Nelson, Anne 271, 276; Barbara 114; Catherine295; Martha 248; Sarah271

Nettleton, Richard 126, 129, 153 , 175 , 196

Neven , Mary 316

Nevil, Charles 321

Newbury, N. 238

Newby, Helena 296; John 296; Ralph 296

Newcomb , Mary 229, 230, 236 , 267 , 316

Newman , Martha 228

Newsham , rev . Henry 328, 364 , 367; rev James 45, 122, 125, 184 , 279 , 350n; rev. Joseph, canon, 208 , 209; Mary 95 , 101 , 110; Thomas 328

Newson , Mary 89

Newton, Elizabeth 223, 225, 233 , 235 , 243, 251; James 181 ; Joanna 316; John 231 , 299, 306; Mary 231*

Nichol, Helena 318; James 295

Nicholson , 363; Anne 37; Elizabeth 92*; Frances 72, 76 , 83, 93, 109 , 119 , 132; James 339; Joanna 126; Louisa 92, 191 ; Mary 27, 78, 339, 358* , 359, 360, 361, 362 , 363; Michael 360, 363; Sarah 339, 358, 360; William 37 , 78 , 89, 92; Winifred 23

Nickelson , Louisa 157 , 175

Nickolson, Joanna 315

Nicolson , Richard 234; Sarah(Maria) 333

Niel, Daniel 105

Nixon, Christopher253; Hannah 281; Isabel 263; Margaret 253* , 263, 273 , 281; Mary 263 , 273 ; Richard 253* , 263, 273, 281 ; Samuel 253; Samuel Christopher 273; rev . Thomas 32

Noble, George 222; Helena 181 ; Mary 107 , 222; Matthew 222 , 225; William 139 , 160 , 190

Noel, Rebecca 26

Nolan, Helena 69; James 138

Noon, Helena45 ; James 45; Patrick 45

Norgrave, Anne 331; Elizabeth 330 , 331* , 332*; Joseph 332; Margaret 331; Mary 330; William 330, 331* , 332

Norgraves , Anne 342 , 343; George 343: Margaret 342; William 342 , 343

Norman, Anne 279 ; Bernard 279; Patrick 279; Sarah64

Norrison, 167; Anne 128 , 138; Elizabeth 167; John 128; Theresa Mercy 138; William 128, 138 , 167

Northgrave, Eliza 335; N. 337

Northgraves, Anne 333, 334 , 335 , 340* , 341 , 347; Elizabeth 334; Jane 347; Joseph 341*; Margaret 340*; Martha 336, 338, 340; William 335 , 340* , 341* , 347

Norton, Bridget 296; Catherine 296 , 307*; Edward 296, 307

Norwood , Joseph218*; Mary 218

Nourse, Anne 67

Nowlan, Nowland, Christina 259; Daniel 227; David 217; Elizabeth 227; Helena 286; Irene 291 ; James


215 , 217 , 219, 220, 221, 222 , 227*; Joanna 81; Margaret 215 , 217 , 219 , 221* , 227* , 298; William215

Nowton, Isabel 190; John 190; Martha 190

Nugent , Joanna 140, 152; Mary 128 , 166

Nuiles , Mary 271

Nunn, James 142

Nutbrown, Elizabeth 170; Francis 127; George 140; Henry 124 , 156; James 127 , 135, 145* , 156 , 170 , 179 , 187; Joanna 135; John 187; Joseph 119 , 124 , 132 , 140; Mary 119 , 124 ,

127 , 132 , 140 , 187; Mary Anne 124 , 127 , 135, 140, 145, 151, 156, 170, 179 , 187: Robert 119; Robert Manby 179; Veronica 132; William 135

Nutten, Elizabeth 303; Jeremiah303; Richard 303

Oaks, Anne 28; Thomas 28*

O'Brian, Anne 169; David 69; Felix 169

Letitia 257 , 265, 273; Patrick 359; Rose 109; Rose Anna 342, 344

Oils , John 77

Okelly, 49*; Mary 49

Oldgate, Anne 42; Mary 42; Samuel 42

Oliver, 211* , 217; Catherine 231, 288, 297, 304, 313*; David 246; Eleanor 246 , 273; Elizabeth 86, 90, 211*; Ellen 254; James 246, 253* , 254*; John 211, 217, 288 , 297* , 304* , 311 , 312 , 313* , 314* , 315, 317* , 318*; Mary 211 , 292; Mary Anne 288; N. 324; William 211* , 304

Ollard, canon 3n, 5

O'Magan, Anne 309

O'Mara ,Michael 295 295; Margaret 295 ; O'Meara, Anne 182; Lawrence182

O'Mely, Omilay, Patrick 305, 308

O'Bryan, Dorothy301; George 315; Mary 132 , 315; Patrick315

O'Callaghan , Lewis Charles

O'Brien, Caroline155; Charlotte 155; James 156; Mary 55, 96*; Patrick 96; Sophia 156 135;

Mary Georgiana 135 ; Mary Theresa

Joanna 135; Peter Paul 135

O'Callang, O'Callanghan, Mary 261; Patrick 261; Peter 261

O'Connor , 300; Bridget 281; Catherine 135; Mary 115 , 134*; Patrick 115* , 134, 296; Richard 248; William 256

O'Conor , Denis 300; Helena 300

O'Neal, O'Neil, O'Niel, Anne93, 190; Arthur Thomas 294; Catherine 69, 110 , 119 , 294 , 299*; Constantine259, 285, 294, 298; Denis299; James110 , 190, 269; Joanna285; John 107 , 110 , 294; Margaret 93, 101 , 259, 285, 294; Mary 149, 194; Michael 69, 190*; Sarah 294

Orbury, Anne 268

Ord, Anne 220* , 224; Mary 231

O'Reilly, John 92; Lucy58

Ormond, Mary 285

Ormston , Elizabeth 312

Orvin, Anne 338

O'Ryly, Catherine 304, 307

Osmond , rev. Peter 327, 339* , 340* , 341* , 367

O'Sullivan, John 158 Elizabeth 300; Oswald, St. 6

O'Curren, Anne 250; Daniel 243 , 247, 250, 259* , 262

O'Donnell, O'Donell, Arthur 109* , 113 , 116 , 117 , 119, 120 , 123*; Catherine 216; Charles 129; Daniel 129; Edward 117; James 109 , 112 216; Joanna 109, 113, 117 , 119 , 123 ; Letitia 112; Sarah129; Thomas 216

O'Farrall, Harriot 67; Richard 67; Thomas 67

O'Farrell, Elizabeth 157; John 137 , 157; Mary 137; Thomas 137; William 157

O'Ferrell, Henrietta 64; Henrietta Bridget 64; Richard 64

O'Flaherty, Thady, 33

Ogle, Elizabeth 243, 251 , 261; Thomas 261

O'Gorman , James 285*; Patrick Joseph 130

O'Hara, Anne 359; Arabella 359;

Oswell, Margaret 220

Ottaway, Jane 321; Thomas321

Ottison , Charles 281

Oudare, George 112. Cf. Audaer

Oust , 341; (Maria) 333; Thomas 341 , 342n ; William 337

Outhwaite , Anne Joanna 51; Henrietta 169; John 51; Mary 51

Owen, John 182; Patrick 311; Sarah 182 ; William 182

Owens, James 144; John 144; Sarah 144

Owst, Anne 355, 360; Isabel 360, 361; Mary Anne 336, 352; Mary Anne Emily 360; Thomas 331, 336, 345, 346, 351, 352, 353 , 354, 359 , 360, 361; Thomas (Joseph) 347; Thomas Joseph 181 , 361

Ox, Catherine 292

Oxley, Dorothy 314; George 33 , 303; Grace 33: James 33; Joanna 303 , 314; John 303 , 314


Oyston, Abraham 280; Anne 280; Mary 280; Thomas280*

Psey (?), Elizabeth 52

Pace, Anne 309; Mary 309; Thomas 309

Padget, Helena 79; Leonard 79

Pagman , John 319

Paine, Pain, Elizabeth 219; Mary 243 David 335; Palmer, Anne 271; Elizabeth 243; Ephrem 228 , 233* , 237, 243, 253, 262, 271, 276, 283, 293; Esther 262; Frances 228; George 228 ; James 335; Jane 319; Joanna 154, 155, 167* , 269, 271, 283, 292; John 154 , 155, 167 , 271 , 276 , 292 , 293, 319*; Joshua 154, 155 , 159; Margaret 271; Mary 228* , 233 , 237 , 243, 253, 262, 264, 271 , 274, 276, 283 , 292, 293, 306, 316, 335, 344 ; Mary Anne253; Rebecca 292; Robert237; rev. William , S.J. 198n

Palmes , George 20n ; Margaret Isabella 20n ; William 198n John 20n; Susan 20n; Pandegrast , John 304; Mary Anne 304; Michael 304

Pans, John 167

Paolochi, Bernard 277*; Joanna 277; John 277. Cf. Paulicci

Pape, Elizabeth 292 ; Joseph 157 Park, Anne 291 Parker, Alice 127, 136 , 150, 161; Anne 50, 73 , 94, 135; Anne Mary 56; Anthony 135, 147, 159; Catherine 85n; Charles 114 , 122* , 128 , 130 , 134-5 , 135 , 142, 150 , 152 , 172; Charles Milton 135; Elizabeth 116 , 122, 140 , 146, 281; Ellen 159; Esther 47, 50, 53, 56, 60, 73, 77, 116, 122, 140*; George 47, 122, 127, 136 , 161*; Helena 135 , 146, 147, 155; James 47 , 50, 53* , 56, 60, 73 93, 106, 116, 122, 140 , 146* , 155*; Joanna 127; John 60, 62, 92, 114 , 116 , 122, 135 , 140 , 150; Joseph 62; Margaret 155; Mark 134; Mary 114, 122 , 130 , 135 , 136 , 142* , 146, 150, 152, 159 , 172; Mary Anne 135; Rose 62; Sarah 68 , 85, 95, 98, 108, 115, 116, 122 , 125n; Susan 193 : William 85n , 125n ; William Benedict 130; William Michael 147

Parkin, Mary 224*; Susan 175, 185; William 224 Parkinson, Parkison, Elizabeth 267 , 272

Parks, James 322

Parly, Frances 49

Parsons, Parson, Barbara 63, 65, 70 , 73 , 76, 79 , 92, 97, 169; Barbara

Matilda 169; Elizabeth 79; James 182; James Charles 65, 169 ; John " 63* , 65, 70, 73, 76, 78, 79, 92, 97 , 103 , 134 , 152 , 169; Joseph 70 , 163; Joseph Henry 97; Juliana 182; Matilda 169, 182; Robert 76; Sarah 70, 163; Thomas 67, 73, 163; rev. William 328 , 364*-367*; William Wellington 92

Partridge, Joanna 195; Samuel 190; William 195*

Parvin, G. 71; Mary71 , 93

Passman, Margaret 217; Mary 217 , 219 , 223 , 231; William217 , 219 , 223 , 291

Passymore, Mary 299; Thomas 299* Patrick, Helena 235*; James 235*; Joanna 235; John 235; Joseph235

Patridge, Patnidge, Anne 74; Elizabeth 164; Hannah 91; Henry 174; Joanna 80, 90, 151 , 164, 174; Margaret 74 , 174; Samuel 151 , 164; Sarah 151 ; William74 , 80* , 90* , 151 , 164

Patterson , Anne 282, 303; Cuthbert 254 , 264, 278; Helena 250, 269; Keth 229; Mary Susan 278 ; Miles 264; Sarah 254 , 264, 278; William 254

Pattinson , Mary 36* , 39*; Matthew 36, 39*; Robert 36; Thomas 39; William 36

Pattison, Anne 22, 188 , 237 , 276, 290, 308, 315; Cuthbert 264, 269-70 , 274 , 306; Dorothy 52, 56, 60, 73 , 127; Elizabeth 306; George 210 , 211 ; Helena 113, 127 , 134, 147 , 154 , 188; Isabel 41; Joanna 78 , 286 , 298* , 310; John 154 , 304-5 ; Joseph John 274; Margaret 24, 43 ; Mary 32, 41, 43* , 70, 106 113, 134, 210, 211 , 305 , 315; Matthew 20 , 21 , 32 , 34 , 41 , 43 , 54, 60, 78, 79, 107 , 113 , 127, 134 , 143, 154 , 188; Matthew James 127; Patrick 73; Robert 24 , 32* , 211, 286* , 298, 310; Sarah272 , 274, 306; Thomas 113 , 210 , 310; William 43, 56, 61, 113, 305 , 310 Patton, Joanna 249

Paulicci, Paulichy, Paulitchi, Paulitchy, Paulitzi, Anne Dominica 293; Bernard 287 , 293 ; Francis 297; Joanna 287* , 293, 297, 317. Cf. Paolochi

Paulinus, St. 5

Paxton, Elizabeth 210 , 213; Joseph 210

Payne, rev Bernard 329

Peacock , Anne 23; James 301* , 314; Susan 301 , 314 ; William 314

Peal, Edward 290 ; Edward John 290; Mary 290


Pearson, Alice 215; Anne 214 , 223; Charles 250, 264, 270, 308; Charles John 264; Eleanor 266; Elizabeth 221 , 224, 230 , 241, 250 , 261, 264 , 270, 280, 292, 308; Francis Watson

292; George 218 , 221, 223, 224, 225* , 228, 230, 231, 241, 250, 270, 280, 292 , 308; George Carr 308; Hannah 280; Helena 218, 225 ; Isaac 289; Joanna 225 ; Joseph 230; Margaret 31 , 225, 231 , 261; Mary 221 , 231* , 264 , 287 , 289, 297; Philip 218; Richard 42, 47, 218, 225; Rosamond 338, 341; Rose 345; Ruth 218; Sarah241; Susan 336; Thomas231; William 224 , 261 , 264, 265, 266* , 274 , 289. Cf. Pierson

Peart, Catherine 93; Thomas 25 , 29

Peary , 261; Anne 292, 301 , 310; Christopher 261; Grace 261 , 292; Mary 292, 301, 310; Robert 301; Thomas 254, 261, 292, 301 , 310* . Cf. Peery

Peat, Catherine71, 76 , 82

Peck, Elizabeth 352; Mary 108 , 114 , 122, 130, 135 , 150

Peckitt, Peckett, Peckit, Peckatt, Pickitt, Puckett, Elizabeth 12 , 16n , 22 , 28, 34 , 36, 46, 47, 68n; Emma 160; Francis 16; Francis Xavier84; Isaac 160; James 28 , 34 , 67; Joseph 22 , 47, 55 , 58 , 67, 72, 78, 84, 87, 91, 94, 101* ; Margaret 47, 52, 59, 101; Maria 91 , 94 , 101; Mary 55 , 58, 67 , 72, 78, 84, 91 , 160*;

Peter 94; Thomas 12* , 16, 22, 28, 34 , 36, 101; Thomas Henry 78; William 72

Peel, Sarah 237* , 245

Peery , 284; Grace 243 , 251 , 284; James 251, 284 ; John 243; Mary 284; Michael 284; Thomas 243, 251. Cf. Peary

Peet, Catherine104-5 . Cf. Peat

Peile, Anthony 285; Mary 285; William 285

Pennalton , Anne 81

Pennington, James 103

Penswick, Thomas 60

Peppard, Frances 442 ; Henry 44"; Nicholas 44n

Pepper, Joanna56

Perdieux, Charity 156; Elizabeth 156; John 156

Perkin, Charles 31; Mary 31

Perkins , Christina 35; Joanna 186

Perry, John 162 , 169, 196; Mary 15

Peters, Helena 77; Mary 57

Peterson, Cuthbert 245; Sarah 245; Thomas 245

Petier, Mary Rose 125

Petre , Anne 42; rt rev Francis 4, 333n

Pexton, Mary 142

Phalan, Alice 253 ; Sarah 253

Phelan, Andrew 46 Michael 253;

Philips, Phillips, Elizabeth 121 ; John 105 ; Sarah281

Pickering, Anne 15; Mary 351

Pickles , George 172

Pierce, Margaret III

Piers, Anne 92

Pierson, Charles 215; Elizabeth 238; Ellinder 215; George 215* , 218, 323; Helena 142 , 218; Margaret 215 ; Mary 323; Philip 218; Richard 215 , 218 ; Rosamond 339; Ruth 218; Sarah 142 ; Thomas 238; William 142 , 238. Cf. Pearson

Pigott, Alathea 29n; Charles Gregory 29n; Nathaniel, Chevalierde Garcin 29n ; Ralph 29n

Pike, Sarah 88 , 125

Pile, Anne 246, 275; Elizabeth 238 , 246; John 238 , 246; Margaret 238

Pilkington, Pilkinton , Alice 181 , 192

Pindar, Pinder, Son; Charles 19 , 25, 70, 75*; Ed 82; Edward 113 , 115*; Eleanor 88; Eliza(beth) 70* , 77, 80, 82, 88, 98, 106, 112 * , 122 , 180 , 183; Frances 77; George 25, 62, 70 , 85 , 180; Jane 85, 91, 336; Jane (Anne) 333; Joanna 68, 70, 75 , 80, 103, 108; John 42, 68, 70, 75, 80, 85, 91* , 102, 103, 108, 122, 142* , 180 , 189; Martha 19, 85; Mary 181 , 336, 342, 343, 345, 351, 353; Richard 336; Robert Clayton 106; Sarah 19 , 25, 35, 80, 180*; Susan 336; Thomas17 , 68 , 85, 180, 360; William 77, 82 , 88, 98* , 103, 106, 108, 112, 122

Pine, Mary 309

Pinkard , rev. Pinkelly, Miles 213 326

Pinkney, Pinknay, Pinkny, Pincknay, Pinckny, Catherine 266; Elizabeth 246, 249, 258, 259, 261 , 269* , 287, 290, 293, 295; Giles 258 , 266 , 289, 290; Hannah 266; John 242* , 243, 246, 247, 249, 258, 266, 269, 289, 290; Mary 266, 289; Mary Rowe

290; Miles 244; Thomas249

Pippard , alias of rev George Brown , S.J. q.v. Pitchford, rev Thomas 74; Thomas 62

Platford, 354

Platt, rev James 208, 262* , 263*; rev John, S.J. 3; John 135

Plews, Joanna 133, 155, 166

Plowden, rev Charles 28; Edmund 44 ; Frances Xaveria 44n


Plumme, John 186

Plummer, John 145; Margaret 90, 168 ; Martha 186

Plumpton, Elizabeth 238; George

238 "

Plunket, nobilissimus dominus

Luke 35

Plunkett, Anne 112 , 159; ? Mark 112-3; Mary 113

Pluse , Joanna 144

Pochini, 215; Joanna 218 , 223, 241; John 218, 239; Mary218 , 277; N. 243

Poggitt, Anne 95

Poinclou, Pointclou, Alexander 18, 21* , 25; Anne 18 , 21 , 25; Anne; Mary 18; Sophy 25

Pollard, Catherine 187; Charles 114* , 123 , 145 , 149 , 175; Elizabeth 145 , 175; George 187; James 187; John 175; Mary 145. Alias ofrev James

Sharpe, S.J. , q.v.

Pollock, James 234*; Joseph 240; Margaret 234 , 240; Michael 240

Pollond, Elizabeth 58; John 58; Patrick 58

Poole, Cecilia Joanna 179; Charles

David 196; David 187; David

Charles 179; David Josiah 179; Eleanor Joanna 187; Elizabeth

Caroline 196; Eliza(beth) Martha 179 , 187, 196; Felix 196; Josiah

Thomas 179

Porter, Grace 251; Jane 307; Mary 341, 358n

Porteus , Portus, Anne 287, 297* , 315; Grace 315; Helena 287; John 287 , 297 , 315

Portley, rev. G. T., O.P. 208

Potts, 317; Anne 60; Catherine 211; Edward 218; Elizabeth 85, 216, 233, 238, 244, 254, 263, 279, 292; George 139, 150, 317; Helena 217; Isabel 317; James 161 , 244*; Joanna 308; John 150 , 218; Joseph 244; Mary 139, 150, 161, 171 , 183* , 192* , 214, 216, 218* , 244* , 295 , 308 , 314, 317; Peter91; William139 , 150 , 161, 171* , 183 , 192

Poulson , George 326

Powell, Powel , Anne 14 , 60, 137; Catherine 52, 54, 60 , 65, 71; Elizabeth 61; Joanna 142; Joseph 54; Margaret 124; Mary 124 , 171; Rebecca 27 , 52; Samuel 54, 65, 99, 100 , 125, 128 , 142; Thomas 52* , 54 , 60, 65, 71, 94, 142; William71 , 124

Power, Anne Mary 194; Mary 194 , 318; Patrick 194; William 318*

Pownder, Anne 55; Mary 60; Sarah 54, бо Poynter, bishop 5

Pratt, Anne 77, 117; Anthony 38; Elizabeth 77 , 81, 136, 139, 143 , 153 , 157 , 164* , 166, 169, 174 , 183 , 191 , 194; Helena 105, 108, 109* , 126 , 131* , 132, 141,157, 169, 193; Henrietta 194; Henry 164; James 153 , 164 , 174 , 194; John 81 ; Mary 38* , 83 , 155*; Mary Anne 184; Rebecca 160; Richard 46, 73, 80-1, 82, 85; Robert 153 ; Thomas 77, 81, 94, 103 , dal brothe

Pray, Margaret 271 , 303, 314

Precious, Anne 86; Joanna68 ; Mary 86, 159 o othe

Preston , John 15 , 16* , 17* , 22

Price, Alice 181 , 192*; David 192; Edward 181 , 192 ; Jane Anne 181

Pridgin, William 27

Priestman , Mary 358n

Primes, Mary Anne 98

Primrose , Janet 323 174 acies

Prince , Margaret 122; Mary Anne 98, 122, 150* , 168 , 182

Pringle, Mary 213

Printice, Agnes 303-4; Joanna 304; John 304

Pritting, Margaret 273

Proctor, Anne 250, 262, 267 , 269 , 281

Proud, Abraham 306; Anne 306, 317; Elizabeth 217; John 306, 317*; William 144

Prumball, Catherine 211; Elizabeth 211; Matthew 211; William 211

Pulleyn, Pulleeyn, Anne 164; Elizabeth 164

Puncheon , Punshon, Punshen, Punschen, Anne 214 , 217, 218, 233; Delh 238; John 214, 218, 318; Luke214; Margaret 212 , 215, 225, 233; Mary 212, 218, 238, 316 721

Purdon, Anne 353; Anne Theresa 353; Elizabeth 360 ; Thomas 353

Purdy, Anne 285; Elizabeth 152 , 168; George 54; Mary Anne 115

Puroy, Hannah 294

Pyke , Sarah85n; Thomas 85n

Pyne, Catherine 259

Quen, Esther 219

Quin, Quinn, Quien, Anne 120 , 127* , 138, 147, 166, 185, 193; Bridget 173; 304; Catherine 285; Dan Hues (? Hughes ) 127; Daniel 130; Helena 127; Henrietta 127; Isabel 293 , 315 , 316; John 185 , 251; Margaret 120 , 130* , 140, 154 , 164, 173, 189; Mary 138, 305, 312 , 314; Mary Anne 292-3; Michael 225; Michael Joseph 139; Patrick 282, 293, 315; Richard 166; Robert 147; Sarah 295; William 116 , 120 , 127 , 138, 140, 147, 166, 185, 193 EQ


Quinham , James 304

Quinland, Bridget 173 ; John 173; Thomas 173

Rabbit, Catherine 294

Radcliff, Radcliffe, Anne 82 ; Charles 78, 80, 82* , 102, 104, 113 , 133; Helena 78, 82, 104* , 113, 133; James 78 , 113; John 78, 133, 238; lady Mary 204; William 82

Radford , Joanna303

Radigan, Catherine 69; Helena 69; Michael69

Radley, John 337; MaryAnne 143

Rafferty, Catherine 247; Mary 161 ; Susan 280; Thomas 161

Rafter, Edward 153; Elizabeth 109; Joanna 153 ; Mary Anne 153

Raines, 337; Eliza(beth) 326 , 337*; John 334

Rainsford, Mary 99

Raitherford, Margaret 228

Ramsay , Ramsey, Anne 215* , 222 , 249; Catherine 269 ; Isabel 249; James 298; Robert 249

Ramsden, Elizabeth 107

Randerson , Anne 36, 37, 41 , 52 , 54, 57, 68 ; Benjamin 31, 33, 37 , 50, 58 , 147 , 167; Elizabeth 41, 56, 59, 61 , 65, 69, 73 , 77 , 83, 89; Hannah 52; Joanna 71, 164, 176; John 67 , 152 , 172 , 176 , 186 , 191; Mary 39, 50, 52 , 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67 , 71 , 78 , 79, 84, 86; Sarah 37, 41, 55, 105 , 128 , 142 , 143; Theresa 79; William 81, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 44, 47* , 49, 50, 52 , 55, 56, 57, 58* , 61, 62 , 63* , 65, 66, 67, 70 , 71, 73, 75, 76 , 79 , 82, 89, 92, 93 , 98, 99, 100 , 104* , 137 , 151 , 158

Rank, Matilda 169

Rankin, Jemima 257

Ransley, Randsley, Ranley, Edmund 93, 127 , 136* , 180*; Elizabeth 69, 87; Frances Mary 114; Henry Cyril 102; Joanna69; John 69; Mary 79 , 84, 93 , 102, 107 , 114 , 251; Monica 107 ; Theresa 84, 138, 180; William 79* , 84, 93, 102, 107, 114, 118 , 123 , 126 , 131

Rant, Matilda 182

Raper, Anne 131 , 150

Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, Charles 88, 94*; Francis 94; Helen 88, 94; John 88; Mary Anne 88; Thomas 94, 230

Rathborne , Cecilia 259

Raverty, Catherine 129 , 243; John 129, 269; Susan 269

Rawcliffe, Anne (Elizabeth) 333

Rawlin, Rawling, Elizabeth 118 , 143

Rawlins, Elizabeth 102, 109-10

Rawlinson , Anne 235

Rawson, Henry 66

Ray, Anne 348; Richard 348; Winifred 348

Rayment, rev. Benedict 7 , 83*-196* , 197; Thomas 7

Rayner, Harriet 279n ; John 291 , 292 ; Joseph 291; Leopold 292; Margaret 291, 292

Read, Elizabeth 355; George 347; Henry 349; Jane 344* , 346, 347, 349 , 351* , 355; Mary 43, 46; Rose Anna 351; Thomas 344 , 347 , 349 , 351; William 355. Cf. Reed, Reid

Readshaw , Anne 225* , 242 , 276; Frances 282; George 225* , 242 , 293 , 297 , 315; Joanna 242; Margaret 293, 316. Cf. Redshaw , Reedshaw

Reagh, Elizabeth 311

Reah, Elizabeth 304; Mary 304; Thomas 304

Rear, Anne 276

Reardon , Mary 318

Reasby, Henrietta 247

Reay, Anne 261 , 268 , 270 , 275* , 280

Redding, Ed 105

Reddy, Mary 292

Redford , Joanna318

Redshaw , Frances 263; Henrietta 194; James 287; Mary 182 , 194; Mary Emma 182; Michael 182, 194

Cf. Readshaw , Reedshaw

Reed, Anne 238, 341; Catherine288; Eleanor 236, 248, 253 ; Eliza(beth) 300 , 334 , 335, 336; Ellen 215; George 324, 335* , 343; Hannah 264 , 291 , 302 , 312; Helena 268, 302; Isabel 242 , 244 , 245 , 254 , 259, 269 , 277, 306, 312; James 309; Jane 338, 340 , 341* , 342, 343; Joanna 300 , 309, 334; John 260, 340; Margaret 30 , 272; Mary 221; Thomas 302 , 338 , 340, 341* , 342* , 343; William 300, 309, 338. Cf. Read, Reid

Reedshaw , Anne 234; Frances 245; George 234 , 297; James 289, 302; Joanna 234. Cf. Readshaw , Redshaw

Rees, Thomas 144

Reevely, 250*; John 219

Reeves , Elizabeth 366, 367

Regan, Anne 176; Brian 112; Bridget 151; Catherine 311; Denis 288; Helena 177 , 186, 187 , 196; John 174 , 177, 180* , 185, 186* , 187* , 193 , 196; Mary Anne 187 , 196; Michael 166, 177; Patrick 177; Roger 186; Sarah 180, 185 , 187; Thomas 112; Winifred 112

Reid, Elizabeth 28*

Reilly, Reily, Reiley, Anne 19, 22; Hannah 162; James 162; Joanna 262, 265; John 13, 62; Mary13 , 16* , 2E

19 , 22, 366; Thomas 13 , 16* , 19 , 22 , 262; William 262

Reinoldson , Mary 22

Reley, Catherine 159

Relph, Joseph 87; Mary 87

Renardson, John 339; Mary 339

Render, rev .Joseph, D.D. (canon) 8, 9

Renderson , Anne 14 ; Benjamin 14 , 19; Elizabeth 14; Mary 113; William 113

Reney, Bernard 126; Mary 126; Peter 126

Renly, Helena 235*

Rennison , Joseph73; 143; MaryAnne 143; Renwick, Mary 224 , William 281 , 283*

Mary 73* , 96, William 312 288 , 300 , 302;

Reya, Elizabeth 155; Thomas 155

Reynolds , Reynols, John 294; Margaret 294; Mary 109, 249; Sarah 112; Sophia 112

Reynoldson , Catherine 15; Joseph 16; Mary 35; Thomas 15

Rez, Mary 235

Rhodes, Rodes, Anne 117*; Benjamin 117*; Elizabeth 117; Joanna 283; John 121; Mary 121; Richard 283 ; Sarah 283 ; William 37 , 283

Riby, Margaret 335.

