Records Volume 45: Archdeacon Harpsfield's Visitation 1557

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Publications of the Catholic Record Society

Vol. XLV

The Catholic Record Society was founded 10thJune 1904, forprinting Registers and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

Archdeacon Harpsfield's

This volume is Issued to the Dembers for 1945-46




The editor wishes to express his thanks to the Venerable A. Sargent, Archdeacon of Canterbury, for his ready permission to use these archidiaconal records, and also to the Dean and Chapter for access to their valuable library. From the staff of that library he has received nothing but kindness; and he will not readily forget the personality of the late W. P. Blore, Honorary Librarian, and even more the learningand helpfulness of Mr. W. Urry, the present Keeper of the Manuscripts .

Early in the work Mr. W. Sharp generously placed at our disposalhisuncompleted transcriptofthe 1557 Visitation(ff 1-172), which he had been forced to give up owing to failing eyesight. Bycollatingthis with the originalwe have madea fresh transcript, at the same time extending abbreviations and making the use of capitals uniform for the benefit of the general reader. The order of visitation at the beginning of the MS (ff i-vii) has also been inserted.

In the second volume the remainder of the 1557 Register (ff. 171-270) will be printed, together with the much shorter visitations of 1556 and 1558, and an index.

There is little published material to help the student of archidiaconal records, learned societies having concentrated on episcopal registers Our notes are derived largely from the volumes of Transactions of the Kent Archæological Society or Archæologia Cantiana (abbreviated as A.C.), and from transcripts made by the late Rev. T. S. Frampton, now in the Dean and Chapter Libraryat Canterbury, from the institutions to benefices contained in the archiepiscopal registers at Lambeth.

Lastly, we would thank Dr. Irene Churchill, Honorary Editor of the Kent Record Society; and particularly Mr. A. Č . F. Beales, General Editor of the Catholic Record Society, whose willingness to accept written MSS has saved us much expense, time and labouran acknowledgement which must also be extended to the printers.




(1) Nicholas Harpsfield : His Life and Writings

Archdeacon Nicholas Harpsfield was the son of John Harpsfield, citizen and draper of London. The family originated in Hertfordshire andwere entitled to bear arms. Thefacts of his life are fully discussed by Professor A. W. Chambers in the introduction to his own and Dr. Elsie Hitchcock's edition of Harpsfield's Life of More (Early English Text Society, 1932) The editors seem unaware of the recordsof his visitations preserved in the Dean and ChapterLibrary at Canterbury. Harpsfield was born in London in 1519 and in 1529 admitted scholar ofWinchester It was his brother John, threeyears.the senior , who was appointed Regius Professor of Greek at OxfordnotNicholas, as is stated by Wood. Both studied at New College; both became archdeacons (one of London, the other of Canterbury); and in 1550 both joined the group of Edwardian Catholic exiles centred at Louvain Four years later, on 31 March 1554 , Nicholas Harpsfield replaced Edmund Cranmer as Archdeacon of Canterbury, and on 16 July took the degree of D.C.L. at Oxford. Even beforehis arrival in England Cardinal Pole had conveyed to the archdeacon certain powers of absolving from heresy, togetherwith facultiesfor delegating to other priests. The Cardinal was welcomed by him at Canterbury in a long and enthusiasticaddress, which moved the audience to tears. As commissioner for the checking of heresy he played an important role Lord Acton and Professor Chambers have defended Harpsfield against charges of cruelty levelledby Foxe In the one ortwo instances in the 1557 Register where the scribe indicates the Archdeacon's personal attitude to a religiousoffender, it is certainly towardsleniency, though within the bounds of the law

From the beginning of Elizabeth's reign the two brothers were imprisoned in the Fleet Shortly after 19 August 1574 they were released on bail in order to go to Bath for the sake of their health. From 12 Novemberthey appeared before the Star Chamber and thereafter frequently until 29 November of the following year, when John alone appeared, askingthat his brother might be excused on the ground of illness Nicholas died shortly afterwards, on 18 December , the fourth Sunday in Advent, 1575a date which must now replacethe inaccurateone (1583) of Pits John Harpsfield died three years later , on 19 August 1578

In the UpperReadingRoom of the Bodleianis a portraitinscribed "NICHOLAUS HARPSFELDUS ARCHIDIACONUS CANTNAIRENSIS . " It is not certain, however, that it is his.

Thefirst ofHarpsfield'sworksto be printed was the Six Dialogues, or , to give it its full title, Dialogi sex , contra summi pontificatus, monasticae vitae, Sanctorum, sacrarum imaginum oppugnatores, et pseudo martyres Two editions were printed at Antwerp, in 1566 and 1573 . The captive author for his own protection disguised his identityunder the pseudonym ofAlan Cope. The work is mainly doctrinal anddirected particularly against the Centuriators of Magdeburg ; but in thesixth dialogue, as the title might indicate, he takes account of the martyrs of his countryman, Foxe, and also certain of that writer's inaccuracies For example, he shews that Marbecke , the organistand composer, was pardoned and still alive Foxe corrected this error subsequently .

(2) Blessed John Stone, O.S.A.

The principal interest of the last section of the sixth dialogue consists, however , in Harpsfield's account of two Catholic martyrscited among others as a counterweightto Foxethe details of whose witness would otherwisebe unknown " Of two others onlyI willnow tell you, " he writes, "John Travers, Doctor of Theology, and John Stone, Augustinian The latter was redeemed at Canterbury by the martyr's crown But before he came to it, after he had pouredforth in prison prayers to God and fasted three days without a break, he heard a voice, though he sawnobody, which addressed him by name , and admonished him to be brave of heart, and not to hesitate with constancy to suffer death for that belief which he had professed. Whereofhe derived such alacrity and strength thereafter that by no persuasion or fear would he allow himself to be led away from his belief These things I learned from a serious and trustworthyman, who is even now living, to whom Stone himself related them . "*

Harpsfield, as Archdeacon of Canterbury within fifteen years of the execution, was in the position to obtain reliable information concerning the beatus.

The City Chamberlains ' accounts, preserved in the Corporation archives , have confirmedHarpsfield'sstory as far as the Augustinian's death is concerned:


Item paid for halfa tonne of tymber to makea paire of gallowes for to hang ffryer Stone

Item paid to a carpenterfor makyng of the same gallowes & the Dray

Item paid to iiij men to help sett vpp the gallowes

Item paid for drynk to them

Item paid for carriage of the same tymber from Stablegateto the Dongeon

Item paid for a hardell

Item paid for a lode of wood & for a hors to drawe hym to the Dongeon

Item paid to ij men that set the ketill & parboyled him

Item paid to iij men that caryed his quarters to the gates & sett them vp

Item paid for a Halter to hang hym

Item paid for ij ob [halfpenny] halters

Item paid for Sandwich cord

Item paid for screwe

Item paid to a woman that scoured the ketyll

Item paid to hym that did execucyon iiij viijd "

" De ceteris duos tantum iam tibi recensebo, Ioannem Trauersium Theologiaedoctorem et Ioannem Stoneum Augustinianum Hic Cantuariae martyrii corona redimitus est. Sed priusquam eo perueniret, cum in carcere preces ad Deum fudisset, et triduus sine intermissione jejunasset, audiuit vocem , cum neminem videret, quaeeum nominatim compellauit, etadmonuit ut forti esset animo, atque constanter mortem pro ea , quam professus fuerat, sententia subire ne dubitaret Unde illum tantum postea alacritatis et roboris sumsit, ut nulla persuasione , terroreve a sententia deduci se passus fuerit Haec ego a viro gravi, et fide digno accepi, qui etiam nunc vivit, cui Stoneus ipse ea patefecerat" (Antwerp ed , 1566, pp. 994-5).

Christopher Marlowe, by John Bakeless (1938), i, 38-9. The transcription in Historical Manuscripts Commission , Ninth Report (1883), p 153a , is incomplete; and also in Lives ofthe English Martyrs, 1535-45 , vol i (1904), ed Dom Bede Camm .


The next entry refers to the visit of Anne of Cleves, which took place on 29 December 1539. Stone was almost certainly alive as late as 14 December the year before, for Richard Ingworth, Bishop of Dover , who had been charged with the surrenderof the Augustinian friary, in a letter to Cromwellseems to allude to him. " Beingthere the 14th day of December, " he complains, " one friar therevery rudely and traitorously used him before all the company, as by a bill here enclosedye shall perceive I, seeinghis demeanour, straight sequestered him so that none spake with him I sent for the mayor, and before he came I examined him before Master Spylman, and at all times he still held and still desired to die for it, that the King may not behead oftheChurchofEngland, but thatitmust be a spiritual fatherappointed byGod WhereforeI requiredof MasterMayor to have horses and men tosend him to you, chargingboth the men that no man shouldspeak with him. "

The dateofStone's martyrdom is variouslygiven by later Augustinian writers. Luigi Torelli says 12 May 1538 , which for reasons just stated can hardly be correct The friary was foundedin 1318, and the Simon Langton school stands on the site of it. The following verse on Blessed John Stone was composed by an Austin friar, who wrote in the seventeenth century:

" Oh fidei lumen Stonnaeus carcere clausus

Obscuro , fidei lucidus igne flagrat. Nec tamen exstinctum est tenebroso carcere lumen , Martyrii rutila claruit igne magis"

(3) Harpsfield's Other Works

Harpsfield's next work was the Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica , edited by Richard Gibbons at Douai in 1622 .

His Life ofMore, publishedfor the first time for theEarlyEnglish Text Societyin 1932, is extant, accordingto Chambers, in eight manuscripts. Itisthefirstattempt ata complete life ofMorewithanaccount of his literaryworkincluded Harpsfield is again a valuable witness concerning a martyr's end, viz. Blessed Germain Gardiner (1544) The Pretended Divorce was edited for the Camden Societyin 1878 by NicholasPocock. A manuscript of it was found among the papers ofthe Venerable William Carter, a printer and Harpsfield'samanuensis , who was martyred in 1584

A Life of Christ is the fifth work which can with certainty be assigned to Harpsfield. In it he records the appearance of a cross in Kent in the year 1559. ALifeofCranmer, which cannotnow be found, may possibly be his. So much for his ecclesiastical and literarycareer inits main outlines We nowturnto the office ofarchdeacon of Canterbury itself.

* Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, vol. xiii, pt. ii (1538), No. 1058; andHenry VIII and the English Monasteries , byCardinal Gasquet(1906 ed ), p 321 . Historia Ecclesiastica della Revoluzione d'Inghilterra (Rome, 1594). Fr. E. A. Foran, O.S.A. , in his Notes on the Lives of the English Augustinian Martyrs (1922), says Stone had been a member of the friary at Droitwich, but gives noauthorityfor this. Theauthor doesnot seemawareofHarpsfield! Ephemeris Sanctorum Eremitarum S.P. Augustini, by Aurelius Knip- pinga (Antwerp, 1672), p. 36. Kindly communicatedbyFr. BenedictHackett , O.S.A., of Dublin

(4) The Archdeacon of Canterbury : His Powers and Privileges

Originally the archdeacon* was the chief of the deacons attached to a cathedral church

Gradually the practice arose of delegatingto him many duties which the bishop, preoccupied by other functions, was unable to carry out in person Eventually in each diocese there were established archdeaconries with fixed boundaries , andfinally in the thirteenth century Pope Innocent III recognized the archdeacon as possessingno longer delegated but ordinary jurisdiction The archdeacon then began to delegate part of his workto an official, to whom he paid a portion of the fees or procurations' Such a course, however , was likewise open to the bishop, who, by appointing his own official, rendered his own courtto which people had alwayshad the right of appeal against, archidiaconal decisionsmore accessible Suitors preferred to have recourse to the superior court, whichsaved the risk of an appeal As a result the archdeacon's authoritydeclined and the Council of Trent deprived him of almost all his functions

The rights of the archdeacons of Canterbury (who date with certaintyfrom the time of Lanfranc) are summarized from the Black Book ofthe archdeaconry of Canterbury, nowin the DeanandChapter Library, in Battely's edition of Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury, as follows:

1 Hearing causes belonging to their courts .

2 Correcting delinquents

3 The right to appoint officials and apparitors (summoners).

4 Proving of wills and granting letters of administration.

5 The disposal of intestate goods

6 Conducting visitations of churches and clergy, exacting" procurations, and proceeding against the contumacious disobedient

7 Visiting churches , parsonages, etc.

8 The right to dispose of benefices in vacancy. 9 Induction of rectors and vicars

10 The right of proceeding against persons excommunicated . 11 The examination of ordinands.

12 The right to receive every year 2 great trees from the Archbishop's woods. Lastly, three factors peculiar to the archdeacons of Canterbury which raised them above all others in the country There was only one archdeacon in the whole diocese: he could reconcile penitents on Maundy Thursday; and he also possessed the privilege of installing suffragan bishops throughout the province

He made , either personallyor through his commissary or official, a visitation of the whole diocese twice a year. This was aroundEaster and Michaelmas At these visitations his injunctions were solemnly read out. In addition, a court was held once a month at which the archdeacon presided or his official During the period of Queen Mary this court satinany churchthat was convenientandcentral, but more or less regularly in the Poor Priests' Hospital in Stour Street, and in the churchofAllSaints, Canterbury. Harpsfield'sProtestantsuccessor , Guest, afterwards Bishop of Rochester, built a new court in St. Margaret's church

* For information about the office in general see introduction to Vetus Liber Archidiaconi Eliensis (CambridgeAntiquarian Society, 1917), ed C. L. Feltoe and E. H. Minns 1703 , p. 129

(5) Cardinal Pole's Injunctions

In 1557 Cardinal Pole issued injunctions for the visitation ofthe Canterbury diocese, fifty-four in all Frere states that there is no record of their administration We may, however, probably discern their operation in Harpsfield's Visitation of 1557. A summary of the questions drawnup by Pole will shew a correspondence with Harpsfield. The articles are as follows:



1 Do they hold divine service or not?

2 Behaviour of parsons and curates

3 Are the sacraments and sacramentals administered ?

4 Do any parishioners die without the sacraments ?

5 Whether the clergy frequent ale-houses or not?

6 Do they teach midwives how to baptize in emergency ?

7 Do they look after the font ?

8 Do they keep a book of those reconciled to the Church?

9 Are priests who had wives reconciled ?

10 Are the people taught by their parsons the articles of faith and the 10 Commandments ?

11 Do the clergy observe the canons, Christian behaviour, and the service of the Church?

12 Prayers for the King and Queen

13 Repair and maintenance of chancels, vicarages, rectories.

14 Is erroneous doctrine taught, especially against the unity of the Church ?

15 Is English used in services or sacraments ?

16 Do any of the clergy keep suspicious women in their houses , or frequent the companyof those holding hereticalor evil opinions ?

17 Privy resort to former wives

18 Do they dress properly, shave the beard, and keep the tonsure?

19 Do they use unlawful games, as dice or cards ?

20 Do the clergy reside, keep hospitality, and make charitable contributions of ecclesiastical law ?

21 Is the registerfor christenings , burials, and marriages, with names of godparents , properly kept ?


The articles of enquiry concerning the laity may be summarized as follows:

22 Heretical or erroneous opinions

23 Especially concerning the Blessed Sacrament

24 Auricular confession

25 Absence from church on Sundays or holy days

26 Behaviour in churchwalking, talking, and " jangling "

27 Immoral living, known or vehemently suspected, and receiving of such persons

28 Blasphemers and swearers

29 Perjurers, simoniacs, usurers .

30 Keeping of churches and churchyards.

31 Ornaments and furniture of the church; liturgical books; is the rood of decent stature with Mary and John ? Is the image of the patron set up?

32 Withholding of tithes or church dues and goods.

Visitation Articles & Injunctions of the Period of the Reformation , ed W. H. Frere and W. M. Kennedy (Alcuin Club, 1910), pt ii, pp. 422-6

33 Drunkenness , ribaldry, evil living and lewd pastimes, especially

34 at time of service. Witchcraft

35 Are any married within forbidden degrees, or privily without banns ?

36 Easter duties

37 Secret conventicles and preachings .

38 Observance of fasts and Ember days

39 Are altars consecrated ?

40 Is the Blessed Sacrament carried devoutly to the sick with light and sacring bell ?

41 Are the schoolmasters Catholics , and are there any schools kept without licence of the bishop?

42 Do any administer the goods ofthe deceasedwithout the bishop's authority?

43 Are the poor provided for ?

44 Is a lamp or candle lit before the Blessed Sacrament ? Ifnot, to be provided with expedition

45 Are infants and children brought for confirmation in due time ?

46 Possessors of unlawful or erroneous books

47 Withholding of money for highwaysor other charitable purposes

48 Have any put away their wives, or vice versa, withoutauthority?

49 Violation of Sundays or holy days, or work on the same.

50 Are taverns open on these days at service time?

51 Contempt of the Holy See

52 Do any minstrelssing songsagainstthe Churchor her ceremonies ?

53 If there are hospitals, is their work performed?

54 Is anyplate etc. withheld from the said hospitals, and by whom ?

(6) Harpsfield'sVisitation, 1557

The Harpsfield visitation of 1557 is contained in a folio volume of 270 pages (Z 3.32 in the library catalogue ), mostly written on both sides. Thoughprovisionwas made for visiting the Canterburydeanery, only those for Harbledown and Hackington, and for the hospitals, have survived At the beginning of the visitation is a time table, which comprises often six and sometimes more churches in one day. A return is arranged in the following order-

i. The incumbency, patronage , and value of the living.

ii. The names of churchwardens and parishioners . The latterare not to be confused with the main body of the inhabitants

iii The number of communicants Easter duties were then, of course , compulsory

iv. The numberoffamilies in the parish Frequently these valuable statistics are missing.

V. A Latin formula follows to the effect that the Archdeacon has performed his visitation, and then issued the following injunctions

vi The injunctions are in English, and constitute the bulk of the returns.

vii Finally, detections and presentments . It maybenoticedthat the church furniture and fabric are continually styled "ruinous. " The word did not then mean the degree of dilapidation which


it does now; and it occurs with equal regularity in the episcopal visitations of the diocese of Lincoln (1517-31), as Professor Hamilton Thompson's edition of the same for the Lincoln Record Society shews

The end of our volume is confused and defective owing to parts of the pages being torn off, in spite of which it ranks very high for fullness and interest By 1557 the Marian reforms, which commenced very gradually, had got under way, and could be applied with some thoroughness. Its arrangement is orderly The value of expert binding can best be appreciated by regarding a photograph of the volume's former condition, which is inset More than one scribe was engaged on writing up the returns They are in fair copy, rich in flourishes and terminal hooks, which often cannot be distinguished from contractions We have extended throughout, except in certain ambiguous cases and that of the ever-recurring word 'Cant' Propernames have been supplied with capitals In the text there is, of course, no uniformity, either in spelling, abbreviation , etc.

(7) Visitations of 1554, 1555, 1556 , 1558

Also in the Deanand ChapterLibrary are deposited all the visitation books of the archdeacons of Canterbury, dating, with certaingaps, from 1499 to 1590. They were transferredin 1928 from thechamber over Christ Church gateway, where many of them lay in very bad condition The collection has now been bound at the expense of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral Only onefor 1502 has so far been printed These visitation returns vary considerably , but are on the wholelittle more than lists of incumbentsand churchwardenswith certain stockmarginal notes , such as comparuit' (he appeared), 'non (he did not appear), monitus' (summoned), non monitus' (not summoned), 'iuratus ' (sworn), ' egrotat' (he is ill), ' billa ' (bill), etc.

QueenMary's reign is wellrepresented The firstin orderof binding isa visitation held in the churchof Appledore on Monday, 10 September 1554. It is mainly of interest to a local or parochial historian for the names ofincumbent, curates, churchwardens , andtwo parishioners who are entered under each parish Such jejune lists are, however , useful for tracing curates , who are not discoverable as parish priestsarefrom institutions in the episcopal registers . At the end of each deanery is noted: " iudex pronunciauit omnes absentes contumaces, " withpenalty reserved until the next court at Canterburya usual procedure. In 1557 there are few examples of absence; before then there are many. This may be explainedby the fact that in 1557 the archdeacon personallywent round to every churchanddid not simply choose one church for a whole deanery or visit by proxy; and possibly by a gradual improvement in ecclesiastical discipline.

The examination of candidates for the priesthood and scrutiny of orders was an archidiaconalfunction Hence such entries as "exhibeat litteras ordinis," "habet ad exhibendas litteras commendacionis , " etc. The rural deans were elected at the close of the archdeacon's visitations We here note all instances of married clergy or exreligious holding secular benefices Such were : Rodmersham : Thomas Colynson, ' coniugatus ';

* Art. The Records of the Courts of the Archdeaconry & Consistory of Canterbury, by Rev. C. E. Woodruff (A.C., xli, 1929), pp 89-96 Ed C. E. Woodruff (A.C., xlvii, 1935), pp 13-54.

Bicknor: William Buck, religiosus '; Upchurch: John Townesley, from Boxleyabbey, 'religiosus coniugatus '; Selling : Thomas Deve, religiosus de Faversham '; Doddington: Robert Heynes, ' religiosus coniugatus fratrum minorum Cant';

Oare: James Reyman, ' religiosus '; Hartey : Dunstan Goodhewe, religiosus coniugatus , ' from Faversham ; Graveney: George Quyllym, from Canterbury, 'religiosus '; Langley: Charles Whalley, religiosus de Ledes '; Bearsted : Stephen Singulday, ' religiosus '; Bredhurst: Robert Dunnyng, from Boxley, ' religiosus. '

A note which occurs shortly after, viz " xxi° februarii 1554, ' suggests that these entries belong to another and earlier visitation than that held at Appledore. We have also been able to trace four other ex-religiousFrancis Pyvall at Swinfield; William Thompson , curate at Wooton, near Dover; Andrew Petnam at Buckland, near Dover; and (from the visitation of 1558) William Blossom , curate at St. Paul's church, Canterbury, therein styled ' monachus '

" The following are the notices of ' married' clergy: Coniugati non separatimoniti

Swalclif Arthurus Brighte Personalitercomparuit cui Dominus/ iniunxit ad comparendum in proximo consistorio Cant' et quod / interim nullam habeat conuersationem cum sua pretensa / vxore etquod separet se abeadem gerens se tamquam/minister clericalis etcet conuenientitoga etc /subpena iuris et ad tunc certificandum de premissis etc."

Also " Nicolaus Ascheboll , clericus coniugatus , " etc.

There follows a visitation held in St. Clement's church, Sandwich , on Monday, 22 April 1555. Non-residentrectors who are outsidethe diocese are noted (' ex diocesi ') Thomas Griffith of Newchurch appeared before the archdeacon's court on 12 May and was absolved on promise to quit his ' wife' from Corpus Christi John Fosset of New Romney, who had likewise broken celibacy , did not appear

Another visitation was held at Chilham on 12 September 1555. Atthehead ofWestbere deanery isread :" MemorandumquodHenricus Wood presbiter tenet vxorem ' Patrick Ffrebarne, curate of Ebony, is " indutus barba" The curate of Staplehurst, unnamed , " est scotus et anglice ignarus " The note ' extraneus ' is not uncommon and indicates presumably that the priest was from outside the diocese. Throughout the reign we notice in particular a number of French priests. At the end of the volume (Z 3.6) is a collection of comperta, dating from a court held at All Saints' , Canterbury, on 18 October 1550, to the year 1552.

In a second volume (Z 3.5) is another and incomplete visitation of 1555 ,followedby acta ofa court held byRobert Colens, Commissary, in St. Mary's church, Dover, on Monday, 2 March of the same year, in the presence of P. Lylly, notary public Most of it is probate though Henry Wood, already the possessor of a ' wife, ' is now ordered to discard his beard. Another visitation was held this year at St Nicholas, New Romney, on Tuesday, 3 February. Its acta arefollowed by an isolated reference to a court held at Ashford on 30 May 1556 .

Next comes a visitation held by Harpsfield in 1556. It is mainly interesting because the name of the parish clerk (' aquebaiulus ') of each parish is supplied There are also fragments of proceedings at

Substitute full stop after Dover' and delete rest of the sentence (1. 17-18); substitute three' for 'four' (1. 14).


Faversham on 11 or 21 September (it is not possible to state with certainty the year), and at Ashford on Saturday, 12 September 1558 . Lastly, a brief note on the last recorded visitation of Mary's reignthat of 1558. Itis headed " Visitacio VenerabilisViriMagistri Nicholai Harpisffild legum doctoris Archidiaconi Cant' per ipsum actualiter exercita Anno Domini Millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo octavoin presencia ThomePercynotarii publici et registrarii " It is a small folio volume (Z 3.33), rescued by Mr. Urry from various " disiecta membra" in 1947 , with pages numbered in later hand 3975. This numbering, the marks of damp, and the size of the leaves clearly shew that it belonged originally to the collection of visitations above mentioned Certain references to a court to be held at Canterbury on 15 September provide a terminus ad quem for dating purposes It is fuller than its predecessors (save, of course, 1557), and in some instances religious offenders of the previous year can be followed up The title shews that Harpsfield conducted this visitation in person. We shall saymore uponit and that of 1556 in the nextvolume .




visitacionis totius civitatis* et diocesis

Cantuarie actualiter exercite per Magistrum Nicholaum Harpesffilde legum doctorem archidiaconum Cantuarie anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo septimo



Sancti Martini

Sancti Pauli

Marie Magdelene

Sancti Georgii

Marie Bredyn

Sancti Andree ante meridiem

Sancte Margarete



[f iv]


vltimo Julii

Sancte Mildrede

BEATE Marie Bredina

Omnium Sanctorum

Sancti Petri



Northegate et Sancti Alphegij

NACKINGTON post meridiem

Parva Hardes Mylton Thanyngton ante meridiem

* The returns for the parish churches of Canterbury are unfortunately missing, though they were to be visited on Friday and Saturday, the 30th and 31st July.

The city is nearly always signified by the abbreviation ' Cant '; we have here extended it



Ffordwiche post meridiem



SANCTI Nicholai*

Monketon Sante meridiem

secundoAugusti Mynster in Thanet

SANCTI Laurentii

Sancti Petri post meridiem

Sancti Johannis§

Ecclesia de Wood


Recolver ante meridiem


tertio Augusti HOTHE post meridiem

[f iir.]


quarto Augusti



SWALCLIFE ante meridiem



Cosmus[sic] Bleane** post meridiem


DECANATUS SANDWICI et pars Westbere et Bridge


Bekisborn ante meridiem Well

quinto Augusti Litillborn

ICKEHAM post meridiem



Sturmowthe ante meridiem

[DIE VENERIS] Elmeston [sexto Augusti] ASHE

Wingham post meridiem



* St. Nicholas-at-Wade, Thanet Now Broadstairs Now Ramsgate. § Now Margate.

John Lewis, in his History of Thanet (1736, pp 74-5), says that in his time only part of the walls of the chapel were left. The remains are near Woodchurch Farm, about 1 miles SE. of Birchington The chapel was served by a curate as late as 1563 .

** St. Cosmas and St. Damian in the Blean, near Canterbury Date here omitted from schedule

[f. iiv ]




Chillynden Knolton ante meridiem

septimo Augusti NONYNGTON

Wymmyngwold }post post meridiem


Kingiston ante meridiem



nono Augusti BRIGGE >post meridiem

WYNNESBOROWE* ante meridiem


vndecimo Augusti HOSPITALE Bartholomei

Worthe Ham Eastrye post meridiem


Magna Mongeham

Ripple ante meridiem



xijmo Augusti

[f. iiir.]


xiijo Augusti



Ringwold post meridiem




Bettishanger ante meridiem




Eythorn post meridiem

Shepdeswell[sic] §


HOSPITALE Saneti Johannis**

Hospitale Harbaldown ante meridiem

DIE SABBATI Hospitale Estbridge

xiiijto Augusti Hospitale diui Laurentii§§ Hackyngton post meridiem

Woodnesborough Northbourne


At Sandwich, and still in use § Shepherdswell , also called Sibbertswold

Founded in 1084 by Lanfranc and now almshouses.

Dedicated to St. Nicholas and founded in 1071 by Lanfranc It was the first leper hospital in Kent, and is now used as almshouses

Now almshouses Probably foundedin the reign of Henry I; it later provided a night's lodging for pilgrims to St. Thomas's shrine to §§ Situated about a mile fromCanterbury on the south side of theDover road. Founded in 1137 or 1149 by the Abbey of St. Augustine's



Wotton -ante meridiem


xvjto Augusti Ewell

Ryver post meridiem Buckland

[f. iii v.]


Guston ante meridiem Westcliffe

DIE MARTIS Sancte Margareter

xvijo Augusti


Charleton post meridiem Hougham Alkeham


Hawkynge ante meridiem


xviijo Augusti Cheriton post meridiem Newington

PADLESFORTH[sic] Lymmynge -ante meridiem


xixmo Augusti Elham

Elmestede post meridiem Hastingleghe

[f iv r]


Stanforde ante meridiem


xxmo Augusti Stowtynge

Braborn post meridiem


xxjo Augusti

HITHE ante meridiem Hospitale ibidem**

Saltwood >post meridiem





xxiijo Augusti Aldington

* Now called Whitfield. Paddlesworth ante meridiem

St. Margaret-at-Cliffe, near Dover. § Monks Horton, near Hythe

Survives in the name " Bircholt Court, " near Smeeth

** Hospital of St. Bartholomew , founded by Hamo de Hythe, Bishop of Rochester , in 1336 .

[f. iv v.]


Herste * Bonyngton post meridiem Bilsington Rockynge

ORLASTON ante meridiem


xxvto Augusti Kenarton post meridiem Apuldore

STONE ante meridiem

DIE JOUIS Wittersham

xxvjto Augusti Ebneye post meridiem Woodchurche


Kyngisnothe ante meridiem


xxvijo Augusti Mersham

Sevyngton post meridiem Willesborough

HINXHILL ante meridiem


xxviijo Augusti Wye post meridiem Boughton Aluph

[f. v r.]


ESTWELL ante meridiem

DIE LUNE Westwell

xxxº Augusti Kennyngton post meridiem Asshefford

CHARTE magna ante meridiem

DIE MARTIS Charte parva

xxxjmo Augusti Charynge

Boughton Malherbe post meridiem Egerton


Pevyngton Sante meridiem

DIE MERCURII Pluckeleye primo Septembris Beatrisden

Smarden post meridiem Hedcorn

FRITTINDEN ante meridiem

DIE JOUIS Byddynden

secundoSeptembris Halden post meridiem Tenterden

* This church has now disappeared . Kennardington. Bethersden

[f v v ]


tertio Septembris



Newynden ante meridiem


Hawkeherste post meridiem



quarto Septembris



STAPLEHERSTE ante meridiem


vjto Septembris Marden >post meridiem


Loose ante meridiem


Boughton Munchelsey

vijmo Septembris Charte post meridiem

[f. vi r.]

Sutton Vallannce


DIE JOUIS Vlcombe Jante meridiem ixmoSeptembris

Ledes Langley post meridiem Otham

MAIDSTON ante meridiem


xmo Septembris Detlynge

Thornham post meridiem


Holingborne ante meridiem


xjmo Septembris

Hartisham *


DECANATUS Sitingborn et Ospringe



Easelynge ante meridiem >post meridiem

DIE LUNE Newenham

xiijo Septembris

[f. vi v.]


Dodington Wichlinge post meridiem




Frenstede ante meridiem


xvo Septembris Bicknor

* Harrietsham Otterden Wormshill


xvjto Septembris


xvijo Septembris


Hartlepe post meridiem



Halstoo* ante meridiem



Borden post meridiem




Babchild ante meridiem



Sitingborn post meridiem





xviijo Septembris





[f. vii7.] HARTIE


xxmo Septembris


xxijto Septembris

Owre ante meridiem




xxiijo Septembris


Tenham post meridiem



Badlesmere ante meridiem



Stone post meridiem



Preston ante meridiem



Harnhill post meridiem



xxiiijto Septembris

* Halstow .


Queenboroughin the Isle of Sheppey.


[f. vii v ]


Chilham Moleshe post meridiem

Godmersham Challocke

PETHAM ante meridiem Waltham

xxvto Septembris Stellynge post meridiem Magna Hardes*


xxvijo Septembris

BURMERSHE ante meridiem


Sancte Marie post meridiem


BRENSETE ante meridiem

DIE MARTIS Iverchurche

xxviijo Septembris


xxx ° Septembris

[f. 1r.]

Newchurche post meridiem


RUMNEY Nova ante meridiem


Rumney Vetus

Brockland post meridiem Mydleye§ Snave


Rector Dominus Phillippus Metchalf ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi

Rectoria valet per annum Iconomi x libri

John Wisse

Henricus Maunger Parochiani [blank] Gybbon Georg Fferne**

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie eiusdem parochie


Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictamiconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc visisque ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout inferius habetur

* Upper Hardres

St. Mary-in-the-Marsh

HopeAllSaints, now a ruin, situated about a mile and a quarter north of New Romney, near the main Ashford road.

§The ruins ofthis church stand infields close to the railwayline, about two miles before Lydd is reached

A Richard Manger churchwarden in 1552 (A.C. , viii, 100)

** A George Feron also churchwarden in 1552 , when the inventoryof church goods was drawn up (Ibid.).

[f. 2v.]

Ffirste yt is commannded that the sacrament be set vppe decentlie immediatlie and also to paint non the tabernacle byfore the highe altar

To prouid a fronnt non of sume slight sylk for holly daies with curtaines to the same at thissyd Ester

To prouid a pattentionof silverand a corprax at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a cloth for the rod and a veile non against Lent

To proiud ij latten candlestickes at thissid Estar with a convenyent vestement non at the same time

To prouid a convenyent coope at thissid Christemes and to mak a newe cover to the fonnt with lock non and keye to the same

To repaire the channcell and church in all pointes nedefull at thissid Alhallon

To proiud a crosse of latten with a crose clothe non against Ester and to provid a handbell at thissyd Alhallon


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo

Vicarius Dominus Gilbertus Herne Iconomi Gilbertus Wodd Henricus Spaine Parochiani Johannes Cook

Humfra Page John Dunkin

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium [no numbergiven] et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number given]

Die et anno prescriptis .... iniunxit et mandauit pariter et mandauit[crossed outrest as Acrise]....

Ffirste yt ys commanded that they erecte an altar at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid thre altaron clothes thissyd Alhallon

These notes are in another hand and were obviously interlinedin the proper place at a later visitation to indicate how the injunctions had been complied with

Admitted 22 Oct. 1533 (Cranmer, 342a)

Churchwardens 1552 (A.C., viii, 147) 'Cook' printed 'Clok. '

[f. 3r.]

[f. 3v.]


