Records Volume 66: Post Reformation Catholicism in Bath Volume 2

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Catholic Record Society

Typeset and printed in England by Lowe & Brydone Printers Limited, Thetford, Norfolk




FIRST REGISTER , 1780-1813



* Followedby Corrigenda to C.R.S., 65 .

FRONTISPIECE : The plan of Bath in 1825 shows places mentioned in this volumeand its predecessor, which contains an earlier plan (1776) antedatingthe registers here printed. The originals of both are in the Reference Library, Queen Square, Bath

MEMORIAL INSCRIPTIONS : These exist for a longer period than is covered by the registers here printed; see relevant footnotes, also C.R.S., 65, p 83, note 425; Davey, passim, and "Memorial Inscriptionsin Bath Abbey" , (i) transcribed by C.P. Russell (MS. withdrawings and plan) and (ii) by J.Dunn(typescript), both in Bath Reference Library


This is the second of two volumes relating to post-Reformation Catholicism in Bath Its predecessor contains an account-book covering thirty years of the eighteenthcentury-"that obscure time" , to quote Pollen and Burton, when, "again and again, the clue is lost"aswell as materialonthe rioting of 1780, a variety ofothereighteenth-century documentsand the journal (1817-8) of Peter Augustine Baines , later bishopand Vicar-Apostolic ofthe Western District , prefaced bya sketch of the historical background from the Elizabethan settlement to the restoration ofthe Catholic hierarchy in 1850. Each work is separately indexedbut as a numberofnames occur in both itwill sometimes prove profitable to consult the index to the companionvolume Printedhere are the first two registers of the Bath Catholicmission , the originals of which , like many others, were not forwarded in 1840 to the Commissioners enquiring into non-parochial registers² but are preserved at St John's presbytery, South Parade, Bath They date only from 1780 because the older records of the mission were burnt duringthe Gordon Riots in June ofthatyear.

The earliest surviving register covers in detail the period from 27 June 1780 to 28 November 1809 (with one baptismalentrydated 1759,3 one dated 6 February 1810, relating to a baptismin November 1809 , two mortuary-entries for October 1812 and a marriage-entry for December 1813); it measures8 inches in height and 6 inches acrossand is now bound in quarter leatherwith marbled boards and titled in gold on the spine, not quite accurately, "Baptizatorum, Confirmatorum , Matrimoniorum, Status Animarum Bell Tree 1781-1812" . Thisfails to indicate that deaths and conversions (mostly grouped towardsthe end, but some entered earlier) are also included Previously the register was

1 Kirk, p. viii.

2 See J.O. Payne, Old English CatholicMissions (1889) for extractsfrom Catholic registers forwarded to Somerset House in 1840 and now in thePublicRecord Office For a copy of the printed certificate accompanying such registers, see C.R.S., 4, p 318. The most informative and up-to-date guide is D.J. Steel(ed.) National Index ofParish Registers (Society of Genealogists, in progress) especially vol. 3: Sources for Roman Catholic and Jewish Genealogy and Family History (1974)

3 Baptism of William Day. Many years later a William Day, surgeon, ofWestgate Buildings , Bath, took the oath laid down in the second CatholicReliefAct, 1791 (C.R.S., 65, pp 76, 108) and he also occurs in this volume (see index) He attended Bishop Walmesley on his deathbed and wasasked by Dr John Kirk, latelypresident of Sedgley Park School, to intercede with Walmesley over the latter's condemnation ofthe Staffordshireclergy and their "creed" (for which see B. Ward , The Dawn of the Catholic Revival in England, 1909, passim ) Day's pleadingwas unavailing, as is shown by the following letter from him to Kirk, dated 23 November 1797 , which is interesting both in revealing a layman acting as intermediary between Walmesley and other clerics and in supplementing "the only particulars which we have" of the bishop's last days (he died on 25 Nov.) printed by Ward, op cit. , II, p 150. The originalis in BirminghamArchdiocesan Archives , C . 1415:-


"stoutly bound in leather" with "a very considerable portion" ofits pages blank and with some in a different order , as can be ascertained from an earlier transcript with which the present version has been compared and from which have been copied four items headed "Loose sheetsin the register" which are no longerin it.4

The second register, a long narrow volume measuring 15 inches by 6 inches and similarly re-bound, is worded on the spine, "Baptizatorum, Confirmatorum, Matrimoniorum, Status Animarum. Catholic Church Bath 1809-24" and runs from 13 December 1809 to 1 January1825 The titling is again misleading since there are no Status Animarum lists, whereas thereare mortuary-entries (to 1819 only) and records of converts

Some use has been made of these registers in the Historical Introduction to the previous volume, but muchremains to beextractedfrom them Bath's popularity as a fashionable resort in the final decades of the eighteenth century and the opening decades of the nineteenth for part of which period the Revolutionary and NapoleonicWars hampered continental travel and deflectedadditional tourists to the city- gives them a particular significance ; their genealogical value is considerable; their importance from the standpoint of historical demography is enhanced by the lengthy Status Animarum lists (but also affectedbythe fact that Bathregisters, Anglican as well as Catholic, are liable to include far more visitors and temporary residents than will be found in most other places) while the comprehensive and meticulous

"Rev. Sir, I was in hopes all religious disputes amongst us had subsided; and am sorryto have been the medium of any altercationbetween Bp. Walmesley and yourself; and it gave me some pain to trouble his Lr on the subject which has given him so much trouble; particularly seeing his bodily afflictions such, that he can neither stand , move , or turn in his bed; and as he tells me today, can get no sleep at night; add to all which, some unlucky person, some little time since, overset him inhis chair in which his servant wheels him aboutthe town, fromevery appearancewilfully, and very much injured his right shoulder, so as to deprive him in great measure of the use of that arme or hand: so that ifwe contemplate a 'Jobe' on a dunghill, covered with ulcers (for he has ulcers several) we see but little shortofa Jobe in the person of our most worthy Bishop However , to comply with your request and payingdue attention to your letter, I have this daywaitedon hisLr. with your inclosed to him; and find that he has received your exposition aluded to; and sais it has been fully answered before : that in all propositionsweshould attend to the obvious sense of it; not to foreign ideas that people may takeinto their heads: so that if you go upon ideas different from what is the obvious sense of thething allfurther reasoning mustbe in vain "Thisbeing his L .'s answer, I have only to subscribe myself Your most Obt Hble St. W. Day

"I have only time to put my letter in the post but should be glad with a letter from my nephew Charles "

Note: Charles Day, of Bath, was at Sedgley Park School from April 1797 toApril 1801 (information from Father J.D. McEvilly)

4 Somerset County Record Office, Taunton: DD/X/LA, C/467: here referred-to as "Taunton transcript" , contains a few errors and a good many differences in pagination ; the latter are noted as they occur See also ChronologicalTable ,infra, pp xiii-xiv.


entries by French émigré priests, contrasting with the much briefer English items, are instructivebothin their form and in their content

The five years, 1781-5, written on the flyleaf of the first register evidently relate to Father Michael Pembridge's first pastorate in Bath and figures inserted against names in some of the lists are rough running totals,not whollyaccurate Inthe original some pairs orgroups ofnames inStatus Animarum lists are followed byhorizontal lines, distinguishing households, but in this printed version spaces serve the same purpose. Otherrulingsin both registerse.g. vertical columns are also omitted while the occasional crossing-out or underliningis mentionedin an editorial note Only the first eight pages and pp. 45-7 of the first register are numbered ; elsewhere I have sometimes indicated paginationwhere this clarifies the layout In the French entries apostrophes and accents have been added where omitted, personal and place-names have been given capital first letters where necessary, while punctuation and capitalisation throughout have been rendered more consistent than in the original. Spellings remainunaltered. In all entries dashes are reproduced as such and blank spaces are denoted by the word blank in square brackets. Variant readings are similarly bracketted, as are some editorial notes, all of which are italicised As entries in the first register are neither arranged in strict date-order nor grouped systematicallyunder baptisms, marriages, deaths etc., I have classified them chronologically in the Table preceding the printed version of that register Further particularsof clergywho made entries in these registerswill befound in the first part of this work; i.e. volume 65 of the Catholic Record Society For permission to reproduce these documents , grateful thanksare due to Canon J.J. Kelly of Bath, and for facilitating their annotation I am indebtedto HisLordship Bishop RudderhamofClifton,the Abbot of Downsideand Dr Peter Lunn, Mr. V.J. Kite F.L.A. and the staffof the Reference Library, Queen Square, Bath; the County Archivist and his staff at the Somerset Record Office, Taunton. I am also greatly obliged to Father J.D. McEvilly (Birmingham Archdiocesan Archivist) for a copy ofthe letter printed in note 3 to this Introduction and for other relevant information, and to Sister Margaret Henson for kindly "vetting" my transcripts of Frenchentries . For valuable editorial assistance in the production both of this volumeand of its predecessor Iam most grateful to Mr Philip Harris of the Council ofthe Catholic Record Society. Their publication was also furthered by my late cousin Ethel CarletonWilliamsand, crucially,bymy wife.

J. Anthony Williams, October 1974

5 Most of these occur between pp 63 & 92. For a useful introduction to French parish registers, see D. J. Steel, Sourcesfor NonconformistGenealogy and Family History (vol. 2 of the National Index of Parish Registers, 1973) pp 760-3; also p 779 ("Registers" section ofBibliography)


Baines'sjournal: The journal (1817-8) of Peter Augustine Baines, printed in C.R.S., 65.


H.N. Birt, Obit Book of the English Benedictines, 1600-1912(Edinburgh, 1913; London reprint, 1970)

Clifton Archives : Archives of the diocese of Clifton, housedat "St Ambrose" , LeighWoods, Clifton, Bristol.


Davey: Foley: Gillow:


Oliver :



1819 Directory:

Publicationsofthe CatholicRecord Society, London.

E.C. Davey, Notable Catholics who lived anddiedat Bath between 1678and 1823 (no date;? 1912).

H. Foley, Records of the English Province of the Society ofJesus (7 vols in 8 , 1877-83).

J. Gillow, A Literary and Biographical History, or BibliographicalDictionary of the EnglishCatholics (5 vols., 1885-1902 ).

J. Kirk, Biographies ofEnglishCatholics , 1700-1800 (ed J.H. Pollen & E. Burton, 1909).

G. Oliver, Collectionsillustrating the History ofthe CatholicReligionin Cornwall, Devon,Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshireand Gloucestershire (1857)

The Registers of Bath Abbey, 1569-1800(ed A.J. Jewers, 2 vols , Harleian Society, 1900 & 1901, paginated consecutively ).

Recusant History: A Journal of Research in PostReformation CatholicHistory in the British Isles Gye's Bath Directory, corrected to January 1819 (Bath, 1819).


Note: "Converts" includes a few adult baptisms


In Pembridge's handwritinguntilpage 9. [flyleaf] Mr Pembridge came to settle at the Bell Tree House , Bath, Jany 8, 1781/1782, 1783, 1784 , 1785 .


Baptizatorum, Confirmatorum, Matrimoniorum, Status Animarum et Defunctorum, Congregationis Bathoniensis apud Bell-Tree, ab Anno D. 1781.


Status Animarum or

NumberofR.C.belongingto the Chapel at Bath, 1781.


David Nagle Esqr.

MrMich. Haney theButler

Joseph Nagle Esqr. JamesMacauley theButler

John Stoner Esqr Edward ParsonstheButler

Gent Families

Mrs Nagle


Mrs Harold mother

Honora Harogan

Miss Greenway

Margaret Welch



Mrs Nagle

Mrs Malpas Mother

Miss Fitzgerald


Mrs Fitzmoris

Miss Stoker

Mrs Stoner²

Miss Plowden

Mrs Cowdery

Mary Davies

Mary Baldwin

Joanna Dean

1 For the related familiesof Nagle (or Neagle)and Harrold, see C.R.S., 27, p. 136 & note David Nagle was one of a group of Bath laymen who sided with Dom Joseph Wilks O.S.B. against Bishop Walmesley.Their petition of November 1791 , from which his name and that of Pierce Walsh were subsequently deleted, isin Clifton Archives , IV, no 198. The signatories were Thomas Canning, HenryDillon, Philip Howard , HenryFermor, PierceWalsh, David Nagle and JohnTobin. See also B . Ward , The Dawnof the CatholicRevivalin England (1909) I, p 330 & passim. A letter relating to these families (Archives Nationales , Paris: S . 4619 , liasse 5 , no . 126) is printed in C.R.S., 65, p 178 .

2 For this family see J. Stonor, Stonor: A CatholicSanctuary in the Chilterns (Newport, Mon. , 1951). The wife of John Stonor of Bathwas Mary, daughter of Sir Berkeley Lucy, Bart. of Broxbourne, Herts., and Charles Stonor's wife was Mary Eugenia, née Blount of Mapledurham , Oxon, who, after his deathatGravelines in 1781, married the Thomas Canning mentioned in the previous note (Stonor, genealogical tables facing pp. 240 & 320). ForCharles Stonor'sdeathentry in theBathregister, marked "Rouen" , see infra, p.46

p.2 Men

Charles StonerEsqr


Thomas Pasey Footman


Walter SmytheEsqr.³

John Owen the Butler


William Stevens, Servt to 30[sic]

Mrs Stoner²

Miss Pendrell

Esther Allen

Eliz Harris


LucyNorris Women

Mrs Fitzherbert

Miss Fitzherber[sic]

Mrs Duval

Mrs Johnson

Mrs Smythe

Miss Smythe

Mary Filyin

Mrs Hussey

Mrs Butler, Maid

Mrs Southcote

Miss Plunket

Mrs Chetwynd

WinefrideAlbert, Maid

Miss Margaret Porter

Miss Sarah Stringfellow , 4 Maid

Mr Blake

John Fallons , Servt

Sir Richd. Acton


Mrs Blake

Miss Blake

HonoraHenelly , Servt

Mary Power, Servt

p.3 Men Women

Mr Robinson

Mrs Robinson

Mrs Day

Mrs Hugo Mr Hugo

Elizabeth Green, Servt



Father ofMrs Fitzherbert, widowedin 1781, who married the future GeorgeIV in 1785 (probably not the "Mrs Fitzherbert" in this and subsequent Status Animarum lists; see infra, note 41) He died at his Bath house on the Queen's Parade on 14 Jan. 1788 and was buried in the Abbey (Davey, p 97) See also note 72. His daughter, Mrs Fitzherbert, waspresent at his death-bed and wasagain in Bath in 1798 and 1826-7; cf. W. H. Wilkins, Mrs Fitzherbertand George IV (1909) II, pp 61-3, 188, 192-3

4 Perhaps connected with the Wiltshirefamily of that name, in the service ofthe Catholic Lord Arundell ofWardour ; see C.R.S. Monograph 1 , p 251

5 Sir Richard Acton (d 1791), 5th Bart , ofAldenham Hall ,Salop.


Mr John Kendal

Mr Butt

MrMich Conner


Mr EdmundEnglish



Mr Day Senr

Mr Day Junr

MrN. Day

Edward Canning Esqr.


Mrs Dowling

Mrs Catharine Burn

Mrs Martha Burn

Mrs Kendal


Mrs Butt

Betty Green, Servt

Mrs Conner

Mrs Butler

Mrs English

Mrs Moland

Mrs Neal Mother

Mrs Ryan

Mrs Day

Mrs Day Junr

Miss Day

Miss Fleming

Miss Catharine Fleming


Joseph Love


Mr Woogan

Mr Dean

Ditto Son


George Amesbury

Mr Dun Men

William Laythem

Mr Lowndes

William Norris

Mrs Love

Helena Donelly

Miss Dale

Miss Thornton Women

Miss Theodosia Benland

Miss MaryAnneBenland

Miss Elizabeth Barrick

Mrs Dun

Julietta Laythem

100 Mrs Lowndes

Ms [?] Norris

6 A prominent Bath Catholic family; see Davey, pp 63-4; Oliver, p 297, sub Lewis Bernard and Ferdinand Edward English (later Archbishop); J. S. Roche , Historyof PriorPark (1931) passim; P. A. Allanson, Ms. "Biographyof the English Benedictines" (at Downside ) sub John Jerome Jenkins O.S.B. See also note 12 to second Bath register (infra, p 142).

Willm Howell

Jeremiah Lions

George Hughes

Mr Philip Lynch

Mr JamesQuigley

Mr [blank ] Murphy

Mr Thomas Short

Giles Hall


Christopher Lieb

Richard Maddox



Mr Gale

Richd. Hubberston

Thomas [blank]

George Brookshire


Mr Peter Smith

Thomas More

George Burt


Anne Hughes

Elizabeth Haney

Mrs Sheuard

Mrs Frances

Helena Casey

Hannah Hughes

Dorothy Tracey

Mary Dory

Mrs East

Mrs Whitlock

Mrs Martin


[blank] Howell

Edward Howell [sic]

[blank] Lions

[blank] Hughes


Mrs Quigley


Mrs Short

[blank] Hall

110 Margaret Macavey

Mrs Nadall

[blank] Maddox

Mrs Matthews


Anne Dean

Mrs Trainor (Judith)

140 Mrs Tudor



[blank] More

Catharine More ,Daught

[blank] Burt



Amy Castle

Miss MaryBurrell

Mrs Payne

Elizabeth Henderic

150 Anne Shimeld


Celia Dun

Mrs Gray

Mrs Knowles

Sarah Madden







Martha Blake




Louisa Lieb

Anne Watts

Hannah Haney


Mrs Brown

Mrs Leech

Mary Stevens, Bradford?


Mrs Ready

Elizabeth Russell

[blank] Hutchinson


Elizabeth Davies , Stourton

Mrs Crabb, Philips Norton

Anne Haxeland [?]

Mrs Church

Jane Robinson

Mrs Price

Mrs Banks

[blank ] Twigg



Lady Palmer

Betsey Carlas


Mary Sullivan

Anne [Mrs Crabb deleted]

[Mrs Martin deleted ] Miss Cuppa

p.7 1781

Mr Maubache

[blank ] Kelly

[blank] Scanlon

[blank] Fenraine

[blank] Hartland Men

[blank ] Hagler

Mary Ashton

Mary AshtonJunr

Frances Prosser


Mary Lieb


Eliz. Manning

Betty Peddil

Mrs Macnamara

190 Mrs Pettingal

Mary Welch

Frances Gallis


Mrs Catharine ConnerWasherWm[?]

[blank] Russell Daughter

Mary St George


Mrs Thornton,PhilipsNorton




Penelope Price


Mrs Randal

Jane Barry

Mrs Pearce

Margaret Foresight

Rachel Baker

Catharine Dowdell 230

Mrs Darcy


Mary Edwards


[blank] Trevors

Sarah Hagerty

Mrs Maubache

[blank] Kelly

[blank ] Scanlon


[blank ] Fenraine

[blank] Hartland

[blank] Hagler Wife


7 i.e. ofBradford-on-Avon , Wilts .

8 The strongly Catholic parish of Stourton, Wilts, where"at least a hundred" papists were reportedin 1783 (Wilts. Record Society, 27, p. 205). No nameswere asked-for on that occasion and none are given in the 1767 and 1780 returns of papists in this parish (in Salisbury Diocesan Archives) nor do anyStourton papists occur in survivinglists of those taking the oaths between 1778 and 1830 (C.R.S. Monograph 1 , pp. 248-52 & passim) but in August 1784 the burial of"Elizabeth Davis (62), a Papist" was entered in the Anglican register, which contains several other Davis burial-entries marked "a papist" (J. H. Ellis, ed , The Registers of Stourton, Wilts., 1887, pp 80-86)

9 i.e.Norton StPhilip, Somerset .

Mich Brannan10


James Collins


James Macauliff


[blank] Maugie

[blank] Brickman

[blank] Foret

[blank] Roberts

Mich Brian

Mich Murtery

Joseph Edwards

James Farill Senr

[blank ] Farrill Junr

[blank] Keasbery

Willm Macpherson

Sam. Dillon

[blank] Shaw

[blank] Casey

[blank] Casey

p.8 Men

[blank] Vivier

[blank] Corlas

[blank] Robins

Thomas Dutten

George Jackson

[blank] Jolly

Henry Wheland


Barth Hayes

[Joseph Savage , deleted]

Thos Clark

Thomas Perry

[blank] Mcquire


[Lake deleted]

[Anne Austen deleted ]


[blank ] Hagler Daughter

[blank] Pearce

Hannah Baker


[Eleanora Donnohoughdeleted]

[More deleted ]


Thomas Day, Forscoat¹2


Lady Palmer's Maid

Margaret Macauliff

[Anne Rogersdeleted]

An Irish Maid Servt

Catharine Butler

Elizabeth Boswel

Elaenora Dunnohaugh W [sic]

Miss Plunket, Walcot¹1

[blank] Murterywife

[blank] Macpherson

ElizabethCorlas Women

Elizabeth Jaques


[Joanna Perry deleted]

Lady Mannock

Martha Bulbeck

Mrs Mills

Catharine Gregson

Thos Waring

10 Michael Brannan of the Pack-Horse Inn, Claverton St., occurs in the Bath Directoryfor 1792, p 98

11 i.e. the parish of Walcot, Bath Possibly the letter W , after the preceding name, also stands forWalcot

12 Forscote , or Foxcote, midway between Bathand Frome (about 7 miles from each), not to be confused with Foxcote, Warwicks , seat of the Canning family; see J. S. Hill, PlaceNames ofSomerset (Bristol, 1914) p. 184


Jane Radigan

Mrs O'brian

Eleanor Casey

Mrs Poole

[Followed byblank page]

Status Animarum A.D. 1782

Resident Families

David Nagle Esqr

Mrs Nagle

Mrs Harold

Michael Haney

Honora Harogan

Miss Greenway

Margaret Welch

Mary Dean


Joseph Nagle Esqr

Mrs Nagle

Mrs Malpas

James Macauliff

Mrs Fitzmorris

Mary Goodacre

John Porter Esqr

Mrs Porter

Rd Mr Jennison 13

John StonorEsqr.

Mrs Stonor

Miss Plowden

Eliz Cowdrey

Mary Baldwin

Mary Davies

Lady Mannock

Mrs Mills

[Mary Cotton deleted ] Martha Bulbeck

Catharine Gregson

Thomas Waring

p . 11

Mr Hugo

Mrs Hugo

Mary Hugo


Eliz Green, Servt

Walter Smythe Esqr

Mrs Smythe

Miss Smythe

Miss Flyn

Mr Suliard

RobertDalton Esqr

Mrs Dalton

Miss Dalton [Marydeleted] Catharine Cowdrey

Mrs Chetwynd

Catharine Eyre

Winefrid Albert [Willm Stevensdeleted ] Joseph Taylor

Mrs Hussey

Catharine Butler

Maurice Blake Esqr.

Mrs Blake

Mr Anthony Blake


John Lawson Esqr

Luke Stevenson

Mr Robinson

Mrs Robinson

Mrs Day

Eliz Harvey

Mrs Nadall

Anne Watts


Louisa Lieb


Mrs East


Mrs Catharine Burn

Mrs Martha Smith


Catharine Camplin

Mary Camplin

MrButler and Mrs Butler

Mr John Kendal

Mrs Kendal

Mr Butt and Mrs Butt

Mrs Pettingal

Miss Flemingand Miss Cath . Do.

Mrs Fitzherbert

Mrs CharlotteDuval

Mrs Johnson

Esther Allen

Mr and Mrs Lynch

Mrand Mrs English

Mr and Mrs Lowndes

Mr N. Smith and Mrs Charlotte Do.


Mr and Mrs Howell and Edward Do.

Mr Giles Hall

Mrs Hall and Sally Do.


Mrs Quigley

Mrs Trayner

Mary Ross [3 childrendeleted]

Mrs Trimmells

Mr JamesDonelly

Mrs Donelly and [Daughter deleted]

Mary Prosser

Thos Prosserand FannyDo.

Mrs Russell

Mrs Matthews



Mrs Poole

Mrs Welch

Mrs Knowles

Sally Maddin

Mrs Marg Porter

Sarah Stringfellow

End of page This list is continued on p 64 and the followinglist of children, undated, may or may not be a furtherinstalmentofthesame list. The ink and handwriting, and the separate heading "Children " , appear to make it a continuation of the 1781 list, in which men and womenare grouped separately, though the children'ssurnames include two, Ross andDonelly, whose inclusion in thefollowing list mayexplain why "3 Children" and "Daughter" are crossed out after being written originally as part oftheparents ' entries in the 1782listabove

p . 12

Thomas Jenkins

Willm . Jenkins

Robt Jenkins

Peter Carey


John Dun

John Ross

John Seifred

John Brown

John Donnohough

Willm . Tracey

Edward Woogan

Edward Tabor


[blank] Foresight

[blank] Harrill [? Farrill]



Helena Hugo Ditto

Catharine Murphy, 1 Com., Ap 5

Margaret More , 1 Com , Ap 5, 1782

Barbara More, 1 Com., Dec. 1784

Judith Carey

Catharine Camplin , 1 Com . , Ap. 8, 1782

Catharine Macauliff

Margaret Macauliff

Sarah Hall, 1 Com, 20 Aug. , 1784

Mary Donelly

[blank] Scanlon

[blank] Ross

[blank] English

[blank] Connor

John Roper, 1 Com ., 20 Aug., 1784

p . 13 [in Pembridge's hand].

Anno Domini 1759, Die 19 Octobris, Baptizatus est apud Inglisbatch, Gulielmus Day, Natus 14 Oct., Filius Thomae et Susannae Day Conjugum.Patrini Joannes Kendal et WinefridaKendal, pr D. Placidum Nayler

The above is the only entry on its page. Those which follow, fromJune 1780 to November 1781, occupy the next eight pages, unnumberedin the original register The next nine entries are in the handwriting of Dom John Bede BrewerO.S.B. Catalogus Baptizatorumin Capella Catholica Bathoniae .

Anno Dni 1780.Die Junii vigesimo septimo baptizata est, pridie vero nata Anna, filia legitima Josephi et Annae Savage Conjugum Sponsoribus Michaele Mathewet Catharina Scandlin.

Joannes Brewer

Anno Domini 1780. Die Julii decimonono nata est, baptizataverodie vigesimo secundo ejusdem mensis, Catharina Maria, filia legitima Gulielmi et Maria Norris, Conjugum. Sponsoribus Richardo Dean et Maria Mathews .

Joannes Brewer

Anno Domini 1780. Die duodecimoAugustinatus et in periculo mortis sine ceremoniis baptizatus est Georgius, filius legitimus Thomaeet Joannae PerryConjugum .

Joannes Brewer

Anno Domini 1780. Die Septembris vigesimo secundo nata est, baptizataveroDie vigesimo septimoejusdem mensisElizabetha ,filialegitima Roberti et Elizabethae Jakes Conjugum. Sponsoribus Josepho et Elizabetha Corlas

Joannes Brewer

Anno Domini 1780. Die Septembris vigesimo quinto natus est, baptizatus vero die primo Octobris sequentis Michael , filius Patricii Kelly et Margaritae Bentley. Sponsoribus Michaele Brian et ElizabethaSerle

Joannes Brewer


Anno Domini 1780. Die Octobris octavo , suppletae sunt Ceremoniae

Baptismi in Georgium, filium legitimum Thomae et Joannae Perry

Conjugum, natum die duodecimo Augusti ultimi et baptizatum die decimoseptimo ejusdem Sponsoribus ThomaMooreet Rosa Cosgrove. Joannes Brewer

Anno Dni 1780. Die Octobris nono natus est, baptizatus vero die duodecimoejusdem Thomas,14 filius legitimus Gulielmi et Elizabethae

RobinsonConjugum Sponsoribus Thomaet SusannaDay. Joannes Brewer

Anno Dni 1780. Die Novembris vigesimo octavo nata est, baptisata vero die decimo Decembris Catharina , filia legitimaHyacinthi et Elizabethae

Manuel Conjugum Italorum. Sponsoribus Ambrosio Peregrine et Catharina Stone. Joannes Brewer

Anno Dni. 1780. Die decimo sexto Decembris natus est, baptizatusvero die Januarii sexto Anni Dni 1781 Edmundus, filius legitimusEdmundi et Margaritae English Conjugum Sponsoribus Jacobo Murphy et DorotheaMoland.

Henceforthin Pembridge's hand, until p. 19 Pembridge, Jany 8, 1781.


Joannes Brewer 1781 + Jany. 14, ElizabethConnor,15 the Daughterof MichaelConnor and Mary Connor alias Stone, his lawful wife. God Father Edmund English, God Mother MarthaBurn


Michael Pembridge 1781, Jany. 28, Michael Smith, the Son ofN. Smith and N. Smith hislawfulWife God Father Michael Connor.


4. 1781, Feby 4, Alexander Ross, the Son of Ross and of Anne Ross his lawfulwife. + God Father Silvester Macavoy, God Mother Mary Connor. Dead. Michael Pembridge

5. 1781, Feby 27, Mary Macpherson , the Daughter of William Macpherson and of Mary Macpherson alias Daniels his lawful Wife God Father John Kendal , God Mother AnnePrice MichaelPembridge

6. 1781, March 4. Baptized conditionally, Sinones etc. Dominic Anthony Quintas , the Son of Dominic Anthony Quintas and of Mary Quintas his lawful Wife. God Father Thomas More , God Mother Sarah Hagarty. Died Augst 10 1781.+

7. 1781, March 5 , Francis Stoner , the Son of Charles Stoner and [blank] Stoner alias Blount his lawful Wife. God Father Mr

14 Latera Benedictine (Birt, p. 141).

15 Baptisms marked with a cross can in some instances be linked to mortuary entries elsewhere in the register; some have thenote"dead" added

Charles Biddulph byproxyofMrMich Blount, God Mother Lady Nuburgh byproxy ofMiss Plowden. 16


8. 1781, March 19, Mary Jenkins , the Daughter of Thomas Jenkins and of Mary Jenkins his lawful Wife. God Mother Elizabeth Green Dead.

Mich . Pembridge

9. 1781, Ap 16, Charles Parsons, born Ap 13, the Son of Edward Parsons and of N. Parsons alias Gaveston, his lawful Wife. God Father George Brookshire, God Mother MarthaBurn.


10. 1781. Baptized May 6, Cornelius Dowding, born the20April, the Son of James Dowding and Mary Dowdingalias Hawkinshislawful Wife God Father George Hughes, Godmother Mary Ashton , Died Augst 10 1781.+

Mich Pembridge

11. 1781, May 9. Baptized Margaret Walbury, the DaughterofJohn Walbury and Mary Walbury his lawful Wife GodmotherMargaret Lions

M. Pembridge

12. 1781, June 8, Mary Anne Hughes (born June 6), the Daughterof George Hughes and Mary Hughes alias Short, his lawful Wife . God Father Thomas Short, God Mother Anne Cliff by proxyofMary Short

13. 1781, July 18, Mary Bird, the Daughter ofLydia Bird (born July 16), GodMother [blank] Jaques. Michael Pembridge

[This entry is partly crossed-out and "Died Ap . 23 1782" is written against it in Pembridge's hand .]

14. 1781, July 22, Mary Payne (born 21 July), the Daughter of Edward Payne and Mary Payne his lawful Wife. God Father Richard Dean and God Mother Catharine Randall + Died Sept. 29 1781.


15. 1781, July24, Elizabeth Church, born July23, the Daughterof James Church and Anne Church alias Lowndes his lawfulWife. God Father James Slane, God Mother Esther Alden + Died Sept. 3

Michael Pembridge

16. 1781 , Septber. 2. Baptized Thomas Hayes (born Augst. 26), the Son of Bartholomew Hayes and Martha Hayes his lawful Wife God Father Thomas More, God Mother Mary More.


17. 1781, Sept. 9, Anne Billington (born [blank]), the daughterof

16 Barbara (née Kemp, of Slindon, Sussex )wife ofJamesBartholomewRadclyffe, 4th Earl of Newburgh ("G.E.C" , Complete Peerage, IX, pp. 515-6) For the mother'sChristiannames, see note2.


John Billington and Christina Billington his lawful Wife God FatherJeremiah Lions, GodMother Mary Prosser

Michael Pembridge

18. 1781, Sept. 23. Baptized John Scanlon (born 11 Septber), the Son of Patrick Scanlon and Catharine Scanlon his lawful Wife. God Father Patrick Kelly,God Mother Margaret Kelly. MichaelPembridge

19. 1781 , Sept. 25 , was Born and Baptized William Thomas Michael Vaughan , the son ofWilliam Vaughan Esq. of Court Field, Monmouthshire, and of Frances Vaughan his lawful Wife . GodFather Thomas Weld Esqr of LulworthCastle, by proxyofDavidNagle Esqr., God Mother Mrs Mary Nagle.

Michael Pembridge

20. 1781 Baptized Nov. 4, Thomas Dutton (born Oct. 26), the Son of Thomas Dutton and Elizabeth Dutton his lawful Wife God Father Thomas Short, God Mother Mary Norris

M. Pembridge

21. 1781, Novber 12 Baptized Elizabeth Ryan (born the same day), the Daughter of Michael Ryan and Elizabeth Ryan alias Barr his lawfulWife . God Father [blank] Haley.

22 1781, Novber 12. Baptized Mary Ryan, twin Sisterofthe aforesaid Elizabeth(bothin danger of death, withouttheCeremonies), the Daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Ryan aforesaid God Father [blank] Haleyaforesaid (Both died Dec. 7.)

M. Pembridge

23. 1781, Nov. 30. Baptized John MicMurtry, born 19th Ditto,the Son of William MicMurtry and Rebecca MicMurtry his lawful Wife God Father Giles Hall, God Mother Martha Dowden. Bath. Michael Pembridge

24. 1781, Novber. 21. Baptized Richard Lanagan (born the same day), the Son of James Lanagan and Mary Lanagan hislawfulWife(by private baptism). Supplied the rest Dec. 8. God Father Owen Macguire , God Mother Anne Monks

M. Pembridge

For entry no. 25, apparentlymisplaced whenthe Register was rebound , seep 46.

Easter 1782

David Nagle Esqr.

Mrs Nagle

Mrs Harold

Michael Haney

Margt Welch

Honora Harrogan


Joseph Nagle Esqr.

Mrs Nagle

Mrs Fitzmorris


Miss Marg Porter

Sarah Stringfellow

Mrs Chetwynde

Cath Eyre


Willm Stevens

Miss Plunket

Mrs Southcot

Miss Dalton


Mrs Goodacre


Mary Elliot

John StonorEsqr

Mrs Stonor

Miss Plowden

Mrs Cowdrey

Mary Baldwin

Anne Davies

Fanny Prosser

Lady Mannock

Mrs Mills

Martha Bulbeck

Cath Gregson

Thos Waring

Mrs Smythe

Mr Souliard

Mary Flynn

John Porter Esqr

Mrs Porter

Mr Thomas Day, Forscot


Mrs Bathoe


JamesWeldon Esqr

Miss Weldon

Lady Palmer

Mr Butler

Mrs Butler (

Mr English

Mrs English

Mr Robinson

Mrs Robinson

Miss Day Senr

Mr Day, Ingsbach'

Mrs Day

Miss Day

Mr Willm . Day 18

Maurice Blake Esqr

Mrs Blake



30 [End ofpage]

Mrs Nadall

Mrs Day Christ. Lieb

Miss Cath Fleming

Mrs Lowndes

Mrs Church

Owen Maguire


Mrs Smith


Mary Prosser

Mary Russell

Mr Smith-Webb

Luke Stevenson

(Mr Rian

Mrs Rian

Mrs Burn

Mrs Smith Burn19

Mr Smith

Eliz Camplin

Cath Camplin

Mrs Martin



AnneWatts MaryLieb

Louisa Lieb



Alice MacDermant

Mrs Ryley [Mrs Realy deleted]

Mr Kendal

Mrs Kendal

Mr Butt

Mrs Butt

Eliz Green


Giles Hall

Mrs Hall

Thos Brown


Jane Robinson

Penelope Price

Mrs Bathoe's maid-servant; see Easter penitents list, 1785 (infra p. 32).

18 i.e. Englishbatch in the parish of Englishcombe on the outskirts of Bath; cf. Hill, Place Names ofSomerset, p 46

19 PerhapsMartha(née Burn) who married Anthony Smithon 20 June 1781 (see infra, pp 47-8) and who appears as Mrs Martha Smith in the 1782 Status Animarum list (supra, p 8) See also baptismal entries nos 40 & 57 (printed on pp 17 & 20) and note 42.

{Thos [?] Short



Mr Coombs


(Joseph Love

Mrs Love



[End ofpage]

Mrs Knowles

Sally Madan

Mary Dennohough

Mary Carlis


Martha Dowden

Anne Austen Senr

Mrs Matthews

Mary Dean



Mrs Magrar

Thos Lovet

Barth Coffill

Eliz Cottall

Hannah Hughes

Eliz Peddle


Thomas More


Mrs Thornton

Mr Hugo

Richd Maddox

Richd Hubberston

Andrew Fitzgerald

Mrs Trainer

Martha Blake

Anne Miles

Eliz Boxall

Eliz Harris

John Dunn

Anne Church

Henriet Church

Anne Ross

Eleanor Scanlon

Helen Adams


Willm Howell

Mrs Howell

Edward Howell

Diana James

Mrs Sheward

Mrs Jenkson

Mrs Duval


Mrs Birts

Mrs East

Mrs Pool


Mrs Randal


Celia Dunn


Madeisell [?] Hodges

Hannah Baker

Mr Keagan

Anthony Brasil


Mrs Saunderson

Thos Slade

Mrs Norris

Mrs Welch

Willm Kelly

John Casey

Mary Hugo

Genevieve Hugo


Samuel Dillon

Lowndes AnneMore


Honble Mr Clifford

Mrs Clifford

Mrs Hussey


Peter Lannan Maid

Mary Anne Donelly

Sarah Hall +


LadyMostynn [Willm Kelly deleted]

Sr. Richd. Acton

John Morris

Mary McNamara

John Efferlyn

Cath. Derrick

Mrs Riely

Mary Parsons

Ap . 22, Eliz. Barnes

May 5, WillmNorris


1782. Received into the Churcha Convert, Diana James, Feby 23, 1782 in the presence ofWillm . and N. Howell . 20

Received into the Church a Convert , Miss Mary Proctor, March 14 , 1782: present Mrs Martin and Mr Blake.And Received into the Church a Convert, Mary Elliot: present Mrs Goodacre . May 16, 1782, Peter Green of Dunkerton, a Convert : present Thomas Brown. 1782, Dec. 8, Charles Francis ofWellow: present Mrs Martin 1782, Dec. [blank] , JohnMills ofBath.

Mortuary List of 1782. [For the 1781 mortuary-list, and foracopy ofpart ofthe 1782 list, see pp. 46-7 .]

Jany. 5

Hannah Haney, Ir., aged58, Bath, R.P.

John Daman, Frenchman , Bath, R.P.

Margaret Rian alias Kelly, Ir., 28, Bath, R.P.

Mary Lynch, Ir , 54, Bath, R.P.

Bridget Martin, 61, Bath, R.P.

ElizabethEast, 86, Bath, R.P.

ElizabethCrabb, 92, PhilipsNorton, R.P.

Mrs Margaret Reily, Ir , 32, Littleton , 21 R.P.

Anne Pool, 77, Bath, R.P.

Mrs Catharine Malpas,2 22 Ir , 73, Bath , R.P.

Mr Anthony MacHugo, 23 Ir., 54, Bath, R.P.

Mrs Mary Lucy Stonor, 84, Bath, R.P.

JamesDean, 28, Bath, R.P. 24

Judith Kegan, Ir , 42, Bath, R. in P. 4 Vincent Bullen, 44, Bath, R. in P.

20 Christianname Mary(see infra, p 116)

21 Perhaps High Littleton, Som She was buried in Bath Abbey on 22 May (R.B.A. , p 468)

22 Buried in BathAbbey, 28 June, as "Mapus" (ibid )

23 Buriedin Bath Abbey, 1 July, as "Hugo" (ibid.)


See note 2. She was buriedin BathAbbey on 10 October"InMrBerresford's grave" (R.B.A. , p 469 )


Catalogus Baptizatorumin Capella Cathaloca Bathoniense , A.D. 1782 [continuedfromp. 12]

26. 1782, Jany 21. M. Pembridge baptized Robert Baker, born 19 , the Son of William Baker and Hannah Baker his lawful wife. God Father Thomas Brown, GodMother Penelope Price

27. 1782, Jany 30. Baptized John Dun . Born Jany 15 , the Son of James Dunn and Mary Dunn alias Ellese [?] his lawfulWife . God Father JamesMurphy, GodMother CeliaDunn.

M. Pembridge

28. 1782, Feby 10. BaptizedMary Anne Miles, born 21 Dec. 1781 , the Daughterof Charles Miles and Anne Miles his lawful Wife. God Mother ElizabethCottle.


29. 1782, Feby [? Feb 7]. Baptized at Foscott Frances Day (born4 Feby.), the Daughterof Thomas Day and Mary Dayalias Fleming his lawful Wife. God Father Mr Edward Canning, God Mother Miss Anne Fleming.

Mr. Coombe25

30. 1782, March 17. Baptized Charles Jakes. Born 14 March, the Son of Robert Jakes and Elizabeth Jakes alias Bird his lawful Wife God Father EdwardParsons, God Mother AnneWillisthorp.


31. 1782, March 18. Baptized Richard Gregory. Born [blank], the son of Thomas Gregory and Jane Gregoryhis lawful Wife. God Father JamesMurphay, God Mother Mary Murphay.

32 +

M.Pembridge 1782, April 19, Anne Robinson born 18 Ap., the Daughter of Mr Willm. Robinsonand Mrs ElizabethRobinsonhis lawfulWife. God Father Rd Mr Andrew Robinson26 , God Mother Miss Susannah Day, Ingsbach. , M.Pembridge

33. 1782, May 6, John Stone, born 30 March, and May 10, Richard Stone (twins), born 30 March Both died May23rd. GodMother Mrs MarthaSmith.


M.Pembridge 1782, July 9, Anne Haily, born June 25, the DaughterofPatrick Haily and Rebecca Haily his wife God Father Patrick Scanlon , God Mother Mary Ross MrGarstang27

35. 1782, July 21, Anne Waterson, born July 14 , the daughter of

25 Entry in Pembridge's hand on behalf of William Coombs, or Coombes , for whom see C.R.S., 65, note341 to Introduction For "Foscott" see note 12.

26 Ex-Jesuit; cf. Foley, VII, p 657; Kirk, p 200. "Ingsbach" at the end of this entry is Englishbatch (see note 18)

27 In Pembridge's hand For Dom William Garstang O.S.B. see Birt, p 129; also C.R.S., 65, pp. 182-3. (undated letter from him to Fr. Naylor in Bath)

Michael Waterson and Dorothy Waterson his Wife God Father Patrick Duggin.

M. Pembridge

1782, Augst 11. Baptized Elizabeth Hartland, born Augst 5 , the Daughter of Joseph Hartland and Elizabeth Hartland his Wife God Father James Fanran, God Mother Celia Fanran. M. Pembridge

37. 1782, August 25. Baptized Laetitia Church, born 24 Augst, the Daughter of William Church and Anne Church his Wife . God Father JamesSlade, God Mother Mary Mills + Died Oct. 7. 1782.

38 39.

M. Pembridge

1782, Septber 26. Baptized Francis White, born 8th Septber, the Son of John White and of Laetitia White his Wife God Father [blank] , God Mother Mrs Dun

M. Pembridge

1782 , 29 Sept. Baptized AugustineJohnQuintus, born 28 Augst, the Son of Dominic Anthony Quintus and of Mary Quintus his Wife God Father Thomas More, God Mother Sarah Hagarty.


40. 1782, 30 Septber Baptized John Joseph Smith, born 27 Sept. , the Son of AnthonySmith and MarthaSmith alias BurnhisWife God Father Mr James White of Bristol, God Mother Mrs Mary Dowling by proxyof Mary Hughes

M. Pembridge

41. 1782, Novber. 5. Baptized George Dowden, born Nov. 1 , theSon of John Dowden and Martha Dowdenhis Wife. God MotherMrs Anne Nadall, Bath


42. 1782 , Dec. 25. Baptized John Lions, born 4 Dec., the Son of James Lions and Elizabeth Lions alias Philips God Mother Celia Dunn. +



1782, Dec. 2 [probably anotherfigure shouldfollow this].John Clare, born 5 Dec., the Son of John Clare and Elizabeth Clare alias Tobin GodMother Mrs Sarah Cox .

M.Pembridge 1783 Mortuary List. Jany March June July 11 12 25 30 6 25 11 Lucy Stone Aged [blank]

Bath, R. in P.

Silvester Macavoy 58 Ir. Bath, R in P. Eleanor Donelly 32 Ir

ElizabethFitzmorris 70 Ir.

Mary Fry

Bath , R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath,R. in P. 16 Catharine Quigley 48 Ir.

Winefrede Kendal 66

Oct. 1 John PorterEsqr

Nov. 25 [blank] Riley, Ir.28

Bath, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Wellington,R. inP.

Stranger, Bath, R. inP.

28 Buried in Bath Abbey, 28 Nov., "Mr Michael Reilly UnderMr Orpwood's stone" (R.B.A. , p. 469).


Nov. 26 Theobald BurkeEsqr . 29 62 Ir. Ditto, P.

1783 Status Animarum as 1782 .

Additional Resident Families :-

Mrs Throckmorton

Miss Throckmorton

Mr George Throckmorton


John Haines and Wife

Mrs Pen

Cook maid Anne Buet


Mrs Brockholes


Man Servant

Miss Hide

Miss Mary Hide

John Mills, Servt

1784 . Dec. 4, Jane Dunn, Bath

This is probably adeath-entry, perhaps insertedhere because therewas no roomforitat thefoot of the page, afterthe final(Oct. 13) entry in the 1784 Mortuary list, below. It has no counterpartin the Abbey Register.

1784 Mortuary.

1784, Jany 30 Mrs Mary Nagle, 30

March 31 Thomas Arundell Esqr ,

April 15 Mary Bertrand,3

April 22Charles Kelly, 32


Ir.Aged 64 Bath, R. in P. Aged 66 Bath, R. in P.

Ir.Aged 55 Bath, R. in P.

Ir. Aged 25 Bath, R. in P. 5Mrs Frances Woulfe ,Stranger, May

May 9 ElizabethGreen ,

May 17 Richard Carlas ,

July 19 Frances Key,

July 30AnnePrice , suddenly,

July 31 Catharine Hay,

Augst. 12Thomas Butt, suddenly

Ir aged 40 Bath , R. in P. aged 30 Bath, R. in P. aged [blank] Bath, R. in P. aged 17 Bath, R. in P. aged 82 Bath, R. in P.

Ir. aged [blank] Bath, R. in P. aged 65 Bath, R. in P.

Sept. 14Mrs Bridget Leyster, 33 Stranger , Ir , aged 52, Bath, R. in P.

Oct. 4 Mrs MaryDonavan,34 unexpectedly, Stranger , Ir , aged38, Bath, P.

29 Buried in BathAbbey, 1 Dec., as Bourke(ibid)

30 Buried in BathAbbey, 6 Feb., as Neagle(R.B.A. , p 470). See also note 1

31 Or Harran; natural son of Thomas , second son of the 5th Lord Arundell of Wardour ; cf. Notes on the Family History by the 12th Lord Arundell (ed E. Doran Webb, 1916) p 74, note.

32 Buried in Bath Abbey, 20 April, "UnderDr Wall's monument" (R.B.A.,loc cit.)

33 Buried in BathAbbey, 17 Sept., asLester (ibid.)

34 Buried in BathAbbey, 7 Oct., as Miss Maria Donovan(ibid )


Oct. 9 ElizabethSmith , Oct. 13 James Kendall, aged 43 Bath, Rin P. aged 23 Bath, R. in P. 19

To the next page is affixed a sheet of paper containing, in a different hand, the followingrough notes and a baptismalentry later copied into the Register by Pembridge as no . 51, infra , p 20. (Not in Taunton transcript).

S. [?] I.Arathoar [?] and AnneWeare Lambe . Permission to grant Fac: to Confreres


Cemetery Consecration ofCount Eyre'sChapel and ground. Priviledged altar .

Nov 3, 1783 , Baptized Thomas Day, born Nov. 2, the son of Thomas Day and Mary Day alias Fleming his wife . God FatherMr Thomas Day ofIngsbach, God Mother Miss SusanDayofDitto. pr Mr. Willm Coombs Entrieshenceforthin Pembridge's hand (untilp. 22).

Status Baptizatorum 1783

44. 1783, Jany 19. Baptized John English, born 6th Jany., the Son of Edmund English and Margt. English his wife. God Father Cornelius Hughes, God Mother Catharine Randal


M.Pembridge. 1783, Feb. 19. Baptized Mary Martin, born 26 August, the Daughter of Thomas Martin and Anne Martin his Wife God Father Samuel Dillon, God Mother Mary Wade [? Wate].


46. 1783 , March 18.Baptized Anne Fox,born 10 March,the Daughter of N. Fox and Anne Fox his Wife God Father MasterCharles White by proxy of Thos Brown, God Mother Mrs Mary Ready.

M. Pembridge.

47 March 23+ Baptized Andrew Forsayth, born 17 Feby., the Son of Richard Forsayth and Margaret Forsaythhis Wife. GodFather John Kegan, God Mother Catharine Sheagan. Died May 8 1784.

M. Pembridge.

1783 Status Baptizatorum.

48. April 27. Baptized Mary Casey, born 12 April, the Daughter of John Caseyand ElizabethCasey his wife. God FatherJohn Kegan, God Mother ElizabethHall

49 . 50.

M. Pembridge. July 27. Baptized John James Payne, born 17 July, the Son of Edward Payne and Mary Payne his Wife. God FatherEdmund English, God Mother Mrs Catharine Randall

M. Pembridge

Oct. 9, 1783. Baptized privately in danger of Death, Mary Anne Jackson , born the 2d Oct. Supplied etc. Oct. 19 ; the Daughterof


John Jackson and Anne Jackson his Wife God Father Henry Wheland , God Mother Mary Ready

M. Pembridge.

Nov. 3, 1783. Forscote , Baptized Thomas Day, born Nov. 2, Forscote, the Son of Thomas Day and Mary Day alias Fleming his Wife God Father Mr Thomas Day of Ingsbach, God Mother Miss SusanDay ofDitto .

pr Mr Willm Coombs . 35

52. Nov. 23, 1783. Baptized Anne Denie , 36 born Nov. 19 , Bath , the Daughterof John BaptistDenie and of Anne Denie alias Dean his Wife. GodFather Michael Haney, God Mother Mary Deane .

53 pr Mich Pembridge. Dec. 14, 1783. Baptized Charles Billington, born 10 Augst, the Son of John Billington and [blank] Billington his Wife . God Father Thos Short, God Mother Mary Prosser. M. Pembridge.

54. 1783 , Dec. 21. Baptized Thomas Moore, born 18 Dec., the Son of Thomas Moore and Mary Moore his Wife. God Father Charles Purnell, God MotherAnne Davies.

pr. M. Pembridge.

55 1784.

Feb 8. Baptized Isabella Denvirborn 17 Jany the Daughterof John Denvir and Elizabeth Denvir God Father Thomas Barret, God Mother Mary Short

prM. Pembridge.

56. March7, 1784. Baptized AmbroseJakes, born 4 March , theSon of Robert Jakes and of ElizabethJakes alias Bird hislawful Wife. God FatherWilliam Hopkins, God Mother Dorothy Haynes.

57 of Bristol.

pr M. Pembridge. March 17, 1784. Baptized (in danger ofdeath) ThomasAnthony Smith, born March 16, the Son ofAnthony Smith andofMartha Smith alias Burn. Supplied the rest April 1. God FatherMrThos Smith by proxy of Mr Dowling, God Mother Mrs EleanorWhite

M. Pembridge .


1784 .

58. 1784, April 1. Baptized Sophia Miles, born March 1 , the Daughter of Charles Miles and Anne Miles his Wife God Mother Sarah Madan

M. Pembridge.

59. 1784, April 4. Baptized Thomas Lovat, born 26 March, the Son of Thomas Lovat and Mary Lovat his Wife. God Father Thomas Barret, God Mother Mary Collins.

pr.M. Pembridge

35 Copyofentry on p. 19 .

36 Enteredthe Bar Convent , York, 1793; cf. H. J. Coleridge, St Mary's Convent , Micklegate Bar, York (1887) p. 396 .

60. 1784, April 6. Baptized Robert Mican, born 1 April, the Son of James Mican and of Esther Mican his Wife God Father James Donelly, God Mother ElizabethRussell

pr M. Pembridge.

61. [sic ] 1784, 15 March Greenhill, Wooton Basset, Baptizatus est Gulielmus Cruse Filius Caroli et Mariae Cruse Natus eadem die Patrini fuereGulielmusDavey et Joanna Cruse . pr Thom Cottrell . 37

62. 1784 , June 18. Baptized Frances Ross, born 11 June ,the Daughter of William Ross and Mary Ross his wife. God Father James Donelly. M. Pembridge . [sic]. 1784, July 11. Baptized Mary Baker, born 18 June, the Daughter ofWilliam and Hannah Baker hiswife, GodFather Thos Short, God Mother Mary Hughes

65 +


pr M. Pembridge. 1784, July 19. Baptized Mary Anne Payn, born July 5, the Daughter of Edward Payn and Mary Payn his Wife. God Father ChristopherLieb, God Mother Sarah Hagarty. M. Pembridge. 1784, July 22. Baptized Thomas Dowding(born on the sameday) in danger of death the Son of John Dowding and Martha Dowdinghis Wife Supplied the rest 1784, Oct. 29. Baptized John Ryan, born Oct. 26, the Son of Daniel Ryan and BridgetRyan alias Cockran his wife God Father MrJames Murphy, God Mother EleanorRyan. pr. M. Pembridge.

66. Nov. 13, 1784. Baptized by Giles Hall, John Pearce the Son of N. Pearceand N. Pearce his Wife, in danger of death, born 30 Oct. Supplied the rest Nov 13.God Father Giles Hall and God Mother N. Hall

pr.M. Pembridge

67. Nov.14, 1784. Baptized Sarah English,born 28 Oct.,the Daughter of Edmund English and Margaret English his wife . God Father NicholasDowling, GodMother Catharine Randall pr M. Pembridge

No. 68. 1784, Novber 28. Baptized Mary Anne Nonnett, born Sept. 9. the daughter of Philip Nonnett and Elizabeth Nonnett hiswife God Father Laurence Cagahan, GodMother AnneJackson. pr M. Pembridge

No. 69. 1784, Dec. 13. Baptized Elizabeth Lucy Grace, born Nov28,the daughter of William Grace and Judith Grace his Wife.God Father Thomas Brown and [sic .] Mary Cloreng. pr. MrSimpson³8

37 Franciscan; see Fr. Thaddeus, The Franciscans in England (1898) passim For the Cruse family and their house "Greenhill" , Wootton Bassett, Wilts , see C.R.S. Monograph 1 , pp 236-7 .

38 John Cuthbert Simpson O.S.B. He died in the following year; see end of 1785 mortuary list, overleaf

70 . 70. 1785.


May 5


, March21 [erased].

Mortuary List 1785 .


John Waren Aged54 Bath, R. in P. 55 [Annedeleted] ElizabethMagennis 52

N. Duff, Stranger 39

MrsMary Hickson, suddenly

Thos Gallowaye, Stranger, Do.

Joseph Edwards , Found dead


Mr James Henesey


Philip Short

Margaret Carpenter

July 8 John Dowding

July 22 Robert Dalton Esqr.

Oct. 7 MrEdward Canning

Nov. 1 . John Simpson, Priest40

Bath, R. in P.

Bradford, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath , R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath , R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath , R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

Bath, R. in P.

[Above entry in a different hand; otherwisein Pembridge's hand until p. 25.]

p . 45

Status AnimarumSept. 1 , 1784 .

Quibus Subjungitur X Confitentur apud alios.

David Nagle Esqr.

Mrs Harold X Robt. Dalton Esqr


Mrs Smythe

Mrs Bathoe

Mrs Plunkett

Mrs Southcote

Dr Niheel

Miss Porter 40

Lady Mannock 10

Lady Palmer

Mrs Blake

Maurice Blake Esqr.

JamesWeldon Esqr.

Miss Weldon

Miss N. Weldon

Mrs Dalton

Miss Dalton

Miss Constantia Dalton

Thos Metcalf Esqr

Willm .VaughanEsqr

Mrs Vaughan

Walter Smythe Esqr.

Miss Smythe


Miss Mary Plowden

Mrs Fitzherbert41

Miss Teresia Fitzherbert

Mrs Throckmorton

Mr George Throckmorton

39 Buried in Bath Abbey, 6 Feb., "Under Mr Meyrell's" (? Meynell's) "stone , southaisle" (R.B.A. , p . 470)

40 Aged 60 (Birt, p 114); buried in Bath Abbey, 5 Nov. , "By Mrs Malon's monument" (R.B.A. , p. 471)

41 Not the Mrs Fitzherbert; she was abroad at this time; cf. Sir S. Leslie , Mrs Fitzherbert (1939) pp 22-43


Dr Stack

Miss Hyde

Miss AnneHyde 50

Miss MaryHyde 20

Mrs Martin

Miss Procter

Mr Robinson

Mrs Robinson

Miss Robinson

Willm Robinson

Mrs Day Rob. [sic.]

Mr EdwardCanning

Willm DicconsonEsqr.

Mrs Dicconson

Miss Fleming

Miss Cath Fleming

Mrs Stack

Miss Stack

Mrs Chetwynde

Mrs Yates

Eliz Davies


Mr Day 60 Thos Slade

Mrs Day

Miss Day 30

Mr Thos. Day

Mrs Thos Day

p . 46


Mrs English 100


Betsy Do.

Mr Ryan

70 MrsRyan


Mrs Murphy

Miss Murphy

Thos Murphy



Mary Jellamy

Anne Williams


Mrs CharlotteDuval


Marg. [? Mary ] Welch

Mary Dean

Mrs Denis 140

MaryDean [sic]


Mr Lynch

Mr Farrill


Farrill Junr

Mrs Dowling 110 Sam Dillon

Mr Butler

Mrs Butler

Mr Hughes

80 Mrs Hughes

Mrs Randall

Mary Servt

James Dowding

Martha Dowding

John Dowding

Mrs Foresayth



Nath. Quin

90 Mrs Knowles

Sally Madan

Mr Love

Mrs Love


Mrs Butt


Mrs Lowndes

Mrs Church




Anne Buet

Mrs Mills

Martha Bulbeck

AnneWood 120 Sarah Stringfellow

Cath Bannister

Mary Langdale

Hannah Baker

Sarah Baker

Mary Birt

Alice McDermont

John McDermont


Mrs Singpower


Mary Hawkins

Mrs Trayner

Mrs Pen

John Haines

Thos. Giles

Mr Lowndes

Thos Dawber

Mrs Amesbury


Willm . Baker

Dr Niheel's Servant

Mr Dicconson's butler


Mrs Smith42

p . 47

Mr Norris

Mrs Norris

Henry Wheland

Mrs Leech

Mr Leonard

Mrs Leonard

Thos Lewis



Thos Moore

Cath Moore

Cath Moore[sic.]

Barb Moore

Eliz. Boxall

Willm Wogan

John Mills

Mr Hall

Mrs Hall

Sally Hall

Thos Brown

Jane Robinson


John Roper

Charles Purnell

Mr Quigley

Cath Connor


Thos Jenkins

Mr Faneran

Mrs Faneran

Francis Curly

Mr Amesbury

[p . 48]

Mrs Deaves

John Warren

Cath. Potter


Mrs Mathews

Mrs Nadall


Louisa Lieb

1784 Status Animarum .

Mr Gale

Ross Magennis

George Nash

Mrs Burn

DittoWife 180 Mrs Smith burn43


150 Mrs Hugo


Ginev [?] Hugo

Richd Ryan

Michael Brian


Thos Short

Mrs Short

John Short 190

Jos Short


Miss Dale

Eliz Berwick

Richd . Maddox

Ditto Wife

Marg [? Mary ] Wall

Mrs Welch


Willm. Darling


Mr Smith

Eliz Camplin

Cath Camplin

Mrs Thornton

Mary Ross

John Ross


Mary Aston

AnneBranna [?] 220

Mary Branen [?]44


John Jakes


John Laytham


Charles Francis

Cath Dowdell

Helena Donelly


Godwin Darling 200 Jerem Lions

Marg. Magrar

170 Hannah Hughes

Mr Coombs

Eliz Cottell



Flora Coombs

Mrs Gray



Anne Pearce

Eliz Peddel

Richd Hubbenton[?]

Joseph Edwards


Thos Clark

1784 Status Animarum. MaryMurphy

Celia Dun

1784, Nov. 23, Married Mr 240


42 These two entries are each followed by a hieroglyphicresembling a capital "B" (not in Taunton transcript). The surname "Smith burn" occurs later in this list (entry no 211) and as no 18 in the 1785 Status Animarum list (infra , p 28) where no 239 is Mr John Smithburn (infra, p 31). The surname Smithbarneis found in a recusant context in Elizabethan York; see C.R.S. Monograph 2, pp 212-27, passim But see also note 19 .

43 See previous note.

44 In the Ms. this and the preceding surname have indeterminate endings; possibly Brannan is intended (as in Taunton transcript and in other registerentries). See also note 10 & Index


Thos Dutten

Cath Dutton

Mr Brickman

Mrs Cosgrove

Mary Dennough


Mr Souliard

Miss Smythe's Maid

Mrs Payne

Cath Hagarty

Mrs Carpenter

Martha Blake


Anne Davies


Mary Hughes


Mr Vivier


Mrs Molland

Mrs O Neal


RichardCroutch45 ofWarminster, 25 Miss Frances Raw, Cornwall, Witness Mr John Kendall, pr. M. Pembridge

1785 Status Baptizatorum.

Nexttwoentries in Simpson's hand; thereafterin Pembridge's.

No . 70

January 2d 1785.This day was baptised in this Chapel, John Baptist Joseph, born 29 Dec. 1781, son of John BaptistDenie andAnn hisWife.Sponsors Joseph Saleur and MaryMatthews. Witness Jno Simpson O.S.B.

No . 71. January 31st 1785. This Day was baptised in this Chapel, Michael, born 27th inst., Son of Michael Hoghinand Elizabeth his Wife. GodfatherRichd. Ryan, GodmotherMary Ann Hugo. Witness Jno. Simpson O.S.B.

No . 72. Feby 28. Baptized Francis Foresayeth , born 9 Feby., the Son of Richard Foresayeth and Margaret his Wife. God Father JamesDonelly,GodMotherAnn ZingerboueraliasSingpower. pr Mich Pembridge O.S.B.

No . 73 . March21.Baptizedin this Chapel, Mary Nash, the Daughterof George Nash and Catharine Nash his Wife, born 9th March. God FatherJamesMurphy, GodMother EleanorDooling. pr. Mich. PembridgeO.S.B. 1785, April 2. Baptized in this Chapel, AnnaMariaPlunket Edgecumbe, born March 4, the Daughter of Captain John Edgecumbe Esqr and Anna Maria Edgecumbe Plunket his Wife. God Father Mr Nicholas Molland, God Mother Mrs DorothyMolland.

45 pr.Mich Pembridge

Forthisfamilysee C.R.S.Monograph 1 , p 230& note 347.Ifthis was Richard Crowch , apothecaryand surgeon, of Warminster , Wilts, this would appear to be his second marriage. See also death-entry, 11 Sept. 1806, infra, p 127 .


July 9. Baptized by Mr Simpson, George Claire, born 3d Feby., the Son of John Claireand Elizabethhis wife. God Mother MaryParsons. Ita testorM.Pembridge

July 17th. Baptized by Mr Simpson, Mary Donnevan ,born 12 ofMarch , the DaughterofCornelius Donnevan and of Mary his Wife . GodMother MaryJenkins .

Ita testor M.Pembridge.

Augst 21. Baptized Willm Lions, born 13 July, the Son ofJames Lions and Elizabeth his wife (alias Philips). God Father William Grady, God Mother BridgetMurphy.

M. Pembridge .

StatusBaptizatorum [heading and17 entries in Digby's hand].

1785 See below [i.e. entry dated 16 Nov., 1785; infra, p. 27]

Dec.4, 1785, was baptized Ann Denvir, daughter of John and Elizabeth Denvir, born on the 4th of November 1785. Godmother Mary Ross .

Wm. Digby.

Dec. 4, 1785 , was baptised Louise Laurent daughterof John Claudius and Mary Laurent, born on the 27 of November Godfather John Claudius Hubert.

Wm . Digby.

Dec. 11, 1785, was baptised Catharine Baptist, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Baptist, born on the 22 of November 1785. Godfather Stephen Ryley, GodmotherElizabethRaffertin.

Wm. Digby.

Dec. 14, 1785, was baptized Frances Harriette Welch, daughter of Nathanael and Mary Welsh, born on the 14 of December 1785. GodmotherMary Ross.

Wm. Digby

Dec. 26, 1785, was baptised Stephen Jeremiah Daly, son ofDenisand Mary Daly, born on the 17th of December 1785. Godfather Jeremiah Murphy, GodmotherElizabethMurphy.

Wm Digby.

Status Baptizatorum 1786.

Jan. 9, 1786, was baptised without solemnity, Mary West, daughter of Jacob and Anna West, born on the 10th of December 1785. Theceremonies were supplied at chapel on the 15th of January 1786. Godmother MarthaDowding.

Wm Digby.

See below [i.e. entry dated 7 Feb. 1786; infra , p 27].

March21, 1786, was baptised withoutsolemnity,Mary Leech , daughter of John and Mary Leech, born on the 2d of March 1786. Godfather James Feneran, GodmotherCelia Feneran Ceremonies to be supplied.

Wm Digby. April 2d, 1786, was baptised , Thomas Denie, Son of John and Ann


Denie, born on the 27 of March 1786. GodfatherWilliam Robinson, GodmotherMary Dean.

Wm Digby

The above entry is crossed-out, withthe note: 1791 June 10 M.P. + [see p.49.]

See below [i.e. entry dated 6 April 1786 atfoot ofpage.]

May 29, 1786, was baptised James Ryley, Son of Stephen and Jane Ryley, born on the 14 of May 1786. Godfather James McCormack , GodmotherJane Perral

Wm Digby

Status Baptizatorum 1786.

June 5, 1786, was baptised Sarah Maria Perry, daughter of Henry and Sarah Perry, born on the 12 ofMay 1786.GodfatherDominic Quintas, Godmother Bridget Hegarty. Wm. Digby.

Aug. 21 , 1786, was baptised WinefridaDowding, daughterofJamesand Mary Dowding, born on the 7thofAug. 1786. Godmother, Mary Dean . Wm Digby.

Aug. 28, 1786, was baptised without solemnity, William Egan, son of William and Ann Egan, born on the 28 of Aug. 1786. Ceremonies tobe supplied


Sept. 12, 1786 , were baptised withoutsolemnityAnastasia andBridget Ryan, daughters of Daniel and Bridget Ryan, born on the 11 ofSept. 1786.Ceremonies to besupplied.

Wm .Digby

Status Baptizatorum 1786.

Sept. 17, 1786, was baptised Thomas English, Son of Edmund and Margaret English , born on the 14 of September 1786. Godfather, Michael Butler, GodmotherAnn Amesbury.

Wm .Digby.


On the 16 ofNovember1785, was baptised by Mr Garstang,Mary Lane , daughter of Timothyand Elizabeth Lane, born on the 15 ofNovember 1785.Godmother Eleanor Donoghue

Feb. 7, 1786, was baptised without solemnity, Thomas Fullam , Sonof Thomas and Sarah Fullam, born on the 28 ofJanuary1786.Godfather Matthew Kelly. The ceremonies were supplied on the 12 of Feb. 1786

Wm. Digby.

April 6, 1786, was baptised Joseph Frances, Son of James Friar and Martha Frances, born out ofwedlock on the 19 of March 1786.Godmother Mary Friar

Wm Digby.

[Three further 1786baptisms occur on p 34 andoneonp. 37.]


Henceforthin Pembridge's hand, until p . 34 .

Status Animarum Confitentium,PaschateAn Doi 1785.Lit. P. denotat

Pembridge , S.Simpson , A. Alibi,46 Ir Irish, St. Stranger.

WinefrideAlbert A

Miss Sus DaySenr

Mr Nicholas Dowling Ir

Mrs Jane Dowling

Thomas Venis

P Mrs Chetwynd

P Mrs Yates, Servt Do. A Coombs

P Elizabeth Davies, Do. A

P Amelia Hellier, Do. A

S Willm Dicconson Esqr A

N. Strange Esqr Ir St. S Mrs Diccenson A

John Dowding S 30

Mr DanielRyan Ir

Lady Mannock

Mrs Mills, Servt Do.

Mr Thos Day, Forscote47

Mrs Burn

Mrs Randall

Miss Langdale

Lucy Waringe

Sarah Stringfellow

Miss Porter

Mrs Smith burn

Teresia Price

Mr Langdale

Mrs Smythe

Mrs Robinson


Mrs Butt

Mr Peter Smith

P Mr Tomlinson, Servt Do. A

P Thos. Dauober [?] Do. A

P Mrs Throckmorton Senr. A 10

Mr George Throckmorton A

P Mrs Penn, Servt Mrs Do. A

P Mr John Haines, Servt Do. A

P JohnGiles, Servt Do. A

P Walter Smythe Esqr. A

P Miss Smythe A

P Mrs Fitzherbert A

P 40

P Miss Fitzherbert

St. S Miss Teresia Fitzherbert

Str 20 S. Mrs Duval , Servt Mrs Do.

Robt DaltonEsqr

P Mrs Dalton

P Thos MetcalfEsqr

P Miss Dalton

P 1785

P Miss Constantia Dalton

Timothy MacDermont Ir

John Mills

Anne Davies 50

Mrs Norris


P Mrs Saltmarsh

P Mrs Amesbury

Anne Cliff

P Miss Plowden

Jane Robinson P 80

Monsr . Saleur

P Miss Mary Plowden A

P Willm Vaughan Esqr A

S Thos. Slade, Servt. Do. A

Honora Henelly Ir P Mary Williams , Do. A

John Stoner Esqr

Martha Robinson

Willm Robinson

Henry Robinson children Do

P AnneJellamy, Do. A

Mary Merrick, Do.

Mrs Vaughan A A

P Mr HenrySmythe A

S JohnThrockmorton Esqr A

46 Presumably persons who claimed to be penitents of some other priest than Frs Pembridge and Simpson , e.g. the Rev. WilliamCoombs, named in two entries and known to have acted as Mrs Chetwynd'schaplain (see C.R.S., 65, p 74)

47 For this place-name, see note 12 .

60 Mrs Throckmorton A

MissProctor P 90

Miss O'Neil Ir P Mr Willm Dalton A

Michael Bryan Ir. P Miss Fitzgerald A

Mrs Knowles

P MrEdwdCanning A

Sarah Madan P Mrs Deaves A

Thos. Brown

John Rosser

Mrs Howel

P Charlotte Duval A

P Mrs Stack Ir A

St. P Miss Stack Ir A

Edward Howel St. P Miss [Eliz deleted ] Barb Darell A

Mrs Eliz. Hall

Sarah Hall

P Henry, Mr Stonor'sServt. Ir. A

Mr Saltmarsh St. A

Richd. Abbot Str S AnneHagarty A

John Menzies St. S Dr Stack Ir A

Peter Foster

S Mrs Saltmarsh's Maid A

John Orrell St. S

1785. Joseph Love Junr

N. French Esqr.

Willm . Jakes

Mrs Darell

Miss Darell

Mrs Martin

S Thomas Moore Ir P

Ir. St. S Cath Potter P S Thos. Dutton P P Eliz Cottle P

S David Nagle Esqr Ir P

S LadyPalmer Ir P

Mr Kendall P RossMagennis Ir P

Anne Buet P

Miss Plunket Ir P [Peter FosterSdeleted]

MissWoulfe Ir P Agnes [?] Legate, Miss Smythe's

Mrs Matthew Ir P Maid S

Jane Porter P 140

MissWeldon Ir P

N.N. Stranger Man St. Ir.

[John deleted] RobertMican Ir P JamesMacauliff

Mr Gale P JamesWeldon Esqr

Cath Cole


P Miss [Marydeleted] JaneWeldon Ir. S 48 S Ir S Ir S

P Mrs Strange St. Ir S

Mrs Macauliff Ir P Miss Strange 120 Miss Webb

Cath .Camplin S Margt Curwin

Barbara Moore P Anne Marr St. Ir S Ir S Ir S St. S

Francis Curly Ir P Gentleman St. Ir S

Anne Pit P One Ditto S

Mary Magrar Ir P 150 [sic]

Anne Wood

Mrs Haines

Hannah Baker

P 4 Others P Mrs Southcote

P Mrs Lowndes S S P

Martha Bulbeck P Giles Hall P

Mr James Donelly Ir. P Mrs Ryan P 130 Mrs Church P

Emma Barbara Dutton

P MrShort P

Eleanor Dennough Ir. P

48 Heavilysmudged: possibly an accidental blot, or perhaps an erasure of"Ir" .

Louisa Lieb

Elizabeth Giles

Mrs Moore



Mrs Harold


Mary Birt

Mary Dory

Mr Edwd Canning


Anne Bannister



Mary Wade

Miss Margt Hide

Miss Anne Hide

Mr Mich Butler Ir. P

Thos Waring

LadyMostyn St. P

Miss Cath Fleming

Miss Stoker

Mrs Pettingal

Catharine Moore

Sam. Dillon

Miss Day Junr

Sarah Cox

Joseph Gatti, Ital Str Mr Smyth49 John Crook

John Bap Mezeno Do. Thos Hindes Ir S

Joseph Brena Do. Rebeca Kelly Ir S

Francis Bretti Mr Robinson

Ant Mandali , Ital MrSmyth49 Penelope Price

Francis Lettino [?]

Mrs Short

Miss Fitzgerald

Martha Dowden

[Mr Michael Blount, St. S deleted] Alice Macdermick

Mr Menzies

Sarah Hicky

Anne Hill

2 Women Servts

Joseph Nagle

Mrs Nagle

Mary Jenkins

Frances Prosser

Mrs Butler, Ir Bennet Street


N. Mitchell Esqr

Mr Michael Haney

Thos Clark

Mrs Denie

Margt Wall

Mr Lowndes

Anne [Emmaneul deleted ]

Mrs MaryRobinson50


Mrs Colgrove

Mr EdmundEnglish Ir [Pdeleted]

49 Perhaps the secular priest John Smith (or Smyth), mentioned in C.R.S., 56, p 172, note 4; C.R.S., 65, p 65.

50 The name "Mary" is written heavily over what looks like "Danby" and "Robinson" is written in place of"Maid"

Richd Ryan


S Mrs English

Michael Smith Ir S Mr Molland

Mr Love

Mrs Love

Mary Dean Senr

P Mrs Molland

P Mrs Neal

P Miss Dale

AndrewFitzgerald Ir P


Helen Hugo

Mr John Smithburn

P Miss Fleming

P AnneAston Junr. P

P MaryAston

Mrs Traynor Ir P Bridget Brannan


Anne Miles


Charles Purnell

Anne Ross

Cath Murphy

Richd Hubberston[?]

P Nathanl Quin

P Mr Day, Ingsbatch,Sick

P Mrs Day P

Martha Blake Sick

Mr Murphy

Mrs Murphy


Henry Wheland Ir Mr Hughes

Mary Parsons

Mrs Hughes

Hannah Hughes Ir. P Mr Lynch

Mary Hawkings

Mrs Payne

Sarah [?] Hagarty51

Mrs Carpenter

P Mary Daniel

Jeremiah Lyons

Ditto Wife

P Thos Prosser

Mrs Foresayeth Ir Richd Maddox Ir. 280 Ditto Wife

Mr Keagan 310

Baron Newman

Frances Carlis

Thos Gregory Ir Ditto Daughter

Emy [?] Castle

Willm . Norris

Patric Durie

Michael Brannan

JamesFarrill Senr Ir

Ditto Son

P Mrs Nadall

P Mr Keasberry

Ditto 2 Daughters

Mr Malachy Obyrne Ir

Thos Perry Ir

Eliz. Peddell

290 [sic] Mrs Brown

JamesFaneran Ir. 320

Ditto Wife

Richd Dean

Mrs Edgecumb Plunket Ir. JohnHagler

Thos Murphy

John Quigley

Elizabeth Jakes

Robt. Laytham

Ditto Wife

John Fryer

Mrs Hugo

Ditto Daughter


P Mr Leonard

Mrs Leonard

Mr George Nash

Ditto Wife

Thos Lovat


1785. Willm Wogan

Cath Connor

Cath Coffee

Willm Darling NotCom . 52

GodwinDarling Not Com

Thos Jenkins Not Com

Monsr. Vivier

Mich Micmurtery

Ditto Wife

John Connor

Connorand Wife

Muffin Man Ir

BartholomewCoffill Ir

Diana James St.

Mrs Bathoe

DittoMaid Hopperkin

Mrs Havering Ir.

Mrs Colhoon


. Dr Stack's Man 340

Frances Keyse

Eliz Berwick Not Com . [James Lennolldeleted]


AnneChurch Not Com. MrJolli

HenriettaChurch NotCom

Mr Brickman

Elizabeth Green

Anne Pearce Mrs Leech

Charles Francis

John Roberts

Thos. Lewis

Mrs Singpower


Mary Twigg

Mary Harland

John Franaran

John Casey

Jos Jackson

George Jackson53

Mrs Day, Forscote

Mr Coombs Senr 54

Mr Hart


Cath. Yates

Cath Campbell

Jedoull, French Man

Cath Hickson, Child

Juliana Holland

John Maguire


Dean Junr, Sick



Perreali, Italian Man

. German Clock-Man

Coombs [Catharine Cosgrove Ir. Pdeleted ] Children

[The next two names appear tobepart of P the adults' Status Animarumlist.

Christianname written over another , now indecipherable .

Perhaps the father of the Rev. William Coombs: "the blacksmith , toothdrawer , inoculator, beer-seller and Catholicpriest-maker" whowent by the name of "Doctor" Coombes, ofwhom there is an account in J. Skinner, Journalof a Somerset Rector, 1803-34 (ed H. & P. Coombs, Bath, 1971) pp 281-2


BridgetRyan Ir.

Eleanor Dooling Ir

Collectionsmade at the Chapelforthe Poor of the Congregation :-

Michael Hoghin Ir. £ sd

Elizabeth Hoghin

Willm Grace

Judith Grace FFF Ir 1781 May 16 16 3 6% 1782 Jan. 6 30 10 Ir 1782 May 5 14 2 3 400 1783 Jan. 5 26 115

PhilipNennett 1783 May 17 19 3 2

Lawrence Cahagan Ir 1783 Dec. 22 19 19 10

John Denvir Ir 1784 May 2 14 7 6/2

Elizabeth Denvir Ir. 1784 Dec. 25 21 2 1

John Billington Ir 1785 May 22 13 13 3½

MrCoppinger St. S Bell-tree Chapel pr. M.P.



In Capella Bathoniae , Bell Tree House, ab Illustrissimo D. Carolo Walmesley, Ramatensi , Die 20Maii 1785:-

Virorum et Puerorum


Thomas Dutton

Georgius Ainsbury

Joannes Mills

John Orrell

Peter Foster Puerorum.

Willm .Robinson: Andrew , 1 Com.

Henry Robinson: Luke

John Short

Joseph Short



Joseph Dowding

John Dowding

Robert Jenkins

Feminarum et Puellarum

Mary Proctor

Margaret English : MaryMagdalen56

Jane Robinson : MaryMagd.

Barbara Dutton : MaryMagd.

Mary Darling

Martha Dowding

Elizabeth Green

Catharine Moore

Barbara Moore Lucy, 1 Com.

Mary Hugo Puellarum

Helen Genevieve Hugo

Catharine Camplin : Mary

Sarah Hall : Mary

Martha Robinson: Mary, 1 Com.

Elizabeth Barrick: Catharine

AnneChurch : Teresia

HenriettaChurch: Elizabeth

Margaret English: Anne

Teresia Hains : Mary Anne Donelly

Mary AnneMoore

Anne Ross

Elizabeth Ross Mary Lucy Dowding


Anne Pit

Catharine Potter

55 In October 1791 Anthony Gale, clothworker, of Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts , made his mark witha cross whentakingthe oath laiddownby theCatholicRelief Actof that year(C.R.S. Monograph 1 , p. 249)

56 Confirmation-names


1785 Marriages

Oct. 3, 1785. John Mansfield Esqr. and Miss Elizabeth Woulfe were married at this Chapel Witness N. Woulfe Esqr , Father to the Lady, N.WhiteEsqr and Mrs Mathew, Auntto the Lady.

Nextthree entries in Digby'shand.

M. Pembridge. Feb. 27, 1786. Lawrence Coombes and Sarah Coombes received the sacrament of marriage in this chapel. Witnesses George Harney and Joseph Love .

Wm .


1786 Deaths57

Mrs Harold

Mary Hawkins


Henry Bags

John Stonor

Constantia Dalton

Mary Welsh

James Friar J. Billington

1786 Status Baptizatorum


Oct. 4, 1786, was baptised James Guy, Son of Samuel and Mary Guy, born on the 29 ofApril 1786.

Wm Digby.

The next two entries, in Wilks's hand, have a diagonal line through them .

Baptized , November 2d 1786, Mary Anne Foresight ["aythe" written above the last 4 letters], daughter of Richard and Margaret Foresight. GodfatherJames Donnelly and GodmotherMary Donnelly

Joseph Wilks.

Baptized November3d 1786, Margaret Tainty, daughter of James and Mary Tainty. Godfather Patrick Hickey and Godmother Catharine Foresight .

Joseph Wilks.

The following, in Pembridge's hand, is presumablya list ofhis penitents; Fr. Heatley's(apparently) are listedseparately, on pp. 36-7. 1792, ConfitentiumPaschali Tempore . P Mrs Hussey Ir

Mrs Butler

Miss Butler Ir St James's Square Bennet Street No. 20 Ir Ditto

Miss Cavenagh Ir. Ditto

Mrs Connor, Maid Ir Ditto

Placid Duquen , Fr. Footman Ditto

57 The approximatedates of three of these deaths can be ascertained fromthe following burial-entries in R.B.A., p 471: Mrs Harold, 2 Jan. 1786; JohnStonor, 26 April, "By Mr. William Smith's stone"; "Miss Constantia Dalton Under Mrs Maloon'smonument" , 19 May


Monsr Le Maire , Fr. Dentist

Ditto 2 Sons

Mrs Susan Day

Mr Day Surgeon

Miss Day

Mrs Duval

Mr Allen }

Mary English

left Bath

Westgate Buildings


St John's Court

School Master Ir StallStreet

Elizabeth English } Ap 20 Broad Street 1st Communion

Mrs O'Drisgal Ir. Lady

Mrs French's Family

Mr Rian Taylor58 Ir Broad Street


MrMich Butler Ir

AnneAusten Junr

Mr Norris

Mrs Norris

Mr Crowtch'sMaid

Lodgings, Bennet Street AvonStreet


Catharine Norris 1st Communion , April 13


Mary Anne Connor

Mich Brien

. Mrs Blake's Maid

. Hon. Petre's Maid Taylor58 left Bath StallStreet

John O'Brien Ir Carpenter Corn Street


Mrs Delasson

Mrs Hussey

Marg Reynolds

N. Macarty


N. Bourk

Miss Talbot

John Orrell

John Doyer

Mrs Matthews

Mr Giles Hall



Celia Dunn

Mrs AnneKensy

Michael Mackay

Miss French

Mrs Short


St Andrew'sParade

Baron Ditto's Lady left Bath Murford Street


Spaniard Passenger

WestgateBuildings New Vauxhall

. Sick man Viner'sCourt

Russell Street , Margaret Hill

Murford Street

Maid Servt Circus No . 17

Chandos Passage Ir. Stranger PierpointStreet

. Taylor58 underMr Denie

No.9 Oxford Row

Corn StreetChapel

Bell Tree Lane

Edward [blank] Irish travelling Packman

Mr Butler's No . 20 Bennt . 60 May4

Mrs [blank] Ir at Mr Tobin's, No.7 St Ja Parade

Mrs Canning Ap.5ChurchStreet, Crescent , No.4 6 Ir , Stall Street

Mich. Brian

Mrs French's Maid Ir. , No.9Oxford Row Penny Tuell61

-name: Margaret's

i.e. Bennet St. See second entryin thislist. Presumably the maid's name; see five lines lower(overleaf)


Mary Ellis-Brown

Mr Lowndes

Mr Walsh's Man-Servant

May 12 Simon Hensy

May 16 Penny Tewell


No.9 MarlboroughBuildings CrookedRow

Miss Talbot [and Maid deleted]

The above list ends halfway down a page, the remainderofwhich is blank; the following entries only are written on thereverseside Itis not clear whetherthey are partofthe 1792 list.

