Records Volume 46: Archdeacon Harpsfield's Visitation 1557: 2

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Publications of the Catholic Record Society


The Catholic Record Society was founded 10th June 1904, for printing Registers and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

Archdeacon Harpsfield's Visitation

, 1557

Together with Visitations of 1556 and 1558



This volume is Jssued to the Dembers for 1946-47



The editor regrets to record the death of Mr. W. Sharp, whosehelpintranscribingthe first volume is there acknowledged, and which occurred while it was being prepared for the press.

Since completing both volumes we have consulted , through the courtesy of the Rev. Canon Claude Jenkins, librarian, and Dr. Irene Churchill, assistant librarian of Lambeth , a visitation of the Canterbury diocese made by Cardinal Pole through his Vicar-General in spirituals, David Pole, LL.D., in 1556. It is only once referred to in Harpsfield (p 205) The acta are preserved at Lambeth, and Cardinal Pole's Register (f 32 seq) also contains some account of it.

According to the register, the visitation of the Cathedral began on 18 May and was prorogued till 27 October. That of the Canterbury and Westbere deaneries was held in the church of St. Alphege, Canterbury , on 19 May; that of Bridge and Elham in the church of Bishopsbourne on 20 May; that of Dover in St. Mary's, Dover, on 21 May ; of Sandwich in St. Peter's church, Sandwich, on 22 May; and of Sittingbourneand Ospringe in the church ofSittingbourneon Thursday, 28 May.

The deaneries of Sutton, Charing and Lympne are for some reason not mentioned either in the acta or in the register. The reference in Harpsfield, however, indicates that a visitation for Sutton deanery was held ; and, doubtless, the same may be inferred concerning the remainingtwo.

A detailed comparison between the injunctions of Pole in 1556 and of Harpsfield in 1557 would illustrate in a practical way the rate of progress achieved by the second of the missions from Rome to the English people, the third of which was so notably commemorated this year.

Mr. Donald Attwater has lately drawn our attention to a Cornish translation of some homilies of Archdeacon John Harpsfield , the English originals of which are printed in an appendix to Bishop Bonner's Profitable and Necessary Doctrine (1555). The Cornish translator was John Tregeere. The MS. , whichiscontemporaryand comes from the papers ofthe Puleston family of Flintshire, was acquired for the British Museum in 1947. It is catalogued as Additional MSS. 46397 and has been translated by Mr. R. Morton Nance, who has discovered in it some new Cornish words.

November , 1950








[f. 171r.]


Rector Dominus Edwardus Bullifannte* Rectoria ex patronatu Magistri Tufton

Iconomi Nicholaus Topley


Henricus Godfrey

Richardus Wattes

Marcus Mylles

Robertus Haule

Johannes Godfrey

Willimus Toppley

Numerusparochianorumsacramentumaltaris) .ccxj recipientium et familiæinfra dictam ecclesiamparochialemlxvj

Die et anno ... ecclesiamparochialem predictam[rest as before]

Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouyde a lampe to burne before the sacrament before All Sainctes

To prouyde a hollie water stopp of latten before Mychaelmas

To prouyde a crosse of latten or copper with the image of the crucyfixe before Christmas

To prouyde a paire of candlestickes of latten before All Sainctes, and to kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde a fronnte for the vpper parte of the altare for the woorkingdaies or else to paynte the table with the passyon of Christe

[f. 171v ]

To prouyde fronntes forthe hollydaies of silkenon forthealtar aboue and beneathe

To prouyde ij cruettes § a pyxe of iuerye or boxe to carrye the sacrament in, and to prouyde a corporas clouthe before All Sainctes

To prouyde a canapie of silke or sey with fringies and convenyent staues before Lent

To prouide a graile before All Sainctes

To prouyde a vestment with an aube for the workingdaies before Christmas

* Adm . 9 Mar. 1556, on resignation of Edward Slanye (Pole, 70b)

Nicholas Toplef inhabitant 1552 (A.C., ix, 271). Michael Mylles churchwarden 1552 (Ibid.).

§ A non' erased above the line here?

To prouyede a convenyent lighte before the roode at before All Sainctes

To sett vpp the patrone decentlie at the end of the altare, and to prouyde a vele with clothes to cover the imagies before Lent

To repaire the churche* in glasinge, tymbre ando-* ther necessarie reparations before All Sainctes

To repare the churche* personagde house whiche is greatelie in decave before Mychaelmas come twelmonthe , and also to repaire the channcellnon inallthinges

To enclose the churcheyearde decentlie and to prouyde a basonnon and an ewer with a handbellnon before All Sainctes, and to prouyde a mattockebye that tyme

[f. 172r.]


[In left margin : Ex patronatuReuerendissimi/Archiepiscopi Cant' Rector ibidem Dominus Ricardus Symones residet

Iconomi Ricardus Illinden

Thomas Beche

Thomas Pettar

Joannes Twisden

Ricardus Keacham


William Wattes

Thomas Welles

Ricardus Wattes

Joannes Sone senior

Thomas Holnesse

Numerus sacramentumparochianorum altaris recipientium

Memorandum quod supradictus Dominus



Archidiaconus die et anno superius descriptis ecclesiam parochialem de Sandherst predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos preconizatos et comparentes actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis ac ceteris neccesariis que in vsum ecclesie et decor' eiusdem fuerant preperata necnon et articulis inquisitionis publice declaratis eisdem§ parochianis iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit vlteriusque processit prout inferius habetur

* Pen through. Another writer has commenced to insert at the end of the line "and the chauncell, " and "non" above, and then all crossed out.

Richard Beselye, B.D., coll 27 Aug. 1560 on resignation of Richard Symons (Parker, 345a) " iconomiset" inserted abovetheline. §"

To prouide a paire of curtynes of silk for the high alter for the holly daies, Item covers of tyne for the crismatorye . Item a paire of lattyn candelstickes

Item too or iijnon surpleses non and a handbell

Item the patron of ye church to be amendede

[f. 172v ]

Ffinche Pettar




To prouide a faire crossenon of latten with ye imagies of Mary and John bifore Ester

To prouide a faire registor boke wherin they shall registor all cristenynges burialles and mariages, and also thaccomptes of the churche

The channcellnonand the churchenon to be repaired in all thinges before mydsomer

The parson is commannded that he doo not burye anny that doo refuse to be confessed or to receve the sacramente nether that he doo ministre the sacramente at Easter to suche as will not crepe to the crosse

Wheras it appered that Master Finche in the sale of copes gayned in monney the sum of five markes, he is perswaded and hath also promysed to delyuer the said v markes to thuse of the churche; payeng xxsnon within a yere etc


And wheras Thomasnon Pettar and other had in their handes remeynyng of the churche plate xj oz of siluer , they ar perswaded and have promysed to make restitucon and therof they haue delyuered to the church a paten of siluer

The church wardens accomptesnon to be putt into the register boke bifore All Sainctes

John Bate conuented at that tyme is commannded to pay or to agree with the churchwardens for the thinges that he is bond to performe by Foules will etc


The boseholder had in commanndment to attache one younge Willard and to bringe him to reformatus Crambroke the next day. At whiche tyme and place the said Willerd was bond in recognisaunce and to conforme hymself to the vnytie ofthe church Twisden John Twisden presented for witholding for witholding [sic] of vjs ijd a yere dewe for an obite ther and he being convented saieth that he he [sic] paiethe it to the Quenes Ma'estie yerely

* In margin in another hand


[f. 173v.]


Ecclesia ibidem dudum erat impropriata Collegio

Christi Oxon' viz tempore Edwardi vjti Regis

Est ibidem vicaria indotata. Sed nullus adhuc in reali possessione eiusdem valetxxlibri

Curatus ibidem Dominus Christophorus Grene



Georgius Scote generosus*

Georgius Afforde

Andr' Beaching

Petrus Donncke

Joannes Andrue

Petrus Woodgate

Edmundus Robertes§

Thomas Mercer

Joannes Idynden**

Joannes Carpinter

Joannes Goodman

Robertus Bullocke

Ricardus Daye

Jacobus Donncke

Thomas Mercer

Edwardus Donncke§§

Thomas Sisseley

William Springet¶¶

Numerus parochianorum

sacramentum altaris recipientium }viije

Memorandum quod .... de Hawkehurste [rest as Sandhurst]

To set vppe a side altero or two withe ffurniture

To prouide two alter clothes

To set vppe the table of the alter

To prouide a purse or a boxe convenient to carry the [not finished]

Item a crosse clothenon of silke

Item a corporas case, before**

Item two grailesnon and two antiphonersnon

citra festum Omnium

Sanctorum /

To painte the rode Marienon and John with the image of the patrone before Easter

* Warden also in 1558, 1559, 1571 (A.C., v, 346)

Warden in 1548, 1556 (Ibidem , 333)

A butcher of this name (Ib. , 72).

** Ib., 60 .

Ib., 64

Pen through

Ib, 59. § Ib., 72

Warden of the poor men's box 1556 (Ib., 70)

§ § Ib, 79 ?

Ib., 84

* Crossed out


To prouide a faire registor booke, wherin they shall register all christenynges burialles and mariages and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide iij banners and three streamers ofsilk before Rogacon weeke

To prouide a lampenon before All Saintes

That the farmer repaire the channcell from tyme to tyme as often as nede shall require

The curate is commannded that he doe not burie anny that doe refuse to be confessed or to receive the sacramentesnether that he doe minister the sacramente at Easter to suche as will not crepe to the crosse

[f 174v .]

[f. 175r]

Also it is comannded that all the parishners be confessed beforemyddle Lente Sonndaie, and thentobe confessed agayne and to receave the sacramente wekelie as the howseholdes shalbe appoincted

To prouide a cover for the deske and a handebellnon before the feast of Sainte Andrewe


[In left margin : Olim impropriata /Combewell * / ex patronatu dicti Johannis Guylforde]

Proprietarius Johannes Guylforde miles et valet rectoria

Vicarius Magister Ricardus Waters


Johannes Harrodyne

Robertus Wyllard

Johannes Everenden [corner of leaf torn]residet

Johannes Morlen

Johannes Sharpe

Laurentius Daye

Johannes Wyllard

Laurentius Pattenden

Gervacius Gibbon

Willelmus Wattes

Johannes Basden

Thomas Cryor

Ricardus Glover

Stephanus Netter

Robertus Everenden of theWood

Willelmus Ffowle

Robertus Binge

Robertus Basenet

Robertus Stace

Ricardus Welles

The priory of Cumbwell, near Maidstone. Richard Water, S.T.B., adm 14 June 1545 (Cranmer , 395b) William Darrell adm on 10 Nov. 1561 on his death (Parker, 351b)



Thomas Gibbon

Johannes Kete

Thomas Willard

Laurentius Golding

Johannes Austen

Robertus Everenden of Grauchill

Jacobus Everenden

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium vje

Numerus familiarum infra dictam parochiam - ije

[f. 175v .]

The vicar [sic] Memorandum quod .... de Benynden [rest as Sandhurst]

The vicar is commannded that he shall not burie anny that doe refuse to be confessed or to receive the sacramente nether that he do minister the sacramente at Easter vnto suche as will not crepe to the crosse

To take down the tombe stone from the alter and to laye it in his place

To furnisshenon vpp their table of the alter withe alablaster before Easter

To prouide more lighte before the rode citra festum

To prouide a lampe Omnium Sanctorum /

To prouide à faier register booke wherin they shall registor all christenynges burialles and mariages and also thaccomptes of the churche and the same book to be kept vnder lock and keye

Also it is commannded that all the parisheners be confessed before myddle Lente Sonndaie and then to be confessed agayne and to receive the sacrament weekelie as the howseholdes shalbe appoincted

[f. 176r . all blank ]



A list of Catholics resident in the archdiocese of Canterbury in 1676 , drawn up in answer to Archbishop Sheldon's enquiries, shews more recusants to have been living at Benenden at that time than in any other parish The original returns are in the Library of the Dean and Chapter at Canterbury and were transcribed by Mr. Stuart Davis The figures are as follows

(St. George's) 7

Paul's) 18

The figuresfor Canterbury are comparatively large, but it would be a chronological error to ascribe them to the influence of the Hales family at Hales Place, for Sir Edward, the third baronet, born in 1645 , was notconvertedto Catholicism till 1685. At Hackington, theparish in which the above mansion was situated, there was only one Catholic in 1676. We may, perhaps, partly account for them on the ground that Canterbury, like Dover was an urban centre

The incidence of Catholics in the Faversham and Sittingbourne area may be ascribed to the Hawkins family of Boughton-under-Blean and to the Ropers, Lords Teynham of Lynsted Lodge respectively . The youngerbranchofthe family of Guldeford, seated at Hempsted in the parish of Benenden, kept the Catholic faith. Their ancestor was George, second son of Sir Richard Guldeford, K.G. and Comptroller of the Household to King Henry VII, who died at Jerusalem in 1508. His son, Sir John Guldeford, was Sheriffof Kent in the sixth year of Edward VI Richard, born to him by his second wife , Mary Fitzwilliam, died in exile for his religion at Rouen on 22 May 1586. A widow, Benet (formerly married to Horne of Appledore ), was also a Catholicand survivedhim She diedat Brussels, aged 37 , in July 1597 . The eldest son of Sir John by his first wife, Barbara West, was Sir Thomas Guldeford, Kt , whose son by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Shelley, of Michelgrove , Sussex, was Sir Henry Guldeford He married the Lady Elizabeth Somerset, daughter of Edward, Earl of Worcester Their son, Edward Guldefordof Hempsted , Esq , married Catherine, daughter of Thomas, third son of the first Lord Petre A daughter, Elizabeth, widow of John Brooke of Madeley, co . Salop, became a Benedictinenun and died at Pontoise in 1714, aged 57. Her brother , Robert Guldeford, the only son of his parents, was created a baronetby James II in 1685. He married Clare, daughterandcoheir of Anthony Thomson, Esq., of Northorp in Lincolnshire, but died in 1718 withoutissue Sir Robert Guldeford'sstaunchCatholicism earned for him the favour of James II The estate of Hempstedwassold underanActof Parliamentin thereignof Queen Anne to pay his debts. The best known member of the elder branch of the Guldeford family, seated at Halden in the parish of Rolvenden , was the Lady Jane Grey For the pedigree see art. The Family ofGuldeford, by the Rev. R. C. Jenkins, in A.C., xiv, 1-17

With the removal of Sir Robert Guldeford, Bt , from Hempsted, the numberof Catholics declined and finallydied out altogether Thus in answer to the articles of enquiry promulgated on 1 May 1758 by Archbishop Secker, the then incumbent wrote: " About 50 years ago the seat above mentioned [Hempsted ] belonged to a Roman Catholick family There were at that time several Papists in this parish, which are now (God be praised) reduced to one only, who is a large farmer His place of worship used to be at Scotney, in ye

parish of Lamberhurst, in the County of Sussex, a house belonging to Dorril [Darrell], Esquire But I am informed that there has been no priest there for a considerable time, and that our farmer, whose name is John Jenks, has been at no place of worship lately. His sister in law , on a visit to him from London, died here of small pox about 9 years ago, and immediatelyupon her death one Mr. Bennet , a Popish priest, came hither from Battle in Sussex on that occasion, and stayed here one night And I can't learn that he ever was here afterwards This is all that I know of Papists with regard to my parish. " This answer was extracted from the originals in Lambeth Palace Library bythe Rev.FrancisHaslewood in his ParishofBenenden, Kent (privately printed at Ipswich, 1889), p 228 .

Thomas Wells the elder of Benenden, the same author notes (p. 219), was presented by the churchwardens " for keeping of beades and other bookes of Papistry " in 1587 .

[f. 176v ]


Proprietariusecclesia Christi Cantuar') }xxxiij libri xiijsiiijd et rectoria valet

Vicarius Magister Johannes Atkinson*

Iconomi Walterus Hendley Johannes Hovenden

Iconomi anni Johannes Sharpie residet preteriti


Ricardus Tailor

Ricardus Dense

Robertus Hovenden

Petrus Courthoppe

Alexander Dense

Stephanus Sharpie

Johannes Hovenden

Henricus Earsden

Johannes Sharpie

Walterus Hendley

Ricardus Tailor senior

Willelmus Earle

Willelmus Tailor

Johannes Aware

Willelmus Courthoppe

Thomas Waterman

Thomas Burgies

Willelmus Hovenden

Johannes Hartredge

Johannes Brickenden

Jacobus Stottesford

Ricardus Cusheman

* Adm. Bethersden 27 Feb. 1549 (Cranmer, 410b). Richard Fletcher, M.A., adm Cranbrook on resignation of George Atkinson on 17 Oct. 1561 (Parker, 350b)


Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare [sic] recipientium xve


Numerus familiarum infra dictamparochiamiijc

[f. 1777.] Memorandum quod .... de Crambrok [restas Sandhurst]

To prouide surplessies and rochettes convenient for the quire before All Saintes

To set vppe the patrone of the churche and to gilte or paynte the same before All Saintes

To prouide a faire register booke wherin they shall register all the christenynges burialles and mariages and also thaccomptes of the churche and the same to be kept vnder lock and keye

That the churchewardens and parishners doe enquire of the ornamentes of the churche that were solde and by whome, and to what vse it was put and to make certificatetherof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannterburye

To repaire the northe ile of the churche before mydsommer

To enclose the churcheyarde before the feast of All Saintes, and to kepe it well enclosed

The vicar is commannded that he shall not burie any that doe refuse to be confessed or to receive the sacrament nether that he doe minister the sacramente at Easter vnto suche as will not crepe to the crosse

[f 177v .]

*Also it is comannded that all the parisheners be confessed before myddle Lente Sonndaie and then to be confessed agayne and to receive the sacrament weekelie as the howseholdesshalbe appoincted Also that one of everie howse be at procession apon the Wednisdaies and Fridaies

To prouide convenient bookes for the quire before the feast of All Saintes Beale Philpott Also it is comanndedthat Thomas Beale James Living Exton Livinge James Philpotte and Thomas Exton be attached bythe connstable or bosholder and to be sett [sic] to Cannterburye Wodesetters Also that no wodesetters woorke apon the Sonndaies

[f. 178r.]

Ex patronatu

Johannis Baker militis


Rector Dominus Thomas Henden

Iconomi Walterus Tailor

Johannes Turnor


* Corner of pagetorn.

The Staplehurst Register is described by T. S. Chamberlain in A.C. , xxviii, 283-99. The entries are continuous from 26 September 1538

Parochiani Walterus Mayney generosus

Johannes Pickenden

Simon Draner

Ricardus Harrold

Thomas Batherst

Thomas Osborn

Thomas Goldam

Johannes Rede

Johannes Rumney

Johannes Barefote

Thomas Peke

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare recipientium

Memorandum quod .... de Stapleherst [rest as Sandhurst]

To prouide a canapie of silke with fringies before Lente

to 30 October 1596. They illustrate the religious changes ofthe time The children of Richard Beesley, rector, and of his curate, Robert Stockton , both having married, ' are entered in the register of baptisms There is the note , partlyillegible, relating to the end of 1554, or beginningof 1555,that" Master parsone begone to have allmaner[trib]ulacyonswthys wffe"-whichindicates , perhaps, that some action had been taken against Stockton early in thereign of Queen Mary From June 1556 the names of godparents as well as the nameof the father of the child are given, in compliance with Cardinal Pole's injunctionof 1555. Two of these entries relate to children of John Rumney, mentioned in the list of parishioners His son, Robert, was christened on 4th July 1556, his daughter, Agnes, whose godfather was Thomas Henden, on 13th September 1558[?] Thomas Henden succeeded as rector in May 1557 , when Beesley was deprived as a married priest Several names mentioned in the list of parishioners occur in the register, viz Drayner, Mayney, Rumney, Rede, Osborne, Batherst, and Turner.

Of special interest are three notices which seem to corroborate the suspicions entertained against Ffaunte's wife, the wife of Batherst , George Taylor, and Thomas Rede and his wife , viz.:

i The child ofWilliam Fant was not baptized until 7 April 1560 , " which childe was borne in troublous days & therefore not christined tyll it was a yere old " This looks as if the child's baptism had been deliberately deferred to avoid the Marian (Catholic) minister.

ii At a baptism of a child on 5 February 1559, shortly after Queen Mary was dead , we find Margaret Batterst, the godmother, " vituperante sputi ceremoniam , " thus shewing once again and openly her aversion to the ceremonies of the Church

iii On 8 February, three days later, a Joan Taylor died without the sacraments or sign ofthe cross over the body or coffin-"sine sacramentorum et crucis signo super corpus vel sarcophagum quo deportabatur inter duodecimamet primam horam nulla satisfactionefacta . " It would appear that she was buried by the priest, but he was not allowed to carry out the full ceremonies.

iv When one Henry Rede died on 14 February following, "pater noluiteum in ecclesiam introduci " This refusal to allow the body of his son to lie. in the church was clearly a protest against Catholic rites

Richard Beseley, M.A., who was originally admitted to the rectory of Staplehurst on 19 November 1537 (Cranmer , 356b, 357a), was re-admitted under Elizabeth

178v ]

[f. 179r .]


To prouide curteynes of silke for the hallie

185 daies and a fronnte for the alter above of seyeforthe woorkingedaies with curteynes of the same before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide twono or three surplessies or rochettes for the quire before the feaste of Allsaintes

To prouide a graile before Christmas

To prouide an antiphonerno before the feast of Allsaintes

To painte the roode Marie and John with the patrone and to set vpp the patrone decentlie before Christmas

Also it is comannded that all thoose that can singe doe serve in the quire vppon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and that the churchewardens doe make due certificate of them that refuse

To prouide a veleno and coveringesnon for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a conuenient lighte before the roode at this side the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide a faiernon registor booke wherein they shall register all christenynges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a lampe before the feast of Allsaintes

Also it is commannded that the wallnon of the southe side of the channcell be amended by the parishners before mydsomer

Also that the channcell be repaired in glasinge and other reparations necessarie before the feast of Allsaintes

To repaire the churche also in glasinge and other reparacions before the feast of Allsaintes

That the churchewardens do diligentlie enquire what ornamentes plate jewelles and other gooddes belonginge to the churche were solde and to whom by whom and to what vse the same was put and that the saide wardens make due certificat therof

Also it is commannded that the personage be thoroughlie repaired before Michaelmas come twelvemonethe

That the person burie none that refuse to be confessed or to receive the sacramente Neither that he doe minister the sacrament at Easter to suche as will not crepe to the crosse

Also it is commannded that oneno of everie house nighe to the churche be at procession the Wednisdaies and Fridaies




Memorandum that there is commanndemente geven to the connstable to attache Ffauntes

wife and Robert Garland suspectedof *abiit *abiit heresie and to bringe theim to the commissioners at Cannterburye

Matheus Medherst

vxor Batherst

vxor predicti Medherst

Thomas Rede et eius vxor

vidua Buckland

Petrus Marden

Thomas Robertes *bedrid

Georgius Tailor

Thomas Clifford *abiit

qui sepius detecti quod perverse sentiebant de sacramentis et cere moniis ecclesie etc

Omnes conventi humiliter agnoscentes culpas submiserunt se vnitati ecclesiae etc

[f. 179v ]

*Detectum quod Thomas Scranton et eius

vxor non receperunt sacramentum Paschate vltimo et quod recesserunt a parochia ad Calisiam

Wherefore the connstable hathe in commanndemente to attache them when they come into the countrie and to bringe them before the commissioners at Cant' Detectum that Iames Austen hathe caried the pretensed wife of Sir Robert Smithe late curate of Apledor to the same Sir Robert prevelie sithens the tyme of their divorse

Vnde evocatus dictus Iacobus et oneratus iuramento ad tacta evangelia negauit obiecta et sic dimittitur cum monitione de bene se gerendo etc

[f. 180r.]


Robertus Gawen


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Roffensi

VicariusDominus Ricardus White §

Vicaria ex patronatu dicte ecclesie Roffensis et valet

Iconomi Johannes Horsemonden

Willelmus Steven Parochiani Edwardus Horden

Thomas Nepsam

Thomas Austen iunior

Radulphus Wyborn

residet xx libri

* Added in another hand.

The corner of the page is torn Calais.

§ Adm 27 Mar. 1557 Richard White, B.D., on resignation of Stephen Baker (Pole, 71a, b) William Walter collated 21 Feb. 1560 (Parker, 347b).

Johannes Hardeglas

Johannes Tomeden

Thomas Sable

Johannes Pattinden

Willelmus Atree

Robertus Gawen

Johannes Love mercer

Jacobus Coggar

Allanus Cryar

Thomas Craddock

Johannes Stevens

Ricardus Besbiche of Trigges

Ricardus Coggar

Ricardus Austen

Simon Sabbe [Sable?]

Jasperus Rode

Ricardus Rode

Johannes Smithe myller

Edwarde Rode

Thomas Pattinden

Walterus Marten

Walterus Coucheman

Alexander Stevens

Johannes Stone

Thomas Smithe

Jacobus Craddock

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum ixc altare recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos [rest as Sandhurst]

Firste it is commannded that the alter stone that lieth in the northe side of the churche be taken vppe before Michaelmas

To enquire wherenon the highe alter stone was bestowed and to make certificate therof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas at Cant'

To prouide an able and convenient clerck as they have bene accustomed to have before Christmas

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and benethe of seye with curteynes of the samefor the woorkingedaies before the feaste of Allsaintes

To prouide a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick before the feast of Allsaintes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

[f 180v ]


[f. 1817.]

[f. 181v .]

To prouide a convenient paxe of latten with the Image of Christe before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapie of silke with fringies and staves conveniente before Lente

To prouidea convenient sepulchre with a frame for the lighte before Lente

Also it is commanded that the churchewardens and parisheners warne

Thomas Lake

John Steven

Alexander Steven

Roberte Lake and William Lake

to singe in the quire aponn the Sonndayes and hallidaies, and the churchewardens to make due certificat of theim that refuse the Twisdaie after Michaelmas at Cannt'

The parishners annsweringe and shewinge a cawse, why the forfeiture of xx libri for lacke of their patrone not provided should not be certified accordingelie they saye they laid ernest apon a patrone and the wourkman is fled oute of the countrie And also they saide that they have an other a making at Aisheford

To paynte the roode Marie and John and to prouide the patrone before Allsaintes

To prouide a convenient lighte before the rood before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier register booke wherein they shall register all christeninges marriages and burialles and all thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide two convenient banners before Rogacon weeke

To repaire the channcelnonin sealinge and other things before Allsaintes vnder payne of sequestracion of the fructes

To repaire the glasse windowesnon of the churche before Allsaintes

Also that the windowe in the belferie be glasedbeforemydsommer, and to be closedotherwise decentlie (so that no pigeons may com into the churche) before Allsaintes

Primus annus* That the vicaredge howse be repaired in necessarie reparations as tilynge and otherwise before the feaste of Allsaintes And the same to be thoroughelie repaired within this three yeares and the vicar to accompte what he dothe bestowe apon the same yerelie

* 1.e for not fulfilling the injunction

Another hand

f 182r]


Smithe Walter


That the churcheyarde be enclosed decentlie before Michaelmas and ifit be not done then the churchewardens to certifie in whoise default it is the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannt'

To make a hollie water stoppe at the church door before Allsaintes

To prouide a lantern to goo in visitacon , a handebell a bason and ewer and a mattockebefore the feaste of Allsaintes

That there be procession Wednisdaies and Fridaies and that one of everie howse nighe to the churche be at the same

To put oute the Kinges Armes in the roode lofte before Allsaintes

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To prouide a veleñon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

Memorandum it is commannded that the bosholder attache Henrie Muddle and tobringe hym to *reformatus

Boughton to morrowe at none

The constable is commannded to attache the) sus- widowe of John Smithe miller the wife of pecti

William Walter the wife of Arthure Lye de and to bringe themtothecommissionersto Cant' heresi

Dalington Detectum est quod vxor Ricardi Dallington non frequentauit ecclesiam iam mortua est Filia dicte Dallington similiter detecta et ad iudicium evocata ac agnoscens culpam et negligentiam suam humiliter se vnitati ecclesie submisitet sic dimittitur cum monitione de bene gerend'

Vxor cuiusdam Skambler detecta quod incontinenter vixit que peperit prolem ad iudicium evocata

fatebatur culpam et submisit se ordinacioni iudicis

Skambler cui Dominus iniunxit penitentiamcanonicam inecclesia predicta more poenitentis inter diuinorum

solempnia peragendam quam penitentiam dicta Skambler penitenter peregit et sic dimittitur cum monitione de se bene gerend'

[f. 182v .]

That the churchewardensnonand sidemen doe make a perfecte accomptes the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daie at Cant' of the crosse censures and other plate and jewelles solde by the churchewardens parte for xvj yeres agon and parte for ix years agon

* Another hand

Thomas Duddys, Constable , living at Marden, is ordered to arrest these three offenders again in the Visitation of 1558 (p. 328)



That the churchewardens warne William Coggars wife to appeare at Cannterburiethe Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye and to make certificate the same daie whether she doe com dewlie to the churche and behave her self reverentlie there in the meane tyme or no

[f 183r .]

Olim impropriata

monasterio de Schene

Firmarius rectorie

Johannes Edmede et valet 1 libri

The churche and the chauncell was burned


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Cant'/

Vicarius Dominus Robertus Haynes olim coniugatus et mulier habitat apud Braborn

[f. 183v .]

Vicaria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi DominiArchiepiscopi / Cant' et valet libri

Iconomi Nicolaus Pennyale Vsburt Osborne

Parochiani Ricardus Bodiam

Oliverus Symon

Johannes Edmede

Thomas Duddie

Johannes Aulcock xv

Johannes Blushe


Jacobus Coppinge

Johannes Rolf

Johannes Garforde

Johannes Brattell

Johannes Welles senior Johannes Teboll

Thomas Tirrey

Thomas Mayhewe

Robertus Swynnerton

Johannes Harris

Bartholomeus Yonge

Johannes Garford

Rogerus Raynold

1}ve Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam iije

To set vppe an alter of stone when the chauncellis buylded and then to prouide fronntes for the aulter above and benethe

* A note is made to enquire whether she had obeyed these injunctions in the Visitation of 1558

This town is remarkablefor religious disaffection, which is most prevalent in the Weald of Kent Women, as often, preponderate Adm . Braborne 28 Oct. 1545 (Cranmer, 396b)

To prouide two alter clothes of lynnen before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide towelles conveniente for the priestes 191 handes and for theim that receive at Easter with crewettes and a conveniente boxe to carrie the sacramentein tothe sicke before Christmas

To prouide a canapie of silke with fringes and staves conveniente before Lente

To prouide a crosse of latten with the image of the crucifixe and also a crosse of silke before Passion Sonndaie

To prouide a convenient sepulchre with a frame for the lighte againste the channcell is buylded

To prouide a hollie water stoppe of latten or tynne and also a surples or a rochet for the clerck before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide a grailenon and an antiphonernon before the feaste of Allsaintes come twelvemonethe

To prouide a convenient vestmente with albe fannelles and other thynges belonginge to the same and also an albe for the vestment they have before Christmas

To prouide a velenon and coveringes for the imagies against the channcell is buylded

To prouide a roode Marienon and John with the patrone of a decent stature against the channcell is builded

To prouide ij banneresnon and ij streamers againste Rogacon weeke

[f. 184r .] To prouide a paier of censures before Christmas

To leade the northe ile before the feast of Allsaintes

Toshutte vppe the open places of the churche before Michaelmas so that no pigeons may com in Domus rectorie To repaire the vicaredgenon howse thoroughelie est sufficienter before Michaelmas com twelvemonethe reparata There booke was / burned

To prouide a faier register bookenon wherein they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes ofthe church

To prouide a lantern to goo in visitacon a handebell a bason andnon ewer before Christmas Die et anno prescriptis dictus Dominus . de Marden prout superius habetur et inferius sequitur [rest as Sandhurst] Rogerus Raynold bosholder comparuit et fatetur secepisse et in suo custodio habuisseJohannem Hamseniorem alias detectum de heresi quo clausus in domo predicti

'Fannell' was the mediaeval word for the maniple, worn on the left arm of the priest atmass .

Head constableofa borough, in Kent partofa hundred.

Raynold effugit atque recessit et ut asserit sine sua scientia vnde mandatum est dicto Raynold ut apprehendat tam dictum Ham quam alios quorum nomina sequunturet eos sic apprehensos producatcoram commissariis Cant'

Jacobum Ham et eius vxorem *abiit

Johannem Ham iuniorem *abiit non receperunt

*WillelmumAffelde et Doritheameius vxo- sacramentum/altaris

Helenoram Mayhowe *abiit [rem *abiit/ per tres annos

ValentinumDowtie *abiit

[f. 184v.]

Detectum est quod vxor Willelmi Maschall absentauit se ab ecclesia personaliter coram iudice comparuit vir et asseruit se non scire vbi eius vxor sit cuimandatum est ut apprehendat vxorem suam

Detectumest quod Margareta vxor Johannis Garford *reformata absentauit se ab ecclesia ac monita ad comparendum coram iudice die et anno prescriptis non comparuit vir tamen personaliter in iudicio comparens allegauit se nescire vbi vxor eius sit cui mandatumest quod apprehendat vxorem suam et producat eandem sic apprehensam coram comissariis in proxima sessione

Detectum est quod Johanna Cleve non frequentauit ecclesiam que Johanna effugit et a parochia recessit deinde personaliter comparuit Bartholomeus Yonge bosholder qui allegauit sub sui iuramenti vinculo ad tacta Dei evangelia prestita quod diligenter quesiuit dictam Cleve quam non potuit apprehendere cui mandatum est quod dictam Cleve celeritate qua fieri poterit apprehendat et producat coram commissariis

Detectum est quod Ricardus Everendenabiit* et eius vxor non receperunt sacramentum altaris per tres annos vir effugit et a parochia recessit vnde mandatum est bosholder quod apprehendat et producat coram comissariis mulier vero adversa valetudine laborat quarto Octobris personaliter comparuit vicarius et certificauit quod mulier agnoscens culpam et negligentiam suam seque vnitati ecclesie submittens debite iam frequentat ecclesiam et reverenter se habet et preterea quod dicta mulier penitenter erat confessa ac reverenter et devote recepit sacramentum altaris in vigilia Sancti Michaelis vltim' preterit'

Detectum est quod Johannes Ffowleabilt* non recepit sacramentum altaris per tres annos habitat nunc apud Pluckley ideo evocetur

* Another hand "Sic in..p... " inserted in margin here (same hand as *) Page torn

Detectum est quod Thomas Smithe non debite frequentatecclesiam monitus et preconizatus comparuitet agnoscens negligentiam fatebatur se abesse ab ecclesia die Dominica vltima cui iudex assignauit et iniunxit penitentiam canonicam peragendam in ecclesia predicta more penitentis et ad certificandum personaliter vel per litteras vicarii die Martis proxim' post festum Sancti Michaelis proximefuturum die Martis non comparuit nec certificauit ideo iudex pronunciauit ipsum contumacem et in penitentia contumacionis sue huiusmodi excommunicandum fore decreuit

[f. 1857.]

Detectum est quod Agnes Bassock non recepit* sacramentum altaris in festo Paschatis evocata ad iudicium ac personaliter comparens agnoscebat culpam suam ac se vnitati ecclesie et ordinationi iudicis submisitcui

Dominus assignauit quod declarabit se esse penitentem pro comissis suis in hac parte perpetratis ecclesia predicta et deinde prius vicario penitenter confessa sacramentum altaris die Dominicaproxim' sequenti reverenter recipiet et quod bene et obedienter se habeat in omnibusquod si non perimpleverit iudex mandauit bosholder quod diligenter caveat ne dicta Agnes a parochia recedat et ad certificandumdie Martis post festum Sancti Michaelis proxim' futurum quid dicta in premissis fecerit Quo die adveniente certificatumest quoddicta Agnes omnia sibi ut prefertur iniuncta penitenterac reverenter peregit

Johannes Edmede firmarius rectorie alias in iudicio constitutus monitus est ad comparendum Cantuar' die Martis post festum Sancti Michaelis archangeli ad dicendam causam quare fructus et decime dicte Frectorie sequestrari non debeant eoque procurationes ex dicta rectoria debite minime sunt persolute

Willelmus Randolf detectus est quod irreverenter se gerit tempore elevacionis sacramenti altaris qui Randolf aduersa valetudine laborat reformatus

Ricardus Hiderabiit detectus quod non recepit sacramentum altaris per tres annos iam recessit a parochia et habitat apud Lynton cum vxore sua que similiter est detecta

Corner of page torn

Another hand

"A retro per xx" annos " in margin.

Johannes Knollabiit*

Katherina Nicolasabiit*

[f. 185v ]


similiter detecti recesserunt a parochia vnde mandatum est bosholder quod apprehendantur et producanturcoram comissariis

Thomas Smithe detectus de crimine adulterii cum vxore Thome Smede evocatus ad iudicium ac personaliter comparens negauit crimen in presencia Johannes [sic] Merden et Ricardi Harrenden accusantium dictum Smithe [*reformati deinde etiam mulier personaliter comparuit et negauit crimen postea iudex decreuit ut hoc negotium correctionis assignaretur alicui viro idoneo ad examinandum procedendum ac iuris forma finiendum et expediendum.

Thomas Walter detectus de crimine adulterii cum Jeroppa vxore Nicolai Rabettes moniti ad comparendum vir recessit et habitat apud Maidestone mulier autem personaliter comparuit et negauit crimen in presencia Johannis Garford accusantis dictam Rabbettes deinde iudex assignauit dictam Rabbettes ad purgandam se septima [manu] crastino die apud Boughton postea iudex decreuit ut hoc negotium correctionis assignaretur alicui viro idoneo ad examinandum procedendum expediendum et iuris forma finiendum

Johannes Brattell detectus de crimineadulterii cum Johanna vxore Thome Harris evocati ad iudicium vir personaliter comparuit et negauit crimen in presencia dicte Johanne comparentis et dicentis prout sequitur viz that the seide Brattell woulde divers tymes mysvsed her Quarto die mensis Octobris anno predicto dictus Brattell personaliter constitutus in iudicio monitus est ad purgandum se quintain proxima curia postea Dominus commisit vices suas rectori de Stapleherst ad recipiendam purgacionem dicti Brattell

Detectum est quod Walterus Walter suspiciose vivit cum quadam femina soluta quam dictus Walter habet in domo sua propria

[f 186r]

Olim impropriata collegio de Maideston

* Another hand


ProprietariusAlexander Griggbee et rectoria / valet

Non est vicaria ibidem indotata


"Quinta manu a form oftrial by compurgation



For the college of Maideston was allwaies wonnte to geve or lett lease the same and the curate to have the smalle tithes and fouer markes withthe vicaredge howsewhiche smale tithes are nowe woorthe iiii libri

And the proprietariehathe promised to geve the seide fower marckestothecurate quarterlie to be paide

Curatus magister Johannes Platte*

Iconomi Ricardus Riche


Willelmus Abarnes

Thomas Busshopp

Johannes Swynnerton

Jacobus Blacke

Thomas Cowper

Antonius Patrick

Richardus Stertout

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Numerus familiarum infra dictam parochiam $}vjxx - XXX

Dieet anno prescriptis .... de Lynton [restas Sandhurst] [f.


Detectum est that William Abarnes bought a tombe stone that lay in the churche yarde sold by John Swynnerton and John Joice

Wherefore the saide Swynnerton is commannded to cause the same tombe stone to be layed agayne vpon the grave before Michaelmas and to make certificate thereof at Cant' the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

That the churche wardens doenon diligentlie enquire what became of the alter stones and to make due certificat thereof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cant'

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and benethe of paynted clothe for the woorkingedayes and for the halliedaies of silkeor sey with curteynes of the same before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide a patten of silver for the challice before the feast of Allsaintes and the curat not to mynister withoute a paten of silver after the same daye

Memorandum that for lacke of a curate the parishners have divers tymes departed withoute confession and receivinge of the sacramentes

To prouide a conveniente boxenon or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick before Christmas

* A Richard Perse collated as perpetualvicar 2 Sept. 1562 (Parker, 357b)


To prouide a corporas casenon before Michaelmas

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickes before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide a crosse of lattennon and a crosse clothenon of silke before Palme Sonndaie and to amende their crosse staffenonimmediatlie

To prouide a convenient sepulcrenon with a frame for the lighte before Lente

[f. 1877.] To make a holliewater sprinckell oute of hande

To set vpp the patrone of the churche decentlie before Michaelmas

To prouide a velenon and coveringesnon for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a conveniente lighte before the roode before Allsaintes and to set vpp the roode in the olde place immediatlie

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnt before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide a faier registernon booke wherein they shall register all christenynges mariagies and burialles and also thaccomptes of the church

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

That the channcelinonand churche be repaired in glasinge and shingle with all other thinges before Allsaintes and that the belferienon be made close before Michaelmas in suche that no pigeons may come in

That the churchewardens do diligentlienon enquire who toke awaye the seates in the channcell and quire and to make due certificat thereof

To prouide a vestementnon of silke with albe and other necessaries before Allsaintes

Est ibidem domus rectorie

Memorandum that thenon proprietariehath promised to repaire the vicaredge howse before Whitsontide

To prouide a canapienon of silke with fringes and staves conveniente before Lente

To prouide a lanternnon and a covernon for the deske a bason andnon ewer and a mattocke by Allsaintes

[f. 187v .] To bringe the Bible and Paraphrasis * to Cant' the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

To sett vppe the sacramente decentlie before Allsaintes

That the proprietarie provide that there be fower sermons yerelie

And because the smale tithes and the iiijor marckes by yeare aforesaide be not able and sufficient to finde a curate Grigbee the proprietarie was demanded whether he woulde geve so muche to the same as shalbe able to finde a priest He

* Underlined


annswereth that he thincketh no cause whye for because he paide for the same ccxxxj libri and x libri for the patente and saithe that he is well contented to surrender his patente so that he may be repaide his monney agayne

Grigby [f. 188r.]

It is also commannded that Grigbee the proprietar' doe make a perfecte accomptes of all thinges belonginge to the vicaredge whiche he hathe received sithens the tyme he hath had it, and the churche wardens and other honest men of the parishe to surveye and peruse the same accomptes and to make certificate therof the Twisdaye after Michaelmas daye at Cant'


[In left margin : Olim impropriata/ collegio de Maideston / Robertus White / firmariusrectorie/ Rectoria+ impropriata Dominis Regi et Regine)v per


The curate hathe fower markes yerelie oute of the colledge whiche is nowe paide by the Kinge and the Quene

Also he hathe the smale tithes whiche is worthe yerelie vi libri

Also of olde tyme as they saye the curate was wonnte to have all the tithes paying to the college yerelie xls and that the same was at the gifte of the colledge of Maideston

Memorandum that there is no parsonage howsebut a barne and a stable, whiche the farmeris bounde to repaire and paieth also yerelie toMaster Roper farmerofMaideston

>v libri xiijs iiijd

Curatus dominus Thomas Luntwicke olim sub matrimonii effigie coniugatus cuius vxor pretensa iam habitat apud Mallinge

Iconomi Johannes Charleton

Ricardus Cocheman

Iconomi anni Willelmus Crippes preterriti


Thomas Crudde

Alexander Grigbee

Georgius Ovenden

Thomas Ffissher

Johannes Stace

Edwardus Cocheman

Johannes Cannon

* John Bendall collated perpetual vicar 28 May 1567 , on death of last incumbent (Parker , 381a)

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium lxxvj

[f. 188v .] Die et anno .... de Loose [rest as Lynton]

To take vppe the alter stone that lieth in the side ile and to sett vppe an alter there with furniture and to laye the same stone apon it before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide fronntes non for the alter above and benethe with the image of Christe in the myddes of silkes or seye with curteynes of the same before Allsaintes

To prouide a pynne for the crismatorie and also a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacrament in to the sicke before Allsaintes

To prouide a patten of silver before Allsaintes and that the curate minister not withoute after the same daye

To prouide two towelles for the priestes handes before Allsaintes and also a corporas clothe

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapie of silke with conveniente staves and fringes before Lente

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickes and to set vppe a hollie water stoppe at the churche door before Allsaintes

*Memorandum ther crosse ys very litell without Mary and John

To prouide a crosse of latten and a crosse cloth of silke before lente

[f. 1897.]

To painte the roode Marie and John, and the patrone before Christmas

To prouide a convenient lighte before the roode at this side Allsaintes

To prouide a vele and coveringes for the imagies against Lente

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide a paier of censures and a lampe before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier register booke wherein they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the church Memorandum to speak to Master Roper to repaire the vicaredge howse because the same is so small

To prouide a cover for the desknon before the feast of Allsaintes

* Another handmarginal note to following item.


To prouide a basonnon and an ewer before Christmas

Also it is commannded that the nonchurche wardens bringe the Bible and the Paraphrasis to Cannterburye with a true and perfecte inventarie of the churche goodes the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

[f. 189v .]



Rectoria impropriata ecclesie cathedrali Roffensi Vicarius Dominus Willelmus Hall* olim sub matrimonii effigie coniugatus et vxor eius pretensa habitat apud Sonndregge et vicaria valet

Iconomi Edwardus Marten

Johannes Combe

Parochiani Johannes Iden

Johannes Williams

Thomas Mylles

Phillippus Hudson

Johannes Coppyn

Thomas Yonge

Thomas Hunte

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

[In margin : The Kinges armes is over the alter]

To set vppe a side alter with furniture to provide a fronnte of silkefor the halliedaies with the image ofChristewith curteynes to the same of silke or seye also to enlarge the nether fronnte also to provide fronntes of paynted clothes with the image of Christe for the woorkingedaies and to set vppe the sacramente decentlie and also to take vppe the alter stone that lieth in the churche and to leye the same on the side alter

[f. 1907.]

x libri


citra festum


Sanctorum /

To prouide a challice of silver with a patten before Christmas and the vicar not to minister withoute after the same daye

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before Christmas

To prouide two towelles for the priestes handes before the feast of Allsaintes and also a fine corporas cloth and to kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

* Stephen Pole adm 26 June 1559 (Post Mortem Poli, 17a) Died before 4 Sept. 1561 , when Anthony Carriar adm . (Parker, 350b)


To prouide a faier registor booke wherein they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a convenient canapie of silke or seye with convenient fringes and staves before Lente

To prouide a crosse ofnon latten with the image of Christe before Palme Sonndaie

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickes before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide a copenon before Easter and also an albe with other thinges belonginge therto for the best vestemente before Christmas

To prouide a vele and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

*The Marie&Johnand the patrone ofthe church / benotcarved but painted/

To prouide a convenient lighte before the roode at this side the feast of Sainte Michaell tharchaunngell

To prouide a lock and keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes and also a lampe

To prouide two convenient banners before Rogacion weeke

*Domus rectorie et vicarie / sufficienter suntreparate

That the channcellnon and the churche be repaired in glasinge and tile before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide a cover for the deske before the feast of Allsaintes and also a handebellnon a basonnon an ewer before Christmas

[f 190v ]

[f. 1917.]

*Detectumest quod Johannes Master non recepit sacramentum altarisin festo Paschatis vltim'recessit a parochia et habitat apud Loose

Detectum est quod vxor Georgii Rouse non debite accedit ad ecclesiam Wherefore the bosholder is commannded to bringe her to Vlcombe tomorrowe


Rectoria impropriataecclesie cathedrali Roffensi

Firmarius rectorie Robertus Mascall qui tenetur ad onera reparacionis cancelle et soluit viij libri vjs v.. annuatim

Vicarius Dominus Stephanus Poole et valet vicaria

* Marginal note to following item , same hand

Corner of page is torn

xij libri

NicholasHaymon adm on his death 16 Apr. 1562 (Parker, 354b) Pole had been adm. 14 Mar. 1559 on death of previousincumbent (Parker, 342a)




Gilbertus Partredge

Georgius Carpinter

Johannes Dreison

Walterus Godwyn

Johannes Wood

Willelmus Keysar

Thomas Bredgeman

Stephanus Ffrannckeleyn

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]


Firste it is commannded that the grave stone be removed from the highe aulter and to be leide agayne apon the grave and to make vppe the highe aulter before Michaelmas

To enquire diligentlie of their alter stones and to make due certificate therof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

To prouide an alter clothe of lynnen and fronntes for the aulter above and benethe of silke or seye with the image of Christe with curteynesnon to the same before Allsaintes

To sett vppe the sacramente decentlie before Michaelmas

To prouide a canapie clothe of silke or seye with convenient fringes and staves before Rogacion weeke

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe and a convenient portisse before Allsaintes

To prouide a crosse of latten beforenon Palme Sonndaie

To prouide a hollie water stoppenon of latten before Michaelmas

Also it is comannded that thies persones folowing (who can singe) to serve in the quire apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies

William Keyser

Steven Ffrannckelen

Thomas Ffranncklen

Thomas Bridgeman

John Wood

John Luck

Thomas Mascall

To prouidetwoo antiphonersnon and a grailenonand also to set vpp a side alter with ffurniture before the feast of Allsaintes

[f 1927.]


To painte the roode Marie and John with the patrone of the churche before Christmas

To prouide a conveniente lighte before the roode at this side Michaelmas

To prouide a vele and coueringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier register booke wherein they shall register all christeninges mariages and Burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a paier of censures before Allsaintes

Also Master Harper beinge presente is commanded to deliver the leade of the churche before Christmas and that the churche wardens and parishners doe make due certificat therof

Also the churchewardens and parisheners doe

clayme a waye thoroughe Master Harpers grounde aswell to goe to the churche to bring corsies * to the churche as also to goo in procession in the Rogacion weeke whiche they seye hath bene accustomed and vsed tyme oute of mynde payinge therefore a wedde viz a token if it were demaunded

Domus rectorie et vicarie/ sufficienter sunt reparate

To repaire the channcell andnon the churche in glasinge and other reparacions before Allsaintes

To prouide a lampenon before Allsaintes

To enclose the churcheyardenondecentlie before Allsaintes and if it be not done then to certifie in whoise defaulte it is

To prouide a cover for the deske a handebell a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

[f. 192v.]


Proprietarius ecclesia cathedralis Roffensis

WillelmusIden firmariusetRicardus , valet xiij libri vjs viijd Walsingham subfirmarius rectorie ibidem que Vicarius Dominus Christoferus Warrington§ et vicaria valet



* Corpses

Johannes Barley }ix ix libri

Thomas Sare

RogerusCrynishe Ricardus Gennynges

Stephanus Vsmer

Stephanus Collinson

Johannes Peter Edmundus Robins

Late use Marginal note to following item §Christopher Waddington adm . Langley Regis 13 July 1557 (Pole, 72b). Resigned Sutton Vallance before 30 Oct. 1566 , when David Smyth succ . him here and also in chapelry of East Sutton (Parker, 378b) Died incumbent of Langleybefore 17 June 1569 when Henry Wyborn adm in his place (Ibid., 394a)


Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] >ixxx xl

Ffirste it is comannded that Turners wife and Dreisons wife be apprehended and brought to Maideston and that there husbandes be also warned to be there

To painte the roode Marie and John with the patrone decentlie and to provide a lampe before Allsaintes

To prouide a patten of silver for the challice before Allsaintes and that the vicar mynister not withoute after the same tyme

To prouide cruettes by Michaelmas a paier of censures by Allsaintes and to make vppe the vestrie by Christmas

To prouide a paier of fronnte clothes of seye with the crucifixe in theim with curteynes to the same and a paynted vpper fronnte for the woorkingedaies by Allsaintes

[In margin : Memorandum that the alter/ stone of the highe aulter /lieth in the chymney of/ Master Harper and a tombe/ stone at his gate]

To prouide an alternon clothe a lockenon and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide a sufficient lighte before the roode by Michaelmas and a crosse of latten by Palme Sonndaie

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickes an antiphonernon and a grailenon by Christmas

To make vppe the particon of the channcell as it was before Allsaintes

To warne them that can synge to serve in the [blank] appon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and to make certificate of theim that refuse

To prouide three rochettesnon for them that can singe before Christmas

To prouide a convenient sepulcre with a frame for the lighte and a frame for Judas lighte before Lente

To prouide a handebell by Michaelmas a mattock a bason and an ewer and a covernon for the deske by Allsaintes

To prouide a canapie of silke fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To repaire the vicaredgenon in necessarie reparacions by Allsaintes and the residewe to be thoroughlie repaired by mydsomer

To enclose the churcheyarde immediatlie

To prouide a vele and coueringes for the imagies before Lente

To make vppe the seates in the quire as they were before at thisside Christmas

[f 193v .]

Memorandum to speake to the Deane and chapter of Rochester for the makinge of the vestrie the seates in the quire and the particion of the channcell

To prouide a faier registor booke wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and buriall [sic] and also thaccomptes of the churche

That the churchewardens and parishenersnon doe make aperfect accomptesofall suche gooddes jewellesplateand ornamentes belonginge to the churche that where [sic] solde or alienated at anny tyme within this xij yeares by whome suche gooddes were solde and to whatt vse it was put with the nomber of the ounces of plate and to exhibite the same accomptes subscribed with their handes the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannterburye

To take off the tombe stone from the highe aulter and to laye the same in the olde place and to take vppe the alter stone that lieth in the ile of Inquiratur* the churche and to laye it apon the alter and to

cause the same to be newe consecrated and also to make inquisition of the residewe of the alter stones/

To set vppe the sacramentereverentlie beforeMichaelmas

To set vppe a side alternon with a superaltar and other furniture before Allsaintes

To repaire the chaunceillnon in all thinges and likewise the churche before Allsaintes

To repaier the steple and the frame for the belles before Michaelmas come twelvemonethe

[f. 1947.]


ecclesie de Sutton Vallaunce annexa

Rectoria impropriata ecclesie cathedrali Roffensi et dimissa ad firmam cuidam [blank] Ffranckeleyn qui soluit annuatim decem libras xxti quarter tritici et xxti quarter auenarum

Vicarius Dominus Christoferus Warrington qui dixit et coram iudice allegauit quod ista ecclesia est capella ecclesie de Sutton Vallaunce antedicte annexa et quod fructus et decime istius ecclesie tam tenues sunt quod ex eisdem curatus sustentari non potest vnde orat vicarius ut ab inveniendo capellanum exoneretur et valet vicaria xij libri

* Another hand

Also order was taken by Master Doctor Pole* that the parishners of East Sutton shoulde finde a priest with the profectes of the saide chappell vntill our Ladye daye in Lente and to supplie the rest of their good will

Curatus Dominus Edwardus Robertes qui aduersa valetudine laborat


Henricus Bensted

Henricus Reader mortuus

Parochiani Willelmus Perrye

Henricus Pratte

Johannes Spillet

Henricus Clerck

Edwardus Pinde

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare recipientium

Die et anno predictis [rest as Goudhurst]

To prouide coveringes for the crismatorie before Michaelmas

[f. 194v .]

To prouide a paten of silver before Allsaintesand that the priest doe not celebrate after the same tyme withoute

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickes and a crossenon of latten before Allsaintes

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and benethe of seyenon with the image of the crucifixewith curteynes of the same before Allsaintes

To make inquisition of the alter stoneson and to certifie therof the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

To prouide a lynnen alter clothe a here clothe for the aulter and to set vpp a hange lampe before Michaelmas

To prouide a canapie of silke fringed with convenient staves before Lente

To sett vppe the sacramente reverentlie before Michaelmas

To make cleane the faces of the imagies blotted in the glasse windowes before Michaelmas

To prouide a lighte of sixe tapers at the leaste before the roode at this side Allsaintes

To prouide a lanterne a bason andnon an ewer before Allsaintes

[In margin : It rayneth into the chaunceill]

To repaire the chauncellnon in all poinctes and the bodie of the churche before Allsaintes

* Cardinal Pole'sVicar General , later Bishop of Peterborough(see p vii)

Crossed out

[f 1957.]

[f. 195v ]

To warne theim that can singe to helpe serve in the quire apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and to certifie of theim that refuse

To prouide an antiphoner and ij rocchettes for the quire before Allsaintes

To prouide an albe and furniture for the vestment that lacketh and a lock and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

To bringe the Bible Paraphrasis and other vnlawfull bookes to Cannterburie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

To prouide a faier registor booke wherein they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche and the same to be kepte vnder lock and keye

Memorandum it is commaunded that the bosholder doe apprehende the wife of one Dolman and to bringe her to Vlcombe quia non recepit sacramentum altaris in festo Paschatis vltimo


Rector Magister Arthurus Seintleger* Curatus Dominus Johannes Rede non residet


Ricardus Ffynne

Robertus Ffowle

Parochiani Johannes Stile

Johannes Reader

Andrianus Barlinge

Willelmus Gemet

Ricardus More Edwardus Luccas

Thomas Moswell

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare recipientium


Die et anno .... manduit et iniunxit [rest as Goudhurst]

To remove the alter stone that lieth apon the tombe in the churche before Allsaintes

To prouide fronntes for the alter above and benethe of seye with the image of Christ and curteynes of silke before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapie of silke fringed withe convenient staves before Lente

To prouide two covers for the crismatorie and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

* Adm . 21 June 1537 (Cranmer , 361b) Also adm. Hollingbournechapelry 21 Feb. 1537 (Ibid , 364a) Succ by John Townesley at Ülcombe 29 Jan. 1558 (Post Mortem Poli, 15a) Resigned prebend in Canterbury cathedral before 6 Apr. 1568 , when Arthur Rushe succ him (Parker, 385a)


[f. 1967.]

To prouide a convenient boxe for a priest to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke before Allsaintes

To amende the hollie water stoppe at the churche door and to prouide two processionalles before Allsaintes

To warne theim that can singe to serve the quier apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and to make certificate of them that refuse

Therode Marienon and John and the patrone are nether decentlie madenor yet of a decent stature

To prouide a convenient lightebefore the rode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide a lockand a keyefor thefonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide a faierregister booke wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To repaire the chavncell and the churche in glasinge before Allsaintes and in other reparacions before mydsomer

To prouide a basonnon and an ewer before the feast of Allsaintes



Memorandum that Richard More boughte certeyne landes belonginge to the churche of Vlcombe solde by the churchewardens and parishners whiche is ordered by the commissioners


Detectum est quod Elizabeth Postenon recepit sacramentum altaris in festo Paschatis vltim' elapsoevocata ad iudicium personaliter comparuitet fatebaturobiecta seque humilitervnitati ecclesie et ordinacioni iudicis submisitvnde Dominus iniunxit ei penitentiamperagendam die Dominica proxima more [f. 196v .]

*penitentis viz that she shoulde openlie in the parish churche apon Sonndaie nexte declare that in the sacramente of the alter there is the verie bodie and bloude of Christe reallie and also that she shoulde confesse that all the sacramentessacramentalles and all the ceremonies nowe vsed in the churche be good and godlie and afterwardes to be penitentlie confessed to the curate and then reverentlie to receave the Blessed Sacramente of the alter and to make certificatetherof at Cannterburie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

* Corner of page torn.


