Records Volume 61: Recusant Roll Nos 3 & 4

Page 1



Issued to Membersfor the year 1969-70


Editorial Committee: A. F. Allison


P. R. Harris

M. Hodgetts




4 (1595-1596)


© The Catholic RecordSociety

Published 1970

Printedin GreatBritain by Fisher, Knight& Co. Ltd., St. Albans, Herts.



A. General statistics of the first four Recusant Rolls.

B. Progress of land-sequestration per Exchequer accounting year.


Printed also on a loose book-mark.



Counties arranged alphabetically. Editor's notes to the textsare insertedat the endof each countysection

APPENDIX Synopsisofland-seizures and discharges , Mich 1592-6

C.R.S. =

L.T.R. =

M.R. =









Unpublished Crown-copyright material in the Public Record Office hasbeen producedbypermissionofthe Controller ofH.M. Stationery Office


Continuingthe publicationof the annual Recusant Rolls ofthe Exchequer, the present volume contains an abstract in English of the third and fourth rollsthe smallest in the Elizabethan series . The method of publication is precisely similar to that initiated in Recusant Roll No. 2 (volume lvii of the Catholic Record Society) and the analytical scheme there employed is again set forth below in the"Key to the Abstracts" , and also on a loosebook-mark All the various types of entry are here again represented , each in its own constant form, the purport ofwhichhas been explained in the Introduction to the former volume, in the section entitled "Classification ofentries" . The only noteworthy innovationis the inclusion , in the fourth roll, of "Ex-Sheriffs' Debts" , which frequently appear as formal entries in all subsequentrolls.³

A. General Statistics With the contents of the first four rolls now available to us, it will be useful and convenient to give a brief comparative view of their main data, as follows :


Michaelmas 34-35 Eliz.: 1592-3

Rotulets . Accounts omitted: Hertfordshire

Recusants named

Land-seizures recorded (total)

Seizures ofgoods recorded (total)

Crownleases recorded (total) dated thisyear dated

1 P.R.O. E. 377/3 and4.

2C.R.S. 57; Introd, lxix-cix This section was designed to cover all the Recusant Rolls of the Elizabethanperiod

3 Ibid., xcivvi The examples occurring in R.R.4 may be seen in items Cornwall [14], Derbys. [18], Devon [7], Essex [15], Hants [23], Herefs . [13], Staffs [13]

4Published in C.R.S. 18 (1916) Some figuresrelating to this roll, as quoted in C.R.S.57, Introd , cx, are here emended See section B, below.

5 Approximate figure : allowing for possible repetition of identical persons under variant name-forms and localities Cf. C.R.S. 18 , Introd, xvi

Checked by present editor .

6 Mostly re-enrolmentsfrom the Pipe Rolls of the period 1585-91 .


Mich. 35-6 Eliz.: 1593-4



Mich 36-7 Eliz.:

1594-5 25


Mich 37-8 Eliz.: 1595-6 27

Accounts omitted : Cumberland, Herts, Cheshire, Herts, Cheshire, Northumberland Northbld,


B. Progress ofland-sequestration per Exchequeraccountingyear.

The most harassing punishment inflicted on a convicted recusant was the seizureand retainment by the Crown, until conformityor death, of two-thirdsof his landed possessions An inquiry into the incidence ofthat penalty is therefore ofmajorhistorical interest and worthy of careful attention

In the above-mentioned volumes a project for research was suggested whereby such confiscations might be exactly enumerated However, an attempt to carry out this scheme with regard to the firstfour RecusantRolls later disclosed, inthefirstthree,the presence ofso erratica system ofenrollingnew land-seizures and discharges (especially the latter) that it became imperative, if accuratefigures were to be obtained, to group these items under their separateyears of origin, disregarding the date oftheirenrolment Itwasapparent that although each item bore the regnal date ofits origin the clerks ofthe Pipe Office were in no way bound to enter the first enrolment ofa seizureordischargein the roll ofthe correspondingdate. While the bulk ofsuch entries were found to be regularly inserted in the next two rolls,stray items occasionally showed an even longer delay.

7Approximate figure : see note (5).

8 C.R.S.57, Introd, cx

The date of a land-seizure will be found in section E(b) of all first rental entries (see 'Key to theAbstracts') The date ofa land-discharge is shownin all references to the Memoranda Rolls cited at the foot of rental entries in annotations of discharge (cf. ibid., civ-cv) In land-seizures the dating is precise, giving the day, month and regnal year Inland-discharges, however, we are given only the Term and regnalyear of the MemorandaRoll referred towhich nevertheless establishes the Term withinwhichthe discharge itself occurred Forthe dated periodsofthe four Law Terms, cf. ibid , xxvii-viii


For the purposes of the present work I have limited the searchto the first seven rolls, i.e. threeyearsbeyond the dateofrollno.4.

The new method of investigation here adopted has proved more laborious (butless devious) than that describedin theearlier volume, and has necessitated some notable alteration of the figures there published Its aim however is similar, and may be defined as follows, viz., to discover the number of new land-seizures made duringeach ofthe fourExchequer accounting years (Michaelmas to Michaelmas) covered by the first four Recusant Rolls, and, by subtracting the number of new land-discharges occurring in the same several periods, to ascertain the total number of recusants' lands held by the Queen on the final Michaelmas Day ofeachyear.

In this scheme the problem is simply one of determining the accounting year to whicha regnal date belongs, and, guidedbythe data in (a) and (b) below, the task is easy enough.

(a) The span ofthe accounting, or fiscal, year¹0 in the Exchequer at this period extendedfrom 30 September("the morrowof Michaelmas") to the following 29 September (Michaelmas Day), inclusively.


b) The regnal years of Elizabeth I began on 17 November and ended on the following 16 November, inclusively. 11 Thus, for example, a land-seizure dated "26 June, 37 Eliz" [1595] will belong to the accounting year "Mich 1594Mich. 1595" . One will likewise note that it is to this same accounting year thatall earlier items of this kind, back to 30 September, 36 Eliz. [1594], 12 and all later items forwardto 29 September, 37 Eliz. [1595], inclusively, must also be assigned.

The necessary starting-point for our calculations is provided in the first Recusant Roll

A detailed analysis of the latter indicates that on 30 September 1592 it inherited and re-enrolled precisely 266 recusants' properties which had accumulated on the Pipe Rolls since 1585 (when seizures of recusants' lands began), but that 6 of them had already been discharged. The first ofour four accounting years(Mich 1592-1593 ) therefore opens with 260 seized lands shown to be already in the Crown's possession By the timeofits closure on Michaelmas Day, 29 September1593, 114 new land-seizures had been added and only 2 new land-discharges grantedbringingthe total number of seized lands remaining in the Queen's hands, as at that date, up to 372

Wemayconclude by brieflynotingthe position at the end ofthe three remaining accounting years, as follows:

10 Forwhich accounts were annually made up and submittedfor audit 11 Useful information on the subject of regnal years is given in Almanacks for students ofEnglish HistorybyE.A.Fry, 107-132 (1915), andHandbook ofdates for students of EnglishHistory by C. R. Cheney, 12-31 (1945). 12 Including, therefore , thewholeofMichaelmas Term, 9 October-28 November , 1594. This was normally referredto in Exchequer records as 'Michaelmas Term, 36Eliz. '(occasionallydated 36-37 Eliz.')withinwhich(on 17 November) the Queen's 37thregnal yearbegan.

29 Sept. 1594 after 55 new seizures & 19 discharges , the total rises to 408

29 Sept. 1595 after 36 new seizures & 16 discharges , the total rises to 428

29 Sept. 1596 : after 39 new seizures & 13 discharges, thetotal rises to 454.

Details of this investigation, showing the actual dispersal of the enrolled evidence , are displayed in tabularform in the Appendixto the presentvolume.

November, 1968




Translatedin the case ofthe first two occurring counties : the rest abridged.


* indicatesthefirst enrolmentofseized lands.

† indicatesthefirst enrolment ofa Crown lease . indicateslands seized for "pre-1587" debts.


Crown debtor, viz. the "farmer" of the seized lands (whether the original tenants or a named, Crown-appointed lessee). (translation)

Name etc. ofthe owner, i.e. the recusant (translation) Note: "B.1" , "B.2" etc. in compound entries.

Amount of rent due annually totheCrown.

Specification of the seized portion of the recusant's lands (translation) Note : "D.1" , "D.2" etc. in compound entries

Particulars ofthe seizure:


a) name etc. ofthe commissioner(s) responsible for the seizure . (translation)

(b) date of seizure

(c) reasonfor seizure (translation)

(d) referenceto earlier Exchequer record ofthe seizure .

Arrears of rent = Total rent due. H = J =

Particulars of Crown lease of seized lands :

(a) name etc. of the lessee(s) (translation)

(b) date of inception oflease

(c) durationof lease (formula) : "so long as the property shall remain in the Queen'shands"

(d) annual rent duefrom lessee (s)

(e) how and when payable (formula): "in equal portions, at Ladyday and at Michaelmas ,to the Receipt ofthe Exchequer"

(f) (formulacontinued) "or intothehands ofthe sheriffof the county"

(g)(formulacontinued) "or into the handsofthe appointed Bailiff or Receiver ofthe above"

(k) reference to earlier Exchequer record ofthe lease.

Annotations . (All such postcripts, textual and marginal, are translated).



indicatesthefirst enrolment of a forfeiture

All entries, and annotations, are translated.


Name etc. ofsheriff (translation).

His year of office.

Total debt.

Nature of debt (formula) : "of his various ("pluribus") debts concerning recusants" . Reference to the original "Statement" of his arrears

F =

Annotations (translation)


Name etc. of current sheriff "rendering this account" .

E = =

Particular rents and forfeitures unaccountedfor during his term of office. Note: the numbers in squarebrackets refer to the numbered entries in the precedingtext (abridged) Sum total of above debts owed by sheriff. Discharges of the numbered particulars in B. (abridged)

Note of sheriff's acquittance, or of deferred settlement(translation).


Name etc. ofconvicted recusant(translation).

The word"owes" omitted The word "owes" inserted. Totalfine incurred

Total period of recusancy. Division of fine : (a) for period of recusancy specified in indictment

Reference to statutory authority for fine (viz. the Act 28-29 Eliz , c 6 [1586-7], enrolled in Q.R.,M.R., Easter term, 29 Eliz, "Recorda" section)

K =

Recitalof the offence as therein stated, viz of not attending "any church, chapelor usual place of common prayer" during the time of divine service of the Established Church. Period of recusancyas specifiedin indictment . Computation of the duration of recusancy (formula) : "at the rate of 28 days per month" .


Division offine : (b) for non-compliance after conviction

Date of conviction

Period (in lunar months) of non-compliance

Non-compliance defined : viz failure to submit and conform in accordance with the "true meaning" ofthe Act 23 Eliz , c 1 [1581].

Annotation (translation)

All original annotations are italicised Names of recusantsare printedin bold type.



Michaelmas36Michaelmas 37 ElizabethI.

Exchequer L.T.R. , Pipe Office Series

(P.R.O.: E. 377/3)

[rotulet 1]




[1] John Dyve, esq. , sheriff of this countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Michaelmas, 37 Eliz , to wit, for one full year, renders an account ... [text continues as in R.R. 2: cf. C.R.S., vol LVII, p 1 , Beds, [1]].

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] William, Lord Vaux, recusant Entry as Beds [2], C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , to E(d) inclus]. F: £151-15-01from previous years G : £179-4-41 .

* [Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] farm . A: George Hockenhull , gent [lessee] C : 213s 4d. for Michaelmas, 37 Eliz , being part of an annual rent of £1-6-8. D : The whole of the toftcalled "orchard" , [and] of a great close called "Wykye" , in the parishes of Partonhall [Pertenhall] and Parva Stoughton [Little Staughton], Beds , of which a certain Stephen Standishe is possessed for a term of 20 years from 11 Nov. , 33 Eliz [1591] by lease from the President and Scholars of the College of Corpus Christi, Oxford, of the yearly value (over and above the rest reserved on the aforesaid lease) of£1-6-83 ; being a parcel ofthe lands and possessions ofB : The aforesaid Stephen Standishe of the parish of St. Clement Danes beyond the bar of the new Temple, London, in Co. Middlesex, gent, recusant. E(b) : 13 March, 37 Eliz [1594/5]"by a separation from the thirdpart [of the possessions] of the said recusant" . E(a) : George Francklyn , esq and others H(a) : Aforesaid GeorgeHockenhull, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 11 April, 37 Eliz [1595] H(c). H(d) : £1-6-8. H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll ofthe Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz , under "Bed"" . :

1Sic, for £151-1-3 (see R.R. 2) The total debt (G above) should thereforebe £178-10-7 . A space is left in MS for the word 1

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) BEDS-BERKS

"deb'"(owes). Text of section D : "totius illius tofti vocat orchard unius magni claus' vocat' Wykye inparoch' de Partonhallet parvaStoughtonin com' predictounde quidam Stephanus Standishe possessionat' existit pro termino viginti annor' post undecimu' diem Novembr' Anno xxxiijelo eiusdem Regine ex dimissione presiden' et scholar' colleg' Corporis Christi in Oxon' annui valor' ultra reddit' super predictam dimissionemreservat' xxvj.s. viij.d." . "Toft" , a place where a house formerly stood. 4"inseparalitate a tercia parte pred' Recusan'"

[rotulet 15 , dorse]




[1] Richard Hide, esq., sheriff of this county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. , to Michaelmas, 37 Eliz., .. renders an account ... [text continues as in C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1])

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] [ThomasVachell, recusant. Entry as Berks [2], C.R.S., LVII, p. 2, to H(k) inclus ]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below¹ [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Thomas Hulse, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 2, [3], to H(f) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Lease of seized land


[4] [Francis Parkins, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 2, [4], to H(f) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land


[5] [Walter Illesley, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 3, [5], to H(f) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land


[6] farm . A SirWilliam Broncker, knt., and Richard Hyde, esq. [lessees ]. C: £2-2-2 & two-thirds of 1d D : Two-thirdsof moieties of the manors of Marleston alias Maston, Fowlescott [Fulscott ] alias Foulscott, and Adresham, with appurtenances, in Berks, together with various other messuages, lands and tenements in the same county specified in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Berk'"2 B : Martha Braybroke of the parish of Brickleton [Bright Walton], Berks. , widow , recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid William Broncker and Richard Hyde, their executors and assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas ,

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) BERKS 3

35 Eliz [1593] H(c). H(d) as C. H(e). H(k): Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Berk"" .

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595] £1-1-2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 3 June, 36 Eliz. [1594] £2-2-2 , of a total of £3-4-4, was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury under the name ofSir Humphrey Foster, knt , sheriff And he [current sheriff] has a surplus of £1-1-1 , which is allowedto the said Williamand Richard in theirsaidfarmfor the following year; cf. following [Recusant] Roll under "Berk"" , after their farm And the accountis balanced.³

[Seized land Rental]

[7] [Roger Astell, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 5, [10], to E(c) inclus ].

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Berk'" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2]above]

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[8] A: The same sheriff, viz Richard Hide, esq , rendersanaccount of:


B : [2] £24-16-4 (for John Arden & another, from Vachell's land); [3]£6-13-4(forRalphSmythe,fromHulse'sland); [4]£20-19-9 & two-thirds of d. (for Thomas Purcell, from Parkins' land) ; [5] 13s. 4d. (for CharlesPagett, from Illesley's land) ; [7] £3-6-8 (for Astell's tenants)

C : £56-9-5 & two-thirds of d

D : [3] On 28 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595] £3-6-8 of the sum of £6-13-4 was paidinto the Treasury, under the nameof Ralph Smythe, gent.

[4] On 4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595] £10-9-11 of the sum of £20-19-9 & two-thirds of d. was paid ...[etc.], under the name of Thomas Purcell, gent

E : On 27 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596] £42-12-10 waspaid into the Treasury for the lands of Thomas Vachell and the other recusants, being the remainder of his [sheriff's] account. And he [sheriff] isquit.

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]4 [9] A John Sutton, lately of the parish of Illesley [Ilsley], "yoman" . B: D : £60 F: £40 G. H. J : For 2 months next following 20 Dec., 39 Eliz [1596] L : £20

M: Monday, 21 Feb., 39 Eliz. [1596/7]. N : From date of conviction to 21 March next following, viz. for 1 [lunar] month O.

Edward Knappe, lately of Hampsteed [Hampstead] Norris, "yoman" Audrey Baude [? or Bande], latelyofthe par of Sunyngwell [Sunningwell], "spr" [ ]5 £60forthelike. [ ]

ELIZ (1594-5)

Roger Astell, lately of the parish of Basseldon [Basildon], "yoman" **** Henry Astell of the same , "yoman" . Martin Tuchborne , lately of Ufton, gent


BERKS-BUCKS 53 [ ] owes

Postscript] But heought not to be summoned forthis [debt] for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 1 Charles I, under "Berk " , in thefarm of Oliver Randall. quit.

Richard Ockham, lately of the parish of St. Mary in Readinge Andhe is [ ] £60 for the like.

1Cf entry [8] Cf ..

C.R.S. , LVII, p.4, [8]. (equat) in MS "All the items underthis heading are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio") The brackets here and in items belowindicatea space left in MSfor the later insertion (when required) of the word "deb'" (owes) Cf. C.R.S. lvii, Introd , p.xcix

3"Et Eq'"

[rotulet 1 , dorse] BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ("Buk"")


[1] Michael Harecourte, esq., sheriff of this countyfor this year, rendersan account of rents and other dues, as follows :

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Henry Manfeild, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 6, [1 ], to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595] £68-3-2 waspaidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, under the name of the executors. And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595] £68-3-2 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Robert Balthroppe : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] [Edward East , recusant H(k) inclus ]. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 6, [2] to J: On 15 May, 37 Eliz [1595] £9-17-9 was paid into the Treasury. And on 7 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595] £9-17-9 waspaid .[etc. as above] And they [Thomas Sheffeild & Richard Brewster: lessees] are quit.

[L. Margin ] Arrears to be written.1

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] [John Gardiner, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 7, [3], to H[f] inclus ]. H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz under "Buck"" . F : £223-8-11 from previous years G : £287-5-9.

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) BUCKS

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] farm . A Tenants C : £50-11-10. D : A capital messuage with 50 acres of meadow in Fulmer ; and various [other] messuages, lands, tenements and annual rents , with appurtenances , in Bucks. of the lands and tenements of ... B : John Gardyner, gent , recusant, who is indebted to the Queen in the sum of £80 by virtue of a certain Act of the Parliament [begun] at Westminster on 29 Oct., 28 Eliz. E(d) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. under "Buck" "2. F: £226-5-10 from previous years G : £276-17-8 [Further arrears] £50-11-10 for George Fletewood, esq , sheriff of the year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great [Pipe] Roll 32 Eliz under "Res' Buck" "), beingthe rentfor the year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz. under "Buck""). [Total debt] £327-9-6 .

[Seized goods & chattels]

[6] Edward Bulstred, Richard Craford & Paul Wentworth, esqs, owe £24-0-8for George Fleetwood, esq., sheriff of the year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz under "Res' Buck" "), whichthey have taken [into the Queen's hands] of the goods and chattels of Henry Mansfeild of Hamerden [Amerden] in the parishof Taplowe, Bucks , gent , recusant : cf. Great Roll31 Eliz. under "Item Buck'" . [Postscript] But they oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], for they rest dischargedthereofby virtue ofan order or decree of this Exchequer of the year 37 Eliz.; cf. Book of Orders or Decrees, L.T.R., 37 Eliz., Trinity term, where it is considered that the aforesaid Henry Mansfeild should have been charged ("oneraretur") to the Queen for the said £24-0-8 and should [himself] answer ("respondeat") to the Queen for the same . And he [Mansfeild ] answers below.³


[Seized goods & chattels]

Thomas Pigott, esq , sheriff [ ]4 £2-16-8, charged upon himself , for money which he has taken ("pro denar[iis] quos cepit") of the goods & chattels ofHenry Mansfeld ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz, Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] [Postscripts] For which the sheriffanswers below [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Seized goods & chattels]

[8] The same sheriff [Pigott] owes £4-6-8, charged upon himself , for money which he has taken of the goods & chattels of James Stanborne , latelyofDenham, "yoman" ; cf.Memoranda Roll ... [etc. as entry [7] above]

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned forthis [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz , Hilary term, "Recorda" section , rotulet[ ] And he [Pigott] is quit

[Seized goods & chattels]

[9] The same sheriff [Pigott] [ ]4 10s , charged upon himselffor money ... [etc. as [7] above] of the goods & chattels of diyEleanor Bilson, lately of Okeley [Oakley], "spinster" : cf. Memoranda Roll ... [etc. as [7] above].

[Postscripts as under [7] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[10] The same sheriff [Pigott] [ ]47s 8d , chargedupon himself , for money ... [etc. as [7] above] of the goods and chattels of Edward East, lately of Bledlowe ; cf. Memoranda Roll ... [etc as [7] above]

[Postscripts as under [7] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[11]A Thomas Sheffeld & Richard Brewster [lessees ] D : The whole rectory of Bledlowe, with all rights, members& appurtenances belonging and pertaining to the same rectory; together with the various other messuages, lands, woods and pastures specified in the Great Roll 30 Eliz , under "Buck"" : of the lands & tenements of ... B : Edward East, recusant F: £11-15-5 , beingpartofa certain annual rent of£19-15-6 , viz. rent due from this propertyfrom Michaelmas, 30 Eliz to Michaelmas, 31 Eliz.; cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Buck"".6

[Postscripts] And they [Sheffeld & Brewster] answerin [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz. under"Buck""

[L. Margin] Let a writ offieri facias be issued against Francis Cheyney, esq., late sheriff . " وو ]nil.8

To be written [again]. "

[Seized goods & chattels]

[12] Henry Mansfeild ofHamerden in the parish ofTaplowe, Bucks. , gent , owes £24-0-8for the goods & chattelsofthe sameHenry, taken and seized into the present Queen's hands ("in manus domine Regine nunc ... capt'") by Edward Bulstred, esq , and others, as said above in a certain dischargemade to same Edward Bulstred & others, commissioners . 10

[Postscript] And he [Mansfeild] answers in the following [Recusant] Rollunder "Buck" .

[Record of annual finepaid]

[13]A Thomas Throgmorton, esq. , C. D : £260 H. E : From 24 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594] to 23 Oct., 37 Eliz , viz. for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P: On 2 June, 37 Eliz [1595] £120 was paid into the Treasury Andon 28 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1595] £140 was paid into theTreasury And he is quit.

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

[Statement of sheriff's arrears] BUCKS-CAMBS

[14] The same sheriff, viz. Michael Harecourte, esq

B : [7] £2-16-8 (Pigott) ; [9] 10s (Pigott) : [10] 7s. 8d. (Pigott)

C : £3-14-4.

E : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz. under "Buck " .

[L. Margin] To be written [again].11

1"Scri arr'" (scribenda arreragia) See entry [11] below. "Text asC.R.S., XVIII, p.2, 1.29 seq. to "Regine huius" ³See entry [12] below "The brackets indicate a space left in MS for the word "deb'" (owes) : apparentlya clericaloversight Seeentry [14] below . Cf. C.R.S., LVII p. 7 , entry [2], F. and J. 7fi fa vers' Franc' Cheyney ar' nuper vic'" 8Current sheriff's "return" . "Scri" (Exchequer court directive) The order of writing ofthe threemarginal notes (each in a different hand) would seem to be 2,3,1. All are clearlyearlierthan the textual annotation 10See entry [6], postscript 11" Scri" (scribendum ) : for Harecourte's"Ex-Sheriff's debt" see R.R. No. 5 , under"Buck"" .





[1] Thomas Marshe, esq. , sheriff ofthis county¹ from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. to Michaelmas, 37 Eliz .... renders an account ...

[etc. as Berks. [1], C.R.S., LVII, p 1].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] Henry Cooke, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 7, [2], to H(k) inclus.]

J: And he [John Hutton : lessee] answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz. under"Northt" " [sic, for "Cant "], after his farm.

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Agnes Thurgare, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 8, [3], to E(d) inclus.].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Ann Mannock, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 8, [4], to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 29 April, 37 Eliz. [1594] £5 was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury. And on 9 Oct., 37Eliz [1594]£5 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Twitty : lessee] isquit

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] Frances Torrell, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 8, [5], to E(b) inclus.2].

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Cant'" .

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.³

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) CAMBS-

[Seized land Rental]

[6] [Evan Fludd, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 9, [6], to E(b) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [5] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[7] [William, LordVaux, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 9, [8], to E(d) inclus ]

F: £248-18s. from previous years G : £291-12s.

[Seized goods & chattels]

[8] [Evan Fludd, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 9, [7], to "recusant"]: "cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Cant"" .

[Postscript] And he [Sir Henry Cromwell : sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz. under"Cant"" .

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[9] A The same sheriff, viz. Thomas Marshe, esq

B: [5] £13-6-8 (Torrell'stenants) ; [6] 10s. (Fludd's tenants)

C : £13-16-8.

E : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz. under "Cant'" . "MS has ³See entry [9]

1"and of the county of Huntingdon" omitted "Brawen" , for Brawyn(Francis)

[rotulet 3, dorse]




[1] Jonathan Trelawney, esq., sheriff of this countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. to Michaelmas, 37 Eliz . . . renders an account ... [etc. as Berks [1 ], C.R.S., LVII, p 1]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Robert Beckett, recusant Entry as C.R.S. LVII, p 14, [2], to H(k) inclus ].

F : £20-13-4for Walter Kendall , esq., sheriff of the year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz under "Cornub""), viz. part oftherentfor the year 31 Eliz (cf. Great Rolls 32 and 31 Eliz. under "Cornub'") G : £62.

J: For which the sheriffanswers under"Res' Cornub'".1

[L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Richard Tremayne,recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 14, [3], to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] [Richard Tremayne, recusant to H(k) inclus ]



Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 14 , [4],

F: £8 for George Kekewiche, esq., sheriff of the year 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz. , under "Cornub""), viz. rent for the year 33 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Cornub"").

G : £16 . [Further arrears] £40 for Walter Kendall , esq. , sheriffofthe year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "Cornub"") viz. rent for the year 32 Eliz., and the arrears (cf. same roll, under "Cornub'"). [Total debt] £56.

[Seized land. Rental]

Thomas Arrundell, alias Courtney, recusant

Entry as C.R.S. , LVII, p 15, [5], to E(b) inclus ]. 2

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Cornub'" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[6] [TrevenorRosecarrock, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 15, [6], to E(d) inclus ]

J: [Postcripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[7] [Peter Coffyn, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 15, [8], to E(c) inclus ]³

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Cornub"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[8] [William Han, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 15, [9], to E(c) inclus ].

E(d) as entry [7] above F : £5-6-8 from preceding year.

G : £ 10-13-4.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[9] [Nicholas Burlace, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 16 , [10], to E(c) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[10][Digory Trevillian, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 16,

[11], to E(c) inclus ].

E(d) as entry [7] above F : £1-6-8 from preceding year.

G : £2-13-4.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[11] [Elizabeth Arrundell , recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 16, [12], to E(c) inclus ].

E(d) as entry [7]above

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[12] [Alexander Bradley, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 16,

[13], to E(c) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Seized land Rental]

[13]farm . A Tenants D : Two-thirds ofa manor house ("bartonie") or tenement called "Corther" or "Cortider" with a mill there, in the said county; and of the manor of Corther alias Cortyder ; and of the manor of Madres in the parish of St. Germans ; also two-thirds of a third part of a tenement called "Tempelles " C : £41-6-8 B : Robert Beckett, esq., recusant. E(b) : 15 Jan. , 31 Eliz. [1588/9] E(a) : Anthony Rous, esq., and others E(c) : Recusancyofthe same Robert. E(d) Cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz , under "Cornub"" . "Where the said rent is demanded under the name("exigitur subnomine") ofAnthonyRous and another" F : £248 from previousyears G : £289-6-8.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for£268-13-4 , viz the rent of this farm from Ladyday 31 Eliz [1589], nor ought this rentto be charged henceforth, because John Wingfeld, gent., answers for this farm from the said Ladyday, 31 Eliz, and thereafter has been answerable to the Queen by another [commission] as is contained above ; cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz. under "Cornub " , and subsequent rolls. And they [tenants] owe £20-13-4 .

[Other postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Arrearage of rent]

[14]A Anthony Rous and George Kekewiche, esqs. [commissioners ] D : Two-thirds ofa manorhouse or tenement called "Corther" or "Cortider" , with a mill there ; and other lands and tenements B : Robert Beckett, esq , recusant F: £82-13-4, of a certain annual rent of £41-6-8, for Walter Kendall , esq., sheriff of the year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz. under "Cornub'"), viz. the rent ofthis farmfortheyears 32 and 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz under "Cornub"").

J: But they [Rous & Kekewiche] oughtnot to be summoned for this rent, because the said debt was wrongly charged to the same late sheriff by the said Great Roll, and because the tenants of the two-thirds of the said lands & tenements answer immediately above for this same rent for the saidperiod. And they [Rous & Kekewiche] arequit.

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) CORNWALL 11

†[Lease of seized land Rental] [15]farm . A: George Robson [lessee] C : £2, for Michaelmas 37 Eliz., being part ofanannual rent of£4 D : Two-thirdsofa certain tenement called "Tolcarne" , with appurtenances, inthe parish of Mawgan, Cornwall; and ofa tenement, with apps in Tredeneck [Tredinnick], called "Wylton" , within theparish of Decklo [Duloe], Cornwall ; of which ... B : Peter Coffyn of Mawgan, recusant, "is possessed for the term of his life" . E(b) : 3 Oct., 35 Eliz. [1593]. E(a) : Richard Carewe , esq. , and others . H(a) : Aforesaid GeorgeRobson, his executors& massigns. H(b): From 2 May, 37 Eliz. [1595] H(c). H(d) : £1-6-8 (for Tolcarne) ; £2-13-4 (for the tenement "in Predenick aforesaid" [sic]) H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz., under "Cornub"" .

[Record of annual finepaid]

[16]A John Arrundell , esq. C. D : £260 E : From20 Sept. , 36 Eliz. [1594] to 19 Sept., 37 Eliz , viz. for 13 [lunar] months . K. H. G.

P : On 2 June, 37 Eliz. [1595] £160 was paid into theTreasury. And on 27 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1595] £100 was paid into the Treasury. Andheisquit.

[rotulet7, dorse] ("Res' Cornub'")

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[17]A The same sheriff, viz. Jonathan Trelawney, esq

B : [2] £62 (John Wingfeild, from Beckett's land) ; [3]

£22-4-4 (Hannibal Vivian, from Tremayne's land) ; [5] £2-13-4 (Arrundell, alias Courtney's tenants) ; [6] £1-11s. (Rosecarrock'stenants); [7] £4 (Coffyn's tenants); [8] £10-13-4 (Han's tenants) ; [9] £ 1-6-8 (Burlace's tenant's) ; [10] £2-13-4 (Trevillian's tenants); [11]

£6-13-4 (Eliz Arrundell's tenants) ; [12] £6-13-4 (Bradley's tenants) ; [13] £20-13-4 (Beckett's tenants).

C : £141-2-0 .

D : [11]Eliz. Arrundell's tenants answer for their debt in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under"Cornub"" , after their farm.⁹

[8] Han's tenants answer for their debt in same roll and section , after theirfarm. "

[9] Burlace's tenant's answer for their debtin same rolland section, after their farm.

E : And he [sheriff] owes £122-8-8 . And he answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz under"Cornub"" .

¹Cf. entry [17] MS has "Treshowes" for Tresowes ; "Hellege" for Hellegie; "Flannack" for Flamack (William) has "Mawyarne" for Mawyan Kendall above "I.e. of 32 Eliz

See entry [2] 3MS 5Sheriff 'Entry [13] "Not

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)


actuallyfor thewholeperiod: see entry [13], postscript. This note means that the tenants, not the commissioners , were originally answerable to the Crown. Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Trelawney) was therefore discharged of this item

[rotulet25, dorse] CUMBERLAND ("Cumbr ' ")

*[Seized land Rental] farm. A Tenants. B : George Skelton C : 16s D : Two-thirds of a certain lease or farm ("cuiusdam dimissionis sive firme") called "Manerfeld Close" , estimated to contain six acres of arable land with appurtenances; and of a parcel of meadow adjacent to the same, in the parish of Wedderelt [? Wetheral], Cumbld E(b): 5 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594]. E(a) : GeorgeSalkeld, esq , and others E(c) : Recusancyofthesame George [Skelton] E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. J: And they [tenants] answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz under "Cumbr"" , after their farm.

[rotulet 14, dorse] [Preamble]



[1] John Rodes, esq , sheriff ofthis county for this year, rendersan account ... [etc. as Bucks, [1]].

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [Christopher Rolston, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 17 , [2], to E(b) inclus ] E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Derb"" .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] farm . A: Henry Merrye [lessee] C: £26-13-10 D : The whole of a messuage, with appurtenances, in Scurson [Sturston], in the tenure ofJohn Palmer of Kegworthe, Leics, recusant; together with various other messuages, lands and tenements specified in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Derb'" being two-thirds of the lands and possessions of .B: Aforesaid John Palmer, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Henry Merrye, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 18 June, 36 Eliz [1594]. H(c). H(d) as C. H(e). H(k): Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Derb"" . F : £13-6-11 from precedingyear G : £40-0-9.

J: On 5 Nov., 36 Eliz. [1594] £13-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 2 May, 37 Eliz. [1595] £13-6-8was paid ...[etc. as above]. And on 7 Nov. , 37 Eliz. [1595] £13-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Merrye] is quit.


ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) DERBY -DEVON 13

[Seized goods & chattels]

Thomas Cockayne and GodfreyFuliambe, esqs, owe £1-17-10 for Godfrey Fuliambe , esq., sheriff of the year 31 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "Derb'"), viz chargeduponthempla selves , which they have taken ("quos [denarios] ceperunt") of the goods & chattels of Thomas Whalley of Langford [Longford], recusant ; cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz , under "Derb'

[Postscript] And they answer in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under "Derb'" .


[Seized goods & chattels]

The same Thomas and Godfrey owe £2-9-8 forthe same late sheriff as is contained above [entry [4]], viz charged upon themselves , which they have taken ofthe goods & chattels of MRalph Aulte, as is contained there [ref. to entry[4]].

[Postscript as under entry [4] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[6] Eleanor ("Elionor"") Foxe of Northwingfeild [North Wingfield], Derbyshire, "spinster" , owes £10 for the price or value of her goods & chattels seized into the Queen's hands by John Harpurre, esq., and others, commissioners, by reason of the recusancyof the same Eleanor ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz, Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]

[Postscript] And she answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz , under "Derb'"

[L. Margin] Nil.2

See C.R.S. lvii, p. 18 , [7].

A note of the current sheriff's "return" written earlierthan the textualpostscript.

[rotulet 3]




[1] Sir Thomas Dennys, knt , sheriffofthis county for this year, renders an account ... [etc. as Bucks [1 ]]

[Seized land Rental]

[2] [Thomas Arrundell, alias Courtney, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 20, [3], to E(b) inclus.] 1

E(d) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. , under "Devon"" .

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.2

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Nicholas Rosecarrock , recusant

Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 20, [4], to E(b) inclus.]

E(d) as entry [2] above .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

ELIZ (1594-5)

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] farm . A Robert Seale, one ofthe grooms-in-ordinaryofthe ushers of the royal chamber [lessee] C : £14-10-21 . D: Two-thirds of the manors of Parkeham, Buckysshe [Buckish], Horton, Upcott, and Torrington alias Torington Tadpoole, withappurtenances; togetherwiththe various other messuages , lands & tenements in Devon and Cornwall specified in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Devon'".3 B : Giles Risden, lately ofBableyghe [Bableigh] in the parish ofParkham , Devon, gent recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid Robert Seale, his executors and assigns [H(b) to H(e) inclus as C.R.S., LVII, p 20, [5]]. H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Devon'" .

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595] £7-5-2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And 4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595] £7-5-2 was paid ..[etc. as above]. And he [Seale] isquit

[Lease of seized land . Rental] [5] farm . A Robert Seale ... [etc. as entry [4] above]. C : £9-5-5 & two-thirds of d. D : Two-thirds of a messuage in the Borough of Zeale, Devon, and of 12 acres of arable land & 4 acres of meadow with appurtenances; and of a water-mill in Zeale ; together with various other messuages, lands & tenements with apps in Devon specified in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Devon'".4

B : William Burgen, alias Burgan, alias Burgoyn, lately of Southzeale in the parish of Sowthtowton [South Tawton], gent , recusant H(a): Robert Seale, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas, 35 Eliz. [1593]. H(c). H(d) as C. H(e). H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Devon"" .

J: On 7 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £4-12-9 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £4-12-9 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Seale] isquit.

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[6] A: The same sheriff, viz. Sir Thomas Dennys, knt

B : [2] £2-15s. (Arrundell alias Courtney's tenants) ; [3] 10s 8d (Rosecarrock's tenants).

C : £3-5-8

E : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz , under "Devon'" .

[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy]5

[7] A GraceMarshe, wife ofJohn Marshe, latelyofRewe, Devon , gent B. D: £60 F: £40 G. H. J: For 2 months next following 10 June, 37 Eliz. [1595]. L : £20. M: Mondayinthe 4th week of Lent, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N: From date of convictionto 4 April next following, viz. for 1 [lunar] month. O.

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)

Juliana Mapowder, lately of Holdesworthie [Holsworthy], "spinster" [ ]


Robert Webbe, lately ofMoreton, gent [ ]6 £60 for the like. Joan Crewse, lately of the same, "spin[ ] " owes "

" ster"


Ann Barton, wife of Thomas Barton, lately ofSilverton, gent .. [Postscript] But she ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by considerationofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 5 James I, Easter term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And she is quit lo Giles Rysedon, lately of Parkeham, gent [ ] £60 forthe like. ElizabethRisedon,hiswife

[ ]

"MS has "Becklondes" for Becklond, "Butterbimes" for Butterhimes, "Whiteles" for Whiteleys, and "Docton" for Dotton (John) 2Cf. entry [6] Cf. C.R.S., LVII, p 20, [5]. "Cf. C.R.S.LVII, p 21, [6] All items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). "Thebracketshere and in items belowindicatea space left in MS for the laterinsertion (when required) oftheword "deb'" (owes)

[rotulet 18, dorse] [Preamble]




Robert Strowde, esq. , sheriff of this county for this year, renders an account ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental] [2] [William Gerrard, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 23, [2], to H(e) inclus.¹] H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Dors'"

J: On 7 May, 37Eliz [1595],£19-17-5was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury And on 4 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £9-17-5 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Arrundell : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Henry Wells, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 23, [3], to H(f) inclus ] H(k) as entry [2] above.

J: On 25 April, 37 Eliz [1595], £3-6-8 was paidfromthisfarm into the Treasury And on 9 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £3-6-8 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [John Hopkinson : lessee] is quit.

[Arrearage ofrent]

[4] A John Rogers, gent. , and Thomas Adys, gent. [commissioners]. D : Two-thirds ofthe manor of Godlingston, alias Godlynston , in the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset B : Henry Wells,


ELIZ (1594-5) DORSET

recusant. E(b) : 1 July, 32 Eliz [1590] E(a) : Aforesaid John and Thomas F : £3-6-8, being part ofanannual rentof £6-13-4, viz the rent of the same farm "from the time of its seizure to Michaelmas next following" ; cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz. , under "Res' Dors'" .

J: And they [Rogers & Adys] answer in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under "Dors'" .

oty [Arrearage ofrent]

[5] A Andrew Rogers, esq., and John Rogers , gent [commissioners]. D: Two-thirds of the manor and farm of Ranescombe [? or Ravescombe], with appurtenances, in the Isle of Purbeck, and of various lands in Worth [Worth Matravers] in the same Isle, Dorset B : Gilbert Wells of Brambridge, Hants , gent , recusant F : £20-13-4 , viz. therentofthesame farm "from the time of its seizure into the Queen's hands by the aforesaid Andrew & John to the following Michaelmas, 31 Eliz. [1589], i.e. for one whole year" ; cf. Great Rolls 31 Eliz, under "Dors"" , and 29 Eliz , under "Res' Dors'" .

J: But they [Andrew & John Rogers] ought not to be summoned for this [rent], because answer has been made ("respons' est") to the Queen for the said £20-13-4 by Robert Frampton, esq . , sheriffofthis countyfor the year 30 Eliz.; cf. Great Rolls 30 Eliz., under "Dors' in the said sheriff's Summa , and 29 Eliz., under "Res' Dors'" . And they [Andrew & John] arequit.

*[Seized land, Rental]

[6] farm . A: Tenants B : William Moorecocke , "yoman" , recusant C : £ 1 D : Two-thirds of a messuage, of an orchard ("gardin'"), of a close of meadowestimatedtocontain 5 acres , and ofa close ofpastureestimatedto contain 3 virgates, in Netherkencombe [? Higher Kingcombe], Dorset E(b): ult. Aug., 36 Eliz [1594]. E(a) : Sir George Trenchard, knt. , and others. E(c): Recusancy of the same William. E(d): Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] F: 10s from preceding year. G : £1-10s.

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.2 [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ..

*[Seized land, Rental] [7] farm . A: Tenants B : Gregory Durdo, gent , recusant C : £2. D : Two-thirds of a messuage or tenement, with appurtenances, and of various lands pertaining to the same , in Ewerneminster [Iwerne Minster], Dorset E(b), (a), (d), : inall as entry[6] above. E(c) : Recusancyofthe same Gregory. F: £1 from precedingyear. G : £3.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[6] above].


ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)

[Seized goods & chattels]


George Morton, esq., sheriff , [ ]³ £2-6-8, charged uponhimself, and byhim received("et per ipsum recept""),forthe price or value of the goods & chattels of a certain Agnes Waye, lately ofMiltonin the parish of Woodstock, widow , recusant; cf. Memoranda Roll ... [ref as entry[6], E(d)].

Als [Postscripts as under entry [6] above].

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[9] A: The same sheriff, viz Robert Strowde, esq.

B : [6] £1-10s. (Moorecock's tenants) ; [7] £3 (Durdo's tenants) ; [8] £2-6-8 (Morton)

C : £6-16-8.

yabrE : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under "Dors"" .

[Enrolment of estreated conviction for recusancy ]

[10]A Antony Martyn, lately of Wyke Regis, Dorset, "yeoman"

B. D £500. F : £480. G. H. J : For 2 years next following 1 July, 36 Eliz [1594]. L: £20 M : Mondayinthe third week of Lent, 39 Eliz [1596/7] N : From date ofconvictionto28 Marchnextfollowing, viz. for 1 [lunar]month. O.

P : [L. Margin] Let a commissionbe issued .

"In sectio D. , "Cf.. [Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz. " is substitutedfor"Cf. preceding [Recusant]Roll" Cf.entry [9] 3Thebrackets indicatea space left in MSfor theword "deb " (owes) : apparentlya clerical oversight . "fi[at] Commissio" .

[rotulet 5]




[1] William Ayloffe, esq., sheriffofthis countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. to Mich., 37 Eliz .... renders an account ... [etc. as Berks [1], C.R.S., LVII, p 1]


[Lease ofseized land Rental]

Richard Greene, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 24, [2], to H(k) inclus.]

J: On 28 April, 37 Eliz [1595], £18-3-10 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury, under the names of the administrators of the goods of the said Thomas [Gentt]. And on 6 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £18-3-10 was paid ... [etc. as above]... administrators ofthe saidThomas. And he [Thomas Gentt : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] [Thomas Hayle, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p.25, [3], to H(k) inclus ].

F: £30 from previous years G : £36-13-4.

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] [John Danyell, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 25, [4], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On ult. April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £3-6-8 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [HenryMarwood: lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [RichardMartin, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p.25, [5], to H(k) inclus ].

F: £4 for Richard Warren, esq., sheriff of the year 33 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Item Essex""), viz the rent of this farm for the year 33 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz , under "Essex'").

G : £8

J: On ult April, 37 Eliz [1595], £2 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 5 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £2 was paid [etc. as above]. And he [Francis Mannock: lessee] owes £4.

For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthepresentrotulet.¹

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] [AmbroseJermyn, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 25, [6], to H(k) inclus ]

F: £24 for Ralph Wiseman, esq., sheriff of the year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "AdhucItem Essex'"), viz. rent ofthis farm for the year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz, under "Essex""). G : £48

J: On ult April, 37 Eliz [1595], £12 was paid from thisfarm intothe Treasury. And on 3 Nov. , 37 Eliz [1595], £12 was paid [etc. as above]. Andhe [Ralph Smythe lessee] owes £24. For whichthesheriffanswers onthe dorse ofthisrotulet¹.

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[7] [Thomas Crawley, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 26, [7] to H(k) inclus.]

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £7-4-8 was paid from thisfarm intothe Treasury. And on ult Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £7-4-8 was paid ... [etc. as above] Andhe [Robert Seale : lessee] isquit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [William Tucker, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 26, [8], to H(k) inclus ]

F : £3 from previous years and £1-10s. for Richard Warren , esq., sheriff ofthe year 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz , under "Item Essex""), viz rent of this farm for the year 33 Eliz (cf.

3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)

Great Roll 33 Eliz. , under "Essex'"). G : £6. [Further arrears] £7-10s. for RalphWiseman, esq , sheriff ofthe year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz under "Adhuc Item Essex'"), viz. rent for the year 32 Eliz, and the arrears [cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "Essex'") [Total debt] £13-10s.

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotulet.¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [William Mannock, junior, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 27, [12], to H(e) inclus ]. 2

H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Essex'"

J: On 12 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £11-8-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 4 Nov. , 37 Eliz [1595], £11-8-4 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land. Rental] And he [William Twitty : lessee] is quit.

[10] [William Wiseman, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 27 , [13], to E(b) inclus.].

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Essex'"

J: On 12 May, 38 Eliz [1596], they [tenants] delivered [this rent : £28-13-4] in the Treasury And they are quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[11] [John Danyell, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 28, [15], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as entry [9] above

J: On ult April, 37 Eliz [1595], £2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £2 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Thomas Webber: lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[12] [Richard White, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 28, [16], to H(e) inclus ]. 2 H(k) as entry [9] above.

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £3-6-8 was paid from thisfarm intothe Treasury And on ult. Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Elinge : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13][JaneWiseman, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p.29, [17], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as entry [9] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [8] above]

[Arrearage ofrent]

[14]A Sir Thomas Mildmay, knt. , and Thomas Mildmay, esq [commissioners]. D : A house called "le mannor house de

Bacons" and 70 acres ofland, with appurtenances , in the tenure of William Walle or his assigns, and other property of the lands and tenements of ... B : Ambrose Jermyne, recusant E(b) : 6 Feb. , 32 Eliz [1589/90] E(a) : Aforesaid Thomas & Thomas F : [ ]3 £24, viz rent of this farmfrom thetimeof its seizureto Michaelmas 32 Eliz , i.e. for one whole year ; cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz , under "Item Essex'" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [8] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[15]A: William Tyffin & Edward Thirsbye, esqs [commissioners]. D: Two-thirds of various lands, tenements & hereditaments , with apps , in Bulmer, Waterbelchamp [BelchampWalter] and other villages("vill" ") in Essex in the tenure ofWilliam Bragge, Robert Tyffin & others B : Richard Martyne, lately of Melford [Long Melford], Suffolk, gent , recusant E(b) : 4 March, 32 Eliz. [1589/90] E(a) : Aforesaid William & Edward. F: [ ]3 £2 (part of a certain annual rentof£4), viz rent of this farm from the time of its seizure to Ladyday next following, i.e. for a half-year ; cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz, under "Item Essex'"

J: [Postscripts as under entry [8] above]

[Arrearage of rent]

[16] A Jerome ("Jerominus") Weston, William Bendlowes and Henry Smithe [commissioners]. D: Two-thirds of a tenement & certain landsin Bulmer in the tenure of John Roe ; ofa messuage & certain lands in Northbemflatt[North Benfleet] in the tenure ofJohn Roe ; and of a messuage or tenement with certain lands in Ramesdenbellowes [Ramsden Bell House]. B : John Danyell, gent , recusant E(b) : 3 Feb. , 32 Eliz [1589/90]. E(a) : Aforesaid Jerome, William & Henry. F: [ ]3 £3-6-8 (part of a certain annual rent of £6-13-4), viz. rent of this farm from the time of its seizure to Ladyday next following, i.e. for a half-year ; cf. Great Roll 31 Éliz , under "Item Essex'"

J: [Postscripts as under entry[8] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[17]William Wyseman of Wymbishe [Wimbish], esq. , [ ]³ £5, charged upon himself, for the price or value of his goods & chattels, taken and seized into the Queen's hands by reason of his recusancy by Francis Barryngton esq , and others, commissioners; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] [Postscripts as under entry [8] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[18]Francis Blythe, esq and Laurence Bingham, gent [ ]³ £12 , which they have taken ("quas [libras] ceperunt") ofthe goods & chattels of Thomas Moore, recusant ; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Essex'".4

[Postscripts as under entry [8] above].


[Seized goods & chattels]

The same Francis and Laurence[ ]3£30, which theyhavetaken of the goods & chattels of Thomas Hales, gent , recusant ; cf .... [ref. as preceding entry]

[Postscripts as under entry [8] above].

[rotulet 5, dorse]

*+[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[20]farm . A: Walter Osborne [lessee ]. C : £4 B : Twothirds of the manor or capital messuage called "Plomborowe" alias "Plombergh" with all its appurtenances , situated, lying & existing in Hockley, Essex B : Edmund Churche, lately of the parish of St. Clement Danes, Co. Midds , gent, recusant

E(b) 1 April, 33 Eliz. [1591]. E(a) : William Tiffin, and others H(a) : Aforesaid Walter Osborne, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 11 June, 33 Eliz [1591]. H(c) H(d) as C. H(e). H(f). H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 33 Eliz., under"Essex'" . F : £14 fromprevious years G : £18

J: On 2 May, 35 Eliz. [1593], £2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, under the name of Thomas Stutvyle & others. And on 7 Nov., 35 Eliz. [1593], £2 was paid ... [etc. as above] And on 25 April, 36 Eliz [1594], £2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov. , [1594], £2 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 14 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £2 was paid ... [etc. asabove]. And on 8 July, 37 Eliz [1595], £6 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on ult. Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £2 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Osborne] is quit

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[21]A: The same sheriff, viz. William Ayloffe, esq

B : [5] £4 (Mannock, from Martin's lands) ; [6] £24 (Smythe, from Jermyn's lands) ; [8] £13-10s. (Hugh Cuffe, from Tucker's lands) ; [13] £6 (Thomas Dickenson, from Jane Wiseman's lands) ; [14] £24 (Mildmay etc.) ; [15] £2 (Tyffin etc.) ; [16] £3-6-8 (Weston etc.) ; [17] £5 (Wyseman) ; [18] £12 (Blythe etc.) ; [19] £30 (Blythe etc.).

C : £123-16-8 .

D : [6] On 1 May, 33 Eliz [1591], £12 was paid into the Treasury, under the name of Ralph Smythe. And on 29 Oct.,33Eliz [1591], £12 waspaid...[ above]

[14] On 9 May, 32 Eliz [1590], £12 was paid into the Treasury for ("sub nomine") Sir Thomas Mildmay and another, under the name ("sub nomine") of the said Ralph Smythe And on 7 Nov., 32 Eliz [1590], £12 was paid ... [etc. as above]

[5] Mannock answers below for his debt of£4.

[8] Cuffe answers for 15s. of his debt of £13-10s. in the following [Recusant] Roll, under "Essex"" , after his farm ; andfor the remaining £12-15s elsewhere in the present roll, viz. under " London Midd'" .

[18] & [19] Blythe etc. answer for their two debts (£42) separatelyin [Recusant] Roll38 Eliz under"Essex '"8

E : And he [sheriff] owes £16-6-8. And he answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under"Essex'" .

[Arrearage of rent]

[22]A Francis Mannock, gent [lessee] D: Two-thirds of various lands, tenements & hereditaments, with appurtenances, in Bulmer and other villages in Essex . B : Richard Martyne, gent., recusant F £4, as stated above, viz rentfor onefull year ending Michaelmas 34 Eliz.; cf. another part of this brotulet10 , and Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Essex'" .

J: And he [Mannock] answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz.,under ( "Essex'" .

[L. Margin] Let a [writ of] offieri facias be issued against Richard Warren, esq. , late sheriff . 11

[Enrolment of estreatedconviction for recusancy]

[23]A Giles Thorpe of Dedham, Essex , "yoman" B. D: £200 F : £180 G. H. J: For 9 months nextfollowing 1 June, 38 Eliz [1596]. L : £20. M: From date of conviction to28 Marchnextfollowing, viz for one [lunar] month O. P: [L. Margin] Let a commissionbeissued . 12

1Cf . entry [21]. 2in section D, "cf. [Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz " is substituted for"cf. preceding [Recusant]Roll" 3The brackets indicatea space left in MSfortheword "deb"" (owes) : apparentlya clerical oversight "Text as C.R.S. XVIII, p 114, 1. 21 seq. to "recusantis" Text as C.R.S. , XVIII, p 114, 1 , 24 seq to "sicut cont' ibid " . "See entry [22] below See p . 22, entry [4] "In L. Margin, oppositethis and each of thethreepreceding items, is the note: It is answered ("respondetu]r") The sheriff (Ayloffe) was therefore discharged of these debts Entry [21] D. 10Entry [5], postscript. 11"fi fa vers' Ricardu' Warren ar' nuper vic'' 12"fi[at] Commissio"

[rotulet 6]




[1] Joseph Beanham, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders an account ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)

[Lease of seized land Rental] MAH

[2] [Thomas Somersett, recusant

[3], to H[f] inclus ]. H(k)


Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 31 ,

Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Glouc"" . F: £20 for Sir John Poyntes, knt. , sheriff ofthe year 33 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Res' Glouc'"), viz rent of this farm for the year 33 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Glouc" "). G : £40

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] William Bradstocke, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 31 ,

[4], to B. inclus.].

E(d) Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz , under "Glouc'" F : £14-2-8 from previous years . G : £21-4s

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforthby consideration ofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz , Hilary term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]

[Seized land. Rental] And they [tenants] arequit

[4] Thomas Bradford, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 32, [5], to E(b) inclus ]¹

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Glouc""

[Seized goods & chattels]

[5] [Thomas Bradford, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p . 32, [6], excluding postscripts]. "Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Glouc

[Postscripts] And he answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz, under "Glouc [L. Margin] nil.2

[Enrolment ofestreatedconvictionfor recusancy]

[6] A Robert Bradstone , lately of Winterborne , gent C. D: £60. F: £40 G. H. J: For 2 months next following 10 Jan., 39 Eliz [1596/7] L : £20. M: Thursday, 1 Sept., 39 Eliz [1597]. N : From date ofconviction to 29 Sept. next following, viz. for 1 [lunar] month. O. P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 40 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet[ ]. Andheisquit. [L. Margin] Let a commissionbeissued.³

"In section E(a), MS has "Throgmorton" for Throckmorton (Sir Thos.). A note of the current sheriff's "return" : antecedent to the textual postscript. 3fi[at] Commissio" : written earlier than the textual postscript

[rotulet 17]




[1] William Uvedale, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, rendersan account ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]


[William Hoord, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 33, [2], to H(f) inclus ]. 1

H(k) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Sutht'" . F : £172-13-4 from previous years. G : £245-11-8.2 [Further arrears] £24-13-4for Richard Pawlett, esq , sheriff oftheyear 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 34 Eliz. , under "Item Sutht""), viz rent fortheyear 32 Eliz.(cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz , under "Sutht"").

[Total debt] £270-15s.

J: Andhe [Hugh Cuffe : lessee] answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz, under"Sutht"" ,for this rent andthearrears .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Robert Knyght, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 34, [4], to H(e) inclus.]

H(k) as entry [2] above.

J: On2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £8-12-6 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 20 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £8-12-6 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land . Rental] Andhe [JohnStockman : lessee] isquit

[4] [Richard Warneford, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 34 , [5], to C. inclus ]

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Sutht"" .

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse of this rotulet.³ [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[5] [Edward Banyster, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 34, [6], to H(f) inclus.]. H(k) as entry [2]above.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [William Fawkenor, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 35, [7], to H(f) inclus ]

H(k) as entry [2] above.

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz. (1595], £38-2-2 waspaidfromthisfarm intotheTreasury. And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £38-2-2 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Sir James Marvin lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[7] [Anthony Uvedall, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 35, [8], to H[f) inclus ]

H(k) as entry [2] above .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[8] [GilbertWells, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 35, [9], to H(f) inclus ]

H(k) as entry [2] above.

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £35-18-0 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £35-18-0 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land Rental] And he [Thomas Hixon : lessee] isquit.

[9] [LadyPawlett, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 36, [10], to B. inclus ]

E(d) as entry [4] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[10][William Hoorde, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 36, [11], to H(f) inclus.].

G : £254-13-3

H(k) as entry [2] above F : £212-4-4 from previous years.

J: And they [John Peirson & Thomas Culleford : lessees] answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz. , under"Sutht'" .

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[11] [William Burley, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 36, [12], to H(f) inclus ].

H(k) as entry [2] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[12] [John Goldsmyth Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 37 , [15], to E(b) inclus ].

E(d) as entry[4] above F : £53-6-8for Richard Milles, esq , sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Southt " , viz under hisseveral debts ), beingthe rentfor the preceding year, with the arrears (cf. same roll, under "Southt""). G : £80.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for £59-18-8 , viz. the rent from 6 July, 35 Eliz [1593] to this Michaelmas, 37 Eliz. [1595], nor ought this rent to be charged after the said 6July, 35Eliz byconsiderationoftheBarons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 36 Eliz., Michaelmas term ,


"Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And they [tenants] owe £20-1-4.

On 19 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], they [tenants] delivered [this sum] in the Treasury. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[Gilbert Ticheborne . Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 37, [16], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [4] above F : £13-6-8 from previous years. G: £20 J: [L. Margin] Thedebt of 100 marks is beingpaidby instalments Therefore [this entry] is not to be writtenagain, by warrant ofthe Chancellor [of the Exchequer]6 .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[14][Anthony Norton, Margery Wigmore, & Richard Brewninge, recusants . Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 38, [17], to H(e) inclus.] ?

H(k) as entry [2] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[15] [Anthony Uvedail, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 38, [18], to H(e) inclus ]

H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz, under 'Sutht' "

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above]

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[16][Henry Carye, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 38, [19], to H(e) inclus.].

H(k) as entry [15] above

J: On 29 April, 37 Eliz [1595], £5-18-6waspaidfromthisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £5-18-6was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [John Goyte, William Bake& John Thomas : lessees ] arequit.

[Lease of seized land


[17] [Stephen Vachell, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 39, [20], to H(f) inclus.]

H(k) as entry [15] above .

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £9-3-3 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury. And on 10 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £9-3-3 was paid ... [etc. as above].

But he [Charles Pagett : lessee] oughtnot to be summoned for £30-11-4 by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 31 & 32 Eliz., Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section . rotulet [ ]. And he [Pagett] isquit.

[Seized land Rental]

[18] [Richard Warneford, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 39 , [21], to E(a) inclus ]. E(d) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Sutht" " . F : £40 from previous years. G : £66-13-4 . J: [Postscripts as under entry[4] above].

[rotulet 17, dorse]

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[19]farm . A : John Goodwin , gent . [lessee] C : £6-13-4, being part [of an original rent] of £7-10s D : Two-thirds of the lordship of Ludshott, Hants , with all its appurtenances; and of 3 messuages in Odyham, Hants B : Robert Knyght of Abbottes Itchinge, gent., and Alice Knyght of Itchinge Abottes, Hants , widow, recusants . H(a) : Aforesaid John Goodwin, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 27 March, 34 Eliz. [1592]. H(c) H(d) : £6-13-4 H(e) H(k) as entry [2] above.

J: And he [Goodwin) answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz , under"Sutht"" , for this rent andthe arrears .

[Lease of seized land Rental]s

[20]farm . A: John Goodwin [lessee] C : 16s 8d , being part [of an original rent] of £7-10s. D : Two-thirds of certain lands & pastures in Henton Dawbney, Hants , called "Whethams" and "Cokescrofte" , estimated to contain 30 acres of pasture; and of another parcel of arable land ("terr""), with apps., being a parcel of the manor of Frodington, Hants , estimated to contain 30 acres . B : Thomas Stockwithe , lately of Lymington, Hants , and Benjamin Stockwithe , lately of Southwarke, Surrey, gents, recusants. H(a) and (b) as entry [19] above H(c) H(d) : 16s 8d H(e). H(k) as entry [2] above . J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[21] Sir Richard Norton, knt., William Neale, esq. , and Thomas Flemynge, esq., owe £53-5s. for Sir Richard Norton, knt. , sheriff of the year 30 Eliz [1587-8] (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "AdhucItem Southt""), viz which they havetaken ofthe goods & chattels of Gilbert Welles, esq , recusant ; cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz., under "Item Southt"" .

[Seized goods & chattels]

[22] Norton and Neale(asentry[21])"owe£100for thesame sheriff , cf .... [ref. as in entry [21]], for 20 acres of beech-wood ("bosc' voc' beachwood") and 20 acres ofoak ("quercuu' voc' okes"), of the goods & chattels of Anthony Uvedall, recusant; cf . " ...[ref. as in entry [21]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[23]Norton and Neale (as entry [21]) "owe £2-13-4 for the same sheriff ; cf .... [ref as in entry[21]], viz whichthey havetaken ofthe goods & chattels of Thomas Cantertonof Kingesomborne [Kings Somborne], recusant; cf. " ... [ref. as in entry [21]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[24] Norton, Flemyngeand Neale (as in entry[21])"owe£136-13-8 for Sir Richard Paulett, knt , sheriff of the year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "Item Sutht""), viz whichtheyhave taken ofthe goods & chattels of Gilbert Welles, esq , recusant ;

bcf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "Item Sutht"""

[Seized goods & chattels]

[25] Norton and Neale (as entry [21]) "owe £3-6-8 for the same sheriff[Paulett], cf .... [ref as in entry[24]], viz chargedupon themselves for the price or value ofthe copses and underwood ("copic' et subbosc" ") of Lady Paulett, widow, recusant; cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz. , under "adhuc Item Sutht'"" ,

[Arrearage ofrent]10

[26]A John Stockman, gent [lessee ] D : The manor of Lydshott, with all its rights, members and appurtenances, in Hants B Alice Knight, widow, recusant F : £9 for Edward Goddard , esq., sheriff of the year 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz, under "Adhuc ItemSutht' "), viz ofa certain annual rent of £9, being the rent for one full year ending Michaelmas, 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz., under "Sutht""). J: And he [Stockman] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under "Sutht"

[Seized goods & chattels]

[27]Robert Knight and Alice Knight, widow, recusants , owe £20, charged upon themselves , for the price or value oftheir goods & chattels seized into the Queen's hands by reason of their recusancy; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz, under "Sutht'" 11 [Postscript] And they answerin thefollowing [Recusant] Roll, under "Sutht"" .

[Seized goods & chattels]12

[28] Thomas Stockwithe and Benjamin Stockwithe, recusants, owe £26-13-4 ... [etc. as entry [27], including postscript].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[29]A Tenants D : Two-thirds of tenements lying in Preston Candover and Nutley, Hants B : William Hoorde, recusant. F : £40-13-4for Sir Richard Norton, knt , sheriff of the year 30 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz, under "Item Sutht""), viz rent for one full year ending Michaelmas 31 Eliz. (cf. Great

Roll 30 Eliz., under "Adhuc Item Sutht'").

J: And they [tenants] answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz, under "Sutht"" .

†[Lease of seized land Rental] [30]farm. A: Robert Bradley [lessee] C : £6 D : Two-thirdsof the lordship of Ludshott, with all its rights, membersand apps in Hants. B : Robert Knyght of Abbottes Itchinge, gent , and Alice Knight, lately of Itchinge Abbottes, Hants , widow , recusants E(b) : 5 Oct., 33 Eliz [1591]. E(a) : Thomas Flemynge, esq., and others H(a) : Aforesaid Robert Bradley, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 21 Feb., 37 Eliz [1594/5]. H(c). H(d) as C. H(e). H(k): Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz , under "Sutht"" .

J: And he [Bradley] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz, under "Sutht"" , for this rent and the arrears .

[Lease of seized land Rental] [31] [Alice Knight, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 34, [3], to H(f) inclus ].

H(k) : Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz , under "Sutht"" . F: £18 from previous years G : £27.

J: And he [John Stockman : lessee] answers ... ... [etc. as under entry [30]].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[32] [Alice Knight, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 39, [23], to H(e) inclus ]

H(k) Cf. preceding[Recusant] Roll, under "Sutht'" .

J: And he [John Dunne: lessee] answers ...[etc. as under entry [30]].

[Record of annual fine paid] [33]A George Cotton ofWarblington, Hants , esq. C. D :£260

H. E: From 24 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594] to 23 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], viz for 13 [lunar] months K. G. P : On 30 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £120 was paidintothe Treasury. And on 27 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1595], £140 was paidinto theTreasury. And he isquit.

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[34]A The same sheriff, viz. William Uvedale, esq

B : [4] £12-8-10 (Warneford's tenants) ; [7] £16-4-6 (Charles Pagett, from Uvedall's lands) ; [9] £7-11-2 (Lady Pawlett's tenants) ; [11] £2-13-4 & 1 peppercorn (George Burley, from W. Burley's lands) ; [14] £29-13-4 (Barnard Wakefeild, from lands of Norton, Wigmore and Brewninge) ; [15] £6-13-4 (Pagett, from Uvedall's lands) ; [18] £66-13-4(Warneford's tenants) ; [20] 16s 8d. (Goodwin,from landsofT.and B.Stockwithe)

C : £142-14-6 .

E : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz, under "Sutht '" .

[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy]13 [35]

A: John White of Farley [Farley Chamberlayne], Hants , "husb"" . B. D : £260. F : £240. G. H. J: For 12 full months next following 22 Feb. , 37 Eliz [1594/5]. L: £20.

M: Monday in 2nd week of Lent, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N : From date of conviction to 21 March next following, viz for 1 [lunar]month. O.

A: James Cleversley, lately of Winchester, "woolewynder" .

B. D £140 F : £120 G. H. J : For 6 full months next following 1 Aug., 37 Eliz [1595] L, M, N, O : all as preceding item Jane, wife ofthe aforesaid James ...[ ]14 £140 for the like.

"In section D , MS has "Axhor" for Axor; "Ilefeild" for Ilesfeld Sic, for £197-6-8 The clerk, in error, has included in his total the "original" rent (£72-18-4), instead oftheannualrent (£24-13-4), 3Cf . entry [34]. "This property was seized not for recusancy. but for hearing Mass Cf. Statute of 1581 (23 Eliz, c 1 , §iv) 5"videlicetplur' deb' suis"-a reference to the Statement of Milles' arrears cf. C.R.S. LVII, p 41, [27] 6"Debitum centu' marc' estallaturIdeo non scri [bendum] ulterius per warrant' Cancellar'" . Cf. Baxterand Johnson , MedievalLatin Word-List, under"stallamentum" . "In section D, MS has "cf. [Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz "instead of"cf. preceding[Recusant] Roll" Cf. C.R.S. LVII, p 40, [24]. Entries [21] to [25] inclus are bracketed , R. ,with the note : Total of thesefive debts-£295-18-8 . But they [Norton, Neale and Flemynge: commissioners ] ought not to be summonedfor this because they rest discharged thereof by virtue of an ordinance ("ordinacionis") or decree of this Exchequer; cf. Book of Orders or Decrees, L.T.R., 34 Eliz., Michelmasterm, where it is considered that the said several recusants should have been charged ("onerarentur") and should answer ("respondeant ") to the Queen for the said sum of £295-18-8 . Andthey[the recusants] answer severally inthefollowing [Recusant ] Roll, under "Sutht"" In the L. Margin is the further note : They are answered ("r[espondentu ]r"). The current sheriff (Uvedale) was thereforedischarged of these items. 10Cf . C.R.S. LVII, p 34, [3]. 11C.R.S. XVIII, p 280, 1. 23 seq . 12Ibid., 1. 28. 13The three items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio") 14The brackets indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) ofthe word "deb"" (owes).


[rotulet 7a] [Preamble]


[1] Thomas Harley, esq , sheriff ofthis county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. to Mich. , 37 Eliz .... renders an account ... [etc. as Berks [1], C.R.S., LVII, p.1]

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [William Mynors, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 43, [4], to E(d) inclus ]

F: £9-11-1 for Roger Boddenham, esq., sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Hereff""), viz. rent for the year 34 Eliz. , with arrears (cf. same roll under "Hereff""). G : £14-8-10 & two thirdsof d.

J: The sheriffanswers belowfor £4-17-9 & two-thirds of d.of this total . Andthey [tenants] owe £9-11-1.

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged with the current year's rent only, unless

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Richard Abington, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 44, [6] to E(d) inclus ].

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ..

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] [John Seaborne, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 44, [7], to H (k) inclus ].

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £8-6-8 was paid from thisfarm intothe Treasury Andon 7 Nov., 37Eliz. [1595], [£8-6-8]³was paid ... [etc. as above]And he [William Wellington: lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [Edmund Jones, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 44, [8], to H(k) inclus ].

F: £43-6-8from previous years. G : £60.4

[Seized land


[6] [Thomas Preest, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 45, [10], to E(b) inclus ]. 5

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Hereff"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Richard Clarke, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p.45, [11], to H(e) inclus.].6

H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Hereff"" .

J: On ult. April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £2-3-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 7 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £2-3-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]

And he [George Hochenson : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [Thomas Scudamore , recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 46, [12] to H(e) inclus ] 7

H(k) as entry [7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[9] [Henry Rawley and Jane Baskervile, recusants Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 46, [13], to H(f) inclus ]

H(k) as entry[7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[3] above]

[Seized land Rental]

[10][Thomas Price, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 47, [14], to E(b) inclus ].

E(d) as entry [6] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[11] [Thomas Palmer, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 48, [17], to E(b) inclus ]8

E(d) as entry [6] above F : £46-13-4from previous years.

G : £60

J: And they [tenants] answer in thefollowing [Recusant] Roll under"Buck""for this rent and the arrears [L Margin] Bucks. It is answered . "

[Arrearage ofrent]

[12]A Tenants B : Richard Clarke, recusant . D : Two-thirds of a lease, still to run for some years, of and in the manor or capital messuage ofHortonwith [its]appurtenances F: 10s , of a certain annual rent of £1 , viz rent due from 18 Sept., 33 Eliz [1591]"on whichday the propertywas taken andseized into the Queen's hands" to Michaelmas next following ; cf [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Hereff, ” . 10

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above]

[Statement ofsheriff'sarrears]

[13]A: The same sheriff, viz. Thomas Harley, esq B : [2] £4-17-9 & two-thirds of d. (Mynors' tenants); [3] £1-2-0 (Abington's tenants) ; [6] 6d . & two-thirdsof 1d . (Preest's tenants) ; [8] £7-1-1 & two-thirds of d. (Edward Redhead, from Scudamore's lands) ; [9] £10 (Anthony Pembridge, from lands of Rawley and Baskervile) ; [10] 13s 4d. (Price's tenants) ; [12] 10s (Clarke's tenants).

C : £24-4-10 .

D: [2] Mynors' tenants answer for their debt in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under "Hereff"" , after their farm . 11 [8] Redhead answers for his debt in same roll andsection , afterhisfarm . 11

E : And he [sheriff] owes £12-5-11 . And he answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., under"Hereff"" .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]12 [14]A

Bridget James, wife of Owen James, lately of Eardisley , Herefs , gent. B. D : £60 F : £40 G. H. J: For 2 months next following 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596] L : £20

M: Thursday, 10 March, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N : Fromdate of conviction to 7 April next following, viz for 1 [lunar] month


Elizabeth Richardes , wife of Walter Richardes, lately of the same , "yoman"

Ann Jones, lately ofMadley, "spinster"


Edward Price, lately of Pype [Pipe and Lyde], "husb'

Katherine, his wife

JaneMaylard, wife ofRobertMaylarde, lately of the city of Hereford, "mercer" .

Lucy Griffithes, wife of Ambrose Griffithes, lately of the aforesaid city, gent

Robert Grove, lately of St. Wainardes

[St. Weonards], co Heref "yoman"

Joan, his wife

Elizabeth Powell, wife of Thomas Powell, lately of Eaton Bishop, "yoman"

William ap Thomas, latelyof Kynnersley [Kinnersley], "yoman" .

Charles Burne, lately ofKingston [Kingstone,] gent

Elizabeth Jones , lately of the same ,

Ann, his wife "spinster"

Joan Mason , lately ofthe same , "spin-



David Williams, lately of the same , "laborer" [ ]

Joan Williams, lately of the same , "spinster"

JohnLuther ofthe same, "laborer"

Mary Taylor, lately of Bromyard , "spinster"

[rotulet 7a, dorse]

"Mylissa" ToftofBromyard, "spinster"

William Griffithes ofLlanrothall, gent.

Mary, his wife


Joan Kemble, lately of the same , "spinster"

Dorothy Kemble of the same, "spinster" [

Henry Sheppard , lately of the city of Hereford, "carpenter"

Alice Elton, lately ofKenchurch [? Kentchurch], widow

[Postscript] But sheoughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 40 Eliz., Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And she is quit

James Hyett of Leom' [? Leominster], gent. .

Ann Price of the city of Hereford , "spinster" [ ] £60 forthelike. [ ]

14A: Richard Abington, latelyofthe parish of Bucknell in the aforesaid county15, gent B. D : £100. F : £80. G. H. J: For 4 months next following 1 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596]. L., M., N., O: all as under Bridget James above .

Michael Vaughan, lately of the parish of Wynforton [Winforton], Herefs. , gent. . owes £100forthelike. [Postscript] And he answers in the Exannual RollofRecusants , under "Hereff""16

Robert Grove , lately of the parish ofSt. Wennardes[St.Weonards], Herefs gent

Joan Grove, wife ofthe said Robert

William Kemble, junior, lately of Llan-

rothall, Herefs, gent.

Thomas Androes, lately of Sellack , Hereffs, "yoman"

Thomas Fettyplace, latelyofMordyford [Mordiford], gent.

Joan , hiswife

WilliamGruffethes, lately ofthe parish of Llanrothall, gent.

Mary, hiswife

Elizabeth Morgan, lately of the parish of St. Owen ("Audoem"") in the city of Hereford, widow .

Matilda Parker, wife of Thomas Parker , lately of the parish of St. Peter , Hereford .

Alice Ireland, wife ofJohn Ireland, lately ofthe same , "yoman"

Isabel Gerry, lately of the parish ofAll Saintsin the same city

for the like

Owen ("Owinus") James, lately of the parish of Erdisley [Eardisley], gent.. [ ]

Bridget James, his wife

William Wheeler, lately of Madley, "laborer" .

William Chabnor , lately of Kingston, "weaver"

Richard Harris, lately of Eaton Bishop, "yoman"

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to besummoned for this [debt] for a reasonreferred to in [Recusant] Roll 42 Eliz., under "Hereff" , in thefarm of the tenants of the lands ofthe aforesaidRichard And he is quit. "Perrin'" Hearinge, lately ofthe same , "spinster" [ ] £100 for thelike.

Thomas ap Richard, lately of Doore [AbbeyDore], "yoman" [Postscript] But he oughtnotto be summonedfor this [debt] for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 7 James I, under "Item Monmouth" , in anotherdebtofthesame Thomas And he isquit.

RobertReve , latelyofMadley , gent. . . [ ] £ 100 for thelike.

1Cf . entry [13]

2"Oni De Anno" . "Sic, for £50

Figures omitted in MS : a clerical oversight. "In section D , MS has "Woowardes " , for Woodwardes(field). "Thephrase "who is indebted ... of his recusancy" is here omitted in section B. "In section D , MS has "cf. [Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz. " instead of "preceding [Recusant ] Roll" . 8Insection E(a), MS has, simply, "John Crooke, esq., and others" . "The sheriff (Harley) was therefore discharged of this item. 10Cf. C.R.S. XVIII, p 130 , 1. 13 seq Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The present sheriff was thereforedischarged of this item. 12All items, to "Ann Price" inclus , are bracketed , L., with the note Let a commission be issued("fi[at]Commissio") 13The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "deb"" (owes) 14All the remainingitems are bracketed, L., with thenote "fi[at] Commissio" 15Thevillageitselfactuallylies overtheShropshireborder C.R.S.LVII, Introd. , p. lxxxiv, note333. Thepresent reference isto rotulet 1 oftheExannualRoll (E, 363/9), where this debt is bracketed, R., with three other debts of Michael Vaughan, with the note : But he ought not to be summonedfor these [debts] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer ]; cf. Memoranda Roll, 8 James 1 , Michaelmasterm , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ], And he isquit

[rotulet2 , dorse]



[Record ofannual fine paid]

16Cf. A: Robert Aprice, esq C. D: £260. H. E : From 22 Sept., 36 Eliz. to 21 Sept., 37 Eliz [1594-1595 ], viz for 13 [lunar] months K. G.


P : On 27 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £160 waspaid into theTreasury. And on 18 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595], £ 100 was paid into theTreasury. And he isquit.

[rotulet 7b]



KENT ("Kanc'")

Sir Edward Wotton, knt., sheriff ofthis county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Mich , 37 Eliz .. . rendersan account ... [etc. as Berks. [1], C.R.S., LVII, p 1 ].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Thomas Wilford, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 51, [2], to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £34-1-6 was paid from thisfarm intothe Treasury And on 6 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £34-1-6 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Thomas Horseman lessee] is quit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Ann Maney, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 51 , [3], to E(d) inclus ].

J: On 4 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £3-6-8 was paid from thisfarm intothe Treasury And on 11 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £3-6-8 was

Apaid... [etc. as above]. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Norton Greene, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 51, [4], to H(k) inclus ]

F: £6-7-1 & two-thirds of d , being part ofthis rentforthe year 33 Eliz (cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Kanc""1). J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £6-7-10 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 17 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £6-7-10 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And he [John Iden : lessee] owes £6-7s

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]2

[5] A John Bennett of Lamberhurst, Kent, "yoman" B. D: £80. F: £60. G. H. J: For 3 months next following 1 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596] L : £20. M : Thursday, 17 Feb. , 39 Eliz. [1596/7]. N : From date of conviction to 17 March nextfollowing, viz. for 1 [lunar] month O. John Brabant of Lamberhurst, Kent, "yoman" ... [ ]³£80 for thelike

¹Cf. C.R.S. ,XVIII, p 140, 1. 17, postscript . "The items underthis headingare bracketed , L., with the note : Leta commission be issued ("fiat] Commissio"). The brackets indicatea space leftin MS for the laterinsertion (ifrequired) oftheword "deb'"(owes)


rotulet 10]

[Lease ofseized land. Rental] 37



[i] [Alice Clifton, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 52, [ 1 ], to H(k) inclus ].

F: 7 d.from preceding year G : £9-16-1 & two-thirds of 1d

J: On 28 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £4-17-10 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £4-17-10 was paid ... [etc. as above], under the name of Thomas Bradshawe, gent And he [Edward Bradshawe: lessee] owes 5d. & two-thirds of1d .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [John Westby, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 53, [2], to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 4 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £38-18-1 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 11 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £38-18-1 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Richard Mollineux : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental] [3] [William Haydock, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 53, [3] to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 3 May, 37Eliz. [1595], £11-14-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on ult Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £11-14-4 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Lease of seized land

And he [John Chapman Rental] lessee ] is quit.

[4] [Nicholas Bolton, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 54, [9], to H(k) inclus ]

F: £1-6-11 from precedingyear. G : £2-13-9 & two-thirds of d.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[5] [Jane Butler, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 57, [18], to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz, under "Lanc'" .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Henry Laythwaite, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 58 , [19], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as entry [5] above.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Margaret Davenporte, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 58, [20], to H(e) inclus ] H(k) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. , under "Item Lancastr"" .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] farm. A Richard Kindesley, a yeoman of the chamber royal [lessee] C: £7-14-6

D : The whole manorof Claughton with appurtenances in Launsdall [Lonsdale], Lancs. , together withvarious other messuages, lands, tenements& hereditaments with apps. in Lancs., specifiedin the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Item Adhuc Res' Lanc'"1: being a parcel ofthe lands & possessions of ... B : William Crofte of Claughton , esq , recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid Richard Kindesley. H(b) : From 8 July, 36 Eliz [1594]. H(c). H(d) as C. H(e). H(k) : Cf. preceding[Recusant] Roll, under "Item AdhucRes' Lanc'

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £3-17-3 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 25 Oct., 37Eliz [1595], £3-17-3was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Kindesley] is quit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[9] farm . A: Robert Syngleton [lessee] C : £1-13-4. D: Two-thirds of the capital messuage, with apps , commonly called"Sharrockhey" ; and of2gardens ("gardin""), 1 orchard ("pomar"") and 60 acres of arable, meadow & pasture land , with apps., in Pleasington, Lancs B : Margaret Holden, widow , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Robert Singleton, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas, 35 Eliz. [1593]. H(c). H(d) as C. H(e). H(k): Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Item Adhuc Item Res' Lanc'".2

J: On 7 May, 37 Eliz [1595], 16s 8d was paidfrom thisfarm intotheTreasury. And on 17 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], 16s . 8d. was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Syngleton] isquit.

*[Seized land Rental]

[10]farm. A : Tenants. B : Thomas Hesketh, latelyof Harwood, gent recusant C: £2 D: Two-thirds of a messuage or tenement in Mawsdesley [Mawdesley], Lancs. , called "Mawsdesley" ; and of a water-mill, with various lands & tenements adjacent or belonging to the same, with appurtenances , in the parish of Crofton [Croston ?], Lancs E(b) : Ult Sept., 36 Eliz. [1594]. E(a) : Thomas Talbott, esq., and others E(c) Recusancyof the same Thomas [Hesketh] E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Michaelmasterm, "Recorda' section, rotulet [ ]

*[Seized land Rental]

[11]farm. A : Tenants. B : Ann Houghton, widow, recusant. C : £17-15-7. D : Two-thirds of a capital messuage called "the hall of Lea" , Lancs, together with various lands, tenements & hereditaments in Lea aforesaid, Lea Englishe, Lea Frenche, Ashton Bancke, Tuckett and Greaves Towne, Dilworthe and Charnock Richard, Blackerodde [Blackrod] and Golbourne, with appurtenances; also two-thirds ofthemanor


of Goosenerghe [Goosnargh] and Chippin [Chipping], with apps., in Lancs E(b) : 7 Aug., 36 Eliz [1594]. E(a) : Edward Warren, esq. and others. E(c) : Recusancy of the same Ann. E(d) as entry [10] above F: £8-17-9 from precedinghalf-year. G : £26-13-4 .

J: But they [tenants] oughtnotto be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be chargedhenceforthbyconsideration ofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. 38 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet[ ]. And they [tenants] arequit

[Seized goods & chattels]

[12]Sir Edmund Trafford, Sir John Ratcliffe, knts, and William Ratcliffe, gent., owe £254, whichthey have taken ofthe goods& chattels of John Rigmaden, esq., recusant ; cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "Item Lancastr"" . [Postscript] And they [Trafford etc.] answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., under "Lanc"" .

[Arrearage of rent]

[13]A Tenants D : A close and parcel of land called & known by the name of"le Stony Pighell" containing5 acres , and another close and parcel of land called "le Roughfeld" containing 3 acres, lying and existing within the parishes of Salebury [Salesbury] and Whilpshire [Wilpshire], Lancs B: Nicholas Bolton, recusant F : 13s 51d. for Michaelmas , 32 Eliz., being part of an annual rent of £1-6-10 ; cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "Adhuc Item Lanc" " , where the said debt isrequired ("exigitur") under the name ofWilliam More, esq., and others

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for this [rent] by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz , Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Seized goods & chattels]

[14]Robert Worsley, Thomas Worsley and Robert Colleigue, commissioners, owe £10-12s for the price or value ofvarious implements and of other goods & chattels of Robert Lawe of Wiswall [Wiswell] "husbandman" , recusant, taken & seized into the Queen's hands by the aforesaid commissioners; cf. Barons' decision recorded in preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Adhuc Res' Lanc'" , viz in a certain discharge made to the same Robert Lawe.3

[Postscript] And they [Worsley etc.] answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz . , under"Lanc"" .

[Seized goods & chattels]

[15] Thesame Robert, Thomas and Robert owe£8-12s. forthe price or value of various goods, chattels & implements of James

Alston of Whalley, recusant, taken and seized into the Queen's ( handsbythe aforesaidcommissioners; cf .... [etc. as entry[14] cils above],viz inacertaindischargemadeto thesameJamesAlston . mo [Postscript as under entry [14] above]

[rotulet 10, dorse]

†[Lease of seized land Rental] [16]farm . A : Robert Feildinge [lessee]. C : £ 1 for Michaelmas, 37 Eliz. , being partofan annual rent of£2 D: Two-thirdsof a messuage or tenement, with apps , in Mawsdesley [Mawdesley], Lancs , called "Mawsdesley" ; and the whole ofa watermill with various lands & tenementsadjacentto it in the parish of Crofton [? Croston], Lancs. , of which ... B : Thomas Hesketh , lately of Harwood , Lancs. , gent , recusant, is seised

Ein his demesne , freehold, for the term of his life. E(b) : Ult Sept., 36Eliz [1594]. E(a) : Thomas Talbott, esq. , and others. H(a): Aforesaid Robert Feildinge, his executors & assigns. H(b) From 16 May, 37 Eliz. [1595] H(c). H(d) : £2. H(e) H(k) Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz., under"Lanc'" .

