Records Volume 69: St. Omers and Bruges Colleges

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Editorial Committee: A. F. Allison

D. M. Rogers

P. R. Harris

M. Hodgetts


, 1593-1773

A Biographical Dictionary


The Catholic Record Societyand the Departmentof Historiographyand Archivesof the English Province ofthe SocietyofJesus

Printedin Great Britain by Lowe & BrydonePrinters Limited, Thetford, Norfolk


The English Jesuit school at Saint-Omer in Spanish Flanders known in England as St Omers Collegewas founded in 1593 by Fr Robert Persons It remained there until 1762 when, in consequence of attacks on the Jesuits in France which culminated in their destruction in 1764 , the College (Saint-Omer being then French territory) was moved to Bruges in the Austrian Netherlands and stayed there untilthe suppression of the Society ofJesus by papal brief in 1773. It was then continued at Liège under the protection of the prince bishop as the English Academy until it was moved to Stonyhurst in 1794 as a result of the advance of the French Revolutionary armies into the Low Countries.

A list, based on a book of accounts, of the boyswho attendedthe EnglishAcademyat Liège between 1773 and 1791 was printed in no . 13 of the volumes of the Catholic Record Society; this present volumeis an attempt to compile a biographical dictionary of the boys educated at the Colleges of St Omers and Bruges between 1593 and 1773 . Nothing approachinga completelist of the boys exists The sourcesare , in the first place, such manuscript material accounts, prize lists, letters, letter books and other papers as has survived at Stonyhurst, in the JesuitEnglishprovince archives at Farm Street , London, in the British, Bodleian and Cambridge University libraries, in the Public Record Office, the archives of the archdiocese of Westminster and of the Catholic Record Society and in the state archives at Arras, Brussels and Ghent (where various papers of the English Jesuits dating from before the suppression of the Society and concerning the suppression are preserved). Ifa reason is sought for the incompleteness ofthe manuscript recordsit is to be found in the troubled fortunes ofthe Society of Jesus generally and in the history of the Colleges of St Omers and Bruges in particular in the move fromthe former in 1762 and inthe suppression ofthe latter in 1773 . Information has also been obtained from published works and among them from the records and diaries of the English colleges or seminaries on the Continent in which details aboutthe parentage,early lives and education of the men entering the colleges with a view to studying for the priesthood were frequently entered Such detailshave come down for the English colleges at Rome (CatholicRecord Society volumes, 37 ,40, 54, 55), Valladolid (C.R.S.30), Douai (C.R.S. 10, 11 , 28, 63) and Lisbon and, to a lesser extent, for the colleges at Madrid (C.R.S. 29) and Seville. Similar details are to be found in the published records ofvarious religious orders Itis not surprising,therefore, tofind that a large proportion of the boys listed in this dictionary were boys who became priests ; there were no similardiaries orregularlycompiled records for those who chose to remain laymenexcept for the number who studiedfor a time at Romeor Valladolid or in the other seminaries but elected not to go on to the priesthood Works ofreference provide

information about the more prominent families but for others this is less often so; some boys who were granted bursaries may have hadquite humble and now untraceable origins It should be mentionedhere that it has not proved feasible to check the accuracy of many ofthepublished pedigrees.

The diaries and records of the colleges need to be read (in this context) with caution They, and the Pilgrim Book ofthe English College, Rome (printed in Foley, Records ofthe English ProvinceoftheSociety of Jesus , volume VI), occasionally describe a student as havingcome from St Omers College who may not in fact have been at schoolthere St Omers College was used as a collectingplace for parties setting out for the seminaries at Rome, Valladolid or elsewhere; it also gave hospitality, perhaps for a month or two, to some of those who were preparing to go on to studyforthe priesthoodin the seminaries .Astay of six months or so during which a young man, who had not been through the College course in full, repeated his studies has been taken as sufficient to qualify him for inclusion in the dictionary and thisis why Titus Oates, for example , has had to be included;bythe charity of the Jesuits who thought he might be a true convert he spent some six months at the College apparently repeating his studies before his behaviourled to hisremoval

The years of a boy's stayat the College, if they are not known from other sources, may often be ascertained (where the accounts survive , of course) from the dates ofthe payments of the feesbutit shouldbe noted that the fees were sometimes paid in arrears, sometimes very much in arrears and this fact is occasionallymentionedin the accounts . It could happen that a man, many years later when making hiswill, would leave a sum ofmoneyto cover unpaid school fees .

Wherever possible the place or country fromwhich a boy came has been indicated. Most of them came of course from England and Wales , Ireland or Scotland but the homes of others were in America Maryland or Pennsylvania where the English Jesuits undertook missionary work from the 1630s or the West Indies. Some, more especially from the families living in exile after 1688 , or indeed before , came from France or Flanders and a few from other places on the Continent. In some cases, in default of other evidence , it has been possible to guess the area from which a boy from England and Walesmay have come from the whereabouts of the local Jesuit missionary through whose hands the fees were paid.

1 in

For some years in the eighteenth century there was a preparatory school for St Omers College;from 1742-52 it was at Boulogne , in 1753 at Saint -Omer, from 1754 at Watten near Saint-Omer. At some date between 1764 and 1766 it followed St Omers College to Brugeswhere it was again a separate establishment known as the Little College to distinguish it from the Great College. In 1773 they both shared the same fate at the suppression of the Society of Jesus ; they were combined in the Academy at Liège In the dictionary no distinction has

been drawnbetweenthe colleges and thepreparatoryschools -

It is impossible to say how far the number of boys named inthe dictionary some 4,300 corresponds to the actual total number of boys educated at St Omers and Bruges. The length of a boy's stay might be anything up to six years or more and the number ofboys varied considerably overtheyears . Some instances of the latter maybe given; many of them are to be found in the pages of St Omers to StonyhurstbyH.Chadwick.There were eighteen in 1593,fiftyin 1594, 100 or more in 1601, 135 in 1610 , 160 in 1612, 200 in 1635 butonly twenty-four in 1645 at the end of the Civil War. Between 1670 and 1685 the number varied between 120 and 180 but fell again at theend ofthe century to around 100. At the suppression of theSocietyin 1773 the Greatand Little Colleges at Bruges numbered together230. Other sources confirm these figures and variations. Thus there were 120 in 1597 (C.S.P. Dom. Eliz. 1595-7, p. 356), 90 in 1598 (The Spanish Elizabethans by A. Loomie, p 200), more than 100 in 1605 (C.R.S. vol 64 , p 68), about 150 in 1679 (C.R.S. 47 , p 234), 146 in 1715 (C.R.S. 62, p 317) and 110 in 1754 (archives of the Archdiocese of Westminster , 155/7). With such variationsand uncertainties it is clear that no worth-while conclusions can be drawn about the total number of boys educated by the English Jesuits at the Colleges of St Omers and Bruges

Some details of the EnglishJesuit organizationmaybeexplainedin order to clarifythe text.Apart fromSt Omers College and,later,Bruges therewere other houses of the EnglishJesuits in Flanders Thesewere houses of training or study for youngermembers ofthe Societywhich could not in the circumstances of the time be established in England Watten, alreadymentioned as the home ofthe preparatoryschool from 1754 till 1764/6, was fromabout 1624 till about 1766 the novitiate;at Liège from about 1624 till 1773 was the house ofstudies forphilosophy and theology; Ghent from about 1624 till 1773 was the home of the tertianship (a year of prayer and study made by Jesuit priests after ordination) and from about 1766till 1773 also the novitiate In England and WalestheJesuits were attachedto nominal'Colleges'or 'Residences' correspondingto one or more counties . These were the College of St Ignatius (Middlesex , Kent, Surrey, Berkshire and Hertfordshire) commonly known as the London district; the College of the Holy Apostles (Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge and Essex)the Suffolk district; the College ofStAloysius (Lancashire , Cheshire, Westmorland and until about 1660 Staffordshire) the Lancashire district;the College of the Immaculate Conception (Derbyshire, Leicestershire , Nottinghamshireand Rutland) the Derbyshiredistrict; the College of St Francis Xavier (North Wales, until about 1666 , South Wales, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and Somersetshire)North and South Wales and Herefordshire district; the College of St Chad (Staffordshire after about 1660) the Staffordshire district; the Residence of St Michael(Yorkshire) the Yorkshiredistrict; the Resi-


dence ofSt John the Evangelist (Durham,Cumberland andNorthumberland) the Durham district ; the Residence of St Dominic and after 1676 the College of St Hugh(Lincolnshire)the Lincolnshiredistrict; the Residence of St George (Warwickshireand Worcestershire) the Worcestershire district ; the Residence ofSt Mary(Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire , Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire)the Oxfordshire district ; the Residence, after 1676, the College of St Thomas of Canterbury (Hampshire , Wiltshire, Sussexand Dorset)the Hampshire district; the Residence of St Stanislaus (Devon and Cornwall)the Devonshire district; the Residence of St Winefrid (North Wales from about 1666) the NorthWalesdistrict.

A detailed historyof the Colleges of St Omers and Bruges and of the Liège Academy and of the preparatory schools is to befound in St Omers to Stonyhurst by H. Chadwick, S.J. (London, 1962)

To many who have helped me with this volumeI am grateful Their assistance has included, among other kindnesses, information and advice, drawing my attention to papers, providing microfilms, xerox copies orphotostatsor permitting me to consult papers.Iwould liketo thank the following with my apologies to any whose names have been, by accident , omitted Mr. J. H. Adamson ; the Reverend G. Anstruther, O.P.; Mr. H. Murray Baillie; the Curators of the Bodleian Library; M. P. Bougard, Le Directeur des Services, d'Archives du Pas-de-Calais; the Reverend D. Brigstocke , S.J.; the Staff of the Manuscript Room in the British Library; Professor J. Buntinx , Chief of Department, Rijksarchief, Gent ; the Reverend T. Dunphy, S.J. Rector of Stonyhurst; the Reverend F. Edwards, S.J.; Mr Michael Foster; Dr André E. Hellegers; Mr. J. H. Hopkins, Librarian of the Society of Antiquaries of London; the Right Reverend Mgr. Philip Loftus, President of Ushaw College; the Reverend A. Loomie, S.J.; Dr. DavidLunn; Dr.JohnMiller;the Reverend B. Payne,Librarian at Ushaw College;Miss Elizabeth Poyser, Archivist of the Archdiocese ofWestminster ; Dr. J. Rhodes ofthe University Library, Durham; the Very Reverend Canon John Ryan, Rector of the English College, Valladolid; the Reverend F. Turner, S.J., Librarian at Stonyhurst College; the Reverend L. Wuillaume, S.J.; M. C. Wyffels, Archiviste Général du Royaume, Brussels I wish to thank also Mr. Philip Harris and Mr Antony Allison, of the Editorial Committee of the Catholic Record Society for their advice and encouragement . June 1976



Note. The ninety manuscript sources consulted are each given a code numberwhich is placed before it in the lists that follow. (Thisnumber is used throughout the text to indicate that a manuscriptis beingused as a source of information) The numbers, in order, are to be found in one or other of the three groups of manuscripts at Stonyhurst, in the English Jesuit Province Archives and Other Sourcesso if a number is not in its place in one group it is to be found in the correct order in oneofthe othertwo .




D.I.15 Letter Book of the London procurator ofSt Omers College, 1732-5 and 1745-7

D.I.3St Omers and Brugesschool accounts , 1738-73

D.I.12 Accountsofthe London procurator ofSt Omers , 1746-53

D.I.13 1753-7



Accountsofthe Londonprocurator of St Omers , St Omers and Bruges school ledger, 1757-72 Day Book ofthe London procurator ofSt Omers and Bruges, 1724-38 and 1768-73

(9), (10), A.IV.13.1,2and 3Extracts fromArchivesJésuitiques , (11) provinceGallo-Belgique in Archives GénéralesduRoyaume , Brussels

(14), (15) Transcriptoffiles 83 and 88 , Jesuiten , Rijksarchief, Gent - Etat des pensions du Grand Collège Anglois à Brugesetdu Petit Collège












CustomBook ofSt Omers College, c . 1629

D.I.5Liège school ledger , 1773-80

B.I.6 A Relation of the JourneyofTwelve Students from the EnglishColledge at St Omers in Artois to the English Colledge ofSeville in Spaine,An.Dni 1622 stylo novo see H.M.C.Reports,I.App 61

C.II.18St Omers Walloon College lists (copyofthe names ofthe EnglishCollege boysthere) from Ms.II.D.2 inthe Archives Départmentales du Pas de Calais at Arrassee Notesand Queries, April 1965, 122-8

Papers ofC. T.Boothman, antiquarianandwriter





Miscellaneous papers, St Omers and Bruges

London Accounts, 1769-97

Accounts, Bruges and Stonyhurst, 1768-99


A.II.29 Lettersand other documents relatingto thehistory ofthe JesuitCollege at Bruges, Liège and Stonyhurst

(32), (33) A.IV.12.1 and 2 Vitae Martyrum


B.VII.23Two volumes of St Omers plays



(39 )


































Expulsionofthe Jesuits from their College at St Omers, by Joseph Reeve

A.III.20 - Expulsion ofthe Jesuits from St Omers,by Ralph Hoskins

A.III.21An Account ofthe Destruction ofthe English Collegesat Bruges in the year 1773, by Charles Plowden



Notes on St Aloysius' District accounts

Miscellaneous papers, Bruges

E.II.5.5Miscellaneous papers, St Omers

B.I.8 Liège Day Book, 1767-75

C.I.10 Sir Nicholas Shireburn's accounts , 1690-1717

Transcripts of some Weld letters


Papers ofH.Chadwick Tempest pedigrees

English Jesuit Province Archives

Account book (?of Bruges College procurator in London , 1763-74)

List ofEnglish students who passed fromSt Omers to Valladolid , 1616-21see A.A.W. 16, no.77

Xerox ofGrene's Collectanea , Stonyhurstmanuscripts,N/2

Account book (?ofEnglish province, S.J.) 1730-8

Xerox ofGrene's Collectanea , Stonyhurstmanuscripts,M

Notes and Fragments , 1585-1790 ,byJohn Thorpe

Letters of Charles Plowden , 1764-1821

Obits and Catalogues, 1726-1848

Copy ofthe Cardwelltranscripts , at Stonyhurst, from Royal Archives , Brussels

Miscellaneous Eighteenthcenturypapers, MW/6

Liège Procurators ' Correspondence , 1682-1739

XeroxofGrene's Collectanea , Stonyhurstmanuscripts , N/1

Maryland Letters, 1772-1835

College ofthe HolyApostles - GallowayLetters, 1762-80

Old College ofSt Francis Xavier papers, vol. III, 1746-1859

Residence ofSt George papers, 1635-95

College ofSt Hughpapers, 1723-1869

Colleges in Belgium papers, 1729-1876transcriptsfrom Bruges State Archives, files2724-30

Residence of St Mary papers, 1729-1876

College ofSt Thomas of Canterburypapers, 1613-1839

Residence ofSt George papers, 1640-1902

Letters ofnon-Jesuits, 1766-1857

Catalogues ofthe English Jesuit province

(65) 1666-1781



Correspondence relatingto St Omers and North Wales ,

Xerox copies ofthe Stonyhurst'Anglia' manuscripts

English Province Correspondence, 1746-1854
















Xeroxcopies of the Sawston papers in the Cambridge Record Office

Residence ofSt Johnpapers, 1717-1858

Transcriptsofsome lettersfrom Fr John Thorpe to Henry, 8th Lord Arundell, 1773-91

EnglishprovinceS.J. Note and Address book,eighteenth century

NotesbyHenry Foley in hiscopy ofRecords ofthe English Province, S.J.

TranscriptsbyJohnMorris fromArchives Jésuitiques , provinceGallo-Belgique in Royal Archives , Brussels , carton 29

Obligationsand Donations, College ofSt Aloysiuspapers, 1725-87

LettersofNicholas Sewall, 1776-1832

Letters, 1819 ffPD/1

Residence ofStMichaelpapers, 1813-60

Other Sources

British Museum Add Mss 9354 - Registrumnominum eorum qui honoredigni sunt habiti in Audomarensi Anglorum Gymnasioab anno 1622 usque ad annum 1670

Cambridge University Library. Ms. Ll. 1. 19Letter Book of Fr John Warner, 1679-86

Westminster .Archives of the archdiocese. vol 8,no.44

Humberside Record Office .Knaresborough papers, SufferingsofCatholics, DDEV/67/1

Brussels, Archives du RoyaumeArchivesJésuitiques, provinceGallo-Belgique, cartons31 and 32 ; province Flandro-Belgique no. 1541

(58),(59), Gent, RijksarchiefJesuiten, files 76, 84,85,86,87 (60) (69 )



(74) (75)


(84) (85)

British Museum . Add. Mss. 15204Magistri Banisteri Tragoediae et Poema

Public Record Office

S.P.14/80, no 57Alistofthe sons and daughters ofEnglishParents who are at StOmers , Douay and the other foreign seminaries and nunneries ...

Oxford , Bodleian Library Rawlinson Mss .Poet .215St Omers College verses , c . 1655

Oxford, BodleianLibrary RawlinsonMss. D. 21Various letters and papers, 1695-c . 1714

Brussels, Archives du Royaume.Archives Jésuitiques, provinceGallo-Belgique ,carton 26, St Omers College accounts, c . 1686-c . 1702

Public Record Office.E . 157/13

Westminster . Archives of the archdiocese vol 41, no. 11

Westminster.Archivesofthe archdiocese. vol 49, no. 35

(88) (89)


Catholic RecordSocietyarchives.Gillow pedigrees

Valladolid,EnglishCollege Archives .TentativeList of Studentsat the EnglishCollege,Seville. E.9

Ushaw College Library St Omers papers. L.L.3/3,4



(Arrangedin the order ofthe abbreviations used .)

Archivum Historicum Societatis Jesu (1932-.) IndicatedbyAHSJ

Anstruther,G. The Seminary Priests, vol. 1 (1968)

Anstruther, G. The Seminary Priests, vol 2 (1975)

Anstruther,G.A HundredHomeless Years (1958)

Anstruther, G.Vaux ofHarrowden(1953)

Anstruther, G.TheSeminary Priests, vol. 3 (1976)

Anstruther, G.TheSeminary Priests, vol 4 (1977)

Aubrey, J.Natural History and Antiquities ofthe






Ans.6 County ofSurrey

Aubrey, John BriefLives (ed.A. Clark), vol 1 (1898)

Aveling, J.C.H.Northern Catholics (1966)

Aveling, J.C.H.The CatholicRecusants ofthe West RidingofYorkshire (Proceedings ofthe Leeds Philosophicaland Literary Society, Sept.1963)

CharltonAnne,E.M.Burgwallis andthe AnneFamily(n.d.)

Beales, A.C.F.EducationunderPenalty (1963)

Berkeley ,Joan, Lulworthand the Welds(1971)

Birt, H.N. Obit Book ofthe EnglishBenedictines from 1600to 1912 (1913)





BA. Be Ber Bi

Burke, J. and J.B.A Genealogical and HeraldicDictionary of theLandedGentry (1847) BLG . BR.

Tanner , M. Brevis Relatio FelicisAgonis (1683)

Bradney , J.A. A History ofMonmouthshire(1904-33)

ListofBoys at St. Gregory's (1972)

Burke , J.A Genealogical and HeraldicHistory ofthe Commoners of GreatBritain andIreland (1838)

Bra BSG .


Burke , J. and J.B. A Genealogical and HeraldicHistory of theExtinctand Dormant Baronetcies ofEngland (1838) BuEB.

Burke, J. and J.B.A Genealogical and HeraldicDictionary ofthe Peerageand Baronetage ofEngland , Scotlandand Ireland, extinct, dormant andin abeyance (1840)

Burke , J.A General and HeraldicDictionary ofthePeerage and Baronetage ofthe British Empire (1837)

Camm, B.An Apostateat St Omer, 1618-22 (TheMonth, BUEP .

BuP Aug. 1899)

Cam .

Caraman, P. HenryMorse(1957) CarHM.

Caraman, P.John Gerard (1951) CarJG.

Castlemain , Roger Palmer , Earl of. TheEarl of Castlemain's Manifesto (1681)

Cas Chadwick,H.St Omers to Stonyhurst (1962) Chad.1

Chadwick, H.BlessedThomas Garnet (1965)


Challoner, Bishop R.MemoirsofMissionaryPriests (1924) Chal.

Clarendon , EdwardHyde, Earl of A History ofthe Rebellionand Civil War in England(1849) Clare

Croft,W. and Gillow J.Historical Account ofLisbon College (1902)

Catholic Record Society(Records series)

CatholicRecord Society(Monographseries)

Calendar ofState Papers

Cro. CRS . CRS . Mon CSP .

Cobbett, W.CompleteCollectionofState Trials (1810-11) CST

Davey, E.C. Memoirsofan OxfordshireOld Catholic Family (1897)

Davey, E.C. Notable Catholics who Lived and Diedin Bath (n.d.)

Dodd C. (vere Tootell , H) The Church History ofEngland from theyear 1500to theyear 1688(173742)

Estcourt, E. and Payne, J.O.The EnglishCatholic Dav . DavB Dod Nonjurors of 1715(1885)

Edwards , F.Guy Fawkes (1969)

EssexRecusant (1959-.)

Florus Anglo-Bavaricus (1685)

Fishwick, H.A History ofthe Parochial Chapelry of Goosnargh in the County ofLancaster (1871)

E. and P. Ed . GF ER. FAB

Foley, H.Records ofthe EnglishProvince ofthe Society Fish ofJesus (1877-83) Fo.

Foster, J.Pedigreesofthe County Families ofEnglandLancashire (1873) and Yorkshire(1874) Fos

Gage, J.The History and Antiquities ofHengrave in Suffolk(1822) Gag

Cokayne, G.E.The Complete PeerageofEngland, Scotland and Ireland, GreatBritain andthe United Kingdom (1887 , 1926) GEC.

Gibson , T.E.Lydiate Halland its Associations (1876) Gib.1

Gibson , T.E. (ed) A Cavalier's Notebook (1880) Gib.2

Gibson ,T.E.A Loyal CatholicCavalier (The Month, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1878) Gib.3

Gibson , T.E. Forfeited Estates in Lancashire (The Month , Jan. 1879) Gib.4

Gibson , T.E.A CenturyofRecusancy (Transactions of the Historic SocietyofLancashire andCheshire , 1878-9) Gib.5

Gillow, J.BibliographicalDictionary of the English

Catholics (1885-1902 )

Gillow, J. (ed) The Haydock Papers(1888)

Gregson, M.PortfolioofFragments relativeto theHistory and Antiquities of the County Palatine andDuchy of Lancaster (1817) Gil. Gil.H.P. Greg.

Guilday, P.The EnglishCatholicRefugees on the Continent (1914) Gu.

Gumbley,W.ObituaryNoticesoftheEnglishDominicans , 1555-1952(1955) Gumb

Hamilton,W.TheChronicleofthe EnglishAugustinian Canonesses Regular oftheLateranat StMonica's, Louvain (1904-6)

Hamy, A. Les Jésuites Anglais Expulsés deBoulogneen 1752 (1904)

Hanley, Thomas O. Charles CarrollofCarrolton (1975)

Havran , M.J.TheCatholics in Caroline England(1962)

Historical Manuscripts Commission Reports

Hornyold, H. Stricklands ofSizergh (1928)

Hughes, T. The History ofthe SocietyofJesus in North America Text and Document volumes (1908-17)

Ham. Hamy. Han . Hav. HMC

Hor. Hu

Humphreys,A.L. East Hendred , a Berkshire Parish (1923) Hum.

Kirk, J.Biographies ofEnglishCatholics in the Eighteenth Century ed by Pollen , J.H. and Burton, E. (1909)

Knox, T.F. The First and Second Diaries ofthe English College, Douay (1878)

Leys, M.D.R. Catholics in England, 1559-1829 (1961)

Lloyd, David , Memoires(1668)

London Recusant (1971-.)

Maire, H. Genealogical Collectionsillustrating theHistory ofthe Roman CatholicFamilies ofEngland,ed. Howard , J.(1887-92)

Melville, A.M. JohnCarroll ofBaltimore (1955)

More, H.Historia Provinciae Anglicanae Societatis Jesu (1660)

Blundell, Nicholas The GreatDiurnalofNicholas Blundell, 1702-28 ed for the Record Societyof Lancashire and Cheshire (1968-72)

Northern CatholicHistory (1975-)

Notes and Queries

O'Keefe, M.C.Four MartyrsofSouth Wales and the Marches (1970)

Oliver, G.Collectionstowards illustrating the Biography of the Scotch, Englishand Irish members S.J. (1838)

Oliver, G. Collectionsillustrating the History ofthe CatholicReligionin the counties ofCornwall, Devon , Dorset, Somerset, Wilts and Gloucester(1857)

The Tryals and CondemnationofThomas Whitealias Whitbread ... William Harcourt ... John Fenwick ... John Gavan ... Anthony Turner, all Jesuits andPriests (1679)

The TryalsofSir George Wakeman, etc. (1679)

A History ofthe BenedictineNunsofDunkirk ed .bythe Community (1958)


KnoxDD .

Ley. Llo








Payne, J.O.Records ofthe EnglishCatholicsof1715 (1889) O'Ke.

Oliver 1

Oliver 2.

OPT , 5 Jesuits

OPT,SirGeorge Wakeman




Payne, J.O.Old English CatholicMissions (1900) Pa.2

Peacock, E.A List ofthe Roman Catholics in theCounty ofYorkin 1604(1872) Peac.

Pine, L.G.NewExtinctPeerage(1971) Pin

Reilly, C.Francis Line (TheMonth,May, 1959) Rei.

Recusant History volumes 1-3 were entitled Biographical Studies (1951-.) RH

Records ofthe Scots Colleges (1906) RSC

Ruvigny,Marquisde.TheJacobitePeerage , Baronetage, Knightageand Grants ofHonour (1904) Ruv.

Stonyhurst and its Tercentenary (1892) S. and T.

StaffordshireCatholicHistory (1961-.) SCH.

Gerard , J. Stonyhurst Centenary Record(1894) SCR

The StonyhurstHandbook(1947) SH

The StonyhurstMagazine (1881.) SM .

Sharp, A.M. The History ofUftonCourt (1892) Sha

Stapleton, B.A History ofthePost-Reformation Catholic Missions in Oxfordshire(1906) Sta

Surtees, R. The History and Antiquities ofthe County Palatine ofDurham(1816-40) Surt . Hist. Surt

Publicationsofthe Surtees Society(1935-.)

The Tablet Tab.

Tempest , A.C.TheDescent oftheMascys ofRixton(1889) Tem

Morris, J.The Troubles ofOurCatholicForefathers (1872-77)

Thaddeus The Franciscans in England , 1600-1850(1898)

Tierney,M. The History andAntiquities ofthe Castle and Town of Arundel (1834)

Tyldesley, T. The Tyldesley Diary, 1712-4 . ed Gillow , J. and Hewitson, A.(1873)

TGF Tha. Tie. Tyld.

Wadsworth , J.Memoirs(1679) Wad

Walsingham, Edward , Life ofSirJohn Digby Wal

Irwin , R. ed. Letters ofCharles Waterton(1955) Wat

Blundell, M. ed Cavalier;Letters ofWilliamBlundell to his Friends(1933) WB

Weldon, B.ChronologicalNotes containingtheRise , Growth and Present Stateofthe EnglishCongregation ofthe OrderofStBenedict(1881) Wel

Worcestershire Recusant (1963-.) WR

Zimmerman, B. Carmel in England (1899) Zim .


1. The letters S.O. (St. Omers) and/or B. (Bruges) after the boy's name are followed by the dates he was at school : the evidence, in brackets, comes immediately after the dates . Further sources of information about the individual's life, where found, are given in brackets at the end of each entry.

2. The names of the parents (and mother's maidenname) are given whereknown , and also the names ofbrothersbut only iftheywere also at St. Omers College or Bruges

3. A questionmark before a name or detail indicatessome doubtor uncertainty.

4. An asterisk following a boy's name indicates that the name maybe an alias.

5. In the references a number not preceded by a letter or letters is a manuscriptnumber, as given in the list ofmanuscriptsources .

6. If a manuscript is not foliated (as happens frequently in the accounts) the place may be found by referringto the dates ofthe boy's stayat the college.

7 It must be noted that variations and inconsistencies inthespelling of names and the use of aliases have often made identification difficult or impossible .

8. In the body of the notes, the dates given refer to the information immediately preceding , e.g. "S.J. 1620/1 . To England"in this case the date refers to the date of entry into the SocietyofJesus , notto the date of crossing to England .

E.A. Liège


m .





born Bruges College brother circa died

The English Academyat Liège (the continuation of St. Omers and Bruges Colleges) English College married

O.S.B. CarmeliteOrder DominicanOrder Benedictine Order

O.S.F. orO.F.M. Franciscan Order pedigree




son Scots College

St. G. Douay St. Gregory's, Douai

St.G. Paris



unm . St. Gregory's , Paris Societyof Jesus St. Omers College unmarried

ABBOT , Johnalias Ashton and Rivers, John orAugustine S.O. 1608-9 (CRS . 30/105; RH.1/22-33). b.c.1588, London, ?s. ofMaurice and Joan (Austen). E.C. Valladolid 1609. E.C. Douay 1612. Priest S.J. 1612-21 . To England Condemned but reprieved d.c.1650, Newgate. (RH.1/22-33;245-250; CRS . 10/114-5; 30/105; Fo.7/1 , 1152; 1416 ; Ans.2/1-2).

ABINGTONalias for Drury, John. See Habington.

ACLAMalias forMay, John.

ACLAND alias for Halsall , John ?ACTON, John ?S.O c . 1613 (70) From Elmley, Worcestershire .

ACTON , William S.O. 1745 or earlier (1). s.ofWilliam and Margaret (Perkins) of WolvertonHall, Pershore, Worcestershire m. AnneTyler d . 1763 (BuC; Pa . 74;E. and P . 290-1 ;BLG).

ACTONalias forWeedon, Bernard , Joseph and William. ADAMS, Jamesalias Hacon and Spencer. S.O. 1746-55 (123;4;RSC . 89) b . 1737, East Anglia. s ofWilliam and Anne or Sarah (Spencer) S.C. Douay 1755-6 S.J. 1756. Priest. To England d . 1802, Dublin (RSC . 89 ; Fo.5/421n; 7/34).

ADAMSON, John S.O. 1596-1600 (CRS . 30/62, RH.2/74). b . 1580 From Lancashire . ?s. of Robert ofBroughton E.C. Valladolid 1600-04 Priest . To England . (CRS 1/115;8/317; 10/64,263; 30/62; RH.2/74;Ans.2/2)

ADDEY* , Richard S.O. 1631 or earlier(5)

ADDIS, Henry.S.O. and B. 1758-? (6). ?From Herefordshire. s of Gregoryor George and Teresa (Borryer or Boyer). br. ofJoseph. (ER . 15/24; LR.3/74).

ADDIS, Joseph. S.O. and B. ?-1763 (2; CRS . 30/191,193).

b . 1742, Herefordshire s . ofGregoryor George and Teresa (Borryer or Boyer) br ofHenry. E.C.Valladolid 1763-71 . Priest. To England d . 1821 , Calehill, Kent. (RH.2/168 ER . 15/24; LR.3/18, 74; CRS . 30/190-1, 198-9).


AIME, see Hayden. S.O. c . 1731-5 (7)

s ofJames br ofthe next .

AIME, .S.O c . 1731-5 (7).

s .ofJames br. ofthe above .

AINSCOUGHsee Aynscough.

ALAGAMBE- alias for Atslow , Edward.

ALANSONalias for Armstrong, John; Bruerton, John. ALBIN, Robert or Richard S.O. 1647 (or earlier)1651 (5).

b . 1630, from Lancashire S.J. 1651.Priest d . 1667,Tongres near Liège. (Fo.7/6;Oliver 1/42).

ALCOCK,Gilbert S.O. and B. 1758-c . 62 (2;8).

?from Lancashire


ALCOCK, Johnalias Gage S.O. ?-1634 (CRS . 55/444). b . 1615 . Buckinghamshire s ofEdwardand Elizabeth E.C. Rome 1634.S.J. 1635/6. Priest To England . d . 1703 ,Oxfordshire district (CRS . 40/14; Fo.5/949n; 6/339;7/6; Oliver 1/42).

ALDERSEYalias for Anderson,William

ALDRED, Robert alias Turner S.O. ?-1695 (11 ;75, ff.49v, 165; RSC . 63). b . 1674, London or Norfolk. s . ofThomas and Elizabeth.

S.C. Douay 1695-7 . S.J. 1697. Priest. To England d . 1728 ,Little Crosby, Lancashire (RSC . 63 ; Fo.5/343; 7/6;NB.1/180,263 ; 2/19,46;3/234).

ALEWORTHsee Ayleworth.

ALEXANDER , George S.O. 1753-c . 56 (2;4).

ALEXANDER ,.S.O 1731 (orearlier)-1733 (1;7)

ALFORDalias for Griffith,Michaeland Robert.

ALISONalias for Bruerton,John

ALLAN* , John S.O. 1630 (or earlier) -1636(5).

ALLAN* , Thomas S.O. 1643 (orearlier) -? (5).

ALLEN, Anthony. S.O. c . 1724-c . 26 (7).

ALLEN* orALLAN, Francis . S.O. 1662-68 (5). ?St G. Douay c . 1675 (BSG).

ALLEN, Gilbert or Francis alias Leeke . S.O. ?-1623 (CRS . 30/135,143).

E.C.Valladolid 1623-30 Priest To England (CRS . 30/143; ?RH.2/76).

ALLEN or ALLAN, Johnalias or vere Woolfe. S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1668 (or later) (5)

From Worcestershire E.C.Lisbon ?-1676 Priest To England. d . 1735-6, Shropshire (Cro . 274; Ki . 265; LR.4/71-2).

ALLEN , Michael S.O. ?-1731 (or later) (7) Nephew ofSir James Dowdall

ALLEN, Richard S.O. ?-1619 (12).

b . 1591/4, Shropshire E.C.Valladolid 1619-20 . (CRS . 30/134).

ALLEN*,William S.O. 1669 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5).

ALLENorALLAN, William alias Lancaster . S.O. c . 1743-50 (12;3). b . 1732-3, Yorkshire. S.J. 1750.Priest. To England d . 1814 , Isleworth (Fo.7/7;Oliver 1/44).

ALLEN, .S.O. ?-1726 (orlater) (7).

ALLENalias for Aylmer,Vincent; Emerson , John; Hesketh , George.

ALLENSON,.B. c . 1770-c . 1773 (2; 8)

?FromYorkshire br. of the next

ALLENSON,. B.c . 1770-c . 1773 (2; 8).

?From Yorkshire br of the above .

ALLINGHAM * , George S.O. ?-1690(79,f.785).

ALLOWAY , John or James S.O. ?-1755 (CRS . 14/296; Fo.7/8).

b . 1743, Oxfordshire s ofWilliam and Catherine E.C. Rome 1755-66. S.J. 1766.Priest. To England d . 1808 ,Portico , Lancashire (CRS . 14/296;40/213; Fo.6/497-8; 7/8; Ki.2; Oliver 1/44).



alias for Oates, Titus

AMSON, John S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1717 (CRS . 62/46n,72)

b . 1700,from London. s . ofEdwardand Anne (Watkins).

E.C. Rome 1717-9. (CRS . 40/161,146).

ANDERSON , Brendan orTrinian S.O. ?-1741 (13).

b . 1721 , Yorkshire. S.J. 1741-3 . (63)

ANDERSON, George alias Simpson . S.O. ?-1733 (2;7)

b . 1718, Richmond, Yorkshire ?s ofGeorge and of John E.C.Douay 1733-40 d . 1759. (CRS . 28/173,227 ; RH.2/80; E. and P . 324-5)

ANDERSON* , Henry S.O. 1640 (orearlier) -1641 (orlater)(5)

ANDERSON , John alias Simpson S.O. 1732 -c . 40 (2;7;13)

From Richmond, Yorkshire. ?s. ofGeorge and Anne .br of George S.J. 1740-44.(63).

ANDERSON,William alias Sheffield, Ignatius S.O. before 1721 (63/1723).

b . 1689-90, Lincolnshire S.J. 1721.Priest. To England d . 1764, Kingerby, Lincolnshire (Fo.7 /9; CRS . 22/351).

ANDERSON,William alias Aldersey S.O. ?-1726 (7; CRS . 30/185).

From Yorkshire E.C.Valladolid 1726-33 . Priest. Bart. ?S.J

c . 1735-44. To England d . 1759 , London (Ki.2 ; RH.2/80; CRS . 12/9; 14/340,374-5;30/185).

ANDERSON , .S.O . ?-1742 (1;2).

From Richmond. Maybe George or John above or athird brother.

ANDERSON alias forForster,William; Lathot, Henry.

ANDERTON, Charles alias Somerset S.O. c . 1691-1700 (75 ,ff.19v , 20v, 38v, 160; E. and P.337)

b . 1677 . s. of Sir Charles,2nd Bart and Margaret (Ireland) of Lostock, Lancashire . br of James, Lawrence and Francis 3rd Bart. 1691.d. unm , 1704-5 (Gib.1/52,65)

ANDERTON , Edwardalias Shelley S.O. 1638-44 (CRS . 55/481).

b . 16234. From Lancashire s ofRoger and Anne (Stanford) of Birchley, Lancashire br. of John, Robert and Roger E.C. Rome 1644-51 . Priest . To England d . 1683, Lancashire (CRS 40/30;55/481;Ki . 259 ; Fo.3 /744;4/711-2; 6/359-60;626; Ans.2/5). ?ANDERTON, Francis ?S.O c . 1695 (20).

b . 1680 . s ofSir Charles,2nd Bart . and Margaret (Ireland)of Lostock br ofCharles, James and Lawrence 6th Bart . 1724 . m. Frances Bedingfeld d . 1760, Lydiate Hall, Lancashire. (Gib.1/52,66-83 ; E. and P . 337-9; Pa . 83,97)

ANDERTON* , George S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1652(5).

ANDERTON , Jamesalias Somerset S.O. 1695 (or earlier) -? (75,f.45; Gib.1 /69 ; Fo.7/10-11).

b . 1678 . s. ofSir Charles,2nd Bart. and Margaret (Ireland)of Lostock. br of Charles, Francis and Lawrence 4th Bart. 1704-5 .


S.J. 1704.d not yet ordained, 1710, St Omers College. (Gib.1/52,65-6; Fo.3/777-8 ; 7/10-11 ; Pa . 83 ; E. and P . 338).

ANDERTON, Johnalias Shelley S.O. 1631-6 (CRS . 55/451).

b . 1618 . s ofRoger and Anne (Stanford) of Birchley, of Edward, Robert and Roger E.C. Rome 163643.Priest. To England (CRS . 40/16; 55/451; Fo.4/711; 6/342-3,614).

ANDERTON* , John S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1638 (or later)(5).

ANDERTON, Johnalias Somerset S.O. c . 1701 (75f.45). ?

ANDERTON, John ? B ?-1773 (14;60)

b . ?1755. From London ?s ofJohn and Elizabeth ?E.C. Bornhem 1774-8 . (CRS . 19/221 ;25/165).

ANDERTON, Lawrence S.O. 1694-c . 1701 (75 , f.43v; E. and P . 337-9; Pa . 83; Gib.1/69).

b . 1679 . s ofSir Charles ,2nd Bart and Margaret (Ireland) of Lostock br of Charles, Francis and James 5th Bart. 1710 .

O.S. B.c . 1704 d not ordained , 1724, London (Gib.1/52,68-76; Pa . 83; E. and P . 113,337-9).

ANDERTON, Robert alias Stanford S.O. 163945 (CRS . 55/485).

b . 1625 s of Roger and Anne (Stanford) ofBirchley br of Edward,John and Roger . E.C. Rome 1645-52 .Priest. To England d . 1685, Hertfordshire (CRS . 40/32;55/485; Fo.4/712; 6/361,627 ; Ans.2/5).

ANDERTON* , Robert. S.O. 1660-66 (5).

?s.ofHugh and Margaret (Kirkby) ofEuxton, Lancashire.

ANDERTON , Roger alias Poole, Edward S.O. ?-c . 1638 (CRS . 55/462).

b . 1621-2 . s of Roger and Anne (Stanford) ofBirchley. br of Edward, John and Robert E.C.Rome 1639-45 . Priest.To England d . 1695-6 (CRS . 40/20-1 ; 55/462; Fo.4/711-2;6/348; Ki . 34; Ans.2/6).

ANDERTON, Thomas alias Barton S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1631 (5; 16).

b . 1612-3 s of William ofGarstang, Lancashire . S.J. 1631 . Priest. To England d . ?1681 (Fo.3/744;7/39 underBarton,951)

ANDERTON* , Thomas S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1664 (orlater)(5)

ANDERTON, Thomas S.O. ?-1686 (13).

S.J. 1686-8 .(63).

ANDERTON, Thomas . S.O. c . 1701 (75, f.43v)

?s ofSir Charles ,2nd Bart and Margaret (Ireland ) of Lostock . ?br. ofCharles, Francis , Lawrence and James

ANDERTON , William. S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148-9)

s .ofWilliam and Isabel (Hancock) ofEuxton, Lancashire E.C.Valladolid 1632-7 Priest To England . d date unknown,in prison in London (CRS.8/318 ; 30/149;Ans.2/6).

ANDERTON, William B. 1769-73 (2;6;8 ;14;59;60).

b . 1754 , Lancashire s .ofWilliam E.A. Liège 1773-? Priest, 1780.To England S.J. c . 1806. d . 1823 , Hereford. (17; CRS . 12/156; 13/202; Chad.1/327; Fo.3 /778-9 ;7/12; Oliver 1/45; SCCR . 19n;


AHSJ . 42/292n).

ANDERTON, .S.O. c . 1740-5 (1;2)

ANDERTONalias for Blundell, Robert; Carrington, Bruno or Beuno; Gorsuch, George; Meynell, Roger and Thomas ;Rishton, Edward; Salkeld , Francis , John and Thomas (2); Smith, Francis; Turberville, Christopher.

ANDREWS, Ignatius or Walteralias orvere Price S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1634. (5).

b . 1610, ?Monmouthshire S.J. 1634. Priest To Wales.d . 1679 , ?Monmouthshire. (Fo.5/900-04; 7/12; Br . 13-14)

ANDREWSsee Evans, Francis .

ANGELIN* , Thomas S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1641 (orlater)(5).

?E.C Seville ?-1645 ?Priest (89).

ANGELINO alias for Darcy,Arthur

ANGIER* , Francis S.O. 1622 (or earlier)1624 (or later)(5).

ANGIER , Francis S.O. ? -1632 (5 ;CRS . 30/148-9)

E.C.Valladolid 1632-7 . Priest.To England .(CRS . 30/148-9; Ans.2/7).

ANGIER, James or John B. c . 1767-73 (2;7;8;14 ;17;59;60) ?From Norwich . ?br of Thomas E.A. Liège 1773-? (CRS . 13/202).

ANGIER, Robert B. 1772-3 ( 17 ; 58; 60)

b . ?1762, London ?s of Samuel and Frances E.A. Liège 1773-? ?O.P 1779. ?Priest . ?To England and U.S.A. ?d . 1850,Antwerp (17;CRS . 13/202; 19/246; 25/161; Gumb . 97).

ANGIER , Samuel B. 1766-72 (2 ;6 ;8 ;54)

ANGIER , Thomas S.O. c . 1746-52 (2 ;3 ;4 ;8 ).

b . 1730 , Norwich S.J.1752 Priest To England d . 1788 , Norwich (68;Fo.7/13)

ANGIER , Thomas. B. 1766-72 (2 ;6 ;8 ;54).

b . 1754,Norwich ?br. of James S.J. 1772.Priest . To England d . 1837, Newhall, Essex (Fo .7/13).

ANGIERalias forAnne, George and John ANKETELL ,. B. c . 1769-72 (2;8).

ANNE, Comptonor alias or vere Compton S.O. c . 1729-31 (7) ?From Yorkshire.

ANNE, George alias Angier S.O. ?-1613 (CRS . 30/113n).

b . 1595/6, Yorkshire s ofGeorge and Margaret (Fenton)of Frickley,Yorkshire br ofJohn E.C. Valladolid 1613-5.E.C. Rome 1615-21 .Priest.To England S.J. 1623.d . 1660, ?York

Castle (CRS . 30/113n ; 37/175-6; Fo.1 /510; 3/1424; 5/676n; 6/273; 7/13; BA . 16-20; Ans.2/7).

ANNE, George S.O. ?-c . 1740(2).

b . 1717, ?Yorkshire s . of Marmadukeand Elizabeth (Plumpton) of Frickley, Yorkshire br. ofMichael m.(1)

ElizabethCholmeley(nee Walton); (2) Mary Needham .d . 1785 . (BA . 22;CRS.9/144;Fos )


ANNE,John alias Angier. S.O. 1619-23 (CRS . 55/374)

b.c . 1604, Frickley, Yorkshire s ofGeorge and Margaret (Fenton) br ofGeorge E.C. Rome 1623-5.(CRS . 37/203;55/374; BA . 19-20; Fo.3/144n ;6/304).

ANNE, Michael S.O. 1729- ? (7).

b . 1716 . s .ofMarmadukeand Elizabeth(Plumpton). br of George. ?St.G.Douay c . 1734 d unm , 1772. (BA . 22; BSG; CRS . 32/227; Fos ).

ANNE, .S.O c . 1751 (3)

ANNE alias for Knight, Alexander

ANSELL, Jamesalias or vere Smith S.O. 1757 (or earlier) -1758 (or later)(2).

ANSELMalias for Rogers, Philip.

ANTHON* , Luke. S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1651 (or later)(5)

ANTHONY , Bartholomew S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1643 (5). ?br ofPeter

ANTHONY, Peter S.O. c . 1636-c . 42 (5; CRS . 40/28;55/477-8).

b . 1620, San Lucar . s .of Richard and Angela (Symminterio) ?br. of Bartholomew. E.C. Seville . E.C. Rome 1642-3,1645. (CRS . 40/28; Fo.6/358, 624)

APPLEBY, William S.O. ?-1622 (18).

b . 1591, Yorkshire E.C.Seville 1622-29 Priest S.J. 1629. To England d . 1671 , ?in London. (Fo.1/510,519 ;7/14; Ans.2/7)

ARCHBOLD, Richard S.O. c . 1725-31 (7).

b . 1713, Ireland. s ofRobert and Mary S.J. 1731. Priest.To Marylandand England d after 1755.(Fo.7/15;7-Irishsection71).

ARCHBOLD, William S.O. c . 1726-c . 31 (7)

?From Ireland s . ofJames ?br.ofthe next. ARCHBOLD, -. S.O. c . 1727-c . 31 (7).

?From Ireland. s ofJames ?br ofWilliam. ARCHBOLD,. S.O. 1752-? (3).

ARCHDEACON , Montagu alias orvere Sheldon B . 1768-73 (2;7;8;14; 60).

From Newcastle br ofWilliam ?St G. Douay c . 1774 (BSG).

ARCHDEACON,William alias or vere Sheldon B. 1768/9-73 (2;6;7;8; 14;60)

From Newcastle , br ofMontagu. ?ARCHER,Philip alias Grove ?S.O ?-1644 (Fo.5/900n;6/359;7/16)

b . 1625, Raglan, Monmouthshire. s. ofJohn and Mary(Grove).

E.C. Rome 1644-50 Priest To England (CRS . 40/29-30;55/480; Fo.5/900n; 6/359,626; 7/16; Ans.2/8).

ARCHISONalias for Macdonald

ARDEN, James or Francis S.O. 1753-5 (2;4).

?From Worcestershire ?E.C Douay 1755-61 (CRS . 63/206 , 223).

ARDEN* , John S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1630 (or later)(5).

ARDEN,John, S.O.c . 1724-28 (7).

?From Worcestershire .

ARDENalias for Grosvenor , Robert;Pateson , James .

ARISCOTTalias for Ayscough ,Henry.

ARMSTRONG,Danielalias Mumford S.O. 1695-9 (75, ff.18v , 34v).

?br ofGervase.

ARMSTRONG, Gervasealias Mumford . S.O. 1695-9 (75, ff.18v ,34v).

?br ofDaniel

ARMSTRONG, John alias Alanson,Mumford and Strange. S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613(19 ; CRS . 54/263).

b. c . 1591, Northumberland s ofRobert and Margaret (Wilson) E.C.Rome 1613-20 Priest S.J. 1620/1 To England. d . 1660, Durhamdistrict .(CRS . 37/168; 54/263; Fo.3 /112; 6/266;7/17; RH . 11/197; Ans.2/8)

ARMSTRONGalias for Boyce , George See Montfort,Peter.

ARROWSMITH,.S.O. c . 1748-c . 50 (2; 3)

ARTHUR,Daniel S.O. 1693-7 (75, ff.56v,57v,115v,118).

s .ofSirDaniel ?and Catherine (Smith)

ARTHUR, John. B. 1769-71 (2; 6; 8)

ARTHUR, Thomas S.O. ?-c . 1697 (75, ff.56v,57v,58v).

?s.ofSir Daniel and Catherine (Smith)

ARTHUR, William S.O. c . 1698 (75, f.59v)

?s.ofSir Danieland Catherine (Smith).

ARTHURalias for Mannock,Francis

ARTON , William. S.O. 1593-6 (CRS . 30/50).

b.c . 1576, Wisbech Seville 1596-8 . E.C. Valladolid 1598-1600 .

To England E.C.Douay 16034. Priest To England (CRS . 30/50; 10/55,62,74; Ans.2/9)

ARUNDELL , Bernard alias or vere ObryanS.O. 1693-9 (75, ff.6v,13v , 18v ,21v, 30v ,37v).

ARUNDELL, Charles S.O. ?-1689 (13)

b . 1668-9 , Worcestershire s ofThomas , 4th Baron and Margaret (Lucy,neé Spencer) br of Henryand Matthew . S.J. 1689.d before 1693. (Fo.7/19)

ARUNDELL, Henryalias Spencer S.O. c . 1671-8 (20,CST . 10/1127).

s.ofThomas,4th Baron and Margaret (Lucy, neé Spencer)

br.ofCharles and Matthew.m. ElizabethPanton.5th Baron, 1712.d . 1726, (GEC; Ki.5 ; BuP; Oliver2/86).

ARUNDELL , Henryalias Belling. S.O. 1753-8 (2;4)

b . 1740 . s of Henry 7th Baronand Mary (Bellings Arundell)

br.ofThomas m. Mary ChristinaConquest .8th Baron1756 . d . 1808, Wardour (GEC; BuP; Ki.6; Oliver2/87).

ARUNDELL, Matthewalias Spencer S.O. 1694-7 (75, ff.15v,18v,24v, 25v).

s.of Thomas , 4th Baronand Margaret (Lucy neé Spencer). d . 1699, unm , Rouen. (Ki.5)

ARUNDELL , Thomas alias Rogers S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1650 (5).


b . 1632-3 . s .of Henry, 3rd Baron and Cecily (Fermorneé Compton) E.C. Rome 1650-3 m.Margaret Lucy(neé Spencer) 4thBaron 1694.d . 1712. (GEC; BuP; Oliver2/85-6; CRS . 40/47; Fo.6/380)

ARUNDELL, Thomas S.O. before 1713 (CRS . 62/133).

b . 1696 . s . of Henry, 5th Baron and Elizabeth(Panton) m . Anne Mitchell d . 1752, Chelsea. (CRS . 62/133n; 65/65; Ki.6;Pin)

ARUNDELL , Thomas S.O. 1754-c . 62 (2;4). b . 1742 . s ofHenry, 7th Baronand Mary (Bellings Arundell) br.of Henry.d . 1781 , unm Sydenham , Surrey. (Ki.6;Pin)

ARUNDELL , - (Henry?) S.O. before 1714 (CRS . 62/175). ?b . 1694 . ?s.of Henry, 5th Baron and Elizabeth(Panton). ?br ofThomas. ?m . (1) Elizabethor Eleanor Everard (2) Anne Herbert. ?6th Baron, 1726. ?d . 1746. (GEC; BuP; Ki.6;Pin)

ASHBY, Johnalias for Turner, Edward

ASHBYalias for Middlehurst, James; Thimelby, Edward, Henry, Richard and William.

ASHLEY,. B. 1767-c . 71 (7). br of the next.

ASHLEY ,-. B. 1767-c . 71 . (7). br of the above.

ASHTON* , John S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5)

ASHTON, John S.O. ?-1759 (64/July 10th, 1767)

b . 1742, Ireland S.J. 1759. Priest.To Maryland. d . 1815, Portobacco , Maryland. (Fo.7 /20 ; Hu . Text 2/696).

ASHTON* , Joseph S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1642 (5).

ASHTON alias for Abbot,John; Collins, Nicholas; Fazackerley , Thomas ; Powell, Francis

ASPINWALL or ASPINALL, Edward alias or vere Penningtonor Pinnington S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696 (11,75 ,ff.7v,13v,23v, 26v).

b . 1678, Lancashire S.J. 1696-1707 Priest To England d . 1732 (63; Fo.7 /20; Ki.7; DNB; Chester, WestminsterAbbey Registers, 335,359 )

ASPINWALL, or ASPINALL, Henryalias or vere Brent. S.O. 1729-34 (1;2; 7).

b . 1715, Lancashire S.J. 1734. Priest To England d . 1784 , Irnham, Lincolnshire. (Fo.7 /81;Oliver 1/59).

ASPINWALL, or ASPINALL,Joseph alias or vere Brent S.O. c . 1738-45 (1,2,13).

b . 1726.S.J. 1745.Priest d . 1763, Ghent (Fo.7/81)

ASPINWALL or ASPINALL, Thomas alias or vere Brent S.O. 1735-40 (2;7;13).

b . 1719.S.J. 1740.Priest To England d . 1773, Liège (Fo.7/81)

ASPINWALL,William alias or vere Pennington S.O. 1699-1703 (75, ff.33v.34v).

ASTLEY , Vincent alias or vere Philips. S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/316)


ASTLEY, Walter S.O. 1714-15 (or later) (CRS . 62/12,13,86 ).

b.c . 1700. From Berwick-upon-Tweed neph ofSirRichard Astley (Surt . 131/126,128).

ASTON, Herbertalias Barrett S.O. c . 1684 and perhaps before (9, f.316)

b.c . 1650. ?s ofthe Hon HerbertAston and Catherine (Thimelby). E.C.Rome 1669-72 . ?S.J. (CRS . 40/80;Gil.1/78; Fo.5 /448-9 ; 6/415;7/20).

ASTON,William S.O. c . 1747-51 (2; 3; Gil.1 /82).

b . 1735, London. s. of Edward and Ann (Bayley). S.J. 1751

Priest d . 1800, Liège (CRS . 19/220;Gil.1 /82; Ki.7 ; Fo.5/1834; 7/21; GEC underAston or Forfar).

ATKINS,William S.O. ?-1622 (18).

b . 1599-1601 , Cambridgeshire E.C. Seville 1622-8. Priest S.J. 1629. To England Condemned to death 1679.d . 1681 , Stafford gaol. (Fo.5/450-4; 7/21-2 ; Be . 168n; BR . 86;Dod.3/314; CRS . 47/307-9;Ans.2/10).

ATKINSON,Charles. B . 1771-3(2;8;14;59)

b c . 1758 From York ?s . ofCharles br ofJames d?1820. (CRS.?Mon.2/149-50 ;371).

ATKINSON* , James S.O.1662-9 (5).

?m Elizabeth. ?d . 1740. (CRS.Mon.2 /370; E. and P. 332)

ATKINSON, James B. 1771-3 (2;8; 14;59)

b.c . 1760 From York. ?s . ofCharles br of Charles ?m Anne Fleming d?1839 (?CRS.Mon.2 /149-50 ;371).

ATKINSON,John alias Lincoln B . ?-1773 (59).

b . 1757 . E.C. Bornhem 1773-5. O.P. 1776.Priest To England and Bruges. d . 1826, Bruges. (CRS . 25/136,165 ; Gumb . 89-90)

ATKINSON, - . S.O.c . 1738 (7). ?From York. ?d . 1793 . (?CRS. Mon.2/371).

ATKINSON,. See Lincoln, Robert

ATSLOW, Edward, alias Alagambe and Wingfield S.O. ?-1605 (Fo.7/22). b . 1584, London From Essex s of Edwardand Frances (Wingfield) ofDownham. E.C. Rome 1605-8 S.J. 1608.Priest. To England d . 1646, Ghent . (CRS . 37/141 ;54/157; Fo.6/237; 7/22; ?ER.8/93 ; 15/1).

ATWOOD, James S.0.1701-2(75,ff.43v , 45v). ?From Worcestershire ?s. ofGeorge and Winefrid (Petre) ?br. ofPeter and William.

ATWOOD, Peter John alias Pitts S.O. ?-c . 1660(CRS . 25/129; Ki.8).

b . 1642 .From Warwickshire O.P. 1663. Priest To England. Condemned . but reprieved 1679. d . 1712, London (CRS . 25/129 , 138; Ki.8; Gumb . 50-1; Oliver2/450).

ATWOOD, Peter S.O. ?-1703 (Fo.7/23).

b . 1682 , Worcestershire s of George and Winefrid (Petre)of Claines, Worcestershire br ofWilliam ?and James S.J. 1703. Priest.To Maryland d . 1734, Maryland (Fo.7/23 ; Hu . Text 2/685;


E. and P.297).

ATWOOD,William S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (75,ff.8v , 10v; RSC . 62).

b . 1678. s. ofGeorge and Winefrid (Petre). br. ofPeter ?and James S.C. Douay 1694-5 (RSC . 62; Fo.7 /1476-7; ?Pa . 74,110; E. and P . 85, 181,290,297).

AUDLEY,James alias Tuchet S.O. ?-1694 (75, f.15v).

b . 1666, London ?s ofJames, 5th EarlofCastlehaven and Anne (Bard). S.J. 1694-1702 (not ordained ). ?6th Earl 1701. ?m. ElizabethArundell ?d . 1740 , Paris. (63; GEC; Ki.8)

AUDLEY ,John alias Tuchet S.O. c . 1694 (75, f.164)

AUNE, Francis B.?-1773(14). From Brussels.

AVELLANEDAalias for Hazlewood ,John.

AVISON, .S.O c . 1727-c . 32 (7)

s .of Richard

AYLEWORTH or ALEWORTH, Matthewalias Jones S.O. ?-c . 1636(85 , n . 35; Ans.2/4).

b.c . 1617 From Llangoven ,Monmouthshire. s . ofJohn.E.C. Valladolid 1636. E.C. Lisbon 1636-42. Priest To England. (Cro . 172;Ans.2/4)

AYLMER , Vincent alias Allen and Jameson S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/55,58,207,311).

AYLWARD, James S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/265). ?From Oporto. s. of Richard. ?S.J. Goan province d ?after 1769.(Fo.7/953 ; 7/78-Irish section)

AYLWARDalias for French, Andrew and John.

AYNSCOUGHorAINSCOUGH, Edward S.O. 1693-96 (75, ff.23v,25v).

b . 1675 . From Lancashire s of Hugh and Anne E.C. Rome 1696-1703 . Priest (CRS . 40/122-3)

AYRE alias for Fitzherbert, John.AYSCOUGH, Henryalias Ariscott S.O. ?-1627 (CRS . 59/394).

b c . 1600 Tumby, Lincolnshire. s of Clinton (or Walter) and Ann (Marshall) E.C. Douay 1622-? E.C. Rome 1627-9 . (Fo.1 /201 ; CRS . 10/192;37/213;55/394).

BAAL, Joachim alias Basset, Joachim Antony S.O. 1604-8 (CRS . 54/250)

b.c . 1587, Hadleigh , Suffolk. s of Joachim and Margaret (Thomson ).E.C.Seville 1608-11 E.C. Rome 1611-?12. d . 1612 , Padua (CRS . 37/164; 54/249-50;Fo.5/523).

BAB alias for Brereton , John .

BABE , Francisor Jamesalias Price S.O. c . 1729-33 (1 ;7;21; CRS . 30/187-8)

?From Wales E.C.Valladolid 1733-36 ?O.S.F.?Priest ?To England d . ?17834, England (CRS . 30/188;Tha . 196)

BABINGTONalias for Watkins,James.

BABTHORPE ,Albert , S.O. c . 1658-64 (5; Fo.7/24-5)

b . 1646, Mechlin s .ofSir Ralph and -(Hamilton) of Babthorpe , Yorkshire ?br ofWilliam S.J. 1664. Priest.To England d . 1720 ?Croxteth, Lancashire .(Fo.3/192 ped.,201; 7/25;SM.4/794;NB.1/38 & c . 309; 2/62 &c . 286).

BABTHORPE, Ralphalias Smith. S.O. c . 1606-11 (CRS . 54/245-6).

b. c . 1595, Babthorpe , Yorkshire s.of Sir Ralph and Grace (Burnham or Birnand) of Babthorpe br ofThomas E.C.Rome 1611-15 . S.J. 1615.Priest.To England d c . 1628 (CRS . 37/163; 54/246; Fo.3/192-3; 6/261; 7/25).

BABTHORPE, Richardalias Chomley S.O. ?-1621 (12; CRS . 30/135 , 138).

b. c . 1597 From Yorkshire s ofRichardand Frances (Hunton or Hungate). E.C.Valladolid 1621-? (CRS . 30/135,138).

BABTHORPE, Richard S.O. c . 1634-41 (5; CRS . 55/470)

b.c . 1618, Yorkshire s . ofSirWilliam and Grace or Ursula (Tyrwhitt) ofBabthorpe , Yorkshire br of Thomas E.C. Rome 1641-8 . S.J. 1651.Priest.To England d . 1681, Stafford (CRS . 37/24;55/470; Fo.3/192 ped , 200 ; 6/354,622;7/25; Ans.2/10)

BABTHORPE , Thomas alias Smith S.O. ?-1615 (CRS . 54/289).

b . 1598, Yorkshire s .ofSir Ralph and Grace (Burnham or Birnand ) br of Ralph E.C. Rome 1615-8 S.J. 1618.Priest d . 1656, Ghent (CRS . 37/177; 54/288-9 ; Fo.3/193-8;6/274-5; 7/26).

BABTHORPE, Thomas alias Tyrwhitt S.O. ?-1634 (55/444-5).

b c . 1615, Yorkshire s . ofSirWilliam and Grace or Ursula (Tyrwhitt). br.of Richard E.C. Rome 1634-5 . S.J. 1635/6.Priest. d . 1655,St Omers College (CRS . 40/14;55/444-5;Fo.3/199-200; 6/340;7/26).

BABTHORPE William S.O. 1655-? (5)

?s .of Sir Ralphand---(Hamilton) of Babthorpe , Yorkshire ?br of Albert

BACON, George alias Southwell.S.0.1609-11 (CRS . 29/85; 30/117).

b. c . 1594, Norfolk.?s.of John and Elizabeth(Pannell)of Sculthorpe, Norfolk ?br. ofJohn, Nathanieland Thomas E.C. Madrid 1611-14 E.C. Valladolid 1614-18 . Priest. O.S.B. To England d . 1663, Little Stoke , Gloucestershire . (CRS . 29/85; 30/117; Ans.2/11-12; Bi . 41).

BACON, John alias Southwell S.Ó. c . 1611-15 (19; CRS . 30/123).

b . 1597 .From Norfolk s . ofJohn and Elizabeth(Pannell)of Sculthorpe. br ofNathaniel, Thomas ?and George.E.C. Valladolid 1615-17 . S.J. 1617.Priest .To England . d . 1667 , Valladolid (CRS . 30/123; Gil.1 /96; Fo 7/1417).

BACON ,Nathanielalias Southwell. S.O. c . 1611 -c . 17 (19).

b . 1599,Norfolk s ofJohn and Elizabeth(Pannell) of


Sculthorpe. br. ofJohn, Thomas ?and George E.C.Rome 1617-24 . Priest S.J. 1624/5. d . 1676, Rome (CRS . 37/185; Gil.1/95-6; Ans.2/12; Fo.4 /521-2;6/284; 7/26-7).

BACON, Thomas alias Southwell. S.O. c . 1607-10 (CRS . 54/239-40).

b. c . 1593, Sculthorpe, Norfolk s ofJohn and Elizabeth (Pannell) of Sculthorpe br. of John, Nathaniel?and George E.C. Rome 1610-3 . S.J. 1613.Priest d . 1637, Watten (Gil.1/96-7; CRS . 37/160-1;54/239-40; Fo.4/520-1 ; 6/259; 7/27;Dod.3/110). BACQUART, Francis S.O. 1714.(CRS . 62/169). From Lille.

BADNAMalias for Lazenby, John.

BADULEY or BADDULEY, Robert alias Lee and Stafford, Ignatius. S.O. ?-1615 (CRS . 30/121)

b . 1598 From Staffordshire. s. ofJohn and Anne (Roos)of Ellerton Grange, Staffordshire br ofWilliam. E.C.Valladolid 1615-18 . S.J. 1618.Priest d . 1642, Lisbon (CRS . 30/121 ; Fo.7 /1417-8 ; Gil.5/521).

BADULEY , or BADDULEY, William alias Lee S.O. 1613-15 (CRS . 30/ 120).

b . 1597, Staffordshire s . of JohnandAnne (Roos) ofEllerton Grange, Staffordshire br of Robert E.C. Valladolid 1615-22 . Priest S.J. 1622. d c . 1629, Valladolid (CRS . 30/120; Ans.2/12; Gil.5/521-2;Fo.7/450,1418).

BAEX , Nicholas. S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1654 (or later)(5;20).

From Belgium ?br ofPeter.

BAEX, Peter. S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1658 (or later) (5;20)

From Belgium ?br of Nicholas. BAGGOTor BAGOT, Ignatius S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714(CRS. 62/48,76)

?From France.s ofColonel Baggot br ofJohn ?Entered FrenchService. (CRS . 62/151).

BAGGOTorBAGOT, John S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -? (CRS . 62/75,120).

?From France s of ColonelBaggot br. of Ignatius (CRS. 62/48n,76).

BAGNALL* , Edward S.O. 1646(or earlier) -1648 (orlater) (5)

BAGNALL* , Thomas S.O. 1664-70) (5).

BAGNALLalias forPlunkett,Christopher.

BAINESalias for Bennet, Thomas ; Calvert , Charles; Fitzherbert, John; Mico, Edward ; Norris, Andrew; Preston , William; Sanders, Francis; Simpson, William

BAIRD, James B. ?-1773. (15 ; 58;60).

b . 1760, Edinburgh s .ofthe British Commissioner atDunkirk. BAKER, Bernard S.O. ?-1721 (63/1723)

b . 1698, Meath, Ireland . S.J. 1721.Priest To England . d . 1772/3, London (Fo.7 /28).

BAKER, Charlesalias for Lewis,David.

BAKER,Jamesalias Pulton or Poulton S.O. 1733-42 (2;7; 21).


BAKER, John S.O. c . 1666-70 (5).

b . 1644, Madrid S.J. 1670. Priest To England d . 1719 ,Watten. (Fo.7/28-9).

BAKER, Stephen B. 1766-c . 68 (2;7;21)

From London.

BAKER* , Thomas S.O. 1656-7 (or later).(5).

BAKER, alias Lawford S.O. 1742-? (2).

BAKER alias for Jones,William

BALDWIN, .S.O. 1715 (or earlier) -1717 (or later) (CRS . 62/274,294). br of next .

BALDWIN , .S.O 1715 (or earlier) -? (CRS . 62/274,294). br.ofthe above .

BALTINGLASSalias for Talbot , Richard.

BAMBER, Edwardalias Helmes, Leonard and Reading S.O. c . 1618-21 (Ans.2/13-14).

From the Moor, Carleton , Lancashire . s ofRichard and Jennet

E.C. Seville 1621-6 Priest To England Put to death1646, Lancaster . Venerable (CRS.6/182-3; Ans.2/13-14; Chal . 4814; Gil.1 /120-2; SM . 28/317ff).

BAMBER* ,John S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1660 (or later)(5).

BAMFIELD see Bates, George

BANISTER* ,George S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1660 (orlater) (5).

BANISTER , alias for Pudsey, Stephen and Thomas ; Selby, William; Taverner , Edward

BANKS* , Thomas S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1637 (5).

BANNISTERalias for Shackleton ,William.

BARKER, Charlesalias for Giffordor Giffard, Thomas

BARKER* ,Edmund S.O. 1655 (or earlier) -1658 (or later).(5)

BARKER, Edmund S.O. c . 1725-27 (7)


BARKER, John S.O. c . 1739-47 (1;2; 3)

BARKER, John. S.O. 1765-6(6). From London.

BARKER , Nicholas alias Barton.S.O. c . 1639-46 (CRS . 55/498).

b c . 1625, Essex s of Bestney or Bertneyand Anne (Timperley) ofMonkwich E.C. Rome 1646-7. (CRS . 40/37; 55/498; Fo.6/366,632 ).

BARKERalias for Eyre , Lawrence , Peter and William;Fermor, Thomas

BARLEYalias for Barlow, Martin or Thomas.

BARLOW , Martin or Thomas alias Barley S.O. ?-1611 (CRS . 29/85,241; 30/120)

b c . 1596, Bruges. E.C.Madrid 1611.E.C.Valladolid 1614-15 . d . 1615 ,Valladolid (CRS . 29/85;30/120)

BARLOW, Thomas S.O. c . 1729-36 (7).

BARLOWalias for Molyneux, Caryll, Charles andRichard.

BARNES , John S.O. 1596-1600 (CRS . 30/61).

b . 1581 . ?From Winton, nr Salisbury . E.C. Valladolid 1600 d . 1600,Valladolid. (CRS . 30/61).

BARNET* , Walter S.O. 1660-66 (5).

BARNEWALLsee Cooley, William; Moylen, Joseph.

BARRABY alias for Wyse, John and Thomas.

BARRAUD or BARRET, Richard alias Rigby S.O. ?-c . 1679 (Fo.7 /34).

b . 1661, Lancashire S.J.1690. Priest. To England d . 1740, Watten (Fo.7/34).

BARRETT, Samuel B. 1771-3 (2; 4; 7; 8; 14, 59 ; 60).

b . 1761 . s . ofWisdom Barrett of London E.A. Liège 1774-7. (17; CRS . 13/203).

BARRETT or BARRET -- alias for Aston, Herbert; Fincham, Richard; Meade, John.

BARROW, Edward alias Davis S.O. ?-c . 1683 (13)

b . 1660 , Westby-in-the-Fylde, Lancashire ?s ofJohn. S.J. 1683. Priest. To England d . 1721, ?Westby-in-the-Fylde (CRS.6/207n; Gil.H.P.232-5;Fo.7/35)

BARROW , John B. 1763-8 (2 ; 6; 8; CRS . 63/246)

b . 1751 . From Westby, Lancashire . s ofThomas and Mary (Crookall) br ofThomas and William E.C.Douay 1768-73/4, 1776-7 . Priest To England . d . 1811, Garstang, Lancashire. (CRS.6/189n; 208n;63/386).

BARROW, Joseph S.O. c . 1751 -c . 58 (2;3;4).

b . 1740, Westby-in-the-Fylde, Lancashire s . of Edwardand Ann (Hull) br. of Richard S.J. 1758.Priest. To England d . 1813 ,. StMary's, Lowe House, St Helens (CRS.6/208n; Fo.7/35)

BARROW , Richard S.O. c . 1750-55 (2;3;4).

b . 1738 . From Lancashire . s of Edward and Ann (Hull) br.of Joseph S.J. 1755.Priest.To England d . 1799, Wigan (CRS.6/208n; Fo.7/35-6).

BARROW , Thomas S.O. and B.c. 1758-64 (2; 8; 80,f.10v; SCR . 24n)

b . 1747, Eccleston , Lancashire s ofThomas and Mary (Crookall) br ofJohn and William S.J. 1764.Priest.ToEngland. d . 1814, Liège. (Fo.7/36; Chad.1/350; Oliver 1/50, SM . 35/120-4 , 190-2,237-42).

BARROW ,William alias Waring and Harcourt. S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1632 (5; 16)

b . 1609-10 , Lancashire . ?s. of John and Margaret (Waring) of Weeton-cum-Prees , Lancashire S.J. 1632.Priest To England.Put to death, 1679 , Tyburn Beatified (Fo.4/2404; 7/36-7; Gil. 1/148-9; Chal . 525-7;Chad.1/189 ff; SM . 28/31 ff; FAB . 151 ff; BR . 45-7; CRS . 47/258-61,265-6).