N. WalshEsqr.

2 Daughters

N. Howard Esqr

3 or 4 Servants

Mrand Mrs Coroutch62

David Nagle Esqr

2 Servants

Mr and Mrs Hughes

Mrs Randall[heavily smudged]

Marriages [heading and entry in Digby'shand].

Oct. 5, 1786, were marriedHenry Poole and Mary Robinson Witnesses Peter Smith and AugustaTowls

The following list, apparentlyincludingDom Hugh Heatley'spenitents, andconcludingwith a note ofhis death, is in Pembridge's hand.

Confitentium Paschali Tempore 1792.D Heatley.

Miss Carney - Stranger

Mary Ashton

Mr and Mrs Dowling

Mrs Martha Smith

Mr Brian

Mrs Butt

Mr Peter Smith

Miss N. Walsh

10 Miss Talbot and Maid

Mrs Randall

Willm .Hansey

Mary Blackwell

Mrs Clark

Mrs Canning


Mrs FitzWilliams

Miss Plunkett

Mrs Gartside 20

2 Misses Weldon 62 ? Crowch; see note45.

Henry Williams

Miss Keasberry

Miss Cath. Fleming

Thos Short

Mrs French

Miss N. French

Richd Hubberston [?]


N. Hawkins - Maid

Mrs Burn

Mr Delasson

Mr Gale


Mary Burt

Miss N. French

Miss Mary Kirk

Mrs Martin


Miss Walsh


Miss Macharty


Barbara Meaher [?]

Mrs MalachyO'Byrn

Mrs Lowndes

Miss Antoinette Vandegarde

Anne Church

DittoDaughter [end ofpage; continuedbelow]



Mrs Blake


Eliz. Pitt

Mrs Walsh

Mrs Hynes

Thos Dutton

Mrs Bassett

Miss La Porte JohnStrawbridge 50

AnneHyde 57

Aprilis Die 9 ConsummavitOpus Missionis D.H. aet 33et Die 28

Vitam finivit obiitqin Dno R. in P . 63

In Wilks's hand: Register

beginningOct. 3, 1786, whenI came to n . 13 on S. James' Parade , Bath. Joseph Wilks.

In Pembridge's hand:

June 4

Joanna Moore

In Wilks's hand:

Obituary 1792 . Age 14

1786 Baptized .

November 26. Baptized Charles James Jadoul , Son of James and Bridgett Jadoul Godfather Charles Troubelle and Godmother Mary Maggee 1787

Joseph Wilks

January 24. Baptized Mary Frances Trussell , daughterof Charles and Marianne Trussell . Godfather James Jadoul and Godmother Bridget Jadoulfor Mary Frances Voertz.

Joseph Wilks.

January 25. Baptized privately without ceremoniesO'Hara and died beforethey were supplied.

Joseph Wilks

January27. Baptized Mary Daniel, daughter of John and Mary Daniel GodfatherThomas Moore and Godmother Catharine Moore Dead [underlined].

Jerome Heatley

63 ForentryofFr. Heatley's death and burial, see infra, p 120; also p. 52


February 17. Baptized James Moylan, Son ofSimonand Julia Moylan. GodfatherTimothyMacdermotand GodmotherMary MacDonnell Joseph Wilks.

Nextentryinadifferent hand, presumablySmyth's: March 9th 1787. Baptized John Pierce Walsh Porter, son ofPierce and [blank] Walsh Porter GodfatherPierce Walsh, GodmotherMary Porter John Smyth . 64

Next four entries in Wilks's hand, exceptthat thewordsitalicisedin the second entrywere insertedby Heatley:

Patrick Hickey


GodfatherEdwardHolland and GodmotherMary Tanty. Jerome Heatley.

Baptized at Ingsbatch John Miles, Son of Charles and Ann Miles Born April 1st 1787. Godfather James Ruddock and Godmother Martha Blake

Jerome Heatley.

April 19. Baptized Mary Diana65 and James, Negroes adult in the service of Mistress and Governor Levett Joseph Wilks.

May4. Two children baptizedby Jerome Heatley, and both died: one at Dunkerton mills; the other at Maidgate . 66

June 26. Baptized Elizabeth Bligh, daughter of Patrick and Bligh , Godfather Donnelly and GodmotherMary Donnelly.

Nexttwoentriesin Heatley's hand (repeated onp. 93): 1787 Joseph Wilks.

May 4. Baptized Anna Monica Coombes, Daughter of Lawrence and Sarah Coombes God Father Joseph Love, God Mother Lucy Coombes by HughHeatley

May4. Baptized John George Perry, Son of John and Jane Perry. God FatherGeorge Harvey, God MotherEliz.Gill. byHughHeatley.

In Wilks's hand: 1786


October 15. Were married Thomas Hornyhole 7 Esq. and Teresa Fitzherbert; witnesses [blank] Fitzherbert and Lucy Fitzherbert.

64 Seenote49. Joseph Wilks.

65 There is no comma between these names; it is not clear whether they represent one person ortwo .


67 Meadgate in the parish ofCamerton See Heatley's two May4th entries Hornyhold or Hornyold


January27. Were marriedJohn Menzies and Mary Yates

Joseph Wilks

Joseph Wilks. 1788, April Were marriedPatrick Bligh and Jane Jacobs.

May 3. Were marriedWilliam Clarke and Mary Goodson .

Joseph Wilks

May26. Were MarriedThomas Bawden and MarthaDowden .

Joseph Wilks.

November1786. [Mortuary list by Wilks and Heatley]

Died Nov. 1 , George Jackson, agedabout 30

Nov. 4, Ann Knowles , aged 86

Nov. 24, Philip Lynch 1787.

February 7 , MaryWade, aged65. 10 , March.

Frances Clarke, aged 28

Mark Louis , aged54

Samuel Hubard , aged 25.

Hannah Hughes, agedabout70

April 9, 19 , May

September 3d,

[blank] Amesbury , aged48.

[blank] O'Hara , aged about 28 .

Elizabeth Murphy

Oliver Martin68 Macdowel

Mary Proctor

RobertJakes, aged 33

DiedMary Daniel 1787, Oct. 5.

Oct. 9,O'Neal69

Oct. 24, Richard WilliamStack M.D. JamesFanneran

Nov. 5, Edward Quin, aged 103

Dec. 15, William Latham, aged 42

Dec. 19, MarthaReynolds

Thomas Waving ? 70

Dec. 24, Catharine Stuart 1788

Jan. 1 , 14 , 28, March 5 ,

AliciaSouthcote , aged68.71

Walter Smythe , aged 63.72

Marguerite Wall, aged 53

Mary Bowden

68 He probably died in June; he was buried in Bath Abbey on the 11th ofthat month "UnderMr Meynell'sstone" (R.B.A. , p 472)

69 70 "MaryOneill" buriedin BathAbbey, 13 Oct. (ibid.)

Buried in Bath Abbey, 21 Dec., "Under Mr Berrisford's stone" (R.B.A. , p . 473).

71 "Mrs AliciaSouthcoates UnderMr Kelley's monument" (ibid , 7 Jan 1788)

72 Buried in BathAbbey, 20 Jan., "Own stone" (ibid).


May 11 , JamesClementRatclyffe, 73 aged 61 . Alicia McDermot

Aug. 6, Jane Hugo, aged [blank ]

In Heatley'shand: 1787.

Sept. 20, Lucy Sims

25, John Fitzpatrick


Nov. 30, MaryMoore

July 23d 1787. Baptized Thomas Holland, son of Edward and Jane Holland Godfather Patrick Hickey, Godmother Catharine Foreseyth Hugh Heatley.

Two entries in Wilks's hand:

August 12. Baptized Mary Denie, Daughter of John and Ann Denie. Godfather [blank] Butler, GodmotherMary Deane . Joseph Wilks.

September 9. Supplied the ceremonies of baptism to Ann White, Daughter of Joseph and Emma [Elizabeth deleted] Barbara White, baptized in appearance of danger some days before God Father John Short and God Mother Mary Norris. Joseph Wilks. 1787 [dateandentry by ex-JesuitFr. Thomas More].

Sepr 16th, 1787.Baptised RichardFitzgerald, the Son of Sir Jamesand his Wife Lady Fitzgerald God Father Thos .More and God Mother Mrs. Dalton, Mother of the said Lady Fitzgerald.

Thos More

In Heatley'shand:

Octob. 3d. Baptized Elizabeth Cicely Perry, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Perry. Godfather Dominic Quintas and Godmother Mary Payne HughHeatley.

Oct. Baptized [blank] Roy [in Wilks's hand; subsequent entries in his orHeatley'shand, as signed].

Nov. 7. Baptized Ann, Daughter of James and Marguerite Sullivan , GodfatherJohn Shanley and GodmotherMary Murphy. Joseph Wilks.

Dec. 22. Baptized Dorothy William George, daughter of [father's names omitted] and Elizabeth George Godfather William Mawhood74 and Godmother [blank]. Joseph Wilks.

Dec. 30. BaptizedWilliam Bligh, Son of Michael and MargueriteBligh GodfatherPatrick Dugan and GodmotherMary Fransel Joseph Wilks. 1788 .

Feb. 3. Baptized William Macpherson , Son of William and Ann

73 "Honble James Clement Radclyffe Under Leonard Thompson's stone" (ibid . , 16 May).

74 The diarist; he was not present at this baptism ofhisgranddaughter butwasin London at the time. The father's Christian name, as well as his surname, was George; the mother was Mawhood's daughter Elizabeth("Betsey"). The couple lived at Frome See C.R.S., 50 (The MawhoodDiary, ed E. E.Reynolds) passim


Macpherson . GodfatherJoseph Saleur and GodmotherSarah Randal. 1788

Joseph Wilks.

Feb. 3. Baptized Jemina Catharine Dowden, Daughterof Thomas and Mary Dowden. Godfather Thomas Nevill and Godmother Marguerite Donnellan . Joseph Wilks.

March9. Baptized Robert Denver,Son of John and Mary Denver Godfather James Dowden, GodmotherCelia Feneran . 1788

Hugh Heatley.

March 30. Baptized Matilda Nonnet, Daughterof Philip and Elizabeth Nonnet Godfather James Jadoul and Godmother Brigit Jadoul. Joseph Wilks.

March 23. Baptized Joseph Orrell, Son of John and Mary Orrell Godfather John Swarbrick, Godmother Ann Orrell - Mary Hughes proxy for Ann Orrell.


April 7. Baptized John Edward Slevin, Son of John and Elizabeth Slevin . GodfatherThomas Moorefor DanielSlevin

HughHeatley. 1788.

April 16. Baptized Elizabeth Frier, Daughter of James and Martha Frier Godfather John Short for John Frier, Godmother Ann Mary Frier.


April 20. Baptized James English , Son of Edmund and Mary English. GodfatherJohn Kendal and GodmotherCath. Butts. Joseph Wilks

Baptized May 1 [blank] Robins, Daughter of [blank] Robins. Godfather Edward Wogan and Godmother Frances Forsar Joseph Wilks.

X 12 May. Baptized Walter Mansfield, Son of John and Elizabeth Mansfield Godfathers David Nagle and Edward Power, Godmother MrsMatthews.

Joseph Wilks.

X May 4. Baptized [blank] Perry [blank] of John and Jane Perry. GodfatherMatthew Gill and GodmotherElizabethGill. 1788 Joseph Wilks .

June 28. Baptized Ann Esther Miles, Daughter of Wm. and Susanna Miles. GodfatherMichael MacArthey

Hugh Heatley.

Same day. Baptized John Carr, Son of Michael and Sarah Carr. Godfather John Cameron , GodmotherElizabethCameron


July 12. Baptized Mary Ann Jadoul, Daughter of James and Brigit Jadoul GodfatherMartin Stalraff, GodmotherMary Payne. HughHeatley.


Next entry(apartfrom dateandfirst word) in Ainsworth'shand: July 27. Baptized William O'Brien, Son ofAndrew and Esther O'Brien, born the 12 of July Sponsors William Matthewsand CatherineReiley. Joseph Wilks.

July 30. Baptized [blank] Foresaythe [in Wilks's hand; subsequent entries in his and Heatley's hands, as signed]. 1788 .

Aug. 13. Baptized Ann West, Daughter of Jacob and Rachel West. GodfatherJacob Westjunior.


Aug. 17. Baptized Barbarina Jane Denie, Daughter of John Baptist Denie and Ann Denie, his wife. GodfatherJamesSmith and Godmother Jane Elston.


Joseph Wilks.

Dec. 13. Baptized at Dunkerton-mill, Mary Lucy Coombes, Daughter of Lawrence and Sarah Coombes Godfather Joseph Love and Godmother Lucy Coombes .


Dec. 20. Baptized James Hickey, son of Patrick and ElizabethHickey. GodfatherMichael O'Brianand GodmotherHannah Hickey.

Hugh Heatley


Feby 8. Baptized without solemnity, Harriott Heffermam, Daughterof [blank] and [blank] Heffermam. She died before ceremonies were supplied

Hugh Heatley.

Feby. 17. Baptized Elizabeth Guy, DaughterofSamuel and Mary Guy. GodfatherJacob West.



April 14. Baptized Hellen Magragh, Daughter of James and Allice Magragh, born the 25th March .GodfatherWm. Hopkins

Hugh Heatley.

April 23. Baptized James Carrell, Son of John and Ann Carrell , born April 9. GodfatherWilliam Donoghue , GodmotherAllice Hikey. Hugh Heatley. 1789 [the nextthreeentries are in Wilks's hand .]

June 22. Baptized Martha Miles, Daughter of Charles and Ann Miles. GodfatherJames Ruddock and GodmotherMarthaBlake.

Baptized Barbara Sullivan, Daughter of Philip and Eleonora Sullivan. GodfatherWilliam Demizong, 75 Godmother Barbara Summerfield. Hazard twins.

75 For this name , in connectionwith two marriages in BathAbbey, see R.B.A. , pp 312, 313: marriage of William Dermizong , 31 Aug. 1788; W. Dennizongwitness to a marriage, 10 Feb. 1789


Following the above entry, the transcript in the Somerset County Record Office continues: "(on a loose slip ofpaper) Winefrid Denie born October 9th 1789 on Friday Christened the Sunday following October 11 by Mr Wilks, GodfatherJames Murphy, GodmotherMary Matthews. " This slip of paper is now missing but the baptism was , in any case, entered in theregister; see footofpage.

1788 Deaths. [Listand5 Baptisms in Heatley'shand.]

Dec. 22 Died SusannaMiles

1789, Sept. 11 DiedMary Tanty

Sept. 12 Mary Lenhard, aged 58

Sept. 14 Thos Rice of London, Aged 49

Sept. 16 JohnKendal, Grocer

Novr 25 Ann Ryan Lady Mannock . 76

1790, Jany. 31 Wm Fitz-Patrick,a Stranger


July 24. Baptised Catharine Magrath, Daughter ofEdward and Catharine Magrath Godfather Peter McMurtry and GodmotherCatharine Collingridge.



August 3d was born, and on the 4th of the same month was Baptized Ann Coughlin, Daughter of Michael and his wife Margaret Coughlin Godfather Jacob West and GodmotherMary Burt byme HughHeatleyO.S.B.

June the 19 was born, and September 10 was Baptized Mary Ann Holland , Daughter of Edward and his wife Jane Holland Godfather John Kellyand GodmotherAnn Carroll

1789 bymeHughHeatleyO.S.B.

September 17th was born, and on the 20th of the same month was baptized Thomas Connell , Son of Philip and Margaret Connell. Godfather Michael O'Brian and GodmotherEleanor Dunovan . byme HughHeatleyO.S.B.

September [blank] was born, and on the 25 of the same month was Baptized privately in appearance of danger Mary White, Daughter of Joseph and Emma Barbara White. Godmother Catharine Collingridge Ceremonies were supplied on the 27thofthe same month . byme Hugh HeatleyO.S.B.

The next entry (see top ofpage) is in Ainsworth's hand October 11th 1789 was baptized Winefrid Denie born the 9th ofthe samemonth, Daughter of John BaptistDenie and Anne Denie hislawful

76 Elizabeth Mary (née Stonor), wife of Sir Francis Mannock , died October 1789, aged 75, at Gay Street , Bath; buried at Winchester (C.R.S., 12, p 34; C.R.S., 42, p 166)


wife. GodfatherJames Murphy, GodmotherMary Matthews . Joseph Wilks. 1790 [Dateandnext eight entries in Heatley'shand]

Decr. 11, 1789 was born, and Jany. 1 , 1790 was Baptized John Collins, Son of James and Elizabeth Collins Godfather John Thomase and GodmotherMary Thomase . by me Hugh Heatley

Jany. 20 was born, and on the 25 of the same month was baptized without Solemnity Catharine Sullivan, Daughter of Timothy and Margaret Sullivan She diedbeforethe Ceremonies weresupplied. by me HughHeatley.

Jany. 11th was born, and Feby 3d was Baptized John Morris, Son of JohnMorris, a Protestant, and Mary Morris GodmotherMary More. by me Hugh Heatley. Feby 8th 1790 was born, and on the same day was baptized Stephen Tempest, Son of Stephen Tempest Esqr and Elizabeth Tempest. Godfather Henry Blundel Esqr by proxyof Thomas Hornyhole Esqr. and Godmother Mrs Frances Olivia Tempest by proxy of Miss Frances Plowden . by me HughHeatley.

Feby. 20th was born, and on the 23d of the same month was Baptized Elizabeth West, Daughter of Jacob and Rachel West . Godfather JohnMac'Arthey and GodmotherAnn Hopkins.

1790 by me HughHeatley

March27 was born, and March28 was Baptized SimonMoylan, Sonof Simon and Julia Moylan Godfather Thomas Hogan and Godmother ElizabethMoore bymeHughHeatley. April 24 was born, and May 1st was baptized Margaret Gawley, Daughter ofHannah Gawley. GodfatherJohn Thomase and Godmother Mary Thomase .

1790 byme HughHeatley.

May 8th was born, and May 23d was Baptized James Corf, Son of James and Elizabeth Corf. Godfather Ross MacGinnis and Godmother [blank].

Wilks's hand: byme HughHeatley.

June 20, 1790. Baptized by me , James, Son ofPatrick andMary Bisset GodfatherJohn Wall and GodmotherMary Murphy.


June 30th 1790, died Eliz Corlays, aged 58 years

October30th 1790, died Mary Dowding, aged 39 years.

November 18th 1790, died George Hughes

November 22nd 1790, died HenryWheland

April 14th 1791, died Mary Coffe ,aged 38 yrs.

Joseph Wilks

July 4th 1790. Baptized James Flannegan, born June 21,1790,Son of John and Mary Flannegan. Godfather Bartholomew Hays and Godmother [blank] MacArthey. by me HughHeatley.

July 20th 1790. Baptized privately Lewis Philip Nonnet, in danger, born July 19. Son of Philip and Elizabeth Nonnet. Godfather Charles Grilliett.

1790 bymeHughHeatley.

August 26th. Baptized Mary Heffermam, Daughter of [blank] and [blank] Heffermam, born Aug. 21. 1790. Godfather Michael Mekan and Godmother [blank] Ross. by me HughHeatley.

In Birdsall'shand:


1806, Augt 23rd Was received at Bath a letter from Mr Thos. H. F. Whitgreave dated Moseley, Augt 21st, 1806, including the baptismal, Register of those who were baptizedat the Catholic Chapel at Horton in the House ofthe late Clement Paston Esqr as follows: Baptized Anno Dni

April 20th 1772

Joseph Clem Scates

1774 March 22d

JamesGordon 1775 Decr 27th

Thos Gordon

1776 November 6th

John Scates

1774 Augt 10th

Ann Scates

1774 Augt 10th

Francis Wimbow

1776. June 24th

Catharine Whimbow

1777. Novr 7th


By whom God Fathers and GodMothers

J. Waters77 O.S.B.

J. SmythE.R.S.


P. Westby E.R.S.

J. Smyth


J. Jenison

J. Jenison

P. Westby


D.Young O.S.B. Thornbury Castle Gloucestershire

Cl. Paston Esqr Mrs Paston

CL . PastonEsqr Mrs Paston

James Walmesley

Mary Smallwood (JamesWalmsley

Mary Smallwood

James Walmesley

Mary Smallwood

Charles Boyanl[sic ]

Mary Smallwood

James Walmesley

Constantia Brockshaw . Mr Vaughan ofThornbury

castle and Mrs Vaughan of Milbury Heath Lodge. Turn over

77 Dom James Placid Duviviers, or Waters (Birt, p 127) For the next priest, "Smyth" , see note49 .

78 Perhaps an ex-Jesuit, Peter Westby, or Walker, for whom see Foley,VII, pp 828-9; Mrs B. Stapleton , Oxfordshire Post-Reformation Catholic Missions (1906) p 209


80 Probablytheex-Jesuit JamesJenison, mentioned in C.R.S., 65, p. 73.

Dom Daniel Bernard Young for whom see Birt, p 123; Stapleton, op cit , p. 208.

Baptized An Dni 1777. Augt

Mary Harris 1778. Jany 27th

Elizabeth Whimbow 1779. March 14th

Hester Scates

1781 Novr. 11thwas born, and baptized

Wm. Vaughan



D. YoungO.S.B.

D. Young

D. Young

Wm Combes

God Fathers and God Mothers

JamesWalmesley, MarySmallwood proxiesforCl. and Mrs MaryPaston . Char and Eliz Green


Hester Alden

Samuel Challoner and in Thornbury castle Gloucestershire Mary Vaughan of Thornbury Castle

Charles Green , MaryJorden 1782. Jany. 15th

1787 Ann Whimbow


NB The above is a correct copy of the Register of Horton as sent to BathAugt. 23rd Signed Thos . H.F. Whitgreave and dated Moseley (near Wolverhampton, Staffordshire) Augt.21st, 1806. John Birdsall

The above copy occupies the first two of six pages in the Register betweena series ofpages devotedto 1790 and was perhaps misplaced when the Register was re-bound. The otherfour pages(endingwiththe 1781 marriage-entry, printed infra., pp. 47-8) are in Pembridge's hand , except forfive converts entered by Wilks.

25.81 1781, Dec. 16. Baptized Thomas Foresight(born the 29 Novbr.) the Son of Richard Foresight a Prot and Margaret Foresight hislawful Wife, a Cath God Father John Halfpenny by proxyof Andrew Fitzgerald, God Mother Eleanor Donelly. M. Pembridge



Mortuary List1781 .

1781 Feb. 23. Walter Carey

R.P. 1781 April 24. William Broderic Ir. R.P. Bath 1781 July 16. Mary St. George Ir

R.P. 1781 Sptber. 1. George Burt

R.P. 1781 Sept. 17. IsaacWest, drowned

R.P. Bradford83 1781 Oct. 4. Joanna Dean

30. Charles Stonor Esqr 21. Rd. Mr More, Priest

R.P. Bath 1781 Oct. 23. Margaret McAuliff Ir. R.P. Bath 1781 Oct. R.P. Rouen 1781 Nov. 1781 Dec. 14. Esther Whitlock

R.P.53 Bath84

R.P. 73 Box aet 7285

81 Forthe preceding entries, numbered 3 to 24, see pp 10-12 and, for nos 26to 73, see pp. 16-25 82 83 84 Perhaps a page-number, ifthis leaf was originally boundearlier in theregister Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts

ChristopherMore, ex-Jesuit (see C.R.S., 65, p 73) Buried in BathAbbey 25 Nov., "UnderMr Chapman's monument , northaisle" (R.B.A., p. 468)

85 The "73" in this entry and "53" in the previous one appear to have been inserted later , so this, rather than the original 72, may be the correct age. Mrs Esther, or Hester, Whitlock (née West), a poor widow of Box, Wilts , is mentioned in C.R.S. Monograph 1 , p 235


The 1782 Mortuary list, below, is a copy ofpart of the listprintedon page 15.

1782 Jany. 5. Hannah Haney, Ag . 58

1782 Jany. 16. Jean Daman, Frenchman

R.P. R.P. Bath Bath 1782 Feby. 23. Margaret Kelly alias Rian ,86 28 R.P. Bath 1782 Feby. 26. Mary Lynch, Ag. 54

R.P. Bath 1782 March 16. Bridget Martin,Aged 61 , R.P. Bath 1782 April

12. ElizabethEast ,aged 86 ,

R.P. Bath 1782 April 1782 May

1782 May

1782 June 1782 June

15. ElizabethCrabb, aged 92,

18. Mrs Margaret Riley, aged 32R.P.

R.P. Philips Norton Littleton

19. Mrs Anne Pool, aged77 , R.P.

21. Mrs Catharine Malpas, aged 73 R.P.

26. MrAnthony MacHugo, aged 54 , R.P. Bath

Converts ofthis Congregation at different times: -

Mrs Knowles

Mrs Chetwynd

Mr Day Senr.

Mrs Day

Miss Sus. Day

Mrs Randall

Mrs Hughes

Mrs Charlote Smith

MrAnthony Gale

Giles Hall

Mrs English

Mrs Norris

Charles Francis

Mr Coombs Senr

Mr Love 10

Mrs Love

Martha Blake

Miss Procter

Miss Dale

Jane Robinson 20

John Mills


Mrs Dowling

Thos Dutton

Mr Norris

Cath. Dutton

Mr Short

Mrs Short

[5 names belowin Wilks's hand] Westand Wife Ruddock White Wade 87

Matrimony. June 20, 1781 were married Anthony Smith, County York, and Martha

86 Surnames reversed (see supra, p 15).

87 Seep. 15, note21 .

88 Now in Bath


Burn, North., in the presence ofNicholasDowling and Jane Dowling and MarthaWhite - byMichaelPembridge .

October4, 1790 [Dateand entry in Wilks's hand ]

Baptized by me Mary Desmond , daughter of Cavan Desmond and Marcella Desmond Michael M'cann and Catharine Hannan, Godfather and God Mother.

1790 [Dateand seven entries in Heatley'shand.]

Joseph Wilks.

October 24. Baptized Isabella Foresaythe , born October 15th 1790 , Daughter of Richard Foresaythe and Margaret Foresaythe . Godfather

Joseph Norton by proxy of Andrew Fitz-Gerald, and Godmother Catharine Hill by me HughHeatley.

October 29, 1790. Baptized Mary Williams , born Octobr 27, 1790, Daughter of Henry and Margaret Williams. Godfather James Smith and GodmotherMary Marsh .

1790 bymeHughHeatley

November 16th 1790. Baptized Julia Culbert, born half a year before, Daughter of John Culbert and Eleanor Culbert Godfather Andrew Fitz-Gerald and GodmotherMargaret Foresaythe .

Hugh Heatley.

November20th Baptized Mary Ann Rassenno , born on the 15th of the same month, Daughter of Dominic and [blank] Rassenno . Godfather Ambrose Puzoli and GodmotherMary Rose Ashton. Hugh Heatley.

1790 [Entryin Heatley'shand, but signed by Wilks .]

November 28th 1790. Baptized George English, born November4th 1790, Son of Edmund and Margaret English. Godfather William Robinson and GodmotherCatharine Burn.

Joseph Wilks

February 6th 1791, was baptizedTeresa Mary Metcalfe, 90 Daughterof Thomas and Teresa Metcalfe, born on the same day. Godfather Mr George Throckmorton and GodmotherMrs Dalton.

Hugh Heatley.

Novembr 28, 1789, was born and on the same daywas baptizedMary, DaughterofSir James FitzGeraldBart.and of Birgit his wife. Godfather Thos. Peter Metcalfe Esqr and GodmotherElizabethTrafford by proxy ofMiss Cliffe.

Wilks's hand: Wm. Coombs. February 25, 1791, was baptized John Henry Dillon, Son ofHenry and

89 See notes 19 & 42

90 She married Charles Eyston in 1814 (second register, infra, p 192) Mrs Bridget Dalton, née More, was her grandmother(see C.R.S., 65, p. 73)

Frances Dillon. Godfather Charles Clifford vice John Dillon and [sic.] LadyMary Eyre vice LadyDillon.

Joseph Wilks .

Henceforthin Heatley'sor Pembridge's hand, assigned: 1791.9

April 10th 1791, was baptized Peter Gallargh , born March 29th 1791 , Son of John and Catharine Gallargh. Godfather Daniel Sullivan and GodmotherCatharine Flynn.


May 22d 1791, was baptized Joseph Moore born May2d 1791 , Son of John and Mary Moore . Godfather Patrick Slevin and Godmother Catharine Keeff

Hugh Heatley.

May 29th 1791 , was baptized Mary Ann Murphy, born May8th 1791 , Daughter of Dennis and Mary Murphy Godfather John Murter and GodmotherMargaret Madders.

Hugh Heatley.

June 10, 1791 + born Thomas Denie, Son of John and Ann Denie , baptized (Domi) in periculo Mortis by Mary Ann Deane (re manente dubia); rebaptized (etiam Domi) God Father William Robinson (by proxy), God Mother Mary Ann Deane

June 11. [See also earlierentry, supra , pp. 26-7.]pr Michael Pembridge 1791. June 19 , 1791. Baptized Philip Sullivan, born June 11 , 1791 ,Son of Philip and Eleanor Sullivan . Godfather Patrick Pissett and Godmother Catharine Knowels.


Same day. Baptized Mary (born on the same day out of wedlock) daughter ofWm Connelly and Mary Henritt GodfatherNicholasTaaffe and GodmotherCatharine Weare.


June 29, 1791. Baptized Teresa Hughes, born on the 26thofthe same month, daughter of John and [blank] Hughes Godfather James Dowdingand GodmotherMarthaSanger. 1791


June 14 , born Mary Robins, Daughterof Charles and Mary Robins(als Gridlin). Baptized + July 3. God Father Jacob West Senr., Godmother ElizabethProsser.

1791 . + pr Michael Pembridge.

July 10 , 1791 , was baptizedWilliam Trodden, born July4th 1791 , Son

91 Dom Samuel Bede Day O.S.B. is said by Birt, p 161 , to have been born at Wellow in 1791; no baptismal entry occurs in this register


of William and Ann Trodden. Godfather James Allen and Godmother Rose Cosgrove

Hugh Heatley.

July 31st 1791,was baptized James, born July 25, 1791.Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Moore GodfatherMichael Bryanand GodmotherMartha Sanger.



August 23, 1791. Baptized James FitzGerald, born August 22, 1791 , Son of Sir James and his wife Lady FitzGerald Godfather John Trafford Esqr by proxy of Philip Howard Esqr and Godmother Mrs Teresa Metcalfe by proxy of Mrs Dalton, mother of the said Lady FitzGerald.

Hugh Heatley.

September 1 , 1791. Baptized Francis Odber, born August28, 1791 , son of Martin and Margaret Odber Godfather John Short and Godmother Phebe Roberts.



September 6, 1791. Baptized John William Bryan, born August 31st 1791, Son of John and Alice Bryan. Godfather-Long and Godmother Joanna Crowley.


Same day. Baptized withoutsolemnity John Tery in immediatedanger; born April 30, 1791 , son ofWm. and [blank] Tery. Dead .


November [blank] 1791, was baptized Michael Benjamin ,born August 29th 1791, Son of Michael and his wife Mary MacArthey. Godfather Benjamin Heether, GodmotherHannah MacManus .

Hugh Heatley


Octobr 20, 1791, died Mrs Mary Throckmorton [In Heatley'shand.]


November 18th 1791. Baptized William Joseph, born October 30th 1791, Son of Joseph and Emma Barbara White Godfather William Hopkinsand GodmotherMary Short.

HughHeatley. November28th 1791, was baptized Harriot Mathews, born on the 13th of the same month, daughter ofMathew and Mary Mathews . Godfather MathewMathews ,junior.



December 13th 1791, was baptised Elisabeth, born November 7th 1791, daughter of Timothy and Eleanor Sullivan . Godfather James White

Hugh Heatley.


Jany 9th 1792, was baptized Mary Catharine born Jany 8th 1792 , daughter of Alexius and Catharine Delangre Godfather George Petre and GodmotherMary Petre

1792 .


Jany.15. Baptized Francis English , born son of Edmund and Margaret English. God FatherPeter Smith, GodmotherMarthaSmith pr. Michael Pembridge

Jany 15th 1792. Baptized Michael, born December 31st 1791 , Son of John and ElizabethMaher . GodfatherRobt. Fitz-gerald and Godmother Catharine Murphy

Hugh Heatley

Jany 23, 1792. Baptized Ann, Daughter of Jacob and Rachel West , born Jany. 19, 1792. Godfather Jacob West Junior and Godmother Rachel West junior.

Hugh Heatley

Jany 24, 1792. Baptized Philip William, born on the same day, son of the Honle. George Petre and of Mrs Mary Petre his Wife. Godfather Wm Witham Esqr by proxy of Phil Howard Esqr and Godmother Lady Juliana Petre, by proxy of Mrs Catharine Garthside



Feby 6th 1792, was born and on the 10th of the same month was baptized Catharine ,,daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Smith Godfather Edmund English by proxy of John Mills, Godmother Martha Smith


Feby 28, 1792. Baptized John, born [blank] son ofJohnHill [blank] and Catharine Hill, Godmother [blank] Hughes.Dead.

Hugh Heatley. 1792. [Unsigned, but in Heatley'shand.]

Feby 29. BaptizedRichard, born Feby 25th 1792, Son of James and Mary MacDonnelly Godfather John Maher and Godmother -Burn.

March 12th 1792. Baptized Eliza, born the day before, daughterof Garretand Ellen Barry.GodfatherJamesDonnelly.


March 18th 1792. Baptized William, born the day before, son of Thomas and Catharine Brown. Godfather Thos CollingridgeJunior by proxy of Thos. Collingridge Senr , Godmother Mary Collingridge by proxy ofAnn Collingridge

Hugh Heatley. 1792, April 15. Baptized Mary Sidnel, born 19 March, Daughter of George and Mary Sidnel ofPickwick92. God Father JamesBranningby

92 Near Corsham, Wilts, a few miles from Bath

proxy of N. Kerly, God Mother Mary Hendrick. In the Chapel at Bath, pr.Mich. Pembridge. 1792, May 7. Baptized George Bisset, born 24 April, the son of Patrick Bisset and Mary Bisset God Father Bartholomew Hayes, God Mother Rose Grant

Inthe Chapelat BathCornStreet , 93 pr. Michael Pembridge. 1792, May 20. Baptized Mary Gorth, born 29 April, the daughterof James and ElizabethGorth. God Father JamesWhite, God Mother Mary Webb

Inthe Chapel at Bath, pr MichaelPembridge 1792, April 8. Baptized George Williams, born 5th April, the Son of Henry and Margaret Williams GodfatherNicholasDowling, Godmother Mary Kirk.

HughHeatley. Pembridge's hand: Ultimum hoc suae missionis opus 9 April Putrida correptus febri. Obiit in Domino, 28 Aprilis AD . 1792, aet 33, P . 94

1792, Baptizatorum [In Pembridge's andAinsworth's hands, as signed ]

June 16. Baptized Mary Frances Dillon, born June 15, Daughter of Honble. Henry and Frances Dillon God Father Rt Honble. Lord Dillon by proxy of George Butler Esqr , God Mother Lady Dillonby proxy of Mrs George Butler.

Michael Pembridge

June 24. Baptized Mary Anne Hazard, born June 23, DaughterofJohn and Eleanor Hazard . God FatherEdwardHazard, GodMother Elizabeth Brufy

Michael Pembridge .

June 25, 1792. Baptized in the Chapel at Bath John BaptistKennedy, born 19 June, Son of Roger and Mary Kennedy God Father Francis Allen, GodMother ElizabethHodginson .

Michael Pembridge

1792, Aug. 26, was baptized Dennis Mahony, born Aug. 16, Son of Dennis and Catharine Mahony. God Father PatricSullivan, God Mother Catharine Moren.

by me Mich. Pembridge. 1792 Sept. 14. Baptized William Doyle, born 3 Sept., Son of Patric and Eleanor Doyle. God Father Francis Curley, God Mother Arabella O'Byrn bymeMich. Pembridge. 1792 + Sept. 16. Supplied the Ceremonies omitted on James Bryen, baptizedby the Curate ofSt Michael's Church, the Rd. Mr Wake. James Bryen was born 31 July, Son ofJamesand Rebecca Bryen God Father PatricDoyle, GodMother MaryDoyle.

93 94 by Michael Pembridge;

The chapel which had replaced the Bell-tree in 1786 (see C.R.S., 65, p. 71)

For entry of Fr. Heatley'sdeathand burial, see infra, p 120; also end of1792 Status Animarumlist (printedsupra, p. 37).

1792, Baptizatorum, Bath

Sept. 23. Baptized Mary Henrietta Church, born 8 Sept., Daughterof G. and Anne Church. God Father John Mills, God Mother Henrietta Church by proxy ofAnne Church, Grand-Mother.

BathR.C. Chapel, Michael Pembridge. Sept. 24th Baptized Catherine Rassenno, born on the 23d ofthe same month, Daughterof Dominic and [blank] Rassenno. GodmotherMary RoseAshton. 95


1792, October 4. Baptized Mary Anne Metcalf, born the same day, Daughter of Thomas and Teresia Metcalf God Father Rd. Mr More by proxy of N . Tempest Esqr, God Mother Lady Throckmorton by proxy ofMrs Dalton +

Michael Pembridge.

1792, October 5th Baptized John Connelly, Son ofWilliam and Mary Connelly.GodfatherWilliam Riordon, GodmotherJane Riordon. Ralph Ainsworth.

1792, October 11th Baptized JamesMagrath, born the 7thofthe same month, Son of John and Helena Magrath Godfather William Nayle, GodmotherMargaret Linch. Ralph Ainsworth

1792, Oct. 14. Baptized John Keeffe, born Oct 4, Son of James and Mary Keeffe. God Father Daniel Keeffe, God Mother Anne Magrath MichaelPembridge.

1792, Nov. 18th. Baptized John Baptist Francis Donegany, born Nov. 9th, Son of Joseph and Mary Donehgani Godfather John Baptist Vecchio, GodmotherCatherine Moore.


1792, Baptizatorum [In Ainsworth's and Lawson's hands , assigned.] Nov. 19th Baptized Margaret Desmond , born the 17th ofthe same month, Daughter of Caven and Marcella Desmond Godfather Francis Curley, Godmother Frances Hughs.


1792, Nov. 21st. Supplied the ceremonies omitted on John Bigerty baptizedthe day beforeby BartholomewHayes John Bigerty was born October 26th, son of Patrick and Sarah Bigerty. Godfather Timothy Crowley, GodmotherMary Bissett.

RalphAinsworth. Dec. 6th 1792. Baptized Thomas Reynolds born the daybefore, Son of James and Teresa Reynolds , Godfather James Barnes, Godmother [blank] Sweet, by proxy of ElizabethWarrington.

Ralph Ainsworth.


DoubtlessThomas More, ex-Jesuit Superior, at that time living in London , who died at Bath in 1795 (Foley, VII, p 520 ; C.R.S., 65, p 73). Mrs Metcalf (like Lady Fitzgerald , supra, p 40) was a daughter of his sister, Mrs Dalton (C.R.S., 65 , loc cit.; Davey, p 71)


Dec. 28th 1792. Baptized Anna Coffee daughter ofJeremiah and Mary Coffee , she was born December the 6th Godmother Margaret Macdonald


1793, Baptizatorum, 1793 .

Jan. 6th 1793. Baptized Philip Francis Pique, born Dec.8th 1792, Son ofJohn and Marianna Pique, GodfatherPhilip Nonnett.

Ralph Ainsworth.

March 10th 1793. Baptized James Cooper, born January 15th, Son of Richardand Margaret Cooper.


March 21st 1793. Baptized Anna Carr, born the sameday, daughterof of [blank] and [blank] Carr.


March 31st 1793. Baptized Anne Brenan, born the 18th ofthe same month, daughter of John and Anne Brenan Godfather Nicolas McDonnell, GodmotherAnne Thomas

Ralph Ainsworth.

April 10th 1793. Baptized Teresa Dorey, daughter ofJoseph and Teresa Dorey, born April 1st 1793 .

Ralph Ainsowrth

1793 , Baptizatorum.

May4th. BaptizedElisa Friar, born the 2d ofthe same month, daughter of John and Elisa Friar. Godfather Charles Friar, Godmother Mary Wright


May 4th. Baptized sub conditione William Jones, aged 17 years, Son of [blank] and [blank] Jones


June 14th. Baptized Mary Fenerty, daughter of Thomas and Frances Fenerty Godfather Timothy Bean by proxy of Richard Mills, GodmotherMary Roche by proxy of Barbara Mondaire


1793, June 23. Supplied the Ceremonies omitted on Michel Maher, Son of John and Elizabeth Maher, baptized by Surgeon Day the 11th of May; the Godfather was called Franc Allen and GodmotherFrances Mary Hynde

H. Lawson .

1793, June 24. Baptized James Bourke, born the sameday, theson of [blank] Bourke ; the Godfather Richard Caghlan, P. Toole the Godmother.

H. Lawson. 1793, June 25. Winifrida Englishbaptised , born the24th, the Daughter of Mr Edmund and Mrs Margaret English. The Godfather James Murphew , GodMother Mrs DorothyMoland.

H. Lawson.


1793, July 21. Baptized James Dowding, " born the 2d ofJuly,the Son ofJames and Mary Dowding GodfatherPatrick Doyle, Godmother MaryMathews

H. Lawson

1793, July 9th. Baptised John Henry MacCann, born the 16 ofJune , the Son of Michael and Dorothy MacCann. The Godfather Calogan O'Neil, GodmothersMargaret Necketand Margaret Musterson . H. Lawson

July 28th. Supplied the ceremonies omitted on Edward Allen, Son of Francis and Jane Allen, born June 19th. GodfatherRoger Kenedy, GodmotherMary Kennedy.

Ralph Ainsworth

N.B.Aug.4th.See the following page [i.e. the next entry buttwo].

1793, Aug. 14th. Baptised John Heffernan, the Son ofJohn andSarah Heffernan. The GodfatherLaughlinLarkin. H. Lawson .

1793, Aug. 21. Baptised John Keiffe, born the 31 of March , theSonof John and Ellen Kieffe . No Godfatheror God Mother.

H. Lawson.

1793, Aug. 4th Baptized Jane Carroll, born July the 15th, daughterof John and Anne Carroll GodfatherSimonHencey,GodmotherElizabeth Shears


1793, Oct.24th Baptized ElizabethWilliams, born the 21st ofthe same month, daughter of Henry and Margaret Williams, Godfather Michael Butler, GodmotherMary Matthews.


1793,Nov.13th. Baptized Elisa Smythe,born Octoberthe 7th,daughter ofMichaeland Elisabeth Smythe GodfatherJohn Robinson . RalphAinsworth.

1793,Dec. 1st Baptized Denis Sullivan, Son ofJohn and Helen Sullivan and born Nov.28th Godfathers Michael Quinlan and John Burke, Godmother Helen Barrow .


1793, Dec. 4th Baptized Anne Drine, born the 24th of November , daughter of David and Brigit Drine Godfather John Ranedin , GodmotherElizabethMolyneux.


1794, Jan. 21. Baptized Frances Mary Nanno Nagle, born Jan. 16th, daughter of Richard and Catherine Nagle Godfather Joseph Nagle by proxy ofDavid Nagle, GodmotherCatherine Mapas [?] Talbot byproxy ofMargaret Trant.


1794, Jan. 22 [? 24] Baptized Anne Perry, daughterofWilliam and

Later a Benedictine (Birt, p 156).


Susanna Perry, born the 4th of the same month Godfather Laurence Gahigan, GodmotherCecilia Taffe

1794, Feb. 6th

Ralph Ainsworth.

Baptized Philip Wright, son ofPhilip and Mary Wright, born Feb. 4th. Godfather Charles Friars , Godmother [blank] Hugo Ralph Ainsworth.

1794, Feb. 9th

Baptized William Brown, son ofThomas and Catherine Brown, born Feb. 8th Godfather Thomas Canning, Godmother Mary Canning.


1794, March 16th. Baptized Brigit Monk, daughter ofJames and Mary Monk, born March 7th 1794. Godfather Laughlan Larcon, Brigit Neville [sic .].


See 22 leaves farther [i.e. the point in the Register at which the baptismal entries for 1794 are resumed; infra, p 72].

StatusAnimarum sive Congregationis [List in Pembridge's hand.]

Julii 1 , 1792 .

David Nagle Esqr.

Mr Harold Nephew

Mrs HonoraHarogan

Mary Dean

Miss Plunkett

John Walsh Esqr

Mrs Walsh

Miss Walsh and 2 Sisters Man-Servant

Mr Dalton

Mr Thos Canning and Mrs Canning Man and 2 Maid Servants

Thos Metcalf Esqr and Mrs

No. 1 Circus

Housekeeper Cook

No. 3 Circus

No. 9 MarlboroughBuildings


No. 4 ChurchStreet

Rivers Street No.9 Man and 2 Maid Servants 20

Mrs Hussey

Mr and Mrs Dowling

Mrs French

Mrs Drisgill

3 Daughters Man and MaidServant

Mr and Mrs Butler

St James'sSquare

Belvidere No. 10

No. 9 Oxford Row

No. 1 Bennet Street

179 [presumably1792] Status Animarum .

George Butler Esqr. and Lady

No. 23 BennettStreet

Miss ButlerMiss CavenaghMr Kennedy, Butler

Miss Hawkins , Maid. Monsr Duquen, Servant 40


Mr and Mrs Hughes

Miss Matthews

Mrs Randall

MrWeldon, 2 Nieces

Mr and Mrs Smith and Mrs Burn

Mrs Clark

Mr and Mrs Crowtch

Mr and Mrs Hall

Mrs Leech

Russell Street Ditto Ditto

Alfred Street No. 4 FountainPl [?] No. 4 Vineyard

EdmundCollingridgeand Maid

Walcot Parade

Margaret Hill97

Broad Street

Mr and Mrs Rian 60


Mr and Mrs English, 5 Sons, 4 Daughters.

Mr and Mrs Molland

Miss Flemingand Sister Catharine

Mrs Payne

Mrs Chetwyndand 3 Maids 80

Mr and Mrs Lowndes and Mrs Church

Broad St. Milsom Street

JohnStreet98 Ditto

Gay Street


Mr and Mrs Robinson , 2 Sons, 1 Daughter

Mrs SusannaDay

MrWillm .Day, Surgeon

Honble Miss Talbot and Mary Ball

Mrs Martin, Mrs Hugo, Miss Hugo, Mrs


N. Tobin Esqr. and Mrs

Westgate Buildings

Westgate Buildings StJames'sParade Ditto

JohnMills , MaryBlackwell 100 Ditto

Mrs Burk Ditto

Miss Dale and Miss Bernick Ditto

Willm . Hopkin and Wife

Thos. Short and Wifeand Son

Jacob West and Wifeand Son and Daughter

Thos Brownand Wife

John Mearesand Wife

Thos . Mooreand Wifeand Daughter 120


Corn Street Ditto

Back Street Ditto

Horse Street Peter Street98 and MaryMoore

Bell Tree House

JohnOdber and Wife and Son and Daughter

Mary Coffee and Son

John Allen Stall Street Mich Brien Ditto

AnneCosgrove Do

AnnePearce, 2 Daughters

Robins and Wife

JamesMurphy and Wife and Daughter

Elizabeth Hodginson

German ClockMaker


Westgate Street 140 Ditto

Mr Denie and Wife , Son and Daughter Norgate99


Mary Deane

John Morrison

Anne Collingridge James N.

Dr Mahagan

2 MissesHyde

Francis Allen

Willm Norris , Wifeand Daughter

AnneAston and Daughter

JohnCarrollRosano and Wife

John James, Son and Daughter

Mrs Duval

Mr Williams and Wife100

JamesDowden Sen. , 3 Daughters

James Reynoldsand Wife

William Reynolds

Johnand JamesHensy

Lucy Waring



WalcotStreet Bishop's Servant No. 4 LowerCharles Street No. 27 New King'sStreet


AvonStreet Ditto

John's Court No. 1 NorthumberlandBuildings

Morford Street Ditto Ditto

Mr and Mrs Love and Son 180

Elizabeth Russell

Daniel Castle and Wife ParsonageLane

Mr Keasebery, Son and 2 Daughters


Margaret Lyons


Eliz. Dennohough



John Clark

Mr and Mrs Dayand Daughter

Anthony Gale

Mr Thos. Day and Wife

Mr Peter Smith

MrMichael Smith

John Dutton

Barbara White

Inglisbach Bradford101

200 LadyMead102

Bladud Buildings Twirton Holliway

Richd Hubberston[?]

Mrs Edgecumb Plunket

Mrs Butt

Mr Doyle

Honble Mr Dillon, Lady, Mrs Trant

Walcot WorkHouse WalcotStreet

Walcot Gay Street

Miss [Delldeleted ] Trant and Miss KirkMaid

Mr and Mrs Howard

Mrs Garthside Pulteney Street N. Cotes, Servant Laura Place102

100 Kirk, p. 2, prints information about an eighteenth -centurypriest, SirWilliam Anderson , derived from an old breviary"at Mrs Williams ' , NorthumberlandBuildings, Bath"



Bradford-on-Avon (see note55)

Location, not personal name


John Wright MarketPlace

John and EleanorHazard

Edward Hazard

Roger and Mary Kennedy

Jamesand ElizabethGorth


Mary Webb

John Brickman

Georgeand Mary Sidnell


PhilipNonnetand Wife

John Pike and Wife


Mary Ashton

Mrs Doyle

Mr Heffernam

John McCan

MacMirty , Wifeand 2 Sons

Mary Bowden and Son

Anne Hughes, 2 Sons

John Wogan and Son


Mich Brannan

Mr Jadoul


Jane Russell

Mrs Pettingall

Mary Laythamand Daughter

JohnImetto and Daughter

Mrs O'Byrn

Mrs Celia Dunnand Niece

Bartholomew ' 103

Mr Hayes and Wife

Mrs Pool


Margaret Keif

Catharine Leonard

Julia Hynde

Patrickand MaryBisset

Rose Grant

Patric Macarty

Mr and Mrs Delassons

Mathew and AnneTrodden

GarretFarrelland Son

Margaret Buildings


103 Possibly the Christian name of "Mr Hayes" below. BartholomewHayes occurs several times in this Register as a parent and godparent , and as administering the sacrament of baptism, presumably in an emergency (see index for references to him)


Mrs Feneran

Anne and Eliz Pitts

John Leonard

Mary and AnneSamuel

Mr and Mrs Howell

Stephen Read

Thomas Hill

Joseph Cook

Mich McDonald

Mrs Veltam

Willm. and Catharine Odber

Martha Sanger

Mrs Shean

Mrand Mrs Vivier BrockStreet

Timothy and Eleanor Sullivan

Mr Bezani and Wife

Mr Borrachini[?] and Wife

Samuel Dillon

Mrs Seaford Cum multis aliis.

1792 Status Animarum.

Patric Sullivan

Dennis Mahony

Catharine Mahony

Catharine Moren

N. Seaford

Doctor Meaghane104

Mrs Bishop

Mrs Biddulph

Mrs Jaddoul

John Barry


Mrs Hutchinson

Willm and MaryConnelly

Willm. Riordon

Jane Riorden

John and Helena Magrath

Willm Neal

Margaret Lynch

Joseph and Mary Doneghan

John BaptistVecchio

Catharine More


310 lower Charles Street Ditto


330 1792. Caven and Marcella Delmond[? Desmond]

Frances Hughes

Mrs Jadoul

John Gibbins


Timothy Crowley

104 Dr Meagher, of 1 Claverton Buildings, occurs in Robbins's Bath Directory (Bath, 1800) p 75. He died 10 Feb. 1801 (infra, p 124)

Crooked Row

Wilks's hand: 1788

June 2d

Matrimoniorum [In Pembridge's hand.]

Were married in the Catholic Chapel of Corn Street at Bath , Themost noble Charles Alexanderde Calonne, Lord and Count ofHannonvillein the Kingdom of France, but ofthe parish ofSaintMary Le Bone in the County of Middlesex , a widower, and Dame Anne Rose Joseph de Nettine (widow of the Chevalier Joseph Micault d'Harselay,Counsellor of State, Lord and Count of Clussy and Serres and of the Barony of Torcy in the Kingdom of France) of the city of Bath, by me Witnesses [no signatures].

Joseph Wilks.

Pembridge's hand(3 entries): 1792

Feby 16, were married, Richard Nagle Esqr. of the County of [Cork deleted ] Westmeath , and Miss Catharine Fitzgerald Witnesses: theRd. Mr Heatley, David Nagle Esqr and Miss French . pr Michael Pembridge. 1792.

August 14, were married John Meare and ElizabethNorman Witnesses: Martin O'Brien, Mary Short and Mary Wilcock. bymeMich Pembridge

Matrimoniorum. 1792

Augst.20, were married in this Chapel,SimonHensy and Mary Wedcock by me Witnesses: Martin O'Brien, Caroline Prichard

Heatley'shand: M. Pembridge.

November 26th 1791, were married Samuel Odber of the County of [blank]105 and Mary Jenkins of the County of [blank] Witnesses: TheresaShepherd , and Catharine Brown

Ainsworth's hand: 1793

April 18th , 106

Hugh Heatley. were married Philip Wright and Mary Anne Hugo Witnesses: the Rev. Mr. Lawson , Charles Friar, Mary Anne Dale and Mary Friar


Lawson'shand (2 entries): 1793

July 14, were married Thomas Smith and Anne Brannan Witnesses: Ellen Rose and Jacob West H. Lawson.

105 106 PerhapsWiltshire; see Registers ofStourton (ed Ellis)passim. Also in R.B.A., p 318 (samedate)


1793, July 31, were married Robert Scotand MaercyElston Witnesses: Henry Williamsand MarthaSmith.

Henry Lawson

Words italicisedin Ainsworth's hand; others in different hands: 1794, Jan. 7th, were married Jean Cottin et Catherine Scholastique Vendercruice . 107Witnesses: Jaques Gouget et Madelaine Avril Gouget. Ralph Ainsworth.

InAinsworth's hand, with witnesses'names ina different hand: 1794 , Jan. 7th, were married Richard Phaolon and ElizabethEdwards . Witnesses: Henry Hubbert, CharlotteMerrick.

In Lawson'shand , apartfrom witness's name:

RalphAinsworth. 1794, October 14 , were married Thomas Rundel and Elizabeth Biley. Witness: Mary Brown.

Lawson's hand (2 entries):

H. Lawson 1795,Januarythe 11 , were marriedbyme EdwardHowel and Elizabeth Taylor Witness: JohnMartyn and N.


H. Lawson

1795, January, were married Julien Havez and Anne Bailey. Witnesses: Anne Love and Jacob West

Henry Lawson .

Next 4 entries in hands ofofficiatingpriests, with variouswitnesses' signatures: July 1st 1795 , were married Thomas Jones and Mary Jeanne Bruno. [signed] Thos . Jones

Witnesses: Picquenot . 109

Mar. Jeanne Bruno. Justine Ride.

RalphAinsworth. 1795, Sep. 7th, were married in the Catholic Chapel in Corn Streetat Bath François Pascal le Roux and Catherine Renée Radener. By me

Witnesses: François Pascale le Roux.

Feray, Curé de Mirbel. Ralph Ainsworth . 11110

Eugene Kerouartz Clara Stuart. Catherine Reine Radener

Elizabeth Farewell GuillaumeSchoere

Louisl'Herminier. Rene le Goff Lecorre

107 Also in R.B.A., p 319 (same date) but with the wife's maidenname spelt "Vander Cruyce" and with witnesses given as "Jaques Youget, Madeline Avril, Jamme Youget, MariePiette"

108 Dated 3 Jan. in R.B.A. , p. 320, with the husband's surname speltHaveeand Jacob West omitted

109 Frenchpriest; see next page (1796 entry); also p 75 (baptism)

110 In the original, Ainsworth's signature comes after those of the witnesses; presumably he intendedto sign underthe words"By me" but theAbbé Feraygot in first

L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-quinze, le mardy quinze Septembre, toutes les formalités à ce requires deuement observées, nous soussignés, Curé de Mirbel, avons, avec la permission de Monsieur Ainsworth, Chapelain de la Chapelle Catholique de Bath, reçu le mutuel consentement de mariage de Louis-Joseph-Eloy l'Herminier et de Marie-Jeanne Champion;le ditl'Herminier filsmajeurde Pierre l'Herminier etdefeue MargueriteCarbonnier , et la diteChampion fille majeure de feu François Champion et de feue Jeanne le Camp, tous deux françois d'origineet demeurants depuis plus d'un an en la susdite ville de Bath, et leur avons donné la bénédictionnuptiale avec les cérémonies prescrites parlasainte église catholique, apostoliqueet romaine, en présence des témoinsavec MonsieurAinsworth et nous soussignés , à Bath le ditjour et an queci dessus .

Feray, Curé de Mirbel. Louis Joseph Eloy l'Herminier. Marie Jeanne Champion. Felix Rolland. R. Gavel , 1796

J. Gouget. François le Broun. RalphAinsworth.

L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-seize, le cinq Janvier, aprés la dispensede la publication des bans obtenue conformément aux lois, nous Curé de Mirbel, Diocèse de Lizieux, avons fait la célébrationdu mariage d'entre Michel Roussel, fils majeur de feu Pierre Roussel et de Marie Cappelle de la paroisse d'Irf, Diocèse de Seez , d'une part, et entre Catherine Beauregard, fille majeure de feu Claude Beauregard et de Catherine Andréde la paroissede Lacoult,Diocèse de Nancy, tous deux demeurant depuis plusieurs années dans cette ville, sans qu'il se soit trouvéaucune opposition civile ny canonique , en recevant des parties leur consentement mutuel par parole de présent suivant les cérémonies de l'église catholique, en présence de Mr Decastellas , Doyen des comtes de Lions et de Mr Picquenot, Curé de Neuville et Doyen d'Ivry, Diocése d'Evreux, qui ont signé avecles parties et nous le présent acte . Catherine Beauregard

111 Michel Roussel l'abbé de Castellas, Doyencomtede Lyon. Picquenot Boulanger . J. Gouget. Feray, C. de M. [i.e. Curé de Mirbel] R. Ainsworth

Thefollowing entries appear, from theink, thehandwriting(Pembridge's) and the totals, to be a continuation oftheStatus Animarum listof1782 (supra. , pp. 7-8). When the register was earliercopied (cf. p. viii, note4) this leafwas differently located(between the marriage-entry of20June 1781, printed onpp 47-8andthe list headed "Easter 1782"startingon

111 cf. F. X. Plasse, Le Clergé Francais Refugiéen Angleterre (Paris, 1886), p 433, where, however, he is saidto have died in 1795 , in London


p. 12). Evidently, like others, it was misplaced when the Register was given itspresentbinding

Richd Maddox


Hannah Hughes

Amy Castle

Mr and Mrs Ryan

George Jackson

Helena[?] Casey

Mrs Sheward

Richd Hubberston[?]

Celia Dun

Mrs Dun

Miss Plunket

Mr and Mrs Dowling Circus

Mr and MrsDay Forscot

Mr Day Senr and Junr and Miss Day

Mrs Martin Ingsbach

Hannah and Rachl112 Baker


Eliz Jakes


Catharine Dowdel

Thomas More, Wifeand 3 Daughters

Lady Palmer

Bartholomew Coffill


Anne Ashton

Eliz. Ashton

Miss Dale

Mrs Randal

Mrs Hawkins


Mary Murphy, beggar


Eleanor Dennohaugh

Anne Miles

Sarah Hagarty

Thomas Dutton

Jeremiah Lions



Mr and Mrs Keagan

Frances Carlas

Mrs Frances

Mrs Saunderson 112

Willm Norrisand Wife


Mrs Thornton

Mrs Crabb

Mrs Neal and Mrs Molland

Mr Gale

Mary Dory

Ross Magennis and Wife

Catharine Conner


Dorothy Tracey


Margaret Foresight

George Hughes and WifeMary

Mr and Mrs Short

Eliz. Boxal

Mrs Ready

Eliz. Burt

Julietta Laytham

Eliz. Harris


Mr Welden and Miss Welden


Mary Ross

Mary Jenkins

Mrs Church

Jane Robinson

Penelope Price


Thos Brown

Martha Blake

Betty Green

Mrs Middleton

Eliz Trappil

Mary Long

Alice McDermont


Mary Parsons

Edward Quin

Eliz Macavoy

Mrs Vaughan

Mrs Cox

Mary Jellamy



John Brian

Mrs O'Bryan

Mary Cotton 208


Entriesin hands ofofficiating clergy and various witnesses:

Le Jeudy seize Février mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept, toutes les formalités préalablement observées, nous soussigné, Missionnaire de la ville de Bath, avons reçu le mutuel consentement de mariage de Pierre Marie François , Comte de la Pasture, fils de Pierre Antoine François de laPasture , Marquisde Verchocq, et de Marie Catherine Agathed'Acary, Marquise de Verchocq, d'unepart, et d'autre part d'ElysabethFoulkes, veuve de Archibald Hamilton Foulkes , fille de Gerard Gustavus Coltée du Carel et d'ElysabethColtée du Carel, et leur avons donné la bénédiction nuptiale avec les cérémonies de l'eglise catholique en presence des soussignés avec nous le dit jour et an que dessus Un mot raturé nul 13 - Feray, pfêtre.

Pierre Marie Francois , Comte De laPasture

ElizabethDucarel .

Pierre Antoine Francois De la Pasture, Marquis De Verchocq

Marie Catherine Agathe , M'ise deVerchocq.

R. Ainsworth.

1798, April 21 [?] were married Patrick Cahall [and] Ruthe Meguay. Witnesses: John Kelly and Ruthe Lithmon, by me H. Lawson . Bath.

Le lundi quatre Févriermil-sept cents quatre -vingt-dix-neuf, toutes les formalitéspréalablement observées, nous soussignéCuré de Mirbel, Diocéze de Lisieux, avec la permission de MonsieurAinsworth, Missionnaire de la Chapelle Catholiquede Bath, avons reçu le mutuel consentemente de mariage de Louis François le Mée, fils majeur de defunt François le Mée et de defunte ChristineLamon [? hamon] d'une part, et d'autre part de Renée le Goff, veuve de François Bertrand, fille de defunct Jean le Goff et de defunte Françoise le Lane, tous deux françoisd'origineet demeurans depuis plusieurs années en la ville de Bath, et leur avons donné la bénédiction nuptiale avec les cérémonies prescrites par la ste . église en presence des témoins avec Mr Ainsworth et nous soussignésà Bathle ditjour et an que ci dessus L'époux, ne sachant signer, a faitsa marque; trois mots raturésnuls.¹114

Renéele Goff

+ marque de Louis François le Mée. Eugenede Kerouartz, fils de Mr de Kerouartz. Christian WilhelmSchoere George Bertrand, C. de Frise. Feray, C. de Mirbel

R. Ainsworth

113 a reference to theword "fille" , deleted 114 i.e. three words deleted ("René le goff" , originally written in the wrong place)


1799 , September 24th, were marriedJohn Short and Mary Pit. Present , MaryShort, by me

H. Lawson

1800, June 26th, were married Noah Howard and Rosina Downes Present [blank] Doyle

R. Ainsworth

1800, Aug. 23d, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath (juxta ritum Ecclesiae Catholicae ) John Bisani and Frances Etoile Present as witness [sic.] Helen Rose and Mary Hencey

R. Ainsworth.

June 11th 1801, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, Thomas Neale and Catherine Burke Present as witnesses JamesHaggerty, John Molloy, James Dobbin, Honora Haggerty, Mary Kennedy and Mary O'Brien

R. Ainsworth

June 15th 1801 , were married at their lodgings, Dr Walter Kennedy Craufuird and Miss Emilie O'Connor, daughterofSirPatrick O'Connor, Present as witnesses, her aunt and hermaidservant

Next fiveentriesin Calderbank's hand:

R. Ainsworth.

1801, September 28th, were married in the Catholic Chapelat Bath , Henry Beaumont and Mary Anne Archer. Present as Witnesses , Mrs Cohounand Mr Burke,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1801 , October25th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, Mr Thos. King and Miss Margaret English Present as Witnesses, her Father , MrEdmundEnglishand her Sister,Mary English,by RalphAinsworth.

1802, February 22nd, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath , Mr. Edmund English and Miss Mary Eliza Evans Present as Witnesses , Miss Mary Englishand Mr John English, byme

Jas. Calderbank .

1802, July 11th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, Patrick Curly and Sarah Leigh Present as Witnesses, Rose Cosgrove andMichael O'Brien,byme

Jas Calderbank.

1803, April 19th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath (Juxta ritum S. Ecclesiae Catholicae ), Bernard Cox and Jane Smith. Present as Witnesses,Mr G [?] Gouget and MrsChapin,by me

Jas Calderbank .

Confirmatorum . [Ainsworth's hand ]

In Capella C. Bathoniae ab Illustrissimo D. CaroloWalmesley, Ramatensi, die 5 Maii 1793:-

Cornelius Hughes

Joannes West


Michael Osmond

Maria West

Maria Magd Burne

Maria Moore

Agnes Rose

Michael West

Edmundus Collingridge

Joannes Bapt Odber

Edmundus English


Gulielmus Jones




Elizabetha Dale

Martha Smith

Maria Anna Cortis

Maria Teresia Stych



Maria Magd English

Elizabetha Trant

Maria Odber

Maria Norris


Maria Day

Confirmat: [Ainsworth's hand .]

In Capella C. Bath. ab Illus. D. Car Walmesley, Ramat , die 29 Aprilis 1796:-

Maria Mackey

Anna Hencey

Catharina Phelon

Maria Magd Moore

Maria Smith


MariaPaulina Magd DeL'Eguile

Confirmat: [Ainsworth's hand ]

In Capella C. Bath. ab Illus D. Carolo Walmesley, Ep Ramat ,die 24. Septem. 1796:-


Maria Pitt

Elizabetha Pitt

Confirmatorum [Lawson'shand .]

In Capella Catholica Bathoniae ab IllustrissimoDD. GregorioSharrock, Telmess , die 22 Augusti, Anni 1800: -

Frances Mary115Batty

W. Thomas Batchelor

JamesFrancis Cunningham


John Cornelius Denie

Anne Monica Denie

Anne MaryDayly

Eliz Mary Heal

NancySarah Hughes

Eliz MaryHowell [blank ] Mary James

Left-hand column, below, in Lawson's hand; right-handin Ainsworth's: ArrabellaMary Kelly

Eliz. Anne Keen

Effingam Thomas Lindsay

Peggy Mary Lanan


JohnMathew Muttry

Bridget Mary Prior

Catherine ElizabethPope




Elizabeth Anne Brown

Mary Mary Seifreid

Martha Mary Hughes

Barbara Joanna Agnes Denie

Winefrid Cecilia Denie


Richard Joseph Goodman

SarahCatherine Rourk

Unlike that for 1808, printed on p 69, these earlier lists give little indication of confirmation-names

Anne MaryMag Purnall

JamesEdward Maguire


Thom. Anthony Smith

John Joseph Taylor

Eliz Catherine Whimble

John Thomas Wogan

Anne Mary White


Calderbank's hand:


Sarah MaryMeagher

MaryAnne Hughes

Eliz. Catherine Weston

Anne Mary Rowe

JamesGeorge Rowe

VincentGabrielde Bois Boissel

Carolina AloysiaGeach

Eliz Lucy Davis

Eleanora Catherine Hayden

Eleanora MaryAnneButler

Confirmati in Capella Catholica Bathoniae ab Illustrissimo et Reverendissimo D.D. Gregorio Gulielmo Sharrock, Episcopo Telmess , die Maii

tertia, Anni 1801: -

Susa WinefrideDay

Jo . 116 Charles Day


Sponsor Miss [blank] Day

Sponsor Mr [blank] Day

Calderbank's hand:

Ab eodem Illustrissimoet Reverendissimo D.D.G.G.Sharrock,Episcopo

Telmessem , die Maii quarta, Anni 1802, confirmati fuere: -

Elisabeth TeresaWright

Clare Irwin

Victoire Louisa Julienne

Elisabeth MaryYarmouth

CharlotteMary Brooks

Eliza Mary McDonald

Jane Mary Wilmot

Catharine Connor

Judith Leaven

Mary Bridget Nugent

Margt AnneHind

JohnJoseph Martin


Jas Joseph Davies

Anne Price

Calderbank's hand (asterisks indicatedamage topage):

Ab eodem illus et Revdissimo D.D.G.G. Sharrock , Ep Telmess , die 14a Novembris 1803, confirma*us fuit Anthonius Holloran in articulo *tis [no doubt the damaged words are "confirmatus" and "mortis" .]

Ainsworth's hand:

Confirmat in Capella Catholica Bathoniae ab Illusmo et Revmo D.D. GregorioGulielmo Sharrock, Episcopo Telmessen. die 30, mensis Maii, anni 1806:-

Louisa Maria, Magdalena Browne

Catharina , Maria CeciliaBrowne

Maria Louisa Gildemeester

Clara Christiana Maria Irwin

Ainsworth's hand:

Sarah, AnnaEnglish

Joanna, Maria Read

Rebecca Ketcherside

Francisca, Birgitta Nagle

Maria, MartinaNagle

1807, April the 27th, was confirmed bythe Rt. Revd.G.W. Sharrock,


This and the name above, both written in the margin in lighter ink, are doubtless confirmation-names


Bishop of Telmessum , Matthew Costello, an infant in danger of death.

Birdsall's hand:

1807, May the [blank] was confirmedbythe Rt Rev. G.W. Sharrock , Bishop of Telmessum, Catharine Maguire, aged 41 , in articulo Mortis

1807, Augt 26th, was confirmed by the Rt Revd G. W. Sharrock, Henry Michael Carrol ; and Decr. 7th, Ann Lewis: both infantsin danger of death

1808, Jany 29, John Howgate and Mary Barringtonitem .

Birdsall's hand:

1808, Augt. 8th, Were confirmed in the CatholicChapel at BathbyRt.

Revd Dr Collingridge, Episcop Thespiens: -

Ann Shewring by the name ofMaria

Irene Maguire

Mary Ann Frere

Frances Boyce


Grace Fisher

Eliz West

Nicolas Paillet

Eliz. Dutton



Elizabeth Mulloy

Mary Browne

Ann Thornman

Edwd . Galespy

Eliz Browne

Mary Browne

Martha Browne

Ann Winbow

Cornelius Dowding

Mary Williams

Eliz Williams




Sophia Jinks


HenriettaChurch Ann

William Penny


Mary Magd. Eliz Gibbs


MaryMag Antony




Ann Rosanna

John Wall


Ann Lauler


Eliz White

MaryAnn Martin


Eliz Abbot

Ann Keene

John Carrol

Thos James

Ann West



Catharine Knapp



Joseph Mary

Next 2 pages blank, then follow entries in Calderbank's, Ainsworth's and Birdsall's hands , as signed:

1803, July 12th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath,Nicholas Paillet and Margaret White; present as Witnesses, Edward Roachand Elenora Hall,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1803, Novr. 10th, were marriedaccordingto the rite of the H. Catholic Church Jacob West and Margaret Callers; present as Witnesses, James Doyle and Rachele West, by me

Jas Calderbank .


1804, Jan. 10th, were married in the CatholicChapel at Bath, Thomas Jordan and Sarah England ; present as witnesses, John and Catherine Gogin

R. Ainsworth

1804,Jan. 15,were married George Lewis and Catherine Randal ; present aswitnesses , Mr and Mrs Clarke and Sarah Randal

R. Ainsworth.

1804 , July 30th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath ,George Hade and Frances Batty; present as Witnesses, AnneDove andmanyof the Congregation ,byme

Jas Calderbank

1805, Feby 3rd, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath , Charles Gerish and Elisabeth Griffin; present Catharine Sullivan, Miss B. Ketcherside - byme

Jas Calderbank

1805, April 14th, were married in the Catholic Chapel atBath , George Viner and Martha Hughes; present as Witnesses, Mrs Rochefort and her servant maid.

R. Ainsworth.

1805 , Sep. 22d, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath , William Stiles and Elizabeth Yarmouth; present as witnesses, Henry Williams and Dorothy Lees

R. Ainsworth

1805, Dec. 20th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, John Peneston and Sarah Harris Present as witnesses, James Harris and ElizabethHale


1806, July 29th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, James Joseph Boulnois, de l'Evêché de Laon dans la Picardie en France , and Marianne Nunnes ofthe parish of Mangots-field,117 byme

John Birdsall Present as Witnesses, Revd Michael Pembridge and HellenRose .

1806, Nov. 27th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath , John Day and Winefrid Morgan Present as Witnesses, Edward Calley andLalor

R. Ainsworth

Next nine entries in Birdsall'shand: 1807, Jany 7th, were married at Horton, ritu catholico, William Rodwayand ElizabethWinbow, both of that place.Witnesses, Elizabeth WinbowSenr and Ann Winbow. by John Birdsall.

1807 , Jany. 26th, were marriedin the CatholicChapel at Bath, William Hopson and Catharine Byrne Present as Witness, Mary Hensey by John Birdsall

117 Mangotsfield , Glos , near Bristol

1807, Nov. 25th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath , Thos. Prince and Jane Reed of the Parish of Witcombe . 118 Present Henry Williams


1808, May 30th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, John Driscol and Mary Burke of Bristol Witnesses, Mrs. Burke her Mother, and JohnWall.

John Birdsall

1809, March 18th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, John Harris Arnold and Jane Sutton; present as Witnesses , Margaret Sutton , Matthew DarcyTalbot, and Lucy Gibbon.

Ralph Ainsworth

1809, April 16th, were married in the CatholicChapel at Bath, Charles Goldfinch, and Rachel West; present as Witnesses, Mary and Ann West by Ralph Ainsworth

1809, July 16th, were married (ritu catholico) at Bath, Thomas FitzherbertEsqr and MaryAnn Chichester; present as Witnesses,the Grandmother ofthe latter, Mrs Chichester,MrThos Cliffordand Mrs Clifford byWm. Coombes.

1809, July 19th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, Thos. Tunstall Esqr. and Miss Mary Trapps; present as Witnesses,Miss Talbot, Timothy O'Brien Esqr. and others by John Birdsall.

1809, Sepr 11th, were married in the Catholic Chapel at Bath, Pierre Gerard and Euphrosine Hussenot ; present as witnesses, Charles L'Acoste and Victoire Julien

Ainsworth's hand: by John Birdsall.

1813, Dec. 26th, were married (ritu Catholico) Matthieu Paul Louis Anne Prigny De Quérieux, Capitaine de Vaisseau dans la marineImperiale , Chevalier de la Légion D'honneur and Miss Sarah Marshall. Present as witnesses, le Contre-Amiral Durand De Linois, Comte de l'Empire, Commandant de la LégionD'honneur, and Francoise Sachery De Beaurepaire.

Heatley'shand: 1788 119 byme RalphAinsworth.

June 15, were married Mr Cosmas Nevill and Miss Maria Anna Bella Gardener. Witnesses, Thomas Mooreand Catharine Collingridge.


118 119 Presumably Widcombe , Bath.

This entry also occurs in R.B.A. , p 312, dated 16 June, suggesting that the Catholic ceremony preceded the Anglican , in contraventionof Hardwicke'sAct (26 Geo II, cap 33) The entry in the AbbeyRegister describesthe bridegroomas "of Holt, co Leicester" and the bride as of Bath The two witnesses at the ceremony in the Abbey were William Roberts and John Gardiner . For the Nevills see Mr B. Elliott's article in R.H. , 7 , pp 249-62 See also note 60 to second register (infra, p. 193)


The next entry, in Heatley's hand, is crossed-out and marked "Null" . 1791, James Donnelly and Flora Falkener (alias Cole) were married Witnesses , a stranger and [blank] Burn .

Ainsworth's hand:


1802 ,Maythe 1st: marriedAndrew Monk and Mary Rogers. R. Ainsworth. InAinsworth's and Lawson's hands, as signed (see supra , p 56): 1794. Baptized March the 16th Elizabeth Strode, Child to Byfletand Eliz. Strode. GodfatherMr Otburn, GodmotherAnneNagle

H. Lawson .

March 17th. Baptized William Macdonald , born the 13th, the Son of [namesomitted]. The GodmotherMrs Hopkings. H. Lawson .

1794, April 25th Baptized Thomas Peter Metcalf, son ofThomasand Teresa Metcalf, born the same day. GodfatherSir John Throckmorton , GodmotherLadyFitzgerald.

Ralph Ainsworth

1794 , May 16th Baptized Raymond Thomas Hugo Arundel, son of Raymond and [blank] Arundel,120 born the same day. Godfather [blank] by proxy ofHugo Smythe, GodmotherLadySmythe.

1794. Baptizatorum. Ralph Ainsworth.

1794, June 10th Baptized Eleanor Doyle, daughterofPatrick and Eleanor Doyle, born May 14th Godfather John Mears, Godmother MarthaSmith.


1794, June 22d Baptized Thomas Maguire,son ofPatrickand Catherine Maguire, born May 29th. Godfather Laughlan Dignum, Godmother AnneGarrety.


1794,June 4th Baptized JohnMartin, Son of John and [blank] Martin , born the sameday.


1794,July8th,was baptized Isabella Mary Burrough, daughter ofJoseph and Mary Burrough, born July 5th. GodfatherPhilip Wright,Godmother [blank]. by RalphAinsworth.

1794, July 25th. Baptized Mary Wogan, Daughter of Edward and Frances Wogan, born July 22d.GodfatherDominiq Rezano , Godmother Anna Rezano. Henry Lawson .

120 ThemotherwasMary AnneElizabeth(only daughter of Sir Edward Smythe, 4th Bart., of Acton Burnell) whoin 1792 had marriedThomas Raymund Arundell, third son of James Everard Arundell of Ashcombe , Wilts , and grandson of the 6th Lord Arundell of Wardour ; cf. E. Doran Webb (ed .) Notes by the 12th Lord Arundellof Wardour on the FamilyHistory (1916), genealogical table facingp 84; Kirk, p. 214 ; C.R.S. Monograph 1 , pp. 166, 168, 207, 217-8. This, theirfirst child, died in infancy (see infra, p. 121)

1794, August 17th. BaptizedJoanna Ferrer, daughter ofJohn and Mary Ferrer , born July 29th GodfatherMichael Pheilan , GodmotherJoanna Glasson. Ralph Ainsworth.

1794 , August 24th. Baptized John Birt, son of Charles and [blank] Birt, born August 14th GodfatherDominick Rosano, GodmotherAnne Rosano


August, 24th 1794. Baptized Richard Phelan, son of Richard and Elizabeth Phelan, born August 23d Godfather William Hopkins, Godmother Margaret Downing, by proxy ofMargaret Sumpsion . Ralph Ainsworth.

1794, September 17th. Baptized Aegidius (Giles) Hall, Son ofGiles and Christian Hall, born September 15th. Godfather Martin Obrien, GodmotherMary Norris


1794, September 21. Baptized HenriettaBarry, daughterofGarrett and Helen Barry, born Aguust 20th. GodfatherSimon Hencey, Godmother Frances Mary Hynde.


1794, September 24. Baptized Thomas Buck, son of Stephen and Frances Buck, born the sameday GodfatherThomas Hughes byproxy ofWilliam Hopkins, Godmother Mary Matthewsby proxy ofWinefrid Felton.

1794, October 14th


Baptized Anne Mary Rose Rosano, daughterof Dominick and Anne Rosano, born the 13th of the same month Godfather JohnVecchio, GodmotherAnneMary RoseAshton. Ralph Ainsworth.

1794 , December 4th

Baptized M. Bony, daughter of Patrick and Catherine Bony, born the last month Godfather Francis Curley, GodmotherElizabethHalsy.


1795, Januarythe 20. Baptized Eliza Mahony, Daughter of Denis and ElizaMahony. GodfatherMichelQuinlan, GodMother Eliz. Butler. H. Lawson

Next entry in Ainsworth's hand, withwitnesses'signatures: L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-quinze , le huit Janvier, Jacques Louis

Marie George Owen , né de ce jour à Bath du légitime mariage de très haut et très puissant Seigneur Jacques Louis François Marie Toussaint , chef des noms et armes, chevalier , Marquis de Kerouartz , Comte de Penlivet, colonel de cavalerie; et de très haute et très puissante Dame

Marie Joseph Reine de Cleuz Dugage, été baptisé par nous , Recteurde Neuville, Doyen D'Ivry, Diocese d'Evreux en France, soussigné. Le parain trèshautettrès puissant Seigneur Francois MarieLouis, chevalier , Comte de Kerouartz,officer au regiment d'infanterie de Roy de France; la maraine très haute et très puissante Dame Ellen Owen , Dame de


Porkington , 121 representée par très haute et très puissante Dame Jeanne Jacquette de Roquefeuil, Marquise du Gage, en vertu de la procuration de la ditte Dame Owen faite à Londres le quatre Décembre de l'année dernière qui nous a été représentée

J. Cte de Kerouartz

J.J.Roquefeuil, Marquise du Gage.

LeM'is de Kerouartz. Picquenot.

Henceforth in the hands of Ainsworth, Lawson, Picquenotand Feray, assigned:

Feb. 2, 1795. BaptizedWinefrid Moore aged 52

See next page RalphAinsworth.

The above reference to the next page is because it starts with an entry for February(the 13th) misplaced between two Marchentries. Feb. 12th 1795. BaptizedHelen Ryley, daughterofMichael and Elisa Ryley, born the 6th of the same month. GodfatherJames Barry, Godmother Brigit Burke


Feb. 15th 1795. Baptized John Coffe, son of John and JoannaCoffe , born the 10th ofthe same month.GodfatherWilliam Micnahertin, Godmother Anne Connel.

Ralph Ainsworth

Feb. 18th 1795. Baptized Maria McNamara , daughter of Gabrieland Aloysia McNamara , born the 6thofthe same month. GodfatherPatrick Condell, Godmother Rosana Downes .

Ralph Ainsworth.

1795, March 8th. Baptized Brigit Magrath, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Magrathborn the 1st of the same month GodfatherAndrew Foley, GodmotherCatherine Rowman.


1795, February 13th Baptized Mary Appolonia Nagle, daughter of Richard and Catherine Nagle, born the 9th of the same month Godfather David Nagle, Godmother Mary Porter by proxy of Margaret Trant

R. Ainsworth

1795, March 25th. Baptised Susanna Clarke , the duaghterofJohnand Mary Clarke GodfatherJohn Brisco, GodmotherJane Buckley. Henry Lawson .

April 2d 1795.Baptised William Ganly, 2 Months old, the son ofMichel Ganlyand Frances Ganly. GodmotherElizabethHutchinson. H. Lawson

April 26th 1795.Baptised Mary Cooper, 3 months old, theDaughterof JamesCooper,and Margaret Cooper. No Godfathernor Godmother . Henry Lawson

April 27th 1795. Baptised Joanna Chaddock , daughter of Jamesand Sarah Chaddock , born the 8thofthe samemonth.

Ralph Ainsworth

121 ? Salop

May 21st 1795. Baptised Maria Helen Brown, daughter ofThomasand Catherine Brown, born the 20th of the same month GodfatherThomas Canning by proxy of Edmund Collingridge, Godmother Teresa Wilkes by proxy of Helen Rose


L'an 1795, le vingt Juin, Marie Jeanne, née le treize de ce mois , fillede Marie Jeanne Bruno et de Thomas Jones qui a declaré en êtrele pére, a été baptisée par nous prêtresoussigné; le parain LouisMayquia declaré la scavoir signer;la maraine Justine Ridequia signé. Justine Ride


1795, July 3d Baptized Henrietta Catherine Fryer, daughterof John and Eliza Fryer, born June 22d. Godfather Charles Fryer, Godmother Anne Mary Barrow .

Ralph Ainsworth

1795, July 5th. Baptized Agnes Cooper , daughter ofWilliam andSarah Cooper, born May the 27th Godfather Nicolas Taffe, Godmother ElizabethMoore.

Ralph Ainsworth

1795, Aug. 24. Baptized Catherine Beard, DaughterofJohn and Mary Beard Godfather John Ashton by proxyof Samuel Lyne, Godmother Mary Lyne.

Henry Lawson.

1795 , September 14. Baptized Edward Hazard, the Son ofEdwardand Helena Hazard . GodfatherNicolas Taaffe , Godmother Catherine Were. HenryLawson .

1795,September 29. Baptized John McMahon , born the 29th ofAugust 1795, Son ofJohn and Mary McMahon.

H. Lawson

1795, October4th. Baptized Mary Anne Quin, daughter ofJames and Helena Quin.