[Record of annual finepaid]

[17]A: John Towneley, esq C. D: £260. H. E: From 17 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594] to 16 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], viz for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P: On ult. May, 37 Eliz [1595], £140 was paid into the Treasury. And on 26 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1595], £120 was paid into the Treasury. And heisquit.

**[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[18]farm . A: Richard Kindesley and Edward Bowker [lessees ].

C: £3-8-10 & two-thirds of d. for Michaelmas, 37 Eliz, being part of an annual rent of £6-17-9 & two thirds of d. D : Two-thirdsofa messuage ortenement, with appurtenances , in Upton in the parish ofSibson, Leics.; of another messuage in Sedsall, co Derby; of a farm ("firme") or annual rent issuing from a messuage or tenement, with apps. , in Asshe [Ash] in the parish of Sutton, co Derby; of another farm or annual rent issuingfrom certain lands & tenements, with apps, in Warrington, Burton Wood and Great Sankey, Lancs.

B : PhilipDraycote, lately of Chedull [Cheadle]inthe parish of Pensley [? Paynsley], Staffs , esq., recusant E(b): 11 April, 37 Eliz [1595]. H(a) : Aforesaid Richard & Edward, their executors & assigns H(b) : From 21 May, 37 Eliz [1595]. H(c). H(d) £1-6-8 (for Upton property) ; £2 (for Sedsall property) ; £1-6-8 (for Asshe property) ; £2-4-5 & two-thirds of d. (for propertyin Warringtonetc.) H(e)

J: Which [rents]arerequiredofthesame [lessees]("requiruntur super eosdem") elsewhere in this roll, viz. under "Leic"".5

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[19]farm. A: John Parker, a yeoman of the chamber royal [lessee]. C : £1-3-6 & two-thirds of 1d., being part of [an original rent of] £1-12-5 . D : Two-thirds of lands in Woodplumpton and Catterall, with apps. , in Lancs B : Anthony Pickeringe of Clatherall , Lancs. , "yoman" , recusant. H(a): Aforesaid John Parker, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 7 July, 34 Eliz [1592]. H(c). H(d) : £1-3-6 & two-thirdsof 1d H(e) H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Lanc""6 and [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Lanc"" . F: £2-19-4 from previous years G : £4-2-11 .

J: On4 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], 12s. waspaidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury. And on 25 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], 12s was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Parker] owes £2-18-11 .

[Lease of seized land Rental]6

[20]farm . A John Parker ...[etc. as entry [19] above] C: 8s. 10d. & two-thirdsof 1d . , being the remainder [ofan original rent] of£1-12-5 D : Two-thirds ofa messuage ofthe Earlof Derby, with a water-mill and appurtenances belonging to the same, [held] for a certain time as yet unexpired B : Robert Adamsonof Broughton, Lancs , "yoman" recusant H(a), (b), (e),(k) all as entry [19]above H(d) : 8s 10d & two-thirds of 1d . F: £1-2-2 from preceding years. G : £1-11-1.7

[Seized land. Rental]

[21] [Nicholas Langford, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 68 , [78], to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Adhuc Res' Lanc'" . J But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for £139-9-2, because they rest dischargedthereof by authorityof ("pretextu") a certain order of this Exchequer enrolled in Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 38 Eliz , Hilary term, "Recorda" section, rotulet[ ]. And they owe £5-3-6 ; and£144-12-8for theprecedingyear Total debt : £149-16-2 .

But theyoughtnot to be summoned for the said£5-3-6 (partof the rent for this year), because they rest dischargedthereof by authority ofthe said order or decree enrolled in the said Memoranda Roll. And they owe £144-12-8, being the rentfor the precedingyear.

And they answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz, under"Lanc"" , for this rent andthe arrears

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

[22]A Isabel Parkinson, lately of Mearestowe in the parish of Lanc' [Lancaster], widow B. D: £ 180 F : £160 . G. H. J For 8 months next following 8 Dec., 38 Eliz. [1595]. L: £20 M : Monday in the 4th week of Lent, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N : Fromdate of conviction to 4 Aprilnextfollowing, viz for 1 [lunar] month 0.

P: [L. Margin] Let a commission be issued. 8A: Margaret Wall, lately of Preston, wife of Thomas Wall, agent B. D: £ 100 F : £60 G. H. J: For 3 months nextfollowing 1 Dec., 39 Eliz [1596] L : £40. M: Monday, 18 July, 39 Eliz [1597] N: From date of conviction to 12 Sept. next following, viz for 2 [lunar] months. O. Ellen Sothworth, lately of the same , "spinster" [ ] £100forthe like.

A: Thomas Sommer, lately of Farrington [Farington], "yoman" . B. D : £280 F : £240 J : For 12 months next following9 March, 38 Eliz [1595/6] L, M, N, O :allas under Margaret Wall above.

Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 79, [140]

Cf. C.R.S. LVII, p 80, [141] 3Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, p 71, [93], postscript ACf . C.R.S. LVII, p 72, [97], postscript. Cf. Leics [5], below "Cf. C.R.S. LVII, p 57, [16] A postscript is added recording two payments of 12s. into the Treasuryon the same dates as those given in the postscripttoentry [19]above, but the sums are scored in MS as erroneous . "This and the following items are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued("fi[at] Commissio") 9The brackets indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (ifrequired) of the word "deb " (owes).

[rotulet22, dorse]



("Leic" ")

[1] Henry Beamonte, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders an account ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Seized land Rental]

[2] WalterWhitehall, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 87, [2], to B. inclus ].

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Leic'" . :

J: On 27 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £2-10s. was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, underthe name of Audelee Dennys. Andon 7 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £2-10s. was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury

But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for £1-13-4,for they rest dischargedthereof by virtue of an order or decree of this Exchequerin Michaelmasterm, 29 Eliz.; cf. L.T.R. Book of Orders and Decrees. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [George Bull, junior, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 87, [3], to D. inclus ]

E(d): Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. , under "Leic' " . F : £2 from previous years. G : £2-13-4.

J: Butthey [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned forthis [rent], nor ought the said rent to be chargedhenceforthby consideration Testofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And they [tenants] arequit.


*+[Lease of seized land Rental]

A Thomas Elston, a yeoman of"lez usshers" ofthe chamber royal [lessee]. C : £6-13-4. D : The whole manor called "Hotoftes manner" , with all lands, tenements& hereditaments pertaining to it, with appurtenances, in Humberston [Humberstone] and Belgrave, Leics , and a windmill, with apps., in Humberston aforesaid, in the tenure of Jane Boose; also the whole manor or farm in Humberston aforesaid called 'Hasillrigges mannor" , with all messuages, lands, meadows, hereditaments & rents pertaining to it, with apps., in Humberston and Belgrave aforesaid, Leics , in the tenure of John Swann , John Chamberlayne, Thomas Chamberlaine, John Taylor and Richard Symkin or their assigns ; also a whole messuage or tenement and one cottage in Evington, Leics , and all arable, meadow & pasture lands in Evington aforesaid in the tenure of Peter Bely and Thomas Billington or their assigns : the above being two-thirds of the lands & possessions of ... B : Jane Boose of Humberston aforesaid, Leics , widow, recusant. E(b) 28 May, 36 Eliz [1594], "after a survey by theQueen's commissioners thereto assigned , and a separation made from the recusant'sthird part" . E(a) : Sir George Hastinges, knt, and others. H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Elston, his executors& assigns H(b) : From22 June, 36 Eliz. [1594] H(c). H(d) : £2-13-4 (for Hotoftes etc.) ; £3-6-8 (for "Haselrigges" etc.); 13s 4d. (for Evington property) H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 36 Eliz., under "Leicestr"" . F : £3-6-8 from precedingyear. G : £10. J: On 18 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1594], £3-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm intotheTreasury. And on ult April, 37Eliz. [1595], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 20 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Elston] isquit.

*+(Lease of seized land. Rental]

[5] [Philip Dracotte, recusant Entry as Lancs [18] above, to H(e), excluding section D]. D : Two-thirds of a messuage ortenement, with appurtenances, in Uptoninthe parish ofSibson, Leics., in the tenureofGeorge Ball, Richard Chaplen andWilliam Beck ; of another messuage in Sedsall, co. Derby, in the tenure of Philip Dracote, son of GeorgeDracotte , gent.; ofa farmorannual rent issuingfrom a ade messuage or tenement, with apps , in Ashe in the parish of Sutton, co Derby, in the tenure of Edmund Elston, gent.; of another farm or annual rent issuing from certain lands &

44 ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)


tenements , with apps , in Warrington, BurtonWood and Great Sankey, Lancs , in the tenure of Richard Bowlde and Thomas Flettwood or their assigns. H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz. , under "Leic " and elsewhere("et al"") J: And they [Richard Kindesley and Edward Bowker: lessees] answer elsewhere in this roll for the same farm, viz. under "Lanc'"

[Enrolment ofestreatedconvictionfor recusancy]

[6] A John Kinge, senior, lately of Cranoe in the parish of Cranoe, Leics. , "yoman" . C. D : £140. F: £120 G.

H. J For 6 months nextfollowing 10 Jan., 33 Eliz. [1590/91] L: £20. M : Tuesday in the 3rd week of Lent, 34 Eliz. [1591/2]. N : From date of conviction to 28 March next following, viz for 1 [lunar] month. O.

IP: Buthe oughtnot to besummoned for this [debt] by consideramtion of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz , Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] Andhe isquit.

Textruns "percommissionar ' domineRegine in hacparteassignat ' in separalitate a tercia parte recusantis supervis' etdivis , " .





[1] William Wraye, esq , sheriff ofthis county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz to Mich , 37 Eliz .... renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1]].

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [William, Lord Vaux, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 88 , [2], to E(d) inclus ].

F: £76-12-5 from previous years. G : £97-15-32 .

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [John Morley, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 88, [3], to E(d) inclus.]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] [Thomas Allott, recusant Entry as C.R.S. LVII, p 88, ([4],to H(k) inclus ]

J: [The sheriff] answers belowfor £21-13s . And he [John Bendbowe lessee] owes £21-13s.

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged for £21-13s.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[5] [John Thymolby, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 88, [5], to H(e) inclus.].

J: On 14 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £25-13-4 was paid from this farm into the Treasury And on 17 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £25-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [Edward Billesby & Michael Hennage: lessees] are quit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] farm . A: Edward Helwys [lessee] C : £40-0-52, [including the price of] 9 capons; 12 pecks ofbarley ; 2 quarters, 2 pecks & two-thirdsofa peck of malt: 4 capons; 2 quarters, 5 pecks & two-thirds ofa half-peck ofmalt; 10 oz.ofpepper and 10 oz. of cummin D : Two-thirds of the manor of Corby, with appurtenances , in Lincs.; and of various messuages, lands& tenementsin Bulby&Awthorpe[Hawthorpe]in the parish of Irenham [Irnham], Lincs B : John Thymolby, lately of Irenham, gent , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Edward Helwis, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 15 July, 32 Eliz [1590]. H(c) H(d) : £40-0-52 (including the priceofthe barley, malt, capons, pepper & cummin). H(e) H(f) H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz .... under "Lincoln'" , and the preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Lincoln'".2 F: 1s. 0 d. from part of the preceding year G : £40-1-6 .

J: On 14 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £20-1-4 was paid from this farm into the Treasury. And on 17 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £20-1-4 was paid ...[etc. as above]

[Seized land. Rental] And he [Helwys] isquit.

[7] [Andrew Littleburye, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 89, [7], to E(c) inclus ].

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Lincoln'" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Seized land . Rental]

[8] [JohnMorreley, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 89, [8], to

E(c) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[9] farm . A: William Fittzwilliams, gent [lessee] C : £20

D: The whole manor of Immingham , together with various other messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, with apps., in Lincs , specified in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Lincoln'"3: being a parcel ofthe lands & possessions of ... B : Elizabeth Tirwhitt, latelyofKettlebyin theparishof




Bigby, Lincs., widow, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid William Fittzwilliams, his executors and assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas, 35 Eliz. [1593] H(c) H(d) as C. H(e). H(k) as entry [7], E(d), above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[10] [Elizabeth Tirwitt, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 91 , [16], to E(c) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [7] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Enrolment of estreated conviction for recusancy]

[11]A William Tirwhitte, esq. , C. D: £40. H. J: From 11 To May, 33 Eliz [1591] to 8 July next following, viz. for2 [lunar] -months. K. G.

P: Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Lincoln'"4 And he pllanswersin [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., under"Lincoln'"

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[12]A: The same sheriff, viz William Wray, esq


B : [3] £2-2-2 (Morley's tenants) ; [4] £21-13s . (John Bendbowe, from Allott's lands) ; [7] £4 (Littleburye's tenants) ; [8] £8-1-8 (Morreley's tenants) ; [9] £20 (Fittzwilliams, from Eliz. Tirwhitt's lands) ; [10] £3-6-8 (Eliz. Tirwhitt's tenants).

C : £59-3-6 .

D : On 13 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595] £55-3-6 was paid into the Treasury by the said sheriff , of his remaining Recusant account.5

E : And he owes £4. And he answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., under"Lincoln'"

1Cf . entry [12]

2C.R.S., LVII, p. 89, [6].

3C.R.S., LVII, p 90, [15]. "C.R.S.,XVIII, p 151, 1. 30 seq., whereTirwhitte's death is signified by the marginal note : Diem clausit extremum 5"de rem' compoti sui Recusan"" .

[rotulet 8]


[Preamble] ("LondonMidd'")

[1] Robert Lee & Thomas Bennett, sheriffs of this county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz to Mich , 37 Eliz ... . render an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [William Tucker, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 92, [2] to H(k) inclus.].

3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ ( 1594-5)

F : £24 from previous years G : £27. J: And he [Hugh Cuffe : lessee] answers belowfor £25-10s. underanother [enrolment] of his debt . And he owes £1-10s . for the last part of this year

†[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] farm . A: Francis Huntley, gent. [lessee ] C : £2-5s. for Michaelmas, 37 Eliz, being part ofan annual rent of £4-10s. D: The whole messuage or tenement called "the Blewbell"in Bredstreate [Bread Street], city of London , in the tenure of Nicholas Morgan or his assigns ; and two whole cottages or tenements, with appurtenances, in Barkinge, Essex : being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B : William Tucker of Southwerke [Southwark], Surrey, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Francis Huntley, his executors & assigns. H(b): From 26 May, 37 Eliz. [1595] H(c). H(d) : £3 p.a. for "the Blewbell" ; £1-10s. p.a. for the Barking property. H(e). H(k) Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz. , under "Londonand Essex" . :

[Arrearages ofrent]

[4] A Hugh Cuffe, gent [lessee ].

F. 1 : £12-15s. for William Ayloff, esq., sheriffof Essex (cf. under "Essex""inthe present roll, viz of a certain annual rent of £1-10s for two whole cottagesor tenements, with apps , in Barkinge, Essex , being the rent due from Michaelmas, 28 Eliz [1586], to Ladyday , 37 Eliz [1595] (cf. under "Essex'" above³). F. 2 : £25-10s. for the same Hugh Cuffe, gent , viz of a certain annual rent of £3 for the whole messuage or tenement called "the Blewbell" in Breadestreate , city of London, being the rent duefrom the said Michaelmas, 28 Eliz., to Ladyday, 37 Eliz , as stated above*: thesebeing parcels ofthe lands& possessions ofWilliamTucker , recusant G : £38-5s.

J: On4 May, 28 Eliz [1586], £2-5s. was paidfrom thisfarm5 into the Treasury And on 8 Nov., 28 Eliz. [1586], £2-5s was paid ...[etc. as above]. And on 26 April, 30 Eliz [1588], £2-5s . was paid ... [etc.] under the name of John Catcher And on 8 Feb., 31 Eliz [1588/9], £2-5s was paid ... [etc.] under the name of the said John Catcher And on 9 May, 31 Eliz [1589], £2-5s. was paid ... [etc.] under the name of the saidJohn. [twelvefurtherpaymentsof£2-5s arehere similarly recorded, eachwith the note "under the nameofthesaidJohn" , and dated as follows: 13 Nov. , 31 Eliz [1589] ; 22 May, 32 Eliz [1590] ; 3 Nov. , 32 Eliz. [1590]; 1 May, 33 Eliz [1591]; 12 Nov., 33 Eliz. [1591 ] ; 5 May, 34 Eliz. [1592]; 30 Oct., 34 Eliz [1592]; 30 May, 35 Eliz [1593]; 12 Nov., 35 Eliz [1593] ; 4 May, 36 Eliz [1594] ; 3 Dec., 37 Eliz. [1594]; 8 May, 37 Eliz [1595]]. And he [Cuffe] is quit.


[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

A: William Whitinge of Stepney, Midds , "butcher" . B.

D : £120. G. H. E : From ult Sept., 38 Eliz. [1596] to 1 Jan., next following, viz for 6 months and more ("et amplius" . M: 18 March, 39 Eliz [1596/7]

P : [L.Margin] Let a commissionbe issued . "

A : Robert Caldwall of London, gent. , alias Robert Caldwallof Whitford, Worcs , gent C. D : £40. G. H. E : From 20 Jan., 39 Eliz. [1596/7] to 16 Marchnext following, viz. for 2 [lunar] months M : 27 July, 39 Eliz. [1597], "at the Gaoldelivery of Newgate"

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 15 James I, under "Wigorn"" , inthefarm of Edward Cookes , gent. Andheisquit.

[L. Margin] Let a commission beissued . "

A: Francis Greene of the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. C. D : £120 G. H. É : From ult Aug., 33 Eliz. [1591] to ult. March next following, viz for 6 months and more ("et amplius")

P: But he ought notto be summoned for this [debt],forareason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 40 Eliz., under"Wiltes" " , in the farm ofthe tenants of the lands & tenements of the said Francis Jone Grene . Andhe is quit.


101 20

Entry [4], sections F.2 and J. (item [8]) above. here in the dating The form of this and abnormal 7fi[at] Commissio"

3Cf . Essex [8] in this roll "Sic. for "these farms" .

Cf. Essex [21], section D "Entry [2], J., "An error is apparent the following items is Date of conviction , This item isclearly an and the note "fiat Commissio" are missing. abbreviated excerpt from an earlier Pipe Roll record.

[rotulet 11] [Preamble]



[1] Matthew Herbert, esq., sheriff ofthis countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Mich., 37 Eliz. .. . renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [ 1]]

chal[Lease ofseized lands Rental]

[2] [William Lewes, Thomas Somersett(sic) and others, recusants Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 95, [2], to H(k) inclus.].

[Lease of seized lands Rental]

[3] [William Wrothe, James Thomas Reynold, Alice Hewe and others , recusants Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 95, [3], to H(k) A inclus ]. F : 13s. 6d. for Walter Jones, esq , sheriff of the

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) MON 49 preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Monpo mouth"), viz part of the said rent of the preceding year (cf. same roll under "Monmouth"). G : £ 10-19-4 and a half14 farthing.

J: But he [Hugh Williams : lessee] oughtnot to besummonedfor 18s .,beingpartoftheannualrent of £10-5-10 & farthing, viz. for two-thirds of the lands & tenements of Katherine Lewes of Reglom [Raglan], recusant, from Michaelmas, 33 Eliz , to Michaelmas this year, 37 Eliz , viz. for 4full years, nor ought 3s . 6d. of the said annual rent of £10-5-10% & fathing to be charged henceforth by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 33 Eliz, Hilary term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he [Williams ] owes £10-1-4 and a halffarthing.

[Arrearage ofrent]¹

[4] A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements B : William Wrothe of Abergavenny, recusant F : 6s 8d for Nicholas Harbert, esq , sheriff of the year 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz , under "Monmouth'"), viz rent for the half-year ending Ladyday, 32 Eliz. (cf. same roll under "Monmouth").

[Arrearage ofrent]³

[5] A Tenants. D: Two-thirds of lands & tenements. B: James Thomas Reinald of Llanlowell [Llanllowell], recusant F: 13s 4d. for the same late sheriff [Harbert], being part ofa certain annual rent of £ 1-6-8, viz for the half-year ending Ladyday, 32 Eliz [refs. as in entry [4] above].

[Arrearage of rent]

[6] 2A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements. B: Alice Hwe [sic] of Scurfrithe [Skenfrith], recusant. F: 1s. 4d. for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 2s. 8d., viz. for the half-year ... [etc. as entry [5] above, including refs ]

[Arrearage ofrent]

[7] A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements

B: Philip William of Scurfrithe, recusant. F : 1s . 1d and farthingfor the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of2s 2 d., viz.for the half-year ...[etc. as entry [5] above , includingrefs.].

[Arrearage ofrent]6

[8] [PhilipWilliam, recusant. This entryduplicates [7] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[9] A Tenants D: Two-thirds of lands & tenements

B :

Thomas Philippe William Adam of Reglom [Raglan], recusant

F : 3s. 4d. for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of6s 8d , viz. . . . [etc. as entry [5] above, including refs ]

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], for a reason referred to in the following [Recusant] Roll under "Monmouthe " , in thefarm of Hugh Williams, [lessee-]farmer of these and other lands and tenements .

And they [tenants] arequit

[Arrearage of rent]8

[10] A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements . B: Katherine Lewes of Reglom, recusant. F : 2s 3d for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 4s. 6d. , viz .... [etc. as entry[5] above, including refs.].

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], for a reason referred to above in thefarm of Hugh Williams , farmer ofthese and other lands and tenements

[Arrearage ofrent]10

And they [tenants] arequit.

B :

[11]A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements. JohnWatkin ofReglom, recusant F : 1s 4d forthe same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 2s 8d , viz .... [etc. as entry [5] above, includingrefs ] J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to besummoned forthis [rent], for a reason referred to above, in the debt of the tenantsoftwothirds of the lands & tenements of Thomas Philippe William Adam . 11 And they [tenants] are quit.

[Arrearage of rent]12

[12]13A Tenants. D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements. B : Philip John ap Jenkin of Scurfrithe, recusant F : 1s 4d for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 2s 8d., viz .... [etc. as entry[5] above]

[Arrearage ofrent]14

[13] 13A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements B : Roger Morgan of Tredenoge [Tredunnock], recusant. F : £1 for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of £2, viz .... [etc. as entry[5] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]15

[14]13A Tenants D: Two-thirds of lands & tenements B : John ap John, alias Smithe of St. Morhan [St. Maughans], recusant. F : 3s. 4d. for the same late sheriff, being part ofa certain annual rent of 6s 8d , viz .... [etc. as entry[5] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]16

[15]13A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements. B : Katherine Keymes of Llandilo Porotle [Llantilio Pertholey], recusant F: £1 for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of £2, viz. ... [etc. as entry [5] above]

[Arrearage of rent]17

[16] 13A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements. 51 B : Lewis John Rees ofLlandilo Porotlo, recusant F : 3s.4d.for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 6s. 8d. , viz .... [etc. as entry [5] above].

[Arrearage of rent]18

[17]13A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements. B: William Hoell of Llangottage juxta Caerlion [Llangattock juxta Caerleon], recusant F: 6s. 8d for the same late sheriff , being part of a certain annual rent of 13s. 4d., viz. .. . [etc. as entry[5] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]19

[18] 13A Tenants D : Two-thirds ofa house, withappurtenances, in Aburgavennye, Monmouths B : John William John Prosser, recusant F : 6s 8d. for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 13s. 4d for the said house , viz . [etc. as entry [5] above].

[Arrearage of rent]20

[19]13A Tenants D: Two-thirds of lands & tenements. B : Thomas Howell of Raglom, recusant. F : 3s 4d. forthesame late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 6s . 8d ., viz. [etc. as entry [5] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]21

[20] 13A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements B : Walter David Philippe of Llanreth [Llanarth], recusant. F : 2s. 3d. for the same late sheriff, being part of a certain annual rent of 4s 6d , viz .... [etc. as entry [5] above].

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

[21]22A Philip Charles, lately of Llangattock Vibon Avell, Mon., "yoman" . B. D : £100. F: £80 G. H. J: For 4months next following20 March, 38 Eliz [1595/6] L: £20 M: Monday, 14 March, 39 Eliz [1596/7] N : Fromdate of convictionto 11 April next following, viz for 1 [lunar] month 0.

Ann John James , lately of the same , "spinster"

JevanWilliam David, lately ofthe same , "yoman"

John William, lately of the same , "yoman" "Aliora" William, lately of the same , "spinster"

[ ]23£100forthelike [ ] "

3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) MON

Robert Edwarde, lately of the same , . Owes "yoman" ,

[Postscript]Buthe oughtnot to besummonedforthis[debt], for a reasonreferred to in [Recusant] Roll 41 Eliz. , under "Monmouth" , in thefarm of the tenantsof Robert Edward

Andhe isquit.

William Robert, lately of the same, "yoman" owes £100for the like 10

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], for the reason stated immediately above, in the debt of Robert Edward And he isquit. Matilda Kemys, lately of the same , "spinster"

Jane Edwarde, lately of the same , [ ] £ 100 for the like. "spinster" , wife of Robert Edward [ ]

A: William Morgan , lately of Llantilio Pertholey, "gent. "C.

D: £120. F : £100 G. H. J : For 5 months next following 20 March, 38 Eliz. [1595/6] L, M, N, O : all as under Philip Charlesabove.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 4 James I, under "Adhuc Item Monmouth" , in another debt of the same William.

RogerDavid of Llanhenock, "yoman" George David of the same parish, "yoman" .

Henry Charles of the parish of Llangattock VibonAvell

And he isquit [ ] £120 for the like [ ] owes

[Postscript]But he oughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt], for the reason stated above in the debt of Robert Edward. And he is quit

A: Philip Watkin of Llanthewy Retherch [Rytherch], Mon., "yoman" . C. D : £260 F : 240. G. H. J: For 12 months next following 22 March, 33 Eliz [1590/91] L: £20

M : 11 Sept., 34 Eliz [1592]. N : Fromdate ofconviction to 9 Oct., next following, viz. for 1 [lunar] month O.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration ofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 39 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he is quit. WilliamWatkin ofthe same, "yoman" . owes £260forthelike [Postscript as under preceding item : And he is quit.]. 24A : Matilda Meredithe, lately of Llanthewy Rotherche, wife of James Meredithe of Llanthewy aforesaid B. D : £260. F : £240 G. H. J : For 12 months next following 20 March, 38 Eliz [1595/6] L : £20. M: Monday, 14 March , 39 Eliz. [1596/7]. N : From date of conviction to 11 April nextfollowing, viz for 1 [lunar] month. O.

Jane Harper, latelyofthe same, wife of

James Harper

Ann verche John of the same, "spinster" [ ]

[ ] £260 for the like

KatherineHarper, lately ofthe same,wife ofRichard Dd Harper

MargaretLewis, latelyof the same , wife Watkin Lewis

Jane John ofthesame , widow

Margaret Watkinofthe same, "spinster"

Jane Giles, lately of Llangeby [Llangibby], Mon., "spinster"

Elizabeth Lewis, lately of Llanvreghva

[Llanvrechva], Mon., "spinster"

Katherine Jevan, lately of Llanthewy Vaoche [Vach], Mon., widow . [ ]

Alsona Thomas, lately of Llantarnam, Mon. , widow

Jane Frean, latelyof Llanllowell, Mon., widow [rotulet 11 , dorse]

A: Lucy Lewes, lately of Llanthewy Rotherghe [Rytherch], "spinster" , wife of Thomas Lewes, "weaver" B. D : £260. F: £240 G. J: For 12 months next following 10 March, 38

Eliz [1595/6] L,M, N, O : allasunderMatildaMeredithe above .

Elizabeth John, lately of Tredennock [Tredunnock], widow

Elizabeth Lewis, lately of Trevethin ., "spinster" [ ] £260 for thelike.

A: James John Harper ofthe parish ofLlanthowyRotherghe, "yoman" . B. D: £260 F : £240 G. J: For12 months next following 11 April, 38 Eliz [1596] L, M , N , O : all as under Matilda Meredithe above.

Richard David William of the parish of Llanvetherin, "yoman"

owes [ ] £260 for thelike.

Trahern Thomas ofthe parish ofGoytre, "yoman" [Postscript] But he oughtnotto be summonedfor this [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 43 Eliz., under "Monmouth" , in thefarm ofthe tenantsof the landsofthe same Trahern . 25

Philip William Hughe of the parish of Carlion[Caerleon], "yoman"

William Morgan of the parish of Llanhenock, "yoman" [ ] £260 for the like. owes

dub [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 10 James I, under "Monmouth" , in the farm of the tenants of the lands of William Morgan. And he isquit

William Jenkin of the parish of Llanvihangell juxta Lantarnam , "yoman"

Jenkin William Lyvor of the same , "yoman" . •

Gruffin Rosser Jevan of the same , "yoman" east [ ] £260 for thelike. [ ]

JevanDavid ofthe same , "yoman" . William Trahernofthe same, "yoman" Alexander John of the same , "yoman" Philip John of the parish of Shernewton [Shirenewton], "yoman" [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. MemorandaRoll, L.T.R., ofthe 13thyear ofthereign ofthe present King, 26 Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotuet [ ]. And he isquit. . James Thomas Reynoldes ofthe parish of Llanllowell, gent owes £260forthe like. [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summonedforthis [debt], by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 42 Eliz , Hilary term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And he isquit.

A: Walter David Philippe, lately of the parish of Llanarthe, "yoman" B. D : £60. F: £40 G. J : For 2 months next following 10 Jan., 39 Eliz [1596/7] L, M, N, O : all as under Matilda Meredithe above RogerMorgan,latelyofTredenock, gent [ ] £60 for the like.

A: James Thomas Rynolt of Llanllowell, Mon., gent. C. D : £260 F: £240. G. J: For 12 months next following 20 March, 33 Eliz [1590/91]. L : £20 M : 11 Sept., 34 Eliz [1592]. N: From date of conviction to 9 Oct. , next following, viz for 1 [lunar] month. O. P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to above in another debt of the same James.

Jenkin John of Llangattock [ ]27 And he is quit

Avell, Mon., "yoman" . owes £260 forthe like. [Postscript] But he oughtnot tobesummoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 43 Eliz., under "Item Monmouth" , in thefarm ofthetenantsofthelandsof the same Jenkin And he is quit Thomas Probert of Dingestowe, Mon., "yoman" • owes £260 for the like. [Postscript] But heoughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 43 Eliz. , under "Monmouth" , in thefarm of the tenantsof the landsofthe same Thomas. And he isquit

p 124, 1. 24 seq .

as op. cit, p [3] above

under "Monmouth" .

Text as C.R.S.,XVIII, p.214, 1. 17 seq., but present entryhas "Ladyday" , for "Michaelmas" (31 Eliz.). Entries [4] to [8] inclus are bracketed , R., with the note: And they answer separately in [Recusant ] Roll 39 Eliz , under "Monmouth" Text as op cit. , "Text as op. cit. , p. 214, 1. 29 seq. Text as op cit , p 214, 1. 34 seq . "Text as op cit , p 214 , 1. 39 seq "Textas op. cit., p 215, 1. 1 seq to"festumpred' ibid"" SText 215 , 1. 7 seq to "festumpred' ibid'" "Cf. entry 10Text as op. cit , p 215, 1. 12 seq to "festumpred' 11Cf . entry [9] above 12Text as op cit, p 215 , 13Entries [12]to [20] inclus are bracketed , R., with the note : And they answer separately in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz , 14Text as op cit., p. 215, 1. 22 seq 15Text as op cit, p 215, 1. 27 seq . 16Text as op. cit, p. 215 , 1 . 38seq . 17Text as op cit , p 215, 1. 43 18 Text as op cit, p 216, 1. 4 seq 19Text as op cit , p 216, 1. 10 seq as op cit , p 216 , 1. 15 seq. 21Text as op. cit , p 216, 1. 20 seq 22This and the following items , to "Henry Charles " inclus, are bracketed , L. with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). 23The brackets here and in items belowindicate ibid'" . 1. 17 seq.

20Text a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) ofthe word "deb'" (owes). 24This and the following items, to "Roger Morgan" inclus , are bracketed , L., with the note : "fi[at] Commissio" . 25The usual note, And he is quit, is omitted in MS : apparentlya clerical oversight 26 deanno xiijelo Regis nunc" in MS. The handwriting seems to indicatethat James I is the King referredto 27Space left in MS for the word "Vibon"

[rotulet 12]





PhilipWoodhouse, esq sheriff ofthis county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Mich , 37 Eliz .... renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S. LVII, p 1, Berks [1]]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Robert Lovell, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 99, [2], to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 25 April, 37 Eliz [1595] £16-13-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury, under the name of the executorsofthe said Barnard Guilpyn And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595] £16-13-4 was paid ...[etc. as above].

Andhe [Barnard Guilpin lessee] is quit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Robert Lovell, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 100, [3], to E(d) inclus ]. F: £432-4-5 & farthing from previous years. G : £518-13-4 .

[Seized land Rental]

[4] [Elizabeth Bedingefeild, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 101 , [8], to E(d) inclus ]

3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)

J: On 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], they [£6-13-4 this year's rent] in theTreasury.

[Seized land. Rental]


[tenants] delivered And they arequit

[5] [Ralph Barney, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p.

, [9], to E(d) inclus ].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Henry Carvyle, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 102, [10], to H(k) inclus.]

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotulet.¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Robert de Grey, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p

, [11], to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [Robert de Grey, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 102, [12], to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[9] [Humphrey Bedingefeild, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 103, [13], to H(f) inclus.]2

H(k) : Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Norff"" , and preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Norff"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[10] [Robert Downes, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 103, [15], to H(f) inclus.]. H(k) as entry [9] above.

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz. [1595],£49-10-4 waspaidfrom thisfarm intotheTreasury. And on 7Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £49-10-4was paid ... [etc.asabove]. And they [John Coleman & Peter White: lessees] ought not to be summoned for £12-8-1 by considerationoftheBarons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 31 Eliz. , Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]

[Lease of seized land Rental] And they [lessees] arequit. [11] [George Willoughbye, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 103 , [16], to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [Robert de Greye, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 104 , [17], to H(k) inclus ].3

boj: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above].

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[13] [Edward Yelverton, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 104 , [18], to H(f) inclus.].4 EE

H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Norff"" .

J: On ult April, 37 Eliz [1595], £5 was paidfromthisfarm into the Treasury. And on 27 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £5 was paid ... [etc. as above] And they [William Cobbe and John Dover: lessees] arequit

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[14] [George Willoughbye, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 105 , [19], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as entry [13] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[15] [Humphrey Bedingefeild, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 105, [20], to H(e) inclus ].

H(k) as entry [13] above.

J: On ult April, 37Eliz [1595], £2-10s was paidfrom this farm intothe Treasury. And on 22 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £2-10s was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [John Shelton : lessee] isquit

[Seized land. Rental]

[16] [John Constable , recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 106, [23], to E(b) inclus.].

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Norff"" . F : £8 from previous years G : £ 13-6-8 .

J: And they [tenants] answer in [Recusant] Roll 11 James I, under"Norff"" ,for this rent and the arrears [L. Margin] Not to be written, by warrant of the Chancellor [ofthe Exchequer], until etc.5

[Seized land. Rental] [17] [William Taylor, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 106, [24], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [16] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above].

[Seized land Rental] [18] [Frances St. John, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 107 , [25], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [16] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry [6] above].

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[19] [Edmund Townesend, Thomas Welles and Edward Jackson , recusants. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 107, [28], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Norff"" . J: But he [Thomas Forster : lessee] oughtnot to besummoned 101for £1 , being part of this year's rent, viz for two-thirds of the tenement, with apps , in Eccles, and2 acres of arable & pasture landofthe landsofthesaid Edward Jackson, noroughtthesaid £1 of the annual rent of £2-16s. to be charged henceforth, by considerationof the Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. Andhe [Forster] owes £1-16s.

But he [Forster] ought not to be summoned for £1-6-8, being part of this year's rent, viz for two-thirds ofa messuage & certain lands, tenements & hereditaments in Hilbroughof the lands of the said Thomas Welles, nor oughtthe said £1-6-8 of the said annual rent of £2-16s. to be chargedhenceforth by consideration of the Barons ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ].

And on 2 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £1-8s. was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], 4s. 8d. was paid ... [etc. as above].

[rotulet 12, dorse]

[Lease of seized land. Rental] And ... "

[20] [John Yaxleye, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 108, [29], to H(e) inclus.].

H(k) of Roll 34 Eliz., under "Norff"" . F: 3s from previous years. G : £20-3s

J: On 29 April, 37 Eliz [1595], £10-3s was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 27 Oct., 37 Eliz , [1595], £10 was paid ... [etc. as above]

And they [Thomas Palgrave & John Murfyne: lessees] arequit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[21] [Francis Kynneby, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 103 , [14], to H(f) inclus ] H(k) as entry [19] above

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ..

[Arrearage of rent]

[22]A Tenants D : Two-thirds of the site of the manor of Marten [Merton], and other property B : Robert de Grey. F: 8£59-4-9 & farthingfor Henry Gawdye, esq , sheriff of the year 34 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 34 Eliz., under "Item Norff""), viz the remainder of an [original] annual rent of£118-9-6 &

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) NORFOLK 59

farthing, being a part of the said rent due from Michaelmas 31 Eliz. to thefollowing Michaelmas (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Item Notff'").

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above]. (b) (4) (

[Arrearage ofrent]

[23]A Tenants D : Two-thirdsofa messuage & certain lands& tenements in Islington, Norfolk B: George Willoughby, recusant. F: £20, being one full year's rent, ending at Michaelmas 31 Eliz. (cf. Great Rolls 32 Eliz , under "Norff"" , and 30 Eliz , under "Adhuc Item Norff"")

J: And they [tenants] answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., A under"Norff"" .

[L.Margin] Let a writ offierifacias be issued against Sir John Peiton, knt.⁹

*[Seized land. Rental]

[24]farm . A: Tenants B : Edmund Acton, lately of Albye [Aldeby], gent C : £20 D : Two-thirds of a certain lease of the site of the manor or capital messuage called "Albye Hall" in Aldbye aforesaid, and of various arable, grazing & pasturelands pertaining to it, byvirtueof a certain grantmade to the said Edmund byLordMorleyfora number ofyears asyet unexpired E(a) : Sir Arthur Heveningham, knt , & others E(b) 2 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594] E(c) : By reason of his [Acton's] recusancy E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above]

*[Seized land Rental]

[25]farm . A Tenants B : Bridget Allen, "spinster" , recusant. C : £4-8-10 & two-thirds of 1d D : Two-thirds of a house and of certain lands belonging to it in Blicklinge, Norfolk E(a) : Miles Corbett, esq. , & others E(b) : 24 Sept., 36 Eliz. [1594]. E(c) Recusancy of the same Bridget E(d) as in entry [24] above . F : £2-4-5 & two-thirdsof d.from preceding year. G : £6-13-4 .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

*[Seized land. Rental] [26]farm. A Tenants B : Alice Williamson, widow, recusant C: £4-8-10 & two-thirdsof 1d D : Two-thirds of a certain annuityor annual rent of £6-13-4issuingfrom & out ofvarious lands lying & existing in Ingworth, Norfolk, latelyinthetenure of Thomas Clampe. E(a), (b), (d) : all as entry [25] above. F: £2-4-5 & two-thirds of d. from preceding year. G: £6-13-4

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

*[Seized land Rental]

[27]farm. A : Tenants B : Jane Lumpnor, widow, recusant.

C : £8 . D: Two-thirdsof a certain annuityor annual rentof £12 issuing from certain messuages, lands & tenementsin the occupation of Robert Wood, gent , in Aylesham, Norfolk.

E(a), (b), (d) all as entry [25] above F : £4 from preceding year. G: £12.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

*[Seized land. Rental]

[28]farm . A Tenants. B : Roger Sowgate , "husb"" , recusant

C : £5-6-8. D : Two-thirds of a house and of certain lands belonging to it, and of a water-mill, in Gunton, Norfolk.

E(a), (b), (d) all as in entry [25] above. F : £2-13-4 from precedingyear. G : £8

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

*[Seized land. Rental]

[29]farm . A: Tenants B : Adam Brasyer, recusant C : 17s.9d. & two-thirdsof d D : Two-thirds ofa house , andof certain lands belonging to the said house, in Marsham, Norfolk

E(a), (b), (d) all as in entry [25] above F : 8s 10d. & two-thirds of d from preceding year G : £1-6-8

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

*[Seized land. Rental]

[30]farm. A : Tenants. B : JohnWarefoote, "yoman" , recusant. C : 13s. 4d. D: Two-thirds ofa house and of 4 acres ofland in Westwick, Norfolk E(a), (b), (d) : all as in entry [25] above F: 6s 8d from precedingyear. G : £1 .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[31]A Richard Weston [lessee ]. D : Two-thirdsofthe manorof Quiddenham & of other lands in Banham, being a parcel ofthe propertyof Humphrey Bedingfeild, recusant; and two-thirdsof 6 tenements, with apps, in Lynne, Norfolk, beingaparcel ofthe property of Francis Kynneby, "yoman" , recusant. F: 8 £71-5-6 ofthe rent of £43 p.a., viz. the rent for a wholeyear ending Michaelmas, 35 Eliz. , includingarrears : cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Norff"" 10

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

[Arrearage of rent]

[32]A : William Cobbe and John Dover [lessees ] D : The manor of Morleys , with apps , a messuage & close called "Bartons" , with apps, in Grymston [Grimston], also 3 cottages & a certain parcel ofland in Congham ; being two-thirdsofthe propertyof ... B : Edward Yelverton, gent , recusant F : £5

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) NORFOLK 61 ofthe rent of £10 p.a., viz the rent for the half-year ending Michaelmas, 33 Eliz cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Norff"" 11

J: [Postscripts as under entry [21] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[33]Tenants D: A tenement, and certain lands & tenements , with apps., in Norfolk ; being two-thirdsofthe propertyof B: Edward Jackson, recusant F : £2-10s. for Bassingburn Gawdye, esq., sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Norff""12), of the rent of £1 p.a., viz. the rent for2 years ending Ladyday, 35 Eliz. (cf. same roll under "Norf"").

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], for a reason referred to in another part of this roll, viz in the farm ofThomas Forster . 13 And they [tenants] arequit

[Record of annual finepaid]

[34]A Ferdinand Parrys, esq C. D : £260. H. E: From 9 Oct., 36Eliz. [1594] to 8 Oct., 37 Eliz., for 13 [lunar] months

K. G.

P : Onult. May, 37Eliz [1595], £140was paid into theTreasury. And on 12 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £120 was paid ... [etc.] And he is quit

[Arrearage ofrent]

[35]A Tenants D : A messuage and certain lands, tenements& hereditaments in Hilbrough, Norfolk; being two-thirdsofthe propertyof ... B : ThomasWelles, recusant. F : 13s. 4d. for Bassingburne Gawdye, esq. , sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Norff""14), of the rent of £1-6-8 p.a., viz. the rentfor the half-year ending Ladyday , 35 Eliz (cf. same roll under "Norff""). J: [Postscript as under entry [33] above].15

[Re-enrolment of estreated conviction for recusancy]

[36]A Roger Sowgate, latelyofGunton, "husb'" C. D : £40

G. H. E : For 2 months next following 20 Feb., 32 Eliz. [1589/90].

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this sideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz , Easter term, "Recorda" [ ].

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears] [debt], by concf. Memoranda section, rotulet Andhe is quit

[37]A: The same sheriff, viz. Philip Woodhouse, esq. B : [6] £63-6-9 & farthing (Humphrey Sackford, from Carvyle's lands) ; [7] £75-2-10 (William Cordell, from de Grey's lands) ; [8] £56-4-5& two-thirdsof d. (George

Lee, from de Grey's lands) ; [9] £36-4-51& farthing (Richard Weston, from H. Bedingefeild's lands) ; [11] £20 (Rice Maunsell , from Willoughby's lands) ; [12] £8 (William Huckerbye, from de Grey's lands) ; [14] £2 (Rice Maunsell, from Willoughby'slands) ; [17] £1-13-4

(Taylor's tenants) ; [18] £ 13-6-8 (St. John's tenants) ; [21] £7-10-8 (Richard Weston, from Kynneby's lands) ; [22] £59-4-91& farthing (de Grey's tenants) ; [24] £20 San (Acton's tenants) ; [25] £6-13-4 (Allen's tenants) ; [26] miben £6-13-4 (Williamson's tenants) ; [27] £12 (Lumpnor's tenants) ; [28]£8 (Sowgate'stenants); [29]£1-6-8 (Brasyer's tenants) ; [30] £1 (Warefoote's tenants) ; [31] £71-5-6 (Weston) ; [32] £5 (Cobbe & Dover).

C: £474-12-10 .

D : [6] On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £31-13-5waspaidintothe Treasury, under the name of Humphrey Sackford, esq. And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £31-13-5 was paid [etc. as above].

[30] Warefoot's tenantsanswer for their debtin thefollowing [Recusant] Roll under "Norff"" , after their farm16

[17] Taylor's tenants answer for their debt in same roll & section, after theirfarm . 16

[25] Allen's tenants answer ... .[etc. as preceding item].16

[27] Lumpnor's tenants answer ... [etc. as item [17].16

[24] Acton's tenants answer ... [etc. as item [17].11

E : And he [sheriff] owes £369-19-4 . And he answers in 701 [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under"Norff"

[rotulet 23, dorse] ("Res' Norff'")

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]17 cila

[38]A: Alice Steward, lately ofOwtwell (Outwell),Norfolk , "spinster" . B. D : £100 F : £80 G. H. J : For 4 months next following 1 March, 38 Eliz [1595/6]. L: £20. M: O Monday, in the 2nd week of Lent, 39 Eliz. [1596/7]. N : Fromdateofconviction to21 Marchnextfollowing,viz.forone [lunar] month O.

Katherine Melton, lately of Testerton , "spinster"

Andrew Tompson, lately of the same , "yoman" [ ]18£100forthelike. [ ] ,, . Owes

Nicholas Suffeild, lately of Brampton, "yoman"

[Postscript] Buthe oughtnot to be summoned forthis (debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 1 Charles under "Norff"" , in the farm of the tenants ofthe lands & tenements of the same Nicholas And he isquit.


John Rowlston, lately of the same , "yoman"

LaurenceBedingfeild, latelyofHolmehale [Holme Hall ?], esq

Ann Foster, lately of Old Buckenham , "spinster"

Thomas Brooke, lately of Hales Hall, "yoman"

Hugh Wroote, latelyofSwanton Novers, b "yoman"

John Dikes, latelyof Kellynge [Kelling], "yoman"

Thomas Middleton, lately of Bicham [Beechamwell ?] Sancte Marie, "yoman"

Henry Lawes, lately of the same , "yoman" [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summonedfor this [debt], for a reason referred to in the preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Res' Norff"" , in another debt of the same Henry.1 And he isquit.


John Powle of Thorpe next Norwich, 19 MIMAH

£100 forthelike. "yoman"

Thomas Parker, lately of Cranworth , "yoman" .

Elizabeth Baker, lately of Eastwalton, "spinster"

] £100 forthelike [ ] ,,

[From this point, to "Eleanor Ulster" , the list ofconvicted persons is merely a repetition of that given in the preceding roll (C.R.S., LVII, pp. 111-2), the date and penalty ofrecusancy alone differing The following recusants are named : Beatrice Moundford, Katherine Curson, Jane Bedingfeild, George Norton ("of Great Ellingham"), Ann Stubbes , Richard Atkins, Susanna Grey, Mary Hampden, Alexander Hamond, Ralph Barney, Francis Baxter, Winifred Kervile, Thomas Bromewell, Robert Tompson, Frances Trott, Cecily Lynne, John Ward, Ann Lynne, Ann Morris, Robert Coppinge, John Wattes, Bridget Downes (postscript included), Walter Neave , AmpRichard Drake, Philip Middleton, Henry Hubbert. Each item ends with the words : "£100 for the like"].

Eleanor Ulster, lately of the same

[Fincham], "spinster"

Henry Bedingfeild, lately of Wearham

[?Wereham], gent [ ] £100 for thelike. [ ] 35

Richard Kinge, lately of Wiggenhale

[Wiggenhall] St. Mary, "yoman" . [ ]

William Melton, lately of Buckenham St. Martin, gent .. [ ]

Robert Markall, lately of Myleham [Mileham], "yoman"

Margaret Goffe, wife of James Goffe, lately of Frettenham, gent ..

¹Cf. entry [37]

Section D has "Baynham" , for "Banham" .

(owes) apparently a clerical oversight

3Section D has "the Nabbe" , for "the Nobbe" . "[Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz " , for "preceding [Recusant ] Roll" . 5"Non scri perwarran' Cancellar' quousque etc." in MS tions E(a) and (b) are here omitted are omitted "Sec"The words"QuietusEst" 8A space is left in MS for the word "deb'" 9"fi fa versus Jo : 10Cf . C.R.S., 11Cf . C.R.S.,XVIII, p. 224, 1. 26

"Section D has

PeitonMil " in MS Peyton was a former sheriff. XVIII, p 222, 1.6 (postscript) (postscript) 12Cf . C.R.S.LVII, p. 101 , [7] (postscript) 13Cf entry [19] above (postscript). 14C.R.S. LVII, p 100, [5], (post16Note in L. script) 15Cf . entry [19] above (postscript)

Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Woodhouse) was thereforedischarged of this item . 17All items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). 18The brackets here and in the following items indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "deb"" (owes). 19Cf.C.R.S. , LVII, p 110

[rotulet 13]




[1] John Reade, esq , sheriffof this countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. to Mich , 37 Eliz renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1]]

[Seized land Rental]

[2] [William, LordVaux, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 113, [2], to E(d) inclus ] F: £2,077-6-5 from previous years G : £2,336-19-9.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Humphrey Marriett, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 113 , [3], to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 7May, 37 Eliz [1595], £1-13-4 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury And on 4 Nov. , 37 Eliz [1595], £1-13-4was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Lease of seized land.

[4] [John Ward, recusant. H(k) inclus ]. And he [John Checkley : lessee] isquit.


Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 114, [4], to F: £24 from previous years G : £28.

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [John Ward, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 114, [5], to D. incl ]. E(d) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Northt"" . F: £24 from previous years G : £28.

[Seized land. Rental]

[6] [Richard Anson, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 114, [6],

E(c) incl ]

dE(d) as entry [5] above. F : 11s 1d. from preceding year.

G : £1-2-3.

J: [L. Margin] Not to be written [again], by warrant ofthe Chancellor [of the Exchequer].1

[L. Margin] To be written [again].2

[Seized land Rental]

[7] [JeromeLowe, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 114, [7], to mint E(c) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [5] above F : £13-6-8 from preceding year. G : £26-13-4.

[Seized land Rental]

[8] [Simon Gutteridge, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 114, 2 [8], to E(a) inclus.].

E(d) asentry [5] above.

[Seized land Rental]

[9] [Humphrey Marryett, recusant [9], to E(c) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [5] above

G : £26-13-4.

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 114, F : £13-6-8 from preceding year.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to besummoned for this [rent], nor oughtthe saidrent to be charged henceforth, byconsideration ofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., Michaelmasterm, 38 and39 Eliz., "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And they [tenants] arequit.

*[Seized land. Rental]

[10]farm. A: Tenants B : William, LordVaux ofHarrowden.

C : £39-11-1 & two-thirdsof 1d D : Two-thirdsofa certain parcel of the hereditaments of the said Lord Harrowden in Withmale [Wythemail Park], Northants, let to Thomas Baude of Ecton, esq., for a rent of £2 p.a., being of the yearly value of £23 ; two-thirds of a housethere, with certain adjacent closes , inthe tenure ofOwenDodinge for a rent of£7 p.a.; two-thirds ofa wood at Withmaleaforesaid, estimated to contain about 60 acres, ofthe yearly value of £6 ; two-thirds ofa water-mill at Dodington[? Great Doddington], called "Hardwater Mill" , inthe tenure ofFrancis Barnard, esq., for a rent of£5-6-8 p.a.; and two-thirdsofthe rentsoffree-holders & other farmers ofthe manor of Harpoole [Harpole], amounting to the clear yearly value of £18 . E(b) : 6 April, 35 Eliz [1593] E(a) : Sir Thomas Spencer , knt. , & others. E(c) : Recusancyofthe same Lord Harrowden E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 35 Eliz., Easterterm, "Recorda" section, rotulet[ ]. F: £59-6-8 from previous years G: £98-17-9 & two-thirds of1d .

*[Seized land. Rental]

[11]farm. A: Tenants B : William Bunckley, "yoman" , recusant C : 17s 9d. & two-thirds of 1d D : Two-thirds ofa cottage and a quarter-virgate of land in Legers Assheby [Ashby St. Ledgers], in the tenure of [ ]³Smith, ofthe yearly value of £1-6-8. E(b), (a), (d) : all as entry [10] above E(c) : Recusancy ofthe same William F : £1-6-8 from previous years. G: £2-4-5 & two-thirdsof d.

*[Seized land,. Rental]

[12]A Tenants B: Humphrey Marryott, recusant C : £14 . D : Two-thirdsof 6 roods of pasturein Kelmarshe, in a certain pasture there called "le East pasture" , of the yearly value of 13s 4d.; two-thirds of a cottage in Oxon alias Oxendes Magna [Great Oxendon], of the yearly value of 6s. 8d.; and two-thirdsofa certain annuityor annual rent of £20 conceded to him by Edward Griffin of Dingley, esq E(b), (a), (d): all as entry [10] above F : £21 from previous years G : £35. J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for £33-6-8 of this sum , viz.for two-thirds of the said annuity of £20 due from the time ofitsseizure, nor ought£13-6-8 (part of the said annual rent of £14) to be chargedhenceforth, for a reason referred to above in another farm of the said tenants . And they owe £1-13-4 And they answer in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz. , under "Northt"",for this rent & the arrears.

[Seized goods and chattels]

[13] William Bunckley of Lydgers Assheby [Ashby St. Ledgers], "yoman" , recusant, owes £4-12s for the price or value ofhis goods& chattels seized into the Queen's handsbythe aforesaid commissioners, as stated above.

[Seized goods & chattels]

[14] Edward RoydonofGretton, gent., owes £3 fortheprice orvalue of his goods & chattels seized ... [etc. as entry [13] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[15] John Conyers, esq., Nowell Sotherton and William Necton , gents , owe£2 whichthey have taken ofthe goods & chattels of John Warde, recusant; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Northt'".7

[Seized goods & chattels]

[16] William Drewryof Thrapston , "yoman" , owes 6s . 8d., charged huupon himself , for the price or value of the goods & chattels of the same William by reason of his recusancy, returned by Sir John Spencer , knt , and others, commissioners; cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Northt'".8


[Seized goods & chattels]

[John Browne, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 115, [11], excluding postscript]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[18] [Robert Pettyver, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 115 , [13], excluding postscript].


[Seized goods & chattels]

[Thomas Walker, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 115, [14], excluding postscript].

[Seized goods & chattels)

[20] [Joan Arden, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 115, [15], excluding postscript].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[21] [Jerome Lowe, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII , p 115, [ 17], excluding postscript]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[22] Simon Gutteridge of Yardley Hastinges, "husb"" . owes £7-8-10, beingthe remainder [ofa debt] of £9, for the price ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 115, [18], excluding postscripts].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[23] [Robert Tyton, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 116, [19], excluding postscript]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[24] [Henry Tuke, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 116, [20], excluding postscript].

[Debt for pre-1587 recusancy(translation)]

[25] Sir Thomas Tressham, knt , of Rusheton, Northants , owes £273-6-8, being part of a debt of £600, viz the residue of £953-6-8 remaining [of an originaldebt] of £1,260, because he , being above the age of 16 years [text continues as C.R.S. , LVII, p 116, [21], 10 to the words "Edward Watson ofRockingham, esq., are sureties" , inclus ] Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Northt"" .

[Postscript] And he [Tressham] answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz. , under "Northt"" .

[Arrearage ofrent]

[26]A: John Checkley [lessee] D : Two-thirds of4tenements , 6 virgates ofland, and a windmill, inArthingeworthe , Northants. B : Humphrey Marryett, recusant. F : £3-6-8 for Tobias Chauncey, esq., sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding


[Recusant] Roll, under "Northt""11), viz the rent for onefull year ending Michaelmas 33 Eliz. [1591], cf. same roll, under "Northt'

J: But he [Checkley] ought not to be summoned forthis [sum], because answer has beenmade tothe Queenfor thesaid £3-6-8 by Sir John Spencer, knt., sheriffofthis countyfor theyear 32 Eliz.; cf. Great Roll, 32 Eliz., under "Item Northt'" , after his "Summa".12 And he [Checkley] is quit

[Record of annual finepaid]

[27]A Sir Thomas Tressham, knt C. D : £260 H. E : From 24 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594], to 23 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], viz for 13 [lunar] months. K. G. P : On 2 June, 37 Eliz. [1595], £120 was paid into the Treasury Andon 28 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595], £140 was paid ... [etc.]. And he isquit.

1"Non scri ulterius per warran' Cancellar'" . 2"Scri" (in another hand) This was evidently written before the preceding note and was cancelled by it, for Anson does not reappear in subsequent rolls Space left in MS for Christian name "Entry [9] above, postscript. Entries [13] to [22] inclus. are bracketed , R., with the note : And they answer separately in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz , under "Northt " , and, L., with the note : "Scri" (To be written [again]) Cf. entry [10], E(b), (a) and (d) Cf. C.R.S. ,XVIII, p 237, 1. 10seq. Cf.C.R.S. ,LVII, p. 115 [10]. "Entries [23] and [24] are bracketed , R., with the note : Total of these debts=£20 . But theyought notto be summonedfor these debts by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz., Easter term , "Recorda" section, rotulet [] And they are quit 10The error "24 Eliz " , referredto in C.R.S. , LVII, p 118, note 15, is repeated in the present MS 11Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, p. 113, [3], and p. 117, [23], D. 12Cf . Spencer's "Statement of arrears" in that Pipe Roll buloxa

[rotulet 14] [Preamble]



[1] William Sutton, esq , sheriff ofthis county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Mich., 37 Eliz .... renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Nicholas Reynes, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 119 , [2] to H(f) inclus.]. H(k) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Nott""

J: On 29 May, 40 Eliz [1598], he [Thomas Cawood : lessee] bdeliveredthis rent [£6-13-4] in the Treasury. And he is quit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] [Henry Kervile, recusant.¹ Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 119, [3], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as entry [2] above.

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.2 [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized goods & chattels]

[4] Henry Callingwood [ ]3 £2 for the price or value ofthe goods & chattels of the same Henry, recusant, taken and seized into the Queen's hands by Brian Lassells , esq , and others, Queen's commissioners; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Nott"".4 [Postscripts as under entry [3] above

*[Arrearage ofrent]

[5] A Tenants oftwo-thirds of the lands & tenementsof ... B : John Robertson of the Inner Temple, London, gent D : A messuage or tenement, with appurtenances, in Kellam [Kelham], Notts. , in the tenure of Henry Sutton ; and various lands, tenements & hereditaments, with apps , belonging & pertaining to the same messuage F : £1-13-4 of a certain annual rentof£3-6-8 owedto the Queen from 1 Aug., 36 Eliz. [1594], on which day the same premises were taken& seized into the Queen's hands . to Michaelmas next following, viz. for a half-year. E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. J: On June 2, 37 Eliz. [1595], they [tenants] delivered [this sum] in theTreasury. And they are quit.

†[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] farm . A John Maynerd, a yeoman ("valect"") ofthe chamber royal [lessee] C : £3-6-8. D : A whole messuage or tenement in Kellam [Kelham ], Notts , and all & singular the lands, tenements & hereditaments, with apps., belonging & pertaining to the same messuage, nowin the tenure of Henry Sutton, of the clear annual value, in all issues, of £3-6-8 ; being two-thirds of the recusant's lands & possessions, by a separation from his third part. B : John Robertson of the Inner Temple, London, gent , recusant E(b) : 1 Aug., 36 Eliz [1594]. E(a) : Richard Parkins, esq., and others H(a) : Aforesaid John Maynerd, his executors & assigns. H(b): From 10 Dec., 37 Eliz [1594] H(c). H(d) : as C. H(e) H(k) Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz , under "Nott"" . :

J: On 29 April, 37 Eliz [1595], £1-13-4 was paid from this farm into the Treasury. And on 28 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £1-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Maynerd] isquit.


3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

A: The same sheriff, viz William Sutton, esq.


B : [3] £8-10s (Clement Spilman, from Kervile's lands) ; [4] £2 (Callingwood .)

C : £10-10s

D : [3] On 3 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £4-5s. was paid into the Treasury, under the name of Clement Spylman, esq. And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £4-5s. was paid ... [etc. as above]

[4] Henry Callingwood answers for his debt of£2 in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz , under "Nott'".5

E : And he [sheriff] isquit

"Described here as "lately ofStamford, Notts " Section D ofthis entry also has "[Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz " , for"preceding [Recusant] Roll" Cf. entry [7] 3A space is left here in MS for the word "deb'" (owes) The failure to insert this word was seemingly due to an oversight . Cf. C.R.S. , XVIII, p 240, 1. 12 seq.

"Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r") The sheriff (Sutton) was thereforedischarged of this item .

[rotulet 15] [Preamble]



[1] Richard Fenys, esq , sheriff ofthis countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Mich , 37 Eliz .... renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [ 1]]

[Seized land Rental]

[2] [John Daye, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 121 , [2], to E(d) inclus.]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ..

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Richard Owen, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 121, [3], to E(d) inclus ].

F : £65-15-4 from preceding year. G : £131-10-11.

J: On 27 April, 34 Eliz [1592], £32-17-9 was paidfrom this farm intothe Treasury And on 8 Nov., 34 Eliz. [1592], £32-17-9 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [tenants] owe £65-15-5.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] [Thomas Vachell, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 121 , [4], to H(k) inclus ]

F: £13-14-8 from preceding year G : £27-9-4.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [John Daye, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 121, [5], to H(k) inclus.]. днот

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Edward Easte, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 122, [6], to H(k) inclus ].

F : £12 from previous years. G : £16

J: On 4 May, 33 Eliz. [1591], £2 was paid from thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 33 Eliz. [1591], £2 of a total of £3-6-8 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury, under the name of William Spencer, esq., sheriff . And on 27 April, 34 Eliz [1592], £2 was paid ... [etc.], under the name of the tenants of the premises And on 23 Nov., 35 Eliz. [1592], £2 was paid ... [etc.], under the name of the aforesaid tenants And on 20 Nov., 36 Eliz [1593], £4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And he [John Hopkinson: lessee] owes £4.

[Other postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Lady Cecily Stoner, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 122, [7], to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].


[Seized land. Rental]

[Thomas Hord, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 123 , [9], to E(b) inclus ].

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Oxon"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [John Bulleyne, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 123, [10], to H(e) inclus.]

H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Oxon"" .

J: But he [Nowell Sotherton : lessee] ought not to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforth, for a reasonreferred to in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Oxon"" , in the samefarm. And he [Sotherton] is quit.

Line[Lease of seized land Rental]

[10]farm. A : Leonard Willmott & John Simondes [lessees]. C: £2-6-8. D : Two-thirdsofa messuage, 2 virtages ofland, and a cottage, with appurtenances , in Cromarshe Gifford and Newenham Moren [Newnham Murren], Oxfords ; two-thirds ofa messuage or tenement, with apps. , in Howberie [Howbery], a commonly called "the farme of Howberie" ; and of all arable, meadow & pasture lands in Howberie and Cromarshe Gifford, Oxfords , belonging to the same messuage or tenement. B:

Walter Hildesley of EastIllesley [Ilsley], Berks. , and Margaret, his mother, of Cromarshe, Oxfords , widow, recusants H(a) : Aforesaid Leonard Willmott & John Simondes,theirexecutors and assigns. H(b) : From Ladyday, 35 Eliz [1593]. H(c) H(d) as C. H(e). H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Oxon"".2

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[11] [John Spencer, senior, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p . 125 , [14], to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) as entry [10] above.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[12][William Bourne, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 125, [15], to H(d) inclus ] H(k) as entry [10] above

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[13] [Katherine Onslowe, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 125 , [16], to H(d) inclus.].

H(k) as entry [10]above.

J: On 26 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £1-17-9 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 21 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1595], £1-17-9 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Richard Ferrys : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[14]farm . A Francis Stonard, gent [lessee ] C : £30 D : The manor ("maner"") of Stonor alias Purshull [Pishill], and Warnescombe [Warmodescombe], and the farms of Hollingridge [Hollandridge ] and Bromesdon[Broundesden], Oxfords.; of the lands & tenements of ... B : Lady Cecily Stonor , recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid Francis Stonard, his executors & assigns. H(b): From Michaelmas, 27 Eliz [1585] H(c) : "for the satisfaction of a debt of £340" . H(d) : as C. H(e). H(f). H(k): Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz, under "Oxon"" F: £120 from previous years G : £150.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized lands Rental]

[15]farm . A: Hugh Cuffe, gent [lessee]. C : £3-6-8, viz. part [of a rent] of £75-13-10, the remainder [of an original rent] of £84-3-10. D: The manor or farm called "Hardewick with appurtenances, in Oxfords ; being a parcel ofthelands & ban possessions of ... B : John Bulleyn, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Hugh Cuffe, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas, 27 Eliz [1585]. H(c) H(d): £3-6-8. H(e) H(f). H(k) as entry [14]. F: £26-13-4 from previous years. G: £30.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) OXON 73

[Enrolment ofestreatedconviction for recusancy]

[16]A Frances Harper of Chynnor [Chinnor], Oxfords. , "spinster" . B. D: £60 G. H. E : For 3 months next following 10 April, 38 Eliz [1596] M: Thursday, 24 March, 39 Eliz. [1596/7].

P : [L. Margin] Let a commissionbeissued.5


[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

A: The same sheriff, viz Richard Fenys, esq. B : [2] £1-0-8 (Daye's tenants) ; [4] £27-9-4 (Thomas Read , from Vachell's lands) ; [5] 3s. 4d. (Edward Streete, from Daye's lands) ; [6] £4 (John Hopkinson , from Easte's lands) ; [7] £18-4-10 (Francis Stoner, from LadyStonor's lands) ; [8] £27-14-8(Hord'stenants) ; [14] £150 [Francis Stonard, from LadyStonor's lands) ; [15] £30 (Cuffe,from Bulleyn's lands)

C : £258-12-10.

E : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll38 Eliz., under "Res' Oxon'" .

[rotulet 6, dorse] ("Res' Oxon'")

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]6

[18]A Peter Foord of Garsington, Oxfords B. D : £60.

F : £40 G. H. J: For 2 months next following 14 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596]. L. £20 M : Thursday, 24 Feb., 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N : From date of conviction to 24 March next following, viz for 1 [lunar] month O.

Ann Symons , wife of John Symons of Pyrton, gent .. [ ] £60 forthelike.

A: Roger Slowe of Hanborowe [Handborough]. B. D :

£260 F : £240 G. H. J: For 12 months next following 1 Feb., 38 Eliz [1595/6] L, M, N, O : all as under Peter Foordabove.

Joan Slowe, his wife

Edward Sloweofthe same

Ann Slowe, his wife

Thomas Kenyon of Brysenorton [Brize Norton], "yoman" ] £260 for the like. ] owes

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Oxon"" , in another debt ofthe same Thomas.8

William Brothwhat of Blechington [Bletchington], "yoman"

Joan Wells of Fritwell, widow

"Mariona" Mercer of Goddington [Godington], widow

[ ] £260 for the like. " [ ] " [ ] "

Robert Adkynnes of the parish of St. Clement in Oxford And heisquit.

3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

John Dreyghton of the parish of St. Aleates [Aldate] in Oxford, "yoman"

"Helenor" Crewe, wife ofGeorgeCrewe ofthe same

Alice Mose of the same , widow [ ]

A: John Bran of Stanford, "yoman" . B. D : £80 F:

£60. G. H. J : For 3 months next following 1 Nov., 38

Eliz. [1596]. L, M, N, O : all as under Peter Foord above [ ] Yeate of Kencott, widow . [ ] £80 for the like.

Christiana Branne, wife of John Branne ofStanford, "yoman"

Henry Stonor of Northstoke , gent [ ] owes

[Postscript] But he oughtnot tobe summonedfor this debt], for a reason referred to in the following [Recusant] Roll, under"Res' Oxon"" , in anotherdebt of the sameHenry. And he isquit.

Matilda Prince of Newenham Courtney [Nuneham Courtnay]

[ ] £80 for the like.

A: Mary Kitchyn, wife of John Kitchyn of Stokelyne [Stoke Lyne], gent B. D : £260 F: £240 G. H. J : For 12 months next following 1 Feb. , 38 Eliz [1595/6] L, M, N, O : all as under Peter Foordabove.

Jane Arden, wife of John Arden of Kirtlington, gent

Christiana Tredwell, wife of Henry Tredwell of thesame

Jane Appletree, wife of Thomas Appletree of Dadington [? Deddington ], gent.

ya Elizabeth Buckland, wife of Richard Buckland of Aston Rowaunt

[ ] £260 for thelike.

[ ] , [ ]

[ ] £260 for the like.

Thomas Vachell ofIppsden [Ipsden],esq. owes [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll8 James I, under "Berk"" , in thefarm ofThomas Vachell. Mary Bonne, wife ofWilliam Donne [sic] of the parish of St. Martin in Oxford,gent

1Cf . entry [17]. And heisquit. [ ] £260 for the like.

3Text "Text 5fi[at]

8Cf .

Cf. C.R.S. LVII, p 124, [13] as C.R.S. , XVIII, p 251, I. 18 seq to "temporeexistentis" . as C.R.S.,XVIII, p 253, 1. 16 seq to"temporeexisten'" Commissio" "All items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). "The bracketshere and in items belowindicatea space left in MSfor the laterinsertion (if required ) of theword "deb""(owes)

C.R.S. , XVIII, p. 256 (under"Thomas Keman") There, thereference for his discharge is given as "Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 5 James I, Easter term, "Recorda " section , rotulet [ ]" "Space left in MS for Christian name.

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

[rotulet 13 , dorse]





[1] Sir John Harrington, knt , sheriff ofthis countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Mich , 37 Eliz .... rendersan account ... [etc. as C.R.S. , LVII, p 1 , Berks [1]]

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[2] farm. A: Robert Millicent & Thomas Phillippes, gents [lessees ]. C : £18-2s D: Two-thirdsof a capital messuage , with appurtenances, in Northluffenham , Rutland; together with various other messuages, lands & tenementsin Rutland specified in thepreceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Rotlande"" B : James Digbyof Luddington[Liddington], Rutland, gent., recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Robert Millicent & Thomas Phillippes, their executors & assigns H(b) : From Ladyday, 36 Eliz [1594]. H(c). H(d): as C. H(e) H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Rotland"

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £9-1s. was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £9-1s. was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [Millicent & Phillippes] arequit.

'Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 129, [4]

[rotulet 16] [Preamble]



[1] Francis Albanye, esq , sheriff ofthis county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Michaelmas, 37 Eliz .. rendersanaccount ... as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental] ... [etc.

[2] [John Lloyde, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 131 , [2], to H(k) inclus ].

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotulet.¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[3] [Richard Lloyd, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 131, [3], to H(k) inclus.2]

J: On 29 April, 37Eliz. [1595], £3-6-8 was paidfromthisfarm into theTreasury. And on 11 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £3-6-8 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Edward Lloid : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [John Preston, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 131 , [4],to H(k) inclus ]. J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Lease of seized land


[5] [Humphrey Packington, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 132, [5], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Item Salop"" J: On4 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £13-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 3 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £13-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Sebright : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land


[6] farm . A: Isaac Burges, gentleman of the chapel royal, and George Dickenson [lessees ] C : £5, being part of an annual rent of £15. D : Various messuages, cottages & hereditaments in Buntingesdale, Longeslowe & Drayton, Salop. B : Rowland Bulkeley, recusant H(b) : From 30 Nov. , 33 Eliz. [1590]. H(c) H(d) : £5 H(e) H(f) H(k): Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Item Salop'" . F: £ 15 from previous www years. G: £20.

[Lease of seized land


[7] farm . A [Burges & Dickenson, lessees; as entry [6]above]. C: £6-13-4, being part ofan annual rent of £15 D : Twothirds of a certain messuage called "Blackway farme" , with apps , in the parish of Harley, Salop B : William Charleton , gent., recusant. H(b), (c), (e), (f), (k) : all as entry[6]above. H(d): £6-13-4 . F: £20 from previous years G: £26-13-4.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]³

[8] farm . A [Burges & Dickenson, lessees ; as entry[6] above].

C: £3-6-8, being the remainder of an annual rent of £15

D : Two-thirds of a tenement called "Erand" [? "Brand"], with appurtenances , in the parish of Norton in Hales. B: Richard Gravenor, gent., recusant. H(b), (c), (e), (f), (k) : all as entry[6]above. H(d) : £3-6-8 F: £10 from previousyears. G : £13-6-8.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [Francis Gattacre, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 132, [7], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £12-6-8 was paid from thisfarm intotheTreasury And on 29 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £12-6-8was paid ... [etc. as above]. Andhe [Thomas Pigott : lessee] isquit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[10] [Ann Lythall, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 133, [8], to E(a) inclus.].

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Salop'" F: £2-13-4from previous years. G : £4

[Seized land. Rental]

[11] [William Jervis, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 133 , [9], to E(a) inclus.]

E(d) as entry [10] above F : £2-13-4 from previous years. G : £4.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12][Richard Banister, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 133 , [10], to H(e) inclus ]

H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Salop""

F: £9-6-8 for the year 34 Eliz (cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz, under "Salop""), viz. rent forthe year 34 Eliz & thearrears (cf. sameroll under "Salop"") G : £15-11-1 & two-thirdsoftd. for Robert Powell, esq., sheriff of the preceding year [35 Eliz.] (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Salop""), viz. rentfor the preceding year (cf. same roll, under "Salop""). [Total debt] £21-15-6& two-thirds of 1d.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13][Thomas ap Richard, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 134 , [13], to H(k) inclus.]

F : 6s. 8d. from preceding year G : 13s . 4d.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[14][John Preston, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 134, [14], to H(k) inclus ] chamF: £7-2-2 for Robert Powell, esq , sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Salop""), viz rent for the full year ending [Mich.] 35 Eliz, & the arrears (cf. same roll, under "Salop""). G: £8-17-9 & farthing.

J: The sheriffanswers on thedorse ofthisrotulet¹ for£6-17-9& farthing. And they [Thomas Palgrave & John Murfyne: lessees] owe£2. [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized land Rental]

[15] [John Longfeyld, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 135, [16], to E(b) inclus ] E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Salop'" . F: £1 from previous years. G : £1-13-4.

10 [Seized goods & chattels]5

[16] Jerome ("Jeronimus") Corbett & Edward Davyes, esqs , owe £45-10s. which they havetaken ("quos [solidos] ceperunt") of 10 the goods & chattels of William Charleton, recusant; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Salop'" . [Postscript] And they [Corbett & Davyes] answerin [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz, under"Salop'"

[Seized goods & chattels]6

[17]The same Jerome & Edward owe £4 which they have taken ("quas [libras ] ceperunt") ...[etc. as entry [16] above) of Richard Gravenor, recusant; cf .... [ref & postscript asentry [16] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]?

[18] The same Jerome & Edward owe £11-10s which they have taken ... [etc. as [16]] of Thomas Vernon, recusant ; cf .... [ref and postscript as [16]]

[Seized goods & chattels]s

[19]The same Jerome& Edward owe£18-10s . whichthey have taken [etc. as [16]]of Humphrey Foster, recusant ; cf .... [ref.& postscript as [16]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[20]The same Jerome & Edward owe£23 which they havetaken ... [etc. as [16]] of Richard Lloyd, recusant ; cf .... [ref. & postscript as [16]].

[Seized goods & chattels]10

[21] The same Jerome & Edward owe £12 whichthey havetaken ... [etc. as [16]]of Thomas Lloyd, recusant; cf ....[ref & postscript as [16]]

*[Seized land. Rental]

[22]farm . A : Tenants B : Ann Sterrye, lately of Elsmere [Ellesmere], widow, recusant. C : £1-6-8. D : Two-thirdsof a messuage with certain arable, meadow and pasture lands pertaining to it, lyingin Myddleton[Middleton] nearOswestree [Oswestry], Salop. E(b) : 9 April, 36 Eliz. [1594]. E(a) : Rowland Barker, esq., and others E(c) : Recusancy of the same Ann. E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz. , Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. F : 13s 4d from preceding year G : £2

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[rotulet 16, dorse]

*+[[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[23]farm . A Humphrey Wheler, gent [lessee ] C : £3-11-1 & two-thirds of d. D.1 : Two-thirds of a certain messuage or tenement, with appurtenances, situated lying & existing in the village ("villa") of Sparcheford, Salop, and of certain lands, tenements & hereditaments belonging to the said messuage or tenement and situated in the villages & fields ("campis") of Sparcheford aforesaid, Siften [Siefton], Culington [? Culmington], Corfton & Didlebury [Diddlebury], Salop ; of the

clear yearly value, until 1 August, 1601, of £3-6-8, and thereafter of £5-6-8, of which the two-thirds due to the Queen amount to the clear yearly value, until 1 August, 1601 , of £2-4-5 & two-thirds of d., and thereafter of £3-11-1 & twothirds of d B.1 : Arthur Crowther, lately of Sparcheford in the parish of Didlebury, Salop, gent. , recusant E(b) : 16 Dec., 37 Eliz [1594]. E(a) : Thomas Littleton, gent. , and others D.2: Two-thirds of a certain lease of a messuage or tenement, with apps , in Tyrymynich [Tirzmynech], Co. Montgomery , and of a field or pasture commonly called"Maes r'Abbott" , ofa pasturecalled "Dale y Brewithen" , ofa pasture called "Maes Gwern' ddyvior" , of a pasture called "Churchecrofte" , of a pasture called "Brin Blewe" , of a parcel of the wood called "the newe Coppies" in Coydymynich [Coed-yMynech], of the moiety of a pasture called "Borva Vawre" in Tyrymynichaforesaid, Co. Montgomery , and of two watermills, with apps. , in Tyrmynichaforesaid ; of which("unde") the said Arthur Crowtherwas possessed ("possessionat ' fuit") for a term of 80 years, if the said Arthur or Mary, his wife, should live so long ("tamdiu vixerint"), the clear yearly value, apart from a rent of £41-6s payable annually to Lady Katherine Hayward, relictofSir Rowland Hayward, knt, being £2, ofwhich the two-thirdsdue to the Queen amount to 6s. 8d B.2 The said Arthur Crowther, gent., recusant E(b) : 28 Nov. , 37 Eliz. [1594]. E(a) Thomas Jenkes, esq , and others. H(a) : Aforesaid Humphrey Wheler, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 14 March, 37 Eliz [1594/5]. H(c) H(d) :

£2-4-5 & two-thirds of d until 1 Aug., 1601, and thereafter £3-11-1 & two-thirds of d . (for the Shropshire property) ; and £1-6-8 (for the Montgomeryleases) H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll ofthe Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz., under "Salop'" .

[Seized goods & chattels] :

[24] [William Cause, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 136, [20], excluding postscript].

[Postscripts] And he [Cause] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under"Salop"" .

[L. Margin] nil . 11

[Seized goods & chattels]

[25] [John ap Hughe, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 136, [21], excluding postscript].

[Postscripts as under entry [24] above].

[Arrearage of rent]12

[26]A Tenants B : Richard Bannester, esq. , recusant D : Two-thirds of certain tenementsin the town of Shrewsbury, of tithes in Molebr' [Meole Brace], ofthe lease ofa messuage and other lands, tenements & hereditaments in Wem & Edstason


[Edstaston], and other property F:[ ]13 £3-2-3 for Robert Powell, esq., sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Salop""), being part ofan annual rent of £6-4-6, viz the rent for the half-year ending Ladyday, 34 Eliz (cf. same roll under "Salop'") J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

†[Lease ofseized land Rental] [27]farm . A: Robert Bannester, gent , [lessee]. C : £6-4-4, two-thirdsof 1d . & two-thirdsof two-thirdsof d D : Twothirds of certain tenements, with apps., in the town of Shrewsbury; two-thirdsof certain tithes ofgrain- & hay-sheaves, with apps. , in Meolbrace, Salop ; two-thirds of a certain lease or farm ofa messuage called "le Pentes" , and oftwo water-mills, a windmill & a horse-mill ("molendin' equini"), with various lands, tenements & hereditaments in Wemme & Edstason, Salop, for a term of25 years or thereabouts from the year 34 Eliz.; and two-thirds of a capital messuage, with apps, in Essington [? Easington], Yorks B : Richard Bannester , recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid Robert Bannester, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 19 Feb. , 37 Eliz [1594/5]. H(c) H(d) : 8s 10d & two-thirds of 1d . (for the Shrewsbury property) ; £2-4-5 & two-thirds of d . (for tithes at Meolbrace) ; £2-4-5 & two-thirds of d (for "le Pentes" etc. in Wem & Edstason) ; £1-6-8 (for Yorkshire property). H(e). H(k) Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz., under "Salop"" .

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[28]A : The same sheriff, viz. Francis Albany, esq

B : [2] £20 (John Lloyde, jun , from John Lloyde's lands) ; [4] £12 (Griffin Price, from Preston's lands) ; [7] £26-13-4 (Burges & Dickenson, from Charleton's lands) ; [8] £13-6-8 (Burges etc. from Gravenor's lands) ; [12] £21-15-6 & two-thirds of 1d (Richard Mason, from Banister's lands) ; [13] 13s 4d (Thomas Palgrave etc. , from ap Richard's lands) ; [14] £6-17-9 & farthing (Thomas Palgrave etc., from Preston's lands) ; [22] £2 (Sterrye's tenants) ; [26] £3-2-2 [sic] (Bannester's tenants)

C: £106-8-9.

D : [13] On 3 May, 35 Eliz. [1593], 3s 4d. was paid into the Treasury, under the name of Thomas Palgrave & another And on 5 Nov., 36 Eliz. [1594], 3s 4d was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 29 April, 37 Eliz. [1595], 3s.4d. was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 6 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], 3s 4d was paid ... [etc. as above].

[12] Mason answers for his debt in thefollowing[Recusant] Roll under "Salop'" , after his farm . 14

[4] Price answers for £6 of his debt in [Recusant] Roll 38




Eliz. , under "Salop"" , afterhisfarm . 14

Burges answers for £20 of his debt in same roll and section , after hisfarm . 14

Burges answers for £10 of his debt in same roll and section, after hisfarm. 14

Palgrave etc. answer for £5-2-2 of their debt in same roll & section, after their farm . 14

[26] Bannester's tenants answer for their debt in same roll & section . 14

E : On 4 Dec. , 39 Eliz. [1596], £39-15-7 was paid into the Treasury by the said Sheriff , to settle the remainder ofhis accountforrecusants. And he has [a surplus]15

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]16

[29] A Joyce Roden, lately of the parish of Ryton B. D : £40 F : £20 G. H. J: For 1 month next following 28 Aug., 38 Eliz [1596] L : £20 M: Monday, 7 March, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N : From date of conviction to 4 April nextfollowing, viz for 1 [lunar] month O.

John Careles , lately of Tonge [Tong] [ ]17 £40 forthelike. JoanFoster, wife or Robert Foster ofthe same [ ] Edward Chetterton, latelyofthesame [ ] Katherine, his wife

A: FrancisManwaringe, latelyofWelshampton in the parish of Elsmeare [Ellesmere], gent. B. D : 17£40. F : £20 G. H. F: For 1 month next following 1 Jan. , 39 Eliz [1596/7]. L, M, N, O all as under Joyce Roden above. Francis Gattagre, lately of Clareley [Claverley],esq ..

1Cf . entry [28] clerical oversight . [ ] £40 for the like. "MS omits "Anno xxxjmo" in H(b): a 3Cf . C.R.S. LVII, p 132, [6]. *Cf . Text as C.R.S. ,XVIII, p 268, 1. 15 "Text as C.R.S. , XVIII, p. 268, 1. 19 seq. Textas C.R.S. , XVIII, XVIII, p 268 , 1. 28 seq.

C.R.S. , LVII,p 136, [22] seq to "recusantis" "Text as C.R.S.XVIII, p 268, 1. 22 seq p. 268, 1. 25 seq "Text as C.R.S., ioText as C.R.S. , XVIII, p. 268 , 1. 31 seq . written previouslyto the textual postscript p. 135 [18]

11The sheriff's"return" ; 12Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, 13Space left in MS for the word "deb'" (owes) 14Note in L.Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). Thesheriff (Albany) was therefore discharged of this item. [superplus ] Actually a balance of d. 15"Et hab'" 16All items under this heading are bracketed , L., withthenote : Let a commission be issued 17Thebrackets here and in thefollowing ("fi[at] Commissio"). items indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (ifrequired) ofthe word "deb"" (owes).

[rotulet 18]




[1] Henry Walrond, esq , sheriffof this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] [Silvester Huysshe , recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 138, [2], to H(e) inclus ]. ¹ H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. , under "Somers'" .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Edmund Marvin, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 139 , [3], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as entry [2] above. F : £5-2-2, being part of the said rent viz. for the year 34 Eliz.; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. , under "Somers'" 2 G : £15-6-8.

J: On 14 May, 37Eliz [1595], £3-8-11was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £3-8-11 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Thomas Griffeth: lessee ] owes £8-8-10 . And he answers for £5 of this debt (being the rent of twothirds ofthe tithes ofsheaves & grain ("garb' et gran'") of the rectory of Hockworth aforesaidfor this year & the arrears) inthe following [Recusant] Roll, under"Devon'" after hisfarm. And he owes £3-8-10 .