BARROW ,William. S.O. and B. 17614 (2;6; 8). From Lancashire s. of Thomas and Mary (Crookall),br of John and Thomas

BARROWES , Christopheralias Harding S.O. before 1621 (CRS. 10/183).


b.Winchester E.C. Seville O.S.B. Dieulouart E.C. Douay 1621-3 . Priest . To England . (CRS . 10/183, 194, 217, 389).

BARRUMalias for Coniers or Conyers, Thomas (2).

BARTER, John S.O. 1646-51 (CRS . 55/527).

b . 1632,Norfolk s ofJohn E.C.Rome 1651-2 . O.S.B. Douay 1652.d . 1653, as novice ,Douay. (CRS . 40/47;55/527; Wel.App.10)

BARTLET, Charles, S.O. ?-1725 (7).

s. ofRowland and Anne (Tasburgh) ofHill End,Worcestershire . br.of Felix d . 1725, ?St Omers College (WR . 20/50; Ham.1 ,ped.).

BARTLET, Felix S.O. c . 1720-26 (7).

b . 1708 . s ofRowlandand Anne (Tasburgh) ofHill End, Worcestershire . br. ofCharles S.J. 1726. Priest To England d . 1777,Worcester (Fo.7/37-8; WR . 20/49-52, Ham.1 ,ped.).

BARTLET* , Francis S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1644 (5).

BARTLET, James S.O. c . 1755-c . 58 (2).

BARTON* , James. S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1632 (or later)(5) ?E.C Seville ?-1646-8 ?Priest . ?S.J. (89)

BARTON, James S.O. ?-1701 (CRS . 30/179-80).

E.C. Valladolid 1701-8 Priest To England (CRS . 30/179-80)

BARTON , William alias or vere Robinson S.O. 1695.(75, ff.17v, 165).

BARTONalias for Anderton,Thomas ; Barker, Nicholas ; Bradshaw , Peter, Richard, Robert and Thomas; Cansfield , Brian;Harvey, Thomas; Hornby, Francis

BASKERFIELD* , Jerome . S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1633 (orlater)(5).

BASSET alias for Baal, Joachim; Jones, John and William.

BATES ,Gabriel B. 1773 (15; 58; 60; CRS . 63/266, 357)

b, c . 1763 From Cowbridge , Glamorgan br ofJohnand Richard. E.C.Douay 1773-83 (CRS . 63/297, 357).

BATES, George alias or vere Bamfield S.O. 1605-10 (CRS . 30/107).

b . 1592, Warwick E.C.Valladolid 1610-13 . S.J. 1613.Priest

To England d . 1657, southern England . (CRS . 30/107; Fo.7/29 , 1418).

BATES, John B.?-1773 (14;60).

b . 1758 From Cowbridge , Glamorgan br of Gabrieland Richard. (14).

BATES , Richard B. ?-1773 (59).

From Cowbridge , Glamorgan br of Gabriel and John . ?E.C Douay 1773-5 E.A. Liège 1776-8 (CRS . 13/203; 63/266, 272,364)

BAVELARE* ,James de S.O. 1657-? (5).

BAXTER alias for Stapleton, BAYLEY , Charles S.O. c . 1698 (75 ,f.29v)

From London s of Valentine and Martha br.ofJamesand Valentine.

BAYLEY , Jamesalias Weston S.O. 1693-9 (75, ff.9v, 12v, 17v, 25v, 28v,38v).

b.c . 1682. From London s ofValentine and Charles and Valentine E.C. Rome 1699-1702 (CRS . 40/125).

BAYLEY , Valentine alias Weston S.O. 1693-7 (75, ff.9v, 12v, 17v, 25v).

From London.s. ofValentineand Martha. br ofCharlesandJames

BAYNES, Johnalias for Gayle , Briant.

BAYNES alias for Gayle , Richard.

BAYNHAM , Johnalias Knight. S.O. c . 1735-40 (1 ;2; 7; 13;21)

b . 1720, Worcestershire S.J. 1740. Priest. To England . d . 1796 Purshall Hall, nr. Bromsgrove , Worcestershire (Fo.4/854-5;7/42; WR.8/28; 10/15; 12/13; 15/2-15,23-6).

BAYNHAM , Thomas S.O. ?-1744 (13).

S.J. 1744-c . 45 (63).

BEADNALL, James. S.O. c . 1735-9 (7; 13).

b . 1718,Northumberland S.J. 1739. Priest.To Maryland. d . 1772, Maryland. (Fo.7/43)

BEALE*,William S.O. 1663-6 (orlater)(5).

BEALOTT or BELOTTalias for Clough , Robert BEAULIEU, .S.O c . 1710 (CRS . 62/145).

BEAUMONT,Henry alias Harcourt S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1630 (5; 16).

b . 1610/11 /12, Leicestershire s of Sir Henry and Elizabeth (Turpen) of Stoughton, Leicestershire S.J. 1630.Priest

To England d . 1673, East Anglia (Fo.7/332-3; Gil.3/121-2).

BEAUMONT, Jamesalias Hunt B. ?-1773 (14; 56; 59; 60).

From Lancashire ?br ofJoseph. Maybe the sameas James Hunt alias Beaumont.

BEAUMONT* , John S.O. 1666 (or earlier) -1668 (or later). (5).

BEAUMONT , ?Joseph S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/91,219,253).

?b . 1702 . ?s , ofJoseph and Hannah (Harding) of Stone-Easton , Somerset ?S.J . 1723. ?Priest ?To England d . ?1773 ,Cowley Hill, St Helens, Lancashire (Fo.7/44, Oliver2/240).

BEAUMONT, Joseph S.O. c . 1734-37 (orlater) (3;21)

BEAUMONT, Joseph alias Hunt. B. c . 1772-3 (8; 14;59;60)

b . 1762-3, Stone-Easton, Somerset s ofJohn and Elizabeth. E.C. Douay 1779-93 Priest To England . d . 1838 , Clifton (CRS . 63/387; Oliver2/331).

BEAUMONTalias for Byerley, John; Hunt, James, John and William; Jenison, Robert; Poyntz, John, Tasburgh ,George See Williams, Francis and George.

BEBRIDGE, Thomas alias forHazlewood , John ?BECKENSHAW , ?S.O. c . 1670 (CRS . 62/44).

BECKET, Joseph alias Covet. S.O. 1611-16 (12, CRS . 30/128)

b . 1596-8. E.C. Valladolid 1616-17 S.J. c . 1616. Laybrother. (CRS . 30/128; Fo.7/44-5 , 1418-9)

BECKET , Nicholas, S.O. 1598-1602 (CRS . 30/75).

b . 1583, Moseley, Staffordshire E.C. Valladolid 1602-3 , O.S.B.1603 in Spain d . 1618, Cannock , Staffordshire(CRS . 30/75; Bi.6; Wel.App.6).


BECKET* or BECKETT, Thomas S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1659 (or later) (5).

BECKET or BECKETT and Richard (2).

alias for Fairfax, Thomas; Pendrill,Francis


alias for Cornwallis ,William.

BEDFORDalias for Drury,Robert and William (2).

BEDINGFELD, Anthony S.O. 1714 (CRS . 62/101 , 161)

b . 1697 , Suffolk s .ofFrancis and Dorothy (Bedingfeld) of RedlingfieldHall, Eye, Suffolk E.C.Douay ?-1714.S.J. 1714 . Priest To England d . 1752, Liège (CRS.7/232,241,433; Fo.5/575;7/45).

BEDINGFELD, Edmund S.O. c . 1627-c . 33 (CRS.7/233).

b . 1615 . s.of Sir Henryand Elizabeth(Houghton) of Oxburgh, Norfolk E.C. Seville . Priest . Chaplain English Carmelites , Lierre d . 1680, Lierre (CRS.7/82, 233, 238 ; Ans.2/20-21; Gil.1 /165; Fo.5/573-5; 6/626).

BEDINGFELD , Edward alias Silesdon S.O. c . 1612 -c . 13 (CRS . 54/276-7).

b.c . 1595, Redlingfield, Suffolk. s ofJohn and Margaret (Silesdon) ofRedlingfield br.ofHenry and Matthew E.C. Rome 1614-7 S.J. 1617.Priest. To England d . 1659 , Worcestershire district.(CRS . 30/173;37/432;54/277; Fo.5 /570,845;6/270; 7/45).

BEDINGFELD, Edward alias Clay S.O. c . 1740-c . 46 (1;2;3).

b . 1730.s.ofSir Henry, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Boyle) of Oxburgh,Norfolk. br.ofRichard m .Mary Swinburne d . 1802 , York (Gil.1/165; CRS.7/195-6, 236, 238; CRS.Mon.2/124-5).

BEDINGFELD, Edward alias Swinburne B. 1772-3 (15 ;58; 59; 60)

b . 1762,York s of Edwardand Mary (Swinburne) ofJohnand Thomas E.A. Liège 1773-? d . 1802. (17;CRS.7/205-8, 209, 236, 238; 13/210; CRS.Mon.1 /289).

BEDINGFELD , Henry alias Silesdon S.O. 1597-9 (CRS . 54/19).

b . 1582, Suffolk s . of John andMargaret (Silesdon) of Redlingfield, Eye , Suffolk br. of Edwardand Matthew E.C. Rome 1599-1602

S.J. 1602.Priest. To England d . 1659. (CRS.7/432;37/115-6; 54/18-9; Fo.5/569-70 ; 6/211-2 ; 7/45-6).

BEDINGFELD, Henry aliasTrafford S.O. 1614-6 (CRS . 54/324).

b. c . 1600, Norfolk E.C.Rome 1619-20 . (CRS . 37/190; 54/323-4 ; Fo.5/572;6/289).

BEDINGFELD, John B . 1766-72 (2; 6; 7; 8 ; 22; 23)

b . 1754 . s of Edward and Mary (Swinburne ) of Edwardand Thomas (CRS.7/236).

BEDINGFELD, Matthew alias Silesdon . S.O. 1611-13 (19;CRS 54/269)

b . 1596, Redlingfield, Suffolk s ofJohn and Margaret (Silesdon) of Redlingfield br ofEdwardand Henry. E.C.Rome 1613-16 . (CRS.7/18n, 432; 37/170; 54/269; Fo.5 /571-2).

BEDINGFELD, Matthew ?alias Mildmay and Winter S.O. 1658-64 (5;13)


b.c.1640 , Oxfordshire s of Matthew half-br ofNicholas S.J. 1664.Priest.To England d . 1713, Devonshire district (Fo.5/572-3; 7/46, 508; SM.4/794; CRS.7/433)

BEDINGFELD , Nicholas alias Mildmay. (S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1643 (or later) (5; CRS . 55/495)

b . 1627-8, Redlingfield, Eye, Suffolk s . ofMatthew .half-br.of Matthew.E.C.Rome 1645-7. d a few years later.(CRS.7/433; 40/36; 55/495; Fo.5 /573; 6/364-5, 629)

BEDINGFELD, Richard alias Clay. S.O. 173747 (1;2; 3;7;21; CRS.7/165, 195-7,236).

b . 1726 , s ofSir Henry, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Boyle)of Oxburgh, Norfolk, br ofRichard 4th Bart . 1760. m.Mary Brown d . 1795. (CRS.7/236, 238; BuP)

BEDINGFELD, Thomas alias Swinburne B . 1769-73 (2;8; 14;23; 59 ;60).

b . 1760. s .ofEdwardand Mary (Swinburne ) Edwardand John E.A. Liège 1773-?d . 1789 (17; CRS.7/206, 236; 13/210; D.N.B.; Chad.1/327).

BEDINGFELD,.S.O. c . 1692 (75,f.52v).

BEDINGFELD, alias for Downes , Thomas.

BEERE, Anthony alias Warner .S.O. c . 1638-44 (CRS . 55/484-5).

b. c . 1624, Oxfordshire. E.C. Rome 1644-51 . Priest. To England (CRS . 40/31-2; 55/485; Ans.2/21 ; Fo.6/361, 626).

BEERENBROUK ,. B. ?-1773 (or earlier) (14 ; 59;60). ?From Antwerp.

BEESLEYor BEEZLEY, James. S.O. 1753-c . 56 (2;4).

BEESLEY , Johnalias Nelson. S.O. ?-1613 (CRS . 30/115).

b . 1593-5. s . ofWilliam ?and Anne ofYorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1613-7 . E.C. Seville 1617- ? Priest . S.J. 1622.To England d . 1670, Derbyshiredistrict (CRS.6/163n; 30/115; Fo.7 /539-40, 1443 ; Peac . 118; Ans.2/21).

BEESTON , Francis B. 1765-71 (2; 6; 8; 23; 24;54)

b . 1751 . S.J.1771.Priest.To Maryland d c . 1810 ,Maryland (Fo.7 /47; AHSJ . 42/308).

BEESTON , Robert S.O. c . 1673-80 (13;20).

b . 1656 or 1660 , Lincolnshire S.J. 1680.Priest.To England. d . 1732,St Omers College. (Fo.7/47;Gil.1/171; Chad.1/228; Oliver 1/52)

BEESTONalias for Fairchild,John.

BEKWITH* , Francis S.O. ?-1625 (CRS . 30/135).

E.C.Valladolid 1625.

BELCHIER or BELCHER, Thomas S.O. ?-1754 (or later)(2). ?From Monmouthshire.

BELFIELD, Henryalias More S.O.c . 1600 (CRS . 54/175).

b c . 1576-8, Winchester . E.C.Rome 1606-13 . Priest To England .S.J.1613.d . 16324, London (Fo.1/148-9; 6/242-3; 7/47-8 ; Ans.2/22; CRS . 37/146;54/175).


BELL, ArthurFrancis S.O. 1614-5 (25, f.75; 43, Doc.1,f.55; CRS.1/120-1; 30/122). 33

b . 1590-1 , Hanbury, Worcestershire s.ofWilliam and Dorothy (Daniel). E.C.Valladolid 1615-8 Priest O.F.M. 1618.To England. Put to death, 1643 , Tyburn Venerable (CRS.1/120-1; 8/323; 30/122;Gil 1/171; Tha . 200; Chal . 448-56; Dod.3/102;Ans.2/22; Oliver2/543).

BELLASIS*,John S.O. 1668-70 (orlater)(5). ?s of Sir Rowlandand Anne (Davenport) of Halliwell Dean , Lancashire.(BuEB).

BELLEW , Christopher B. 1773.(15; 58; CRS . 63/266, 356).

From Mount Bellew , Blackney. E.C.Douay 17734.St G. Douay 1774.(CRS . 63/356, 359 ; BSG)

BELLING alias for Arundell, Henry.

BELOTT alias for Stockton, Edward See Bealott.

BELSON ,Edwardalias Tempest S.O. 1623-7 (CRS . 10/254)

b . 1610 From Sussex s ofAugustineand Mildred (Gage). E.C.Douay 1627-31 , 1632. d . 1632, Douay College (CRS . 10/254, 298, 305 , 308; LR.3/97)

BEMERFORDor BOMERFORD, James. B. ?-1767 (58). From London.

BENLOS , Peter alias Bonfin,Philip. S.O. ?-1610 (Fo.6/588).

b.c . 1569. From Derbyshireor Westmorland E.C.Rome 1610-? (CRS . 37/162).

BENDLOWES or BENLOS,Andrew alias Wilson S.O. 1622 (orearlier) -1624 (or later) (5; FAB . 38-40).

b . 1610, Sussex S.J. 1626/7 . d . 1634, St Omers College,notyet ordained (Fo.3/303-20;7/49; SM.4/496; FAB . 38-40).

BENDLOWES or BENLOWES , Henryalias Wilson S.O. ?-c . 1626 (CRS . 10/251-2).

s.ofAndrew and Philippa (Gage) of Bentley, William E.C.Douay 1627-9 , 1630. (CRS . 10/251-2,274,282,286 ).

BENDLOWES or BENLOWES ,William alias Wilson S.O. ?-c . 1623 (CRS . 10/216).

s ofAndrew and Philippa(Gage) of Bentley, Henry. E.C. Douay 1623-6, 1627.(CRS . 10/216, 240,252, 260).

BENET, .S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/83)

?From Lille.

BENNET* ,George S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1661 (or later)(5).

BENNET* ,James. S.O. 1755-57 or later (2;4). ?b . 1744. S.J. 1761-c.6. (63; Fo.7/50).

BENNET*,John S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1660 (or later). (5)

BENNET , Johnor James. S.O. c . 1729 (7).

BENNET , Thomas alias Baines. S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1665 (or later)(5).

b . 1656 .From Lancashire. s . of Thomas ofWeeton-cum-Preese . E.C. Rome 1676-83 . Priest To England (CRS.6/196n;40/92).

BENNET*,William. S.O. 1660-66 (5).


?Priest ?d . 1726 .(CRS . 12/2).

BENSON * , Francis S.O. 1630 (or earlier) -1631 (or later) (5)

BENSON alias for Cansfield, Brian ; Haydock, Robert;Thorold, Anthony.

BENTLEY, Christopher S.O. ?-1677 (CRS . 30/169 , 173). From Lincolnshire E.C. Valladolid 1677-84 Priest.To England d . 1694 (CRS . 30/173).

BENTLEY, Edward alias Walker. S.O. ?-1606 (CRS . 54/176-7).

b . 1588, London s .ofEdward and Catherine (Roper)of BentleyHouse, Derbyshire br ofFrederickand John . É.C. Rome 1606-7/9. S.J. 1609.Priest.To England .d . 1656, Devonshire

district. (Fo.7 /51; CRS . 37/146; 54/176-7; Ans.2/23; Oliver2/241)

BENTLEY, Frederickalias Walker, Francis S.O. 1594-8 (CRS . 10/3; 54/116-7).

b . 1582, Bentley, Derbyshire s .of Edward and Catherine (Roper). br. of Edwardand John E.C. Douay 1598-c . 1601 .

E.C.Rome 1602-6 (CRS . 10/3 , 37, 39; 37/127; 54/116-7; 64/138; Fo.6/223;7/52; Ans.2/23).

BENTLEY,Johnalias Walker. S.O. ?-1608 (CRS . 54/200-1).

b . 1589-90 , Lincoln s. of Edwardand Catherine (Roper) br of Edwardand Frederick E.C. Rome 1608-9 . S.J. 1611/12 Priest To England d . 1663, in England (CRS . 37/152; 54/200-1; Fo.7/52).

BERBECKsee Birkbeck .

BERESFORD,William alias or vereClod S.O. ?-1692 (11).

b . 1670, Lincolnshire S.J. 1692. Priest.To England d . 1726 , Lincolnshire. (Fo.7/53)

BERINGTON, Johnalias Harper S.O. ?-1691 (11).

b . 1673, Herefordshire S.J. 1691. Priest To England d . 1743 , ?Lytham, Lancashire (Fo.7 /54; CRS . 15/4).

BERINGTON, Thomas alias Russell. S.O. c . 1697-c . 1700 (75,f.33v).

BERINGTON-alias for Clayton, Thomas ; Seward, Robert; Vaughan, John

BERKELEY ,George S.O. c . 1698 (75 ,f.32v).

BERKELEY , John S.O. c . 1700-c . 1702 (75, ff.40v, 42,43, 44)

BERKELEY, John S.O. 1741-c . 44 (2). ?s ofThomas and Mary (Davis). ?br ofRobertandThomas ?St. G.Douay c . 1744. ?m. (1) Catherine Bodenham (2) Jane Compton d . ?1778, Hindlip , Worcestershire (BLG . BSG.; WR . 16/22)

BERKELEY , Robert S.O. c . 1699 (75,f.34v).

BERKELEY , Robert alias Davis.S.O. 1728-32 (1 ;7;21).

?b . 1713 . ?s.of Thomas and Mary (Davis) ?br of John and Thomas ?m. (1) AnneWyborne(2) Catherine Fitzherbert (3) ElizabethParry. d . ?1804 . (RH.1/54; BLG;WR . 14/27-31;E.and P. 182).

BERKELEY , Thomas S.O. 1726-32 (1;7).

s.ofJohn and Judith (Hacon) m .Mary or Frances Ferrers.


d . 1742 .(RH.1/54; WR . 14/26-7).

BERKELEY, Thomas S.O. c . 1740 (2).

?s.ofThomas and Mary (Davis) ?br ofJohn and Robert.

BERMINGHAM,William alias Nugent S.O. ?-c . 1710 (CRS . 62/15).

b . 1694, France . S.J. 1711 -c . 26, 29-37 Priest (63; Fo.7/54)

BERNARD* or BERNAND or BIRNAND, George S.O. 1613-? (19).

BERNARD ,or BERNAND or BIRNAND,Walter S.O. ?-1606 (CRS . 30/100)

b . 1587 . From Berkshire . Lisbon 1606-9. E.C. Valladolid 1609.(CRS . 30/100).

BERRINGTONor BERINGTON, Charles S.O. c . 1754-c . 61 (2;4)

?s.ofJohn and Winefrid(Hornyold) ofHerefordshire ?m Mary Jay. d . ?1809, Isle of Man. (ER.9/20; CRS . 12/108; Ki . 17).

BERRINGTON, Henry. S.O. c . 1729-32 (1;2;7).

BERRINGTON, Thomas . S.O. 1755-c . 57 (2;4)

BERRY* ,Edward S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1669 (or later)(5).

BERRY* , Robert S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (or later) (5)

BERRYalias for Corkeror Cater , Francis ; Corker,William.

BERTIE , Jerome alias Lucas, John S.O. c . 1648-c . 52 (5; CRS . 55/534-5).

b . 1629-30 E.C.Rome 1652-5. (CRS . 40/50; 55/534-5).

BERTIE, Jerome . S.O. ?-1693 (11)

b . 1673, Lincolnshire. s . of Jerome and Elizabeth(Cape)of Lown S.J. 1693.Priest d . 1739, Ghent (Fo.7/55;E.andP. 166).

BESELEY, John S.O. c . 1610 (Ave.1/239).

From Overton, Yorkshire.May be the same as Beesely,John alias Nelson.

BESWICK , Edwardalias Sanders S.O. 1635 (or earlier) -1636 (or later) (5)

b . 1615-8, London S.J. 1639.Priest. To England . d . 1680 , Worcester (Fo.4/287;7/55)

BETHAM, .S.O.c . 1738-c . 45 (2)

BETTS, James S.O. ?-1686 (Cro . 175).

b . 1665 . s ofJohn and Dorothy (Kinnersley). br ofJohn.E.C. Douay 1686-91 . Priest d . 1693 or before (Ans.5 ; Knox DD . 50 83). ?BETTS , John ?S.O before1668.(Cro . 175).

b . London s.ofJohn and Dorothy (Kinnersley) br.ofJames. E.C. Lisbonbefore 1668.Priest To England (Cro . 175) BEVAN , John.S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1718 (CRS . 30/182-3; 62/10, 229).

b . 1702, St Germain E.C. Valladolid 1718-24 . ?Priest. S.J. 1724. Priest d . 1728,St Germain . (63; Fo.7 /56). BEVEREDGEor BEVERIDGE, Thomas . S.O. 163841 (CRS . 55/473)

b.c.1619 , Derbyshire s .ofFrancis and Elizabethof Sutton-in-the-Dale E.C.Rome 1641-5.Priest ToEngland. (CRS . 40/26; 55/473;Ans.2/23; Fo.6/355 , 622;7/56). BEVERIDGEalias for Eberson , Thomas BIDDULPH,Andrew alias Fitton. S.O. 1622-3 (5; CRS . 30/135 , 142)


b c . 1605, Staffordshire s. ofRichard and Anne (Draycott)of Biddulph Hall, Staffordshire br. of Francis and Peter E.C.

Valladolid 1623-30 Priest To England d . 1661. (CRS . 30/135 , 142 ; Ans.2/25)

BIDDULPH, Charles. S.O. c . 1728-c . 32 (1 ;7;21).

b . 1714 . s.ofJohn and Mary (Arundell) br ofRichard m.(1)

ElizabethBedingfeld (2) Frances (Wells neé Doughty) d 1784 , Burton Park, Sussex (RH . 13/106ff; Pa . 62, 68).

BIDDULPH, Charles B. 1762-c . 67 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1752, ?Winchester , s ofCharles and Elizabeth(Bedingfeld ). br.ofJohn, Richard and Thomas d unm. 1821, Antwerp (RH . 13/106ff; BLG).

BIDDULPH, Francis alias Fitton S.O. 1609-15 (19; CRS . 30/125).

b . 1595-7,Staffordshire s of Richard and Anne (Draycott). br. of Andrew and Peter. E.C.Valladolid 1615-? S.J. c . 1619

Priest To England d . 1673 , ?Staffordshire (CRS . 30/125; Fo.7/257, 1429; CRS . 29/152).

BIDDULPH*,Francis S.O. 1664-70(5).

BIDDULPH, John B. 1762-c . 67 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1750,Winchester s of Charles and Elizabeth(Bedingfeld) br ofCharles, Richard and Thomas d unm. 1835, London. (RH . 13/106 ff).

BIDDULPH,Peter alias Fitton S.O. 1613-9 (19; CRS . 54/328).

b . 1601, Stafford s of Richard and Anne (Draycott).br.of Andrew and Francis . E.C. Rome 1619-23 E.C. Douay 1624-7 . Priest.To England d . 1657 , Florence (CRS . 10/232, 252; 37/192; 54/328;Gil.2/345-7; Dod.3/299; RH.4/1434; Ber . 72; Gu . 319-20n; Ans.2/25-8; Fo.6/291 , 509, 512; AHSJ, 41/254)

BIDDULPH , Richard alias or vere Fitton S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1614 (or later) (19).

BIDDULPH, Richard S.O. ?-1728 (7)

b . 1707 .s ofJohn and Mary (Arundell) br. of Charles. d unm 1767, ?BurtonPark, Sussex (RH . 13/106 ff; Pa 62 , 68).

?BIDDULPH, Richard ?S.O c . 1760 (2). s.ofCharles and Elizabeth(Bedingfeld ). br of Charles , Johnand Thomas d . 1762. (RH . 13/106ff)

?BIDDULPH, Thomas ?B. c . 1768-72 (RH . 13/113).

b . 1759 , Winchester s ofCharles and Elizabeth(Bedingfeld ).br ofCharles,John and Richard m . Mary Faucart ofFoucade . d . 1789 , Alphington , Devonshire (RH . 13/106ff)

BILCLIFFE , Peter alias Tyndall and Stillington,Philip. S.O. ?-1625 (CRS . 30/135, 144).

E.C.Valladolid 1625-32 ?Priest. d . 1632,Valladolid (CRS. 30/144; Ans.2/28).

BILLINGE, Charles S.O. 1751-3 (2; 3;4).

b . 1735 , Yorkshire S.J. 1753.Priest. To England . d . 1805 , Wolverhampton. (Fo.7 /58; Ki . 25;Oliver 1/54).

BILLINGE ,Richardalias Bradshaw S.O. c . 1688-98 (11 ; 75, ff 30v,35v).

b . 1674-6, Lancashire . ?s. ofJohn and Margaret (Bradshaw)of Billinge S.J. 1698.Priest. To England d . 1732-3 , Bryn, Lancashire. (Fo.7/58; CRS.6/219n).

BILLINGE, Robert alias Whitlock S.O. 1753-7 (2;4).

BILLINGE, Thomas alias Westby S.O. 1677-9 (CRS . 55/641,643).

b. c . 1654, Lancashire s of Richardand Margery (Molyneux) ofBillinge E.C. Rome 1679-86 Priest d . 1740 , Rome (CRS.6/219n; 12/5;40/95 ; Ki . 25; SCR . 38; Chad.1/195; CST.7/369).

BILLINGE ,William. S.O. c . 1755-c . 61 (2;4;8). ?From Lancashire

BILLINGE alias for Laurenson ,Richard

BING ,Edward S.O. c . 1640 (CRS . 25/128n)

b c . 1624-5.m. O.P. 1661/2(after d ofwife) Priest To England Condemned but reprieved d . 1701 , Bornhem , Flanders (CRS . 25/128 ; Gumb . 46)

BION alias for Metham , George.

BIRCH, Henry. S.O. ?-1701 (75, f.45v; CRS . 30/179-80).

E.C. Valladolid, 1701-8 . Priest d . 1708, Bilbao, Spain. (CRS . 30/180).

BIRCHsee Pendrill, William.

BIRKBECK , Edwardalias Poole S.O. ?-c . 1690 (11 ; 13; 75 ,f.7v).

b . 1667 , Westmorland s . ofThomas and Margaret (Catterick) of Hornby Hall br ofGervase S.J. 1690.Priest .To England . d . 1722, Ghent (Fo.7/59; CRS . 14/165n).

BIRKBECK , Edwardalias Poole. S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/7 ,22).

?s. ofCatterickand Mary (Pierson) m.Ann.d.1740. (88/356).

BIRKBECK, Gervasealias Poole and Catterick S.O. c . 1694-8 (11;75, ff.13, 17v, 26v).

b . 1675 , Westmorland s of Thomas and Margaret (Catterick). br of Edward S.J. 1698-? E.C.Rome 1708-11 .Priest.To Gravelines d . 1733, Gravelines (CRS . 14/165n ; 40/140;Fo.6/458; 7/59-60).

BIRKBECK , or BERBECK, Henry S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/102-3).

b. c . 1587, Westmorland E.C. Valladolid 1609-11 d . 1611 , Valladolid . (CRS . 30/102-3).

BIRKBECK , Thomas alias Catterick. S.O. 1694-7 (75, ff.13v, 17v,26v).

?br ofEdwardand Gervase.

BIRKETTalias for Penketh , John .

BIRNAND see Bernard .

BISHOP , John S.O. c . 1728-c . 32 (7).

s. of Lady Bishop

BLACK , LewisFrancis alias Brown.S.O. 1721-3 (84, n . 11; CRS . 28/110; 40/163)

b . 1703, London s .of John and Catherine E.C. Rome1720-1 .


E.C.Douay 1723-6.m (CRS . 28/110, 135; 40/163)

BLACKBURN, Edward alias Carey, John S.O. c . 1655-c . 58 (CRS . 55/ 560-1).

b . 1633, Tarnacre , Lancashire s ofJohn E.C.Rome 1658-63 . Priest To England d . 1709, Claughton , Lancashire (CRS.6/192n; 20/271-2; 40/59; 55/560-1 ; Fo.6/395)

BLACKBURN, John S.O. ?-1680 (13).

s.ofRichardofStockenbridge or Okenbridge . S.J. 1680-81 . d . ?1736 (Fo.7/60; CRS.6/192n)

BLACKBURN or BLACKBURNE, John S.O. c . 1749-c . 51 (2;3)

?From Lancashire br of Thomas

BLACKBURN ,or BLACKBURNE, Thomas S.O. c . 1749c . 53 (2;3;4).

?From Lancashire . br. of John.

BLACKBURN ,.S.O. c . 1731-5 (1 ; 21).

BLACKISTON* , Edmund S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5).

BLACKISTON, Edward S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1634(5).

b . 1614, Middlesex S.J. 1634. d . 1640, not yet ordained , Ghent (Fo.7/62)

BLACKISTON, Francis alias Howard S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1647 (5;27, f.215)

b. c . 1621, Newton, Durham. s. ofTobias . E.C. Rome 1647 . d . 1647, Rome . (CRS . 40/41; 55/507; Fo.6/372 , 637; 7/62)

BLACKISTON, Francis S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1657 (5).

b . 1635 , Lincolnshire S.J. 1657. Priest.To England d . 1701,in England (Fo.7/63 , 1419)

BLACKISTON,William alias Travagan S.O. ?-1718 (CRS . 30/182-3).

b . 1698, Northumberland E.C.Valladolid 1718-23 Priest . S.J. 1723.d . 1768, Bruges (CRS . 30/ 183;Fo.7/63).

BLACKLOW or BLACKLOalias for White, Thomas BLACKMAN, Edwardalias Wilbraham S.O. ?-1610 (Fo.6/521).

b.c . 1589 From Oxford E.C. Rome 1610-1. (CRS . 37/161).

BLAIR, James. S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/118). ?b . 1693 , London s. ofSir Adam Blair. ?S.J. 1713.?Priest. ?To England . d . ?1759, Liège (CRS . 62/118; Fo.7/63).

BLAKE, Arthur, S.O. 1755-? (4).

BLAKE,Charles. S.O. and B. 1758-63 (2; 6).

BLAKE, Christopher S.O. c . 1754-55 (or later) (2;4;8).

?s ofAndrew. ?br of Edward , Joseph and Patrick

BLAKE, Edward S.O. c . 1754-55 (orlater) (2;4).

?s.ofAndrew. ?br. ofChristopher, Joseph and Patrick.

BLAKE , John alias Burk or Bourke S.O. ?-1738 (CRS . 28/219)

From Ireland. E.C.Douay 1738-9 (CRS . 28/219 , 222;63/121).

BLAKE , Joseph, S.O. 1752-? (4)

?s. ofAndrew ?br. ofChristopher, Edwardand Patrick.

BLAKE, Patrick S.O. 1754-? (2;4).

?s. ofAndrew. ?br. ofChristopher, Joseph and Edward.

BLAKE, Thomas alias Skerret S.O. c . 1736-41 (2;7)


BLAKE, Thomas B. ?-1773 (14; 51, f.80; 59; 60)

?From Dunkirk. s. of Thomas.

BLAKE, .S.O c . 1713 (CRS . 62/11)

BLAKE, .S.O c . 1713 (CRS . 62/11)

BLAKE alias for Clough, Robert.

BLEASDALE, .S.O. c . 1746 (2).

BLESBY* , Thomas S.O. 1664-5 (orlater)(5).

BLOOMER, Richard S.O. 1745-c . 50 (1;2; 3).

?From Dorset.

?BLOUNT or BLUNT, Edward. ?S.O c . 1613 (70)

From Worcestershire ?s . ofSir Walter , 1st Bart and Elizabeth(Wylde) ofSoddington ?br ofThomas.

BLOUNT, Francis alias Havard or Howard S.O. 1628-34 (5; CRS . 55/446).

b . 1614, Eye, Herefordshire . s. ofFrancis and Mary (Havard).

E.C. Rome 1634-41 . Priest To England (CRS . 40/14-5;55/445-6; Ans.2/29; Fo.6/340-1).

BLOUNT* , Francis S.O. 1654-60 (5).

BLOUNT,James S.O. c . 1738-45 (CRS . 28/244).

s .ofGeorge and Elizabeth(Bowyer) ofPembridge , Herefordshire . E.C. Douay 174547/8 . ?m. Isabella Turner (CRS . 28/244, 248 , 251 ;63/126).

BLOUNT, Richard S.O. c . 1678 (CST.7/370).

?BLOUNT or BLUNT, Thomas ?S.O. c . 1613 (70).

From Worcestershire ?s .ofSirWalter, 1st Bart and Elizabeth(Wylde) of Soddington ?br of Edward.

BLOUNT , Thomas S.O. ?-1631 (42, 4/469; 85, n . 35)

b . 1616, Shropshire s of James E.C. Valladolid 1634.E.C. Lisbon 1635 42.Priest To England d . 1646-7, Shrewsbury gaol undersentence of death (CRS . 30/153; Cro . 178; Gil.1 /239; Ans.3/30; Chal . 490).

BLOUNT* , Thomas . S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1658 (5).

BLOUNT or BLUNTalias for Burnaby, Richard; Clifford,Charles and Hugh;Cotton,Alexander, Edward and George;Jerningham , George and John ; Tasburgh, Francis and John .

BLUET* ,John. S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1653 (or later) (5).

BLUET alias for Risdon, Thomas

BLUNDELL, Francis S.O. ?-1738 (13).

b . 1717, Lancashire s ofRichardand Elizabeth(Tickle)of Ince-Blundell S.J. 1738. Priest . To England d . 1779, Formby, Lancashire (Fo.7/65; CRS.6/125n; Gil.H.P.215). ?BLUNDELL, Henry ?S.O c . 1678 (Gib.3/423).

b . 1660 s . ofHenryand Bridget(Tyldesley) ofInce-Blundell, Lancashire . m . Mary Anderton d . 1711. (Gib.1/127-9; NB.1/16-291 passim).

BLUNDELL , Henry. S.O. ?-1721 (NB.3/42n).

b . 1701 . s.ofHenry and Mary (Anderton) ofInce -Blundell, Robert (Gib.1 /84; Pa . 84; NB.3/42, 214,234).


BLUNDELL , Henryalias Stanley S.O. c . 1738-43 (1 ; 2; CRS . 28/235).

b . 1724 s of Robert and Katherine(Stanley) ofInce-Blundell, Lancashire . br of Rowland and half-br ofRobert. E.C. Douay 1743-5 . m. ElizabethMostyn. d . 1810. (CRS . 28/235 ,244; Ki . 29; Gib.1/84, 1324)

BLUNDELL , Johnalias Molyneux. S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1658 (5; CRS . 55/568).

b . 1637-9, Lancashire s of Robert and Anne (Wall)of Ince-Blundell, Lancashire E.C. Rome 1658-9 (CRS . 40/60; 55/568-9; Gib.1/84; Fo.6/397).

BLUNDELL, Johnalias or vere Pemberton S.O. ?-1726 (7; CRS. 30/184-5).

b . 1707/8, Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1726-33 . Priest. S.J. 1733.To England d . 1763, Ellingham, Northumberland. (1 ; 13; CRS . 30/185; Fo.7/580).

BLUNDELL, Johnalias Williams S.O. ?-1738 (2;4). ?From Lancashire

BLUN LL, Joseph alias Selby S.O. 1700-3 (75 ,f.42v).

?b . 1686 , Lancashire ?s of William and Mary (Eyre)of Crosby. ?br.ofNicholas ?S.J. 1703. ?Priest . ?To England d . ?1759 , Watten . (Fo.7 /66 ; NB.1/43 etc.).

BLUNDELL, Joseph S.O. 1747-? (3)

BLUNDELL , Nicholas S.O. c . 1656-62 (WB . 45; Gil.1 /245-6;Fo.7/66).

b . 1640, Crosby Hall, Lancashire s. ofWilliam and Anne (Haggerston). br ofThomas S.J. 1662/3, Priest d . 1680,St Omers College. (Gil.1 /245-6; Fo.5 /44n;7/66; WB . 78 ff)

BLUNDELL, Nicholas S.O. c . 1686-c . 91 (NB.1/1-2)

b . 1669 . s .ofWilliam and Mary (Eyre) of Crosby, Lancashire . ?br ofJoseph m. Frances Langdale d . 1737 (Gil.1 /246;NB.1 ;2; 3 passim; CRS.6/126n ; E. and P. 150).

BLUNDELL* , Peter S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1656 (orlater)(5).

BLUNDELL ,Richardalias Molyneux S.O. c . 1641-5 (CRS . 55/492).

b . 1626, Cheshire. s of Nicholasand Jane (Bradshaigh) of Crosby , Lancashire br ofWilliam E.C. Rome 1645-9.d . 1649 , Rome, notyet ordained (CRS.6/126n; 40/34-5 ;55/491-2;Fo. 1/233-46; 6/363; 7/67; Gib.2/175-7).

BLUNDELL, Robert alias Anderton. S.O. 1714-15 (orlater) (CRS . 62/176).

b . 1700 . s.of Henryand Mary (Anderton) of Ince-Blundell, Lancashire br ofHenry m .(1) KatherineStanley(2) Margaret Anderton d . 1773, Liverpool (Gib.1 /84, 129-33 ; Pa . 84)

BLUNDELL, Robert B. 1767-72 (2 ; 6; 8; 28 ,f.61a; 59).

b . 1753 , Liverpool s of Robert and Margaret (Anderton)of Ince -Blundell, Lancashire half-br ofHenry and Rowland d . 1807 . (Gib.1/84, 133)

BLUNDELL, Rowland S.O. c . 1746-c . 53 (1; 2;4)

s. of Robert and Katherine(Stanley) of Ince-Blundell,


Lancashire br.of Henryand half-br ofRobert (Gib.1/84).

BLUNDELL, Stanislaus alias Selby S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1698 (75, ff.7v, 17v, 23v, 26v)

BLUNDELL, Thomas S.O. 1660-? (WB . 91).

b . 1649, Lancashire. s . ofWilliam and Anne (Haggerston)of CrosbyHall, Lancashire br ofNicholas .S.J. 1667. Priest .To England d . 1702, Lytham, Lancashire (Fo.7 /67).

?BLUNDELL,William ?S.O c . 1635 (Gib.3/165).

b . 1620, Crosby Hall, Lancashire s of Nicholas and Jane (Bradshaigh). br of Richard m Anne Haggerston d . 1698 ,Crosby Hall (Gib 2 passim; WB passim; Gib 3/164 ff, 273ff,412 ff; Gib.4/59 ff; Gib.5).

BLUNDELL ,. S.O.and B. c . 1750-c . 62 (2)

Probablythe same as NicholasPeppard or Pippard.

BLUNDELLalias for Calvert , Charles; Pennington orPinnington, Alan ; Richardson , John

BLUNDESTONor BLUNSTON , Danielalias Campian,Robert S.O. 1613-6 (12; CRS . 30/127-8).

b.c . 1596. s . ofNicholas and Margaret (Wiseman) ofFarnesfield, Nottinghamshire E.C. Madrid 1616.E.C. Valladolid 1616-20. E.C. Douay 1620-30 Priest To England d . 1661 (CRS . 10/178 , 282; 29/240n; 30/127-8; Gil.1 /251 ; Ans.2/30-1;Dod.3/85).

BLUNTsee Blount.

BLYDE, ?Francis S.O. c . 1758-9 (or later)(2). ?From Yorkshire.

BLYDE, Ignatius S.O. c . 1754-6 (2;4)

b . 1720 ?From Yorkshire ?s ofIgnatius and Anne ofPenistone . S.J. 1756.Priest d . 1778, Liège (Fo.7/67-8).

BLYDE, Joseph alias Boswell B . 1771-3 (2;8; 14; 59;60)

b . 1760. From Penistone, Yorkshire.

BOARMAN, Charles B. c . 1762-68 (2 ; 6; 8)

b . 1751, Maryland br ofJohn, Sylvester and Walter.S.J. 1770-3 . To Maryland (Fo.7/68;Hu Text 2/703; AHSJ . 42/292).

BOARMAN, Edward B. c . 1762 (2). Maybe the same as Charles Boarman .

BOARMAN , James Baker . S.O. and B. 1760-2/3 (2; 6)

?From Maryland

BOARMAN,John S.O. 1754-62 (2;4;8).

b . 1743, Maryland. br. of Charles, Sylvester and Walter. S.J. 1762. Priest. To Maryland d . 1797 , Newton, Maryland (Fo.7/68; Hu . Text 2/699).

BOARMAN, Ralph S.O. and B. 1761-4 (2;6;8). From Maryland.

BOARMAN, Sylvester B. c . 1764-5 (2;8)

b . 1746, Maryland. br ofCharles, John and Walter. S.J.1765 . To Maryland.Priest d . 1811 , Newport, Maryland (Fo.7/68;Hu. Text 2/699; AHSJ . 42/293n, 306).


BOARMAN, Walter B. c . 1762-4 (2;6; 8).

From Maryland br. ofCharles, John and Sylvester.

BOAST* , George S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1661 (5).

BODENHAM, Charles S.O. c . 1726-31 (CRS . 40/184).

b c . 1712 From Herefordshire . s. of Charles and Mary orAnne (Stonor) br of Lewis ?half-br ofJohn E.C.Rome 1731-3. m. Frances Pendrill d . 1764 (CRS . 40/184; Fo.6/480; BLG).

BODENHAM , Hugh S.O. c . 1655 (CRS . 55/626-7).

b . 1646, Painsley, Staffordshire s of Roger and Anne (Draycott). E.C. Rome 1673-6. Priest To England (CRS . 40/87; 55/626-7; Fo.6/422).

BODENHAM,John S.O. ?-1709 (Fo.7 /68; CRS . 22/307).

b . 1689/90/91 , Herefordshire . s. ofJohn and Mary (Trinder) of Rotherwas , Herefordshire S.J. 1709.Priest.To England d . 1750 , Croxteth Park, Lancashire (Fo.7 /68; CRS . 22/307; BLG).

BODENHAM , John S.O. c . 1748-c . 52 (2; 3;4).

?s.of Charles and Catherine (Huddlestone ) of Rotherwas , Herefordshire ?half-br of Charles and Lewis (BLG)

BODENHAM , Lewis S.O. c . 1725-32 (7;21).

s .of Charles and Mary or Anne (Stonor) of Rotherwas , Herefordshire br.of Charles ?half-br ofJohn

BODENHAM , Peter alias for Scudamore , Henry.

BODENHAM , -. ?Charles S.O. c . 1702 (75, f.45v)

?s.ofJohn and Mary (Trinder) ofRotherwas , Herefordshire. ?br ofJohn.?m. (1) Anne or Mary Stonor (2) Catherine Huddlestone d . ?1762 (BLG ; Pa . 22).

BODENHAM ,. S.O c . 1702 (75,f.45v)

May be the sameas John.

BODENHAM, - . S.O c . 1750-2 (3)

Maybe the sameasJohn.

BODWELLor BODVILLE -aliasforWynne,Peter .

BOINTON alias for Cox,William.

BOIS, dealias for Kingsley,Thomas

BOLD* , William. S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (or later) (5).

BOLDES, George alias Parr or Parre S.O. 1619-? (CRS . 10/147-8). From Worcestershire .

BOLNEY* , George S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1661 (or later) (5). ?From Hampshire ?m Elizabeth( -). d.?c.1736. (CRS . 42/124; E. and P. 233; Pa . 60).

BOLNEYalias for Bowerman , Robert ; Emerson, Thomas

BOLT,Johnalias Johnson S.O. before 1605 (TCF.1 /298; Ham.1/42). b . 1653, Exeter ?E.C .Douay Priest. To StMonica's, Louvain. d . 1640, StMonica's, Louvain (Gil.1/256-7;Ans.2/32;4/168; CRS.3/31;Knox DD . 19 ; RH.7/270; TCF.1 /297-300;Ham.1/42-3; 147 ; 150 ; 2/184-5) .

BOLTON alias for Hubrick, John

BOMERFORDsee Bemerford


?BOND , Lewis. ?S.O c . 1715 (CRS . 62/286)

BOND * , William S.O. ?-1740 (13).

BONFIN, Philipalias for Benlos,Peter.

BONHAM- see Evison (Iverson orIvison),John.

?BONVILLE or BOVILLE, Anthony alias Terrill ?S.O c . 1639 (Gil 1/279; Fo.3/420; 6/352-3 , 620-1 ; 7/75)

b c . 1621 ,Canford, Dorset s of Humphreyand Mary. E.C. Rome 1640-7 Priest S.J. 1647.d . 1675, Liège. (CRS . 40/23; 55/468-9;Gil.1/279; Ans.2/33; Fo.3/420-1 ;6/352-3 , 621 ; 7/75-6).

BOONE , Edward S.O. c . 1749-56 (2;3;4).

b . 1734, Maryland s of John br ofJohn S.J. 1756.Priest.

To England d . 1785, Danby, Yorkshire. (Fo.7/72).

BOONE, Henry B. 1770 ? (8)

May bethe same as Boone , Joseph.

BOONE, Ignatius S.O. and B. c . 1761-8 (2;6;8). From Maryland.

BOONE ,John S.O. 1749-56 (2 ; 3;4)

b . 1735,Maryland s ofJohn br. of Edward S.J. 1756.Priest .

To England and Maryland. d . 1795 , St. Ignatius' , Maryland. (Fo.7 /72; Hu . Text 2/696)

BOONE , John B. c . 1773 (8;60)

May be the same as Joseph.

BOONE , Joseph B. 1765-72 (2;6;8; 14;23; 60)

From Maryland s .ofHenry.

?BOOTH , Charles alias Brown ?S.O. c . 1715-24 (CRS . 62/273).

b . 1707, St Germain . s . of Charles. br. ofFrancis and two others below S.J. 1724.Priest. To England d . 1797, WardourCastle , Wiltshire (Ki . 30-1 ; Sta . 91 ; Fo.5/794-6; 7/72-3)

BOOTH, Francis S.O. ?-1726 (CRS . 30/184).

From St Germain br of Charles E.C. Valladolid 1726-33 . Priest .To England (CRS . 30/184-5)

BOOTH, Ralphalias Sims S.O. ?-1737 (13)

b . 1721, St Germain . S.J. 1737. Priest To England d . 1780 , Liège (Fo.7/73).

BOOTH, Richard S.O. ?-1725 (7).

?s of William.

BOOTH ,.S.O. 1737 (or earlier) -1738 (or later) (2)

br of Charles and nextbelow.

BOOTH, .S.O. 1737 (or earlier) -1738 (or later) (2)

br. of Charles and next above .

BOOTHalias for Mingo, Jonathan , Joseph and Richard BORNEsee Bourne .

BOSTOCK , George alias West S.O. ?-1683 (CRS . 55/654).

b . 1664, Derbyshireor Denbighshire s . ofThomas andAnne. E.C.Rome 1683-90 Priest To England d . 1727-8 .(CRS.9/108; 12/2, 3;40/101; 55/654-6;Ki . 32; Fo.6/434; Ans.5).

BOSTOCK,George alias Burham, Baron or Boron S.O. 1693 (or earlier)


-1695 (75 , ff.9v , 19v, 165v)

b . 1672, Lancashire. s ofRoger and Alice. E.C. Rome16951701.Priest .To England d . ?1727-8 (CRS . 12/2, 3;40/121-2; Ki . 32 ; Ans.5).

BOSWELLalias for Blyde, Joseph.

BOUCHER , William ?alias Rozier S.O. 1695-1700 (11 ; 75, ff.40v.160)

b . 1682, Worcestershire S.J. 1700.Priest To England d . 1757 , ?LulworthCastle, Dorset (Fo.7/74).

BOULAIN, .S.O c . 1715 (CRS . 62/307). From Dunkirk .

BOURKE,Edward. B. c . 1768-73 (7; 8; 15; 58; 60)

b . 1761 . s. of Theobald ofSt Croix, West Indies br.ofPeter ?and Michael. ?St .G.Douay c . 1775.(BSG).

BOURKE, Michael B. 1772-3 (15;58 ;60)

b. c . 1762. ?s ofTheobald ofSt Croix,West Indies. ?br.of Edward and Peter

BOURKE, Peter B. c . 1769 -c . 71 (2; 7;8).

s .of Theobald. br. of Edward ?and Michael

BOURKE, Richard, B. c . 1768-c . 71 (2;7;8)

St.G. Douay c . 1771 .(BSG).

BOURKE,Williamsee Burke .

BOURKE alias for Blake, John.

BOURNEorBORNE,Johnalias More S.O. ?-1715 (CRS . 62/306, 312).

?s.ofJonas and Mary ofWells , Somersetshire . ?br ofJonas

BOURNE, John S.O. 1746-c . 50 (2; 3). ?BOURNE , Jonas alias More, Peter ?S.O . ?-1710 (CRS . 62/271 ,273).

b . 1690 s ofJonas and Mary ofWells, Somersetshire ?br.of John E.C.Rome 1710-15 ?Priest E.C. Douay.To England . d . 1738 ,Yorkshire (CRS . 12/5;26/205;28/94; 32/262;40/144; Ki . 265; Fo.6/460;Ans.6)

BOURNE* , William S.O. 1632-34(orlater)(5).

BOVILLEsee Bonville

BOWERMAN, Robert alias Bolney S.O. 1627-32 (CRS . 10/308).

b . 1607 . s ofWilliam and Elizabethof Bodmin E.C. Douay 1632. (CRS . 10/308).

BOWERS, Thomas S.O. c . 1727-c.9 (7).

BOWES* , James. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (or later) (5)

BOWYER , James or John B . 1772-3 (2; 8; 14;59 ;60).

b.c . 1755 . ?O.P. 1775. ?Priest ?To England . d . ?1807 , Winchester . (CRS . 25/134, 151, 162, 163, 165; Gumb . 83).

BOYCE , George alias Armstrong S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/103)

b . 1590, Yorkshire E.C.Valladolid 1609-11/12. E.C. Douay 1612-6.Priest .To England (CRS . 10/114, 125, 131,229,231 ; 30/103; Ans.2/33).

BOYLE, Charles B. 1762-c . 66 (2;6;8)

br ofJohn

BOYLE, John . B. 1762-c . 66 (2; 6; 8)


br.of Charles.

BOYTON, William S.O. 1627-30 (Fo.7/76).

b. c . 1609, Cashel, Ireland s of Edward and Helen (Sweton). S.J. 1630. Priest To Ireland Martyred, 1647, Cashel(Fo.7/76)

BRACEY,Edmund S.O. c . 1724-30. (1; 7; 21).

b . 1709, ?Beoley , Worcestershire . s ofEdmund ?br. ofBracey, below . S.J. 1730.Priest.To England d . 1782, Beoley , Worcestershire (Fo.7/76-7 ; E. and P.294; Ki . 33;WR.5/14).

BRACEYor BRAY, James alias Yeatman . S.O. ?-1685 (13)

b . 1655, Scotland S.J. 1685-7 d . 1687,Watten, notyet ordained (63; Fo.7/79).

BRACEY, .S.O . c . 1724-8 orlater(7)

?br of Edmund.

BRADLEY, Richard S.O. ?-1621 (63/1622).

b . 1605, Bryning, Lancashire s. ofJamesand Helen (Tyldesley) of Bryning S.J. 1622. Priest To England . d . 1645,Manchester gaol . (Fo.7/77; Gil.1 /285-6; CRS.6/207n).

BRADSHAWor BRADSHAIGH , Christopheralias Neville, Francis S.O. 1637-c . 41 (5; CRS . 55/477).

b. c . 1617, near Wigan, Lancashire s of Roger and Anne (Anderton) of Haigh Hall, Lancashire br ofPeter, Richard , Roger , Thomas and ?Robert E.C. Rome 1642-5 .d.Scarisbrick Hall, Lancashire (CRS . 40/28; 55/477;Gil.1 /286; Fo.1/229n; 6/357; WB . 68).

BRADSHAW,John Austin alias White S.O. ?-1596 (CRS . 30/40;33/244).

b.c.1576 , Worcestershire s ofJohn and Anne(Warmestry).

E.C.Valladolid 1596-9 O.S.B. 1599.Priest To England d . 1618 , Longueville, France (CRS . 30/40; 33/243-5; Bi.5 ; Oliver2/475-6).

BRADSHAWor BRADSHAIGH, Peter alias Barton S.O. ?-1631 (Fo. 7/77).

b . 1610, Lancashire s. of Roger and Anne (Anderton)ofHaigh Hall, Lancashire br.of Christopher, Richard, Roger, Thomas and ?Robert S.J. 1631.Priest To England d . 1676, England (Fo.7/77-8)

BRADSHAWor BRADSHAIGH, Richard alias Barton and Whitaker S.O. 1622-3 (CRS . 55/371).

b . 1600/01/02, Haigh Hall, Lancashire s of Roger andAnne (Anderton) br of Christopher, Peter, Roger, Thomas and ?Robert. E.C. Rome 1623-5 S.J. 1625.Priest To England d . 1669, St Omers College. (CRS . 37/202;55/371-2 ; Gil.1 /287-8; Fo.6/302; 7/78)

BRADSHAWor BRADSHAIGH, Robert alias Barton S.O. 1602-6 (CRS . 30/86-7).

b.c . 1589, Lancashire ?s of Roger and Anne(Anderton)of Haigh Hall, Lancashire ?br ofChristopher, Peter, Richard, Roger and Thomas E.C.Valladolid 1606-9. E.C. Douay 1609-11 . E.C. Seville 1611-13 . Priest S.J. 1614.d Liège (CRS . 30/85-6; 10/96 ,


109; Ans.2/34-5; Fo.7 /78).

BRADSHAW , Roger alias Whitaker S.O. 1626-? (CRS . 10/243).

b . 1607 s ofRoger and Anne (Anderton) of Haigh Hall, Lancashire br ofChristopher, Peter, Richard, Thomas ?and Robert.E.C.Douay 1622-6. (CRS . 10/192,243).

BRADSHAWor BRADSHAIGH, Thomas alias Barton. S.O. ?-1626 (CRS . 55/389).

b.c.1606 , Lancashire . s ofRoger and Anne (Anderton)of Haigh Hall, Lancashire br. ofChristopher, Peter, Richard, Roger ?and Robert. E.C. Rome 1626-31 Priest S.J. 1631.To England . d . 1663 , ?Londondistrict. (CRS . 37/211;55/389; Ans.2/34; Fo.7/79)

BRADSHAW--alias for Billinge,Richard.

BRADSHEET, John alias Terret S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1652 (5).

E.C. Valladolid 1652-9 . Priest . To England d . 1689 , Staffordshire (CRS . 30/166;Ans.2/35).

BRADY, John B. 1772-3 (2; 8; 14;59)

b . 1763 From London

BRAITHWAITE , Richard. S.O. 1697-1700(75, ff.28v,31v, 35v,41v, 129v, 165v).

?From Worcestershire .

BRANTON alias for Bray,Edmund.

BRAY , Edmundalias Branton S.O. 1644 (or earlier) -1646 (5; CRS . 55/498-9).

b.c . 1624, Norfolk. s. of Francis and Alice (Branton). E.C.Rome 1646-7 (CRS . 11/517n; 40/37;55/498-9).

BRAY , James seeBracey. -

BRAY* ,John. S.O. 1628 (or earlier ) -1629 (or later) (5)

BRAYLSFORDalias for Newton,William

BREDALE, .S.O. ?-c . 1762 (8).

BRENT, Henry, B. c . 1762 (2).

BRENT, Robert S.O. 1748-c . 55 (2; 3;4;Mel . 10,39; Hu . Text 2/521)

From Maryland m. Anne Carroll (Mel.9 , 10, 38-9 , 162; Han . 16,20).

BRENT, Thomas S.O. c . 1750 (2;3)

BRENT,William S.O. c . 1620 (Sta . 46)

b. c . 1611 , Larkstoke, Gloucestershire d . 1691, London. (Sta . 46)

BRENT, .S.O. c . 1760 (2).?From Lancashire

BRENT, .S.O c . 1714 (CRS . 62/117)

From Gloucestershire .

BRENT,S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/117). From Gloucestershire .

BRENT see Aspinwall, Henry,Joseph and Thomas .

BRENTANO, Anthony. B. 1773 (15;58;60).

b . 1762. From Frankfort . ?br.ofFrancis

BRENTANO, Francis B. 1773 (15;58;60).

b . 1764. From Frankfort ?br ofAnthony.


?BRERETON,John alias Bab ?S.O. ?-1599 (CRS . 30/58).

b . 1581-2 , Welton, Lincolnshire E.C.Valladolid 1599-1602 . S.J. 1602-4.d . 1604, not yet ordained (CRS . 30/58; Fo.7/1421).

BRETT* , John S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1644(5).

BRETT alias for Keynes, George.

BRETTON,William alias Roland S.O. 1625-32 (CRS . 55/429).

b . 1613 . From Northamptonshire s ofRichardand Anne. E.C. Rome 16324.(CRS . 40/7; 55/429 ; Fo.6/332-3).

BREWER , John S.O. 1746-52 (1 ; 2; 3 ; 4; 8; 63/1754).

b . 1732, Fishwick, Lancashire s . ofJohn br. of Thomas.S.J. 1752.Priest To England d . 1797, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. (Fo.7/82; Ki . 33 ; CRS . 23/75n).

BREWER , Thomas S.O. c . 1755-61 (2;4;8).

b . 1743, ?Lancashire s ofJohn br ofJohn. S.J. 1761.Priest To England d . 1787, Bristol (Fo.7 /82; Ki . 34; CRS . 23/75n).

BREWSTER , William. S.O. c . 1720 (1/1747;7).

b . 1700/01, London S.J. 1724.Priest. To England d . 1758 , Norwich (Fo.7/82-3;Ki . 34)

BRIAN or BRYAN or BRYANT, John alias Sumner S.O. ?-c . 1665 (CRS . 55/606).

b . 1647, near Bristol,or in Ireland. s of PatrickandFrances (Dryland) E.C. Rome 1665-7 . (CRS . 40/72;55/606).

BRIAN or BRIANT orO'BRIEN, Peter S.O. ?-1754(2;4).

b . 1735 , Ireland S.J. 1754. Priest To England and the West Indies .d . 1807, Newhall, Essex (Fo.7/83).

BRIANalias for Crane , William.

BRIANTalias for Persons, Robert.

BRICKNELL, George S.O. 1746-c . 52 (1 ; 2; 3 ; 4)

?From Hampshire br.ofWilliam

BRICKNELL,William S.O. c . 1746-c . 53 (1;2;3;4).

?From Hampshire br of George.

BRIDGES,Richard alias Langton S.O. 1626-7 (CRS . 55/392).

b c . 1608, near Weobley , Herefordshire . s . of Jamesand Jane (Blount) E.C. Rome 1627-34 Priest To England . d . 1685 , Buckland, Berkshire . (CRS . 37/212; 55/391-2 ; Ans.2/36)

BRIDGES alias for Street, Thomas and Tootell, William; see Duvall, Edwardand Joseph.

BRIERY* , Lawrence S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (orlater)(5).

BRILLY, Charles B. ?-1767 (58)

From London.

BRINKHURST ,John alias Smith S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/132)

BRINKHURST, Thomas alias Finch S.O. 1693-7 (75, ff.6v , 14v, 18v , 28v)

BRINKHURSTalias for Meara, George, John and William See Curson, John .

BRITTON, Richard alias or vere Jackson, Bonaventure S.O. 1599-? (CRS . 10/7).


?s. ofJohn and Frances ofWest Bretton, Yorkshire E.C. Seville ?-1610 Priest E.C. Douay 1610-12 .To England O.S.F. (CRS . 10/7, 102, 115 , 123, Ans.2/36; Gil.1 /306; 3/559;Tha. 105 , 256)

BROCK alias for Hubbart,Henry.

BROCKHOLES , Charles. S.O. 1700-5 (75,f.38v).

b . 1684, Lancashire . s ofJohn and Anne (Barcroft)of Claughton, Lancashire br of Roger S.J. 1705. Priest.To Marylandand England . d . 1759, Wigan (CRS.6/195n;20/270; Fo.7/87-8; Gil.1 /309 ; BLG; Hu . Text 2/686).

BROCKHOLES , Roger S.O. 1700-3 (75,f.38v)

b . 1682, Claughton, Lancashire s ofJohn and Anne (Barcroft) ofClaughton br of Charles E.C. Rome 1703-10 . Priest To England d . 1742 , Priesthome , Claughton (CRS.6/195n; 12/6; 20/274;40/132-3; Gil.1 /309; Ki . 35, 261 ; BLG ; Fo.7 /87-8).

BROOKE, Aloysius B. 1763-? (6).

From Maryland.

BROOKE,Charles Baker S.O. and B. 1761-c . 66 (2;6)

From Maryland.

BROOKE, Francis B. c . 1764-7 (2;8).

From Maryland.

BROOKEor BROOKES , Francisalias for Poulton , Ferdinand ?BROOKE, Ignatius ?S.O ?-1692 (75 ,f.14v).

b . 1671, Maryland s ofThomas br of MatthewandRobert. E.C.Valladolid 1692-9 Priest S.J. 1699.To England d . 1751, St Omers College (CRS . 30/178; Fo.7 /90, 1421; Hu . Text 2/75).

BROOKE, Ignatius B. c . 1771-3 (8; 14; 59; 60)

b . 1761 . From Maryland. s of Leonard br ofJoseph ?and John and Leonard E.A. Liège 1773-? (17; CRS . 13/203).

BROOKE, James S.O. 1754 -c . 58 (2; 4)

From Maryland. s ofJohn BROOKEor BROOKS , John . S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1646(5; CRS 55/497-8).

b. c . 1629,Kilkenny , Ireland E.C. Rome 1646-7 d . 1647 , English College, Rome (CRS . 40/37; 55/497-8 ; Fo.6/366, 632).

BROOKE, John B. 1763-c . 68 (2; 6; 8)

From Maryland ?s of Leonard ?br. ofIgnatius, Joseph and Leonard BROOKE,Joseph B. 1771-3 (8; 14;59;60)

From Maryland s. of Leonard . br of Ignatius ?and Johnand Leonard E.A. Liège 1773-? ( 17; CRS . 13/203).

BROOKE, Leonard B. c 1763-69 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1750, Maryland ?s of Leonard. ?br. ofIgnatius,Johnand Joseph. S.J. 1769. Priest. To England . d . 1813, Lulworth Castle , Dorset . (Fo.7 /90)

BROOKE* , Matthew S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1653 (or later)(5). ?BROOKE,Matthew. ?S.O ?-1692 (75,f.14v)

b . 1672,Maryland s ofThomas br. ofIgnatiusand Robert E.C. Valladolid 1692-9 .Priest. S.J. 1699.To Maryland. d . 1705 , Portobacco , Maryland (CRS . 30/178; Fo.7/90; Hu . Text 2/75,684).

BROOKE, Oswald . B. 1771-c . 73 (2;8)

From Maryland ?br ofWalter.

BROOKE , Richard S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1656(5).

b . 1639, Hampshire S.J. 1656-63 Not ordained (Fo.7/90).

BROOKE , Robert S.O. ?-c . 1683 (75,f.14v).

b . 1663 ,Maryland. s. ofThomas br ofIgnatius and Matthew . S.J. 1684. Priest To Maryland d . 1714, Newtown,Maryland. (Fo.7/91; Hu . Text 2/75, 137, 683).

BROOKE or BROOKES , Thomas S.O. ?-1692/4 (CRS . 30/177, 179)

b.c . 1673 , Rutland or Sussex . E.C.Valladolid 1692/4-1701 . Priest. S.J. 1701.To England d . 1761 , Ghent (Fo.7/91).

BROOKE , Walter B. 1771-3 (2;8)

From Maryland. ?br of Oswald.

BROOKE , William S.O. c . 1739-c . 42 (2)

BROOKE or BROOKESalias for Hawkins , Henry;Poulton, FerdinandJohn and Thomas ; Quinton, George.

BROOKS , John S.O. c . 1700 (75,f.44v).

BROOKS , H. S.O. c . 1747 (2).

?From Madeley, Shropshire

BROUGHTON , Markalias forCrowther,John

BROUGHTONalias for Nottle, Joseph.

BROWN*,Andrew S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1649 (or later) (5).

BROWN , or BROWNE , Andrew B. c . 1772-3 (7; 15;58;60).

From Antigua br of James, Robert and Richard E.A. Liège 1773-6. (17; CRS . 13/203).

BROWN or BROWNE , Anthony alias Morley. S.O. c . 1714(CRS . 62/60). s.ofSir George,4th Bart and Gertrude (Morley) of Caversham, Oxfordshire br of John. (BuEB).

BROWN or BROWNE , Charles ?vere Fermor S.O.c.1754-c . 57 (2;4).

?s. of Henry Fermor and Frances (Sheldon) br of Henryand William

BROWN, Daniel S.O. c . 1743 (2).

BROWN, Daniel--alias for Lloyd,David.

BROWN* , Francis S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1641 (5).

BROWN* , Francis S.O. 1665-8 (or later)(5)

BROWN, George S.O. c . 1743 (2)

?s of Edward ?br ofJohn .

BROWN ,Gregoryalias for Vavasour ,Alexander.

BROWN, Henry S.O. 1694-8 (75, ff.14v , 17v,21v, 30v).

BROWN or BROWNE , Henry ?vere Fermor S.O. 1750-c . 57 (2; 3;4)

?s.ofHenry Fermor and Frances (Sheldon) br ofCharles and William.

BROWN, Hugh S.O. 1747-? (1; 3).

?From Lancashire. ?s of John.



BROWN or BROWNE , Ignatius S.O. ?-1679 (29, f.79v).

b . Waterford, Ireland S.J. 1679. Priest d . between 1698 and 1714 , Spain (Fo.7/93,Irish 58)

BROWN , James. S.O. 1700(or earlier) -1701 (or later)(75,f.41)

BROWN or BROWNE , James B. c . 1771-3 (2;8; 14;58;60).

From Antigua br of Andrew, Richardand Robert E.A. Liège 1773-6 (17; CRS . 13/203).

BROWN orBROWNE,Johnalias Stanley,William S.O.?-1621 (CRS . 10/189) E.C. Douay 1621-2 . (CRS . 10/189 , 191 ).

BROWN* , John. S.O. 1637 (orearlier) -1638 (or later) (5).

BROWN or BROWNE , John alias Morley. S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/60, 80)

s.ofSir George,4th Bart and Gertrude (Morley)ofCaversham , Oxfordshire, br. ofAnthony . 5th Bart . 1730. d . 1774 (BuEB)

BROWN , John S.O. c . 1739-44 (2). From Lancashire s of Edward ?br.ofGeorge.

BROWN, John B. c . 1768-c . 73 (7)

BROWN or BROWNE , Levinius S.O. ?-1691 (Fo.7/94). b . 1671, Norfolk. s ofRichardand Mary E.C. Rome 1691-8 . Priest S.J. 1698.To England . d . 1764, StOmers College. (CRS . 40/112; Fo.3 /541;6/442;7/94; Ki . 36; Gil.1/322).

BROWN* , Nicholas S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1668 (or later)(5)

BROWNor BROWNE , Peter S.O. ?-1692 (RSC . 61). b . 1674 . ?From Ireland. s .ofJohn S.C. Douay 1692-5 . (RSC . 61).

BROWN* , Richard S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1666(or later) (5).

BROWN or BROWNE , Richard B. c . 1767-73 (7; 14;59 ;60).

From Antigua. br. ofAndrew, Jamesand Robert. É.A. Liège 1773-6 (17; CRS . 13/203)

BROWN , Robert B. c . 1767-73 (7; 14;59).

BROWN or BROWNE , Robert B. c . 1772-3 (15; 17;58;59).

From Antigua. br. ofAndrew, Jamesand Richard. E.A. Liège 1773-6.(17; CRS . 13/203).

BROWN or BROWNE , ?Stanislaus. S.O. c . 1622 (Wad . 38). ?s.ofJohn and Anne (Gifford) (BuEB-Browne ofKiddington; Sta . 1234).

BROWN* , Thomas S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148). E.C. Valladolid, 1632

BROWN or BROWNE , Thomas alias Higgins . S.O. c . 1634-41 (CRS . 55/469) b.c.1621, Hendon,Middlesex s of Brown and - (Pate). E.C. Rome 1641-3. (CRS . 40/234; 55/469; Fo.6/353).

BROWN* , Thomas S.O. 1669-70 (or later) (5).

BROWN* ,William S.O. 1613 (orearlier) -1614 (19) ?b . 1578-9, Buckinghamshire . ?s. ofSir Anthony and Mary (Dormer). S.J. 1614, Laybrother. d . 1637, Liège. (Fo.2/428-41; 7/95;Gil.1/329).

BROWN*,William S.O. 1656-8 (orlater)(5).

BROWN* ,William S.O. 1658-64 (5).

BROWN , William S.O. c . 1734-6 (7).

BROWN or BROWNE ,William ?vere Fermor S.O. c . 1750-c . 56 (2;3;4). ?s of Henry Fermor and Frances (Sheldon) br ofCharles and Henry.

BROWN or BROWNE , .S.O c . 1640 (Ave.2/244). bro . in-law ofSir John Reresby, 2nd Bart (BuEB-Reresby).

BROWN or BROWNEalias for Black, Lewis Francis ; Booth, Charles; Busby , Charles, George and John; Dillon, John; Fermor,William; Heaton or Heton, John; Mannock,John

BROWNBILL, James S.O. c . 1736-40 (2;7)

?From Lancashire ?br ofJohn and Thomas . S.J. 1740-2 (Fo.7/97)

BROWNBILL, John S.O. c . 1739 (2).

?From Lancashire ?br. of JamesandThomas

BROWNBILL, Thomas S.O. c . 1736-c . 40 (2; 7).

?From Lancashire ?br.ofJamesand John.

BRUDENELL, Thomas B. c . 1769-71 (6, 7).

May bethe same as Stanley -Massey, Thomas.

BRUDENELL,. B. 1769-? (7).

Maybethe same as Stanley -Massey,Charles or John.

BRUDENELLalias for Stanley-Massey, Charles, John and Thomas

BRUERTON, Johnalias Alansonand Alison S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1651 (5).

b . 1633, Shropshire S.J. 1651. Priest.To England d . 1684, London district (Fo.7/98, 1421-2).

BRUNCHARDsee White, Henry

BRUNEL , James or Jacob. S.O. 1713-5 (orlater) (CRS . 62/14 ,225).

From Ghent.

BRUNETTI, Joseph S.O. ?-1689 (13).

b . 1671 , London S.J. 1689.Priest To England d . 1715 , Rotterdam (Fo.7/98;Gil.1/329).