Adams [insertedin margin after apprehendatur nisi satisfecit/ est apud Stapleherste*]

Detecum est quod Petrus Ffowle et Johannarecepit* Adams non receperunt sacramentum altare in festo Paschatis vltimo elapso et moniti ad comparendum coram iudice non comparuerunt tamen Dominus Archidiaconus ob certascawsas (viz quia sperat reformacionem et submissionem) ordinauit atque decreuit prout sequitur viz that the seide Ffowle and Adams shoulde make a declaracion of their faithe as is aboveseid and so likewise to be confessed and to receive the sacramente before Michaelmas and the churchewardens to make due certificate therof at Cannterburie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye postea vero personaliter comparuit dicta Adams et humiliter se vnitati ecclesie et ordinacioni iudicis submittens culpam suam agnouit cui Dominus iniunxit (fidei sue declaratione in ecclesia parochiali prius enarrata) quod curato ibidem erit penitenter confessa ac post confessionem huiusmodi reverenter recipiat sacramentum altare die Dominica ad quindenam ad quod perimplendum fideliter promisit sed si sic facere recusaverit tunc mandatum est quod apprehendatur et producatur coram comissariis Cant'


Detectum est quod Joanna Barlinge et quedam Helenora Moswell Mosewell non debite frequentant ecclesiamet moniti ad comparendum coram iudice et preconizat' non comparuerunt tamen Dominus (quia reformacionem sperat) ordinauit quodiconomi certificentdie Martis postfestum Michaelisproxim' futurum an debite ad ecclesiam accederint nec ne

[f. 1977.]


Detectum est quod vxornon Georgii Kingesnothe accedere ad ecclesiam et sacramentum altarerecipere recusauit § postea apparebat predictum Georgium obligatumest Dominis Regi et Regine coram commissariis quod vxor eius obedienter se gerat in omnibus, quamobrem Dominus mandauit iconomis ad monendum dictum Georgium ut compareat Cant' die Martis post festum Sancti Michaelis Archanngeli

* Another hand

An indication of Harpsfield's methods when dealing with religious offenders . Peter Fowle occurs again in Visitation of 1558, f. 49v the These commissioners were appointed by Queen Mary on 8 Feb. 1557bloody commission" of Foxe. They were special commissioners and not part of the Archdeacon'snormal jurisdiction. § The page is torn here , but there is trace of a note (faded) in another hand George Kingesnothe and his wife occur again in the Visitation of 1558 (f. 49v ), as living at Lenham. The grammar is confused





Detectum est quod Margareta Johnsonnon et Isabella Gates recusant accedere ad ecclesiam et recipere sacramentum altare ac moniti ad comparendum coram iudice certificatum est quod dicta Johnson recessit a parochia et quod dicta Gates aduersa valetudine laborat vnde Dominus ordinauit et mandauit quod secrete apprehendantur et producantur coram commissariis Cant'

Detectum est quod Margeria Delman* de Estsutton non recepit sacramentum altar' in festo Paschatis

vltimo elapso et quod non debite frequentatecclesiam ac personaliter in iudicio constituta humiliter se vnitati ecclesie ac ordinacioni iudicis submittens

negligentiam et culpam suas agnoscebat cui

Dominus iniunxit quod (fidei sue declaratione priusin ecclesia publice enarrata) curato ibidem penitenter erit confessa ac post confessionemhuiusmodi reverenter sacramentum altare recipiet die Dominica ad quindenam proximam et ad certificandum die Martis post festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli proxim' futurum etc Quo die adueniente certificatum est quod omnia sibi iniuncta peregit

[f 197v.]


Rector Magister Thomas Cailieet valet}x libri [He]ndeley armiger[?] rectoria



Johannes Maye

Thomas Hendeley armiger

Thomas Ellis generosus

Robertus Bettes

Walterus Sudger

Johannes Wickes

Thomas Crompe

Willelmus Crompe

Thomas Brensheley

Henricus Pemble

Memorandum that the ornamentes of the churche were taken by Master Harper and Master Wotton commissioners to the value of xlti marckes

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris lxxx. recipientium

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

Firste it is commannded that there be a side alter set vppe a side alter[sic] with furniture before Allsaintes

* See also Visitationof 1558 (f. 49v.). Page tornandwritingfaded. Peter Hendle adm on death of Thomas Cayley 28 Apr. 1567 (Parker, 380b).


To prouide a corporas clothe and twonon fronntes for the alternon againste Allsaintes and also curteynes to the same

f 1987.]

To prouide a crossenon of latten a conveniente sepulcre with a frame for the lighte a vele and coveringes for the imagies and a canapie fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To prouide a convenient lighte before the roode two wipinge towelles for the priestes handes two alter clothes a cover for the deske a lantern a shovell a mattock a spade and a locke and a keye for the fonnt before Allsaintes

To repair the chauncell and the churche before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier registernon* booke wherin they shall register all christenynges burialles and mariages and also thaccomptes of the churche

To remove the grave stone from the alter and to laye the same in his place agayne and to leye the alter stone apon the alter agayne

To prouide a patennon of silver before Allsaintes and the parson to seye no masse withoute after the same tyme

To prouide a bason and an ewernon by Allsaintes




Dominus Christoferus Warrington

Curatus Dominus Gregorius Squire



Willelmus Wood

Thomas Tilden

Ricardus Cailye

Ricardus Peerse

Ricardus Swanner

Johannes Rodes

Michael Ffetherbie

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] xlt xiij

Firsteitis commannded that theparson doe bringenon his pluralitieto Maideston

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickesnon before Christmas

* Crossed out I.e. licence to hold more than one living

[f. 1997.]


To prouide a lampe two towelles two alter clothes a corporas clothe a lantern a mattockenon * a shovell a spade and to set vppe a side alter with furniturenon with an alter stone before Allsaintes

To prouide a bason and an ewer before Christmas

To prouide an amys for the vestmente before Michaelmas a buckett of wood A

To prouide a hollie water stoppe of latten before Allsaintes

To prouide a convenient lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide a patten of silver for the challice before Allsaintes and the curate not to minister withoute after the same tyme

To prouide two processionalles before Michaelmas

To prouide fronntes of seye with curteynes for the alter before Allsaintes and also a crewet before the same tyme

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte and a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke before Michaelmas

The old parsoncaried awaye the booke

[f. 199v .]

Toprouide a faier register bookewherinthey shall registor all christenynges mariagesand burialles and alsothaccomptesofthechurche

To prouide two convenient banners before Rogation weeke

To repaire the chauncellnon and the churche in glasinge and other thinges before Allsaintes

To repaire the parsonage howsenon in all necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and the residewe to be thoroughelie repaired before mydsomer

To enclose the churcheyarde immediatlieand so to kepe the same sufficientlie enclosed

To prouide a cover for the deske before Michaelmas

To prouide a frame for the lighte ofthe sepulcre and a conveniente framefor Judas lighte before Lente

To prouide coveringes for the roode Marie and John and the other imagies before Lent


Ffirste it is presented that Master Harper witholdethefrom the churche a pece of land called Mayden Crofte whiche saide pece of lande is worthe yerelie ijs

* Crossed out. The Paschal candle

Another hand

[f. 200r.]

Also it is presented that the saide Master Harper witholdethe from the churche an other pece of grounde called Playstole LEEDES

Rectoria ibidem olim impropriata monasterio* et nunc in manibus Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi Cant' et valet

Prior monasterii ibidem solebat invenire curatum

Vicaria vacat /

The farmer of the personage paieth to my Lorde Cardinalles Grace for the same yerelie xx libri and with the same he is bounde to finde a curate here and an other at Bromefeld xix libri .. viz vij libri vjs viijd to Ledes and v libri to Bromefeld

There is nether parsonage howse nor vicaredge howse

But there is a howse belonginge to the Quenes Maiestie that goeth for xs by the yeare whiche woulde be a mete and conveniente house for the parson or the vicar And the parishe is well contented to bye the same howse for the parson or vicar if they mighte have one The channcell is greatelie in decaye and there hathe not ben done anny reparacions manny yeares so that the parisheners have bene constreyned to leye their owne tile appon the same to the value of xxvs xd

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Johnson

Iconomi Henricus Mason Thomas Ffoxe

Parochiani Johannes Lambe

Johannes Pinde

Johannes Reynold Georgius Sethe Simo[n] Browne

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum

[f. 200v.]

xiiijxx altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

To prouide curteynes of silk for the alter a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrye the sacramente in to the sick a coveringe for the crismatorie and a corporas clothe before Allsaintes

To painte the roode Marie and John with the patrone decentlie before Easter

To prouide a vele and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

* Leeds Priory. Corner of page torn

[f. 2017.]

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnt before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To set vppe a lampe before Allsaintes

To prouide a cover for the deske before Allsaintes

To repaire the churche inon* glasinge and tilinge before Allsaintes

To sett the image of Christe of latten apon the crosse before Allsaintes

Detections custodit

Detectum est quod Robertus Bridger feminas suspectas de crimine incontinentiein domo eius evocatus ad iudicium personaliter comparuit et negauit obiecta Quem Dominus ob certas causas monuit dictum Bridgerad comparendum Cant' die Martis proxim' post festum Sancti Michaelis Archanngeli proxim' futurum ad videndum vlteriorem processum in hoc negotio et ad audiendam voluntatem iudicis

[f 201v ]

213 reformatus


Impropriata olim monasterio ibidem et nunc in manibus Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi Cant' Curatus nullus

Willelmus Christian Iconomi


Rogerus Britten

Robertus Thomson

Ricardus Ffetherstone

Joannes Pixelie

Willelmus Cotinge

Henricus Mascall

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

Firsteis it comannded that the parisheners go to Leedes to churche apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies vntill suche tyme as further order be taken and that the curate of Ledes com to theim to burie and christen as ofte as nede shall require and that parisheners and churchewardens do all other thinges savinge providinge of their ornamentes as is comannded to the parisheners of Leedes

The channcell is greatlie decayed

* Crossed out. See Visitationof 1558, f. 49v Another hand

[f. 202r.]


Fuit olim collegium ibidem ac dissolutum ratione actus parliamenti et rectoria ibidem fuit impropriata dicto collegio cxlt' annis peractis et nunc in manibus Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi Cant' cui etiam conceditur palatiumetdomus collegium concessum est Domino Cobham cum lx acris terre dicto collegio pertinentibus ac omnes decime fructus et alia proficua quecumque dicte rectorie dimissa sunt ad firmam Christofero Roper armigero que cum predicto collegio et terris eidem pertinentibus valent in toto annuatimcxl libri

Firmarius rectorie Christoferus Roper armiger et valet rectoria annuatim -

*lxxiiij libri

Et allocatur curato ibidem xx libri per annum Et vlterius allocatur per predictum Dominum Archiepiscopum pro alio idoneo curato cur' ibidem deseruitur x libri annuatim quo stipendio parochiani idoneum curatum comparare non possunt

Memorandum that there hathe ben vj priestes together and scarse able to serve the cure


Loose }annexe annexe sunt collegio predicto

There is a village called Loddington belonging to Maideston and three myles distaunt from the towne whiche village beinge xiiij howseholdes have neither churche nor curate but were allwaies accustomed to goo to Linton to churche savinge apon the principall feastes and then they came to Maideston and bare contribution bothe to Linton and to Maideston

There is also an other village of fower howseholdes called Harberland distannte from the towne a mile whiche com to Maideston to churche

There is also an other village of three howseholdes called Half Yoke beinge a mile of whiche com to Maideston to churche

[f. 202v .] There is also an other village belonginge to Maideston called Willington and Shouffotte of xxvijti howseholdes beinge distannte from the towne a mile and they com to Maideston to churche

Memorandum that the hole parishe is tenne miles in compasse

Curatus Dominus Johannes Daye Iconomi Willelmus Moustherst Willelmus Smithe

Thomas Coveney Ricardus Hoker

*'c libri' crossed out

No doubt a mistake for ' deseruienti'

[f. 203r ]


Thomas Gore

Jacobus Barret

Thomas Haggard

Willelmus Collett

Joannes Beale

Willelmus Bassock

Georgius Pinde

Nicholaus Austen

Thomas Hopper

Ricardus Jackson*

Walterus Henneker

Edwardus Boossom

Johannes Sadler

Willelmus Tilden

Robertus Balser

Jacobus Catlot

David Barham

Clemens Lutwick

Johannes Beale

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium xvje

Die et anno supradictis [rest as Goudhurst]

Firste it is comannded that the threeon alter stones that lie in the churche be taken vppe

To prouide ij alter clothes of lynnen before Allsaintes and a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramentein to the sickebefore Michaelmas

To warne thoise that can singe to serve the quire apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and to certifie of theim that refuse

To prouide an antiphoner and a graile before Allsaintes

To painte the patronenon before Christmas and to prouide a convenient lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide a velenon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To amende the covernon of the fonnte and to prouide a locknon and a keye for the same before Allsaintes

The parson was wonnte tofinde the same

To prouide a lampenon before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier registor booke wherin they shall registor all christenynges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche and to kepe the same booke vnder lock and keye

* 'Hopper' crossed out. Crossed out.

[f. 203v.]

That John Bennet David Barham et Ricardus Lyllie * be warned that they put no more cattell in the churcheyarde

Also it is comannded that the channceill and thechurche berepaired so sone asitconvenientlie may be

Tosett vppa holliewater stoppenon atechechurche door before Allsaintes

The scolemaster The scolemaster dwellithe in the free

scole there and [sic] ix libri vjs viijd yerelie


Firste touchinge the gooddes and ornamentes belonginge to the churche that were solde the parishenershave accompted before the commissioners and that there remayned after the comen sale lvj libri whiche was bestowed apon the churche as theye saye



[f. 204r.]



John Turner scrivener teacheth scolers to write and reade who is permitted so to doe

Nicolas Smithe tailor hathe dwelled in Maideston three weekes who is suspected in matters of religion and he personallie appearing dothe saye that he did receive the sacramente of the alter at Easter laste in Northumberland wherapon he is comannded to appeare at Cannterburie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye to enter into bonde for his good behavior in obeying the orders of the church

Cowdale beinge of the age of a hundred yeares is suspected of inchanntemente and wichecrafte and beinge examined saiththat he helith people onelie by prayer havinge no respect to the manner of the sicknes appoinctinge v Pater Noster v Aves and a Cred /to be seide in the worshipp of God the Holy Gost and Our Blessed Lady / Maidestone

That Creffeldes wife Helsons wife and [torn] Hennekers wife be admitted mydwifes before Hennekar Allsaintes or ells not to practise the same Ridgeway Also it is commannded that the churchewardens Thomas and sidemen doe duelie certifie whether John Ridgewaye and his wife and John Thomas reformati and his wife doe come dewlie to the churche and reuerentlie behave theim selfes there or no

* A word almost illegible inserted here .... s' In right margin, in another hand.

Drowley Detectum est quod Johanna Drowley non recepit sacramentum altaris in festo Paschatis vltimo elapso et monita ad comparendum coram iudice personaliter comparuit ac se vnitati ecclesie ac ordinacioni iudicis submittens culpam suam agnoscebat cui Dominus mandauit quod (prius curato penitenter confessa) recipiet sacramentum altaris die Dominica proximaad septimanam sed si sic facere recusauerit tunc mandatum est quod carceri committatur et iconomi habent ad certificandum quid in hac parte dicta

Johanna fecerit

Elsmere Richard Elsmere beinge presented for a dronncker and personallie appearinge is admonisshed to refrayne from the same vice and to behave him self honestlie herafter and the churchewardens to make certificatewhether he doe reforme him self or no

TauntonJocosa Tauntondetecta prout sequiturviz that/she is a commen scolde postea personaliter comparuitThomas Tauntonmaritus dicte Jocose qui monitus est quod vxor eius reformetur suis mediis

Mapisden Detectum est quod Thomas Mapisden absentauit se a consortio vxoris sue et quodmale eam tractauit evocatus ad iudicium personaliter com- reformatus paruit qui monitus est ut bene tractet vxorem suam maritali affectione

Bochers Also it is commannded that the bochers kepe not open their shoppes apon the Sonndaies

[f. 204v.]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie cathedrali Roffensi et valet

Johannes Dunckyn firmarius rectorie non xlt' marce exoneratur a solucione procuration' expressis verbis et preterea dicit quod Decanus et capitulum ecclesie cathedralis Roffensis promiserunt solutionem dict' procuration' Vicarius Dominus Rogerus Jones et vicaria ex patronatu predicte ecclesie Roffensis et valet

Iconomi }xx" marce

Johannes Dunckyn

Robertus Hartredge

Iconomi anni Johannes Recorde

* Joyce. preteriti


Johannes Stile

Stephanus Mason

Joannes Collens

Robertus Warren

In right margin in another hand. Died before 25 Aug. 1566, when PhilipHilles succeeded (Parker, 378a).

Johannes Burbage senior

Johannes Beere

Johannes Ffidge

Ricardus Goldesmithe

Willelmus Boote

Nicolaus Tesdale

Thomas Browne

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum recipientiumxijxx et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis [as Goudhurst]

[f. 205r .]

To prouide curteynes of silke or seye for lx the alter and fronntes for the alter benethe before Christmas

To prouide two alter clothes of lynnen for the highe aulter and two alter clothes for the side alter before Allsaintes

None of their owne To prouide a paten ofsilverbeforeEaster and afterthesame tyme the vicar nottominister withoute /

To prouide an albe for the vestmente before Christmas and a lock and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide a streamer before Rogation weeke

To prouide a faier registor bookemon* wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

Also it is comaunded that nonthe churchewardens doe exhibite a perfecte accomptes the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannterburie of a silver crosse a silver paxe and ij challices which were solde by the parisheners aboute xij yeres agone and also that they bringe the Bible and Paraphrasis to Cannterburie

To enclose the churcheyarde before Allsaintes and to provide a bason and an ewer before Christmas


Detectum est quod Johannes Bausemortuus recusat venire ad ecclesiam et recipere sacramentum altaris iam moritur

Vxor Johannis Johnson suspecta est quod non bene sentitde sacramentis et ceremoniisecclesie personaliter comparuit vir et suscepit in se ad producendam vxorem suam apud Bersted . *reformata

* Crossed out. Another hand Hencesuchpersons were sometimes called ' sacramentaries'


ad Maideston annexa

Willelmus Saier Curatus Iconomi


Dominus Johannes Lewgar*

Johannes Christian

Willelmus Morton generosus

Willelmus Webbe

Willelmus Polhell of the Forstall

Johannes Pedinden

Thomas Collet

Willelmus Polhell

Johannes Smithe

Thomas Cristian

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum

altaris recipientium

Et numerus familiarum infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] -

Firste it is commannded that the olde alter stone be removed and to put awaye the stone that is nowe apon the alter

To prouide a fronnte for the nether parte ofthe alter and curteynes of silke or seye before Allsaintes and also a cover for the crismatorye before the same tyme

[f. 206r .]

To prouide a paten of silver before Christmas and the curate not to minister withoute after the same tyme

To prouide a crosse of latten with a crosse clothe of silke by Easter com twelvemoneth

To prouide a hollie water stoppe at the church door before Christmas

The patrone of the churche is not ofa decent stature but it is their olde

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes and a streamer before Rogation weeke

To repaire the chauncellnon and the churche before Allsaintes

Chauncell The chauncell hathe greate nede of reparacions for there was none done this xvtene yeares but by the parishe

* John Burcharde adm 22 Sept. 1571 on death of last incumbent, unnamed (Parker, 406b)

[f. 206v.]


Proprietarius Thomas Wotton armiger

*cand pro Vicarius Robertus Grenewood in artibus magister

Vicaria ex patronatu predicti Thome Wotton et valet [no figure] ..... O

Est capella de Aldington ecclesie de Thorneham annexa que capella corruit multis abhinc annis

tamen vicarius tenetur celebrare ibidem certis temporibus

Memorandum that the channcell is greatlie in decaye in glasinge sealinge and otherwise and the reparacons stande in variaunce betwene Master

Stoneherste the farmer and Master Thomas Wotton

Est ibidem domus vicarie bene et sufficienter reparata



Willelmus Tailor

Johannes Howtinge

Jacobus Knighte

Robertus Sharneden

Robertus Whitinge

Willelmus Adams

Willelmus Sawre

Johannes Culter

altare recipientium

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum iiijxx xxiijt' et numerus familiaruminfra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

To set vpp the highe aulter of stone and the alter that is nowe to be made a side alter with furniture before Allsaintes

[f. 2077.]

The sacramente is not set vpp but standethe decentlie in a frame apon the alter

To prouide a paten of silver before Christmas and that the vicar shall not mynister withoute after the same tyme

To prouide a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke and also a corporas clothe before Christmas

To prouide fronntes and curteynes of seye for the alter by Allsaintes a canapie of seye fringed with convenient staves by Lente and a crosse clothe of silke by Easter

To prouide a convenient lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes and an albe for the vestmente before Christmas

* Page torn and writing faded .

Robert Grenehoode of Thornham and Aldington died before 26 June 1572 when William Merick succeeded him (Parker, ii, 91b)


To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a lampe by Allsaintes and a streamernon by Rogacon weeke

To repaire the churche in allchancell non thinges as glasing and other necessarie reparacions before Christmas and also to provide a handebell a bason an ewer by the same tyme and a vele and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

Johanna Wood vidua de Huckinge detecta prout sequitur viz that she hathe the canapie clothe and the seide Johanne personallie appearinge saith that she had the seide canapie clothe whiche her husband as she saith boughte and further she promisethto deliver the same agayne to the churche so that the churchewardens doe repaye vnto her agayne the monney that it coste and the churchewardens have in comanndment to certifie the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannterburie whether she have deliuered the same or no

[f. 207v.]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie cathedrali Roffensi

Firmarius rectorie Magister Stoneherst et rectoria valet annuatim

Domus vicarie ... ne reparata

>vij libri xiijs iiijd

Vicaria ex patronatu predicte ecclesie Roffensis / quevacat proptertenuitatemfructuset valet vicaria/ Curatus nullus


Iconomi anni

vj libri

Willelmus Roper

Robertus Sharsted

Jacobus Tilden

Robertus Bause preteriti


Robertus Joise

Henricus Love

Ricardus Joise

Johannes Sharpe

Thomas Kippes

Thomas Thompson

Walterus Adie

Jacobus Thompson

Simon Mason

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare recipientium a}cc CC

* Tanguid Bealecke adm 11 Jan. 1558 on death of Stephen Singuldon (Post Mortem Poli, 14a) John Braynford collated perpetual vicar 2 Nov. 1563 (Parker, 362a)

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

There was a supplicacon deliuered to my Lorde Cardinallwhiche was comittedto my Lorde of Rochester [f. 2087.]

First it is commannded that half the parishe go to Thorneham / to churche and the other half to Otham vntill suche / tyme as they have a priest and the one churchewarden / to go to Otham and the other to Thorneham to churche to see that the parisheners do go dewlie to the same churches

To make cleane the imagies blotted in the glasse windowes before Allsaintes

To prouide a bason non and an ewer and curteynesnon of seye by Christmas a fronnte over the alter for the woorkingedaies two alter clothes a paten of silver and also to amende the crismatorie and to make a covernon for the hole of the same before Allsaintes

To warn theim that can singe and to serve the quire and to certifie of theim that refuse

To prouide a conveniente lyghte before the roode and a paier of censures before Allsaintes

To prouide a velenon and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier register bookeo** wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the church

Memorandum to speake to Master Stoneherst and to the Deane and chapter of Rochester to repaire the channcellnon whiche is gratlie in decaye that the same may be repaired before Allsaintes

Memorandum that the vicaredge tithes remayne in the parisheners handes sithens Easter



Jude Herne detectus quod non debitefrequentat ecclesiam personaliter in iudicio constitutusfatebatur se non audiuisse missam per tres ebdomadas vnde Dominus monuit dictum Hern ad comparendum Cant' die Martis post festum Sancti Michaelis Archaungeli proxim' futurum ad audiendam voluntatem iudicis et ad certificandum vbi interfuit misse et aliis diuinis officiis interim dictus Hern detectus est quoque de crimine adulterii cum Johanna Woodvidua de Huckinge QuintoOctobris reformatus personaliter comparuitdictus Hern et negauit obiecta qui assignatus est ad purgandum se quinta in Crastino Animarum

* Crossed out

In margin in another hand

Both re-appear in the Visitation of 1558 (f. 50r.).


[f. 208v ]

Rector Magister Arthurus Seintleger* et 223 ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi Cant'

Vicaria vacat


Curatus Dominus Willelmus Bucke


Iconomi anni

Johannes Ffilcote

Ricardus Sethe

Thomas Reynold preteriti




Johannes Sowthowson

Johannes Kingesdowne

Willelmus Wood

Johannes Raynolde

Johannes Stonehowse

Johannes Wade

Johannes Mason

Johannes Atwood

Willelmus Bechinge

Nicolaus Doe

Johannes Howlet

Stephanus Achamber

Willelmus Combe

Edmundus Atwood

Henricus Wattes

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum

altaris recipientium

Ricardus Troye 1}[blank]

Dieet anno [as Goudhurst , with viz added after habetur]

To gilte the roode Marienon and John and the patroneand to painte and garnishe the other imagies by Easter and to provide a lampe bynon Michaelmas and to enclosenon the churcheyarde by Allsaintes

[f 209r.]





ecclesie de Hollingeborne annexa

Dominus Dionisius Oddaye

Nulli because the churchewardens of Hollingeborne have ben allwaies charged with the hole

Johannes Wolgate

Ricardus Duck

Henricus Staple

* Collated 21 Feb. 1537 (Cranmer , 364a).

Collated on death of John Bayly 12 Oct. 1557 (Pole, 74a) Died before 3 Feb. 1566, when John Banke succeeded (Parker, 379b) A William Buckealso adm. to Bicknor 16 Jan. 1552 (Cranmer , 421b) John Alchen adm . on death of last, 30 May 1567 (Parker, 381b)

Sometimes called the Keepers of the Poor Men's Box.

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altarisrecipientiumxxxt et familie infra dictam parochiam xij

Die et anno .... capellam predictam et pariochianos .... dicte capelle .... eisdem vero parochianis [rest as Goudhurst]

To prouide two alter clothes a crosse of latten ij fronntes with curteynes of seye a bason and an ewer a handebell a mattocke and a spade a cope and to sett vppe a hollie water stoppe of stone at the churche door before Christmas

They have a vestmente and an albe of Master parsons

[f 209v ]

CAPELLA DE BREDHERST* ecclesie de Hollingeborn annexa

Dominus Georgius Dunham Curatus

Iconomi Thomas Kemesley

Nicolaus Cassingale

Parochiani Willelmus Kemesley

Willelmus Champnes

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam X

Die et anno .... capellam predictam .... in vsum ecclesie [rest as Goudhurst]

To prouide an alter clothe of lynnen a lampe and a conveniente lighte before the roode before Michaelmas

To prouide two fronntes for the alter above and benethe of seye with curteynes of the same and also a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

To prouide a vele and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

[f. 210r.]


Rector Magister Johannes Warner

Curatus Dominus Johannes Barlinge olim coniugatus et mulier habitat apud Caliseam

*" Bredhurst must be considered very fortunate in possessing one of the few remaining pre-Reformation patens, of which about only one hundred examples are known in England " (A.C., xxviii, 301)

John Warner, M.D., adm 4 Mar. 1545 to Elmeley (Cranmer, 399b); to Harrietsham on 7 Dec. 1549 (Ibid , 410a) He retained Harrietsham and Elmeley until his death, a successor being appointed 25 Mar. 1565 to Harrietsham (Parker, 368a, b, and 374a, b). WilliamJones was adm to Hayesin the deanery of Croydon by Warner's death, 5 Apr. 1565 (Ibid , 368b)

Domus rectorie est sufficienter reparata


Rectoria ex patronatuMagistrietsociorum

collegii | [Animarum] Oxon'

Nicolaus Eton

Edwardus Topley

Parochiani Johannes Stede

Willelmus Stede

Thomas Brockwell

Johannes Aden

Jacobus Smodinge

Johannes Hinckley

Thomas Chamber

Ricardus Wayte

Henricus Tailor

Jasperus Dreyson

Willelmus Barlinge

Thomas Ffrannces

Thomas Archeley

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris


Die et anno predictis [rest as Goudhurst]


Firste to enquire where the alter stonesnon became and to make certificate therof the Twisdaye after Michaelmas daye at Cannterburye

[f. 210v ]

To prouide a fronnte of silke for the alter benethe and also a fronnte for the woorkingedaies above before Christmas

To prouide one howselinge towell against Easter

To prouide a paier of latten candelstickes a paxenon of latten with the image of Christe and a lampenonbefore Allsaintes

To prouide a vele and coveringes for the imagies against Lente and an antiphoneragainste Christmas

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

Because they be To paintethe roode Marie and Johnwithe the grene patrone of the churche before Easter

To prouide a bason and an ewer and a conveniente lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To repaire the churche in glasinge and stonewoork and to put owte the scripture in the roode lofte before Allsaintes

[f 2117.]


Proprietarius Anthonius Seintleger miles

Vicarius Dominus Edwardus Slaney*

* Adm. East Farley 22 Oct. 1550 (Cranmer, 412b). Died before 30 Apr. 1558, when William Johnson succeeded him at Lenham (Pole , 77b). See also ante under Hothfield

Vicaria ex patronatu predicti Anthonii

Seintleger et valet annuatim

Firmarius rectorie Robertus Prett qui tenetur ad onera reparacionis cancelle




Dunstanus Clerck

Edwardus Eliot mortuus

Johannes Packnam -xiij libri xs ... *

Nicolaus Elson

Johannes Garner

Thomas Atwater

Rogerus Drawbredg

Johannes Stede

Thomas Rayner

Henricus Adam

Christoferus Waters

Thomas Henman

[Blank] Waters

Ffrannciscus Pratte

Robertus Drake

Johannes Spice

Robertus Adowne

Willelmus Allen of the Court

Ricardus Wooddyer

Willelmus Allen

Memorandum that thies parcelles folowinge were geven to the churche by Master Parckhurst

[f. 211v ] a cope a vestment an albe iij cusshions a crismatorie a holliewaterstoppe two crewettes

a surples ij candelstickes ofwood standing before the alter a towell for the houseling people a corporas with a clothe and for the mending of the organes XXS

Memorandum that thies parcelles folowinge were geven to the churche by Mestres Parckhurst

The alter clothes in Our Ladie channcell the curteynes a super altar a vestmente an albe a masse booke a pricket* a wipinge towell a corporas with a clothe

* Page torn and faded There may have been another figure. A spiked candlestick or stand


Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris)ve recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

To laye the alter stone apon the highe alter

and to remove the tombeñon stone from the alter and to laye it in his former place before Allsaintes

To prouide a paten of silver for one of the challices before Allsaintes and a paten of silvernon for the other challice before Christmas and the vicar to seye no masse after the same tyme withoute

To prouide an other crosse before Lente

To painte the table of the alternon with imagies and to prouide curteynesnon of silke before Allsaintes

To prouide a vele and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

. 212r.]


To prouide iiijor towelles"on* for howselinge people against Easter and two antiphoners"on* by Christmas

To prouide a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke before Allsaintes

To prouide a surplesnon and a rochetnon before Christmas

To warne theim that can singe to serve in the quire apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and to make certificate of theim that refuse

To prouide two bannersnon before Rogation week and a handebellnon before Michaelmas

To prouide a lantern and a spade before Allsaintes and a bason non and an ewer before Christmas

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte and a covernon for the deske before Michaelmas

To prouide a faiernon register book wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To set vppe a hollie waternon stoppe at the church door before Michaelmas

It will cost xx libri/ as theysaye

To repaire the churche and the steplein glasinge and necessarie reparacions by Allsaintes and the residewe to be thoroughelie repaired before Michaelmas com twelvemonethes

To repaire the vicaredge howsenon before All Saintes and to enclose the churcheyard before Michaelmas

* Crossed out

CAPELLA de Royton ecclesie de/ Lenham

annexa /

[f. 212v.]

That the churchewardensnon and parisheners aforeseidedoe personallie appeareatCannterbury the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye to make a perfect certificateof the estate ofthe same chappell

Memorandum that there is neither roodenon lofte nor particon betwene the churche and the quire neither lighte before the roode


Rectoria impropriata nuper monasterio Sancti Gregorii /Cant' et nunc in manibus Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi Cant' et valet xvij libri sed dimissa est ad firmam pro x libris

Firmarius rectorie Magister Parckehurst et est ibidem domus rectorie sufficienter reparata

Vicaria vacauit per tres annos propter exilitatem fructuum et valet per annum vj libri

Memorandum that there was a pention accustomed to be paide oute of the parsonage ofiiijor marckes towardes the vicars livinge whiche pention as it is thoughte hath not ben paid this xvj yeares

And further because there is no sequestraton of the tithes and fructes belonging to the vicaredg the sequestracon of the same is grannted to William Grenestrete and Austen Hennekar

Curatus Dominus Rowlandus Jackson* olim coniugatus



Willelmus Crafte

Edwardus Downe

Johannes Elvyn

Willelmus Grenestrete Augustinus Hennekar

Ricardus Ffarwood

Henricus Leese

Willelmus Bunse

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam xxxij

Die et anno ...... mandauit prout inferius habetur Articulis inquisitionisprius publice lectis et declaratis [restas Goudhurst]

* Adm to Northgate, Canterbury, 29 Apr. 1557 , by death of Thomas Graves (Pole, 71b) Then to Milkstead, 13 Sept. 1558, by death of David Lomley (Ibid., 81b). Died before 4 June 1578 , when John Hurte succeeded him at Milkstead (Grindal, 520a) Left Stallisfield before23 May 1561, when John Abbey succeeded on death of another incumbent (Parker , 349b). Jackson also held Kingsdown at the time of his death (Grindal, 523a)

[f. 213r.]

To make vpp the highe aulter of stone and to provide anon here clothe for the same by Michaelmas and a greate stone for the same alter by Christmas

To prouide fronntes for the alter of seye with curteynes for the halliedaies and of paynted clothe for the woorkingedaies three alter clothes two towelles for the priestes handes a hollie waternon stoppe of latten and to sett vppe a side alter with furniture before Allsaintes

To prouide a crosse of latten and a convenient surples for the priest before Christmas

To prouide a velenon and coveringes for the imagiesnon againste Lente

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall A

register all christeninges burialles mariages and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide one streamernon and three banners against Rogation weeke

To prouide a lampe before Michaelmas Memorandum To repaire the channcell in glasinge and tosende/ to other reparacions so sone as convenientlie may be thefarmerfor / To repaire the churche in glasinge and other the same necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and the residewe to be thoroughelie repaired by Easter

To enclose the churcheyarde by Michaelmas and ifit be not don then to make certificatin whoise default it is

To prouide a handebell before the feaste of Sainte Michael tharchanngellnext comynge

Toprouide a basonnon and an ewer beforeAllsaintes Domus vicarie Memorandum Quod domus vicarie

[f. 213v ]

ibidem non est sufficienter reparata

Also it is commannded that the churche wardens and sidemen doe traivele and take order with all sucheasdoewithholdeannythingefromthe church and if they refuse to pay the same Then to make perfect certificatetherof the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannterburie and further to warne all suche as refuse to appeare there the same daye


Inquiratur de istis

Detectum est quod Nicolaus Kinge et .... apud Aisheford* Juliana Kinge non receperunt sacramentum altaris in festo Paschatis vltim' elapso qui recesserunt a parochia Quamobrem mandatum est quod apprehendantur et producantur coram commissariis /Cant'

* Crossed out Page partly torn

Another hand

[f. 214r]


Rector Dominus Ricardus Rogers*

Domus rectorie est / sufficienter reparata* non residet

Firmarius rectorie

Johannes Remmyngton qui soluit annuatimx libros et tenetur ad onera reparationis ac omnia alia preter curatum inveniendum

Curatus est Johannes Whitehorse olim coniugatus

Johannes Remmyngton Rectoria Anthonii militis Iconomi


Reginaldus Ffilmar

Robertus Packham

Johannes Church Clinche

Jacobus Bunce

Willelmus Gooddyn

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum xxxiiij altare recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]XV

To set vpp a side alternon with furniture and to prouide a hearenon clothe before Allsaintes

To prouide fronntes of seye for the alter above and benethe with curteynes of the same and also an alter clothe before Allsaintes

To prouide a paten of silver for the challice before Allsaintes, and the curate not to mynister after the same tyme withoute

To prouide a hollie waternon stoppe of latten before Allsaintes

To prouide a crosse of lattennon by Easter, and a streamer by Rogation weeke

To prouide a frame for the sepulcre lighte a frame for Judas lighte a vele and coveringes for the imagies against Lente

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the church

To prouide a paier of censures non by Christmas and a lampe before Michaelmas

* Adm to Great Chart 19 Jan. 1566 on resignation of Richard Storer (Parker, 379b) A Richard Rogers, Bishopof Dover, adm to Midley 16 June 1569 on death of Martin Collins (Ibid , 394a) A Richard Rogers died as ncumbent of Eastling before 13 May 1574 (Parker, ii, 98b).

In margin opposite the next two lines Page torn. Missing word probably impropriata. ' Pen through. § Doubtless Seintleger'

To repaire the churche in glasinge and other reparations and to provide a basonnon* and an ewer before Allsaintes

Also the parisheners do seye that the ornamentes of the churche viz a challice two patentes a vestment and a cope and a hundredweight of latten were taken awaye by the comissioners

And further the parisheners doe alleage yt they are verye poore for because the moste part of the parishe is in Master Auchars handes

[f 215r .]

Domus rectorieest sufficienter reparata


Rector est Magister Thomas Slayney residet Rectoria ex patronatu Thome Moile militis et valet annuatim xvj libri

Thomas Austen Iconomi


Robertus Grenestret

Thomas Grenestrete

Thomas Adie

Willelmus Waller

Johannes Elie

Thomas Perse

Johannes Collard

Thomas Clerck

Robertus Gates

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

iiijxx - xxvj

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

To make vppe the roode lofte and to provide a roode of a decente stature with a conveniente lighte before the roode at thisside Candelmas

To set vpp a side alternon with furniture before Allsaintes

To prouide a fronnte of seye for the alter with curteynes of the same, and two alter clothes before Allsaintes

* Crossed out ?

Resigned Stallisfield before 25 Sept. 1540 and Hugh David succeeded , Slaney being himself the patron for this turn (Cranmer, 377a, b) Adm to Eastling 11 Oct. 1545 (Ibid , 396b) Resigned Cheriton before 23 Oct. 1551 , when John David admitted (Ibid , 418b) Adm to Preston next Faversham 10 December 1557 on death of Richard Maupase (Pole, 74b) Resigned it before 20 Oct. 1558, when Edward Parrat succeeded (Ibid., 81b). non annotations in new hand as ante under Stallisfield.

[f. 215v.]

To amende their crosse before Michaelmas and to prouide annon other crosse before Easter

To prouide a sepulcrenon with a convenient framefor the lighte and a frame for Judas lighte a velenon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier registornon booke wherin they shall register the names of all christenyngs mariages and burialles and also theaccomptes of the church and to prepare a cheste for the same before Allsaintes

To set vpp a lampe immediatlieand to provide a streamer by Rogation week

To prepaire the channceill in all thinges before Allsaintes

To repaire the churche in glasinge and the necessarie reparacons before All Saintes and the residewe to be thoroughelie repaired and paved before Easter

To prouide a handebellnon a mattock a spade and a shovell before Allsaintes

That the churchewardens and parisheners doe travele with all suche as withold anny thinge from the churche and if they refuse to paye the same or to take order for the payment therof

Then to make perfecte certificatetherof at Cannterburie the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye

[f. 216r.]

Non est domus rectorie sed est horreum

Domus vicarieest ruinosa


Rectoria* impropriata Reuerendo

Domino Archidiacono Cant' / Firmarius rectorie Christoferus Roper armiger

Vicaria vacat per tres annos et valetxij libri

Curatus Dominus Thomas Ffeldinge

Iconomi Andreas Stere

Nicolaus Wattes

Parochiani Simon Rayner

Henricus Adie

Arnoldus Whitlock

Willelmus Scere

Thomas Pye

Thomas Adie

* Charles Garlike adm 8 Dec. 1561 (Parker, 352a)

No doubt meant to be 'Stere. '

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] xxxijt'

To make vppe a side alter with furniturenon* The churche before Allsaintes and to provide a here clothe was robbed before Michaelmas [f. 216v.]

Topaintethetablewiththeimagenon* ofthecrucifixe and other imagies decentlie and to provide fronntes forthe alteraboveand beneth ofseye withcurteynes of the same before Allsaintes

To prouide two alter clothes two towelles for the priestes handes before Allsaintes and to kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

To prouide an other crewet and a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacrament into the sicke before Michaelmas

To prouide a corporas case and a clothe by Allsaintes and a conveniente canapie fringed with staves before Lente

To prouide an other crossenon and an albe for the best vestmente before Christmas

To prouide a convenient sepulcre with a decent frame for the lighte and also a velenon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the church

To prouide a crosse clothe by Christmas and a streamernon before Rogacon week

To repaire the channcellnon in all pointes before Allsaintes

To traivele with all such as doe owe or withold annythinge from the churche and if they doe refuse to pay the same or to take order for ye paymente therof then to warn the make a perfecte certificatetherof the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas day at Cannterburie

That the churchewardens doe warne Robert Motie to appeare at Newenham apon Monnday nexte, because he doth Reformatus witholde certeyne goodes from the churche Motie postea concordauit cum iconomis et parochianis et persoluit debita prout in actis plenius liquet

* 'non' in same hand as under Stallisfield

Crossed out.

Same hand as ' nons ' above.

[f. 2177.] ARCHDEACON

Ex patronatu

Magistri Adams


Rector Dominus Ricardus

valet rectoria


Est ibidem domus rectorie

Robertes* et vj libri

Robertus Barnes

Thomas Tassell

Parochiani Jacobus Parker

Thomas Brode

Ricardus Deacon

Ricardus Down

Edwardus Brook

Johannes Lawe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

To set vppe a side alter with furniturenon before Allsaintesand to set vppe the sacramente decentlie before Michaelmas

Theyhad none of silver To prouide a challicenonand a patennon of silver / before Christmas this xviij yeares as they sey, for the parishe is verie poor.

To repaire the chauncellnon before Allsaintes

To repaire the churche in nonglasinge before Allsaintes and inshingle and other reparacons before Easter

[f. 217v.]

To set vpp the roodenon lofte and to makethe particon betwene the churche and the chaunceill before Whitsontide

Toprouide fronntes for the alterabovenon and benethe withe the image of the crucifixe in the same, and curteynes of seye before Allsaintes

To prouide an alternon clothe three towellesnon for the priestes handes and one crewet before Allsaintes

To prouide a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke and also two corporasnon clothes with cases before Michaelmas

To prouide a canapienon of seye fringed with conveniente staves a velenon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente and also a crosse of lattennon with the image of the crucifixe and a crosse clothe before Christmas

* Richard Roberts, resigned Preston by Faversham, with pension (£4), 18 Dec. 1535 (Cranmer , 30a) Nicholas Simpsonadm to Wicheling bydeath of Richard Roberts 7 Feb. 1563 (Parker, 362b).

Page torn

Crossed out


To prouide a rochett* or a surples for the clerck before Michaelmas and a conveniente sepulcre with a frame for the lighte, and a frame for Judas lighte against Lente


f 218r ]

To kepe the fonntenon and the crismatorievnder locke and keye

To prouide a faier nonregister book, wherin they shall register all christenynges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide ij banners and a streamernonbefore Rogation weeke

To prouide a lampenon before Michaelmas a sacceringe bell a bason non an ewer a lantern, a covernon forthe desk a shovellnon a mattock on a spadenon before Allsaintes

To bringe in the Bible Paraphrasis andthe Common Book to Cannterburie the Wednisdaye after Michaelmas daye


Rectoria vacat per tres annos propter exilitatem fructuum

Ex patronatu Domine Regine et valet per annum v libri

Evocetur ad Sequestrator fructuum rectorie Radulphus reddendum / Ffinche generosus compotum Curatus Dominus Robertus Halman

Iconomus Willelmus Amys

Parochiani Petrus Harman Johannes Steble Jacobus Tobie

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiamparochialem predictam actualiter visitauit atque iconomos et parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos preconizatos satisque diu et sufficienter expectatos ac nullo modo comparentes pronunciauit contumaces et eorum quemlibet contumacem pena reseruata usque in diem Mercurii apud


Et quia fructus et decime predicterectorie tam tenues suntut curatumsustentare non possunt videatur consentaneum ut anex' ad ecclesiam de Lynsted Cancella ibidem est ruinosa et ecclesia omnibus fere ornamentis destituta

* ' and ' crossed out

Crossed out. This is the onlyrecordof non-appearance in this Visitation It is more common in 1558 and before

[f. 218v ]


Impropriata Reverendo Domino Archidiacono Cant'

Vicarius Dominus Robertus Shefe* et valet vicariaxij libri et cura deseruitur alternis vicibus in absentia vicarii

Cancella et ecclesia ibidemcum omnibus ornamentis et aliis neccessariis eidem ecclesie pertinentibus combuste fuerunt



Johannes Bixe

Johannes Bateman

Henricus Bateman

Simon Cowland

Thomas Graungeman

Thomas Sparrowe

Numerusparochianorumsacramentum ) }ixxx altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] xlviij

Ffirste it [is] commannded that the churche wardens and parisheners sett vpp a side alter with furniture, To provide fronntes for the alter for the woorkingedaies and halliedaies, two towelles for the priestes handes two crewettes a boxe or a pursenon convenient to carrie the sacramente into [the] sicke a paxe oflatten, a canapienon of silke or seye, a crosse of latten, a crosse clothe of silke, a frame for the sepulcre lighte and a holliewaternon stoppe of latten, and a holliewater stopp at the churchedoor

[f 219r ]

To prouide also surplessies non and rochettes convenient for the quire an othervestment with albe and other thinges to the same belonginge

Toprouide a roode nonMarie and Johnnon withthepatrone decentlie paynted and of a decente stature a vele and coueringes for the imagies and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and keye

To prouide a faier registernonbooke wherein they shall register all christenynges mariages burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide conveniente banners and streamers a lampe a lantern a spade a shovell and a deske with a cover

To fynishe the chauncell and the church

to buylde vpp the roode lofte and to doe all thinges above rehersed so sone as convenientlie they can

* A Robert Shoghe adm 1 Nov. 1556, "pro eo quodWillelmus Stapleford, ultimus vicariusibidemacceptavitaliud beneficiumabsque ulla dispensacione " (Pole, 70a)

In same hand as under Doddington and predominateshenceforth

See article The Ropers and their Monuments in Lynsted Church , by Aymer Vallance (A.C., xliv, 147-65), for the long associationwith Lynsted

[f. 219v ]


Rector Dominus David Longeley*

Ex patronatu Thome Henman et valet rectoria



Ricardus Highsted

Thomas Ffinge

Thomas Heniman

Robertus Ponet

Thomas Allen

Petrus Sutton x libri 237

Henricus Rayner

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] >lx - xviij

To set vpp a side alternon with furniture and to set vpp the sacramentenon reverentlie before Allsaintes

Toprouidetwofronntesbut one providedforthealter ofseye and curteynes of the same for the halliedaies and one fronnte for the woorkingedaies of steyned clothe before Allsaintes

To prouidea challice with a patennonof silver before Christmas and the parson not to ministerafter the same tyme withoute

That the churchewardensnon and sidemen doe exhibite a true and perfect accomptes of all suche gooddes ornamentes plate jewelles belonging to the church that were solde of what value it was to whome it was solde and by whome and to what vse it was put the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cant'

of this Catholic family Henry, the eleventh Baron Teynham, tookthe oath and his seatin the House of Lords on 10 July 1781. The burial registers of Lynsted from 1656 down to 1802 contain more than 60 names to whichthe entry " Rom. Cath " or " R.C." is appended . 56 of these names occur after 1716. The commonest name is Allsworth (12 times), and this is the last entry (under 1802) Thetraditional site ofthe Catholicchapel , writes Vallance , p. 149, " used to be pointed out in a slight hollow, on the borders of Lynsted and Kingsdownparishes, in a field some threehundredyards or so tothesouth ofLudgatefarmhouse , andjust westof the cart-road whichruns from Lynsted villageto KingsdownStreet No remains of this building are known to have been standing aboveground within living memory; nor is it marked on the OrdnanceMap, even of the largest scale; but the late Mr. Thomas Back, whodied in 1909, aged 67, used to tell of lumps of brickwork and masonry having been frequently turned up on the spot by the plough "

For other particulars of recusancy in the parish of Lynsted see Teynham Manor and Hundred, by Elizabeth Selby (Ashford, no date), passim 13 Sept. 1558 Rowland Jacksonadm by death of David Lomley (Pole , 81b) Jackson died before 4 June 1578 (Grindal, 520a)

[f 220r ]


To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye and to prouide a wipinge towell before Allsaintes

To prouide an other crewet and a convenientboxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick before Michaelmas

To prouide a canapie of seynon* fringed with conveniente staves and an othernon crosse with the image of the crucifixe a sepulcre with a convenientenonframe for the lighte a velenon and coveringesnon for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a convenient lightebut one taper before the roode and to paynte the patrone decentlie before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier registernon booke wherin they shall registor all christenynges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a streamernon by Rogation weeke

To prouide a lampe and to set vpp the quire in the olde place before Allsaintes

To repaire the chaunceill in glasinge and other necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and the residewe to be thoroughelie repaired before Whitsontide

To repaire the churche in all poinctes before Allsaintes

To prouide a bason and an ewernon a shovell and a spade before Michaelmas

[f. 220v]


Rector Dominus Georgius White olim sub matri monii effigie coniugatus et habitat iam in parochia et peperit Idcirco monitus est dictus rector ad comparendum Cant' in crastino Sancti Michaelis archanngeli proxim' futur' ad audiendam voluntatem iudicis

Domus rectorie est ruinosa

Rectoria ex patronatuHenriciHaddesxx" generosus et valet annuatim

Iconomus Edwardus Harris Parochiani marce/ Henricus Haddes generosus

Robertus Allen [?] Petrus Barner

Stephanus Knotte

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum131 altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] - xiiij

* Crossed out.

John Pygdencollated27 Aug. 1560bydeathoflast incumbent, unnamed (Parker, 345a).


To set vpp a side alter with furniture before Michaelmas and to set vpp the sacrament reuerentlie by the same tyme

To painte the table of the alter with imagies and to provide two fronntes of seyenon for the alterwith curteynes of the same before Christmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnder lock and keye

221r .]

To prouide a challice of silvernon and a paten before Christmas and the parson not to ministerwithouteafter the same daye

To prouide a wipinge towell a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacrament in to the sick before Michaelmas

To prouide a corporas clothe and a case before Allsaintes and twoo lattennon candelstickes before the same tyme

To prouide a canapie of seye fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To set the image of the crucifixenon apon their olde crosse before Michaelmas

To prouide a vestmente withnon albe and other furniture therto belonginge and to painte the roode Marie and John and to make the patrone of a decent staturenon before Christmas

To prouide a velenon and coveringes for the imagiesnon against Lente and to kepe the fonnte decentlie vnder lock and keye

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall registor all christeninges burialles and mariages and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide cheynes for the censures before Allsaintes and twoo banners and a streamer before Rogation weeke

To repaire the parsonagenon howse the churche and the steplenon in necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and the residewe to be repaired thoroughelye before Easter

That the churche wardens and sidemen doe exhibite a true and perfecte accomptes the Wednisdaie next after Michaelmas daye at Cant' of all plate jewelles ornamentes and other goodes belonginge to the churche yt were sold by whome to whom, of what value, and to what vse it was put *reformat'

* Another hand

[f. 221v.] ARCHDEACON


Rector Magister Willelmus Horwood *

Curatus nullus sed cura desseruitur alternis vicibus per rectorem de Ffrensted

Firmarius rectorie Johannes Carpinter

Domus rectorie es sufficienter reparata nonresidet

Qui soluit annuatim rectori' x libri atque tenetur ad inueniendum


Thomas Holman

Johannes Hatche

Parochiani Robertus Cooke

Thomas Thatcher

Nicolaus Reader

Willelmus Pepper curatum

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum lx altare [sic] recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]

Firste it is commannded that they set vppe a side alter with furniture before Allsaintes

To prouide two fronntes for the alter of seye with curteynes of the same to amende their olde and to provide two alter clothes before Allsaintes

To prouide a wipinge towell before Allsaintes and a crewett before Michaelmas

[f. 222r .]

To prouide a paten of silver before Allsaintes and the curate not to minister withoute after the same tyme

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and keye and to provide a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke before Allsaintes

To make fringies for the canapie before Lente and to prouide two latten candelsticks before Christmas

To set the image of the crucifixe apon their olde crosse before Lente and to provide coveringes for the imagies before the same tyme

To prouide a hollie water stoppe of latten and to paynte the roode Marie and John and the patrone of the churche decentlie before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a streamernon by Rogation weeke and a bason and an ewer before Allsaintes

To repaire the chauncell in all thinges before Christmas

* Adm . 22 Mar. 1547 (Cranmer, 404a) John Harris collated 5 May 1569 by death of last incumbent (Parker, 391b).


To repaire the churche in glasinge before Allsaintes and in all other thinges by Christmas Also it is comannded that the farmer provide a curate immediatlie

[f. 222v .]



Dominus Willelmus Bucke* et valet rectoria

Iconomi et Parochiani

Willelmus Mede

Willelmus Knighte

Ricardus Christian

Robertus Heire

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altare recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] viij

v libri

Firste to prouide two fronntesnon for the alter above and benethe of paynted clothe and the image of the crucifixe and to provide one wipinge towell before Allsaintes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and keye

To prouide a conveniente boxe or a purse to beare the sacramente to the sicke and also to prouide an other corporas case before Christmas

To prouide a canapienon of seye fringedwithconvenient staves before Lente

To prouide a sepulcrenon with a conveniente frame for the lighte a vele and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a crosse of lattennon or copper with a crosse clothe before Christmas

To kepe the fonnte vnder locknon and keye [f. 2237.] To prouide a handebellnon and a lampeno before Allsaintes

To prouide a lantern a mattockenon a shovell a spade a bason and ewernon a deske with a cover before Christmas

To prouide a faier register non booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a patennon of silver by Christmas and the person not to ministerwithouteafter the sametyme

To prouide a paier of censures non before Christmas and ij nonbanners and a streamernonby Rogacion weeke

That the person repaire the chaunceillnon before Allsaintes

To repaire the churchenonin necessarie reparacionsbefore Allsaintes and the residewe to be thoroughelie repaired before Easter

* Adm . 16 Jan. 1552 (Cranmer, 421b). John Alchen adm. 30 May 1567 by death of last incumbent (Parker , 381b)

[f. 223v]


Rectoria impropriataecclesie cathedraliRoffensi et valetxx" marce

VicariusDominus Galfridus Wilson* et valet vicariaix libri xjs


Iconomi anni preteriti


Thomas Drurie

Willelmus Baket

Rogerus Bet

Simon Lacket

Thomas Hott senior

Ricardus Knighte

Robertus Plotte

Johannes Mylles

Johannes Allen

Eliseus Graye

Henricus Pilcher

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Goudhurst] [blank]

Firste to paynte the roode Marie and John before Michaelmas and to provide a convenient lighte before the roode before Allsaintes

Tosett vppe a side alter withfurniture before Allsaintes

To prouide two fronntes non of seye for the alter and curteynes of the same for the halliedaies and twonon fronntes of paynted clothe for the woorkingedaies with the image of the crucifixe before Allsaintes

To prouide a paten of silver before Christmas and the vicar not to minister withoute after the same tyme

[f. 2247.] To prouide two wipinge towellesnon before Michaelmas

To amende the crismatorienon immediatlie and to kepe the same vnder lock and keye

To prouide two crewettesnon a fine corporas clothe and to amende the challice out of hande

To prouide a canapie of seye fringed with convenient staves a crosse of latten and a decente staffe and a sepulcre with a frame for the lighte before Lente

To amende the hollie water stoppenon immediatlie or ells to provide a newe before Allsaintes and to set vppe a hollie water stopp at the churche door by the same tyme

* Adm . 6 May 1550 (Cranmer, 411a) George Hawkes adm by death of last incumbent 21 Aug. 1571 (Parker, 406a, b) Geoffrey Wilson, vicar of Stockbury, was paid a stipend of 50s per annum according to a briefof 14 Elizabeth (Parker, ii, 68a, b)

Torn, then " .... arie est/....erreparata. "

They haue no copes oftheir own but such as they borrowe

To prouide a faier copenon and a vestementenon for the / halliedaies with furniture tothesamebefore Easter /

That the chauncell be kept cleane and the duste had awaye

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte

To prouide a faier register bookenon wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche non inv ... d [?]

To repaire the chauncellnon and the churche in timber and to enclose the churcheyarde and to provide a lanterne before Allsaintes

To prouide a handbell non a bason an ewernon and anon cover for the deske before Michaelmas

That the churche wardensnon and sidemen doe exhibite a true and perfect accomptes the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannterburye of all suche goodes plate ornamentes and jewelles belonginge to the churche that were solde and by whome the same was solde to whome of what value it was and to what vse the same was put

There is a gutternon in decaye which the Deane and chapter of Rochester oughte to amende and repaire as they seye

[f. 224v ] That the myddle stone wallnon and the glasse be repaired immediatlie becawse the priest cannot convenientlie saye masse

Also it is comannded that the parisheners doe paye the clerckes wages by Michaelmas or ells the churchewardens to present them that refuse the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye and to warne theim that refuse to appeare the same daye at Cannterburie

Also that the churche wardens doe bringe in the Bible and Paraphrasis to Cannterburie the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye



Mantell A

Detectum est quod Johannes non accedit ad ecclesiam sed est assiduus venator in diebus / festiuis, postea certificatumest per iconomos et parochianos quod iam reformatus est et debite frequentat/ecclesiam et quod bene se gerit in omnibus

* Another hand



*nunc apud /Harnhill


nunc habitat apud Tenham

Detectum est quod Johannes Beckettnon debite /frequentat ecclesiam et Dominus monuit iconomos ad certificandum de conuersatione illius et mandatum est patri dicti Johannis ut filius eius reformetursuis mediis /


Detectumest quod Henricus Baker non debite accedat ad ecclesiam et evocatus ad iudicium personaliter comparuit et fatebatur se abfuisse ab omnibus diuinis officiis in festo Sancte Crucis vltimo elapso vnde Dominus monuit dictum Baker ad comparendum Cant' die Mercurii proxim' post festum Sancti Michaelis ad audiendam voluntatem iudicis et ad videndum vlteriorem processum in hoc negotio postea vero quia dictus Baker humiliter se submisit Dominus monitionem predictam revocauit et mandauit iconomis ad certificandumdie Mercurii post festum Sancti Michaelis de conuersatione dicti Baker quo die adueniente certificatum est quod iam bene se gerit in omnibus et debite frequentat ecclesiam [f. 225r.]