[Seized land. Rental]

[4] farm . A: Tenants. D : Two-thirdsof the capital messuage , with appurtenances, in St. Deacons [St. Decuman's] called "Doniford" ,and ofother messuages & arable, meadow,grazing & pasture lands, with apps , there B : Silvester Huyshe, lately of St. Deacons aforesaid, recusant C : £14-10-8 ; cf. Great Roll 34 Eliz , under "Somers"" , where the said rent is required under the name of Edward Wadham, esq, and others. F: £14-10-8 from preceding year. [Furtherarrears] £29-1-4 forJohn Harryngton, esq., sheriff ofthe year 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Somers""), viz the rent of the year 33 Eliz., & the arrears (cf. same roll & section, under the name of the said Edward Wadham, esq., and others) ; and £14-10-8 for GeorgeSpeake, esq , sheriff oftheyear 34 Eliz. (cf. GreatRoll34 Eliz.,(under "Somers""), viz the rent of the year 34 Eliz. (cf. same roll & section, under the name of the said Edward Wadham, esq., and others) G : £72-13-4.

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for £65-8s., viz. the rentfrom 8 May, 33 Eliz [1591], nor ought the said annualrentto be chargedto themfrom the said8 May, 33 Eliz., because John Straker answers above³ for this farm from that



3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) SOMERSET 83

date, and thenceforth is required to answer to the Queen by anothercommission , as is statedabove & in previousrolls.

And they [tenants] owe £7-5-4 . And they answerin [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz, under "Somers"" .

[Arrearage ofrent]

A Tenants B : William Gerrard, lately of Clerkenwell , gent, recusant. D: Two-thirds of a third part ofthe manor of Trent [Dorset], with appurtenances in Somerset F: £3-5-7, being part of a certain annual rent of £5-11-2 , viz rent for the half-year ending at Michaelmas 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll, 32 Eliz., under "Res" Somers'").

J: [L. Margin] Not to be written [again], by warrant of the Chancellor [of the Exchequer], untiletc.

[Seized goods & chattels]

EdmundMarvyn , latelyofAshebrittle , Somerset, gent. , recusant , [ ] £3-6-8 charged upon himself & due to the Queen , for the price or value of2 cows & 2 calves, ofthe goods & chattels of the same Edmund, taken & seized into the Queen's hands by Hugh Worthe & others, commissioners; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Somers'".6 [Postscript as under entry [5] above]

†[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[7] farm. A : John Goodwyn, gent [lessee]. C : £5-9s D : Twothirds of one acre of arable land, with appurtenances, in the common fields ("in communibus campis") of Glaston [Glastonbury], called "Wikefeld" , in the tenure of Thomas Dyer or his assigns ; two-thirds of 12 acres of arable land inthecommon fields of Glaston aforesaid in the several tenures of Henry Merefeild, HenrySmyth & William Bradrippe ; two-thirds of 13 acres of arable & pasture land in the common fields aforesaid in the tenure of John Dawes or his assigns ; twothirds ofa tenement or burgage with an orchard ("gardino") adjacent to it, commonlycalled "the signe of the swanne" , in the borough ("burgo") of Welles [Wells]; two-thirds of a moietyofthe rectory of St. John Baptist in the village ("vill"") of Glaston aforesaid, and of the chapelry of St. Beninges and Westpennard [West Pennard], in the tenure of Henry Hutche or his assigns ; and two-thirds of one "le stalehouseet hayhouse" & a parcel of"le barneshaye" , estimatedto contain 14 acres of meadow& pastureland B : John Dawes ofIlchester , "yoman" , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid John Goodwyn, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 24 July, 36 Eliz. [1594]. H(c). H(d): 8d . (for Dyer's holding) ; 8s. 4d (for holdings of Merefeild etc.) ; 13s 4d (for Dawes' holding); 13s 4d (for property in Wells) ; £3-6-8 (for Hutche's holding) ;

3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) SOMERSET

6s 8d (for"le stalehouse" etc.) H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 36 Eliz , under "Somers'" . F : £2-14-6 from precedingyear. G: £8-3-6.

*[Seized land Rental]8

[8] farm . A Tenants. B : John Dawes C : £1-2-4 D :

Two-thirds of one acre of arable land in a certain common field called "Wikefeild" in Glaston, with apps , in Somerset, lately in the tenure of a certain Thomas Dyer, of the clear yearly value, in all issues, of 1s.; two-thirds of 12 acres of arable land lyingin the common fields ofGlaston aforesaidnow or lately in the several tenures of Henry Merifeild, Henry Smyth & William Bradrippe, ofthe clearyearly value of 12s . 6d.; and two-thirds of 13 acres of arable & pasture land lying & existing in the common fields of Glaston aforesaid now or lately in the tenure of the said John Dawes , of the clear yearly value of £1 . E(b) : 31 April, 35 Eliz [1593] E(a) : John Parham, esq., and others. E(c) : RecusancyofthesameJohn [Dawes]. E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 35 Eliz., [ ]⁹ term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. F : £1-13-6 from previous years. G : £2-15-10. J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for this [debt], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforthbyconsideration ofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. MemorandaRoll, L.T.R., 9 Charles I, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And they arequit.

*[Seized land


[9] farm . A : Tenants. B : John Dawes C : 6s 8d D : Two-thirds of a stable ("bovil" ") called "the Stall howse & Thayhowse" , and of a parcel of "Barneshay" , viz. from the east end ofthe barn thereto the high road ("viam domine Regine"), [thence] to a road called "the Drove Way" , and [thence] to a abclose called "the parsonageclose" ; the parcel ofthe premises being estimated to contain 14 acres ofmeadow & pasture land , ofthe clear yearly value (in excess of the rentof£7 payable for this propertyto a certain Richard Iles) of 10s . E(b) : 26July, 35 Eliz [1593]. E(a), (c), (d) : all as entry [8] above F: 10s from previous years G : 16s. 8d.

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for this [debt], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforthfor a reason referred to immediately above, under anotherfarm ofthe tenants of John Dawes . 10 And they are quit.

*[Seized land Rental]8

[10]farm A: Tenants B : John Dawes C : £3-6-8. D : Two-thirds of a moietyof the parsonageor rectoryofSt. John Baptist in the village or town ("in vill' vel opido") of Glaston , Somerset, and ofthe chapelry ofSt. Benninges & WestPennard ,


Somerset, united with & belonging to the said parsonage or Arectory ("parsonag' vel rector' unit' spectan'"), together with a hmoiety ofall houses, barns, stables ("stabul"") & tithe-lands, Pan "terr' decimar" "), oblations ("oblac" ") & profits whatsoever pertainingto the said parsonage or rectory, now or lately in the tenure of a certain Henry Hatch ; of the clear yearly value of £5 E(b) : 9 August, 35 Eliz [1593] E(a), (c), (d) : all as entry[8] above F : £5 from previous years G: £8-6-8. J: [Postscript as under entry[9] above]. And they arequit.

Section D. of MS has "Cf , [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. " ,for"preceding [Recusant] Roll" . Cf. C.R.S., XVIII, p 293 (postscript) 3Cf . entry [2] above 4"Non scri ulterius per warran' Canc' quamdiu etc." . "Space left in MS for the word "deb'" (owes) "Text as C.R.S.XVIII, p 292, 1. 4 seq to "capt' et seisit"" 7unius le stalehouse" etc. in MS The words "boville vocate" ("of a stable called") have presumablybeen omitted after "unius" ; cf. entry [9] below Entries[8], [9], [10] are all in the same(Caroline) hand as their postscripts "Space left in MS for the name of the Term 10I.e. entry [8] above .

[rotulet 19]




[1] Henry Griffythe, esq , sheriff of this county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. to Mich , 37 Eliz , . . renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p. 1 , Berks [ 1]]

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[2] Erasmus Wolseley, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 143 , [2], to H(k) inclus.].

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [John Gifford, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 144, [3], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £22-12-7 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 28 Oct., 37 Eliz (1595], £22-12-7 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Ralph Husbond : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Walter Bluntt "and other recusants " Entry as C.R.S. , LVII, p. 144, [4], to H(k) inclus.]

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [WilliamMacclesfeild, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 144 , [5], to H(k) inclus ]

bel J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] farm. A : Edward Thorne [lessee ]. C : £10-6-8. D.1 : A tenement, with appurtenances, called "Hartesmeare" , and jay various arable & meadow lands in the fields of Hampstall Rydware, Staffs B.1 : Richard Fittzherberte, gent. D.2: Two-thirds of a certain farm called "Bancrofte" , with apps. B.2 : Thomas Collyer, clerk, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid

Edward Thorne H(b) : From 22 Dec., 34 Eliz [1591]. H (c) H(d) as C. H(e) H(k) Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Res' Staff"" , and preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Staff"".2

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]. :

[Seized land. Rental]

[7] [Thomas Chetwinde, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 145 , [7], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Staff'" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[8] [Edward Briche [Birche] & Walter Whittall, recusants Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 145, [8], to H(e) inclus.]

H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz, under "Staff""

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [Edmund Viez, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 146, [9], to H(e) inclus ]

H(k) as entry [8] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Seized goods & chattels)

[10] Edward Thorne, gent , owes £ 125-13-8, charged upon himself , for money ("denar"") taken & seized to the Queen's use ("ad usum domine Regine") of the goods & chattels ofAgnes Knolles, widow, recusant, and other supposed recusants & fugitives ("et al' supposit' Recusanciu' et fugitivor'"), by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 32 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]: as is contained in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Staff"" 3 in a certain discharge made to Richard Bagott, esq , and others, Queen's commissioners [Postscripts] And he [Thorne] answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz , under"Staff"" .

[L. Margin] Diem clausit extremum .

*[Seized land. Rental]

[11]farm. A: Tenants. B: Simon Ryder, "yoman" , recusant. C: £3-6-8. D: Two-thirds of a messuage or tenement, with appurtenances , in Westbromewhiche [West Bromwich] ; also

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) STAFFS N 87

ofa water-mill with the water& water-course ("aque curs"") belonging to the said mill, and the fishing-rights("piscar"") of the said water, with apps , in Westbromwiche aforesaid, inthe tenure of Nicholas Smithe or his assigns. E(b) : 1 Oct., 36 Eliz. [1594]. E(a) : Sir Edward Aston, knt , and others. E(c) Recusancyof the same Simon E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]5

[12]farm. A: HenryFynche [lessee] C : £6-6-11 for Michaelmas, 37 Eliz. , being part of an annual rent of £12-13-10.

moD: A moiety of the farm of "Lytlewood" in the parish of Bradley ; a moiety of the demense lands of Lord Edward Stafford ("domini Edwardi Staff"") in Bradley aforesaid in Abethe tenure of Robert Steele or his assigns ; a whole tenement, with apps., in Bradley aforesaid in the tenure ofthe said Robert Steele or his assigns ; and a whole cottage, with apps , in Bradley aforesaid in the tenure of Katherine Stapleton or her assigns : being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B : William Stapleton, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid HenryFynche, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Ladyday 37 Eliz. [1595]. H(c) H(d): £10 (for Lytlewood) ; £1-13-4 (forthe demesne lands) ; £1 (for the Bradley tenement) ; 6d. (for the Bradley cottage). H(e). H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz., under "Staff""

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[13]A: The same sheriff, viz Henry Gryffythe, esq.

B : [2] £15 (Thomas Greysley, from Wolseley's lands) ;

[4] £16-3-10 (HughCuffe, from properties ofBluntt etc.)

[5] £8-11-11 (Hugh Worthe, from Macclesfeild's lands) ; [6] £10-6-8 (Thorne, from property of Fittzherberte & Collyer) ; [7] £2-4-5 & two-thirdsof d . (Chetwinde's tenants) ; [8] £47-2-2 & two-thirds of d (Thomas Hill etc. from lands of Briche & Whittall) ; [9] £2 (Thomas (Higgenson, from Viez's lands) ; [11] £3-6-8 (Ryder's tenants)

C : £104-15-10.

D : [4] Cuffe answers for his debt in thefollowing [Recusant] Rollunder"Staff"" , after hisfarm .

[9] Higgensonetc. answer for their debt in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz . , under"Staff"" , after theirfarm.6

[6] Thorneanswers for his debtin same roll& section, after hisfarm.6

[8] Hill etc. answer for their debt in same roll & section , after their [two] separate farms.

E : And on 23 Nov., 39 Eliz [1596], £29-3-2 was paidintothe Treasury by the said sheriff , to settle the remainder of his account . And he has a surplus oftwo-thirds of d. whichhe remits to the Queen . And he is quit.

[Record of annual fine-payment due]?

[14]A John Draycote, esq C. D : £ 120 H. E: From 26

Oct., 38 Eliz [1596] to 12 April , 39 Eliz. [1597], viz for 6 [lunar] months K. G.

P: But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt]byconsideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 33 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he isquit.

A: John Draycote, esq C. D : £140 H. E: From 12 April, 39 Eliz to 25 Oct., 39 Eliz [1597], viz for 7 [lunar] months . K. G.

P: [Postscript as under preceding item]

1Cf. entry [13]. And heisquit.

Cf. C.R.S.LVII, p 144 , [6] 3Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, pp 146-7, [10]to[19] inclus., and p. 156 , footnote 11 a writ to thesheriffto recover moneyfor the Crown fromthe effects of a deceased debtorin this case, Edward Thorne. C.R.S. XVIII, p 296, 1. 20 seq . answered ("respondetu]r") The sheriff (Gryffythe) was therefore 'Cf.C.R.S. , LVII, Introd, p lxxxvi,for ndo) discharged ofthis item ad Draycote's case .



Titleof 5Cf . "Note in L. Margin : It is


[1] Thomas Croftes, esq , sheriff of this county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. to Mich , 37 Eliz .... renders an account ...[etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1 ]]

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[2] [John Bedingefeild, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 157 , [2], to H(k) inclus.]

J: On 29 [ 1,137 Eliz., £7-13-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 27 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £7-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Dunston : lessee ] is quit.

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Thomas Stone, alias Oliver, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 157 , [3], to E(d) inclus.2].

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse of this rotulet.³ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Ann Rowse , recusant H(k) inclus ]

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 158, [5], to

F: £40 for Robert Forth, esq., sheriff ofthe precedingyear (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Suff""), viz. rent for the preceding year, & the arrears (cf. same roll, under "Suff"").

VG: £60 .

J: On 16 May, 35Eliz [1593], £10 was paidfrom thisfarminto the Treasury. And on 4 Dec. , 37 Eliz. [1594], £30 was paid ... [etc. as above] under the name of Thomas Meene. And he [Androwes lessee] owes£20, beingtherentfor thecurrentyear. But he [Androwes] ought not to be summoned for this rent from Michaelmas of this year, because Thomas Meene answers on the dorse of the present rotulet for this farmfrom thesaid Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., by anothercommission . And he [Edward Androwes] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [Roger Marten, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 158, [6], to H(k) inclus ].

J: On ult. April, 37 Eliz [1595], £38-11-5 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 5 Nov. , 37 Eliz [1595], £38-11-5 was paid ... [etc. as above].

And they [Thomas Keys & Thomas Stowe: lessees] arequit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] [Robert Rookewood, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 159 , [7], to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 3 May, 37Eliz [1595] £51-7-3 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 5 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595[, £51-7-3was paid ... [etc. as above].

And they [Thomas Keys & Thomas Stowe : lessees] arequit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[7] [John Danyell & William Danyell, recusants Entry asC.R.S. , LVII, p. 159, [8], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On ult April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £15 was paid from this farm into the Treasury. And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £15 was paid ... [etc. asabove]. And he [MatthewCripes : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [Henry Hubert, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 159, [9], to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[9] [Robert deGrey, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 159, [10], to H(k) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[10][Henry Everard, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 160 , [11], to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[11][Christopher Toftwood, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 161, [13], to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[12] [Robert Jettor, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 161, [14], to E(d) inclus ]

J: On ult May, 37 Eliz [1595], £13-14-2 was paid from this farm into theTreasury And thesurplus whichthetenantsofthis farm have from the year 33 Eliz. £5-3-11 (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz., under "Suff""). And the surplus which the same tenants havefrom the precedingyear [34 Eliz ] = 9s 11 d. (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Suff"") And on 4 Feb. , 38 Eliz [1595/6], £19-8-0 was paid from this farm into the Treasury . And they [tenants] arequit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13] [Elizabeth Drurye, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 161 , [15], to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 7 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £5 was paid .. [etc. as above]. And he [William Hunnys : lessee] is quit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[14] Richard Norton, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 162 , [16], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz, under "Suff"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry[3] above]

[Seized land. Rental]

[15][John Rookewood, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 162 , [18], to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) as entry [14] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[3] above].

[Lease of seized land.

[16] [Eve Yaxley, recusant. H(f) inclus ].5

Rental]Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 162, [19], to H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz., under "Suff"" .

J: On 29 April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £10-11-8 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 27 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £10-11-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Ralph Lathome : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental] 91 16

[17]farm . A : Thomas Webber, of the Queen's private kitchen [lessee] C : £36-13-4. D : The manors ofMilles, Wrightes alias Glemhams, Dame Margeries, Blenches & Baventtes , with all their rights, members & appurtenances, in Milles, Wennesden, Walpoole, Cookeley, Holton, Cheston, Wissett, Halesworthe & Spexhall, Suffolk, and 2 water-mills, with certain lands & tenements specified in the preceding (Recusant] Roll under "Suff""6; being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B: Walter Norton, lately of Cheston aforesaid, esq. , recusant, deceased H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Webber, his andexecutors& assigns H(b) : From 16 March, 36 Eliz. [1593/4]. H(d) : for manors of Milles etc.) until Michaelmas, A.D. 1595, nm and thereafter £50 for the rest of the term granted by these presents ("duran' resid' termini per presentes preconcess'"); and £6-13-4 (for the manors of Blenches & Braventtes with apps.). H(e). H(k) :Cf. preceding[Recusant] Rollunder"Suff"" .6

J: On 25 April, 37 Eliz [1595], £18-6-8 was paidfrom this mofarm into the Treasury, under "Norff"" . And on 5 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £18-6-8 was paid from thisfarm into the Treasury. And he [Thomas Webber] is quit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[18]farm . A Thomas Lee, alias Webber, of the Queen's private kitchen [lessee] C : £36 D: The whole manorofMagna Weltham, Suffolk, together with the various other manors , moy messuages, lands & tenements specified in the preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Suff"" ; being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B : Henry Drewrye, lately of Lawshall, Suff ., esq , recusant, deceased. H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Lee, alias Webber, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 2 July, 35 Eliz. [1593]. H(c). H(d) as C. H(e) H(k) as entry [17] above.

J: But he [Lee aliasWebber] ought not to be summoned forthis [rent], nor ought the said rent to be chargedhenceforth, for a reason referredto in thepreceding[Recusant]Rollunder"Suff"" , in the samefarm. And he [Lee alias Webber] is quit.

[rotulet 20, dorse]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[19][John Danyell, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 166, [24], to H(f) inclus.].8 H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Res' Suff"" .

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.³

[L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Arrearage ofrent]

[20]A George Lee [lessee] D: Two-thirds of the manor of Cawstons, alias Caxtons, with apps. , in Corneard Parva , with

. 36-37


apps. in Suffolk B : Robert de Grey, lately ofMarten , Suff . , esq. , recusant. F:[ ] £11-9-11 ofanannual rent of£22-17-9, viz. part ofthe rent for the year 32 Eliz (cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Res' Suff"" 10

J: [Postscripts as under entry[19] above].

†[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[21]farm. A Thomas Meene [lessee] C : £20. D: Twothirdsof a lease ofcertain lands & tenements, with apps., in the village ("villa") ofDynnington[Dennington ], Suff., forcertain years yet to run ("adhuc duraturis '). B : Ann Rowse, widow , recusant. E(a) : Sir Nicholas Bacon, knt , and others. E(b) 7 Oct., 30 Eliz. [1588] H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Meene, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. [1594] H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz , under "Suff"" .

[Record of annual finepaid] : [22]A Edward Rookewood, esq. C. D: £260 H. E : From 1 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594] to ult Sept. , 37 Eliz , viz for 13 [lunar] months.

K. G.

P : On 2 June, 37 Eliz [1595], £140 was paid into the Treasury. Andon28 Nov. , 38 Eliz [1595], £120 was paid ... [etc.].

[Record ofannual finepaid] And he isquit

[23]A Edward Sullyard, esq C. D : £260 H. E : From 17 Oct., 36 Eliz [1594] to 16 Oct., 37 Eliz , viz for 13 [lunar] months

K. G.

P : On28 May, 37Eliz. [1595], £140was paid intotheTreasury. And on 20 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595], £120 was paid ... [etc] And he isquit.

[Record ofannual fine paid]

[24]A Michael Hare, esq C. D : £260. H. E : From ult. Oct., 36 Eliz [1594] to 30 Oct., 37 Eliz, viz for 13 [lunar] months.

K. G.

P : On28 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £140 waspaid into theTreasury. Andon 4 Nov. , 37 Eliz [1595], £120 was paid ... [etc.].

[Statement of sheriff's arrears] And he isquit.

[25]A The same sheriff, viz. Thomas Croftes, esq.

B : [3] £8-17-91(Stone, alias Oliver's tenants) ; [8] £2-13-4 (Henry Marwood, from Hubert's lands) ; [9] £22-17-9 (George Lee, from de Grey's lands) ; [10] £33-19-21 & farthing (Lawrence Hussey, from Everard's lands ); [11] £2-17-9 & two-thirds of d. (Matthew Crippes, from Toftwood's lands) ; [14] £20 (Norton's tenants) ; [15]

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) SUFFOLK 93

17s 9d. & two-thirds of d. (Rookewood's tenants) ; [19]

£43-6-8 (Thomas Felton, from Danyell's lands) ; [20]

£11-9-1 (Lee'sarrears)

C : £146-19-5.

D : [14]Norton's tenants answer for their debt in the following [Recusant] Roll under "Suff"" , after their farm . 11

[19] On 25 April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £21-13-4 waspaid intothe Treasury under thenameofThomas Hayes , for Thomas Felton. And on 29 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £21-13-4was paid ... [etc. as above].

[8] Marwood answers for his debt in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under "Suff"" , after hisfarm . 11

[9] Lee answers for his debt in same roll & section, after hisfarm . 11

[11] Crippes answers for his debt in same roll & section . after hisfarm . 11

[15] Rookewood'stenantsanswer for their debt in same roll & section , after theirfarm . 11

[20] Leeanswers for his debtin same roll& section . 11

E : And on 6 Dec., 39 Eliz [1596], £42-17s was paidinto the Treasury by the saidsheriffto settlethe remainderofhis account for recusants . And he has [a surplus].12

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]13

[26] A Thomas Hensley, lately of Wetherden, Suff., "yoman" . C.D £100. F : £80. G. H. J For 4 months nextfollowing 1 March, 38 Eliz. [1595/6]. L : £20 M : Thursday in the 2nd week of Lent, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N: From date of conviction to 24 March next following, viz for one [lunar] month. O.

P: But heoughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], forareason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 2 James 1 , under "Item Suff"" , in another debtofthesame Thomas Hensley Andheisquit.

Mary Shereman, wife ofAnthonyShereman, latelyofYaxley,gent ..

JohnSewell,latelyofthe same, "yoman" [ Katherine Hall, wife ofJohn Hall, lately ]14£100for the like ] of Fynbarrowe [Finborough ], gent [ ] Nicholas Evererd, latelyof Eye, gent.

owes 33


[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt],for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll40 Eliz, under "Suff" in the farm of the tenants of the lands & tenements of the aforesaidNicholas Everard.

John Smithe, lately of Redlingfeild, "husb""

John Lyntall, lately of Hawley [Haughley], gent. And he isquit. [ ] £ 100 for thelike. [ ]

[Ann Mannock, lately of Grundesburgh, gentlewoman15

Margaret Tunstall, lately of the same , "spinster"

Thomas Sullyard, lately of the same, gent.

Mary Tymperley, lately of Mycklefeild [Mickfield], gentlewoman15

Ann Tymperley, lately of the same, gentlewoman15

John Dunne, lately of Ippeswiche, gent [

Joan Bales, wife ofThomas Bales, lately ofWilbye, gent.

Henry Parker, lately of Dynnington [Dennington ], "yoman"

Bridget Browne, lately of the same , flowone"spinster"

Bridget Mowlton, lately of the same


Robert Woodward, lately of Syleham, "yoman" .

John Mowlton, lately of Stoke juxta Nayland [Stoke by Nayland], "yoman"

Thomas Bragge, alias Tynkes, ofMelford [? Long Melford], "yoman" .

Henry Daniell, lately ofActon, gent..

Margaret Daniell, his wife

Margaret Marten, lately of Melford, gentlewoman15

William Knappinge, lately of the same ,

Bridget Browne, lately of the same ,

Elizabeth Drurye, lately of Lawshull [Lawshall], widow "yoman" 'spinster"

William Tyller, lately of Stannyngfeild,

"yoman" [Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt],for a reasonreferred to in [Recusant) Roll6 James I, under"Item Suff"" , in another debt ofthe same William. And heisquit.

Ann Ludbrooke, lately of the same , "spinster"

Dorothy Flower, lately of the same , "spinster" [ ] £ 100 for thelike [ ] owes

Nicholas Rookewood, lately of Ewston [Euston], gent

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt],for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll2 James I, under"Item Suff"" , in anotherdebt ofthe same Nicholas And he isquit.

Elizabeth Knapton, lately of Melford, "spinster"

Clemence Payne, lately of the same , "spinster"

Ann Rolffe , latelyofLawshull , "spinster"

] £ 100 for thelike.

16A : Katherine Nuttall, lately of Swilland, Suff , "spinster"

B. D : £180 F : £120. G. H. J : For 6 months next following 1 Sept. , 38 Eliz [1596]. L : £60 M: Wednesday, 1022 June, 39 Eliz [1597]. N: From date of conviction to 14 Sept. next following, viz for 3 [lunar] months. O.

Edmund Nuttall, latelyofthe same, gent [ ] £ 180 forthelike.

Robert Drewe, lately of Estbergholt [East Bergholt] in the parish of Estbergholt, "weaver"

Margaret Aldriche, lately of Romboroughe [Rumburgh], Suff ., "spinster"

FrancesAldriche, lately of Romborowe, "spinster" [ ] ] 9 95 وو دو [ ] £180 forthelike. [ ] owes دو

Henry Coller, lately of Oulton, Suff., gent. [Postscript] But he ought not to be summonedfor this [debt], by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 40 Eliz., Michaelmas term , Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he is quit

"Nameofthemonth omittedin MS "In section B, MS has "by virtue of an Act of the Parliamentbegun at Westminster29 Oct., 28 Eliz . " for "by virtue of the aforesaid Act" 3Cf . entry [25] "Cf. entry [21] "In sectionD, MS has "cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz. " for "cf. preceding[Recusant] Roll" . "Cf. CRS ., LVII, p 163 , [21] Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 164, [22] $The word "Hall" is omitted after "Abbas" . In section D, the text also substitutes "cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz " for "preceding [Recusant] Roll" . "Space left in MS for word "deb'" (owes) ; apparently a clerical oversight . 10Cf. C.R.S., XVIII, p 323 , 1. 34 . "Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Croftes) was therefore discharged of this item. 12Et hab'[superplus ]" in MS ; actuallya surplusof d & halfa farthing

13This and the following items, toAnn Rolffe inclus , are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio").

14Thebracketshere & in items belowindicatea space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "deb'" (owes).

15"generos'" in MS Theword is rarelyfound inthecase ofwomen

16This and the remaining items are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued.




("Surr' Sussex'")

[1] William Gardener, esq , sheriffofthis countyfrom Michaelmas, 36 Eliz to Mich., 37 Eliz .... renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks [1]]

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[2] [Edward Banyster, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 170, [2], to H(f) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. Great Roll, 33 Eliz, under "Surr' Sussex'" F: £55-11-2 for Herbert Pelham, esq., sheriff ofthe year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz, under "Item Sussex""), viz the rent for the year 32 Eliz. (cf. same roll, under "Surr' Sussex'") G: £111-2-4

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Henry Norton, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 170, [3], to E(d) inclus.]¹

F: £4-13-4 from previous years. G : £7.

[Seized land. Rental]

[4] [Agnes Pilcher, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 171 , [4], to E(d) inclus ].

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse of this rotulet.2 [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

wwww [Seized land. Rental]

[5] [Nicholas Wolff, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 171, [5], to E(d) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] [Thomas Gage, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 171 , [7], to H(k) inclus ].

F: £19-5s for Herbert Pelham, esq., sheriff of the year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz under "Item Sussex'"), viz part of the rent for the year 32 Eliz, & the arrears (cf. same roll, under "Surr' Sussex' ") G : £40-1-8

J: The sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotuletfor £4-8-4of this debt.2

[L.Margin] iiij.l. viij.s. iiij.d.

[Lease of seized land. Rental] And he owes £35-13-4 . Entry as C.R.S., LVII, [7] [Katherine, Lady Copley, recusant p 172, [8], to H(f) inclus ].

H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Sussex" "

F: £33-2s for Herbert Pelham, esq., sheriff of the year 32 "

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) SURREY AND SUSSEX 97

Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz, under "Item Sussex'"), viz part of the rent for the year 31 Eliz. (cf. same roll, under "Surr' Sussex'"). G : £99-5-11 & two-thirds of d

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[8] farm . A : Thomas Palgrave & John Murfyne [lessees].

C : £5, being part [of an original rent] of £10 . [William Assheborneham , recusant. Rest of entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 172, [9], to H(f) inclus.].3

H(k) as entry [7] above F: £5 for Herbert Pelham, esq , sheriff of the year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "Item Sussex'"), viz part of the rentfor the year 32 Eliz. (cf. same roll, under Surr' Sussex'"). G : £10

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above]

[Seized land. Rental]

[9] [Lancelot Gildridge, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 173, [11], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Sussex'" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above ]

[Lease ofseized land


[10][Thomas Tyndall, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 173 , [12], to H(f) inclus ]

H(k) as entry [7] above. F : £3-6-8 from preceding year. G : £6-13-4.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[11] [John Assheborneham , recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 173, [13], to H(f) inclus ].4

H(k) as entry [7] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [John Assheborneham , recusant Entry as C.R.S. , LVII, p. 173, [14], to H(e) inclus ].4

H(k) as entry [7] above

J: On 28 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 15 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £5 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Cordell : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13] [Thomas Pownde, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 174, [15], to H(e) inclus ].4

H(k) as entry [7] above.

moJ: On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £37-0-10 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 8 Nov. , 37 Eliz. [1595],


£37-0-10 was paid ... [etc. as above] under the names ofthe tenantsofthepremises, under the heading"Southt'" . And he [Thomas Henslowe : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[14][Alice Gildridge, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 174, [16], to H(f) inclus.]

H(k) as entry [7] above F : £26-13-4 for Robert Lyvesey, esq., sheriff of the year 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz , under "Item Sussex""), viz the rent for the year 33 Eliz., & the arrears (cf. same roll, under "Surr' Sussex'"). G : £40

J: [Postscripts as under entry[4] above]

[Seized land. Rental]

[15] [George Faukes, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 175 ,

[18], to E(c) inclus.]

E(d) adds "and preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Surr' Sussex'" . F : £16 from preceding year. G : £32.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[16] [Joan Ockenden , recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 175,

[20], to E(c) inclus ]

E(d) as entry [15] above

[Seized land Rental]

[17][William Assheborneham , recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 176, [21], to E(c) inclus.].

E(d) as entry[15] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[18] [Thomas Assheborneham , recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 176, [22], to E(c) inclus ].

E(d) as entry [15] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[19]farm. A: Walter Windesor, esq., [lessee]. C : £13-6-8

D: The whole manor of Ryver & Flott, with all its rights, members & appurtenances in Sussex, together withthe other messuages, lands & tenements, with apps , in Sussex , specified in the preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Surr' Sussex'"; being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B: Mary Scott ofIden, Sussex, "spinster" , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Walter Windesor, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas, 35 Eliz [1593]. H(c) H(d) as C. H(e)

H(k) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Surr' Sussex'".5 J: On2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £6-13-4was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 27 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £6-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Windesor] isquit

[rotulet 21, dorse]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[20] Thomas Bowyer, Richard Lewkenor & William Barneham , esqs , [ ] £4-7-4, charged upon themselves , which they have taken of the goods & chattels of Thomas Tyndall, recusant; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Sussex'" . [Postscripts]Forwhich the sheriffanswers below.2 [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Arrearage ofrent]8

[21] A Edward Gage , esq [lessee ] D : Two-thirdsofthe manor of Marisfeld [Maresfield], with all its rights, members& apps, in Sussex , together with the various other messuages, lands & tenements , with apps , specified in the Great Roll 31 Eliz , under "Adhuc Item Sussex' " " B : Lady Elizabeth Gage, widow , recusant F: [ ]

£37-13-4 for Herbert Pelham, esq. , sheriff of the year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz , under "Item Sussex'") viz. the rent for the half-yearending Michaelmas, 32 Eliz (cf. Great Rolls, 32 Eliz , under "Surr' Sussex'" , and 31 Eliz., under "AdhucItem Sussex'").

J: [Postscripts as under entry [20]above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[22]A Tenants D : Two-thirds of the manor of Dichelinge Garden, estimated to contain 120 acres, in Dichelinge [Ditchling] aforesaid ; and two-thirds of a moietyofthe profitsofthe annual rents ("profic' annual' reddit'") of the manor of Ersham, alias Halesham, in Halesham [Hailsham], Sussex . B : Thomas Gage, esq., recusant. F: [ ] £20-16-8 for Thomas Pelham, esq , sheriff ofthe year 31 [sic] Eliz (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "Item Sussex' "), viz the rent for one full year ending Michaelmas 31 Eliz (cf. Great Rolls, 31 Eliz, under "Surr' Sussex'" , and 30 Eliz , under "Item Sussex'").

J: [Postscripts as under entry [20] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[23]John Stidolff of Chertsey, Surrey, gent , [ ] £1-10s. for the price or value of the goods & chattels ofthe same John, seized into the Queen's hands & reported ("retornat'") by Edmund Bowyer,esq. and others, commissioners ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz. , Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. [Postscripts as under entry[20] above]. H H

100 ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) SURREY AND SUSSEX

[Seized goods & chattels]

[24[ Sir Walter Covert, knt , [ ]6 £9-18-4, charged upon himself and by him received("et per ipsum recept" "), forthe price or value ofthe goods & chattels of George Faukes , recusant,taken into the Queen's hands & reported byThomas Bysshoppe, esq , and others, commissioners; cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll under "Surr' Sussex'".9

[Postscripts as under entry [20] above].

[Arrearage of rent]

[25] A Tenants. B : John Assheburneham , esq., recusant. D : Two-thirds of the manor of Assheburneham, and other lands & tenements of the said John E(b) : 13 April, 32 Eliz. [1590] F: [ ] £53-4-51 & half a farthing, being part of a certain annual rent of £106-8-10% , viz. rent from the time of seizure to Michaelmas next following ; cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Sussex"" 10 J: [Postscripts as under entry [20] above].

[Record of annual fine paid]

[26]A John Gage, esq C. D: £260 H. E : From 30 Oct. , 36 Eliz [1594] to 29 Oct., 37 Eliz., viz. for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P: On30May, 37Eliz. [1595], £120 waspaid into theTreasury. And on 20 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1595], £140 was paid ... [etc.].

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears] And he isquit

[27]A : The same sheriff, viz William Gardener, esq. B : [4] £2-13-4 (Pilcher's tenants) ; [5] £15-11-1 (Wolff's tenants) ; [6] £4-8-4 (Richard Olyve, from Tho. Gage's lands) ; [8] £10 (Palgrave etc., from W. Assheborneham's lands) ; [9] £5-6-8 (L. Gildridge's tenants) ; [10] £6-13-4 (John Johnson, from Tyndall's lands) ; [ 11 ] £106-8-10 & two-thirds of d. (William Cordell, from J. Assheborneham's lands) ; [14] £40 (John Salisbury, from A. Gildridge's lands) ; [15] £32 (Faukes's tenants) ; [17] 13s 4d (W. Assheborneham's tenants) ; [18] 13s. 4d (T. Assheborneham's tenants) ; [20] £4-7-4 (Bowyer etc. from Tyndall's goods) ; [21]£37-13-4 (E. Gage, from Lady Gage's lands) ; [22] £20-16-8 (T. Gage's tenants) ; [23] £1-10s (Stidolff's goods) ; [24] £9-18-4 (Covert, from Faukes's goods) ; [25] £53-4-51 & half a farthing (J. Assheburneham's tenants).

C: £351-18-5 .

E : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz, under "Surr' Sussex""

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) SURREY AND SUSSEX 101

†[Lease ofseized land. Rental]" [28]farm . A: Isaac Burges, a gentleman of the chapel royal [lessee]. C : £66-3-11 . D: (1) Two-thirds of the capital messuage [or]manor of Roughey and ofa parkthere, estimated to contain 100 acres of land, in Horsham, Sussex, now or latelyin the tenure or occupation ofJames Shelley, gent , or his assigns for an annual rent of £6-13-4; (2) two-thirds of a messuage called "Deanehouse" and 100 acres of land in Horsham aforesaid, nowor lately in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Tolpott or his assigns, for an annual rent of£22-6-8; (3) two-thirds of 50 acres ofland in Horsham aforesaid, nowor latelyin the tenure or occupation ofRobert Peteror his assigns , for an annual rent of £9 ; (4) two-thirds of40 acres (byestimation) of land in Horsham aforesaid, nowor lately in the tenure or occupation of George Hall or his assigns, for an annual rent of £6 ; (5) two-thirds of 60 acres (by estimation) of land in Horsham aforesaid, now or latelyin the tenure oroccupation of John Jenner or his assigns, for an annual rent of£10 ; (6) twothirdsof 30 acres ofland in Horsham aforesaid, noworlatelyin thetenure or occupation ofRoger Diamonde or his assigns,for an annual rent of £2-10s ; (7) two-thirds of a messuage & 8 acres of land in Horsham aforesaid, lately in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Stempe or his assigns, for an annual rent of 16s.; (8) two-thirds of a messuage & 30 acres of land in Horsham aforesaid, latelyin the tenure of Richard Ellis, for an annual rent of £5 ; (9) two-thirdsof a messuage & 140 acres of land in Horsham aforesaid, now or lately in the tenure or occupation of Ralph Aston or his assigns, for an annual rent of £20 (10) two-thirdsofa messuage & 60 acres (by estimation) of land in Rusper, Sussex , now or latelyin the tenure ofJohn Worsfold or his assigns, for an annual rent of £8 ; (11) twothirdsofa certain rent of £9, [being] quit-rent ("quiet" reddit"") paid annuallyby various tenants ofthe manors ("maner"") of Roughey & Warneham,in Horsham, Warneham & Rusper, Co. Sussex B : Katherine, Lady Copeley of Horsham, Sussex , "spinster" , recusant E(b) : 13 April, 32 Eliz [1590] E(a) : Thomas Bowyer, esq., and others H(a) : Aforesaid Isaac Burges, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 22 Dec., 34 Eliz [1591]. H(c) H(d) : £4-8-10 & two-thirds of d (for (1), Shelley's holding) ; £14-17-91 & farthing (for (2), Tolpott's holding) ; £6 (for (3), Peter's holding) ; £4 (for (4), Haul's [sic] holding) ; £6-13-4 (for (5), Jenner's holding) ; £1-13-4 (for (6), Diamonde's holding) ; 10s 8d (for (7), Stempe'sholding) ; £3-6-8 (for (8), Ellis's holding) ; £13-6-8 (for (9), Aston's holding) ; £5-6-8 (for (10), Worsfold's holding) ; £6 (for (11), quit-rents) H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 34 Eliz. , under "Sussex'" F: £198-11-10 from previous years . G : £264-15–10

102 ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

[rotulet 7b, dorse]

SURREY AND SUSSEX ("Res' Sussex'")

[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy)12 [29] A Thomas Tyndall ofArlington, Sussex, gent C. D : £40

F: £20 G. H. J : For 1 month next following 1 June, 38 Eliz [1596] L : £20 M : Monday, 21 Feb., 39 Eliz

[1596/7]. N: From date of conviction to 21 March next following, viz. for 1 [lunar] month, O.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration ofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 1 Charles I, Hilary term , "Recorda" section' 19rot. [ ]. And heis quit.

Thomas Riddocke of Alfriston, Sussex , "yeoman" . owes £40 for the like. [Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 43 Eliz, under "Item Sussex"" , in another debt of the same Thomas.


WilliamHamon ofBedingham [Beddingham], Sussex, "yeoman"

John Eastland of Horsted Keynes, "yeoman" .

William Alford of Westmiston [? WestAnd he is quit. [ ]13 £40 forthelike.

[ ]] meston], "yeoman" [ ]

William Loamer of Upmerden [Upmarden], "yeoman" [ ]

MargaretSudweeke of Hartinge , "spinster" [ ]

Elizabeth Davye of Upmarden, "spinster" [ ]

Ann Estlandeof Horsted Keynes, "spinster" [ ]

Thomasine Mathewman of Pevemsey [Pevensey], "spinster"

Mary Thatcher of Westham, "spinster"

Joan Balcombe of Estgrinsted [East Grinstead], "spinster" [ ]

A: William Cock ofSouthwarke, in the parish of St. George, Surrey, gent. B. D : £100 F: £80. G. H. J: For 4 months next following 1 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596] L : £20

M: Thursday, 24 Feb., 39 Eliz [1596/7] N: From date of conviction to 24 Feb. [sic] next following, viz. for 1 [lunar] month. O.

JohnSparrowe of the same , gent. [ ] £100 forthelike.

A: Walter Bluntt, lately of the parish of St. George [Southwark], Surrey, gent B. D : £100 F : £80. G. H. J: For4 months next following 5 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596]. L,M, N, O all as under William Cock above.

Robert Bellamye of the same parish and county, gent ..

William Stanye, of the same, gent

Richard Webster of the same, "yoman" [

Robert Page of the same, "yoman"

John Stretford of the same, "yoman"

John Morsse of the same, gent

Anthony Garnett of the same , clerk ("clericus") ] £100 for the like. 23 ,, E ] ] [ ] ,, ,,

¹In section B, MS has "by virtue of an Act of the Parliament held atWestminster29 Oct., 28 Eliz " instead of "by virtue of the aforesaid Act" . 2Cf . entry [27] "But in section H(d), MS has "£5" instead of "£10" "In section D, MS has "cf. [Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz. " instead of"cf. preceding [Recusant ] Roll" . 5Cj

C.R.S. , LVII, p 176, [231 "Space left in MS for the word "deb " (owes) : apparently a clerical oversight .

C.R.S. XVIII, p 338, 1. 16 seq to "Recusantis" LVII, p 171, [6] Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p. 175, [19]. "Text as 8Cf . C.R.S., 10Cf. 1Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, p. 172 , C.R.S., XVIII, p 337 1. 42 seq. [8]. The specified properties(sections D. and H(d) below) are not numbered in theoriginal 12Allthe items underthis heading are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). 13The brackets here & in items belowindicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "deb'"(owes)

[rotulet22] [Preamble]



[1] Edward Grevill, esq., sheriff of this county for this year, renders an account ...[etc. as Bucks [1]

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [Thomas Higgenson, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 182 , [2], to E(d) inclus.]. F: £13-6-8 from previous years G : £20.

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Thomas Higgenson, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 182 , [3], to E(b) inclus ] : E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Warr'" . F : £20 from previous years. G : £26-13-4.

[Seized land Rental]

[4] [Thomas Greene, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 182, [4], to E(b) inclus ] E(d) as entry [3] above. F: £13-6-8 from previous years. G: £20

104 ROLL3. MICH. 36-37ELIZ. (1594-5)

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [Margaret Atwood, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 182 , [5], to E(b) inclus]

E(d) as entry [3] above £13-6-8.

[Seized land. Rental]

F : £10 from previous years. G :

[6] [Elizabeth Ferrers, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 182 [6], to E(b) inclus.]

E(d) as entry [3] above Ma G : £37-15-4

*[Seized land. Rental]

F : £28-6-6 from previous years.

[7] farm . A Tenants B : Henry Sidnall, "yoman" , recusant

C : £2 D : Two-thirds of a messuage called "Yardles" , in the tenure of Henry Huntt ; of a messuage called "Judden" [? or Indden], in the tenure of Edward Lea ; of a messuage called "Yarnoles and Cowshutfeild" , in the tenure of HenryBiddell; and of various other lands called "Palmers" , "Newland" and "Mareton" , with appurtenances, in the parish of Tamworth [? Tanworth], Warwicks E(b) : 4 Nov., 36 Eliz [1594]

E(a) Thomas Dabridgecourt , esq., and others, commissioners appointed for this purpose ('in hac parte appunctuat"").

E(c) Recusancy of the same Henry [Sidnall]. E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz, Michaelmas term , "Recorda' section, rotulet [ ].

[rotulet 25]




[1] George, Earl of Cumberland, sheriff of this county for this year, renders an account ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Seized land Rental]

[2] Andrew Hilton, recusant. Entry C.R.S., LVII, p. 183, [1], to E(d) inclus.]. F : £17 from previous years. G: £19 .

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] [Henry Blinkinsoppe and Andrew Hilton, recusants. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 183, [2], to H(f) inclus ]. ¹ H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Westmorl"" F: £23-1-8from previous years. G : £34-12-6

"In section D, MS has"cf. [Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Westmorl'"" instead of"cf. preceding[Recusant] Roll" .

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

[rotulet 23]




[1] Edward Hungerford , esq , sheriff of this county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz to Mich., 37 Eliz . . . renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p. 1 , Berks [1 ]]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [William Fawkener , recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 184 , [2], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £27-13-4 was paid from this farm into theTreasury And on 3 Nov., 37Eliz. [1595], £27-13-4 waspaid ... [ above]. And he [Sir James Marvin lessee] isquit

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [John Grove, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 185, [3], to E(d) inclus ].

F : £35-11-1 for John Thynne, esq , sheriff ofthe preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Wiltes""), viz. the rentforthe year 35 Eliz. , and the arrears (cf. same roll, under "Wiltes""). G : £53-6-81 .

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹ [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized land Rental]

[4] [John Codrington, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 185 , [4], to E(d) inclus ]. F : £400 from previous years. G : £466-13-4.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [George Walrand, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 185, 15], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £6-13-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £6-13-4 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he ["Fremanus" Yonge lessee] isquit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] farm. A: Robert Penruddocke [lessee]. C: £8-17-10, being the remainder [of an original rent] of £13-6-8. [John Codrington, recusant. Rest of entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 185 , [6], to H(f) inclus.].2

H(k) adds"and preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Wiltes""

J: On 7 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £4-8-11 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £4-8-11 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Robert Penruddocke] isquit.

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Richard Warneford, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 186, [7], to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 3 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £5-6-8 was paid from thisfarm into theTreasury And on 27 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £5-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]

And he [John Gregorye : lessee ] isquit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [ThomasGawen, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 186, [8], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £14-2-3 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov. , 37 Eliz [1595], £14-2-3 was paid ... [etc. as above].

And he [John Carpenter : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [John Shelley, recusant H(k) inclus ].

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 186, [9], to

abJ: But he [Stone : lessee] ought not to be summonedfor this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforth, by byconsideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]

[Seized land Rental]

[10] [David Grove, recusant

And he [Edward Stone] is quit

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 187, [10], to E(c) inclus.].

E(d): Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Wiltes'" F : £12 for John Thynne, esq., sheriff ofthe precedingyear [cf. precedneing [Recusant] Roll, under "Wiltes""), viz. rent for the preceding year (cf. same roll, under "Wiltes"") G : £24

J: Butthey [tenants] ought not to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be chargedhenceforth , for a reason referred to below, in anotherfarm of the tenantsofthe aforesaid lands.3 Andthey arequit.

*[Seized land Rental]

[11]farm . A Tenants B : John Grove of Dunhedd [Donhead St. Andrew ] recusant. C : £2. D : Two-thirds of a certain farm called "Arsegrove" lying in Dunhedd Marye [Donhead St. Mary], a life-tenancy of the same John ("pro termino vite 01 ipsius Johannis") in the occupation of John Longford of mlo Charleton [Charlton ], "yoman" , ofWilliam Grove of Treventt [Teffont], "yoman" , and of Jane Sheppard ofDinton , widow. E(a) William Bruncker, esq , and others E(b): 5 Nov., 33 Eliz [1591]. E(c) : By reason of his recusancy E(d): Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 33 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda' section, rotulet [ ]. F: £6 from previous years. J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above]. G : £8

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) WILTS

[Seized land Rental]

[12]farm. A: Tenants B : David Grove of Marten, "yoman" , recusant C : £12. D : Two-thirds of a tenement with appurtenances in Marten , being a copyhold tenancy for the termofhis life. E(a), (b), (c), (d) : all as in entry [11] above F: £36 from previous years. G : £48.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned forthis [rent], nor oughtthesaid rent to be chargedhenceforth , byconsideration ofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz., Hilary term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And they are quit

[Seized goods & chattels]

[13]William Bruncker & HenrySadler, esqs. , owe £46-19s which theyhave taken of the goods & chattels ofWilliam Fawkener, desq, recusant ; cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz. , under "Item Wiltes'" [Postscript] And they answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., under "Wiltes'"

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[14]A The same sheriff, viz Edward Hungerford , esq. B : [3] £53-6-81 (John Grove's tenants) ; [11] £8 (John Grove's tenants)

C: £61-6-81 .

E : And he [sheriff] answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., "Wiltes"" .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]4

[15]A Alice Grome, wife of Thomas Grome of South Wraxall, Wilts., "husb'" . B. D : £140 F : £ 120. G. H. J: For 6 months next following 1 Dec., 38 Eliz [1595] L : £20. M: 24 Feb., 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N: From date ofconviction to 24 March next following viz for 1 [lunar] month O.

A: Gilbert Welles of New Sarum, esq B. D: £260 F : £240 G. H. J: For 12 months next following 1 July, 37 Eliz [1595]. L, M, N, O : all as under Alice Grome above.

A: Robert Brooke of Dunhedd [Donhead St. Andrew], "yoman" . B. D : £200 F: £ 180 G. H. J: For 9 months next following 30 March, 37 Eliz [1595]. L, M, N, O: all as under Alice Grome above

1Cf . entry [14]. "But in section H(d) MS has £8-17-10" . Cf. entry [12], postscript "All items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio").

108 ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5)





[1] SirJohn Packington, knt , sheriff of this county from Michaelmas, 36 Eliz., to Mich. , 37 Eliz. ... renders an account ... [etc. as C.R.S., LVII, p 1 , Berks. [1]]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]¹

[2] farm . A James Wilcockes [lessee] C : £13-6-8, being the remainder [ofan originalrent] of£51-6-8. D : Two-thirdsof a certain annual rent of £20 issuing from and out ofthe siteof the manorormansion-house ofAlvechurch & ofthe parkthere, together with the various other messuages, lands & tenements specifiedin Great Roll 30 Eliz, under "Wigorn"" , granted to a certain Dorothy Heath, widow, recusant, during her life-time.

B : William Heathe, junior, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid James Wilcockes, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 1 March, 31 Eliz

1588/9]. H (c ) H ( d ): £13-6-8.

H(k) Cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Wigorn'" .

J: For which the sheriff answers on the dorse of this rotulet.2 [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [John Middlemore, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 189 , [3], to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 19 April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £9-3s. was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, underthe name ofthe tenantsofthepremises . And on 30 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595]. £9-3s. was paid... [etc. as above] And he [Henry Middlemore : lessee] is quit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[4] [Richard Hill, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 190, [4], to noixE(d) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [Hugh Ligon, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 190, [5], to B. inclus ]

E(d) as entry [2], H(k), above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] [John Bradstock, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 190, [6], to H(k) inclus.]. 3

J: But he [John Chare : lessee] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforth ,for a reason referred to in thepreceding [Recusant] Rollin thefarm of the said John Clare. And he [Chare] is quit

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) WORCS

[Seized land. Rental] 109

[7] [Michael Follyatt, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 191 ,

[7], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Wigorn"" .

[Seized land. Rental]

[8] [William Bradstock, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 191 ,

[8], to E(b) inclus ].4

G : £45-8s.

E(d) as entry [7] above F : £37-16-8 from previous years.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], nor oughtthe saidrent to be chargedhenceforth, by consideration ofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll,L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Hilary term, "Recorda" section, rotulet[ ]. And they are quit

[Lease of seized land Rental]5

[9] farm . A Thomas Williams [lessee]. C : £4-13-4 D:

Two-thirds of a messuage or tenement in Upton-on-Severn , Worcs., called "Grenefyld" , and of certain lands & tenements in Uptonaforesaid belonging & pertaining to the saidmessuage , with appurtenances, in the tenure or occupation of a certain Thomas Bracye B : Richard Hill, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Williams, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 7

Aug., 36 Eliz [1594] H(c) H(d): as C. H(e) H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Wigorn"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]6

[10]farm . A: Thomas Williams [lessee]. C: £1-6-8. D:

Two-thirds of certain lands & tenements in Hanley Castell , Worcs., in the tenure of William Suffeild, by lease thereof B: Hugh Lygon, gent , recusant H(a), (b), (c), (e), (k) : all as entry [9] above H(d) : £1-6-8

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]7 [11]farm . A: Thomas Williams [lessee]. C : £1-6-8. D: Two-thirds of various lands & tenements, with apps , in the parish of Northfeild, Worcs. B : Edward Geest , "yoman" , recusant. H(a), (b), (c), (e), (k) : all as entry [9] above . H(d) : £1-6-8.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Arrearage ofrent] [12]A James Wilcockes [lessee]. B : William Heathe , junior, recusant D: Two-thirdsofthe site ofthe manor or mansionhouseofAlvechurche, also of the park ofAlvechurche & ofall deer ("ferar""), rabbits ("cunicul""), wood & underwood

110 ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) WORCS

within the said park ; together with various other messuages, lands & tenements specified in Great Roll 30 Eliz , under "Wigorn'" . F: £102-13-4 for Sir Henry Bromeley, knt , sheriff of the year 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz. , under "Wigorn""), viz the rent of £51-6-8 for 2 full years ending Michaelmas, 34 Eliz (cf. same roll under "Wigorn"")

J: But he ought not to be summoned for £76 of this debt , by considerationofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 33 Eliz., Hilary term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he [Wilcockes] owes £26-13-4 . [Furtherpostscripts as under entry [2] above]

*[Seized land. Rental]8

[13]farm . A Tenants B : Richard Hill, recusant C : £6. D: Two-thirds of a messuage or tenement in Upton-onSeverncalled "Grenefyld" , and ofcertain lands & tenementsin Upton aforesaid belonging & pertaining to the said messuage, in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Brace , of the yearly value of £7 ; also two-thirds of certain lands & tenementsin alan Upton aforesaid, the annual rent being £2 E(b) : 16 March,

36 Eliz. [1593/4] E(a) : Sir Henry Bromley, knt , and others

EE(c) : Recusancy of the same Richard. E(d) : Cf. Memobranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Easter term , "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. F : £6 from precedingyear G : £12.

[Arrearage ofrent]

[14] A Tenants. B : Hugh Lygon, gent , recusant F : [ ] 13s 4d , being partofanannual rent of£1-6-8, due atLadyday, 36 Eliz D: Two-thirds of certain lands & tenements in Hanley Castell, Worcs E(b), (a), (d) : all as entry [13] above . E(c) : Recusancyof the same Hugh.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above]

*[Seized land. Rental]

[15]farm . A Tenants B : William Colles of Tenbury, gent , recusant C : £1-15-5 & two-thirds of 1d D : Two-thirds of 4 marks p.a., issuing from half of the manor ("exeun' de dimid' manerio") of Berrington, Worcs E(b), (a), (d) : all as entry [13] above. E(c) : Recusancy of the same William F: £1-15-5 & two-thirds of 1d. from preceding year. G: £3-10-11 & two-thirdsof d

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Arrearage ofrent]

[16]A Tenants B : Edward Geest of Norfeild [Northfield],"yoman" , recusant. F: [ ]] 13s . 4d , being partofan annual rent of £1-6-8, due at Ladyday, 36 Eliz D: Two-thirds of bou various lands & tenementsin the parish of Northfeild, Worcs ,

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) WORCS 111

of the yearly value of £2 E(b), (a), (d) : all as entry [13] above. E(c) Recusancyofthe same Edward. J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[17] George Bache, latelyof Chaddesley, "yoman" , owes £1 forthe price or value of his goods & chattels, seized by the aforesaid commissioners10 into the Queen's hands by reason of his recusancy.

[Postscript] And he answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz , under "Wigorn'"

[Seized goods & chattels]

[18] Sir John Packington, knt , and Edmund Coles, esq , owe £3-3-8 for William Savage, esq , sheriff of the year 31 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "Wigorn""), viz whichthey have taken ofthe goods & chattels ofMichaelFolliott, recusant (cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz, under "Wigorn'").

[Postscript] And they answer in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under"Wigorn"" .

[Seized goods & chattels]

[19] Sir John Packington, knt , and Edmund Colles, esq. , owe £7-1s forthe same sheriff as above [entry [18]], which theyhave takenofthe goods & chattels of Richard Hill, recusant [refs & postscript as in entry [18] above]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[20] Packington & Colles [as entry 19] owe £5-14-4 for the same sheriffas above [entry[18]], whichtheyhavetaken ofthegoods & chattels of John Newporte, recusant [refs & postscript asin entry [18] above].

†[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[21]farm . A: Joan Williams, widow [lessee]. C : 13s. 4d D : Two-thirds of a tenement, with apps., called "Barkeleys Farme" in Grenefeild, in the parish of Upton-on-Severn , Worcs , in the tenure of Francis Blower, of which a certain Richard Hill was possessed ("possessionat ' fuit") for a term of years as yet unexpired B : Aforesaid Richard Hill of Uptonon-Severn, Worcs , recusant E(b) : ult Sept., 36 Eliz [1594]. E(a) : Francis Dyngley, esq , and others H(a): Aforesaid Joan Williams, her executors & assigns. H(b) : deFrom 5 March, 37 Eliz. [1594/5] H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k) Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz , under "Wigorn"" J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

112 ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) WORCS

†[Lease of seized land Rental]

[22]farm . A: Joan Williams, widow [lessee ] C: £2 D: Two-thirds of the manor of Berington, with appurtenances, in the parish of Tenbury, Worcs , lately in the occupation of WilliamColes. B : Aforesaid WilliamColes , latelyofTenbury, gent E(b) & (a), and H(a), (b), (c), (e), (k) : all as entry [21]

babove. H(d) : £2

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[rotulet24, dorse]

[Record of annual fine paid]

[23] A John Talbott, esq C. D : £260 H. J: From4 Oct. , 36 Eliz [1594] to 3 Oct., 37 Eliz, viz. for 13 [lunar] months.

K. G.

P : On ult. May, 37 Eliz [1595], £140 was paid into the Treasury. And on 27 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595], £120 was paid ... [etc. as above]. Andheisquit.

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[24]A The same sheriff, viz. Sir John Packington, knt.

B: [2] £13-6-8 (James Wilcockes, from Heathe's lands ;

[4] £1-6-8 [Hill's tenants) ; [5] £1-6-8 (Ligon's tenants)

[9] £4-13-4 (Thomas Williams , from Hill's lands)

[10] £1-6-8 (Thomas Williams, from Lygon's lands) ; [11] £1-6-8 (Thomas Williams, from Geest's lands)

[12] £26-13-4 (James Wilcockes, from Heathe's lands) ;

[14] 13s . 4d (Lygon's tenants) ; [15] £3-10-11 & twothirds of d. (Colles' tenants) ; [16] 13s 4d. (Geest's tenants) ; [21] 13s 4d (Joan Williams, from Hill's lands) ; [22] £2 (Joan Williams, from Coles' lands).

C: £57-10-11 & two-thirds of d.

D : [9] T. Williams answers for his debt in the following [Recusant] Roll under "Wigorn'" , after his farm.1 [21] J. Williams answers for her debt in same roll& section , after her farm . 11

E : And he [sheriff] owes £52-4-3 & two-thirds of d . Andhe answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under"Wigorn'" .

Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p. 189, [2], postscript. "MS has "Pleystowe" instead of "Pleistowe " feild" instead of "Eldersfeild" . 5Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, p. 192, [13].

Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p. 192 , [14]

Cf. entry [24] "MS has "Elder-

Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p. 193, [15].

$It seems probablethat Thomas Williams, lessee-farmer of the lands of Hill, Lygon and Geest, died shortly after the inception of his grant (cf. entry [21], A. below), necessitating the re-chargingofthe rents to the respective "tenants" in the present entries [13], [14] and [16]. "SpaceleftinMSfor theword "deb'" (owes) : apparently a clerical oversight . 10Reference to entry [13], E(b), (a), (d) "Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff(Packington) was thereforedischarged of this item

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) YORKS





[1] Francis Vaughan, esq. , sheriff of this county for this year, renders an account ... as [etc. Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [John Rookeby, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 199, [2], to H(k) inclus ].

J: For which the sheriffanswers under "Res' Ebor'".1

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Mary Waterton, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 200, [3], to E(d) inclus ]

F: £24-3-4for Richard Goodricke, esq., sheriff ofthe year 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Item Ebor""), viz rent for the year 33 Eliz (cf. same roll, under "Ebor""). G : £58-6-8 .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[4] [Mary Savile, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 200, [4], to E(d) inclus.].

F: £57-15-6for SirJohn Dawney, knt., sheriff of the year 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz, under "Item Ebor""), viz rent for by the year 31 Eliz , with arrears (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"").

G: £86-13-3. [Further arrears] £28-17-9 for Philip Cond stable, esq., sheriff of the year 32 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., We under "Item Ebor'"), viz rent for the year 32 Eliz (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"") ; and £28-17-9 for Richard Goodrycke, esq., sheriffof the year 33 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz, under "Item Ebor""), viz rent for the year 33 Eliz (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"") ; and £57-15-6from previous years. [Total debt] £202-4-4.2

J: Butthey [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], nor oughtthe saidrent to be chargedhenceforthby consideration ofthe Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And they are quit

[Seized land. Rental] [5] [Alice Procter, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 200, [5], to E(d) inclus ]


£17-15-8 for Sir John Dawney, knt , sheriff of the year 31 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "Item Ebor'"), viz. rent for the year 31 Eliz , with arrears (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz, under "Ebor'"). G: £26-13-6. [Further arrears] £8-17-10 for Philip Constable, esq , sheriff of the year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great

114 ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) YORKS

Roll 32 Eliz., under "Item Ebor" "), viz rent for the year 32 Eliz (cf. same roll, under "Ebor'"). [Total debt] £35-11-4.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[6] [Matilda Wentworth, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 200, [6], to E(d) inclus ]

F: £17-15-8 for Sir John Dawney, knt , sheriff ofthe year 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "Item Ebor""), viz. rent forthe year 31 Eliz , with arrears (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz, under "Ebor""). G : £26-13-6

[Seized land Rental]

[7] [William Granger, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 200, [7], to E(d) inclus ]

LEJ: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above

[Seized land Rental]

[8] [Thomas Leedes, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 201 , [8], to E(d) inclus].

[Seized land. Rental]

[9] [Katherine Bowmer, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 201 , [9], to E(d) inclus.]

TF: £26-13-4for Sir John Dawney, knt , sheriff ofthe year 31 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz., under "Item Ebor""), viz rentfor theyear 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll 31 Eliz., under "Ebor"") ; and£26-13-4 for Philip Constable, esq. , sheriffofthe year 32 Eliz. (cf. Great Roll 32 Eliz, under "Item Ebor""), viz rent for the year 32 Eliz (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"") ; and £53-6-8 from previous years G: £133-6-8. [Further arrears] £26-13-4 for Richard Goodricke, esq. , sheriff of the year 33 Eliz.) cf. Great Roll 33 Eliz. , under "Item Ebor""), viz. rentfor the year 33 Eliz. (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"") [Total debt] £160 .

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[10] [George Catrick, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 201, [10], to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 27 Nov., 39 Eliz [1596], £23-17-10 was paidfrom this Afarm into the Treasury. And on 7 Feb., 39 Eliz [1596/7], £23-17-10 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Lease of seized land. And he [William Steare : lessee] isquit. Rental]

[11] [Elizabeth Pudsey, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 201, [11], to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £20 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £20 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Steare : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [William Calverley, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 202 , [12], to H(k) inclus ].

F: £4 from previous years G : £6

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13][Dorothy Hunter, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 202, [13], to H(k) inclus.]

F : £5-6-8 from previous years. G : £8.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[14] [Richard Fentonand Gervase Anne, recusants . Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 202, [14], to H(k) inclus.].

F: £4-18-4 & two-thirds of 1d. from previous years. G : £9-16-9 & two-thirdsof d.

J: On 20 April, 36 Eliz [1594], £2-9-3 waspaidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 4 Nov., 36 Eliz [1594], £2-9-3 was paid ... [etc. as above] And on 25 April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £2-9-3 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 30 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £2-9-3 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [John Twiste & George Hill : lessees ] arequit.

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[15] [William Stevenson and Robert Stevenson, recusants . Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 202, [15], to H(k) inclus ].

F: £6-13-3from previous years . G : £14-9s.

J: But he [Richard Mussenden : lessee ] ought not to be summoned for £11-2-1 (part ofthe saidannualrent of£7-15-9) duefor two-thirds of the aforesaidmessuages, lands & tenements , with appurtenances , in Gowle aforesaid, of the lands of Robert Stephenson, from Ladyday, 35 Eliz. [1593] to Michaelmas, 37 Eliz [1595], viz. for the space of2 years, nor ought £4-8-10 (part ofthe said annualrent of£7-15-9) to be charged henceforth by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz , Easter term, "Recorda" section , rotulet[ ] And he [Mussenden] owes £3-6-10 . [Other postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[16] [Christopher Manckton, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 203, [16], to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Ebor"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].³

[Seized land. Rental]

[17] [Robert Ellerker, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 203 , I [17], to E(b) inclus.]

E(d) as entry [16] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].


[Seized land. Rental]

[18] [Janet Bellowes, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 203 , [18], to E(b) inclus.].

E(d) as entry[16] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]4

[19]farm . A: Ann Twiste, laundress to the Queen [lessee]

C : £13-6-8, being part [of an original rent] of £39-13-4 .

D : Two-thirdsofthe manor or capital messuage ofRoall, with appurtenances, in Yorks, and of all the messuages, lands, tenements & hereditaments in Roall & elsewhere in Yorks belonging to the said manor or capital messuage B : George Anne, latelyof Frickley, Yorks , esq , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Ann Twiste, her executors & assigns. H(b): From 26 May, 34 Eliz. [1592]. H(c). H(d) : £13-6-8. H(e) H(f).

H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz, under "Ebor"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[rotulet 4, dorse]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[20] [John Ingleby and Thomas Ingleby, recusants Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 204, [20], to H(e) inclus ].5

H(k) as in entry [19] above

J: On 2 May, 37Eliz [1595], £8-16-8was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 20 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £8-16-8 was paid ... [etc. as above].

And they [Thomas Bayley & Thomas Thorney : lessees] are quit

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[21] [Francis Jackson, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 205, [21], to H(f) inclus ]

H(k) as in entry [19] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Seized land Rental]

[22] [Edward Royston], recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 205, [22], to B. inclus.].

E(d) Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz, under "Res' Ebor"" .

F: £ 17-1-8 from previous years G : £23-18-4, [Further arrears] £6-16-8 for Ralph, Lord Ewre, sheriff ofthe preceding year (cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Res' Ebor'"6), viz. rent for the preceding year (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"")

[Total debt] £30-15s.

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for £30 ofthe said annual rent of £6-16-8, viz. for two-thirds ofthemessuage ortenement called "Hampall Stubbes" , alias "Stubbes Hampall" Yorks. (a parcel of the said farm), from Ladyday, 33 Eliz [1591] to Michaelmas of the presentyear (37 Eliz. [1595]), nor

ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) YORKS 117

ought £6-13-4 of this annual rent to be charged henceforth by considerationofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet

[ ]. And they [tenants] owe 15s .

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[23] [Katherine Radcliffe, recusant

[23], to H(e) inclus ]


Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 205,

Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz , under "Res Ebor"" .

J: On 15 May, 37 Eliz. [1595], £2-4-5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 5 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £2-4-5 was paid ... [etc. as above]

And he [Brian Metcalfe : lessee] is quit

[Seized land Rental]

[24] [John Smytheson , recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 206,

[24], to E(b) inclus ].

E(d) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Res' Ebor'"

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[25]farm. Tenants B : John Talbott, gent , recusant C : £3-13-4, being the remainder [of an original rent] of £8 .

[Rest ofentryas C.R.S., LVII, p. 206, [26], to D. inclus ] E(d) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Ebor"" .

J: On5Nov., 37Eliz [1595], they [tenants]delivered[this rent] in the Treasury. And they [tenants] arequit

[Seized land. Rental]

[26][Grace Lamberte, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 208, [31], to E(b) inclus ]

E(d) as in entry [25] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[27] [John Bretton, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 208, [32], to H(k) inclus.]

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[28][Thomas Moore, recusant Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 208, [33], to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 25 April, 37 Eliz [1595], £5-0-2 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury, under the name of Robert Scrope, gent. And on 9 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £5-0-2 was paid from thisfarm into the Treasury. And he [John Sotherne: lessee ] is quit.

[Lease of seized land

[29][Ann Paver, recusant. H(k) inclus ] Rental]

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 209, [34], to F: £21-2-3from previous years. G : £40-0-0 .

J: But he [Hunnis : lessee] ought not to be summoned forthis [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforth by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet[ ]. And he [William Hunnis] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[30] [Alice Martin, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 209, [35], to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[31] [Thomas Barneby, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 209, [36], to H(f) inclus.5]

H(k) Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Ebor"" .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[32]farm . A: John Pepper, gent [lessee ]. C: £2-8-8 .


Two-thirds of a certain farm in Appleton, Yorks. , and of lands at Angram Graunge, Yorks, with appurtenances. B : Robert Bowes ofAppleton, Yorks , gent , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid John Pepper, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From Michaelmas, 35 Eliz. [1593]. H(c) H(d) as C. H(e) H(k): Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Ebor"" . "

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]s

[33]farm . A John Pepper, gent [lessee ] C : £17-6-7.


The whole of various lands, tenements& hereditaments, with apps., in DanbyYore in Northriddinge, and Staynton, Yorks; being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B: Margaret Scroope of Danby Yore in the parish of Thornton Steward , widow, recusant H(a), (b), (c), (e), (k) : all as in entry [32] above.

H(d) : £17-6-7

J: On 2 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £8-13-3 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £8-13-3 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Pepper] isquit.

[Seized goods & chattels]

[34] Richard Worteley, William Wentworth, Thomas Wentworth , Avery ("Aver" ") Copley, Robert Bradfurthe, Henry Farrer& Robert Key, esqs. , [ ]10 £15 for SirJohn Dawney, knt. , sheriff of the year 31 Eliz (cf. Great Roll, 32 Eliz, under "Item Ebor'"), viz money ("denar" ") whichthey have taken ofthe goods & chattels of Francis Jackson, recusant; cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz , under "AdhucItem Ebor" " .

[Postscript] For which the sheriffanswers under"Res' Ebor"".1

[Seized goods & chattels] [35]The same Richard, William, Thomas, Avery, Robert, Henryand Robert [ ]10£20 forthe same latesheriff, viz. moneywhichthey havetaken ofthe goods & chattels of "Alic"" Anne, recusant: [ref. & postscript as in entry [34] above]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[36] The same Richard ... [etc. as in entry [35]] [ ]10 £6-13-4for the same late sheriff, viz. money which they have taken ... [etc. as in entry [35]] ofMary Savile, recusant : [ref. & postscript as in entry [34]].

[Seized goods & chattels]⁹

[37] The same Richard ... [etc. as in [35]] [ ]10 £30 for the same late sheriff, viz. money which they have taken ...[etc. as in [35]]of John Bretton, recusant : [ref. & postscript as in [34]]

[Seized goods & chattels] [38] The same Richard ... [etc. as in [35]] [ ]10 £3-7-4forthe same late sheriff, viz. money which they have taken ... [etc. as in [35]]ofWilliamGraunger,recusant: [ref &postscript asin [34]]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[39]The same Richard ... [etc. as in [35]] [ ]10 £1-9s.forthesame late sheriff, viz. moneywhichthey have taken ... [etc. asin [35]] ofKatherineKirkeman, recusant: [ref. & postscript as in [34]].

[Seized goods & chattels(

[40] SirWilliam Fayrefax, knt , SirChristopher Wandesforthe, knt , Henry Bellaces & William Hillyard, esqs. , [ ]10 £130 for the same late sheriff [Dawney], viz money which they have taken ... [etc. as in [35]] of George Catterick, recusant; cf. Great Roll 30 Eliz , under "Res' Ebor'" : [postscript as in [34]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[41] The same William, Christopher, Henryand William [ ]10 £20 forthe same late sheriff, viz money whichthey havetaken ... [etc. as in [35]] of John Smytheson , recusant: [ref. as entry [40]; postscript as entry [34]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[42] George Battye ofWesthouseowes £1-19-8 forthesamesheriff [Dawney], viz which he owes to a certain William Graunger, recusant, and is due to the Queenby reason of his [the latter's] recusancy [ref. as entry [34].

[Postscript] And he [Battye] answers in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz. , under "Res' Ebor"" [L.Margin] "nil".11

120 ROLL 3. MICH 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) YORKS


[Seized land Rental]12 ("Res' Ebor'")

[43]farm. A Tenants D : Two-thirds of the capitalmessuage and manor ofFrickley, and other lands & tenementsin Hooton Pannell [Hooton Pagnell] & elsewhere ("et al"") in Yorks. C : £26-13-4. B : George Anne, esq , recusant, who is indebted to the Queen in the sum of £240 by virtueofthe aforesaid Act. 13 E(d) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Res' Ebor'" . F: £106-13-4. G : £133-6-8 .

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse of this rotulet.¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized land. Rental]14

[44]farm . A: Tenants D : Two-thirds of a messuage, with appurtenances , in Pattryngton [Patrington], in the tenure of Robert Grene. C: £2-13-4. B: William Stephenson, gent., recusant, who is indebted to the Queen in the sum of £300 by virtue of the aforesaid Act¹3 E(d) : as entry [43] above. F: £8 from previous years G : £10-13-4 .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [43] above]

[Arrearage ofrent]15

[45] A Tenants D : Two-thirds of various lands & tenements , with apps, in Sheffeld [Sheffield] & Atterclyffe, & elsewhere in Yorks B: Richard Fenton, gent , recusant F: [ ]10 £2-5-7, being part of a certain annual rent of £4-11-01& twothirds of 1d ., due to the Queen for the half-year ending at Michaelmas, 33 Eliz. [1591]. E(d) as entry [43]above J: [Postscripts as under entry [43] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]16

[46] A Tenants D : Two-thirds of the reversion of various messuages & arable, meadow & pasture lands, with apps., in Clayton [Clayton-with Frickley] & elsewhere in Yorks. B : Gervase Anne, gent , recusant. F : [ ]10 3s 8d , being part of an annual rent of 7s 4d , due to the Queen for the half-year ending at Michaelmas, 33 Eliz E(d) as entry [43] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry[43] above].

[Arrearage of rent]

[47] [John Ingleby, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 210, [39], to F. inclus.].


Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Res' Ebor"" . J: [L. Margin] Not to be writen [again], by warrant of the Chancellor [of the Exchequer], until etc . 17

[Arrearage ofrent]

[48] [Thomas Ingleby, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 211 , [40], to F. inclus ]. E(d) as entry[47] above.

J: [L. Margin] Not to be written [again], by the aforesaid warrant . 18

[Lease of seized land


[49]farm . A: Roger Gifford, esq., doctor of medicine ("in medicinis doctor") [lessee ] C: £15-11s D : The manors of Dalden, Magna Chilton, Coxhowe & Blackeston , with appurtenances , in the Bishopric of Durham, and the other lands & tenements of William Blackiston, esq , recusant, specified in thepreceding[Recusant] Roll, under"Res' Ebor"" 19

H(a) Aforesaid Roger Gifford, his executors & assigns

H(b) From Ladyday, 36 Eliz. [1594]. H(c). H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k) : Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Res' Ebor'" F : £7-15-6 from preceding half-year

G : £23-6-6.

J: [L. Margin] Let a fieri facias be issued to the Bishop of Durham . 20

*+[Lease of seized land. Rental] [50]farm . A Francis Trollope, gent. [lessee] C: £2-4-8.

D.1 : Two-thirds of the manor of Harberhouse near Plawsworth, Co. Durham, of which Thomas Forser, lately of Kello [Kelloe ] in the said county, gent. , recusant, is seised for the term of his life ; and two-thirds of two-thirds ("duar' parciu' duar' triu' parciu"") ofthe manor ofKello, [and two-thirds]of certain cattages [with] arable, meadow & pasture lands called "leNorth Wastes" in the said county, noworlatelyin the tenure or occupation of Robert Whitfield, Robert Richardson & Robert Sureties or their assigns B.1 : Aforesaid Thomas Forser, recusant D.2 : Two-thirds of a third partofthemanor Harberhouse aforesaid of which Margaret Forser, widow, recusant, lately the wife of John Forser of Harberhouse aforesaid, is seised for the term of her life ; two-thirds of a third part of two out of three parts ("duar' parciu' tercie partis duar' parciu' duar' triu' parciu"") of the manor of Kello aforesaid ; and two-thirds of a third part of the cottages, arable & pasture land aforesaid, called "le Wastes" , inthesaid county B.2 Aforesaid Margaret E(b) : 16 June, 35 Eliz [1593]. H(a) Aforesaid Francis Trolloppe, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 17 Sept. , 35 Eliz [1593] H(c) H(d): : as C. H(e). H(g). H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 35 Eliz. , under "Dunolm'" . F: £3-7s from previous years. G: £5-11-8. J: [Postscript as under [49] above].

[Arrearage ofrent] [51]A Tenants B : William Blackiston, esq., recusant D: The manorsofDalden, Magna Chilton, Coxhowe& Blackeston , with apps , in the Bishopric ("in Episcopatu"), and other lands

122 ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5) YORKS :

& tenementsofthe aforesaidWilliam Blackiston F : £15-11s. due to the Queenfor one full year ending at Ladyday, 36 Eliz. [1594]. E[a] 27 June, 35 Eliz. [1593] E(b) : RalphBowes & others. E(c) : Recusancyof the same William E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz, Easter term, "Recorda" no section , rotulet [ ]

J: And they [tenants] answer in [Recusant] Roll, 39 Eliz , under "Item Adhuc Res' Ebor"" .

[L. Margin] Let afierifacias be issued to the BishopofDurham .

[Arrearage of rent]

[52]A: Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenements in Barforth, Yorks B : Elizabeth Pudsey, recusant. F : £20, ofacertain annual rent of£40 dueto the Queen forthe half-year ending at Michaelmas, 31 Eliz [1589]. E(d) : Cf. Great Rolls, 31 Eliz., under "Ebor"" , and 30 Eliz., under "Item Ebor'" .

J: [Postscript as under entry [47]above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[53] [Christopher Danby, recusant Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 207, [28], to "certified" inclus.] : "cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Ebor'

[Postscripts as under entry [43] above].

[rotulet 8, dorse]

*+[Lease of seized land Rental]

[54]farm. A : John Woode [lessee]. C : £1-6-8. Two-thirds ofa close called "Eastestocktonfield" , alias"Farrefeild" ,and of a close called "Toddehele" , lying & existing in Harwood [Harewood], West Riding, Yorks. B : Alban Butler, junior, lately of Wedacre [nr Garstang], Lancs , "yoman" , recusant. E(b) 17 Jan., 37Eliz. [1594/5]. E(a) : Thomas Talbott, esq. , all and others . H(a) : Aforesaid John Wood, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 22 Feb. , 37 Eliz [1594/5]. H(c). H(d) as C. H(e). H(k) : Roll of the Enrolment of Leases , 37 Eliz , under "Ebor'

J: On 18 April, 37Eliz [1595], 13s 4d was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 25 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], 13s . 4d. twas paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Woode] isquit

[Arrearage of rent]

[55]A Tenants D : Two-thirds ofcertain landsin Carleton and Estlayton, Yorks B : George Catterick F: £23-17-9 ofa certain annual rent of £47-15-7, due to the Queen forthehalfyear ending at Michaelmas, 31 Eliz [1589] E(d): Cf. Great Rolls, 31 Eliz, under "Ebor"" , and 30 Eliz. , under "Item alim Ebor'" .

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt] by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 39 Eliz , Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section, rotulet 193 . And they [tenants] arequit. [Marginalpostscript as under entry [47] above]

†[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[56]farm .

A SirThomasHenneage , knt , Chancellorofthe Duchy of Lancaster and Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen [lessee]. C: £6-8-10 & one-third of d. for Michaelmas, 37 Eliz. [1595], beingpartofanannual rent of £12-17-9 & two-thirdsof d. D: Two-thirdsofa capital messuage in NortheMilforthe [North Milford] & of certain lands belonging to it in Yorks .; also a whole tenement & certain lands pertaining to it, in Pockthorpe, lately in the tenure of Michael Farthen or his assigns. B : Thomas Leedes, gent., recusant. H(a) : Sir Thomas Henneage , his executors & assigns. H(b) : From Ladyday, 37 Eliz [1595]. H(c). H(d) : £12-17-9 & twothirds of d. H(e). H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz , under "Ebor'" .

J: On 22 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595], he [Henneage ] delivered[this sum] in the Treasury. And he [Henneage] isquit.

†[Lease ofseized land. Rental] [57]farm. A : Ann Twiste, laundress to the Queen [lessee]. C: £9-14-9for Michaelmas, 37 Eliz. , being part of an annual rent of £19-9-6 D : All the meadows lying & existing in Sutton and Sutton Inges in Holdernes, Yorks.; a whole close of pasture in Stone Ferry in Holdernes aforesaid ; a whole cottage & another close in Stoneferry aforesaid, with halfan oxgang of arable land ("terr"") in Sutton & Stoneferry aforesaid ; the whole of a common pasture for certain sheep in Somergames [Summergangs] ; a moiety of the pasture called "Stockeholme" ; the whole closes called "Fletcher Close" , "Headon Close" , "Toftes" , "Dales" , "Nuttelles" or"Hawood Close" , and "Hudclose" alias "Hall Close" ; halfan oxgang of arable, meadow & pasture land, and half ofthe closecalled "Hobehorne"; half an oxgang of arable land in Nuttelles & Preston, with appurtenances in Sutton, Nuttelles, Preston & Headon ; the whole of 4 messuages, with apps. , in Overmidoppe [Over Midhope], Nethermidoppe [NetherMidhope], Lansyde & Horderove [? or Horderone], Yorks. ; a whole water-mill, with apps , in Nethermidoppe aforesaid ; and a whole messuage, with apps, in Burghwallis, Yorks, and 28 acres of arable land there : being two-thirds of the lands & possessions of ... B : Thomas Barnaby of Barnaby Hall, esq , recusant (according to a separation carried out by the commissionersassigned to divide the recusant'sthird partfrom the Queen's two third parts) H(a) : Aforesaid Ann Twiste , her

executors & assigns H(b) : From 11 April, 37 Eliz [1595]

-H(c). H(d) : £19-9-6

H(e) H(k) : as entry[56] above. J: On4 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], she [Twiste] delivered[this sum] Hum in the Treasury. And she is quit.

[Record of annual finepaid]

[58]A John Sayer, esq C. D : £260 H. J: From 11 Sept. , 36 Eliz [1594] to 10 Sept., 37 Eliz, viz . for thirteen [lunar] months. K. G.

P : On28 May, 37Eliz. [1595], £140 was paid into theTreasury. And on 7 Nov., 37 Eliz. [1595], £120 was paid [etc. as above]. Andhe isquit.

[Fine imposed for contempt]21

[59] [Translation ] Thomas Barnaby of Barnaby Hall, Yorks. , gent. , owes £45, being the remainder of a certain fine of£50, charged upon himself, for a contempt perpetrated by him before the most reverendfather in God, Edwin, Archbishop of York and others, commissioners of the Queen for EcclesiasticalCauses ; excf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz. , under "Aduc Res' Ebor"" .

[Postscripts] On 4 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £5 was paid into the Treasury. And on 26 Nov. , 39 Eliz. [1596], £5 was paid [etc. asabove]. And he owes £35

And he answers In [Recusant] Roll, 39 Eliz , under "Item Adhuc Res' Ebor""

[Arrearage ofrent]22

[60] A Tenants D : Two-thirds ofthe manor ofCauthorne , with certain iron-mills, lands & tenements in Mensthorpe in the parish of Southkirkeby , Yorks F : £34-3-4, being the rent for one full year ending at Michaelmas, 33 Eliz. [1591] ; cf.

[Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , under "Adhuc Res' Ebor'".23

J: And they [tenants] answer in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz. , under "Item Adhuc Res' Ebor""

[Enrolment of estreatedconviction for recusancy]

[61]A John Grene, lately of Barneby super Dun [Barnby-uponDon], Yorks , gent C. D : £40 F : £20 G. H. J: For 1 month next following 1 Feb., 34 Eliz [1591/2]. L £20. M: Mondayin the 4th week of Lent, 34 Eliz. N: Fromdate of conviction to 3 April next following, viz. for one [lunar] month. O.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 39 Eliz , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he is quit.