BRUNING, Anthonyalias Hyde S.O. 1652-8 (5).

b . 1636, Hampshire s ofAnthony and Mary (Hyde)of Wymering, Hampshire ?br ofFrancis S.J. 1660. Priest To England d . 1704, London (Fo.5/816;7/98).

BRUNING,Anthony S.O. c . 1726-33 (1 ;7).

b . 1716, Hampshire s ofGeorge and Mary (Bryon) ofEast Meon and Froxfield, Hampshire half-br of Edmund ,Francisand George S.J. 1733.Priest To England d . 1776, Liège (Fo.5/816; 7/99; Gil.1 /330)

BRUNING, Edmund S.O. c . 1744-6 (1 ;2;3)

s ofGeorge and Anne (May) ofEast Meonand Froxfield, Hampshire . br. of Francis and George and half-br ofAnthony. d . 1746, St Omers College (Fo.5/814 ped )

BRUNING, Francis alias Hyde and Grimsditch S.O. 1668 (orearlier) -1670(5).

b . 1648, Staffordshire, Oxfordshireor Berkshire ?s .of Anthony and Mary (Hyde) ?br ofAnthony S.J. 1670.Priest . To


England d . 1714, ?Durhamdistrict (Fo.5/816; 7/99-100).

BRUNING, Francis . S.O. c . 1744-50 (1 ;2;3)

b . 1732 . s ofGeorge and Anne (May). br. ofEdmundand George.half-br ofAnthony S.J. 1750.d . 1753 , Liège notyet ordained (Fo.5/817;7/100).

BRUNING, George S.O. 1748-56 (1 ;2;4).

b . 1738, Hampshire . s .of George and Anne (May). br.of Edmund and Francis half-br ofAnthony . S.J. 1756.Priest.To England d . 1802, Isleworth (CRS . 44/11; Fo.5/817;7/100;Gil 1/330)

BRUNING, Thomas alias Henslow . S.O. ?-1693 (75, f.8v; RSC . 62).

b . 1674 . s of Edmundand Elizabeth(Henslow) ofHambledon and Woodcot, Hampshire . S.C. Douay 1693-4 . O.S.B. 1694

Priest To England d . 1719 , Bonham , near Bath (RSC . 62; Oliver 2/254 ; Fo.5/814 ped.; Bi . 78-9).

BRUNING, .S.O.c . 1726 (7)

BRYAN, Howard see Howard, Bryan.

s.ofHenry. -

BRYAN or BRYANT see Brian.

BRYON , Francisalias Plowden S.O. c . 1739-42 (2; 13;30; CRS.4/258).

b . 1725 , Sussex. s of Michael and Mary (Tourner). S.J. 1742-61 . Priest . To England (Fo.7 /100; CRS.4/258;22/313).

BUCHAN* ,William S.O. 16224 (orlater)(5).

BUCK, Johnalias Parker S.O. c . 17304(7; CRS . 30/189).

b . 1715, London E.C.Valladolid 1734-6. S.J. 1736.To England d . 1770, Alnwick ,Northumberland, (Fo.7/569; CRS . 30/ 189)

BUCK , B. ?-1773 (58). From London.

BUCKHURST* ,Anthony. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5).

BUCKLEY , John S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148-9).

E.C. Valladolid 1632 and 1634-9 Priest d . 1639,Valladolid (CRS . 30/149, 154; Ans.2/37).

BUCKLEY , .S.O c . 1756 (4)

BUDD , .S.O c . 1739 (2).

BULLER,John S.O. and B. 1759-63 (2; 6; 8 ; CRS . 30/190).

b . 1746, Lancashire s .of John and Elizabeth E.C.Valladolid 1763-8 .S.J.1768.Priest . To England . d . 1811, Ince, Lancashire (Fo.7/101-2; CRS . 30/190-2, 193-5).

BULLY, John alias Russell, Michael S.O. 1648-9 (CRS . 55/518).

b c . 1627, Chideock, Dorset s ofRobert and Elizabeth (Russell).E.C. Rome 1649-55 Priest To England d . 1687 . (CRS . 40/44;55/518; Fo.6/376; Ans.2/37-8).

BULMER-alias for Richardson ,William.

BURCHALL or BURCHELLalias for Gillibrand, Charles.

BURCHARDalias for Parker, Thomas.

BURDETT* ,Anthony. S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1642 (orlater)(5).

BURDETT, Edward S.O. ?-1742 (13)

S.J. 1742.May be the same as Maire, Edward.

BURDETT* , Francis S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1643 (5)

BURDETTalias for Hussey,Lewisand perhaps for Maire, Edward.

BURGESS , Daniel B. ?-1767 (58)

From London .

BURGESSalias for Rudgley,John.

BURHAM or BARONor BORON --alias for Bostock,George.

BURKE , Charles alias Lucas S.O. c . 1727-33 (1 ;7)

b . 17134, London s ofWilliam S.J. 1733.Priest.To England . d . 1787, Thorndon Hall, Essex (Fo.7/102).

BURKEor BURK, Thomas S.O. c . 1694 (75, f.15v).

BURKEor BOURKE,William alias Morpeth S.O. 1694-7 (75,ff.14v , 18v,22v, 29v)

?s ofTheobald ,3rd BaronofBrittas and Honora(O'Brien). ?m.Mary Nagle. (GEC)

BURKEor BURKalias for Blake ,John.

BURLACE,William. S.O. 1699-1702 (75 ,ff.38v, 43v)

BURNABY , Richardalias Blount S.O. ?-1679 (CSP.Dom.May , 1684Feb . 1685/210,230; CST . 10/1103).

S.J. 1679.(63; Chad.1/195-6).

BURNAM* or BURNHAM,Walter. S.O. 1612-14 (or later)(19).

BURNAM* or BURNHAM , Walter S.O. 1634-6 (or later) (5)

BURNAND, Peter S.O. and B. 1759-c . 65 (2;6;8).

BURNETT, Thomas S.O. ?-1681 (13).

b . 1661 , Yorkshire S.J. 1681.Priest To England d . 1727, probablyat BroughtonHall,Yorkshire(Fo.7 /104)

BURRELL, John S.O. 1733-4 (or later) (1;21). ?From Lincolnshire

BURSCOUGH * , George S.O. 1666 (or earlier) -1668 (5)

BURSCOUGH , Richard alias Rivers S.O. 1672-3 (CRS . 55/621-2).

b . 1651 , Widnes , Lancashire s ofJohn and Anne (Hitchmore). E.C. Rome 1673-80 Priest ?To England d . ?1731 ,Durham (CRS . 40/86; 55/621-2 ; Fo.6/421; ?Ki . 200; Ans.5).

BURSCOUGH , Richard S.O. ?-1692 (CRS . 30/177 , 179).

From Lancashire E.C.Valladolid 1692-1701 Priest.To England . (CRS . 30/179).

BURTON, Christopher S.O. ?-1693 (11;75,f.10v).

b . 1671-2 , Suffolk. s ofThomas and Mary (Suttler) of Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds . S.J. 1693. Priest To England d . 1744 , Watten (Fo.5/528n;7/104; CRS . 16/424)

BURTON, Henry S.O. c . 1694 (75 ,f.164).

BUSBY , Charles alias Brown S.O. 16524 (CRS . 55/546).

b . 1636-7 , Oxfordshire s .ofJohn and Joan (Collyer) br of George E.C.Rome 1654-5. (CRS . 40/54 ;55/546; Fo.6/390; 7/105; Sta . 108).

BUSBY , Charles S.O. ?-1688 (RSC . 60)


b . 1669 s . ofCharles ?br ofJohn S.C.Douay 1688.(RSC . 60).

BUSBY , George alias Brown S.O. 1653 (orearlier) -1656(5;73).

b . 1638, Brussels(of an Oxfordshirefamily) . s ofJohnandJoan (Collyer). br.of Charles S.J. 1656.Priest.To England .Condemned to death, 1681, but reprieved d . 1695, St Omers College.(Fo. 5/500-11;7/105; CRS . 48/477-8;Gil.1 /349; Sta . 108 ;Dod.3/311).

BUSBY , John alias Brown. S.O. 1693-9 (11 ; 75, ff.8v, 18v,22v, 25v, 37v)

b . 1679, Oxfordshire s of Charles ?br of Charles. S.J. 1699

Priest To England . d . 1743 , at Bristol, probably (Fo.7/105-6).

BUSBY, Richard S.O. ?-1621 (CRS . 30/135).

b . 1595, Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1621-3 . S.J. 1623.Priest To England d . 1648, in Yorkshire, probably. (CRS . 30/135;Fo . 7/106)

BUSBY , Robert S.O. c . 1740-c . 42 (2).

BUSBY , Thomas alias Roberts. S.O. ?-1675 (13)

b . 1656, Buckinghamshire S.J. 1675.Priest. To England. d . 1750, Liège. (Fo.7/106).

BUTLER, Charles S.O. ?-c . 1603 (22).

d . 1603, St Omers College.

BUTLER, Edmund S.O. 1677-80 (GEC; WB . 179 ff).

b . 1663, Crosby . s of Edmund, 5thViscount Mountgarretand Emilia (Blundell) br ofRichard 6thViscount 1707.m.(1) Mary Buchanan (2) ElizabethGrace (neé Bryan) d . 1735, Dublin (GEC; WB . passim ).

BUTLER, Edmund S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/109).

s .of Edmund,6thViscount Mountgarretand Mary (Buchanan). br.ofJames.9th Viscount 1749.m.Anne Purcell d . 1751 , Dublin (GEC).

BUTLER* , Henry S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1667 (5). ?s of Henryand Dorothy (Stanley) ofRawcliffe Hall, Lancashire. ?half-br. ofJames (CRS.6/204n).

BUTLER* ,James S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1640 (5)

BUTLER* , James S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1667 (5).

BUTLER, James S.O. before 1709 (CRS.6/201n).

s ofHenry and Isabel (Grimston) ofRawcliffe Hall, Lancashire ?half-br ofHenry. m Jennet. d . 1709 , Cartford, Little Eccleston , Lancashire. Maybe the same as JamesButler immediately above (CRS.6/201n)

BUTLER, Jamesalias Selby S.O. 1710-5 (CRS . 62/26, 107, 109; NB.1/251 , 261).

s ofEdmund,6thViscount Mountgarretand Mary (Buchanan) br ofEdmund S.J. 1715-6 . 8thViscount 1736.m.Margaret Barnewall d . 1749, Dublin (GEC).

BUTLER,John alias Thompson S.O. c . 1740-5 (2; 3;8; 13).

b . 1727 . s. ofThomas , 6th BaronCaher and Frances (Butler). br ofJordan , Piers and Thomas. S.J. 1745.Priest ToEngland.


For a fortnightBaronCaher 1786.d . 1786, Hereford . (Fo.5/896-8; 7/107-8).

BUTLER, Jordanalias Thompson S.O. c . 1740 (2;8).

s.ofThomas , 6th Baron Caher and Frances (Butler) br.of John, Piers and Thomas (BuEP)

BUTLER, Piers alias Thompson. S.O. 1740-c . 42 (2;8).

b . before1727.s ofThomas , 6th Baron Caher and Frances (Butler) br.ofJohn , Jordanand Thomas . 8th Baron Caher 1786 . d unm. 1788, Paris (GEC; BuEP).

BUTLER,Richard. S.O. 1680-? (WB . 223)

b.c . 1666 s . of Richard , 5th Viscount Mountgarretand Emilia (Blundell).br of Edmund m. Lady Hamilton (WB . 222 , 266).

BUTLER, Richard S.O. c . 1724-8 (orlater)(7).

s .ofGeorge.

BUTLER* , Thomas S.O. 1630(or earlier) -1631 (orlater) (5).

BUTLER, Thomas alias Thompson S.O. c . 1733-9 (2; 7;8; 13)

b . 1718, Lancashire s of Thomas , 6th Baron Caher and Frances (Butler). br.ofJohn,Jordanand Piers S.J. 1739. Priest . To England d . 1779 , Eign, near Hereford (Fo.7/108; BuEP)

BUTLER -aliasfor Collisor Coles, Thomas; Cowban or Colborne, John ; Laws, Anthony;Wolfall, Thomas

BUTT, Abrahamalias Farrell and Frankland S.O. c . 1725-7 (7).

BUTT,Jamesor John B. 1762-5 (2 ; 6; 8)

From Bath

BUXTON* , John S.O. 1633 (orearlier) -1636 (or later)(5)

?E.C Seville ?-1643-6 . (89)

BYERLEY, Charles S.O. c . 1732-8 (1;2; 7; 13; 63;/1734)

b . 1718, Leicestershire . ?s. ofJohn and Elizabeth(Berkeley)of Belgrave, Leicestershire . ?br of Thomas and another S.J. 1738. Priest d . 1796, Watten (Fo.7 /108)

BYERLEY, Johnalias Beaumont S.O. 1696-1702 (75, ff.26v , 38v,43v , 165v)

s.ofCharles and ?Jane (Beaumont ) ?m ElizabethBerkeley . d . ?1742. (E. and P. 156)

BYERLEY, Thomas . S.O. c . 1732-c . 38 (1 ; 2; 7)

s .ofJohn and Elizabeth(Berkeley) of Belgrave, Leicestershire . br. of Byerleybelow ?and Charles

BYERLEY , S.O. c . 1732-8 (1 ;7).

s.ofJohnand Elizabeth(Berkeley) of Belgrave, Leicestershire . br. ofThomas ?and Charles.

BYERSalias for Moseley,Michael

BYRNE, James alias Fleming S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/311)

From Ireland.s. ofSir Gregory, Bart and Alice (Fleming) br ofJohn. (CRS . 62/311; GEC . Barony ofSlane).

BYRNE, Johnalias Fleming. S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/311).

From Ireland. s ofSir Gregory, Bart and Alice (Fleming) br of James (CRS . 62/311 ; GEC . Barony ofSlane).

CADWELLS, John S.O. c . 1736 (7;67,f.95).

CALDWELL, Johnalias Fenwick S.O. 1654 (or earlier) -1656 (5; FAB. 168; BR . 55)

b . 1628 , Durham S.J. 1656. Priest. To England Putto deathat Tyburn, 1679. Beatified (Fo.5/244-7; 7/109;Chal . 526; Chad 1/189 ff; SM . 28/120ff; Gil.1/373-4; FAB . 168-70; BR . 55-6).

CALVERT, Benedict . S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/14,26).

s .ofBenedict ,4th BaronBaltimore and Charlotte(Lee) br of Cecil , Charles and Edward-Henry. d . 1732 . (BuEP).

CALVERT , Cecil S.O.?-1713 (CRS . 62/14,26).

b . 1702 . s. of Benedict , 4th Baron Baltimoreand Charlotte (Lee) br ofBenedict , Charles and Edward-Henry (BuEP)

CALVERT, Charles alias Baines and Blundell S.O. 1633-40(5; CRS . 55/466).

b c . 1618, Cockerham , Lancashire s of RichardandJane (Pershall). E.C. Rome 1640-7 . Priest S.J. 1647.d . 1657 ,Rome. (CRS . 40/22; 55/466-7 ; Ans.2/42 ; Fo.1 /661; 6/351,620; 7/110-11).

?CALVERT, Charles ?S.O c . 1645 (Hu . Text 2/72).

b . 1637.s.ofCecil, 2nd Baron Baltimoreand Anne (Arundel). 3rd Baron 1675. m . (1)Darnall(2) Jane Sewall (née Lows) (3) MaryThorne (née Bankes)(4) Margaret Charleton d . 1715 .(GEC . BuEP)

CALVERT, Charles S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/14 ,26).

b . 1699.s. ofBenedict , 4th Baron Baltimore and Charlotte(Lee) br.of Benedict , Cecil and Edward -Henry.5th Baron 1715.m Mary Janssen. d . 1751 . (GEC; BuEP; Han.2).

CALVERT , Edward-Henry S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/14,26).

s.ofBenedict,4th Baron Baltimoreand Charlotte(Lee) br.of Benedict , Ceciland Charles (BuEP).

CALVERT, George . S.O. 1629-? (46/1629)

s.ofGeorge, 1st Baron Baltimoreand Anne (Mynne).br.of ?Leonard and ?Philip d . ?1634 . (BuEP;Fo.3 /327; Hu . Text 1/272)

CALVERT, James S.O. c . 1755-60 (2;4).

CALVERT, ?Leonard S.O. 1629-? (46/1629).

s ofGeorge 1st Baron Baltimore and Anne (Mynne). br. of George and ?Philip. d . 1647, St Mary's, Maryland. (Fo.3/327; BuEP)

CALVERT, ?Philip S.O. 1629-? (46/1629; Hu . Text 1/176n , 206).

s.ofGeorge, 1st Baron Baltimoreand Anne (Mynne)br.of George and ?Leonard.

CALVERT?alias for Rozier, Knotley and William. CAMMAERTS , Michael B. ?-1773 (14;59;60). From Louvain

CAMPION, Ignatius Anthony --see Champion CAMPION* or CAMPIAN, Richard S.O. 1666 (or earlier) -1669 (or later) (5)

CAMPION, Robert1 alias for Blundestonor Blunston,Daniel


CAMPION* , Roger S.O. ?-1611 (CRS . 29/85).

E.C.Madrid 1611.d . ?1613, Madrid. (CRS . 29/85,241)

CAMPION*,or CAMPIAN, Thomas S.O. 1644 (or earlier) -1649 (5).

CAMPIONor CAMPIANalias forPoyntz, John ;Wigmore , Andrew, George, Richard, Robert and William;Wilkinson, Charles.

CANDISHalias for Taylor, Ralph

CANNELL, James. S.O. ?-1671 (Fo.5/405;6/707;7/113). 57

b . 1649,Isle ofMan s . of Cannell and Anne (Hesketh) S.J. 1671.Priest .To England d . 1722, Wigan (WB . 158-63; Fo.5/405; 6/707;7/113).

CANON, .S.O. 1754-c . 57 (2;4)

?From SouthWales

CANSFIELD , Brian alias Benson, Christopherand Barton S.O. 1598-1601 (CRS . 54/106)

b. c . 1582,Robert Hall, Tatham, Lancashire s ofThomas and Frances (Fowler) ofRobert Hall E.C. Rome 16014. S.J. 1604 . Priest. To England d . 1643/5, ?York, from effectsofimprisonment. Venerable . (CRS.6/249n; 37/124; 54/106; Gil.1 /396; Fo.3/140-2; 6/220; 7/114; Chal . 472; FAB . 72-3).

CANTLET alias for Staunton,Henry

CANVAN or CANVANNE, Peter S.O. c . 1734-c . 39 (2;7).

?br. ofWilliam. ?s. ofJamesand Eleanora (Hussey)of St Kitts

CANVAN or CANVANNE, Peter B. 1771-3 (7; 15;23 ;58; 60).

s ofDr Peter of Bath E.A. Liège 1774-? (17; CRS . 13/203)

CANVAN or CANVANNE, William S.O. c . 1735-40 (2; 7; RSC . 83).

b. c . 1722 . s .ofJamesand Eleanora (Hussey) ofStKitts. ?br. ofPeter. S.C. Douay 1740. ?S.J. 1740. (RSC . 83).

CAPASSI, .S.O. c . 1726 (7).

CARDISS , Thomas S.O. 1695 (or earlier) -1696 (or later) (75, ff.18v , 23v).

CAREYor CARY or CAREW , Charlesalias Staveley.S.O. ?-1682 (13).

b . 1665, Devonshire S.J. 1682.d . 1686, Liège, notyet ordained. (Fo.7/120).

CAREY* or CAREW, Clement S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (orlater) (19).

CAREY, Edward S.O. c . 1635-c . 40 (CRS . 55/500-01).

b.Melford, Suffolk s ofJohn and Lucy E.C. Rome 1646-53 . Priest To England d . 1711. (CRS . 40/38;55/500-01; Gil.1/417-8; Oliver2/261; Ans.2/47-8; Fo.6/368; Dod.3/481)

CAREY, Francis S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1636(5).

b . 1606-10 , Devonshire E.C. Seville ?-1645 Priest S.J. 1647 . To England d . 1665, London (Oliver2/261; Ans.2/48;Fo.5 /979n; 7/120).

CAREY , George S.O. ?-1671 (Fo.6/517)

?s. ofSir George and Elizabeth(Wells) ofTorr Abbey, Devonshire E.C.Rome 1671-75 .d. after 1701.(CRS . 40/96; Fo.6/419,517).


CAREY or CAREW , George S.O. c . 1738-41 (2). ?b in Spain ?S.J. c . 1752 ?Priest d . ?after 1792, Rome. (Fo.7/81 , Irish section).

CAREY, John alias for Blackburn,Edward.

CAREY , .S.O. ?-1678 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/117).

CAREY orCARYalias for Fletcher, Thomas ; Riddell, Robert; Towers, Francis ; Wolfall, John See Staveley, Benedict , Christopher , Edward(2), Francis, George, Ignatius,Johnand Thomas.

CARIGE,William. B. ?-1771 (8; 15,60). s .ofTheobald .

CARLETON* , Barnabas S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1613 (or later)(19).

CARLETON, Henry alias Compton S.O. 1608-11 (CRS . 29/85-6; 30/119-20).

b . 1596, Cambridgeshire ?s ofRichardand Anne (Fludd) br ofThomas E.C.Madrid 1611-14 E.C.Valladolid 1614-5 . (CRS . 29/85-6 ; 30/119-20)

CARLETON, Thomas alias Compton S.O. c . 1606-11 (CRS . 29/85; 30/119).

b . 15924, Cambridgeshire ?s ofRichard and Anne(Fludd). br of Henry E.C.Madrid 16114.E.C.Valladolid 1614-7 Priest. S.J. 1617.To England d . 1666, Liège (CRS . 29/85; 30/119; Ans.2/45 ;Fo.7 /1534, 1424;Gil.1/546).

CARMICHAEL, .S.O c . 1757 (4).

CARNE, George. S.O. c . 1693 (75, ff.53v , 164) ?From Somerset.

CARPENTER, Hermenegild S.O. ?-1721 (63/1723).

b . 1703, Lille S.J. 1721.Priest To England d . 1770 , Bury St Edmund's (Fo.7/116).

CARPENTER , William alias Grove , Thomas S.O. 1624-5 (CRS . 55/381).

b . 1603 , Monmouthshire s ofJohn and ElizabethofUpcott, Herefordshire.E.C.Rome 1625-31 Priest (CRS . 37/207;55/37981; Ans.2/46-7 ; Fo.6 /308)

CARPENTIER-see Charpentier

CARPUE , Henry or Joseph. B. 1773 (2; 7; 15; 58 ;59; 60)

b . 1764 . From London St.G.Douay c . 1775 (BSG).

CARR alias for Thomson, Robert.

CARREorCAREY* , John S.O. 1616(or earlier) -1617 (orlater) (NQ, April 1965, pp. 122-8).

CARRINGTON, Beuno or Brunoalias Anderton S.O.1659-63 (5; CRS . 55/597-8).

b . 1644 , inWales E.C. Rome 1663-9 ?Priest To England. d?.1723 (CRS . 40/69 ; 55/597-8 ; 12/2; Fo.6/407)

CARRINGTON* or CARINGTON, Michael . S.O. 1631 (orearlier) -1633 (or later) (5)

CARRINGTON* , Stephen . S.O. 1655-6 (or later) (5)

CARRINGTON or CARINGTONalias for Hungate , Charles, Francis


CARROLL, Anthony S.O. 1734-44 (1 ;2; 7; 13). 59

and Philip; Smith, John and William (2)

b . 1722, Ireland s. of Daniel S.J. 1744.Priest To Marylandand England d . 1794, London. (Fo.5/620 ; 7/117-8 ; Gil.1/407; Mel . 12 , 38, 298n; Han . 25, 30-1, 66; DNB; Hu.Docs.1 /248 ff.).

CARROLL, Charles S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1716(CRS . 62/66; NB 2/167).

b. Maryland.s. of Charles and Mary (?Darnellor Darnall). br. ofDanieland Henry. (Mel . 11 ; Han.2)

CARROLL , Charles S.O. 1748-54 (or later) (1 ;2; 3 ;4; Hu . Text 2/521).

b . 1737, Maryland s of Charles above d . 1831 or later.(Mel . 9-12 and passim; Han . 14 and passim).

CARROLL, Daniel S.O. c . 1718 (Mel . 11).

b.Maryland so ofCharles and Mary (?Darnellor Darnall) br.of Charles and Henry. (Mel . 11;Han.2).

CARROLL,Daniel S.O. 1742-8 (1 ; 2; 3; Mel.9)

b.c . 1730, Maryland s of Daniel and Eleanor(Darnellor Darnall) br ofJohn m EleanorCarroll d . 1796 (Melpassim)

CARROLL, Daniel B . 1766-c . 70 (2;6,8)

From Maryland ?s. ofDanielabove

CARROLL, Henry S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1716 (CRS . 62/66,242; RSC . 69 ; Mel . 11).

From Maryland s .ofCharles and Mary (Darnell or Darnall). br of Charles and Daniel S.C. Douay 1716.d . 1719,atsea (RSC . 69;Mel . 11;Han.2 , 5).

CARROLL, Henry S.O. 1732-40 (1 ; 2; 7; 13; RSC . 83).

b . 1720, Ireland. s ofMichael and Joanna (Brown). br. of James. S.J. 1740.S.C. Douay 1741. (63; RSC . 83)

CARROLL, James S.O. 1732-9 (1;2; 7; RSC . 81)

b . 1719 or 1722 , Ireland s . of Michael and Joanna (Brown) br. ofHenry S.C. Douay 1739. S.J. 1741. Priest. To Maryland d . 1756 , Newtown, Maryland (Fo.7 /118; RSC . 81 ; Mel . 298n; Hu . Text 2/693; Docs.1/248ff.).

CARROLL, John S.O. c . 1748-53 (2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 63/1754;Mel.9; Hu . Text 2/521).

b . 1735-6, Maryland s ofDaniel and Eleanor (Darnellor Darnall) br. ofDaniel S.J. 1753.Priest.To Maryland Bishopand ArchbishopofBaltimore d . 1815 , Baltimore (Mel passim; Han. 16, 20; Ki . 41; Fo.3 /397-400; 7/118; Hu . Text 2/699-700).

CARTERET, George. S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (CRS . 62/10).

s ofSir Charles and Mary Anne (Fairfax) S.J. 1714-c . 17 (63).

CARUS alias for Fletcher, Thomas

CARVELLsee Corwell

CARY see Carey.

CARYLL, Charles S.O. c . 1698-c . 1702 (75, ff.32v, 62v).

b . 1685, Sussex s ofPhilip and Mary (Erle) ofShipley ?br of John S.J. 1704.Priest . To England d . 1745, Stapehill, Dorset



CARYLL, John alias Morley. S.O. ?-1642.(CRS . 55/479).

b. c . 1625, Chichester s ofSir John and Catherine (Petre).

E.C. Rome 1642-6 . m. Margaret Drummond 1st BaronCaryll 1701.d . 1711 , St Germain (CRS . 40/29 ;55/478-9 ;Gil.1 /419-20; Fo.3/536; 6/358, 624;DNB.; GEC; OSBD . 19, 51).

CARYLL, John S.O. ?-1693 (75,f.6v).

?s.ofPhilip and Mary (Erle). ?br. of Charles. d . ?1733 . (Fo.3/534ped)

CARYLL, Richardalias KellyPaul S.O. ?-1711 (Fo.3/538;7/122).

b . 1692, Sussex s ofJohn, 2nd BaronCaryll and Elizabeth (Harrington).S.J. 1711.Priest To England d . 1751,Stapehill, Dorset (Fo.3/358; 7/122; Gil.1 /421).

CASE, Henryalias Seaborne S.O. 1623/5-c . 28 (CRS . 55/402)

b c . 1609, Herefordshire . s. of Henryand Winefrid (Seaborne).

E.C. Rome 1628-33 Priest d . 1633, Rome (CRS . 37/216;55/402; Ans.2/48 ; Fo.4/427;6/316).

CASE, Henry. S.O. 1745-8 (1 ; 2; 3)

From Lancashire s ofJohn .

CASE, John S.O. c . 1746-c . 48 (1; 3).

?From Lancashire .

?CASEMORE , William Ignatius ?S.O and B. ?-1765 (Oliver2/261).

b . 1751, Reading E.C. Rome 1765-75 O.S.F. Priest To England d . 1824, Plymouth (Oliver2/261; Tha . 210; CRS . 40/221; Fo.6/502).

CASS* , William. S.O. 1668-70 (or later)(5)

CASSIDY alias for Stafford, Bernard .

CASTLE, .S.O. 1734-? (2; 7).

CASTLE- alias for Chevass, Thomas

CATER or CORKER, Francis alias Berry S.O. c . 1614-18 (CRS . 54/317-8).

b.c.1598 , Laughton, Lincolnshire E.C. Rome 1618-21 S.J. 1621/2. Priest To England . d . 1656, Lincolnshire. (CRS . 37/188; 54/317-8 ;Fo.2/635-6; 3/187-8; 6/286; 7/169-70)

CATESBY,Richardalias Pleasington , Joseph and Walmesley. S.O. ?-1733 (CRS . 30/187).

b . 1715, near Blackburn, Lancashire ?s .ofJohn and Margaret (Pleasington). E.C.Valladolid 1734-7 S.J. 1737.Priest.To England . d . 1781 , Alnwick , Northumberland. (CRS . 30/187-8; Fo.7/600). ?CATONSONor CATON, Thomas or William ?S.O. ?-1694 (75, f.12v). ?b. c . 1675. ?From Lancashire ?s of Thomas and Helen . ?E.C Rome 1694-1701 ?Priest ?To England d . ?1749 ,GreatEccleston or Cottam, Lancashire (?CRS . 40/117; Ki . 261).

CATTAWAY, Henry S.O. ?-1693 (11)

b . 1675, Suffolk S.J. 1693.Priest . To Marylandand England. d . 1718, ?Derbyshiredistrict. (Fo.7 /123-4; Hu . Text 2/684).

CATTERICK* , George S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1640(or later) (5).


?E.C Seville ?-1645-7 ?Priest ?To England (Ans.2/50; CRS . 56/xxiii,72)

CATTERICK- alias for Birkbeck, Gervaseand Thomas. CAUFFMAN or KAUFFMAN, Joseph B. 1766-71 (2;6;8). From Philadelphia

CAVERNER or CAVEÑOR see Kavanagh

CHALLENOR , Henryalias Ormes, Christopher. S.O. 1657(orearlier) -1659 (5; CRS . 55/575).

b. c . 1639, Garstang or Garston , Lancashire s ofWilliam and Alice Ormes. E.C. Rome 1659-60 S.J. 1660. Priest d . 1673 , Liège. (CRS.6/113n; 40/62; 55/574-5; Fo.1/667-8;6/399; 7/125-6).

CHAMBERLAIN , EdwardJames B. 1761-7 (2; 6;8) ?From Leicestershire .

CHAMBERLAIN,James S.O. 1753-c . 57 (2;4;7)

b . 1739 . S.J. 1758.Priest To West Indies d . 1799 , Demerara . (Fo.7/126; Hu . Text 2/698).

CHAMBERLAIN see Pearce, James .

CHAMBERSalias for Selby,John,Thomas and William.

CHAMBLEY* ,Henry S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1641 (5).

CHAMBLEY* or CHAMLEY , William S.O. 1663 (orearlier) -1664 (or later) (5).

CHAMPION,Anthony S.O. c . 1698 (75,f.30v)

CHAMPIONor CAMPION, IgnatiusAnthony alias Ireland S.O. 1722-6 (CRS . 40/183)

b . 1710, London s ofAnthony and Mary (Ireland) E.C. Valladolid 1726-30 . E.C. Rome1731-2 . (CRS . 30/186;40/183).

CHAMPION, James S.O. c . 1744-c . 47 (1;2).

CHANTRELL,John alias Hesketh S.O. 1695-9 (75,ff.20v , 33v)

May be the same as Hesketh , John.

CHAPELor CHAPELLE, Henry, B. c . 1764-71 (2; 8)

b . 1749, London. s of- (Fagan) S.J. 1771-3 O.P. 1773 . Priest. To England d . 1825, Bornhem, Flanders (Fo.7/128; Oliver2/452; CRS . 25/135; Gumb . 89)

CHAPMAN,Andrew S.O. 15934 (CRS . 30/29-30).

b . 1579, Rouen ?br ofStephen E.C.Valladolid 1594-1601 .

Priest S.J. 1601.d Grolla, Netherlands . (Fo.7/128 , 1423; CRS . 30/29-30; Knox DD . 243,247,280)

CHAPMAN* , John S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater) (5).

CHAPMAN , Johnalias or vere St. Leger seeSt. Leger.

CHAPMAN,John S.O. c . 1736-c . 40 (2; 7)

s of Lawrence

CHAPMAN, Stephen S.O. 1596-1602 (CRS . 30/76-7).

b. c . 1584, Rouen. ?br ofAndrew E.C.Valladolid 1602-6 .

E.C.Douay 1606.S.J. 1606.Priest (Fo.7 /128, 1424 ; CRS . 10/75; 30/76-7).

CHAPMAN, .S.O. ?-1710 (RSC . 67).

S.C. Douay 1710.(RSC . 67; ?CRS . 62/29n).

CHAPPEL* , Thomas S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (orlater) (5).

?St G.Douay c . 1670 (BSG).

CHAPPELalias forWyndham, Charles.

CHAPUY , .B. ?-1773 (14;59;60)

s.of Captain C.ofBrussels.

CHARLTONalias for Talbot, Gilbert and John.

CHARNOCK, George alias forWorthington, Lawrence

?CHARNOCK, Robert ?S.O c . 1613 (70). From Bedfordshire.

CHARNOCK* , Thomas S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1634 (5).

?Killed in the King's service in the Civilwar (Dod.3/65)

CHARNOCK-alias for Foster, James; Spencer,John

CHARPENTIERor CARPENTIER , -.S.O. 1714-5 (or later)(CRS . 62/180) From Lille

CHARPIN , .S.O. 1733-c . 40 (2;7).

CHEEK alias forWhitehair,Anthony.

CHELIO* ,Anthony S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1651 (5).

CHELIO* , John S.O. 1646-7 (or later) (5)

CHELIO* ,Peter S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1664(5).

CHENEY* , Thomas S.O. 1653-5 (orlater)(5).

CHERINGTON* ,William S.O. 1666(or earlier) -1670(orlater) (5).

CHESTER , John. S.O. 1753-c . 56 (2;4)

?From Devonshire ?br ofWilliam. CHESTER ,William. S.O. c . 1754-c . 57 (2;4).

?From Devonshire . ?br. of John

CHESTER , -. S.O and B. 1760-c . 63 (2).

?From Devonshire May be one ofthe two Chesters above . ?St.G.Douay c . 1763 .(BSG).

CHESTERMAN, Jamesalias Yates S.O. 1714-7 (CRS . 40/160; 62/199).

b . 1698 . From Berkshire . s ofJames and Mary (Yates) E.C. Rome 1717-24 .Priest.To England d . 1777, London.(CRS . 12/14; 40/159-60).

CHESTON * ,John S.O. 1633 (or earlier) -1636(5).

CHETWINor CHETWYND, Ralphalias Twisden , Bartholomew. S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1665 (5).

b . 1641, Staffordshire ?s .of Ralph and Dorothy(Twisden ) S.J. 1665.Priest .To England d . 1719 , Watten (Fo.5 /781-3; 7/129)

CHEVALION, John S.O. c . 1756 (2)

CHEVASS ,Thomas alias Castle S.O. c . 1754-c . 57 (2;4;22)

?From Worcestershire

CHEYNE , Jamesalias for Harenden ,Maurice.

CHICHESTER , Johnalias Palmer S.O. ?-1724 (CRS . 28/118).

?s ofJamesand Catherine (Palmer) ofArlington,Devon. E.C.Douay 1724-6 . (CRS . 28/129; E.andP. 38).

CHILDalias for Curson or Curzon , John, Peterand William.


CHINERY , William alias Ellis. S.O. c . 1636-44 (CRS . 55/483-4).

b . 1624 . From Essex s ofRichardand Elizabeth(Whitbread). E.C. Rome 1644-7 . d soon after, Essex (CRS . 40/31;55/484; ER.9 /10; Fo.6/360).

CHOMLEY alias for Babthorpe,Richard.

CHORLEYalias for Gillibrand,John,Thomas and William.

CHRISTI or CHRISTIE,James S.O. c . 1754-c . 56 (4).

CHRISTI or CHRISTIE, Joseph S.O. c . 1754-c . 56 (4)

Maybethe same as James St.G. Douayc . 1756. (BSG).

CHRISTIE alias forQuin, Richard and Robert.

CHURCH , Edward S.O. c . 1742-8 (1 ;2)

b . 1728, St Columb , Cornwallor London s .ofJane C.S.J. 1748.Priest .To England d . 1820, Rixton , near Warrington (Fo.7 /131).

CHURCH, Edward B. 1763-73 (2; 6; 8; 14; 60). From Cornwall

CHURCH ,Gabriel S.O. 1747-c . 51 (2; 3)

CHURCHILL,William.S.O. ?-1675 (13).

b . 1656, Belgium S.J. 1675.d. not yet ordained, 1684 ,Watten. (Fo.7/131).

CLAPTONor CLOPTON, Cuthbertalias Green S.O. c . 1627-31 (CRS . 55/419)

b . 1607,Sledwick, Co.Durham s .of William and Anne (Clopton) E.C. Rome 1631-8 Priest . To England . Condemned to death but reprieved d . 1644, Rome (CRS . 40/2; 55/419;Fo. 6/326-7; Ham.1/ped.; Ans.2/65; Surt . 175/148).

CLAPTONor CLOPTON, Johnalias Lepton or Leyton. S.O. ?-1616 (CRS . 29/240n).

b . 1596 . s .ofWilliam and? Anne(Clopton) ?br ofCuthbert. E.C.Madrid 1616. E.C. Valladolid 1616-20 E.C. Douay 1620. (CRS . 10/78, 182; 29/240; 30/128; Ham.1/ped.; Surt . 175/148)

CLARE,John alias Dominic. S.O. c . 1596-99 (CRS . 30/56).

b . 1581 , Wiltshire E.C.Valladolid 1599-1603 Priest S.J. 1605 . To England d . 1628, ?in Wales. (CRS . 30/56; Ans.1/75; Fo.4/401-3; 7/131-2,1424)

CLARENCE ?alias for Curtis, Peter

CLARKE* ,Anthony S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (or later)(5).

CLARKE, Edwardalias Powelland Seaborne S.O. c . 1626-29 (CRS . 55/406-7).

b.c.1606 , Wellington, Herefordshire s .of Edwardand Mary. E.C.Rome 1629-34 Priest To England (CRS . 37/218;55/406-7; Ans.2/59; Fo.6 /318-9)

CLARKE, Edward S.O. c . 1755-c . 58 (2;4). ?br of James

CLARKE , Gabrielalias Norton . S.O. 1626-9 (5; CRS . 55/414)

b c . 1610,Kent. s of Ralphand Alice. E.C. Rome 1629-36 . Priest To England . d. c . 1644, Ireland . (CRS . 37/221; 55/413-4;



CLARKE, Henry S.O. ?-1690 (11 ; 13;75,f.46)

b . 1669-70 , Durham S.J. 1690. Priest To England d . 1729 , London. (Fo.7 /133)

CLARKE orCLARK, James S.O. ?-1700 (75, f.62v)

CLARKE, James S.O. 1752 -c . 55 (2;3;4;22). ?br of Edward.

CLARKE or CLARK, John S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624(5).

b . 1604-5, Essex E.C. Seville ?-1630 Priest S.J. 1632.d . 1672 , Rome (Fo.7/133;Ans.2/59).

CLARKE or CLARK, John S.O. ?-1681 (13).

b . 1662, Kilkenny S.J. 1681.Priest d . 1723, Ghent (Fo.5/195-8; 7/133-4).

?CLARKE, Richardalias Clerendon ?S.O. ?-1606 (CRS . 30/86).

b.c . 1587, Herefordshire E.C. Valladolid 1606.(CRS . 30/86).

CLARKE,Robert alias Hardcastle S.O. 1692 (or earlier) -1698 (75, ff. 7,9v, 12v, 16v,29v).

CLARKE or CLARK, William. S.O. c . 1612-7 (CRS . 54/312-3)

b . 1599, Lichfield . E.C.Rome 1617-8 (CRS . 37/186;54/312-3)

CLARKE* ,William S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1649 (5)

CLARKE or CLARK alias for Wallis, Francis ; Wilson,Edward See also Clerke.

CLARKSON, George S.O. 1751-8 (2;3;4)

b . 1738-9 , Southhill, Chorley, Lancashire S.J. 1758.Priest. To England d . 1813, Southhill (Fo.7/136).

CLAVERING, Edward S.O. c . 1726 (7).

?br ofWilliam. (?NCH.1 /19)

CLAVERING , Edward B. 1764 -c . 66 (2;6;8)

?s.ofWilliam of Berrington,Northumberland. br.ofHenry ?and ofJohn. (?R.H.10/19).

CLAVERING, Francis S.O. c . 1747-c . 54 (1;2; 3;4).

b . 1731 , s of Ralph and Mary (Stapleton) ofCallaly, Northumberland br of Ralph m. Eleanor Lambton. (BLG; RH . 10/15; CRS . 13/190; NCH.1 /20; Pa . 80)

CLAVERING , Henry B . 1764-66(2; 6; 8; 58)

?s.ofWilliam ofBerrington, Northumberland br of Edward ?and of John.

CLAVERING , John S.O. 1677-78 (orlater) CST . 10/1132; Fo.5 /701).

b . 1659 . s.of Ralph and Mary (Middleton) ofCallaly, Northumberland m. Anne Widdrington d . 1724.(BLG; E.andP. 205; Pa . 49 ; Surt . 131/37, 128; 173/24).

CLAVERING, John B. 1763-6(2; 6; 8; 38)

?s.ofWilliam of Berrington,Northumberland ?br.ofEdward and Henry.

CLAVERING, Ralphalias Stapleton S.O. ?-1741 (CRS.7/320;28/231)

b . 1727 . s. of Ralphand Mary (Stapleton) of Callaly, Northumberland. br. of Francis E.C. Douay 1741-7.m.(1)

ElizabethEgan (2) Frances Lynch (3) Mary Walsh.d . 1787 , Saint -Omer (BLG; CRS . 28/231n, 249; 12/29; RH.9/107-8;NCH. 1/18-23; Surt. 173/81; Pa . 80).

CLAVERING, Thomas S.O. ?-1625 (CRS . 30/135).

CLAVERING , William. S.O. 1724-c . 27 .(7)

E.C.Valladolid 1625.(CRS . 30/135).

?br of Edward .

CLAYalias for Bedingfeld , Edwardand Richard .

CLAYTON, Francisalias forWhitaker, Humphrey.

CLAYTON,Henry S.O. c . 1594-c . 96 (fo.7/xxxi).

b.c . 1583. From Lancashire . E.C.Seville c.1596.d.c.1597, Seville.(Fo.7 /xxxi; RH.9/166).

CLAYTON,John S.O.,1623 (or earlier) -1629 (5).

b . 1611, Lancashire S.J. 1629. Priest . d . 1663, Liège (Fo. 5/327n-8; 7/136).

CLAYTON, Thomas alias Berington S.O. 1631-6 (CRS . 55/451-2).

b c . 1616, Warwickshire . s. ofJohn and Anne (Suffield) E.C. Rome1636-43 . Priest .To England (CRS . 40/16; 55/452; Ans.2/62; Fo.6/343,614)

CLAYTON alias for Kingsley,IgnatiusGeorge

CLEMENTsee Hoskins

CLEMEN , Pierre B. 1772-3 (14; 59;60)

From Ghent.

CLERENDONalias for Clarke ,Richard. ?CLERKE, Francis ?S.O c . 1613 (70).

CLERKE , Thomas S.O. ?-1642 (CRS . 63/10)

b.c . 1613. From Salisbury E.C. Douay 1642-3 .(CRS . 11/438-9; 63/9-10).

CLERKE see also Clarke . CLERY , .S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/158,305,312 )

From Gravelines

CLETON alias for Freeman, Robert.

CLIFFORD, Charles alias Blount or Blunt B. 1770-3 (2; 8 ; 14; 51, f.84v; 56; 59;60).

b . 1759 , London s ofHugh, 4th Baron Cliffordand Anne (Lee) br.ofHugh.E.A. Liège 1773-?m. Eleanor Mary Arundell 6thBaron 1793.d . 1831, Ugbrooke Park,Devonshire (17; CRS . 13/202;GEC).

CLIFFORD, Hugh alias Blount or Blunt B. 1770-3 (2; 8; 14; 51, f.84v; 56;59;60; Chad.1/327,340).

b . 1756 . s. of Hugh,4th Baron Clifford and Anne (Lee) br of Charles. E.A. Liège 1773-? m. Apollonia Langdale.5thBaron 1783.d . 1793, Munich. (17; CRS . 13/202; GEC).

CLIFFORD,? Henry. S.O. ?-1622 (18; Fo.5/601-2).

?s ofHenry and Elizabeth(Thimelby) of Brakenborough , Lincolnshire. ?m . Catherine Tempest d . ?1644, Antwerp. (Ham.2, ped.).

CLIFFORD alias forElliott,William; Fitzherbert,John


CLIFTON , Cuthbertalias Norris S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (5 ; 16)

b . 1611 . From Lancashire s of Sir Cuthbert and Anne (Tyldesley) ofClifton, Lancashire S.J. 1630.Priest . To England. d . 1675, Garswood , Lancashire (CRS.6/208n; Fo.2 /xi-xii, 9-17).

CLIFTON,Dudley S.O. 1724-c . 26 (7; 21).

s.ofSir Gervase, 4th Bart and Anne (Bagnall) ofClifton, Nottinghamshire br ofGeorge, Robert and William (BuP;ER 12/82-4).

CLIFTON* ,Francis S.O. 1658-61 (or later) (5).

CLIFTON, Francisalias for Fanning, Dominic

CLIFTON, George S.O. ?-1720 (7).

b.c . 1709. s ofSir Gervase, 4th Bart and Anne (Bagnall)of Clifton , Nottinghamshire. br. ofDudley, RobertandWilliam . E.C.Douay 1720-3 .m.Anne Sacheverell (BuP; Pa . 45 ; ER . 12/824; CRS . 28/53n, 81, 113)

CLIFTON, James S.O. 1694-9 (75, ff.15, 18v, 28v , 35).

b. c . 1673. ?s.ofJamesand Anne (Brent or Bond) ofWard's House, Lancashire ?br of Thomas and William ?E.C Rome 17024.d . ?1704, Rome (CRS.6/194n; 40/131; Fo.6/453;7/140-1).

CLIFTON, James S.O. c . 1754-c . 60 (2;4)

?From Dorset

CLIFTON, Johnalias for Westby, William .

CLIFTON, Joseph alias or vere Green S.O. 1759-? (6).

CLIFTON, ?Robert. S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -? (CRS . 62/203,207).

s ofSirGervase, 4th Bart and Anne (Bagnall) br.ofDudley, George and William.5thBart. 1731.m. (1) Lady Frances Coote (2)

Lombe. d . 1748. (BuP; Pa . 45; ER . 12/83).

CLIFTON, Thomas . S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1698 (11 ; 75, ff.8v , 12v, 19v, 25v,28v).

b . 1675, Ward's House, Lancashire s . ofJames and Anne (Brent or Bond). br ofWilliam ?and James. S.J. 1698-9 (Fo.7/140-1; CRS.6/194n).

CLIFTON, Thomas S.O.1713 (or earlier) -1714(or later)(CRS . 62/17 ,122)

b . 1696 . s .of Thomas and Eleanora Alathea(Walmsley) of Clifton, Lancashire .m.Mary Molyneux d . 1734 (BLG).

CLIFTON,William alias Norris. S.O. 1654-c . 60 (5; CRS . 55/578-9).

b. c . 1640, Lancashire s of Thomas and Anne (Halsall) of Westby, Lancashire E.C. Rome 1660-2 d . ?1695 (CRS . 40/63; 55/579; Fo.6/401).

CLIFTON,William S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -1699 (11 ;75 , ff.15 , 18v, 28v , 35v)

b . 1678, Lancashire. s of Jamesand Anne (Brent orBond)of Ward's House, Lancashire br ofThomas ?and James S.J. 1699 . Priest . To England d . 1749, Formby, Lancashire (CRS.6/194n; Fo.7 /141 )

CLIFTON , William. S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1718 (CRS . 28/53; 62/203, 207)

s ofSir Gervase, 4th Bart . and Anne (Bagnall) ofClifton, Nottinghamshire br ofDudley, George and Robert. E. C.Douay 1718.m.-- Wharton (CRS . 28/53; BuP; Pa . 45; ER . 12/83).

CLIFTON alias for Green , Thomas

CLINTON, Alexandersee Mackenzie .

CLOD see Beresford , William

CLODDEor CLOD, Anthony . S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (75, ff.8, 18v,27v).

CLODE ,William alias Persons S.O. 1614-9 (12; CRS . 30/134).

CLODEL, William S.O. c . 1697 (75,f.37v)

b. c . 1600, Lincolnshire E.C.Valladolid 1619-20 . (CRS . 30/134).

MaybeClovel, William and the same as Gerard , William CLOPTONsee Clapton.

CLOSETTE , Joseph B. ?-1771 (Oliver 1/71).

b . 1752, Flanders S.J. 1771.Priest To England d . 1781 , Ludwell, near WardourCastle,Wiltshire (Fo.7/143).

CLOUGH, Richardalias Fostinne S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 10/308)

b. c . 1615, Biddulph, Staffordshire s of Christopherand Mary br ofRobert E.C.Douay 1632.(CRS . 10/308).

CLOUGH, Richardalias Fourniers S.O. c . 173744(2;3)

b. 1728, Shropshire S.J. 1744. Priest.To England d . 1777 , Worcester (Fo.7/143).

CLOUGH, Robert alias Bealott or Belott S.O. c . 1630-6 (5; CRS. 55/453-4).

b c . 1616, Staffordshire s ofChristopherand Mary of Biddulph, Staffordshire. br ofRichard. E.C.Rome 1636-43 . Priest To England . (CRS . 40/17;55/4534;Ans.2/65;Fo.6/343, 614).

CLOUGHsee Fourniers, Nicholas.

CLOVEL or CLOVELL , John . S.O. c . 1716-? (NB.2/167)

May be an alias forGerard

CLOVEL -aliasfor Gerard , Charles, Cuthbert, John, Philip (2), Thomas (3) and William (3)

COATES ,John S.O. c . 1680 (Fo.5/701)

From Morpeth.s.ofMary. COBS alias for Tindal, Edmund.

COCKRAN , .S.O. c . 1758 (2) s .ofEdward COFFIN* , John. S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (or later) (19).

COFFIN, Peter S.O. 1596-9 (CRS . 30/56-7).

b.c . 1583, Rheims E.C. Douay 1594.E.C.Valladolid 15991605.Priest.E.C.Douay 1607.To England (CRS . 10/77,85; 30/56-7; 58/303; Ans.2/66)

COLBORNEsee Cowban .

COLE , Henry S.O. c . 1750-56 (2; 3; 4; CRS . 30/190).

From Maryland s ofEdward ?br.ofJoseph and Robert E.C.Valladolid 1756-63 . Priest To England . d. c . 1763 .

(CRS . 30/190-1; Ans.6).

COLE, James.S.O. and B. 17614 (2;6; 8). From Maryland.

COLE, Joseph. S.O. c . 1740-7 (1 ; 2;3;4).

b . 1727,Maryland ?s of Edward ?br.ofHenry and Robert . S.J. 1747.Priest d . 1763 , Rome (Fo.7/145-6).

COLE ,Robert.S.O. c . 1748-52 (2; 3;4; 8; 63/1754).

b . 1732 ,Maryland s of Edward ?br.ofHenry and Joseph. S.J. 1752.Priest To England d . 1812, Bury St Edmund's.

(Fo.7 /146).

COLE , Thomas S.O. c . 1745-c . 47 (1; 3).

COLE , William B. 1772-3 (2; 8; 14; 59;60)

b. c . 1759 . From Irnham, Lincolnshire.

COLE alias for Cooke , William

COLEFORD , or COLFORD,Gregory. S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (19; CRS . 54/267-8)

b c . 1595, Antwerp ?s .ofGabrielof Essex. E.C.Rome 1613-5 . d . 1615,Rome .(Fo.1 /185n ; 6/267; CRS . 37/169-70 ; 54/267-8; ER . 15 /14)

COLEMAN, .S.O c . 1729 (7).

?br of Coleman below.

COLEMAN, .S.O c . 1729 (7)

?br ofColeman above . COLESsee Collis

COLFORD* ,John. S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (or later)(5)

COLFORD alias for Cooke,Thomas .

COLGRAVEalias for Walmesley ,Richard.

COLLINGRIDGE,Thomas B. 1770-3 (2; 8; 14; 59; 60)

b c . 1762 From Wappenbury,Warwickshire ?s ofWilliam and Anne (Reeve) E.C. Bornhem17734.E.A. Liège Priest .To England d . 1854, Neston, Cheshire (26; CRS . 25/165;Fo.7 /147).

COLLINGRIDGE, William. S.O. c . 1749 (2;3).

?m. Anne Reeve (26)

COLLINGRIDGEalias for Collins, Thomas

COLLINGWOOD, Robert S.O. ?-1677 (13).

b . 1657 ,Northumberland ?s of George and Agnes (Fleming)of Eslington, Northumberland. S.J. 1677.Priest To England . d . 1740, Boscobel , Shropshire (Fo.7 /147; E. and P. 209 ; Pa . 101-2;Surt. 131/62)

COLLINGWOOD, Thomas alias Errington. S.O. 1650 (orearlier) -1652 (5).

b . 1631-2 , Northumberland s of Cuthbert and Olive (Wyvill). S.J. 1652.Priest To England . d . 1680, in England . (Fo.7/147)

COLLINGWOOD,William S.O. before 1698 (75, f.31v)

COLLINGWOOD alias for Metcalfe, John; Robinson,John

COLLINS,John alias Land , Thomas S.O. 1606-8 (CRS . 30/98).

b . 1586, Suffolk. E.C. Valladolid 1608-c . 10. S.J. 1612.Priest.

To England d . 1632, Valladolid. (CRS . 30/98; Fo.7/431-2 , 1438; RH.2/96-7).

COLLINS* , John S.O. 1661-5 (or later) (5).

COLLINS,Nicholas alias Ashton see Goulden,Nicholas

COLLINS, Thomas S.O. ?-1711 (40,f.23)

b . 1690 .From Kent s .ofChristopherand Mary.E.C.Rome 1711-15 .(CRS . 30/146; E. and P. 87; Fo.6/461).

COLLINS, Thomas alias Collingridge B. ?-1773 (14; 59;60)

b . 1760.

COLLINS , William S.O. 1662-5 (orlater)(5)

b . 1650, Kent S.J. 1669. Priest . To England . d . 1704 ,in England . (Fo.5/527n-8, 539; 7/150)

COLLINS,William S.O. c . 1701 (75 ,f.43v).

b . 1683/4, London s ofCharles.S.J. 1704.Priest To England. d . 1745, in England (Fo.7/150).

COLLINS, .S.O . c . 1623 (Fo.7/149).

s .ofThomas . br. of next two.

COLLINS, .S.O. c . 1623 (Fo.7 /149).

s of Thomas . br. ofabove and next.

COLLINS,.S.O c . 1623 (Fo.7 /149)

s above .

COLLINS, .S.O. 1699-1702 (75, ff. 37v,45v).

s .ofChristopher.

COLLINS alias for Pordage, William

COLLISor COLES, Thomas , alias Butler. S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1613 (19; 70; CRS . 54/364)

b . 1596, Lye, Worcestershire . s. ofWilliam and Mary (Palmer) E.C. Rome 1613-20 Priest. To England (CRS . 37/168-9;54/263-4; Ans.2/67-8; Fo.6/266).

COLMORE* , John S.O. 1654-5 (orlater)(5).

COMBERFORD , Alexander S.O. ?-1717 (CRS . 28/51).

From Ireland ?br ofCharles and Edward. E.C.Douay 1717-21 . (CRS . 28/51, 84)

COMBERFORD , Charles S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/186). ?br ofAlexanderand Edward.

COMBERFORD , Edward S.O. 1714-7 (CRS . 28/51;62/186)

From Ireland ?br.ofAlexanderand Charles E.C. Douay 1717-20 . (CRS . 28/51,76).

COMBERFORD, Henryalias or vere Taylor S.O. ?-1607 (CRS . 54/178-9).

b.c . 1589, Wednesbury , Staffordshire ?s ofWilliam andMary (Skevington) ?br. ofJohn(nextbut one below) E.C. Rome 1607-13 . d . 1613, Rome, not yet ordained . (CRS . 37/147;54/178-9;Fo.7/152).

COMBERFORD , John alias orvere Taylor S.O. ?-1603 (22).

b.c.1577 .d . 1603, St Omers College.

COMBERFORD, John alias or vere Taylor, Francis S.O. 1602-6 (CRS . 30/87).

b.c . 1587, Hampshire ?br ofHenry ?s ofWilliam and Mary


(Skevington) E.C.Valladolid 1606.d.Valladolid, ?not yet ordained (CRS . 30/87).

COMPTON * , John S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1656(orlater) (5).

COMPTON ,Philip S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624(5).

b . 1606, Cambridgeshire S.J. 1625. Priest To England d . 1658 , in England . (Fo.7/153).

COMPTON , Richard. S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5)

b c . 1650. From Lincolnshire s ofWilliam and Dorothy E.C. Rome 16714 , 1699-1701 . Priest . ?To England d . ?1726, in England (CRS . 12/2; 40/96, 129-30; Fo.6/419 , 452,517).

COMPTON , Richard alias or vere Hilliard B. c . 1769-73 (2; 6;8; 14; 59 ;60).

b . 1759 . From Islington, London E.C. Bornhem 1773-5 . (CRS . 25/165).

COMPTON , ?Walter S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/147, 149).

?s of Sir William, 2nd Bart and Jane (Hyde) ofHartpury, Gloucestershire

COMPTONalias for Carleton , Henry and Thomas SeeAnne.

CONDALL* , John S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (or later)(19).

CONIERS* or CONYERS , Edward S.O. 1654 (or earlier) -1655 (or later) (5).

CONIERS or CONYERS , George. S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1653 (5)

b . 1636 , London S.J. 1653.d . 1657, Liège , not yet ordained. (Fo.7/155).

CONIERSor CONYERS ,George S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1665 (5).

b . 1645-6, Kent. S.J. 1665.Priest To England d . 1711 , in England (Fo.7 /155).

CONIERS* or CONYERS , John S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1664 (or later) (5).

?CONIERS or CONYERS , Joseph ?S.O ?-1679 (29)

CONIERSor CONYERS , Leonard S.O. ?-1690 (11 ; 13)

b . 1671, Kent br of Thomas S.J. 1690.Priest To England. d . 1745 , Southend , Soberton, Hampshire . (Fo.4/687;7/155-6).

CONIERSor CONYERS, Thomas S.O. ?-1622 (18)

E.C.Seville 1622 .

CONIERS* or CONYERS ,Thomas S.O. 1634 (orearlier) -1635 (or later) (5).

CONIERS or CONYERS, Thomas alias Barrum. S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1664-5, Kent br of Leonard S.J. 1685.Priest d . 1721 , St Omers College (Fo.4/686; 7/156).

CONIERSorCONYERS, Thomas alias Barrum. S.O. c . 1727-34 (1;7).

b . 1715, London or Kent.s . ofSymbert S.J. 1734.Priest.To England d . 1780, Lancashire (Fo.7/156).

CONIERSor CONYERSalias for Palmes,George and William; Poulton, John

CONNEL alias for Macnamara,Michael.

CONQUEST ,-. S.O . ?-1678-? (OPT.5 Jesuits, 53).

?From Lincolnshire.

CONSTABLE, Charles B. ?-1773 (7; 5; 58; 59;60).

b . 1764 From Northumberland s ofWilliam HaggerstonConstable and LadyWinefrid (Maxwell). br. ofMarmaduke and William. Assumed additional surname of Stanley m (1) Elizabeth Stanley(2) Mary Macdonald E.A. Liège 1775-? d . 1844. (BuEB; BLG ; CRS . 13/204; Gil.1 /547-8).

CONSTABLE, Henryalias Robinson S.O. 1606-1611 (CRS . 54/240-1).

b . 1587, Everingham , Yorkshire. s of Sir Philip and Margaret (Tyrwhit) ofEveringham br.ofRobert, Michaeland William.

E.C.Rome 1611-15 , 1617-19 Priest .To England d . 1623.(CRS .

37/162; 54/240-1 ; BuEB; BLG; Fo.6/260; Ans.2/69)

CONSTABLE, Johnalias Lacey S.O. c . 1689-95 (11; 13; 75,f.9v).

b . 1678-8, Lincolnshire br ofMarmaduke (Joseph) S.J. 1695 , Priest To England . d . 1740, SwynnertonPark, Staffordshire (Gil.1/552-5; Fo.7/159).

CONSTABLE, Marmaduke or Joseph S.O. ?-1690 (Fo.7/159).

b . 1672-3 , Lincolnshire br of John .S.J. 1690. Priest.To England d . 1750, Watten (Fo.7 /159)

CONSTABLE, Marmaduke alias Lacey. S.O. 1697-1700 (75, ff.32v , 33v, 38v, 165v).

s ofSir Philip, 3rd Bart and Margaret orAnne (Ratcliffe) Later4th Bart d . 1746 (BuEB).

CONSTABLE, Marmaduke alias Middleton B. 1770-3 (2;7;8; 14;59)

b. c . 1760 . s. ofWilliam Haggerston-Constable and Lady Winefrid (Maxwell) of Everingham br. of Charles and William . ?St G.Douay c . 1774 Assumed additional surname ofMaxwell m . TheresaWakeman d . 1819, Abbeville. (BuEB; BLG ; BSG)

CONSTABLE, Michael alias Wentworth and Russell or Rostell. S.O. 1611-16 (CRS . 54/290-1)

b. c . 1598,Rasen, Lincolnshire. s ofSirPhilip and Margaret (Tyrwhit) ofEveringham br. of Henry, Robert and William. E.C.Rome 1616-20 d . ?1643, Hopton Heath , Staffordshire. (CRS . 37/178;54/290-1 ; Fo.3 /206-7;6/275;Dod.3/72; BuEB).

CONSTABLE ,Philip alias Covert and More S.O. 1636(orearlier) -1639 (or later) (5; CRS . 55/473).

b. c . 1621 , West Rasen, Lincolnshire E.C. Rome1642-5 . (CRS . 40/26; 55/473; Fo.6/356).

CONSTABLE, Robert alias Tyrwhitand Salvin.S.O. ?-1616 (CRS 54/289-90)

b . 1597, Everingham , Yorkshire s.of SirPhilip and Margaret (Tyrwhit) br.of Henry, Michael and William E.C. Rome1616-9 . S.J.1619.Priest. To England d . 1678, Liège. (CRS . 37/178; 54/289-90 ; Fo.7/160).

CONSTABLE, Robert S.O. ?-1722 (CRS . 40/169).

b . 1705,Thirsk, Yorkshire s .ofJohnand Anne (Otterbourn). E.C. Rome 1722-9 Priest S.J. 1729.To England . d . 1770,York.


(CRS . 40/169;Ki . 56; Fo.3/208-9; 6/473; 7/160-1)

CONSTABLE , William alias Robinson S.O. 1608-13 (19; CRS . 54/ 269-70)

b.c.1590 , Everingham , Yorkshire s .ofSir Philip and Margaret (Tyrwhit ) br.of Henry, Michaeland Robert E.C. Rome 1613-6 . (CRS . 37/171; 54/269-70; Fo.3 /205-6;6/263).

CONSTABLE,William alias Middleton. B. 1770-3 (2; 7; 8; 14; 59; 60).

s .ofWilliam Haggerston-Constable and Lady Winefrid (Maxwell). br. ofMarmadukeand Charles ?St.G.Douay c . 1773 . E.A. Liège 1775-? Assumed surname ofMiddleton m.Clara LouisaGrace d . 1847 . (BuEB; BLG ; CRS . 13/204; BSG)

CONWAY , William alias Parry. S.O. c . 1674-79 (HMC . 32/13.App.6/151; CST.7/361; 10/1109; CSP.Dom.Jan.1679 -Aug . 1680/87).

b . 1659,Flintshire S.J. 1679.Priest .To England . d . 1689 ,in England. (Fo.5/132;7/162; Chad.1/196 , 198-9).

CONWAY , William alias or vere Wright S.O. ?-1702 (11)

b . 1683, Flintshire or Ireland S.J. 1702.Priest d . 1741,St Omers College. (Fo.7 /162; Irish section 63).

CONWAYalias for Pennant , Thomas.

CONY , John S.O. 1748-c . 52 (2;3;4)

?From Lincolnshire.

CONYERSsee Coniers .

COOE, John alias Hobson . S.O. 1600-06(CRS . 54/165).

b.c.1598 , London s of John and Helen (Thurner). E.C.Rome 1606.d . 1607, in Spain (CRS . 37/143;54/165).

COOK , Johnalias Sutton S.O. 1713-14(CRS . 40/154 ; 62/80, 157,247).

b . 1698. From Chester s . of John and Elizabeth E.C.Rome 1714-20 d . 1720, Rome ,not yet ordained (CRS . 40/154;Fo.6/ 465).

COOKalias forHeveningham , John.

COOKE, Thomas alias Colford S.O. ?-1607 (CRS . 54/179-81)

b . 1589, London E.C.Rome 1607-14 . Priest S.J. 1614.To England d . 1670, in England (CRS . 37/147-8; 54/179-81;Ans. 2/66; Fo.1/151-3; 6/244; 7/162-3).

COOKE ,William alias Cole S.O. 16024 (CRS . 30/86)

b c . 1584, Milton, Cambridgeshire . s of Henry. E.C.Valladolid 1604.d. soon after, Valladolid (CRS . 30/86)

COOKEalias for Edner(or Edney), LewisJustus .

COOLEY , William alias or vere Barnewall S.O. and B. 1761 -c . 65 (2;6;8)

COOLEYsee Moylen, Joseph.

COOPER,John S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (16).

b . 1610, Hampshire S.J. 1630.Priest .To England and Maryland d c . 1646, Virginia (Fo.7/163; Hu . Text 2/679; Chad.1/118)

COOPER, Robert S.O. c . 1750-c . 54 (2;3;4) ?From Lancashire.


COOPER* , Thomas S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1635 (orlater)(5).

COOPERTOR or COOPETERS, Ferdinand S.O. 1714-15 (orlater) (CRS . 62/96n, 123 , 305).

b . 1698 From Brussels .

COPE , Thomas B. ?-1773 (14; 60). From London ?E C. Bornhem 1774-8 (CRS . 25/165).

COPLEY , Charles S.O. 1725 (or earlier) -c . 1727 (7).

COPLEY ,Henry S.O. 1714-21 (40, ff.91 , 94, 101; CRS . 40/166; CRS . 62/107, 163).

b . 1705 ,StGermain.s .ofJohn and Mary (Conquest) E.C. Rome 1721-8. Priest (CRS . 40/166; 62/107, 163; Fo.6 /471).

COPLEY , Johnalias Luttrell S.O. c . 1593-c . 95 (CRS . 54/19-22).

b . 1577, Louvain s ofThomas, BaronHoo and Wells and Catherine (Luttrell) ofGatton, Surrey E.C. Rome 1599-1602 . Priest To England . (CRS . 30/37n;37/116;54/19-22; Fo.1/186-9; 6/570; Ham.1 ped.; Ans.2/87-8).

COPLEY* , Richard S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1657 (or later)(5)

COPLEY ,Roger S.O. ?-1649 (T.C.F.1 /300)

?b . 1632 ?s. ofWilliam and Margaret (Fromondes ) Louvain 1649.(Aub.4/220)

COPLEY , William. S.O. ?-1686(13).

b . 1668 , in Surrey . S.J. 1686. Priest To England . d . 1727 , Coldfield or Baddesley Clinton,Warwickshire (WR . 20/58-9; Fo.7 /165-6).

CORBETT* ,John S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1645 (orlater)(5)

CORBIE ,Henry S.O. ?-1722 (63/1723, 1754).

b . 1700, Sussex S.J. 1722. Priest. To England d . 1765 , Ghent. (Fo.7/168).

?CORBIE , . ?S.O c . 1740 (2).

CORBINGTONalias forCorby,Ambrose ,Ralph, Richard and Robert.

CORBUSIER, Johnalias Porter S.O. ?-1726 (7)

b . 1707, Utrecht. S.J. 1726.Priest . To England . d . 1765, Scotney, Sussex (Fo.7 /167).

CORBY , Ambrosealias Corbington S.O. 1617-22 (CRS . 54/347-8).

b . 1604.s ofGerard and Isabella (Richardson ) ofDurham. br.ofRalph, Robert and Richard E.C. Rome 1622-5 . S.J. 1627 . Priest d . 1649, Rome (CRS . 37/199; 54/347-8 ; Gil.1 /563; Chad.1/160; Fo.3/97-8;6/299; 7/167)

CORBY, Ralph alias Corbington and Flower S.O. 1613-19 (12;33; CRS . 30/140; FAB . 80).

b . 1598, near Dublin. s .of Gerard and Isabella (Richardson )of Durham br ofAmbrose, Richardand Robert E.C. Seville 1619. E.C.Valladolid 1621-5 . Priest S.J. c . 1625 To England.Put to death, 1644, London Beatified (CRS . 30/140; FAB . 80-81; Gil.1 /563-4; Chal . 462-6; Dod.3/11 ; Fo.3 /68-96; 7/168-9; SM . 27/226 ff.; Ans.2/72; Chad.1/160-3).

CORBY , Richardalias Corbington S.O. before 1617 (Gil.1/563; Fo.3 /65).


s .ofGerard and Isabella (Richardson) ofDurham br of Ambrose, Ralphand Robert d before 1617, St Omers College. (Fo.3/65; 7/168; Gil.1 /563; Chad.1/162).

CORBY, Robert alias Corbingtonand Flower S.O. 1612-6(12; 19; CRS . 30/129)

b . 1596-8 , Dublin. s. ofGerard and Isabella (Richardson )of Durham br ofAmbrose , Ralph and Richard E.C. Valladolid 1616-7 . E.C. Seville Priest S.J. c . 1628 .To England d . 1637, in England (CRS . 30/129; Ans.2/72; Fo.3/66, 96; 7/169).

CORCORAN, Thomas . B. 1769-73 (2; 6; 8 ; 14; 47, ff.32, 33, 40;54; 56;59;60)

?From Monmouthshire.

CORKER, Francissee Cater.

CORKER , William alias Berry S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1655 (5)

b . 1627, Lincolnshire S.J. 1655-71 Priest (Fo.7/54).

CORNELISONor CORNELIUSON, James S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1664 (5).

b . 1646 . From Dunkirk S.J. 1664-74 . Priest (63/1664, 1674; Oliver 1/76)

CORNER,- . B. 1768 (or earlier) -1769 (or later) (7)

CORNWALL , .S.O c . 1732 (1)

?From Herefordshire (?E and P. 80; Pa . 21 , 70).

CORNWALL , .S.O c . 1739 (2).

?From Herefordshire . (?E . and P. 80; Pa . 21 , 70).

CORNWALLIS,William alias Beconsaw S.O. ?-1633 (CRS . 10/311).

b c . 1610, Broome Hall, Suffolk s ofWilliam andMary (Beconshaw). E.C.Douay 1633. (CRS . 10/311).

CORWELLorCARWELL or CARVELLalias for Thorold, Thomas

COSSEY , .S.O. c . 1736-c . 38 (2;7).

COTTAMalias for Tremayne,John . COTTERINGERor COTTINGER , Matthew. B. 1763-c . 67 (2;6;8). From Philadelphia.

COTTON,Alexanderalias Blount. S.O. c . 1649-55 (5; CRS . 55/551-2).

b . 1637,Somerset s of Edwardand Mary (Brett) br of Edward, Francis and George E.C.Rome 1655-6.S.J. 1656-62/3 . (CRS . 40/55-6; 55/551-2 ; Fo.4 /616n; 6/392; 7/176)

COTTON, Edwardalias Blount S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1645 (5; CRS 55/491).

b . c . 1627, Hampshire s of Edward and Mary (Brett). br. of Alexander, Francis and George E.C. Rome 1645-8 (CRS . 40/34; 55/491).

COTTON, Edward B. 1763-6 (2; 6).