Rice, Alice 193; Bridget 367; Mary 192 , 193; Mary Anne 367; Thomas 193

Richaby (? Rickaby), Sarah 32*; William 32 DISOR

Richardson, Ricchason , Richerson,

Richison, Ritchason, 336 *; Alice 233 ; Anne 131 , 145, 163 , 169 , 184, 196, 266, 345* , 346* , 348* , 349 , 350,351,353,354,355,356,357 , 359; Anna (Catherine) 333; Edward 353, 355; Eliza(beth) 39* , 50, 131 , 334,336,34,345,346,347,348*, 349, 354 , 355 , 357; Frances 131; George 356; Hannah 145; Henry 354; Isaac 64, 75, 95; Isabel 321; James 350; Jane 197; Joanna 134 , 140 , 163 , 185 , 251; John 334* , 335 , 339, 345 , 348* , 354* , 355* , 356* , 359 , 367; John (Peter) 347; John Hardy 348; Joseph Ignatius 357; Lewis Bertrand 359; Margaret 185 , 210 , 321*; Martha 142; Mary 53 , 64, 116, 176, 224, 237, 248, 264 , 270 , 345; Mary Anne 257; Sarah 57 , 64, 69, 70* , 73, 75, 80, 86, 87* , 94* , 95, 101 , 103 , 105 , 115, 120 , 125 , 148 , 163; Thomas75, 345 , 346 , 347 , 348* , 349* , 350* , 351 , 353, 354, 355* , 356 , 357 , 359, 361; Thomas (Joseph) 333; Veronica 95; William 131 , 351

Richey, Mary 116

Richmond, Anne 61 , 151 ; Charlotte

95; Christina 85; Henry 85; James 68, 163; Joanna 163; John 93 ; Joseph 61 , 63* , 68, 75, 77 , 78, 79 , 85, 97, 163 ; Mary 29, 33 , 61, 63, 68 , 74 , 76, 77 , 81, 84, 85, 89, 93, 117; Richard 77

Riddell, Riddle, 55; lady

Catherine 201; Elizabeth 55n; rev

Peter, S.J. 201; Ralph 207 ; rev

Robert 201; Thomas55n , 200; rev. William 207; rev William , S.J. 200n, 201; sir William201

Rider, Helena 45

Ridge , Anthony 136; Mary 136

Ridley, Anne 175, 181; James 181; Jane 88, 92, 99; Joanna 105 , 114; Margaret 277 , 281 ; Mary 13 , 181 , 281 ; Sarah 277; William 277 , 281

Ridshaw, Anne 226 ; George 226; Margaret 226

Rigan, Joanna 279*; Mary 279 ; Paul 279 , Rigby, rev Edward R. 208; rev

John 208 , 313* , 314 , 319*

Right, Mary 236

Riley, Riely, Edward 319; Elizabeth 147 , 190; Frances 168 ; Margaret 319; Mary Anne 319; Thomas 147*

Roach, Mary 193

Roantall, William 215

Robbins , Benjamin 266; Helena 287; Joanna 257 , 266, 274, 287; John 257; Joseph 257 , 266* , 274* , 287; Sarah 266; William 266

Roberts, Alexander 290; Anne 225* , 226, 234 , 242 ; Mary 109 , 290; Thomas 290

Robertson, Catherine 312; Joseph 312; Margaret 273n, 278 ; Robert 270 ; William 273 , 312

Robinson , 25; Agnes 30; Alice 270; Anne 22, 38, 103 , 150 , 214 , 216 , 222, 229, 257 , 268, 277 , 280* , 299, 341; Anne (Catherine) 87; Bridget 271; Catherine 29, 87 , 357; Charles 345, 352* , 353 , 354, 356, 359 , 362; Clara 356n; Edward 358n; Eleanor 260*; Eliza(beth) 41n, 96 , 97, 100, 138, 147, 149* , 150 , 152* , 155, 156, 158, 159, 169, 170, 174 , 175 , 187, 190, 193, 194 , 306, 335, 336* , 337, 342, 347, 352* , 354, 355, 356n , 357 , 358, 359*; Elizabeth (Maria Jos ) 347; Eliza(beth) Grant 336n , 356n ; Elizabeth Troth 332 , 349 , 351n* , 352n, 354n, 364n ; Frances 141, 348, 367; Frances Josephine 365; George 141, 150, 165, 177* , 194 , 300, 346 ; Grant 336n, 356; Henry 87 , 232, 276, 336, 355, 356n* , 357 , 358, 359*; Hugh 103, 313 ; Isabel 261 , 270 , 282 , 286, 308; James 260 ,


270; Jane 94, 345*; Joanna 143 , 149, 232, 240* , 280; John 41n, 48, 87 , 118 , 119* , 139, 194, 246, 310 , 332n* , 335, 336* , 339* , 342, 343, 345, 346* , 347, 348* , 349 , 351n* , 352n* , 3542 * , 356* , 357 , 358, 363, 364* ; John (Joseph) 333; Joseph257, 280; Leo 345; Leonard 336, 337 , 341 , 342 , 344 , 345, 346* , 348; Lucy 366; Lucy Grant 359n; Luke 268; Margaret 234 , 257, 274, 278n, 313, 350* , 366; Margaret (Veronica) 347; Maria 348; Martha 22, 274, 281; Mary 17 , 22* , 29, 87, 90, 93, 119, 126, 141 , 143 , 150 , 165* , 172, 173, 177, 178 , 194 , 223, 260, 270, 276, 281, 300 , 313, 330 , 332n , 341 , 342* , 343* , 344* , 345* , 346, 348* , 354, 358n* , 367; Mary Anne 288, 310; Mary Jessie 359; Miles 48; N. N. 152; Patrick 216 , 366; Richard 143; Robert 268 , 274 , 279 , 281, 298; Rose 270; Samuel 342 , 344, 346, 349n, 354* , 365; Sarah 348 , 352 , 354 , 356, 357* , 358, 364n, 367; Susan 241 , 246, 335, 344 , 347* 354; Theresa 358, 365, 366; Thomas 22, 29, 216, 354, 366; Troth 332; Walter 255; William 87 , 103, 232, 240; domWilliamCuthbert (Maurus), O.S.B. 332n, 352n , 354ndaso Robison , Martha 63; Mary 71, 76 Robson, Agnes 265; Andrew 223 , 236, 288, 293; Anne 264, 271* , 276; Barbara 234; Catherine 229 , 235, 238, 246, 309; Edmund 357 , 363; Elizabeth 221; Frances 222; Helen 321; Henry 236, 284, 303 , 313; Isabel 247 , 313*; James 238; John Riddell 276; Joseph 224, 226* , 229 , 236 , 243* , 244 , 253, 263, 265, 266, 268, 293* , 294* , 295, 296; Margaret 229 , 236 , 244, 253, 265; Mary 227 , 229, 241, 246, 254* , 262, 269, 357*; Mary Anne 267; Matthew 298 ; N. 300; Philip John 253; Riddell 271, 276; William 216, 289, 293, 357* Rochican , Rochicen, Joanna 249; John Baptist 249* Rochworth, Helena 194; James 194

Rodey, Mary 308; Patrick 308; Thomas 308

Rodley, Anne 45, 48, 51, 58, 64, 69* , 74 , 76, 82, 130; Elizabeth 58, 119; Frances 82; John 45, 48, 51 , 58, 64 , 69, 74 , 76, 81, 82, 87 , 93; Joseph 48, 64; MaryAnne 119; Thomas45, 76

Roe, Mary 21*

Rogan, Ardel, 271


Rogers, Anne 143; Catherine 311; Frances 152; James 250 ; Joanna 131 , 140 , 152; John 131 , 140 , 152;

Mary 50, 221; Sarah 237 ; William 131

Rogerson , Sarah 84

Roney, James 262, 264; John 271 , 282*; Margaret 278; Mary 271 , 282; William 271

Roper , Anne 124 LORINE

Rose, James 36; Joanna 232; Mary 64; Rose 62; Sarah 232 ; William 232

Ross, Anne 220*; Margaret 211 , 321

Rotchford, Helena 182

Rotherford, Dorothy 216; John 215

Rouault, rev . Félix 176

Rouklege, Joanna 55

Rourke, James 113 ; John 113; Mary 113

Row , Mary 126 , 330

Rowe, Elizabeth 335 l

Rowland, Anne 321 ; Thomas 321

Rowley, Elizabeth 192 dolaz

Rowntree, Catherine 148, 149 , 171

Rudd , Anna 160, 190; Mary 106; Thomas 106

Ruddiford, Ruddiforth , Rudiforth, Elizabeth 334 , 335; Hannah 338 , 345 ; Hannah (Mary) 333

Ruddock, Barbara 97

Rudech , Barbara 92

Ruler, Sarah 169, 176, 183, 192

Rumford, Cuthbert, 281 , 292

Russell, Russel,

Runda, Bridget 295; Catherine 295; Patrick 295 dador 47; Alfred 64; Alfred John 32; Anne 15 , 17 , 21 , 23, 26, 28, 32, 35, 37 , 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 172 ; Anne Mary 23; Anne

Monica 64; Charles 287 ; Dorothy 285; Elizabeth 26, 64, 67 , 70, 77 , 82* , 87, 89, 228, 231, 237 , 242 , 249 , 254, 260, 267, 272, 281, 297; Frances 28, 67 , 73; George 15, 17 , 21 , 23 , 25, 26, 28, 32, 35* , 37 , 41* , 46, 49, 56, 64, 67 , 70 , 77, 82; George Joseph 15, 89, 354; James35 , 273; John 17 , 37; John Chrysostom 82; Joseph Benedict 41; Maria Theresa 89; Martha 274 , 281; Mary 273 , 287 , 354; Mary Catherine 46; Matthew 77; Robert 273, 285, 287, 296; Sarah 251 , 273, 284 , 285* , 289, 296*; Thomas 273 , 285, 296

Rutherford, Dorothy 218, 229; Joseph 269, 288; Joseph Cuthbert 269; Margaret 212; Mary 269, 271 , 279 , 288 ; Ralph 288

Rutledge, Rutlidge, Anne 112* , 214; Mary 214; Patrick 112; Sarah 300 , 306; Thomas214

Ryan, Ryon, Benjamin 80, 164, 166; Catherine 294; Cecilia 256 ; Charlotte 152; Christopher 256; Eleanor

307; Eliza (beth) 105, 113* , 115 , 175 , 187 , 229* , 299 ; Felix 54*; George 256; Helen(a) 87, 148, 166*; James 94 , 115, 116 , 148 , 152, 154 , 166; Joanna 54, 299; John 117, 127 , 148 , 152 , 154 , 299 ; Margaret 58; Mary 120; Michael 105; Patrick 229 ; Peter 105 , 113 , 115, 152, 273; Philip 54; Pierce 80, 82, 87, 94, 101 , 120 , 122 , 154; Rose 175; Sarah 80 , 87 , 88, 94 , 101 , 105 , 112, 115, 117 , 120 , 127 , 148 , 154, 164, 166; Thomas 175, 187; William 148, 166, 187

Rylay, Ryley, Ryly, Anne 81; Benjamin 81*; Bridget 318; Catherine 309, 317; Edward 303, 316 ; Elizabeth 57; Hannah 316, 317; Joanna 309 , 317; Margaret 303; Philip 316 , 317; Sarah 303; William 309, 317

Rymer, Elizabeth 213, 216 ; Mary

Anne 162 , 172 , 179

Sadler, rev. Edward, S.J. 3

Sage, Anne 84 , 90; John 86, 90; William 84 ; William Augustin 90 Sail , John 300

St. George, Anne 315; Anne Juliana 315; Henry 315 St.Leger, alias ofrev . John Chapman, S.J. , Salkeldq.v. , rev. Thomas 202

Salmon, Eliza 336; Sarah 337

Saltmarsh, Constance 44; rev . Edward, S.J. 3

Salton, Anne 150

Salvidge , Anne 353; Charles 353 , 357; Frances 353; Mary 38, 40, 353 ; Matilda 346; Thomas 353, 358

Salvin, 196; Anne Mary 184n ; Elizabeth 173; Gerard 184n , 189n, 196n; Gerard Thomas 189n; Henry Thomas Thornton 1962; Monica Mary 184; William 184n; William Thomas 189n; Winifred 184n, 189n, 196n

Sampson, Anne 103, 152; Cecilia 110; Elizabeth 96, 103 , 110 , 118 , 126 , 133 , 152; George 168; Jane 96; John 96, 103, 110 , 118 , 126* , 133 , 152; Thomas 118

Sanderson , Alice 181; Anne 142 , 153 , 160, 171* , 185, 283 ; Benjamin 160; Charles 153: Elizabeth 225 , 230; James 268*; Joanna 250; John 171 , 250; Mary 229, 235 , 291; Mary Anne 185, 268; Robert 142 , 177; Thomas 250, 283; William 142 , 153 , 160, 185

Sandin , Lewis 174 alloranda

Sands, Helena 39; Mary 39

Sankster, Anne 265

Sarsfield, Margaret 233

Sarti, Anne 160; Gioranni 160; Michael 160

Saul, Mary 32

Saunders, Anne 272 , 284 , 290; Elizabeth 278 ; John 290

Savage, Cecilia 256; Elizabeth 294 , 302; Francis 294; John 302; Richard 294 , 302; Sarah 253

Scafe, Scaife, Maria 91; Mary 84; Richard 39. Cf. Scave

Scanlan , Scanlen, Scanlin, Scanling, Catherine 301; David 216; Edmund 294; Edward 215 , 216, 219; Edward Joseph 219 ; Eliza(beth) 215 , 216 , 219, 290* , 299, 309, 313, 314; Hannah 310; Henry 304; James 299, 312; Joanna 310; John 290 , 299, 301* , 309; Mary 196, 214 ; Patrick 196; Sarah 216; Susan 161 ; Thomas 309

Scasochia, Joseph 13; Mary 13 O

Scave, Mary 55, 58, 67, 72, 78098

Sceling, Elizabeth 84

Schanling, Martin 176 Atomysz

Schola, Scholay, Scholey, Martha 22 , 24 , 26, 29, 45; Mary 47 B

Schwerer , Philip 153 otsaba

Scot, Elizabeth 13, 84; Helen(a) 84,92; James 215; John 214; Margaret 214

Scott, Alex. 220; Alice 359; Anne 36 , 214 , 250, 283*; Bartholomew 28; Bernard 319; Elizabeth 52, 214 , 294 , 302 ; Elsie 36; George 52; Grace 243, 251 , 261; Hannah 126; James 220; Jane 321 ; Janet 319; Joanna 239; John 36, 52 , 210* , 242* , 247 , 283, 321; Julia 266; Juliana 269, 271 ; Margaret 210* , 321; Mary 100, 210, 220, 221 , 234 , 239 , 242 , 245, 247 , 251, 273 , 287, 321 , 353 : Nicholas 251; Robert 234, 283 , 353: Sarah 50 , 216; William234 , 239, 243 , 245 , 249 , 251 , 255 , 319 dra pound

Scroope, Nicholas 44

Scruton, Anne 147 , 158, 164 , 171 , 187, 195; Anne Mary 147; Hannah 141; Sarah Dorothy 164; William 147 , 158, 164, 171 , 187; William Benedict 158 al

Scully, Sculley, John 69; Mary 69*

Scullen, Anne 274A

Seagrave, Seagrarve , Seagran, Harriot 67; Henrietta 64; Mary 67 wada Seal, Anne 226; Francis 226; William 226 1

Sedgewick , Sedgwick, Anne 180, 186 , 195; George 186; John 180 , 186 , 195; Joseph 180; Mary 195

Sandyland , Elizabeth 249* , 255 ; Helena 255; Thomas 249 , 255; Seed , Anne 279; Christina 279 , 306; William 249 Eleanor 306; Thomas 279, 306


Seely,Selby, 359

ta 3; Catherine 322n; Margaret321 ; Mary 54; Thomas322n

Sellars, Sellers, Edith 45; Joanna 65; Mary 168

Seneyer, Elizabeth 78

Serry, John 106 106; Henry 106; Settle, Anne 167; Benjamin 74, 79 , 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92; Elizabeth 155, 162, 175: James 70 , 102, 130, 167; John 114, 138; John Lawrence 74 , 186; Joseph 177; Joseph Benedict 87; Mary 70, 74 , 79 , 80, 87, 89, 92 , 95, 119 , 121 , 138, 152, 153, 169; Mary Anne 95; Mary Josepha 167; Robert 80, 178; William 70 , 74, 80 , 87 , 95, 110 , 112, 116* , 120 , 131 , 137, 138 , 144 , 151 , 155, 162, 168 , 175

Severs, Mary 36, 39, 43

Seville , John 299; Patrick 299

Sewell, Elizabeth 230, 236; John 230, 233, 236*; Thomas 230

Sexton, Helena 298; Mary 298; William 298

Seymour, Seymor, Elizabeth 70; Mary 88*

Seynor, Elizabeth 71; Joseph 165

Shackleton , Shackelton, Shacketon, Joanna 191; John 157, 168, 175 , 191 ; Joseph 168; Louisa 157 , 162 , 168 , 175 177, 191 *; Martha 175; Mary 157; William 59 HS

Shaddy, Catherine 294; John 294; Margaret 294

Shafto , Shaftoe, Anne 116; Elizabeth 122; Joseph 158; Mary 116 , 122 , 158; Thomas 116, 122, 158 Anno

Shanks, Elizabeth 221 , 225, 230 , 233 , 244; George 230, 314; John 225; Robert 221; William 221 , 225, 230 , 241 , 242* , 247, 248, 249, 250 , 251 , 253*57

Shann, George 292*; Mary 292

Shannay , Thomas 317 Shannon, Esther 55

Sharkey, Helena 135 ; Michael 135

Sharman , Henrietta 269; John 270

Sharp, Sharpe, Anne 113, 121 , 130 , 170, 177 , 220; Elizabeth 357; Hannah 184; rev James, S.J. 2; Joanna 301 ; John 357; Margaret 121; Mary Anne 154; Robert 113* , 121 1008

Shavalin , Joanna 267

Shaw , Anne 119, 127 , 136 , 147 , 159, 182 , 254; Benjamin 279, 285; Eleanor 287; Elizabeth 147 , 233 , 294; George 287, 299 ; Helena 316; Hugh 245; John 316; Joseph 127 , 279 , 299, 316; Margaret 42, 47, 50, 55, 59 , 66; Mark 159; Mary 127 , dog onest


287 , 299 ; Mary Anne 279 , 285; Sarah 245 , 264 , 278; Susan 285; Thomas 119, 127 , 136, 147 , 159 , 182; William 119

Shay, Anne 271; Joanna 271; Patrick 271

Shea, James 266; Margaret 194; Mary Anne 266; Sarah 266

Shearwin , Mary 126

Shee, Anne 278 , 309, 313; Cornelius 278; Elizabeth 299; Joanna 304; John 299; Mary 275, 309; Patrick 299, 309; Peter 278

Sheehy, Mary 105

Sheering, William 247

Sheilds, Martha 123

Sheldon, Cicily 44n; Edward 44n* , 357; Frances 44; Frances Xaveria 44 ; Francis 44n; Mary Frances 44n; William 44n

Shendon, Sherdon, Elizabeth 149; Mary 149; William 149

Shepherd, Sheppard, Shepard , Anne 107; John 235 ; Mary 141 , 234; rev Thomas 326

Sheridan , Anne 264; Philip 264; William 264

Sherwood , Anne 224, 227 , 239, 242* , 245, 249, 251, 256 , 261, 269, 274, 275, 280, 286, 296; Catherine 51; Charles 224 , 273, 284; Eena 308; Eleanor 236, 292, 295, 296* , 301; Elizabeth 256; Ellen 290; Esther 286; George 106; Helena 227 , 300 , 302; James 51, 224, 227 , 235, 236, 242 , 244 , 245* , 247 , 251 , 256, 261 , 269, 274, 280, 286, 296; Joanna 128, 142, 280 ; John 263; Joseph 250; Margaret 261; Margaret Penelope 269; Martha 79; Mary 85, 232 , 244 , 251 , 287, 292 , 299 ; Mary Anne 79 , 85; N. 301; Penelope 236, 242, 250 , 274 , 286, 300 ; Penny 51; Richard 296; Robert 232; William 242 , 286* , 292, 296, 301, 311

Shevell, Shevill, Shewell , Mary 292, 301, 310

Shiel , Mary 284

Shields, Anne 214 ; Hannah 313; Martha 118

Shiers, Mary 75

Shillito, Anne 176, 183 ; Henry 176 , 183; John 176, 183

Shimmins, Shimmons, Elizabeth 171; John 89; Mary 89, 153, 171 , 188; Michael 153 , 171 , 188*; Sarah 153

Shine, bishop 9; Hannah 289; Mary 143; Patrick 143; Sarah 143

Shinton, Paulina Mary 152n

Shipley, Elizabeth 226 , 299, 308 , 310; John 248*; Mary 241 , 247 , 248 , 264; William 264

Shipman, Henry342 , 349

Shipney, John 222

Shippen, Shippon, Mary 271 , 273; N. 302

Shires, Frances 330; George 330*; Mary 83. Cf. Shiers

Shore, Anne 27

Short, Eleanor 252 , 270, 277; John 250, 252, 270, 277; Mary 143 , 154 , 171 , 270 ; Patrick 143; Peter 252; Sarah 143; Susan 277

Shotton, Anne 264*; Mary 264

Shoveller, John 144 . Helena 259; Shut, Anne 72; Bridget 72; Patrick 72

Shuttle, Francis 177; Mary 177; Thomas 177

Shuttleworth, Anne 45; Catherine 139; Joa 61; John 45, 134; N. 29

Siddell, Siddel, Siddle, Siddall, Siddal, Anne 84, 90; Catherine77; Elizabeth 64, 67, 70, 77 , 82, 89; George 49, 70, 347, 348; Mary 49, 70 , 83; Mary

Monica 56; Matthew Joseph49

Silburn, Christina 36; Elizabeth 16

Silly, John 81; Joseph 81; Mary 81

Silvertop, Albert 203, 290n, 321n; Dorothy 290n; Eliza 184n; Henry

Thomas Maire 184n , 196n; Joanna 252; John 184n ; Mary 203, 321n; Winifred 184n

Silvester, rev. A.T., O.P. 208

Simmons, Anne 255; John 236, 253 , 274; Mary 214, 236 , 253 , 255 , 264, 271 , 274 , 287

Simon, Joseph 223; Mary 223; Mary Elizabeth 223

Simons , Elizabeth 224; John 224; Margaret 224 ; Mary 227; Robert 224

Simpson, 361; Anne 288, 299; Catherine 170; Christiana 85; Christopher 100 , 113, 128; Dorothy (Aloysia) 347; Elizabeth 50, 96, 121 , 140; Francis 128; Helena 127; Joanna 169 , 297; John 33, 71 , 89, 96; Margaret 48, 102, 128, 142 , 145 , 147 , 164 , 173 , 220; Martha 97; Mary40, 91, 128, 145, 159, 218 , 324; Mary Anne 362; Peter 183; Robert Richard 169; Sarah53, 59, 72n , 91