To prouid a fronntnon for the altar with curtainesnon of sylk or say by this [sic] and Hallontyd

To prouid towelles non for them that do receyve and to prouid a canapiernon before Palme


To provid a crossenon of latten with candlesticknon at thissid Ester and to sett vpp there holly waterstock at the church dore afore Mychalmes

To prouid a convenyent coope and a vestment non for hollydayes at thissid Ester with all thinges


To prouid a light for the roud with a vaile and a cloth non for the roud and a vaile against Lent

To mak newe there fronnt and keype yt with lock and key non at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a lampe non and a lantarn and to inclose there church non yerd at thissid Michales

To repaire there church in althinges neccesarye with a desk cloth and to present all that do were no beades*


Rector Dominus Robertus Caryer ex patronatu

Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi et valet >xij libri

Iconomi John Pilcher

Parochiani per annum

John Hawk Christoferus Bellinge§

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum

altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno supradictis mandauit .. [rest as Acrise] - [no number] iniunxit et

Ffirste it ys commannded to prouid curtaines non of silk for the highe altar and cover for the holes of crismatory and lock and key for the fonnt at thissid Saint Michaelmes

To repaire the channcell in all thinges neidefull at thissyd Saint Mychaelle and the mansyon non house

To prouid a lampe and a cloth for the deske at thissid St Michaelle

* Complaint of neglect in this matter will again be found under Dover , Hythe, Horton and under Capel le Ferne

Adm . 18 June 1557 (Pole , 72b)

Also in 1552 (A.C., ix, 268) §Warden in 1552 (Ibid).


[f. 4v.]


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo

Vicarius Dominus Richardus Burcher *

Domino Archiepiscopo vicaria valet per annum

To prouid a mattock at thissid Michales Memorandum ys ordered that so many wekes and monthes as the cure ys unserued the prestes waiges to be couerted to thuse of the churche and in the meane tyme the parishioners to go to church sume to Elmested and sume to Braborn *}vij vij libri

Iconomi John Ketham* William Kenham

Parochiani John Besbiche Clement Browning Steven Stone

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam-

lxxi lxxija - xviijo [sic]

Die et anno supradictis .... etc visitauit as Hastingleigh]

Ffirste it is commannded to erecte a new altar non at the side at thissid [sic] Alhallon

To prouid a crismatory at thissid Michaeles and thre towelles and one to serve at Ester

To prouid a crose non cloth at thissyd All Saintes and a corpraxnon and a case at thissid Ester


To prouid a convenyent paxe at thissid Alhallon and to prouid a conuenyent seplecrenon with lightes desent for the same at thissid Lent

Toprouid a manuell at thissid Alhalon and a coope at thissid Ester

To prouid a paire of latten candlestickesnon and set vpp holly waterstock before Alhallon non not set vp

To paint ther roud Marie and John and patron non of the churche and furnish the patron with ymages and a convenyent thing to sette the tabernacle at thissid Christenmes

* Adm 23 June 1538 (Cranmer , 365a) There ' Burcharde'

* Inhabitant 1552 (A.C., x, 290) Churchwarden 1552 (Ibid .).



Memorandum to call the* Ralf Haiselhurste by what auctoryte he soulde the chalice

To prouid a light non before the roud and a paire non sensers at thissyd Alhallon

To do all the reparacions non of the churche with tharche non and the church yard sufficiently at thissid Alhallon

[f. 5r.]

[f. 5v]

Memorandum to repare the vicarydg house at thissid Alhallon

Memorandum that there ys no parsonag but a barne

To prouid a lynen non cloth for the desk and also a front for thaltar beneth and curtaines for holly dayes and paint paint the table§ above at thissid Alhalon with other neccesaryeto the said churche

Memorandum yt is ordered that for a tyme the vicar shall do service at his owne parishe ij Sondayes and the thryd at Stanford and likewise the holly dayes and the parishioners of this parishe to go to Standford and Standford to cume hether to Postling

Also the vicar and Thomas Arden ar enyoyned to buyld vppe the roud lofte whereof the vicar ys be comandid to set vpp the one half and Thomas Arden and Rauf Hasylharst the other half

The vicar answerith that he hath buylded** his part and the rest is not done


Capella annexa ecclesie de Lymmyng

Curatus nullus

Iconomi John Wolk


Thomas Morrice

Georg WilliamYoungHurst

William Langdon

John Shotwater

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

* Pen through § Reredos Altar frontal Pen through ' be . '

Thomas Gregory curate 1552 (A.C. , xi, 415)

A Thomas Young churchwarden 1552 (Ibid.). [no number] xxijo [sic]

Pen through ** Added later


Die et anno predictis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis et iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout inferius specificatur

Ffirste it ys commannded that the holly Sacrament non be decently set vpp at thissid Alhallon and also to prouid sume paintingnon of a table above the altar and to prepaire fronntes non for the holly dayes of silk for the vpper part and nether part of thaltar with curtains non of silk before Christemes

To prouid a canapie non and a sepulcrenon and decent lightes non against Lent

To prouid a crosse non of latten at thissid Michaellmes and to amend there coope owt of hand

To prouid a vestement non with all thefurniture non against Estar and to prouid a valenon and roud non cloth against Lent

To prouid a paire of sensers at thissid Alhallon and to prouid a holly water stock

Also all the repracons of the channcell neccesarye to be done at thissid Alhallon

To repaire non there church non in all pointes neccesarye at thissid Alhallon


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo

Vicarius Dominus Robertus Caryor valet

Iconomi Matheus Smythe* Johannes Cheiseman Parochiani William Burgys Henricus Morrice Thomas Abarrowe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare recipientium

>viijxx et familie infra dictam parochiamxlvo [sic]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianus etc visitauit etc visisque ornamentis iudicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur

* Warden also 1552 ? (A.C., viii, 110) There "William Smythe. "

[f. 7r.] [f. 7v.]

[f. Sr.]


Ffirste it is commanded to prouid a fronnt for the altar aboue and beneth with curtaines to the same at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a crosse non of latten and latten candlestickes non at thissid Cristenmes

To prouid a paxe and erecte a syde altar and to prouid a grale at thissid Cristemes with an antiphoner

To prouid a vestement non with an albe non at thissid Cristemes for work dayes

To prouid two banners and mend the old streamers at thissid Ester

Toprouidadeskno clothwitha coverforthebookwith a locknon and a key non for the fonnte at thissid Alhallon

To repaire the channcell and all thinges neccesarye at thissid All hallon

To repaire ther church in all thinges neccesarye at thissid All Saintes

Memorandum that Sir Robert Haynes now vicar of Marden tok away ther latten candlestickes a handbell and a herse and made a cradle of the same herse


Rector Dominus Willelmus Hawk& clericus Rectoria valet per annum ---v libri

Memorandum that the channcell and church ys in grete decaye and they haue hadd no seruice this xij yeres and the church ys in distant [sic] from Braborn a myle and yt ys the mother church to Braborn and there be but there [sic] but three hossolds and yt ys in distant from Smyth half a myle

Memorandum that one Master Hawk pettie cannon of Poules in London ys parson there


Rectoria appropriata Dominae [sic] Helenore Kempe

* Vicar in 1552 (A.C., viii, 110)

A framework with taper under which the coffin was placed. The whole ofthis entryis crossed out. Bircholtreappears later

§ Christopher Hawke adm. 22 Feb. 1537 , patron William Hawke, gent (Cranmer, 364a) Deprived 1561 under Elizabeth, Robert Carrier replacing him 5 May (Parker, 349a) WilliamHalkoccurs as inhabitant 1552 (A.C.,viii, 108).

f. 8v.]


Rector Dominus Clementius Gregorye*



Richard Ffourd

John Milner

John Bowcer

Henry Milner

Peter Mantill

Johannes Milner

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra parochiam predictam liiijor XXº

Dieet anno .... iniunxitet mandauitprout inferius habetur [rest as Braborne]

Ffirste it is commanded that the altar stone nowe uppon thaltar to be taken doune and laid in his plase againe and a newe erecte at thissyd Michaelmes

To prouid an other altar cloth and erecte a syd altar and to paint the fronnt over thaltar at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a challice of sylver with a pattent of silver owt of hand

To prouid a latten candlestick at thissid Cristenmes and a crosecloth at thissid Ester

To prouid an albe non for a vestement and a portasse at thissid Alhallon

To prouid light before the roud and lock non and key non for the fonnt at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a canapye at thissid Lent

To repaire ther church and chancell in all thinges neidfull at thissid Saint Michaell

Memorandum that therysaparsonagehousewhichis in decay to be repaired at thissid Alhallon

xxmo Augusti anno 1557

Quibus die et loco iconomi predicteparochie allegauerunt quod quidem Edmundus defunctus

[f. 9r ] emit calicem pertinentem ecclesie predicte ponderisxij oz per iiij le oz et quod dictus Not solvit inde tantum iiijd super veritate cuius quidem allegacionis predicte ad tacta etc. juramentum prestiterunt

* Clement Stapleton adm. 18 July 1556 (Pole, 69b) Resigned before 29 Feb. 1563, when Eustace Frencham adm (Parker, 363a) These entries are smudged by the erasures above, which were not allowed to dry I.e. evangelii

[f. 9v ]


Iconomi prenominati in presentia Edmundi Notte et Petri Notte filiorum et executorum predicti Edmundi defuncti quos monuit ad soluendum dictis iconomis residuum summe dicti calicis allocatione eis facte de et fabricatione duorum hostium [sic] dicte ecclesie pertinentium sub pena excommunicacionis

Similiter Ricardus Aforde Edmundus Not et Petrus Notte fatebantur se debere dicte ecclesie xxsolidospro duobus vaccispertinentibus leherse light et quod contenti sunt soluere dictam summam iconomis dicte ecclesie citra festum Michaelis proximi *Domino id mandante etc

Memorandum that the parson is commannded to do sarvice ij Sondayes at home and the thrid Sonday at Horton and likewysse hollydayes

CAPELFERNE[not in the ordo visitacionis]

Capella annexa Alkehame

Curatus nullus

Vicarius de Hugham et Rector de Hawking deseruent cure ibidem altarnis vicibus



Thomas Ffagge

Henry WillelmusFlynston Gilles

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno supradictis . . Brabourne]

xiiijo specificatur [rest as

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid fronntes

to be painted with storyes of Christ for the upper part and the nether parte of sume silk with curtaines and fryndges to the same before Alhallon

To prouid an other vestement for the holly daies at thissyd Christemes

To prouid a lampe and a lantern at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a pax of latten and to set vpe the holly waterstock at the church dore before Alhallon

To prouid a paire of sensers and iiij towelles at thissyd Ester

To present those that were no beades

* The Archdeacon This note is added in another ink. William Gybbe [sic] churchwarden 1552 (A.C., viii, 127).

[f 10r]

[f. 10v .]

[f. 11r.]

Memorandum that yt is ordered that the parishioners shall at such tyme as the haue no seruice go to Alkeham on Sundaies and hollydaies vntill such tyme as further order may be taken and that the church wardens do dewlie present those that do not go to the said church Sondayes and holly dayes

Memorandum that there ys nether vicaryege house nor parsonage house


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino


Rectoria et valet per annum

Iconomi Henry Waite


Thomas Hannyng vacat }xvij libri

William Kingesmilne

John Chittenden

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum iiijxx xxor* altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam XXXO

Die et anno . . . . habetur [rest as Capel le Ferne]

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid a front for thaltar both aboue and beneth of some

slyght silk for hollydayes at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a pattent of sylver for the challice and a lampe non at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a paxe non with the imag of Christ of latten non and to prouid a crosse non of latten at thissid Ester

To prouid a paire of latten candlestickes at thissid Christemes and to prouid a sepulcre with convenyent light for the same at thissid Ester

To prouid a vestement non for working daies and a portas at thissid Sanct Michaelle

Memorandum to present all those that do were no beades and those that withhold anny of the church goodes

Memorandum that thereys a faire parsonag howse which ys in decay to be repaired at thissid Alhallon

To repaire the channcell in all thinges neccessarye to be repaired at thissid Alhallon

* Four score . A portisse or breviary.

[f. 11v.]

[f 12r]

To prouid a canapie against Lent and a desknon cloth of lynnen with a lock non and a key for the fonnt with a cover

To prouid a handbell non a convenyent hollie waterstockat thissid Alhallon

To prouid all the reparations non of the church nedefoll at thissid Alhallon

Memorandum there ys xij acars of land belongyng to the parsonag and three other acars of land which dyd find the lamplight alwayes

Memorandum the [sic] allthe parishioners the daiesthey haue no service to go to Stowting to seruice


Capella de Hithe annexata ecclesie de Saltewodd

Rector Magister Nicholas Harpesfeld *

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Quynthine

Iconomi Johannes Mighell

Johannes Wreght

Parochiani John Patte

John Bridgeman Egidius Elingworth

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare [sic] recipientium 1}.ccccc et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number]

Die et anno prescriptis . . . . habetur [rest as before]

Ffirst yt is commanded to prouid furniture for the syd altar afore Alhallon

[f. 12v .]

To prouid before Christemes fronntes for the altar for working dayes of say for aboue and beneth with curtaines for the same and for holly daies of sylk

Memorandum to spekwithMr Honnywellnon forthe fronnt and canape

To prouide a canapie non of silk with convenyent staves to furnysh the same athissid Lent

To prouid a paxe non of latten and a corprax cloth at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid an other antiphonernon with a coopenon at thissid Ester for hollydayes

Memorandum to warne the singyng men to helpe in the quere Sondayes and hollydayes

To prouid a vaile non a vaile and a ke locknon and key for the fonnte at thissid Lent

* Deprived before 3 Feb. 1559, and also of Saltwood, when Alexander Nowell, afterwards Protestant Dean of St. Paul's and controversial writer, was admitted in his place (Parker, 341a)

Pen through " a vaile " and "ke "

To prouid a vestement non to be mended for everydaie and also lighte before the roud immediatly

Memorandum to present all them that do not were bedes

To set vppe a lampe non athissid Michaelmes and to repaire there churche and church yerd in all thinges neccesary at thissyd Michaels and likwise to repaire the channcell vt supra

[f. 13r. blank]

[f 13v ]


Rector Magister Nicholas Harpesfeld

Curatus Dominus Robertus Clerke clericus



William Winckefeld

Edward Shotwater

Thomas Henneker

Numerusparochianorumsacramentum lxxx altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number]

Die et anno supredictis [rest as before]

Ffirste that the churchwardens bytwen this and All Hallontyd do sett vpp again in the quyre the seetes those removed to the body of ye churche

Item that the provyd by that tyme an holy water pott of latten

Item that they do provyde by that tyme hangynges of say of or sylke with curtenys for ye hie altar Item that by the same tyme they do repayre non the body of the churche in all thinges especyally the south§ northyle

[f 14r blank]

f. 14v .]


de Sandwiche

Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino


Vicarius Dominus Johannes Smard

* Saltwood was one of the livings attached to the archdeaconry of Canterbury, as also Teynham, Lympne, etc.

The inventory of church goods of Saltwoodfor 1552 survives, but none ofthese names occur amongchurchwardens or parishionersin that list (A.C. , x, 297).

Pen through of. ' All these injunctions are in a different handfrom the preceding

§' South' crossed out.

Doubtless John Steward, who resigned St. Mary's, Sandwich, before 25 Nov. 1564, when Thomas Pawson was adm. (Parker, 367a). This same John Steward was also admitted to Cundy's chantryin St. Mary's Church on 10 Feb. 1538 (Cranmer , 366b)

[f. 15r.]

[f 15v .]

[f. 16r.]

Iconomi Johannes Maister iurat*

William Curtheppe

Parochiani Robert Gray iurat

Christoferus Sket

Clement Ffynshe

Rauf Plaice

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum

altar recipientium [no number] et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number]

Dieet anno prescriptis .... specificatur [restas before]

Ffirste yt ys commanded to prouid curtaines non of silk for thaltar and candlestickes at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid [sic] prouid a crysmatory and a corprax cloth at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a latten crosse at thissid Michaelmes and also another vestement with an albe at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a conuenyent light before the roud and a cloth against Lent

To prouid a holly waterstock at thissyd Saint Mychaell

To prouid a syd altar at thissid Alhallon

To prouid banners and stremers non against Ester

To prouid a lantarn for the visitacon and a lock and a key for the fonnt against Alhallon and also a lampe

Memorandum that William Lathebury dwellingin London doth withhold sertaine of the church goodes

Also yt ys commanded to inquire owt the gifte by legacy of c libri geven by Sir Edward Ryndgeley knyght to the same church at thissyde Michaelmes. made no inquysition herof They have

To apprehende all suche as lyve disorderatly and bryng them before the comissioners to Cant. Also yt ys presented that one Willard ys suspected of heresy qui iam recessit patria

SANCTI PETRI de Sandwiche


* A municipal official

The first Protestant mentioned vacat

This last sentence in another hand. The Weald of Kent provided most of them.



Thomas Severn

Thomas Hogeskyns

Thomas Minnes

John Gibbard

William Browne

John Crypse

John Parres

Thomas Parker

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris

John Allexander recipientium et familie infra parochiam predictam

Die et anno supradictis . .. . habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste it is commanded to prepaire faire frunte non clothes for thalthar aboue and beneth thone for working daies and thother for holly dayes of silk with curtaines of the same

[f. 16v .] [nonumber] [do.]

To prouid for altar clothes of lynnen at thissyd Michaelmesandalso an other vestementnonwith all the furniture at thissyd Alhallon

To set vpe there patron decentlie and also to set vppe a syd altar at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a graile non and a corprax clothe at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a vaile non a crisemetory against Lent

To prepaire a lampe with a locknon and a key non for the fonnte against Alhallon

* Memorandum quod Dominus Robertus [blank] nuper rector ibidem deseruiebat cur' per unumannum tantum et recepit proficua duorum annorum et reliquit cancellam non reparatam

To repaire there church in all thinges nedefull and ther churche yerd and kepe them decently before Saint Michaell

[f. 17r ]


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Curatus Dominus Johanis Halle


Mr Stephanus Wod

John Clerk

John Burry

* In left margin, opposite first line of this paragraph, is " Habitat apudWingham, " and opposite last two lines "Fiat ordo pro isto homine . "

[f. 17v.]

Parochianorum Mr Nicholaus Peck

Walter Shitterden

Morgan Dauy

Thomas Cutton

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno supredictis . . [nonumber] [do.] habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste it is commannded to prouid a fronnt clothe for the altar aboue and beneth with curtaines to the same at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a canapie against Lent and also a crosse with the image of Christ vppon yt at thissyd Alhallon with ij surplices

To erecte an other altar at thissyd Alhallon and prouid a graile with a lock and a key for the fonnte

To prouid a grail* vaile against Lent and also bannar clothes and streamers against Ester with a lampe against Michaelmes Also yt is comannded that Richard Orpie be apprehended and brought to Cant before the King and Quene His Maiestis commissioners vppon Satarday next


Ricardus Orpye detectus de incontinentie cum quadam Cecilia Iarrarde vidua

Orpye vir monitus personaliter comparuitet negauitcrimen vnde Dominus assignauit sibi ad purgandum se septima manu de vicinis Sabbato proximo apud Cant' quo die comparuit et fatebatur obiecta et fide media promisit solempnizacionem matrimonii fieri inter eos citra festum Natalis Domini proximi et sic dimittitur

[f 18r ]


Curatus de Sandwiche nullus

Memorandum that the maire and jurates of the towne of Sandwiche have the placing of the brothers and susters and also the over sight of them that they doo lyve in good order

* Pen through 'grail' nihil erat ibidem actum ob breuitatem temporis

A form of compurgation.

The mayors of the Cinque Ports were assisted by a single benchof councillors called 'jurats.'

f. 18v.]

f 19r ]

[f. 19v.]

WORTHE CAPELLA annexa ecclesie de Estrey


Iconomi nullus

Johannes Goddard

Richard Austen

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

[nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis . . . . habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste it is comannded to prouid a fronte for thaltar bothe aboue and beneth with curtaines to the same before Alhallon

To amende there sensers to make a lock and a keye for the fonnte

To prouid a vaile againste Lent with a crosse clothe with a sepulcre and a sydaltar to be erected at thissid Michaelmes


Rector Dominus Willelmus [blank]

Iconomi William Tuck

Johannes Robbins

Parochiani Richard Arrowe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra predictamparochiam [nonumber] [do]

Dieetanno supradictis .... specificatur [rest as before]

Ffirste yt ys commanded to prouid a Marie and John to paint the roud and mak a roud lofte within xij monthes

To prouid an albe for there vestement and also a lock and a key for the fonnte before Alhallon

To prouid and set vppe the roud owte of hand and prouid a vaile against Lent

To prouid another crewett and a lampe and to mak a fronnters clothe for the altars for holly dayes

Memorandum that the channcell ys yn gret decay and the parsonage is doune and the parson ys not able to repaire the same againe for the smalness of lyving

* John Stuard adm. 7 Aug. 1550 (Cranmer , 411b). Resigned by 14 May 1564 (Parker, 365a), when Thomas Pawson succeeded .

[f. 20r]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant'

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Bennet

Iconomi Saferus Paramor

Thomas Ffrend

Parochiani Thomas Whitfeld

John Gould

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno . . [no number] [do] habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste it is commannded to prouid a graile owt of hand and a vaile against Lent

To prouid a carprax with a lock and a key for the fonnte at thissid Mychaelmes [f 20v .] To [sic] channcellnon ys in decay and that ChristChurch in Cant' must amend the tymbre non worke and tyling of the same at thissid Christemes

The parrishioners to amend the church yerd and church against the same tyme

[f. 21r ]


Rector Dominus Willelmus Mann* Curatus Dominus Augusti[n]us Lowrynus Gallus

Iconomi Parochiani Bartholomew Kennet Henricus Ffoyche Georg Durbarn

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber] [do ]

Die et anno prescriptis . . . habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste yt is commanded to prouid an altar cloth of lynnen with a frunter and curtaines at thissyd Saint Michaell

To prouid a lynnen corprax with a locknon and a key for the fonnt with all ther reparations of the church and channcell at thyssyd at thyssyd [sic] Alhallon

* Adm 13 May 1536 (Cranmer , 359a). Died before 16 Aug. 1568 , when Christopher Burton succ (Parker, 388a)

For another Frenchman see under Bilsington.

f 21v ]


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo

Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicarius Dominus Galfrydus Man non residet

Curatus Dominus Johanes Clerke

Iconomi Leonardus Smythe


[f. 22r.]

Thomas Sowtsanders

Robert Poyshe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno .. . .

[nonumber] [do]

habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste yt is comanded to prouid frontars for the highe altar bothe aboue and beneth for holly daies and working dayes with curtanes of silk to the same at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a corprax and a vaile clothe againste Lent

To prouid a roud Mary and John with the patron of the church atthissid Alhallon

Memorandum totak order forthe parishionersforthetyme they haue no church

Memorandum that the vicaryg house ys brent

[f 22v.]


Rector Magister Thomas Burton

Iconomi William Veryar


[f. 23r.]

Thomas Philpott

Edward Crayford

John Burton

Thomas Horne

Ffirste yt is commanded to prouid an altar clothenonwithfrontarsnonforholly dayes and work dayes with curtainesnon with latten candlestickes at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a corpraxnonand two surplicesnon before Alhallon

To prouid albesnon necessarye for the vestements at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a vailenon against Lent with a sepulcre with light to the same against Lent

To prouid anothernon stone for the highe altar

There is a blank space at the first half of this side, as if the Ripple entries had not been completed

[f. 23v]

[f. 24r ]

and lay that stone vppon a syd altar to be erecte at thissyd Christemes

To prouid a lampenon and a holly waterstock at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a handbellnon a lantarnnon at thissid Alhallon

To repaire the channcell at thissid All Saintes

Memorandum to talkwithMr Craiford for thechurch landes

Memorandum that ye parsonag houseys in gret decay

*The parson answeriththat it shalbe don with all conuenyent sped as he may

SHOWLDONE capella annexa Norborne

Rectoria immpropriata Reuerendissimo Domino

Archiepiscopo Cant'

Curatus Dominus Robertus Pyborn Iconomi Richardus Dyxson

Parochiani Symond Butler

Thomas Kennette Stephanus Sayer

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

[f. 24v.]

nonumber] [do ]

Die et anno . . . . habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste it ys commanded to prouid frontes for aboue and beneth for thaltar with curtanes

To prouid candlestickes for thaltarwith a vaile against Lent and mo [?] altarclothes

To prouid a corprax and holly waterstock at the church dore before Alhallon

To set vppe a syd altar and a lock and a key for the fonnte and a handbellat thissid All Saintes

To prouid a paire of sensers and a cloth for the roud and a new cover for the fonnt

Memorandum to repaire ther channcell in all thinges neccesarye and the church at thissid All Saintes


Rector Magister Hugo Glasier ex patronatu

Rectoria appropriata

* Another hand. Reuerendissimo Domino Crossed out

Archiepiscopo Cant'

[f. 25r.]

Curatus Dominus Johanes Crofte* Iconomi

Leonardus Ranoldes

John Bacar

Parochiani Nicholaus Alden

Thomas Horne

Willelmus Jackling

Willelmus Partrige

Richardus Poope

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber] [do.]

Dieet anno supradictis .... specificatur [restas before]

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid a canapy at thissid Lent a surples and an antiphoner non before Alhallon

To prouid a veile againste Lente and to set vppe a syd altar and a lampe owt of Memorandumhand to haue a speciallregard tothe orderis taken accountes of the church goodes alienated Memorandum to repaire the churche and to prouid for suche nedefull reparations as ar to be done vppon the steple non afore Alhallon

[f. 25v.]


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino

Archiepiscopo Cant'

Curatus Dominus Augustinus Lorins

Iconomi Henricus Sheipie

William Partry

Andrewe Harnes

Thomas Gillowe

Thomas Lewkine

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do ]

Dieet anno supredictis .... specificatur [rest as before]

Ffirste it is commannded to prouid the highe altar with fronntes and curtaines both aboue and beneth

* Adm to Deal 10 Feb. 1558 (Post Mortem Poli, 15a). Died before 2 Feb. 1561 , when Thos Elgar succ (Parker, 353b).

Another hand.

The Frenchman who was also curate of Ripple John Crofte , rector of Deal , was appointed sequestratorof Walmer rectory 4 Mar. 1560 (Parker , 348a)

[f. 26r.]

[f 26v]


To prouid a latten crosse and an other corprax clothe with a surples

To prouid to set vppe an other altar at thissid All Saintes with a hand bell with lock and key for the fonnte

To prouid a paire of sensers and a lantarn to go visitation

Memorandum to talk with Pemton for the reparations of the channcell

Memorandum in thand of Mistress Blachenden* to him sold by one Sanders of Winesborow one acar of land called curfureland* belongyng to the said church of Walmer

To repaire there church in all thinges neccesary at thissyd of All Hallon

Memorandum that the parishioners do say that there ys xxt acars of lande belongyng to the parsonag wherof xvj acars Thomas Gillowe occupyeth and iiijor in thoccupyng of John Gillowe


Rector Magister Johannes Milles

Curatus Dominus Andreas Pettinden

Iconomi Jacobus Marshe Rauf Roger

Parochiani Richard Philpotte

Robert Brette

Thomas Gaunte

Thomas Waller

John Brette

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris

recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber] [do]

Die et anno supradictis . . habetur [rest as before]

[f. 27r.] ....

Ffirste it is commannded to amend the sealing of the channcell with all other reparations nedefull affore Alhallon

To prouid towelles non and fronntes for thaltars of silk with curtaines at this syd All Saintes

To amend the masse book orelles to bye an newe to cover the crissmatory with altar clothes before All Saintes

* See also under Oxney Curfew land

John Mylles, S.T.B., adm 19 Mar. 1551 (Cranmer , 419b) Died before 12 June 1565 , when Theodore Newton succ (Parker, 372b)

[f. 27v .]

Memorandum to mak request for the lampland againe and to repaire ther churche afore All Hallon in all thinges neccesarye with a lampe before Mychaelmes

Memorandum that Sir Jefrey Sloyte ys appointed to tak order for the corne given to the church light Ther is no order taken


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Parochianus Georgius Jenkin§

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

[f. 28r .]

[nonumber] [do .]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc visisque etc iudicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur

Ffirste Georg Jenkyn saith no ornamentes of the churches but such as he hathe bought with in this v or vj yeres synce he came thether and saith that Mr Sydley dothe say where he prayeth to my Lord Grace the Archbishop of Canterburythe sume of v markes the which if my Lord will gyve towards the fynding of a prest the said Mr Sydley will gyve so muche a yere and the said Jenkyn saith as for the small tythes he thinketh his maister hath the same in lease

The said Jenkyn saith that he had iijo or foure sheits of lead and that the chappell was decayed like to fall downe wher vppon he hath bestowed xiij libri vj s viij d. and saith further that Mystres Blachindon of Walmer had a bell of the said churches


Rector Dominus Thomas Austen qui non residet nec fuit hic super beneficia a tempore inductionis

* Concerning; about Added later

Art on this ruined church of Oxney, near Dover, in A.C., lix, 82-94

§Will proved 19 Sept. 1586 (Ibidem, p 87)

Thomas Alston deprived under Elizabeth, and before 9 Jan. 1562, when John Ennyver succ. (Parker, 358b). Alston adm . 3 May 1545 (Cranmer , 395a) The first half of this page is blank.

[f. 28v]

[f. 297.]

Curatus Willelmus Adowne clericus

Iconomi Robertus Powte

Johanes Scarlet Parochiani

Dauid Fforstall

Richard Mershe

Thomas Cowling

John Mershe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium }[nonumber] et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die at anno [rest as under Oxney]

Ffirste yt ys commannded to prouid fronnt clothes for thaltars for hollydayes both above and benethe before Saint Michaele with curtaines

To prouid a lampe a lock and a key and to erect non a syd altar before All Saintes [do.]

To prouid a vailenon and a clothnon for the roud and a sufficient light before the same

Memorandum thattheparson orthefarmertorepaire the channcell non in all thinges neccessarye before All Saintes

Memorandum that the parishioners do say that xxiiijo ewes geven by Leanard Mershe was not presented to the Kinges vse and that they were geven to thuse of keping of lightes and to spek to Hamond at Hith for the said shepe * Vocetur Cant Willelmus Mersh* and to repaire ther church in all thinges neccessarye before All Saintes


Rectoria appropriata Reueryndissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicarius Curatus nullus nullus

sed curatus de Estelangdon deserviet cur' altarnis vicibus

Iconomi Thomas Kempe Roger West

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Another hand. [no number] [do ]

The first third of the page is blank.

[f. 29v.]

[f 30r.]

Die et anno supradictis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos visitauit etc visisque etc

iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout sequitur

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid a

crosse and other neccessaryes as dothe lack in ther churche at thissid All Saintes To repaire there channcell and church in all things neccessarye before Allhallon Memorandum that the parishioners do say Mistress Awger hath the lease as well of the abbay landes as of the parsonage and paieth notythe but onelyxx libri to my Lord Archebishop of Cant' And that they were wonnt to be served by a cannon of thabbey and synce that ther channcell being decayed they were promised by the late Archbishop * yf they dyd reeddyfie there chancell that they shuld haue a curate to serve them And that the prest was wonte to haue vj libri a yere owt of the abbey which pencion haith bene receyved synce the disolucion of the said abbay at Master Spillmans house handes being the Kings Ma'stis receiver And they say that there tythes besydes Mistress Awgers tythes be not worth past xls. a yere and that there belles be sold away


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo

Curatus Dominus Davy Stone [?]

Iconomi Ingram Wall

Richard Robins

Parochiani Peter Feryor Henry Ellens

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam }[nonumber] [do ]

Dieet anno .... prout inferiushabetur[rest as before]

* Cranmer

Ffirste it is commanded to mak non the altar better and surer and an altar stone as sone as may be house struck through Next Dover

[f. 30v ]

[f. 317.]


To prouid [sic] amend the crosse clothe and to by a newenon altar clothe before Alhallon

To prouid a corpraxnon clothe and a portasnon and a creute with a lampe afore All Saintes

To prouide a newenon albe and amend non the old non before Alhallon

To erecte a syd altar and prouid a lampe before Alhallon

To repaire there church in all thinges neccessaryenon before Alhallon


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino

Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Lilford*

Iconomi Jacobus Denn

Parochiani Mr Thomas Cock John Denn

Thomas Page

Thomas Pittock

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber ] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis [rest as under Sutton]

Ffirste it ys commanded to prouid and sett vpp the altar stone before Saint Michaell

To mak vpp a syd altar and an other surples with a lampe afore Allhallon

[f. 31v.]

To prouid that the church be repaired in all thinges neccessarye before Allhallon

Memorandum yt ye churche wardens bring in ther accountes the Mondaie after Michaelmes

Memorandum that albeyt there rood Marie and John be not of a sufficient stature yet they desire to be respeited vntill they be more able to mak a newe

* On 5 Nov. 1556, by Letters Patent, the patronage of the following places in Kent was given to Cardinal Pole: Tilmanstone, Hernehill, Folkestone, Raynham, Bredgar, Sellinge, Marden, Graveney , Sittingbourne, Lydd, Kennington, Maidstone, Nonnington, Goodnestone , Ash, Whitstable, Leeds, and Salmiston with Dean (Pole, 13b , 14a)

William Cockes, collated by Cranmer 11 Apr. 1540, was deprived by Queen Mary. Thomas Lilford replaced him. His will is dated 10 May 1586 and he was buried in the chancel (A.C., xx, 110-1).

f. 32v]


Rector Dominus Willelmus Watson coniugatus * nuper Lincoln' diocesis

Iconomi John Piper


Thomas Harnet

Thomas Boyc generosus

Henricus Burche

Richard Whit

John Gorney

Robert Harnet

Henricus Peers

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno supradictis [rest as before]

[no number] [do.]

Ffirste it is commanded to prouidnon altar clothes of lynen before All Hallon and also fronntes for thaltars bothe aboue and beneth for holly daies with curtainesnon at thissid All Saintes

To amend the holly waternon stock and to by a portas before Michaelmes with a vaile against Lent

To paint the roud Mary and John before All Saintes and to prouid a stremer against Ester with a locknon and a key for the fonnt against Hallontyd and a lantarnenon before the said tyme

Memorandum to repaire there channcell with all thinges neccesarye before Allhallon

Memorandum torepaire there churchnon inallthinges neccessarye before Saint Michaell

Memorandum that the parsonageysnon in decay so that xx libri will not repaire the same and thesaid nowe incumbent hath hadd nothing for delapidacon of his predecessor by whom the decay was suffered and moreover he hath paid above xx nobles for the said predecessor for tenthes and subsydies dewe in his tyme

Memorandum that Edward Merywether smythe sayth that Respis willed the lyttell house of intent that ther shulbe geven yerely every Freyday in Lent vjd to the Watson died before 12 Feb. 1569, when Richard Stinte replaced him at Eythorne (Parker, 397b).

noble6s 8d .

[f. 33r]

[f 33v ]


pore and saith the feofes feafed in the same to the said vse thought it neccesarye to sell the house and put yt into a stock and so yt was sold for the keine the which kyne he hath and doth kepe thobbyte and is content so to do and always to answer the kyne *ys kept in part and not in all


Rector Dominus Stephanus Nethersole*

Iconomus Richardus Tome

Parochianus Augustinus Horne

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra predictam parochiam

Die et anno supradictis [rest as before]

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid a fronnt for the vpper partes and nether partes of thaltar before All Saintes

To prouid a vaile against Lent and a holly waterstock a lampe and a lantarn before All Saintes

[no number] [do]

[f. 347.]