?From Staffordshire

COTTON, Francis alias Nevilleand Essex. S.O. ?-1613 (19).

b . 1595 , Hampshire E.C. Valladolid 1613-16. S.J. 1616.Priest. To England d . 1679, Staffordshirewhen arrested Venerable. (CRS . 30/112; FAB . 186-7; BR . 27-8; Fo.5/872-5 ;7/176 , 1425).

COTTON ,Francis S.O. ?-1660 (CRS . 55/582).

b.c . 1639,Surrey. s. of Edward and Mary (Brett) br.of Alexander, Edwardand George E.C. Rome 1660-1 (CRS . 40/64; 55/581-2; Fo.5/820;6/402).

COTTON , George alias Poole or Pooly S.O. 1599-1601 (HMC. Salisbury , XI/216,278, 302)

b . 1587 s. ofRichardof Bedhampton, Hampshire .

COTTON, George alias Blount S.O. c . 1649-52 (5; CRS . 55/537-8).

b. c . 1635, London s of Edwardand Mary (Brett) br.of Alexander, Edwardand Francis E.C. Rome 1652-3 . S.J. 1653 . Priest To England d . 1697, London. (CRS . 40/51;55/537-8; Fo.6/386; 7/176).

COTTON,Richardalias Phillips S.O. ?-1681 (13).

b . 1665, London S.J. 1681. Priest . To England . d . 1740, ?Norwich (Fo.7/177).

COTTONalias forTichborne,John; Tremayne , John see Fletcher, John

COUCHE , Henry S.O. c . 1753 -c . 58 (2;4).

s .ofJohn.

COUCHE ,John S.O. ?-1762 (Fo.7/177).

b . 1744, Tolfrey , near Fowey, Cornwall s of William and Anne (Hoskins ) br of Peter, Thomas and William. S.J. 1762.Priest . To England d . 1813, Greenwich (88; Fo.5 /818; 6/696;7/177;CRS . 43/123-4)

COUCHE , John S.O. c . 1758 (2).

s. of Thomas .

COUCHE , John. S.O. 1748-c . 58 (2; 3).

s ofJohn .

COUCHE , Peter. S.O. c . 1755-61 (2).

s.ofWilliam and Anne (Hoskins ) of Tolfrey, near Fowey, Cornwall br ofJohn,Thomas and William S.J. 1761-c . 66 (88;Fo.7/177)

COUCHE ,Richard B. 1763-8 (2;6;8)

From Fowey, Cornwall.

COUCHE , Thomas S.O. c . 1743-c . 48 (1 ;2;3)

s .ofWilliam and Anne (Hoskins ) ofFowey, Cornwall br.of Peter, John and William.

COUCHE , William S.O. 1743-9 (1 ;2; 3).

b . 1732, Tolfrey, near Fowey, Cornwall s of Williamand Anne (Hoskins) br.ofJohn, Peter and Thomas S.J. 1749.d . 1753 , Liège, not yet ordained (Gil.1 /577; Fo.6/696-706; 7/177).

COUCHE, William S.O. 1759-c . 62 (2; 6)

s .ofJohn and Elizabeth(Knight) ?br ofThomas below . (88 s.v. Hoskins)

COUCHE , ?Thomas. B. c . 1770 (8).

?s. ofJohn and Elizabeth(Knight) ?br ofWilliam next above . (88 s.v. Hoskins)


COULSTER , Daniel alias Gifford. S.O. 1672-9 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/139; 151 ; Cas . 94; CSP.Dom.Jan.1679 -Aug 1680/87).

s.ofSir Joseph. S.J. 1679-80. (HMC . 32/13/App.6/139,151; Fo.5/133;7/300; Chad.1/193; CST.7/364, 1263).

COURANT* , John. S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1651 (5).

COURBE ,de la S.O. 1696-7 (75, f.56v).

COURSEY , John alias Courtney S.O. ?-1680(CRS . 55/645-6)

b . 1664, London s of Henryand ?Elizabeth E.C. Rome 1680-1 .(CRS . 40/97; 55/645-6; Fo.6/430).

COURTNEY* ,John S.O. 1653-7 (orlater) (5).

COURTNEY* , Thomas S.O. 1652-6 (or later)(5).

COURTNEY , William alias Martin , Alexander S.O. c . 1626-31 (5; 16; CRS . 55/423).

b. c . 1612, Powderham Castle, Devonshire ?s ofSirWilliam . E.C. Rome 16314.(CRS . 40/4; 55/422-3 ; Fo.6/328-9).

COURTNEY-alias for Coursey, John; Leedes, Edward and Thomas

COVERT alias for Constable,Philip.

COVETalias for Becket , Joseph.

COWBANor COLBORNE,Johnalias Butler. S.O. ?-1722 (84, no . 11; CRS . 28/99).

b . 1701 . From Lancashire ?s of Lawrence ofFreckleton , Lancashire E.C.Douay 1722-32 Priest . To England .d . 1777 , Crathorne,Yorkshire (CRS.6/182n; 12/14; 15/110; 28/99, 141, 160, 164).

COWBORNE , William alias Johnson S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1631 (5; CRS . 55/417-8).

b. c . 1611 , near Kirkham, Lancashire s . of HenryofFreckleton . E.C. Rome 1631-8 Priest To England (CRS.6/182n;40/1-2; 55/417-8; Ans.2/74-5 ; Fo.6/325).

COWDEN , .S.O. c . 1742 (2).

COWLEY , John alias Fisher S.O. ?-1662 (CRS . 55/587-8).

b . 1643, Lancashire s .ofMatthew and Joanna É.C. Rome 1662-9.Priest .To England (CRS . 40/65-6 ; 55/588; Fo.6/404).

COWLINSor COWLING,John S.O. 1727-31 (7; CRS . 40/185).

b . 1712 . s. ofRichard and Catherine (Bispham) of Lancashire . E.C. Rome 1731-7 . Priest .To England d . 1768, Cheshire (CRS . 12/2;40/185).

COX , William alias Bointon. S.O. 1695-9 (75, ff.17v, 21v,27v, 31v, 34v , 104).

COX , - . S.O. ?-1678 (CST.7/367).

b . Brussels (Chad.1/196,204).

CRABBE* , Denis S.O. 1616 (or earlier) -1617 (or later) (NQ, April 1965, 122-8).

CRAMPTON, Peter S.O. c . 1726 (7)

CRANE,William alias Brian. S.O. ?-1669 (5; CRS.8/343).

b . 1650,Norfolk. s . ofWilliam and Frances (Bond) of Loughton, Buckinghamshire E.C.Rome 1669-76 Priest S.J. 1676.To


England. d . 1709, in England (CRS.8/343;40/78-9; Fo.6/413; 7/179-80)

CRANWISEor CRANWIGE, Richard S.O. c . 1593-6 (CRS . 30/41).

b. c . 1577,Essex E.C. Valladolid 1596. E.C.Seville c . 15971600. E.C. Valladolid 1600-01. (CRS . 10/32; 30/41; RH.9/166; Fo.6/584).

CRATHORNE, Francis S.O. ?-1616 (12).

b . i595,Ness Hall, Yorkshire s. of Ralphand Bridget (Yaxley) of Crathorne , Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1616. E.C. Seville ?-1620 ?S.J O.S.B. Douay 1620. Priest To England . d . 1667, ComberfordHall, Staffordshire. (CRS . 30/128 ; Ans.2/75; Peac . 101; Bi . 45; Ham.2/ped ).

CRATHORNE, George B. 1771-3 (7; 15; 22; 58; 59;60)

b . 1761 . s ofThomas and Isabel (Swinburne ) ofCrathorne and Ness , near Malton, Yorkshire br ofThomas.Assumed name ofTasburgh m Barbara Fitzherbert. d . 1825 (Ham.2/ped )

CRATHORNE, Thomas B. c . 1768-73 (7; 15; 22; 58; 60)

b. c . 1760 . s of Thomas and Isabel (Swinburne ) of Crathorne and Nessnear Malton, Yorkshire br ofGeorge E.A. Liège 1773-8

m . Catherine Coates d . 1815. (17; Ham.2/ped.; CRS . 13/203).

CRIPPS alias for Heathcote ,John

CRISP* ,William S.O. 1613-? (19)

CRITCHLEY , Richardalias Foster, Christopher S.O. 1626-9 (CRS . 55/409-10).

b . 1610.s of Ralphand Catherine (?Tootell) of Leyland, Lancashire .E.C.Rome 1629-36 Priest. To England (CRS 37/219; 55/409-10; Ans.2/76)

CROFT, Herbertalias Harley, John S.O. c . 1622-c . 26 (5; CRS . 55/ 389-90)

b . 1603-4 , Great Thame, Oxfordshire s .of Sir Herbertand Mary (Bourne) of Croft Castle, Herefordshire . E.C.Rome 1626-8 . m.Anne Browne d . 1691 , Hereford (CRS . 37/212 ;55/389-90; DNB; Fo.2/301n-2; 4/468-9 ; 6/312-3).

CROFTS, John. S.O. ?-1721-2 (63/1723)

b . 1702,Durhamcounty. S.J. 1721/2 d . ?1724, in England. (Fo.7/182).

CROSBY, John alias Rowland S.O. ?-1664 (13)

b . 1637-8, Worcestershire S.J. 1664.Priest To England. d . 1709 , Durhamdistrict (Fo.7/183; CRS.8/344).

CROSLANDalias for Rone,Jerome .

CROSS* , Aurelius S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1636(or later)(5).

CROSS, Thomas . S.O. c . 1752-8 (2;4).

b . 1739 . ?From Lancashire S.J. 1758.Priest.To England. d . 1813 , HolbeckHall, near Spinkhill , Derbyshire (Fo.7/184).

CROSS,-aliasor vere Whyte S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (orlater). (CRS . 62/34,215).

CROSSLAND , Charles S.O. ?-1677 (13).


b . 1655, Yorkshire S.J. 1677.Priest. To England d . 1724 , Yorkshire. (Fo.7/184).

CROSSLAND* , Francis S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (or later) (5).

CROSSLAND, Henry S.O. 1630 (or earlier) -1635 (5)

?S.J d . ?Watten , date unknown (Fo.7/184).

CROSSLAND , Henry S.O. c . 1701 (75 ,f.43v).

CROWTHER ,Johnalias Broughton, Mark S.O. 1599-1600 (CRS . 30/65).

b . 1584 . From Shropshire s ofArthurand Mary (Broughton) E.C. Valladolid 1600-04 , 1604-8 Priest O.S.B. Douay 1608.To England .d . 1658, Lambspring , Germany (CRS . 13/151-6; 30/65; Bi . 39; Ans.2/77-8;Wel.App.7).

CRUISE ,-. S.O. c . 1741 (2).

?CRUMP , ?S.O. ?-1678 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/117).

CUBAN , Thomas S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (75, ff.8, 13v, 19v).

CUERDONorCUERDEN, Thomas S.O. 1733-7 (1 ;7; 13)

b . 1718, Lancashire s .ofWilliam ofClayton-le-Dale S.J. 1737. Priest.To England d . 1793 , Scholes, near Prescot, Lancashire . (Fo.7/186; CRS.6/154n; 15/4; E. and P. 132).

CUERDONor CUERDON,.S.O. c . 1759 (2).

CUFFAUD orCUFFOLD, Alexander S.O. 1602-6 (CRS . 30/89).

b. c . 1587,Hampshire E.C.Valladolid 1606. (CRS . 30/89).

CUFFAUD, Alexanderalias Day, Francis S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624/5 (5).

b . 1602 , Sussex s . of Francis and Anne br ofGeoffrey S.J. 1624-5 .Priest.To England d . 1674, Worcester (Ans.2/78; Fo.4/454-7 ;7/186)

CUFFAUD, Edward ?alias Hubbert S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1640 (5).

b . 1620, Hampshire ?s .of Simon and Frances (Godfrey) ?br. of Francis and Matthew S.J. 1641. Priest To England . d . 1695-6, Lincolnshire (Fo.7/187).

CUFFAUD, Francis alias Windsor S.O. ?-1636 (CRS . 55/454).

b . 1617 . s.of Simonand Frances (Godfrey). br. ofMatthew ?and Edward E.C.Rome 163741. (CRS . 40/17-8;55/454; Fo.6/344)

CUFFAUD,Geoffrey orGodfrey alias Lampton, Ignatius S.O. 1623-8 (5; CRS . 55/405).

b . 1608, Sussex . s. of Francis and Anne . br . ofAlexander E.C. Rome 1628-33 . Priest To England S.J. 1639.d . 1676 , London district (CRS . 37/217;55/405; Ans.2/78; Fo.5 /772; 6/318; 7/187).

CUFFAUD,Matthew alias Hubbert or Hubbardand Windsor S.O. 1627-32 (CRS . 55/423).

b . 1614, Hampshire s ofSimonand Frances (Godfrey).br.of Francis ?and Edward E.C. Rome 1632-5 (CRS . 40/4;55/423; Fo.6/329-30).

CUFFAUD or CUFFOLD, Thomas alias Hubbert S.O. ?-1631 (CRS . 10/298-9)


b. Hampshire .E.C. Douay 1631.(CRS . 10/298-9).

CULCHETH, Charles alias Parker . S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1652 (5; FAB . 66).

b . 1631 , Lancashire s. ofJohn and Jane (Hawarden)of CulchethHall, Lancashire br ofWilliam. S.J. 1652.Priest. d . 1667 , Ghent . (Fo.5 /346; 6/690; 7/188; FAB . 66).

CULCHETH, Jamesalias Parker S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1665, Lancashire s of Thomas and Anne (Bradshaigh) of CulchethHall, Lancashire br ofJohn and Thomas . S.J.1685 . d . 1692, Liège, not yet ordained (Fo.5/346; 6/690;7/188).

CULCHETH, Jamesalias Parker S.O. c . 1695 (75 ,f.19v)

CULCHETH , Johnalias Parker S.O. 1666 (or earlier) -1670(5).

b. c . 1650 . s of Thomas and Anne (Bradshaigh) ofCulcheth Hall, Lancashire br ofJamesand Thomas E.C. Rome 1670 . m . Mary Dicconson d . 1682 (CRS.6/139n; 40/81; Fo.6/416, 690).

CULCHETH , John alias Parker S.O. 1695-9 (7;75, ff.17v ,20v , 25v ,28, 29, 32v, 34v).

?s ofJohn and Mary (Dicconson) ofCulchethHall, d . ?1733 (Fo.6/690; CRS.6/139n; ?Pa . 26; ?E and P. 115-6).

CULCHETH, Thomas alias Parker. S.O.1669 (orearlier -1670 (orlater)(5).

b . 1664, Lancashire s of Thomas and Anne (Bradshaigh)of CulchethHall, Lancashire br ofJamesand John S.J. 1674. Priest To England d . 1730, Liège (CRS.6/139n ; Fo.6/690;7/188).

CULCHETH, Thomas alias Parker S.O. 1695-8 (7; 75, ff.17v, 20v,25v, 28,29v, 32v).

?s.ofJohn and Mary (Dicconson) of CulchethHall, Lancashire . br ofJohn. ?m.Anne Mostyn d . ?1747 . (Fo.6/690; CRS.6/139n; ?E . and P. 115).

CULCHETH , Thomas alias Lewis. S.O. c . 1751-6 (2; 3; CRS . 30/189 , 190)

b . 1741 , Lancashire s. of Thomas ofWappenbury, Warwickshireand Studley, Lancashire . E.C.Valladolid 1756-63 . S.J. 1763.Priest.To England d . 1809, Chideock , Dorset. (CRS . 30/189 ; Fo.6/691; 7/188-9).

CULCHETH , William alias Parker . S.O. 1652-8 (5). b . 1637, Lancashire s of John and Jane (Hawarden)of CulchethHall, Lancashire br ofCharles. S.J. 1658.Priest.To England d . 1684, Lincolnshire (Fo.6/690; 7/189).

CULCHETHalias for Stanley, Henryand Thomas CULLEN,Edward B. 1768-73 (7; 15;58; 60). b c . 1761, St Croix, West Indies ?br ofJohn. CULLEN,John . c . 1768-72 (7).

?From St Croix, West Indies ?br.ofEdward .

CURRAN, .S.O. c . 1736-c . 39 (2;7)

CURSON or CURZON, Francis S.O. c . 1695 (75 , f.20v)

?s ofSir John ,2nd Bart and Penelope (Child) ofWaterperry, Oxfordshire. br ofJohn, Peter, Robert and William 3rd Bart. 1727.m. (1) ElizabethKnollys (2) Winefrid Powell.d . 1750 . (BuEB; Sta . 204 ; Pa . 50)

CURSON or CURZON, John alias Freeman S.O. 1694(orearlier) -1695(75, ff.11v, 13v, 14v, 16v, 20v)

s.of Sir John ,2nd Bart and Penelope (Child) of Waterperry, ofFrancis, Peter, Robert and William (BuEB)

CURSON or CURZON,Johnalias Child. S.O. 1714-5 (CRS . 62/132,282). b. c . 1701. s .of Francis and Elizabeth(Knollys) ofWaterperry, Oxfordshire d . 1715 , St Omers College (CRS . 62/282; BuEB; Sta . 204 ;E. and P.216).

CURSON or CURZON,John ?vere Brinkhurst S.O. c . 1746 (2). Maybethe son ofJohn Brinkhurst and Mary(Curson) (Pa . 50; BuEB s.v. Curson)

CURSON or CURZON, Peter alias Child S.O. 1699-1701 (75,ff.33v , 42v, 45v). ?b . 1686. s ofSir John,2nd Bart and Penelope (Child)of Waterperry,Oxfordshire br.of Francis , John, Robertand William 4th Bart 1750.S.J.1706 Priest To England d . 1766 , Winchester (BuEB; Pa . 50;Fo.7/191).

CURSON or CURZON, Robert alias Freeman S.O. c . 1694 (75 , f.11v)

s .ofSir John , 2nd Bart and Penelope (Child) ofWaterperry, Oxfordshire. br ofFrancis , John , Peter and William. d . 1744. (BuEB; Sta . 206).

CURSON or CURZOŃ,William alias Child. S.O. 1699-1701 (75,ff.33v , 42v , 45v).

s.of SirJohn,2nd Bart, and Penelope (Child) ofWaterperry, Oxfordshire br of Francis , John, Peter and Robert (BuEB).

CURTIS, Maximilanalias for Short, Francis

CURTIS, Peter alias Peterson ?and Clarence S.O. c . 1614-c . 18 (CRS. 54/345-6).

b . 1595, Andover, Hampshire s ofThomas and Joanna (Burton). E.C. Seville c . 1620 E.C. Rome 1621-5 . Priest.To England d . 1673 , London. (CRS.3/100; 37/198; 54/345-6; ?Cro . 187; Ans.2/78-80; Ham.2/30-1; LR.4/71-2; Be . 153; Fo.3 /406n; 6/297;7/191).

CUTHBERT , Johnalias for Stonehouse , Andrew

DACREalias for Hill, Augustine

DALLISON , Joseph S.O. c . 1679 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/151). ?E.C. Seville c . 1679-81 ?Priest (89)

DALTON,Jamesalias Ellerker,John S.O. 1613-17 (CRS . 54/303-4).

b. c . 1597, Yorkshire s of Robert and Elizabeth(Constable) ofMitton, Yorkshire E.C. Rome 1617-23 . Priest. To England d . 1672, Durhamdistrict (CRS.3/99 ; 37/183;54/3034;Ans.2/80; Peac . 130)


DALTON* ,James S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (or later) (5).

DALTON, John B. 1763-6 (2;6; 8).

b . 1746 s. of Robert and Cecilia(Butler) of Thurnham, Lancashire br.of Robert m. Mary RookwoodGage. d . 1837 . (88; Fos.; CRS.6/212n; BLG).

DALTON, Robert B. 1765-7 (2; 6; 8)

s .ofRobert and Cecilia (Butler) ofThurnham, ofJohn (CRS.6/212n)

DALTON, William. B. 1772-3 (7; 15; 26;51, f.94; 58; 59;60)

b c . 1764 . s ofRobert and Bridget (Metcalfe, neéMore),of Thurnham, E.A. Liège 1773-82. m. Louisa Smith d . 1838 (17; CRS.6/212; 13/205;20/179-80).

DALTON alias for Oxenbridge , Robert.

DALY, John. B. 1770-3 (15; 60)

?s.ofMichael and Anne (Waterton) of Demerara , South America br.of Michael and Richard E.A. Liège 1773-? (17;26 , p . 47 ; CRS . 13/205)

DALY,Michael S.O. ?-1743 (RSC . 85).

S.C. Douay 1743-8 . To Louvain (RSC . 85).

DALY , Michael B. c . 1770-3 (15;60).

?s.ofMichaeland Anne (Waterton) ofDemerara , South America. br. ofJohn and Richard (26, p . 47).

DALY, Richard B. c . 1770-3 (15; 60)

?s ofMichael and Anne (Waterton) ofDemerara , South America br ofJohn and Michael E.A. Liège 1773-? (17;26, p . 47; CRS . 13/205).

DANBY , Anthony S.O. ?-1635 (Fo.7/192).

b . 1615 , Yorkshire S.J. 1615.(Fo.7/192).

DANBY, Richardalias for Riley, John.

DANBY* , Thomas S.O. 1657-9 (or later) (5).

DANIEL * , James S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1665 (or later)(5)

DANIEL,Johnalias for Daniel, Thomas

DANIEL, Thomas alias Daniel,John S.O. 1697-8 (75, ff.28v, 30v, 130v).

DANIEL , Thomas alias West and Watson S.O. c . 1749-51 (2; 3).

b . 1717 or 1720, Scotland S.J. 1751.Priest.To England d . 1779 , Sizergh, Westmorland (CRS . 20/9-10 ; DNB.s.v.West; Fo.7/192-3).

DANIEL, .S.O. before 1715 (CRS . 62/295,299)

s.ofMary Daniel d . 1715, Aire

DANIELalias for Pickford, Thomas.

DANNEAU, . B.1773 (15; 60).

From Ath, Netherlands

DARBY* , Henry S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1643 (5).

DARBY* , John S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1663 (5)

DARBYalias for Fitzherbert, Francis

DARCY* ,Anthony. S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1641 (or later)(5)

E.C. Seville ?-1646 . Priest. (Ans.2/81)

DARCY , Arthuralias Angelino.S.O. 1619-24 (CRS . 55/375-6).


b.c . 1605 ,Northamptonshire s .of Henry and Frances (Monins) of Addington, Northamptonshire E.C.Rome 1624-31 . Priest To England (CRS . 37/203-4;55/375-6; Ans.2/81)

DARCY* , Henry. S.O. c . 1649 (5)

DARCY , Thomas alias Stafford S.O. 1621-6(CRS . 55/390-1).

b.c.1606, Aldborough, Yorkshire s of Thomas and (Stafford) E.C.Rome 1626-7 ?E.C .Valladolid 1629-33 d . ?1633 , Valladolid (CRS . 37/212; 55/390-1; ?30/147)

DARCYalias for Eyre, Lawrence and Peter; Forster, Bartholomew and Robert; Thompson, Charles and Thorold, Henry.

DARELL , Edward S.O. 1755-c . 60 (2;4; 8 ; 90, n . 20)

s.of Philip and Mary (Constantine ) ofCalehill, Kent br.of Henry and John (Fo.3/476 ped )

DARELL,George S.O. ?-1747 (Hamy , 21).

d . 1747,S.O. Preparatoryschool at Boulogne . (Chad.1/272).

DARELL , Henry S.O. 1755 -c . 60 (2; 4; 8; 90, nos. 17, 19 ,20)

s.ofPhilip and Mary (Constantine ) ofCalehill, Kent br of Edwardand John m ElizabethGage (BLG; Fo.3/476 ped.; LR.3/116).

DARELL, Henry, B. c . 1770 (7).

?s ofHenry and Elizabeth(Gage) of Calehill, Kent d unm 1802 , Bengal (BLG; Fo.3/476 ped.; CRS . 12/90).

DARELL , James S.O. c . 1714-23 (CRS . 62/46n, 144n).

b . 1707, Kent s .of John and Olivia(Smith) ofCalehill,Kent br. of John, Joseph, Nathaniel, Philip and Thomas.S.J. 1723 . Priest. To England d . 1785, Liège. (Fo.3/476 ped.;7/194; BLG; LR.3/115-6; Pa . 25).

DARELL , John S.O. c . 1691 (75,f.52).

DARELL, John S.O. c . 1714-22 (63/1723; CRS . 62/46n, 144n).

b . 1704-5, Kent. s ofJohn and Olivia(Smith) br.ofJames, Joseph, Nathaniel, Philip and Thomas. S.J. 1722.Priest.To England d . 1768 , London (Fo.3/476 ped .; 7/194-5; Pa . 25; LR.3/115).

DARELL ,John S.O. c . 1738-c . 47 (1;2;3).

s.ofGeorge ofScotney, Sussex (Fo.3 /476 ped.; BLG).

DARELL ,John. S.O. and B. c . 1755-c . 64 (2;4;8;90, nos 11 , 17, 19 , 20)

s.of Philip and Mary (Constantine ) ofCalehill, Kent. br.of Edward and Henry (Fo.3 /476 ped.).

DARELL ,Joseph S.O. c . 1725-7 (7).

s.ofJohn and Olivia (Smith) of Calehill, Kent. br. ofJames , John, Nathaniel, Philip and Thomas (BLG; Fo.3 /476 ped.; Pa . 25).

DARELL,Nathaniel S.O. c . 1725-7 (7)

s.ofJohn and Olivia (Smith) ofCalehill, Kent. br. ofJames , John, Joseph, Philip and Thomas (BLG;Fo.3 /476ped.).

DARELL,Philip S.O. ?-1720 (RSC . 71).

b.c . 1701 . s.ofJohn and Olivia (Smith) ofCalehill, Kent br


ofJames, Joseph,Nathanieland Thomas.m . Mary Constantine. d Canterbury. (BLG.; Fo.3/476 ped.).

DARELL or DORELL, Richard alias Fowler S.O. c . 1608-13 (19; CRS . 54/266-7).

b.c.1596 , Scotney, Sussex ?s ofThomas and Alice

(Whetenhall). E.C. Rome 1613-16 S.J. 1616. Priest. To England . d . 1628 , London (CRS . 37/169;54/266-7; Fo.3 /476 ped.;6/267; 7/195).

DARELL, Thomas S.O. c . 1725-9 (7)

b . 1710-11 , Kent s ofJohn and Olivia (Smith) of Calehill, Kent. br. ofJames, John , Joseph, Nathanieland Philip S.J.1728

d . 1734, in England , not yet ordained (Fo.3/476 ped.;7/195; BLG ; LR.3 /115).

DARELLalias for Tasburgh , Thomas . See also Dorrell.

DARNALL , .S.O. c . 1694 (75,f.14v).

DARNEL,Henry S.O. 1714-22 (CRS . 62/166, 281 ; RSC . 72; NB.3/111)

b. c . 1704. From Maryland

DARNEL,Robert S.O. c . 1744-9 (1 ;2;3)

DARTON, Charles see Orton, Charles

DAVENPORT, Peter S.O. ?-1600 (CRS . 30/62).

b. c . 1580 From Cheshire.E.C.Valladolid 1600-03 .S.J.1603 . d . 1607? not yet ordained (CRS . 30/62; Fo.7/1426).

DAVIES or DAVIS, Francis B. 1763-7 (2;6;8).

DAVIES, John S.O. ?-1701 (75 , f.45v; CRS . 30/180).

E.C. Valladolid 1701-8 . Priest. To England . d . ?1753, London (?CRS . 12/8 ;30/180).

DAVIES, Peter S.O. ?-1711 (63/1754)

b . 1690-2 , London S.J. 1711.Priest To England and Maryland d . 1759, Watten (Fo.7/197-8)

DAVIS, Johnalias Lamb . S.O. ?-1699 (11;75, f.33v).

b . 1679, in Wales S.J. 1699.d . 1706, Liège,notyet ordained (Fo.7/197).

DAVIS, Johnalias for Taverner , Edward

DAVISalias for Barrow, Edward ; Berkeley , Robert; Thompsonor Thomson , John .

DAY* , Alexander. S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (5).

May be alias for Cuffaud, Alexander

DAY, Francisalias for Cuffaud,Alexander

DAY , Nicholas S.O. 16014 (CRS . 30/83).

b.c.1586 , Oxford E.C.Valladolid 1604.O.S.F. Priest .To England d . 1655-8 , Oxford (CRS.1/122; 30/83; Oliver2/550; CRS . 24/265; Tha . 224).

DAY* , Robert. S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1639 (or later) (5)

DAY* , Thomas S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1632 (5).

May be alias for Cuffaud, Thomas.

DAYalias for Molsho , John.

DEAN , Michael, S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/110-11)

b . 1696, StGermain s of Lady Macmahon S.J. 1714.Priest. To England d . 1760, Watten (Fo.7/198).

DEAS , John B. ?-1769 (28.f.11).

DE BOISalias for Kingsley, Thomas.

DEBORS , Constant B. ?-1773 (15; 58;59).

From Malines ?br.of Joseph.

DEBORS , Joseph B. ?-1773 (15;58; 59)

From Malines ?br of Constant .

DECKER, -.S.O. c . 1726-c . 30 (7).

s ofAnthony.

DELAMORE ,-. S.O . c . 1733-c . 42 (1; 2; 7)

DELANEY, .S.O c . 1727-32 (1 ;7;21).


DELUARDE orDELVARDE or DELWARDE,Augustine B. ?-1773 (14; 59;60).

From Ath, Netherlands .

DEMPSEY , Lawrence . S.O. 1700 (or earlier) -1701 (or later)(75 ,f.62).

DENIS, .S.O.c . 1756 (2). May be Pippard ,Denis.

DENNET, James S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/196).

b . 1702, Lancashire s of Jamesof Lydiate, Lancashire .S.J. 1720.Priest .To England . d . 1789, Bury St Edmunds (CRS 6/141n; Fo.7 /200)

DENNET, .S.O c . 1743-c . 48 (1;2;3)

From Lancashire

DENNETalias forGage,Joseph.

DENNISON , James. S.O. c . 1759 (2)

DENNISON, .S.O. c . 1729-34 (1; 7).

DERMISE, Francis S.O. 1678 (or earlier) -1679 (orlater) (CSP Dom.Jan.1679-May 1680/87).

DESIRABLE, .S.O. ?-1715 (CRS . 62/297).

DEUREUX ,-.S.O 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/85,261)

DEVAUX, Charles B. ?-1773 (15;58; 59; 60; Chad.1/352).

From Bruges.

DEVAUX,Patrick B. ?-1773 (15;51 , f.96v;58 ; 59;60)

From Brussels ?br.ofPhilip.

DEVAUX , Philip B. ?-1773 (15;58; 59;60).

From Brussels ?br ofPatrick.

D'HAVESKERCKE, Jean B. 1772-3 (15; 58 ;59; 60)

From Ghent.s of Baron D'Haveskercke br.ofPierre.

D'HAVESKERCKE, Pierre B. c . 1771-3 (15; 58 ; 59 ;60)

From Ghent. s ofBaron D'Haveskercke br. ofJean ?DICKINSON, George ?S.O ?-1677 (13). b . 1653, Lincolnshire S.J. 1677.(Fo.7/201).

DICKINSON , Hugh S.O. c . 1693 (75,f.9v)

DICKINSON , -. S.O. c . 1735 (7)

DICKINSONalias for Langworth,Robert .


?DIGBY, John alias Salisbury. ?S.O. c . 1618 (Wal . 71; Llo . 580).

b . 1605 . From Northamptonshire. s of Sir Everard and Mary (Mulsho ) E.C.Rome 1624-7 . Knighted 1635.d . 1645, Bridgwater, Somerset . (Gil.2/70; DNB.s.v.Digby, Sir Everard ; CRS . 37/204)

?DIGBY,John ?S.O c . 1637 (Aub.2/228).

b . 1627 . s. of Sir Kenelm and Venetia (Stanley) m.(1)

KatherineHoward(2) Margaret Longueville (Gil.2/280;DNB

s.v.Digby, Sir Kenelm; CSP.Dom.1637 /359)

DIGGES, Edward S.O. c . 1724 (7)

?From Maryland.

DIGGES,Edward B. c . 1765-c . 68 (2;8).

?From Maryland ?br. of John .

DIGGES , Francis S.O. c . 1725 -c . 30 (2;7).

b . 1712 ,Maryland s ofWilliam. S.J. 1733.Priest . To England . d . 1781, Berrington,Northumberland. (Fo.7/202).

DIGGES, Henry S.O. c . 1724 (7). ?From Maryland ?br. ofWilliam.

DIGGES, Henry S.O. and B. 1758-64 (2; 6;8).

?FromMaryland br. of Joseph

DIGGES,JohnDudley alias Hall, Joseph S.O. ?-1712 (CRS . 40/148)

b.c . 1689, Maryland s ofWilliam and Elizabeth. E.C. Rome 1712-19 . Priest. To England d . 1771, Ingatestone , Essex. (CRS . 12/12;40/148; Ki . 64; Fo.6/462-3)

DIGGES , John S.O. c . 1728-c . 30 (7)

b . 1712, Maryland ?br ofThomas S.J. 1734. Priest To Maryland d . 1746, Baltimore (Fo.7 /202; Hu . Text2/692).

DIGGES , John S.O. and B. 1760-c . 66 (2;6; 8).

b . 1746, Maryland ?br ofEdward S.J. 1766-9 (Fo.7/202).

DIGGES ,Joseph S.O. and B. 1758-64 (2;6;8)

?From Maryland. br ofHenry.

DIGGES , Thomas S.O. ?-1729 (7).

b . 1711 ,Maryland. ?br. ofJohn . S.J. 1729.Priest To Maryland d . 1805, Mellwood, Maryland (Fo.7/203; Hu . Text 2/691-2).

DIGGES,William S.O. ?-1724 (7).

?From Maryland ?br ofHenry

DIGGES , .S.O c . 1754 (4)

?From Maryland.

DIGNAM,William Š.O. c . 1750-c . 53 (2;3;4)

DILINGHAM- alias for Owen,Thomas .

DILLON ,Alexander. B. 1722 (or earlier) -1773 (2; 8; 14; 58; 59 ; 60)

b . 1757 . From London br.ofRobert E.C. Bornhem 1773-? (14).

DILLON , Henryalias Harrisonand Taylor, Michael B. ?-1773 (14;59). s.of Henry, 11thViscount Dillon and Charlotte (Lee). E.A. Liège 1774-8 . m. Frances Trant d . 1837 . (17; CRS . 13/207; BuP).

DILLON, Johnalias Brown B. 1763-c . 70 (2; 6;8)

DILLON , Michael S.O. c . 1725-c . 30 (7)

?br of Thomas.


DILLON , Robert S.O. c . 1729 (7).

DILLON , Robert alias Fagan. B. c . 1770-3 (2; 8 ; 14;58;59;60)

b . 1756 From London br ofAlexander. E.C.Bornhem 1773-? (14).

DILLON ,Thomas S.O. c . 1725c . 29 (7). ?br ofMichael.

DILLON alias for Neville, Charles, Cosmasand William . 1

?DINES, Joseph S.O. c . 1755 (4).

DINGLEY* ,Peter S.O. 1613-14 (orlater)(19).

DINMORE,William S.O. 1669-71 (CRS . 55/616-7).

b . 1650 ,Yorkshire s. of Henry and Jane E.C.Rome1671-8 Priest. To England (CRS.9/112;40/84; 55/616-7; Ki . 64; Fo.5/702; 6/419,516).

DISMAL orDISMALL,Jean François S.O. 1714-15 (or later) (CRS . 62/87,241).

From Tournai s .ofPhilip.

?DODD, Jamesalias Walton ?S.O . ?-1677 (CRS . 30/169,172).

From Staffordshire E.C. Valladolid 1677-84 .Priest.To England. d . 1738, Twickenham (CRS . 12/9;30/169, 172;Ki . 265)

DODDINGTON, Jamesalias Jameson, Francis and Hollis S.O. c . 1674-9 . (CST.7/363 ; 10/1120; Cas . 64).

b . 1660. From Somerset s . of Francis E.C. Rome 1681-2 . (CRS . 40/98 ; Fo.5/132-3;6/432).

DOLMAN, Robert alias Tyrwhitt S.O. c . 1605-10 (CRS . 30/110; 54/296-7).

b c . 1589, Gunby Castle, near Bubwith, Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1610. ?E.C.Douay.E.C.Rome 1616-18 d . 1618 , Rome (CRS . 30/110; 37/180;54/297; Fo.3/1834; 6/277).

DOLMAN, Robert S.O. c . 1647-c . 52 (CRS . 55/542-3)

b.c.1637 , Yorkshire s . ofPhilip and Frances (Lawson neé Vavasour) of Lead, Yorkshire. br. of Dolmannext below.

E.C. Rome 1653-60 . Priest .To England (CRS . 40/53; 55/542-3; Ans.2 /86; Fo.6/388)

DOLMAN, .S.O c . 1653 (CRS . 55/542)

s.ofPhilip and Frances (Lawson neé Vavasour) ofLead , Yorkshire. br.ofRobert

DOMINIC alias for Clare, John.

DONGAN or DUNGAN,John S.O. c . 1735-c . 39 (2;7)

DONGANorDUNGAN, Richard S.O. c . 1738 (2).

DONNELLAN orDONELLAN, Edward. B. 1764-65/6 (2;6;8)

From London.

DORELL see Darell.

DORMER, Charles S.O. c . 173741/2 (2; 7; RSC . 84).

b . 1725, Parham, Sussex . s. ofJohn, 7th Baron Dormerand Mary (Bisshopp) br of John ?and Robert. S. C.Douay 1742 . 8th Baron 1785.m.(1) Mary Talbot (2) ElizabethMordaunt (neé Hamilton) d . 1804 (GEC; BuP; Pa.5; RSC . 84).

DORMER, Edwardalias or vere Webb S.O. ?and B . 1760-? (6).

DORMER, Francis S.O. c . 1725-34 (1; 7;21;31).

b . 1717 , Hampshire s . ofCharles, 5th Baron Dormerand Elizabeth(Biddulph). br ofJames, John Baptist, Joseph,Robert, William and anotherbelow S.J. 1734.Priest. To England d . 1770 , Cherry Orchard near Coleford, Gloucestershire . (Fo.7/206; BuP; Pa.5)

DORMER, James S.O. ?-1726 (7).

s.of Charles,5th Baron Dormerand Elizabeth(Biddulph) br.of Francis , John Baptist, Joseph, Robert, Williamandanother below. (BuP; Pa.5).

DORMER , James B. 1773 (15; 58;60).

b . 1765 .From London s .ofJames(3rd s . of John , 7thBaron Dormer) and Mary (Purcil) E.A. Liège 1773-? m. Lucy Fitzherbert d . 1810. (17;56; CRS . 13/205;BuP).

DORMER, John Baptist S.O. c . 1725-34 ( 1 ;7; 21; 31/2a).

b . 1716, Hampshire s. ofCharles, 5thBaron Dormerand Elizabeth(Biddulph) br of Francis , James, Robert,William and anotherbelow.S.J. 1734. Priest. d . 1743 , Liège (Fo.7/206;Pa.5)

DORMER, John. S.O. c . 1739 -c . 47 (2;3)

b . 1730, London. s .ofJohn, 7th Baron DormerandMary (Bisshopp) br of Charles ?and Robert m ElizabethButtler d . 1795-6, Grau (BuP; GEC; DNB)

DORMER, Joseph S.O. c . 1725-c . 34 (1; 7).

s .ofCharles,5th BaronDormer and Elizabeth(Biddulph) br. ofFrancis, James, JohnBaptist, William and anotherbelow.(Pa.5).

DORMER, Robert S.O. c . 173743(2; 7; 13;21).

b . 1726, Buckinghamshire . s ofCharles, 5th Baron Dormerand Elizabeth(Biddulph) br of Francis , James, John Baptist,Joseph, William and anotherbelow. S.J. 1743. Priest To England d . 1792 , Wappenbury,Warwickshire (Fo.7/206;Pa.5)

DORMER,Robert S.O. c . 1742-c . 45 (1 ;2).

?s.ofJohn ,7th Baron Dormer and Mary (Bisshopp) ?br.of Charles and John.

DORMER , William S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (CRS . 62/33 , 129).

b . 1696, Sussexor Hampshire s . ofCharles, 5th Baron Dormer and Elizabeth(Biddulph) br.ofFrancis , James,John Baptist, Joseph, Robert and anotherbelow S.J. 1714. Priest . To England d . 1758 , Stapehill, Dorset (Fo.7 /207)

DORMER, S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/267-8)

s of Charles, 5th BaronDormer and Elizabeth(Biddulph) br of Francis , James, John Baptist, Joseph, Robert and William .

DORMER-- alias for Huddleston, John(2); Smith, John. See Fortescue ,

DORRELL or DARELL,Johnalias Smith S.O. 1596-1602 (CRS . 30/71)

b . 1586, Sussex s .of Henry ofScotney E.C.Valladolid 1602c . 08. Priest . d . Madrid (CRS . 30/71;Ans.2/81).

DORRELL or DORELL or DARELL, John S.O. before 1677 (20; CST . 10/1101).

DORRELL or DORELLalias for Green, Thomas .

DORRELL see also Darell.

DORRINGTON, Francis alias Maxfield S.O. 1630-33 (CRS . 55/433).

b. c . 1610, Sillinghurst, Shropshire . s ofWilliam and Elizabeth (Maxfield) E.C. Rome 1633-40 Priest . To England (CRS . 40/9; 55/433; Ans.2/86-7; Fo.6/334-5)

DORRINGTON*,John S.O. 1632-3 (or later) (5)

DORRINGTONalias for Gifford , Thomas

DOVESor DOVE, Joseph B. c . 1770-3 (7; 15; 58; 60). From Rochester ?E.C Bornhem 17734. (CRS . 25/165).

DOWDALL,Anthony S.O. c . 1724 (7).

?s. of Sir Daniel

DOWDALL, James S.O. 1743 (or earlier) -1745 ( 1 ;2).

DOWDALL,Michael S.O. 1725 (or earlier) -1727 (7).

DOWNES , Francisalias St George S.O. 1698-1702 (75,ff.32v , 37v, 40v, 43v, 44v)


DOWNES , Thomas alias Mumford or Montford and Bedingfeld. S.O. ?-1636 (CRS . 47/216; BR.9; FAB . 184).

b . 1617,Norfolk.s.ofThomas and Mary (Bedingfeld )of Bodney, near Mundford, Norfolk E.C.Valladolid 1636-7 . S.J. 1639.Priest .To England d . 1678,Gatehouse prison.Venerable. (CRS . 30/155;47/216-7; FAB . 184-5; Gil.5/85; Chal . 537; BR . 9-12; SM . 38/208-13 ; Fo.5 /13n, 14, 21 , 22, 32-3, 96-7, 105 , 108 , 147n , 237,251-6 ; 7/208-9 )

DOWNES alias for Haskett, Richard.

DOWNINGalias for Hamelyn, John

DOWRICHalias forRudge , William

DOWYER, .S.O c . 1740 (2). -

DOYLE , Lewis. B. 1769-c . 72 (2 ; 6;8; 26) From Hammersmith.

DOYNE, Joseph. S.O. c . 1755-8 (2;8).

b . 1734,Maryland ?br of next below S.J. 1758.Priest.To England d . 1803, St Thomas'Manor, Maryland (Fo.7/209; Hu . Text 2/700)

?DOYNE, . ?S.O c . 1755 (2)

DRAPER, Joseph alias Metcalfe. S.O. ?-1692 (11 ; 75 ,f.8v).

b . 1670-1 , Worcestershire ?s ofJohn ?br ofWilliam. S.J. 1692.Priest. To England d . 1703, Lydiate, Lancashire . (Fo.5/376, 390; 7/209)

DRAPER, Thomas S.O. ?-1616(Ans.2/87)

E.C.Seville 1616-17 (orlater).

DRAPER,William S.O. c . 1674-9 (CRS . 55/643).

b . 1664,Suffolk. s. ofJohn ?br. ofJoseph. E.C. Rome 1679-? (CRS . 40/95-6;55/641-3;Fo.6/430)


?DRAYCOTT , George alias Parker . ?S.O c . 1627-33 (Fo.6/334).

b. c . 1615, Shropshire s .of John ?br ofPeter and Thomas . E.C.Rome 1633-4 . S.J. 1634-c . 36. (CRS . 40/8 ;55/432; Fo.5/430; 6/334).

DRAYCOTT, Peter S.O. ?-c . 1639 (Fo.7/210)

b . 1620. From Shropshire or Staffordshire ?s ofJohn. ?br.of George and Thomas . S.J. c . 1639 Laybrother. d . 1640, St Omers College (Fo.5/429-30;7/210).

DRAYCOTT, Philip S.O. ?-1595 (Fo .7/210).

b. c . 1573, diocese of Lichfield E.C. Rome 1595. S.J. 1597. d . 1598, Rome. (CRS . 37/100; Fo.5 /429; 6/199;7/210).

DRAYCOTT , Thomas S.O. ?-1641 (Fo.7/210)

b . 1621 , Staffordshire ?s ofJohn ?br of George and Peter. S.J. 1641. Laybrother d . 1678 , Madrid (Fo.7/210).

DREW or DRURYalias for Kempe, George; Trevilian,John.

DRURY , Johnalias Abington S.O.?-1623 (CRS . 30/135).

b . 1600/05, London E.C. Valladolid 1623-6 . S.J. 1626.Priest. To England . d . 1663 , London. (CRS . 30/135, 142;Fo.7/211).

DRURY* ,John. S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1655 (or later) (5).

DRURY , Robert alias Bedfordand Stanley S.O. ?-1605(CRS . 54/152-3)

b . 1587 ,Middlesex s .ofWilliam and Mary (Southwell)of Brett's Hall, Tendring, Essex br ofWilliam. E.C.Rome 1605-8 . S.J. 1608.Priest To England d . 1623, London (CRS . 37/139; 54/ 152-3;RH.8/294-5; DNB;Gil.2/109-10; Fo.1/76-98 ; 5/1007; 6/235 ; 7/211-12)

DRURY* , Thomas . S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1653 (or later)(5).

DRURY,William alias Bedford S.O. c . 1601-5 (CRS . 54/152).

b.c . 1584, Essex. s ofWilliam andMary (Southwell)ofBrett's Hall, Tendring, Essex br of Robert E.C. Rome 1605-12 .Priest. To England (CRS . 37/139; 54/151-2; RH.8/294-7;Ans.2/87-9; Gil.2/110;DNB; Fo.5 /1007; 6/235)

DRURY , William alias Bedford S.O. c . 1627-c . 30 (5; CRS . 10/293).

b.c . 1612, Brett's Hall, Tendring, Essex. s of Sir John and Anne (Saunders) E.C. Douay 1631-2 , 1633-?. (CRS . 10/293,304 ,312; RH.8/296)

DUCKETT, John. S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1652 (5).

E.C. Valladolid 1652-60 Priest To England (CRS . 30/166-7; Ans.2/90)

DUCKETTalias for Holtby, George and Robert.

DU FERMONT or DU FREMONT,.S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (or later) (CRS . 62/38, 171)

From Lille.s .ofCarton.

DU FRESNOY ,alias or vere Sadler S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/114,274,279).

DU GERMONT,.S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/157, 180)

From Boulogne .

DUKE, Charles alias Hayles. S.O. c . 1679-81 (9; CRS . 55/648)


b . 1649, Berkshire . s ofGeorge E.C. Rome 1681-3 . S.J. 1683 . d . 1683 , Rome . (CRS . 40/98;55/648; Fo.5/71-2 ; 6/432;7/215)

DULANY, Daniel S.O. c . 1720 (Han . 44)

From Maryland (Han . 87)

DUNGANsee Dongan.

DUNN , William. S.O. c . 1701 (75, f.43v).

?From Durhamdistrict.

DUNNalias for Hart or Earpe,Joseph.

DUPONT, .S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/86, 114).

?From Ghent .

DURAND* , Anthony S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1666 (5).

DURAND orDURANT , Basil alias or vere Langworth. S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1652 (5).

b . 1632, Lincolnshire E.C.Valladolid 1652-9 .Priest S.J. 1661 . To England d . 1683, St Omers College (CRS . 30/165-6; Ans.2/91; Fo.7 /435, 1439).

DURAND* ,John S.Ó. 1637 (or earlier) -1640 (or later) (5).

DURAND, Thomas alias Hunt S.O. 1617-8 (12; CRS . 30/131).

b . 1597-8 , Rutland E.C.Valladolid 1618-21 . S.J. 1621.Priest . d . 1633,Ghent (CRS . 30/131 ; Fo.7/216-7)

DURAND alias for Le Hunt, Edward.

DURASS, Charles alias Fenwick. S.O. c . 1719 (40, f.78).

b . 1707 , London br of John E.C. Rome 1720-1 (40; CRS . 40/ 164; Fo.6/470).

DURASS ,John alias Fenwick S.O. c . 1719 (40, f.78)

b . 1704, London br. of Charles E.C. Rome 1720-1 (40; CRS . 40/164; Fo.6/470).

DURIEZ, S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/36 , 266).

From Tournai br. of nextbelow.

DURIEZ , .S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/36,266). From Tournai br of next above .

DUTTONalias for Gale,Matthew; Ireland , Alexanderand Thomas

DUVALL, Edward ?vere Bridges S.O. c . 1733-6 ( 1 ;2; 7;21)

b. c . 1720-1 . s ofAdrian and Lucy. ?br ofJoseph E.C.Lisbon 173745. Priest To England d . 1778, SouthWeald, Essex (Ki . 67; ER.6/22-3 ; CRS . 12/14; Ans.6; Cro . 181).

DUVALL,Joseph ?vere Bridges.S.O. c . 1727-30 (7;21). ?s. ofAdrian and Lucy ?br ofEdward.

EARPEsee Hart , Joseph.

EAST,Alban alias West and Jerningham S.O. ?-1613 (CRS . 30/115).

b . 1593-5, StAlbans s . of Richard and Sara (West) br of Richard E.C.Valladolid 1613-? Priest .To England d . 1671 , CoughtonCourt, Warwickshire (CRS.3/98; 30/115; Ans.2/92).

EAST, Richardalias West and Jerningham S.O. 1620-3 (5;


CRS . 10/269-70;30/135) 91

b . 1605,diocese of Salisbury . s of Richard and Sara(West)of St Albans br ofAlban E.C.Valladolid 1623-24/5 .E.C.Douay 1628-32 Priest To England (CRS . 10/269, 301 , 305;30/135, 143; Ans.2 /92; ER.8/83).

EASTGATE, Thomas S.O. c . 1751 (2)

EATON, Robert S.O. 1753-c . 60 (2; 4)

EATON,William S.O. c . 1754-c . 59 (CRS . 63/218).

From Lancashire E.C. Douay 1759-60 May be the sameas

Robert. (CRS . 63/218,220).

EBERSON , Thomas alias Beveridge S.O. 1678 (or earlier) -1679

(CSP . Dom Jan . 1679 to August 1680/87)

b . 1660, Leicestershire S.J. 1679.Priest To England d . 1733 , Liège. (Fo.7 /219).

EBORAL, James. S.O. and B. 1758-63 (2;6)

s. ofAnne.

ECCLESTON , Joseph B. c . 1764-70 (2; 8; 14; 24;26)

?From Lancashire

ECCLESTON ,Peter alias Formby S.O. 1599-1602 (CRS . 30/75-6).

b. c . 1582, Leyland , Lancashire. E.C. Valladolid 1602-? not known, Valladolid. (CRS . 30/75-6)

ECCLESTON ,Thomas S.O. ?-1668 (Oliver 1/84)

b . 1643, Lancashire s. ofThomas and Jane (Clifton) S.J. 1668 Priest ToEngland d . 1698, Fazakerley , Lancashire (Fo.7/219; Gil.2/155)

ECCLESTON , Thomas alias Holland and Gorsuch S.O. ?-1677 (Fo.7/220)

b . 1659 . s .of Henry and Eleanor (Blundell) of Eccleston , Lancashire E.C.Rome 1677-9 .S.J. 1697. Priest.To England. d . 1743, St Omers College (CRS . 40/92-3; Gil.2/156; Fo.5/348-9; 6/426; 7/220; DNB E. and P. 356-7;Pa . 149-51).

ECCLESTON ,.S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/71, 148).

ECCLESTONsee Scarisbrick , Basil Thomas and Thomas

ECCOP, Charles S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/108,118).

b . 1697 , St Germain, France S.J. 1715.Priest. To England . d . 1735, London (Fo.7/220).

ECKINS, ?Walter . S.O. c . 1758-c . 60 (2; 6)

EDISFORD, George alias Massey. S.O. c . 1698 (75,f.32v)

EDISFORD, John S.O. ?-1675 (13).

b . 1656,Yorkshire S.J. 1675. Priest. To England d . 1720 , St . OmersCollege (Fo.7/221).

EDISFORD , John alias or vere Jackson S.O. 1715-20 (CRS . 62/233).

EDISFORD,William. S.O. ?-1691 (75,f.186).

b . 1700, Yorkshire S.J. 1720. Priest d . 1740, Liège (Fo.7/221).

b.c . 1673, Yorkshire.s ofWilliam and Anne E.C.Rome 1691-7 . Priest (CRS . 40/111-2;Ki . 68).

EDMONDS* , Thomas S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (or later) (19).


EDNERor EDNEY , Lewis Justus alias Cooke and Rigge.S.O. 15991600(CRS . 30/60).

b . 1585, London E.C.Valladolid 1600-03 O.S.B.Valladolid 1603.Priest To England . d . 1635, Temple Cowley, Oxfordshire. (CRS . 30/60; Bi . 17)

EDWARDS* , Henry S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1657 (orlater) (5).

?E.C Seville c . 1665-9 ?Priest (Ans.5).

EDWARDS* , John S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1652 (or later) (5).

EDWARDS , John S.O. c . 1745 (2).

EDWARDS , Peteralias for Eveleigh,Amesius

EELKENS, Charles B. ?-1773 (15;58;60).


EGERTON* , John S.O. 1633 (orearlier) -1637 (5).

?s.ofRichardofWindle, Prescot, Lancashire (CRS.6/111n)

ELLERKER , John S.O. 1743-8 (1; 2; 3;4).

b . 1732 , Hart near Hartlepool, Durham. br of Ralphand Thomas S.J. 1748. d . 1756, Liège , not yet ordained . (Fo.7/223).

ELLERKER, Johnalias for Dalton, James.

ELLERKER , Ralph S.O. c . 174145 (1 ;2;3)

br. of JohnandThomas.

ELLERKER, Thomas S.O. c . 1751-55 (2; 3;4).

b . 1738, Hart, near Hartlepool, Ralph S.J.1755.Priest .To England d . 1795, Stonyhurst. (Fo.7/223; DNB).

ELLIOTT , William alias Clifford S.O. 1630-1 (CRS . 55/420-1).

b . 1610, Herefordshire s. ofJohn and Elizabeth. E.C. Rome 1631-7 Priest.To England d . 1678, Rouen (CRS.3/103;40/3; 55/420-1 ; Ans.2/934; Fo.6/328 , 607).

ELLIOTT ,. B. 1767-c . 70 (2;8)

s.of Richard br ofnext below.

ELLIOTT, .B. c . 1769-70 (2;8)

s.of Richard br of next above .

ELLIOTTor ELLIOTalias for Sheldon, Edward , Ralph and William .

ELLIS , William alias Williams,John S.O. 1608-13 (55)

E.C. Seville 16134.S.J. 1614. Laybrother (Fo.7/224).

ELLIS alias for Chinery,William; Jump, Richard.

EMERSON , John alias Allen. S.O. 1632-6(CRS . 55/457-8).

b . 1616, London s of FerdinandandJoanna E.C. Valladolid 1636-7 .E.C.Rome 1638-40 (CRS . 30/155;40/19;55/457-8; Fo.6 /345).

EMERSON , Thomas alias Bolney. S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696(75, ff.11v, 20v, 25v)

b.c . 1679 . From Durham s of George and Elizabeth E.C. Rome 1696-7 d . 1697, Rome(CRS . 40/122).

EMMOTT,John S.O. ?-1752 (2; 3;63/1754).

b . 1733 , London. br of Joseph. S.J. 1752.d . 1755, Liège,not yet ordained . (Fo.7/226).


EMMOTT,Joseph. S.O. ?-1753 (2; 3;63/1754).

b . 1734, London. br. ofJohn S.J. 1753.Priest To England. d . 1816, Gillmoss, Lancashire. (Fo.7/226-7).

ENGLAND -- alias for Sexton,Edward.

ENGLEFIELD, John alias Stokes S.O. 1692 (or earlier) -1696 (75, ff. 8v, 17v, 18v, 23v,52v).

b . 1676, Berkshire ?s of Anthony and Alice (Stokes)ofWhite Knights, near Reading ?br ofMark S.J.1696 Priest.To England. d . 1733, in England (Fo.7/227; BuEB)

ENGLEFIELD , Markalias Stokes S.O. 1700 (or earlier) -1701 (or later) (75, ff. 38v,44v).

?s. ofAnthony and Alice (Stokes) ofWhite Knights, near Reading. ?br. ofJohn (BuEB)

ENGLEFIELD* , William. S.O. 1661-2 (or later) (5)

ENGLEFIELD ,.S.O . ?-1689 (75,f.48).

ENGLISH* , Francis S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

ERDSWICK* or ERDESWICK , Sampson S.O. 1632-35 (orlater)(5).

?From Healey, Staffordshire (?E and P. 119, 247; CRS. 6/305n).

ERRINGTON, Charles alias Tunstall S.O. ?-1659 (CRS . 55/571)

b . 1640 ,Yorkshire. s. of John and - (Hammerton). E.C. Rome 1659-65 Priest To Paris as confessor to the 'Blue Nuns' d . 1666, Paris. (CRS.8/17, 18, 352 ; 40/61; 55/571-2 ; Fo.6/398).

ERRINGTON, Johnalias Tunstall S.O. 1626-31 (5; CRS . 10/297)

b. c . 1611 , Yarm, Yorkshire s . of John and Mary (Hammerton). E.C. Douay 1631-2 . (CRS . 10/297,302)

ERRINGTON, Richard S.O. 1643 (orearlier) -1644 (5).

?E.C.Valladolid 1644. d.? 1644, Valladolid (CRS . 30/163).

ERRINGTON* , Roger S.O. 1655 (or earlier) -1661 (5).

ERRINGTON alias for Collingwood,Thomas

ESSEXalias for Cotton, Francis

ESTCOURT , Charles alias Kirkham S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -1696(or later) (75, ff. 11v, 18v,20v,25).

?s.ofSir Thomas and Anne (Kirkham) ofPinkney,Wiltshire. ?br ofFrancis (?E and P. 22).

ESTCOURT , Francis alias Kirkham S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -1698 (or later) (75, ff. 11v, 18v, 20v, 25, 28v, 129v).


?s.of Sir Thomas and Anne (Kirkham) of Pinkney,Wiltshire. ?br. of Charles (?E and P.22, 151). alias for Eyre,John.

EURE* orEWER, Charles S.O. 1656-61 (5)

EUREor EWER , Francis alias Every. S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1647 (5). b . 1630, Yorkshire. S.J. 1647.Priest. To England d . 1698 , Yorkshire. (Fo.5/681-2; 7/229-30).

EURE* or EWER, Richard . S.O. 1659-60 (or later) (5)

EURE* orEWER, Roderick. S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1666(5)

EURE* or EWER, Thomas S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670(5).


EVANS* ,Francis S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1666 (or later) (5)

EVANS, Francis alias or vere Andrews S.O. ?-1679 (13).

b . 1659 , Monmouthshire ?St.G.Douay c . 1672 . S.J. 1679 .

Priest. To England d . 1727, Monmouth.(Fo.7/12; BSG).

EVANS, George B. 1772-3 (7; 15; 58;59;60)

b. c . 1758 From San Domingo,West Indies.

EVANS, Philip. S.O. ?-1665 (FAB . 178; Chal . 544).

b . 1645, ?near Abergavenny ,Monmouthshire S.J. 1665.Priest. To England Martyred, 1679, Cardiff Canonised (FAB . 78-81; BR . 65-9; Chal . 544-7; Chad.1/206-7; Gil.2/186-7; SM . 28/214 ff; Fo.5 /882-90; 7/232; CRS . 47/296-9; O'Ke . 34-52; Dod.3/320)

EVANS, Thomas S.O. ?-1671 (9/299;34/1/161).

b . 1651, Hereford S.J. 1671.d . 1677, Liège,not yet ordained. (9; 34/1/161; Fo.4/460-2 ; 7/233-4).

EVANS alias for Fairchild, Thomas.

EVELEIGH , Amesius alias Edwards , Peter S.O. ?-1622 (18).

E.C. Seville 1622-7 . Priest E.C.Valladolid 1627-31 . (CRS . 29/152-3 , 217-9 ; 30/146; Ans.2/96; Chad.1/111n).

EVERARD* , Alexander S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1645 (orlater)(5).

EVERARD, James. S.O. ?-c . 1621 (12; CRS . 30/135-6;NQ.Apr.1965/ 122-8)

b c . 1604 s ofWilliam E.C.Valladolid 1621-8 .Priest To England d . 1675, Suffolk (CRS.3/102; 30/135-6; Ans.2/96).

EVERARD* , Philip S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (19).

?EVERITE, Thomas ?S.O c . 1613 (70). EVERY- alias for Eure, Francis; Saltmarsh ,Peter. EVISON or IVERSONor IVISON, Johnalias or vere Bonham S.O. 1594-5 , 1596-7 (CRS . 30/47).

b. c . 1581 , London E.C. Valladolid 1597-9. S.J. 1599.Priest. To England . d . 1651 , Liège (CRS . 30/47 ; Fo.1/132, 677; 7/235-6).

EWENS ,Matthewalias Keynes S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1632 (5; CRS . 55/423-4)

b.c . 1614. From Somerset ?s. ofJohn and Elizabeth(Keynes). ?br ofMaurice E.C. Rome 1632-7 . ?E.C Douay.d.Paris. (CRS . 40/4-5;55/423; Gil.4/31; Fo.6/330).

EWENS, Maurice alias Keynes and Newport S.O. 1623 (orearlier) -1628 (5; CRS . 55/401).

b . 1611 ,Dorset. s .ofJohn and Elizabeth(Keynes)ofSomerset . ?br ofMatthew E.C. Rome 1628-35 . Priest S.J. 1635.To England d . 1687, London (CRS . 37/215;55/401;Gil.2/192-3; 4/31; Fo.7 /236-7; Ans.2/97;Dod.3/319)

EWERor EWEN , James S.O. c . 1755-c . 59 (2;4;22).

EWER, see Eure.

EXTON see Redford, Sebastian.

EYLESsee Iles.

EYRE, Francis S.O. ?-1687 (75, ff 16v, 108; Fo.7 /238).

b . 1669, Eastwell , Leicestershire . s .ofThomas and Mary


(Bedingfeld ) br.ofThomas and William.half-br ofRowland . S.J. 1687-93 . d . 1704 . (Fo.7/238; RH.9/5, ped. 26)

EYRE, Francis. S.O. c . 1747-c . 50 (2;3)

b . 1732.s .ofThomas and Mary (Holman ) of Hassop, Derbyshireand Eastwell , Leicestershire m (1) LadyMary Radcliffe (2) Sarah Hernon d . 1804 (RH.9/5 , ped , 275-9; Ki . 71;Ham.2/ped.).

EYRE, Francis B. c . 1771-3 (7; 15;24; 58).

b. 1762.s. of Francis and Mary (Radcliffe). br ofJames.

E.A. Liège 1774-5 m Dorothy Gladwin Assumed title ofEarlof Newburgh, 1814.d . 1827, Paris (17; CRS.7/354; 12/178; 13/205; RH.9 /5, ped. , 278-82; Ham.2/ped.; GEC).

EYRE,James B. 1771-3 (7; 15; 24;58)

b. c . 1765 .s. ofFrancis and Mary (Radcliffe) br of Francis.

E.A. Liège 1780-3 . m. TereseJosephine de Chenicourt. d . 1817 , Metz (CRS . 12/137; 13/205n, 206; 63/274, 276, 366, 369; RH.9/5, ped., 278).

EYRE, John alias Eton. S.O. 1597-9 (CRS . 30/56).

b.c . 1582, Derbyshire E.C. Valladolid 1599-1607 . Priest. S.J. 1607-c . 25 To England .Joined Augustinians at Antwerp. (CRS . 10/77;30/56; Ans.2/97; Fo.7/238, 1428)

EYRE*,John. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5).

EYRE, Lawrence alias Barker and Darcy S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/103,107).

s .of Rowlandand Elizabeth(Plunkett) ofHassop, Derbyshire br.of Peter (RH.9/5)

EYRE, Peter alias Barker and Darcy S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/103, 107).

s ofRowlandand Elizabeth (Plunkett) of Hassop,Derbyshire. br of Lawrence d . 1725 (RH.9/5, ped )

EYRE, Rowland S.O. 1672-? (Fo.6/683).

s .ofThomas and Catherine (Kempe) of Hassop, Derbyshire. half-br. ofFrancis, Thomas and William m Lady Elizabeth Plunkett d . 1729, Preston . (RH.9/5, ped., 13-24; E.andP.36; Ki . 72).


EYRE, Thomas ?S.O.c . 1640 (RH.8/26).

s .ofRowlandand Anne (Smith). of Hassop, Derbyshire. m .(1)

Catherine Kempe (2) Mary Bedingfeld d . 1688 (RH.8/51-2 , 66; 9/5, ped, 6-14).

EYRE, Thomas . S.O. ?-1687 (Fo.6/683-4).

b . 1670, Leicestershire s ofThomas and Mary (Bedingfeld). br. of Francis and William.half-br of Rowland S.J. 1687. Priest

To England .d . 1715, London (Fo.7 /238; Ki . 72; RH.9/5, ped., 26,30).

EYRE, Vincent S.O. 1595-6 (CRS . 30/42).

b . 1578, Derbyshire E.C. Valladolid 1596- ? E.C. Seville ?-1600

E.C.Douay 1601. (CRS . 10/32; 30/42; Fo.7/1428)

EYRE,Vincent S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1698 (11 ; 75 , ff 8, 12v ,22v; Ki . 74)


b . 1674 . From Dronfield Woodhouse , Derbyshire s .ofAdam and Elizabeth(Burley) of Broadway. S.J.1698-1702 .m.Anne Bostock d . 1746 (Ki . 74;Gil.2/202; E. and P. 55-6; Fo.6/684; 7/238)

EYRE,William alias Barker S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1698 (75 ,ff.7v , 13v, 20v, 26v, 29v).

b . 1678, Leicestershire orNorfolk. s. ofThomas and Mary (Bedingfeld ).br.ofThomas and Vincent half-br ofRowland. S.J. 1698.Priest To England d . 1724, in England (Fo.7 /238; RH.9/5, ped.; CRS.7/235)

EYRE, .S.O c . 1732 (7).

EYRE, .S.O c . 1732 (7).

EYRE , .S.O. c . 1732 (7).

EYSTON, George S.O. ?-1688-9 (Fo.7/238-9).

b . 1670-1, Berkshire . s ofGeorge and Anne (Dormer) of East Hendred , Berkshire S.J. 1688/9 Priest d . 1745, Ghent. (Fo.7/238-9; BLG; Hum . 101).

EYSTON, George B. 1768 -c . 70 (2; 6; 7; 8).

b . ?1758, Drayton, Berkshire ?s ofThomas JohnandMary (Bruning) ofEast Hendred ?St .G.Douay c . 1771 .d.unm.1820 , London. (BLG; BSG;Hum . 278)

EYSTON, Robert S.O. 1745-51 (1;2;3;4)

b . 1729/30/32 . S.J.1751.Priest.To England d . 1766 , Crondon Park, Essex (Fo.7/239).

EYSTON , Thomas John S.O. c . 1733-34 (1;7).

b . 1713, East Hendred , Berkshire s . of Charles and Winefrid

Dorothy (Fitzherbert) of East Hendred br. ofWilliam George. m.Mary Bruning d . 1795 . (BLG ; Hum . 110)

EYSTON , William George. S.O. c . 1730-6 (1 ;7; 13).

b . 1714,East Hendred , Berkshire s ofCharles and Winefrid Dorothy (Fitzherbert) of East Hendred . br ofThomas John S.J. 1736-7 .d. unm (BLG ; Pa.3; Hum . 114-5; Fo.7/239).

EYSTON alias for Ingleby, Thomas

FAGAN, Robertalias Moylen B . ?-1773 (14;51,f.96v; 60).

b. Ireland From London.

FAGANalias for Taylor, Christopher, George and Henry;Dillon, Robert.

FAIRBURN, see Fearburn. ?FAIRCHILD ,Johnalias Beeston ?S.O. ?-1731 (21).

b.c.1715 , Lincolnshire s . ofJohn and - (Beeston) E.C.Rome 1731-5 (CRS . 40/1834)

FAIRCHILD , Thomas alias Evans S.O. c . 1732-6 (1;7; 13).

b . 1715, Montgomeryshire S.J. 1736.Priest. To England . d . 1764, York. (Fo.7/239).


FAIRCHILD , .S.O 1739-c . 42 (2).

FAIRCLOUGH,William. B. 1772-3 (2; 8; 14; 59;60).

b. c . 1758. From Lancashire s ofRobert ofGreatPlumpton, near Kirkham, Lancashire E.A. Liège 1773-? (17; CRS . 13/206).

FAIRFAX * , Francis S.O. c . 1613 (NQ,April,1965,122-8 )

May be the same as Fairfax, Henry.

FAIRFAX , Henry S.O. 1612-13 (or later) (19 ; Wad . 35)

From Yorkshire. s. ofThomas , 1st Viscount Fairfax ofEmley and Catherine (Constable) . ?E.C. Rome 1615.?m (1) Margery

Thweng (2) Frances Barker d . ?1650, Hammersmith(Fo.6/594; Peac . 61 ; RH.3/94)

FAIRFAX, Henry S.O. c . 1702 (75).

FARFAX, John alias for Stone , Andrew. -

FAIRFAX, Thomas alias Beckett S.O. ?-1675 (13;Fo.7/241).

b . 1655-6, Yorkshire ?s. ofNicholasand Isabella (Beckwith)of Gilling,Yorkshire S.J. 1675. Priest . To England d . 1716 , ?Wardour Castle, Wiltshire (RH.3/96-7; Ki . 76-7; Gil.2/220-3; Fo.5/821-3; 7/241)

FAIRFAXalias for Vavasour , Henry;Waterton,Nicholas

FALCON alias for Falkner, John.

FALKNER , Johnalias Falcon. S.O. ?-1617 (CRS . 54/312)

b . 1600, Salisbury E.C. Rome 1617-23 . Priest E.C. Douay 1624.To England d . 1664 (CRS . 37/186; 54/312; 10/229-30 , 232; Ans.2/100; Fo.6/284)

FALKNER or FAULKNER ,Ralph S.O. 1751-5 (2; 3;4)

b . 1736 .From Maryland s ofRalph and Elizabeth(Thomson ). E.C.Rome 1755-61 Priest .To England (CRS . 40/215;Ans.6; Fo.6/498)

FALKNER, Stephen . S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1641 (5)

b . 1621-2, Kent E.C. Seville ?-1647 Priest S.J. 1650.To England d . 1670, Durhamdistrict (Fo.7/242-3;Ans.2/100).

FALKNER, Thomas . S.O. 1755 (or earlier) -1756 (22; CRS . 30/190).

From Maryland E.C.Rome 1756-8. (CRS . 30/174, 190).

FALKNER ,FAULKNER or FALCONER--alias for Pitts, Robert.

FALL, John alias Sandersand Palmer S.O. 1676-9 (CST.7/351;HMC. 32/ 13/App . 139 , 149).

From London s ofStephen (Fo.5/133).

FALL alias for Hall ,Henry

FALLON see O'Fallon

FANNAN or FANAN, Thomas B. 1773 (15; 58; CRS . 63/357).

E.C.Douay 1773-82 (orlater). (CRS . 63/266,293).

FANNIN orFANNON or FANNING, Daniel. S.O. c . 1755-c . 57 (2;4)

FANNING, Dominic alias Clifton , Francis S.O. 1757-62 (CRS.4/257).

b . 1742, London S.J. 1762.Priest . To England d . 1812 , London. (Fo.7 /140).

FANNING, Johnalias Thimelby S.O. ?-1693 (75,f.6v) ?b . 1675, Lincolnshire ?s of John and Catherine ?E.C.Rome

1693-1700 ?Priest ?To England (CRS . 40/114).

FANNING, . B.?-1770(23).

From Maryland.

FARMER, see Fermor

FARRAR, James S.O. ?-1725 (7).

b . 1707, Lancashire . S.J. 1725.Priest To Marylandand England . d . 1763 , Hooton, Cheshire (Fo.7/245; Hu . Text 2/690).