[Arrearage ofrent]

[62] [Thomas Barneby, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 213 , [45], to D. inclus.]5


ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) YORKS 125

Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll, under "Res' Ebor" " J: On 4 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £13-13-5 was paid into the Treasury. And on 24 Nov., 39 Eliz [1596], £13-6-8 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And she [Ann Twiste : lessee] owes £25-13-4 . And she answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz. , under"Item Adhuc Res' Ebor"" .

[Statement ofsheriff'sarrears]

[63]A: The same sheriff, viz Francis Vaughan, esq B : [2] £4-8-10 (Lawrence Dutton, from Rookeby's lands) ; [3] £58-6-8 (Waterton's tenants) ; [5] £35-11-4 (Procter's tenants) ; [7] 8s. (Granger's tenants) ; [12] £6 (Richard Maunsell, from Calverley's lands) ; [13] £8 (James Bellamy , from Hunter's lands) ; [15] £3-6-10 (Mussenden, from W. & R. Stevenson's lands) ; [16] £24-6-6 (Manckton's tenants) ; [17] £2 (Ellerker's tenants) [18] 10s (Bellowes' tenants) ; [19] £13-6-8 (Ann Twiste , from GeorgeAnne's lands) ; [21] £15-12-5 & farthing (James Bellamye, from Jackson's lands) ; [24] 10s 10d. (Smytheson's tenants) ; [26] £3-6-8 (Lambert's tenants); [27]£4-17-9 & farthing (Cuthbert Stillingflete, from Bretton's lands) ; [30] £12-8-10 & farthing (William Hunnys, from Martin's lands) ; [31] £26-6-8 (Twiste, from Barneby's lands) ; [32] £2-8-8 (Pepper, from Bowes' lands) ; [34] £15 (Wortley etc., from Jackson's goods) ; [35] £20 (Wortleyetc., from Anne's goods) ; [36] £6-13-4 (Wortley etc. , from Savile's goods) ; [37] £30 (Wortley etc., from Bretton's goods) ; [38] £3-17-4 (Wortley etc., from Graunger's goods) ; [39] £1-9s. (Wortleyetc., from Kirkeman's goods); [40] £130 (Fayrefax etc., from Catterick'sgoods) ; [41] £20 (Fayrefax etc., from Smytheson's goods) ; [43] £133-6-8 (GeorgeAnne's tenants) ; [44] £10-13-4 (W. Stephenson'stenants) ; [45] £2-5-7 (Fenton's tenants) ; [46] 3s. 8d. (Gervase Anne's tenants); [53] £3 (Danby's goods).

C : £597-15-10 & farthing.

D: [15] Mussenden answers for his debt in the following [Recusant] Roll, under"Ebor"" , afterhisfarm . 24

[2] Dutton answers for his debt in same roll & section, after hisfarm . 24

[32] On 27 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £1-4-4 was paid intothe Treasury, under the name of John Pepper And on 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £1-4-4 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[44] W. Stephenson's tenants answer for their debt in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz, under "Ebor"" , after their farm . 24

[12] On 11 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £2 was paid into the Treasury, under the name of Richard Maunsell


ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ (1594-5) YORKS

[13] On same date, £2-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above], under the name of James Bellamy.

[21] On same date, £15-12-5 was paid ... [etc.], under the name of James Bellamye.

[27] On same date, £4-17-10 was paid ... [etc.], underthe name of Cuthbert Styllingfeete [sic].

[43] George Anne's tenants answer for £46-13-4 of their debt in [Recusant] Roll 38 Eliz., under "Ebor” ” , after theirfarm . 24

And on 12 June, 34 Eliz [1592], £26-13-4 ofthedebtof £133-6-8 was paid into the Treasuryfor the tenantsof George Anne, esq , bythehands ("permanus")ofPhilip Constable , esq., sheriff .

And on 13 Feb., 40 Eliz. [1597/8], £13-6-8 ofthesaid debt was paid into the Treasuryfor the tenantsofthe said George Anne, esq, by the hands of Jervase ("Jervacii") Anne, gent

on same date, £6-13-4ofthe saiddebtwaspaid ...

[etc., all as preceding entry].

[3] Mary Watterton's tenants answer for their debt in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz. , under "Ebor"" , after their farm . 24

E : And he [sheriff) owes £400-1-2 & farthing. And he answers in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz., under "Item Adhuc Res' Ebor'" .

[Enrolment of estreated convictionfor recusancy]

[64]A Robert Stephenson, lately of Gowle [Goole], Yorks , gent.

C. D : £40 F : £20 G. H. J: For 1 month next monfollowing 1 Feb., 34 Eliz. [1591/2]. L: £20. M: Mondayin 4th week of Lent, 34 Eliz N: From date of convictionto 3April nextfollowing, viz. for one [lunar] month. O.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Easter term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he isquit.

1Cf.entry [63] in textualpostscript


2Sic, for £202-4-3 3"Res'Ebor"" omitted Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 203, [19]. Section D of MS has "Cf. [Recusant ] Roll 34 Eliz. " instead of "Cf. preceding [Recusant] Roll" . Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 211, [43], Cf. C.R.S., LVII, p 210, [37] Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 210, [38]. "Entries [34] to [41] inclus. are bracketed, L., with the note : He [sheriff] is charged, unless ... ("oni") 10Space left in MS for the word "debent" (owe): apparently a clericaloversight "Thesheriff's"return" . The debt appears never to have been paid : it was transferredto the Exannual Roll in 41 Eliz 12Text as C.R.S. , XVIII, p 68, 1. 8 seq to "virtute Act' pred'" , where the recusant is stated to be "Gervase" Anne. isViz the Act 28-9 Eliz , c 6. 14Cf . C.R.S., XVIII, p 68, 128 15Cf . C.R.S., XVIII, p 66, 1. 44 seq. 16Cf. C.R.S. , seq.

ROLL 3. MICH. 36-37 ELIZ. (1594-5)

XVIII, p 67, 1. 21 seq quamdiu etc."

17"non scriulterius per warrant' Canc' 11"non scri ulterius per warrant' predictum" (cf. entry [47], postscript) 19Cf . C.R.S., LVII, p 211, [42] 20fi fa Ep' Dunolm'" . 21Cf . C.R.S., XVIII, p 77, 1. 28 seq

Thefine was imposed for Barneby's neglect (at Michaelmas , 1582) of the summons to bring his wife beforethe said High Commissioners at York Cathedral to answer for her recusancy : cf. Q.R., M.R., Hilary term, 28 Eliz (E. 159/390, rotulet 207). This long-standing debt first appears in the Pipe Roll of 26 Eliz (Mich 1584-5) 22Cf . C.R.S., LVII, p 200, [3]

The recusant (not mentionedin the present text) is MaryWaterton 23Cf. C.R.S., XVIII, p. 78, 1 13 seq . 24Note in L. Margin : It is answered("r[espondetu]r") The sheriff(Vaughan ) was thereforedischarged ofthis item.




Michaelmas 37Michaelmas 38 Elizabeth I. Exchequer

L.T.R., Pipe Office Series (P.R.O. E. 377/4)

[rotulet 1]




[1] William Gostwick, esq , sheriffofthis countyfrom Michaelmas , 37Eliz., toMichaelmas, 38 Eliz , to wit,forone fullyear,renders an account ... [text continues as in R.R. 2: cf. C.R.S. , vol LVII, p. 1 , Beds [1]].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] farm . A George Hockenhull , gent [lessee ]. C : £1-6-8

[Stephen Standisshe , recusant. Entry continues as p. 1 above, Beds [3], to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. precedingroll, under "Bedd"" . F : 13s 4d. from preceding year. G : £2.

J: But he [Hockenhull ] oughtnot to be summoned for£1-6-8 , viz. the rent for this year, nor ought it to be charged after 3 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595] because the said George Hockenhull answers below for the same rent from the said 3 Nov., 37 Eliz., andthereafter isanswerable to the Queen byanothercommission . And he owes 13s 4d

[L. Margin] To be written [again].³ Dischargedby decree ofthe said court . "

[Seized land . Rental]

[3] [William, Lord Vaux, recusant Entry as Beds [2], p 1 above]. F: £179-4-4 from previous years G : £206-13-81

J: Andhe answers in roll 39 Eliz , under "Bed"" , forthesame rent and its arrears.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] farm . A: George Hockenhull , gent [lessee ] C : £1-6-8 .

[Stephen Standisshe , recusant. Entry continues as Beds. [3], p 1 , to B. inclus ]. E(a) : George Francklyn , esq., and others. E(b) : 13 Sept., 37 Eliz. [1595]. H(a) : George Hockenhull , his executors & assigns H(b) : From 3 Nov. ,

130 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) BEDS-BERKS

37 Eliz. [1595]. H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll ofthe Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz, under "Bedd'" . J: [L.Margin] Dischargedas above.¹

Sections E(b) and E(a) are 3"scri [bendum ]" in MS later note in anotherhand).

[rotulet 16, dorse] [Preamble]

here omitted. Cf. entry [4] 4"exo' per Decret' pred' Cur'" (a "exo' ut supra" See entry [2].



[1] HenryNevell, esq , sheriff ofthis countyfor this year, renders an account of rents and other debts as follows

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Thomas Vachell, recusant. As entry [2], p. 2]. F: £49-12-8 for Sir Humphrey Foster, knt , sheriff of the year 35 Eliz. (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Berk""), viz rent for the 35 Eliz., with arrears (cf. same roll, under "Berk'") G : £74-9s.

J: For£24-16-4ofwhichthe sheriffanswers below . Andthey [John Arden & Vincent Coventrye : lessees] owe £49-12-8. [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Thomas Hulse, recusant. As entry [3], p. 2]. F: £10forSir Humphrey Foster, knt. . .. [etc. as entry [2] above]. G : £16-13-4.

J: For £6-13-4 of which the sheriffanswers below.¹ And he [RalphSmythe lessee] owes £10 . [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[4] [Francis Parkins, recusant. As entry [4], p 2] F : £41-19-6 & two-thirds of 1d. for Sir Humphrey Foster, knt .... [etc. as entry [2] above] G : £62-19-4.

J: For £20-19-9 & two-thirds of d. of which the sheriff answers below . And he [Thomas Purcell ; lessee] owes £41-19-6 & two-thirds of 1d .

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease ofseized alnd Rental]

[5] [Walter Illesley , recusant. As entry [5], p 2] F : £1-13-4 for Sir Humphrey Foster, knt .... [etc. as entry [2] above] G : £2-6-8.

J: On 30 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], 6s 8d. was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury. And on 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596], 6s 8d. was banpaid ...[etc. as above] And on 23 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], 6s. 8d. was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Charles Pagett : lessee ] owes £1-6-8.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Martha Braybrooke, recusant As entry [6], p 2, to H(e) inclus ], H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Berk'" .

J: On 23 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £1-1-2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And in surplusage which the same William [Broncker] & Richard [Hyde : lessees] have in their saidfarm from the preceding year, cf. preceding roll, under "Berk"" £1-1-1 . And we hold [the surplus].2

[Seized land. Rental] =

[7] [Roger Astell, recusant As entry [7], p 3] E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Berk""

J: Forwhich the sheriffanswers below.¹ [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...


[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

A: The same sheriff, viz Henry Nevell, esq , renders an account of :

B : [2] £24-16-4 (for Arden & another, from Vachell's lands) ; [3] £6-13-4 (for Smithe, from Hulse's lands) ; [4] £20-19-9 & two-thirds of d (for Purcell, from Parkins' lands) ; [7] £3-6-8 (forAstell'stenants)

C : £55-16-1 & two-thirdsof d.

D : [3] Ralph Smithe, gent, answers for £3-6-8 ofhis debt in the following roll, under "Berk"" , after his farm.³ [4] Thomas Purcell, gent., answersfor his debt in same roll (loc cit.), after hisfarm.³

And on 16 June, 39 Eliz [1597], £31-9-8 was paidby the said sheriffinto the Treasury, being the remainder ofhis account

E : And he [sheriff] is quit.

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]4

[9] A Thomas Measyeof Burfyelde [Burghfield], Berks , "yom"" .

B. D £60 F : £20 G. H. J : For one month next following 1 July, 39 Eliz. [1597]. L: £40. M: Monday, 6 March , 40 Eliz [1597/8]. N : From date of convictionto 1 May next following, viz. for 2 [lunar] months O.

Agnes Barlowe, wife of Geoffrey ("Galfri'") Barlowe of Esthendred [East Hendred], Berks. "yom"" . Dorothy Stevenson , wife of Andrew Stevenson of Kingston Bagpuze, Berks. , "yom""

[ ]5 £60 forthelike [ ]

A: "Gruffinus" Dancastle of Hampsted Morris [Hampstead Norris], Berks., "yom'" C. D : £280. F: £240

J: For twelve months [date unspecified] L, M, N, O : all as under Thomas Measye above.

132 ROLL4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ .. (1595-6) BERKS-BUCKS

P : But he oughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt]fora reason referred to in roll2 James I, under"Berk"" , in anotherdebt ofthe same Griffin. And he isquit.

AnnDancastle, wifeofJohn Dancastleof the same , "yom""

Elizabeth Smalebone , wife of Thomas Smalebone of Lamborne [Lambourn], Berks., "yom'" [all as under Thomas Measye above] .

Elizabeth Goddard of Magna Fawley, Berks, "spinster"

Susanna Measey, wife ofThomas Measey of Burfeyld, Berks

¹Cf. entry [8].

[ ] £280 for the like.

[ ] £60 [ ] [ ]

"Et hab'" (? habemus)

"Note in L.

Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]"). The sheriff(Nevell) was thereforedischarged ofthis item All items underthis heading are bracketed , L., withthe note : Let a commission be issued("fi[at] Commissio "). "The brackets here and in items belowindicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "deb ' (owes).

[rotulet 1 , dorse] BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ("Buk"")



Edward Tyrrell, esq. , sheriffofthis county for this year, renders an account of rents and other debts as follows

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] [Henry Manfeild,recusant Asentry[2], p.4]

J: And he [Robert Balthroppe : lessee] answers in roll 39 Eliz , under "Buck"" , after hisfarm.

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[3] [Edward Easte, recusant. As entry [3], p 4]

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £9-17-9 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £9-17-9 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he isquit.¹

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [John Gardiner, recusant. As entry [4], p. 4] F : £287-5-9 from previous years G : £351-2-7

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [John Gardyner, recusant As entry [5], p 5, to E(d) inclus.] F: £327-9-6 from previous years G : £378-1-4 .

[Seized land. Rental]

[6] farm . A: Tenants. B : Thomas Palmer of Halton, gent. , recusant, who is indebted to the Queen in the sum of£240 by virtue of the aforesaid Act of Parliament.2 C : £13-6-8 , which is demanded under "Heref"" in the preceding roll.³

D: Two-thirds of a certain annual rent of£1 issuingfrom the manor of Wiggenton. E(a) : John Crooke, esq., and others.

E(b) : 8 April, 33 Eliz [1591 ]. F: £60 from previous years.

G : £73-6-8.

[Seized goods & chattels]

[7] [Henry Mansfeild, recusant As entry [12], p 6, to "Edward Bulstred & others, commissioners"]. 4 [Postscripts] For which the sheriffanswers below.5 [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Record of annual finepaid]

[8] A: Thomas Throgmorton, esq C. D : £260 H. E : From 23 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595] to 21 [sic] Oct., 38 Eliz., viz.for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P : On 24 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £120 was paid into theTreasury. Andon 29 Nov., 39 Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid ... [etc.].


[Statement of sheriff's arrears] And he is quit


The same sheriff, viz Edward Tyrrell, esq. , renders an account of :

B : [7] £24-0-8 (from HenryMansfeild's goods)

C : £24-0-8

E : And he [sheriff] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under"Buck"" .

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]6

[10]A: Stephen Standysshe of Thorneburghe [Thornborough ], Bucks , gent. B. Ď : £60 G. H. J: For 3 months next following 1 Nov., 39 Eliz [1597] M : 14 Sept., 40 Eliz [1598].

Ann Harris, lately of Maydes Morton [Maids Moreton], Bucks , otherwise called Ann Perrye, latelyofthe same, "spinster" .

William Harris of the same , gent.

Francis Harris of the same , gent. ] £60 forthe like. [ ]

William Colton, latelyofthe same , gent., otherwise called William Collyton ofthe same , gent.

Sic, for "they (i.e. Thos. Sheffeild & Richard Brewster : lessees) 2i.e. the Act 28-9 Eliz , cap 6 are quit" [11], p 32, above 3Cf . Herefords "But a space is left in MS for the word


"deb'" (owes) 5Cf . entry [9].


"All items under this heading are bracketed , L., withthenote : Let a commission beissued ("r[espondetu]r") "The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (ifrequired) of the

"deb "(owes)





[1] Robert Brudnell , esq. , sheriff ofthis county forthis year, renders an account ... [etc. as Bucks [1]]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Henry Cooke, recusant As entry [2], p 7]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below . [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized land . Rental]

[3] [Agnes Thurgare, recusant. As entry [3], p. 7].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] Ann Mannock, recusant As entry [4], p 7].

J: On 26 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 27 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £5 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Twyttye: lessee] isquit

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [Frances Torrell, recusant. As entry [5], p 7] E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Cant"" .

J : [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized alnd Rental]

[6] [EvanFludd, recusant. As entry[6], p. 8] E(d) as entry[5] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[7] William, Lord Vaux , recusant, as entry[7], p. 8]. F: £291-12s. from previous years G : £334-6s

J: And they [tenants] answer in roll 39 Eliz., under "Cant"" , for this rent and its arrears.

[L.Margin] Supersedeas.2

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[8] A: The same sheriff, viz. Robert Brudnell, esq. , renders an account of:-

B : [2] £32 (for John Hutton [lessee ], from Cooke's lands); [3] £4 (for Thurgare's tenants) ; [5] £ 13-6-8 (for Torrell's tenants) ; [6] 10s . (for Fludd's tenants).

4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6)

C : £49-16-8.

D : [5] Torrell's tenants answer for their debt in thefollowing roll under"Cant"" , after theirfarm.³

E : Andhe [sheriff] owes £36-10s. And he answers in roll 39 Eliz , under "Cant'" .

[Enrolment of estreatedconviction for recusancy]

[9] A Elizabeth Tynne, latelyofHinxton, Cambs.,"spinster" . B.

D: £260 F : £240 G. H. J: For 12 months next following 1 Feb., 39 Eliz [1596/7] L : £20 M: Monday, 28 Aug., 40 Eliz [1598]. N: From date of conviction to 25 Sept., next following, viz for one [lunar] month. O.

P : [L. Margin] Let a commission be issued .

1Cf . entry [8] A writ for stay of proceedings "Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Brudnell) was thereforedischarged of this item . " "fi[at]Commissio"

[rotulet 3, dorse]


CORNWALL ("Cornub" ")

[1] Charles Trevanyan, esq., sheriff of this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Robert Beckett, recusant As entry [2], p 8] J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[3] [Richard Tremayne, recusant As entry [3], p. 8] J: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Richard Tremayne, recusant As entry [4], p 9] F : £56 from previous years G : £64 . J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land . Rental]

[5] [Thomas Arrundell, alias Courtney, recusant. As entry [5], p. 9].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Seized land . Rental]

[6] [Trevenor Rosecarrock, recusant As entry [6], p. 9].

AmpJ: [Postscripts as under entry[2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[7] [Peter Coffyn, recusant. As entry [7], p 9]. E(d) : Cf. roll

35 Eliz., under "Cornub""

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for this, nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforth, because George Robson answers below for the same rent from 2 May, 37 Eliz, [1595], and thereafter is answerable to the Queen by another And they arequit. commission

[Seized land Rental]

[8] [William Han, recusant As entry [8], p 9] E(d) : Cf. roll

35 Eliz., under "Cornub"" .

[Seized land Rental]

[9] [Nicholas Burlace, recusant As entry [9], p. 9] E(d) : as entry[7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land . Rental]

[10] [Digory Trevillian, recusant As entry [10], p 9]. E(d) : as entry[7] above .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[11] [ElizabethArrundell , recusant As entry[11], p. 10] E(d) : as entry [7] above

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Seized land Rental]

[12] [Alexander Bradley, recusant As entry [12], p 10] E(d) : as entry [7] above .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13][Peter Coffyn, recusant As entry [15], p 11 , to [H(e) inclus ]. H(k) Cf. preceding roll, under "Cornub"" . F: £2 from precedingyear G : £6.

[Ex sheriff's debt]³

[14]A Thomas Lower, esq B : Mich 35-36 Eliz. (1593-4). C: £171-2-1.4 D. E : Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Cornub' F: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above].

[Record of annual finepaid]

[15]A John Arrundell , esq C. D : £260 E : From 19 Sept., 37 Eliz [1595] to 17 (sic) Sept., 38 Eliz , viz for 13 [lunar] months H. K. G.

P: On 22 May, 38Eliz [1596], £140 was paid intotheTreasury. And on 27 Nov., 39 Eliz [1596], £120 was paid ... [etc.]. And heisquit.

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]


A : The same sheriff, viz Charles Trevanyan, esq , renders an account of:-

B : [2] £41-6-8 (for John Wingfeild [lessee], from Beckett's lands) ; [3] £22-4-4 (for Hannibal Vivian [lessee], from Tremayne's lands) ; [4] £64 (for Hugh Cuffe [lessee], from Tremayne's lands) ; [5] £2-13-4 (for Arrundell, alias Courtney's tenants) ; [6] £1-11s (for Rosecarrock's tenants) ; [9] £1-6-8 (for Burlace's tenants) ; [10] £1-6-8 (for Trevillian'stenants) ; [11] £6-13-4 (for Eliz. Arrundell's tenants) ; [12] £6-13-4 (for Bradley's tenants) ;

[13] £6 (for George Robson [lessee ], from Coffyn's lands); [14] £171-2-1 (for Thomas Lower, late sheriff).

C : £324-17-5 .

D : [11] Eliz Arrundell's tenants answer for their debt in the following roll, under "Cornub"" , after their farm.5

[14] Thomas Lower, late sheriff , answers for his debt in same roll (loc. cit).5

[9] Burlace's tenants answer for their debt in same roll (loc cit).5

[2]& [3] On 17 June, 39 Eliz. [1597], £63-11-0 waspaid into the Treasury under the names of John Wingfeeld and Hannibal Vivian.

[4] Hugh Cuffe answers for his debt in roll 39 Eliz., under "Cornub"" , afterhisfarm.5

[13] George Robson answers for his debt in same roll (loc. cit.).5

And on 23 May, 40 Eliz. [1598], £12-4-4 was paidintothe Treasury by the said sheriff [Trevanyan], being the remainder ofhis accountfor recusants . E : And he [sheriff] is quit.

1Cf . entry [16] Cf. entry (13). Introd pp xcivvi, and 18 [15] "deb'" (owes).

Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, "Space left in MS for word "Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Trevanyan) was thereforedischargedof this item

[rotulet26, dorse]


[Seized land. Rental]

[George Skelton, recusant


Entry as on p. 12 above, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) : Cf. precedingroll, under "Cumbr'" .

J: On 6 May, 39 Eliz [1597], [this rent: 16s .] was delivered in the Treasury by the hands of Lancelot Salkeld, esq., late sheriff . And they [tenants] arequit

[L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[rotulet 15 , dorse]





[1] William Cavendyshe, esq., sheriffof this countyfor this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]]

mo [Seized land. Rental]

[2] [Christopher Rolston, recusant As entry [2], p 12]. E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Derb'" F: £3-6-8 from preceding year. G : £6-13-4. [Further arrears] £12-13-4 from the year 35 Eliz., and the arrears ; cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Derb'" .

[Total debt] £18-6-8. J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for £9-3-4 (part ofthe said annualrent of £3-6-8), viz forhalfthepremises from the said 11 Aug., 33 Eliz. [1591] to Michaelmas thisyear, 38 Eliz [1596], nor ought £1-13-4 (i.e. half of this annualrent) to be chargedhenceforthby considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 35 Eliz, Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ].

Andthey [tenants] owe £9-3-4 .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [John Palmer, recusant. As entry [3], p 12, to H(e) inclus.]. ¹ H(k) Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Derb : J: And he [Henry Merrye: lessee ] answers in roll 39 Eliz. , under "Derb " , after hisfarm.

*[Seized land Rental]

[4] farm . A: Ellen ("Elena") Foxe C : £1-6-8. D : Twothirdsof certain lands in Forde in the parish ofNorthwynfield [North Wingfield ], of the yearly value of £2 E(a) : John Harpur, esq., and others E(b) : 17 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595] E(c) Recusancy of the same Ellen E(d) : Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz. , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.2

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

*[Seized land Rental]

[5] farm . A: Katherine Wilbrockson, alias Wilcockson C : 13s 4d D : Two-thirds of lands in "le Carre Heade" in Hathersage, of the yearly value of £1 . E(a), (b), (d) : all as entry[4]above E(c) : Recusancyofthe same Katherine

*[Seized land Rental]

[6] farm . A: Edmund Eyre. C : £14. D : Two-thirds of a farm or tenement in "le Carre Heade" aforesaid, ofthe yearly value of£1 ; and two-thirdsof the tithes ofgrain, hay, wool & lambs in Hathersage aforesaid, of the yearly value of £20 : of thelandsand tenementsofthe said Edmund and of hisbrothers,


Laurence, Nicholas and GodfreyEyre, and his sisters , Mary and Jane E(a), (b), (d) : all as entry [4] above E(c): Recusancyof the same Edmund.

[Seized goods & chattels]³

John Abellof Eam [Eyam] owes £2, charged uponhimself , for the price or value of one horse, ofthe goods & chattels ofthe same John seized and returned bytheaforesaid commissioners . *

[Seized goods & chattels]³

[8] Nicholas Elvys ofthe same owes £2, charged uponhimself , for the household goods ("bonis domestic" ") ofthe same Nicholas seized ... [etc. as entry [7]]

[Seized goods & chattels]³

[9] Thomas Barley of Hathersage owes £2, charged uponhimself , forthe price ofone horse, ofthe goodsand chattelsofthe same Thomas seized ... [etc. as entry [7]]

[Seized goods & chattels]³

[10] Hugh Bricklebanckeofthe same owes £3 , chargeduponhimself , for the price of one horse and 12 sheep, of the chattels ofthe same Hugh seized ... [etc. as entry [7]]

[Seized goods & chattels]³

[11]Christopher Bricklebancke of Broukefeld [? Brookfield] of the same [sic], owes £15, charged upon himself, for the price of his goods and chattels seized ...[etc. as entry [7]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[12]William Sewell ofDuffield [ ] £1-10s, chargedupon himself , for the price of2 cows ("vacar" "), of the chattels of the same William seized ... [etc. as entry [7]]. [Postscripts as under [4]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[13] Thomas Whalley of Langford [Longford] [ ]5 £1-6-8 forthe price or value of his goods and chattels seized ... [etc. as entry [7]].

[Postscripts as under entry [4]]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[14]Mary Alte, widow, of the same, owes £4, chargedupon herself, for the price or value of her goods and chattels seized ... [etc. as entry [7]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[15]EdmundBowmeof the same owes £1 , chargedupon himself , for the price ofhis goods seized ... [etc. as entry [7]].

4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[Seized goods & chattels]

[16] Robert Bakewell, JohnBakewell, RichardBakewelland Katherine Bakewell of Okemanton owe £1 , charged upon themselves , for the price oftheir goods seized ... [etc. as entry [7]].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[17]Charles Sydon of Rippley [Ripley] owes £6 charged upon himself , for the price of 5 young oxen ("boviculor"") of the same Charles seized ... [etc. as entry [7]].

[Ex-sheriff's debt]7

[18]A Francis Cocken , esq. B : Mich. 35-36 Eliz. (1593-4).

C : £394-12-3 & two-thirds of a farthing D. E : Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Derb"" .

F: [Postscripts as under entry [4]].

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[19]A The same sheriff, viz William Cavendishe, esq , rendersan account of :-

B : [4] £1-6-8(for Foxe'stenants) ; [12] £1-10s. (forSewell) ; [13]£1-6-8 (forWhalley) ; [18] £3948 (for Francis Cocken , latesheriff).

C : £398-3-4 .

E : And he [sheriff] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under"Derb""

[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy]

[20]A John Barrett of the parish of Sawley, Derbys , "yom""

C. D : £260 F : £240 G. H. J : For 12 months next following 10 Feb., 31 Eliz [1588/9] L: £20 M : 16 March, 32 Eliz [1589/90]. N : From date of conviction to 14 April next following, viz for one [lunar] month O.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R.,40 Eliz,. Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he isquit.

A: Matilda Barrett of Sawley in the said county, widow. C.

D: £40. F: £20 G. H. J : For one month next following 1 Jan., 33 Eliz. [1590/91] L : £20. M : Friday, in 3rd week ofLent, 34 Eliz [1591/2]. N: From date of conviction to ult March next following, viz for one [lunar] month O.

P : But she ought not to be summoned for this [debt]for a reason referred to immediately above in the debt of John Barrett. And she isquit.

"In section D , MS has "Sturson" instead of "Scurson" ; and"cf. roll 35 Eliz . " instead of "cf. precedingroll" . 2Cf . entry [19] Entries [7]to [11] inclus are bracketed , L., withthenotenil; and , R., with the note : And they answer separately in roll 39 Eliz , under

4. MICH.


) "Derb"" E(a).

'I.e. JohnHarpur& others, mentionedin entry [4], "Spaceleft in MSforword "deb'" (owes) "Entries [14] to [17] inclus are bracketedand annotatedas stated in note 3 above. Cf. C.R.S., LVII, Introd , pp xciv-vi, and 19 [8]. 8Sic in MS. Cf. entry [18], C.

[rotulet 3] [Preamble]



[1] Edward Seymor, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Seized land Rental]

[2] [Thomas Arrundell, alias Courtney, recusant As entry [2], p. 13].

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Nicholas Rosecarrock, recusant. As entry [3], p 13].

J: [Postscripts as under entry [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Giles Risden, recusant As entry [4], p. 14, to H(e) inclus.].2 H(k) Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Devon"" .

J: On 4 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £7-5-2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £7-5-2 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Robert Seale : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [William Burgen, alias Burgan, alias Burgoyn, recusant As entry [5], p. 14, to H(e) inclus.2] H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Devon'

J: On4May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £4-12-9 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £4-12s. [sic] was paid ... [etc. as above].

And he [Robert Seale : lessee] isquit

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]


[6] farm . A: Thomas Griffeth, gent [lessee ] C: £3-6-8, being the remainder [of an original rent] of £ 10-4-5 & twothirds of d D: Two-thirds of the tithes of sheaves and grain ["garb' et gran'") of the rectoryof Hockworth [Hockworthy], Devon, with appurtenances B : Edmund Marvin of Asshebrittle [Ashbrittle], Somerset , recusant H(a): Aforesaid Thomas Griffeth, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 20 June, 34 Eliz [1592] H(c) H(d): £3-6-8. H(e). H(k) : "As demanded from him in the preceding roll, under Somerset" . F: £5 from previous years G : £8-6-8


ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[Ex-sheriff's debt]4

A: William Strode, esq B : Mich 35-36 Eliz [1593-4].

C : £21-1-6 . D. E : Cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Devon"" . F: On 3 May, 36 Eliz [1594], £7-5-1 ofthe sum of£14-10-2 owed for Robert Seale was paid into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 36 Eliz [1594], £7-5-2 ofthe same sum was paid ... [etc.]. And he [Strode] owes £6-11-3% . And he answers in roll 40 Eliz under "Devon"" .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]5

[8] A RobertDeyman, latelyofMoretonin theparish ofMoreton, Devon, "husb'" B. D : £260 F: £240 G. H. J: For 12 months next following 1 March, 38 Eliz. [1595/6]

L: £20. M : Monday in the 4th week of Lent, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. N: From date of conviction to 4 April next following, viz for one [lunar] month. O. "Willmotta" Turner, wife of Anthony Turner, lately ofThorverton , gent .. [ ] £260 for thelike. JohnSeyere, aliasSawyer, lately ofStoke Fleminge, "yoman" .

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[9] A: The same sheriff, viz Edward Seymor, esq., renders an an account for : -

B : [2] £2-15s (for Arrundell, alias Courtney's tenants) ; [3] 10s. 8d (for Rosecarrock's tenants).

C : £3-5-8.

E: And he [sheriff] answers in roll 7 James I, under "Devon"" .

¹Cf . entry [9]. "In sectionD, MS has "cf. roll 35 Eliz " instead of"cf. precedingroll" 3Cf . Somerset [3], J. (p 82, above Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, Introd, pp. xciv-vi ; and p 22, [7] 5All items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio") "The brackets here and in thefollowing item indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "deb'" (owes).

[rotulet 19, dorse] [Preamble]



[1] Thomas Hussy, esq , sheriff of this county for this ban ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[2] [William Gerrard, recusant As entry [2], p 15] year, renders J: On4 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £9-17-5was paidfrom thisfarm intotheTreasury. And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £9-17-5was paid ... [etc. asabove]. And he [William Arrundell : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] [Henry Wells , recusant. As entry [3], p. 15].

J: On 28 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £3-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury. And on 19 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [John Hopkynson : lessee] isquit.

[Seized land. Rental]¹

[4] [William Moorecock, recusant. As entry [6], p 16, to E(c) incl ]. E(d) Cf. preceding roll, under "Dors'" .

[Seized land. Rental]¹

[5] [Gregory Durdo, recusant E(d) as entry [4] above

As entry[7], p. 16, to E(c) inclus ].

[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy]

[6] A John Slade, latelyofMaunson [? Manston], Dorset, gent. B. D £ 100 F : £40 G. H. J: For 2 months nextfollowing 2 Sept., 38 Eliz [1596] L: £60 M : Thursday , 30 June, 39 Eliz. [1597] N: From date of conviction to 22 Sept. next following, viz for 3 [lunar] months 0.

P : [L.Margin] Let a commission be issued.2

3A: Charles Zouche, lately of Brapoole [? Bradpole], Dorset, gent B. D : £60 F : £40 G. H. J: For 2 whole months next following 2 Sept., 38 Eliz [1596]. L: £20

M: Monday in the 3rd week of Lent, 39 Eliz [1596/7]

N: From date of conviction to 28 March next following, viz for one [lunar] month. O.

Mary Tynam, lately of Bridporte, "spinster"

Margaret Wells, wife of Henry Wells, lately of Swanwiche [? Swanage ], gent "Mariana" Hayward, wife of Henry Hayward, lately of the same , "husb""

Alice Snock [? Suock], wife ofWilliam Snock,lately ofBrodemayne[Broadmayne], "husb'

Joan Kyngston, wife of Nicholas Kyng-

ston, lately of Sutton Poyntz, "husb'"

Christiana Samwayes, wife of Thomas Samwayes of Winterborne St. Martin, "yom""

Nicholas Hunte, lately of Chedington [Cheddington], "laborer"

John Game, latelyofCroscombe[? Corscombe]"husb""

£60 forthe like

Katherine Game, wife of Thomas Game of the same , "yom"" .

Joan Syms, alias Forde, wife of Philip Syms, alias Forde, of Netherbury , "yom""

Ann Syms, alias Forde, wife of William Syms, alias Forde, of the same , "yom">

Emanuell Woodcock, latelyofChideoke [Chideock], "husb'""

Mary, hiswife

Agnes Wakelif, alias Rockett, wife of William Wakelif, alias Rockett, of the same, "yom' ' دو

Isabel Orchard, wife ofRichard Orchard ofthe same"yom" "

Richard Chepman, ofthe same, "husb'

Agnes Stone of the same, widow

Edith Orchard, wife ofWilliam Orchard of the same, "laborer"

Elizabeth Gould, lately of Whitchurche , widow

Margaret Mullens, wife of George Mullensof the same , "yom""

William Ellyott of the same, "husb""

John Mullens of the same, "yom'

Mary Wareham, wife of Thomas Wareham of the same , "weaver

"Elianora" Loape, lately of Tolepiddle [Tolpuddle], "spinster" .

Agnes Bramble, wife ofWilliam Bramble , latelyofKingstonCapella, "yom

"Elianora" Cobstock, wife of John Cobstock ofthesame

Elizabeth Lockyer, wife of Richard Lockyerofthe same, "yom'"

Mary Good , wife ofThomas Goodofthe same , "yom'"

Henry Carewe, lately of Hamworthy, esq

Agnes Lockyer, wife of John Lockyerof West Parley, "husb""

Margaret Lockyer, wife of William Lockyer, "husb' دو

Simon Gerrard, junior, lately of Wimborne Minster, "Blacksmithe" . [ ]

Alice Syler, wife ofChristopher Syler of the same, "Weaver"

Joan Loupe, wifeof Roger Loupe, ofthe same , "Surgeon"

Henry Youngeofthesame , "yoman"

Richard Okeford "yom""


for the like .

William Biddlecombe , junior, of the same , "yom'

Elizabeth, his wife وو

ThomasHardley ofthe same, "Weaver"

Hampreston, [ ] [

Alice Biddlecombe of the same , "spinster" ThomasSkippinge ofthe same , "husb""

George Harbert ofShafton [Shaftesbury] St. James, gent.

Stephen VaunceofShafton, Holy Trinity [ ]

Sara Kinge, wife of Nicholas Kynge of the same, "Shomaker"

Robert Hunton of Motcombe , gent

Richard Hunton ofthe same , gent

Elizabeth, hiswife

John Slade, latelyof Maunson , gent.

William Waters, lately of Sturmister [Sturminster] Newton, "yom" "

John Hilberd, lately of Gillingham , "husb""

David Crome , lately of Warmewell [Warmwell]

Entries [4] & [5] are bracketed , R., with the note : Total of these two rents £3 . They [tenants] delivered this sum in the Treasury on 1 Feb. , 39 Eliz [1596/7]. And they are quit missio" . 2fi[at] Com"The

All the following items are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio") bracketshereand in the following items indicate a space leftin MS for thelaterinsertion (ifrequired) oftheword "deb "(owes)

[rotulet 5] [Preamble]

ESSEX ("Essex'")

[1] Edward Syllyard, esq., sheriff of this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Richard Greene , recusant. As entry [2], p 17]

J: On 26 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £18-3-10 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury, under the names of administrators of the said Thomas Gente And on 5 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £18-3-10 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Thomas Gente: lessee] is quit.

146 ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) ESSEX

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Thomas Hayle, recusant As entry [3], p 17, to H(k) inclus ]. F: £36-13-4from previous years G : 40.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [John Danyell, recusant. As entry[4], p. 18].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £3-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury And on 4 Nov., [1596], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [HenryMarwood: lessee] isquit.

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[5] [Richard Martin, recusant. As entry [5], p. 18, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £2 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Francis Mannock : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Ambrose Jermyn, recusant As entry [6], p 18, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £12 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov. , 38 Eliz [1596], £12 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Ralph Smythe : lessee ] isquit.

Rental] [Lease of seized land

[7] [Thomas Crawley, recusant As entry [7], p. 18].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £7-4-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £7-4-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Robert Seale : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [William Tucker, recusant. As entry [8], p 18 , to H(k) inclus.]. F: 15s forWilliam Ayloffe, esq., sheriff ofpreceding year (cf. preceding roll, under "Essex'"), viz rent ofthe last part ofthe preceding year (cf. preceding roll, under "Essex""). G : £2-5s.

J: But he [Hugh Cuffe : lessee ] oughtnot to be summoned for this rent after Ladyday, 37 Eliz. [1595], nor chargedtherewith henceforth, because Francis Huntley, gent., answers elsewhere in this roll, under London' Midd' , for £4-10s p.a. rentfor the same premises and others as from 26 May, 37 Eliz [1595], andthereafteris answerable to the Queen by anotherCommission. And he [Hugh Cuffe] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [William Mannock, jun., recusant. As entry [9], p. 19].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £11-8-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £11-8-4 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Will Twytty : lessee] isquit.

[Seized land Rental]

[10] [William Wiseman, recusant As entry [10], p 19]

J: On 17 June, 39 Eliz [1597], they [tenants] delivered[this rent : £28-13-4] in theTreasury.

[Lease of seized land Rental] And they are quit.

[11] [John Danyell, recusant As entry [11], p 19]

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £2 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Thomas Webber : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12][Richard White, recusant As entry [12], p 19].

J: On 29 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £3-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury And on 27 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Will. Elinge : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13] [Jane Wiseman, recusant. As entry [13], p 19].

J: For which the sheriffanswers below. [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[14][Edmund Church, recusant As entry [20], p 21, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. preceding roll, under "Essex'" .

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £2 was paid from thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £2 was paid ... [etc. as above]

And he [Walter Osborne: lessee] is quit

[Ex-sheriff's debt]³

[15]A Humphrey Mildmay, esq. B : Mich. 35-36 Eliz. [1593-4]

C : [ ] £9 . D. E : Cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Essex'" . F : [Postscripts as under entry [13] above.

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[16]A The same sheriff, viz. Edward Syllyard, esq. , renders an account of:-

B : [13] £6 (for Thomas Dickenson [lessee], from Jane Wiseman's lands) ; [15] £9 (for Humphrey Mildmay, late sheriff).

C : £15.

E : And he [Syllyard] answers in roll 39 Eliz, under "Essex . ""

[Enrolment ofestreatedconviction for recusancy]

[17] A Robert Smithe of Takeley, Essex , "weaver" . B. D : £220. F: £180 G. H. J : For 9 months nextfollowing

1 June, 38 Eliz [1596]. L : £40 M: Thursday, 27 July,

40 Eliz. [1598] N: From date of conviction to 21 Sept. next following, viz for 2 [lunar] months. O.

P : [L. Margin] Let a commissionbe issued.5

Cf. London' Midd' [2] & [3], p. 181 , below Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, Introd pp xciv-vi, and p 29, entry [18]. left in MS for word "debet" (owes) 5"fi[at] Commissio"

2Cf. entry [16] Space

[rotulet 6]




[1] Sir Henry Wynston, knt., sheriffof this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] [Thomas Somersett, recusant As entry [2], p 23, to H(k) inclus ]. F £40 from previous years G : £60.

J: And he [Hugh Cuff: lessee] answers in roll40 Eliz., under "Glouc"" , after hisfarm

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Thomas Bradford, recusant As entry [4], p. 23, to E(d) inclus ]. F: £2-4-6 from precedingyear G : £4-9s

[rotulet 18]




[1] Robert Oxenbridge, esq., sheriff of this countyfor this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Robert Knyght, recusant As entry [3], p 24] H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Sutht"" .

J: On 1 May, 38Eliz. [1596], £8-12-6 was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury. And on 30 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £8-12-6was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land. Rental] And he [John Stockman : lessee] is quit.¹

[3] [Richard Warneford, recusant As entry [4], p 24]. E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Sutht'" .

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse of this rotulet . "

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[4] [Edward Banyster, recusant. As entry [5], p 24] H(k) : as [2] above F: £78-3-10 from preceding year. G : £156-7-9 .

[Lease of seized land


[5] [William Fawkenor, recusant As entry [6], p 24] H(k) : as [2] above

J: On ult April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £38-2-2 waspaidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £38-2-2 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Sir James Marvin

[Lease of seized land

Rental] lessee] is quit.

[6] [Anthony Uvedall, recusant As entry [7], p 25]. H(k) : as [2] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above]

[Lease ofseized land


[7] [Gilbert Wells, recusant As entry [8], p 25] H(k) : as [2] above

J: On 5 April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £35-18-0 was paid from this farm into the Treasury. And on 30 Oct., 38 Eliz. [[1596], £35-18-0 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land. Rental] And he [Thomas Hixon : lessee] is quit.

[8] [Lady Pawlett, recusant As entry [9], p 25] E(d) : as [3] above

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above]

[Lease of seized land


[9] [William Burley, recusant. As entry [11], p 25] H(k) : as [2] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above].

[Lease of seized land


[10] [Anthony Norton, Margery Wigmore & Richard Brewninge, recusants As entry [14], p. 26]. H(k) : as [2] above

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above]

[Lease of seized land


[11] [Anthony Uvedall, recusant As entry [15], p. 26]. H(k) : as [2] above

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[12] [Henry Cary, recusant As entry [16], p 26].

J: On ult. April, 38 Eliz [1596], £5-18-6 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 25 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £5-18-6 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. Andthey [John Goyte, Will Bate & John Thomas : lessees ] are quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13] [Stephen Vachell, recusant As entry [17], p 26].

J: On 5 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £9-3-4 [sic] was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 26 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £9-3-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Charles Pagett : lessee] ought notto be summoned ... [etc. as on p 19]. And he [Pagett] is quit.

[Seized land Rental]

[14] [Richard Warneford, recusant As entry [18], p. 27, to E(d) incl ].

J: [Postscript as under [3] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[15] [Thomas & Benjamin Stockwithe, recusants. As entry [20], p 27, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : as [2] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[16] Gilbert Welles, esq. , owes £53-5s. , charged upon himself, for the price of his goods & chattels, returned by Sir Richard Norton, knt., and other commissionersappointed in this case ; cf. preceding roll, under "Sutht"" , viz in a certain discharge made to the said Sir Richard Norton, knt , and other commissioners by consideration of the Barons [ofthe Exchequer].³

[Postscript] And he [Welles] answers in roll 39 Eliz, under "Sutht'"

[Seized goods & chattels]

[17]Anthony Uvedall, recusant, owes £ 100, charged upon himself, for20 acres ofbeechwood& 20 acres of oak, ofthe goodsofthe same Anthony, returned & valued ("valuat" ") by the said Sir Richard Norton, knt , and other commissionersappointed in this case ; cf. the aforesaid discharge.4

[Postscript as under [16] above]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[18] Thomas Canterton ofKingesomborne, recusant, owes £2-13-4, charged upon himself, for the price of his goods & chattels, returned by the said commissioners; cf. the aforesaid discharge.5

[Postscript as under [16] above]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[19] Gilbert Welles, esq , owes £136-13-8, charged upon himself, for the price of his goods & chattels, returned ... [etc. as [18] above].6

[Postscript as under [16] above]

ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[Seized goods & chattels]

[20] Lady Pawlett, widow, recusant, owes £3-6-8, charged upon herself,for the price or value ofthe copses & underwood ofthe same Lady Paulett, returned ... [etc. as [18] above].7

[Postscript as under [16] above]

[rotulet 18 , dorse]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[21] [Robert Knight and Alice Knight, widow, recusants . As entry [27], p. 28, to "their recusancy"] cf. preceding roll, under "Sutht"" .

[Postscript as under [16] above]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[22] [Thomas Stockwythe & Benjamin Stockwithe, recusants. As entry [28], p 28, to "their recusancy"] Cf. preceding roll, under"Sutht'" .

[Postscript as under [16] above]

[Ex-sheriff's debt]8

[23]A Sir John Seymor, knt B : Mich 34-35 Eliz [1592-3].

C : [ ] £48-17-10 & one peppercorn D. E : Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz, under "Res' Sutht"" 10 F: For which the [current] sheriffanswers below² [L.Margin] He [current sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Record of annual finepaid]

[24]A George Cotton of Warblington, Hants , esq C. D: £260 H. E : From 23 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595] to 21 [sic] Oct., 38 Eliz , viz for 12 [lunar] months K. G. P : On 24 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £120 was paid intotheTreasury. And on 29 Nov., 39 Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid ... [etc.]. And he isquit.

[Statement of sheriff'sarrears]

[25] A The same sheriff, viz Robert Oxenbridge, esq , rendersan account of :-

B : [3] £12-8-10 (for Warneford's tenants) ; [6] £16-4-6 (for Charles Pagett [lessee], from Uvedall's lands); [9] £2-13-4 & one peppercorn (for George Burley [lessee], from Will Burley's lands) ; [10] £29-13-4 (for Barnard Wakefeild [lessee], from lands of Norton, Wigmore & Brewninge) ; [11] £6-13-4 (for Charles Pagett [lessee], from Uvedall's lands) ; [14] £26-13-4 (for Warneford's tenants) ; [15] 16s 8d (for John Goodwyn [lessee], from lands of Thomas & Benjamin Stockwithe) ; [8] £7-11-2 (for Lady Pawlett's tenants) ; [23] £48-17-10 & one peppercorn (for Sir John Seymor, knt , late sheriff).

C: £151-12-5 & 2 peppercorns


[6] Pagett answers for his debt in roll 39 Eliz , under "Sutht'" , after hisfarm . 11

[9] George Burley answers for his debt in same roll (loc cit.), after hisfarm . 11

[10] Wakefeild answers for his debt ... [etc. as preceding note].11

[11] Pagett answers for his debt ...[etc. as above].¹¹

[14] Warneford's tenants answer for their debt ... [etc. as above].11

[15] Goodwyne answers for his debt ... [etc. as above]" E : And he [sheriff] owes £68-17-11 [sic]. And he answers in roll 39 Eliz., under"Sutht"" .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]12

[26]A Joan Foster, lately of Carehampton [Corhampton ], Hants., wife of John Foster. B. D : £80 G. H. E: For 4 whole months next following 20 April, 39 Eliz [1597]. M : 21 Feb., 39 Eliz [1596/7].13

Elizabeth Sutton, lately of Eastmeane [East Meon], wife of Nicholas Sutton , gent. WilliamHall, latelyofEaston, gent.

Margaret Abraham, lately of Pamber, wife of Robert Abraham [ ]14 £80for the like.

John Borne, lately of Northstenham [North Stoneham], gent.

ofGeorge Beamond , gent .. [ ] " "Florida" Beamonde of the same , wife

[Arrearage or rent] 23

[27]A Hugh Cuff, gent [lessee] D: [as entry [2], p 24].

B : William Hoord. F: £24-13-4for Francis Keylway, esq , sheriff of the year 28 Eliz [Mich 1586-7] (cf. Great [Pipe] Roll 36 Eliz., under "AdhucItem Sutht'"), beingthe remainder [of an original rent] of £72-18-4, viz. the rentfor one whole year ending Michaelmas, 29 Eliz (cf. Great [Pipe] Roll 28 Eliz., under "Southt" ")

J: But he [Cuff]oughtnot to besummoned for this [rent]for a reasonreferred to in [Recusant] Roll 39 Eliz , under "Sutht"" , in thefarm ofthe said Hugh Cuff& others. And he [Cuff] isquit

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]12

[28]A Richard Baker, lately of Farrington [Farringdon ], Hants , "yom'" . B. D : £160 F : £120 G. H. J: For 6 whole months next following 30 Sept., 38 Eliz. [1596]. L:

£40. M : 20 Feb., 40 Eliz [1597/8] N : From date of convictionto 17April nextfollowing, viz for2 [lunar] months. O.

ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

"Fortuna" Tawke, lately of Milford, Hants., "spinster"

Joan Tawke , lately of the same "spinster"

Dorothy Tawke , lately of the same , "spinster"

MaryTaverner ,latelyofHartlieWintney, Hants., "spinster"

Barbara Coreham, lately of Heckfeild, Hants., widow

Winifred Coreham , lately of the same , "spinster"

"Elianora" Braduam, latelyof Bramley, Hants., widow

Henry Henslowe, lately of Westburhant [Westbourne], Hants , gent

Elizabeth Bullacre, lately of the same , widow

William Hooper, lately of Northstoneham, Hants., "yoman"

Joan Wheeler, wife of Christopher, latelyof the same , "yoman" [rotulet 7]

"The MS, in error, gives "Et Quieti Sunt" . 3Cf . entry [21], p 27 [23], p. 28

Cf.entry [24], p 28

'Cf. entry [22], p 27

2Cf . entry [25]. 5Cf . entry

Cf. entry [25], p. 28 Space

Cf. C.R.S., LVII, Introd , pp xciv-vi and footnote 371 left in MS for word "debet" (owes) 10Cf . C.R.S. , XVIII, p 289, 1. 35 seq The entry referred to is the only "Statement" of a sheriff's recusancy arrears appearingin Recusant Roll No. 1 .

Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r") The sheriff (Oxenbridge ) was thereforedischarged of this item. 12All items underthis heading are bracketed , L., with thenote: Let a commission be issued("fi[at] Commissio") 13Thepresent entry is irregluar in form, andclearly at fault in the dating. 14The bracketshere and in entries belowindicatea space left in MSfor thelater insertion (ifrequired) of the word "debet" (owes)




[1] Gregory Price, esq., sheriff ofthis countyfor this year, renders .. [etc. as Bucks [1]]

[Seized land Rental]

[2] [William Mynors, recusant. As entry [2], p. 31 , to E(d) inclus ]. F £9-11-1 from previous years G : £14-8-10 & two-thirds of d

J: The sheriffanswers below¹for £4-19-7 & two-thirds ofthis total And they [tenants] owe £9-11-1.

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is chargedfor one year's rent only, unless ... 2

[Seized land. Rental]

[3] [Richard Abington, recusant. As entry [3], p 31].

J: For which the sheriffanswers below¹ [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ..

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [John Seaborne , recusant. As entry [4], p. 31 ].

J: On 4 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £8-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 8 Nov. [1596], £8-6-8 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Wellington: lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [Edmund Jones, recusant. As entry [5], p 31 , to H(k) inclus ] F : £60 from previous years . G : £66-13-4 .

[Seized land. Rental]

[6] [Thomas Preest, recusant As entry [6], p 31 , to E(b) inclus.] E(d) : Cf. Roll 35 Eliz, under "Hereff"" .

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above]

[Lease ofseized land


[7] [Richard Clark, recusant. As entry [7], p. 31, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £2-3-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury. And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £2-3-4 was paid ... [etc. as above].

And he [George Hockenson : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land


[8] [Thomas Scudamore, recusant As entry [8], p 31, to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above].

[Lease of seized lands


[9] [Henry Rawley & Jane Baskervile, recusants. As entry [9], p 32, to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under entry [3] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[10] [Thomas Price, recusant. As entry[10], p 32, to E(d) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[11]A Tenants. D : Two-thirds of the manor of Wellington, and of a capital messuage in Clifford, Herefs. B : Richard Clarke, recusant F : [ ]3 £14, being the rentfor one whole year ending Michaelmas, 33 Eliz. E(d) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., under "Hereff"".4

J: [Postscripts as under [3] above]

†[Lease ofseized land Rental] [12] A Gregory Price, esq. [lessee ]. C : £8-17-10 D : The whole close of land called "le Greene" , and a pasture called "the lake of the great meadowe" , and another pasturesituated, lying & existing within ("inter") a close called "Winfertons leasowe" , and the whole field ("campi") called "the Bomanrye" , and another pasture called "the Berrye Baghe" ; with appurtenances in Herefs : also all & singular the messuages, tenements, hereditaments and lands (i.e. customary land) within the manor of Wynferton , Herefs. , in the tenure or occupation of various copyhold tenants ("tenen' per copiam rotuli cur""), and all rents of assize ("redd' assis'") ofall& singular the freehold tenants ("liberor' tenen'") in the said manor, with all courts held in the said manor and the perquisites & profits of the same Also all the five messuages or tenementslying & existing in Wynfertons Wood, with herbage and swine pannage within the said wood called "Wynfertons Wood" ; the above being of the clear yearly value (charges deducted) of£8-17-10: all which premises comprisetwo-thirds of the lands & possessions of ... B : Michael Vaughan of Winferton [Winforton], Herefs , gent , recusant. E(b) : "taken & seized into the Queen'shands, in separationfrom the recusant's third part, on 4 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595]" . E(a) : Simon Berrington & others H(a) : Aforesaid Gregory Price, his executors & assigns H(b): From 21 Jan., 38 Eliz. [1595/6]. H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k): Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 38 Eliz., under "Hereff'" .

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596],£4-8-11waspaidfromthisfarm into the Treasury. And on 27 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £4-9s was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Price] is quit

[Ex-sheriff's debt]8

[13]A Roger Boddenham, esq B : Mich. 35-36 Eliz [1593-4].

C: £35-14s & two-thirds of d., remaining [of an original debt] of £50-9-6 & two-thirds of d. D. E : Cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Hereff""

F: [Postscripts as under [3] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[14] [Michael Vaughan, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 44, [5], to B inclus ] E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Hereff"" .

F : £166-13-4 from previous years G : £188-17-9 & twothirdsof d.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for £166-13-4 (viz rentfrom the time ofseizure ofthe premises into the Queen's hands until Michaelmas 37 Eliz [1595]) by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 31 Eliz., Hilary term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And they owe £22-4-5 & two-thirds of d

But they ought not to be summoned for this rent from 21 Jan. , 38Eliz [1595/6], nor oughtthesaidrent to be chargedhenceforth, because Gregory Price, esq., answers above for £8-17-10 p.a. from thesamefarm,from thesaid21 Jan., 38 Eliz, andthereafter answers to the Queen by another commission .

And they [tenants] arequit.

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[15]A The same sheriff, viz. Gregory Price, esq. , renders an account of: -

B: [2] £4-17-9 & two-thirds of d. (for Mynor's tenants); [3] £1-2-0 (for Abington's tenants) ; [6] 6d. & twothirds of 1d . (for Preest's tenants) ; [8] £7-1-1 & twothirds of d. (for Edward Redhead, lessee of Scudamore's lands) ; [9] £10 (for Anthony Pembridge, lessee of lands of Rawley & Baskervile) ; [10] 13s. 4d (for Price's tenants) ; [11] £14 (for Clarke's tenants) ; [13] £35-14s. & two-thirds of d (for Boddenham, late sheriff).

C : £173-8-10 & two-thirdsoftd

TE: And he [sheriff Price] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under "Hereff"" .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]10

[16]A: Rice ("Riceus") Harry of Llanrothall, Herefords ., "yoman" B. D: £60. F : £40. G. H. J : For 2 months next following 20 June, 39 Eliz [1597]. L: £20 M: Wednesday, 15 March, 40 Eliz [1597/8] N : From date of wh convictionto 12 April following, viz for one month K. O.

Elizabeth Gruffethes, wife of Ambrose Gruffithes of the city of Hereford [ ]¹¹ £60 forthelike.

Grace Gwatkin of Selleck [Sellack], "spinster"

Ann Gwatkin ofthe same , "spinster"

John Lewter of Madley, Herefs., "laborer"

Henry Samson ofAllensmore, "laborer" ]

Rowland ("Roulandus") Husband ofthe same , "laborer"

Christopher Barrett of Maddley, "laborer"

Mary Griffethes of Llanrothill, "spinster"

Alice Wellington, wife of Thomas Wellington ofAllensmore

Elizabeth Hallyward of the city of Hereford, wife of John Halliward [ ]

Ann Bybbe of the same, in the parish of

St. Owen ("Audoemi"), "spinster" [ ] 12A: Thomas Jenney of Westhide , Herefords.,"yoman" "B.

D: £100 F : £80. G. H. J : For 4 months nextfollowing 1 Nov., 40 Eliz. [1598].13 L: £20 M: Monday,4Sept., 40 Eliz [1598] N: Fromdate of conviction to 2 Oct. following, viz one [lunar] month O.

David Thomas of Vouchurche [Vowchurch], "husb'" , and Elizabeth his wife

Jane Jenney of Westhide aforesaid, "spinster" [ ] £ 100 for thelike.

Elizabeth Russell of Mardon [Marden], wife of John Russell

] [ ]


A: Ann Monyngton, wife of Thomas Monyngton of Sarnesfeild, esq B. D: £40 F: £20 G. H. J: For one month [date unspecified] L : £20 M, N, O : as under Thomas Jenneyabove.

Mary Bluntt, wife or Roger Bluntt of Mynckland[Monkland], gent ..

MaryVaughan, wife of Roger Vaughan, esq

Charles.Burne ofMadley, gent.

John Kedward of Kinnersley, "yom""

Henry Taylor of Llanrothall, "yoman"

George Powell of Aston Ingham, "yoman"

Joan Androes, wife of John Androes of Luggardine [Lugwardine]

PhilipDavid ofNewtonmagn","weaver"

William Mercer of Fawnthorpe [? Fownhope], "butcher" [ ] £40 for thelike.

John Baldamof the same, "husb""

William Woodwarde of the same, "laborer" .

Sibyl Havorde, wife of Gregory Havorde , gent , of Holmer. [ ]

ThomasGreen of Hope under Dinmore, "yom' [ ]

Richard Baker ofOrcope, "husb""

Mary Price, wife of Rice ("Ricei") Price, latelyof Kilpeck .

Thomas Androes of Sellock [Sellack], "husb'"

William Gwillym ofLlangarren, "husb""

John Gwyllym of the same, "husb

Sibyl Shipham, wife ofThomas Shipham ofWebley [Weobley], gent

Jane Harper ofthe same , "spinster" .

1Cf . entry [15]. "debet"(owes). 2" Oni de anno"

. ] [ ] "Space left in MS for 'Cf. C.R.S. ,XVIII, p 127 , 1.



*Fixedquit-rents offreeholdtenants. 74pan- (?) Bomaurye nag' porcoru " Herbagiumgreen pasture for cattle : pannagium forest pasture (acorns etc.) for swine Cf. Jacob, Law Dictionary. Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, Introd, pp xciv-vi, and p 48 , [18] Entry [12] 10All items under this heading, to Ann Bybbe inclus., are bracketed , L., withthe note : Let a commission beissued ("fi[at] Commissio") 11The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) ofthe word "debet" (owes). 12This and the following items, to Jane Harper inclus, are bracketed , L.,with thenote : Let a commission be issued. 13This dateisclearlyerroneous PossiblyDecember 1st, 40 Eliz [1597] is intended.

[rotulet 5 , dorse]


[Enrolment of estreatedconvictionfor recusancy] A: Dorothy Burgoyne ofClothall, wife of George Burgoine of Clothall, esq. C. F : £240 "for Walter Myldmay, esq. , late sheriffofthe year 32 Eliz. [Mich, 1590-91] ; cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 32 Eliz., under 'Item Hertff""" . G. H. J : For 12 months next following 21 July, 28 Eliz [1586] L: £20

M: 1 March, 30 Eliz [1587/8] N : From date ofconviction to 29 Marchfollowing, viz for one [lunar] month O: "as is contained in the Great [Pipe] Roll, 31 Eliz , under "Hertff"""

P : But she ought not to be summonedfor this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 2 James Easter term, "Recorda" section, And she isquit. rotulet [ ].

[L. Margin] Let a commission be issued

[rotulet2, dorse]


[Record of annual fine paid]

A: Robert Aprice, esq. C. D : £260 H. E : From 21 Sept., 37 Eliz. to 19 Sept. , 38 Eliz [1595-1596], viz. for 13 [lunar] months K. G.

P : On22 May, 38Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid into theTreasury. And on 23 Nov., 39 Eliz. [1596], £120 was paid ... [etc.]. Andhe is quit

[rotulet 8] [Preamble]

KENT ("Kanc"")

[1] Thomas Palmer, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks. [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Thomas Wilford, recusant As entry [2], p. 36 , to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 28 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £34-1-6 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £34-1-6 was paid ... [etc. as above] Andhe [Thomas Horseman : lessee ] isquit.

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Ann Maney, recusant. As entry [3], p. 36, to E(d) inclus.]


On8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], they [tenants] deliveredthis sum [£6-13-4] in theTreasury. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Norton Grene, recusant As entry [4], p. 36, to H(k) inclus.].

F: And £6-7s. from preceding year G : £19-2-6 & twothirds of 1d .

J: On5 April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £6-7-10 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury And on 21 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £6-7-10was paid ...[etc. as above].

And he [John Iden, lessee ] owes £6-7-10 & two-thirds of1d .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]¹

[5] A Henry Darrell of Lamberhurste, Kent, esq C. D: £120 F: £60 G. H. J: For 3 whole months next following 1 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596] L: £60 M: Monday, 27 June, 39 Eliz. [1597] N: From date of conviction to 18 Sept. following, viz. for 3 [lunar] months O.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt]for a reason referred toinroll6 James I, in thefarm ofthetenantsofthelands & tenements of the same Henry. And he is quit.

Margaret Darrell, his wife

Matthew Gooche of the same , gent..

Thomas Waters ofthe same , "yom'

William Brayeofthe same, "yoman"

Richard Kyffyn ofthe same , "yoman"

Ann Brynwyn of the same , "spinster"

Elizabeth James of the same , "spinster"

Thomas Heckell of the same, "yom"" [ ]2£120 for thelike.

A: ZacheusGraunte, lately of Hawkhurst , Kent, "yom'" . C.

D : £ 120 F : £80 G. H. J: For4 months nextfollowing 1 Dec., 39 Eliz. [1596]. L: £40. M : Monday, 20 Feb. , 40 Eliz [1597/8]. N : From date of conviction to 17 April following, viz for 2 [lunar] months. O. [debt] by concf. Memoranda King" , Easter And heisquit.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this sideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; Roll, L.T.R., "of the 14th year of the present term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. [L. Margin] Let a commission be issued .

A: Edward Moninges of Shoreham, Kent, esq C. D : £80. F: £40 G. H. J: For2 months next following 26 April, 31 Eliz [1589 ]. L : £40 M : 23 Feb., 32 Eliz. [1589/90]

N: From date ofconviction to 21 April following, viz.for2 [lunar] months. O.

P: But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt]fora reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll39 Eliz., in thefarm ofthetenants of the lands & tenements of the said Edward Monynges. And heisquit

"The items below, to Thomas Heckell inclus , are bracketed, L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). The bracketshere and in itemsbelowindicatea space left in MSfor thelaterinsertion, ifrequired, oftheword"debet"(owes). ably James I. The handwriting appears to be Jacobean

[rotulet 11]

[Lease of seized land Rental] 3Prob-



[1] [Alice Clifton, recusant. As entry [1], p. 37, to H(k) inclus ]

F:5d. & two-thirds of 1d.from precedingyear. G : £9-16s. & two-thirdsof 1d.

J: On 21 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £4-17-10 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And he [Edward Bradshawe: lessee] owes £4-18-2 & two-thirds of 1d .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [John Westby, recusant As entry [2], p. 37, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 21 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £38-18-2was paid ...[etc. as above]. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £38-18-2waspaid. [etc. as above] And he [Richard Mollineux : lessee] isquit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] [William Haddock, recusant As entry [3], p 37, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 5 Feb., 38 Eliz. [1596], £11-14-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 26 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £11-14-4 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And he [John Chapman : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Nicholas Bolton, recusant. As entry [4], p 37, to H(k) inclus ]. F: £2-13-9& two-thirds of d. from previous years. G : £4-0-7 & two-thirds of 1d

J: Buthe [Richard Bolton: lessee] oughtnot to besummoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be chargedhenceforth, byconsiderationof the Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 38 Eliz , Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ] And he [lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[5] [Jane Butler, recusant. As entry [5], p. 37, to H(k) inclus ] F: £2-13-4from preceding year. G : £5-6-8.

J: And he [Nicholas Okeham : lessee] answers inroll40 Eliz, under "Lanc"",for the same rent & its arrears

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Henry Laythwayte, recusant As entry [6], p 37, to H(k) inclus.]. F: £1-6-8 from precedingyear G: £2-13-4. J: And he [John Parker : lessee] answers ... [5] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental] [etc. as under

[7] [Margaret Davenporte, recusant As entry [7], p 37, to H(k) incl ]. F: £13-6-8 from preceding year. G : £26-13-4. J: And he [William Davenporte : lessee] answers ... [etc. as under [5] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [William Croft, recusant. As entry [8], p. 38, to H(e) inclus ] ("roll 35 Eliz. "for"preceding [Recusant]Roll" in D and H(k)].

J: On 10 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £3-17-3 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £3-17-3 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Richard Kyndesley : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[9] [Margaret Holden, recusant As entry [9], p 38, to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Item Adhuc Item Res' Lanc'"

J: On 13 May, 38 Eliz [1596], 16s 8d was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 27 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], 16s. 8d. was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Robert Singleton : lessee ] isquit.

[Seized land Rental]

[10] [Thomas Hesketh, recusant As entry [10], p 38, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) : Cf. preceding roll, under "Lanc'" . F: £2 from precedingyear. G : £4.

J: And they [tenants] answer ...[etc. as under [5] above]

[Seized land. Rental]

[11] [Ann Houghton, recusant As entry [11], p 38, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) as [10] above. F: £26-14-4from preceding to years G : £44-8-11 . ad J: Andthey [tenants] answer ... .. [etc. as under [5] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[12]A: Robert Feildinge [lessee]. C : £2 [Rest as entry [16], p 40, to H(e) inclus Thomas Hesketh, recusant]. H(k): Cf. preceding roll, under "Lanc""

J: And he [Feildinge] answers ...[etc. as under [5] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13]A Richard Kyndesley & Edward Bowker [lessees ]. C : £6-17-9& two-thirdsof d D : Two-thirds ofa messuage or tenement, with appurtenances, in Upton in the parish of C Sybson [Sibson], Leics , together with various othermessuages , lands & tenements, with apps. , in Derbyshire and Lancs , specified in preceding roll under "Lancs'".1 B : Philip Draycote, lately of Chedull [Cheadle] in the parish ofPensley [? Paynsley], Staffs. , esq., recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Richard & Edward, their executors & assigns H(b) : From 21 May, 37 Eliz. [1595]. H(c). H(d) : as C. H(e) H(k) : as entry [12] above F: £3-8-10 & two-thirds of d. from preceding year. G : £10-6-8.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[14] [Anthony Pickeringe, recusant As entry [19], p 41, to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) : Cf. rolls 34 & 35 Eliz, under "Lanc"" F: £2-18-11 from previous years G: £4-2-6 & two-thirds of d. J: And he [John Parker : lessee] answers ... . [etc. as under [5] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[15] [Robert Adamson, recusant. As entry [20], p 41, to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) : as entry [14] above F : £1-11-11 from previous years. G: £2 & two-thirdsof d. J: And he [John Parker : lessee] answers ... above] [etc. as under [5]

*+[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[16]A: William Norreis, gent [lessee] C : £11-14-4. D : Two-thirds of a capital messuage & 60 acres of meadow & pasture land, with appurtenances, in "litle Crosby" , Lancs , of the yearly value of £5, of which the Queen's two-thirds are worth £3-6-8 per ann.; and two-thirds of a windmill in Crosby aforesaid, valued at £2 per ann (£ 1-6-8 due to the Queen); and two-thirds of 16 messuages, 16 gardens, 100 acres of arable, 40 acres of meadow & 100 acres of pasture, with apps., in Crosby aforesaidin the separatetenuresofseveral tenants, of whichthe yearlyrents amount to £10 (£6-13-4 per ann . due to the Queen) : the above being a parcel ofthe lands & possessions of William Blundell of Crosby in the parish of Softon [Sefton], Lancs , gent , recusant, taken & seized intothe Queen'shandson 13 April, 35 Eliz. [1593] by Thomas Hesketh , esq. , and others, commissionersofthe Queen.2 Also the whole of a messuage or tenement, with all lands & tenements pertainingtoit, in Great ("Magna") Crosby, Lancs., inthetenure of Edward Fazakerley, yearly value 2s , and the whole of another messuage or tenement, with all lands & tenements

4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

pertaining to it, in Great Crosby aforesaid, in the tenure of Elizabeth Blundell, yearly value 1s 8d , and another messuage or tenement, with all lands & tenements pertaining to it, in Great Crosby aforesaid, in the tenure of Richard Atherton , yearly value 2s , also another messuage or tenement, with all lands & tenementspertaining to it, in Great Crosby aforesaid, in the tenure of Richard Hatton, yearly value 2s.; the above being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B : Aforesaid William Blundell, recusant E(b) : 9 May, 37 Eliz [1595], "having been divided bythe commissionersfrom therecusant's third part" . E(a) : Edmund Hopwood , esq. , and others. H(a) Aforesaid William Norreis , his executors & assigns

H(b) : From 15 Sept., 37 Eliz [1595]. H(c) H(d) as C. H(e) H(k)

Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz , under "Lanc'" . F: £5-17-2 from preceding year. G : £17-11-6

J: And he [Norreis] answers ... [etc. as under [5] above].

[rotulet 11 , dorse]

[Seized land. Rental]

[17][Robert Catterall, recusant. Entryas C.R.S., LVII, p 76, [83], to E(c) inclus ] E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Adhuc Res Lanc'" . F : £11-2-2 & two-thirds of 1d from previous years G : £15-11-1 & two-thirdsof d.

J: And they [tenants] answer ... [etc. as under [5] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[18] [Edward Chew "of Portersford [Potterford] in Billington" , recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 76, [84], to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) as [17] above F : £8-6-8 from previous years. G : £11-13-4 . J: And they [tenants] answer ... [etc. as under [5] above].

[Record of annual finepaid]

[19]A John Towneley, esq. C. D: £260 H. E : From 16 Oct., 37 Eliz. to 14 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1595-1596], viz. for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P: On 13 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £120 was paid into theTreasury. And on 11 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid ... [etc.]. Andhe isquit.

†[Lease ofseized land. Rental]³

[20]A: Thomas Whittell [lessee ] C : 13s 4d for Michaelmas, 38 Eliz., being part of £1-6-8 per ann D : Two-thirds of one burgage in Preston in Amoundernes, Lancs , in the possession ofGeorgeSallam B : Robert Worthington ofPreston, Lancs., "draper" , recusant E(b) : 8 Jan., 35 Eliz. [1592/3]. E(a) : Edmund Fletewood, esq., & others. H(a) The said Thomas, hisexecutors& assigns H(b) : From 12 June, 38 Eliz [1596]. H(c) H(d) : £1-6-8. H(e). H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 38 Eliz, under "Lanc"" .

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy] [21]A Edward Langtree of Swarbrick, Kirkeham par , Lancs , igent. C. D : £240 G. H. J : From 7 April, 36 Eliz [1594] to 10 Marchnextfollowing, viz for 12 months and more M : 12 Sept., 40 Eliz [1598]

BP: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda bu Roll, L.T.R., 40 Eliz, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet[ ]. And he is quit [L. Margin] Let a commission be issued.

A: Thomas Midleton, lately of Leighton [nr Carnforth], Lancs. , gent C. D : £40 G. H. J: For 2 months next following 24 Jan., 40 Eliz [1597/8]. M: 12 Sept., 40 Eliz [1598].

P: Buthe oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt]forareason referred to in roll 2 James, I, under "Res' Lanc"" , in the farm of the tenants of the same Thomas Middleton ; [and] later ("postea")" by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer], cf. Memoranda Roll of the second Remembrancer in the Public Exchequer , A.D. MDCXLIX , Michaelmas term , "Communia" section, rotulet [ ], "in a certain process touching Sir George Middleton, knt., he being a person conforming to the laws of the Anglican Church" . And he isquit.6

Reginald ("Riginaldus") Forster , lately of Robtehall [Robert Hall], Tatam [Tatham] par. , Lancs., "yoman" . [ ] £40 for the like.

Elizabeth Lythome, lately of Churchthowne [Churchtown ], wife ofJohn Lythome

Ellen Tompson, lately of Churchtowne , 'spinster" .

Elizabeth Cowell, latelyofWoodplumpton, "spinster" , wife of Robert Cowell, "yoman"

Oliver Charneley, lately of the same , "husb'"

"Elizius" Daby, lately of the same , "husb""

George Latwyse, lately of the same , "husb'

omoMargaret Migehall, lately of Blachall , Goosenargh par., "spinster"

Francis Beesley, lately of Goosenargh par., "yoman"

"Fraunke" Beesley, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife ofthe said Francis

John Ingham, lately ofWiswall , Whalley par., "yoman"


Randolph ("Randulphus") Ferrande , lately of Pendleton, Whalley, par. , "yoman"

Ann Butler, lately of Rawcliff, "spinster" , wife ofHenryButler, esq.

Elizabeth Butler, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of William Butler, gent.

BartholomewJackson, latelyofSawrobie [Sowerby], "yoman"

Mary Jackeson , lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of the said Bartholomew

Ellen Lithom, lately of Greate Poolton, Pulton [Poulton] par , widow

Ann Hesketh, lately of Poolton, Pulton par , "spinster" , wife of William Hesketh, junior, gent

Bridget Whiteside, lately of Little Marton, Pulton par. , "spinster" , wifeof John Whiteside

Elizabeth Langtre, lately of Swartebreck in Weeton, Kirkeham par., "spinster" ,wifeofEdward Langtree, esq.

Ellen Plesington, lately of Dimples, Kirkehampar., "spinster" , wifeof Robert Plesington, gent. [ ]

Mary Brone, lately of Scales, Kirkeham par , wife of Henry Browne, gent [ ] George Singleton, lately of Wesham, Kirkehampar. , gent.

Ann Singleton, lately ofthe same , "spinster" , wife of the said George Singleton, gent.

Richard Browne, latelyofKirkehampar., "yoman"

Ellen Browne, lately of the same, "spinster" ,wifeofthesaidRichardBrowne [ ]

Thomas Banester , lately of Banester Hall, Preston par , gent [ ]

Jane Hogekinson, lately of Presten , Preston par., "spinster" , wife of Richard Hogekinson [ ]

Ann Singleton, lately of Brockenhole, Preston par., "spinster" , wife of Robert Singleton, gent. . [ ]

Robert Adamson, lately of Broughton, Preston par., "yoman" . [ ] ]

Elizabeth Crofte, lately of Claughton, Claughton par., ' 'spinster" , wife of Edward Crofte, gent .

William Taylior, lately of the same .

Elizabeth Blacburie, lately of Kapenwreth [Capernwray], Over Kellet par., widow

Humphrey Winder, lately of Halton, Halton par , "husbandman"

Margaret Tunstall, lately of Awcliff, Lancaster par., "spinster" , wife of Francis Tunstall, senior, esq. .

Margaret Tunstall, lately of Lancaster par., "spinster", wife of Francis Tunstall , junior, gent

Mary Singleton, lately of Scales, Lancaster par., "spinster" , wife of Thomas Singleton, esq

Clarissa ("Clares") Parkinson, lately of Wiersdale [Wyresdale], Lancaster par., "spinster" , wife of Thomas Parkinson

George Henthorne, lately of Caton , Caton par., "yoman"

Dorothy Preston, lately of Caton par, widow

Margery, daughter of the said Dorothy, lately ofthe same , "spinster"

Grace Curwin, lately of Gresegarth, Caton par., "spinster" , wife of Nicholas Curwin, esq.

Ann Houghton, lately of Huthersall [Hothersall], Ribchesterpar , "spinster" , wife of GeorgeHoughton

Alice Houghton, lately of the same , "spinster" , daughter of the said George

] £40 for the like


RobertHuthersall, latelyofthesame, gent. ( )

Elizabeth Bradley, lately of Thorneley, Chippyn [Chipping] par, "spinster" , wife of Thomas Bradley of Thorneley aforesaid .

Alice Marsden, lately of the same , "spinster" ,wife ofRichard Marsden ofthe same

Alice Parker, latelyofLovely, Blacburne par. , "spinster" wife ofJohnParker , gent.

Margery Clayton, lately of Blacburne, Blacburne par. , "spinster"

Henry Walmesley, lately of Billington, Blacburne par , "cowper"

Rosamund Sothworthe, lately ofSamlesburie, Blacburne par , "spinster" , wifeofThomas Sothworthe, esq.

Thomas Cowpe, lately ofWaltom [Walton], Blacburne par , "Husbandman'"

John Cowpe, latelyofWaltom in le dale , Blacburne par., "linnen webster"

Margaret Crombleholme , lately of Dutton, Steede [Stidd] par , "spinster" , lately wife of William Crombleholme, deceased

William Crombleholme, lately of the same , "yoman"

Richard Goodshawe , lately of the same , "yoman"

Gilbert Goodshawe , lately of the same , "yoman"

Millicent ("Millizantes") Goodshawe , lately ofthe same , "spinster" "Cristiana" Greeneacres, latelyofWorston, Clytherowe [Clitheroe] par , "spinster" , wife of Richard Greenacres ofWorsten, gent.

James Banester , latelyofParkehill , Colne

par., gent.

NicholasMichell, latelyofIntacke,Colne

par, "yoman"

[rotulet 10, dorse] "Res' Lancastr'"

8Cuthbert Hulton, lately of Hulton, Deane par, gent.,

Elizabeth Dalton, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Robert Dalton

Mary Hulton, lately of the same , "spinster"

Katherine Hulton, lately of the same , "spinster"

Margaret Hulton, lately of the same , "spinster"

Margaret Hulton, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife ofWilliam Hulton,

esq . "yoman" .

Thomas Turton , lately of the same

Lambert Grundy, lately of Westhaughton, Deane par. , "linnen webster" [ ] £40forthe like.

Katherine Grundy, lately of the same , "spinster",wifeofthe said Lambert Grundy [ ]

Henry Lathome, latelyof Erlame, Eccles par , gent , son of George Lathome of the same , esq.; [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 15 James I, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he is quit.

A: Elizabeth Bowmer, lately of Atherton, "spinster" B. D: £40. G. H. J: For 2 months next following 23 Jan., 40 Eliz. [1597/8]. M: 12 Sept., 40 Eliz. [1598].

Robert Smethurste, lately of Tildesley, "Taylior" .

Lambert Smethurste, lately ofthe same , "Talior"

Jane Sale , lately of Hopker [Hopcar], "spinster"

Ralph Sale, latelyofTildesley, "yoman"

Margaret Bradshawe , latelyofthe same , widow

Christopher Sootherne , lately of Astley, "yom""

Mary Smith, lately of the same, widow

Thomas Hubbestie, lately of Morles [Morleys, in Astley], "yoman "

Richard Lindell , lately of the same ,


Elizabeth Orrell, lately of the same , "spinster"

Thomas Tincler , lately of the same , "husb'"

Roger Bradshawe , lately of Penyngton [Pennington], "husbandman"

George Bradshawe , lately of Bedford [Leigh], "husbandman"

JanetMorres,latelyofAsteley,"spinster" [ ]

Laurence Baron, lately of Seston [Sefton], Sefton par , "husbandman"

George Makin, lately of the same , "laborer" .

Edward Darwin, lately of the same , "laborer" .

Elizabeth Fletcher, lately of Ainetree, Sefton par , widow

Mary Maghull , lately of the same, widow

Margaret Mercer, lately of Litherland, Sefton par., widow

Richard Mercer, junior, lately of the same , "laborer"

Alice Tirer, lately of Moreland , Sefton par., widow

Emelia Blundell, lately of Little Crosby, Sefton par., "spinster" , wife of William Blundell, esq

William Rice, lately of the same, "sailer"

Emma Croston, lately of Ince Blundell, Sefton par., widow

William Melling, latelyof Sefton, Sefton par., "husbandman" .

Peter Stocke, lately of Little Crosby, "yom""

Alice Stocke, lately of the same, "spinster" , wifeofPeter Stockeaforesaid

John Whaley, latelyofNorthend, Sefton par.,"laborer"

Edward Standley, lately of Aughton, Aughton par., gent .. "Hamletus" Ince, lately of the same , "yoman" .

Bridget Whittington , lately of the same ,


Thomas Aspinall, lately of the same , "yom'

Janet Hesketh, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Miles Hesketh, "yoman"

Bridget Standley, lately of the same, "spinster" , wife the the aforesaid Edward Standley, gent ..

Ann Aspinall, lately of the same , "spinster" ,wife ofaforesaidThomas Aspinall

John Sandes, latelyofthe same, "husb'

Jane Windstandley, lately of the same ,


Percival Gore, lately of the same ,

"laborer" .

JaneHolme, lately ofthesame, "spinster" ( )

Jane Hesketh , lately of the same , "spinster"

Christopher Eccleston , lately of Downeholland , Hallsall par , "yoman"

Frances Lathome, lately of Cunscoughe, Hallsall par., "spinster" , wife of Henry Lathome , gent. •

Richard Holme, lately ofDowneholland , Hallsallpar., "yoman"

WilliamPrescet, lately ofHeskin, Eccleston par., "webster"

Alice Farrington, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Thomas Farrington, "yoman"

Jane Corker, lately of Wrightington, Eccleston par., "spinster" , wife of William Corker, "husbandman" .

Ellen Finshe, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Roger Finshe, "husbandman"

Margaret Rowe, lately of Eccleston , Ecclestonpar , widow

Henry Barrowes, lately of the same, "yoman"

Alice Barrowes , lately of the same , "spinster" , wife ofHenry Barrowes, "yoman"

Jane Holland, latelyof the same , widow [ ]

Alice Weorden, lately of Leyland, Leyland par., "spinster" , wife ofCharles Weorden, junior, "webster"

Agnes ("Agnetes") Starkie, latelyofthe same , "spinster" .

] 59

Ellen Weorden, lately of the same , "spinster" [ ] 25 "

Ellen Lockwood, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Roger Lockwood,"yoman" [ ] "

Joyce Charnocke, lately of the same , widow

Ellen Dandy, lately of Cureden [Cuerden], Leyland par., widow .

Nicholas Bigames , lately of Leyland, Leyland par., "laborer"

Edward Laithwaite, lately of Wigan, Wigan par., "yoman"

Cicely Higham, lately of the same, "spinster"

] 2



Ann Standish, lately ofthe same , "spinster" , wife of Ralph Standish, gent. owes

[Postscript] But she ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] : cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 17 James I, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And she is quit.

Margaret Laithwaite, lately of the same , "spinster"

David Rigby, lately of Orrell, Wigan, par., "husbandman" .

Elizabeth Rigby, latelyofWigan, Wigan par , "spinster"

Margaret Orrell, lately of Holland, Wigan par., widow

Sibyl Mollineux, lately of Pemberton , Wigan par., "spinster" , wife of William Mollineux of Pemberton , gent

Ann Laithwaite, lately of the same , "spinster"

Margaret Harvy, lately of the same, "spinster"

RalphHarvy,latelyofthesame, "webster" [

Ann Harvy, lately of the same , wife of thesaid Ralph . Arthur Fairecleugh, lately of the same , "milner"

Alice Langshawe , lately of Abraham [Abram], Wigan par., "spinster" , wife of Henry Langshawe, "husbandman"

Elizabeth Whitell, lately of the same, "spinster"

Christopher Whitell, lately of the same , "yoman" .