Singer, Barbara 222

Singleton, Elizabeth 317*; Margaret 33, 35; Thomas 24

Sinnott, Mary 176

Sivers , Mary 41

Skehill, Catherine 300*; James 300

Skeif, Maria 94. Cf. Scaif

Skelton, Honora 119; John 119*

Skinners, Anne 51

Skinson, Anne 300 , 307

Skuse, Catherine 362, 363; Francis 362; Peter 362 , 363* , 365

Slamon, Matthew 158 px 61 051 104

Slater, Frances 310; John 300 , 310; Mary 189, 300; Mary Anne 300, 310

Slateray, Anne 275

Slaytor, Mary 302

Sledmere, Charlotte 121; John 121

Sloan, Catherine 150, 164

Slopani , John 243

Slough, Joanna 120

Smallpage , Smalpage , Sarah 12* , 17 , 22

Smart, Anne 283; Hannah 285 , 286 , 301; Margaret 260; Robert 283, 313

Smeaton , dom John Basil, O.S.B. 200

Smiles, Elizabeth 237; Mary 238 , 242 , 247 , 255 Smith, 30, 38, 40, 71, 102, 136 , 140 , 154 , 181 , 193, 258, 277, 289, 334, 365 ; Anne Mary 61; Anthony 104 , 140 , 157 , 170 , 181, 189* , 191 ; Bridget 298; Catherine 39, 41, 42, 45, 65 , 78 , 82 , 87, 109, 135, 147, 153 , 154, 156 , 181* , 182 , 183, 188, 192; Charles 17 , 23 , 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 49; Charlotte 90; Christina 27; rev David J. 328, 367; Edward 18 , 118, 144; Eliza(beth) 16 , 35 , 73 , 104, 135, 147 , 156 , 167 , 178 , 182, 191 , 192, 194* , 239 , 252 , 267, 288, 300, 308, 339, 352; Emma 124; Esther 282 , 283, 293, 307; Frances 44; George 128, 162, 267 , 282 , 283, 284*; Hannah 35, 37 , 65, 68, 75, 267 ; Harriet 191; Helen(a) 31, 78, 82, 94, 100, 104, 113 , 133, 270; Henry 87, 90 , 119, 140, 191 , 192 , 258; Isabel 283 ; James 18* , 24, 28, 31 , 35* , 38, 41, 68 , 77, 82, 136, 222 , 229 , 258* , 307; James Imison 136; James Jenison 136; Joanna 18, 20, 32, 33, 58, 59-60, 104, 105 , 107 , III, 122 , 147 , 157, 165, 172, 181 , 189* , 223, 250 , 251, 297, 306 ; John 16* , 23* , 33 , 43, 45, 51 , 58, 60* , 61 , 65, 68* , 73 , 74 , 76 , 84, 85* , 87 , 90, 96, 100, 102 , 103 , 107 , 109, 118 , 120 , 124 , 125 , 131 , 140, 141 , 144, 149, 174 , 180* , 181, 185* , 188 , 189, 192* , 223 , 227 , 232 , 253, 263, 300, 318, 336; John Francis 90 ; J. P. 325, 351 ; Julia105, 223; Letitia 182; Margaret 58, 74 , 75, 77, 80, 84 , 89, 90, 96, 102 , 104 , 110* , 119, 139* , 147 , 149 , 176, 180, 309, 336, 352; Martha 23 , 24 , 26, 27, 31 , 34, 42, 49; Mary 18 , 21, 23 , 24, 26, 27, 28* , 31 , 32 , 33 , 35 , 37, 38, 40 , 41 , 42 , 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51 , 54, 58* , 60, 61 , 62, 64* , 65, 66, 67 , 68 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 75, 77, 79* , 84, 85, 87* , 89, 92, 94* , 100* ,

225; Anne 23 , 27,

107 , 109 , 114 , 115* , 116* , 118 , 120 , 131* , 134 , 135, 144, 152, 159 , 162 , 164, 180 , 181 , 185, 188, 192, 193, 222, 225, 235, 249, 251, 257, 258* , 270 , 288; Mary Anne 74, 96 , 114, 139 , 167 , 185, 258, 265, 279, 310, 311; Patrick 267; Priscilla 174 , 177, 180 , 188; Prudence 172, 189, 195; Rachel 106 , 131 , 154; rev Robert 208; Robert 102 , 124 , 147, 182, 288, 357; Rose 172, 186, 195; Samuel 340; Sarah 21 , 77 , 144, 174, 176, 182, 300 , 316; Sarah Anne 188, 192; SarahMillington 174; Susan 16, 192; Theresa 37 , 89; rev Thomas52, 207, 232n , 326n; Thomas 22 , 23 , 24, 26 , 27 , 28 , 31* ,

32* , 33 , 34 , 38* , 45, 45-6, 46, 47* , 52 , 55 , 61 , 68, 74 , 75 , 77, 80* , 84 , 89, 99, 100, 104, 106, 110 , 114* , 119 , 126, 130 , 131, 132, 135, 139 , 149, 159, 162, 167, 176, 181 , 188* , 189, 192, 193* , 313, 331 , 352*; William) 28 , 33, 34, 64 , 77 , 90, 96, 102 , 105 , 135, 147, 173, 185 , 189* , 194, 222, 283,293 * , 307, 352 ; William James 43; rev W. Vincent 198n, 202n , 209

Smyth, Frances 278n

Snaith, Dorothy222, 246; Elizabeth 246; James 246, 258; Joanna 246 , 258; Thomas258

Snarr , Elizabeth 96; Jane 96; John96

Snee, Mary 362; Michael 362; Timothy 362

Snell, Sarah 85

Snow , Anne 73 , 94; Anne Catherine

Angelica 72n ; Benjamin 27; Elizabeth 14 , 48, 52; Elizabeth Anne 196; Henrietta 66; James 18 ; John 23 , 72n, 73 , 94, 196; Mary 66, 196; Matthew 14 , 18, 23, 27, 36, 40, 94; Peter 57 , 66; Richard 72n ; Sarah 14, 18 , 23 , 27

Snowball , Dinah 248, 258 ; Henrietta 53; Joanna 287 ; John 53; Margaret 309*; Martha 242 ; Mary 247 , 258 , 270 , 282

Snowden, Catherine 70; James 70; Joanna 179; Luke 179; Rose 179; William 70

Snowdon, Elizabeth 230; James 67; Thomas 254, 264, 274, 278, 292

Soarden , Anne 119

Spence, Spense,

423 18; David 265; Elizabeth 12 , 15* , 18 ; John 273; Letitia 257, 265, 272 , 273; Mary 257; Peter 257, 265, 273 ; Sarah 92, 94, 98, 99, 100, 102; Thomas 14 , 15 , 18. Cf. Spince

Spencer, Spenser, Helena 139 , 159 , 176; Henry 159; Mary 159, 258 , 276, 283, 312

Spensley, Anne 185

Spince, Mary 100; William 100 Robert 100%; Spink, Anne 195; Elizabeth 132; Hannah 76 , 97, 162; James 123; John 115; Robert 76; Sarah Anne

89; Susan 89, 108 , 115 , 123, 146 , 154 , 176 , 177 , 183 , 188; Thomas 76 , 86, 89, 97* , 106 , 108 , 115 , 121 , 123 , 132, 136, 146; William 108 , 146

Spinks , N. 83; Thomas 83; William 83

Sproat, Sproate, Sprot, Sprout, Anne 213 , 267* , 270, 281; George 213; Margaret 305, 318; Mary 213

Sproxton, Anne 352; Richard 141 , 352

Stafford, Mary 286

Stairs, Sarah 214

Stalker, Christina 255

Standen , rev James 208

Standish , Henrietta 34"; Ralph 34n

Stanfield, rev Robert, S.J. 3

Stanfort, Staneforth, Anne Elizabeth 55; John Abraham 55; William 55 77 :

Stanley, Charles 61; Mary 61 ; Mary Anne 61; Winifred Josephina Maxwell 58

Stanton, Alexander 183; Bridget 183; John 230 ; Mary 231; Patrick 231; Sarah 183

Stapleton , dr Gregory 5; LadyMary 55; Monica 143n; Nicholas 1432; rev Paul, O.P. 208

Stathers , Anne 362; Robert 362, 363

Station , Hannah 182

Stationer, Anne 170

Stavan, James 309

Stavely, Elizabeth 197

Sollitt, Benjamin 105; Dorothy 105; John 105 81

Solvin , Elizabeth 103

Sommerville, Elizabeth 275

Sord , Anne 311; Mary 311; William 311*

Southwell, Mary 366

Sowerby, Anne 106, 140 , 155, 170 , 191 ; Elizabeth 118; Sarah 106

Stead, Steed , Anne 22; Elizabeth 149; Elizabeth Anne 118 ; Emily 137; Emma 137; Isabel 149; John 133 , 137; John Edward 137; Margaret 58, 60*; Martha 57; Mary 22, 103, 106, 111* , 118, 133; Richard 58; Thomas 22, 29, 32, 65 , 103 , 106* , 111 , 118, 133, 165; William 149

Steel, Steele , Anna 219 ; Francis 110; George 151; Hannah 151; Henry 151 , 172; James Joshua


89; Joseph 101 * , 110; Joshua 89, 95; Mary 89, 95, 101* , 110 , 144; Mary Anne 101; Robert 101 ; Thomas 95; William 101

Steils, N. 246

Stephens, John 230 ; Margaret 226; Mary 230; Sarah 230

Stephenson, 143 ; 267; Charlotte Christina 160; James 265 ; James Martin 160; Joanna 265 ; John 143; Mary 241, 291, 304; Sarah 153; Thomas 265; Winifred 143; Zachariah 160

Stevens, Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth 305; Eliza 305 ; George 305; John 322; Susan 322

Stevenson , Anne 358; rev Paul 3, 4; Thomas Dering 354

Steward, Andrew 99; Anne 134; Elizabeth 174; Jane 99*; Joanna 115; William 50 , 330*

Stewart, 304; Charles 125 , 318; Elizabeth Mary 125; George 297; Isabel 264 , 270, 318; James 295, 297; Joanna 279 ; John 297, 310, 313; Mary 125, 286, 295* , 304 , 318 ; N. 307; Robert 318; Thomas 304 , 305* , 309, 310* , 312 , 313; William 53

Stickney, Austin 365; Clement 365 ; Mary 365* , 366; Thomas Ambrose 365 ; William 365* , 366*

Stoaker, Mary 53, 62

Stoan, Margaret 116

Stobs, Cuthbert 220; John 220; Margaret 220

Stockill, Mary57

Stoddart, Anne 352; Robert 349 , 352

Stoke, Joseph 96 ; Mary 96 ; Veronica

Mary 96

Stoker, Joanna 249, 293, 318; John 214 , 217 , 223 ; John George 309; Mary 214 , 288, 294, 299; Priscilla 294 , 309; Rose 294; William 294 , 305, 309

Stokes, Joanna 37; Joseph94; Mary 94

Stokoe , Elizabeth 184; Harriet 184; Henrietta 171; John Jackson 171; William 171 , 184 Stonehouse, Anne 17; Elizabeth 8on; George 96; Sarah 14 , 15 , 17; Thomas 25

Stoner, Mary 135

Stones, Elizabeth 66

Stoney, Joanna 168; Mary 168; William 168

Storey, Story, 211; rev

Arthur 356n ; Edward 178; Elizabeth 211* , 321; Francis 89; Isabel 240, 261 ; John 240*; Margaret 261 ; Mary 89, 178; rev. Thomas 119 , 205,

214; Thomas 211* , 321; William 178 , 211, 261, 321

Stott, Stotte, Stot, Anne 14 , 44, 52; Elizabeth 52, 54, 60, 64, 71 , 80; John 44; Mary 14 , 121 , 124; Thomas 14 , 19, 52

Stourton, Amy Mary 165n ; Anna Mary 165n; Catherine 165n , 173; hon Charles 141n* , 158n; lord

Charles Philip 141n , 158n , 165n; Charlotte 158n; Charlotte Mary141n , 158n; Constance 118; Elizabeth 142, 143; Gertrude Mary 158n; Juliana 155 , 173; lord 165; lady

Mary 141n*; Mary 158n; lord

Philip 155 ; hon. Philip 165; Philip 141; hon William 7

Stout, Anne 26, 47; Elizabeth 12 , 15 , 20, 23, 26 , 28, 31, 35, 89; George 35, 89, 92, 93, 99, 126; James 20; John 12* , 15, 20 , 23, 26, 28, 31, 35 , 42, 49 , 52, 56, 58, 64, 65, 67; Jonathan 28; Joseph 31; Margaret 89 , 93, 99, 126*; Rebecca 93; Thomas 15 , 55 , 57; William 23 , 99

Stow, Helena 36, 37

Strachan, Archibald 229; Louisa 229 , 237, 245, 266, 278

Straffen, Louisa 254

Stralford, Anne 44

Strand, John 214; Mary 214* law

Stratford, Anne 238; Catherine 238 , 250; Elizabeth 213

Strickland, Catherine322n; Charlotte 34; Gerald Edward 163; Henrietta 34n; Roger 322n

Strong, Stronge, Anne 287 , 297 , 311 , 314, 315; Frances 226; George 226 , 237, 314; Hannah 309; James 219, 237 , 245 ; Joanna 71; John 237*; Joseph 237, 314; Mary 309; Sarah 237 , 245 ; Thomas 309; William 245

Strother, Harriet 92; Henrietta 108

Stuart, Anne 154; Charles 154; Isabel 243, 256 ; James 289; John 227, 255 , 304 ; Margaret 227 , 239 , 240, 255 ; Mary 154 , 214, 231 , 236 , 281, 288, 289* , 294; Thomas 289

Studley, John 124; Mary 124*

Studwart, John 192; MaryAnne 192; Sarah 192

Sturdy, Alice 194; Anne 22 , 50, 57 , 77 , 86, 93, 94; George 292, 302; Helena 302; Isabel 22; Joanna 292; John 219 ; Joseph 194; Lucy 22; Mary 147 , 171 , 178 , 193, 194, 231, 292, 302; Mary Anne 268; Robert 218, 219 ; Sarah 148, 154, 166 , 218 , 219, 232, 235, 252, 277; William 194

Sturt, Anne 42*

Stutroner, Anne 156


Suart, Thomas 184

Suffield, rev Rudolf 208

Sullivan, Sullevan, Sulivan, Anne 46; Cornelius298; Elizabeth 86; Helena 57 , 300; Margaret 98; Mary 46

Summers, Dorothy 215 ; Esther 315; Frances 21; John 215, 285, 306; Joseph 285; Margaret 21 , 285; Mary 218

Sunderland , 357*; Adam400 357*; Anne 118, 128, 129 , 137 , 151 , 153, 168; Anne Elizabeth 151 , 153; Arthur 175; Elizabeth 128; Frances Elizabeth 175; Henry 118; Isabel 85, 100 , 106 , 128 , 137; James 357; Joanna Isabel 137; John 118 , 129* , 137 , 151 , 153 , 168; John Henry 168 ; Mary 118; Sarah 172 , 175 , 357; Thomas 85; William 100

Sunley, Alice 152

Sunter, Thomas 121

Suoli, Thomas 171

Surtees, Anne 279, 297; Elizabeth 305; Mary 307 , 321

Suttle, Suttell, Francis 178* , 183 , 185, 188; Helena 185; Mary 185 , 188; Sarah 183

Sutton , Mary 96

Swaine, Charles 232; Sarah 232; Serah 232

Swale, Swail, Joanna 12 ; John 142; Joseph 170 , 179, 185; Margaret 149; William 149

Swales, Swailes, Swails, Anne 335; George 336; Joseph 133; Mary 335; Richard 335 , 336; Thomas 336 , 346 , 353

Swallwell, Swalwell, Swalwel, Swallouell, Swalluell, Swallowell, Swallouele, Swalluele , Anne 110 , 115 , 123 , 131, 163; George 110, 115* , 123 , 131 , 163 , 196 , 197; John 123; Joseph 110 , 194; Mary_131

Swan, Swann, Elizabeth 153, 164 , 174 , 194, 271 ; Jane 196; Joanna 177; Mary 94, 98, 104* , 112 , 121 , 127, 128 , 137, 139, 147, 157 , 166 , 170 , 176, 183 , 191 , 193; Mary Anne 129; Richard William 313; William Thomas 313

Sweeney, Sweeny , Swinny, Swiney, Swiny, Anne 81, 142, 292 , 317; Elizabeth 242; Hugh 292; John 312 , 317; Martha 292; Mary Anne 156; Miles 81; Rosanne 317; Thomas 81 Swinburne, Swinburn, Swineburne, Anne 245; Catherine 179, 187 , 197; Charles 283; Hugh 254; Joanna 283; rev Joseph 328 , 342*-346* , 348*-364* , 367; Mary 165; N. 281; Sarah 254; Susan 249 ; Thomas 245 , 275 , 283 ; William 329 store

Sylvester , Thomas 216

Sympson , Anne 17; Christopher 13 ; Elizabeth 25, 28; Mary 19

Syran , Cecilia 177, 196

Tagg, Bridget 244; Joseph 244 ; Mary 244 Talbot, Elizabeth 178; George Henry 54; John 54; Susan Harriet 54

Tamoney, Mary 164

Taotle, Anne 157; Elizabeth 157; Joseph 157; Mary Anne 157 Tart, Christopher 74 Tasborough , Tasburg, Tasburgh, Barbara 42 , 44; George 42n; Michael 42n

Tasker, 250 ; Anne, 12 56, 66; Charles 17 , 18 , 19 , 25, 29* , 32, 33, 34, 42; Elizabeth 17 , 19, 25, 29, 33 , 48, 50, 56, 57, 60 * , 63, 64 , 66,69, 73, 76, 82, 87, 94; Frances 252; Francis 33; James 68* , 76; John 48, 50, 57 , 60* , 63, 66, 68, 69 , 73, 76, 82, 87, 94, 142 , 247, 250; John Joseph250; Joseph 25, 56, 76 ; Margaret 66 , 68 , 76, 82; Mary 13 , 16, 50, 63 ; Monica 87; Robert 47, 76; Sarah94; Simon 14* , 17 , 29, 68, 76; TheresaJoanna 73; William 17

288; Tate, Anne 295 ; Christopher 266; Elizabeth 308 ; Isabel 274 , Mary 266; rev Robert 328, 367; William 266

Tauler, Susan 24

Tautle, Anne 157; Elizabeth 157; Joseph 157; Mary Anne 157

Taylor, Anne 12 , 14, 16, 36, 137, 158, 160, 167, 169, 175, 196, 212 , 222* , 223, 231 , 238, 262, 284 , 286, 293 , 295, 312; Bernard 263; Charles 238 , 312; Charles Joseph 98; Dinah 26, 31, 34, 35, 38, 68, 74, 76* , 82 , 104; Dorothy 212, 248; Elizabeth 98, 115 , 187 , 340; Elizabeth Anne 115; Esther 24, 36, 40; Frances 57, 63, 68, 76; Francis 245; George 212 , 222 , 262 ; Helena 25; Isabel 221 , 302; James 24, 36, 40, 95, 98, 229, 354"; Joanna 35, 38, 280; John 31 , 35, 38 , 44 , 175 , 196, 224, 227, 229, 241 , 262; Jonathan Thomas 196; Joseph 58 , 62; Margaret 212, 215, 219, 222, 225 , 231, 291 ; Mary 31 , 54 , 58 , 75, 159, 222 , 224 , 227, 229, 230* , 241 , 242 , 245, 249 , 257, 263, 266, 287 , 308; MaryAnne 115; N. 226; Ralph 302; Richard 158*; Robert 20 , 21 , 24, 25 , 26, 28 , 43, 53, 59, 68 , 76, 212 , 219 , 223 , 234 , 237, 243, 253 , 295; Robert Ambrose 175; Samuel 159; Sarah 49; rev. Thomas 327-28, 341* , 342* , 367; Thomas 23, 24 , 40, 41, 61, 159 ,

350*; Thomasine 292, 302 , 316 ; William 223 , 228, 231 , 238, 278 , 286 , 316

Teasdale, Teesdale, Anne 277 , 296; Frances 251 , 261, 268; Mark262

Teesel, Frances 222

Telford, rev . John 366n ; John 190; Orculla 233

Temperly, Mary 298

Tempest, Aaron 253; Clementine44n; John 253; Rebecca 240; Sarah 253; StephenWalter 44n

Temple , Eleanor 318; John 318; Robert 318

Teor, Sarah 50

Terford, Anne 312

Thackeray, Thackery, Elizabeth 116 , 122 , 140

Theakston , Anne 20

Thebald , rev . 347

Thelwall, Thelwell, Elizabeth 128 , 281, 297 ; Henrietta Cecilia 135; Margaret 281; Mary 128; Peter 281; Sarah 297; Thomas 281; William 128 , 281 , 297

Thelway, Joseph Russell 272

272 ; Elizabeth 272 ;

Thiodon, John Francis 125; Mary Rose 125; Rose Isabel 125

Thirlwall, Thilwall, Anne 231; Elizabeth 231 , 237* , 242, 249, 254 , 260 , 267; Isabel 249; John 242; Joseph 267; Thomas 254; William 231 , 237 , 242 , 249, 254 , 260* , 267

Thomas, Anne 229 ; Eleanor 236; Elizabeth 192, 263; George 236, 242 , 246, 261, 263, 274* , 280, 281 , 286 , 287* , 295, 299, 300; Hannah 286; James 15 , 24 , 229* , 250; Joanna 295 ; John 242, 291* , 292, 295 , 296 , 297, 298, 301, 303; Margaret Penelope 300; Mary 250; N. 298 ; Nancy 216; Penelope 236, 242, 244, 250 , 255, 256, 263, 274, 281 , 286 , 287* , 300; Sarah 285 , 296, 299 , 303

182, 277* , 288, 289* , 294, 301 , 311 , 313 ; Harriet 363; Helena 50; Henrietta 292; Henrietta Cecilia 306; Henry 270 , 277 , 293; Henry Foster 258; Isabel 258, 262, 272, 278 , 284 , 290, 293, 298, 315; Isabel Sarah 284; James 235, 238, 239, 282, 309; Jane 302, 362; Joanna 114, 120, 274 , 293 , 314; John 90, 148, 193, 232, 252 , 258 , 277 , 308, 313, 315 , 353 , 354 , 364 ; Jonathan 258 ; Joseph 45, 52, 59, 132 , 139* , 147 , 160, 161 , 168, 172 , 182 , 193; Lawrence 109; Lewis 42 , 45, 48, 52, 56, 59, 66, 73, 78 , 79 , 120 , 133, 146, 147, 188 ; Margaret 48 , 99 , 120 , 121 , 132* , 160* , 161, 168, 172 , 219, 232; Martha 96, 106; Mary 22 , 31 , 35, 38 , 41, 42, 45, 48, 114 , 172 , 218, 223, 241 , 247, 252, 253, 258, 267 , 279 , 282, 293, 315, 353, 354 , 367; Mary Anne 22, 45, 91, 96, 139 , 156, 183, 361; Michael 21, 24* , 32, 36 , 38, 39, 43; N. 290 ; Peter John 278; Ralph 232; Richard 30, 59 ; Robert 37, 52, 96, 106, 114, 120, 177, 361, 362, 363* , 364 ; Stephen Octavus 315; Thomas 49, 301, 308; William 50, 91 , 193 , 252, 256, 258, 262 , 267 , 272 , 278, 284, 289* , 290* , 292 , 298 , 301 , 306 , 307, 313* , 315* , 367; William Joseph 262

Thorburn, Joanna 220* , 241; John 220; Mary 220*; Robert 241; Thomas 220, 241, 251 , 280 mosailor Thorley, Mary 229

Thorman, Anne 225 ; rev Joseph (bishop) 209 ; Margaret 228 , 242; N. 255

Thorn, Sarah 129

Thornburgh, Mary 5

Thornton , Anne 268, 274, 289; Catherine 278; Daniel 274; Isabel 268; James 2on ; John 268 , 274 , 289 ; Mary zon

Thorold, rev George, S.J. 3


Thomlinson, Sarah37, 39 Thompson, Thomson, 220, 306; Agnes 112 , 116, 267; Anne 30, 53, 116, 160, 168, 193* , 218 , 220* , 221* , 228, 257, 258, 281, 292 , 294 , 299, 303, 311 , 315, 361, 362, 363* , 364; Anne Esther 290; Anthony 218; Bridget 193; Cecilia 296; Dorothy 22, 30*; Edward 220; Elizabeth 42 , 45, 48, 50, 52, 56, 59 , 62, 63, 67, 68, 73 , 77 , 78 , 79, 80, 87, 88, 100 , 101 , 109 , 120* , 131 , 132 , 139 , 146, 148, 149, 150, 160 , 161 , 165 , 172 , 188, 196, 219, 220; Elizabeth Louisa 272; Emma 106; Francis 363; George 22; George Adam 298; Hannah 96, 108 , 132, 139, 148 , 172 ,

Thorp, Thorpe, Thorps, Anne 20, 27; Catherine 12* , 15, 18 , 20 , 23, 27, 31; Charles 12 , 15, 18 , 20 , 23* , 25 , 26, 27; Elizabeth 35; Joanna 130, 134 , 135* , 147 , 165 , 173, 182 , 191 ; Lawrence 15; Margaret 308; Sarah Joanna 156; Susan 44, 49

Thrisil, Mary 113

Thwing, rev. Edward 3; George 13; Mary 13*; rev. Thomas 3

Tichborne, Tichbourne, lady Barbara Elizabeth 44; Robert 348*

Tight, Isabel 317

Tilford , Elizabeth 190, 196; John 190

Tilly, Margaret 270; Mary 284

Timmons, Bernard 318 ; Helena 318; John 318


Tims, Edward 162

Tindall, Tindal, Tindale,


Charles 185; Elizabeth 197; Frances 163; George 173; James 98; Jane 197; Joanna 163, 173, 185; William 163, 173, 185, 197

Tipping, Joanna 66; William66

Toail, Catherine 316

Tobin, Catherine 143; Margaret 94

Todd, Tod, 227, 231; Anne

87, 93, 100, 113, 121 , 227 , 231, 236* , 240* , 245; Catherine 260, 277* , 286, 312; Charles 93; Cornelius 229; David 217 , 227 , 229, 234 , 236 , 240* , 246; Dorothy 278, 287, 293; Elizabeth 50, 57 , 60, 63, 66, 69, 73, 76, 82 , 87, 94, 236, 238, 245, 251, 260, 272 ; George 93, 236, 246, 278, 287, 293; Hannah 251 , 260 ; Henrietta 144; Henry 229 ; Isabel 229, 234 , 240 , 246* , 309; James 23*; Joanna 275; John 251 , 272 , 275, 281 , 309; John George 309; Joseph 278; Margaret 79 , 245, 301; Margaret Joanna 287; Mary 79, 84, 93, 107, 114, 152 , 214 , 217* , 234; Mary Anne 293; Susan 286, 301, 314; Thomas 260; William 231

Tole, Anne 117; James 117; Mary 117

Towneley, James 81

Townend, Margaret 162

Townsend , George 30

Tozard, Elizabeth 105; Mary 118; Sarah 83

Trafford , Frances 44; Humphry 55: John 55n; lord 44; Mary 55n

Train, Joanna 288 , 297

Trainer, Traner, Trayner, Trainor, Helena 141; Hugh 156; Joanna 141, 316; Mary 156; Peter 141 , 156

Trappes, Elizabeth 364n, 366n; rev. Francis 328, 338, 339* , 364n , 367; Francis Michael 364n , 366n; rev .