Memorandum that the parson repaire the chancell and seyle yt over with all other neccesarye afore All Saintes

Memorandum to repaire there church and steple in all thinges neccesarye before All Saintes


Rector Dominus Rogerus Jackson qui dicit se habere pluralitatem

Iconomi Willelmus Wodd

John Beasaunt

Parochiani Robert Bax

John Clifford

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Another hand [nonumber] [do .]

Die et anno supradictis [rest as before]

William Watson collated 18 Aug. 1560, on death of last incumbent (Parker, 345a).

Died before 12 Jan. 1564, when Thomas Taylor succ (Parker, 367a) Jackson adm Barfreston 9 Dec. 1534 (Cranmer , 353b), and Shepherdswell (Sibbertswold) 20 May 1523 (Warham, 377b)

f. 34v .]


Ffirste it is commanded to prouid fronnters of say or painted wok* work with storyes of Christ with curtanes to the same against Ester with a newe cloth for the crose bannar

To prouid an albes [sic] with an ames and a portas against All Saintes

To prouid a syd altar to be set vpp with a holly water stock at the church dore and to prouid a lampe at thissid All Saintes

To prouid a lantarn and a locke and key for the fonnt against Saint Michaell

To paint there rood Marie and John at thissid All Saintes

Memorandum to do all the reparations ofthechurch before All Saintes

Memorandum that the parson do all the reparations of the quere at thissid All Saintes


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Cant' Vicarius Dominus Thomas Nicholles§ Iconomi Vincentius Hall Johanes Mortimer Parochiani Richard Beching John Androwe Henricus Draiton Thomas Quoyf

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno supradictis [rest as before] [nonumber] [do .]

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid frontersnon for thaltars both aboue and beneth of some sylk or say with curtaines to the same before Ester

* Pen through.

The chancel being the responsibility of the parson and the nave of the churchwardensand parishioners

This entry is displaced, Hackington being in the deanery of Canterbury, not ofDover Therewas a residence of the Archdeacons of Canterbury here Hales Place, a Catholic centre from the time of Charles II onwards , was in this parish.

§ A Thomas Nicholls adm to St. Martin's, Canterbury, 27 June 1547 (Cranmer, 403b) ; resigned 1 Feb. 1552 (Ibidem, 421b).

f 35v]

f. 36r.]


To prouid an albenon and an other altar clothe at thissyd All Saintes

To set vpp the patron of the Church and paint the same before All Hallon

To repaire the holly water stock at the churche dore afore All Saintes

To set vpp a syde altarnon before All Saintes

Memorandum to repaire there chancellnon therwith all speid which ys nedefull

Memorandum to repaire ther church in all thinges neccesarye before All Hallon


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo

Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicarius Dominus Allexander Barton* non residet

Rector de Waldershare deseruet cur'

Iconomi Walterus Mombrey

Richardus Pasheley

Parochiani Thomas Sanntes

Galfridus Eyton

Thomas Pilter

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno predictis [rest as before]

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid a fronnt for the highe altar afore Alhallon [nonumber] [do.]

[f. 36v .]

To prouid cruetes owte of hand and to prouid candlestickes of latten and a crosse of latten and a clothe afore Ester for the same

To prouid a vaile against Lent and clothe for the roud

To prouid a crismatory owt of hand with a lampe and a lock and key to the fonnte out of hand

To prouid a paire of sensers and a lantar to go a visitacon owt of hand and a cloth for the fonnt

To sett vppe a syd altar and a holly waterstock owt of hand

* Adm. 5 Nov. 1534 (Cranmer, 353a) One Bannester adm 16 Feb. 1563 (Parker, 363a)

f 37r ]

[f. 37v.]

Memorandum to prepare to repaire there church and the channcell in all thinges neccesarye afore Alhallon

Memorandum that the vicar hath a coope geven to our church by the late Bishoppe of Cant which the vicar doth withhold


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicarius Dominus Rogerus Jackeson* et valet per annum cum pencione

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium etx x libri

Iconomi Richardus Graye

Parochiani Georg Bingham

Edward Merywether

[no number] et familie infra predictam parochiamxxiiijo

Die et anno supradictis [rest as before]

Ffirste it is commanded to prouid and paintnon the wainescotenon both aboue and beneth or elles by newe fronntars and curtaines to the same

To prouid a surplisnon with another albenon before Alhallon

To set vpp a syd altarnon and a convenyent place to sett vpe there patron

To prouid a paxenon with a vailenon against Lent and one for the roud

Memorandum to repaire the chancellnon in all things neccesarye with mending of the glase windowes owte of hand

Memorandum to repaire there church in all thinges neidfull before All Saintes

[ff. 38 r. and v. blank]


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Archiepiscopo Cant' Curatus Dominus Patricius Browne

* See under Barfreston Robert Bannester collated to Shepherdswell 4 Aug. 1564 (Parker , 365b)

John Melvyn, M.A., was collated to Nonington with Wymingswold 26 June 1567 (Parker, 382b).

Iconomi Richardus Nethersole Siluester Goldfinche

Parochiani Siluester Goldfynche [sic]

Johannes Taylor

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altarisibidem nonumber] recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

[do .]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et pariter et mandauit prout sequitur


[f. 39v.] [f. 40% .]

to provide a fronntenon clothe for the aulter of silke againste Lente

To provide a veilenon againste Lente

To set vpe a hollie water stocke at the church doore at thisside Saincte Mighell

The reparacions of the channcell non to be don at thissid Alhallon

To provide a lampe and to make a decente fonnte

To provide a paire of sensors non and a handbellnon at thisside Easter

To provide a register booke owte of hande

Memorandum thatthe vicaredge howseis in decaye and cannot be repaired by reason ther is no suffycyente living besides to fynde the prieste

Memorandum tosearchethe purchasis of Nonnyngtonnon and Wymyngswolde and whether Master Palmer be chardgid withe the paymente of the pention due to the vicar owte of the colledge of Wingham

The churchenonyard to be inclosid at thisside Alhallon


Rectoria impropriata Decano et capitulo ecclesie cathedrali Roffensi

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Hall* non residet

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Singleton

Iconomi Thomas Neame

Nicolaus Hole

* William Lott died as incumbent here before 28 June 1568 (Parker, 386b). He was collated to Old Romney 22 Dec. 1565 (Ibidem, 375b). Adm to Elmeston 5 Feb. 1540 (Cranmer , 379a).

Parochiani Willelmus Everyng

Joannes Neame

Martinus Broke

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altarisibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam -

[nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno predictis . . prout sequitur [rest as before] iniunxit et mandauit

Ffirste to provide the fronnte for thaulter bothe above thaulter and benethe with th imagis of Christe paynted in the myddest therof for the workindais and curteinsnon of silk for hollidais

To provide a grailenon againste Christmas

To provide surplesses at thisside Alhallon

To repaire the channcell non at thisside Alhallon

The parishioners to makenon vpe the steppes goyng vpe to the highe aulter and to pavenon the flower at thisside Alhallon

[f. 40v.]

To repaire the bodie of the churche in all thinges necessarie at thisside Alhallon

To set vpe ther patron in the place wher it stoode in tymes paste

To set vpe a side aulter and make a locke and a key for the fonnte at thisside Alhallon

To mak anon boke of register and to ley the same vnder locke and key and kepe the same according to the statute

[ff. 41 , 42 r. and v. are blank]

[f. 43r.]


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino


Curatus Dominus Hugo Evans qui deseruit cure altarnis [sic] vicibus

Iconomi Thomas Preston

Parochianus William Abere

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris [nonumber] recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [do]

Die et anno prescriptis . . habetur[restas Shepherdswell]

Ffirste yt is commanded that they erecte an altar of [sic] thissid Christenmes with all the furniture

To prouid a fronnter for the altar aboue and beneth for the hollidaies and working dayes of silk or saye with curtaines to them before Alhallon [f. 43v .] To prouid a veilenon and a canapie against Lent with a clothe for the roud

To prouid a masse book owte of hand

[f. 44r.]

To prouid a lampenon before Michaelmes non

To prouid a framenonfor the candles about the sepulcre

To prouid a streamernonagainst yt shalbe occupied

To prouid a locknon and a key for the fonnte against Alhallon

Memorandum that there ys no vicarignor vicarig house

To repaire the channcell of tile and glase at thisid Alhallon with the tymbre work

Memorandum that Master Craford hath the parsonag in farme and receiveth gret gaine and leveth the cure vnserved

To repaire the timbre work of the church before Whitsontyde


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Vicarius nullus

Nota thatthe vicarage ys in grete decay*

Memorandum that there is a vicaridg house and xiiij acares of land and yt ys xiiij yeres past sync they haue hadd any vicar and one Master Cumberford that nowe dwelleth in another counntre receyved the frutes for vj yeres and found a prest and sync that tyme the haue hadd none but at there owne charges

Also the said Cumberford for the said viij yeres last past hathe receyved the profettes of the said xiiij acars of land and the vicaridg house and dyd let the same to one Richard Roberdes of Estesutton and the said Robins and the said said Robins [sic]dydlet the same vntoone Bowthing wherofthey haue neither mad account nor found any prest

Also the parishioners do say that the tythes ofthe vicaryg be yerelye worthe vj libri xiij s iiij d and do confesse that they arre behind and haue paid nothing by two yeres

Memorandum thatMaster Nicholas Knewstube nowe curat of Ewell receyved the frutes by virtue of sequestracionfor one hole yere and dyd sarvice but iij or iiijor tymes at the most nether made any accompt of the same

In left margin, opposite line above .

[f. 44v.]

Also the channcell ys vtterlie and fallen downe and the church ys almost in lik case and they hauenokindofornamentesbelongyngtothere church


Thomas Byng

William Brenchley

Numerus parochianorum sacramentumaltaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis .. . prout sequitur[rest as before]

Ffirste yt ys commanded that they haue solemne seruice vppon St Peters daie and other hollie daies as hereafter shalbe deuised

Also that there may be a sequestracion made of the frutes of the vicaryg to Thomas Bing and William Brensheley

To prepaire all such neccesaryeas they may couenientlie for the furniture of there churche betwene this and Estar

[f 45r]


Rectoria appropriataDecano et capitulo Cant'

There ys a vicaryg house which is yet not decaied*

Vicarius nullus et decime vicarie valent -iiij libri Curatus Dominus Henricus Rainsford (vicarius Sancte Margarete) et habet pro sallario liij s iiij d



John Packman

William Water

Richard Cooke

John Marble

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

[no number] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis . .. . prout inferiushabetur[restasbefore]

Ffirste to prouid two altar clothesnon at thissid Alhallon

To provid fruntars both for the altars aboue and beneth with the ymage of Crist in the myddest withcurtainsnonofthe same of sumesleight silk before Alhallon

[f 45v.]

To prouid a cover with a pinne for the crismatory and to amend the crosse clothe at thissyd

Saint Michaell

* In left margin.

To prouid a veilenon and a clothe for the rood at thissyd Lent

To prouid ij or thre towellesnon owt of hand

To prouid a pax and a lampenonat thissyd Alhallonand to amend ther ould coopenon owt of hand

To prouid an albe for a vestement and a locknon and key for the fonnt at thissid Michaelmes

To prouid a hollie waterstockat the churchdore with honest banners and streamersbeforethey be [sic] to be occupied

To mak ther windowes and to repaire althinges

nedefull vppon the body of the church at thissid Alhallen

Memorandum to enquere whether ther hath beane * Respondent any parson inducted here or no

[f. 467.] negative

Also the parishioners do say that about xvj yeres past they hadd a parson inductedwhich paied iiij libri vj s viij d to Christ Church for a pention owt of the same

de Cliffe

Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Archiepiscopo

The vicaridgysin gret decay

Dominus Henricus Reinsford ad vicariam est presentatus sed non inductus adhuc qui Henricus olim erat coniugatus

Iconomi Valentinus Vpton


Johannes Johnes

William Croidon

Edward Tose

Christofer Gardener

Thomas Solmes

Robert Croidon

Richard Jull

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

* In right margin in another hand. [nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos et parochianos etc visitauit etc visisque etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit ac processit prout inferius habetur

In left margin

William Wattes was collated on 16 Apr. 1562 (Parker, 354b)


f 46v ]

[f. 47r.]

Ffirste they haue no altar but a superaltare

To painte the tables with sume storynon insteid of fruntes for ther altar and to by curtains for the same at thissyd Alhallon

To repaire a canapie owt of hand and to prouid a vailenon against Lent and a cloth for the roud

To prouid more tapers before the roud owt of hand and a key and lock for the fonnt before Alhallon

To repaire the channcellnonin timbre stone and glasse at thissid Alhallon

To repaire there steple at thissid Alhallon and the rest to be donne at there conuenyent leisure

Also yt ys ordered that the curate do serve this church two Sondaies together and the thrid at Westclif and likewaies hollydaies

Also yt ys commannded that Thomson Solmes to avoid the vicarydg at Our Lady daie in Lent next



Rectoria imppropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Legato et valet per annum

Iconomi Nicholaus Milward Henricus Leonard Parochiani Thomas Ffynete Rychard Ffynyx* Roger Wall viij libri John Almandson

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] lxo

Die et anno predictis [rest as Westcliffe]

Ffirste it is commannded to prouidnon a canapie against Lent of silk and also a vailenon

[f. 47v .]

To prouid an antiphonernon and a grailenon at thissid Ester

To prouid a lampe at thissidnon Michaeles

To prouid another vestementnonwith all the furnyture at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a streamarnon at thissid Estar Memorandum to enquire at Hugham whether Allexander Myndge receyved the sacrament there the last Ester or no and whether he be a parishioner there or no

** Doubtless another spelling of Fineux. Attached to the banners in Rogation processions

[f 48r ]

[f. 48v.]


Memorandum to repaire the channcellnon in glase tiling stoneworkand other neccessarye to be done at thissid Alhallon

Memorandum that there ys by the will of William Brewes sertaine landes and tennamentes gyven to thuse of the poore people of the toune of Douor and that there be a [trewe crossed out! trewe presentment made by the Maire and his brethern with the comynaltieof the said landes howe and what case they do stand in Memorandum that the xvijth daie of Agust yt was concluded by the Maior and dyvers of the cominaltie of the said toune that the lands geven by William Brewes afforesaid shall remaine in the occupyyng of John Almonson of the said toune from the feast of St Michaell' next cummyng vnt [sic] the terme of [blank] yeres paying therefore yerelie x libri or elles any other of the said toune that will gyve more for the same to thuse of the pore people there



Rectoria Curatus



[f. 497.]


Dominus Johannes Lambart

Richard Mylles

John Kempsall

Thomas Foxley

Richard Elam

[blank] Colly

Georg Mathewe

Thomas Mershall

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam }[nonumber]

Die et anno supradictis [rest as before] [do .]

Ffirste it is comanded to prouid a lampe to paint the table over the highe altar To prouid a coope

To prouida rood clothwitha lockand a keyfor thefonnt at thissyd Lent

To repaire the channcell and church in all thinges neccesarye at thisside Michaelmes next

[SANCTI JACOBI DOUOR crossed out.] [The rest of the page is blank .]

Sancti Jacobi Dovor

Ffirste yt ys commannded that there be bourd ofthe back ofthe altar and to by a fruntarnon for thenether syd of the same at thissid Alhallon

To prouid a clothe of silk to mak a canapienon of at thissid Lent and a veilenon

To prouid ij or iijo towellesnon with a lampenon forthe church at thissid Alhallon

To prouid another honest paxnon with a handbellnon at thissid Michaelmes

To prouid an albenon with an amesnon afore Alhallon

To prouid a holliwaterstock non to cary about owt of hand

To paintnon Marienon John and the patron at thissyd Alhallon

To aboylishe the scriptures above the roud at thissid Michaelmes

To set vpp a convenient taper before the roud owt of hand

Also the bailyfys enyoyned to repaire the quere and glasse windowes as the frutes do cume to his handes at thissid Alhallon

Yt ys comanded that the church yerd be not let owt to any

To do all repracionsnon neidfull vppon the church windowesnon at thissid Alhallon

To prouid an antiphonernon and a graylenonat thissid Alhallon

To see that Christofer Elet of Saint Maries do pay his tythes and Waltar Fframton and John Clement and John Goostree for the same

Memorandum to enquire for Thomas Vden to restore thinges taken from the church

Memorandum that there be not iiijor besydes women in the parishe that were bedes

The balif hath in commandement to apprehend one John Lynsey and bryng him to Cant before the commissioners

Also that the Maire and his brethern to see those that do vse to haunt taverns in tyme of divine seruice to be dewly punyshedd

Also those that be presented for not paying of ther sesse* and other dewties withholdenfrom the church before midday next after Michaelmes or to appere the same daie at Cant before the commissionersand shewe a sufficient cause whie theyshuld not

* A parochial contribution collected by the churchwardens .

[f 50v ]


Rectoria appropriataReuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Russell* vicaria valetx libri

Jacobus Culling Iconomi


Nicholaus Webbe

Egedius Pepper

Silvester Hambrok

Thomas Warren firmarius rectorie

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos et parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc visisque etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout inferius scribatur [sic]

Ffirste yt ys commannded the channcellaonto be repaired at thissid Michaelmes in althinges neccessarye and nedefoll

To paint a table for the fronnt of thaultar at thissid Mychaellmes and to by curtainesnon for the same of silk or say at thissid Alhallon

[f. 51r .] To prouid a vaileñon cloth at thissid Lent

To prouid a lampe athissid Alhallon and to be set vppe by the same daie

To prouid a newe vestmentnonwith an albenon and all thinges belongyng at thissid Ester

To paint the roud Mary and John before AllHallon

To repaire there church in all thinges neccessarye and a lock and key for the fonnte before Alhallon

To prouid a portassenon at thissid Michaelmes

[f 51v]


[In left margin: Thechancellon is in gret/ decay atmy Lord Cardinalles / Grace reparing]

Rectoria appropriata ReuerendissimoDomino Archiepiscopo Vicarius Dominus Johannes Burnell vicaria valet xj libri

Iconomi William Turrell Henricus Jekine

A Henry Woode adm. 19 Mar. 1550/1 (Cranmer , 416a) He resigned before 12 Jan. 1581, when Henry Brayham succ (Grindal, 557a)

John Burrell adm to Charlton 15 June 1541 (Cranmer , 380b) Resigned Alkham before3 July 1569 , when John Cadman succeeded him (Parker , 394b)

Parochiani Richard Wollett* Thomas Joll 55

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientiumet familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis . . habetur [rest as Hougham]

Ffirsteyt ys commanded to prouidfrontes of silk non and other for the altars for hollidaies and workingdaies with curtaines to the same before Alhallon

To prouid a handbell non with a lock and key for the fonnte at thissid Alhallon

To arreare an altar before Alhallon [f 52r .] To repaire the churchnon in all thinges necessarye before Alhallon

To prouid a coope for woorking daies before Lent

[f. 52v.]


Rectoria appropriataDomino Henrico Palmer militi

Nullus vicarius

Curatus Dominus Ffranciscus Pivall

Iconomi Johanes Hamond Robart Rolfe

Parochiani Richard Simon

John Ladd

Nicholas Wraight

Nicholas Ladd

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [rest as before]

Ffirste yt ys commanded to prouid a cover for the fonnt with lock and key with a lampe before Alhallon

[f 53r] [nonumber] [do .]

To prouid to set vppe a syd altar at thissid Alhallon and a clothe for the rood against Lent

* Churchwarden 1552 (A.C., viii, 101) In the bill of recusantsin the parish of Alkham, dated 17 April 1605 , a Mistress Woollett, wife of Daniel Wollett, is named. Also a Mistress Norden, her sister; Elizabeth Pordage, a young gentlewoman of 16 years or thereabouts; and Elizabeth Best , a young maidenabout 15 years old Daniel Wollett and MagdalenFowle, the wife of John Fowle, are accused in the bill of negligence at the communion for not having received since Easter twelvemonth last at the least four ladies above mentioned had ignored the summons of Capitt, the Archdeacon's apparitor or summonerto appear before the consistory court , and were declared contumaciousandexcommunicated(Comperta et Detecta ,1604-5, amongConsistorialRecords , x, 9.4, in the Dean and ChapterLibrary,Canterbury, ff. 82v . -83v).

An ex-religious (see p 8)

The Inhabitantin 1552 (A.C. , xiv, 295)

[f. 53v.]


To set vpe the sacrament decentlie athissid Alhallon

To prouid a coopenon for working daies at thissid Estar

To haue the seylingnon downe over the sacrament and set vppe newe owt of hand

To prouid a paxe and a convenyent light abowt the sepulcre before Ester and light also afore the rood

To repaire the the [sic] channcellnon in tymbre tyle and stone with glase and all other thinges neidefull before Alhallon

The parrishioners to repaire the churche and church yerd and set vppe a hollie water stock before Michaelmes

To paint non a cloth for the rood lofte at thissid Estere


Rector Dominus Willelmus Mercer* Rectoriaex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi

Iconomi Robert Nethersole William Sutton* Parochiani Thomas Qussington William Nethersole

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do .]

Dieet anno predictis ... . subscribitur[rest as before]

Ffirste yt ys commannded to prouid a front for the vpper part of the altar painted and prouidsumefronntar ofsilknon with curtainesnon forthe same for the hollie daies

[f. 547.] To prouid a sepulcre and a frame to set lights vppon before the same before Lent

To prouid a faire image of Saint Michaell and a tabernaclenonagainst Ester and set him vppe before the same

To prouid a vailenon and a cloth for the roud against Lent

To prouid a light before the roud and a paire of sensers at thissyd Alhallon

* Adm . 20 Apr. 1543 (Cranmer, 388a, b) when William Hull succ him (Whitgift, 495b).

Died before 27 Nov. 1591 ,

Inhabitantin 1552 inventoryof church goods (A.C. , ix, 268).

"Sold one chalice to William Nethersolefor xls, bestowed about the reparacons of the church" (Ibidem)

[f. 54v.]


To repaire the chancell windowes and the neccesariis[sic] therof before Alhallon

The parishioners to repaire the church in all thinges neccesarys before Alhallon


Rectoria appropriataReuerendissimoDomino Archiepiscopo

Vicarius Dominus Richardus Sherrington*



[f. 55r.]

Bartholomeus Wattes

William Kennet

Jeronomus [sic] Robins

Willelmus Read maior

John Tuck

William Jenken

Christopher Lasheford

John Lambarte

William Gates

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et famile [sic] infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do ]

Die et anno prescriptis . . . . habetur [rest as before]

Ffirste yt ys comanded that the glase windowes be repaired with iron and glasse before Michaelmes

To paint the table holie or elles to make newe fronntes for the altar and fronntes bothe for the autar aboue and beneth with fronntes of sylk

To prouid ij faire altar clothes at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a pyne of tynne for the crismatory and cover for the holes of the same

To prouid a paire of latten candlestickesnon and a crosse at thissid Ester

To prouid an honest framenonfor the lights affore the sepulture with light before the rood and also a veile against Lent

To prouid a lampe lock and key for the fronnte and to sett vpp a hollie waterstock at thised Alhallon

To prouid a crosse clothnon of silk against Ester with a handbell

To repaire the channcell in all thinges neccesarye

To repaire the church in all thinges nedefull at thissid Alhallon and to prouid a lantarn owt of hand

* Adm . 11 Nov. 1524 (Warham, 382b)

[f. 55v.]

[f 56r ]

[f 56v]


Rectoria appropriata Domino Northe

VicariusDominusReginaldus Becke* etxiijlibri vj s . vicaria valet per annum

Iconomi Willelmus Carder

Robertus Symons

Parochiani Henricus Brockeman

Henricus Poishe

Thomas Knyght

John Hamond

John Marche

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] xl

Die et anno . iniunxit et mandauit etc.

To pauenon the channcell before Ester

To take doune the table from taltar and to erecte the altar with a stone or super altar before Alhallon

To prouid honest candlestickes for the hie altar and when the windowes be set vpe to set vpe the sacrament decentlie imediatlie

To paintnon the table vppon the highealtar decentlie with images and picturesnon of Christ

And to prouid sume nether fruntesnon of silk for holly dayes, and prouid a corprax cloth

To prouid ij newe altarnon clothes owte of hand and a grailenon of [sic] thissid Ester and an antiphonernon a thissid Cristemes

To prouid tapers before the roud and all reparations of the church neccesarye to be donne at thissid Saint Michaell

To prouid that the church wardens mak vppe the churche gatesnon at thissid Saint Michaell

To prouid to set vppe a hollwater [sic] stock at the churche dore and to mak meanes to haue vppe ye bell and build vpp ye rodlofte with spede

Memorandum that the landes given to the finding of Corpus Christi light ys in the Quenes Ma'esties hands to the value of vs per annum


Rector Dominus Johanes Dauie

Rectoriaex patronatu Dominus [sic] Johanes Ffogge militis

Adm. 4 Dec. 1546 (Cranmer, 402a). Died before4 Sept. 1564, when Owin ap Hugh succ. him (Parker, 366a).

Formula ends here ; rest as before .

John David adm 23 Oct. 1551 (Cranmer, 418b) HenryBaker adm 24 April 1570, through death of last incumbent, not named (Parker, 399a)

f 57r ]

Iconomi Jacobus Martin


Richardus Bright

William Robas

Johanes Honywodd

Thomas Halle

Henry Asshehurst

Thomas Palmer

William Writtell

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do]

Die et anno .... habetur [as Hougham]

Ffirst yt ys commanded that a syde altar be set vppe with a place prouided for the patron of the churche decentlie bysyd the altar


Rector Magister Ricardus Parkehurste * Vicarius Dominus Henricus Clarke vicaria valet x libri

Iconomi Joannes Spicer


Joannes Mylner

Robert Sloden

Joannes Lyon

Joannes Norton

Robert Note

Thomas Marche

Thomas Beane

Dauid Spicer

Christopher Spicer

Numerus parochianorum xiijxx

Die et anno prescriptis prealatus [sic] Dominus Archidiaconus visitauit ecclesiam predictam et parochianos eiusdem et vlterius processit prout superius[sic] describitur

Ffirste it is comannded that the church wardens to provide a side aulter a[sic] thissid All Sainctes

To payncte the tabell before the sacramente and a fronte for thalter paynctedfor the working dayes by All Sainctes

Richard Parkehurst, M.A., adm 23 Sept. 1526 (Warham, 391b) He died before 22 Apr. 1559, when Richard Fawcett succ (Post Mortem Poli, 16a). Fawcett deprived before 21 Sept. 1560 (Parker, 346a).

Called "George Clarke" in 1552 (A.C., ix, 284) Adm 5 May 1552 (Cranmer, 420b)

[f. 57v.]

[f. 58r.]


To prouid a chalice of syluer and a crosse of latten at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid conuenyent candlestickes and thre towelles at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a portesse and a lock and key for the fonnte at thissid Alhalon

To prouid a handbell and a clothe to cover the roud and a vaile against Lent

The churche wardens to repaire as wellthe pillers in the church as also ther windowesnon with glasse and all thinges neccessarye at thissyd

All Saintes *To repair and amend the blokyng in the glass wyndowes at thissid the xxiijth day of September next


Rectoria appropriata collegio Sancti

Martini [sic] Oxonie

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Carden qui xx libri habet

Iconomi William Stonnard Nicholaus Wrighte

Parochiani Nicholaus Ladd

Henricus Sander

Johannes Beane

Johanes Cotton

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum ve altaris recipientium et familie eiusdem parochie vijxx

Die et anno . . . . . prout sequitur [rest as Cheriton]

Ffirste it ys comannded that the churche wardens prouid to erecte a syd altar at thyssid Alhallon

[f. 58v.]

To prouid a fronnt of silke and another aboue thaltar of silk for hollydaies and another for working dayes at thissid Alhallon

To prouid an altarnon cloth with towellesnon for the prest and threenon ratchets § more at thissid

Alhallon with albe

To prouid a grailenon athissid Lent and a mend there coope for working dayes and there vestment at thissid Alhallon

* In a different hand and ink

For Merton College.

Died before 27 July 1577 , when John Maycowe succ , patrons being Merton College, Oxford (Grindal, 516b) A John Lamberd was curate at Elham in 1552 (A.C., viii, 146)

§ Rochets

To amend thenon picturenon of Our Lady at thissid Alhallon

To prouid covers of tynne for the crissemetory and mak a lock and key for the fonnt at thissid Alhallon

That the parson or the farmerto [sic] repairenon the channcellon in all thinges neccesarye athissedAlhallon

To prouid a clothnon and a desk with a handbell and that the parishioners do repaire ther church in althinges neccesarye and enclos the churchenon yerd non at thissid Alhalion

To prouid streamers against Lent with other neccessarys


Rector Dominus Richardus Ffourd* nuper coniugatus mulier eius habitat Cant'

Rectoriaex patronatuMagistri Coole et valetviij libri

Iconomi Christoferus Gaye generosus


Robertus Pett

Robert Jull

Andreas Harsfeld

Richard Ffyttell

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus [no number] vij

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parrochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos preconizatos ac comparentes actualiter visitauit ac visis ornamentis ac ceteris necessaryis quem [sic] vsui ecclesie et decori eiusdem fuerant preparata nec non articulis inquisitionispublice declaratis eisdem vero iconomis ac parochialis [sic] iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit vlteriusque processit prout inferius habetur

Ffirste yt ys commanded that the church wardens prouid an altarnon clothe before Alsaintes

To mak a fronnter clothe for the working daies and an otherfor the holly dayes before Christenmes

* John Lythall adm. 5 Nov. 1560 on death of last incumbent, unnamed (Parker , 346a). A Richard Ford adm to Selling, near Faversham, 7 Mar. 1558 (Post Mortem Poli, 15a), and died before 27 June 1560 , when John Avyn succeeded him (Parker, 234b) A Richard Ford adm. to Acrise 17 June 1525 (Warham, 384b), and to Appledore 22 Dec. 1537, which he resigned before 15 Aug. 1546 (Cranmer , 363a, 401b). A Richard Ford alsoadm to St. Peter's, Canterbury, 10 Aug. 1552 (Cranmer, 421a).

[f 59v]


To set vpp the sacrament owte of hand

To prouid an other crewetton before Alhallon

To prouid a sufficient masse book imediatlie

To prouid a surplis before Alhallon

To prouid a vailenon and a clothenon for the rood against Lent and towellesnon owte of hand

To prouid a cover for the cryssemetory immediatly and a holly water stocknon to beare abowte

To provid sume honest coope against Ester

To prouid sume tapers before the rood before Michaelmas

To prouid a lampenon before Alhallon

To prouid a conuenient cofer* with a locknon and a keyenon and a cloth for the fonnte before Allhallon

To prouid sensersnon before Christenmes

To prouid and repaire all tylenon work before Alhallen bothe for the channcell and churche and the stone work of the same to be repaired before Whitsontide

Memorandum that the parsonage ys almost doune [f 60r ]

The parsonys commannded to repaire thesame againe *Yt is repaired

To pave the ground before the highe altar before Alhallen

[f. 60v.]


Rector Dominus WillelmusDovinson non residet

Rectoria ex patronatu Magistri Digges et valet xx marc' Curatus Dominus Willelmus Thompson§ nuper coniugatus et mulier habet [sic] apud Cant' qui curatus desseruitcur' de Denton alternis vicibus

Iconomi Nicholaus Jesar

William Elgar

Parochiani Willelmus Ffourd senior

John Mullet

John Pilcher

Thomas Marten

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parrochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter mandauit et iniunxit vlteriusque processit prout inferius habetur [nonumber

* Cover.

In a later hand, the same insertor as under Lyminge. Dobynson adm to Wotton 12 Oct. 1537 (Cranmer , 362b) Resigned before 15 July 1560 , when John Samptpere succeeded (Parker, 344a) § He was also an ex-religious (see p 8)

[f. 61r ]

First yt ys commannded that the church wardens and sydemen to prouid a pyxe conuenient before Michaellmes

To prouid an other altar clothe before Ester

Memorandum to enquire for Sir Robert Howellthat robed the churche of Wotton

To prouid for the hollidaies fruntes non for the altars bothe aboue and beneth with curtensnon

To paintnonther candlestickesafteranhonest sorte

For the crose To inquire for Pullen the painter at Dover

To prouid a canapienon against Lent

To prouidsensers against Lentwith a clothnon forthe roud and an other towellnon

To prouid a lampe before Michaelmes

To prouid a vestementnon with thalbenon against Lent

To set vppe the passion patroninsume convenient place

To prouid tapers for to bren before the rood

To repaire the channcellaon and church in glasse and tyle before Allhallen

To repaire the stone worknon of the church before Whitsontid

[f. 61v.]

Paid nothing

To prouid a boule for hollibred immediatlie

Also yt ys commannded that Hughe Hobson be apprehended as sone as he retourneth

Memorandum that Master Diggeshadd so much v for the same lead of from the churche as was worth


[f. 62r.]

To prouid a crossenon before Ester


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo

Vicaria vacat per quatuor annos et valet ix libri cum pencionequinque marcarum que pencio est a retro et non soluta per duos annos

Thomas Fysher recepit fructusdicte vicarie per quatuor annos virtute sequestracionis sibi commisse qui habet comparendum Cant' die Lune proximapost festum Michaelis ad redendum compotum qui Fysher alligauit prout sequitur viz that he hath not above two yeres pencion in his hand which remayneth cleare for the next incumbent

Memorandum that Sir John Julian§ late vicar spoyled the church and hadd a bason and ewor and iron candlestickes and curtaines of sylk for the altar with thaltarcloth of satten and brydges and sensers

* Crossed out and ' patron ' inserted

TheEulogia,distributed aftermass

§ Adm. 13 Jan. 1545 (Cranmer , 398b). 13 July 1560 , when he was succ by John Bruges ?

Churchwarden1552(A.C., ix,283)

Died vicar of Bethersdenbefore Robson (Parker, 344a)

Iconomi Thomas Ffysher senior Nicholaus Munday

Parochiani Thomas Gray*

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Wotton]

[f. 62v.]

[no number] xiij

Ffirste yt ys commanded that another altar be set vpe a thyssyd Ester

Memorandum that the parishe haue promised to mak a faire table over thaltar before Our Lady daie in Lente

Also that the person repaire the channcell the sealing therof all to broken and the glasse windowes before Allhallon

To set vpe the sacrament decently when the table ys made

To prouid a cover for the cryssemetory and a pynne and that the hollie oyle be renued owte of hand

To prouid sensers a veile and a clothe for the roud a thyssyd Lente

To prouid two towelles at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a surples for the preste immediatly

To prouid a myssall a thissid Our Lady daie in Lent secundum usum Sarum

[f. 637.] To prouid a lampe at thyssyd Our Ladie daie in Lent and a canapie

To prouid another albe at thyssyd Our Ladie in Lent

To prouid a handbell and lightes before the rode and to mak a newe cover for the fonnte witha lock and key to the same

Memorandum that the vicar dyd serve his hennes in the onle holliwater stock

To prouid a sepulchre a thissyd Ester

To enclose the church yerd before Alhallen

To prouid to repaire the glase windowes and other neidfull repracons of the churche before Alhallen

[f. 63v.]


Rectoria impropriata Domino Ricardo Sakvile militi et valet

Vicaria vacat et valet ix cum xls soluend' per rector[em]

Curatus Dominus Nicholaus Knewstobe qui deseruit cur' de River Jxlibri

* Parishioner in Inventory of Church Goods, 1552 (A.C., ix, 283).