Detectumest quod vxor predicti Henrici Baker non debite accedit ad ecclesiam et ad iudicium evocata personaliter comparuit et fatebatur se abfuisse ab omnibus diuinis officiis in festo Sancte Crucis vltimo elapso ac preterea confessa est se non recepisse sacramentum altaris ante partum suum ac deinde coram iudice declarauit fidem suam in sacramento altaris viz that she dothe beleve that in the sacramente of the alter there is verie reall and substannciall bodie and bloud of our Savior Christe vnder the formes of bread and wyne cui sic confitentiDominus iniunxit proutsequiturvizthatshe bepresenteat all devyne service apon Sonndaie next and than to go in procession and to doe all other ceremonies reverentlie and that the vicar shall there declare her faithe in the sacramente and also her negligence in not comyng to the churche and she to stande by and affirme and confesse the same and to make certificate therof the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daie at Cannterburie But afterwardes because she did humblie submitte her self and acknowledged her fault the judge did respitte the seide pennannce and warned the churchewardens to make certificate of her behavior

* reformata Et postea certificatum est quod iam reformataest et quod bene et obedienter se gerit in omnibus

* In margin in another hand. Holydays of Obligation then included Days of Devotion

*abiit nunc apud / Borden 245

Detectum est quod Alicia Kemesley non recepit sanctum panem nec aquam benedictam nisi semel per quatuorannos evocata ad iudicium personaliter comparuit et fatebatur obiecta quam Dominus monuit quod intersit omnibus diuinis officiis die Dominica proxima et quod eat in processione etc et quod vicario tunc declarabit fidem suam in sacramento et negligentiam suam non obseruando ceremonias ecclesie et quod dicta Alicia tunc presens in ecclesia affirmabit dictam declarationem etc et ad certificandumper manum vicarii et iconomorum die Mercurii post festum Sancti Michaelis Archanngeli postea certificatum est quod recessit a parochia et habitat apud Borden

Also it is commannded that John Allen the bosholder do warne John Knighte to appeare at Hartlipp or at Reyneham and to make certificatetherof. postea dictus Allen certificauit quod dictus Knighte non est inventus

[f 225v ] HARTELIPP

Rectoria impropriata ecclesie cathedrali

Roffensi et valet annuatim


Vicarius Dominus Michaell Weste et vicaria valet vj libri xs Firmarius rectorie Phillippus Sampson

[Decanu]s et capitulum Iconomi

Thomas Holman [ecclesie] predicte tenetur ad onera reparacionis

Eliseus Grenehill Parochiani Johannes Hilles Phillippus Sampson

Domus vicarieest Ricardus Brapson ruinosa

Johannes Reader

Thomas Harrison sacramentum

Numerus parochianorum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]


To repaire the chaunceillnon in glasinge and other reparations and to prouide a lampe immediatlie

To amende their copes vestementes and the sepulcre clothe before Allsaintes

And wheras there were solde by the parishe two greate candelstickes of latten and the candelstickes of the roode lofte it is commannded that the parisheners doe prouide them agayne or as good before Easter

They had none this seavenyeresbecause thers was stollen asthey say

To prouide a challice and a paten of silver beforeChristmas and the vicar not to minister withoute after the same tyme

* Another hand, in margin.

William Lambe adm 6 Nov. 1560 (Parker, 346b)

[f 2267.] Memorandum that the highe aulter stone isat Norwood as it is supposedand lieth in Master Nortons chymney

To take and remove the gravenon stone from the alter and to leye the same in his place before the feast of Allsaintes

To prouide two fronntes non for the alter of seye with curteynes of the same and for the woorkingedaies of steyned clothe with the image of the crucifixe and also to prouide two towelles for the priestes handes and a processionall before Allsaintes

To make certificatewhere the alter stones became the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye

To set vppe a side alternonwithfurniture by Allsaintes

To prouide a canapie of seye fringed with convenient staves before Lente

To prouide a velenon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente and to set vpp the sacramente decentlie before Michaelmas

To amende the handebell and the lantern and to prouide a lockenon and a keye for the fonnte and a conveniente lighte beforenon the roode before Michaelmas

To prouide a crossenon of wood with the image of the crucifixe before Lente

To repaire the churchenon and to enclose the churcheyarde before Allsaintes and to provide a convenient place for the sepulcre by Michaelmas

To prouide a faier registernon booke wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To bringe in the Bible and the Paraphrasis* to Cannterburie the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye

[f 226v ]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie cathedrali Roffensi

Firmarius rectorie Johannes Norden qui non teneturadonera reparationis nec ad solucionem procurationum sed Decanus et capitulum ecclesie Roffensis ut patet per indenturam

§ Vicaria vacat

Curatus Dominus Robertus Windestandlieolim coniugatus

* "not brought in" inserted in another hand

Crossed out, and substituted for it in another hand above the line is "in disposicione Domini Legati "

Crossed out.

§ " Est ibidem domus vicarie/bene reparata" in margin

Crossed out. In another hand above : "Dominus [blank] Wacklin vnus ex minoribus canonicis/ ecclesie cathedralisDiui Pauli London" John Holinshed adm 15 Oct. 1562 , by resignationof John Wakelyn (Parker, 357b , 358a)


Iconomus Willelmus Hennekar*

Parochiani Henricus Lawrance

Willelmus Seade

Thomas Butter

Galfridus Merchaunte

Thomas Elmeston

Johannes Mendam

Johannes Stoner

Willelmus Turner

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Goudhurst]


Firste it is commannded that the alter stones yt lie in anny place in the churche or churcheyard be taken vppe immediatlie

To prouide a lampenon by Michaelmas [f 227r .]

To bringe a copieñon of the inuentarie of the church gooddes in parchemente indented to Cannterburie the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye

To prouide a sufficient lightenon before the roode and to prouide a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sicke before Allsaintes.

To prouide a canapienon of silk fringedwith convenient staves before Lent

To warne theim that can singe to serve in the quire apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and to make certificate of them that refuse

To prouide an antiphonernon and a grailenon before Christmas a paxe of latten with a crucifixe by Allsaintes

To sett the imagies of the crucifixe Marie and John apon the pell of velvet

To make certificatewherenon the greate candelstickes were bestowed

To prouide a locke and a keyenon for the fonnte immediatlie

To prouide a faier registernon booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To make certificate who pluckednon downe the chappell of the Trinitie and Sainte Katheryne and of the brotherhed ofSaint Sepulcre

To make also certificate howe they holde the ermitage and the three acres of lande there for the poor and also to certifie of the three seames of wheat geven to the poor

To prouide two banners against Rogacon week

To repaire the chaunceill which is sore in decaye before Allsaintes

* Also warden in 1565-9 (A.C., xv, 335-7).

Alive in 1569 (Ibid, 337) Alivein 1569 (Ibid.)

*Master Norden hath / vndertaken the reparacon /ymmediatly*

To repaire the churche in all poinctes before Allsaintes

To bringe the Bible and Paraphrasis to Cannterbury the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas


Curatus ibidem detectus est de crimine incontinentieet ebrietatis qui evocatus ad iudiciumfatebaturobiecta quemDominus monuit ad comparendum Cant' xvo die post festum Sancti Michaelis ad audiendam voluntatem iudicis ad quod perimplendum sub sui iuramenti vinculo ad tacta Dei evangelia prestita promisit [f. 227v ]



Rectoria impropriata collegio de Eton

Oxon [sic] et valet per annum libri / Vicarius Dominus Nicolaus Poor non residet

Vicaria ex patronatu dicti collegii et valet per annum xiiij libri / Curatus Dominus Johannes Bailie **

Iconomi Willelmus Moswell


Johannes Swifte

Johannes Lyforde

Reginaldus Boton

Thomas Godfreye

Thomas Barrett

Johannes Dates

Hugo Croche

Johannes Wotton

Numerusparochianorumsacramentum altaris) .ccxlv recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos preconizatos ac comparentes actualiter visitauit et visis ornamentis et ceteris lx necessariis que in vsum ecclesie et decor' eiusdem fuerunt preparata etc necnon et articulis etc publice declaratis etc dictus Dominus Archidiaconus mandauit et processit prout inferius habetur

* In right margin against precedingitem

TheArchdeacon, like the Bishop ofa diocese, had a summonerfor each deanerywhose dutyit was to serve a writ of summons on thosewho were due to appear before his court The Raynham Church Wardens' Accounts for 1565 indicate his fees" It'm paid to the Somner at the vysytation at Raynh'm

Page torn. iiijd " (A.C., xv, 335)

§ The Patrons were All Souls College, Oxford. William Barker, B.A., collated 23 Dec. 1561 by death of Robert Howe (Parker, 353a, b)

** William Buckeadm . Hollingbourne by death of John Bayly on 12 Oct. 1557 (Pole , 74a)

The vicar tokeawaye the alter stones

Ffirste it is commannded that therenon be a side alter / set vppe with furniture in the chappell before Allsaintes

To prouide two fronntes"on* of seye with curteynes a here clothe two wipinge towellesnon* a corporas clothe and a case before Allsaintes

To prouide two alterno * clothes by Michaelmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and keye

To prouide a boxenon * or a purse conuenient to carrie the sacramente in to the sick immediatlie

[f. 2287.]


To repaire the vicaredgenon before Christmas

To prouide two latten candelstickes before Christmas

That the churchewardensnon and sidemen doe exhibit a true and perfect accomptes the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas daye at Cannt' of the crosse of silver the pixe of silver and of other ornamentes belonging to the churche that were solde

To prouide a convenient lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To warne theim that can singe to serve the quire apon the Sonndaies and halliedaies and to certifie of theim that refuse

Memorandumthat the orgaynesnon be in decaye thoroughe the default of the parson who hath not repaired the chaunceill

To prouide a rochet for the clerk before Allsaintes

To prouide albes for the vestmentes viz one before Allsaintes and the rest before Christmas

To prouide a velenon and coveringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier register book wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide a lampe before Michaelmas

To repaire the churche in all poinctes before the feaste of Allsaintes

To repaire the chauncell in all poinctes before Allsaintes and in pavinge before Christmas

To enclose the churcheyarde immediatlie


Also it is commannded that the bosholder doe apprehende the late vicar called Howe and also his pretensed wife and to bringe them to the next comissioner

* Crossed out " too tapers" added above . Another hand


* Also it is commannded that the churchewardens doe warne Anthonye Allen and Thomas Blackborn to appeare at Sittingeborn quia non debite frequentant ecclesiam postea vero partes personaliter comparueruntac culpam et negligentiam suam agnoscentessese ordinacioni iudicis humiliter submiserunt quos iudex monuit ut bene et obedienter se gerant in omnibus et quod debiteaccedant ad ecclesiam ad diuina officia audienda etc postea iconomi dicte parochie / certificaueruntdictos Allenet Blackborn reformatos esse et quod obedienter se habeant etc

[f. 229r.]


Rectoria impropriata collegio OmniumSanctorum [sic] Oxon' Firmarius rectorie Ffrannciscus Holbrok

Vicaria ex patronatu dicti collegii et valet

Vicarius Dominus Johannes Townesley Curatus Dominus Nicolaus Blaunshe xij libri



Robertus Marche

Willelmus Wingefelde

Thomas Showell

Clemens Milwaye

Willelmus Rickard

Rogerus Iackson

Edwardus Showsmith

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum

altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam


Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictamiconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc vlteriusque mandauit et processit prout in actis superius scriptis habetur et inferius specificatur

Firste to set vpp a side alternon with furniture before Allsaintes

To enquire where the alternon stones became and to mak due certificat therof the Wednisdaie next after Michaelmas daye

To traiveile with the churchewardensnonthat have not accompted and also with suche as doe withold annythinge from the churche and if they refuse to tak order for the same with the parishners then to warne theim to appeare at Cannt' the Wednisdaie next after Michaelmas daye

* The corner of the page is torn and faded. There may have been a marginal note

Adm. to Raynham 9 July 1547 (Cranmer, 403b). Edmund Drakes adm , to Upchurch 25 Jan. 1560 by death of last incumbent (Parker, 347b)

[f. 229v.]

To prouide a here clothe for the alter immediatlie

To kepe the crismatorie vnder nonlock and keye

To prouide three wipingenon towelles before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapienon of seye fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To prouide a sepulcrenon with a conveniente framefor the lighte before Lente

To sett the image of the noncrucifixe apone the olde crosse before Lente

To prouide a hollie water stoppe of stone or leade at the churche door before Allsaintes

To prouide a surples and a rochetnon before Allsaintes

To painte the roode Marie and John and the patrone and to set vpp the patrone decentlie before Christmas

To prouide a velenon and coueringesnon for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

That the churchewardens and sidemen doe mak and exhibit a true and perfect accomptes the Wednisdaie after Michaelmas of all suche gooddes plat jewelles and ornamentes belonginge to the church that were sold

To prouide two banners before Rogacion week

To repaire the chauncell in all thinges before Allsaintes

[f. 230r.]

To repaire the churche in all thinges before Easter

To prouidea conveniente nonlightebefore the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide an ewer nonbefore Allsaintes.

To prouide a mattock and a spade before Allsaintes

To set vpp their roode lofte immediatlie

[f. 230v ]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cant' et valet v marce / Vicaria ex patronatu dicte ecclesie et vacat propter exilitatem fructuum et valet per annum

viij libri

. * sufficienter Curatus nullus

Arthurus Holman sequestrator fructuum dicte vicarie

* Page torn

Iconomi Arthurus Holman


Johannes Bote

Johannes Busshopp

Johannes Pullyn

Johannes Stonard

Thomas Hodge

Johannes Helkyn

Numerus parochianorum Sacramentum >iijxx altaris recipientium et familie

Die et anno prescriptisdictus xxiij

Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter mandauit et iniunxit ac vlterius processit prout in actis superius habetur et inferius specificatur

Ffirste it is comannded that the parishners go to Vpchurche to church vntill suche tyme as they have a curat

Also to sett vppe a side alter with furniture before Allsainctes

[f. 231r.]

To paynte the table of the alter and to provide a fronnte of paynted clothe for the woorkingedaies and two fronntes of seye with curteynes for the halliedaies before Christmas

To prouide a conveniente boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick before Allsaintes

To prouide a corporas clothe before Christmas

To prouide a frame for the sepulcre light before Lente

To prouide a hollie waternon stoppe of stone at the churche door before Michaelmas

To set the image of the crucifixe apone the olde crosse before Lente

To prouide a surples and a nonrochet before Christmas

To prouide nona vele and couerynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a faier register book wherin they shall registor all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

To prouide two banners before Rogacion week

To repaire the chaunceillnon in necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and thorougelye by Easter

To repaire the churchenon in necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and thorougelye by Easter

[f. 231v .]

To enclose the churcheyarde decentlie before Allsaintes

To prouide a lanterne a coueringenon for the desk before Allsaintes

To painte the patrone decentlie before Christmas and also the roode Marie and John

To prouide a conveniente lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

[f. 232r.]


Rectoria impropriata Magistro Grene

Vicaria ex patronatu dicti Magistri Grene et valet x libri

Domus vicarieest ruinosa coniugatus

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Hicklingeolim

Iconomi Robertus Bone

Robertus Williamson

Parochiani Edmond Barlie

Walterus Tomlyn

Thomas Goodwatte

Robert Denwaye

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium >iiijxx XXXt' et familie

Die et anno prescriptis dictus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter mandauit et iniunxit acvlteriusque processit prout inferius habetur

Ffirste it is commannded that the churchewardens and sidemen set vppe a side alter before Allsaintes

To prouide a here cloth before Allsaintes

To prouide two fronntes non of seye with curteynes before Christmas

To prouide two fronntesnon of paynted cloth before Allsaintes

[f. 232v.]

To prouide two alter clothes before Allsaintes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder nonlock and keye

To prouide an other crewetton and a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacrament in to the sick before Allsaintes

To prouide a corporas clothe before Christmas

To prouide fringes for the canapie before Lente

To prouide a surplesnon for the clerck before Allsaintes

To prouide a faier register booke wherin they shall register all christeninges mariages and burialles and also thaccomptes of the churche

* Crossed out.

To prouide a chestenon for the register book before Allsaintes

To prouide an ewernon before Allsaintes

Memorandum that the executors of Master Grene doth witholde from the churche a lampe of latten

To repaire the gutter of the chaunceill before Allsaintes

[f 233r ] *reformat'

To repaire the channcellnon in glasse and before Allsaintes

To repaire the vicaredgenonhowse in necessarie reparacions before Allsaintes and thoroughelie before Easter

To repaire the church before Allsaintes

Memorandum that the roode Marie and John *reformat' with the patrone of the churche be not of a decente stature

[f. 233v .]

*The patron it is not set vppe


Rectoria impropriata Domine Margaret Roche vidue

Vicaria ex patronatu dicte Margarete et valet xx" marce

§Vicarius Dominus Johannes Drewrie non residet

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Clercke nuper coniugatus et mulier habitat apud Maidestone

Iconomi Johannes Tirrenden


Robertus Hache

Johannes Sampson

Willelmus Apett

Reginaldus Tirrenden

Robertus Pettinden

Robertus Birlinge

Nicolaus Hutchinson

Johannes Lowe

Willelmus Butte**

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis dictus

Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout inferius habetur

* Another hand, in margin. before Crossed out. "All repayred saving glasse " inserted above line in another hand , as

§ Page torn : reparat can be deciphered in margin

John Armerar adm 25 May 1552 (Cranmer, 420b) John Harris adm . 29 Jan. 1557 by resignation of John Drewrie (Pole, 76a) Harris resigned before 29 Nov. 1570 (Parker, 401a)

** Patron for this turn of John Harris

Ffirste it is commannded thatnon the highe aulter be made of stone before Allsaintes

To sett vppe a side alternonwithfurniture before Allsaintes

To prouide a hearenon clothe for the alter before Allsaintes

To prouide a crewett non before Allsaintes

To make fringesnon for the canapie against Lente

[f. 2347.]

To prouide a hollie waternon stoppe of stone at the churche door before Allsaintes

To warne them that can singenon to serve the quyre apone the Sonndaies and the halliedaies to certifie of them that refuse

To prouide a grailenon and an antiphonernon before Christmas

To painte the roode Marie and John with the patrone decentelie before Christmas

To prouide coueringes for the imagiesnon before Lent

To prouide a lampe beforenon Allsaintes

To repaire the chauncell in sealinge and glasinge before Allsaintes

To enclose the churcheyarde before Allsaintes

To repaire the churche before Allsaintes

To make vpp the fonntenon as it was and provide a crosse clothe before Christmas [f. 234v.]


Proprietarius Thomas Reader

Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem Thome Reader et vacat per annum et valet x libri

Curatus Dominus Willelmus Lambe nuper coniugatus et mulier habitat Londini ut asserit

Iconomus Thomas Reader

Parochiani Willelmus Tonge

Willelmus Drewrie

Thomas Lak

Johannes Rowe

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam }vijxx -xlt

Die et anno .... sequitur [rest as Borden]

Firste it is commannded that there be a side alter set vppe with furniture before Allsaintes

* Therewas a college and a chantry ofthe HolyTrinity at this church. Former patrons the Sisters of the Hospital of St. James, Canterburyin 1544 (Cranmer, 392b).

Adm . Hartlip 6 Nov. 1560 (Parker, 346a) Died before 17 Feb. 1578 (Grindal, 524b). Roger Hurte adm Bredgar 5 Sept. 1562 (Parker, 357b)

To prouide curteynes of silk for the alter before Allsaintes

To prouide a fronnte of seye for the woorkingedaies before Christmas

To prouide a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacrament in to the sick at thissid Allsaintes

To prouide a hollie water stoppe of latten before Michaelmas

[f. 2357.]

To painte the roode Marie and John with the patrone decentelie before Christmas

To prouide a crosse clothe of silke for the halliedaies and an other for the woorkingedaiesnon before Christmas

To prouide coveringes for the imagies before Lent

To prouide a coueringe* fornonthe fonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide two banners before Rogacon week

To prepaire a coueryngenon for the desk before Christmas

To repaire the chauncell in all poinctes before mydsomer

To repaire the churche and to enclose the churcheyarde before mydsomer

To repaire the vicaredgenonin all poinctes before Easter They lack a bele*

[f 235v ]




Rector Dominus WillelmusBuncker

Rectoria ex patronatu §Reuerendissimi§ Domini residet Archiepiscopi et valet xiiij libri /



Thomas Potman

Simon Spachehurst

Antonius Spachehurst

Arthurus Hilles

Philippus Churche

Jacobus Newland

Robertus Homewood

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris

recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam

iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauitetc et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout inferius habetur

*"With lock and key" inserted beneath the line Page torn; some words missing

9 Dec. 1538, William Bouker, chaplain, was collated (Cranmer, 366a). Thomas Thacker collated by death of last incumbent 30 July 1560 (Parker, 344b) § Added above line

No[te ?] that the church was robbed

Firste it is commannded that there be a side alter with furniturenon set vpp before Allsaintes

To sett vppe the sacramente decentlie before Michaelmas

To prouide two fronntes non of seye for the alter with curteynes of the samenon before Allsaintes

To prouide one alter clothe before Allsaintes

[f. 236r.]


To prouide three towellesnon for the priestes handes before Allsaintes

To prouide a convenient boxe or a purse to carrie the sacramente in to the sick before Christmas

To prouide a corporasnon case before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapienon of silk or seye fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To prouide a crosse of latten before Lente and an other crosse before Christmas

To prouide a framenon for the sepulcre light and for Judas lightnon before Lente

To prouide a hollie waternon stoppe of latten before Christmas

To prouide an albe with furniture for the vestment before Allsaintes

To prouide a velenon and couerynges for the imagiesnon before Lente

To prouide one streamernonagainst Rogacion week

To prouide a paier of censures before Christmas

To set vppe a lampe immediatlie

*But without oile

To prouide a nonhandebell a lantern a mattock a spade a shovell a couer for the desk before Allsaintes

To repaire the churche before Christmas

* Another hand ?

The so-called Hales chapelin this churchwas built during the fifteenth century, and would be more accurately named after the Crowmer family Martha, widow of Sir James Crowmer who died in 1613, married secondly Sir Edward Hales, a widower, created Baronet in 1611. Her daughter, Christian, also married Sir Edward Hales's son, John Thus the connection of the Halesfamilywith Tunstall began Hales House itself was built about 1630 and there have been two restorationssince the eighteenth century The Hales chapel has been recently restored . Sir Edward Hales, fourth baronet, an eccentricrecluse, who died at Hales Place, near Canterbury, in 1744, was buried in the vault Likewise Lady Barbara Hales, wife of his grandson and successor , Sir Edward, and Miss Anne Hales They died in Oct. 1770 and in 1749 respectively (cf. The Church and Village of Teynham , by A. Midwinter , privately printed, 1937)


[f. 236v .]


*Rectoria impropriata Domino Archidiacono Cant' Vicaria ex patronatu dicti Domini Archidiaconi Vicarius Dominus Ricardus Keete Iconomi Johannes Carden

Thomas Salter§ Parochiani Willelmus Dilnot§

Michael Aden Willelmus Browninge

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus 1} [blank] Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos et parochianos etc actualiter visitauit et visis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit prout sequitur

Ffirste it is commannded that the channceill be repaired and the glasse windowes amended before Allsaintes

To prouide a here clothenon and two alter clothes before Allsaintes

To set vppe a side alter with furniturenon before Allsaintes

To prouide two fronntes non forthealterabove and benethe for the woorkingedaies and also for the halliedaies of silk or seye with curteynes to the same before Allsaintes Memorandum that they have no challicenon of their owne but have borrowed one for the tyme [f. 2377.]

To prouide a corporas clothe and two latten . . . ** before Christmas

To prouide a crosse of latten before Easter with a crosse clothe of silk for the same

To prouide a conveniente sepulcre before Easter and also a graile before Christmas

To make a lock and keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

To prouide a vele and couverynges for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a handebell before Allsaintes

To prouide a bason and an ewer and a lampe before Christmas

Top of page torn; words missing.

The rectory belonged to the Archdeacon of Canterbury from the time of Lanfranc " Of Lymne Castle, or the Archdeacon'sHouse, theouter walls remain very much as they were when the building was first erected in the reign of Henry V" (A.C. , xviii, 436)

Also known as John Kyte or Robert Keete Vicar in 1555 , died in 1563 (Ibid., 445) Henry Westphaling was adm . to Lympne 4 June 1563 by death of John Kyte (Parker, 361a)

§ Also in Visitation of 1558 . Warden in 1552 (A.C. , ix, 283) ** Torn Probably ' candelstickes '


[f. 237v.]


*Rectoria impropriata Domine Regine et olim impropriata

Domui Dei Dovor'

Vicarius Dominus Robertus Browne et vicaria valet xij libri

Curatus Dominus Thomas Rieley nuper coniugatus

Iconomi Petrus Knighte

Johannes Fforbred

Parochiani Stephanus Goldefinche

Stephanus Hatche

Andreas Whit

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno [as Lympne, less actualiter]


Firste it is commaunded that there be inquisition made of the alter stones and to make certificat therof [twice] the Twisdaie after Michaelmas daye

To prouide a here clothe for the alter and to set vppe a side alter with furniture before Allsaintes

To prouide a fronnte for the alter of silke or seye with curteynes of the same and also a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe before Allsaintes

To prouide a crosse of latten before Easter

To prouide a canapie fringed with conueniente staues before Lente [f. 2387.]

To prouide a graile a vestmente with an albe for the halliedaies before Allsaintes

To prouide a conveniente lighte before the roode at thisside Allsaintes

To prouide a vele and coueringes for the imagies before Lente

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the chaunceill and the churche with the glasse windowes before Allsaintes

To prouide a handebell before Allsaintes

That the roode lofte be paynted with the imagies ofthe twelve apostelles be before this tyme twelvemoneth Deinde coram predicto Domino Archidiacono personaliter comparuit Johannes Harte aquebaiulus quem iudex ad tacta Dei evangelia iuramentoonerauitquod obedienter se gerat erga vicariumin omnibus licitis et honesteac officium suum concernentibus ac etiam ut reverenter se habeat in officio suo peragendo

George Picard adm 12 Aug. 1558, by resignation of Robert Browne (Pole, 81a) Thomas Gryffith adm by death oflast incumbent, not named , 13 Sept. 1560 (Parker, 345b). * Page torn.

A small slab or tablet of ivory, wood or metal, having on the front some sacred object or device , and at the back a handle From about the middle of the thirteenth century it was used to convey the kiss of peace (A.C., xli, 64). Still used when a bishopis present

Postea dictus Dominus Archidiaconus monuit curatum antedictumacpersonaliter in iudicioconstitutumadexhibend' /litteras ordin' et testimoniales die Martis post festum Michaelis Cant'

[f 238v .]

CAPELLA de SMETHE ecclesie de Aldington annexa

*Rector Magister Johannes Lede Curatus Dominus Nicolaus Haye Scotus cui Dominus iniunxit quod deinceps non vtatur romano usu in publico servicio



Thomas Smithe Anthonius Kennett

Thomas Castell§ Willelmus Stock Jacobus Warrey§

Numerous parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium vijxxx

Die et anno .. . . prout inferius sequitur[rest as Borden]

Firste it is commannded that they prouide two fronntes for the alters with curteynes of silke or seye for the halliedaies with the image of the crucifixe in the myddes of them against Allsaintes

To prouide a corporas clothe before Allsaintes

To prouide a paxe of latten with the image ofthe crucifixe before Christmas

To prouide a portisse before Michaelmas

To make a locke and keye for the fonnte before Michaelmas

To prouide a vele and coueringes for the imagies before Lente

[f. 2397.]

To prouide a lampe before Allsaintes

To repaire the chaunceill and the bodie of the churche before Allsaintes savinge in thoise thinges which cannot be amended vntill the next yeare for lack of leade or shingle

To prouide a bason and an ewer before Michaelmas

To prouide a lantern before Michaelmas

Cited 9 July 1569 to appear 18 July to say why John Caldwell should not be instituted Deprived (Parker, 394b)

An injunction in favour of the Sarum rite § Also in 1552 (A.C., x, 411).

* Page torn



ector Dominus Christoferus Hawke

non residet

Rectoria ex patronatu Magistri Scotte ett}liij siiij d valet per annum

The churche chaunceill and belferie is greately in decay and they have had no service there thies manny yeares

Also there is belonging to the churche a vestment a paier of latten candelstickes two belles in the steple withoute clappers and the[sic] haue also a faier alter stone

And nowe it is ordered that the parishners beinge in nomber iiiior or five goo to Smethe to churche

And also the churchewardens have commaundement to look to the parisheners of Bircholt for commynge to the churche as well as to the parisheners of Smethe

[f. 240r.]


Rector Dominus Johannes Lede

Rectoria ex patronatu Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi Cant' Iconomi Ricardus Kenwood Ricardus Elvie** Parochiani Jacobus Blachinden generosus Jacobus Tofte Nicolaus Hawk

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus


Archdiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit necnon et processit prout sequitur

Item a chalis of copper & gilt

Item ij bells in the steple

Item a corporess_cloth Page torn

Inhabitants mentionedin 1552 are WilliamHalk and James Mapisden

* Compare previous erased entry (f. 7v ) which says no service had been held for twelve years The church goods as registered in 1552 (A.C. , viii, 1089) were : (Ibid). "First a vestment of yelow of old silke with an albe

§ This parish does not often occur in previous archidiaconal visitations . It was an exempt parish, presumably because it was in the Archbishop's collation A list of these exempt parishes is printed from the Black Book oftheArchdeaconofCanterbury (f. 34), in Batteley's Somner (App to Supplement No. xxix), and from the same source in Canterbury Administration, by Dr. Irene Churchill (1933), i, 109. They numbered 28, exclusive of annexed chapels. In the Archidiaconal Visitation of 1502, however , printed by C. E. Woodruff in A.C., xlvii, 13-54, there are 58 churches and chapels so listed. See ante under Smeeth. ** Also in 1552 (A.C., viii, 101)


Firste it is commannded that they prouide a fronnte for the alternon above for the woorkingedaies, with curteynesnon and also an other for the halliedaies before Christmas

To prouide a canapie of silke fringed with convenient staves againste Lente

To prouide a paier of candelstickesnon of latten against Christmas

To couer the fonnte decentlie, and to prouide a vele and couerynges for the imagies againste Lente

To prouide a streamer by Rogacion week

To repaire the chaunceillnon within this twelvemonethe and the necessarie reparacions to be don immediatelie

To enclose the churcheyardenon by Allsaintesand so to kepe the same sufficientelie enclosed [f 240v]

[To] prouide a lantern before Allsaintes and to amend the deske immediatelie

To repaire the churche thoroughelie before Allsaintes

To furnishe repaire and amend the steple with leade before Michaelmas cum twelvemonth


The parishe doe declare that Sir Anthonye Auchar knighte doth owe them xxviij hundred of leade lackinge xij pound whiche they nowe deisire to have for the furnisshinge of the steple the monney beinge paide for the same anno xxxo Henrici Octaui ut patet per billam in manu dicti Anthonii Auchar subac in curia exhibita [scriptam Cregges Detectumest quod Dionisia Cregges non recepit sacramentum altaris / in festo Paschatis vltim' ac evocata in iudicium personaliter comparuit / et negauit obiecta, et allegauit se recepisse sacramentum etc in ecclesia parochiali de Hithe die Mercurii post Dominicam in Albis quo die etiam Thomas Cregges maritus eius recepit etc et quia dicta allegacio vera esse apparebat Dominus dimisit dictam Cregges cum monitionede bene et obedienter se gerend' in omnibus

[f. 241r ]


Rector Dominus Johannes Wall§ non residens per xxt' annos Ecclesia omnino corruit et convertitur in prophanos vsus viz porcorum

* Page torn


This church used to stand almost due south of Aldington, close to the north bank of the Military Canal A farm called Falconhurst preserves the name (cf. Ordnance Map).

§ Adm .I Aug. 1526 (Warham, 391a) Alsoadm 3 May 1532 on resignation of last incumbent, unnamed (Ibid., 415a) William Wood collated 18 March 1568 (Parker, 390b) N.B.The livingis also styled " alias Faukenerhurst . "

Rectoria etiam omnino corruit preterquam vnum horreum

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium--vij et familie infra dictam parochiam

Memorandum quod non habent campanas neque alia ornamenta ecclesie tigna neque tegula preterquam vnum calicem quem quidam Anthonius Hardewick (iam mortuus ) vendidit viginti solidos que pecunia distributa erat inter parochianos

Postea vero personaliter comparuit Jacobus Cloke et Georgius Browninge qui fatebantur dictum calicem venditum esse ut supra et quod pecunia inde proveniens distributa erat inter dictum Cloke et Browninge ac Ricardum Brockman et Ricardum Elgar nunc de Aldington ac insuper promiserunt restituere pecuniam predicte ecclesie etc

Also it is ordered that the parisheners doe go to Aldington to churche to here the devine service

[f. 241v.]

[Re]ctor Dominus Ricardus Heydon Rectoria ex patronatu [blank] residet et valet x libri

Iconomi Simon Welde Willelmus Gate

Parochiani Johannes Rowe Johannes Sparrowe Jacobus Brette

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Die et prescriptis Dominus


Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos visitauit etc et visis ornamentis etc iniunxit mandauit atque processit prout sequitur

Firste it is commannded that the sacramentenonbe set vp reverentelie in the pixe before Michaelmas

To provide two fronntesnon for the alter one of seye with curteynes of the same for the halliedaies and an other for the woorkingedaies before Allsaintes

To prouide a patten of nonsilver for the challice and also a paier of lattennon candelstickes before Allsaintes

To prouide a canapienon fringed with conveniente staves before Allsaintes

To prouide a corporas clothenon before Allsaintes

To prouide a surples a rochetnon for the clerck before Christmas

* Page torn.

Hugh David adm on 14 Nov. 1551 (Cranmer , 418b) David Cotton adm 13 Feb. 1560 by death of Richard Heton (Parker, 347b).

[f 242r ]

To prouide a velenon a clothe for the rode and coveringes for the imagies before Michaelmas

To prouide a sufficientenonlighte before the . ... * thisside Michaelmas

Patronus Sanctus

Gromaldus in

To prouide some silke or lynnen ontocouer the patrone /immediatlie

To prouide a lock and a keyenon forthefonnte forma pueri nudi before Michaelmas

To prouide a streamernon before Rogacion weeke

To prouide a lampenon before Allsaintes

That the chauncell and the churche be repaired before Allsaintes

To prouide a hollie waternon stocke at the churche door immediatlie

To prouide a lanternnon before Michaelmas and also a couernon for the deske in the channceill

To prouide a mannuellon before Michaelmas

[f 242v ]


*Rectoria impropriata olim monasterio ibidem § et nunc in manibus et possessione Anthonii Seinteleger militis

Non est ibidem vicaria indotata sed cura per vnum ex canonicis quondam desseruiebatur

Curatus dominus Henricus Signet ¶ alias Surand gallus

Iconomus Willelmus Stace

Parochiani Henricus Byam

Hugo Hunte

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum 1x altaris recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis ornamentis etc mandauit iniunxit et processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that they prouide an alter clothe, and a clothe of heare before Michaelmas

To set vppe the sacrament decentlie before Michaelmas

To prouide an honest fronnt for the alter above and benethe with curteynes before allsaintes

To prouide a coueringe for the crismatoriebefore Michaelmas

To prouide a challicenon and a pattennon of silver before Allsaintes

To prouide two conveniente towelles for the priestes handes before Allsaintes

* Page torn

St. Rumwald. Crossed out

§ Bilsington Priory.

WilliamQuythem curatein 1552 (A.C., viii, 108) Insertion above line in a later hand

[f. 243r.]

Memorandum that there hathe be . . . . * for the most parte thies two or three yeares also they lacked a priest at Easter last

To prouide a paxe of latten"on with the image of the/crucifixe and a crossenon of latten with the image of the crucifixe [sic] before Christmas

To prouide a canapie fringed with conveniente staves before Lente

To prouide a lock and a keye for the fonnte before Michaelmas

To prouide a paier of censures non before Easter and a lampenon before Christmas


To prouide a vele a §clothe fornon the roode and couerynges for the imagies against Lente

That the personage be repairednon (which is greatelie in decaye) as muche as may be immediatelieand the rest before Whitsontide

Also the farmer is admonisshed to kepe the enclosure of the churcheyard decentelie

To prouide a conveniente holliewater stoppe before Easter

To prouide a couer of lynnen for the desknon in the chaunceill , and a handebellnon before Easter

That the necessarie reparacions of the chaunceill and the churche be amended and repaired in all thinges before Allsaintes

[f 243v.]


**[Rec]toria impropriata ecclesie Christi Cantuar ' Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem ecclesie que iam vacat et valet per annum

Sequestracio fructuum vicarie commissa est Magistro Brent armigero

Memorandum quod domus vicarie est ruinosa et

a crucifixe of .... vij libri fructus vicarie tam tenuis est quod reparari non potest Curatus Dominus Christoferus Chalfonnt /

Iconomi Johannes Braye Nicolaus Bargar

Parochiani Robertus Master Johannes Norden

* no service "? Page torn.

Another hand, in margin Page torn. Crossed out § "clothe for ye rode" inserted above , in same hand as marginal note This is the last of the parishes here under the deanery of Lympne The returns have been considerably misplaced Cf. ordo visitacionis at the beginning and ff 100 seq .

** Page torn . Clement Stapleton adm on 26 Nov. 1545, by resignation of John Wyldebore (Cranmer, 397a). John Irelond adm 12 Mar. 1561 (Parker, 354a). Also in 1552 (A.C., xiv, 299)

Neipensparochianorumsacramentumaltaris)xjxx recipientium

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos et parochianos etc visitauit ac visis ornamentis etc iudicialiter iniunxit mandauit ac processit prout inferius habetur

Firste it is commannded that the patrone of the churche be decentelie paynted before Allsaintes

To repaire the sealinge of the channceilland to amende the glasse windowes before Allsaintes

To prouide a locke and a keye for the fonnte before Allsaintes

Memorandum that there is no parsonage howse but a barne

[f 244r ]



Rectoria in possessione Joannis Porr

Vicaria ibidem est ex patronatu dicti Porrege et valet xiij [libri]*

Vicarius Dominus Thomas Colinson§ Domus vicarie ibidem valde ruinosa


Ricardus Cole

Willelmus Denway

Parochiani Ricardus Tristram

Joannes Porrege

Joannes Brigman

Joannes Bowell

Joannes Norden.

Numerus parochianorum


Die et anno prescriptis Dominus lxxxix

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos ad tunc comparendum monitos preconizatos et comparentes actualiter visitauit Et visis ornamentis ac ceteris necessariis que in vsum ecclesie et decor' eiusdem preparata fuerant necnon articulis inquisitionis publice declaratis eisdem vero iconomis et parochianis iudicialiter iniunxit et mandauit vlteriusqueprocessit prout inferius habetur

First it is commannded that the sacramente be sett vp decently over thalter bifore Mighaelmas

* Should be Rodmersham . Page torn. John Pordage, gent , patron of the living, diedin 1569 (Parker, 396b). Page torn

§ Robert Halman adm . 17 Mar. 1557 by death of Thomas Collinson(Pole , 77a). John Hurte adm 26 Oct. 1569 (Parker, 396b). The Rodmershamreturns are in a new hand


To provyde the lampe before the sacramente and the lighte bifore the rode by All Saynctes and also two curtyns of say with frontes of the same, for the hie alter

[f. 244v.]

[To provide a close cover for the fonte by All Sainctes

[To pro]vide a lantron[sic] a shovell a mattockeand also to make clene the imagies faces in the glasse wyndowes by All Saynctes

To repaire the chauncellnon and the churche by All Saynctes and the vicaredgenon howse to be repayred by Christmas

Detectum erat quod Joannes Porrege detinet ab

ecclesia ibidem viginti marcas debitas pro anniversario etc prout in billa parochianorum ad tunc exhibita continetur

Vnde prefatus Joannes evocatus ad iudicium negauit obiecta in presencia parochianorum tacentium etnihil dicentium Et sic dimittitur

[f. 245r.]


Rectoria impropriata Decano et capitulo Cic[istrensi] Vicarius Dominus Ricardus Cranmer * residet Vicaria ex patronatu episcopi Cicistrensis et valet viij libri ... *

Iconomus Salmon Newland

Parochiani Laurentius Baker Thomas FurmyngerRicardus Byxe

Numerus parochianorum

Die et anno prescriptis prefatus

Dominus Archidiaconus, parochianos modo et forma superius descriptis visitauit etc

Ffirste it is commannded that the churchewardens and paryshioners doe set vpp the sacrament decentlie bye All Sainnctes

To prouyde ij frontes of saye and courteynes by Christmas etc

To prouyde a box or a purse and all by All Sainctes

To prouyde a corporas clouthe and a case bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a paxe of latten with the image of Christe by All Sainnctes day

To prouide a hollienon water stocke of stone at the churche doore before All Soulues [sic]

* Richard Cranmer adm 28 Feb. 1543 (Cranmer , 391a) Christopher Badcockadm by resignation of Ralph Dowell 14 Nov. 1560 (Parker, 346b)

William Browne adm by death of last incumbent, unnamed, 15 Aug. 1565 (Ibid , 374a)

Page torn

Rodmershamhand ends here and a new one begins, which continues to the end ofthe volume

[f. 245v .] [To p]rouide a surples bye All Sainnctes

To prouyde a Mary and John with the patrone and to be prouyded and nonpainted bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a faier registernon booke

To prouyde a censures non [sic] of lattyn bye Christmas

To prouyde a lampenon bye Christmas

To prouyde a lightenon before the rode bye All Saintes

To provyde an ewernon bye Christmas

To repaire the chauncellnon bye All Sainnctes and the churche.

To repaire the vicaradgenon house in all pointes by Christmas

[f. 2467.]


Rectoria impropriata Reuerendissimo D[omino]*

Archiepiscopo Cant'

Vicaria ex patronatu Domine Regine et valet xx m[arce]

Vicarius Dominus Ricardus Cramer non residet sed cura deseruitur alternis vicibus

Curatus nullus

Iconomus Salmon Wilkins Parochiani Willelmus Catlet Thomas Metcalf Ricardus Harrison

Memorandum quod cancellum omnino corruit et prostratum iacet in terra

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris .lx recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Rodmersham]

[f. 246v.] xviij

[Firs]te it is commanndid that the churchwardens doe provyde furniture for the syd alter before Christmas

To paynte the table with imagies bye All Sainctes

To prouyde fronntes of saye with courteynes bye Christmas

To provyde ij alter clothes bye All Saynctes

And for the reste of theire charge the [sic] haue to appeare in Cantorburie the Wedensday after Michaelmas day and to exhybyte an inventory of the churche goodes ye same day

The chauncell is so decayde that it is fallen doune and lieth so open that they can kepe no thinge in the churche nor kepe anye lighte vppon the alter

To repaire the vycarage bye Christmas

* Page torn

[f. 247r ]


Rector Dominus Thomas Ware *

Rectoria ex patronatu Magistri Cromer et valet xiij....


Parochiani nullus

Johannes Tonge

Thomas Parris

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis etc iudicialiter mandauit et iniunxit vlteriusque processit prout inferius habetur

In Master Nordens chardge

Memorandum that the northenonchauncell is greatlie in decay and is lyke to fall doune

Ffyrste yt is commannded that a sydenon altar be sett vpp with all fourniture bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a heare nonclothe bye All Sainctes for the hie altare

To set vpp the sacramentnonof the altare bye All Sainctes

To prepare one fronnte of painted clouthe ij of say with courtenesnon bye Christmas

[f. 247v .]

[To pr]epare an altar clouthe bye the same tyme

To exhibite a perfect nonaccompt of the churche goodes die Mercurii a festo Mychaelis

To provide a convenient boxe or a purse to carry the sacrament in to the sycke before Christmas

To provide a canabienon fringed with convenyent staues againste Lent

To provide ij lattyn candelstickes bye Christ mas

To provide a crosse of lattyn bye Christmas

To provide a frame for the sepulcher lighte with a holie waternon stocke of stone bye Christmas

To provide a surplesnon for the clarcke bye Allsaintes

To provide a copenon bye Christmas

* Adm. Swalecliff 17 Feb. 1540 (Cranmer, 379a, b) Resigned before 28 Nov. 1541 , when Thomas Sill adm . (Ibid , 383b) Adm on 27 Nov. 1545 to one of the Roper chantries in St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, by death ofHugh Crompton (Ibid , 397a) Robert Howe adm. to Murston 12 Dec. 1545 (Ibid, 397b). Simon Clerke adm 15 Oct. 1561 (Parker, 248a). Page torn


* It is provided but not of good proportions

To provide a roode of Marye and Jhon with the patrone decentlie painted and a lighte before the roode bye Christmas

To provide a velenon with coueringes for the imagies againste Lent

To kepe the funt vndernon locke and key

[f. 248r .]


To prouyde a lampnon before the sacrament by .

To prouyde a lanternenon a mattocknon a spade a shouell and ewernon and a covernon forthe deskein the responce bye All Sainctes

The southe chauncell is nongreatlie decayd in master Cromers defaulte and to be repayrid by Whitsontyde

To repaire the highe chaunncellnon in all things bye Whitsontyde

To repaire the churchenon in all pointes bye Whitsontyde

[f 248v]


Rectoria impropriata Dominæ Reginæ

Vicaria ex patronatu dictae Dominæ Reginæ, et valet x libri Vicarius§ Dominus [blank]


Thomas Jacob

Thomas Chartam

Parochiani Johannes Norden armiger

Mychaell Symon

Thomas Huckinge

Robert Jhones iunior [?]

Symon Golde egrotat

Rycharde Sparow non John West bosholder

Willelmus Jearram

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familie infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno prescriptisdictus

cccxlx Dominus Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem pre dictam iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit et visis etc iudiciali[sic] iniunxit et mandauit prout inferius habetur

* Inserted above in another hand. Page torn. Possibly the stall on the right-hand side of the chancel, nearest the nave, i.e. return stall

The most important stalls were not infrequently furthest from the altar (V. J. Torr)

§7 June 1558, Thomas Burges, M.A., adm by death of Christopher Richardson (Pole, 78a) Simon Clerke adm. 15 June 1559 by death of last incumbent (Post Mortem Poli, 17a) Thomas Jackson adm. 21 Nov. 1561 (Parker, 351b) William Marsh adm 3 Nov. 1562 by resignation ofthelast incumbent (Ibid, 358a)

1.e. "non comparuit "

[f 249r .]

[f. 249v.]

[f. 250r.]

Ffirste yt is commannded that a paxe of latten with the image of the crucifixe be provided bye All Sainctes

To prouyde ii corporas clothes bye All S[ainctes]* a lattyn paxe with the image of the crucifix[e]

To provide a canapie of sylke with staues and fringies decentlie bye Lent

To prouyde a crosse of latten or copper with the image of the crucifixe and a crosse clouth of sylke and to amend theire olde crosse bye Christmas

To prouyde ii surplessies xii rotchies bye All Sainctes 271

To prouide ii antyphonies [sic] a graile and a portise bye Christmas

To prouyde a masse booke ii hymnalles bye all Sainctes

To enquire of the beste cope and to certifie the same the Wedensdaye after Mychaelmas day

To repaire the churche in all pointes bye all Sainctes

To enclose the churche yerd ende bye All Sainctes

[Rest of page blank]



Rectoria impropriata ecclesiae Christi Cantor'

Vicaria ex patronatu eiusdem ecclesiæ et valet xiij [libri]. . .

Vicarius Magister Nicholaus Morten

Curatus Dominus Johannes Hobson



Thomas Fydge

Robertus Sayer

Thomas Norton armiger

Thomas Bull

Thomas Heyworde

Johannes Woode

Robertus Woode

Willelmus Hartinge

Richardus Bedforde

Thomas Master

Johannes Warner

Johannes Bailie bosholder

Ffranncys Gerrar

Johannes Nunwycke

Thomas Nethersole

* Page torn

Note in margin, possibly same hand" ... do. Septembris 1558 [?]/ to provyde a nother by All/ Saynctes and an/ emanuel" Crossed out § Milton Regis, next Sittingbourne. Collated to Pluckley 22 Sept. 1558 (Pole, 81b) He was S.T.B. Symon Clerke adm . Milton 8 March 1560 (Parker, 348b) Resigned before 15 Jan. 1571 , when Hugh Smith succeeded (Parker, ii, 90a)

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familiæ infra dictam parochiam ccclx iiijxx

Die et anno .. iconimos [rest as Sittingbourne] Ffirste yt is commanndid that a frunt of painted clouthe be made for the syde altare bye Mychaelmas

[f. 250v .] [To]* provide ij fruntes of sylke with courteines bye [Chri]stmas

To prouyde iij towelles for the priestes handes, ij cor poras clothes a latten paxe with the image of the crucifixe bye all Sainctes

To prouyde a canapie of sylke with staues and frin gies decentlie bye Lent

To provide a crosse of latten or copper with the iImage of the crucifixe and a crosse clouthe of sylke bye Christmas and to amende theire olde crosse bye Christmas

To prouyde ij surplessies and ij rochettes bye All Sainctes

To prouyde ij antiphonies a graile a portis by Christmas

To prouyde a masse booke ij hymnattes [sic] bye All Sainctes

To enquire of the best cope and to certyfie the same the Wedensday after All Sainctes

To repaire the churche in all pointes bye All Sainctes

To enclose the churcheyearde bye All Sainctes

[f 251r ]


Rectoria impropriata Domino Archidiacono Curatus nullus sed cura seruitur [alternis] vi-* -cibus per curatum de Borden

Iconomi Robertus Gurner

Jacobus Hancocke

Parochiani Richardus Bayle

Thomas Peryman

Thomas Ryckarde

Johannes Gayt' Henricus Norman

Numerusparochianorum sacramentum altaris) })1 recipientium et familiæ infra dictam parochiam

* Page torn. Written twice; second time crossed out lx

Ffirste it is commanndid that a syde altareчon with all furniture thearunto appertenninge be set vpp bye All Sainctes 273

To painte the table of the aultare and to provideij nonfronntesof say with courteines byChristmas

To kepe the cresmatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde staves for thenon canapie bye Lent

To prouyde noncandlestickesof lattyn by All Sainctes

To kepe the funte vnder locke and key

To provide a streamer bye Rogation weke

[f. 251v .] [To] prouyde a lampenon bye Mychaelmas

To repaire the churchenonin necessarie reparations bye All Sainctes and throughlie bye mydsomer

To provide nonan other crosse by Lent

Memorandum the paryshioners desyre to haue a curate and offer to giue a stockenon to the church so they maye haue one

*Memorandum thatther is no howsefor the prest assigned

[f. 252r.] CAPELLA [de



Curatus nullus sed cura deseruitur [per curatum de]

Mynster alternis vicibus

Memorandum they haue no fonnte, for as they saye they did neuer marie, burie nor christen but at Mynster



Christopherus Robinson

Johannes Noke

Thomas Harris

Alexander Pilgreme

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum alta-ris recipientium Et familiæ infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Sittingbourne]

xlviij xxiij

Ffirste yt is commanndid to haue a heare clothe bye All Sainctes

To painte the table and to prepare ij fronntes of sey and courteynes bye Christmas

To prepare an ewer bye All Sainnctes

Memorandum they haue no roode Marye nor John but of paynted clouthe for they say they neuer had other §allowed for a tyme

To prouyde a corporas clouthe bye Christmas

* Different ink and hand Page torn

The cloth which was placed under the altar cloth.

§ Inserted by another hand

[f. 252v .] [To prou]yde a paxe of latten by All Sainctes

To prouyde a crosse of latten bye Christmas

To prouyde a holie water stocke of stone bye All Saincts

To prouyde a surples for the preste and to painte the patronenon and to set yt upp bye Christmas

The churche was To prepare a lampe bye All Saincts robbed and they To prouyde a booke for the churchewardens accomptes loste ii chalices and a pax ofsiluer ii banners and a streamer bye Whitson weke

[f 253r .]



Rectoria impropriata Domini Thomæ Ch[e]nye

Vicarius nullus

Curatus Dominus Johannes Shaife qui etiam deseruit curæ capella de Quinborow vicibus alternis


Thomas Brodestreate

Parochiani Willelmus Swalmon

Thomas Rycharde

Richardus Patryn

Johannes Cotsall

Henricus Creke

Willelmus Greyne

Willelmus Carden

Robertus Edmonde

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris

recipientium et familiæ infra dictam parochiam

Die et anno [as Milton]

CCXX [blank]

Ffirste to prouyde furniture for the saide aultar by All Sainctes and heare clothes for the aultares

To exhibite an inuentorie of the churchenongoodes the Wedensday after Mychaelmas

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key [f 253v .] [To prouyde a ca]nabye of sylkenon withstauesand frin [ges] bye Lent

To prouyde ij crosse clothes one of sylke and the other for the workingedaies bye Christmas

To prouyde a holie waterstoppnon of lattyn and an other surples for the preste bye All Sainctes

* In Sheppey. Minster Abbey was founded by St. Sexburga, widow of Ercombert, King of Kent, the grandson of Ethelbert, probably about 675 The nuns' chapel is now the north aisle of the parish church (A.C. , xxii, 145, 146)

By his will, dated 1559, Sir Thomas desired " a tombe to be made nygh to the place where my lat wyef Frydeswyth do lye in my chapel at Minster" (Ibid., 152). Themonumentis still there, though movedto the body of the church.


To prouyde a masse booke a antyphonor and a grailenon bye Christmas

To prouyde a velenon bye Lent

To kepe the fonntenon vnder locke and key

To prouyde a faire register booke and a booke for the churchewardens accomptes

To make accomptenon of the churche goodes soulde, the Wedensday after Michaelmas

To prouyde convenient banners and streamers bye Whitson weke

To prouyde a lampenon bye All Sainctes and a couer for the deske

[f. 254r]


Rectoria impropriata Domini Thoma Chayn[ye]

Vicarius nullus

Curatus Dominus Hugo Kenrycke



Anthonius Hitchcocke

Christopherus Harris

Peter Besen

Philip Reines

John Glyperte Robert Sampson

Thomas Pashlie

Thomas Clinton

Vincent Dale

Edwarde Haynes

John Segar

John Elmer

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium cum familia Domini Cheynye ccxl

Die et anno [as Sittingbourne]

Ffirste to paintethe roodenon Marye and Johnnonwith the patronenon bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a couenyent lighte before the roode bye All Sainctes

To prouyde furniture for the syde altare, a heare clouthefor the aultare ij fruntesnon with curteinesnon of sey and an altare clouthe by All Sainctes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde a conuenyent boxe or a purse to put the sacrament in bye All Sainctes

[f. 254v.] [To prouyde a cor]poras case and a clouthe bye [All Sainctes]

To prouyde a canopienon of sylke with staues and a fringe decentlie bye Lent

* Page torn This fine church was built in 1432. The old parsonage farm-house stands about one eighth of a mile from the church (A.C., xiv, 374, 375, 379)

In 1551-3 Robert Browne; in 1555 Dominus Hugo (Ibid., 386) Page torn

To prouyde a latten crossenon bye Christmasand also an other crosse bye Lent

To prouyde a holie water nonstopp of latten bye All Sainctes

To prouyde ij surplicies bye Christmas

To prouyde an antiphonarienon and a grailenon bye Christmas

To prouyde an albenon for the vestment bye Christe mas

To prouyde a velenon bye Lent

To kepe the fonntenon vnder locke and key

To prouyde a faire register booke and a booke for the churchwardens accomptes

To prouyde a paire ofnon censors before All Sainctes

To prouyde a lampenon bye Mychaelmas

To prouyde a couernon for the deske bye All Sainctes

[f. 255r.]

[Ibide]m ? domus

[rector]ie ? cum [. . acr'] terre

f. 255v .]


Rectoria impropriata Domini Thomæ

[Chey]nye [ ]

Curatus nullus nec habuerunt diuina officia per vij annos

Ecclesia omnino corruit§ Et sunt nisiquatuor familie infra dictam parochiam viz

Roberte Segar

John Ruffyn beinge distaunte

Phillipp Raynes a litle mile from Easterchurche

Robert Wildie

Memorandum that my Lorde Warden is contented to indewe a vicar at Easterchurche (which churche is verie commodious) so that this be vnyted to the same

Also at Easterchurche there is a vicaredge howse


[Vica]ria impropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Arche piscopo

Vicarius nullus et vicaria ex patronatu

Reuerendissimi Domini Archiepiscopi vacat

Curatus Dominus Johannes Delamere

* Page torn

The Lord Warden, who died in 1559, as mentionedabove Humfrey Cotton, LL.B., adm 16 April 1547 (Cranmer, 403a). §" Warden Church was rebuilt in 1836 by Mr. Delamark Banks, with the materials of Old London Bridge, but further inroads of the sea made it necessary to take down the new church in 1877 " (A.C., xxvi, 214)

The patron was the Abbey of St. Radegundin 1533 (Cranmer, 343a). John Shereve adm 15 Mar. 1557 on death of Robert Gates (Pole, 77a) Robert Halman collated on death of John Shereve 18 Feb. 1559 (Parker , 341b) Thomas Jackson collated 24 Aug. 1562 (Ibid , 356a)


Iconomi Symon Clinche


[f. 256r.]

Peter Sutton

Steven Gray

Willelmus Childe


[Iconomi] Mychael Hilles


Thomas Tritton

Willelmus Cocke

Johannes Weldish

Numerusparochianorumsacramentum altaris) } )x recipientium xxvthvj et familiæ infra eandem ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno ... visis eisdem iudicialiter [rest as Sittingbourne]

Ffyrste it is commanndid that the highe aultare be made of stone ij fronntes to be prouyded for ye workingdaies, a syde aultare with furniturenon a crismatorie, non a pax of lattyn, a boxe or a purse for the sacrament a corporas clouthe, ij lattennon candelestickes, a surples for the clarckebye Easter

To prouyde a Marye and John and to paintenon the roode Marie and John decentlie

To kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key

To repaire the parsonagenon in thatchinge bye All Sainctes daye

To repaire the churche in all thinges that is to say the gutter betwene the chauncell by All Sainctes and to enclose the churcheyeard by that tyme

[f. 256v.]


Rectoria impropriata ecclesie [. .J¶

Vicarius [sic] vacat**

Curatus nullus sed curatus de Badlesmer deservit

* Page torn . Edward Kebill adm to resignation of William Robertes (Pole, 71a) last incumbent, 27 Feb. 1559 (Parker, 342a).