John Asheton, junior, lately of the same , gent

Margaret Auldrede, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of William Auldrede, "husb'

Alice Almund, lately ofAllerton, Childwall par., widow.

Mary Boer, latelyofthe same, "spinster" wife of Richard Boer , gent

John Waynewright, lately of the same , "linnen webster"

Thomas Plumbe, lately of Garston , Childwallpar , "husbandman"

Robert Longrowe, lately of the same, "husb

£40 for thelike.

] ,,

[rotulet24, dorse]

"Adhuc Res' Lancastr'"

'Richard Plumpton, lately of Speake [Speke], Childwall par , "husbandman"

Robert Plumpton, lately of the same, "husb'"

Henry Corker , lately of the


Robert Mollineux , lately of the same

Matilda Ballard , lately of the same , widow

JohnCoocke , latelyofthe same, "husbi

William Hughson, lately of the same , ]


Henry Moones, lately of the same, "husb'"

Thomas Almund, lately of Muchwolton [Much Woolton], Childwall par.


Henry Rachedale , lately of the same, "

Thomas Hunt, lately of Halewood, Childwall par., "husb""

Barbara ("Barbaria") Orme , 10 lately of the same, widow

John Berchall, lately of Halebancke, Childwall par., "husb'"

William Richardson, lately of Oglet, Childwall par., "husb""

Thomas Harrison, lately of the same , "husb""

William Johnson , lately of the same , "husb' ,,

Thomas Hitchin, lately of Halebancke, Childwallpar., "husb'"

Thomas Wanwright, lately of the same , "husb""

John Baitson , lately of Brinhill [?

Brindle], Brinhill par , "tayleor"

Henry Ash, latelyof Rixton, Warrington par, "yoman"

Charles Blackburne , lately of the same,


Isabel Daniell, lately of the same, "spinster"

Ann Massey, lately of the same , "spinster"

Ann Clare, latelyofthe same, widow

Alice Aston, lately of Overford , [? Orford], Warrington par , "spinster" [ ] "

Janet Jackes, lately of Warrington, Warringtonpar., "spinster" , wife of James Jackes , "joyner"

Henry Shackeshafte , lately of the same , "hosyer"

George Aston, lately of Orphot [? Orford], Warringtonpar., gent.

Roger Fearneheade, lately of Overford, Warringtonpar., "husb'

Jane Fearneheade , lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Roger Fearneheade

Ralph Bradshawe , lately of Warrington, Warringtonpar, "husb'"

Alice Tompson , alias Longshawe , latelyof the same, "spinster"

Ellen Moors, lately of Rixton, Warrington par., "spinster" , wife ofThomas Moors, "tayler"

Edward Asheton, lately of the same ,


Elizeus Rymmer, lately of Berkedale, [Birkdale], Northmeales [North Meols] par., "husb' "

Henry Bolde, lately of Northmeales, Northmeales par , gent

Ellen Boulde, lately of the same , "spinster"

Alice Coocke , lately of Winwicke , Winwickepar., "spinster"

Alice Coocke, junior, lately ofthe same ,

"spinster" "spinster"

] £40 for thelike.

Margaret Coocke, lately of the same , .

Henry Cooke, lately of the same , "webster"

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to in [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz , "Item Lanc"" , under a debt of John Yate . 11

Henry Platt, lately of Holme, Winwicke par., "husb'"

Ellen Gouldsmith , lately of Gouleborne [Golborne,] Winwicke par , "spinster" . [ ]

And he isquit. . [ ] £40 for thelike.

William Croichlowe, lately of the same , "husb'

William Keighley, lately of the same, "husb'

Thomas Bradshawe , lately of Loton [Lowton], Winwicke par., "husb""

Thomas Gerrard, lately ofNewhall, Winwicke par., gent ..

Jane Gerrard, lately of the same, "spinster" , wife of Thomas Gerrard , gent

Jane Gerrard, junior, lately of the same , "spinster"

James Oliverson, lately of the same , "husb'

Richard Rowson, lately of the same , "yoman"

Ann Howlecrofte, lately of Culshett [Culcheth], Winwicke par , "spinster" .

Ellen Howlecrofte, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Geoffrey Howlcroft , gent. .

Ann Hutchen, lately of Roby, Hiton [Huyton] par., "spinster" , wife of Robert Hutchen, "husb""

Alice Spencer, latelyof Huyton, Huyton par., "spinster" , wife of William Spencer, gent

Ann Stockeley, lately of Knowlesley [Knowsley], Hiton par , "spinster" , wife of Anthony Stockeley, "yoman"

John Woodes , lately of Torbocke , [Tarbock], Hyton [Huyton] par., "taylior"

John Muche , lately of Huyton, Huyton par., "husbandman"

Robert Wreennowe , lately of Chorley, Croston par , "webster"

Jane Breres, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife ofRoger Breres, "tanner' [

Janet Gauscowe (or ?Ganscowe), lately of the same, "spinster" , wife of Hugh Gauscowe, "webster"

Bridget Huddleston, alias Hurleston , lately of Farrington [Farington], Penwortham par, "spinster"

for thelike.

Joseph Huddleston, alias Hurlston, lately .

of the same, gent . owes £40forthelike. [Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 6 James I, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. Andheisquit.

Katherine Dandy, lately of the same , "spinster"

Thomas Hogeson, lately of Lathome, Ormeskirke par., "husb""

[ ] £40forthelike. [ ]

Elizabeth Mason, lately of the same , "spinster",wifeofPeterMason,gent. [ ] ,,

Joan Askoughe, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Thomas Askoughe, "yoman" [ ]

HughHodgeson ,latelyofthesame , "husb"" [ ]

Ann Scarsbricke, lately of Scarsbricke , Ormeskirke par., "spinster" , wife of Edward Scarsebricke , esq.

Katherine Jumpe, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Thomas Jumpe, "husb'"

Matilda Leighe, lately of the same. "spinster" , wife of Richard Leighe, "yoman"

Margaret Worthington, lately of the same, "spinster" , wife of Hugh Worthington, "yoman"

John Scaresbricke, lately of the same , "husb'"

James Scaresbricke, lately ofthe same, "husb""

"Hamletus" Marrowe, lately of Bickarstaff[Bickerstaffe], Ormeskirke par , "husb'

Gabriel Shawe , lately of Ormeschurch, Ormeskirke par, "yoman"

MargaretWorthington , latelyofShevington, Standishepar. , "spinster" .

Margaret Catterall , lately of the same , wife of Roger Catterall, gent.

Ralph Bradshaghe , lately of the same ,


Richard Holcrofte, lately of the same , "husb' ,,

Margaret Rigby, lately of Standish, Standish par, "spinster" , wife of Edward Rigby, "husb""


Ann Tetlowe, lately of Langtree, Standishe par , wife of Richard Tetlowe, "husb "

Margaret Crichelowe, lately of Charannocke Richard, Standishe par. ,

of Roger Crichlowe, "husb"

John Bowlinge, lately of the same, ited "smith"

EllenFayre,latelyofthesame, "spinster" , wife of Thomas Fayre, "yoman"

Ralph Crichlowe, lately of the same, "webster"

Agnes Rigby, lately of Adlington, Standish par., "spinster"

Margaret Hurste, lately of the same, "spinster"

Janet Eastham , lately of Heath Charnocke, Standish par , "spinster"

Richard Taylior, lately of Prescot, Prescot par., "yoman"

Margaret Wetherby, lately of Whiston, Prescott par , "spinster" , wife of Peter Wetherby, "husb""

40 for the like

Katherine Pemberton, latelyofthesame , "spinster" , wife of James Pemberton, gent. . .

WilliamAcres,latelyofRaynehill[Rainhill], Prescotpar, "husb'"

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt]for a reasonreferred to in [Recusant] Roll 34 Eliz., "Item Lanc"" , undera debt ofJohn Yate. " And he isquit.

MargaretAcres, lately of the same , wife of the said William Acres

Adam Hayward, junior, lately of Sutton, Prescotpar., "yoman"

John Tirer, latelyofthesame, "weaver"

MargaretLea, latelyofthe same , "spin[ ] £40 for the like

[ ] ster" , wife of John Lea , gent.

Ann Gerrard, lately of the same , "spinster" ,wife of Thomas Gerrard, gent [ ]

Thomas Hunt, alias Lunt, lately of the

same , gent. [ ] ]

Richard Mathewson, alias Wilcock, lately of Parre, Prescot par. , "butcher" . [ ]

Ann Mathewson, alias Wilcocke, latelyof the same, "spinster" , wife of the said Richard Mathewson

Roger Woodsale , lately ofWindle, Prescot par., "husb'"

Henry Gellibrond, lately of Eccleston , Prescot par' , "yoman"

[rotulet 14 , dorse]

] £40 forthelike

"Item Adhuc Res' Lancastr'"

12Robert Webster, lately of Eccleston , Prescot par., "potter"

William Rathbone, junior, lately of Farneworth, Prescot par , "husbandman"

Jane Whittle, lately of the same , "spinster, wife of Thomas Whittle, gent [ ]

Alex' Denton, lately of the same , "husb''دو

13Henry Hayward, lately of Cronton, Prescot par., "yoman"

13William Traves, latelyof Bould [Bold], Prescot par., "husb""

Ann Kenyon, lately of Farneworth, Prescotpar , widow .

Ellen Whitfeld, lately of Fazakerley, "spinster" , wife of David Whitfeld, "husb'

Eleanor Rigby, lately of the same , "spinster" , wife of Roger Rigby, "husb'

Alice Peapard, lately of Liverpoole, widow

Cecily Wright, lately of Fazakerley, "spinster" , wife ofThomas Wright, "husb'"

Supra, p 29, [18]. Thusfar, cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 78, [136] The remainderofthis specification is thefirst enrolmentof new seizures

3Cf . C.R.S., LVII, p 76, [121]. "This and the following items , to Nicholas Michell inclus, are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commissionbe issued("fi[at] Commissio") "Textofthefollowing later note runs thus : "Postea per cons' Bar' annot' in Memorand' ex parte secundi Rem' in Scaccario Publico de anno domini

MDCXLIX viz inter communiade termino sancti Michaelisrotulo [] in quodam processu tangen' Georg' Middleton mil' existen' conform person' legibus ecclesie Anglicane" . 6"Et Quietus Est" is made to serve for both notes in MS. "The bracketshere and in items belowindicatea space left in MS for the later insertion (ifrequired) of theword "debet" (owes). 8This and thefollowing items, to Robert Longrowe inclus, are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued. "This and the following items, to Henry Gellibrond inclus , are bracketed , L., withthenote : Let a commission be issued C.R.S., XVIII, p 177 , 1. 16

10Third letter doubtful 11Cf . 12This and the remaining items

are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued . 13The Hayward and Traves items are bracketed , R., with the note: Total of these 2 debts-£80 . But they ought not to be summonedfor these [debts] for a reason referred to under "Adhuc Res' Lanc"" [p. 173 above]in a debt of HenryCooke Andthey arequit.

[rotulet23, dorse]




[1] Henry Cave, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]]

[Seized land Rental]

[2] [Walter Whithall, recusant As entry [2], p. 42, to B inclus]. E(d) Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Leic"" . "

J: On23 June, 38 Eliz [1596], £2-10s was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, under the name of Audelee Dennys And on 11 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £2-10s. was paid ... [etc. as above] And they [tenants] arequit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] A Thomas Elston, a yeoman of"lez usshers" ofthechamber royal [lessee]. C: £6-13-4. D : The manor called "Hotoftes" , and alllands, tenements& hereditamentspertainingtoit, with appurtenances, in Humberston [Humberstone]& Belgrave, Leics., and a windmill, with apps, in Humberston aforesaid ; together with various other messuages, lands & tenements specified in the preceding roll¹ : the above being two-thirds of the lands & possessions of ... B : Jane Boose of Humberston aforesaid, widow, recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Elston , his executors & assigns. H(b): From 22 June, 36 Eliz [1594]. H(c). H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k) : Cf. preceding roll, under "Leic'".1

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £3-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 3 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Elston] is quit.

Entry [4], p 43, above .

[rotulet 10]




[1] Philip Tyrwhitte, esq. , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ...[etc. as Bucks. [1]]

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [William, Lord Vaux, recusant As entry [2], p 44, to E(d) inclus ] F: £97-15-3 from previous years. £118-18-2 . Me G:


1: And they [tenants] answer in roll39 Eliz., under"Lincoln'" , for this rent andthe arrears.

[Seized land Rental]

[John Morley, recusant As entry [3], p 44, to E(d) inclus ] J: For which the sheriffanswers below.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

F: £21-13s. from last part of preceding year G : £64-19s.

[4] Thomas Allott, recusant As entry[4], p 44, to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 16 Feb., 38 Eliz [1596], £21-13s was paidfromthisfarm into the Treasury And he [John Bendbowe: lessee] owes £43-6s . For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[5] [John Thymolby, recusant As entry [5], p. 45, to H(e) inclus ]

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £25-13-4 waspaidfromthisfarm into the Treasury. And on 3 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £25-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And heisquit.²

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] [John Thymolby, recusant. As entry [6], p. 45, to H(f) inclus.] H(k) Cf. rolls 34 and 35 Eliz. , under "Lincoln'

J: On4May, 38 Eliz., £20-0-3was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury. And on 3 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £20-0-3was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Edward Helwys : lessee] is quit

[Seized land Rental]

[7] [Andrew Littlebury, recusant As entry [7], p. 45, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) : Čf roll 35 Eliz, under "Lincoln'" . F : £4 for Valentine Browne, esq , late sheriff of 35 Eliz. (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Lincoln' "), viz rent for the year 35 Eliz. (cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Lincoln"") G: £8. J: [Postscript as under [3] above]

[Seized land Rental]

[8] [John Morley, recusant As entry [8], p 45, to E(c) inclus ] E(d) as entry [7] above

J: [Postscript as under [3] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [Elizabeth Tirwhitt, recusant. As entry [9], p 45, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : as E(d), [7] above

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £10 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £10 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Will. Fittswilliams : lessee] is quit.

[Seized land Rental]

[10] [Elizabeth Tirwhitt, recusant. As entry [10], p 46, to E(c) inclus.] E(d) : as [7] above.

J: [Postscript as under [3] above].

[Arrearage of rent]

[11]A John Bendbowe [lessee]. F : £64-19s. for Valentine Browne, esq , sheriff of 35 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Lincoln'"), of a certain annual rent of £43-6s , viz the rentforone full year ending Michaelmas 35 Eliz , with the arrears (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Lincoln'"). B : Thomas Allott, recusant

D : as C.R.S., LVII, p 96, [4], D.

J: But he [Bendbowe] ought not to be summoned for £21-13s , viz. rent for the half-year ending Michaelmas 32 Eliz. , because answer has been made for the said £21-13s. by John Markeham , esq., sheriffoftheyear 31 Eliz. [and recorded]underthenameof the tenants of two-thirds of the lands & tenements aforesaid (cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 31 Eliz , under "Lincoln'"). And he [Bendbowe] owes £43-6s. For which the sheriff answers below.1

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[12]A The same sheriff, viz Philip Tirwhitte, esq , renders an account of:

B: [3] £2-2-2 (Morley's tenants) ; [4] £43-6s (Bendbowe , from Allott's lands) ; [7] £8 (Littlebury's tenants) ; [8]

£8-1-8 (Morley's tenants) ; [10] £3-6-8 (Eliz. Tirwhitt's tenants) ; [11] £43-6s. (Bendbowe , from Allott's lands).

C: £108-2-6 .

E : And he [sheriff] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under "Lincoln'" .

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]³

[13]A: John Walker, latelyofCasweeke [Casewick]intheParts of Kesteven, Uffington parish, Lincs , "yoman" . B. D: £260.

F: £240. G. H. J: For one full year next following 5 April, 39 Eliz. [1597]. L : £20. M: Thursday, 24 August, 40 Eliz [1598]. N : From date of conviction to 21 Sept. following, viz for one [lunar] month. O. John Whiteheade, lately of the same , "yoman" . [ ] £260forthelike.

1Cf entry [12] below. Thenormal note, oni, does not appear in the margin of this county account 2Et Quietus Est" in MS: The two entries below are an error for "Et Quieti Sunt" , referring to the lessees Edward Billesby and Michael Henneage. bracketed, L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). "Thebracketsindicatea space left inMSforthe later insertion (ifrequired) of theword "debet"(owes).

[rotulet 9]



[Lease of seized land Rental]

[1] [William Tucker , recusant. As entry [2], p. 46, to H(k) inclus.].

F: £1-10s. from last partof precedingyear G : £4-10s.

J: But he [Hugh Cuffe : lessee] ought not to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be chargedafter Ladyday, 37 Eliz. , because Francis Huntley, gent , answers immediately below for £4-10s. p.a., for the farm of the same , and other , premises, from 26 May, 37 Eliz [1595], and is thereafter answerableto the Queen by anothercommission . And he [Cuffe] isquit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [William Tucker, recusant As entry [3], p. 47, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. preceding roll, under "London Midd"" .

F: £2-5s from last part of precedingyear. G : £6-15s.

J: On 17 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595], £2-5s. was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, under the name of John Catcher. And on 21 April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £2-5s. was paid ... [etc.], under the nameofthe said John And he [Francis Huntley: lessee] owes £2-5s. And he answers in roll 39 Eliz., under"London Midd"" , for this rent and thearrears

*+[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[3] A Francis Huntley, gent [lessee]

C :

£1-13-4 . D : Two messuages or tenements, [and] two orchards ("gardin'") ut belonging to the said messuages, with appurtenances , situated, Hlying & existing in the parish of St. Mary, Bromley, Middx, viz. on the west side ofthe highway ("Regie vie") there, called "Fouremillstreate" , of the clearyearly value, charges deducted , of£1 . Also, 3 acres ofland in a certain close [abutting], tothe east, partly onthe said orchard ("gardinu"") and [partly] on a certain barn & orchard then or latelyin the tenure ofRichard Dawsey, gent., and, to the west, on a certain hill called "Poyningeshill" , and, to the south, on a certain "lane" there leading to Popler [Poplar] & Lymehouse [Limehouse] ; and the whole close called "seaven acres" or "le lomepitt" , abutting on the said Poyningeshillto the north, and, to the south, on a certain lane leading to Lymehouse, and, to the east , on a certain close of land called "sixe acres" , and, to the west, on a certain other lane leading from the village ("villa") of Stratfordle Bowe to Lymehouse aforesaid ; and another close, estimatedto contain 3 acres ofland, called"Bromefeild" , abuttingon "theComon" there, extending ("ducen" "), south-east towards Lymehouse, and [abutting], to the north, on a certain close called "Bacon close" , latelyin the tenure of the said Richard Dawsey; all of

ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

the clear yearly value, charges deducted, of 13s 4d.: the above property being a parcel of the lands & possessions in Middlesex of ... B : William Tucker, lately of Southwark , Surrey, late recusant, deceased E(a) : Robert Lee & Thomas Bennett, sheriffs of London/Middlesex E(b) : 6 Sept., 37 Eliz [1596]"by virtue of a writ of Diem Clausit Extremum issued to them" H(a) : Aforesaid Francis Huntley, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From Michaelmas, 37 Eliz. [1596]. H(c) : "for the satisfaction of the debt of the said William Tucker" H(d) : as C. H(e) H(k) : Roll of the Enrolment ofLeases, 38 Eliz , under "LondonMidd'" .

J: And he [Huntley] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under "London Midd'" .

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

[4] A Jane Shelley, lately ofLondon, widow, alias Jane Shelley, latelywifeofEdward Shelley, esq., deceased C. D : £40. G. H. J From 10July, 39 Eliz. [1597]to 11 Sept., nextfollowing, viz. for two months M : Friday, 7 Oct., 39 Eliz [1597].

P: But she ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 4 James I, Hilary term, "Recorda" section , Wrotulet [ ]. And sheisquit. [L. Margin] Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio").

A: William Brusheford, lately of Westminster, Middx., "yom'" . B. D : £240 G. H. J: From 6 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596] to 6 Oct., 39 Eliz [1597], viz. for 12 months & more. M: 1 Dec., 40 Eliz [1597].

P : [L. Margin] Let a commissionbe issued . be2A: Elizabeth Cawood of the parish of St. Botolph Without Algate, Portsoken ward, London, "spinster" , alias Elizabeth Cawood, wife of Thomas Cawood of London B. D : £20

G. H. J: From 1 Nov., 39 Eliz [1597] to 2 Dec., next following, viz. for one month & more M: 19 Jan., 40 Eliz [1597/8].

John Noble of the parish of St. Mary guiba

Woolchurche [? Woolnoth], Walbroke [Walbrook] ward, London, gent.

mintClare Martyn of the parish of St. Olave in Silver Street, Aldersgate ward, don London, "spinster" .

Thomas Peacock of the parish of St. indico Sepulchre, ward of Farringdon "mmo Without, London, "grocer"

... Elizabeth, his wife

Margery Richards of the same , "spinster" [ ]3 £20 for thelike. [ ] " [ ] [ ]


William Goodacres of the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, in the same ward , gent.

Ann , his wife

Francis Ireman ofthe same, gent

Margaret, his wife.

Ralph Graceby of the parish of St. Andrew in le Warderobe, Castle Baynerd ward, London , gent.

James Duckett of the parish of St. Botolph Without Aldersgate, Aldersgateward, London, gent

xarGeorgeHigham oftheparish ofSt.Magnus Martyr, Bridge ward, London [ ]

A: Robert HusseofNortonfollgate[Norton Folgate], Middx ,

gent B. D : £60 G. H. J: From 26 Jan., 40 Eliz [1597/8] to 27 April next following, viz for 3 months . M: Ult May, 40 Eliz. [1598]

Paul Armorer of Ratcliffe, gent..

John Burre of Stratford Bowe, Middx. , gent., alias John Burre of Barkinge, Essex , gent

Thomas Roper of High Holborne, Middx , gent.

Katherine, his wife

William Goodacres of the same , gent

[ ] £60 for the like

] "

A : Nicholas Leigh ofthe parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, Middx B. D : £160 G. H. J: From 1 April, 37 Eliz. [1595] to ult. Nov., 38 Eliz [1595], viz for 8 months & more . M: 16 Jan. , 38 Eliz. [1595/6].

George Gilson of the parish of St. Andrew Holborne, London , Middx gent owes £160forthelike [Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer]: cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 4 James I, Easter term , "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And heisquit. Robert Adyn ofthe parish ofSt. Clement Danes Without the Bar of the New Temple, London, gent. [ ] £160 for the like.

A: Lady Margaret, wife of Sir Henry Constable, knt, of Clerkenwell, Middx. B. D: £160 F: £120. G. H. J: From ult Nov., 40 Eliz [1597] to ult May nextfollowing, viz. for 6 months & more L : £ 40 M : 10 Aug. , 40 Eliz [1598]. N : Fromdate of conviction to 5 Oct., following, viz for 2 [lunar] months. O.

Richard Carrowe of High Holborne , Middx. , gent. . [ ] £160 forthelike.

William Woodfall of the same , "tayler" [ ] £160 for thelike

A: AgnesMilles of Stanmor parva [Little Stanmore], Middx., "spinster" B. D: £100 F: £60 G. H. J: From 26 March, 40 Eliz [1598] to 27 June next following, viz. for 3 months & more. L, M, N, O: allasunder LadyMargaret Constable. LucyCole of Heaston [Heston], Middx , "spinster" [ ] £100 for thelike

A: Henry Norton ofthe parish of St. AndrewHolborne , ward of Farringdon Without, in the suburbs of London B. D : £120 . F: £60 G. H. J: From 1 March, 40 Eliz [1597/8] to 10 June, next following, viz for 3 months & more .

L : £60 M

Thursday, 7 July, 40 Eliz. [1598]. N : From date of conviction to 29 Sept. following, viz for 3 [lunar] months. O.

Alice , his wife

£120 for thelike.

John Barton, latelyofthe same , "yom'" ]

Ann, his wife

Ann Pluckett , wife ofOliverPluckettof the same, "cutler"

Mary Culpepper , wife of Thomas Culpepper of the same , gent

Rose Berrye ofthe same, "spinster”

Mary Warneford, wife of Richard

Warneford of the parish of St. Bridget in the ward aforesaid, gent. [ ] James Duckett of the parish of St. Botolph Without Aldersgate, Al-

dersgate ward, London, "pynner" [ ]

Agnes ("Agneta"), his wife [ ]

Christopher Thompson of the same , "taylor" [ ] [ ]

ClareMartenofthe parish ofSt. Olavein Silver Street, in the said ward, "spinster"

JaneWarner ofthe parish ofSt.Andrew , Holborne, ward of Farringdon Without, in the suburbs ofLondon, widow [ ]

John Stopes, alias Stokes, of the parish of St. Andrew in le Wardrobe, ward ofCastleBaynard,London , "taylor" [ ]

Joan, his wife

Katherine Edwardes of the parish ofSt. Botolph Without Bisshoppesgate , Bishopsgate ward, London , widow [ ] ,,

RichardLynofthe parish ofSt.Laurence Pountney, Dowgate ward , London, goldsmith. [ ]

Margery Langton of the parish of St. Sepulchre, ward of Farringdon Without, in the suburbs of London , "spinster" ] £120for the like. Margaret Asshe ofthe same , "spinster" [ ]

John Rowe of the same, clothier. دو "د ,, " ,, ,, " و"

A: Stephen Vaughan of Norton Folgate, esq

C. D : £60.

G. H. J: From20 Dec., 34 Eliz. [1591] to ult Marchnext following, viz. for 3 months & more.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Hilary, term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he isquit

"The preambleto the London/Middlesex account is omitted in this and subsequent rolls. "This and thefollowing items, to "William Goodacres , of the same" , inclus are bracketed , L., with the note: Leta commission be issued("fi[at] Commissio") 3The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion(ifrequired) oftheword "debet" (owes). following items, to John Rowe inclus, are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued . "Thisand the

[rotulet 12] MONMOUTHSHIRE("Monmouth"")


[1] Matthew Pricharde of Lanvaur [? Llanvair], esq., sheriffofthis countyof this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [William Lewes, Thomas Somersett & others, recusants. As entry [2], p 48, to H(k) inclus.]. F: £9-16-8from preceding year G : £19-13-4.

J: For which the sheriffanswers below¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[3] [William Wrothe, James Thomas Reynold, Alice Hewe, & others, recusants As entry [3], p 48, to H(k), except that C. gives "£10-1-4 & farthing, being part of [an original rent of] £10-5-10 & farthing" ; and H(d), "£10-1-4 & farthing"]. F: £10-1-4 & farthing from preceding year. [Further arrears] £1-8s for Walter Jones, esq. , late sheriff of 35 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Monmouth"), viz rent from the lands of John Watkyne of Raglan and Thomas Philip William Adam for the year 35 Eliz, with arrears (cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Monmouth"). G: £21-10-91 .

J: But he [Hugh Williams : lessee] oughtnot to besummoned for£2-6-8 (part ofthesaidannualrent of£10-1-4 & farthing),

4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) MON

viz. for two-thirds of the lands & tenements of the aforesaid John Watkyn & Thomas Philip William Adam, being rent due from these farms from Michaelmas 33 Eliz. to Michaelmas this present year (38 Eliz), i.e. for 5 whole years, nor ought the annualrent of9s 4d.from the lands& tenements ofthesaid John and Thomas (part of the above annual rent of £10-1-4 & farthing)tobe charged henceforthby considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz. , Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he [lessee] owes £19-4-1 . [Furtherpostscripts as under entry [2]above]

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[4] A: The same sheriff, viz MatthewPrichard of Lanvaur, esq , renders an account of:

B : [2] £19-13-4 (for Hugh Cuffe, from lands ofLewesetc.) ; [3] £19-4-1 (for Williams, from lands of Wrothe etc.).

C : £38-17-51 .

D : [3] Williams answersfor £1-6-8 of his debt in roll 39 Eliz, under "Monmouth" , after hisfarm.2

E : And he [sheriff] owes £37-10-91 . And he answers inroll39 Eliz., under "Monmouth" .

[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy]³

[5] A

John Collyns of Llanyhangell Kylcorney [Llanvihangel Crucorney], Mon., gent. B. D : £140. F: £120 G. H

J: For 6 months next following 10 Jan., 39 Eliz. [1595/7].

L : £20. M : Monday, 13 March, 40 Eliz. [1597/8]. N:

From date of conviction to 10 April following, viz. for one [lunar] month. O.

Ann Collyns, wife of the said John Collyns, of the same

Katherine Collyns of the same, "spinster"

Elizabeth Jenkyns, wife of Giles Jenkyn of Llanyhangell ton y groes [ ] £140 forthelike

] [ ]

Elizabeth Richard of the same , "spinspter" . ]

Matilda Vamath of the same, widow

Katherine Gruff of Llanyhangell aforesaid, "spinster"

William Thomas of Carlion [Caerleon], Mon., "husb'"

"Gruffinus" John ofthe same , "laborer"

Lettice Thomas ofthe same , "spinster"

Margery David of Llanhenock, "spinster"

Henry Howellofthesame , "laborer"


George David ofthe same, "laborer"

Roger David of the same, "laborer"

Margaret Thomas of the same , "spinster"

Janet, wife ofaforesaid Roger David

Joan Williams ofSherenewton[Shirenewton], "spinster"

John Reynold ofLlanllowell, gent.

Margaret Williams of Llandenny, "spinster"

Charles ap John of the same , "yoman"

John Edward of the same, "butcher"

Katherine, wife ofthe said John Edward, of the same "Morgainus" Rosser of the same, "laborer" .

Matilda, wife ofthe said MorgainRosser [ Joan Morrice of Ragland [Raglan] Mon., "spinster"

Janet Morriceofthe same, "spinster"

Cecily ap Jevan of Tredenock [Tredunnock], Mon., widow

Margaret Floyd of the same, widow

William David ofthe same, "laborer"


A: William Powell of Llanvihangell tor y moneth [Mynydd],

Mon., esq. C. D: £260 F: £240 G. H. J: For 12 months next following20 March, 33 Eliz [1590/91]. L: £20

M: 11 Sept., 34 Eliz., [1592] N: Fromdate ofconviction to 9 Oct. following, viz. for one [lunar] month. O.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 39 Eliz. , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet[ ]. And heisquit.

¹Cf entry [4]

Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Prichard) was therefore discharged of this amount. The items under this heading, to William David inclus, are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). "The brackets here and in items below indicatea space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet"(owes).

[rotulet 13] [Preamble]

NORFOLK ("Norff"")

[1] Thomas Cleere, esq. , sheriff ofthis countyfor this year, renders [etc. as Bucks. [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Robert Lovell, recusant As entry [2], p 55, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 29 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £16-13-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury, under the names of the executorsofthe said Barnard Gilpyn And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £16-13-4 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Barnard Guilpin

[Seized land Rental] lessee] isquit.

[3] [Robert Lovell, recusant As entry [3], p. 55, to E(d) inclus.]. F : £518-13-4 from previous years G : £605-2-2 & farthing.

[Seized land. Rental]

[4] [Elizabeth Bedingefeild, recusant As entry [4], p. 55, to E(d) inclus ]

J: On 5 Nov. , 38 Eliz [1596], they [tenants] delivered [£6-13-4 this year's rent] in the Treasury. And they arequit

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [Ralph Barney, recusant. As entry [5], p 56, to E(d) inclus ] F : £8 for Bassingburn Gawdye, esq , late sheriff of 35 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Res' Norff""), viz rent for the year 35 Eliz, with arrears (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Norff""). G : £10. [Further arrears] £2 from preceding year [Total debt] £12

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotulet¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] [Henry Carvile, recusant As entry [6], p 56, to H(k) inclus ] F : £126-13-7 & farthingfor BassingburneGawdye ... [etc. as F, entry [5] above] G : £190-0-4 . On 3 May, 35 Eliz. [1593], £31-13-5was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury ... [The same sum is here similarlyrecorded as having been paid on 6 Nov., 1593 ; also on 20 Apriland 4 Nov., 1594, and 3 May and 4 Nov., 1596].2 And he [HumfreySackeford : lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Robert de Grey, recusant. As entry[7], p 56, to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under [5] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[8] [Robert de Grey, recusant. As entry[8], p 56, to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under [5] above].

[Lease of seized land . Rental]

[9] [HumfreyBedingefeild , recusant. As entry [9], p. 56, to H(f)

ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) NORFOLK 189

inclus.]. H(k) : Cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 33 Eliz, under "Norff"" , and Recusant Roll, 35 Eliz , under "Norff"" .

J: [Postscripts as under [5] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[10] [Robert Downes , recusant. As entry [10], p 56, to H(f) inclus ]. H(k) : as in entry [9] above.

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £49-10-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £49-10-4was paid... [etc. asabove]. And they[John Coleman & PeterWhite : lessees ] oughtnot to be summoned for £12-8-1 by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 31 Eliz., Easter term, 'Recorda" section , rotulet [ ] And they [lessees] arequit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[11] [George Willoughby, recusant. As entry [11], p 56, to H(k) inclus]. F : £20 for Bassingburne Gawdye ... [etc. as F, entry [5] above] G : £40


J: On 6 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £20 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. Andhe [Rice Mansell : lessee] owes £20. he answers in roll 39 Eliz., after hisfarm.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[12] [Robert de Grey, recusant As entry [12], p 57, to H(k) inclus ]. F : £20for BassingburnGawdye ...[etc. as F, entry [5] above] G : £28

J: [Postscripts as under entry [5] above].

[Lease of seized land


[13] [Edward Yelverton, recusant As entry [13], p 57, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 21 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £5 was paid ... [etc. as above]. Andthey [William Cobbe & John Dover: lessees ] arequit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[14] [George Willoughby, recusant As entry [14], p. 57, to H(k) inclus.]. F: £6 for Bassingburne Gawdye ... [etc. as F, entry [5] above] G : £8.

J: [Postscripts as under [5] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[15] [Humphrey Bedingefeild, recusant. As entry [15], p. 57, to H(k) inclus.]

J: On 29 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £2-10s was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 26 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £2-10s. was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [John Shelton : lessee] isquit.

190 ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[Seized land. Rental]

[16] [William Taylor, recusant. As entry [17], p 57, to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Norff"" . F :£2-10s.for BassingburneGawdye... [etc. asF,entry[5], above]and£1-13-4 for Philip Woodhouse, esq , late sheriff of preceding year [36 Eliz ], cf. precedingroll under "Norff"" , viz rent for preceding year (cf. preceding roll under "Norff""). G : £5-16-8.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought thesaid rent to be charged henceforthby consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet And they [tenants] arequit.

[Seized land . Rental]

[17][Frances St. John, recusant As entry [18], p. 57 , to E(b) inclus.]. E(d) as entry [16] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [5] above].

[rotulet 13, dorse]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[18]A Thomas Forster [lessee] C : 9s 4d , beingtheremainder [ofan original rent] of£2-16s. D: Two-thirds ofa tenement with certain lands & hereditaments pertaining to it in long Streaton [Stratton], Norfolk B : Edmund Townesend, lately of Longstraton , Norfolk, gent H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Forster, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Ladyday, 35 Eliz. [1595]. H(c) H(d) : 9s 4d H(e). H(k) : Cf. rolls 35 & 36 Eliz., under "Norff"" 3

J: On28 April, 38 Eliz [1596], 4s. 8d. was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 24 Nov., 39 Eliz [1596], 4s. 8d. was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Forster] is quit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[19] [John Yaxley, recusant As entry[20], p 58, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £10 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 26 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £10 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [Thos Palgrave & John Murfyne: lessees] arequit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[20] [Francis Kynneby, recusant. As entry [21], p. 58, to H(k) inclus ]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff]is charged, unless ...

[Seized land Rental]

[21] Edmund Acton, recusant. As entry [24], p 59, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d): Cf. preceding roll under "Norff"" . F: £20 for Philip

Woodhouse, esq., late sheriff of preceding year (cf. preceding roll under "Norff""), viz rent for precedingyear (cf. preceding roll under "Norff'"). G : £40.

J: [Postscripts as under [20] above].

[Seized land. Rental] :

[22] [Bridget Allen, recusant As entry [25], p 59, to E(c) inclus.]. E(d) as entry [21] above F : £6-13-4 for Philip Woodhouse ... [etc. as F, entry [21] above] G : £11-2-2 & twothirds of 1d

J: Butthey [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the saidrent to be charged henceforthby consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And they [tenants] arequit

[Seized land. Rental]

[23][Alice Williamson, recusant As entry [26], p. 59, to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) : as entry [21] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [20] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[24] [Jane Lumpnor, recusant Asentry[27], p 60, to E(b) inclus ] E(d) as entry [21] above F : £12 for Philip Woodhouse .. [etc. as F, entry [21] above] G : £1 ...

J: [Dischargeas under entry [22] above]

And they [tenants] arequit

[Seized land. Rental]

[25] [Roger Sowgate , recusant As entry [28], p 60, to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) as entry[21] above . :

[Seized land. Rental] [26][Adam Brasyer, recusant As entry [29], p. 60, to E(b) inclus.]. E(d) as entry [21] above.

[Seized land. Rental] [27] John Warefoote, recusant. As entry [30], p 60 , to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) : as entry [21] above F: £1 for Philip Woodhouse ... [etc. as F, entry [21] above]. G : £1-13-4 . J: [Dischargeas under entry [16] above]. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Arrearage ofrent]

[28]A Tenants. D : Two-thirds of the manor of Bigottes, with appurtenances, in Westoftes [West Tofts] & elsewhere in Norfolk. B : Henry Kervile, recusant. F : £31-13-1 & farthing for Bassingburn Gawdye, esq., late sheriff of 35 Eliz. (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Res' Norff'" ), viz. rent duefrom this

192 ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) NORFOLK

farm 18 Oct., 30 Eliz. [1588], on which day the propertywas seized into the Queen's hands, till Ladyday next following, 31 Eliz [1589]: cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Norff"".5

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], because answer has beenmadeto the Queenforthesaid£31-13-1 & farthing by Sir Robert Southwell, knt , late sheriffofNorfolk for the year 31 Eliz (cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 31 Eliz, under"Item Norff "), viz within a certain sum of £126-13-716levied under the name of Humfrey Sackford, esq. , farmer of the premises, [and] allowed by tally to the same late sheriff[Southwell] under his Total. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Record ofannual finepaid]

[29]A Ferdinand Parris, esq. C. D : £260 H. E : From 8 Oct., 37 Eliz. [1595] to 6 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], viz for 13 [lunar] months K. G.

P : On 15 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £140 waspaid into theTreasury. ( And on 8 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £120 was paid ... [etc.].

[Statement of sheriff's arrears] And heis quit.

[30]A The same sheriff, viz. Thomas Cleere, esq , renders an account of:-

B : [5] £12 (for Barney's tenants) ; [7] £75-2-10 (for William Cordell, from de Grey's lands) ; [8] £56-4-5 & two-thirdsof d. (for George Lee, from de Grey's lands); [9] £36-4-5 & farthing (for Richard Weston, from Humfrey Bedingefeild's lands) ; [12] £28 (for William Huckerby, from de Grey's lands) ; [14] £8 (for Rice Maunsell, from Willoughby's lands) ; [17] £13-6-8 (for St. John's tenants) ; [20] £7-10-8 (for Richard Weston , from Kynneby's lands) ; [21] £40 (for Acton's tenants) ; [23] £4-8-10 & two-thirds of 1d . (for Williamson's tenants)

C : £280-17-11 & farthing.

D : [7] & [8] On 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £118-19-6 waspaid intothe Treasuryunderthe names of William Cordell & George Lee

[9] On same day, £36-4-4 was paid ... [etc.] under the name of Richard Weston

[20] On same day, £7-10-8 was paid ... [etc.] under the name of Richard Weston

[12] On same day, £8 ofthe debt of £28, was paid ... [etc.] under thename of WilliamHuckerby

[17] On same day, £13-6-8 was paid ... [etc.] under the name of Frances St. John

[21] Acton's tenants answer for their debt of £40 in the following roll under"Norff"" , aftertheirfarm . ?

[14] Maunsell answers for his debt of £8 in roll 39 Eliz, under "Norff"" , afterhisfarm . "

E And he [sheriff] owes £49-6-9 & farthing. And he answers in roll 39 Eliz., under"Norff"" .

[rotulet 12, dorse] "Res' Norff""


[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy]8

A Ann Melle, lately of Wereham, Norfolk , in parish of Wereham, "spinster" B. D : £80 F : £40 G. H. J:

For 2 months next following 1 May, 39 Eliz [1597] L: £40.

M: Monday, 20 Feb., 40 Eliz. [1597/8] N: From date of conviction to 17 April following, viz for 2 [lunar] months.⁹

K. O.

Margaret Grene, lately of the same, "spinster"

William Johnson , lately of the same , "yom""

Andrew Francke, lately ofOwtwell [Outwell], "yom""

John Foster, latelyofStratton St. Mary, gent.

Henry Parker , latelyofBodney, "yom'"

John Wythers, latelyof Timsted [? Tun-

KatherineNorman, latelyofWestwalton , West Walton parish, widow

]10 £80 for the like

] [ ] ]

stead], in parish ofTimsted, "yom'' [ ]

William Robertes , lately of Horsford, Horsfordparish, "yom'

[ ] owes

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to besummoned for £40, fora reason referred to in roll43Eliz., under "Norff"" , inthefarm of the tenantsofthe landsofthe same William.

William Toftwood, lately of Cawston ,

"yom"" . owes £80for the like.

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for £40, fora reason referredtoin roll41 Eliz., under"Res' Norff"" , inthe farm of the tenantsofthe lands of"Gramer"" Toftwood "Gramerius" Toftwood, lately of the same , "yom"" owes £80 for the like

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for £40,fora reason referred to immediately above, in the debt of William Toftwood

Richard Fayrefaxe, lately of Trunche , Norfolk, "yom'"

Thomas Rose, lately of Geywood [Gaywood], Norfolk, "yom""

Bridget Mortymer, lately of Skarninge [Scarning], wife of Robert Mortymer of the same , "yom"" And he owes £40.

] £80 for the like.

Ursula Spicer, lately of Stoake [Stoke]

Holy Cross, "yom'" [sic]


JohnTwitney,latelyofHackforth[Hackford], Hackfortheparish, "yom'" [ ]

Nicholas Suffeild, lately of Brampton , "yom""

80 forthelike. . Owes

" " " "


[Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to in roll 1 CharlesI, under "Norff" in thefarm ofthe tenantsof the landsofthe same Nicholas And he is quit £80 for thelike

John Johnson, latelyof Briston, "yom'" [ ]

Robert Robnett, lately of Mildenhall, "yom'"

John Sparke, lately of Shipdham, "yom' دو

Robert Norman, lately of Marsham , "yom' .

John Rust , lately of Martham , "yom'

John Warde, lately of North Tuddenham , "yom""

Robert Seppinges, lately of West Rudham , "yom'

80 for thelike. owes

William Reve , latelyofWickmer[Wickmere], "yom' [Postscript] But he oughtnot to besummoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 3 James I, Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he is quit.

Hugh Davies , lately of Dilham, "yom'" [ ] £80 for the like

Katherine Colles, lately of Wookmer, in Wickmerparish, "spinster" . . [ ]

Margaret Balye, lately of Roughton, "spinster"

Alice Sparke, latelyof Dockinge, "spinster"

Robert Crispe, lately of Dockinge,

WilliamMichell, latelyofStow Bardolff, "yom' "yom' "yom'"

Nicholas Woodhouse , lately ofAylesham,

Agnes Townesend, lately of Westoftes [West Tofts], wife of Thomas Touneshend

Thomas Towneshend , latelyofWereham , gent

Mary Touneshend, lately of the same , gentlewoman¹¹

12A Anthony Grey, junior, lately of Carbrooke, Norfolk, gent C. D : £80. F : £60. G. H. J: For 3 months next following 12 Nov., 39 Eliz [1597] L: £20 M : Monday, 4 Sept., 40 Eliz. [1598]. N: From date of convictionto 2 Oct. following, viz. for one [lunar] month O. P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 44 Eliz , Trinity term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And heisquit.

Philip Myddleton, lately of Brysingham, Norfolk, "yoman"

William Myddleton, lately of the same , "yoman"

] £80 for the like.

Ann Duke, lately of Raveningham, wife of Edward Duke of the same, gent [ ]

Margaret Baker, lately of Estwalton [East Walton], "spinster"

Henry Bedyngfeild, lately of Oxbourgh [Oxborough], esq

Mary, hiswife

William Jernegan, lately of the same ,

Edward Jernegan , lately of the same , gent

Robert Robnett, lately of the same

Thomas Harman, lately of the same , "yom""

Joan Harris, lately of the same, "spinster"

John Downes, lately of Babingley, gent.

William Browne , lately of Asshill [Ashill], "yom' "

Mary Downes , wife of John Downes , lately of Babingley aforesaid, gent.

Ann Hubberd, wife of Roger Hubberd, latelyofNorthwold, gent.

Denise Themylthorpe, lately of Foulsham, "spinster"

HenryParker , latelyof Bodney, "yom'"

Katherine Downes, wife of Edward Downes, lately of Buckenham Castell, esq

A: Elizabeth Downes, lately of Bodney, widow. C. D : £140. F : £120. G. H. J: For 6 months next following 1 Aug., 39 Eliz [1597] L, M, N, O : all as under Anthony Grey above .

P : But she ought not to be summoned for this [debt]for a reasonreferred toin roll 43 Eliz., under"Norff"" , in thefarmof the tenants of the lands of the same Elizabeth. And she is quit. Thomas Downes , lately of Bodney, esq. [ ] £140 forthe like.

¹Cf .entry [30]. Rent-payments fortheyear1595(37 Eliz.)are recorded in the preceding roll (cf. p 61 , above, entry [37], D.) Supra, p 58, entry [19], annotation. Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 109, entry [31], D.

Ibid. , p 105, entry [21]. "Thetext here runs as follows : "exact' sub nomine Humfridi SackfordAr' firmar' premissor ' pertall' allocat' allocat' [sic]eidemnuper vic' post Summamsuam" "Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Cleere) was therefore discharged of this All items below, to Mary Touneshend inclus, are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio") "MS has "for one month" . 10The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion(ifrequired) ofthe word "debet" (owes) 11"generos' in MS This and all items below are bracketed , L., withthe note : Let a commission be issued amount "

[rotulet 14]




[1] Edward Mountague, esq , sheriff of this countyfor this year , renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]]

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [William, Lord Vaux, recusant. As entry [2], p 64, to E(d) inclus ] F: £2,336-19-9 from previous years.

£2,596-13-0 .


J: And they [tenants] answer in roll 39 Eliz., under"Northt"" , for this rent and the arrears [L. Margin] Supersedeas.¹

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Humphrey Marriett, recusant As entry [3], p. 64, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £1-13-4was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury.² And he [John Checkley: lessee] isquit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [John Ward, recusant As entry [4], p 64, to H(k) inclus ] F: £28 from previous years. G: £32 .

J: But he [John Newett : lessee] oughtnot to besummonedfor this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforth by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. MemoTranda Roll, L.T.R., 31 Eliz , Trinity term , Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And he [Newett] isquit.

4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[Seized land Rental]

[5] [John Ward, recusant. As entry [5], p 64, to D, inclus.]. E(d) Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Northt'" F: £28 from previous years G : £32

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for this [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforthfor a reason referred to immediately above in the debt ofJohn Newett. Andthey are quit.

[Seized land Rental]

[6] [Jerome Lowe, recusant. As entry [7], p. 65, to E(c) inclus.]. E(d): as entry [5] above. F : £26-13-4 from previous years. ELG: £40

[Seized land Rental]

[7] [Simon Gutteridge, recusant. As entry [8], p 65, to E(a) inclus ]. E(d) as [5] above F : 8s 10 d from preceding year. G : 17s . 91d

[Seized land. Rental]

[8] A Tenants B : William, Lord Vaux, of Harrowden. C : £39-11-1 & two-thirds of 1d. D : Two-thirds of a certain parcel of the hereditaments of the said Lord Harrowden in Withmale [WithemailPark], Northants , let to Thomas Baude of Ecton, esq.; together with other property specified in the preceding roll under "Northt"" ... [E(b), (a) and (c) as in entry [10], p. 46]. E(d) : Cf. preceding roll under "Northt' F: £98-17-9 & two-thirds of 1d from previous years. G: £138-8-11 & two-thirds of d. J: And they [tenants] answer inroll 39 Eliz., under"Northt" " , for this rent and the arrears . [L.Margin] Supersedeas.

[Seized land. Rental]

[9] [William Bunckeley, recusant. As entry [11], p 66, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) as in entry [8] above F : £2-4-5 & twothirds of d. from previous years G : £3-2-2 & two-thirds of 1d .

[Record of annual finepaid]

[10]A Sir Thomas Tressham, knt C. D : £260. H. E : From 23 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595] to 21 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], viz for 13 [lunar] months K. G. P : On 24 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £120 was paid into theTreasury. And on 29 Nov., 39 Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid ... [etc.]. And he isquit.

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

[11]A Sir Thomas Tresham, knt , of Rushton, Northants. C.

D : £100 F : £60 G. H. J: For 3 months next followLaving 22 Dec., 40 Eliz [1597] L: £40 M: Tuesday, 8 morAugust, 40 Eliz. [1598]

N: From date of conviction to 3 Oct. following, viz for 2 [lunar] months O.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], because To answerhas been made to the Queen for the said £100, owed for the time specified , within a certain sum of £260 charged upon him by virtue of the aforesaid Act [28 Eliz , c 6] for similar absencefrom 20 Oct., 39 Eliz [1597] to 19 Oct., 40 Eliz [1598], viz. for the space of 13 [lunar] months; cf. roll 39 Eliz , under "Res' Northt'" . And he isquit.

A: Humphrey Marriott of Arthingwithe [Arthingworth], Northants., gent C. D: £100 F: £60 G. H. J: For 3 months next following 22 April, 40 Eliz [1598]. L, M, N, O all as in preceding item.

P: And he answers in the Exannual Rollof Recusants.³

2 [L. Margin] Let a commissionbe issued .


*The second paymentfor this

'A writ for stayof proceedings year is not recorded; evidently by a clerical oversight (since the discharge "Et Quietus Est" is added) 3Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, Introd, p lxxxiv, n. 333. 4"fi[at] Commissio" in MS .

[rotulet 15] NOTTINGHAMSHIRE("Not" ")


[1] Richard Whalley, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Nicholas Reynes, recusant. As entry [2], p 68, to H(k) inclus.]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged.2

[Lease ofseized land. Rental] baal besis

[3] [Henry Kervile, recusant. As entry[3], p. 69, to H(k) inclus.]

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £4-5s was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 4 Nov. , 38 Eliz [1596], £4-5s was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Clement Spilman : lessee] isquit.

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[4] A John Maynerd, a yeoman of the chamber royal [lessee].

C: £3-6-8. D: A whole messuage or tenement, with appurtenances, in Kellam [Kelham], Notts , and all the lands, tenements& hereditaments, with apps , belonging & pertaining to the same messuage now in the tenure of Henry Sutton ;

ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) NOTTS-OXON 199

being two-thirds of the lands & possessions of ... B : John Robertson of the Inner Temple, London, gent , recusant.

H(a): Aforesaid John Maynerd, his executors & assigns

H(b) From 10 Dec., 37 Eliz [1594]. H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k) Cf. preceding roll, under "Nott"".3

J: On 29 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £1-13-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £1-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Statement of sheriff's arrears] : And he [Maynerd ] isquit.

[5] A The same sheriff, viz. Richard Whalley , esq. , renders an account of:-

B : [2] £6-13-4 (for Thomas Cawood, from Reynes' lands).

D : On 27 June, 40 Eliz [1598], he [Cawood] delivered this sum in the Treasuryfor the said sheriff, being the remainder of the latter'saccountfor recusants .

E : And he [Whalley] isquit.

¹Cf entry [5] p 69 , above . "O"("oneratur") in MS. ³Cf . entry [6],

[rotulet 16] [Preamble]



[1] Owen ("Owinus") Oglethorpe, esq., sheriffof this countyfor this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks [1]].

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [John Daye, recusant As entry [2], p 70, to E(d) inclus.]

J: For which the sheriffanswers under"Res' Oxon"".1 [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Richard Owen , recusant As entry [3], p. 70, to E(d) inclus.]. F: £65-15-5 from precedingyear G : £131-10-11 .

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Thomas Vachell, recusant. As entry [4], p 70, to H(k) inclus ]. F £27-9-4 from previous years G : £41-4s. :

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[5] [John Daye, recusant As entry [5], p 71, to H(k) inclus.].

200 ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) OXON

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Edward Easte, recusant. As entry [6], p 71, to H(k) inclus ]. J: On 4 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £2 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [John Hopkinson : lessee] isquit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[7] [Lady Cecily Stoner, recusant. As entry [7], p. 71 to H(k) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[8] [Thomas Hord , recusant. As entry [8], p. 71, to E(d) inclus.] J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [Walter& Margaret Hildesley, recusants As entry [10], p 71, to H(e) inclus ] H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Oxon"" . F : £2-6-8 from preceding year. G : £4-13-4.

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[10] [John Spencer, senior , recusant. As entry [11], p. 72, to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) as [9] above F : £1-6-8 from preceding year. G : £2-13-4.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[11][William Bourne, recusant As entry [12], p 72, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k): as [9] above F: £13-6-8 from preceding year. G : £26-13-4 .

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[12][Katherine Onslowe , recusant. As entry [13], p. 72, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : as [9] above

J: On 8 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £1-17-9 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And he [Richard Ferrys : lessee] owes £1-17-9 . But heoughtnotto be summoned forthis [rent], nor ought the said rent to be charged henceforthbyconsideration of the Barons [ofthe Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he [Ferrys] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[13][Lady Cecily Stonor, recusant. As entry [14], p. 72, to H(k) inclus.]

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[14] [John Bulleyn, recusant As entry [15], p. 72, to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

†[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[15]A Francis Stoner, esq [lessee ]. C: £18-4-10. D :2 The residue of the manor of Stoner alias Purshull & Warnescombe, and the farms of Hollingeridge & Bromesden , Oxon. , with all underwood, lands, tenements & hereditaments whatsoever ; being the full two-thirds ofthe lands & possessions of Lady Cecily Stoner of the parish of Pirton, Oxon , widow , recusant, separated & divided from the recusant's third part under the supervision of the commissionersappointed thereto : i.e. exclusive ("preter") of lands & tenements in Brumsden [Broundesden], Oxon , [viz ] the closes or enclosures in Brumsden called "Marlowes close" , "le hethey closes" , "le meade plotte" , "Reynoldes" ; and lands in Brumsden aforesaid called "le hatche groundes" ; [exclusive also] of two tenements, with appurtenances , in Bix in the separate tenure or occupation of Robert Grimland & John Grimland; and of certain closes or enclosures called "Stoner Parke" with the lodge ("logea") there ; ofthe whole manor of"Pissellmannor" in Watlington, Oxon., called "Warnescombe" ; of a tenement, with apps., in Bix, in the tenure or occupation of William Phillips; of tenements, with apps , in Assenden [? Upper Assendon], Oxon , in the separate tenure or occupation of William Page, Alexander Millettes [&] William Champion ; and ofthe rents & services issuingfrom several freehold lands & tenements in Bix, in the separate tenures of [ ]³ Borne, gent , Ralph Adeane, John Rance [? or Rauce ], John Binfeild, John Child, Thomas Heywood, John Grimland and Edmund Tavernor, gent.; [the above property] being thefullthird part ofthe premisessimilarly set apart for ("divis' pro") the aforesaid Lady Cecily Stoner The residue of the manor ofStoner alias Purshull & Warnescombe, and the farms of Hollingeridge & Bromesden, with all underwood, lands, tenements & hereditaments, forming the full two-third parts of the premises (over & above ("ultra") the said full third part ofLadyCecily Stoner, from which , as said above, they were divided) were taken & seized by E(a) : John Crooke, junior, esq., & others E(b) : 7 Oct., 33 Eliz [1591] H(a) : Francis Stoner, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 30 June, 37 Eliz [1595]. H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e) H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 37 Eliz. , under "Oxon"" .

£9-2-5 from precedingyear G : £27-7-3 J: [Postscripts as under [2] above]. ...

[Re-enrolment of estreated convictions for recusancy]4


[16]A : Margaret Pyttes, lately of the parish of Yestley [Iffley], Oxon , widow B. D : £320 E viz £140 for 7 months recusancy from 23 July, 26 Eliz. [1584] to 5 Feb. , 27 Eliz. [1584/5] ; £100 for 5 months recusancy from 5 Feb. , 27 26 Junenextfollowing [1585] ; and £80for4 months

(1595-6) OXON

recusancyfrom 25 Feb., 25 Eliz [1582/3] to 4 Julynext following cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 33 Eliz, under "Item Oxon"" .

P : [L. Margin] Let a commissionbe issued.5


[Statement ofsheriff's arrears] ("Res' Oxon"")

[17]A The same sheriff, viz Owen Oglethorpe, esq , renders an account of :-

B: [2] £1-0-8 [Daye's tenants) ; [3] £131-10-11 (Owen's tenants) ; [4] £41-4s (Thomas Read, from Vachell's mlands) ; [7] £18-4-10 (Francis Stoner, from Lady Cecily Stoner's lands) ; [8] £27-13-4 (Hoord's tenants) ; [9] £4-13-4 (Leonard Wilmott & John Symondes, from Hildesleys' lands) ; [13] £30 (Francis Stonard, fromLady Cecily's lands) ; [14] £3-6-8 (Hugh Cuffe, from Bulleyn's Alands) ; [15] £27-7-3 (Francis Stoner, from Lady Cecily's lands).

C: £285-2-4 .

D: [14] Hugh Cuffe answers for his debt in thefollowingroll, under"Oxon"" , after hisfarm.6

[7] [13] & [15]: Francis Stoner, charged above in 3 particulars amounting to £75-12-1, answers for them separately in the following roll (loc cit ), after his severalfarms.

[9] On 25 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £1-3-4 of the sum of Alistnia mo£4-13-4 was paid into the Treasury, under the name of Leonard Wilmotte & another, and under the names of the tenants of two-thirds of the lands & tenements of Walter & MargaretHyldesley, recusants

And on 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £1-3-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 23 Oct. 38 Eliz [1596], £1-3-4 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[4] On 6 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £13-14-7 was paidintothe Treasury, under the name of Thomas Reade .

[8] On the same day £27-14-8 was paid into theTreasury, under the names of the tenants of the lands of Thomas Hoode [sic]

E : And he [sheriff] owes £161-4-4 . And he answers inroll39 Eliz., under "Res' Oxon"" .

[rotulet 6, dorse]

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]

[18]A William Tempest of Brisnorton , in parish of Brysnorton [Brize Norton], Oxon , gent B. D : £80. F : £40 G. H.

J: For 2 months next following 10 June, 39 Eliz [1597].

L: £40. M : Thursday, 2 March, 40 Eliz. [1597/8]. N:

From date of conviction to 27 April following, viz for 2 [lunar] months.8K. O.

Elizabeth Tempest, hiswife

John Yonge of Edbury [Idbury], in par. ofIdbury, "yom''

Christiana Tredwell, wife of Henry Tredwell of Kyrtlington [Kirtlington], gent

Ann Spencer, wife of John Spencer of Water Perrye [Waterperry ], "taylor"

Elizabeth Yate of Brysenorton, widow

Ann Smyth, wife of Roger Smythe of Hardwick, "yom'"

Ann Barber, wife ofJohn Barber of [the parish of] St. Mary Magdalen in Oxford

MargaretJynckes, wife ofJohn Jynckes of Wolvercott "yom""


Joan Betterton, wife of John Betterton of the same, "laborer"

DorothyPlott of Bradwell [Broadwell], "spinster"

A: HenryStoner, latelyof Northstoke [North Stoke], Oxon , gent C. D : £40 F : £20 G. H. J: For one month next following 1 Feb., 40 Eliz. [1597/8]. L : £20 M: Monday, 21 Aug., 40 Eliz [1598] N : From date of conviction to 18 Sept. following, viz for one [lunar] month O. P : But he oughtnot to besummoned for this [debt]forareason referred to in roll 1 James I, under "Res" Oxon"" , in another debt of the same Henry Stoner. And he isquit. [L.Margin]Leta commissionbeissued . 10


1Cf. entry [17] "Theform here is abnormalin that it specifies not merely the portion seized but also (in detail) the "third part" retained by the recusant by virtue of the Statute of 1586-7 , § iv. Cf. C.R.S., LVII, p 122, entry [7]. "Space in MS for Christian "Recording three separate convictions, this entry varies considerably in formfrom a normal estreat 5"fi[at] Commissio" in MS "Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu]r"). The sheriff (Oglethorpe ) was thereforedischarged ofthis "All items under this heading , to "Dorothy Plott" inclus., are bracketed , L. ,with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio") "Erroneously , the MS here has "pro uno mense" . "The brackets here and in items belowindicatea space in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes). 10This note, of course, preceded that of the discharge. amount

204 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[rotulet 14, dorse]





[1] Sir Andrew Nowell, knt , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ...[etc. as Bucks. [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [James Digby, recusant As Rutland [2], p 75, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Rotland" .

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £9-1s was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 4 Nov., 39 Eliz [1597], ¹£9-1s. was paid ... [etc. as above] And they [RobertMillicent & Thomas Phillipps: lessees] arequit.

"Certainly a clerical error for "38 Eliz. " [1596] : cf. annotation to this farm in thefollowing roll

[rotulet 17]




[1] Robert Needham, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ... [etc. as Bucks. [1]].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] [John Lloyd, recusant. As entry [2], p. 75, to H(k) inclus.].

J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse of this rotulet¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ..

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [Richard Lloyd, recusant. As entry [3], p 75, to H(k) inclus.].

J : On 29 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £3-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £3-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]And he [Edward Lloyd : lessee ] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [John Preston, recusant As entry [4], p 75, to H(k) inclus.] J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [Humphrey Packington, recusant As entry [5], p. 76, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On21 Oct., 38Eliz [1596], £13-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, under the title "Wigorn"" . And on 19 April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £13-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]...under the title "Wigorn'" (Worcestershire). And he [William Sebright : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Rowland Bulkeley, recusant. As entry [6], p 76, to H(k) inclus ]. F £20 from previous years G : £25.

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above]

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[7] [William Charleton, recusant As entry [7], p 76, to H(k) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[8] [Richard Gravenor, recusant. As entry [8], p 76, to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Lease ofseized land . Rental]

[9] [Francis Gattacre, recusant. As entry [9], p. 76, to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £12-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £12-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land Rental] And he [Thomas Pigott : lessee] is quit.

[10] [Ann Lythall, recusant As entry [10], p 76, to E(a) inclus ] E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Salop'" F : £4from previous years. G: £5-6-8.

[Seized land Rental]

[11] [William Jervis, recusant. As entry[11], p. 77, to E(a) inclus.]. E(d) as [10] above. F : £4 from previous years G: £5-6-8.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [Richard Bannester , recusant As entry [12], p 77, to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Salop"" . F: £21-15-6 & two-thirds of 1d for Francis Albany, esq., sheriff of preceding year (cf. preceding roll under "Salop""), viz rent for that year, with the arrears (cf. ibid.). G : £28-[16s . erased].

J: But he [Richard Mason : lessee] oughtnot tobesummoned for £12-8-10 & two-thirds of 1d . (the rent due for this & the precedingyear), nor ought this rent to be chargedafter 19 Feb. , 37 Eliz. [1594/5] because Robert Bannester , gent., answers on the dorse of this rotulet for this farm from that date & thenceforth by anothercommission . And he [Mason] owes £15-11-21 . Andhe answers below.³

[Lease of seized land


[13][Thomas ap Richard, recusant As entry [13], p 77, to H(k) inclus.]

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Lease of seized land


[14] [John Preston, recusant. As entry [14], p. 77, to H(k) inclus.]

F : £2 from previous years G : £3-15-6 & farthing.

J: Thesheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotulet¹ for£1-15-6 & farthing.

Andthey [Thomas Palgrave & John Murfyne : lessees ] owe£2 .

[L.Margin He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized land. Rental]

[15] [John Longefeyld, recusant. As entry [15], p. 77, to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) : as entry [10] above F : £1-13-4from previous years. G : £2-6-8.

[Seized land Rental]

[16] [Ann Sterrye, recusant As entry [22], p 78, to E(c) inclus.]. E(d) : Cf. precedingroll, under "Salop'

[Arrearage ofrent]

[17]A Richard Mason [lessee ] D : Two-thirds of certain tenements in the town of Shrewsbury, of the tithes ofgrainsheaves & hay, with appurtenances , in Meolbrace, and ofother lands, tenements & hereditaments, with apps , in Wemme & Edstason, Salop ; also two-thirds of a capital messuage in Essington, Yorks. B : Richard Bannester , esq. , recusant F: £15-11-2 , ofan annual rent of £6-4-5 & two-thirdsof d. being rent due from this farmfrom Ladyday, 34 Eliz. [1592] to Michaelmas, 36 Eliz. [1594], viz for2 years , as said above.4

J: On 8 Nov., 34 Eliz. [1592], £3-2-4 was paid from thisfarm intothe Treasury. And on 2 May, 35 Eliz [1593], £3-2-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 8 Nov., 35 Eliz [1593], £3-2-4 was paid ... [etc. as above] And on 3 May, 36 Eliz [1594], £3-2-4 was paid ... [etc. as above] And on 7 Nov., 36 Eliz [1594], £3-2-4 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Mason] is quit.

[rotulet 17, dorse]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[18]farm . A : Humphrey Wheler, gent [lessee]. C : £3-11-1 & two-thirds of d. D : Two-thirds of a certain messuage or tenement, with apps. , in the village ofSparcheford, Salop, and ofother lands, tenements& hereditamentsbelonging tothesaid messuage or tenement in Sparcheford, Siften, Culington & Didlebury in Salop ; and two-thirds of a certain lease of a messuage or tenement, with apps , in Tyrymynich , in Co.

ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) SALOP 207

Montgomery , together with the various lands, tenements & hereditaments specifiedin the preceding roll under "Salop"".5 B : Arthur Crowther, lately of Sparcheford in the parish of Didlebury, Salop, gent. , recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid Humphrey Wheler, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 14 March, 37 Eliz. [1594/5]. H(c). H(d): (for the Shropshire property) £2-4-5 & two-thirdsof d. until 1 August, 1601 , and thereafter £3-11-1 & two-thirds of d.; and (for the Montogomery leases) £1-6-8. H(e). H(k) : Cf. preceding roll under "Salop'"5 F: £3-11-1 & two-thirds of d from precedingyear. G : £7-2-2 & two-thirds of 1d.

J: For which the sheriffanswers below¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...


Quib[Lease of seized land Rental]

[19][Richard Bannester , recusant. As entry [27], p 80, to H(c) inclus.]. H(d) : £6-4-4 & two-thirds of 1d. & two-thirds of two-thirds of d. H(e). H(k): Cf. preceding roll under "Salop'" F : £6-4-4 & two-thirds of 1d. & two-thirds of two-thirds of d. from previous years G : £12-9-8 & twothirds of 1d.

J: On ult. April, 37 Eliz [1595], £3-2-4 was paid from this farm intothe Treasury. And on 7 Nov. , 37 Eliz [1595], £3-2-4 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And on 4 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £3-2-3 [sic] was paid ... [etc. as above] And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596] £3-2-3 [sic] was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Robert Bannester: lessee] isquit.

[Seized goods & chattels]?

[20]William Hopton, esq., sheriff [ ]8 £11-10s , charged upon himself, which he has taken ("quos cepit") of the goods & chattels of Thomas Vernon, recusant, pursuant to a writ of fieri facias directed to him [sheriff]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 33 Eliz , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ] [Postscripts as under [18] above]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[21] The same sheriff [ ]8 £5, charged upon himself, which he has taken of the goods & chattels of Humphrey Foster , recusant , being part of the sum of £18-10s previously returned ("retornat ") by the commissioners, pursuant to ... [etc. as [20] above, includingref. and postscripts]

[Seized goods & chattels]?

[22]The same sheriff [ ]8 £23 ... of the goods & chattels of Richard Lloyd, recusant, pursuant to ... [etc. as [20] above , includingref. & postscripts]

208 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) SALOP

[Seized goods & chattels]?

[23] The same sheriff [ ]8 £4 ... ("quas cepit") of the goods & to chattels ofRichard Gravenor, recusant, pursuant to ...[etc. as [20] above, includingref & postscripts].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[24] [John Lloide, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 137 , [23], to

B inclus ]. F: [ ]8 £20, viz the rent due from thisproperty llowforonewhole year ending Michaelmas, 33 Eliz [1591] ; cf. roll 35 Eliz. under "Salop'" 9

J: [Postscripts as under [18] above].

[Arrearage ofrent]

[25]A John Lloide , junior[lessee] D : The same farm [as [24] above]. F: [ ]8 £20, viz the rent for one whole year ending Michaelmas, 35 Eliz. [1593] ; cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Salop'

J: [Postscripts as under [18] above].

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears] 10

[26]A: The same sheriff, viz Robert Nedeham, esq , renders an account of:

B : [2] £20 (John Lloide, jun , from John Lloide's lands) ; [4] £6 (Griffin Price, from Preston's lands) ; [6] £25 (Isaac Burges & George Dickenson, from Bulkeley's lands) ; [7] £6-13-4 (Burges & Dickenson, from Charleton's lands) ; [8] £3-6-8 (Burges & Dickenson , from Gravenor's lands) ; [13] 6s 8d. (Thomas Palgrave & another, from Ap Richards' lands) ; [14] £1-15-6 & farthing (Palgrave & another, from Preston's lands) ; [18] £7-2-2 & two-thirds of 1d (Wheler, from Crowther's lands) ; [20] £ 11-10s (Hopton, from Vernon's ow goods); [21] £5 (Hopton, from Foster's goods) ; [22] £23 (Hopton, from Richard Lloyd'sgoods) ; [23] £4 (Hopton, from Gravenor's goods) ; [24] £20 (John Lloide, jun, from John Lloide's lands) ; [25] £20 (John Lloide, jun , from John Lloide's lands).

C : £153-14-5 .

D: [6] Burges answers for £8-14-1 of his debt of£25 in the bidfollowing roll under"Salop"" , after hisfarm . 11

E : And he [sheriff] owes £145-0-4 . And he answers in roll 39 Eliz., under "Salop'" .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]12

[27]A: Richard Bromeley of Fyttes [Fitz], Salop, "yom'" . B.

D : £80. F : £60. G. H. J: For 3 months next following 1 May, 39 Eliz [1597] L : £20 M : Monday, 20 March, 40 Eliz [1597/8] N : From date of conviction to 17 April following, viz. for one [lunar] month K. O.

Margaret Leigh of Hordley, Salop, "spinster"

Richard ap Richard of Elsmere [Ellesmere], Salop, "husb""

John Meredithe ap Thomas of the same , "yom""

Jane Evettes, wife ofWilliam Evettesof Buttington , Salop [now in Co. Montgomery], "yom""

Isabel Ellyott of Claverley, widow

Anthony Harland, of the same, "yom'"

Mary Gravenor, wife of Richard Gravenor.

John PrestonofDrayton, gent.

MaryPreston of the same, "spinster"

William Cawse of the same , "yom' "

Richard Huntt ofthe same , "yom'"

Ann Grymsell of the same, "spinster"

Ann Rondleofthe same, "spinster"

Katherine Vaughan, wife of Edward Vaughan ofAstonBottrell, "yom'

Henry Doughty ofNewton, "yom'"

Ann, wife of Thomas CharnockofHigley ano [? Highley], "taylor"

Richard Charnock ofthe same, "taylor" [ ] 14A : Edward Chatterton of Tonge [Tong], Salop, "yoman" , and Katherine Chatterton, his wife B. D: £40 F : £20. G. H. J: For one month next following 1 Feb. , 40 Eliz. [1597/8]. L: £20 M : Thursday, ult August, 40 Eliz [1598]. N: From date of conviction to 28 Sept. following,

viz.for one [lunar] month

TabJohn Careles of the same O.

MichaelWoolridge of the same .

Thomas Gollen of the same , "yom'

] £40 for the like [ ] [ ] "

A: Ann Charnock, wife of Thomas Charnock of Higley, "husb'" . B. D : £ 140 F : £120 G. H. J: For 6 months. L, M, N, O : all as under Edward Chatterton above Richard Charnock of the same, "taylor" [ ] £140 forthelike. George Charnock of the same, "taylor" [ ]

" " "

¹Cf .entry [26] entry [12], annotation

*Cf .entry [19]. 3Cf . entry [17]. 5Cf . p. 78, entry [23]. entry [27]. Cf. C.R.S. , XVIII, p 268, 1. 20 seq left in MS for the word "debet" (owes). 'Cf. C.R.S., LVII, p 137 , [23]. 10Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, p 131 , entry [2], annotation. Note in L. Margin : It is answered ("r[espondetu ]r"). The sheriff (Nedeham) was therefore discharged of this amount 12All items under this heading to "Richard Charnock" inclus, are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). 13The brackets here & in items belowindicate a

*Cf. Cf. p. 80 , Space

210 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) SALOP-SOMERSET

space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes) 14This and the following items are bracketed , L., with thenote : Let a commission be issued .

[rotulet 19] [Preamble]





[1] John Frances , esq , sheriff of this countyfor this year, renders . [etc. as Bucks. [1]]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] [Sylvester Huysshe, recusant As entry [2], p 82, to H(k) inclus.]. F £14-10-8from the precedingyear G : £29-1-4. J: For which the sheriff answers below¹ [L.Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] A Thomas Griffeth, gent [lessee] C : £6-17-10, being part [of an original rent] of £10-4-5 & two-thirds of d. D: Two-thirds of the capital messuage or tenement ofGreneham, and of all demesne land, tenements, meadow, grazing & pasture lands & hereditamentswhatsoever, with appurtenances, in the parish ofAsshebrittle, Somerset; and two-thirds oftwo water-mills, with apps., in the parish ofStawley, called"Tracebridge Mills" . B : Edmund Marvin of Asshebrittle aforesaid, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Griffeth H(b) : From 20 June, 34 Eliz [1592] H(c) H(d) : £6-17-10. H(e) H(k) Cf. roll 34 Eliz.; and preceding roll [36 Eliz.], ² under "Somers'" . F : £3-8-10from precedingyear. G : £10-6-8. J: On4 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £3-8-11 was paidfrom thisfarm into theTreasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £3-8-11was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Griffeth] owes £3-8-10. And he answers in roll 39 Eliz , under "Somers"" , after his farm.

[Leaseof seized land. Rental]

[4] A John Goodwyn, gent [lessee] C : £5-9s D: Twothirds of one acre of arable land, with apps , in the common fields of Glaston, called "Wikefeild" , in the tenure ofThomas Dyer or his assigns ; and of various other lands & tenements , with apps., specified in the preceding roll, under "Somers'".3 B : John Dawes of Ilchester, "yom'" , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid John Goodwyn, his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 24 July, 36 Eliz [1594] H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e)

H(k) Cf. precedingroll, under "Somers'".3 F : £8-3-6 from previous years. G : £13-12-6. J: [Postscripts as under [2] above]

**[Lease ofseized land. Rental] [5] A Matthew Ewens, esq , a Baron of the Queen's Exchequer [lessee]. C : £31-2-2 . D.1 : Two-thirds of"le Gatehouse" [in Compton Pauncefoot], with rooms built above it ("cum cameris super inde edificat""), "a porche" , a hall ("Aule"), a parlour ("cenaculi"), "le Orreal" , two butteries ("promptuarior""), a cellar, a kitchen, two "larders" , with seven chambers above the living rooms already mentioned ("cum septem cameris super domibus antedict' edificat'") ; two-thirds also of"le Brewhouse" , "le Bultinghouse" with a room builtabove , two stables ("stabul" "), a byre ("bovil" ") with a room attached thereto ("contigue adjacen""), a dove-cot, two barns, "le Woodhouse" , "a colehouse" , "a storehouse" with a room above; awater-mill, a gardencalled"le Mill garden" , two other gardens adjacent to the capital messuage of Compton Pauncefote, another small garden called "le Churchyard garden" , with an orchard called "le Mill orchard" , another called "le Northe orchard" , another called "le Southe orchard" , an enclosed pasture called "le Conyger" containing 3 acres, another enclosed pasture called "Inlandes" containing 3 acres , another called "Barrowe" containing 19 acres, another called "East Orchard" containing 12 acres, another called "Waddonhill" (17 acres), an enclosed meadow ("prati") called "Waddon Mead"(5 acres), another called "Moremead" (3 acres), another called "horseparke" , (3 acres), another called "freman crofte" (2 acres), another called "hedgeclose" (5 acres), another called "Mill Furlonge" (4 acres), another called "broadmead" (8 acres), a wood or coppice called "holcombe Wood" (12 acres); [two-thirds also] of 120 acres of pasture for the harrow("pro biden'") in higheknolles &forecliff, 80 acres in Standelldowne , 40 acres in vawgner & holcombe close ; [also of] a close ofland ("claus' terr"") called "North Waddon" containing 15 acres , another called "Rye Furlonge" (20 acres), another called "Combe lake" (2 acres), another called "Marfurlonge & Westhelliottes" (6 acres), another called "Esthelliottes" (6 acres), [and]a parcel ofland called "highknollys" containing 32 acres in Compton Pauncefote Also [two-thirds of] various other messuages, lands, tenements& hereditamentsin Compton Pauncefoteaforesaid, Somerset , inthe several tenures ofWilliam Moulde, James Morrice, Thomas Morrice, John Milles, Edward Applin, John Collins, John Chalcott , Beatrice Walter, John Lewes, senior, William Dove, Robert Pitman, Robert Togood, George Whitelock, Thomas Morrys, and ofa rent of 1s . 10 d. annually due from the land of Humphrey Lewes. B: Edward Keynes, lately of Hampsted Morrys [Hampstead

ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) SOMERSET

Norris], Berks. , recusant, who is indebted to the Queen in the sum of £160 by reason of his recusancy. E(a) : Sir Francis Hastinges, knt., and others. E(b) : 7 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595] D.2 : Two-thirds of various messuages, lands, tenements, rents & hereditaments, being a parcel of the manor ofStoke Wake& Caudle [Caundle] Wake, Co. Dorset, lately in the tenures of John Seymor, gent , William More, Humfrey Saunder , John Saunders, Thomas Keate, John Guye, William Guye, Thomas Harte, William Guye [sic], Richard Whitemarsshe, Cecily Crocker, Alice Joye, Richard Chasye, and for a rent of d. annually duefrom Emma Johnson, widow: the aboveproperty in Dorset being also a parcel of the lands & possessions ofthe said Edward Keynes, recusant. E(a) : James Bisse, esq , and others. E(b) : 8 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595]. H(a) : Aforesaid Matthew Ewens , his executors & assigns. H(b) : From 16 Dec., 38 Eliz [1595] H(c) H(d) : For the Somerset property , £6-13-4 p.a. during the life-time of James Keynes, brother of the said Edward Keynes, and, after the decease ofthe saidJames Keynes, £20 p.a.; and, for the Dorset property, £24 p.a. H(e). H(k) : Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases , ad38 Eliz., under "Somers' etal'" . J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £15-11-11 was paid from this farm into the Treasury. And on 13 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £15-11-1 was paid ... [etc. as above].

And he [Ewens] is quit.

*+[Lease ofseized land Rental] [6] A

William Davenport, one of the Queen'sfootmen [lessee]. C : £8-17-9 & two-thirds of farthing for Michaelmas , 38 Eliz, being part of an annual rent of £17-15-6 & two-thirds of d. D.1 : Two-thirds of a customary tenement ("tenementi custumar' "), with appurtenances, in Queene Cammell 610 [Queen Camel], Somerset, and two-thirds of a third part of another customary tenement, called "Cammell leaze" , in Queene Cammell aforesaid. B.1 : Stephen Morris, lately of Queene Cammell aforesaid, "husband'" , recusant. D.2: Two-thirds of a third part of a customary tenement , called "Cammell lease" , in Queene Cammell aforesaid, and twothirds of a third part of a water-mill, with apps , in Queene Cammell aforesaid. B.2 : Henry Morris, lately ofthe same , "husband"" , recusant E(b) : 24 Jan., 38 Eliz [1595/6]. E(a) James Bisse, esq , and others. H(a): Aforesaid William Davenport , his executors & assigns H(b) : From Ladyday, 38 Eliz [1596]. H(c). H(d): For StephenMorris' tenement, £10 p.a.; for his lease, £3-6-8. For HenryMorris' lease, £3-6-8 ; for his watermill, £ 1-2-2 & two-thirds of d. H(e). H(k) Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 38 Eliz., under "Somers'" : J: But he [Davenport ] ought not to be summoned for £8-6-8,


ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) SOMERSET 213

viz. partofthesaid annualrent of£17-15-6 & two-thirds of d. from two-thirds of the said customary tenement, with apps., in Queene Cammell aforesaid, and from two-thirds of a third part ofanother customarytenement, withapps., called"Cammell leaze" , in Queene Cammell aforesaid, being a parcel of the lands & possessions ofthe said Stephen Morris, and alsofrom two-thirds of a third part of a customary tenement, called "Cammell lease" , in Queene Cammell aforesaid, being a parcel ofthe lands & possessions of the said Henry Morris , nor ought £16-13-4 of the said annual rent of £17-15-6 & two-thirds of d. to be charged henceforth , by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., Michaelmas term, 38-39 Eliz , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he [Davenport] owes 11s . 1d. And he answers in roll 39 Eliz. , under "Somers'" , after hisfarm.

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

A The same sheriff, viz John Frances, esq , renders an account of:-

B : [2] £29-1-4 (John Straker, from Huysshe's lands) ; [4] £13-12-6 (Goodwyn, from Dawes' lands).

C : £42-13-10.

E : And he [sheriff] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under "Res' Somers'" .

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]"

[8] A John Gaye, lately of Westocker [?West Coker], Somerset, gent. B. D : £160 F : £120. G. H. J : For 6 full months next following 20 Dec., 39 Eliz. [1596]. L : £40.

M: 1 March, 40 Eliz [1597/8]. N: From date of conviction to 25 April following, viz. for 2 [lunar] months O.

Elizabeth Pirham, wife of John Pirham of Pomptington [Pointington], 8

Somerset , esq.

GraceKnowell, wife ofWilliam Knowell, lately ofSamford [Sandford] Orcas , gent

Elizabeth Barnard, wife of Giles Barnard, lately of Odcombe, gent.

Stephen Morris, lately ofQueene Camell, "husb""

Henry Morris, junior, latelyofthe same , "husb'" . [ ] £160forthelike.

[ ] [ ] [ ] owes وو

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summonedfor [this debt], for a reason referred to in roll 5 James I, under "Somers'" , in thefarm of William Davenporte .

Juliana Hallett, lately of the same, Andhe is quit. "spinster"

[ ] £160 for the like

William Gerrard, lately of Trent,8 gent , owes £160 for the like. [Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in roll 5 James I, under "Somers'" , in the farm of the most noble ("pernobil" ")

Henry, Lord Cobham . And he is quit

Vincent Willes, lately of the same , "weaver" .

James Tayler, lately of the same , "weaver" ,

] £ 160 for thelike.

[Postscript] But he oughtnotto besummoned forthis [debt], for a reason referred to in roll 7 James I, under"Somers" in another debt of the same James Tayler.

Margery Smith, lately of the same , widow

Tobias Tayler, lately of the same , "husb "

Alice Tayler, lately of the same , "spin(baster"

EdithGreedie, latelyofthe same , "spinster"

AliceClifford, latelyofthe same , "spinster"

] £

Dorothy Cooke, wife of William Cooke , lately of Browham [Brewham], gent And he is quit.

. Owes "

EdwardKemes, latelyofCompton Paunsfett [Pauncefoot], esq. [Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], fora reason referred to in roll 12 James I, under"Somers"" , in anotherdebt of the same Edward. And heisquit.

William Kemes, lately ofthe same, gent [ ] £160 for the like.

Robert Houghton, latelyof Peenzelwood ,

Joan Kemishe, wife of John Kemishe , وو [Penselwood], gent .. [ ] lately ofCucklington , gent [ ]

Mary Catcott, lately of Lamatt [Lamyatt], "spinster" .

Elizabeth Maunsell, wife or Richard Maunsell, lately of North Petherton , esq.

Katherine Maunsell, lately of the same , "spinster"

Matilda Maunsell, lately of the same , "spinster"

Grace Pomptinge, wife of Ralph Pomptinge, lately of Frome Zelwood [Selwood], "husb""






ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6)

Mary, wife of the aforesaid William Gerrard [ ] £160 for thelike.

A: James Tayler of Trent, Somerset, "weaver" . C. D : £180 F : £120 G. H. J: For 6 months next following 1 September, 32 Eliz [1590]. L: £60 M: Wednesday, 14 July, 33 Eliz [1591]. N: From date of conviction to 5 Oct., following, viz for 3 [lunar] months.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt],for a reason referred to above in another debt of the same James.

And heisquit.

1Cf . entry [7] p 83, entry [7] MS

Cf. p 82, entry [3], and annotation "unus peditor' [sic] domine Regine" in Copyholds , and properties (like the above "customary tenements") held of the lord of the manor by "unfreetenure" , were declared by the Judges to be exempt from seizure for recusancy.