FARRAR, James S.O. c . 1762 (2).

?From Lancashire.

FARRELL alias for Butt , Abraham.

FARRILL, Charles S.O. c . 1734-c . 38 (2;7)

From Montserrat, West Indies ?br ofJames, Michaeland Patrick

FARRILL, Francis B. 1763-c . 72 (2; 6;8).

From Philadelphia s. ofPatrick.

FARRILL, James S.O. c . 1734-c . 38 (2; 7)

From Montserrat, West Indies ?br of Charles, Michaeland Patrick.

FARRILL, John S.O. ?-1738 (13)

S.J. 1738-c . 40 (63/1738).

FARRILL, John S.O. c . 1752 (2; 3).

FARRILL, Michael S.O. c . 1734-c . 39 (2;7)

From Montserrat, West Indies ?br of Charles, Jamesand Patrick

FARRILL,Michael B. 1772-3 (7; 8 ; 15; 58; 59 ; 60)

b c . 1765 From St Croix,West Indies . ?br. ofPeter. E.A. Liège 1773-6 . (17; CRS . 13/206).

FARRILL, Patrick S.O. c . 1734-c . 39 (2;7).

From Montserrat, West Indies ?br of Charles, Jamesand Michael

FARRILL, Peter B. c . 1770-3 (7; 8; 15; 58; 59;60).

b c . 1761 . From St Croix, West Indies ?br ofMichael. E.A. Liège 1773-80 . (17; CRS . 13/206).

FARRILL, Theo S.O. c . 1745 (2).


FAULKNER, see Falkner. alias forWoodcock,John.

FAZACKERLEY , Thomas alias Ashton. S.O. 1624-9 (CRS . 55/408-9).

b. c . 1611, Lancashire . s .of Robert and Anne (Molyneux)of Croxteth Park, Lancashire E.C. Rome 1629-36. Priest . To England d . 1664-5 , Croxteth (CRS . 37/219;55/408-9;Ans.2/100; Fo.5/345 ; 6/320).

FAZACKERLEY , William. S.O. 1760-2 (2;6).

?From Lancashire.

FEARBURN or FAIRBURN , Briant alias Hayward, Barnabas. S.O. 1600-04 (CRS . 30/80).

b.c . 1585 , Nottingham br ofGeorge E.C.Valladolid 1604-? Subdeacon d onjourney. (CRS . 30/80)


FEARBURNor FAIRBURN, George S.O. c . 1600 (Ans.2/98; CRS . 30/80).

From Nottinghamshire. br of Briant E.C.Seville ?-1608.

Priest. To England d . 1615 , Newgate prison (Ans.2/98).

FENTHAM , Henryalias Gifford and Key S.O. 1753-6 (2;4;22; CRS . 40/215).

From Nottinghamshire E.C. Rome 1756-8 . S.J. 1758-61 . (76/311, 367; CRS . 40/215; Ki . 79; Fo.6/498; 7/248).

FENWICK, Edward S.O. 1757-62 (2; 6; 8)

From Maryland ?s . ofJames.

FENWICK, John B. 1772-3 (2; 8; 14; 59;60).

b.c . 1758. From Maryland s .of Ignatius E.C.Bornhem 1773-5. O.P. Priest.To England and Maryland d . 1815-6 , St Thomas'Manor, Charles County,Maryland. (CRS . 25/135, 165; Gumb . 86).

FENWICK alias for Caldwell, John ; Durass, Charles and John.

FERGUS,John S.O. ?-1757 (2;4)

?From Bury StEdmunds

FERMONT, -du, see Du Fermont.

FERMOR, Henryalias Jermyn S.O. 1650 (or earlier)-1656 (5)

b . 1657, Oxfordshire. ?s of Henryand Ursula (Middleton)of Tusmore , Oxfordshire ?br ofPeter, Richard andThomas. S.J. 1656.Priest . To England d . 1680, Oxfordshiredistrict.(Fo. 7/248).

FERMOR, Henry. S.O. c . 1728-c . 32 (1 ; 7).

?s.of Jamesand Mary (Throckmorton)ofTusmore , Oxfordshire. ?br ofJames, Richard, Robert and Thomas ?m. Frances Sheldon . (DavB . 90).

FERMOR, Henry S.O. 1744-c . 52 (1;2;3;4).

FERMOR, Henry B. 1767-c . 71 (2; 8).

FERMOR, James S.O. 1700 (or earlier) -1702 (or later) (75, f.38v).

s.of Henry ?and Helen (Browne ) ofTusmore , Oxfordshire. ?br. ofWilliam ?m Mary Throckmorton . d . ?1722 (Pa . 50;Pa2/82; E. and P.216).

FERMOR, James S.O. 1731-c . 34 (1;7;21)

?s.ofJamesand Mary (Throckmorton) ofTusmore , Oxfordshire ?br. ofHenry, Richard, Robert and Thomas .

FERMOR, James B. 1773 (15; 58 ;59 ;60).


From London E.A. Liège 1774-5 (17; CRS . 13/206).

FERMOR, Johnalias Temple ?S.O . c . 1613 (70)

?br. ofThomas

FERMOR* , John Joseph S.O. 1655 (or earlier) -1660 (5).

FERMOR, Peter alias or vere Jermyn S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1655 (5).

?s. of HenryFermor and Ursula (Middleton) of Tusmore , Oxfordshire ?br ofHenry, Richardand Thomas.

FERMOR, Richardalias or vere Jermyn. S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1651 (orlater) (5)


?s.of Henry Fermor and Ursula (Middleton) of Tusmore , Oxfordshire ?br ofHenry,Peter and Thomas ?m Frances Brooke .d . ?1684 . (Gil.2/250).

FERMOR , Richard S.O. c . 1732-7 (7).

?s.ofJames and Mary (Throckmorton)ofTusmore, Oxfordshire. ?br of Henry, James, Robert and Thomas .

FERMOR, Robert S.O. c . 1729-34 (1 ;7)

?s.ofJames and Mary (Throckmorton) ofTusmore, Oxfordshire ?br ofHenry, James, Richardand Thomas. ?FERMOR, Thomas alias Temple ?S.O c . 1613 (19;70).

?br. of John . E.C. Seville c . 1617 (Ans.2/315)

FERMOR, Thomas alias or vere Stillington and alias Barker S.O.?-1614 (Fo.1/457; 7/249).

b.c . 1594, Buckinghamshire . ?s ofThomas ofGreatMarlow. E.C.Rome 1614-21 Priest To England S.J. 1622.d.1683, England . (CRS . 37/175; Ans.2/98-9 ; Fo.1/457; 5/34;6/272; 7/249).

FERMOR, Thomas alias or vere Jermyn. S.O. 1660-6 (or later)(5).

?b . 1649, Oxfordshire . ?s. ofHenryFermor and Ursula (Middleton) ?br. of Henry,Peter and Richard ?S.J 1667. ?Priest. ?To England.d. ? 1710, London (Fo.7/249).

FERMOR, Thomas S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1667-8 (5).

It is possible that the details given for Thomas Fermor immediatelyabove refer to him.

FERMOR, Thomas S.O. 1728-c . 30 (7)

?s.ofJamesand Mary (Throckmorton). ?br. ofHenry, Richard Jamesand Robert.

FERMOR, William,alias Brown S.O. c . 1698 (75 ,f.30v)

?s.ofHenry and Helen (Browne) of Tusmore , Oxfordshire . ?br ofJames

FERMOR, William. S.O. c . 1748-c . 55 (2; 3;4).

b . 1737 . s ofHenry and Frances (Sheldon) ofTusmore , Oxfordshire. ?br of Fermor, - (next but one below). m Frances Errington.d . 1806. (Gil.2/250; Sta . 78; ?Pa . 51).

FERMOR, .S.O. ?-1618 (22).

E.C.Seville 1622.

FERMOR, .S.O.c . 1760 (2).

?s.ofHenry and Frances (Sheldon)ofTusmore , Oxfordshire ?br ofWilliam

FERMORor FARMERalias for Smith, Gregory;Turberville , Anthony , Christopherand John See Browne or Brown, Charles, Henryand William.

FERNANDEZ or FERNANDES, Alexander. B. 1770-3 (7;8; 15; 58; 59;60)

b c . 1764, Lisbon. From London .

FERRALL , Richard B. 1765-c . 68 (2;8). s.of Richard.


FERRERS, Edwardalias Kempson S.O. 1696-8 (75, ff.22v, 29v, 130)

b . 1678.s. ofGeorge and Elizabeth(Kempson ) ofBaddesley Clinton,Warwickshire m TeresaGibson d . 1729 (BLG ; E. and P. 278; Pa . 71)

FERRERS, Edward . S.O. c . 1753-6 (2;4)

?s.of Thomas and Margaret (Kempson) of Baddesley Clinton , Warwickshire.?m. Hester Bird d . ?1794. (BLG).

FERRERS, Thomas S.O. c . 1727-31 (1 ;7).

b . 1713 s of Edward and Teresa (Gibson) ofBaddesley Clinton , Warwickshire.m.Margaret Kempson d . 1760 (BLG)

FERRERS alias for Ireland, Lawrence.

FERRIS alias for Harper , Thomas.

FETHERSTON,.S.O ?-1714 (CRS . 62/55,94 , 119). ?From Lancashire .

FETTIPLACE* ,James S.O. 1656-58 (or later)(5).

FETTIPLACE , .S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (CRS . 62/31 , 149)

FIELD, S.O. 1746-c . 48 ( 1 ;3).

FIELD alias for Nelstonor Nelson ,George

FIELDING , George S.O. c . 1700 (75 ,f.42v).

FIGGINS* or FIGENS, James S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1642 (or later) (5).

FINCH, Thomas S.O. ?-1598 (HMC . Salisbury,10/144,229).

s ofClement and Mary (Hawkins ) of Mylton , Kent E.C. Seville c . 1600-05 Priest .To England (HMC . Salsibury,10/144 , 229;Ans.2/101 ; RH.9/167).

FINCHalias for Brinkhurst, Thomas.

FINCHAM , Richard alias Barrett S.O. ?-1655 (CRS . 55/552-3)

b. c . 1635, Cambridgeshire s . ofJohn and Mary (?Dixon neé Spencer) of Outwell, Norfolk E.C. Rome 1655-62 .Priest.To England d . 1689 (CRS . 40/56; 55/552-3; Fo.5/535;6/392).

FINEGAN,W.S.O. c . 1735 (21)

FINES alias for Robson , Christopher.

FINLEY , Gorman S.O. or B.before 1764 (2)

FINNEAN, Brian S.O. c . 1756 (4).

FINNEAN, Francis S.O. c . 1753-c . 58 (2;4)

FINTCHLEY , .S.O 1715 (or earlier) -? (CRS . 62/242)

br of next.

FINTCHLEY , .S.O . 1715 (or earlier) -? (CRS . 62/242).

br. of the above .

FISHER* ,Johnor Ralph. S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1642 (or later)(5).

FISHER* , Joseph S.O. 1624 (or earlier) -1625 (5).

FISHER*,William. S.O. 1612-? (19)

FISHER*,William. S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1662 (5). ?Priest. (?Ki . 261)

FISHER alias forCowley, John ; Standish, Lawrence .

FITTON alias for Biddulph, Andrew, Francis and Peter . See Biddulph, Richard.

FITZGERALD ,.S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/206-7).


FITZGERALDalias for Rice,Edward.

FITZHERBERT , Edward B. c . 1763-6 (2;8). ?b . 1752 . ?s ofThomas and Mary (Throckmorton)ofNorbury , Derbyshireand Swinnerton, Staffordshire ?br.ofRobert.d . 1768 , unm (BLG).

FITZHERBERT, Francis alias Darby S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1634 (5)

b . 1613, Derbyshire S.J. 1634. Priest. To Marylandand England d . 1687 ,St Omers College. (Fo.7/257; Hu . Text 2/680)

FITZHERBERT*,Gilbert Peter Paul S.O. 1661-2 (or later) (5).

FITZHERBERT, John alias Ayre , Baines, Clifford, Giffordand Gilford

S.O.1621-5 (CRS . 55/384)

b. c . 1607, Somershall , Derbyshire E.C. Rome 1625-32 .Priest. To England . d . 1673,Worcestershire . (CRS.3/101 ; 37/209;55/ 384; Ans.2/110; Fo.6/309-10).

FITZHERBERT , Robert S.O. ?-1708 (10/119).

?From Swinnerton, Staffordshire ?s .ofWilliam and Elizabeth (Owen)ofSwinnerton ?br. of Thomas d . 1708, St Omers College. (Fo.7 /257-8; Chad.1/245).

FITZHERBERT, Robert B. 1773 (7; 15 ; 58;60).

b c . 1762 s of Thomas and Mary (Throckmorton)of Swinnerton,Staffordshire ?br of Edward St.G. Douay c . 1774 .

E.A. Liège 1778-81 d . 1802, Marino, Italy (BLG ;BSG; CRS 13/206).

FITZHERBERT, Thomas S.O. 1700-02 (or later) (75, ff.41v, 43v, 45v).

?s.of William and Elizabeth(Owen) ofSwinnerton , Staffordshire, ?br ofRobert ?m.ConstantiaSouthcote d . ?1765. (BLG)

FITZHERBERT,Thomas alias Southcote S.O. c . 1728-c . 32 (1 ;7;67, f 95).

b. c . 1714 . s.of Thomas and Constantia (Southcote) of Swinnerton, Staffordshire m. (1) ElizabethMeaborne (2) Mary Throckmorton . d . 1778 (BLG; SCH.9/28).

FITZHERBERT,.S.O c . 1728-c . 32 (1; 7) ?br ofThomas immediatelyabove .

FITZHERBERTalias for Gravenor , Nicholas

FITZWILLIAM , Charles alias Travagnon S.O. 1713-5 (CRS . 62/13,224).

s.ofJohnand Anne of Lincoln br.ofWilliam m.Frances . (Pa . 29-30).

FITZWILLIAM , or FITZWILLIAMS ,George alias Villiers . S.O. ?-1669 (Fo.5/618).

b . 1650, ?Lincolnshire s .ofWilliam and Frances (Sullyard). b.ofWilliam ?and John E.C. Rome 1669-76 Priest d . 1678 (CRS . 40/90; Ans.5; Fo.5/618; 6/415)

FITZWILLIAM or FITZWILLIAMS , George, alias Neville. S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1694 (75, ff.7v , 12v).

?b . 1676, Lincolnshire ?s ofWilliam and Mary (Neville). ?O.S.B Douay 1694. ?Priest ?To England d . ?1725 (E. and P.

161; Pa . 30; Bi . 89;Wel.App.12)

FITZWILLIAM , John alias Villiers S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1654 (5).

b . 1635, Lincolnshire. ?s ofWilliam and Frances (Sullyard) ?br ofGeorge and William S.J. 1654.Priest ToMaryland. d . 1665, Maryland (Fo.7/261; Hu Text 2/680).

FITZWILLIAM,Johnalias Stapletonand Neville S.O. 1693 (orearlier) -1697 (75, ff.7v, 20v, 22v,25v).

?s ofThomas,4th Viscount Fitzwilliam ofMeryonand Mary (Stapleton). ?br.ofRichard.

FITZWILLIAM, Richardalias Stapleton, John S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -1697 (75, ff.15v , 16v,28v).

s.of Thomas, 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam of MeryonandMary (Stapleton) ?br ofJohn m. Frances Shelley 5thViscount 1704 . d . 1743, Thorpe, Surrey.(GEC).

FITZWILLIAM * , Thomas . S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1667 (orlater)(5).

FITZWILLIAM or FITZWILLIAMS,William alias Villiers. S.O. 1648 (orearlier) -1652 (5; CRS . 55/534)

b. c . 1633, Lincolsnhire s ofWilliam and Frances (Sullyard) br.ofGeorge ?and John E.C.Rome 1652-5. (CRS . 40/50; 55/534; Fo.6/384).

FITZWILLIAMor FITZWILLIAMS ,William. S.O. ?-1688 (RSC . 59).

b . 1671 . s. ofWilliam. S.C. Douay 1688.S.J. 1688-9 (63/1689; RSC . 59).

FITZWILLIAM , William S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -18 (64/124 , 129; CRS . 30/182 , 184).

s . ofJohn and Anne of Lincoln br ofCharles E.C. Valladolid 1718-24 . Priest. To England (CRS . 30/184;Pa . 29).

FITZWILLIAMalias forWright, Lawrence and Peter. ?FLECKNOE, Richard ?S.O 1619-24 (Ans.2/112).

b . 1600, London. Priest (?in Flanders) 1636. To England, Flanders, Rome etc. d.?c.1678 (Ans.2/112-3; DNB; Gil.2/2934).

FLEETWOOD,John alias Flichon and Flitun. S.O. ?-1718 (CRS 30/182-3).

b . 1703, London s . of William and Mary (Pigott) ?br ofWalter or Francis E.C. Valladolid 1718-23 S.J. 1723.Priest To England and Maryland d . 1734, Maryland (CRS . 30/183;Fo. 7/262; Gil.2/296; SCH.3/9).

FLEETWOOD, John Walter or Francis alias Flichon S.O. before 1722 (7; CRS . 30/182, 184).

b . 1699, London ?s .ofWilliam and Mary (Pigott) ?br ofJohn E.C.Valladolid c . 1722-3 Priest .To England S.J.1735 . d . 1774 , Liège (CRS . 30/184; Fo.7/262 ; Ki . 87; Gil.2/296-7;SCH.3/9)

FLEMING , George S.O. 1664-9 (or later) (5)

FLEMING,John S.O. ?-1667 (CRS . 29/21, 101).

E.C. Madrid 1677-80

FLEMING* , Thomas S.O. 1669 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5)

FLEMING alias for Byrne , Jamesand John.


FLETCHER, Charles. S.O. c . 1756 (2;4)

s ofJohn .

FLETCHER , Henry B. 1768-73 (2; 8 ; 14; 59; 60)

b c . 1755. From Lancashire . E.C. Bornhem 1773-?

FLETCHER,Johnalias or vere Cotton S.O. ?-1741 (1;2;3; 13).

b . 1724-6, Norfolk S.J. 1741. Priest To England d . 1769 , Courtfield, Monmouthshire.(Fo.7/177,264).

FLETCHER , Thomas alias Carey or Carus S.O. ?-1610 (Fo.6/521, 588)

b . 1590 From Sussex s ofAnthony . E.C.Rome 1616-17

Priest To England . (CRS . 37/161; Ans.2/114; Fo.6/259)

FLICHON or FLITUNalias for Fleetwood, John and John Walter (or Francis).

FLOWERalias for Corby, Ralph and Robert;Waldegrave, Charles

FLOYD, Robert. S.O. ?-1726(CRS . 30/185-6).

E.C. Valladolid 1726-7 .May be the sameas Lloyd, Robert.

FLYNN,Johnor Thomas B. 1764-5 (2;6;8) From London.

FONSECA , John S.O. 1674-9 (CRS . 55/643) b . London.

FORCER, Francis S.O. c . 1610 (CRS . 54/104).

b . 15834, Durham s .ofThomas and Margaret (Trollope)of Eden br of John S.J. 1604. Priest To England d . 1655 , Durham orYorkshire. (Fo.7 /270; Gil.2/307; CRS . 54/104-5)

FORCER , Johnalias Midford S.O. ?-1601 (CRS . 54/104-5).

b. c . 1680, Eden, Durham s of Thomas and Margaret (Trollope) ofEden . br of Francis E.C. Rome 1601-5 Priest. S.J. 1605.To England .d . 1630, Durhamdistrict (CRS . 37/1234;54/103-5; Ans.2/115; Gil.2/307; Fo.6/219; 7/270-1).

FORD* , Edward S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1650 (orlater) (5)

FORD* , Thomas . S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater) (5)

FORD alias for MoreHenryor Francis.

FORMAN or FROMOND , Gregory alias or vere Sanders.S.O. ?-1613 (19 ; CRS . 30/115)

b.c . 1592, Surrey . s ofWilliam and Elizabeth(Pitts)ofCheam , Surrey. E.C. Valladolid 1613-22 Priest E.C. Douay 1622.To England (CRS . 10/191, 194 ; 30/115; Ans.2/118)

FORMBY, John S.O. c . 1728-c . 30 (1).

From Lancashire Maybe the same as Rigby, John . FORMBYalias for Eccleston , Peter . FORSTER, Bartholomewalias Darcy S.O. c . 1607-12 (19; CRS . 54/253).

b . 1592 , Suffolk s of Christopher and Elizabeth(Rookwood) ofCopdoke , Suffolk br.ofDominic, Henryand Robert.E.C. Rome 1612-16 Priest.S.J. 1616. d . 1617, Messina,Sicily. (CRS . 37/165-6;54/2524, 178; Ans.2 /115; Fo.2 /444, ped.; 5/516-9 ; 6/263 ; 7 /272-3)

FORSTER, Dominic S.O. before 1612 (Fo.2/444, ped.; 5/516n, 517n).

s.ofCharles and Elizabeth(Rookwood) ofCopdoke ,Suffolk. br. of Bartholomew,Henryand Robert d . before 1612 , St Omers

FORSTER , Ferdinand S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/34,272).

College (Fo.2/444, ped., 445; 5/516n, 517n; CRS . 54/178)

FORSTERor FOSTER, Francis S.O. 1613-19 (12; 19; CRS . 30/131).

b . 1601-2 , London, E.C.Valladolid 1619-c . 22. S.J. c . 1622

Priest To England d . 1653. (CRS . 30/131-2; Fo.7/273-4 , 1429).

FORSTER, Henry S.O. c . 1615 (Fo.2/445).

b . 1604, Suffolk s .of Christopherand Elizabeth(Rookwood) of Copdoke ,Suffolk br of Bartholomew, Dominic and Robert . m . Mason.S.J. (after death ofwife) 1652/3 . Laybrother. d . 1679, Ghent (Fo.2 /444, ped , 444-56; 7/274-5; CRS . 54/178).

FORSTER * , Henry S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1635 (orlater) (5).

FORSTER* ,John S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1640 (or later)(5).

FORSTER,John S.O. 1649-c . 52 (Fo.2/453).

s .ofHenry and - (Mason) ofCopdoke , Suffolk. br.ofJoseph and Michael .S.J. 1652.Laybrother O.S.B. Douay. d . soon afterwards (Fo.2 /444, ped , 453-4;5/520n).

FORSTER,Joseph S.O. 1649-53 (Fo.2 /453,455).

b . 1631 . s of Henryand - (Mason) of Copdoke ,Suffolk br ofJohnand Michael S.J. 1653.Laybrother d . 1686,Antwerp. (Fo.2/444, ped , 453-5)

FORSTER , Michael alias Gulick S.O. 1652-9 (5; CRS . 55/577).

b . 1642 . s .of Henry and - (Mason) of Copdoke , ofJohn and Joseph. E.C. Rome 1659-60 S.J. 1660. Priest To Maryland d . 1684, Maryland (CRS . 40/63;55/577; Fo.2/444, ped., 4534; 6/400; 7/275; Hu . Text 2/681).

FORSTER , Richard S.O. ?-1644 (CRS . 55/482).

b . 1623 , Yorkshire. s of Sir Richard , 1st Bart andJoan (Midleton) ofStokesley , Yorkshire E.C. Rome 1644-7 .2nd Bart. 1661.m. Clare Meynell (CRS . 40/30-1 ; 55/482; Peac . 119-20; Fo.6/360; BuEB).

FORSTER , Richard. S.O. ?-1692 (11)

b . 1672, Lancashire. S.J. 1692.Priest. To England d . 1707 , Formby, Lancashire (Fo.7/275; NB.1/44, 138).

FORSTER, Robert alias Wilsonand Darcy. S.O. c . 1600-06 (CRS . 54/ 177-8).

b . 1587/8/9 , Stanningfield, Suffolk s .of Christopherand Elizabeth(Rookwood) br of Bartholomew, Dominic andHenry. E.C. Rome 1606-9 . S.J. 1609. Priest To England d . 1641 , ?London district (CRS . 37/147;54/177-8; Fo.2/444, ped.; 5/516; 6/243-4;7/275-6).

FORSTER or FOSTER, Thomas or Seth alias Wharton S.O. 1603-09 (CRS . 54/219-20)

b . 1590, Earswick, Yorkshire s. ofWilliam and Margaret (Booth). br of Thomas E.C. Rome 1609-16 Priest To England S.J.1617. d . 1648, Lincoln gaol (CRS . 37/157 ; 54/220; Ans.2/116;Gil 2/317-8; Fo.2/642; 3/16; 6/255-6; 7/276)

FORSTERor FOSTER, Thomas alias Mountain, John and Wharton.


S.O. ?-1615 (CRS . 54/321).

b . 1597, Earswick, Yorkshire s ofWilliam and Margaret (Booth). br ofThomas or Seth E.C. Seville 1615-18 . E.C.Rome 1618-20 . (CRS . 37/188;54/320-21;Fo.6/287).

FORSTERor FOSTER ,William alias Anderson S.Ó. c . 1603-06 . (CRS . 54/162-3).

b . 1587-8, Haverhill, Essex . s. of Lawrence and Elizabeth. E.C. Rome 1606-09 S.J. 1609. Priest To England d . 1657 ,St Omers College (CRS . 37/142; 54/162-3; Fo.4 /285-7;6/238; 7/276-7).

FORSTER alias forTatlock, Henry

FORTESCUE , Adrian alias Talbot. S.O. ?-1621 (Fo.7/277)

b . 1601-2 . s .of Sir Francis and Grace (Manners) ofSalden , Buckinghamshire E.C. Rome 16214. S.J. 1624. Priest To England . d . 1653,Worcestershire district (CRS . 37/198; Fo.4/275-7 ;5/961, ped .; 6/289; 7/277).

FORTESCUE , Francisalias Stanley. S.O. ?-1682 (13)

b . 1662 , Buckinghamshire s .ofFrancis orJohn. S.J. 1682-95 (not ordained) m.Mary Huddlestone 4th Bart . 1717 . d . 1729, Bath. (52, f.4; Fo.5 /961 , ped.; 7/277; E. and P. 192; Pa . 45)

FORTESCUE , Francis. S.O. 1715 ? (CRS . 62/266, 268). ?s.ofCharles and Elizabeth(Loggin)of Husband's Bosworth , Leicestershire . d . ?1748. (Fo.5/961 , ped.; 7/1478*; E.andP. 157; Pa . 27, 58)

FORTESCUE* ,George. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater)(5 )

FORTESCUE * , John. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1628 (5).

FORTESCUE , John S.O. c . 1700 (75 ,f.5v)

Maybethe same as Whorewood,John. ?FORTESCUE ,. ?S.O c . 1613(70)

FromWorcestershire .

FORTESCUE ,alias or vere Dormer S.O. ?-1709 (CRS . 62/71).

FORTESCUEalias for Gouldenor Goulding, Nicholas ;Whorewood, John.

FOSTER , Christopher-- alias for Critchley,Richard.SeeForster. FOSTER , Jamesalias Charnock S.O. ?-1658 (36; CRS . 55/559-60).

b . 1635, Lancashire . s of Robert and Alice (Poughton)

E.C. Rome 1658-65 . Priest.To England (CRS . 40/58-9;55/ 559-60 ; Ans.5; Fo.6/395)

FOSTER ,Johnalias for Talbot,Gilbert. ?FOSTER ,William ?S.O. ?-1634 (CRS . 30/153)

E.C.Valladolid 1634-5.

FOSTINNEalias for Clough , Richard.

?FOUNTAIN , John ?S.O . ?-1625 (CRS . 30/135).

E.C. Valladolid 1625.

FOURNIERS, Nicholas alias or vere Clough S.O. ?-1725 (7).

b . 1708 ,Montgomeryshire. S.J. 1725.Priest .To England.


d . 1779, Lydiate, Lancashire. (Fo.7/278, 1406-7).

FOURNIERS, Nicholas S.O. c . 1761 (2).

FOURNIERS alias for Clough ,Richard.

FOWLER, William alias Stapleton S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/106).

b . 1591, Bettsfield, Flintshire. s ofWalterand Mary (Sheldon)

E.C.Valladolid 1609.O.P. 1609. Priest To England d . 1662 , St Thomas' Priory, near Stafford (CRS . 25/126; 30/106;Gumb.

32 ; Oliver 2/456; SCH.2/27).

FOWLER alias for Darell, Richard.

FOX, Henry. S.O. c . 1739-c . 46 (1;2; 3)

b . 1728 ?From Wales ?br. ofJames (77; ?Fo.7/1477).

FOX, Henry. S.O. c . 1753-c . 57 (2;4). ?br ofWilliam.

FOX orFOXE , Henry B.c . 1770-73 (2 ; 7 ; 8; 14;59; 60 ; CRS . 63/356)

b.c.1758. ?s ofJoseph ofWorlingham, near Beccles, Suffolk

E.C. Douay 1773-4 . (CRS . 63/266, 269 , 356, 359)

FOX, James S.O. c . 1702 (75, f.45v). ?br of Michael.

FOX or FOXE , James S.O. c . 174047 (1 ; 2;3)

b . 1729, Shropshire ?br of Henry S.J. 1747.Priest .To England d . 1795, Southworth, Lancashire. (77;Fo.7/278; Ki . 88)

FOX, Michael S.O. c . 1702 (75, f.45v)

?br. ofJames.

FOX , Michael S.O. 1730-c . 32 (7;21)

?br ofSimon.

FOX , Simonalias Sandford. S.O. c . 1730-c . 35 (1;7;21).

?br ofMichael

FOX, William. S.O. 1754 -c . 56 (2;4)

?br ofHenry.

FOX orFOXE,.S.O. 1713-14 (or later) (CRS . 62/7).

From Wales. s ofHenry.

FOX, B.?-1773(60).

FRANKLAND , William S.O. ?-1719 (78/7/279).

b . 1700, Yorkshire S.J. 1719-28 (not ordained ).?m.Winefrid Webb (63/1720, 1728; CRS . 32/317n; Pa . 13).

FRANKLAND or FRANKLINalias for Butt , Abraham FRANSAM*,William. S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1612 (or later) (19).

FREEMAN* , Anthony S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1664 (5).

FREEMAN,Johnalias Johnson S.O. c . 1613-c . 17 (CRS . 54/302).

b.c . 1593, Tamworth, Warwickshire E.C. Rome 1617-20 .

Priest. To England (CRS . 37/182; 54/301-2 ;Ans.2/117;Fo. 6/280-1).

FREEMAN, Robert alias Cleton S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1698 (75, ff.8v, 30v, 130v)

FREEMAN alias for Curson, John and Robert FREMONT, du see Du Fermont.

FRENCH,Andrew alias Aylward S.O. and B. 1760-3; 1766-9 (2;6;8 ;28.f.8).


From Dublin br ofJohn.

FRENCH,Andrew B. 1773 (15; 58;60).

From Cork. ?St G.Douay c . 1773. (BSG).

FRENCH , Johnalias Aylward B. 1766-c . 67 (2;6;8).

From Dublin br of Andrew

FRENCH , Johnalias forWhitehair,Anthony.

FRENCH* , Nicholas S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1667 (5)

FRENCH, S.O. c . 1733 (1).

FRENCHalias for Murphy, Arthur.

FRERE, Benjamin B. ?-1773 (7; 15;58;60).

From London.

FRESNOY , du. see Du Fresnoy.

FREVILLE * , Christopher. S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1633 (orlater) (5)

FREVILLE alias for Jenison, Ralph, Robert and Thomas .

FRISWELL, Francis S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1650 (or later) (5).

?br ofGeorge E.C.Seville ?-1653 Priest (Ans.2/118)

FRISWELL, George S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1648 (or later) (5).

?br of Francis E.C.Seville ?-1653 Priest (Ans.2/118).

FROMOND, see Forman.

FROST alias for Thompson, Richard.

FULWOOD, Richard S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1634(5)

b . 1604, Lancashire S.J. 1634.d . 1641 , Liège, notyet ordained (Fo.1 /500-01 ; 7/280-1 ; FAB . 40)

FYNN, Charles B. c . 1765-c . 68 (2; 6; 8).

GADBURY orGODBERY, John alias Maynard and Goldin S.O. ?-1616 (Fo.7 /281).

b . 1599, London ?br.ofRichard E.C. Rome 1616-20 . S.J. 1620.Priest To England d . 1668, London district (CRS . 37/180; 54/297-8; Fo.6/277; 7/281-2).

?GADBURY or GODBERY , Richardalias Maynard ?S.O. ?-1626(20)

b . 1608, London ?br ofJohn. S.J. 1626. d . 1626 ,Watten, asa novice . (Fo.7 /282)

GAGE, Charles ?vere Journo S.O. ?-1675 (13)

b. c . 1656, in Flanders . ?s .of Journo and (Gage) ?br of Philip S.J. 1675-93 . Priest. To Marylandand England (Fo.7/282; Hu . Text 2/683).

?GAGE, Charles ?S.O c . 1730 (21).

GAGE* , Francis. S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1652 (5).

GAGE, George alias Howard . S.O. c . 1615-c . 21 (46/1642; Fo.1/563).

b. c . 1600 .s.ofJohn and Margaret (Copley) ofHalingHouse , Surrey br ofHenry and Thomas E.C. Douay 1625-6.Priest. To England . d . 1651-2, ?Newgate prison (CRS . 10/237,249,254, 269 ; 11/571-2 ;RH.4/143;Gil 2/357; Gag . 234; Ans.2/121-4; AHSJ . 41/266; Fo.1 /563;2/520).


GAGE,George.S.O. 1690 (or earlier) -1694 (or later) (75,ff.44v , 174v, 188v)

?s.ofSir Edward, 1st Bart and Elizabeth(Fielding)of Hengrave Hall, Suffolk ?br ofJohn (Gag . 240 , ped )

GAGE ,Henryalias Howard . S.O. 1609-14 (9, f.234; CRS . 54/288).

b . 1597, London s ofJohn and Margaret (Copley) ofHaling House, Surrey br. ofGeorge and Thomas E.C. Rome 1615-8

m . Mary Daniel.Knighted 1644.d . 1645, killed in battle, Culham , Oxon (CRS..37/177;54/288;Dod.3 /58; DNB ; Gag . 232-4 ; Chad . 1 /66-7;Gil.2/357-60 ; Fo.1/184-5;2/520n; 5/425; 6/274; Clare.8).

GAGE* , Henry S.O. 1644 (or earlier) -1645 (or later)(5).

?s.ofSir Henryand Mary (Daniel) ?m. Jane Vandenkerchove . d?1702 ,Tournai (Gag . 234n ; Gil.2/359).

GAGE* , Henry. S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1654(5). See Rookwood, Henry.

GAGE , John alias Lewis S.O. ?-1670 (Fo.7/282).

b . 1651 , Suffolk . ?s. of Sir Edward, 1st Bart. and Elizabeth (Fielding) ofHengrave Hall, Suffolk ?br. ofGeorge S.J. 1670 Priest. To England d . 1729, ?Sudbury, Suffolk. (Fo.7/282-3;Gag. 240 ped.; Tab . 139/663).

GAGE,John alias Mostyn S.O. 1696 (or earlier) -1698 (orlater) (75, ff.26v, 30v, 165v)


GAGE, John. S.O. c . 1729-40 (1 ; 7; 13; 67, f.95)

b . 1720. From Suffolk s .ofJohn and Elizabeth(Rookwood). br.of Thomas, 5th Bart. ofHengrave S.J. 1740.Priest.To England d . 1790, Bury StEdmunds (Fo.5/539;7/283; BuP:Gag 240, ped., 249; Ki . 93; Pa . 16).

GAGE , Joseph alias Dennet.S.O. 1745-c . 46 (1;2)

GAGE* , Louis S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5)

GAGE* , Philip. S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1645 (or later) (5)

GAGE,Philip ?vere Journo. S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (orlater) (5)

b . 1655, in Flanders ?s ofJourno and (Gage) ?br of Charles.S.J. 1673-81/2. (Fo.7/282-3 ; ?CRS . 48/396; CSP . Dom . Jan.-June,1683/111-13)

GAGE , Thomas S.O. c . 1615 (Fo.1/549).

s .ofJohnand Margaret (Copley) ofHalingHouse, Surrey. br ofGeorge and Henry O.P. Priest d . 1656 (Fo.1/549;2/520 ff; DNB; Chad.1/160; Gag . 234; CRS . 11 /571-3;Dod.3/296; Chal. 452, 501; Ans.3/158 ff).

GAGE* , Thomas S.O. 1661-2 (or later)(5).

GAGE , Thomas S.O. c . 1730-c . 35 (1; 7)

b . 1719 .s ofJohn and Elizabeth (Rookwood). br. ofJohn .5th Bart. 1767.m. (1) Lucy Knight (2) Mary Fergus. d . 1796 .(BuP; Gag . 240, ped , 248-51 ; Pa . 16).

GAGE,Thomas alias Knight. B. 1763-c . 69 (2;6;8;45, f.63)

b . 1751 .s. of Sir Thomas , 5th Bart and Lucy (Knight) of


Hengrave,Suffolk 6th Bart. 1796. m. (1) CharlotteFitzherbert (2) Charlotte Campbell d . 1798. (Gag . 240, ped , 251; BuP).

GAGE, William alias Goring S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (CRS . 62/12 , 36).

b . 1695 . s .of Sir John, 4th Bart. and Mary (Stanley)of Firle, Sussex . 7th Bart. 1713.d unm. 1744.(BuP; Gil.3/362; Pa . 67; E. and P.261).

GAGE alias forAlcock,John; Peter, William; Plowden, Edmund; Rookwood, Ambrose , ?Henryand Robert

GALE, Matthewalias Dutton. S.O. 1622-5 (CRS . 10/275)

b . 1606-7, Rufforth, Acomb Grange, Yorkshire s ofFrancis and Barbara (Dutton) E.C.Douay 1629-32. (CRS . 10/275,277, 279-80,305).

GALLOWAY, Edward S.O. ?-1724 (7)

b . 1706, London. s ofStephen and Elizabeth(Turberville).

S.J. 1724.Priest To England d . 1779, London (45;68;Fo. 5/561-2; 7/285; E. and P. 176)

GARBOT alias for Richardson, Robert.

GARDINER, Henry S.O. and B. 1761-6 (2; 6;8).

From Maryland. (Hu . Text 2/521)

GARDINER or GARDNER, Johnalias Garnett S.O. c . 1626-c . 27 (CRS. 55/395)

b c . 1606, Frodsham , Cheshire s ofWilliam and Elizabeth. E.C.Rome 1627-34 Priest To England (CRS . 37/213;55/395; Ans.2/125; Fo.1 /647; 6/313)

GARDINER, Thomas S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1665 ,Maryland. S.J. 1685. d . 1694, Liège, (not yet ordained). (Fo.7 /287,958 ; Hu . Text2/137)

GARDINER , .B. 1769-? (2; 8).

?From Maryland May be the same as Gardiner, Henry.

GARDINERalias for Stephens, Francis. See Garner , George and Thomas ; Taylor,William

GARDNER or GARDINER, Thomas S.O. c . 1749-56 (2;3;4) ?From Lancashire ?br of George

GARGRAVE,George alias Simpson S.O. 1617-21 (12; CRS . 30/135 , 138).

b. c . 1598, Durham. s . of John E.C.Valladolid 1621-8 . Priest To England (CRS . 30/135, 138; Ans.2/125)

GARNER or GARDINER, George S.O. c . 1749-c . 55 (2;3;4).

b . 1737 From Lancashire. ?br. ofThomas .S.J. 1756-64 . Laybrother (63/1757; 64; 76; Oliver 1/99)

GARNETT*,Edmund S.O. 1669 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5). ?From Cantsfield, Lancashire ?E.C.Valladolid 1670-77 . ?Priest ?To England (CRS.6/250n; 30/171-2 ; Ans.5)

GARNETT* , Francis S.O. 1634-40(5).

GARNETT or GARNET, George alias Guilford orGilford S.O. 1608-13 (55)


?br ofThomas E.C. Seville 16134.S.J. 1614.d. date unknown, Seville, not yet ordained (Fo.7/287). 111

GARNETT* ,Joseph S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (orlater). (5).

GARNETT or GARNET, Thomas alias Rookwood. S.O. 1593/4-5/6 (32/277;41/253; 66/3/n . 85; CRS.5/259 ; 30/40; CSP.Dom.Eliz . 1591-4/520).

b . 1574, London s of Richard ?br ofGeorge E.C.Valladolid 1596-9 Priest To England S.J. 1604.To England Martyred 1608 , Tyburn Canonised (Chad.1/53; Chad.2; DNB; Ans.1/127; Fo.2/475 ff; 7/289, 1430; SM . 28/147 ff; Chal . 296-9; Gil.2/395-7; Oliver 1 /100-01).

GARNETT or GARNET, Thomas S.O. ?-1595 (CRS . 30/38).

b . 1574 ,Yorkshire E.C.Valladolid 1596-8. (CRS . 30/38; Chad.2/3)

GARNETTalias for Gardineror Gardner,John; Heigham,John.

GARRET, Johnalias Groves S.O. 1596-9 (CRS . 30/58).

b . 1581 , Warwickshire ?s .ofWilliam and Dorothy of Whittleford , Exhall, Warwickshire E.C.Valladolid 1599-1600 . d . 1600, Valladolid (CRS . 30/58).

GARVAN, Thomas alias or vere Price or Rice S.O. 1730-c . 35 (1; 7).

GARVANalias for Price,Dominic, George and John

GASCOIGNEor GASKIN,William. S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (5; 16; Chad.1/118).

GASCONalias for Gatenbyor Gattinby, Richard.

GASTALDI, Charles S.O. and B. c . 1759-c . 63 (2;8;37/68;55/199; 65, f.128)

s ofJ.B.Gastaldi br of John ?Priest (Chad.1/289;RH.7/256n; 64,July 7th, 1768)

GASTALDI , John S.O. and B . 1759 -c . 63 (2; 8;37/68;55/199;65 ,f.128)

s.ofJ.B.Gastaldi br of Charles (Chad.1/289 ; RH.7/256n).

GATENBY or GATTINBY , Richardalias Gascon S.O. 1638 (orearlier) -1639 (or later) (5).

?From Gatenby, Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1640-7.Priest. To England . d . ?1677 ,Yorkshire. (CRS.3/103; 30/158;Ans.2/127).

GAUNT, John S.O. c . 1701 (75, f.45v)

GAUNTLETalias for Stauntonor Stanton , Henry.

GAVAN orGAVINor GAWEN, Henry S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1667, London ?s ofThomas S.J. 1685.Priest d . 1701 , Liège. (Fo.5/468-9;7/290).

GAVAN or GAWEN, John . S.O. ?-1660 (BR . 58; FAB . 70).

b . 1640, London S.J. 1660.Priest. To England . Putto death , 1679 , Tyburn Beatified (FAB . 70; BR . 58-64; SM . 28/263 ff; Chad.1/190;Gil.2/405-7; Oliver 1/101 ; Oliver2/311-2; Chal . 527 ff; Dod.3/316; Fo.5/126 ff, 454-68; CRS . 47/258 ff).

GAVANalias for Jones, Henryand John.

GAWEN , Hubert and William . aliasfor Hacon, Hubert

GAYLE,Briant alias Baynes, John S.O. 1599-1604(CRS . 30/85).


b.c.1584 , Yorkshire ?br of Richard E.C.Valladolid 1604-08 . d . 1608, Valladolid. (CRS . 30/85).

GAYLE, Richardalias Baynes. S.O. 1598-1602 (CRS . 30/75).

b.c . 1582, Quousque , Yorkshire ?br of Briant E.C. Valladolid 1602-? d date unknown, Valladolid (CRS . 30/75).

GAYNOR, Peter S.O. ?-1742 (13).

b . 1725-6 From Ireland S.J. 1742-? (Fo.7/294).

GAZAIN or GAZIN,Johnalias or vere Robinson. S.O. 1714 (or earlier) c . 1718 (CRS . 62/120).

b . 1699, London ?s .of John and Elizabeth S.J. 1718.Priest. To England d . 1742, Preston (Pa . 39;Fo.7/658).

GEE, Thomas . B. 1763-66 (2; 6; 8 ; 45/11,45)

?From Norwich

GELIBOURN, see Gillibrand.

GENT* ,William S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1640 (orlater)(5).

GENTIL, Aymealias Newman S.O. c . 1725-c . 31 (CRS . 40/184-5).

b . 1710, ?London. s .of Michaeland Elizabeth br of Edward. E.C. Rome 1731.(CRS . 40/184-5; E.and P.84)

GENTIL, Edwardalias Newman . S.O. 1721-9 (CRS . 40/181-2).

b . 1712 , London. s.ofMichael and Elizabeth br ofAyme. E.C. Rome 1729-31 (CRS . 40/181-2 ; E. and P.84).

GENTIL, Johnalias Newman S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696(75,ff.6v , 17v,23v).

?s. ofAyme and Margaret of London ?m. Catherine - d ? before 1719. (E. and P. 84; Pa . 23).

?GEORGE ,Walter . ?S.O. ?-1616 (89).

E.C.Seville 1616-?

GERALDINE , Francis S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (CRS . 62/3, 9 , 186)

From St Malo s .ofSir Nicholas. (Ruv . 198).

GERARD, Caryllalias Wright. S.O. 1714-7 (CRS . 62/144;40/160).

b . 1695, Lancashire . s ofThomas and Mary (Wright)of Highfield,Wigan br ofThomas and Philip E.C.Rome 1717-23 . Priest . To Bruges as confessor to Austin nuns d . 1779, Bruges. (CRS.6/228n; 40/160-1; Fo.6/468; Ki . 95; E. and P. 128; R.H.2/173; CRS . 50/108).

GERARD, Charles alias Clovel S.O. 1677 (or earlier) -1678 (or later) (66/5, n . 95; CST . 10/1124)

b.c . 1659.s. of Richardof Hilderstone, Philip and William 6th Baron Gerard ofBromley 1684.m .Mary Webb.d.1707 (GEC; Gil.2/432; E. and P.252 ; Fo.6/684-6).

GERARD, Cuthbertalias Clovel S.O. c . 1656-62 (5).

b . 1643 .From Lancashire. s .ofSirWilliam, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Clifton) of Bryn, Lancashire br.ofThomas and ?John ?and William.E.C. Rome 16624. (BuP; CRS . 40/66; Fo.6/404).

GERARD* , Francis S.O. 1661-5 (orlater) (5).

GERARD,Gilbert alias Thompson S.O. 1629-34 (CRS . 55/440).

b . 1614-6 , Ince Hall, Lancashire s ofSir Thomas,2ndBart and


Dorothy (More) of Bryn, Lancashire E.C.Rome 163441. Priest. S.J. 1641.d . 1645, Ghent (CRS . 40/12 ; 55/440-1 ; Ans.2/128; Fo.6/337-8; 7/294).

GERARD, John alias Clovel S.O. 1658-62 (or later) (5)

?s ofSirWilliam, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Clifton) ofBryn, Lancashire ?br.of Cuthbert and Thomas and William. (BUP).

GERARD, John Cansfield S.O. c . 1731 (1).

?GERARD, John S.O. before 1754 (4)

GERARD,Philip alias Clovel and Smith,Joseph S.O. ?-1684 (13;66/5, n . 95).

b . 1665 s of RichardofHilderstone, Staffordshire. br of Charles and William S.J. 1684.Priest To England 7th Lord Gerard ofBromley 1707.d . 1733 , ?Devonshire district . (Fo.6/ 684-6;7/295;GEC; Gil.2/432; E. and P. 345)

GERARD, Philip alias Clovel . S.O. 1699-1702 (or later) (75 ,ff. 38v, 44v,45v)

s ofThomas and Mary (Wright) ofHighfield, Caryll and Thomas (E. and P. 128).

GERARD, Richard S.O. 1697-1702 (orlater) (75, ff.40v,41v, 45v, 165).

?s.of SirWilliam, 4th Bart. and Anne(Preston).

GERARD, Robert. S.O. c . 1741.(2).

s.ofSirWilliam, 6th Bart and Elizabeth(Clifton) br.of Thomas and William . 9th Bart 1780. m Catherine Anderton. d . 1784 (BUP).

GERARD, Thomas alias Clovel . S.O. 1654-60 (5; CRS . 55/579-80).

b . 1640, Lancashire s of Sir William, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth (Clifton) of Bryn, Lancashire br. ofCuthbert ?and John.?and William E.C.Rome 1660-2 S.J. 1675.Priest . To England d . 1682 , Yorkshire (CRS . 40/63; 55/579-80 ; BuP; Fo.5 /672n;6/401; 7/296).

GERARD, Thomas alias Clovel S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1670 (5).

?s.of Richard and Judith (Steward or Stewart) ?br of William. ?m .Mary Wright.(E. and P. 128; CRS.6/228n).

GERARD, Thomas alias Clovel . S.O.?-1686(13)

b . 1667 , Lancashire s . ofRichardand Isabella (Baldwin) of Wigan br.ofWilliam S.J. 1686. Priest To England . d . 1715 , St Omers College (Fo.7 /296 ; CRS.6/229n)

GERARD, Thomas alias Wright.S.O. ?-1714(CRS . 62/92).

b . 1692-3 .From Lancashire s . ofThomas and Mary (Wright) ofHighfield br. ofCaryll and Philip S.J. 1714.Priest To Marylandand England d . 1761, ?Derbyshire district (Fo.7/296-7; CRS.6/228n; E. and P. 128; Hu . Text 2/688-9)

GERARD, Thomas S.O. 1735-9 (1;2;7)

s.of SirWilliam, 6th Bart and Elizabeth(Clifton).br of Robert and William 8th Bart 1740.m Elizabethor Mary Clare Tasborough d . 1780-1 , Liège. (BuP;Ki . 96; Pa . 38)


GERARD, William alias Clovel S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1654 (5).

?s.of SirWilliam, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Clifton) ofBryn, Lancashire ?br ofCuthbert and John and Thomas . ?4th Bart. ?m.(1) Anne Preston. (2) Mary Poole neé Mostyn d . ?1702 (BUP).

GERARD,William S.O. ?-1675 (13).

b . 1656 . From Lancashire s ofRichardand Judith (Steward). ?br.ofThomas. S.J. 1675. d . 1676, as a novice, Liège.(Fo.7/297; CRS.6/228n).

GERARD , William alias Clovel . S O. 1675-80 (13;20; 66/5, no . 95).

b . 1662, Staffordshire s ofRichardofHilderstone, Staffordshire br. ofCharles and Philip S.J. 1683.Priest d . 1706 , Watten (Fo.5/49n433-4;6/684-6; Gil.2/432).

GERARD, William. S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -c . 1696 (75, ff.11v, 17v ,23v)

s.of Richard and Isabella (Baldwin) ofWigan br ofThomas. (CRS.6/229n).

GERARD , William alias Clovel S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1716 (CRS 40/155;62/73).

b . 1698 . s of SirWilliam,5th Bart and Mary (Cansfield) of Bryn, Lancashire E.C. Rome 1716-19 .6th Bart 1721.m

ElizabethClifton d . 1732 . (BuP; CRS . 40/155; Ki . 96; Fo.6/466; E.and P. 114).

GERARD,William S.O. 1732 -c . 39 (1 ;2; 7)

b . 1721 . s .ofSir William, 6th Bart and Elizabeth(Clifton) ofBryn, Lancashire br. of Robert and Thomas .7th Bart 1732 . d unm 1740.(BuP; Fos).


GERARD , S.O. ?-1622 (18) .S.O c . 1748 (3).

GERARD alias for Jenison, Michael;Worthington,Edward .

GERMAN* , John S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (or later) (19)

GERMINS, Lewisalias for Macdonagh , Charles

GERMONT ,. du, see DuGermont

GERVISON alias forSmith, Christopher.

GIBBES or GHIBBES, JamesAlban S.O. c . 1625 (46/1664).

b . 1611 , Valognes, France. s. ofWilliam and Mary (Stonor). d . 1677, ?Rome, ?unm (Gil.2/435-7; DNB; Dod.3/274).

GIBBONS alias for Risdon, Thomas; Wakeman ,John.

GIBBS alias for Yorke, John.

GIBSON, Charlesalias Harcourt S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (75, ff. 7v,23v)

s .ofSir Isaac and Catherine (Waldegrave) of Combe , Warwickshire br. ofIsaac .

GIBSON , Isaac S.O. ?-1693 (11;75 ,ff.7v , 14v).

b . 1674, Warwickshire . s .ofSir Isaacand Catherine (Waldegrave) of Combe, Warwickshire . br of Charles. S.J. 1693/5 . Priest.To England d . 1738, Worcestershire district (Fo.7/300; WR . 20/65; CRS . 13/188-9).

GIBSON ,William S.O. ?-1731 (Gil.2/443).


b . 1713 , Northumberland. s. ofGeorge and Mary (Bradshaigh or Bradshaw)of Stonecroft, Northumberland S.J. 1731.d . 1742 , Pont-à-Mousson , France , not yet ordained (Fo.7/300;Gil.2/443).

GIFFORD, Charles S.O. ?-1678-9 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/151;Cas . 94).

May bethe same as Coulster ,Daniel (Fo.5/117, 119, 133).

GIFFORD , or GIFFARD , Edwardalias Levison , Leuson and White. S.O. 1612-18 (19; 70; CRS . 54/321-2).

b . 1599 , Asmore , Staffordshire s of Richard and Elizabeth (Levison) of Staffordshire. ?br. ofWilliam. E.C. Rome 1618-21

S.J. 1621.Priest . To England d . 1640, Lancashire (CRS . 37/188-9; 54/321-2; Fo.1 /651-2; 6/287-8 ;7/301; Ham.1 ,ped.)

GIFFORD* , Francis . S.O. 1655 (or earlier) -1660 (5).

May be the same as Wakeman, Francis .

GIFFORD ,John S.O. 1654-60 (5).

May be the same asWakeman ,John.

GIFFORD orGIFFARD , Joseph alias Walker. S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1640(5)

b . 1620, Staffordshire ?br ofPeter S.J. 1640.Priest.To England d . 1673,Suffolkdistrict (Fo.7/301).

GIFFORD* ,Joseph S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1665 (5)

May bethe same as Wakeman,Joseph

GIFFORD orGIFFARD, Peter alias Walker. S.O. 1630 (or earlier) -1633 (5).

b . 1613, Staffordshire ?br ofJoseph S.J. 1633.Priest To England d . 1697 , London (Fo.7/301-2).

GIFFORD* , Stanislaus S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater)(5).

May be the same as Brown, Stanislaus. GIFFORD, Thomas alias Dorrington S.O. 1606-10 (CRS . 30/108).

b. c . 1584, London. E.C.Valladolid 1610-11 . (CRS . 30/108).

GIFFORD or GIFFARD , Thomas alias Barker , Charles S.O. c . 1622-c . 25 (CRS . 55/385).

b.c.1600 , Lambourne, Berkshire E.C. Rome 1626-32 .Priest. d . 1632, Rome (CRS . 37/209-10; 55/385-6; Fo.6/310; Ans.2/130). ?GIFFORD , William alias Wright ?S.O c . 1613 (70). From Buckinghamshire ?GIFFORD, William alias Levison ?S.O c . 1613 (70) ?br of Edward . GIFFORD or GIFFARDalias for Coulster , Daniel;Fentham, Henry; Fitzherbert, John ; Hyde, Richard; Purcell,Walter; Wakeman, Edwardand George; Wheble orWheeble,James; WrightMatthew.

GILBERT, William S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

b . 1607, Somersetshire S.J. 1627.Priest To England d . 1677 , Oxfordshiredistrict (Fo.7/303).

GILDRIDGE*,Anthony S.O. 1656-9 (orlater)(5).

GILDRIDGE or GILDREDGE alias for Kemp, Henry

GILFORD alias for Fitzherbert, John See Guilford

GILL, .S.O. c . 1729 (7).

?From Yorkshire

GILLIBRAND , Charlesalias Burchallor Burchell. B. 1764-6 (2;8).

From Lancashire.

GILLIBRAND , James. B. 1764-9 (6)

From Lancashire .

GILLIBRAND , Johnalias Chorley S.O. ?-1694 (75 , ff 12v, 13, 13v,15).

?From Chorley, Lancashire ?s ofJohn ?br ofWilliam.

GILLIBRAND , John S.O. c . 1739 (2).

GILLIBRAND ,Richard S.O. c . 1730-c . 35 (7).

b . 1717, Chorley, Lancashire s of Thomas and Alice (Westby) ofChorley br.ofWilliam. and Thomas S.J. 1735. Priest To Marylandand England d . 1774, Bath (Fo.7 /303 ; Hu . Text 2/694).

GILLIBRAND ,Richard S.O. 1745-c . 49 (1;7)

From Lancashire

GILLIBRAND or GELIBOURN, Thomas S.O. ?-1676 (9, p . 222 ; 34, p . 96)

b . 1656, Lancashire . s. ofJohn and Elizabeth(Chorley)of Chorley, Lancashire br ofWilliam S.J. 1676.d . 1676, Liège, not yet ordained (Fo.7 /303 , 958 ; E. and P. 69)

GILLIBRAND , Thomas alias Chorley S.O. 1695-1701 (75 ,ff.17v, 18v , 23v, 28v, 33v, 41v, 44v)

GILLIBRAND , Thomas S.O. c . 1728-c . 32 (7).

From Chorley, Lancashire . s . of Thomas and Alice (Westby) of and William.d . 1776. (CRS . 23/139n).

GILLIBRAND ,William. S.O. ?-1682 (13).

b . 1662, Lancashire s ofJohn and Elizabeth(Chorley)of Chorley, Lancashire br. ofThomas S.J. 1682. Priest To England . d . 1722, Lancashire. (Fo.7/304).

GILLIBRAND ,William alias Chorley. S.O. ?-1694 (75 ,f.13v).

?From Chorley, Lancashire ?s ofJohn ?br ofJohn.

GILLIBRAND , William S.O. c . 1730-c . 33 (7).

b . 1715-6, Lancashire s .of Thomas and Alice (Westby) of Chorley, Lancashire br.of Richardand Thomas. S.J. 1735.Priest To England . d . 1779 , Chorley. (CRS . 23/139n; Fo.7/304;Gil.2/467).

GILLIBRANDalias for Selby, Charles and Thomas.

GILLIS orGILLES, Louis B . ?-1773 (14;59;60) From Amsterdam.

GITTINS, Joseph alias Williams S.O. 1757-62 (2;4).

b . 1744, in Wales. S.J. 1762. Priest To England . d . 1797 , Worcester .

GLASPOLE,Joseph S.O. c . 1749-57 (2; 3;4).

?From Hampshire . ?s. of Richard and Winefrideof Boyatt, Hampshire ?m.Mary .d.?1794, Britwell, Oxfordshire (CRS . 42/167 , 170; Sta . 285).

GLOVER, Daniel S.O. c . 1730 (7).

?From Lancashire.

GLOVER, James B. c . 1766-c . 71 (2; 8; 50, f.12).

?From Lancashire .

GODBERY , see Gadbury.

GODFREY* ,Edmund S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1643 (or later)(5)

GODFREY* , Francis . S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1643 (or later) (5).

?Killed in action at Sherborne ,Dorset, 1645. (?Gil.2/506; Dod.3/68)

GODWIN or GOODWIN, Jamesalias for Middlemore, Richard.

GODWIN, Joseph alias Talbot, William. S.O. ?-1634 (CRS . 55/440).

b. c . 1615, Wrington, Somersetshire s ofRobert and Elizabeth (Smithes) E.C. Rome 1634-5 (CRS . 40/11-12; 55/440; Fo.6/337).

GOLDEN* , Thomas S.O. c . 1702 (75, f.45v)

GOLDINalias for Gadburyor Godbery, John .

GOLDINGalias for Good or Goode , John.

GOODor GOODE, Johnalias Golding S.O. ?-1608 (CRS . 54/202)

b. c . 1584,Grandborough, Warwickshire s . ofJohn and Margaret E.C. Rome 1608-15 .Priest .To England (CRS . 37/152; 54/201-2; Ans.2/132; CarJG . 194; Fo.6/249).

GOODEN , James S.O. ?-1689 (13)

b . 1670, Derbyshire S.J. 1689.Priest d . 1730, St Omers College (Fo.7/307;Gil.2/524)

GOODLUCKE* , Benedict . S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1667 (5)

GOODLUCKE* , Francis S.O. 1662-7 (or later) (5).

GORING , George . S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5).

?b . 1608. ?s . ofGeorge, 1st Baron Goring and EarlofNorwich and Mary (Nevill) ?m . Lettice Boyle ?Styled Lord Goring, 1644 . d . ?1657, Madrid (GEC; Fo.5 /792-3;Dod.3/240-1)

GORING alias for Gage, William

GORSUCH , George alias Talbot and Anderton S.O. before 1621 (12)

b . 1588 s. of RalphofKnowsley, Huyton, Lancashire. E.C. Valladolid 1621-? Priest E.C.Douay 1624-5 To England. (CRS . 10/228, 235;30/134-5)

GORSUCH , George. S.O. c . 1738-40 (2; 13). ?From Lancashire S.J. 174041. É.C. Douay 1741-3 .(63/ 1740; CRS . 28/229,236).

GORSUCHalias for Eccleston ,Thomas

GOUGH , Andrew S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/61,63). ?From Dunkirk s .of Edward d . 1714 St. Omers College.

GOUGH , John S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 28/51; 62/186). From Dunkirk E.C.Douay 1717-20 . Priest To Ypres (CRS . 28/51 , 101, 155,265).

GOUGH alias for Pendrill, John.

GOULD, John. S.O. c . 1728-32 (7).

GOULDEN or GOLDENor GOULDING, Nicholas alias Fortescue and Goulden, Fortescue S.O. ?-1627 (CRS.3/102). Maybethe same as Collins, Nicholas alias Ashton b . 1609 , Winwick Hall , near Warrington, Lancashire . s ofThomas Goulden


and Jane E.C.Valladolid 1627-33 Priest . To England. d . 1676 , London (CRS.3/102; 6/106n ; 30/146; Ans.2/69, 134-5).

GOWER ,John S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/53n, 291, 306)

?s.ofWilliam and Helen or Eleanor (Coyney) ofWorcester br. ofWilliam (WR . 22/33; CRS.6/106n; 62/305, 306, 307 , 311, 312 , 314 ; P . 62 ; E. and P. 247,292).

GOWER , William S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/53n, 219, 314).

?s.ofWilliam and Helen or Eleanor(Coyney) ofWorcester . br of John . S.J. 1715-c . 20. Left not ordained d.c.1726 (63/1715, 1720; Pa . 75 ; WR . 22/33; ?E and P. 247,292).

GOWERalias for Hornyold, Ralph, Sefton or Sephton,-.

GRADELL or GRADWELLalias forNeilorO'Neill,John.

GRAFTON alias for Griffith, James; Haughton, William or John.

GRAINGER, John.B. 1773 (15;58;59; 60).

b . 1764 . From Dublin E.A. Liège 1774-5 . (CRS . 13/206).

GRAMPOLE* or GRANDPOLE , Thomas S.O. 1622 (orearlier) -1624 (5)

GRANT, Robert alias orvere Gray. S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1615 (19)

b. c . 1595, near York. E.C. Valladolid 1615-18 . S.J. 1618. Priest. d . 1662, Madrid (CRS . 29/157;30/124;Gil.3/17; Fo.7/311, 1431)

GRANT, .S.O. c . 1759 (2).

?From Lancashire.

GRAVENOR,Nicholasalias Fitzherbert. S.O. 1600-04 (CRS . 30/81).

b.c . 1582, Shropshire E.C. Valladolid 1604-? d dateunknown , Valladolid (CRS . 30/81)

CRAVENOR* or GRAVENER, Richard ?alias Talbot S.O. 1655-61 (5).

?b . 1647 ?From Staffordshire ?E.C Douay c . 1663 ?Priest ?To England ?d . 1726. (CRS . 12/2;63/29).

GRAVENORalias for Grosvenor ,Robert.

GRAVES,George S.O. ?-1703 (11)

S.J.1703.(Fo.7/312) Maybe the same as Smith,George.

GRAVES,Philip B. 1768-73 (2; 7; 8; 14 ; 23; 59; 60).

b.c . 1761 .From London ?E.C Bornhem 1773-6. (CRS . 25/165).

GRAVES ?alias for Smith, George

GRAVIE, Peter S.O. ?-1714(CRS . 62/81).

?From Lille

GRAY* , Charles. S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1653 (or later) (5)

GRAY, Francis S.O. ?-1730 (RSC . 76)

b.c . 1713 . s .ofJames and Margaret S.C. Douay 1730-31 .

O.S.F.Douay 1731.(RSC . 76).

GRAY , Francis alias for Jenison,Thomas.

GRAY, George S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1629 (5; 16).

b . 1608-9, Lancashire S.J. 1629.Priest. To England d . 1686 , London (Fo.7/312; WR . 20/58)

GRAY* ,John S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1651 (or later) (5)

GRAY* , John S.O. 1661-4 (or later) (5).


GRAY, John . S.O. ?-1677 (13).

b . 1657 ,Yorkshire S.J. 1677.Priest To England d . 1705 , Londondistrict (Fo.7/312).

GRAY* , Robert S.O. 1653-7 (5).

GRAY* , Thomas S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1644 (or later)(5).

GRAY* , Thomas S.O. 1669 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5).

GRAY, Thomas B. ?-1773 (58). From London.

GRAY* , William S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1642 (or later)(5). ?E.C. Douay 1642. (CRS . 11/434).

GRAYalias for Jenison, Michael and Thomas (3) See Grant, Robert.

GREATON, Joseph, Johnor James S.O. ?-1701 (75,f.45v; CRS. 30/179-80).

b . 1679 , London or Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1701-7 . Priest . S.J. 1708.To Maryland d . 1753, Bohemia , Maryland (CRS . 30/180; Fo.7/313 ; Hu . Text 2/686; CRS . 29/161).

GREEN , Edwardor Thomas alias or vere Wright, Thomas . S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1668 (5).

b . 1647, London S.J. 1668. Priest To England d . 1727 , ?Cheam, Surrey. (Fo.7/314).

GREEN * , Francis S.O. 1646 (orearlier) -1651

?E.C. Seville ?-1654 ?Priest. ?Confessor, O.S.B. nuns ,Ghent, 1667-1712 .(Ans.2/137).

GREEN , Francis S.O. and B. ?-1764 (2;8)

b . 1744/8, Liverpool s of Francis and Elizabeth(Clifton) br. ofThomas S.J. 1764. Priest.To England d . 1774-6 ,Tusmore , Oxfordshire .(Fo.7/314;Gil.3/39).

GREEN, John S.O. ?-1616 (Ans.2/138).

E.C.Seville 1616- ? ?Priest.

GREEN, Stanislaus S.O. ?-1682 (13).

b . 1662, London S.J. 1682.Priest To England d . 1720. (Fo.7/315)

GREEN, Thomas alias Dorrell S.O. ?-1625 (CRS . 30/135, 144).

b . 1608 , Kent. E.C.Valladolid 1625-7 S.J. 1627. Priest d . 1636 , Watten . (Fo.7/316; CRS . 30/144)

GREEN, Thomas alias Clifton. B . 1764-70 (2;6;8).

b . 1753 . s. of Francis and Elizabeth(Clifton) br ofFrancis . S.J.1770-3 . To England not ordained d . 1837, St Helens , Lancashire (Fo.7 /316; AHSJ . 42/292; Gil.3/39-40)

GREEN , Thomas B. 1770-3 (7; 15; 59;60).

b . 1759, London.

GREEN, Thomas see Green, Edward.

?GREEN, . ?S.O . c . 1596 (CSP.Dom.Eliz.1595-7 /288). br of the next.

?GREEN , . ?S.O. c . 1596 (CSP.Dom.Eliz.1595-7 /288). br of the above

GREENalias for Claptonor Clopton, Cuthbert; Pickering,John;

Wakeman ,John and Thomas;Whitehair, Henry. See Clifton, Joseph; Habberley , John and Thomas . See Grene

GREENHOW ,-. S.O. c . 1745 (1).

s ofMartin.

GREENWAY* ,Thomas S.O. 1613-? (19)

GREFFONor GRIFFIN ,.S.O c . 1602 (CRS . 30/46n; HMC .Salisbury 12/213).

?GREGSON , Thomas . ?S.O . ?-1690 (Fo.7/317)

GREHAN, Andrew B. 1768-72 (2; 6; 7;8; 23)

From Dublin s ofThady br ofPatrickand Peter m White.

GREHAN, Patrick B. 1769-72 (2; 6; 8;23 ; 24).

From Dublin.s. ofThady br ofAndrew and Peter.m. Jane Moore.

GREHAN , Peter B. 1763-c . 67 (2; 6; 7; 8;24).

From Dublin s ofThady br ofAndrew and Peter m .Mary Roche

GRENE, Christopher S.O. 1642-7 (66/5/82; Fo 5/250-1 ;7/317).

b . 1629, Kilkenny s ofGeorge and Jane (Tempest) br of Martin and Thomas E.C.Rome 1647-54 Priest. To England .

S.J. 1658. d . 1697, Rome (CRS . 40/39; 55/502-3 ;Gil.3/48-9; Fo.3/499-500; 6/369;7/317)

GRENE , Johnalias Norton S.O. c . 1634-c . 41 (5; CRS . 55/471).

b. c . 1621 , in Ireland s .ofChristopherand Lucy. E.C. Rome 1641-5 (CRS . 40/24-5 ; 55/471;Fo.6/354).

GRENE , Martin. S.O. ?-1637 (Fo.3/493; Gil.3/350; Oliver 1/107).

b . 1616, Kilkenny or Kent. s of George and Jane (Tempest) br ofChristopherand Thomas . S.J. 1637.Priest To England d . 1667 ,Watten (Fo.3/493-9; 7/317-8;Gil.3/50-1; Oliver 1/107)

GRENE , Thomas alias Tempest S.O. 16304 (CRS . 55/439).

b . 1615,in Kilkenny . s . of George and Jane (Tempest) br.of Christopherand Martin E.C.Rome 1634-6. (CRS . 40/11;55/439; Fo.6/337)

GRENE , see Green .

GRESHAM* , George S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1633 (or later)(5).

GRESWOLD , see Grisold

GREY alias for Talbot, Gilbert.

GRIFFIN, John S.O. ?-1691 (11 ; 75,f.46).

b . 1674,Warwickshire ?br of Nicholas S.J. 1691.d . 1693 , Liège, notyet ordained (Fo.7/319).

GRIFFIN, Nicholas S.O. ?-1691 (11;75,f.46).

b . 1672,Warwickshire ?br ofJohn S.J. 1691.Priest.To England . d. c . 1720, ?Worcester district . (Fo.7/319).

GRIFFIN , William alias Vaughan S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696 (75, ff. 8, 14v, 16v, 21v).

GRIFFINalias forPigott,Adam;Woodhope , John SeeGreffon

GRIFFITH orGRIFFITHS, Jamesalias Grafton S.O. c . 1606-11 (CRS . 54/244).


b . 1590, Gloucestershire . s. ofAmbrose and Jane (Thompson)

E.C.Rome 1611-13 d . 1613, Bologna (CRS . 37/162-3;54/243-5; Fo.4 /428-30 ; 6/261;7/320).

GRIFFITH , Michael alias Alford. S.O. 1596-1602 (CRS . 30/76).

b.c.1585 , London ?s of John and Mabel ? br ofRobert. E.C. Valladolid 1602-c . 06 E.C. Seville E.C. Douay 1606.S.J. 1607. Priest To England. d . 1652 St Omers College.(CRS . 30/76; Gil.3/58; Fo.7/320; Dod.3 /310; Oliver 1/42-3)

GRIFFITH , Robert alias Alford S.O. c . 1595-c . 1600 (CRS . 54/117-8; HMC,Salisbury . 10/144 ,229).

b.c.1582, London, Kent or Surrey .s of John and Mabelof Lambeth. ?br.ofMichael . E.C. Rome 1602-8 . Priest . To England. S.J. 1611-12.d.1640, East Anglia or London (CRS . 37/127; 54/117-9;Fo.5/515;6/223; 7/321-2).

GRIMSDITCHalias for Bruning, Francis.

GRIMSTONE* , Stephen. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5).

GRIMSTONEor GRIMSTONalias for Taylor, John GRISOLDorGRESWOLD , George S.O. 1595-9 (CRS . 30/55).

b . 1579 , Solihull, Warwickshire . ?s. of Richard and Joan (Stockley). E.C. Valladolid 1599-1602 Priest. To England. (CRS . 18/345; 30/55; Ans.1/140).

GROLAND* , Humphrey.S.O. 1613-14 (or later) (19).