William Almonson adm rector 3 Mar. 1551 (Cranmer, 419b)

Died rector of Hardres Magna before 6 Apr. 1559 , when Thomas Wise succ him (Post Mortem Poli, 16a).

Iconomi Johanes Bencheley


Thomas Milles

William Clement

John Starke

Edward Holte

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium [nonumber]

Ffirste yt ys commanded that the sacramentnon be set vpe decentlie immediatlie

Also that the parson or his farmer do repaire and amend the glase windowes in the channcell and other nedefull reparacons vppon the same before Saint Michaell

To prouid another altar clothenon before Christemes

Memorandum ys not pauid nor never was as the parishioners do say

To prouid two fronntesnon one for the altar aboue and an other beneth with sume silke with curtainesnon before Christenmes

[f 647.] To prouid a crosenon cloth of sume light silke before Ester

To prouid towe for the crismatory with a stapple and pinne before Alhallon

To provid a cruetnon a surples and towelles before Alhallon

To mak a new *farrellon for the masse book and to prouid a lampe at thissyde Alhallen

To paintenon the rood Mary and John and patronnonof the church at thissyd Alhallon

To prouid a lock and a keynon for the fonnte at thisside Saint Michaell

Memorandum that William Almanson of Dovor be spoken vnto for the reparacions of the vicarydge which ys in great decay

To repaire the church porch and althinges neidefull before Saint Michaell

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit prout superius specificatur

[f. 64v.]


Rectoria appropriataReuerendissimoDomino Archiepiscopo Vicaria vacat per triennium sed curatus de Ewell deseruit cure altarnis vicibus

* A wrapper or cover

Richard Ham adm 26 July 1538 (Cranmer, 365b). Thomas Odingsell collated 17 Aug. 1560 (Parker, 344b)

Memorandum quod William Morres sequestrator fructuum vicarie dicit quod recepit fructus per quatuoranos qui habet in manibus suis remanentianon vltra

Iconomi Richardus Ffawkener Willelmus Chaundles

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris] }[nonumber] recipientium

Ffirste yt ys comanded that the stone nowenon lyeng vppon thaltar to be taken awaie and another to be laid vppon the same altar

To set vpe the sacramentnon decentlie when the windowes be repaired

Memorandum that the parishioners do say that Sir Partrick Browne ther late vicar dystroyed the table of there altar

To prepare a frontenon of sume light silk for the hollidaies with curtainesnon for the same

To send there chalicenon to Cant' to be hallowed and amended

[f 65r ] To provid a clothon for the roud against Lent and a paxenon of latten at thisside Alhallon

To prouid a lampenonat thissid Alhallon

To prouidanother albenonwithan amesonfor a vestement

To set vppe the rood Marie John and the patron of the church and paint the same at thissid Alhallon

To inclose the churchenon yerd at thisside Alhallon

To repai . enon the channcell in all thinges neccesarye at thisside Alhallon

To mak cleanenon and haue awaie the rubbishe of the side altar and newe whit limenon the wales at thissyd Alhallon

To set vpp lightesnon before the roud at thissid Saint Michaell

To set vppe a hollie water stocknon at the church dore

[f. 65v.]


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Vicarius nullus


Dominus Hugo Evans

Iconomi Nicholaus Hamond

William Byng Parochiani Henricus Byng

Thomas Smyth

Johanes Allen

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis . . . inferius habetur [rest as Ewell]

[nonumber] xvj

Ffirste yt ys commanded to prouid frunte clothes and curtaines for thaltars of sume silk or say against Lent and to amend the chalice owt of hand

To mak the candlestickes more cumlye at thisside

Saint Michaell

[f. 66r .] To prouid a veilenon and cloth for the roud against Lent

To prouid a towell and a cover for the crismatory and a lampe of thissid Alhallen

To prouid a coope a vestment and an albe against Ester

To prouid a conuenyent frame to set the lightes on abowt the sepulcre with a locknon and a key for ye funt

To repaire the churche in glasenon tyle and stone work at thissyd Alhallon

To repaire the channcellnon which is sore in decay

To mak a syd altarnon vpp at thisside Alhallen

InqueraturdeDomino Henrico Palmernonquomodotenet bona et possessiones hospitalis de Buckland vocat' hospit' Sancti Bartholomei ibidem

Inqueratur etiam de heredibus Johanis Bowle quomodo tenent bona hospitalis predict' Also yt ys commainded that John Peeres be apprehended

[f 66v]

[f 67r ]


[no entries]


Rector' impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant'

Vicarius Dominus Willelmus [sic] Hearyng *

Vicaria valet per annum tantum

Iconomi Nicolaus Reynard

Willelmus Elnor

Parochiani Ricardus Elgor

Johannes Durrannte

Ricardus Stronge

Robertus Beeke viij libri

Stephine Lukyne

* William Enyver adm 29 Oct. 1540 (Cranmer , 377b) Francis Redman adm. 9 Nov. 1562, on death of last incumbent (Parker, 358a).


Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie eiusdem parochie

[no number]

Die et anno predictis . . scribitur [as before] [do.]

Firste Richarde Elgar farmor of the parsonadge hathe in comandemente to repaire the channcell at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell nexte commynge

To provide fronntenon clothis for thaulter for hollidais withe the curteynes for the same

To provide a cover for the fonnte with loknon and keynon for the same

To amende and repairenon ther churche in all thinges nedefull at thisside Saincte Mighell

To provide a veilenon againste Lente and to provide a fayre boke of register for christenynges buryenges and weddynges

[f. 67v.]

Memorandum thatthe churche wardens have in comandemente to presente all those that will not vse the beades

Memorandum that the vicaredge is decaied and that the vicar annswerith that his living is so smalle that he is not able to do anny reparacions *not yet repayred

[f. 68r.]


Rector Dominus Willelmus Piat non residet Curatus Dominus Joannes Stone

Iconomi Valentinus Austen

Simon Wellis

Parochiani Joannes Baccheler

Willelmus Webbe

Willelmus Lucas

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie eiusdem parochie

Die et anno prescriptis [no number] [do.]

Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc visisque ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout inferius habeturetc

Firste to provide a convenyente lampenon and a crysmytoryenon

* Inserted in a later hand

Collated 29 May 1557 on resignation of HenryLatham (Pole, 72a, b) Samuel Harleston collated 2 Nov. 1568, on death of last incumbent, unnamed (Parker, 389a)


To provide a lockenon and a keynon for the fonnt

To provide clothis for the fronntenon of thaulter and curteinsnon to the same for hollidaies of silke

To prouide the [sic] that ther patrone be had within this twelmonthe

The parson to repaire his channcell at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell

To repaire the bodie of the churche at thisside the

feaste of Saincte Mighell *all repared saving the north side

To provide a handbellnon a lantarn a faire boke of register for christenynges buryenges and weddynges at thissid the feaste of Saincte Myghell

The parson or his farmer vnto whom the chardge apperteynith to repaire the channcell of Well at thisside Alhallontid nexte comyng


Rector Magister Henricus Latham non residet Curatus Dominus Willelmus Pyat

Iconomi Richardus Swinford senior Richardus Swinford junior Parochiani Griffinus ap John Jacobus Owen

Numerusparochianorumsacramentum altaris) }, recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber] [do]

Die et anno predictis . .. iniunxit prout inferius . est declaratum [rest as Ickham]

Firste to prepare a clothe for the fonnte and a lock and a key for the same

Memorandum that the parson doe amende the channcell at thisside Mighelmas and the weanscote ouer the sacramente

Likewise the parishoners to repaire the bodie of the churche against the feaste

To provide a whitenon albe and amysse and other thinges meate for a vestemente and a veilenon clothe againste Lente

To repaire the churche yard at thisside Sainct Mighell next comyng

Dominus Henricus Latham rector antedictus habet ad exhibendaslitterasdispensationis citrafestum Paschatisprox' aut ad personaliter comparendum Cant' proximo iudiciopost

* Inserted later in another hand (to end of line )

Resigned before 19 Sept. 1560 (Parker, 345b.)

ad causam dicendam quare super beneficio suo residere non compellatur * Non exhibitae sunt

Memorandum ther was a certeyn chappell belonging to the said churche pullid downe and spoyled by Roberte Ffordmyll Master Ciriac Petit solde the same chappell and land

To provide a portace for the churche


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant' Vicarius Dominus Johannes Willbore§

Curatus Dominus Thomas Sharland clericus nuper coniugatus et mulier eius habitat infra parochiam Diui Pauli Cant'

Iconomi Richardus Smythe

Thomas Bishoppe

Parochiani Thomas Hugham

Laurence Omer

Johannes Vffington

Johannes White

[f. 707.]

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie dicte parochie },[nonumber] [do.]

Dieet anno predictis . . .. prout sequitur[rest as Wickham]

Firsteto provide a lockenon and keyforthefonnte

To set vpe the sacramenteover the highe aulter a fronnte clothe and hangingesnon forthe hollidaies at thissid Easter

To provide a portasse at thisside Saincte Mighell

To paynte ther patrone of ther churche at thisside Alhallon

Respectuatur Memorandum that therroodeMaryand John benot of a suffycyente stature

[f 70v] The reparations of the of [sic] churche as well stone work as other to be don at thissid Alhallon And the parson or the farmer to repairethe ecclesieChristi channcellion inallpoyntes at thisside thesaidfeaste in onere

** Inserted in a later hand

This name and all of following line inserted in a later hand. Next Wingham. § John Willbore, S.T.B., adm 23 June 1545, alias Dygon (Cranmer, 395b). Resigned before 9 Apr. 1557 , when Gervase Lynche succeeded (Pole , 71b). Also resigned Minster-in-Thanet before 30 Sept. 1557, when Nicholas Wendon, M.A., succeeded (Ibidem, 73b , 74a)

The Latin here is uncertain, but probably is intended to mean "let it be respited" ? In another hand

[f. 71r.]



To provide thatther be another aulter to be setfurthe on the side of the channcellnon dore

Memorandum that the vicar provide iiijor sermonsyerely to mak in his saide churche

The vicaredg house to be repaired at thissid Alhallon


Rector Dominus Walterus Johnes

Iconomi Andreas Jode

Richardus Ffourde

Parochiani Thomas Redwood

Robertus Mette

Johannes Hatcher

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altarisibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis [as Wickham] [nonumber] [do.]

Firste to provide a lockenon and a key for the fonnte and a cruetnon owte of hand

The parson or his farmer to repairenon the channcell walles withe white lyme and all other thinges necessary to be repaired at thisside Saincte Mighell

The parishoners likewise have to repairethe churche at thisside Saincte Mighell

Memorandum that ther patronenonbe amended or els to by a newe

To provide a fairenon boke of register for christenynges buryenges and weddynges

[f. 71v.]

[f 72r]

To repaire the churche yard at thisside the feast of Alhallon almost repaired

The parson or his farmerto repairenon his mansion owte of hand And that the barnenon be builded vpe with suche spede as it maye that is to saye euery yere parte therof be buylded



Magister Gervasius Lynche§

* This village, formerly at the mouth ofthe Kentish Stour, is now several miles inland from the sea

Humphrey Chirdane was adm here 26 Aug. 1550 (Cranmer , 412a).

An order for the sequestration of the income of the rectory was issued on 14 May 1557 owing to the absence fromthe cure ofthe rector, WalterJones (Pole, 25a) John Flower , M.A., was adm . 8 June 1580, on the death ofthe last incumbent, not named (Grindal, 538b).

Another hand

§Adm . 6 Nov. 1550 (Cranmer , 412b). Resigned before21 Nov. 1580 , when George Joy succ him (Grindal, 544b) Twice rector of Preston next Wingham, viz. from 9 April 1557 (Pole, 71b) and 20 Aug. 1565 (Parker , He finally resigned Preston shortly before 18 April 1571 (Grindal, 374a) 519b)


Iconomi Johannes Carpynter

Parochiani Willelmus Gibbes

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictamiconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit etc prout sequitur

Firste to set vpenon the sacramente of thaulter decently

To provide a lockenon and a key for the fonnte

To provide a fronntenon clothe for thaulter at thissid

Saincte Mighell

To provide a cruet and to paynte ther candlestickes

To payntenon ther crosse and provide a crossenon of latten within twelmonthe

To provide a canapienon a veilenon clothe a crosse clothe against Lente

To provide a crismytorie and a patrone

To repaire ther channcell bothe in glasse and* all other thinges at thisside Alhallon and the farmor to repaire the windowes of the bodie of the bodie of the church at thissid the said feaste and the reste of the reparacions nedefull to be done apon the said church within twelmonthe


Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [f. 72v .] [no number] [do.]

Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Legato Vicarius Magister Willelmus Lynche clericus nuper coniugatus et mulier eius est apud Willingham in comitatu Essex

Iconomi Thomas Gibbes et Richardus Omer

Parochiani Johannes Broke

Stephanus Mote

Stephanus Soly senior Willelmus Penny

Siluester Golde

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et annos prescriptis . prout inferius scribitur [rest as Elmeston] [nonumber] [do]

"It was repaired and broken anewe " added above the line here in the same hand



Firste to remember that the supplicacion already delyuerid to my Lorde Cardynalles Grace be seen and perused whiche concernyth the state of ye parishe

To provide a fronnte for thaulter for hollidaies

To amende the cover of the fonnte and make a locknon and a keynon for the same against Mighell

To repaire the channcellnon as well in glasse as other repairatyions at thissid Alhallon [f

73v ]

To provide a canapie for the sacramente and a grayle and pynnes for the crysmatorie at thissid Alhallon

To provide a convenyente place at thissid Alhallon to set vp ther patron on

To buylde a newe aulter in Our Ladie channcell and to furnishe the same at thisside Alhallon

To make a newe booke for christenynges weddynges and buryenges

Memorandum that the vicar hathe comanndément to bord in some convenyent house and not in a comon ale house

STAPLE capella annexa ecclesie de ADDISHAM

Curatus Dominus Thomas Makeander* Iconomi Joannes Boll Parochiani Joannes Mesdey Willelmus Quilter Ricardus Tucker

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do.]

Die et anno predictis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc et visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout inferius scribitur

Firste to provide a lockenon and a keynon for the fonnte and fronteñonclothesnon ofsayefor the hollidaies at thisside Easter

To provide a portassenon and a grayle and a veile clothe at thisside Easter

The reparacions of the channcellnon aswell windowesnon as other and especyally the buttrissesnon of the walles to be done at thisside Alhallon nexte

Memorandum that the roode Mary and John and patron be not of a suffycyent stature

* Adm Blean 20 Feb. 1560 (Parker, 347b)


Memorandum that John Pettitnon and Eustacis widowe have granted xijd yerely rente to yssue owte of ther land called sextry* land containingiij re acres to thuse of the reparacions of the said church for euer and to be assured by dead from them at thissid Mighellmas nexte

[f. 74r .]

To repaire the churche in all thinges nedfull at thisside Alhallontide

The reparacionsnon of the mansion house to be don at thisside Alhallon

To make a newe booke of register for christenynges weddynges and burryenges

[f 74v.]


Rectoria impropriata Domino Henrico Palmer Curatus Dominus Robertus Charles

Iconomi "Willelmus Oxinden armiger

Ricardus Nethersole

Henricus Johnes

Matheus Welles

Parochiani Joannes Morrice

Willelmus Mathewe

Edwardus Morrice

Thomas Specheley

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do ]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout inferius declaratum est

Firste to take downenon the grave stone nowe apon thaulter at thisside Mighelmas nexte and that so sone and convenyently as it may be that ther be another provided and an aulter erected of full lenghte [sic]

To prepare a paire of curteinsnon of silke and a canapie against Lente

* I.e. sacristy.

There was a college of canons here, founded by Archbishop Peckham , of which there are still some remains, known as theCanons' Houses Blessed John Hale broke his leg here not long beforehis arrest and execution He was collated to the prebendof Retlyng on the resignation of Robert Woodward byArchbishopWarham on 13 May 1531 (Warham, 404b). Alan Maunsell succeeded to it on 21 May 1535 by reason of Hale's attainder (Cranmer, 355a, b) On Wingham church in Mary's reign see A.C. , xl, 131-40

Collated to Monkton-in-Thanet 4 Aug. 1552 (Cranmer , 421a)

[f. 75r .]


To prepare an aulternon to be set vpe in the side channcell at thissid Saincte Mighell

To provide a lampenon at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell nexte comyng

To provide a metenon fonnte to christen in and to have a lockenon and a keynon to the same at thisside Alhallontide nexte comyng

To provide a convenyente boke for christenynges weddynges and buryenges and duely observe the same Memorandum that the parishoners ther saye thatfrom the highe aulter to the inner parte of the chore doore is the hole chardge of Master Palmer to repaire

Memorandum that the parishoners have in comanndemente to repaire bothe the iles on the side of the channcell and to repaire the place wher the rood standith bothe glasse windowesnon and tymber worke so as the pytchions * do not com in against Mighell nexte commyng

The reparationsnon which arre to be don on the chardge of Master Palmer to be don at thissid the feaste of Alhallon

[f. 75v.]


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Legato Curatus Dominus Anthonius Rogers coniugatus mulier eius habitat infra parochiam de Wyngham

Iconomi Joannes Walker

Thomas Christian

Parochiani Willelmus Henneker

Johannes Ideley

Vincentus Boise generosus

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Johannes Johnson [nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis Archidiaconus predictus ecclesiamparochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauitetc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout inferius est expressum

Firste fronntenon clothis for thaulter for the hollidaies and a canapienon and a veilenon against Lente

The reparationsnon as tylyng and glasyngnon to be * Pigeons ?

Henry Bell collated 8 Jan. 1568 (Parker, 389a) George Gwyllym adm . 24 Feb. 1550 (Cranmer , 413b)

[f. 76r .]

[f. 760.]

don apon the channcell non at thisside Mighelmas and the reparations nedefull to be don apon the churchenon to be don at thisside the said feaste

To make a newenon booke of register for christenynges and to be duely kepte

To make a lockenon and a keynon for the fonnte

Memorandum that the vicaredgenon house is in decaye and that it maye be considered howe it sholde be repaired

Memorandum that the churche yarde is in greate ruyne and decaye bicause it is taken to be parcell of the inherytaunce of Christofer Neyvyson it cannot be repaired And yet the parishoners doe promisse to repaire the same ifthey maye enyoye as ther churche yarde

BARHAM capella annexa ecclesie de Bisshoppisborn

Rector Curatus

Ricardus Dovoriensis Episcopus Dominus Patricius Browne


Stephanus Laurence Willelmus Horne Parochiani Henry Halfepeny Willelmus Cullyng Stephanus Webbe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictamiconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauitetc et visis etc iniunxit et iudicialiter mandauit prout inferius habetur

Firste to provide a lock and a key for the fonnte and see the same cleanly kepte

To prouide a fronntenon for ther aulter bothe for above thaulter and benethe of some sylke or sey with curteines for the hollidaies

To provide candlestickesnon of latten and a crossenon of lattennon at thisside Easter

To provide a canapienon at thisside Easter

To provide a graylenonand iijre surplessesnon at thissid the feaste of Saincte Mighell

Barham[no number] [do]

[f. 77r .]

To provide a veile againste Lente

* Held by Nicholas Heath until before 27 March 1543, when , on his promotion to the bishopric of Worcester, he was succeeded by John Penven (or Penver), royal chaplain (Cranmer , 391b, 392a)

To provide a hollie water stocke at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell nexte commynge

To repaire the bodienon of the churche and the steple in all thinges necessarye at thisside Alhallon

To erecte an aulter in Our Ladie chappell at thisside Christmas nexte comyng

To provide coversnon for the crysmytorye

To provide a metenon booke of register for christenynges weddynges and buryenges and see that the same be duelynon kepte in a chestenon with too lockes wherof the prieste or parson of the parishe to have one keye and the parishoners thother

To set vpe ther bell within twelmonthe nexteensuyng

To provide a lampe and a lantern Memorandum that the cunstable hathe in comandemente to apprehehend one Roger a Nower * and bring hime before the King and Qwenes Maiesties comissioners at Cant Memorandum to admonyshe Jekis and his wif to appere before the comyssioners at Canntorbury recesserunt not presented Memorandum that ther is in the handes of Davyd Den xiij acres of landes whiche is chardgid with the paymente of iijs iiijd yerely to be bestowed in the saide churche apon an obite and thatit was given of that intente by the wif Lewes of Canntorbury and for the not observing therof the said Lewes maye reenter the same landes agayne He will not pay it without it be receveyd by lawe

[f. 77v.] To make the faces of the pictures in the glasse windowes white or els to take them cleane away and set in newe glasse


Memorandum thatJohn Broke gentilman dothe notvse to come to his parishe churche Wherfor the Reformatus parishoners have in comanndemente to give him admonission to com to his parishe churche and to go in procession and if he refuse to doo the same to apprehend him and bring him to the commyssioners to Canntorbury

Memorandum that John Broke the sonne ofthe said Broke did not receyve the sacramente this laste Easter Et postea in ecclesia parochiali de Bisshoppisborn personaliter comparuit dictus

* A not uncommon surname at this period. In another hand


Broke et fatebatur obiecta vnde Dominus Archidiaconus assignauit eidem ad confitendum reformatus * se presbitero die Dominica proxima et quod recipiat sacramentum et cetera agere secundumritus ecclesie etc et ad certificandum Cant' xxvijo die Septembris tunc proxime sequenti etc

Thomas a Deyn of Kingston bought of Master Ager [?] certayn land called ye churche park not presented to ye Kinge Andrew Longe hath iij akers of belrope land not presented xij akers of woodland in the handes of Dauid D ... of Adisham not presented and a howse for ye prest yt .... hath

[f 78r ]


Rector Dominus Robertus Russell -- non residet Curatus Dominus Ricardus Fforde clericus nuper coniugatus apud Acris et mulier eius habitat apud NorthgateCant' Iconomi

Parochiani Willelmus Aden Arkenwaldus Keis Vincentius Nethersole

Thomas Aden Jacobus Aden Richardus Rugley

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altarisibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis . [nonumber] [do.] iudicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur [rest as Barham]

Firste to provide an aulter clothe of lynnen for the hollidaies

To provide honestenon and comely candlestickes and a crosse of lattennon against Easter

To provide a veilenon clothe a cover forthe crysmytorie a hollie water stocke against Lent

The reparationsnon of the channcell to be don at thisside Alhallon and the reparationsnon of the bodie of the churche as els where and the porche to be don at thisside the saidefeast

* In another hand

In another hand in the margin and difficult to decipher.

Died before21 Sept. 1560, when John Butler succeeded him (Parker , 346a).


] [f. 79r .]


To prouide a handnon bell owte of hand

To buylde vpe another side aulter at thissid Easter and provide a lockenon and a key for the fonntenon

To kepe the booke of register duely The parsonadge is in decaye and that that[sic] is moste nedefull of the reparations to be don at thisside Alhallon and the reste to be don within twelmonthe


Rector Ricardus Episcopus Dovoriensis*

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Deacon clericus nuper coniugatus et mulier eius habitat infra parochiam de Stapleherst

Iconomi Joannes HopkynVincentius Hopdey Parochiani Vincentius Odley

Robertus Parker

Johannes Crowcher

Johannes Hearynge

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis . . . sequitur [rest as Kingston]

prout [no number] [do .]

Firste to provide some convenyente clothe of silke to hang the Blissed Sacrament over thaulter and too latten candlestickes at thisside Easter Per rectorem To provide curteines of sylke sutable to the fronnte clothes and to make some other fronnte clothes paynted for the workindais at thisside Alhallon

To provide a crosse of latten withe a clothe of silke for the same

To provide a canapie of sylke at thisside Alhallon

To provide another aulter in the side chaunncell at thisside Michelmas

To provide a veile againste Lente

To repaire the chaunncell at thisside Mighelmas in all poynctes

* Richard Thornden

Collated to Adisham, on resignation of above, 12 March 1557 (Pole, 76b) Resigned Betteshangerbefore4 Nov. 1564 (Parker, 367a) Resigned Adisham before 4 Nov. 1579 (Grindal, 532b), whenWilliam Smythsucceeded him Adisham held in conjunction with Staple

The parishoners to repaire the bodieof the churche and especyally the buttrisses of the steple and all other reparations to be don at thisside Alhallon

Memorandum that one Mistress Culpeper lyetheburyedwher the side allter sholde be set vpe

To provide a convenyente sepulcher at thisside Lente

To provide a locke and key for the fonnte

To repaire the vestry at thisside Alhallon

[f 80r]


Capella annexa ecclesie rectorie de Patrickesborn Curatus

Iconomi nullus


Robertus Chowchie

Laurentius Randall

Joannes Erle

Joannes Bargar

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis . . . . prout scribitur [rest as Bishopsbourne] -I[nonumber] [do.]

Firste to set vpe the sacramente decently so sone as the windowes be amendyd

To provide a lynnen aulter clothe and a fronnte for thaulter for the hollidaies of silke and curteins for workindaies at thissid Alhallon

To make a newe banner staf and a veile clothe against Lente

To set vpe a holly water stocke at the churche doore

To repaire ther churche and amende the glasse windowes at thisside Alhallon

[f 80v]

To provide a newe albe or too withe amysses

To paynte the roode Mary and John at thisside Alhallon

To provide a lampe and a superaltare for the side aulter withe other necessaries at thisside Alhallon

To provide a lantern for the visitacion of ye sicke*

To amende the roode lofte at thisside Alhallon and the piller standyng in the stone wall at thisside the feaste aforesaide

* The provision of a lantern is frequently mentioned Its purpose is here specified.

[f. 81r ]


To mak a locke and a key for the fonnte and to inclose the churche yard at thisside

Alhallon nexte comynge

Memorandum that the parishoners of Bridge doo require that ther saide chappell of Bridge may be appoyncted to be the hed churche to Patricksborn bicause as they saye ther saide chappell standithe in the myddest parte of the inhabitaunntes of bothe parishes and that Patricksborn standeth in thuttermoste parte of the dwellers of the too parishes verey farre owte of the waye


Rector Curatus


Ricardus Episcopus Dovoriensis

Dominus Thomas Wise*

Willelmus Kember

Joannes Austen


Richardus Austen

Thomas Marten

Thomas Austen

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis [as Bishopsbourne] [nonumber] [do .]

Firste to provide a lock and a key for the fonnte

To provide a newe stone for the highe aulter

To make vpe an aulter of Saincte Thomas in Our Ladie chappell at thisside Alhallon withe the furnyture

To provide newe fronnte clothis for thaulter at thisside Easter of silke with curtenes to ye same

To provide a veile againste Lent

To do all reparations nedfull to be don vpon the churche at thisside Alhallon

Memorandum that one Christofer Neyvynson that [sic] living like an hereticke and so dyeng lyethe buryed vnder the highe aulter

[f. 81v .] Memorandum that ther patron be amendid

* Collated to Bekesbourne 2 Dec. 1557 (Pole, 74b) Adm to Hardes Magna 6 April 1559 (Post Mortem Poli, 16a). John Austen appearsin Foxe's Book of Martyrs as an opponentofthe parish clerk (unnamed) and John Bland, a former schoolmaster and vicar of Adisham, who was burned at Canterbury on 12 July 1555. On the restoration the vicar of Stodmarsh was procured by the parishioners to say mass. During the service Bland denounced the mass and was put down by Thomas Austen, churchwarden , and the constable , his son-in-law .

[f. 82r.]


To cause the bonde over the rood lofte to be caste in color at thisside Alhallon

To make a faire booke of register for christenynges buryenges and weddynges

To repaire the channcell at thisside Alhallon

Memorandum that the parsonadge is in decaye and the parsonadge beyng let furthe to farme at suche an vnmete price that the farme that he receyvith will not suffice to pay the curate and other chardges and therfor thinckith him self not bound to the reparations of the same


Rector Dominus Ricardus Stertover * residet


Parochiani Thomas Craye

Willelmus Vewe

Richardus Mones

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

[no number] [do.]

[f. 82v.]

Die et anno [as before]

Firste to provide fronnte clothes and curteines of silke at thisside Easter for the aulter

To provide a veile for Lente

To provide a hollie water stocke at thisside Alhallon

To do all the reparacions of the windowes and all other abowte the bodie of the churche

To provide a crosse clothe

To provide a lockenon and a keynon for the fonnte

To make a convenyent beare to cary the dead bodies to the churche

To provide a register for christenynges weddynges and buryenges and to bekepte in a cheste with too lockes

To repaire the church yard at thisside Mighelmas

Memorandum that it [is] ordered that at suchetymes as the parson on Sondais or hollidais when he doth saye sarvice at Knolton shall give William Hamonde adm 4 July 1546 (Cranmer , 400b), and Thomas Edmond adm. 23 Oct. 1561 (Parker, 351a). Startover died r of Knowlton before 13 Jan. 1561 , when John Armetridginge succ him (Parker, 353b)

[f. 83r.]


warnyng to the parishoners of Chillenden that they maye resorte thither to sarvice the same dais


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Archiepiscopo Cant' Curatus Dominus Joannes Robynson* nuper coniugatus et examinatus dicit quod non habuit carnalem copulam cum muliere sua a tempore redintegracionis et rogatus per iudicem an velit prestare iuramentumetc recusavit etc

Iconomi Thomas Goodwyn

Johannes Castell

Parochiani Willelmus Haryson

Andreas Gardener

Stephanus Baylif

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem) recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno [as before]

Firste to provide a locke and a key for the fonnte

To provide a stonenon for the highe aulter

To provide a fronntenon for the aulter bothe aboue and benethe of silkenon

To provide a veilenon clothe for Lente

To repaire the chaunncell at thisside Alhallon

To repaire the bodie of the churche and the glasse windowes of the same a thisside Alhallon

To provide a newenon sepulcher

[f. 83v.]

[f. 84r.]

Memorandum that John Charles late of Lymynge scole master within the saide parishe of Nonnyngton

[A leaf has been cut out at this point.]

SANCTI NICHOLAI in insula de Thaneto mortuus est

Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Archiepiscopo Cant' Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem Reuerendissimi Vicarius Dominus Jasperus Hopkyns residet§

Iconomi Valentinus Everede Willelmus Paulyn

* John Melvyn, M.A., adm 26 June 1567 (Parker, 382b)

Restoration [?], i.e. of religion.

Another hand

§ Adm Westbere 4 Dec. 1539 (Cranmer , 373a)

Parochiani Johannes Sqwier

Johannes Mosrede

Henricus Abraham et Willelmus Kempe

To prouide too amysses to the too beste vestments and a vaylenon clothe citra Quadragesimale

To provyde a lantern for the vysitacion of the sicke owte of hand

To repaire the fonnte and provyde lockenon and keynon for the same owte of hand

To payntenon the roode Mary and John so sone as ther channcell is repaired

The churchwardens have in commanndemente apon ther othes to certifie at Canntorbury the certificatum* xxvijth daye of September by whom the erat Cant'/ chappell and vestry was pulled downe and abolisshed

That the churchwardens bryng in the saide xxvijth daye of September a true inuentory of all and singuler the goodes plate and jewellis as doe belonge to ther churche and and [sic] a true certificath by whom anny of ther church goodes hathe ben alienated

To provide curteins for the aulter at thisside the xxvijth daye of September nexte

[f 84v ]

There is no howse belonging nether to the vicar nor parson

To provyde a boke of register for the names of christenynges maryenges and buryenges and to make diligent searche for tholde

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do.]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos preconizatos ac comparentes actualiter visitauit ac visis ornamentis ac ceteris necessariis que in sui ecclesie et decori eiusdem fuerant preparata necnon articulis inquisitionis publice declaratis eisdem vero iconomis ac parochianis iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout superius declaratur

Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant'

Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem ecclesie et valet [no sum given] per annum [no

* Another hand.

[f. 85r ]


Vicarius Curatus

Magister Robertus Serles * non residet Dominus Georgius Pickard

Iconomi Libeus Orcharde et Parochiani Georgius Robynson et Robertus Smythe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

prout inferius habetur [rest as Nonnington ]

Die et anno .... gen generosi [no number] [do ]

Firste to provyde a superaltare owte of hande and to have ther side aulter consecrated To provyde a newe boke of register for christ nynges weddynges and buryenges

Memorandum that the church wardensdoe certifie at Cant non the xxvijth daye of September atwhose chardge the reparacions of the church yarde sholde be kepte

Memorandum that the glasse wyndowes of the channcell arre broken to be repaired by the cathedrall churche of Christe in Cant certificatum erat/

Memorandum that the vicaredgenon and parsonage howsesnon are in ruyne and decaye

Item ther is no hospitalytie kepte nether apon parsonadge nor vicaredge not repared

[f. 85v.]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant'

Vicarius Magister Johannes Wildebore §

* Resigned before 18 Dec. 1561 (Parker, 352a)

Adm . Sellinge , near Hythe, 12 Aug. 1558 (Pole , 81a).

Another hand.

§ Adm. 7 Feb. 1549 (Cranmer , 410a) Resigned before 30 Sept. 1557 (Pole, 73b) A.C. , xxv, 104, has " The following account of this vicar is given in Cooper's Athenae Cantabrigienses : He matriculated as a sizar of Michaelhouse in November 1546, was a memberof that college when it was absorbed in the greater foundation of Trinity College He proceeded B.A. 1550-1 , commenced M.A. 1554, and subscribed the Roman Catholic Articles 1555. On 17 April 1559 he was admitted Archdeaconof Suffolk, and in or soon after June 1561 was presentedby the Queen to a canonry of Norwich. He was admitted an Advocate of the Court of Arches 4 Oct. 1567, having previously commenced LL.D. in some foreign University , as is supposed He was Rector of Witnesham, Suffolk, commonly residedat Lounde inthat county, and was accustomedto appearin public in a cloak with a Spanish cape, having a rapier by his side In 1570 he was ejected from his canonry at Norwich for not being in orders , but was nevertheless allowed to retain his archdeaconry till 1575 , about which time he avowed himself a Roman Catholic, and went to Louvaine, ultimatelyproceedingto Rome He occurs in a list of fugitives for Religion dated 29 Jan. 1576-7 . "

Curatus Magister Gervasius Lynche* qui rectorest ecclesie parochialis de Elmeston

Vicariaex patronato predicte ecclesie Christi Cant' et valet per annum

Iconomi Johannes Sayer


no [nosum set]

Johannes Swynford

Willelmus Parker

Thomas Turnor

Robertus Wessynden

Johannes Beare

Galfridus Sandwell

Willelmus Mosrede

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

[f. 867.] [nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno predictis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout sequitur

To provide another corporas clothe

To provide a holly water stocke and set it vp at the churchenon doore

To amende ther sensors or make a newe paire

To provide too amysses albes and stooles for deacon and subdeacon

To provide a antiphonernon a legente non and a portassenon at thisside Easter nexte commynge

Memorandum that ther pictures of Maryenon and Johnnonand the patronenon of ther churche be not of a convenyente stature

Item all thinges necessary to be had in the churche to be provided at thisside Lente nexte

That the churchwardens do exhibite a true inuentorye of all ther churche goodes and a bill of presentmente of all the defectes within ther parishe thexxvijth daye of September next comyng at Canntorbury

[f. 86v ]


Rectoria in dispositione Domini Legati

exhibit' erat

Vicaria vacat per tres annos ex patronatupredicti Domini Legati et valet per annum

* See ante, under Elmeston. A legendary.