Cf. Recusant History, IV, p. 194, No. (16). i.e.for Michaelmas , 38 Eliz. (from Henry Morris' share ofthewater-millonly) 'All items underthis heading, toMaryGerrard inclus, are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] Commissio"). "Now inDorset. The brackets here and in items belowindicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes)

[rotulet 20]




[1] Ralph Sneed, esq , sheriff of this county for this year, renders ...[etc. as Berks. [1]].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[2] [Erasmus Wolsley, recusant As entry [2], p 85, to H(k) inclus ]. F: £15 for Sir Edward Littleton, knt , sheriff ofthe year 35 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Staff""), viz rentfromthis farm for the year 34 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Staff""). G : £30

bJ: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorseof this rotulet.¹

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [John Gifford, recusant As entry [3], p. 85, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On ult April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £22-12-7 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 27 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £22-12-7 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Ralph Husbond : lessee ] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Walter Blunt, "and other recusants" . As entry [4], p. 85, to H(k) inclus ]. F: £16-3-10 for Henry Gryffythe, esq. ,

216 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) STAFFS

sheriffoftheprecedingyear (cf. precedingroll under "Staff""), viz. rent from this farm for the preceding year (cf. ibid.). G : £32-7-8.

J: But the said Hugh Cuffe, gent [lessee] answers below² for £3-10s p.a. for the lands & tenements ofthe said WalterBluntt and their arrears. Andhe owes £24-7-8rent for the saidmoiety of the farm of Littlewood, of the lands of William Stapleton, recusant.3

But he [Cuffe] ought not to be summoned for £19-0-9, being the rent for this year & the last part of the precedingyear [36 Eliz.], nor ought this rent to be chargedto him after Ladyday, 37 Eliz. [1595], because Henry Fynche answers below for the said Ladyday, and thereafter, by another commission. Andhe [Cuffe] owes £6-6-11 . And he answers in roll 40 Eliz, under "Staff"" .

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [William Macclesfeild, recusant As entry [5], p. 85, to H(k) incl] F : £ 17-3-11 for Sir Edward Littleton, knt , sheriff ... [etc. as entry [2], F, above]. G : £25-15-11 .

J: [Postscript as under [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [Richard Fitzherberte & Thomas Collyer, recusants As entry [6], p. 86, to H(e) inclus.]. H(k) : Cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 33 Eliz. , under "Res' Staff'" , and [Recusant] Roll, 35 Eliz. , under "Staff " . F : £31 for Sir Edward Littleton, knt., sheriff ... [etc. as entry [2], F, above] G : £41-6-8.

J: [Postscript as under [2] above]

[Seized land. Rental]

[7] [Thomas Chetwinde, recusant. As entry [7], p 86, to E(d) inclus ]. F £7-15-7 for Sir Edward Littleton, late sheriff ... [etc. as entry [2] above] G : £10-0-0 .

J: [Postscript as under [2] above].

[8] [Lease of seized land Rental]

[Edward Briche (Birche) & Walter Whittall, recusants As entry [8], p. 86, to H(k) inclus.] F : £138-13-3forSirEdward Littleton late sheriff ... [etc. as [2], F, above]. G : £185-15-5 & two-thirds of d.

J: But the said Thomas Hill & Elizabeth his wife [lessees] answer below for £2-13-4from the farm of two-thirds of the said tenement in Goscott with certain enclosed pastures & meadows pertaining to it, of the lands of the aforesaid Edward Birche And they [lessees] owe £183-2-1 & two-thirds of d. [Further postscript as under [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[9] [Edmund Viez, recusant. As entry [9], p 86, to H(k) inclus ].

ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6)

F: £1 for Sir Edward Littleton, late sheriff ... [etc. as entry m [2], F, above]. G : £3.

J: [Postscript as under [2] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[10] [Simon Ryder, recusant. As entry [11], p 86, to E(c) inclus.]. E(d) Cf. preceding roll, under "Staff"" .

[Postscript as under [2] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[11]A Henry Fynche [lessee] C: £12-13-10 D: A moiety ofthe farm of Litlewoodin the parish of Bradley, togetherwith various other lands & tenementsin Staffs. , specifiedin thepreceding roll under "Staff""6 : being a parcel of the lands & possessions of ... B: William Stapleton, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Henry Fynche, his executors & assigns. H(b) :

From Ladyday, 37 Eliz [1595] H(c). H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k): Cf. preceding roll, under "Staff"".6 F : £6-6-11 for the last part of the previous year. G: £19-0-9 .

J: On 8 Nov., 37 Eliz [1595], £6-6-11 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, under the same of Giles Yonge, gent And on 3 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £6-6-11 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Fynche] owes £6-6-11. And he answers in roll 39 Eliz under"Staff"" , after hisfarm .

[Arrearage ofrent]

[12] A Tenants D : Two-thirds of lands & tenementsin Walsall & Bloxwyche, Staffs; and of various other lands & tenements in Linley [Lindley], Leics B : Walter Whittall, recusant F: [ ] £66-13-4for Sir Edward Littleton, late sheriff ... [ [2], F, above]ofan annual rent of£44-8-10 , viz the rent due from this farm for 13 year ending Mich , 33 Eliz [1591], cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Staff"".8 J: [Postscript as under [2] above].

[Ex-sheriff's debt]

[13]A Sir Edward Litleton, knt B : 35-36 Eliz C : £62-13-10 ofa total debt of£342-0-11 . D. E : Cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Staff""9 F : On 5 May, 35 Eliz [1593], £1-15s was paid into the Treasury (within a sum of £45) under the name ofHugh Cuffe , gent. And on 7 Nov., 35 Eliz [1593], £1-15s. was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 17 April, 36 Eliz [1594], £1-15s. was paid ... And on 30 Oct., 36 Eliz. [1594], £1-15s was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Litleton] owes £55-14-10. And he answers in thefollowingroll under"Staff"" .

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[14] A Thomas Hill & Elizabeth his wife [lessees ]. C : £2-13-4,

4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

being theremainder [of a total rent] of£47-2-2 & two-thirdsof d. D : Two-thirds of a tenement in Goscott, with certain closes pastures & meadows pertaining to it. B: Edward Birche, "husbandman" , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas & Elizabeth, theirexecutors & assigns. H(b) : From 15 Dec., Eliz [1591]. H(c) H(d) : £2-13-4. H(e). H(k) : as is contained above . 10

J: [Postscript as under [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[15]A Hugh Cuffe, gent [lessee] C : £3-10s , remainder of £16-3-10, being part of £75-13-10, the remainder of [an original rent of] £84-3-10. D : The whole rectory and a whole tenement, with appurtenances, in Kingston, Staffs , with allwood & underwood belonging to them ; also a whole cottage two closes of pasture and oneacre ofmeadow called "Monkesfeld" , together with all wood & underwood thereto belonging in Utcetor [? Uttoxeter] : the above being a parcel of the lands and possessions of ... B : Walter Bluntt, recusant. H(a) : Aforesaid Hugh Cuffe, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas, 27 Eliz [1585] H(c) H(d) : £3-10s H(e). H(f). H(k)

Cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 31 Eliz., under "Res" Staff'" . F: £3-10s. from precedingyear. G : £7

J: [Postscript as under [2] above]

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[16]A : The same sheriff, viz. Ralph Sneed esq., renders an account of: -

B : [2] £30 [Greisley, from Wolsley's lands] ; [5] £25-14-11 [Worthe,from Macclesfield's lands] ; [6] £41-6-8 [Thorne, from properties of Fitzherberte & Collyer] ; [7] £10-0-0 [Chetwinde's tenants] ; [8] £183-2-1 & two-thirds of d. [Hill & wife, from properties of Birche & Whittall] ; [9] £3 [Higgenson & Witheringes, from Viez's lands]; [10]

£3-6-8 [Ryder's tenants] ; [12] £66-13-4 [Whittall's tenants]; [14] £2-13-4 [Hill & wife, from Birche's lands]; [15] £7 [Cuffe, from Bluntt'slands].

C: £372-17-0 & two-thirdsof d.

D : [15] On 29 April, 37 Eliz. [1595], £1-15s. waspaidinto the Treasury, under the name of Hugh Cuffe, gent., and under thename of Pope Blunte, gent And on 25 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £1-15s was paid ... [etc. as above] And on 29 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £1-15s was paid. [etc. as above]. And on 15 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £1-15s. was paid ... [etc. as above].

[2] Greisleyanswers for £15 ofhis debt in thefollowingroll under"Staff " , after hisfarm . 12

[5] Worthe answers for £17-2-11 of his debtin same roll (loc cit.), afterhisfarm . 12

ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) STAFFS 219

[6] Thorne answers for his debt in same roll (loc cit ), afterhisfarm . 12

[7] Chetwinde'stenants answer for £7-15-7 of their debt in same roll (loc. cit.), after theirfarm . 12

[8] Hill & wife answer for their debt in same roll(loc. cit), after their farm . 12

E : And he [sheriff] owes £101-9-9 . And he answers inroll39 Eliz., under "Staff"" .

[Arrearage of rent]

[17]A Hugh Cuffe, gent [lessee]. F : [ ]13 £49-8-10, a part of£80-19-2, the remainder of a certain annual rent of£16-3-10

p.a., viz. rent due for the year 32 Eliz., with arrears. D : [as p. 87 above, entry [12]] B : William Stapleton, recusant H(k) Cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 33 Eliz, under "Res' Staff"" .

J: And he [Cuffe] answers in roll40 Eliz., under"Staff""" .

[Record of annual fine-payment due]

[18]A John Draycote, esq C. D: £120. H. E : From 25

Oct., 39 Eliz. [1597] to 11 April, 40 Eliz. [1598], viz. for six [lunar] months. K. G. P: [as entry[14], p. 88]

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]14


Richard Byddull of Horton, Staffs , gent B. D : £80 F: £60. G. H. J : For 3 months next following 4 May, 39 Eliz [1597]. L : £20 M: Thursday, 23 March, 40 Eliz [1597/8]. N : From date of conviction to 20 April following, viz. for one [lunar] month K. O.

Thomas ChetwynofStokeon Trentt.

Dorothy Chetwyn, wife of the same

Thomas Chetwyn

William Cleyton of Muccleston [Mucklestone], "yom'"

Elizabeth Cleyton, his wife

Joan Bolte alias Stone of Churcheyton [Church Eaton], "spinster" .

Elizabeth Mayfeild of Meare [Maer], "spinster"

John Cooke of the same, "laborer"

Richard Dymock of Norbury, surgeon

Margaret Dymock, his wife

John Mathewes ofthe same , "yom""

Isabel Mathewes, his wife

Edith Blackman, wife of Thomas BlackIman of the same .

James BaggaleyofSwynnerton, "yom'" [ ]15 £80 forthelike. [ ] [ ]

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for £60 thereof by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer];

220 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6)

Mary Baggeley, his wife

cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 41 "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ].

Edward Baggeleyofthe same


Eliz., Michaelmas term , And he owes £20. • [ ] £80 for thelike [ ]

33 [Postscript] But he ought not to be summonedfor £60 thereof for a reason referred to above under the debt of JamesBaggaley. And he owes £20 "Cassandria " Baggeley of the same , "spinster"

John Honson of Stoke on Trent, "yom"" [ ] £80 forthelike. ]

MargaretMadleyofthe same, "spinster" ]

Isabel Whitell of Chedull [Cheadle], "spinster"

Isabel Hallam of Draycote, widow

Antony Hollyns, senior, of Draycott, "yom'

Humfrey Browne ofthe same , "yom"

Ann Alsoppe of Hampsted Rydwere [Hamstall Ridware], "spinster"

Agnes Godfrey of Barton, Staffs , "spinster" .

Gabriel Royle alias Cartwright ofBarton [? Burton] on Trent

WilliamStoneofthe same , "yom""

Margaret Garden of Walsell [Walsall], "spinster" , wife ofRichard Garden [ ]

Ellen ["Elena"] Stone of the same , "spinster" • [ ]

JamesHolland ofthe same , "yom"" ]

Richard Yate of Kyngston [Kingston],


Eleanor ["Elianora"] Yate, his wife . [ ]

Antony Hawkyns of Kynley, "gardener" لانانا]

Elizabeth Turnor of Penckriche [Penkridge], "spinster" [ ]

AliceMorton of the same, "spinster"

Isabel Hartofthe same , "spinster" [ ]

A: Alice Shepphard of Westbromwiche, Staffs, "spinster" , wife of William Sheppard B. D : £40 F : £20 G. H. J: For one month L, M, N, O : all as under Richard Byddullabove.

Simon Ryder of the same , "yom'" . [ ] £40 for thelike.

A: Brian Lane of the parish of St. Mary, Stafford. C. D : £260 F : £240 G. H. J: For 12 months next following 14 July, 30 Eliz [1588] L : £20. M : 23 March, 32 Eliz. [1589/90] N: From date of conviction to 20 Aprilfollowing, viz. for one [lunar] month. 0.

ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) STAFFS 221

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 40 Eliz., Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he isquit.

[Record of annual fine-payment due]

[20]A John Draycote, esq C. D : £240 H. E : From 11

April, 40 Eliz. [1598] to 24 Oct., following, viz for 7 [lunar] months K. G.

P [as entry [14], p 88 above].

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]16

[21]A Thomas Holbrooke ofMarchinton[Marchington], "yom"" .

B. D : £60 F : £40 G. H. J : For 2 months next following 2 Jan., 40 Eliz [1597/8] L: £20 M: Monday, 28 August, 40 Eliz [1598]. N: From date ofconvictionto 25 Sept.following, viz for one [lunar] month O.

Sarah Collyer of Hilderson [Hilderstone] within the parish of Stone, Staffs, wife of Richard Collyer

Joan Follyambe of Blacknall within the parish ofTatnell [Tatenhill], Staffs, wife of Godfrey Folyambe, esq

Agnes Godfrey of Barton under Newood [Needwood] in the parish ofTatenhill, widow

William Burton of Hynley [? Himley], "yoman"

Anthony Hawkyns of the same , "yoman"

Frances Harper ofMarchinton, "spinster"

Lady Elizabeth Russell, widow , in the parish of Horseley, Staffs.

MaryFitzharbert of Hampstall Rydware, widow

RobertWhitleyofWednesbury, "yoman'

Alice Stone of Walsall, "spinster"

MargeryRawley of Wichnor, "spinster"

Thomas Daye of Hopwas, "yoman"

Margery Tomlynson ofthe same , "spinster" "Cassandria" Baggaley of Swynnerton, "spinster"

ThomasTunck ofthe same , "yoman"

] [[ ] £4017

] £60 forthe like


John Sytherne of the same, "yoman" [rotulet6, dorse] [ ] £60 for thelike.

"Res' Staff'"

A: Joan Wrighte, wife of John Wrighteof Stowe, Staffs. B. D: £80 F : £60 G. H. J: For 3 months next following 2 Jan., 40 Eliz. [1597/8]. L, M, N, O: all as under Holbrooke above.

Joan Foster of Staundon [Standon], "spinster"

RichardWolridge ofSeighford, "yoman"

Antony Banckeof the same , "yoman" "Packett" Hodson of the same , "yoman"

Joan Bratt ofthesame

Margaret Willington of the parish of St. Mary, Stafford

Frances Nocke, wife of Stephen Nocke ofthe parish ofPenne, Staffs.

MargaretMadley ofthe parish ofRocetter [Rocester], Staffs, widow

Joan Greene ofthe same, "spinster" .

John Mathewe of Norbury, "yoman" and Isabel, his wife .


Richard Dymock, junior, of the same , "yoman" , and Margaret, his wife [ ]

Elizabeth Dymock, junior, of the same, "spinster"

Edith Blackman ofthe same , "spinster"

Elizabeth Blackman, wife of Thomas Blackman of the same , "yoman" . [ ]

Oliver Ley of Leigh, "yoman"

Thomas Tomlynson of Lapley, "yoman"

Joan Fuliambe of Ilam, "spinster"

Ann Alsopp, wife of Richard Alsopp of Hampstall Ridware

Antony Hollyns, senior, of Dracott [Draycott], "yoman"

Joan Perkyn, wife of Thomas Perkyn of the same , "yoman"

Humfrey Barrowe of the same , "husb'"

Jane Prockter, wife of Thomas Prockter ofthe same

Agnes Hearinge of Chedle [Cheadle], "spinster"

Margery Sharrett alias Limmere of Churcheyton, "spinster"

Gabriel Royle alias Cartwright ofBurton on Trentt, "yoman"

Elizabeth Bateman of the same , "spinster"

Gregory Palmer ofthesame , "yom""

JasperGarrettof the same, "yom""

1Cf . entry [16] The normal marginal note oni ("the sheriff is charged, unless ... ") is missing in this county account entry [15]. Note here in L. Margin : It is answered ("

detu]r"). Cf. entry [11] 3Cf . entry [17]

entry [14] Note here in L. Margin : It is answered . p 87, entry [12] "Space left in 8Cf . C.R.S.LVII, p 147 , entry [20] 10Cf. entry [8] above entry [23] p 144 , [4] 12Note in L. Margin : It is answered The sheriff (Sneed) was thereforedischarged ofthisitem. for the word "debet" (owes) 13Space leftin MS 14Items under this heading, to Simon Ryder inclus, are bracketed , L, with the note : Let a commission be issued ("fi[at] commissio "). 15Thebrackets here and items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes). 16All items under this heading are bracketed , L, withthe note : Let a commission be issued . 17Probably an error for£60 .

[rotulet 21]


*Cf. MS for "debet" (owes) Cf. C.R.S.LVII, p 148, 11Cf . C.R.S. LVII,

SUFFOLK ("Suff""


[1] Sir William Sprynge, knt , sheriff of this countyfor this year, renders ... [etc. as Berks [1]]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [John Bedingefeild, recusant As entry [2], p 88, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £7-13-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 26 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £7-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Dunston : lessee] is quit

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Thomas Stone, alias Oliver, recusant As entry [3], p 88 , to E(d) inclus ]. F : £8-17-9 for Robert Forthe, esq., late sheriff of the year 35 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Suff""1), viz. rent for the year 34 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Suff"" ). G : £17-15-6 .

J: The sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotulet for £8-17-91 . And they [tenants] owe £8-17-91.3

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is chargedfor this year's rent only , unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[4] [Roger Marten, recusant, as entry [5], p. 89, to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 1 May, 38Eliz [1596], £38-11-5waspaidfromthisfarm into the Treasury And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £38-11-5 was paid ... [etc. as above] And they [Thomas Keys & Thomas Stowe: lessees] arequit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[5] [Robert Rookewood , recusant As entry [6], p. 89, to H(k) inclus.].

224 ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) SUFFOLK

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £51-7-3 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £51-7-3 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [Keys & Stowe: lessees] arequit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[6] [John Danyell & William Danyell, recusants. As entry [7], p 89, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £15 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £15 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [MatthewCripes : lessee] is quit.

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[7] [Henry Hubert, recusant As entry [8], p. 89, to H(k) inclus ]. F: £2-13-4 for Robert Forthe, esq , late sheriff ... [etc. as entry [3], F, above] G: £5-6-8.

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[8] [Robert de Grey, recusant As entry [9], p. 89, to H(k) inclus.]. J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse ofthis rotulet . " [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[9] [Henry Everard, recusant. As entry [10], p. 90, to H(k) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under [8] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[10] [Christopher Toftwood, recusant As entry [11], p 90, to H(k) inclus ] F : £6-8-11 for Robert Forthe, esq , late asheriff... [etc. as entry [3], F.; viz. rent for the year 35 Eliz., with the arrears ...]. G : £9-6-8 & two-thirds of d

[Seized land. Rental]

[11] [Robert Jettor, recusant. As entry[12], p. 90, to E(d) inclus ]. On 19 June, 38 Eliz [1596], £19-8-0 was paid from this farm into the Treasury. And on 9 Feb., 39 Eliz [1596/7], £19-8-1 waspaid ... [etc. as above]. And they [tenants] arequit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [Elizabeth Drurye, recusant As entry [13], p 90, to H(k) inclus.].

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £5 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Hunnys : lessee] isquit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[13] [Richard Norton, recusant. As entry [14], p 90, to E(d) inclus ]. F : £60 for Robert Forthe, esq. , late sheriff ...

ROLL4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) SUFFOLK 225

[etc. as entry [10], F, above] ; and £20 for Thomas Croftes , esq., late sheriff ofthe precedingyear [1594] (cf. precedingroll, under "Suff 5), viz rent for precedingyear (cf. same rollunder "Suff "). G: £100

J: Butthey [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [rent], nor oughtthe saidrent to be charged henceforth, by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, EL.T.R., 37 Eliz., Hilary term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And they arequit.

[Seized land Rental]

[14] [John Rookewood, recusant As entry [15], p 90, to E(d) inclus ]. F £2-13-4for Robert Forthe, esq., late sheriff. [etc. as entry [10], F, above]. G : £3-11-1 & two-thirdsof d.

J: [Postscripts as under [8] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental] [15] [Eve Yaxley, recusant. As entry [16], p 90, to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 26 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £10-11-8 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £10-11-8 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Ralph Lathome lessee] is quit

[rotulet21, dorse]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[16] [WalterNorton, recusant As entry [17], p 91 , to H(b) incl.6] H(d): £56-13-4 . H(e) H(k): Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Suff'" .

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £28-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, under the title "Norff"" . And on 26 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £28-6-8 was paid from this farm into the Treasury. And he [Thomas Webber : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[17] [John Danyell, recusant As entry [19], p 91, to H(k) incl.7]

J: On 29 April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £21-13-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury, under the name ofThomasHayes. And on 29 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £21-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Thomas Felton : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land . Rental]

[18][Ann Rowse, recusant. As entry [21], p. 92, to H(e) inclus.8]. H(k) Cf. preceding roll, under "Suff"" . F : £20 for precedingyear. G : £40. :

[Arrearage ofrent]

[19] A Tenants D : Two-thirds of a tenement called "Bagges" , & other property ("et al'") B : Henry Everard. F: [ ] £32-16-5 for Robert Forthe, esq., late sheriff of the year 35


Eliz. (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Suff""10), viz of a certain annual rent of £33-8-2 from the farm ofthe said tenantsforthe 29 Eliz (cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Suff""11)

J: [Postscripts as under [8] above].

[Record ofannual finepaid]

[20]A Edward Rookewood , esq C. D : £260 H. E : From ult Sept., 37 Eliz [1595] to 28 Sept. following, viz for 13 [lunar] months K. G.

P : On 24 May, 38Eliz [1596], £140 waspaid intotheTreasury. And on 29 Nov., 39 Eliz. [1596], £120 was paid ... [etc.]. Andheisquit.

[Record ofannual fine paid]

[21] A Edward Sulliard, esq C. D :

H. E: From 16 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595] to 14 Oct. following, viz.for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P : On 12 May, 38Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid into the Treasury. Andon 20 Nov., 39 Eliz. [1596], £120 was paid ... [etc.]. And he isquit.

[Record of annual finepaid]

[22]A Michael Hare, esq. C. D : £260. H. E : From 30 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595] to 28 Oct. following, viz for 13 [lunar] months. K. G..

P : On 15 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £140 waspaid into theTreasury. And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £120 was paid.. [etc.].

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears] And he is quit.

[23] A The same sheriff, viz. SirWilliam Springe, knt , renders an : account of:-

B : [3] £8-17-91 (tenants of Stone, alias Olyver) ; [8] £22-17-9 (George Lee, from de Grey's lands) ; [9] £33-19-2 & farthing(Lawrence Hussey, from Everard's lands) ; [14] £3-11-1 & two-thirds of d. (Rookewood's tenants) ; [19] £32–16–5 (Everard's tenants)

C: £102-2-31 .

D : [19] Everard's tenants answer for their debt as below . 12 E : And he [sheriff] owes £69-5-10. Andhe answers inroll 39 Eliz., under "Suff"" .

[Enrolments of estreatedconvictions for recusancy]13

[24]A Francis Danyell, lately of Acton, Suffolk, esq B. D: £140 F: £120 G. H. J: For 6 months next following 1 Aug., 39 Eliz. [1597]. L: £20. M : Tuesday, 29 Aug., 40 Eliz. [1598] N: From date of conviction to 26 Sept. following, viz. for one [lunar] month. O.

Nicholas Rookewood , lately of Ewston

[Euston], esq. . owes £140 forthe like [Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], forareason referredto in roll 2 James Iunder"Item Suff"" , in another debt ofthe same Nicholas And heisquit. A: Edmund Jermyn of Stanton All Saints [? Cambs.], gent B. D £100 F : £80 G. H. J: For 4 months next following 20 Oct., 39 Eliz [1597] L, M, N, O : all as under Francis Danyellabove.

Alice Lacye, wife of Thomas Lacye, lately of Walsham [-le-Willows], gent ] £100 for the like

Richard Yaxley, lately of Yaxley, gent.

William Mannock, lately of Stoke, gent [ ]

Richard Typple, lately of Fryston[Friston], "yoman"

Stephen Childerston, lately of Barkinge

cum Nedeham [Needham], "yom"" [ ]

Thomas Warde, lately of Dynnyngton [Dennington], "yom'"

Elizabeth Peverell, lately of Estbergholt [East Bergholt], "spinster" . Thomas Harvey, lately of Yaxley, "yoman"

[Arrearage of rent]

[25] [Henry Everard, recusant. As entry [19] above, to F inclus. 15]. J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned forthis [rent] by considerationof the Barons [ofthe Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 39 Eliz, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ], where it is considered by the same Barons that the aforesaid tenents of two-thirds of the said tenement called "Bagges" etc. should be discharged & acquitted, as regards the Queen, her heirs & successors, of the said rent of £32-16-5 from the said farm & every part of it, and that Francis Jermye, esq., late sheriffof Suffolk, shouldbe charged& should answer to the Queen for the separate sums of£21-1-8 and £17 received ("recept"") by his under-sheriff . And he [Jermye] answers in roll 39 Eliz, under"Suff"" .

And they [tenants] arequit.

1Cf . C.R.S. , LVII, p 167 , [28] "ibid

ibid. , p 157-8, [3]

5Cf . entry [25], p 92

3Cf. "But entry [23] below . the rentin section C. is given as"£56-13-4" , instead of "£36-13-4": and sectionD. has "cf. roll 35 Eliz" , instead of"cf. precedingroll" . "Theword "Hall" is omittedafter "Abbas" insectionD. tions E(a) & (b) are here omitted "debet" . [20]

$Sec"Space left in MS for word 11ibid., p. 163 , 10Cf . C.R.S. LVII, p 167, [28] 12Cf . entry [25], below Note in L. Margin : It is answered The sheriff (Springe) was therefore discharged of this


item 13All items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued 14The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes). 15Refs to roll 35 Eliz omitted

[rotulet 22] SURREY & SUSSEX


("Surr' Sussex '")

[1] Richard Leeche, esq , sheriff of this county for this year , renders ...[etc. as Berks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [Edward Bannyster, recusant. As entry [2], p. 96, to H(k) inclus.] F : £111-2-4 from previous years . G : £166-13-6.

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Henry Norton, recusant As entry [3], p 96, to E(d) inclus ] F: £7 from previous years G : £11-6-8.

[Seized land Rental]

[4] [Agnes Pilcher, recusant. As entry [4], p 96, to E(d) inclus ] J: For which the sheriffanswers on the dorse of this rotulet.¹ [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [NicholasWolff, recusant. As entry[5], p 96, to E(d) inclus.]. F: £31-2-2 for Sir Nicholas Parker, knt., late sheriff of 35 Eliz. (cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Sur' Sussex'"), viz. rent for the year 35 Eliz , with arrears (cf. roll 35 Eliz , under "Surr' Sussex'") G : £46-13-3 .

J: [Postscripts as under entry [4] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[6] [Thomas Gage, recusant. As entry[6], p. 96, to H(k) inclus ] F : £35-13-4 from previous years G : £56-10s

J: But he [Richard Olyve : lessee ] ought not to be summoned for £10-8-4 , viz. rent due from thisfarmforthe half-year ending Michaelmas, 32 Eliz., because answer has been made to the Queen for the said £10-8-4 within a certain sum of £41-13-4 by Thomas Pelham, esq., sheriffof this countyfor the year 31 Eliz. by rent exactedunder the name of the tenants of the said lands, cf. Great [Pipe] Roll, 31 Eliz , under "Item Sussex '" . And he [Olyve] ought not to be summoned for £36-7-5, viz. the rent of two-thirds of a moiety of the manor of Earsham alias Haylesham, with appurtenances , for the present year [37 Eliz.],for theprecedingyear, andfor 59 daysendingat Michaelmas, 33 Eliz., nor, by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer], ought £16-16-8 (a part of the said rent of£20-16-8

ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) SURREY AND SUSSEX 229

p.a.) to be charged after 1 August, 33 Eliz. [1591], on which day the aforesaidThomas Gage died; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 33 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he [Olvye] owes £9-14-3 . [Further postscripts as under entry[4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Katherine, Lady Copley, recusant. As entry [7], p. 96, to H(f) inclus ] H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Sussex'" [sic].

F: £99-5-11 & two-thirds of d. from previous years. G: £165-9-10 & two-thirds of d [Further arrears] £132-7-10 & two-thirds of d. for the year 35 Eliz , with arrears (cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Surr' Sussex'" [Total debt] £297-17-10

J: Buthe [John Wattes : lessee ] oughtnot to besummoned for £264-15-10, viz rentfrom thisfarmfor 4 years ending Michaelmasthis year, 38 Eliz., nor ought thesaidrent to be chargedafter 22 Dec., 34 Eliz [1591], because Isaac Burges answers on the dorse of this rotulet2for £66-3-11 p.a.for thefarm ofthe same premises from the said22 Dec., 34 Eliz., andthenceforthhas been answerable to the Queen by another commission . And he [Wattes] owes £33-2s.

[Further postscripts as under [4] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[8] [William Assheborneham , recusant. As entry [8], p. 97, to H(f) inclus.]. H(k) : as in entry [7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[9] [Lancelot Gildridge, recusant. As entry [9], p. 97, to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Surr' Sussex'" . F : £10-13-4 for Sir Nicholas Parker, knt. , late sheriff ... [etc. as in entry [5], F above]. G: £16.

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[10] [Thomas Tyndall, recusant. As entry [10], p. 97, to H(f) inclus.] H(k) as entry [7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[11] [John Assheborneham , recusant As entry [11], p. 97, to H(f) inclus.]. H(k) as [7] above F: £425-15-7 & two-thirds of d. for Sir Nicholas Parker, knt , late sheriff ... [etc. as [5], F, above ]. G : £532-4-5 & two-thirds of d. [Further arrears] £106-8-10 & two-thirds of d. from precedingyear. [Total debt] £638-13-4 .

230 ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [John Assheborneham , recusant As entry [12], p. 97, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as [7] above.

J: On 18 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. Andon 6 November , 38 Eliz [1596], £5 waspaid . [etc. as above] And he [William Cordell: lessee] is quit.

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[13] [Thomas Pownde, recusant As entry [13], p 97, to H(e) inclus.] H(k) as [7] above.

J: On 28 April, 38 Eliz. [1596], £26-18-4 was paidfrom this farm into theTreasury. And on 3 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £37-3-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Thos Henslowe : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[14] [Alice Gildridge, recusant As entry [14], p 98, to H(f) inclus.]. H(k) as [7] above.

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[15] [George Faukes , recusant. Asentry[15], p.98, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) as [9] above

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[16] [Joan Ockenden , recusant. As entry [16], p 98, to E(c) inclus.] E(d) as [9] above. F: £3-6-8 for Sir Nicholas Parker, knt , late sheriff ... [etc. as [5], F, above³] G: £6-13-4. [Further arrears] £3-6-8 from preceding year. [Total debt] £10

[Seized land. Rental]

[17] [William Assheborneham , recusant As entry [17], p. 98, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) as [9] above. F : 13s 4d for SirNicholas Parker, knt , late sheriff ... [etc. as [5], F, above³] G: £1-6-8. J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[18][Thomas Assheburneham , recusant. As entry [18], p. 98, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) as [9] above F : 13s 4d for Sir Nicholas Parker, knt , ... [etc. as [5], F, above³]. G : £1-6-8.

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above]

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[19] [MaryScott, recusant As entry [19], p. 98, to H(e) inclus.4] H(k) as [7] above

ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6)

J: On 28 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £6-13-4 was paidfrom this farm intotheTreasury. And on 5 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £6-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Walter Windsor: lessee] is quit

[rotulet22, dorse]

*[Seized land Rental]

[20]farm. A: Tenants B : Katherine, Lady Coppley. C : £14-7-4 & two-thirds of 1d. D : Two-thirds of certain land called "Stevens land" and of other lands lately called "Lashford copyehold land" in Lye [Leigh, Surrey], and "London landes" "Larkeslandes "&"Kingeslandes" in Reygate[Reigate], Surrey, in the tenure or occupation of Robert Johnson and [ ] Johnson, or their assigns, of the yearly value of £21-11-1 E(a) Edmund Saunders , esq. , and others. E(b) : 5 Feb. , 37 Eliz. [1594/5]. E(c) : Recusancy of the said Katherine E(d) Cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz, Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. F : £14-7-4 & two-thirds of 1d from precedingyear. G : £28-14-9 & two-thirdsof d. J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for £7-3-7 & two-thirds of d., being rentfor the last part of this year, nor ought the said rent to be charged after Ladyday of this year, 38 Eliz [1596], byconsiderationofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer] cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., Easter Term, 38 Eliz., "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And they [tenants] owe £21-11-1 . [Furtherpostscripts as under [4] above]

[Seized goods & chattels]

[21] [Nicholas Wolff, recusant. Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 177 , [24]]. £13 owed for Sir Nicholas Parker, knt , sheriff of 35 Eliz. [cf. ibid., p. 178, [29], D.].

[Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[22][Elizabeth Croucher, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 177, [25]] £21-6-8 owed for same Sir Nicholas Parker [cf. ibid., p. 178, [29], D].

[Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[23][Henry Chaderton, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p 177 [26]]. £1-13-4 owed for same Sir Nicholas Parker [ref. as , [22] above].

[Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized goods & chattels]

[24][Henry Chaderton, recusant

Entry as C.R.S., LVII, p. 177 , [27]]. £10 owed for same Sir Nicholas Parker [ref. as [22] above].

[Postscripts as under [4] above].

232 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) SURREY AND SUSSEX

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[25]farm . A: Isaac Burges, a gentleman of the chapel royal [lessee]. C : £66-3-11 . D : Two-thirds of the capital messuage [or]manor ofRoughey & ofthe parkthere, estimated to contain 100 acres of land, in Horsham, Sussex ; together with various other manors, messuages, lands & tenements, with appurtenances , in Sussex, specified in the preceding roll under "Sussex""6 B : Katherine, Lady Copeleyof Horsham , "spinster" , recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Isaac Burges, his executors & assigns H(b) : From 22 Dec., 34 Eliz [1591]. H(c). H(d) : as C. H(e) H(k) : cf. preceding roll under "Sussex'"6 F: £264-17-9 from previous years G : £330-19-91 .

J: But he [Burges] ought not to be summoned for £33-1-11% , the rent for the last part of this year, nor ought this rent to be charged after Ladyday this year, 38 Eliz [1596], by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz., Easter term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ]. And he [Burges ] owes £297-17-9 . And he answers in the followingroll under"Surr' Sussex"" .

[Record of annual finepaid]

[26]A John Gage, esq C. D : £260 H. E : From 29 Oct. , 37 Eliz [1595] to 27 Oct. next following, viz. for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P : On 18 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £120 was paid into theTreasury. And on 15 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £140 waspaid ...[etc.]. And he is quit

[Arrearage ofrent]

[27]A John Wattes [lessee]. B : Katherine, Lady Copley, widow, recusant D : Two-thirds of a capital messuage & park, estimated to contain 100 acres of land in Horsam [Horsham], Sussex ; together with other manors, messuages, lands & tenements, with apps , specified in the Great [Pipe] Roll, 31 Eliz , under "Adhuc Item Sussex'" , viz rentfor one full year ending Michaelmas, 34 Eliz (cf. Great Roll, 33 Eliz. under "Surr' Sussex'").

J: But he [Wattes] ought not to be summoned for this [rent], because Isaac Burges answers above"for thisfarmfrom 22 Dec. , 34 Eliz., and has thereafter been answerable to the Queen by another commission . And he [Wattes] is quit

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[28]A: The same sheriff, viz Richard Leeche , esq, renders an account of

B : [4]

£2-13-4 (Pilcher's tenants) ; [5] £46-13-4 (Wolff's tenants) ; [6] £9-14-3 (Olyve, from Thos. Gage's lands) ; [7]

£33-2s. (Wattes, from Lady Copley's lands) ; [8]

ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6) SURREY AND SUSSEX 233

£5 (Thos Palgrave& another, from Will.Assheborneham's lands) ; [9] £16 (L. Gildridge's tenants) ; [10] £3-6-8 (John Johnson, from Tyndall's lands); [14] £13-6-8 (John Salisbury, from A. Gildridge's lands) ; [15] £16 (Faukes's tenants) ; [17] £1-6-8 (Will Assheborneham's tenants) ; [18] £1-6-8 (Thos. Assheburneham's tenants) ; [20] £21-11-1 (Lady Copley's tenants) ; [21] £13 (Thos. Bowyer & others, from Wolff's goods) ; [22] £21-6-8 (Bowyer etc., from Croucher's goods) ; [23] £1-13-4 (Bowyer etc., from H. Chaderton's goods) ; [24] £10 (Will Chaderton, from H. Chaderton's goods).

C : £216-0-72 .

D : [9] L. Gildridge's tenants answer for their debt in the following roll under "Surr Sussex"" , after theirfarm.8

E : And he [sheriff] owes £200-0-7 . And he answers inroll39 Eliz., under "Surr" Sussex"" .

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

[29]A Alice Quested of Westham, Sussex, "spinster" . B. D:

£80 F : £20 G. H. J: For one month next following 1 Jan., 39 Eliz [1596/7] L : £60 M : Friday, 24 June, 39 Eliz. [1597] N : From date of conviction to 15 Sept. following, viz for 3 [lunar] months. O.

Mary Scott of Iden, Sussex, "spinster" [ ]10 £80 forthelike.

Mary Okenden of Westferley [West Firle], Sussex, "spinster"

John YongeofWestferly , "yom'" [ ] owes

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], for a reason referred to in roll 12 Charles I under"Res' Sussex"" , in a debt of the tenantsof the lands of the said John. And heisquit.

John Willard, senior, of Westhothly [West Hoathly], Sussex, "yom'"

William Tully of Steninge [Steyning], Sussex , "yom'" . [ ] £80 for thelike. [ ]

Stephen Wellard ofWesthothley,"yom'" [ ]

James Bull of Steninge, "yom'

Robert Bowles of Clapham, Sussex , "yom""

Peter Sheppard ofthe same , "yom'

GeorgeBrittenof Northchappell [North [ ] "

Chapel], Sussex , gent.

WilliamLuffofEastburne [Eastbourne],

Mary Luff, his wife

Margaret Freland, wife of John Freland of Bosham , gent

] [ ] [ ] "yom'


Mary Lane, wife of Thomas Lane of

Fysheborne[Fishbourne], "yoman" [ ] £80 for thelike. Bridget Hynton ofthe same, "spinster"

A: William Hillesley of Merston, Sussex , "yoman" . "C.



£60 F : £20 G. H. J: For one monthnext following 1 June , 32 Eliz. [1590] L: £40 M : 22 Feb., 33 Eliz. [1590/91]. N: Fromdate ofconviction to 20 Aprilfollowing, viz.for two [lunar] months.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda

Roll, L.T.R. , 40 Eliz., Easterterm,"Recorda"section, rotulet [ ] And heisquit.

A: Lancelot Gildridge of Bedingham [Beddingham, Sussex], gent C. [D: £100]¹¹. F: £60 G. H. J: For three months next following 26 March, 31 Eliz [1589] L : £40.

M : 27 Feb., 32 Eliz [1589/90] N : From date of conviction to 25 Aprilfollowing, viz. for2 [lunar] months. O.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt]by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 39 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he is quit.

[rotulet27, dorse] "Res' Sussex'"12

[Enrolments of estreated convictions : continued]

A: Edward Scott of Iden, gent B. D : £60 F: £20 G.

H. J For one month next following 1 March, 39 Eliz [1596/7]. L: £40 M: Friday, 27 Feb., 40 Eliz [1597/8]

N: From date of conviction to 14 April following, viz. for 2 [lunar]months . O.

Thomas Brooke of Alfriston, Sussex , "yom"" [ ] £60 for the like.

Margaret Gildridge, lately of Beddingham, Sussex, "spinster"

Alice Holland, wife of Richard Holland of Jevington, Sussex "yom""

Henry Curse of Westferlies [West Firle], Sussex, "yom'"

Thomas Gildridge ofthe same village and county, "yom'" .

John Gildridge ofthe same, "yom''

Thomas Patricke ofthe same , "yom'

Joan Fawkener of the same, "spinster"

Joan Alchorne, wife ofThomas Alchorne of Pycombe [Pyecombe], Sussex , "yom'

Mary Covert of Ashington , Sussex , "spinster"





Margaret Puttocke, wife of HenryPuttocke of Horsham, Sussex, "yom'" [ ] £60 forthe like.

Robert Bowles of Clapham, Sussex , "yom""

Robert Graye ofthe same , "yom"" .

Elizabeth Woodward, wife of Matthew Woodward of Lodsworth , Sussex , gent

Magdalen Bysshoppe, lately of Eastborne, Sussex, "spinster" John Arden of Eastborne, Sussex , "yom""

[ ] [ ] " ,, owes

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt] for a reason referred to in roll 10 James I, under "Res Sussex'" , in anotherdebt ofthe same John Arden.

And heis quit.

1Cf . entry [28] tioned "Section preceding roll"

"Entry [25]. D has "cf. roll 35 "Space left in MS Entry [25]

"No other arrears menEliz " instead of "cf. for Christian name . "Note in L. Margin :

Cf. p 101, entry [28]. It is answered . Thesheriff(Leeche) was thereforedischarged ofthis item Itemsunderthis heading, to BridgetHynton inclus, are bracketed , L., with thenote : Let a commission be issued 10The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MSforthe later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes) 11Omitted in MS. The form of this item is abnormal. items under this heading are bracketed , L., with the note : Let a commission be issued 12All

[rotulet23] [Preamble]



[1] SirThomas Lee, knt , sheriffofthis countyforthis year,renders an account ... [etc. as Berks [1]]

[Seized land Rental]

[2] [Thomas Higgenson, recusant. As entry [2], p 103, to E(d) inclus ]. F £20 from previous years G : £26-13-4. J: For £6-13-4 ofwhich the sheriffanswers below.¹

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Thomas Higgenson, recusant As entry [3], p. 103, to E(d) inclus.]. F £26-13-4 from previous years. G : £33-6-8.

[Seized land. Rental]

[4] [Thomas Greene, recusant. Asentry [4], p. 103,to E(d) inclus.]. F: £20 from previous years G: £26-13-4 J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

236 ROLL 4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ (1595-6)

[Seized land Rental]

[5] [Margaret Atwood, recusant As entry [5], p 104 , to E(d) inclus.] F £13-6-8 from previous years . G : £16-13-4

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for this [rent] by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 38 Eliz., Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And they arequit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[6] [Elizabeth Ferrers, recusant As entry [6], p. 104 , to E(d) inclus ]. F £37-15-4 from previous years G: £47-4-2.

J: [Postscript as under [4] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[7] farm . A: Tenants B : Henry Sidnall, "yom'" , recusant. C : £2. D : Two-thirds of a messuage called "Yardles" in the tenure of Henry Huntt ; and of various other messuages, lands & tenements, with appurtenances, in the parish of Tamworth[? Tanworth], Warwicks , specifiedin thepreceding roll under "War' ".2 E(b) : 4 Nov. , 36 Eliz [1594] E(a) : Thomas Dabridgecourt , esq , & others E(c) : Recusancy of the same Henry E(d) : Cf. preceding roll under "Warr"" . F: £2 from precedingyear G : £4.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for £2, viz the rent for the presentyear, nor ought the said rent to be charged after 27 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595], because John Courte, gent., answers below for this rent from the said 27 Nov., 38 Eliz., and thenceforth answers to the Queen by another commission . And they [tenants] owe£2 [Furtherpostscript as under [4] above]

†[Lease of seized land Rental] [8] farm . A: John Courte, gent [lessee]. C : £2. D : Twothirds ofa messuage, with appurtenances, called or knownby the name of"Yardelles" in the tenure or occupation of Henry Hunte or his assigns; of a messuage called or known by the name of"Judden" [? or Indden] in the tenure or occupation of Edward Lea or his assigns; of a messuage called or knownby the names of "Yarnoldes" and "Cockeshottefeildes" in the tenure of Henry Beddell, and of various other lands called or knownbythe names of"Palmers" , "Newland" and"Mareton" , withapps., in the parish ofTamworth, Warwicks . , inthe several tenuresor occupations of Thomas Waringe, William Swanne& Thomas Balle ortheir assigns. B : Henry Sidnall ofTamworth aforesaid, "yom'" , recusant E(b) : 4 Nov., 36 Eliz [1594]. E(a) Thomas Dabridgecourte, esq , and others H(a): Aforesaid John Courte, his executors & assigns. H(b): From 27 Nov., 38 Eliz [1595] H(c) H(d) : as C, H(e) H(k) Cf. Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, 38 Eliz , under "Warr'"

37-38 ELIZ.(1595-6) WARWICKS-

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £1 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £1 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Courte] isquit

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[9] A The same sheriff, viz Sir Thomas Lee, knt , renders an account of:-

B : [2] £6-13-4(Higgenson'stenants); [4] £26-13-4 (Greene's tenants) ; [6] £47-4-2 (Ferrers' tenants) ; [7] £2 (Sidnall's tenants).

C : £82-10-10.

D : On 15 Nov., 39 Eliz [1597], £16-2-2 was paid into the Treasury, viz.; [2] £6-13-4for [the tenants of] the lands of Higgenson; and

[6] £9-8-10, of the debt of £47-4-2, for Ferrers' tenants. [4] Greene's tenants answer for their debt in thefollowing roll, under "Warr"" , after theirfarm .

[6] Ferrers' tenants answer for £37-15-4 of their debt of £47-4-2 in same roll (loc. cit), after their farm .

[7] Sydnall's tenants answer for their debt of £2 in same roll (loc cit.), aftertheirfarm .

E : And he [sheriff] isquit

1Cf . entry [9]. The marginal note "oni" is missing throughout this county account Cf. p. 104, entry [7] "See next entry *Note in L. Margin : It is answered. The sheriff(Lee) was thereforedischarged of this item

[rotulet 26]



[1] George, EarlofCumberland, sheriff ofthis county forthis year, renders an account ... [etc. as Berks [1]]

[Seized land. Rental]

[2] [Andrew Hilton, recusant. As entry [2], p. 104, to E(d) inclus ]. F: £19 from previous years G : £21

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[3] [Henry Blinkinsopp and Andrew Hilton, recusants. As entry [3], p. 104, toH(k) inclus ] F : £34-12-6 from previousyears.

G : £46-3-3.

J: But he [John Budgell, lessee] oughtnot to be summoned for £30-3-3, viz the rent due from two-thirds of the manor of Helbeck and the other lands & tenements of the said Henry

238 ROLL 4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) WESTMORLAND -WILTS

Blinkinsopp, esq., from Michaelmas, 34 Eliz , to Michaelmas thisyear , 38 Eliz., i.e.for four wholeyears, nor ought £7-10-0of the above annualrent of£11-10-10 to be chargedafter Michaelmas this year (38 Eliz.) by considerationof the Barons [of the Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And he [Budgell, lessee] owes £16 .

[Furtherpostscripts as under [2] above].

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[4] A The same sheriff, viz. George, Earl ofCumberland, renders an account of: -

B : [2] £21 (Hilton's tenants) ; [3] £16 (John Budgell, from Hilton's lands only).

C : £37.

E : Andhe [sheriff] answers inroll40 Eliz., under"Westmorl"" .

1Cf entry [4].

[rotulet 24] [Preamble]

WILTSHIRE ("Wiltes'")

[1] Henry Sadler, esq , sheriff of this countyfor this year, renders an account ... [etc. as Berks. [1]]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [William Fawkener, recusant As entry [2], p. 105, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On ult April, 38 Eliz [1596], £27-13-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £27-13-4was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land. And he [Sir James Marvin : lessee] is quit. Rental]

[3] [John Grove, recusant As entry [3], p 105, to E(d) inclus ]

J: For which the sheriffanswers below.¹

[Seized land Rental]

[4] [John Codrington, recusant As entry [4], p 105, to E(d) inclus ]. F £466-13-4 from previous years G : £533-6-8 .

J : [Postscript as under [3] above].

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[5] [George Walrand, recusant. As entry [5], p. 105, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 3 May, 38Eliz [1596], £6-13-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 4 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £6-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he ["Fremanus" Younge : lessee] isquit.

[Lease ofseized land Rental]

[6] [John Codrington, recusant As entry [6], p. 105, to H(k) inclus.2 ]

J: On4 May, 38Eliz [1596], £4-8-11 was paidfrom thisfarm intotheTreasury. And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £4-8-11 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Robert Penruddocke: lessee] is quit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[7] [Richard Warneford, recusant. As entry [7], p 106, to H(k) inclus.]

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £5-6-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 3 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £5-6-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. Andhe [John Gregory : lessee] is quit.

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[8] [Thomas Gawen , recusant As entry [8], p 106, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £14-2-3 was paidfrom thisfarm intothe Treasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], £14-2-3 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[Seized land. Rental] And he [John Carpenter : lessee] is quit


[John Grove, recusant As entry [11], p. 106, to E(c) inclus ]. E(d) Cf. preceding roll, under "Wiltes"" .

J: [Postscript as under [3] above].

[Statement of sheriff's arrears]

[10]A : The same sheriff, viz. Henry Sadler, esq , renders an account of: -

B : [3] £17-15-6 (John Grove's tenants) ; [4] £533-6-8 (Codrington's tenants) ; [9] £2 (John Grove's tenants)

C : £533-2-2 .

D : [3] and [9] On 3 July, 40 Eliz [1598], £19-19-7 was paid into the Treasuryfrom the issues of Grove's lands [4] Codrington's tenants answer for their debt in roll 39 Eliz , under"Wiltes"" , after theirfarm.³

E : And he [sheriff]isquit.

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

[11]A Robert Barnes, lately of Bishop's Knoyle, Wilts. C.

D: £520. F: £480 G. H. J : For 24 months next following 12 June, 37 Eliz. [1595] L: £40 M : 23 Feb., 40 Eliz [1597/8] N : From date of conviction to 19 April following, viz. for 2 [lunar] months K. O.

P : But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt]forareason referred to in roll 35 Eliz , under "Wiltes"" , in anotherdebt of the same Robert.5 And he isquit. [ ] £520 forthelike. [ ]6 hiswife

John Grindon of Teffant [Teffont], ( "yoman" [ ]6 his wife

John Codrington of Sutton Manvill www [Sutton Mandeville], gent [ ]6 hiswife

A: David Brocke of Donheedd [Donhead], ""yoman" . "B.

D : £760. F: £ 120 G. H. J: For 40 months next following 12 June, 36 Eliz. [1594]. L, M, N, O : all as under Barnes above.

Robert Brooke of the same , "yoman"

Elizabeth Brooke of the same , "spinster"

MaryBrookeofthe same, "spinster"

John Brooke of the same, "yoman" .

John Phezardofthe same, "yoman"


for thelike.

[Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summonedfor this [debt], for a reason referred to in roll 9 James I, under "Wiltes' in the farm of Walter Scamell And heisquit

Edward Scammell of Tysburie [Tisbury]owes £760 for thelike. [Postscript] But heoughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt], by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 4 James I, Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ].8

John Davys of Teffant, "yoman"

William Browne, junior, of the same , "yoman" . [ ] £760 for thelike. [ ]

A: Thomas Sumpson of Tisburie , "yoman" . B. D:"£160.

F: £120. G. H. J : For 6 months next following 12 Dec., 39 Eliz. [1596]. L, M, N, O : all as under Barnes above. Joan Sumpson of the same, "spinster" . [ ] £160 forthe like. Elizabeth Rowdon, wife of WalterRow[ ] don of Teffonte, "yoman"

A: Joan Haylocke of Tisburie, "spinster" . B. D:"£280.

F: £240 G. H. J: For 12 whole months nextfollowing 22 June, 38 Eliz [1596]. L, M, N, O: all as under Barnes above. Denyse ("Dionisia") Scammell, wife of Martin Scammelof the same . [ ] £280for thelike .

1Cf . entry [10] The marginal note "oni " is missing throughout this county account. H(k) omits the words "and preceding [Recusant ] Roll, under "Wiltes'" *Note in L. Margin : It is answered . Thesheriff(Sadler) was thereforedischarged of this item. *All items underthis heading are bracketed , L., withthenote : Leta commission be issued Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 187 , [12] The brackets here and "Space left in MS for Christian name. in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes) "The formal discharge, "EtQuietusEst" , is missing in this item.

MICH. 37-38


[rotulet25] WORCESTERSHIRE ("Wigorn" ")


[1] Thomas Folleyett , esq. , sheriff of this county for this year, renders and account . .. [etc. as Berks [1]].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[2] [William Heath, junior, recusant As entry [2], p. 108 , to H(k) inclus ].

J: For which the sheriffanswers below . [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged, unless ...

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[3] [John Middlemore, recusant As entry [3], p 108, to H(k) inclus.].

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £9-3s. was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury, underthe names ofthe tenants ofthepremises. And on 29 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £9-3s. was paid ...[etc. as above]. And he [Henry Middlemore : lessee] isquit.

[Seized land Rental]

[4] [Richard Hill, recusant As entry [4], p 108, to E(d) inclus ].

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [Hugh Ligon, recusant Asentry [5], p 108, to E(d) inclus ]. J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[6] [Michael Follyatt, recusant As entry [7], p 109, to E(d) inclus ]. F £3-6-8 from precedingyear G : £6-13-4.

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above]

[Lease of seized land Rental] :

[7] [Richard Hill, recusant As entry [9], p 109, to H(e) inclus ] H(k) Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Wigorn'" . F: £4-13-4 for Sir John Packington, knt. , sheriff of the preceding year (cf. preceding roll, under "Wigorn'"), viz rent for the preceding year (cf. ibid .). G : £9-6-8.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[8] [Hugh Lygon, recusant. As entry[10], p. 109, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) as entry [7] above.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[9] [EdwardGeest, recusant As entry[11], p 109, to H(e)inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Seized land Rental]

[10] [Richard Hill, recusant. As entry [13], p. 110, to E(c) inclus ].

E(d) Cf. Cf. preceding roll, under "Wigorn"" . F: £12 from previous years. G : £18

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[11] [WilliamColles , recusant Asentry[15], p 110,to E(c) inclus.].

E(d) as entry [10] above

J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [RichardHill, recusant As entry [21], p 111 , to H(e) inclus.2].

H(k) as entry[7] above F : 13s 4d. for Sir John Packington, knt., sheriff of preceding year ... . [etc. as entry [7] above].

G : £1-6-8.

J: But she [Joan Williams : lessee] oughtnot to besummoned for this [debt], nor ought the said annual rent to be charged henceforth, by considerationof the Barons [ofthe Exchequer]; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz , Easter term , "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And she is quit.

[Lease ofseized land. Rental]

[13] [William Coles, recusant As entry [22], p 112, to H(e) inclus.]. as entry [7] above.


J: [Postscripts as under [2] above].

†[Lease of seized land Rental]³

[14]farm . A: Joan Williams, widow [lessee ] C: £2-13-4.

D : Two-thirds of a tenement, with apps., called "Barkeleys Farme' in Grenefeld, in the parish ofUpton-on-Severn, Worcs , in the tenure of Francis Flower ... [etc. as section D, entry [21], p. 111 ] ; and two-thirds of the manor ofBerington inthe parish of Tenbury, Worcs .... [etc. as section D, entry [22], p 112], the said Richard Hill and William Coles being indebted to the Queen in various sums of money [E(b) and (a) ; and H(a), (c), (e), (k) : all as entry[21], p. 111]. H(b) : 8 August, 37 Eliz. [1595]. H(d) : £2-13-4. F : £1-6-8 from preceding year. G : £4.

J: But she [Joan Williams : lessee] ought not to besummoned for £1 , viz. the rent of two-thirds of BarkeleysFarme in Grenefeld (the land of Richard Hill)for this year & the last part ofthe precedingyear, nor ought 13s 4d. p.a. (part of the said annual rent of£2-13-4) to be charged henceforth , by considerationofthe Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz , Easter term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ].

[Furtherpostscripts as under [2] above].

[Record of annual finepaid] And she owes £3.

[15]A John Talbott, esq. C. D: £260. H. J: From 3 Oct. ,


4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) WORCS 243

37 Eliz. [1595] to 1 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], viz . for 13 [lunar] months K. G.

P : On22 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid into theTreasury. And on 29 Nov., 39 Eliz [1596], £120 was paid ... [etc.]

[Statement ofsheriff's arrears] And he isquit

A : The same sheriff, viz. Thomas Folleyett , esq., renders an account of:-

B: [2] £13-6-8 (James Wilcockes, from Heath's lands) ; [5] £1-6-8 (Ligon's tenants) ; [6] £6-13-4 (Follyatt's tenants) ; [9] £1-6-8 (Thomas Williams, from Geest's lands) ; [10] £18 (Hill's tenants) ; [11] £1-15-5 & twothirds of 1d . (Colles' tenants) ; [13] £2 (Joan Williams , from Colles' lands) ; [14[ £3 (Joan Williams, from Coles' lands)

C : £47-8-9 & two-thirds of 1d.

E : Andhe [sheriff] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under "Wigorn"" .

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]4

[17] A John Copley of Hadsor [Hadzor], Worcs , gent B.

D : £40 F : £20 G. H. J : For one monthnext following 12 July, 39 Eliz. [1597] L: £20 M : 27 March, 40 Eliz. [1598]. N: Fromdate ofconviction to 24 Aprilfollowing, viz for one [lunar] month K. O.

Dorothy Holmes, wife of Richard Holmes ofNorthfeild, "yom"" owes £40 for the like. [Postscript] But she ought not to be summoned for this [debt] for areason referred to in roll35 Eliz , under"Res' Wigorn' in a debt of Dorothy Androes.5 And she isquit

John Slade of Spahley [? Spetchley], Worcs , gent .. 6 [ ] £40 for the like. . Owes 59

James Taylor ofKythermister[Kidderminster], gent [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to inroll 3 Charles I, under"Wigorn' in thefarm ofthe tenants ofthe lands & tenements ofthe same James Taylor. And he is quit. owes £40 forthe like. John Wolmer ofKington, gent [Postscript] But he oughtnot to besummoned for this [debt] for areason referredto in roll35 Eliz , under"Res'Wigorn"" in anotherdebt ofthe same John Wolmer. "

Katherine Copley, wife of the aforesaid John Copley . And he is quit [ ] £40 for the like

Jane, wife of GeorgeMiddlemore

Elizabeth Vippes ofthe same , "spinster" [ ]

Ralph Whaley of Byrchmorton [Birtsmorton] gent. [

, , ,

Daniel Pynnyngeof the same, gent.

Ann Carpenter of Hanley Castle, widow [ ]

Ann Hill of Castle Moorton [Castlemorton], "spinster" .

Katherine , wife of John Brooke of the same

MargaretBradshawe ofHenlippe [Hindlip], "spinster"

Ann Powell of Henlipe, "spinster"

40 for the like


Nicholas Woodwardofthe same , "yom'

John Greneofthe same, gent

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] fora reason referred to in roll 11 James I, under"Wigorn' in the farm of the tenants of the lands & tenements ofthe same John Greene And heis quit.

Brian Robynson of the parish of St. Nicholas in the city of Worcester [ ] £40 forthelike.

Henry Fyrer of Cotheridge, "yom'"

Alice Harper, wife of Thomas Harperof Strensham

Joan Scanland of the same , "spinster"

Eleanor ("Elianora") Milman of the same, "spinster"

Jane Wolmer of Kyngton [Kington], "spinster"

John Richard of Hartlebury, "husb""


Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to in roll43 Eliz, under"Wigorn'" , in the farm of the tenants of the lands of the same John.

Richard Best of the same, "husb'"


And heisquit. owes £40 for the like

Postscript] But he oughtnotto be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to in roll43 Eliz , under"Wigorn'" , in thefarm ofthe tenants ofthelandsofthe same Richard Best

John Cookes ofHales Owen, "yom""

Francis Collyns of the same, "yom""

Ann Collyns, his wife . doRichard Handsor ofthe same , "yom'"

Mary, wifeofRobert Smythe ofthe same "yom'

Alice Feild of Yardley, widow

And he isquit.

Ann, wife of John Grene of the same ] £40 for the like

RobertBrigges ofElmeleyLovett, "yom"" owes

[Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned forthis [debt] for a reason referred to in the roll 35 Eliz., under "Res" Wigorn'" , in another debt of the same Robert. And he isquit.

William Walder of Chaddsley Corbett, "husb'"

John ByssellofYardley, "yom""


-YORKS 245

[ ] £40 for the like. owes دو دو

Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referredto in roll 1 Charles I, under"Wigorn' in the farm of the tenants of the lands & tenements ofthe same John Byssell And he isquit

Thomas Moore of Ripple, "yom"" .. [ ] £40 forthelike.

Elizabeth Lynton of Upton Warren , "spinster"

Joan,wife ofRoger Walderneof Bromesgrove

Margaret, wife of William Gwent of Stoke Prior

JohnWhatley ofNorthfeild, "yom'""

George Gest of the same , "yom' " [ ]] [ ] owes י , 6


Postscript] But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to in roll 3 Charles I, in thefarm ofthe tenantsof the lands & tenements of the same George Gest And he isquit.

b) Frances , his wife

15) . [ ] £40 for the like. دو

Edward Geste of Northfeild, "yom'" owes [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned forthis [debt] for the reason notedimmediately above in the debtof George Gest. And heis quit.

Elizabeth, wife ofJohn Smithe [ ] £40 for the like.


'Cf. entry [16]. *MS gives "Francis Flower" for "Francis Blower" in section D., and omits sections E(a) & E(b) entry is a combination of the two entries [12]& [13] above . The lease, however , will be seen to be of a later date "All items underthisheadingare bracketed , L., with thenote : Let a commission be issued. Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 195, [19]. "The brackets here and in items below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion(if required) of theword "debet" (owes) Cf. C.R.S. LVII, p. 196. "The normal note "deb"" (owes) is missing here: doubtless by a clericaloversight Cf. C.R.S. LVII, p 198

[rotulet4] [Preamble]





[1] Sir Christopher Hillyard, knt., sheriff of this county for this year, renders an account ... . [etc. as Berks. [1]].

[2] [John Rookeby, recusant. As entry [2], p 113, to H(k) inclus ] [Lease of seized land Rental]

F: £4-8-10% for Francis Vaughan, esq., sheriff of preceding year (cf. preceding roll, under "Res' Ebor" "), viz. rentforpreceding year (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"") G : £8-17-9 .

J: But he [Laurence Dutton : lessee] ought not to be summoned for this [debt], nor, by considerationof the Barons[ofthe Exchequer], ought the said annual rent to be charged after ult. Sept., 36 Eliz. [1594], on which day the aforesaid John Rookeby died ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R. , 38 Eliz., Hilary term, "Recorda section, rotulet [ ]. And he [Dutton] is quit.

[Seized land Rental]

[3] [Mary Waterton, recusant. As entry [3], p. 113, to E(d) inclus ]

[Seized land . Rental]

[4] [Alice Procter, recusant As entry [5], p 113 , to E(d) inclus ]. F: £8-17-10for Richard Goodricke, esq , sheriff of 33 Eliz. (cf. Great [Pipe ] Roll, 33 Eliz , under "ItemEbor'"), viz rent for the year 33 Eliz. (cf. same roll, under "Ebor"") G : £17-15-8.

J: Forwhich the sheriffanswers under "Res' Ebor"".1 [L. Margin] He [sheriff] is charged , unless ...

[Seized land. Rental]

[5] [Matilda Wentworth, recusant As entry [6], p 114, to E(d) inclus.] F : £26-13-6from previous years [Furtherarrears] £17-15-8 for Ralph, Lord Eure, sheriff of 35 Eliz , (cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Res' Ebor'"), viz rent for the year 35 Eliz. (cf. same roll, under "Ebor" "). G: £53-7s.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], nor ought the said annual rent to be charged henceforth by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 37 Eliz , Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet [ ] And they [tenants] arequit

[Seized land. Rental]

[6] [William Granger, recusant As entry [7], p 114 , to E(d) inclus ]. F : 8s. for Richard Goodricke , esq., sheriff ... [etc. as [4], F, above] G : 16s 3: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[7] [Thomas Leedes, recusant Asentry[8], p. 114, to E(d) inclus.]. F : £17-6-8 from preceding year G : £34-13-4 .

J: But they [tenants] ought not to be summoned for £26 , viz rent for this year & the last part of the precedingyear, nor be charged for the said annual rent after Ladyday, 37 Eliz. [1595], because Sir Thomas Henneage, knt , answers for £12-17-9 & two-thirds of d. p.a.for the same premises from the said Ladyday, 37 Eliz., and thenceforth is answerable to the Queen by another commission; cf. preceding roll, under "Res" Ebor "2 And they [tenants] owe £8-13-4. And they answer in roll 40 Eliz., under"Adhuc Res' Ebor"" .

[Seized land


[8] [Katherine Bowmer, recusant As entry [9], p 114 , to E(d) inclus.] F : £160 from previous years G : £186-13-4.

J: But they [tenants] oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt], nor ought the said annual rent to be charged henceforth by considerationofthe Barons [ofthe Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 36 Eliz., Trinity term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ]. And they [tenants] arequit.

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[9] [George Catrick, recusant. As entry [10], p 114, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 17 Jan., 39 Eliz [1596/7], £23-17-10 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury And on 20 April, 39 Eliz. [1597], £23-17-10 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [William Steare : lessee] is quit.

Lease of seized land Rental]

[10] [Elizabeth Pudsey, recusant As entry [11], p. 114, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £20 was paid into the Treasury. And on 15 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £20 was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [William Steare : lessee] isquit.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[11] [William Calverley, recusant As entry [12], p. 115 , to H(k) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[12] [Dorothy Hunter , recusant As entry [13], p. 115, to H(k) inclus.]

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Lease of seized land


[13] [Richard Fenton & Jervase Anne, recusants As entry [14], p 115, to H(k) inclus ]

J: On 3 [ ? May]3, 38 Eliz [1596], £2-9-3 was paidfrom this farm intothe Treasury. And on 6 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £2-9-3 was paid ...[etc. as above]. And they [John Twiste & George Hill : lessees ] arequit.

[Lease of seized land


[14]farm. A Richard Mussenden, gent [lessee ] C : £3-6-10 , the remainder of [an original rent of] £7-15-9 D : Twothirds of the moiety of a messuage or tenement in Swinflete [Swinefleet] & Rednes [Reedness] in the parish of Whitguift [Whitgift], called "Westholdinge" , and of another messuage or tenement, with appurtenances, in Ottringham, Yorks. B :

William Stevenson, gent, recusant H(b) : From 29 Nov., (634 Eliz. [1591]. H(c). H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k): Cf. Great [Pipe]Roll, 33 Eliz., under "Res' Ebor"" . F : £3-6-10 for Francis Vaughan, esq., sheriff of precedingyear . . . [etc. as entry [2], F, above] G : £6-13-9.

J: On 18 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £5-0-4 was paidfrom this farm into the Treasury. And on 5 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596] , £1-13-4 was paid ... [etc. as above].

And he [Mussenden] isquit.

[Seized land. Rental] A

[15] [Christopher Manckton, recusant. As entry [16], p. 115 , to E(d) inclus ].

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[16][Robert Ellerker, recusant. As entry [17], p 115 , to E(d) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[17][Janet Bellowes , recusant. As entry [18], p 116, to E(d) inclus.]

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[18][George Anne, recusant As entry[19], p 116, to H(k) inclus.]

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above]

[rotulet4, dorse]

[Lease of seized land


[19] [John Ingleby & Thomas Ingleby, recusants As entry [20], p 116, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £8-16-8 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 29 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £8-16-8 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And they [Thomas Bayley & Thomas Thorney : lessees] are quit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[20] [Francis Jackson, recusant As entry [21], p 116, to H(k) inclus ].

J : [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[21] [Katherine Radcliff, recusant As entry [23], p. 117, to H(k) inclus ].

J: On 10 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £2-4-5 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 8 Nov., 38 Eliz [1596], £2-4-5 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [Brian Metcalff : lessee] isquit.

[Seized land.


[22] [John Smytheson, recusant. As entry [24], p 117 , to E(d) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above]

[Seized land. Rental]

[23] [John Talbott, recusant As entry [25], p 117, to D inclus ]. E(d) Cf. roll 35 Eliz. , under "Ebor' " .

J: On 8 Nov., 38 Eliz. [1596], they [tenants] delivered [this rent, £3-13-4] in the Treasury. And they are quit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[24][Grace Lamberte, recusant. As entry [26], p. 117, to E(b) inclus ]. E(d) as entry [23] above .

J: [L. Margin] Issue a fierifacias to the Bishop ofDurham . "

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[25] [John Bretton, recusant. Asentry[27], p 117, to H(k) inclus.].

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[26] [Thomas Moore, recusant. As entry [28], p 117, to H(k) inclus.].

J: On23 April, 38 Eliz [1596], £5-0-2 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 12 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £5-0-2 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And he [John Sotherne : lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[27] [Alice Martin, recusant. As entry[30], p. 118, to H(k) inclus ]

J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[28] [Robert Bowes, recusant As entry[32], p 118, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 37 Eliz , under "Ebor"" .

J: On 3 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £1-4-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 29 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £1-4-4was paid ... [etc. as above]

And he [John Pepper: lessee] is quit

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[29][Margaret Scroope, recusant As entry [33], p 118, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : as entry[28] above.6

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £8-13-3 waspaidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 9 Oct., 38 Eliz. [1596], £8-13-3 was paid ... [etc. as above].

And he [John Pepper: lessee ] is quit.

[Seized land. Rental]

[30] [George Anne , recusant. As entry[43] , p. 120, to E(d) inclus.]. J: [Postscripts as under [4] above].

[Seized land. Rental]

[31] [William Stephenson, recusant As entry [44], p. 120, to E(d) inclus.].

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[32][William Blakiston, recusant As entry [49], p 121 , to H(e) inclus.7]. H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Res" Ebor"

F: £23-6-6from previous years

G : £38-17-6.

J: And he [Roger Gifford : lessee] answers in roll40 Eliz., under "Adhuc Res' Ebor" " , for this rent & the arrears.

[Lease of seized land Rental]

[33]farm. A Francis Trolloppe , gent [lessee]. C: £2-4-8.

D. 1 : Two-thirdsof the manor of Harborhouse, near Plawsworth, Co. Durham, and of the other manor, messuages, lands & tenements specified in the preceding roll, under "Res" Ebor "8 B. 1 : Thomas Forser, lately of Kello in the said county, gent., recusant D. 2 : Two-thirds of a third part ("duar' parciu' tercie partis") of the said manor of Harborhouse, and of the manor, messuages, lands & tenementsspecified in the said [preceding] roll B. 2: Margaret Forser, widow, recusant H(a) : Aforesaid Francis Trolloppe , his executors & assigns H(b) : From 17 Sept., 35 Eliz. [1593]. H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e). H(g) H(k): Cf. preceding roll, under "Res' Ebor'".8 F : £5-11-8from previous years.

G: £7-16-4.

J: And he [Trolloppe] answers in roll 40 Eliz., under"Adhuc Res' Ebor " ,for this rent & the arrears .

[Lease ofseized land


[34] [Alban Butler, junior, recusant As entry [54], p 122, to H(e) inclus ]. H(k) : Cf. preceding roll, under "Res' Ebor " .

J: And he [John Wood: lessee ] answers in roll 5 James I, under"Item AdhucItem Item Res' Ebor"" , after anotherdebt of his . 10

[Lease of seized land


[35] [Thomas Leedes , recusant As entry [56], p. 123, to H(e) inclus. ]. H(k) : as entry [34] above .

J: On4 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £6-8-11 was paid from thisfarm intotheTreasury And on 9 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £6-8-10 was paid ... [etc. as above].

[rotulet9, dorse]

And he [Sir Thomas Henneage: lessee] is quit "Res' Ebor'"

[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[36[farm . A: Ann Twiste, laundress to the Queen [lessee].

C : £19-9-6 . D: All the meadowslying & existing in Sutton & Sutton Inges in Holdernes, Yorks., together with the various

ROLL4. MICH. 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) YORKS 251

other messuages & arable, meadow & pasture lands in Yorks specified in the preceding roll, under "Res' Ebor'"12 ; being a parcel ofthe lands & possessions of ... B : Thomas Barnabyof Barnaby Hall, esq , recusant H(a): Aforesaid Ann Twiste , her executors & assigns H(b) : From 11 April, 37 Eliz [1595]. H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k) : Cf. preceding roll, under "Res' Ebor'".12

J: And she [Twiste] answers in roll 39 Eliz., under "Ebor"" , after herfarm.

[Seized goods & chattels]13

[37] Sir John Dawney, knt , sheriff, [ ]14 £15, charged upon him & by him levied on the goods & chattels of Francis Jackson, recusant, pursuant to a writ of fieri facias directed to the said sheriff, and taken & seized into the Queen's hands by Richard Wortley, esq., & other commissioners: cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 32 Eliz , Michaelmas term , "Recorda" section,rotulet [ ]. [Postscripts] For which the [current] sheriff answers below¹ [L. Margin] He [current sheriff] is charged unless ...

[Seized land. Rental]

[38]farm . A: Tenants D : Two-thirds of an apartment or house, called "a chambre" , in Pountfrett [Pontefract] C: 3s . 4d., the remainder of [an annual rent of] £6-16-8. B : Edward Royston, lately of Kridlinge [Cridling Stubbs], gent. , recusant, who is indebted to the Queen in the sum of £160 by virtue of the aforesaid Act 15 E(d) : Cf. [Recusant] Roll, 34 Eliz., under "Res' Ebor"" , and the preceding roll, under "Ebor"" 16 F : 15s. from previous years G: 18s . 4d.

**[Lease of seized land Rental]

[39]farm . A : George Tyndall [lessee]. C : £1-6-8. D : Twothirds of a close called "East Stocton feild" alias "Farrfeild" and of another close called "Todehole" , lying & existing in Harwood [Harewood], West Riding, Yorks , in the tenure of William Horsfall, valued at £2 p.a., of which theQueen's two third-parts amount to £1-6-8 B : Alban Butler ofNatebyin the parish of Garstang, Lancs , gent , recusant. E(a) : Sir George Savill, knt , & others E(b) : 24 Sept., 37 Eliz [1595]. H(a) Aforesaid George Tyndall, his executors & assigns H(b) From 2 Dec., 38 Eliz [1595]. H(c) H(d) : as C. H(e). H(k) : Roll ofthe Enrolment of Leases, 38 Eliz., under "Ebor"" . J: [Postscripts as under [37] above].

**[Lease of seized land. Rental]

[40]farm. A: Thomas Hutton, gent [lessee] C : £5-8-6. D: Certain closes of meadow & pasturebelonging to a grange

4. MICH 37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6) YORKS

called "Hoodgraunge" , Yorks, in the tenure of William Siggeswick; certain other closes of meadow & pasturebelongoing to the said grange, in the tenure of Thomas Freer, certain little ("parvul"") closes of meadow & pasture belonging tothe said grange, inthe tenure of Robert Anderson ; andthree other closes of meadow & pasture belonging to the said grange, called "Thorpe close" , "the helme close" and "Stripes" of the clear yearly value of £5-6-8: the above propertybeing two-thirds of the lands & possessions of ... B : Gilbert Metcalff of Hoodgraunge [Kilburn N.R., Yorks] in the parish of [ ]17 , gent., recusant E(a) : "divided from the recusant's third part, and taken & seized into the Queen's hands by Sir William Fayrfax, knt , & other commissioners" E(b) : 12 Sept. , 37 Eliz. [1595] H(a) : Aforesaid Thomas Hutton, his executors & assigns H(b) : From Michaelmas 37 Eliz [1595]. H(c) H(d): as C. H(e) H(k) as entry [39] above

J: On 1 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £2-13-4 was paidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury And on 29 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £2-13-4was paid ... [etc. as above] And he [Hutton] is quit.

[Record of annual finepaid]

[41]A John Sayer, esq, C. D: £260 H. J: From 10 Sept.. 37 Eliz. [1595] to 8 Sept., 38 Eliz [1596], viz for 13 [lunar] months. K. G.

P : On21 May, 38 Eliz. [1596], £140 was paid into theTreasury. And on 26 Nov. , 39 Eliz. [1596], £120 was paid ... [etc.]. And he isquit.

[Enrolments ofestreatedconvictions for recusancy]18

[42]A ChristopherBlaxton and Ann, his wife, of Coxoe [Coxhoe] in the parish of Kelloe, county palatine of Durham and Sadberge B. D : £640.19 F : £520.20 G. H. J: For 13 [lunar] months next following 1 July, 37 Eliz. [1595]. L: £120.21 M : 4 July, 39 Eliz [1597]. N : From date of conviction to 26 Sept. following, viz for 3 months. O. ownJohn Hodgshonof Mannerhouse [? near allmutil Lanchester] in thesaid county [ ]22£320 forthe like William Parkynson of Haghouse in the owes 35 دو samecounty [Postscript] But he oughtnot to be summoned for this [debt] for a reason referred to in roll 42 Eliz., under "Item Adhuc Item Item Ebor"" , in anotherdebtofhis. Andhe is quit. William Claxton of Waterhouse in the said county , gent Francis Gower and Mary, his wife, of Windleston . Edward Grymston of Egglesclife, in par.

Egglesclife. [ ] £320 for the like. [ ] £64023 ,,


[Statement ofsheriff's arrears]

[43]A: The same sheriff, viz Sir Christopher Hilliard, knt. , renders an account of:-

B: [4] £17-15-8 (Procter's tenants) ; [6] 16s. (Granger's tenants) ; [11] £2 (Richard Maunsell, from Calverley's lands) ; [12] £2-13-4 (James Bellamy, from Hunter's lands) ; [15] £24-6-6 (Manckton's tenants) ; [16] £2 (Ellerker's tenants) ; [18] £ 13-6-8 (Ann Twiste, from George Anne's lands) ; [20] £15-12-51 & farthing (James Bellamy, from Jackson's lands) ; [22] 10s. 10d. (Smythson'stenants) ; [25]£4-17-9 & farthing(Cuthbert Stillingfleet, from Bretton's lands) ; [27] £12-8-10 & farthing (William Hunnis, from Martin's lands) ; [30] £26-13-4 (George Anne's tenants) ; [37] £ 15 (Sir John Dawney, from Jackson's goods ) ; [39] £1-6-8 (George Tyndall, from Butler's lands)

C: £139-8-1 & farthing.

D: [30] George Anne'stenants answer for £13-6-8 oftheirdebt in thefollowing roll, under"Ebor"" , after their farm. 24 [25] Stillingfleet answers for his debt in roll 39 Eliz., under "Ebor"" , after hisfarm . 24

[16] Ellerker's tenants answer for their debt in same roll (loc. cit.), after theirfarm 24

E : And he [sheriff] owes £119-3-72 . And he answers inroll40 Eliz., under "Adhuc Res' Ebor'" .

[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]

[44]A John Sayer, lately of Worsall , Yorks , esq C. D : £60.

F : £40. G. H. J: For 2 months next following 1 Jan. , 31 Eliz [ 1588/9] L : £ 20 M : 10 March, 31 Eliz . [ 1588/9]

N : From date of conviction to 8 April following, viz. for one no [lunar] month. O.

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], because Manswer hasbeen made to the Queen for the said £60 within asum of £260 charged for his recusancy from 16 Sept., 30 Eliz [1588] Moto 16 Sept., 31 Eliz [1589], viz for 13 [lunar] months; cf. And he isquit. Great [Pipe] Roll, 30 Eliz., under"Ebor""

10A: John Sayer, lately of Worsall , Yorks C. D : £160 OF: £140. G. H. J : For 7 months next following 1 Sept., no36 Eliz [1594] L : £20 M: Mondayin 4th week of Lent, 37 Eliz [1595]. N: From date of conviction to 28 April following, viz. for one [lunar] month O : Cf. RecusantRoll, 34 Eliz., under "Item Adhuc Item Item Item Item Res'Ebor'" 25

P : But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], because answer has been made to the Queen for the said £160 within [mola sum of£260 charged for his recusancyfrom 12 Sept., 35 Eliz 10 [1593] to 11 Sept., 36 Eliz., viz. for 13 [lunar] months; cf. Recusant Roll, 35 Eliz , under "Res' Ebor'" 26 and within another sum of £260 chargedfor his recusancy from the said

11 Sept., 36 Eliz. [1594] to 10 Sept., 37 Eliz. [1595], viz.for 13 [lunar] months; cf. roll 36 Eliz, under "Res" Ebor"" 27 And he is quit.

A: John Sayer of Worsall , esq.

C. D : £120. F : £60.

G. H. J: For 3 months next following 1 April, 36 Eliz , 36 Eliz. [1594]. L : £60.

M: Monday, 15 July, 36 Eliz. [1594]. N: From date of conviction to 7 Oct. following, viz. for three [lunar] months O cf. roll 35 Eliz, under "Adhuc Res' Ebor"" 28

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], because answer has been made to the Queen for the said £120 within a sum of £260 charged for his recusancy from 12 Sept., 35 Eliz [1593] to 11 Sept., 36 Eliz , viz for 13 [lunar] months; cf. roll35 Eliz., under Res' Ebor"" 26 andwithin anothersum . [etc. as in precedingitem]. And he is quit.

[rotulet 8, dorse]

"Adhuc Res' Ebor' "

[Enrolments of estreated convictions : continued]

A: John Belhouse, lately of Ledesham [Ledsham, W.R.], "yom " . C. D: £ 160. F : £120 G. H. J: For 6 months next following 20 June, 32 Eliz [1590] L : £40 M: Monday, 26 July, 33 Eliz. [1591 ]. N : From date of convictionto 20 Sept. following, viz for 2 [lunar] months. O.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 40 Eliz. , Easter term, "Recorda" section, rotulet [ ] And he is quit

A: John Belhouse, lately of Saxton, Yorks, "yom'" C. D : £40 F: £20 G. H. J : For one month next following 1 Feb. , 34 Eliz [1591/2] L : £20 M : Monday in 4th week of Lent, 34 Eliz [1592] N: From date ofconviction to 4 April following, viz. for one [lunar] month O.

P: But he ought not to be summoned for this [debt], for the reason referred to in the item immediatelypreceding. And he is quit

29A : William Champney , lately of Cawthorne, West Riding, Yorks , "yom'" B. D : £100. F : £60 G. H. J: For 3 months next following 1 April, 39 Eliz [1597]. L: £40

M: 6 August, 39 Eliz [1597]. N : From date of conviction hto 1 Oct.following, viz for 2 [lunar] months. O.

Margaret Champney , wife of the said William Charles Champney , lately of the same, "yom'" [ ]30 £100forthelike [ ] وو 55 دو

A: Ursula Dawney, latelyofWestchesterton[?WestHeslerton], "spinster" . C. D : £ 160. F: £120. G. H. J: For 6 months next following 20 June, 32 Eliz [1590]. L: £40

M: Monday, 26 July, 33 Eliz [1591] N: From date of

37-38 ELIZ. (1595-6)

convictionto 20 Sept. following, viz for 2 [lunar] months O. P : But she ought not to be summoned for this [debt]by consideration of the Barons [of the Exchequer] ; cf. Memoranda Roll, L.T.R., 40 Eliz., Michaelmas term, "Recorda" section , rotulet[ ]. And she is quit.

31A : Robert Mayer of Hardwick in the parish of Hesilden [Monk Hesleden], County Palatine of Durham & Sadberge, esq B. D : £300. F : £260. G. H. J: For 13 [lunar] months next following 1 July, 38 Eliz [1597] L: £40

M : 4 August, 39 Eliz [1597]. N: From date of conviction to 29 Sept. following, viz. for 2 [lunar] months. O.

William Blakiston of Blakiston , esq..

Robert Hodgshonof Helborne [Hebburn] in par. ofJarroe [Jarrow] in the said county, esq.

Thomas Forser ofHarberhouse inpar. of [ ] £300 for the like. [ ]

St. Margaret near Durham, esq. [ ]

CharlesBankes of Rabye [Raby] in par. of Standrop [Staindrop], same county, "yom'" .

[Lease of seized land Rental] .. [ ] [45] [Thomas Barneby, recusant. As entry [31], p. 118 , to H(f) inclus.] H(k) : Cf. roll 35 Eliz., under "Ebor"" .

J: But she [Ann Twiste : lessee] ought not to be summoned for this [debt], nor oughtthe said rent to be charged henceforth , for a reason referred to in roll 40 Eliz , under "Item Adhuc Res Ebor"" , in the farm of Robert Redhead , esq. 10 And she isquit.