Michael 133 , 366m

Tray, Margaret 298

Treacy, Francis 244 ; John 244; Margaret 244

Trebado , V. 132

Trees, Thomas 266*

Trenner, Ellen 278

Triffet, Elizabeth 241; Mary 237

Troddam , James 306; Mary 306; Michael 306

Trodden, Anne 45

Trotter, Elizabeth 236 ; John 321

Troy, James 108; Rose 109 ; William 108-9 mobourt

Trumble, Catherine229; James229*; Mary Anne 229

Tolly, Eleanor Sarah 261; John 261; Sarah 261 osod

Tominey, Nicholas 306

Tomlinson, Dinah 38; Mary 163; Rachel25 , 41 , 43, 46, 51

TTompson , Tomson, Margaret 12; Mary 213; Michael 15* , 16; Robert 330*

Toner , Tonor, Anne 256; Hannah 256; Peter 256; Unity 256* mod

Tongue, Mary 119

Tool, Mary 57

Tooley , Denis 110

Tootell, Tootle, to 48; Anne 99 , 106, 114 , 122 , 130 , 136 , 165; Christopher 185; Dinah 136; Elizabeth 136 , 143, 152 , 169; Frances 36, 37; Hannah 143 , 185*; Henry 153; Hugh 28; Joseph 136 , 143* , 169; Lawrence 99; Mary Elizabeth 169; Monica 114; Robert Penrose 122; Sarah 143, 165, 168; SarahAnne 168; Theresa 106, 169; Thomas 99, 106, 114, 122 , 130; Thomas Melross 130; William 136 , 165; Winifred 56

Topham , Alice 128

Topping , Alice 145 , 154 moditor

Tovy, Mary 165; Moses 165; Robert 165

Towers, dom Richard Adrian, O.S.B. 1092

Townby, John 222

Trumbull , Catherine 235*; Joseph 235; Margaret 297; Sarah 303; Thomas 297

Tucker, Elizabeth 107; James 107; John 107

Tuhy, Jeremiah 299; Joanna 299*

Tuit, Elizabeth 92

Tully, John 266, 276* , 285 , 287; Margaret 256; Martha 276, 285; Neil 262; Robert 285; Thomas 246

Tumlen , 225

Tunny, Catherine 262; Mary 262; Neil 262

Tunstall, 4; rev Bryan 4; Catherine44 ; Francis 4; Margaret 118; William 44n

Turnbull , Adrian 238; Alice 241 , 247; Anne 271; Catherine238, 246; Elizabeth 271 , 318; James 238, 246* , 318; Joanna 288 ; John 305; Margaret 288, 305, 318; Mary 305; Thomas 288, 305* , 318; William 271

Turner, Anne 54 , 102 , 250 , 268 , 275 , 282, 305; Bridget 307; Catherine69 , 117; Daniel 249; Elizabeth 105 , 122 , 134 , 149, 308*; Henry 13 , 79, 314; James 91, 100, 314 ; John 23, 102 , 307, 308; John Fell 102 , 122; Margaret 23; Mary85, 91, 100* , 109, 118 , 134 , 148 , 314; Mary Fell 122; Matthew 105; Mountain 23; Neal 307; Patrick 54, 249; Sarah 64 , 79 ,

83 , 85; Thomas 54, 85; Uni(ty) 249; William 70 , 79, 83, 91, 105, 118* , 134 , 149; William Charles 83; William Henry 149 W

Turpin, Elizabeth 14 , 18 ; Jane 29; John 29; Mary 19; MaryAnne 157, 167 , 177 , 187; Winifred 29

Tutle, Tutel, Anne 141 ; Hugh 41; Robert 141 ; Thomas 141

Tweddell, Tweddle, Twedel, Tweddall, Barbara 291; George 307; Isabel 254 , 255, 257, 265, 298 ; James 285; Margaret 276, 285, 298, 307; Ralph 257; Samuel 257, 260 , 263 , 269, 276,285 , 298, 299, 307* ;

Samuel John 265; Samuel Thomas 265; Thomas276

Twiff, Alexander 294; Elizabeth 294; William 294

Twizell, Eena 306

Tynan, Elizabeth 113; John 113; Michael 113

Tyzeck, Alice 316; Benjamin 316

Uijeley, Margaret 130

Ullathorne, Mary 17; Thomas 33

Underhill, Dorothy 365, 367 W

Unthank, Francis 210 ; John 210*; Susan 210; Thomasine 210

Unwin, Mary 80

Vickers, Eliza 299

Vidal, Barbara Eleanor Leonard 15In 150n; Vignali, Amelia 59; James 59 , 61; Sarah 59 , 61

Voaks, Anne 28; Thomas28*

Waddington, Elizabeth 157 , 162 , 167* , 174 , 187; Helen(a) 177, 196; James 157: James Robert 187; Joanna 71; Mary 173; Mary Anne 157, 167 , 177 , 187; Richard 71* , 139 , 146 , 148, 157, 162 , 167 , 173 , 187; Robert 111 , 116 , 118, 157, 167 , 177 , 187; Thomas Turpin 177 M

Wade, Anne 342* , 343* , 344 , 346 , 352, 361* , 362; Anthony 348*; Charles 58; Daniel 58; George 339 , 340, 343, 344, 361; Helen 352, 362 , 363; Helen (Joanna) 353; James 58; Jane 339, 340, 341, 342* , 343 , 344 , 348, 363 ; Jane (Mary) 347; John 339, 340* , 342, 343* , 344* , 348 , 351, 361, 362* , 363, 364; Margaret 58; Stephen 344; Thomas 339

Waggoner, Wagoner, Jane 86, 97; Joanna 63 , 81; John 63* , 81, 86, 96, 97: Joseph 81; Mary 145; Mary Emily 196; Theresa 97, 196; William 86

Urn, Anne 281*; Gregory 281bW

Usher, Mary 263 W

Utilli, rev Paul, O.P. 208

Utterson, Charles 272 T

Vacca, Vaccar, Anthony 360; John 164 , 360; Mary 360. See p 164

Valentino, Dominic 112

Vardy, Joanna 70

Varley, Vorley, Anne 34 , 76, 77; Frances 40, 53, 57, 63; Helen 89; Ingram 77 , 89, 101 , 104 , III; Jane 97; Joanna 62, 73; Joseph 30, 32 , 34 , 111; Mary 77* , 88, 89, 101 , III, 182, 195; Richard 53, 101; William 182 , 195; Winifred140, 152 JarsW

Vastip, Joanna_294 80s mailb

Vaughan, rev Richard J. 20919W

Vaun, Mary 135; William 135; William John 135 W wormw

Vaux, Joanna 250 ; Mary 244 , 270; Thomas 244

Vavasour, lady Dorothy 291 ; sir

Walter 4 , 29n* , 31, 327 CER

Veltmann, Veltman, Margaret 363*; Nicholas 363*; RichardAugustus 363

Verity , Anne 86, 92* , 98, 105 , 113 , 120 , 126 , 133, 139, 146; Catherine 113; Elizabeth 86, 105, 112 , 126 , 138; Margaret 112 , 118, 138 , 150 , 170, 176; Mary 150; William86, 92 , 105 , 126*

Waind, Sarah 115

Waine, Hannah 62

Wainman, Amelia Theresa 197; William 197

Wake, Anne 27; Elizabeth 116 , 129*; Joanna 250, 304; John 304; Mary 116; Peter40; Thomas97, 116 , 124 , 129

Waker, Anne 172; Jane 86; Joseph 86; Mary 176; Matthew 176; Peter 86

Walk, John 86

Walker , 52 , 55 , 356*; Abraham 25; Anne 25, 28, 53, 54, 57* 60, 64, 65, 66, 68* , 70* , 74 , 75 , 77* , 80, 82, 83, 87, 91, 96, 99, 101 , 102 , 108, 129 , 130 , 134, 135, 148, 155 , 159, 160, 166, 167, 170, 172, 187, 188, 196 , 271 , 278, 309; Anne Elizabeth 361; Anthony 360; Benjamin 68, 99; Catherine 88 , 91, 99, 234; Cecilia 65, 66 , 120; Cicily 88; Charles 102-3 , 169, 177; Dorothy184, 272; Edward 361; Eliza(beth) 20, 57, 252, 263* , 353 , 360, 361; Frances 116, 133; Frances Mary 75; George 272; Helena 26 , 79-80, 143, 149; Henrietta 176; Henry70, 91, 157; Isabel 309; James 17, 190; Jane 86, 87, 91, 96* , 97* , 99, 361; Joan 104; Joanna 54 , 78 , 83, 105, 111 , 116 , 118* , 125 , 135, 172 , 190; John 12 , 14* , 17 , 18 ,


21, 26, 50, 64, 66, 70 , 76 , 79, 83* , 85, 86* , 87, 88, 91, 97* , 98, 102, 103 , 110* , 111* , 114 , 116 , 118, 120* , 134, 164* , 166, 263, 360; Joseph 25, 78, 86 , 143; Joseph Henry 172; Lionel 170; Martha 66; Mary 71 , 91, 95, 97, 103 , 107 , 111 , 113, 120* , 143, 148 , 149 , 164 , 167 , 176 , 177, 192, 252, 261 , 263, 272 , 282, 360, 361, 363 ; Mary Agnes 101 , 108; Mary Anne 57, 99; Matthew 57, 143, 148, 176; Michael 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 63, 65 , 66 , 67, 69, 70, 75, 80, 83, 87, ΙΟΙ, 108, 113, 124* , 130 , 149; Monica 135; Moses 360 , 361; Moses Leonard 360; Peter 26, 60, 70, 78, 83, 86, 91, 95, 96, 99, 103 , 104 , 111 , 116 , 125, 135, 148; Richard 176; Robert 54 , 57 , 68; Samuel 88 , 91 , 99, 106 , 115, 120* , 155, 177, 188; Sarah 12 , 14 , 17, 22, 26, 50, 64* , 75 , 91, 97 , 104, 111* , 181 , 194; Theresa 190; Theresa Elizabeth 87; Thomas 261; William 12, 59, 62, 66, 68, 118, 282; William Joseph 65; William Matthew 68; Winifred 122 , 130 , 139; Winifred Sarah 60 , 126

Walker Wilson, JosephHenry172 Walkington, Walkinton, Anne 183 , 190

Wallace, Wallas, Edward 134; Isabel 304; Lucy 134; Margaret 134 , 233 ; William 233*

Wallis, Anne 127, 131; Anne Mary 16; Clara 49, 74 , 84 , 106* , 195; Ed 106, 108; Edward 115, 119, 139 , 158; Elizabeth 171; James 127 , 131; Joanna 126* , 251; Joanna Frances 119; John Edward 115; Margaret 106, 108, 115, 119 , 139, 158; Margaret Clara 20; Mary 15, 16 , 20 , 29 , 52 , 55 , 58, 62, 67, 79; Mary Anne 131; Richard 171; Robert 16 , 20; Rose 139; Sophia Clarinda 158; Thomas 171 Walls, Catherine293 Walsh, Walch, Anne 95, 138 , 150 , 159 , 174, 179; Barbara 214; Bridget 151; Catherine 131 , 275; Christopher95; Cornelius 131 ; Helena 151; James 150, 159* , 275; rev. John, S.J. 200n ; Julia 275; Mary 69; Matthew 151; Patrick 174; Rosanne 150

Walton, Anne 293; James 314*; Jane 302; Joanna 192 , 293, 302 , 314; John 21; Joseph Watson 192; Margaret 302; Mary 12n; Mary Anne 181; Michael 12n; Robert 192; Thomas 26 , 293 , 302; rt rev . William 12n , 333n , 335n

Wanless , Elizabeth 235; Mary 235; Robert 235

Wansworth , Anne 330

Waram, John 90; Susan 90; William 90

Warburton, Anne 214; Barbara 234; Elizabeth 213, 226; Frances 213 , 323n; James 226*; John 210 , 211* , 323n; Joseph 227 ; Margaret 211 , 323; Mary Eliza 234; Samuel 211 , 234

Ward, Alice 18, 29, 32, 38, 40, 42* , 43, 63, 66, 70, 72*; Anne 301 , 302 , 303 , 305 , 315; Bernard 361, 362; Bridget 301; Dorothy 268 , 271; Edward 172; Elizabeth 58; Francis 292; George 305; Helena 172 , 313; Henry 295; James 282 , 287 , 288 , 294 , 301; rev. John 208; John 66, 190* , 291 , 301, 315; Joseph 18; Luke 14 , 18 , 19, 27, 40, 42 , 43, 56; Malachy 280, 283, 302, 315; Manuel 274; Margaret 190, 302; Marmaduke 345"; ven Mary 2; Mary 50, 58, 63 , 66, 136, 295, 313, 345n; Michael 261 , 295; Peter 291 ; Priscilla 291; rev. Robert 201-2 ; Rose 296; Thomas 58, 222; William 172, 295, 305, 313

Ward and Hughes , 72n

Wardell, Alan 24* ; Anne 24; Bridget 306

Wardle, Anne 312

Wardroper, Wardropper, Anne 299*; Anthony 280; Hannah 277* , 288 , 311; Henry 311; James 253 , 258 , 267 , 277 , 280, 288, 292, 293, 311; John 277 , 280, 288, 292; 299 , 311; Mary 258, 267* , 280, 292; Mary Anne 288; Robert 257-8 ; William 288

Wareham, Warham, Warrham, Elizabeth 14, 16 , 22, 25* , 29, 78; James 14; Joanna 29 ; John 14* , 16 , 22, 25 , 29, 35 , 41, 78; Judith 16; Susan 78; William 22. Cf. Waram , Waron

Warf, Anne 311

Warner, Mary 71

Waron, John 90

Warrell, Mary 298; Samuel 298; William 298

Warren, Alice 16; Anne 16; John 97*; Matthew 16; Susan 97

Warrilow, rev. William, S.J. 204 , 206

Wartin , Anne 301

Warvill, George 145, 148, 155

Wascoe, Anne 249; Elizabeth 239; George 239, 249 , 258 ; Joanna 239, 249, 258 ; Margaret 258

Wastneys , Elizabeth 350

Waters, Anne 157; Augustin 175; Joanna 67; John 64; Joseph 120; Margaret 120 , 131 , 140 , 157 , 175; Mary 64; Mary Anne 140 ; Monica 131 , 182; Thomas 141; William 120 , 131 , 140 , 157 , 175

Waterton, Anne 26n, 356n; Catherine 26; Charles 26n, 356n ; Helen 356n ; Mary 26n ; Thomas26n, 356n Watson , 331; Alice 137 , 152 , 187; Anne 60, 63, 68, 101, 219 , 223 , 334,335 * , 336,346* 350,352,355; rev. Arsinious 208; Catherine 281 ; Charlotte 352; Cuthbert 101 , 110 , 113 , 115; Elen 281; Elizabeth 14 , 71 , 78, 224, 230, 238, 241, 250 , 261 , 270, 280, 292, 295, 308* , 318, 330 , 332 , 335, 347: Emma Lucy 358; Frances 14*; Helen(a) 228 , 252 , 291* , 355*; Isabel 64 , 224 ; rev. James 326n, 333n ; James 14; James Uphill 252; Jane 346; Joanna 150 , 152 , 163, 174, 178, 187, 252, 280; Joanna Rose 174; John 142 , 228 , 331 , 344,346,347,348* 350,352,353, 355* , 358 ; Joseph 152, 156 , 223*; Leonard Robinson 353; Margaret 243, 248, 263, 275, 284, 301 , 331; Martha 142*; Mary 142, 150 , 192 , 294 , 303, 313 , 317 , 330, 331, 334, 343, 344 , 345, 346* , 347* , 348* , 350 , 352 , 353 , 355* , 358; Mary Anne 78; Michael 331 , 334, 342, 346* , 347 , 348 ; Michael (John) 333; Nel 291; Richard 330, 332; Robert 14 , 87 , 174, 178* , 187, 228 ; Rose 252; Rose Anne 53; Sarah 150, 339; Thomas 252 ; William 78, 252, 281, 291 , 313 Watts,Anne 221; David 221; John221 Waugh, Frances 128; John 128; William 128

Wawn, Margaret 300

Wealing, Eleanor 279

Weatherall, Weatheral, Wetherall,

Weatherell, Weathrell, Weatherill, Weatherhill, Weathrill, Wetherell, Wetherill , Whetherall, Whetherell, Whetherill , Whetherull , Anne 114;

David 338; Elizabeth 46, 48, 80, 87, 94, 96, 99* , 107 , 114, 122, 128 , 130 , 141 , 147 , 170 , 185; Emma 190; Francis 130; James 147 , 175; Joanna 122; John 94, 141 , 193; Margaret 87 , 174, 175, 190; Martha 80, 146, 147, 152, 157 , 174 , 190; Mary 46, 338; Mary (Anne) 4; Nathan 338; Nathan (Stephen) 333; Robert 175, 185, 193; Susan 175, 185 , 193; Thomas 80, 86, 87, 94, 96, 99 , 101 , 104 , 107 , 109, 114 , 122, 123 , 130 , 141 , 147

Weatley, Weatly , Alice 217; Anne 217; Mary Anne 194; Richard 217; Sarah 116

Webb , Elizabeth Anne 140; John 127; Joseph 152; Mary Anne 140 , 143; Richard 127 , 140 , 152; William 134, 147; Winifred 127 , 140 , 152

Webster, Webser , 103; Anne 194, 331; Cecilia 66; Elizabeth 162; Hannah 110, 356 ; Henry 115; Margaret 162; Martha 356; Mary 98, 115, 120 , 126, 143, 157, 168 , 223 , 331; Matilda 181 , 187; Robert 331; T. 187; Thomas 162, 168 , 177 , 191 , 193; William 356

Wedge, Anne 112

Weeks, Elizabeth 161n

Weelan, Anne 111*; Patrick111

Weelbury, John 291; Mary 291; William 291

Weetley, Sarah 120

Weignwright, Anne 184

Welaing (? Welainq), Andrew 46; Anne 46*

Welch, Anne 176, 185, 188 , 193*; David 185; John 176; Patrick 176 , 185, 188, 193

Weld, Charlotte 158n, 159; Elizabeth 164; Joseph 158n , 164*; Martha 191 ; Mary 102 , 190; Mary Joanna 191

Weldon, rev Louis, O.P. 208 defidW

Welds, Jane 99; Joseph99; Mary99

Welford, Richmond 198n

Well, Elizabeth 223; Henry 223; Mary Anne 223

Wells, Anne 90, 140; Elizabeth 80; George 109 , 157; Joseph80, 90, 109 , 122, 134 , 140 , 157; Mary 80, 87, 90 , 97, 109, 122, 134, 140, 157; Oswald 122

Welsh, Joanna 256; Margaret 157

Wenham, John 95 53

West, Anne 174; Elizabeth 131, 273; Emma 159; Mary 131 , 138 , 148* , 159, 180; Matthew 131 , 138 , 148 , 159, 180; Susan 180; Thomas 138

Westanner, Catherine 272

Westby, 202

Weston, Anne Mary 184n; John Webb 184n

Westwood , Margaret 352; William 352

Wgrn (?), Celia 98

Whalen, James 306, 311

Whalley, see Salkeld, rev Thomas

Whaly, Judith 227 HowaldW

Wharam , Wharram, Elizabeth 58; Joanna 58; John 37

Wharrie, Susan 20n

Whealon, Patrick 53

Wheeler, Anne 57, 62, 66, 71, 76, 82, 88, 100, 131 , 139, 145, 163* , 169, 184 , 196; Anne Joanna 62; Bridget 100, 196; Christopher 57, 62, 66, 71* , 76, 82, 86, 92, 93, 98, 100 , 118; Elizabeth 149; George 96, 131 , 145* , 149 , 163 , 169, 184 , 196; Helen(a) 82, 149, 163, 169, 196; Helena Mary 184; James Francis 57; Joseph66, 88; Margaret


96, 131 , 139; Mary 96, 169; Mary Angelica 71; Mary Anne 184; Theresa Agnes 76; Thomas 50; William Joseph 139

Wheelhouse , Catherine 18 , 19 , 22; Charles 28* , 29; James 22, 31; Mary 25, 26; Mary Anne 164; Richard 22; Robert 22; Sarah 22* Wheetley, Wheetly, Wheatley, Wheatly, Alice 219, 223; Dorothy 220; Elizabeth 259 ; Joanna 20 , 231* , 239 , 245, 259; Josiah 223; Margaret 213 , 219 ; Mary 181 , 220* , 234 , 239, 245, 251; Mary Anne 145 , 170; Michael 324; Richard 219* , 223; Sarah 135, 180; Stephen 231 , 245 , 308, 309; Thomas 220 , 239 , 245, 259 ; William 20* White, Anne III, 120, 136; Bernard 34; Elizabeth 34, 122, 135 , 147; Helena 169; Joanna 116; John 106; Judith 120; Mary 116 , 122, 140 , 158 , 303, 316; Sarah 132 Whitehead , Anne 84, 137, 151 , 153, 167, 168, 213, 364; Catherine 156; Elizabeth 156; George 353; Joanna 119 , 123 , 134, 166; Mary 190; Thomas 156 Whitehouse , Whietehouse , Mary 73 , 80, 90, 99, 109, 122, 140, 151

Whiteley, Whitely, Anne 134 , 146 , 173 , 185, 186, 197; Elizabeth 100 , 173; Joseph106; Margaret 100 , 106 , 125 , 134 , 146 , 156, 173, 181; Mary 156; Richard 100, 106, 125, 134, 146 , 186; Sarah 146; Thomas 125; William 134 , 186

Whitfield, Eleanor 236, 245; Helena 236; rev Hugh, S.J. 199; rev John S.J. 199; Margaret 245; Mary 280; Robert 236 , 245 Whittaker , Anne 140, 142; Charles 142; Elizabeth 142

Whittle , Charles 72, 82; Mary 126; Richard 44

Whitton, Whittan, Charles 356; John 352 , 355* , 356; Mark 355; Robert 352; Sarah 352 , 353 , 355, 356

Whitwell, 186; John 37* , 38, 41; Mary Anne 41 , 111 , 117 , 167; Sarah 37, 39, 41, 46, 50, 55

Wicklow , William, earl of 115n

Widdrington, Catherine 201; Henry 201 sir

Widenham, Anne 135; Thomas 135; William 135

Wiggum, Anne 234

Wight, James 58; Joanna 58; John 58 , 113; Mary 90

Wilbore, Richard 16

Wilcock, Mary318 ; rev . Peter 79*

Wilcox, Matthew 14

Wilcoxen, Wilcockson, Anne 18, 20 , 26, 29, 31, 36, 39, 51; Anne Mary 31 ; Catherine 18 ; George 18 , 20, 26, 29 , 31, 36 , 39; Joanna 36; John 39; Margaret 23; Mary 26; Matthew 20n , 23n, 26, 29* , 31, 35, 39

Wild, Anne 236, 237, 239; Elizabeth 294; Henry 234 , 236 , 237

Wilden, Anne 75

Wiles , 330

Wilford, Wilfort, Mary 110 , 112

Wilfrid, st. 5 , 6

Wilkin, James 107

Wilkinson , Anne 40, 51, 113 , 124 , 134, 139 , 147, 154, 335, 354; Barbara 269; Dorothy 210; Elizabeth 21, 36; Emma Mary 196; Frances 101; Francis Joseph 113; George 252, 263 , 277; Isabel 40, 235 , 257, 261 , 264, 276, 285, 299 ; James 70 , 73, 76, 79, 82, 87, 88, 92, 104 , 110 , 113, 196; Jane 196; Joanna 47, 252 , 314; John 40, 51* , 244; Joseph225 , 231 , 235 , 244 , 267; Margaret 218, 220, 224 , 230 , 236; Martha13, 17, 18; Mary 225 , 231, 235 , 244, 267 , 335; N. 273; Ralph 267 ; Robert 40 , 225 , 262; Rose 306 ; Sarah 252, 263, 266 , 277 , 285, 302; Stephen 254 , 255, 256, 264; William 13 , 40, 104 , 229 , 231* , 263

William , st 6

Williams, Bridget 13; rev E. A., O.P. 208; Mary 13 , 120; Sarah 330; Thomas13; rt rev ThomasDominic, O.P. 202-3

Williamson, Anne Elizabeth 365; Charles 83 , 127, 139, 147; Elizabeth 354; Jane 41, 354 , 356* , 358, 362; Joanna 19 , 31; John 92 ; Joseph 32 , 354, 356* , 358 ; Margaret Anne 365; Mary 356, 358, 366, 367; William) 332, 354 , 356 , 361, 362 , 363* Willis, Thomasine 298 Willock, John 302

Willoughby, Willougby, George 148; George Rivis 182

Wills, Anne 90; Joseph90; Mary90

Willson, very rev Alfred 161n; Anne 151n; dom Edward Hilary, O.S.B., 10 , 11 , 151n; Edward James 150n; Eleanor Constance 150n; Elizabeth 161 ; rt rev Robert William 151n; William161n ; WilliamEdward 150n , I5In