GROSVENOR, Robert alias Gravenor and Arden S.O. c . 1610 (CRS . 54/277-80)

b . 1582, Carlton, Yorkshire. s ofDorothy . E.C. Rome 1614-20. Priest To England . S.J. 1620/1.d.1668, ?Staffordshire (CRS . 37/ 173; 54/277-80; Fo.3 /180-3; 6/270-71; 7/323-4; Ans.2/140).

GROSVENORalias for Manners,John GROVE, Thomasalias for Carpenter ,William GROVE, .S.O c . 1680 (CRS . 47/239).

s .of Blessed John

GROVE alias for Archer,Philip.

GROVESalias for Garret, John.

GUELDERS,Matthew.S.O. ?-1721 (40, ff 91 , 94; CRS . 40/166).

b . 1701 , London s ofThomas and Mary E.C. Rome 1721-6 . (CRS . 40/166; Fo.6/471)

GUEVAN (?Gawen or Gavan),-.S.O before 1714 (CRS . 62/166).

GUIBOUT, Andrew B. ?-1773 (14; 51 , ff 94-5 ; 59;60)

b . 1762. From Paris br ofJohn Baptist.

GUIBOUT, John Baptist B. ?-1773 (14; 51, ff. 94-5 ;59;60).

b . 1760. From Paris br ofAndrew

GUILBERT, Claud S.O. 1714-5 (CRS . 62/170,203)


GUILFORD or GILFORDalias for Garnettor Garnet , George.

GUILLICKalias for Wood ,William.

GULICKalias for Forster,Michael.

GWILLIM,Peter S.O. c . 1689 (75, f 48v)


GWILLIM alias for Tyrwhittor Terrett, Henry.

HABBERLEY, Johnalias or vere Green S.O. ?-1621 (12; CRS . 30/ 135-6).

b . 1602-3, Norfolk s ofAnthony ?br ofThomas E.C. Valladolid 16214.S.J. 1624.d . 1630, Liège, not yet ordained . (CRS . 30/136; Fo.7/325-6).

HABBERLEY, Thomas alias or vere Green S.O. c . 1616-18 (CRS . 30/136).

b . 1600 . From Outwell, Norfolk ?s of Anthony and Mary. ?br ofJohn.E.C.Valladolid 1618-? Priest . To England d . 1657 . (CRS . 30/130-1; Ans.2/138). ?HABINGTON, John ?S.O c . 1613 (70). From London. HABINGTON , William. S.O. c . 1620 (Gil.3/77;DNB;Dod.2/423; 3/277;Wad . 36).

b . 1605, Hindlip , Worcestershire s .of Thomas and Mary (Parker) ofHindlip . m. Lucy Herbert d . 1654-9 , Hindlip. (DNB ; Gil.3/77; WR . 20/53 ;Dod.2/423;3/277).

HACON, Hubert alias Gawen, Hubert and William, and Jermyn S.O. 1693 (orearlier) -1698 (10; 75, ff 6v; 15v, 28v, 32v).

b . 1677, Norfolk s ofJames ?and Elizabeth.S.J. 1698.Priest To England . d . 1751, Wardour, Wiltshire. (Fo.5 /468;7/326; E. and P. 196)

HACON alias for Adams , JamesandSleigh,-

HADDOCK , see Haydock.

HAGGERSTON , Carnaby B. c . 1772 (54).

b . 1756 .s ofSir Thomas,4th Bart and Mary (Silvertop)of Haggerston, Northumberland. br. ofCharles, Edwardand Thomas . 5th Bart 1777.m . Frances Smythe d . 1831 , Haggerston. (BuP;Gil.3/83; RH . 10/19; Surt. 131/119)

HAGGERSTON, Charles B. 1767-73 (2;7; 8; 14;59;60).

s.of Sir Thomas , 4th Bart and Mary (Silvertop) br.of Carnaby, Edwardand Thomas .

HAGGERSTON, Edward. B. 1773 (7; 8; 15; 58; 59; 60)

s of Sir Thomas, 4th Bart and Mary (Silvertop) ofHaggerston. br.of Carnaby , Charlesand Thomas (BuP)

HAGGERSTON, Henryalias Howard. S.O. c . 1671-8 (CST.7/370; 10/1112; CSP.Dom.May 1684-Feb 1685/210,230).

b . 1658, Northumberland s ofSir Thomas, 2nd Bart.and Margaret (Howard) ofHaggerston, Northumberland br.ofJohn ?and Thomas E.C.Douay 1678-9 . S.J. 1679. Priest .To England. d . 1714 ,Durhamdistrict (Fo.5/133;7/327; Chad.1/195-6).

HAGGERSTON, John alias Howard S.O. ?-1680(13).

b . 1661 , Northumberland s .ofSir Thomas.2nd Bart.and


Margaret (Howard) ofHaggerston br of Henry ?and Thomas S.J.1680 Priest To England . d . 1726, Durhamdistrict (Fo.7/327; Surt . 131/130).

HAGGERSTON , Thomas alias Howard S.O. ?-1684(13).

?s.of SirThomas , 2nd Bart and Margaret (Howard) of Haggerston, Northumberland ?br ofHenryand John (?BuP)

HAGGERSTON, Thomas S.O. c . 1740 (71 ,f.266).

b . 1722 . s ofSir Carnaby , 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Midleton) ofHaggerston, Northumberland br. ofWilliam. 4th Bart. 1756. m.Mary Silvertop. d . 1777 (BuP; Gil.3/33; Ki . 109;Surt . 131/104; Ley . 158-9).

HAGGERSTON , Thomas B. c . 1768-73 (2; 7;8; 14).

s .ofSir Thomas,4th Bart and Mary (Silvertop) of Haggerston, Northumberland br ofCarnaby, Charles and Edward m. Winifred Charlton d . 1829 . (BuP)

HAGGERSTON,William. S.O. c . 1734-c . 41 (2; 7;21)

s of Sir Carnaby , 3rd Bart. and Elizabeth(Midleton)of Haggerston, Northumberland. br. of Thomas. m . LadyWinefrid Maxwell. Assumed additional name of Constable. (BUP).

HAINES alias for Harris , Joseph.

HALES, Bernard B. 1771-3 (7; 14).

?s ofSir Edward, 5th Bart and Barbara (Webb) of Woodchurch, Kent ?br of Edward

HALES, Charles S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (or later)(75,ff.6v , 11v, 16v).

s.ofSir Edward, 3rd Bart and Frances (Windebank) of Woodchurch, Kent. br. of Robert. (BuEB).

HALES, Edward B. c . 1769-73 (2; 7; 14; 59 ; 60)

b . 1757 . s ofSir Edward , 5th Bart and Barbara (Webb) ?br of Bernard ?St.G. Douay c . 1775 6th Bart 1802.m . Lucy Darell. d . 1829.(BuEB; CRS . 12/186; LR.3/60; BSG)

HALES, Robert S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (or later) (75, ff.6v, 11v , 16v).

s ofSirEdward, 3rd Bart.and Frances (Windebank)of Woodchurch, Kent br ofCharles (BuEB).

HALL, Francis S.O. 1725 (or earlier) -1730 (7).

HALL,Henryalias Fall S.O. 1677-79 (CST.7/1263; Chad.1/193).

Maybethe same as Palmer , Henry.

HALL, Henry S.O. 1694-c . 95 (75, ff.13v, 22v, 43v)

?b c . 1672. ?From Gloucestershire . ?s of Francis and Mary of High Meadow ?E.C . Rome 1695-1700 ?Priest.?ToEngland. d . ?1748 .(CRS . 40/120; Ans.5 ; Fo.6/447,ped.).

HALL, James . S.O. ?-1734(7).

b . 1714-16 , London S.J. 1734.d . 1740, Liège, notyet ordained (Fo.7/328; LR.5/13).

HALL* ,John S.O. 1622 (or earlier ) -1623 (orlater) (5).

HALL,John alias Vaughan . S.O. ?-c . 1658 (CRS . 55/562-4)


b. c . 1635, Pembridge Herefordshire s ofJohn andMargaret (Aitchle). E.C. Rome 1658-65. Priest To England d . ?1700 . (CRS . 40/59-60; 55/562-4; Fo.6/396; LR.5/13 ; Ans.5).

HALL, Josephalias for Digges,JohnDudley.

HALL, Thomas B. 1766-8 (2;8)

?From Lancashire

HALL,William. B. 1765 -c . 68 (2;6;8)

From Lancashire .

HALLalias for Humberston, Edwardand Henry; Line, Francis; Lucas, Bernard; Pearse, William

HALLING * , Henry S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1613 (orlater) (19)

HALLING * ,William S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (or later) (19)

E.C. Seville 1616-? (89).

?HALSALLor HALLSALL, George ?S.O . ?-1732 (Fo.4/561).

b . 1714 . From Lancashire s ofJames and Anne(Bowker)of

Aughton E.C. Rome 1732-9 . Priest S.J. 1739.To England . d . 1744, Plowden Hall, Shropshire (Fo.4/561-2 ;6/482-3; 7/328-9; CRS . 40/188; Ki . 109-10; E. and P. 110).

HALSALL, John alias Acland S.O. 1697-9 (75, ff 26v, 31v, 33v)

HALSEY, George B. 1764-9 (2; 8; CRS . 40/224).

b . 1751 . From Herefordshire s ofJohn and Susanna E.C. Rome 1769-75 Priest E.C. Douay 1775-6 . To England . d . 1834 , Easebourne, Sussex (CRS . 40/224-5 ; 63/405; Ki . 110; Fo.6/504; ER.6/22-3).

HAMBURN see Kirkham,William.

HAMELYN , John alias Downing.S.O. 1631-8 (5; CRS . 11/456).

b. c . 1618, Sussex. s. of Boniface and Bridget (Downing)

E.C. Seville 1638-44 Priest To England E.C. Douay 1646-7 . To Paris and England (CRS . 11/456, 459, 468; Ans.2/87, 142).

HAMERTON ,Henry. S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1665(5)

b . 1644, Yorkshire. s ofPhilip and Dorothy (Young) br ofPeter S.J. 1669. Priest .To England d . 1718, Ghent (Fo.5 /725-32;7/329-30; Gil.3/106-7).

HAMERTON, Peter alias Young.S.O. 1655 (or earlier)-c . 1660 (5; CRS . 55/578).

b . 1637-8, near Pontefract, Yorkshire s ofPhilip and Dorothy (Young) br of Henry E.C. Rome 1660-1 S.J. 1661 Priest To England d . 1714, in England . (CRS . 40/63;55/577-8; Fo.5 /19-23,726n; 7/330-1; Ki . 110)

HAMMERSLEY, Francis S.O. and B. 1760-6 (2; 6;8)

b . 1744 . From Maryland. S.J. 1766-c . 70 . (63; 76/314)

HAMMERSLEY, Henry B. 1765-70 (2;6;8).

From Maryland. s ofWilliam.

HAMPTON* ,Richard S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1614 (orlater) (19)

HAMPTON* , Thomas S.O. 1613-? (19).

HANDFORD* , Richard S.O. 1613-?(19)

HANMER,John alias or vere Hunt S.O. c . 1680 (Fo.7/332)


b . 1663,Shropshire . E.C. Douay. S.J. 1691.Priest. To England d . 1716, St Omers College. (Fo.7 /332; CRS . 62/111;63/85; ER.9/ 108-9)

HANMER, Joseph S.O. ?-c . 1694 (11).

S.J. 1694-7 (63) -

HANMER alias for Hunt, John and Thomas ; Peckham, Robert.

HANNAM , Richard B. c . 1771-3 (7; 15). From London

HANNE, Thomas S.O. 1732-9 (2; 7; CRS . 40/195-6)

b . 1719, Cronwall s ofJohn and Dorothy (Tattershall) of Cardinham , Cornwall E.C. Rome 1739-41 . (CRS . 40/195-6;Fo.6/ 486; E. and P. 8, 23-4).

HANSBY , .S.O. ?-1622 (18).

E.C. Seville 1622

HARCOURT , Francis alias Lane. S.O. 1647-51 (CRS . 55/533)

b c . 1632, Ranton, Staffordshire s of Francis and Dorothy (Brett) ofRanton E.C. Rome 1651-7. Priest d . 1657 ,Rome. (CRS . 40/50;55/533; Fo.6/384 ; Ans.2/1434).

HARCOURT* , George. S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1636(5).

HARCOURT* , Thomas S.O. 1632-5 (or later) (5).

HARCOURT*,William S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1651 (or later) (5)

HARCOURTalias for Barrow, William; Beaumont , Henry; Gibson , Charles; Persall, John;Whitbread,Thomas.

HARDCASTLEalias for Clarke , Robert

HARDESTY,Johnalias Tempest

S.O. 1695-9 (11; 75, ff.20v,25, 26v, 37v)

b . 1681 , Yorkshire s .ofWilliam and Mary (Hargreavesneé Tempest) S.J. 1699. Priest To England d . 1752, Daventry. (Fo.7 /766; CRS.9/182-3)

HARDING, Jamesalias Harford. S.O. ?-1615 (CRS . 30/124-5)

b . 1592, London E.C. Valladolid 1615-? Priest To England. (CRS . 30/124-5;Ans.2/145).

HARDING, Robert S.O. ?-1722 (63/1723).

b . 1701, Nottinghamshire S.J. 1722. Priest .To Maryland. d . 1772, Philadelphia (Fo.7/333 ; Hu . Text 2/689-90)

HARDING alias for Barrowes, Christopher; Mansell , Thomas and William HARDWICK, Francis alias Hunter S.O. ?-1663 (CRS . 55/600-01).

b . 1644, Yorkshire s ofWilliam and Helen (Hunter) E.C. Rome 1663-9. Priest To England Camaldolese Order 1678 . SuperiorGeneral 1685.(CRS . 40/70;55/600-01 ; Fo.6/407; CRS . 17/316).

HARENDEN , Maurice alias Cheyne James S.O. ?-1623 (CRS . 30/135 , 141).

b c . 1605, Northamptonshire. s ofEdmund and Bridget (Evessam).E.C. Valladolid 1623-? d dateuncertain,Valladolid, as deacon (CRS . 30/141)


HARFORD alias for Harding, James.

HARGRAVE* , James. S.O. 1613 (orearlier) -1614 (orlater) (19)

HARGRAVE or HARGREAVE(S)or HARTGRAVE or HARTGREAVE(S), William alias Hart and Holcroft S.O. 1611-16 (12; 19; CRS . 30/126; 54/309-10)

b . 1598, Lancashire s. ofWilliam and Louisaof Burnley. E.C.Valladolid 1616-17. E.C. Rome 1617-23 Priest.E.C.Douay 1623-32 President E.C.Lisbon 1634-7. d . 1661, Rome. (CRS. 40/126;54/309-10 ; 37/185; 10/210, 217, 307; Cro . 208-9;Ans. 2/146; Be . 153; Fo.6/283).

HARLEY, Edward S.O. c . 1741 (2)

HARLEY, Johnalias for Croft, Herbert.

HARPER , John. S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/139 , 279).

From Rotterdam.s . ofPatrick br. of Harper ,below.

HARPER , or HARPUR, Thomas alias Ferris S.O. c . 1613-c . 18 (CRS. 54/328)

b . 1601, Staffordshire E.C. Rome 1619-20 E.C. Douay 1623-? (CRS . 37/191-2;54/327-8 ; Fo.6/290, 509).

HARPER, .S.O c . 1715 (CRS . 62/279).

From Rotterdam s ofPatrick. br.ofJohn .

HARPER alias for Berington, John.

HARRINGTON, Lawrencealias for Smith, Henry.

HARRINGTON, Nicholas S.O. c . 1600 (79/361;Fo.1/177-8).

b. c . 1586.E.C. Seville c . 1610 ?Priest S.J.1613 d . 1614, Louvain,a novice (Fo.1/177-8;Ans.2/148).

HARRINGTONalias for Molyneux, John. See Hooker, Thomas.

HARRIS, Charles S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1632 (5).

b . 1612, Wales. S.J. 1632.Priest To England d . 1662, London district. (Fo.7 /334).

HARRIS , Edwardalias Howard. S.O. 1613-20 (CRS . 54/335-6).

b.c . 1600, Romford, Essex E.C. Rome 1620-2. (CRS . 37/194; 54/335-6; Fo.6/293).

HARRIS, Francis S.O. ?-1619 (CRS . 54/324).

b . 1601 , Hampshire br ofJoseph É.C. Rome 1619-23 . E.C. Douay 1624-27 Priest To England (CRS . 10/229,230, 236, 238, 252; 37/190; 54/324; Ans.2/148).

HARRIS, Joseph alias Haines. S.O. 1626-? (CRS . 10/247). ?From Hampshire br of Francis E.C.Douay 1625-6 (CRS . 10/238, 247)

HARRISalias for Walmesley, Christopher.

HARRISON, Edmund S.O. c . 174146(1;2).

b . 1727, Lancashire S.J. 1746.Priest To England . d . 1801 , London (Fo.7/335).

HARRISON* , Edward S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1652 (or later)(5).

HARRISON,Henryalias or vere Hays S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -1698 (11 ; 75, ff. 11v, 23v, 30v).


b . 1676, Lancashire . S.J. 1698. Priest . To England . d . 1739 , ?Scotney, Kent (Fo.7 /335, 348-9)

HARRISON, Jamesalias Stockwood, S.O. 1693 (or earlier)-1695 (13; 75, ff 9v, 14v, 23v)

b . 1671. From Suffolk. S.J. 1695. d . 1699 , Liège,notyet ordained (Fo.7/335).

HARRISON*,John S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1645 (or later)(5).

HARRISON,Josephalias for Langton, Thomas.

HARRISON, Matthias S.O. c . 1655 (CRS . 55/583-4).

b. c . 1637, Prescot, Lancashire s ofJohn and Louisa E.C. Rome 1662-6 . Priest To England d . 1675, ?Upholland, Lancashire. (CRS.3/102;6/129n; 40/64-5 ; 55/583-4; Fo.6/403).

HARRISON* , Thomas S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (orlater)(5).

HARRISONalias for Dillon, Henry; Houghton, Thomas.

HART, John alias Herbert S.O c . 1647-50 (5; CRS . 55/520-1)

b . 1627, Horsemonden , Kent s of Edwardand Rachel (Nyler) E.C. Rome 1650-7 Priest .To England d . 1695 (CRS . 40/46; 55/520-1; Fo.6/378-9 ; Ans.2/149; Ki . 112).

HART, John ?vere Le Hunt S.O. ?-1693 (11). ?b . 1675 , Huntingdonshire. S.J. 1693. ?Priest ?To England . d . ?1759 , Durham (Fo.7 /339, 382)

HART, Josephalias Dunn ?vere Earpe S.O. and B. 1758-64(2;6;8).

b . 1746, Catterick, Yorkshire S.J. 1764.Priest To England. d . 1827, Preston (Fo.7 /215-6; Gil.2/143-7; Oliver 1/83-4)

HART,William alias Scrope. S.O. 1652-9 (5; 36; FAB. 64; Fo.7/340)

b . 1640, London. S.J. 1659.Priest . d . 1667, Ypres . (63/1665; FAB . 64; Fo.3 /185; 7/340,694).

HARTalias for Hargrave or Hargreaves, William See Kirkham, William .

HARTGRAVE , see Hargrave.

HARTLEY,John. S.O. ?-1733 (63/1754; CRS . 30/187-8).

b . 1716, London E.C.Valladolid 1733-9 Priest S.J. 1739 . d . 1760, St Omers College (CRS . 30/188; Fo.7/341).

HARTWELL, Bernard S.O. 1622 (orearlier) -1623 (orlater) (5)

b . 1607, Buckinghamshire S.J. 1626.Priest. To Maryland. d . 1646, ?Virginia (Fo.7 /342 ; Hu . Text 2/679).

HARVEY ,George alias or vere Hastings S.O. c . 1606-8 (CRS . 30/98).

b c . 1586, Chester E.C. Valladolid 1608-10 E.C. Douay 1610. d . 1610, Douay College (CRS . 10/105;30/98-9).

HARVEY , Gilesalias for Mico,Walter

HARVEY or HERVEY, John S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1653 (5).

b . 1632, LondonorYorkshire. ?br. ofThomas . S.J. 1651 . Priest. To England d . 1705, ?Worcester (Fo.7/342).

HARVEY , Thomas alias Barton. S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1653 (5;36)

b . 1632-5 , London orYorkshire. ?br. of John S.J. 1653.Priest To England and Maryland d . 1696, Maryland (Fo.7/342-3; Hu . Text 2/682).

HARVEY or HERVEY, Thomas B. 1767-71 (2; 6; 8; 14).

From Newcastle ?s of Thomas . (Surt . 131/123).

HARVEYalias for Mico, Edward; Worsley , William.

HASKETT, Richard alias Downes S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 40/154; 62/151-2).

b . 1694 . From London.s .of Stephen and Christina(?Downes). E.C. Douaybefore S.O. E.C.Rome 1714-20 Priest .To England . d . 1774, London (CRS . 12/13, 18; 19/206;40/154-5; LR.5/6; Ki . 66; Fo.6/465; E. and P. 172).

HASKEY alias for Reeve, Joseph, Richard and Thomas

HASTINGS, Edward S.O. c . 1620 (Wad . 37).

HASTINGS aliasfor Huddleston, Henryand John See Harvey,George.

HATHERSTY , Joseph S.O. ?-1749 (Han . 22 , 28).

b . 1735 . From Marylandor London ?s. ofRichardand Elizabeth(Grogan).E.C. Rome 1749-53.S.J . 1753.Priest . ToMaryland d . 1771,Philadelphia (Hu . Text 2/695; CRS . 40/205 ; Fo.6/492; 7/344).

HATSON ,William alias Richards S.O. ?-1618 (12; CRS . 30/130).

b . 1598 . From Diocese of Chester E.C. Valladolid 1618.

?O.S.B (CRS . 30/130).

HATTON* , Francis S.O. 1613-? (19).

?E.C Seville c . 1620 .(Ans.2/151).

HAUGHTON* , Richard S.O. 1661-8 (5).

HAUGHTON , William or John alias Grafton, John. S.O. ?-1618 (CRS . 54/316).

b.c.1598, Lancashire s .ofRalphandMaryofKirkleesorKirtleyes, Wigan. E.C. Rome 1618-22 . E.C.Douay 16224.Priest.To England . (CRS . 10/207,222;37/187; 54/316;Ans.2/151-2)

HAVARDalias for Blount, Francis.

HAVELLANDalias for Hazlewood , John .

HAVERS,Henry S.O. 1692 (or earlier) -1695 (75, ff. 6v, 8v, 12v, 18v).

HAVERS,John B. c . 1770-3 (2; 7; 8; 14; 59; CRS . 63/266,356)

s.ofThomas and Catherine (Dutry)of Thelton Hall, Norfolk

br.ofThomas and William E.C.Douay 1773-8. (BLG ; CRS . 63/266,278,370).

HAVERS, Thomas B. 1769-73 (2; 7; 8; 14; 59; CRS . 63/266, 356).

s.ofThomas and Catherine (Dutry) of Thelton Hall, Norfolk.

br.ofJohn and William E.C.Douay 1773-8 m. ElizabethCliffe. (BLG ; CRS . 63/266,278 ,370).

HAVERS,William B. c . 1771-3 (7; 15; 58; 59; 60)

s.ofThomas and Catherine (Dutry) ofThelton Hall,Norfolk

br. ofJohn and Thomas (BLG).

HAVERS , William B. ?-1773 (15; 58;59;60).

cousin ofJohn, Thomas and William HAWARD, see Hayward.

HAWKER, Francis S.O. 1701-2 (or later) (75 , f.45)

HAWKER,Johnalias Neville S.O. 1663-6 (or later) (5).

b . 1650 . From the diocese ofOxford s of Hugh E.C. Rome 1669-? Priest.d . 1707 . (CRS . 40/79 ; Fo.6/414; Ans.5)


HAWKER, .S.O c . 1714 (CRS . 62/181).

HAWKERalias for Thompson, John.

?HAWKINS ,Henry alias Brooke ?S.O before 1609 (Fo.7/346;DNB; Gil.3/192).

b . 1575-7 , London. s ofSir Thomas and Anne (Pettyt)of Nash Court,Kent m.Aphra Norton E.C. Rome 1609-15. Priest S.J. 1615.To England . d . 1646, Ghent (CRS . 37/154-5;DNB; Gil.3/191-2; RH . 11/237-52;LR.2/2-3; Dod.3/318;Ans.2/152; Fo.3 /491-2; 6/253, 524; 7/346-7).

HAWKINS* , Thomas S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1666 (or later)(5) ?b . 1647. ?s.ofJohn and Mary (Woolascot ) ofNash Court , Kent. ?m . Catherine Giffard d . ?1678.(LR.2/5-6).

HAWKINS, Thomas alias Perkins S.O. ?-1741 (CRS . 40/198).

b . 1722, Slindon, Sussex . s ofThomas and Joan (Saxby). E.C.Rome 1741-7 Priest. S.J. 1747.To England d . 1785, Oxburgh,Norfolk (CRS.7/205;27/9;40/184; Ki . 117; Fo.6/487; 7/347).

HAWKINS alias forKnightley, George.

HAWLEY* , Thomas S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (or later) (5).

HAWORTH* , Robert. S.O. c . 1602 (CRS . 10/434).

HAYDEN orAIDEN, Richard S.O. ?-1708 (CRS . 30/181).

E.C. Valladolid 1708-9 . (CRS . 30/181-2).

HAYDOCK orHADDOCK, Robertalias Benson S.O. 1599-1602 (CRS . 30/74-5)

b . 1582, Broughton, Lancashire s ofWilliam and Bridget (Hoghton) of Cottam, Lancashire. E.C. Valladolid 1602-3.0.S.B. Valladolid 1603.Priest To England d . 1650 , Staffordshire.(CRS . 30/74-5; 8/368; Bi . 31 ; Ham.2 ped.; Gil.2/39; Gil.H.P.3940).

HAYESorHAYS or HEYES , Thomas S.O. and B. 1760-64/5 (2; 6;8) b . 1756, ?Lancashire S.J. 1765.Priest .To England . d . 1774 , Sheffield (Fo.7/349)

HAYES, .S.O. 1727-? (7).

HAYES or HAYS,.S.O. c . 1750 (3).

HAYLES* ,John S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1661 (5).

HAYLES* , Thomas S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1662 (5).

HAYLES alias for Duke, Charles HAYLOCK, James S.O. 1758-62 (1 ; 6; 8). ?From Wiltshire.

HAYS , Henry see Harrison.

HAYS, see Hayes.

HAYWARD, Barnabasalias for Fearburn, Briant.

HAYWARD or HAWARD, John S.O. 1601-6 (CRS . 30/89).

b . 1588 , Hereford E.C.Valladolid 1606-? d date unknown , Valladolid. (CRS . 30/89)

HAWOODalias for Hungerford,John

HAZLEalias for Hazlewood , John

HAZLEWOOD* , Francis S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1654 (5).


HAZLEWOOD,Johnalias Avellaneda , Havelland , Hazle or Bebridge, Thomas . S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1636 (5)

b . 1621, London. S.J. 1636.Priest d . 1649, Cadiz (Fo.7/352)

HAZLEWOOD* , Robert S.O. 1654-60 (5).

HAZLEWOOD* , Thomas S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

HEALEY , John S.O. c . 1727-c . 30 (7).

HEALEY or HEALLEY, -. B. c . 1772 (8).

HEARD, Benedict or Bennet . S.O. and B. 1761-8 (2; 6; 8)

From Maryland

HEARN, Edmund B. ?-1773 (14; 59; CRS . 63/266, 356)

?From Ireland. br. of Henry E.C.Douay 1773.(CRS . 63/266 , 356,357)

HEARN, Henry. B. ?-1773 (14;59; CRS . 63/266, 356)

?From Ireland. br ofEdmund E.C. Douay 1773.(CRS 63/266,356,357)

HEATH, S.O. c . 1755 (Han . 45)

From Maryland s. ofHeathand - (Dulany). br ofthe next.

HEATH, S.O. c . 1755 (Han . 45).

From Maryland. s.of Heathand - (Dulany) br ofthe above .

HEATHCOTE, Johnalias Cripps . S.O. 1601-8 (CRS . 54/199-200).

b . 1590, Kirkby, Derbyshire E.C. Rome 1608-15 .Priest. S.J. 1615.To England d . 1657, St Omers College (CRS . 37/151-2; 54/199-200 ; Ans.2/154; Fo.6/248-9;7/353)

HEATLEY , James S.O. c . 1732-5 (1;4;7; 21).

b . 1715, Lancashire s . ofPeter ofWhittle-le-Woods S.J.1735 . Priest To England d . 1782 , BroughtonHall,Yorkshire . (Fo.7/353 ; E. and P. 129; Gil.3/252)

HEATLEY, John B. 1766-72 (2; 6; 8; 14;23;60).

b . 1752, Salmesbury , Lancashire O.S.B. Lambspring c . 1773. Priest d . 1805, Lambspring . (Gil.3/253-4; Bi . 125;Wel.App.27).

HEATON or HETON, John alias Parker and Brown S.O. 1616-21 (CRS . 54/342).

b . 1601, Heaton, Lancashire s ofThomas and Dorothy (Anderton).E.C.Rome 1621-6. S.J. 1626. Priest To England. d . 1683, Redlingfield Hall, Suffolk. (CRS.8/368;37/196;54/342-3; Ans.2/154; Fo.4/713,ped.; 6/296;7/354-5)

HEATON or HETON,John alias Parker S.O. 1640-5 (CRS . 55/487).

b . 1628, Northumberland. s of Thomas and Helen (Ross). E.C. Rome 1645-7 . (CRS . 40/33; 55/487; Fo.6/362; ?7/1414)

HEIGHAM, John alias Garnett S.O. ?-1634(CRS . 55/445).

b . 1617, Saint -Omer. s .of John and Mary (Boniface). E.C. Rome 1634-7 and 1645-9 Priest . To England. (CRS . 40/14;55/445; Ans.2/154-5; RH.4/232-3 ;Gil.3/256; Fo.6/340 ; DNB).

HELMES alias for Bamber, Edward.

?HENEAGE, -. ?S.O . c . 1613 (70).

?s . ofSirGeorge and Elizabeth(Tresham)ofHainton,Lincolnshire.


HENLEY, Charles. S.O. c . 1733 (1)

HENSLOWalias for Bruning, Thomas

HERBERT, George S.O. 1595 (CRS . 30/4142)

b. c . 1577, Dorset . E.C. Valladolid 1596.d . 1596,onjourney to Seville. (CRS . 30/41-2).

HERBERT, Michael S.O. ?-1719 (CRS . 40/163).

b . 1694,Maryland s ofWilliam and Eleanor (Patisson)

E.C.Rome 1719-20 d . 1720, Rome (CRS . 40/163; Fo.6/469).

HERBERT, Michael S.O. c . 1730 (7)

May be the same as Herbert, Michaelabove .

HERBERT, William Francis S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1654 (5)

b . 1634, in Wales S.J. 1654. d . 1662, Watten, notyet ordained. (Fo.7/356)

HERBERT alias for Hart , John;Turner, John.

HERCULES ,John. S.O. c . 1756 (2).

?From London.

HERNON, Joseph B. 1764-7 (2; 6; 8)

HERRY, James B. ?-1773 (14 ;59;60).

HERVEY, see Harvey.

HESKETH ,George alias Allen. S.O. 1613-19 (CRS . 54/324-5)

b. c . 1598, Lancashire ?s . ofWilliam and Anne (Anderton).

E.C. Rome 1619-27 Priest To England . (CRS . 37/190; 54/324-5; Ans.2/155; Fo.6/289).

HESKETH , James S.O. 1743-c . 49 (1 ; 2; 3).

From Lancashire s.ofWilliam and Mary (Brockholes)ofthe Maynes,Little Singleton, Lancashire br ofJoseph, Roger, Thomas and William. Assumed name Brockholes d unm 1783 (CRS.6/195n; Gil.3/291; Fo.7/88; BLG, s.v. Brockholesof Claughton).

HESKETH,John S.O. ?-1699 (11).

s ofThomas and Margaret (Talbot) ofthe Maynes, Little Singleton, Lancashire br of Thomas and William. S.J. 1699-1700. Priest. Confessor to English nuns O.S.B. Dunkirk.c . 1710. (78;Gil.3/285; Fo.6/493n; 7/356-7).

HESKETH, John. S.O. c . 1727-33 (1;7).

From Lancashire. d . 1733 , St Omers College.

HESKETH, Joseph, S.O. 1737-c . 40 (2).

s .ofWilliam and Mary (Brockholes ) of the Maynes, Little Singleton, Lancashire . br ofJames, Roger, Thomas and William. Assumed name Brockholes m Constantia Fitzherbert. d . 1782 (CRS.6/195n; Gil.3/291 ; Fo.7/88; BLG ,s.v. Brockholesof Claughton)

HESKETH, Richard S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1665, Lancashire S.J. 1685-91/2. (nor ordained ). (Fo.7/357).

HESKETH, Roger alias Talbot S.O. 1743-50 (1 ; 3;2).

b . 1729 , Lancashire . s ofWilliam and Mary (Brockholes)ofthe Maynes, Little Singleton, Lancashire br. ofJames ,Joseph,


Thomas and William E.C. Rome 1750-2 . S.J. 1752-? d . 1767 , Lancashire (CRS.6/195n; 40/207; Gil.3/291-2; Fo.6/493; 7/357).

HESKETH, Thomas S.O. ?-1689 (13).

b . 1669 , Lancashire . S.J. 1689. Priest d . 1712, Watten. (Fo 7/357).

HESKETH, Thomas alias Talbot S.O. c . 1699-1702 (75, ff. 33v,43,44v).

s .ofThomas and Margaret (Talbot) ofthe Maynes, Little

Singleton , Lancashire br of John and William

HESKETH, Thomas S.O. 1732-c . 35 (1;7).

s.ofWilliam and Mary (Brockholes) ofthe Maynes, Little

Singleton, Lancashire br of James, Joseph, Rogerand William . Assumed name Brockholes d unm 1766. (CRS.6/195n;Gil 3/291; BLG; s.v. Brockholes ofClaughton; Fo.7/88).

HESKETH , William alias Talbot S.O. 1694-c . 1700 (75, ff 15, 17v, 21v, 25v, 30v, 33v,40v)

s .ofThomasandMargaret (Talbot) ofthe Maynes, Little Singleton , Lancashire br of JohnandThomas m .Mary Brockholes (Gil.3/285 ; E. and P. 133)

HESKETH,William S.O. 1731-5 (1 ; 7).

b . 1717, Lancashire. s . ofWilliam and Mary (Brockholes )ofthe Maynes, Little Singleton, Lancashire br of James, Joseph,Roger and Thomas S.J. 1735.d . 1741, in England,not yetordained. (Fo.7/397; Gil.3/291)

HESKETH alias for Chantrell, John; Poole , William

HESPERalias for Waldegrave, William.

HETON , see Heaton

HEVENINGHAM, John alias Cook S.O. c . 1660 (Fo.7/357).

b . 1642 , Staffordshire. S.J. 1667.Priest .To England d . 1708 , Lincoln. (Fo.5/780-1; 7/357-8).

HEVENINGHAM, John B. ?-1773 (2;8; 15;59).

b . 1759 . ?s.of Henry. (Pa . 63).

HEWETT, Thomas S.O. c . 1690 (79 ,f.785).

?S.J . c . 1698

HEYES, see Hayes

HIGGINS, Christopher S.O. ?-1701 (75 , f.45v; CRS . 30/179-80)

E.C. Valladolid 1701-8. Priest.To England d . 1740, London. (CRS . 12/5; 30/180; Ans.5)

?HIGGINS or HIGHENSor HICKENS,Philip alias Rogers ?S.O ?-1691 (75, f. 186).

b. c . 1670, From Worcester . s . ofJohn and Joan E.C.Rome 1691-6 Priest To England . d . ?1736 . (CRS . 40/112; 12/4;Ki . 119)

HIGGINSor HIGHENSor HICKINS or HICKES , William. S.O. c . 1650 (CRS . 55/643-4).

b . 1635,Warwickshire . s ofPhilip and Mary. E.C. Rome 1671-6 Priest. To England . (CRS.9/108;40/96; 55/643-4; Ki . 119 ; Fo.6/420 , 516).

HIGGINSalias for Brownor Browne , Thomas.


HIGGINSON , Thomas . S.O. ?-1685 (CRS . 55/662).

b . 1667, Warwickshire . s of Thomas and Anne E.C.Rome 1685-92 . Priest. To England (CRS . 40/104; 55/662; Fo.6/437).

HILDESLEY, Francis S.O. 1668-75 (5; 13).

b . 1655 , Oxfordshire s. of Francis and Mary (Winchcombe)of Hildesley , Berkshire br ofMartin andWilliam S.J. 1675.Priest. To England d . 1719, ?Oxfordshiredistrict. (Fo.5/132,950; 7/359; E. and P. 5; Sta . 304; Cas . 66)

HILDESLEY or HILSLEY , Martin S.O. c . 1672-c . 78 (CST . 10/1096-7)

From London s of Francis and Mary (Winchcombe ) of Hildesley , Berkshire br of Francisand William. (Fo.5/952; Cas . 66; Chad.1/228).

HILDESLEY, Thomas alias Mallett. S.O. c . 1594 (CRS.5/262; CSP . Dom.Eliz.1591-4/533).

b . 1583 . From Berkshire . ?s. ofWilliam of Benham, Berkshire ?br ofWalter and two below E.C. Rome 1598-1605 d . 1605 ,a deacon, in Rome (CRS . 37/108-9; Fo.6/205; 7/360;Chad.1/21).

HILDESLEY , Walter alias Mallett S.O. 1593-5 (CRS . 30/34).

b . 1580, Hildesley, Berkshire ?s ofWilliam of Benham , Berkshire . ?br ofThomas and two below.E.C.Valladolid 1595-8 (CRS . 30/34; Chad.1/21; Chad.2/6)

HILDESLEY, William S.O. 1668-9 (orlater) (5).

?b . 1653. s of Francis and Mary (Winchcombe ) of Hildesley, Berkshire br. ofFrancisand Martin (Fol.5/952).

HILDESLEY , . alias Mallett.S.O. c . 1594 (CRS.5/262; CSP . Dom. Eliz . 1591-4/533).

?br. ofThomas and Walter and nextbelow.(Chad.1/21)

HILDESLEY , alias Mallett. S.O. c . 1594 (CRS.5/262; CSP . Dom . Eliz 1591-4/533).

?br ofThomas and Walterand next above.(Chad.1/21).

HILDESLEY see Mallett, Francis.

HILDRETH, John. S.O. ?-1677 (13)

b . 1657 , Northumberland S.J. 1677. Priest. d . 1702 , Loretto. (Fo.7/360).

HILDRETH, Williamalias Simpson S.O. 1605-9 (CRS . 30/105).

b. c . 1585 , diocese ofDurham. E.C.Valladolid 1609-? Priest.

To Madridand Seville (CRS . 29/147; 30/105; Ans.2/155).

HILDYARDor HILDEYARD or HILLARD , Thomas . S.O. 1702-7 (75, f 45v; Fo.7/360)

b . 1690, London S.J. 1707.Priest.To England d . 1746, Rotherwas , Herefordshire (Fo.7 /360;Gil.3/304-5).

HILL, Augustinealias Dacre.S.O. 1648-9 (5; CRS . 55/516).

b . 1633, Fareham, Hampshire . s. ofWilliam E.C.Rome 1649-51 . O.S.F. c . 1651 .Priest. To England d . 17024 .(CRS . 9/107; 24/285;40/43; 55/516-7; Ki . 119; Be . 213; Fo.6/376; Tha . 252-3).

HILL, Henry S.O. c . 1695 (75 , f 18v)


May be the same as Hills, Henrybelow.

HILL, Thomas B. 1769-72 (2; 6; 8)

HILL* , William. S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (5).

?b . 1652 ?From Okehill, Herefordshire ?s of Johnand Bridget (Lochard). ?m. ElizabethArden. (88 ; CRS.8/369).

HILL,..S.O before 1698 (75 ,f. 32).

HILL, S.O. before 1698 (75,f. 32)

?HILL,. ?S.O c . 1714(CRS . 62/206,221 , 233). ?From Antwerp

HILL alias for Hutton , Robert; Travers or Travis,Edward.

HILLIARD,Richard, see Compton.

HILLIARD, see Hildyard.

HILLS, Henry S.O. ?-1695 (11; 13).

b . 1678 , London S.J. 1695-7.May be the same asHill, Henryabove

HILSLEY, see Hildesley.

HILSON, Thomas S.O. ?-1717 (CRS . 28/51).

From Ireland E.C.Douay 1717-? (CRS . 28/51).

HILTON , Thomas alias Musgrave S.O. 1597-1602 (CRS . 30/71)

b . 1583, Carlisle E.C. Valladolid 1602-4 E.C. Douay 1604-7 . Rheims 1608.Priest O.S.B. Dieulouard 1610.To England.

d . 1626, Middlesex (CRS . 10/61, 79,91 ; 30/71; 33/191, 196, 226, 247, 252; Ans.2/156; Bi.9).

HITCHCOCK,Edwardalias Needham S.O. 1637-42 (5; CRS . 55/474).

b . 1623 , Buckinghamshire . s ofWilliamand Mary(Hobbes). br of William.E.C. Rome 1642-4. (CRS . 40/26-7; 55/474;Fo.6/356, 624)

HITCHCOCK , Henry B. ?-1770 (15;58). From Dorset.

HITCHCOCK, Henry B. 1769-73 (8; 14; 59;60)

b . 1758 . From Hampshire .

HITCHCOCK , William alias Needham S.O. 1639-44 (CRS . 55/484)

b . 1624-5,Wing,Buckinghamshire s ofWilliamandMary(Hobbes). br.of Edward E.C. Rome 1644-51 Priest. To England O.S.B. Douay c . 1654. d . 1711, Douay (CRS . 33/214;40/31; 55/484; Ans.2/156; Ki . 120; Fo.6/360-1, 626; Oliver2/478; Bi . 72; ?Dod.3/392).

HOBROOK* , Charles S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1654 (orlater) (5)

HOBSON alias for Cooe, John

HOCKETor HOSCHETT,. S.O. 1725 (or earlier) -1727 (7). ?From Lancashire

HOCKWOOD* , James S.O. ?-c . 1698 (79 ,f 785). ?S.J c . 1698. (Fo.7/362)

HODGES, see Massey, John.

HODGKINSONorHODSKINSON, Charles alias Siddle S.O. ?-1722 (CRS . 40/168).

b . 1700, Lancashire s .of John and Alice E.C. Rome 1722-9 . Priest S.J. 1729.To England d . 1770, Yarm, Yorkshire (CRS . 40/168-9; Fo.6/472; 7/363).

?HODGSON , Charles ?S.O. ?-1760(2;8).

b . 1742, Little Plumpton, Lancashire br ofJames and John. S.J. 1760. Priest d . 1805, Antwerp. (Fo.7/363; Gil.3/318).

HODGSON or HODSHON, Edmundalias Langley. S.O. 1619-25 (CRS . 55/401-2).

b c . 1608, Hebburn, Durham s of Robert and Anne (Langley). br of John E.C. Rome 1628-9 , 1633-7 Priest To England. (CRS . 37/216; 55/401-2 ; Ans.2/156; NCH.3 /7; Fo.6/316,604 , 609).

HODGSON , George S.O. ?-1625 (CRS . 30/135).

E.C. Valladolid 1625.

HODGSON , James. S.O. and B. 1757-63 (2; 6; 8).

b. 1744, Lancashire. br. of Charles and John.S.J. 1763. d . 1770, Lancashire, not yet ordained (Fo.7 /363; Gil.3/318-9).

HODGSON , John alias Langley .S.O. 1614-21 (CRS . 54/344)

b. c . 1603, Hebburn, Durham s of Robert and Anne (Langley). br. of Edmund E.C. Rome 16214. E.C.Douay 1625-31 .Priest To England (CRS . 10/237,252, 293, 295 ; 37/197; 54/343-4; Ans.2/157; NCH.3/7; Fo.3/ 1 ; 6/296-7).

HODGSON * , John. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (orlater) (5).

HODGSON , John B. 1764-9 (2; 6; 8; 26, f. 47)

b . 1751, Lancashire . br. ofCharles and James S.J. 1769 Priest To England d . 1807 , Dunkenhalgh , Lancashire . (Fo.7/363; Gil.3/319).

HODGSON * , Richard S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

HODGSON , Thomas S.O. ?-1703 (11).

b . 1682 , Yorkshire S.J. 1703. Priest To Maryland d . 1725-6, Bohemia , Maryland (Fo.7/364; Hu . Text 2/685)

HOLCROFT alias for Hargrave or Hargreaves, William . SeeOldcroft. HOLDEN , Williamalias for Towneley, Charles

HOLKER , RichardaliasNowell,Lawrence S.O. 1629-31 (CRS . 55/421-2).

b.c . 1607, Lancashire. s. of Lawrence . and - (Nowell) of Morton, Eccles E.C. Rome 1631-2 (CRS 6/226n;40/3;55/421; Fo.6/328).

?HOLLAND, Guy or George alias Holt. ?S.O. c . 1608 (CRS . 30/97-8)

b . 1585-7 , Gainsborough , Lincolnshire E.C. Valladolid 1608-13 Priest. To England S.J. 1615.To England . d . 1660,in England (CRS . 30/97-8; Gil.3/349-50 ; Ans.2/159-60;Fo.2/419n; 7/365, 1435; DNB)

HOLLAND, John alias Rea S.O. 1725 (or earlier) -1726(7). ?From Lancashire

HOLLAND , Richard or Joseph.S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (11 ; 75, ff 8v, 17v , 23v, 33v)

b . 1676-7, Lancashire S.J. 1697. Priest. To England d . 1740 , Paris (Fo.7/366).

HOLLAND, Thomas alias Sanderson S.O. c . 1615-21 (12;33, p 7; CRS . 30/135, 138)

b . 1600, Sutton, Lancashire s of Richard and Anne (Ewers). E.C. Valladolid 1621-3/4. S.J. 16234. Priest .To England.Putto death, 1642, Tyburn. Beatified (CRS . 30/135, 138; Gil.3/353-7; SM . 27/183 ff.; DNB; Chad.1/160-2; Chal . 435-9; Fo.1 /542-65; 7/366-7,959)

HOLLANDalias for Eccleston , Thomas ; Martindale, John.

HOLLAR, John. S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696 ( 11; 75, ff. 6v, 11v, 16v , 23v)

b . 1674, London S.J. 1696. Priest d . 1712, near La Flèche, France (Fo.7/367).

HOLLIS alias for Doddington, James.

HOLME, Edwardalias Howard S.O. c . 1749-59 (2; 3;4)

b . 1740, Lancashire br of Francis S.J. 1759. Priest. To England d . 1809, Pontefract, Yorkshire (Fo.7/367;Ki . 129).

HOLME, Francis alias Howard. S.O. c . 1736-40 (2; 7; 13)

b . 1724, Lancashire br ofEdward S.J. 1740. Priest. To England d . 1802,Alnwick, Northumberland (Fo.7/367; Ki . 129)

HOLME, John alias Howard . S.O. c . 1732-7 (2; 7; 13)

b . 1718, Lancashire S.J. 1737. Priest d . 1783, Liège. (Fo.5 /186-92;7/367-8; Ki . 130).

HOLMEor HOLMES , John S.O. and B. 17614 (2; 6; 8)

From Maryland.

HOLT, Athanasius S.O. ?-1603 (22)

d . 1603 , St Omers College

HOLT, Gilbert S.O. ?-1710(Fo.7/368).

b . 1688-9 , Lancashire S.J. 1710. Priest . To England d . 1725 , in England (Fo.7/368).

HOLT, William. S.O. ?-1636(5).

HOLT alias for Holland, Guy orGeorge.

E.C. Valladolid 1636-7.(CRS . 30/155).

HOLTBY , George alias Duckett. S.O. c . 1606-12 (19; CRS . 54/254-6).

b . 1592, Sancton, Yorkshire s ofRobert and Margaret or Margery(Bullock) br. ofRobert E.C. Rome 1612-17 Priest

S.J. 1617.To England d . 1669, Oxford district.(CRS . 37/166; 54/254-6; Gil.3/366; Ans.2/161 ; Fo.4/403-6; 6/263-4;7/369; Ave.1/296).

HOLTBY, Robert alias Duckett S.O. 1614-17 (CRS . 54/302-3).

b . 1596, Oswaldkirk, Yorkshire s of Robert and Margaret or Margery(Bullock). br. ofGeorge. E.C. Rome 1617-23 .Priest To England d before 1659.(CRS . 37/182;54/302-3 ; Gil.3/366; Ans.2/161 ; Fo.6/281)

HOMASSELLor HORMASSEL ,. B. c . 1768-c . 71 (2;8) ?From London.

HONNACOTT, Abrahamalias Somerville, Francis S.O. 1602-6 (CRS . 54/167-8)

b c . 1585, near Great Torrington,Devon. s of Giles and Eleanor (Cutland). E.C. Rome 1606-12 Priest. d . 1612 ,Rome.


(CRS . 37/143; 54/167-8; Ans.2/161-2; Fo.6/240; 7/371).

HOOKER, Thomas alias or vere Harrington. S.O. 1606-8 (CRS . 30/98).

b . 1572,Winchester E.C. Valladolid 1608-? Priest d.datenot known, Valladolid (CRS . 30/98; Ans.2/162).

HORNBY , Francis alias Barton. S.O. c . 1652-55 (5;73; CRS . 55/553)

b . 1633 . s. of Richardand Margaret of near Abingdon, Berkshire E.C.Rome 1655-62 .Priest To England (CRS . 40/56; 55/553; Ans.2/162; Fo.6/392-3).

HORNBY, Robert. S.O. ?-1668 (Fo.7/372).

b . 1649, Lancashire . S.J. 1668. Priest To England d . 1695 ,in England (Fo.7/372; CRS.9/108).

HORNE,William S.O. c . 1747-53 (2; 3;4;64/1754).

b . 1736, Cronstadt S.J. 1753. Priest To England d . 1799 ,

Rotherwas , Herefordshire (Fo.7/372).

HORNYOLD, ?James S.O. ?-1744 (13).

HORNYOLD, Ralphalias Gower. S.O. ?-1693 (11 ; 75, ff. 7v, 14v, 159).

b . 1674, Worcestershire s . ofThomas and Margaret (Gower).

S.J. 1693.Priest To England d . 1740 , Ashton, Lancashire. (CRS . 16/424; Gil.3/399; Fo.7/373 ; Pa . 74; WR . 22/6).

HORNYOLD, Thomas see Russell, Thomas

HORWOOD * , Francis . S.O. 1649 (orearlier) -1651 (orlater)(5)

HOSCHETT , see Hocket.

HOSKINS, Ralph S.O. 1747-9 (2).

b . 1729, Maryland S.J. 1749, Priest To England d . 1794 , BroughHall,Yorkshire (Fo.7/373; Gil.3/407-8 ; Hu . Text2/704).

HOSKINS , Richard S.O. ?-1689 (79,f 785)

b . 1667, Shropshire S.J. 1689. d . 1693, Liège, not yet ordained (Fo.7/373).

HOSKINS, alias or vere Clement S.O. 1714-15 (CRS . 62/109 , 193 , 195, 201, 206, 232).

HOTHERSALL, John S.O. 1737-c . 39 (2;7) ?From Lancashire.

HOTHERSALL, John B. c . 1769 (8).

HOTHERSALL, Thomas alias Slater. S.O. ?-1665 (CRS . 55/607-8).

b . 1642, Grimsargh , Lancashire . s .ofWilliam and Anne (Slater). E.C. Rome 1665-268. S.J. 1668.To Maryland d . 1698,Maryland, not ordained . (Fo.6/410; 7/374; CRS . 40/72; 55/607-8; Hu Text 2/682).

HOTHERSALL, William S.O. ?-1742 (2; 13).

b . 1725, Lancashire S.J. 1742. Priest To England . d . 1803 , Oxford. (Fo.7 /374; Ki . 128).

HOUGHTON* , Charles. S.O. 1652-7 (orlater)(5).

HOUGHTON, Charles B. 1762-7 (2; 6; 8; CRS . 63/407)

b . 1749, Preston s. of George and Mary (Melling) ?br. of William. ?S.J . 1767. E.C. Douay 1768-75 . Priest .ToEngland. d . 1797 , York (Fo.7/375; Ki . 128,267,270; Gil.3/417; CRS. 12/57 ; 63/246 , 267,363,407 )

HOUGHTON , Henryalias Moore S.O. ?-1726 (7; CRS . 30/185). b . 1710, Lancashire or Cheshire. E.C. Valladolid 1726-33 . S.J. 1733.Priest. To England d . 1740, West Grinstead , Sussex (CRS . 30/185; Fo.7/375)

HOUGHTON, Thomas alias Harrison S.O. 1727-34 (1;7)

HOUGHTON , William S.O. 1750-c . 53 (2; 3;4;8). ?b. 1736, Lancashire ?s of George and Mary (Melling) ?br ofCharles ?O.P. 1753. ?Priest. ?To England d . ?1823 , Fairhurst Hall, Lancashire. (?Gil.3/416-7 ; CRS . 12/156;25/135, 162; Gumb . 87).

HOUGHTONalias forThrelfall, William; Travers or Travis, Edward

HOUSEMAN , Christopheralias or vere Layton, Joseph S.O. 1738-44 (1; 2; 3).

b . 1726, Durham. S.J. 1744. Priest d . 1769, Ghent (Fo.7/375).

HOWARD, Bryan(or Bryan, Howard ) S.O. 1758-60 (2; 6).

HOWARD, Charlesalias for Theobald ,Oliver

HOWARD* , Francis S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1640 (5)

HOWARD* , Francis S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1637 (orlater) (5).

HOWARD* , Francis S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1647 (or later)(5).

HOWARD, Frederick S.O. 1693-9 (75 , ff. 11v, 13v, 16v,23, 25v , 30v, 33v, 160, 188; RSC . 61)

b.c . 1684. From Surrey. s . ofHenry, 6thDuke ofNorfolkand Jane (Bickerton) S.C. Douay 1691-3 E.C.Rome 1699-1701 .

O.S.B. Lambspring1702-? m. Catherine Blake .d . 1727 .(CRS. 40/129; Tie.2, ped.).

HOWARD, Henry S.O. 1727-9 (7; CRS . 28/147).

b . 1713 s of Bernard and Anne(Roper) of Glossop, Derbyshire. E.C. Douay 1729-32 .m. JulianaMolyneux d . 1787. (CRS.8/371; 28/147, 163; BuP).

HOWARD* , Robert S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1649 (5)

HOWARD* , Sebastian S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1666 (or later) 5).

HOWARD, William. S.O. 1708 (CRS . 30/181).


b . 1687, Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1708-13 Priest S.J.1713 . To England . d . 1770, Watten (CRS . 30/181;Fo.7/375-6). alias for Blackiston, Francis ; Blount, Francis ; Gage, George and Henry; Haggerston, Henry; Harris, Edward; Holme, Edward, Francis and John;Theobald, Richard. 1

HOWARD see also Stafford-Howard

HOWE, Joseph alias Pendrill. S.O. c . 1724-9 (7).

b . 1711, Shropshire ?br ofWilliam S.J. 1729.Priest To England d . 1792, Horsley, Northumberland (Fo.7/376; CRS . 12/37).

HOWE, Joseph B. ?-1773 (7; 15;58;59;60)

b.c . 1764. From near Sittingbourne, Kent.

HOWE ,William alias Pendrill S.O. ?-1722 (63/1723).

b . 1701, Shropshire ?br ofJoseph S.J. 1722. Priest d . 1746 , Rome . (Fo.7/376).


HOXTON , Stanislaus S.O. c . 1750 (Hu . Text 2/521; Han . 20).

From Maryland

HOXTON,Walter S.O. c . 1749-c . 54 (2; 3;4; Han . 20)

From Maryland s of Hyde (Mel . 12; Han . 20).

HOYLES , -. S.O. c . 1761 (2).

HUBBARD* , Matthew S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1664(5).

HUBBARDalias for Cuffaud, Matthew.

HUBBART,Henry alias Brock. S.O. 1696-1700 (75, ff. 26v, 30v, 31v, 35v, 42v, 165v).

s ofEdward

HUBBERT alias for Cuffaud, Edward, Matthewand Thomas

HUBRICK,John alias Bolton.S.O. c . 1754-c . 61 (2;4).

HUCKMORE* , William. S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1644 (or later) (5)

HUDDLESTON, Ferdinand S.O. 1749-54 ( 1 ; 2; 3;68, nn 18,27).

s.ofRichardand Jane (Belchier) ofSawston , Cambridgeshire br of Richard and Thomas m. Mary Lucas. d . 1808 (68; BLG)'

HUDDLESTON , Henryalias Hastings, S.O. c . 1613 (70).

s.of Henry and Dorothy (Dormer) ofSawston , Cambridgeshire . br ofJohn. m.Mary Havers. d . 1659 (BLG)

HUDDLESTON, Johnalias Dormer and Hastings, S.O. ?-1617(70; Fo.7 /377)

b . 1597 , London s ofHenry and Dorothy (Dormer) of Sawston , Cambridgeshire br ofHenry. E.C.Rome1617-20 , 1621-4. Priest. To England S.J. 1627.To England . d . 1661 , Suffolkdistrict (Fo.5/584-5; 6/279-80; 7/377-8 ; Ans.2/162-3; CRS . 37/181).

HUDDLESTON, Johnalias Sandfordand Josephson.S.O. 1631-2 (CRS . 55/425).

b. c . 1610, Farrington, Lancashire s ofJoseph and Helen (Sisson). E.C. Rome 1632-9. Priest. To England O.S.B. c . 1651. To England d . 1698, London (CRS . 40/5;55/425; DNB;Bi . 65; Ans.2/163-4; RH.1/168-88 , 253-60).

HUDDLESTON, Johnalias Dormerand Shirley S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1655 (5; CRS . 55/546-7).

b c 1636, Clavering , Essex s ofSir Robert E.C. Rome 1655-6. S.J. 1656.Priest To England d . 1700, London (CRS . 40/54; 55/546-7;Gil.3/460-1 ; DNB; Fo.5/586-7; 6/390;7/378-9 , 1435)

HUDDLESTON, John S.O. ?-1711 (40, f. 23; CRS . 62/163).

b . 1693. s of Henryand Mary (Bostock) ofSawston , Cambridgeshire E.C. Rome 1711-18 Priest To England d . 1773 , Hainton, Lincolnshire (CRS . 12/13, 17; 40/146 ; Ki . 132; BLG; Fo.6/461-2)

HUDDLESTON, Richard. S.O. 1753-60 (2; 3; 4; 68, n. 27).

b c . 1742 s . of Richard and Jane (Belchier) ofSawston, Cambridgeshire br of Ferdinandand Thomas.m. Sarah Doffkin. d . 1801 (68; BLG ; CRS . 12/80)


HUDDLESTON , Robert S.O. 1693 (orearlier) -1695 (75, ff. 7v, 17v , 164).

HUDDLESTON* , Thomas alias or vere Shirley S.O. ?-1684(13)

HUDDLESTON, Thomas . S.O. c . 1751 -c . 55 (2; 3;4).

b. c . 1740. s. of RichardandJane (Belchier) ofSawston , Cambridgeshire br. of Ferdinandand Richard m.Elizabeth Mackworth d . 1799 (68; BLG ; CRS . 12/72)

HUDSON alias for Pearson , Richard

HUGHES , Edward S.O. 1751-c . 53 (3;4)

HUGHES , George B. c . 1770-3 (7; 14;23; 58;59). From London.

HUGHES , James alias Luckins S.O. c . 1734-39 (2; 7;21; CRS . 40/196-7).

b . 1720 . From Sussex s ofJames and Mary E.C. Rome 1739 . (CRS . 40/196-7)

HUGHES, John B. 1764-70 (2; 6;8)

b . 1754, London S.J. 1770.Priest To England . d . 1828 , Portico, Lancashire (Fo.7/379-80 ; Oliver 1 /119-20)

HUGHES, John B. c . 1772-3 (7; 15; 58; 59; 60).

From London ?s. of John. ?br ofWilliam. (?CRS . 50/10).

HUGHES , John alias for Owen, Hugh

HUGHES , Robert. S.O. c . 1603-9 (CRS . 30/102).

b c . 1589 From Wales E.C. Valladolid 1609-? E.C. Madrid. Priest. To England d . 1643 (CRS . 30/102;Ans.2/165).

HUGHES, William B. ?-1773 (15; 58; 59;60)

From London ?s ofJohn . ?br. ofJohn.

HUGHES,William B. ?-1773 (7; 15;60).

From London

HUMBERSTON, Edward alias Hall S.O. 1653-9 (5; CRS . 55/570)

b c . 1636, Norfolk s ofHenry and Mary (Yaxley) of Chedgrave, Norfolk br of Henry E.C.Rome 1659-64.Priest. S.J. 1667. To England . d . 1707, Watten (CRS . 40/60; 55/570; Ans.5; Fo.5/303-5 ; 6/397-8; 7/380).

HUMBERSTON, Francis alias Sulyard S.O. 1693 (orearlier) -1695 (75, ff 6v, 165).

HUMBERSTON , Henryalias Hall S.O. 1653-7/8 (5; 36).

b . 1638,Norfolk. s .of Henry and Mary (Yaxley)of Chedgrave, Norfolk. br ofEdward . S.J. 1657/8 Priest To England d . 1708, Watten(63/1711; Fo.7/380-1;Ki . 132;Gil. 3/473-4)

HUMPHRIES, John S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1634(or later)(5). ?b . 1610, Wales ?S.J 1639 or 1644. ?Priest ?To England. d . ?1676, Watten or SouthWalesdistrict (Fo.7/381).

HUNGATE, Charles alias Carrington S.O. c . 1697-c . 1700(75 ,ff. 30v , 33v, 42, 166v).

s.ofSirPhilip, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Monson) ofSaxton , Yorkshire br. of Francis and Philip 6th Bart d . 1749 ,unm (BuEB; CRS.8/374; Gil.3/475-6).

HUNGATE , Francis S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1632 (5; CRS . 30/148-9)

?s .ofWilliam and Margaret (Sotheby) of Saxton, Yorkshire. E.C. Valladolid 1632-3 d . 1633, Valladolid (BuEB; CRS . 30/149; Peac . 25; Gil.3/475).

HUNGATE, Francis alias Carrington S.O. c . 1699 (75, ff. 34v,37v).

s. ofSirPhilip, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Monson ) ofSaxton , Yorkshire br ofCharles and Philip.4th Bart.m.Mary Fairfax neè Weld. d . 1710. (BuEB ; CRS.8/374).

HUNGATE ,Philipalias Carrington. S.O. 1697-c . 1700 (75 ,ff 30v , 33v, 42, 166v).

s. ofSirPhilip, 3rd Bart and Elizabeth(Monson) ofSaxton , Yorkshire br of Charles and Francis 5th Bart m Elizabeth Cotton (BuEB; CRS.8/374).

HUNGERFORD,John alias Haywood S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (19).

É.C. Valladolid 1613-15. (CRS . 30/113)

HUNT, Edward, see Le Hunt.

HUNT, George. S.O. c . 1693 (75, f.9v)

May be the same as Hunter, George.

HUNT , Jamesalias Beaumont B. c . 1767-c . 73 (2; 6; 8).

?From Lancashire br ofJohnand William.

HUNT , Johnalias Hanmer S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (75 ,ff.9v, 19v)

Maybe the same as Hanmer , John.

HUNT , John alias Beaumont. B. 1765-70 (2;6;8).

?From Lancashire . br. ofJamesand William

HUNT, Roger . B. 1764-? (6).

HUNT, Thomas alias Hanmer S.O. 1694-6(75, ff. 12v , 23 , 166).

HUNT,William alias Beaumont . B. 1765-71 (2; 6; 8).

?From Lancashire br ofJamesand John.

HUNTalias forBeaumont , Joseph; Durand, Thomas; Persons , John. See Hanmer , John

HUNTER , George S.O. c . 1693 (75 ,f.9v).

HUNTER, George S.O. c . 1725-30 (7).

b . 1713, Northumberland ?s ofJohn br. ofThomas. S.J. 1730. Priest. To Maryland, England and Canada d . 1779, Portobacco, Maryland (Fo.7/384; Hu . Text 2/692-3).

HUNTER, Thomas S.O. ?-1684 (13).

b . 1666, Northumberland S.J. 1684. Priest To England. d . 1725, in England (Fo.5/401 ; 7/384;Ki . 133;Gil.3/483-6)

HUNTER, Thomas ?alias Weldon S.O. c . 1726-35 (1; 7)

b . 1718 , Northumberland ?s of John br ofGeorge S.J. 1735

Priest To England . d . 1773, Ghent (Fo.7/385).

HUNTER , Thomas S.O. c . 1747-c . 55 (2; 3;4).

?From Lancashire

HUNTER* , William. S.O. 1665-70 (orlater)(5).

HUNTERalias for Hardwick, Francis ; Weldon , Charles


HUSSEY , Edward S.O. c . 1724-c . 27 (7).

b . 1712-13 , Marnhull, Dorset s ofJohn and Mary (Burdett). br ofGiles, Lewis?and John. ?St G.Douay c . 1727 . O.S.B. Douay, 1730. Priest .To England . d . 1785-6 , Marnhull. (RH.2/58; Bi . 114; BSG; Gil.3/507;Oliver2/333).

HUSSEY, Giles S.O. c . 1724-c . 27 (4; 7;21).

b . 1710, Marnhull, Dorset s ofJohn and Mary (Burdett) br. ofEdward, Lewis ?and John ?St.G.Douay c . 1720.d . 1788 , Bearston , Devonshire (Ki . 134; Gil.3/507-10; BSG; RH.2/58; DNB; Pa . 11)

HUSSEY , James B. 1768-73 (2)

E.A. Liège 1774-9 (CRS . 13/207).

HUSSEY , John S.O. 1730 (or earlier) (7). ?b . 1704 ?s ofJohn and Mary (Burdett) ofMarnhull,Dorset ?br ofEdward, Giles and Lewis ?St.G. Douay c . 1717 . d . 1753 . (?RH.2/58; BSG; CRS . 56/167)

HUSSEY , Lewisalias Burdett S.O. c . 1724-9 (7). s. ofJohn and Mary (Burdett) ofMarnhull,Dorset br. of Edward,Giles ?and John. S.J. 1729. d . 1733 , Liège,notyet ordained (Fo.7/386; RH.2/58; Gil.3/507).

HUTTON, John. S.O. 1594-7 (CRS . 30/50).

b . 1578, York s . ofWilliam and Mary E.C. Seville 1597-8.

E.C. Valladolid 1598-9 Priest O.S.B. 1600.To England . d . 1642-3, Yorkshire. (CRS . 30/50; 33/198;Gil.3/522; RH.9/167; Bi . 25).

?HUTTON, Robert alias Hill ?S.O. before 1648 (Fo.5/819n; 6/638).

b . 1629, Upton Warren, Worcestershire s . of John andJoan. E.C. Rome 1648-53 , 1655.Priest. S.J. 1656.To England d . 1692 , in England. (CRS . 40/42; 55/511-2 ; Fo.5/819n; 6/374,638; 7/386).

HYDE, Charles alias Perkins. S.O. c . 1696-c . 1701 (75 ,ff.21v, 30v , 33v,45v).

b c . 1683. From Berkshire s. of John and Mary (Smith) of Pangbourne , Berkshire ?br of Francis E.C. Rome 1701-8. Priest To England d . 1745 (CRS . 40/130-1; Ans.5)

HYDE, Francis alias Perkins . S.O. c . 1696-c . 1701 (75 ,ff 21v, 30v , 33v, 45v).

?s .ofJohn and Mary (Smith) of Pangbourne, Berkshire .?br.of Charles. ?m. ElizabethWiddower d . 1745 . (BLG ; E. and P. 235; Pa.4)

?HYDE, Richardalias Gifford ?S.O. ?-1645 (Fo.6/629).

b. c . 1628, Herefordshire s . of Henry and Catherine (Wyer). E.C.Rome 1646-7 .S.J. 1647-61 Priest . d . 1662,inEngland. (CRS . 40/36-7;55/495-6;Fo.5/216; 6/629; 7/302)

HYDE, .S.O 1705-? (74,f. 31).

HYDE, .S.O c . 1726 (7). s ofJohn .


HYDE ,alias for Bruning,Anthonyand Francis .

ILES or ISLES ,Ambrosealias Jackson S.O. c . 1699 -c . 1701 (75, ff. 33v , 40v,44v)

b . 1685, Yorkshire S.J. 1704. Priest.To England d . 1746 , ?Yorkshire (CRS . 32/225; Fo.7/396)

ILES or ISLES , Ambrose S.O. and B. 1758-63 (2; 6).

b . 1742 . S.J. 1763-9. (not ordained) m AnneWebber d . 1797 , Pontefract. (28, f. 15; 82 , f.275v;87,f. 36).

ILES or ISLESor EYLES, Henry. S.O. c . 1724-30 (1;7)

?From Yorkshire s of John and Mary. br of Michael,Richard and Thomas (CRS . 32/225; E. and P.312).

ILES or ISLES , Henry. B. c . 1770 (24).

ILES orISLESor EYLES,Michael S.O. 1729-32 (1;7; 21)

?From Yorkshire s of John and Mary. br ofHenry, Richard and Thomas . (E. and P. 312).

ILES or ISLESor EYLES, Richard S.O. 1729-32 (1;7)

?From Yorkshire s of John and Mary br.ofHenry, Michael and Thomas (E. and P.312).

ILES or ISLES or EYLES, Thomas S.O. c . 1724-32 (1 ; 7)

?From Yorkshire s. ofJohn and Mary br of Henry, Richard and Michael .(E. and P.312).

ILES, S.O c . 1745 (1).

?From the Maynes, Little Singleton, Lancashire br ofnext below .

ILES, .S.O. c . 1745 (1).

?From the Maynes, Little Singleton, Lancashire. br ofnext above .

INCE, Christopher S.O. c . 1732-c . 38 ( 1 ; 2; 7; 21)

?From Lancashire s . of Christopher.

INGLEBY, Charles S.O. ?-1711 (40, f.23).

b . 1694, Bishop Thornton,Yorkshire s ofWilliam andMary (Newton) ?br ofThomas E.C. Rome 1711-18 Priest.To England d . 1743, ShowleyHall, Lancashire (CRS . 12/6; 36/113n; 40/145; Ki . 135; Ans.6; Fo.6/461).

INGLEBY , Christopher S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/297)

INGLEBY, Joseph S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -c . 1631 (5).

b . 1614, London S.J. 1631-9 (not ordained) . d . 1641 , Dunkirk .(Fo.7/391). ?INGLEBY , Thomas ?S.O . ?-1634 (CRS . 30/153).

b c . 1595. s ofSamson and Jane (Lambert) ofSpoford, Ripley, Yorkshire. E.C. Valladolid 1634-c . 36 Priest ToEngland (CRS . 30/153; Peac . 30-1 ; Ans.2/166-7).

INGLEBY, Thomas alias Eyston. S.O. 1696-1703 (11; 75, ff 25v, 33v, 38v, 41v, 165v).

b . 1684, Yorkshire s . of Sir Charles and Alathea(Eyston). S.J. 1703. Priest To England d . 1729 , Paris (Fo.7/392).


INGLEBY , Thomas S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/204).

?s.ofWilliam and Mary (Newton).?br. ofCharles .

INGLEBY , William S.O. c . 1701 (75, f.44v).

?s ofWilliam ?m . Henrietta Tancred (?E and P.305)

INGLEBY alias for Tidder, Edward;Ward, George and William.

INGRAMS, .S.O. c . 1694 (75, f. 53v).

?br. of the next .

INGRAMS, . S.O. c . 1694 (75 ,f. 53v).

?br ofnext above

INNES, .S.O. c . 1694 (75, f. 53v)

s . of Colonel Innes

IRELAND , Alexanderalias Dutton S.O. 1623-6(CRS . 55/386).

b . 1604, Lancashire s. of Lawrence and Margaret (Scarisbrick) of Lydiate Hall, Lancashire. br. ofThomas E.C. Rome 1626-23 . Priest To England S.J. 1638.To England . d . 1652, in Lancashire . (CRS . 37/210; 55/386; Ans.2/167; Fo.6/310-11 ; 7/393-4).

IRELAND , Francis S.O. 1696-c . 1701 (75, ff. 21v, 94v).

?br of John and Ralph .

IRELAND, James S.O. c . 1737-c . 40 (2).