H. Lawson.

1795, November 1st Baptized James William Ledwidge, the son of James and Ruthe Ludwidge Godfather Patrick Meguire, Godmother Margaret Ryan.


1795,Novem . 16. Baptized Jane Nugent , born the 3d ofApril,Daughter ofJohn and Jane Nugent.

Henry Lawson .

1795, December 3d Baptized Joseph William Panzera , born 29thof October,son ofAntonio and Mary Panzera. GodfatherWilliam Denney, Godmother JaneDenney.

H. Lawson

1795 , Decem .5th Baptized Michel Conolly, born 2d ofDecember , Son ofMichel and ElizabethConolly.

H. Lawson . 1795,December 9th. Baptized John Baker, son ofJohn and Mary Baker, born Nov. 23d. GodfatherWilliam Connelly, GodmotherHelen Hazard. R: Ainsworth.


1795, December 13th. Baptized Frances Mary Hicks, daughter of Thomas and Mary Hicks,born Nov.22d Godmother Frances Matthews .

R. Ainsworth.

1795, December 19th Baptized Anne Enright, daughterofPatrick and Mary Enright, born the 17 December . Godfather John Hasset , Godmother ElizabethProphey.

R: Ainsworth

1795,December 28.Baptized Anne Love, daughterofJoseph and Sarah Love, born Dec. 27th. GodfatherLawrence Coombs. GodmotherSarah Coombs

Ralph Ainsworth.

L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-seize, le dimanche dix-sept Janvier, par nous soussigné, Curé de Mirbel, a été baptisé Philippe, fils de Philippe Pouteau et de Marie Nanorey, demeurant à Bath, né le quatre de ce mois Il a eu pour parrainAugustin Melin, et pour marraine Catherine Charlut qui ont signéavec nous et le père de l'enfant. Augustin Melin P.Pouteau .

Catherine Charlut Feray, C. de Mirbel


122 born the 27thinstant ,

1795, December 29, Baptized JohnWilliams , " the son of Henry and Margaret Williams, Godfather James Enright, GodmotherSara Sumner

Henry Lawson

1796, January23. Baptised Mary Anne Heron, born the 12th instant, the DaughterofHughand Mary Heron. GodfathersJohnKing, Thomas Fennel . GodmothersElizabethNolles , ElizabethGolahagh.

Henry Lawson 1796,January27. Baptised ElizabethHowel, 5 weeks born,the daughter ofEdwardand Elizabeth Howel No Godfathernor Godmother.

Henry Lawson

1796, February 15. Baptised Anne Jane Lattin, born the third of January 1796, Daughterof Mr Patrick and ElizabethLattin Godfather Robert Ferral by proxy of Charles N. Godmother Jane Fitzgeraldby proxy of AnneMartainville.

Henry Lawson

Entry in Lawson'shand; signature by Feray: 1796, Feb. 8th Baptized John Burke, Son of John and Alice Burke, born the 3d of the same Month.

Ainsworth's hand:

Feray, Curé de Mirbel . 1796, May 14th. Baptized Dominic Alexander Charles Teighe, son of Dominick and Theresa Teighe,born the same day. GodfatherAlexander Lilien, GodmotherAnne Mary Teighe.

122 R. Ainsworth.

Later a priestand canon ofCliftondiocese; cf. Oliver, pp. 438-9

Ainsworth'shand; Lawson'ssignature:

1796, March 2d. Baptized James Murphy, son of Daniel and Sarah Murphy Born2 weeks

H. Lawson [R. Ainsworth deleted]. Henceforth in the hands of Lawson, Ainsworth and Feray, as signed: 1796, March 3d Baptized Thomas Murphy, Son of Anne and Patrick Murphy GodmotherMary McCarley

H. Lawson.

1796 , May the 15th Baptized Anne Fearrir, born the 8th instant, Daughter of John and Mary Fearrir Godfather Mr Swaltz [? Swalty], GodmotherMary Glason .

H. Lawson.

May 24, 1796 , Baptised Cornelius McAllum, born at Bath the 14th instant, Son of John and Eleanor McAllum Godfather Cornelius Hughes. No Godmother

H. Lawson.

1796, May 22. Baptized Catherine Flynn, born May 7th, daughterof Andrew and Alice Flynn GodfatherMichael Toughey [?] , Godmother Eleanor Redican [?].

P. Ralph Ainsworth .

June 4. Baptised MichelRidmond, born the 21 ofMay 1796.

H. Lawson .

1796, June 8th Baptized Elisa Clarke , born 4th of June, daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Clarke Godfather Laughlin Larcon, Godmother Helen Briscoe .

R. Ainsworth.

1796, June 23d Baptized Robert George Hazard, a foundling Godmother [blank].

R. Ainsworth.

1796, July 5th. Baptized Elizabeth Catherine Phealon, daughterof Richard and Elizabeth Phelan, born the 3d of the same month. Godfather James Enright, GodmotherCharlotteMerrick.

R. Ainsworth.

1796, July 24th. Baptised Jane Strode, born the 16th ofJuly, daughter of Byflet Strode and Eliz. Strode Godfather Cornelius Daly, Eliz Cavarly [sic ].

H. Lawson

1796, July 28. Baptized Theophus Fryer, born the same day, theson of Langley Fryer and Elizabeth Fryer. Godfather Rev. William Victor Fryer,1 GodmotherMary Anne Burrough. 123

H. Lawson. + 1796, August the 16th Baptized Charles Victor [Ainsworth's hand] .

123 Secular priest (born Bath, 28 July 1768), nephew of Dr William Fryer, President of the English College, Lisbon ; cf. W. Croft & J. Gillow, Historical AccountofLisbonCollege (1902)p 199


L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-seize, le lundi vingt-deux Aoust, par nous soussigné, prêtre, a été baptisée Magdeleine Jacqueline le Roux, née la nuit dernière du légitime mariage de François Pascal le Roux et de Catherine Radeneue . 124 Elle a pour parrain Jacques Gouget et pour marraine Magdeleine Avril, avec nous soussignés M. Avril J. Gouget Feray, prêtre. 1796, August 21st. Baptized ChristopherIrvine, born in Baththe 27th of July 1796 , son of Christopher William Irvine Esqr , inhabitant of Tabago, 125and of Jeanne Marianne Irvine.Present at the Baptism,Mlle. Elizabeth Campbell The Child held by Victoire Julien. Godfather Walter Irvine Esq., GodmotherMde . RobertYoung [sic]. R. Ainsworth Septem. 12, 1796. Baptized William Martin, born the9th instant,son of John and Helena Martin. GodfathersThomas Fenerty and John , own son

H. Lawson.

MichaelJ.Smith See next page [fifth entry below].

October 23, 1796. Baptized James Saw, born Octob 14. Son ofJames and MarthaSaw GodfatherJohn Odber, GodmotherMary Brown H. Lawson. November6th 1796, Baptized Tate Sullivan , born the 5 instant, son of Patrick and Norry Sullivan. Godfather Tate Carty, GodmotherMatty Carty

H. Lawson

L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-seize, le vingt-trois Octobre, par nous soussigné, Curé de Mirbel, Diocese de Lisieux en France, a eté baptisée Catherine Sophie Roussel, née le jour précédent à Bath du légitime mariage de Michel Roussel et de Catherine Beauregard Elle a pour parrain Mr. Philippe Howard Esqr., représenté par Mr. Hugh Smythe Esqr , et pour Marraine Noble Dame Catherine Gartside , avec nous soussignés; à Bathle ditjour et an quedessus . Catherine Gartside . Hugh Smythe. Feray, Curé de Mirbel.

1796, Nov.14th. Baptized Mary Anne Higgins daughter ofPeter Higgins and Susannah, born Aug. 22d GodmotherElizabethMoore. R. Ainsworth

1796, September 29th Baptized MichaelJoseph Smith, born the 24th of the same month, son of Michael and Elizabeth Smith Godfather Peter Smith, GodmotherMary Mathews . R. Ainsworth.

Nexttwo entries in the handofPicquenot, withvarious signatures: L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-seize, le vingt-quatre Novembre, Emile Ange, né de ce jour du légitime mariage de Messire LeonardHyacinthe


125 ? Radener; see marriage-entry, 7 Sept. 1795 (supra, p. 62). Theisland ofTobago See also9 June 1799 (infra, p.86)

Thadée de la Monneraye , Ecuire, chevalier de l'ordre royal et militaire de St. Louis, Seigneur dufresne , capitaine au regiment d'infanterie de Mgr le Ducd'Angoulême,et de Dame MarieCharlotte de la Monneraye , ses père et mère, demeurants en cette ville de Bath, a été baptisé par nous Jean Marie de Chateau Giron, prêtre du Diocèse de Rennes, prieur de St. Roch Le parain Messire François Pierre Ange de la Monneraye, Ecuier, Seigneur de la Morinais, representé par Messire Pierre Bruno Jean de la Monneraye , Ecuier , chevalier de l'ordre de St. Louis, lieutenant des vaissaux de Sa Majesté le Roy de la France;la maraine Dame Françoise Geneviève de Conaic, Douairière de la Monneraye de Bourgneuf, grand-mère maternellede l'enfant, qui ont signé le présent acte

Coniacde la Monneraye de Bourgneuf

Pierre BrunoJean de laMonneraye

Léonard -Hyacinthe-Thadée de la Monneraye , Père.

J.M. Dechasteaugiron ,Ptre.

L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-seize, le trois Décembre , Edouard Françoisné d'hier du légitime mariage de Messire René Augustin de la Monneraye , Ecuier, Seigneur de Beaumer, chevalier de l'ordre royal et militaire de St. Louis, capitaine au régiment du Roy de France, infanterie, et de Dame Georgette Marie Françoise de Kerouartz, ses père et mère, demeurants dans cette ville de Bath, a été baptisé par nous Joseph Henry Picquenot, prêtre, Curé de Neuville, Doyen d'Ivry au Diocése d'Evreux en France Le parain Messire François Marie Louis, Comtede Kerouartz, la maraine Dame Marie Charlotte de la Monneraye, épouse deMessire Leonard HyacintheThadée de la Monneraye , chevalier de St. Louis, capitaine au regiment de Mgr le Duc d'Angoulême, qui ont signé le présent acte avec nous et le père de l'enfant.

Le comte F.L.M. de Kerouartz. la Monneraye de la Monneraye

René Augustinde la Monneraye

Nexttwoentries in Lawson'shand: Picquenot. 126 Nov.20th 1796. Baptized Rosanno , born 9th Nov., son ofDominick Rosanno and Anne Rosanno Godfather John Bisani, Godmother Francesca Bisani.

H. Lawson. December 4th 1796. Baptized John Woodhead , born 17th ofSeptember FatherGeorge Woodhead ,Mother Helena Woodhead .No Godfathernor Godmother.

H. Lawson . Picquenot'shand, with witnesses'signatures: 1797. L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept, le vingt-deux Janvier , nous Joseph Henry Picquenot, Doyen d'Ivry et Recteurde Neuvilleau Diocese d'Evreux, avons supplées les cérémonies du baptême à Louis,

126 sic Christian name omitted


né à Plimout lehuit [overwritten] Juillet mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-onze du légitmie mariage de Messire Jean Dimar [?] de la Monneraye , Ecuier, Seigneur du Restineur [?], et de Dame Marie Charlotte Reine de Kerouartz, ses père et mère, ainsi qu'il nous a présentement été certifié par la mère de l'enfant, par Dame Francoise Geneviève de Coniac , Duairièrede la Monneraye de Bourneuf, grandmère paternelle du dit enfant, et autres personnes dignes de foy ici présentes et soussignées, qui ont assistéà la naissanceet baptême, ou en ont pleineconnaissance Le parain Messire Louis François Marie Toussaint , Ecuier, Marquisde Kerouartz; la Maraine Dame Marie Charlotte de la Monneraye, épouse de Messire de la Monneraye , capitaine d'infanterie et chevalier deSt. Louis, qui ont signé le present acte.

Coniac de la Monneraye de Bourgneuf . Kerouartzde la Monneraye Le M'is de Kerouartz .

R.A. Ch'ende laMonneraye. de la Monneraye . de la Monneraye. Kerouartz De Kermel Le M'is de Kermel Le C'te de Kerouartz. Reine de la Monneraye L.H. Th: De la Monneraye

P.B.T. de la Monneraye . de Roquefeuil, M'isedu Gage approuvés un mot raturé à la quatrièmeligne, et le mot huit surchargé à la cinquième¹27

Henceforthin Ainsworth's and Lawson's hands, assigned: Picquenot

January 10th 1797.BaptizedThomas Ryan, son of Michael and Martha Ryan, born December the 19th 1796. Godfather Thomas Ryan, GodmotherMary Ryan.

R. Ainsworth.

ThomasBarry, born the 4th of January. Baptized by the father22 of January, the son of Garretand Ellenor Barry. GodfatherMich O'Brian , GodmotherEllenor Selves ; the ceremonies performedthe 29 of January H. Lawson

March 6th 1797. Baptized Anne Hurst, daughter of Josue and Anne Hurst, born Februarythe 12th 1797 .

R.Ainsworth. March7th 1797. Baptized AnneWogan, daughter of Edward and Frances Wogan, born the 4th ofthe samemonth GodfatherDominick Rosano . R. Ainsworth. 1797 , March 26th Baptized Henry David Hopkins, born the 1st of March , Son of Michael and Honora Hopkins Sponsors MichaelEnglsih and Mary Ferrer

H. Lawson 1797, May 25 [? 23]. Baptized William Prendiville, born the 18th instant, Son of William and Eliz Prendiville GodfatherMichael Moony, Godmother Catharine Madan .

H. Lawson.

127 Theword deleted , near the beginning of the entry, is "Andrée" and theword "huit" is overwritten upon what looks more like "neuf" than "cinque" or "cinquième" as stated at the end of the register-entry "Plimout" is doubtless Plymouth


1797 , May 11th Baptized Mary Margaret Miles aged 33 years and 6 months.

R. Ainsworth

1797 , May 11th. Baptized FitzgeraldGeoghegan Columban Nagle, born May the 5th, son of Richard and Catherine Nagle. Godfather David Nagle, GodmothersMary Hussey and Mary Clifford by proxyofMrs Trant

R. Ainsworth.

Piquenot'shand with various signatures: L'an mil-sept cent quatre -vingt-dix-sept, le dix-neuf Avril, Amelie

Felicité, née d'hier du légitimemariage de Messire Jean Baptiste Florian

Jolly, Ecuier, Seigneur de Conteadeu [?] et de Dame Marie Ledetde Segrais, mariés à St. Malo en l'année 1790, a eté baptisée par nous Jean

Marie Dechateau Giron, prêtre du Diocese de Rennes, et prieur de St Roch.Le parain Messire Amand Fiacre Salion , Seigneur de ChefDubois, capitaine des vaisseaux du Roy de France; la Maraine Dame Felicité Meslé, Comtesse Douairièrede la Noue Bogar, qui ont signé avec nous le present acte . Meslé de la Noüe. J.M. Dechasteaugiron ,Ptre.

J.B. Florian Jollyde Conteadeu [?]

Next four entries in Lawson'shand:

July 2, 1797. Baptized Mary Sullivan Father Patrick Sullivan , Mother AnneSullivan GodfatherMichael Brian, GodmotherMary Heli.

H.Lawson . 1797, June 24. Baptised Catherine Herron , born the 6th of June. Daughterof Hugh Herron and Mary Heron Godfathers N. Taffe, John Kenny and [sic ] Anne Kellyand Cath . Mealey.

Baptized William Howell, June the24th

H. Lawson .

H. Lawson.

July 10th 1797. Baptized [blank] , born the 5th Instant Father John Martin, Mother Bridget Martin Godfather Hugh Herron, Godmother Lucy Anne Dowding.

H. Lawson . 128

Picquenot'shand, with witnesses'signatures: L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept, le vingt-deux Juillet, une fille née d'hier du légitimemariage de MessireJoseph Marie deQuerhoent, Baron du dit lieu, chevalier de l'ordre royal et militaire de SaintLouis, capitaine d'infanterie, et de Dame Marie Jacquette Emilie de Benayé, les père et mère actuellementrésidants en cette ville de Bath, et mariés dans celle de Dinant, Diocèse St. Malo en Bretagne, a été baptisée par nous Joseph HenryPicquenot, Doyen d'Ivry et Recteur de Neuville au Diocèse d'Evreux en France, en présence de Messr. Aimé Gabriel Fidel Dubois de St Gonant, chevalier de St. Louis, Mr. Sébastien, chevalier de

128 Or Kerhoent; cf. De la Chenaye-Desbois et Badier, Dictionnaire de la Noblesse (Paris, 1863-76), XI, pp 190-2; XVI, p 604 .


Querhoent, de Dame Henriette Ulalie Marie de Benayé Plancher, tante maternelle, cousin germain de la ditte enfant, approuvé le renvoy. Benayé de Plancher .

Le B'on [?] De Querhoënt

Lech'er de Querhoent.

Duboisde St. Gonant , Picquenot.

Henceforthin Lawson'sand Ainsworth's hands as signed: 1797 , 27 June Baptized Maria Francisca Rosa Havez, Daughterto Julien Havez and of Anne Havez, Godfather Mr Pouteau, Godmother Mrs Bisani.

R. H. Lawson

1797. Baptized August the 22, John Alexander Potteau , born August the 4th 1797, the Son of Philip Poteau and Mary Nanorey Godfather JohnKelly, GodmotherMary CharlotteSilvester


1797. Baptized Anne Osmond Aug. 8th, born July 26th, daughter of Noah and Elizabeth Osmond Godfather Wm . Hopkins, Godmother Margaret Bessett .

R. Ainsworth

1797, Sep. 6th. Baptized Henry Gooseberry born July 27th, son of Henry and Mary Gooseberry .

R. Ainsworth.

1797, Sep. 27. Baptized Daniel Brien, son of Daniel and Mary Brien , born 26th of the same month. Godfather William Grady, Godmother Catherine Macnamara

R. Ainsworth. 129 daughterof 1797, Oct. 11th. Baptized Catherine Howse Knapp , ' John and Mary Knapp, born Sept. 1st Godfather James Knapp by proxy of William Day, Godmother Catherine Hicks by proxy of Catherine Randal.

R. Ainsworth

1797, Oct. 15th Baptized Elizabeth Cooper, daughter of John and Mary Cooper, born 28th of September Godfather John Farrel, Godmother Jane Glasten. R. Ainsworth.

October 12, 1797. BaptizedCharles Edward Shine, son of Charles and Elizabeth Shine, born the 30 of September GodfatherThomas Brown, GodmotherMary Caverley.

H. Lawson .

[The above entry,re-dated19 October, is repeated fourentrieslater.]

October30th 1797. Baptized William Burrough,Son of Joseph and Anne Burrough , born the 12thof the samemonth and year.GodfatherWilliam Fryer, GodmotherEliz. Fisher.

129 Henry Lawson See C.R.S., 56, p 169. Her father is described as of Bathand Portsea , Hants. In May 1817 she married John Rowe of Marnhull, Dorset . She diedin July 1818.

October 30th 1797. Baptized Ellinor Fryer,DaughterofJohn and Eliz. Fryer, born October 15 , 1797. GodfatherWilliam Fryer H. Lawson . 1797, December 14. Baptized Eliz Reyley, Daughter ofJohnand Anne Reyley, born the 14th ofNov. GodmotherMary Reyly. H. Lawson

January the 2d 1798. Baptized Anna Glyn, born the 26 ofDecember 1797. DaughterofJamesGlyn and Mary Glyn.GodmotherMaryArcher H. Lawson

January 2d 1798. Baptized Catherine Monk, born 28thofDecember 1797, daughter of John and Anne Monk, Godfather Anthony Clavel. R.Ainsworth

February18th 1798. Baptized Charles Dubois , born the 8thofthe same month , son of Hubert and Honor Dubois Godfather Joseph Mesger. R.Ainsworth

March 28th 1798. Baptized James Higgins, Son of Peter and Susanna Higgins, born January28th, 1798. GodfatherThomas Fitzgerald, Godmother ElizabethConcannon .

R. Ainsworth.

May 2d 1798. Baptized Thomas Brown, Son of Thos and Catherine Brown,born the same day.GodfatherEdmund Collingridge,Godmother MarthaCollingridge

R. Ainsworth

May 2d 1798. Baptized Nicholas Barnewall son of Thos . and Maria Barnewall,bornthe 11thofApril1798. GodfatherNicholas Trimlestown, GodmotherAlicia Trimelstown.

R. Ainsworth.

May 24th 1798. Baptized Christina Mary Elizabeth Arundel, daughter ofThos RaymondArundel and ElizabethMaryAnne Arundel, bornthe same day. Godfather Sir Edward Smythe Bart., Godmother Lady Arundel . 130

R. Ainsworth

May 1st 1798. Baptized John Dealy, son of John and EstherDealy, born the 20th of April Godfather John Lyons, Godmother Julia Corbet .

R. Ainsworth.

X See next Page [i.e. for July 1st entry, followingthat ofAug. 9th].

1798, July 2d Baptized Christina Ardenond, daughter of Peter and Mary Ardenond, born the 24th ofJune. GodfatherMatheu Judie, Godmother Eliz. Howell.

H. Lawson . 1798, July 8th Baptized Mary Anne Willis, born 1 of the said month. Daughterof Mr N. Willis and Mrs M. Willis GodfatherN.,Godmother [blank].

130 See note 120

H. Lawson .


1798, August9th Baptized Mary Anne Veare, daughterofRichard and MaryVeare, born 19th ofJuly GodmotherHelen Hall R. Ainsworth.

X July 1st 1798. Baptized George Phelan, son of Richardand Elizabeth Phelan, born the 30th of June 1798. Godfather Joseph Jamar, GodmotherMiss Constansia Walsh.

Ralph Ainsworth

1798, September 20. Baptized Catherine Kavenah, Daughter ofPatrick and ElizabethKavenah GodmotherHonoraCurren .

H. Lawson .

1798. Baptized George Wisdom Foster, born September the 19th, son of George and Eliz Foster Godfather H. Sandle by proxyfor Francis Bolan .. [? Boland or Bolant], God Mother Helena Brinby byproxyfor Lucy Barrat .

H. Lawson

1798, Oct.8. Baptized MarthaNewbol, born the26thofMarch, daughter of William and Anne Neubowl Godfathers Mic Lator and William Brennar, GodmotherHon Curren

H. Lawson

1798, October 8. Baptized Thomas Clarke, son of Thomas andHelena Clarke GodfatherJeremiah Burgen, GodmotherJoanna Hern.

H. Lawson

1798, October 29. Baptized Eliz.Ferrers, born the 13th, Daughterof John and Mary Ferrers. Godfather Nicolas Taaffe, Godmother Mary Carter

H. Lawson.

1798, October29. Baptized Mary Anne Brookes, 5 years old, Daughter ofNancy Brookes , GodmotherHon. Miss Talbot.

H. Lawson .

XX These crossesrefer to the nextentry but one, out ofchronological order.

1798,Nov.26. Baptized Bernard Bun, 6 weeks old, Son ofBernard and Jane Bun No Godfathernor Godmother XX

H. Lawson

1798, Nov. 2d Baptized Mary Knapp, daughter of John and Mary Knapp, born Oct. 1st. Godfather Joseph Knapp by proxyof William Day, Godmother TeresaKnappbyproxy ofCatherine Randal. R. Ainsworth

Picquenot'shand (apartfromnames italicised)withwitnesses'signatures: L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit, le dix-huit Décembre , Laure Julie née de ce jour du légitime mariage de Mre René Augustine de la Monneraye ,Ecuier, chevalier de St. Louis, capitaine au régiment du Roy de France, infanterie, et de Dame Georgette Marie Francoise de Kerouartz, ses père et mère demeurants dans cette ville de Bath, a été baptisée par nous Joseph Henri Picquenot, Doyen d'Ivry et Curé de Neuville, Diocèse d'Evreux en France; le parain Mre Paul Jule,Marquis


de Laporte, commandeur de l'ordre royal et militaire de St. Louis, chef d'escadres; la maraine Alexandrine Auguste Hortense Marie de Kerouartz, femmede Mr. le Marquis de Kermel , qui ont signé avec nous leprésent acte

De Kerouartzde Kermel.

LaporteNerin [? Nezin].

De la Monneraye.

Nexttwoentries in Ainsworth's hand: 1799


1799, January the 15th Baptized James Browne, Son of James and ElizabethBrowne, born the 7thofthe same month. R. Ainsworth 1799, January the 15th. Baptized JohnSmith son of[blank]

Next three entries in Lawson's hand:

1799, January 24, born Helena Martin Baptized the [blank],Daughter of John and Helen Martin Godfather Richard Kenedy, Godmother Nancy Sullivan.

H. Lawson.

Feb. 9. Baptized Henry Holt, born 4 months, son of Henry and Mary Holt

H. Lawson

1799,March9th.Baptized Joseph MaryWhite,born the 5thofFebruary, son of Joseph and Barbara White Godfather William Hopkins, GodmotherMary Short Henry Lawson

Picquenot'shand, with witnesses'signatures: L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf, le vingt-cinq Mars, Claire Marie née d'hier du légitimemariage de Mssre. JeanDymas [?] de laMonneraye , Ecuier, et de Marie Charlotte Reine de Kerouartz, ses père et mère , a été baptisée par nous soussigné. Le parain Mr. Pierre Bruno Jean de la Monneraye , Ecuier , la Maraine AlexandrineAuguste Marie Hortense de Kerouartz, épouse de Mr. le Marquis de Kermel, qui ont signé le present acte avec nous et le père de l'enfant

J.D.De la Monneraye .

P.B.J. de la Monneraye . Picquenot.

Henceforth in Ainsworth's, Lawson's andPicquenot'shands, as signed: 1799, March 15th. Baptized Almande Mary Rice, daughter of John Anthony and ElizabethRice, born the 25th of February, by J.Godelier. R. Ainsworth

1799, April 6. Baptized Michel Conor (born the 16th of October)son of Mic. and Mary Conor Godfather James Maguerk , GodmotherJuly Wall

H. Lawson .

1799, March 25th

Baptized Richard Charles Dalton, son of(Count) Peter and Rosalia Dalton, born the 23d ofthe same month. Godfather


Charles Macarteybyproxyof Thos Barnwall, GodmotherAloysia Lady Trimleston

R. Ainsworth

See next page but one [i.e. entry dated 22 May, betweenthosefor 6June and 26 July].


1799, June 28th. Baptized Henry Raymond Thomas Arundel,131 of Raymond Thos and Elizabeth Arundel, born June 27th. Godfather Lord Arundel by proxy ofWilliam Charlton, GodmotherMary Smythe by proxy of Ernestine Jacques

R. Ainsworth

1799, June 9th. Baptized Marianne Irvine, daughter of Christopher William Irvine Esq (inhabitant of the island of Tabago) and Jeanne Marianne Irvine, born the sameday. Godfather ChristopherIrvine Esq. , GodmotherVictoire Julien.

R. Ainsworth

1799,July10th Baptized EdmondMcDonough,Son ofMiles & Susanna McDonough, born July 4th Godfather James Brady, Godmother ElizabethVasey.

R. Ainsworth.

L'an mil-sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf, le dix Juillet, Marie Julie Ambrosine née d'hier du légitime mariage de Mssre. Marie Joseph de Querhoent, Baron du ditlieuet chevalier de St.Louis, capte. d'infanterie, et de Dame Marie Jacquette Emilie de Benayé, ses père et mère de la province de Bretagne en France, a été baptisée par nous soussigné. Le parain Mssre. Ambroise Toussaint Marie, Comte de Parcevaux , la Maraine De Marie Marquette Françoise Julie de la Boessière ,Marquise de Lanascole,qui ont signéavecnous le présente acte Parcevaux. Parensde l'enfant approuvé le renvoi.

MarieM.F.J.De La BoessièreDe Lanascol LeCh'er de Querhoent. de Benayé de Plancher

M'is de Lanascol .

Aline de Lanascol Querhoent

Duboisde StGonant Picquenot, C'e de Neuville, Doyend'Ivry

1799, April 28. Baptized Mary O'Quin, Daughter of Jamesand Mary O'Quin, born 27th

H. Lawson

1799, June 2d Baptized JohnSullivan , Son ofPatrickand Anne Sullivan GodfatherPatrick Doonan . BornMay 11th .

H. Lawson

1799 , June 6. Baptized Eliz. Barbara Perugi, Daughterof Joseph and Jane Perugi, born May 24th. GodmotherAnne Rosanno.

H. Lawson

1799, May 22d Baptized Eleanora Darell, daughter of Philip and Catherine Darell, born the 19th ofthe samemonth GodfatherEdward Hales Esqr. , GodmotherEleanora Walsh.

131 Ralph Ainsworth.

Eldest surviving son, died 1886. See note 120 & genealogy there cited


1799, July. Baptized 26 of July, Peter Ardenand, bornthe 21 ofJuly, son of Peter and Mary Ardenand. GodfatherHenrySeine, God Mother MarthaSaw by Proxy for ElizabethHowell.

H. Lawson

1799,August29th Baptized Richard Barry, Son ofPatrickandCatherine Barry, born the 22d of August. Godfather Daniel Obrien by proxyof Jacob West, GodmotherEleanor Obrien. R. Ainsworth

1799, September 2d Baptized Jane Keith, Daughter of William and Mary Keith, born the 18th ofAugust GodmotherJane Hickey. R. Ainsworth

1799, August22. Baptized John Lawlor, born the 10thinstant, sonof Mic and Mary Lawlor Godfather James Doyle, Godmother Hester Fitzgeraldand Cath .Reyley.

H. Lawson.

1799. Baptized the 2d ofSeptember [Lawson's hand]

1799, Sep. 3d [possibly a figure 8, but moreprobably a 3 written over a 2]: Supplied the ceremonies over JohnWilliam Cowdey , son ofPeter and Lucy Cowdey,born 11th of July 1799 , batized [sic] the same day. GodfatherJamesDowding, GodmotherMartha Bowden

R. Ainsworth.

1799, Sep. 14th Baptized Edward Martin, Son of John and Bridget Martin, bornthe3d of September GodfatherFrancis Curley, Godmother Mary Casey.

R. Ainsworth.

1799, Sep. 29th Baptized William Cooper, Son of William and Sarah Cooper , born September 9th. Godfather Roger Kennedy, Godmother HonoraHeagherty.

R. Ainsworth.

1799, December 24th Baptized Edward Gannon , Son of Edw . and Laetitia Gannon. GodfatherMichl. Rogers, GodmotherJane Denny. [Unsigned, but in Lawson'swriting ] 1800, January2, was born EdwardWheland, the Son of John andSarah Wheland Baptized the 4th Godfather O'Brian, Godmother Judith Glasson.

H. Lawson.

1800, January 9. Baptized Thomas Rosanno, born the 7th. Son of Dominick and Anne Rosanno.

H. Lawson.

1800, February 5th Baptized James Brian , son of Dominick andMary Brian, born the 2d of Feb. Godfather Cornelius Landers, Godmother Mary Lynch.

1800, Feb. 11th . Baptized-

R. Ainsworth. Whealend , son of Michael Whealend and Mary born the 4th of February Godfather John McGawley, GodmotherMary McGawley. R. Ainsworth.


1800, March 14th. Baptized Thomas Shiles , son of Robert and Mary Shiles, born February 14th.

R. Ainsworth.

1800, May 4th Baptized Mary Taffe, daughter of Nicholas and Anne Taffe, born the 28th of April 1800. Godfather John Gowe [?], Godmother AmeliaCalaghan.

R. Ainsworth

L'an 1800, le 29 Juin, nous soussignéJoseph HenryPicquenot, Curé de Neuville,Doyend'Ivry,Diocèse d'Evreux, avons supplées les cérémonies de baptême à un garcon né à Jersey le 19 Novembre 1793 du légitime mariage de Mre René Augustin de la Monneraye , capitaine au service de France, et de Dame Georgette Marie Françoise de Kerouartz, ses pére et mère . Son parain Me . Pierre Bruno Jean de la Monneraye , qui l'a nommé Hypolite Bruno ; la maraine Marie Charlotte Reine de Kerouartz.


1800. HenryMaguire , born the 6th ofMarch Baptized the 23dofMarch son ofPatrick and Catherine Maguire GodfatherJeremiah Bergen, GodmotherMargaret English.

H. Lawson. 1800, July 28th. Baptized Martha Henrietta Barnwall, daughter of Thomas and Maria Therese Barnwall Godfathers Nicolas Lord Trimlestown and Richard Kirwan by proxy of Henry Count de Brederode, GodmothersElizabeth Hill and Antoinette Kirwan by proxyofRosalia Dalton.

R. Ainsworth

1800 ,August 13th 1800. Baptized JohnAlfred Knapp, son ofJohnand Mary Knapp, born [blank] GodfatherDr. Birket, GodmotherCatherine Randal

R. Ainsworth.

August 15th 1800. Baptized Richard Owen Nagle, Son ofRichardand Mary Bridget Nagle, born the 12th of the same month Godfather EdmundNugentby proxy ofthe Honble Thomas Barnwall,Godmother Frances French by proxyofMary French .

R. Ainsworth. * 1802,13132 April 29th, was baptised John Murray, Son of(David) Murray, and Eleanorborn the 26th of the same month. Sponsors HenryWilliams and Honor Rabbitt,byme

Ralph Ainsworth.

Aug. 14, 1800. Baptized John Casey, born the 7th instant, Son of Michaeland Sally Casey, GodfatherJohnMungomory,GodmotherMary Casey .

H. Lawson .

Aug. 18th 1800. Baptized Lucy Dalton, born the 25 ofJuly.Daughter of William Dalton and Julia Dalton. GodfatherDenie Don,Godmother Catherine Bray.

132 Enteredout ofchronologicalorder; referred-to infra., p. 94

H. Lawson

Aug.19 ,1800. Baptized JohnMarony,born the 13 ofJuly, sonofJames and MaryMarony

H. Lawson

Anni 1800, Aug. 6, natus Gul. Reyly. Baptisatus die24. Filius Joannis etAnnae Reyly MatrinaAnn Drew.

R. H. Lawson

1800, Aug. 27 [alteredfrom 24]. Baptized MathewO'Duire, bornthe 23 instant. Son ofTimothyand Mary O'Duire GodmotherEliz. Brown. R. H. Lawson.

1800, Aug. 27. Baptized John Fryer, born the 18th instant Son of John and Eliz Fryer GodfatherR.Ch.133Fryer.

R.H. Lawson.

1800, Sep. 4th Baptized Maria Obrien, daughter ofJohn and Margaret Obrien, born the 20th of August. Godfather Miles McDonough , Godmother SusannaMcDonough. R. Ainsworth

1800, Sep. 27th Baptized John Burgin, son ofJamesand Helena Burgin born Sep. 24th. GodmotherBarbara Pierce. R. Ainsworth

1800, October5th. Baptized Henry Gale, son of Henry and Elizabeth Gale ,born the 13thofSeptember . R. Ainsworth.

1800, October 16th Baptized Joseph Thomas Short, Son ofJohnand Mary Short, born Octoberthe 5th. GodfatherRaymondArundel, Godmother ElizabethArundel by proxy ofMaryShort.

R. Ainsworth

Henceforthin Calderbank's and Ainsworth's hands, as signed:

1800, Novr 16th, was baptised Helen Worth, lawful DaughterofHugh and MaryWorth, Irish Strangers, born Novr 5th.NoSponsors. J. Calderbank

1800, Novr. 26th, was baptised Catharine Brown, lawful Daughterof Thos and Catharine Brown, born the preceding day Sponsors Thomas Canning and Theresa Wilkes . Proxies James Ewing, and Ellen Rose .

J. Calderbank .

1801, January 14th, was baptised Mary Dimpseyalias Davies, Daughter of William Dimpsey and Elizabeth Davies, born the precedingday, Sponsor Mary McCambridge.

J. Calderbank .

1801, Jan. 27th Baptized Francis Murphy, son of Francis and Hannah Murphy, born the 23d of the same month. Godfather Laurence Collaghan , Godmother SusannaJesop.

R. Ainsworth

1801, Feb. 1st Baptized James Woods, son ofJamesand Mary Woods,

133 Charles , brother of the Rev. William Victor Fryer, mentioned in note 123 . See Oliver p. 309; Croft & Gillow, loc cit; C.R.S., 56, p 172; C.R.S., 63, pp 400-1


born the 24th of January. Godfather George Shee by proxy of R. Ainsworth, Godmother Anastasia Shee. R. Ainsworth.

Vide infra [i.e. 8 Feb., out ofchronologicalorder, below].

1801, March 1st, was baptized John , Son of Peter and Lucy Anne Coady, born 17th ofthe precedingMonth of February Sponsors Jas . Dowding and his Daughter WinefrideDowding.

Calderbank's hand:

Jas Calderbank

1801, February 8th, was baptised Mary Anne, Daughterof John and ChristianKelly, born December 21st, 1800 . RalphAinsworth.

Henceforthin Calderbank's andAinsworth's hands, as signed: 1801,March23rd, was baptised Catharine , lawful Daughter ofJohnand EllenMartin, born early in the morningofthe same day Sponsors John Martin and Mary McCambridge .

Jas Calderbank .

1801 ,March24th,was baptised Timothy , lawful Son of Mr. Charles and Mrs N. Mortimer, born 11th of the same Month Sponsors Mr. Ross Donnellyand Mrs Jennet Higgins Proxies DrThos. Natten, and Catharine Natten

Jas Calderbank .

1801 , April 9th, was baptised William, lawful Son of George andEliz. Foster, born the 6th ofthe same Month Sponsors none. Jas Calderbank .

1801, April 13th, was baptised Richard, lawful Son of William, and Mary Chapel, born 16th Marchpreceding Sponsor Anne Geoghan. Jas. Calderbank

April 22nd 1801, was baptised Robert, lawful Son ofMr. Christopher, and Mrs Anne Watertown, born 13th of the sameMonth. Sponsors Mr Turville and Mrs. AnneWatertown Proxies Revd Mr. Martinglay134 and Lady FitzGerald

Jas. Calderbank

May 10th 1801 , was baptized MariaAnna Barrelli, daughterofDominic and MariaBarrelli, bornthe 5thofthe same month. GodfatherDominic Ortelli

R. Ainsworth.

May the 22d 1801, was privately without the ceremonies baptized Henry Kenelm Best, Son of Henry and Sarah Best, born the 5thofthe same month

R.Ainsworth [see also 22May 1802] 1801 , May 24th, was baptised Mary Patience, DaughterofArthurand ElisabethHumphreys , born 19th of the same Month Sponsors William Corry and Mary Mokeley.

Jas Calderbank .

134 p 160 .

Perhaps John Mattingley, ex-Jesuit, for whom see Foley, VII, p 494; Kirk,


June 1st 1801, was baptizedGeorge Higgin, son of Peter and Susannah Higgin , bornthe25th ofDecember 1800. GodfatherMiles Micdonough, GodmotherCatherine Burke.


June 2d 1801 , was baptized Thomas Macdonald , son of Thomasand Catherine Macdonald , born the 24thof May 1801. GodfatherThomas Fenerty, GodmotherMary Nugent.

Ralph Ainsworth.

June 4th 1801 , wasbaptized Helen Martin, daughterofJohn and Bridget Martin, born the 3d of May 1801. Godfather Michael O'Brien, GodmotherJulia Glasson.

R. Ainsworth

June 7th, was baptized George Smith, son of Michael and Elizabeth Smith, born May 28th 1801. Godfather Edmund English, Godmother Mary Dean

R. Ainsworth

June 7th 1801, was baptized Peter Salmoni son of Peter and Lucy Salmoni , born 18thofMay 1801. GodfatherJames Murphy, Godmother Dorothy Molland

R. Ainsowrth.

June 8th 1801 , was baptized Rose Moyler, daughter of William and Sarah Moyler, born the 24th of March 1800.Godfather John Martin.

Ralph Ainsworth

1801 , July 24th, was baptised Joanna, lawful Daughter of Daniel and Mary Dempsey,born the first ofthe sameMonth. Sponsors Thos . Neele and Alice Beggin Proxy for the latter Alice Tarleton

Jas . Calderbank .

1801, August 11th, was baptised Edward , Son of Edwd. Murphy and Elisabeth Hambden , born 3rd of the same Month. Sponsor Henrietta Dwire.

Jas Calderbank .

1801, August 13th The ceremonies of Baptism were supplied on Laurence Rosalie Haver, lawful DaughterofJulienand Anne Haver;she was baptised the 7th of the precedingMonth, the day of her Birth. Sponsors Jacque & Madelaine Gouget.

Jas Calderbank .

1801, Aug. 18th, was baptised Mary Anne, lawful Daughter ofAndrew and Margaret Doran, born 15th of the sameMonth Sponsors Timothy Bain and Mary Archer.

Jas Calderbank .

Calderbank's hand(3 entries):

1801, August 20th, was baptised Margaret, daughter of Thos. and Elizabeth St. John, born the 9th Inst. Sponsors John Crane and Mary Short. By the Rt Revd W.G. Sharrock

1801, September 22nd, was baptised Joseph Henry, lawful Son of Mathew and Anne Madding, born the 4th ofthe sameMonth. Sponsor Sarah Love .

Jas Calderbank .


1801, September 26th, was baptised Mary, lawful Daughterof Dennis and Mary King born 22nd ofthe same Month. Sponsor Anne Donevant. Jas Calderbank .

In the handofthesignatory: 1801, October21 ... a été baptisée par nous Curé de la NeuvilleDubosc , Diocese d'Evreux en France, soussigné, une fille née d'hier en et du légitime mariage de René Augustin de la Monneraye et de Georgette Marie-Francoise de Kerouarts, qui a été nommée DelphineAdelaide. Le parrain Jean Jacques Ferdinandde la Monneraye , le marraine Delphine Sophie Henriette Delangle. Le Marquant,135 Curé de la NeuvilleDubosc.

Next nine entries in Calderbank's hand: 1801, Novr. 1st, was baptised Timothy, lawful Son ofThos.andAnne Harley, born 7thofSeptember Sponsors none. Byme , Jas Calderbank .

1801, Novr. 10, was baptised Henry, lawful Son of Nicholasand [blank] Taffe, born the preceding day. Sponsors [blank] Curly and [blank] Brown, byme

Jas Calderbank

1801, Decr 13th, was baptised David, lawful Son of John and Mary Ferrers, born the 2nd of the same Month. Sponsors Gerard Barry, and Judith Leaven , byme

Jas. Calderbank.

1801, Decr. 27th, was baptised Stephen, Son of Michael and Mary Barden ,born the 24th ofthe same Month. Sponsors Willm Gready, and Catherine Hepenstall, byme

R. Ainsworth

1802 , Jan. 1st, was baptised Elisabeth, Daughter of Jas. and Mary Fennerty, born 7thof December 1801. Sponsor Joanna Keafe , byme R. Ainsworth.

1802, Jan. 6th, was baptised Elisabeth , lawful Daughterof Hugh and Mary Hereon , born 8thofthe preceding Month SponsorsJamesMaguire and Catharine Neale , byme

Jas Calderbank

1802, Jan. 10th, was baptised AnneMary, lawful daughter ofJohn and Mary Short, born 1st of the same Month. Sponsors Thos. Bates and Elisabeth Pitt Proxy Ellen Rose ,by me

Jas Calderbank.

1802, January 23rd, was baptised Thos , lawful Son of Joseph and Barbara White,born the 2nd of the same Month Sponsor Anne Hughes, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1802, January 24th, was baptised Miles , lawful Son of Miles and Susanna McDonough, born the 15th of the same Month. Sponsors

135 Christiannames Henri-Jacques; d Winchester , 1831 (Plasse, op .cit , p. 412; C.R.S., 42 , p 27)


MichaelBurne and HenriettaDwire , by me

Nexttwo entries in Ainsworth's hand:

Jas. Calderbank . 1802, January29th, was baptized Thomas Phelan, Son of Richardand Elizabeth Phelan, born the 9th of the same month Sponsors William Bugden and Catherine Cellaro [? Cellars].

1802, Feb. 14th, was baptized William Henry Fryer, lawful son of John and Elisabeth Fryer, born the 30th of November 1801. GodfatherRevd. W.Fryer136 byproxy.

Nextfour entries in Calderbank's hand: 1802. Was baptised Feb. 19th, John Baptist, lawfulson ofJoseph and Jane Perugie, born the 10thGodmotherRosanna, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1802, March 14th, was baptised Mary, Daughter of Dennis Gribbon, and Mary Richy, born 2nd ofthe sameMonth Sponsor Jac .McMurphy, by me

Jas Calderbank .

March 16.Vide infra [see next entry butone].

1802, March 19th, was baptised John, lawful son ofJohn and Mary Daigan; born the 13th ofthe same Month Sponsors Timothy Graigan and Mary Nugent,by me

Jas Calderbank

1802, March 16th, was baptised Elisabeth Barry, lawful Daughterof Garret and Helen Barry, born the 1st of the same Month. Sponsor Joanna Keif ,by

Ralph Ainsworth.

After this entry,thelaston itspage, there appears to have been a slip of paper recordingtwo baptisms. The original is now missing, but accordingtothe transcriptatTaunton, itwas asfollows:

"1st Child, Ann Monica Combes . Father Lawrence Combes, Mother Sarah Combes, GodfatherJoseph Love, GodmotherLucy Combes

"2nd Child , John George Perry. Father John Perry, Mother Jane Perry . 137 GodfatherGeorge Harvey, GodmotherEliz. Gill May4, 87" .

Next nine entries in Calderbank's hand: 1802 , April 21st, was baptised Maria, lawful daughter ofPeterPauland

136 Possibly William Victor Fryer (see note 123) or perhaps his uncle, Dr William Fryer, President of Lisbon College; cf. Oliver, p 310; Kirk, pp 88-9; Croft & Gillow , loc cit , Gillow, II, p 335; C.R.S., 63, p 401

137 The marriage of John Perryand Jane Hervey on 16 Jan. 1786 is recorded in R.B.A., p 309. This and the preceding baptism were originally entered (supra , p 38) underthecorrectyear: 1787


Maria McMuttery, born the same Morning. Sponsor John McMuttery, by me

Jas Calderbank .

* See 6 leavesback¹138

1802 , May 2d, was baptised Joseph, lawful Son of Joseph and Mary Feasana, born the 27th of the preceding Month. Sponsors John and Sarah Dowman Proxies JohnandMary Frances Rose Beasani, by me

Jas Calderbank .

1802 ,May2d, was baptised Sarah , lawful daughter of CorneliusSweeny and Margaret hisWife, born the 26th ofthe preceding Month Sponsor John Flannyan [? Flannigan ], by me

Jas Calderbank .

1802 , May 27, was baptised Christina Anna, lawful DaughterofJames and MarthaWhippey, born 10th ofthe same Month, by R.Ainsworth

1802, June 26th, was baptised Mary Anne, lawful Daughter of Richard and Mary Tabbot, born the 24th of the same Month. Sponsors James Roan and Ellen Roan, proxy WinefrideFenton, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1802 , May 22nd, Were supplied the ceremonies of Baptism on Henry Kenelm Best, Son of Henry and Sarah Best Sponsors Sir Thos. and LadyFleetwood, ¹ by 139

R. Ainsworth [see also 22May 1801].

1802, June 28th, was baptised Mary Elisabeth , lawful Daughter of Henry and Sarah Best, born 14th ofthe sameMonth,by

R. Ainsworth. [see also 17 Oct]

1802, July 11th, was baptised Anne, lawful Daughterof Jas. and Mary Parker, born 17thJune SponsorsMrSolomonand MrsCatharineRushell [?] Proxies Jas Maguire & ElisabethKelsey,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1802 , August 2nd, was baptised Patrick, lawful Son of Andrew and Margaret Doran, born the 31st of the preceding Month Sponsors Patrick Coyleand HenriettaDwire ,byme

Jas. Calderbank

Nextthirteen entries in Ainsworth's and Calderbank's hands, as signed: 1802, August9th, was baptised Lucia Salmoni , daughter of Peter and Lucia Salmoni , born the 16th of July Sponsors John Bisani and Maria Rosa Francisca Bisani , byme

Ralph Ainsworth. 1802, August22d,was baptizedCatherine Barrelli, daughterofDominic and Maria Barrelli, born the 3d of the same month. Sponsors Dominic Riva and Mary Anne Fasana, byme

Ralph Ainsworth.


Note in Ainsworth's hand, referringto his entry for 29 April 1802 among those for August 1800 (supra, p 88)

139 7th Bart and his wife Mary, née Bostock ; see Kirk, p 86 and , for his death atBath, 3 Dec. 1802, infra, p 124; C.R.S. , 12, p 85.See also Gillow,subBeste


1802, August23d, was baptised Helen Maguire, daughter ofPatrickand Catherine Maguire , born the 19th of the same month. Sponsors James and Hannah Maguire,by me

Ralph Ainsworth

1802, September 7th, was baptised Mary Anne, lawful Daughter of Henry and Mary-Anne Beaumont , born the 1st of the same Month . Sponsors Hugh Jones and Anne Bower ,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1802, Oct. 17th, were supplied the ceremonies of baptism on Mary Elisabeth Best, daughter of Henry and Sarah Best. Sponsors Thomas and Mary Clifford

R. Ainsworth [see also 28June].

See next page [note by Ainsworth re entry for 22 Oct., misplaced].

1802, Novr 9th, was baptised Henry lawful Son of John and Mary Crofton, born 18thofOctober. Sponsors none, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1802,Oct.22d, was baptizedHenryWarren, son of Henry and Harriette Warren, born 24th ofApril. Sponsors none .

R. Ainsworth

1802 ,Nov. 13th,was baptizedWalter Irvine, son ofChristopherWilliam and Jeanne MarieAnne Irvine,born the same day.Sponsors Christopher Irvine and Victoire Julienne .

R. Ainsworth .

1802, Nov. 18th, was baptized Charles Gill, son of Michael and Alice Gill,born the 21st of October. Sponsors none .

R. Ainsworth

1802 , Nov. 22d, was baptized HenryCooper, son ofWilliam and Sarah Cooper , born the 23d ofAugust. Sponsors none.

R. Ainsworth.

1802, Novr. 25th, was baptised Charles Terns Murphy, Son ofFrancis and Anne Murphy, born the 10th ofthe same Month. Sponsors Terns Murphy and Margaret Lynch, byme

Jas Calderbank

1802, December 5th, was baptised George, lawful Son of George and Anne Handy, born the 4th of June of the same Year Sponsors none , by me

Jas Calderbank .

1802, December 12th, was baptizedMary Dubois, lawfuldaughterof Robert and AnneDubois, born the 22d of October. Sponsors none

R. Ainsworth.

1803, Jany. 1st, was baptised Frances McClivery, lawful Daughterof Richard and Anne Dollart, born Decr ofthe preceding Year . Sponsors Henry and Margaret Williams, byme

Jas. Calderbank

Next seven entries in Calderbank's hand: 1803, Jany 10th, was baptised Margaret, DaughterofJohn and Barbara


Lewis, born 12th of December of the preceding Month [sic] Sponsors none , by

R. Ainsworth

1803,Jany 26th, was baptised Michael , lawful Son ofPatrick and Sarah Curly, born 19th of the sameMonth Sponsor Rosamond Cosgrove, by me

Jas. Calderbank

1803, Jany 30th, was baptised Catharine , lawful DaughterofDaniel and Joanna Ryon, born 21st ofthe same month Sponsors none,byme

Jas. Calderbank

1803 , Jany. 31st, was baptised (conditionaliter) Thos., lawfulSonof Thos. and Judith Hardy, born 7thof August 1800 [overwritten upon 1799]. Sponsors None,byme

Jas. Calderbank

1803, Feby. 4th, was baptised John, lawful Son ofJohn and Elisabeth Williams, born the same day. Sponsor ElizabethBrowne ,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1803,Feb. 6th, was baptised John Joseph, lawful Son ofJohn and Mary Short,born the 3rd ofthe same Month Sponsors JohnMcMuttery Junr and MarthaHughes,byme

Jas Calderbank

(Vide next page) [note by Ainsworth re misplaced entryfor8 Feb. , printed lower on thispage].

1803, Feby 18th, wasbaptised James , lawful Son of Thos.andHenrietta Mary Lovely, born the same day Sponsors Willm. Hopkins and Sarah Lovely, byme

Jas.Calderbank . Next fifteen entries in Calderbank's and Ainsworth's hands, as signed: 1803 , March 12th, was baptized(sub conditione) Joseph Withers

R. Ainsworth 1803, March 10th, was baptized (sub conditione) Rebecca Mary Dunning.


1803, March 19th, was baptised Anne , lawful daughter of John and Ellen Martin , born the preceding day. Sponsors Michael Quinland and Elisabeth Mole, byme

Jas Calderbank . Feb.8th 1803 , was baptizedSophia Mariade l'Age daughter ofMessire William Francis Count de l'Age and of his lawful wife Sarah Countess de l'Age (formerly Sarah Palmer) born the 16th of December 1802. Sponsors Messire Réné, Marquis de l'Age de la Bretollière, by proxyof Richard Phealan, and Sophia , Viscountess de l'Age, by proxy of Catherine le Roux


1803, March 21st, was baptized Charles Robert Talbot, Son ofJohn and Harriette Talbot, born the preceding day. Sponsors Charles Talbot


Earl of Shrewsbury140 by proxy of Ralph Ainsworth , and Fraces [sic] Talbot


1803, March 24th, was baptized Joseph Randall, son of John Randall and Anne , born the 22d ofFebruary.No Sponsors.


1803, April 2nd, was baptised Willm., lawful Son ofWilland Elisabeth Parker, aged 4 years and 8 months, and on the same day and atthe same Time was also baptised John his Brother aged 7 months. Both (sub conditione) by me

Jas Calderbank

1803, April 17th, was baptised James, lawful Son of John and Anne Reily,born5th ofthe same Month Sponsors John Martin and Elisabeth Scanlon ,byme

Jas Calderbank

1803, April 30th Baptized William Henry Nugent Jones, son ofWilliam Henry and Mary Anne Jones, born the 26th of March. Sponsors John Nugentand Sarah Phebe Nugent.

Ralph Ainsworth .

1803 , May 10th, was baptizedAnne Batterbury, daughter of Thomas and Charlotte Batterbury, born the 10th of March Sponsors Richard and ElizabethPhealan

R. Ainsworth.

1803, May 22nd, was baptised Hugh, lawful Son ofJames and Bridget Cambel, born 19th of the sameMonth Sponsors Willm . Dunn and Anne Smith, by me

Jas Calderbank .

1803, May 28th, was baptizedAndrewMonk, Son of Andrew and Mary Monk, born the 7th of January Sponsors Morris Hayden and Lucy Brown.

R. Ainsworth

1803, June 7th, was baptised Willm., Son of Edward Murphy and ElisabethHambden , born 22nd ofAprilof the same Year.SponsorRose Tool, by me

Jas. Calderbank

1803,June 19th,was baptised Mary Anne, lawful DaughterofJohnand Anne O Neale, born the 16th of the same Month Sponsor Mrs Callen , byme

Jas Calderbank .

1803, Septr 4th, was baptised Edmund Willm., lawful Son of Mr Edmund and Mrs Mary English, born 21st of the preceding Month. Sponsors Mr Edmund and Mrs [blank] English Senr., byme

Next four entries in Calderbank's hand:

Jas. Calderbank . 1803, Septr. 13th, was baptised George James, lawful Son of Mr. John

15thEarl (1753-1827 )


and Mrs.Mary Knapp, born 1st of the sameMonth GodfatherMr. John Hicks, by

Ralph Ainsworth

1803, Septr 26th, was baptised Anne, lawful DaughterofEdwardand Frances Wogan, born the 20th of the same Month Sponsors Dominick Rosanno and Mary Caverley, by me

Jas Calderbank

1803, Octr 5th, was baptised James, lawful Son of James and Mary Degan, born 30th of the preceding Month Sponsors Bartholomew Hayes and Mary Lalor,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1803, Oct. 6th, was baptised James, lawful Son of Philip and Anna Macauley , born 25thof October 1802. Sponsor EllenMartin, byme

Jas Calderbank

Henceforthin Calderbank's and Ainsworth's hands , assigned:

1803, Nov. 18th, was baptised James Murphy, lawful son of Francis and Hannah Murphy, born the 6th ofthe same month. GodfatherJohn Daleyby proxy of Thomas Murphy.

R. Ainsworth

1803, December 4th, was baptised James, lawful Son ofJohnandMary Ferrers , born the 18th of the precedingMonth Sponsor Mary Helie ,by me

Jas. Calderbank

1803 , December 10th, was baptised Lucia Magdalena Best , lawful daughter ofHenry and Sarah Best, born the 23d of November . Sponsors Mr Robert Berkeleyand Mrs Eliza French by proxy ofMrs.Apollonia Berkeley, by me

R. Ainsworth

1804, Jany. 1st, was baptised Simon, lawful Son ofGeorge, andhiswife ElisabethQuin, born Novr 28th of the preceding Year. Sponsors none , byme

Jas. Calderbank .

1804, Jany 8th, was baptised Charles Dominic, lawful Son ofDominic and Mary Borelli, born Decr 24th of the preceding Month [sic]. Sponsors Joseph Fortelli and Sarah Lovely, by me

Jas Calderbank .

1804, Jany. 22nd, was baptised Joseph, lawful Son of PeterandAnne Lucy Coady, born the 27th of the preceding Month. Sponsors John Short and ElisabethModin, by me

Jas Calderbank .

1804, Jan. 29th , Baptized Margaret, daughter of William and Elizabeth Cooksey born the 26th ofDecember 1803. No Sponsors.

R. Ainsworth

1804, Feby 19th, was baptised Margaret , lawful DaughterofPatrick and Sarah Curly, born the 13th of the same month . Sponsors Nicholas Taafe, and Rose Cosgrove,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1804, March 4th, was baptizedHarriette Catherine Carr, daughterof


[blank] and Mary Carr, born the 25thof February. No Sponsors. R. Ainsworth

1804, March4th, was baptized Sarah Ellison, daughterof James and Catherine Ellison, born the 14th ofFebruary.No Sponsors. R. Ainsworth

1804, March 13th, was baptized George Mostyn, lawful son ofCharles and Mary Mostyn, born the 7th ofthe same month. GodfatherCharles BrowneMostyn,141 GodmotherMary Butler. R. Ainsworth

+1804, March 13th, was baptized George Jeffers , son ofJames and AnneJeffers, born the 12th ofMarch.GodfatherChristopherLoughlan. R. Ainsworth

1804, April 13th, was baptised David, lawful Son ofWillm. and Anne O Hara ofCombedown,142 born a fortnight before . SponsorsNone ,by me

Jas Calderbank

1804, April 6th, was baptised John, lawful Son of Michael and Mary Connor, born 7th September 1802. Sponsors Marthaand herSonJohn Smith,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1804, May 13th BaptizedJohn Salmoni, lawful son of Peter and Lucy Salmoni, born the 16th of April Sponsors Peter Smith and Catherine Murphy. R. Ainsworth.

1804 , June 26th,was baptised Anne, lawful Daughter ofNicholasTaffe and hisWifeAnne,born 24th ofthe sameMonth Sponsors John Barrett and Rose Cosgrove,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1804, Oct. 10th, was baptizedwithout the ceremonies John Thomas, lawful son of Thomas and Sarah Jordan , born the 7th of the same month , byme R. Ainsworth [see also 26 Oct. ] 1804, Oct. 13th, was baptizedAdila, lawful daughter ofJohn and Mary Knapp, born the 11th of the same month. Sponsors Wm Day and Catherine Lewis, by me

R. Ainsworth.

1804, Oct. 16th, was baptised Edward John Galway, lawful Son of Captain James Galway and Margary hisWife, born 14th ofSeptr. Sponsors Christopher MacEvoy Esqr of the Island of S . Crue, by proxy of Timothy O'Brien Esqr , and Mrs Catharine O'Brien,byme

Jas Calderbank .

141 Of Kiddington, Oxon Father of Bishop Francis George Mostyn, VicarApostolic of the new Northern District, 1840-47; cf. Kirk, p 170; W. Mazière Brady, Annals of the Catholic Hierarchy (Rome, 1877) pp 343-4; Stapleton , Oxfordshire Post-ReformationCatholicMissions , p. 127 . 142 Combe Down, on the outskirtsofBath.


1804, Octr 16th, was baptised Margaret , lawful Daughter of Jas . Plunkett Esqr and his Wife Eliza, born the 2nd of the same Month. Sponsors Andrew Cummings Esqr and Mrs Jane Defries,by me Jas Calderbank.

1804, Oct. 23d, was baptized (withoutthe ceremonies) Mary Gill, lawful daughter of Michael and Alice Gill, born the 22d ofOctober R. Ainsworth [see 18 Feb., 1805]. 1804, Oct. 26th, were supplied the ceremonies of baptism upon John Thomas Jordan, son of Thomas and Sarah Jordan . Sponsors James Goodmanand Alice Tarlton

[See also 10Oct].

1804, Oct. 30th, was baptised John, lawful Son of John and Margaret Tool, born on the 28th Sponsors Christopher Fox, by proxy of Jas Doyle, and Ellenor Hall,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1804, Novr 18th, were baptised Charles and Mary, Twins and lawful Children of Patrick and Catharine Maguire, born the precedingnight. Sponsors JamesMaguire and SusanRyan,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1804, Decr. 1st, was baptised Frederick, lawful Son of Charles and ElisabethWootton, born4thofJune ofthe sameYear.Sponsors Stephen Wootton and Mary Ann Dale, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1804, Decr. 26th, was baptised Bartholomew, lawful Son ofJohnand Anne Helly,143 born the 15th of the same Month. Sponsors Michael O'Brien and Margaret Magill, by me

Jas Calderbank .

1804, Decr 27, was baptised Frederick, lawful Son ofWillm .Errington Esqr and Elenor his Wife, born 7th ofthe same month of December Sponsors MalachyO'Conner Esqr and Mary O'Brien,by proxyofMiss Monica O'Conner,by me

Jas. Calderbank .

1805, Jany 3rd, was baptised Elisabeth, lawful Daughterof Nicholas and Margaret Paillet, born 26th of December 1804. Sponsors Jas Doyle and Elenora Hall, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1805, Jany. 13th, was baptised Elisabeth, lawful Daughter of Thos Jenkins and hisWifeMartha, born Decr 24thof the former Year.Sponsors Willm .Hopkinsand ElisabethOsmund ,byme

Jas Calderbank

1805, Jany. 16th, was baptised Winefride, lawful DaughterofTimothy and Mary Anne Meloni, born 27th of the preceding Month. Sponsor Jas Meloni,byme

Jas Calderbank

1805, Jan. 18 [date inserted by Ainsworth], was baptised Charlotte,

143 J. Helle, French teacher, of 4 Gloucester St., occurs in Robbins'sBath Directory (Bath, 1800) p. 57 .

lawful Daughter of Thos and Charlotte Barterbury, born 2nd ofDecr . ofthe preceding Year. Sponsors RichardPhelan and Alice Tarleton, by me

Jas. Calderbank

1805, Jan.18th, was baptised Thomas, lawful Son ofDanieland Esther Riordan, born the same day. Sponsor Timothy Oleary. R. Ainsworth.

1805, Jany 22nd, was baptised Mathew, lawful Son of Mathew and Anne Madden, born 18th of the same Month Sponsor ElisabethBurt, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1805, Jany 22nd, was baptised George, lawful Son of Edward and Frances Wogan, born the preceding Evening. No Sponsors, by me (Ceremonies omitted)

Jas Calderbank

1805, Feb. 14th, was baptizedMary Anne Fasana, lawful daughter of Joseph and Mary Anne Fasana, born the same day (the ceremonies omitted) by me R. Ainsworth.

1805, Feb. 18th, were supplied the ceremonies of baptism over Mary Gill, daughter of Michael and Alice Gill. Sponsor Elizabeth Mouney . R. Ainsworth [see 23 Oct., 1804].

1805, Feby 24th, was baptised Mary, lawful Daughter of Andrewand Mary Murphy, born 10th of the preceding December. Sponsors ChristopherFox and Mary Yates,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1805 , March 3rd, was baptised Charles James, lawful Son ofPatrick , and Elisabeth(his Wife) Fox, born 19th of the preceding Month. Sponsors Francis Kirwan and Margt.Megill,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1805 , March4th, was baptised John, lawful Son ofJohnandCatharine Gogin, born 26th of the precedingMonth. Sponsors James and Anne Phegan [?], by me

Jas Calderbank .

1805, March 21st, was baptised Daniel Benedict Smith, lawful son of Michaeland Elizabeth Smith, born the 10th ofthe samemonth .Sponsor Helen Rose. R. Ainsworth

1805 , March 29th Baptized at Sodbury, Charlotte Catherine , lawful daughter of William and Catherine Anne Holbrook, born the 10th of January1804. Sponsor Anne Sceates.

R. Ainsworth. 1805, April 7th, was baptized Frederick John English, lawfulson of Edmund and Mary Elizabeth English, born 23d of February. Sponsors JohnEnglishand Dorothy Molland R. Ainsworth.

1805, April 8th, was baptised Willm., lawful Son ofTerence and Mary Chaumer, born 15th ofJany. Sponsors none, byme

Jas Calderbank


1805, April 14th, was baptised Jane, lawful DaughterofDominick and Maria Borelli, born 8thofthe sameMonth Sponsors Francis Borosculli and Margt.Maguire, byme Jas Calderbank .

1805, April 14th, was baptised Elizabeth Kintgent, lawful daughterof John and Anne Kintgent, born the 26th of March Sponsors Joseph Kallenberckand Mary Sennet .

R. Ainsworth

1805, May 23d, was baptized without the ceremonies Margaret Paula King, lawful daughter of [blank] and Margaret Paula King, born the 19th of the samemonth.

R. Ainsworth.

1805, May 27th, was baptized in danger withoutthe ceremonies John Foster , lawful son ofGeorge and ElizabethFoster, born the 23d ofthis month .

R.Ainsworth [See4 Oct. , 1806].

1805, May 28th, was baptized without the ceremonies Lucia Burke, lawful daughter of Edward and Jumima Burke , born the 3d of last March .

R. Ainsworth.

1805, May 30th, was baptized Joseph Love, lawful son of Joseph and Sarah Love, born the 26th of the same months [sic]. Sponsors Julien Havez and Helen Martin.

R. Ainsworth.

1805,June 10th,was baptizedCharles ChristopherMcManus,lawful son of Bernard and Catherine McManus, born the 5th of the same month Sponsors ChristopherNihele and Julienne McManus By his Grace Mr. Dillon,144 Archbishopof Tuam , signed R.Ainsworth.

1805, June 16th, was baptized Mary Head, lawful daughter of George and Frances Head, born the same day Sponsors Francis Fletcher and TeresaMaria Metcalfe . R. Ainsworth.

Nextthreeentries in Rigby's hand:

1805, June 30th, was baptized Joanna, lawful daughterof George and Elisabeth Quin, born 16thofthe same month Sponsor JohnSmith. JohnRigby.

1805, July 7th, was baptized John, lawful son of William and Nancy O'Haror. Sponsors James Maguire and Mary West . John Rigby.

1805, July 11th, was baptized John, the Son of Joseph and Judith Smith, born 9thofthe sameMonth Sponsors DannielHanketand Maryann Blennerhasset p proxin [?] Mary Bomount


J.Rigby Archbishop Edward Dillon (d . 1809); cf. Sir F. M. Powicke& E. B. Fryde, Handbook of British Chronology (Royal Historical Society, 2nd edition, 1961) p 406; W. M. Brady, The Episcopal Succession in England, ScotlandandIreland (Rome, 1876) II, pp 148, 168


Next two entries andnote in Ainsworth's hand:

1805, Aug. 4th, was baptized at Weymouth(withoutthe ceremonies) James Churchill, son ofMartin and Catherine Churchill, born July 13th. Ralph Ainsworth. 1805, Aug. 17th, was baptized Anne Hogan, daughter of John Hogan and Jane Brealey, born the 6th ofAugt. Sponsor Michael Duncan. Ralph Ainsworth.

See next page but one [the next page is occupied by the following mortuary listin the handwritingofDomJohn Bede Brewer O.S.B.].

Anno Domini 1780 Apud Philips Norton mortuus est Edwardus Thornton, natus annos [blank].

Anno Domini 1780 Die Septembris 19, Bathoniae mortuusest Joannes WalburyGermanus, annos natus 44.

Anno Dni 1780 Die Septembris 2, mortua est Laetitia Church145 menses nata sex

Anno Dni 1780 Die 22 Octobris, mortuusest Gulielmus Connornatus annos 40.

Anno Dni. 1780 Die Decembris 2, mortua est Catharina Cody annos nata 25 .

Anno Dni 1780 Die Decembris 10, mortua est Charlotta Smith annos nata 74.

Anno Dni. 1780 Die Decembris 30, mortua est MariaChilds annos nata 43.

Next threeentries in Ainsworth's hand:

1805, Aug. 25th, was baptized Jane Duncan , daughter ofMichael and Sarah Duncan , born the 27th of February 1804. Sponsor Edward Meagher.

Ralph Ainsworth . 1805, Aug. 29th, was baptizedJohn Williams, lawful SonofJohnand Anne Williams , born the 28th of the same month. Sponsors John Barrett and ElizabethAbbot.

Ralph Ainsworth. 1805, Aug. 30th, was baptized Charles John Walmesley, lawful son of Charles Esq. and Elizabeth Walmesley, born the same day. Sponsor Susannah Holditich


RalphAinsworth. 1805, Sep. 29th, was baptized James, lawful Son of John and Sarah O'Neal Sponsors JamesMurphy and NancyHibert.

John Rigby.

Four entries (one deleted) in Ainsworth's hand: 1805, Oct. 1st Supplied the ceremonies over ChristopherBellew Swift lawful Son of Deane Theophilus and Julia Maria Swift Sponsors Christopher Dillon Bellew Esq and Jane Defries.

R. Ainsworth

145 Buried in Bath Abbey, 3 Sept. "By Mr Bedingfield's monument" (R.B.A. , p 467)


1805, Oct. 13th, was baptized at Chipping Sodbury Mary Sceats , daughter ofWilliam andMarySceats, born in the year 1802.Godmother Anne Sceats

+1805, Oct. 23d, was baptizedHenry [entry deleted ] R.Ainsworth

1805, Nov. 8th, was baptizedMary Abbot, lawful daughter ofRichard and ElizabethAbbot, born yesterday the 7th Sponsors William Charlton and Mary Trafford byproxy ofMargaret Williams.

Rigby'shand: R. Ainsworth

1805, Novr 15, was baptized Caroline , lawful Daughterof Francisand Ann Murphy. Sponsors, JamesDoyle, Mary Munth



1805,Nov. 22d, was baptized withoutthe ceremonies George Flanagan, lawful son ofMichael and Margaret Flanagan, bornthe 21st. RalphAinsworth [see 23 Dec].

Three entries in Rigby'shand:

1805, Decbr 8, was baptized Edmund, the lawful son of Philip and Mary Hogan. Sponsors Math. Campbell and Mary AnneGarland . JohnRigby

1805 , Oct. 20, was baptizedMary, lawful daughterofWilliam and Mary Hillard

1805, Decr. 11th, was baptized Sarah, lawful Daughter MarySt. John . Sponsors James Curtin and Anne Sullivan.

Ainsworth's hand:

JohnRigby. of John and John Rigby.

1805, Dec. 23d, were supplied the ceremonies of baptismoverGeorge Flanagan, lawful son of Michael and Margaret Flanagan, born 21st of Nov. Sponsor WilliamRian

John Rigby .


1806, Feb. 14, was baptized Joseph, lawful Son of Peter and Lucy Salmoni Sponsors [Peter deleted] Joseph and Honoria Herbert


Words italicisedin Ainsworth's hand; others in Calderbank's : 1806, Feb. 27th. was baptized Clement John Michael, son of John Garcias and Jane Percy, born 23rd GodMother Sarah Lozano [?]. R. Ainsworth.

Nextsevenentriesin Rigby'shand: 1806, March 18 , was baptized Catherin Reyly, lawfuldaughterofMr. and Mrs.Reyly (N.B. withoutthe Ceremonies),byme


1806, March 16, was baptized without the Ceremonies Joanna , lawful daughter ofJames and Ellen Richards . Sponsors James Quin and Joanna Whitehead , by me

John Rigby .


1806, Ap 20, was baptizedDaniel , lawful Son ofJohn and Mary Lynch. Sponsor Mary Read.


1806, May6, was baptized Richard, lawful Son ofRichardand Susanna Archer. Sponsor Ellen Rose


1806, May 25, was baptized (sub Cond .) Robert, lawful Son of Hubert Dubois, aged6 years


1806, May 25, was baptized Henry (Sub Cond.), lawfulSonofHubert Dubois, aged 6 months.


1806, May 25, was baptizedJohnOliver, lawful Son ofRobolphusand Elizabeth Kent, born 19th of the said month Sponsors John Howard Kyan by proxyof Thos. Sutton Kyan, and Delia FairkloughbyProxy of PhillisMary Anne Kyan.

R. Ainsworth

Next threeentries in Ainsworth's hand:

1806, June 1st,was baptized MatthewToole, lawful son ofRichard and Margaret Toole, born the 19thofMarch.Sponsors AlexanderMacdonald and Julia Earls.

R. Ainsworth

1806, June 7th, was born and baptizedwithoutthe ceremonies William Jordan ,lawful son of Thos . and Sarah Jordan. R. Ainsworth [see 24June]

1806, June 22d, was baptized James Henry Cody, lawful son of Peter and Lucy Cody, born the 2d of the same month Sponsors Michael Carroll and Jane Brooke.

R. Ainsworth.

Two entries in Bridsall'shand:

1806, June 21st, was baptizedJohn, lawful son ofWill and Eliz. Penny, born June 15th Sponsor Lucy Waren .

John Birdsall.

1806, June 22d, was baptized William, lawful son ofWilliam andMary Sceats, 6years old, at ChippingSodbury.Sponsor his GrandmotherAnn Sceats

John Birdsall

Ainsworth's hand:

1806, June 24th,were supplied the ceremonies of Baptism over William Jordan , lawful son of Thomas and Sarah Jordan , born the 7th ofthe samemonth . Sponsors William Hopkinsand Laetitia Smallman R. Ainsworth [see 7June].

Nextfour entries in Birdsall'shand: 1806, July the 6th, were supplied the Ceremonies of Baptism over Margaret Castello, lawful daughter ofMatthew and Ann Castello.Sponsors Richd Phelan andEliz.Phelan

John Birdsall

1806, Augt. 22d, was baptized Mary, lawful daughter of George and


Jane Dewerdeck , born Augt the 1st. Sponsor Mary Hensie. John Birdsall Sepr 10th 1806, was baptized Catharine , lawful daughter of Nicolas Paillet and Margaret Paillet, born Augt. 31st 1806. Sponsors John Brenan and Rosanna Howard .

John Birdsall. 1806, Sepr 28th, was baptised James, lawful Son of RichardandAnn Pursel, born about a fortnight before Sponsor ArabellaKelly.

Ainsworth's hand:

John Birdsall

1806, Sep.29th, was baptised RichardWalmesley, lawful son ofCharles Walmesley Esqr and Elizabeth his wife, born the 28th of the same month GodfatherWilliam Gerard Walmesley by proxy ofR.Ainsworth. R. Ainsworth. Next thirteen entries in Ainsworth's and Birdsall's hands , as signed: 1806, Octob the4th, were suppliedthe ceremonies of baptism , without Sponsors, over John Foster , born May 27th 1805. Vide May27 , 1805 .

John Birdsall

1806, Oct. 3d, was baptised James Jerome Short, lawfulson ofJohn and Mary Short, born the 30th of September . Sponsors James Doyle and Helen Rose . Ralph Ainsworth

1806, Octr. 12th, was baptised Maria Kentchins, lawful daughter of John and Ann Kentchins, born Sepr 18th 1806. Sponsors Hubert Duboisand Sarah Wright.

John Birdsall

1806, Novr 19th, was baptised Lazarus, lawful Son of John Bennet Walsh, and Elizabeth his Wife, born Novr 9th 1806. Without Sponsors, he beinga travellingIrishman ,by

John Birdsall

1806, Novr 26th. Baptised, and Decr 28th supplied the Ceremonies overWilliam Charles Fasana, born Novr 22d 1806, lawful son ofJoseph and Mary Ann Fasana. Godfather Giovanni Biscani , Godmother Maria Francesca Bisani [sic].

John Birdsall

1806, Nov. 30th, was baptised Henry Renison English, lawful son of Edmund and Mary Elizabeth English, born the 30th of October 1806. Sponsors Robert and Sarah English byRalph Ainsworth

1807, Jany 15th, was baptised by Ralph Ainsworth withoutthe Ceremonies , and Jany 19th received the Ceremonies, Henry, lawful Son of David and Elizabeth Henty, born Jany 13th Sponsors James Birkit M.D. and Frances Bradshaw, from

John Birdsall

1807, Feb. 5th, was baptised William, lawful son ofThomas andCharlotte Batterbury, born December the 20th 1806. Sponsors Jean DeLa Lée and Isabella Clarke. Ralph Ainsworth.


1807 , March 14th, was baptised Frances Bick, lawful daughter ofJohn and Mary Bick, born the 12thof February. Sponsors Thomas Rossand Sarah Thackerbyproxyof EdwardKellyand Margaret Hines , by RalphAinsworth. 1807,March 17th,was baptised Mary Ashman ,widow of David Ashman and DaughterofJohn and Ann French, at Frome, aged about 70. Sponsor, her Sister Mrs More

JohnBirdsall. 1807, March 29th, was baptised Mary, lawful daughterofMauriceand Eliz. Quin, born March 9th. Sponsor Cornelius Sweeny,by John Birdsall.

1807, April 5th, was baptised (sub cond .) William, lawful Son of Laurence and Eleonora Birch, born Augt. 18th 1804. Sponsor Mathew Cammel.

John Birdsall.

1807 , March 20th, was baptised (sub cond .)Will. Penny agedabout 30 years, and March 29th Mary Browne aged about 20 years (sub cond.); both converts .

Ainsworth's hand:

John Birdsall. 1807, April 18th, was baptised without the ceremonies Matthew,lawful son ofMatthew and Anne Costello , born the sameday. By John Birdsall [see 27April].

Nextnine entries in Ainsworth's and Birdsall'shands , as signed: 1807, April 19th, was baptized Elizabeth Fox, lawful daughter of Patrick and Elizabeth Fox, born the 6th of the same month . Sponsor William Cane .


1807 , April the 20th, was baptised John Denny, lawfulson ofWilliam and Mary Denny, born the 13th of the same month. GodfatherDaniel Shean, GodmotherAbbe Connor.

Ralph Ainsworth

1807 , April 27th, were supplied the ceremonies over MatthewCostello , baptised the 18th ofthe same month.Sponsor PatrickDooling.

Ralph Ainsworth [see 18 April] 1807 , April 29th, was baptized Mary Hogan, lawful daughterofCharles and Mary Hogan , born the 23d of the same Month. Sponsors James Quin and Jane Kavannah.

Ralph Ainsworth.

1807, May 31st, was baptised John, lawful Son of John and Mary Ferrers , born May 7th 1807. Sponsors James Mulleny and Annora Hagerty .

John Birdsall.

1807, June the 4th, was baptised John , lawful son of Edmund and Jemima Burke , born the 26th of last February.Sponsors John and Mary Short

Ralph Ainsworth

1807, June 17th,was baptised Richard, lawful Son ofJames and Judith


Carrolof Dublin in Ireland, born the same day; withoutSponsors. John Birdsall

1807 , June 19th , were supplied the Ceremonies over Elizabeth, lawful Daughterof John and EllenMartin, born and baptised June 17th 1807 Sponsors John Martin and Catherine Sullivan.

John Birdsall.

1807, June 14th, was baptised (sub con.) on her being received intothe church , ElizabethO'Neil, aged 30years.

Nextsix entries in Birdsall's hand:

John Birdsall.

1807 , June 23rd, was baptised Frederic, lawful Son of Charles and ElizabethFriar, born the 12th of this month Sponsor Anne Denie . RalphAinsworth.

1807 , June 27th, was baptised (sub cond .) on her being received into the Church,Jane Carpenter , aged 37 years.

John Birdsall.

1807 , June 28th, was baptised James, lawful Son of James and Ellen Hand , born June 12th last Sponsor Matthew Camel

John Birdsall

1807, June 28th, was baptised Elizabeth Gill, lawful Daughter of Michael and Alice Gill, born June 26th last Sponsors John and Mary Short

John Birdsall .

1807, July 6th, was baptised Joseph, lawful Son of Richard and Eliz. Abbot, born the day before Sponsors Thos. Murphy, and Margt. Williams

John Birdsall

1807, Augt 9th, was baptised Charles O'Neal, lawful Son ofJohnand Sarah O'Neal,born the 17th ofJulypreceeding [sic ]. Sponsor [blank].

John Birdsall

Ainsworth's hand:

1807, Aug. 22d, was baptised Mary Anne Smith, lawful daughterof Joseph and Joanna Smith, born the 10th ofthis month. Sponsors James Clancey and Phillis Kyan

Ralph Ainsworth.

Nextsix entries in Birdsall'shand:

1807, Augt. 23rd, was baptised Charles, lawful Son of Cornelius and Mary Dowding, born Augt. 2. Sponsors JohnShort andLucyCody . John Birdsall

1807, Augt. 23rd, was baptised Henry Michael , lawful Son of Michael and Frances Carrol , born Augt. 19th Sponsor Victoire Julien. RalphAinsworth

1807,Sepr 19th,was baptised ElizabethMulloyuponher beingreceived intothe Church, aged 29 years (sub cond .).

John Birdsall

1807, Sepr. 20th, was baptised Ann, lawful Daughter of Matthew Madden, born Sepr 15. Sponsor ElizabethBert

John Birdsall

1807, Octr. 4th, was baptised Elizabeth Gibbs upon herbeingreceived intothe Church, aged 24 years (sub cond.).

John Birdsall.

1807, Octr 17th, was baptised Elizabeth, lawful Daughterof Michael and Judith Bready, born in January last, without Sponsors, being on their road to Ireland

John Birdsall.

Next eight entries in Ainsworth's and Birdsall'shands, assigned:

1807, Oct. 16th, was baptised John Errington, lawful son of William and Eleanor Errington, born the 4th of the same month Godmother Monica O'Connor

Ralph Ainsworth .

1807, Oct. 19th, was baptised Joseph Hanna, lawful son ofJoseph and Isabella Hanna , born the 21stofDecember 1805. GodmotherMargaret Hanna. 146

Ralph Ainsworth 1807, Oct. 26th, was baptised FredericBalsh, Son of [blank] Balsh" and Ann Campbell , born Octr 13th 1799. GodmotherMrs Burn

John Birdsall

1807, Novr 1st, was baptised Ann Lewis, lawful Daughterof Randall and Mary Lewis, born the day before. GodmotherCatharine Hall

John Birdsall.

1807, Nov. 2d, was baptized John Salmoni , son of Peter and Lucy Salmoni, born the 28th of September Sponsors Antonius Strata and Catherine Murphy

Ralph Ainsworth

1807, November the 14th, was baptised Henry Joseph Knapp, lawful son of John and MaryKnapp, born the 12th of the same month Sponsor William Day.


1807, Novr 25th, was baptised Ann, lawful daughter of Henry Frain and Jane Frain, born Octr 3rd preceeding [sic ]. Godfather and Godmother Danieland Catharine Gleeson.

John Birdsall.

1807, Decr 20th, was baptised John, lawful Son of William and Elizabeth Rodway, born at Horton near Sodbury, Gloucestershire , Novr. 18th. GodmotherAnn Winbow.

Calderbank's hand:

John Birdsall

1807, Decr 31, was baptised immediatelyafter Birth, Elisabeth , lawful Daughter of Joseph and Mary Feasana. Sponsors Giovanni and Maria Francesca Biscani, by me

Jas Calderbank

Next nineteenentries in Birdsall'shand:

1808, Jany. 12th, was baptised Hannah, lawful Daughterof John and

146 Balch, or Baltch, was the surname of a WiltshireCatholicfamily; cf. C.R.S. Monograph 1 , pp 199, 219, 249


Ruth Wheelan , born Decr 23 ann . pr. Sponsors Patrick McKeon and Catharine Hunt.

John Birdsall

1808, Jany 19th, was baptised Henry, lawful Son of RichardandAnn Pursel, born Jany 17th GodmotherMary Fielding.

John Birdsall

1808, Jany 22d, was baptised John, lawful Son of Richard and Elizabeth Greenman, born March 1st 1807. Godmother Jane Bateson

John Birdsall

1808, Feb. 1st,was baptised William , lawful Son of Richd and Margaret TooleofTiverton,147 born Jany 18th GodfatherDavid Fielding. Godmother M.Ann Cowean.