Baldesmere 16 March 1556 by Peter Place adm by death of

Also in Visitation of 1556 , thus enabling us to identify these returns as those of Badlesmere

On the carved bench ends in Baldesmere church see A.C. , xliii, 161-6

§ The page is torn, but the church can be identified by the Visitation of 1558,inwhich Thomas Vpton andAlexander Bottell are still churchwardens

The patron was the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. ** Henry Bredkyrke adm 19 Mar. 1550 (Cranmer , 413b) He was deprived by Cardinal Pole, and Edward Keble was adm in his place 15 Jan. 1557 (Pole , 75b) John Aven was adm . on Keble's death on 10 April 1851 (Parker, 348b)

Probably Bredkyrke had been prevented from officiating previously to his deprivation, as there was a curate, John Raper, in 1554 and in 1555 Geoffrey Asheley was curate (A.C., xviii, 298)



Alexander Bottle

Thomas Vpton

Clement Snode

George Marrishe

Andrew Cooke

Richard Bottle

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris}vijxx recipientium et familiæ infra predictam ecclesiam parochialemxvj

Die et anno [as Badlesmere]

Ffirste yt is commanndid that ij fronntesnon of say or sylke be prouyded

To prouyde a challice of syluer with a patten, to kepe the crismatorie vnder lockenon and key, one wipinge towell a conuenient boxe or purse for the sacrament a surplis for the preste and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key

To repaire the churchenon in glasinge bye Christemas and the resydew in shingle, and other repa rations bye mydsomer

[f. 257r ]


[ . Curatus nullus , sed vicarius de Throughlie ministrat sacramentum



Johannes Giles

Edwardus Amys

Richardus Norrington

Christopherus Becke

Willelmus Hilles

Henricus Whithed

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium xxyth vj et familiæ infra predictamecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno ... et eisdem[rest as Badlesmere]

Ffirste it ys commanndid that the paryshioners go to Throwlie to churche untill they haue a curate

To make the highe aultarenon of stone and a syde aultarnon with all fourniture and to set vpp the sacrament decentlie bye Christmas

* Page torn. Church identified by nearness to Throwley. John Wood presented 23 Aug. 1554 by Anthony Sandes, armiger (Parker, 224b) The latter died on 7 Mar. 1559 at Ulcombe, according to a note by Frampton There exists a certificate by the churchwardens of Faversham and Lovelane (sic) and other parishioners to the Archbishop of Canterburycertifying that John Wood, "late parsonof Lovelane did take possession of the same parishe churche of Leveland by opening of thedoore of the churche and in tollinge the belles there the last day of August 1554" (Parker, 224b). Thecertificate is dated 6 April 1560. Leaveland is adjacent to Throwleigh

To prouyde a fronnte for the aultare, of sey, benethe and to repaire the churche steplenon bye Easter and to prouyde one alter clothe iij wipinge towelles a purse or a boxe for the sacrament a corporas clouthe and a case bye Christmas

[f 257v.] *[. .]

To prouyde the roode Marye and [John to be] caruyd bye this tyme

To kepe the crismatorye vnder locke and key

To prepare a faier register booke and a booke for the churchwardens accomptes

To prouyde a lamp , non a bason and ewernon a shoellnon a mattocke, a spadenon againste Easter

[f 258r.] [NORTON]

[Rector Magister Edwardus Pa?]rret

[Rectoria ex patronatu] Reuerendissimi Domini Episcopi



Simon Anstrey Nicholaus Ffynche

Waterus [sic] Lytleforde [Roffensis]/ Willelmus Harrison

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [as Badlesmere] [blank]

Ffirste yt is commandid to repaire the channcellnon bye Christmas

To set vpp a side aulternon with all fourniture thearto apperteyninge and iijnon aultare clothes bye Christmas

To prouyde a challice and a pattenenon of syluer bye Christmas

To prouyde iij towellesnon a cruet, a boxe and a purseforthe sacramente, and a conuenyentnon lighte before the roode bye Chrystmas

To kepe the fonntenon vnder locke and key

To prouyde a fayre registernon booke and a booke for the churchewardens accomptes and a lamp bye

All Sainctes

[f. 258v .] [To] set vpp the sacr[ament .]§

To prouyde ij fronntes non of sey with courteines, a fr[inge] of paynted clothe with the image of Christe for the workingdaies bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a shouell, a mattocke, a spade a lanterne bye Christmas

* Page torn and two lines missing Page torn and name missing Simon Austen warden in 1558

Torn. Master Edward Parret is given as rector in Visitation of 1556 § Torn

[f. 259r ]


Rectoria impropriat[a Reuerendissimo Domino Archie] piscopo

Curatus Dominus Jacobus Reiman



Johannes Arnolde

Thomas Quicke

Willelmus Hart

Willelmus Pecocke

Rogerus Myles

Peter Gonnseley

Willelmus Brodewoode§

Johannes Trontes

Rychardus Lanway, alias Brogdale

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris


ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam

Die et anno [as Sittingbourne]

Ffyrste it is commanndid that ij fronntes of sey with courteynes be provided bye Christmas

To set vpp the sacrament immediatlie

To prouyde a towell bye All Sainctes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde a boxe or a purse for the sacrament bye All Sainctes

f 259v .] [.


[f. 260r ]

with the image of the cru. ]

[T]o prouyde and [sic] other crosse bye Lent

To prouyde a holie water stopp at the doore bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a surples for the prest bye Christmas

Toprouyde halfe a portes for thesommer by All Saintes

To kepe the funt vnder locke and key

To prouyde a faire register booke, and a booke for the churchwardens accomptes and a lamp bye All Sainctes

To repaire the steple bye mydsomer


Rector Dominus Richardus Tho[mpson?]**

Rectoria impropriata Dominæ Reginæ

Oare by Faversham. The top of the page is torn. Also in Visitations of 1556 and 1558

Churchwardenin 1556 §Also in 1558 . Torn

** Confer Visitation of 1558, in which William Arnolde is a parishioner and William Wade churchwarden; and Visitation of 1556, in which Richard Thompson is rector and William Ward churchwarden

Adm. 10 Mar. 1555 on death of Robert Cole (Parker, 249b) George Bassett adm 16 July 1563 , on death of the last incumbent (Ibid., 361b).



Johannes Dewarde

Willelmus Wade

Richardus Freend

Willelmus Arnolde

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familiæinfra dictam parochialem ecclesiam

Die et anno [as Badlesmere]

xliiij xiiij

Ffirste it is commanndid to repaire the chauncell and the personage throughlie bye Marche

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde ij fronntes of sey to hange before the aultare bye Christmas

To repaire the churche bye Marche

To enclose the churche yearde by Mychaelmas

To prouyde a wypinge towell for the preste by All Sainctes

[f. 260v.] *[.

[f. 261r.]

* Torn . pur]se to carrie the sacrament [in to the sick by All] Sainctes

[To p]rouyde a coueringe for the imagies, by Lent

To prouyde a lighte before the roode, by All Sainctes

To kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key

To make a faire register booke and a booke for the churchewardens accomptes bye Rogation weeke

To prouyde a lampe by All Sainctes

To prouyde a bason and an ewer bye Christmas


Rector Dominus Clemens N[orton ? .. . . ] Domini Archiepiscopi

Iconomi Parochiani


[blank, and rest of page also]

The top of the page is torn and the title missing Probably Buckland, near Faversham , since the rector, "Clement N ...., " is probablyClementNorton, the rector of Faversham Also ClementNorton was admitted to Buckland 30 Oct. 1556" pro eo quod Johannes Fyssher, ultimus rector ibidem ad ecclesiam parochialem de Stisted, Decanatus de Bocking, absque ulla dispensacione in ea parte obtenta, se admitti obtinuit, PatronusRex et Regina" (Pole, 70a).

In Essex the peculiars' of Bockinge, Stisted, Southchurch, and Luckington with Larlinge were subject to the Archbishop of Canterburyin Middlesex , Hayes , Harrow and the 'free' chapel of Throkyngton in the parish ofHarrow In London theArchbishop possessedthe following peculiar' churches , 13 in number: St. Mary le Bow , All Saints' in Lombard Street, St. Mary Aldermary, St. Pancras in Cooper Lane, St. Michael in the Royal, All Saints' in Bread Street, St. John Evangelist inWatling Street, St. Dunstan in the East , St. Mary Bothaw by London Stone, St. Vedast, St. Dionysius in Lyme Street, St. Michael in Crooked Lane, and St. Leonard in Eastcheap Also part of the archdiocese, though separated from it territorially, was the deaneryof Croydon; and so remains. For the six other deaneries " of the immediatejurisdiction" see Canterbury Administration, by Dr. I. J. Churchill (1933),i, 60-81 .

[f 261v.]

[f. 262r .]


[Rectoria impropriata Reuerendo Domino Archidiacono [Vica]rius Dominus Willelmus Stafforde

Iconomi Johannes Kyle


Johannes Derton

Richardus Derton

Christopherus Helman

Simon Darbey

Robert Kenner

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium ixxxth et familiæ infra dictam parochialem ecclesiam< -1

Die et anno [as Sittingbourne]

Ffirste yt is commanndid that a fronnte of sylke or sey withe courteynes be prouyded and that theire table be paintednon bye All Sainctes

To prouyde thaltare clothes bye All Sainctes

To kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key

To prouyde a wipinge towell bye All Sainctes

To prouyde a corporas and a case with a paxenon of lattyn bye All Sainctes

To prouyde an othernon crosse bye Lent

To prouyde a sur[ples bye Christ]§ mas

To [sic] the fonnte vnder locke [and key]

Toprouydea faireregistor booke and [a booke] for the churchewardens accomptes of the churche goodesand plate solde bye the Wedensday after Mychaelmas

To repaire the chauncellnon and to prouyde a lampe bye All Sainctes

* Torn. In the Visitationof 1558 William Stapleforde is vicar , John Kighte and John Dourton are churchwardens , and Robert Kennettand Simon Darby are parishioners

In 1229 the churches of Teynham, Lynsted, Doddington and Iwade were given by Archbishop Stephen Langton to his brother, Simon , who was Archdeacon of Canterbury. The orchard opposite to Teynham Court was the Archdeacon's glebe land and was sold in the nineteenth century Some time before 1291 the deaneries, of which Teynham was then one, were rearranged , and the parishes of Lynsted, Stone, Doddington and Teynham were placed under Öspringe The ceremony of the Archdeacon'sinduction was, beforethe Reformation, bya mandatedirected to the vicars of Teynham, Lympne, etc. His induction was to one of the churches belonging to the archdeaconry , since he then held no stall in Canterbury cathedral, according to Hasted, iv, 774. See Teynham Manor and Hundred, by Eliz Selby(Ashford, 1935), p 13.

Ralph Dowell adm 15 Feb. 1558, on death of William Stapleford ( Post Mortem Poli, 15b). Stapleford had been adm. to Lynsted 13 July 1547 and was deprived before 31 Aug. 1549, when John Elys succeeded him (Cranmer , 403b, 406b)

§ Page torn

. 262v]



[Left top corner torn, but probably blank, as is the rest of the page.]

Vicarius [ [GRAVENEY]* .]*

Curatus Dominus Joh[annes Trowman]


Stephanus Shroubs[ole]

Gulielmus Maifeld

Parochiani Thomas Rayner

Johannes Moise

Johannes Shroubsold

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris re cipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno [as Badlesmere] >iiijxx XXXth

Ffirste yt is commanndid to make a syde aultarenon withe fourniture and to prouyde an aultare cloth a boxenon or a purse for the sacrament a corporasnon and a case , non a canapie with conueniente staues, a surplesnon a vele, non a basonnon and an ewer to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key bye All Sainctes

To repaire the churche in necessariereparations bye All Sainctes and the resydew bye Mychaelmas

[f. 263v.]


[Vicarius Dominus Edwardus M]inge



Willelmus ] Rolfe

Willelmus Parker

Richardus Younge

Richardus Hull

Thomas Potter

Robertus Snode

Henricus Cockman

Christopher Potter constable

Willelmus Cockman bosholder

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum alta ris recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem lx

* Torn. Name deduced from Visitation of 1558 , in which Stephen Shrobsole and William Mendfelde are churchwardensand John Moyseand Thomas Rymer are parishioners

Torn . Hugh David adm. 15 June 1557 , on resignation of George Gillam (Pole, 72b) David Edwardes adm 25 May 1565 , on death of last incumbent (Parker, 372a , b)

From Visitations of 1556 and 1558 .

§ Top of page torn Identified from Visitations of 1555 and 1558 , in which William Rolfe and William Parker are churchwardens Adm. 20 Mar. 1556 on death of last incumbent (Pole, 71a) John Stybbing collated 4 June 1567 , on death of Edward Mynge (Parker, 381b)

Die et anno [as Badlesmere]

Ffirste yt is commanndid that ij fronntesnon be prouydedfor the aultare of sylke or sey, a shouell , a spade a velenon , an other crosse,non to kepethefonntevnderlocke and key

To repaire the churchenon in all necessarie reperations, and the reste bye mydsomer

[f. 264r.] [BOUGHTON subtus le BLEAN ?]*

Rectoria imp[ropriata

Vicarius Dominus [

Iconomi Johannes Porredge


Johannes Kaile

Thomas Haukins

Raginoldus Smith

Johannes Tenaker

Stephanus Norman ] ]

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem xvjxxt - lxxxx

* Deducedfrom its proximity to Selling, and the names Hawkins and Tenaker among the parishioners Boughton-under-Blean is mentioned by Chaucer in the Chanones Yemannes Prologue (1. 16022-6 of Canterbury Tales): " Whan that tolde was the lif of Seinte Cecile

Er we had ridden fully five mile

At Boughton under blee us gan atake

A man , that clothed was in clothes blake , And undenethe he wered a white surplis'

More interesting, however, from the Catholic point of view , was the adherence of the Hawkins family, seated at Nash Court in the same parish, to Catholicism despite penal disabilities The Pettits of 'Colkyns' werealso Catholics , like their namesakes of Chilham. Foley (iii, 491-3 ; iv, 700) prints accounts of the Hawkins familyand a pedigree Bishop Challoner in his visitations stayed at NashCourt When the chapel at NashCourt was closed down in the last century the inlaid predella of the altar was presented to the Catholicchurch at Canterbury, according to Canon Burton in his Life and Times of Bishop Challoner. It cannot now be traced On the chapel erected in the parish church in 1616 for the burial of members oftheHawkins family see art. The Hawkins Monuments byEpiphanius Evesham at Boughtonunder-Blean , by K. H. Jones (A.C., xlv, 205-8; xxii, 189-90) See also xxii, 189-90

The Registers of Boughton-under-Blean were printed for the ParishRegister Society in 1903 by the Rev. John Adolphus Boodle They contain several entries relating to the Porredge family, though not the name ofthechurchwarden above. A Raynold Smith, possibly the parishioner of 1557 or his father, was buried 5 Mar. 1558. The baptisms of several children of John Tenaker occur, as also of Stephen Norman and Thomas Hawkins There are 29 entries relating to the Hawkins family. Robert Boughton was exempt from visitation by the Archdeacon . Thompson was adm. vicar on 16 April 1554 and George Bassett by the resignation of Robert Thompson on 10 Nov. 1574 (Ibid , p x)


Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus predictam ecclesiam parochi alem iconomos et parochia

nos etc visitauit etc eisdem visis iniunxit prout inferius habetur

Numerus parochianorum s [sic]

Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouyde a purse or a boxe for the sacrament, a locke and a key for the fonnte, a crismatorie of latten or tynn bye All Sainctes, and to repare the churche bye All Sainctes

Iconomi Nicolaus Tilman

Thomas Elwyn

Parochiani Anthonius Breddam

Christephorus Southouson

Richardus Waller

Johannes Waller

Stephanus Olbarde

Thomas Ffouler

Thomas Hilles

Numerusparochianorumsacramentum altaris vijxx recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus

Archidiaconus ecclesiam parochialem iconomos ac parochianos etc visitauit etc et visis eisdem iudicialiter iniunxit prout inferius habetur

Ffirste yt is commanndid that a fronntenon for lxxxxth the aultare be prepared one nonbenethe and an other abouewithcourteinesnon ofsey, or betterto hauethecrismatorie vnder locke and key to prouyde twoo toweles an other crossenon a portissenon and to kepe the funtnon vnder locke and key bye All Sainctes

* Clear from Visitation of 1558, in which Nicholas Tilman and Richard Waller are parishionersand Thomas Hills and Stephen Holbarde are churchwardens Thomas Deveadm 13 Feb. 1544 (Cranmer , 394a) Richard Foorde adm on his death, 7 Mar. 1558 (Post Mortem Poli, 15a) John Avynadm 27June 1560 , on death of Richard Ford (Parker, 344a) Letters of presentation to John Farbrace, dated 19 March 1563, on resignation ofJohn Avyn (Ibid , 372b).

[f. 265r.]



P[arochiani ..] Frenche [ .... ]us Binge

[N]icholaus Michaell

Willemus Supple

Stephanus Swifte

Willelmus Rigden

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris

recipientium -xiiijxx et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Arche diaconus dictam ecclesiam [rest as Selling]

Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouyde ij fronntesof silke withe courteynes, iij aultare clothes a corporas clothe and a case an other crossenon ij surplessis to apparell the aube§ and to kepe the fonntenon vn der locke and key bye All Sainctes

To repaire the churche and to prouyde a mattok a spade, a shouell by All Sainctes

[f 265v .]





Dominus Robertus Browne ?** . . . ]

Dominus N[icholaus Brette ?] *

Richardus Shipwashe

Willimus Turnor§§ Parochiani

Reginaldus Amys

Moises Haulle

Johannes Pimbe¶¶

Henricus Maxted

Willelmus Payne

Johannes Webbe

Robertus Laborne

Johannes Fryer

Thomas Clement

Dauidus Ball - lx

* Top of page torn, but probably Chartham, because (i) of proximity to Chilham; (ii) a William Rigden mentioned as a parishionerin a Visitation of 1554

Also torn Vicar John Milles (Visitations of 1554-8).

Torn. Curate in Visitations of 1554 and 1555 was Edward Myndge; in 1558 one, Nicholls

§ ' Aultare ' crossed out

This entry, which shouldhavecome underthe deaneryof Bridge (as also Chartham) has been misplaced The title is torn off

** Visitation of 1558 . Warden in 1556 and 1558

Visitation of 1556 .

§ § Warden in 1558

Probably of the Kentish family of Pympe ?

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris}vijxx recipientium et ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem


Die et anno [as Selling]

Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouyde ij fronntes one of silke the other of sey to kepe the crismatorie vnder locke and key, to prouyde a wipinge towell a boxe or a purse for the sacrament and to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key bye All Sainctes

[f 266r ] *[ .] [......


[J]ohan[nes Gen ? ..]

Johannes Got[..

Reginaldus H[.

Thomas Amy[s]

Valentinus M[........]

Numerus parochianorum sac[ramentumaltaris] recipientum et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam paroch[ialem]

Die et anno [as Badlesmere]

Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouyde ij fronntes iiijlxx - XXX of sey, ij cruettes, a boxe or a purse for the sacrament a corporas clouthe and case a canapie with convenient staues, ij lattyn candlestickes a crosse of copper a vele, a convenient lighte before the roode, to kepe the fonnte vnder locke and key, bye All Sainctes To prouyde a banner, and to reparie [sic] the churche bye All Sainctes and to repaire the chauncell which is in decaye

[f 266v.] [All blank]

[f. 2677.] [. Iconomi [NEWENHAM] .]#


Thomas Goddie

Roger Sixewe

Robertus Ticknore

Johannes Eliot

* Head of page torn May be Molash A Reginald Harris warden there in 1554

Identified by Visitation of 1558, in which Thomas Goddyn and Roger Sixwith are churchwardens 399a).

Charles Garlyck adm 31 May 1570, ondeathof last incumbent (Parker , S

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem xxiij

Die et anno predictis . .. ecclesiam parochialem predictam [rest as Selling]

Ffirste yt is commanndid that a fronntenon for the aulter beneth be made of painted clouthe and a fruntuon of saye aboue bye Christmas

To prouyde a boxe or a purse for the sacrament bye Mychaelmas

To prouyde a paxenon of latten by All Sainctes

To prouyde a canapienon of sey with staues and fringies bye Lent

To prouyde a portisse and processioner bye Christmas

To kepe the fonnte vnder lockeand key

To prouyde a faire register booke a booke for the churchewardens accomptes

[f. 267v ] [Probably only first line torn offhere]

[f 268r ] [ . .] All Sainctes

To repaire the churchenon[?] bye Christmas [Rest of the page is blank]

[THROUGHLEY]* [ ] Dominus Gryffinus Powell

Iconomi Steuen Saunder

Edmonde Sether

Parochiani Thomas Tyrrey

Richarde Gotelie§

Willelmus Steuen

John Hauewye

Johannes Tritton

Arnolde Terrye

Robertus Vpton

Richardus Terrie

Richardus Kingslande bossholders

Thomas Brattell

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium et familiæinfra predictamecclesiamparochialem -1

Die et anno [as Selling]

* Identified from Visitation of 1558; see below ThomasByrkhed adm. 14 July 1573 , on death of Peter Place (Parker, ii, 95a)

Sede in Visitation of 1558. § Gotley (Ibid) Havejoye (Ibid)


Ffirste yt is commanndid that a side nonaltare with all fourniture be set vpp and ij fronntes non for the altare of sylke or sey to be prouyded by Christmas with courteines


To prouyde ij aultarenon clothes, a towell, an other crosse , non a conuenyent boxe or a pursenon forto carriethe sacrament in a corporas case and a corporas clouthe a sepulchre, with a convenient frame for lighte and for Judas lighte by Christmas

[f. 268v.] [First line torn off]

[. . .] bye Christmas

To make vpp the particionnon of the chauncell b[ye .. ] Easter and to repaire the churche bye the same tyme

To enclose the churcheyearde bye Christmas

[f 2697.]


[ ........] Thomas Ffeldinge



Willelmus Tailer

Robertus Baker

Edwarde Sougate

John Cooke constable

John Baker

John Brockholde

Robert Ffagge

Willelmus Ffinche

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium

Ffamiliæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem -xlviij

Die et anno [as Selling]

Ffirste yt is commanndid to prouyde a bason and an ewer a syde aultarenon with fourniture, ij fronntesno of say or sylke ij aultare clothes, ij wipinge towelles a boxe or a purse to carie the sacrament to the sycke A canapie of sylkenon or sey a sepul- chre with a frame, and a frame for Judas lighte bye Christmas.

To prouyde a holie waternon stop of latyn

To prouyde an othernon cope for the workingdaies within this twelmonth

[f. 269v.] [This page is torn at the top and the rest is blank]

* Suggested by Visitations of 1556 and 1558 , in which Thomas Tailer is warden.


Thomas More adm on death of last incumbent, 27 Feb. 1560 (Parker,

Also in 1556 and 1558

[f. 270r.]



] .]

[Iconomi] [Geo]rgius B[ev]erley

Geoffrey Goodwyn

Willelmus Ffynner


Johannes Droyland

Johannes Castlocke

Thomas Straunsham

Willelmus Marchall

Thomas Norton

Thomas Belke

Robertus Colwell

Christopherus Amys

Johannes Snode

Thomas Mustarde

Johannes Gibb

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris recipientium xic et familiæ infra dictam ecclesiam parochialem [no number]

Die et anno prescriptis Dominus Arch idiaconus ecclesiam parochialem predictam ico nomos et parochianos etc visita uit etc visis eisdem iudicialiter in iniunxit prout inferius habetur

Ffirste yt is comanndid to prouyde vj altare clothes iij wipinge toweles a boxe or a purse convenient to carrie the sacrament in with a crosse of lattyn and to prouyde a locke and a key for the fonnte bye Mychaelmas

To enclose the churchyearde bye All Sainctes

To repaire the churche within this twelmonthe

[f. 270v .] [Blank]

* The top of the page is torn. The population (1,100) and the reappearance of the names of parishioners in other lists shew that this town was Faversham . Thomas Norton and Robert Colwell were churchwardensin 1558. Castlock was the name of the last abbot King Stephen is buried in the parish church of Faversham , which is also noted for its fine Easter sepulchre The regulations governingthe parish clerks and sextonof Faversham , which are of great interest in connectionwith the duties of the church officials in pre-Reformation times, are edited in A.C., xx, 203-9, by F. F. Giraud. Clement Norton, M.A., was admitted to the vicarage on 7 Aug. 1535 (Cranmer , 355b) ThomasTaylor was adm 7 Oct. 1570, on the death of Nicholas Calver (Parker , 400b)



Proceedings relating to 1555 and Visitation of 1556 .

The Visitation of 1556 is bound up in a smallfolio volumetogether with those of 1538-41, 1560, and some fragments of acta of 1555 and 1558. It is catalogued Z.3.5 in the Dean and ChapterLibrary, Canterbury. An analysis of some ofthe immediately preceding contents will illustrate the nature of the business transacted by the Archdeacon's court

Webegin witha title-pageand a few fragmentary returns belonging to a visitation made in 1555, not to be confused with those held at Sandwich or Chilham that year boundup in Z.3.6, discussed in PartI, p 8. The title-page has been covered by muchscribblingand ' doodles . ' Between them and the returns of 1556, partly illegible becauseofsome black ink spilled over it, and also bound upside down, is a pagecontaining some very fragmentary notices of certain court proceedings

Thefirst is unidentifiable: the names Thomas ' and'Smythe'can be made out, also the sum of £3..3..6devidently a willcase. There follows a reference to the will of William Barrowe, senior, of Lydd, deceased ; of James Long of Saltwood , whose executors must appear at the next court to be held at Canterbury shortly before Christmas; and of Leonard G .... of New Romney Then comes a presentment of Silvester of Hythe, on a charge of fornication with a person of New Romney, which must be answered before the next court at Ashford Thenanotherprobateentry, in which the form"fiatcopia" (let copy be made) and the name " Ric. Gayle " are distinguished .

After the returns for 1555 follow proceedings of a court held by Robert Collens, Commissary, in St. Mary's, Dover, on 2 March that year. * The churchwardens of St. Peter's, Dover, present that their church is not served . The Summoner , Stace, reports that he has served a writon the executors of Thomas Harding of Dover to appear One of them could not be found.

[f. 94r .] " ACTA habita et facta in ecclesia parochiali Beate / Marie Virginis ville Dovor' Die Lune / secunda Marcii Anno 1555. Coram venerabile viro Magistro Roberto Colens Commissario etc iudicialiter/ sedente etc in presencia mei P. Lylly notarii publici etc."

" Dictis die et loco comparuerunt Ffynne et Smythe gardiani ecclesie parochialis Sancti Petri ville Dovor' in quorum presentiis Iudex decreuit omnes et singulos / parochianos dicte ecclesie eo quod dicta ecclesia inofficiata existit monendi fuerunt Dominica proxima ad interessend ' / in diuinis in ecclesia parochiali Beate Marie predicte / singulis diebus Dominicis et festiuis donec / per Reuerendissimum Dominum Cardinalem alias fuerit stabilitum et/ordinatum pro celebracione diuinorum in dicta ecclesia / Sancti Petri iuxta consuetudinemetc vsitatam etc ab antiquo. "

" Testamentum Thome Harding ville / Dovor' defuncti executores Thomas Awood / et Robertus Ward de eadem Stace certificat / se citasse Ward preconizatuscomparuit et allegauit quod / testamentum dicti defuncti remanet penes dictum Wood / coexecutorem etc et quod non potest eum apprehendere / vnde facta fide iudex decreuit eundem citandum fore viis et / modis erga proxim' sessionem etc ad exhibendum dictum testamentum/vel .... [consid' etc" Crossed out-"postea dictus Ward exhibuit testamentum dicti defuncti" /"xxiijo Martii Stace exhibuit ad executores/per affix' etc ... cuiusexpens' iudex taxauit ad /xijd Wood preconizatuscomparuit. "

Thirdly, the widow of Thomas Browne , deceased , of Dover, has been notified by the same summoner to bring her husband's will before the court " Mulier preconizata " This entry is crossed out

Fourthly, Hugh Adam, one of the Charlton churchwardens , " intimauit Iudici quod dicta ecclesia siue rectoria est inofficiata, et quod nulla fuit celebracio diuinorum in eadem duobus annis iam vltimo elapsis"

Fifthly, Thomas Clerke of St. James's, Dover, refused to pay the sum of 4s . towardsthe stipend of a curateduring the pastyear, " iuxta assignacionem et decretum iconomorumecclesie, " etc., which he now , however, undertakes to do

Sixthly, William Morrys, sequestrator of the fruits of the vicarage of River, sues Thomas Blacher of St. James's, Dover, for payment of tithes (" causa subtractionis decimarum ") The judge assessed the Summoner Stace's expenses at 4d.: "Actor persolvit."

Seventhly, Henry Wood, Rector of St. Mary's, Dover, " notatur quod vsus est consortio GertrudisWood alias citra tempus redintegrationis sue Comparuitet negat et monitus est ad tondendam barbam suam et ad comparendum in proximo consistorio tonsus ad certificandum de huiusmodi tonsura per testes etc."

Items 8 and 9 concern the wills of Peter Quyntyn and one Jybbes of Dover

Next are recorded proceedings transacted in the church of St. Nicholas, New Romney, on Tuesday, 3 February [1555?]-

(1) The will of John Beacham of Lydd, deceased Katherine, his relict and executrix, cited by Silver (evidently the Summoner for this deanery), appeared before the court. Shewas grantedtillthe next court after Easter" ad acceptand' vel [resignand']. ' She paid by way of fee (" soluit in partem feode ") the sum of 2s Witnesses: Nicholas Pyx and Richard Beacham, both sworn

(2) The will of John Type of Lydd, deceased Thomasine , his relict and executrix, cited by Silver, appeared " et exhibuit,"i.e.shewed the will John Cockerell and John Church swore to the truth of the same , etc.

(3) John Jeffred of Lydd, deceased His widow, Alice, was summoned by Silver This entry is crossed out

(4) Henry Ffyssher of Fairfield, deceased and intestate(" defunctus abintestato"). Administration was granted to Edward Rockley and his wife, sisterof the dead man The same Edward Rockley, husbandman of Fairfield, John Kechin, and John Curteys, husbandman , "obligantur" Inventory of goods submitted .

(5) RichardMartyn of Fairfield, deceased . " Margareta eius relicta comparuit et obligantur dicta Margareta Johannes Kechin clericus et Edward Rockley. Exhibuerunt inuentarium . "

(6) JohnBakerofWittersham, deceased . Joan, his widow, appeared and was grantedadministration She and Thomas PyperofWittersham and Gilbert Ffydge of the same are bound likewise

(7) The will of Harneden of Woodchurch , deceased Thomas and William Harnden, executors, summoned by Silver, duly appeared. They have paid 20d "per scripturam." This entry is crossed out

(8) Next comes a suit brought against Thomas Reed of Lydd. The defendantwas ' cried' (' preconizatus ') to appear and answer the charges, having already been summoned by Silver, expenses 4d The prosecutorwas John Cryes, Vicar of New Romney.

(9) Joan Hebbynge of Newchurch reported forabsencefrom church. Johanna Hebbynge de Newchurch notatur quod absentat se ab ecclesia Citata per Siluer suscepit in se ad interessendum in diuinis catholicis Dominica proxima."

(10) " OfficiumDomini " or suit brought against ElizabethHassell of St. Mary's in the Marsh by William Mason, Rector of Hope All Saints, near New Romney . The woman appeared in answer to the summons by Silver " ad respondendum articulis cui Dominusobiecit quod absentat se ab ecclesia, " etc. Again, absence from church.

(11) Margaret Brok ofWoodchurchwith child by Nicholas Byrkyn of the same place Summoned by Silver to court, she confessed and was assigned the usual penance to be performed the Sundayfollowing, and to certify performance of the same " in proximo consistorio " Birkyn did not appear, but the Summoner brought a letter, dated 15 March, of the curate of Woodchurch. Birkyn, who was a servant of William Gilbert of Woodchurch , appeared 18 April

(12) Juliana Bonyard of Woodchurch , accused of fornication and cited by Silver, did not appear, but sent letters , exhibited by Silver, from the curate of Woodchurch

(13) A suit by Walter Ffenne, one of the wardens of Newchurch , against William Walter of St. Mary's in the Marsh; and another against John Bowe of Dymchurch Both dismissed with a fine

(14) Stephen Dreston of New Romney, " citatu sper Siluer ad respondendum certis articulis ad promocionem vicarii ibidem presens fatetur se male dixisse etc." Perhaps heretical sentiments .

(15) Agnes Wallys of New Romney , cited by the same " ad instanciam Ricardi Bunting balliui dicte ville de Nova Rumney."

(16) Agnes Daimson of Fairfield, accused of fornication with John Agas of the same by the Vicar of Stone Confessed to being pregnant by John Agas. The usualpenance to be done and certified

(17) The will of John Pickell of Woodchurch Philippa Ely, executrix, did not appear Penalty for contumacyreserved.

There follow seven more headings or items: Joan Johnson , excommunicatedat the instance of Hollock, is absolved ; the will of John Geoffry of Lydd (again); a cause of defamation brought by William Rolf of Woodchurch against Robert Androw of the same; another concerns the possessionof a prohibited book. The last entrybut two shews a court was held at Ashford on 4 May; the last that anotherwas held in the same church on 30 May 1556.

The main interest of the Visitation of 1556, to which we now come , is that it incorporates under each parish the name of the parish clerk . On their duties see article referredto ante, p 290, n 2 According to these regulationsthey acted as servers at mass and as cantors. They slept in the steeple, helped the sexton in ringing and cleaning, and carried holy water to each house every Sunday. They taught children to read and sing in the choir

Originally, the parish clerk was a cleric . The name aquebaiulus derives from one of his chiefduties, which was to carry the holy water for the priest at the 'Asperges' beforemass. He also read the epistle at mass when there was no subdeacon, and might also be vested in an alb when performing this office Another duty was to prepare the altar for divine service and perform those tasks which devolve on a full-time sacristan.

= Rector

V ===Vicarius


He = Henry

Ja = James


Amb = Curatus

= Dominus =Magister == Iconomi

= Parochiani = Aquebajulus

= Alexander


And Andrew

Ant Anthony

Art Arthur

Aug Augustine

Bar Bartholomew

Chr Christopher

Cl = Clement

Dan Daniel

Dav David

Dun Dunstan

Ed' Edmund or Edward

Edm Edmund

Edw Edward

Fr ==Francis

Gal Geoffrey

Geo George

Ger Gervase

Gi = Gilbert

Gre Gregory

Jasp = Jasper



La =John Joseph = Lawrence

Leon Leonard

Ma -Mark


Mat Martin Matthew

Mi =Michael



Osw Oswald

Pa = Paul

Pat Patrick

Pet Peter

Ph = Philip

Ra = Ralph

Reg = Reginald or Raynold

Ri == Richard

Ro = Robert

Rog = Roger

Row Rowland

Sim Simon


= Stephen

Th = Thomas

Vi = Vincent

Wal Walter

Wi ===William

N.B. These abbreviationsare used indifferently whetherthe Christian names in the original are in English or in Latin, shortened or extended

[f 100r.]







Parochia Sancti


Martis post festum


C. D. Jo Basleden S'

Michaeliss A. Wi. Sweting

Exhibita debet iijd§

I. St. Thorney Al. Hawlet

* Clearly this visitation was held in Canterbury itself

All these headings are underlined

A long 's Probably refers to the payment of the synodalia or fees paid to the Archdeaconwhen he held his court

§ Words printed in italics throughout these returnsexceptthosewithin brackets are crossed out in the original

I.e. billa'-thebilltobepresented by thechurchwardenshas been shewn .

Sancte Crucis de Westgate


Omnium Sanctorum


Marie Bredman


[f. 100v.]

Sancte Andree


Marie Magdalene Exhibita

Sancti Pauli Exhibita

Sancti Petri


Northegate Martis a festo Michaelis

V. D. Chr. Badcocke comparuit*

A. Th Cotland Wi Swifte

A. Th Pecock

Ra. Ordymer

R. D. Jo Alday

Ed' George He Questonbury

R. D. Th. Ickham

D. Th Sherland

A. Jo Bery

I. Jo Nutte

iuratus '

R. iuratus M. Th. Ffissher

A. Ri. Brok

Mi. Dericker

iuratus nullus nullus iuratus non§ iuratus non

V. nullus

I. Wi Cole Ja. Pers iuratus egrotat

R. nullus

C. nullus

A. Jo Walker Wi Dogrell

D. He. Morrey

A. [blank] Geldyche

Debet ** Nic. Raynolde

Sancti Dunstani


Sancte Mildrede



C. D. Wi Blossome S'

A. Jo. Hawkisby

Chr. Cortope non Symon Gason comparuit

R. Ra. Prescott

D. Ra Prescott

A. Jo. Cockson iuratus

I. Ja. Wolf

* I.e. appeared

I.e. took the oath of office "Itempayd at ye vysytacyn for anoferyng at the curte iija" (Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrews, Canterbury[1549-50], A.C. , xxxiv, 45) §" Non comparuit"-i.e did not appear.

I.e. he is absent through illness.

** Compare note above and also under St. George's parish In both cases the sum of 3d occurs, which may be the sum owed here. In 1558 he was curate at St. Paul's church

[f. 1017.]

Marie Bredin


Sancte Margarete





V. D. Wi Dobinson

A. Ma. Wright S '

I. Th Gyles non

C. Ra Doowell*

A. Jo Bryttyn

I. Jo. Williams

C. D. Dun Goodhewe

A. Wi. David


Exhibita Wi. Younge non Ri. Eggrley


Martis post


Exhibita /


Ad exhibend'

Martisa festo

V. D. Jo. Brittayne

A. Wi. Marrabell recessit

I. Gre Hewson

V. D. Th. Nicolles

A. Th . Wynston S'

I. Jo. Mortymer

R. D. Ric Crosse

A. Jo. Myller

I. Wi Goldfinch Michaelis

Cosmi et Damiani

V. D. Geo Higges de Bleane



[f. 101v ]


Hardes Parva





Martis a festo Michaelis

A. Wi Hawke iuratus S'

I. Th. Myles iuratus

R. D. Bar Inckpen non

A. [faded or blank]

I. Wi Sacre

R. D. Jo Hichecock non§

A. Wi Wright

I. Edw. Jacobe non

R. D. Edm. Knighte

A. Ro Westbech renunc'

I. Th. Hawke non

C. [blank] nullus

A. [blank]

I. Jo Shipton non


C. D. Wi. Cope

A. Wi. Cowaye

I. Ja. Pers Wi. Litellwood

Hugh Barret was adm rector 27 July 1554 and also Master of the Poor Priests' Hospital (Sede Vacante Register, f 75 , cited in The Rectors of St. Margaret's, Canterbury , by R. Kaehler, p 19, an MS in BeaneyInstitute, Canterbury) The Hospital is in Stour Street

I.e. has left the parish. Or possibly "iur"" (iuratus).

I.e. " die Martis , " Tuesday.






[f. 102r .]

Sancti Joannis in Thanet

Sancti Laurentii in Thanet

Sancti Petri in Thanet


R. D. Th . Steynes non residet

C. nullus

A. Jo Alee

Th. Lunsse iuratus iuratus

V. M. Ro. Sherwood per me

C. D. Wi Vere

A. Th. Ffermer

I. Ro Rose

R. D. Jasp Hopkins

A. Wal Mallybe

Jo Lamyng

D. Th. Hewet

D. Th Spreynt

A. Gi Baker

Jo. Baker


C. D. Edw Saier non monit'*

A. [blank] [blank]

V. non monit'

A. >[all blank]

V. M. Jo. Wildebore

D. Ger. Linch non monit'

A. Chr Aplebye

Ro Wessynden iuratus iuratus

Sesalter [blank]





[f. 102v ]




V. D. Jo Burnell

A. Geo Bechfilde

I. Wi Turrolde

V. D. Reg Beeke

A. Th. Mone

I. Wi. Carder


V. D. Ri Sherington egrotat

A. Jo Godden egrotat

I. Geo Kennett

V. nullus nullus


A. [blank]

I. Th Fisher non

* Apparently had not been warned of the visitation by the Archdeacon's apparitor or summoner? It is not possible to tell whether this note refers to all or some.

On this church and parish cf. A.C. , xliii, 1-27








[f. 103r.]







V. D. Jo. Russell

A. Ri Clifton

I. Ja. Cullyng non

R. D. Jo. David

A. Jo Cowper

I. Ja Man

R. D. Wi Mercer

A. nullus

I. Ro Nethersole iuratus

V. nullus

C. nullus

A. [blank]

I. Th. Brokman

C. nullus

A. Th. Wyer iuratus

I. He Fflynsten

R. nullus

C. nullus A. nullus I. nullus

C. D. Fr. Pivall

A. Jo Goddyn non I. Nic Ladde

V. nullus

Exhibita C. nullus

A. Th Garrod I. Wi Moryce






[f. 103v.]

Elham Exhibita

* Non-resident

V. D. Wi. Almanson

A. Jo. Laurence iuratus

I. Wi Clement S'

R. D. Chr Hawk non residet*

A. [blank]

I. [blank]

C. [blank]

A. La: .... ... ch ....



V. M. Th Carden

A. Osw Osborn

I. Jo Rolf

Much fading and damp have made these entries illegible Most entries at the bottom of the page in the MS . have suffered in this way


Ad exhibendum in ecclesia /Omnium

Sanctorum* in proxim'/


Ad exhibendum in ecclesia Omnium

Sanctorum in proxim'










[f. 1047.]



Postlinge In proxim'in ecclesia

Omnium Sanctorum


Hastingeleigh Non


V. D. Gi Heron S'

A. La Mershall iuratus

Gi Woode iuratus

Ro Jull iuratus

R. C. D. Wi Dobinson

D. Wi. Thompson

A. Wi Elgar

I. Th . Martyn Jo Pilcher

R. Ri. Fforde non residet

C. nullus S'

A. Ro Pette

I. Ri Pett iuratus

Ro Jull iuratus

R. D. Cl Stapleton Gregory C. nullus

A. Th. Howsell [?]

I. Pet. Mantell

R. D. Ph Metcalf

A. Wi Bushe egrotat

I. Jo. Wise

R. D. Ro Carrior

A. Andrian Jonson

I. Jo Chittenden

V. D. Ro. Carryor S ' C. nullus

A. Jo. Frotsam

I. Mat Smyth

V. D. Ri Bocher

A. Ja.Whit recessitrenunc' [?]

I. Jo. Kyttam

R. M. Ant Holmes

A. Ri Churchman

C. Th. [blank]

I. Jo Pilcher non residet

Eligitur in decanum§ Dominus Robertus Carrior Rector de Horton

* The churchwardensare to present their billa at the nextcourt to be held in the church of All Saints, Canterbury. Adrian I.e. " in proximo consistorio"?

§ The Archdeacon of Canterbury obtained the right of appointing rural deans from Archbishop StephenLangton (Churchill, op. cit , i, 81).

[f 104v.]


Ad exhibendum




C. D. Nic Brette

A. Ri Jonson

Martis proxim'post festum Michaelis









[Exhibita ?]

[f. 105r.]



Hardes Magna


I. Ri Shipwash

nullus S' iuratus

In proxim' post festum Omnium Sanctorum

R. Ri Episcopus Dovoriensis

C. D. Jo Newbey

A. [blank]

I. [blank]

R. D. He Latham

C. D. Wi. Hering

A. Jo Deale non

I. Ri. Swynor [?]

V. M. Jo. Ffissher non residet

C. Pat. Browne nullus

A. Jo. Stokes

I. [blank]

V. nullus

C. D. Jo. Woddye

A. Jo' Stonehowse

I. Wi Eluer [?]

R. M. Jo. Mylles

C. D. Edw . Myndge

A. Ro. Hardyng[?]

I. [faded and illegible]

V. M. Jo Ffissher nullus

C. D. Pat Browne

A. Ri Ryall

I. Ro. Cochye

R. D. Nic. Knewestubbe

A. [blank]

I. non moniti§

C. nullus

A. [blank]

I. non moniti

* This yearthe Tuesdayafter Michaelmaswas selected forthe Michaelmas visitation , but some parisheswere respited till after All Saints "Michaelis" crossed out and " Omnium Sanctorum" inserted above here. Both were regular periods for visitations

Upper Hardres. Lower Hardres (Hardres Parva) is in the deanery of Canterbury.

§ Some bad staff work may be indicated by such entries The churchwardensdid not appear because they had not been notified ofthevisitation , not because they were contumacious


Ad exhibend'


a festo Michaelis


Boughton Aluphe


R. D. Jo. Porter

Th. Clarke A.

Dav. Yonge


D. Th. Sowthebie

A. Wi. Qwested

I. Geo Hall

Ro. Alard

V. D. Hugo David

iuratus S' Exhibita iuratus non non comparu't

[f. 105v.]



Martis a festo Michaelis

Exhibita Exhibita


Ad exhibendum

Martis proxim' post


Martisa festo


A. [blank] apud Ashford*

R. M. Wal Jones non residet

D. Edw. S .... Pat. Browne

A. Jo Owen

I. And. Jode non S'

C. D. Rog. Aphoell

A. Wi Golde


St. Laurence

V. D. Marmaducus Smithe '

A. Wi Greder S'

I. Al Harlakenden

R. D. Ro. Russell non residet

C. D. Jo. Charnock nullus

A. Th Grene egrotat festum Michaelis

I. Wi Aden

V. nullus

C. D. Hu. Lambert S' Michaelis



Preston iuxta


A. Wi. Hoggyn iuratus

I. Th. Hamond iuratus

C. D. Ro. Lommes

A. Reg Harrys iuratus

I. Wi Woode iuratus

V. M. Jo Wildebor egrotat


D. [Jo ?] Charnock comparuit

* Visitations were frequently held at Ashford One had been held on 30May of this year (ante, Vol I, p 8), andit may have been thisat which the churchwardens of Boughton Aluph had appeared Another was held on Saturday, 12 Sept. 1558 (Ibid , p 9)


" Compertum est quod Marmaducus Smyth fuit conjugatus et quod nonnunquam habet accessum ad concubinam suam, et etiam accedit ad civitatem Cantuariensemuna cum dicta concubina, ubi palam et publice cum illa epulare et potare non erubescit in grave scandalumet offensam aliorum Christi fidelium " He is charged also with serving other churches "quia omnia quae lucrari possit non sufficient sustentationi concubinae etliberorum suorum " From a later entry (under Patrixbourne) we find that the wife is expelled from the diocese " (Diocesan History of Canterbury , by R. C. Jenkins, 1880, p. 285, citing from Cardinal Pole's Visitation , 1556, preservedat Lambeth)


A. I. [blank] Jo White

[f. 106r]



Brooke Exhibita

Chillenden Exhibita



[f. 106v.]

Sancti Petri

D. He . Jobson egrotat

A. Jo Nicolas Jo. Durrant

R. D. Ro Hare non A. HamondEdman Jo. Densse And. Martyn

R. M. Ri Stertover

A. Ro. Lockwood Wi. Taylor

V. M. Art. Butler

A. non monitus S' Ri. Hawke

R. M. Ger Linche nullus

I. Jo. Carpinter egrotat


R. D. Ro Charles

Ad exhibendum Martis C. proxim' post festum [blank] A. Wi Jakeson iuratus Michaelis I. Pet Knight Jo. Wybrand

Beate Marie Non

Clementis Non







V. D. Jo Steward

A. Ri Wolton iuratus S' I. Sim. Lynche habet cartas absencie*

V. D. Jo Hall egrotat

A. Fr. Shelton iuratus I. St. Wood generosus egrotat

V. D. Jo Hall egrotat

C. D. Wi Brigges S'

A. Th Backes I. Th Neame

R. D. Wi Singleton

A. nullus S' I. Ri Arrowe

R. D. Ri Alstone non residet

C. D. Hu Evans

* I.e letters giving leave of absence S' iuratus iuratus [?]

A. Ro Mershe I. Ro Powte

[f. 107r.]











[f. 107v .]



Magna Exhibita

Norborn Exhibita

Eythorn Exhibita

Knolton Exhibita

Ringewold Exhibita

R. D. [blank] Salisburye non residet

A. [blank]

I. [blank]

C. nullus

A. nullus

I. Th. Kempe Jo. Browne

R. D. Wi Man

A. St. Qwydler

I. Bar Kennete

V. D. Th. Alforth

A. Jo Knot iuratus S'

I. Ja Den iuratus

R. D. Wi. Deacon non residet

C. [blank]

A. [blank]

I. St. Napleton


A. [Allfaded] non sunt parochiani* < I.

V. D. Al. Barton non residet


A. [blank]

I. Th. Sauce nullus Wal. Monery

R. M. Geo. Bullock non residet

C. D. Th. Burton

A. Ri Parker

I. Wi Ferrar

V. D. Wi Man

C. D. Jo Clarke

A. Ro. Myston egrotat S'

I. Th Sowthowsannde

R. D. Th Gibson D. Wi Watson

A. Th. Hornet Wi Nethersole

I. Th. Harnett iuratus

R. M. Ri. Stertover s' iuratus

A. nullus

I. M. Jo. Peyton

R. M. Jo Mylles

C. Gal David

A. [faded] Hill [?]

I. Ra Rogall[?]

* This means there were no parishioners to assist the churchwardens , not, of course, no inhabitants


[f. 1087.]

Waldershare Exhibita

Sheperdeswell Exhibita

Berston Exhibita

Ad exhibendum





Ad exhibendum

inuentarium* Martis a festo Michaelis



[f. 108v ]



Newington Exhibita

R. D. St. Nethersoll

A. Aug. Horn

I. He Wood


S' egrotat

D. Rog. Jackson egrotat Th Grante

I. Edw. Gibbon

R. D. Rog Jackson


A. Th Grante nullus

Martis post I. Wi Wood

C. D. And, Pettinden egrotat

A. Edm Burges

Ingram Wood non Pet. Veryar iuratus

C. D. Ro Carrior Pyborn S'

A. Th Bolden iuratus

Ri Dikson iuratus

C. nullus

A. Th. Botefisshe iuratus

I. And. Harris iuratus

He. Sheapie iuratus /

Eligatur in decanum D. Robertus

Charles Rector Sancti Petri Sandwici

Iudex pronunciauit omnes absentes contumaces reseruata pena vsque in proximamcuriam etc


V. D. Chr. Richardson egrotat

A. He. Segar

Bredgar Exhibita iuratus iuratus non residet

I. Th. Chartham

V. C. D. Nic. Power

A. Jo. Bate

D. Ro Wynstanlee quesitus[?]

Jo Swifte

V. nullus

C. D. Wi Lambe

A. Th. Harris Th Reader iuratus iuratus

* I.e. of the church ornaments and goods One of the chief functions of the archdeaconwas the supervision of the material fabric of churches and parsonages For such inventories see Vetus Liber Archidiaconi Eliensis (CambridgeAntiquarian Soc., 1917), ed. Feltoe & Minns passim .




Martis a festo Michaelis C.





[f. 109r ]


Martis a festo Michaelis





D. Jo Drewrie non residet nullus

A. Jo. Morley iuratus

Ro Hache iuratus

V. D. Ri Cramer

Th. Messinger non monitus

Salmon Newland

V. M. Nic. Morton*

A. Th Coting iuratus

I. Ro. Sayer iuratus

V. D. Jo. Walkyn non residet grauaturmorbocaduco

Geo . Canon non Th Grenestrete

V. D. Mi. Webbe Weste

A. Th. Mason

I. EllyceGrenwell

V. D. Ri Cramer

Habet ad reparandum citra festum Sanctorum / et certificandum in proxima§

C. D. Čl. Reynenoffe

A. Ri. Tailor

I. Salmon Wilkins

R. D. Th. Ware

A. Jo Purchesse egrotat

Martis a festo I. Michaelis

Halstowe nullus





V. D. Jo. vacat per triennium

C. A. Jo Grene nullus non monitus

V. D. Gal. Wilson

A. Th. Kirbie

I. Th D .... le

Wi Bakett

A. >[Allfaded] non monit'

* The curate, William Cockes, was coniugatus' in visitation of 1554 (f. 114r .).

The falling sickness Or possibly Greg' § I.e. the vicar is allowed until All Saints to carry out repairs, which must becertified at the court next following. In margin. Inserted above line; Joannes ' crossed out.

[f. 109v ]



R. D. Dav Lomley



Nic Haddocke

Ri. Highsted non Ro. Ponette

Iwade nullus






Tunstall Exhibita

A. [crossed out]

He Evans

I. He Newman

R. D. Ri. Robertes

C. [crossed out] iuratus iuratus non residet

Leisdown non non

D. Th. Collinson*

Ri Damell

Jo. Joseph iuratus iuratus

R. D. Wi Bucket non residet

A. [blank]

R. D. Wi Bunckar

A. Art Hilles non moniti iuratus

Ja Tonge Th. Potman iuratus

V. D. Ro Gates non residet

A. [All blank]

[f. 110r ]

Mynster A. Jian [All blank] non moniti


A. [All blank] non moniti

Wardowne 1

C. [All blank] non moniti

Kingesdowne [All blank]

* Coniugatus' in visitation of 1554 (f. 115r )

Religious' (Ibid )

John Shereve in 1554 (f 115r )

§ " Nullus per biennium " in 1554 (Ibid ) "Vacat per vij annos" in 1554 (Ibid) Churchbeingdemolished(1950).







V. D. Jo. Townesley * non residet nullus

Nic Chynnynges egrotat

Ro Marchaunte

C. D. Th . Hyclynge

A. Edw. Berde Bere

I. Rog Williamson

Ro. Boniface non


C. [All faded]



Eligitur in decanum vicarius de Rodmersham

[f. 110v. to f. 112r. all blank]

[f. 112v.]



V. M. Cl Norton

A. Leon Byse iuratus

Exhibita I. Jo Beste non Wi Nele iuratus



Ri Woode non Th. Hilles non

V. C. vacat nullus

A. Jo Hilles

I. Wi. Taylor

V. D. Ri Maupas

Exhibita A. Jo Hutton non




I. Aug. Easton

V. C. D. Wi. Stapleforde Ro. Showe [blank]

A. Ro Water

Jo Bateman

V. D. Wi Stapleford non non [sic] egrotat


Ri. Tyrrey iuratus recusat non tenetur Martis a festo / Michaelis

I. Jo. Dyrton Jo Kyte

Sheldwiche V.

C. D. Gal Ashe iuratus vacat

Exhibita A. Ri Bodle

[f. 113r ]


I. Geo. [faded]

V. D. Th Devel

Exhibita A. Jo. Giles

I. Nic Tilman

Jo. Rocke [?]

* " Boxley religiosusconiugatus, " accordingto visitation of 1554 (f 115r) Or may be 'iur' (iuratus) ?

" Religiosusde Faversham , " accordingto visitation of 1554 (f. 115v .)



V. D. Griffinus Powell

Exhibita A.



Jo. Robynes

Ri. Gotley Jo. Havejoy

R. D. Th Slaney

Exhibita A. Wi Legatt


I. Ro. Grenestrete

V. nullus

C. D. He [blank] est Gallus

Exhibita A. Jo Jonkell




[f. 113v ]


V. C. Aug. Henekar

A. Wi. Legatte


V. C. D. Th Fild

A. Nic. Savage I. And. Skere

R. M. Jo. Ffissher

C. A. [blank]

I. [blank]




Martis a festo


vacat per xij annos nullus

non vacat *

egrotat Nic [faded] non residet nullus

R. D. Ric Emotte Willimus vacat Eley

M. Edw. Parrette


I. Ro Ostwye

R. D. Ri Thompson nullus

A. Wi. Pyle [or Pyxe] iuratus

Michaelis I. Wi Wade iuratus

C. D. Ja Reyman

Exhibita A. Jo Shawe

Nondum exhibita I. Wi. Harte


C. [blank]*

Martis a festo Michaelis A. Jo Amner

I. Jo Ambrose

Graveney V. vacat§

C. D. Jo. Treman

Exhibita A. Th. Lee

I. St. Sh[robsole] Wi [Mendfeld ?]

* Robert Heynes, " religiosusconiugatusfratrum Minorum Cant' , " was rector in visitationof 1554 (f. 116r.).

Religiosus' in visitation of 1554 (f 116v )

Dunstan Goodhewe , " Faversham religiosus coniugatus" (Ibid.).

George Quyllym , " Cant' religiosus" (Ibid )




Debet' exhibita A. D. Radulphus Day Jo. Ollhetson Mendford I. Wi [faded]

[f. 114r.]


R. D. Ra Daye egrotat

C. Lamberte egrotat

A. [blank]

I. [blank] Bull


R. D. Jo Woddye

C. non residet nullus

Exhibita A. [blank]

I. Jo. Giles

Badlesmere R. M. Wi. Robertes

C. [blank]

Exhibita A. nullus

I. Mi. Hilles

Ottridden R. D. Ri Rogers

Martis a festo Michaelis C.

Exhibita D. Jo Whitehorse

A. Mat Tynsey egrotat

I. Ma Furminger iuratus

Omnes absentes iudex pronunciauit contumaces reservata pena vsque in proximam* post Michaelis etc

Eligitur in decanum vicarius de Throwley

[f. 114v ]



R. D. Jo. Ffarmer

C. [blank]

Exhibita A. Mart Eldred iuratus


I. Wi Toppynden iuratus

V. D. Ri. Kete

Exhibita A. Jo. Kallover iuratus


I. He Wood non

V. D. Chr . James Jo Kytchyn

Martis a festo Michaelis A. Ro. Callege non I. Ro Dredge non


R. D. Ri Kierye

Exhibita A. He. Byham

I. Wi Ffollet


Exhibita C.

R. D. Lodovicus Aprice [blank]

A. Ri Spark iuratus iuratus non residet recepit obligacionem etc. iuratus

I. Wi Blak

* The penalty reserved until the next court, thus giving time to those absent and here pronouncedcontumaciousto make their submission

Shaddockesherst R. [blank]

C. D. Edw . [faded]

Exhibita A. Jo Edmonds egrotat

[f 115r ]

I. St. Essex

Sancte Marie in R. Wi Mason non


A. Wi. Russell

Exhibita I. Th. Eddryck iuratus iuratus

Ebeney C. nullus

Exhibita A. Th. Parnell non monitus


I. Ed' . Raignold iuratus

R. D. Th. Cannon

Exhibita A. Ri Parkyn iuratus

I. Th . Smyth iuratus

Vetus Romenay R. M. Ja Cortupe

C. Wi Jumpe

Exhibita A. Jo. Allyn non



I. Th Reche

R. M. Mart* Robertus Colens iuratus

C. [blank]

A. [blank]

I. [blank]

R. D. Wi Mason

C. [faded]

Exhibita A. [faded]

[f. 115v ]


I. Ro. Cooper iuratus

R. D. Ra. Whitling

C. D. Jo Mathewe

Exhibita A. Ro Abraham non iuratus

I. Ri Eccleston iuratus

Willesborough V.

C. [All blank] A. I.


Beatrisden V. nullus

C. D. Jo. Robson

Exhibita A. Percie Holmes iuratus


I. Edw. Mylsted iuratus

R. D. Wi Barker

C. [blank]

Exhibita A. Jo. Baccheler iuratus

I. Wi Poste

* Above line



V. D. Geo. Atkinson

Exhibita A. [blank or faded]

[f. 116r.]