Wilser, Henry 292; Margaret 292; Mary 292

Wilson, 336* , 346, 359 ; Agatha 141; very rev Alfred 1614; Alice 253; Anne 54, 146, 154, 162, 175, 180, 188, 197 , 210, 236, 342, 349; Arthur 345 , 359; Bridget 193

Charles 127; Charles Augustus 133; Christina 160; Clement 302, 316; Dorothy 222* , 224, 225* , 226, 295, 309 ; Edwin 180; Eleanor 259, 318; Eliza(beth) 127 , 141, 152, 161 , 170 , 180, 189, 197, 229, 233, 244, 253, 281 , 283, 297, 303, 306, 311* , 334, 341, 347, 352, 358; Eliza (Mary Aloysia) 353; Emily Mary 188; Frederick 162; George 130, 286-7, 293; Helena 70, 75; Henry 292, 309, 316 , 317; Isabel 155; James 345, 346; Joanna 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 81, 106, 146, 215, 303, 314; John 71 , 146, 154 , 162 , 175 , 188, 228, 253, 263, 267, 268 , 269* , 281* , 292, 311, 337, 341, 358; Joseph 74, 161 , 240, 298; M. 218 ; Margaret 193, 233 , 280 , 292*; Mary 14 , 96 , 105 , 107 , 108 , 110* , III, 114, 116, 117* , 119 , 124 , 126 , 128, 129* , 130* , 132 , 133, 138 , 140 , 141* , 142* , 143, 144* , 150* , 151* , 152 , 154 , 155 , 156* , 157 , 158 , 159* , 160, 162, 163* , 164 , 165* , 167 , 168 , 169* , 170, 171,* 173* , 174 , 175 , 176* , 178* , 183 , 184 , 186, 187, 189, 191, 193* , 195, 196, 197* , 226 , 232, 265, 276, 281* , 292* , 302, 309* , 316, 336, 342, 345* , 346 , 354, 359, 360; Mary (Theresa) 347; MaryJulia 170; MichaelLupton189; Monica 152 , 197, 352; N. 324; Nicholas 240, 287; Peter 16 , 21 , 22* , 23, 26, 27; Ralph 292; Rebecca 267; Richard 232* , 244 ; Sarah 175 , 236 , 240* , 287 , 317; Selena 70; Susan 212 , 213*; Thomas 236 , 240* , 267 , 302, 337* , 341, 342 , 344 , 345* , 352* , 254, 355* , 356* , 358 , 365; Thomasine 292, 302, 316; Vincent 154; William 127 , 133, 141 , 146 , 152 , 161 ,

Winter, Catherine 258; Charlotte 49; Joanna 284 , 309; Mary 48 , 108; Orculla 233

Winterbottom, Anne 137, 153; Sarah 137

Winterburn , Winterborn , Mary 21 , 28, 35, 99, 100 , 108 , 113

Wintrop, Joanna 317

Wiseman, cardinal 8

Witfield, Thomas 225

Witham, Catherine 20n* , 43, 337; Eliza(beth) 20n, 184n, 1892 , 196n; George 1842; Gerard Salvin 184n ; Henry 20n* , 336; Henry Thornton

Maire 196; John 336n ; Mary 2on , 196n, 323; Matthew Henry 33бn ; dr. Robert 202; rev dr. Thomas201; Thomas20n* , 184n, 19бn, 201; mgr

ThomasEdward 184n; William20n* , 184 ; William Silvertop 184; Winifred 184, 189n , 196n

Wittan , Sarah 350

Witty, Elizabeth 132 ; Nicholas 127

Witworth, Mary Anne 158

Wolff, Knud Nielsen 239

Wollet, Anastasia 248

Wood, Ed 99; Edward 123 , 167; Elizabeth 131 , 260, 366, 367; George 366, 367; James 23; James Aloysius 366; Joanna 255 , 267; John 255 , 367; rev John Robert 208; Margaret 131 ; Mary 191 , 282 ; Sarah 93, 157 , 177 , 188; Thomas 131 , 267; William 255

Woodman, Alexander 286 oldanW Woodruff , Woodroof, Woodrooff , Catherine 259; Elizabeth 224 , 228 , 234; Mary 228

Woods, Anne 112; Anne Theresa 190; Arthur 92, 143, 145, 146; Ed. Edward 92, 98* , 119, 127 , 188; 170 , 180 , 189 , 197 , 292 , 309 , 337 , 348 , 89 is128 , 131 , 172 , 190; Lawrence

349, 358

Wilton, Elizabeth 137; Mary 137112;

Wingate, Winigate, 211;

Anne 241; Edward 262; Elizabeth 283*; Henrietta 246; Joanna 254 ; John 241 , 246, 254, 262, 268, 269 , 278, 313; Margaret 268 , 278; Mary 307

241* , 246* , 254* , 262* , 268, 269* , 278, 283, 288 , 313*; Richard 241 , 246, 254, 257, 269, 283; Robert 278; Thomas 241 , 258, 262, 268, 278;

Mary 128; Michael 112; Patrick 11 ; Sarah 88, 89, 92, 98, 105 , 114, 130, 165; Theresa 190

Woodward, Elizabeth 253, 281 , 311; George 307; Joseph 307; Margaret

Woodworth, Catherine 229

Woolford , Mary 307

Woralon, Peter 240 boa


Worsley, Anne 113, 124, 136 , 147

ThomasRoutledge , Rutlidge268, 269 Worswick ,Alce , 337;Tev :Jev . John Winn , Joanna 219

Winship, Anne 214, 229* , 235, 249; Elizabeth 214 , 218, 332; Henry 214 , 229, 235; James 223, 261, 331* , 332; Jane 214; Joanna 214 , 228; John 272 ; Martha 235, 334, 335*; Mary 223, 252* , 261, 272, 282, 331 , 332; Mary Anne 223 ; Richard 252 , 261 , 272 , 282*; William 331

319 , 323; 327, 337 , 338* , 339*; Margaret 88, 91; Richard 88, 91; 327; rev. T. W. 367

Wray, Joanna 191 Thomas 205 , nonli

Wreghitt, Helena 365; John 365

Wrey, Joseph 119

Wright, 345 , 347; Alice66; Anne 335, 336, 338, 352; Catherine


136, 335 , 346, 347, 348, 360; Catherine (Mary) 347; Charles 78 , 336, 344, 355, 357* , 358, 359; Clarinda Catherine 136 , 143, 158; Clarinda Mary 136; David 332* , 334* , 335 , 336 , 338* , 340, 343, 347 , 349 , 358; Eliza(beth) 58, 93, 131, 13бn , 143 , 151 , 353, 358, 359; Frances 350, 352 , 353, 355* , 358* , 359, 360, 361; Frances Esther 359; George 349* , 355, 358; George (Joseph) 347; Hugh 124; James 20, 58, 63, 66, 70 , 72 , 151, 294, 312*; Jane 335, 339 , 354; Joanna 247, 334 , 335; John 22, 33, 36n, 59n, 136n, 334, 335 , 336,342, 343, 345,347,349, 351, 352; John Thomas 42; Joseph 340, 355 , 357 , 359, 360; Margaret 124 , 289 , 294 , 312; Mary 58, 63, 66 , 72 , 82, 94, 103 , 107 , 122, 123, 124 , 138 , 286 , 335* , 336 , 337* , 338 , 339 , 344 , 354 , 355 , 357 , 358, 359; Mary Catherine 36n; Mary Jane 355; Matilda_355; Mercy 337, 347 , 349* , 351, 358; Peter 336, 338; Ralph 38*; Robert 72; Sarah 38, 42, 53, 54* , 59, 61, 63, 70 , 76, 78, 79, 87, 88, 107, 113, 133 , 334 , 335 , 340 , 345, 348, 349, 351; Thomas63; W. 355; William38 , 42 , 53, 54* , 59*п, 61, 63, 65, 136 , 143 , 153, 158 , 294 , 334, 345, 349* , 350* , 351 , 352 , 353 , 355* , 356, 358* , 359, 360, 361*; William (John) 347; William John 361 Wrightson, Joanna 262* , 282* , 293 Wyclay, Margaret 137

Wyhill, Anne 68 ; Elizabeth 68; William 68 Wynne, Rose 241

Wyrell, Wyrel, Wyrill, Wyril, Anne 148, 176, 194; Elizabeth 68n, 143 , 195; Mary143 , 148, 176; William68n

Wytham, Elizabeth 331

Yates, Anne 306*; Elizabeth 228 ; rev John 206; Mary 306; Matthew 228* , 236, 306; Ralph 306

Yeoman, Yeomans , Charles 31 , 35; Christina 31 , 35; Mary 35, 124

Yewland, Anne 338

Youens , rev . Thomas 208, 287n , 289

Young, Alice 256; Anne 216, 218, 221, 223, 236 , 279, 307; Bridget 314; Catherine 278, 283, 288, 296* , 305 , 309, 314; Christina 116; Elizabeth 61, 87, 94, 99, 107, 116, 125 , 136* , 145, 158, 242, 258, 268; Esther 126; George 218 , 219; Helena 107; James 116 , 305 ; Jane 31 , 213 ; Joanna 28 , 158, 216, 219, 226* , 234 , 236* , 242, 246, 256, 259, 278 ; John 87* , 94, 99, 107 , 114, 116 , 126 , 136 , 158, 213* , 221, 226* , 231, 236 , 240 , 242, 246* , 256, 259* , 267, 270 , 271 , 278* , 282-3, 283, 288, 296, 305, 309 , 314; Joseph 247, 272 ; Mary 94 , 267* , 288 ; N. 269; Thomas 281; William 99

Younghusband , Elizabeth 224 , 228 , 234; John 224; Lan 224; Lancelot 228, 234; Lancelot Joseph 228; William 234 ELE




The following entries have inadvertently been omitted from the foregoing pages:

E McDermot, Bartholomew 302

McEentire , Nicholas 302

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Mawn, Catherine 129; James 129; Thomas 129

Morison, Anne 138; Theresa Mercy 138; William 138 N

O'Dounall, Arthur 118

Richa(r)dson , Mary 110

Rand, Richard 326 888 nolasow 18 do 2800 28

Her Box 85

Rily, Margaret 110; Patrick 110; Sarah 110 boend

adol Robinson, Elizabeth 108; Henry 108 ; John 326 or seasol W 88 Ryan, Peter 108 , 109 201 Selles, Joanna 83

Wheatly, Anne 309

Wilson , Mary 244*

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WEDNESDAY , JULY 4, 1934 ,

Together with the Roll of Members, the Constitutions , &c.

THOUT Constitutions HT

1. Name . The name of the Societyis " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects . The objects are the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

3. Management. The affairs of the Society are managed by a Councilconsisting of twelve members, three trustees andfive honorary officers, viz , The Recorder, Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian, and Secretaryfour forming aquorum It has power to appointa Presidentand Vice-Presidents, its Chairmanand Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretaryfourteen days beforethe Annual Meeting The representation and management are reserved to Catholic Members

4. Subscription The subscription is one guinea per annum , commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year No volume will be issued to any member whose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretary , before the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year.

Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twentyguineas in advance. Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas All life subscriptions are to be capitalized.

5. Back Numbers Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers(if in stock) on such terms as the Councilmay direct.

6. Meetings. An Annual Meeting is held in the month of June or July, of which at leastseven days' noticeis sentto all the members At this meeting a report of the workof the Society, with a statement of the income and expenditure, is presented This is issued together with thelist of members and the Constitutions oftheSociety.

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days' notice, stating the object ofthe meeting, shall be given.

7. Audit. The Bursar's accounts are audited by a memberof the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membership andSubscriptions.

TheCatholic Record Society

FOUNDED JUNE 10 , 1904










COUNCIL (Elected)







E. N. GEIJER, M.C., F.S.A., Rouge Dragon





Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon Bursar

LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY, J.P., F.S.A., 15 , Morpeth Mansions , Westminster, S.W.I

Hon Recorder


Hon Legal Adviser

HUBERT HULL , Somerset Herald Barrister-at-Law

Hon Librarian

Hon Secretary

RICHARD CECIL WILTON , B.A., 31, Charles Street, St. James'sSquare, S.W.I



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HE Council has pleasurein presenting to the members of the Catholic Record Society the Thirtieth Annual Report.

Volume XXXIV, London Sessions Records, will be issued in the autumn. This is to be followed next year by a Miscellanea volume containing the Catholic Registers of St. Wilfrid's, York, St. Andrew's, Newcastle, and suchother matteras space will admit

Good progress has been made since the last meeting in preparing for publicationthe records of the Venerable English College, Rome , and the Registersat the PortugueseEmbassy; but, aswas remarked in last year's Report, the material in hand is considerably out of proportion to the possibility of dealing with it in print.

At the same time the need for new premises , so often previously mentioned, has now become acute, for circumstances have arisen which will make it necessary to find at once new accommodation for the Gillow Library. It is hopedthat, withthe help ofmembers, some solution ofthis pressingproblem may soon be devised

The approach of the National Catholic Congress, to be held at Cardiff in July next year, will give the Society an opportunity of holding a sectional meeting, which should serve to stimulate interest in the Society's work, and so lead to an increase of membership. In this connection attention may be drawn to the fact that the Catholic Record Society has now been thirty years in existence. Of the seventy-one Founders, fifteen still survive on the roll of members. For the first nine years the Society's membership increased consistently year by year from 268 at May 31st , 1905, to 396 at May 31st, 1913. During the next nine years there was a steady decline from 386 in 1914 to 337 in 1922; this decline must, of course, be largely accountedfor bythe War. Inthelast twelve yearsthe number ofmembershas fluctuated between350 (in 1926) and 378 (in 1931), showingthatonthe whole there has again been an increase in membership. During these thirty years the Society has suffered the loss of no less than 218 members by death; even so, its present membership compares very favourablywith that of many kindred Societies.

The Bursar has the pleasure to report the accession of 21 new members during the past year, as follows: Very Rev. Michael J. Canon Wilson (Life Member), Mr. John Armstrong, Miss Rose Baines , Squadron-Leader Cuthbert J. S. Dearlove, R.A.F., Miss Alice Eccles , Miss Margaret C. B. Evetts, Mrs. Francis Giles, Messrs Cuthbert Fitzherbert , J. Kyrle Fletcher, Thomas J. GaisfordSt. Lawrence, Joseph C. Lamb, Daniel J. O'Mahony, K.M., Eoin O'Mahony (Life Member), James R. Reynolds, Lt.-Col Reginald C. F. Schomberg, Messrs Richard Scrope, A. H. Spurrier, Admiral Lord Stafford, K.C.B., the Convent of Notre Dame, Ashdown

Park, the Convent of NotreDame, Dowanhill , Glasgow, and Quarr Abbey, O.S.B.

He regrets to announcethe loss of nine membersby resignation, and of eleven by death .

Through the death of Mr. R. C. Baigent, F.R.Hist.S. ,theSociety has lost one of its most able and laborious workers Mr. Baigent became a member of the Society in 1921-22, and his help was so much appreciated that he was elected to a seat on the Council in November 1923, and appointed Honorary Librarian of the Gillow Library in September 1924,just ten years ago, his workduring these years being as unwearied as it was invaluable After the retirement of Mr. Hansom, Mr. Baigent came as a rule at least once a week to help and advise the Honorary Secretary, and exerciseda general supervision over the production of the Society's volumes; indeed, Mr. Hansom remarked that he regarded Mr. Baigent as his succes-

An article in Volume XXVII was contributed by Mr. Baigent himself, whatever hedid being characterisedbythe most meticulous accuracy. His kindly and graciouspersonality will be much missed on all sides , and the present Hon. Secretary wishes particularly to own his great obligation to his untiring assistance . sor

The Council has also to regret the loss of Alderman Sir John Knill, Bt , who was the sixty-ninth Founder of the Society and from the first a Vice-President. He was Lord Mayor of London 1909-10 , and it was at his invitation that the Society held its sixth annual meeting at the Mansion House.

In addition, the Council has to recordwith regretthedeath ofthe following members: Major-GeneralLord Treowen,C.B., C.M.G.,Very Rev. Provost Francis M. Hayward , Messrs John Carnegie , William Clarkson, Francis T. Giles, Sebastian H. Petre, and Philip K. Wake, K.S.G. , Mrs. T. E. Martin (who on manyoccasions undertook the indexing of the Volumes), and Mrs. M. E. Piercey-TaylorSmith, J.P.-R.I.P.

The membership on May 31st numbered 363. Four membersof the Council retire in rotation, but are eligible for re-election, viz Mr. J. H. Bartlett, Mr. G. F. Engelbach, the Rev. C. A. Newdigate, S.J., and Mr. John P. Smith, J.P.


The thirtieth Annual Meeting of the members of the Catholic Record Society was held in the Rooms ofthe Society ofAntiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, on Wednesday, July 4, 1934, the Right Hon. VISCOUNT FITZALAN , K.G., President, in the Chair

There were present, among others, the Very Rev. Canon J. R. Fletcher , Rev. Sir John O'Connell, Rev. Alphonsus Bonnar , O.F.M., D.D., Rev. Hugh Bowler, O.S.B., Rev. Charles A. Newdigate, S.J. , Rev. Brother Vincent , Librarian of the Brompton Oratory, Miss Arrowsmith, Miss Rose Baines, Miss Margaret C. B. Evetts, Mrs. Gostling, Mrs. Hall, Miss Parkinson, Miss Wright, Colonel John W. R. Parker, C.B., J.P., F.S.A., Colonel Wilmot Vaughan, Major Thos Shepard, F.S.A., V.D., and Messrs . John Armstrong , B.A., F.R.Hist.S. , Joseph H. Bartlett, Beddoes , Fred. Walter Chambers, K.S.G., M.A., E. N. Geijer, M.C., F.S.A., Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, Edward Hutton, John Thwaites Mumford, Hon Librarian C.T.S. Library, Bernard H. Newdigate, Edwd . Francis Riddell-Blount, J.P., K.M. , J. Cyril M. Weale, A. P. H. Wykeham-George, Leonard C. C. Lindsay , J.P., F.S.A., Hon Bursar, and R. Cecil Wilton, B.A., Hon Secretary. Letters of regret for non-attendance were received from the Right Rev. the Bishop of Lancaster, Her Grace the Duchess of Norfolk, the Rev. C. G. Kean, C.J., St. George's College, Weybridge, Mr. J. H. Canning, K.S.G., O.B.E. , Mr. George F. Engelbach, Major C. J. Vaughan, O.B.E. , D.L., J.P., and Major Richard Trappes-Lomax, J.P.


SECRETARY having read the Annual Report, the Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts were presented by Mr. LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY, Hon. Bursar. In doing so he wished to draw the attention of members to the problem of the Gillow Library, a collection of books presented to the Society on behalf of the late Joseph Gillow, the well-known genealogist These had hitherto been housed by Miss Willis in her library at Kensington, but as shenowrequired the space it occupiedit would benecessary to remove the books He therefore asked to be empoweredto deal withthe matter and find temporaryaccommodation forthe library rather than part with it He hoped that some day it wouldbe possibletomake this interesting collection the nucleusofa valuable Catholic Reference Library for the use of members of the Society. Unfortunatelyat the moment the Society had no grants to devote to this object and was not in a position therefore to make adequate use ofthe books. The next best thing to do was to see that they were carefully preserved, and he hoped that this would be satisfactorily arranged.

The Report and Statement of Accounts were unanimously adopted on the motion of the Chairman

VISCOUNT FITZALAN alluded to the loss sustained by the Society by the death of several of its members, and particularly by the passing away of Mr. Richard Coventry Baigent, one ofthe most able and laborious workers the Society had ever had, whose loss would long be sadlyfelt.

The four retiring membersof the Council having been re-elected unopposed on the motion of Mr. J. T. MUMFORD , seconded by Mr. F.W. CHAMBERS , the Chairman called upon Mr. E. N. GEIJER , RougeDragon Pursuivant of Arms,who readthefollowingpaper on


The Commemorative Exhibition now being held at the College of Arms celebrates the 450th anniversary of the charter by which Richard III in 1484 made his Heralds a body corporate They were then given Coldharbour , in Thames-street by the river, and later, in 1555, Queen Mary gave them Derby House, the site of which the College of Arms still occupies. That building, destroyed by the Fire of London in 1666, was replaced by the present building, which dates from the end of the seventeenth century and was erected largely at the expense of the Heralds at that time Formerly known as the Heralds' College, it is now more commonly called the College ofArms, and this latter name no doubt has been the cause of more than one application being made to the College for fencing lessons Officers of Arms had, however, existed before the dateofthe charterofincorporation, and a Chapter of the Heralds is known to have been held at the siege of Rouenin 1420 .

The titles borne by the Heralds at the present day have not varied for a considerable length oftime, but among those used in the fifteenth century were such delightful names as Falcon, Blanch Sanglierand Comfort. The Officers of Arms, who are members of the Royal Household, hold Office by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England, issued to them individuallyon appointment. The Corporationof the College consists of three Kings of Arms, six Heralds, and four Pursuivants, while the official head of the College is the Earl Marshal, an office held by heredity by the Dukes of Norfolk The principal duties of the Officers of the College are concerned with the marshalling of State Ceremonies, official attendance at Coronations , the Openingof Parliament, and other Ceremonies of State; the granting ofArmorial Bearings, the recording of pedigrees, and other like matters

Matters of Arms reside in the sole prerogative of the Crown, the authority being delegated to the Earl Marshaland the Officers of the College of Arms The title to Arms exists in the first instance through a Patent of Arms, the Arms being granted under Warrant from the Earl Marshal to an individual and his descendants in the male line, according to the Laws of Arms All the male line descendants of the recipient of such a Grant are entitled to bear the Arms so granted, and in certain instances they descend also, in the form of Quarterings , in the femaleline It is evident, however, that in the course oftime questions must arise as to the validity of descent in the case of any claims which may be made. The rights of armigerous persons are

consequentlyprotected by means of Pedigrees registered at the College of Arms, and legal title to Armorial Bearings by descent can only be established by means of a proved and attested Pedigree duly registered in the Books of the College.

It is sometimes assumed that an individual of any given name is entitled to the Armorial Bearings which have been assigned to another individual of that name. This, of course, is not the case, and no title is valid if unsupportedeither by a Patent or by proof of descent in the manner indicated. The illicit use of Armorial Bearings is, apart from the purely legal aspect of the case , as much to be reprehended as the unauthoriseduse of titles and decorationswith this difference , ofcourse , that it is morecommonlythe outcomeof ignorance.

The most important Records of the College are the extensive series of books compiled at the time of the Heralds' Visitations, which were carriedoutby Officers ofArms acting under Royal Commission. These Visitations were made at intervals from the beginningof thesixteenth century until the close of the seventeenth century Thus the county of Norfolk was visited in the years 1563 , 1589 , 1613 and 1664-8, Middlesex in 1572 , 1634 and 1663 , and so on.

The procedure followed in making a Visitation was briefly as follows Notices were issued to the Bailiffs of each Hundred in the County to be visited, and the following is one issued to the Bailiff of the Hundred of Corby in Northamptonshire in 1681 :

" These are to require you, and in his Majesties Name to charge and command you that forthwith upon sight hereof you warn these Baronets , Knights, Esquiresand Gentlemen, whose names are within written, personally to appear before us Francis Burghil Esqr. Somerset Herald and Gregory King Rouge dragon, Officers of Arms, Deputies and Marshalls to Clarenceux King of Arms ,for the County of Northampton at the WhiteHartin Kettering on Tuesdaythe 19th day of July next by nine of the Clock in the morning, whereweintend to sitt for Registring the Descents andArms ofall the Gentry within the said Hundred. And that they bring with them such Arms and Crests as they use and bear, with their Pedegrees and Descents, and such other Evidenceor matterof RecordandCredit as (ifneed require) mayjustifie the same: that we knowing how they use and challengetheir Titles, and by what right and authority they bear, or pretend to bear, Arms, we may accordingly make entrance thereof, and Register the same in the College of Arms , or els to proceed as his Majesties Comission under the Great Seal of England Injoyneth in that behalf AND those Persons who may not conveniently bring such their Ancient Evidencesand Writings, as willserve to prove the Antiquity of their race and Family , but shall be desirous to have us cometo their houses, upon Signification of such theirdesires ,forthe furtherance of His MajestiesService, we, or one of Us , willrepair untothem so soon as Conveniently we may AND if there shall be any of the Degrees and Qualities above-mentioned omitted within your Liberties in these Our Directions, that you likewise Insert their Names, and warn them also to appear on the day and at the place above mentioned accordingly Hereof chargethem not tofail as they willavoid the Peril that may ensue . OF these particulars you are to make a true and perfect return together with this yourWarrant, and what you have donetherein at the time and placeabove appointed

" Those Gentlemen of your Hundred who have occasion to repairunto the Assizes may be advertised That we shall sitt at the Rose and Crowne in Northampton on Wednesday Thursday and Friday being the Thirteenth Fourteenth and Fifteenth of July next for the purposes aforesaid.

"And those of your Hundred who are more remote from the place of Session before appointed, may if they please repair unto Us at the Talbot in Oundle on Friday the 22th of July next. "


In the case ofthosewho failed to appear, a further notice was sent to the Chief Constables of the Hundred, who were to instructthem to appearat the time of the next Assizes The persons who had used Arms which did not belong to them were , for their presumption in having publicly used such Arms without any right, degraded by proclamation in the market town nearest their usual place of abode . Their names , as well as the names ofthose who disclaimed anyright to Armorial Bearings, were set out in the record of the Visitation

The information recorded at a Visitation consists of a pedigree usually commencing with the grandfatherof the person who appeared, often with the latter's signature , and a sketch of his Arms and Crest ifsuchwere allowedas having been proved In some cases the sketch of the Arms has written underneath " Respited for further proof. "

Apart from the records of Arms registered at the Visitations, there are of course the important records of Grants of Armorial Bearings. Drafts of the Grant made to Shakespeare's father may be seen in the Exhibition .

Another series of Records, of much genealogical value, are the books of Funeral Certificates , which cover roughly the same period as the Visitations These are records of the funerals of such of the nobilityand gentry of the time as were attendedby one or two Officers ofArms. In addition to apainting or sketch of the Armsofthedeceased person, which often showed also his quarterings and theArms ofhis wife, the following details were recorded : the full names, description and place of residence of the deceased, the exact dates and places of his death and burial, the names and parentage of his wife or wives , the names of his children and their age at the time of his death , and the names of their wives or husbands

Other classes of official records include those of Changes of Name and Arms by Royal Licence, and those connected with Coronations and Royal Funerals , pedigrees of Knights of Bath, pedigrees showing Royal Descents, and many others.