John Birdsall

1808 , Feby. 20th, was baptised Andrew NicholasBrowne , lawfulSon of Nicholas and Ellen Brown, born the same day Sponsors Sir Thos. Burke Bart. and Mrs Mary Martyn byproxy ofMiss O'Driscoll


1808, Feb. 28th, was baptised Frances, lawful Daughterof Abram and Ann Flower, born the 27thAugt GodfatherJamesQuin

John Birdsall

1808 , March 10th, was baptised James, lawful Son of Jeremiah and Ellen Doolen, born Mar. 6. GodfatherDaniel Buckley, GodmotherEllen Doyle.

John Birdsall.

March 13th 1808, was baptised Jane, lawful Daughter of James and Catharine Taylor, born Feby. 29th. Godmother, her Sister Mary Taylor.

John Birdsall.

April 10th 1808 , was baptised Patrick, lawful Son of Michael and MarcellaCole,born 17th March 1808. Sponsor Miss Teresia Hyde. Ralph Ainsworth .

April 26th 1808, was baptised Catharine ,lawful Daughter ofPhillip and Catharine Sheridan , born April 7th. Sponsor JohnWheelan.

John Birdsall.

April 27th 1808, was baptised John, lawful Son of James and Ellen Richardson , born23rdApril Sponsor Mary Lewis per proxyofJohanna Quirk

John Birdsall

April 27th 1808, was baptised Mary Anne, Daughter ofGeorge Williams andLia West , born the sameday. Sponsor Mary West. John Birdsall

1808, April 29th. Baptised without the Ceremonies ElizabethNowlen , lawful DaughterofJames and Ann Nowlen, born the daybefore.

John Birdsall [see 30 Sept., 1809]. May 1st 1808, was baptised J. Baptist, lawful Son of Antonius and Catharine Strata, born March 1st Godfather Petrus Salmoni , and ElizabethPhelan. John Birdsall

147 Although written thus, the place meant maybe Twerton,Bath

May2d 1808,was baptised withoutthe ceremonies, William, lawful Son of Thos. and Sarah Jordan , bornApr.29th

RalphAinsworth [see 15May].

May 6th 1808, was baptised William, lawful Son of Charles and Ann Smallcomb , born April 22d. GodmotherElizabethKeane . John Birdsall

May 15th 1808 , were supplied the Ceremonies over William Jordan , baptised 2d Inst GodfatherWilliam Hopkins. J. Birdsall[see May 2nd].

May 18th 1808 , was baptised by Bishop Sharrock without the Ceremonies, and the following day received the Ceremonies,William,lawful Son ofRobert and MaryCroning , born May7th.GodmotherMaryWest. J. Birdsall

1808, June 5th, was baptised Hannah, lawful Daughterof David and ElizabethHenty,born May23rd. GodfatherRichard Phelan, Godmother MaryBrown.

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries):

John Birdsall.

1808, June 19th, was baptised Edward Stewart, Son ofRichard and Catharine Stewart, born the 6th ofApril. GodmotherTeresa Hyde.

Ralph Ainsworth

1808, July 1st, wasbaptised Thomas Smith, sonof Michael and Elizabeth Smith,born 12thofJune SponsorsMichael Longand CatherineRoussel. Ralph Ainsworth.

Next thirteen entries in Birdsall'shand:

1808, July3rd, was baptised Catharine , lawful DaughterofWilliam and Mary Hillard, born June 17th Sponsors MatthewHalpen and Margaret Lynch

John Birdsall

1808, July 3rd, was baptised Mary Elizabeth, lawful DaughterofPeter and LucyCody, born June 26th Sponsors Cornelius DowdingandAnn Dowding.

John Birdsall.

1808, July 27th, was baptised Nicolas , lawful Son of Nicolas and Margaret Paillet, born July 11th. GodfatherPatrick Mulloy, Godmother Catherine Ward

Ralph Ainsworth

1808, Augt. 5, was baptised Ann, lawful Daughter of Timothy and Judith Tafe, born the daybefore. GodmotherWinefridMore . John Birdsall

1808, Augt 26th, was baptised Frederic , Son of David and Christiana Brayes,born 16th ofthe samemonth. GodmotherMary James. John Birdsall

1808, Augt. 28, was baptised (sub cond.) George, lawfulSonofThomas and ElizabethSt.John,aged about 11 years.

John Birdsall

1808, Sepr 19th, was baptised Mary Ann, lawful Daughterof Robert and Mary Whately, born the daybefore. GodmotherMargt. Clareson. John Birdsall


1808, Sepr 27th, was baptised Mary, lawful Daughter of Peter and Ellen Lauton, born Feb. 6 last(sub cond.). GodmotherAnn Sullivan.

John Birdsall

1808, Oct. 28th, was baptised James, lawful Son of George and Frances Head, born the same day GodmotherMary Kingstone.

John Birdsall

1808, Oct 30th, was baptised Peter, lawful Son of Richardand Bridget Dowling, born the 24th of the same Month. Godmother Margaret Sweeny.

John Birdsall

1808, Novr 6th, were baptised Catharine and Bridget, lawfulDaughters ofPatrick and Catharine Hunt, born Oct.27.Sponsors to the firstPhilip Sheridan and Honora [blank], to the second Matthew Fagan and Bridget Bisset

John Birdsall

1808, Novr 13th, was baptised Thomas , lawful Son ofJohn and Mary Short, born Novr 11th Godfather William Penny, Godmother Sarah Pitt by proxy ofMary Short.

John Birdsall.

1808 , Novr. 13th, was baptised (sub cond. on her beingreceived into the Church) Mary Ann Dowding, aged21 years ' 148

John Birdsall

Nexteightentries in Ainsworth's and Birdsall'shands , assigned:

1808, Novr. 27th, was baptised (sub conditione) Mary Anne Louisa Bailey, lawful daughterof William and ElizabethBailey , born Nov. 1st Sponsors ChristopherIrvine and VictoireJulien.

Ralph Ainsworth

1808 , Dec. 1st, was baptised Elizabeth Battleberry, lawfuldaughterof Thomas and CharlotteBattleberry, born the 19th of October.Sponsors Richard Phelan and Anne Row .


1808,Dec. 1st,was baptised MaryEnglish [sic, withdotted line beneath] English, lawful daughter of Edmund and Mary ElizabethEnglish, born the 3d of July. Sponsors Thomas English(by proxy of Robert English) and Mary AnneMarveil.

Ralph Ainsworth.

1808, Decr 28, was baptised Christina, lawful DaughterofThomas and Henrietta Loveless, born the 22 of the same month Godmother HenriettaChurchbyproxy ofAnn Church.

John Birdsall

1809, Jany 1st, was baptised Cornelius , lawful Son of Corneliusand Mary Dowding, born Decr 14. Godfather Joseph Dowding and [sic .] Lucy Cody.

John Birdsall.

1809,Jany. 1st, was baptised Lewis Don Julian, lawful Son ofSantonge and MarySimeon, born July 17th last .GodfatherLewis Antoine Simeon

148 Also in list of converts , infra , p. 119


du Hamel , GodmotherMary Henneker by proxy ofLouisa Simeon . John Birdsall.

1809, Jan. 8th, was baptised James, lawful Son of Joseph and Ann Dowding, born the 3rd ofthis month Sponsors Cornelius Dowdingand Lucy Cody.

John Birdsall

1809, Jan. 29th, was baptised Elizabeth, lawful DaughterofMaurice and Elizabeth Quin, born the 21st of the same month. Godmother Margaret Sweeny.

John Birdsall.

Next six entries in Birdsall'shand:

1809,March4th,was baptised Henry, lawful Son of Johnand Elizabeth Fryer, born Feb. 25.GodfatherJohn Denie,GodmotherWinefred Denie. Ralph Ainsworth.

1809, March 12th, was baptised Sarah, lawful daughter of John and Ann Kentchens , born Feb. 23. Godfather Cornelius Dowding, GodmotherArabellaKelly.


1809, March 18th, was baptised William, lawful Son of Robert and MarthaMoon, born the day before GodmotherMary Carrol.

John Birdsall

1809 , March 19th, was baptised Augustine , Son of JamesDowding and Mary Hall, born March 5th. Godfather John Kentchens , Godmother Mary Dowding

John Birdsall

1809, Mar. 26th, was baptised (sub cond .) upon her beingreceived into the church ,Mary Hall, aged 27.

John Birdsall

1809, April 16th, was baptised Maria, lawful Daughter of Peter and Lucy Salmoni . Sponsors Peter Flenigen Esq and Eliz.Willan.

Coombes's hand:

RalphAinsworth. 1809, May 7th, was baptised Thomas, lawful son of Richard and Elizabeth Phelan, born May 5th. Sponsors Wm Bugden and Mary Chopping.

W. H. Coombes . 149

Next twelveentries in Ainsworth's and Birdsall'shands, as signed: 1809, May 22d, was baptised Elijah, lawful Son of Abram and Ann Flower, born April 6th. Sponsor JamesQuin.

J. Birdsall

1809, May 16th, was baptized Frederick, lawful son ofJohn and Mary Knapp, born May 15th GodmotherCatherineKnapp. Ralph Ainsworth.

1809, May 24th, was baptized Michael , lawful son of Peter and Helen Lawton, born the 5thofthe sameMonth. Sponsors William Askinsand Catherine Taylor.


Ralph Ainsworth.

William Henry Coombes D.D.; see C.R.S., 65, note 341 to Introduction


1809, July 11th, was baptised MarthaMoon, aged 43 (sub cond .)upon her being received into the Church

John Birdsall

1809, July26th, was baptised Ann, lawful DaughterofJohn and Mary St John, born July 19th Godfather Matthew Camel, Godmother ElizabethSmith.

John Birdsall

1809, July27th, was baptised (sub cond.) on her being received into the Church , Ann Nowlen, aged 31

John Birdsall.

1809, August 15th, was baptised (sub cond , he having had private baptism by some protestantMinister) George, lawful Son of Edwd. and ElizabethMurphy, born June 4th 1808. GodmotherEleanorNowlin. John Birdsall.

1809, Augt. 15th, was baptised Charles, lawful Son of Edward and ElizabethMurphy, born July 18th 1809. GodmotherEleanorNowlin

John Birdsall

1809, Augt. 16th, were supplied the ceremonies over Ann, lawful DaughterofJames and Sarah Douglass, bornDecr 2,and baptised inthe Isle of Mann Decr. 12. Godfather TimothyGaffeney, GodmotherJane McCastling.

John Birdsall

1809, August 19th, was baptised Henry, lawful Son ofWilliam and Ellenore Errington, born Augt 3rd Godfather Mr MalachyO'Connor, GodmotherMrs Comerford.

John Birdsall

1809, August30th, was baptised Mary, lawful DaughterofThomasand MaryWelsh , born Jany 4th, 1807. GodmotherAnn Hayes. John Birdsall

1809, Sepr 10th, was baptised Joseph, lawful Son ofJoseph and Mary Long, born July20th thisyear.Sponsor Mary Meyers.

Birdsall'shand (3entries):

John Birdsall

1809, Sepr 13th, was baptised Ellen, lawful daughterof Philip and Bridget Ryan, born the 6th of this month. GodmotherMary Hoy. RalphAinsworth. 1809, Sepr 13th, were supplied the Ceremonies ofbaptism(sub cond.) over William , Son of Matthew Somerfield and Harriet Osmund , born Oct. 31 , 1808. Godfather Patrick Murphy, Godmother Catharine Conway.

John Birdsall. 1809, Sepr 30th, were supplied the ceremonies over Elizabeth, lawful daughter ofJames andAnn Nowlen,born April 28th, 1808 and baptised the following day. GodmotherElizabethMulloy. John Birdsall [see 29 April1808]. Next eight entries in Calderbank's hand: 1809, was conditionally baptised Anne, lawful Daughterof Wm . and Elizth Parker, born 1st April Spons Anne Nagle J. Calderbank .

1809, Octr 20th, was baptised conditionally Francis, lawful Son of Francis and Honora Halworth, born 9th Decr 1808. Sponsor Timothy Taaffe.

J. Calderbank .

1809, Nov. 12, was bapt. Charles, Son of Thos and Jane Prince, born 22nd Octr Spons Richd Pheilan and Elizth.Henly.

J. Calderbank .

1809, Novr 19, was bapt. Charles, Son of Peter and ElizthMullighan, born 1st Decr. 1806.Spon JohnShort and Mrs Margt. Tunstall. J. Calderbank

1809, Novr 20, was bapt Maria, Daughter of Laurence and Elenor Kelly, born 18th Octr. Spons. Elizth O'Leary. J.Calderbank

1809, Novr 25,was bapt Andrew, Son of Alexanderand Ellen Conolly, born 24th. Spon John Mutryand Elizth .Sweeny. J. Calderbank

1809, Novr. 28th, was bapt. Sarah, Daughterof John and Sarah Hill, born 23rd

J. Calderbank .

1810, Feby. 6th, were supplied over the above mentionedSarah Hill the Ceremonies of the church. Sponsors on the occasion were Henrietta Churchand Cornelius Dowding, byme

Here follow twelveblankpages, then, in Wilks's hand:

Anno 1788

Jas. Calderbank Status Congregationis

1,2. Thomas MooreandWife

3. Jane Harrish

4. Miss Robinson

4,5. [sic] Sumnerand Wife

6.- Bryan

7. Miss FitzGerald'sman

8,9,10 Mr Donnelly and WifeandDaughter

11 . McDermot,Devizes

12. Irish tailor atMurphy's

13. Lady Shrewsbury 150

14. George ... footman

15. Maid and housemaid

16. Mrs Cahegan

17.Edward Wogan

18. Miss Webb

19,20. Mr and MrsTadlock

21. Frances Forsar

22. Marie Louise Herriez

Here follow three blank pages, then lists of converts, beginning in Brewer'shand:

Anno Dni. 1780, Die Octobris 9. In Gremium Ecclesiae admissa est Anna Austin, annos nata 17 .

150 Elizabeth , née Dormer, widow of the 14thEarl, whose nephew was the 15th Earl (supra, pp 96-7) For Lady Shrewsbury see C.R.S. Monograph 1, pp 117 , 248. She died in 1809 and there is a memorial-inscription to her in BathAbbey.


1780, Die Octobris decimo septimo, admissus in Gremium Ecclesiae Gulielmus Connor. Die Decembris 20, admissa est MariaChilde . Anno Dni 1781, Die Martii 13, admissa est Anna Tudor , Vidua.

Pembridge's hand(thefirst six entries repeatthose onpage 15):

Received into the Church .

1782, Feby 23, Diana James Present William and Mary Howell

March 14, Miss MaryProctor Mrs Martin and Blake Mary Goodacre And Mary Elliot Present

May 16, Peter Green of Dunkerton, present Thos Brown

Dec. 8, Charles Francis ofWellow, present Mrs Martin

Dec. John Mills, Bath

1783 , Nov. 1 , Emma Barbara Dutton

1792, Augst 8,Mary Wilcock; present Simon Hensy ,Mary Short and JohnMills

Henceforthin various hands, assigned:

M. Pembridge . 1793, Aug. [blank] received intothe ChurchWilliam Batchelor Present Jacob West etc.

H. Lawson.

1794. Received into the Church Sep. 8, Anna N. Gage. Present Jacob West

H. Lawson.

1795. Received into the ChurchJune 20th, J. Pike Present Jacob West.

R.H. Lawson

1796. Received into the church January 25, Richard Howell Present Mr Feray, FrenchPriest

R.H. Lawson

1797. Received into the ChurchAugust8th, ElizabethHowell, Arabella Kelly, Jane James. Witness T.Mulligan.

R.H. Lawson

1799. Received in the Church in the presence of the congregation , Francis Melmoth and ElizabethHeith the 9thofMarch. R. Henry Lawson

1800, June 26th

Received intothe ChurchMary Seifreid.

1800, June the 5th Rebecca Dunningand Sarah Feeling.

R. Ainsworth

R.H. Lawson.

Received into the Church upon sundry occasions: Maria Catherine Smith, Mary Mackey , Catherine Phelon , Winefrid Moore, Elizabeth Browne, Sarah Bourk, Sarah Meagher, ElizabethWeston , Anne Rowe, James Rowe, N.N.Taffe, CharlotteMerrick.


1800, September 28th. Received into the ChurchMrs NDorel, bythe Rd. R. Rev. D.D. G.W. Sharrock, Ep . Telmess Present Mrs Porterand Hales, and Constantiaand MariaWalsh [in Ainsworth's hand ]


1800, Oct. 16th, Received into the ChurchCharlotte Brooks ; present MaryHenceyand Helen Rose . R. Ainsworth

February 9th 1801, received into the church Mary Golding, aged 23 years, in the presence of Helen Rose , by me

Jas. Calderbank.

March 26th 1801, was received into the church ElisabethKetcherside , aged 56 years, byme

Jas. Calderbank

April 11th 1801, was received intothe churchElizabethKent, aged 19 years, in the presence ofAnne Hughes and a Stranger,byme

Jas Calderbank .

April 29th 1801, was received into the church Jas Davies, aged 20 , in the presence of Honble RobertPlunket,his Master .

Jas. Calderbank

August12th 1801, was received into the churchWinefrideMorgan ,aged 30years, byme

Nextten entries in Calderbank's hand: 1802 , was received intothe churchMary Fazana by

Jas. Calderbank RalphAinsworth

1802, April 6th, was received into the church Catharine Connor , aged 78 years, in the presence of Michael O'Brien ,byme

Jas. Calderbank

1802, July 8th, was received intothe ChurchThos Jenkinson, aged75, by me

Jas Calderbank

1802 , October 28th , was received into the Church Miss Rebecca Ketcherside , aged 26, in the presence of Madame de Mansigny, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1803, January16th, was received into the Churchby Joseph Withersby R. Ainsworth

1803, April 1st, was received into the Church James Goodman , aged 23, by me

Jas Calderbank .

1803, April 23rd, was received into the Church John Mathews , aged 25,by me

Jas. Calderbank

1803, October26th, was received into the ChurchAnthonyHolloran, aged 28 ,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1803, Novr 1st, was received into the church Philip Wright, aged 36 years, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1803, Novr 16th, was received into the Catholic churchMary Sparke, aged 26,byme

Jas Calderbank .

Ainsworth's hand:


1803, Oct. 28th, was received into the Catholic Church Jane Byrne, aged 36 .

R. Ainsworth

Calderbank's andAinsworth's hands, as signed:

1803, Nov.21st, was received into the Catholic churchMrs L. Elisabeth Hobbs, aged 25 years, byme

Jas Calderbank

1804, January 1st, was received into the Catholic Church Mrs Sarah Best, aged 27, in the presence of Mr Henry Best, her Husband, Mr David Rochfort and several other persons, by me

Jas Calderbank

1804,Feb. 10th, was received into the ChurchAnne Cassell, aged 27, in the presence of Helen Rose ,byme

R. Ainsworth

1804, April 7th, was received into the CatholicchurchElisabethGilpin, aged28, in the presence of a Stranger ,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1804 , May5th, was received intothe ChurchAnneCassell ,byme

R.Ainsworth [entry deleted].

1804, [May deleted] 31st, was received into the CatholicChurchJane Read, aged 31 , by me

R. Ainsworth.

Birdsall'shand; seedeath-entry, 13June (sic .) 1806, infra., p. 127

1806, Julythe 10th, was received into the ChurchJohn Leech , ofIrish extraction, lying sick of a consumptionat his lodgings at Twerton, aged about60years .

John Birdsall

Some time before this was received into the ChurchCharlotte Higgins who long remained in a dying state after Revd. John Rigby had received her [in Birdsall'shand; see death-entry, 24 November1807, infra. , p 128]

Henceforthin Ainsworth's, Birdsall's and Calderbank's hands, as signed : 1806, Octob 7th, was received into the Catholic Church Richard Hancock , aged 66years.

John Birdsall

1806,Novr . 16th, was received into the Catholic ChurchCharles Higgins, aged 17 years.

John Birdsall

1806, Novr 23rd, was received into the CatholicChurchMary Browne, aged20 years.

John Birdsall.

1806, Decr 10th, was received into the Catholic ChurchWilliam Penny, aged25 years.

John Birdsall

1807, March 19th, were received into the Catholic Church Mark Abbot, aged 18, and Frances Boyce, aged 19 years.

Ralph Ainsworth.


1807, June 14th, was received into the Catholic Church Elizabeth O'Neil, aged about 30years.

John Birdsall

1807, June 27th, was received into the church Jane Carpenter of Shoccerwick151 near Bath, aged 37years

John Birdsall

1807, June 28th, was received into the Church Stephen Davies, aged 17 years,in the presence ofMark Abbot and others oftheCongregation

John Birdsall

1807, July 12th, was received into the CatholicChurchLeonoraBirch , aged 32 years, in the presence ofher Husband .

John Birdsall.

1807, Sepr 13th, were receive [sic] into the ChurchElizabethMulloy and Elizabeth Gibbs, the former aged 29 years, the latter 24 , in the presence of Patrick Mulloy and Mrs Hebdin and others.

John Birdsall

1807, Decr 16th, was received into the Catholic ChurchJemima Burke in the presence ofher Husband Edwd. Burke and Mrs Callan .

John Birdsall

1808 ,May6th,was received into the CatholicChurchElizabethDutton, aged 64, in the presence of her Husband and others.

John Birdsall

1808, Novr. 13, was received into the Catholic Church Mary Ann Dowding, aged 21 years, in the presence ofMrH.Williams . 152

John Birdsall

1809, Feb. 8, was received into the CatholicChurch , Sarah Praid , aged 28years. She died the following day.

By John Birdsall

1809, March 26th, was received into the Catholic Church Mary Hall, aged 27 years, in the presence of Mrs Hebdin and others of the Congregation.

John Birdsall.

1809, July 10th, was received into the Catholic ChurchMarthaMoon , aged 43 years, in the presence of Ann Box and Mary Carrol.

John Birdsall

1809, July 27th, were received into the Catholic ChurchMr Thomas Ketcherside , aged 66, and Mrs Ann Nowlen, aged 31, in the presence ofeach other and Miss Rebecca Ketcherside .

John Birdsall

1810, June 9th, was recd. into the Catholic Church Robt. Moon,aged 56years, byme

Jas Calderbank

1810, June 16th, was recd into the Catholic churchRichd. Clarke , aged 16 years, by me

Jas Calderbank .

151 Shockerwick

152 Seealso supra, p 112 (baptismal entry)


1810, Septr. 14th, was received into the CatholicChurch Helen Barry, aged51, byme

Pembridge's hand(following12 blankpages): Obituary Register 1792

April 26. Deceased: JamesRuddic, Inglisbach . Jas. Calderbank

28. The Revd Mr Hugo Heatley, Resident for the Out-Mission , Age 33. R. In P. Buried in the Abbey Church, left hand Isle, May 2, 1792, close to the Wall, under Dr Bostock'sMonument153

June 4, Joanna Moore, Age 14

July 4, HonoraHarrogan , Aged 78

July 12, John Doyer, Age40.

July 16, Michael Meare, Infant Age 6 Months 2 Weeks.

Sept. 19 , Willm Doyle, Infant Age 3 Weeks.

Oct. 1 , James Bryen, Infant , 2 Months, Bath

Oct. 20, TimothyMurphy, Weston.

Dec. 1 , MathewMicmurtry , Bath, 17 , Bath.

Dec. 10, Mr EdmundTeaffe,154 Ir Stranger, 63, Bath.

Dec. 21, William Brown, Infant, 9 Months, Bath.

Dec. 23, ElizabethHall, 50, Bath


Jany 14, Mary Anne Metcalf, 155 Infant, 3 Months 10 Days.

Jany. 23, Helena Thornton, 56, Bath .

Feby 1 , Mary Rosano, Child, 3 years, Bath.

Feby . 23, ElizabethDowding,9 years, Bath.

1793. [Dateand5 entries in Ainsworth's hand]

April 5th Mary Leech, aged 42, Bath.

13, John Jennings, aged 36, Bath

15, Mr: Le Marquis Du Gage, aged [blank]

17 , Mrs ElizabethEyre, aged 49, Bath.

May 9th, Miss Catherine LeonoraWalsh¹56, aged 28 , Bath.

Lawson's hand (4 entries):

July 22,

July 25,

Marcella Desmonds, aged22, Bath. William Lowndes , aged [blank] , Bath.

August7, Luke Connoway , aged22, Bath.

Aug. 10, Anne Thomas , aged24, Bath.

153 "Ricardus BostockM.D., olim de Wixall in comitatu Salopiae, obiit 16 Mar. 1747" (Davey, p 63) But R.B.A. , p 475 dates theburial May 3rd "Under Samuel Wilson , Esqre, his stone." Birt, p. 117 gives 1757 as the year of Heatley'sbirth

154 Buried at St James's, Bath, 13 Dec., as Taaffe the usual spelling of this name (The Genealogist, New Series , IX, p 111) Doubtless "Ir" means Irish.

155 BuriedinBathAbbey, 18 Jan. (R.B.A., p.476).

156 Buriedin BathAbbey, 14 May(ibid.)


Ainsworth's hand(7entries ):

Aug. 19th, JamesDane, aged 60 , Bath.

Aug.29th,William Darling, aged 27, Bath

Sep. 12th [? 10th], Thomas Day, aged 63, Ingsbach

Sep. 16th, Frances Nagle,157 Aged -, Bath .

Sep. 11th, JamesQuince , aged 23,Pickwick.

Oct. 21st, John Fogarthy, aged-, Bath.

Oct. 21st, Thomas Metcalfe Esq , aged 36.158

Lawson's hand (3 entries):

Oct.28th, Margaret Foresight.

April 16 (1794?) JohnN. Died, Bath.

1794, March , Died Riquetts, Bath.

1794. [Dateand 2 entries in Ainsworth's hand .]

March4th Died SusannaDay, aged72, Ingsbach.

March 9th. Died [blank] Cranfield, aged [blank] , Bath. Lawson's hand:

March11.Died [blank] SimonQuin, Bath.

Ainsworth's hand(12 entries):

April 30th Died ElizabethClothier, aged 17, Bath

May 6th Died Anne Howard,159 aged 59 , Bath.

May 10th Died HonoraMaulin, aged [blank] , Bath.

June 27th [?], Died Mary Denie, aged6, Bath.

July 31st Died Ray. Thos.Hugo Arundel,160 aged 2 Months, Bath.

Aug.21st Died Robert Madan Esq , " aged 64, St., Bath. 161

Nov.18th. 1794.Died Miss Mary Anne French,162 aged 30 , Bath

Dec. 12th 1794.DiedJohn Tobin Esq , aged 61 , Bath.

Dec. 25th 1794.Died JamesDowling, aged -,Stranger.

Jan. 1st 1795.DiedMichaelMonks, aged -, Soldier.

Jan. 2d 1795. Died BartholomewCranfield, aged -, Bath.

Jan. 29th 1795. Died Margaret Lyons, aged, Bath Lawson's hand (8 entries):

Jan. 1795.DiedMargaret Howard, Bath.

Jan. or Feb. Died at Horton, MrsManning.

157 Buried in BathAbbey, 23 Sept., as "Neagle" (ibid)

158 For his memorial-inscription in theAbbey, see Davey, p. 71 .

159 Wife of Philip Howard of Corby Castle, Cumberland ; cf. genealogyinC.B.J. , Lord Mowbray, Segrave & Stourton, History of the Noble House of Stourton (1899) II, p 851; also R.B.A. , p 477 (burial, 10 May 1794).

160 In R.B.A., loc cit , is a burial-entry: "Aug. 4. J. B. Arundell" . See also note 120

161 Buried in Bath Abbey, 26 Aug., as Madden (R.B.A., loc cit ) "St." inthis entry is probably an abbreviationfor "Stranger" . His Laity's Directory obituary is reprintedin C.R.S., 12, p 51 .

162 Buriedin Bath Abbey, 22 Nov. (R.B.A. , loc. cit.).


March24, 1795. Died Rev. Mr Geary, O.S.B. ,

163 Bath,aged 82.

March 27, 1795. Died JamesGoffe, Bath.

April 14, 1795. Died Francis Loons , Bath

April 15 , 1795. DiedMary Darling, Bath

April 1795.DiedMary Martin, Bath

April 16, 1795. Died Thomas Moore , Bath.

1795 [Dateand2 entries in Ainsworth's hand .]

May 20th. Died the Rev.Mr. Thos. Moore,164 aged73, Bath.

July 3d 1795.Died AnnePit, aged 26, Bath.


May DiedPhilip Grace, aged 16, Bath, Soldier. Ainsworth'shand(3 entries):

Aug. 6th. Died the Rev. Thos. Ballyman, 165 aged 60, Bath

10 DiedAnthony Gale, aged -, Bradford . 166

May 25th1796. DiedMary Murphy, aged [blank] , Bath

Lawson's hand:

June 24. DiedMrs Malpews [?] , aged [blank] , Bath. Henceforthin Ainsworth's hand:

1796, July 7th Died Jacquette De Kerouartz, daughter of James , Count De Kerouartz, president of the Parliamentof Britany, and of Mary Reine De Kergouet, wife of Charles Count D'Hector, Lieutenant-general of the Navy of the King of France, Commander of the naval force of Britany, and was buried the 10th of the same month

1796, July31. Died Maria Ellen Brown, aged 14 Months , Bath. 1797 , May 7th. Died Brigit Dalton,167

May 25. Died Catherine Nagle,168 aged 72 , Bath aged35 , Bath .

June 1st Died Sarah Bell , 169 aged53, Stranger.

Aug. 16th Died ElizabethBarber , Bath.

November 25th 1797. Died the Right Revd. and venerable prelate Doctor Charles Walmesly , Bp. of Rama and Vicar Apostolic of the Western District, in the 75th year of his age andthe 40th ofhis Episcopacy , Bath.

March 3d 1798.Died MrsJay, aged -, Bath

163 DomJohnAnselm Geary,for whom see Birt, p 119 and C.R.S.,65, pp 56-7; also C.R.S., 12, p. 50. He was buried in theAbbey on 27 March(R.B.A., loc cit)


165 Ex-Jesuit See C.R.S., 65, p 73; Foley, VII, p 520; C.R.S., 12, p 50

Benedictine See Birt, p 120; C.R.S., 12, p. 50; R.B.A. , p. 477 (BathAbbey burial 8 Aug. 1795); Kirk, p 9.


167 Bradford -on-Avon See also note 55 .

née More. See C.R.S., 65, p 73 & references there given; C.R.S., 12, pp 62, 64 (Laity's Directory obit ); R.B.A. p 478 (Abbey burial, 16 May); Davey, p 71 (memorial -inscriptionin Bath Abbey)

168 Buried in BathAbbey, 1 June (R.B.A. , loc. cit).

169 Buried in BathAbbey, 8 June (ibid.)


10th 1798 ,DiedWilliam Muffy, aged56, Bath, Stran. 13th 1798. Died Miss Eliza Grace, aged -, Bath,Stranger.

June 5th 1798.Died Mrs ElizabethFrench,170 aged 69, Bath.

Lawson's hand (2 entries):

Julythe 17th 1798.Died Miss Charlotte Grace, aged 16, Hotwells 171

July the 29th 1798.Died Miss Anne Grace, aged 17, Holwells [sic].

Next eleven entries in Ainsworth'shand:

Aug. 7th 1798.Died Catherine Ware, aged -, Bath

Aug. 8th 1798. Died James [illegible ?Casry], aged -, Bath.

Aug.8th 1798. Died Catherine Nailling, aged-, Bath.

Oct. 9th 1798. Died Celia Taffe, aged-, Bath

Jan. 12th 1799. Died Margaret Steward , aged 69, Sion Hill, Stranger

Jan. 15th 1799.Died JamesBrown, aged 38, Bath,Stranger

Jan. 17th 1799. Died ElizabethBarnes, aged 66, Bath.

Jan. 18th

Jan. 21st aged 61 , Bath .

1799.DiedWilliam Robinson ,172 aged 61 , Bath 1799.Died the Reverend JamesJennison , 173

Jan. 23d 1799.Died William Larcon, aged-, Bath

Jan. 25th 1799.Died Helen Hignett, " aged 31 , Bath.

Lawson's hand (2 entries): 174

March 22 [altered from 23] 1799. Mic Nolin, aged 63, Bath

April 19, 1799. Eliz Oran [?] , aged32, Bath.

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries):

June 30th 1799. DiedMary Butler,175 aged 69 , Bath 176

July 6th 1799.Died FrancesMartyn, ' aged80, Bath .

Next seven entries in Lawson'shand:

Aug. 1799. Died Sarah Mahony, aged 14 , Bath

August 1799.Died Robert Baker, aged 17 , Bath. September 6th 1799. Died Mary Woodam, aged 61, Horton Common. 1799. Decem. Died W. Conolly, aged 38. 1799. At the Hotwells, Miss Francis [sic] Grace, 19 .

January 2, 1800, At Bath, Cath. Martin

1800, Januarythe 14th. Died the HonorableMiss Margaret Preston , 177

170 Buried in BathAbbey, 12 June (R.B.A. , p 479).


172 Presumably BristolHotwells

C.R.S., 12, p 64, dates his death 18 Dec. 1798. Perhaps father of Dom Thomas Gregory Robinson who became a Benedictine after serving as a naval surgeon (see his baptismal entry, 12 Oct. 1780, supra, p 10) 1.73 Ex-Jesuit See C.R.S., 65, p 73; R.B.A. , p 479 (burial, 25 Jan. , as "Jeaneson").

174 In C.R.S., 12, p 72, as "Hegnett"

175 Mrs MaryButler (ibid.)

176 Buried in BathAbbey, 13 July (R.B.A. , loc cit.)

177 Aged 54 (C.R.S. , 12, p 74) Other Catholicdeaths in Bath, not among these few register-entries, are: Fitzgerald Groghean (sic) Nagle, buried 3 Dec. 1799 (R.B.A. , p 480; see also supra, p. 81) and Mrs Mary Townshend , d 29 May 1800 (C.R.S. 12, p. 78)


Daughter of James Preston, Viscount Gormanston, and the Honorable ThomasinBarnewall , both ofthe KingdomofIreland Bath

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries):

1800, Oct. 22d Died Mary Hughes, aged 19, Bath 1800, Nov.10th. Died Sarah Hughes, aged 18, Bath.

Calderbank's hand(name italicisedin Ainsworth's):

1801, February 10th Died Dr.Meagher, agd. [blank].

Nextfourteen entries in Calderbank's hand: 1801, February 19th. Died Mrs. Dunn.

1801, February24th. Died Patrick Sullivan , aged27, Bath, R.I.P. 1801, May 6th DiedWillm. Perry, aged 38, Bath, R.I.P.

1801, August8th Died MrsDecima Smith, aged 74, Bath,R.I.P. 1801, Aug. 10th Died Peirce Walsh Esqr., aged [blank] , Bath, R.I.P.

1801, Aug.21st Died Mary Anne Doran , aged 7 days,Weston 1801, Septr 23rd Died Francis Curly, aged 62, Bath, R.I.P.

1801, October16th.DiedJohn Campbell , ag'd 61, Bath, R.I.P.

1801, Decembr 4th Died Mrs Porter,178 aged 57, Sion Hill, Bath, R.I.P. 1802, January17th. DiedMary Lawlos, aged [blank], Bath , R.I.P.

1802, Feb. 15th Died Miss Barbara Dorrel, aged 4 years, Bath. 1802, March4th Died Mary Mullighan, aged 57, R.I.P.

1802, March 10th Died Jacob Saifraid, aged89, Bath, R.I.P. 1802, April21st. Died Mrs Jane J . Burke, aged 80, R.I.P.


1802, May 19th Died Thos. Brown, aged 50, Bath, R.I.P.

Calderbank's hand(2 entries):

1802, June 5th. DiedDavidWelsh, aged 46, Bath, R.I.P. 1802, June 21st. Died Thos.Phelan, aged 5 months. Bath.

Ainsworth's hand(3 entries):

1802 , Sep.21. Died Mary Johnson, aged Bath. 1802 , Sep. 25th. Died Mrs Glasson, aged-, Bath. 1802, Oct. 5th. Died John Trowbridge, aged -, Bath.

Next nine entries in Calderbank's hand:

1802, Decr. 3rd. Died Sir Thos. Fleetwood¹79 Bart., aged 61 , Bath. 1802, Decr 6th. Died JohnWeldonEsqr., aged 49, Bath, R.I.P.

1802, Decr. 10th Died Jas . Dunn, aged45, Bath, R.I.P. 1802, Decr. 12th Died [blank] Kellenbrek, aged [blank], Bath, R.I.P. 1802, Decr. 13th. Died Thos. Clarke, aged 91,Widcomb, R.I.P.

178 179 née Mary Nevill; cf. Egerton Castle (ed ) The Jerningham Letters, II, p 400 Also in C.R.S., 12, p. 85


1803, Jany 14th Died MichaelOBrien, aged [blank], Bath , R.I.P.

1803, Feby . 1st Died John Murray, aged [blank], Bath, R.I.P.

1803, Feb. 3rd. Died Denis Morand, aged [blank], Bath, R.I.P.

1803, Feby.8th. Died Thos .Hardy, aged 3 years, Bath.

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries):

1803, March 3d DiedMargaret [blank], aged 76, Bath. 1803, March 17th.Died Catherine Pope, aged 68, Bath.

Next eight entries in Calderbank's hand:

1803,March 23rd.Died Revd.WilliamWilkinsonFletcher,180 aged81 , Bath , R.I.P.

1803, June 10th. Died Henry Cooper, aged 10 months, Bath . 1803, July2nd Died MrsAnneMadden,181 aged70, Bath, R.I.P.

1803, Augst 21st .DiedJane Buckley, aged 63, Bath, R.I.P.

1803, Aug. 27th.Died AnneJobson , aged 51, Bath, R.I.P. 1803, Sep. 19th . Died Anne Cliffe, aged 73, Bath, R.I.P.

1803, Octr 4th . Died Mrs SusanDay, aged 78, Bath, R.I.P.

1803, Octr 9th . Died Mrs Elenora Walsh, aged 67, Bath, R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries):

1803, Oct. 12th. Died Mrs Mary Hussey, aged 85, Bath, R.I.P.

1803, Oct.26th .DiedMary Jones, aged 58, Bath, R.I.P.

Calderbank's hand:

1803, Novr 20th. Died Anthony Holloran, Serjeant in theArmy,aged28 years, R.I.P.

Ainsworth'shand(2 entries):

1803, Dec. 13th Died Mary Heaney, aged 62, Bath,R.I.P.

1803, Dec. 17th Died Bernard Byrne , aged 48, Bath, R.I.P.

Calderbank's hand (3 entries): 1803, Decr. 27th. Died Edd . Kirby, aged 53, Stranger, R.I.P. 1804, Jany 8th Died Magt. McGauley , aged 60, Bath, R.I.P. 1804, Feby 23rd Died Pascal Ballieul, French, agd.29, R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand(3 entries): 1804, Mar.26th Died Nicholas Molland, aged 66 , Bath, R.I.P. 1804, March 13th Died ElizabethCampbell , aged 60, R.I.P. 1804, March 16th Died George Jeffers, aged 3 days.

180 Formerly President of St Omer's; cf. Gillow, II, p 298 (sub Fletcher);Kirk, p 250 (sub Wilkinson, with date of death as 24 March); C.R.S., 63, p 430. The mortuary-entries for the Spring of 1803 reflect no increase in deaths coinciding with the"influenza" epidemicthen raging in Bath; cf. E. J. Climenson , Passages fromthe Diaries ofMrs Philip Lybbe Powys (1899) p 352 . 181 In C.R.S., 12, p 86, as "Madan"


Calderbank's hand(3 entries):

1804, March 30th. Diedthe Right Honble. Lord Dormer, 182 Bath, R.I.P.

aged 78 ,

1804, April 9th. Died M. Rose Ashton, aged 93, R.I.P.

1804, April 9th Died Maurice Hayden , aged 50, R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries):

1804, April 26th. DiedAntony Garvey Esq., aged 67,Stranger. 1804, May 29th. Died Mrs Anne Ennever, aged 33 , Bath, R.I.P.

Next eight entries in Calderbank's hand:

1804, June 2nd. Died Garrett Barry,aged 14 years and 5 months, Bath, R.I.P. 1804, June 22nd. DiedJohnMcGrath, aged 60, R.I.P.

1804, July 1st Died William Cooper , aged54, Bath, R.I.P.

1804, July 1st DiedWilliam Batchelor, aged 84, Bath.

1804, July 14th Died Joseph Winbow, aged 52, Horton, R.I.P.

1804, July28th. DiedMichaelConner , aged 52, Bath, R.I.P.

1804, August30th Died Anne Love, aged 66, Bath, R.I.P.

1804, Septr.9th. Died Catherine Hogden , aged 30,Stranger, R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries):

1804, Oct. 8th. Died John Flanagan, aged 44, Bath, R.I.P.

1804, Oct.9th. Died Nicolas Taffe, aged44, Bath,R.I.P.

Calderbank's hand:

1804, Decr 30th Died Catharine Browne , aged 41 , Bath, R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand

1805, Jan. 17th Died Margaret English, aged 53, Bath, R.I.P.

Calderbank's hand: 1805, Jany 29th. DiedElizabethTaylor, aged 76, Bath, R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand(2 entries): 1805, Feb. 4th Died Juliet Leathem, aged 70, Bath, R.I.P.

1805, Feb. 5th DiedMary Macartey, aged 52, Bath, R.I.P.

Calderbank's hand (2 entries):

1805,March 14th. Died Daniel Conner, aged 80 [75 deleted], Bath , R.I.P. 1805 , March 15th. Died Mary Burke , aged [blank], R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand: 1805, March7th. Died JamesRowe, aged 61, Bath, R.I.P.

Calderbank's hand (3 entries):

1805, March23rd. Died George Wogan, infant of11 weeks .

182 Memorial-inscriptionin BathAbbey(printed by Davey , p 83)


1805, April 19th. Died Frances Wogan, aged [blank], Bath, R.I.P.

1805, April 29th DiedJohn Callers (drowend), R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand(4 entries):

1805, May 16th Died CharlotteDuval, aged [blank], Bath, R.I.P.

1805, May 20th.DiedSamual Abraham, a Black, aged 63, Bath, R.I.P.

1805, May21st Died Mary Mitchell, aged 26, Bath, R.I.P.

1805, June 3rd Died Henry Nugent McGary, Soldier, aged 28, Stranger, R.I.P.

Rigby's hand (3 entries):

1805, June 26. Died Denis Sheean, aged 54, Bath, R.I.P. 1805, June 20. DiedWalter Cooksey, aged 10, Bath, R.I.P.

1805, July6. Died Michael O'Doherty, aged 61 , Bath, R.I.P.

Next six entries in Ainsworth's hand:

1805 , Oct. 18th Died Thos. Sword Esq , aged 52, Ir. St., 183 Bath,R.I.P.

1805, Dec. 6. Died Mrs Cosgrove, aged 78, Bath, R.I.P.

1805, Dec. 19th Died Mary Seifreid, aged 72, Bath,R.I.P.

1806, Jan. 8th. DiedMary Norris, aged 67, Bath, R.I.P.

1806, Jan. 8th DiedMary Doyle, aged 70, Bath, R.I.P.

1806, Feb. 16th Died BartholomewCostello Esqr , aged 69, Stranger, Bath, R.I.P.

Birdsall's hand (4 entries):

1806, June the (say 11th). Died a child (infant) ofHubert Dubois. 1806, June the 26th.DiedMary Coster, Widow, who is believed to have fled from France with her husband and Daughterin the beginning of the revolution about the year 1792. R.I.P. 1806, June184 13.Died John Leech, aged about 60, a convert, R.I.P.

1806 , July 26. Died Mary Maguire, aged 20 months

Ainsworth'shand: 1806, Aug.28th. Died Jane Byrne , aged 39, a convert , R.I.P.

Next fiveentries in Birdsall'shand: 1806, Sepr 11th. Died Richd Crowch, aged 76, R.I.P. 1806 , Sepr 19th. DiedMartha Saw, aged about 32, R.I.P.

1806, Octob.9. Died Richard Hancock , aged 66, a Convert, R.I.P.

1806, Oct. 17th Died Revd .AntonyChemite, 185 a French Emigrant ofthe Province ofPicardy, and was buried atWalcot, aged52, R.I.P.

1806, Novr. 19th DiedWilliam Tulley, aged about 60, R.I.P.

183 Irish Stranger

184 ClearlyJune in the register butevidentlya slipfor July; see entryin convertslist, supra, p 118

185 In C.R.S., 12, p 99 as "Chemitte" .


Ainsworth's hand:

1806, Nov. 20th Died the Revd . Michael Benedict Pembridge, 186 aged 82 , R.I.P.

Next seven entries in Birdsall'shand:

1806, Decr 17. Died Sarah Odber , aged 17, R.I.P.

1806, Decr 23. DiedJames Pursel, an infant

1807, Jany 14. DiedElizabethFoster, aged about 36, R.I.P. item item Thos Day at Inspach ,187 aged 58, R.I.P. Giles Hall, Bath , aged 12 , R.I.P.

1807, Jany 26. DiedMrsMary Smythe, aged 72, R.I.P.

1807, Jany 29. Died Ellen Quin, Bath, aged 52, R.I.P.

Ainsworth's hand(3 entries):

1807, Feb. 5th Died Eleanor Barrett, aged 72, R.I.P.

1807, Feb. 11th. Died Catherine Burn , Bath, aged 84, R.I.P.

1807, March8th DiedWilliam Micmuttry, Bath, aged about 65, R.I.P.

Henceforthin Birdsall'shand:

1807, Mar.9th.Died JohnSullivan, born at Cork in Irel , at Bath, agd. 25, R.I.P.

eodem dieJohn Keegan [blank] Bath, agd 70, R.I.P.

1807 , March29th. Died JohnBick, Bath, agd. [blank], R.I.P.

1807, Apr. 8th. Died JamesEnwright, Bath, agd . 60, R.I.P.

eodem die Monsr Cousselle of France, at Bath, agd about45 , R.I.P.

1807 , May20th Mary Dickson, Bath, agd [blank], R.I.P.

1807, May17th Catharine Maguire , Bathagd, 41, R.I.P.

1807, June 22d. Died James Burke, Bath, agd 50, R.I.P.

1807, July 1st Died Jane Carpenter at Shockerwick, agd . 37 , R.I.P.

1807, July16th DiedAmbrose, Baron de la Tour, Bath, agd 70, R.I.P.

1807, July23rd Died Frances Donavon , Bath , agd 46, R.I.P.

1807, Sepr 2d DiedMr RichardCrowch, Bath, agd 17, R.I.P.

1807, Sepr. 30. Died Mrs Wilmorein the poor house, agd. 72, R.I.P.

1807, Oct.6th. Died Charlotte Connor, Bath, agd 78, R.I.P.

1807, Novr. 17th. Died MaryKennedy agd 46, R.I.P.

1807, July 14th Died James Curtin, Bath, agd 35, R.I.P. do

1807, Novr.24th Died Charlotte Higgins do agd 50, R.I.P.

1807, Decr. 17th. Died Jemima Burke , Bath, agd 30, R.I.P.

1807, Decr [blank]Died Mary Tobin, Bath, agd . 72, R.I.P.

1808, Jany. 4th Died Ed. Carrol, Bath, aged 58, R.I.P.

1808, Jany 14th. Died Sarah Clarke , Bath, aged 50, R.I.P.

1808, Feb. 29th. Died Mad . Adelaide du Longchamp , agd. 60, R.I.P.

1808, April 24th Died MatthiasReilly, Bath, agd 47, R.I.P.

187 See also C.R.S., 65, pp 67, 70-72 . Englishbatch ; see note 18 .


1808, July24th. Died Thos Jenkinson , Bath, agd. 81, R.I.P.

1808, July 30th. Mrs Anastasia Charker ,188 Bath, agd 57, R.I.P.

1808, Augt. 10th. Died Miss Cath Mostyn,189 Bath, agd. 30, R.I.P.

1808, Oct.25th Died Mrs ElizabethHudson 190 do agd 45, R.I.P. 1808, Novr 4. Died MrAmbroseO'Ferrall, Bath, Agd 66, R.I.P. andMrGiovanni Bisani, Bath, Aged [blank], R.I.P.

1808, Novr. 19th Died Mr Willm . Norris, Bath, Aged [blank] and Monsr Imbert Columés, aged82,R.I.P. 1809, Jan. 31. Died MrOgfriedHassall, agd 86, Bath, R.I.P.

Feb. 9. Died Mrs Sarah Praid, Bath, agd 28, R.I.P. Mar.22.Died William Moon, an infant,Bath

Next three entries in Ainsworth's hand:

May 15. Died Mary Travers, aged 68, Bath, R.I.P.

April 24th Died Mary Short, Aged [blank], Bath, R.I.P.

May 27th. Died Sarah Rourke, aged [blank], Bath, R.I.P.

Next threeentries in Birdsall'shand:

June 28.Died Laurence Birch, aged 38, Bath, R.I.P.

July 28. Died Joseph Kattenback, aged 45, Bath,R.I.P.

30.Died JamesDarnley, aged 41 , Bath, R.I.P.

Next five entries in Calderbank's hand:

Octr 4th Died Dominick Resana, aged 59, Bath, R.I.P.

7th DiedMary Anne Heron , aged 13-9m ., 191 Bath, R.I.P.

17th Died Rt. Revd Dr. G.W. Sharrock, aged 67 , Bath , R.I.P.

His Lordship had been consecrated Bishop 28 years and had governed the Western District almost 12

19. Died Joseph Love, aged 74, Bath, R.I.P.

22. Died Jane Dowling, aged 77 , Bath, R.I.P.

Ainsworth'shand(2 entries):

1812, Oct. 8th Died Thomas Hathaway, aged 45, Bath, R.I.P. 1812, Oct.13th Died Hannah Maillard, aged 35, Bath, R.I.P.

With the exception ofthe two for 1812, printed above , themortuaryentries from the end of 1809 are continued in the second register (infra . , p. 186 ff .). The items which follow are no longer in thefirst register, butare here printed from the Taunton transcript:-

188 In C.R.S., 12, p. 103.

189 BuriedinBathAbbey; cf. Davey, p 68; also C.R.S., 12, loc cit.

190 In C.R.S., 12, p. 105

191 i.e. 13 years, 9 months; see baptismal entry, 23 Jan. 1796, supra, p 76



"Loose sheetsinthe register" . [Now missing; see supra, p. viii].

"(1) Names of children to beConfirmed , no date192 "Peter McMurtry


aged 14 aged10

JohnMcMurtry aged 12 years aged 15


John Hughes aged 13

Cornelius Dowden aged 11

Charles Jakes aged 10

AmbrosJakes aged 8

George Perry aged 8

WilliamPerry aged 6

AlexanderMurphy aged 6

Charles Robins aged 6

RobertBaker aged 10

Ann Baker aged 12

Maria Farrell aged 13

Francis Foresayth

Ann Pope aged 7 aged 16

Ann White

Mary Moore aged 7 aged 15

Charles Dowden

Joanna Moore aged 13 aged 13 Ann Bave [?]

Elizabeth Moore aged 14 aged 10

Thomas Moore

CharlotteApplebe aged 12 aged 6

William Culbert aged 12

Deborah Culbert aged 7

RobertForesayth aged 12

Thomas Foresayth aged 10"

"(2) Certificate ofRegistryof Death

Slatvia Thomas ofWalcot 14 ofJuly 1845 Mr T. Hiscox Registrar"

"(3) A list of a few books of Mr Simpson's, ' Sharrock" . [no actuallist included.]

193 taken by Bishop

"(4) Four other papers relatingto baptisms" [no actualpapers].



Evidently this list was drawn up in 1792; three ofthe childrendescribed as "aged 10" were born between November 1781 and March 1782 (John McMurtry, Charles Jakes and Robert Baker , for whom see pp 12, 16) AmbroseJakes , here "aged 8" , was born on 4 March 1784 (supra, p 20) and Francis Foresayth, "aged 7" , on 28 Feb. 1785 (supra, p 25) Veryfew of those listedhere do in fact occur in the confirmation-lists printedsupra, pp 66-9

193 Doubtless John Cuthbert Simpson , O.S.B. (see Index)


Entries in Calderbank's handuntil stated otherwise

[p.1] Baptismall Register Commencing with the Opening of the new Chapel at Bath, December 3rd 1809.

[p.2] 1809, Decr 15, were supplied the Ceremonies of Baptism over Paul George, Son of John Francis Dugout, Marquis de Casaux , and of Madame Henrietta de Freneaux , his lawful Wife. Sponsors Leon Augustende Casaux and Georgina de Richmont, by R. Ainsworth.

The names Casaux and Freneaux, above, are as substituted, in another hand, for Calderbank's original versions: "Caysaux" and, perhaps, "Ferneaux" . Thenext 15pagesare tabulated , as below

Birth Baptism

Nameof Child Parents Sponsors Priest 1809

Decr 17th Decr 24

Decr 15 Decr 24


John Felix St AngeSimeon


Jany. 14 1810 Jany 21


Jany 16 1810 Jany 28

1809 1810

December29 Jany 29


Jany 22 1810 Jany 31

Mary Hackett

James Doran

Michaeland Mary Murphy

Felix St Ives St

Thos Fenton and Mary Fenton Jas Calderbank

John Denie Jas Calderbank Ange; Mary Margt. Simeon Mary Margt Felicia Simeon

Wm and Catherine Hackett

Patrick and Eliza Doran

James Taaffe

Anne Nolan


Decr 26th 1810 Feby 4th


Jany. 18th 1810 Feby 4th

Feby 13 Feby 27

CatharineMaria McCarthy

Margt Hilliard

Daniel McCarthew

Jas and Mary Taaffe

James and Anne Nolan

Julien Havey Margt. Hynes Jas . Calderbank

Philip Hogan and Bridget Gillan Jas Calderbank


RalphAinsworth O'Connerand Elenora Birch

Without Jas Calderbank

ceremonies Supplied 8thOct. 1810

Mich Fortrey and Margt Paillet

John and Catharine

Without ceremonies

RalphAinsworth McCarthy

Wm and Mary Hilliard

Danieland Catharine

Charles and Sarah Kelly

Ralp [sic ] Ainsworth

Bridget Cane Jas Calderbank McCarthew

Nextentry inAinsworth's handapartfrom wordsitalicised, in Calderbank'shand


Birth Baptism NameofChild Parents Sponsors Priest


Jany. 3d 1810

Feby 28th Frances Peard

Richard and Fraces[sic ] Peard

Without ceremonies RalphAinsworth Supplied March 18th . AnneNagle

Henceforth in Calderbank'shandup to and including the baptismon 26 Feb1812 , apartfrom words italicisedon4June 1810 , in Baines's hand- presumablyaddedsome yearslater.

1810 1810

March 5th March 11th James Sydney Jordan

Thos and Mary Jordan

James Jordan and May Jordan Jas Calderbank Proxies

Philip Hogan, Letitia Smallman

1810 1810

March 16 March 16th Mary Short

John andMary Short


1810 1810

March Margt Purcell 18th

1809 1810

Decr . 8th April Elizabeth 6th Browne

1810 1810

Richd, and AnnePurcell

Wm . andMary Browne

Without Jas Calderbank ceremonies Supplied April2nd Wm Alpin and Anne Pike

Anne Whelan Jas Calderbank

Ellen Donohoe Jas Calderbank

March6th April 26 Edwd.Paillet¹ Nichas, and Margt Jas Gougetand Paillet Ellen Dowling Jas Calderbank

1810 1810

April 1st May 1st FrancesMurphy


April 14th 1810 May 1st NicholasMurphy Conditionally

1810 1810

Andrew and Mary Edwd Kellyand Murphy Jas Calderbank Margaret McMahon

Andrew and Mary Jas Hagerton Jas Calderbank baptised

April26 May7th Wm Ryan

1810 1810

May26th. May 31 Maurice O'Connell

Michaeland BridgetCane Jas Calderbank MargaretRyan

John O'Connell Esqr and Elisabethhis Wife

Mauric [sic.] O'Connell Esqr and Mrs Jane Jas . Calderbank

Coppinger Proxies

Timothy O'Brien Esqr and Mrs Elizth Coppinger

Became a Benedictine ; cf. Birt, p 161; Oliver, pp 369-70.

Birth Baptism

1810 1810


NameofChild Parents

June 3rd June4th Theresa Francisca Goldfinch

Charlesand Rachel Goldfinch

1810 1810

May26th June 10th Robert Norris


[?1807 ] 1810

Novr 3d June 15th Eliza Winefride Overton

1810 1810

Sponsors Priest

Without ceremonies Suppliedthe 8th of July Sponsors James Burke and Frances Lacy Jas Calderbank

Robt and Anne Norris Cornelius Sweiny Jas Calderbank

George and Mary Overton

Miss Wine- Jas Calderbank fride Denie Parish of

Feby 10 June16th MaryOverton, Sisterto the above

1810 1810

Georgeand Mary Overton

June 21st June21st Charles Fitzherbert Thos Fitzherbert Esqr andMary

Mrs Anne Denie Jas Calderbank

Thos Clifford Jas Calderbank Esqr andMrs. Lucy Weld Anne Fitzherbert ProxiesWm Day Esqr and Miss Frances Talbot


July 12th 1810 July 13th Mary Williams Wm andElizth Williams

1810 [blank] 1810 Aug.5th ClareStyles Wm and Elizth Styles


Aug. 3rd 1810 Aug.31st Mary Lucy JanePhipps

1810 Aug.26 1810 Aug. 29 John Finnerty


Thos Henry HeleandMary Phipps Thos andMary Finnerty

Mary Harvey Jas Calderbank

Joseph Maverly, Dolly Lens

Proxies [blank] WardandMargt William [sic.]

Mr. Jo. Dalton and MissLucy Dalton by proxy of Mr Jo Stoner and Ellen Stoner

Philip Hogan and Honora Hagerty R. Ainsworth Jas Calderbank

Aug.20th 1810 Septr 16th HenryPhilips Wm . Philips and Elisabeth OwenBrenen and Mary Slone R. Ainsworth


Aug.19 1810 Septr 16th GeorgeCoady PeterandLucy Coady

John Dowding and Victoire Julien Jas Calderbank

2 Apparently "Pindeiran" , followed by an illegible word, somewhat smudged; perhaps Calderbank's version ofPendarren, S. Wales




Septr 18 Baptism 1810


Octr 24

Octr 22 1810 Octr 28

1810 1810

Novr 2nd Novr 5th

NameofChild Parents

George Ballerby Thos and Charlotte

Mary Magdalen Gerald

Frances [? Francis] Martin

Peterand Frances Gerald Ballerby

John and Elenor Martin


Richd Whelan and Anne Melor

Francisla Corte and Mary Magdalen Desor

Priest Jas Calderbank Jas Calderbank


Octr 28 1810 Novr 18


Octr 31 1810


Michael Dowding Corneliusand

Without Jas . Calderbank ceremonies Supplied

18th Decr 1810

Cornelius Murphy and Margt. Clarkson

Michael Laler Jas Calderbank Mary Dowding and Arabelle Kelly

Decr 2 Wm Alworth Francisand Honora Bridget R. Ainsworth Dowling

Novr 7th conditionally

Novr 25th 1811 [sic ]

Decr 2

Dec. 18 1810

Jany 1st Jany 13th

Mary Flynn Jas and Frances Flynn Bridget Jas Calderbank Dowling

Cathne Tobin Edwd and Cathne Tobin

JoannaConnell 1811 1811

1811 1811

Feby 7th Feby 7th

Edwd Knapp


Feby 16 1811

Feby 17

John andElizth Connell

John and Mary Knapp

George Henshall Ralphand Elisabeth

Jas Lyons, Jas Calderbank Martha Stein

Anna Connell R. Ainsworth

Catharine Knapp Proxy R. Ainsworth Wm Day

Jas Burke and Jas Calderbank Henshall

Eliza Maria Husenbeth for whom was proxy Margt Donahoe


Feby 24 1811

March2nd Bartholomey Broderick Thos and Margt Broderick

JeremiahHayes , Jas Calderbank EsterJoiner


March6th 1811

Mathew and Margt

March9th Richd Anthony O'Reily Richd

Most Revd Dr. Jas Calderbank O'Reily 3 O'Reily, by proxy of

3 Revd Jas Calderbank, and Anna Maria O'Reily

Archbishop of Armagh; cf. Sir F.M. Powicke & E.B. Fryde, Handbookof British Chronology(1961 edition) p. 384; W.M. Brady, The Episcopal Succession in England, Scotland and Ireland (Rome, 1876) I, pp 231 , 357

Birth Baptism

1811 1811


NameofChild Parents

March9th March11th Mary Anne Mateoli

1811 1811

March 3rd March11th

1811 1811

Feby 21st March14th

1811 1811

Feby 20th March17th

1811 1811

Winefrid Sarah Pepper

John Edwd. Crosby

Edmd Francis English

March 16th March20th Wm Hilliard

1811 1811

March21st March31st John Benedict Kentgons


April2nd 1811 April 17



March29 1811 April21st Wm . Canvan


April 19 1811


Edwd Short

Nichcolas [sic ] and Anne Mateoli

Henry and Sarah Pepper

John and Anne Crosby

Edmd and Mary Elizth


Joseph Fesanna and Anne Rozanna Priest

Jas Calderbank

Thos Pepper andWinefrid Dto Jas Calderbank

John Lysath Jas . Calderbank and Mary Tracey

John and Frances English Jas Calderbank English

Wm andMary Hilliard

John and Anne Kentgons


May 7th 1811 May 8th

1811 1811

March3rd May 14th

Jane Porter


Patrick and Cathne Hunt

John andMary Canvan

John and Mary Short

Wm andJane Porter

Dennisand Jane Traesey

Jas Carverand Lucy Anne Coady Jas Calderbank

ProxiesRicd, R. Ainsworth Whelan, Mary

Alanson John Dowding and MarthaSmith

John Alpen and Mary Lyon: Jas Calderbank

Michael Heneryand Mary Racket R. Ainsworth

Samueland Anne Rowe, proxies

Joseph Short J. Calderbank Matilda Hatch

John Doyle and Mary Anne Doyle R. Ainsworth

Thos Blake and R. Ainsworth

Margt Blake Proxies

George Whelan

Sara Tivitre

1811 1811

April14th May 14th


May 16th 1811 May 16th

1811 1811

Michl Magrath


Michl and Sara Magrath

Georgeand Frances Head

Wm. and Elizth Magrath R. Ainsworth

Cornelius Murphy and Theresa Adams R. Ainsworth

April7th June10th Thos Dulworth Thos and Frances Mary Hearne Jas Calderbank Dulworth

4 It is not clear who are the proxies ; presumably the first two , whose names immediatelyfollowtheword "Proxies"



1811 Baptism 1811

May7th June 13th

1811 1811

June 2nd June 25th

Nameof Child Parents Sponsors Priest

Thos Lawton


Peterand Eleanor Julien Havey Lawton R. Ainsworth

Thos andJane Quigley

1811 1811

June 24th July 7th

1808 1811

Decr August 11

1811 1811

April[?] 30 August 11

1811 1811

Augt 2 Augt 13


Septr 2nd 1811 Septr 2nd

John Quinn

Sarah Battle (conditionally )

Elizth Battle

Mary Anne Murphy

Cecilia Frances English


Augt 27 1811 Septr 8th


Septr 8 1811 Septr 9



Lucy Maria Loveless

George and Elizth Quinn

John and Sarah Battle

John andSarah Battle

Richard Riley andCathne Jas Calderbank Quigleyby proxyof Mary Coffy

Daniel Buckley Jas Calderbank Mary Heley

Michael Ryan Jas Calderbank Bridget Cane

Michael Ryan Jas Calderbank and Bridget Cane

Edwd and Elizth Michl Carr Murphy Jas Calderbank

Mr John and FrancesEnglish [? Case] and Elizth Montalbat

Edmd English and Elizth. Huddlestone by proxyof Miss C.Trapps R. Ainsworth

John and Jane Mabry

Thos and Henrietta .Loveless

Augst 21 1811 Sept.17th Jas Nowlan Jas and Anne Nowlan


Septr 15 1811 October 9th Mary Anne Smith


Novr 1 1811 Novr 4


Novr 11 1811 Novr 30

Michaeland Elizth Smith

Edwd Kelly, Elen Mylim Jas Calderbank

Wm Hopkins and Jas Calderbank Matilda Hatch

HughReynolds Mary Lester Jas Calderbank

Anne Denie R. Ainsworth


Thos and Frances Edwd McMullin Bellon Jas Calderbank and Bridget Marr

Jas Redman Jas and Anne Redman

Jas, Dowding andSarah Metcalfe Jas Calderbank

1811, Decr.. Was baptised David Joseph Godwin, born 24th day of June 1809, the son of [blank] Godwin Sponsor Margt Tunstall, byme Jas Calderbank .


1811, Decr 12. Were baptised Jane and Susanna Higgins, the former born June 28th 1807 , the latter April 9th 1810, ChildrenofPeter and Susanna Higgins. Sponsors Laurence Geaghanand Christina Strowbridge , by me

Jas Calderbank.

1811, Decr. 17th . Was baptised Anne, Daughter of Peter and Lucy Salmoni , born Novr 17th Sponsors Julian Havez and Cathne .Murphy, by me

Jas Calderbank .

Feby, 4. 1812. Baptised (sub conditione) George Columbel, aged 6 years, son ofGeorge and BridgetColumbel,by

J. Birdsall

Same day was baptised (sub conditione) David Creven, Son of David and Mary Creven, aged 5 years, by

J. Birdsall .

Baptised Martha Dexter, Son [sic. ] of Edwd and Anne Dexter , born Feby 2d God Mother AnneWilcock,by

J. Birdsall

1812. Baptised John White, son of Patrick and CatharineWhite , born the 16th ofFebry. Sponsors MatthewLynam and Mary Lynch,by R. Ainsworth.

1812, Febr. 27th. Baptised Mary Anne Jordan , Daughter of Thos. and Sarah Jordan , born yesterday Sponsors William Hopkins and Anne Dto ,by

R. Ainsworth 1812, Feby 26. Baptised Jas Raarden, Son of Patrick and Catherine Raarden, born the 9th Sponsors Richard Reynolds , by proxy of Michael Carr, and Margt Lynch,by

R. Ainsworth.

The nextfive entries are in a different hand, presumablyFeraud's: The 25th day of March 1812 was baptized Amelia Purselcox , the Daughter of Richard and Anne Purselcox, born the 4thdayofMarch 1812. GodfatherPhillip Sillamon,by

Charles Feraud,

On the same day was baptizedMary Finarty, the daughter ofThos and Anne Finarty, born on the 30th day of January 1812. Godmother ElizabethQuin,by

Chas. Feraud

The 15th day of April 1812 was baptized Edwin Joseph Godwin, the Son of Elizabeth Godwin, born on the 21st day of June 1800. GodmotherMargaret Tunstall,by Chas. Feraud .

On the same day was baptized Elizabeth Mary Godwin aged 40 (a convertedQuakeress). GodmotherMargaret Tunstall,by Chas. Feraud

5 Dom Charles AmbroseFeraud O.S.B. (Birt, p 146) See also Baines'sjournal, 4 March 1818 (C.R.S., 65, pp 222-3)


The 4th day of May 1812 was baptized privately (mortis periculo) Bartholemew O'Neille, the Son of Richard and Bridget O'Neille, born on the sameday. GodmotherElizabethPhelan, by

Henceforthin Calderbank's hand: Chas. Feraud. 1811. Was baptised Mary Christina Ernestine , DaughterofSamuel and Ernestine Rose, born at Castle Coombe July 2nd of the same year Sponsors HenryArundell and ChristinaArundell, by Monsr de Bo [illegible] .6

1812. Was baptised Elenora , Daughter of Thos . Raymund Arundell Esqr and Eliza his Wife, born 17th of March of the same year.Sponsors Sir Edwd SmytheBart and LadyClifford, by Wam Barnes.7

1812, June. Was baptised Jas . Bernard Dowding, Son of Corneliusand Mary Dowding, born June 13th. Sponsors Thos MierscoughtandMary Brown, by

R. Ainsworth .

1812, July4th. Was baptised Hugh, Son ofAndrew and Mary Murphy, born 27 of May Sponsors Daniel Hackett and HonoraHagerty,byme

Jas Calderbank . 1812, July 11th Was baptised Catharine , Daughterof Francis and Mary Alworth of Twerton, born 13th June Sponsor Mary Coffey, by me

Jas Calderbank .

1812, Augst 5th. Was baptised Frances, DaughterofThos.andFrances Dulworth, born 19th of [December deleted] July. SponsorMargt. O'Learybyme

Jas Calderbank .

1812, August 16th Was baptised John, Son of Jas and Frances Flyn, born the 9th Inst Sponsors Jas Rice and [blank] hisWife,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1812 , Augst. 20th. Was baptised Benjamin , Son ofThos. and Tobin, born 27th April Sponsor Catharine McGuire ,byme

Jas. Calderbank .

Septr 7th 1812. Was baptised Jas , Son of Jas and EllenPurcell, born 1st Septr Sponsors Julien Havey and Ann Galway,by

R. Ainsworth

Septr. 20th 1812. Was baptised Mary, Daughter of Paul and Hannah Vaughan, born the 12th August. Sponsors Bartholomew Vaughan and Catharine Mary Vaughan ,byme

Jas. Calderbank .

Septr 26, 1812.Was baptised Charles, Son of Luke and MarthaSinnett, born 15th Augt. Sponsor Catharine Taylor,byme

Jas. Calderbank . Octr. 11th 1812. Was baptised Anne, Daughter of Peter and Lucy

6 In Calderbank's superficiallyneat, but often barelylegible hand, thislookslike "Boske" .

7 Secular priest. See Oliver, p 239 .

Coady, born 13th of Septr Sponsors Mathew Alpin and Mary Demontier ,byme

Jas Calderbank .

Octr. 11th 1812.Was baptised Wm , Son ofDavid and Elisabeth Henty, born 5th of the same month. Sponsors Noah Osmund and Theresa Osmund ,byme

Jas. Calderbank .

1812, Octr. 20th. Was baptised Jas., Son of Jas . and [blank] Lawton , born 18th. Sponsors Michael Conroy and ElenorNewell,by

R. Ainsworth

1812, Novr. 24. Was baptised Jas. , Son of Michael and Margaret Ryan, born 15th Sponsors Daniel Hacket and Elisabeth West,byme

R. Ainsworth 1812, Decr. 10th Was baptised Margt., Daughter of Timothy and ElisabethLarkin, born 2nd Sponsor Mary Barry, by me

J. Calderbank .

In a different hand(notAinsworth's): 1812, Sept. 30. Was baptised Charles Robert English, son of Edmund and his wife Mary Elizabeth English, born on the 15 inst Sponsors Robert English , proxy for Thomas English, and Margaret Paula King, by R. Ainsworth. Henceforthin Calderbank's hand: Decr 14th Was baptised Mary, Daughter of James and Mary Cooper. Sponsor Julien Havey (sine Ceremoniis),byme

Jas. Calderbank

Decr 18th 1812.Was baptised Thos. McGuire, Son ofMichaeland Mary McGuire,born 11th. Sponsor Elizth.Phealan , by 1813

R. Ainsworth

Jany. 11th Was baptised Simon, Son of Maurice and Elizth. Quin, born 3rd Inst Sponsors Richd. James and Theresa Osmund , byme

J. Calderbank .

Jany. 11th Was baptised Agnes Mary, Daughterof Mr. John and Mrs. English, his wife, born the preceding Evening Sponsors Edwd Huddlestone Esqr and Miss Sarah English Proxy for Mr. H., Wm Day Esqr, by me

Jas. Calderbank

Jany. 14th Was baptised Frances, DaughterofWm. and Mary Hillier, born Novr. 27, 1812. Sponsors Thos . St John and Margt Ford, by me

Jas Calderbank .

Jany. 23rd 1813. Was baptised Francis Fabian Sabastian , Son of John and Mary Short Sponsors Maurice Green and Anne Bull, born 20th. Proxy Mary Demontierfor Anne Bull,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1813, Jany. 26th. Was baptised James, Son of James and Martha Johnson, born 18th Sponsor Mary Cooper(sine ceremoniis) by me

Jas Calderbank .

1813, Jany 31. Was baptised Victoire Anne, Daughter ofPierre Gerard


and Euphrosine Hussenot. Sponsor Charles Antoine Graue [?] and Victoire JulienneFemairee [?] by

R. Ainsworth.

Feby. 24, 1813. Was baptised John, Son ofJohn and Mary Anne Fare , born 15th Sponsors Wm .Marten and Catharine Sullivan ,byme

J. Calderbank .

1813 , March 2nd Was baptised Anne, Daughter of Thos . and Mary Anne FitzGerald, born Jany 1st Sponsors Michael Lalor and Elisabeth Lalor, by me

J. Calderbank .

1813, March 14th Was baptised Arthur, Son of Daniel and Bridget Donelly, born 18th of Feby Sponsors Patrick and BridgetKearney,by R. Ainsworth

1813, March 29th Was baptised John Edwd , Son of John and Ellen Denie, born same day Sponsors Edwd Glover and Barbara Denie , by R. Ainsworth

1813. Was baptised April 4th, Thos , Son of Jas and Elisabeth, his Wife, born 10th of March, same year, Sponsors John Collighan and Margt Paillet (sine Ceremoniis), byme

Jas. Calderbank

1813 , April 15th Was baptised James, Son of Patrick and Honora Walker,born 14th. Sponsors Patrick Fabray [?] and Mary Kingston,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1813, April 19th Was baptised John, Son of Thos and Margaret Rodden, born the preceding day. Sponsors Michael Ryan and Miss Emilia Hartsinke ,byme

Jas. Calderbank .

1813. Was baptised George, Son of Patrick and Mary Kavannah, born 21st [?].10 Sponsors Patrick and Catharine Hagerty, byme

Jas. Calderbank

1813, May 17th. Was baptised Harriet, Daughter of John and Jane Deavy, born 3rd Inst Sponsors GarretBarry and Harriet Barry,by R. Ainsworth.

1813 , Mary 23rd Was baptised Mary Anne, Daughter of John and Catharine Fulley, born 28th ofApril Sponsors Bartholomew Vaughan and Ellen Dowling, by me

J. Calderbank .

1813 , May 30th Was baptised James Stewart Nelley, Son ofJohnand Charlotte Nelley, born 27thofApril Sponsor JamesStewart,byproxy ofJulien Havey,by

R. Ainsworth.

1813, June 6th Was baptised Jane Thompson, Daughterof Henry and

8 9 ? the Benedictine See Birt, p. 139; also Baines'sjournal, passim (in C.R.S. , 65) Surname omitted 10 Month omitted.


Joanna Thompson born 21st of May. Sponsors Andrew Lauley and Honor Hagerty, by

R. Ainsworth

1813, June 13th. Was baptised Elenor Sophia, Daughter of George Burke KellyEsqr and Mary his Wife, born 21st May Sponsors Edmund P. and Matilda Kelly his Sister, byme

Jas. Calderbank .

1813 , June 13th Was baptised Owen , Son of Patrick and Jane Ryley, born Jany. 15th Sponsors Wm . and Lucy Coady, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1813, July 19th. Was baptised Mary, daughter of Mary and Willm. Parker born 7th Inst. Sponsors Thos Quinn and Elenora Lawton, by R. Ainsworth.

1813, July 25. Was baptised Anne, daughter of Jamesand Mary Slack , born 19th. Sponsor MarthaMcGuire,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1813 , August 1st.Was baptised Wm,, Son ofJohn and Anne Kentchens , born 26 July. Sponsors MathewAlpinand Theodosia Hayward, by R. Ainsworth.

1813, August 12th. Was baptised Mary Anne, daughterofAndrew and Mary McNally, born at Calne in Wiltshire, July 26. Sponsor Bridget Mahony, by me

Jas Calderbank

1813, August 15th Was baptised Cornelius, Son of Bartholomew and Margt. Leary, born 24 July. SponsorsSullivan and Helen Martin,by me

Jas. Calderbank .

1813, Septr 10th. Was baptised Edmond, Son of David and Mary Barratt, born 6th GodMotherMaryWroughton , " by 11 R. Ainsworth

1813, Septr. 15th. Was baptised Jas , Son ofWm and Mary Fisher,born 7th. Sponsors Michael Ryanand Ellen Oxford, byme

Jas. Calderbank

11 Not "the famous Evergreen of Bath" , mentioned in C.R.S., 65, p 74; her Christian name was Susannah, according to a pedigree in the WiltshireArchaeological Society's collections at Devizes, kindly communicated by the Hon Librarian, Mr R.E. Sandell This records her death in 1825 atWilcot, Wilts, where she was lady of the manor, thoughshe also lived at no 2, Catherine Place, Bath, and was prominentin Bathsociety for half a century Contemporaryreferences to her, apart from that already cited, occur in Dr. Campbell's Diary ofa Visitto England in 1775 (ed J.L. Clifford, 1947) p 89; in R. Warner, Bath Characters (1807; annotated copy in Bath Reference Library), pp 15-17; in Passages from the Diaries of Mrs Philip Lybbe Powys (ed. E.J. Climenson , 1899) pp. 327, 352; in J. Britton, Beauties ofWiltshire, III (1825) p 346; in BathDirectories , 1805-24 (usually as "Mrs Wroughton") and in The Bath Chronicle (obituary in issue of 5 May 1825). See also G.Monkland, Supplement to the Literatureand Literati of Bath (1855) pp. 49-50. None of theseprinted sourcesrevealsSusannah's Christian name , though the Directory for 1812 (p. 113) gives its initial, butmisprintsher surname as "Wrington" .


1813, Septr 15th Was baptised Charles, Son ofWm and Mary Fisher , born 7th. Sponsors MichaelRyan and Ellen Oxford,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1813, Septr. 19. Was baptised Frances Mary, Daughterof Thos . and Henrietta Mary Loveless, born 14th. Sponsors John Palmer and Henrietta Church, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1813, Sept. 29. Was baptised Mary, daughter of Philip and Bridget Riley, born 18th GodmotherSarah Caezby [?].

R. Ainsworth.

1813, Octr. 20th Was baptised Jane, daughter of Jas and Anne Redmond GodmotherMary Burn, by

R. Ainsworth. 1813,Octr.21st.Was baptised Elizth., daughter ofWillam andCatharine Hawkins, born the preceding day. Sponsors JohnMartenand Catharine Corbin,by

R. Ainsworth

1814, Febr. 5th. Was baptised Isabella Jane , 12 DaughterofMr and Mrs John English, born the same day Sponsors Richd Rawe Esqr. and and Charlotte Georgiana, Lady Bedingfield; proxies Revd.R.Ainsworth and Miss Constantia Walsh, by

R. Ainsworth.

1814 , April 3rd Wasbaptised Felix William, Son of LouisFelixGloude Simeonand Rowena [?] his Wife, born 22nd Feby. Sponsors St Ange Felix Ives Simeon and Mary Simeon ; proxy John Vandenhoff, by me

J. Calderbank

Forthenexttwoentries, seealso infra., p. 192 . 1814, March 17th. Was baptised Dennis Henry, Son of Edward and Elizth. Murphy, born Decr. 26, 1813. Sponsors Patrick Hoy and Henrietta Loveless , by me

J. Calderbank

1814, March 9th Was baptised Wm , Son of George and Sarah Stacey, born Feby 28. Sponsors Cornelius Dowdingand Henrietta Loveless ,by me

J. Calderbank .

1814, April 23. Was baptised Mary Anne, Daughter of Corneliusand Mary Anne Dowding, born 14th Sponsors Jas Dowding and Mary Brown,by me

J. Calderbank . 1814 , May 22nd Was baptised Mary, Daughter of Thos. and Margt. Broderick, born 19th Sponsors Jas. and Jane McGuire,byme

J. Calderbank .


Later Countess English, a title conferred on her by Pope Pius IX; she was a great benefactress to the Church See Davey, pp 63-4; Roche, History ofPrior Park, pp 256-8; A History of the English Benedictine Nuns ofDunkirk Now at St Scholastica's Abbey, Teignmouth , Devon (edited by the Community, 1958) pp. 152-3, 198-9. For her godmother, see C.R.S., 7 and E. Castle (ed ) The Jerningham Letters(2 vols , 1896).

Next entryin Rishton'shand:

1814, June 1st. Was baptised Richard, Son of Thos. and Charlotte Batterbury, born April 21st . Sponsors Richard Phelan and MaryShort, by me

Calderbank's hand: Thos . Rishton . 13

1814, June 26th. Was baptised Elizabeth, Daughter of Henry Claude Raimond de Beaufort Esqr. and his wife Rosalie ElizabethWilhelmina, born the 5th Sponsors Sir Richd. Bedingfield Bart. etMadame Henriette de Caysau, by me

Henceforthin Rishton'shand:

J. Calderbank .

1814, July 18th Was baptizedJames, Son ofJames Flin and hisWife Frances ,born the 11th. Sponsors George and ElizabethQuin ,byme Thos Rishton

1814, Aug. 14th Was baptizedHenry, Son ofJohn and Anne Kentjean (born the 7th); the Sponsors Henry Bodsen and Theodosia Haywood, byme

Thos Rishton.

1814, Aug. 24th Was baptized Francis Edward , Son of [blank] Mounteworth

Sep . 15 , Dead . by me Thos . Rishton.

1814,Aug.28th Were baptized Sarah, born Apl 18th 1810, and Enoch. born Jany 1st 1813, Daughter and Son of Isaac and Lucy Freeman; Sponsors to the former were Peter Lawton and Margaret Edwards, to the latter, the said Peter Lawton and Sarah Edwards by me Thos . Rishton

1814, Sepr 7th was baptized Thos , Son of Edwardand Mary Cary (born Sepr 3). Sponsors MurtaghMaloneand Helen Oxford by me Thos Rishton.

1814, Sepr 9th Was baptizedJoseph, the Son ofJoseph and Elizabeth Henty, born Sepr 6th Sponsors RichardPhelan and Mary Anne Brown , by me

Thos. Rishton.

1814, Sepr. 11th Was baptized John , the Son of Richard and Mary Pasey, born Augst. 28th Sponsors James Nagle and Anne Sheean, by me

Thos. Rishton.

1814, Sepr. 16th. Was baptized Catharine , daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Geogan, born Aug. 15th. Sponsors Michael and Margaret Ryan, by

James Calderbank

1814, Sepr 28th Was baptized George Frederick, Son of Fredericand

13 DomThomas ClementRishtonO.S.B., for whom see C.R.S., 65, p 81


Elizabeth Slade (born Sepr 18th) Sponsors Richard Phelan and Mary Trowbridge, byme

Thos Rishton.

1814, Sepr 30th Was baptized Caled [sic], the son of Thos . and Elizabeth Edwards (born Sepr. 29th). Sponsors Richard Phelan and Anne Baker, by me

Thos Rishton

1814, Oct. 17th Was baptizedWilliam, the son ofMaurice and Elizabeth Quin, born Octr. 9th. The Sponsors Cornelius and Mary Anne Dowding, byme

Thos. Rishton

1814, Octr. 20th Was baptized [blank], Son of [blank] and Ellenor Lorton,14byme (Died aninfant)

Thos . Rishton .

1814, Octr 24th Was baptized Ellen Clare, the Daughterof Johnand Ellen Denie (born the same day) Sponsors Jeremiah Cairns and Winefrid Denie, by me

Thos. Rishton.

1814, Novr 5th Was baptized Edward Joseph, the son of John and Mary Short (born Novr 4th); the Sponsors EdwardBates and Elizabeth Bates, by me

Thos Rishton. 1814, Novr 21st. Was baptized Thos , Son of Thomas and Margaret Mara,withoutceremonies,by

James Calderbank

1814, Decr. 5th Were baptized Lawrence and Charles, the Sons of Patrick and Mary Walsh (born Decr 1st); the Sponsors Richard Reynoldsand EllenorMoylan, by me

Thos Rishton.

1814, Decr 11th.Was baptizedWalter,the Son ofWilliam andElizabeth Baily, born Novr. 4th; the Sponsors Matthew Halpin and Julienne Victoire,byme

Thos Rishton.