I. [blank or faded]

Biddenden R. Doctor [sic] Jo Leesse

C. [blank]

Exhibita A. Jo Sherman

I. Sim Day non iuratus

Benynden V. M. Ri Waters

Exhibita A. nullus

I. Jo Harrodyn iuratus

Frittenden R. D. Jo Tailor

Exhibita A. [blank] Taylor non

I. Ro. Cusheman iuratus

Sandherst R. D. Wi Senden

Exhibita A. Ant Mone iuratus

I. Ri Elynden iuratus

Newinden R. D. Ro Wanmersley

Exhibita A. Jo Holte iuratus non

I. Th. Saunder iuratus non

[f. 116v ]





V. D. Edw. Slaney

A. [blank]

I. [blank]

V. M. Rog. Jones

A. Ed' Roberts

I. Jo Dunkyn

Goodherst V. D. St. Baker

Exhibita A. Jo. Lorkyn non

I. Wi Stevyne

East Sutton V. [blank]

C. nullus

Exhibita A. Jo. Slade iuratus

I. Th. Harynden iuratus

Stapleherst R. M. Th Henden

C. [blank]

A. [blank]

I. [blank]


R. M. Art Seintleger

C. D. Jo. Townesley

A. Geo Rede

I. Ro. Ffowe iuratus iuratus

[f. 117r]


R. D. Geo. Heydon

Exhibita A. Th Sharpe senior iuratus

I. Jo Saunder iuratus


V. [blank]

C. [blank]

Exhibita A. Ja Pelland iuratus


I. Geo . Mapisden non Th Holnes iuratus

R. D. Edw Slaney

C. D. Edw [blank]

Exhibita A. Jo Burden

I. Nic Topley

Hawkeherst C. [blank]

Exhibita A. Ja. Prymer

Boughton Malherbe


I. Geo Aford iuratus iuratus iuratus iuratus

R. D. Th Langley [crossed out, then rewritten]

A. [blank]

I. [blank]

V. D. Dav. Mathos

Exhibita A. Ric. Ho

[f 117v ]

I. Ric. St ... s

Charte R. Ri Episcopus Dovor' Magna

Nic. Champion

Exhibita iuratus iuratus


A. Jo Odymer Wi Carpinter

R. D. Wi Dorrell

D. Th. Griffyn Parua

Exhibita A. Ri Hunte

Ro Kyng







D. Jo. Ffuller

A. Jo. Marchall

Edw. Whit

D. Dav Cotton Th. Ffrowde iuratus iuratus non Wi Turner [Philpotte inserted below]

R. D. Chr Matteres

Exhibita A. Ri Matteres

I. Jo Andrewe iuratus iuratus


R. D. Pet Hall

Exhibita A. St. Harneden non Ri. Everynden iuratus

Jo Hall firmarius


V. D. Wi. Orphewe

Exhibita A. R. Hubberd egrotat

I. Ri Fowe

[f. 118r.] [All blank]

[f 118v.]

Propter non solutas procuraciones*

Cant' Parua Hardes

+Thanyngton VS VS VS


Vicarius Sancti Pauli vs

Westbere Swalclif ijs vjd pro d ... sa ... s[?]

Brig Elmeston

Magna Hardes VS vjs vjd

Boughton Aluph vjs vjd pro d s ... s[?]

+ Bekisborn vijs vjd

+ Waltham vijs vjd

Wye vijs vjd




Kennarton VS vijs vjd et pentio vijd vijs vjd

Brokland vijs vjd

Warhorn vijs vjd

Estbridge vs pentio vijd

Apuldor vijs vjd

Bilsington ixs viijd [?]

[No f. 119r . or v.]

[f 120r ]

Charing Halden VS Estwell VS Hedcron vijs vjd

Pentio de Iverchurch x [?] VS Ripple Parva Mongham VS Sancti Petri Sandwici

Betrisden vijs vjd vs!

PentiodeAishforde vjs viijd


Pentio de Burley§ vjs viijd

Sutton VS Colred vij vjd

Sutton Langley VS Hawking ijs vjd

7 Pentio de Boxley vjs viijd Ewell vijs vjd

Lynton VS Hougham vij vjd

Marden vijs vjd Stowting ijs vjd


Sitingborn Elmeley VS Babchild vijs vjd

Sitingborn vijs vjd

Newington vijs vjd

Hartlip Tunstall Evocetur Thomas Potman de Tunstall

Rayneham vijs vjd Simon Spacherste

Borden vijs vjd

7 Bobbing VS

* These were the fees charged by the Archdeacon and his officials for their visitations and other services The clergy also brought contributions to the synod which he or his representativeheld twice a year These were called synodalia The procurations was originally the provisions supplied him when he came on visitation , which was afterwardscommutedto a money payment § There was formerly a chantry here

Luddenham VS Ospring

Goodnestone vs Graveney vjs viijd

Throwley vijs vjd

Leveland Norton vijs vjd [faded] [f. 120v ] [All blank]



This visitation was the last, perhaps, to be held during Mary's reign by Nicholas Harpsfield The loose cover in which it is bound belongs to an earlier visitation of 1556. At some time both became detached from the general bloc of the visitationsin which the big 1557 volume never seems to have been includedof which, however , they obviously once formed part. This is clear from the identical page measurements (12 by 81 ins ), the damp marks, corresponding in configuration, and the consecutive numbering of the pages in an early though not contemporaryhand The returns for 1558 were discovered about two years ago among various disjecta membra in the Dean and ChapterLibrary by Mr. W. Urry, and have since been bound and put into a better condition for preservation by Mr. Maple, the Library binder (Oct.Nov . , 1948). They are now catalogued Z.3.33. All deaneries are included in the returns, save for Sandwich, which is represented only by the parishof Ash The Archdeacon wasto hold court for all the deaneries in Canterburyon consecutive days, beginning on September the 15th and concludingon the 26th The Poor Priests' Hospital in Stour Street* or the church of All Saints were during the early Tudor period the most frequent venues for these sessions. Also possibly the church of St. Margaret, the living of which was in the Archdeacon's gift, and where a new court-house was commenced early in Elizabeth'sreign by Archdeacon Guest . Asto the format ofthe documenthere printed, the headings were first inscribed in block capitals Names, notes and other details were later filled in during or subsequent to the visitation itself One scribe reveals his nameEdmond Blyth (f. 44r .)and he can often be recognized by his handwriting and brown-coloured ink. The handwriting in general is extremely hard to decipher. The commonest annotationsandabbreviationshave been indicated in our introduction to the previous volume All abbreviations , with the exceptionofChristiannames and the word' Cant, ' we have extended for clearness sake The Christian names are written indifferently in the original in English or Latin, and in our system of abbreviations we have not attempted to differentiate between them. Returns for the Canterbury parishes, though scant, are welcome since those of 1557 are missing The churchwardens ' accounts ofthe

From an archidiaconal visitation of 1502: " They shall exhibit an account on St Jerome's day in the Poor Priests' Hospital " (A.C. , xlvii, 18)

See Visitationof 1556 (ante, p 299)

We are indebted for this information to Mr. B. L. Woodcock, Lecturer of Glasgow University, whose researches embrace the act books ofthe Archdeaconry of Canterbury during these and precedingyears.

two city churches of St. Andrew's and St. Dunstan's have , fortunately, survived for all the years of Mary's reign. Many of the purchases therein recorded of church furniture and other expenditure throw light on archidiaconal injunctions, and on the gradualcatholicization, at least in externals , which was imposed on these churches between 1554 and 1558

Besides these visitation returns we have just considered, there are a few testamentary notices, bound with the visitation of 1556 and others in the volume catalogued Z 3.5. All belong, with the possible exceptionof the first four, to 1558. This is not only apparent from the date which figures in the textAshford, 12 September 1558but also from the pagination Their numbering is ff 34, 35 and 36; and our visitations returnsfollow on at f 39

All the testators mentioned, except the last (Nicholas Peper), are included in Index ofWills preserved in the Prerogative Court ofCanterbury (1920), edited by H. R. Plomer The last page of these fragments relates to the reign of Edward VI, and has no connectionwith what precedes or follows . Being short, we have, however, printed it

[Vellum covernot part of 1558 Visitation, written on paper]


[Inside of cover] MDLVj

Citetur Vincent [?] Solye de Preston iuxta Wingham certis articulis ad promotionem Simonis Allen .... bonorum .... de Chartham defuncti / erga prox' etc



[f. 397.] ANNO MDLVj [?]








SELLENGE Ad comparendum Cant'xvto Septembris

V. ibidem D. Geo Pickard

Jo. Fordredegrotat And White Mi. Adrege Pet. Knight

* A.C ., xxxv, ed Chas. Cotton. Added underneath in later hand: A.C. , xvi, ed J. H. Cowper " MDLViii. " Then " 1556 See inside"

§ I.e. the visitation was performed by the Archdeacon personally " Item unto my Lorde Cardenolles chaunseler for ye byll of presentemente and to Mr. Persye for makyng of ytxd" (Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrew's, Canterbury , A.C., xxxv, 46under 1555/6) Another of these notaries was P. Lylly, who recorded the acta at St. Mary's, Dover , 2 March 1555 (ante, 291 , n.)



Chr Short

P. Jo. Yong St. Golfinche

V. D. Ri Kete

I. Th. Salter

Ad comparendum Cant' Th.Smyth non *comparuitegrotat xvto Septembris

[f. 39v.]


+Omnia reformantur


Ad comparendum Cant' xvto Septembris


Ad comparendum xvto Septembris proxim' Curatus reformatus

P. Wi Dilnot

Mi. Den

V. D. Jo. Kytchen monitusest ad comparendum Cant'/ xvto Septembris

I. Wi Shevalere

Jo Aredge

P. Ro Clarkeson


D. Ric Kyrrye

I. Ric. Meller

P. Wi. Hall§ billa }non Wi Folletnon Jo Sqwire billa

R. D. Lodovicus Aprice

C. D. Th . Smythe exhibeat litteras ordinacionis apud

Cant' coram .... Collens **/**

Wi Clarke

I. }›non

Chr Caterman

P. [blank] billa


R. D. Th. Olyver non C. nullus

* This summons to Canterbury on 15 Sept. provides a terminusad quem for the date of this visitation above

Last two words may be crossed through. Severley' first writtenand then crossed through. Shevalere ' written

§'Adown [?] crossed out

One of the Archdeacon's duties was to test the fitness of ordinands He inspected letters of ordination and testimonial letters of clerics coming from outside the diocese and granted dimissorial letters to clerics proceeding elsewhere A trace of these powers survives in the ordination service , when the Bishop asks the sponsoring priest, there called Archdeacon': "Scis hos esse dignos ? "

An indication of the procedure when the Curate of Warehorn exhibited his letters of ordination at Canterbury is supplied by parallel instancesin the archidiaconal visitation of 1502 (A.C., xlvii, 33): Sir Amphibelus Note, chaplain; he exhibited his orders which were countersignedand handedback to him . " Duringthe same visitation Sir Robert Lee, chaplain at Newington, near Sittingbourne, " was suspended from celebrating divine service within the jurisdictionof the archdeaconry , until he exhibits his letters of orders . " Robert Collens, LL.B., held office under Edward VI and Maryand was in 1554 appointed by the latter a canonof Canterbury cathedral, and stood proxy for Cardinal Pole at his enthronement. He is often mentionedby Foxe. As Archbishop'sCommissaryhe presidedover his ConsistoryCourt Hewas a prebendary of Wingham and, together with Harpsfield and Thornden , Bishop of Dover , one of the most influential prelates in the diocese during Mary's reign. " Richard Meller / constable" added here

Monitusest ad comparendum Cant'

xvto Septembris


Ad comparendum Cant' xvtoSeptembris



Ri. Chalker St. Essex egrotat

P. Wi.Taylor egrotat


Jo Taylor

D. Gre Clement billa

C. D. Wal. Reve

P. He. Norrington [blank] iuratus billa

R. D. Th. Wilson

Omnia reformantur+ I. Wi Goldhell Geo. Paris }non

[f 40r ]


P. Jo Gore

R. D. Th Olyver non

Ad comparendum xyto Wi Asherst exhibita billa* Septembris Ro. Cloke

P. Jo. Acroche Wi. Wynston


R. M. Wi Mershall non

Comparendum xyto C. Septembris I.


D. Lancelotus Gilbancke

Ro. Martyn Wi Rokenon

Jo. Taylor Edw. Pledger prestit iuramentumquod [credit egrotare ?]

Certificauerunt [?] omnia reformata propter curam deserviendam quod assumpserunt adprovidendam

R. D. Jo Carlell Best

C. nullus

I. Th. Chambernon egrotat omnia bene

BROKLAND V. D. Ra Blonde

Omnia reformata I. Ro. Buttonnon

P. Jo Smythe Jo. Bowes citra xv Septembris et ad certificandum non

billa eodem die etc

Ro Pollard non egrotat Andro Robyns

P. Wi Warcope

Jo. Gibbes


Ad comparendum I. Wi Darley

Cant' xvto/ Sep- Ri Myller tembris postea differtur in aliud / tempus propter P. He. Bylyng reparacionem !

fecit fidem quodegrotabat quatuor [sic]

Memorandum that attachment billa be made for Fisher and his wife

Rog. Pette

ecclesie etc citra festum


The 'billa ' so often referred to as duly exhibited by the wardensor otherwise was the account of the state of the church and parish, as far as it concerned them, which had to be producedbeforethe Archdeacon'scourt

Described as ' reformed' because the parishioners have undertaken to obtain a priest to serve the cure. I.e. be arrested

§ Respited from appearing on 15 Sept. until this side of All Souls' (2 Nov.), owing to repairs to the church .


Ad comparendum Cant'

xvto Septembris

[f. 40v.]


V. D. Th Chapman comparuit non I. Ja Collyar Wi. Randall P. Wi. Cutberte billa

R. D. Jo. Bucke

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Wi Rikkard

xvto Septembris Jo Hammond et certificandum de aliis P. Ra. Bright billa non preparatis Jo. Hayward


R. D. Ri. Eton

Ad comparendum Cant' I. [blank]

xvtoSeptembris non debet et exhibendam billam P. Jo Franckishe Wi GateJomnia / Edm Kytte Wi. Taylor


V. D. Th. Hardwicke non

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Jo Pratte Ri. Kempe

xvto Septembris


Ad comparendum Cant'

P. Th Catar billa

R. M. Th . Calye

C. D. Th Wilson non residet egrotat I. Jo. Grenock

xvto Septembris Gre Best vlt' [?]*


P. Th.Stopeney

R. D. Th. Griffithe Gre. Best egrotat

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Leon . Martyn

xvto Septembris Wi. Cotynge P. Sim Rocke non billa

[f. 417.]

EBNEY capella C. nullus ad Apuldor I. non Pet Lawles Jo Slater non

Reformanturomnia P. Ro Pellond non billa And . Potte

ORLASTON R. D. Th [Cannon] conf .. act' [?] comparuit

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Ri Ase non egrotat

xv Septembris Ri Androwe vicarii iconomus§

P. Ri Androw Ri. Godfrey billa

* I.e churchwardenin the previous year ?

St. Mary in the Marsh.

This Christian name was usually spelt 'Androw, ' not 'Andrew. '

§ In view of this instance of the distinction between a vicar's and a people's warden, earlier by 13 years, J. C. Cox (Churchwardens' Accounts , 1913, p 5) is not quite correct when he says " The modern custom of one being appointed by the incumbent and the other by the parish had its origin in a canonof 1571." It is commonly said that the practice arose whenvicar and parishioners could not agree.





R. M. Ro. Hill

C. Wi. Jumpe non vlt'[?]

Ro. Anstey Jo. Stringer

P. Jo Mycchell billa

R. M. Ro. Collens * non residet nullus


Ad comparendum Cant' I. xvto Septembris


Jo. May non

P. Wi Awood comparuit

R. D. Th. Sanden

C. D. Th Griffithe

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xv Septembris

[f 41v .] BURMERSHE

Wi. Sowdland non monitus comparuit

P. Ri Stoke non debet omnia

Ad comparendum Cant' C. xvo Septembris

I. Wi. Norres

P. Jo. Davye

R. D. Ra Whitlynge nullus non residet per annum nechabuerunt non curatum / Paschat' vltim' et fiat sequestrationimmediate etc



Ad comparendum Cant' xvto Septembris

[f. 427.] FAIRFILD

nullus billa

I. [blank]

R. D. Ro Bland

I. Jo. Newell Wi. Topinden

P. Pet Knell Edw Bromborn

Jo. Awborn billa non

Wi. Gybson Th Philips

Omnes absentes contumaces pena reservata vsque in xytum diem Septembris proximum

C. [blank]

Ad comparendum Cant' Jo Tobbell xvto Septembris

[ff 42v and 43r. blank.]

[f. 43v ]



Fiat sequestraciofructuum dictevicarie

V. D. Jo. Ffuller

Memorandum that thewardensand sidesmen her appering to maka sess§ for the relif of the poore childern

* See , however, Vol I, p 163, note and other poverts[?]¶

I.e. because the cure had not been served the income of the rectory is sequestrated

A corruption of synodsuren , ' because they attendedsynods as witnesses and supported the wardens' presentments They then became their general assistants (J.C. Cox, Churchwarden's Accounts, 1913, p 3)

§ A collection or contribution levied by the wardens for parish purposes. Not in Oxford English Dictionary Probably means

U " poor persons "

Ad comparendum xvjto Septembris et tunc

ad exhibendum billam

I. Ja Wattes

Th. Bassenet Ed' White egrotat

P. Jo. Asherst Wi Woodward egrotat

Jo Mylhall Ro Hallnon

Jo Evet egrotat

Ed' Gotley non

Th Newstretnon[?] Ri.Nethersole egrotat

Wi Padnall Ro.Lymster Hu Penbroke

Ri. Coper


Hu. Mycchell Jos Wytte egrotat

V. D. Jo. Julyan

Ad comparendum Cant' I.

xxx xvjto Septembris




Adcomparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris


Jo. Holnes iunior Edw Mylkested

Th Gibbons

P. La. Twesnoth

Jo. Bennette

Gre . Taylor et monetur vt Swan*


R. D. Wi Baker

Ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris /


I. Ri. Sotherenden Wi Poste non

Ro Bacheler Ri Woode non P. Ri Dowle

Jo. Harrysnon non comparuitegrotat

V. D. Geo Atkynson

Evocentur ad Cantuariam

[f. 447.]


Ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris

Omnia reformata


I. [blank] P. [blank]

نم R. Ro Halsall

C. ن


D. Jo. Carlyon

Ja. Marlor

P. Jo Sharpe


Ad comparendum Cant' I. xvjto Septembris

Et quod balliuus et Ashenden et Willelmus Gervice moneantur ad comparendum Cant' die predictoper iconomos

Jo . Sharpe}

Ja. Lake

D. Jo Spendlove

Ro. Marden

Jo Pell

Ro. Pell

Geo Mapesden

Walt . Bigge egrotat

P. Ri Ashinden

Jo. Whitfild egrotat

John Ro Foch

Wi Besfyld

Th. Holmes

et dictus Whitfilde monitus est adcomparendum Cant' xvito Septembris

A religious offender , already mentioned in 1557


R. D. Edw Bullifannte

*Whitfilde de Tenterden saythhecrept not to the cross bicausehe was sick at thattyme

I. Ri Wanderton

Ri Wattes

Th. Bull

Iconomi habent ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris


Curatus monitus estad

He Godfrey

Nic. Topley

P. [blank]

C. D. Ri Symon Jo. Robson

comparendum Cant' xvto Septembris egrotat

I. Geo Skot egrotat

*vel vt certificeturde emendacionevestimenterum [?] Geo. Aford

byme Edmond Blythqui mandauit

Ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris etc



Ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris

[f. 44v.]


Fiat sequestracio

Edm. Duke


P. Ja Born

Edm Hamond

Jo Goodman

R. D. Th Langley

I. Ri Elson egrotat

Jo Gennynges

P. Wi Mershall billa

Ri Hammond

V. nullus

C. D. Ri. Buckherst

fructuum Ric Buckherst curatus

evoceatur [sic] ad Cantuariam vnde dictus curatus suscepit ad xxixs ixd quia pro subsidio debito Cant' xvjtoSeptembris



I. Chr Kelsam

alii non fuerunt moniti habent ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris ad exhibendam billam

R. M. Jo. Knighte

C. D. Nic Champion

Billa I. Wi Okingfolde

Habent iconomi ad comparendum Cant' xvitoSeptembris

Jo. Hilles

P. Edw Bret Wi. Wich et curatus habet in mandatis

Ri. Topley Tho. Bret ad comparendumeodem die

[f. 44v.]



R. M. Wi. Darrell

C. D. Ja. Gloffs

Iconomihabent ad comparendum I. Cant' xvjto Septembris curatus habet ad comparendum Cant' eodem die

Ri. King Gallus natus

Geo Hart

P. Ri Tery Ri. Mannyss

He Hart

Entry misplaced. In another hand and ink, that of Edmond Blyth, which also occurs elsewhere in this visitation .


V. D. Dav Cotton

Habent iconomi in mandatis I. Wi Wattes

ad comparendum Cant' xvjto


Ri Braye Jo Turner

P. Wi Philpot

Billa Wi White


Iconomi moniti sunt ad

V. D. Hu. David egrotat

I. Jo. Androwe comparendum Cant'xvjto



[f. 457.]



Iconomihabent ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris

P. Jo Jurden Jo Symon

R. D. Pet Hall

I. Jo Agers

Ri. Hope

P. Wi Baker Ja . Sherlock

Th. Virgyn St. Harris aut certificandumde preparacione omnium neccessariorum eodem die dicte ecclesie pertinentium


V. M. Wi. Orphewe

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xvjto Septembris




Th Paves

Ri Penfold

P. Ger Baker

Ri. Fogle

R. M. Ri. Pratte

C. D. Pat. Browne

Ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris

I. St. Bateman

Geo Ramsden




Ri. Frencham

Wi Warden Wade non residet

Th Barrowe

Ri Snowde mortuus

P. Th. Stonas non Jo. Moyse

V. M. Ri Waters

C. D. Pat Browne

Reformantur I. Ro Willard

Ad comparendum Cant' Ro. Aynescombe xvjto /Septembris

Jo Harowdyne

P. Jo Crotall

Ja Everynden

Ro Bassette

Th . Goldyng


R. D. Jo Taylor

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Th. Bayly egrotat Jo. Barnard xvjto Septembris

Ro. Cocheman Th. Hore

P. [blank]

Vide billam de fructibus*

[f. 45v ] SANDHERSTE



R. D. Wi. Symon egrotat

I. Nic Bat Jo. Twisden

P. Ri Wattes Th Welles ad comparendum Cant' / xvjto Septembris

* Another indication of the contents of the ' billa'-an account of the parish revenues .




R. vacat nullus

Habent iconomi ad comparendum Cant' I. xvjto Septembris



[f. 46r.]

Ri Fytsall

Jo Hope Th. Saunders Jo. Hilles

P. Jo. Shadwell

Geo Wilkinson

Eligitur in decanum vicarius de Rolvynden

Margareta Smyth de Orlaston

Smythe detecta est quod negligens est adeundo ecclesiam comparuit et monita est quod diligens etc et quod reuerenter vtatur ceremoniis et maritus mulieris suscepit in se quod mulier bene se habeat et mulier fatetur quod die Paschatis vltimo non erat presens aliquo diuinorum nec recepit cineres mulier monita est ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris subinde ex gratia iudex iniunxit quod si ipsa die Dominicaproxima publice fuerit in cancell' tempore misse etc et tunc benigne crucem* etc quod excusetur a comparicione Cant'

*Ex decanatu



Inquiratur de quod Sheperdede Hedcorn

Habeant iconomi in mandatis

ALUPHE ad comparendum Cant' xvjto Septembris

R. V. D. Hugo David

I. R' Abarrowe

Geo Marchall

P. Wi Marchall

Jo. Dod

Memorandum that wher one MighellAisherst of Kingisnoth standith bounde in recognizaunces that he do procure his children to be confirmyd at thissid the Sainct Mighell next comyng It is ordered that if or that tyme ther be none suffragane within the diocesse nor anny comyng within vij myles of his dwelling that then his said recognisance not to be hurtfull vnto him yet ... not withstanding he hath in comandement as sone as possibly be may to have them confirmyd

* I.e kiss the cross

A hand is drawn here, pointing upwards Bredgar, which is in that of Sittingbourne

There was no deanery of Boughton Aluphe is in the deanery of Bridge

§ A bond or obligation entered into before a judge

See Pole'sVisitation articles of 1557, no 45, on Confirmation. Michael Aisherst had been ordered to have his children confirmed by Michaelmasthe previous year (Vol I, p 103)

[f 46v. blank]

[f. 47r.]



Vicaria vacat

C. nullus

Ad comparendum Cant' I. die xvijmoSeptembris

Wi Clerke comparuit


Th. Atwater comparuit Dun Clark

P. Jo. Ggardener

Jo Spice

Hen. Addam Ad exhibendam billam xvijo Septembris

Wi Symonds


Iconomi ad comparendum

xvijmo Septembris


D. Rog Jones vicarius

I. Jo Dunkyn comparuit Cant'

Ro Hartridge comparuit

Jo. Ffletcher nunc billa

P. Jo. Ffigge

Jo Style

Jo Allen

Jo. Wylson

V. M. Jo. White egrotat

C. [blank]

Ri Pate egrotat Jo . Horsenden egrotat

Wi Stonnerd egrotat

P. Ri Austyn comparuit Edw Rode comparuit

Ipsi comparentes habent ad monendosiconomos

ad comparendum Cant' xvijo Septembris



M. Th. Hendon

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Wal Taylor et exhibendam billam presentacionis* eodem die egrotat 2comparuit

xvijo Septembris billa

P. Th. Vsborn

Jo Barfote


Jo. Turner comparuit comparuit

Jo. Rumney comparuit

Jac Austyn comparuit/ Chr. Vynneynon exco'

R. M. Art Sentleger

C. D. Jo Rede

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Ri. Ffynne comparuit

xvijo Septembris

Ro Flowe

P. Jo Reder comparuit Ri. More

Jo. Style

Jo Baldocke

Wi. Gennett billa

Ro Woodd non

Andryan Barlingenon

* Another indication of the nature of the contents of the ' billa'-the bill of presentmentswhich included offences against moral and ecclesiastical law, denunciations , complaints, etc. They are sometimes called detections (see 1557 passim) or " acta et comperta"

I.e. excommunicatus' ?




Ad comparendum Cant' xvijo Septembris

C. D. Edw. Robertes

I. He Bensted

Gre Clercke

P.Wi. Perrye billa

He. Pratte

Poll Master


[f. 47v.]



V. D. Chr. Waddington egrotat

I. Ri. Gennyng St. Warley

Ad comparendum Cant' P. xvijo Septembris


Jo. Barlyng

Ri. Marketman billa

C. D. Wi Johnson D. [blank] non comparuit

Adcomparendum Cant' I. Ja Everynden ad exhibendam billam

Rog. Crownege comparuit/ xvijo Septembris


Th. Foxenon xvijo Septembris

P. [blank]

M. Wi. Horewood Ro Grenehood

Ad comparendum Cant' C. xvijo Septembris


D. GregoriusSquyre

I. Wi Taylor

Wi Salter Colter billa

P. Wi Adams

V. vacat

Ad comparendum Cant' C.

xvijo Septembris

[f 48r.]


I. Jo Goddyn

Wi. Spice

P. Tangridus Bolecke

Wi. Roper

Ro. Shasted

Wi Goddyn ad exhibendam billam

Ro Bause presentacioniseodemdie

R. M. Th. Cailie

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xvijo Septembris


Ro Bettes Jo. May

J[faded] billa

P. Wi. May

M. Wi Horwood

Ad comparendum Cant' C. D. Gre Squyre xvijo Septembris

Billam Cant'


I. Ro. Cooke

Th. Holman

P. [blank]

R. M. Jo. Warner

Ad exhibendam billam C. [blank] Cant' xvijo Septembris I.

To provid one to play on the organns at thissid the last of September

Edw Topliff

He. Taylor

P. Ja. Tassell

Jo Hyncley

billa Cant'

To bring the Bible* and Paraphrasis and all other bokes ofynglish toCant'


C. Al. Gridgesby

Ad comparendum Cant' xvijo I. Septembris

Ri. Riche

Gil Beste

P. Th. Bysshoppe

[f. 48v ] et presentandam billam apud / Cant'



V. D. Wi. Hall

Fiat sequestracio ob defectum I.

C. [crossed out] Jo Iden

Chr Foule Ed' Martyn Jo. Combe

P. Jo. Copyn

Sequestracio ad exhibendam billam

Ad comparendum Cant' xvijo Septembris xvij Septembris


Ad comparendum Cant' xvijo Septembris



Curator[sic] nullus

Ed' Harres vt deponetur

Ro. Allyn

Pet Barnard xvijo Septembris ad exhibendam billam

R. D. Chr Wooddington non

Ad comparendum Cant' C. nullus xvijo Septembris

I. Wi Atwood billa Cant'

P. Ri. Swane


V. D. St. Poole iuxta SUTTON

I. Gi Patrich

Jo. Drayson

Memorandum that ther be order taken with MasterHarper for the leads of the church and for ye Ester [?] procession thoroughhis ground§

[f. 49r.]




C. [blank]

C. [blank]

habent in mandatis ad monendum vicarium ad comparendum Cant' xvijo Septembris

* The large folio Bible in English was placed in every parish church by order in 1539. In theChurchwardens ' Accounts for St. Andrew's, Canterbury, later (1547/8) we have: " Item paid for a Bible of the largest volume xiiijs" (A.C. , xxxiv, 41)

The Paraphraseof Erasmus, printed by Edward Whytchurch in 1548/9 , was ordered to be placed in every parish church at the commencementof Edward VI's reign Hence " Item payd for the Paraphrasof Erasmus . .. . vjs vjd" (Ibid , 43).

The Communion office in English replaced the Mass in 1548: " Item payd for the sarvys boke .. .. vs (Ibid .). All English service books were calledin at the beginningof Mary's reign. § See Vol I, p. 202




V. D. Ro Haynes

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xvij Septembris

Hemust alsoapprehend thos named in the bill of Marden

[f. 49v.]

Detectus apud Vlcombe

Detectus apud Vlcombe

Wi Collyer

P. Nic Burde

Bar Younge

Eligitur in decanum vicarius de Sutton Vallance

Advisement [?] directed to Thomas Duddys dwellyng at Marden constable for the attachment of thewidowe of John Smyth) the wif of William Walter Goodherst the wif of Arthure Lye

Inquiratur de vxore* Coggar an peregit omnia quae sibi erant iniuncta superiore anno

Petrus Fowle servant with Lawrence Mayny at Staplehurst to be attached by the constable George Kingsnothe and his wif now at Leneham by the constable

The wif of Dolman of Est Sutton to be apprehended Henry Bensted iurat' quod egrotat ijo [?] annis /

[f. 50r.]

James Snothing of Hartishamconstable

attachment directed to the bosholder John Spillet in Est Sutton The wif of Turner of Sutton Valannce to be attached

Evocetur Robertus Bridger de Ledes John Dunyng [?]

Fiat sequestracio fructuum de Thornham propter reparacionem cancell' bosholder

Fiat sequestracio fructuum de Barsted propter reparacionis [sic] cancell'

Evocetur Joanna Woode de Huckinget Jude Heron nunc de Mylton propterincontinentiam

In causa diffamacionis mota per Agnetam Bennet de Ledes contra Iditham Byrry de eadem dicta Agnes confitetur Baker

William Rede of Boughton Monchelsey to apprehend the wif of George Rowse of the same

[f. 50v blank]

* For these wives see Vol I, p. 194. Ante, p 221 Ibid., p. 222


[f. 51r.]



V. D. M. Th Burges egrotat

Ad comparendum Cant' C. [blank orfaded] xixoSeptembris


Fiat sequestracio propter reparacionem

Iconomes Th. Chartham

Th Huckyng

P. Jo. Norden

Chr Ed' Gay Th. Jacobe

V. D. Nic. Power

Mi. Symon egrotat

C. D. Dav. Lomley non residet nullus

I. Th. Bowden Jo Swifte

Reg. Bunton

Jo. Lyford et gardianis P. evocetur vicarius ad residenciam* Wi Winge


V. vacat

Ad comparendum Cant' C. D. Wi Lambe

xixo Septembris




Iconomes Th Reder

P. Ra . Hennyger

Wi. Drurey

V. D. Jo Harrys presenti anno vltim'

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Jo Tirrynden Ra. Thomas egrotat / xixº Septembris

Ro. Hatche egrotat Al Stone egrotat

P. Reg Tirrinden

Wi. Apette

[f. 51v .] BAPCHISELDE

Vicarius ad comparendum eodem die I.

Ad comparendum Cant' xixo Septembris

Master Wilkins suscepit in se ad reparand' cancell' / immediate


Ad comparendum Cant'

xixo Septembris

Vide veterem librum


Sim Bekkete

D. Ri. Cranmer

Th. Furmynger non Salmon Newlond

P. Jo Bateman

Wi. Tenshe non billa

M. Nic Morton

Th. Ffiddge

Ro Sawyer non

P. Th Busbridge ad exhibendam billam Cant'/

Th Bull non

Wi Hartinge

Ro Woodde non billa

V. D. Jo. Wakelyn

Ad comparendum Cant' xixo C. D. Th Bownell Septembris

I. Th Elmeston

Th Butte debet pr . #/

Master Norden hath vnder- P. He. Lawrence taken/the reparacion ofthe Art Holman chancell/immediatlye

* The Vicar called to residence, there being no curate Or 'Wilkes ' Last word doubtful-? procurationes'



V. D. Mi. Weste

I. Th . Loman

Jo. Hill

Ad comparendum Cant' xixo P. Jo Baldwyn Septembris

And to bring the Bible the Paraphrasis

[f. 52r.]



Jo. Reder

V. D. Ri Cranmer non

Ad comparendum Cant' C. xixº Septembris



I. Salmon Wilkynes

P. [blank]

R. D. Th Ware

Comparendum Cant' I.

P. xixo Septembris ad eligendosiconomos*



Jo Tonge Wi Pekham

Wi. Paris Geo. Ducke

Jo Rogers

V. vacat

Ad comparendum Cant' C. xixo Septembris


D. Jo Treman

I. Jo Pullyn egrotat

Jo. Stonnerd comparuit

P. Jo Bisshope egrotat

V. D. Gal. Wilson


Ad comparendum Cant' xixo


[f 52v]

Jo. Allen

Wi Edwardes egrotat

P. Si Beckett

He Baker billa


Ad comparendum Cant' I. Ant Hichcok xixo Septembris

P. Pet. Hayn Jo. Eliot

Pet. Busy




Ad comparendum Cant' I. xixo Septembris



Chr Harris

Quod male se habuit

circa aque sancte aspersion' in ecclesia parochialide

Sitingborn Ideo iniunctusest sibi that he by

a holy water stock of lattyn by the xix of September


D. Row. Jakeson

Th. Fringe

Ri. Highsted

P. Th Henman

Ro Ponnette

* Election of wardens Or ' Greg. ' I.e. the Asperges on Sunday.





Ad comparendum Cant' I.

xvijo Septembris



[f 53r ]


Ad comparendum Cant' xixo Septembris


Nihil actum est quia

D. Jo Bewley

Hen. Spender

Th. Rikkard billa

P. Ri Bayly

R. D. Ri. Roberte

non comparuerunt

V. D. Ro. Holman

I. Wi Dennewey egrotat

Ri Cole

P. Ri Tristram

Jo . Northen billa

R. Wi. Bucke

non comparuerunt * P.

Iconomes [blank]

Wi Nede non

Wi. Knight de non exhibenda billa

Vt parochiani adeant ecclesiam de Hucking

quousque etc

si parochiani ad id consentiant


Ad comparendum Cant' xixº Septembris

The rodeloft vnbuyldid


R. D. Wi Buncker

I. Th. Potman

P. Wi. Binge

Ja. Newland

V. Jo. Sheryf

Memorandum quod provideatur I. St. Greyne

pro cancella ibidem quia

Sim Clynche parochiani sunt consentientes P. Wi. Child egrotat ad edificandam novam

cancellam hita' [?] veter'

[f. 53v]


Ad comparendum Cant' I.

C. Jo. HenSheryfElyot xixº Septembris


Wi Weeke

P. Wi Swalman

Th Brodstret

He Creke egrotat

Th. RichardesJo Colson

C. nullus

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Chr. Robinson xix Septembris


P. Th Harris

R. vacat

C. [blank]

Assignaturad Iconomes nulli



P. Ro Segar

Jo. Ruffyn

* No business transacted as no one appeared . inquiratur vbi sunt

ornamenta ecclesie ibidem



R. C.

Si non venerintad Fauersham I. Wi Amyas Radulphus Finch tunc excommunicentur * vacat nullus quod salarium curati erit xx marckes [blank] Brode assumpsit in se P. [blank]

Parochiani to goo to Lynsted vntill they be fornished of a curat

[f 547.]


V. D. Jo. Townsley

Ad comparendum Cant' C. D. Nic. Blanche

xixmo Septembris


I. Ro Merchannt

P. Cl Myllway

C. D. Th. Hicklinge

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xixmo Septembris



[f 54v. blank.]

[f 557.]


Ro Williamson egrotat Ro Boniface

P. Jo. Ffouler Th Godwatte


R. Dortor [sic] Wardowne* [blank]

Eligitur in decanum vicarius de Rodmersham


V. D. Ro. Shoughe

Adcomparendum Cant xixo I. nullus Septembris 1558 P. J. Bixe billa Th Grangeman


In vetere libro

V. M. Cl Norton

I. Ro Colwell Th Barton

Provideaturordo pro isto Th. Norton Th. Littell egrotat oppido etaliis

P. Jo Week Wi. Fynner Wi Nele non Jos Beverley Ad comparendum Cant' xxº Septembris Too churchwardens

Memorandum to enquier how manny wroughte apon Our Lady day last


Ad comparendum Cant'xx Septembris

V. vacat C. nullus

I. Wi. Taylor billa

Memorandum quod cancella est valde P. ruinosa et decernatur [?] fructuum sequestracio ad faciend' [?]

This penalty appears rarely at this period. Jo. Cok

Both Elmeley and Warden are in Sheppey, so perhaps a placeand not a person is here intended


M.Th. Slayney*

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Ro. Barnes

xxmo Septembris P. Th. Harrington


[f. 55v.]



V. D. Ro Shoughe Expeditur

V. D. Wi. Stapleforde

I. Jo. Kighte

Ad comparendum Cant' Jo Dourton

xxmo Septembris P. Ro. Kennett

Si. Darby


V. D. Edw . Kelby non residet

Ad comparendum Cant' xxº Septembris C. nullus I. Th . Vpton

pentio vicarie ne subtrahatur Al Bottell



Memorandum that Mr Pettit of Chilham witholdeth the home stall which the vicar shold have


Ad comparendum Cant' xxo I.



[f. 567.]


Valentine Belk billa Cant' Th. Olyver

V. D. Th Deve St. Holbarde

Th. Hilles

P. Nic. Tillman Jo. Godard non

Chr. Southtowson

Ri Waller

V. D. GriffinusAppowell billa

Ad comparendum Cant'xxo

Septembris I. Edm . Sede Jos Syllyng

Memorandum to enquier ofH ..[?] of Canterbury who causid him to pul down the rode loft

P. Ri. Gotley Jo Havejoye

* "He was collated to the vicarage of Preston by Cardinal Pole on the 10thofDecember 1557. . . . butat Prestonhe remainedonly a fewmonths " Edward Parratt was collated by Cardinal Pole on the 20thof October 1558 ... Mr. Paratt or Perott seemsnotto have resided here at all In 1560 not only the churchwardensof Preston , but those of Faversham also, represented to the Archdeaconof Canterbury that he was notresident Thechurch wardensof Favershamalleged , in addition, that he had let his benefice to an unlearnedman .... He was deprived' of the vicarageof Prestonin 1562 " (A.C., xxi, 147).

Thomas Petytt, gentleman, signed the Inventory of Chilham 1552 (A.C., viii, 132) Wotte' crossed out.


R. M. Th . Stanney

Ad comparendum Cant' C. D. Fr. Hay xxº Septembris

I. Th. Grenestret

Jo. Elye billa

P. Ro Grenstret

Th Ady


Ad comparendum Cant' xxº Septembris


Cancella ruinosa



I. Wi Crofte

Ed' Adown

P. Jo Elvyn

Pet Goffey non vacat nullus non assignantur ad egrotat non Otterden

Ad comparendum Cant' xxº Septembris

C. nullus

I. Th Goddyn non

Rog Sixwith

P. Ro. Motys


[f 56v]

St. Amys


C. D. Ro Holman

Ad comparendum Cant' xxmo Septembris

I.And. Steyr

Nic. Wattes

Billa P. He Adye

Sim Broke

pentio non est soluta per proprietarium

Moniti ut adeant ad Duddington viz. ij Sonndayesat Duddington and one at Newenham and to have evensongat both places vacat nullus



BUCLANDE R. M. Cl Norton Iconomus nullus


R. M.Wi Elye

C. D. Edw. Parrett

Ad comparendum I. Jo Porredge Sim. Austen Cant' xxº Septembris La. Cok He Plomer


Ad comparendum

P. billa

R. D. Ri Thomson

I. Nic White

Wi. Wade Cant' xxo Septembris

P. Wi Arnolde non comparuerunt

Jo. Deave

It [is] ordered that all saving Catlock and Webb shall come [to] Ludenham wherfor* and they to Tenham

It is it is [sic] provided that thevicar of Ludenham shall have xxs and to [?] Tenham xx xiijs iiijd per annum * 'wherfor' in another hand and ink.

[f 577.]

OVER C. Ja. Reman

Ad exhibend' comparendum

I. Ri Humfrey non moniti quia Cant' xxº Septembris sunt in navigacione*

P.Wi. Brodwood circa negotiis [sic] Regine non

Ad exhibendam billam Jo Shawe non ad Cant'


Ad comparendum Cant' xx° Septembris adtunc

D. Ffr [blank] nullus per annum integrum

Iconomus Wi Hayward Jo Butler

P. Jo Ambrose exhibendam billam continentem in se billam omniumornamentorum dicte ecclesie pertinentium



V. nullus omnia bene

Ad comparendum Cant' C. D. Jo. Trewman deservit cur' xx ° die Septembris secunda Dominica/ proxim'


I. St. Shrobsole

Wi Mendfelde

P. Jo. Moyse Th Rymer

It is ordered the parson of Goodneston do serve Graveney alternis vicibus

DAWINGTON C. [blank]

[f. 57v .]


R. nullus pr'

C. [blank]

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Ri. Pope xxº Septembris

Ja . Medeman

Billa P. Ed' Rycrofte


R. vacat Ad comparendum Cant' xxº Septembris

C. nullus

I. Jo. Giles iunior billa

Edw. Amys


R. D. Edw. Keble non residet Ad comparendum Cant' xxmoSeptembris

C. nullus

I. Th. Trytton adveniantad Throwley

Wi. Cockes

P. [blank]

* Oare , near Faversham, is on the sea coast . The churchwardenswere not summoned because they were at sea on the Queen's business

This entry throws a little more light on the contents of the 'billa ' May stand for ' presentatus'

§'NEW' crossed out and LEVE ' inserted above Ricardus' crossed out



R. D. Ri. Rogers

Ad comparendum Cant' I. non residet nullus


Reg. Filmer xxto Septembris

[f 587.]


subtus LE BLEAN


Jo Clynch

P. Jo Remyngton

V. D. Ro Thomson

V. D. Edw. Minge

Eligitur in decanum rector de Luddenham

Memorandum quod Wi Goodhewe moritur apud Parretes habens xxvijs in pecuniis


Ad exhibend' comparendum Cant' xxº Septembris

R. D. Ri Robertes

I. Ri Deacon

Jo. Mercer P. Ro Barnes Bill Th Tassell >non comparuerunt [f. 58v. blank.]

[f. 59r.]



Georgius Smith, Johannes Smith et WillelmusShouwell non frequentantecclesiam




C. D. Jo. Basden§

I. Al Hallet non Gre Rose egrotat

Memorandum that the scolemaister is to be talk'd with P. MrOvington


Jo. Holte comparuit

R. D. Th. Ickham**

I. Dan Potter

Nic. Bremer

Jo. Motte egrotat

Th. Raffe

Chr. Skote non

* The first church in England to be dedicatedto St. George. Destroyed by enemyaction 1 June 1941. Tower scheduled as an ancient monument Wi. Sweting adm. 23 May 1561 (Parker, 349b)

Geo Smith, Jo Smith, Alex Hallet, Greg Rose (' capper'), Thos Ovington, JohnHolte (" householder oftheVernacle"), JohnMotte ( pewterer') and ThomasRafe ( carpinter') are allmentionedin the Registers ofSt.George's , Canterbury , 1538-1800 , ed J. M. Cowper (1891)

§ Apprehendedin 1559 at Dover, trying to cross the seas (Victoria County History, ii, 83) From which we may infer that he had Catholic sympathies. This church was taken down in 1763 (Gostling's Canterbury , ed III, 1779, p 43) It was situated in the centre of what is now the High Street, oppositeBoots' and Mence Smith's The churchwas longandnarrow. According to a traditionpreserved in the firm of Amos & Dawton, a carriage-way ran the St. Margaret's Street side, a footpath the other (W. Urry) See also A.C., xxxii, 182-3

** Christopher Yaxeley, M.A., adm 27 June 1564 by death of Thomas Ickham (Parker, 365a).

All mentioned in Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrew's , Canterbury, ed Chas Cotton (1916) Henry Alday was an alderman

P. He. Alday

He Gere

SANCTE MARIE R. D. Th. Ffissher non MAGDALENE* C. [blank]

I. Mi. Derycker

Jo . Hethers

P. Th. Neyler* non

Aug. Cok


R. [blank] V . ** D.Wi. Singleton non egrotat

I. Rog Fowler

He. Questonby

P. Jo. Speyce

Jo Jenkynson egrotat [f 59v]


St Martyns is assigned C. D. Wi Blossom mortuus to this churche

I. Ja. Pers

Ones in a quartertoSt P. Ed' Pratte non Martyns Jo. Wydope non egrotat


Ad Westgate assignatur viz. to com to Westgate I.

RCL R. nullus§§ C. [blank] Wi Dogrell non contynually saving that ones in a quarter the vicar to be atSt Peters

* In Burgate Street Taken down in 1871 , except for tower . Stands next to the present Catholic church

Thos Fyssher adm. Ulcombe 24 May 1560 by death of John Read, alias Townsley (Parker, 343a). Died before 20 Apr. 1569 (Ibid , 391a). Fyssher wasinducted toSt. Mary Magdalen'sin 1553 (Registers ofSt. Mary Magdalene , Canterbury , ed J. M. Cowper, 1890 , p x)

Both mentioned in the above Register.

§ Pulled down 1900. The site is now occupied by a small garden on the south side of the High Street

John Carlell adm 4 Oct. 1552 (Cranmer, 421a) A John Carlell, priest, ' buried at St. George's, 22 Dec. 1558 . ** Crossed out?

Adm . All Saints' , Canterbury, 1 June 1542 (Cranmer , 389a) Adm St. Paul's 10 May 1558 by death of John Clerke (Pole, 78a) Thos Hevyside adm. 30 July 1560 by death of Wi Blossom (Parker, 344b).

John Persse buried 21 Oct. 1578 (Registers of St. Paul's, Canterbury, 1562-1800 , ed J. M. Cowper , 1893, p 204.

§ § Rich . Forde adm. 10 Aug. 1552 (Cranmer , 421a).

Members of this family occur in Registers of St. Peter's, Canterbury, 1560-1800 , ed J. M. Cowper , 1887



Assignantur parochianiad

C. nullus§ ecclesiam Sancte Marie Bredman I. Ri Hoke viz alternis vicibus

St . Hollynden that, too dais at St Alphes

P. Ra. Ordynner and one day at Alhallowes


V. D. Chr. Badcocker de WESTGATE

Ad comparendum xxº die

I. Wi Swifte egrotat

Ra. Myller Septembris

P. Wi Browne

Jo. Pensock Jo Bell

[f 60r ]


C. D. Nic. Knewestubbe¶¶

I. St. Redborn non

Geo Toftes non

P. Jo . Lylly

Th. Cutte non


R. D. Ra. Prescotte**

I. Ri. Everynden

He . Gylvyn non

P. Vmfry Penie

Ja. Wolfe non

* The tower of this church, which projected into what is now the main street, was pulled down bythe paving commissioners in 1769 (Gostling, Walks in Canterbury , ed II, 1777, pp 52-3) The church was rebuiltin 1829 and this building was demolished in 1936-7 It stood opposite the GeneralPost Office (W. Ürry)

'Alphegi crossed out

Another name for All Saints' § Sir Loye, curate of All Saints' , in trouble before the Mayor in 1559 (V.C.H., ii, 83)

Henricus' crossed out .

* Ricardus' crossed out.

Adm. Doddington 18 Sept. 1528 (Warham, 396a) Wi. Spillman collated to Holy Cross, Canterbury, 21 Sept. 1560 , on resignation of Chr Badcocke (Parker, 346a) Adm Bapchild 14 Nov. 1560 , on resignation of Ralph Dowell (Ibid. , 346b) Resigned Westwell 9 May 1561 (Ibid., 349a) Wi Mershe adm . Tongeby death ofChr Badcocke24 July 1565 (Ibid , 373b)

The original north wall of this church alone is left (Parish Churches of the Diocese of Canterbury , by T. H. Oyler, 1910, p. 44).

§§ Roland Jackeson adm 20 Apr. 1557 by deprivation of Thos. Graves (Pole, 71b) Adm Milkstead 13 Sept. 1558 by death of David Lomley (Ibid, 81b) Died before4 June 1578, whenJohn Hurte adm to Milkstead (Grindal, 520a)

Thos Wise adm Hardes Magna6 Apr.1559 by death of Nic Kewstobbe (Post Mortem Poli, 16a)

* Rich Hedleye adm 29 Apr. 1563 (Parker, 360b)



Hackingtonis appoynctid to this church viz too Sondais, at St Mary Bredyns and one Sonday at Hakington


[f. 60v.]


Assignantur ad

Hackington to be served alternis vicibus


V. D. Wi Dobynson*

I. Th. Giles non Gerog [sic] Mylles non

P. Gre. Cosby non Th Palm non

V. [blank]

C. D. Dun Goodhewe billa

I. D. Ri. Eggerley non

Wi. Alebery non

P. Nic.Qwoyf

He Davy p..xx' [?]

Th. Wynston

Wi. May non

P. Ri Thoraton

Ja Dreyton§

R. [blank]

C. D. Ra. Dowell

Jo. Awgor non

Ri. Bull

P. Th. Martyn Hamond Vsborn

* Rebuilt in 1868, since destroyed by enemy action (Oyler, 48).

Adm 2 Mar. 1536 (Cranmer, 361a) Also adm Wotton 12 Oct. 1537 (Ibid , 362b) Thos Pantonadm. toSt.Mary Bredyn 21 May 1561 byresignation of Wi. Dobynson (Parker, 349a, b) Dobynson resigned Wotton also before 20 July 1560, when John Saintpere succ him (Ibid , 344a)

For their accounts , dated 8 Aug. 1557-7 Aug. 1558, see A.C. , xvii, 113-5 . Some itemsprobably derivefromthe visitation injunctions of 1557 , e.g. "

Item payed for a showvell

Item payed at ij vicytacyons

Item payed for a bell rope for the first bell vjd vijdxvd

Item payed to Rychard Chamberlaynesmyth for mendingof the yrons and broddis for the same bell xvd

Item payd to the carpynters for mending of the frame and hangyng of the same bell iiijs viijd

Item for new castyng of the brases of the sayd bell ..

Item for glasyng and mendyng of the Churche wyndowes xiijs xd

Item payd for a lampe and all other thyngis there vnto ijs appertayning

Item payd to Wattson wydow for mendyng of a Surplys.. xiijsd ijd "

William May was buried 28 Oct. 1559 (Registers of St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 1559-1800 , ed J. M. Cowper, 1887, p. 107).

§ Buried 11 Oct. 1595 (Ibid , p 113).

See ante, p. 296




[f 61r ]




R. D. Jo. Alday [blank]

R. [blank]

C. [blank]

V. D. Jo Bryttayne§ billa

I. Th Apesley non

Jo. Onyn egrotat

P. Chr Blaksland Jo. Allyn

Gre. Hewson Nic Nashe non

V. D. Th Nicholls billa

I. Vi. Halbe

Jo. Mortyn

P. He Drayton non

Th. Qwoif non

R. D. Ro Mowberie

C. D. Jo Stone

I. Gre. Jerman

Jo. Norcliff non

P. Ri Fowle

Wi Saunder

COSMI et V. D. Geo . Higges


[f. 61v .] MILTON

I. Th . Myles

R' Wikes egrotat

P. Wi Fulsnope egrotat

Wi. Smyth egrotat

R. D. Bar Innckpen §§ non

C. [blank]

I. Wi Sacre non

* This and the following entry crossed out. The Registers of St. Alphage, Canterbury , 1558-1800 , have been ed by J. M. Cowper, 1889 . Humphrey Thyrdale, B.A., collated by death of Th Davyes 18 Nov. 1540 (Cranmer, 378b). Jo. Aldey collated 2 Mar. 1556 by deprivation fo Humphrey Churden (Pole, 70b) JohnAtkins adm 8 Jan. 1570 (Parker,ii, 66a) Th . Nicols collated 27 June 1547 (Cranmer, 403b) Jo. Smyth collated 1 Feb. 1552 by resignationof Th. Nicolles (Ibid., 421b). David Robson collated 18 Dec. 1560 by death of last rector (Parker, 346b)

§ Master Th . Beacon collated 3 Apr. 1562 by death of last incumbent (Parker, 354a, b)

See under St. Martin's Rich Coste adm 3 Apr. 1568 (Parker, 385a)

** The whole of this entry has a cross drawn through. Rich Crosse collated 16 Nov. 1534 (Cranmer , 353b) Rob Mowbery collated by his death 15 Nov. 1557 (Pole, 74b) Rob Pownall collated by death of Rob Mowbery 21 Mar. 1562 (Parker, 360a). There was a chantry at Harbledown Mowbray's signatureoccurs in the parish registers (Registers of Harbledown , 1557-1800, ed J. M. Cowper , 1907, p v) He was buried at Harbledown 13 Mar. 1560 (Ibid , p 73)

Occurs in the parish registers.

§§ Adm 28 Feb. 1552 (Cranmer, 422b) Ro Rose adm 1 Sept. 1564 by resignation of Inkepenne (Parker, 366a)


C. D. Jo Hitchecocke*

I. Ed' Jacob

R'. Allyn Jo Williamson

P. Wal Bigge egrotat

Jo Lukyne egrotat



Mi. Ffrancklyn non

R. D. Edm. Knighte egrotat

I. Jo Darle

He. Rigdon

P. [blank] billa r'

C. nullus

I. Jo. Bikkar non non

Jo. Shypton

P. Th. Yonge

Th. Mylner non Eligitur in decanum vicarius de Hakington

[f. 62r .] Memorandum thaccomptes be taken of the benefices Omnes non comparentes Dominus pronunciauit contumaces etc reservata pena in proximam sessionem viz. xxmo Septembris

[f 62v blank ]

[f 63r ]



V. D. Jo Burnell

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xxijdo Septembris



Th. Joll egrotat Vi Joll Jo Ffagg

He. Jekyn

P. Jo Swanton

Jo. Ffagg Ri Wollet

V. D. Reg. Boke

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xxijdo Septembris

Presentant omnia bene P. et sic dimittuntur


Ad comparendum Cant' xxijdo Septembris

Billa non est exhibita

Wi Carder

Ro Simonds }Ri Bennett

Ri Wigge

Nic Stockwell

V. I. D. Ri Sherrington

Th. May

Jeronomius Robynson

P. Geo Kennet

Wi. Kennet egrotat

P. Th. Kers

Wi. Jacobe non moniti

* Jo . Hichcolke adm 18 Jan. 1547 by resignation of last incumbent (Cranmer , 404a) A John Hychecoke collated to St. James's , Canterbury, 20 Mar. 1538 (Cranmer , 367a). Wi. Harwood adm. Fordwich by death of last incumbent on 24 July 1563 (Parker, 361b) St. James's Hospital forwomen stood at the far end of Wincheap Street

Adm. 4 Nov. 1531 (Warham, 405b) Wi Darrell, M.A., collated by death of last rector 29 Oct. 1560 (Parker, 346a)



[f. 63v.]




Iconomus [sic] Th.Ffissher non compar't

Jo. Stokes

V. D. Jo Russell

Ad comparendum Cant' xxijdo I. Septembris





Ad comparendum Cant' I. xxijdoSeptembris



Nic Webbe Ja. Cullyng

Milo Avery Wi. Hogeson

Egidius Pepper

Al Avery

D. Jo. David

He. Assherst

Th. Palm

P. Ja. Mannie

Ri. Brighte

R. D. Wi Mercer

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Wi Nethersole Ro. Nethersole xxijdo Septembris




[f. 647.]


Capella annexa ecclesie de Alkeham


Ad comparendum Cant' xxijdo die Septembris


Wi. Smyth Wi Sutton

P. [blank]



C. nullus

I. Th Bing

Wi Brensley

P. Jo. Lilburn




Iconomus He. Fflynston

P. Wi Gibbes

C. Ant. Bartell

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Jo Hamonde xxijdo Septembris



Ad comparendum Cant' xxijdo Septembris



Ro. Rolfe

P. Jo Ladde

Ri. Symond




C. nullus

Iconomus Ri Ffawkenner

P. Wi Morres

Edw . Mylton

Ri Brockman

Jo. Parker [blank]

C. D. Hu Gryffyn Evans

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xxijdo Septembris

Th Cheseman >Wi Clement

P. Edw. Holte

Jo Braynsley

Billa Jo Nethersole

* In this order

[f. 64v]



C. R. D. Chr. Hawke

R. [blank]

I. Hu. Adam non moniti

P. [blank]

WESTCLIFT [sic] I. Jo Patman

Ad comparendum P. Ri Cooke

Cant' xxijdoSeptembris

Billa Exempt

SANCTE C. MARGRET I. D. He. Raynesfourthe Valentin' Vpton Ro. Croydon

Jo. Jones

Bill P. Wi Croydon iunior Th Somes

Chr Gardener fermor de vicarie

[f. 65r .]


GUSTON C. [blank]


Ad comparendum Cant' xxijdo

Septembris et tunc ad exhibendam billam


Ad comparendum Cant' xxijdo Septembris


SANCTE [sic]


Ad comparendum

Cant' xxijdo Septembris

[f. 65v.]

SANCTI JACOBI in Dover billa non est exhibita Elegittur decanatus [sic] Rector de Haukeherste [sic]

[f 66r ]



V. M. Th Carden

Cant' xxiijo Septembris I. Nic. Wrighte Wi. Stanner Memorandum ad inquirendumde Jo. Woodde non P. Nic Ladde

Th Wrighte non susce impregnacione prolis per mulierem nuper vicarii


* An E written over an M. Wi Rigedon Th. Bryce

This is probably a slip for Hawkinge, since Hawkhurst is not in the Dover deanery



V. D. Gi Herne

Ad comparendum Cant' I.

xxiijo Septembris




Cant' xxiijo Septembris I.