Another hand. [no sum]



Curatus Dominus Edwardus Saier nuper curatus de Grayne et ibidem coniugatus

Iconomi Ricardus Lamynge

Willelmus Sacket

Parochiani Anthonius Curlynge

Vincentius Colbrand

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie ejusdem parochie

[f. 87r .]

[nonumber] [do .]

Die et anno . .. . inferius scribitur [rest asbefore]

Firste that the farmers of the parsonage doe see that the glasse windowes and the coveryng of the channcell be repayred accordynge to ther lease

To provide a vaylenon and roodenon clothe againste Lent


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi

Vicaria valet per annum-[no sum set]

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Lawson residet

Iconomi Ricardus Sampson iunior


Thomas Hogland

Hugo Norwood

John Spracklen

Edwarde Reade

Robertus Graunte

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie eiusdem parochie

Die et anno predictis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc et visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout et inferius habetur

Firste to paynte the patrone and Mary and John at thisside Easter next commynge

[f. 87v ] [nonumber] [do.]

Rectoria impropriata Domine Regine

Near Gravesend in the diocese of Rochester . John Lawson adm. Eastry 31 Jan. 1557 (Pole, 76a). Deprived before 31 July 1561 (Parker , 350a).

Vicaria ex patronatu predicte Domine Regine et vacat et valet per annum

Curatus ibidem Dominus Thomas Sprinte

Iconomi Thomas Toddye

Laurentius Rigdon

Parochiani Johannes Lincolne

Willelmus Norwood

Henricus Pettit

Johannes Baker

Johannes Hewet et Willelmus Vylet

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nosum given] [no number] [do ]

Die et anno . . . . prout inferius scriptum est [rest as before]

Firste ther mansion of the parsonadgenon is in decaye and to be repaired by tharchbisshope Memorandum that therther is non is no boke of register kepte for chrystenynges etc. and that the church wardens have in comandment to provide one owte of hande

[f. 88r.]

[f. 88v.]

To provide a patrone of a sufficiente stature againste Easter

To provide too vestments sutable too coapes

To provide a newe corporas clothenon a veylenon clothe againste Lente

To provide an aulter clothenon against Lente

To provide a fronnte clothe of silke for thaulter


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant'/Estque capella annexa Monckton et valet per annum [no sum] Curatus Dominus Willelmus Myllis

Iconomi Ricardus Crispe

Johannes Cantes

Parochiani Johannes Alchorne

Thomas Legdon

Valentinus Cantes

Nicolaus Cantes

Henricus Pettit

Johannes Johnson

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [nonumber] [do.]

[f. 89r.]

[f. 89v.]

Die et anno ... . habetur [rest as before]

Fyrste to newe make the patrone of ther churche

To provide a veyle againste Lent

To repaire the bodie of the churche at thisside Alhallontid nexte commynge

To paynte the roode at thisside Easter

To provide a locke and a key for the fonnte

Die et loco predictis antefatus

Archidiaconus iudicialiter iniunxit Willelmo Mylles presbitero tunc presenti in iudicio quod non deinceps deserviet cur' predict' pro suspitione incontinentis vite dummodo se eiusdem criminis purgauit*


Rectoria impropriata Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem Reuerendissimi et valet per annum

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Hewet residet

Iconomi Jacobus Ewell

Thomas Cobbe

Parochiani Alexander Paramor

Mawricius Bredshawe

Ricardus Cobbe et Jacobus Cobbe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno . .. . est scriptum [rest as before]

[no sum]

Firste James Ewell on behalf of the Lorde Archbisshope hathe to amende the glasse windowes and to white lyme the channcell at thisside Mighelmas nexte commyng [nonumber] [do.]

The reperacions apon the leades of the channcell the stone worke of the wyndowes in the channcell must be duble rendered with lyme and sand to be don at suche convenyent tyme as it maye § They have begon to do the same and the rest shalbeowt ofhand

* A suspension. This church was pulled down unnecessarilyin 1809 . Adm 4 July 1538 to chantry of Our Lady (Cranmer , 365a). Then collated to the vicarage of Reculver, together with the annexedchapelry of Hoath, 12 July 1556 (Pole, 69a, b) Resigned before 10 May 1560 , when William Vele succ him (Parker, 343a)

§ This sentence in a later hand

[f. 90r.]

[f 90v]


There is a greate piller* decayed being parte of the chardge of tharchbisshop and parte the chardge of the parishioners to be repared owte of hand

To make vpe a side aulter of stone at thisside Easter

To provide a canapienon against Lente and a lamp owte of hand

To provide a manuell and to cause the bokenon to be amended at thisside Saincte Mignell next comynge

To provide a veyle for Lente a clothe for the roode

Memorandum that ther is noo register kepte for christenynges etc. and that the churche wardens have in comandemente to make a boke and delyuer the same to the vicar at thisside Saincte Mighell

The stonenon and leade workels begun ofthe bodie of the bodie of ther churche and the too steples whiche by estymacion of men will cost a hundred pound to be don at tymes herafter as convenyently it maye be don

To enclose the churchenon yarde at thisside Mighell

The vicar to begyne to repaire his vicaredge at thisside Christmas nexte


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Archiepiscopo

Vicarius Magister Robertus Chernwood non residet et est ex patronatupredicti Reuerendissimi valet per annum

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Veyle

Iconomi [no sum ]

Ambrosius Dod Willelmus Ouende[n ?]

Parochiani Willelmus Consent

Thomas Roose

Roberte Bongior

Roberte Roose

Radulphus Knoller

John Knoller

Numensparochianorum sacramentum altaris} recipientium et familie

* Probably the Saxon cross mentioned by Leland Crossed through

[no number] [do .]

James Perce collated 5 March 1561 , on deprivation of Mere , last incumbent (Parker, 354a)

f. 917.]

[f. 91v.]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc visisque ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout inferius habetur

Firste to builde vpe a side aulter at thisside Easter

To provide fronte clothes for the highe aulter and curteinsnon of silke at thisside Easter

To provide a corporas clothe at thisside Easter

The channcell is in decaye to be repairedno by the Lorde Archbisshope

HOTHE capella annexa Reculver Curatus

Iconomi nullus Ricardus Kennet Willelmus Paramor

Parochiani Richardus Knowler Robertus Dod

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno predictis . . . . iudicialiter [nonumber] [do ]

iniunxit prout inferius est expressum[restas Chislet]

Firste to provide an aulter clothe and to prepare fronnte clothes for the aulter bothe for hollidaies and workyndaies at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell next commyng

To provide a crossenon of latten againste the feaste of Alsainctes

To provide a patrone of ther churche

To paynte the roode Mary and John at thisside Easter

To to [sic] provide towelles for them that doo receave against Easter

To amendenon the brokennon borde over the roode

To provide a boke of register

To provide lokenon and keynon for the fonnte

To provide a veylenon clothe againste Lente

Quibus die et loco comparuerunt inhabitantes de Hothe predicti et roga uerunt vt vicarius de Reculver ad curam dicte capelle compellatur in presencia dicti vicarii allegantis se de cure [sic] non teneri et ex parte sua exhibuit quedam

[f. 92r.]


scripturas et munimenta pro exoneracione sua de dicta cura Vnde parochiani siue inhabitantes predicti susceperunt in se ad exhibendum citra vicesimum septimum diem mensis Septembris proxim' alia instrumenta per que apparebitipsum vicarium teneri ad deserviendum cure ibidem etc in presencia dicti vicarii petentis se relaxari vnde premissis ponderatis iudex assignavit vicario ad comparendum Cant dicto xxvijo Septembris ad audiendam voluntatem suam super peticionem predictorumparochia norum etc.


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Archiepiscopo Cant' Vicaria ex patronatudicti Reuerendissimi et valet per annum

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Johnson* residet

Robertus Dod et Robertus Sethe Iconomi

Parochiani Willelmus Reynolde

John Fyrmynger [no sum]

Nicolaus Allyn Anthonnie Hickes Edwardus Anselme

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie dicte parochie

[f. 92v] [nonumber] [do]

Die et anno .. . . habetur [rest as Hothe]

Firste to make vpe a side aulter of stone

To paynte the roode Mary and John and the patrone of the churche

To provide an antiphoner at thisside Easter

To provide a hand bell

To amende ther glasse windowes and the sealyng of the side channcell at thisside Easter James Nottyngham hath in comanndemente to be in the chore to helpe furthe Goddes sarvice with singinge on Sondeis and other hollidais

Quibus die et loco parochiani ibidem rogauerunt vt vicarius compellatur ad providendum vnum presbyterum idoneum ad adiuvandum celebrare divina in dicta ecclesia predicta in presencia dicti John Bridges collated 21 Dec. 1562 (Parker, 358b)

vicarii dicentes se non teneri vnde parochiani habent ad probandum xxvijo die Septembris predicto quod ipse sic tenetur

Willelmus Hawlet preconisatus in iudicio ac coram prefato Archidiacono iudicialiter ac pro tribunali sedenti publice et irreverenter blasphemauit nomen Dei vnde dictus Dominus Archidiaconus pro comissis suis in ea parte penitentiamcondignam eidem assignauit peragendam in ecclesia parochiali de Herne die Dominica tunc proxime sequenti more in hac parte et consuetudineetc Et ad certificandum Cant' proximo die iuridico tunc sequenti de penitentia peracta

[f 93r]


Rector Magister Thomas Stenes * non residet

Curatus Dominus Ricardus Davys coniugatus apud

Walfersoke in comitatu Suffolk mulier eius est infra parochiam

Iconomi Thomas Lunce

Johannes Helman [Pauli Cant'

Parochiani Robertus Hawes

Johannes Yonge

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem recipientium et familie eiusdem parochie

[f. 93v.]

[nonumber] [do.]

Die et anno . . . . sequitur [rest as before]

Firste to provide a aulter of stone at thisside Christmas nexte commyng

To provide a decent thing to set vpe the Blessed Sacrament withall

To provide a lampe at thisside Saincte Mighell nexte comyng

To provide fronnte clothes for thaulter bothe for the hollie daies and workyndaies

To provide a patrone of ther churche

To paynte the roode Mary and John

To prepare a sepulchre

To provide a towell for them that receyve at Easter

To provide a register boke for christenynges buryenges and weddynges

To prepare a veile clothe for Lente

To amende and repaire the channcell and churche in all thinges at thisside Easter

To provide a better cover for the fonnte with locke and key for the same

* Ancarus Bright adm 7 May 1546 (Cranmer, 400b) George Bassett adm on his death before 16 June 1564 (Parker, 365a).

[f 94r.]


Stephyne Ffowle farmer of the parsonadg hathe in comandement to begyne to repaire suche nedefull reparacions as arre to be don apon the mansion howse this yere and the nexte yere to repaire the same thoroughly

Memorandum that the channcell be repaired at thisside the feaste of Alsainctes nexte commynge


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Legato Curatus Dominus Willelmus Coope

Iconomi Willelmus Littilwoode Richardus London

Parochiani Johannes Smelte senior

Thomas Roger

Johannes Marshe

Johannes Hall

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie eiusdem parochie

[f 94v .]

Die et anno predictis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc visisque ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout sequitur

Firste to prepare a veyle

To paynte the roode Mary and John and the patrone of the churche at thisside the feaste of Alhallontide

Memorandum that thereparacions ofthe chaunncell tobe don owte of hand

To repaire the bodie of the churche at thisside Alhallontide nexte

To prepare a paire of sensors at thisside Alhallontide nexte

To prepare a clothe to put abowte the pixe wher the sacramente is The parishoners require that they maye yelde vpe their offerynges as fower vsuall dais


[f. 951.] [no number] [do]

Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant' Vicarius Dominus Hugo Lamberte*

* Adm. on deprivation ofThomas Sevier23 June 1557 (Pole, 72b) Lewis Harvey adm 22 June 1569 (Parker, 394a)


Iconomi Hamon Piers

Johannes Stanforthe

Parochiani Joannes Porte

Christoferus Selherst

Richardus Athawe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

et familie infra dictam parochiam [no number] [do.]

Die et anno .... prout inferius scribitur [rest as Whitstable]

Firste to prouide an aulter of stone

To prouide a pixe and a lampenon

To sarve the crismytory withe oyle

To provide too fronntes non for thaulter

To prouide a crosse of latten

To payntenon the roodenon Mary and Johnnonand the patronenon

To provide a banner

To provide a sepulchre

To provide a handnon bell and lanternenon

To provide a sensor

To provide a booke of register for christenynges buryenges and weddynges

Memorandum that the bellis arre stoolen

Memorandum that the parishoners have to provide allthinges on ther parte to be provided and to prepayre ther churche at thisside Alhallon next comyng

The vicar to repaire the channcell and the vicaredgenon houses from tyme to tyme as convenyently he maye

Memorandum that the parishoners have in commandemente to erecte too bellisnon in the steple with so convenyente speede as they maye be had for the money

[f. 967.]


Rectoria impropriata Magistro Willelmo Swerder

Vicarius Dominus Georgius Higges residet

Iconomi Thomas Myles

Roberte Wekes

Parochiani Willelmus Fulsnape

Willelmus Churche

Willelmus Killigrewe

* Written xxoferus'

Adm. Harbledown chantry30 Sept. 1524, and to Blean 24 Aug. 1526 (Ibidem, 382b, 391b) Resigned before 16 Nov. 1541 , when William Okyngfolde succ (Cranmer, 383b) Readmitted and had died before 17 Jan. 1558 , when Thomas Huycke succ (Post Mortem Poli, 14a).

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam [no numbers]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc realiter visitauitetc et visis ornamentis etç iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout sequitur

Firste to provide a veyle for the choore in Lente and another for the roode

To provide a locke and a key for the fonnte

To paynte the roode and Mary and John againste Saincte Mighell

Memorandum that Thomas Bolton hathe in comanndemente to paye yerely to the churche vjs viijd vntill the the[sic] summe ofxxvjs iiijd by [sic] owing to the saide churche be fullie paid

To repaire the bodie of the churche at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell nexte comyng

Memorandum that James Chapman doth with holde from the churche an acre and dimidium of hollie breade lande

[f 96v]


Rectoria ex patronatu [blank]

Rector Dominus Ricardus Crosse* Iconomi Willelmus Goldfynche

Georgius German Parochiani

Richardus Ffoule

John Okingfolde

John Parker

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altarisibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus [no number] [do ]

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit visisque ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit pariter et mandauit prout inferius habetur

recipientsparochianorumsacramentum altaris ibidem} et familie infra dictam parochiam

Firste to provide a clothe for the roode againste Lente

Collated 16 Nov. 1534 (Cranmer , 353b) Robert Mowbray collated on his death 15 Nov. 1557 (Pole, 74b)

[f. 97v]



To provide a locke and key for the fonnte

The parson to amende the channcell windoes and the selyng of the rouff of the saide chaunncell over the highe aulter ther at thisside


To repaire the bodie of the churche at thissid the feaste of Saincte Mighell nexte commyng


Rectoria impropriata Domino Cheyney militi

Vicarius Dominus Jacobus Bromley nuper vicarius de Teryng in Sussex

Iconomi Johannes Stookis

Johannes Claryngboll '

Parochiani Johannes Nethersole

Willelmus Denwood

Petrus London

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altarisibidem recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

S[no number] [do.]

Die et anno .... prout sequitur [rest as Harbledown]

Firste to paynte the roode Mary and John and that the patrone of the churche be made like the Ladie of Assumption and paynted at thisside the feaste of Alhallon

To amende the silke abowte the sacramente and to make pynnes for the crysmytorie

To make newe fronnte clothes for the aulter bothe above and benethe withe curteynes to the same of silke for the hollidaies

To amende the masse boke or els by a newe

The farmer viz Peter London to do all reparacions aswell suche arre nedefull on the channcell of Bridge as Patrickesborn at thisside

Saincte Mighell nexte commyng

[f. 98r .]

To provide a locke and a key for the fonnte and a lanterne to visit the sike

The vycar to repaire his vicaredge house within one yere nexte folowing

To repaire the churche yarde at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell nexte commyng

To repaire the bodie of the churche and the glasse windowes ther in all thinges nedfull at thisside Saincte Mighell nexte comynge

To make a newe cover for the fonnte and set vpe a holliewater stocke at the churche doore

Memorandum that ther lease made the xxiijthe yere ofthe reigne of Henry theighte for fourtie and one yere to John Bowle from the Prior and covente of Marten colledg by whiche saide dyuyse the saide prior is chardgid to paye all subsidies all deaues and other money to the Kyng and to the Archbisshope and to the vicar and to repaire aswell the channcells and howses of Patrickesborn as Bridge

Memorandum that theris one pention of vj libri yerelydue to the vicar with holden by Syr Thomas Cheyney knighte now proprietary of the said benyfice

[f. 98v.]


Rectoria impropriata ReuerendissimoArchiepiscopo Vicarius Dominus Marmaducus Smythe*

Iconomi Alexander Harlakinden generosus

Johannes Pirrey

Parochiani Joannes Kember

Henricus Cryppyn

Willelmus Greder

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem) recipientium [nonumber] [do.] et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno supradictis . .. . prout sequitur [rest as Harbledown]

Firste to remove the stone that is apon the aulter and to ley it in the place wher it was

And that they doo edifie an aulter of stone accordyng to the former comanndemente at thisside the feaste of Saincte Myghell

To provide som competente fronnte clothis for the aulter to be vsid the hollidais

To provide a corporas clothe

To provide a hollie water stocke to be set vpe at the churche doore

[f. 99r .]

To provide a newe cover for the fonnte and a locke and a key for the same

Memorandum thatthe reparacions ofthe channcell to be don at thisside the feaste of Saincte Mighell

To provide a hand bell at thisside Easter

To prepare a boke of register for christenynges buryenges and weddynges

To provide a veile clothe for Lente and a clothe for the roode

* Thomas Wise collated 2 Dec. 1557, on death of the last incumbent (Pole, 74b) Henry Larke collated 19 Aug. 1563, on resignation of Peerse (Parker, 361b). The Lenten veil parted the chancel from the nave.

Memorandum that they have had no sermons thistwelmonth but exhortacions by the vicar

The vicar to repare the channcell from tyme to tyme as nede shall requier

Memorandum that the churche wardens have in comanndemente to presente all those that goo not in procession nor will vse ther beades on the Sondais and hollidaies

[f. 99v]

[f. 100r.]


Memorandum that the chappell is vtterly decayed and that the tithes belonging to the said chappell arre wurthe yerely x libri

Memorandum that ther weare too bells whiche arre also taken a waye by whom it is not certenly knowen but it is thought by Master Isaac


Rectoria ex patronatu Domini Archiepiscopi Cant'

et valet per annum

Rector Dominus Willelmus Guye non residet xl marc'

Curatus Dominus Johannes Girdeler


Johannes Maytam

Johannes Dowtie

Parochiani Henricus Clerk generosus

Robertus Wise

Johannes Gervise

Johannes Morley

Willelmus Peerse

Ricardus Mede

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iniunxit mandauit et processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that the communion table be removed and the side alter to be made of stone before All Saintes

* In Ickham. There are still some remains of this chapel. Collated to Biddenden 31 Jan. 1559 (Parker, 341a) Thomas Pett collated to Woodchurch 4 May 1564 on death of last incumbent, unnamed (Ibidem, 364b). Guy, in his will, proved 5 May 1564, describes himself as chaplain to the Marquis of Winchester

This curate died in office and left 6s 8d to Woodchurch to buy an antiphoner (Notice in Church).

To enlarge the best fronnt for the alter beneth and to prouide curteynes for the same before All Saintes

To paynte thenon table of the alter and to prouide a fronntnon of silk for the alter above before All Saintes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locknon and keye

That the challice and patten to be amended before Michaelmas and that the churchewardens cause the same to be hallowed

[f. 100v ]

To prouide convenient towelles for the alter before Michaelmas

To prouide a corporas with a case before All Saintes

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before Michaelmas

To prouidevj on rochettes desunt to serve thequirebefore Michaelmas

To prouide a vele a clothe for the roode and couerynges for the imagyes before Lente

To set vpp a lampe before Michaelmas

To repaire the churche in all thinges before All Saintes

That the churcheyarde be decentelie enclosed immediatelie and so to be kept

To prouide a handebell before All Saintes and a mattocke before Michaelmas

Also it is commannded that the churchewardens doe warne the wife of John Wytherlie to appere atCannterburie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas reformata daye, becaus she refused to receve the sacrament before she traiveled

Detections mortuus

Detectum est quod Willelmus Baker deposuit vxorem suam qui evocatus ad iudicium fatebatur obiecta quem Dominus monuit ad recipiendam vxorem suam et tractandam eam maritali affectione

[f. 101r]


Rector Dominus Thomas Oliver§ Rectoria ex patronatu [blank] et valet xij libri

Curatus Dominus Jermanus Liffove

Iconomus Stephanus Essex

Parochiani Edwardus Harris

Ricardus Chawlker

Crossed out. Willelmus Essex Thomas Salman

For burials. In another hand

§ Adm. Kingsnorth 25 May 1552 (Cranmer , 421a), and 21 July 1557 , on deprivation of GeoffreyAstley (Pole, 73a) warde adm to Kingsnorth 7 Oct. 1574 (Parker, ii, 102b) in Kingsnorth church .

to Shadoxhurst William HareOliver is buried

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam iiij xx xxiiij

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout sequitur

Firsteit is commannded that they makeanalter

ofstoneand tomake asidealternon with furniture *theysayththere before All Saintes is no rome/

To set vpp the sacramente decentlie oute of hande

To prouide two fronntes for the alter of seyenon above and beneth with curteynes of the same before Allsaintes

To prouide a patten of silver for the challice before All Saintes and the curate to seye no masse after the same tyme without

To prouide a corporas before Allsaintes

[f. 101v ]

To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

To prouide two crewettes before Migaelmes

To prouide towelles for the priest handes before Allsaintes

To prouide a crossenon of latten before Easter

To prouide latten candelstickes before Allsaintes

To prouide a sepulcre with a convenient framefor the light before Lente

To amende their cope owte of hande

To prouide a vestment with an albe for the woorkingedaies

To make a decente close cover for the fonnte and a lynnen cover before All Saintes and to kepe the fonnte vnder lock and keye

To prouide banners and streamers before Rogacion weeke

To prouide a paier of censures and a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the channceillnon and the churche in necessarie reparacions before All Saintes and to repaire the same thoroughlieby Whitsontide

To repaire the personagenon before Allsaintes

That the churcheyardenonbe decentlie inclosed and so kept

To make vpp the roode lofte before Christmas

To prouide a hollie water stoppe of latten before Michaelmas

* In another hand

[f. 102r .]

To prouide that the olde stock be set vpp before Michaelmas

To prouide a lantern before Michaelmas

To prouide a handebell a shovell a mattock a spade before All Saintes

To prouide a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

To prouid a convenient light before the roode

To pave the channceillnon immediatlie

[f. 102v .]

Rector Dominus


Thomas Oliver*

Rectoria ex patronatuMagistri Johannis Baker militis et valet per annum

Iconomi xl libri ix s

Willelmus Aishehurst

Robertus Cloke

Parochiani Humfridus Clerck generosus

Johannes Chawlker

Thomas Cloke

Willelmus Bolden

Egidius Brette§

Thomas Wattes

Johannes Cloke

Willelmus Wilstone

Willelmus Noble

Michael Aishehurst

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus 1}vjxx

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that the crismatorie be kepte vnder lock and keye

To prouide a paxenon of latten with the image of the crucifixe before Allsaintes

To make a close noncover for the fonnte with a locke and a keye and a lynnen cover for the same before Allsaintes

[f 103r]

To prouide a lampe before the sacramente at thisside Allsaintes

Adm. 25 May 1552 (Cranmer, 421a). Died before 8 June 1588 , when William Horwood succeeded him (Whitgift , 478a).

Also in 1552 (A.C., ix, 276)

John Chalcroft [?] a parishioner in 1552 (Ibidem) § Also in 1552 (Ibidem). Crossed out

To repaire the channcell in sealinge before Easter

To sett vpp a hollie water stopp within the churchedoor

To prouide a lanternnon before Allsaintes

To prouide a cover for the deske before Michaelmas

To prouide a shovellnon and a spade before Michaelmas

Also it is comannded that Michaelon Aisherst cause his children to be confirmed before Michaelmas and to make certificate thereof the Twesdaie after Michaelmas daie at Cannterbury

Also it is commannded that Giles Brett doe remove his stoole out of the procession way [f 103v ]


Rector Dominus Willelmus Marchall Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini

Cant' et valet per annum clare non residet

Archiepiscopi / xxvij libri

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Colman


Willelmus Rooke§ Edwardus Pledger

Parochiani Michaell Buntinge

Laurentius Colman

Robertus Graungeden

William Knetchebull

Willelmus Anselme

Robertus Kennett

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum CCC altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus 1}

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that the churchewardens do charge the widowe of Rooke to deliuer agayne the copenon of the church or ells to appeare at Cant the Twisdaie at Michaelmas day at Can

Crossed out

Apparently an error ? A William Marshal died before 13 Dec. 1549 , and was succ by Maurice Gyttyns , M.A. (Cranmer , 410a) John Whiting was collated 30 April 1564 on last incumbent's death (Parker, 364a).

Also in 1552 (A.C. , 282).

§ A George Rooke parishioner in 1552 (Ibidem) Pen through.

To prouide a canapie of silke fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

[f 104r]

To prouide a latten ewer before Michaelmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

To prouide a locke and a keye for the fonnt before Michaelmas

To repaire the steplenon in shingle and tymber before Whitsontide

To enclose the churcheyardenondecentlie before Allsaintes and so to kepe the same inclosed Also it is geven in commanndemente to the farmer (who is bounde by his lease to repairethe parsonage ) that he repaire the same and especiallie the barne which is in greate decaye thorougehlie in all poinctes within this tyme twelvemoneth and also that he mak certificat everie quarter what reparacions is don apon the same

Also it is commannded that Henrie Adamsnon do marrie with Henrie [sic] Daunsterbefore Christmas or elles the churchewardens to mak certificat therof


Willelmus Pantrie detectus de crimine adulterii cum Elizabeth Howlet dictus Pantrie personaliter comparens fatebatur crimen cui Dominus iniunxit penitentiam canonicam more penitentisin ecclesia parochiali peragendam die Dominicaet ad certificandum die Lune proxima apud Aisheford quo die adueniente personaliter comparuit dictus Pantrie et certificauit se peregisse penitentiam juxta monitionemsibi factam etc et sic dimittitur

[f. 104v ] Also it is commannded that Michaell Smithe doe carrie fortie lodes of stone to the mendynge of the highe wayes within this twelvemoneth accordinge to the testamente of William Ffagge or elles the churchewardens to make certificate therof

Detectum est quod Margareta Grigbee non debite frequentat ecclesiam et evocata ad iudicium personaliter comparuit et fideliter pro se et familia sua promisit quod debite ad ecclesiam accedet et reverenter se ibidem geret in omnibus etc quod si non perimpleuerit iconomi et parochiani habent ad certificandum etc

Marginal note in another hand

*non reformata

[f. 105r]

Also it is commannded that the churchenon wardens and parisheners doe make a dewe certificate to what vse the chappell in the churche yard was employed and also to certifie whoo pulled down the same


Rector Dominus Robertus Gare*

Rectoria ex patronatu ecclesie Christi Cant' valet per annum



[f. 105v.]

Johannes Dunse

Petrus Essex vij libri xs

Willelmus Michell

Hamond Admond

Andreas Marten

Johannes Ffynnett

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus >Ixviij xxj

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout inferius habetur Firste it is commannded that they prouide two fronntesnon for the alter of silke or seye with curteynesnon to the same and the image of the crucifixe in the same fronntes before Christmas

To prouide a copenon for the halliedaies before Easter

To prouide an albe for the best vestmente before Christmas

To prouide a lampenon before Allsaintes

To amende the closure of the churcheyard before Michaelmas and to prouide a lantern before All Saintes

To prouide a shovell a spade and a mattocke before Christmas

To painte the tabernable [sic] (that standeth void) with the image of Our Ladie of Pittie before Christmas

To repaire the channceill and the churche in glasinge immediatelie and on other thinges before Michaelmas

To prouide a locke and a keye for the fonnte before Michaelmas

* Died before25 March 1560, when RogerAphowell succ him (Parker , 342a, b)

Warden 1552 (A.C. , viii, 111)

[f. 106r]


Rector Dominus Johannes Porter* vnus ex minoribus canonicis in ecclesia Christi Cant' qui non desseruit cur' sed eandem inofficiatam reliquit Rectoria ex patronatu Thome Kempe militis] et valet per annum }xxiij libri

Iconomi Johannes Weston Ricardus Bollinge

Parochiani Georgius Carter David Yonge

Willelmus Thompson

Thomas Clerk

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum131xx altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [rest as Brook] 1 xxiij

Firste it is commannded that they set vpp a sidenon alter with furniturenon before All Saintes

To prouide fronntesnon for the alter above and beneth for the woorckingedaiesnon ofpayntedcloth with the image of the crucifixe in the myddes before All Saintes

To prouide a footenon of silver and gilte for the challice before All Saintes and the priest to saye no masse after the same daie excepte it be provided

[f. 106v.]

To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

To prouide a corporas case before All Saintes

To prouide a canapie of silke or seye fringed with convenient staves before Lente

To amende the crossenon clothe immediatelie Memorandum that their patrone is not of a decente stature but they saye it is the same that they were wonnte to have

Also it is commannded that the churche wardens doe enquire of the canapie of lawne for the sacramente and to make certificat therof apon

Sonndaie next

To kepe the fonnte vnder locke and keye and to prouide a cover of lynnen for the same before Michaelmas

To prouide a lampenon before Allsaintes

To set vpp the hallie water stoppe within the churche door before Michaelmas

* Deprived before 12 Nov. 1560, when Adrian Waterdale succeeded (Parker, 346b) See also History ofMaidstone, by J. Russell (1881), p. 102

f 107r]

To prouide a lantern before Michaelmas and a cover deske with a cover before Allsaintes

Also it is ordered that the parisheners goe one half to Wye to churche and the other halfto Waltham vntill they be prouided of a curate Also it is ordered thatthefructes shalbesequestered excepte the parson prouide a curat


It is lettenfor1 yeres

Rectoria olim impropriatamonasterio de Battell et nunc in manibus Reuerendissimi Domini

Archiepiscopi Cant'et/dimissaest ad firmampro Also there be two barnes besides letten for

no sum set]

Vicaria ibidem fuit impropriata collegio ibidem et magister collegii pro tempore existentiae fuit vicarius

Memorandum that the vicaradge howse was pulled downe by Master Walker beinge master of the colledge

Also the colledge§ howse is in the proper` custodie of Master Damsell who dwellith in Aldermanburie in London and he hathe lxxxlibri also so muche of the colledge landes as be worth yerelie


Also he hath had the vicaredge thies sixe yeres and is bounde by his lease to geve xvij libri yerelie for the findinge of two priestes to serve the cure wherof he doth geve nyne poundes yerelie to one priest whiche serveth the cure there To remember to speakwith thesame Master Damsell to see the writinges of the colledge

[f. 107v.]

Memorandum that the seide MasterDamsell is behinde for the other viij poundesthies threeyereswherof he hathgeventotheparish towardes the reparation of the church vj libri xiij s iiij d/

Also it is ordered that Sir Thomas Sothebie nowe curate there shall have xij libri yerelie for servinge the cure vntill they have an other priest

Curatus Dominus Thomas Sothebie

* Crossed out. In margin legati above the line. §Wye College was founded as a college for priests by Cardinal Kempe in 1447. He was born at Olantigh in the same parish For the persistence of recusancyin Wye throughout the sixteenth century see A History of Wye Church and Wye College, by C. S. Orwin and S. Williams [no date], pp. 77-89. Sir Thomas Kempe of Olantigh and his third wife, Lady Mordaunt , were noted papists: Richard Dryland, gentleman, and his wife , William Clifton the schoolmaster , Ingram Martin, and several others, also refused communion and upheld the Catholic religion

Also in 1552 (A.C., xiv, 305) Buried 11 July 1560 (A.C., xxviii, 318)

Iconomi Willelmus Glover

Willelmus Payne

Parochiani Thomas Sarles

Gregorius Brett

Robertus Alard*

Rogerus Kingesland*

Willelmus Prowde

Johannes Adeale

Willelmus Sharpe senior

Johannes Mylles

Thomas Sharpe

Ricardus Hawk

Willelmus Nightingaleg

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauitetc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout superius specificatur atque inferius habetur

Videantur responsiones [?] in /billaexhibita

Firste it is commannded thattheyprouide a cloth for the roode before Lente Memorandum that the payntinge of the rode Marie and John Sainte Gregorie and Sainte Marten is respited by reason of the greate chargies of the churche

f 108r]


To prouide a locke and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the channceill sealinge within this twelvemoneth and to be repaired in glasse and to be made winde tighte and watertighte before Allsaintes

That the churche be repaired in glasinge and otherwise so that the pigeons may be kepte out before Allsaintes

* Churchwardenin 1552 Parishioners 1552

Presented with his wife at Archbishop Parker's visitation in 1569 for not receiving communion (Orwin and Williams, p 77)

§"We present William Nightingale and his wife for persuadingcertain [sic] to withdrawthemselves from the religion nowestablished , saying that ministers, naming them priests, ought to live married to their books , not to their wives" (Parker's visitation, 1581 , cited O. & W., p 81). The italics are ours

In left margin.

f 108v ]

To make cleane the imagies that be blotted in the glasse windowes before Michaelmas

That the steple* be buylded before Michaelmas com twelvemoneth

That the churcheyarde be sufficientelie enclosed and so decentlie kept

That all the tymber be carried oute of the churcheyarde excepte it be for the reparacions of the churche before Michaelmas

To prouide a decente and a conveniente light before the roode before Allsaintes

Also it is commannded that from hensforth there be no gammynge vsed in the churcheyard

That the churche wardens doe make their inventarie perfect before Michaelmas


Detectum est quod Stephanus Giles non frequentat Reformatus ecclesiam diebus dominicis et festivis acpersonaliter comparens fatebatur negligentiam suam etc quem judexmonuitquod debite accedatadecclesiam etquod reverenter ibidem se gerat

Also it is commannded that the bochers doe not Reformati kepe open their shoppes apon the Sonndayes and halliedaies in the tyme of the devine service

Ricardus Allen Reformati Johannes Egerden personaliter in iudicio constituti moniti sunt per Dominum Archidiaconum quod post hac / debite accedantad ecclesiamet quod ibidem reverenter se habeant

Nicolaus Arden personaliter in iudicio Reformatus constitutus monitus est quod non confabulet in ecclesia tempore diuinorumsed reverenter se habeat Alicia Bowreman detecta est de crimine incantacionis ac personaliter in iudicio constituta negauit obiecta in presencia Thome Pratte accusantis dictam Bowreman et dicentis quod dictaAlicia vsa est eademarte vizwith red netteles blewe cloth and certen woordes, for he saith that his brother beinge greved in his arme with ache could finde no remedie for the same who was willed to obteyn her good will etc wherapon he the seide Thomas Pratte with his brother came vnto her husband and spake vnto her and willed her to leave her wiche crafte and inchauntemente vnto whome she saide if ye saye so I will be even with yowe

* Fell down in 1686

The churchwardens ' accounts of Wye are preserved in the Old Book of Wye from the end ofthe fifteenth century.