1814, Decr 20th Was baptized Bridget, the daughterof Michael and Margaret Ryan (born Decr. 14th); the Sponsor Mary Fagan, by me

Thos. Rishton 1814,Decr.20th. Was baptizedAnne , the DaughterofWilliam and Mary Boyd, born Decr 14th; the Sponsors Michael Ryan andMary Fisher , by me

Thos . Rishton. 1814, Decr . 30th. Was baptized Sarah, the Daughter of Andrew and Mary Murphy, born Decr 20th; the Sponsors Francis and Mary Bence , by 14

JamesCalderbank Or Lawton; she diedthree days later. The mortuary register records herdeath (infra, p. 188) but not the child's

1815, Jany. 15th. Was baptized Anne, the Daughter of William and Teresa Heskins born Jany 6th; the Sponsors Thos. Maverly and Mary Osmund,by

JamesCalderbank .

1815, Jany. 24th. Was baptized William, the son of John and Mary Anne Fair (born Jany. 6th); the Sponsors Richard Phelan and Ellenor Martin,by me

Thos Rishton.

1815, Jany 27th. Was baptized Mary, the Daughter of Francis and Margaret Ward, born Jany 25th; the Sponsors Sir Thos . Hugh Clifford Bart and Miss Mary Barbara Clifford,by

JamesCalderbank .

1815, Feby. 5th Was baptized (conditionally) Maria,the Daughterof Thomas and Mary Bailie,born Decr 21st 1814,byme

Thos Rishton

1815, March 5th Was baptized Elizabeth Helen, the DaughterofJohn and Isite O'Brien, born Feby 23rd; the Sponsors James Flin and ElizabethShean,byme

Thos Rishton.

1815, March 15th. Was baptized Alban Huddleston, the Son ofJohn and Frances English, born the sameday; the Sponsors the Revd. Samuel Spooner¹ and Miss Mary Huddleston; Proxies Mr Wm Day and Miss Winefrid Barrett, by

James Calderbank .

1815, March 22nd Were baptized Caroline Helen and Emily Theresa Theodon, twin Sisters, Daughters of Jean Francois Theodon and Marie Rose Theodon, born March 14th, by

James Calderbank

Next two entries in Calderbank's hand: 1815, April 16th Was baptised George, Son of Richd. and Letitia Abbot, born 12th. Sponsors Richd. Phelan and Mary Trafford,by Jas Calderbank. 1815, April 17th. Was baptised George, Son of Thos and Mary FitzGerald, born 4th. Sponsors Jas Hagerty and Elizth Osmund , by Jas Calderbank . Rishton'shand: 1815, July 17th. Was baptizedBridget, the Daughterof Thos and Mary McDermot(born June 20th)byme

Henceforthin Calderbank's hand:

Thos Rishton 1815, August 1. Baptised Mary, Daughterof Bartholomewand Margt. O'Leary, born27July. Sponsor Mary Parker, by me Jas Calderbank [see also 27Aug.].

15 Secular priest, "steadfast in the faith" but "better suited for an actorthana missionary" (Oliver, p 414) See also J.B. Dockery, Collingridge (Newport, Mon. , 1954) passim; C.R.S., 65, p 231.


August 2nd 1815. Was baptised Henry, Son of Barbara Cooper, born 28 July,byme

Jas Calderbank

Augst. 15th 1815. Was baptised Anthony, Son of Francis and Eliza Montaberte, born 13th. Sponsor MaryWest ,by me

J. Calderbank .

Augst 16, 1815. Was baptised Mary Theresa, Daughter of Charles Eyston Esqr. and his Wife Maria Theresa, born 15th Inst. Sponsors Basil Eyston Esqr by proxy of the Revd Jas Calderbank , andMrs TheresaMetcalfe , 16 byme

Jas Calderbank.

Augst. 27. Supplied the ceremonies of Baptism on Mary O'Leary, baptised 1st. Sponsors Peter Lawton and Catharine Sullivan,byme

J. Calderbank . 1815, Septr 8th. Was baptised Henry, Son ofMathewandMary Campbell, born 7th Sponsors Michael LingandAnne Gilepsie, byme

J. Calderbank

1815 , Septr. 20th. Was baptised Mary Anne Henrietta, daughter of John and Henrietta Palmer, born 18th. Sponsors Peter Smith and HenriettaMaria Loveless ,byme

J. Calderbank

1815, Octr 1. Was baptised Henry, Son of John and Anne Kengkins, born Septr 25. Sponsors Cornelius Dowding and Mary West , byme

Jas Calderbank

1815, Octr. 25. Fut baptisée Sabine Anne Therese de Tinseau , fille légitimedeCharles MarieTherese Leon de Tinseau et de sa femmeAnne O Learyde Tinseau, née le 27 du Moisde Septembre de la même Année Le parrain Charles Antoine Balthazarde Tinseau; Marraine Antoinette Victoire Rosamonde de Tinseau, qui tous deux étant absents, furent remplacés pp. l'un par le Revd Mr. Calderbank et l'Autre par Mde. AnneO Leary,parmoi

J. Calderbank

1815, Novr. 26. Was baptised Theresa Hartley, Daughter of [blank] Patison and Esther his Wife, born 21st . Sponsors Julien Havery and HenriettaChurch,by me

Jas. Calderbank

1815, Decr. 3. Was baptised John, Son of Michael and Elizabeth Fonttelie [?], born 29thNovr Sponsors John Kengkins and MaryAnne Kengkins , by me

Jas Calderbank .

Nextfive entries in Rolling's hand (the first three clearlyrelatetoone family):

1815, Decr.5th Was baptizedRebecca, DaughterofWilliam and Harriet Henly, born Aug. 19th 1810.Sponsor Cornelius Railly,byme Thos Rolling.

16 See notes 90 & 95 to first register; also marriage-entry, 12 Oct. 1814 (infra, p 192) and Baines'sjournal, 30 Dec. 1817;burial of"little Miss Eyston" (C.R.S. , 65, p 222).


1815, Decr. 5th Was baptized Mary, Daughter of Wm. and Harriet, born Oct. 19th 1812. Sponsor Cornelius Railly,byme

Thos Rolling.

1815, Decr 5th. Was baptizedElizabeth, Daughter ofWm and Harriet, born [blank] 1814. Sponsor Cornelius Railly, byme

Thos. Rolling.

1815 , Decr 22nd Was baptized Mary Ford, Daughterof James and Rosana Ford, born Decr. 13th 1815. Sponsor Mary Dillon Thos Rolling

1815, Decr 25th. Was baptizedAnn, Daughter ofJohn and Mary Kearton(2 years of age) Sponsors [blank],byme

Calderbank's hand(2 entries):

Thos . Rolling 1816, Jany 29th . Was baptised John Francis , Son ofJohnWright Esqr. and Mary Catharine his Wife, born the same morning. Sponsors John Wright Senr. Esqr by proxy of Edwd Wright Esqr and Mrs [blank] Wright,by

Jas. Calderbank .

1816, Feby 21. Was baptised Lucy, Daughterof George Dyer and Lia West, born 18th Sponsor ElizabethWest ,byme

Nextten entries in Rolling's hand:

Jas Calderbank 1816, Jany. 21st. Was baptizedEllen Denton, Daughterof Charles and Ellen Denton (2 years of age) By

Thos Rolling

1816, Febry 4. Was baptized Daniel, the Son of Daniel and Margaret Keasy. BornJany. 26th 1816. Sponsors Anne Egan, T. Edwards.By me

Thos Rolling

1816, Febry. [blank]. Was baptized Joseph, the son ofSilis andMary Parfitt, born the 11th. Sponsor [blank] Taylor

Thos Rolling

1816, Febry 24th Was baptized Grace, Daughter ofJohn and Margaret Coen, born 23. (Fathera Man of Colour) Byme

Thos Rolling

1816, Febry 27th Was baptized William, the Son of William and Francis [sic .] Edwards ,born 23 Inst Sponsor Mary Edwards .By me

Thos Rolling

1816, March 4. Was baptized Mary Ann Aylesbury, Daughter of George and Ann his Wife, born 3rd Inst. Sponsors Thomas Aylesbury and ElizabethWright.

Thos Rolling.

1816, March 10th Was baptized James, the Son ofCornelius Dowding and Mary his Wife, born the 7th Sponsors Richard Clarke and ElizabethCorbett,by

Jas Calderbank .

1816, Mch. 14th Wasbaptized Thos Quigly, the Son ofThos . and Jane his wife, born born [sic . ] Febry. 8th. Sponsors Michael Smith and Mary Carrol Byme

Thos. Rolling.


April 10th/16 [16 underlined; i.e. 1816] Was baptizedJames Daniels , the Son ofJohn and Winifred Daniels BornApril4th. Sponsors William Allner and Jane Moyer By

Jas Calderbank . April 15th Was baptizedMary Cecily Short, the DaughterofJohnand Mary Short, born April 13th Sponsors Michl Creagh and Mary Lewis Byme

Thos Rolling.

The part italicised below is in Rolling's hand, the remainder by Calderbank .

1816, April 15th. Was baptized Vincent John, Son ofMrJohn English and his Wife Frances, born the same day. Sponsors Mr Robt English and Mrs Mary Bostockby proxyofMr Wm . Day and Miss Mary Gibson , byme

15 April.Wasbaptized [incompleteentry byRolling].

Calderbank's hand(2 entries):

Jas Calderbank 1816, Decr 2nd. Was baptised Mary Emilia Bibiana Alexina, Daughter of Benjamin and Anne Langley, born same day. Sponsors Revd. AlexanderAlexis Valgalier¹ and MissEmilia Hartsinck , by me Jas. Calderbank .

1816, Decr 22nd. Was baptised Hector St. Cyr, Son of Nicholas Philippe Constant Caffeari [? Initial letter indistinct] et Mary his wife, born the sameday (withoutceremonies) byme

Henceforthin Rolling's hand:

Jas. Calderbank . April 14. Was Baptized Theresa, Daughter of Charles and Catharine Evans, Born22 March .Sponsor MrsMoon

By me Thos. Rolling. 1816. In the month of June was baptized Anthony DevereuxStrata , Son of Antonio and Mary Strata, born March 13th 1816. Sponsors + Richard Whelan and Eliza Anello. + By Thos Rolling

By me Thos. Rolling.

1816, June 28. Was baptizedMary Ann Thompson, Daughter of Born 4 Inst [sic. ]. Sponsors Jas . Hagartyand Mary Sullivan

July4. Was baptized Mary Baily, Daughterof John and Mary hiswife. Born 10thJune. Sponsors Michal Smith and Jane Quigly. By me Thos . Rolling

July 31. Was Baptized Maurus Quin, Son ofMaurus and Mary hisWife , born July 30th Sponsors Michl. Craigh and Ellen Crowly. By me Thos Rolling

July 20. Was baptized John F. Connor, Son ofJohn and Ellen hisWife , born 12 Inst. Sponsors Jas Hagartyand Rebecca Ketcherside .

By me Thos Rolling.

17 AbbéValgassier (C.R.S. , 12, p 227)


July 19. Was baptized Francis Quin, Son of Peter and Esther his Wife , born 17 Inst. Sponsor Mrs Taylor.

By me Thos Rolling.

Aug. 4. Was baptized Maurus Flin, Son of Jas. and Frances hisWife, born 1st . Sponsors John Obrian [?] and Mary Crowly

By me Thos Rolling

Aug.27.MaryAnn Goddard , Daughter ofSarah G. and EdwardWilliams, born Septr 21-15 [presumably1815].

By me Thos . Rolling.

1816, Augst. 20. Was baptizedEdward Henty, Son ofDavidand Elizabethborn on 2nd of same Month.

By J. Calderbank .

Septr 16. Was baptized Helen Park, Daughterof Joseph18 and Mary his Wife. Sponsors Ed'ad Gillespieand Sarah Orrel by proxy of Alice Rutherford.

By Jas . Calderbank

Octr. 15. Was baptized Austin [?] Joseph Alner, Son of William and Esther his Wife, born 14. Sponsors JohnTimberry and Mary Molineux

By me Thos. Rolling

21. Ann Carrol, Daughter of Jas and Mary. Born 19. Sponsor Ann Hegan.

By me Thos. Rolling [Theabove is exactly repeated after the nextentry.]

18. Cecily Freeman, of [sic .] Isaac and Lucy his wife. Born 16. Sponsors Nicolas Mathioli and Ann Rosanna

By me Thos Rolling

29. William Wickham, Son of John and Mary. Born 28. Sponsors John Flanighan , Mary Capel.

By Jas. Calderbank

Nov 1st. Was baptized Joseph Baker, Son of Thos and Mary his wife, born 26

By me Thos. Rolling

2. Was baptized Michl Burk, Son of Miles and Mary B. his wife, born Oct. [exact date indistinct; possibly 12th or 13th]. Sponsors Patrick Mabella and Bd Kelly

By me Thos. Rolling 13th. William Henly, Son of William and Harriet Born, died on Same Day, viz 13th Nov.

By me Thos Rolling,

Nov 3. Cath Sealy Curtis, Daughter of Robert and Mary.Sponsor Ann Sealy Born2nd.

By Jas . Calderbank

13 Novr. Was baptized Jas . Porch [?] Son of Jas and Mary P. his wife, born 10th.


By me Thos. Rolling. Joseph Park, carpenter and joiner of Larkhall, Bath, occurs in the 1819 Directory, p. 83


17. Thos Ryan, Son of Michl and Margaret his wife. Born 1st. Sponsors Dominic Drury and Cath. Drury.

By me Thos. Rolling. 26. Was baptd. John Russell Burke, Son of J. and Mary his wife. Born 24th.

By me Thos . Rolling. Next eleven entries in Calderbank's hand:

1816, Decr. 27th Was baptised George, Son of John and Mary Anne Fare, born 16th Inst Sponsors Wm Edwards and ElenorMartin, byme

Jas Calderbank

1817, Jany 9. Was baptised John, Son ofJohn and Anne Randell, born 17th April 1816.GodMother Catharine Taylor, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1817,Jany,24. Was baptised Edward, Son ofWm and Mary Capel, born 8thof the Same Month. Sponsor Sarah Hutchings,byme

Jas. Calderbank .

1817, Feby. 5th Was baptised Joseph Patrick, Son ofPatrick and Mary O'Connor, born 16th Augst. 1816. Sponsor Lucy Williams (sine ceremoniis ), by me

Jas Calderbank

1817, Feby. 20th. Was baptised Honoria, Daughter of Michal and HonoriaNolan, born4th Inst. Sponsor Anne Wickham,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1817, Feby 22. Was baptised conditionally Loftus Michael, Son of Loftus and Mary Ann Fenning .Sponsor HenriettaHenry.The child was born 3rd Augst 1814;byme

Jas Calderbank

1817, March 9th Was baptised Mary, daughter of Thos and Frances Dulworth, born29thJany. 1816. Sponsor Margt. Leary,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1817, March 30th. Was baptised Wm., Son ofJohn and Catharine Hancock, born 16th Sponsor MariaMoon ,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1817, April 4th. Was baptised William Gregory, Son of William and ElizabethBailey, born 13th of March. SponsorsWalter Irvineand Harriet Smith ,by me

Jas Calderbank

1817, April 8th Was baptised James, Son of Thos and Anne Earles, born 8thofMarch Sponsors Michael Lalor and Dorothy Lalor, by me

Jas Calderbank . 1817, April 11th. Was baptised Henrietta Maria, DaughterofJohnand Henrietta Maria Palmer, born the preceding day. Sponsors Mathew Campbell and Louisa Guista, byme

Jas Calderbank .

Nexteightentries in Rolling'shand: 17 [underlined; i.e. 1817] Jany. 26. Was baptizedJas Ellington, Son of Richardand Ann Ellington, born 24 Inst. Sponsor Mary Carrol By me Thos. Rolling.

Do. Was baptised Richard, Son of John and Margaret Waters. Sponsor Ann Hegan

By me Thos. Rolling

1817, March 3. Was baptized William Smith, Son of Hugh and Jane Smith of ChippingSodbury.

By me Thos. Rolling. 1817, March 4th Was baptized Thos , Son ofJames and Ellen Smith, about a fortnightold

By me Thos.Rolling.

1817,March 12. Was baptizedThos , Son of Thos andMary Broudrick. Born on the 8 of the same Month. Sponsors Thos. Leagheay andMary


By me Thos . Rolling.

1817 , March 25. Was baptized Mary Ann Thompson, Daughter of William and Elizabeth Thompson (Protestants ) Child's age 2 years.

By me Thos Rolling 1817, April 30. Supplied the Ceremonies of baptism on Clare Orcher Catherine English, Daughter of John and Frances English Sponsors Francis Caning Esq. and Mrs Jane Caning. Sponsors per proxies John Easton Esq. and Miss Talbot.

By me Thos Rolling May 3rd 1817. Was baptized Thos Conlan , Son of Luke Conlan and Elizabeth Ladell Born April 29. Sponsors Daniel Manningand Sarah Gill

By Thos . Rolling

Calderbank's hand (3 entries):

1817, May 8th Was baptised William Henry, Son of Samuel and Elizth. Mary Shirley, born 5th of April of the same year Sponsors Joachim Ribello Palharosos [?], by proxy of Dr Jas Birket19, and Elizth. Shirley,by me

Jas. Calderbank .

1817, May 26th. Was baptised Richd. Augustine , Son of Richd. and Letitia Abbott, born the same day. Sponsors Wm. Edwards and Mary Power , by me

Jas Calderbank

1817 , May 29th . Was baptised Charles Joseph, Son of John Baptist Joseph Denie and of Ellen his wife, born the same day. Sponsors Revd. Vincent Glover20 and Mr Deane by proxy of Wm Day Esqr , by me

Jas. Calderbank .

Rolling's hand (4 entries):

1817, June 15. Was baptized Owen Ryan, son of William and Mary Ryan, born June 7. Sponsors Michl Ryan and Theresa Hesking.

By me Thos Rolling 1817, June 22. Was baptized Elen Flin,DaughterofJohn andAnn Flin born 19 Inst. Sponsors William and Mary Carrol, by


20 Or Birkitt, 19 St James'sParade (ibid , p.46) Benedictine (see index to C.R.S., 65)

Thos Rolling.


1817,June 25. Was baptized Charles, Son ofJoseph and [blank] Fasana , born May 30th. Sponsors Anthony Fasana(by proxy ofThos. Rolling) and Mdm de Beaurepere, by me Thos Rolling.

1817, June 26. Was baptized Henry, Son of John Wright Esqre. and Mary Catharine his wife, born the same Day Sponsors Sir Henry Englefield and Mrs Catharine Charlton (Proxies Miss Eliza Wright and T. Rolling).

By me Thos . Rolling.

Calderbank's hand(3 entries):

1817 , June 29. Was baptised Joseph Henry, Son of John and Isate O'Brien, born 22nd Sponsors James Haggertyand Barbara Cooperby me. Jas Calderbank .

1817, June 29. Was baptised JohnCornelius ,Son ofPatrick and Esther Crowley, born 23d Sponsors Maurice and Elizth.Quinn ,by me Jas Calderbank .

1817 , June 30th Was baptised John Lattin, Son of AlexanderMansfield Esqr and his wife Paulina, born 14th.Sponsors Patrick Lattin Esqr and Miss FannyMansfield,by me

Jas. Calderbank

Nexteightentries in Rolling'shand:

1817, June 30. Was baptizedWilliam Paul Fitzpatrick, son of William and Catharine Born the same Day. Sponsors Thos and LucyWilliams

By me Thos . Rolling

1817 , July 6. Was baptizedEdwin Rial, Son ofPatrick and Jane Rialhis wife Born6 December 1814. Sponsors William Allner and Mary Gill

By me Thos. Rolling 1817 , July6. Was baptizedMary Ann Gill,DaughterofSarah Gill and Laurence Stones Born 15 March1817.

By me Thos Rolling. 1817, July 10. Was baptizedWilliam Bland, son of William and Sarah , born June 1st .

By me Thos. Rolling. 1817,July 12.WasbaptizedJoseph Rebottaro,Son ofPaschal Rebottaro and Mary Cambruzzo Bornthe sameDay.

Byme Thos . Rolling.


This replaces a similar entry, scratched out, in which "hiswife"occurs after the mother'sname.] 1817, August 5. Was baptizedRichard Ryan , Son ofPatrick and Joana Ryan,born 3d Inst Sponsors Michael Ryan and Catharine O'Neil

By me Thos Rolling 1817, Augst. 10.John Magary, Son of John and Mary Magary , born July 30. Sponsors John and Ann Wickham

By me Thos Rolling 1817. Was baptizedJuliania Cecilia, Daughter ofRosalie and HenryDe Beaufort, born July 1st Sponsors [blank].

By me Thos . Rolling


Next nine entries in Baines's hand:

1817 , Augt. 6th. Was baptized Charles Conolly, Son of Charles and Eliza Conolly. Sponsors Mr Conolly of Mitford [sic ] Castle21 and Lady Blount, byme

Peter Baines.

1817, Augt .. Was baptized [blank] Cambell [blank] of Math and MaryCambell. Sponsors HenryWilliams and Ann Rate . BymePeterBaines

1817 , August 14th. Was baptized Catharine Flinn, daughter of MrFlin and Catharine hiswife.

By me

Peter Baines

1817, Sepr 29th. Was baptized Margaret Dolwell, aged 2½ years, daughter of Thos and Frances Dolwell. Sponsors Philip Sulivan and Marg. O'Leary, by Thos Brindle.

1817, Octr 1st Was baptized Catharine Brown, daughter ofThos.and Ann Brown , born Sepr 27th of this year Sponsor Ann Wickham,by Thos Brindle.

1817, Octr. 9th. Were [sic.] baptized Edwd. Rundell, born April 7th 1814, son ofJohn and Ann Rundell Sponsor Louisa Dovrell[?], by Thos Brindle. Also ElizaHenley, daughter of Jamesand Hariet Henley, born Octr.5th Sponsor MauriceQuin,by

Thos. Brindle. Also John Burns,son of John and Mary Burns ,born May22d 1809;also James Burns,son ofthe same , born Jany 11th 1812,by

Thos. Brindle

"Conditionally"written alongside the above two baptisms.

1817, Novr 5th. Was baptized Charles John Eyston, son of Charles Eyston Esqr. and Teresa Mary Eyston his wife. 22 GodfatherSir John Throckmorton Bart Godmother Mary Jane Eyston. By proxy ofMr JohnWright and Miss Georgiana Cary. byme PeterBaines

Henceforthin Baines's and Brindle'shands, as signed : 1817, 7[?] of Novr. Was baptized Eliz. Fautsch , daughter of Michael and Eliz. Fautsch, born Novr. 5, 1817. Sponsors John and AnnKentchens , by me

Thos Brindle. 1817, Novr 18. Was baptizedDavid Thomas , Son ofWilliam and Mary Frances Thomas Sponsors William Thomas and Eliz Arnoud, by me Thos. Brindle. 1817, Decr 13. Was baptizedMary Sheehy, Daughter of Michael and Eliz Sheehy, born Decr. 1 , 1817.Sponsor Mrs Loveless,by me

Thos Brindle.

21 Midford Castle; see C.R.S., 65, p 90

22 SeeBaines'sjournal, same date (C.R.S., 65, p 212)


1817, Decr . 19. Was baptized Eliz Tuins , Daughter of Charles and Catharine Tuins, born Septr . 23, 1817. Sponsor Martha Moon, by me Thos Brindle 1817,Decr.20th. Was baptizedCaroline Eliza Wilkes, daughterofJames and Eliza Catharine Wilkes Sponsors Mr George Dun, Mrs Ann Melloa by me PeterBaines

1817, Decr. 27. Was baptizedWm. Patrick Rigall, son ofWm Patrick and Rigall, born Decr 23 , 1817. Spons. Ann Hypsly and James Heagelty , by me Thos Brindle

1818, Jany. 4. Was baptized Den McHoue , son of Den and Mary McHoue , born Decr 29, 1817. Spons Mary Moony, by me Thos . Brindle.

1818, Jany. 5. Was baptizedCatharine Baily, daughter ofThos. and Eliz. Baily, born Jany 2, 1818.Spons.Mary Russel , by me Thos. Brindle. 1818, Jany 7. Was baptized Joseph Navanne, Son of Innocents and Jane Navanne , born March 11. Spons MrsHipsly . by me Thos Brindle. 1818, Jany. 18. Was baptized Thos Fitzgerald, son of Thos and Mary Fitzgerald, born Jany 1 , 1818. Spons Thos . Neill and Ellen Dunivan, by me Thos Brindle

1818, Feby 1. Was baptized Catharine Donoghue , daughter ofJeffery and Mary Donoghue , born Jany 28, 1818. Spons John Magary and Mary Wood, by me Thos. Brindle

1818, Feby 7. Was baptized Bridget Howe, daughter of Denis and MarthaHowe,born Aug.29, 1817.MrsHipsly, bymeThos Brindle. 1818, Feby 22d. Was baptized Charles Hagan, Son of Ann and John Hagan, born Jany 27, 1818. Sponsors Wm Bootfellow and Sarah Leonard, by me Thos . Brindle. 1818, March 4. Was baptized Mary Eliz. Verstein, daughterofGeorge and Mary Verstain, born March3d 1818.Sponsors Elizabethand Henry Williams , by me Thos Brindle. 1818, March 5. Was baptizedWilliam Quin, Son of Mary and William Quin, born Feby.28, 1818. Spons Mrs Hyppsly, by me Thos Brindle 1818, March 13. Was baptized Teresa Ann Dowding, daughter of Cornelius and Mary Dowding, born March9, 1818. Spons Mrs Hippsly and Maurus Quin, by me Thos Brindle. 1818, March 19. Were baptized Joseph and James Wickham, Twins, Sons of John and Ann Wickham, born March 18, 1818.Sponsors James [?Janet] Davies for Joseph and El Mylon for JamesWickham. by me Thos Brindle.

1818, Apl. 1. Was baptizedSarah Smith, daughter ofSmith and Ellen his wife,born March30, 1818. Spons Bedy [?] Weston , by me Thos Brindle

1818, Apl 5. Was baptizedCharles Canor, Son of John and Ellen Canor , born Apl 4. Spons John Handy and Mary Riurden , by me Thos Brindle.

See below [in Brindle's hand , referring to Baines's entryfor13April.]

1818, April 17. Was baptized Catharine Margaret Whyte, daughterof Captn . Edward Whyte R.N. and Mary his Wife, born April 13, 1818 Spons. Nicholas Charles Whyte Esqr and Mrs Catharine HallandMrs Alice Osborne , by me Thos Brindle

1818, April 17. Was baptized Ann Western, daughterof William and Eliz.Western ,born Feby. 14, 1818. Spons Mary Parfitt, by me Thos Brindle.

1818, April 26. Was baptized Ann Martha Dobson , daughterofJoseph and Eliza Dobson , born March 29, 1818. Spons Teresa Heskinsand Owen Rian , byme Thos. Brindle 1818, June 4. Baptized Daniel Tunly, son of Michael Tunlyand Mary Widcomb, born May 18, 1818. Spons MariaManly and Thos Calverwell by me Thos Brindle. 1818, April 13. Baptized William Archer English, son of John and Frances English, born the same day. Sponsors, Captain Thos . Couche , MrsSarah Neve by proxy ofMiss Esther Mary Ferrers , by me Peter Baines

1818 [no date]. Baptized Margaret Dowlen, daughter of Andrew and ElizabethDowlen Sponsors, Bernard Earls, Catharine Madden Proxy Thos Neil, by me Peter Baines.

1818 [no date]. Was Baptized (sub conditione) John Rooney, son of John and Julia Rooney, born April 7th 1817.Sponsor MrsShort, by me Peter Baines.

1818 [no date, but see Baines's journal, 19 May]. Were Baptized Frances Maria and Ann ConstantiaWelby, daughters of Benjaminand Maria Ann Welby. Sponsor Mrs Corbin , by me PeterBaines.

1818, June 3d. Was Baptized James Kentgens, son ofJohnandAnn Kentgens,born May 31st 1818. Sponsors, Joseph Green, Ann Hippisly by me Peter Baines

1818 [no date]. Was Baptized Mary Ann Reorden, daughter ofTimothy Reorden and ElizabethSpencer. Sponsors Peter Codyand Ann Reorden , by me Peter Baines .

1818, June 27th. Was baptized Sarah Hill, daughter of Joseph and Margaret Hill,born June 14th last.(No GodfatherorGodmother .) by me Peter Baines.


1818, June 27th. Was baptized John Baptist Thomas, son of and Margaret Thomas. Sponsor Mary Ann Bodmin , by me Peter Baines

1818, July 9. Was baptizedCharlotte Brereton Bailie , daughter ofMary and Thomas Bailie , born June 2, 1818. Spons William Lill Brereton and Mary Ann Bowment[?], by me Thos Brindle.

1818, Augt 3. Was baptized Edward Wright, Son of John and Mary Catharine Wright, born Augt. 3d 1818. Spons Gerard Edwd. Strickland and Miss Eliz Wright, bymeThomas Brindle

1818, Aug. 9. Was baptized Eliz . Casy, daughter of Danieland Margaret Casy,born July30, 1818. Spons.Alb.Kenmouth and Cath.Allan, by me Thos Brindle

Next four entries in Barber's hand:

1818, Aug. 24. Was baptized Sebastian Joachim Allner, Son ofWilliam and EstherAllner, born August22d 1818. Sponsors William Rose and MarthaSteene , byme Luke Barber. 23

1818, Aug. 26. Was baptizedMargaret Mulguiney, daughter of Thomas and ElizabethMulguiney.Sponsor Patrick Omaney, by me L. Barber

1818, Sepr. 5. Was baptizedPatrick MacNalty, Son ofJohn andSarah MacNalty,born August24. Sponsors MrsSmith and Miss Smith , bymeL. Barber 1818, Sepr 7. Was baptizedPatrick Dexeter, Son of Edward and Ann Dexeter , withoutSponsors, byme L.Barber . Henceforthin Baines's and Brindle'shands, as signed: 1818, Sepr 15th Was baptized Charles John Thomas Conolly, son of Charles Conolly Esqr. and Eliza his wife. Sponsors John Clifton Esqr. by proxy of Charles Clifton Esqr and Mrs Conolly ofMitford [sic .] Castle , 2 24

The above infant was born Saty. the 12th inst. bymeP. Baines

1818, Augt. 24. Was baptized John Thomas Peacock, born Augt 10 , 1818 , son ofJohn and Margaret Peacock. Spons Mary Edwards , by me Thos. Brindle

1818, Septr. 18. Was baptized George Johnson , son ofWilliam andAnn Johnson, born June 14th 1818. Spons Lucy Williams, byme Thos . Brindle 1818, Septr 24. Was baptized John Blackin, Son of John and Mary Blackin, born Septr. 21, 1818. Spons Catharine Sanders ,

23 by me Thos . Brindle Dom Luke Bernard Barber O.S.B., Prior of Downside (Birt, p. 149; Oliver, p. 238)

24 Midford Castle.

1818, Septr 24. Was baptized Leonard Mulone, Son of James and Elizabeth Mulone, born Septr 5, 1818. Spons Murtegh Mulone and Mary Reef, byme Thos. Brindle

1818, Septr 24. Was baptized Mary Fuz, daughter of John and Ann Fuz, born Septr . 20, 1818. Spons. Mrs Hippisly, byme Thos. Brindle.

1818 , Septr. 26. Was baptized Mary Ann Mollineux, daughter of Danl and Mary Ann Mollineux, born Septr 14, 1818. Spons Mary Marraand Thos Broderick , by me Thos . Brindle

1818, Septr 26. Was baptized Thomas Linus Quin, Son of Maurus and Eliz. Quin, born 23 of Septr. 1818. Spon Brigit Timins [?],byproxy ofHonoraHegarty, and CorneliusDowding, bymeThos. Brindle

1818, Octr 15. Was baptized Brigitt Earl, daughter of Ann and Thos. Earl, born Septr 12, 1818. Spons. Sarah Lalor and Math . Hudson , by me Thos Brindle

1818, Octr. 19. Was baptized Hannah Purtill , daughter of James and Hannah Purtill, born Octr 2d 1818. Spons. Maurus and Eliz. Quin, by me Thos Brindle. 1818, Novr 2. Was baptized Mary Ryan, daughter of Michael and Margaret Ryan, born Octr 25, 1818. Spons. Jane Wall and Thos Earl, byme Thomas Brindle. 1818, Novr. 11th. Was baptizedCharles JamesBarret , son ofThos.and Ellen Barret . Sponsors JamesNagle and Catharine Martin , by me Peter Baines. 1818, Novr 14th. Was baptizedMary Teresa Palmer, daughter ofJohn and HenriettaPalmer, born yesterday Sponsors Peter Smith and Harriet Ann Smith , byme PeterBaines

1818, Novr 15. Was baptized Thomas Heskins, son ofNoahandMary Heskins, born Octr 20, 1818. Spons.William and TeresaAsburn , by me Thomas Brindle

1818, Novr 15. Was baptizedJohn Magee, Son ofMichaeland Margaret Magee, born Novr. 2d 1818.Spons Lucy Lambert, by me Thomas Brindle

1818, Novr 19. Was baptized Henry Kelly, Son ofJohn and Ann Kelly, born Novr. 17, 1818. Spons Lucy Freeman , byme Thos. Brindle

1818, Decr 13th Was baptizedMary McCarthy, daughter ofJohnand Sarah McCarthy. Sponsor Lucy Freeman , by me PeterBaines. 1818, Decr. 24. Was baptized Eliz Thompson, daughter of Henry and Joana Thompson, born Novr. 1 , 1818. Spons James and Honora Hegarty, by me Thos. Brindle

1818, Decr 26th. Was baptized Thos Flynn, Son ofJames and Frances


Flynn, born the 18th of Decr. 1818.Sponsor Ann Hippisly, by me P. Baines

1818, Decr. 30. Was baptized Eliz Coalman , Daughter of John and Mary Coalman , born Decr. 28, 1818. Spons Cath Brennan and Pat Murphy, by me Thos Brindle

1818, Decr 30. Was baptized Mary Coalman, Daughter of John and Mary Coalman , born Decr 28, 1818. Spons Ann Thomas, and Pat Murphy, by me Thos Brindle.

1819, Jany. 6. Was baptized Bridget Maccarthy, daughter of Ellen and Patk Maccarthy, born Jany. 2d Spons Ann Butler and Denis Kett, by me Thos. Brindle

1819, Jany 15. WasbaptizedHannah Madden , daughterofMathewand Ann Madden ,born July 16, 1815. Spons Ann Hippisly, by me Thos Brindle. 1819, Feby Was baptized Caroline Burk, daughter of Miles and Mary Burk, born Jany 8, 1819. Spons Margaret Ryan and William Crow , by me Thos Brindle

1819- Was baptized John Brickell, Son of Thos and Ellen Brickell, born Feby. 6. Spon Lucy Freeman , this day Feby. 7, 1819 , by me Thos. Brindle. 1819, Feby 26. Was baptized Eliz O'Leary, daughter ofBartholomew and Margaret O'Leary, born Feby 20, 1819. Spons. John Jeffers and MrsHippisly , by me Thos Brindle

1819, March 7. Was baptizedwithout ceremonies Jane West, daughter of[blank] and MarthaWest, born 24 of Feby 1819 , by me Thos Brindle. 1819, March 12. Was baptized without ceremonies Alfred Tuins, Son of Chas . and Cath Tuins, born 19 of Feby. 1819. Spons. Mary Kingston, by me Thos Brindle. 1819, March 19. Was baptizedMary Henesy, daughterof William and Eliz. Henesy, born 15th ofJany 1819. Spons Ann Reardon , by me Thos Brindle. 1819, March 19. Was baptized Catharine Kilmud, daughterofAlbert and Cath. Ellen. Kilmud, born 22d of Jany. 1819. Spons Marshall , by me Thos Brindle. 1819, March 20th. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis) Henry Edwards, in the moment ofDeath , by me Thos. Brindle 1819, March 21. Was baptized John Connel, son of Peter and Joana Connel,born 16 ofMarch 1819. Spons Daniel and Margaret Cacy, by me Thos Brindle 1819, March 21. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis ) Robt. Rendell,Sonof William and Ann Rendell, born 8 of March, 1819. Spons [blank] and Lucy Williams, * by me Thos Brindle.

* Ceremonies supplied the following day.

1819, April 3d Was baptized without Ceremonies Mary Ann Jones , Daughter of Charlotte and John Jones, born March 12 , 1819 , by me Thos Brindle.

1819, April [blank] was baptizedJohn MacCloskey , Son ofJohn and MaryMcCloskey , born Feby. 21, 1818 byme Thos Brindle.

1819, April 23d WasbaptizedEliz Campbell , DaughterofMathewand Mary Campbell , born April 20, 1819. Spons Miss Williams and Mr Palmer , by me Thos . Brindle.

1819, April 25. Was baptized James Cacy Dulworth, Son of Thomas and Frances Dulworth, born 7 of April 1819. Spons Sarah and James Cacy, byme Thos Brindle

1819, May 4. Was baptized Walter Rowland Jones, Son of Walter Rowland Jones and Mary Madeleine Jones. GodmotherLucy Freeman , by me P. Baines

1819, May 15. Was baptizedwithoutceremonies William Black , Son of Richd and Margaret Black , byme Thos. Brindle

1819, May 21. Was baptized Catharine Smyth, Daughterof Sarah and HughSmyth, born May 14, 1819. Spons. Mary Coalman , by me Thos. Brindle

1819 ,May 23.Was baptizedEleanor Murphy, DaughterofJeremiah and Jane Murphy born May 9, 1819. Spons Ann and James Pyke, by me Thos Brindle.

1819 ,May 23d Was baptizedJohn Huncock, son of John and Catharine Huncock Sponsors Patrick Cullen and Mary Hunt, by me P. Baines

1819 , June 9.Was baptizedFerdinand EdwardEnglish, 25 Son of Mrs F. and MrJ.English, born the sameday Spons Rt Revd Dr Ed Slater26 and Miss Winifred English, Vide 182527 by me Thos. Brindle

1819, June 17. Was baptized George Magrath, Son ofMichaeland Sarah Magrath,born June 11 , 1819. Spons. Har't. Loughlin and Bernard Ryly, by me Thos. Brindle

1819,June 20. Was baptizedWilliam Long, Son ofJohn and Sarah Long,

25 The future Archbishop; cf. Oliver, p. 297; Roche, Prior Park, passim His parents' Christian names were Frances (née Huddleston ) and John; see entry of their marriage, 29 Aug. 1810, infra, p 191, and note 12 above re his sister, the Countess


27 Bishop Edward Bede Slater O.S.B., Vicar-Apostolicof Mauritius(Birt, p 139)

Thisentry is re-written after a deleted 1825 entry, infra, p 185, and iscrossedout in the register (as is an immediatelypreceding one which duplicates thatof 21 May 1819) but is here reproduced in its correctchronologicalposition


born June 6, 1819. Spons Denis Kett and Hannah Crook , by me Thos Brindle. 1819, June 22. Was baptized Ell Dunavan, daughterof Michael and Martha Dunavan, born June 11, 1819. Spons AnnCox , by me Thos Brindle 1819, June 24. Was baptizedMary, Daughter ofJohn and Sarah Shires, born May 30, 1819. Spon Pat and Ann Macmillan , by me Thos Brindle

See Register ofMary Parfit at June 1820 [Baines's hand]

1819, July 11th. Was baptized George Henry Martin, Son ofJohn and Ann Martin Sponsors Julian Havé and Ann Sullivan , by me Peter Baines. 1819, July 11th Was baptized Elizabeth Frances Fare , daughter of John and Mary Ann Fare Sponsors William and Catharine Martin, by me Peter Baines 1819, July 28th. Was baptized Martin Broadrick, son of Thomasand Margaret Broadrick Sponsors Martin Killfoyle and Ann Hippisly, by me Peter Baines.

Joseph Orange see register at June 1820 [Baines's hand].

Augt 1st 1819. Was baptized (sub conditione) Mary Watts, daughter of William and Clarice Watts, born June 30th 1818. Sponsor Julian Havé , by me Peter Baines

Augt. 1819. Was baptized Mary Goddard , born July 29th, 1819 , daughterof Sarah Goddard and Edwd Williams. Sponsors JohnMoland and Margaret Cromwell, by meP. Baines

Aug. 20, 1819. Was baptized Maria Ganby, Daughter of John and ElizabethGanby, born Aug. 12, 1819. Spons Mary Short, by me Thos Brindle.

Aug. 23, 1819. Was baptizedSarah Keevil, daughter ofMary andRobt Keevil, born March 14 , 1815, and on the same day Mary Ann Keevil, daughterofthe same Mary and Robt Keevilborn July1817 ,

* [see after entryfor22 Sept.]. by me Thos Brindle

Aug. 26, 1819. Was baptized Honoria Helton, daughter of Mary and Stephen Helton, born May 16, 1819 , by me Thos Brindle

Aug. 29, 1819. Was baptized Bridget Howe, daughter of Dionisiusand MarthaHowe,born 7 Feby. 1819. Spons. Mrs Hippisly, by me Thos Brindle. Septr 13, 1819. Was baptized Richd. Shortill, Son of Richd and Eliz Shortill, born Sept. 6, 1819. Spons Maurus Quin and Mary Murray, by me Thos Brindle


Septr 22 , 1819. Was baptized Joseph Peter Langley, the Son of Benjamin28 and Hannah Langley, born Septr 20, 1819. Spons Lewisa Dixon and John Cady [? Cody], by me Thos. Brindle.

Aug: 23, 1819. Was baptized Eleanora Exeter Godmother Mrs Hippisly. Born22 ofAugt 1819 , byme Thos . Brindle

Septr 26, 1819. Was baptized Jane Fautsch, Daughterof Michael and Eliz Fautsch , born 24th of Septr. 1819. Spons MaryAnn Ketchin and John Kentchin, by me Thos Brindle.

Septr 27. Was baptized Louisa Brown, daughter of Thos and Mary Brown, born Septr 23, 1819. Spons.Ann Hippisly,by me Thos Brindle.

Octr. 15, 1819. Was baptized Charles O'Conor, Son of John and Ellen O'Conor, born Octr 4, 1819. Spos [sic.] Sophia Fettle and James Taff by me Thos Brindle

Octr. 15, 1819. Was baptized(sub conditione) Letitia O'Conor, Sister to the above C. O'Conor , by me Thos Brindle

Octr 21, 1819. Was baptized John Ryan , Son of Michael and Mary Ryan, born Octr 16, 1819. Spons Stephen Quin and Jane Wall, by me Thos. Brindle

Novr 7, 1819. Was baptizedJohn Johnson , Son of John Johnson and Mary Moor , born July 8, 1819. Spons. Ann Sulivan and Danl. Hallacy, by me Thos. Brindle

Octr 31 , 1819. Was baptized (sub conditione) Clare, the Daughterof John and Eliz . Baily, born Augt1819. Spons. Miss and MrWalter Irvine, by me Thos Brindle.

Novr 14, 1819. Was baptizedAndrew Magill, Son ofWilliam and Mary Jane Magill, born Octr. 26, 1819. Spons. Susana Duggan and Edmund Welsh, by me Thos Brindle

Sarah Elizabeth JordanSee Register at June 1820 [Baines's hand].

Decr 5, 1819. Was baptized(sine ceremoniis ) Mathew Crowley,Sonof Math. and Eliz. Crowley, born Decr 2, 1819. Spons. Ann and Thos Welsh , by me Thos Brindle

Edwd Mitchell See register at June 1820 [Baines'shand]

Decr. 12, 1819. Was baptized John Brogen, Son of John and Bridget Brogen,born Decr. 9, 1819. Spons. Mary Clark and JohnBoland , by me Thos Brindle.

28 Catholicschoolmaster ; see C.R.S., 65, note412 toIntroduction.


Decr 19, 1819. Was baptized Thos. Ryan, Son of John and Margaret Ryan, born Decr 2, 1819. Spons. Ann Wailand , and Wm . Cullan, by me Thos Brindle. Decr 28, 1819. WasbaptizedJohnDoyle, Son ofJohn and Mary Doyle, born Decr 15, 1819. Spons Ann Hippisly,

Decr 31st. Maria Francoise Zitte hand]. by me Thos Brindle. See register at June 1820 [Baines's

Jany 2, 1820. Was baptizedWinifred Fenning, Son [sic ] of Loftus and Mary Fenning, born Decr 6, 1819.Spons John Morris, by me Thos Brindle

Jany. 5th See Register at June 1820, Elizabeth Freeman [Baines's hand].

Jany. 9, 1820. WasbaptizedEliz O'Brian Dunscomb , DaughterofMark and Eliz Dunscomb, born Jany 1 , 1820. Spons. JamesHeagarty and HonoraHeagarty , by me Thos Brindle Jany 15, 1820. Was baptized Mary Ann O'Neil, daughter of Edward and Mary O'Neil, bornJany 4, 1820. Spons Mary Dobbs , by me Thos Brindle

Jany. 16, 1820. Was baptized Eliz. Quin Ryan, daughterof Pat. and Joanna Ryan, born Jany 13, 1820. Spons Eliz and Edwd .Quin. by me Thos Brindle

Jany. 22, 1820. Baptized conditionally Denis Howe, Son ofDenisand Martha Howe ,born Jan. 1st, 1820 . by me Thos Brindle.

Jany. 30, 1820. Were baptized William and John Macdonald , Sons of John and Eliz Macdonald , born on the same day. Spons Mary Magee and Eliz Cornelius , by me Thos Brindle

Jany 28, 1820. Was baptized George Basil Eyston, son of Charles Eyston and Teresa Mary Eyston his wife, the same day he was born Godfather Charles Butler Esqr , Godmother the Widow Lady Throcmorton, by proxy of Charles EystonEsqr. and Mrs Metcalf bymeP. Baines.

Feb. 6, 1820.Was baptizedMary Ward, daughterofJamesand Frances Ward , born Jany. 17, 1820. Spons Robt.and Ann Prangley [?], by me Thos Brindle

Feby 6, 1820. Was baptizedAnn Dobson, DaughterofJoseph and Eliz Dobson, born Jany 30, 1820. Spons Teresa Heskins, prox. forHenry and Mary Dobson , by me Thos . Brindle

Feby 20, 1820. Was baptized George Lambert, Son of John and Ann Lambert, born Feby 18, 1820. Spons. Ann Hippisley, by me Thos . Brindle


LauraShellSee Register at June 1820 [Baines'shand]

Feby 25, 1820. Were performed the ceremonies ofbaptism by Mr P. Baines over Charles Peacock , Son of [blank] Peacock, who was baptized Feby. 16, 1820 , by me Thos Brindle.

March 3 , 1820. Was baptized Mary Ann Frances Cecilia La Bigne, DaughterofAimable Prosper and Mary Ann La Bigne, born Feby. 27, 1820. Spons [blank] byme Thos . Brindle.

March4, 1820. Was baptized Joseph Dunscomb , Son ofMark and Eliz. Dunscombborn Novr 9 [? 3] 1817.Spons. Mrs Hippisley, by me Thos. Brindle.

March 7, 1820. Was baptized Ann Collings, Daughterof Charles and Mary Collings, born Jany 24, 1820. Spons. Mrs LucyWilloughby, byme Thos. Brindle. Brindle'shand:

March 22, 1820. Was baptized Patrick Flannigan , Son of Francis and Mary Flannigan , born 16 of March 1820. Spons Mrs.Hippisley, Baines'shand: by [blank] Postlewhite . 29

March28th . Charles Ed. Wilkes. See register at June 1820

Next ten entries in Brindle'shand:

April 5, 1820. Were baptizedKeziaMary and Michael Magrah,Daughter and Son of Thos . and Kezia Magrah, the former born Feby1812 and the latter July 1816.Spons. Han'hCurrey, by me Thos . Brindle

April 7, 1820. Was baptizedDavidWall,Son ofMary and EdwardWall , born May 1 , 1817. Spons Joana Ryan, byme Thos. Brindle.

April 16, 1820. Was baptizedMary Lane, Daughterof Thos and Ellen Lane, born Aug. 1819.Spons Ann Foley and JohnNunan , by me Thos . Brindle.

May 7, 1820. Was baptizedAnn Magary, Daughter of John and Mary Magary, born May 2, 1820. Spons. John Flanagan and Ann Whitiker, by me Thos Brindle

May 21 , 1820. Was baptized Catharine Bailie , Daughter of Thos. and Mary Bailie, born April 21, 1820. Spons Thos and Catharine Walsh , by me Thos. Brindle.

May -, 1820. Was baptized Ellen, daughter of Francis and Hanah Allworth, born April 13 , 1820. Spons.Margaret and DanielCasey, by me Thos Brindle.

June 4, 1820. Was baptized Charlotte, daughter of John and Eliz Gilbert, born June 14, 1818. Spons. Thos. Sullivan and Elenor McCartney,

29 by me Thos. Brindle.

Joseph Postlewhite S.J., chaplain at Wardour, Wilts.; cf. Foley, VII, p. 618 ; Oliver, p 385


June 4, 1820. Was baptizedJane, daughter of John and Eliz. Gilbert, born May 1 , 1820.Spons. Thos . Sullivanand ElenorMcCartney, by me Thos Brindle

June 7 , 1820.Was baptized Charles McCartney, Son of Danieland Mary McCartneyborn June 1 , 1820. Spons Cornelius Obrian , by me Thos Brindle

June 15, 1820. Was baptized Eliz Riley, daughter of Cornelius and Sarah Riley, born May 14, 1820. Spons John Morris and Eliz Pallet, by me Thos. Brindle

Omitted in their properplaces [eight entries by Baines]

June 1819. BaptizedMary Parfitt, born June 3d, daughter ofSilas and MaryParfitt GodmotherCatharine Neil, byme Peter Baines. 1819. Baptized Joseph Orange, born July 30th, son of Joseph and Catharine Orange. Sponsors John Coleman and Ann Edmunds, by me P. Baines.

Novr 23d 1819.Was baptizedSarah ElizabethJordan, born Novr. 17th, daughterofThos. and Sarah Jordan Sponsors Wm. Hopkinsand Mary Clements , byme Peter Baines

Decr.8th 1819. Baptized Edwd. Mitchell,born Sepr 8th, son ofWilliam and Catharine Mitchell. Sponsor David Ryan, by me Peter Baines .

Decr. 31st 1819.Baptized Marie Francoise Zitte , daughter ofWm .Thos and Marie Francoise Terese Thomas Zitte Sponsor Elizabeth Ladell, by me Peter Baines

Jany 5th 1819. Baptized ElizabethFreeman,daughter ofIsaac and Lucy Freeman GodmotherElizabethOsmund , byme PeterBaines.

Feby 1820. Baptized Laura Ann Shell,born Feby. 21st, daughterof Christopherand Laura Rosalie Cecilia Shell. Sponsors John Lawlyand Mary Havez , by me Peter Baines.

March 28th 1820. Was baptized, without the ceremonies, Charles Edwd Wilks, son of James and Eliza Catharine Wilks. Godmother Sarah Dealy, by me Peter Baines.

Henceforth in Baines's andBrindle'shands, as signed: June 21st 1820.Was baptizedGeorge Cave, son ofJohnand EllenCave . GodmotherElizabethCave , by me PeterBaines.

July 16th 1820.Was baptizedEllen Jane Rend , daughterofWilliam and Ann Rend. Sponsors Michael Sheen, by proxy ofWm. Rend, and Mary Louis, by me PeterBaines

July 20th 1820. Was baptized Mary Ann Earls, daughter of Thos.and Ann Earls Sponsors Hugh Reynolds and Ann Gilhespie, byme PeterBaines


July 21st 1820. Was baptized Ann Barbara, daughter of John and Henrietta Palmer, born July 16th. Sponsors Mathew Campbell and Barbara Cooper , proxy Honor Hagerty, by me Peter Baines

July 21st 1820. Was baptized Joseph, son of James and MaryPorch , 30 born July 18th. Sponsor BridgetHarding,

July 30th 1820. Was baptizedJoseph son ofand July 21st . Sponsors Mary Healy and JohnFarrell, by me Peter Baines.Barker , born July by me Peter Baines .

Augt 2d 1820. Was baptized Ellen , daughter of Thos and Elizabeth Donahoe Sponsors Danieland Catharine Cummins , by me Peter Baines

Augt. 2d 1820. Was baptized Emilia, daughter of Michael Ryan and Catharine Ahern GodfatherMaurice Quin, GodmotherCath.Hall, by me Peter Baines.

Augt. 6, 1820. Was baptizedJames, son ofThos. and Barbara Abberville. Sponsors Joseph Spencer and ElizaDixon, bymeP. Baines

Augt. 6th. WasbaptizedMargaret , daughter ofJamesand Frances Flinn. Sponsors JamesDowdingand Mary Dowding, by me P. Baines

Augt 15th. Was baptized John , son of Thos. and Barbara Abbeville. Sponsors Henry Codyand Mary Head , by me P. Baines.

Augt 15.WasbaptizedEthelred Bridget , daughterof JohnEnglishEsqr and Mrs Frances Englishhis wife Sponsors [blank], bymeP. Baines .

Aug: 20, 1820. WasbaptizedAnn, DaughterofMary and PatrickWard, born Aug.9, 1820. Sponsors Eliz. and Joseph Donnahough , by me Thos Brindle

Sept. 6, 1820. Was baptized Henry, Son of Mary and JohnMcClaskey, born June 13 , 1820. Sponsor Mrs Short , by me Thos Brindle

Septr 9, 1820. Was baptizedEmelia, Daughter of John and Elizabeth Newman, born Septr. 7, 1820. Sponsor Hannah Curry, by me Thos Brindle.

Septr 10, 1820. Was baptized Joachim Joseph, Son of William and Teresa Heskin , born Aug.20, 1820. Sponsors Joseph Dobsonand Sarah Barns, by me Thos . Brindle

Septr 10, 1820. Was baptized Bridget, Daughter of John and Ann Murphy, born Septr 1 , 1820.Sponsors JamesDawson and Mary Murry, by me Thos. Brindle

Septr 15, 1820. Was baptized Elizabeth Bush, Daughter of Joseph and Ann Bush, born Septr 5, 1820. Sposor [sic .] Mrs Hippisly,

by me Thos Brindle

, p.



Septr 22, 1820. Was baptized Margaret, Daughter of Mary and John Swafield, born Septr 3, 1820. Sponsor ElizabethDonaough , by me Thos. Brindle

Septr 27, 1820. Was baptizedJulia, Daughter of William and Bridget Weston, born April 18, 1820. Sponsor Cath. Baily, by me Thos Brindle.

Octr 1 , 1820. Was baptizedFabian Michael , Son ofWilliam and Esther Allner, born Septr. 28, 1820. Sponsors Michael Sheaand Martha Steene , by me Thos. Brindle

Octr 8, 1820. Was baptizedMary Dawson, Daughterof James Dawson and Alice Moclar, born Octr 5, 1820. Sponsors John Naani and Ann Foley, by me Thos Brindle.

*Octr. 16th 1820. Was baptized, without the ceremonies , William Barrett, son of Thos. and Ellen Barrett,

*[see second Oct. 16th entry, followingNov. 12th .] by me P. Baines.

Octr 29th 1820. Was baptized Mary Whillen, daughter of James and Christiana Whillen GodmotherCatharine Orange, bymeP. Baines .

Novr. 10th 1820. Was baptized George Hafford, son of George and Rose Hafford Sponsor Mary Short , byme P. Baines

Novr 12th 1820. Was baptized Henry Strata, son of Anthonyand ElizabethStrata Sponsors Peter Michel and Barbara Tyler, by meP. Baines .

*Octr. 16, 1820. Was baptized John Lawler, Son of John and Grace Lawler, born Octr 8, 1820. Spons Maurus Quin and BridgetHenkins, by me Thos. Brindle.

Decr. 2d 1820. Was baptized Elizabeth Ensay, daughter ofWilliam and ElizabethEnsay GodmotherElizabethQuin, by meP. Baines.

Decr 8, 1820. Was baptizedWilliam Barrett, Son ofThomasandEllen Barrett , born Octr 15, 1820. Spons. Ann Fare and Wm .Edwards , by me Thos . Brindle

Decr. 24th 1820. Was baptizedPatrick Peter McNolty, son of Johnand Sarah McNolty. Sponsors Peter Smith and Harriet Smith, by me P. Baines

Decr. 26th 1820. Was baptized Teresa Louisa Fresoldi , daughter of Joseph and Martha Fresoldi. Sponsor Anthony Fresoldi, 1821 by meP. Baines

Jany 18th 1821. Was baptizedElizabeth Shires, daughterofJohn and Sarah Shires Sponsors Michael Ryanand Jane Wall, bymeP. Baines.


Jany. 18th 1821. Was baptized Thomas Magraw, son of Thomas and C. Magraw. Sponsor Mary Coleman , bymeP. Baines

Jany. 19th 1821. Was baptized* Denis McCarthy, son of Patrick and EllenMcCarthy.Sponsors John Donavan and Jane Fenning, * sine ceremoniis

Jany 28. Suppliedthe ceremonies to the above. P.B. by me P. Baines.

Feby. 6th 1821. Was baptizedIsabella Jane Eyston, daughter of Charles and Teresa Eyston Sponsors Charles Courtney Esq and Jane Eyston, bymeP. Baines .

Feby. 13th 1821. Was baptized William Casey, son of Daniel and Margaret Casey. Sponsors Joseph Spencer and Louisa Dixon , by me P. Baines. Feby 16th 1821. Was baptizedAlexander Coleman, son of John and Mary Coleman , GodmotherSusan Byrne, bymeP. Baines.

Feby. 23d 1821.Was baptized Peter Welsh, son ofPeter and Catharine Welsh. GodmotherLucy Freeman , bymeP. Baines .

Feby 26th 1821. Was baptized Anthony Mylady, son of Mathew and Emely Mylady. Sponsors Anthony Mylady and Mary Martin , by me P. Baines

March 4th 1821.Was baptizedMarianne Thomas, daughter ofWilliam and Frances Thomas GodmotherLucy Freeman , bymeP. Baines

March 11th 1821. Was baptized(sub conditione) Ann Slack bymeP. Baines .

March 22, 1821. Was baptized Henry, Son of Henry and Joanna Thompson, born 19 of Feby 1821. Spons Sarah Maria Nokes and Maurice Quin , by me Thos . Brindle.

March 25 , 1821. Was baptized, William West born Feby. 24, 1821. Son ofJacob and ElizaWest. Spos Eliz Edwards and JamesBarrett , by me Thos . Brindle

March25, 1821. Was baptizedWilliam, Son of John and Cath. Hancock, born Feby 24, 1821. Spons. Bernard Fenning and Eliz . Obrian, by me Thos Brindle

May 20, 1821. Was baptized James Fanning, son of Bernard and Jane Fanning, born April 28, 1821. Spons Lydia May and Loftus Fanning , by me Thos. Brindle

May 25, 1821. Was baptized Cornelius Smith, Son of William and ElizabethSmith, born May 21, 1821. Spons Lucy Freeman , by me Thos. Brindle

May 25 [? 26] 1821. Was baptized Eliza Smith, DaughterofWilliam and Eliza Smith, born July12, 1818 , by me Thos Brindle


May 27, 1821. Was baptized Mary Calverwell , Daughterof Thos . and MaryCalverwell , born April 28, 1821. Spons Hannah Curry, by me Thos . Brindle.

June 6, 1821. Was baptizedJohn, the Son ofJohn and ElizabethPiggot, born June 4, 1821.Spons.Mary Thomas , by me Thos. Brindle.

June 23,1821.Was baptizedJames Grace, Son ofJamesand Eliz. Grace , born June 21 , 1821. Spons Lucy Freeman , byme Thos . Brindle

June 24th 1821. Was baptized ElizaCarrol, born May 31 last, daughter ofJohnand Margaret Carrol , bymeP. Baines .

July 1st 1821. Was baptized John McKinney, son ofWilliam and Anna McKinney, born June 15thlast GodmotherMary Short , by me P. Baines

July 11 , 1821. Was baptizedEliza,Daughterof ElizaLinton, born June 7, 1821. Spons Sarah Barns , byme Thos . Brindle

July 8th 1821. Was baptized Charles James Wilkes, son of James and Elizabeth Catharine Wilkes, born July 5th Sponsors Joseph Spencer and Sarah Dealy, bymeP. Baines and Mary

July 10th 1821. Was baptized John Osmunde , son of Osmunde.GodmotherElizabethOsmunde , bymeP. Baines

July 15th 1821. Was baptized Ann Quin, daughter of Maurice and Elizabeth Quin, born the 12th inst Sponsors John Ingramand Anna Langley, bymeP. Baines .

July 19th 1821.Was baptized George Brown, son of George and Ann Brown, born May 18th last Sponsors Maurice Quin and Sarah Clark , bymeP. Baines,

July 21st 1821. Was baptized Mary Flanaghan, born Oct. 12th last, daughter of John and Elizabeth Flanaghan Godmother Mary Haily, by meP. Baines.

July 22, 1821. Was baptized John Labarte , son of John and Maria Labarte Sponsors JohnLabarteand Jane Ryol, by me P. Baines.

July 22d 1821. Was baptized Cecilia Elenora Ann Kelly, daughterof William and Maria Kelly. Sponsors Alexander Rorley [?] and Ann Green, by me P. Baines

July 27th1821. Was baptized* ElviraSpringford, daughter of Henryand Sarah Springford Sponsor Mary Parfitt,

* without the ceremonies by me P. Baines

Augt. 12th 1821. Was baptized Marianne Peacock, daughter of John


and Margaret Peacock GodmotherAlice Rutherford,

169 by me P. Baines.

Augt 13, 1821. Was baptized Wm , Son of John and Ann Kentgen. Spons. Louisa Dixon and Joseph Spencer, born Aug. 3, 1821 , by me Thos Brindle

Augt 19th 1821. Was baptized John Gain, son of William and Sarah Gain, bymeP. Baines

Augt. 20th 1821.Was baptizedWilliam Collins, son ofJamesandMary Collins(withoutceremonies), bymeP. Baines .

Septr. 2, for the above Child the ceremonies were performed. Spons. Charles Coakleyand Lucy Ann Cody. Child born Augt.2d, 1821 , by me Thos. Brindle,

Septr 2, 1821. Was baptizedEllenor Mine, Daughterof Jeremiah and Ellenor Mine , born Augt 28, 1821 , by me Thos. Brindle.

Septr. 21, 1821. Was baptized Arthur Farrell, Son of Peter and Eliz Farrell, born 18 of Septr. 1821. Ann McGinnis and Arthur McGinnis Spons., byme Thos Brindle

Septr. 23, 1821. Was baptized Eliz Foutchs - DaughterofEliz and MichaelFoutchs, born Septr 21, 1821. Spos. John and MariaKentgen, by me Thos. Brindle, Septr 30, 1821.Was baptized Joannah Cowley, DaughterofJohn and Ellen Cowleyborn Septr 16, 1821. Spos Ann Joyce and John Dullivan , by me Thos Brindle

Octr 25 , 1821. Was baptizedEllen, Daughter of John and Ellen Connor, born Oct.4, 1821. Spons Jane Wall and AlexanderRaw , by me Thos Brindle.

Octr 19th 1821. Was baptizedMichl Henley, Son ofWilliam and Harriet Henley. GodmotherMartha - (withoutceremonies), by me P. Baines

Octr. 20th 1821. Was baptizedMary Ann Ward, daughter ofJamesand Catharine Ward. Sponsors John Donevan and ElizabethMellard, by me P. Baines

Octr. 27th Was baptized Charles Horgnils, son ofand L. Horgnils (his mother). Sponsors Joseph Spencer and Euphrosine Avril, by meP. Baines

Novr 2d, 1821. Was baptized Francis, son of John and Maria Prirring [or Piran, added in pencil by Brindle] born Octr . 27th (without ceremonies), by me P.Baines.

Novr 4th 1821. Was baptized John, * the son of Patric and Sarah Mahune. GodmotherMary Pitte, (* born Octr 18th ofthis year) by me P. Baines.

Novr. 11 , 1821. WasbaptizedSarah Riley, DaughterofJohn and [Ellen


Riley crossed out in pencil and Ann Taylor written above it] born Novr, 4, 1821. Spons AnnaRiley and Bridgit Henkins , by me T. Brindle

* see 15th on next page [next entry but one; note in Baines's hand]

Novr. 17 , 1821. Was baptized Thomas , Son of Thomas and Mary Blakeley, bornNovr 2, 1821. Spons.Ann Hippisly, by me Thos. Brindle.

* Novr. 15th Was baptized Alfred Felix English, son of John English Esqr and Mrs Frances English his wife, born the same day. Sponsors Denys Scully Esqr and Miss Elizth Dalton, by proxy of Thos Eyre Esqr and Miss Georgiana Cary, byme P. Baines .

Novr 24, 1821. Was baptized William, Son of Jane and James Mulsmack , born Octr 3, 1821. Sps. Jery McCarthey, byme T. Brindle.

Novr 29, 1821. Was baptized Michael , Son of Patrick and Dora Shea , born Novr 5, 1821.Spons MariaLalor , byme Thos Brindle.

Decr 3, 1821. Was baptizedMatilda Galloway, DaughterofThos . and Ann Galloway, born Novr. 16, 1821.Spons Hannah Galloway, by me T. Brindle

Decr 4, 1821. Was baptized Eleanor Cartlen , Daughterof Patrick and Sarah Cartlen,born Novr. 24, 1821.Spos. Sarah Brooks , byme T. Brindle

Decr 6, 1821. Was baptized ChristopherJulian, Son of Christopherand LauraShell, born Novr. 27, 1821. Spons. Julian and Mary Havez , by me Thos Brindle

Decr 9th 1821. Was baptized John, son of Thos and Ann Brown. Sponsors Hugh Johnson andLucy Freeman , by me P. Baines

Decr 13th 1821. Was baptized Anne Josephine Creagh, daughter of James Creagh Esqr and Mary Anne his wife. Sponsors James Nagle Esqr (by proxy of James Creagh Esqr.) and Mrs SusannahNagle, by me P. Baines

Decr 13, 1821. Was baptized George Taylor Dobson , Son of George and Lucy Dobson , born Novr 8, 1821. Spons. Louisa Dixon and and Joseph Spencer, by me Thos. Brindle.

Decr. 17th 1821. Was baptized Edward, son of Charles and Mary Coakley Sponsors, Maurice Quin and Ellen Crowley, by me P. Baines.

Decr 23d 1821. Was baptized Frances Ellen, daughter of John and Henrietta Palmer, born the 17th day of Decr this year. Sponsors Mr Francis Gainsford³1 and Miss Ellen Fryer,

31 by me P. Baines. See Baines's journal, 7 & 9 July 1818 (C.R.S., 65, p 236); also C.R.S. , 65, p 88 & note454.


Here follows a blankpage


Jany. 6th 1822. Was baptizedThomas, son ofJohn and Bridget Grogan Sponsors AlexanderRortyand Catharine Beechwood , bymeP. Baines .

Jany 25, 1822. Was baptizedJohn, the Son of Ed and Mary O'Neilt, born Jany 22, 1822. Spons. Ann Hippisley,

In Baines's hand, apartfromsignature :by me T. Brindle

Jany 1822. Was baptized Elizabeth Williams, daughter ofWilliam and Ann Williams. GodmotherMary Swins , bymeJohn Morris . 32

Ceremonies suppliedJan. 27th. Henceforthin Baines's and Brindle'shands, as signed:

Jany 27th 1822.Was baptized Louisa Fasana, daughter of Dominic and Sarah Fasana Sponsors Joseph and Martha Fasana, by me P. Baines. Jany 27th 1822.Was baptized Henry, Son ofCath. and Thos Bennet , by me P. Baines

Jany. 27th 1822. Was baptized Marianne , Daughter of Mark and ElizabethDunscombe . Sponsors Hugh Johnson and Lydia May, byme P. Baines

Feby. 10th. Wasbaptized Mary Gahagan, daughter ofand - Gahagan. Sponsors Sarah Gahan and William Gahan , by me P. Baines.

Feby. 12, 1822. Was baptizedJohn, Son of Thos. and Ann Earls , born Decr. 6, 1821. Spons Patrick Earls and Sarah Shire, by me T. Brindle

Jany 19. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis ) Arthur, Son ofThomasand MaryAdams , born Feby 23, 1821 .

Feby 17th. Ceremonies supplied bymeP. Baines . by me Thos. Brindle.

Feby 17th 1822. Was baptized (sub conditione) Edwin, son ofThos. and Mary Adams Sponsor Margt Brodrick, by me P. Baines

Feby 17th 1822.Was baptized Catharine ,daughter ofJohn and Bridget Provis. Sponsors John Palmer and ElizabethQuin, bymeP. Baines

Feby 24th 1822. Was baptized Thomas , son of James and Charlotte Murphy Sponsors Joseph Spencer and LouisaDixon, bymeP. Baines.

March 13, 1822. Was baptized Ann White, Daughter of John and ElizabethWhite, born March 8, 1822.Spons. MariaNorris,

32 by me Thos Brindle.

Perhapsthe secular priest, then at Worcester, mentionedin Foley, VII, p 526, or the Rev. JohnGeorge Morris(ibid).


March 17 , 1822.Was baptized Joseph, Son ofWilliam and Ann Fincher, born Novr 10, 1821. Spons. (Sine ceremoniis ), by me Thos Brindle

March 17 , 1822. Was baptized Caroline , daughter ofJohn and Mariana Moach Sponsors Charles Giralli and Sophia Giralli, bymeP. Baines.

March17th 1822.Wasbaptized EllenMary, Daughter ofEdmundHarvey and Mary Harvey Sponsors Maurice Quin and Anna Langley, by me P. Baines

March 19 , 1822. Was baptized Henry, Son ofThomas and Mary Bailie , born 16th March 1822. Spons. PatrickWalsh and Mary Ann Beaumont , by me Thos. Brindle

March 19 , 1822. Was baptized Charles, Son of John and Sarah Shire , born Feby. 24, 1822. Spons. Thos. Earls and Mary Davies , by me Thos Brindle

March 20, 1822. Was baptized Joseph Shortall, Son of Richd. and ElizabethShortal, born March 18th, 1822. Ceremonies suppliedMarch 24th Sponsors Maurice Quin, Frances Kearns , by me Thos Brindle

March22d 1822. Was baptized Mary Frances ChristinaLangton, daughter ofMichael Theobald Langton Esqr and Mary his wife, being born the sameday.Sponsors Jeremiah Ryan Esqr and Mrs Frances Galet, by meP. Baines.

March 24th 1822.Was baptizedRosina, daughter ofCharles and Sophia Geraldi Sponsors John and Marianne Moach , bymeP. Baines

March 24th 1822. Was baptized Teresa Marianne Alner, daughter of William andEstherAlner.Sponsors Wilm . Rose and UrsulaLaws, by meP. Baines.

March 24th 1822. Was baptized Thomas , son of Michaeland Margaret Ryan. Sponsors Edwd Keough andAnnEarles , bymeP. Baines

April 19th Was baptized Mary, daughter of James and Ellen Murray. Sponsor Mary Grogan, by me P. Baines.

April21st. Was baptized(conditionally) William Taylor, a boyof4 years old, son of Wilm and Ann Talyor [sic]. Sponsors Hugh Johnson and Ann Curry, bymeP. Baines.

* See next page [note in Baines's hand re 4 entries, dated 3rd to 19th May, insertedbetween those for 30 July and 18 August]

Barber's hand (2 entries): 1822, May 18th. Was baptized Robert Carpenter , a boy of 2 years old, son ofGeorge and Louisa Carpenter Sponsors Cornelius Landers, Elenor Hazard, by me L.Barber. Same day Was baptizedMary, daughter ofJohn and Margaret Frazer


Born 13th ofMay. Sponsor Margaret Brazell ,

Henceforth in Baines's andBrindle'shands, as signed: 173 by me L. Barber .

May27th 1822.Was baptizedElizabeth, DaughterofThos. and Bridget Bird, born May 9, 1822. Spons Sarah Hooper,

June 20, 1822. WasbaptizedAndrew McCue, Son Tryat [?] McCue, born June 4, 1822. Spons ElizabethHelena Sheen [? Shears],

July 13, 1822. Was baptized William Cary, Son Cary, born June 22d 1822.Spons. Ann Hippisly, by me Thos Brindle ofAndrew and Mary James Hagarty and byme Thos. Brindle. of William and Mary by me Thos Brindle .

July 30, 1822.Was baptizedJames Quin, Son of Stephen and Hannah Quin, born July 25, 1822. Spons HonoraCann [?] and MichaelHart, by me Thos . Brindle.

* May 3d 1822. Was baptized Martha Lucas, daughter of Charles and Martha Lucas Sponsors Stephen Quin and Marianne Moratti, by me P. Baines.

May 5th 1822. Was baptized Harriet, daughter of John and Hester Crowley. Sponsors John Burnand AnnaAllworth, by me P. Baines

May 5th 1822. Was baptized Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah Hale Sponsors Edwd Trowbridgeand Mary Higstone, by me P. Baines

May19th 1822.Was baptizedAnn,daughter ofThos. andTeresaAskins . Sponsors Thomas and Mary Osmond , bymeP. Baines .

Augt. 18th 1822.WasbaptizedElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and Martha Murray, bymeP. Baines .

Augt. 21, 1822. Was baptized Mary Ann Riordan, Daughter of Sarah and Timothy Riordan, born June 12, 1822. Spons. Eliz. Baily andThos O'Niel, byme Thos . Brindle.

Augt.25th 1822.Wasbaptized Edwd. , son ofJohn and MaryMacgarrey. Sponsor Edwd . Harris , bymeP. Baines.

Sepr. 1st 1822. Was baptized Sarah, daughter of Wilm . and Elenor Thorpe Sponsors Thos and Frances Dilworth , byme P. Baines

Septr 4, 1822. Was baptized Henry, Son ofJoseph and Jane Lee. Born Augt 29, 1822. Spons Mary Dowdingand Thos . Cavenah , by me Thos. Brindle

Septr. 4, 1822. Was baptized Catharine , Daughterof Joseph and Jane Lee BornAugt 29, 1822.Spons Jane Walland Ed Keough , by me Thos. Brindle

Sepr 18th 1822. Was baptized John,son ofThos and MaryCalverwell Sponsor Ann Curry, byme P. Baines .


Septr. 24, 1822. Was baptized Joseph Moger, Son ofWilliam and Mary Moger,born Aug. 20, 1822. Spons JamesMoger and Mary Quin, by me Thos Brindle.

Octr. 11, 1822. Was baptizedHar't Henly, daughter ofHar't and William Henly, born 30 of Sept. 1822. Spons Fraces [sic] Flinn and John Barrett, by me Thos Brindle

Octr 13, 1822. Was baptizedRobt Fare, Son of John and Mary Ann Fare, born Septr 19, 1822. Spons John and Cath .Martyn, by me Thos . Brindle

Octr 17, 1822. Was baptized(sine ceremoniis ) Frances Reed, Daughter of [remainder ofentry blank],

Novr. 8, 1822. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis) Thos and Mary Keough, born Octr. 10, 1822 , by me Thos Brindle James Keough , Son of by me Thos Brindle.

Novr 13, 1822. Was baptized John Kenworth, Son of Alban and Catharine Kenworth, born [blank] 1821. Spons. Eliz Clarke , byme Thos . Brindle

Novr 14, 1822. Was baptized Thos Dexeter, Son of Ed and Ann Dexeter, born 12 ofOctr 1822. Spons. Mary Short, by me Thos Brindle

Novr 23, 1822. Was baptized Eliz Flinn, Daughter ofJamesand Mary Flinn, born Novr 18, 1822.Spons Eliz Price and JamesHagarty, by me Thos . Brindle

Novr 23, 1822. Was baptized Ann Caroline Barrett, DaughterofJohn and Ellen Barrett, born Feby 14, 1822.Spons. Valentine Back , by me Thos Brindle.

Novr 24th 1822. Was baptized Sophia, daughter of John and Mary Shea Sponsor MariaHowell, by me P. Baines

Novr 26th 1822. Was baptized Frances Teresa, daughter of Charles Eyston Esqr. and ofMaria Teresa his wife Sponsors Thos MooreEsqr. and Mary Courtney, by me P.Baines

Decr 15, 1822. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis ) John Eusebius Rand, Son of Wm and Ann Rand, born Decr 14, 1822.Spons. MariaConnor and Richd Roche , by me Thos. Brindle

Decr 19, 1822. Was baptized Bridget Taylor, Daughter of James and Mary Taylor, born 5 Decr. 1822. Spons. Ann Hippisly, by me Thos Brindle.

Decr 22d 1822.Was baptized Thos , Son of Peter and Margaret Brazell . Sponsors EdwardKeough and MariaSivino , 1823 by me P. Baines

Jany. 12 , 1823. Was baptized(sine ceremoniis) William Moran, Sonof Jane and Wm . Moran, born Decr 13, 1823 [sic], by me Thos Brindle.


Feby. 2d 1823. Was baptized Agnes Mary, Daughter of Maurice and ElizabethQuin. Sponsors John Palmer and Jane Curtis, by me P. Baines. Feby 23d 1823. Was baptized* James, son of William and Margaret Gamble (born the 10th inst ) Sponsors John Crowley and Fanny Ward, (*withoutceremonies) bymeP. Baines .

Feby. 26, 1823. Was baptizedMary Teresa Cowell, Daughter of James Gifford Cowell and his WifeMary Letitia Frances Cowell, born Jany20, 1823. Spons Mary Bushell and BirminghamNugent, byme Thos Brindle

March 8th 1823. Was baptized Emilia Caroline , daughter of Mary Dodson and Henry Abram, born March 19, 1822.Spons Mary Short andJohnMcNolty, byme Thos. Brindle

March 9th 1823. Was baptized John, son of John and Margaret Peacock Sponsors John Peacock and ElizaPaillet, bymeP. Baines. March 9th 1823. Was baptized Abigail, daughter of John and Ann Byrne . Sponsor Charles Coakley, bymeP. Baines

March 16th 1823. Was baptized James, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Eustace. Sponsors George Home [? Horne ] and ElizabethBarry, by me P. Baines.

March 16th 1823.Was baptized Catharine , daughter ofJames andMary Moren Sponsor Mary Short , by me P. Baines .

March 16th 1823. Was baptized (conditionally) James, Son of James and Mary Moren Sponsor Stephen Quin, bymeP. Baines.

March 16th 1823.Was baptized Thos , son ofJohn and Maria Labarte. Sponsors David and Mary Crowley, by me P. Baines

March21, 1823. Was baptizedWilliam Thomas , Son ofWilliam and Mary Thomas, born March 13, 1823. Spons MarthaMoon , by me Thos. Brindle.

March 23, 1823. Was baptized Ellen McCabe, Daughterof John and MaryAnn McCabe, born March4th, 1823.Spons. Mary Short andJames Haggerty, by me Thos. Brindle

March30th 1823.Was baptizedEmanuel James,son ofJoseph and Mary Meade Sponsors Henry Cody and LouisaBailey, bymeP. Baines .

April 7, 1823. Was baptized Eliz .Vaughn , Daughter of David and Margt. Vaughn , born April 6, 1823. Spons Margt.Brazel and Peter Brazel, by me Thos Brindle.


April 12, 1823. Was baptizedJames Long, son ofEliz and John Long, born March7, 1823 (sine ceremoniis),

Barber's hand: by me Thos . Brindle

May 17th 1823. Was baptized Mary Elizabeth Spencer, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Spencer, born May 16th 1823.Sponsors Martin Biddlecomband Jane Sturdy,

Brindle'shand: byme L. Barber

May 17, 1823. Was baptizedAnn Elizabeth Dudden , daughter of Wm and Ann Dudden, born May 12, 1823. Spons Wm Kelly and Eliz. Caroline Green , byRobt Pope . 33 Henceforthin Brindle'sand Cooper's hands, as signed:

May 18, 1823. Was baptized Georgina Verstein, Daughterof George and Mary Verstein, born 23d ofApril 1823.Spons Wm . Manners , by me Thos . Brindle.

May 31, 1823. Was baptized Cornelius , Son of Thos. and Frances Dilworth, born May 14, 1823. Spons Mary Whittaker and Philp Sullivan , by me Thos Brindle

June 25, 1823. Was bapitzed (sine ceremoniis ) SusanaPortill,Daughter ofJames and Hannah Portill , born Septr 5, 1820 ,

June 25, 1823. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis ) James and Hannah Portill, born March5, 1823 , by me Thos . Brindle Robt Portill, Son of by me Thos . Brindle.

June 27. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis ) Ann Palmer, DaughterofWm. and AnPalmer, born June 25, 1823, by me Thos Brindle

Ceremonies oftheAbovesupplied byMrRalphCooper[Cooper's hand].

June 28, 1823. Was baptized Honora Acock, Daughter of Richd and ElizabethAcock, born 26 ofJune 1823. Spos. Ann Hippisly, by me Thos Brindle

June 30th 1823. Was baptized Bartholomew Augustin Brown , son of BartholomewAugustinand Mary Brown,born June 20th 1823.Sponsors Peter Mosse and Anne Hippisly, byme RalphCooper.

June 30, 1823. Was baptizedMary Eliza Laughnan ,Daughterof Connel Andrew and Isabella Mary Ann Laughnan, born June 13 , 1823. Spons MaryByrne and Wm . Shearman , by me Thos Brindle

July 18th Mary, Daughter of Edward and Jamaima Shehan , was born Feb.16th 1817 and baptizedbyme July 18th 1823 , RalphCooper.

33 DomRobertAlexiusPope (vere Hoole ) O.S.B.; cf. Birt, p. 142


Jan. 20th 1819. Was born Naomy, daughterof Edward and Jamaima Shehan , and baptizedJuly 18th 1823 . by me Ralph Cooper.

October 17th 1820. Was born John, Son of Edward and Jamaima Shehan, and baptizedbyme RalphCooper, July 18th 1823 .

October 16th, 1822. Was born Ann, daughter of Edwardand Jamaima Shehan, and baptized July 18th 1823 , bymeRalphCooper

July 15th 1823. Was born Sebastian Swithune Allnar, Son of William and Esther Allnar. Sponsors Rich. Grey and Sarah Harman and baptized bymeRalph Cooper, July 20th 1823 .

July 21, 1823. Was baptizedHarriett Jenner Eccles, DaughterofJohn Henry and Harriett Eccles (olim Harriett Jenner), born June 19, 1823 .

Spons. Henry and Mary Brettorgh, by me Thos. Brindle

July 22d 1823. Was baptized (sine ceremoniis ) Ed. Hill, Son of John and Mary Hill, born Septr 29, 1820 , by me Thos . Brindle

July22, 1823.Was baptized(sine ceremoniis ) John Hill, Son of John and Mary Hill,born Novr. 30, 1822 , by me Thos. Brindle.

Aug. 4, 1823.Was baptizedMary Hill, daughter ofJohn and Mary Hill, born May25, 1814 , by me Thos . Brindle

Augt 5, 1823. Was baptized William, Son of Solomon and Maria Duffitt, born Aug.2, 1823. Spos MarthaMoon and Jos.Spencer, by me Thos Brindle

Augt. 14, 1823. Was baptizedEdmnd Henry Denny, Son ofDanl and MariaDenny,born July 25, 1823. Spons Mary Frances Havez and John Chaulonneau , byme Thos. Brindle.

Aug. 10th 1823. Was baptized Leonora Elizabeth Kelly, daughterof William and Anna Maria Kelly, born Aug. 3d 1823. Sponsors Patrick Maddingand ElizabethGreen , by me Ralph Cooper

Aug. 25th 1823. Was baptized Elena Lawley, daughterof Joseph and Charlotte Lawley, born July 29th 1823. Spons Fidele Lawley and Laura Shell , by me RalphCooper. 1823, Aug. 26th. Was baptized John Shay, Son ofPatrickand Dorothy Shay, born on the 2d ofAugust 1823 and Sponsors being MichaelLalor andMary Short , by me Ralph Cooper, Aug. 31 , 1823. Was baptized James Tognoni, Son ofJohn and Hannah Tognoni, born May 9th 1823, Josue Moretti and Mary Anne Moretti being Spons., byme Ralph Cooper.


Septr 2, 1823. Was baptized Mary Teresa Clifford, Daughter of the Honble Charles Thomas Clifford and his wife Teresa Clifford (olim Maxwell), born Septr 1st 1823. Spons Charles, Lord Clifford(Proxy M. Langton Esqr ) and Teresa Appolonia Constable Maxwell (proxy MrsLangton), byme Thos Brindle.

Sep. 14th 1823. Was baptized Anne Fautsch , DaughterofMichaeland Elizabeth Fautsch , born Sep. 10th 1823. Spons John Kentgens and Mary AnneKentgens, by me R. Cooper .

Septr 20, 1823. Was baptizedWm. Gane, Son ofWm. and Sarah Gane , born Octr. 31, 1823. Spons Peter Brazelland Sarah Magrath, by me Thos Brindle.

Septr. 27, 1823.Was baptizedElizabeth, Daughterof Edwardand Mary O'Neill, born Septr 23, 1823. Spons Rogr Hagan, by me Thos Brindle.