Ad exhibendam

billam Cant' solut' vijd


Cant' xxiijo Septembris

Gi Woodde

He. Spaigne comparuerunt

Chr . Burges

ArnoldeDunkyn comparuerunt

Jo Corkes

R. [blank]

C. D. Ri. Fforde

Nic. Jefine

Wi Elyer

P. Wi Fforde

Jo Symmes

R. D. Ri Fforde

I. Chr. Saye

Ro Pette

P. And Hatfelde De fructibus apparent in libro vltime visitacionis

[f 66v]


Jo. Julle in negotiis Regine

R. D. Cl Gregorie comparuit

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Ri Afourd xxiijo Septembris

Jo Myller comparuerunt

P. Jo Bowcer iuratus

Omnia bene non est billa


Jo. Mount comparuit

Jo. Inckpett comparuit

R. D. Ph Metcalf

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xxiijto September [sic]

He Maunger comparuit

Jo. Wise comparuit

P. Ri. Maunger

Billa Geo Fferne



D. Ri. Sackvile

R. [blank]

Ad comparendum Cant' I. Th. Hannyng >comparuerunt xxiijo Septembris

Wi Gifford

Rector de Stowtinghabet P. Jo. Chippinde in mandatisad deserviendum Andrian Jonson comparuerunt

cur' de Horton secunda Dominica et parochiani de Stowting adire illuc eodem die sic et parochiani de Horton adire Stowtinge

BRABORN V. D. Ro Caryer comparuit comparuit [?]

Billa . * I. Wi Burges Jo Cheseman

Ad comparendum Cant' xxiijo Septembris

Nic. Sole et Mat Smythe

P. Jo Patterson

Jo Rolphe egrotat comparuit comparuit mortuus

A word beginning with 'b' blotted out, illegible.


[f. 67r.]



V. D. Ri Burcher


Ad comparendum Cant' Jo . Keteham }comparuerunt

Wi. Kennet


xxiijo Septembris [P.]

Postlinge * Jo Besbeche

assignatur ad [sic] / quolibet fest' die tercia die Dominica


Jo Perrot comparuerunt

R. D. Ro. Carior

Adcomparendum Cant' I. xxiijo Septembris




Cant' xxiijo





[f. 67v.]



C. D. Th [blank]

Jo. Hawk

Jo. Pylcher

Chr Bellyng

Ri Parkehurste

V. D. He. Clerke egrotat comparuit egrotat

R. M. Nic Harpesfelde

C. D. Ro Clarke

C. D. Wi Quythyn


Capella ibidem coniuncta




C. D. Jo Ryvers


[f 68r.]


WHITSTABLE Rectoria impropriataDominoArchiepiscopo

C. Pet Place clericus

Cant' xxiiijo I. Jo. Smelte iunior

Septembris et Ri Woodde Wi Lyttyllwood tunc ad exhibendam P. Wi Coppyn



Cant' xxiiijo

I. billam presentacionis


Billa * Inserted above line

Th Brydge

V. D. Hu Lamborde

Hamo Perse in milicia

Jo. Stanforde

P. Jo. Porte

Chr. Selleherst

This entry seems to mean that the parishioners of Stanford are to hear mass at Postlinge every feast day and every third Sunday Compareunder Horton (ante, p 343)


The M inserted above line





Cant' xxiiijo Septembris

R. I. Jesper Hopkyns

Jo. Hilde Jo. Lamenge

Mart Cage

P. Ja Blachelande

Th. Stanforde

SWALCLIF R. nullus

C. D. Ri Davye

P. I. Th Lunce egrotat

Jo Churche


[f. 68v .] CHISTLETT

Assignatur Hothe

V. nullus

C. D. He. Hevisede adire Chistlet

I. Amb Dod donec alias in

Wi Ouend[en] mandatis habeat

P. Th Rose Vi Pet Cant' xxiiijoSeptembris


St JOHANNS in V. D. Th . Sprynte


Cant' xxiiijo


I. La. Higedon

Jo. Bloyfelde

P.Jo. Lyncolne

Jo. Hewett -Th. Coddy

Nic Sare


in Thannett

C. Cant' xxiiijo I. Septembris Septembris




D. Edw. Sare

Wi.Sackett Ri. Lames

Jo. Cobbam

V. D. Jo Lawson in Thanet

I. Ro. Grannte Cant' xxiiijo Septembris

[f. 69r.]


Ri. Sampson iuratus

P. Th. Norwood

Ri Emptydge

Th Hogebyn


V. M. Nic Wendon non residet

Ad comparendum Cant' I. xxiiij Septembris Iconomi habent in mandatis ad recipiendos fructus dicte ecclesie pro

C. [blank] egrotat

Jo Sayer ad comparendum Cant'

Jo Swynford xxiiijo Septembris

[P.] Wi Parker

Geoffry Sandwell

Jo Paramor

Rob Wessynden solucionedecimarum et subsidio soluendoinfra Septembrem Fiat sequestracio sine districcione

* Above the line I.e. distraint






[f 69v ]


V. D. Jo Johnson exhempt

V. D. Th Hewett

I. Ri. Cobbe Ja . Ewell

Th Cobbe

P. Th. Woodde

Jo Ffayreman

C. [blank] xexmt [?]*

V. D. Jasp Hopkyns

C. D. Pat Browne ex'

OMNIUM SANCTORUM C. nullus in Thanet ex Nulla est ecclesia




[f 70r ]


Cant' xxvjto Septembris



V. M. Ro Seales

C. D. Wi Milles


V. D. Ro Browne

I. Ri. Shipwest

Wi Turnner

P. Al Ames

Ro Castlen

R. M. Nic Harpesfelde

C. D. Wi. Deacon


Cant' xxvjto Septembris

R. D. He. Latham


I. Ja. Owen R' Fforstall

P. Ri Swynford egrotat residet nullus

Billa expedit' per Archdeaconum [sic]$

Ri Swynford[again]

PATRICKESBORN V. nullus Ad comparendum Cant' C. nullus

xxvjo Septembris et tuncexhibendam billam et examinand'forede provisione facta

* Probably meant for 'exempt '

I. Jo. Claramore

Jo. Stokes

P. Wi. Denwodde

I.e. exempt'

Marked in Thomas ofElmham's cadastral map, drawn c 1400 (Chronicle of St. Augustine's , Canterbury, ed A. H. Davis, 1934, precedingp 1) It has now disappeared through coast erosion .

§ I.e. discharged bythe Archdeacon . I.e. for the cure to beserved ?



Cant'xxvjto Septembris

Fiat ordo pro delapidacione domusvicarie de bonisvicarii

Ad exhibendam billam


[f. 70v.]


Cant' xxvjto Septembris




Cant' xxvjto Septembris



Cant' xxvjto Septembris



Cant' xxvjto Septembris


[f. 71r .]


V. D. Wi Herringe

I. Nic. Reynard

P. Ri. Strong

Jo. Durrannt

Geo. Owen

R. M. Jo Mylles

C. D. Nicholls

C. nullus Vocentur Cant'

R. D. Nic. Knewestubbe non residet


D. Ro [blank]

Jo Cullinge

Wi. Bryce

Wi Cullinge

Jo Spaigne

C. [blank]

He Kyet

Th. Bayly

P. Pa White

Hu Vnderdowne

R. D. Jo Porter


I. Ri. Hawkes

Jo. Weston

P. Geo Carter


C. D. Th. Sothebye*

Cant' xxvjto Septembris I.

Wi Glouer

Wi Payne

P. Ro Allarde

Billa Dav. Yonge


Geo Hall

V. D. Hu David

Dischardged at Asheforde


R. D. Wal. Jones

C. Mi. Elgar

Cant' xxvjto I. And. Jode

Septembris et tunc ad Ro. Jervis exhibendam billam

deinde iudex verbo sequestrauit v libri [sic] remanentes in manibus firmarii debendos

Previously curate of Chart Sutton Appointed by John Rose of Wye an overseer of his will, dated 30 May 1540. "A fellow of Wye College at time of surrender , 1545. His burial is recorded in the earliest Wyeregister under 11 July 1560 (A.C. , xxviii, 318)

P. Fiat sequestracio fructuum pro reparacionibus

non moniti

Jode habet in mandatis quod incipiat reparare domos [sic] dicte rectorie * respectuatur vsque in xxvjt Septembris



Vicariusiniunctus est ad deserviendum / cure de Patrickesborn et /Bredgealternis vicibus donec/

C. D. Wi. Thomson

I. St. Lawrence

Wi Horne

P. He Hawpeny

Ri Derne

V. D. Th Wyse

I. Al. Harlackenden

Jo Perryn

P. Wi. Grydyron

Jo Kember

Memorandum to egrotat speke to Master Lovelac /for the reparacions /billa

alias provideaturet quod parochiani ibidem moneantur adire Bekisborn hijs diebus quibus diuina . sunt ibidem celebrata



Cant' xxvjto Septembris

[f. 71v.] WALTHAM

R. D. Ro Russell

C. D. Elegidius [sic] Wollarte

I. Arkyn Walkeys

Th. Hosekyns

P. Vi Nethersole

Ja. Aden

V. D. Rog Appowell

Cant' xxvjto Septembris I.



Th. Hammond

Jo. Boldinge

P. Jo Pilcherde

Ri Pesinge

C. D. Ro Linnes

Cant' xxvjto Septembris I. Wi Wood




Cant' xxvjto Septembris




Nic. Essex

P. Reg. Carrys

Jo Wanstall

V. D. Ger. Lynche

I. Ri Smythe

Th. Bisshoppemortuus

P. Th . Hugham

Ri Welles

C. D. He Jobson

I. Th Gardner

* 1.e . the order is postponed. de Patrickesborn' begun and crossed out aboveline.

I.e. Erconwald

Joegrotat . White

Th Hollynden

Cant' xxvjto Septembris




P. Jo Dyer

Jo Parker*

Jo Cowper

R. D. Ro Gare egrotat

I. Pet Essex

Ro Hamond Adman ad exhibendam billam Cant' P. Jo Dentes


Cant' xxvjto



[f. 72r.]

R. D. Ri Stertover

I. He Ffranckelen egrotat

Cle. Dyer

P. Wi. Taylor

Ri Mude

Th Craye

Wi Ffene

PETHAM V. D. Art Bvtler

Cant' xxvjto I. Nic Skelton Memorandum pro C'rte et Septembris



Rector habet

Wi Courte

P. Jo. Awoodd et[sic]Gilbertprocampanis ecclesie

He. Parrett

R. D. Ger. Lynche

C. [blank] in mandatis ad monendosiconomos et [sic] de parochianis ad comparendum Cant' xxvjto Septembris proxim'





V. D. Th. Thomson exhempt

R. C. D. Wi Pyock [blank] exhempt exhempt

*"AnthonyMaye of Fordwich presented for w'holding of certen goodes from the Church and hathnor will make any accompt, and also pulled down the rode wt Mary and John And also he had xv bolles of pewter and a bar of iron that was in the rode loft. John Parker of Stodmarshfor w'holding of a vestment of blewe sattyn, and that he awayed the sepulchre there

They present that ther were two houses taken from the said Church; and that their steple is like to falle and that they have nothing to repaire it w'all unless they may have the said two houses " From a presentment relating to Stodmarsh, time of Queen Mary (A.C., xxxi, 109)

This chapel is mentioned in a presentmentbefore CommissaryRobert Collens also in the time of Queen Mary as follows:

" They present that the Chappell of Well is putte to a prophane use for wher the parish of Ickham were accustomyedin the rogation weke to have Masse song ther, now ther is nothing wher w'all to minister. And there was such a savor of hogg skynnes that no man colde abide in the Chappell for stinck thereof

"Item they present Mr Isaacforthat he hath made lofts ther, in the said Chappellfor corneand haye, so that divyne service cannotbe ther mynystred. And also hath made ther a workhousefor a wever anda kennellfor hishounds" (Ibid , 107) [Note continued overleaf ]

[f 72v]


Cant' xxvjto

Septembris et

R. [blank]

C. [blank]

tunc ad exhibendam billam et examinand' fore de provisione facta






[f 73r ]



C. D. Wi Harwood exhempt

C. D. Ro Charles

C. [blank]*

C. D. Ant. Rogers

V. D. Wi. Lynche

I. Th. Gibbes Ric Omer

Wi Penny St. Soly

P. Th Harplytt

Jo Broke

Edw Slaughter

C. D. Dav Robynson exhempt

C. [blank]



[ff. 73v . and 74r. blank]

[f 74v ]

Ric. Gates petit

M [faded]

Gibson of Kennarton petit de bonis huiusmodi

Harry Biam

Harry Malam

Th Richardes

Wi Darbie Bilsington egrotat de bonis Lewes -xls iuratus xjs

Jo Colsole

Wi. Salmon [faded]

There are also presentmentsof this period from the parishes of River, Wotton, Hythe, Goodnestone , Dover, Petham, Patrixbourne, Thanington, Nackington, St. Laurence(Thanet), Burmarsh, Mersham, Romney, Bilsington, Chislet, Woodnesborough , Elmested, Stodmarsh, Overland, Barfreston, Wingham, Wymingswold, Chilham, Stowting, and Folkestone . "They present that the Chapel of Overland is destytute of a Curate" (Ibid , 109).

Thomas Engelham, gentilman, and his wifand certenof his housholde presented for that they have not been at the parish Church by one moneth before this presentment , and that the said Thomas nor his wif have not ben at Church at the tyme of geving the hollywater nor hath gon in procession sythen the commandment was they sholde " (Ibid. , 107).

A chapelry near Ash . § Wymingswold " Mr. William Hamond presented for that he toke away the roodelofte, and the fownte, a crosse covered wt lead, a crosse covered w¹ iron, certen led out of the steple to let in pygyons, and cut off the crosse beame that lay crosse the chauncell" (Ibid , 110). In margin: " Iuramentum rectoris ibidem "

Th. Godderde

Geo Raynarde Ruckinge

Jo Harte

Jo Ffrankis Bonyngton

Th. Knyghte

Chr Ray Sitingborne

Pet Godfrey egrotat

Wi Abot Lidd

Jo. Berrye

Th. Man Folkestone

Jo. Swifte Newington Th Hunte

Jo. Lyford egrotat

Th Baker Folkeston

Th Kees Aduoetur

Ro Holliday

Ro Dierband

Jo Harte Iverchurche

Wi. Rouse

Nota quod comparent

[On a slip, pasted at the end] [f. 377.]

FROM VOLUME Z.3.5 [after Visitation of 1556]

Apud Fauersham - xjo Septembris

Bonorum Roberti Aberye de Fauersham abintestatodecedentis quorum emanauit administracio Elisabeth relicte primitus iurate etc obligatur dicta Elisabeth vna cum Willelmo Peper de Fauersham in viginti marcis Aberye ad exhibendum inuentarium citra festum Michaelis solut' ij s iiij d

Testamentum Jacobi Foxton de Norton Rodmersham executrix Agnes relicta citata comparuit et monita est ad comparendum Cant' die Ffoxton Mercurij proxim' post Michaelis in ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum ibidem

Testamentum Ricardi Diggons parochie de Syttyngborn executrix Joanna relicta probationis onus executrici


[f. 37v .]

Postea commissum est onus executriciet Diggons habet ad producendos testes ad probandum testamentum

Apud Aishford die Sabbati viz xijo Septembris

Anno 1558


Bonorum Christoferi Stonas de Leneham / abintestato decedentisquorumemanauit administracioMarco Stonas filio dicti defuncti Alicia relicta renunciante etc obligantur dictus Marcus et Ricardus Balden de eadem yeomen in triginta libris sterlingorum et ad exhibendum inuentarium citra proxim' post Michaelis

Bonorum Willelmi Foreman Ffarmerde Stapleherst quorum emanauit administracio

Godliue Mercer relicte etc obligantur

Joanes Bayly *de Crambrok * Simo Drayner de eadem de Stapleherst in centum

marcis sterlingorum exhib' inuentarium xxxvlibri vjs viijd

Testamentum Margarete Norleyn de Haukeherst

executor Willelmus Barlyng probationis onus executori exhib' inuentarium *queratur inuentarium

Testamentum Johannis Homersham *de Hedcron * executor Cristopherus Kelisham etc probatio etc ad exhibendum inuentarium .

....[f 387.]


§ xls

Testamentum Willelmi Harfild de Magna Chart executrix Helena relicta probatio etc ad exhibendum inuentarium citra festum Animarum etc pro exhibicione recep'

Testamentum Joannis Wodcocke parochie de Mersham

executor Edwardus Wodcocke filius

eiusdem probatur iuramentis Willelmi Colman clerici et Agnetis Dod executor habet ad comparendum citra proxim' post Michaelis ad acceptandum vel refutandum etc

Bonorum Roberti Hitchcocke parochie de Ebney abintestato vt dicitur decedentis quorum Wodcock emanauit administracioAnnerelicte etc iurate etc obligantur dicta Anna Dominus Johannes Kytchin clericus vicarius de Apledore et Willelmus a Wood de Newchurch yeoman


xix libri xvjs viijd Hitcocke in xlti fi marcis libris sterlingorumexhib' inuentarium ad summam

Testamentum Alicie Godfrey de Willisborowe defuncte exhibitur per RicardumGodfrey filium etc

Thomas Carpynter parochie de Parva Charte citatus per Tilly ad hos diem et locum ad comparendum preconizatus non comparuit

[f. 38v .] Alixander Harelakynden and his felowes

Godfrey Carpynter

.... ager ad exhibendum Martis festo Michaelis

Testamentum Willelmi Nicolai Peper de Wormsell debet obiit xl fiat copia

Peper de Fauersham

xij libri to Kenarton church owing by Mr Horne

* Above the line. In margin.

§ In margin : "Debet totum "

pro Last three lines much faded. Clericus ' crossed out.

** In margin: " Vicarius habet inuentarium . " I.e. copy. The Archdeacon'sapparitor or summonerfor this deanery.

[f 39r ]

Duodecimo die mensis Decembris

Dominus Officialis* iniunxit omnibus rectoribus vicariis curatis et ministris quibuscumque quod singulis diebus Dominicis et fest' legant Paraphrasen Erasmi etc parochianis etc



The matter of Motie must be tried on Monday wherfore the partie is to be sent for againste viz . . . . Motie

Kinges matter and Pynes is not removed [faded] shalbe tried on Monnday com sevenight

Master Twaites§ desireth you to talkwithhis motherMistress Oxenden and to knowe of her what is to be done and to writ to him therof

[f 39v blank]

* TheOfficial was the judgewhopresided overthe Archdeacon'sConsistory Court

The Paraphrase of Erasmuswas ordered to be kept in every church at the beginningof Edward VI's reign. A different hand from any before. § Edward Thwaites of Esture, in Chilham ? He diedin 1550. Connected with the " Holy Maid of Kent."


Italics indicate name of a deanery also.

*Denotes in more than one section on same page


Acrise 12 , 16, 299 , 343

Adisham 16, 81, 350

Aldington 12 , 261

Alkeham 12, 54, 297, 340

All Saints (in Thanet) 346

Appledore 13, 146, 309, 316

Ash 10 , 72, 350

Ashford 13, 116, 312, 319, 351

Badlesmere 15, 277, 309, 334

Bapchild 15, 267 , 304 , 328

Barfreston 11 , 42, 304

Barham 11 , 76, 301 , 348

Bearsted 14, 221 , 325

Bekesbourne 10, 98, 301, 348

Benenden 14, 179, 311 , 322

Bethersden 13, 121 , 310, 320

Betteshanger 11, 303

Bewisfield 12, 48, 298, 341

Bicknor 14 , 241, 306, 330

Biddenden 13, 128, 311, 322

Bilsington 13, 264, 317

Birchington 10, 88, 346

Bircholt 12, 22, 261, 298, 342

Bishopsbourne 11, 79, 300, 346

Blean 10, 95, 296, 339

Bobbing 15 , 253, 307, 331

Bonnington 13, 263 , 318

Borden 15, 254, 305, 328

BoughtonAluph 13, 110, 301, 323, 347

Boughton-under-Blean 15, 284, 335

BoughtonMalherbe 13 , 171 , 312 , 321

BoughtonMonchelsea 14, 199, 326

Boxley 14, 217 , 311 , 324

Brabourne12, 21, 299. 343

Bredgar 15, 255, 304, 328

Bredhurst 224

Brenzett 16 , 166 , 318

Bridge 11, 80, 300, 347

Bromfield 213 , 326

Brook 13, 105, 302, 349

Brookland 16 , 164 , 317

Buckland (nearDover) 12 , 66 , 342

Buckland (near Faversham) 15 , 281 , 308, 333

Burmarsh 16, 158, 310, 319


All Saints 9, 295, 337

St. Alphege 9 , 339

St. Andrew 9, 295, 335

St. Dunstan9, 295, 338

St. George 9, 294, 335

Holy Cross 9, 295, 337

St.Margaret 9, 296, 338

St. Martin 9, 339

St. Mary Bredin 9 , 296, 338

St. Mary Bredman 9, 295 , 336

St. Mary Magdalen9, 295, 336

St. Mary Northgate 9, 295, 337

St.Mildred 9, 295, 337

St. Paul 9, 295, 336

St. Peter 9, 295 , 336


Eastbridge 11 , 137

Maynards 137

St. Jacob 136

St. John 11 , 137

St. Lawrence 11 , 136

Capel-le-Ferne 24, 341

Challock 16 , 111 , 349

Charing 13 , 170

Charlton 12, 67 , 298, 342

Chart, Great 13, 312, 321

Chart, Little 13, 168, 312, 321

Chartham 16, 286, 300, 347

Cheriton 12, 58, 298 , 341

Chilham 16 , 286 , 300 , 346

Chillenden11 , 82, 302, 349

Chislet 10 , 90 , 297, 345

Coldred 11 , 44 , 303

Cranbrook 14, 182, 311 , 320

Crundale 106, 301 , 347

Davington 15 , 309, 334

Deal 11 , 34

Denton 12, 61 , 299 , 343

Detling 14 , 209

Doddington 14, 232, 308, 333



St. James 12 , 53, 342

St. Mary 12, 52, 342

St. Peter 12 , 51 , 342

Dymchurch 16, 159, 317

Eastchurch 15, 275, 305, 329

Eastling 14, 231 , 308, 333

Eastry 11, 32

Eastwell 13, 112, 312 , 322

Ebony 13, 151 , 310 , 318

Egerton 13, 172

Elham 12, 60 , 298, 342

Elmley 307, 331

Elmsted 12 , 17 , 299, 343

Elmstone 10, 71 , 302 , 344

Ewell, Temple 12 , 64, 298, 341

Eythorne 11 , 41 , 303

Fairfield 165, 319

Faversham 15, 290, 307, 331 , 351

Fleet (Richborough) 350

Folkestone 12 , 57, 297, 340

Fordwich 10 , 296 , 340

Frinsted 14, 238, 326

Frittenden 13, 123, 311, 322

Godmersham 16 , 152 , 349

Goodnestone (near Faversham) 15 , 309, 334

Goodnestone (near Sandwich) 10 , 75 , 350

Goudhurst 14 , 186, 311 , 324

Graveney 15, 283, 308, 334

Guston 12, 47 , 342

Hackington 11 , 43, 296 , 339

Halden 13, 135 , 312 , 322

Halstow 15, 251, 305, 329

Ham 11 , 31 , 302

Harbledown 10, 296 , 339

Hospital 11 "

Hardres , Lower 9, 296, 340

Hardres , Upper 16, 155, 300, 347

Harrietsham 14 , 224 , 325

Hartlip 15 , 245 , 305 , 329

Harty 15, 308, 334

Hastingleigh 12, 18 , 299, 344

Hawkhurst 14, 178, 312, 321

Hawkinge 12, 56, 298 , 341

Headcorn13, 126, 312, 321

Herne 10, 92, 346

Hernhill 15, 283, 335

Hinxhill 13 , 139, 317

Hoath 10 , 91 , 346

Hollingbourne 14, 223

Hope 16, 161 , 310, 319

Horton, Monks 12, 25, 299, 343

Hothfield 13 , 175, 312, 321

Hougham 12, 54 , 298 , 341

Hucking 223

Hurst 13 , 262

Hythe 12, 26, 344

Hospital 12 53

St. Nicholas 344

Ickham 10 , 68, 349

Ivychurch 16 , 157

Iwade 15 , 272, 306, 330

Kennardington 13, 143, 309, 319

Kennington 13, 113, 312, 322

Kingsdown (near Sittingbourne) 14 , 235, 306, 331

Kingsnorth 13 , 102 , 317

Kingston 11 , 78 , 301 , 348

Knowlton 11 , 303

Langdon, East 11 , 37 , 302

Langdon, West 11 , 38 , 303

Langley 14, 210 , 326

Leaveland 15, 278, 309, 334

Leeds 14, 212 , 325

Lenham 14, 225, 311, 324

Leysdown 15, 276, 306, 330

Linton 194, 326

Littlebourne 10, 67, 300, 347

Loose 14 , 197

Luddenham 15, 280, 308, 333

Lydd 16, 162

Lydden 12, 63, 297 , 341

Lyminge 12 , 59, 344

Lympne 12, 258 , 309 , 316

Lynsted 14, 236, 307, 331, 332

Maidstone 14 , 214

Marden 14, 190, 327

Mersham 13 , 317

Midley 16 , 163, 310 , 319

Milsted 14, 237 , 306 , 329

Milton (near Canterbury) 9, 296, 339

Milton (near Sittingbourne) 15, 271 , 305, 328

Minster(in Sheppey ) 15, 274, 306 , 330

Minster (in Thanet) 10, 85, 297, 345

Molash 16, 301, 348

Mongeham , Great 11 , 33 , 303

Mongeham , Little 303

Monkton 10 , 84, 346

Murston 15, 269, 305, 329

Nackington 9, 296, 340

Newchurch 16 , 132

Newenden 14, 132, 311, 323

Newenham 14, 287, 308, 333

Newington (near Hythe) 12 , 58, 297, 328, 340

Newington (near Sittingbourne) 15 , 248, 304

Nonnington 11 , 83 , 350

Northbourne 11 , 33 , 303

Norton 15, 279 , 308, 333


Oare 15, 281, 308, 334

Orlestone 13, 141, 310, 318

Ospringe 15, 289, 307 , 331

Otham 14, 209 , 325

Otterden 14, 230 , 308, 335

Overland 350

Oxney(nearDover) 37

Paddlesworth 12, 344

Patrixbourne 10, 97, 300, 346

Petham 16, 153 , 302 , 349

Pevington 13 , 121 , 323

Pluckley 13 , 118, 310, 320

Postling 12 , 19, 299 , 344

Preston (near Faversham ) 15, 307, 332

Preston (near Wingham) 10 , 70 , 301 , 348

Queenborough 15, 273, 306, 330

Rainham 15, 246, 305, 328

Reculver 10, 89

Ringwold 11 , 36 , 303

Ripple 11 , 32 , 303

River 12, 65, 298, 341

Rodmersham 15, 266, 306, 330

Rolvenden 14, 129, 312, 322

Romney, New 16, 162

Romney, Old 16, 164, 310, 319

Royton 326

Ruckinge 13, 140 , 309 , 316

St. John 10 , 87, 297 , 345

St. Lawrence 10, 86, 297, 345

St. Margaret-at-Cliffe 12, 50 , 342

St. Mary-in-the-Marsh 16 , 160, 309 , 318

St. Nicholas -at-Wade 10 , 83 , 346

St. Peter 10, 87, 297, 345

Saltwood 12, 27 , 344

Sandhurst 14, 176, 311, 322


St. Bartholomew's Hospital 11 , 30

St. Clement 11 , 29, 302

St. Mary 11 , 27, 302

St. Peter 11 , 28, 302

Seasalter 10 , 94 , 297 , 344

Selling (near Faversham) 15 , 285 , 307, 332

Sellinge (near Hythe) 12, 259, 315

Sevington 13, 136, 317

Shadoxhurst13, 100, 310, 316

Sheldwich 15, 277, 307, 332

Shepherdswell 11 , 45, 304

Sholden 11 , 34 , 304

Sittingbourne15 , 270 , 304 , 328

Smarden 13 , 124 , 311 , 320

Smeeth 12 , 260

Snargate 16, 166 , 318

Snave 16, 167 , 318

Stallisfield 14 , 228 , 308 , 333

Stanford 12, 20, 344

Staple 10, 73, 350

Staplehurst14, 183, 311, 324

Stelling 16 , 155 , 300 , 347

Stockbury 15, 242, 305, 329

Stodmarsh 302, 348


Stone (near Faversham ) 15

Stone (in Oxney) 13 , 148, 318

Stourmouth 10, 71, 301, 347

Stowting 12, 22, 299, 343

Sturry 10, 296, 339

Sutton (near Dover) 11 , 39, 304

Sutton, Chart 14 , 200 , 326

Sutton, East 14, 204, 311, 325

Swalecliff 10, 93, 297 , 345

Swinfield 12 , 55, 298 , 341

Tenterden 13, 133, 312, 320

Teynham 15, 282, 307, 332

Thanington 9, 296, 338

Thornham 14 , 220 , 325

Throwley 15, 288, 308 , 332

Tilmanstone 11 , 40, 303

Tonge 15, 268, 305 , 329

Tunstall 15, 256, 306 , 330

Ulcombe 14 , 206 , 311 , 324

Upchurch15 , 250 , 307 , 331

Valence , Sutton 14, 202, 325

Waldershare11 , 42, 304

Walmer 11 , 35, 304

Waltham 16 , 154, 301 , 348

Warden 15, 276 , 306 , 330

Warehorne 13, 142, 309, 316

Well 10 , 99, 349

Westbere 10, 297, 345

Westcliff 12, 49, 298 , 342

Westwell 13, 114

Whitfield (see Bewisfield)

Whitstable 10, 94, 296, 344

Wichling 14 , 234, 306, 330, 335

Wickambreux 10, 69, 300, 346

Willesborough 13, 138, 265, 310, 319

Wingham 10, 74, 350

Wittersham 13, 149

Womenswold 11 , 45, 350

Wood 10, 346

Woodchurch 13, 99

Woodnesborough 11 , 46, 302

Wootton 12, 62 , 299 , 343

Wormshill 14 , 240 , 325

Worth 11 , 31

Wye 13, 107, 301, 347


Acrise 78

Adisham 78

Aldermanbury (London) 107

Aldington 260, 263

Aldington (near Maidstone) 220

Alkeham 25

All Saints (Canterbury) 299

Appledore 186, 313, 352

Ashford 104, 110, 229, 291, 293, 313,351

Badlesmere 277

Bapchild 313

Battle Abbey (Sussex) 107

Bearsted 218, 327

Bekesbourne 313

Bethersden 313

Biddenden 126

Bilsington 313 , 350; (priory) 264

Bircholt 313

Bishopsbourne 77

Blean 137

Bobbing 313

Bonnington 351

Borden 245* , 313

Boughton Aluph 313

Boughton Malherbe 127

Boughton Monchelsea 189 , 194 , 327

Boxley 313

Brabourne 19 , 22, 190

Bredgar 323

Brenzett 167 , 313

Bridge 97, 98, 348

Bromfield 212; (priory) 213

Brookland 313

Buckland (hospital) 67

Burley chantry (Charing) 313

Burmarsh 159

Calais 186, 224

Canterbury passim

Charlton (near Dover) 292

Chart, Great 352

Chart, Little 121 , 352

Chartham 315

Chilham 291, 332

Coldred 313

Cranbrook 119, 127, 129 , 132 , 147 , 177, 352

Denton 62

Detling 214

Dover 63, 65, 147 , 291 , 292

Maison Dieu 259

St. James 292

St. Mary 291 , 292

St. Peter 291

Dymchurch 158, 293

Eastbridge 313

Eastchurch 276

Eastwell 111 , 313

Ebony 148 , 352

Elmeston 86, 313

Elmley 313

Elmsted 19

Ewell 48, 65

Fairfield 292, 293

Faversham 331, 351 , 352

Folkestone 351

Frinsted 240

Godmersham 111

Goodnestone (near Faversham ) 314

Goudhurst 327

Gracehill (Benenden) 180

Grain 87

Graveney 314

Hackington 138 , 338

Halden 313

Harbourland (near Maidstone) 214 .

Hardres , Lower 313

Hardres, Upper 313

Harrington (Hackington) 138

Hartlip 245, 373

Hawkhurst 342, 352

Hawkinge 24 , 313

Headcorn 147, 313, 323, 352

Herne 138

Hernhill 243

Hoath 345

Hollingbourne 223, 224

Holy Cross (Canterbury) 336

Hoo (Sussex) 132

Hope 293

Horton 343

Hougham 51 , 313

Hucking 221, 222, 327, 330

Hythe 38, 262 , 291

Ivychurch 313, 351

Kennardington 313, 350, 352

Kennington 116

Kingsnorth 313, 323

Kingston 78

Knowlton 82

Langdon , East 38

Langdon, West (priory) 39

Langley 313

Leaveland 314

Leeds 212 , 213* , 327; (priory) 212

Lenham 327, 351

Lincoln (diocese) 41

Linton 193, 214, 313

Loddington 214

London 22 , 28, 136 , 255

Loose 214

Luddenham 314, 333, 335


Lydd 291, 292, 351

Lyminge 83

Lynsted 235

Maiden croft (Langley) 211

Maidstone (college) 197

194, 195, 219, 254 ;

Malling 197

Marden 313, 327

Mersham 352

Merton College, Oxford 98

Milksted 235

Milton (near Sittingbourne) 327

Molash 111

Mongeham , Little 313

Monkton 88

Nackington 313

Newchurch 293, 352

Newenham 233, 333

Newington (near Sittingbourne) 313, 351

Nonnington 46

Northgate (Canterbury) 78

Norton 314

Orlestone 323

Otham 222

Otterden 333

Oxford (diocese) 113

Patrixbourne 81, 348

Playstole 212

Pluckley 121 , 192

Preston (near Wingham) 315

Queenborough 274

Rainham 245, 313

Reculver 91

Ripple 313

River 292

Rodmersham 307, 331 , 351

Rolvenden 133

Romney, New 291 , 292 , 293

Romney , Old 163

Ruckinge 350

Rye (Sussex) 134

St.Gregory'spriory (Canterbury) 228

St. Martin's (Canterbury) 336

St. Mary Bredin (Canterbury) 338

St. Mary Bredman (Canterbury) 337

Adams , Master 234

St. Mary in theMarsh 293

St. Mildred's (Canterbury) 137

St. Paul (Canterbury) 30, 93, 313

St. Paul (London) 22

Saltwood 291

Sandwich 291

St. Peter's 304 , 313

Sevenoaks 133

Sheen (Charterhouse ) 190

Shouffotte (near Maidstone) 214

Sittingbourne 250, 313, 329, 351

Smallhythe 134

Smeeth 261

Stanford 20

Staplehurst 79, 194, 208, 327, 351, 352

Stone 151, 293

Stowting 25, 313, 343

Suffolk 122

Sundridge 199

Sutton, East 127, 209, 327

Sutton (near Dover) 313

Swalecliff 313

Tarring (Sussex) 97

Teynham 244, 333

Thanington 313

Thornham 222, 323

Throwley 278, 309, 314, 334

Trigges (Goudhurst) 187

Tunstall 313

Ulcombe 200, 206 , 327

Valence, Sutton 204 , 327

Walmer 37

Waltham 107 , 313

Warehorne 167 , 313

Well 69

Westcliff 51

Willesborough 352

Willingham (Essex) 72

Willington (Maidstone) 214

Wingham 75; (college) 46

Wittersham 292

Womenswold 350

Woodchurch 292

Woodnesborough 36

Wormshill 352

Wye 107, 110, 313

Yoke, Half (near Maidstone) 214


AllSouls College, Oxford 162, 224 , 250

Archbishop of Canterbury 16, 17 , 19 , 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34* , 35, 37 , 38 , 39 , 40, 47, 48, 50, 51, 54* , 56, 57, 63, 65, 66, 72, 75, 83* , 86, 89, 90, 92 , 94, 98, 99, 103 , 107,111,113 , 114, 118 , 121 , 124, 128, 132, 135, 140, 146, 150 , 152 , 154, 176, 190, 212, 213, 214 , 223 , 228,256,261, 268, 276,280, 281

Archdeacon of Canterbury 232, 236, 258,272,282,285


Baker, Sir Jo 102 , 123 , 183

Bishop of Chichester 267

Cheyney, Sir Th 97, 274, 275 , 276

Christ Church, Canterbury 32 , 49 , 67, 70, 84, 85, 87, 88, 94, 105 , 133 , 148, 151, 164, 165, 168, 182, 251 , 265, 271, 277