[f. 109r .]

Whiche woordes the seide Alice denyed cui

Dominus assignauit ad purgandam seseptima dieLune apud Aisheford postea vero dicta Alicia ad tacta sacrosancta Dei evangelia iuramentum prestitit quodnumquam eadem arte vsa est vnde iudex ob certas causas iustas et legitimas dictamAliciam cum monitione de se bene gerenda dimisit

Detectum est quod Petrus Honnye debet ecclesie de Wye xxvjs viijd ac evocatus ad iudicium fatebatur obiecta quem iudex monuit ad soluendam dictam summam modo et formasequenti viz. that he doe strike all the lightes* ofthe churche till the seide monney be paide

[f. 109v.]


Rectoria impropriata nuper collegio de Wye et

reformatus nunc in manibus Willelmi Damsell militis et valet xxiiij libri per annum clare

Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem Willelmi Damsell et valet per annum vj libri vs

Vicarius Dominus Hugo David Iconomi Thomas Abarrowe

Nicolaus Monnd Parochiani Thomas Austen Gilbert Dodd Willelmus Marchall-

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus [nonumber]

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit atque processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that they prouidea velenon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

That the channceill be repaired in glasinge before Michaelmasand insealingenon beforeChristmas

That the churche yarde be well inclosed and so kepte

[f 110r ] To prouide a lantern before Michaelmas

To prouide a spade and a shovell before Michaelmas

* I.c. mould the candles , Adm . 3 July 1545 (Cranmer, 396a)

Died before 9 Nov. 1558 , when David Cotton succ him (Pole, 82a)



To amende the *channceill seate in the channceillnon before Allsaintes it is 111

To amende the grate windowe in the church on the southe side before this tyme twelve moneth andthe resideweofthe reparacions of the *reparacions(thorowly churche to be done before Allsaintes amended

[f. 110v ] CAPELLA de CHALLOCK

ecclesie de Godmersham annexa

Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Domino

et valet per annum

Archiepiscopo Cant' xv libri

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Thompson qui desseruit cur' alternis vicibus quia fructus est tam tenuis quod vicarius curatum invenire non potest

Johannes Owre Iconomi


Henricus Clerck

Johannes Hawker§ Ricardus Lecknor

Willelmus Gibbes

Miles Browne

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam 1}clxx 1

Die et anno . . . . et processit prout sequitur [rest as Boughton]

Firste it is commannded that the parisheners goe to churche parte to Molashe and the residewe to Eastewell vntill they have a priest

To prouide that there be a side alter in Our Ladie channceill before Allsaintes

Memorandum that there is a howse belonginge to the curat payinge iiijs yerelie to the churche and the parishe findinge the reparacons

[f. 111r]

None of their owne

To prouide a challice and a patten ofsilver but one ofSir Thomas before Christmas

Moiles To prouide an alterclothe of lynnen before Allsaintes

To prouide a fronnte for the alter beneth for the workyngedaies before All Saintes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

To prouide a corporas before Allsaintes

To prouide curteynes of silke for the alter before Allsaintes

* This word crossed out "non non" crossed out over "in the . "

Resigned before 23 February 1561 , when William Kyns succeeded (Parker, 354a).

§ A silver cross belonging to the chapel in his keeping in 1552 (A.C. , viii, 127).


To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before Michaelmas

Also it is ordered that Richardnon Lecknor deliuer to the churche a copenon and a vestmente of blewe velvet before Michaelmas and he to receve of the parishe xxs and the churchewardens to make certificat therof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas day at Cant

To amende the blewe vestmente and to prouid an albe with two amissies before Allsaintes

To prouide a lampe before Michaelmas

To prouide a streamernon before Rogacon week

Also it is ordered thatthevicar serve two Sonndaies at Godmersham and one Sonndaie at Challock

To repaire the channcellon in all poinctes before All Saintes

[f 111v.]

Also it is commannded that the churche be thoroughelie repaired in all thinges before Allsaintes

Also it is commannded that Master Mockett doe render a true and perfecte accomptes of his sequestracion the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cant

To prouide a vele and couerynges for the imagies and a cloth for the roode before Lente

To amende the couer of the fonnte before Michaelmas and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

[f 112r.]


Rector [no name given]

Rectoria ex patronatu Thome Moile militis et valet per annum

Iconomi $}xx" marc'

Joannes Andrewe

Thome [sic] Willie Parochiani Joannes Jurdaie

Willelmus Clerck

Johannes Downe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Willelmus Sharpe CX xviij et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Boughton]

* Christopher Mataras rector in 1524 (Warham, 387a) He died before 14 Oct. 1557 , when Hugh David [see ante , under Boughton Aluph] succeeded (Pole , 74a) David died before27 May 1559, whenClementGregoriesucceeded (Post Mortem Poli, 16b)

Godfrey Jairden mentioned as late churchwarden in 1552 (A.C. , viii, 144). Churchwardenin 1552 (Ibidem).


Firste it is commannded that they set vppnon a side alter with furniture before All Saintes

To repaire the sealingen of the channceill before All Saintes

To prouide an alter clothe of lynnen before Michaelmas

To prouide two towelles more before Michaelmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnderlock and keye

To prouide a crosse clothe of silke before Christmas

f 112v ]

To prouide a vele and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a locke and a keye for the fonnte and a cover of lynnen for the same before Michaelmas

To prouide a lampe before Michaelmas and a streamer before Rogacion weeke

To repaire the bodie of the churche in all poinctes beforeMichaelmasand toenclose the churchyarde""* by the same tyme

To provide a couerforthe deske an ewernon a bason and a shovell before Michaelmas

[f. 113r.]


Rectoria olim impropriata monasterio Sancti Augustini

Cant'et nuncin manibus ReuerendissimiDominiArchiepiscopi Cant'

Vicarius Dominus David Cotton olim coniugatus et mulier habitat in diocesi Oxon'

Iconomi Willelmus Turner

Johannes Wattes

Parochiani Willelmus Philpotte§

Ricardus Braye

Johannes Duston

Willelmus Whit

Walterus Hoker

Thomas Raynold

Johannes Kempe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die at anno [as before]

Firste it is commannded that the channceill non be repaired in glasinge and shingle and the buttres and the walles of the same before All Saintes and the sealinge to be repaired before Easter 'non' crossed out. Inserted in another hand Eustace Frencham collated 23 Aug. 1563 (Parker, 36la, 362b).

§ Also in 1552 (A.C., ix, 275).


[f. 113v .]

To set vpp a side alternon furnished in Sainte Katherynes channcell before All Saintes

To prouide two alter clothes of lynnen before All Saintes

Also that the churchewardens exhibite a perfecte bill of all suche ornamentes of the church as were deliuered to the commissionersin Kinge Edwardes *reformat' tyme

None oftheir owne but one belongingeto Eastewell

To prouide a challice and a patten ofsilver immediatelie viz before All Saintes

To prouide an other crewett non before All Saintes

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and beneth for the woorkinge daies of payntedclothe with the image of Christe in the myddes before All Saintes

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and beneth for halliedaies of silke or seye with curteynes before Christmas

Toprouide a crosse oflattennonwitha crosse clothe of silke or seye and a conveniente staffe before Christmas

To prouide a canapienon of silke or seye fringed with conueniente staves before Christmas

To prouide a conveniente cope before Christmas

Toprouide a velenon and coueryngesnon forthe imagies and a clothenon for the roode before Lente

To prouide a cover for the fonnte of lynnen before All Saintes

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnt immediatelie

[f. 114r .]

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the vicaredgenon in all thinges before mydsommer

To prouide a lantern a handbelland a coveringe for the deske before Allsaintes

To prouide a basonnon and an ewer before Allsaintes

To prouide a clothe for the challice before Michaelmas

To repaire the bodie of the churche in all poinctes before Allsaintes

[f. 114v ]


Rectoria impropriata Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem et valet xij libri

Vicarius Dominus Christoferus Badcock non residet

Curatus Dominus Robertus Anthonye

olim coniugatus sed iam mulier mortua est

* Another hand

Henry Mainwaring was collated 28 October 1546 (Cranmer, 402a) Also vicar 1552 (A.C., xiv, 298) ChristopherBadcockresigned before9 May 1561 , whenRobert Maksted succ (Parker, 349a) See also underDoddington, Bapchild, Tonge, and Canterbury, Westgate, which he resigned before 21 Sept. 1560 (Ibidem, 346a).

[f. 115r .]

None but a tankerd

Iconomi Ricardus Lydden

Ricardus Austen

Parochiani Ricardus Baker

Simon Iddenden

Johannes Lambert

Gregorius Tailor

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as before]

Firste it is commannded that they put the olde alter stone apon the alter agayne

To prouide an altar clothe of lynnen before All Saintes

To set vppe the sacramente* decentlie before Michaelmas

To prouide curteynes for the alter of silk or seyenon for the halliedaies and fronntes for the woorkingedaies of paynted clothe before All Saintes

To prouide a corporas case before Allsaintes

To prouide a hollie waterstoppe of latten before Michaelmas vnder payne of fortie shillinges

To prouide a conueniente sepulcre with a frame for the lighte before Lente

To painte the roode Marie and John before Christmas

To prouide a velenon a clothenon for the roode and couerynges for the imagiesnon before Lente

To prouide one bannernon one streamer"on and to amend the other before Rogacion week

To repaire the channcell which is greatelie in decaye before Allsaintes

To prouide a mete clercke before Michaelmas

To repaire the bodie of the churche in all thinges before Allsaintes

To prouide a cover for the deske before Michaelmas

To make cleane the imagies on faces that be blotted in the glasse windowes immediately Memorandum that the vicaredgenon howse is greatelie in decay

The following entry is from the Inventory of 1552: " Item yt the pyxe was sold to John Taylorfor five shelyngs the ounce for to pay Jeram Oxunbrege of Canterburye for helyggeMarye Hovendens legge sold by John Sharpe and Robert Myllynthe pyxe weingix onces sold forxlv s.theseconde of August anno 1552" (A.C. , xiv, 298) non' crossed out.

[f. 115v.]


Detectum est quod Alicia Crosbie de Kennyngton non frequentat ecclesiamac personaliter comparens fatebatur negligentiam suam et humiliter se submisit vnitati ecclesie et ordinacioni iudicis etc quem iudex monuit ut posthac diligenteraccedat ad ecclesiam et reverenter se ibidem gerat


Detectum est quod Hugo Hatche de eadem negligenter venit ad ecclesiam qui personaliter comparens negligentiam suam fatebatur et se humiliter ordinacioni iudicis et vnitati ecclesie submisitetc

quem iudex monuit ut supra

Anna Bauberie detecta est de crimine fornicationis


*reformata ac personaliter comparensfatebaturobiecta cuiDominus assignauitpenitentiam canonicamperagendammore penitentis etc die Dominicaproximain ecclesia parochialietc et ad certificandam per iconomos die Martis post festum Michaelis Cant'

[f. 116r]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie cathedrali Roffensi

Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem ecclesie

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Ffuller*

Iconomi Edward White generosus

Thomas Basenett

Parochiani Willelmus Woodward

Johannes Aishurste

Richardus Nethersole

Henricus Quested

Johannes Mylhall

Johannes Wattes

Joseph Witte

Robertus Lympster

Robertus Halle

Johannes Evet

Edmundus Gotelie

Willelmus Padnoll

Thomas Newstret

Hugo Michell

Johannes Ffrench

Ricardus Cooper§

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum1} altaris recipientium

* Another hand ve xlt'

Die at anno [as before]

ThomasKnellminister in 1552 (A.C., viii, 102) ThomasPettadm on resignation of John Fuller 24 July 1571 (Parker, 404b)

Churchwarden 1552

§ Sold some of the church goods by authorityin 1552 .


116v .]

[f. 117r .]

Firste it is commannded that they take vpp the alter stones that lie in the churche and put them in som conuenient place

To make vpp two side altersnon with furniture before the feaste of Allsaintes

To make cleane the windowe ouer the highe aulter before Allsaintes

To prouide an vpper fronnt for the alter of silke with two curteynesnon for the same before Allsaintes and a paier of curteynesnon for the woorckingedaies by the same tyme

To prouide a faier corporas case with clothes before Allsaintes

To prouide a newe crismatorienon of latten or tynne before Allsaintes

To prouide a crosse of copper and gilt before Christmas

To prouide two newe surplessies for the quire and fower rocchettes before Allsaintes

To prouide two hole antiphoners two grailes and two hymnalles before Allsaintes

To prouide two albeswithfannelles* for the priestes and other thinges thereto perteyninge before Michaelmas

To prouide an other vestment with albes and fannelles for the deacon and subdeacon before Allsaintes

To paynte the patrone of the churche before Allsaintes

To prouide a convenient lighte before the roode accordinge to the quantitie of the churche before Allsaintes

To prouide a newe velenon a clothe for the roode Marie and John and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte and to amendethe channell of thefonnt before Michaelmas

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the channcell thoroughliebefore Allsaintes

That the churchwardens and sidemen doe make a cesse concerninnge the furniture of the churche and the reparacions of the same That the churcheyarde be sufficientlie enclosed before Allsaintes and so to be kept

Also that the vicargeve commanndementnonthatno man drive anny cattell thoroughe the churchyard under payne of excommunication

* Maniples


To prouide two candelstickesforthe hersenon and to serve at mariages

To prouide a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

To prouide a cover for the deske of lynnen in the quire before Allsaintes

To prouide a shovellnon a mattocknon and a spadebefore Allsaintes

[f. 117v .]


Detectum est quod Margareta Geoffrie recusauit contemplare sacramentum tempore elevationis que Margareta personaliter comparuit quam iudex absoluit a sentencia excommunicationis prius contra eam lata et promulgata prestito prius per eam juramento ad tacta


Dei evangelia ad parendum iuri et mandatis ecclesie acdeindemonuitDominus dictamMargaretam prout sequitur viz that appon Sonndaie nexte in the masse tyme she should sitte in the myddes of the channcell apon her knees havinge beades in her handes and devoutelie behaving her self and that at the tyme of the elevacion she shall devoutelie and reverentelie woorshipp the Blessed Sacrament and to make certificat therof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daie at Cannt also the like commanndement was geven to Johane Masterson presented for the like

Ricardus Morcote

Anna Sewell


[f. 118r.]

detectiquod non receperunt sacramentumetc acpersonaliter comparentes judex monuit ut inferius habetur vizthatapon Sonndaie or Sonndaie com seavenight they shall penitentelie confesse them selfes to the vicar and then reverentlie received [sic] the Blessed Sacrament ofthe aulter and to make certificat therof the Twisdaie after Michaelmasdaie atCant


Rector Dominus Willelmus Barker* Rectoria ex patronatu Domini Archiepiscopi

Iconomi Ricardus Sotherenden Ricardus Wood

Parochiani Johannes Spice

Thomas Pixe

* Collated on resignationof Ralph Wright 1 May 1556 (Pole, 67b , 68a). Resigned before 22 Sept. 1558, when Nicholas Morton, S.T.B., succeeded him (ibid., 81b).

Surenden Dering in Pluckley parish preserves this name

f. 118v ]

Stet [f. 119r.]

Johannes Butcher

Robertus Bacheler

Johannes Marketman

Willelmus Poste

Willelmus Kingesnoth

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium 1} >ccxx

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauitetc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit atque processit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that they sett vpp a side alter with furniturenon convenient before Allsaintes

To make inquisition where the altar stones non became and to what vse they were put and to make certificat therof

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and beneth of silke or seye with curteynes for the halliedaies before Christmas

To prouide two towellesnon for the priestes handes before Allsaintes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

To prouide a boxe or a purse convenient to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke before Allsaintes

To prouide a corporasnon case with a clothe before Allsaintes

To prouide a paxenon of lattenmad with the image of the crucifixe before All Saintes

Memorandum that Wood and Sotherenden doe appeare at Crannbrok apon Satterdale next vnder payne of five poundes becaus they made [sic] the pax

To prouide a canapie of silke or seye fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To prouide a crosse of latten with the image of Christe before Christmas and to set the image of the crucifixe vppon the crosse that they have immediatelie

To prouide a conveniente frame for the sepulcre lyghte before Lente

To prouide a grailenon and a convenient cope before Allsaintes

To prouide an albenon with all other apparrell for the white albe before All Saintes

To set vpp the image of Saintnon Nicolas decentelie before Michaelmas

To prouide a conveniente lighte before the roode

To prouide a velenon and couerynges for the imagiesnon before Lent

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnt

To prouide bannersnon and streamers on convenient before Rogacion week

To prouide a paire of censures before Allsaintes

Theparson is

bound so todoe

[f. 119v.]

That the person prouide a lampe to burne before the sacrament at thisside Allsaintes

That the person doe set vpp the seatesnon on bothe sides of the quire before Allsaintes

To repaire the channcellnon ouer the roode lofte before All Saintes

That the farmernon make vpp and repairethe parsonage barne before All Saintes

To set vpp a hollie water stoppe at the churche before Allsaintes

Memorandum that there hath bene but one sermon this yeare except suche as the parson made wherin he dothe chafe with his farmer


Firste it is presented that Bournes wife received at the parsons handes after Easter before masse and mattens and so departed from the church Wherapon the parson is commannded to appeare at Cannterburie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas day to here further order therin

It is also presented that the parson cannot be founde mannytymes for christeninges and burialles by meanes wherof sometymes childrenhave remayned vnchristened by the space of iiijor daies Also it is commannded that the bosholder doe apprehend the wife of John Hart and others whoise names are conteyned in a bill and beinge suspectedof heresie and also to bringe them to Crambrok apon Satterdaie next Also it is commannded that thies persones folowing beingesuspectedof heresiebe secretelieapprehended and brought to the Kings and Queens comissioners

Henrie Harte iam mortuus [same hand]

Johannes Anowre

Nicholas Hugge Fabiit Fabiit Fabiit

*reformata *reformatus *reformati and one Hatche

In the margin and in another hand.

Thefrequencywith which this insertion appears after suspected heretics suggests there was no great anxiety to arrest them on the part of the authorities



Rectoria diu vacauit

Memorandum that there be but two householdes in the parishe with the parsonage house wherof one is adiacente to Pluckeleye and the other to Litle Charte and the parson of Pluckeley hathe of the tithes for servinge xl s yerelie

Memorandum that Master Brente and Master Deringe had all the ornamentes and belles

Memorandum that the parsonage isworth)viijlibri yerelie

f. 120v.]


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicaria expatronatu eiusdem Reuerendissimi Domini xviij libri Archiepiscopi et valet per annum cum onere Vicaria vacauit per quatuor annos

Curatus Dominus Johannes Julian§ olim coniugatus et mulier habitat Cant'


Edwardus Milkested Laurentius Twesnoth Parochiani Stephanus Glover

Gregorius Taylor

Thomas Brissenden

Willelmus Turnor

Willelmus Glover

Robertus Wetherenden

Thomas Gibbons

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauitetc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit atque processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that they sett vpp a side alteron with furniture before Allsaintes

United to Pluckley 28 Jan. 1584, ThomasBrente, armiger, beingthen patron of the church of Pevington The church was so ruinous thatfor 40 yearsno service had been held there; norwas thereany rectory house (Whitgift, 459a, b)

Richard Witson adm 17 Feb. 1530 (Warham, 404b)

John Atkinson vicar 1552 (A.C., viii, 106).

§ Adm to Lydden 13 Jan. 1548 (Cranmer , 398b) Died before 13 July 1560, when John Robson succeeded him at Bethersden (Parker, 344a). 'non' crossed out.

To prouide two fronntesnon for the alter benethe of silke for the halliedaies before All Saintes with curteynes to the same

To prouide covers for the crismatorie immediatelie and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

[f. 121r .] To prouide a challice and a patten of silver before Allsaintes and the curate not to mynister withoute after the same tyme

To prouide a clothe to wrappe the challice inand twotowelles for the priesteshandes immediatly

To prouide a convenient boxenon or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick

To prouide a corporasnon case and a clothe before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapienon ofsilk fringed with convenient staves before Lente

To prouide a crosse of latten or copper with the image of the crucifixe before Christmas

To prouide a newe massenon book before All Saintes

To prouide an albe with thapparrell and to paynt the roode Marye and John with the patrone of the churche decentelie before All Saintes

To prouide a velenon and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

Also it is commannded that the churche wardens bringe ther crosse their pale and their surples to Crambrok appon Satterdaie next

To prouide a bannernon and astreamer beforeRogacion week

To set vpp the seatesnon in the lefte sid of the quire as they were in tymes paste at thissid Allsaintes

[f. 121v .] To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes and a convenient light before the roode

Memorandum that the wall of the channceillnon is lik to fall downe oneles the buttres therof be amended

To set vpp the vestrie with the assent to the alter as it was before Christmas and William Austennon to restore the stuffe therof the parishners payinge him his monney agayne

Memorandum that Sir John Atkinson late vicar pulled downe the kitchen of the vicaredge who dwellith nowe in Suffolk with his woman

To enclose the churcheyarde before Michaelmas

* Pen through and ' a' inserted above

A slip for 'paxe'?

Also it is commanndedthat Swannebe attached * He was attached and broughte to the next commissioner quia recusat venire ad ecclesiam et recipere sacramentum etc

Also it is comannded that Watermannon doe mak a perfect accompt of his sequestracionto the parishners before Michaelmas

Also it is commannded that John Wetherden doe appeare at Cannterburie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye to shewe a cause whye he shall not be compelled to restore a challice to the church which is gon by his negligenc

**Queratur vbi moratur

Katherina Ffissher est vehementer suspecta de crimine incantacionis etc

Memorandum that there was a supplication made to my Lorde Cardinalles Grace sithens Easter that the curate may be vicar


[f 122r] * reformatus

Rector Dominus Johannes Tailor

Rectoria ex patronatu Johannis Baker militis

Iconomi Robertus Cushman

Willelmus Barnes

Johannes Pett


Walterus Jennynges

Thomas Bailie

Willelmus Brissenden

Alexander Dowlie

Willelmus Burtley

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno ....

prout sequitur[rest as Bethersden]

Firste it is commannded that they sett vpp a sid alter with furniture before Allsaintes

Toprouide an alter clothenon oflynnen with a hercenon clothe before Allsaintes

To sett vppthe sacramentenon decentlie beforeMichaelmas

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and beneth viz one of silk above with curteynes for the halliedaies and a fronntefor aboveand beneth forthewoorckingdayes

To prouide a clothe to wrappe the challice in before Michaelmas

[f. 122v ]

To prouide two towelles for the priestes handes before Michaelmas

* In margin in later hand

In margin.

Adm . 5 Aug. 1549 (Cranmer , 406b) Francis Rawson adm. 31 Oct. 1569 (Parker, 396b).

To prouide two towelles for them that receve at Easter before Michaelmas

To prouide a decente boxenon or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick before Michaelmas

To prouide a canapie of silk fringed with convenient staves before Lente

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before All Saintes

To prouide a crosse clothe of silk before All Saintes and another crosse before Lente

To prouide a sepulcrenon with a conveniente frame for the lighte before Lente

To prouide a hollie waternon stopp at the churche door and a hole portisse before All Saintes

To prouide a newe albe with an amys for the best vestment and a newe vestmente with albe and furniture for the woorckingedaies before All Saintes

To payntethe roode Marienon and John with the patrone of the churche decentelie before Christmas

To prouide a convenientenonlighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide a velenon and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a paier of censures and a lampenon before All Saintes

[f 123r.]

To prouide two banners before Rogacion weeke

To repaire the churchenon in stone and leade* whichis greatelie in decaye concerninge the necessarie reparacions therof before Allsaintes and the rest to be thoroughelie repaired by Michaelmas come tweluemoneth

The churcheyarde to be repaired and inclosed immediatelie

To prouide a cover for the deske a basonnon and an ewer a shovell a mattock a spade before Allsaintes

[f 123v .]


Rector Dominus Georgius Heydon capellanus Johannis Baker militis

Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini

Archiepiscopi /Cantuar' et valet per annum

Curatus Dominus Johannes Carliar

Iconomi Jacobus Swifte

Johannes Pell

* Over "stone and leade " are two illegible words, "..s .d..s."

Robert Halsall adm. on death of George Heydon 10 May 1558 (Pole , 77b). Gregory Doddes, S.T.B., resigned before 16 May 1566 (Parker, 377a).

On Sir John Baker see A.C., xxxviii, 5-27.

[f. 124r.]


Thomas Norton*

Johannes Wolton*

Johannes Sharpe

Jacobus Lake

Johannes Pell§

Rogerus George

Johannes Saunder

Johannes Harrinden

Ricardus Pickard

Robertus Pell

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus iiij

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that the alter stone** be taken vpp that lieth in the highe waye and to be brought agayne to the churche till furtherr order be taken therin

To prouide curteynesnon of silk before Allsaintes


That the image of the crucifix be sett appon the wodden crosse

To prouide covers for the crismatorie and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

To prouide a conueniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick before All Saintes

To prouide a corporas clothe a graile and an antiphonernon before Allsaintes

To prouide a vestemente with an albe for the halliedaies before Allsaintes

To prouide a conueniente lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

*" Received of Thomas Norton for part of the rood loft xxs" [1560] (Churchwardens ' Accounts of Smarden in A.C., xiv, 22-6).

"Received of John Woulton for a stone xij d " [1550] (Ibid.). Churchwarden 1552 (A.C. , xi, 411)


" Received of James Lake and John Pell for xix ells of whyte clothe of ye roodelofte viijs viijd " [1546] (Churchwardens ' Accounts)

" Paid to John Harneden for taking doune of the altar stone , and making up of the church wall iij s " [1550] (Ibid.).

** The remains of an altar stone may still be seen beneath the reredos on the south side of the chancel arch (A.C., xiv, 25)

" Paid to Pelland fforiron to fasten the crosse in the roodelofte iiijd."

"Paid to the carvar of Asshefforthe for the rood Mary and John and for caringe of them home xxvijs viijd" [1555] (Churchwardens ' Accounts).

To prouide a vele and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To make a lock and a keye for the fonnt before Michaelmas

To repaire the channceill and the churche in glasinge and other reparacions before All Saintes

To prouide a conuenient cover for the deske

To prouide a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

Rogerus Mathewe est ibidem ludimagister * qui est admissus etc

Memorandum that they have had but one sermon this yeare

[f 124v]


Detectum est quod Ricardus Busse non recepit sacramentum in festo Pascatis ultimo quiiam recessit a parochia et habitat apud Biddenden

Also it is commannded that the churche wardens doe diligentlie enquire and mak certificat whether James Lakes wife come dewelie to the churche or no

[f. 125r.]


Rectoria impropriata collegio Sancti Johannis Cantabrig'

Vicaria ex patronatuReuerendissimi Domini

Archiepiscopi Cantuar' / et valet per annum

Vicarius Dominus David Mathos nuper coniugatus xvj libri

Iconomi Christoferus Kelsham Dominic Ffullagat

Parochiani Ricardus Stinte

Thomas Tailor

Johannes Homersham

Johannes Chapman

Ricardus Hadd

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum

altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Dieet anno .... et processit prout sequitur[rest as Smarden]

Firste it is commannded that they make vpp their highe aulter of stonenon and to make a side alter with furniture before All Saintes

To prouide a better fronnte for the alter beneth of silk before Allsaintes

* Schoolmaster In margin and another hand

Richard Buckehurst adm. 8 Sept. 1558 on deprivation of David Mathos (Pole, 81a) Buckhurst died before 5 Sept. 1560, when he was succeeded by Roger Mathewe (Parker, 345b)

Fincarceratus Freformata

125v .]

To painte the roodenon Marie and John with the imagies of Peter and Paule decentelie before Christmas

To prouide a challicenon of silver with a paten before Christmas

To prouide a canapie of silk fringed with conuenient staves before Lente

To prouide couers for the crismatorie and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

To prouide a conveniente boxenon or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick a corporasnon case with a clothe a newe vestmentenon with all thinges therto belonginge and also a conveniente lightenon before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide a velenon and coueryngesnon for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnt before Michaelmas

To prouide bannersnon and streamerson against Rogation weeke

To repaire the channcellnon and the churche and to enclose the churchyard before Allsaintes

To prouide a hollie waternonstopp at the churchedoor before Allsaintes

To prouide a lantern a covernon for the desk a basonnon and an ewer before Allsaintes

To put oute the scripture written in the windowe immediatelie

[f. 126r .]


Firste it is comannded that the bosholder doe apprehende and attache thies persones folowing beinge suspected of heresie and to bringe theim to Crambrok apon Satterdaie next

*reformatus *reformatus Agnes Fiscock John Tonge Thomas Tonge *abiit

Detectum est quod Christoferus Adams recusauit venire ad ecclesiam iam recessit a parochia et habitat apud East Sutton Alicia Tanner detecta de crimine fornicationis *abiit acpersonaliter comparensfatebaturcrimenet dixitpeperisse abiit prolem per Johannem Kennett qui Kennett effugit etc deinde Dominus iniunxit mulieri penitentiamcanonicam peragendam more penitentis in ecclesia parochiali de Boughton Malherbe die Dominica proxima et ad certificandam die Martis proxima post festum Michaelis Cant' per manum vicarii

Also it is commannded that the parsonagenon be repaired in necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and the residewe before mydsomer

* Inserted in later hand

[f. 126v.]


Rector Magister [blank]*

Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi


[f 127r]



Thomas Abarrowe

Ricardus Snothe

Johannes Goldewell generosus

Johannes Flete

Willelmus Mylles

Johannes Mylles

Willelmus Boddynden

Stephanus Bateman

Johannes Molse

Johannes Ledes

Ricardus Symme

Willelmus Roper

Georgius Ramisden

Walterus Downe

Thomas Castell

Simon Daye

Ricardus Holland

Johannes Iddenden

Robertus Preston

Edwardus Collens

Johannes Poste

Thomas Essex

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis

vje viijxx

Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos et parochianos etc visitauit etc ac iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout sequitur

Firste it is comannded that they take vppe the alter stonenon lyinge in the side ile before Michaelmas

To prouide a fronnte ouer the alter of silke with curteynes before Michaelmas

To prouide a corporas clothe and a paxe of latten with the image of Christe before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier large paier of candelstickes before Christmas

* Thomas Bicklye collated 9 May 1564 on death of last incumbent , unnamed (Parker , 364b)


To prouide an antiphonernon a graile a vestment with an albe and other thinges therto belonging before Allsaintes

To painte the roode Marie and Johnwiththe patrone of the church and to prouide a conveniente lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide a vele and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnt before Allsaintes

To repaire the parsonage in necessarie reparacions before All Saintes and the residewe to be thoroughelie repaired before Michaelmas com twelvemoneth

[f. 127v .] To repaire the churche in glasinge and other reparacions before Allsaintes

To prouide an other crosse before Lent

To prouide a cover for the deske before Allsaintes


Quia recusat reciperesacramentum*

Firste it is comannded that Richard [sic] be apprehendedand brought to Crambrok apon incarceratus

Satterdaie next

Recesserunt a patria*

Johannes Halfnoth mortuus

The wife of Higher Wood Λ

presented because they refuse to com to the Church / it is comannded that they shalbeapprehendedwhen they com

Rogerus Garrat ludi magister nuper famulus

Magistri Kinge familie Dominorum Regis et Regine monitus est ad comparendum die Sabbati apud

Crambrokad audiendam voluntatem judicis

[f. 128r.]


Rectoria propriata ecclesiae Roffensi

Vicarius Dominus Willelmus Orphewe§

Iconomi Thomas Panes

Richarde Penfolde

Richardus Ffogge anno preterito

Gervinus Wettes


In left margin

Richardus Whitewoode

Stephanus Gibbon

Thomas Bennett

Inserted in a later hand . For Hugh ?

§The previous vicar, John Ffrankyshe, adm 18 June 1532 (Warham , 415b, 416a), was burned under Queen Mary.

Richardus Ffrencham

Johannes Hubbarde

Georgius Mappinden

Georgius Daye

Richardus Mapisden

Johannes Preston

Johannes Hodge

Robertus Lewcas

Willelmus Wattes

Edwardus More

Thomas Blacke

Johannes Kencham

Johannes Gybban

Johannes Padyam

Gervice Baker

Willelmus Warde

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium [nonumber] [do.] et familie infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus dictam ecclesiam parochialem iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis eisdem iudicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur

*Master Lawles mortuus

Ffirste yt is commanndid to enquire who pulled vpp the grauestone and laide the same vppon the altare and to make certyfycate of the same

[f. 128v .]

To take downenon the same stone agayne from the altare and to laye yt vppon the graue agayne

To enquire of the highe aultarenon stone and that the vycare pulled downe and to make certyficate of the same

To make a syd aultarenon with fourniture before All Sainctes

To painte the tabernacle of the altare with the image of the crucyfixe and to prouyde a frunt for the aultare beneth before All Sainctes

To prouyde a corporas clothe before All Sainctes and to prouyde iiijor surplessies , iiijor rochetes forthe quire bye this tyme with an antyphoner

To paynte the patrone and to set yt vpp bye All Sainctes

To make a verie fayrenon roodelofte and to paint the roode Marye and Johnand to provideconuenyent lighte for the same before All Sainctes come tweluemonthe

To prouyde a velenon and ij bannersnon bye Rogation weke

* In right margin in another hand.


To prouyde a lampenon and to repaire the sealingenon over the aultare before All Sainctes and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key

To certyfie what necessarie reparations are to be don in the channcell and to serch also ye rafters

To provyde one paire of candlestickes one paire of censors a shipp* one crosse of siluernon and gilte a crysmatorie of siluernon ij challiciesnon of siluer a paxenon of siluer and gilte, and ij cruettes of siluer,non solde bye the churchwardens and parishioners

[f. 129r .]

To make a perfect accompte of the same bye whom yt was solde , and to whome, and bye whome howe

manye ouncyesyt was, and towhat vse ytwas Şexhibit' eademdie§ put, and to exhibitethe same accomptes the Twesday after Mychaelmas day

Memorandum that Frencham boughten the organns ofthe commysioners as he saithe


To repaire the vycaradge house in necessarye reparacions before All Sainctes

**Theare is a myll house/belonginge to the vica-/rage, which is decayed and /his vicarage so smale/that he can not repaire/yt, and that he can get /no recompenceof his/predicessorin whose tyme/yt decaied

Item wher Clement Vucley as executor and one

[f. 129v ] of the feoffes of the last will and testament of William Fowle deceassed hath in his hands the sum of six poundes, commyng of the sale of certyn landes willed to be sold in the will and testament of the sayd William Fowle It is ordered by the consent of the churchwardens and parishners that the same shalbe employed to thuse and reparacions of the churche etc etc

To prouyde a cover for the deske, a handebell, a ba son and an ewer before All Sainctes

Memorandum that Frenchamais comanndid to appeare and to shew a cause whie he shall not be compellid

* An incense boat Pen through ' whome' Note that hereabouts punctuation is used . § In another hand Inserted in another hand and then crossed out.