1Cf . entry [43] 2Cf . p. 123, entry [56]: and entry [35], p 250. "Name of month omitted in MS. Cf. p. 115, [15], andannotation 5"fi[eri]fa[cias] Episcopo Dunolm'" inMS . "Sic for 35 Eliz. "Section D here has "cf. roll 35 Eliz " instead of "cf. preceding roll" 8Cf . p 121, [50]. "But sections E(a) and E(b) are here omitted. "post aliud deb' suu'" in MS . 11Buthere section Cgives "£12-17-9&two-thirdsof d." . 12Cf . 13Cf. p 118, [34] 14Space left in MS forthe word "debet" (owes). 15The Act 28-9 Eliz , c 6. 16Cf. p 116, [22], and annotation. 17Space left in MS for name. 18The items under this heading are not bracketed with the normal marginal note : "fiat commissio" 19Sic, for £320 20Sic , 22The brackets here and in p 123, [57]. for £260 21Sic, for £60

23Sic, for £320 entries below indicate a space left in MS for the later insertion (if required) of the word "debet" (owes)

24Note in L. Margin : It is answered The sheriff (Hilliard) was thereforedischarged of this item. 25Cf. C.R.S. , XVIII, p. 102 26Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 211, [41]. 27Cf. p. 124 , [58] above.

28Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p. 215. 29This and the next two items , to Charles Champney inclus. , are bracketed , L., with the note: Let a commission be issued . 30See note (22) above the next four items are bracketed , L., with the note : mission be issued 31This and Let a com-

WALES ("Wallia")


†[Lease of seized land Rental]¹ [1] A: William Lyneall & Thomas Dickenson, yeomen of the Pastry in the Queen's Household.2 C : £5-14-8 D. 1 : Two-thirds of a water-mill, and of various lands, tenements& hereditaments in the parishes of Cronwer [Crunwere] and Temby [Tenby], Co. Pembroke, now or latelyin the tenure of various persons, viz John Hibert , John Thomas, Robert Record & Richard Dyxe, of the yearly value of 16s . B : Erasmus Saunders, lately of Pavingham alias Ravingham [Raveningham], Norfolk, gent , recusant. E(a) : John Price, esq. , and others E(b) : 24 May, 34 Eliz. [1592] D. 2:

Two-thirds of a parcel of land in the parish of Eglwyskynnen alias Egliskynnen [Eglwys Cymmin], Co. Carmarthen , in the tenure of Thomas Daviddes, clerk, and of other landthere in the tenure ofJohn Thomas & other tenants, which the said Erasmus Saunders has & holds in right of "Jenetta" Barret alias Saunders, his wife ; also two-thirds of a parcel ofland in the parish of Pendyne [Pendine], Co. Carmarthen , called "the MarssheBurrowes" , in the tenureofthe aforesaidJohn Thomas, band of other lands & tenementsin the said parish of Pendyne in the several tenures of John Thomas, David Morris, Peyres Morris & Richard Wylkes ; also two-thirds of some ("nonnull ") lands & tenements in Laugharne, Co. Carmarthen , in the several tenures of William Rogers, Thomas Palmer, Richard Palmer, John Skyle & William Batha alias Bathoo & other tenants there which premises in Pendyne & Laugharne are also a parcel ofthe lands & possessions ofthe said Erasmus Tu Saunders , gent , recusant E(a) : Robert Barrett, gent, and We others E(b) : 26 May, 34 Eliz. [1592] H(a) : Aforesaid William Lyneall & Thomas Dickenson, their executors & assigns H(b) : From 9 Nov., 36 Eliz [1593] H(c) H(d) : 10s 8d. p.a. for the saidlands in Crunwere & Tenby ; 13s.4d p.a. for the said lands in Eglwys Cymmin ; £2-6-8 p.a. forthe said lands in Pendine ; £2-4s p.a. for the said lands in Laugharne H(e) H(k) : Roll of the Enrolment of Leases, under "Pembr' & al'" F : £5-14-8 from preceding year.

G : £11-9-4.

J: On 20 May, 37 Eliz [1595], £2-17-4waspaidfrom thisfarm into the Treasury. And on 29 Oct., 37 Eliz [1595], £2-17-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]. And on 3 May, 38 Eliz [1596], £2-17-4 was paid ... [etc. as above] And on 27 Oct., 38 Eliz [1596], £2-17-4 was paid ... [etc. as above]

And they [Lyneall& Dickenson] arequit.



[Enrolments of estreated convictions for recusancy]³

A Thomas Williams , lately of Botvarry [Bodfari], Flints, gent B. F: £120 G. H. J: For 6 months next following 12 Nov., 36 Eliz [1594]. M: Monday, 29 Sept., 37 Eliz. [1595].

Katherine, his wife

William Thomas Williams, lately ofthe same , gent.

Grace verch Thomas , lately ofthe same , "spinster"

"Evanus" ap Rees Apowell, lately ofthe same , "cowper"

Margaret, his wife

William Lewys, lately of the same , "weaver"

Elizabeth, his wife •

Robert ap David ap Jenkyn, latelyofthe same, "weaver"

[ ] £ 120forthe like.

[ ] 35 [ ] ] ناب [ ]

Katherine Stanley, lately of Kylken [Cilcen] in the said county, widow[ ]£ 3,6005 ., JohnWilliamsofDymerchion inthesaid county, "yom "

Katherine, his wife

"Dylia" verch John William, lately of the same, "spinster"

[ ] £4,800º,,

[ ] [ ] "Jonetta" verch John William , latelyof the same, "spinster"


[Enrolment of estreatedconviction for recusancy] [3] A Edward Puleston of Havodiwerne, Co. Denbigh, gent B.

F : £100. G. H. J: [For 5 lunar months] from ult Oct. 33 Eliz. [1591] to 8 April, 33 Eliz.8 [1591]. M : 16 Oct., 34 Eliz [1592]. "The Date

Cf. C.R.S. , LVII, p 224, [3] & [4]. 2"valect' de le pastry in hospicio domine Regine" All items under this heading are bracketed , L., withthenote : Let a commission be issued A variant form of enrolment is noticeable in these Welsh items bracketshere and in items belowindicatea space left in MS for the later insertion (ifrequired) ofthe word "debet" (owes) of conviction as above, under Thomas Williams The sum here implies a period of recusancy covering 15 years "Date of conviction as above The period of recusancy implied (20 years) is, however , inaccurate: the statuteimposingthefine of £20 a month was not in operation until 1581 . commission be issued [1592] "Note in L. Margin : Let a "An error for "8 April, 34 Eliz "

Synopsis of land-seizures and discharges, Mich 1592-6


I. Michaelmas34Michaelmas35 Eliz.: 1592-1593

Land-seizures dated this year: first recorded in R.R.1 .

, 5 & 7)

Land-discharges dated this year: (nilin R.R.s2-7)

Land-discharges dated ante Mich. 1592 :1 re-enrolled in R.R.1 "


3-7) Total of recordeddischarges to Mich 1593 . Recusants' lands remainingin Queen's hands as at

New land-seizures dated this year: datedthisyear: first recorded in first recorded in dated thisyear: first recorded in

(nil in R.R.s4 & 7) Total 55

New land-discharges dated this year: first recorded in R.R.1 R.R.2 (nil in R.R.s 6 & 7) (nil in R.R.7) Total 36 Total 39 ... dated thisyear: ... dated thisyear: first recorded in first recorded in


Total 19


13 Excess of seizures overdischarges 36 Excess ofseizures overdischarges 20 Excessofseizures overdischarges 26 Recusants' lands remainingin Queen's hands as at Mich 1594. 408 . ... atMich 1595 428 ... atMich. 1596 454

1 i.e. first enrolledin the Pipe Rolls 1585-91, andtransferredtothe Recusant Roll series openingat M chaelmas 1592. Cf. C.R.S., 57, Introd , liii-liv.


An asterisk * signifies morethan one entry on a page "n" indicates that the name is in the notes on the page Theaddition rec stands for "recusant" Special entries in the "Persons" section are referred to underthe titles Authorities cited, Clerics, and Martyrs.


Abell, John , rec, 139*

Abington, Richard, rec. , 31 , 32 , 154 , 156; gent , rec , 34

Abraham , Margaret, wife, rec , 152; Robert, 152

Acres, Margaret, wife, rec. , 176; William , "husb" , rec , 176

Acton, Edmund, rec , 190, 192*; Edmund, gent , rec, 59 , 62*

Adam, Thomas Philippe William, rec , 49, 50, 185, 186

Adamson, Robert, "yoman" , rec , 41 , 162 , 165

Adeane, Ralph, tenant, 201

Adkynnes , Robert, rec , 73

Adyn, Robert, gent , rec., 183

Adys, Thomas, gent , commissioner , 15,16

Albany(e), Francis, esq , sheriff of Salop, 75, 80, 81, 81n; ex-sheriff of Salop, 205

Alchorne, Joan, wife, rec ., 234; Thomas , "yom"" , 234

Aldriche, Frances, "spinster" , rec,95; Margaret, "spinster" , rec,95

Alford, William , "yeoman" , rec , 102

Allen, Bridget, "spinster" , rec., 59* , 62* , 191

Allott, Thomas, rec , 44, 46, 179 , 180*

Almund, Alice, wid , rec , 171 ;Thomas , "webster" , rec , 172

Alsoppe, Ann, "spinster" , rec. , 220; wife, rec , 222; Richard, 222

Alston, James, rec, 40*

Alte, Mary, wid , rec, 139

Anderson, Robert, tenant, 252

Androes, Dorothy, rec , 243; Joan , wife, rec., 157 ; John, 157; Thomas, 'husb " , rec , 157 ; Thomas, "yoman" , rec, 34

Androwes, Edward, lessee, 89*

Anne, 'Alic " , rec , 119 , 125; George, rec , 248, 249, 253*; esq , rec , 116,

120, 125* , 126*; Gervase, Jervase, rec , 115, 247; gent., rec., 120, 125 , 126

Anson, Richard, rec , 65 , 68n

Apowell, Evan ap Rees, "cowper" , rec. , 257; Margaret, wife, rec, 257

Appletree , Jane, wife, rec , 74;Thomas , gent., 74

Applin, Edward, tenant, 211

Aprice, Robert, esq , rec , 35 , 36 , 158

Arden, Jane, wife, rec , 74; Joan, rec. , 67; John, gent, 74; lessee, 3, 130, 131; "yom " , rec, 235*

Armorer, Paul, gent , rec , 183

Arrundell, Elizabeth , rec , 10 , 11* , 136 , 137*; John, esq , rec , 11 , 136; William, lessee , 15, 142

Arrundell, alias Courtney, Thomas, rec. , 9, 11 , 13, 14, 135, 137, 141 , 142

Ash, Henry, "yoman" , rec. , 172

Asheton, Edward, "laborer" , rec, 173

Askoughe, Joan, "spinster" , wife, rec, 175; Thomas , "yoman" , 175

Aspinall, Ann, "spinster" , wife, rec, 169; Thomas , "yoman" , rec., 169*

Asshe, Margaret, "spinster" , rec, 185

Assheborneham, John, rec , 97* , 100, 229, 230; Thomas , rec , 98, 100; William, rec . , 97, 98, 100* , 229, 230, 233*

Assheburneham, John, esq., rec. ,100*; Thomas , rec., 230, 233

Asheton, John, junior, gent., 171

Astell, Henry, "yoman" , rec., 4; Roger, rec , 3* , 131*; "yoman" , rec , 4

Aston, Alice, "spinster" , rec , 173; SirEdward, knt , commissioner , 87; George, gent , rec , 173; Ralph, tenant , 101*

Atherton, Richard, tenant, 163

Atkins, Richard, rec , 63


Atwood, Margaret, rec , 104 , 236

Auldrede , Margaret, "spinster" , wife, rec., 171 ; William, "husb"" , 171

Aulte, Ralph, rec , 13


Baxterand Johnson , MedievalLatin

Word-List, 30n

Cheney, C. R., Handbookof dates for students of English History, ixn. Fry, E.A., Almanacks for students of English History, ixn

Jacob, Law Dictionary, 158n.

Recusant History, IV , 215n.

Ayloffe, William, esq. , sheriff of Essex , 17 , 21 , 22n, 47; ex-sheriff of Essex, 146

Bache, George, "yoman" , rec , 111

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, knt , commissioner, 92

Baggaley, James, "yom'" , rec , 219

Baggeley, Baggaley, "Cassandria" , "spinster" , rec , 220, 221; Edward, rec , 220; Mary, wife, rec , 220

Bagott, Richard, esq , commissioner , 86

Baitson, John, "tayleor" , rec , 172

Bake, William, lessee , 26

Baker, Eliz , "spinster" , rec , 63; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 195; Richard, "husb"" rec ., 157; Richard, "yom'" , rec., 152

Bakewell , John, rec. , 140; Katherine, rec , 140; Richard, rec , 140; Robert, rec, 140

Balcombe, Joan, "spinster" , rec., 102

Baldam, John, "husb"" , rec , 157

Bales, Joan, wife, rec , 94; Thomas, gent,94

Ball, George, tenant, 43

Ballard, Matilda, wid , rec , 172

Balle, Thomas , tenant, 236

Balthroppe , Robert, lessee , 4, 132

Balye, Margaret, "spinster" , rec, 194

Bancke, Antony, "yoman" , rec, 222

Bande,?or Baude, Audrey, spinster, 3

Banester, James, gent , rec ., 167; Thomas , gent , rec , 165

Banister , Richard, rec , 77 , 80

Bankes, Charles , "yom"" , rec , 255

Bannester, Richard, rec , 205, 207; esq., rec, 79, 80* , 206; Robert, lessee, 207; gent , lessee, 80* , 205

Banyster, Bannyster , Edward, rec , 24, 96, 148 , 228

Barber, Ann, wife, rec , 203; John, 203

Barker, Rowland, esq., commissioner , 78

Barley, Thomas, rec, 139*

Barlowe, Agnes, wife, rec. , 131; Geoffrey, "yom"" , 131

Barnaby , Thomas , gent , 124, 127n; esq ., rec ., 123, 251

Barnard, Eliz., wife, rec ., 213; Francis, esq , tenant, 65; Giles, gent , 213

Barneby, Thomas, rec, 118, 124 , 125 , 255. See Barnaby

Barneham , William, esq , commissioner , 99

Barnes, Robert, rec , 239*

Barney, Ralph, rec., 56, 63, 188 , 192

Baron, Laurence , "husb"" , rec, 168

Barret, alias Saunders, Jenetta, wife of Erasmus Saunders, 256

Barrett, Christopher, "laborer" , rec, 156; John, "yom"" , rec. , 140*; Matilda, wid , rec , 140; Robert, gent., commissioner , 256

Barrowe, Humfrey, "husb"" , rec., 222

Barrowes, Alice, "spinster" , wife, rec, 170; Henry, "yoman" , rec., 170*

Barryngton , Francis, esq , commissioner, 20

Barton, Ann, wife, rec , 15 , 184; John, "yom " , rec , 184; Thomas, gent., 15

Baskervile , Jane, rec , 32* , 154 , 156

Bate, William , lessee , 149

Bateman, Eliz . , "spinster" , rec. , 222

Batha, alias Bathoo, William , tenant, 256

Battye, George, 119*

Baude, ? or Bande, Audrey, spinster,3

Baude, Thomas , esq., tenant, 65, 197

Baxter, Francis, rec , 63

Bayley, Thomas, lessee , 116, 248

Beamonde, "Florida" , wife, rec , 152; George, gent , 152

Beamonte, Henry, esq., sheriff of Leicestershire , 42

Beanham, Joseph, esq , sheriff of Gloucestershire , 22

Beck, William , tenant, 43

Beckett, Robert, rec , 8; esq , 10* , 11* , 135, 137

Beddell, Henry, tenant, 236

Bedingefeild , Bedyngfeild , Eliz , rec , 55, 188; Henry, esq , rec , 195; gent., rec, 63; Humphrey, rec. , 56, 57, 60, 62, 188, 189, 192; Jane, rec, 63; John, rec , 88, 223; Laurence , esq , rec , 63; Mary, wife, rec , 195

Beesley, Francis, "yoman" , rec , 164*; "Fraunke" , "spinster" , wife, rec., 164

Belhouse, John, "yom"" , rec , 254*

Bellaces, Henry, esq , commissioner , 119*


Bellamy (e), James, lessee , 125* , 126* , 253*; Robert, gent., rec , 103

Bellowes, Janet, rec., 116, 125 , 248

Belson, see Bilson

Bely, Peter, tenant, 43

Bendbowe, John, lessee , 44, 46, 179 , 180*

Bendlowes, William, commissioner ,20*

Bennett, John, "yoman" , rec , 36; Thomas , sheriff of London/Middx , 46, 182

Berchall, John, "husb"" , rec, 172

Berrington , Simon, commissioner , 155

Berrye, Rose, "spinster" rec , 184

Best, Richard, "husb"" , rec , 244*

Betterton, Joan, wife, rec , 203; John, "laborer" , 203

Biddell, Henry, tenant, 104

Biddlecombe, Alice, "spinster" , rec , 145; Eliz , wife, rec , 145; William , junior, "yom"" , rec, 145

Bigames, Nicholas, "laborer" , rec, 170

Billesby , Edward, lessee, 45; esq , lessee, 180n

Billington, Thomas, tenant, 43

Bilson , [Belson ], Eleanor, "spinster" , rec., 6

Binfeild, John , tenant, 201

Bingham, Laurence , gent , commissioner , 21*

Birche, Briche, Edward, rec, 86, 87 , 216 ,218*;Edward, "husbandman" , rec, 218

Bisse, James, esq., commissioner , 212*

Blacburie , Eliz , wid., 166

Blackburne , Charles , "yoman" , rec , 172

Blackiston, William, esq , rec, 121* , 122* , 255. See Blakiston

Blackman , Edith, "spinster" , rec., 222 ; Edith, wife, rec , 219; Eliz , wife, rec ., 222; Thomas, 219; "yoman" , 222

Blakiston, William , rec,250

Blaxton, Ann, wife, rec , 252; Christopher, rec , 252

Blinkinsopp (e), Henry, rec., 104, 237; esq ., rec., 238

Blower, Francis, tenant, 111, 245n See Flower, Francis

Blundell , Eliz , tenant, 163; Emelia, "spinster" , wife, rec , 169 ; William, esq. , 169; gent , rec., 162, 163

Blunte, "Pope" , gent , 218

Bluntt, Mary, wife, rec , 157; Roger, gent , 157; Walter, rec. , 85, 87 , 215, 216, 218*; gent , rec , 102

Blythe, Francis, esq , commissioner , 21* , 22

Boddenham , Roger, esq , ex-sheriff of

Herefords., 31 , 155 , 156

Boer, Richard, gent , rec ., 171 ; Mary, "spinster" , wife, rec , 171

Bolde, Henry, gent , rec , 173

Bolte, alias Stone, Joan, "spinster" , rec, 219

Bolton , Nicholas, rec , 37 , 39, 160; Richard, lessee , 160

Bonne, Mary, wife, rec, 74

Boose, Jane, wid , rec , 43* , 178

Borne , [ ], gent , tenant, 201; John, gent , rec , 152

Boulde, Ellen, "spinster" , rec , 173

Bourne, William, rec, 72,200

Bowes, Ralph, commissioner , 122; Robert, rec., 249; gent , rec , 118 , 125

Bowker , Edward, lessee, 40, 44, 162*

Bowlde, Richard, tenant, 44

Bowles, Robert, "yom'" , rec., 233, 235

Bowlinge, John , "smith" , rec., 176

Bowme, Edmund, rec , 139

Bowmer, Eliz , "spinster" , rec, 168; Katherine, rec, 114, 247

Bowyer, Edmund, esq , commissioner , 99; Thomas , esq , commissioner , 99, 100, 101,233 *

Brabant , John, "yoman" , rec , 36

Bracye, Brace, Thomas, tenant, 109 , 110

Bradford, Thomas , rec , 23 * , 148

Bradfurthe , Robert, esq , commissioner , 118, 119*

Bradley , Alexander, rec., 10 , 11 , 136, 137; Eliz., "spinster" , wife, rec. , 166; Robert, lessee, 29*; Thomas , 166

Bradnam , "Elianora" , wid., rec. , 153

Bradrippe , William, tenant, 83, 84

Bradshagh, Ralph, "husb " , rec, 175

Bradshawe, Edward, lessee , 37, 160; George, "husb" , " , rec., 168 ; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 244; Margaret, wid., rec., 168; Ralph, "husb'" , rec , 173 ; Roger, "husb' rec., 168; Thomas, gent., 37; Thomas , "husb"" , rec , 174

Bradstock(e), John, rec., 108; William, rec ., 23 , 109

Bradstone, Robert, gent , rec. ,23

Bragge, William , tenant, 20

Bragge, alias Tynkes, Thomas, "yoman" , rec, 94

Bramble , Agnes, wife, rec , 144; William, "yom " , 144

Bran, John, "yoman" , rec., 74

Branne, Christiana, wife, rec, 74; John, "yoman" , rec, 74

Brayser, Adam, rec. , 60, 62, 191

Bratt, Joan, rec, 222


Brawen, Brawyn, Francis, 8n

Brawyn, see Brawen

Braybrooke , Braybroke, Martha, rec , 131; wid., rec,2

Braye , William, "yoman" , rec , 159

Breres , Jane , "spinster" , wife, rec, 174; Roger, "tanner" , 174

Bretton, John, rec ., 117 , 119 , 125* , 249, 253 [Martyr: York, 1 Apr., 1598 ]

Brewninge, Richard, rec , 26, 29 , 149 , 151

Brewster, Richard, lessee, 4, 6* , 133n

Briche, see Birche

Bricklebancke , Christopher, rec , 139; Hugh, rec , 139*

Brigges, Robert, "yom"" , rec., 244*

Britten, George, gent , rec , 233

Brocke, David, "yoman" , rec , 240

Bromeley, Bromley, Sir Henry, knt, ex-sheriff of Worcs, 110*; Richard, "yom"" , rec., 208

Bromewell , Thomas , rec. , 63

Broncker, Sir William , knt. , lessee , 2* , 3, 131

Brooke, Eliz., "spinster" , rec, 240; John, 244; "yoman" , rec., 240; Katherine, wife, rec., 244; Mary, "spinster" , rec . , 240; Robert, "yoman" , rec , 107, 240; Thomas , "yoman" , rec, 63, 234

Brothwhat, William, "yoman" , rec , 73

Browne, Brone, Bridget, "spinster" , rec ., 94; "spinster" , (of Lawshall), rec., 94; Ellen, "spinster" , wife, rec , 165 ; Henry, gent , 165; Humfrey, "yom' rec., 220; John, rec. , 67; Mary, wife, rec, 165; Richard, "yoman' rec., 165*; Valentine , esq , ex-sheriff of Lincs , 179 , 180; William , "yom'" , rec., 195; William, junior, "yoman" , rec, 240

Brudnell, Robert, esq , sheriff of Cambs ., (1595-6), 134* , 135n

Bruncker, William, esq , commissioner , 106, 107

Brusheford , William, "yom'" , rec , 182

Brynwyn , Ann, "spinster" , rec , 159

Buckland , Eliz., wife, rec., 74; Richard, 74

Budgell, John, lessee, 237, 238*

Bulkeley, Rowland, rec., 76, 205 , 208

Bull, George, junior, rec , 42; James , "yom"" , rec, 233

Bullacre , Eliz., wid , rec, 153

Bulleyn (e), John, rec. , 71 , 72, 200, 202

Bulstred , Edward, esq , commissioner , 5, 6* , 133

Bunckley , William, rec, 197; "yoman" , , rec ., 66*

Burgan, alias of Burgen, William

Burgen, alias Burgan, alias Burgoyn, William, gent , rec, 14 , 141

Burges, Isaac, gentleman of the chapel royal, lessee, 76* 80 , 81* , 101* , 208 , 229, 232*

Burgoine, George, esq , 158

Burgoyn , alias of Burgen

Burgoyne, Dorothy, wife, rec , 158

Burlace, Nicholas, rec , 9, 11* , 136 , 137*

Burley, George, lessee , 29, 151 , 152; William, rec , 25, 29 , 149, 151

Burne, Ann, wife, rec , 33 ; Charles , gent., rec , 33, 157

Burre, John , gent. , rec , 183*

Burton, William, "yoman" , rec. , 221

Butler, Alban, gent , rec., 251, 253; Alban, junior, rec. , 250; Alban, junior, "yoman" , rec, 122; Ann, "spinster" , wife, rec , 165; Eliz , "spinster" , wife, rec , 165; Henry, esq , 165; Jane, rec , 37 , 160; William, gent , 165

Bybbe, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 156

Byddull, Richard, gent. , rec. , 219

Byssell, John, "yom" , rec, 245*

Bysshoppe, Magdalen, "spinster" , rec, 235; Thomas, esq.. commissioner 100

Caldwall, Robert, gent , rec , 48*

Callingwood , Henry, rec , 69* , 70*

Calverley , William, rec , 115 , 125, 247 , 253

Canterton , Thomas, rec , 28, 150

Careles, John , rec , 81 , 209

Carewe , Henry, esq. , rec , 144; Richard, esq. , commissioner , 11

Carpenter , Ann, wid , rec , 244; John, lessee , 106, 239

Carrowe, Richard, gent , rec , 183

Cartwright, alias ofRoyle

Carvyle, Carvile, Henry, rec , 56, 61, 188. See Kervile

Cary(e), Henry, rec., 26, 149

Catcher, John, 47* , 181

Catcott, Mary, "spinster" , rec , 214

Catrick, George, rec , 114, 247. See Catterick.

Catterall, Margaret, wife, rec, 175; Robert, rec., 163 ; Roger, gent, 175

Catterick, George, rec , 119, 122 , 125 See Catrick

Cause, William, rec , 79*

Cave , Henry, esq., sheriff of Leics. (1595-6), 178

Cavendyshe, William, esq., sheriff of Derbyshire(1595-6), 138 , 140


Cawood, Eliz., "spinster" , alias wife, rec , 182; Thomas, 182; lessee, 68, 199*

Cawse, William, "yom"" , rec., 209

Chabnor, William, "weaver" , rec, 35

Chaderton, Henry, rec, 231* , 233*; William, 233

Chalcott, John, tenant, 211

Chamberlaine , Thomas, tenant, 43

Chamberlayne, John, tenant, 43

Champion , William, tenant, 201

Champney, Charles , "yom'" , rec , 254; Margaret, wife, rec. , 254; William, "yom'" , rec ., 254

Chaplen, Richard, tenant, 43

Chapman, John, lessee, 37, 160

Chare, John, lessee , 108*

Charles I, King, 4, 62, 84, 194, 233, 243, 245*

Charles , Henry, rec , 52; Philip, "yoman" , rec., 51

Charleton, William, rec , 77, 80, 205 , 208; gent , rec , 76

Charneley, Oliver, "husb"" , rec , 164

Charnock , Ann, wife, rec. , 209*; George, "taylor" , rec., 209; Richard, "taylor" , rec ., 209*; Thomas, "taylor" , 209*

Charnocke , Joyce, wid , rec , 170

Chasye, Richard, tenant, 212

Chatterton , Edward, "yom"" , rec., 209; Katherine, wife, rec, 209

Chauncey, Tobias, esq , ex-sheriff of Northants , 67

Checkley , John, lessee , 64, 67, 68* , 196

Chepman, Richard, "husb"" , rec, 144

Chetterton , Edward, rec ., 81; Katherine, wife, rec., 81

Chetwinde, Thomas, rec., 86, 87 , 216, 218, 219

Chetwyn, Dorothy, wife, rec, 219; Thomas , rec , 219

Chew, Edward, rec. , 163

Cheyney, Francis, esq , ex-sheriff of Bucks , 6, 7n

Child, John , tenant, 201

Childerston , Stephen, "yom"" , rec. , 227

Church (e), Edmund, rec , 147; gent , rec , 21

Clampe, Thomas, tenant, 59

Clare, Ann, wid , rec, 173

Clarke(e), Richard, rec., 31 , 32* , 154* , 156

Claxton, William, gent , rec , 252

Clayton, Margery, "spinster" , rec., 167

Cleere, Thomas , esq , sheriff of Norf , (1595-6), 187, 192, 196n

Clerics (clerici):- Collyer, Thomas , 86, 87

Daviddes, Thomas, 256 Garnett, Anthony, 103

Jackson, Edward, 58, 81* (cf. C.R.S.LVII; 108)

Cleversley, James, "woolewynder" , rec , 30; Jane, wife, rec, 30

Cleyton , Eliz., wife, rec , 219; William, "yom" , rec., 219

Clifford, Alice, "spinster" , rec, 214

Clifton, Alice, rec, 37, 160

Cobbe, William , lessee, 57, 62 , 189

Cobham , Henry, Lord, lessee , 214

Cobstock , "Elianora" , wife, rec , 144; John, 144

Cock, William, gent , rec , 102

Cockayne, Thomas, esq , commissioner, 13*

Cocken, Francis, esq , ex-sheriff of Derbyshire , 140*

Codrington , [ ], wife, rec , 240; John, rec , 105* , 238, 239"; gent , rec., 240

Coffyn, Peter, rec , 9, 11* , 136 , * , 137

Cole, Lucy, "spinster" , rec., 184

Coleman, John, lessee , 56, 189

Coles, William , gent , rec , 112* . See Colles

Colleigue , Robert, commissioner , 39*

Coller, Henry, gent , rec,95

Colles, Coles, Edmund, esq , commissioner, 111*; Katherine, "spinster" , rec., 194; William, rec , 242* , 243*; gent , rec , 110* , 112. See Coles

Collins, John , tenant, 211. See Collyns

Collyer, Richard, 221; Sarah, wife, rec ., 221; Thomas, rec , 216, 218; clerk ('clericus '), rec , 86, 87

Collyns, Ann, wife, rec. , 186, 244; Francis, "yom' rec . , 244; John, gent , rec ., 186*; Katherine, "spinster" , rec, 186

Collyton, alias of Colton, William

Colton, alias Collyton, William, gent, rec ., 133

Constable, Sir Henry, knt, 183; John, rec., 57; Lady Margaret, wife, rec . , 183; Philip, esq , ex-sheriff of Yorks. , 113 , 114, 126

Conyers, John, esq , commissioner , 66

Coocke , Alice, "spinster" , rec , 173; Alice, junior, "spinster" , rec , 173; John, "husb"" , rec , 172; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 173

Cooke, Dorothy , wife, rec , 214; Henry, rec ., 7 , 134*; "webster" , rec , 173; John, "laborer" , rec. , 219; William, gent. , 214

Cookes, Edward, gent , lessee , 48; John, "yom"" , rec., 244


Copeley, Katherine, Lady, "spinster" , rec , 101 , 232

Copley, Avery, ("Aver'"), esq , commissioner , 118 , 119*; John, gent , rec., 243*; Katherine, wife, rec, 243; Katherine, Lady, wid. , rec, 232

Coppinge, Robert, rec , 63

Coppley, Copley, Katherine, Lady, rec., 96, 229 , 231* , 232, 233. See Copeley

Corbett, Jerome, esq , commissioner , 77* , 78*; Miles, esq , commissioner , 59

Cordell, William , lessee , 61 , 97, 100 , 192* , 230

Coreham, Barbara, wid. , rec, 153; Winifred, "spinster" , rec. , 153

Corker, Henry, "husb"" , rec., 172; Jane, "spinster" , wife, rec , 170; William, "husb"" , 170

Cotton, George, esq , rec , 29, 151

Courte, John, gent , lessee , 236* , 237

Courtney, alias of Arrundell, Thomas

Coventrye, Vincent, lessee , 130

Covert, Mary, "spinster" , rec. , 234; Sir Walter, knt , 100*

Cowell, Eliz ., "spinster" , wife, rec , 164 ; Robert, "yoman" , 164

Cowpe, John, "linen-webster" , rec. , 167; Thomas , "husb"" , rec., 167

Craford, Richard, esq , commissioner , 5

Crawley, Thomas , rec., 18, 146

Crewe, George, 74; "Helenor" , wife , rec., 74

Crewse, Joan, "spinster" , rec., 15

Crich(e)lowe, Margaret, wife, rec , 176; Ralph, "webster" , rec, 176; Roger, "husb " , 176

Cripes, Crippes , Matthew, lessee , 89, 92, 93, 224

Crispe, Robert, "yom'" , rec, 194

Crocker, Cecily, tenant, 212

Croft(e), Edward, gent. , 166; Eliz, "spinster" , wife, rec , 166; William, esq ., rec ., 38 , 161

Croftes, Thomas, esq , sheriff of Suffolk, 88, 92, 93, 95n; ex-sheriffof Suff, 225

Croichlowe , William, "husb"" , rec., 174

Crombleholme , Margaret, "spinster" , lately wife, rec. , 167; William, "yoman" , rec , 167; William, (deceased), 167

Crome, David, rec, 145

Cromwell, Sir Henry, knt. , ex-sheriff ofCambs. , 8

Crooke, John, esq , commissioner ,

133; John, junior, esq , commissioner, 201

Croston , Emma, wid , rec, 169

Croucher, Eliz . , rec, 231 , 233

Crowther, Arthur, gent , rec , 79* , 207, 208; Mary, wife , 79

Cuffe, Hugh, lessee, 21, 22, 24, 47* , 87* , 146 , 148, 181 * , 186, 202* , 218; gent , lessee, 47* , 72* , 73, 137* 152* , 216 , 217 , 218* , 219

Culleford, Thomas , lessee , 25

Culpepper, Mary, wife, rec , 184; Thomas, gent , 184

Cumberland, George, Earl of, sheriffof Westmld , 104, 237, 238

Curse , Henry, "yom'" , rec, 234

Curson, Katherine, rec , 63

Curwin, Grace, "spinster" , wife, rec , 166; Nicholas, esq , 166

Dabridgecourt , Thomas, esq., commissioner , 104, 236*

Daby, "Elizius" , "husb"" , rec., 164

Dalton, Eliz., "spinster" , wife, rec , 167 ; Robert, 167

Danby, Christopher, rec , 122, 125

Dancastle , Ann, wife, rec,, 132; John, "yom" , 132; "Gruffinus" , "yom"" , rec ., 131, 132

Dandy, Ellen, wid. , rec, 170; Katherine, "spinster" , rec., 175

Daniell, Henry, gent , rec , 94; Isabel, "spinster" , rec , 172; Margaret, wife, rec ., 94

Danyell, Francis, esq , rec, 226; John, rec. , 18 , 19, 146, 147, 224, 225; gent , rec , 20, 89, 91 , 93; William , rec , 89, 224

Darrell, Henry, esq., rec , 159*; Margaret, wife, rec. , 159

Darwin, Edward, "laborer" , rec , 168

Davenporte, Margaret, rec. , 37, 161 ; Davenporte, William, lessee , 161; William, footman of the Queen, lessee, 212* , 213*

David, George, "laborer" , rec , 187; "yoman" , rec. , 52; Janet, wife, rec, 187; Jevan, "yoman" , rec, 54; Jevan, William, "yoman" , rec , 51; Margery, "spinster" , rec , 186; Philip, "weaver" , " , rec , 157; Roger, "laborer" , rec , 187*; "yoman" , rec., 52;William, "laborer" ,rec, 187

Daviddes, Thomas, "clericus" , tenant, 256

Davies, Hugh, "yom"" , rec . , 194

Davye, Eliz , "spinster" , rec. , 102

Davyes, Edward, esq., commissioner , 77* , 78*


Davys, John, "yoman" , rec , 240

Dawes, John, "yoman" , rec , 83* , 84* , 210 , 213

Dawney, Sir John, knt , ex-sheriff of Yorks., 113 , 114* , 118, 119 * , 251 , 253; Ursula, "spinster" , rec, 254

Dawsey, Richard, gent., tenant, 181*

Daye, John, rec , 70, 71, 73* , 199* , 202; Thomas , "yoman" , rec., 221

Dennys, Audelee , 42, 178; Sir Thomas , knt., sheriff of Devonshire , 13 , 14

Denton , "Alex"" , "husb"" , rec ., 177

Derby, Earl of, 41

Deyman, Robert, "husb"" , rec ., 142

Diamonde, Roger, tenant, 101*

Dickenson, George , lessee , 76* , 80, 208*; Thomas , lessee, 21, 147; yeoman ofthe Pastryin the Queen's Household, lessee , 256*

Digby, James, rec., 204; gent , rec , 75

Dikes, John, "yoman" , rec , 63

Dodinge, Owen , tenant, 65

Donne, William, gent , 74

Doughty, Henry, "yom'" , rec. , 209

Dove, William, tenant, 211

Dover, John , lessee, 57, 62, 189

Downes, Bridget, rec , 63; Edward, esq , 195; Eliz., wid , rec , 195, 196; John , gent., rec , 195*; Katherine, wife, rec ., 195; Mary , wife, rec , 195; Robert, rec , 56, 189; Thomas , esq., rec, 196

Dracotte, Dracote, George, gent., 43; Philip, rec., 43* . See Draycote

Drake, Richard, rec , 63

Draycote, John, esq., rec , 88* , 88n , 219, 221; Philip, esq., rec., 40, 162

Drewe, Robert, "weaver" , rec. , 95

Drewry(e), Henry, esq , rec., 91; William, "yoman" , rec , 66* See Drurye

Dreyghton , John, "yoman" , rec, 74

Drurye, Eliz., rec., 90, 224; wid , rec, 94

Duckett, Agnes, (Agneta"), wife, rec, 184; James, gent , rec , 183 ; "pynner" , rec, 184 .

[Martyr: Tyburn, 19 Apr., 1602]

The last conviction of James Duckett for recusancy occurs in Rec. Roll E . 377/6 , under Res London, where he, of the same parish, with his wife (Agnes), is recorded as having been convicted on 8 Jan., 41 Eliz. (1598/9) of 2 months recusancy from 1 Sept., 1598. He is there described as a "Taylor" .

Duke , Ann, wife, rec., 195; Edward,

Dunne, John, gent. , rec. , 94; lessee , 29

Dunston , William , lessee, 88, 223

Durdo, Gregory, rec , 143 ; gent. , rec, 16* , 17

Durham , Bishop of, 121 , 122, 249

Dutton, Lawrence , lessee, 125* , 246*

Dyer, Thomas, tenant, 83 , 84, 210

Dymock, Eliz , junior, "spinster" , rec. , 222; Margaret, wife, rec , 219, 222; Richard, "surgeon" , rec , 219; Richard, junior, "yoman" , rec , 222

Dyngley, Francis, esq., commissioner , 111

Dyve, John, esq , sheriff of Bedfordshire, 1

Dyxe, Richard, tenant, 256

East(e), Edward, rec, 4, 6* , 71, 73, 132, 200

Eastham, Janet, "spinster" , rec., 176

Eastland, John, "yoman" , rec, 102

See Estlande . Eccleston, Christopher, "yoman" ,rec, 170

Edward (e), John, "butcher" , rec ., 187*; Katherine, wife, rec , 187; Jane, "spinster" wife, rec , 52; Robert, "yoman" , rec , 52*

Edwardes, Katherine, wid. , rec , 184

Edwin [Sandys], Archbishop of York, Commissioner for Ecclesiastical Causes , 124

Elinge, William, lessee, 19, 147

Ellerker, Robert, rec , 115 , 125 , 248 , 253*

Ellis, Richard, tenant, 101*

Ellyott, Isabel, wid , rec , 209; William , "husb " , rec , 144

Elston, Edmund, gent , tenant , 43; Thomas , yeoman of the ushers of the chamber royal, lessee , 43* , 178*

Elton, Alice, wid , rec , 34

Elvys, Nicholas, rec., 139*

Estlande, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 102

See Eastland .

Eure; see Ewre, Ralph, Lord

Everard , Henry, rec , 90, 92, 224, 225, 226 , 227

Evererd, Everard, Nicholas, gent, rec , 93*

Evettes, Jane, wife, rec., 209; William , "yom'" , 209

Ewens, Matthew, esq , baron of the Exchequer, lessee , 211, 212

Ewre, Eure, Ralph, Lord, ex-sheriffof gent , 195 Yorks , 116, 246


Eyre, Edmund, rec. , 138* , 139; Godfrey, 139 ; Jane, 139; Lawrence , 139 ; Mary, 139; Nicholas, 139

Fairecleugh, Arthur, "milner" ,rec , 171

Farrer, Henry, esq , commissioner , 118,119*

Farrington, Alice, "spinster" , wife, rec , 170; Thomas, "yoman" , 170

Farthen, Michael, tenant, 123

Faukes , George, rec , 98, 100* , 230 233

Fawkener, Fawkenor, Joan, "spinster" , rec., 234; William , rec , 24, 105 , 149 , 238; esq , rec , 107

Fayre, Ellen, "spinster" , wife, rec., 176; Thomas , "yoman" , 176

Fayr(e)fax, Richard, "yom"" , rec. , 193 ; Sir William, knt , commissioner , 119 , 125* , 252

Fazakerley , Edward, tenant, 162

Fearneheade, Jane, "spinster" , wife , rec , 173; Roger, "husb"" , rec , 173*

Feild, Alice, wid , rec. ,244

Feildinge, Robert, lessee, 40* , 161

Felton, Thomas , lessee, 93* , 225

Fenton, Richard, rec, 115, 247; Richard, gent , rec , 120, 125

Fenys, Richard, esq , sheriffofOxfordshire, 70 , 73

Ferrande, Randolph, "yoman" , rec , 165

Ferrers , Eliz , rec , 104, 236, 237*

Ferrys, Richard, lessee, 72, 200*

Fettyplace , Joan, wife, rec, 34; Thomas , gent., rec., 34

Finshe, Ellen, "spinster" , wife, rec, 170; Roger, "husb'" , 170

Fittzherberte , Richard, gent , rec , 86 , 87

Fittzwilliams, William, lessee , 179; gent. , lessee , 45* , 46

Fitzherbert, Mary, wid , rec , 221; Richard, rec , 216, 218

Flemynge, Thomas , esq., commissioner, 27, 28, 29, 30n

Fletcher , Eliz , wid , rec, 168

Fletewood, Fleetwood, Edmund, esq , commissioner , 163; George, esq , ex-sheriffof Bucks , 5*

Flettwood , Thomas, tenant, 44

Flower, Dorothy, "spinster" , rec. , 94; Francis , tenant, 242, 245n See Blower, Francis

Floyd, Margaret, wid , rec , 187

Fludd, Evan, rec, 8* , 134*

Folleyett, Thomas , esq , sheriff of Worcs (1595-6), 241, 243

Follyambe , Joan , wife, rec, 221

Follyatt, Folliott, Michael, rec, 109, 111 , 241 , 243

Folyambe, Godfrey, esq , 221

Foord, Peter, rec., 73

Forde, alias ofSyms

Forser, Margaret, wid , rec , 121 * , 250; Thomas , esq , rec , 255; gent , rec ., 121* , 250

Forster, Reginald, "yoman" , rec ., 164 ; Thomas , lessee, 58* , 61 , 190*

Forth, Robert, esq , ex-sheriffofSuff., 89, 223, 224* , 225*

Foster, Ann, "spinster" , rec, 63; Humphrey, rec , 78, 207, 208; Sir Humphrey, knt , ex-sheriff of Berks, 3 , 130*; Joan, "spinster" , rec ., 222; wife, rec , 81, 152; John, 152; gent , rec , 193 ; Robert, 81

Foxe, Ellen("Elena"), rec , 138* , 140; Eleanor, "spinster" ,rec., 13*

Frampton , Robert, esq , ex-sheriff of Dorsetshire, 16

Frances, John , esq , sheriffofSomerset (1595-6), 210, 213

Francke, Andrew, "yom"" , rec, 193

Francklyn, George, esq , commissioner , 1 , 129

Frean, Jane, wid ,rec, 53

Freer, Thomas, tenant, 252

Freland, John, gent , 233; Margaret, wife, rec., 233

Fuliambe, Godfrey, esq. , commissioner, 13*; ex-sheriff of Derbys, 13; Joan, "spinster" , rec , 222. See Folyambe

Fynche, Henry, lessee , 87* , 216 , 217*

Fyrer [? or Fyzer], Henry, "yom"" , rec . , 244

Gage, Edward, esq., lessee , 99, 100; John, esq , rec , 100, 232; Lady Eliz., wid., rec , 99; Thomas, rec, 96, 228, 229, 232; esq., rec , 99, 100*

Game, John , "husb"" rec ., 143 ; Katherine, wife, rec , 144; Thomas, "yom'" , 144

Ganscowe, see Gauscowe, Hugh.

Garden, Margaret, "spinster" , wife , rec , 220; Richard, 220

Gardener , William, esq , sheriff of Surr'/Sussex, 96, 100

Gardiner, John, rec , 4, 132

Gardyner, John, gent , rec , 5, 132

Garnett, Anthony, clerk, ("clericus"), rec., 103

Garrett, Jasper, "yom'" , rec , 222

Gattacre , Francis, rec, 76 , 205

Gattagre , Francis, esq., rec , 81


Gauscowe , (?) Ganscowe, Hugh, "webster" , 174; Janet, "spinster" , wife, rec., 174

Gawdye, Bassingburn , esq , ex-sheriff of Norf., 61* , 188* , 189* , 190, 191 ; Henry, esq., sheriff of Norfolk, 58

Gawen, Thomas, rec , 106, 239

Gaye, John, gent , rec, 213

Geest , Edward, rec , 241, 243; "yoman" , rec , 109, 110, 111 , 112* , 112n See Geste

Gellibrond , Henry, "yoman" , rec , 177

Gentt, Gente, Thomas , lessee , 17* , 145*

Gerrard, Ann, "spinster" , wife , rec. , 176; Jane, junior, "spinster" , rec., 174; Jane, "spinster" , wife, rec , 174; Mary, wife, rec , 215; Simon, junior, "Blacksmithe" , rec , 144; Thomas , gent , rec , 174* , 176; William, rec., 15, 142; gent , rec., 83, 214

Gerry, Isabel , rec, 34

Gest(e), Edward, "yom'" , rec., 245; Frances, wife, rec , 245; George, "yom'" , rec , 245*

Gifford, John, rec , 85, 215 ; Roger, lessee, 250; esq. , M.D., lessee , 121 *

Gildridge, Alice, rec , 98, 100, 230, 233; John, "yom" rec ., 234; Lancelot, rec , 97, 100, 229, 233*; gent., rec., 234 ; Margaret, "spinster" , rec. , 234; Thomas , "yom"" , rec, 234

Giles, Jane, "spinster" , rec, 53

Gilpyn, see Guilpin

Gilson, George, gent , rec , 183

Goddard, Edward, esq , ex-sheriff of Hants., 28;Eliz., "spinster" , rec , 132

Godfrey, Agnes, "spinster" , rec , 220; Agnes, wid , rec , 221

Goffe, James, gent , 64; Margaret, wife, rec, 64

Goldsmyth , John, rec , 25

Gollen , Thomas, "yom"" , rec , 209

Gooche, Matthew, gent., rec , 159

Good, Mary, wife, rec. , 144; Thomas , "yom'" , 144

Goodacres, Ann, wife, rec , 183; William, gent , rec., 183*

Goodricke , Goodrycke, Richard, esq , ex-sheriffofYorks , 113* , 114, 246*

Goodshawe, Gilbert, "yoman" , rec, 167; Millicent , "spinster" , rec , 167; Richard, "yoman" , rec., 167

Goodwin, John, gent , lessee, 27* , 29

Goodwyn, Goodwyne, John, lessee , 151, 152, 210* , 213; John, gent, lessee 83*

Gore, Percival, "laborer" , rec., 169

Gostwick , William, esq , sheriff of Bedfordshire(1595-6), 129

Gould, Eliz , wid. , rec. , 144

Gouldsmith , Ellen, "spinster" , rec , 173

Gower, Francis, rec , 252; Mary, wife, rec ., 252

Goyte, John, lessee , 26

Graceby, Ralph, gent., rec, 183

Granger, Graunger, William, rec, 114, 119 , 125* , 246, 253

Graunte , Zacheus, "yom'" , rec , 159

Gravenor , Mary, wife, rec. , 209; Richard, rec., 205, 208 , 209; gent , rec ., 76 , 78 , 80

Graye, Robert, "yom"" , rec , 235

Greedie, Edith, "spinster" , rec , 214 Joan, "spinster" , rec., 222

Green(e), Francis , rec , 48*; Norton, rec ., 36, 159 ; Richard, rec., 17 , 145; Thomas, rec , 103, 235, 237*; rec , 157. See Grene "yom'"

Green(e)acres , "Cristiana" , "spinster" , wife, rec., 167; Richard, gent. , gent , 167

Gregory, John, lessee , 239

Grene, Ann, wife, rec , 244; John, 244; gent., rec., 124, 244*; Margaret, "spinster" , rec., 193 ; Robert, tenant, 120

Gregorye, John, lessee , 106

Greisley, Greysley, Thomas , lessee 218*

Grevill, Edward, esq , sheriff of Warwicks, 103

Grey, Anthony, junior, gent , rec., 195; Susanna, rec., 63

de Grey, Robert, rec , 56 , 57, 58, 61, 62* , 89, 92, 188* , 189, 192* , 224 ,

226; esq , rec , 92

Greysley, Thomas , lessee , 87

Griffeth, Thomas , lessee, 82, 210*; gent., lessee, 141* , 210*

Griffethes , Mary, "spinster" , rec , 156

Griffin, Edward, esq , 66

Griffithes, Ambrose, gent , 33; Lucy, wife, rec . , 33; Mary, wife, rec., 33; William, gent , rec, 33

Griffythe, Gryffythe, Henry, esq., sheriffof Staffs , 85, 87, 88n

Grimland, John, tenant, 201*; Robert, tenant201

Grindon , John, "yoman" , rec., 240

Grome, Alice, wife, rec , 107 ; Thomas, "husb" , 107

Grove, David, rec , 106; "yoman" , rec , 107; Joan, wife, rec , 33, 34

John, rec, 105, 106 , 107* , 238, 239*; Robert, gent , rec , 34; Robert, "yoman"" , rec , 33 ; William, "yoman" , occupant, 106


Gruff, Katherine, "spinster" , rec, 186

Gruffethes, Ambrose, 156; Eliz, wife, rec , 156; Mary, wife, rec , 34; William, gent., rec , 34

Grundy, Katherine, "spinster" , wife, rec., 168 ; Lambert, "linnen-webster" , rec , 168*

Grymsell, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 209

Gryffythe, Henry, esq , ex-sheriff of Staffs, 215

Grymston , Edward, rec. , 252

Guilpin, Gilpyn, Barnard, lessee, 55* , 188*

Gutteridge , Simon, rec , 65, 197; "husb' rec, 67

Guye, John, tenant, 212; William, tenant, 212*

Gwatkin, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 156; Grace , "spinster" , rec, 156

Gwent, Margaret, wife, rec , 245; William, 245

Gwillym, William, "husb"" , rec, 157 John, "husb"" , rec , 157

Haddock, William , rec., 160. See Haydock. Hales, Thomas, gent , rec, 21. See Hayle

Hall, Haul, George , tenant, 101*; John, gent , 93; Katherine, wife, rec , 93; William, gent , rec, 152

Hallam, Isabel, wid , rec, 220

Hallett, Juilana, "spinster" , rec , 213

Hallyward, Halliward, Eliz , wife, rec. , 156 ; John, 156

Hamon, William , "yeoman" , rec, 102

Hamond, Alexander, rec , 63

Hampden, Mary, rec. , 63

Han, William, rec , 9 , 11 * , 136

Handsor , Richard, "yom"" , rec., 244

Harbert, George, gent , rec , 145; Nicholas, esq. , ex-sheriff of Mon., 49-51

Hardley, Thomas, "weaver" , rec, 145

Hare, Michael, esq , rec , 92, 226

Harecourte , Michael, esq., sheriff of Bucks , 4, 7*

Harland, Anthony, "yom'" , rec , 209

Harley, Thomas, esq. , sheriff of Herefordshire , 30, 35n

Harman, Thomas, "yom"" , rec. , 195

Harper, Alice, wife, rec. , 244; Frances , "spinster" , rec ., 73, 221 ; James, 53; James John , "yoman" , rec , 53; Jane, "spinster" , rec. , 157; wife, rec., 53; Katherine, wife, rec , 53; Richard David, 53 ; Thomas, 244

Harpurre, Harpur, John, esq , commissioner , 13 , 138, 141n

Harrington, Sir John, knt , sheriff of Rutland, 75

Harris, Francis, gent , rec., 133; Joan, "spinster" , rec., 195 ; Richard, "yoman" , rec , 35; William, gent , rec, 133

Harris, alias Perrye, Ann, "spinster" , rec ., 133

Harrison, Thomas, "husb"" , rec., 172

Harrowden , Lord, 65* , 197

Harry, Rice, "yoman" , rec , 156

Harryngton, John, esq , ex-sheriff of Somerset, 82

Hart, Isabel, "spinster" , rec , 220

Harte, Thomas, tenant, 212

Harvey, Thomas , "yom'" , rec., 227

Harvy, Ann, wife, rec , 171 ; Margaret, "spinster" , rec ., 171 ; Ralph, "webster" , rec , 171*

Hastinges , Sir Francis, knt , commissioner , 212 ; Sir George, knt , commissioner , 43

Hatch, Henry, tenant, 85. See Hutch

Hatton, Richard, tenant, 163

Haul, see Hall, George

Havorde , Gregory, gent , 157; Sibyl, wife, rec , 157

Hawkyns, Antony , "gardener" , rec, 220, 221

Haydock, William, rec , 37. See Haddock.

Hayes, Thomas, 93, 225

Hayle, Thomas , rec , 17, 146. See Hales

Haylocke, Joan, "spinster" , rec., 240

Hayward, Adam, junior, "yoman" , rec . , 176; Henry, "husb"" , 143; Henry, "yoman" , rec , 177, 178n; Katherine , Lady, wid., 79; "Mariana" , wife, rec , 143; Sir Rowland, knt , 79

Hearinge , Agnes, "spinster" , rec, 222; "Perrin'" , spr., rec, 35

Heath(e), Dorothy , wid., rec., 108, 112; William, junior, rec. , 108 , 109 , 112, 241, 243

Heckell, Thomas , "yom"" , rec. , 159

Helwys, Helwis, Edward, lessee , 45* , 179

Hennage, Michael, lessee ,45

Henneage, Michael, gent , lessee , 180n; Sir Thomas , knt , Chancellorof the Duchy of Lancaster , and Queen's Vice -Chamberlain, lessee , 123* , 246, 250

Hensley, Thomas, "yoman" , rec, 93*

Henslowe, Henry, gent. , rec. , 153; Thomas , lessee, 98, 230


Henthorne , George , "yoman" , rec , 166

Herbert, Matthew, esq , sheriff of Monmouthshire, 48

Hesketh , Ann, "spinster" , wife, rec, 165; Jane, "spinster" , rec, 169; Janet, "spinster" , wife, rec. , 169; Miles, "yoman" , 169 ; Thomas, esq , commissioner , 162; Thomas , rec. , 161*; gent , rec , 38* , 40; William, junior, gent , 165

Heveningham, Sir Arthur, knt , commissioner , 59

Hewe, Hwe, Alice, rec , 48, 49 , 185

Heywood, Thomas , tenant, 201

Hibert, John , tenant, 256

Hide, Richard, esq., sheriff of Berks., 2,3

Higham , Cicely, "spinster" , rec , 170; George, rec., 183

Higgenson, Thomas , lessee , 87* , 218; Thomas , rec , 103* , 235* , 237*

Hilberd, John, "husb'" , rec., 145

Hildesley, Margaret, rec , 200, 202*; wid., rec., 72; Walter, rec , 72, 200, 202* . See Illesley

Hill, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 244; Eliz., lessee , 216, 217, 218* , 219; George , lessee , 115, 247; Richard, rec , 108, 109, 110* , 111 * , 112* , 112n , 241* , 242* , 243;Thomas, lessee , 87* , 216, 217, 218* , 219

Hillesley, William, "yoman" , rec . , 234

Hillyard, Hilliard, Sir Christopher, knt , sheriff ofYorks (1595-6), 245 , 253; 255n; William, esq , commissioner , 119*

Hilton, Andrew, rec , 104* , 237* , 238*

Hitchin, Thomas , "husb"" , rec, 172

Hixon, Thomas, lessee, 25, 149

Hochenson, George, lessee , 31 , 154

Hockenhull, George , gent , lessee , 1* , 129*

Hodson, "Packett" , "yoman" , rec, 222

Hoell, William, rec. , 51

Hodgeson, Hugh, "husb'" , rec , 175

Hodgshon, John, rec , 252; Robert , esq , rec., 255

Hogekinson , Jane, "spinster" , wife, rec., 165 ; Richard, 165

Hogeson, Thomas , "husb"" , rec , 175

Holbrooke, Thomas , "yom"" , rec., 221

Holcrofte, Richard, "husb"" , rec. 175

Holden, Margaret, wid , rec , 38, 161

Holland, Alice, wife, rec , 234; James, "yom'" , rec , 220; Jane, wid , rec, 170; Richard, "yom"" , 234

Hollyns, Antony, senior , "yom"" , rec., 220, 222

Holme, Jane , "spinster" , rec , 169;

Richard, "yoman" , rec. , 170

Holmes, Dorothy, wife, rec, 243; Richard , "yom' 243

Honson, John , "yom"" , rec , 220

Hooper, William, "yoman" , rec., 153

Hoord(e), William, rec , 24, 25, 28, 152

Hopkinson , Hopkynson, John, lessee , 15, 71, 73, 143 , 200

Hopton, William, esq , ex-sheriff of Salop, 207, 208*

Hopwood, Edmund, esq , commissioner, 163

Hord, Hoord, Hoode, Thomas , rec. , 71,73,200,202 *

Horsfall, William, tenant, 251

Horseman, Thomas , lessee, 36, 159

Houghton , Alice, "spinster" , rec., (daughter) 166; Ann, rec , 161; "spinster" , wife, rec. , 166; Ann, wid., rec., 38, 39; George, 166*; Robert, gent , rec , 214

Howell, Henry, "laborer" , rec , 186; Thomas , rec., 51

Howlecrofte , Ann, "spinster" , rec , 174; Ellen, "spinster" , wife, rec , 174; Geoffrey , gent , 174

Hubberd, Ann, wife, rec , 195 ; Roger, gent., 195

Hubbert, Henry, rec , 63

Hubbestie , Thomas , "yoman" , rec , 168

Hubert, Henry, rec , 89 , 92, 224

Huckerbye , William , lessee, 62, 192*

Huddleston , alias Hurleston , Bridget, 'spinster" , rec ., 174; Joseph, gent., 175

Hughe, Philip William, "yoman" , rec, 53

ap Hughe, John, rec, 79

Hughson, William, "husb"" , rec. , 172

Hulse, Thomas, rec., 2, 3, 130 , 131

Hulton, Cuthbert, gent , rec, 167; Katherine, "spinster" , rec , 167; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 167; "spinster" , wife, rec , 167; Mary, "spinster" , rec , 167; William, esq , 167

Hungerford, Edward, esq., sheriff of Wilts , 105, 107

Hunnys, Hunnis, William, lessee , 90, 118* , 125, 224 , 253

Hunt, Thomas , "husb"" , rec , 172

Hunt, alias Lunt, Thomas, gent , rec , 176

Hunte, Nicholas, "laborer" , rec. , 143

Hunter, Dorothy, rec , 115, 125 , 247 , 253

Huntley, Francis, gent , lessee, 47* , 146, 181* , 182*

Hunton , Eliz , wife, rec , 145; Richard


gent , rec., 145; Robert, gent., rec, 145

Huntt, Hunte, Henry, tenant, 104 , 236 ; Richard, "yom"" , rec , 209

Hurl(e)ston, alias, of Huddleston, Bridget

Hurste, Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 176

Husband, Rowland , "laborer" , rec. , 156

Husbond, Ralph, lessee, 85, 215

Husse, Robert, gent , rec , 183

Hussey, Lawrence , lessee , 92, 226

Hussy, Thomas , esq., sheriffofDorset (1595-6) 142

Hutche , Henry, tenant, 83*

Hutchen, Ann, "spinster" , wife, rec, 174; Robert, "husb"" , 174

Huthersall, Robert, gent , rec., 166

Hutton, John, lessee, 7, 134; Thomas , gent., lessee, 251, 252*

Huyshe, Huysshe, Silvester, rec. , 82* , 210, 213

Hyde, Richard, esq , lessee , 2* , 3, 131

Hyett, James, gent , rec, 34

Hynton, Bridget, "spinster" rec , 234

Iden, John , lessee , 36, 159

Iles, Richard, 84

Illesley, Walter, rec , 2, 3 , 130. See Hildesley.

Ince, "Hamletus" , "yoman" , rec. , 169

Ingham, John, "yoman" , rec , 164

Ingleby, John, rec , 116, 120 , 248; Thomas , rec , 116, 120, 248

Ireland, Alice, wife, rec , 34; John, "yoman" , 34

Ireman, Francis , gent , rec , 183; Margaret, wife, rec , 183

Jackes , James, "joyner" , 173; Janet, "spinster" , wife, rec , 173

Jackson, Bartholomew, "yoman" , rec, 165*; Edward, rec , 58* , 61 ; Francis, rec., 116, 118, 125* , 248, 251, 253*

Jackeson, Mary, "spinster" , wife, rec. , 165

James, I, King, 15 , 55n, 74 , 93, 94, 95, 132, 142, 159, 160n, 164, 168 , 170, 175, 182, 183, 194, 203, 213, 214* , 227,235,240* 244

James, Ann John, "spinster" , rec, 51; Bridget, rec, wife, 33 , 35; Éliz , "spinster" , rec, 159; Owen, gent, 33, 35

Jenkes, Thomas , esq., commissioner , 79

Jenkin,William , "yoman" , rec., 54

ap Jenkin, Philip John, rec , 50

Jenkyn, Giles, 186

ap Jenkyn , Robert, apDavid, "weaver" , rec. , 257

Jenkyns, Eliz., wife, rec , 186

Jenner, John, tenant, 101*

Jenney, Jane , "spinster" , rec., 157; Thomas , "yoman" , rec , 156

Jermye, Francis, esq , ex-sheriff of Suff . , 227

Jermyn(e), Ambrose, rec , 18 , 20, 21 , 146; Edmund, gent , rec., 227

Jernegan, Edward, gent , rec., 195; William, gent , rec , 195

Jervis, William, rec, 77 , 205

Jettor, Robert, rec. , 90, 224

Jevan, Gruffin Rosser, "yoman" , rec, 54; Katherine, wid , rec, 53

ap Jevan, Cecily, wid , rec , 187

John, Alexander, "yoman" , rec , 54; Eliz , wid , rec , 53; "Gruffinus" , "laborer" , rec , 186; Jane, wid , rec., 53;Jenkin, "yoman" , rec , 54*; Philip, "yoman" , rec , 54

ap John, Charles, "yoman" , rec , 187; alias Smithe , John, rec , 50

verche John, Ann, "spinster" , rec. , 53

Johnson , [ ], tenant, 231; Emma , wid , tenant, 212; John, lessee , 100, 233; "yom " , rec , 194; Robert, tenant, 231; William, "husb"" , rec , 172; 'yom'" , rec, 193

Jones, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 33; Edmund, rec., 31 , 154; Eliz., "spinster" , rec , 33; Walter, esq , ex-sheriff of Monmouths , 48, 185

Joye, Alice, tenant, 212

Jumpe, Katherine, "spinster" , wife, rec , 175; Thomas, "husb"" , 175

Jynckes, John, "yom'" , 203; Margaret wife, rec., 203

Keate, Thomas, tenant , 212

Kedward, John, "yom"" , rec., 157

Keighley,William, "husb"" , rec., 174

Kekewiche, George, esq , commissioner, 10*; ex-sheriffof Cornwall,9

Kemble , Dorothy, spr , rec, 34; Joan, spr , rec, 34; William, jun. , gent , rec. , 34

Kemes, Edward, esq., rec , 214*; William, gent., rec , 214. See Keynes, Edward

Kemishe, Joan, wife, rec , 214; John, gent., 214

Kemys, Matilda, "spinster" , rec , 52

Kendall, Walter, esq , ex-sheriff of Cornwall, 8, 9, 10


Kenyon, Ann, wid , rec, 177; Thomas , "yoman" , rec ., 73*

Kervile, Henry, rec , 69 , 191 , 198; Winifred, rec , 63. See Carvile.

Key, Robert, esq., commissioner , 118 , 119*

Keylway, Francis , esq , ex-sheriff of Hants , 152

Keymes, Katherine, rec. , 50

Keynes, Edward, rec , 211, 212*; James, 212* . See Kemes, Edward

Keys, Thomas , lessee , 89* , 223, 224

Kindesley, Kyndesley , Richard, lessee , 40, 44; yeoman of the chamber royal, lessee, 38* , 161 , 162*

Kinge, John, senior, "yoman" , rec , 44; Richard, "yoman" , rec. , 63; Sara, wife, rec , 145. See Kynge, Nicholas.

Kirkeman, Katherine, rec., 119 , 125

Kitchyn, John, gent , 74; Mary, wife , rec., 74

Knappe, Edward, rec, 3

Knappinge, William, "yoman" , rec , 94

Knapton , Eliz., "spinster" , rec., 95

Knight, Alice, rec , 29*; wid., rec , 28* , 151 ;Robert,rec . ,28, 151.See Knyght

Knolles, Agnes, wid., rec. , 86

Knowell, Grace, wife, rec. , 213; William, gent., 213

Knyght, Alice, wid., rec., 27, 28 , 29*; Robert, rec . , 24, 148; gent. , rec , 27, 29. SeeKnight

Kyffyn, Richard, "yoman" , rec. , 159

Kyndesley, see Kindesley

Kynge, Nicholas, "Shomaker " , 145 See Kinge

Kyngston, Joan, wife, rec , 143; Nicholas, "husb'" , 143

Kynneby , Francis, rec , 58, 190, 192; "yoman" , rec., 60, 62

Lacye, Alice, wife, rec., 227; Thomas , gent., 227

Laithwaite, Ann, "spinster" , rec,, 171; Edward, "yoman" , rec , 170; Margaret, "spinster" , rec. , 171. See Laythwaite

Lamberte , Grace, rec. , 117, 125 , 249; Lane, Brian, rec , 220; Mary, wife, rec. , 234; Thomas, "yoman" , 234

Langford, Nicholas, rec, 41

Langshawe, Alice, "spinster" , wife , rec ., 171; Henry, "husb"" , 171

Langton , Margery, "spinster" , rec ., 185

Langtre, Eliz., "spinster" , wife, rec, 165

Langtree , Edward, esq , 165; Edward , gent , rec., 164

Lassells, Brian, esq , commissioner , 69

Lathome, Frances, "spinster" , wife, rec . , 170; George, esq ., 168 ; Henry, gent , 170; Henry, gent., rec , son of George Lathome, esq , 168 ; Ralph, lessee , 90, 225

Latwyse , George, "husb"" , rec , 164

Lawe, Robert, "husbandman" , , rec ., 39*

Lawes, Henry, "yoman" , rec , 63*

Laythwaite, Henry, rec. , 37 , 161. See Laithwaite

Lea, Edward, tenant, 104, 236; John, gent , 176; Margaret, "spin- ster" , wife, rec , 176

Lee, George, lessee, 62, 91, 92, 93* , 192* , 226; Robert, sheriff of London/Middx., 46, 182; Sir Thomas , knt , sheriff of Warwicks . (1595-6), 235, 237, 237n; alias Webber Thomas, of the Queen's private kitchen, lessee , 91 *

Leeche, Richard, esq , sheriff of Surr' Sussex (1595-6 ), 228, 232, 235n

Leedes, Thomas , rec , 114, 246 , 250; gent., rec , 123

Leigh(e), Margaret, "spinster" , rec, 209; Leighe, Matilda, "spinster" , wife, rec , 175; Nicholas, rec , 183; Richard, "yoman" , 175

Lewes, Humphrey, tenant, 211; John, senior, tenant, 211; Katherine, rec., 49, 50; Lucy, "spinster" , wife , rec, 53; Thomas , "weaver" , 53; William, rec., 48, 185 , 186

Lewis , Eliz ., "spinster" , rec , 53*; Margaret, wife, rec , 53; Watkin, 53

Lewkenor , Richard, esq , commissioner, 99

Lewter, John, "laborer" , rec , 156

Lewys, Eliz , wife, rec , 257; William , "weaver" , rec , 257

Ley, Oliver, "yoman" , rec, 222

Ligon, Hugh, rec ., 108 , 241, 243. See Lygon . Limmere , alias ofSharrett, Margery

Lindell, Richard, "yoman" , rec., 168

Lithom, Ellen, wid , rec , 165

Littleburye, Andrew, rec, 45, 46, 179, 180

Littleton, Litleton, Sir Edward, knt , ex-sheriffof Staffs , 215, 216 , 217*; Thomas , gent , commissioner , 79

Lloid, Lloyd, Edward, lessee , 75, 204

Lloyd(e), Lloide, John, rec , 75 , 80, 204, 208*; John, junior, lessee 80


208*; Richard, rec , 75, 78, 204 , 207 , 208; Thomas , rec , 78

Loamer, William, "yeoman " , rec. , 102

Loape, "Elianora" , "spinster" , rec., 144

Lockwood , Ellen, "spinster" , wife, rec , 170; Roger, "yoman" , 170

Lockyer, Agnes , wife, rec , 144; Eliz, wife, rec, 144 ; John, "husb"" , 144; Margaret, wife, rec., 144; Richard, "yom"" , 144; William , "husb"" , 144

Longfeyld , John, rec, 77 , 206

Longford, John, "yoman" , occupant, 106

Longrowe , Robert, "husb"" , rec , 171

Longshawe, alias of Tompson, Alice

Loupe, Joan, wife, rec , 145; Roger, surgeon, 145

Lovell, Robert, rec, 55* , 188*

Lowe, Jerome, rec., 65, 67, 197

Lower, Thomas, esq , ex-sheriff of Cornwall, 136, 137*

Ludbrooke , Ann, "spinster" , rec ,94

Luff, Mary, wife, rec , 233; William, "yom'" , rec., 233

Lumpnor , Jane, wid , rec , 60, 62* , 191

Lunt, alias of Hunt, Thomas

Luther, John, "lab'" , rec, 33

Lygon, Hugh, rec., 241; gent , rec, 109, 110* , 112 , 112n. See Ligon.

Lyn, Richard, goldsmith, rec , 184

Lyneall, William, yeoman ofthePastry in the Queen's Household, lessee , 256*

Lynne, Ann, rec , 63 ; Cecily, rec,63

Lyntall, John, gent , rec., 93

Lynton, Eliz , "spinster" , rec. , 245

Lythall, Ann, rec., 76, 205

Lythome, Eliz , wife, rec , 164; John , 164

Lyvor, Jenkin William , "yoman" ,rec., 54

Macclesfeild , William, rec. , 85, 216 , 218

Madley, Margaret, "spinster" , rec., 220; Margaret, wid , rec. ,222

Maghull, Mary, wid. , rec., 169

Makin, George, "laborer" , rec , 168

Manckton, Christopher, rec , 115 , 125 , 248, 253

Maney, Ann, rec , 36, 159

Manfeild, Henry, rec , 4, 132. See Mansfeild

Mannock, Ann, rec , 7 , 134; gentlewoman, rec, 94; Francis, lessee , 18 ,

21, 22 , 146; gent , lessee , 22*; William, gent , rec , 227; William, junior, rec, 19 , 146

Mansfeild, Henry, gent , rec , 5* , 6* , 133* See Manfeild.

Manwaringe , Francis, gent , rec , 81

Mapowder , Juliana, "spinster" , rec, 15

Mansell, see Maunsell

Markall, Robert, "yoman" , rec., 64

Markeham, John, esq , ex-sheriff of Lincs , 180

Marriett, Marryet, Marriott, Humphrey , rec , 64, 65, 67, 196, 198

Marrow, "Hamletus" , "husb"" , rec. , 175

Marryott, Humphrey, rec., 66

Marsden, Alice, "spinster" , wife, rec, 166; Richard, 166

Marshe, Grace, wife, rec , 14 ; John, gent , 14; Thomas, esq , sheriff of Cambs , 7 , 8

Marten, Clare, "spinster" , rec, 184; Margaret, gentlewoman , rec, 94; Roger, rec , 89, 223

Martin, Alice, rec , 118, 125, 249, 253; Richard, rec., 18 , 21 , 146

Martyn(e), Antony, "yeoman" , rec., 17; Clare, "spinster" , rec , 182; Richard, gent , rec , 20, 22. See Martin

Martyrs: Bretton, John (Ven ), 117, 119 , 125 , 249, 253.

Duckett, James (Bl ), 183, 184

Shelley, Edward (Bl.), 182

Talbott, John(Ven), 117 , 249

Marvin, Edmund, rec , 82, 141 , 210

Marvyn, Edmund, gent , rec , 83

Marvin, Sir James, knt., lessee, 24 , 105 , 149 , 238

Marwood, Henry, lessee , 18 , 92, 93, 146

Mason, Eliz , "spinster" , wife, rec , 175; Joan , "spinster" , rec, 33

Peter, gent , 175; Richard, lessee , 80, 81,205* , 206*

Massey, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 172

Mathewe, Isabel, wife, rec , 222; John, "yoman" , rec , 222

Mathewes , Isabel, wife, rec , 219; John, "yom'" , rec, 219

Mathewman , Thomasine , "spinster" , rec., 102

Mathewson , alias Wilcocke, Ann , "spinster" , wife, rec , 176; Richard, "butcher" .rec , 176*

Maunsell, Eliz. , wife, rec , 214; Katherine, "spinster" , rec, 214; Matilda, "spinster" , rec., 214; Rice,


lessee, 62* , 189, 192, 193 ; Richard, esq , 214; Richard, lessee, 125* , 253

Mayer, Robert, esq ,rec, 255

Mayfeild, Eliz , "spinster" , rec , 219

Maylard, Jane, wife, rec., 33 ; Robert, "mercer" , 33

Maynerd, John, yeoman of the chamber royal, lessee , 69* , 198, 199*

Measey, Susanna, wife, rec , 132; Thomas , 132

Measye, Thomas, "yom"" , rec , 131

Meene, Thomas, 89*; Thomas, lessee , 92*

Melle, Ann, "spinster" , rec., 193

Melling, William, "husb " , rec., 169

Melton, Katherine, "spinster" , rec, 62; William, gent , rec, 63

Mercer, "Mariona" , wid , rec, 73; Margaret, wid , rec , 169 ; Richard, junior, "laborer" , rec., 169; William, "butcher" , rec , 157

Meredith, James, 52; Matilda, wife, rec ., 52

Mereditheap Thomas, John, "yom"" , rec., 209

Merefeild, Merifeild, Henry, tenant , 83* , 84

Merrye, Henry, lessee, 12* , 138

Metcalfe, Metcalff, Brian, lessee , 117, 248; Gilbert, gent, rec , 252

Michell, Nicholas, "yoman"" , rec , 167; William , "yom"" , rec , 194

Middlemore, George, 243; Henry, lessee, 108, 241; Jane, wife, rec., 243; John , rec, 108 , 241

Middleton, Sir George, knt , 164; Philip, rec , 63; Thomas, gent , 164; Thomas , "yoman" , rec , 63. See Myddleton

Midleton, Thomas , gent , rec , 164 See Middleton, Thomas

Migehall, Margaret, "spinster" , rec., 164

Mildmay, Humphrey, esq , ex-sheriff of Essex, 147*

Mildmay, Thomas, esq , commissioner, 19, 20; Sir Thomas, knt , commissioner , 19, 20, 21, 22

Milles, Agnes, "spinster" , rec , 184; John, tenant, 211

Millettes, Alexander, tenant, 201

Millicent , Robert, lessee , 204; gent, lessee , 75*

Milman, Eleanor, "spinster" , rec, 244

Mollineux, Richard, lessee , 37, 160; Robert, "yoman" , rec , 172; Sibyl, "spinster" , wife, rec , 171 ; William, gent., 171

Moninges , Monynges , Edward, esq., rec, 159, 160

Monyngton, Ann, wife, rec., 157; Thomas , esq , 157

Moones, Henry, "husb"" , rec , 172

Moore, Thomas , rec , 21, 117, 249; "yom'" , rec , 245

Moorecock(e), William , rec , 143; "yoman" , rec , 16* , 17

Moors, Ellen, "spinster" , wife, rec , 173 ; Thomas , "tayler" , 173

More, William , tenant, 212 ; esq , commissioner , 39

Morgan, Eliz., wid , rec , 34; Nicholas , tenant, 47; Roger, rec , 50; gent, rec ., 54; William, gent., rec , 52*; William, "yoman" , rec. , 53*

Morley, Morreley, John, rec., 44, 45, 46* , 179 * , 180*; Lord, 59

Morres, Janet, "spinster" , rec , 168

Morrice, James, tenant, 211; Janet, "spinster" , rec., 187; Joan, "spinster" , rec. , 187; Thomas, tenant, 211

Morris, Morrys, Ann, rec , 63; David, tenant, 256; Henry, "husband'" , rec ., 212* , 213, 215n; Henry, junior, "husb"" , rec ., 213; "Peyres" tenant, 256; Stephen, "husband' rec., 212* , 213*; Thomas , tenant, 211

Morsse , John, gent , rec , 103

Morton, Alice, "spinster" , rec , 220; George, esq , sheriff, 17*

Mortymer, Bridget, wife, rec , 193; Robert, "yom " , 193

Mose, Alice, wid. , rec , 74

Moulde, William, tenant, 211

Moundford, Beatrice, rec., 63

Mountague , Edward, esq , sheriff of Northants, 196

Mowlton, Bridget, "spinster" , rec., 94; John, "yoman" , rec, 94

Muche, John, "husb"" , rec, 174

Mullens, George, "yom"" , 144 ; John, "yom'" , rec , 144; Margaret, wife, rec., 144

Murfyne, John , lessee, 58, 77, 97, 190 , 206

Mussenden, Richard, lessee , 115* , 125* , 247, 248

Myddleton, Philip, "yoman" , rec , 195; William, "yoman" , rec , 195. See Middleton. Mynors, William , rec , 31, 32* , 153 , 156

Neale, William, esq , commissioner , 27* , 28* , 30n

Neave Walter, rec , 63


Necton, William, gent , commissioner , 66

Needham, Nedeham , Robert, esq., sheriff of Salop (1595-6), 204, 208 , 209n

Nevell, Henry, esq , sheriff of Berks , (1595-6), 130, 131 , 132n

Newett , John, lessee , 196, 197

Newporte , John, rec , 111

Noble, John, gent., rec. , 182

Nocke, Frances, wife, rec, 222; Stephen, 222

Norman, Katherine, wid , rec., 193; Robert, "yom" '" , rec , 194

Norreis, William, gent. , lessee , 162 , 163*

Norton, Alice, wife, rec , 184 ; Anthony, rec , 26, 29, 149, 151 ; George, rec, 63; Henry, rec. , 96, 184, 228; Richard, rec., 90, 92, 93, 224; Sir Richard, knt , commissioner , 27* , 28* , 30n, 150*; ex-sheriff of Hants , 28; Walter, rec , 225; esq. , rec., 91

Nowell, Sir Andrew, knt , sheriff of Rutland (1595-6), 204

Nuttall, Edmund, gent, rec. ,95

Ockenden, Joan, rec, 98, 230

Ockham , Richard, rec , 4

Oglethorpe, Owen, esq., sheriff of Oxfords (1595-6), 199, 202, 203n

Okeford, Richard, "yom'" , rec , 145

Okeham , Nicholas, lessee , 161

Okenden, Mary, "spinster" , rec , 233

Oliver, alias of Stone, Thomas

Oliverson , James, "husb" '" , rec , 174

Olyve, Richard, lessee , 100, 228* , 229 232

Onslowe, Katherine, rec , 72, 200

Orchard, Edith, wife, rec , 144; Isabel, wife, rec , 144; Richard, "yom"" , 144 ; William, "laborer"" , 144

Orme, Barbara , wid , rec, 172

Orrell, Eliz ., "spinster" , rec ., 168; Margaret, wid , rec , 171

Osborne, Walter, lessee , 21* , 147

Owen, Richard, rec , 70, 199 , 202

Oxenbridge , Robert, esq , sheriff of Hants, (1595-6), 148 , 151, 153n

Packington , Humphrey, rec , 76, 204; Sir John, knt , commissioner , 111 *; sheriff of Worcs , 108, 112, 112n; ex-sheriff ofWorcs, 241, 242

Page, Robert, "yoman" , rec. , 103; William, tenant, 201

Pagett, Charles , lessee , 3 , 26* , 29* ,

130, 150 , 151* , 152*

Palgrave , Thomas, lessee, 58, 77, 80* , 97, 100, 190, 206, 208 * , 233

Palmer, Gregory, "yom'" , rec. , 222; John, rec., 12* , 138; Richard, tenant, 256; Thomas , rec , 32; gent , rec., 133; esq., sheriffofKent, (1595-6), 158 ; Thomas, tenant, 256

Parham , John , esq., commissioner , 84

Parker, Alice, "spinster" , wife, rec , 166; Henry, "yoman" , rec., 94, 193 , 195; John, gent , 166; John, yeoman of the chamber royal, lessee , lessee , 41* , 161 , 162*; Matilda , wife, rec., 34; Sir Nicholas, knt. , ex-sheriffof Surr' Sussex, 228, 229* , 230* , 231*; Thomas, 34; "yoman" , rec, 63

Parkins, Francis, rec., 2, 3 , 130, 131 ; Richard, esq., commissioner , 69

Parkinson , Parkynson, Clarissa, "spinster" , wife, rec , 166; Isabel, wid , rec , 41; Thomas , 166; William, rec, 252

Parrys, Parris, Ferdinand, esq., rec , 61 , 192

Patricke, Thomas , "yom"" , rec , 234

Paulett, Lady, wid , rec, 28; Sir Richard, knt. , ex-sheriff of Hants. , 28* . See Pawlett

Paver, Ann, rec, 117

Pawlett, Lady, rec , 25, 29, 149 , 151 ; wid , rec , 151*; Richard, esq., ex-sheriffof Hants , 24. See Paulett

Payne, Clemence, "spinster" , rec. , 95

Peacock, Eliz., wife, rec , 182;Thomas, "grocer" , rec ., 182

Peapard, Alice, wid , rec , 177

Peiton, Peyton, Sir John, knt. , exsheriff of Norf., 59, 64n

Pelham, Herbert, esq , ex-sheriff of Surr/Sussex, 96* , 97, 99*; Thomas , esq., ex-sheriff of Surr' Sussex , 228

Pemberton , James, gent , 176; Katherine, "spinster" , wife, rec , 176

Pembridge, Anthony, lessee , 32, 156

Peirson, John, lessee , 25

Penruddocke, Robert, lessee , 105* , 239

Pepper, John, lessee , 249*; gent , lessee , 118 , 125*

Perkyn, Joan, wife, rec , 222; Thomas, "yoman" , 222

Perrye, alias of Harris, Ann

Peter, Robert, tenant, 101*

Pettyver , Robert, rec , 67

Peverell , Eliz., "spinster" , rec , 227

Phezard, John, "yoman" , rec. , 240

Philippe, Walter David, rec , 51; Walter David, "yoman" , rec , 54


Phillippes , Phillips, Thomas , lessee , 204; gent , lessee , 75*; William, tenant , 201

Pickeringe , Anthony, "yoman" , rec., 41, 162

Pigott, Thomas , lessee, 76, 205; esq , ex-sheriffof Bucks , 5* , 6* , 7*

Pilcher, Agnes, rec., 96, 100, 228, 232

Pirham, Eliz., wife, rec , 213; John, esq ., 213

Pitman , Robert, tenant, 211

Platt, Henry, "husb'" , rec, 173

Plesington, Ellen, "spinster" , wife , rec , 165; Robert, gent, 165

Plott, Dorothy, "spinster" , rec , 203

Pluckett, Ann, wife, rec , 184; Oliver, "cutler" , 184

Plumbe, Thomas , "husb"" , rec , 171

Plumpton , Richard, "husb"" , rec, 172; Robert, "husb"" , " , rec., 172

Pomptinge , Grace, wife, rec , 214; Ralph, "husb " , 214

Powell, Ann, "spinster" , rec , 244; Eliz , wife, rec , 33; George, "yoman" , rec , 157; Robert, esq , exsheriff of Salop, 77* , 80; Thomas, "yoman" , 33; William, esq., rec, 187

Powle, John, "yoman" , rec. , 63

Pownde, Thomas, rec, 97, 230

Poyntes, Sir John, knt , ex-sheriff of Gloucestershire , 23

Preest, Thomas, rec , 31 , 32, 154 , 156

Prescet, William, "webster" , rec , 170

Preston, Dorothy, wid , rec, 166*; John, rec., 75 , 77, 80* , 204, 206, 208 , 209; Margery, "spinster" , rec, 166; Mary, wife, rec, 209

Price, Edward, "husb"" , rec ., 33; Gregory, esq., lessee , 155* , 156; Gregory , esq , sheriff of Herefords , (1595-6), 153, 156*; Griffin, lessee , 80, 81, 208 ; John, esq , commissioner, 256; Katherine, wife, rec, 33; Mary, wife, rec , 157; Rice, 157; Thomas , rec, 32* , 154 , 156

Prichard(e), Matthew, esq , sheriff of Mon., (1595-6), 185 , 186 , 187n

Prince , Matilda, rec , 74

Probert, Thomas, "yoman" , rec , 54*

Prockter, Jane, wife, rec , 222, 253; Thomas , 222

Procter, Alice, rec, 113, 125 , 246

Prosser, John William John, rec, 51

Pudsey, Eliz , rec, 114, 122, 247

Puleston, Edward, gent , rec , 257

Purcell, Thomas, lessee , 3* , 130, 131; gent., lessee , 131

Puttocke, Henry, "yom"" , 235; Margaret, wife, rec., 235

Pynnynge, Daniel, gent , rec , 244

Pyttes, Margaret, wid , rec , 201

Quested, Alice, "spinster" , rec , 233

Rachedale, Henry, "husb"" , rec , 172

Radcliff(e), Katherine, rec., 117, 248

Rance, ? or Rauce, John, tenant, 201

Randall, Oliver, lessee , 4

Ratcliffe, SirJohn, knt , commissioner , 39;William, gent , commissioner , 39

Rathbone , William, junior, "husb"" , rec , 177

Rauce; see Rance

Rawley, Henry, rec , 32* , 154 , 156; Margery, "spinster" , rec., 221

Reade, John, esq., sheriffofNorthants 64; Thomas , lessee, 73, 202*

Record, Robert, tenant, 256

Redhead, Edward, lessee , 32* , 156; Robert, esq , lessee , 255

Rees, LewisJohn, rec , 51

Reinald , James Thomas , rec., 49. See Reynold, Reynoldes, Rynold

Reve, Robert, gent' , rec., 35; William, "yom'" , rec., 194

Reynes, Nicholas, rec., 68 , 198 , 199

Reynold, James Thomas , rec , 48, 185; John, gent., rec., 187

Reynoldes, James Thomas, gent , rec, 54

Rice, William, "sailer" , rec , 169

Richard, Eliz , "spinster" , rec , 186 ; John, "husb" , rec., 244*

ap Richard, Richard, "husb'" , rec., 209; Thomas , rec , 77, 80, 206, 208; "yoman" , rec , 35

Richardes, Elizabeth, rec , wife, 33; Walter, "yoman" , 33

Richards, Margery, "spinster" , rec. , 182

Richardson , Robert, tenant, 121 ; William, "husb"" , rec, 172

Riddocke , Thomas, "yeoman" , rec. , 102*

Rigby, Agnes, "spinster" , rec , 176; David, "husb"" , rec., 171 ; Edward, "husb " , 175; Eleanor , "spinster" , wife, rec, 177; Eliz , "spinster" rec ., 171; Margaret, "spinster" , wife, rec., 175; Roger, "husb " , 177

Rigmaden, John, esq , rec , 39

Risden, Rysedon , Giles, gent. , rec , 14 , 15 , 141

Risedon, Eliz., wife,rec. , 15

Robert, William, "yoman" , rec., 52

Robertes, William , "yom"" , rec ., 193*

Robertson, John, gent , rec , 69* , 199


Robnett, Robert, "yom"" , rec., 194 , 195

Robson, George, lessee , 11* , 137*

Robynson, Brian, rec., 244

Rockett, alias of Wakelif

Roden, Joyce, rec., 81

Rodes, John, esq , sheriff of Derby-

Salisbury , John, lessee , 100, 233

Salkeld, George, esq , commissioner , 12; Lancelot, esq , late sheriff of Cumberland , 137

Sallam, George, tenant, 163

Samson, Henry, "laborer" , rec, 156 shire, 12

Roe, John, tenant, 20*

Rogers, Andrew, esq , commissioner , 16*; John , gent , commissioner , 15 , 16*; William, tenant,256

Rolffe, Ann, "spinster" , rec. , 95

Rolston , Christopher, rec , 12, 138

Rondle, Ann, "spinster" , rec. , 209

Rookeby, John, rec. , 113, 125, 245 , 246

Rookewood, Edward, esq , rec , 92, 226; John, rec., 90, 93, 225, 226; Nicholas, esq., rec., 227*; gent. , rec , 94, 95; Robert, rec., 89, 223

Roper, Katherine, wife, rec , 183; Thomas , gent., rec. , 183

Rose, Thomas, "yom'" , rec , 193

Rosecarrock, Nicholas, rec , 13, 14 , 141 , 142; Trevenor, rec., 9, 11 , 135 , 137

Rosser, Matilda , wife, rec , 187; "Morgainus" , "laborer" , rec , 187*

Rous, Anthony, esq., commissioner , 10*

Rowdon, Eliz., wife, rec ., 240; Walter, "yoman" , 240

Rowe, John, clothier, rec , 185; Margaret, wid. , rec. , 170

Rowlston , John, "yoman" , rec , 63

Rowse, Ann, rec , 89, 225; wid , rec. ,92

Rowson, Richard, "yoman" , rec , 174

Roydon, Edward, gent., rec . , 66

Royle, alias Cartwright, Gabriel, rec, 220; "yoman" , rec,222

Royston, Edward, rec , 116; gent.,rec, 251

Russell , Eliz., wife, rec., 157 ; Lady Eliz., wid , rec, 221; John, 157

Rust, John, "yom'" , rec , 194

Ryder, Simon, "yoman" , rec, 86, 87* , 217, 218, 220

Rymmer, Elizeus, "husb"" , rec , 173

Rynolt, James Thomas, gent , rec., 54*

Rysedon, see Risden

Sackford, Humphrey, lessee, 61, 62 , 188 ; esq., lessee, 192, 196n

Sadler, Henry, esq , commissioner , 107; sheriff of Wilts , (1595-6), 238 , 239, 240n

St. John, Frances, rec , 57, 62 , 190 , 192*

Sale, Jane, "spinster" , rec., 168; Ralph, "yoman" , rec., 168

Samwayes, Christiana, wife, rec., 143; Thomas , "yom'" , 143

Sandes, John, "husb " , rec, 169

Saunder, Humfrey, tenant, 212

Saunders, Edmund, esq , commissioner, 231 ; Erasmus, gent. , rec, 256*; John , tenant, 212

Saunders, alias of Barret

Savage, William , esq , ex-sheriff of Worcs, 111

Savile, Mary, rec , 113 , 119, 125

Savill, SirGeorge, knt , commissioner , 251

Sawyer, alias of Seyere, John

Sayer, John, esq , rec , 124, 252 , 253* , 254

Scamell, Walter, lessee , 240

Scammel(1), Denyse, wife, rec., 240;

Scammell , Edward, rec , 240; Martin, 240

Scanland, Joan, "spinster" , rec ,244

Scaresbricke , James, "husb"" , rec., 175; John , "husb'" , rec ., 175

Scars(e)bricke, Ann, spinster, wife , rec . , 175; Edward, esq , 175

Scott, Mary, rec., 230; "spinster" , rec , 98, 233; Edward, gent. , rec. , 234

Scroope, Margaret, rec. , 249; wid , rec, 118

Scudamore, Thomas, rec. , 31 , 32 , 154, 156

Seaborne, John, rec , 31, 154

Seale, Robert, a groom-in-ordinary of the ushers of the chamber royal, lessee, 14* , 18, 141* , 142, 146

Sebright , William, lessee, 76, 204

Seppinges, Robert, "yom"" , rec, 194

Sewell, John, "yoman" , rec. , 93; William, rec , 139* , 140

Seyere, alias Sawyer, John, "yoman" , rec., 142

Seymor, Edward, esq., sheriff of Devon (1595-6), 141 , 142; John , gent , tenant, 212; Sir John, knt, ex-sheriffof Hants, 151*

Shackeshafte, Henry, "hosyer" , rec. , 173

Sharrett, alias, Limmere, Margery, "spinster" , rec ., 222

Shawe, Gabriel, "yoman" , rec. , 175

Sheffeild, Thomas , lessee , 4, 6 , 133n

Shelley, Edward, esq., deceased, 182 [Martyr; Tyburn, 30 Aug., 1588]


James, gent , tenant, 101*; Jane, wid , alias lately wife, rec, 182; John, rec., 106

Shelton , John, lessee , 57, 189

Sheppard, Henry, "carpenter" , rec., 34; Jane, wid , occupant , 106; Peter, "yom"" , rec , 233; William , 220

Shepphard, Alice, "spinster" , wife , rec ., 220

Shereman, Anthony, gent , 93; Mary, wife, rec,93

Shipham, Sibyl, wife, rec ., 157; Thomas , gent. , 157

Sidnall, Sydnall, Henry, "yoman" , rec . , 104* , 236* , 237*

Siggeswick, William, tenant, 252

Simondes, Symondes, John , lessee , 71* , 202

Singleton , Ann, "spinster" , wife, rec, 165*; George , gent , rec , 165*; Mary, "spinster" , wife, rec , 166; Robert, gent., 165; Thomas, esq , 166; see Syngleton

Skelton, George, rec , 12 , 137

Skippinge , Thomas "husb"" , rec., 145

Skyle, John, tenant, 256

Slade, John, gent , rec , 143 , 145 , 243

Slowe, Ann, wife, rec., 73; Edward, rec., 73; Joan, wife, rec, 73 ; Roger, rec, 73

Smalebone, Eliz. , wife, rec. , 132; Thomas, "yom"" , 132

Smethurste, Lambert, "taylior" , rec , 168 ; Robert, "taylior" ,rec., 168

Smithe, [ ], tenant, 66; Eliz , wife, rec., 245; Henry, commissioner , 20*; John, 245; "husb"" , rec ., 93; Margery,wid., rec., 214;Mary, wid., rec., 168; Nicholas, tenant, 87; Robert, "weaver" , rec , 147

Smythe , Ann, wife, rec., 203; Henry, tenant, 83, 84; Mary, wife, rec , 244; Ralph, lessee, 3* , 18, 21 , 22 , 130 , 131* , 146; Robert, "yom"" , 244 ; Roger, "yom"" , rec, 203

Smytheson, John, rec , 117, 119, 125* , 249, 253

Sneed, Ralph, esq , sheriff of Staffs , (1595-6 ), 215, 218, 223n

Snock, [? Suock ], Alice, wife , rec. , 143 ; William, "husb"" , 143

Somersett, Thomas, rec, 23 , 48, 148 , 185

Sommer, Thomas, "yoman" , rec , 42

Sootherne, Christopher, "yom'" , rec, 168

Sotherne, John, lessee , 117 , 249

Sotherton , Nowell, lessee , 71*; gent , commissioner , 66

Sothworth (e), Ellen, "spinster" , rec. , 42; Rosamund , "spinster" , wife, rec., 167; Thomas , esq., 167

Southwell, Sir Robert, knt , ex-sheriffof Norf., 192*

Sowgate, Roger, "husb"" , rec , 60, 61 , 62, 191

Sparke, Alice, "spinster" , rec. , 194; John, "yom"" , rec, 194

Sparrowe, John, gent , rec , 102

Speake, George, esq , sheriff of Somerset, 82

Spencer, Alice, "spinster" , wife, rec, 174; Ann, wife, rec , 203; John, senior, rec , 72, 200; John, "taylor" , rec , 203; Sir John , knt , ex-sheriff of Northants., 68, 68n; Sir Thomas, knt , commissioner , 65 , 66; William, esq ., ex-sheriff of Oxfords, 71 ; William, gent., 174

Spicer, Ursula, "yom'" , [sic], rec , 194

Spilman , Spylman , lessee, 70, 198

Sprynge, Springe , Sir William , knt, sheriffofSuffolk, (1595-6), 223, 226, 227n

Stafford, Edward, Lord, 87

Stanborne, James, "yoman" , rec. , 5

Standish, Standisshe, Ann, "spinster" , wife, rec., 170; Ralph, gent , 170; Stephen, gent , rec , 1 , 2, 129* , 133

Standley , Bridget, "spinster" , wife, rec , 169; Edward, gent , rec , 169*

Stanley, Katherine, wid , rec , 257

Stanye, William , gent , rec ., 103

Stapleton , Katherine, tenant, 87; William, rec , 87, 216, 217, 219

Starkie, Agnes, "spinster" , rec , 170

Steare, William , lessee, 114* , 247*

Steele, Robert, tenant, 87*

Stempe, Thomas , tenant, 101*

Stephenson, Robert, gent , rec , 126; William, rec , 250; William, gent , rec , 120, 125* . See Stevenson.