Christ Church College, Oxford 178

Coole, Master 61

Cromer, Master 269

Damsell, Sir Wi 110 , 166

Digges, Master 62

Eton College 248

Ffogge, Sir Jo. 58

Grene, Master 253

Griggbee, Al 194

Guylford, Sir Jo . 179

Haddes, He., gent. 238

Hendley, Esq [?] 209

Henman, Th 237

Hoorn, Master He 143, 145

Kempe, Lady Eleanor 22

Kempe, Sir Th 106

Adowne, Wi 38

Alday, Jo 295, 339

Alforth, Th. 303

Almanson, Wi 298

Alstone , Ri 302

Anthonye, Ro 114

Aphoell, Rog 301, 348

Appowell, Griffin (see Powell) 332

Aprice, Lewis 309, 316

King and Queen 197

Merton College, Oxford 60

Moile, Sir Th. 112 , 231

North, Lord 58

Palmer, Sir He 55 , 74

Porrege, Jo. 266 359

Queen 87, 162, 235, 259, 270 , 280

Reader, Th. 255

Roche, Lady Margaret 254

Rochester Cathedral 116 , 129 , 186, 199, 200, 202, 217, 221, 242, 245, 246, 279

St. John's College, Cambridge 126

St. Paul's Cathedral , London 170

Sakvile , Sir Ri 64

Scotte, Master Th. 141 , 261

Seintleger , Sir Ant 225, 230, 264

Somer, Lord 142

Spilman, Th , Esq 153

Swerder, Master Wi 95

Tufton, Master175

Wotton, Th . , Esq. 220


Bolecke, Tancred 325

Bownell, Th 328

Brette , Nic 300

Brigges, Wi 302

Brittayne, Jo 296, 339

Bromley, Jas 97

Browne, Pat 45, 66, 76, 300* , 301 , 322* , 346

Browne, Ro 259, 286

Atkinson, Geo 122, 182, 311 , 320

Austen, Th [Alston] 37

Badcock, Chr 114 , 295, 337

Bailie , Jo 248

Baker , St. 311 , 320

Barker, Wi. 118, 121 , 133 (?), 310

Barlinge, Jo 224

Barrie, Wi 139

Bartel, Ant 341

Barton, Alex 44, 303

Basleden, Jo. 294, 335

Becke, Reg [Boke] 58, 297, 340

Bennet, Th. 32

Best, Jo. 317

Bewley, Jo 330

Bland, Ro 319

Blaunshe , Nic 250, 331

Blonde, Ra 317

Blossome, Wi 295 , 336

Bocher, Ri 299

Bucke, Jo 318

Bucke, Wi. 223, 241 , 306, 330

Buckherst, Ri. 321

Bullifante, Edw 175 , 321

Bullock, Geo 303

Buncker, Wi 256 , 306 , 330

Burcher, Ri. 19 , 20 , 344

Burges, Th. 328

Burnell, Jo 54 , 297, 340

Burton, Th. 33, 303

Butler, Art 302, 349

Cailie, Th. 209, 325

Calye, Th. 318

Cannon, Th 310, 318

Carden, Th 60, 298 , 342

Carliar, Jo . [Carlyon] 124 , 320


Caryer, Ro 18, 21, 299* , 304, 343, 344

Chalfont, Chr 265

Champion , Nic 312 , 321


Chapman, Th . 318

Charles, Ro 74, 302, 304, 350

Charnock, Jo 301

Chernwood , Ro. 90

Clement, Gre 317

Clercke, Wi 254 , 272

Clerke, He. 59

Clerke, Jo. 33 , 303

Clerke, Ro 27 , 344

Colens, Mart 163 , 310 , 319

Colinson , Th 266, 306, 307

Collens, Ro , commissary291 and n; 316 and n; 349n

Colman, Wi. 103

Coope , Wi 94 , 296

Cortupe, Ja 310

Cotton, Dav 113 , 312 , 322

Cranmer, Ri 267, 268, 305* , 328 , 329

Crise, Jo 162, 292

Crofte , Jo. 35

Crosse, Ri 96, 296

Dartner, 133

David, Geof 303

David, Hu 110, 112n, 301, 322, 323 , 347

David, Jo 58, 298 , 341

Davys, Ri 93 , 345

Day, Ra 309*

Daye, Jo 214

Deacon, Wi 79 , 303, 346

Delamere , Jo 276

Deve, Th. 307, 332

Doowell, Ra 296, 338

Dorrell, Wi 134 , 312 , 321

Dover, Ri Thornden, Bishop of 76 , 79, 81, 300, 312

Dovinson, Wi 62, 296, 299, 338

Drewrie, Jo 254, 305

Dunham, Geo 224

Eley, Wi 308

, Edw. 310 , 312

Elgar, Mi. 347

Emotte, Ri 308

Eton, Ric 318

Evans, Hu 47, 66 , 302 , 341

Ffarmer, Jo 309

Ffeldinge , Th 232 , 289

Ffissher, Jo. 300* , 308

Ffissher, Th 295 , 336

Ffourd, Ri. 61, 78, 299, 343*

Fr. 334

Ffuller, Jo. 116, 312 , 319

Fild, Th. 308

Gare, Ro. 105, 302 , 349

Gates, Ro. 306

Gibson, Th. 303

Gilbancke , Lancelot 317

Girdeler, Jo 99

Glasier, Hu 34

Glathos (or Gloffs ?), Ja 134 , 321

Goodhewe, Dun 296 , 338

Gregory , Cl 23, 299 , 343

Grene, Chr. 178

Grenewood , Ro. 220 , 325

Gridgesby, Al 326

Griffithe, Th . 318, 319

Griffyn, Th 312

Guye, Wi 99

Hale, Blessed Jo , martyr 1535 , 74

Hall, Pet 312 , 322

Hall, Wi 199, 326

Halle, Jo 29, 46, 302*

Halman, Ro [Holman] 235, 330, 331, 333

Halsall, Ro 320

Hardwicke 293, 318

Hare, Ro [Gare] 302

Harpsfield, Nic 26, 27, 344, 346 , and passim under Dominus and Archidiaconus

Harrys, Jo. 328

Harwood, Wi 350

Hawk, Wi., canon of St. Paul's 22

Hawke, Chr. 161 , 298, 342

Hay, Fr. 333

Haye, Nic 260

Haynes , Ro 22 , 190 , 326

Hearyng, Wi 67

Henden , Th. 183, 311, 324

Hering, Wi 300, 347

Herne, Gil 17 , 299 , 343

Hevisede, He 345

Hewet, Th 89, 91, 92, 297, 346

Heydon, Geo 124 , 311

Heydon , Ri 263

Hichecock, Jo 296 , 340

Hicklinge, Th 253 , 307, 331

Higges, Geo 95, 296, 339

Hill, Ro . 319

Hobson , Jo 271

Holmes, Ant 299

Hopkins, Jasper 83, 297, 345 , 346

Horwood, Wi 240, 325*

Howe , << -249

Howell, Ro 63

Ickham, Th. 295, 335

Inckpen, Bar 296, 339

Jackson, Rog 42, 45, 304*

Jackson , Rol 228 , 329

James, Chr 309

Jobson, He 302, 348

Johnson, Jo. 92, 346

Johnson, Wi 212 , 325

Jones, Rog. 311 , 324

Jones, Wal 71 , 301 , 347

Julian, Jo 63 , 121 , 320

Jumpe, Wi 310 , 319


Keble, Edw 334

Keete, Ri. 258 , 309 , 316

Kelby, Edw 332

Kenrycke, Hu 275 , 329

Kierye, Ri 309

Knewstube, Nic 48, 64, 65 , 300, 337 , 347

Knighte, Edm. 296 , 340

Knighte, Jo 321

Kyrrye, Ric 316

Kytchyn, Jo 292, 309, 316, 352

Lambart, Jo. 52, 60

Lambe, Wi. 255 , 304 , 328

Lamberte, 309

Lamberte, Hu 94, 301, 344

Langley, Th. 312, 321

Latham, He 69, 300 , 346

Lawson, Jo 87 , 345

Lede, Jo. 260, 261

Leese, Jo 311

Lewgar, Jo 219

Liffove, Jerm 100

Linnes, Ro. 348

Lommes , Rog. 301

Longeley, Dav [Lomley] 237 , 306 , 328

Lowryns, Aug. 32, 35

Luntwicke, Th. 197

Lynch, Ger. 71, 86, 297, 302, 348 , 349

Lynch, Wi. 72 , 350

Makeander , Th 73

Mann , Geof 33

Mann, Wi 32 , 303*

Marchall, Wi. 103, 317

Mason, Wi 293, 310*

Mathewe, Ra 310

Mathos, Dav . 126, 312

Matteres , Chr 312

Maupas, Ri 307

Mercer , Wi 56, 298, 341, 342

Metcalf, Ph 16, 299, 343

Milles, Jo 36, 303

Minge, Edw 283, 300, 335

Morrey, He 295

Morten, Nic. 271 , 305 , 328

Mowberie, Ro. 339

Mylles, Jo . 300 , 347

Myllis, Wi 88 , 89

Nethersole, St. 42, 304

Newbey, Jo 300

Nicholles , Th 43, 296, 339, 340

Nicholls, 347

Norton, Cl 281, 307, 331, 333

Oddaye, Denis223

Oliver, Th. 100, 102, 316, 317

Ollhetson, Jo. 309

Orphewe , Wi 312 , 322 , 323

Parkehurst, Ri 59, 344

Parret, Edw. 279

Pettinden, And 36, 304

Piat, Wi [Pyock] 68 , 69 , 349

Pickard, Geo 85, 315

Pivall, Fr. 8, 55, 298

Place , Pet 344

Platt, Jo. 195 361

Pole, Cardinal passim , and also under Archiepiscopus , Cardinalisand


Pole, Dav 205

Poole, St. 200 , 326

Poore, Nic 248

Porter, Jo 106, 301 , 347

Powell, Griffin 288, 308, 309, 332

Power, Nic 304, 328

Pratte, Ri 322

Prescott , Ra 295, 337

Pyborn , Ro 34, 304

Quynthine, Wi 26 , 344

Rainsford, He 49 , 50 , 342

Rede, Jo 206, 324

Reiman, Ja 280, 308 , 334

Reve, Wal 317

Reynenoffe , Cl 305

Richardson , Chr 304

Rieley, Th. 259

Ro 29

Ro 347

Robertes, Wi 309

Roberts, Edw. 205 , 325

Roberts , Ri 234, 306, 330, 335

Robinson, Jo. 83

Robson, Jo. 310

Robynson , Dav 350

Rogers, Ant 75 , 350

Rogers, Ri 230 , 309 , 335

Russell , Jo 54 , 298 , 341

Russell, Ro 78 , 301 , 348

Ryvers , Jo 344

Saier, Edw 87 , 297 , 345

Salisburye , Sanden, Th 319 303

Seintleger , Art 206, 223, 311 , 324

Senden, Wi 311

Serles, Ro 85

Shaife , Jo. [Sheryf] 274 , 330*

Sharland, Th 70

Shefe, Ro [Showe] 236, 307, 331 , 332

Sherrington, Ri 57 , 297, 340

Sherwood , Ro 297

Signet, He [alias Surand] 264

Singleton, Wi 46, 302 , 336

Slaney, Edw 225 , 311 , 312

Slaney, Th 231 , 308 , 332

Smard , Jo [Steward] 27, 302

Smith, Ro. 186

Smythe, Marmaduke 98 , 301

Smythe , Th. 316

Sothebie, Th. 107, 301 , 347

Spendlove, Jo. 133, 320


Sprinte, Th. 88 , 297, 345

Squire, Gre 210, 325*

Stafford, Wi [Stapleforde] 282, 307* , 332

Stanney, Th 332

Stapleton , Cl 299

Stenes, Th. 93 , 297

Stertover , Ri 302, 303, 349

Steward, Jo 27, 302

Stone, Dav 39

Stone, Jo. 68, 339

Surand , He. [alias Signet] 264

Swane , He. 317

Symon , Wi 322

Symones, Ri 176

Tailor, Jo . 123 , 311 , 322

Thompson , Ri 280, 308, 333 , 335

Thompson , Ro 335

Thompson , Th . 111 , 349

Thompson , Wi 62, 299, 348

Townesley , Jo 250, 307, 311 , 331

Trowman, Jo 283, 308, 329, 334

Vere, Wi. 297

Veyle, Wi 90

Abraham, Ro 310

Alee, Jo 297

Allyn, Jo 310

Amner, Jo 308

Aplebye, Chr. 297

Baccheler , Jo 310

Backes, Th 302

Baker, Gi 297

Bate, Jo 304

Bechfilde, Geo 297

Bere, Edw 307

Bery, Jo . 295

Bodle, Ri 307

Bolden, Th 304

Botefisshe , Th . 304

Brok, Ri 295

Bryttyn, Jo . 296

Burden , Jo . 312

Burges, Edm 304

Bushe, Wi 299

Byham, He. 309

Byse, Leon 307

Callege, Ro 309

Canon, Geo. 305

Churchman , Ri 299

Chynnynges , Nic 307

Clarke , Th 301

Clifton, Ri 298

Cockson, Jo. 295

Cole, Wi. 295

Coting, Th . 305

Walkyn, Jo. [Wakelyn] 305, 328

Wall, Jo 262

Wanmersley, Ro. 311

Ware, Th 269, 305, 329

Warner, Jo . 224, 325

Warrington, Chr 202, 204, 210 , 325, 326

Waters, Ri 179, 311 , 322

Watson, Wi 41 , 303

Wendon , Nic 345

Weste, Mi. 245 , 305 , 329

White, Geo 238

White, Jo 324

White, Ri 186

Whitehorse, Jo. 230 , 309

Whitling , Ra. 310, 319

Willbore, Jo. 70, 84, 297, 301 Wi 31

Wilson, Geof 242, 305, 329

Wilson, Th . 317 , 318

Windestandlie , Ro 246, 304

Wise , Th 81 , 348

Woddye , Jo 300

Woddye , Jo 309

Wollarte, Giles 348

Wood, He 292


Cowaye, Wi 296

Cowper, Jo. 298

David, Wi. 296

Deale, Jo. 300

Edman, Hamon 302

Edmonds , Jo 310

Eldred, Mart 309

Elgar, Wi 299

Evans, He 306

Ffermer, Th 297

Ffrowde, Th. 312

Frotsam, Jo 299

Garrod , Th. 298

Geldyche, Giles, Jo 307

Godden, Jo. 297

Goddyn , Jo 298

Golde, Wi 301

Grante, Th 304*

Greder, Wi 301

Grene, Jo. 305

Grene, Th 301

Haddocke , Nic 306

Hardyng, Ro 300

Harneden, St. 313

Harris, Th. 304

Hawke, Wi 296

Hawkisby, Jo 295

Cotland, Th . 295 295

Hill, [?].... 303

Hilles, Art 306

Hilles, Jo . 307

Hoggyn, Wi 301

Ho .... is..n, Ri 312

Holmes , Percy 310

Holte, Jo 311

Horn, Aug. 304

Howsell, Th 299

Hubberd , R' . 312

Hunte, Ri 312

Hutton, Jo 307

Jakeson, Wi 302

Jonkell, Jo 308

Jonson, Adrian 299

Jonson, Ri 300

Kallover, Jo. 309

Kirbie , Th. 305

Knot, Jo. 303

Laurence , Jo 298

Lee, Th 308

Legatt, Wi 308*

Lockwood, Ro . 302

Lorkyn, Jo. 311

Mallybe, Wal. 297

Marchall, Jo. 312

Marrabell, Wi. 296

Mason, Th 305

Matteres, Ri 312

Mendford, 309

Mershall, La 299

Mershe, Ro 302

Messinger, Th . 305

Mone, Ant. 311

Mone, Th. 297

Morley, Jo 305

Myller, Jo 296

Myston, Ro 303

Nethersole , Wi 303

Nicolas, Jo. 302

Odymer, Jo 312

Osborn, Osw 298

Owen, Jo . 301

Abarnes , Wi. 195

Abarrowe, Th. 110 , 323

Abarrowe, Th 128

Adam , Hu 292 , 342

Aden, Wi 78 , 301

Adman, Hamon 349

Adowne, Ed. 333

Adredge, Mi. 315


Parker, Ri 303

Parkyn, Ri 310

Parnell, Th. 310

Pecock, Th 295

Pelland , Ja. 312

Pette, Ro 299

Prymer, Ja 312

Purchesse, Jo. 305

Pyle [or Pyxe] 308

Qwested, Wi 301

Qwydler, St. 303

Rede , Geo 311

Roberts, Ed 311

Robynes, Jo 308

Russell , Wi 310

Ryall, Ri. 300

Afforde, Geo 178, 312 , 321

Afourd, Ri 343

Agers, Jo. 135, 322

Aishehurst, Wi. 102 , 317

Savage, -308

Segar, He 304

Sharpe, Th., sen 311

Shawe, Jo 308

Shelton , Fr. 302

Sherman , Jo 311

Slade, Jo . 311

Spark , Ri 309

Stokes, Jo. 300

Stonehowse , Jo 300

Sweting, Wi. 294

Tailor, Ri 305

Taylor, 311

Tynsey, Mat 309

Tyrrey, Ri 307

Walker, Jo. 295

Water, Ro 307

Westbech , Ro 296

Whit, Ja 299

Wolton, Ri 302

Woode, Wi 301

Wright, Ma 296

Wright , Wi 296

Wyer, Th 298

Wynston, Th. 296


Alard, Ro 301

Alebery, Wi 337

Allen, Jo. 329

Allyn, R' 340

Ambrose , Jo 308

Amyas, Wi 331

Amys, Edw 278, 334

Amys, Wi 235

Andrew, Ri 318

Andrewe, Jo 112 , 312 , 322

Anstey, Ro 319

Anstrey, Sim 279

Apesley, Th 339

Aredge, Jo 316

Arnolde, Jo. 280

Arrowe, Ri 302

Ase, Ri 141 , 318

Assherst , He 341

Atwater, Th 324

Atwood, Wi 326

Austen, Jo

Austen, Ri. 31

Austen , Ri 115

Austen , Sim 333

Austen, Th 231

Austen, Val 68

Avery, Miles 341

Awgor, Jo 338

Aynescombe , Ro. 322

Bacar, Jo. 35

Bacheler, Ro 320

Bafelde, Th . 155

Baker, Jo 297

Baker, Ro 289

Baket, Wi 242 , 305

Bargar, Nic 265

Barley, Jo 202

Barnard, Jo 322

Barnes, Ro 234

Barnes, Ro 332

Barnes, Wi 123

Barrowe, He 170

Barrowe, Jo. 139

Barrowe, Th. 322

Barton, Th. 331

Basenett , Th. 116, 320

Bat, Nic 322

Bate, Jo . 163

Bateman , Jo 236, 307

Bateman , St. 322

Bayly, Th . 322

Bayly, Th . 347

Beasaunt , Jo 42

Beche , Th 176

Bencheley, Jo 65

Bennett, Ri 340

Bensted, He 205, 325, 327

Beste , Gi. 326

Beste, Gre 167 , 318

Beste, Jo . 307

Bet , Rog 242

Bettes , Ro 325

Beverley, Geo 290

Bigge, Wal 320

Bikkar, Jo. 340

Bing, Th . 341

Bishoppe, Th 70, 348

Bixe, Jo 236

Black, Wi 142 , 309

Bloyfelde , Jo 345

Bolden, Jo 154

Boldinge , Jo 348

Boll, Jo 73


Bollinge , Ri 106

Bone, Ro 253

Boniface , Ro. 331

Bote, Jo 252

Bottle, Al 278, 332

Bowden , Th 328

Boye, Wi 157

Braye, Jo 265

Braye, Ri 322

Bremer, Nic 335

Brenchley , Wi 49 , 341

Bright, Ri 59

Britten, Rog 213

Brode , 331

Brodestreate , Th 274, 330

Brokman, Th 298

Bromborn, Edw 319

Browne, Jo. 303

Bryce, Wi. 347

Bull, Ri 338

Bull, Th 321

Bull, Wi. 309

Burges, Wi 343

Burrishe, Jo . 172

Burry, Jo. 29

Butler, Jo 334

Butte, Th. 328

Button, Ro 317

Byng, Th . 49

Byng, Wi 66

Cage, Mart 345

Cantes, Jo 88

Carden, Jo 258

Carder, Wi. 58 , 297 , 340

Carpinter, Geo 201

Carpinter , Wi 312

Carpynter , Jo. 72, 302

Cassingate, Nic 224

Castell, Jo 83

Cater, Th. 148

Caterman , Chr 142 , 316

Chalker , Ri 317

Chamber , Th. 327

Chambre , Ri 170

Charleton , Jo 197

Chartam, Th 270 , 304 , 328

Chaundles, Wi. 66

Cheiseman, Jo. 21 , 343

Cheseman, Th 341

Chittenden , Jo. 299

Chowchie , Ro 80

Christian, Jo. 219

Christian, Th 75

Christian, Wi 213

Churche, Jo. 345

Claramore, Jo 346

Clarke , Wi. 319

Claryngbold , Jo 97

Clement , Wi 298, 341

Clerck, Dun 226, 324

Clerck, He 111

Clercke, Gre. 325

Clerk, Jo 29

Clerke, Wi 324

Cloke, Ro 102 , 317

Clynch, Jo 335

Clynche , Si 330

Cobbam , Jo 345

Cobbe , Ri 346

Cobbe, Th 89, 346

Cocheman, Ri 197

Cocheman, Ro 322

Cochye, Ro 300

Cockes, Th 334

Coddy, Th 345

Cok, La 333

Cole, Ri 266, 330

Collyar, Ja 318

Collyer , Wi 327

Colter, Wi 325

Colwell, Ro 331

Combe, Jo. 199 , 326

Cooke, Ro 325

Cooper, Ro 310

Cortope, Chr 295

Cotynge, Wi 318

Courte, Wi 349

Coveney, Th 214

Crafte , Wi 228 , 333

Craye, Th 82

Crispe, Ri 88

Croydon, Ro 342

Crynishe, Rog 202

Culling, Ja. 54, 298 , 341

Cullinge, Jo. 347

Curtheppe, Wi 28

Darle, Jo 340

Darley, Wi 317

Day, Sim . 311

Deacon, Ri. 335

Denn, Ja. 40, 303

Densse, Jo 302

Denway, Wi 266 , 330

Dericker, Mi. 295, 336

Derton, Jo. 282 , 307, 332

Dewarde , Jo . 281

Dikson, Ri 304

Dive, Chr 171

Dod, Amb 90 , 345

Dod, Ro. 92

Dogrell, Wi. 295, 336

Downe, Edw 228

Dowtie, Jo . 99

Drayson, Jo. 326

Dredge, Ro 309

Drurie, Th 242 , 305

Duke, Edm 321

Dunckyn, Jo 217, 311, 324

Dunse, Ja. 105

Durrant, Jo. 302

Dyer, Cl 349

Dyer, Jo. 349

Dyxon, Ri 34


Easton, Aug, 307

Eccleston, Ri 310

Eddryck, Th 310

Edwardes , Wi 329

Eggerley , Ri. 296, 338

Eldston, Ri 171 , 321

Elgar, Wi. 62

Elie, Jo. 162

Eliot, Edw 226

Elmeston, Th. 328

Elnor, Wi 67 , 300

Elvie, Ri 261

Elwyn, Th 285

Elye, Jo 333

Elyer, Wi 343

Elynden , Ri 311

Elyot, He 330

Essex, Nic 348

Essex, Pet 105, 349

Essex, St. 100 , 310 , 317

Eton, Nic 225

Everede, Val 83

Everynden , Ja 325

Everynden , Ri 312

Everynden , Ri 337

Everynge , Edw 83

Ewell, Ja 346

Ferrar, Wi 303

Flagg, Jo 340

Ffagge, Th 24

Ffawkener, Ri 66, 341

Ffenne , Wal 293

Ffilcote, Jo 223

Ffilmar, Reg 230

Ffinge, Th 237

Ffogge, Ri 129

Ffollet, He. 309

Fforbred, Jo 259, 315

Fforstall, Ro. 346

Ffourde, Ri. 23

Ffourde, Ri 71

Ffowe, Ro 311, 324

Ffowle, Ro 206

Ffoxe, Th. 212

Ffranckelen, He 349

Ffrend, Th. 32

Ffullagat, Dominic 126

Ffynne, Ri 206, 324

Ffynner, Wi 290

Ffysher, Th 64 , 297 , 341

Filmer, Reg 335

Flynston, He 24, 298 , 341

Foch, Ro 320

Follet, Wi 316

Foule , Chr 326

Fowe, Ri 312

Fowler, Rog 336

Foxe, Th. 325

Fringe, Th. 329

Furminger, Ma. 309

Furmynger, Th 328

Fydge, Th 271 , 328

Fytsall, Ri 323

Gardner , Th . 348

Gason, Sim 295

Gate, Wi. 263

Gaye, Chr . 61

Harte, Wi 308

Hartredge, Ro 217 , 324

Harynden, Th . 311

Hatche , Jo 240

Havejoy, Jo. 308

Hawk, Jo . 18 , 344

Hawke, Th. 296

Hawke, Ri 302

Gennynges, Jo 321

Gen ...., Jo 287

Gennynges, Ri 202 , 325

Geo 307

German , Geo 96

Gibbes, Th. 72 , 350

Gibbon, Edw 304

Gibbons, Th 320

Gifford, Wi 343

Giles, Jo 278, 309

Giles, Jo jun 334

Giles, Th . 338

Glover , Wi 108, 347

Goddard, Jo. 31

Goddie, Th 287 , 333

Goddyn, Jo 325

Godfrey, He 175, 321

Goldfinch, Wi. 296

Goldfinche , Silvester 46

Goldfynche , Wi 96

Goldhell, Wi 139, 317

Goodwyn , Geof. 290

Goodwyn , Th 83

Gotley, Ri 308

Grannte , Ro. 345

Graye, Ri 45

Grenwell, Ellyce 305

Grenehill, Eliseus 245

Grenestret, Ro 231, 308, 333

Grenestrete, Th. 305

Grenock , Jo 318

Greyne, St. 330

Gurner, Ro 272

Gyles, Th. 296

Gylvyn, He. 337

Hache , Ro 254 , 305 , 328

Halbe, Vi 339

Hall, Geo 301

Hall, Vi. 43

Hallet, Al. 335

Hammond, Jo 318

Hammond, Th 348

Hamond, Jo 55, 341

Hamond, Nic 66

Hamond, Th 154, 301

Hancocke , Ja 272

Hannyng, Th, 25, 343

Harlakinden, Al 98, 301, 348 , 352

Harnet, Th. 41 , 303

Harris, And 304

Harris, Chr 275, 329

Harris, Edw. 238, 326

Harris, Wi 308

Harrodyne , Jo 179, 311 , 322

Harte, Geo 168, 321

Hawkes , Ri 347

Hawlet, Al 294

Hayward, Wi 334

Helman, Jo. 73

Hendley, Wal 182

Hennekar, Aug. 308

Hennekar, Wi 247

Hethers, Jo . 336

Hewson , Gre 296

Hichcok, Ant 329

Higedon , La 345

Highsted, Ri 237 , 306 , 329

Hilde, Jo. 345

Hill, Jo 329

Hilles, Jo. 132 , 321

Hilles, Jo. 323

Hilles, Mi. 209

Hilles, Th. 307

Hilles, Th 332

Hitchcocke, Ant 275

Hogebyn , Th 345

Hogeskyns , Th . 29

Hogeson, Wi 341

Hogland, Th. 87

Hoke , Ri 337

Hoker, Ri 214

Holbarde , St. 332

Hole, Nic 46

Hollynden, St. 337

Hollynden, Th . 348

Holman, Art 252

Holman, Th 240, 325

Holman, Th 245

Holnes , Th. 312

Holnes, Th., jun. 320

Hopdey, Vi 79

Hope, Jo 323

Hope, Ri 135, 322

Hopkyn, Jo 79

Hore , Th. 322

Horne, Wi 76, 348

Horsenden , Jo 324

Huckyng, Th. 328

Humfrey, Ri. 334

Iden, Jo 326

Ilinden, Ri 176

Jacob, Th. 270

Jacobe, Edw. 296, 340

Jefine , Nic 343

Jekine, He . 54 , 340

Jerman, Gre 339

Jervis , Ro 347

Jesar, Nic 52

Jode, And 71 , 301, 347, 348

Johnes, He. 74

Johnes, Jo . 50, 342

Joll, Th . 340

Joll, Vi 340

Joseph, Jo 306

Jull, Ro 299*

Kaile, Jo. 284

Keacham , Ri. 176

Keis, Arkenwald 78 , 348

Kelsham , Chr. 126, 321

Kember, Wi 81

Kemesley , Th 224

Kempe, Ri 318

Kenham, Jo. 19

Kennet, Ri 91

Kennet, Ri 138

Kennet, Wi 57

Kennet, Wi 344

Kennett, Ant 260

Kennett, Bar 32, 303

Kennett, Geo 297

Kenwood, Ri 261

Ketham, Wi 19 , 344

Kighte, Jo . 332

Kinge, Ro 168 , 321

Knight, Pet. 302

Knighte, Pet 259 , 315

Knighte, Wi. 241

Kyet, He. 347

Lacket, Sim 242

Ladde, Nic 298

Lambyn, Wi 146

Lames, Ri 345

Lamyng, Jo . 297, 345

Lamynge, Ri. 87

Laurence , St. 76 , 301

Lawles, Pet. 151, 318

Lawrence, St. 348

Leonard, He. 51

Littel, Th . 331

Littilwoode, Wi 94, 296, 344

Loman, Th 329

London, Ri 94

Luccas, Th. 144

Lunce, Th. 93 , 345

Lunce, Th 144

Lydden, Ri 115

Lynche, Sim 302

Maifeld, Wi 283

Maister, Jo. 28

Mapisden , Geo 133, 312, 320

Marden , Ro 133

Marchall, Geo. 323

Marchaunte, Ro 307

Marche, Ro 250

Marden, Ro. 133 , 320

Marlor, Ja 320

Marshe , Ja 36

Marten, Edw 199 , 326


Martin, Ja. 59

Martyn, And 302

Martyn, Leon. 318

Martyn, Ro 317

Martyn, Th 299

Mason, He 212

Maunger, He 16, 343

May, Th. 340

May, Wi 338

Maye, Jo 163 , 319

Maye, Jo 209, 325

Maytam, Jo 99

Mede, Wi. 241

Medeman , Ja. 334

Meller, Ri 316

Mendfield, Wi 308 , 334

Mercer , Jo. 335

Merchannt, Ro 331

Mighell, Jo 26

Milkested , Edw. 121

Milles, Th. 65

Milner, Jo 23

Milward, Nic 51

Mombrey, Wal 44

Monery, Wal 303

Monnd, Nic. 110

Morrice, Th 20, 298

Mortimer, Jo . 43

Mortyn, Jo. 339

Moswell, Wi 248

Moustherst, Wi 214

Munday, Nic 64

Mychaell, Jo. 164

Myles, Ri 52

Myles, Th. 95, 296, 339

Myller, Jo. 343

Myller, Ra 337

Myller, Ri 140 , 317

Mylles, Gre 338

Mylner, Jo . 59

Mylsted, Edw 310, 320

Napleton , St. 303

Neame, Th 46, 302

Nele, Wi 307

Nethersole, Ri 74

Nethersole , Ri. 46

Nethersole , Ro 56, 298, 341

Nethersole , Wi 341

Newell, Jo. 319

Newland, Salmon 267, 305, 328

Newman, He 306

Noke, Jo 273

Norcliff, Jo . 339

Norrington, He 317

Norris, Wi 158, 319

Norton, Th. 331

Nutte, Jo 295

Okingfolde , Wi 321

Omer, Ri 72, 350

Orcharde, Libeus 85

Ordymer, Ra 275

Osborne, Osbert 190

Ostwye, Ro 308

Ouyn, Jo 339

Ovenden, Wi 90, 345

Owen, Ja 346

Owre, Jo 111

Oxinden , Wi 74

Packman, Jo 49

Palm, Th. 341

Palmer, Jo 159

Palmer , Th 159

Panes, Th. 129

Paramor, Saferus 32

Paramor, Wi 281

Paris, Geo. 317

Partredge , Gi 201 , 326

Partry, Wi 35

Pasheley, Ri 44

Pate, Ri. 324

Patman, Jo. 342

Paulyn, Wi 93

Paves, Th 322

Payne, Wi 108 , 347

Penfolde, Ri 129, 322

Penny, Wi 350

Pennyale , Nic 190

Perryn, Jo 348

Pers, Ja 295, 336

Pers, Ja. 296

Perse, Hamon 344

Pett, Jo 61

Pett, Ri 299

Pett, Ro 61, 343

Pettar, Th 176

Philpott, Th 33

Philpotte, Wi 312

Piers, Hamon 95

Pilcher, Jo. 18 , 299 , 344

Piper, Jo. 41

Piper, Ro 150

Pirrey, Jo. 98

Pledger, Edw. 103, 317

Plomer , He 333

Pollarde , Ro 164 , 317

Ponette, Ro 306

Pope, Ri 334

Porredge, Jo 284

Porredge, Jo. 333

Poste, Wi 310, 320

Potman, Th. 256, 306, 313 , 330

Potter, Dan 335

Pouer, Jo 163

Powte , Ro 38

Pratte, Jo . 148 , 318

Preston, Th 47

Pullyn, Jo 329

Questonby, He 336

Raignold, Ed 310

Ramsden, Geo 322


Randall, La 80

Randall, Wi 166 , 318

Ranolds, Leon 35

Raynolde , Nic 295

Reader, He 205

Reader, Th 255 , 304

Reche, Th. 310

Recorde, Jo 217

Redborn , St. 337

Reder, Th 328

Remmyngton, Jo 230

Reynard, Nic 347

Riche, Ri 195 , 326

Rigdon, He 340

Rigdon , La 88

Rikkard, Th . 330

Rikkard, Wi 318

Robbins , Jo 31

Robins , Jerome[or Robynson ] 57, 340

Robins, Ri 39

Robinson , Chr 273, 330

Robyns , And 164, 317

Rocke , Jo 307

Roger, Ra 36 , 303

Roke, Wi 319

Rolf, Jo. 298

Rolfe, Ro 55, 341

Rolfe, Wi 283

Rooke, Wi 103

Roper, Wi 221 , 325

Rose, Gre 335

Rose, Ra 297

Sacket, Wi 87 , 345

Sacre, Wi 296, 339

Saier, Wi 219

Salter, Th 258

Sampson, Jo. 150

Sampson, Ri. 87 , 345

Sande, Th 132

Sare, Th. 202

Sauce, Th 303

Saunder, Jo. 311

Saunder, St. 264

Saunder, Th. 311

Saunders, Th 323

Saye, Chr. 343

Sayer, Jo 86 , 345

Sayer, Ro. 271 , 305, 328

Scarlet, Jo. 38

Scote, Geo 178, 321

Sethe, Edm 288, 332

Sethe, Ri 223

Sethe, Ro 92

Severn, Th 29

Sharpe, Jo. 320

Sharsted, Ro 221 , 325

Sheipie, He. 35, 304

Sherwoode, He 156

Sheverley, Wi 146, 316

Shipton, Jo 296 , 340

Shipwashe , Ri 286, 300 , 346

Shotwater , Edw 27

Shroubsole, St. 283 , 308, 334

Simonds, Ro 340

Sixewe, Rog 287, 333

Skelton , Nic 153, 349

Skere, And 308

Skote, Chr 335

Slater, Jo 151 , 318

Smelte, Jo , jun. 344

Smithe , Th 260

Smithe , Wi 214

Smyth, Th 310

Smyth, Wi 341

Smythe, Leon 33

Smythe, Mat 21, 343

Smythe, Ri 70 , 348

Snothe, Ri 128 , 322

Sole, Nic 343

Soly, St. 350

Sotherenden , Ri 118 , 320

Southland , Wi 161 , 319

Sowtsanders, Th. 33 , 303

Spain, He 17, 343

Spender, He 330

Spice, Edm . 172

Spice, Wi. 325

Spicer, Jo. 59

Stace, Wi 264

Stanforthe, Jo 95, 344

Stanner, Wi. 342

Starre, Th 162

Stere, And 232, 333

Steven, Wi 186, 311

Stile, Jo 217

Stokes, Jo 341

Stokes, Jo. 346

Stone, Al 328

Stonnard , Wi. 60

Stonnerd , Jo 329

Stonnerd, Wi 324

Stookis, Jo . 97

Stringer, Jo. 319

St ....... s, Ri. 31

Sutton, Wi. 56 , 341

Swifte, Ja 124

Swifte, Jo 248 , 304 , 328

Swifte, Wi 295, 337

Swinford, Ri., jun 69

Swinford, Ri., sen 69

Swynford, Jo. 86, 345

Swynor, Ri 300

Syllyng, Jos 332

Symons, Ro 58

Tailer, Wi 289

Tailor, Wal 183

Tailor, Wi 220

Tassell, Th 234

Taylor, He 325

Taylor, Jo. 317

Taylor, Wal. 324

Taylor, Wi. 302

Taylor, Wi 307 , 331


Taylor, Wi 325

Thomas, Ra. 328

Thorney, St. 294

Tilman, Nic 285

Tirrenden, Jo 254 , 328

Tobbell, Jo 319

Toddye, Th 88

Toftes, Geo 337

Tolkin, Sim 166

Tome, Ri 42

Tonge, Ja 306

Topley, Edw 225 , 325

Topley , Nic 175 , 312 , 321

Toppinden , Wi 144 , 309, 319

Trytton, Th 334

Tuck, Wi 31

Turner, Jo 322

Turner, Wi 113, 312

Turnor, Jo 183, 324

Turnor, Wi 286 , 346

Turrell, Wi 54 , 297

Twesnoth , La 121

Twisden, Jo 17

Twisden, Jo 322

Upton, Th 278 , 332

Upton , Val 50, 342

Veryar, Pet 304

Veryar, Wi 33

Wade , Wi 281, 308 , 333

Waite , He. 25

Wakeys, Erkenwald [Keis] 348

Walker, Jo 75

Wall, Ingram 39

Wanderton, R. 321

Warley, St. 325

Water, Wi 49

Watson, Th 152

Wattes , Bart 57

Wattes , Ja 320

Wattes , Jo 113

Wattes, Nic 232, 333

Wattes , Ri 321

Wattes, Wi 322

Webb, Nic 54 , 341

Weeke, Wi 330

Wekes, Ro 95

Welde, Sim 263

Welles, Mat 74

Wellis, Sim 68

Wessynden, Ro 297

West , Rog 38

Weston, Jo. 106, 347

Wettes , Gervinus 129

White, And. 315

White, Edw 116 , 312 , 320

White, Jo. 302, 348

White, Nic 333

White, Wi. 152

Wi 309

Wikes, R' . 339

Wilkins , Salmon 268 , 305, 329

Willard, Ro 322

Williams, Jo. 296

Williamson, Jo 340

Williamson, Ro 253, 307, 331

Willie, Th . 112

Winkcefeld, Wi 27

Wise, Jo 16, 299 , 343

Wod, St. 29

Wodd, Gi 17, 299 , 343

Wodd, Wi 42, 304

Wolf, Ja 295

Wood, He 304

Wood , He 309

Wood, Ingram 304

Wood, Ri 118 , 320

Abarrowe, Th . 21

Abere, Wi 47

Abraham, He . 84

Acroche , Jo 317

Adam, He 226, 324

Adams, Wi. 220

Aden, Ja 78, 348

Aden, Mi. 258

Aden , Th. 78

Adie, Th 231 , 333

Adie, Th . 232

Admay, Th . 170

Admond , Hamon 105

Adowne, Wi 156

Adye, He 333

Aisehurst, Mi. 102 , 323

Aishurst, Jo . 116, 320

Alchorne, Jo. 88

Alday, He 336

Alden, Nic. 35

Allarde, Ro 347

Allen, Ja. 162

Allen, Jo 66

Allen, Jo 242

Allen, Jo 324

Allen, Ro 238 , 326

Allen, Th. 237


Wood, St. 302

Wood, Wi 210

Wood, Wi. 348

Woodde, Jo 342

Woodde, Ri 344

Woode, Ri 301

Woode, Wi 307

Wreght, Jo. 26

Wrighte, Nic 60, 342

Wybrand, Jo 302

Wyllard, Ro 179

Wynston, Th 338

Yonge, Dav 301

Younge, Wi 296


Athawe, Ri 95

Atree , Wi 187

Atwater, Th. 226

Atwood, Jo 223

Aulcock, Jo 190

Austen , Jo. 180

Austen, Nic 215

Austen , Ri 81

Austen , Ri 187

Austen, Sim 333

Austen, Th . 81

Austen, Th . 110

Avery, Al 341

Aware, Jo 182

Awborn, Jo. 319

Awdrie, Wi 140

Awood Wi 319

Awoodd, Jo 349

Baccheler , Jo. 68

Bacheler, Ro. 119

Bachell, Chr. 170

Bailie , Jo , bosholder 271

Baker , Chr 133

Baker, Ger 130, 322

Baker, He. 329

Baker, Jo . 88

Allen, Wi , of the Court 226

Allyn, Jo 339

Allyn, R. 340

Amys, Chr. 292

Amys , Reg 286

Amys, Th 287

Andrewe, Ri 141 , 318

Androwe, Jo . 43

Andrue, Jo 178

Anncell, Jo 158

Anselme , Edw 92

Anselme , Wi 103

Apett, Wi 254

Arnolde, Wi 333

Arrowe, Ri 31

Asshehurst , He 59

Asshenden, Ri 133

Baker, Jo 289

Baker, La 164

Baker , Ri 115

Baker, Wi. 135, 322

Baldocke , Jo. 324

Baldocke , Ri 170

Baldwyn, Jo 329

Ball, Dav 286

Barefote , Jo 184 , 324

Barlie, Edm 253 .

Barlinge, Adrian 206

Barlinge , Wi 225

Barlyng, Jo 325

Barham, Dav. 215

Barner, Pet 238

Barnes, Ro 335

Barret, Ja . 215

Barrett, Th . 248

Barrowe, He 170

Basden, Ro 179

Bassette, Ro 322

Bassock, Wi. 215

Bateman, He 236

Bateman , Jo 148

Bateman , St. 128

Batemane, Jo 328

Batherst, Th 184

Bause, Jo 167

Bause, Ro. 325

Bax, Ro 42

Bayle, Ri 272 , 320

Baylif, St. 83

Beaching, And. 178

Beale, Jo. 215

Beane, Jo 60

Beane, Th. 59

Beare, Jo 86

Beching, Ri 43

Bechinge, Wi 223

Becke, Chr 278

Beckett , Sim 329

Bedforde, Ri 271

Beeke, Ro 67

Beere, Jo . 218

Bekkete , Si. 328

Belke, Th. 292

Bell, Jo. 337

Bell, Th . 165

Bellinge, Chr. 18, 344

Benes, Wi. 163

Bennett , He 135

Bennett, Ja. 150

Bennett, Jo 158

Bennett , Ri 135

Bennett , Th 129

Bennette, Jo. 320

Berrie , Jo 163

Besbiche, Jo 19, 344

Besbiche, Ri., of Trigges 187

Besen, Pet 275

Besfelde, Wi 133, 320

Best, Gre 318

Bettes, Ro 209

Beverley, Jos 331

Bingam , Geo 45

Binge, 286

Binge, Wi 330

Birlinge, Ro 254

Blacheland , Ja 345

Blachinden , Art 157

Blachinden, Ja ., gent 261

Blacke , Ja. 195

Blacke , Th . 130

Blaksland, Chr 339

Blushe, Jo. 190

Boddynden, Wi 129

Bodiam, Ri 190

Boise, Vi., gent 75

Bolden, Wi 102


Boldinge, Geo 166

Bolinge, Ri. 156

Bongior, Ro 90

Boossom, Edw 215

Boote, Wi. 218

Born, Ja 321

Boton , Reg. 248

Bourne, Th . 168

Bowcer , Jo. 23, 343

Bowes, Jo 317

Boyc, Th , gent. 41

Boycote, Jo 172

Brapson, Ri 245

Brattell, Jo. 190

Brattel, Th. , bosholder 288

Bray, Ant. 171

Braye, Ri. 113

Braynsley, Jo 341

Breddam, Ant 285

Bredgeman , Th 201

Bredshaw , Maurice 89

Brensheley, Th 209

Bret, Edw . 321

Bret , Th. 231

Brett, Gre 108

Brette , Giles 102

Brette, Ja 263

Brette, Ro. 36

Brickenden, Jo 134

Brickenden , Jo. 182

Brickenden, Th 134

Bridgeman , Jo 26

Brighte, Ra . 166 , 318

Brighte, Ri 341

Brigman, Jo. 266

Briseland , Th 163

Brissenden, Th . 121

Brockeman , He 58

Brockholde, Jo 289

Brockman, Ri. 341

Brockwell, Th 225

Brode, Th 235

Brodenex , Th 158

Brode woode, Wi 280 , 334

Brogdale , Ri , alias Lanway 280

Broke, Jo. 72, 350

Broke, Mart 47

Broke, Sim 333

Brook, Edw 234

Browne, Jo 159

Browne, Miles 111

Browne , Th 218

Browne, Wi 29

Browne, Wi. 337

Browning, Cl 19

Browninge, Wi 258

Browton, Edw 146

Bryce, Th 342

Brydge, Th 344

Bugge, Wal 133

Bull, Th. 271 , 328

Bull, Th 321

Bullocke, Ro 178

Bunce, Ja 230

Bunse , Wi.228

Bunting, Mi. 103

Buntinge, Ri 162

Bunton, Reg 328

Burbage, Jo , sen 218

Burch, He 41

Burde, Nic 327

Burges, Chr 343

Burgies, Th . 182

Burgys, Wi 21

Burrage , Ro 150

Burtley, Wi 123

Burton, Jo 33

Busbridge, Th 328

Busshopp, Jo. 252 , 329

Busshopp, Th. 195 , 326

Busy, Pet. 329

Butcher, Jo 119

Butler, Si. 34

Butte, Th 247

Byam, He 264

Bylyng, He 317

Byrg, He 66

Byxe, Ri. 267

Cailye, Ri 210

Cannon, Jo. 197

Cantes, Nic 88

Cantes, Val 88

Carden , Wi. 274

Carpenter, Th 163

Carpinter, Jo 148

Carpinter, Jo 178

Carrys, Reg 348

Carter, Geo 106, 347

Castell, Th 128

Castell, Th. 260

Castlen, Ro 346

Castlocke Jo. 290

Catar, Th 318

Catlet, Wi 268

Catlot, Ja 215

Chamber, Th 225

Chambres, Ro 159

Champnes, Wi 224

Chapman, Jo. 126

Chapman, Jo 151

Chawlker, Jo. 102

Chawlker, Ri 100

Cheseman, Jo. 162

Childe, Wi 277, 330

Chittenden , Jo 25 , 343

Christian, Ja 162

Christian, Ri 241

Churche, Ph 256

Churche, Wi 95

Clarcke, Jo 162

Clarkeson, Ro . 316

Clement, Th 286

Clement, Wi 65


Clerck, He 205

Clerck, Humphrey, gent. 102

Clerck , Th . 231

Clerck, Wi 112

Clerk, He., gent. 99

Clerk, Th . 106

Clerke , Th . 158

Clifford, Jo. 42

Clinche, Jo 230

Clinton , Th 275

Clok, Jo 102

Cloke, Th 102

Cobb , Si . 166

Cobbe, Ja 89

Cobbe , Ri 89

Cocheman, Edw 197

Cock, Th., Mr. 40

Cocke, Chr 156

Cocke, Moses 156

Cocke, Ri 156

Cocke, Wi 277

Cockman, He 283

Cockman, Wi , bosholder 283

Coggar, Ja . 187

Coggar, Ri 187

Cok , Aug. 336

Cok, Jo. 331

Collard, Jo. 231

Collens, Edw . 128

Collens, Jo . 217

Collet, Th 219

Collett, Wi 215

Collinson , St. 202

Colly, 52

Colman, La 103

Colson, Jo 330

Colwell, Ro 290

Combe, Wi 223

Consent, Wi 90

Cook, Jo 17

Cooke, And 278

Cooke, Jo., constable289

Cooke, Ri 49, 342

Cooke, Ro. 240

Cooke, Wi 148

Cooper, Ri. 116

Coper, Ri 320

Copping, Ja . 190

Coppyn, Jo 199, 326

Coppyn, Wi. 344

Cotinge, Wi 148

Cotinge, Wi. 243

Cotsall, Jo. 274

Cotton , Jo 60

Coucheman, Wal 187

Couchman , Chr 157

Couper, St. 134

Courthoppe, Pet 182

Courthoppe, Wi 182

Coveney, Th 214

Cowland , Si 236

Cowling, Th 38

Cowper, Jo 349

Cowper, Th. 195

Craddock, Ja 187

Craddock, Th 187

Craye, Th 349

Crayford , Edw 33

Creke, He 274 , 330

Cristian , Th 219

Croche, Hu 248

Croche, Wi 163

Crocheman, Jo. 142

Crocheman , Ro. 142

Croidon, Ro 50

Croidon, Wi , jun 50 , 342

Crompe, Th 209

Crompe, Wi. 209

Crotall, Jo. 134

Crotall, Jo 322

Crowcher , Jo 79

Crownege, Rog 325

Cryar, Alan 187

Cryor, Th . 179

Cryppyn , He . 98

Crypse, Jo 29

Cullinge , Wi 347

Cullyng, Wi 76

Culter, Jo . 220

Curlesse, Jo. 165

Cusheman, Ri 182

Cutberte, Wi 318

Cutte, Th 337

Cutton , Th. 30

Dale, Vi 275

Darby, Sim 282, 332

Dates, Jo 248

Davie, Jo. 158 , 319

Davy, He 338

Davy, Morgan 30

Daye, Geo 130

Daye, La. 179

Daye, Ri 178

Daye, Sim 128

Daye, Wi. 163

Deacon, Ri 234

Deare, Ri 348

Deave, Jo 333

Dense, Al 182

Dense, Ri. 182

Denwaye, Ro 253

Denwodde, Wi 346

Denwood , Wi. 97

Derton, Ri 282

Dierson , St. 162

Dilnot, Wi 258, 316

Dive, Chr 171

Dod, Ro 91

Dodd, Gi 110

Dodde, W. 159

Doe, Nic. 223

Donneke , Edw . 178

Donncke, Pet. 178


Donnye , Ro 150

Dowle, Ri 320

Dowlie, Al 123

Down, Ri 234

Downe, Jo 112

Downe , Wal 128

Draiton, He 43

Drake, Ro 226

Draner, Sim . 185, 352

Drayton, He 339

Dreison, Jo. 201

Drewrie, Wi 255 , 328

Dreyson, Jasper 225

Dreyton, Ja. 338

Droyland, Jo. 290

Duck, Ri 223

Duddie, Th . , constable 190, 327

Dunkin, Ri 155

Dunkyn, Arnold 343

Durbarn, Geo 32

Durrannte, Jo 67, 347

Duston, Jo . 113

Dyne, Ro 163

Earle, Wi 182

Earsden, He 182

Eccleston , Ri 158

Edmede, Jo 190

Edmonde , Ro 274

Elam, Ri. 52

Elgor, Ri. 67

Elie, Jo. 231

Elingworth, Giles 26

Eliot, Jo 287 , 329

Ellens, He 39

Ellis, He 142

Ellis, Th . , gent 209

Elmer, Jo 275

Elson , Nic 226

Elvyn, Jo 228, 333

Eppes, Wi 164

Erle, Jo. 80

Essex , Th 128

Essex, Wi 100

Everenden , Ja 180, 322

Everenden , Jo 179

Everenden , Ro., of the Wood 179

Everenden , Ro , of Grauchill 180

Everyng, Wi 47

Evet, Jo 116, 320

Feryor, Pet 39

Ffagge, Ro 289

Fiarwood, Ri 228

Ffen, Jo. 167

Ffen, Wal. 156

Fferne, Geo 16, 343

Ffetherbie, Mi. 210

Ffetherstone , Ri 213

Ffidge, Jo 218

Ffigge, Jo 324

Ffissher , Th . 197

Fforstall, Dav 38

Ffoule, Ri 96, 339

Ffouler, Jo 331

Ffouler, Th . 285

Ffourd, Wi., sen 62, 343

Ffowle, Wi. 179

Ffoyche, He 32

Ffrancklyn, Mi. 340

Ffrannces , Th 225

Ffrannekeleyn , St. 201

Ffrench, Jo. 116

Ffrencham, Ri 130

Ffrogge , Jo . 163

Ffrowd, Th 146

Ffynche, Nic 279

Flynete, Th 51

Ffynshe, Cl. 28

Flynyx, Ri 51

Ffyttell, Ri 61

Flete, Jo . 128

Foche, Ro 134

Fogle, Ri 322

Foxley, Th. 52

Franckishe , Jo. 318

Frarie, Wi 163

Freend, Ri 281

Frenche, 286

Fryer, Jo . 286

Fulsnape , Wi 95, 339

Furmynger, Th. 267

Fynner, Wi 331

Fyrmynger, Jo 92

Gardener, And. 83

Gardener, Chr 50, 342

Garford, Jo. 190

Garforde , Jo 190

Garner, Jo 226

Gate , Wi. 318

Gates, Ro 231

Gates, St. 163

Gates, Wi 57

Gaunt, Th. 36

Gawen , Ro 187

Gay , Ed' . 328

Gayte, Jo 272

Gemet, Wi 206, 324

Gennynge, Jo 171

George, Rog 125

Gerrar, Fr. 271

Gervice, Wi 133

Gervis, Jo. 133

Gervise, Jo. 99

Ggardener, Jo. 324

Gibb , Jo 290

Gibbard , Jo. 29

Gibbes, Jo . 165, 317

Gibbes, Wi. 111

Gibbon, Ger 179

Gibbon, St. 129

Gibbon, Th 180

Gibbons, Th. 121


Gibson, Jo 144, 145

Gilles, Wi 24 , 341

Gillowe, Th 35, 36

Glover, Edm 164

Glover, Ri 179

Glover , St. 121

Glover, Wi. 121

Glyperte , Jo 275

Godard, Jo 332

Goddard, Th 140

Godfrey, Jo 175

Godfrey, Ri 141 , 318

Godfreye, Jo 148, 149

Godfreye, Th 248

Godwyn , Wal 201

Goffey, Pet 333

Goldam, Th 184

Golde, Silvester 72

Golde, Sim 270

Goldefinche , St. 259 , 317

Goldesmithe , Ri 218

Goldewell , Jo. , gent 128

Goldfynch , Silvester 46

Golding , La 180

Goldinge, He 146*

Goldyng, Th. 322

Gonnseley, Pet 280

Goodale, Ra. 138

Goodman, Jo 178 , 321

Goodwatte, Th 253, 331

Gore, Jo 317

Gore , Th . 215

Gorney, Jo 41

Got ...., Jo 287

Gotelie, Edm. 116, 320

Gotelie, Ri 288, 332

Gould, Jo . 32

Graungeden, Ro. 103

Graungeman , Th. 236

Graunte , Ro 87

Gray, Ro 28

Gray, St. 277

Gray, Th . 64

Graye, Eliseus 242

Greder, Wi. 98, 348

Grenestrete, Th. 231

Grenestrete, Wi 228

Grenstret , Ro. 333

Greyne, Wi 274

Grigbee, Al 197

Grydyron, Wi [Greder] 348

Gybban, Jo 130

Gybbon, 16

Gybson, Wi 319

H ......, Reg 287

Hadd, Ri 126

Haddes, He , gent 238

Haggard , Th. 215

Hale, Jo 140

Hales, Edw 133

Halfepeny , He. 76

Hall, Geo 347

Hall, Jo 94

Hall, Ro. 320

Hall, Wi 316

Halle, Th. 59

Hammond, Ri. 321

Hamond, Edm 321

Hamond, Jo . 58

Hardeglas , Jo. 187

Harlackenden , St. 135

Harman, Pet. 235

Harnes , And 35

Harnet, Ro . 41

Harplytt, Th 350

Harrinden, Jo. 125

Harrington, Th 332

Harris, Edw. 100

Harris, Jo. 190

Harris, St. 322

Harris, Th. 273, 330

Harrison, Th. 245

Harrison, Wi 279

Harrold, Ri 184

Harrys, Jo. 320

Harsfeld, And 61

Hart, Wi 280

Harte, He 168, 321

Harte, Jo . 157

Hartinge, Wi 271 , 328

Hartredge , Jo 182

Harwoode , Th. 165

Haryson , Wi 83

Hatche, St. 259

Hatfelde , And 343

Hauewye [Havejoye], Jo 288 , 332

Haukins, Th 284

Haule , Ro 175

Haulle, Moses 286


Hewson , Gre 339

Heyworde , Th . 271

Hickes, Ant. 92

Hilles, Art 256

Hilles, Jo . 245

Hilles, Th . 285

Hilles, Wi 278

Hinckley, Jo . 225 , 325

Hodge, Th 252

Hoggies, Wi 134

Hoker , Wal 113

Holieste , Th 133

Holland, Ri 128

Holman, Art 328

Holman, Jo. 151

Holmes, Th 146

Holmes Th 320

Holte, Edw. 341

Holte, Jo 335

Holton, Gre 162

Homersham , Jo 126

Honnye, Edw . 166

Hooker, St. 172

Hope, Jo 132

Hopper, Th . 215

Horden, Edw 186

Horne, Aug. 42

Horne, Th. 33

Horne, Th. 35

Hott, Th , sen 242

Hovenden , Wi 182

Howlet, Jo 223

Hubbarde , Jo. 130

Hubberd , Jo 166

Huckinge, Th. 270

Hudson , Geo 171

Hudson , Ph 199

Hugham, Th. 70 , 348

Hull, Ri 283

Hawes, Ro 93

Havejoye [Hauewye], Jo 332

Hawk, Nic 261

Hawk, Ri 108

Hawker, Jo. 111

Hayn, Pet 329

Haynes, Edw 275

Haywarde , Jo 166 , 318

Heire, Ro 241

Heldishe , Jo. 166

Helkyn, Jo 252

Helman, Chr. 282

Hendeley, Th. , Esq. 209

Hendley, Wal 182

Heniman, Th 237

Henman, Th. 226

Henman, Th 329

Hennekar, Aug. 228

Henneker , Th. 27

Henneker , Wal 215

Henneker , Wi 75

Hennyger , Ra 328

Hever, La 157

Hewet, Jo. 88 , 345


Hunte, Hu 264

Hurbren, Ro 157

Hurchyn, Jo. 170

Hurst, Wi 20

Hurton, Wi. 148

Hutchinson, Nic 254

Iackson, Rog. 250

Iddenden , Jo 128

Iddenden, Si 115

Ideley, Jo 75

Iden, Jo. 199

Jackling, Wi 35

Jackson, Ri 215

Jacobe, Wi. 340

Jenken, Wi 57

Jenkynson , Jo. 336

Jennynges, Wal 123

Jhones, Ro., jun.:

John, Griffin ap 69

Johnson , Jo. 75

Johnson , Jo 88

Joise, Ri. 221

Joise, Ro 221

Joll, Th . 55

Jornell, Wi 162

Jull, Ri. 50

Jull, Ro 61

Julle, Jo. 343

Jurdaie, Jo . 112

Kedgie, Wi 151

Kember, Jo. 98, 348

Kemesley, Wi. 224

Kempe , Jo . 113

Kempe, Wi. 84

Kencham, Jo. 130

Kennet, Geo 340

Kennet, Nic 165

Kennet, Wi 340

Kennett, Ro 103

Kennett, Ro 282, 332

Kers, Th. 340

Kete, Jo. 180

Keysar, Wi 201

Killigrewe, Wi 95

Kingesland, Rog 108

Kingesmilne, Wi 25

Kingslande, Ri , bosholder 288

Knell, Jo 165

Knell, Pet. 319

Knetchebull, Wi 103

Knighte, Ja. 220

Knighte, Ri 242

Knoller, Jo. 90

Knoller, Ra 90

Knowler, Ri 91

Knyght, Th . 58

Kytte, Edm 318

Laborne, Ro 286

Ladd, Jo . 55, 341

Ladd, Nic 55

Ladd, Nic 60, 342

Lak , Th 255

Lake, Ja. 125 , 320

Lambarte, Jo 57

Lambe, Jo . 212

Lambert, Jo . 115

Lambyn, Th 133

Langdon, Wi 20

Lasheford , Chr 57

Lawe, Jo 234

Lawrannce, He 247, 328

Lecknor, Ri 111

Ledes, Ja. 128

Leese, He. 228

Legdon, Th 88

Lewcas, Ro 130

Lewkine, Th 35

Lilburn , Jo. 341

Lincolne, Jo 88, 345

London , Pet 97

Lott, Eustace 158

Love , Jo , mercer 187

Lowe, Jo 254

Lowes , Ro 144

Lucas , Wi. 68

Luccas, Edw 206

Lukine, St. 67

Lukyne, Jo. 340

Lutwick, Cl 215

Lyford, Jo. 248

Lylly, Jo 337

Lympster, Ro 116 , 320

Lyon, Jo. 59

Lytleforde, Wal 279

M .. Val 287

Mannie, Ja 341

Mannyss, Ri 321

Mantill , Pet . 23

Mapisden, Ri 130

Mappinden , Geo . 130

Marchall, Wi. 110, 323

Marchall, Wi 290

Marche, Jo . 58

Marketman, Jo 119

Marketman, Ri 325

Marrishe, Geo 278

Marshall, And. 148

Marshall, Wi 171

Mascall, Al. 172

Mascall , Wi 190

Marten, And 105

Marten, Th. 62

Marten, Wal 187

Martyn, Th 338 .

Mason, Jo 223

Mason, St. 217

Master, Pa 325

Master, Ro 265

Master, Th 271

Matthewe, Geo. 52

Matthewe, Wi 74

Maunger, He 343

Maxted, He 286

May, Wi 325

Mayhewe , Th 190

Mayney, Wal , gent 184

Mendam , Jo 247

Mercer, Th. 178*

Merchannte , Gal 247

Mersh, Ri 38

Mershall, And 148

Mershall, Wi 321

Merywether, Edw 45

Mesdey, Jo 73

Metcalf, Th 268

Mette, Ro . 71

Michaell, Nic 286

Michell, Hu. 116 , 320

Michell, Wi 105

Milner, He 23

Milner, Jo. 23

Milwaye Cl 250, 331

Minnes , Th. 29

Moise, Jo 283, 334

Mones, Ri. 82

More, Ri 206, 324

Morlen, Jo . 179

Morres, Wi 341

Morrice, He 21

Morrice, Jo 74

Morrell, Ro 165

Morton, Wi., gent 219

Mosrede, Jo 84

Moswell, Th 206

Mote, St. 72

Motte, Jo 335

Motys, Ro 333

Mount, Jo. 343

Mude, Ri 349

Mullet, Jo 62

Mustarde , Th. 290

Mycchell, Jo 319

Myles, Rog. 280

Mylhall, Jo 320

Mylles, Jo. 108

Mylles, Jo 128

Mylles, Jo 242

Mylles, Ma 175

Mylles, Th. 199

Mylles, Wi 128

Mylner, Th. 340

Mylton, Edw 341

Neame, Jo. 47

Neble, Ro 152

Nede, Wi 330

Nele, Wi 331

Nepsam, Th . 186

Nethersole , Jo. 97

Nethersole , Ri. 116 , 320

Nethersole, Ro 135

Nethersole , Th. 271

Nethersole , Vi. 348

Nethersole , Wi 56

Netter, St. 179

Newland, Ja 330

Newstret, Th 116, 320

Neyler , Th 336

Norden, Jo 265

Norden , Jo 266, 330

Norden , Jo , Esq 270, 328

Norley, Jo 148

Norman, St. 284

Norrington, He. 138

Norrington, Ri 278

Norton, Edw 135

Norton, Jo 59

Norton, Th . , Esq 271

Norton, Th. 290

Norwood, Hu 87

Norwood, Th., sen 345

Norwood, Wi 88

Note, Ro. 59

Nunwycke, Jo 271


Odley, Vi 79

Okingfolde, Jo. 96

Olbarde, St. 285

Omer, La 70

Ordynner , Ra 337

Osborn, Th . 184

Ovenden, Geo. 197

Ovington, Mr. 335

Owen, Geo 347

Owen, Ja 69

Packham , Ro. 230

Packnam , Jo 226

Padian , Si 162

Padnoll , Wi 116, 320

Padyam , Jo 130

Page, Humphrey 17

Page, Th 40

Palm, Th 338

Palmer, Th . 59

Pamor , Wi 159

Paramor , Al 89

Paramor , Jo 345

Parker, Ja 234

Parker, Jo 96

Parker, Jo. 341

Parker, Jo 349

Parker, Ro 79

Parnell, Row 146

Parres, Jo. 29

Parrett, He 349

Parris , Th. 269

Partridge, Wi 35

Partry, Wi. 35

Pashlie, Th. 275

Patryn, Ri 275

Patte, Jo. 26

Pattenden, La 179

Patterson , Jo 343 .

Pattinden, Jo. 187

Payne, Wi. 286

Pecocke, Wi 280

Pedinden, Jo. 219

Peers, He 41

Peerse, Ri. 210

Peerse, Wi 99

Pekham , Wi 329

Pell, Jo 125

Pell, Ro. 125

Pelland, Ro 151, 318

Penbroke , Hu 320

Penie, Humphrey 337

Penny, Wi 72

Pensock, Jo 337

Pepper, Giles 54 , 34!

Pepper, Wi. 240

Perrot, Jo 344

Perry, Wi 205, 325

Peryman , Th 272

Pet, Vi 345

Peter, Jo. 202

Pette, Rog 317

Pettinden , Ro 254

Pettit, He 88*

Philipp, Jo . 149

Philippes , Edw. 133

Phillipp, Jo . 144

Phillipp, Pet. 144

Phillipp, St. 143

Phillipp, Th. 148

Philpotte, Ri 36

Philpotte, Wi. 113 , 322

Pickenden , Jo. 184

Pilcher, He 242

Pilcher, Jo 62

Pilcherde , Jo 348

Pilgreme, Al 273

Pimbe, Jo . 286

Pinde, Edw 205

Pinde, Geo 215

Pinde, Jo. 212

Piper, Th 150

Piper, Wi 146

Pittock, Th. 40

Pixe, Jo . 118

Pixelie, Jo 213

Plotte, Ro 242

Poishe, He 58

Polhell, Wi 219

Polhell, Wi , of the Forstall 219

Ponet, Ro 237

Ponnet Ri 170

Ponnette , Ro 329

Poope, Ri 35

Porrege, Jo. 266

Porte, Jo. 95, 344

Poste, Jo. 128

Poste, Wi 119

Pott, And. 151 , 318

Potter, Chr. 283

Potter, Th , constable283

Pount, Jo. 151

Poyshe, Ro 33

Pratte , Ed' 336

Pratte, He 205, 325

Preston, Ro 128

Pullyn, Jo 252

Pye, Th 232

Quested, He . 116

Quilter, Wi 73

Qussington , Th . 56

Qwoif, Th. 339

Qwoyf, Nic 338

Rache, Th . 164

Raffe, Th 335

Ramisden , Geo 128

Rayner, He 237

Rayner, Si 232

Rayner, Th. 226

Rayner, Th. 283

Raynold, Rog. 190

Raynold, Th. 113


Raynolde, Jo 223

Raynoldes, Edw. 151

Read, Wi , mayor of Folkestone 57

Reade, Edw 87

Reader, Jo 206 , 324

Reader, Jo 245 , 329

Reader, Nic. 240

Rede, Jo 184

Rede, Th 163

Redwood, Th 71

Reicate, Gre 166

Reines, Ph. 275

Remyngton , Jo. 335

Respice, Jo. 144

Reynold , Jo 212

Reynold , Ri 151

Reynolde, Wi. 92

Reynolds, Wi 166

Rickard, Wi 250

Rigden, Wi 286

Rigedon, Wi 342

Robas, Wi. 59

Robertes, Edm. 178

Robins, Edm 202

Robson, Jo. 321

Robynson , Geo 85

Rocke, Sim 318

Rode, Edw 187

Rode, Jasper 187

Rode, Ri 187

Rodes, Jo 210

Roger, Th 94

Rogers, Jo. 329

Rolphe , Jo 343

Roose, Ro 90

Roose, Th 90

Roper, Wi 128

Rose, Th 345

Rowe, Jo 263

Ruffyn, Jo. 330

Rugley, Ri 78

Rumney, Jo. 184 , 324

Rycharde , Th 274

Ryckarde , Th. 272

Rycrofte, Edm . 334

Rymer, Th 334

Sable, Th . 187

Sacre, Wi. 339

Sadler, Jo 215

Sampson, Jo. 254

Sampson, Ph 245

Sampson, Ro 275

Sander, He 60

Sandwell , Gal 86, 345

Sanntes, Th. 44

Sare, Nic 345

Sarles, Th. 108

Saunder, Jo. 125

Saunder, Wi 339

Savey, Th 139

Sawre , Wi 220

Sayer, St. 34

Scere, Wi 232

Scott, St. 135

Scotte, He 135

Scrymsby, Jo. 170

Seade , Wi 247

Segar, Jo. 275 , 330

Selherst, Chr 95, 344

Sempe, Aug. 163

Sethe, Geo 212

Shadwell , Jo. 322

Sharneden, Ro 220

Sharpe, Jo. 125, 320

Sharpe, Jo 179

Sharpe, Jo 221

Sharpe, Th 108

Sharpe, Wi , sen 108

Sharpe, Wi. 112

Sharpie, Jo 182

Sharpie, St. 182

Shasted, Ro 225

Shawe, Jo. 334

Sheipie, He 35

Sherlock , Ja 322

Shitterden , Wal 30

Shorte, Pet 133

Showell, Th. 250

Showsmith, Edw 250

Shroubsold , Jo 283

Simon , Ri 55

Sisseley, Th 178

Sixweke , Th 172

Sket, Chr 28

Slaughter , Edw 350

Sloden, Ro 59

Smelte, Jo , jun. 94

Smith, Reg 284

Smithe , Jo. 159, 317

Smithe , Jo . 219

Smithe, Th . , miller 187

Smodinge, Ja 225, 327

Smyth, Th 66

Smyth, Wi 339

Smythe, Ro 85

Snode, Cl 278

Snode, Jo 290

Snode, Ro 283

Solmes, Th. 50

Soly, St., sen. 72

Somes, Th. 342

Sone, Jo., sen. 176

Sougate, Edw 289

Southouson , Chr 285, 332

Spachehurst , Ant 256

Spachehurst , Sim 256, 313

Spaigne, Jo 347

Sparrowe, Jo. 263

Sparrowe , Th 236

Specheley, Th. 74

Speyce, Jo. 336

Spice, Jo 226 , 324

Spice Ro . 172


Spice, Wi 324

Spicer, Chr . 59

Spicer, Dav. 59

Spillet, Jo., bosholder 205, 327

Spracklen , Jo 87

Sqwier, Jo 84 , 316

Stace, Ro 179

Stanforde , Th . 345

Starke, Jo. 65

Steble, Jo. 235

Stede, Jo . 225

Stede, Jo 226

Stede, Ro 139

Stede, Wi 225

Stertout, Ri. 195

Steuen, Wi 288

Stevens, Al 187

Stevens, Jo. 187

Stile, Jo 206, 324

Still, Jo . 148

Stinte, Ri 126

Stock, Wi 260

Stockwell, Nic 340

Stode, Ri. 160

Stoke, Ri 319

Stonard , Jo 252

Stonas, Ri. 219

Stone, Jo . 187

Stone, St. 19

Stonehouse, Chr 171

Stonehowse, Jo 223

Stoner, Jo 247

Stonnerd, Wi 324

Stopeney, Th 318

Stottesford , Ja . 182

Stronge, Ri 67 , 347

Stupner, La. 162

Style, Jo 324

Sudger, Wal 209

Supple, Wi. 286

Sutton, Pet 237

Sutton, Pet. 277

Swalman , Wi 274 , 330

Swane, Ri. 326

Swanner, Ri. 210

Swanton , Jo 340

Swifte, St. 286

Swynford, Ri 346*

Swynnerton, Jo. 195

Swynnerton , Ro . 190

Symme, Ri 128

Symon, Jo , 332

Symon, Mi. 270

Symonds, Wi 324

Sympson, Rog. 158

Tadlawe , Th. 162

Tailor, Gre. 115

Tailor, Gre 121 , 320

Tailor, He 225

Tailor, Ri , sen 182

Tailor, Th. 126

Tailor, Wi 182

Tassell, Th 335

Taylor, Jo 46

Taylor, Jo 317*

Taylor, Wi 317

Taylor, Wi 349

Teboll, Jo. 190

Tenaker , Jo. 284

Terrie, Ri 288

Tery, Ri 321

Tesdale, Nic 218

Thatcher, Th 240

Thompson , Ja 221

Thompson , Th. 221

Thompson , Wi. 106

Thoraton, Ri. 338

Throwlie, Pet. 152

Ticknore, Ro 287

Tilden, Ja 221

Tilden , Th. 210

Tilden, Wi 215

Tilsey, Ro . 158

Tirrenden, Reg 254 , 328

Tirrey, Th 190

Tobie, Ja 235

Tofte, Ja. 261

Tomlyn, Wal 253

Tonge, Jo. 269, 329

Tonge, Wi 255

Topley, Ri 321

Toppley, Wi. 175

Tose, Edw 50

Tristram, Ri. 266, 330

Tritton, Jo. 288

Trontes , Jo 280

Tryntam, Ro 146

Tuck, Jo. 57

Tucker, Ri 73

Turner, Wi 247

Turnor, Jo 183

Turnor, Th 86

Turnor, Wi. 121

Twesnoth , La 320

Tyrrey, Ro 168

Tyrrey, Th 288

Vale, Th 138

Vewe, Wi 82

Vffington, Jo 70

Virgen, Th 135

Vnderdowne , Hu 347

Vpton , Ro 288

Vsborn, Hamon 338

Vsborn, Th. 324

Vsmer , St. 202

Vylet, Wi 88

Vynney, Chr 324

Wade, Edm 138

Wade, Jo 223

Wade, Wi. 322

Waites, Jo. 133


Wall, Rog 51

Waller, Jo 285

Waller, Ri 285 , 332

Waller, Th 36

Waller, Wi 231

Wallys, Pet 162

Wanstall, Jo 348

Warcopp , Wi 165 , 317

Warde, Ro 163

Warner, Jo . 271

Warren, Th 54

Waterman, Th. 187

Waters , 226

Waters, Chr 226

Wattes , He 223

Wattes, Jo 116

Wattes , Ri 175

Wattes , Ri 176, 322

Wattes , Wi. 176

Wattes, Wi 179

Webbe, Wi 68

Week, Jo 231

Weldish, Jo 277

Weller, Jo . 157

Welles, Jo ., sen 190

Welles, Ri 179

Welles, Ri 348

Welles, Th 176, 322

Wessynden, Ro 86, 345

West, Jo., bosholder 270

Wetherenden , Ro 121

Whatman, Jo. 162

Whatman, Th . 146

Whit, Ri. 41

Whit, Wi 113 , 322

White, Jo. 70

Whitewoode, Ri 129

Whitewoode, Wi 158

Whitfield , Jo. 133, 320

Whitfield, Th 32

Whitinge, Ro 220

Whitlock, Arnold 232

Wich, Wi 321

Wickes, Jo. 209

Wigge, Ri 340

Wilborne, Jo 166

Wilkinson, Geo 323

Willard, Th. 180

Willes, Th. 159

Williams, Jo 199

Wilstone, Wi 102

Winge, Wi 328

Wingefelde , Wi 250

Wise, Ro 99

Witte, Jos 116

Wolfe, Ja. 337

Wolgate, Jo 223

Wollett, Ri 55 , 340

Wolton, Jo. 125

Wood, Jo. 201

Woodd, Ro 324

Woodde, Th 346

Wooddyer , Ri. 226

Woode , Jo 271

Woode, Ro 271, 328

Woodgate , Pet. 178

Woodward, Wi. 116 , 320

Wotton, Jo 248

Wraight, Nic 55

Wrighte, Th 342

Wyborn, Ra . 186

Wydope , Jo 336

Wyllard, Jo 179

Wyllard, Ro 179


Wylson, Jo 324

Wynston, Wi 317

Wyuell, Jo 167

Yong, Jo. 316

Yonge, Bar 190, 327

Yonge, Dav 106, 347

Yonge, Jo. 93

Yonge, Th 340

Young, Geo 20

Younge , Ri, 283



Aberye , Eliz 351

Aberye, Ro 351

Abot, Wi 351

Adams , He 104

Allyn, of Herne 138

Almanson, Wm . 65

Arden, Th 20

Arnold, Jo . 145

Auchar, Mr. 231

Austen, Wi 122

Awger, Mrs. 39

a Wood, Wi., yeoman 352

Bailie, Jo ., of Rye 134

Baker , Agnes 327

Baker, Th 351

Baker, Wi 100

Balden, Ri , yeoman 351

Barham, Dav 216

Barlyng, Wi 352

Barrie, Th , gent. 139

Bartilmewe, Joan 145

Bate, Jo 177

Bauberie, Anne 116

Bayly, Jo 351

Beale, Th 183

Bennet, Agnes 327

Bennet, Jo 216

Berrye, Jo. 351

Biam , He 350

Blachenden , Mrs., of Walmer 36, 37

Boll, Jo 143

Bolton, Th. 96

Bowle, Jo. 67

Bowreman, Alice 109

Bowthing 48

Brente , Mr. 121, 265

Brewes, Wi 52

Bridger, Ro 213

Browne, Sir Pat 66

Browning, Geo 263

Buns, Jo 142

Bunse, Ri 142

Byrry, Judith 327

Carpinter, Jo 240

Carpynter , Th . 352

Castlyne, Geo 134

Catlock 333

Chapman , Ja. 96

Charles, Jo , schoolmaster 83

Cheyney, Sir Thos , Kt. 98

Clement , Jo 53

Cloke, Ja 263

Cobham, Lord 214

Colman, Wi 352

Colsole, Jo. 350

Cowdale, centenarian 216

Craford, Mr. 48

Creffeld's wife, midwife 216

Cregges, Th. 262

Cregges's wife 262

Culpeper, Mrs. 80

Cumberford , Mr. 48

D ...., Da 78

Damsell, Sir Wm , Kt 107, 110

Darbie, Wi. 350

Dartnall 136

Daunster ,104

Den, Dav 77

Deringe, Mr. 121

Dierband, Ro. 351

Digges, Mr. 63

Diggons, Joan 351

Diggons, Ro 351

Dod, Agnes 352

Donnye, Ro 145

Dorrell, Geo , Esq. , of Calehill 169

Dorrill, Esq., of Scotney Castle

Lamberhurst 182n

Dunyng [?], Jo , bosholder327

Elet, Chr 53

Elgar, Ri 263

Elsmere, Ri 217

Elwer, Sister Eliz 136

Eustacis' widow 74

Exton, Th 183

Ffarmer, Wi 351

Ffissher, Kath 123

Ffordman, Wi 351

Ffordmyll, Ro 70


Ffowle, St. 94

Ffrankis, Jo. 351

Ffrannckeleyn 204

Ffranncklen, Th 201

Ffranneys , Joan, prioress 136

Finch, Ra. 321

Finche , Mr. 177

Foule 177

Fowle, Wi 131

Foxton, Agnes 351

Foxton, Ja 351

Frampton, Wal 53

Freeman 136

Freman's widow 137

Frenche, Mr. 137

Garrat, Rog. , schoolmaster129

Gates, Ri. 350

Gibson 350

Gibson, Jo. 345

Gilbert 349

Gillowe, Jo 36

Godderde, Th . 351

Godfrey, Alice 352

Godfrey, Pet 351

Godfrey, Ri. 352

Goodhewe, Wi 335

Gostree, Jo 53

Guldeford family, of Hempsted in Benenden 181-2n

Kees, Th. 351

Kelisham, Chr 352

Kennett, Jo. 127

Kinge, Mr. 129

Knell, Wi , yeoman of Brookland (executed for Pope's Supremacy 1539) 165n

Knighte, Jo 245

Knyghte, Th 351

Kyrsforde, Edw., of Hoo, Sussex 132

Lake , Ro. 188

Lake, Th. 188

Lake, Wi 188

Lathbury, Wm ., of London 28

Lawles , Mr. 130

Lewes's wife, of Canterbury 77

Living, Ja . 183

London, Pet 97

Longe, And 78

Lovelace , Mr. 345

Lowes , He 145

Luck, Jo. 201

Lyford, Jo 328 , 351

Lyllie, Ric 216

Lynsey, Jo. 53

Malam , He 350

Man, Th. 351

Mantell, Jo. 243

Mapisden, Th 217

Mascall, Th 201

H ...., of Canterbury 332

Hales, Sir Chr 136

Hamond 38

Harfild, Helen 352

Harfild, Wi 352

Harper, Mr., commissioner203, 209 , 211, 212, 326

Harris, Joan 194

Harris, Th. 194

Harte, Jo , parish clerk 259

Harte, Jo. 351*

Hasylhurst, Ra. 20

Helson's wife, midwife 216

Hennekar's wife, midwife 216

Hitchcocke , Anne 352

Hitchcocke, Ro 352

Hobson, Hu 63

Holliday, Ro 351

Holy Maid of Kent 353n

Homersham , Jo 352

Honnye, Pet. 110

Honnywell, Mr. 26

Horne, Mr. 352

Howlet, Eliz 104

Hunte, Th 351

Isaac, Mr. 99

Jasopp, the butcher 136

Joice, Jo. 195

Mathewe, Rog, schoolmaster 126

Mercer , Godliva 352

Merden, Jo. 194

Mersh, Wi 38

Mershe, Leon 38

Merywether, Edw ., smith 41

Mockett, Mr. 112

Motie 353

Motie, Ro 232

Moyle, Sir Th., Kt. 111

Myndge, Al 51

Neyvyson , Chr 76 , 81

Norden, Mr. 248, 328

Norleyn, Margt 352

Not, Edm 23

Not, Edm . , sen 24

Not, Pet 24

Palmer , Sir He , Kt 67

Palmer , Mr. 46 , 75

Pantrie, Wi 104

Parckehurst , Mr. 228

Peeres, Jo. 67

Pemton 36

Peper, Nic 352

Peper, Wi 351 , 352

Petit Ciriac, Mr. 70

Pettit, Jo 74

Philpotte, Ja. 183

Pratte , Th 109

Prett, Ro 226

Pullen, the painter 63

Pyne, Wi 132

Pynes 353

Rabettes, Jeroppa 194

Rabettes, Nic 194

Ray, Chr. 351

Raynarde , Geo 351

Raynes, Ph 276

Raynold , Rog., bosholder 190-2

Rede, Wi 327

Respis 41

Richardes , Th 350

Roberdes, Ri. (or Robins ) 48

Robertes, Mr. 152

Rooke, widow of 103

Rouse, Geo 200, 327

Rouse, Wi. 351

Ryder 138

Ryndgeley, Sir Edw. , Kt. 28

Roper, Chr , Esq 197, 198, 214 , 232

Ruffyn, Jo . 276

Salmon, Wi 350

Sampson, Ph. 245

Sanders of Woodnesborough36

Segar, Ro 276

Sherwoode, Jo . 151

Shouwell, Wi 335

Silver, summoner 292

Skambler's wife 189

Sloyte, Sir Geoff 37

Smede, Th , wife of 194

Smith, Geo 335

Smith, Jo 335

Smithe , Nic., tailor 216

Smithe , Th . 194

Spillman, Mr. 39

Stace, summoner 291 and n


Stapen, Ro. 138

Stonas, Chr 351

Stonehouse, Alice 351

Stonehouse, Ma 351

Stonehurst , Mr. 221

Swifte, Jo. 351

Sydley, Mr. 37

Tanner , Alice 127

Taunton, Joyce, a scold 217 Th . , herhusband 217 33

Tilly, summoner 352

Turner, Jo , scrivener 216

Turner's wife, of Sutton Valence 327

Twaites, Mr. 353

Twisden , Jo 177

Tydliey 132

Typsall, of London 136

Vden, Th 53

Vueley, Cl 131

Walter, Jo 194

Walter, Wal 194 Walton, Edw. 137

Warde , Wi 132

Waterman, 123

Wattes, Reg 147

Webb 333

Wetherden , Jo 123

Whatman, Th., victualler 147

Wildie, Ro 276

Wilkins, Mr. 328

Wodcocke , Edw. 352

Wodcocke , Jo. 352

Wood, Joan 221 , 222 , 327

Wotton, Mr., commissioner 209

Yonge, Bar., bosholder 190, 192

Younge 136

Younge, Flor 136


Acta 233

Ale house (vicar lodging at) 73

Altarstone (in aisle) 204; (in chimney) 203; (in highway) 125; (on tomb) 206 Asperges 293, 329

Bailiff 53 , 320

Beads 18, 25, 53, 68, 99

Bellrope land 78

Bible in English (recalled ) 132 , 146 , 196, 199, 206, 218, 235, 243, 246, 248 , 326 and n, 329

Billa 294-349 , 317n, 322n, 324n , 334n

Bosholder 120, 127, 177, 183, 189, 191 , 193, 194, 200, 206, 249 (see also index of names)

Brotherhood (of St. Sepulchre) 247; (of the Trinity) 143

Butchers 109, 217

Censers (pairofrequired) 276

Centenarian 216

Cess 53, 149 , 319

Chalice (not ofsilver) 234, 245; (to be consecrated) 66

Chapels (pulled down) 70, 247

Chest 254

Childbirth (communion refused by one in) 100

Choir singers 26, 92, 185, 201 , 206, 207, 215

Church cows 42

Church sheep 38

Churchwardens (at sea on Queen's business) 334

Commissioners of Edward VI (for church goods) 114, 144, 207

Commissioners of Queen Mary (for heresy) 28, 30, 53, 77, 120, 123, 186* ,

208 and n

Common Prayer Book 235

Compulsory marriage 104

Compurgation110, 145, 194 , 222

Confirmation 103, 323 and n

Constable 186 , 189

Cope (given by Abp. Cranmer) 45

Corn for church light 37

Corpus Christi light 58

Creeping to the cross 179 , 185, 321

Curate's salary 49

Curfew land 36

Decree 330

Delegation by archdeacon 194*

Dispensation (letters of) 69

Drunkenness 217

Evensong 333

Excommunication 117, 123, 324 ? , 331

Exemption from archidiaconalvisitation 261n

Falling sickness 305

Forfeiture 188

Frenchpriests 32, 35 and n, 308, 321

Hanging pyx 263

Here cloth 229 , 230 , 251

Hermitage 247

Herse (made intocradleby vicar) 22

Highways 104

Holy bread 245; (bowl) 63 and n land 96

Home stall 332

Hymnals 271 , 272

Incantation (alleged) 109-10, 123 , 216

Induction of vicar 37, 50*

Induction of archdeacon 282n

Inventory 86, 229, 233, 239, 243 , 274

Jurats 30

King's arms 199

Lamp and cloth for desk 18

Lastsacraments (notadministered)195

Last book of visitation 343

Lent confessions 179, 180, 183

Letters of absence 302

Letters of ordination 316 and n

Manual 19

Mass book 271

Mayor 30, 50, 52, 53, 57, 137

Nihil actum 30, 330

No summons to visitation 297, 300 , 334

Oaths 295-312, 317

Obit 77 , 177

Official of archdeacon 353

Oil and tow 150

Old book 109n , 328, 331

Organist 325

Organs 131 , 135, 137, 226

Painted cloth (in place of rood) 273

Paraphrase of Erasmus (recalled) 132, 146, 196, 199, 206, 218, 235, 243, 246, 247, 248, 326 and n, 329, 353

Parchment 247

Payments to archdeacon's court P 294, 295 and n304

Peculiars 281n

Penances described 118 , 207 , 244, 245 , 323

Plurality 42, 210

Poor relief 319

Pricket 226

Probate of wills 291-3, 351-2

Processionals 207

Processions on Wednesdays and Fridays 99, 183, 186 , 189

Processions on Rogationdays 202, 326

Procurations 313-4

Quare nonpuniri debet 70, 138, 145

Recognizance 322

Recusancy in Kent 55n, 146n , 168n , 180-2n, 236-7n, 257n, 284n

ReligiousDisaffectionor NegligenceAdisham, 81 (Chr Neyvynson) Aldington, 262 (Dionisia Cregges, ux:?)