IRELAND, John S.O. 1696-8 (75, ff.21v, 130).

?br ofFrancis and Ralph.m. Isabel -.(E. and P.319-20; Gil.3/552; CRS . 32/236).

IRELAND, John S.O. 1737-c . 40 (2).

IRELAND, John S.O. 1753-c . 60 (2;4)

?From Maryland. (Han . 66 , 87).

IRELAND, John. S.O. c . 1756-c . 60 (2)

?From London s ofJames br ofIreland,below . ?IRELAND , Lawrence alias Ferrers ?S.O c . 1650 (Fo.5/377).

b . 1634, Lydiate, Lancashire s ofEdwardand Margaret (Norris) m. Anne Scarisbrick S.J. (after her death) 1664. Priest To England . d . 1673,York. (Fo.5/376-9; 7/394; Gib.1/26,45-8; O.S.B.D. 69-70).

IRELAND , Ralph S.O. 1696-8 (75 , ff 21v, 130)

?br ofJohn and Francis . (E. and P. 319-20;Gil.3/552; CRS . 32/236)

IRELAND , Thomas alias Dutton.S.O. 1629-32 (CRS . 55/425-6).

b . 1608, Lancashire s of Lawrence and Margaret (Scarisbrick) of Lydiate, Lancashire br ofAlexander E.C. Rome1632-5 . d . 1635, Rome (CRS . 40/5; 55/425-6; Fo.6/380-1 , 607; 7/393-4).

IRELAND , Thomas B. 1773 (7; 15; 58;59).

b c . 1761

IRELAND ,William alias Ironmonger S.O. c . 1647-55 (5; FAB . 148; BR . 16; CRS . 47/238; Chal . 519)

b . 1636, Lincoln ?s ofWilliam and Eleanoror Barbara (Eure) ofCrofton Hall, Yorkshire S.J. 1655. Priest To England Put to death, 1679, Tyburn Beatified (Gil.3/551-5; BR . 15-26;Chad 1/189; Fo.5 /109-26, 223-32; 7/394-5 ; SM . 27/264 ff; CRS


47/236-8; FAB . 140-50; Dod.3/315-6).

IRELAND,,- . S.O 1756-c . 58 (2).

s of James br ofJohn

IRELANDalias for Champion , IgnatiusAnthony; Ironmonger, James; Rockley, Francis; Saltmarsh, Gerard; Thornton, James

IRONMONGERorIREMONGER, Jamesalias Ireland S.O. c . 1626-8 (CRS . 10/265)

b . 1609, Chatkull, Eccleshall , Staffordshire s ofWilliam and Dorothy (Erdeswick) E.C. Douay 1628-9. m . - Raynsford (CRS . 10/265,277; Be . 138).

IRONMONGERalias for Ireland,William.


IVISON or IVERSON, see Evison. IVY* or IVEY , Richard S.O. 1659-60 (orlater)(5).

JACKSON, Francis alias Smithson S.O. c . 1599-1602 (CRS . 30/70)

b . 1577, Kirkthorpe, Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1602-?

E.C. Douay 1604-5 . Priest. To England . S.J. 1608. To England . d . 1645, Yorkshire (CRS . 10/64, 68 , 91 ; 30/70; Ans.2/168; Fo.7/396, 1436).

JACKSON , John alias Johnson S.O. 1715 (or earlier) -?1719 (CRS . 62/290).

?b . 1698, London ?S.J 1719. ?Priest ?To England . d . ?1752 , Liège or Spa (Fo.7/396).

JACKSON, John S.O. 1752-c . 54 (2; 3;4)

JACKSON, -. S.O. c . 1678 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/151).

JACKSON , .S.O. c . 1678 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/151)

JACKSON alias for Iles, Ambrose ; Young, John See Edisford, John

JACOBS alias forSidley,John

JACOBSON ,William S.O. before 1713 (CRS . 62/9,39)

b . 1692, Dunkirk S.J. 1714. Priest To England .d . 1764, Watten (Fo.7 /397)

JAKEMAN, Francis alias Maxfield S.O. ?-1721 (40, ff.91,94; CRS . 40/165-6).

b . 1698, Staffordshire s . ofGeorge and Margaret (Snelson). br. ofGeorge. E.C. Rome 1721-8. Priest To England . d . 1778, Longbirch, Staffordshire (CRS . 40/165-6; E. and P.251;Ans.6; Ki . 136; Fo.6/470-1).

JAKEMAN, George alias Maxfield S.O. ?-1722 (CRS . 40/170)

b . 1700 From Staffordshire. s. ofGeorge and Margaret (Snelson) br of Francis E.C.Rome 1722-8. Priest (not found where ordained). d . 1740, Staffordshire (CRS . 12/5;40/170; Ki . 136; Ans.6; Fo.6/473).

JAKEMAN , William S.O. ?-1725 (7)


JAMES , Charles B. 1771-3 (2; 8; 14;60).

From Liège.s.ofJohn E.A. Liège 1773-? (CRS . 13/207)

JAMES alias for Sidley, John.

JAMESON , Francisalias for Doddington, James.

JAMESON,William S.O. and B. 1759-c . 63 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1747 . ?From Lancashire .S.J. 1765-73 (not ordained). (AHSJ . 42/292-3; Fo.7 /397).

JAMESON, . B. 1772 (50, f 13)

?From Lancashire s ofWilliam. Maybe the same as Jameson , William above.

JAMESON alias forAylmer,Vincent

JEFFREY, Thomas alias Wakeman . S.O. ?-1721 (63/1723).

b . 1704, London S.J. 1721.Priest d . 1730, Ghent (Fo.7/398).

JENISON, Augustine S.O. 1751-5 (2;4).

b . 1735, Durham. s ofJohn and Elizabeth(Sandford) of Walworth, Durham. br.of Francis, Jamesand John.S.J. 1755 . Priest. To England d . 1799, St Omers College. (RH.3/11;Ki . 137; Fo.5 /636-7;7/399)

JENISON, Francis S.O. 1760-1 (2).

s.ofJohn and Elizabeth(Sandford) ofWalworth, Durham br. ofAugustine, Jamesand John m. CharlotteSmith. (RH.3/11, 14).

JENISON, James S.O. 1746-55 (1;2; 3;4).

b . 1737, Walworth, Durham. s. of John and Elizabeth (Sandford). br ofAugustine , Francis and John S.J. 1755.Priest To England d . 1799, Bath (Fo.7 /399; RH.3/11 ;Ki . 137-8; Gil.3/609).

JENISON, James S.O. and B. c . 1761-2 (orlater)(2). ?JENISON , John ?S.O . ?-1736 (21).

b . 1720, Lincolnshire. s.ofWilliam and Mary E.C.Rome 1737-8.(CRS . 40/193-4).

JENISON, John S.O. c . 1740-45 (1;2; 13)

b . 1728-9, Durham s . of John and Elizabeth(Sandford) of Walworth, Durham br. ofAugustine, Francis and James.S.J. 1745.Priest To England . d . 1792-3, Liège. (Fo.5 /636; 7/399; Ki . 138 ; RH.3/11).

JENISON , Michael alias Gerard and Gray S.O. 1643 (orearlier) -1644 (or later) (5; CRS . 55/513-4).

b c . 1628 , Durham s . ofJohn and Margaret (Bowes) of Walworth, Durham br. of Thomas E.C.Rome 1649-54 Priest. To England and Dunkirk. (CRS . 40/43; 55/513-4; RH.3/7-8; Ans.2/169 ; Fo.6/375, 640).

JENISON, Michael S.O. ?-1675 (13).

b . 1655-6, Durham. s ofJohn and Catherine (Ironmonger)of Walworth, Durham br. of Thomas and William S.J. 1675 . Priest To England d . 1735, Watten. (Fo.7/400; RH.3/9).

JENISON, Ralph alias Freville S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1656 (5).


b . 1635-8 , Durham S.J. 1656. Priest To England d . 1719 , HarberHouse, Durham. (Fo.5/635-6 ; 7/400; RH.3/8) 147

?JENISON ,Robertalias Frevilleand Beaumont.?S.O.?-1617 (Gil.3/610)

b . 1590, Durham s ofWilliam and Jane (Scurlock) ofWalworth , Durham.S.J. 1617. Priest To England d . 1656 ,Hampshire district (Gil.3/610-11 ; RH.3/4; Fo.5/632-3; 7/400-01 )

JENISON, Thomas alias Gray, Francis S.O. c . 1620 (CRS . 55/432-3).

b . 1603, Lancashire. s ofJohn and Mary (Gerard) ofWalworth, Durham. E.C. Rome 1633-7/8 Priest. To Gravelines as confessor to EnglishPoorClares (CRS . 14/167;40/8-9; 53/432-3; RH.3/6-7; Ans.2/169-70 ; Fo.6/334).

JENISON,Thomas alias Gray.S.O.1629 (or earlier)-c . 1633(5;CRS . 55/441).

b. c . 1615, Newbiggin, Yorkshire s ofJohn and Margaret (Bowes)ofWalworth, Durham. br ofMichael E.C. Rome 1634-7 .

d. c . 1637, ?in England . (CRS . 40/12; 55/441;Fo.6/338; RH.3/8)

JENISON, Thomas S.O. 1634-? (Ave.1/239)

From Egton, Yorkshire.

JENISON, Thomas alias Gray, S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1663 (5; BR . 80; FAB . 187; CRS . 47/290)

b . 1643,Northumberland s ofJohnand Catherine (Ironmonger) ofWalworth, Durham. br. ofMichael and William. S.J. 1663. Priest.

ToEngland . d . 1679, Newgate prison (FAB . 178;BR . 80-1; RH. 3/9-10 ;Fo.5/614-6;7/401;Chal . 537 , CRS . 47/202, 286-90).

JENISON , Thomas alias Freville. S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1663(5).

b . 1643, Durham E.C. Valladolid 16634. S.J. 1664. Priest. To England d . 1701, London (CRS . 30/170;RH.3/8-9;Fo.7/401).

JENISON , Thomas S.O. c . 1755-c . 57 (2;4).

?From Durham .

JENISON ,William. S.O. ?-1675 (13)

b . 1653, Durham s . of John and Catherine (Ironmonger)of Walworth, Durham br. of Michael and Thomas S.J. 1675. Priest

To England . d. 1683, in England . (Fo.7/402; RH.3 /9-10).

JENISON alias for Smith, Christopher.

JENKINS, Augustine S.O. and B. 1761-6 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1742, Maryland S.J. 1766. Priest To Maryland d . 1800 , Newton, Maryland (Fo.7/402; Hu . Text 2/700).

JENKINS, Peter S.O. 1753 (3; 4; CRS . 28/291)

b . 1735, Sutton, near Guildford E.C. Douay 1750-3 . S.J. 1753.

Priest. To England d . 1818, Bury St Edmunds (CRS . 28/266, 291 ; 63/129, 197;Gil.3/613-4; Fo.7/402).

JENKINS,Walter. S.O. c . 1729-33 (1 ; 7;21).

?From Sutton, near Guildford.

JENNINGS, John S.O. 1744-45 (or later) (1;2;4). From Wiltshire

JENNINGSalias for Knight,William;Woodhope,John.

?JERMYN, William ?S.O c . 1682(20).

JERMYNalias for Fermor , Henry; Hacon, Hubert. See Fermor, Peter,

Richard and Thomas.

JERNINGHAM , orJERNEGAN , Charles. S.O. 1734-41 ( 1 ; 2 ; 7; 13).

s.of Henryand Mary (l'Epine) of London br. ofFrancis, Henry, Hugh and Nicholas S.J. 1741.S.C. Douay 1741 . (88; Fo.5 /545n; Oliver 1/123 ; RSC . 84).

JERNINGHAM, Francis S.O. 1701-7 (75,f.43v).

b . 1688, Norfolk s . of Sir Francis , 3rd Bart. and Anne(Blount) ofCostessey, Norfolk br of Henry, Richardand George and John S.J. 1707 , Priest. To England d . 1739, London. (88; Fo.7 /403; CRS . 22/278; 63/96; Ki . 139)

JERNINGHAM, Francis. S.O. 1734-8 (1; 7; 13).

b . 1721, London s of Henry and Mary (l'Epine) of London . br. ofCharles, Henry, Hugh and Nicholas S.J. 1738.Priest. d . 1752, Rome (88; Fo.7/403)

JERNINGHAM, George alias Blunt S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1696 (75, ff 10v, 15v, 20v,26v).

b . 1680 s . of Sir Francis, 3rd Bart and Anne (Blount)of Costessey, Norfolk br. of Francis, John, Henry and Richard m .Mary Plowden.5th Bart. d . 1774 (88; Ki . 139; BuPsee Stafford).

JERNINGHAM , Henry S.O. 1705 (or earlier) -c . 1706(20).

s .ofSir Francis , 3rd Bart. and Anne(Blount) of Costessey, Norfolk. br ofFrancis , Richard , George and John. m. Mary l'Epine. d . 1761, London (88 ; Ki . 139, 140; Gil.3/629-30; CRS . 63/96)

JERNINGHAM, Henry S.O. 1734-c . 36 (1; 7)

s.ofHenry and Maryl'Epine of London. br of Charles , Francis , Hugh and Nicholas d ?America (88; Hu . Text2/547-8).

JERNINGHAM, Hugh Felix S.O. 1740-6 ( 1 ; 2; 3).

b . 1730 . s of Henry and Mary (L'Epine) of London br of Charles, Francis, Henryand Nicholas O.S.F. Douay. Laybrother. d . 1793, Dover. (88; Ki . 140; Tha . 123; Gil.3/629)

JERNINGHAM, Johnalias Blunt S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1696 (75 , ff 10v, 15v, 20v, 26v)

b . 1678 . s ofSir Francis , 3rd Bart. and Anne (Blount)of Costessey, Norfolk br ofFrancis , George, Henry and Richard. 4th Bart. m. Margaret Bedingfeld d . 1737, Bath (88; BuP).

JERNINGHAM, Nicholas S.O. c . 1738 (2)

s .of Henry and Mary (l'Epine) ofLondon br. ofCharles , Francis Henryand Hugh E.C.Douay 1740-6 . m . (1)Carte (2) Windham. d . 1785 . (88; Ki . 140; CRS . 28/226, 245; 63/123)

JERNINGHAM , Richard . S.O. c . 1701 (75 ,f 43v)

s.of Sir Francis , 3rd Bart. and Anne (Blount) br. ofFrancis, George, Henry and John. (Ki . 139)

JERNINGHAMalias for East, Alban and Richard SeeWhite , Richard

JOHNSON , Edwardalias Percy S.O. c . 1640-c . 44 (5; CRS . 55/487-8).

b c . 1623, London. s of Henryand Anne (Percy) E.C. Rome 1645-52 . Priest. To England O.S.B. Dieulouard 1662.d . 1683 , Dieulouard (CRS . 40/33; 55/487-8 ; Ans.2/172; Bi . 56; Fo.6/362).

JOHNSON , Francis S.O. c . 1600 (Fo.7/959).

b. c . 1582, Norfolk S.J. 1617.To England d . 1651-2, ?Derbyshire district , not ordained . (Fo.7/404, 959)

JOHNSON * , John S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (or later) (5)

JOHNSON , Johnalias for Watson,George.

JOHNSON , Joseph. S.O. and B. 1760-5 (2; 6;8) ?From Liverpool ?br ofRobert.

JOHNSON or JOHNSTON, Michael S.O. ?-1725 (7)

JOHNSON , Robert S.O. and B. 1758-64 (2; 7; 8)

b . 1745 , Liverpool ?br ofJoseph S.J. 1764.Priest To England d . 1823, St Helens, Lancashire (Fo.7/404, 1407).

JOHNSON , Thomas alias Taylor.S.O. ?-1701 (CRS . 30/179 , 180).

E.C. Valladolid 1701-8 . Priest. To England . d . 1750 (CRS . 30/180; Ans.5)

JOHNSON * , Walter . S.O. 1634-8 (orlater) (5)

JOHNSON , William alias Wilson S.O. c . 1599-1600 (CRS . 30/63-4). b c . 1573,Durham E.C.Valladolid 1600-3 . Priest To England (CRS . 30/63-4; Ans.1/192)

JOHNSON * ,William S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (orlater) (5)

JOHNSON alias for Bolt, John; Cowborne,William; Freeman , John; Jackson, John; Shallion, Joseph;Watson ,Walter.

JONES, Henryalias Gavan. S.O. c . 1699 (75,f. 33v)

?s . of Richard. ?br ofJohn

JONES, Johnalias Powell S.O. 1693-c . 1700 (75, ff 6v, 7v, 8v, 10v, 11v, 12v, 14v, 15v, 16v, 21v, 26v,29v, 31v)

?s .of Richard Maybe the same as John Jones alias Gavan .

JONES, John alias Gavan S.O. c . 1695 (75,f. 6v).

?s. of Richard. ?br of Henry. May be the same as John Jones alias Powell.

JONES, John S.O. c . 1723-7 (7)

s.ofJohn and Catherine ofDingestow, of Richard. (E. and P. 182; Pa.41).

JONES, Johnalias Prichard S.O. 1723-8 (7)

s.ofMatthew and Alice ofSkenfrith, William. (Pa . 42).

JONES , John alias Basset. S.O. c . 1731-c . 39 (1 ;2; 3; 7;21)

br. ofWilliam

JONES, Johnalias Scudamore .S.O. c . 1733-9 (2;7;21)

b . 1721, Monmouthshire S.J. 1739. Priest To England . d . 1803 , London (Fo.7/407-8; Gil.3/666) These details mayinfact refer to John Jones alias Basset

JONES, John B. 1766-7 (2;8).

JONES , Matthew. S.O. 1747-c . 52 (2; 3;4).

?From SouthWales. ?br ofRobert and Thomas .

JONES, Richard S.O. 1724 (or earlier) -1726 (2).

s .ofJohn and Catherine ofDingestow , John (E. and P. 182; Pa . 41).

JONES , Robert S.O. 1751-4 (2; 3;4)

?From South Wales . ?br.of Matthew and Thomas.

JONES , Thomas S.O. and B. 1760-7 (2; 6; 8; 47, ff. 36, 37v).

?From SouthWales. ?br of Matthew and Robert.

JONES , William alias Baker. S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5) b . 1652, Monmouthshire. S.J. 1673. d . 1675, in England not yet ordained (Fo.7/409).

JONES, William alias Prichard S.O. 1723 (or earlier) -c . 1724 (7).

s . of Matthew and Alice ofSkenfrith, of John (Pa . 42).

JONES ,William alias Basset.S.O. 1733 (or earlier) -1737 (1; 7; 13).

br ofJohn. S.J. 1737-c . 38 . (63/1738).


JONES alias for Ayleworth orAleworth ,Matthew;Watkins, Thomas and William; Wyard ,Peter.

JORDAN, James B. 1772-3 (2; 7;8; 14; 59 ;60).

b. c . 1759. s of John ofSt Croix, West Indies br.ofJohn. E.A. Liège 1773-6. (CRS . 13/207).

JORDAN, John. B. 1772-3 (7; 8; 15; 58; 59 ; 60).

b c . 1763. From St Croix, West Indies ?s . ofJohn ?br. of James. E.A. Liège 1773-6. (CRS . 13/207).

JOSEPHSON- alias for Huddleston,John

JOSFORD , John S.O. c . 1755 (4). ?From Lancashire .

JOSSAER , Michael S.O. ?-1727 (63/1754).

b. 1708-9, Dunkirk S.J. 1727.Priest d . 1759,Watten. (Fo.7/410)

JOURNOsee Gage, Charles and Philip.

JOY , Matthew.S.O. 1755-61 (2;4; 67, f 43)

b . 1742 ?From DorsetorWiltshire S.J. 1761.Priest To England d . 1798, Ellingham, Northumberland (Fo.7/410).

JOYCE, Dominic S.O. c . 1749-c . 51 (2;3).

JOYCE, Edward S.O. and B. 1762-3 (2; 6).

JUMP, Richard alias Ellis S.O. 1728-c . 36 ( 1 ; 7; 13).

b . 1714, Cheshire S.J. 1736. Priest. To Maryland d . 1755 , St Croix,West Indies (Fo.7 /410; Hu . Text2/693).

JUMP, Thomas S.O. c . 1738 (2).

KAUFFMANsee Cauffman .

KAVANAGH ,Walteralias Morgan B. c . 1770-3 (2; 7;8; 14; 59; 60)

From Ireland.?s ofThomas br ofKavanagh,alias Morgan below .

KAVANAGH or CAVENOR , .S.O . 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/85 , 267)

KAVANAGH , alias Morgan B. ?-1773 (15;59 ; 60).

From Ireland ?s. ofThomas br. ofWalter.

KEARNAN, John B. c . 1767-70 (7;58)

From London.?br.of Thomas

KEARNAN, Thomas B. 1764-66 (2;8)

?From London ?br. ofJohn.

KEARNEY, George S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -1695 (75,f. 164)

b . 1676, London s . ofPhilip and Elizabeth E.C. Rome 1695-1701 . Priest. To Paris (CRS . 40/119; Ans.5; Fo.6/446).

KEATING or KEATIN ,John. S.O. c . 1753-c . 54 (2;4).

KEATING, .S.O. c . 1738-c . 39 (2).

KELLICK alias forWood , William.

KELLY, Paulalias for Caryll, Richard

KELLYor KELLIEor KELLEY or KELIO -aliasfor Webb , Thomas; Woodward , Thomas See Stafford,John.

KEMISH see Kemys.

KEMP, Anthony S.O. ?-1691 (RSC . 61)

b . 1672. s of Anthony and Mary (Gage) of Slindon , Sussex . br ofHenry. S.C. Douay 1691. m. (1) Anne Montagu (2) Jane Stourton d . 1753 (RSC . 61; E. and P. 263 ; Pa . 67 ; CRS.7/353, 387)

KEMP , FrancisBoniface S.O. 1598-1602 (CRS . 30/76;33/212).

b . 1578, London E.C. Valladolid 1602-3. O.S.B. 1603, Montserrat. Priest To England d . 1644, Skipton, Yorkshire (CRS . 30/76; 33/212, 256; Gil.4/3; Oliver2/501;Wel . 80; Bi . 26)

KEMPorKEMPE,George alias Druryor Drew. S.O. 1639-45 (5; CRS . 55/492-3).

b . 1626, London s .ofJohn and Lucy (Brook) E.C.Rome 1645-52 . Priest. To England d . 1698. (CRS . 40/35;55/492-3; Ki . 143-4; Ans.2/176; Gil.4/4; Fo.6/364).

KEMP, Henryalias GildridgeorGildredge S.Ó. ?-1690 (Fo.6/439)

b . 1672, Sussex. s. ofAnthony and Mary (Gage) ofSlindon br ofAnthony E.C. Rome 1690-1 S.J. 1691. Priest.To England d . 1737,Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire (CRS.7/353 , 354, 387; 40/110; Fo.6/439-40; 7/412; E. and P. 263; WR . 20/63-5).

KEMP, Lambertoralias Lambertor vereLambert S.O. c . 1738 (2)

KEMPER, Herman S.O. and B. 1760-c . 66 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1745, Westphalia ?br. ofJames S.J. 1766. Priest To England . d . 1811, Newhall, Essex (Fo.7/412-3).

KEMPER, James B. 1763-c . 70 (2; 6; 8).

?br ofHerman .

KEMPSON , Edward S.O. c . 1755 (2).

May be the same as Ferrers, Edward(1753-6). KEMPSON alias for Ferrers, Edward (1696-8).


KEMYSor KEMISH, Johnalias Salisbury and Lewis.S.O. 1653 (CRS . 55/540-1)

b . 1635 ,Monmouthshire s . of- Kemysand - (Salisbury).

E.C. Rome 1653-9. Priest. To England d . 1709, TorAbbey, Devon (CRS . 40/52; 55/540-1; Gil.4/1 ; 5/468; Ans.2/176; Fo.6/387; Oliver2/345-6)

KENDALL, Thomas . S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1635 (5)

b . 1612, Devonshire S.J. 1635. Priest d . 1672, Madrid (Fo.7/413).

KENDRICKalias for Peake, Robert .

KENNEDY, John B. 1772-3 (2;8; 14;60). From Hammersmith, London.s.ofLewis.

KENNEDY,Walter. S.O. 1750-2 (2; 3)

s. ofWalter

KENNEDY , ?James B. ?-1773 (15;58).

?b . 1762, London ?s ofPatrick and Mary. ?E.C Rome 1775-9 . (CRS . 40/227)

KENNET, Charles S.O. ?-1681 (13).

b . 1660, Durham . ?s . of John and Troth(Tempest) ofCoxhoe . S.J. 1681.Priest To England .d . 1728, Paris (Fo.7 /413-4)

KENT, Robert alias Neale S.O. 1658-62 (5; CRS . 55/586-7).

b . 1643, Lincoln. s. ofAnthony and Martha(Clodd). E.C. Rome 1662-8 Priest To England d . 1687 (CRS . 40/65; 55/586-7; Fo.6/403; Ans.5).

KENT see Neale, Robert.

KENYON, Edward . S.O. 1593-4 (CRS . 30/28).

b . 1577, Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1594-9 . Priest To England (CRS.6/225; 30/28; Ans.1/196).

KERNEY, James S.O. c . 1695 (75, f. 56v)

May be the same as Nagle,James.

KEYalias for Fentham ,Henry

KEYNE , Edward S.O. ?-1608 (CRS . 30/99).

b c . 1590, London E.C. Valladolid 1608-9. d . 1609 , Valladolid (CRS . 30/99).

KEYNES, Alexanderalias Luttrell S.O. 1655 (or earlier) -1659 (5; CRS . 55/576).

b . 1642, Somerset. s. ofAlexander E.C. Rome 1659-66 Priest . To England . S.J. 1669.To England d . 1713 , Ghent (CRS. 40/62-3; 55/576; Fo.5 /965-9 ; 7/415)

?KEYNES, Charlesalias Newport. ?S.O. ?-1660/3 (CRS . 30/167, 170n). ?s.of Edwardand Anne (Brett) ?br. ofJohn and George.

E.C. Valladolid 1660/3. S.J. 1663.Priest d . 1673 , Liège. (CRS . 30/167, 170n; Fo.7/415, 1437; Gil.4/31).

KEYNES, Edward. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater)(5)

b . 1608-9 , Somerset S.J. 1627/8 Priest. To England d . 1665 , London (Fo.7/415;Ans.5)

KEYNES, George alias Brett S.O. 1644-7 (5; CRS . 55/506).


b . 1628 , Somerset s ofEdwardand Anne (Brett) br. ofJohn ?and Charles. E.C. Rome 1647-8 S.J. 1649. Priest To China . d . 1659,Philippine Islands (CRS . 40/40; 55/505-6; Fo.6/371, 637; 7/416)

KEYNES,John alias Newport. S.O. ?-1642 (Fo.7/416; Gil.4/31).

b . 1624, ComptonPauncefoot,Somerset. s of Edwardand Anne (Brett). br. of George ?and Charles E.C. Valladolid 1644-5 . S.J.1645 . Priest To England d . 1697, Watten (CRS . 30/161 ; Gil.4/31-3; Fo.5/296-7; 7/416-7; Oliver 1/126).

KEYNES , Maurice alias Maurice , George.S.O. 1610-14 (19; CRS . 30/116-7).

b . 1591/2/4, ComptonPauncefoot , Somerset E.C. Valladolid 1614-16 S.J. 1616. Priest To England d . 1654, Liège. (CRS . 30/116-7; Fo.7/417-8).

KEYNES,Maximilianalias Luttrell and Newport S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1670 (orlater) (5)

b . 1652, London E.C. Seville 1671-3 S.J. 1674.Priest. To England d . 1720, Watten (Fo.7 /418; CRS . 30/167-8; Ans.5)

KEYNES alias for Ewens, Matthew and Maurice

KIDDER, Charles. S.O. and B. 1761-c . 67 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1751 . ?From Lincolnshire . S.J. 1769. d . 1772, Liège, notyet ordained . (Fo.7/418).

KILBY , see Kilty.

KILLICK, see Kellick

KILLINGBECK , Michael . S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/176).

?From Clayton, Yorkshire ?s of Edward (E. and P.312).

KILLINGBECKalias for Pole or Poole,Michael

KILLINGHALL, Henryalias Place, Richard S.O. 1600-1604 (CRS . 30/81).

b. c . 1585, York s ofHenry of Sudbury E.C. Valladolid 1604-08 S.J. 1609. Laybrother (CRS . 30/81; Fo.7/1437; CSP Ireland, 1608-10 /23 , 50-3).

KILSHAW, John. B. 1764-5 (2; 8)

?E.C. Douay 1766. (CRS . 63/242).

KILTY or KILBY, John B. 1768-70 (6;8;58).

From Maryland. br. ofKilty,W.

KILTY or KILBY, W. B. ?-1770(58).

From Maryland br. ofKilty, John.

KIMBER, ?Thomas S.O. c . 1701 (75 ,f.44v). ?b . 1688, Oxfordshire s . ofJohn ?S.J. 1706. ?Priest .?To England . d . ?1742 , Powis Castle, Montgomeryshire. (Fo.7/419; E. and P.215).

KING, Charles.S.O. 1741-5 (1; 2).

KING, Joseph B. 1773 (15; 59; 60)

From London s ofJoseph ?E.C. Bornhem 1775-6. (CRS . 25/166).

KING,Walter. S.O. ?-1715 (CRS . 62/210,253 ).


s . ofMatthew

KINGDON,Abraham S.O. 1732-c . 37 (1 ;2; 13; 63/1754).

b . 1718, London br of John S.J. 1737. Priest d . 1782, Liège. (Fo.7/419).

KINGDON, John S.O. 1732-c . 35 (1)

b . 1716, Somerset br ofAbraham S.J. 1735. Priest . To England and Maryland. d . 1761, Portobacco , Maryland (Fo.7 /419; Hu . Text 2/693).

KINGSLEY, IgnatiusGeorge alias Clayton S.O. 1714 (orearlier)

-c . 1720 (CRS . 62/145, 152, 172, 182, 185 , 190)

b . 1701, Cheshire br of Owen Joseph. S.J. 1720.Priest .To England d . 1787, London district (Fo.7/420).

KINGSLEY, Owen Joseph S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (orlater) (CRS . 62/12, 152; 63/1723)

b . 1697, Cheshire br ofIgnatiusGeorge S.J. 1716. Priest To Marylandand England . d . 1739, Watten . (Fo.7/420; Hu . Text 2/689).

KINGSLEY, Thomas alias De Bois S.O. c . 1670 (Fo.7/420).

b . 1650, Kent S.J. 1676. Priest To England d . 1695 , London. (Fo.5/309-11 ;7/420)

KINGWELL* , George S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1633 (orlater)(5).

KINNAIRD, see Radcliffe.

KINSMAN, Michael S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1631 (5).

b . 1614,London S.J.1631 Priest d . 1675, Liège (Fo.7/421;Gil.4/37).

KIRKE, Francis alias Simpson S.O. 1660-3 (5; CRS . 30/170)

E.C. Valladolid 1663-70 . Priest. To England d . 1721 . (CRS . 30/170; Ki . 260 ; Ans.5 ; ?Gil.H.P. 69).

KIRKE or KIRK, Thomas S.O. ?-1689 (13)

b . 1666, Nottinghamshireor Derbyshire S.J. 1689.Priest.To England d . 1718, ?Derbyshiredistrict (Fo.7/422).

KIRKHAM , Richardalias Latham S.O. ?-1691 (11)

b . 1671, Lancashire S.J. 1691. Priest. To Maryland d . 1708 , at sea returning to England (Fo.7/422, 960; Hu . Text 2/684).

KIRKHAM , William alias or vere Hart or Hamburn S.O. 1610-13 (19 ; CRS . 30/113).

b. c . 1594, Devonshire ?s ofWilliam E.C.Valladolid 1613-6. S.J. 1616. Priest To England . d c . 1624, (CRS . 30/113; Fo.7/340).

KIRKHAMalias forEstcourt, Charles and Francis

KIRWAN, Clement B. 1771-3 (7; 15; 58; 59; 60). From London ?s. ofJohn.

KNARESBOROUGH, Richard.S.O. 1594-6 (CRS . 30/41)

b. c . 1579, Yorkshire s ofPeter and Catherine ofFerensby, Yorkshire. br. of Robert E.C. Valladolid 1596. E.C. Seville 1596-1603 Priest. To England (CRS . 10/60; 30/41; RH.9/168; Ans. 1/200; Gil.4/60).

KNARESBOROUGH , Robert. S.O. 1593-7 (CRS . 30/49).

b. c . 1582, Yorkshire s of Peter and Catherine of Ferensby,


Yorkshire br ofRichard E.C. Seville 1597-8 . E.C. Valladolid 1598-9 O.S.B. SanMartin, Compostella . d Compostella ,notyet ordained (CRS . 30/49; Gil.4/60; RH.9/168).

KNATCHBULL * , Robert S.O. 1659-64 (or later) (5).

KNATCHBULL , Robert. S.O. c . 1728-35 (1;7).

b . 1716, Maryland S.J. 1735. Priest To England . d . 1782 , Walton Hall,Yorkshire (Fo.7/424; Gil.4/66-7; Ki . 146; Oliver 1/127).

KNIGHT, Alexanderalias Anneand Plumpton S.O. c . 1755 (Gil.4/67).

From Lincolnshire s ofArnold and Anne (Ann) ofSnarford, Lincolnshire . m. Catherine Caley. (CRS.4/262-3, 265).

KNIGHT, Arnold S.Q. 1760-1 (2).

s. ofArnold.

KNIGHT,George ?alias Plumpton S.O. 1733-c . 39 (1; 2; 7)

From Frickley, Yorkshire br ofMichael.

KNIGHT, George S.O. 1752-4 (2; 3;4).

b . 1733 . s ofHenry and Elizabeth(Blake) of Cannington, Somerset ?br ofWilliam S.J. 1754. Priest To England . d . 1790 , Courtfield,Monmouthshire. (Fo.7/424; CRS.4/411n).


KNIGHT, John alias Stanley ?S.O. 1646-51 (CRS . 55/527-8).

b . 1633 , Warwickshire s .ofJohn and Elizabeth(Beveredge). E.C. Rome 1651-7 . Priest d . 1657, onway to England (CRS . 40/47-8;55/527-8; Ans.2/179; Fo.6/381).

KNIGHT, John B. 1773 (59).

KNIGHT, Michael S.O. 1733-c . 39 (1 ; 2; 7).

From Frickley,Yorkshire br ofGeorge.

KNIGHT, Richardalias Thorold S.O. 1730-9 (2; 7).

b . 1720, Kingerby, Lincolsnhire s . ofWilliam and Lucy (Jennings). br. ofWilliam. S.J. 1739. Priest. To England d . 1793 , Lincoln (49, ff 6, 26v; Ki . 146; Fo.7/425; CRS.4/264;8/379; 22/194; E. and P. 157; Pa . 27; Gil.4/72-3).

KNIGHT , William alias Jennings S.O. c . 1732 (7).

s. ofWilliam and Lucy (Jennings) ofKingerby, Lincolnshire br. of Richard (Pa . 27).

KNIGHT, William. S.O. 1746-c.9 (1;2; 3).

?b . 1730, Cannington, Somerset ?s of Henry and Elizabeth (Blake). ?br. ofGeorge ?O.S.F ?Priest. ?To England d . ?1806 . (CRS . 12/94; 24/80; Tha . 262).

KNIGHT, William B. 1770-3 (7; 15; 58;60).

b.c . 1760 s of John ofAxminster, Devonshire .

KNIGHT, .S.O. 1729-c . 31 (7).

KNIGHT ,alias Plumpton S.O. 1759-62 (2;6).

s ofRobert.

KNIGHT, B. 1766-8 (2; 8).

May be the same as Knight, William

KNIGHTalias for Baynham , John; Gage, Thomas; Meredith, Richard.

KNIGHTLEY , Edward S.O. 1600-06 (CRS . 30/89).


b. c . 1588, Offchurch-Bury, Warwickshire ?s ofEdward and Elizabeth E.C.Valladolid 1606-9. (CRS . 30/89 ; LR.5/108-9).

KNIGHTLEY , George alias Hawkins S.O. c . 1692 (75,f. 6v)

KNOLLYS, see Knowles.

KNOTT, Edwardor Johnalias for Wilson , Matthew.

KNOWLES, John S.O. 1622 (orearlier) -1624(5)

b . 1607 , Staffordshire S.J. 1624. Priest To Maryland d . 1637 , Maryland (Fo.7/426; Hu . Text 2/679).

KNOWLES , John S.O. 1734-c . 40 (1 ;2; 3;7)

KNOWLES* or KNOLLYS, Robert. S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1669 (5).

KNOWLES, Robert S.O. c . 1744-c . 47 (1;2)

KYNASTON* , John S.O. ?-1737 (13)

May be the same as Parry,John.

LACEY or LACYalias for Constable, John and Marmaduke; Prince , Richard ; Wolf or Wolfe, William.

LACON, Edwardalias Lambert S.O. ?-1636 (CRS . 55/452).

b . 1615, Linley, Shropshire s ofThomas and Mary (Thimelby) ofIrnham, Lincolnshire br ofJohn E.C. Rome 1636-43 . Priest To England (CRS . 40/16-7;55/452; Ans.2/181 ; Fo.6/343).

LACON, John alias Lambert S.O. 1624-9 (5; CRS . 55/408).

b. c . 1609, Linley,Shropshire s. of Thomas and Mary (Thimelby) of Irnham, Lincolnshire br of Edward E.C.Rome 1629-36 . Priest. To England (CRS . 37/218; 55/408; Ans.2/181; Fo 6/319-20).

LACY* , Michael S.O. 1662-8 (5).

LAFFAN, see Lauffan.

LALARTor L'ALLARD or L'ALLART, John Baptist, alias Peters or Petre S.O. before 1714 (CRS . 62/97,200)

b . 1693, Arras S.J. 1715. Priest To England d . 1743 , Boulogne -sur-Mer (Fo.7/430; CRS . 62/295).

LAMB alias for Davis. John.

LAMBE ,Anthonyalias Lampton S.O. 1609-12 (19; CRS . 54/251-2).

b. c . 1592, Cufaude , Hampshire . E.C. Rome 1612-17 .Priest. S.J. 1617. d . 1668, Watten (CRS . 37/165;54/251-2;Ans.2/181; Fo.6/263 ; 7/430)

LAMBERT or LAMBERTH, John S.O. 1734-c . 36 (1;7). ?From Sussex.?s. ofJohn and Catherine (Percy). ?br. of Joseph.

LAMBERT or LAMBERTH, Joseph S.O. 1734-9 (1; 7; CRS . 40/196) b . 1722, Sussex s of John and Catherine (Percy) ?br ofJohn E.C. Rome 1739-41 . (CRS . 40/196; Fo.6/487).

LAMBERTalias for Lacon, Edwardand John See Kemp, Lambert

LAMPTON, Ignatiusalias for Cuffaud, Geoffrey LAMPTON,.S.O c . 1734 (7; 8).


LAMPTONalias for Lambe , Anthony.

LANCASTER, Edward B. c . 1764-c . 65 (8).

LANCASTER, George S.O. c . 1749-55 (2; 3;4; 8; 22).

?From Lancashire

LANCASTER,John S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148-9).

?From Rainhill,Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1632-6.d . 1636 , Madrid. (CRS . 30/148-9).

LANCASTER, John B. ?-1770(8).

?From Maryland.

LANCASTER, Thomas S.O. c . 1698 (75 , f. 32v). ?br ofLancaster ,below .

LANCASTER , Thomas S.O. ?-1712 (CRS . 40/148).

b. c . 1690. From Lancashire s . of John and Catherine?of Rainhill. E.C.Rome 1712-19 . Priest. To England d . ?1752 , Lancashire . (CRS . 12/8; 40/148; Ans.6; Fo.6/462 ; ?E. and P. 121)

LANCASTER , William S.O. c . 1731 (7)

LANCASTER, William B. 1764-5 (2;6; 8).

?From London.

LANCASTER,. S.O. c . 1698 (75,f. 32v).

?br. ofThomas.

LANCASTERalias for Allen,William.

LAND, Thomas- alias for Collins, John

LANE, Bonaventure S.O. c . 1700-02 (75 , f 41v,45v).

b . 1684, Hampshire S.J. 1706.Priest. To England d . 1750 , Dunkenhalgh , Lancashire (Fo.7/432).

LANE, James S.O. ?-1758(86).

b . 1737 , Worcestershire . S.J. 1758. Priest . To England d . 1821 , Norwich (Fo.7/432)

LANE, James B. ?-1773 (15;58).

LANE, Richard alias Lenny. S.O. 1599-1600 (CRS . 30/84).

b . 1585, Chichester E.C. Valladolid 1600-08 Priest To England d . 1656 (CRS . 30/64; Ans.2/183).

LANE* , Thomas . S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1646(or later) (5). ?LANE, William ?S.O ?-1692 (CRS . 30/177-8).

b . 1672, Norfolk E.C. Valladolid 1692-9. Priest S.J. 1699. To England d . 1752,Winchester . (CRS . 30/178; Fo.7/432-3).

LANEalias for Harcourt, Francis; Nicholson, Francis LANGDALE* , Daniel S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1650 (orlater) (5).

LANGDALE* , Edward . S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624(or later) (5).

LANGDALE, Marmaduke S.O. and B. 1760-5 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1748 , Manchester s . ofPhilip br ofPhilip S.J. 1766. Priest. To England d . 1786 , Wigan (Fo.7 /434-5; Ki . 147).

LANGDALE, Philip B. 1763-5 (2; 6; 8)

s . of Philip. br. ofMarmaduke .

LANGDALE, Thomas S.O. ?-1683 (13)

Maybe the same as Ryther, Thomas LANGHORNE, Charles alias Legate S.O. ?-1677 (CRS . 30/169 , 172).

b . 1660 . From London s of Blessed Richard and Dorothy (Legate). br. of Francis and Richard. E.C. Valladolid 1677-84 . Priest. To England d . 1723, ?St Germain (CRS . 30/169, 172; RH.1 /283; Chad.1/203; Gil.4/130; LR.5/111; Pa . 16;Ans.5)

LANGHORNE, Francis alias Legate S.O. ?-1677 (CRS . 29/101).

s.of BlessedRichard and Dorothy (Legate) br ofCharles and Richard . E.C. Madrid 1677-80 . E.C. Valladolid 1680-2 . E.C. Madrid 1682. Priest E.C. Valladolid 1682-? E.C. Madrid ?-1684 To England d . 1709. (CRS . 29/101 , 158-9; 30/169-72; Chad . 1/203; Gil.4/130; RH.1/233; LR.5/111; Ans.5)

LANGHORNE , Richardalias Legate S.O. ?-1672 (RSC . 51)

s .ofBlessed Richardand Dorothy(Legate) br. ofCharles and Francis . S.C. Douay 1672-3. d . 1719. (RSC . 51-2 ; Chad.1/203; Gil.4/130; RH.1/233 ; Pa . 16; E. and P. 63).

LANGLEY* , Francis S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1640 (5)

LANGLEY* , John S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1658 (or later)(5).

?E . C. Seville 1659-63 ?Priest . (89).

LANGLEYalias for Hodgson, Edmundand John.

LANGON , Nicholas . S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1613(19)

LANGTON, Thomas alias Harrison, Joseph S.O. ?-1665 (CRS . 55/607).

b . 1642, Newton, Lancashire s of Edward and Helen (Harrison). E.C. Rome 1665-c . 69 .Priest d . 1710 (CRS . 23/108n; 40/72; 55/606-7; Ans.5; Fo.6/409)

LANGTON ,. B. ?-1767(26).

From Cadiz ?s . ofMichael . (CRS.8/381).

LANGTON alias for Bridges, Richard.

LANGWORTH, Charles S.O. 1758-? (6).

LANGWORTH, Robertalias Dickinson S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (75, ff. 8v, 9, 11v, 14v, 15v, 23)

?LANGWORTH, William ?S.O c . 1613 (70).

LANGWORTHsee Durand, Basil

LATCHETH, Thomas S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1694 (orlater) (75, ff. 6v, 8v, 11v , 12v)

LATHAM*orLATHOM, Francis S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (or later) (5).

LATHAM* or LATHOM, William.S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1649 (or later) (5).

LATHAMalias for Kirkham , Richard ; Mainwaring, Christopher, Edwardand George.

LATHOT, Henryalias Anderson S.O. ?-1645 (CRS . 55/494).

b. c . 1626, Lancaster . E.C. Rome 1645-51.Priest. To England (CRS . 40/35-6;55/494; Ans.2/185; Fo.6/364).

LA TOUR, John de S.O. 1661-2 (orlater)(5)

LATTINor LATIN, Patrick alias or vere Smith B. 1772 (or earlier) -1773 (14; 59; 60; CRS . 63/357).

?b . 1761. ?From Ireland ?s ofGeorge and Catherine O'Ferrall E.C. Douay 17734. ?E.A. Liège 1777-81 . ?m ElizabethSnow .


(CRS . 13/208; 63/266, 357 ; BuC).

LAUFFAN or LAFFAN, George B. 1765-9 (2; 6; 8). From London.

LAURENSON,James or John B. c . 1769-73 (2; 7; 8 ; 14;59; 60). ?From Witham, Essex ?E.A Liège 1773-9 ?Priest ?To England ?S.J 1803. d . ?1834 . (Fo.7/437; CRS . 13/208).

LAURENSON, Richardalias Billinge S.O. 1728-33 (2; 7; CRS . 30/187-8).

b . 1713-4, Lancashire . ?s. of John and Mary (Bradshaw) E.C. Valladolid 1733-9 Priest . S.J. 1739.To England d . 1769 , CrondonPark, Essex (CRS . 30/188; Ans.6; Fo.7/438).

LA VIEFVILLE* , Charles de S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1653 (orlater) (5)

LAWE or LOW , Nicholas S.O. ?-1600 (CRS . 30/61). b c . 1584. From Lancashire s . ofThomas E.C. Valladolid 1600-04 E.C. Douay 1604-07. Priest. To England d . 1624 . (CRS . 30/61; 10/57 , 76, 85; Ans.2/204)

LAWFORD- alias for Baker, -

LAWS, Anthony alias Butler. S.O. 1742-8 (1;2; 3).

b . 1727 , London S.J. 1748-9 ( 9. (Fo.7/440)

LAWSON , Henryalias Whitfield , Cuthbert S.O. 1653 (orearlier) -1656(5).

b . 1628, Northumberland S.J. 1656. Priest To England . d . 1679 , a prisonerin York Castle. (Fo.7/440)

LAWSON , Henryalias Shelley S.O. 1725-c . 30 (7;21)

b . 1712 . s . of Sir John , 3rd Bart and Mary (Shelley) of Brough Hall,Yorkshire br ofJohn and Thomas 4th Bart. 1739. m. Anastasia Maire d 1781. (Ki . 148; BuEB;Surt . 131/95).

LAWSON , Henry alias Maire. S.O. and B. 17624 (2; 6; 8; CRS . 40/ 219-20).

b . 1750-1, Yorkshire s ofSir Henry,4th Bart and Anastasia (Maire) of BroughHall, Yorkshire br of John E.C.Rome 1764-70 6th Bart 1811.Changed name to Maire and backto Lawson m (1) MonicaStapleton(2) Catherine Fermor d . 1834 , Brough Hall,Yorks. (CRS . 40/219-20; Ki . 149; BuEB; Gil.4/166-9; Fo.6/501; CRS . 12/208).

LAWSON , Henry B. ?-1773 (15; 58; 59; 60).

b . 1763, York. s . ofJohnand Elizabeth(Selby). br ofJohn and Thomas . O.S.B. Douay 1784. Priest To England d . 1829 , Morpeth (Bi . 137; BuEB)

LAWSON , John S.O. 1693-c . 1701 (75, ff.9v, 43v, 65v).

?s. ofSir Henry, 2nd Bart and Elizabeth(Knightley)of Brough Hall,Yorkshire. ?m Mary Shelley . ?3rd Bart. 1725 . d . ?1739, York (CRS.4/254; E. andP.324).

LAWSON , John S.O. c . 1733-38 (1 ;2; 7; 21)

b . 1722 .s. ofSir John , 3rd Bart and Mary (Shelley) br.of Henryand Thomas m. ElizabethSelby d . 1791 , London (BuEB; CRS . 12/36; Surt . 131/96).


LAWSON , Johnalias Maire S.O. and B. c . 1758-c . 63 (2;8; 38/42).

b . 1744.s.of Sir Henry,4th Bart and Anastasia (Maire) of Brough Hall , Yorkshire. br of Henry. 5th Bart. 1781. m.(1) ElizabethScarisbrick(2) MonicaStapleton d . 1811 (BuEB; Ki . 148-9; Chad.1/286; Surt.1 /118).

LAWSON , Johnalias Selby B. c . 1768-73 (2; 7; 8; 14; 59; 60).

b. c . 1760 s. ofJohn and Elizabeth(Selby) of of Henry and Thomas E.A. Liège 1777-8. m. Clarinda Bermingham (née Fallan) d . 1832, Richmond, Yorkshire (BuEB; Ki . 148; CRS . 13/208; Fo.5/714n).

LAWSON , Thomas S.O. ?-1684 (Fo.5/709;Gil.4/170)

b . 1666, Yorkshire. s . ofSir John, 1st Bart and Catherine (Howard) S.J. 1684. Priest To England . d . 1750, St Omers College. (BuEB; Gil.4/170-1; Ki . 149; Surt . 131/96; Fo.5/402, 709; 7/440-1)

LAWSON , Thomas S.O. c . 1732-6 (1;2; 7; 13; 21).

b . 1720. s . ofSir John, 3rd Bart and Mary (Shelley) br of Henryand John S.J. 1736.Priest To England . d . 1807 , London. (BuEB; Gil.4/172-4; Ki . 149; Surt . 131/96; Fo.5/709-12; 7/442)

LAWSON , Thomas alias Selby B. c . 1768-73 (2; 7; 8 ; 14; 59 ; 60).

b . 1758, York s of Johnand Elizabeth(Selby) br ofJohn and Henry ?St. G.Douay c . 1778. O.S.B. Douay 1778.Priest .To England . d . 1830, Salford, Warwickshire (BuEB ; Ki . 148; Bi . 137; BSG; CRS . 12/188)

LAYTON, Francisalias for Pole ,Henry

LAYTON,John alias Port.S.O. 1604-8 (CRS . 54/196-7).

b . 1588-9, Gatenby, Yorkshire s . of- Layton and Dorothy (Gerard) br ofThomas . half-br ofPeckham, Robert E.C. Rome 1608-11/12 Priest S.J. 1612.To England d . 1624 , Crosby, Lancashire . (CRS . 37/150-1;54/196-7; Ave.1/239 ; Ans.2/186; Fo.3 /109-110; 6/248; 7/442)

LAYTON* , John. S.O. 1633-6 (or later) (5). ?E.C. Seville ?-1642 . ?Priest (Ans.2/186).

LAYTON, Joseph see Houseman,Christopher. LAYTON , Thomas alias Port S.O. ?-c . 1611 (33/225; CRS . 29/85-6; 30/118)

b . 1592/3/4, Lancashire. s. of- Layton and Dorothy(Gerard) br.ofJohn half-br ofPeckham, Robert E.C.Madrid c . 1611-4

E.C. Valladolid 1614-5 S.J. 1615. Priest . d . 1661 ,St Omers College. (CRS . 29/85-6; 30/118; 54/196-7; Ave.1/239 ; Fo.3/110-2; 7/442-3)

LAYTON alias for Leigh, Alexander, John and Philip.

LAZENBY , Johnalias Badnam S.O. ?-1675 (13).

b . 1655, Oxfordshire S.J. 1675. Priest ToEngland d . 1724 , London. (Fo.7 /443)

LEA or LEE- alias forVines,Henry

LECATOIRE, Joseph de B. ?-1773 (15; 58;59)


From Tournai.

LECKONBY , Richard S.O. ?-1720(CRS . 62/263, 274; Fo.7/445).

b . 1699, Lancashire s ofJohn and Anne (Hoole) of Great Eccleston , Lancashire br of Thomas S.J. 1720.Priest.To England d . 1771, Croxton, Lancashire. (Fo.7/445)

LECKONBY , Thomas S.O. ?-1721 (63/1723).

b . 1702-3 , Lancashire s ofJohn and Anne (Hoole).ofGreat Eccleston , Lancashire br of Richard S.J. 1721.Priest.To Maryland d . 1734, Portobacco , Maryland (Fo.7/445; CRS. 6/166n; Hu . Text 2/289).

LECKONBY, Thomas S.O. 1730-6 (1 ; 7; 13; 21)

b . 1717, Lancashire s . ofWilliam and Anne (Hothersall) of Great Eccleston , Lancashire. S.J. 1736.Priest. To England. d . 1778, Pontop, Durham. (Fo.7 /445; Ki . 149-50; E. andP. 132-3; RH.1 /37).

LECKONBYalias forWhite, John and Luke .

LEE, George. S.O. and B. 1761-8 (2;6;8)

?From Wiltshire

LEE, John. S.O. ?-1678 (13)

b . 1657 , Kent S.J. 1678.Priest To England . d . 1687 , in England . (Fo.7/446).

LEE, Robert. B. c . 1764 (2).


?From Wiltshire.

B. 1769-? (28, f. 13).

LEE alias for Baduley, Robert and William; Sheldon , Edward See Lea. LEEDES , Edwardalias Courtney S.O. ?-1618 (70;Fo.7/447;Gil. 4/186).

b . 1598-9 , Wappingthorne , Sussex . s . ofSir Thomas and Mary (Leedes) ofWappingthorne br ofThomas and anotherbelow"

E.C. Rome 1618-21 . S.J. 1621. Priest To England d . 1677 , St Omers College (CRS . 37/188; Gil.4/186-8; Fo.1/251-68; 6/287; 7/447) .

LEEDES , Thomas alias Courtney. S.O. 1610-15 (70; CRS . 54/286-8)

b . 1594, Wappingthorne , Sussex s ofSir Thomas andMary (Leedes) ofWappingthornebr ofEdwardand anotherbelow .

E.C. Rome 1615-18 S.J. 1618. d . 1668 , Rome (CRS . 37/176-7; 54/286-8; Ans.2/189; Gil.4/186, 187; Fo.1/246-51 ;6/273-4; 7/447,1439).

LEEDES ,. S.O c . 1613 (70)

s.ofSir Thomas and Mary (Leedes) ofWappingthorne, Sussex br ofEdward and Thomas.

LEEKE alias for Allen, Gilbert or Francis.

LEEMING orLIMING, Edmund . S.O. c . 1595 (CRS . 30/39).

b . 1578 , Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1596-8 S.J. 1598.d.

c . 1599, as a novice (CRS . 30/39; Fo.7/1440)

LEERMANS, see Leirmans.

LEGATE,Johnalias Wilson, Thomas S.O. 1629-34 (5; CRS . 55/443).

b . 1615, near Salisbury ,Wiltshire E.C.Rome 1634-5 . S.J. 1635. Priest .To England d . 1672 , Suffolk district (CRS . 40/13; 55/443; Fo.5/774; 6/339; 7/448).

LEGATEalias for Langhorne ,Charles, Francis and Richard.

LE HUNT or HUNT, Edward alias Durand S.O. ?-1663 (CRS . 55/596-7)

b . 1641, Barrowden , Rutland s ofJohnand Elizabeth (Wallaston) E.C. Rome 1663-70 Priest. To England (CRS 40/69; 55/596-7; Ans.5 ; Fo.6/407)

LE HUNT, William S.O. ?-1693 (75, f. 7).

b . 1668 From London s ofJohn and Catherine E.C. Rome 1693-26.Priest (CRS . 40/114; LR.5/20-41; Ans.5).

LEIGH , Alexanderalias Layton. S.O. 1696-1700 (75 , ff. 26v,33v , 41v, 44v)

b . 1681, Lancashire s . ofRichardand Emerentia S.J. 1700. Priest To England d . 1748, in England (Fo.7/448; CRS.6/220n)

LEIGH,John alias Layton S.O. 1655 (orearlier) -1660 (5).

b . 1639, Lancashire s of Alexanderand Anne (Layton) of Orrell, Wigan Lancashire br ofPhilip. S.J. 1660. Priest.To England d . 1703, Mechlin (Fo.7 /448-9 ; CRS.6/220n;Gil.4/191)

LEIGH, Philip alias Layton and Metcalfe S.O. 1667 (orearlier) -1671 (5; CRS . 55/613-4)

b . 1651, Lancashire s ofAlexanderand Anne (Layton)of Orrell,Wigan, Lancashire br of John E.C. Rome 1671-8.Priest S.J. 1678. To England d . 1717, Holywell (CRS.6/220n; 40/83-4; 55/613-4; Gil.4/1914; Ki . 150; Fo.5 /6614;6/418,516; 7/449).

LEIGH, Roger.S.O. 1726 (or earlier) -1728 (2;7).

b . 1708, Lancashire s ofRoger (orJames) and Alice (Catterick or Catterall) S.J. 1728. Priest To England . d . 1781, Lancashire (Fo.7 /449-50; Ki . 150)


LEIGH, ?S.O c . 1613 (70)

From Staffordshire. ?br. of nextbelow.

?LEIGH, - . -.?S.O. c . 1613 (70).

From Staffordshire ?br. ofnext above .

LEIGH alias for Rudge,William.

LEIRMANS or LEERMANS,.S.O c . 1755 (2;4). (?Pa . 67-8)

LEISSOMalias for Wadham , Richard.

LE NEVE, William S.O. c . 1758 (2).

LENNYalias for Lane, Richard

LEONARD* , Francis S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1649 (5).

LEOPARDor LEPPARDalias for Lewis,John

LEPTONalias for Clapton, John

LEROY* , Anthony . S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1660 (5).

LESLY or LESLIE,.S.O c . 1729 (7).

LESTERor LISTER, Christopher S.O. 1598-1600 (HMC . Salisbury 10/144,229).

s . ofRichard ofWidnes, Lancashire br ofJohn E.C.Seville 1600-c . 04 . Priest To England (CRS . 10/65; Ans.2/200-01; RH.9 /168)

LESTER* , Edward S.O. 1613-? (19).

LESTERorLISTER, John S.O. 1597-1600(77).

s.of RichardofWidnes, ofChristopher.

LESTER* or LISTER, Thomas S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1612 (or later) (19)

LESTER* , William S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1648 (or later) (5).

LEVART, Peter alias Trovel S.O. ?-1642 (Fo.6/624).

b. c . 1622-3 From London E.C. Rome 1642-3 (CRS . 40/27; Fo.6/356,624).

LEVINGE, Henry. S.O. 1714- ? (CRS . 62/133)

LEVISON or LEVESON, Edward S.O. ?-1662 (Gil.4/201; Fo.7/455).

b . 1642, Staffordshire s . ofJohn and Isabel (Langtree)of Willenhall, Staffordshire br of Richard E.C.Rome 1662-9 . Priest S.J. 1669. To England d . 1720, London (Gil.4/201-2; Ki . 150; CRS . 40/66; Pa . 112;Ans.5; Fo.4/677-8 ;5/957; 6/404; 7/455-6; SCH.3/12)

LEVISON or LEVESON, Richard. S.O. ?-1670 (Gil.4/201)

b . 1649, Staffordshire s. ofJohn and Isabel (Langtree)of Willenhall, Staffordshire br ofEdward S.J. 1670. Priest:To England d . 1715, Staffordshire (Gil.4/201-2; Fo.4/677-8; 7/456; SCH.3/12).

LEVISON alias for Gifford or Giffard, Edward and William . LEWIS, David alias Baker, Charles S.O. ?-1690 (Fo.7/458).

b . 1671 From Monmouthshire. s. ofRichard and Mary E.C. Rome 1690-1. Priest d before 1741 , ?Rome . (CRS . 40/110; Fo.6 /440; 7/458)

LEWIS, Jamesalias Petre S.O. 1726-31 (7;21; CRS . 40/185).

b . 1712 . s.of Hugh and Winefrid (Petre) of Brecon . E.C. Rome 1731-2 . (CRS . 40/185-6; Fo.6/481; 7/1476).

LEWIS , James. S.O. c . 1738-48 (2;3).

b . 1731, London s ofJohn S.J. 1748. Priest To England. d . 1776, London (Fo.7/458).

LEWIS, James S.O. c . 1760 (2).

LEWIS, John alias Prichard S.O. ?-1631 (Fo.7/458).

b . 1610 From Wales S.J. 1631. Priest To England . d . 1648 , SouthWales . (Fo.7/458-9). ?LEWIS, John. ?S.O. c . 1680 (Gil.4/209)

b . Denbighshire

LEWIS , John . S.Ŏ. ?-1698/9(Fo.7 /459). S.J. 1698/9-?

LEWIS , John S.O. c . 1724-32 (1; 7)

LEWIS, John alias Leopard or Leppard S.O. ?-1740 (2; 13).

b . 1721, Northamptonshire S.J. 1740. Priest.To Maryland. d . 1788, Bohemia , Maryland (Fo.7/459; Hu . Text 2/694).


LEWIS , Theodorealias Shelley, Francis S.O. ?-1654 (Fo.5/784).

b . 1633-4 , ?Winchester s ofWilliam and Alice S.J. 1754. Priest. To England d . 1707, Brambridge , near Winchester . (Fo.5 /784; 7/459; Ki . 151 ; DNB.s.v.Lewis , William)

LEWIS alias for Culcheth, Thomas; Gage, John; Kemys,John; Saltmarsh , Edward See Smith, Thomas.

LEYCOURT* , Peter. S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1642 (5)

LEYCOURT* , Stephen S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1642 (or later)(5)

LEYTON alias for Clapton, John.

LIBANUSalias forParry, Henry and Pierce .

LIMING, see Leeming

LINAKER, John alias Ludford S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (19; CRS . 30/116).

b. c . 1591, Norfolk E.C.Valladolid 1614-15 . d . 1615, Valladolid. (CRS . 30/116).

LINCOLN, Robert ?vere Atkinson B. 1767-? (2; 6; 8)

Maybethe brother ofAtkinson, John alias Lincoln

LINCOLN alias forAtkinson,John.

LINE or LYNE, Francis alias Hall, S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623(5).

b . 1595 , London or Buckinghamshire S.J. 1623.Priest.To England . d . 1675, Liège. (Fo.7 /461 ; Gil.4/251; Rei . 294-300)

LINE orLYNDE, George alias Lutterell S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1670 (5).

b . 1649, London s of Alexander E.C. Rome 1670-77 .Priest. Chaplain , Augustinians, Louvain d . 1715, Louvain (CRS . 40/82; Fo.6/417; Dod.3/479)

LINE* , Thomas S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (or later) (19).

LINGENalias forPye, Edward, Henry,John and Walter.

LISTER, see Lester.

LLOYD , Davidalias Brown, Daniel S.O. 1621-2 (CRS . 55/368-70).

b . 1601/2, Rhosgill, Caernarvonshire E.C.Rome 1622-9

Priest d c . 1650, lost at sea (CRS . 37/200; 55/368-70; Ans 2/201; Fo.4/521-2;6/300)

LLOYD, Robert. S.O. ?-1726 (7)

May be the same as Floyd, Robert.

LLOYD, .S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/140).

LLOYD, .S.O c . 1714 (CRS . 62/140).

?LOANE, . ?S.O ?c . 1613 (70).

From Kent.

LOBB, Emmanuelalias Simeon or Simons , Joseph S.O. c . 1611-16 (19 ; CRS . 54/298-9). b . 1593, Portsmouth E.C. Rome 1616-19 .S.J. 1619.Priest. To England d . 1671 , London (CRS . 37/180; 49/Portsea/2; 54/299; Gil.4/292; Dod.3/317-8 ; Chad.1/136-8, 178;Fo. 1/272n-3; 6/278; 7/463-4).

?LOBB, alias Simons or Simeon ?S.O ?-c . 1710 (CRS . 62/119).

LOCKHART or LOCKHARD , Thomas S.O. ?-1693 (11)

b . 1672, Herefordshire S.J. 1693. Priest To England d . 1744, Brinn, Lancashire (Fo.7/464).

LODGE or LUDD, Thomas S.O. c . 1738-44 (2; 3;4; 13)

b . 1726, Yorkshire S.J. 1744. Priest ToEngland d . 1764 , Lanherne , Cornwall (Fo.7/464; Oliver 1/136)

LOMAX , John. S.O. ?-1692 (CRS . 30/176-8). From Suffolk s ofJohn and Margaret of Redlingfield, Suffolk. E.C. Valladolid 1692-9 Priest To England . d . 1732 , ?Moseley, Staffordshire (CRS . 30/176-8; Gil.4/323;Ki . 152; CRS . 12/3; Pa . 62; E. and P. 256).

LONG, Walter S.O. c . 1730 (7).

LONGFORDor LONGFORTalias forMarkham,Gilbert.

LONGUEVILLE , Thomas S.O. ?-1617 (CRS . 54/310-12).

b . 1598, near Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire s ofSir Henryand Elizabeth(Cotton) ofWolverton, Buckinghamshire . br of Longueville below E.C. Rome 1617-23 Priest . To England. (88; CRS . 37/185-6; 54/310-12 ; Gil.4/328; Fo.6/284; Ans 2/202-3).

LONGUEVILLE,.S.O. ?-1617 (CRS . 54/311).

s.ofSir Henry and Elizabeth(Cotton) ofWolverton, Buckinghamshire br ofThomas (88; Gil.4/328; CRS . 54/310)

LORAINE, . B. 1770-1 (orlater) (2; 8).

?From Northumberland.

?LOVE, John. ?S.O c . 1735 (69, f 47v)

LOVELL* , Anthony S.O. 1647 (orearlier) -1650(or later)(5).

?LOVELL, Charles ?S.O . ?-1634 (CRS . 30/153-154; Ans.2/203).

E.C. Valladolid 1634-8 . Priest To England (CRS . 30/154; Ans.2/203)

LOVELL* , Charles S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1650 (or later) (5).

LOVELL, George S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1669 (5).

b . 1650 , Oxfordshire S.J. 1669. Priest To England d . 1720 , Ince Blundell, Lancashire (Fo.7 /466; CRS.8/384-5)

LOVELL* , Henry S.O. 1632-5 (or later) (5)

LOVELL* , Henry S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1639 (or later) (5)

LOVELL* , John. S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1636 (or later) (5).

LOVELL* , John S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1653 (or later) (5).

LOVELL, Richard S.O. ?-1616(CRS . 54/289). b . 1597 ,Surrey. E.C. Rome 1616-8. (CRS . 37/177; 54/289; Fo.6/275).

LOVELL* , William S.O. 1652-9 (5).

LOVETT, Thomasalias for Martin, Lawrence.

LOW , Nicholassee Lawe .

LOW* , Richard S.O. c . 1701 (75 ,ff.43v,44v).

LOWE, David S.O. and B. 1760-5 (2;6; 8).

?From the West Indies ?br. ofWilliam.

LOWE, William S.O. and B. 1761-6 (2;6; 8).

?From the West Indies ?br. ofDavid

LOWER,William S.O. ?-1722 (63/1723).

b . 1704, London S.J. 1722. Priest d . 1743, Rome (Fo.7/467).

LUCAR* , Edward S.O. 1646 (orearlier) -1647 (orlater) (5)

LUCAS, Anthony S.O. c . 1650 (Gil.4/336; Fo.7/467).

b . 1633, Durham Priest (date and place notfound).

S.J. 1662. d . 1693, Watten (Fo.7 /467; Gil.4/336).

LUCAS, Bernard alias Hall S.O. and B. 1759-c . 63 (2;6).

s ofTimothy

LUCAS, John alias forBertie, Jerome -

LUCAS alias for Burke , Charles

LUCKER or LUCKET, Thomas B. 1770-3 (2; 7; 8; 15; 58; 60) From Norwich

LUCKINS, John S.O. c . 1699-1701 (75, ff 35v,42v,43v,44).

s. of Thomas d . 1701 , ?St Omers College.

LUCKINSalias for Hughes, James .

LUCY, Robert S.O. ?-c . 1611 (CRS . 29/85 , 241)

E.C. Madrid 1611-?

LUCY, Sampsonalias for Oates , Titus.

LUCY or LUCIE,.S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/12 , 220 , 227).

s . ofCharles.

LUDD, see Lodge

LUDFORDalias for Linaker,John.

LUNGATEE , Melicant S.O. c . 1713 (62/32). ?From Dunkirk

LUSHER, Edward S.O. 1606-8 (CRS . 30/99).

b . 1587, Norwich E.C.Valladolid 1608-9 . To Madrid 1609-10 .

S.J. 1610. Priest . To England d . 1665, London (CRS . 30/99; Fo.7 /468)

LUSHER, Edwardalias More S.O. c . 1648-c . 53 (CRS . 55/554-5).

b c . 1628 , London s ofHenry and Frances (More)

E.C. Rome 1655-61 Priest . To England (CRS . 40/57;55/554-5; Ans.2/205; ER . 17/92; Fo.6/393; LR.2/64-6).

LUSHER, Thomas S.O. 15934 (CRS . 30/28-9).

b. c . 1575, Norfolk E.C. Valladolid 1594-9.Priest.To England (CRS . 30/28-9 ; Ans.1/216).

LUTLEY* ,Martin S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1655(orlater)(5)

LUTTRELLor LUTTERELL- alias for Copley, John; Keynes, Alexanderand Maximilian; Line or Lynde,George.

LYNCH , Edward B. 1767-c . 69 (2;6;8).

?From the West Indies ?s ofStephen ?br ofJames and Stephen.

IYNCH, Felix. S.O. ?-1714(CRS . 62/166).

LYNCH, James S.O. and B. 1762-7 (2; 6;8)

?From the West Indies . ?s. ofStephen . ?br. ofEdwardand Stephen

LYNCH, John. S.O. 1730-c . 36 ( 1;7).

LYNCH, John B. 1765-6 (2; 8).

?From the West Indies

LYNCH, Stephen . S.O. 1735-c . 38 (2; 7)

LYNCH, Stephen B. 1767-c . 71 (2; 6;8)

?FromtheWest Indies ?s ofStephen ?br ofEdwardand James.

LYNCH , Thomas B. 1766-7 (2;6; 8)

From London s of Isidore ?and Judith (Meade). br of Lynch, next but one below


LYNCH, S.O. c . 1753 (2;4). B. 1773 (7; 14; 60)

From London, s of Isidore ?and Judith (Meade) br of Thomas .

LYNE or LYNDE see Line.

LYSAGHT ,- . S.O 1756-8 (2;4)

MABERLEY orMOBERLEY,. B.?-1767(14;60).

From London.

MCCARTHYor McCARTHIE,James B. c . 17614(2;8).

MCCARTHY , .S.O. 1730-c . 32 (1 ;7).

s.ofJustin ?and Mary (Tuite). (LR.1/75).

MACDONAGH, Charlesalias Germins , Lewis S.O. 1714-? (CRS. 62/120, 202).

MACDONAGH, B. c . 1771-2 (2; 8; 59)

MACDONALD,alias Archison B. 1767-71 (2; 6; 8)

McGRATH , Michael B. c . 1770-3 (14;60)

s. ofEdmund ofCloney, near Ennis, county Clare br of Robert

McGRATH, Robert B. c . 1770-3 (14;60)

s. of Edmund ofCloney, near Ennis, county Michael

MACKENZIE , Alexanderalias or vereClinton S.O. 1749 (RSC . 83)

b . 1730, Scotland s . of Kennethand Catherine (Gordon).

S.C. Douay 1740-9 S.J. 1749/50 Priest.To England d . 1800 , Dublin. (RSC . 83; Fo.7/141-2; Gil.4/388-9).

MACKENZIE, ?Kenneth S.O. c . 1735 (7).

b . 1717 . s . ofWilliam, 5th Earland 2nd titularMarquess of Seaforthand Mary (Kennet).Styled Lord Fortrose m .Mary Stewart d . 1761, London (GEC; Ruv . 163)

MACKENZIE,William S.O. c . 1702 (Fo.7/455).

b. c . 1690 s ofKenneth,4th Earl and 1st titularMarquess ofSeaforthand Lady Frances (Herbert). 5th Earl 1701. m .Mary Kennet d . 1740, Isle of Lewis (GEC.; DNB; Ruv . 163; CRS.8/408)

MACKENZIE,.S.O. 1696-c . 99 (74 , ff. 5-6; 75, ff.56v ,57v,58v).

May be the same as Mackenzie , William above

MACKIE, David S.O. c . 1753-c . 55 (2; 3;4)

MACLEAN, ?Hector S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/235,269)

?b. c . 1704 ?s of Sir John, 4th Bart and Mary (Macpherson) of Morvaren ,Argyll ?Baron 1716 (created by James Edward) ?unm d . 1750-1 , Paris or Rome (GEC; BuP; Ruv . 101-2).