In addition to the official Records are the valuable Collections formed by Officers in the past, containing pedigrees, copies of wills, extracts from parish registers, and other evidences for compiling pedigrees

Since the time of the Visitations the official recordingof pedigrees has continued to the present day. It may be mentionedhereand it does not appear to be generally knownthat the greater part ofthe work of the College consists of the tracing of pedigrees, either with the object of proving a right to Armorial Bearings by descent or solely because of interest in one's family history.

If any of you should find time to visit the Exhibition , which remains open for another two weeksand I hope you all willyou will see only a small part of the records of the College, but these are examples of the best heraldic work of the past, and you will be able to compare with this the modernwork, also exhibited, of illumination and heraldic painting, executed by the Herald Paintersat the College to-day.

VISCOUNT FITZALAN asked the lecturer if he could explain the origin of the quaint ceremony that marked the occasion when a new peer took his seat in the House of Lords. The new peer, he said, was always introduced by two peers of his own rankand a

procession was formed consisting of the Lord Great Chamberlain, Black Rod, the Earl Marshal and Garter King of Arms, and on being conducted to his seat the new peer rose three several times and bowed totheThrone. He (the Chairman) once askedSirAlfred Scott Gattythemeaningofthis ceremony, butallthis great authority could say was , "I am afraid I cannot tell you: the origin of the ceremony is lost in the mists of antiquity." His own viewwasthat it was originally a religious ceremony and had some association with the Holy Trinity Mr. GEIJER regretted he was unable to throw any light on the subject, and agreed with the Chairman that it would be difficult to elucidate the matter without considerable research

Father ALPHONSUS BONNAR, proposing a vote of thanksto the lecturer, said that he wished to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Geijer to the Council, to which he had only recently been elected Members would realise that his specialised knowledge would beofimmensehelp to them Since his accession his colleagues had been relieved to find that his somewhat fearsome title was purely heraldic (laughter), as they had all been captivated by his singular charm of manner. His paper on the famous institution with which he was connected had proved most interesting. Mr. WYKEHAM -GEORGE seconded the vote of thanks, which was passed by acclamation and conveyed to the lecturer with a few graceful remarks by the Chairman"

Colonel WILMOT VAUGHAN proposeda hearty vote of thanksto Viscount FitzAlan for presiding onthis occasion, a compliment they appreciated the more that they realised what a very busy man he was The Rev. C. A. NEWDIGATE seconded the motion, whichwas unanimously adopted

A vote of thanks to the Society of Antiquariesfor the loan of their Rooms, moved by Mr. R. C. WILTON and seconded by Canon FLETCHER, brought the proceedings to a close .


THE position of the Catholic Record Societyas compared with other Record-publishing Societies, togetherwith the dates offoundation,will be of interest These Societies, even with a smaller membership , have done and are doing very valuablework, and deserve greatersupport


FFoundersonJune 10 , 1904. HHonorary Members. LLifeMembers.

FAbbotsleigh, Rev. Mother Prioress, C.R.L., Newton Abbot, Devon

Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire .The National Library of Wales (W. Llewellyn Davies, M.A., F.L.A., Librarian).

Aberystwyth, Very Rev. the Rector, St Mary's College. Adamson , Rev. Philip J., Bishop's House, 39 Beresford Road , Oxton , Birkenhead .

Albany, New York, U.S.A.New York State Library (J. I. Wyer , Director), The Librarian

Ampleforth AbbeyLibrary(Rt Rev. theAbbot, O.S.B.), Malton, Yorks.

Anderton, Henry Ince, Hôtel desTrois Couronnes, Vevey, Switzerland

Anne, Miss, Burghwallis Hall, Doncaster, Yorks.

Anstruther, G. Elliot, 52 Parkhill Road, Hampstead , N.W.3

Armstrong, John, B.A., F.R.Hist.S., Hertford College, Oxford.

Arundell of Wardour, The Lady, Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wilts

Ashburnham, Lady Catherine, AshburnhamPlace, Battle, Sussex .

Baines, Miss Rose, 124 Station Road, Wood Green , N . 22

Baker, Thomas, 72 NewmanStreet, W.I

Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.Peabody Institute (L. H. Dielman, Librarian), c/o Messrs Allen and Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

Barrow Public Library (Charles W. Gabbatt, F.L.A., Librarian), Ramsden Square, Barrow-in-Furness , Lancs.

Bartlett, Joseph Henry, 28 Ashley Place, Westminster , S.W.I

Baterden , James Rae, 54 Brighton Grove, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 4

Bateson, Charles Henry, c/o Truth (N.Z.), Private Bag, Wellington, N.Z.

Beaumont, The Lady, Carlton Towers , Snaith, Yorks

BeaumontCollege, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , Old Windsor, Berks.

Bedingfeld, Sir Henry Paston, Bt , J.P., Oxburgh Hall, StokeFerry, Norfolk.

Bedingfeld ,MrsRaoul, " Borghese, " HigherLincombeRoad, Torquay. Bellew , George R., Somerset Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Belmont Abbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Hereford

Bergholt (East), Lady Abbess, O.S.B., St Mary's Abbey, near Colchester, Suffolk.

Berkeley , Robert V., J.P., F.S.A., Spetchley Park, Worcester

Berlin, Prussian StateLibrary, c/o Messrs Asher & Co. , Behrenstrasse 17 , Berlin, W.8

Birmingham, Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams, Archbishop of, Archbishop's House, 6 Norfolk Road, Edgbaston , Birmingham

Birmingham .The Oratory, Very Rev. the Superior, Hagley Road , Edgbaston

Birmingham Public Libraries (The City Librarian), Reference Department, Ratcliffe Place, Birmingham.

Blackburn Public Library (Richard Ashton, F.L.A., Librarian), LibraryStreet, Blackburn, Lancs

Blundell, CaptainFrancisN., J.P., D.L., Crosby Hall, Blundell-sands , Liverpool

Bodmin, Cornwall, St Mary's Priory, Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L.

Bolton Public Libraries (Harold Hamer, F.L.A., Librarian), Victoria Square, Bolton, Lancs. 13


Boston College Library (Rev. William M. Stinson , S.J., Librarian), University Heights, Chestnut Hill, Boston , Mass, U.S.A.

Boston Public Library (Milton E. Lord, Director), Boston, Mass , U.S.A.

Boston, Mass , U.S.A.New England Historic Genealogical Society (Wm Prescott Greenlaw, Librarian), 9 Ashburton Place.

Boyan, Mrs P. A. , St Andrew's, Yelverton, Devon.

Brentwood, Rt Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Brentwood, Essex

Brighton Public Library (Henry D. Roberts, M.B.E., F.L.A., Director), Church Street, Brighton

Bristol Central Library (James Ross, F.L.A., Librarian), Bristol

Brown, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon, President , UshawCollege, Durham

Bruges, Belgium .Rev . Mother Prioress, C.R.L., Le Couvent Anglais. Brussels, Belgium .Société des Bollandistes, 24 BoulevardSt Michel

BuckfastAbbey, Rt Rev.the Abbot, O.S.B., Buckfastleigh , Devon

Burton, Rev. Harold, Walnut Tree House, Station Road , Hamptonon-Thames, Middlesex .

L Callaway, Rev. Thomas, St Mary's Presbytery, Chipping, Preston , Lancs

Cambridge, Peterhouse Library (A. W. Ward, Librarian)

Cambridge .The Librarian, St Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant

Cambridge University Library (Alwyn F. Scholfield , M.A., Librarian),

Cambridge .

Cambridge, Mass , U.S.A.Harvard University Library (Alfred C. Potter, Librarian), c/o Messrs Allen & Son,Ltd., 14 Grape Street , Shaftesbury Avenue , W.C.2

Cambysopolis , Rt Rev. Joseph Butt, Bishop of, 22 George Street, Portman Square, W.1

F , HCamm, Rev. R. Bede, O.S.B., M.A., F.S.A. , Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse , near Bath

Canning, Joseph Herbert, K.S.G. , O.B.E., Crindau, Newport, Mon.

Cardiff , MostRev. FrancisMostyn, K.M.,Archbishopof, Archbishop's House, 24 Newport Road, Cardiff

Cardiff PublicLibrary(HarryFarr, F.L.A., Librarian), Trinity Street, Cardiff, Glam.

Cardwell, Dr Mary, Copster House, Hollins Road, Oldham , Lancs

Carter, Very Rev. Canon T. Walmsley, St Joseph's, Sheringham, Norfolk

Carus, AlexanderHubert, les Marais , Billinge End, Blackburn, Lancs

Catterall,Very Rev.Canon JohnH., St Augustine'sRectory, Austin's Place, Preston , Lancs

Chadwick, Very Rev. Canon Alfred, StMary's, Alnwick, Northumberland

Chambers, F. W., K.S.G. , M.A., 20 Holmes Road, Twickenham , Middlesex .

Charlton, George Victor Bellasis, Woodford Lodge, Thrapston, Northants

Chicago, Ill , U.S.A.Newberry Library (G. B. Utley, Librarian), c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens and Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street , W.C.I

Chicago,Ill.,U.S.A.University ofChicagoLibraries(Dr.M.L.Raney, A Director), OrderDivision, Harper W.21, Chicago, Ill , U.S.A.

Chichester-Constable, Colonel Raleigh, J.P., Burton Constable, Hull L. Christall, Rev. Robert, 24 Heathcote Road, Epsom, Surrey.


Ciceri , Leo J., I St Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon.

Cleveland Public Library, Ohio, U.S.A. (Miss L. A. Eastman, Librarian), c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, W.I

Clifton, The Rt Rev. William Lee, M.B.E., Bishop of, St Ambrose , Leigh Woods , Bristol

Colwich, TheLady Abbess, O.S.B., St Benedict's Abbey, nr Stafford

L Connolly, Very Rev. Canon James C. , St Joseph's, Bugle Street, Southampton

Copenhagen,Denmark .The Royal Library, c/o Mr FrancisEdwards , 83 High Street , W.1

Cotton, Rev. John, D.D., M.A., St Mary's Presbytery, Kemp Street, Fleetwood , Lancs. Cox, Rt Rev. Abbot George Bede, O.S.B., St Mary's Priory, Highfield Street, Liverpool, W.

Cuming , Miss Agnes, 11 WellesleyAvenue, Hull

Dalton, Mr Justice Llewelyn C., c/o A. W. Innes, Esq , Richmond Lodge, Lewes , Sussex .

Dearlove , Squadron-Leader Cuthbert J. S., R.A.F., Harris Bank , Newtown, near Newbury, Berks.

Delany, Very Rev. Bernard, O.P., B . Litt , Provincial, St Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill, N.W.5

Derby Public Library (James Ormerod , F.L.A., Librarian), Derby. de Zulueta, Miss Agnes, 5 Douro Place, Kensington, W.8

F de Zulueta, Captain Francis, D.C.L., M.A., Regius Professor of Civil Law, 37 NorhamRoad, Oxford.

Dibdin, George E., Brockweir, Allt-yr-yn Avenue , Newport, Mon.

Dolan, Very Rev. Canon Oswald, V.F., St Mary's Rectory, Norfolk Row, Sheffield

Doran, Rev. John, 96 Pyle Street, Newport, I. ofW.

DouaiAbbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B.,Woolhampton, nr Reading. Downside Abbey Library (The Librarian, O.S.B.), Stratton-on-theFosse, near Bath

Dublin .National Library of Ireland (R. I. Best, Litt.D., F.L.A., Librarian), Kildare Street.

Dublin .Very Rev. Fr Provincial, S.J., 35 Lower Leeson Street

Dublin . Trinity College Library (J. G. Smyly, Litt.D., F.T.C.D. , Librarian)

Duchemin , Rt Rev.Mgr Charles, Collegio Beda, 67 via S. Niccoloda Tolentino, Rome, 5 (communications to 41 Upper Richmond Road , Putney, S.W.15).

Ealing Priory, Very Rev. the Prior, O.S.B., Charlbury Grove , Ealing, W.5

East Grinstead , Sussex .Rev Sister Superior Provincial, Convent of Notre Dame, AshdownPark, Coleman's Hatch

Eccles, Miss Alice,49 Preston Road, Newtown, Longridge, nr.Preston.

Edinburgh, Rev. Mother Superior , St Margaret'sConvent, Strathearn Road

EdinburghPublicLibrary(ErnestA. Savage,F.L.A., Chief Librarian), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Edinburgh . The Signet Library(John Minto,M.A., F.L.A., Librarian)

Edmondstoune -Cranstoun , C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland.

Ellison, Alfred Joseph, M.A., LL.M., 18 Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2

Elwes, Rev. Aubrey Valentine D., c/o Mrs. H. de Bless, 113B St James's Court, S.W.I


F Engelbach , George Frederick, 152 Cambridge St., Westminster,S.W.I

Evetts, Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth, 7 King's Mansions, Lawrence Street, Chelsea, S.W.3

Eyre, Stanislas Thomas, J.P., 13 Chesham Street, S.W.I

Eyre-Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis , R.N. (retd ), Sawston Hall, Cambridge

Eyston, Mrs. E., New House, Kingston Bagpuize, Berks

FitzAlan, Colonel the Rt Hon the Viscount, K.G., G.C.V.O. , D.S.O., Cumberland Lodge, Windsor.

Fitzherbert, Cuthbert, Gainford, co Durham.

Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Major John, M.C., Claughton-on-Brock, Garstang R.S.O., Lancs

Fletcher, J. Kyrle, 79 High Street, Newport, Mon.

Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John R., Greenbanks, Dawlish Road , Teignmouth, Devon.

Flynn, Rev. Thomas E., Ph.D., M.A., St Mary's, Chorley, Lancashire

Fogarty, Philip Christopher , I.C.S. , The Secretariat, Rangoon , Burma. Fort AugustusAbbey, Inverness , Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B.

L Freeland , Rt. Rev.MonsignorProvost John, V.G., Thornton College, Stony Stratford, Bucks.

Gainsborough , Mary, Dowager Countess of, The Court , Chipping Campden, Glos.

Gainsford, William, Somersby House, Spilsby, Lincs

Gaisford -St Lawrence , Thomas J., M.C., M.A., Howth Castle , co Dublin

Gardner, Rev. John, The Rectory, Formby, Liverpool

Geijer, E. N., M.C., F.S.A. , Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Gibbons, Francis James Joseph, K.C.S.G., The Hall, Penn , near Wolverhampton

Gibson, W. H. J. , J.P., 49 NorthSide, Clapham, London, S.W.4

Gilbey, Rev. Alfred N., Fisher House, Guildhall Street, Cambridge

Giles, Mrs. Francis , 3 Courtlands , Castle Bar Hill, Ealing, W.5

HGillow , Mrs. Joseph, Fyldeholme , Broad Lane, Hale, Cheshire

Glasgow .Very Rev. the Rector, St Peter's College, Bearsden

Glasgow .Rev SisterSuperior, Convent of Notre Dame, Dowanhill, Glasgow , W.2

Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries, The Mitchell Library (S. A. Pitt, City Librarian).

Glasgow University Library (W. R. Cunningham , M.A., Librarian), c/o Messrs Jackson, Wylie & Co., 73 West George Street, Glasgow

Glencross, Reginald M., M.A., LL.B., F.S.G. , F.R.S.A.I., 176 Worple Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20

Gorham, James J., M.A., M.D., J.P. R.I.P.

Göttingen University Library, Zugangs-Abteilung I, Göttingen, Hanover , Germany.

Gray, Very Rev. Canon John R.I.P.

Green-Armytage, Robert N., 5 Queen's Parade, Bath

Guilday, Rev. Peter, Ph.D., 1234 Monroe Street, N.E., Brookland, D.C. , U.S.A.

FHall, Very Rev. Canon Francis John, V.F., St Charles's Rectory, Jarratt Street, Hull

* Record Searcher

The THE THIRTIETH REPORT OF THE Catholic Record Society





Together with the Roll of Members, the Constitutions ,&c.


1. Name . The name ofthe Societyis " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects

The objects are the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales.

3. Management

The affairs of the Society are managed bya Councilconsisting of twelve members, three trustees and five honorary officers, viz., The Recorder, Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian, and Secretaryfour forming aquorum. It has power toappoint a Presidentand Vice-Presidents, its Chairmanand Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership . Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretaryfourteen days before the Annual Meeting The representation and management are reserved to CatholicMembers.

4. Subscription . The subscription is one guinea per annum, commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year

No volumewill be issued to any member whose subscriptionis unpaid, and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereupon be removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretary , before the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year

Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twentyguineas in advance. Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas All life subscriptions are to be capitalized

5. Back Numbers Members may, on prepayment, obtain back numbers (ifin stock) on such terms as the Councilmay direct

6. Meetings. An Annual Meetingis held in the month of June or July, ofwhich at leastseven days' notice is sent to all the members At this meetinga report of the work of the Society, with a statement of the incomeand expenditure, is presented. This is issued together with the list ofmembers and the Constitutions oftheSociety. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days' notice, stating the object ofthe meeting, shall be given.

7. Audit. The Bursar's accounts are audited by a member of the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close ofthe financial year, which expires on May 31

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membership and Subscriptions .

The Catholic Record Society











COUNCIL (Elected)













Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon. Bursar

LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY, J.P., F.S.A., 15, Morpeth Mansions , Westminster , S.W.I

Hon . Recorder


Hon Legal Adviser HUBERT HULL, Somerset Herald Barrister-at-Law

Hon Librarian

Hon. Secretary

RICHARD CECIL WILTON, B.A., 31, Charles Street , St. James'sSquare, S.W.I



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THHE Council has pleasurein presenting to the members of the Catholic Record Society the Thirtieth Annual Report.

Volume XXXIV, London Sessions Records, will be issued in the autumn This is to be followed next year by a Miscellanea volume containing the Catholic Registers of St. Wilfrid's, York, St. Andrew's, Newcastle, and suchother matter as space will admit Good progress has been made since the last meeting inpreparing for publication the recordsofthe Venerable English College, Rome, and theRegistersat the PortugueseEmbassy; but, as was remarked in last year's Report, the material in hand is considerably out of proportion to the possibility of dealing with it in print.

At the same time the need for new premises, so often previously mentioned, has now become acute, for circumstances have arisen which will make it necessary to find at once new accommodation for the Gillow Library. It is hopedthat,with the helpof members , some solution of this pressingproblem may soon be devised.

The approach of the National Catholic Congress, to be held at Cardiff in July next year, will give the Society an opportunity of holding a sectional meeting, which should serve to stimulate interest in the Society's work, and so lead to an increase of membership In this connection attention may be drawn to the fact that the Catholic Record Society has now been thirty years in existence . Of the seventy-one Founders, fifteen still survive on the roll of members For the first nine years the Society's membership increased consistently year by year from 268 at May 31st, 1905, to 396 at May 31st, 1913. Duringthe next nine years there was a steady decline from 386 in 1914 to 337 in 1922; this decline must, of course, be largelyaccounted for by the War. In the last twelve yearsthe number of members has fluctuated between350 (in 1926) and 378 (in 1931), showingthat on the whole there has again been an increase in membership. During these thirty years the Society has suffered the loss of no less than 218 members by death; even so, its present membership compares very favourably with that of many kindred Societies

The Bursar has the pleasure to report the accession of 21 new members during the past year, as follows: Very Rev.Michael J. Canon Wilson (Life Member), Mr. John Armstrong, Miss Rose Baines , Squadron-Leader Cuthbert J. S. Dearlove, R.A.F., Miss Alice Eccles, Miss Margaret C. B. Evetts, Mrs. Francis Giles, Messrs. Cuthbert Fitzherbert , J. Kyrle Fletcher, Thomas J. GaisfordSt. Lawrence, Joseph C. Lamb, Daniel J. O'Mahony, K.M., Eoin O'Mahony (Life Member), James R. Reynolds, Lt.-Col Reginald C. F. Schomberg, Messrs Richard Scrope , A. H. Spurrier, Admiral Lord Stafford , K.C.B., the Convent of Notre Dame, Ashdown 4

Park, the Convent of Notre Dame, Dowanhill , Glasgow, and Quarr Abbey, O.S.B.

He regrets to announcethe loss of nine members by resignation, and of eleven by death.

Through the death of Mr. R. C.Baigent, F.R.Hist.S. ,the Society has lost one of its most able and laborious workers Mr. Baigent became a member of the Society in 1921-22, and his help was so much appreciated that he was electedto a seat on the Council in November 1923, and appointed Honorary Librarian of the Gillow Library in September 1924, just ten years ago, his workduringthese years being as unwearied as it was invaluable After the retirement of Mr. Hansom, Mr. Baigent came as a rule at least once a week to help and advise the HonorarySecretary, and exerciseda general supervision over the production of the Society's volumes; indeed, Mr. Hansom remarked that he regarded Mr. Baigent as his succesAn article in Volume XXVII was contributed byMr. Baigent himself, whatever he did being characterisedbythe most meticulous accuracy. His kindly and graciouspersonality will be muchmissed on all sides , and the present Hon. Secretary wishes particularlyto own his great obligation to his untiring assistance . sor

The Council has also to regret the loss of Alderman Sir John Knill, Bt , who was the sixty-ninth Founder of the Society and from the first a Vice-President He was Lord Mayor of London 1909-10 , and it was at his invitation that the Society held its sixth annual meeting at the Mansion House.

In addition,the Council has to recordwith regret the death ofthe following members: Major-GeneralLordTreowen, C.B., C.M.G. ,Very Rev. Provost Francis M. Hayward, Messrs John Carnegie, William Clarkson, Francis T. Giles, Sebastian H. Petre, and Philip K. Wake, K.S.G. , Mrs. T. E. Martin (who on manyoccasions undertook the indexing of the Volumes), and Mrs. M. E. Piercey-TaylorSmith, J.P.-R.I.P.

The membership on May 31st numbered 363 .

Four members of the Council retire in rotation, but are eligible for re-election, viz Mr. J. H. Bartlett, Mr. G. F. Engelbach, the Rev. C. A. Newdigate, S.J., and Mr. John P. Smith, J.P.



The thirtieth Annual Meeting of the members of the Catholic Record Society was held in the Rooms oftheSociety ofAntiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, on Wednesday, July 4, 1934, the Right Hon. VISCOUNT FITZALAN , K.G., President, in the Chair. There were present, among others, the Very Rev. Canon J. R. Fletcher, Rev. Sir John O'Connell, Rev. Alphonsus Bonnar, O.F.M., D.D., Rev. Hugh Bowler, O.S.B., Rev. Charles A. Newdigate, S.J., Rev. Brother Vincent, Librarian of the Brompton Oratory, Miss Arrowsmith, Miss Rose Baines, Miss Margaret C. B. Evetts, Mrs. Gostling, Mrs. Hall, Miss Parkinson, Miss Wright, Colonel John W. R. Parker, C.B., J.P., F.S.A., Colonel Wilmot Vaughan, Major Thos Shepard, F.S.A., V.D. , and Messrs . John Armstrong , B.A., F.R.Hist.S. , Joseph H. Bartlett, Beddoes , Fred Walter Chambers, K.S.G., M.A., E. N. Geijer, M.C., F.S.A., Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, Edward Hutton, John Thwaites Mumford, Hon Librarian C.T.S. Library, Bernard H. Newdigate, Edwd Francis Riddell-Blount , J.P., K.M., J. Cyril M. Weale, A. P. H. Wykeham-George, Leonard C. C. Lindsay, J.P., F.S.A., Hon Bursar, and R. Cecil Wilton, B.A., Hon Secretary. Letters of regret for non-attendance were received from the Right Rev. the Bishop of Lancaster, Her Grace the Duchess of Norfolk, the Rev. C. G. Kean, C.J., St. George's College, Weybridge, Mr. J. H. Canning, K.S.G., O.B.E., Mr. George F. Engelbach, Major C. J. Vaughan, O.B.E., D.L., J.P., and Major Richard Trappes-Lomax, J.P.

The HON SECRETARY having read the Annual Report, the Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts were presented by Mr. LEONARD C. C. LINDSAY , Hon Bursar In doing so he wished to draw the attention of members to the problem of the Gillow Library, a collection of books presented to the Society on behalf of the late Joseph Gillow, the well-known genealogist. Thesehad hitherto been housed by Miss Willis in her libraryat Kensington , but as shenow required the space it occupied it would benecessary to remove the books He therefore askedto be empoweredto deal withthe matter and find temporaryaccommodation forthe library rather than part with it He hoped that some day it would be possibletomake this interesting collection the nucleusof avaluable Catholic Reference Library for the use of members of the Society Unfortunatelyat the moment the Society had no grants to devote to this object and was not in a position therefore to make adequate use of the books. The next best thing to do was to see thatthey were carefully preserved, and he hoped that this would be satisfactorily arranged


The Report and Statement of Accounts were unanimously adopted on the motion of the Chairman..

VISCOUNT FITZALAN alluded to the loss sustained by the Society by the death of several of its members, and particularly by the passing away of Mr. Richard CoventryBaigent, one ofthe most able and laborious workers the Society had ever had , whose loss would long be sadlyfelt.

The four retiring membersofthe Council having been re-elected unopposed on the motion of Mr. J. T. MUMFORD , seconded by Mr. F.W. CHAMBERS , the Chairman called upon Mr. E. N. GEIJER , RougeDragon Pursuivant of Arms,who readthefollowing paperon


The Commemorative Exhibition now being held at the College of Arms celebrates the 450th anniversary of the charter by which Richard III in 1484 made his Heralds a body corporate. They were then given Coldharbour, in Thames-street by the river, and later , in 1555, Queen Mary gave them Derby House, the site of which the College of Arms still occupies That building, destroyed by the Fire of London in 1666, was replaced by the present building, which dates from the end of the seventeenth century and was erected largely at the expense of the Heralds at that time. Formerly known as the Heralds' College, it is now morecommonly called the College of Arms, and this latter name no doubt has been the cause of more than one application being made to the College for fencing lessons Officers of Arms had, however, existed before the date of the charterofincorporation, and a Chapter of the Heralds is known to have been held atthe siege of Rouen in 1420.