Septr 27, 1823. WasbaptizedHughMcClockey, Son of Henry and Ann McClocky, born Septr 15, 1823.Spons Rogr. Hagan, by me Thos Brindle.

Oct. 10th 1823. Was Baptized Thos. William Stephens, Son ofThos and Mary Stephens, born June 24th 1817. Spons. Patrick Welsh and Catharine Welsh , by me RalphCooper.

Octr. 24, 1823. Was baptizedJohn Coney, Son ofJohn and Mary Coney, born Octr 2d 1823.Spons Ann Connorand CornelLanders, by me Thos . Brindle

Oct. 30th 1823. Was baptized James Collins, Son of James and Mary Collins Spons. James Harrington and Elis. Fautch (Born Oct. 26th 1823.) by me Ralph Cooper.

Nov. 2st [sic ] 1823. Was baptized John Crowley, born on 16th of October and supplied with the ceremonies on the following Morning. Parents John and Helen Crowley. Spons Thos Choice and Marg. Baily. by me RalphCooper.

Novr 9, 1823. Was baptizedMary Barbara Cousins, DaughterofHenry and Elizabeth Cousins born Octr 30, 1823.Spons Barbara Cooperand JohnPalmer ,

Cooper's hand: by me Thos . Brindle

Catharine Wray was baptized Oct. 30th (Sine Ceremoniis)- (died soon after)

Henceforthin Brindle'sand Cooper's hands, as signed: November 16th 1823. James Long was supplied with BaptismalCeremonies , Son of John and Eliz Long. Spons Patrick Johnson and Helen Ohier, by me Ralph Cooper. November 19th 1823. Was baptized (Sine Cerem .) Elizabeth Bailie, byme R. Cooper.

1823, October 31st. Was baptized James Manning. And suppliedwith Ceremonies Novber 23d. Born 18th ofOctober 1823. Parents Johnand Mary Manning Spos. Joseph Varga and Sarah Magrah, byme RalphCooper

Decr 3, 1823. Were baptizedJohn and Patrick Field, sons ofJohnand Ann Field, born Novr 30, 1823.Spons Mrs. Hippisly, by me Thos . Brindle

Decr 7, 1823. Ceremonies supplied to Eliz. Bailie , Daughterof Thos. and Mary Bailie Spons. Robt Walsh and Mary Ann Beaumant (Child born Novr . 5th 1823.), by me Thos Brindle.

Decr 14, 1823. Was baptizedJames FitzPatrick, Son ofPhilip and Mary FitzPatrick, born Novr 23, 1823. Spons Jos and Eliz. Spencer, by me Thos Brindle.

Decr. 16, 1823. Was baptizedRobt Henry Brown, Son of George and Hannah Brown, born Novr 26, 1823. Spons Ed O'Neil and Joan Henwright, byme Thos Brindle

Decr 18, 1823. Was baptized Alfred Basil, Son of John and Frances English his Wife, born Decr 18, 1823. Spons George Eyston Esqr. (Proxy Jo Eyston Esqr ) and Miss Eliz. Dalton (proxyMiss MaryJane Eyston), byme Thos . Brindle.

Decr. 19, 1823. Was baptized Mary Lions, daughter of Joseph and Margt. Lions, born Octr 11, 1823. Spons Joseph Williams and Sarah Magrath, byme Thos. Brindle

Dec. 26th 1823. Was baptizedMaria Louisa Threshod [sic],Daughter of Joseph and Maria Threshold, born July 21st 1823.Sponz. Angelo Threshold and MariaAnneMoretti, by me R. Cooper.

Decr 27, 1823. WasbaptizedHellenTallis, Daughter of George and Ann Tallis , born Octr 24, 1823.Spons TeresaTucker and Ed. Keough, byme Thos. Brindle.

Decr 28, 1823. Was baptized Mary Ann Burchell, DaughterofGeorge and Sarah Burchell, born Feby. 1823. Spons Charles Porch and Mary Rickets , byme Thos . Brindle.

Decr. 28, 1823. Was baptized Maria Doyle, DaughterofPatrick Doyle and MariaLelor, born Decr 7, 1823. Spons Pat Shea , by me Thos. Brindle. Jany. 6th 1824. Helena Rolfe was supplied the Ceremonies Daughter of Abel and Anne Rolfe Having been baptized at Horton by Mr Birdsall [in Cooper's hand].

Jany 12th 1824.Was baptized Helen Read (Sine Cer )

Jan 16th. The Above Child was Supplied the Cerem , Mary Short and


JohnShort being Sponz. The Father Francis and Mother Helen Read, by me Ralph Cooper. Jany 15, 1824. Was baptized Edward Gadis, Son of Robert and Julia Gadis, born December 15th 1823. Sponz . Joseph Spencer and Hanah Dixon, bymeR.Cooper.

Jany 25, 1824. Was baptizedCharles, Son ofCharles and Mary Coakley, born Jany 15, 1824. Spons Margt Baily and DavidCrowley, by me Thos Brindle.

Jany 25, 1824. Was baptized Elizabeth, Daughterof John and Sarah Hales, born Jany 15, 1824. Spons. Mary Kingston and Joseph Abbot, by me Thos Brindle. Jany 27, 1824. Was baptizedBridget, DaughterofDennis andElizabeth Lannaghan, born Jany 21, 1824.Spons Patrick Dealey, by me Thos Brindle

Feby, 1 , 1824. Was baptized Augustine, Son of Jamesand ElizaWilks, born Jany. 31, 1824. Spons. Louisa Dixon and Ed Keough, by me Thos. Brindle

Feby 1 , 1824. Was baptizedAgnes, Daughterof Jamesand ElizaWilks, born Jany. 1, [sic, see previousentry] 1824. Spons. Hannah Dixon and Joseph Spencer, by me Thos . Brindle.

Feby 8, 1824. Was baptized Thos Shortall, Son of Richd. and Eliz. Shortall, and born Feby. 1 , 1824. Spons M.Quin and Frances Quin , by me Thos. Brindle

Feby 15th 1824. Was baptizedMichael Byrne, Son of John and Anne Byrne , born 13th ofJany 1824. Spons Daniel Tagnyand Mary Hinkins, by me R. Cooper. Feb. 17th 1824. Was baptized(sine Cer.) Joseph Skannal* and on the above day also, JamesJoyce (Sine Cer .), *[See 7March] bymeR. Cooper. Feb. 24th 1824. WasbaptizedElizabethByrne (Sine Cerem .) by me R. Cooper

Feb. 27th 1824. Helen Smith, daughter ofWm and Helen Smith, was supplied the ceremonies. Mary Short God Mother. Also was baptized conditionally by me R. Cooper

Feb. 29th 1824. Was baptized Margaret Ward, born Feb. 10th 1824 Son of James and Frances Ward Sponz . Wm. Gambell and Susanna Smith, byme R. Cooper. Feb. 29th 1824. Mary Ryan, born Feb. 8th, was baptized. Daughterof Michaeland Margaret Ryan Sponz. Henry Codyand ElizaBarry, by me R. Cooper. March 7th 1824 was baptized Anne MacKarti, daughterofCharles and Caroline MacKarti, born Feb. 18th Sponz Dennis [illegible? Dusckin ] and Frances Wall, by me R. Cooper

March 7th 1824. Was Supplied with Ceremonies Joseph Skannal* . Sponz Lydia and Hugh Johnson , *[see 17 February] by me R. Cooper. March 15th 1824. Was baptized Esther Obrien, Daughter of Peter and Mary Obrien , born Feby. 19th 1824. Sponz Richard Shortill and ArabellaKelly, bymeR. Cooper.

March 28th 1824. Was baptized William Edwards, Son of Wm and Sarah Edwards,born March 24th 1824. Wm . Rose and ElizabethAbbot Spons. , by meR. Cooper.

April 5, 1824. Was baptized Charles Murray, Son of John and Mary Murray, born March 19, 1824. Spos Stephen Quin and Ellen Crowley, by me Thos Brindle

April 20, 1824. WasbaptizedDorotheaMary Louisa La Bigne, Daughter of Aimable Prosper and Mary Ann La Bigne, born April 1 , 1824. Spons. Monsieur Louis Jacques La Bigne and Miss Dorothea Bellingham . (Proxies John Palmer and Ann Hippisley), by me Thos . Brindle.

April 18th 1824. Was supplied with ceremonies Catharine Macknolti, born 31stofMarch 1824 and baptizedApril 13th (Sine Cer.) Daughter ofJohn and Sarah Macknolti Spons James Macknolti and Catharine (proxiesJohn and Letitia Macknolti), byme R. Cooper

April 20th 1824. Was baptized (Sine Cer ) (at Horton near Sodbury) James GregoryThompson, born 12th ofMarch 1824.Son ofJamesand Anne Thompson. Spons. ElizabethRodway, bymeR.Cooper. April 23, 1824. Was baptizedJohn, Son ofJohn and Rose Bennon ,born March27, 1824. Spons Martha Steen and Jos . Moratti, by me Thos Brindle.

April 25th 1824. Was supplied with ceremonies Sarah Reed, Daughter of Richard and Margaret Reed, born on the 18th Feb. and baptized (Sine Cer.) April 13th 1824, Sponsor being Margaret Reynolds, by me R.M. Cooper,

April 25th 1824. Was baptized Sarah Smith, born April 3d 1824 daughter of Hugh and Sarah Smith, Spons being James Calahan and Deborah Calahan , by me R.M. Cooper.

April 27th 1824. Henriette Gosselin la Mère, le Père Louis Adamo, l'Enfant Louis Henry Gosselin. This child was baptized on the above day, Godmother being Anne Hipisley (the Child was born [blank] 1824), by me R. Cooper

April 27th 1824. Was baptized Michael Melone, born 24th April 1824. Corneliusand Anna Melone Parents Sponss James Brown and Honoria Cronine, by me R. Cooper


30th ofApril 1824.Was baptized (Sine Cer .) Mary Enright, by me R.M. Cooper.

May 9th 1824. Was baptized Sophia Elizabeth Murphy, daughter of James and Charlotte Murphy, born April 10th 1824. Sponss Salvadore Michioneand AnnaMaria Benfield, by me R.M. Cooper.

May 18, 1824. Was baptized Osmund William, Son of Christopherand LauraShell, born May 10, 1824. Spons Sarah Magrath, by me Thos Brindle

May 22d 1824. Was baptized Margaret Caroline Felicia Langton, Daughter of Michael Theobald Langton Esqr. and of his Wife Mary Langton, born May 21 , 1824. Spons Lieut. ColonelCharles Stonor³4 (Proxy Jer'ah Rayn Esqr.) and Mrs Ryan , the Child's MaternalGrandMother , by me Thos. Brindle .

May 24, 1824. Was baptized Hugh Crawford, Son of David and Margt. Crawford, born May8, 1824.Spons. Eliz. Ordley, byme Thos Brindle.

May 24, 1824. Was baptizedEmma Brown, DaughterofThos. and Ann Brown , born May 3 , 1824.Spons Richd Shortall and Eliz Batten, by me Thos Brindle

May 25, 1824. Was baptized (sine Ceremoniis ) Mary Symes, Daughter ofCharles and Emma Symes, bornMay 23d 1824 ,by me Thos Brindle

June 7, 1824. Was baptized John, Son of Jeremiah and Joana Dealy, born May 6, 1824. Spons John Hardingand MaryMeland, by me Thos. Brindle.

June 14th 1824.Was supplied with ceremonies Mary Henright, daughter ofJeremiah and Esther Henright Spons Josua Moretti and Mary Anne Moretti, by me R. Cooper.

July 1st 1824. Was baptized Anne Teresa Mitchell, born 9th of Jan. 1824 , daughter ofWilliam and Caroline Mitchell Spons. Helena Young, by me R. Cooper.

July 7th 1824. Was baptized Elleanora Luisa, daughter of Joseph and Eliza Spencer, born July 6, 1824. Sponsors John Doughty and Luisa Doughty, bymeThos . Brindle

July 10 , 1824. Was baptized Catharine , daughter ofPeterand Mary Cunningham , born July 8, 1824. Spons. Mrs Ann Hippisly, by me Thos Brindle

July 11 , 1824. Was baptizedMartin, Son of John and BridgetGrogan, born June 8, 1824.Sponsors Martin Egan and HonoriaEgan, by me Thos Brindle.

July 12, 1824. Was baptized Teresa daughter of Charles and Martha

34 Of the Spanish army; son of Henry Stonor of San Lucar (J. Stonor , Stonor , genealogical table facing p 320).

Lucas, born June 28, 1824. Sponsors Mary Ann Marath and Joseph Virga [?], by me Thos Brindle

July 11th 1824. Were baptizedtwin Sisters (Sine Cer ) Joanna Fairand Mary Anne Fair, * being born the sameday, *[see also 8 August] by me R.M. Cooper

July 15th 1824. Was baptized Thos. Randle, Son of Thos and Rosa Randle , born June 22d 1824.Sponzor Peter Cunningham , by me R. Cooper.

July 18th 1824. Was baptized Caroline Kinching, born 8th of July 1824, daughter of John and Anne Kinching. Sponzors Wm . Kellyand Hannah Dixon, by me R. Cooper

On theabove day was baptizedElizabeth Keoughbourke , Daughter of Thos and Mary Keoughbourke , born 5th of July. Spons Michael Kearney and AnneHippisley, by me R. Cooper

On the same day was alsobaptizedMargaret Creon, daughterofGeorge and Margaret Creon, born on the 27th of June Spons ArabellaKelly, by me R. Cooper.

25th of July 1824. Was baptizedEdward Kentgens,SonofJohnJones and Mary Anne Kentgens , born 11th of July 1824. JohnKentgens and Anne Kentgens,Sponsors, byme R. Cooper

On the above day was baptized DavidCrowley, born 22d ofJuly1824 . Son of John and Esther Crowley Spons David Crowley and Hannah Longley, by me R. Cooper.

On the above day was baptized Helen Quin, born 22d of July 1824 , daughter of Stephen and Ann Quin. Spons. Alexander Rorty and ElizabethAbbot, by me R. Cooper.

On the above day was baptized Elizabeth Anne Ohens, daughterof William and Anne Ohens. Born 1st ofJune 1824. Spons Anne Hipisley, by me R. Cooper.

On the above day was also baptizedPhilip Riley, Son of Bernard and Mary Riley,born 17th ofJuly.Spons.Sarah and MichaelMagrath, by me R. Cooper .

July 31 , 1824. Was baptized Elizabeth, daughter of Michael and Lea Gorman , born July 2, 1824 (sine ceremoniis), by me Thos Brindle

July 31 , 1824. Was baptized Pauline Frances Chilton English, daughter of Robt. English and his Wife [blank] English, born the same day. Sponsors John Englishand Winifred English, by me Thos Brindle

August 1st 1824. Was baptized Thomas Moger, born July 27th 1824, son of Mary and Wm Moger Anne Moger and Martin Moger Spons. by me R. Cooper.


Aug. 6th 1824. Was baptizedCharles John Piren,Son ofJohn and Mary Piren ,born Aug.5th1824. Spons Ann Galwayand Cornelius Landers, by me R. Cooper. Aug. 8th 1824. Joanna Helena Fair and Mary Anne Fair, twin Sisters, * were supplied the Ceremonies Spons John Martin and Anne Sullivan to the first and Wm Martin and Helen Barnet Spons. to the Second, *[see also 11 July] by me R. Cooper

Augt 11th 1824. Was baptized Helena Cecilia, daughterofJohn and Henrietta Maria Palmer, born Aug. 7, 1824. Sponsors Cumberland William Manners35 and Helena McCarthy, by me Thos. Brindle .

Aug. 20th 1824 [alteredfrom 1820]. Was baptizedPatrick Doyle, Son ofPatrick and AnneDoyle, born Aug. 18th 1824.Sposs. Patrick Grime and Mary Mackhugh , by me R.M. Cooper.

Aug. 15th 1824. Was baptizedJohnCullins, born July 28th 1824, Son ofJohn and Hannah Cullins. Sponss. Patrick Daulingand Frances Wall, by me R. Cooper

Aug. 24th 1824. Was baptizedEdward Joseph Hebden , born Aug. 23d 1824, son ofEdwardand AnneTeresa Hebden Spons Lucy Willoughby and Wm . Berington , by me R. Cooper.

Aug. 29th 1824. Was baptized Helen Keating, born Aug. 15th 1824 , daughter of Thomas and Margaret Keating Spons James Terris and Catharine Terris, by me R. Cooper. Aug. 30th 1824. Was baptized Edward Davis, born August 8th 1824 , son of Thomas and Catharine Davis. Spons. Anne Church and Richar [sic] Shortall, byme R. Cooper.

September 5th 1824.Was baptizedFerdinand Baily, son ofAlexandrina andDavid Baily, born August4th 1824. Spons. LucyWilloby, by me R. Cooper.

September 5th 1824. Was baptized John Hening, born 31st ofAugust 1824. Son ofTimothyand Mary Hennings [sic].Spons. RichardShortill and Anne Hipisley, byme R.M. Cooper.

September 6th 1824. Was baptized Thos. Green born Son ofThos.and Mary Green. Spons ElizabethSmith, by me R.M. Cooper.

September 12th 1824. Was John Walshannuck baptized, born Sep.6th 1824. Son of James and Jane Walshannuck . Spons JamesWalshannuck and MarthaMoon , by me R.M. Cooper

September 13th 1824.Was baptizedJohn JamesMalligan , born December


7th 1823. Son of James and Sarah Malligan Sponsr James Haggarthy and hiswifeHonoriaHaggarthy,

In a different hand, presumablyPlatt's: by me R.M. Cooper

September 19 , 1824. Was baptized Emma Mulligan, born 4thofJune 1820. Daughter of James and Sarah Mulligan Sponsr. Thos O'Neill, Honoria Haggarty, by me Robert Platt.³36

Henceforthin Brindle'sand Cooper's hands , assigned: October 3d 1824. Was baptizedMary Anne Connor, daughter of John and Helen Connor, born September 22d 1824. Spons JohnTonerand Mary Arundell, byme R.M. Cooper

Octr 7, 1824. Was baptized James, son ofSolomonandMaria Duffet, born Octr 4, 1824.Spons. Joseph Spencer and MarthaMoon , by me Thos Brindle

Octr. 10, 1824. Was baptized Mary Callwell, daughter of Thos. and Mary Calwell [sic], born Septr 6, 1824. Spons Peter Braziland Maria Cyvans, by me Thos. Brindle.

Octr 13, 1824. Was baptized Joseph, Son of Ed and Ann Dexeter , born Septr 11 , 1824 , by me Thos. Brindle.

Octr 17, 1824. Was baptized Michael, Son of Hugh and Ann Reiley, bornSeptr 30, 1824. Spons ElizaLambert by me Thos. Brindle

November 1st 1824. Was baptizedEliza Howard, born Oct. 16th 1824. Daughterof John and ElizabethHoward. Peter Braize and Sarah Gaine , Sponss., bymeR.M. Cooper.

November 2d 1824. Was baptized Wm. Thorp, born October 23d 1824. Son of Wm and Helen Thorp Spons. Anne Connor and George Head , by me R.M. Cooper. November8th 1824. Was baptizedCharles Leigh, born Oct. 1824. Son of Joseph and Jane Leigh. Spons Stephen Quin and Arabella Kelly, by me R.M. Cooper.

Dec. 5th Wm Bird was baptized Born Novr. 10th Son of Thos and Bridget . Spons.AlexanderMacDonaldand Catharine Hancock, by me R.M. Cooper. Jan. 1st 1825. George Blinkworth was baptized (sine cer.), born in November 1824 , by me R.M. Cooper

1825 [entry illegibly deleted, followed by baptism dated9 June1819 , here printed onp. 159].

36 Recently ordained and newly arrived from Rome to take charge of the Axminstermission (Oliver, pp 381-2)


Mortuary Register from December 3rd 1809 [at opposite end of register, turned upside down, starting in Calderbank's hand .]



Thos. Ketcherside

Anthony Smith

Ainsworth's hand:


Calderbank's hand:

Mrs C. O'Brien38

Richd O'Connor


Jas Lyons

Margt Lowther

Timothy O'BrienEsq39

Owen Mooney

Jas Bugley [?] Esqr

John Ferrers [?]

Wm Lawton

Edwd Wogan

Michael Lawton


Decr 11th 1811

Decr. 25 , 1811

Bath Jany 30, 1812

March 27th 1812

Bath March 15 , 1812

Bath April 8, 1812

Bath April 10, 1812

Bath April 21st 1812

Bath June 2nd 1812

Bath Augt 13th 1812

Bath Novr 23, 1812

Bath Decr 16th 1812

Bath Decr 29, 1812

Bath Jany. 9th 1813

Bath Jany. 10th 1813

Bath Decr 26, 1812


Bath Jany 10, 1813 [blank] Nutall

Mrs MargtTrapp40

G. Butler Esqr . 41

Wm . Fisher

H.Clifford Esqr

Helen Donahue

Philip Mulican [?]

Mary Short

Edwd Short

Dorothy Molland

George Taylor Esqr . 45

Mrs Elizth Bishop43

Mr GarretFarrel

Paul Barbe

Mrs I. Clarkson

John Kelly


Revd R. Ainsworth44


Jany 27, 1813 Bath Jany 30th 1813

Bath March 14 , 1813

London April 22, 1813

Bath May 9th 1813

Bath May 14th 1813

Bath May 23d, 1813

Bath June 6, 1813

Bath June 13th 1813

Bath July 5th 1813

July 19th[?] 1813

Nov. 23, 1813

Twerton Jany 3, 1814

Bath Jany 3 , 1814

Jany. 12 , 1814

Feby 3, 1814

Feby. 5th 1814

38 Christianname Catherine (C.R.S., 12, p 117)

39 In C.R.S., 12, p 118

40 In C.R.S., 12, p 120, as "Trapps" .

41 ibid., as"late of Bath"; Christian name George 42 43 ibid. , p. 121; also C.R.S., 63, passim and J. Gillow, The Haydock Papers (1888) p 132 where he is wrongly stated to have died "aboutChristmas, 1813" . C.R.S., 12, p 121, as "late of Bath" . A Bath death not includedin this mortuary list is that ofthe Rev. JohnSanderson in October1813 (ibid , p 122; Foley, VII, p 684)

44 See C.R.S., 65, pp 72, 80-81 Buried in the vaults beneath the Old Orchard Street chapel (now a masonic hall)


J.[?] Stonor[?] Esq



Mrs Margt. Plunkett

Marquis de Sommery 45

Mr AlexanderHenryJohn

Vincent de Cayeau

Mr Piere Francois Benoit

Rishton's hand; WalterLaconEsq . 46


Jeremiah Donaghue

Philip Nunan Esqr


Richd Batterby

Chas Metralcourt


Thos Maran



Wm Brady

Cath HenrietCole

Simon Ryan

Bernard Dowlan

Thos. O'Brian

Nicholas Dowling


John Sullivan

John Short

Calderbank's hand



Mary Const

Miss Cathne Fleming

Saml Odber

Charles Callahan

. 11 , 1814

16 , 1814

March 16 , 1814

8th 1814

April 13, 1814

28, 1814

May 11th 1814

16th 1814

11th 1814

13th 1814

12th 1814

24th 1814

4th 181548 Apl 29th 1815

May 14th 1815

May 20th 1815

May 31st 1815 Bath June 3rd 1815

June 22nd 1815

July 1st 1815

July 5th 1815

May 10th 1815

July 15th 1815

10th 1815

12 , 1815

15, 1815

Octr 11 , 1815

Nov. 11th 1815 45 Buried in vaults (memorialtablet) 46

Buried in vaults (memorial to Armand Dumesniel, Marquis de Sommeryand his wife, Adelaide) 47

48 WoottonBassett, Wilts

An 1815 death not in this mortuary list is that ofMaryChichester whodied in Queen Square, Bath, and to whom there is a monumentin the Catholic chapel at Marton, Yorks (E. Riding); see Sir N. Pevsner, Yorkshire : York and the East Riding (1972) p. 312. The lowerpart ofthe monumentrecords that her daughter Mary MacDonnell , Lady Constable, died in Bath ten years later and was buriedin the vaults beneath the Old Orchard St. chapel (where there is also a memorialto her).


Mary Manning

Elizth. Hutchinson

Win'd Feltham

Mary Rowe

Martha Townsend

Wm. Blakeley

Mrs Frances Crouch49

Edwd. Murphy

Mr John Webb


Novr 12, 1815 Novr 18th 1815 Bath Decr 1815

Bath Jany 11 , 1816

Bath Jany. 1 , 1816

Bath Jany. 22 , 1816

Bath Feby. 5, 1816

Bath March 23, Weston [?] April 7th

Here follow, crossed-out, the Callahan [spelt Callan], Feltham [Felton] and Townsend entries, already enteredabove. These, and thenext two , are in Rolling's hand:


Mary Wall

Mr B. Brickman

Calderbank's hand:

Cathne McGuir

Elizth. Dutton

Mary Green

Henry Beaumont

Thos Slade

John Bidcon[?]


Jas Maguire

Calderbank's hand:


[blank] Brown

Richd Abbott


Honob Agnes Fitzwilliams50

Edwd . Gillhespy

Mary Bence

Elizth. McCatey

Margt. Palmer

Mathew Molloy

JohnMansfield Esqr


Mary Feasanna

Baines's hand: An Irishman

6th 1816

July 1816

July 1816

Nov. 1816

Novr. 1816

Nov. 1816 Bath Nov. 1816

Bath Decr 4th 1816 Bath 1816

Bath Decr 24, 1816 Bath Decr 29, 1816 Bath Jany 15, 1817

Jany 15 , 1817

Jany 20, 1817

Feby 18, 1817

Feby 19, 1817

Feby. 23d 1817

4th 1817

April 15 , 1817

April 30th 1817

July 3d 1817

Aug. or beging of Sep. 1817



Age Residence Death

An infant of Mrs Strutter51

Mrs Butler

Mr Phelan52


Mrs Hacket54

Augustine Melin55

A BlackMan56 young

A man drowned in theriver57 young

Mrs Esther Hippisly

North Parade B. abt the 10thof Sepr. 1817

WalcotSt. Bath Octr 1817

South P. Bath Octr 28th 1817

JamesSt. Bath Novr 1st 1817

Margaret's P. Bath Dec. 11th1817

BeaufortSqr Bath Decr 19th1817


Bath St. Novr 1818

MrVigano about30 AbbeyChurch Yd Decr 4th 1818


Thos Burns

Ann Hyde 80

Mrs Scott58 60

Walcot poor house Decr 5th

Avon St. 1818 Decr 4th 1818

Bath, Johnson St. Jany. 12 ,

Bath, Queen St. Feby 26, 1819 1819

Here follow 8 blank pages; death-entries continue in the next Register (unprinted) Seealso C.R.S., 12, p. 147etseq.


Heading and firstentry in Ainsworth's hand. 1810, March 4th Were married, according to the rites of the Church, John Swarbrick and Helen Rose; present as witnesses Revd. Wm. Coombes, MrWilliamsand Mrs Catharine Brown, byme Ralph Ainsworth. Next eighteen entries in Calderbank's hand: 1810, June 18th. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church , MrWalter Gldhill [sic ? Gledhill] and Miss ElizabethKnight, in the presence ofMr, Mrs Bezely [?] etc.

Jas Calderbank. 1810, Aug. 26th Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic ChurchJno Thompsonand AnnWinbow,both of the parish of Horton , in the County ofGlocester ,byme

Jas. Calderbank .

51 See Baines's journal, 14 Sept. 1817 (in C.R.S., 65). The vague dating of Baines's first two mortuary entries suggests that they were written-up some time later. A Bath deathnot recorded in this list was that ofJamesEverard,9thLord Arundell ofWardour, on 14 July 1817 (C.R.S., 12, p. 138).

52 Baines'sjournal, 28 Oct. 1817 (in C.R.S., 65).

53 ibid , 31 Oct. 1817

54 ibid . , 11 Dec. 1817 .

55 ibid., 13-20 Dec. 1817. For a burial on 30 Dec. 1817 (not in this mortuary list) see journal underthat date .

56 ibid,, 13 June 1818

57 ibid , 16 June

58 For this and the preceding entry, see C.R.S., 12, p 143

1810, Aug. 29th Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Mr John Englishand Miss Frances Huddleston, in the presence ofthe Lady's two Sisters and many others ,byme

Jas Calderbank

1811, June 22nd Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Bartholemew Vaughan and Catharine Mary Norris, in the presenceofMiss C.Murphy and Mr Ryan,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1811, Septr 1st Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, John Brenan and Anna Maria Hayter, in the presence ofMrs Phelan,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1811 ,October30th. Were married, according to the rites ofthe Catholic Church, John Tully and Catharine Murphy, in the presence ofMrN. Dowling and MrsDowling,byme

Jas. Calderbank

1812, June 8th. Were married Joseph Ward and Frances Stytche, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, in the presence of Mrs. Cliffordand all the family, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1812, July 11th Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, John Rideout and Rosanna Purnell, in the presence ofJulien Havez and Mary,by

R. Ainsworth.

1812, Septr. 9th. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church , Mr Ferdinand Birkin [?] and Miss Mary Anne Deverel, in the presenceofher Sister and Misses [?] Wats ,byme

J. Calderbank .

1813, Jany 20th Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Henry Clifford Esqr and Miss Anne Ferrers, in the presenceof the respective families,byme

Jas Calderbank .

1813, Octr 29. Were married, accordingto the rites of the Catholic Church ,Edwd Gelepsie and Ann Thawman [?], in the presence ofMiss F.Taylor, HenryWilliamsand his Daughter Mary, byme J. Calderbaik.

1813, Decr. 26. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church , Mathieu Paul Louis Anne Prygny de Gueriaux , Capte. de Vaissiau dans la Marine Imperial, Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur, and Miss Sarah Marshall , in the presence of Le ContreAmiral Durand de Linois, Comte de L'Empire, Commandant de la Legion D'honneur, and Frances Sacherey de Beaurepaire, by R. Ainsworth. The above entry also occurs in the First Register, supra , p. 71 .

1814, Feby 22. Were married Henry Barnwall Esq. and Miss Jane Nugent, in the presence of the Lady'sBrother and Aunt, byme

J. Calderbank .


The next two entries (baptisms) also occur supra , p 142, though with some differencein thedating ofthe second entry.

1814, March9th Was baptised Wm., Son of George and Sarah Stacey, born Feby. 28. Sponsors Cornelius Dowding and Henrietta Loveless, byme

J. Calderbank

1814, March 23rd Was baptised Denis Harry, Son of Edwd. and Elizabeth Murphy, born Decr. 16, 1813. Sponsors Patrick Hoy and Henrietta Loveless, byme

J. Calderbank .

1814, April 18. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Wm. Heskins and Theresa Osmund , in the presence ofMary Edwin, JohnSmith etc., by me

J. Calderbank .

1814, May 28. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Thos Osmund and Mary Edwin, in the presence ofNoah Osmund and his Sister Theresa ,by me

J. Calderbank

1814, June 26th Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church , John Talbot Esqr and Miss MariaTalbot, in the presence ofthe Lady'sfamilyand Miss Frances Talbot,byme

Thenext seven entries in Rishton'shand:

J. Calderbank

1814, Octr 12th Were married Charles Eyston Esq and Miss Teresa Metcalf , 59according to theRites of the CatholicChurch, in the presence oftheir respective families, by

JamesCalderbank .

1814 , Octr. 25th Were married, according to the RitesoftheCatholic Church, Matthew Campbelland Mary Williams, in the presence ofher Father and her Sisters and others, by


1814 ,Novr 25th. Were married, according to the Ritesofthe Catholick Church, John Palmer and Henrietta Church, in the presence of her Grandmother, Aunt and others ,by

James Calderbank .

1815, Jany 11th Were married, according to the Ritesofthe Catholic Church, Mr Michael Fautsch to Miss Elizabeth Caswell, in the presence ofRichardPhelan and his Son , by


1815, Feby 2nd Were married, according to the Rites ofthe Catholic Church, William Allner to Esther Green, in the PresenceofJames Green and Mary AnneGreen ,byme

Thos Rishton

1815, March 6th. Were married, accordingto the Ritesofthe Catholic Church, George Thomas Maddox Esqr. and Miss Anna Teresa Maria

59 See notes 90 & 95 to first register.

Cockayne,in the presence ofherMother and several Friends,by JamesCalderbank . 1815 , March 13th. Were married, according to the Rites ofthe Catholic Church, John Peacock and Margaret Collins, in the Presence ofRichd Clarke and Margaret Edwards,by

JamesCalderbank .

Next nine entriesin Calderbank's hand:

1815, April4th.Were marriedJoseph Park and Mary Thompson, inthe presence ofMr and Mrs Phelan, byme

Jas Calderbank .

1815, April 5th Were married John Wright Esqr and Miss Mary Catharine Cholmeley, in the presence ofMrs Chartonand otherfriends , by me

Jas. Calderbank

1815, Octr. 1st Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Thomas Collins and Mary Browne, in the presence of her Brother and Sister and others , by me

Jas. Calderbank .

1815, Octr 23rd Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Edwd. HebdinEsqr. and Mrs HenryClifford, in the presence of the Lady's familyand Sir Richd BedingfieldBart , byme

Jas .Calderbank .

1816, Jany. 11. Were married, according to the rites of the C. church, Wm. Charles Jerningham Esqr. and Miss Anne Moore, in the presence oftheir respective families, by me

J. Calderbank

1816 , Feby 24. Were married , accordingto the rites of the Catholic church, Richd., Lord Viscount MountEarl , 60 and Mrs Mary Blennerhasset, in the presence ofthe Servants , byme

Jas . Calderbank .

1817 , Jany 26th. Were married John Phillips and Elenor Priestman , accordingto the rites of the Catholic church, in the presence ofElizth. Ward ,by me

Jas Calderbank .

1817, Feby 16. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic church, Wm. Isaacs and Jane Moger, in the presence oftwo Witnesses , by me

Jas. Calderbank.

1817, April 13th Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic church , Jas Wilkes and Eliza Melor, in the presence ofher Motherand several others,byme


Jas Calderbank . Richard Quin, Baron Adare, Viscount Mount-Earl (5 Feb. 1816) andEarlof Dunraven (1822) See "G.E.C" , Complete Peerage , IV, pp 547-8, accordingto which this marriage took place on 26 Feb. 1816. If the Catholicceremonydid precede the Anglican this was in contraventionofHardwicke's Act See also note 119 tofirst register


Henceforthin Baines's andBrindle'shands as signed:61 1817 [blank]. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, John Walsh and Catharine Finity, in the presence ofCatharine Walsh and MrsCorbin ,byme Thos Brindle

1818, Novr 29. Were married by dispensation (being Advent Sunday) John FitzPatrick and Mary Mahony, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, in the presence of two witnesses, Joseph Fitzgerald and Eliza Moor , by me Thos. Brindle

April 15th 1819. Were married, according to the rites ofthe Catholic Church, Walter Jones and Mary Madeleine Philippine Buron, in the presence ofMrsWilloughby and Miss F. Ferrers , bymeP. Baines

May 15th 1819. Were married, according to the Rites of the Catholic Church, AimableProsper La Bigne and Mary Ann Shaw , inthepresence ofGuiseppi Huelli and MariaShaw , byme Thos . Brindle

Septr 3, 1819. Were married, according to the Rites of the Catholic Church, Oliver Grace Esqr and Frances Mary Nagle, in the presence of Mr and MrsJo. English, Miss Huddlestonand others, by me Thos. Brindle.

Octr 11 , 1819. Were married, according to the Rites of the Catholic Church, Bernard Fanningand Jane Currin, in the presence ofMary and JohnShort , by me Thos . Brindle.

Octr 31, 1819. Were married, according to the Rites ofthe Catholic Church, James Holland and Ellen Kelly, in the presence of Bernard Fanning and Ellen Barker, byme Thos . Brindle.

Jany 31, 1820. Were married, according to the Rites oftheCatholic Church, John Boland, and Mary Clark in the presence of John and BridgetGragan, by me Thos . Brindle

Feby 7, 1820. Were marriedaccordingto the Rites ofthe Cath.Church , John Hussey Esqr and Miss Christina Arundell , 62 in the presence of Miss Lacon,Mr, Mrs andMiss B.Arundelletc. , byme Thos Brindle.

May , 1820. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Patrick Shea and Dora Leler, in the presence of Michaeland Ann Leler ,


62 by me Thos . Brindle.

Apparently incomplete - only two entries between April1817 and April1819 . Daughter of Thomas Raymund Arundell and Mary Ann Elizabeth (née Smythe ; seesupra, p 83). Miss B. Arundell may be the bride'ssister, MaryBlanche AppoloniaArundell; cf. genealogy in E. Doran Webb (ed.) Notes by the 12th Lord Arundell of Wardour on the FamilyHistory (1916).

Novr. 21st 1820. Were married, accordingto the ritesofthe Catholic Church, Michael Theobald Langton Esq and Miss Mary Ryan, in the presence oftheirrespective familiesand ofCol.Stonor63 and - Murphy Esq., by me Peter Baines

July 30th 1821. Were married, according to the rites ofthe Catholic Church, Mathew Malone and Mary Hulbert, in the presence ofJohn Shire and CharlottePierce , by meP. Baines

Septr. 18, 1821. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Chas. Dormer and ElizaCharlotte de Coettogon,in thepresence ofJohn Palmer and Mary Redwood, byme Thos . Brindle.

Feby. 18, 1822. Were married, accordingto the rites of the Catholic Church, Henry Cozons and Eliz Kent, in the presence of Barbara Cooperand James Haggarty, byme Thos. Brindle

Augt 28, 1822. Were married, according to the rites oftheCatholic Church,William Edwards and Sarah Abbot, in the presence ofWilliam Rose and ElizabethAbbot, byme Thos . Brindle

Octr. 26, 1822. Were married, according to the Rites of the Cath . Church, Solomon Duffitt and Eliz Maria Moon, in the presence ofJo . Palmer and MaryShort, by me Thos . Brindle. Jany 16th 1823. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, Giovanni Thewenetti and Emely Appleford, in the presence of Richd Appleford, CharlotteAppleford and ElizaHay, bymeP. Baines . Feby. 1st 1823. Were married, according to the Rites ofthe Catholic Church, Joseph Lawley and Charlotte Perry, in the presence of Miss Bond and John Palmer, by me Thos Brindle. Feby 10, 1823.Were married, accordingto the Rites oftheCatholic Church , Michael Hart and Susana Hill, in the presence ofBenjn. Evans andMary Wickley, bymeThos . Brindle

April23, 1823.Were married, accordingto the rites ofthe Cath.Church, John Codyand Mary Ann Head, in the presence of Joseph Dowdingand CharlotteHead , bymeThos . Brindle.

Octr 6, 1823. Were married, accordingto the rites ofthe Cath Church , John Foyle and Cath. Bayston, in the presence of Michl. Mooreand Eliz. Connor ,

63 Seenote 34 . by me Thos Brindle.



Octr. 14, 1823. Were married, accordingto the rites ofthe Cath.Church, Ed Newport and Eliz Shirley, in the presence of [blank], by me Thos Brindle

Novr 8, 1824. Were married, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, John Day Esqr and Miss Emely Hartsinck, in the presence of Thos Day Esqr , Saml Day Esqr and Stephanie de Sommery and Mary Frances Brun,by me

Thos. Brindle

Here follow ten blank ,pages

In Calderbank's hand (for a convertnotlistedbelow, see foot ofp. 137):

1811, April 20th

Augst. 10 , Rec'd into the CatholicChurch

Rob'tSmith age29

Maria Moon [?Moore] 14

Anne Braddon

Octr 2nd Elizth .Hyde 30, Wm.Kingman

Novr. 3d Elizth. Green

About the same time Mrs Herin by me J. Calderbank

1812, Septr 24th. Miss Caroline and her Sister, Miss Susan Scott, the the former aged23, thelatter 18 ,

October20th by J. Calderbank

Margaret Slade 59

Henrietta Deverall 18

Louisa Deverell 16

Sarah Hutchings 16

Wm Edwards

Jas Nagle

1813,Feby. 6, 13th 26th

March 13 , April 9th



May 29th

June 3rd

1814 , March 31 , 1814,April 9,

1814 ,May 18, 1814,June 9th

In Rishton'shand; 1814,Octr.


Wm Woods

Mary Anne Heffernan

Wm. Fisher

John Timberley

Pricilla Marsh

John Ridout

Sarah Vancombe

LucretiaAtto [?]

Elizth. Mockman

Mary AnneVaisey

MaryAne [sic] Green

Sister to Do.

Mary Woods

Miss Anne Darbyshire 1st Anne Baker

1814,Octr. 23rd

1814, Octr. 31st

1815,Feby. 3rd

1815,Feby 4th


1815, March 9, 8th

1815,March 17 ,


Mary Palmer

Mary Parfit


Esther Green

Sarah Hutchings


Thos. Jenkins

Jemima Albion

George Head

Benjamin Langley64

William Harling

Martha Townsend

Master Nelly



May June 22nd 3rd

July 8th 17,

In Calderbank's hand:

Augst 22 , Octr 31 , 1816 Decr 24, 18 , 1817,Jany. May 13 ,

In Calderbank's hand:

Anne Davies

Margaret Ford

Mary Connor

Mary Terry

Miss MariaJane Johnson


Mrs ElizabethDavis

Thos Edwards


Isite O'Brian



John Webb



Mrs Arundell

Henry Beaumont

Miss ElizabethJohnson

Grace Lalor

Miss Mary Anne Lyescobe

In capella catholica Bathoniae , die 25, mensis Octobris 1812, ab

Illustrissimo et Reverendissimo D.D. Petro Bernadino Collingridge, Episcopo Thespiensi, confirmati fuerunt:-

Matilda Hatch

Elisabetha Gerish

Sarah Abbott

John Palmer

Catharina McGuire

64 Seenote28



Jacob Elisabetha


Gulielmus Coady


Anna Maria Rozanna

Maria Sullivan

Elisabetha Wheelan

Ellena Martin



Robertus Moon

Richardus Clarke

Thomas Bridge


Maria Havez

Gulielmus Martin

Anna Bradden


Maria Moon

Elisabetha Quinn

Anna Leonard


Maria Dowding

Frances Flinn


Joanna Pike

Gulielmus Ludwick

Margaretta Slade

Gulielmus Edwards

Sarah Hutchings


Carolina Scott

Henrietta Deverell

Louisa Deverell

Joannes Sullivan

Emilia Dimony

Jacobus Nagle

Catharina Brown

Thomas Barry


Robertus Moon

Maria [?] Louis



Margaretta Carter

Elisabetha Lalor

Elisabetha Hyde


Thomas Coldfield






Anna MariaMagdalena














Theresa Josephus










Theresa MariaAnna Theresa

Anna Elisabetha




Georgina Richmond

Catharina Browne


Joannes English

Pulcheria Somerini

Joanna Bolts


Helena Moylan

Anna Kentgens

Helena Denie

Sarah Dungay

Sarah Carr

Helen Fryer

In Baines's hand;


Maria Clementina













In capella Catholica Bathoniae , die 21, mensis Junii 1818, ab illustrissimo et reverendissimo Dno. PetroCollingridgeEpiscopo Thespiensi, in districtu occidentalivicarioapostolico, confirmati fuerunt:-65

Joseph Mary Hoskins

George JohnCroft

Harriet Henely

Mary Burns

Mary O'Connor

John Whickham

Mary Isat O'Brien

Mary Cath: Taylor


Eliz Mary Edwards


Michael HenryCooper

Catharine Brown

Mary Terry

Robt Kirksby

Isaac Thatcher

Mary Thatcher

Ann Baker

ElizabethMary Redwood

John McGeary

Esther Mary Alner

Mary Teresa Hall

Mary Abbot


Jane Hall

Pat. John Kearns

65 See Baines's journal, same date (C.R.S., 65, p 235) Neitherthisnor thetwo following lists give any clear indication of confirmation-names but in some cases reference, via the index, to baptismal entries reveals additions to original Christiannames, e.g. Eliz added (in margin) to MaryEdwards


Thomas Culverwall

MaryJoseph William Thomas66

Sarah Teresa Leonard

Ann Kiplar

Catharine Agnes Carr

MaryAnn Eliz.Wood

Mary Taylor

Jane Langhern

Mary Parfitt

Ann Davies

Teresa Sarah MariaNokes

Benjamin Langley

Ellen Byrne


Ann Mary Magdalen Martin

MaryAnn Green


Ann Mary Short

Margaret Winifred English


Frances Hormsby


Catharine Paillet

Joseph Cody

MaryAnn Bodman

George Joseph Smyth

Joseph Fasana

JohnAnthony Cody

John O'Connor

John Flanaghan

ElizabethAnn Derbyshire

Joseph Agnes CeciliaSommery66

Mary Leonard

Cath Teresa Stanbridge

VictorWilliam Bailey

Mary Ann Lewis

Martha Steene

Margaret St John

Isaac JamesNokes

Patk. Ryan

Victoire ElizabethBailey

John Laurence Short


Bridget Moonan

John Moon


William Joseph Rose

George Wilson

Mary Ann Hunt SECOND

Robt JohnMeloy


Catharine Madden

Teresa Ann Still

Maria Louisa Quick

Mary Teresa Head

Susannah TeresaWestall

Ellen Gill

ElizabethCaroline Gill

Cecilia Laura Havez

Sarah Harman

MaryTeresa Gill

Ann Harris

Mary Ann Kentgens

Catharine Neil

Ursula Roderigus



Ann Caroline Welby


Anna Maria Cath. Green

Magdalene Mary Ann Heffernan


William Brown


Catharine Mary Martin

In Brindle'shand;

In Capella Catholica Bathoniae , die 30, mensis Decembris 1821, ab illustrissimo et Reverendissimo Dno. Petro Collingridge , Episcopo

Thespiensi, V.A. etc., confirmati fuerunt:-

Maria Howell

Sarah Mary Hollis

Hannah Mary Maudy

Marth [sic] Mary Baltch

MonicaMary Errington

James AugustinCroft

Esther HenriettaDealy

Anastasia Cady



Mary Anne La Bigne


Mary Ann LouisaBaily


Alice Gough

Mary Eliz. Alley

Henry Benedict Cady

Monica Theresa Bellingham

Joseph Knapp


Frederic Errington

Alexander Peter Christie


James Bernard Short

Sarah Ann Morse

Bridget Agnes Barry

Marie MargueriteMonpiez

Robert Vincent English

MaryAnn Agnes Wood

Joseph James Abbot

Mary Ann Beaumont

Mary Ann Eliz. Brabyn

JamesJoseph Head

Sarah Ann Page

Eliz Mary Cary

Mary ElizabethQuin

John Andrew Edwards

Charles Peter Fryer

Ed William Fryer

DorotheaScholastica Bellingham

JamesJohn Sheil

Hannah Mary Teresa Button

Sarah Ann Burgess

Ann Canfield [? Caufield]

Jane Catharine Riel

Mary George

Ed Joseph Ryan

Lucy Mary Frances Smythe

Mary Ann Moretti

James Joseph Dowding

Catharine SophiaRousell

Mary Ann TeresaHead

Thomas Sweeney

Nicholas Cornelius Paillet

JamesJohn Bailey

Mary Ann Margaret Horler

Jane Mary Hickson

Mary Agnes Kentgens

William Kelly

Mary Murphy

Elizabeth Cecilia Gill

Marth Mary Griffiths

In Brindle'shand:

In Capella Catholica Bathoniae , die 6, mensis Junii 1824 (Dominica Pentecostes) ab illustrissimo et Reverendissimo Dno. Petrus Baines, Episcopo Sigeense, V.A. Coadjut, confirmati fuerunt ;-

Mary Ann Hodges

Antonia Pierina ClementinaSolliers

TeresaMargt . Morse

Ann Mary Moyer [?Moger]

Margt. Mary Cavenagh

Sarah Mary Freeman

Bridgt.Mary Witts

Maria Agnes Connery

Sarah Mary Bourne

Ann TeresaWeetnam

Mary Ann Lucy Hayter

Mary Teresa Thornhill

Ann Teresa Thornhill

ElizabethAgnes Thornhill

ElizabethAgnes Lacy

ElizabethCecilia Green

Margt. Mary Brezel

Ann Ann Burn

MaryMary Figgins

Emma MaryPhipps

Ann Agnes Batterburry

HoniraMary Carr

Sophia MaryMagdeline FitzPatrick

Rebecca MaryShippings

Sarah ElizabethMagrath


Harriet Mary O'Flaherty

Margt . Agnes Fryer


Sarah Mary Hoskins

Frances Mary Kaines

Mary Flinn

ElizabethMary Frances Thompson

ElizabethAgnes Woolcote

Mary Rial

Mary Teresa Euriel


Mary Ann TeresaDobson

MaryAloysia Arthur

Helen - Baily

Henrietta Catharine Dobson

Mary Lynche

AnnMary Lapedge



Sarah Mary Carter

Ann Mary Clarke


ElizabethAgnes Hornsby

Elizabeth Agnes Conlon


Jane ElizabethSwift

Hannah Mary Dixon

Jean Baptiste Joseph Raimond

Louis Joseph de Gollerile

Jeremiah JohnMorrison

Thomas Joseph Phelan

Michael Joseph Magrath

MichaelLaurence Magrath

John Burn

James MatthiasMoger


Joseph John Quin

Michael George Cady [? Cody]

James John Flinn

William Joseph Henty

Francis JamesEdwards

JohnBaptist Coakley

Owen William Real

HenryJames Edwards


William Dominick Powell

HenryPaul Fryer

Jeremiah MatthewMorrison



Entriesmay occurmorethan once to a page oftext;footnote-references are abbreviated as n. Catholic priests have the prefix "Rev" . (or "Abbé") or appropriate suffixes: O.S.B., O.F.M., S.J. (or ex-S.J., the Society of Jesus having been suppressed from 1773 to 1814). A particular name does not necessarily denote only one person, nor do separate entries (Mr, Mrs, Miss in some; Christian names in others; or the same woman'smarried and maiden surname) necessarily represent different persons "Mrs" , at this period a courtesy-title for middleaged spinsters, need not always signify a marriedwoman (see C.R.S. , 65, p 240, and supra, p 18, note 34) and "Mr" (or a Christianname or initial with no prefix) may occasionallyconceal an unidentified priest Latinised Christian names are italicised and, where Christian and confirmation-names are not readily distinguishable both (or all) are indexed, marked with an asterisk . Some English Christian names have been abbreviatedor systematised , so obviating the indexing of irrelevant variants; thus Eliz represents Eliza, Elisabethand Elizabeth, Elen replaces Elenor (variously spelt) and Ellen, while Ann, Helen, Sara , Susan and Teresa also cover Anna and Anne, Helena, Sarah, Susanna(h), Teresia and Theresa Names apparently different may appertain tothe same individual, but where their initial letters differ, they are here distinguished , e.g. Esther, Hester (and also Helen, Ellen , Helena , Eleanor) Of the names already abbreviated in the MSS. , a few are ambiguous , e.g. "Ed " (Edmund, Edwin, or Edward) and such have not been altered . Occasionally surnames are preceded by single letters (sometimes "N" , possibly because the Christian name was unknown) but unless the latter is discoverable (see p. 15, note 20) "N" is treated as an initial. Where only a first name, or nickname , is given (e.g.Mary N.; Hopperkin) it is indexed under its initial letter, as are unnamed entries (Groom, Stranger, German Clock-Man), save that persons described as maids (or maidservants) and manservants are placed with "Servants" . Surnames beginning M' , Mc and Mic are gathered under Mac. The few children born out of wedlock are cross-indexed under both parents' surnames and cross-references are also provided to phonetic alternatives (Burn, Byrne ; Reilly, Ryley, etc.) and to other variants of surnames (many of which are standardised) and placenames; nevertheless idiosyncratic spelling and excecrable handwriting may still render odd entries misleading As every page relates to Bath , the index concerns itself only with specifically-mentioned places, streets, buildings, etc.withinthe city; these appear alphabeticallyunder "Bath" . Other places in England are indexed both individually and under their counties, with the historic (pre-1974) county-names . French and Irish persons and places are both alphabetised and grouped under "France" and "Ireland" respectively . French surnames with the prefixes de and d' are indexed under the main name but de la and du occurunderthose words .

Abbeville, Barb, 165; Jas 165; John, 165; Thos, 165

Abbot, Eliz, 69, 103, 104, 108, 181 , 183, 195; Geo, 145 ; Jos, 108, 180; Jos Jas , 202; Letitia, 145, 151; Mark, 118, 119; Mary, 104, 199; Richd , 29, 104, 108, 145 , 151 , 189; Richd Augustine , 151; Sara, 195, 197

Abraham , Saml, 127

Abram , Henry, 175; (or Dodson), EmiliaCaroline, 175

Acary, Marie Cath Agathe d' , Marquise de Verchocq ,65

Acock, Eliz, 176; Honora , 176; Richd, 176

Acton, Sir Richd, 2 & n , 15

Acton Burnell, Salop, 72n

Adamo , Louis, 181; (or Gosselin), Louis Henry, 181

Adams, Arthur, 171 ; Edwin, 171; Helen, 14; Mary, 171; Teresa, 135; Thos, 171

Adare, see Mount-Earl

Ahern, Cath, 165; (or Ryan), Emilia, 165

Ainsbury, see Amesbury

Ainsworth, Ralph, O.S.B., 52-6, 61, 62 & n, 63, 65-78, 80-114, 116-8 , 120-9, 131-42, 186-7 & n, 190-1

Alanson , Mary, 135

Albert, Winefride , 2 (maid), 7, 12 , 24 , 28.35

Albion, Jemima , 197

Alden, Esther, 11, Hester, 46

Aldenham , Salop,2n

Allanson , see Alanson

Allen, Cath, 156; Edwd, 55, Esther, 2, 8; Francis, 52, 54, 55, 58; Jas, 50; Jane, 55; John, 57; Mr, 35

Alley, MaryEliz, 202

Allner, Alner, Allnar, Austin(?) Jos, 149; Esther, 149, 156, 166, 172, 177, 192 ; Esther Mary, 199; Fabian Mich, 166; Sebastian Joachim , 156 ; Sebastian Swithune , 177 ; Teresa Marianne , 172 ; Wm , 148, 149, 152, 156, 166 , 172 , 177, 192

Allworth , see Alworth

Alpin, Alpen, John , 135, 187; Math, 139, 141; Wm, 132. See also Halpin

Alworth , Ann, 173 ; Cath, 138; Elen, 163; Francis, 134, 138, 163; Hanah, 163; Honora, 134; Mary, 138; Wm , 134

Anello, Eliz, 148

Angoulême , Duc de, 79

Anderson , Rev. SirWm , 58n

André,Cath, 63

Amesbury ,, 39; Ann, 27; Geo, 3 , 33; Mr, 24; Mrs, 23 , 28

Anne , 5

Applebe , Charlotte, 130

Appleford, Charlotte, 195; Emely, 195; Richd, 195

Archer, Mary, 83, 91 ; Mary Ann, 66; Richd , 105 ; Susan , 105

Ardenond, Ardenand , Christina , 83; Mary, 83, 87; Peter, 83, 87

Armagh, Ir, 134n

Arnold, Jane, 71; John Harris, 71

Arnoud, Eliz, 153

Arthur, Mary Aloysia, * 203

Arundell of Wardour , 5th Baron, 18n; 6th Baron, 72n; 8th Baron, 86; 9th Baron; 190n

Arundellfamily, 2n, 18n, 72n;B.(Miss), 194; Christina , 138, 194 & n; Christina Mary Eliz, 83; Elen, 138; Eliz, 89, 138; Henry, 138 ; Henry Raymund Thos 86 ; J.B., 121n; James Everard, 72n, 190n (9th Baron); Lady, 83; Mary, 185; Mary Ann Eliz, 72 & n, 83, 86, 194n; Mary Blanche Appolonia(?), 194 & n; Math, 186; Mr, 194; Mrs, 194, 197; Raymund , 89; RaymondThos Hugo, 72, 121; Thos, 18 & n; Thos , Raymund , 72 & n, 83, 86, 138 , 194n

Asburn, Teresa, 157; Wm, 157

Ashcombe, Wilts, 72n

Ashman, David, 107; Mary, 107

Ashmore,Mary, 202

Ashton, Aston, Ann, 5, 8, 14, 24, 58 (& daughter), 64; Ann Mary Rose , 73; Eliz, 64; John, 75; Mary, 5 , 11 , 14 (junr ), 24, 36, 59, 64; Mary Rose, 48, 53, 126(?)

Askins , Ann, 173; Teresa, 173; Thos , 173;Wm , 113

Aston, see Ashton

Atto(?), Lucretia, 196

Aubery, LouisTheophilus , * 201

Austen, Austin, Ann, 1 , 6 (deleted), 7, 14 (senr ), 35 (junr ); Anna , 115

Avril, Euphrosine , 169; Madeline , 62n

See also Gouget .

Axminster, Devon , 185n

Aylesbury, Ann, 147; Geo, 147; Mary Ann, 147 ; Thos, 147

Aylesbury, Bucks , 186

Back, Valentine, 174

Baggs, Henry, 14 , 24 , 34

Bailey, Bailie, Baily, Alexandrina, 184; Ann, 62 ; Cath, 154, 163, 166; CharlotteBrereton , 156 ; Clare, 161; David , 184; Eliz, 112, 144, 150,


154, 161, 173, 178, 179; Ferdinand , 184; Helen, 203 ; Henry , 172; Jas John , 202 ; John, 148, 161, 197; Louisa , 175; "Marg" , 178, Mgt, 180; Maria, 145; Mary, 145, 148, 156, 163, 172, 179 ; Mary Ann Louisa, 112, 201; Mrs, 197; Thos, 145, 154, 156, 163, 172, 179; Victoire Eliz, 200; Victor Wm, 200; Walter, 144; Wm, 112, 144, 150 ; Wm Gregory, 150. See also Biley.

Bain, Timothy, 91

Baines, Peter Augustine , O.S.B. & Bishop, vii, 132, 153-75, 189-90, 194-5,199-201,203

Baker, Ann, 130, 144, 196, 199; Chas , 8; Hannah, 6, 14, 16, 21, 23, 29, 64; John, 75; Jos, 149; Mary, 21, 75, 149; Rachel, 5, 64; Robt, 16 , 123, 130 & n; Sara, 14, 23, 64n (deleted); Thos, 149 ; Wm, 16 , 21 , 23

Balch, see Balsh

Baldwin, Mary, 1 , 7 , 13 ,25

Ball, Mary, 57

Ballerby, Charlotte, 134; Geo, 134; Thos, 134

Ballieul, Pascal , 125

Ballyman , Thos, O.S.B., 122 & n

Balsh, Balch, Baltch ,, 109; Marth Mary, 201 ; (or Campbell), Fredk, 109

Banks ,Mrs, 5

Bannister , Cath, 23

Baptist, Cath, 26; Jos, 26

Barbe, Paul, 187

Barber, Eliz, 122; Luke , O.S.B. , 156 , 172-3 , 176

Barden, Mary, 92; Mich, 92; Stephen, 92

Barker , Elen, 194 ; Jos, 165;Mr & Mrs, 165

Barnes, Barns, Eliz, 14, 15, 123 ; Jas , 53; Sara , 165, 168; Rev. Wm , 138 & n

Barnet, Helen, 184

Barnewall, see Barnwall

Barns, see Barnes.

Barnwall , Barnewall , Henry, 191; Jane , 191 (& brother & aunt); Maria, 83; Maria Therese, 88 ; Martha Henrietta, 88 ; Nicolas, 83 ; Thomasin , 124, Thos, 83, 86, 88. See also Trimelsto(w)n . Barr, see Ryan, Eliz

Barrat, Barratt, Barret, etc. , Ann Caroline, 174; Chas Jas, 157; Cornelius , 141; David, 141; Eliz, 201; Elen, 128, 157, 166, 174; Jas ,

167; John, 99, 103, 174; Lucy, 84; Mary, 141; Thos, 20, 157 , 166; Wm, 166; Winifred, 145

Barrelli, Cath, 94; Chas Dominic, 98; Dominic, 90, 94, 98, 102; Jane, 102; Maria, 90, 94, 102 ; Maria

Anna, 90; Mary,98

Barret(t), see Barrat

Ba rick, Eliz, 3, 8, 32, 33

Barrington, Mary, 69

Barrow , Ann Mary, 75; Helen , 55

Barry, Bridget Agnes, 202 ; Cath, 87; Eliz, 51, 93, 175, 180, 198; Elen , 51, 80; Garret(t), 51, 73, 80, 93 , 126, 140; Gerard, 92; Harriet, 140; Helen, 73, 93, 120, 186; Henrietta , 73, 198 ; Jas, 74; Jane, 5; John, 60; Mary, 139; Patk, 87; Richd, 87; Thos, 80, 198

Barterbury, see Batterbury. Bartholomew, 59 & n

Bassett, Mrs, 37

Batchelor , W. Thos, 67; Wm , 116 , 126

Bates, Edw, 144; Eliz, 144; Thos, 92

Bateson, Jane, 110

Bath: Abbey, 2n, 15nn, 17n, 18 & nn , 22nn , 34n, 39nn, 42n, 46n, 61n, 62nn , 71n, 103n, 115n, 120 & nn, 121-3nn ? 126n , 129n; Abbey Churchyard , 190; Alfred St., 57; Avon St., 35, 58, 190; Back St., 57; Barton St., 57; Bath St., 190; Beaufort Sq , 190; Bell-tree House & Lane, vii, 1, 35, 36, 52n, 57; Belvedere, 56; Bennet St., 34, 35, 56; Bladud's Buildings , 58, Bridewell Lane, 57; Broad St., 35 , 57; Brock St., 56, 60; Catherine Place, 141n; Chandos Passage, 35; Church St., 35, 56; Circus, 35, 56, 64; Claverton Bldgs , 60n, Claverton St., 6n; Combe Down, 99 ; Corn St. (& chapel), 35 , 52, 53, 57, 61-3 , 65-71; Crooked Row, 36, 60; Fountain Pl (?), 57; Gay St., 43n , 57, 58; Gloucester St., 100%; Guinea Lane, 59 ; Holloway, 58; Horse St., 57; James St., 35, 58, 190; John St., 57 ; Johnson St., 190; Ladymead , 58; Larkhall, 149n; Laura Pl , 58 ; Lower Charles St., 58, 60; Margaret's Bldgs , 59; Margaret's Hill, 35, 57; Margaret's Pl., 190; Market Pl. , 59; Marlborough Bldgs., 36, 56; MilsomSt., 57; Murford St., 35, 58 ; New Vauxhall, 35; New King's St., 58; North Parade, 190; Northampton St., 189; Northgate St., 57-8 ,

Northumberland Bldgs , 58; (old)

Orchard St. chapel & burial-vaults, 131, 187n, 188nn ; Oxford Row , 35 , 56; Pack-Horse inn, 6n; Parsonage Lane, 58 ; Peter St., 57; Pierrepont St., 35; Poor-house, 128; Pulteney St., 58;Queen Sq., 188n ; QueenSt. , 190; Queen's Parade, 2n; Rivers St., 56; Russell St., 35, 57; Sion Hill, 123, 124; South Parade, 190; Stall St., 35; St Andrew's Parade, 35; St Andrew's Terrace, 59 ; St James's, 120n; St James's Parade , 35, 37, 57; St James's Sq., 34 , 56; StJohn's Court, 35, 58; St Michael's church, 52; Stall St., 57 ; Twerton , 58, 110n , 118, 138, 186, 187 , 189; Viner's Court, 35; Vineyard, 57; Walcot , 6, 58, 127, 130 , 190 (poor-house); Walcot Parade, 57; Walcot St., 58, 190; Westgate Bldgs , viin, 35, 57; WestgateSt, 57, Weston, 47, 120, 124, 186, 189(?); Widcombe , 71 & n(?), 124

Bathoe , Mrs, 13 , 22 , 32

Batten, Eliz, 182

Batterbury, Battlebury, Batterby, etc., Ann, 97; Ann Agnes, 203 ; Charlotte, 97, 100-1, 106, 112, 143; Eliz, 112; Richd, 143, 188; Thos, 97, 101, 106, 112, 143; Wm , 106

Battle, Eliz, 136 ; John , 136; Sara, 136

Batty, Frances, 70 ; Frances Mary, * 67

Bauggini(?), V., 186

Bave (?), Ann, 130

Bawden, Martha, 39; Thos, 39

Baxwel, Betty, 5

Bayston , Cath, 195

Bean, Timothy, 54

Beard, Cath, 75; John , 75; Mary, 75

Beasani, see Bis(c)ani

Beaufort, Eliz de, 143; Henry Claude

Raimond de, 143, 152; Juliana

Cecilia de , 152 ; Rosalie Eliz Wilhelmina de, 143, 152

Beaumer, Fr., 79

Beaumont , Bomount, Bowment, etc., Henry, 66, 95, 189, 197; Mary, 102; Mary Ann, 66, 95, 156(?), 172, 179, 202*

Beauregard, Cath, 63, 78; Claude, 63

Beaurepaire, Francoise Sachery de, 71 191; Mde de, 152

Bedingfield , CharlotteGeorgiana (Lady), 142; Mr, 103n; Sir Richd, 143 , 193

Beechwood, Cath, 171

Beggin, Alice , 91

Bell, Sara, 122 & n

Bellew, ChristopherDillon, 103

Bellingham , Dorothea , 181 ; Dorothea Scholastica, 202, Monica Teresa , * 202

Bellon , Frances, 136; Thos, 136

Benayé, Henriette Ulalie Marie de Plancher de, 82 ; Marie Jacquette Emilie de, 81 , 86

Bence, Francis, 144; Mary, 144 , 189

Benfield, AnnaMaria, 182

Benland, Mary Anne, 3 ; Theodosia , 3

Bennet(t), Cath, 171; Henry, 171; Thos, 171

Bennon, John , 181; Rose, 181

Bentley, Mgt, 9; (or Kelly), Mich, 9

Bergen, see Burgen

Berington , Wm, 184

Berkeley, Apollonia, 98; Robt, 98

Bernick , Miss, 57

Berresford ,Mr, 15n, 39n

Bert, see Birt, Burt

Berthe , Pierre François Benoit, 188

Bertrand , François, 65; Geo (?Abbé), 65;Mary, 18

Berwick, Eliz, 24, 32

Besset ,Mgt, 82. See also Bisset

Best, Eliz, 186; Henry, 90, 94, 95 , 98, 118; Henry Kenelm , 90, 94; LuciaMagdalena, 98; MaryEliz, 94, 95; Sara, 90, 94, 95, 98, 118

Bezani, see Bis(c)ani

Bezely(?), Mr & Mrs , 190

Bick, Frances, 107; John , 107 , 128; Mary, 107

Bidcon(?), John, 189

Biddlecomb , Martin, 176

Biddulph, Chas , 11; Mrs, 60

Bigerty, John , 53 ; Patk, 53, 60; Sara, 53

Biley, Eliz, 62. See also Bailey.

Billington, Ann , 11; Chas, 20; Christina , 12, 20(?); J., 34 ; John, 12, 20, 33; Mrs, 20

Birch, Elen, 107, 131; Laurence , 107 , 129; Leonora , 119, Mr, 119; Wm , 107

Bird, Bridget, 173, 185 ; Eliz, 173; Lydia, 11, 64 ; Mary, 11 ; Thos, 173 , 185; Wm , 185

Birdsall , John , O.S.B., 45-6, 70, 71 , 105-14, 118-9, 127-9 , 137 , 179

Birket, Birkit, Birkitt, Dr, 88; Dr Jas, 106 , 151 & n

Birkin(?), Ferdinand , 191; Mary Ann, 191 (& sister)

Birt, Burt, -, 4, 73 ; Chas, 73; Eliz, 64, 101, 168; Geo, 4, 46; John, 73; Mary, 13, 23, 36, 43

Birts, Mrs, 14

Bis(c)ani, Frances(ca), 66, 79, 106;


Giovanni (& John), 66, 79 , 94 , 106, 109, 129; Maria Francesca , 109; Mary Frances Rose, 94; Mr, 60; Mrs, 82

Bishop, Eliz, 187 & n;Mrs , 60

Bisset, Bridget , 112 ; Geo, 52 ; Jas, 44; Mary, 44, 52, 53, 59; Patk, 44, 52 , 59. See also Bessett

Black, Mgt, 159; Richd, 159; Wm, 159 "Black Hopperkin" , see "Hopperkin" .

Blackin, John , 156; Mary, 156 "BlackMan" (unnamed), 190

Blackwell , Mary, 36, 57

Blake , Ant, 7, 13 ; Mgt, 135; Martha, 5 , 14, 25, 38, 42, 47, 64 ; Maurice, 7, 13 , 22 ; Miss, 2; Mr, 2, 15, 116; Mrs, 2, 7, 13, 22, 32, 35 (maid of), 37; Thos, 135

Blakeley , Mary, 170 ; Thos, 170; Wm , 189

Bland, Sara, 152; Wm , 152

Blennerhasset, Mary, 193; Mary-ann, 102

Bligh, 38 ; Eliz, 38; Jane, 39; Marguerite , 40; Mich, 40; Patk, 38 , 39; Wm, 40

Blinkworth, Geo, 185

Blount, Lady, 153; Mich, 11. See also Stonor

Blundel (1), Henry , 44

Bodman, Bodmin, Mary Ann, 156 , 200*

Bodsen, Henry, 143

Boissel, Vincent Gabriel * de Bois, 68

Bolan .. (PBoland; Bolant), Francis , 84

Boland , John , 161, 194; Mary, 194

Bolts , Joanna, 199

Bomount, see Beaumont

Bond, Miss, 195

Bonsford(?), Wm , 186

Bony, Cath, 73; M., 73 ; Patk, 73

Bootfellow, Wm, 154

Borelli, see Barrelli, Borosculli, Francis, 102

Borrachini(?),Mr (& wife), 60

Boske(?), Abbéde, 138& n

Bostock, Mary, 94n, 148; Richd(Dr), 120 & n

Boswel , Eliz, 6

Boulanger (marriage-witness), 63

Boulnois , Joseph, 70 ; Marianne , 70

Bourford(?), Wm, 186

Bourne, SaraMary, * 203

Bourk(e) ,, 54; Jas, 54; N., 35; Sara, 116. See also Burk(e).

Bowden , Martha , 87; Mary 39 , 59 (& son)

Bower, Ann, 95

Bowland , MaryAnn,8

Bowment, see Beaumont .

Box , Wilts. , 46

Box, Ann , 119

Boxall, Eliz, 14 , 24 , 64

Boyanl (?), Chas, 45

Boyce, Frances, 69, 118

Boyd, Ann, 144; Mary, 144; Wm , 144

Brabyn , MaryAnn Eliz , * 202

Braddon , Bradden, Ann, 196 ; Anna , 198

Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts , 5, 33n , 46, 58 & n , 122 & n

Bradshaw, Ann, 186; Frances, 106

Brady, Bready, Eliz, 109; Jas , 86; John, 188; Judith, 109; Mich, 109; Wm , 188

Braize, see Brayes

Brannan, Ann, 24(?), 61 ; Eliz, 5; Mary(?), 24; Mich, 6, 59; Jas, 51, 59

Brasil, see Brazell

Bray, Cath , 88

Brayes, Braize, Christina , 111; David , 111, Frederic , 111; Peter, 185

Brazell , Brasil, Brazil , Brezel, Ant, 14; Mgt, 173, 174, 175; Mgt Mary, * 203 ; Peter, 174, 175, 178, 185; Thos, 174

Bready, see Brady

Brealey, Jane, 103; (or Hogan), Ann , 103

Brederode, Henry, Count de, 88

Brennan, Brenan, Brenen, Ann, 54; Ann Maria , 119 ; Cath, 158; John, 54, 106, 191; Owen, 133

Brennar, Wm, 84

Brereton , Wm Lill, 156

Brettorgh, Henry, 177; Mary, 177

Brewer, John Bede, O.S.B., 9-10 , 103 , 115-6

Brezel, see Brazell.

Brian , see Bryan.

Brickell, Elen, 158; John , 158; Thos, 158

Brickman, B. (Mr), 189 ; John , 59; Mr, 6, 25, 32

Bridge, Thos, 198

Brien, see Bryan

Brinby, Helena, 84

Brindle, Thos (then O.S.B.), 153-85 , 194-6 , 201-4

Brisco(e), Helen, 77; John, 74

Bristol, Glos , 17, 20, 70n, 71 , 123 (Hotwells)

Brittany, Fr., 81 , 86 , 122

Broadrick, see Broderick.

Brockholes , Mrs, 18

Brockshaw , Constantia , 45. See also Brookshire .

Broderick, Broderic, Broudrick, etc. , Bartholomey , 134; Mgt, 134, 142 ,

160, 171; Martin, 160 ; Mary, 142 , 151; Thos, 134, 142, 151, 157, 160; Wm, 46

Brogen, Bridget , 161 ; John , 161

Brooke, Jane, 105

Brook(e)s , Charlotte , 117; Charlotte


Mary, 68; Mary Ann, 84 ; Nancy, 84; Sara, 170

Brookshire , Geo, 4, 11. See also Brockshaw . Broudrick, see Broderick

Brown(e) ,, 92, 189; Ann, 153, 168, 170 , 182; Bartholomew Augustin, 176; Catharina Maria Cecilia,* 68; Cath, 51, 56, 61, 75, 83, 89, 126, 153, 190, 198, 199; Eliz, 69, 85 , 89, 96, 116, 132; Eliz Ann, * 67; Elen, 110; Emma, 182; Hannah, 179 ; Henry, 179; Geo, 168, 179; Jas, 85, 123, 181 ; John , 9, 170; Louisa , 161; Louisa Maria Magdalena, 68, Lucy, 97; Maria Helen (or Elen), 75, 122 ; Martha , 69; Mary, 62, 69, 78, 107, 111, 118 , 132, 138, 142, 161, 176, 193 (& brother & sister); Mary Ann , 143; Mrs, 5; Nicholas , 110; Thos, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 24, 29, 51, 56, 57 (& wife), 64, 75, 82, 83, 89, 116, 124, 153, 161, 170, 182; Wm, 51, 56, 120 , 132 , 201

Broxbourne, Herts , 1n

Brufy, Eliz, 52

Brun, Mary Frances, 196

Bruno, Marie Jeanne, 62, 75

Bryan, Bryen, Brian, Brien,, 115; Alice , 50; Danl, 82; Dominick, 87; Jas, 52, 87, 120; John, 50, 64; John Wm, 50; Mary, 82, 87 ; Mich, 6, 9, 24, 29, 35, 50, 57, 81; Mr, 36; Mrs, 32; Rebecca, 52

Buck, Frances, 73; Stephen, 73; Thos, 73

Buckinghamshire , 186

Buckley, Danl, 110, 136; Jane, 74, 125; Mr (butler), 2

Buet, Ann, 18, (cook-maid), 23 , 29

Bugden, Wm, 93, 113

Bugley(?), Jas, 187

Bulbeck , Martha, 6, 7, 13, 23 , 29

Bull,Ann, 139

Bullen , Vincent, 15

Bun, Bernard, 84; Jane 84; Richd, 84

Burchell, Geo, 179; Mary Ann, 179; Sara, 179

Burgen, Bergen, Burgin, Helen, 89 ; Jas, 89; Jeremiah, 84, 88, 186 ; John, 89

Burgess , Sara Ann , * 202

Burk(e), Alice, 76; Brigit, 74; Caroline ,

158; Cath, 66, 91; Edwd, 102 119, Edmund, 107 ; J., 150 ; Jas, 128, 133, 134; Jane J., 124; Jemima, 102, 107, 119, 128; John, 55, 76, 107 ; John Russell, 150; Lucia, 102; Mary, 71, 126, 149, 150, 158, 188; Mich, 149; Miles, 149, 158; Mr, 66; Mrs, 57, 71; Theobald , 18; SirThos , 110

Burn, Burne, Byrne, 51, 72 (deleted); Abigail, 175; Ann, 175 , 180, 203 ; Bernard , 125 ; Cath, 3, 8, 48, 70, 128; El, 200; Eliz, 180; Jane, 118, 127 ; John, 173 , 175 , 180, 204; Martha , 3 , 10, 11, 13n, 47-8; Maria Magd, 66; Mary, 142 , 176; Mich, 93, 180 ; Mrs, 13 , 24 , 28, 36, 57, 109; Susan , 167. See also Smith Burn

Burns, Jas, 153 ; John, 153; Mary, 153, 199; Thos, 190

Buron, Mary Madeleine Philippine, 194

Burrell, Mary,4

Burrough , Ann, 82; Isabella Mary, 72; Jos, 72, 82; Mary, 72; Mary Ann, 77; Wm, 82

Burt, see Birt.

Burton Constable, E. Yorks , 186 & n

Bush, Ann, 165; Eliz, 165; Jos, 165

Bushell, Mary, 175

Butler (unnamed ; Mr Dicconson's ), 23

Butler, Ann, 158; Cath, 6, 7; Chas , 162; Elen Mary Ann, * 68; Eliz, 73; Geo, 52 (& wife), 56, 187 & n; Mary, 123 & n; Mich, 27, 35, 55; Miss, 34, 56 ; Mr, 3 , 8, 13, 23, 40, 56; Mrs, 2 (& maid), 3 , 8, 13, 23, 34 , 56, 190

Butt(s), Cath, 41; Mr, 3 , 8, 13; Mrs, 3 , 8, 13 , 23, 28, 36, 58; Thos, 18

Button, Hannah Mary Teresa,* 202

Byrne, see Burn .

Cacy, see Casey.

Cady, Anastasia, 201 ; Henry Benedict , * 202 ; John(?), 161 ; Mich John(?), 204* . See also Cody.

Caezby(?), Sara , 142

Caffeari(?), Hector St Cyr, 148; Mary, 148; Nicholas Philippe Constant , 148

Caghlan, Richd, 54

Cahagan, Cahegan, Laurence, 21 , 33; Mrs , 115

Cahall, Patk, 65; Ruthe,65

Cahegan, see Cahagan.

Cairns, Jeremiah, 144

Caisy, see Casey

Calaghan, Calahan, see Callaghan, Collighan .

Calais, 108


Calderbank, Jas, O.S.B., 66, 69, 70, 89-102 , 114-5, 117-20 , 124-7 , 129 , 131-52, 186-93, 196-9

Callaghan, Callahan, Calaghan, etc. , Amelia, 88; Chas , 180; Deborah , 181; Jas 181. See also Collighan

Callan, Callen, Mrs, 97, 119; Sara 69

Callers, John, 127;Mgt,69

Calley, Edwd , 70

Calne, Wilts , 141

Calonne, Chas Alexander , Count de, 61

Cal(1)well,Mary, 185; Thos , 185

Calverwell, John , 173 ; Mary, 168 , 173 ; Thos, 155, 168, 173

Cambel(1), see Campbell

Cambruzzo , Mary, 152; (or Rebottaro), Jos , 152

Camel , see Cammel, Campbell

Cameron, Eliz,41; John, 41

Camerton, Som., 38

Cammel, Math, 107, 108, 114. Seealso Campbell

Campbell, Cambel, Cambell, -, 153 , Ann, 109 ; Bridget , 97; Cath, 32; Eliz, 78, 125, 159; Henry, 146; Hugh, 97; Jas, 97; John , 124 ; Mary, 146, 153, 159, 192; Math, 104, 146, 150, 153, 159, 165, 192; (or Balsh), Frederic, 109

Camplin , Cath, 8, 9, 13 , 24, 29, 33; Eliz, 13, 24; Mary, 8, 29

Cane, Bridget, 131, 132, 136 ; Wm , 107

Canfield (?), Ann, 202

Cann (?), Honora, 173

Can(n)ing, family, 6n; Edw, 3 , 16 , 22 , 23, 29; Francis, 151; Jane, 151; Mary, 56; Mrs, 35, 36, 56; Thos , 1nn, 56, 75, 89

Canor, Chas , 155 ; Elen, 155; John, 155

Canvan, John , 135; Mary, 135; Wm , 135

Capel, Edw, 150 ; Mary, 149, 150; Wm , 150

Cappelle, Marie, 63

Carbonnier , Marguerite, 63

Car(e)y,Edw, 143 ; Eliz Mary, * 202 ; Georgiana, 153, 170 ; Jas, 9; Maria, 199; Mary , 143, 173 ; Peter, 9; Thos, 143 ; Walter, 46; Wm , 173

Carlas, Carlis, Betsy, 5; Frances, 64; Mary, 14; Richd , 18. See also Corlas

Carpenter, Geo, 172; Jane, 108 , 119 , 128 ; Louisa , 172; Mgt, 22; Mrs, 25; Robt, 172

Carr, , 54, 99; Ann, 54; Cath Agnes, * 200 ; Harriette Cath; 98; HoniraMary, 203 ; John , 41 ; Mary,

99; Mich, 41, 136( ?), 137, 188; Sara, 41, 199

Carré, Ludovicus , 198

Carrell, Carrol(1), Ann, 42, 43, 55, 149; Ed, 128 ; Eliz , 168; Frances, 108; Henry Mich, 69, 108; Jas , 42, 107-8, 149; Jane, 55; John , 42 , 55, 58, 69, 168; Judith, 107-8, Mgt, 168; Mary, 113, 119, 147, 149, 150, 151; Mich, 105, 108 ; Patric , 59; Richd, 107-8; Wm, 151

Carter, Mgt, 198; Mary, 84; Sara Mary, 204

Cartlen , Elen , 170 ; Patk, 170; Sara , 170

Carty, Matty, 78; Tate , 78

Carver, Jas, 135

Cary, see Car(e)y Casaux, Caysau, Henriette de, 142; John Francis Dugout, Marquis de, 131; Leon Augustin de, 131; Paul Georgede, 131

Case(?), Mich, 136

Casey, Cacy, Caisy, Casy, Danl, 156, 158, 163, 167 ; Elen, 7; Eliz, 19 , 156; Helen, 4, 64(?) ; Jas, 159; John , 14, 19, 32, 88 ; Mgt, 156, 158, 163, 167 ; Mary, 19, 87, 88 , 203; Mich, 88 ; Mr, 6; Sally, 88; Sara, 159; Wm, 167

Casry(?), Jas, 123

Cassell , Ann , 118

Castellas, Abbéde , 63 & n

Castello, see Costello

Castle, Castel, Amy, 4, 25, 64; Danl (& wife), 58

Castle Coombe ,Wilts .,138

Caswell, Eliz, 192

Casy, see Casey

Catharine- 35 ("Mr Crowtch's Maid"), 181

Caufield (?), Ann, 202

Cavanagh , see Kavannah.

Cavarly, see Caverley.

Cave , Eliz, 164; Elen, 164; Geo 164; John, 164

Cavena(g)h, see Kavannah .

Caverley, Eliz, 77; Mary, 82, 98

Cayeau, AlexanderHenryJohn Vincent de, 188; Virginia, 186

Cellaro ( ? Cellars), Cath, 93

Chaddock, Jas, 74; Joanna, 74; Sara , 74

Challoner , Saml, 46

Champion , François, 63 ; Marie Jeanne, 63

Chapel, Mary, 90 ; Richd, 90 ; Wm , 90

Chapin, Mrs, 66

Chapman, Mr, 46n

Charker, Anastasia, 129

Charles N. (proxy godparent ), 76

Charlton, Cath, 152; Wm, 86, 104.See also Charton . Charlut, Cath, 76

Charton, Mrs, 193. See also Charlton

Chateau Giron, de, see Dechasteaugiron

Chaulonneau, John, 177

Chaumer, Mary, 101; Terence, 101; Wm , 101

Chemit (t)e , AbbéAntony, 127

Chetwynd (e), Mrs, 2, 7, 12, 23 , 28 & n, 47, 57, 186

Chichester , Mary, 188n; MaryAnn, 71; Mrs , 71

Childe, see Childs

Children (unnamed), 38

Childs ,Childe,Maria, 103, 116

Chipping Sodbury, Glos., 101 , 104 , 105 , 109,151, 181

Choice, Thos, 178

Cholmeley ,Mary Cath , 193

Chopping, Mary, 113

Christie , Alexander Peter , * 202

Church, Ann(e), 11 (alias Lowndes), 14, 17, 23, 32, 33 , 37 (& daughter), 53 , 112 , 184 , 188 ; Eliz , 11 ; G., 53 ; Henriet(ta), 14, 23, 32, 33, 53, 69, 112, 115, 142, 146, 192 (& grandmother & aunt); Jas, 11 , 32; Laetitia, 17, 103; Mary Henrietta, 53; Mrs, 5, 13, 23, 29, 57, 64; Wm , 17

Churchill, Cath, 103; Jas, 103, Martin, 103

Claire, see Clare.