Sterrye, Ann, rec , 206; wid , rec . , 78* , 80

Stevenson, Andrew, "yom"" , 131 ; Dorothy, wife, rec , 131 ; Robert, rec., 115 , 125; William, rec , 115, 125 ; gent , rec , 248. See Stephenson

Steward, Alice, "spinster" , rec , 62

Stidolff, John, gent , rec , 99* , 100

Stillingflete, Styllingfeete , Cuthbert, lessee, 125, 126, 253*

Stocke, Alice, "spinster" , wife, rec , 169 ; Peter, "yom'" , rec , 169*

Stockeley, Ann, "spinster" , wife, rec., 174; Anthony, "yoman" , 174


Stockman , John, lessee, 24; gent , 28* , 29, 148

Stockwithe , Benjamin, rec , 150, 151 *; Benjamin , gent. , rec , 27, 28, 29; Thomas , rec., 150, 151*; Thomas , gent., rec, 27, 28, 29

Stokes, alias of Stopes, John

Stonard, Francis , gent., lessee , 72* , 73, 202

Stone, Alice, "spinster" , rec. , 221; Agnes, wid , rec , 144; Edward, lessee, 106; Ellen, "spinster" , rec., 220; William, "yom'" , rec , 220

Stone, alias Oliver, Thomas, rec , 88, 92 , 223, 226

Stone, alias of Bolte , Joan

Stoner, Stonor, Lady Cecily, rec, 71 , 72, 73, 200* , 201* , 202*; wid , rec, 201 ; Francis, lessee, 73, 201* , 202*

Stonor, Stoner, Henry, gent. , rec. , 74* , 203*

Stopes, alias Stokes, Joan, wife, rec , 184; John , "taylor" , rec., 184

Stowe, Thomas , lessee, 89* , 223, 224

Straker, John, [lessee ], 82, 213

Streete, Edward, lessee , 73

Stretford, John, "yoman" , rec , 103

Strode, William, esq , ex-sheriff of Devon, 142*

Strowde, Robert, esq , sheriff of Dorsetshire , 15 , 17

Stubbes, Ann, rec, 62

Stutvyle , Thomas, 21

Sudweeke, Margaret, "spinster" , rec., 102

Suffeild, Nicholas, "yoman" , rec., 62* , 194*; William, tenant, 109

Sulliard, Edward, esq , rec , 226

Sullyard, Edward, esq , rec, 92; Thomas, gent , rec, 94

Sumpson, Joan , "spinster" , rec , 240; Thomas , "yoman" , rec, 240

Sureties, Robert, tenant, 121

Sutton , Eliz., wife, rec, 152; Henry, tenant, 69 , 198; John, "yoman" , rec , 3; Nicholas, gent., 152 ; William, esq., sheriff of Notts , 68 , 70, 70n

Swann(e), John, tenant, 43; William, tenant, 236

Sydon, Charles , rec , 140*

Syler, Alice, wife, rec., 144; Christopher, "weaver" , 144

144; William, "yom'" , 144

Syngleton , Singleton, Robert, lessee , 38* , 161. See Singleton

Sytherne, John, "yoman" , rec , 221

Talbott, John, rec , 249; gent , rec, 117 [Martyr: Durham, 9 Aug., 1600]; John, esq., rec , 112, 242; Thomas, esq., commissioner , 38, 40, 122

Taverner , Mary, "spinster" , rec, 153

Tavernor , Edmund, gent., tenant , 201

Tawke, Dorothy, "spinster" , rec , 153; "Fortuna" , "spinster" , rec., 153; Joan , "spinster" , rec , 153

Tayler, Alice, "spinster" , rec., 214; James, "weaver" , rec , 214 , 215*; Tobias, "husb'" , rec., 214

Taylior, Richard, "yoman" , rec., 176; William, rec , 166

Taylor, Henry, "yoman" , rec , 157; James, gent., rec., 243*; John, tenant; 43; Mary, spr., rec , 33; William, rec , 57, 62* , 190

Tempest, Eliz , wife, rec , 203; William, gent , rec, 202

Tetlowe, Ann, wife, rec , 176; Richard, "husb " , 176

Thatcher , Mary,"spinster" , rec, 102

Themylthorpe , Denise, "spinster" , rec. , 195

Thirsbye, Edward, esq., commissioner , 20*

Thomas, "Alsona" , wid , rec, 53; David, "husb'" , rec , 157; Eliz , wife, rec , 157; John, lessee, 26, 149 ; John, tenant, 256*; Lettice, "spinster" , rec., 186; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 187; Trahern, "yoman" , rec, 53*;William, "husb"" , rec , 186

ap Thomas , William, "yoman" , rec, 33

verch Thomas , Grace, "spinster" , rec, 257

Thompson, Christopher, "taylor" ,rec , 184

Thorne, Edward, lessee , 86* , 87* , 88n , 218,219

Thorney, Thomas , lessee, 116 , 248

Thorpe, Giles, "yoman" , rec , 22

Throgmorton , Thomas , esq , rec , 6, 133

Syllyard, Edward, esq , sheriff of Tare, Agnes, rec, 7, 134*

Essex (1595-6), 145 , 147*

Symkin, Richard, tenant, 43

Symons, Ann, wife, rec , 73; John, gent., rec ., 73

Syms, alias Forde, Ann, wife, rec , 144; Joan, wife, rec , 144; Philip, "yom""

Thymolby, John, rec , 45* , 179*; John, gent , rec,45

Thynne, John, esq , ex-sheriffofWilts , 105, 106

Ticheborne, Gilbert, rec , 26. See Tuchborne


Tiffin, William , commissioner , 21. See TinclerTyffin , Thomas, "husb"" , rec, 168

Tirer, Alice, wid , rec , 169; John, "weaver" , rec , 176

Tirwhitt (e), Eliz , rec , 179 , 180*; wid., rec., 45, 46*; Philip, esq., sheriffof Lincs , 180; William , esq , rec , 46, 46n SeeTyrwhitt

Toft, "Mylissa" , "spr" ., rec , 33

Toftwood , Christopher, rec , 90, 92, 224; "Gramerius" , "yom"" , rec. , 193 ; William, "yom"" , rec , 193*

Togood, Robert, tenant, 211

Tolpott, Thomas, tenant, 101*

Tomlynson Margery, "spinster" , rec., 221 ; Thomas , "yoman" , rec., 222

Tompson, Andrew, "yoman" , rec, 62; Ellen, "spinster" , rec , 164; Robert, rec , 63; alias Longshawe, Alice, "spinster" , rec. , 173

Torrell, Frances, rec , 7, 8, 134* , 135

Touneshend, Mary, gentlewoman , rec , 194; Thomas , 194

Towneley, John, esq., rec , 40, 163

Townesend, Agnes, wife, rec , 194; Edmund, rec , 58; gent , rec , 190

Towneshend., Thomas , gent , rec , 194

Trafford, Sir Edmund, knt. , [commissioner, 39*

Trahern , William, "yoman" , rec ., 54

Traves, William, "husb"" , rec. , 177 , 178n

Tredwell, Christiana, wife, rec., 74,203, Henry, 74, 203

Trelawney , Jonathan, esq , sheriff of Cornwall, 8, 11 , 12n

Tremayne , Richard, rec , 8 , 9, 11 , 135* , 137*

Trenchard , Sir George, knt , commissioner, 16

Tressham, Tresham , Sir Thomas,knt, rec . , 67 , 68 , 197

Trevanyan, Charles, esq., sheriff of Cornwall, (1595-6), 135, 137*,137n

Trevillian, Digory, rec , 9, 11 , 136 , 137

Trollope, Trolloppe, Francis, gent , lessee , 121* , 250*

Trott, Frances, rec , 63

Tuchborne, Martin, gent , rec , 4. See Ticheborne

Tucker, William, rec , 18, 21, 46, 47* , 146, 181*; William, "late recusant deceased" , 182*

Tuke, Henry, rec. , 67

Tully, William, "yom"" , rec , 233

Tunck, Thomas, "yoman" , rec., 221

Tunstall, Francis, senior, esq , 166; Francis, junior, gent , 166; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 94; Mar-

garet, "spinster" , wife, rec., 166*

Turner, Anthony, gent., 142 ; "Willmotta" , wife, rec, 142

Turnor, Eliz , "spinster" , rec , 220

Turton, Thomas , "yoman" , rec., 167

Twiste , Ann, laundress to the Queen, lessee , 116* , 123* , 124, 125* , 250, 251* , 253, 255; John, lessee , 115 , 247

Twitney, John, "yom'" ,rec., 194

Twitty, Twyttye, William, lessee , 7, 19 , 134, 146

Tyffin, Robert, tenant, 20; William , esq., commissioner , 20* , 21. See Tiffin

Tyler, William, "yoman" , rec., 94*

Tymperley , Ann, gentlewoman , rec. , 94; Mary, gentlewoman , rec , 94

Tynam, Mary, "spinster" , rec ., 143

Tyndall, George lessee, 251* , 253; Thomas , rec , 97 , 99 , 100* , 229, 233; gent., rec , 102

Tynkes, alias of Bragge, Thomas .

Tynne, Eliz , "spinster" , rec ., 135

Typple, Richard, "yoman" , rec , 227

Tyrrell, Edward, esq., sheriff of Bucks , (1595-6), 132, 133

Tyrwhitte, Philip, esq , sheriff of Lincs., (1595-6), 178. See Tirwhitte

Tyton, Robert, rec , 67

Ulster, Eleanor, "spinster" , rec , 63

Uvedale, William, esq , sheriff of Hants , 24, 29, 30n

Uvedall, Anthony, rec , 25, 26, 27,29* , 149* , 150* , 151*

Vachell, Stephen, rec , 26, Thomas, rec. ,2, 3* , 70, 73, 130, 131 , 199, 202; esq., rec., 74*

Vamath, Matilda, wid , rec., 186


Vaughan, Edward, "yom'" , 209;Francis, esq , sheriffof Yorks , 113, 125, 127n; ex-sheriff of Yorks , 245, 248 ; Katherine, wife, rec , 209; Mary, wife, rec , 157; Michael, rec , 155; gent , rec , 34 , 35n, 155; Roger, esq., 157; Stephen, esq., rec , 185

Vaunce, Stephen, rec,, 145

Vaux, William, Lord, rec., 1 , 8, 44, 64, 65, 129, 134, 178, 196, 197

Vernon, Thomas, rec , 78, 207, 208

Viez, Edmund, rec , 86, 87, 216 , 218

Vippes, Eliz., "spinster" , rec , 243

Vivian, Hannibal, lessee, 11 , 137*


Wadham, Edward, esq , commissioner , 82*

Wakefeild, Barnard, lessee , 29, 151 , 152

Wakelif, alias Rockett, Agnes, wife, rec., 144 ; William "yom"" , 144

Walder, William, "husb"" , rec , 245

Walderne , Joan , wife, rec, 245; Roger, 245

Walker, John, "yoman" , rec. , 180; Thomas , rec , 67

Wall(e), Margaret, wife, rec, 42; Thomas , gent., 42; William, tenant, 20

Walmesley , Henry, "cowper" , rec ., 167

Walrand, George , rec , 105, 238

Walrond, Henry, esq , sheriff of Somerset , 82

Walter, Beatrice , tenant, 211

Wandesforthe , Sir Christopher, knt , commissioner , 119*

Wanwright, Thomas, "husb"" , rec, 172

Ward(e), John, rec , 63, 64 , 66, 196, 197; "yom " , rec. , 194; Thomas , "yom"" , rec., 227

Warefoote , John, rec , 191 ; "yoman" , rec, 60 , 62*

Wareham , Mary, wife, rec , 144; Thomas, "weaver" , 144

Waringe, Thomas, tenant , 236

Warneford, Mary, wife, rec, 184; Richard, rec , 24, 27, 29* , 106, 148 , 150, 151 , 152, 239; Richard, gent , 184

Warner, Jane, wid , rec, 184

Warren, Edward, esq , commissioner , 39; Richard, esq , ex-sheriff of Essex, 18* ,, 22, 22n

Waters, Thomas, "yom"" , rec , 159; William, "yom'" , rec , 145

Waterton, Watterton, Mary, rec , 113 , 125, 126, 127n, 246

Watkin, Watkyn(e), John, rec , 50 , 185 , 186*; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 53; Philip, "yoman" , rec , 52; William , "yoman" , rec., 52

Watson , Edward, esq , 67

Wattes, John, lessee , 229* , 232*; John, rec., 63

Waye, Agnes , wid , rec , 17

Waynewright , John, "linnen-webster" , rec ., 171

Webbe, Robert, gent.,rec. , 15

Webber , Thomas , lessee , 19 , 147 , 225; of the Queen's private kitchen, lessee , 91*

Webber, aliasof Lee, Thomas Webster , Richard, "yoman" , rec. ,

103; Robert, "potter" , rec , 177

Wellard, Stephen, "yom' rec, 233

Welles, Thomas, rec., 58* , 61. See Wells

Wellington, Alice, wife, rec , 156; Thomas, 156; William, lessee , 31 , 154

Wells, Welles, Gilbert, rec , 25, 149; Gilbert, esq , 27 , 28, 107, 150*; Gilbert, gent , rec , 16; Henry, rec. , 15* , 143 ; Henry, gent., 143; Joan, wid , rec . , 73 ; Margaret, wife, rec , 143

Wentworth, Matilda, rec , 114, 246; Paul, esq , commissioner , 5; Thomas esq , commissioner , 118, 119*; William, esq., commissioner , 118 , 119*

Weorden , Alice, "spinster" , wife, rec., 170; Charles , junior, "webster" , 170; Ellen, "spinster" ,rec, 170

Westby, John, rec., 37, 160

Weston, Jerome, commissioner , 20* , 21 ; Richard, lessee, 60, 62* , 192*

Wetherby, Margaret, "spinster" , wife, rec , 176 ; Peter, "husb"" , 176'

Whaley, John, "laborer" , rec, 169; Ralph, gent , rec., 243

Whalley, Richard, esq , sheriff of Notts , (1595-6), 198, 199*; Thomas , rec . , 13 , 139 , 140

Whatley, John, "yom'" , rec , 245

Wheeler, Christopher, "yoman" , 153; Joan,wife, rec., 153 ;William, "lab"" ., rec , 35

Wheler, Humphrey, gent , lessee , 78, 79, 206, 207, 208

Whitfield, Robert, tenant, 121

White, John, "husb'" , rec , 30; Peter, lessee , 56, 189; Richard, rec , 19 , 147

Whitehall, Walter, rec,42

Whiteheade, John, "yoman" , rec, 180

Whitell, Christopher, "yoman" , rec. , 171 ; Eliz., "spinster" , rec., 171 , Isabel, "spinster" , rec.,220

Whitelock, George, tenant, 211

Whitemarsshe , Richard, tenant, 212

Whiteside , Bridget, "spinster" , wife , rec . , 165; John, 165

Whitfeld, David, "husb'" , 177; Ellen, "spinster" , wife, rec ., 177

Whithall, Walter, rec , 178

Whitinge, William, "butcher" , rec, 48

Whitley, Robert, "yom'" , rec , 221

Whittall , Walter, rec , 86, 87 , 216 , 217 , 218*

Whittell, Thomas, lessee , 163*

Whittington, Bridget, "spinster" , rec , 169

Whittle, Jane , "spinster" , wife, rec. , 177; Thomas , gent., 177


Wigmore, Margery, rec , 26, 29, 149 , 151

Wilbrockson , alias Katherine, rec, 138* Wilcockson ,

Wilcockes , James, lessee , 108 * , 109, 110, 112* 243

Wilcockson, alias of Wilbrockson, Katherine

Wilford, Thomas, rec , 36, 158

Willard, John, senior, "yom"" , rec. , 233

Willes, Vincent, "weaver" , rec , 214

William, "Aliora" , "spinster" , rec ., 51 ; "Dylia" verch John, "spinster" , rec., 257; John, "yoman" , rec , 51 "Jonetta" verch John, "spinster" , rec . , 257; Philip, rec. , 49; Richard David, "yoman" , rec, 53

Williams, David, "laborer" , rec., 33; Hugh, lessee , 49* , 50* , 185, 186*;

Joan, "spinster" , rec , 33, 187; Joan, lessee , 242* , 243*; Joan , wid., lessee , 111* , 112* , 242; John, "yom" , rec., 257; Katherine, wife , rec ., 257*; Margaret, "spinster" , rec , 187; Thomas , gent , rec , 257; Thomas, lessee , 109* , 112 , 112n , 243; William Thomas, gent , rec , 257

Williamson , Alice, wid., rec., 59, 62, 191 , 192

Willington, Margaret, rec , 222

Willmott , Wilmotte, Leonard, lessee , 71* , 202*

Willoughbye, George , rec , 56, 57 , 62* , 189*

Winder, Humphrey, "husb"" , 166

Wind(e)sor, Walter, lessee , 231; esq , lessee, 98* , 99

Windstandley , Jane, "spinster" , rec , 169

Wingfeld, Wingfeild, John , gent, lessee, 10, 11 , 137*

Wiseman , Jane, rec , 19, 21 , 147*; Ralph, esq., ex-sheriff of Essex , 18 , 19; William, rec , 19, 147. See Wyseman

Witheringes ,Anthony, lessee , 218

Wolff, Nicholas, rec , 96, 100, 228 , 231 , 232, 233

Wolmer, Jane , "spinster" , rec. , 244; John, gent , rec , 243*

Wolridge, Richard, "yoman" , rec. ,222

Wolseley , Wolsley, Erasmus , rec. , 85, 87, 215, 218

Woodcock , "Emanuell" , "husb'" ,rec , 144; Mary, wife, rec., 144

Wood (e), Wood, John, lessee , 122* , 250; Robert, gent , tenant, 60

Robert, gent., tenant, 60

Woodes, John, "taylior" , rec., 174

Woodfall, William, "tayler" , rec , 184

Woodhouse , Nicholas, "yom"" , rec ., 194; Philip, esq , sheriffof Norfolk, 55, 61 , 64n; ex-sheriff of Norfolk, 190 191*

Woodsale, Roger "husb"" , rec., 177

Woodward (e), Eliz., wife, rec , 235; Matthew, gent , 235; Nicholas, "yoman" , rec., 244; Robert, "yoman" , rec , 94; William, "laborer" , rec., 157

Woolridge, Michael, rec. , 209

Worsfold, John, tenant, 101*

Worsley, Robert, commissioner , 39*; Thomas, commissioner , 39*

Worteley, Wortley, Richard, esq., commissioner , 118, 119* , 125* , 251

Worthe, Hugh, commissioner , 83 , 87; Hugh, lessee , 218*

Worthington, Hugh, "yoman" , 175; Margaret, "spinster" , rec ., 175; Margaret, "spinster" , wife, rec., 175; Robert, "draper" , rec, 163

Wotton, Sir Edward, knt , sheriff of Kent, 36

Wraye, William, esq., sheriffofLincs. , 44, 46

Wreennowe, Robert, "webster" , rec , 174

Wright(e), Cecily, "spinster" , wife , rec., 177; Joan, wife, rec , 221; John , 221; Thomas , "husb"" , 177

Wroote, Hugh, "yoman" , rec , 63

Wrothe, William , rec , 48, 49, 185 186

Wylkes, Richard, tenant, 256

Wynston , Sir Henry, knt , sheriff of Gloucs, (1595-6), 148

Wyseman, William, esq., rec , 20, 21 See Wiseman

Wythers, John, "yom'" , rec , 193

Yate, Eleanor, wife, rec , 220; Eliz., wid. , rec ., 203; John, rec, 173, 176; Richard, "yoman" , rec, 220

Yaxley(e), Eve, rec , 90, 225; John, rec , 58 , 190; Richard, gent , rec. , 227

Yeate, [ ], wid , rec, 74

Yelverton , Edward, rec , 189 ; gent, rec ., 60

Yonge, Younge, "Fremanus" , lessee , 105, 238; Giles, gent , 217; John, "yom'" , rec , 203, 233

Younge, Henry, "yoman" , rec , 145

Zouche, Charles, gent , rec , 143

AbbeyDore, Doore, Herefs , 35

Abergavenny, Mon., 49, 51

Abram, Abraham, Wigan par., Lancs , 171

Acton, Suff , 94, 226

Adlington, Standish par , Lancs , 176

Adresham, manor, Berks. ,2

Aintree, Ainetree, Sefton par , Lancs , 168

Albye Hall, Aldbye, Norf, 59

Aldeby, Albye, Norf , 59*

Aldersgate Ward, London, 182 , 183

Alfriston, Sussex, 102 , 234

Allensmore, Herefs , 156*

Allerton, Childwall par., Lancs , 171

All Saints, par , Hereford city, 34

Alvechurch (e), manor & park, Worcs. , 108, 109

Amerden , Bucks , 5 , 6

Hamerden , in Taplow,

Amoundernes(s), [Hundredof], Lancs , 163

AngramGraunge [laterIngram Grange

Wellbury], N. R.Yorks. , 118

Appleton , [Appleton Wiske], N. R. Yorks , 118*

Arlington, Sussex, 102

Arsegrove, farm, Donhead St. Mary, Wilts, 106

Arthingworth, Arthingeworthe, Northants, 67 , 198

Ash, Asshe, Sutton par , Derbys , 40* , 43

Ashbrittle, Ashebrittle, Somerset , 83 , 141,210*

Ashby St. Ledgers, Legers Assheby , Northants , 66*

Ashill, Asshill, Norf , 195

Ashington , Sussex, 234

Ashton Bancke , Lancs , 38

Assendon, Upper, (?), Assenden ,Oxon., 201

Astley, Lancs , 168*

Aston Bottrell, Salop, 209; Ingham , Herefs ., 157; Rowaunt, Oxfords , 74

Atherton, Lancs. , 168

Attercliffe, Atterclyffe, W. R. Yorks , 120

Aughton , Lancs , 169

Awcliff , Lancaster par., Lancs , 166

Aylesham, Norf., 60, 194

Babingley, Norf , 195*

Bableigh, Bableyghe, Parkham, Devon , 14

Bacon Close, Middx , 181

Bacons, manor house, Essex, 20

Bagges, tenement , Suff., 225, 227

Bancrofte , farm, Staffs , 86

Banester Hall, Preston par , Lancs , 165

Banham , Norf. , 60

Barforth, N. R. Yorks , 122

Barkeleys Farme, Grenefeild, Uptonon-Severn, Worcs, 111 , 242*

Barking(e), Essex, 47*; see Stratford [le] Bowe, Middx , 183

Barkinge cum Nedeham, Needham , Suff ., 227

Barnaby Hall,W. R. Yorks. , 123 , 124 , 251

Barnby-upon-Don, Barnby superDun , W. R. Yorks , 124

Barneshay, Somerset, 84

Barrowe, pasture , Compton Pauncefoot, Somers , 211

Barton, Staffs , 220; under Needwood, Newood, Tatenhill par , Staffs , 221

Basildon , Basseldon, Berks. , 4

Beddingham, Bedingham , Sussex , 102 , 234*

Bedford, [Leigh], Lancs , 168

Bedfordshire , 1* , 129-130

Beechamwell, Bicham, Sancte Marie, Norf , 63*

Belchamp Walter, Waterbelchamp , Essex, 20

Belgrave, manor, Humberstone , Leics, 43* , 178

Bergholt , East, Estbergholt, Suff , 95, 227

Berkshire , 2* , 3* , 72, 74, 130-132

Berrington , Berington, manor, Worcs. , 110 , 112, 242

BerryeBaghe, the, pasture, Winforton , Herefs , 155

Bickerstaff, Bickarstaff, Ormskirk par , Lancs., 175

Bigby, Lincs, 46

Bigottes, manor, West Tofts, Norf, 191

Billington, Lancs , 163; Blackburn par , Lancs ., 167

Birkdale, Berkedale , North Meols par. , Lancs , 173

Birtsmorton, Byrchmorton, Worcs, 243

Bishopsgate Ward, London, 184

Bishop's Knoyle, Knoyle Episcopi, Wilts. , 239

Bix, Oxon , 201*

Blachall, Goosenargh , Lancs , 164

Blackburn, Blacburne , Lancs , 166 , 167*

Blackeston , Blackiston, manor, Durham Bishopric, 121* , 255

Blacknall, Tatenhill par , Staffs , 221

Blackrod, Blackerodde , Lancs , 38

BlackwayFarm, Harley, Salop, 76


Bledlowe, Bucks , 6*

Blenches & Baventtes , manor , Suff., 91*

Bletchington , Blechington, Oxfords, 73

Blewbell, tenement , London city, 47*

Blicklinge, Norf , 59

Bread Street,

Bloxwich, Bloxwyche , Staffs , 217

Bodfari, Botvarry, Flints ,257

Bodney, Norf , 193, 195* , 196

Bold, Bould, Prescot par , Lancs, 177

Bomanrye, the, Winforton, Herefs , 155

Borva Vawre, Tirzmynech, Co. Montgomery, Wales, 79

Bosham, Sussex, 233

Bradley, Staffs , 87* ,217

Bradpole , Bradpoole, Dorset, 143

Bradwell , Oxon.; see Broadwell

Brambridge , Hants , 16

Bramley, Hants , 153

Brampton , Norf., 62, 63, 194

Brand, Norton in Hales, Salop; see Erand

Bread Street, Bredstreate , London city, 47*

Brewham, Browham, Somers , 214

Brewhouse, Le, Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Brickleton[Bright Walton], Berks ,2

Bridge Ward, London, 183

Bridporte , Dorset, 143

Brin' Blewe , Coed-y-Mynech, Co. Montgomery, Wales, 79

Brindle, see Brinhill

Brinhill, [? Brindle], Lancs , 172

Briston, Norf. , 194

Brize Norton, Brysenorton, Oxfords , 73 , 202, 203

Broadmayne , Brodemayne , Dorset, 143

Broadmead , meadow , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Broadwell , Bradwell, Oxon , 203

Brockenhole , Prestonpar., Lancs , 165

Bromefeild , close, Middx , 181

Bromesden, Brumsden ; see Broundesden, Oxon.

Brom (e)sgrove, Worcs. , 245

Bromley, Middx, 181

Bromyard , Herefs , 33

Broughton , Preston par , Lancs , 41 , 165

Broukefeld [?Brookfield Hathersage, Derbys, 139 Hall],

Broundesden, Bromesdon , farm, Oxfords , 72, 210*

Brumsden, Broundesden , Oxon, 201*

Brysingham, Norf , 195

Buckenham , St . Martin, Norf , 63; Castell , Norf., 195

Buckinghamshire , 4-7, 32, 132-3

Buckish, Buckysshe, manor, Devon, 14

Bucknell , Salop/Herefs , 34

Bulby, Lincs., 45

Bulmer, Essex, 20* , 22

Bultinghouse, Le, Compton Pauncefoot, Somers., 211

Buntingesdale, Salop, 76

Burghfield , Burfyelde , Berks , 131 , 132

Burgwallis , Burghwallis , W. R. Yorks , 123

Burton, Barton, on Trent, Staffs , 220 , 222; Wood, Lancs. , 40, 44

Buttington , Salop [now Co. Montgomery], 209

Caerleon, Carlion, Mon., 53, 186

Cambridgeshire, 7* , 134-5, 227

Cammell leaze, lease, Queen Camel, Somers , 212 , 213

Capernwray, Kapenwreth, Over Kellet par , Lancs , 166

Carbrooke , Norf , 195

Carleton , N. R.Yorks. , 122

Carmarthenshire , Wales, 256*

CarreHeade, Le, Hathersage, Derbys. , 138*

Casewick, Casweeke, Uffiington par , Kesteven, Lincs, 180

Castle Baynard , Ward, London, 183 , 184

Castlemorton , Castle Moorton, Worcs, 244

Caton , Caton par , Lancs , 166*

Catterall, Clatherall, Lancs , 41*

Caundle, Caudle , Wake, Dorset, 212

Cauthorne [Cawthorne], manor, W. R. Yorks , 124

Cawston, Norf, 193

Cawstons, alias Caxtons, manor, Little Cornard, Suff, 91

Cawthorne , W. R. Yorks , 254; See Cauthorne

Caxtons , manor, Suff.; alias of Cawstons

Chaddesley, Worcs , 111 ; Corbett, Worcs., 245

Chapel, North, Northchappell, Sussex , 233

Charlton , Charleton, Wilts , 106

Charnock Richard, Standish par. , Lancs , 38 , 176

Cheadle, Chedull, Chedle, Staffs , 220; Paynsley par , Staffs , 40, 162 , 222

Cheddington, Chedington, Dorset, 142

Chertsey, Surrey, 99

Cheshire, viii*

Cheston, [? Chediston], Suff, 91*

Chideock , Chideoke , Dorset, 144

Childwall, Lancs , 171* , 172*


Chilton, Magna, manor , Durham Bishopric, 121*

Chipping , Chippin, Chippyn, Lancs. , 39, 166

Chorley, Croston par , Lancs , 174

Churchecroft , Coed-y-mynech, Co. Montgomery, Wales, 79

Church Eaton, Churcheyton, Staffs, 219, 222

Churchtown (e), Churchthowne , Lancs , 164*

Churchyard garden, Le, Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Cilcen, Kylken, Flints , 257

Clapham, Sussex, 233 , 235


Clatherall, Lancs.; see Catterall

Claughton, Claughton par , Lancs , 166; manor, Lancs , 38*

Claverley , Clareley, Salop, 81, 209

Clayton [with Yorks , 120 Frickley],

Clerkenwell , Middx , 83, 183

Clifford, Herefs , 154

W. R.

Clitheroe, Clytherowe, Lancs ., 167

Clothall, Herts , 158

Cockeshottefeildes ; see Cowshutfeild, Tamworth

Cokescrofte , Hinton Daubnay, Hants , 27

Colne, Lancs , 167*

Combe Lake, close, Compton Pauncefoot, Somers , 211

Comon, The, Middx. , 181

Compton Pauncefoot,

Somers , 211* , 214

Conyger, Le, pasture,

Pauncefote , Compton

Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Cookeley, Suff, 91

Corby, manor, Lincs , 45

Corfton, Salop, 78

Corhampton , Carehampton , Hants. , 152

Corneard Parva [Little Cornard], Suff., 91

Cornwall, viin, 8* , 9* , 10* , 11 * , 14 , 135-137

Corscombe, Dorset; see Croscombe

Corther, or Cortider, manor, Cornwall, 10*

Cortider, manor; see Corther

Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1 ,2

Cotheridge, Worcs, 244

Cowshutfeild , Cockeshottefeildes , messuage, Tamworth, Warwicks, 104, 236

Coxhoe , Çoxoe , Kelloe par., Co. Pal Durham and Sadberge, 252

Coxhowe, manor, Durham Bishopric, 121 *

Cranoe, Leics., 44*

Cranworth , Norf , 63

Cridling, Kridlinge, Stubbs, W. R. Yorks., 251

Cromarshe Gifford, Oxfords, 71* , 72

Cronton, Prescot par , Lancs , 177

Crosby, Lancs , 162*; Great, Lancs , 162, 163*; Little, Lancs , 162 , 169*

Croscombe, [? Corscombe ], Dorset, 143

Croston, Crofton, Lancs. , 38, 40, 174

Crunwere, Cronwer, Pembrokes , 256*

Cucklington , Somers , 214

Culcheth , Culshett, Winwick par , Lancs , 174

Culington, ? Culmington, Salop, 78 , 206

Culmington; see Culington

Cumberland , viii, 12*

Cunscoughe, Halsall par , Lancs, 170

Cuerden, Cureden , Leyland par. , Lancs., 170

Dalden, manor, Durham Bishopric, 121*

Dale-y-Brewithen, Coed-y-Mynech, Co Montgomery, Wales, 79

Dales, close, ? nr Hedon, E. R. Yorks , 123

DameMargeries, manor, Suff 91

Danbyupon Yore, Danby Yore, N. R. Yorks , 118*

Deane, Lancs , 167 , 168

Deanehouse, messuage, Horsham , Sussex , 101

Deddington , ? Dadington, Oxfords, 74

Dedham, Essex, 22

Denbighshire, Wales, 257

Denham, Bucks , 5

Dennington , Dynnington, Suff., 92, 94* , 227

Derbyshire, viin, 12-13 , 40* , 43* , 138-141, 162

Devonshire, viin, 13-15, 82

Diddlebury, Didlebury, Salop, 78 , 79, 206, 207

Dilham, Norf., 194

Dilworthe, Lancs , 38

Dimples , Kirkeham par , Lancs , 165

Dingestowe, Mon., 54

Dingley , Northants , 66

Dinton, Wilts , 106

Ditchling, Dichelinge , Sussex, 99; Garden , Sussex , 99

Docking(e), Norf , 194*


Doddington , Great , Dodington, Northants , 65

Donhead, Donheedd, Wilts , 240; St. Andrew, Wilts , 106, 107; St. Mary, Dunhedd Marye, Wilts , 106

Doniford, messuage, St. Decumans , Somerset, 82

Doore, see Abbey Dore

Dorsetshire , 15-17, 83, 142-5, 212*

Dowgate Ward, London, 184

Down(e)holland , Halsall par., Lancs. , 170*

Draycote, Draycott, Staffs., 220* , 222

Drayton, Salop, 76, 209

Drove Way, Somerset , 84

Duffield, Derbys , 139

Duloe, Decklo, Cornwall, 11

Durham , Bishopric, 121*; Co. Palatine, 121, 250, 252

Dutton, Stidd par , Lancs , 167

Dymeirchion , Dymerchion, Flints , 257

Eardisley, Herefs., 33, 35

Easington,? Essington , W. R. Yorks. , 80, 206

Eastbourne, Eastburne , Sussex , 233 , 235

East Grinstead, Estgrinsted , [Sussex], 102

East Meon, Eastmeane, Hants , 152

Easton, Hants , 152

East Orchard, pasture , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers. , 211

East Pasture , Le, Kelmarshe , Northants. , 66

Eastestockton field, alias Farrefeild, close, Harewood, W. R. Yorks , 122 , 251

Eastwalton , Norf, 63

Eaton Bishop, Herefs , 33 , 35*

Eccles, Lancs , 168

Eccleston, Lancs , 170 *; Prescot par , Lancs ., 177*

Ecton, Northants , 65, 197

Edstaston, Edstason, Salop, 80* ,206

Egglescliffe, Co. Durham, 252

Eglwys Cymmin, Eglwyskynnen , alias Egliskynnen , Carmarthens , 256*

Ellingham , Great, Norf., 63

Ellesmere, Elsmere, Salop, 78, 81 , 209

Elm(e)ley Lovett, Worcs , 244

Erand (? Brand), Norton in Hales, Salop, 76

Erlame , Eccles par , Lancs , 168

Ersham, Earsham , alias Halesham , Haylesham , manor, Sussex, 99, 228

Essex, viin, 17-22, 47* , 145-8, 183

Essington, Yorks.; see Easington

Esthelliottes , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Euston, Ewston, Suff., 94

Evington , Leics , 43*

Eyam, Eam , Derbys, 139

Eye, Suff, 93

Farington , Farrington, Lancs , 42, 174

Farley Chamberlayne, Hants , 30

Farn(e)worth, Prescot par. , Lancs. , 177

Farrefeild, alias of Eastestockton field , Harewood, W. R. Yorks , 122

Farringdon , Farrington, Hants, 152

Farringdon Without, London, Wardof, 182, 184* , 185

Fawley, Magna, Berks , 132

Fawnthorpe, [? Fownhope], Herefs , 157

Fazakerley, Lancs , 177*

Finborough , Fynbarrow, Suff .,93

Fincham, Norf, 63

Firle, West, Westferley , Sussex, 233* , 234

Fishbourne, Fysheborne , Sussex , 234

Fitz, Fyttes , Salop, 208

Fletcher Close, nr Hedon, E. R. Yorks., 123

Flintshire, Wales, 257

Flott, manor, Sussex, 98

Forde , par of North Wingfield, Derbys., 138

Forecliff, Compton Somers , 211 Pauncefoot ,

Foulscott , alias of Fowelscott , manor , Berks. , 2

Foulsham, Norf., 195

Fouremill Streate, Bromley, Middx, 181

Fowlescott [Fulscott], alias Foulscott , manor, Berks ,2

Fownhope, Herefs.; see Fawnthorpe

Freman Crofte, meadow , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers. , 211

Frettenham , Norf., 64

Frickley, W. R. Yorks , 116, 120*

Friston, Fryston, Suff., 227

Fritwell, Oxfords. , 73

Frodington , manor, Hants, 27

Frome Selwood, Zelwood, Somers.,214

Fulmer, Bucks , 5

Garsington, Oxfords , 73

Garstang, Lancs , 122 , 251

Garston, Childwall par , Lancs . , 171

Gatehouse, Le, Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Gaywood, Geywood, Norf., 193

Gillingham, Dorset, 145

Glastonbury , Glaston, Somerset , 83* , 84* , 210

Glenhams, alias of Wrightes, manor , Suff

Gloucestershire , 22, 23* , 148

Godington , Goddington, Oxfords , 73

Godlingston , alias Godlynston, manor , Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, 15

Golborne, Golbourne, Gouleborne, Lancs , 38, 173

Goole, Gowle, W. R. Yorks , 115 , 126

Goosnargh, Goosenerghe , Lancs , 39 , 164*

Goscott, Staffs , 216, 218

Goytre, Mon., 53

Greate Poolton , Poulton par., Lancs, 165; Sankey, Lancs., 40, 44

Greaves Towne, Lancs , 38

Greene, le, close, Winforton , Herefs. , 155

Grenefyld, Grenefeild, Grenefeld , in par of Upton-on-Severn, Worcs, 109, 110, 111 , 242*

Greneham ,Somers , 210 tenement , Ashbrittle ,

Gresegarth, Catonpar , Lancs , 166

Gretton, Northants , 66

Grundesburgh, Suff., 94*

Gunton, Norf., 60, 61

Hackford, Hackforth, Norf , 194

Hadzor, Hadsor, Worcs, 243

Haghouse, Co. Pal Durham, 252

Hailsham , Halesham , manor, alias of Ersham, Sussex, 99

Halebancke , Childwall par , Lancs , 172*

HalesHall, Norf , 63

Halesowen, Hales Owen, Worcs. , 244

Halesworthe, Suff, 91

Halewood , Childwall par , Lancs , 172

HallClose , see Hudclose , E.R. Yorks., 123

Halsall, Hallsall, Lancs , 170*

Halton, Bucks , 133 ; Halton par., Lancs , 166

Hamphall Stubbs, Hampall Stubbes , alias Stubbes Hampall, W. R. Yorks , 116

Hampreston , Dorset, 145

Hampshire , Southamptons , viin , 16 , 24-30, 98, 148-153

Hampstead Norris, Hampsted Morris, [sic], Berks , 3, 131 , 211 , 212

Hamstall Ridware, Hampstall, Hampsted, Rydware, Staffs , 86, 220, 221 , 222

Hamworthy, Dorset, 144

Handborough , Hanborowe, Oxfords , 73*

Hanley Castle, Worcs , 109, 110 , 244

Harberhouse , par of St. Margaret, near Durham, Co. Pal Durham , 255; manor, Plawsworth , Co. Durham, 121* , 250*

Hardwater Mill, Great Doddington, Northants , 65

Hardwick, Hardewick, Oxon, 203; manor farm, Oxon , 72; Monk Hesleden par , Co. Pal Durham and Sadberge, 255

Harewood , Harwood, W. R. Yorks , 122 , 251

Harley, Salop, 76

Harpole, Harpoole, manor, Northants. , 65

Harrowden , Northants., 65, 197

Hartesmeare , tenement , Hamstall Ridware, Staffs., 86

Harting, Hartinge, [Sussex], 102

Hartlebury, Worcs ., 244

Hartley (Hartlie) Wintney, Hants, 153

Harwood , Lancs , 38, 40

Hasillrigges , Haselrigges,manor , Humberstone, Leics , 43*

Hatche groundes, Le, Brumsden , Oxon. , 201

Hathersage, Derbys , 138* , 139

Haughley, Hawley, Suff, 93

Havodiwerne , Denbighs . , Wales, 257

Hawkhurst, Kent, 159

Hawood , close, nr Preston, E. R. Yorks.; see Nuttelles

Hawthorpe , Awthorpe,Irnham, Lincs, 45

Headon Close , Hedon, E. R. Yorks , 123

Heath Charnock(e), Standish par , Lancs , 176

Hebburn, Helborne, Jarrow par , Co. Pal Durham, 255

Heckfeild, Hants, 153

Hedgeclose , meadow , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Hedon, Headon , E. R. Yorks , 123

Helbeck , manor, Westmld, 237

Helme close , Hoodgrange , N. R. Yorks., 252

Hendred, East, Esthendred , Berks. , 131

Hereford, city, 33* , 34* , 156*

Herefordshire , viin, 30-35, 133n, 153-8

Hertfordshire , vii, viii*, 158

Heskin, Eccleston par , Lancs. , 170

Hesleden, Monk, Hesilden , Co. Pal. Durham and Sadberge, 255

Heslerton , West [?], Westchesterton , E. R. Yorks. , 254

Heston, Heaston , Middx., 184


Hethey closes , Le, Brumsden , Oxon , 201

Higheknolles , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211*

HigherKingcombe, Dorset; see Netherkencombe

High Holborn, Middx, 183*

Highley, Salop ; see Higley

Higley [? Highley], Salop, 209*

Hilborough, Hilbrough, Norf , 61

Hilderstone , Hilderson, Stone par. , Staffs. , 221

Himley, Staffs.; seeHynley

Hindlip, Henlip(p)e, Worcs, 244*

Hinton Daubnay, Henton Dawbney, Hants., 27

Hinxton, Cambs, 135

Hoathly, West, Westhothly, Sussex , 233*

Hobehorne, close, ? nr Preston, E.R. Yorks , 123

Hockley, Essex , 21

Hockworth, Hockworthy, rectory, Devon, 82, 141

Holborn, London, 183

Holcombe close , ComptonPauncefoot, Somers , 211; Wood, Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Holderness, Holdernes , E. R. Yorks. , 123* , 250

Holland, Wigan par , Lancs , 171

Hollandridge, Hollingridge, farm , Oxfords., 72, 201*

Holme, Winwick par , Lancs. 173; Hall, Holmehale, Norf , 63

Holmer, Herefs , 157

Holsworthy, Holdesworthie, Devon , 15

Holton, Suff . , 91

Hoodgraunge, [Kilburn, N. R. Yorks ], 252*

Hooton Pagnell , W. R.Yorks. , 120


Hopcar, Hopker, Lancs. , 168


Hope under Dinmore, Herefs , 157

Hopwas, Staffs., 221

Horderove [? or Horderone], nr

Midhope, W.R.Yorks. , 123

Hordley, Salop, 209

Horseley , Staffs, 221

Horseparke , meadow , Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Horsford, Norf, 193


Horsham , Horsam, Sussex, 101 * , 232* , 235

Horton,? Houghton, manor, Herefs. , 32

HorstedKeynes, [Sussex ], 102*

Horton, Staffs., 219; manor, Devon , 14


Huthersall, Ribchester par., Lancs., 166

Hotoftes, manor, Humberstone , Leics , 43* , 178

Howberie , Farm of, Oxfords, 71

Howbery, Howberie, Oxfords, 71*

Hudclose, alias Hall Close, ? nr

Preston, E. R. Yorks. , 123

Hulton, Deane, par , Lancs , 167

Humberstone, Humberston, Leics ,43* 178*

Huntingdonshire , 8n, 35, 36 , 158

Huyton, Hiton, Hyton, Lancs , 174*

Hynley, [? Himley], Staffs , 221

Idbury, Edbury, Oxon, 203

Iden, Sussex, 98, 233, 234

Ilam, Staffs., 222

Ilchester , Somerset, 83, 210

Ilsley, Illesley, Berks , 3; East, Berks , 72

Immingham , manor, Lincs , 45

Ince Blundell, Sefton par , Lancs , 169

Indden, see Judden

Ingworth, Norf , 59

Inlandes, pasture, Compton Pauncefoot, Somers , 211

Inner Temple, London, 69* , 199

Intacke, Colne par , Lancs. , 167

Ipsden, Ippsden , Oxfords , 74

Ipswich , Ippeswiche , Suff, 94

Irnham , Irenham, Lincs , 45*

Isle of Purbeck , Dorset, 15, 16*

Islington, Norf , 59

Itchen Abbas , Abbottes Itchinge, Hants , 27, 29

Iwerne Minster, Ewerneminster , Dorset , 16

Jarrow, Jarroe, Co. Pal. Durham, 255

Jevington, Sussex, 234

Judden, ? Indden, messuage, Tamworth, Warwicks [now Staffs ], 104, 236

Kegworthe, Leics , 12

Kelham, Kellam, Notts , 69* , 198

Kellet, Over, Lancs , 166

Kelling, Kellynge, Norf , 63

Kello(e), Co. Durham, 121 , 252; manor, Co. Durham, 121*

Kelmarshe, Northants , 66

Kencott, Oxfords, 74

Kent, 36* , 158-160

Kentchurch, Kenchurch, Herefs. , 34

Kesteven, Lincs , 180


Kettleby, Bigby par , Lincs , 45

Kidderminster , Kythermister, Worcs, 243

Kilburn, N. R. Yorks. , 252

Kilpeck, Herefs , 157

Kinges landes , Reigate, Surrey, 231

Kings Somborne, Hants, 28, 150

Kingston , Kyngston, Kingesomborne , Herefs , 35; Staffs., 218, 220; Bagpuze, Berks., 131 ; Capella, Dorset, 144

Kingstone, Herefs , 33*

Kington, Kyngton, Worcs , 243, 244

Kinnersley , Kynnersley, Herefs . , 33 , 157

Kirkby, South, Southkirkeby, par , W. R. Yorks , 124

Kirk(e)ham, Lancs. , 164, 165*

Kirtlington, Oxfords, 74* , 203

Knowlesley, Huyton par , Lancs , 174

Kynley, Staffs , 220

Lake of the great meadowe , pasture, Winforton , Herefs , 155

Lamberhurst(e), Kent , 36* , 159

Lambourn , Lamborne, Berks , 132

Lamyatt, Lamatt, Somers , 214

Lancashire , 37-42, 44* , 122, 160-178 , 251

Lancaster , Lancs , 166*

Lanchester , Co. Pal Durham, 252

Langsett ; see Lansyde

Langtree , Standishpar , Lancs. , 176

Lansyde [? Langsett], W. R. Yorks , 123

Lapley, Staffs , 222

Larkeslandes, Reigate, Surrey, 231

Lashfordcopyehold land, Leigh,Surrey, 231

Lathom(e), Ormskirk par. , Lancs., 175

Laugharne, Carmarthens , 256*

Launsdall , Lancs.; see Lonsdale , 38

Lawshall, Lawshull, Suff, 91, 94* , 95*

Layton, East, Estlayton, N. R. Yorks , 122

Lea, Lancs , 38 ; English, Lancs , 38; Frenche, Lancs., 38; Hall, Lancs., 38

Ledsham, Ledesham , W. R. Yorks , 254

Legers Assheby, see Ashby St. Ledgers, Northants

Leicestershire , 40* , 42n, 42-44, 162 , 178* , 217

Leigh, Staffs ., 222; (Lye), Surrey, 231

Leighton , nr Carnforth, Lancs , 164

Leominster, Herefs , 34

Leyland , Lancs , 170

Liddington , Luddington, Rutland, 75

Limehouse, Lymehouse , Middx. , 181 *

Lincolnshire , 44-46 , 178-180

Lindley, Linley, Leics. , 217

Litherland, Sefton par , Lancs, 169

Little Marton, Poulton par. , Lancs., 165

Littlewood, Litlewood; see Lytlewood, farm

Liverpool(e), Lancs , 177

Llanarth, Llanreth, Mon., 51 , 54

Llandenny, Mon., 187

Llangarren , Herefs , 157

Llangattock juxta Caerlion, Llangottage juxta Caerleon , Mon., 51 ; Vibon Avell, Mon., 51* , 52* , 54

Llangibby, Llangeby, Mon., 53

Llanhenock , Mon., 52* , 53 , 186

Llanllowell, Mon., 49, 53, 54* , 187

Llanrothall, Llanrothill , Herefs. , 33 , 34* , 156 , 157

Llantarnam, Mon., 53

LlanthewyRytherch , Retherch , Mon., 52* , 53*; Vach, Vaoche , Mon., 53

Llantilio Pertholey , Llandilo Porotle , Mon., 50, 51 , 52

Llanvair?, Lanvaur, Mon., 185

Llanvetherin , Mon., 53

Llanvihangel Crucorney , Kylcorney, Mon., 186; juxta Lantarnam, Mon., 54*; Llanyhangell, ton y groes, Mon., 186*;Tor y moneth [mynydd] Mon., 187

Llanvrechva , Llanvreghva, Mon., 53

Lodsworth , Sussex, 235

ILomepitt, Le, close, Middx , 181

London city, 47* , 182*

London, co Middx , 1 , 22, 48, 69* , 183

London/Middlesex, sheriffwick, 46-48, 146, 181-5, 185n

London landes, Reigate, Surrey, 231

Longeslowe, Salop, 76

Longford, Langford, Derbys , 13 , 139

LongMelford, Suff., 20

Lonsdale, Launsdall, Lancs. , 38

Lovely, Blackburn par , Lancs , 166

Lowton, Loton, Winwickepar , Lancs , 174

Ludshott, Lydshott, manor, Hants , 27, 28, 29

Luffenham , North, Northluffenham , Rutland, 75

Lugwardine , Luggardine, Herefs , 157

Lydshott , see Ludshott

Lymington, Hants , 27

Lynn (e), Norf , 60

Lytlewood, Littlewood, farm, Bradley par , Staffs , 87* , 216, 217

Madres manor, St. Germans , Cornwall, 10


Madley, Maddley, Herefs . , 33 , 35* , 156* , 157

Maer, Meare, Staffs , 219

Maes Gwern' ddyvior, Coed-y-Mynech, Co. Montgomery, Wales, 79

Maes r' Abbott, Coed-y-Mynech, Co. Montgomery, Wales , 79

Magna Weltham [Welnetham , Great], Suff . , 91

Maids Moreton, Maydes Morton, Bucks , 133

Maids Moreton, Maydes Morton , Bucks , 133

Manerfeld Close, Wetheral, Cumberland, 12

Mannerhouse , [? nr Lanchester ], Co. Pal. Durham, 252

Manston,? see Maunson, Dorset

Marden, Mardon, Herefs , 157

Maresfield, Marisfeld, manor, Sussex, 99

Marchington, Marchinton, Staffs ,221*

Mareton, Tamworth, Warwicks (now Staffs ], 104, 236

Marfurlonge, close, Compton Paucefoot, Somers , 211

Marleston, Berks , 2

R. Yorks , 123*; Over, Overmidoppe, W. R. Yorks , 123

Mildenhall, Norf , 194

Mileham, Myleham, Norf , 64

Milford, Hants , 153; North, Northe Milforthe, W. R. Yorks. , 123

Milles [? Mells],manor, Suff., 91*

Mill Furlonge, meadow , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211; garden, Le, Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211; orchard, Le, Compton Pauncefoot, Somers., 211

Milton, in par ofWoodstock, Dorset, 17

Monkland, Mynckland, Herefs , 157

Monkesfeld , Staffs , 218

Monmonthshire , 48-54, 185-7

Montgomery , Mountgomery, County, Wales, 79* , 207* , 209

Mordiford, Mordyford, Herefs , 34

Moreland, Seftonpar., Lancs , 169

Moremead , meadow ,ComptonPauncefoot, Somers , 211

Moreton, Devon, 15, 142

Morles, Morleys, inAstley, Lancs , 168

Motcombe , Dorset, 145

Much Woolton, Muchwolton, Childwall par , Lancs , 172

Marlowesclose, Brumsden , Oxon. , 201

Marsham, Norf , 60, 194 alias Maston , manor,

Marsshe Burrowes, The, Pendine , Carmarthens , 256

Marten, Suff, 92; Wilts., 107*

Martham, Norf , 194

Maston, alias of Marleston manor , Berks, 2

Maunson , [? Manston], Dorset , 143 , 145

Mawdesley , Mawsdesley, Lancs , 38* , 40*

Mawgan , par., Cornwall, 11*

Meade plotte, Le, close, Brumsden , Oxon , 201

Mearestowe , Lancaster par , Lancs ,41

Melford, Suff. , see Long Melford

Melford, [? Long Melford], Suff., 94* , 95*

Mensthorpe , South Kirkby, W. R. Yorks , 124

Meole Brace , Molebr' , Shrewsbury , Salop , 79, 80* , 206

Meols, North, Northmeals, Lancs. , 173

Merston, Sussex, 234

Merton, Marten, manor, Norf , 58

Mickfield, Mycklefeild, Suff , 94*

Middlesex , Co., 1 , 21 , 22, 48%

Middleton, Myddleton, nr Oswestry, Salop, 78

Midhope, Nether, Nethermidoppe, W.

Mucklestone , Muccleston , Staffs , 219

Nateby, Garstang par, Lancs , 251

Netherbury , Dorset, 144

Netherkencombe, (?) Higher Kingcombe, Dorset, 16

New Coppies, The, Coed-y-Mynech, Co. Montgomery, Wales, 79

Newgate, London, gaol-delivery, 48

Newhall, Winwick par , Lancs , 174

Newland, Tamworth, Warwicks [now Staffs ], 104, 236

Newnham Murren, Newenham Moren, Oxfords, 71

New Temple, London/Middx , 1 , 183

Newton , Salop, 209; Magna, Herefs ., 157

Norbury, Staffs , 219 , 222

Norfolk, 55-64, 187-196, 225

Northamptonshire , 7, 64-68, 196-8

North Benfleet , Northbemflatt, Essex , 20

Northend , Sefton par , Lancs., 169

Northfeild, Norfeild , Worcs, 109 , 110* , 243, 245*

NortheOrchard , Le, ComptonPauncefoot, Somers , 211; Riding, Northriddinge, Yorks , 118

Northumberland , viii*

North Waddon, close , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers., 211


Northwold, Norf, 195

Norton Folgate, Middx , 183, 185; in Hales, Salop, 76

Nottinghamshire , 68-70, 198-9

Nuneham Courtnay , Newenham Courtney, Oxfords., 74

Nutley, Hants , 28

Nuttelles, or Harwood, close, nr

Preston, E. R. Yorks , 123

Nuttles, Nuttelles, nr. Preston , E. R. Yorks., 123*

Oakley, Okeley, Bucks , 6

Odcombe, Somers , 213

Odiham, Odyham, Hants. , 27

Oglet, Childwall par., Lancs , 172

Okemanton [? Alkmonton ], Derbys , 140

Old Buckenham, Norf , 63

Orcop, Orcope, Herefs , 157

Orford; see Overford, Orphot

Ormeschurch, Ormskirk par , Lancs, 175

Ormskirk, Ormeskirke, Lancs , 175*

Orphot, [? Orford], Warrington par. , Lancs., 173

Orrell, Wigan par , Lancs , 171

Oswestry , Oswestree, Salop, 78

Ottringham, E. R. Yorks , 247

Oulton, Suff . , 95

Outwell, Owtwell, Norf , 62, 193

Overford, [? Orford], Warrington par. , Lancs., 173

Oxborough , Oxbourgh, Norf., 195

Oxendes Magna, alias of Oxon.; see Oxendon , Great

Oxendon, Great, Oxon alias Oxendes Magna, Northants , 66 Oxfordshire, 70-74 , 199-203

Oxford, city, 73, 74; University, 1 ,2

Oxon, alias Oxendes Magna; see Oxendon , Great

Palmers , Tamworth, Warwicks, [now

Staffs], 104, 236

Pamber, Hants , 152

Parkeham , Parkham, manor, Devon, 14; par., 14, 15

Parkehill, Colnepar. , Lancs. , 167

Parley, West, Dorset, 144

Parr, Parre, Prescot par., Lancs. , 176

Patrington, Pattryngton, E. R. Yorks., 120

Paynsley, Pensley, Staffs , 40, 162

Pemberton, Wigan par , Lancs , 171*

Pembrokeshire, Wales, 256*

Pendine, Pendyne, Carmarthens., 256*

Pendleton, Whalley par , Lancs , 165

Penkridge , Penckriche , Staffs. , 220

Pennard, West, Westpennard , chapelry ("capell"), Somerset , 83 , 84

Penn(e), Staffs , 222

Pennington , Penyngton , Lancs, 168

Penselwood, Peenzelwood , Somers , 214

Pentes, Le, Wem, Salop, 80*

Pertenhall , Partonhall, Beds , 1 , 2

Petherton, North, Somers , 214

Pevensey, Pevemsey, [Sussex], 102

Pipe [and Lyde ], Pype, Herefs , 33

Pirton, Oxon ; see Pyrton.

Pissell mannor, Watlington, Oxon. , 201

Plawsworth , Co. Durham, 121 , 250

Pleasington , Lancs , 38

Plomborowe, Plombergh , manor, Hockley, Essex , 21

Pockthorpe , E. R. Yorks , 123

Pointington, Pomptington, Somers , 213

Pontefract , Pountfrett, W. R. Yorks , 251

Poplar, Popler , Middx. , 181

Portsoken Ward, London, 182

Potterford, Portersford, in Billington, Lancs , 163

Poulton , Pulton, Lancs, 165*

Poyninges Hill, Middx, 181*

Predenick , Cornwall; see Tredinnick

Prescot, Lancs , 176* , 177*

Presten, Preston par , Lancs , 165

Preston, Lancs., 42* , 163, 165*; E. R. Yorks., 123*; in Amoundernes, Lancs., 163; Candover, Hants, 28

Pyecombe, Pycombe, Sussex, 234

Pyrton, Pirton, Oxon. , 73 , 201

Queen Camel, Queene

Somers , 212* , 213* Cammell, Quid(d)enham, Banham , Norf , 60

Raby, Rabye , Staindrop par. , Co. Pal. Durham, 255

Raglan, Raglom, Mon., 49* , 50* , 51 , 185, 187

Rainhill, Raynehill, Lancs , 176

Prescot par ,

Ramsden Bell House, Ramesdenbellowes, Essex, 20

Ranescombe,?or Ravescombe, manor , Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, 16

Ratcliff(e), Middx , 183

Raveningham , Pavingham , Ravingham , Norf , 195 , 256 alias

Ravescombe, manor, see Ranescombe

Rawcliff, Lancs , 165

Reading, Berks ,4


Redlingfeild , Suff , 93

Reedness, Rednes, Whitgift , Yorks , 247

Reigate, Reygate, Surrey, 231

Rewe, Devon, 14

Reynoldes, close, Brumsden , Oxon , 201

Ribchester, Lancs , 166

Ripley, Rippley, Derbys, 140

Ripple, Worcs , 245

Rixton, Warrington par., Lancs , 172 , 173

Roall, manor , W. R. Yorks., 116*

Robtehall , [Robert Hall], Tatham, Lancs , 164

Roby, Huyton par , Lancs , 174

Rocester, Rocetter, Staffs , 222

Roughfeld, Lancs. , 39

Roughton, Norf , 194

Roughey, manor, Horsham, Sussex , 101* , 232

Rudham, West, Norf, 194

Rumburgh, Romboroughe , Suff , 95*

Rush(e)ton, Northants , 67, 197

Rusper, Sussex , 101*

Rutland, 75, 204

Rye Furlonge, Compton Pauncefoot , Somers., 211

Ryton, Salop, 81

Ryver, manor, Sussex, 98

St. Aldates, Aleates, par., Oxford, 74*

St. Andrew , Holborn, par , London, 183* , 184*; in le Warderobe , Castle Baynerd Ward, par , London , 183 , 184

St. Benen's [Benignus], St. Beninges, Benninges, chapelry (" capell' deSt. Beningeset Westpennard"), Somerset, 83 , 84

St. Botolph Without Aldersgate , par , Aldersgate Ward, London, 183; Without Algate, par , Portsoken Ward, London, 182 ; Without Bisshoppesgate, par , London, 184

St. Bridget, Ward of Farringdon Without par., London , 184

St. Clement, par , Oxford, 73 ; Danes, par., Middx , 1 , 21; Danes, Without the Bar of the New Temple , par , London, 183

St. Decumans, St. Deacons , Somerset , 82*

St. George, par , Southwark, Surrey, 102* , 103*

St. Germans, Cornwall, 10

St. John Baptist, rectory, Glastonbury, Somerset, 83, 84

St. Laurence Pountney, par , London , 184

St. Magnus, Martyr, Bridge Ward, par., London, 183

St. Margaret, par , near Durham , Co. Pal Durham, 255; par , Westminster, Middx , 183

St. Martin , par , Oxford city, 74; in the Fields, par , Middx , 48

St. Mary, par , Bromley, Middx., 181 ; par., Reading, Berks , 4; par , Stafford, Staffs, 220, 222; Magdalen, par , Oxford, 203; Wool, church [? Woolnoth], parish, Walbrook Ward, London , 182

St. Maughans , St. Morhan, Mon., 50

St. Nicholas, par., Worcester , 244

St. Olave in Silver Street , par. , London, 184

St. Owen, par , Hereford city, 34 , 156

St. Peter, par , Hereford city, 34*

St. Sepulchre, par , Ward of Farringdon Without, London, 182 , 185

St. Weonardes, Wainardes , Herefs , 33

Salesbury, Salebury, Lancs , 39

Samlesburie, Blackburn par , Lancs , 167

Sandford , Samford, Orcas, Somers , 213

Sarnesfeild, Herefs., 157

Sarum, New , Wilts , 107

Sawley, Derbys, 140*

Saxton, W. R. Yorks , 254

Scales, Kirkeham par , Lancs , 165; Lancaster par., Lancs , 166

Scarisbrick , Scarsbricke , par., Lancs ., 175


Scarning, Skarninge , Norf , 193

SeavenAcres, close, Middx , 181

Sedsall, Derbys, 40* , 43

Sefton, Softon, Seston, Lancs. , 162, 168* , 169*

Sellack, Selleck, Herefs , 34, 156, 157

Shafton, Shaftesbury , Holy Trinity, Dorset , 145; St. James, Dorset, 145

Sharrockhey, Lancs , 38

Sheffield, W. R. Yorks., 120

Shevington, Standish par , Lancs , 175

Shipdham, Norf., 194

Shirenewton, Shernewton , Mon., 54 , 187

Shoreham, Kent, 159

Shrewsbury, Salop, 79, 80* , 206

Shropshire, 35n, 75-81, 204-10

Sibson, Sybson, Leics , 40, 161

Siefton, Siften , Salop, 78, 206

Signe of the Swanne, The, Wells, Somerset, 83

Silver Street, Aldersgate Ward, London , 182 , 184


Silverton, Devon, 15

Sixe Acres, close, Middx , 181

Skenfrith, Scurfrithe, Mon., 49* , 50

Sleighford , Staffs , 222

Somersetshire, 210-215 82-85, 141* , 142n ,

Southe Orchard, Le, Paunsfoot , Somers , 211 Compton

South Tawton, Sowthtowton, Devon, 14

Southwark , Southwerke , Surrey, 27 , 47, 102* , 182

South Zeale, South Tawton par., Devon, 14

Sowerby, Sawrobie , Lancs, 165

Spahley, [? Spetchley ], Worcs, 243

Sparcheford , Diddlebury par , Salop, 78* , 79, 206 , 207

Speke, Speake, Childwall par , Lancs, 172

Spetchley ?, Worcs.; see Spahley

Spexhall , Suff . , 91

Stafford, city, 220, 222

Staffordshire , viin, 40, 85-88, 162 , 215-223

Staindrop , Standrop, Co. Pal , Durham, 255

Standell Downe, Compton Pauncefoot, Somers., 211

Standish, Lancs , 175* , 176*

Standon, Staundon , Staffs , 222

Stanford , Oxfords , 74*

Stanmore, Little, Stanmore parva, Middx., 184

Stannyngfeild , Suff., 94*

Stanton , All Saints, Suff [? Cambs ], 227

Staughton, Little, Parva Stoughton, Beds , 1 , 2

Stawley, Somers. , 210

Staynton , [Stainton], N. R. Yorks , 118

Stepney, Middx , 48

Stevensland, Leigh, Surrey, 231

Steyning, Steninge, Sussex , 233

Stidd, Steede, Lancs, 167

Stockeholme , pasture , nr. Hedon , E.R.Yorks., 123

Stoke, Suff . , 227; -by-Nayland, Stoke juxta Nayland, Suff., 94; Fleming (e), Devon, 142 ; Stoake, Holy Cross , Norf., 194; Lyne, Oxfords, 74; North, Northstoke, Oxon. , 74, 203; on Trent(t), Staffs , 219, 220; Prior, Worcs., 245; Wake, Dorset, 212

Stone, Staffs , 221

Stoneferryin Holderness, E.R.Yorks., 123*

Stoneham , North, Hants. , 152* Northstenham ,

Stoner Parke, with Lodge, Oxon. , 201

Stonor, Stoner , alias Purshull , Pishill, manor, Oxfords. , 72, 201*

Stony Pighell, Lancs , 39

Stow (e), Staffs, 221; Bardolff [Bardolph], Norf . , 194

Stratford [le] Bowe, Middx , 181 , 183

Stratton, Long, Streaton , Norf , 190*; St. Mary, Norf , 193

Strensham, Worcs, 244

Stripes, close, Hoodgrange, N. R. Yorks , 252

Sturminster (Sturmister) Newton, Dorset , 145

Sturston , Scurson, Derbys, 12

Suburbs of London, 184* , 185

Suffolk, 88-95, 223-228

Summergangs, Somergames, E. R. Yorks , 123

Sunningwell , Sunyngwell , Berks , 3

Surrey, Co., 27, 47, 99, 102* , 182 , 231*

Surrey/Sussex , sheriffwick, 96-103, 228-235

Sussex , Co., 98* , 99* , 101* , 102* , 232*

Sutton , Derbys , 40; Holderness , E.R. Yorks , 123 , 250; Inges, Holderness , E. R. Yorks , 123, 250; Mandeville, Manvill , Wilts , 240; Poyntz, Dorset, 143 ; Prescot par. , Lancs , 176

Swanton Novers, Norf , 63

Swanwiche, [?] Swanage, Dorset, 143

Swarbrick, Kirkeham par , Lancs , 164

Swartebreck in Weeton, Kirkeham par Lancs., 165

Swilland, Suff, 95

Swinefleet , Swinflete , Whitgift , W. R. Yorks , 247

Swynnerton, Staffs , 219 , 221

Syleham, Suff., 94

Takeley, Essex, 147

Tamworth, Warwicks, 104 , 236* [Since 1890 this town has been regarded as wholly in Staffordshire . Beforethat, halfwas in Warwicks ]

Tanworth [in Arden ], [?], Warwicks, 104, 236

Taplowe, Bucks , 5, 6

Tarbock, Torbocke, Huyton par. , Lancs ., 174

Tatenhill, Tatnell, Staffs , 221*

Tatham, Tatam, Lancs , 164

Teffont, Treventt, Teffant, Wilts , 106, 240*

Tempelles, tenement, Cornwall, 10

Tenbury, Worcs, 110, 112* , 242


Tenby, Temby, Pembrokes , 256*

Testerton, Norf , 62

Thornborough , Thorneburghe , Bucks , 133

Thorneley, Chippingpar , Lancs, 166*

ThorntonSteward , par , N. R. Yorks., 118

Thorpe close, Hoodgrange , N. R. Yorks., 252

Thorpe next Norwich, Norf, 63

Thorverton , Devon, 142

Tildesley, Lancs , 168*

Timsted, [? Tunstead ], Norf., 193

Tirzmynech , Tyrymynich, co. Montgomery , Wales, 79* , 206

Tisbury, Tysburie, Wilts., 240*

Toddehele, Todehole , close, Harewood W. R. Yorks., 122 , 251

Toftes, close, ? nr Hedon, E. R. Yorks , 123

Tolcarne, Mawganpar , Cornwall, 11*

Tolpuddle, Tolepiddle, Dorset, 144

Tong, Tonge, Salop, 81* , 209

Torington Tadpoole, manor, alias of Torrington

Torrington, alias Torington Tadpoole, manor, Devon, 14

Tracebridge Mills, Stawley, Somers , 210

Tredinnick, Cornwall, 11 Tredenick, Predenick ,

Tredunnock , Tredenoge, Mon., 50, 53, 54, 187

Trent, Somers , 214, 215; manor, Dorset, 83

Trevethin , Mon., 53

Trunche, Norf, 193

Tuckett, Lancs , 38

Tuddenham, North, Norf., 194

Tunstead ?, see Timsted , Norf., 193

Uffington, Kesteven, Lincs , 180

Ufton, Berks , 4

Upcott, manor, Devon, 14

Upmarden , Upmerden , [Sussex], 102*

Upton, Sibson par., Leics., 40* , 43, 162; -on-Severn, Worcs, 109 , 110* , 111* , 242; Warren, Worcs, 245

Uttoxetor, Útcetor, Staffs , 218

Vawgner, Compton Somers. , 211

Pauncefoot , Vowchurch, Vouchurche, Herefs , 157

Waddon Mead, meadow , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers , 211

Walbrook, Walbroke, Ward, London, 182

Wales, viii, 79, 256-7

Walpoole , [Walpole], Suff, 91

Walsall, Walsell, Staffs , 217, 220, 221

Walsham [-le-Willows], Suff . , 227

Walton, Blackburn par., Lancs , 167; in le dale, Blackburn par , Lancs , 167; East, Estwalton, Norf , 195; West, Norf., 193

Warblington, Hants, 29, 151

Warmwell, Warmewell, Dorset, 145

Warmodescombe, Warnescombe , manor, Oxfords, 72

Warneham , manor, Horsham, Sussex , 101 *

Warnescombe , Oxon , 201* manor, Watlington,

Warrington, Lancs , 40* , 44, 172, 173*

Warwickshire , 103-4, 235-7

Wastes, Le North, Co. Durham, 121 *

Waterhouse, Co. Pal Durham, 252

Waterperry, Water Perrye, Oxon , 203

Watlington , Oxon, 201

Wearham, Wereham , Norf., 63

Wedacre, Garstang , Lancs , 122

Wednesbury, Staffs. , 221

Weeton, Lancs, 165

Wellington, manor, Herefords, 154

Wells, Welles, Somerset, 83*

Welshampton, Ellesmeare, Salop, 81

Wem, Wemme , Salop, 79, 80* , 206

Wennesden [? Wenhaston ], Suff., 91

Weobley, Webley , Herefs , 157

Wereham, Norf, 193 , 194

Wesham, Kirkeham par., Lancs. , 165

Westbourne, Westburhant, Hants , 153

West Bromwich , Westbromewhiche , Staffs , 86, 87, 220; Coker, Somers , see Westocker

Westmoreland , 104*

Westham, Sussex, 102 , 233

Westhelliottes , Compton Pauncefoot , Somers. , 211

Westhide, Herefs., 156, 157

Westholdinge, Whitgift , W. R. Yorks , 247

Westhoughton, Deane par , Lancs , 168

Westminster , Middx , 182, 183

Westmiston ,? Westmeston , [Sussex], 102

Westmorland , 104, 237-8

Westocker[? West Coker], Somers , 213

Waddonhill, pasture, ComptonPauncefoot, Somers , 211

West Riding, Yorks , 122; Tofts , Westoftes, Norf. , 191 , 194

Westwick , Norf , 60


Wetheral, Wedderelt, Cumbld., 12

Wetherden, Suff., 93

Whalley, Lancs, 40, 164*

Whethams, Hinton Daubnay, Hants , 27

Whiston, Prescot par , Lancs , 176

Whitchurche , Dorset, 144

Whitford, Worcs , 48

Whitgift,Whitguift , W.R. Yorks , 247

Wichnor, Staffs . , 221

Wickmere, Wickmer, Norf , 194*

Wigan, Lancs , 170 , 171*

Wiggenhall , Wiggenhale , St. Mary, Norf, 63

Wiggenton , manor, ? Bucks , 133

Wikefeld, Glastonbury, Somerset, 83, 84, 210

Wilby, Suff ,94

Wilpshire, Whilpshire, Lancs, 39

Wiltshire, 48, 105-107, 238-240

Wimbish, Wymbishe, Essex, 20

Wimborne Minster, Dorset, 144

Winchester , Winton, Hants , 30

Windle, Prescot par , Lancs , 177

Windlestone , Windleston, Co. Durham, 252

Winfertons Herefs , 155 leasowe , Winforton ,

Winforton, Wynforton , Herefs , 34 , 155; manor, Herefs , 155

Wingfield, North , Northwynfield, Derbys , 13, 138

Winterborne, Gloucs, 23; St. Martin, Dorset, 143

Winwick, Lancs, 173* , 174*

Wissett, Suff . , 91

Wiswall, Wiswell,

Whalley par. , Lancs ., 39 , 164

Withemail Park, Northants , 197

Woodplumpton , Lancs , 41, 164

Wookmer [sic], in Wickmer par. , Norf , 194

Woolnoth, see Woolchurch, St. Mary, London, 182

Woolvercot, Wolvercott, Oxon, 203

Worcester , city, 244

Worcestershire , 48 , 108-112 , 204 , 241-245

Worston, Worsten, Clitheroe par , Lancs , 167*

Worth Matravers, Isle of Purbeck , Dorset, 16

Wraxhall, South, Wraxall, Wilts , 107

Wrightes, alias Glemhams , manor , Suff, 91

Wrightington, Eccleston , par , Lancs , 170

Wyke Regis, Dorset, 17

Wykye, close, Pertenhall , Beds , 1 , 2

Wylton, tenement , par of Duloe, Cornwall, 11

WynfertonsWood, Winforton, Herefs. , 155*

Wyresdale , Lancaster par , Lancs, 166

Wythemail, Withmale, Park , Northants , 65*

Yardles, Yardelles, messuage, Tamworth [now Staffs ], 104, 236*

Yardley, Worcs , 244, 245; Hastinges, Northants., 67

Yarnoles , Yarnoldes, messuage, Tamworth, Warwicks [now Staffs ], 104, 236

Yaxley, Suff ., 93* ,227*

York, Cathedral, 127n

Yorkshire, 80* , 113-127 , 206, 245-255

Zeale, Borough of, Devon , 14*

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