Ashford, 118 (Margt. Geoffrie; Joan Masterson; Ri Morcote; Anne Sewell)

Barham, 77-8 (Jo Broke, gent. and son; Jekis and wife; Rog a Nower)

Bearsted , 222 (Jude Herne; Joan Wood); see also 327

Bethersden, 123 (Swanne)

Biddenden , 129 (Ri -; Rog. Garrat; Jo Halfnoth; Hu Wood)

Bilsington, 317 (Fisherand wife)

Boughton Monchelsea , 200 (Jo. Master; wife of Geo Rouse)

Boxley, 218 (Jo Bause ; wife of Jo Johnson)

Canterbury, St. George 335 (Geo. Smith ; Jo. Smith; Wi Shouwell)

Cranbrook, 183 (Th. Beale; Th Exton ; Ja Livinge ; Ja. Philpotte)

Dover, St. Mary53 (Jo Lynsey ?) St. Peter51 (Al Myndge ?) "


Goudhurst , 189-90, 323, 327 (Coggar's wife; Ri Dallington and wife; wife ofArt Lye; He Muddle; wife of Wi. Walter; wife of Jo. Smithe, miller)

Headcorn , 127, 323 (Agnes Fiscock; Jo. Tonge; Th. Tonge; Shepherde ?)

Kennardington, 145 (Thurstan Wood)

Kennington, 116 (Alice Crosbie)

Kingsnorth, 103, 323 (Mi. Áisherst ?)

Lenham, 327 (Geo Kingsnothe and wifesee also Ulcombe)

Maidstone , 216-7 (Joan Drowley; Nic Smithe, tailor ?)

Marden , 191-4 (Wi Affelde and Dorothy his wife; 'Agnes Bassock ; Joan Cleve; Val Dowtie, Ri. Everynden and wife; Jo Ffowle; Margt. wife of Ja Garford ; Ja Ham and wife; Jo. Ham, jun.; Jo Ham, sen.; Ri Hider ; Jo Knoll; wife of Wi Maschall; Eleanor Mayhowe; Cath Nicolas; Wi Randolf; Th. Smithe)

Mersham , 105 (Margt. Grigbee) Newington near Sittingbourne 249 -50 (Ant. Allen; Th Blackborn; Howe, late vicar, and ' wife ')

Orlestone , 323 (Margt Smythe)

Pluckley, 120 (Jo. Anowre; wife of Jo. Hart ; He Harte ; one Hatche; Nic Hugge)

Sandhurst , 177 (young Willard)

Sandwich, St. Mary 28 (one Willard)

Smarden , 126 (Ri Busse; Ja Lake's wife)

Stallisfield, 229 (Nic and Juliana Kinge)

Staplehurst , 186, 327 (wife of Batherst ; widow Buckland; Th. Clifford; Ffaunte's wife; Pet Fowle, servant; Ro Garland; Pet Marden; Mat Medherst; Th Rede andwife; Th . Robertes ; Th. Scranton and wife; Geo. Tailor)

Stockbury, 243-5 (He Baker and wife; Jo. Beckett and son; Alice Kemesley; Jo Knighte ? ; Jo Mantell)

Sutton, East, 209, 307 (Margery Delman or Dolman)

Tenterden , 135 (Benette's wife; Hamme's wife)

Ulcombe , 207-9 (Joan Adams; Joan Barlinge, Pet. Ffowle; Isobel Gates ; Margt Johnson; wife of Geo Kingesnothesee also Lenham ; EleanorMoswell; Eliz Poste)

Valence , Sutton, 327 (Turner's wife)

Westwell, 116 (Alice Crosbie of Kennington; Hu Hatche)

Willesborough , 138 (Wi Hall ; Ri Mone ; Th . Sprotte)

Woodchurch , 100 (wife of Jo Wytherlie)

Wye, 109 (St. Gilessee also Westwell)

Residence (vicar called to) 328

Respite 70 , 348

Restitution (by striking candles) 110

Robbery of churches 233, 245, 257 , 275

Roman use forbidden 260

Rural deans 299, 304, 307, 309, 327, 342

Sarum use 64

Schoolmaster 216, 335

Scold 217

Scottish priest 8, 260

Scripture (to be erased above rood) 53, 127, 225

Seams of wheat 247

Sextry land 74

Shops (open on Sundays) 109, 147 , 217

Sidesmen 63, 189, 229, 243, 249, 251, 253, 319 and n

Singing bread 169

Summoner of the archdeacon 35n , 291-3, 297n, 352

Tabernacle 17

Taking possession of church 278n

Vestments to be mended 321

Vicarage to be vacated 51

Vicar's warden 318 and n

Wedde 202

Woodsetters 183

Work on Lady Day 331

Zodiac (signs of) 173




FOUNDED 0.1904


JUNE 1 , 1948, to MAY 31, 1950

Together with the Roll of Members , the Obituary, the Constitutions, &c


1. Name. The name of the Societyis " THE CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY . "

2. Objects The objects are the transcribing, printing, indexing, and distributing to its members the Catholic Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths , and other old Records of the Faith, chiefly personal and genealogical, since the Reformation in England and Wales

3. Management. The affairs of the Society are managed by a Council consisting of twelve members, three trustees and five honorary officers, viz The Recorder, Bursar, Legal Adviser, Librarian, and Secretaryfourforming a quorum It haspower to appointa Presidentand Vice-Presidents, its Chairman and Officers, and to fill vacancies on its own body, and has power to refuse or take away membership Onethird of the twelve members and all the honorary officers retire each year, but are eligible for re-election Nominations of new Members of the Council must be sent to the Secretaryfourteen daysbeforethe Annual Meeting. The representationand management are reserved to Catholic Members

4. Subscription . The subscription is one guinea per annum, commencing June 1st, which entitles members to any publications issued during the year. No volume will be issued to any memberwhose subscriptionis unpaid , and the names of any members whose subscription shall be two years in arrear will thereuponbe removed from the Society, and not be readmitted until all arrears are paid A member wishing to retire from the Society must intimate his intention to the Bursar or the Secretarybefore the 1st day of June, or be held liable for his subscription for the ensuing year Personal Life Membership may be obtained on payment of twenty guineas in advance. Members who have paid subscriptionsfor ten consecutive years and who are not in arrear may obtain the same privilege on payment of ten guineas All life subscriptions are to be capitalized

5. Back Numbers Members may, on prepayment , obtain back numbers (ifin stock) on such terms as the Councilmay direct.

6. Meetings. An Annual Meetingis held in the month of June or July, of which at least seven days' notice is sent to all the members. At this meeting a report of the work of the Society, with a statement of the income and expenditure, is presented This is issued together with the list of members and the Constitutions of the Society. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Council. At least seven days' notice, stating the object ofthe meeting, shall be given.

7. Audit

The Bursar's accounts are audited by a memberof the Society or professional accountant appointed by the Council, at the close of the financial year, which expires on May 31 .

N.B.The Bursar deals with Membership and Subscriptions .

The Catholic Record Society

FOUNDED JUNE 10th, 1904









MOST REV . DAVID MATHEW , M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S.


COUNCIL (Elected)


A. C. F. BEALES , M.A.






W. A. PANTIN, M.A., F.S.A.






REV. GORDON ALBION, D.Sc.Hist , B.A., F.R.Hist.S.


Honorary Officers (On Council ex officio)

Hon Bursar and Secretary

REV DR GORDON ALBION , S. Edward's , Sutton Park, Guildford

Hon Recorder


Hon. Legal Adviser


Hon Librarian








The Council has pleasure in presenting to the members of the Catholic Record Society the following Annual Reports

For reasons of economy, separate copies of our Annual Reports will no longer be issued to members Theywill continue to appear bound into our volumes

Since our last Report , dated March 1948 , the Council begs to announce the election of Brigadier T. B. Trappes-Lomax , C.B.E., to the Vice-Presidency left vacant by the death of Dom E. Hilary Willson, O.S.B.; and of the Reverend Gordon Albion, D.Sc.Hist., B.A., F.R.Hist Soc , as Hon Secretary, in place of the late R. Cecil Wilton, and to continue as Hon Bursar ; and of Mr. Antony Francis Allison, B.A., of the British Museum , as Hon Librarian with special charge of the Gillow Library (owned by the Catholic Record Society, and now housed by courtesy of The Tablet at Tablet House, 128, Sloane Street, London, S.W.1). Members wishingto consult it should apply to the Hon Secretary, C.R.S.

Also since our last Report , the Society has issued Volume41 (The Letters of Thomas Fitzherbert, 1608-1610 , edited by Fr. Leo Hicks, S.J.) and Volumes 42, 43 and 44 (Hampshire Registers, edited by Canon R. E. Scantlebury ).

Forthcoming volumes already in print and in process of binding include further Hampshire Registers , edited by Canon R. E. Scantlebury , and Nicholas Harpsfield's Visitation Returns for 1556-8, edited by the Reverend L. E. Whatmore , M.A., to appear in two volumes.

The Jesuit Father John Warner's PersecutionisCatholicorum Anglicana, et Coniurationis Presbiteriana Hystoria, an account of the Popish Plot edited by T. A. Birrell, now of Nijmegen University, is ready for the printer, but publication has been delayed by the decision ofthe Council to issue with itan English translation now being made by Fr. Bligh, S.J., of Beaumont College.

Mr. E. E. Reynolds, who is editing extracts from theDiary of William Mawhood, has transcribed the whole forty-nine note-books (4,024 pages) of the journal

On 13th December, 1949, the Annual General Meeting was held at the Newman Association, 31, Portman Square, London, W.1, when Fr. Basil Fitzgibbon, S.J. , lectured on SomeAspects of Popish Plot Research'

On 21st November, 1950, Brigadier T. B. Trappes-Lomax , C.B.E., Vice-President, C.R.S., lectured to the Annual General Meeting on" The Survival of Catholicism in England and Wales , 1559-1791, and a Plan for its Recording " Previous to the lecture the Hon Secretary-Bursar reported that the rise in costs of printing and binding meant that the Society, with its present membership, was losing on every volume issued and must increaseits income or cease production The Meeting empowered the Council to explore and carry through everypractical means of augmenting the Society's resources, including recognition as a charity on public appeal for donations and in the last resort the raising of the annual subscription.


The Hon. Bursar begs to reporttheaccessionofthefollowing new membersRev J. W. Moloney; St. Benet's Hall, Oxford; Miss N. McNeill O'Farrell; Mr. C. W. F. Skrimshire ; Southwell House, S.J.; EdinburghUniversity Library; W. J. C. Berrington; Miss D. L. Smith; The Rt Rev. Bishop Beck; Lt.-Col A. E. H. Villiers; Rev. V. Guazzeli; The English College, Lisbon; Mr. F. D. Allison; Miss E. M. Bickerdike ; Mr. Henry Swarbrick; Mr. David Rogers; Mr. Brian Magee ; V. Rev. Gordon Gray; Miss S. M. C. Duncan ; Rev. J. W. Levy; Norwich PublicLibrary; Louvain University Library; Mr. J. E. Brogden; Mr. Herbert Ward; the University Library , Nijmegen ; Mr. G. E. Crosby; Lady Margaret House, Cambridge ; Sainte Union Convent , Southampton ; Mr. J. M. Pound; Rev. M. O'Riordan; Mr. Edward Radcliffe ; Sir Gyles Isham, Bt.; Mr. J. L. Young ; Mr. H. Nelson; Mr. R. G. Cummings; Rev. G. D. Sweeney; Miss Anne Seé; The Countessof Iddesleigh; Rev. R. J. N. Gay; Rev. B. N. Foley; Rev. B. C. Fisher; Mr. Edward Thompson; Hull Catholic Local History Society; Dr. Ann Forster ; Mr. C. N. Francis ; Miss Dorothy Browne; Rev. Edwin Broderickand Rev. John Harrington.

The following have become Life MembersCol R. G. Dawson; Dom Hugh Bowler; The Most Rev. the Archbishop_of Birmingham; Dr. Mary Cardwell ; Mr. R. J. A. Arundell; The Rt Rev. Bishop Beck; Mr. Henry Swarbrickand Rev. R. J. N. Gay

The Bursarregrets to announce the resignation of seventeen members and also the following deathsDom Hilary Willson (Vice-President , C.R.S.) ; Bishop Lee ofClifton ; Miss Alice Eccles; Bishop Moriarty of Shrewsbury ; Mr. Percival Deeley; Canon John McQuirk; Nicholas Blundell; W. Abbey Smith; Bishop Poskitt and The Most Rev. Archbishop Amigo

TheMembership Roll now stands at 410, an increaseof40. March, 1949

Henry Ince Anderton Mrs. Leach for J. H. Woollan

Henry Singleton

Threlfall L.C. C. Lindsay

Newdigate Legacy

I have examined the above Balance Sheet and

and properly kept by the Society. I have obtainedall theinformation andexplanations necessary and Expenditure Account give a true and fair view of the

Legacy from James Britten K.C.S.G. Henry Ince Anderton Mrs. Leach for J. H. " " Woollan " Henry Singleton

" Threlfall

L. C. C. Lindsay Newdigate Legacy

I have examined the above Balance Sheet and Income and properly kept by the Society . I have obtained all the information and explanations necessary and Expenditure Account give a true and fair view respectively of the GORDON ALBION, Hon Bursar and Secretary.

31st May, 1950

Investments- £2,227 17 1 3 % War

£500 21% Consolidated Stock @cost

Note: The value of the above investments as at 31st May was as under-

2,227 17 1 3 % WarStock

500 3% Consolidated Stock


Cost of printing Volume No.45

Cost of binding Volumes 43 and 44

of binding Volume No. 42

ExpenditureAccount, whichare in agreement withthe Books ofAccount for the audit, and in my opinion the Balance Sheet and the Income state of its affairs at the 31st May 1950 .


FFounderson June 10 , 1904 HHonorary Members DLifeMembers

Abbott, Rev. E. M., SS Peter and Paul, Atherton Street, Wallasey, Cheshire

L Adamson , Rev. Philip, C.F., SS Catherine and Martina's Presbytery, Birkenhead Road, Hoylake, Wirral , Cheshire .

Albemarle , The Countess of, Beacon Hill, Martlesham , Woodbridge , Suffolk .

Albion, Rev. Gordon , D.Sc.Hist , B.A., F.R.Hist.S., S. Edward's, Sutton Park, Guildford

Allison, Antony Francis, B.A., 21 , Dalmore Avenue, Claygate, Surrey.

Allison, F. D., The Arundel Press, Sussex Road, Bognor Regis.

Amriding, John, 20, Nevett Street, Preston, Lancs

Apamea, Most Rev. David Mathew, M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A. , F.R.Hist.S., Archbishop of, Delegate Apostolic to Africa for the Missions, P.O. Box 468, Mombasa, British EastAfrica

Armstrong, C.A. John, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., Hertford College, Oxford

L Arundell, Reginald John Arthur, Hook Manor, Donhead St.

Andrew, nr Shaftesbury , Dorset

Ashburnham, The Lady Catherine , Ashburnham Place, Battle, Sussex

Attwater , Donald, Llanarth Hall, Raglan , Monmouth.

Baines, Mrs.C. C. , YewTree House, Bladbean, Elham, Canterbury

Baker, Thomas , 85, Charlotte Street, W.1

L Bamber, Rev. Joseph Edward, Dodding Green, Skelsmergh, Kendal, Westmorland

Baron, Rev. J. W., S.J., Corpus Christi, Christchurch Road, Boscombe, Hants

Barrett, Rev. Thomas James, c/o St. Margaret's Convent , Bethell Avenue , E . 16

Beales, Arthur Charles Frederick, M.A., 8, Carlton Drive (Flat 1), S.W.15

Bellord, George, Inverloddon, Wargrave , Berks

Berington, William James Charles, Wintercott , Little Malvern, Worcs.

Bickerdike, Miss E. Mabel , A.R.R.C., 16, Hawthorn Road, Wallington, Surrey.

L Birmingham, Most Rev. The Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , 6, Norfolk Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 15 .

Birrell, T. A., 22, Little Silure, Worlebury Park, Weston-superMare, Som

L Bowler , Dom Hugh, O.S.B., B.A., Douai Abbey, Woolhampton, Berks

Boyan, Mrs. P. A. , 6, Crick Road (Flat 6), Oxford

Bradley, Rev. James, St. Marie's Presbytery, Norfolk Street, Sheffield

Brentwood , Right Rev. The Bishop of, Bishop's House, Brentwood , Essex.

Broderick, Rev. Edwin, 460, Madison Avenue, New York City, 22, U.S.A.

Brogden , J. E., 6 , Meriden Street, Coventry. Browne, Miss Dorothy, 4, Avenue Road, Herne Bay, Kent.

Burns , Thomas F., 1 , Victoria Square, S.W.1.

Calder , Sir James Charles, Ledlanet, Milnathort, Kinross-shire

Cardiff, Most Rev. The Archbishop of, Archbishop's House, 24 , Newport Road, Cardiff

L Cardwell, D1 Mary, Avenham View, Bairstow Street, Preston , Lancs

Cartmell, Rev. Joseph, D.D., Ph.D., M.A., St. Mary's Presbytery, Market Street, Chorley , Lancs

Chadwick, Very Rev. Provost Alfred, St. Mary's, Whittingham, Northumberland.

Chambers, F. W., K.C.S.G., M.A., 20, Holmes Road, Twickenham , Middlesex .

L Christall, Very Rev. Canon Robert, 24 , Heathcote Road, Epsom, Surrey

Ciceri, Leo J., 1 , St. Mark's Crescent, Newport, Mon.

Clarke, Rev. Henry E., The Presbytery, Petersfield , Hants

Cleary, J. Martin , B.A., 12, Mafeking Road, Penylan, Cardiff.

Clifford of Chudleigh , The Lord, Lawell House, Chudleigh, Devon.

Clifton, Right Rev. The Bishop of, St. Ambrose, Leigh Woods, Bristol

Constable-Maxwell, David, Bosworth Hall, Rugby.

Crosby, Gerald Esmond , 38 , Park Lane, Harrow, Middlesex .

Cuming, Miss Agnes, 23 , Wellesley Avenue, Hull, Yorks

Cummings, Robert Gerard, 224, Hallgate, Cottingham , Yorks.

Daniell, Very Rev. Canon Edward M., Sacred Heart Convent , 212, Hammersmith Road , W.6.

L Dawson, Col. Rupert, C.B., D.L., J.P. , T.D., La Hague Manor, St. Peter, Jersey, Channel Isles. (Volumes to Rev. Fr. Rector, S.J., Stonyhurst College, Whalley , viu Blackburn, Lancs )

Dearlove, G. J. Stanley, 4, Linden Avenue , Cardiff. de Chambrun, LaComtesseClara Longworth, 58 , Rue de Vaugirard, Paris, 6, France

de Geijer, Capt William, White's Club, St. James's Street, S.W.1 (Volumes to University Chaplain, Fisher House, Cambridge.) de Hoghton, Sir Cuthbert, Bart , Hoghton Tower, Hoghton, Preston , Lancs

de Parrel, Christian, 38 rue des Martyrs de la Libèration, Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), France

de Trafford, Capt Sir Humphrey Edmund, Bart , M.C., Newsells Park, Barkway, Royston, Herts

Dillon, Major the Viscount, 12, Victoria Road. W.8

Dixey, John H., K.H.S., F.R.G.S. , 31 , WelbeckStreet, W.1

Dormer,Sir Cecil, K.C.M.G., M.V.O., " RockHill House , " Chipping Norton, Oxon.

Dormer, Captain The Lord, Grove Park, Warwick.

Duchemin , Right Rev. Mgr. Charles, Collegio Beda, 67 , Via San Nicolo da Tolentino, Rome, 5.

Duncan, Miss Stella Mary Constance, 11 , Alexandra Drive, Liverpool, 17

Dunkeld, Right Rev.The Bishop of, 29, Roseangle, Dundee .


Eastwood , Charles J., M.A., 42, Lune Street, Preston, Lancs

Edmondstoune -Cranstoun, C. J., J.P., Corehouse, Lanark, Scotland.

Edwards, Victor CharlesAlex, 1 ,Westgate Terrace, S.W.10

Elliott, Bernard, B.A., 14, Grosvenor Crescent, Leicester

Elwes, Very Rev. Mgr Aubrey Valentine D., The Old Palace, St. Aldates , Oxford.

Eyre, Stanislas Thomas, J.P., 16 , Royal Crescent, Bath, Somerset. (Volumes to Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W.1.)

Eyre-Huddleston, Commander Reginald Francis , R.N. (retd.), K.S.G., Sawston Hall, Cambridge

Eyston, Mrs. E., New House, Kingston Bagpuize, Abingdon, Berks.

Fisher, Rev. B. C., Cardinal Vaughan School, Addison Road , W. 14

Fitzalan, Lt.-Col the Hon Miles, Carlton Towers, nr Goole, Yorks.

Fitzherbert, Major Cuthbert, Old Rectory, Albury, Surrey

Fitzherbert-Brockholes , Major John, M.C. , Lofthouse , Claughtonon-Brock, Garstang, Lancs

Fletcher, C. B. Kyrle, F.R.S.A., 79 , High Street, Newport, Mon. Foley, Rev. B. C., 5, Park End Road , Romford, Essex.

Fooks, Rev. E. Graham , B.A. , " Boringwheel , " Horney Common , Uckfield, Sussex "

Fooks, Rev. Thomas, B.A., Boringwheel , " Horney Common , Uckfield, Sussex.

Ford, Very Rev. Canon George, D.D., Ph.D., 30, Langstone Road , Beaconsfield, Plymouth, Devon .

Forster, Dr. Ann, Burradon, Thropton, Morpeth, Northumberland

Francis, C. N., 1 , The Square, Petersfield, Hants

French, The Viscount J. R. C. L., Stow Bedon Hall, Norwich

Gainsborough , The Earl of, Exton Park, Oakham , Rutland

Gaisford -St Lawrence , Thomas J., M.C., F.S.A. , M.A., Howth Castle, co Dublin

L Gay, Rev. R. J. N., 5, Park End Road, Romford, Essex

Gibson, W. H. P., J.P. , 8, Marchwood Crescent, Eaton Rise , Ealing, W.5

Gilbey, Rev.Alfred N., FisherHouse, Guildhall Street, Cambridge

Gilbey, William Gordon, Harrowden Hall, Wellingborough , Northants.

Girouard, Richard D., 6, Draycott Place, S.W.3

Goulder, Rev. S. L., M.A., 19 , ChurchAvenue , Southall, Middlesex

Gray, Rev. Gordon , M.A., St. Mary's College, Blairs, Aberdeen.

Grover, Mrs. , 6, St. Catherine's View, Ventnor, I.O.W.

Guazzelli, Rev. Victor, English College, Lisbon, Portugal

L Gutowski, Stanislaus Anthony, 41a, Radnor Street, Hulme, Manchester , 15

Hannon, Sir Patrick, M.P. , F.R.G.S., F.S.S., F.R.Econ.S. , 22, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2

L Henson, Right Rev. Mgr Canon Edwin, Collegio de Ingleses, Valladolid, Spain.

Hexham and Newcastle, Right Rev. The Bishop of, Bishop's House , West Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5. Hicks, Rev. Leo, S.J., 114, Mount Street, W.1

Hinds, A. E., " Woodhall, " Sunningdale, Berks .

Hodgkinson , H. R., F.S.A., K.S.G. , " Chadstowe, " Corbett Avenue , Droitwich.

Hood, Sir Harold Joseph, Bart , 225, Cromwell Mansions, Cromwell Road, S.W.5.

L Hope, Capt Geoffrey A. E., Yorkshire Club, York. Hope, Lt. Col. the Hon Henry John, Guards' Club, 16 , Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W.1

Hopkirk, Mrs. Mary, Danbury Rectory, Chelmsford, Essex.

L Hornyold-Strickland, Henry, J.P., F.S.A., Sizergh Castle, Kendal, Westmorland

Hull, Hubert, Royal Courts of Justice, W.C.2. Hutton, Edward, 114 , Clifton Hill, St. John's Wood , N.W.8

Iddesleigh, The Countess of, Parfitts House, EversleyCross , Hants. Isham, Sir Gyles, Bart , Lamport Hall, Northampton

Jeffcock , William Philip, F.R.S.S., " Ladymead, " Sidmouth , Devon

Johnson, Basil Henry, 3 , Artillery Mansions, 75, Victoria Street, S.W.1

Johnson, Rev. Humphrey John T., 3 , St. Peter's Terrace, Cambridge.

L Kean, Very Rev. Charles George, C.J., St. George's College, Weybridge, Surrey

L Kenyon, Major Joseph Robert, M.C., Gillingham Hall, Beccles , Suffolk.

Kerr, Mrs. Philip, Stoner Hill, Petersfield, Hants.

Kirk, Rev. William, Catholic Church, West Cowes, I.O.W.

Lacy, Sir Pierce, Bart , K.C.S.G., J.P., Ampton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds , Suffolk

Lamb, Joseph Cuthbert, B.A. , Hayton House, How Mill, Carlisle

Lancaster, Right Rev.the Bishop of, Bishop's House, Cannon Hill, Lancaster

Leadbitter, Major Nicholas G., Bury Court, Bury Road, Branksome Park, Bournemouth , Hants

Leeds, The Right Rev. the Bishop of, Bishop's House, Weetwood Lane, Leeds, 6

Leeming, Gerard de Pfyffer, Skirsgill Park, Penrith, Cumberland . Lindsay, Hon and Rev. Edward R., The Catholic Presbytery Stone, Staffs.

Liverpool, Most Rev. the Archbishop of, Archbishop's House , Woolton, Liverpool, S.

Lothian, The Marquess of, Melbourne Hall, Derby.

Lynch, Rev. T. J. E., 48, Bugle Street, Southampton, Hants

McCabe, Aubrey J., 15, Lansdowne Road, Croydon , Surrey. McInnes, Miss Eilidh, 126, Whitton Road, Hounslow , Middlesex

MacMillan, Rt Rev.Mgr John, D.D., Ph.D., Ven Collegio Inglese, Via Monserrato45, Rome, Italy

L Macnamara , J. G., 33, Valentines Road, Ilford, Essex.

McNulty, Rev. Joseph, B.A. , F.R.H.S., 27, Seabank Road, Southport, Lancs.

Magee, Brian, B . Com. , A.C.A., 39, Park Avenue South, Crouch End, N.8

Mahoney, Very Rev. Canon Edward J., D.D., NorthLodge, Poles , Ware, Herts.

Maxwell-Scott, Major-General Sir Walter, Bart , C.B., D.S.O., "Abbotsford , " Melrose Roxburghshire

Maycock, Martin George, B.Sc.(Eng ), 9, Boundary Road , St. John's Wood, N.W.8

L Menevia, Right Rev. the Bishop of, Bishop's House, Wrexham . Middlesbrough , Right Rev. the Bishop of, Bishop's House, Middlesbrough, Yorks

Moloney , Rev. John W., "Assisi, " Hammer Lane, Grayshott, Hants

Moorat, Samuel A., 25, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W.8.

Nelson H., Lealholm Lodge, Lealholm , Yorks

Newton, W. Douglas, 20, Aubrey House, MaidaAvenue , W.2

Norfolk, The Dukeof, E.M., K.G. , Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex. Northampton, Right Rev. the Bishop of, Bishop's House, Northampton .

O'Brien, Major RichardAlfred, 17 , Albert Hall Mansions, S.W.7.

O'Connor , Rev. Arthur J., M.C., H.C.F., St. Joseph's Presbytery, Mary Street, Audley, Blackburn, Lancs.

O'Farrell, Miss Nellie McNeill, 7, Upper Park Road, Hampstead, N.W.3

L O'Mahony, Eoin, K.M., " Dun Locha, " Dubhglas , Corcaigh, Eire

O'Riordan, Rev.M., Presbytery , Atherley Road, Shanklin, I.o.W.

Pantin, William Abel, M.A., F.S.A., Oriel College, Oxford

Parisotti, Rev. Albert, O.B.E., S.C.F., The Thomas More School, Frensham , Surrey.

Petry, Rev. Denis J., 96, Dock Road, Tilbury,Essex

Philips, Rev. Francis , St. Joseph's, LondonRoad, Newbury, Berks. Plymouth, Right Rev.the Bishop of, Vescourt, Hartley, Plymouth Poland, John Michael, Downlands , Liphook, Hants.

Portsmouth, Right Rev. the Bishop of, 29, JewryStreet, Winchester

Preedy, Rev. J., 91, Harvest Road, Englefield Green, Surrey

Radcliffe, Cyril, Norchard Grange, Crossway Green, Stourporton -Severn, Worcs

Radcliffe Edward Rudding Park Harrogate , Yorks.

Radcliffe, Roger C. J., Draycott Hall, Richmond, Yorks.

Rea, Rev. Daniel, 96, Pyle Street, Newport, I.O.W.

Reynolds , Ernest Edwin, J.P., " Rosebank, " Salperton , near Cheltenham, Glos .

Reynolds, Major James R., Leighton Hall, Carnforth, Lancs

Reynolds , Lt.-Col Sir John, Bart , M.B.E., J.P., 12, Mellors Buildings, 30, Exchange Street East, Liverpool, 2.

Riddell, John Cuthbert Widdrington, Swinburne Castle , Barrasford, Hexham , Northumberland

Robertson, John Baptist, Peacocks Farm, Bracknell, Berks.

Robo, Rev. Etienne, Catholic Presbytery , Farnham , Surrey

Roch, Hon Mrs. Walter, Ty'r Nant, Llanarth, Raglan, Mon. Rogers, David McGregor, New College, Oxford.

Rowe, Major Francis George Crawford, 6, Perham Road, West Kensington , W . 14

Russell, George Harrison, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge.

Salford, Right Rev. the Bishop of, Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester.

Sandwell, Rev. Alfred, St. Joseph's, Queens Avenue, Aldershot.

L Scantlebury , Very Rev. Canon Robert Elliott, St. Joseph's Presbytery, 134, West Street, Havant, Hants

Scrope, Ralph H., F.L.A.S., " The Friarage , " Yarm, co York.

Scrope, Richard L., Danby-upon-Yore, Middleham, co. York.

Seé, Miss Anne, The Old Schoolhouse, Great Haseley , Oxon

Shrewsbury, Right Rev. the Bishop of, The Council House , Shrewsbury, Salop

Skrimshire, O. W. F., 25, Northam Road , Six Dials, Southampton, Hants

Smith, Miss Dulcie L., Gifford's Hall, Wickhambrook, Newmarket , Suffolk , Smith, Rev. William Vincent, All Saints, Lanchester, Durham .

Southern, Alfred C., Ph.D., B.A., 18, Eastcliff Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Southwark, Right Rev. the Bishop of, Bishop's House, St. George's Road, S.E.1.

Stafford, The Lord, Swynnerton Park, Stone, Staffs

Stanford, Very Rev. Canon F. E., St. Colman's Presbytery , Cosham , Hants

L Stearns , Foster, K.M., L.H.D. , F.S.A. , 21, Spring Street, Exeter, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Stewart, Walter Arnold, c/o Messrs Sands & Co., 15, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2

Stibbs , Rev. Wilfrid, 22, Tavistock Place, W.C.1.

Stourton, The Hon Charles Edward, Allerton Park, nr Knaresborough, Yorks

L Swarbrick ,Henry, "Braeside, " 37, Heaton Grove , Bradford.

Sweeney, Rev. G. Daniel , B.A., St. Hugh's College, Tollerton Hall, Notts

Sweeney, M. V., 26, Dobcroft Avenue , Sheffield, 7

Sweeney, Rev. Morgan V., M.A., M.Ed., 21 , Wilmer Drive, Heaton, Bradford, Yorks

Tacchi-Venturi, Rev. Pietro, S.J., Piazza del Gesù 45, Rome 117 , Italy

Tempest, Stephen, Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorks

Thompson, Edward, 78, Western Road, Romford, Essex.

L Tigia, Bishop of, Right Rev. George Andrew Beck, A.A., SS.

Peter and Paul, High Road, Ilford, Essex

Towneley-Worsthorne, S. P., Dyneley, nr Burnley, Lancs

Trappes-Lomax, Michael Roger, Rouge DragonPursuivant, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4

L Trappes-Lomax, Brig. Thomas Byrnand, C.B.E., Great Hockham Hall, Norwich.

Twomey, Mrs. Evelyn, 42, Hull Road, Cottingham , E. Yorks.

Undreiner , Rev. George J., Ph.D., Pontifical College Josephinum , Worthington, Ohio, U.S.A.

Vaughan , Capt. (S.) Herbert R. H., O.B.E., R.N., " Nantymwyn, " Rhandirmwyn, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire .

Villiers, Lt.-Col A. E. H., 11 , Hyde Park Square, W.2

Ward, Herbert J., Egypt House, Cowes , Isle of Wight.

Waring, Rev. Cuthbert L., M.A., 16, Maryland Street, Liverpool

Webb, Dr. K. R., Connaught Hall, Swaythling, Southampton

Weld, Francis Joseph, 32, Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport, Lancs

Weld, Lt.-Col Joseph W.,O.B.E., J.P., LulworthCastle, Wareham , Dorset

Westminster , His Eminence The Cardinal Archbishop of, Archbishop's House, Westminster , S.W.1

Whatmore, Rev. Leonard Elliott, M.A., St. Mary's, CresswellPark, Blackheath, S.E.3

Wheeler , George A., 64, Great Russell Street, W.C.1.

Wheeler, Rev. Gordon, Cathedral Clergy House, Francis Street, S.W.1

White, Thomas, 17, Brynhyfryd Road, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon. L Whitfield, Rev. Joseph L., M.A., D.S.O., Catholic Rectory, Southend-on-Sea , Essex.

Whitlock, Mrs. Hester, Crosby Hall, Blundellsands, Liverpool Williamson, Cuthbert A., "Downlands," Fort Road, Guildford , Surrey

I.Wilson, Very Rev. Canon Michael J., 35 , London Road, Chelmsford , Essex .

Wood, Anthony Crompton, Shire Hall, Warwick

Woodruff, John Douglas, 199, Park West, W.2

Woods, Raymond E. M., 47, Weighton Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex .

Young, J.L., The Grove, Banham , Norwich

Young, William E. V., Manor Bungalow, Avebury, nr. Marlborough, Wilts



Aberdeen . The Librarian, The University Library.

Aberystwith .The Librarian, The National Library of Wales.

Barrow-in-Furness .The Librarian , The Public Library, Ramsden Square

Birmingham . The City Librarian, The Public Library (Reference Dept.). Ratcliffe Place.

Blackburn . The Librarian, The Public Library, Library Street

Bolton . The Librarian , The Public Library, Victoria Square

Bristol The Librarian , The Central Library . The Librarian , The University , Bristol, 8 .

Cambridge .The Librarian , Peterhouse College. The Librarian , The University Library.

Cardiff . The Librarian , The Public Library, Trinity Street

Derby . The Librarian , The Public Library

Dublin . The Librarian , The National Library, Kildare Street. The Librarian , The Trinity College Library.

Durham . The Librarian , The University Library, Palace Green .

Edinburgh The Chief Librarian , The Public Library, George IV Street. The Librarian , The Signet Library.

Edinburgh University Library, c/o James Thin, South Bridge, Edinburgh. 54/6 ,

Glasgow . The Librarian , The Corporation Public Library (The Mitchell Library)

The Librarian , The University Library

Gosport .Miss M. I. Dingle (Acting Librarian), Central Public Library, Walpole Road.

Hull . The Librarian , The Public Library, Albion Street TheSecretary, TheCatholicLocal HistorySociety, 54 , MorpethStreet, Kingston-upon-Hull

Lancaster . The Librarian , The Public Library, Market Square

Leeds . The City Librarian , The Public Library, Municipal Buildings.

Liverpool . The Chief Librarian, The Public Library, William Brown Street , The Librarian , The University Library.

London . The Secretary, The Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House , Piccadilly, W.1 .

The British Museum Library, The Principal Keeper, Dept. of Printed Books, British Museum, W.C.1

The Librarian, The Catholic Central Library, 33, Wilfred Street, Westminster, S.W.1

The Librarian , College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4.

The Librarian, Fulham Public Libraries, 598, Fulham Road , S.W.6.

The Secretary, The Society of Genealogists , ChaucerHouse , Malet Place, W.C.1

The Librarian , The Guildhall Library, King Street, E.C.2

The Librarian , The Public Library, Hendon , Middlesex.

The Chief Librarian , The Institute of Historical Research, University of London, W.C.1

The Librarian, Kensington Central Library, Kensington High Street, W.8.

The Secretary and Librarian , The London Library, St. James's Square, S.W.1

The Public Record Office (Book Section), Westminster, S.W.1

The Librarian, The Royal Historical Society, 96, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W.3

The Librarian, London University , South Kensington, S.W.7

The Librarian , Westminster Public Library, Accessions Dept., St. Martin's Street, W.C.2.

The Librarian , Wimbledon Public Library, Wimbledon High Road , S.W.19

Manchester . The Librarian , The Victoria University. The Chief Librarian, The Public Library, St. Peter's Square

The Librarian , The John Rylands Library, Deansgate .

Middlesbrough .The Librarian , The Public Library, Victoria Square.

Newcastle-on-Tyne .The Librarian , The Public Library, New Bridge Street

Norwich .The Librarian , The Public Library

Oxford .The Librarian, The Bodleian Library

Portsmouth . The Borough Librarian , The Central Public Library, Town Hall Square , Park Road

Preston . The Librarian , Free Public Library.

The Librarian, Lancashire County Library, County Offices.

Reading . The Chief Librarian, The Public Library, Blagrave Street

St. Andrews .The Librarian, The University Library.

Sheffield . The Librarian , The Public Library, Surrey Street

The Librarian , The University Library.

Southampton .The Librarian, The Central Public Library, London Road .

Stockport . The Librarian, The Public Library, Wellington Road South

Wallasey . The Chief Librarian , The Earleston Central Library.

Wigan . The Chief Librarian , Free Public Library, Rodney Street .

York . The Librarian , The Public Library, Museum Street


AUSTRALIA . NewSouth Wales Public Library, c/o Messrs. Truslove& Hanson , 153, Oxford Street, W.1.

The Public Library of Victoria , c/o Messrs Truslove & Hanson , 153, Oxford Street, W.1

BELGIUM . UniversityLibrary, Louvain .

CANADA .Library of Parliament, Ottawa, c/o Messrs Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

DENMARK . The Royal Library, Copenhagen , c/o Mr. Francis Edwards, 83 , High Street , W.1

FRANCE . Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, c/o Messrs Dawson& Sons , Cannon House, Macklin Street, W.C.2

Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, Strasbourg, 6, Placede la République, Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, France.

GERMANY .The Librarian , Bavarian State Library, Ludwigstrasse 23 , Munich

The Librarian , Göttingen University Library, Zugangs-Abteilung I, Göttingen, Hanover

Prussian State Library, c/o Messrs Asher & Co., Behrenstrasse 55-57, Berlin, W.8

(H) ITALY .Right Rev. Mgr Giovanni Mercati, Prefect, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Città del Vaticano

NETHERLANDS .Bibliotheek der R. K. Universiteit , Nijmegen

UNITED STATES .The Director, New York State Library, Albany, N.Y.

The Peabody Institute, Baltimore, c/o Messrs . Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd. , 12-14, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

The California University Library, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30 Little RussellStreet, W.C.I.

The Director, Boston Public Library, Boston, c/o Messrs. Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., 11 , Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W.1

The Librarian , New England Historic Genealogical Society 9, Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass.

The Librarian , Harvard University Library, c/o Messrs Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

The Librarian , Newberry Library, Chicago, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30, Little RussellStreet , W.C.1

The Director, University of Chicago Libraries, Order Division, Harper W . 21, Chicago, Illinois.

The Librarian , The Cleveland Public Library, Ohio, c/o Messrs. Henry Sotheran , 2, 3, 4 and 5, SackvilleStreet, Piccadilly, W.1.

The Librarian , University of Wisconsin, The General Library, c/o Messrs. Henry Sotheran , 2, 3 , 4 and 5 , Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W.1

The Librarian, Michigan University, c/o Messrs Henry Sotheran, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W.1

The Librarian , MinnesotaUniversity Library, Minneapolis, Minn

The Librarian , New York Historical Society, 170 , Central Park West, New York City, N.Y.

The Librarian, New York Public Library, c/o Messrs B. F. Stevens & Brown, 28-30, LittleRussellStreet, W.C.1

The Librarian , University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame , Ind

The Librarian, Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa

The Librarian, Pennsylvania University Library, Philadelphia, Pa

The Librarian, Princeton Theological Seminary Library, N.J.

The Librarian , Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino , Cal.

The Librarian , The Library of Congress, Washington, c/o Messrs . Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2

The Librarian , The Genealogical Society of Utah , Salt Lake City, Utah

The Librarian , The Yale UniversityLibrary, c/o Messrs Edward G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14, Grape Street , Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2.




Birmingham . Right Rev. the Rector, St. Mary's College, Oscott

Cambridge.The Librarian , St. Edmund's House Library, Mount Pleasant

Cardross . Rev. Librarian , St. Peter's College, Kilmahew, Cardross, Dumbartonshire

Maynooth . TheLibrarian , St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, co Kildare , Eire

Strawberry Hill, Twickenham.Very Rev. the Principal, St. Mary's College. Upholland, nearWigan, Lancs .Very Rev.the President, St. Joseph's College

Ushaw, co Durham .Rev the Librarian , St. Cuthbert's College

Ware, Herts .Rev . the Librarian , St. Edmund's College

Wonersh, near Guildford, Surrey .Right Rev. the Rector, St. John's Seminary.




Italy . Right Rev. the Rector, CollegioBeda, 67 Via San Nicolo da Tolentino

Rome 5

Right Rev. the Rector, Ven Collegio Inglese, Rome. Portugal.Right Rev. the Rector, English College, Lisbon. Spain . Right Rev. the Rector, Colegio de Ingleses, Valladolid United States .Rev F. D. Cohalan, Cathedral College, 555 , West End Avenue, New York, N.Y.

The Librarian , Union Theological Seminary, Broadway at 120th Street, New York, N.Y.

Librarian , St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, Yonkers, N.Y.





Augustinians (C.R.L.) .-

Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L., St. Mary's Priory, Bodmin, Cornwall

Very Rev. the Prior, C.R.L., St. Peter-in-Chains Priory, 12, Womersley Road , Hornsey, N.8

Augustinian Nuns .Rev Mother Prioress, C.R.L., Priory of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Hayward's Heath, Sussex

Benedictines (O.S.B .) .-

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Ampleforth Abbey , York .

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Belmont Abbey, Hereford

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, Devon

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Douai Abbey, Woolhampton, near Reading, Berks

Rev. the Librarian , O.S.B. , Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath, Somerset

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Fort AugustusAbbey, Inverness

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B., Prinknash Abbey, Gloucester

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.S.B. , Quarr Abbey, Ryde, Isle of Wight.

The Librarian, O.S.B. , Worth Priory, near Crawley, Sussex

The Master, O.S.B., St. Benet's Hall, Oxford.

Benedictine Nuns .The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St. Mary's Abbey, East Bergholt, near Colchester , Essex

The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St. Mary's Abbey, Little Haywood, Colwich, near Stafford

The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St. Mary's Abbey, Oulton, Stone, Staffs

The Lady Abbess, O.S.B. , St. Mary's Abbey, Stanbrook , Worcester

TheLadyAbbess, O.S.B. , St. Scholastica'sAbbey, Teignmouth, Devon.

(F) Bridgettine Nuns (O.SS.S .) .Syon Abbey, South Brent, Devon

Carmelite Nuns (O.C.D .) .The Prioress , Lanherne Convent, St. Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall

Carthusians (O . Carth .) .-Very Rev. the Prior, O . Carth , Charterhouse of St. Hugh, Parkminster, Partridge Green , Horsham, Sussex

Cistercians (O.C.R . ) .-

Right Rev. the Abbot, O.C.R. , Mount St. Bernard's Abbey, near Coalville, Leicestershire

Dominicans (O.P . ) .-

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P., St. Thomas'sPriory, Hawkesyard, Rugeley , Staffs

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P., St. Albert the Great's Priory, 24, George Square, Edinburgh

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P., St. Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, N.W.5

Very Rev. Fr. Provincial, O , P . , St. Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, N.W.5

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P. , Blackfriars, Priory of the Holy Ghost, 64, St. Giles' Street, Oxford

Very Rev. the Prior, O.P., St. Dominic's Priory, Red Barns, Newcastle-on-Tyne

Franciscans (O.F.M . ) .-

Rev the Superior, O.F.M., St. Bonaventure's , Cambridge

Very Rev. the Provincial, O.F.M., The Friary, St. Anthony's Road, Forest Gate , E.7

Rev. Fr. Guardian, O.F.M., Franciscan House of Studies , East Bergholt, Suffolk

Rev. Fr. Guardian, O.F.M., The Friary, Woodford Green, Essex.

(O.S.F.C.) . The Librarian , Greyfriars, Grosseteste House , Iffley Road , Oxford

Very Rev.the Superior, O.S.F.C. , FranciscanCollege, Over Wyresdale, Bay Horse, Lancaster

Holy Ghost Fathers.The Librarian , St. Joseph's College, Upton Hall, Newark, Notts

Institute of Charity (I.C .) .-

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Beaumont College, Old Windsor, Berks

Very Rev. the President, Ratcliffe College, near Leicester . Jesuits (S.J . ).-

Very Rev. the Fr. Provincial, S.J., 35, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Heythrop College, Chipping Norton, Oxon

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Holy Name, Manchester, 13.

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , St. Francis Xavier's, Salisbury Street, Liverpool

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Manresa House , Roehampton, S.W.15

Rev. the Editor, S.J. , " The Month, " 31 , Farm Street, Berkeley Square, W.1

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Mount St. Mary's College, Spinkhill, near Sheffield

Very Rev. the Master, S.J., Campion Hall, Oxford

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Campion House , Osterley, Middlesex

Very Rev.theRector, S.J., St. Beuno's College, St.Asaph,Flint

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., St. Ignatius's, Meadow Street, Preston , Lancs.

Rev.theRector, S.J., StMary's, LoweHouse, St.Helens, Lancs.

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., St. Wilfrid's, 1 , Winckley Square, Preston, Lancs

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Lancs

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Wimbledon College, S.W.19.

Very Rev. the Rector, S.J. , Southwell House, 39, Fitzjohns Avenue, N.W.3

Marist Fathers.Rev Bursar, The Monastery, St. Mary's Hill, Paignton, Devon

Notre Dame Nuns.Rev. Sister Provincial, Convent of Notre Dame, Ashdown Park, Forest Row, Sussex

Oblates of St. Charles (O.S.C . ) .-

Very Rev. the Superior, O.S.C., St. Mary of the Angels, Westmorland Road, Bayswater, W.2

OratoriansVery Rev. the Superior, Cong Orat , The Oratory, Brompton Road, South Kensington, S.W.7.

Rev. Librarian , The Oratory, Hagley Road, Birmingham, 16

Passionists (C.P . ) .VeryRev. the Rector, C.P., St. Anne'sRetreat,Monastery Lane, Sutton, St. Helens, Lancs

Redemptorists (C.SS.R . ) .-

Very Rev. the Rector, C.SS.R. , St. Mary's, Clapham Park Road, S.W.4.

Religious of St. Andrew .The Librarian , Holmwood, Garlands Road , Leatherhead, Surrey

Sainte Union . Rev.Mother,ConventHigh School , TheAvenue, Southampton.

Sepulchrine Nuns (C.R.S.S .) .Rev Mother Prioress , C.R.S.S. , New Hall, Chelmsford , Essex

Servites (O.S.M . ) .Very Rev. the Provincial, O.S.M., St. Mary's Priory, 264, Fulham Road, South Kensington, S.W.10.

Visitation Nuns . Rev. Mother Superior, Visitation Convent, Castle Cary , Somerset

(b) ABROAD .


Augustinian Nuns (C.R.L . ) .Rev Mother Prioress , C.R.L., Le Couvent Anglais, Bruges.

Jesuits (S.J.) . Very Rev. the Rector, S.J., Société des Bollandistes , 24 . Boulevard St. Michel, Bruxelles

United States.

Dominicans (O.P) .The Archives Library, Dominican House of Studies. 487, Michigan Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C.

Jesuits (S.J . ).-

Rev the Librarian , S.J., St. Louis University Library, St. Louis, Mo.

Rev. William J. Young, S.J., Librarian, Milford Novitiate, Milford, Ohio

Rev. Librarian, S.J. , Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

Rev. C. Carroll, S.J., Gonzaga University Library, Spokane, Washington, D.C.

The Rev.Librarian , S.J., College ofthe HolyCross ,Worcester , Mass



Berkeley, Robert Valentine, J.P., F.S.A.

L Callaway, Rev. Thomas

Cotter, Rt Rev. William Timothy, 3rd Bishop of Portsmouth

L Freeland, Rt. Rev. Mgr Provost John

Gainsford , William

La Mothe-Houdancourt, Elisabeth Jeanne Thérèse Marie Duchesse de

O'Toole, Rev. Patrick

Riddell, Edward Charles, J.P.

Roskell , Robert Nicholas

Turnbull, Francis Harold, K.C.S.G., O.B.E., J.P.


Bedingfeld , Sir Henry Edward Paston, Bart , J.P.

Dearlove, Group-Captain Cuthbert J. S., R.A.F. (on active service)

Geijer, Captain Eric Neville, M.C., B.A. , F.S.A., Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms (on active service)

Kerr, Pilot Officer PhilipWalter, M.V.O., Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, K.M., F.S.A. (on active service)

Lindsay, Leonard Cecil Colin

F Smith, John Peter, J.P.

Stafford, Admiral Edward Stafford Joseph, K.C.B., 13th Lord

Sumner , Francis George, J.P.

Turville-Petre, Colonel Oswald Henry, B.A. , D.L., T.D., J.P., K.M.


Burton, Rev. Harold

FHCamm , Dom R. Bede, O.S.B., M.A., F.S.A.

Chichester-Constable, Col. Raleigh, J.P.

F Engelbach , George Frederick

Fogarty, Philip Christopher , I.C.S. (on active service)

H Newdigate , Rev. Charles A., S.J.

O'Farrell, Very Rev. Canon Francis , O.B.E., C.F.

Weale, J. Cyril M.

FWilliamson, George Charles, Litt.D., J.P.


Calderbank , Rev. Thomas

Charlton, George Victor Bellasis

Hinsley, His Eminence Arthur Cardinal, D.D., B.A. , 5th Archbishop of Westminster

F Keogh, C. George Neal

McNulty, Rt. Rev. John, F.M.A., 6th Bishop of Nottingham

Mulgrew , Francis M.

O'Connell , Rev. Sir John R., K.C.S.G. , LL.D.

Riddell-Blount, Major Edward Francis, J.P.

Skeet, Major Francis J. A., J.P., F.S.A.


L Butt , Most Rev. Joseph, Archbishop of Nicopsi

Fletcher, Very Rev. Canon John Rory

Lupton, Very Rev. Canon Edward

Newdigate , Bernard H.

FSutcliffe, Very Rev. Canon William Ormond, M.A.

Toke, Leslie


Calloway, Very Rev. Canon Joseph

Doran, Very Rev. Canon John

Evetts, Miss Margaret C. Bickersteth

H Gillow, Mrs. Joseph

Moorat, Samuel Francis Ferrers

Norfolk, The Dowager Duchess of O'Driscoll, Very Rev. Benet, O.P.

Robertson , Charles, K.S.G.

L Sumner, Rev. Francis J.


Barrett, Rt Rev. John, 5th Bishop of Plymouth

Hannon, Rt. Rev. Daniel Joseph, 4th Bishop of Menevia

F Hansom , Allan Joseph Roskell

Hyde, Rev. Bernard

Williams, Most Rev. Thomas Leighton, 4th Archbishop of Birmingham


FitzAlan, Col. the Rt. Hon the Viscount, K.G. , G.C.V.O., D.S.O.

Brown, Rev. Robert, S.J.


Lee, Right Rev. William, M.B.E., 6th Bishop ofClifton

Willson, Dom . Hilary, O.S.B.

Wilton, Richard Cecil, B.A.


Amigo, Most Rev. ArchbishopPeter, 6th Bishop of Southwark

Blundell, Nicholas

Deeley, Perceval

Eccles, Miss Alice

McQuirk, Very Rev. Canon John

Moriarty, Right Rev. Ambrose , 6th Bishop of Shrewsbury


Poskitt, Right Rev. Henry John, D.D., M.A., 5th Bishop of Leeds

Smith, W.Abbey

Requiescant in pace.

Bya resolutionof the Council, 5th October , 1948 , the Hon Secretary is responsible for having a REQUIEM MASS offered for all Deceased Members annually in June


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