The titles borne by the Heralds at the present day have notvaried for a considerable length of time, but among those used in the fifteenth century were such delightful names as Falcon, Blanch Sanglier and Comfort. The Officers of Arms, who are members of the Royal Household, hold Office by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England, issued to them individuallyon appointment. The Corporationof the College consists of three Kings of Arms, six Heralds, and fourPursuivants, while the official head of the College is the Earl Marshal, an office held by heredity by the Dukes of Norfolk. The principal duties ofthe Officers of the College are concerned with the marshalling of State Ceremonies, official attendance at Coronations , the Opening of Parliament, and other Ceremonies of State; the granting of Armorial Bearings, the recording of pedigrees, and other like matters. Matters of Arms reside in the sole prerogative of the Crown, the authority being delegated to the Earl Marshaland the Officers of the College of Arms The title to Arms existsin the first instance through a Patent of Arms, the Arms being granted under Warrant from the Earl Marshal to an individual and his descendants in the male line, according to the Laws of Arms All the male line descendants ofthe recipient of such a Grant are entitled to bear the Arms so granted, and in certain instances they descend also, in the form ofQuarterings, in the female line It is evident, however, that in the course oftime questions must arise as to the validity of descent in the case of any claims which may be made The rights of armigerous persons are

consequently protected by means of Pedigrees registered at the College of Arms, and legal title to Armorial Bearings by descent can only be established by means of a proved and attestedPedigree dulyregistered in the Books of the College.

It is sometimes assumed that an individual of any given name is entitled to the Armorial Bearings which have been assigned to another individual of that name This, of course, is not the case , and no title is valid if unsupportedeither by a Patent or by proof of descent in the manner indicated The illicit use of Armorial Bearings is, apart from the purely legal aspect of the case , as much to be reprehended as the unauthorised use of titles and decorationswith this difference , of course , that it is more commonlythe outcome of ignorance.

The most important Records of the College are the extensive series of books compiled at the time of the Heralds' Visitations, which were carriedout by Officers ofArms acting under Royal Commission These Visitations were made at intervals from the beginningof the sixteenth century until the close of the seventeenth century. Thus the county of Norfolk was visited in the years 1563, 1589 , 1613 and 1664-8 , Middlesex in 1572 , 1634 and 1663, and so on .

The procedure followed in making a Visitation was briefly as follows. Notices were issued to the Bailiffs of each Hundred in the County to be visited, and the following is one issued to the Bailiff of the Hundred of Corby in Northamptonshire in 1681 :

" These are to require you, and in his Majesties Name to charge and command you that forthwith upon sight hereof you warn these Baronets , Knights, Esquiresand Gentlemen , whose names are withinwritten, personally to appear before us Francis Burghil Esqr Somerset Herald and Gregory King Rouge dragon, Officers of Arms, Deputies and Marshalls to Clarenceux Kingof Arms, fortheCounty ofNorthampton at the WhiteHartin Kettering on Tuesday the 19th day of July next by nine of the Clock in the morning, wherewe intend to sitt for Registring the Descents and Arms ofall theGentry within the said Hundred. And that they bring with them such Arms and Crests as they use and bear, with their Pedegrees and Descents , and such other Evidenceor matterof RecordandCredit as (if need require) mayjustifie the same: that we knowing how they use and challengetheir Titles, and by what right and authority they bear, or pretend to bear, Arms, we may accordingly make entrance thereof, and Register the same in the College of Arms, or els to proceed as his Majesties Comission under the Great Seal of England Injoyneth in that behalf. AND those Persons who may not conveniently bring such their Ancient Evidencesand Writings , as will serve to prove the Antiquity of their race and Family, but shall be desirous to have us cometo their houses, upon Signification of suchtheir desires , for the furtherance of His Majesties Service, we, or one of Us , will repair unto them so soon as Conveniently we may. AND if there shall be anyof the Degrees and Qualities above-mentioned omitted within your Liberties in these Our Directions, that you likewise Insert their Names, and warn them also to appear on the day and at the place above mentioned accordingly Hereof chargethem notto fail as they willavoid the Perilthat may ensue . Ofthese particulars you are to make a true and perfect return together with this your Warrant, and what you have donetherein at the time and place above appointed

" Those Gentlemen of your Hundred who have occasion to repair unto the Assizes may be advertised That we shall sitt at the Rose and Crowne in Northampton on WednesdayThursday and Friday being the Thirteenth Fourteenth and Fifteenth of July next for the purposes aforesaid

"And those of your Hundred who are more remote from the place of Session before appointed, may if they please repair unto Us at the Talbot in Oundle on Friday the 22th of July next "


In the case of those who failed to appear, a further notice was sent to the Chief Constables of the Hundred, who were to instructthem to appearat the time of the next Assizes. The persons who had used Arms which did not belong to them were, for their presumption in having publicly used such Arms without any right, degraded by proclamation in the market town nearest their usual place of abode . Their names , as well as the names ofthose who disclaimed any right to Armorial Bearings, were set out in the recordof the Visitation.

The information recorded at a Visitation consists of a pedigree usually commencing with the grandfatherof the person who appeared, often with the latter's signature , and a sketch of his Arms and Crest ifsuch were allowed as having been proved In some cases thesketch of the Arms has written underneath " Respited for further proof. "

Apartfrom the records of Arms registered at the Visitations, there are of course the important records of Grants of Armorial Bearings. Drafts of the Grant made to Shakespeare's father may be seen in the Exhibition.

Another series of Records, of much genealogical value, are the books of Funeral Certificates , which cover roughly the same period as the Visitations These are records of the funerals of such of the nobilityandgentry ofthe time as were attendedby one or two Officers ofArms. Inaddition toa painting or sketchofthe Armsofthe deceased person, which often showed also his quarterings and the Arms of his wife, the following details were recorded : the full names, description, and place of residence of the deceased , the exact dates and places of his death and burial, the names and parentage of his wife or wives, the names of his children and their age at the time of his death , and the names of their wives or husbands

Other classes of official records include those of Changes of Name and Arms by Royal Licence, and those connected with Coronations and Royal Funerals , pedigrees of Knights of Bath, pedigrees showing Royal Descents, and many others

In addition to the official Records are the valuable Collections formed by Officers in the past, containing pedigrees, copies of wills, extracts from parish registers, and other evidences for compiling pedigrees.

Since the time of the Visitations the official recordingof pedigrees has continued to the presentday. It may be mentionedhereand it does not appear to be generally knownthat the greater part of the work of the College consists of the tracing of pedigrees, either with the object of proving a right to Armorial Bearings by descent or solely because of interest in one's family history.

If any of you should find time to visit the Exhibition , which remains open for another two weeks and I hope you all willyou will see only a small part of the records of the College, but these are examples of the best heraldic work of the past, and you will be able to compare with this the modernwork, also exhibited, of illumination and heraldic painting, executed by the Herald Paintersat the College to-day.

VISCOUNT FITZALAN asked the lecturer if he could explain the origin of the quaint ceremony that marked the occasion when a new peer took his seat in the House of Lords. The new peer, he said, was always introduced by two peers of his own rank and a


procession was formed consisting ofthe Lord Great Chamberlain , Black Rod, the Earl Marshal and Garter King of Arms, and on being conducted to his seat the new peer rose three several times and bowed totheThrone. He (theChairman) once askedSirAlfred Scott Gattythemeaningofthis ceremony, butall this great authority could say was , "I am afraid I cannot tell you: the origin of the ceremonyis lost in the mists of antiquity " His own viewwas that it was originally a religious ceremony and had some association with the Holy Trinity Mr. GEIJER regretted he was unableto throw any light on the subject, and agreed with the Chairman that it would be difficult to elucidate the matter without considerable research

Father ALPHONSUS BONNAR , proposing a vote of thanksto the lecturer, said that he wished to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Geijer to the Council, to which he had only recently been elected. Members would realise that his specialised knowledge would beofimmensehelp to them Sincehis accession his colleagues had been relieved to find that his somewhat fearsome title was purely heraldic (laughter), as they had all been captivated by his singular charm of manner His paper on the famous institution with which he was connected had proved most interesting. Mr. WYKEHAM-GEORGE seconded the vote of thanks, which was passed by acclamation and conveyed to the lecturerwith a few graceful remarks by the Chairman

Colonel WILMOT VAUGHAN proposeda hearty vote of thanksto Viscount FitzAlan for presiding onthis occasion, a compliment they appreciated the more that they realised what a very busy man he was. The Rev. C. A. NEWDIGATE seconded themotion, whichwas unanimously adopted

A vote of thanks to the Society of Antiquaries for the loan of their Rooms, moved by Mr. R. C. WILTON and seconded by Canon FLETCHER , brought the proceedings to a close .


THE position of the Catholic Record Societyas compared with other Record-publishing Societies, togetherwith the dates offoundation , will be of interest. These Societies, even with a smallermembership , have done and are doing very valuablework, and deserve greatersupport


FFounderson June 1o , 1904. HHonorary Members LLifeMembers.

F Abbotsleigh, Rev. Mother Prioress, C.R.L., Newton Abbot, Devon .

Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire .The National Library of Wales (W. Llewellyn Davies , M.A., F.L.A., Librarian)

Aberystwyth, Very Rev. the Rector, St Mary's College

Adamson , Rev.Philip J., Bishop's House, 39 Beresford Road, Oxton, Birkenhead

Albany, New York, U.S.A.New York State Library (J. I. Wyer, Director), The Librarian.

AmpleforthAbbeyLibrary(RtRev. theAbbot, O.S.B.), Malton, Yorks

Anderton, Henry Ince, Hôtel des Trois Couronnes, Vevey, Switzerland . Anne, Miss, Burghwallis Hall, Doncaster , Yorks.

Anstruther, G. Elliot, 52 Parkhill Road, Hampstead , N.W.3

Armstrong, John, B.A., F.R.Hist.S., Hertford College, Oxford .

Arundell of Wardour, The Lady, Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wilts.

Ashburnham, LadyCatherine , AshburnhamPlace, Battle, Sussex.

Baines, Miss Rose, 124 Station Road, Wood Green , N . 22

Baker, Thomas, 72 Newman Street, W.I

Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.Peabody Institute (L. H. Dielman, Librarian), c/o Messrs Allen and Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

Barrow Public Library (Charles W. Gabbatt, F.L.A., Librarian), Ramsden Square, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancs

Bartlett, Joseph Henry, 28 Ashley Place, Westminster, S.W.I

Baterden , James Rae, 54 Brighton Grove , Newcastle-on-Tyne, 4

Bateson, Charles Henry, c/o Truth (N.Z.), Private Bag, Wellington, N.Z.

Beaumont, The Lady, Carlton Towers , Snaith, Yorks. BeaumontCollege, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Old Windsor, Berks.

Bedingfeld , Sir Henry Paston, Bt , J.P., Oxburgh Hall, StokeFerry, Norfolk

Bedingfeld ,MrsRaoul, " Borghese, " HigherLincombeRoad,Torquay. Bellew, George R., Somerset Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Belmont Abbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Hereford

Bergholt (East), Lady Abbess, O.S.B., St Mary's Abbey, near Colchester, Suffolk.

Berkeley, Robert V., J.P., F.S.A., Spetchley Park, Worcester

Berlin, Prussian State Library, c/o Messrs Asher & Co. , Behrenstrasse 17 , Berlin, W.8

Birmingham, Most Rev. Thomas L. Williams, Archbishopof, Archbishop's House, 6 NorfolkRoad, Edgbaston , Birmingham. Birmingham .The Oratory, Very Rev. the Superior, Hagley Road , Edgbaston

Birmingham Public Libraries (The City Librarian), Reference Department, Ratcliffe Place, Birmingham

Blackburn Public Library (Richard Ashton, F.L.A., Librarian), Library Street, Blackburn, Lancs.

Blundell, CaptainFrancisN., J.P., D.L., Crosby Hall, Blundell-sands , Liverpool

Bodmin, Cornwall, St Mary's Priory, Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L. Bolton Public Libraries (Harold Hamer, F.L.A., Librarian), Victoria Square, Bolton, Lancs


Boston College Library (Rev. William M. Stinson , S.J., Librarian), University Heights, Chestnut Hill, Boston, Mass , U.S.A.

Boston Public Library (Milton E. Lord, Director), Boston, Mass. , U.S.A.

Boston, Mass., U.S.A.New England Historic Genealogical Society (Wm. Prescott Greenlaw, Librarian), 9 Ashburton Place

Boyan, Mrs P. A., St Andrew's, Yelverton, Devon

Brentwood, Rt Rev. Arthur Doubleday, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Brentwood, Essex

Brighton Public Library (Henry D. Roberts, M.B.E., F.L.A., Director), Church Street, Brighton.

Bristol Central Library (James Ross , F.L.A., Librarian), Bristol.

Brown, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon, President , UshawCollege, Durham.

Bruges, Belgium .Rev . Mother Prioress, C.R.L., LeCouvent Anglais. Brussels, Belgium .Société des Bollandistes , 24 BoulevardSt Michel

BuckfastAbbey, Rt Rev.the Abbot, O.S.B., Buckfastleigh , Devon

Burton, Rev. Harold, Walnut Tree House, Station Road, Hamptonon-Thames, Middlesex

L Callaway, Rev. Thomas, St Mary's Presbytery, Chipping, Preston , Lancs. Cambridge, Peterhouse Library (A. W. Ward, Librarian).

Cambridge .The Librarian, St Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant .

Cambridge University Library (Alwyn F. Scholfield, M.A., Librarian), Cambridge

Cambridge, Mass , U.S.A.Harvard University Library (Alfred C. Potter, Librarian), c/o Messrs Allen & Son, Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

Cambysopolis , Rt Rev. Joseph Butt, Bishop of, 22 George Street, Portman Square, W.1

F , H Camm , Rev. R. Bede, O.S.B., M.A., F.S.A., Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse , near Bath

Canning , Joseph Herbert, K.S.G. , O.B.E., Crindau, Newport, Mon. Cardiff ,MostRev.FrancisMostyn, K.M., Archbishopof, Archbishop's House, 24 Newport Road, Cardiff

Cardiff PublicLibrary (HarryFarr, F.L.A., Librarian), Trinity Street, Cardiff, Glam .

Cardwell, Dr Mary, Copster House, Hollins Road, Oldham, Lancs

Carter, Very Rev. Canon T. Walmsley, St Joseph's, Sheringham, Norfolk

Carus, AlexanderHubert, les Marais, Billinge End, Blackburn, Lancs

Catterall, Very Rev. Canon JohnH., StAugustine'sRectory, Austin's Place, Preston, Lancs.

Chadwick ,Very Rev. Canon Alfred, StMary's, Alnwick, Northumberland

Chambers, F. W., K.S.G. , M.A., 20 Holmes Road, Twickenham , Middlesex .

Charlton, George Victor Bellasis, Woodford Lodge, Thrapston, Northants.

Chicago, Ill , U.S.A.Newberry Library (G. B. Utley, Librarian), c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens and Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street , W.C.I

Chicago, Ill ,U.S.A.University ofChicago Libraries (Dr.M.L.Raney, Director), Order Division, Harper W. 21 , Chicago, Ill , U.S.A.

Chichester -Constable, Colonel Raleigh , J.P., Burton Constable, Hull. L Christall, Rev. Robert, 24 HeathcoteRoad, Epsom, Surrey.

Ciceri , Leo. J., 1 St Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon.

Cleveland Public Library, Ohio, U.S.A. (Miss L. A. Eastman, Librarian), c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, W.1

Clifton, The Rt Rev. William Lee, M.B.E., Bishop of, St Ambrose , Leigh Woods, Bristol

Colwich, TheLady Abbess, O.S.B., St Benedict's Abbey, nr.Stafford L.Connolly, Very Rev. Canon James C., St Joseph's, Bugle Street, Southampton. Copenhagen, Denmark .TheRoyal Library, c/o MrFrancisEdwards , 83 High Street, W.I

Cotton, Rev. John, D.D., M.A., St Mary's Presbytery, Kemp Street, Fleetwood , Lancs

Cox, Rt Rev. Abbot George Bede, O.S.B., St Mary's Priory, Highfield Street, Liverpool, W.

Cuming, Miss Agnes, II WellesleyAvenue, Hull

Dalton, Mr Justice Llewelyn C., c/o A. W. Innes , Esq , Richmond Lodge, Lewes, Sussex

Dearlove , Squadron -Leader Cuthbert J. S., R.A.F., Harris Bank, Newtown, near Newbury, Berks.

Delany, Very Rev. Bernard, O.P., B . Litt , Provincial, St Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill, N.W.5

Derby Public Library (James Ormerod , F.L.A., Librarian), Derby. de Zulueta, Miss Agnes, 5 Douro Place, Kensington, W.8

F de Zulueta, Captain Francis, D.C.L., M.A., Regius Professor of Civil Law, 37 Norham Road, Oxford

Dibdin, George E., Brockweir, Allt-yr-yn Avenue, Newport, Mon.

Dolan, Very Rev. Canon Oswald, V.F., St Mary's Rectory, Norfolk Row, Sheffield

Doran, Rev. John, 96 Pyle Street, Newport, I. ofW.

DouaiAbbey, Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B., Woolhampton, nr. Reading . Downside Abbey Library (The Librarian , O.S.B.), Stratton-on-theFosse, near Bath

Dublin .National Library of Ireland (R. I. Best, Litt.D., F.L.A., Librarian), Kildare Street .

Dublin .Very Rev. Fr Provincial, S.J., 35 Lower Leeson Street

Dublin .Trinity College Library (J. G. Smyly, Litt.D., F.T.C.D., Librarian).

Duchemin, Rt Rev. Mgr Charles, Collegio Beda, 67 via S. Niccoloda Tolentino, Rome, 5 (communications to 41 Upper Richmond Road , Putney, S.W.15).

Ealing Priory, Very Rev. the Prior, O.S.B., Charlbury Grove , Ealing, W.5

East Grinstead , Sussex .Rev Sister Superior Provincial, Convent of Notre Dame, Ashdown Park, Coleman's Hatch.

Eccles,Miss Alice, 49 Preston Road,Newtown, Longridge , nr. Preston.

Edinburgh, Rev.Mother Superior , St Margaret'sConvent, Strathearn Road.

EdinburghPublicLibrary(ErnestA. Savage, F.L.A.,ChiefLibrarian), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Edinburgh .The SignetLibrary(John Minto,M.A.,F.L.A., Librarian)

Edmondstoune -Cranstoun , C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland

Ellison, Alfred Joseph, M.A., LL.M., 18 Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2

Elwes, Rev. Aubrey Valentine D., c/o Mrs. H. de Bless, 113B St James's Court, S.W.I


F Engelbach , George Frederick, 152 Cambridge St., Westminster, S.W.I

Evetts, Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth, 7 King's Mansions , Lawrence Street, Chelsea, S.W.3

Eyre, Stanislas Thomas, J.P. , 13 Chesham Street, S.W.I

Eyre-Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis, R.N. (retd.), Sawston Hall, Cambridge .

Eyston, Mrs. E., New House, Kingston Bagpuize, Berks

FitzAlan, Colonel the Rt Hon the Viscount, K.G., G.C.V.O. , D.S.O., Cumberland Lodge, Windsor

Fitzherbert, Cuthbert, Gainford, co Durham.

Fitzherbert-Brockholes, Major John, M.C., Claughton -on-Brock, Garstang R.S.O. , Lancs

Fletcher, J. Kyrle, 79 High Street, Newport, Mon.

Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John R., Greenbanks, Dawlish Road , Teignmouth, Devon

Flynn, Rev. Thomas E., Ph.D., M.A., St Mary's, Chorley, Lancashire

Fogarty, Philip Christopher, I.C.S. , The Secretariat , Rangoon, Burma. Fort AugustusAbbey, Inverness , Rt Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B.

L Freeland , Rt. Rev.MonsignorProvost John, V.G., Thornton College, Stony Stratford, Bucks

Gainsborough, Mary, Dowager Countess of, The Court , Chipping Campden, Glos.

Gainsford , William, Somersby House, Spilsby, Lincs.

Gaisford -St Lawrence , Thomas J., M.C., M.A., Howth Castle , co Dublin

Gardner, Rev. John, The Rectory, Formby, Liverpool

Geijer, E. N., M.C., F.S.A. , Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

Gibbons, Francis James Joseph, K.C.S.G., The Hall, Penn , near Wolverhampton

Gibson, W. H. J., J.P., 49 NorthSide, Clapham, London, S.W.4

Gilbey, Rev. Alfred N., Fisher House, Guildhall Street, Cambridge

Giles, Mrs. Francis, 3 Courtlands, Castle Bar Hill, Ealing, W.5

HGillow, Mrs. Joseph, Fyldeholme , Broad Lane, Hale, Cheshire.

Glasgow .Very Rev. the Rector, St Peter's College, Bearsden

Glasgow .Rev. Sister Superior, Conventof Notre Dame, Dowanhill, Glasgow , W.2

Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries, The Mitchell Library (S. A. Pitt, City Librarian)

Glasgow University Library (W. R. Cunningham , M.A., Librarian), c/o Messrs Jackson, Wylie & Co., 73 West George Street, Glasgow

Glencross, Reginald M., M.A., LL.B. , F.S.G. , F.R.S.A.I., 176 Worple Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20

Gorham , James J., M.A., M.D., J.P. R.I.P.

Göttingen University Library, Zugangs-Abteilung I, Göttingen, Hanover, Germany.

Gray, Very Rev. Canon John. R.I.P.

Green-Armytage, Robert N., 5 Queen's Parade, Bath

Guilday, Rev. Peter, Ph.D., 1234 Monroe Street, N.E., Brookland, D.C. , U.S.A.

F Hall, Very Rev. Canon Francis John, V.F., St Charles's Rectory, Jarratt Street, Hull

* Record Searcher .

F Hansom ,A. J. R., 110Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, W.S

Harding, George, 64 Great Russell Street, W.C.I

Harrow, Middlesex .Rev Mother Superior, Visitation Convent

HawkesyardPriory, Rugeley, Staffordshire , Very Rev.the Prior, O.P.

Hayward's Heath, Sussex .Rev Mother Prioress, C.R.L., Prioryof Our Ladyof Good Counsel

Henson, Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon Edwin, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain.

Hexham and Newcastle, Rt Rev. Joseph Thorman, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Tynemouth, Northumberland

Heythrop College, Chipping Norton, Oxon, Very Rev. the Rector , S.J.

Hope, Captain Geoffrey A. E., Kirkby Fleetham, Northallerton, Yorkshire

L Hornyold-Strickland, Henry, J.P., Sizergh Lodge, Kendal, Westmorland.

Hull, Hubert, 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.4

Hull Public Library (W. H. Bagguley, F.L.A., Librarian), Albion Street, Hull

Hutton, Edward, 114 Clifton Hill, St John'sWood, N.W.8

Iles, Very Rev. Canon RichardAugustine, St George's Rectory, Billet Street, Taunton, Somerset .

HJerningham , Sir Henry S., Bt , J.P., 9 Drayton Gardens, S.W.10

Johnson, Basil Henry, 3 Artillery Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I

Johnson, Rev. Humphrey John T., The Oratory, Hagley Road , Edgbaston , Birmingham

Jones, Sir Evan Davies, Bt., D.L., LL.D., J.P., Pentower , Fishguard, Pembrokeshire (communications to 6 Addison Road, Kensington, W . 14)

L Kean, Rev. Charles George, C.J., St George's College, Weybridge, Surrey.

L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C., Gillingham Hall, Beccles , Suffolk

F Keogh, C. George Neal, 12 Girdler's Road, West Kensington, W . 14

King, Rt Rev. Monsignor Canon John H., V.G. , 29 Jewry Street, Winchester , Hants

Klincksieck , Monsieur (for the Bibliothèque Nationale), 11 Rue de Lille, Paris, c/o Messrs Dawson & Sons , Cannon House, Pilgrim Street , E.C.4

Lamb, Joseph Cuthbert, B.A., Scotby House, Scotby, near Carlisle

Lancashire County Library (J. D. Cowley , M.A., F.L.A., L.A.Dip , Librarian), I Fishergate Hill, Preston , Lancs

Lancaster , Rt Rev. Thomas W. Pearson, O.S.B., Bishop of, Bishop's House, Cannon Hill, Lancaster .

Lancaster Public Library (Gilbert M. Bland, F.R.G.S. , M.R.S.L., Librarian), Storey Institute, Old Town Hall, Lancaster.

Langdale, Colonel Philip, O.B.E., J.P., Houghton Hall, Sancton R.S.O., Yorks.

La Mothe Houdancourt, La Duchesse de, 7 Rue Galilée, Paris 16

Lanherne , Rev. Mother Prioress, O.C.D. , St Columb, Cornwall

Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G. , Flint House, Holcombe , Bath


Leeds, Rt Rev. Joseph R. Cowgill, Bishopof, Bishop'sHouse, Seminary Street, Leeds

Leeds Public Libraries (R. J.Gordon, F.L.A., City Librarian), Central Library, Municipal Buildings, Leeds

L Lindsay, Leonard C. C., J.P. , F.S.A., 15 Morpeth Mansions, Westminster, S.W.I

Liverpool, Most Rev. Richard Downey, D.D., Archbishop of, Archbishop'sHouse, Woolton, Liverpool, S.

Liverpool Public Libraries (The Chief Librarian), William Brown Street, Liverpool

Liverpool . St Francis Xavier's, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Salisbury Street .

Liverpool . The Friary, Fox Street (Rev. Father Guardian, O.F.M.)