Clancy, Jas , 108

Clapton , Hannah, 186

Clare, Claire, Eliz, 17 (alias Tobin), 26; Geo, 26; John , 17, 26

Clareson, Mgt, 111

Clark(e), Ann Mary, * 204 ; Eliz, 77, 174; Elen, 77; Frances, 39 ; Helen , 84; Isabella, 106; John , 58, 74; Mary, 39, 74, 161, 194; Mr, 70; Mrs, 36, 57, 70; Richd, 119 , 147 , 193, 198; Sara, 128, 168 ; Susan , 74; Thos, 6, 24, 77, 84, 124 ; Wm , 39

Clarkson, I. (Mrs), 187; Mgt, 134

Clavel, Ant, 83

Clement (Spaniard), 35

Clements, Mary, 164

Cliff(e), Ann, 11, 23, 28, 125; Mary, 58; Miss, 48

Clifford, family, 191; Ann, 191; Chas, 49; Chas (Lord), 178; Hon Chas

Thos, 178; H. Esq., 187; Henry, 191 ; Lady, 138 ; Mary, 81; Mary Barb, 145; Mary Teresa, 178; Hon

Mr, 14; Mrs, 14, 71, 191; Mrs Henry, 193; Teresa, 178; Thos, 71 , 133; Sir Thos Hugh, 145

Clifton, Chas , 156; John, 156

Cloreng, Mary, 21

Clothier, Eliz, 121

Clussy, Fr., 61

Coady, see Cody

Coakley, Chas, 169, 170, 175 , 180: Edwd , 170 ; John Baptist, * 204; Mary, 170 , 180

Coalman , see Coleman

Cockayne, Ann Teresa Maria, 192-3 (& mother)

Cockran , see Ryan, Bridget

Cody, Ann, 138-9 ; Cath, 103; Geo , 133; Henry, 165, 175, 180; Jas Henry, 105; John , 90, 161(?), 195; John Ant, 200; Jos, 98, 200; Lucy, 105, 108, 111, 112 , 113 , 133, 138-9, 141; Lucy Ann, 90, 98 , 135, 169; Mary Ann, 195; Mary Eliz, 111; Mich John(?), 204;* Peter, 90, 98, 105, 111, 133 , 138-9, 155; Wm , 141 , 198

Coen , Grace, 147; John, 147; Mgt, 147

Coettogon , Eliza Charlotte de, 195

Coffe, Coffee, Coffey, Ann, 54; Cath, 32; Jeremiah, 54 ; Joanna, 74; John , 74; Mary, 35, 44, 54, 57 (& son), 138, 188

Coffill, Bartholomew , 14, 32, 64

Cohen , see Coen

Cohoun, Colhoon, Mrs, 32 (& sister), 66

Coldfield, Thos, 198

Cole, Cath, 29 ; Cath Henriett, 188; Marcella, 110; Mich, 110; Patk, 110. See also Falkener . Coleman, Coalman, Alexander , 167; Eliz, 158; John, 158, 164, 167; Mary, 158, 159 , 167

Colhoon , see Cohoun

Collighan , Collaghan, John , 140; Laurence, 89. See also Callaghan

Collingridge , Ann, 51, 58 ; Cath, 43, 71 ; Edmund , 57, 67, 75, 83 ; Jas, 188; Martha, 83; Mary, 51 ; Bishop Peter Bernardine , O.F.M. , 197, 199, 201; Thos, 51 (senr & junr.)

Collings, Ann, 163; Chas, 163; Mary, 163

Collins , Eliz, 44; Jas, 6, 14, 44, 64, 169, 178; John , 44; Mgt, 193; Mary, 20, 169, 178, 193 ; Thos, 193; Wm, 169. See also Cullins

Columbel, Bridget, 137 ; Geo, 137

Columés,,Imbert, 129

Combes, see Coombes.


Comerford , Mrs, 114

Concannon ,Eliz,83

Condell , Patk, 74

Coney, John , 178; Mary, 178

Conlan, Conlon, Eliz Agnes,* 204; Luke, 151; (or Ladell ), Thos, 151

Connel(1), Ann, 74, 134; Eliz, 134; Joanna, 134, 158; John , 134 , 158; Mgt, 43; Peter, 158; Philip, 43; Thos, 43

Con(n)elly, see Connolly.

Conner, see Connor.

Connery , Maria Agnes,* 203

Connolly, Conelly, Conolly, etc., 115; Alexander , 115 ; Andrew , Chas, 153, 156; Chas John Thos, 156; Eliz, 75, 153, 156; Elen, 115; John, 53; Mary, 53, 60; Mich, 75; Mr, 153 ; Mrs, 156; W., 123; Wm , 49, 53, 60, 75; (or Henritt), Mary, 49

Connor, -, 9; Abbe (not Abbé), 107; Ann, 178, 185; Cath, 5, 24 , 32, 64, 68, 117; Charlotte, 128; Danl, 126; Eliz, 10, 195; Elen, 148, 169; Helen, 185; John, 32, 99, 148 , 169, 185 ; John F., 148; Maria, 174; Mary, 10, 85, 99, 197; Mary Ann, 35 (maid), 185; Mich, 3 (& wife), 10, 85, 99, 126; Mr, 32; Mrs, 32, 34 (maid); Wm , 103, 116

Connoway , Luke, 120. See also Con-

Conorway , see Connor

Conroy , Mich, 139

Constable, Maria, 186; Mary MacDonnell(Lady), 188n

Constable-Maxwell, see Maxwell Conteadeu(?), 81

Conway, Cath, 114. See also Conno-

Cookway. , Ann, 2; Jos, 60

Cooksey, Eliz, 98; Mgt, 98; Walter, 127; Wm , 98

Coombes, Coombs, Combs, etc., Ann Monica, 38, 93; Flora, 5, 14 , 24 , 64; Laurence, 34, 38, 42, 76, 93; Lucy, 38, 42, 93 ; Mary Lucy, 42; Mr, 14, 24; Mr, senr , 32, 47; Sara, 34, 38, 42, 76, 93; Rev. Wm , 16 & n, 19, 20, 28 & n, 32 & n, 46, 48, 71, 190 ; Rev. Wm , Henry, 113 &n

Cooper, Agnes, 75; Barb, 146 , 152 , 165, 178, 195; Eliz, 82 ; Henry, 95, 125, 146, 188 ; Jas, 54, 74 , 139; John, 82; Mgt, 54, 74; Mary, 74, 82, 139 ; Mich Henry, 199; Ralph Maurus, O.S.B., 176-85; Richd, 54; Sara , 75, 87, 95 ; Wm, 75, 87, 95, 126

Coppinger , Eliz, 132; Jane, 132: Mr, 33

Corbet (t), Eliz, 147; Julia, 83

Corbin, Cath, 142 ; Mrs, 155, 194

Corby Castle, Cumberland , 121n

Corf, Eliz, 44 ; Jas, 44

Cork, Ir, 128

Corlas, Corlays, Eliz, 6, 9, 44; Jos, 9; Mr, 6. See also Carlas

Cornelius , Eliz, 162

Cornwall, 25

Coroutch, see Crowch

Corry, Wm, 90

Corsham, Wilts., 51n

Cortis, see Curtis

Cosgrove, Ann, 57; Cath, 32 (deleted), Mrs, 25, 127; Rosamond, 96; Rose, 5, 10, 50, 66, 98 ,99

Costello, Castello, Ann, 105, 107; Bartholomew , 127; Mgt, 105; Math, 69 , 105 , 107

Coster, Mary, 127 (& husband & daughter)

Cotell, see Cottle

Cotes, N. (servant), 58

Cottall, see Cottle

Cottarell, Cotterell, Cottrell, Betty, 5; Thos, O.F.M. , 21. See also Cottle

Cottell, see Cottle

Cotterell; see Cottarell

Cottin, Jean , 62

Cottle, Cotell, Cottall, Cottell, Betty, 64; Eliz, 14, 16, 24, 29; Maria, 198. See also Cottarell

Cotton, Mary, 7 (deleted), 64

Cottrell, see Cottarell

Couche, Thos (capt.), 155

Coughlin, Ann, 43 ; Mgt, 43 ; Mich,43

Courtfield, Mon., 12

Courtney , Chas, 167

Cousins , Cozons, Eliz, 178, 195; Henry, 178, 195; Mary Barb, 178

Cousselle, Monsr., 128

Cowan, see Cowean

Cowdery, see Cowdrey.

Cowdey , John Wm, 87; Lucy, 87; Peter, 87

Cowdrey, Cath, 7; Eliz, 7; Mrs, 1 , 13

Cowean, M. Ann, 110

Cowell, Jas Gifford, 175; MaryLetitia, 175; Mary Teresa, 175

Cowley , Elen, 169; Joanna, 169; John, 169

Cox , Ann, 160; Bernard, 66; Jane, 66; Mrs, 64; Sara , 17

Coyle, Patk, 94

Cozons, see Cousins

Crabb, Eliz, 15, 47; Mrs , 5 , 64

Craigh, See Creagh.

Crane, John, 91

Cranfield, - , 121; Bartholomew , 121


Crawford, Craufuird, David, 182; Emilie , 66; Hugh, 182; Mgt, 182; Walter Kennedy (Dr.), 66

Crawley, El., 200. See also Crowley

Creagh, Craigh, Ann Josephine, 170; Jas, 170 ; Mary Ann, 170 ; Mich, 148.

Creon, George, 183; Mgt, 183

Creven, David , 137; Mary, 137

Croft, Geo John , * 199; Jas Augustin, * 201

Crofton, Henry, 95 ; John, 95; Mary, 95

Cromwell, Mgt, 160

Cronin, Cronine, Croning, Honoria, 181; Mary, 111 ; Robt, 111; Wm , 111

Crook, Hannah, 160

Crosby, Ann, 135; John , 135; John Edwd , 135

Crouch , Croutch, see Crowch

Crow, Wm, 158

Crowch , Crouch , Croutch , etc. , Frances, 25 , 189 ; Mr, 35 (maid of), 36, 57; Mrs, 36, 57; Richd , 25 , 127 , 128

Crowl(e)y, David , 175, 180, 183; Eliz, 161; Elen, 148, 170, 181 ; Esther, 152, 173, 183 ; Harriet, 173; Helen , 178; Joanna, 50; John, 173 , 175 , 178, 183 ; John Cornelius, 152 ; Mary , 149, 175, 187; Math, 161; Patk, 152 ; Timothy, 53, 60. See also Crawley . Cruse, Chas , 21 ; Joanna, 21;Maria, 21; Wm , 21

Culbert, Deborah, 130; Elen, 48; John, 48 ; Julia, 48; Wm , 130

Cullan, Cullen, Patk, 159; Wm , 162

Cullins , Hannah, 184; John , 184. See also Collins

Culverwell , Thos, 200

Cumberland , 121n

Cummings, Cummins, Andrew, 100; Cath, 165; Danl, 165

Cunningham Jas Francis, 67 ; Mary, 182; Peter, 182, 183

Cuppa, Miss, 5

Curly, Kerly, Kirly, etc. , 92; Francis, 24, 29, 52, 53, 73, 87, 124; Mgt, 98; Mich, 96; Mr, 57 ; N., 52; Sara , 66, 96, 98

Curren, Currin, Honora, 84 ; Jane, 194

Curr(e)y, Ann, 172, 173; Hannah, 163 , 165, 168

Curtin, Jas, 104 , 128

Curtis , Cortis , Jane, 175; Maria Anna, 67 ; Mary, 149 ; Robt, 149; Sealy, 149

Curwen, Curwin, see Kirwan.

Cyvans, Maria, 185

d'Acary, see Acary

Daigan, Mary, 93 ; John, 93. See also Degan.

Dale, Eliz, 67; Mary Ann, 61, 100; Miss, 3 , 24, 47, 57,64

Daley, see Daly, Deal(e)y.

Dalton, Bridget , 122 & n; Constantia, 22, 28, 34 & n ; Eliz , 170, 179; Jo . , 133; Julia, 88; Lucy, 88, 133; Mary Const , 188 ; Miss, 7, 22 , 28; Mr, 56; Mrs, 7, 22, 28, 40, 48, 50 , 53; Peter (Count), 85; Richd Chas, 85; Robt, 7, 22, 28 ; Rosalia, 85, 88; Wm, 29, 88

Daly, Daley, Dayly, Ann Mary, * , 67; Cornelius, 77; Denis, 26 ; John, 98; Mary, 26; Stephen Jeremiah, 26. See also Dealy.

Daman, John (Jean), 15, 47

Dane, Jas, 121

Daniel(s), Jas, 148; John, 37 , 148; Mary, 37, 39; Winifred, 148. See also Macpherson, Mary.

Darbyshire , Ann, 196; Eliz Ann, * 200

Darcy, Mrs, 5

Darell, Barb, 29; Cath, 86; Elen, 86 ; Miss, 29; Mrs, 29; Philip, 86. See also Dorel.

Darling, Godwin, 24, 32; Mary, 24, 33 , 47, 58, 122; Wm, 24, 32, 33 , 121

Darnley , Jas, 129

Darrell, see Darell

Dauling, Patk, 184 ; See also Darling, Dowling. Dauober (?), see Dawber . Davey, Wm , 21. See also Deavy.

Davis, Davies, Ann, 13, 20, 25, 28, 197, 200; Cath, 184; Edwd, 184; Eliz, 5 & n, 23, 28 (Mrs Chetwynd's servant), 89, 197; Eliz Lucy, 68; Jas, 117 (servant), 154(?) ; Jas Jos,* 68; Janet(?), 154; Mary, 1 , 172; Stephen, 119; Thos, 184; (or Dimpsey), Mary, 89. See also Deaves

Dawber, Thos, 23, 28 (Dicconsons' servant)

Dawson, Jas, 166; (or Moclar), Mary, 166

Day, Chas, viiin, 68; Emely, 196; Frances, 16; John , 70, 196; Maria, 67; Mary, 16 (alias Fleming), 19, 20; Miss, 3 , 13 (& senr.), 23, 35, 64, 68; Mr, 3 (senr. &junr.) 13, 23 , 36 (senr ), 47 (do ), 58 (& daughter), 64 (& senr & junr.), 68; N. (Mr), 3 ; Saml, 196; Saml Bede, O.S.B., 49n; "Surgeon" , see Wm;


Susan, 9, 10, 16, 19, 28, 35, 47, 57, 121, 125 ; Thos, 6, 9, 10, 13 , 16, 19, 20, 23, 28, 58 (& wife), 121, 128, 196; Wm, viin, 9, 13 , 35 , 54, 57, 82, 99, 109, 133, 134 , 139, 145, 148, 151; Winefred , 68, 70

Dayly, see Daly, Dealy

Dealy, Dealey , Esther, 83; Esther

Henrietta, 201; Jeremiah, 182; Joana, 182; John, 83, 182; Mary, 186; Patk, 180 ; Sara, 164, 168. See also Daly. Dean(e), Ann, 4, 8, 14, 20 ; Jas, 15, 64; Joanna, 1 , 46; Mary , 1 , 4, 7 , 8 , 14, 20, 23, 27, 32 (junr ), 40, 56 (cook), 58, 91; Mary Ann, 49; Mr, 3 (& son), 151; Richd, 9 , 11

Deaves, Mrs, 24, 29. See also Davis

Deavy, Harriet, 140 ; Jane, 140; John , 140. See also Davey. Decastellas, see Castellas

Dechasteaugiron, Abbé Jean Marie, 79 , 81

Defries, Jane, 100, 103

Degan, Jas, 98 ; Mary , 98. See also Daigan de l'Age, René (marquis ... de la Bretollière ), 96; Sara (countess), 96; Sophia (viscountess), 96; Sophia Maria, 96; Wm Francis (count), 96 de de la Boessière, Marie Marquette

Françoise, Julie, Marquise Lanascol, 86 de la Bretollière, see de l'Age de l'Eguile, Maria Paulina Magd, 67 de la Lée, Jean, 106 de la Monneraye , Claire Marie , 85; Delphine Adelaide , 92; Edouard François, 79; Emile Ange, 78-9; François Pierre Ange, 79; Georgette Marie Françoise de Kerouartz , 79, 84, 88, 92; Hypolite Bruno , 88; Jean (? Dimar, Dymas), 80, 85; Jean Jacques Ferdinand , 92, Laure Julie, 84; Leonard Hyacinthe Thadée, 78-9, 80(?); Louis, 79-80; Marie Charlotte , 79, 80; Marie Charlotte Reine, 80, 85 ; Messire , 80; Pierre Bruno Jean, 79, 80(?), 85, 88, René Augustin, 79, 80(?), 84, 88, 92 de la Monneraye de Bourgneuf , Françoise Genevieve de Coniac, 79, 80

Delangle, Delphine Sophie Henriette,92

Delangre, Alexius, 51 ; Cath, 51; Mary Cath , 51 de la Noue (Bogar), Comtesse , see Meslé.

de la Pasture , Pierre Antoine François, Marquis de Verchocq , 65; Pierre

Marie François, Comte, 65

Delasson(s), Mr, 36, 59; Mrs, 35, 59

delaTour, Ambrose (baron), 128

Dell, Miss, 58 (deleted) Delmond, see Desmond Demizong , Wm ,42 & n Demontier, Mary, 139

Dempsey, Danl , 91 ; Joanna, 91; John, 186; Mary, 91. See also Dimpsey Denie, Ann, 20, 25, 26-7 , 40, 42, 43, 49, 108, 133, 136; Ann Monica,* 67; Barb, 150 ; Barb Joanna Agnes, * 67; Barbarina Jane, 42 ; Chas Jos, 151; Elen, 140, 144, 151 ; Elen Clare, 144; Helena, 199; John , 40 49, 113, 131, 140, 144; John Baptist, 20, 25, 26-7, 42, 43 ; John

Baptist Joseph, 25, 51; John Cornelius , 67, John Edwd, 140; Mary, 40, 121; Monsr or Mr, 32 , 57 (& wife, son & daughter); Thos, 26, 49; Winefrid, 43, 113, 133, 144; Winefrid Cecilia, 67. See also Denny

Denis, Mrs, 23

Denney, see Denny ; also Denie

Dennizong , see Demizong

Dennohaugh, Dennough , Elen, 64; Eliz, 58; Mary, 14, 25. See also Donoghue

Denny, Denney, Danl, 177; Edmund Henry, 177; Jane, 75, 87; John, 107, Maria , 177, Mary, 107; Wm, 75, 107. See also Denie

Denton , Chas, 147; Elen, 147

Denvir , Denver, Ann, 26 ; Eliz, 20, 26, 33; Isabella, 20; John , 20, 26, 33, 41 ; Mary , 41 ; Robt, 41

Derbyshire (surname), see Darbyshire

Dermizong , see Demizong

Derrick, Cath, 15

Desmond(s), Cavan , 48, 53, 60(?); Marcella, 48, 53, 60( ?), 120; Mgt, 53; Mary, 48

Desor, Mary Magd, 134

Deverel, Deverall, Deverell, Dovrell, Henrietta, 196, 198; Louisa, 153 , 196, 198; Mary Ann, 191 (& sister)

Devizes, Wilts , 115

Devon, 110(?), 185n

Dewerdeck , Geo, 105-6 ; Jane, 106; Mary, 105-6

Dexeter, Dexter, Ann, 137, 156, 174, 185; Edwd, 137, 156, 174 , 185; Jos, 185; Martha , 137 ; Mary Martha , 203 ; Patk, 156 ; Thos, 174. See also Exeter

Diana(?) (negro servant), 38

Dicconson , Mrs, 23 , 28; Wm , 23 (& butler), 28

Dickson , see Dixon

Digby,Wm Jerome, O.S.B., 26-7 , 34 , 36

Dignum , Laughlan, 72

Dillon, Dillan, Archbishop Edwd, 102 & n; Fanny, 202; Frances, 49, 52; Henry , 1n, 48-9, 52 ; John, 49; John Henry, 48; Lady, 49, 52, 58(?); Lord, 52; Mary, 147; Mary

Frances, 52 ; Mr (Hon ), 58; Saml, 6, 14, 19, 23,60

Dilworth, see Dulworth.

Dimony, Emilia, 198

Dimpsey , Wm, 89; (or Davies), Mary, 89. See also Dempsey.

Dinant, Fr., 81

Dixon, Dickson , Eliz, 165; Hannah, 180, 183; Hannah Mary, 204; Louisa, 161, 167, 169, 170 , 171 , 180; Mary, 128

Dobbin, Jas, 66

Dobbs, Mary, 162

Dobson, Ann, 162; Ann Martha , 155; Eliz, 155, 162; Geo, 170; Geo Taylor, 170 ; Henrietta Cath,* 203; Henry , 162 ; Jos, 155, 162, 165; Lucy, 170. Mary, 162; Mary Ann

Teresa, 203

Dodson , Mary, 175; (or Abram ), Emilia Caroline , 175

Dollart, Ann, 95; Frances McClivery, 95; Richd, 95

Dolwell, Thos, 153

Frances, 153; Mgt, 153;

Don, Denie, 88

Donahoe, Donahue , etc., see Donoghue . Donavan , Donavon , see Donovan .

Doneghan, Donegany ,Donehgani , John Baptist , Francis, 53 ; Jas, 53, 60 ; Mary , 53, 60

Donelly, see Donnelly. Donevant , Ann, 92. See also Donovan

Donnellan , Marguerite , 41

Donnelly, Ann, 32; Arthur, 140; Bridget , 140; Danl, 140; Elen, 17, 46 ; Helen, 3, 24; Jas, 3 , 8, 21, 23, 25, 29, 34 (deleted), 51, 72 (deleted); Mary, 9, 34 (deleted), 38; Mary Ann, 15, 33; Mr, 14 , 115 (& wife & daughter); Mrs, 8, 14; Ross, 90

Donoghue , Donahoe, Donnough, etc., Cath, 154 ; Elen, 6, 27 , 29, 132, 165 ; Eliz, 165, 166 ; Helen, 187; Jeffery, 154; Jeremiah, 188; John, 9; Jos, 165; Mgt, 134; Mary, 154; Thos, 165 ; Wm, 42. See also Dennohaugh

Donovan , Donnevan, Dunivan , etc., Cornelius , 26; Elen, 43, 154, 160; Frances, 128 ; John , 167; 169; Martha, 160; Mary, 18 (or Maria), 26 ; Mich, 160. See also Donevant . Doolen , Dooling, Elen, 25, 33, 110; Jas, 110; Jeremiah, 110; Patk , 107

Doonan , Patk, 86

Doran , Andrew, 91, 94 ; Eliz, 113; Jas, 131; Mgt , 91, 94; Mary Ann, 91, 124; Patk, 94, 131

Dorel, Dorrel, Barb, 124; Mrs N., 116 See also Darell

Dor(e)y, Jos, 54; Mary, 4, 64 ; Teresa, 54

Dormer, Chas, 195; Eliz Charlotte, 195; Eliz, Countess of Shrewsbury , 155 & n; Lord, 126

Dorrel, see Dorel

Dorset , 12, 82n, 103

Doughty, John , 182; Luisa, 182

Douglas, Ann, 114; Jas, 114 ; Sara , 114

Dove, Ann, 70

Dovrell(?), see Deverel .

Dowdell, Cath, 5, 24, 64 ; Patty, 14

Dowden, Dowding, Ann, 111, 113; Chas, 130; Cornelius, 11 , 69 , 108 , 111, 112, 113, 115, 130, 134, 138, 142 , 144,146,147,154,157 , 192 ; Eliz, 120; Geo, 17; Jas, 3 , 11 , 23 , 27, 41, 49, 55, 58 (& 3 daughters), 87, 90, 113, 136, 142, 147 , 165; Jas, O.S.B., 55 & n; Jas Bernard, 138; Jas Jos,* 202 ; Jemima Cath , 41; John , 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 33, 64, 133, 135; Jos, 33 , 112, 113, 195; Lucy, 33 ; Lucy Ann, 81; Maria, 198; Martha , 12, 14, 17, 21, 23, 26, 33, 39; Mary, 11 (alias Hawkins), 27, 41, 44, 55, 64, 108, 112, 113, 134, 138, 147, 154 , 165 , 173; Mary Ann, 112, 119, 142 , 144; Mich, 134; Teresa Ann, 154; Thos, 21, 41 ; Winefrida , 27, 90; (or Hall), Augustine , 113

Dowlan , Dowlen , Andrew, 155 ; Bernard, 188; Eliz, 155;Mgt, 155

Dowling, Bridget , 112, 134; Elen , 132, 140; Jas, 121 ; Jane, 28, 48 , 129; Mary, 17; Mr, 3 , 20, 23, 36, 56, 64; Mrs, 3, 23, 36, 47, 56, 64, 191; N. (Mr), 191; Nicholas, 21, 28, 48, 52, 188; Peter, 112; Richd , 112

See also Dauling .

Dowman, John, 94; Sara, 94

Downes, Rosina, 66, 74

Downing, Mgt, 73

Doyer, John, 35, 120

Doyle,, 66; Ann, 184; Elen, 52, 72 , 110; Jas, 69, 87, 100, 104 , 106;


John, 135, 162 ; Mary, 52, 127 , 162; Mary Ann, 135; Mr, 58; Mrs, 59; Patk, 52, 55, 72, 179 , 184; Wm, 52, 120 ; (or Lelor), Maria, 179

Drew, Ann, 89

Drine, Ann, 55; Brigit, 55; David , 55

Driscol, John, 71; Mary, 71

Drisgill, Mrs (& 3 daughters), 56

Drownedman, 190

Drury, Cath, 150; Dominic, 150

Dublin, Ir , 108 , 186

Dubois , Ann, 95; Chas, 83 ; Henry, 105; Honor, 83 ; Hubert, 83 , 105 , 106, 127 (child of); Mary, 95; Robt, 95, 105

Ducarel, Elysabeth Coltée, 65; Gerard Gustavus Coltée , 65

Dudden, Ann, 176; Ann Eliz, 176 , Wm, 176

189; Emma Barb, 29, 116 ; Geo, 14; John, 58; Martha, 197 ; Thos, 6, 12 , 25, 29, 33, 37, 47 , 64 , 186

Duval, Charlotte, 8, 23 , 29 , 127; Mrs, 2, 14, 28 (Fitzherberts ' servant), 35, 58

Duviviers , see Waters

Dwire, Henrietta, 91 , 93,94 .

Dyer, Geo, 147; (or West), Lucy, 147

Earls, Earl, Earles, Ann, 150, 157, 164 , 171, 172; Bernard, 155; Brigitt, 157; Jas, 150; John , 171; Julia, 105; Mary Ann, 164; Patk, 171; Thos, 150, 157, 164, 171, 172

East, Eliz, 15, 47; Mrs, 4, 7, 14

Easton, John , 151

Eccles, Harriet, 177; Harriet Jenner, 177; John Henry, 177

Duffit, Eliz Maria, 195 ; Maria, 177; Solomon , 177, 195; Wm, 177

Duff ,, 22

du Gage, Jeanne Jacquette , Marquise de Roquefeuil , 74; Marquis, 120

Duggan, Dugan, Duggin, Patk, 17, 40; Susan , 161

du Hamel , Lewis Antoine Simeon , 112-3 . See also Simeon

Dullivan, John, 169 du Longchamp , Adelaide , 128

Dulworth, Dilworth, Cornelius, 176; Frances, 135, 138, 150, 159, 173, 176; Jas Cacy, 159 ; Mary, 150; Thos, 135, 138, 150, 159, 173, 176

Dun, Dunn, Celia, 4, 14, 16, 17 , 24 , 35, 59 (& niece), 64 ; Geo , 154; Jas, 16, 124; Jane, 18; John, 9, 14, 16; Mary (alias Ellese), 16; Mr, 3; Mrs, 3 , 17, 64, 124 ; Wm, 97

Dunavan, see Donovan.

Duncan , Jane, 103; Mich, 103; Sara, 103

Dungay, Sarah, 199

Dunivan, see Donovan .

Dunkerton, Som , 15, 42, 116

Dunn, see Dun

Dunning, Rebecca, 116; RebeccaMary, 67*,96

Dunnohaugh , see Donoghue .

Dunovan, see Donovan

Dunscomb (e), Eliz, 162, 163 , 171; Eliz O'Brian, 162; Jos, 163; Marianne , 171 ; Mark, 162, 163, 171

Duquen, Monsr (servant), 56 ; Placid, 34

Dusckin(?), Dennis, 180

Dutton, Dutten, (Mr), 119; Barb, 33 ; Cath , 25, 47 ; Eliz , 12 , 69 , 119 ,

Edgecumbe, Anna Maria Plunket, 25; John (capt.), 25

Edmunds, Ann, 164

Edward ("IrishtravellingPackman"),35

Edwards, Caled (sic), 144; Eliz, 62, 144, 167, 197; Eliz Mary, * 199, Frances, 147; Francis Jas, 204; Henry, 158; Henry Jas,* 204; John Andrew, * 202 ; Jos, 6 , 22, 24; Mgt, 143, 193 ; Mary, 5, 147, 156; Sara , 143, 181, 195; T., 147; Thos, 144, 197; Wm, 147, 150, 151 , 166 , 181, 195 , 196,198

Edwin, Mary, 192

Efferlyn, John, 15

Egan, Ann, 27, 147; Honoria, 182; Martin, 182 ; Wm , 27

Elisabeth , 140 Ellese, see Dun, Mary.

Ellington, Ann, 150; Jas, 150; Richd, 150

Elliot, Mary, 13, 15 , 116

Ellis, see Ellese

Ellis-Brown , Mary, 36

Ellison, Cath, 99; Jas, 99; Sara, 99

Elston, Jane, 42; Maercy, 62

England, Sara , 70

Englefield , Sir Henry , 152

English ,, 9, Agnes Mary, 139; Alban Huddleston , 145; Alfred Basil, 179; Alfred Felix, 170; Anna, 67; Betsy, 23 ; Cecilia Frances, 136; Chas Robt, 139; Clare Orcher Cath, 151; Ed , 186 ; Edmund , 3 , 10, 19, 21, 27, 41, 48, 51, 54, 66, 67, 91, 97, 101, 106, 112 , 135 , 136, 139; Edmund Francis, 135; Edmund Wm, 97; Eliz, 35; Ethelred Bridget , 165; Archbishop Ferdinand Edwd, 3n, 159 & n; Frances, 135, 136, 145, 148 , 151 ,

155 , 159 & n, 165, 170, 179 , 191; Francis, 51 ; Fredk John, 101; Geo , 48; Isabella Jane (countess), 142 & n; Jas, 41; Jo (Mr & Mrs), 194; John, 19, 66, 101, 135, 136, 139, 142, 145, 148, 151, 155, 159 & n , 165, 170, 179, 183, 191, 199 ; Rev. Lewis Bernard, 3n; Mgt, 10, 19, 21 , 27, 33 , 48, 51, 54, 66, 88, 126; Mgt Winifred, 200; Maria Magd., 67; Mary, 35, 41, 66, 97, 135; Mary Eliz, 66, 101, 106, 112, 139; Mary English (sic), 112; Mich, 80; Mr, 8, 13, 23, 57 (& sons & daughters); Mrs, 3 , 8, 13 , 23, 47, 57 (& sons & daughters), 97 (senr.), 139, 142, 183; Pauline Frances Chilton, 183; Peggy, 23 ; Robt, 106 , 112, 139, 148, 183 ; Robt Vincent, * 202; Sara, 21, 106, 139; Sarah Anna, 68 ; Thos, 27, 112, 139; Vincent John , 148 ; Wm Archer, 155; Winifrid(a), 54, 159, 183

Englishbatch (Englishcombe ), Som , 9,

13 & n, 16, 19, 20, 35, 38, 58 , 64, 120, 121 , 128,188

Ennever, Ann, 126

Enright, Enwright, Henright, etc., Ann , 76; Esther, 182; Jas, 76, 77, 128; Jeremiah, 182 ; Joan, 179; Mary, 76, 182 ; Patk, 76. See also Henritt

Ensay , Eliz 166 ; Wm , 166

Enwright, see Enright

Errington, Elen, 100, 109, 114; Fredk, 100, 202; Henry, 114; John, 109; Monica Mary, 201 ; Wm, 100 , 109 , 114

Etoile, Frances, 66

Euriel, Mary Teresa,* 203

Eustace, Eliz, 175 ;Jacob, 175; Jas,175

Evans, Benjm, 195; Cath, 148 ; Chas, 148; MaryEliz, 66; Teresa, 148

Evreux , Fr., 63, 73, 79, 81, 88, 92

Ewing, Jas , 89

Exeter , Elen, 161. See also Dexeter

Eyre, Cath, 7, 12; Count, 19; Eliz, 120; Mary, 5; Lady Mary, 49; Thos, 170

Eyston, family, 192 ; Basil, 146; Chas , 146, 153, 162, 167, 192; Chas John, 153; Frances Teresa, 174; Geo, 179; Geo Basil, 162; Isabella Jane, 167; Jane, 167 ; Jo. , 179; Maria Teresa, 146, 174 ; Mary Jane, 153, 179; Mary Teresa, 146; Teresa, 167, 192; Teresa Mary, 153, 162

Fabray(?), Patk, 140

Fagan, Mary, 144; Math, 112

Fair, see Fare

Fairklough , Delia, 105

Falkener , Flora (alias Cole), 72 (deleted)

Fallons , John (servant), 2

Faneran, Fanneran, Fanran, Celia, 17, 26, 41 ; Jas, 17, 39; John, 32; Mr, 5, 24 ; Mrs, 5, 24 ,60

Fangre, Martha (maid), 35

Fanning, see Fenning

Fare, Fair, Ann, 166 ; Eliz Frances, 160; Geo, 150; Joanna, 183; Joanna Helen, 184; John , 140, 145, 150, 160, 174 ; Mary Ann, 140, 145, 150, 160, 174, 183, 184; Robt, 174; Wm , 145

Farewell , Eliz, 62

Farmborough , Som , 189

Farrell, Farrel , Farrill, junr , 6, 23; Arthur, 169; Eliz, 169; Garret, 59 (& son), 187; Jas senr , 6; John, 82, 165; Maria , 130 ; Mr, 23 ; Peter, 169; (?Harrill),, 9

Fasana , (Mrs), 152 ; Ant, 152; Chas, 152; Dominic, 171; Eliz, 109; Jos, 94, 101, 106, 109, 135, 152, 171, 200 ; Louisa, 171 ;Martha, 171; Mary, 94, 109, 117 , 189; Mary Ann, 94, 101, 106; Sara , 171; Wm Chas , 106

Fautsch, Foutsche , Foutschs, Ann, 178; Eliz, 153, 169, 178, 192 , 197, 201 ; Jane, 161; Mich, 153, 161,169,178,192

Fearrir, see Ferrer

Feasana, see Fasana

Feeling, Sarah, 116

Feltham , Felton, Winefrid, 73, 189

Femairee( ?), Victoire Julienne , 140

Feneran, Fenraine, see Faneran

Fenerty, Fennerty, Finarty, Finity, etc., Ann, 137 ; Cath, 194; Eliz, 92; Frances, 54; Jas, 92; John , 78(?), 133; Mary, 54, 92, 133, 137; Thos, 54, 78, 91, 133 , 137

Fennel, Thos, 76

Fenning , Fanning , Bernard, 167, 194; Jas, 167; Jane, 167, 194; Loftus, 150, 162, 167; Loftus Mich, 150; Mary, 162; Mary Ann, 150; Winifred, 162

Fenton, Mary, 131; Thos, 131 ; Winefride, 94

Feraud, Chas Ambrose , O.S.B., 137& n , 138

Feray , Abbé, 62 & n, 63, 65, 76, 78 , 116

Fermor, Henry, 1n

Ferral, Robt, 76

Ferrer (s), family, 191; Ann, 77, 191; David, 92 ; Eliz, 84; Esther Mary, 155; F. (Miss), 194, Jas, 98;

Joanna, 73; John, 73, 77, 84, 92 , 98, 107, 187(?) ; Mary, 73, 77 , 80, 92, 98,107

Fesanna, see Fasana

Fettle, Sophia, 161

Field, Ann, 179; John , 179; Patk, 179

Fielding, David, 110; Mary, 110

Figgins, Mary, 203

Filyin, Mary, 2. See also Flynn

Finarty, Finity, Finnerty, see Fenerty.

Fincher, Ann, 172; Jos, 172; Wm , 172

Fisher, Chas , 142 ; Eliz, 82 ; Grace, 69; Jas, 141 ; Mary, 141, 142, 144; Wm , 141, 142, 187, 196

Fitzgerald , Andrew, 6, 14, 23 , 46, 48, 64, Ann, 140; Cath, 61; Geo, 145; Hester, 87; Jas, 50; Sir Jas, 40, 48, 50; Jane, 76; Jos, 194; Lady, 40, 48, 50, 53n, 72, 90; Mary, 48, 145, 154 ; Mary Ann , 140 ; Miss, 1, 29, 115 (manservant of); Richd, 40; Robt, 51 ; Thos, 83, 140, 145, 154

Fitzherbert ,, 38; Chas, 133; Lucy, 38; Mary Ann, 71, 133; Miss, 2, 28; Mrs, 2, 8, 22, 28 ; Mrs (Maria Anne, wife of George IV), 2n, 22n; Teresa, 22, 28, 38; Thos, 71 , 133

Fitzmorris, Eliz, 17; Mrs, 1, 7 , 12

Fitzpatrick, Cath, 152, Jas, 179; John, 40, 194; Mary, 179, 194; Philip, 179; Sophia Mary Magd, 203; Wm, 43, 152 ; Wm Paul, 152

Fitz Williams , Hon Agnes, 189;Mrs, 36

Flanagan, Flanighan , Flannegan, etc. , Eliz, 168; Francis, 163; Geo , 104; Jas, 45; John, 45, 94(?), 126 , 149 , 163, 168, 200; Mgt, 104; Mary, 45, 163, 168; Mich, 104; Patk, 163; Peter, 113

Flannyan (? Flannigan), John, 94

Fleetwood, Lady, 94 & n; Sir Thos, 94 & n, 124

Fleming, Ann, 16; Cath, 3 , 8, 13 , 23 , 36, 57, 188; Miss, 3, 8, 23, 57. See also Day, Mary

Flenigan, see Flanagan.

Fletcher, Francis, 102; Mary, 199; Rev. Wm, Wilkinson, 125 & n

Flin, see Flynn

Flower, Abram, 110, 113; Ann, 110 , 113; Elijah, 113; Frances, 110

Flynn, Flyn, Flin, Alice, 77; Andrew , 77; Ann, 151 ; Cath, 49, 77, 153; Charlotte, 25; Elen, 151; Frances, 134, 138, 143, 149, 157-8, 165 , 174, 198 ; Eliz, 174; Jas, 60, 134 , 138, 143, 145, 149, 157-8, 165 , 174; Jas John, * 204; John, 138 , 151; Mgt, 165; Mary, 13, 28,

134, 174, 203 ; Maurus, 149; Miss, 7; Mr, 153; Thos, 157. See also Filyin

Fogarthy, John , 121

Foley, Andrew, 74; Ann, 166

Fonttelie(?), Eliz, 146; John, 146; Mich, 146

Ford, Jas, 147; Mgt, 139, 197; Mary, 147; Rosana, 147

Foresayth , Foresight , see Forsayth .

Foret, Mr, 6

Forsar, Frances, 41, 115

Forsayth, Foresayth , Foresight ,, 9, 42; Andrew, 19; Cath, 34 (deleted), 40; Francis, 25, 130 & n; Isabella, 48; Mgt, 5, 19, 25, 34 (deleted), 46, 48, 64, 121; Mary Ann, 34 (deleted); Mrs, 23 ; Richd, 19, 25 , 34 (deleted), 46, 48; Robt, 130; Thos, 46 , 130

Forscote, Som . , 6, 16, 20, 32, 64

Forsyth, see Forsayth

Fortelli, Jos, 98

Fortrey, Mich, 131 "Foscott' , see Forscote

Foster, Geo, 84, 90, 102; Eliz, 84, 90, 102, 128; Geo Wisdom, 84; John, 102, 106; Peter, 29 , 33; Wm, 90

Foulkes, Archibald Hamilton, 65; Elysabeth, 65

Foutchs , see Fautsch

Fox, Ann, 19; Chas Jas, 101; Christopher, 100, 101; Eliz, 101, 107; N.(Mr), 19 ; Patk, 101, 107

Foxcote, Warwicks . , 6n

Foyle, Cath, 195; John, 195

Frain, Ann, 109; Henry, 109;Jane, 109

Franaran, see Faneran

France , French , 1n, 15, 25, 28, 32 , 34 , 35, 37, 46, 47, 56, 61-3 , 65, 70, 71, 73-6, 78-82, 84-6, 88, 92, 96, 120, 122,125,127,128,129,188 & n

Francis, Frances, Chas, 15, 24 , 32, 47, 116; Martha , 27 ; Mrs, 4, 64; (or Fryer), Jos, 27

Fransel, Mary, 40

Frazer , John , 172 ; Mgt, 172; Mary, 172

Freeman, Cecily, 149; Eliz, 162, 164; Enoch , 143; Isaac, 143, 149, 164; Lucy, 143, 149, 157, 158, 164 , 167, 168, 170 ; Sara, 143; Sara Mary, 203

French , Ann, 107; Eliz, 98, 123; Frances, 88; John, 107; Mary, 88, Mary Ann, 121; Miss, 35, 61; Mrs, 35, 36, 56; N. Esq , 29; N. (Miss), 36

Freneaux , Henriettade, 131

Frere, Mary Ann, 69

Fresoldi, Ant, 166; Jos, 166; Martha, 166; Teresa Louisa, 166

Friar, Frier, see Fryer.

Friars, Chas , 56. See also Fryer.

Frise, Fr., 65

Frome, Som , 6n, 40n, 107

Fry, Mary, 17

Fryer, Friar, Frier, Ann Mary, 41; Chas, 54, 61, 75, 108; Rev. Chas , 89 & n; Chas Peter, * 202; Edw Wm , 202; Eliz, 41, 54, 75, 77, 83, 88, 93, 108, 113, 199; Elen, 83 , 170 ; Fredk, 108; Helen, 199; Henrietta , 186; Henrietta Cath, 75; Henry, 113; Henry Paul, * 204 ; Jas, 27, 34, 41 ; John, 41, 54, 75, 83, 88, 93, 113; Langley , 77; Mgt Agnes, 203 ; Mary , 27, 61 ; Martha , 41; Mr, 24; Theophus, 77; Wm, 82, 83 ; Rev. Wm, 77n, 93 & n(?); Wm

Henry, 93 ; Rev. Wm Victor, 77 , 89n, 93 & n(?); (or Francis), Jos, 27

Fullam, Sara, 27; Thos, 27

Fully, Cath, 140; John, 140; Mary Ann , 140

Fuz, Ann, 157 ; John , 157; Mary, 157

Gadis, Edwd , 180; Julia, 180; Robt, 180

Gaffeney, Timothy, 114

Gage , Anna,N., 116

Gahagan, Gahigan, Laurence, 56;Mary, 171; Mr & Mrs, 171. See also Geoghan

Gahan, Sara , 171; Wm, 171. See also Gahagan, Gain

Gain, Gaine, Gane, John , 169; Sara, 169, 178, 185; Wm, 169, 178

Gainsford , Francis, 170

Gale, Ant, 14, 33 & n, 47, 58, 122; Eliz, 89; Henry, 89; Mr, 4, 24, 29, 36,64

Galespy Edwd, 69. See also Gillespie

Galet, Frances, 172

Gallargh, Cath, 49; John , 49; Peter, 49

Gallis, Frances, 5

Galloway (e), Ann, 170; Hannah , 170; Matilda, 170; Thos, 22 , 170

Galway, Ann, 138, 184; Edwd John, 99; Jas (capt.), 99; Margary, 99

Gamble, Gambell , Jas, 175; Mgt, 175; Wm , 175 , 180

Ganby, Eliz, 160; John, 160; Maria, 160

Gane, see Gain

Ganly, Frances, 74 ; Mich, 74; Wm, 74

Gannon, Edwd , 87 ; Laetitia, 87

Garcias (or Percy), Clement John Mich , 104; John, 104

Gardener, Gardiner , John , 71n ; Maria

AnnaBella, 71 & n

Garland, MaryAnn, 104

Garrety , Ann, 72

Garstang, Wm, O.S.B., 16, 27

Gartside, Garthside , Cath, 51, 78; Mrs, 36, 58

Garvey, Ant, 126

Gavel, R., 63

Gaveston, see Parsons

Gawley, Hannah, 44; Mgt, 44

Geach, Carolina Aloysia, * 68

Geaghan, see Geoghan

Geary, John Anselm, O.S.B., 122 & n

Geoghan, Geogan, Geaghan, Ann, 90, 186; Cath, 143; Eliz, 143 ; Laurence, 137; Thos, 143. See also Gahagan

GeorgeIV , 2n

George (footman), 115

George, Dorothy Wm, 40; Eliz, 40; Geo, 40 & n; Mary, 202

Gerald, Frances, 134; Mary Magd, 134; Peter, 134

Geraldi , Giralli, Chas , 171, 172; Rosina, 172 ; Sophia, 171

Gerard Euphrosine , 71, 139-40 ; Pierre, 71, 139-40 ; Victoire Anne, 139-40

Gerish, Chas , 70; Eliz, 70, 197

German Clock-Man (or-Maker), 32, 57

Gibbins , John, 60

Gibbon,Lucy, 71

Gibbs,Eliz, 69, 109, 119

Gibson, Mary, 148

Gilbert, Charlotte, 163; Eliz, 163, 164; Jane, 164; John, 163, 164

Gildemeester, MariaLouisa, * 68

Giles, Ann, 25; John (Throckmortons ' servant), 28; Thos, 23

Gilespie, see Gillespie , Galespy

Gill, Alice, 95, 100, 101, 108 ; Chas , 95; Eliz, 38, 41, 93, 108, 199; Eliz Caroline, 201 ; Eliz Cecilia, * 202; Elen, 201; Mary, 100, 101, 152, 186; Mary Teresa, 201 ; Math, 41; Mich , 95, 100, 101, 108; Sara , 151, 152; (or Stones), Mary Ann, 152

Gillan, Bridget, 131

Gillespie, Gilespie, Gilhespy, etc. ,Ann, 146, 164, 191 ; Edwd, 149, 189, 191. See also Galespy.

Gilpin , Eliz, 118

Giralli, see Geraldi

Glasson, Glason, Joanna, 73; Judith, 87; Julia, 91 ; Mary, 77, 124

Glasten, Jane , 82

Gledhill(?), Eliz, 190 ; Walter, 190

Gleeson, Cath, 109; Danl, 109

Gloucestershire , 17, 20, 45-6, 70 & n , 71,101,104, 105 , 109,121,123 , 126,151,179,181,190


Glover, Edwd (PO.S.B.), 140 & n; Vincent, O.S.B. , 151 & n

Glyn, Ann, 83; Jas, 83 ; Mary, 83

Goddard , Sara , 149, 160; (or Williams), Mary, 160; MaryAnn, 149

Godelier , J (?Abbé), 85

Goffe, see Gough

Godwin ,, 136; David Jos, 136; Edwin Jos, 137; Eliz, 137 ; Eliz Mary, 137

Gogin, Cath, 70, 101; John, 70, 101

Golahagh, Eliz, 76

Goldfinch, Chas, 71, 133, Rachel, 71 , 133, Teresa Francisca , 133

Golding, Mary, 117

Gollerile, Louis Jos* de ,204

Goodacre, Mary, 1 , 7, 116; Mrs, 13, 15

Goodman , Jas, 100, 117; Richd Jos , * 67

Goodson , Mary, 39

Gooseberry , Henry, 82; Mary, 82

Gordon, Jas, 45; Thos, 45

Gorman , Eliz, 183; Lea(h), 183; Mich, 183

Gormanston , JamesPreston (Viscount), 124

Gorth, Eliz, 52, 59; Jas, 52, 59; Mary, 52

Gosselin, Henriette, 181; (or Adamo), Louis Henry, 181

Gouget, G(?), 66; J., 63 ; Jacques, 62, 78, 91; Jas, 132; Madelaine, 91; Madelaine Avril, 62, 78

Gough, Goffe, Alice, 202 ; Jas, 122

Gowe(?), John, 88

Grace, Ann, 123; Charlotte, 123; Eliz, 123, 168; Eliz Lucy, 21 ; Frances, 123; Frances Mary, 194; Jas, 168 ; Judith, 21, 33; Oliver, 194; Philip, 122; Wm, 21, 33

Grady, Gready, Wm , 26, 82, 92

Gra(i)gan, see Grogan

Grant, Rose, 52, 59

Graue(?), Chas Antoine, 140

Gravelines, 1n

Gray, Grey, Mrs, 4, 24; Richd, 177

Gready, see Grady.

Green, Ann, 168; Ann Maria Cath , * 201; Betty, 3 (servant), 64; Chas , 46; Eliz, 2 (servant), 7, 11 , 13 , 18 , 32, 33, 46, 177, 196; Eliz Caroline , 176; Eliz Cecilia, * 203 ; Esther, 192, 197; Jas, 192; Jos, 155 ; Mary, 184, 189; Mary Ann, 192, 196 (& sister), 200, Peter, 15, 116; Thos, 184

Greenman Eliz, 110; John , 110; Richd, 110

Greenway, Miss, 1 , 7 , 12

Gregory, Jane, 16; Richd, 16; Thos, 16

Gregson, Cath, 6, 7, 13

Grey, see Gray

Gribbon, Dennis, 93 ; (or Richy), Mary, 93

Gridlin, Mary, 49

Griffin , Eliz, 70

Griffiths, MarthMary, * 202

Grilliett, Chas, 45

Grime, Patk, 184

Grogan, Gragan, Graigan, Bridget, 171 , 182, 194; John, 171, 182, 194; Martin, 182; Mary, 172 ; Thos, 171; Timothy, 93

Groom(unnamed), 18

Groves, Jas, 69, 186

Gueriaux , see Quérieux . Guillan, Bridget, 186

Guista, Louisa, 150, 197

Guy, Eliz, 42; Jas, 34; Mary, 34; 42; Saml, 34, 42

Hacket(t), Cath, 131 ; Danl, 138, 139; Mary, 131; Mrs, 190; Wm, 131. See also Hanket

Hade, Frances, 70 ; Geo, 70. See also Head. Hafford, Geo, 166; Rose, 166

Hagan, Ann, 154 ; Chas , 154 ; John, 154; Rogr, 178. See also Hegan. Hagarty , Hegarty, Heagarty, etc., Ann , 29; Annora, 107; Bridget , 27; Cath, 25, 140; Honora, 66, 87, 133 , 138, 141, 157, 162, 165, 185; Jas, 66, 145, 148, 152, 154, 157, 162, 173, 174, 175, 185, 195, 201 ; Patk, 140; Sara, 5, 10, 17, 21,64

Hagerton , Jas, 132

Hagerty, Haggarty, etc., see Hagarty. Hagler, (Miss), 6; Mr& Mrs , 5 Haily, Haley ,, 12; Ann, 16; Mary, 168, Patk, 16; Rebecca, 16. See also Healey . Haines, Haynes, Dorothy, 20; John, 18, 23, 28 (Throckmorton's servant); Mrs, 18, 29; Teresa, 32 , 33

Hale(s), (?Mrs), 116; Edwd, 86; Eliz, 70, 173, 180; John , 173, 180; Sara, 173, 180 Haley, see

HalfpennyHaily , John, 46 Hall ,, 4, 21 (Mrs?); Cath, 109; Christian , 73; Elen, 69, 100; Eliz, 19, 29 , 120; Giles, 4, 8, 12, 13 , 21 , 29, 35, 47, 73 (Aegidius), 128; Helen, 84; Jane, 199; Mary, 113 , 119; Mary Teresa, * 199; Mr, 24 , 57; Mrs, 8, 13, 24, 57 ; Sally, 8, 24; Sara , 9, 15, 29, 33; (or Dowding ), Augustine , 113

Hallacy, Danl , 161. See also Halsy

Halpin, Halpen , Math, 69, 111 , 144 . See also Alpin

Halsy, Eliz, 73. See also Hallacy .

Halworth, Francis, 115; Honora, 115

Hambden , Eliz, 91, 97; (or Murphy), Edwd , 91 ; Wm, 97

Hamon(?), Christine, 65

Hampshire, 43n,82n

Hancock, Cath, 150, 167, 185; John, 150, 167; Richd, 118, 127; Wm, 150, 167

Hand , Elen, 108; Jas , 108

Handy, Ann, 95; Geo, 95 ; John, 155

Haney, Eliz, 4; Hannah, 5, 15, 47; Mich, 1 (butler), 7, 12, 20; Mr, 23

See also Heaney

Hanket , Danl , 102. See also Hacket (t)

Hanna, Isabella, 109; Jos , 109; Mgt, 109

Hannan, Cath, 48

Hannington , Patk, 204

Hannonville , Fr., 61

Hansey, Wm, 36

Harding, Bridget , 165 ; John, 182

Hardy, Judith, 96; Thos, 96, 125

Hareland, Harland , Hartland, etc., Ann , 5(?), 64; Eliz, 17; Jos, 17; Mary, 14, 32; Mr & Mrs, 5

Harley,Ann, 92; Thos , 92; Timothy,92

Harling, Wm , 197

Harman, Sara, 177 , 201

Harney , Geo, 34

Harogan, see Horrigan

Harold , see Harrold

Harran, see Arundell, Thos

Havez, Havé, Havey, etc., Ann, 62, 82, 91; Cecilia Laura, 201 ; Julien, 62, 82, 91, 102, 131, 136 , 137 , 138, 139, 140, 146, 160, 170, 191; Laurence Rosalie, 91; Maria, 198; Maria Francisca Rosa, 82; Mary, 164, 170, 191(?); Mary Frances, 177. See also Harvey .

Hawkins , Cath, 142 ; Eliz, 142; Mary, 23, 34; Miss (maid), 56 ; Mrs, 64; N. (maid), 36; Wm, 142. See also Dowding,Mary. Haxeland(?), see Hareland

Hay, Cath, 18; Eliz, 195

Hayden, Elen Cath, 68; Morris (or Maurice ), 97, 126

Hayes, Hays, Ann, 114 ; Bartholomew , 11, 45, 52, 59(?) & n , 98; Jeremiah, 134; Martha , 11 ; Mr ( & wife), 59 & n; Thos, 11

Haynes, see Haines

Hays, see Hayes

Hayter, Anna Maria, 191; Mary Ann Lucy, 203

Hayward, Theodosia , 141 , 143

Hazard, Edwd, 52, 59, 75; Elen, 52, 59, 172; Helen, 75; John , 52, 59; Mary Ann, 52 ; Robt Geo, 77; "twins" , 42

Head, Charlotte, 195; Frances, 102, 112, 135 ; Geo, 102, 112, 135, 185, 197; Jas, 112; Jas Jos, * 202; Mary, 102, 165 ; Mary Ann, 195; Mary Ann Teresa, 202; Mary

Teresa, 201. See also Hade

Heagarty, Heagelty, see Hagarty

Heal, Eliz Mary, * 67

Harrington, Jas , 178

Harrill (PFarrill),,9

Harris, Ann, 201 ; Edwd, 173; Eliz, 2, 14, 64, 201; Jas, 70, 200 ; Mary,46; Sara , 70

Harrish, Jane, 115

Harrogan , see Horrigan . Harrold, Mr, 56; Mrs, 1, 7, 12, 22, 34 & n

Harselay, Jos Micault, Count d' , 61

Hart, Mich, 173, 195, 200; Mr, 32; Mrs, 32; Susan, 195

Hartland, see Hareland

Hartsinck, Hartsinke, Emely, 196; Emilia, 140, 148

Harvey, Edmund, 172; Eliz, 7; Elen

Mary, 172; Geo, 38, 93 ; Mary, 133 , 172. See also Havez, Hervey.

Hassall, Ogfried , 129

Hasset, John , 76

Hatch, Matilda, 135, 136, 197

Hathaway , Thos, 129

Havée, Haver, see Havez

Havering, Mrs, 32

Healey, Healy, Heley, Helie, etc., Mary , 81, 98, 136, 165. See also Haily

Heaney, Mary , 125. See also Haney

Hearne, Mary, 135

Heath, see Heith

Heatley, Hugh, O.S.B., 36-45 , 48, 49-51 , 52 & n, 61, 71, 72, 120 & n

Hebdin, Hebden, Ann Teresa, 184; Edwd , 184, 193; Edwd Jos, 184; Mrs, 119, 193

Hector, Charles, Countd' , 122

Heether, Benjamin, 50

Heffernan, Heffermam, -, 42, 45; Harriott, 42; John, 55 ; Magd Mary Ann, 201 ; Mary, 45; Mary Ann, 196; Mr, 59 ; Sara , 55

Hegan, Ann, 149, 151. See also Hagan.

Hegnett , see Hignett

Heith, Eliz, 116

Hele(?), Thos Henry, 133. See also Phipps

Heley, Heli(e), seeHealey.


Helle, J., 100n See also Helly

Hellier,Amelia, 23, 28 (Mrs Chetwynd's servant)

Helly, Ann, 100; Bartholomew , 100; John , 100

Helton, Honoria, 160 ; Mary, 160; Stephen, 160

Hencey, see Hensy

Hendrick, Henderic , Eliz, 4 ; Mary, 52

Henel(1)y, see Henly. Henery, see Henry.

Henesy, Henesey, Eliz, 158; Mary, 158; Jas, 22; Wm, 158. See also Hensy

Hening, see Hennings

Henkins , Bridget , 166, 170

Henly, Henely , Henelly , Eliz, 115 , 147 , 153; Harriet, 146, 147 , 149, 153, 169, 174, 199*; Honora , 2 (servant), 7, 13, 23, 28; Jas, 153; Mary, 147; Mich, 169; Rebecca , 146; Wm, 146; 147, 149, 169 , 174

Henneker, Mary, 113

Hennessy, see Henesy, Hensy

Hennings, Hening, John , 184; Mary, 184; Timothy, 184

Henritt, Henright, Mary, 49; (or Connelly), Mary, 49. See also Enright

Henry , 29 (Stonors ' servant), 104 (deleted)

Henry , Henery, Henrietta , 150; Mich, 135

Henshall, Eliz, 134; Geo, 134; Ralph , 134

Hensy, Hensey, Hensie, Anna, 67; Jas, 58; John, 58 ; Mary, 61, 66, 70, 106, 117; Simon , 36, 55, 61, 73, 116. See also Henesy

Henty, David, 106, 111 , 139, 149; Edwd , 149; Eliz, 106, 111, 139, 143, 149; Hannah, 111; Henry, 106; Jos, 143; Wm, 139; Wm Jos,* 204

Henright , see Enright , Henritt

Hepenstall, Cath, 92

Herbert, Honoria, 104 ; Jos, 104

Hereon , Herin, see Heron.

Hern, Joanna, 84

Heron, Hereon, Herin , etc., Cath, 81; Eliz, 92; Hugh, 76, 81, 92; Mary, 76, 81, 92; Mary Ann, 76 , 129; Mrs, 196

Herriez, Marie Louise, 115

Herron, see Heron . Hertfordshire, 1n

Hervey, Jane, 93n See also Harvey. Heskins, Heskin , Hesking, Ann, 145; Joachim Jos, 165; Mary, 157; Noah, 157; Teresa, 145, 151 , 155 , 162, 165, 192; Thos, 157; Wm, 145 , 165, 192

Hibdin, see Hebden

Hibert, Nancy, 103

Hickey, Alice, 42 ; Eliz , 42; Hannah , 42; Jas, 42 ; Jane, 87; Patk, 34 (deleted), 38, 40, 42

Hicks , Cath, 82; Frances Mary, 76; John, 98; Mary, 76; Thos, 76

Hickson, Cath, 32; Jane Mary, * 202; Mary, 22

Hide, see Hyde

Higgin(s), Chas, 118 ; Charlotte, 118 , 128 ; Geo, 91; Jas, 83 ; Jane, 137 ; Jennet , 90; Mary Ann, 78; Peter, 78, 83, 91, 137, 186; Susan, 78, 83, 91, 137

HighLittleton , Som , 15 & n, 47

Hignett, Helen , 123

Higstone, Mary, 173

Hikey, see Hickey.

Hill, Cath, 32, 51; Ed, 177; Eliz, 88; John , 51, 115, 177; Jos, 155; Mgt, 155 ; Mary, 177; Sara, 115, 155; Susan , 195 ; Thos, 60

Hill(i)ard, Cath, 111; Mgt, 131; Mary, 104, 111, 131, 135; Wm, 104 , 111, 131, 135. See also Hillier Hillier, Frances, 139; Mary, 139; Wm, 139. See also Hilliard, Hind, Hynde, Frances Mary, 54, 73; Julia, 59; MgtAnn, * 68

Hines, Hynes, Mgt, 107, 131; Mrs, 37

Hinkins, Mary, 180

Hippisley, Hipsly, Hypsly, etc., Ann, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161, 162 , 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 181 , 182 , 183, 184; Esther, 190, 197; Mrs, 154, 157, 158, 160, 161, 163, 165, 179

Hiscox , T. (Registrar), 130

Hobbs, Mrs, L.Eliz, 118

Hodges, "Madeisell"(?), 14 ; MaryAnn, * 203

Hodginson , Eliz, 52, 57

Hogan, Chas , 107; Edmund , 104; John, 103; Mary, 104, 107; Philip, 104, 131, 132, 133; Thos, 44; (or Brealey), Ann, 103

Hogden, Cath, 126

Hoghin , Eliz, 25, 32; Mich, 25, 32

Holbrook, Cath Ann, 101 ; Charlotte Cath, 101; Wm , 101

Holditich, Susan , 103

Holland, Edwd , 38, 40, 43 ; Elen, 194; Jas, 194; Jane, 40, 43 ; Juliana, 32; Mary Ann, 43; Susan , 188; Thos , 40

Hollis, SaraMary, * 201

Holloran, Ant, 68 , 117, 125 (Sgt )

Holt, Leics. , 71n

Holt, Henry, 85; Mary, 85


Home(?), Geo , 175

Honora , 112

Hoole, see Pope, Robt Alexius.

Hooper , Sara , 173

Hopkins , Hopkin, Hopkings , Ann, 44, 137; Henry David , 80; Honora, 80; Mich, 80, Mrs, 72; Wm, 20, 42, 50 , 57 (& wife), 73, 82, 85, 96, 100, 105, 111,136,137,164 "Hopperkin" (Mrs Bathoe's maid), 13 , 32

Hopson, Cath, 70; Wm , 70

Horgnils(?), L., 169 169; Chas, 169;

Horler, MaryAnn Mgt, * 202

Hormsby , Frances, 200. See also Hornsby

Horne( ?), Geo , 175

Hornsby, Eliz Agnes, 204. See also Hormsby

Hornyold, Hornyhold, Teresa, 38; Thos, 38, 44 Hornyhole,

Horrigan , Honora , 1 , 7, 12, 56 (housekeeper), 120

Horton, Glos ,45-6, 70, 109, 121 , 123 , 126, 179, 181 , 190

Hoskins, Jos Mary, * 199 ; Sara Mary, * 203

Hotwells, see Bristol. Howard, Ann, 121 ; Eliz, 185; John, 185 ; Mgt, 121 ; Mr, 58 ; Mrs, 58 ; N.

Esqr. (& servants), 36; Noah, 66, Philip, 1n, 50, 51, 78, 121n; Rosanna (& Rosina), 66, 106

Howe, Bridget, 154, 160; Denis , 154 , 162; Dionisius , 160 ; Martha, 154; 160, 162

Howel(1) ,, 4; Edwd, 4, 8, 14, 29 , 62, 76; Eliz, 62, 76, 83, 87, 116; Eliz Mary, 67; Maria, 174, 201 ; Mary , 15 & n, 116; Mr, 8, 60; Mrs, 8, 14, 29, 60; Richd, 116; Wm, 4, 14, 15 , 81, 116

Howgate , John, 69

Hoy, Mary, 114; Patk, 142, 192

Hubard , Samuel, 39

Hubberston (?Hubbenton), Richd , 4, 14, 24, 36, 58,64

Hubbert, Henry, 62

Hubert, John Claudius, 26

Huddleston(e), Edwd, 139; Eliz, 136 ; Frances, 159n, 191 (& 2 sisters); Mary, 145; Miss, 194

Hudson, Eliz, 129 ; Math, 157

Huelli, Guiseppi , 194

Hughes , 4, 49, 51; Anna , 67; Ann, 4, 36, 57, 59 (& 2 sons), 64, 92, 117; Cornelius , 19, 66, 77; Frances, 53, 60; Geo, 4, 11, 44, 64; Hannah, 4, 14, 24, 39, 64; John,.

49, 130; Martha , 70, 96 ; Martha Mary , 67; Mary, 11 (alias Short), 14, 17, 21, 25, 41, 64, 124, 189; Mary Ann, 11, 68*; Mr, 4, 23, 36 , 57; Mrs, 4, 23, 36, 47, 49, 57; Nancy Sara, 67 ; Sara , 124; Teresa , 49 ; Thos, 73

Hugo, 56; Genevieve, 7, 14 , 24; Helen, 9; Helen Genevieve, 33; Jane, 40; Mary, 7, 8, 14, 24, 33; Mary Ann, 25, 61; Miss, 57; Mr, 2, 7, 14; Mrs, 2, 7, 24, 57. See also Mac Hugo

Hulbert, Mary, 195

Humphreys , Arthur, 90; Eliz, 90; Mary Patience ,90

Huncock, Cath, 159;John, 159

Hunt, Bridget, 112; Cath, 110 , 112 , 135 ; Helen, 135 ; Mary, 159; Mary

Ann, 201; Patk, 112, 135

Hurst, Ann, 80; Josue, 80

Husenbeth , Eliz Maria, 134

Hussenot, Euphrosine , 71, 139-40

Hussey, Baron, 35; Christina , 194 ; John, 194 ; Mary, 81, 125; Mrs, 2, 7, 14 (& maid), 34, 35, 36

Hutchings , Sara, 150, 196, 197, 198

Hutchinson, 5; Eliz, 74, 189; Mrs, 60

Hyde, Hide, Ann, 23, 37, 190; Eliz, 196, 198; Mary, 18, 23 ; Miss(es), 18, 23, 58; Teresa, 110 , 111

Hynde, see Hind

Hynes, see Hines .

Hypsly, see Hippisley.

Imetto, John(& daughter ), 59

Inglisbatch, Ingsbach, etc., see Englishbatch

Ingram, John , 168

Ireland, Irish, 6 (unnamed maidservant), 15, 17, 18, 28-35, 46, 61 , 102n , 106, 108, 109, 115 (tailor), 118, 120, 124, 127, 128, 134n , 186, 188, 189

Irf(?), Fr., 63

Irvine, Christine, 201 ; Christopher , 78 , 86, 95, 112; ChristopherWm, 78, 86, 95; Jeanne Marianne , 78, 86, 95 ; Marianne , 86 ; Miss(?), 161; Irwin, Clara Christiana Maria , * 68; Walter, 78, 95 , 150 , 161

Clare (?confirmation name), 68

Isaacs, Jane, 193; Wm, 193

Isle of Man , 114

Italy, Italian, 32

Ivry, Fr. , 63 , 73 , 79 ,81,88

Jackson, Ann, 20, 21; Geo, 6, 32, 39 , 64; John , 20; Jos, 32 ; Mary Ann , 19;Mrs, 32


Jacobs, Jane, 39

Jacques, see Jakes

Jadoul, Bridget , 37, 41 ; MaryAnn, 41; Monsr(Mr), 32, 59; Mrs, 60

Jakes, Jacques, Jaques, 11; Ambrose , 20, 130 & n; Ann, 24; Chas , 16, 130 & n, Eliz, 6, 9, 14, 16 (alias Bird), 20 (do ), 64; John, 24; Robt, 6, 9, 16, 20, 39 ; Wm , 29

Jamar, Jos, 84

James 38 (negro servant), 140; James N. (Bishop Walmesley's servant), 58

James , Mary (? confirmationname), 67; Diana, 14, 15 , 32, 116; Jane, 116;John (& son & daughter), 58 ; Mary, 111; Richd, 139; Thos, 69

Jaques, see Jakes

Jay, Mrs , 122

Jeaneson, see Jenison

Jedoull, see Jadoul

Jeffers , Ann, 99 ; Geo, 99, 125; Jas, 99; John, 158

Jellamy, Ann (Vaughans' servant), 28; Mary, 23, 64

Jellyman , Winifrid Mary* , 67

Jenison, James, ex-S.J , 7, 45 & n , 123 & n

Jenkins, Eliz, 100; John Jerome , O.S.B., 3n; Martha , 100; Mary, 5 , 11. 13 , 24, 26, 61, 64; Robt, 9, 33; Thos, 9, 11, 24, 32, 100 , 197; Wm, 9

Jenkinson , Thos, 117 , 129

Jenkson, Mrs, 14

Jenner, Harriet, 177

Jennings, John, 120

Jennison, see Jenison

Jerningham, family, 193; Ann, 193; Wm Chas , 193 Jersey, 88

Jesop, Susan, 89

Jinks, Sophia, 69

Jobson, Ann, 125

John N., 121

Johnson , Ann, 14, 156; Eliz, 197;Geo , 156 ; Hugh, 170, 171, 172, 181; Jas, 139; John , 161; Maria Jane, 197; Martha, 139; Mary, 124; Mrs, 2, 8; Patk, 178; Wm, 156 ; (or Moor), John , 161

Joiner, Ester, 134

Jolly, Jolli, Jean Baptiste Florian, 81; Mr, 6, 32

Jones ,, 54; Charlotte, 159 , Hugh, 95; John , 159, 183; Mary, 125; Mary Ann, 97; Mary (& Marie)

Jeanne, 62, 75; Mary Madeleine, 159; Mary Madeleine Philippine,

194; Thos, 62 , 75; Walter, 194; Walter Rowland , 159; Wm, 54, 67; Wm Henry, 97; Wm HenryNugent, 97; (or Kentgens), Edwd , 183

Jordan, Jorden , Jas, 132; Jas Sydney, 132; John Thos, 99, 100; Mary, 46, 132; Mary Ann, 137; Mary, 132; Sara , 70, 99, 100, 105, 111, 137, 164; Sara Eliz, 161, 164,; Thos, 70, 99, 100, 105, 111, 132, 137 , 164; Wm , 105, 111

Joyce, Ann, 169; Jas, 180

Judie, Matheu, 83

Julien (n)e, Victoire, 71, 78, 86, 95, 108, 112, 133, 144(?); Victoire Louisa , * 68

Kagan, see Keagan. Kaines, FrancesMary, * 203

Kallenberck, Kattenback , Kellenbrek ,

124; Jos, 102, 129

Kane, see Cane

Kavannah, Kavenah, Cavenagh, etc., Cath, 84; Eliz, 84; Geo, 140; Jane, 107; Mgt Mary, * 203 ; Mary, 140; Miss, 34, 56; Patk, 84, 140 ; Thos, 173

Keafe, see Keeff(e)

Keagan, Keegan, Kagan, etc., John, 19 , 128; Judith, 15; Mr, 4, 14, 23, 64; Mrs, 4, 64

Keane , see Keen(e)

Kearney, Bridget, 140; Mich, 183; Patk, 140

Kearns, Frances, 172; Pat John,* 199

Kearton, Ann, 147; John, 147; Mary, 147

Keasbery, Keasebery, Keasberry, Miss, 36; Mr, 6, 58 (& son & daughters)

Keasy, Danl , 147;Mgt, 147

Keating, Helen, 184; Mgt, 184; Thos, 184

Keeff(e), Keafe, Keif, Keiffe, Cath, 49; Danl , 53; Elen, 55 ; Jas, 53 ; Joanna , 92, 93 ; John, 53, 55, Mgt, 59; Mary, 53

Keegan, see Keagan. Keen(e), Ann, 69; Eliz, 111; Eliz Ann, 67; Richd, 32

Keevil, Mary, 160; Mary Ann, 160; Robt, 160; Sara, 160

Keif, Keiffe , see Keeff(e).

Keith, Jane, 87; Mary, 87; Wm, 87

Kellenbrek , see Kallenberck

Kell(e)y, 186; Ann, 81, 157; Anna Maria, 177 ; Arabella , 106, 113, 116, 134, 181, 183, 185; Arabella Mary, * 67 ; Bd (?Brigid), 149; Cecilia Elenora Ann, 168; Chas, 18, 131; Christian , 90;

Edmund P.(?), 141 ; Edwd, 107 , 132, 136; Elen, 115, 194; Elen Sophia, 141; Geo Burke, 141;

Henry, 157; John , 43, 65, 82, 90, 157, 181; Laurence, 115; Leonora Eliz, 177; Mgt, 12, 47 (alias Rian); Maria, 115, 168; Mary, 141; Mary Ann, 90; Matilda, 141; Math, 27; Mr, 5, 39n ; Mrs, 5; Patk, 9, 12; Sara, 131 ; Wm, 14, 15 (deleted), 168, 176, 177, 183, 202; (or Bentley ), Mich, 9

Kelsey, Eliz , 94

Kendal(l , Jas, 19; John , 3 , 8, 9 , 10, 25, 41, 43 ; Mr, 13, 23 , 29; Mrs, 3 , 8, 13; Winefride, 9, 17

Kengkins , see Kentgens

Kenmouth, Alb , 156. See also Kenworth

Kennedy , Kenedy, John Baptist, 52; Mary, 52, 55, 59, 66, 128 ; Mr (butler), 56 ; N., 35; Richd, 85; Roger, 52, 55, 59, 87

Kenny, John, 81

Kensy, Ann, 35

Kent, Eliz, 105, 117;JohnOliver, 105; Robolphus , 105

Kentgens, Kentchins, Kentjean, etc. ,

Ann, 102, 106, 113, 135, 141, 143 , 146, 153, 155, 169, 183 , 199; Caroline, 183; Eliz, 102; Henry, 143, 146; Jas, 155; John , 102 , 106 , 113, 135, 141, 143, 146, 153 , 155 , 161, 169, 178, 183; John Benedict, 135; Maria, 169; Mary, 106; Mary Agnes, 202; MaryAnn, 146, 161 , 178, 183, 201 ; Sara, 113; Wm, 141, 169; (or Jones), Edwd, 183

Kenworth, Alban, 174 ; Cath, 174; John, 174. See also Kenmouth.

Keough, Ed., 179, 180; Edwd, 172 , 173, 174; Jas 174; Mary, 174; Thos, 174

Keoughbourke , Eliz, 183; Mary, 183; Thos 183

Kerhoent , see Querhoent

Kergouet, Mary Reine (d'Hector), 122

Kerly, see Curly.

Kermel, AlexandrineAuguste Hortense

Marie de Kerouartz (Marquise de), 85 ; Marquis de, 80, 85

Kerouartz, Alexandrine see Kermel ; Eugene de, 62, 65 ;François Marie Louis (Comte de), 73-4, 79, 80(?); Jacques Louis François .... (Marquis de), 73-4; Jacquette de , 122; James (Count de), 122; Louis François Marie Toussaint (Marquis de), 80; M. de, 65, Marie Charlotte

Reine de, 80, 88; Marie Joseph

Reine (Marquis de), 73. See also de la Monneraye

Kerry, Ir , 188

Ketcherside, B. (Miss), 70; Eliz, 68, 117; Rebecca, 68, 117, 119 , 148; Thos, 119, 187

Kett, Denis, 158, 160

Keynes, see Kaines

Key, Keys, Keyse, Frances, 18, 32; Jas, 6, 22, 64

Kiddington, Oxon ,99n

Killfoyle, Martin, 160

Kilmud, Albert, 158; Cath, 158; Cath Elen, 158

Kinching, see Kentgens.

King, Dennis, 92; John, 76, Mgt, 66; Mgt Paula, 102, 139 ; Mary, 92; Thos, 66

Kingman , Wm, 186, 196

Kingston (e), Mary, 69, 112, 140 , 158 , 180

Kintgent, see Kentgens

Kiplar, Ann, 200

Kirby, Edd , 125

Kirk, Rev. John, viin; Mary, 36, 52; Miss, 58

Kirksby, Robt, 199

Kirly, see Curly

Kirwan, Kirwen, Curwen , Curwin , Antoinette, 88 ; Danl , 189; Francis, 101; Mgt, 29; Mary, 14; Richd, 88 Knapp, Adila, 99 ; Cath, 69, 113, 134; Cath Howse, 82 & n; Edwd , 134; Fredk, 113, 186; Geo Jas, 97-8; Henry Jos, 109 ; Jas, 82 ; John, 82 & n, 84, 88, 97-8, 99, 109, 113 , 134; John Alfred, 88 ; Jos, 84 ; Mary, 82, 84, 88, 98, 99, 109, 113, 134, 186; Teresa, 84

Knight, Eliz, 190

Knowles , Ann, 39; Cath, 49; Mrs, 4 , 8, 14, 23, 29, 47

Kyan, John Howard , 105; Phillis , 108; Phillis Mary Ann, 105; Thos Sutton , 105

Labarte, John, 168, 175 ; Maria, 168, 175; Thos, 175

La Bigne, Aimable Prosper, 163, 181 , 194; Dorothea Mary Louisa , 181; Louis Jacques, 181; Mary Ann, 163, 181, 194,201*;* Mary Ann Frances Cecilia, 163

Lacon, Miss, 194 ; Walter, 188

La Corte, Francis, 134

L'Acoste, Chas , 71

Lacoult, Fr., 63

Lacy, Eliz Agnes, 203 ; Frances, 133

Ladell , Eliz, 151, 164; (or Conlan), Thos, 151



(deleted), 6

Lalor, Laler, Leler, Lelor, -, 70; Ann, 194 ; Dora, 194; Dorothy, 150, 198; Eliz, 140, 198; Grace, 197; Maria, 170, 179; Maria, 198; Mary, 98; Mich, 134, 140 , 150 , 177, 194; Sara, 157; (or Doyle), Maria, 179. See also Lawlor, Lator

Lambe, Arathoar(?) & AnneWeare , 19

Lambert, Ann, 162; Eliz, 185; Geo , 162 ; John , 162; Lucy, 157

Lamon (?), Christine, 65

Lanagan, Lannaghan, Bridget, 180; Dennis, 180 ; Eliz, 180; Jas, 12; Mary, 12, Richd, 12

Lanan, see Lannan

Lanascol, Aline de, 86; Marquis & Marquise de, 86. See also de la Boessière.

Lancashire, 186

Landers, Cornelius , 87, 172, 178, 184

Lane, Eliz, 27 ; Elen, 163; Mary, 27 , 163 ; Thos, 163 ; Timothy, 27

Langdale, Mary, 23 ; Miss, 28; Mr, 28

Langhern, Jane, 200

Langley, Ann, 148, 168, 172; Benjamin, 148, 161 & n, 197, 200; Hannah, 161; Jos Peter, 161; Mary EmiliaBibiana Alexina, 148; Ralph, 6

Langton , family, 195; Mgt Caroline Felicia , 182; Mary, 172, 182, 195; Mary Frances Christina , 172; M. Esqr, 178 ; Mich Theobald , 182 , 195; Mrs, 178

Lannaghan, see Lanagan

Lannan , Lanan, Peggy Mary, * 67; Peter, 14

Laon, Fr., 70

Lapedge, Ann Mary, * 203

La Porte, Miss, 37

Laporte (Nerin; Nezin ?), Paul Jule, Marquis de, 84-5

Larcon, Wm , 123

Larkin, Eliz, 139 ; Laughlin, 55, 56, 77; Mgt, 139; Timothy, 139

Latham , see Laythem

Lator, Mic., 84. See also Lalor.

Lattin, Ann Jane, 76; Eliz, 76; Patk, 76,152

Laughnan, Connel Andrew , 176; Isabella Mary Ann, 176; Mary Eliz, 176

Laughton , see Lawton.

Lauler, see Lawlor

Lauley, see Lawley . Laurent, John Claudius, 26; Louise, 26;Mary, 26

Lauton, see Lawton

Lawler , see Lawlor

Lawley, Lawly, Lauley, Andrew, 141; Charlotte, 177, 195 ; Elen, 177; Fidele, 177 ; John, 164 ; Jos, 177 , 195

Lawlor, Lauler , Lawler , Ann, 69; Grace, 166; John, 87, 166; Mary, 87; Mich, 87. See also Lalor

Lawlos , Mary, 124

Lawly, see Lawley. Laws, Ursula, 172

Lawson , Henry, O.S.B., 54-5 , 61-2, 65-8, 72-89 , 116, 120-4; John, 7

Lawton, Lauton, Lorton, -, 139, 144 & n; Elen, 112, 136, 141 , 144 , & n, 188; Helen, 113; Jas , 139; Mary, 112; Mich, 113, 187; Peter, 112, 113, 136, 143, 146; Thos, 136; Wm, 187

Laytham , Laythem, Leathem , John , 24 ; Juliet(ta), 3, 64, 126; Mary (& daughter) 59 ; Mrs, 24; Wm, 3, 39

Leagheay, Thos, 151

Leary , Bartholomew , 141; Cornelius , 141; Mgt, 141 ,

Leathem, see Laytham

Leaven, Judith, 68, 92

Le Broun, François, 63

Le Camp, Jeanne, 63

Lecorre (marriage-witness), 62

Ledet(?), Marie, 81

Ledwidge , see Ludwidge

Lee, Leigh, Cath, 173 ; Chas , 185; Henry, 173; Jane, 173, 185; Jos, 173, 185 ; Sara, 66

Leech, John , 26, 118, 127; Mary, 26, 120 ; Mrs, 5, 24 , 32 , 57

Lees, Dorothy, 70

Legate, Agnes(?), (Miss Smythe's maid), 29

Le Goff, Jean, 65 ; René, 62, 65n; Renée, 65

Leicestershire , 71n

Leigh, see Lee

Le Lane, Françoise, 65

Leler, Lelor, see Lalor

LeMaire, Monsr (& 2 sons), 35

LeMarquant, AbbéHenri -Jacques,92

Le Mée, François, 65; Louis François, 65. See also May

Lenhard , see Leonard

Lennoll, Jas (deleted), 32

Lens, Dolly, 133

Leonard, Lenhard , Anna, 198; Cath , 59; John , 60; Mary, 43, 200; Mr, 24; Mrs, 24; Sara, 154 ; Sara Teresa , * 199

Le Roux, Cath, 96; François Pascal, 62, 78; Magdeleine Jacqueline, 78

Lester, Leyster, Bridget , 18; Mary, 136

Levett, Governor(& wife), 38


Lewis, Louis, Ann, 69, 109 ; Barb, 95-6; Cath, 70, 99; Geo, 70; John, 95-6; Mgt, 95-6; Maria(?), 198; Mark, 39; Mary, 109, 110, 164; Mary Ann, 200; Randall , 109; Thos, 24, 32

Leyster, see Lester

l'Herminier, Louis , 62: Louis Joseph

Eloy, 63 ; Pierre , 63

Lieb, Christopher , 4, 7, 13 , 21, 22; Louisa , 5, 7, 13, 24; Mary, 5, 7, 13; Mr, 24

Lilien, Alexander , 76

Linch, see Lynch

Lindsay, EffinghamThos , * 67

Ling, Mich, 146

Linois, Durand de, 71 , 191

Linton, Eliz, 168

Lions , see Lyon(s) Lisbon, 77n

Lisieux , Fr., 63, 65, 78

Lithmon, Ruthe, 65

Littleton, see High Littleton

Liverpool, 186

London, 43, 63n , 187 , 188

Long, 50; Eliz, 176, 178 ; Jas, 176, 178; John, 159, 176 , 178 ; Jos, 114; Mary, 64, 114; Mich, 111; Sara, 159; Wm , 159

Longley, Hannah, 183

Loons, Francis, 122

Lorton, see Lawton. Loughlan , Loughlin, Christopher , 99; Har't, 159

Louis , see Lewis

Lovat, Lovet, Lovett, John, 24;Maria , 198; Mary, 20; Thos, 14, 20

Love, Ann, 62, 76, 126 ; Jos, 3 , 14 , 29,34,38,42,76,93,102,129; Mr, 23, 47 , 58 (& son); Mrs, 3 , 14 , 23, 47, 58 (& son): Sara , 76, 91, 102

Loveless, Christina, 112, 186; Frances Mary, 142; Henrietta, 96, 136, 142, 192; Henrietta Maria , 146; Henrietta Mary, 142; Jas, 96; Lucy Maria, 136; Mrs, 153; Sara, 96, 98; Thos, 96, 112, 136, 142

Lovet(t), see Lovat

Lowndes , Mr, 3 , 8, 14, 23, 36 , 57; Mrs, 3 , 8, 13, 23, 29, 37, 57; Wm, 120. See also Church , Ann.