** This entry is in the left margin. This entryis in another ink and seemsto be in anotherhand from any of the above

An 'a' superscript Probably the scribe had not noticed that it was unnecessary .

to restore the organies againe and that he sell not awaye the organns which nowe he hathe home in his house *Memorandum he hathrestored them againe**

Memorandum that John Padian hathe taken vppon hym to make a convenyent sepulchre with a frame for the lighte before Easter accordinge to John Austyns will

Memorandum that Clement Vuclye hathe of the goodes of William Ffowle deceasyd vjs of money, willed to be bestowed vppon the amendinge of highe wayes and the saide Vuclie is contented to bestow yt in the churche so that he may be dischargid and to paye yt within this ij yeares

Memorandum that William Pyne ys comannded to bepresent at all the deuyne service vppon the holly daies betwene this and Mychaelmas, and that he conforme hymselfe to all thordres of the churche and the churchwardens to make certyfycate thearof, the Twisday after Mychaelmas day and to appeare at Crambrocke on the Saterday next

Memorandum that Edwarde Kyrsforde of Howein Sussex boughte the Paraphrase

Memorandum that William Warde boughte the Byble and and [sic] saythe he soulde yt to one Tydliey

[f. 1307.]


[The remainder of this folio is blank .]

[f. 130v ]


Rectoria vacat per annum [no sum set]

Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Episcopi Cantor' Iconomi Thomas Sande Johannes Hilles

Parochianus Johannes Hope

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Rolvenden] Ffirste yt is comanndid to enquire of the altare stones and to certifie of themthe Twesday after Mychaelmas

* In left margin

I.e. of the New Testament by Erasmus.

nonumber] §reformatum

Robert Walmersleyadm 19 Oct. 1546 (Cranmer , 402a). Sequestration ofthe income of the benefice ordered 22 Mar. 1559, " eo quod dicta ecclesia de rectorevacua et destituta sit, et cura animarum ibidem penitus inofficiata existit" (Parker, 220a). Peter Hall collated 27 Apr. 1562 , on resignation of Robert Walmersley (Ibid , 354b)

§ Another hand.

To set vpp a syd aultare with fournyture before All Sainctes, and to prouyde a nether fronnte of sey for the aultare, and an vpper fronnte of seynon with courteynes to paynte the tabernacle of the churche bye Christmas

To prouyde a purseñon or a boxe to carrye the sacrament in and to prouyde a holie waterstopp before Christmas and a velenon bye Lent

Memorandum the channcellnon is in decay A the churchenon and the steple is greatlye decaid theare is no parsonage house but a barne

[f. 131r.]

Memorandum they be bareley fournyshid with all ornamentes they haue but one cope, one vestment with an aube Peter of Appledoore made the roode Marye and John and the patrone of the churche hauinge for his labor xxxiijs iiijd

Memorandum the paroshioners do goeto Rolvenden todivine service vntill they be prouyded of a preste and the churchwardens to forsee yt

Memorandum thepersonBarkerin whosetymetheparsonadge was burnte gaue xx libri to the buyldinge of yt whiche came to the handes of one Dartner a preste dwellinge in Seuenocke

[f. 131v .]


Rectoria propriata ecclesie Christi Cantor' vicarius Dominus Johannes Spendlove*


George Mapisden

Robert Marden

Parochiani Johannes Gervis

Johannes Waites

Willelmus Besfelde

Walterus Bugge

Christopherus Baker

Thomas Lambyn

Stephanus Ffoorde

Thomas Holieste

Richardus Asshenden

Edwardus Philippes

Thomas Austyn

Edwardus Hales

Johannes Whitfield

Petrus Shorte

Willelmus Gervice

* Adm. 26 Aug. 1556 on resignationof William Darrell (Pole, 69b) John Bendall adm. 7 Feb. 1560 (Parker, 347b).

See Visitation of 1558 .

Thomas Brickenden

Johannes Brickenden

Johannes Crotall

Willelmus Hoggies

Robertus Foche

Stephanus Couper

Est capella de Smalleth eidem annexa vicarie, Dominus Ja cobus Glathos Gallus curatus ibidem etc. ad comparendum die Martis post festum Michaelis

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum recipien tium et ffamiliae infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

[f. 132r.] Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prouyde a fronnte with courteynes of silke for the holydaies before All Sainctes

To prouyde a paxe of siluernon or latten with the image of the crucyfixe before All Sainctes

To prouyde a canapienon with convenyent fringies and staues bye Lent and to prouyde an other crosse before the same tyme with a convenyent sepulchre and a frame for the candles to stand on

To prouyde ij antyphoners

Memorandum that one John Bailie now of Rye and George Castlyne pulled downe the forefronnte of the roode lofte and to prouyde that the same be buyldednon vpp agayne before Easter

To prouyde a conuenyent lighte before the roode lofte and a vele

To prouyde ij paire ofnihil candlesticks ij paire of censors iiijor challicies of siluer a paxe of siluer and gilte ij siluer crotchettes iiij siluer bettes, beinge solde bye the parishioners aboute ix or x yeares agon and a shipp of siluer

To prouyde one paire of siluer candlestickes one paire of censors of siluer before Easter, and a boxe of silver to carrye the sacrament in, to the sycke in visitacion, and order is taken to deliberate vpon this [f. 132v.]

Memorandum Master Dorrell being vicaresolde a house away firom the vycaradgé of xl foote longe, the whiche Steven Cooper boughte and he tooke away from the churche the beste surplesse

To prouyde a couernon for the deske and a handbell with a herste and conuenyent lighte before All Saintes

* Another hand

Undoubtedly so written, but probably meant to be ' belles ' A wagon-headed frame set over tombs, carrying tapers.

To prouyde a clarcke to play on the organies with a corporas clouthe before All Sainctes

Memorandum to enquire ofthe state of the schoole andtomake certyficate whether they come to the churche and behaue them selues well and decentlie theare or no, videlicet Hammes abilt wife, and Benettes wifemortua

[f. 133r ]


Rector Dominus Petrus Hall

Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Episcopi Cantor'



Johannes Agers

Richardus Hope

Robertus Nethersole

Henricus Scotte

Willimus Baker

Stephanus Harlackenden

Stephanus Scott

Johannes Baker

Thomas Virgen

Richardus Bennett

Henricus Bennett

Edwardus Norton

Numerusparochianorum sacramentum altaris}.cclx recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus dictam ecclesiam parochialem etc visitauit etc visisque eisdem iudicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur iijxx

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prouyde a canapie for the sacrament and an other fronnte for the altare of sylke before All Sainctes with a corporas clouthe

To prouyde a canapienon of silke with conuenyent staues and fringies bye Lent

[f. 133v .]

To prouyde a paire of latten candlestickes, ij surplessies, ij rotchiettes , an other vestmentnon for the woorkingdaies with an aube and to sett on the hedd of the image of Christe in the patrone and to painte the roode Marye and John, and to prouyde a convenyent lighte before the roode before All Sainctes

To prouyde a velenon with a couer before Lent

* Another hand

Thomas Grave collated 29 Nov. 1552 (Cranmer , 421a). Died before 25 Jan. 1586, whenJohn Holland, B.A., succeeded him (Whitgift, 470a). Deprived of vicarageof Northgate, Canterbury, before 29 Apr. 1557 (Pole, 716).*

[f. 134r.]


To prouyde a locke and a keynon for the fonnte before All Sainctes

To prouyde banners and streamers againste Rogation weeke

To prouyde a lampe, and to repaire the churche and the channcell bye All Sainctes

To enclose the churchyearde immediatlye and to certifie thearof the Twesday after My chaelmas and in whose defaute yt is

To prouyde a couer for the deske, non with a bason non and an ewernon before All Sainctes

SAYNTE LAURENCE* : other wise called Kinges Hospitall foundid bye Kinge John, for blinde and lame

Memorandum to enquire of Jasopp thebutcherwhetherhe can tell anye tydinges of anye evydences of this house and to aske Master Rand the state of this house

Memorandum they beinge examenyd, did say that Master Christopher Hales had a lease of theire lande and synce his deathe from one to an other till yt came to one Typsall of London, who did make all the spoile of the house and they say theare shoulde be vij systers and a prioresse, and a preste founde oute of the chardgies profectes of their landes, The valew of theire landes they esteime at xx libri

NOMINA Sororum

Johanna Ffranncys priorissa

Elizabethe Elwer

Fflorence Younge nondum soror

Memorandum to speake to Master Troyne for the bookes of Saint Laurence and to Cha Jhonson of Whitstable

[f. 134v.] THE HOSPITALE

OF JACOB wheare theare was vj systers and a priorisse

Memorandum that Younge the farmer saithe that Freeman and one Dartnall, caused the systers to surrend the house to the Kinge, and from the Kinge this same came to the saide Dart nall, bye the Kinges letteres pattens, and seyth that theare landes weare woorthe a hundreth markes by the yeare and saith y yt is in divers mens handes, whearof Sir

* See p 11. These hospitals belonged to Canterbury, not Tenterden Pen through.


Edwarde Walton hath broughte* a greate parte of the landes which lyeth aboute hym, and he hym self hathe the masion [sic] house and a part of the lande, and saithe that the systers haue xlvj s viij bye the yeare pension, and theare is but one alyve that he knowith Memorandum Fremans wydowe hathe the writinge

f. 135r ]

MAINARDES spittle thear be vij poore people

Memorandum theMaiorof the cytiehathe theputtingein of them, they haue no landes

Memorandum to speaketo the parson of Sainct Myldreds to say masse here gratis some daies in the weeke sed presertim in die Clementis

HOSPITALIS de Eastbridge

Magister Willelmus Swerder, magister hospitalis

Memorandum they are bounde to receive wayfaringeand hurt men and to haue viij beddes for men and iiijor for women to remayne for a nighte and more yf they be not able to departe, and the master of the hospitall is charged with the buryall, and they haue xx lodes of woodes yearlye allowyd and xxvj s a yeare for drincke

Memorandum theare was x libri land bye the yeare with a mansion which the preste alwaies had to serue the chappell taken away bye the Kinge and that it is the hedd churche to Cosmus Bleane but they haue no ornamentes but organies

[f. 135v.]


Sancti Johannis

Curatus nullus They say that theire prest was wonte to be founde of theire owne chargis eche one parte lyke

Memorandum they are xxxth brethren, and as manye sisters, and all theire ornamentes are taken awaye bye Master Mayor

Memorandum to speaketo Master Frenchethatthey mayhauethe churche goodes againe according to the Quenes comanndement ,

Memorandum deliveryd againe one challice with a patten of siluer iiijor tableclothes iiij surplicies one cosshin ij towelles iij belles in the steple, one lytle pillowe [?] of painted clothe

Memorandum to see theire charter They say they are of no parishe but a parishe of them selfes

* Pen through ' r. '


Memorandum to take order for a preeste and that when the prest of Harrington hathe taken ordre to serue then to speake to mye Lorde Suffrygayne

Memorandum to tell Ryder and Allyn of Hern ad dicendam causam quare punnre * non deberent pro eo quod ministrent bona cuiusdam Roberti Stapen sine auctoritate ad punnconi [?] prioris et fratrum et so rorum hospitalis predict'

[f. 136r.]



Detectum est quod Willelmus Hall non debite frequentat ecclesiam etc et evocatus ad iudicium personaliter comparuit et fatebatur negligenciam suam humiliter se ordinacioni iudicis submittens cui Dominus iniunxit ut posthac reverenter se habeat in obediendo ordinacioni ecclesie etc

Ricardus Mone

Thomas Sprotte

[f. 136v]

detecti ut supra ac ad iudicium evocati personaliter comparuerunt et fatebantur negligentiam suam humiliter sese submittentes ut supra quibus Dominus iniunxit ut supra


Rector Dominus Clemens Gregorie§

Rectoria ex patronatu [blank] et valet x libri Curatus Dominus Matheus Rilde

Iconomus Ricardus Kennett

Parochiani Henricus Norrington

Thomas Vale

Edmond Wade

Radulphus Goodale

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis etc mandauit iniunxit et vlterius processit prout sequitur

* For 'puniri'?

The scribe probably did not understand the Latin he was copying out here Should be ' preiudicium'?

William Hall the elder, a parishioner in 1552 (A.C., xiv, 299) Some church goods had been sold to him

§ See under Eastwell and Stowting Resigned Sevington before 28 Feb. 1559 , when Henry Baker succeeded him (Parker, 342a)


Firste it is commannded that the sealinge of the channceillnon be repaired in necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and the residewe to be done before Whitsontide

To set vpp the sacramente reverentelie before Allsaintes

To set vpp a sidenon alter with furniture and to prouide a corporasnon before Allsaintes

To prouide a fronntenon of silke or seye with curteynes of the same for the alter before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapienon of silke or chamblet fringed with conveniente staves before Lente [f 137r.]

To amende their cope immediatelie

To prouide a velenon a clothe for the roode and coveringesnon for the imagies before Lent

To make vpp the churche porche before Allsaintes and to repaire the churche with tymber before Whitsontyde

To prouide a lantern and a handebell before Michaelmas

To prouide a basonnon and an ewer before Christmas and to prouide a conveniente lighte before the roode at thisside Michaelmas

To paynte the roodenon lofte decentelie and to prouide a locke and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes


Memorandum quod parochiani exhibuerunt quandam cartam que continebat quod Willelmus Barrie* clericus dedit duodecim solidos annuatim soluendos ex certis terrisinfra dictamparochiam iacentibus et nunc in possessione Thome / Barrie generosi ad inveniendum vnum cereum et vnam /lampadem et ad distribuendum inter pauperes parochianos/dicte parochie

And it is ordered that the parisheners traveile with the seide Master Barrie for the seid xij s and to mak certificat what order they have taken therin

[f. 137v .]

Fiat licentia predicandi pro rectore


Rector Dominus Thomas Wilson* Rectoria ex patronatu [blank] et valet x libri

Iconomi Johannes Barrowe Willelmus Goldhell

Parochiani Robert Stede

Thomas Savey

* On some brasses of this family formerly in the church at Sevington see A.C., iv , 117-120 .

In another hand

Adm . 9 Mar. 1556 on death of Robert Wilson (A.C., ix, 272; Pole, 70b) Thomas Wilson died before 6 March 1563, when John Paddysucceeded him (Parker , 363a)


Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus lx

Archidiaconus ecclesiamparochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit ac visis etc iudicialiter mandauit et iniunxit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that they prouide curteynes for the alter before Allsaintes

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickes before Easter

To set vpp a hollie water stoppe at the church door immediatelie

To prouide a couer for the desk before Christmas

[f 138r ]


Rector Dominus Ricardus Carye*

Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini et valet per annum


Archiepiscopi Cant'/ >xxiij libri

Ricardus Myller

Parochiani Thomas Goddard Willelmus Awdrie

John Hale

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus '} с

Archidiaconus ecclesiamparochialem iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout sequitur

non Firste it is commannded that they set vppe a side alter with furniture before Allsaintes

To prouide a close cover for the fonnt and a lock and a keye for the same before Allsaintes

To prouide a sufficiente lighte before the roode and to prouide two alter clothes of lynnen, to paynte the table over the alter and to provide hangingesnon of seye with curteynes for the alter before Christmas

To prouidenon a crewet before Michaelmas and a corporasnon before Christmas

To prouide a canapienon of seye fringed with conueniente staves before Palme Sonndaie

To prouide a crossenon of latten and a paier of latten candelstickesnon before Easter

To prouide a paxenon of latten with the image of the crucifixe

* Richard Kery resigned before 2 June 1571, when Matthew Allen succeeded him (Parker , 404a).

[f. 138v.]

To prouide a faier framenon for the sepulcre lighte before Easter

To prouide the half portissenon for the wynter tyme immediatelie

To prouide a vestemente of silk or chambletwith albes before Easter and to make the patrone morenon decentelie

To repaire the churchenonconuenientlie with glasse and shingle before Allsaintes

To prouidea velenon a clothe for the roode and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To amende the sealingenon over the alter before Allsaintes

To repaire the personagenon within this tyme tweluemoneth

To prouide a lampenon before Christmas

To prouide a hollienon water stoppe at the churchedoor before Allsaintes

To prouide a hollie water stoppe of latten before Christmas

To prouide a handebell before Easter

To prouide a lantern before Michaelmas

[f. 139r.]


Rector Dominus Thomas Cannon

Rectoria ex patronatu Magistri Thome Scotte et valet per annum

Non est ibidem domus/rectorie

Iconomus Ricardus Ase

Parochiani Ricardus Andrewe Ricardus Godfrey

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

viij libri

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that they prouidea here clothe before All Saintes

To prouide two fronntes for the alternon of silk or seye with curteynes to the same before Christmas

The English breviary was then divided into two parts only, not four as now.

Died before 31 Aug. 1566, when Robert Elizander succeeded him (Parker , 378a).

In left margin.

To prouide three towelles for the priestes handes before Allsaintes

To prouide a towell for them that receive against Easter

To prouide a canapie fringed with conuenient staves before Lente

To prouide a paxe with the image of the crucifixe before Michaelmas and a hollie waternon stoppe of latten before Allsaintes

[f. 139v ]

To prouide a portissenon before Christmas

To prouide a vestementenonwith an albe for the hallidaies of silke before Easter

To prouide a velenon and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the necessarie reparacions of the wallnon of the channceill before Allsaintes

To prouide a basoneand a ewer a shovell a mattockand spade before Allsaintes

To repaire the steplenon with the necessarie reparacons therof before All Saintes

To prouide a hande bell before All Saintes

To glase and amende the channceillnon before All Saintes

To prouide a covernon for the deske before Michaelmas

Also Richard Bunse is comannded to bestowe apon redes lake iij s iiij d and to warn John Buns his brother to bestowe asmuche accordinge to the will of John Buns before Allsaintes and to mak certificate therof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

[f. 1407.]


Rector Lodovicus Aprice* non residet per xxt' annos

Rectoria ex patronatu Domini Somer et valet xl libri

Curatus Dominus Johannes Hosier olim conjugatus

Willelmus Black Iconomi

Christoferus Caterman

Parochiani Robertus Crocheman

Henricus Ellis

Johannes Crocheman

Stephanus Phillipp

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium >vijxx

* Adm 24 Oct. 1530 (Warham , 403a) William Chumpe succ . 3 June 1559 (Post Mortem Poli, 16b) Parker, 340a, however, says that on 10 Jan. of 1559 Thomas Knell succeeded to Warehorne on death of Lewis ap Rice. Thomas Dane curate in 1552 (A.C., xiv, 297).

Also in 1552 (Ibid )

Die et anno prescriptis dictus

Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiamparochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit atque processit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that they prouide a here cloth for the alter before Michaelmas

To prouide a fronnte of silke for the alter beneth with curteynes before Michaelmas

To prouide a corporas before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapie of silk or seye fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To prouide a crosse clothe of silk before Christmas

To prouide a graile before Allsaintes

[f. 140v.]

To prouide a vele a clothe for the roode and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide two banners before Rogacion weeke

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the channceill in tymber and glasse and stone before All Saintes

To enclose the churcheyardnon decentelie before Michaelmas

To prouide a handebell before Christmas

To amende the glasse windowes of the church before Michaelmas

To provide a mattock before Michaelmas and an antiphoner before Easter

To prouide a sufficient lighte before the roode


Also it is presented that John Boll doth withold from the churche a howse and iiijor acres of lande worthe by the yeare xxvjs viijd and the seid Boll in answeringe to the same promiseth to pay to the brotherhed of the Trinitie out of the same howse and lande when the same brotherhed shall begynne vjs viijd yerelie which vjs viijd was geuen by his predecessors to the same vse

[f. 141r.]


Rector Dominus Robertus Blande* Rectoria ex patronatu Magistri Henrici Hoorn et valet rectoria per annum xx libri

* Adm . on resignation of John Farmer 18 May 1556 (Pole , 68b) John Levat adm. 30 Jan. 1560, on death of previous incumbent (Parker , 347b). A Robert Bland, however, died vicar of Lynton before 2 Sept. 1562 , when Richard Perse succeeded him (ibid , 357b)

Iconomi Willelmus Toppinden

Thomas Luccas

Parochiani Johannes Gibson

Johannes Respice

Petrus Phillipp

Johannes Phillipp

Robertus Lowes

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam

iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauitetc ac visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that they prouide an other alter clothe before All Saintes

To prouide two fronntes one for the alter above and benethe wherof the best to be of seye with the image of the crucifixein it with curteynesnon of the same before All Saintes

To prouide a crewet before Michaelmas and a corporas before Allsaintes

To prouide coversnon for the crismatorie and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

To prouide a paxenon of latten before Christmas [f.

141v .]

To prouide a crosse of latten with a crossecloth of silke or seye before Christmas

To prouide a canapie of silke or seye fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To prouide a sepulcrenon with a conveniente frame for the lightenon before Lente

To prouide a portissenonfor the hole yeare before All Saintes and also a grailenon before Christmas

To prouide a vestmentenonwithanalbe before Christmas

To prouide a close coveron for the fonnte withlocknon and keye and a lynnen cover for the same before Allsaintes

To prouide a velenon a cloth for the roode, and coveringesnon for the imagies before Lente

To prouide banners and streamers before Rogacion week

To prouide a lampe and a hollie water stoppe of latten before Allsaintes

Plate jewelles Memorandum that the comissioners had the pixe and that the silver crosse was solde by the parishe and the monney therof bestowed apon the reparacons of the churche

* 'non' crossed out.

[f 142r.]

To repaire the channcell and likewise the churche in all poinctes before Allsaints

To enclose the churcheyard convenientelie before All Saintes

Also the parson is comannded that the churcheyarde be decentelie kepte


To prouide a lantern a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

To prouide a spade immediatelie

It is comannded that the churchewardens doe

bringe a copieoftheir dead for viij libri to be obteyned of Master Horn, the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye


Wood* Detectum est quod Thurstanus Woodmortuus dixitvicario quod omnesarticuli simboli sunt sacramentaperinde atque alia sacramenta qui Thurstanus olim erat minister et crediturdictum Wood habere multoslibros hereticosindomo sua postea dictus Wood personaliter comparuit et fatebatur fidem suam et sic obligatus de bene se gerendo dimittitur et iam ab hac luce migrauit

Arnold Johannes Arnolde detectus de crimine fornicationis cumquadamJohanna Bartilmeweac partesad reformat' iudiciumevocati personaliter comparuerunt et fatebaturmulier crimen cui Dominus iniunxit penitentiamcanonicam peragendam more penitentisaliquo die citra festum Michaelis cum fuerit requisita etc deinde dictus Arnold in iuditio constitutus negauit obiecta cui iudex assignauit ad purgandumse septima apud Halden quo loco coram iudice iudicialiter sedenti produxit compurgatores et facta proclamatione etc canonicam purgationem insuper [?] assignacionemetc fecit ac se a crimine predicto etc vnde Dominus ab omni ulteriore vexacione in hac partedimisit


Die predict' Dominus monuit Johannem Gibsonmortuus presentem in iudicio ad comparendum Cant' die Martis proximapost festum Michaelis ad dicendum tam quare puniri non debeat eaque executionem testamentiHenrici Lowes defunctiimpediuit

Also wheras it is presented that the parsonage barne is decayed because it doth appeare that there be barnes sufficient and that there lacketh a stable it is comannded that the parson buildnon a stable therwith against this tyme tweluemoneth

[f. 142v ]

Donnye* Also wheras it is detected and presented that Robert Donnye deceased gave by his In right margin

* In left margin.

laste will and testamente two busshells of wheat and one barrell of beare to be geven yerelie for ever to the poor appon Passion Sonndaie it is nowe ordered that one busshell shalbe employed to the drinckingeand the other busshell to Implet' have masse and dirigefor ever yereliein the seid churche


[f. 143r]

Also it is commannded that the Bible and the Paraphrash be brought to Cannterbury the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye


Rectoria impropriata [blank]

VicariaexpatronatuReuerendissimi Archiepiscopi Cant' et valet per annum

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Kitchen

Iconomi Johannes WillelmusLambynSheverley

Parochiani Henricus Goldinge

Rawlen Parnell

Thomas Ffrowd

Edward Browton Robertus Tryntam

Thomas Holmes

Willelmus Piper

Thomas Whatman Henricus Goldinge

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum1

ccxlt altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit vlteriusque processit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that thetombestone ofthe olde vicar be laide in his place agayne Vicarius non fecit To causethe faces of the imagies that beblotted in the glassewindowes be made cleane by the

* In left margin

The Horne chapels in Appledore parish and church recall the recusant family of that name Benedicta , daughter of Henry Horne (see p 145), who died in 1565, married Richard Guldeford Both quitted the realm in 1570/1 for religion and died in exile without issue (A.C., xlix, 160-1)

Instituted 7 Mar. 1556. Witnessedwill of Thomas Cook9 Mar. 1556 . He married Joan Gunter, widow, 1568. Died same year; buried 22 Nov. 1568. Will proved 1 Mar. 1569 (Guide to Appledore Church , by F. W. Cock and G. W. Humphry (1938 ed .), p 14).

§ Another hand

vicar concerning them that are in the channcell ond by the parishners for thoise that are in the church [f. 143v.]

To prouide a here clothe for the alter before All Saintes

To prouide two alter clothes of lynnen before All Saintes

Also it is comannded that the farmer mak vpp the wall in the channceill and to amende the windowe there in stone woork and glasse (which is greatelie in decaye) before All Saintes

To prouide curteynes of silke for the alter before Christmas

To prouide a corporas case and a faier masse booke before All Saintes

To prouide a vestemente for the woorkingedaies with albes and other furniture before Allsaintes

To prouide two banners before Rogacion weeke

That the churcheyarde be decentelie enclosed and so kept

To prouide a basone and ewer with a handebell before Allsaintes



Ricardus Sherman detectus est de crimine adulterii cum quadam femina de Crambrok , et personaliter comparens fatebatur crimen et quiaperacta postea apparebat dictum Sherman pro comissis suis penitentiam canonicam peregisse ideo dimittitur Deward * Willelmus Dewarddetectus de criminefornicationis cum quadam femina ignota personaliter in iudicio constitutus negauit crimen quem iudex monuit ad comparendum isto die ad septimanam apud Hedcron ad audiendam voluntatem iudicis

Also it is detected and presented that Reginald Wattes did bringe the pretensed wife of the late vicar from Dover and that he did

[f. 144r.] hide their incontinente livinge The whiche Raynolde Wattes personallie appearinge dothe denye the same to be true savinge ahe reformatus saithe that she came and mett with him as a stranger and not otherwise

Also it is comannded that Thomas Whatman doe not kepe anny victuallinge in the tyme of the devyne service neither that he doe suffer anny other victualler so to doe

* In margin


ChristopherJames, mentioned 10Sept. 1554, and Sept. 1555, in Archdeacon's visitation of the Parish. On 9 Dec. 1550, ChristopherJames , clerk, and Alys Dann, widow , 'married' He witnessed the will of William Pyper 6 June 1555 (ibid.)

Crossed out.

[f. 144v.]

Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant' et valet xvj libri

Vicaria ex patronatu dicte ecclesie et valet

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Hardewicke olim coniugatus qui etiam desseruit Ebbeney alternis vicibus licentia prius a Domino Comissario obtenta

STONE *xij libri

And it is nowe ordered that the vicar doe serve two Sonndaies at Stone and one Sonndaie at Ebbeney and the churchewardens of Ebenie parishe to duelie [sic] to churche accordinge to the same order vntill the feast of All Saintes next comynge



Thomas Cater

Johannes Pratte

Johannes Bateman

Johannes Godfreye

Willelmus Cooke

Johannes Still

Andreas M'rshall

Johannes Carpinter

Johannes Norley

Thomas Phillipp

Willelmus Hurton

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Kennardington] '} CC

Ffirste it is commannded that they make an alter of stone and also set vppe a sid alter with furniture before All Saintes

To prouide a heare clothe for the alter before All Saintes

[f. 145r .]

To sett vppe the sacramente reverentelie as it was wonnte to be before Michaelmas

To prouide a fronnte for the alter above of silke or seye with curteynes before Christmas

To prouide an other fronnte for the alter above and benethe for the woorkingedaies before christmas

To make covers for the crismatorie and to kepe the same vnder locke and keye

To make a newe pattennon for the challice ofsilver before Christmas

* The church of Stone had been burned down in 1464 , accordingto the Chronicle of John Stone , a monk of Christ Church, Canterbury. Adm . 10 Apr. 1557 on resignation of John Kechyn (Pole, 71b) He died before 21 Apr. 1569, when Thomas Brymston succeeded him (Parker , 391a)

. A John Styli, junior, warden in 1552; and a John Styll, senior, an inhabitant (A.C., xi, 415).

To prouide acanapie"on

of silkenon or seye fringedwith conueniente staves before Lente or ells to take order that they have their old agayne

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before All Saintes

To prouide a crosse of latten with a crosse clothe of silke or seye for the halliedaies

Memorandum that their silver crosse was solde aboute eighte yeares paste wherewith the churche was repaired and a channcellgutter in the channcell amended

To prouide a rochet or a surples for the clark before Allsaintes

To prouide a vestementenonwith an albe for the halliedaies before Christmas

To prouide a vele clothe for the rodeand coveringes for the imagies against Lente

To sett vppe the patrone of the churche decentelie and as it was wonnte to be

[f. 145v ] To prouide banners and streamers againste Rogacion weeke

To prouide a lampenon before Allsaintes

To repaire the vicaredge hows before this tyme twelvemonethe

To repaire the channceillnon before Michaelmas

To repaire the churche in glasinge before Michaelmas

To prouide a hollie water sprinckell a lanterne a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

To buyldevpp the roodeonSlofte before this tyme tweluemonethTor Allhallontyd

Toprouide a convenientenonlight beforetheroode at thisside Allsaintes

Also it is ordered that thies persones folowinge mak a cesse for the parisheners for the furniture of the churche whiche cessemente to be made within this moneth

John Bateman

John Godfrey

Thomas Phillipp

Willelmus Cook

Johannes Still

Johannes Norley

[f. 146r .]


Rector Dominus Nicolaus Staunton **

*' non' crossed out

non residet

A small banner affixed to the processional cross and used at the great festivals

Pen through this word. §'non' crossed out. ** Adm 10 Aug. 1541 (Cranmer , 381a)

Another hand

Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi Cant' et valet clareΛ

Curatus Dominus Edwardus Buckeley* xx libri



Robertus Piper

Johannes Sampson

Thomas Piper

Jacobus Bennett

Robertus Donnye

Robertus Burrage

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus ccxlt

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc

iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit atque processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that the channceill be repaired in all poinctes as sealinge glasse and other thinges before the Annuntiacion of Our Ladie

To set vppe their alter of stone and to mak a side alter with furniture before All Saintes

To make a stronger patten of silver for the challice before Allsaintes

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and benethe viz for the woorkingedaies of paynted clothe with the Passion of Christe in it and to make the vpper fronnte of velvett longer and to set the imageñon of Christe in the fronnte benethe before Allsaintes

[f. 146v.]

To prouide oyle and towe for the crismatorieand to kepe the same vnder locke and keye

To prouide a paxe of latten with the crucifixe before All Saintes

To prouide a vestemente for the woorkingedaies before Allsaintes

To set vpp the patrone of the churche and to paynt the same decentelie before All Saintes

To painte the roode Marie and John decentelie before All Saintes

To prouide a vele a clothe for the roode, and coveringes for the imagies

To prouide a streamer before Rogacion weeke

To prouide a lampenon before the sacramente at thisside Allsaintes

* Died as rector before 28 Nov. 1562 , when Robert Whitting succeeded him (Parker, 358a) William Parmenter was curate in 1552 (A.C. xiv, 301). Warden 1552 (Ibid.) "for ye quiyer and " with 'non' above the line.

To repaire the churche in all poinctes as tymber glasse and other necessaries before Allsaintes

That the channcellnon be paved and the lyme avoided out of the same before Michaelmas

To repaire the necessarienon reparacions of the personage before Christmas

That the churcheyard be decentelie kept inclosed


Johannes Sherwoode detectus est de crimine fornicationis| cum quadam Johanna Harvieacpartes personaliter comparentes fatebantur obiecta quibus Dominus assignauit penitentiamcanonicam die Dominica in ecclesia peragendam more penitentiumac deinde dictus Sherwood fideliter promisit ducere dictam Harvie in vxorem citra festum Michaelis et ad certificandum in proximo post etc [In left margin : reformati]

[f. 147r.]

EBBENEY capella ecclesie de Apledor annexa

Rectoria impropriataecclesie ChristiCant' et valetvj libri xiijsiiijd

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Kitchen

Et cura desseruitur per vicarium de Stone alternis vicibus per ordinacionem Domini Archidiaconiusque ad festum Omnium Sanctorum

Iconomi Johannes Slater Petrus Lawles*

Parochiani Johannes Holman

Ricardus Reynold

Robertus Pelland

Andreas Pott

Johannes Pount

Edwardus Raynoldes

Willelmus Kedgie

Johannes Chapman

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus


Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc actualiter visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit et processit prout inferius habetur Firste it is comannded that they have an alter of stone before Allsaintes

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and benethe for the woorkingedaies and halliedaies and the fronntesforthe halliedaies to be of silke or seyewith curteynes to the same before Christmas

* This church was burned down by lightning in Elizabeth's reign, reerected on a smaller scale, then pulled down and rebuilton its present site at Reading Street

Inhabitant 1552 (A.C. , viii, 145).

[f. 147v ]

[f. 148r.] ARCHDEACON

To make vpp a side alter with furniture before Allsaintes

To prouide two conveniente alter clothes before All Saintes

To sett vpp the sacramente decentelie assone as the windowe is glased

To prouide coveringes for the crismatorie immediatly and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before All Saintes and the other to be amended in the meane season

To prouide a paierof latten candelstickes before Easter and a decente frame for the sepulcre light before Lente

To prouide a decente lighte before the roode at thisside Michaelmas

To prouide a vele a clothe for the roode and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a decente place for the patrone


To prouide a paier of censures anda lampe before All Saintes

Memorandumnon to speake with Master Robertes * who pulled awaye the leade of the channcell and covered the same with shingle that he may repaire the same

To repaire the churche in all poinctes before Michaelmas and the howse for the priest before Maye Daye

To prouide a holliewater stoppe of latten before Michaelmas and a handebell before All Saintes

Itis commannded thattheparisheners vicarget apriest assone as he convenientelie maye


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Reuerendissimo Episcopo Catur'

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Thomson

Iconomi Willelmus White

Thomas Watson

Parochiani Johannes Weller

Richardus Adowne

Richardus Cocke

Willimus Adowne

Moises Cocke

Robertus Neble

Richardus Bolinge

Peter Throwlie

Christopher Cocke

* " Of Tisurst " [Ticehurst, Sussex ?] above the line here .

Crossed through.

Adm 27 Apr. 1557 on death of James Levenard (Pole, 71b) Resigned before 23 Feb. 1561 , when William Kyns succeeded him (Parker, 354a).