London .Antiquaries, Societyof, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W.1

London . BayswaterSt Mary of the Angels, The Superior, O.S.C., WestmorelandRoad, W.2

London . British Museum Library (G. F. Hill, C.B., Litt.D., Director and Principal Librarian), c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown , 28-30 LittleRussell Street, W.C.I

London .Catholic Truth Society Lending Library (J. T.Mumford, M.A., Librarian), 38 Eccleston Square, S.W.I

London .ClaphamOur Lady of Victories, Very Rev. the Rector , C.SS.R., Clapham Park Road, S.W.4

London .College of Arms (E. N. Geijer, M.C., F.S.A. , Librarian), Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

London . Constitutional Club Library (Alfred S. Lewis, Librarian), Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2

London . Forest Gate, E.7Very Rev. the Provincial, O.F.M., The Friary, Khedive Road

London . Fulham Public Libraries (W. T. Creed, A.L.A., Librarian), 598 Fulham Road, S.W.6

London .Genealogists, Society of (Mrs.Blomfield, Secretary), Chaucer House, Malet Place, W.C.I

London . Guildhall Library (J. L. Douthwaite, F.L.A., Librarian), The Guildhall, KingStreet, E.C.2

London .Hammersmith Public Libraries (H. P. Dinelli, A.L.A., Librarian), Brook Green Road, W.6

London . HaverstockHillVery Rev. the Prior, O.P., St Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, N.W.5

London . HendonCentralPublic Library (James E. Walker, F.L.A., Chief Librarian), The Burroughs , Hendon, N.W.4

London .Hornsey Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L., 12 Womersley Road, N.8

London . Kensington Central Library (A. Heywood Jones, F.L.A., Librarian), KensingtonHigh Street, W.8

London . Kensington (South)-The Oratory Library, S.W.7

London . Kensington (South)-Very Rev. the Provincial, O.S.M. , St Mary's Priory, 264 Fulham Road , S.W.10

London Library (C. T. H. Wright, LL.D., Secretaryand Librarian), 14 St James's Square, S.W.I

London . The Month " (Rev. Joseph Keating, S.J., Editor), 31 Farm Street, BerkeleySquare, W.1

London .Public Record Office Library, c/o Superintendent ofPublications, Book Department, H.M. Stationery Office, Princes Street , Westminster, S.W.I

London .Royal Historical Society (Miss M. B. Curran, M.A., Librarian), 22 Russell Square, W.C.I

London University Library (Reginald A. Rye, Librarian), South Kensington, S.W.7

London .WestminsterPublic Libraries (ReginaldB. Wood, F.L.A., Librarian), BuckinghamPalace Road, S.W.I

London . Wimbledon Public Library (Henry William Bull, F.L.A., Librarian), Wimbledon High Road, S.W.19

Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward, The Presbytery, South Shore , Blackpool , Lancs

Mackin, Very Rev. Canon Henry, B.A. , St Mary's, Hexham . McCabe, Rt Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Provost, V.G. , St Hilda's Rectory, Whitby, Yorks.

McGuirk, Very Rev. John, V.F., The Presbytery, Rush, co Dublin , Ireland

L Macnamara , T. G., 33 Valentines Road, Ilford, Essex.

Madison , Wis , U.S.A.Wisconsin State Historical Society (Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D., Librarian), c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, W.I

Mahoney, Rev. E. J., D.D., St Edmund's College, Ware, Herts.

Manchester . The Victoria University (Charles W. E. Leigh, M.A., Librarian).

Manchester Public Libraries (Charles Nowell,F.L.A., Chief Librarian), St Peter's Square, Manchester

Manchester . John Rylands Library (Henry Guppy, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D., F.L.A., Librarian), Deansgate.

Manresa House, Roehampton , S.W.15, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Martin, John, Clare House, 16 Salisbury Road, Liverpool

Mathew, Rev. David, M.A., Litt.D., Cathedral Clergy House, 36 Charles Street, Cardiff

Maynooth, co Kildare, Ireland .St Patrick's College.

Melbourne .Public Libraryof Victoria (Ernest R. Pitt, B.A., Chief Librarian), Melbourne , Victoria, Australia, c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, W.I

Menevia, Rt Rev. Francis Vaughan, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Wrexham, Denbighshire

Michigan University (William Warner Bishop, M.A., Librarian), Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., c/o Henry Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, W.I

Middlesbrough , Rt Rev. Thomas Shine, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Middlesbrough .

Middlesbrough Public Libraries (W. Lillie, A.L.A. , Librarian), Victoria Square, Middlesbrough , Yorks

Miletopolis, Rt Rev. Ambrose Moriarty, Bishop of, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury .

Milner, Rev. Henry F., Upholland College, nr Wigan, Lancs.

Milton, Rev. Anthony, The Priest's House, Uckfield, Sussex .

Minnesota University Library (Frank K. Walter, A.M., M.L.S., Librarian), Minneapolis , Minn , U.S.A., c/o Messrs G. E. Stechert , 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C.2

Moorat, Samuel, 25 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W.8

Moore, Rev. Bernard, St Austin's , Stafford

Mott, Miss Agnes, 4 DingleRoad, Boscombe Overcliffe, Bournemouth. Mount St Bernard'sAbbey, near Coalville, Leicestershire , Very Rev. the Superior , O.C.R.

Mount St Mary's College, Spinkhill, near Sheffield, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J.


Mulgrew, Francis M., 36 Grosvenor Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs.

Munich . Bavarian State Library, Ludwigstrasse 23, Munich (c/o Deutscher ForschungsgemeinschaftBeschaffungsamt, Berlin, C.2).

Newcastle-on-Tyne Public Libraries (Basil Anderton, M.A., F.L.A., Librarian), New BridgeStreet

Newcastle-on-Tyne.St Dominic's Priory, Red Barns (Very Rev. the Prior, O.P.)

Newdigate, Bernard H., Foxcombe Heath, Boars Hill, Oxford.

Newdigate, Rev. Charles A., S.J. , 31 Farm Street, Berkeley Square, W.1

New Hall, Rev. Mother Prioress, C.R.S.S., Chelmsford , Essex.

New York Historical Society (A. J. Wall, Librarian), 170 Central Park West, New York City, U.S.A.

New York Public Library (Edwin H. Anderson , M.A., Librarian), Aston Library Building, 40 La Fayette Place, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.1

Noble, Sir John Henry Brunel, Bt , Ardkinglas, Inveraray, Argyll

Norfolk, The Duchess of, Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex .

Nottingham, Rt Rev. John F. McNulty, M.A., Bishopof, St Barnabas Cathedral , Nottingham.

O'Connell , Rev. Sir John, LL.D., MissionHouse, BrondesburyPark, N.W.6

O'Connor, Rev. I. Arthur, M.C., H.C.F., St Edward's, Thurloe Street, Rusholme , Manchester

O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis, O.B.E., C.F., St Joseph's, Queen's Road, Aldershot, Hants

O'Mahony, Daniel John, K.M., Dun Meadhon , Cork, I.F.S.

L O'Mahony, Eoin, Dun Meadhon, Cork, I.F.S.

Oscott College, Birmingham .Right Rev. the Rector.

O'Sullivan, Richard, Lamb Building, Temple, E.C.4

O'Toole, Rev. Patrick, The Breakers, Seaton, Devon.

Ottawa, Canada .Canadian ParliamentLibrary(Hon Martin Burrell and L.Taché, Joint Librarians), c/o Messrs Allen & SonLtd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue , W.C.2

Oulton, Stone, Staffs .Lady Abbess, O.S.B., St. Mary's Abbey.

Oxford .Blackfriars, 64 St Giles' StreetVery Rev. the Prior, O.P.

Oxford . The Bodleian Library (H. H. E. Craster, M.A., D . Litt , F.S.A., Librarian)

Oxford .Campion Hall, 11 St Giles' Street, Very Rev.theMaster, S.J.

Oxford .Greyfriars, Iffley Road, Very Rev. the Principal, O.S.F.C.

Pantin, William Abel, M.A., 72 Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.3

Panton, Wragby, Lincolnshire .Very Rev. the Superior, O.S.F.C. , Franciscan College

Parisotti, Rev. Albert, O.B.E., C.F., c/o Glyn, Mills & Co. (Holt's Branch), KirklandHouse, Whitehall, S.W.I

Parker, Colonel John W. R., C.B., J.P., F.S.A. , Browsholme Hall, near Clitheroe , Lancs

Parkminster Charterhouse , Partridge Green, Sussex, Very Rev. the Prior

Petit, Rev. John E., M.A., CatholicChurch, Grays, Essex.

* President, Yorkshire ArchæologicalSociety (RecordSeries and Journal) and Yorkshire Parish RegisterSociety

Philadelphia, Pa , U.S.A.Pennsylvania Historical Society, 1300

Locust Street, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little Russell Street, W.C.I

Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.Pennsylvania University Library (Asa Don Dickinson, Librarian), 34th Street and WoodlandAvenue

Plymouth, Rt Rev. John Barrett, Bishop of, Bishop's House , Cecil Street, PortsmouthPlymouth , Rt Rev. William Cotter, Bishop of, Bishop's House, Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth

Portsmouth . Central Public Library (James Hutt, M.A., F.L.A., BoroughLibrarian), Town Hall Square, Park Road.

Preston Free Public Library, The Librarian, Preston , Lancs.

Preston .St Ignatius' , Meadow Street, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Quarr Abbey, Very Rev. the Prior, O.S.B., Ryde, I.W.

Quinn, Augustine, J.P., The Beeches , Sea View Road, Wallasey, Cheshire

Radcliffe, Charles A. F., The Old Hall, Stackhouse, Settle, Yorks

Ratcliffe College, Very Rev. the President , I.C., near Leicester .

Reading Public Libraries (Francis M. Bunce, Chief Librarian), CentralPublic Library, Blagrave Street, Reading

Reynolds , James R., Leighton Hall, Carnforth, Lancashire . F,LRiddell, Cuthbert David Giffard, J.P., SwinburneCastle, Barrasford, Northumberland.

Riddell, EdwardCharles, J.P., Hermeston Hall, Oldcotes, Rotherham, Yorks , Kinwarton House, Alcester, Warwickshire

Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis, J.P., Cheeseburn Grange, Newcastle -on-Tyne

Robertson , Charles, K.S.G. , Begbroke Place, Oxford.

Robo, Rev. Etienne, CatholicChurch, Farnham, Surrey.

Roehampton .Rev . Mother Superior , Sacred Heart Convent ,S.W.15

H Rome .Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Monsignor Mercati, Prefect), "The Vatican. Giovanni

Rome . Collegio Inglese (Rt Rev. the Rector), Via Monserrato45

Rome . Collegio Beda (Rt Rev. the Rector), 67 Via San Niccoloda


Roskell , Robert N., 7 Upper GeorgeStreet,W.I

St Asaph, Flint, Wales .St Beuno's College (Very Rev. the Rector , S.J.).

St Helens (Lancs.) .-

St Mary's, Lowe House, Rev. the Rector, S.J. St. Leonards -on-Sea (Sussex) .Rev. Mother Superior, Convent H.C.J.

St LouisUniversity Library(Rev. Henry H. Regnet, S.J., Librarian).

St Louis, Missouri , U.S.A., c/o G. E. L. Coldwell , 18 Red Lion

Passage, W.C.I

Salford, Rt Rev. Thomas Henshaw , Bishop of, Bishop's House , Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester

San Marino .Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (Leslie E. Bliss, Librarian), San Marino, California, U.S.A.

Sands, William Henry Bethune , 15 King Street, Covent Garden , W.C.2

Scantlebury, Rev. Robert Elliott, St Swithun's, Waverley Road, Southsea, Hants.


Schomberg, Lieut -Colonel Reginald C. F., D.S.O., Ross, Herefordshire

Scrope, Richard C., Brook's Club, St James's Street, S.W.I

Scrope, Stephen Francis Eustace, 71 The Drive, Hove, Sussex.

Sharrock, Very Rev. Canon Thomas, St John's Cathedral , Chapel Street , Salford , Lancs.

Shaw, James F., J.P., Bourton Hall, Rugby, co. Warwick.

Sheffield Public Libraries (J. P. Lamb, Librarian), Surrey Street, Sheffield, Yorks

L Sheldrake , Harry James, WhiteBarn, Kelvedon S.O. , Essex .

L Sheldrake, Willie, White Barn, Kelvedon S.O. , Essex.

Shepherd, Very Rev. Canon Francis, TheConvent, Chudleigh , Devon . Shrewsbury , Rt Rev. Hugh Singleton, Bishop of, Bishop's House , 39 Beresford Road, Birkenhead

Skeet, Major Francis J. A., J.P., F.S.A., Syon House, Angmering, Sussex

F Smith, John Peter, J.P., Arndene, Barrow-in-Furness , Lancs

Smith, Miss M. A., The Grove, Barnard Castle, co Durham

Smith, William Abbey, J.P., Rosebery Villa, Hutton Avenue, West Hartlepool, co Durham.

Southampton Public Libraries (Albert H. Davis, F.L.A., Librarian), Central Public Library, London Road , Southampton.

Southwark, Rt Rev. Peter E. Amigo, Bishop of, Bishop's House , St George's Road, Southwark, S.E.1

Spurrier, Alfred H., C.M.G., O.B.E., F.R.G.S., The Museum,Zanzibar, East Africa

Stafford, Admiral Lord, K.C.B., SwynnertonPark, Stone, Staffs.

StanbrookAbbey, The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , Worcester .

Stockport Public Libraries (D. D. Nichols, A.L.A., Librarian), Wellington Road South, Stockport, Cheshire. Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Lancs , Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. Strasbourg National and University Library, 6 Place de la République, Strasbourg , Bas-Rhin, France

Strawberry Hill.Very Rev. the Principal, St. Mary's College, Twickenham , Middlesex

Stroud (Glos .) .The Rev. Mother Prioress, O.P., St Rose's Convent

Sumner, Francis G., J.P. , Dene House, Kineton, Warwickshire

Sumner, Rev. Francis J., Hampton-on-the-Hill, Warwick.

F Sutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A., 7 Howitt Road, Hampstead , N.W.3

Sydney . New SouthWales Public Library(W. H. Ifould, Librarian), c/o Messrs Truslove & Hanson, 153 Oxford Street, W.1

F Syon Abbey .The Lady Abbess, O.SS.S. , South Brent, Devon.

Tacchi -Venturi, Rev. Pietro, S.J., Piazza del Gesu 45, Rome 117. Taunton, Rev. Mother Abbess, O.S.F., Franciscan Convent. Teignmouth . The Lady Abbess, O.S.B., St. Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth , Devon

Tempest, Miss, Taitlands, Settle, Yorks

L Toke, LeslieA. St L., Bucksford, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent Trappes -Lomax, Major Richard, J.P. , Allsprings, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancs

Turnbull, Francis Harold, K.C.S.G., Angel Hotel, Cardiff

Turnbull, Maurice J., Egton, 110 Penylan Road , Cardiff

Turville-Petre, Colonel Oswald, J.P., B.A., BosworthHall, Rugby.

Upholland, Wigan, Lancs .St Joseph's College, Very Rev. the President.

Urquhart, Francis Fortescue, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford

Ushaw College Library, Durham (Rev. Bernard Payne, B.A., Librarian).

Valladolid, Spain .Rt Rev. the Rector, Colegio de Ingleses

L Vaughan, Major Charles Jerome, O.B.E., D.L., J.P., Courtfield , Ross, Herefordshire .

F , LVaux of Harrowden, The Lord, M.A., Harrowden Hall, Wellingborough, Northants.

Wallasey Public Libraries (W. Wilson, F.L.A., Chief Librarian), EarlestonCentral Library, Wallasey, Cheshire

Ware . St Edmund's College, Rt Rev. the Rector.

Waring, Rev. Cuthbert L., M.A., St Edmund's House , Cambridge .

Warrington, Mrs J. Francis , Walton Grange, Wakefield, Yorks.

Washington, Georgetown University Library (Rev. Timothy Barrett, S.J., Librarian), Washington D.C. , U.S.A.

Washington .LibraryofCongress (Herbert Putnam, LL.D. , Litt.D., Librarian), Washington D.C., U.S.A., c/o Messrs Allen & Son , Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

Weale, J. Cyril M., 60 BromfeldeRoad, Clapham , S.W.4

Wedgwood , Mrs Rowland Henry, Mill Lane House, Slindon, Sussex .

Weld, Francis Joseph, 32 Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs

FWestminster, His Eminence Cardinal Bourne , Archbishop of, Archbishop's House, AmbrosdenAvenue, Westminster, S.W.I

Whelan, Miss Margaret H., B.A., 47 Park Crescent, Undercliff, Bradford, Yorks.

White, Thomas, 17 Brynhyfryd Road , Stow Hill, Newport, Mon.

L Whitfield , Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O., CatholicRectory, Southendon-Sea, Essex.

Wigan Free Public Library (Arthur J. Hawkes, F.S.A. , A.L.A., Chief Librarian), Rodney Street, Wigan.

Wilcox, George, 58 Breedon Hill Road, Derby.

FWilliamson, George Charles, Litt.D., J.P. , Mount Manor House , Mount Street, Guildford, Surrey

Willson, Very Rev. E. Hilary, O.S.B., The Priory, Easingwold , Yorkshire

Wilson, Edward Geoffrey, Greystones, Kendal

L Wilson , Very Rev. Canon Michael J., 35 London Road, Chelmsford, Essex

Wilton, R. Cecil, B.A., Stourhead Lodge, Woburn Sands, Bletchley, Bucks.

Wimbledon College, Very Rev. the Rector, S.J.,Wimbledon, S.W.19

Wonersh, St John's Seminary .Very Rev. the Rector, Wonersh , near Guildford, Surrey

Woodruff, Mrs Cumberland , 87 WoodstockRoad , Oxford.

F ,LWoollan, Joseph Henry, Higher Bartenney, St Just in Penwith, Cornwall

Yale University Library (Andrew Keogh, Librarian), New Haven , Connecticut,U.S.A., c/o Messrs Allen & Son,Ltd., 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

York . Rev. Mother, I.B.V.M., St Mary's Convent, MicklegateBar. York Public Library (Arthur Finney, Librarian), Museum Street, York

Young, Smelter Joseph, RichmondPark, near Sheffield


ENGLAND AND WALESAberystwyth (National Library of Wales), Barrow , Birmingham , Blackburn, Bolton, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff , Derby, Hull, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool , London (Fulham, Guildhall , Hammersmith, Hendon, Kensington, Westminster, Wimbledon), Manchester , Middlesbrough, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Portsmouth, Preston , Reading, Sheffield, Southampton, Stockport, Wallasey, Wigan, York

SCOTLANDEdinburgh, Glasgow.

IRISH FREE STATEDublin (National Library)



UNITED STATESBoston (Mass.), Chicago (Newberry Library), Cleveland (Ohio), New York


AUGUSTINIANSBodmin, Hornsey.

AUGUSTINIAN NUNSBruges , Hayward's Heath, Newton Abbot

BENEDICTINESAmpleforth , Belmont, Buckfast, Douai, Downside, Ealing, Fort Augustus, Quarr (Ryde)

BENEDICTINE NUNSBergholt, Colwich, Oulton, Stanbrook, Teignmouth




CHARLES , OBLATES OF STLondon (Bayswater)

CISTERCIANSMount St Bernard's

DOMINICANSHawkesyard, London (Haverstock Hill), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Oxford, Stroud (Glos )

FRANCISCANSLiverpool, London (Forest Gate), Oxford, Panton





JESUITS Beaumont, Boston College (U.S.A.), Brussels , Dublin, Heythrop, Liverpool (St Francis Xavier), Manresa , Mount St Mary's, Oxford (Campion Hall), Preston (St Ignatius ), St Helens , Stonyhurst,Wimbledon.

NOTRE DAME NUNSDowanhill (Glasgow), East Grinstead

ORATORIANSBirmingham, London




SERVITESLondon (S. Kensington).



SECULARCOLLEGESCambridge, Glasgow, Maynooth, Oscott, Rome(English College and Beda), Strawberry Hill, Upholland, Ushaw , Valladolid , Ware, Wonersh.


ICasartelli, Rt Rev. Charles, 5th Bishop ofSalford , 18 Jan., æt. 72 .

Smith, Miss Ellen, 20 Jan., æt 67.

Hussey-Walsh, Valentine, 2 Jan., æt. 63.

Radcliffe, Richard D., 26 April, æt. 83.

F Pollen , Rev. John Hungerford, S.J., 28 April, æt. 66

Andrew, Ellen (Mrs.WilliamR.), 9 Dec., æt 64 .

F Burton, Very Rev. Edwin H. Canon, D.D., 13 Dec., æt 55

Torre-Diaz, Bertha Countess de, 22 Dec., æt . 77.

Loughnan, Ignatius Hamilton, 29 Dec., æt 84 .


Barton, James, 6 March, æt. 65.

Gainsborough , Charles W. Noel, 3rd Earl of, 17 April, æt. 76

Parfitt, His Honour Judge, K.C., 17 May, æt. 68.

Lindsay, WilliamA., K.C., C.V.O. , F.S.A., Clarenceux King ofArms, 13 Sept., æt. 80.

Gainsford , WilliamD., J.P. , 4 Oct., æt 83 .


Roskell , Charles John , 7 March , æt. 77 . Mawson, Joseph, F.G.S., 29 April, æt. 97.

Kerr, Admiral Lord Walter, G.C.B., J.P. , 12 May, æt 88

Stevenson, Very Rev. William Canon, 5 Aug., æt 74

Gainsborough , Arthur Noel, 4th Earl of, 27 Aug., æt. 43

F Williams, Alfred, J.P. , 9 Sept., æt 85

Myerscough , Very Rev. Thomas Canon, 14 Sept., æt 73 .


Tempest, Mrs. Eleanor Blanche , 26 Jan., æt 73 .

Edmondson , Hubert Henry, 20 Jan. , æt 57 .

Keating, Most Rev. Frederick, 2ndArchbishopof Liverpool, 7 Feb. , æt. 65.

Walmesley , Very Rev. William Provost, 20 June, æt. 86.

Phillipson, Rev. William A., O.S.B., 11 Sept., æt. 82.

Keily, Rt Rev. John, 4th Bishop of Plymouth, 23 Sept., æt 74.


Anderton, Mrs Casilda Ince, 19 Jan., æt 81 .

FWainewright, John Bannerman , 29 March, æt . 57. Gasquet, His Eminence Cardinal Aidan, O.S.B. (3rd President), 5 April, æt. 83

Lacy, Rt Rev. Richard, 1st BishopofMiddlesbrough , 11 April, æt 83 .

Broadhead , Rt Rev.MonsignorJoseph, 23 June , æt 68

Langtree, Very Rev. Richard Canon, 30 Aug., æt . 74 .

FWood, Herbert Maxwell, M.A., F.S.A., F.S.G. , 3 Oct., æt. 61

Watson, Rt Rev. Mgr Edward John, M.A., 23 Nov., æt 81 .


Harding, George, 23 Jan., æt 69.

FCodrington, the Hon (Mrs) Mary, 19 Feb., æt 74.

Burke, Sir Henry Farnham, K.C.V.O., C.B., Garter Principal King of Arms, 21 Aug., æt 71 .

Turnbull, PhilipBernard, 20 Oct., æt 51

Farrell, Thomas Frederic, 17 Nov., æt . 81


Nolan, Rt Rev. Mgr Canon Edmond, 9 Jan. , æt 73 .

Burton, Rt Rev. GeorgeAmbrose , 5th Bishop ofClifton, 8 Feb., æt. 79 . Brownbill, John, 20 May, æt 75.

Dunn, Rt Rev. Thomas, 5thBishopofNottingham, 21 Sept., æt . 61.

F Hansom , Joseph Stanislaus, Founderof the Society, 7 Nov., æt. 86 .

Hewins , WilliamA. S., 16 Nov., æt 66


Cary Elwes, Rt Rev. Dudley Charles, 5th Bishop of Northampton, I May, æt. 64

Vassall-Phillips, Rev. Oliver R., C.SS.R., 8 May, æt 75

Hunnybun, William Martin, M.A., 22 May, æt. 90.

Lenders, Rev. Jules, 17 July, æt 72

Falkner, John Meade, 22 July, æt 74 .

Stafford, Francis E. Fitzherbert, 12th Lord, 18 Sept., æt 73

Gaisford -St Lawrence , Julian C., J.P. , 7 Nov., æt. 70.

Sheldrake, James E., 7 Nov., æt 70 .

Reynolds , Col. Sir James P., Bart , D.S.O., M.P. , 12 Dec., æt. 68 .


Hook, Rt Rev. Mgr Paul, Ph.D., 7 March, æt . 51.

F Harting, Miss Johanna H., II March, æt 87.

Trotman, John W., 27 April, æt. 65. Quick, Joseph L., 12 May, æt 84 . Clarkson , William, 10 Aug., æt. 64.

Giles, Francis T., 13 Aug., æt 75.

Wake, Philip Kenyon, K.S.G. , 23 Sept., æt 8o

Treowen, Major-General the Lord, C.B., C.M.G., 18 Oct., æet . 82

Piercey-Taylor-Smith, J.P. , Mrs M. E., 19 Nov., æt 68 .

Hayward, Very Rev. Provost Francis M., 23 Nov. , æt 76.


Martin, Mrs T. E., 20 Jan., æt 75.

Petre, Sebastian Henry, 21 Feb. , æt. 77 .

Carnegie, John, B.A., 7 March, æt 77.

Baigent, Richard Coventry, F.R.Hist.S., 17 March, æt. 75 .

F Knill, Alderman Sir John, Bt , K.C.S.G. , 26 March, æt 77 .

Gray, Very Rev. Canon John, 16 June, æt 68

Gorham, James J., M.A., M.D., J.P., 23 June, æt 83.


Members are requested to call the attention of their friends to the Society and its work. Transcripts of interesting unpublished documents ready for the press, together with the loan of the originalsfor the purpose of collation, are invited It is desired always to have material for half a dozen volumes ready for printing , as special donations for printingmay enable the output of work to be increased.

Offers of help in transcribing documents , especially in the Public Offices in London, where the greater part of the documents relating to the country are stored, are invited . Parish priests are especially requested to provide exact copies of old registers in their custody, or to give facilities for this being done .

Serious loss of time and expense have been incurred in some cases by manuscript being sent incomplete or modified It is desired to impress on transcribers that papers should be complete , without excisions , verbatim et literatim, although they may not agree with modern ideas. Merit lies in their absolute integrity and identity, as far as modern printingwillallow.

Members desirous of paying annual subscriptions through their bankerscan be supplied with a " Banker's Order," on application to the Bursar.

It is requested that corrections in names or addresses be kindly notified to the Secretaryas soon as possible.

Form of Bequest by Codicil to the Catholic RecordSociety

Members desirous of making such bequest can do so on the following Form , and avoid the trouble of alteringthe Will itself:

THIS IS A CODICIL to the last Will and Testament dated of me:

in the county of

I give to the Bursar of the Catholic Record Society of London the sum of pounds, free ofall duty, and to be payable primarily out of my personalestate, tobe applied to the general uses and purposes of the said Society. And I declare that the receipt of the Bursar or other proper officer for the time being of the said Society shall be a sufficient discharge for the same . As witness my hand this day of 193-

Signed by the Testator (or Testatrix) in our presence and by us in his/her presence and that of each other:

Name Address Occupation

Name Address Occupation .

(Please place this Codicil where your Will is lodged.)

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