Lowther,Mgt, 187

Lozano (?), Sara, 104

Lucas, Chas, 173, 182-3 ; Martha, 173, 182-3; Teresa, 182-3

Lucy, Sir Berkeley , 1n See also Stonor

Ludwick, Wm, 198

Ludwidge , Jas, 75; Jas Wm, 75;Ruthe, 75

Lulworth, Dorset, 12

Lydia , 181

Lyescobe, MaryAnn, 197

Lynam, Math, 137

Lynch(e), Danl , 105; John , 105; Mgt, 53, 60, 95, 111, 137; Mary, 15,47, 87, 105, 137, 203 ; Mr, 8, 14 , 23; Mrs, 4, 8; Philip, 4, 39; Timothy, 189

Lyne, Mary, 75; Saml, 75

Lyon(s) ,, 4; Eliz (alias Philips), 17, 26; Jas, 17, 26, 134, 187; Jeremiah , 4, 11, 24, 64; John, 17, 83 ; Jos, 179; Mgt, 11, 58, 121, 179; Mary, 135, 179; Mrs, 24; Wm, 26

Lyons, Fr., 63

Lysath , John, 135

Mabella, Patk, 149

Mabry, Elen, 136; Jane, 136; John, 136

McAllum, Cornelius , 77; Elen, 77; John, 77

MacArt(h)ey, Macarty, see McCarthy

Macauley, Ann, 98; Jas, 1 (butler), 98; Philip, 98. See also McGauley .

Macauliff, Cath , 9; Jas, 6, 7, 13, 29; Mgt, 6, 9, 46; Mrs, 29

Macavey, Alexander , 4;Mgt, 4

Mcavoy, Donelly, 23; Eliz 64;Silvester, 10 , 17. See also Mac Evoy. McCabe, Elen, 175 ; John , 175: Mary Ann, 175

McCallum , see McAllum

McCambridge , Mary, 89 , 90

MacCann, M'cann, Dorothy, 55; John , 59; John Henry, 55; Mich, 48 , 55. See also Mican

McCarley , Mary, 77

McCarthew , Cath, 131; Danl , 131

McCarthy, Macarty, MacArthy, etc., 45; Bridget, 158; Cath, 131; Cath Maria, 131; Chas, 86; Denis, 167; Elen, 158, 167; Helena , 184; Jery, 170 ; John , 44, 131 , 157; Mary, 50, 126, 157; Mich, 41, 50; Mich Benjamin , 50; N., 35; Patk, 131, 158, 167; Sara , 157. See also MacKarti, McCatey .

McCartney , Chas, 164; Danl , 164; Elen, 163, 164; Mary, 164

McCastling, Jane, 114

McCatey, Eliz, 189

McClaskey, see McCloskey . McClockey, Ann, 178 ; Henry, 178; Hugh, 178

McCloskey , McClaskey, Henry, 165; John, 159, 165; Mary, 159, 165

McCormack , Jas, 27


McCue, Andrew, 173 ; Mary Tryat(?), 173, See also McHugh . McDale, Ann, 186

McDermont, MacDermant , Alice, 13, 23, 40 (Alicia), 64 ; John, 23; Timothy,28, 38

McDermot (of Devizes), 115; Bridget , 145; Mary, 145; Thos, 145

Macdonald , Alexander , 105, 185; Cath , 91 ; Eliz , 162 ; Eliz Mary,* 68 ; John, 162 ; Mgt, 54; Mich, 60; Thos, 91; Wm, 72, 162

MacDonnell , Mary, 38 (see also Constable); Nicholas, 54

MacDonnelly, Jas, 51; Mary, 51; Richd, 51

McDonough , Edmond , 86; Miles, 86, 89, 91, 92; Susan , 86, 89 , 92

Macdowel , - , 39

MacEvoy , Christopher , 99. See also Macavoy

McGarry, McCary, Macgarrey, Edwd, 173; Henry Nugent, 127; John, 152, 154, 173 ; Mary, 152, 173. See also McGeary

McGauley , McGawley , John , 87; Mgt, 125; Mary, 87. See also Macauley. McGeary, John , 199. See also McGarry .

McGennis , see Magennis

McGill, see Magill

McGinnis , Ann, 169; Arthur , 169

See also Magennis

McGrath , see Magrath

McGuinness, see McGinnis

McGuir(e), see Maguire.

McGurk, see Maguerk

Macharty, Miss, 36

McHugh , McHoue, Mackhugh , Den, 154; Mary, 154, 184. See also McCue

MacHugo, Anthony, 15, 47. See also Hugo Mack, Mary, 200

MacKarti, Ann, 180; Caroline, 180; Chas, 180

Mackay, Mich, 35

McKeon, Patk, 110

Mackey , Maria, 67 ; Mary, 116

Mackhugh , see McHugh

McKinney, Ann, 168; John, 168; Wm , 168

Macknolti , see MacNalty. McMahon , John, 75; Mgt, 132; Mary, 75

McManus, Bernard, 102 ; Cath, 102 , Chas Christopher , 102; Hannah, 50; Julienne, 102

Micmerty,McMirty, see McMurtry. Macmillan, Ann, 160; Patk, 160

McMullin, Edwd, 136

McMurphy, Jac , 93

McMurtry, John , 12, 130 & n; Math, 35, 120, 130; Mich, 32; Mr, 59 (& wife & sons); Mrs, 32, 59; Peter, 43, 130; Rebecca, 12; Wm , 12

McMuttery, McMuttry, John, 94, 96 (junr); Maria, 93, 94 ; Peter Paul, 93; Wm, 128

Micnahertin, Wm , 74

McNally, Andrew, 141; Mary, 141; Mary Ann , 141

MacNalty, McNolty, Cath, 181; Jas, 181; John , 156, 176, 181, 200; Letitia, 181 ; Patk, 156, 166; Patk Peter, 166; Sara, 156, 166, 181

McNamara, Aloysia, 74; Cath, 82; Gabriel , 74; Maria, 74; Mary, 15; Mrs, 5

McNaughton , see Micnahertin

McNolty, see MacNalty

Macpherson,, 6; Ann, 40-41 ; John, 58; Mary , 10 (& alias Daniels); Mr, 32; Wm, 6, 10, 40-41

Mcquire , see Maguire.

Madan, Maden, Madden , Madding, Ann, 91, 101, 108, 125 & n, 158; Cath, 80, 155, 201 ; Hannah, 158; Jos Henry, 91; Mary, 36; Math , 91 , 101, 108, 158 ; Patk, 177; Robt, 121; Sally, 14, 23 ; Sara, 4, 8, 20, 29,58

Madders, Mgt, 49

Madding, see Madan

Maden, see Madden

Maddox ,, 4; Ann Teresa Maria, 192-3; Geo Thos, 192 ; Mrs , 24 ; Richd, 4, 14, 24 ,64

Magary, see McGarry

Magee, Maggee, John , 157; Mgt, 157; Mary, 37, 162; Mich , 157

Magennis, Ann (deleted), 22; Eliz, 22; Mrs, 24; Ross, 24, 29, 44, 64 (& wife) See alsoMcGinnis

Maggee, see Magee

Magill , Megill, Andrew, 161 ; Mgt, 100 , 101, 186; Mary, 161; Wm, 161

Magrath, Magra(w), Magra(g)h, McGrath, Alice, 42; Ann, 53; Brigit, 74; C., 167 ; Cath, 43; Edwd, 43; Eliz, 135; Geo, 159; Helen, 42, 53, 60; Jas, 42, 53; Jane, 5, 64; John , 53, 60, 126 ; Kezia, 163; Kezia Mary, 163 ; Mgt, 24, 74; Mary , 29; Mich, 135, 159 , 163, 183; Mich Jos , * 204; Mich Laurence, 204; Mrs, 14; Patk, 25; Sara, 135, 159, 178, 179, 182 , 183; Sara Eliz, 203 ; Thos, 74,

163 , 167; Wm, 135. See also Marath .

Maguerk, Jas, 85

Maguire, Mcquire, -, 6; Ann Sara , *

68; Cath, 69, 72, 88, 95, 100 , 128 , 138, 189, 197 ; Chas, 100 ; Hannah , 95; Helen, 95; Henry, 88 ; Irene, 69 ; Jas, 92, 94, 95, 100, 102 , 142 , 189; Jas Edw,* 68 ; Jane, 142; John, 32; Mgt, 102; Martha, 141; Mary , 100, 127, 139; Mich, 139; Owen, 11, 12; Patk, 72, 75, 88, 95, 100; Thos, 72, 139 , 186

Mahagan, see Meagher.

Maher, Eliz, 51, 54 ; John, 51, 54; Mich, 51, 54

Mahony , Bridget , 141; Cath, 52, 60; Dennis , 52, 60, 73 ; Eliz, 73 ; Mary, 194; Sara , 123

Mahune, John , 169; Patk, 169; Sara, 169

Maillard, Hannah, 129

Malligan , see Mulligan.

Malon(e), Maloon, Melone, Mulone, Ann, 181; Cornelius , 181; Eliz, 157; Jas, 157; Leonard , 157 ; Mary, 195; Math, 195; Mich, 181; Mrs, 22n, 34n; Murtagh, 143, 157 . See also Meloni

Malpas, Cath, 15, 47; Mrs, 1 , 7

Malpews(?), Mrs, 122

Man, Isle of, 114

Mangotsfield , Glos , 70 & n

Manly, Maria, 155

Manners, Cumberland Wm, 184; Wm , 176

Manning , Danl, 151; Eliz, 5; Jas , 179; John , 179; Mary, 179, 189 ; Mrs, 121

Mannock, Sir Francis, 43n; Lady (Eliz Mary, née Stonor), 6, 13, 22 , 28, 43

Mansfield , Alexander , 152; Eliz, 34 , 41; Fanny, 152 ; John , 34, 41, 189; John Lattin, 152; Paulina, 152; Walter, 41

Mansigny, Madame de, 117

Manuel, Cath, 10; Eliz, 10; Hyacinth, 10

Mapledurham , Oxon , 1n

Mapus, see Malpas

Mara, Marra , Mgt, 144; Mary, 157; Thos, 144

Maran, Thos, 188. See also Moran.

Marath , Mary Ann, 183. See also Magrath

Margaret 125

Marnhull, Dorset, 82n

Marony, Jas, 89; John, 89 ; Mary, 89

Marr, Ann, 29; Bridget, 136

Marra, see Mara

Marsh, Mary, 48; Priscilla , 196

Martainville, Ann, 76

Marten, see Martin

Marshall ,, 158; Sara, 71, 191

Martha , 169

Martin, Marten , Martyn, -, 72, 81; Ann, 19, 96 , 160; Ann Mary Magd, * 200; Bridget , 4, 15, 47, 64, 81 , 87, 91; Cath, 123, 157, 160, 174; Cath Mary, 201; Edwd , 87; Elen, 90, 96, 98, 108, 134, 145 , 150 , 198; Eliz, 108; Eliz Cecilia, * 203 ; Frances, 123 & n, 134 (?Francis); Helen, 78, 85, 91, 102, 141; Geo Henry, 160; John, 62, 72, 78 , 81 , 85, 87, 90, 91, 96, 97, 108, 134 , 142, 160, 174, 184 ; John Jos, " 68; Mary, 19, 59, 110, 122, 167; Mary Ann, 69; Mrs, 4, 13, 15, 23, 29, 36, 57, 64, 116; Oliver, 37; Thos, 19; Wm, 78, 140, 160 , 184 , 198

Martinglay, Rev. , 90 & n

Marton, E. Yorks, 188n

Martyn, see Martin

Marveil, MaryAnn, 112

Mary (servant), 23, Mary Diana (negro servant), 38; Mary N., 34

Marylebone , Middx , 61

Mateoli, Mathioli, Ann, 135 ; Mary Ann, 135; Nicholas, 135, 149

Mathew , Mathews, Matthews , Frances, 76; Harriot, 50; John, 117; Mary, 25, 43, 44, 50, 55, 73, 78; Math (senr & junr ), 50; Mich, 9; Miss, 7; Mrs, 4, 8, 14, 24, 29, 34, 35 , 41; Wm , 42

Mattingley, John, ex-S.J , 90n

Maudy, Hannah Mary, 201

Maugie,Mr, 6

Maulin, Honora , 121

Mauritius, 159n

Maverly , Jos, 133; Thos, 145

Mawhood , Wm ,40 &n

Maxwell, Teresa, 178; TeresaAppolonia Constable, 178

May, Louis, 75; Lydia, 167, 171. See also Le Mée

Meade, Emanuel Jas, 175; Jos, 175; Mary, 175

Meadgate, Som ., 38

Meagher, Meaghane, Mahagan, Dr, 58 , 60 & n, 124; Edwd, 103; Sara, 116; SaraMary, 68

Meaher(?), Barbara, 37

Mealey, Cath, 81

Meare, Meares, Mears, Eliz, 61 ; John, 57 (& wife), 61, 72; Mich, 120

Meguay, Ruthe, 65

Meguire, see Maguire

Mekan, see Mican

Meland, Mary, 182

Melin , Augustine , 76, 190

Mellard, Eliz, 169

Melloa, Ann, 154

Melmoth, Francis, 116

Meloni, Jas, 100; Mary Ann, 100; Timothy, 100; Winefride , 100. See also Malon (e).

Melor, Ann, 134; Eliz, 193 (& mother)

Meloy, Robt John , * 201. See also Molloy.

Menzies, John, 29, 39 ; Mary, 39

Merrick, Anna, 67; Charlotte, 62, 77 , 116; Mary, 23 , 28 (Vaughan's servant)

Mesger, Jos, 83

Meslé, Felicité, (dowager) Comtessede la Noue Bogar, 81

Metcalf(e), family, 192; MaryAnn, 53 , 120; Mrs, 56, 162; Sara , 136 , Teresa, 48, 50, 53, 72, 146, 192; Teresa Mary, 48, 102; Thos, 22, 28 , 48, 53, 56, 72, 121; Thos Peter, 48, 72

Metralcourt, Chas, 188

Meyers, Mary, 114

Meynell ("Meyrell"), Mr, 22n , 39n

Mican, Mekan , Esther, 21 ; Jas, 21; Mary, 32; Mich, 45 ; Robt, 21, 29. See also McCann. Michel, see Mitchell

Michione, Salvadore, 182

Middlesex , 61

Middleton, Mrs , 64

Midford (castle), Som , 153 , 156

Mierscought , Thos, 138

Milbury Heath , Glos. , 45

Miles, Ann, 14, 16, 20, 24, 38, 42, 64 ; Ann Esther, 41; Chas , 16, 20, 38, 42; John, 38; Martha, 42; Mary Ann, 16; MaryMgt, 81; Sophia, 20; Susan, 41 , 43; Wm, 41

Mills, John , 15, 18 (servant), 24, 28 , 33, 47, 51, 53, 57, 116 ; Mary, 17; Mrs, 6, 13, 23, 28 (LadyMannock's servant); Richd, 54

Mine , Elen, 169; Jeremiah, 169

Mirbel, Fr., 62, 63 ,65, 78

Mitchell, Michel, Ann Teresa , 182; Caroline , 182; Cath, 164; Edwd, 161, 164; Mary, 127; Peter, 166; Wm , 164, 182

Moach, Caroline, 171 ; John, 171, 172; Mariana, 171; Marianne , 172 Mockman , Eliz, 196

Moclar, Alice, 166; (or Dawson), Mary, 166

Modin, Eliz, 98

Moger, Ann, 183; Ann Mary(?), 203 ;* Anna, 198 ; Jas, 174; Jas Matthias , * 204 ; Jane, 69, 193; Jos, 174; Martin, 183; Mary, 174 , 183; Thos, 183; Wm , 174 , 183

Mokeley, Mary, 90

Moland, see Molland Mole, Eliz, 96

Molineux, Mollineux, Molyneux, Danl, 157; Eliz, 55; Maria, 198 ; Mary, 149; Mary Ann, 157

Molland, Moland, Dorothy, 10, 25, 54 , 91, 101, 187; John , 160 ; Mr, 3 , 25, 57; Mrs, 3 , 25, 57, 64 ; Nicholas, 25, 125

Molloy, Mulloy, Eliz, 69, 108, 114 , 119; John, 66; Math, 189 ; Patk, 69, 111, 119. See alsoMeloy.

Molony, see Meloni

Molyneux, see Molineux

Mondaire, Barb, 54

Monk(s), Andrew, 72, 97; Ann, 12 , 83; Brigit, 56 ; Cath, 83; Jas, 56; John , 83 ; Mary, 56, 72, 97; Mich, 121

Monmouthshire , 12

Monneraye , see de la Monneraye

Monpiez , MarieMarguerite , * 202

Montaberte , Montalbat, Ant, 146; Eliz, 136, 146; Francis, 146

Montgomery, see Mungomory

Moon, Eliz Maria, 195; John, 200; Maria, 150, 196(?), Maria, 198; Martha, 113, 114, 119, 154 , 175 , 177, 184, 198; Mrs, 148; Robt, 113, 119, 198; Wm, 113, 129

Moonan , Bridget,200

Mooney, Moony, Mouney , Eliz, 101; Mary, 154;Mich, 80 ; Owen, 187

Moor(e), see More

Moran, Morand, Moren, Cath , 52 , 60 , 175; Denis, 125; Jas, 175; Jane, 174; Mary, 175; Wm, 174. See also Maran

Moratti, see Moretti

More, Moor, Moore, family, 193; 4, 6 (deleted); Ann, 14, 193; Barb, 9, 24, 29, 33; Cath, 4, 24, 33, 37 , 53, 60; Christopher , ex-S.J ., 46 & n; Eliz , 44 , 50 , 75, 78, 130, 194 ; Jas, 50; Joanna, 37, 120, 130; John, 49; Jos, 49; Mgt, 9, 14; Maria , 196(?); Maria, 66; Maria Magd, 67 ; Mary, 11, 20, 40, 44,49, 130, 161; Mary Ann, 33; Mich, 195; Miss, 36; Mr, 36; Mrs, 107; Thos, 4, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24,29 , 37, 40, 41, 50, 57 (& wife & daughter), 64 (& w & das), 71 , 115 (& w.), 122, 130, 174 ; Thos ,


ex-S.J ., 40, 53 & n, 122; Winefrid, 74, 111, 116; (or Johnson ), John, 161

Moren, see Moran

Moretti, Moratti , Jos, 181; Josue (& Josua), 177, 182; Maria (& Mary) Ann, 177, 179, 182, 202;* Marianne, 173

Morgan, Winefride, 68, 70 , 117

Moroney, see Marony.

Morris, John, 15, 44, 162, 164; Rev. John (?John Geo), 171 & n; Mary, 44

Morrison, Jeremiah John , * 204 ; Jeremiah Math, 204 ; John, 58

Morse, Sara Ann, * 202 ; Teresa Mgt, * 203

Mortimer, Chas, 90; N. (Mrs), 90; Timothy, 90

Moseley, Warwicks , 45,46

Mosse, Peter, 176

Mostyn Cath, 129; Chas , 99; Chas Browne, 99 & n; Bishop Francis Geo, 99 & n; Geo, 99; Lady, 15; Mary, 99

Mouney, see Moony

Mount-Earl, Mary, Lady, 193 ; Richd (Quin), Baron Adare, Viscount, 193 & n

Moyer, Ann Mary, 203 ; Jane, 148

Mounteworth ,, 143; Francis Edwd , 143

Moylan, Elen, 144 ; Helena, 199; Jas, 38; Julia, 38, 44; Simon , 38 , 44

Moyler, Rose, 91 ; Sara , 91 ; Wm , 91

Muffin Man, 32

Muffy, Wm , 123. See also Murphy

Mulguiney, Eliz, 156; Mgt, 156; Thos, 156

Mulican (?), Mulligan

Mulleny, Jas, 107

Mulligan, Malligan , Mullighan, Chas, Philip, 187. See also 115; Eliz, 115; Emma, 185; Jas, 185; JohnJas, 184; MaryAnn, 67 , Mary, 124; Peter, 115; Sara, 185; T., 116. See also Mulican . Mulloy, see Molloy.

Mulone, see Malone

Mungomory , John, 88

Munth, Mary, 104

Mulsmack , Jas, 170; Jane, 170 ; Wm, 170 -

Murphy, Murphew , Esq , 195; Abigail, 59; Alexander, 130; Andrew, 101, 132, 138, 144; Ann , 77, 95, 104, 165; Bridget , 26, 165; C. (Miss), 191; Caroline, 104; Cath, 9, 51, 99, 109, 137, 191;

Chas, 114; Charlotte, 171, 182; Cornelius , 134, 135 ; Danl , 77; Dennis, 49; Dennis Henry, 142 , 192; Edwd, 91, 97, 114, 136 , 142 , 189, 192 ; Elen, 159; Eliz, 26, 39 , 114, 136, 142, 192 ; Frances, 132; Francis, 89, 95, 98, 104; Geo , 114; Hannah, 89, 98 ; Helen, 131; Hugh, 138; Jas, 10, 16, 21, 25 ,43, 44, 54, 57 (& wife & daughter), 77, 91, 98, 103, 171, 182, 186(?); Jane, 159 ; Jeremiah, 26, 159; John, 165; Jos, 186(?); Mary , 4, 16, 24, 40, 44, 49, 64 (beggar), 101 , 122, 131, 132, 138, 144 , 202; Mary Ann, 49, 136; Mich, 131; Miss, 23 ; Mr, 4, 23; Mrs, 4, 14 , 23; Nicholas , 132 ; Patk, 77, 114 , 158; Sara, 77, 144 ; Sophia Eliz, 182; Terns (?Terence), 95; Thos, 8, 23, 77, 98, 108, 171; Timothy, 120; (or Hambden), Edwd , 91 ; Wm , 97

Seealso Muffy

Murray, Murry, Chas , 181; David , 88; Elen, 88, 172; Eliz, 173; Jas , 172; John , 88, 125, 181; Martha, 173; Mary, 160, 165, 172, 181 ; Wm , 173

Murter, John, 49

Murtery, Mich (& wife), 6

Musterson ,Mgt,55

Mutry, Muttry, John , 155 ; John Math, 67

Myerscough , see Mierscought .

Mylady, Ant, 167; Emely, 167; Math, 167

Mylin, Mylon, El., 154; Elen, 136

Naani, John , 166

Nadall, Ann, 17; Mrs, 4 , 7, 13 , 24

Nagle, Ann, 72, 114, 132; Appolonia, 74 ; Cath, 55, 61, 74, 81, 122; David , 1 & n, 7, 11, 12, 22, 29, 36 (& servants), 41, 55, 56, 61, 74, 81; Fitzgerald Geoghegan Columban , 81, 123n; Frances, 121 ; Frances Mary, 194; FrancesMaryNanno, 55; Francisca Birgitta, 68 ; Jacobus , 198; James, 143, 157, 170 , 196; Jos, 1, 7, 12, 55; Maria Martina, " 68; Mary, 12, 18; Mary Bridget, 88 ; Mrs, 1, 7, 12; Richd, 55, 61, 74, 81, 88, Richd Owen, 88 ; Susan , 170

Nailling, Cath , 123

Nancy, Fr., 63

Nanorey, Marie , 76, 82; (or Pouteau), John Alexander , 82; Philippe, 76

Nash, Cath, 25 ; Geo, 24, 25; Mary, 25

Natten, Cath, 90; Dr Thos, 90


Navanne, Innocents , 154; Jane, 154; Jos, 154

Nayle, Wm , 53

Naylor, John Joseph Placid, O.S.B. , 9, 16n

Neagle, see Nagle

Neal, Neale, Neele, Neill, etc., Cath , 66, 92, 164, 201; Mrs, 3, 64; Thos, 66, 91 , 154, 155;Wm , 60

Necket , Mgt, 55

Neele, Neil(1), see Neal.

Nelley, Nelly, Charlotte, 140; Jas Stewart, 140; John , 140; Master , 197

Nennett, see Nonnett.

Nettine , Ann Rose Joseph de, 61

Neubowl , see Newbol. Neuville, Fr., 63, 73 , 79, 81, 88, 92

Neve, Sara, 155

Nevill(e), Bridget, 56; Cosmas, 71 & n; Maria Anna Bella, 71 & n; Mary, 124n ; Thos, 41

Newbol, Neubowl, Ann, 84; Martha, 84; Wm, 84

Newburgh , Barb, Countess of, 11 & n; Jas Bartholomew Radclyffe, 4th Earl of, 11n

Newell, Elen, 139

Newman, Eliz, 165 ; Emilia, 165; John, 165

Newport, Ed, 196; Eliz, 196

Nihell, Niheel, Nihele, Christopher , 102; Dr, 22, 23 (servant of), 28

Noble , Jane, 197

Nokes, Isaac Jas, 200 ; Sara Maria, 167; Teresa SaraMaria, 200

Nolan , Nolin, Ann, 131; Honoria, 150; Jas, 131; Mich, 123, 150. See also Nowlen

Nolles, Eliz, 76

Nonnet(t), Eliz, 21, 41, 45; Lewis Philip, 45; Mary Ann, 21; Matilda, 41; Philip, 21, 33, 41, 45, 54, 59 (& wife

Noonan , see Nunan

Norman, Eliz, 61

Norris, Ann, 133; Cath Mary, 9, 191; Lucy 2; Maria, 171; Maria, 9, 67; Mary , 12, 40, 73, 127; Mr, 24 , 35 , 47; Mrs, 14, 24, 28, 35, 47; Ms(?),

3, Robt, 133; Wm, 3 , 9, 15, 58 (& wife and daughter), 64 (& w ), 129

Northumberland(?), 48

Norton, Jos, 48

Norton StPhilip, Som , 5, 15, 47 , 103

Nowlen, Nowlan, Nowlin, Ann, 110 , 114, 119, 136 ; Elen, 114; Eliz, 110 , 114; Jas, 110, 114, 136. See also Nolan

Nugent, Birmingham , 175; Edmund ,

88; Jane, 75, 191 (& brother & aunt) ; John , 75, 97 ; Mary, 91, 93; Mary Bridget, 68; Sara Phebe, 97

Nunan , Philip, 188

Nunnes, Marianne, 70 Nutall ,, 187

O'Brien, Obrian , O'Bryan, etc., - , 87; Andrew, 42; Cath, 99, 187 & n; Cornelius , 164; Danl, 87; Elen, 87; Eliz, 167; Eliz Helen, 145; Esther, 42, 181; Isite (& Isate), 145 , 152 , 197; John , 35, 89, 145, 149(?), 152; Jos Henry, 152; Mgt, 89; Maria, 89 ; Martin, 61 , 73 : Mary, 66, 100, 181; Mary Isat, 199; Mich, 42, 43, 66, 80, 91, 100, 117 , 125, 186 ; Mrs, 7, 64; Peter, 181 ; Thos, 188; Timothy, 71, 99, 132, 187 & n; Wm , 42

O'Burn, O'Burne, O'Byrn, Obyrne, Arabella , 52 , Mr, 6, 14, 23, 64; Mrs, 59;Mrs Malachy, 37

O'Connell, Eliz, 132; John, 132; Maurice , 132

O'Connor , O'Conner , O'Conor , Andrew, 131; Chas , 161 ; Elen, 161; Emilie (& aunt & maid), 66; John, 161, 200; Jas Patk, 150; Letitia, 161; Malachy, 100; Mary, 150, 199; Monica , 100, 109; Patk, 150 ; Sir Patk, 66 ; Richd, 187

Odber, Cath, 60; Elijah , 187; Francis, 50; John (& wife, son & daughter), 57, 78; John Bapt, 67; Mgt, 50; Maria, 67 ; Martin, 50; Mary, 61; Saml, 61, 188; Sara, 128; Wm, 60

O'Doherty, Mich, 127

O'Driscoll, Miss , 110

O'Drisgal , Mrs, 35

O'Duire (PO'Dwyer), Mary, 89; Math, 89; Timothy, 89

O'Ferrall, Ambrose, 129

O'Flaherty, HarrietMary, * 203

O'Hara, O'Haror ,, 37, 39;Ann, 99; David , 99; John , 102; Nancy, 102; Wm , 99 , 102

Ohens, Eliz, 183; Eliz Ann, 183; Wm , 183

Ohier, 178

O'Leary, Anne, 146 ; Bartholomew , 145 ; 158; Eliz , 115, 158 ;Mgt, 138, 145, 153, 158; Mary, 145, 146; Timothy, 101. See also Tinseau.

Omaney, Patk, 156

O'Neil, O'Neille, O'Neal, etc., Ann, 97; Bartholomew , 138; Bridget, 138; Calogan, 55; Cath, 152; Chas, 108; Ed, 179; Edwd, 162, 171 , 178; Eliz, 108, 119, 178; Jas, 103 ; John ,

97, 103, 108, 171 ; Mary, 39 & n , 162, 171, 178; Mary Ann, 97, 162; Miss, 29; Mrs, 25 ; Richd, 138 ; Sara, 103, 108; Thos, 173, 185

O'Quin, Jas, 86 ; Mary, 86

Oran(?), Eliz, 123

Orange, Cath, 164, 166 ; Jos, 160 , 164

Ordley , Eliz, 182

O'Reilly, Anna Maria, 134; Mgt, 134; Math , 134; ArchbishopRichd, 134; RichdAnt, 134

Orpwood , Mr, 17n

Orrel(1), Ann, 41 ; John , 29, 33, 35, 41; Jos, 41 ; Mary, 41 ; Sara, 149

Ortelli, Dominic, 90

Osborne, Alice, 155

Osmond, Osmund(e), (Mr), 168; Ann, 82; Eliz, 82, 100, 145, 164, 168; Harriet, 114; John , 168; Mary, 145, 168, 173, 192 ; Mich, 66; Noah , 82, 139, 192; Teresa, 139, 192, 198; Thos, 173, 192; (or Somerfield ), Wm , 114

Otburn,Mr, 72

Overton, Eliz Winefride , 133; Geo , 133; Mary, 133

Owen, Elen, 73-4; John (butler) 2

Owens, see Ohens

Oxford, Elen, 141, 142; Helen, 143

Oxfordshire , 1n ,99n

Page, Sara Ann, * 202

Paillet , Pallet, Cath, 106, 200 ; Edwd,

O.S.B., 132 & n; Eliz, 100, 164, 175, 199 ; Mgt, 69, 100, 106 , 111 , 131, 132, 140; Nic(h)olas, 69 , 100 , 106, 111, 132; Nicholas Cornelius , * 202

Palharosos, Joachim Ribello, 151

Pallet, see Paillet

Palmer, An(n), 176; Ann Barb, 165; Frances Elen, 170; Helen Cecilia , 184; Henrietta, 146, 157, 165 , 170 , 192; HenriettaMaria, 150, 184; Jo , 195; John , 142, 146, 150, 157 , 165, 170, 171, 175, 178, 181 , 184 , 192, 195, 197; Lady, 5, 6 (her Maid), 13, 22, 29, 64; Mgt, 189; Mary, 197; Mary Ann Henrietta, 146; Mary Teresa, 157; Mr, 159; Wm , 176

Panzera, Antonio, 75; Jos Wm , 75; Mary, 75

Parcevaux, Ambroise Toussaint Marie (Comte de), 86

Parfit(t), John, 197; Jos, 147; Mary, 147, 155, 160, 164, 168, 197, 200 ; Silas (& Silis), 147 , 164

Park, Helen, 149; Jas, 149 & n, 193; Mary, 149, 193

Parker, Ann, 94, 114; Eliz, 94, 114; Jas, 94; John , 97; Mary , 94, 141 , 145; Mary Eliz, * 67; Wm, 97, 114 , 141

Parsons, Chas, 11 ; Edwd, 1 (butler), 11 (& wife, alias Gaveston), 16; Mary, 15, 26, 64

Pasey , John, 143; Mary, 143; Richd, 143 ; Thos (footman), 2

Paston, Clement , 45, 46; Mary, 46; Mrs, 45

Patison, 146; Esther, 146; Teresa Hartley, 146

Payn(e), Edwd, 11 , 19, 21 ; John Jas , 19; Mary, 11, 19, 21, 40, 41; MaryAnn, 21 ; Mrs, 4, 25, 57

Peacock, 163; Chas , 163; John, 156; 168-9, 175, 193; John Thos, 156; Mgt, 156, 169, 175 , 193; Marianne , 168

Pearce, Pierce ,, 6, 21; Ann, 24 , 32 , 57 (& daughters) ; Barb, 89, 186; Charlotte, 195; John, 21 ; Mrs, 5 , 21

Peard, Frances, 132 ; Richd, 132

Peddell, Peddil , Peddle, Betty, 5, 64; Eliz, 14 , 24

Pembridge, Mich, O.S.B., ix, 1-26 , 28-37 , 46-9, 52-3, 56-61, 63-4, 70, 116, 120, 128

Pen , see Penn.

Pendarren, Wales, 133n

Pendrell , Miss, 2

Peneston, John, 70; Sara , 70

Penn, Pen, Mrs, 18, 23, 28 (Throckmortons' servant)

Penny, Eliz, 105; John, 105, Wm , 69, 105, 107, 112, 118

Pepper, Henry, 135; Sara, 135; Thos, 135 ; Winefrid, 135; Winefrid Sara , 135

Percy (or Garcias), Clement John Mich , 104; Jane, 104

Peregrine, Ambrose , 10

Perral, Jane, 27

Perreali, Signor, 32

Perry, 41 ; Ann, 55 ; Charlotte, 195; Eliz Cicely , 40; Geo, 9, 10 , 130; Henry, 27; Jane, 38, 41, 93 & n, Joanna, 6 (deleted), 9, 10; John, 38, 41, 93 & n; John Geo , 38, 93; Marie , 67 ; Mr, 59; Sara, 27, 40; Sara Maria, 27; Susan , 56; Thos, 6, 9, 10, 40; Wm, 55-6, 124, 130

Perugi(e), Eliz Barb, 86; Jane, 86; John Baptist, 93; Jos, 86

Petre, Geo, 51; Lady Juliana, 51; Mary, 51; Philip Wm , 51

Pettingal , Mrs, 5, 14, 23, 59

Phaolon, Phealon, Pheilan, see Phelan

Phegan (?), Ann, 101; Jas, 101

Phelan, Phelon, etc., Cath, 67, 116; Eliz, 62, 73, 77, 84, 93, 105 , 110 ,

113 , 138 , 139 ; Eliz Cath, 77 97 ; Geo, 84; Mich, 73; Mr, 190, 193 ; Mrs, 191, 193 ; Richd, 62, 73, 77, 84,93,96,97,101,105,111,112

113, 115, 143, 144, 145, 192 (& son); Thos, 93, 113, 124; Thos

Jos, * 204

Phillips, Philips , Elen, 193; Eliz, 133; Henry , 133; John, 193; Wm, 133 See also Lyons, Eliz

Philips Norton, see Norton St Philip

Phipps, Emma Mary, 203; Mary, 133; Mary Lucy Jane, 133; Thomas Henry Hele(?), 133. See also Hele

Picardy, Fr., 70, 127

Pickwick, Wilts , 51 , 121

Picquenot , AbbéJoseph Henry, 62, 63, 73-4, 75, 79-82, 84-6 , 88

Pierce, see Pearce

Piette, Marie , 62n

Piggot, Eliz, 168;John, 168

Pike, Pyke, Ann, 132, 159; J., 116; Jas, 159 ; Joanna, 198, John (& wife), 59

Pique, John, 54; Marianna , 54; Philip Francis, 54

Piran, Piren, Chas John, 184 ; Francis, 169 ; John, 169, 184; Maria, 169, 184

Pissett, Patk, 49

Pitt, Pit, Pitte, Pitts, Ann, 29, 33, 37 , 60, 122; Anna, 67; Eliz, 37, 60, 67, 92; Maria , 67; Mary, 66, 169 ; Sara, 112

Pius IX, Pope, 142n

Plancher, see Benayé

Platt, Rev. Robert, 185 & n

Plowden, Frances, 44; Mary, 22, 28; Miss, 1 , 7, 11, 13, 22, 28

Plunket(t), Ann Maria Edgecumbe, 25; Eliz, 100; Jas, 100; Mgt, 100 , 188; Miss, 2, 6, 12, 29, 36, 56; Mrs, 22, 58 (Mrs Edgecumb), 64 ;Hon Robt, 117. See also Edgecumbe

Pollard , Eliz, 13

Pool(e), Ann, 15, 47; Henry, 36;Mary, 36; Mrs, 7, 8, 14 , 59

Pope, Ann, 125; Ann Mary, * 67;Cath, 125; Cath Eliz, * 67; Jas, 130, 190; Robt Alexius, O.S.B., 176 & n

Porch, Chas , 179 ; Jas, 149(?), 165; Jos, 165; Mary, 149(?), 165

Porkington , Salop(?), 73-4

Porter, Walsh (Mrs), 38 ; Cath, 24; Jane, 29, 135 ; John , 7, 13, 17; John Pierce Walsh, 38; Mgt, 2, 8 ,

12; Mary, 38, 74, 124; Miss, 22, 28; Mrs, 7, 13, 116, 124; Pierce Walsh , 38; Wm , 135

Portill, Purtill, Hannah, 157, 176; Jas, 157, 176 ; Robt, 176 ; Susan , 176

Portsea, Hants., 82n

Postlewhite , Jos, S.J. , 163 & n

Poteau, Potteau , see Pouteau.

Potter, Cath, 29, 33

Pouteau, Poteau, Potteau , Mr, 82; Philippe, 76 , 82; (or Nanorey ), John Alexander , 82 ; Philippe, 76

Powell, Wm Dominick, 204

Power, Edwd , 41 ; Mary, 2 (servant), 151

Praid, Sara , 119 , 129

Prangley(?), Ann, 162; Robt, 162

Prendiville , Eliz, 80; Wm, 80

Preston, Hon Mrs Margaret, 123 (& n)-124. See also Gormanston .

Price, Ann, 10, 18, 68 ; Eliz, 174; Mrs, 5; Penelope, 5, 13 , 16, 24, 64; Teresa, 28

Prichard , Caroline, 61

Priestman, Elen, 193

Prince, Chas , 115; Jane, 71 , 115; Thos, 71, 115

Prior, Bridget Mary, * 67

Prirring, see Piran

Proctor, Procter, Mary, 15, 33 , 39 , 116 ; Miss, 23, 29, 47

Prophey, Eliz, 76

Prosser, Eliz, 49; Fanny, 8, 13, 24; Frances, 5, 32; Mary, 5, 8 , 11 , 13, 20, 22, 24; Thos, 8

Provis, Bridget , 171; Cath, 171; John, 171

Purcell, see Pursel

Purnall , Purnell, Ann Mary Mag,* 68; Chas, 20, 24 ; Rosanna, 191

Pursel, Purcell, Ann, 106, 110, 132; Elen, 138; Henry , 110; Jas, 106 , 128, 138; Mgt, 132; Richd, 106 , 110, 132

Purselcox, Amelia, 137; Ann, 137; Richd, 137

Purtill, see Portill.

Puzoli , Ambrose , 48

Pyke, see Pike.

Querhoent , de, 81; Jos Marie (Baron de), 81-2, 86; Marie Jacquette de, 81, 86; Sebastien de, 81-2

Quérieux, Matthieu Paul Louis Anne Prigny de, 71, 191; Sara de, 71, 191

Quick, Maria Louisa,* 201

Quigley , Quigly, Cath, 17, 136; Jas (& wife), 4; Jane, 136, 147, 148 ; John, 8, 24; Mr, 24; Mrs, 8; Thos , 136, 147

Quin(n), Agnes Mary, 175; Ann, 168 , 183, 188; Edwd, 15, 19, 64, 162; Eliz, 98, 102, 107, 113, 136, 137, 139, 143,144,152,157,162,166 , 168, 171, 175, 198 ; Elen, 128; Esther, 149; Frances, 180; Francis , 149; Geo, 98, 102, 136, 143; Hannah, 173; Helen, 75, 183; Jas , 69, 75, 104, 107, 110, 113 , 173; Joanna, 102; John, 136, 204; Jos John, 204; M., 180; Mgt, 186; Mary, 107, 148, 154 , 174; Mary Ann, 75 ; Mary Eliz, 202; Maurice (& Maurus), 107, 113, 139, 144 , 148,152,153,154,157,160,166 , 167, 168, 170, 172, 175 ; Nath, 23; Peter, 149; Simon , 98, 121 , 139; Stephen, 161, 173, 175, 181, 183 , 185; Thos, 141 ; Thos Linus, 157; Wm, 144, 155. See also MountEarl

Quince, Jas, 121

Quinlan(d), Michael , 55, 73, 96

Quinn, see Quin

Quintas , Quintus, Augustine John, 17; Dominic, 27, 40; Dominic Ant, 10 , 17, 186; Mary, 10, 17

Quirk, Joanna, 110

Raarden, see Riordan.

Rabbitt, Honor, 88

Racket , Mary, 135

Radclyffe, Hon. Jas Clement, 40

Radener, Radenue, Cath, 62, 78

Radigan, Jane, 7. See also Redican

Rafferton, Eliz, 26

Railly, see Reilly

Raimond, Jean Baptiste Jos,* 204

Rand, Ann, 174; John Eusebius, 174; Wm, 174

Randal , Randell , Randle, etc., Ann, 97, 150; Cath, 11, 19, 21, 70, 82, 84, 88; John, 97, 150 ; Jos, 97; Mrs, 5, 14, 23, 28, 36, 47, 57, 64; Rosa, 183 ; Sara , 41, 70; Thos, 183

Ranedin, John , 55

Rassenno, see Rosanno

Ratclyffe, see Radclyffe

Rate, Ann, 153

Raw(e), Alexander , 169; Frances, 25; Richd, 142

Read, Reed, Frances, 174; Francis, 180; Helen, 179, 180 ; Jane, 71 , 118 ; Joanna Maria, * 68; Mgt, 181; Mary, 105; Richd, 181; Sara , 181; Stephen, 60

Ready, Mary, 19, 20; Mrs, 5 ,64

Real, Owen Wm , 204. See also Rial.

Realy, Mrs (deleted), 13. See also Reilly

Rearden, see Riordan

Rebottaro , Paschal, 152;(orCambruzzo) Jos, 152

Redican(?), Eleanor, 77. See also Radigan

Redman, Redmond , Ann, 136, 142 ; Jas, 136, 142 ; Jane, 142. See also Ridmond

Redwood , ElizMary, 199; Mary, 195

Reed, see Read

Reef, Mary, 157

Reilly, Railly, Reyley, Riley, Ryley, etc., Ann, 83, 97, 170, 185; Anna, 89; Bernard, 159, 183 ; Bridget, 142; Cath, 42, 87, 104; Cornelius , 146, 147, 164; Elen, 169-70 (deleted); Eliz, 74 , 83, 164; Helen , 74; Hugh, 185; Jas, 27, 97; Jane, 27, 141; John , 83, 89, 97, 169-70; Mgt, 15, 47; Mary, 83, 142 , 183; Matthias, 128 ; Mich, 17 & n, 74 , 185; Mr, 104; Reilly, Mrs, 13, 15, 104; Owen, 141 ; Patk, 141 ; Philip, 142, 183; Richd, 136, Sara, 164; Stephen, 26, 27; Wm, 89; (or Taylor), Sara , 169-70

Rend, Ann, 164; Elen Jane, 164 ; Wm , 164

Rendell , Ann, 158; Robt, 158;Wm , 158

Rennes, Fr., 79

Reorden, see Riordan

Resana , see Rosanno

Restieaux, Eliz, 203

Reyley, Reyly, see Reilly

Reynolds, Hugh, 136, 164; Jas, 53; John (& wife), 58; Mgt, 35 , 181; Martha , 39; Richd, 137, 144; Teresa, 53 ; Thos, 53; Wm , 58

Rezano, see Rosanno

Rial, Riel, Ryol, Edwin, 152; Jane, 152, 168; Jane Cath, 202; Mary, 203; Patk, 152. See also Real

Rian, see Ryan.

Rice, Almande Mary, 85 ; Eliz, 85; Jas (& wife), 138; John Ant, 85; Thos, 43

Richards, Elen, 104; Jas, 104; Joanna, 104

Richardson , Ann, 32; Elen, 110; Jas, 110; John, 110

Richmont, Georgina de, 131 , 199

Richy, Mary, 93; (or Gribbon), Mary, 93

Ride, Justine, 62, 75

Rideout, Ridout, John, 191 , 196; Rosanna, 191

Rickets, Riquetts ,, 121 ; Mary, 179


Ridmond, Michel , 77. See alsoRedman.

Riel, see Rial.

Riely, see Reilly.

Rigall, (Mrs), 154; WmPatk, 154

Rigby, John Bede, O.S.B.,102-5,118,127

Riley, see Reilly

Riordan, Raarden, Reorden, Riurden , etc., Ann, 155, 158; Cath, 137; Danl , 101; Esther, 101; Jas, 137; Jane, 53, 60; Mary, 155;MaryAnn, 173; Patk, 137 ; Sara , 173; Thos, 101; Timothy, 155, 173 ; Wm, 53, 60; (or Spencer), MaryAnn, 155

Riquetts, see Rickets.

Rishton, Thos, O.S.B., 143-5, 188 , 189, 192, 196-7

Riurden , see Riordan . Riva, Dominic, 94

Roach, Edwd , 69. See also Roche .

Roan, Elen, 94; Jas, 94

"Rob" (PRobinson), Mrs Day, 23

86, 87, 135, 149; Anna Maria, 198; Ann Mary Rose, 73; Cath, 53; Dominic, 48, 53, 72, 73, 79, 80, 87 , 98, 129; John, 186; Mary, 120; Mary Ann, 48; Mr (& wife), 58 , Thos, 87

Rose, Agnes, 66; Elen, 61, 89, 92 , 105; Ernestine , 138; Helen, 66, 70 , 75, 101, 106, 117, 118, 190; Mary, 186; Mary Christina , 138 ; Saml, 138; Wm, 156, 172, 181, 195; Wm Jos, 201

Ross, 9, 10, 45; Alexander , 10; Ann, 10, 14, 33; Eliz, 33 ; Frances, 21; John, 9, 24; Mary, 5, 8, 14, 16 , 21, 24, 26, 64; Thos, 107; Wm, 21

Rosser, John, 29

Rouen, Fr., 1n, 46

Rourk(e), Sara , 129; Sara Cath,* 67

Roussel(1), Cath, 78, 111; Cath Sophie, 78, 202;* Michel, 63, 78; Pierre, 63

Roberts , John , 24, 32; Mr, 6; Phebe, 50; Row(e), Ann, 112, 116, 135; Ann Wm , 71n

Robins , , 41; Chas , 49 , 130; Mr, 6 , 57 (& wife); Mary, 49 (& alias Gridlin)

Robinson , Andrew, ex-S.J , 16; Ann, 16; Eliz, 10, 16; Henry, 28, 33; Jane, 5, 13, 24, 28, 33, 47, 64; John , 55; Jos, 67; Martha, 28 , 32 , 33; Mary, 36; Miss, 23, 115; Mr, 2, 7, 13, 23 , 57 (& sons and daughter); Mrs, 2, 7, 13, 23, 28, 57 (& sons& da ); Thos Gregory , O.S.B., 10 , 123n; Wm, 10, 16, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, 48 , 49 , 123 & n . See also " Rob"

Roche, Mary, 54; Richd, 174. Seealso Roach.

Rochefort, Rochfort, David, 118; Mrs (& maid), 70

Rodden , John, 140; Mgt, 140; Thos , 140

Rodrigus , Ursula , 201

Rodway , Eliz, 70, 109, 181; John, 109; Wm, 70, 109

Rogers, Ann, 5 , 6 (deleted); Mary, 72; Mich, 87

Roife, Abel, 179; Ann, 179; Helen , 179

Rolland , Felix, 63

Rolling, Thos, O.S.B., 146-52, 189

Rome, 185n

Rooney , John , 155; Julia, 155

Roper, John , 9, 24

Roquefeuil, see du Gage. Rorty (PRorley), Alexander , 168, 171 , 183

Rosanno, Rassenno, Rezano , etc ,, 48, 53, 79, 93 ; Ann, 69, 72, 73, 79,

Mary, 68;Jas, 116,126,135;Ann68; John , 82n; Mary, 189, Saml, 135

Rowman , Cath, 74

Roy, - , 40

Rozanna, see Rosanno.

Ruddock, Ruddic, Jas, 38, 42 , 120

Rundel(1), Ann, 153; Edwd, 153; Eliz, 62; John , 153; Thos, 62

Rushell, Cath, 94

Russel(1), -, (Miss), 5; Eliz, 5, 21, 58; Jane, 59; Mary, 13, 154; Mrs, 8

Rutherford, Alice, 149, 169

Ryan, Rian Ryon, family, 195; Anastasia, 27; Ann, 43; Bridget, 21 (alias Cockran ), 27, 33 , 114 , 144; Cath, 96; Danl, 3 , 21, 27, 28 , 96; David, 164; Ed Jos, * 202; Eliz (alias Barr), 12; Eliz Quin, 162; Elen, 114; Jas, 139; Jeremiah, 172, 182; Joanna, 96, 152, 162, 163; John , 21, 32, 161, 162; Mgt, 15 (alias Kelly), 75, 132, 139, 143 , 144, 150, 157, 158, 162, 172, 180; Martha, 80; Mr, 13, 23, 35, 57, 64, 190, 191; Mrs, 3 , 13, 23, 29, 57, 64, 182; Owen, 151, 155; Patk, 152, 162, 200 ; Philip, 114; Richd, 24, 25, 152; Rowley, 186; Simon, 188; Susan , 100; Thos, 80, 150 , 162, 172; Wm, 104, 132, 151; (or Ahern), Emilia, 165

Ryley, see Reilly

Ryol, see Rial

Ryon, see Ryan.

Saifraid , see Seifried St Ange, Felix St Ives, 131. See also Simeon.


S(t) Crue (? St Croix or Santa Cruz), 99

St George, Mary, 5, 46

St Gonant , Aimé Gabriel Fidel Dubois de, 81, 86

St John , Ann, 114; Eliz, 91, 111; Geo, 111; John, 104, 114; Mgt, 91, 200; Mary, 104 ; Sara, 104; Thos, 91 , 111, 139

StMalo , Fr., 81

St Omer, Fr., 125n

St Roch, Fr., 79

Saleur, Jos, 25, 41 ; Monsr, 28

Salion, AmandFiacre , 81

Salmoni , Ann, 137; John , 99, 109; Jos, 104; Lucy (& Lucia), 91, 94, 99, 104, 109, 113, 137; Maria, 113; Peter, 91, 94, 99, 104, 109, 110 , 113, 137

Saltmarsh, Mr, 29 ; Mrs, 28, 29 (her maid)

Samuel, Ann, 60; Mary, 60

Sandel, H., 84

Sanders, Cath, 156

Sanderson, Saunderson, Jas, 186(?); Rev. John , 187n; Jos, Mrs, 14, 64

Sanger, Martha, 49, 50, 60

Sanlucar, Sp , 182n

Santa Cruz(?), see S(t) Crue . Saunderson, see Sanderson. 186(?);

Savage , Ann, 6; Anna, 9; Jos, 6 (deleted), 9

Saw, Jas, 78; Martha , 78, 87 , 127

Scanlon, Scandlin ,, 9; Cath, 9, 12; Elen, 14; Eliz, 97 ; John , 12; Mr & Mrs, 5; Patk, 12, 16

Sceats, Scates, Sceates , Ann, 45, 101, 104, 105; Hester, 46; John , 45; Jos Clement , 45; Mary, 104 , 105; Wm, 104, 105

Schoere , Christian Guillaume, 62 Wilhelm , 65;

Scot(t), Caroline , 196, 198; Maercy, 62; Mrs, 190; Robt, 62 ; Susan , 196 , 198

Scully, Denys, 170

Seaford, Mrs, 60; N., 60. See alsoSeifried

Sealy, Ann, 149

Sedgley Park, Staffs , vii (& viii)n

Séez , Fr., 63

Segrais(?), Marie Ledetde , 81

Seifried , Seifred , Saifraid , Jacob, 124; Mary, 9, 67, 116, 127. See also Seaford

Seine, Henry, 87

Selves , Elen, 80

Sennet, Mary, 102

Serle, Eliz, 9

Serres , Fr., 61

Servants (unnamed), 6, 18, 23 , 29, 30, 32, 35, 36, 56, 57, 58, 66, 70, 115, 193

Shanley, John, 40

Sharrock , Bishop Win Gregory , O.S.B. , 68-9, 91, 111, 116, 129, 130

Shaw, , 40; Maria, 194 ; Mary Ann, 194; Mr, 6

Shea , Shay, Dora, 170, 194; Dorothy, 177; John, 174, 177; Mary, 174; Mich, 166, 170 ; Pat, 179; Patk, 170, 177, 194; Sophia, 174

Sheagan, Cath, 19

Shean, see Shehan , Sheen .

Shearman, Wm , 176

Shears , Eliz, 55 ; Eliz Helen(?), 173

Shee, Anastasia, 90; Geo , 90

Sheean , see Shehan, Sheen .

Sheehy, Eliz, 153; Mary, 153; Mich, 153

Sheen, Eliz Helen(?), 173 ; Mich, 164

Shehan, Shean, Sheean, Ann, 143, 177; Danl, 107; Denis, 127; Edwd, 176, 177; Eliz, 145 ; Jamaima, 176 , 177; John , 177; Mary, 176; Mrs, 60; Naomy, 177

Sheil, Jas John,* 202

Shell, Christopher , 164, 170, 182; Christopher Julian, 170; Laura, 170, 177, 182; Laura Ann, 163 , 164; Laura Rosalie Cecilia, 164; Osmund Wm, 182

Shepherd, Teresa, 61

Sheridan, Cath, 110; Philip, 110, 112

Sheward, Sheuard, Mrs, 4, 14, 64

Shewring, Ann, 69

Shiles, Mary, 88; Robt, 88; Thos , 88

Shimeld , Ann, 4

Shine, Chas , 82; Chas Edwd, 82 ; Eliz, 82

Shippings, RebeccaMary, * 203

Shire(s), Chas , 172; Eliz, 166; John, 160, 166, 172, 195; Mary, 160; Sara, 160, 166 , 171 , 172

Shirley, Eliz, 151; Eliz Mary, 151; Saml, 151; Wm Henry, 151

Shockerwick , Som. , 119 , 128

Short, Ann Mary, 92, 200*; Edwd , 135, 187; Edwd Jos, 144; Francis Fabian Sebastian, 139; Jas Bernard,* 202; Jas Jerome, 106 ; John, 24, 33, 40, 41, 50, 66, 89, 92, 96, 98, 106, 107, 108, 112, 115, 132, 135, 139, 144, 148, 180, 188, 194 ; John Jos, 96; John Laurence, * 200 ; Jos, 24 , 33, 135; Jos Thos, 89 ; Mary, 11 , 14, 20, 50, 61, 66, 85, 89, 91, 92, 96,106,107 108, 112, 116,129, 132,135,139,143,144,148,160 , 166, 168, 174, 175, 177, 179, 180,


187, 194, 195; Mary Cecily, 148; Mr, 29, 47, 64; Mrs, 4, 24, 35 , 47, 64, 155, 165 ; Philip, 22, 32; Thos, 4, 11, 12, 14(?), 20, 21, 24, 36 , 57 (& wife & son), 112. See also Hughes ,Mary.

Shortall, Shortill, Eliz, 160, 180; Jos, 172; Mary , 204; Richd, 160, 172, 180, 181, 182, 184 ; Thos, 180

Shrewsbury , Chas (Talbot), 15th Earl of, 96-7, 115n ; Geo (Talbot), 14th Earl of, 115n ; Lady (née Dormer), 115 & n

Shropshire, 2n, 72n, 74 & n(?), 120n

Sidnel , Geo, 51, 59; Mary, 51, 59

Sillamon , Philip, 137

Silvester, Mary Charlotte , 82

Silvey, Martha , 189 131;

Simeon, Felix Wm, 142; John Felix St Ange, 131; Lewis Don Julian, 112; Louis Felix Gloude , 142; Louisa , 113; Mgt Mary Felicia , 131; Mary, 112, 142; Mary Mgt, Rowena(?), 142; St Ange Felix Ives, 142; "Santonge" (St Ange), 112. See also du Hamel, St Ange

Simpson, John Cuthbert, O.S.B., 21 & n, 22 & n, 25, 26, 28-32, 130 & n

Sims, Lucy, 40. See also Symes.

Singpower, Zingerbouer , Ann, 25; Mrs, 23, 32

Sinnett, Chas , 138; Luke, 138; Martha, 138

Sivino , Maria, 174

Skannal, Jos, 180, 181

Slack, Ann, 141, 167; Jas, 141, Mary, 141

Slade, Eliz, 144; Fredk , 143-4 ; Geo Fredk, 143-4 ; Jas, 17 ; Mgt, 188 , 196, 198; Thos, 14, 23, 28 (Vaughans'servant), 189

Slane, Jas , 11 Slater, Bishop Edwd Bede, O.S.B. , 159 & n

Slevin, Danl, 41; Eliz, 41; John, 41; John Edwd , 41;Patk,49

Slone, Mary, 133

Smallcomb , Ann, 111; Chas , 111; Wm , 111

Smallman, Laetitia, 69, 105, 132

Smallwood , Mary, 45, 46

Smith, Smyth, Smythe, (Mr), 155; Ann, 61, 97 ; Ant, 13n, 17, 20, 47, 187; Cath, 51, 159, 186; Charlotte , 4, 8, 47, 103; Cornelius , 167; Danl Benedict , 101; Decima, 124 ; Sir Edwd , 72n, 83, 138; Eliz, 19, 51, 55, 78, 91, 101, 111, 114, 136 , 167, 184; Elen, 151, 155; Geo ,91; Geo Jos, 200 ; Harriet, 150, 166;

Harriet Ann, 157; Helen, 180; Henrietta , 198; Henry, 28; Hugh (& Hugo), 72, 78, 151, 159, 181; Jas , 8, 13, 14, 42, 48, 151 ; Jane, 66, 151; Joanna, 108; John, 85, 99, 102, 192; Rev. John , 30, 38 , 45, 46; John Jos, 17; Jos, 67, 102 , 108; Judith, 102 ; Lady, 72; Lucy Mary Frances, 202; Maria , 67 ; Maria Cath, 116; Martha , 8, 13n (née Burn), 16, 17, (née Burn), 20 (do), 36, 47-8(née Burn), 51 , 62, 67, 72, 99, 135; Mary, 86, 128; Mary Ann , 108, 136; Mary Ann Eliz, 72n , 194n ; Mich, 10, 51, 55, 58 , 78 , 91, 101, 111 , 136, 147, 148; MichJos, 78; Miss, 2, 7, 22, 28, 156; Mr, 8 , 13, 24, 57; Mrs, 2, 7, 13, 22, 24, 25 (maid of), 28, 57, 156; N. (Mr), 8, 10 (& wife); Peter, 4, 28, 36, 51 , 58, 78, 99, 146, 157, 166; Robt, 196; Sara, 155, 159, 181; Susan , 180; Thos, 20, 61, 111, 151 , 186; Thos Ant, 20, 68 ;* Walter, 2, 7 , 22, 28, 39 ; Wm, 34n, 151, 167,180

Smithbarne , Eliz, 24n

SmithBurn,Smithburn, John, 24n, 31; Mrs, 13, 24, 28. See Smith, Martha

Smith-Webb, Mr, 13

Smyth(e), see Smith

Sodbury, see ChippingSodbury

Solliers, Antonia Pierina Clementina,* 203. See also Suliard . Solomon , Mr, 94

Somerfield , Summerfield , Barb, 42; Math, 114; (or Osmund), Wm , 114

Somerini , Pulcheria, 199

Somerset (and places therein other than Bath), 5, 6 & n, 9, 13 , 15 & nn, 16, 17, 19, 20, 32, 35, 38, 40n, 42, 47, 58, 64, 107, 116, 119, 120, 121 , 128, 153,156,188,189

Sommery, Adelaide de, 188n; Armand Dumesniel (Marquis de), 188 & n; Jos Agnes Cecilia, 200; Stephanie de, 196

Souliard , see Suliard

Southcote , Southcoates , Alicia, 39 & n; Mrs, 2, 12, 22, 29

Spain, Spanish, 35, 182n

Sparke, Mary , 117

Spencer, Elen Luisa, 182; Eliz, 155 , 176, 179, 182; Jos, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 176, 177 , 179 , 180, 182; Mary Eliz, 176; (or Reorden), MaryAnn, 155

Spooner, Rev. Saml, 145 & n

Springford, Elvira, 168; Henry , 168; Sara , 168

Stacey, Geo, 142, 192 ; Sara, 142, 192; Wm, 142, 192

Stack, Dr, 23, 29, 32 (mañservant of); Miss, 23, 29 ; Mrs, 23, 29; Richd Wm , M.D., 39

Staffordshire , vii (& viii) n, 46

Stalraff, Martin, 41

Stanbridge, CathTeresa , * 200

Steen, Steene, Stein, Martha, 134, 156,166,181,200

Stephens, Stevens, Mary, 5, 178; Thos, 178 ; Thos Wm, 178; Wm , 2 (servant), 7 (deleted), 12

Stevenson, Luke, 7, 13

Steward, Mgt, 123

Stewart, Stuart, Cath, 39 , 111; Clara, 62 ; Edwd,111; Jas, 140; Richd, 111

Stiles, Styles, Clare, 133; Eliz, 70 , 133 ; Wm, 70, 133

Still, Teresa Ann, * 201

Stoker, Miss , 1

Stone, Cath, 10; John, 16; Lucy, 13 , 17; Richd, 16. See also Connor , Mary

Stoner , see Stonor. Stones, Laurence, 152; (or Gill), Mary Ann , 152

Stonor, Chas , 1n, 2, 10, 46, 182 & n (Lieut-Col); 195 (?do) ; Elen, 133; Francis, 10; Henry, 182n; J., 188(?); Jo., 133; John, 1 , 7, 13, 22, 28, 34 & n; Mrs Mary (née Lucy, wife of John), 1 , 7, 13 , 15; Mrs Mary Eugenia (née Blount, w of Chas), 1n, 2, 10. See also Mannock

Stourton, Wilts., 5 & n

Strange, Miss, 29 ; Mrs, 29 ; N. Esqr , 28

Strangers (unnamed), 29, 117 , 118

Strata, Ant, 109, 110, 148, 166; Ant Devereux, 148; Cath, 110; Eliz, 166; Henry, 166; J. Baptist, 110; Mary, 148

Strawbridge , John, 37

Strickland, Gerard Edwd, 156

Stringfellow, Sara, 2 (maid), 8, 12, 23, 28

Strode , Byflet, 72, 77; Eliz, 72, 77; Jane , 77

Strowbridge , Christina , 137. See also

Trowbridge . Strutter, Mrs, 190 (infant of)

Stuart, see Stewart

Sturdy, Jane, 176

Stych(e), Frances, 191; Maria Teresia , 67

Styles, see Stiles

Suliard , Mr, 2, 7, 13 , 25. See also Solliers

81, 86, 104, 112, 160, 161, 184; Barb, 42; Cath, 44, 70, 108 , 140 , 146 ; Danl, 49; Denis, 55; Elen, 42, 49, 50, 60; Eliz, 50; Helen, 55; Jas, 40; John, 55, 86, 128, 188, 198; Mgt, 44; Marguerite , 40; Maria, 198; Mary, 5, 81, 148; Nancy, 85; Norry, 78; Patk, 60, 78, 81, 86, 124; Philip, 42, 49, 153, 176; Tate, 78; Thos, 163, 164; Timothy, 44, 50, 60

Summerfield , see Somerfield

Sumner, Mr & Mrs, 115; Sara, 76

Sumpsion, Mgt, 73

Sutton, Jane, 71; Mgt, 71

Swafield , John , 166 ; Mgt, 166; Mary, 166

Swaltz(?Swalty), Mr, 77

Swarbrick , Helen, 190; John, 41, 190

Sweeney, Sweeny, Sweiny, Cornelius , 94, 107, 133; Eliz , 115 ; Mgt , 94, 112, 113; Sara, 94; Thos, 202

Sweet ,, 53

Sweiny, see Sweeney. Swift, Christina Mary, 204; Christopher Bellew , 103; Deane Theophilus , 103 ; Jane Eliz, 204; Julia Maria, 103

Swins, Mary, 171

Sword , Thos, 127

Sylvester, see Silvester

Symes, Chas, 182; Emma, 182; Mary, 182. See also Sims

Taaffe, Tafe, Taff, Teaffe, -, 92; Ann, 88, 99, 111; Cecilia, 56; Celia, 123; Edmund , 120 & n; Henry, 92; Jas, 131, 161; Judith , 111; Mary, 88, 131; N., 81, 116 ("N.N."); Nicholas, 49, 75, 84, 88, 92, 98, 99, 126; Timothy, 111 , 115

Tabbot, Mary, 94; Mary, Ann, 94; Richd, 94

Tabor, Edwd , 9; Jas, 9

Tadlock,Mr & Mrs , 115

Tafe, Taff, see Taaffe. Tagny, Danl, 180

Tainty, Tanty, Jas, 34 (deleted); Mgt, 34 (deleted); Mary, 34 (deleted), 38,43

Talbot, family, 192; Cath Mapas(?), 55; Chas Robt, 96; Frances, 97, 133, 192; Harriette, 96; John, 96, 192; Maria , 192; Math Darcy, 71; Miss, 35 , 36 (& maid), 57, 71 , 84 , 151. See also Shrewsbury .

Tallis, Ann, 179; Geo, 179; Helen , 179

Tanty, see Tainty

Tarleton, Tarlton, Alice, 91, 100 , 101

Sullivan , Sulivan ,, 141 ; Ann, 40, Taylor, Ann, 170, 172; Bridget, 174;


Cath, 110 113 138, 150 ; Eliz 62, 126; F. (Mrs), 191; Geo, 187 & n; Jas, 110, 174; Jane, 110; John Jos, 68; Jos, 7; Mary, 110, 174, 200; Mary Cath, * 199; Mrs, 149; Wm, 172; (or Riley), Sara, 169-70

Teaffe, see Taaffe

Teighe, Ann Mary, 76; Dominic Alexander Chas , 76; Dominick, 76; Teresa, 76

Tempest, Eliz, 44; Frances Olivia, 44; N. Esqr 53; Stephen,44

Terris, Cath, 184; Jas, 184

Terry, Tery, -, 50; John, 50; Mary, 197, 199; Wm , 50

Tewell, Tuell, Penny, 35 (maid), 36

Thacker , Sara , 107

Thatcher , Isaac, 199; Mary, 199

Thawman (?), Ann, 191

Theodon , Caroline, Helen, 145; Emily Teresa, 145 ; Jean François, 145; Marie Rose, 145

Thewenetti, Emely, 195 ; Giovanni, 195

Thomas , 4, 140

Thomas, Thomase , (Mr), 156; Ann, 54, 120, 158; David, 153 ; Frances, 167 ; John , 44; John Baptist, 156; Mgt, 156; Marianne, 167; Mary, 44 , 168, 175 ; Mary Frances, 153; Mary Joseph Wm , * 200; Slatvia, 130; Wm, 153, 167 , 175

Thompson , Ann, 181, 190; Eliz, 151 , 157; Eliz Mary Frances, * 203; Henry, 140-1, 157, 167; Jas, 181; Jas Gregory, 181; Jane, 140 ; Joanna, 141, 157, 167 ; John, 190; Mary, 193; Mary Ann, 148, 151 ; Wm , 151

Thornbury, Glos , 45,46

Thornhill, Ann Teresa, 203 ; Eliz Agnes, 203 ; MaryTeresa, 203

Thornman , Ann, 69

Thornton,8; Edwd, 102; Helen , 120 ; Miss, 3; Mrs, 5, 14, 24 , 57,64

Thorp(e), Elen, 173; Helen, 185; Sara, 173; Wm , 173, 185

Thresho(1)d, Angelo , 179; Jos, 179; Maria, 179;MariaLouisa , 179

Throckmorton, Geo, 18, 22, 28, 48; Sir John , 72, 153; John , 28 ; Lady, 53, 162 (widow); Mary, 50; Miss, 18; Mrs, 18, 22, 28 (senr ), 29

Timberley, Timberry, John, 149 , 196

Timins(?), Brigit, 157

Tinseau, Ann O'Leary de , 146; Antoinette Victoire Rosamonde de, 146; Chas Antoine Balthazar de, 146; Chas Marie Thérèse Leon de ,

146 ; Sabine Anne Thérèse de, 146

Tiverton, Devon(?), 110

Tivitre, Sara , 135

Tobago, 78 ,86

Tobin,(Mrs), 138; Benj, 138; Cath, 134; Edwd, 134 ; Jas, 138; John , 1n, 121; Mary, 128; Mr, 35; Mrs, 57; N. Esqr , 57. See also Clare, Eliz.

Tognoni, Hannah, 177 ; Jas, 177; John , 177

Tomlinson, Mr (Dicconsons' servant), 28

Toner, John, 185

Tool(e), John , 100, 186 (Dr); Mgt, 100, 105, 110; Math, 105; P., 54; Richd, 105, 110; Rose, 97 ; Wm , 110

Torcy, Fr., 61

Toughey(?),Mich, 77

Towls , Augusta, 36

Townsend , Townshend , Martha, 189, 197; Mrs Mary, 123n

Tracey, Tracy, Traesy, Dennis, 135; Dorothy, 4, 64; Jane, 135; Mary, 135, 151; Wm, 9

Trafford, Eliz, 48; John, 50; Mary, 104, 145

Trainor, see Trayner .

Trant, Eliz, 67; Mgt, 55, 74; Miss , 58; Mrs, 58, 81

Trappes, see Trapps

Trappil, Eliz, 64

Trapps, C. (Miss), 136; Mgt, 187 & n; Mary, 71

Travers, Mary, 129. See also Trevors

Trayner, Trainor, Judith (Mrs), 4; Mrs , 8, 14, 23

Trevors (surname), 5. See also Travers

Trimlesto(w)n, Alicia, 83 ; Aloysia, Lady, 86; Nicholas, 83; Nicolas (Barnewall), Lord, 88

Trimmells,Ann, 5; Mrs , 8

Trodden, Ann, 50, 59; Math, 59 ; Wm, 49,50

Troubelle , Chas, 37

Trowbridge , Edwd, 173; John, 124; Mary, 144. See also Strowbridge

Trussell, Chas, 37; Marianne, 37; Mary Frances, 37

Tuam, Ir , 102n

Tucker, Teresa, 179

Tudor, Anna, 116; Mrs, 4

Tuell , see Tewell

Tuins , Alfred, 158; Cath, 154 , 158; Chas , 154, 158; Eliz, 154

Tull(e)y, Cath, 191 ; John, 191; Wm , 127

Tunly, Mich, 155; (or Widcomb ), Danl, 155

Tunstall, Mgt, 115, 136, 137; Mary, 71; Thos, 71

Turville, (Mr), 90

Twerton, see Bath

Tyler, Barb, 166

Twigg ,, 5; Mary, 14, 32

Vaisey, Vasey, Eliz, 86; Mary Ann, 196

Valgassier (Valgalier), Abbé Alexis, 148 & n

Vancombe, Sara , 196

Vandenhoff, John, 142

Vander Cruyce, see Vendercruice

Varga, Virga(?), Jos, 179 , 183

Vasey, see Vaisey

Vaughan, Vaughn , Bartholomew , 138 , 140, 191; Cath Mary, 138 , 191; David , 175; Eliz, 175; Frances, 12; Hannah, 138 ; Mgt , 175; Mary, 45, 46, 138; Mr, 45; Mrs, 22, 28, 45, 64; Paul, 138; Wm, 12, 22, 28 , 46; Wm Thos Mich, 12

Veare, Mary, 84 ; MaryAnn, 84; Richd, 84

Vecchio, John, 73; John Baptist, 53, 60

Veltam , Mrs, 60

Vendercruice , Cath Scholastique, 62

Venis, Thos , 28

Verchocq, Marquis & Marquise de, 65

Verstein , Geo, 154, 176 ; Georgina, 176; Mary, 154, 176, 201 ; Mary Eliz, 154

Victoire, Julienne , 144 (but see also Julienne )

Victor, Chas, 77

Vigano, Mr, 190

Viner, Geo, 70; Martha, 70

Virga(?), see Varga

Vivier, Mr, 6, 25, 32 ("Monsr"), 60; Mrs, 60

Voertz, Mary Frances, 37

Wade (?Wate), Mary, 19, 25, 39

Wailand, see Whelan(d)

Wake, Rev. Mr (Anglican curate), 52

Walbury , 5; John, 11 , 103 (German); Mgt, 11; Mary, 11

Walcot, see Bath

Wales , 133n

Walker , Honora, 140 ; Jas, 140; Patk, 140. See also Westby.

Wall, David , 163; Dr, 18n; Edwd, 163; Frances, 180, 184; Jane, 157 , 161, 166, 169, 173; John, 44, 69, 71; Judith, 187; July, 85; Marg.(?), 24; Marguerite , 39; Mary, 24(?), 163, 189

Walmesley, Bishop Chas, O.S.B., vii

(& viii)n, 1n , 33 , 58 (servant of), 66-7, 122; Chas , 103 , 106; Chas John, 103; Eliz, 103, 106; Jas, 45, 46; Richd , 106; Wm Gerard, 106

Walsh, Cath, 163, 194 ; Cath Leonora , 120; Chas , 144; Constantia , 84, 116, 142 ; Elen, 86, 125; Eliz, 106; John, 56, 194; John Bennet , 106; Lawrence , 144; Lazarus, 106; Maria, 116 ; Mary, 144; Miss, 36 , 56 (& 2 sisters) ; Mr, 36 (manservant of); Mrs, 37, 56; N. Esqr. (& 2 daughters), 36; N. (Miss), 36; Patk, 144, 172; Pierce, 1n, 38, 124; Robt, 179; Thos, 163

Walsh Porter, see Porter Walshannuck , Jas, 184; Jane, 184; John, 184

Ward ,, 133; Ann, 165; Cath, 111 , 169; Eliz, 193 ; Fanny, 175; Frances, 162, 180, 191 ; Francis , 145; Jas, 162, 169, 180 ; Jos, 191; Mgt, 145, 180; Mary, 145, 162 , 165; Mary Ann, 169; Patk, 165

Wardour , Wilts , 2n, 18n, 72n, 163n

Ware, Cath, 123. See also Weare. Waring, Waren, Warren, Harriette, 95; Henry, 95 ; John , 22, 24 ; Lucy, 23 28, 35, 58, 105; Thos, 6, 7, 13. See also Waving

Warminster , Wilts, 25 & n

Warren, see Waring.

Warrington , Eliz , 53

Warwickshire , 6n, 45,46

Wate, see Wade.

Waters, Jas Placid, O.S.B., 45 & n; John , 151; Mgt, 151; Richd, 151

Waterson, Ann, 16; Dorothy, 17; Mich, 17

Watertown, Ann, 90; Christopher , 90; Robt, 90

Wats, Watts, Ann, 5, 7, 13; Clarice, 160; Mary, 160; the Misses (?), 191; Wm, 160

Waving, Thos, 39 & n See also Waring. Weare, Cath, 49, 75. See also Lambe; Ware

Webb, John, 189, 197; Mary, 52, 59; Miss, 29, 115. See also Smith-Webb

Wedcock , Mary, 61

Weetman , Ann Teresa,* 203

Welby, Ann Caroline , 201 ; Ann Constantia , 155; Benj, 155 ; Eliz, 201; Frances Maria, 155; Maria Ann , 155

Welch , Welsh , Ann, 161, 186; Cath, 167, 178; David, 124; Edmund, 161; Frances Harriette, 26; Mgt, 1, 7, 12, 23(?); Mary, 5, 23(?), 26, 34, 114; Mrs, 8, 14, 24; Nathaniel ,


26 ; Patk , 178; Peter, 167; Thos, 114 , 161

Weld, Lucy, 133; Thos, 12

Weldon, Welden, Jas, 13 , 22, 29 ; Jane, 29; John, 124 ; Miss, 13, 22 , 29, 36 (2 Misses), 64; Mr, 57 (& 2 nieces), 64

Wellington , Som ., 17

Wellow, Som , 15, 116

Welsh, see Welch

Were , see Weare.

West, (Mr), 158; Ann, 26, 42, 51 , 69, 71; Eliz, 44, 69, 139 , 147 , 167; Isaac, 4, 46 ; Jacob, 26, 42 (senr & junr), 43, 44, 49 (senr ), 51 (senr. & junr.), 57 (& wife, son & daughter), 61, 62 & n, 69, 87, 116, 167; Jane, 158 ; John, 66; Lia (Leah?), 110, 147; Mgt, 69; Maria , 66; Martha, 158; Mary, 26, 71, 102, 110, 111, 146 ; Mary Ann, 68; Mich, 67; Rachel, 42, 44, 51 (senr. & junr ), 69, 71 ; Wm , 167; Winefrid, 67; (or Dyer), Lucy, 147; (or Williams ), Mary Anne, 110 . See also Whitlock

Westall, Susan Teresa , * 201

Westby (or Walker), Peter, ex-S.J , 45 & n

Western , Weston, Ann, 155; Bedy(?), 155; Bridget , 166 ; Julia, 166 ; Eliz, 116, 155; Eliz Ann, * 68; Wm , 155, 166 Westmeath, Ir , 61

Weston, Som ., see Bath. Weston (surname), see Western. Weymouth , Dorset , 103

Whately, Mary, 111; Mary Ann , 111; Robt, 111

Whelan(d), Whealend , Wheelan , Wailand, etc ,, 87; Ann, 132 , 162; Edwd , 87; Eliz, 198; Geo, 135; Hannah, 109-10; Henry, 6, 20, 24, 44; John, 87, 109-110 ; Mary, 87; Mich, 87; Richd, 134 , 135, 148; Ruth, 110; Sara, 87

Wherret, Jane, 201

Whickham , see Wickham

Whillen, Willan, Christiana , 166; Eliz, 113; Jas, 166; Mary, 166

Whimble , Eliz Cath, 68. See also Whimbow

Whimbow, Wimbow, Winbow , Ann , 46, 69, 70, 109, 190; Cath, 45; Eliz, 46, 70 (senr & junr ), Francis, 45; Jos, 126. See also Whimble

Whippey , Christina Anna, 94; Jas, 94; Martha, 94

White, Whyte, Ann, 40, 130 , 171; Ann Mary, 68 ; Barb, 58, 85, 92;

Cath, 137; Cath Mgt, 155; Chas, 19; Edwd (Capt , R.N.) , 155 ; Elen, 20; Eliz, 69, 171; Emma Barb, 40, 43, 50; Francis, 17; Jas, 17, 50, 52, 59; John, 17, 137, 171; Jos, 40, 43, 50, 85, 92; Jos Mary, 85; Laetitia, 17; Mgt, 69; Martha , 48; Mary, 43, 69, 155; N. Esqr , 34; Nicholas Chas, 155; Patk , 137; Thos, 92; Wm Jos , 50

Whitehead, Joanna, 104 Whitgreave, Thos, H.F.,45 , 46

Whitiker, see Whittaker. Whitlock, Esther , or Hester (née West), 46 & n; Mrs, 4

Whittaker , Whitiker, Ann, 163; Mary, 176

Whixall, Salop, 120n

Whyte, see White

Wickham , Whickham , Ann, 150 , 152 , 153, 154; Jas, 154; John , 149, 152, 154, 199; Jos, 154; Mary, 149; Wm, 149

Wickley, Mary, 195 Widcomb , Mary, 155; (or Tunly), Danl, 155

Widcombe , see Bath. Wilcock, Ann, 137; Mary, 61, 116

Wilcot, Wilts , 141n

Wilkes, Wilks , Agnes, 180; Augustine , 180; Caroline Eliz, 154; Chas Edwd , 163, 164; Chas Jas , 168 ; Eliz, 180, 193; Eliz(a) Cath, 154; 164, 168 ; Jas, 154, 164, 168 , 180 , 193; Jos Cuthbert, O.S.B., 34 , 37-44, 47-9, 61, 115; Teresa, 75 , 89

Willan, see Whillen

William(s), Ann, 23, 103, 171; Edwd, 149, 160; Eliz, 55, 69, 96 , 133 , 154, 171; Geo, 52, 110; H. (Mr), 119; Henry, 36, 48, 52, 55, 62, 70, 71, 76, 88, 95, 153, 154 , 191; John, 96, 103; Rev. John, 76 & n; Jos, 179; Lucy, 150, 152, 156 , 158; Mgt, 48, 52, 55, 76, 95, 104, 108 , 133; Mary , 28 (Vaughans' servant), 48, 69, 133, 191(?), 192 (& father & sisters); Miss, 159; Mr, 58 (& wife), 190; Thos, 152; Wm , 133, 171; (or Goddard), Mary, 160; Mary Ann, 149; (or West), Mary

Ann, 110

Willis, M. (Mrs), 83; Mary Ann, 83; N. (Mr) 83

Willisthorp, Ann, 16

Willoughby, Willoby, Lucy, 163 , 184; Monica Madelina, 200 ; Mrs, 194

Wilmore, Mrs, 128

Wilmot, Jane Mary, * 68

Wilson , Geo , 201 ; Saml; 120n

Wiltshire, 2n, 5 & n, 18n , 21 & n, 25 & n, 33n , 46, 51 & n, 58 & n ,

61n(?), 72n, 109n, 115, 121 , 122 , 138, 141 & n , 163n, 188 & n

Wimbow , Winbow, see Whimbow . Winchester , 43n

Witham , Wm, 51

Withers, Jos, 96 , 117

Witts, Bridget Mary, * 203

Wixall, see Whixall

Wogan, Woogan, Ann, 80, 98; Edwd, 9, 33,41,72,80,98,101,115,187 ; Frances, 72, 80, 98, 101, 127; Geo, 101, 126; John, 59 (& son), 186 ; John Thos, * 68 ; Mary, 72; Mr, 3; Wm, 24 , 32

Wolfe, see Woulfe

Wolverhampton ,Staffs,46

Wood(s), Ann, 23, 29; Jas, 89; Mary, 89, 154, 196; Mary Ann Agnes, " 202 ; Mary Ann Eliz, 200; Wm , 196

Woodam, Mary, 123

Woodhead, Geo, 79; Helen, 79; John , 79

Woogan, see Wogan.

Woolcote, Eliz Agnes,* 203

Wootton, Chas, 100; Eliz , 100; Fredk, 100; Stephen, 100

Wootton Bassett, Wilts , 21 & n , 188 & n

Worcester, 171n

Worth, Helen, 89; Hugh, 89; Mary, 89 Woulfe, Eliz, 34 ; Frances, 18; Miss, 29; N. Esqr , 34

Wray, Cath, 178

Wright, (Mrs), 147; Ant, 66; Edwd, 147, 156 ; Eliz, 152, 156; Eliz Teresa,* 68; Henry, 152; John, 59, 147 (sen & jun ), 152 , 153, 156, 193; John Francis, 147; Mary, 54, 56 ; Mary Ann, 61; Mary Cath, 147, 152, 156, 193; Philip, 56, 61, 117; Sara , 106 "Wrington" ,S., 141n

Wroughton, Mary, 141; Susan(nah), 141n

Yarmouth, Eliz, 70; Eliz Mary, * 68

Yates, Cath, 32; Mary, 39, 101; Mrs, 23, 28 (Mrs Chetwynd's servant)

Youget, see Gouget.

Young, Danl Bernard, O.S.B., 45, 46; Helen, 182; Mrs Robt, 78

York, 20n (Bar Convent), 24n

Yorkshire, 20n, 24n, 47, 186 & n , 188n

Zingerbouer , see Singpower

Zitte, Marie Françoise, 162, 164; Marie Françoise Terese Thos, 164; Wm Thos , 164

C.R.S.,65: Corrigenda (page-nos italicised)

34 , line 15: cavalier misspelt ; 40, line 7: owing; 46, note217: for"00" read 100; 56, line 6: cross-reference to pp 113-72; 65: first word Other; 78, line 16: declining; line 23 : to; n 393: for "00" read 74; 79, nn 400, 402: cross-refs to pp. 91-7, 101-5 ; 80, line 8: ones; 89, 4 lines from end: benefit; 114 (C . 13): beforeweeks' , insertfor 7; 116 , last line: lodging; 132 (8 Oct.): after for, insert staying; 148 (49th week): for "£1 s Od , " read £1 1s Od.; 157 (27th wk ) & 161 (52nd wk ): insert sic beforetotals; 169 (last 10 entries): no date, 13 March, n.d., 16, 24, 25, n.d., 27, 29, n.d.; 174, n 80: for "the Account Book, " read accounts; 207, n 41: for "00" , read 82; 212, n 69: misprints; 224 (12 March) & 235 (24 June): for"To" , read T.;233 (12 June): ignorant; (13 June): promised

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