Ffirste yt is comanndid to set vpp a syde aultare with fourniture, one fronnte for the alter aboue of paynted clothe for the woorkingedaies and ij fronntes of say ffor the holydaies a heare clouthe, an altare clothe, ij wipinge towelles a corporas and a case a canapies [sic] convenyent staues for yt, a lanterne, a crosse of copper with the image of Christe a surples a bason and an ewer, to painte the roode Mary and John and the patrone, a vele, a hande bell, to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key and to repaire the churche in necessarie reparations, bye All Sainctes, and the reste bye mydsomer and to repaire the chancell which is in decaye

Numerusparochianorum sacramentum altaris}.ccxxt

[f. 148v ] recipientium - et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem lx

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus dictam ecclesiam parochialem i conomos ac parochianus etc visitauit etc et visis eisdem iudicialiter iniunxit prout superius habetur


Rectoria impropriata Thomae Spilman armigero

Vicarius Dominus Arthurus Butler*


Richardus Haukes

Parochiani Nicholaus Skelton

Richardus Gilberte

Henricus Courte

Johannes Haukes

Henricus Parret

Jacobus Groveherste

Willimus Chapman

Johannes Sellie

Thomas Owday

Thomas Pisinge

Roger Swatman

John Cocke

Willimus a Courte

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris}viijxxviij recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem - lv

Die et anno . . . . inferius habetur [rest as Godmersham]

Richard Sympnell adm 21 Aug. 1545 (Cranmer , 396a) John Knocke collated 14 Aug. 1562 (Parker, 355b)

[f. 149r.]


Ffirsteyt is commanndid to prouyde ijbutone fronntes of sey or better, to kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key, a crossenon of copper and an other crosse, an antiphoner, a graile, a portisse a vele, non and to kepe the fonnte vnder lockenon and key a paire of censors , a lamp, to repaire the churche and to enclosenon the churchyearde by All Sainctes


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Vicarius Dominus Rogerus Apowell


Thomas Haimond

Johannes Bolden

Parochiani Petrus Salkyn

Johannes Pilcherd

Willimus Gorram

Johannes Carter

Johannes Rumfeld

Willelmus Maxted

Philippus Offenden

Richardus Woode

Thomas Canntefeld

Richardus Pisinge

Edwardus Beane

Georgius Handfeld

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris} vijxx recipientium et familiæinfra dictam ecclesiam parochialem xlvt'

Die et anno . . iniunxit [preceding as Godmersham]

Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouyde a syde aultarewith fourniture, non a fronntenon§ for the aultare off sylke or sey a cruett, a boxe or a purse a corporas clothe and a case ij lattynnon candlestyckes, a crossenon of copper with the image of the crucifixe Marie and John, a holie water stopp of lattyn, a vele,non and a coueringe for the imagies, to kepe the fonnte vndernon lock and key to prouyde ij aultarenon clothes bye All Sainctes

* Added above line

Collated on deprivation of John Boys, " clerici conjugati, " on 28 Jan. 1556 (Pole, 70a, b) Resigned before 31 May 1567 , when William Wood succeeded him (Parker, 381b)

'ni' and 'non' written above the word, but 'ni' in the same hand. §'non' either crossed out or smudged .

[f. 149v.] ARCHDEACON

To make vpp the vestrie,non and to set vp the sacrament

decentlie bye All Sainctes

To make a sepulchre,non bye Lent

To repaire the channcellnon and the churchenon and to prouyde a lampenon bye All Sainctes

[f. 150r.]

CAPELLA de Stellinge

Rector Dominus Nicholaus Knewstubb

Curatus Dominus Hugo Lambert qui desservit curæ alternis vicibus

Iconomi Hugo Vnderdowne

Thomas Bafelde

Parochiani Johannes Welch

Richardus Dunkin

Willelmus Bridge

Johannes Pollarde

Paulus White

Henricus White Kyte

Richardus Wadden

Richardus Rigedon

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris -lxx recipientium et ffamiliæ infra dictam parochialem ecclesiam XX

Die et anno .... adiunxit prout inferius habetur [rest as Godmersham]

Ffirste yt is comanndid that the channcell be repayred which is now in decaye, to prouyde ij frontes of say, a wipinge towell, ij aultare clothes a boxe or a purse for the sacrament, a lampe, an other crosse, the halfe portisse for sommer, and a vele to kepe the fronnte vnder lockenon and key; to repair the churche and enclose the churchyearde and prouyde a lanterne bye All Sainctes

[f. 150v .]


Rector Dominus Nicholaus Knewstubb§

Curatus Dominus Hugo Lambart


Parochiani nullus

Willelmus Tullinge

Johannes Tullinge

Thomas Carrie

Willemus Brice

* Either crossed out or smudged

See Upper Hardres below . Pen through ' White. '

§ Died before 6 Apr. 1559, when Thomas Wise succeeded him (Post Mortem Poli, 16a)

Richardus Smithson

Jacobus Giles

Willelmus Chilmell

Johannes Crambrocke

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium lxxviij et ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialemxvj

Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem pre Die et anno prescriptis dictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et eisdem visis iu dicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur

Ffirste yt is commanndid to repaire the chann cell whiche is in decay to prouyde ij fronntes for the aultare whearof one muste be of say or better then say with courteines, ij wypinge towelles ij crewates a corporas clothe and a case, ij candlestickes a staffe for the crosse a crosse clouthe and an other crossenon, a surplesse for the preste, a masse booke, to pro vide Marie and John decentlie painted with the patrone bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a vele, to kepe the fonnte vndernon lockenon and key, to prouyde a lampe, a light before the roode, and repaire the churche by All Sainctes

[f. 151r.]



Doctor Tindall

Vicarius Dominus Galfridus Ashlie

Curatus Dominus Johannes Raper

Iconomus Henricus Sherwoode

Parochiani Willelmus Gilbert

Rogerus Cowlie

Rogerus Burton§

Thomas Adames§

Nicholaus Adams

Johannes Maye

Johannes Carpenter

Walterus Ffen

Edwardus Horde

Thomas Tyler

Alen Jeckyn

* Rector' crossed out.

Collated 3 Aug. 1542 on death of Richard Gwente, LL.D. (Cranmer , 389) Humfrey Jordeyncollated21 Feb. 1559 on deathofTindall(Parker, 34a).

Thomas Griffith curate 1552 (A.C. , x, 286)

§ Inhabitant 1552 (Ibid)

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium C

157 et ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialemxxiiij

Die et anno [rest as Godmersham]

Ffirste yt is comanndid that a syde aultarenon be set vpp with fourniture bye All Sainctes

To set vpp iij aultare clothes bye Christmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde ij napkins and a towell with a cruet bye

All Sainctes

[f. 151v .]

To prouyde a corporas case and a clothe, a paxenon of tynn or of lattyn, a holie water stoppnon of lattyn bye All Sainctes

To prouyde an othernon cope by mydsomer

To prouyde an other vestmentnon with furniture by Christmas

To prouyde a couernon for the fonnte, and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and keye and to prouyde a lampenon bye All Sainctes, a canapienon of say with fourniture bye Lent

To prouyde a crossenon of latten or copper with a crosse clothe bye Christmas

To repaire [the] churche with the channcellon byeAll Sainctes

To repaire the vicarage in necessarie reparations bye All Sainctes and the resydew bye mydsomer

To prouyde a bason non and a ewer with a cover for the deske bye Christmas

[f 152r]


Rector Dominus Johannes Armerer*

Curatus Dominus Richardus Poshe

Iconomi Willimus Boye non residet


Johannes Harte

Robertus Hurbren

Arthurus Blachinden

Christopherus Couchman

Laurence Hever §

* Crossed out, then re-inserted

Adm. to Sutton Valence 20 May 1530 (Warham, 402a); Headcorn 23 Apr. 1540 (Cranmer, 375-6); Borden 25 May 1552 (Ibid., 420b); Penshurst 1554. He died rector ofIvychurchbefore 31 Mar. 1563 , whenAndrew Peerson succeeded him (Parker, 360a) The Rev. J. Cave-Browne, in Sutton Valence and East Sutton (1898), p 17, writes: "He was evidently a manofconsiderable learning,for in the Library ofthe InnerTemple is a copy of Speculum Historiale, by Vincent de Beauvois , with Armorer's nameonthe fly-leaf, 'vicarius de Sutton Valence, et modo de Pensehurst , ' with many marginal corrections , apparently in his handwriting. "

Parishioner 1552 (A.C., ix, 274) § Churchwarden 1552 (Ibid.).

Willelmus Whitewoode

Rogerus Sympson*

Johannes Bennet

Robertus Tilsey

Eustacius Lott

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris` recipientium vijxx et ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem lxxxv

Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to [sic] fronntes of silke or sey withe courteinesnon bye Christmas

To prouyde ij aultareclothes, a paxe or a purse for the sacrament and to kepe the crismatorievnder locke and key bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a corporas case and a clouthe, with a crosse of lattyn or copper and a crosse clothe bye Christmas

To prouyde a holie water stopp of latten by All Sainctes

f 152v ]

f. 153r]

To prouyde a vestment with an aube, and a vele bye Christmas

To keepe the fonnte vnder locke and key

To prouyde ij streamersnon by Rogation weke

To repaire the churche by mydsomer

To prouyde a basonnon and an ewer bye Christmas


Rector Dominus Richardus Whitlinge

Curatus Dominus Johannes Mathewe qui desservit

Dimchurch alternis vicibus

Iconomus Willimus Norris

Parochiani Johannes Dauie

Thomas Brodenex

Richardus Eccleston

Johannes Anncell

Thomas Clerke

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium >iiijxx et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem - xij

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochianam predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visi

* Parishioner 1552 (Ibid.).

John Astyn parson 1552 (A.C., viii, 114). Richard Whitlinge resigned before 22 Apr. 1563, when ThomasBradshawe succeeded him (Parker, 360a) Churchwarden 1552 (A.C., viii, 114).

f. 153v .]

tauit etc et visis et eisdem iudicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur

Ffirste yt is commanndid to set vppon a syde aultare with fourniture and to provyde a hearenon clothe bye All Sainctes

To prouyde two fronntesnon of say bye Christmas

To prouyde ij altare clothesnon bye All Sainctes withe iijnon wipinge towelles, and to kepe thecrisma torie vnder locke and keye

To prouyde a corporas and, a case bye Christmas

To prouyde a canapie of sey with conuenient staues bye Lent

To prouyde a crosse of latten or copper bye Christmas and to amend their olde crosse by the same tyme

To prouide a cope byenon Christmas and a vestimentwith fourniture, and to painte the roodenon Marie and John with the patrone and to prepare a velenon a locke and a key for the fonnte bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a paire of censors , non a canapie,non a lannon terne, a spade,non a mattockenon a shouellnon a basonnon and an ewer , and to enclose the churchyardenon and repaire the parsonadge house which is in greate decay, bye All Sainctes

[f. 1547.]


Rector Dominus Johannes Best

Curatus nullus sed cura desseruitur per curatum de Burmershe alternis vicibis



Johannes Palme[r]

Thomas Palmer

Johannes Philipp W. Dodde

Johanes Browne

Willelmus Pamor

Thomas Willes

Robert Chambres

Johannes Smithe§

Johannes Rouse Henricus Dauye

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris " lx

recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialemxv

* Inserted in same hand above the line

WilliamBestadm 4 Feb. 1556 (Pole, 70b) onresignation ofJohn Carlell, Died before27 Jan. 1562, when John Forsett succ him (Parker, 358b)

John Philips churchwarden 1552 (A.C., viii, 143)

§ Parishioner 1552 (Ibid.).

[f. 154v .]


Die et anno [rest as Godmersham]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to set vpp a syde altar with fourniture to set vp the sacrament, to pro- uyde ij fronntes of clouthe painted, ij altare clothes bye All Sainctes

To kepe the crysmatorievnder locke and key, and to prouyde one wipinge towell bye Christmas

To prouyde a box or a purse for the sacrament byeAll Sainctes a corporas and a case by Christmas

To prouyde a paxe of lattyn or other mettal bye Christmas, and a paxe of latten or other mettle with a crosse of latten bye the same tyme and a canapie of say bye Lent

To prouyde a hole portisse, a lighte before the roode and to painte the patrone, to prouyde a locke and a key for the fonnte bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a vestment with an aube bye Christmas

To prouyde a pairenon of censors a lampe, and to repaire the churche and enclose the churchyard to prouyde a lanterne, a spade,non a mattocke, a shouell a bason , an ewer, and a couer for the deske bye All Sainctes

[f. 155r.]


Rector Dominus Willelmus Mason Thomas Griffyt Curatus Dominus Thomas Wilkingson


Parochiani Milo Hutchinson Willelmus Cotinge§ Richardus Stode

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum alta ris recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prepare a sydenon aultare with fourniture ij fronntesnon of sey with courteines and to set vpp the sacrament decentlie bye Christmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouydinge ij wipinge towelles an other ewer a boxe or a purse twoolattennon candlestickes a crossenon

* Pen through the whole name

Succeeded by death of Mason 10 Feb. 1557 (Pole, 76a). Died before 12 May1559 , when Christopher James (see also underAppledore) succeeded him (Parker, 340a)

William Jumpe curate in 1552 (A.C., x, 296) §Warden 1552 (Ibid.). Also in 1552 (Ibid ).

of latten or copper a holie waternon stocke of latten a manuel and a velenon bye Christmas

To prouyde a canapienon of sey by Lent

To [sic] the couer of the fonnte and to kepe the same vnder locke and keye

[f. 155v.]

To repaire the channcell and to paue the same and to prouyde a couer for the deskenon bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a basonnon and an ewer for the fonnt againste Christmas

[f. 156r.]



Rector Dominus Willimus Mason

Curatus nullus sed cura desservitur alternis vicibus per curatum Sanctæ Mariæ


Parochiani Willelmus Southland [no names given]

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium $} xj et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem iiij or

Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prouyde ij aultar clothes to set vpp the sacrament decentlie ij fronntes of say or steynyd with courteines bye All Sainctes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde a boxe or a purse to carrye the sacrament to the sycke bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a canapie of sey, bye Lent

To prouyde ij latten candlestickes by Christmas

To prouyde a crosse of latten and a crosse clo the bye Lent

To prouyde a holie water stopp of latten and a por tysse bye Christmas

To prouyde a conuenyent lighte before the roode and a vele bye Lent

[f. 156v.]

To kepe the fonnte vnderlocke and key a [sic] prouyde a couer of lynnen for the same bye All Sainctes

To prouyde ij banners bye Rogation weke and a lamp bye All Sainctes

To prouyde cheines for the censors, a bason and an ewer with a couer ffor the deske bye Christmas

* Oneofthenow ruined churches of Romney Marsh, near New Romney. Adm. 10 March 1542 (Cranmer , 387b) Thomas Sandyn adm 22 Feb. 1557 on his death (Pole, 76b) Sandyn died before 13 July 1566, when Hugh Wright succeeded him (Parker, 378a).


[f 157 blank ]

[f 158r]


Rectoria impropriata collegio Omnium Sanctorum Oxon'

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Crise*

Curatus Dominus Johannes Pashe

Iconomi Johannes Elie


Thomas Starre

Willelmus Jornell

Richardus Buntinge

Simonis Padian

Johannes Cheseman

Laurentius Stupner

Thomas Tadlawe

Grigorie Holton

John Parker

Johannes Clarcke

Johannes Whatman

Jacobus Allen

Rogerus Webb

Stephanus Dierson

Petrus Wallys

Geffrey Tonnkyn

Jacobus Christian

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [rest as Godmersham]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to set vpp the syde CCaltares with fournitures by Sainct Tandrewe [sic] iiijxx a corporas clothe a paxe of latten or copper byethe same tyme

To kepe the crismatorye vnder locke and key and to prouyde a boxe or a purse for the sacrament bye All Sainctes

[f 158v.]

Tokepe the fonntevnder locke and key, and to repaire the churche in glasinge bye Sainct Andrewes

[f. 159r. blank.]

[f. 159v ]


Rectoria impropriata §Dominæ Reginæ

* Adm . Oct. 1526 (Warham, 392a) A John Crise resigned Sundridge21 May 1557 (Pole, 72a)

Succeeded to vicarage of New Romney on 25 June 1558 on death of Crise (Pole, 78a). Died before18 Jan. 1560, when Richard Webbesucceeded him (Parker , 347a)

Thesefigures are surprisingly small § Dominæ Regina ' crossed out and " in dispositioneLegati" inserted above line in another hand.

Vicarius Dominus Richard Episcopus Douer'*

Curatus Dominus Nicholaus Sorrell

Iconomi Johannes Bate


Johannes Pouer

Johannes Berrie

Robertus Dyne

Thomas Briseland

Thomas Carpenter.

Stephanus Gates

Augustinus Semp

Robertus Warde

Willimus Croche

Willelmus Frarie

Willelmus Daye

Thomas Rede

Willelmus Benes

Willelmus Boucher

Johannes Ffrogge

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris re-} vje cipientium etffamiliæ infra dictamecclesiamparochalem[sic] [no number]

Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prouyde fourniture for the side altare on the northe syde and ij emanuellsnon bye All Sainctes and to prouyde courtensnonof sylke for the highe altare, a bason and an ewer and a couer for the fonnte bye All Sainctes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key, and to prouyde ij surplessisnon for the quire bye All Saintes

[f. 160r.]


Rector Magister [blank] Collens

Curatus nullus sed cura desseruitur per curatumde Veteris

Romeneye alternis vicibus

Iconomus Johannes Maye

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium XV et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem - ij

Die et anno [as before]

* Robert Hill, M.A., succ him 14 Mar. 1557 (Pole , 76b) On 24 Feb. 1568 Hugh Gervas, M.A., collated (Parker, 390a)

The slight ruins of this church may be seen by the side of the railway line from Brookland to Lydd and New Romney

Martin Colyn was rector 15 Feb. 1547 (Cranmer , 414a, 416a). Died before16 June 1569, when Richard Rogers, Bishopof Dover, succeeded him (Parker, 394a)

Ffirste yt is comanndid that the churchwar dens do bringe in a bill of presentment the xvijthofDe cembre and, to take order theare bye the whiche* what meanes the churche may be fournyshed

[f. 160v .]


Rector Magister [blank] Hill

Curatus Dominus Willemus Jumpe

Iconomi Johannes Mychaell

Parochiani Willemus Eppes

Laurentius Baker

Robertus Lowes

Johannes Stringer

Edmundus Glover

Thomas Rache

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris re cipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [rest as Godmersham] re}vjxx - XXX

Ffirste yt is comannded to set vpp a syde altare with fourniture ij fronntes of sylke or sey with cour teynes bye Christmas

To kepe the [c]rysmatorie vnder locke and key, and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key

To prouyde iij wipinge towelles for the preste by All Sainctes

To prouyde a paxe of latten or other mettall with the image ofthecrucyfixe, and a latten crosse by Christmas

[f. 1617.] To set vppthepatrone , and to prouyde aholiestopp[sic] of latten bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a vele bye Lent, and repaire the church bye Easter

To repaire the channcell and to prouyde a spade a mattocke, and an ewer by All Saintes

[f. 161v.]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesiae Epiccopi [sic] Cantor' Vicarius Dominus Rodulphus Blunte


* Crossed out

Robertus Pollarde Andrew Robyns

Robert Hill,S.T.B., collated21 July 1557 (Pole, 73a) He was deprived before 13 Jan. 1559, when John Steward succeeded him (Parker, 340b) A Robert Hill resigned Eastry 31 Jan. 1557 (Pole, 76a). Adm 12 Oct. 1556 (Pole, 70a) Died before11 March 1563 , whenWilliam Darrell, M.A., succeeded him (Parker, 363b).

Parochiani Robertus Morrell

Willelmus Warcopp

Thomas Harwoode*

Johannes Knell

Johannes Gibbes

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris re cipientium et ffamiliæ infra dictam parochialem

Die et anno [as before] re}viijxx 1

Ffirste yt is comannded to kepe the crysmatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde a boxe or a purse to carrye the sa crament in to the sycke bye All Sainctes

To prouyde an antyphonernon bye Christmas and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key

[f 162r]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesiae Episcopi Cantor' Curatus Dominus Henricus Lawney§

Iconomus Johannes Raulen

Parochiani Nicholaus Kennet

Johannes Curtesse

Thomas Bell

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris re cipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [as before] re}XXX - ix">

Ffirste yt is commannded to prouyde a clalice[sic]non and a paterne of siluer bye Christmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key and to prouyde ij wipinge towelles, an ewer a purse or a boxe for the sacrament bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a canapienon of sey with convenient staues bye Lent

To prouyde an other crosse bye Christmas, with a streamernonbye Rogation weeke, and to fonnte[sic]non vnder locke and key

* Parishioner 1552 (A.C., viii, 111).

WilliamKnell, head yeomanof Brookland, was executed for upholding the Pope's Supremacyin 1539 (L. & P. Henry VIII, 1538, pt i, 12 , 48, 79 , 783; 1539, pt 1 , 877 , 867 (15); pt ii, 323, 334) William Warcop (see above) was one of the informersagainst Knell (L. &. P., 1538, pt i, 12)

Churchwarden in 1552 (A.C. , viii, 111).

§ Henry Lane curate in 1552 (A.C. , viii, 152)

Also parishioner in 1552 (Ibid)

[f. 162v.]



Rector Magister Johannes Bucke *

Curatus Dominus Johannes Raper

Iconomus Simon Tolkin

Parochiani Johannes Haywarde

Rodulphus Brighte

Johannes Ryckarde

Georgius Boldinge

Johannes Heldishe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris

recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prouydea syde altar with fournyturenon bye Saincte Andrews ij altare clothes, ij wipinge towelles bye the same tyme

To prouyde a fronnte for the altare beneathe of painted clothe bye All Sainctes

To prouyde ij fronntes of sey with courteynes by Christ mas

To kepe the crysmatorieand the fonnte vnder locke and key

To prouyde a crosse of latten and a crosse clothe bye Christmas, and an aube with fourniture for the vestment bye Easter

[f 163r ]

To make vpp the fore part of the roude lofte bye Christmas, and to prouyde a lampe bye All Sainctes

To enclose the churcheyearde and to prouyde a mattocke bye All Sainctes, and a couer for the deske bye Christmas

[f. 163v.]


Rectoria in possessione Willelmi Damselles militis

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Chapman ex patronatu dicti Damsell

Iconomus Willelmus Randall

Parochiani Edwardus Honnye

Johannes Hubberd

Grigorius Reicate

Johannes Wilborne

Willelmus Reynolds

Simonus Cobb§

* Robert Goldson , M.A., adm to Snargate 8 June 1553 (Cranmer , 423b)

John Bucke died rector before20 June 1567 , when John Hardyman, S.T.B., succeeded him (Parker, 382b).

Adm. 28 July 1541 (Cranmer , 385a)

John Pady succeeded him (Parker, 358b)

Churchwardenin 1552 (A.C., viii, 110)

Died before 12 Dec. 1562 , when §Inhabitantin 1552 (Ibid )

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris re cipientium iiijxx

et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem [no number]

Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prouyde a patten of siluer before Christmas and the curate not to cele brate after the same tyme withoute

To prouyde a syde aultarenon with fourniture and a fronnte for the aultare aboue of steynydnon clouthe bye Saincte Andrew with a corporas clouthe and a casebye the same tyme

To prouyde ij fronntes non of sey with courteynes for the aultare, and a canapienon of sey fringed with conue nyent staues bye Lent

To prouyde a crosse of latten and a clothe, a holi water stopp of latten, and an aube with fournitures for the werste vestment bye Christmas, a velenon and a coveringe for the imagies bye Lent, and to kepe the fonnte and the crysmatorie vnder locke and key

[f 164r] Bremset

To prouyde iij banners and a streamer bye Roga tyon weke and a lampe bye All Sainctes, and to repaire the channcell bye the same tyme and the churche in glasinge, and the other reparations bye Easter

To amend thinclosure of the churchyearde bye

All Sainctes, and a bason and an ewer bye Christmas

[f. 164v ]


Reetor Dominus Thomas Cailie* Curatus nullus

Iconomus Gregorius Beste


Johannes Wyuell

Johannes Bause

Johannes Foorde

Johannes Ffen

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [as before]

Ffirste yt is commanndid that the parishioners [nonumber] xvjt' go to Wardons and Brenset to churche tyll they haue a curate and to certyfie whether they doe so or no the xvijth daye of Decembre

Thomas Calley died before 10 June 1567 , when Thomas Taverner succeeded him (Parker, 382a)

Thomas Wylkysoncurate here in 1552 (A.C., xiv, 413)

John Wyvell an inhabitant1552 (Ibid.) § A mistake for Warehorne

To prouyde fournyturenon for the side aultare bye Christmas

To prouyde a fronnte of painted non clothe for the altare benethe bye All Sainctes

To prouyde ij fronntes non for ye altare with courteynes of sey and a hearenon clothe bye Christmas, and to kepe the crysmatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde a boxe or a purse to carrye the sacra ment in to the sycke bye All Sainctes [f. 1657.]

To prouyde a boxe* corporas case or a clouthe, a paxenon of latten or copper bye Christmas

To prouyde a canapienon of saye fringed with convenyent staues bye Lent and an other crosse with the imageof Christe bye the same tyme

To prouyde ij latten candlestickesnonand a portissenon for the sommer bye the Christmas

To prouyde a vestment with fourniturenon bye Easter a vele" and a coueringes for the imagies bye Lent and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and keye

To prouyde a lampe bye All Sainctes and to repaire the channcell" and the churche in ne cessarie reparations bye the same tymes the rest throughlie bye mydsomer and

To repaire the parsonage barnes bye mydsomer and to prouyde a mattocke , a spade a shouell a bason and an ewer bye Sainct Andrews

[f. 165v.]

Ex patronatu

ecclesie Christi Catur'


Rector Magister Willimus Dorrell

Curatus Dominus JohannesGriffyth



* Pen through where italics

Robertus Kinge

Georgius Harte

Robertus Tyrrey

Robertus Mennys

Henricus Harte

Thomas Bourne

Inthis parish at Calehillthe Catholic faith was preserved from theend of the seventeenthcentury by the Darell family Two registers , dating from the end of the eighteenth century until the foundation of the presentCatholic church , arepreserved at St. Teresa's , Ashford. The Darell chapelintheparish church of Little Chart was unique in Kent, being, like the Fitzalan chapel at Arundel, a Catholic propertywithin a church of the Establishment. Unfortunatelyboth were destroyed by a flying bomb in 1944 , and the remains of the Darell monuments are deposited for safe keeping in Charing church. The chapel is not to be confusedwith the chapel of the family attached to Calehill, which is no longer in Catholic hands

William Darrell, ' scolaris , ' adm 3 Dec. 1546 (Cranmer, 402a) Resigned before8 Dec. 1560, when Nicholas Champion succeeded him (Parker , 346b) William Darrell during the course of his career held no less than ten livings: Brenzett, Tenterden, Lenham, LittleHardres, Benenden, Monkton, Brookland, Chilham , Brook, and a canonry at Canterbury Ofthe last he was deprived before 16 Feb. 1579 (Grindal, 535a)

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et ffamiliæinfra dictamecclesiamparochialem

Die et anno [rest as Godmersham]

Memorandum theare is no roode lofte, the glasse wyndowesnon of the channcell are broken

No sermons made bye the parson this yeare, the person did not serue theare this yeare but onelie vppon Christmas daye, theare is no patrone of the yearche* churche, no lightes before the roode, the sacrament is not set vpp the image of Oure Ladie was heare in tyme past Memorandum that Robert Tyrrie and Robert Mennys were herto sworne before the comyssioners at that yt appearithe they haue forfeytyd xx libri in not makinge the roode lofte and

[f. 166r.]

The patrone of the churche with other fournyture belonginge thearto

Memorandum that Master George Dorrell Esquire dwellith theare whiche is the chefest place of his habitacion

To make cleane the sealinge of over the aultare im mediatlie

To sett vpp the sacrament decentlie bye Christmas and to prouyde fronntes for the altare aboue and benethe for the workingdaies of paynted clothe with the imageof the crucyfixe, and for the holie daies of silke or seynon with curteynes before All Sainctes and to sett vpp the syde aultare with fournyture bye the same daye

[In left margin is the following item : Memorandum they haue / none but oftynne]

To prouyde a challice with a patten of siluer before Christmas, and that the curate say no more masse vn les he be prouyded of a challice bye the same tyme

To prouyde a couer forthe crysmatorie immediatlie and to kepe the same vnder locke and key Memorandum that in the corporas clothe were peces of singing bread but whetheryt weare consecrated or no ytis not yet knowne

To prouyde a latten crossenon accordinge to the ffoote whiche they haue all redye before Christmas an image of Christe upon theire said crosse im mediatlie

To prouyde a crosse staffe with a conuenyent banner bye Christmas

* Pen through.

The unconsecrated host was so named.

Pen through ' of'

To take perfect certyficatnon what image stode for the patrone of the churche

[f. 166v ]

To repaire theire cope before Mychaelmas, and to prouyde the phannelles and the apparelles for the aubes immediatlie

To prouyde a vestmentnon withe aubes for the woorkingdaies before Christmas

To prouyde a lockenon and a key for the fonnte be fore Mychaelmas and to kepe the same decentlie

To prouyde a velenon with a clouthe for the roode

Marye and John before Lent

To prouyde a banner and a streamernonbefore Rogation weeke with conuenyent staues

To prouyde a payre of censors and a lampe before Allsainctes and to repare the churche in glasinge and other reparations bye the same tymeand to amend the butlers* [sic] in the northenon syde bye mydsomer next

To make vpp the roode lofte or a conuenyent beame for the roode lighte bye Christmas

To prouyde a couernon for the deske, a handbell and a spade by Mychaelmas

[f. 167r.]


Rectoria propriata ecclesiae Diui Pauli London' Vicarius Dominus Johannes Spendloue

Curatus Dominus Stephanus Singuldaye

Iconomi Richardus Chambre

Henricus Barrow

Parochiani Richardus Ponnet

Henricus Barrowe Elston§

Cristopherus Bachell

Johannes Scrymsby

Thomas Admay

Johannes Hurchyn

Richardus Baldocke

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiamparochialem >iije C

Dieet anno ... atque mandauitproutinferius habetur[rest as before] Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouydenona conuenyent place to set the images of Sainct Peter and Paule in the sides of the sides of the aultare before Mychaelmas

* Buttress

Crossed out.

See under Tenterden § Also in 1552 (A.C., viii, 128).

167v .]

To prouyde a paxe of latten with the image of ye crucyfixebefore Mychaelmas, forthey none [sic] but a gentlemanes armes, the whiche they are char ged to present whose armes yt is, the Weddsday after Mychaelmas

To kepe the crysmatorie vnder locke and key and prouyde a crossenon clouthe before Christmas of silke

To prouyde a bygger portysse before All Sainctes and to amend theire best cope immedyatlye

To prouyde a vele and a clothe for the roode agaynste Lent, and a streamernon agaynste Rogation weke

To prouyde a lampe,non a new paire ofcensors before All Sainctes, and the sealinge of the channcellnon to be amendid, before this tyme

To set vpp the sacramente decentlye before All Sainctes

To repaire the vycaradgenon house whiche is in de cay before Mydsomer and to prouyd a conve nyent holie water stopp of latten before All Sainctes

To prouyde a basonnon and an ewer before All Sainctesand the bodye of churche and the churchyearde to be thoroughlye repayred

To prouyde an honeste lynnen clouthefor the syde altarenon and to amend the bell that ys crasyd Memorandum the person makith no distribution

[f. 168r ]


Rector Dominus

Thomas Langley*

Rectoria ex patronatu Thoma Wotton



Richard Eldston

Christopherus Dive

Georgius Hudson

Christopherus Stonehouse

Johannes Gennynge

Anthonius Bray

Willelmus Marshall

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium >viijxx etffamiliæ infra dictamecclesiamparochialem [no number]

Die et anno [rest as Godmersham]

Ffirste yt is comanndid to set vpp the sacrament immediatelie , and a syde altare wich fur-non niture before All Sainctes

* Boughton Malherbe

Richard Elson adm 3 July 1564 on resignation of Thomas Langley (Parker, 365a).

To prouyde fronntes for the altare aboue and be nethe of silke or saye and courteynes to the same and courteyne roddes before All Sainctes

To prouyde towellesnon for them that receive at Easter before that same tyme

To prouyde a canapyenon of sylke or sey with con venyent staues before Lent

[f. 168v .] To prouyde a payre of candlestickes for the altare of latten before All Sainctes

To prouyde a crosse of lattyn with the image of Christe before Chrystmas and in the meanetyme to haue the image of the crucyfixe vppon the olde crosse

To prouyde a crosse clouthe of sylke or sey before All Sainctes and make a conuenyent frame for the lighte of the sepulchre

To prouyde a vestment with an aube bye Christe mas

To prouyde a roode Marye and John of the stature appoynted and the patrone to be set vpp bye Easter

To kepe the fonnte decentlye with locke and key and to prouyde a vele with clothes for the roode Marye and John before Lent

To prouyde banners and streamers against Rogation weke

To prouyde a paire of censors and a lampe to burne before the sacrament, before All Sainctes

To repaire the channcell in all poyntes be fore All Sainctes, and to repaire the churche in all tymbre glasinge and shingle before All Sainctes

[f. 169r .] To prouyde a deske with a couernon before All Saintes and a handble [sic] and a holie waterstoppe at thedoore bye the same tyme

[f. 169v ]

To prouyde a basonnon and an ewer before Easter


Curatus Dominus Johannes* Buckhurstus*

Iconomi Edmundus Spice


Johannes Burrishe

Thomas Sixweke

Thomas Pemple

Alexandre [sic] Mascall

Johannes Boycote

Stephanus Hooker

Robertus Spice

Richardus Ffowler

* Crossed out and ' Richardus' inserted above

See under Headcorn.

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familiæinfra dictam ecclesiamparochialem

Die et anno [as before]


Ffirste yt is commanndid to take vpp the aultare stones that lye in the churche before Mychaelmas and to be set asyde till further ordre [sic] be taken

To set vp a sydenon altarewithfournyturebeforeAllSainctes

To prouyde a fronntenon of sylke for the parte of the al tare with courteynes for the vpper parte of sylke and for the woorkingdaies a fronnte for the parte of the aultare of paynted clothe wythe the image of the cru cyfixe before Mychaelmas

To kepe the crismatorye vnder locke and key [f 170r ]

To prouyde a corporasnon clouthe * before Mychaelmas

To prouyde a mete and convenyent paxe with the image of the crucyfixe immedyatlye, bye cause they haue none but a nakyd man with the xij sighnes aboute hym

To prouyde a canapienon of sylke with convenyent staues before Lent

To prouyde a crosse of lattennon with the image ofthe crucyfixe before Christmas and in the meane tyme

to haue a crosse with the image of Christe

To prouyde a sepulchrenon with a conuenyent frame for the lights bye Christmas§ Easter

To prouyde a vestmentnon with an aube for the wo orkingdaies before Christmas

To prouyde a convenyent lighte before the roode bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a velenon and a clothe for the imagies before Lent, and to prouyde a streamer before Rogation weeke

To prouyde a payre of censors before All Sainctes an[d] a lampenon

To amend the enclosure of the churcheyeardenon before Mychaelmas

To repaire the channcellnon and the churche in stone woorke and buttressies before mydsomer and to prouyde a holie water stopp of lattyn beffore Mychaelmas

[f. 170v ]

To prouyde a couer for the deske before Mychaelmas and to prouyde a basonnon and an ewer before Christmas

Memorandum they had no sermons this twelue monethes

* Pen through 'u.'

" Habent of wodd and plaster " inserted above the line.

I.e. of the Zodiac §Pen through .

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