MCMAHON , Donatus or Denis B. 1769-73 (6; 14;58;59;60).

b . 1758. s . of Francis of Townagh, near Ennis, county Clare . br of Henry.E.C. Bornhem 1775-? (CRS . 25/166).

MCMAHON , Henry B. 1769-72 (2; 6; 14)

s. of Francis ofTownagh , near Ennis, county Clare. br.of Donatus

MACNAMARA , Michaelalias Connel S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1717 (CRS . 40/157; 62/45, 57)

b . 1696, Piedmont. s. ofJohn and Mary Elizabeth(O'Connell) E.C. Rome 1717-19 (CRS . 40/157).

MACNAMARA,.S.O. c . 1737 (2).

MACNENY , Patrick S.O. ?c . 1725-c . 30 (39/6). Later Count Neny (Fo.7/xliv-v; Chad.1/321, 337-8).

MADDOCK , John S.O. 1606-8 (CRS . 30/99).

b . 1590, Agden , Cheshire ?s ofJohn and Matilda. E.C. Valladolid 1608. Madrid E.C. Seville Priest To England (Ans.2/207; CRS . 30/99).

MADGEWORTH, Christopheralias Towneleyand Sands S.O. 1673-9 (13; HMC . 32/13/App.6/151; CST.7/370, 1263; CSP.Dom.Jan . 1679-Aug . 1680 , p . 87)

b . 1658-9 , Lancashire . s ofHugh ofPreston S.J. 1679. Priest To England . d . 1692 , Lancashire . (Fo.5 /133 ; 7/782; Chad.1/193)

?MADISON,Edwardalias Marberyand Missenden. ?S.O .before 1610 (CRS . 29/151).

b. c . 1589 From Lincolnshire s . of Edward and Catherine (Bosville) ofCaistor E.C. Valladolid 1610-11 . E.C. Douay 1611-17 Priest To England (CRS . 29/151 ; 30/111; 10/112 , 127, 144, 177; Ans.2/207).

MAGENNIS, Charles B. 1763-6 (2; 6; 8).

From Hammersmith s of Dr Magennis

MAGENNIS, .S.O. c . 1731 (1).

MAGUIER, Louis B. ?-1773 (14).

From Lille.

MAINWARING , Christopheralias Latham S.O. ?-1617 (CRS . 54/306-7).

b. c . 1596, Lancashire. s. ofOliver and Margaret (Torbock)of Windle, Prescot, Lancashire br of Edward and George.E.C. Rome1617-20 d . 1620 , Rome (CRS.6/133n ; 37/1834; 54/306-7; Fo.1/656n; 6/282)

MAINWARING, Edward alias Latham. S.O. 1615-22 (CRS . 54/346-7).

b . 1603-4, Lancashire. s . of Oliverand Margaret (Torbock)of Windle, Prescot, ofChristopherand George


E.C. Rome 1622-7 . To Paris 1627.Priest S.J. 1628.ToEngland. d . 1667, Oxford (CRS.6/133n; 37/198-9;54/346-7; Fo.1 /653-4; 6/298; 7/477-8; Ans.2/207)

MAINWARING, George alias Latham S.O. c . 1601-08 (CRS . 54/217-8)

b . 1590 , Lancashire. s of Oliverand Margaret (Torbock)of Windle, Prescot, Lancashire br ofChristopherand Edward. E.C. Rome 1609-12 . S.J. 1612. Priest d . 1631 , Mechlin. (CRS. 6/133n; 37/156; 54/217-8; Fo.1/654; 7/478).

MAINWARING, John see Mannering

MAINWARING, Joseph. S.O. 1675-6 (9/222).

b . 1654-5, Cheshire. S.J. 1676. d . 1678, not yet ordained . (Fo.7/478-9).

MAIRE, Christopher S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715(CRS . 62/59).

b . 1697 . s. ofChristopherand Frances (Ingleby)of Hartbushes , Durham br ofJames, Peter and Thomas S.J. 1715 . Priest d . 1767, Ghent . (Gil.4/3934;Ki . 154; RH . 10/340,345; Fo.5/653-5; 7/479-80).

MAIRE, Edward? alias Burdett S.O. c . 1735-42 (2;7)

b . 1726. s . ofGeorge and Mary (Hussey) of Hartbushes , Durham br ofGeorge and John S.J. 1742. Priest. To England d . 1797, London (Fo.7/480; RH.2/58; 10/341 , 345; Ki . 155).

MAIRE, George S.O. 1749-54 (2; 3; 4)

b . 1738.s. ofGeorge and Mary (Hussey) ofHartbushes , Durham. br of Edward and John S.J. 1754. Priest To England d . 1796, Aston, Staffordshire (Fo.7/480; Ki . 155; RH . 10/341 , 345)

MAIRE , James S.O. 1715-1725 (CRS . 62/17, 71, 254)

b . 1705 , Durham. s. of Christopherand Frances (Ingleby)of Hartbushes, Durham br.ofChristopher, Peter and Thomas S.J. 1725.Priest To England d . 1746, in England (Fo.7/480; RH . 10/341, 345).

MAIRE, John S.O. c . 1735-c . 42 (2; 7).

s. ofGeorge and Mary (Hussey) of Hartbushes , Edwardand George d unm c . 1786-7. (Ki 155, RH . 10/341 , 345; 2/62).

MAIRE, Peter. S.O. ?-1726 (40, f.243).

b . 1707, Durham. s of Christopherand Frances (Ingleby)of Hartbushes , Durham. br.ofChristopher, James and Thomas. S.J. 1726. Priest To England d . 1763, York (Fo.7/480; Gil 4/397; Ki . 154; RH . 10/341, 345).

MAIRE, Thomas S.O. 1714-20 (CRS . 62/17 ,71).

b . 1703, Durham s . of Christopherand Frances (Ingleby)of Hartbushes , Durham br ofChristopher, Jamesand Peter. S.J. 1720. Priest To England d . 1752, Leicester . (Fo.7/480-1; RH . 10/341 , 345)

MAIRE alias for Lawson, HenryandJohn

MAKINAN, .S.O c . 1658 (36, f. 166).

MALLETT* , Francis ?vere Hildesley S.O. ?-1612 (19). ?From Staffordshire ?E.C. Seville ?-1619 . ?Priest. ?E.C .Douay 1619-21 ?To England . (CRS . 10/150, 187; Ans.2/208).

MALLETTalias for Hildesley, Thomas,Walterand two others

MALLORY* , or MALLERY , John S.O. c . 1644 (5)

MALLORY* orMALLERY ,Robert S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1645 (or later)(5).

MALPAS, .S.Oc . 1739-42 (2). ? From Hampshire .

MANDEVILLE *,Ambrose S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1666(orlater)(5).

MANDEVILLE ,.S.O c . 1734 (7).

MANDEVILLE- alias for Middlemore, Humphrey. MANLY , Thomas alias Rogers. S.O. 1605-8 (CRS . 54/198).b. c . 1588, Broughton, Northamptonshire.s . of Manly and (Nichols) E.C. Rome 1608-11 . S.J. 1611. Priest d ?before

1620-1, place unknown (CRS . 37/151 ;54/197-8; Fo.6/248; 7/483-4).

MANNERING (?Mainwaring)* , John S.O. 1665-7 (or later) (5).

MANNERS, Charles alias Newton S.O. 16824 (or later) (9/323).

s . of John.9th Earl and 1st Duke ofRutland and Anne (Pierrepont). (Fo.5/88n; 7/1173; GEC).

MANNERS* , James S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1654(5; 36/2 ,f. 77).

MANNERS , James. S.O. ?-1693 (or later) (75,f.8v).

MANNERS , John alias Simcocks and Grosvenor S.O. 1628-31 (5; 16; Dod.3/314).

b . 1609-10 , London S.J. 1631. Priest To England d . 1695 , Paris (Gil.4/408-9 ; Fo.7/485; Chad.1/118; Dod.3/314)

MANNERS,* John S.O. 1657-9 (orlater) (5).

MANNERSalias for Metham , William; Smith, Endymion and Thomas; Vavasour , Henry.

MANNOCK , Francis alias Arthur. S.O. ?-1686 (13).

b . 1670, London s of Sir Francis , 2nd Bart and Mary (Heneage) ofGifford's Hall, Suffolk. S.J. 1686.Priest. To England d . 1748, York (Fo.7 /485-6; BuEB ; Gil.4/457-8; E. and P. 254)

MANNOCK, Francis S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1694 (75,ff. 7v , 14v; CRS . 62/315)

b. c . 1675 . s . ofSirWilliam, 3rd Bart and Ursula (Nevil) of Gifford's Hall, Suffolk br. ofWilliam.4th Bart 1714.m Frances Yates d . 1758. (BuEB ; E. and P. 257; Pa . 65; Fo.5/547 ped ).

MANNOCK, Francis S.O. c . 1725-c . 32 (7).

s. ofSir Francis,4th Bart and Frances (Yates) br ofGeorge, Thomas and William.7th Bart 1776. m. ElizabethStonor. d . 1778 (BuEB; Pa . 65 ; Fo.5/547 ped.).

MANNOCK, Francisalias for Wakeman, Benedict

MANNOCK ,George S.O. 1733-41 (1 ;2; 13).

b . 1724 , Suffolk s. of Sir Francis , 4th Bart. and Frances (Yates) ofGifford's Hall, Suffolk br. ofFrancis, Thomas and William S.J. 1741.Priest To England .9th Bart 1781.d . 1787 , near Dartford. (BuEB; Ki . 158; Pa . 65; Fo.5 /547 ped.,549-52; 7/486).

MANNOCK , Henryalias Young. S.O. ?-1604(CRS . 10/64)

b. c . 1586. From Norfolkor Suffolk s .ofEdmundand Catherine (Forth) of Holton, Suffolk. br. ofWilliam. E.C.Douay 1604-13 . Priest To England (CRS . 10/64, 77, 121 , 122;Ans 2/210)

MANNOCK, Johnalias Brown S.O. 1602-7 (CRS . 54/184-5).

b. c . 1587,Norfolk s ofWilliam and Audrey (Parys)of Gifford's Hall, Suffolk. E.C. Rome 1607-10. Priest(notknown where ordained) S.J. 1623. To England d . 1651 , Hampshire district. (CRS . 37/148; 54/184-5;Ans.2 /210-11 ; Fo.5/547ped.; 6/245-6 ; 7 /486-7).

MANNOCK, Thomas S.O. c . 1731 -c . 34 (1;7). s .ofSir Francis , 4th Bart. and Frances (Yates) ofGifford's Hall, Suffolk br ofFrancis , George and William 8th Bart. 1778. m (1) Mary Doughty (2) Anastasia Browne.d.1781 . (BuEB ; Fo.5/547 ped )

MANNOCK,William alias Young. S.O. 1598-1602 (CRS . 30/77).

b. c . 1580, Holton, Suffolk s ofEdmund and Catherine (Forth) br ofHenry. E.C. Valladolid 16024. E.C. Douay 1604-5 Priest. To England (CRS . 10/60 , 61, 67, 69, 70;30/77; Ans 2/211).

MANNOCK , William. S.O. ?-1693 (75, ff. 7v, 8v, 183v).

b . 1677 . From Norfolk s . of SirWilliam, 3rd Bart. and Ursula (Nevil) ofGifford's Hall, Suffolk. br ofFrancis E.C. Rome 1693-1700. To Paris,Douay and Liège Priest ?d . 1749 , Windsor. (BuEB; CRS . 12/7;40/113)

MANNOCK , William S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/270, 315)

s .ofSir Francis,4th Bart. and Frances (Yates) br. of Francis, George and Thomas . 5th Bart. 1758.m . (1) TeresaWright (2) ElizabethAlwynne d . 1764 (BuEB; Pa . 65; Fo.5/547 ped)

MANNOCK , WilliamAnthony.B. 1770-3 (2; 7; 8; 14; 59;60)

b . 1759 . s ofSirWilliam, 5thBart. and Elizabeth(Alwynne)

E.A. Liège 1773-6. 6th Bart. 1764. d unm. 1776, Liège. (17; BuEB; CRS . 13/208; Fo.5 /547 ped )

MANNOCKalias forPetre, John and Robert

MANSELL, Richardalias forWatson , Ignatius

MANSELL, Thomas alias Harding. S.O. ?-1686 (13).

b . 1668-9 , Oxfordshire ?br. ofWilliam S.J. 1686.Priest . To Maryland d . 1724, in Maryland (Fo.7 /487; Hu . Text 2/684).

MANSELL,William alias Harding. S.O. ?-1686(13)

b . 1669-70 , Oxfordshire. ?br. of Thomas S.J. 1686. Priest d . 1720, St Omers College (Fo.7/487).



MANSELL alias for Talbot, John and Thomas.

MANSFIELD, Francis S.O. ?-1709 (CRS . 40/149).

b . 1688. From Buckinghamshire s. ofEdward and Catherine (Windebank). E.C. Lisbon 1709-13 E.C.Rome 1713-4 .(CRS . 40/149; Fo.6/463).

MANSFIELD or MANFELD, Robert S.O. ?-1669 (Fo.7/484).

b . 1652, Surrey or Buckinghamshire s . of CountM. S.J. 1669. Priest d . 1708, Nancy (Fo.7 /158;Ki . 158)

MANSFIELD- alias for Talbot, John and Thomas

MARABEUF ,.S.O c . 1728 (7).

MARABEUF , .S.O c . 1728 (7).

MARBURY* , Roger ?vere More S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1640 (orlater)(5).


MARCH, see Marsh. - alias forMadison, Edward ; More, George.

MARCOTTE,William. S.O. ?-1694(75,f. 128v).

s of Nicholas ?of Saint-Omer .

MARK, John S.O. ?-1641 (Fo.7/488).

b . 1621 , Devonshire S.J. 1641. Priest.To England and Portugal (Fo.7/488).

MARKHAM , Gilbert alias Longford or Longfort S.O. 1633-8 (CRS . 55/457)

b . 1615, Ollerton, Nottinghamshire s ofGeorge and Judith (Withernwick). E.C. Rome 1638-9 d c . 1644, ofwounds, inthe CivilWar. (CRS . 40/18;55/457; Gil.4/462; Fo.6/345,616).

MARKHAM* , Peter Aloysius. S.O. 1657-63 (5).

MARKHAM , William alias Smith S.O. ?-1693 (75,f. 10v).

MAROLLE, Charles S.O. 1714-5 (or later) (CRS . 62/149,266).

From Lille . s . ofCaptainM.

MARSH,orMARCH, Anthony S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1642 (5; CRS . 30/160).

E.C. Valladolid 1642-9 .Priest d in Belgium (CRS . 30/160; Ans.2/211).

MARSH, John. S.O. ?-1651 (5; CRS.9/110).

b c . 1635. E.C. Valladolid c . 1651-60. Priest To England d 1694. (CRS.9/110; Ans.2/211;Ki . 159).

MARSH, John S.O. ?-1652 (CRS . 30/166n)

E.C. Valladolid 1652-4. d . 1654, not yet ordained ,Valladolid. (CRS . 30/166n; Fo.7/1441).

MARSH,William S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1631 (5)

b . 1615-6, Mechlin S.J. 1632. Priest To England d . 1688 , Ghent (Fo.7/488)

MARSH , William S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1658 (5).

b . 1637, Lancashire . S.J. 1658.Priest To England . d . 1681 , ?Lincolnshire (Fo.7/488)

MARSHor MARSHALLalias for Wall, William MARTIN, Alexander- alias for Courtney,William.


MARTIN* , Clement S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1649 (orlater) (5).

MARTIN* , Henry S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624(5).

MARTIN, Henry S.O. ?-1662 (Fo.7 /490)

b . 1642 From Norfolk s ofRichardand Jane (Bedingfeld ) of LongMelford, Suffolk br of John S.J. 1662. Priest To England .d . 1672, Hampshire district (Fo.7 /490;Gil.4/492).

MARTIN, Henryalias Munson S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1696 (75, ff 9v, 13v, 16v, 26v)

b c . 1674 s. of Sir Roger, 1st Bart. and Tamworth (Horner) ofLongMelford, Suffolk br ofJohn, Joseph and Roger (BuP).

MARTIN* , John S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1631 (or later) (5)

MARTIN* , John S.O. 1632-3 (or later) (5)

MARTIN* , John S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1648(5). ?St G. Douay. ?O.S.B. (BSG).

MARTIN, John S.O. ?-1667 (Fo.7/490).

b . 1645 . FromNorfolk s .ofRichard and Jane (Bedingfeld ) of LongMelford, Suffolk. br. ofHenry. S.J. 1667. Priest.To England. d . 1717, ?East Anglia (Fo.7 /490;Gil.4/492; ?E . and P. 63)

MARTIN, John alias Munson S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1696 (75, ff.9v, 13v, 16v, 26v).

b . 1677 . s . ofSir Roger, 1st Bart and Tamworth (Horner)of LongMelford,Suffolk br ofHenry, Joseph and Roger O.P. 1696. Priest To England d . 1761, LongMelford,Suffolk. (BuP; Gil.4/491-3; E. and P. 63 ; CRS . 25/109 , 132 , 150)

MARTIN, Joseph alias Munson S.O. 1699 (or earlier) -1701 (or later) (75, ff. 35v, 37, 42v, 43v, 45v).

b . 1688 s. of SirRoger, 1st Bart . and Tamworth (Horner)of LongMelford, Suffolk. br ofHenry, John and Roger.E.C.Douay 1712-20 . Priest To England d . 1729. (BuP; E. and P.255-6; CRS . 28/28, 37, 79; 63/110; 12/3).

MARTIN, Lawrence alias Lovett, Thomas S.O. 1606-12 (CRS . 54/250)

b . 1592, LongMelford, Suffolk. E.C.Rome 1612-? (CRS . 37/164; 54/250; Gil.4/492; Fo.6/262)

MARTIN, Roger S.O. c . 1690 (75 ,f.42v).

b . 1667 . s. ofSir Roger, 1st Bart and Tamworth (Horner)of LongMelford, Suffolk br ofHenry, John and Joseph. 2nd. Bart. 1712.m.Anna Maria Harvey . d . 1742. (BUP).

MARTIN* , Thomas S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1655 (5).

MARTIN* , Thomas S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1667 (5).

MARTIN*,William S.O. 1612-13 (orlater) (19).

MARTINASH, James S.O. c . 1698 (75, ff 60v, 62v, 64)

?br. ofJohn .

MARTINASH , John S.O. c . 1698 (75, ff 55v, 56v, 58v, 130v). ?br of James.

MARTINASH , Joseph S.O. 1708-14 (CRS . 40/153; 62/71 )

b . 1696, St. Germain s . ofJoseph and Elizabeth. E.C.Rome


1714-8 (CRS . 40/153; Fo.6/465).

MARTINDALE , John alias Holland S.O. ?-1689 (75,f. 7v).

b . 1666. From Lancashire. s .ofJohn E.C.Rome 1689-90 . S.J. 1690. Priest .To England d . 1734,NorthWales (CRS . 40/107; Fo.7/491).

MASCY, Francis S.O. ?-1633 (CRS . 30/170 and n) ?b . 1642 . ?s. of Richardand Frances or Mary (Plowden)of Rixton , Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1663.S.J. 1664.d . 1675 . (CRS.6/115n; 30/170; Fo.7/492).

MASCY, Richard S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1694(75, ff 7v, 13v; RSC . 63).

b . 1674 . s . ofFrancis and ElizabethofRixton, Lancashire. S.C. Douay 1694. m. (1) Elizabethor Catherine Dalton née Selby (2) Jane Fitzherbert d . 1724 (RSC . 62; ? E. and P. 122; ?CRS.6/115n)

MASCY , Thomas alias Middleton. S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1642 (5; CRS . 55/474).

b . 1622. s . of Hamletand Dorothy (Bradshaw) ofRixton , Lancashire E.C. Rome 1642-8. Priest To England d . 1678, London (CRS.3/102;40/27;55/474;Ans.2/213; Fo.6/356; Tem.1/70-1).

MASONor MAYSON, Francis alias Morley and Morter S.O. ?-1616 (CRS . 54/294).

b. c . 1593, Durham. s ofWilliam and Margaret (Hutcheson). E.C. Rome 1616-21 Priest. To England . S.J. 1623.d.1681, Durhamdistrict.(CRS . 37/179; 54/2934; Ans.2/212; Fo.6/276; 7/492).

MASON* , Thomas or Walter S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1644 (or later) (5)

MASON alias for Purcell, Francis .

MASSIEor MASSEY, Edward . S.O. 1752-6(2;3;4).

MASSEY, James B. ?-1773 (59).

?s. ofSir Thomas Stanley-Massey-Stanley, 7th Bart and Catherine (Salvin) of Hooton, Cheshire (BuP)

MASSEY, ?Johnalias orvere Hodges S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later) (CRS . 62/158)

b . 1698, London S.J. 1717.Priest To England d . 1760 , Hereford (Fo.7/492).

MASSEY alias for Edisford,George

MASSEYsee also Stanley-Massey.

MASTERor MASHTER, Francis alias Tichborne. S.O. 1698-1701 (75, ff 33v, 44v).

b . 1678-9 , Lancashire . S.J. 1701. Priest . To England d . 1723 , Grafton Manor, Worcestershire (Fo.7/491)

MATHEW , John. S.O. 1727-34 (1;7)

s. of Theobald ofAnnefield, Ireland br of Theobaldand Thomas .

MATHEW, Theobald S.O. 1727-c . 34 (1;7).

s. of Theobald ofAnnefield, Ireland br of John and Thomas.


MATHEW , Thomas S.O. c . 1727-34 (1;7). 175

s . ofTheobald ofAnnefield, Ireland. br. ofJohn and Theobald. MATHEW, S.O. 1728-c . 30 (7).

s . ofGeorge of Thurles , Ireland. br of Mathew next below .

MATHEW , - . S.O. c . 1730 (7).

s. of George of Thurles , Ireland br of Mathew next above .

MATHEWS,Edmund alias Poyntz. S.O. c . 1664-7 (5; CRS.3/59-81)

b. c . 1653. ?From Thurles ,Tipperary br of George next below. d . 1667 ,St Omers College (CRS.3/59-81 ; Chad.1/174; SM.4/797).

MATHEWS, George alias Poyntz S.O. 1665 (orearlier) -1668 (or later) (5; CRS.3/59-81)

?From Thurles ,Tipperary br.ofEdmund (CRS.3/59-81; Chad.1/176; SM.4/797).

MATHEWS , George. S.O. 1664-6 (5; CRS.3/59-81).

From Ireland d . 1666, returningto Ireland (CRS.3/59-81; SM.4/796).

MATHEWS, George S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -1695 (75, ff 16v, 165).

MATHEWSor MATHEW, George S.O. c . 1731 -c . 33 (7).

MATLEY , Edmundalias Tempest S.O. ?-1694(75,f. 164v)

b c . 1675, Cheshire s . ofThomas and Sybil. E.C. Rome 1694-9. (CRS . 40/117-8).

MATTHEWS, Ignatius S.O. c . 1754-6 (2;4; CRS . 30/190).

b . 1730, Maryland E.C. Valladolid 1756-63. Priest. S.J. 1763. To Maryland d . 1790, Newtown, Maryland. (CRS . 30/190; Fo.7/493; Hu . Text 2/554-6, 696).

MATTHEWS, James S.O. 1697-1703 (75, ff. 60v, 62v, 64v).

MATTHEWS alias forSwindall,Stephen.

MATTINGLEY, John S.O. and B. 1760-3 (2; 6; 8; CRS . 30/190-1).

b . 1745, Maryland E.C.Valladolid 1763-6.S.J. 1766.Priest.

To England d . 1807, Causetown , Ireland (CRS . 30/190-1; Ki . 160; Fo.7/494; Hu . Text 2/554-6, 704)

MAUDSLEY , John S.O. c . 1753 (2;4). ?From Lancashire.

MAUDSLEY , alias forTurner, Robert.

MAURICE, Georgealias for Keynes,Maurice

MAURICE, .S.O. 1600-? (CRS . 10/30).


MAURICE or MORRIS. S.O. before 1648 (CRS . 55/509-10).

s .ofWalterand Elizabeth(?Woodartor Woodward ) of Llantillioor Llanllowell, Monmouthshire d before 1648 , St Omers College (CRS . 55/509-10; Fo.6/373)

MAURICE alias forMorton,Walter.

MAWHOOD , William. S.O. 1735 (or earlier) -1737 (or later)(1; 2; 3;7).

b . 1724 . s ofWilliam and Mary (Living née Pace). m. Dorothy Kroger d . 1797, London. (RH.1/59-77; Gil.4/543-4; CRS . 50 passim).


MAXFIELDalias for Dorrington, Francis; Jakeman ,Francisand George

MAYorMAYHEW, Cuthbert. S.O. ?-1600 (CRS . 30/63)

b. c . 1580 From Wiltshire E.C.Valladolid 1600-03 .Priest E.C. Seville 1603. (CRS . 30/63; Ans.1/222-3; Gil.4/545; RH 9/168).

MAY , George. S.O. ?-1756(2).

MAY, Johnalias Aclam. S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1644 (5; CRS.9/108-9)

b. c . 1622,Wetherby, Yorkshire E.C.Valladolid 1644-51 .

Priest. To England d after 1692. (CRS.9/108-9; 30/163; Gil.4/545; Ki . 160; Ans.2/216; Fo.5 /679-80)

MAYBURN or MEABURN, Anthony S.O. 1671-? (CRS . 62/31).

s.ofJohn and (Smith) ofPontop, Durham m . (1) Elizabeth Sandford(2) Mary Lawes. d . 1733. (E. and P.54; Surt 173/162).

MAYBURN or MEABURN or MEABOURNE,-.S.O. ?-1732 (1 ;7)

?sofAnthony Mayburn ofPontop, Durham d . 1732 , ?St Omers College.

MAYES, -. S.O. c . 1737 (2).

MAYHEW, seeMay.

MAYLAN , see Moylen.

MAYNARDalias for Gadburyor Godbery,John and Richard MAYNE, David S.O. 1749-51 (2;3).

MAYSON, see Mason

MEADE ,Augustine B. 1770-73 (7; 15; 58 ; 59 ; 60; CRS . 63/360).

b . 1764. s. of AugustineofLondon br ofChristopher.

E.C. Douay 1775. (CRS . 63/270, 360, 363)

MEADE, Christopher B. 1770-73 (7; 15 ;58;59; 60; CRS . 63/360).

b . 1765 . s of Augustine of London br ofAugustine.

E.C. Douay 1775.(CRS . 63/270, 360, 363)

MEADE, James S.O. c . 1735-c . 39 (2;7)

MEADE , Johnalias Barret S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1716(CRS . 40/156; 62/18, 276)

b . 1697, Strassburg. s. ofDominic and Helen (Barret). E.C. Rome 1716-19 . (CRS . 40/156; Fo.6/466-7).

MEADE, Thomas B. 1766-c . 70 (2; 6; 7;8)

br. ofthe next.

MEADE , B. c . 1768 (7;8). br.of the next above .

MEAGHER ,-.S.O 1714-15 (orlater) (CRS . 62/150, 163 , 235).

s.of Thaddeus. From St Germain.

MEARA, Edmund S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1694 (75, ff.8v, 13v , 15v, 19v)

MEARA, George alias Brinkhurst. S.O. ?-1694 (11)

b . 1675, Berkshire . s. ofWilliam and Mary br. ofJohn and William S.J. 1694. Priest . To England d . 1739 , St Omers College (Fo.7/500)

MEARA, John alias Brinkhurst. S.O. ?-1698 (75, f. 59;Fo.5/639n).


b . 1676, Berkshire . s ofWilliam and Mary br ofGeorge and William E.C. Rome 1698-1704 Priest. To Paris d . 1733. (CRS . 40/124; Ans.5; Fo.6/449).

MEARA,William alias Brinkhurst. S.Ó. 1694 (or earlier) -1698 (11 ; 75, ff 13v, 16v,21v, 30v)

b . 1677, Berkshire s ofWilliam and Mary br. ofGeorge and John. S.J. 1698. Priest To England d . 1728, St Omers College. (Fo.7 /500).

MEDCALF, see Metcalf.

MEIGHAN, George. B. 1771-3 (7; 15; 58;59 ;60)

b . 1763 . From London. s. ofThomas br ofThomas . E.A. Liège 1773-4 . (17; CRS . 13/208).

MEIGHAN, Thomas : B. 1771-3 (7; 15;58; 59; 60).

b . 1762 . From London s of Thomas br ofGeorge E.A. Liège 1773-4 . (17; CRS . 13/208).

MELLING, see More, Thomas.

MELLISON* , Richard S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1655 (or later)(5).

MERCER, Thomas B. 1768-73 (2; 6; 8; 14; 54; 60).

b . 1754, Crosby , Lancashire br ofWilliam Ecclesiastical student E.A. Liège 1773-? d . 1793 , Wardour, Wiltshire. notyet ordained (Fo.7/501).

MERCER,William S.O. 1750-55 (2;3;4).

b . 1739, Crosby , Lancashire br ofThomas S.J. 1755.Priest. d . 1777, Liège (Fo.7/501).

MEREDITH, Richardalias Knight S.O. 1712 (or earlier) -1716 (74, ff. 48-9 ; CRS . 62/24 , 230).

b . 1696, London s of Meredith and - (Knight) S.J. 1716 Priest. To England d . 1754, St Omers College (Fo.7/502; CRS.4/261).

MESSAGER or MESSENGER , John S.O. 1715-20 and 1721-? (CRS . 62/317; RSC . 71).

From Yorkshire S.C. Douay 1720-1 .

METCALF or METCALFE, Christopher. S.O. 1729-30 (7).

METCALF or MEDCALF, John alias Middleton S.O. 1632-6 (CRS . 55/450-1).

b . 1614 . From Richmond, Yorkshire. s of Michael and Elizabeth(Danby) E.C. Rome 1636-43 . Priest d . 1677 , Berkshire or 1673 , Durham (CRS.3/103; 40/16; 55/450-1 ; Ans.2/218; Fo.6/342; Ave.1/239).

METCALF or METCALFE, Johnalias Collingwood S.O. 1678-83 (CRS . 55/651-2).

b . 1663, Richmond,Yorkshire s. ofJohn and Eleanor (Collingwood). E.C. Rome 1683-90 Priest.To England .d . 1729 . (CRS . 12/3; 40/100; 55/651-2 ;Ki . 162; Ans.5; Fo.6/433-4).

METCALF or METCALFE or MEDCALFE,Thomas alias Scrupe and Proctor S.O. c . 1605 (CRS . 30/109)

b. c . 1586. From Wensleydale, Yorkshire E.C. Douay 1610 .


E.C. Valladolid 1610. E.C. Douay 1612-? Priest.To England. d . 1651-2.(CRS . 10/1034, 113; 30/109;Ans.2/219).

METCALF or METCALFE, Thomas Peter alias More. B. 1769-73 (2; 7;8; 14; 24; 26, f 29 ; 51, f. 94;59 ;60).

b. c . 1756 s . ofPeter and Bridget(More) of Glandford Bridge, Lincolnshire. E.A. Liège 1773-? m . Theresa Throckmorton d . 1793 (17;88; Fo.5/702 ped.; CRS . 13/208).

METCALF(E) or MEDCALF(E)alias for Draper,Joseph; Leigh, Philip

METHAM , George alias Bion S.O. c . 1635 (CRS . 55/605).

b . 1620, Greenacre of Green Oaks, Yorkshire s ofThomas and Mary (Metcalfe). E.C. Rome 1664-6 (CRS . 40/71; 55/604-5; Fo.5/696-7)

METHAM , Williamalias Manners and Withrington S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1644(5; CRS . 55/479).

b . 1626, Yorkshire s. ofSir Jordan and Margaret (Langdale)of Wigganthorpe ,Yorkshire. E.C. Rome 1644. S.J. 1644-? (CRS . 40/29;55/479; Ave.1/237-8, ?307)

MEULEMEESTER, Alexanderde B. ?-1773 (15; 58;60)

b . 1762. From Ghent.

MEYNELL, Edward S.O. c . 1754-c . 56 (2;4).

s .ofRoger and Barbara Anne(Selby) ofNorthKilvington, Yorkshire. br. ofGeorge, Roger and Thomas m.DorothyCary. d . 1808. (BLG; Fo.5/723 ped.; CRS . 12/102).

MEYNELL, George S.O. 1699-1701 (or later) (75, ff. 35v, 42v, 43v)

MEYNELL, George S.O. 1749-c . 55 (2;3;4)

s. of Roger and Barbara Anne (Selby) ofNorthKilvington, Yorkshire. br ofEdward, Roger and Thomas d . unm (BLG; Fo.5 /723 ped )

MEYNELL, James S.O. ?-1708 (CRS . 62/253).

b . 1689, Yorkshire S.J. 1708. Priest To England d . 1746 , ?Pontefract. (Fo.7/504).

MEYNELL, James. S.O. c . 1755 (2;4)

MEYNELL, John S.O. and B. c . 1760-c . 66 (2; 6; 8). ?From Yorkshire

MEYNELL, Robert alias Neville S.O. 1632-5 (5; CRS . 55/447-8).

b. c . 1608, Harmby, Yorkshire. E.C. Rome 1635-42 Priest. To England . (CRS . 40/15; 55/447-8; Ave.1/239 ; Ans.2/220; Fo.6 /341-2).

MEYNELL, Roger alias Anderton S.O. ?-1693 (75 ,f.9v).

b . 1673 . s of Roger and Mary (Middleton) ofNorthKilvington, Yorkshire br of Thomas m.Anne Charlton (BLG ; Fo.5 /723 ped.; E. and P. 321).

MEYNELL, Roger. S.O. ?-1750(2;3)

s of Roger and Barbara Anne (Selby) ofNorth Kilvington, Yorkshire br. ofEdward, George and Thomas d . 1750 , ?St Omers College. (BLG; Fo.5 /723 ped ).

MEYNELL, Thomas alias Anderton S.O. ?-1693 (75 ,f.9v).

b . 1670 s. ofRoger and Mary (Middleton) of North Kilvington, Yorkshire br of Roger m. Ursula Markham d . 1708. (BLG; Fo.5/723 ped.)

MEYNELL, Thomas S.O. c . 1749-56 (2; 3;4;8).

b . 1737 , Yorkshire s ofRoger and Barbara Anne (Selby)of North Kilvington, Yorkshire br ofGeorge, Edwardand Roger. S.J. 1756.Priest. To England d . 1804, London (Fo.5/723 ped.; 7/504; Ki . 163; BLG).

MEYNELL,William S.O. c . 1753-6 (or later) (2;4).

b . 1744, near Yarum,Yorkshire. S.J. 1761. Priest . ToEngland . d . 1826, Richmond, Surrey (Fo.7/505; Ki . 163)

?MICHAELSON,. ?S.O c . 1753(4).

MICO ,Edwardalias Baines and Harvey S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1647 (5; 9, p. 224; CRS . 55/503; FAB . 183; BR.7)

b. c . 1628, Essex s of Richard and Anne (Lambe) of London. E.C. Rome 1647-50 S.J. 1650. Priest To England d . 1678 , under arrest, London.Venerable (CRS . 40/39-40 ; 55/503;47/46n, 195, 201-2; FAB . 183; BR . 1-8; Gil.5/5-7; Chad.1/206;Chal . 537; Fo.5 /247-51; 6/369-70; 7/505-6)

MICO ,Walteralias Harvey , Giles S.O. 1614-6 (CRS . 54/294-5).

b . 1595, Taunton, Somerset s ofWalter E.C.Rome 1616-20 . Priest S.J. 1620. d . 1647, Rome (CRS . 37/179 ;54/294-5; Gil.5/5; Ans.2/221; Fo.5 /251n; 6/276-7;7/506)

MIDDLEHURST, Jamesalias Ashby. S.O. 1732-3 (1 ;7; CRS . 30/187-8).

b . 1714, Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1733-9. Priest S.J. 1739. To Maryland. d . 1767, Newtown, Maryland. (Fo.7/506; CRS . 30/188; Hu . Text 2/691).

MIDDLEMORE, Humphreyalias Mandeville . S.O. 1612 (orearlier) -1614 (19; CRS . 54/273-4).

b . 1594, Shropshire s of Robert and Priscilla (Brooke)of Edgbaston, Warwickshire E.C. Rome 1614-21 . Priest To England . S.J. 1623. d . 1629 , Suffolkdistrict (CRS . 37/172; 54/2734; Ans.2/221 ; Fo.6/269; 7/484; Gil.5/9)

MIDDLEMORE, Richard alias Godwin or Goodwin, James S.O. ?-1621 (12; CRS . 30/135 , 139).

b c . 1604 From Staffordshire s ofWilliam E.C. Valladolid 1621-3.S.J. 1623.Priest . To England . d . 1667, London (CRS . 30/135 , 139; Gil.2/533; Fo.7/306, 1431)

MIDDLEMORE* , Richard S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1664 (5)

MIDDLETON, Charles S.O. c . 1685 (Fo.7 /507).

b . 1660, Gloucestershire S.J. 1687. Priest d . 1743, Ghent. (Fo.7/507).

MIDDLETON* , Francis S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1662 (5)

?MIDDLETON, George. ?S.O ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148).

s. ofGeorge ofLeighton, Lancashire E.C.Valladolid 1632-6. Priest. To England . d . 1682. (CRS . 30/148;Ans.2/221).


MIDDLETON , Michael . S.O. ?-1732 (1).

?From Yorkshire br. ofThomas.

MIDDLETON, Peter S.O. ?-1622 (18).

b . 1601, Hampshire E.C. Seville 1622-? Priest S.J. 1629 . To England d . ?1665, ?Staffordshire (Fo.7/507)

MIDDLETON* , Richard. S.O. 1635 (or earlier) -1639 (5).

MIDDLETON* , Richard S.O. 1654 (or earlier) -1657(orlater)(5).

MIDDLETON* , Richard S.O. 1662-3 (or later) (5)

MIDDLETON, Thomas S.O. ?-1732 (1).

?From Yorkshire br. ofMichael

MIDDLETON*,William S.O. 1634-? (5).

MIDDLETON , .S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/50).

MIDDLETONalias for Constable , Marmadukeand William; Mascy, Thomas; Metcalf, John.

MIDFORDalias for Forcer, John

MIGLIORUCCI, see Neville, Cosmas

MILBEYalias for Stoker, Thomas.

MILBORNE or MILBURNEalias for Yeoman,John

MILDMAY ,George. S.O. ?-1662 (Gumb . 34).

b . 1638, s . ofFrancis and Mary (Brook) ofAmbrosden, Oxfordshire. O.P. 1662.Priest d . 1668,Vilvorde, Flanders. (Gumb . 34; Sta . 113 ; CRS . 25/126).

MILDMAY* , Thomas S.O. 1632-40 (5).

MILDMAY alias for Bedingfeld , Matthew and Nicholas; Waldegrave William

MILES, Francis alias Montford and Mumford S.O. 1609-13 (CRS . 54/265).

b. c . 1590, London s of Ralph and Mary (Armstrong) E.C. Rome 1613-9 Priest To England S.J. 1619/20. ToEngland d c . 1651 , ?London district (CRS . 37/169; 54/264-6; Ans.2/221-2; Fo.1 /468-70 ; 6/267; 7/508).

MILES, Thomas S.O. 1593-9 (CRS . 30/58).

b . 1582, Hampshire E.C. Valladolid 1599-? E.C. Seville ?-1603 Priest . To England (CRS . 30/58 ; Ans.1/231 ;RH.9/168).

MILLARor MILLARD, Joseph. S.O. and B. 1755-63 (orlater) (2;4; 7; 8). ?From Maryland.

MINGO , Jonathanalias Booth. S.O. 1713-15 (orlater) (CRS . 62/9)

s.ofElizabeth. br ofJoseph and Richard.

MINGO, Joseph alias Booth S.O. ?-1714 (CRS . 62/141 , 190).

s. ofElizabeth br ofJonathan and Richard.

MINGO , Richard alias Booth. S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/242).

s. ofElizabeth. br. of Jonathan andJoseph. MINSHALL or MINSHULL or MYNSHALL, Randolphor Ralph alias Stanley,William. S.O. 1627-9 (CRS . 55/415).

b . 1603, Nantwich, Cheshire s ofRandle and Eleanor (Griffin)ofNantwich E.C. Rome 1629-34 Priest To England .


d . 1685. (CRS . 37/221; 54/415-6; Fo.6/323; Ans.2/222).

MISSENDEN alias for Madison, Edward

MOBERLEY , see Maberley

MOLE, Francis B. 1766-c . 68 (2;8)

MOLIEN, Edward S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (or later)(CRS . 62/172 , 228)

b . 1701 , Calais. br. of John Baptist S.J. 1720. Priest. d . 1761, St Omers College (Fo.7/513).

MOLIEN , John Baptist. S.O. 1714-15 (orlater) (63/1723, 1754; CRS . 62/172, 228).

b . 1703, Calais. br ofEdward . S.J. 1721. Priest To England d.c.1774, Lille (Fo.7/513).

MOLSHOor MULSHO, John alias Day S.O. 16024 (CRS . 30/84-5)

b. c . 1584, Finedon, Northamptonshire E.C. Valladolid 1604-8 E.C. Douay 1608-9 Priest . To England S.J. 1616.To England . d. c . 1661, ?Suffolkdistrict (CRS . 10/93,94,97; 30/84-5; Ans.2/228 ; Fo.7 /513 , 1442).

MOLYNEUX, Caryll alias Barlow S.O. 1698-1700 (or later) (75, ff. 29v, 37,41v).

b . 1683. s ofWilliam,4th Viscount Molyneux and Bridget (Lucy) br of Richard ?and Charles 6th Viscount 1738.d . 1745 . (Fos)

MOLYNEUX, Charles alias Barlow. S.O. 1694-9 (75, ff. 12v, 17v,33v).

?s. ofWilliam,4th ViscountMolyneux and Bridget (Lucy) ?br of Caryll and Richard .

MOLYNEUX , Charles aliasWilliams B. 1763-? (6).

b . 1748 . s.ofThomas andMaria(Griffinnèe Leverly).8thViscount Molyneux 1759.Earl ofSefton 1771. m Isabella Stanhope d . 1795, London (GEC.; BuP.; Ki . 166; Gil.5/59, 61; Fo.7/515; LR.1/74).

MOLYNEUX , Edward S.O. c . 1753 (4).

MOLYNEUX* , Henry S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1652 (or later) (5)

MOLYNEUX, Henry S.O. ?-1713(CRS . 62/137-8)

b . 1693, London s of Richardand Barbara br. ofRichard. S.J. 1713. Priest To England d . 1771, Redhill, Surrey (Fo.7 /513-4, 1478).

MOLYNEUX , John alias Harrington. S.O. 1677-9 (CRS . 55/640, 643).

b . 1660, Lancashire. s of Richardand Elizabeth(Harrington). E.C. Rome 1679-81 . (CRS . 40/95; 55/640, 643; E. and P. 154).

MOLYNEUX , Johnalias Sheldon S.O. 1695-7 (75, ff 18v,21v, 166).

br of Richard .

MOLYNEUX, Joseph alias Tickell S.O. c . 1746-52 (2; 3;4)

b . 1732 . S.J. 1752. Priest To England d . 1778, Slindon, Sussex (Fo.7/514).

MOLYNEUX* , Richard S.O. 1641 (orearlier) -1644 (orlater)(5).

Maybe the same as Blundell, Richard

MOLYNEUX* , Richard . S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1660 (orlater) (5).

MOLYNEUX , Richardalias Sheldon S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (75, ff. 9v, 12v, 20v,21v,25v).

br. of John

MOLYNEUX , Richardalias Barlow S.O. 1694-c . 1700(75, ff 12v, 17v, 21v, 41v, 166)

b. c . 1678 s . ofWilliam,4th Viscount Molyneux and Bridget (Lucy). br. ofCaryll ?and Charles. 5thViscount 1717.m Mary Brudenell. d . 1738, Little Oulton, Cheshire. (GEC.; BuP.; Ki . 166; E. and P. 113, 151).

MOLYNEUX , Richard S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715(CRS . 62/137).

b . 1696, London. s of Richard and Barbara. br. ofHenry. S.J. 1715. Priest To England and Maryland d . 1766 , Bonham , Wiltshire (Fo.7/514, 1478; Ki . 166; Hu . Text 2/689)

MOLYNEUX , Richard . S.O. ?-1722 (63/1723).

b . 1700, Shropshire S.J. 1722. Priest. To England d . 1769 , Marnhull, Dorset (Fo.7/514).

MOLYNEUX , Richard S.O. c . 1757 (4).

MOLYNEUX, Robert S.O. c . 1751-7 (2; 80, f 9).

b . 1738 , at or near Formby, Lancashire ?s . of Robert .br. of William S.J.1757.Priest To Maryland d . 1808 , Georgetown, Maryland (Fo.7/514; Hu . Text 2/698).

MOLYNEUX* , Roland S.O. 1669 (or earlier) -1670(orlater) (5)

MOLYNEUX* , Thomas S.O. 1632-7 (orlater) (5).

?s.ofSir Richard and Frances (Gerard) ofSefton, Lancashire. (Fos.).

MOLYNEUX , Thomas S.O. 1653-5 (CRS . 55/551).

b c . 1630, London. s ofEdmundand Ursula (Sydenham)

E.C. Rome 1655-7 .O.P. 1657. Priest To England.d . 1708 , Bornhem . (CRS . 25/128;40/55; 55/550-1; Fo.6/391-2; Gumb . 47-8)

MOLYNEUX , Thomas S.O. 1701-? (75 ,f.44v). ?br of Vivian.

MOLYNEUX , Vivian S.O. 1701-? (75,f.44v) ?br ofThomas

MOLYNEUX,William. S.O. c . 1742-8 (1; 2)

b . 1726, Lancashire ?s .of Robert br ofRobert. S.J. 1748 . Priest To England d . 1789, Brinn, Lancashire. (Fo.7/516)

MOLYNEUX- alias for Blundell, John and Richard; Simeon ,James; Widdrington, MONINGTONor MONNINGTON , Peter S.O. 1730-6 (7).

Maybe the same as Williams,Peter MONNINGTONalias for Prosser, Philip; Williams, John and Peter. MONSON , Francis alias Territt. S.O. ?-1664 (CRS . 55/604)

b. c . 1646, Newark. s. ofJohn and Frances (Clapton) E.C. Rome 1664-6 (CRS . 40/71;55/604; Fo.6/409)

?MONTFORT , Peter alias or vere Armstrong. ?S.O ?-1677 (CRS . 30/169, 172).

From Nottingham E.C. Valladolid 1677-8 . (CRS . 30/169 , 172)

MONTFORD-alias for Downes, Thomas; Miles, Francis See also Mumford

MONTORO,Joachim S.O. ?-1717 (CRS . 28/51).

From Spain E.C.Douay 1717-? (CRS . 28/51).

MONTPESSON , Henry S.O. ?-1695 (CRS . 30/38n; Fo.1/187).

?s.of Lawrence of London. (CRS . 52/226).

MOORE, Ambrose B. 1765-c . 69 (2; 6; 8)

MOORE, Anthony B. c . 1770-3 (2; 8; 14; 59 ; 60; CRS . 63/357).

b c . 1759 . From Dublin s .ofThomas E.C.Douay 1774-5 . (CRS . 63/357, 364)

MOORE , James B. c . 1770-3 (7; 8; 15;58)

b . 1761 . From Norwich. s. of James .

MOORE orMORE, Richard S.O. c . 1687-93 (11 ;48, f. 169; 75, f. 6v, 8v, 10v).

b . 1672, Warwickshire . s.ofRichard S.J. 1693. Priest.To England . d . 1753, North Wales. (Fo.7/517)

MOORE,William alias Needham. S.O. ?-1712 (CRS . 40/148).

b. c . 1694, Hampshire s . ofWilliam and Anne (?Wells)

E.C. Rome 1712-5. (CRS . 40/148; ?E. and P. 7).

MOORE alias forHoughton, Henry. See also More MOOTHAM, .S.O. 1737 (or earlier) -1740(2).

MORE, Christopher. S.O. c . 1739-46 (1 ;2;3).

b . 1729 ,Yorkshire s ofThomas and Catherine (Giffard) of Barnborough , ofThomas S.J. 1746.Priest.To England. d . 1781, Bath (Fo.5/702, ped.; 7/517).

MORE , George alias Marbury. S.O. 1633-34 (or later)(5).

b . 1617, Thelwall, Cheshire s ofWilliam and Elizabeth

E.C. Rome 1638-43 , 1646-7 (CRS . 40/19 ;55/459; Fo.6/346)

MOREorMOORE, Henryalias Talman and Parr S.O. 1597-1603 (CRS . 30/78)

b . 1587, Leyton near London. s ofEdwardand Mary (More). br. of Thomas E.C. Valladolid 1603-7. E.C.Douay 1607. S.J. 1607. Priest . To England . d . 1661, Watten. (CRS . 10/83; 30/78; Gil.5/97-8; Chad.1/42; ER.2/44; 8/76; AHSJ . 41/233-81 ; Fo.2/416-28; 7/518; Dod.3/120).

MORE,Henry or Francis alias Ford S.O. ?-1684(13).

b . 1666, Brussels S.J. 1684.Priest To England d . 1730 ,Kent (76/353; Fo.7 /519)

MORE, John.S.O. c . 1747 (2; 3).

MORE, Thomas S.O. ?-1601 (CRS . 54/105).

b . 1586, Cambridge s. ofEdwardand Mary (More). br.of Henry. E.C.Rome 1601-10 . Priest. To England S.J. 1611.To England d . 1623, Ghent (CRS . 37/124; 54/105-6; Ans.2/224; Gil.5/118; Fo.7/520).

MORE, Thomas alias or vere Melling S.O. ?-1675 (13).

b . 1656, Lancashire S.J. 1675-8 (or later). Laybrother (Fo.7/501).


MORE, Thomas S.O. c . 1736-41 (2; 7; RSC . 83).

b . 1722 . s. of Thomas and Catherine (Giffard) ofBarnborough, Yorkshire. br. of Christopher. S.C. Douay 1741.S.J. 1752.Priest. To England d . 1795, Bath (RSC . 83; Ki . 169; Fo.5 /702, ped.; 7/520).

MORE alias for Belfield, Henry; Bourne orBorne, John and Jonas; Constable , Philip; Lusher, Edward; Metcalf, Thomas Peter; Wright, William See Marbury, Roger . See also Moore

MORES , John S.O. ?-1600(CRS . 30/61).

b c . 1581 , Staffordshire E.C.Valladolid 1600-03 O.S.B. 1603. (CRS . 30/61)

MORGAN, Bernard S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/267).

MORGAN, George S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1657 (5; 36,f. 158; 73). b . 1636, Worcestershire . S.J. 1657. Priest . To England . d . 1674 , Hampshire district (Fo.7/522).

MORGAN* , Henry. S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1656(or later) (5).

MORGAN* , Henry S.O. 1662-70(5).

MORGAN* , John S.O. 1613-? (19).

MORGAN, Johnalias for Poulton , Ferdinand.

MORGAN* ,Philip S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1665 (5; 69 , f 1).

MORGAN* , Ralph S.O. 1663-4 (or later) (5)

MORGAN, Richard S.O. and B. c . 1759-63 (2; 6; CRS . 30/190).

b . 1746, Glamorganshire E.C. Valladolid 1763-6. S.J. 1766. Priest. To England d . 1814, Preston (CRS . 30/190-1; Fo.7/522-3; Gil.5/121-2; Ki . 169).

MORGAN, Robertalias for Needham, Sebastian.

MORGAN, Samuel. S.O. 1677-c . 78 (CST . 10/1125;CSP.Dom.May , 1684-Feb . 1685, pp 210, 230; CRS . 48/412). From Kilken, Flintshire

MORGAN* ,William S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater) (5).

MORGAN , William alias or vere Winter S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1669 (5).

b . 1648, Monmouthshire S.J. 1669.Priest To England d . 1710, London (Fo.7/524).

MORGAN alias for Kavanagh,Walterand; Needham , Robert; Prichard , William See Norris, Francis

MORLAND* , Thomas S.O. 1668-70 (or later) (5).

MORLEY , Henryalias Rigby, Lawrence S.O. c . 1614-21 (CRS . 54/341-2)

b. c . 1602, Bury, Lancashire E.C. Rome 1621-8 .Priest To England S.J. 1630-48 . (CRS . 37/196; 54/341-2; Gil.5/422; Ans.2/225; Fo.6/295-6;7/525).

MORLEY* , Henry S.O. 1663-4 (or later) (5) ?MORLEY* , James ?S.O ?-1618 (12)

MORLEY* , Joseph S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1664 (5).

MORLEYalias for Brownor Browne, Anthonyand John; Caryll, John; Mason or Mayson, Francis

MORNEalias for Thoroughgood ,James.


MORPETHalias for Burke or Bourke, William

MORPHY, see Murphy.

MORRIS, Anthony S.O. ?-1757 (2;4). 185

MORRIS , Christopher S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater)(5).

b . 1607, Wales S.J. 1626. Priest To Ireland d . 1667 , St Omers College (Fo.7/525).

MORRIS, James S.O. c . 1754-c . 59 (2;4)

s . ofPeter br ofWilliam . ?

MORRIS, Peter ?S.O. ?-1760 (2).

b . 1743. S.J. 1760.Priest To Maryland d . 1783 , Newtown, Maryland (Fo.7/527; Hu . Text 2/697).

MORRIS, William S.O. c . 1753-c . 58 (2;4).

s . ofPeter br ofJames .

MORRIS , see Maurice

MORRISON, William alias Wilson S.O. ?-1693 (75, ff 6v, 7v, 9v,28v)

b. c . 1674 . From Northumberland s ofJamesand Dorothy. E.C. Rome 1693-9. Priest To England (CRS . 40/114-5; Fo.6/444).

MORTER alias for Mason or Mayson,Francis.

MORTON, Walter alias Maurice S.O. ?-c . 1611 (CRS . 29/85).

E.C. Madrid c . 1611-3 .

MOSELEY, Joseph S.O. c . 1741 -c . 46 (1;2; 3).

b . 1731, Lincolnshire br. ofMichael S.J. 1748.Priest. To England and Maryland d . 1787, St Joseph's, Talbot County, Maryland (Fo.7/530; Hu.Text.2/550-54,695).

MOSELEY , Michaelalias Byers S.O. 1732-9 (1 ;2;3;7; 13; 21)

b . 1720, Lincolnshire. br ofJoseph. S.J. 1739.Priest.To England. d . 1777, Holywell, N. Wales (Fo.7 /530).

MOSS or MOSSE, Charles B. 1764-c . 70 (2; 6;8). ?From Hampshire .

MOSTYN, Andrew S.O. c . 1680 (CRS . 19/108n; Fo.7/530)

b . 1663, Talacre , Flintshire s ofSir Edward, 1st Bart.and Elizabeth(Downes) of Talacre br ofJohn E.C.Douay ?-1687. St.G. Paris 1687-90 S.J. 1691. Priest.To England d . 1709 , ?Worcester . (Fo.7 /530; CRS . 19/108 , 110, 111).

MOSTYN* , Andrew. S.O. 1698-1702 (75 ,ff 31v,45v)

?MOSTYN, Edwardalias Seaborn ?S.O . 1644-7 (CRS . 55/507-8).

b . 1629 , Basingwerk, Flintshire s ofSir John and Anne (Foxe) of Basingwerk br ofHenry and John E.C. Rome 1647-49 . 1st Bart 1670. m . (1) ElizabethDownes (2) Ellen Draycot (3) Mary Selby (née Molyneux) d . 1706 (CRS . 40/41;55/507-8; BuP.; Fo.4 /523 , ped.; 6/372).

MOSTYN, George S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/112 , 134).

s .ofSir Pyers,2nd Bart ofTalacre and Frances (Selby) br of Pyers and Thomas.4th Bart 1735.m .(1) Mary Clifton(2) Theresa Towneley d . 1746, Talacre (BuP.; Fo.4 /523 , ped.; Ki . 171 ; Pa . 17)


MOSTYN, Henry S.O. c . 1647 (CRS . 55/508).

s ofSir John and Anne (Foxe) of Basingwerk , Flintshire br.ofEdwardand John (CRS . 55/508 ; Fo.4/523 , ped.)

MOSTYN, John alias Seaborn. S.O. ?-1650 (CRS . 55/520,508)

b. c . 1633, Flintshire. s . ofSirJohn and Anne (Foxe)of Basingwerk br ofEdward and Henry E.C. Rome 1650-3. (CRS . 40/45-6; 55/520; Fo.4/523 , ped.; 6/378).

MOSTYN, John S.O. c . 1675 (Fo.7/530).

b . 1657, Flintshire s . of Sir Edward, 1st Bart and Elizabeth (Downes)ofTalacre. br. ofAndrew. Priest . S.J. 1693.ToEngland d . 1721, Lydiate, Lancashire (Fo.4/523 , ped , 525-6;7/530).

MOSTYN, Pyers S.O. ?-1707 (Fo.7/530-1).

b . 1687, Flintshire s of Sir Pyers, 2nd Bart and Frances (Selby) ofTalacre br of George and Thomas S.J. 1707.Priest. 3rd Bart. 1720.To England . d . 1735, Wigan (Fo.4/523,ped.; 7/530-1; BuP.; Pa . 17).

MOSTYN, Thomas alias or vere Pennant S.O. 1615-8 (12; CRS . 30/130)

b. c . 1599, Flintshire. ?s ofJohn and Frances (Pennant) E.C. Valladolid 1618-9. E.C. Douay 1619-25 . Priest.To England . d . 1638 . (CRS . 10/177,244, 235; 30/130;Ans.2/240).

MOSTYN, Thomas S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/134)

s ofSir Pyers,2nd Bart. and Frances (Selby) ofTalacre, Flintshire. br. of George and Pyers (BuP.; Pa . 17; Ki . 171).

MOSTYN* ,- . S.O. c . 1700-02 (75, ff 44v, 45v).

MOSTYN Maybe the same as Gage, John alias for Gage, John.

?MOTET, Ferdinand ?S.O. ?-1677 (CRS . 30/169).

b . 1658, Brussels E.C. Valladolid 1677-84 . Priest . S.J. 1684

d . 1691 , St Omers College (CRS . 30/169, 172; Fo.7/531)

MOTHERSALLalias for Wells, Ambrose.

MOULD, Francis alias Smith. S.O. 1756-c . 58 (2).

MOUNTAIN, Johnalias for Forsteror Foster,Thomas

MOUNTGARRET, see Butler.

MOUNTNEY* , John S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1633 (or later) (5)

MOYLEN, Henry B. 1763-8 (2; 6; 8).

MOYLEN orMAYLAN, Joseph ?alias orvere Barnewalland Cooley. S.O. 1748-52 (or later) (2; 3; 4).

From London E.C. Valladolid 1757-63 . Priest To England. d . 1765, London. (CRS . 12/11; 30/190-1;Ki . 161)

MOYLEN , William S.O. and B. 1761-c . 67 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1746 S.J. 1767. Priest. d c . 1800. (Fo.7 /531;AHSJ . 42/293).

MOYLEN ,alias or vere Russell S.O. 1748-c . 50 (2; 3)

MOYLEN alias for Fagan, Robert

MOYSER* , Robert. S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5)

MOYSER* , Thomas S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1637 (orlater) (5)

MUDD, Joseph B. 1763-8 (2; 6; 8)

From Maryland (44, f 149v).

MULCASTER ,.S.O. c . 1729 (7).

MULSHO, see Molsho.

MUMFORD* or MONTFORD, Francis S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1644 (orlater) (5)

MUMFORD, Gervase S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -c . 1658 (5; 36, f. 194).

b . 1635, Nottinghamshire S.J. 1658. Priest. d . 1684 , Brussels (Fo.7 /532).

MUMFORDor MONTFORD, James S.O. ?-1626 (Gil.5/83).

b . 1606, Norfolk S.J. 1626.Priest To England . d . 1666 , Suffolkdistrict (Gil.5/82-4; Fo.7/532-3).

MUMFORDorMONTFORD,William S.O. 1644 (orearlier) -1647

(5; CRS . 62/125).

b . 1628, London S.J. 1647. Priest . To England . d . 1712,Watten. (Fo.7 /533).

MUMFORDalias forArmstrong, Daniel, Gervaseand John; Downes , Thomas; Miles , Francis .

MUNSON , Allen alias Sims. S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (75, ff 7v , 14v, 15v, 16v, 18v,22v,26v).

MUNSON, George alias Sims. S.O. c . 1695 (75, ff. 16v , 18v).

MUNSONalias forMartin, Henry,John and Joseph.

MURPHY, Arthuralias French S.O. c . 1738-44 (2; Han . 78).

b . 1727, Clomquin, Roscommon s. of Richard and Jane (French). d . 1805, Knightsbridge . (DNB)

MURPHYor MORPHY, John S.O. ?-1678 (13).

b . 1657, Lille. S.J. 1678. Priest. To England . (Fo.7 /534).

MURPHYorMORPHY, Melchior. S.O. ?-1684 (13)

b . 1665, Brussels S.J. 1684. Priest d . 1736, Liège (Fo.7/534).

MURPHY orMORPHY, Michael S.O. 1737-45 (1;2;3; 7; 13).

b . 1726, Montserrat, West Indies S.J. 1745. Priest To Maryland. d . 1759, near Newtown, Maryland. (Fo.7/534; Hu . Text 2/695).

MURPHY or MORPHY, Richard alias Turner S.O. ?-1734 (Oliver1/211)

b . 1716, London. S.J. 1734.Priest . To England d . 1794 , Salisbury. (Fo.7/534; Oliver 1/211).

MURPHY, Thomas S.O. c . 1750-1 (2; 3)

b . 1732, inAmerica S.J. 1751.d . 1757, Liège, notyet ordained (Fo.7/535 ; Hu . Text 2/704)

MURRAY , Philibert S.O. 1725-c . 28 (7).

MURRAY, Thomas B. 1763-5 (2; 6;8) From London.

MUSGRAVE-alias for Hilton, Thomas.

MUSSON , Christopher S.O. 1694-1700 (75, ff 15v, 17v,21v,25v, 32v, 189).

b . 1682, London s ofJohn br. ofJohn S.J. 1700-8.(63).

MUSSON , John S.O. 1694-9 (11; 75 , ff. 15v, 17v, 25v, 189).

b . 1680, London. s ofJohn br of Christopher. S.J. 1699. Priest . To England d . 1755 , Winchester . (Fo.7 /535; Gil.5/153).

NAGLE, Andrew S.O. 1695-8 (75, ff. 56v, 57v).

s. ofSir Richard br. ofDaniel , Maurice and Peter.

NAGLE, Daniel S.O. 1695-8 (75,ff 56v , 57v)

s. ofSir Richard br of Andrew,Maurice and Peter .

NAGLE, James. S.O. c . 1695 (75,f. 53v).

NAGLE, Maurice S.O. 1695-8 (75, ff 56v, 57v).

.s. ofSir Richard br ofAndrew, Danieland Peter

NAGLE, Peter S.O. 1695-8 (75, ff.56v, 57v).

s . ofSir Richard br ofAndrew, Danieland Maurice.

NAGLE, Richard S.O. c . 1696 (75,f.56v)

NAGLE, see Nangle.

NAIRNE, .S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/273 , 282).

s ofSir David .

NANDYKE, James S.O. 1741-? (1 ;2; 3).

From Yorkshire . ?s. of John and Mary (Wilson). ?br. ofJohn , Thomas and William (E. and P. 304)

NANDYKE , John. S.O. 1734-c . 40 (2; 7;21)

From Yorkshire ?s. of John and Mary (Wilson). ?br.of James, Thomas and William (E. and P.304).

NANDYKE , Thomas S.O. c . 1741-45 (1 ; 2; 3; 13).

b . 1726, Yorkshire ?s . of John and Mary (Wilson). ?br. of James,John and William S.J.1745.Priest To England d . 1793 , Yarm, Yorkshire (Fo.7 /536;E. and P. 304 ; Ave.1/389; CRS . Mon.2/390).

NANDYKE ,William S.O. 1735-c . 42 (2; 7; 21)

From Yorkshire. ?s . ofJohn and Mary (Wilson). ?br.ofJames , John and Thomas (E. and P. 304)

NANGLE ?or NAGLE,. S.O c . 1743 (2).

NAPIER* orNAPPER, Charles. S.O. ?-1685 (13).

NAPIER or NAPPER, Edmundalias Russell. S.O. 1642-7 (5; CRS.1/136; 55/535-6)

b . 1625, Holywell, Oxford s. of Edmund and Joyce (Wakeman) br ofGeorge.S.J. 1647. E.C.Rome 1652-56 . m. Mary Mitchell. d . 1685.(CRS.1/136; 40/50;55/535-6; Fo.6/385; 7/536, 1442; Sta . 214-5)

NAPIER orNAPPER, George S.O. 1633-? (CRS.1/135).

b . 1617, ?Holywell, Oxford s of Edmund and Joyce(Wakeman). br. ofEdmund. m .Margaret Arden d . 1671. (CRS.1/135; Sta . 214-7).

NAPIER or NAPPER , Luke S.O. c . 1734 (21).

NAPIER* orNAPPER, Thomas S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1653 (5).

NAPIER or NAPPER alias forWintour,William.

NEALE, Benedict . S.O. c . 1723-8 (7)

b . 1709 , Maryland S.J. 1728. Priest To Maryland. d . 1787 , Newtown,Maryland (Fo.7/536; Hu . Text 2/520, 692).

NEALE, Charles B. 1764-71 (2; 8; Hu . Text 2/522).

b . 1751 . s . of William and Anne (Brooke) of Portobacco ,

Maryland br of Francis, Joseph, Leonard, Ralphor Raphael, Rothwell or Oswald and William S.J. 1771.Priest To Maryland d . 1823, Georgetown , Maryland (26, p 51; Fo.7/537; Hu . Text 2/701; Hu.Docs.1 /721n)

NEALE, Edward. S.O. 1749-c . 55 (2; 3;4)

From Maryland ?s of Edward (Hu . Text 2/520).

NEALE, Francis. B. 1768-73 (2; 6; 8; 14; 59; 60; Hu . Text 2/522-3).

b . 1756 . s. ofWilliam and Anne (Brooke) ofPortobacco , Maryland br. ofCharles, Joseph, Leonard , Ralph orRaphael, Rothwell or Oswald and William E.A. Liège ?-1788 Priest. To Maryland S.J. 1806. d . 1823 orafter (Fo.7/537; Hu . Text2/522, 701; Hu.Docs.1 /721n, 827n, 1080)

NEALE, Henry S.O. ?-1724 (7).

b . 1702, Maryland S.J. 1724. Priest To Maryland. d . 1748 , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania (Fo.7/537 ; Hu . Text 2/690).

NEALE, Henry S.O. c . 1750-4 (2;4)

b . 1733 , Maryland S.J. 1754.d . 1754, Watten (Fo.7/537; Hu . Text 2/704)

NEALE* , John S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1669 (5).

NEALE, Joseph S.O. 1753-c . 56(2; 3;4)

From Maryland s . ofWilliam and Anne(Brooke) of Portobacco br. ofCharles, Francis, Leonard , Ralphor Raphael, Rothwell or Oswald and William d. c . 1756, St Omers College. (Hu.Docs.1 /721n .)

NEALE, Leonard S.O. and B. 1761-7 (2;6;8; Hu . Text2/522).

b . 1747. s. of William and Anne (Brooke ) ofPortobacco , Maryland. br. of Charles, Francis, Joseph, Ralphor Raphael, Rothwell or Oswald and William. S.J. 1767.Priest.To England and Maryland.2nd Archbishopof Baltimore d . 1817, ?Georgetown (Fo.7/537; CRS.4/248; Hu . Text 2/522, 700; Hu.Docs.1 /721n.).

NEALE, Ralphor Raphael S.O. 1755-c . 62 (2; 4).

s. ofWilliam and Anne (Brooke) ofPortobacco ,Maryland. br ofCharles, Francis, Joseph, Leonard, Rothwell or Oswaldand William. (Hu.Docs.1 /721n)

NEALE, Robert alias or vere Kent S.O. ?-1622 (18).

b . 1600, Lincolnshire E.C.Seville 1622-9 Priest S.J. 1629 . To England . d . 1688, ?Lincolnshiredistrict (Fo.7/537-8; Ans.2/230).

NEALE, Rothwell or Oswald S.O. 1754-c . 58 (2; 4; Hu.Docs.1 /721n .)

s ofWilliam and Anne (Brooke ) ofPortobacco, Maryland. br. ofCharles, Francis , Joseph, Leonard, Ralph or Raphael and William . d.c . 1758, St Omers College. (Hu.Docs.1 /721n ).

NEALE, William S.O. 1753-60 (2; 4; 8).

b . 1743, Maryland. s ofWilliam and Anne(Brooke) of Portobacco. br. ofCharles, Francis , Joseph, Leonard, Ralphor Raphael, Rothwell or Oswald S.J. 1760.Priest To England d . 1799 , Manchester. (Fo.7/538; Hu.Docs.1 /721n.; Text.2/704).

NEALE- alias for Kent, Robert

NEEDHAM, Danielalias Platt. S.O. 173841 (2; 13).

b . 1721, Lancashire S.J. 1741.Priest To England . d . 1783 , Worcester . (Fo.7/538)

NEEDHAM* , Francis S.O. 1662-3 (or later) (5).

NEEDHAM, John B. 1763-7 (2;6; 8)

From Hilston, Monmouthshire s ofJohn and Elizabeth (Rowe) br of Robert.m Lelia Havers (Oliver2/62; BLG s.v. Havers).

NEEDHAM , Robert alias Morgan S.O. ?-1693 (75,f. 8v).

?s. of Robert and Susan(Morgan) of Hilston, Monmouthshire. ?br ofSebastian ?m (1) Lucy Scudamore (2) AnnePye d . ?1720. (Pa . 42; E. and P. 185-6; CRS.9/164; 12/240).

NEEDHAM, Robert B. 1761-6 (2; 6; 8).

b c . 1750 From Hilston, Monmouthshire s ofJohnand Elizabeth(Rowe). br. of John. d . 1766, Bruges College.

NEEDHAM , Sebastian alias Morgan , Robert S.O. c . 1691 (75 ,f. 27v).

b . 1671, Hilston, Monmouthshire . s of Robert andSusan (Morgan). ?br. ofRobert. S.J. 1691.Priest To England. d . 1743 , London (Fo.7 /538 ; Sta . 111; E. and P. 185-6; Pa . 43).

NEEDHAMalias for Hitchcock, Edwardand William;Moore,William

NEIL, John see O'Neil, John

NELSON, Arthur S.O. c . 1756 (2).

NELSON, Francis alias Newton. S.O. 1758-62 (2; 6).

NELSON* , John Baptist S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1656 (5) ?NELSON, John ?S.O. ?-1692 (CRS . 30/177-9).

NELSON, Michael . S.O. c . 1727 (7)

E.C. Valladolid 1692-3 ?0 Carth ?1693 .(CRS . 30/178-9)

NELSON, Thomas S.O. c . 1752 (4).

May be the same as Newton, James .

NELSON alias for Beesley,John; Newton, James. ?NELSTON or NELSON, George alias Field ?S.O c . 1604 (HMC. Salisbury , 17/626).

b c . 1586. From Hertfordshire E.C. Douay 1604-7 . (CRS . 10/57, 67, 81-2).

NENY , see MacNeny,Patrick.

NEVE, William le, see Le Neve.

NEVILLE , Charles alias Dillon S.O. and B. 1758-63 (2;6; 55).

b . 1746 . s. ofCosmas Henry and Lady Mary (Lee) ofHolt, Leicestershire br of Cosmas , George Henry and William S.J. 1763. Priest .To England d . 1792, Bristol (Fo.7/542-3;Ki . 173; CRS.8/393; RH.7/250; ER . 15/63).

NEVILLE or MIGLIORUCCI, Cosmas S.O. c . 1729 (RH.7/249)

b . 1716. s . ofPeter Joseph,Count Migliorucci and Mary (Neville) Assumed name ofNeville m Lady Mary Lee d . 1763 (CRS.1/137; 8/393; Pa . 28; Ki . 172-3; RH.7/249-62 ).

NEVILLE, Cosmas alias Dillon S.O. and B. 1759-65 (2;6; 8; 55)

b. c . 1747 s ofCosmasHenry and LadyMary (Lee) br of


Charles, George Henry and William. m.Gardiner. d . 1829 (CRS.8/393; 12/187 ; RH.7/249-62 ; ER . 15/63; Ki . 173; Fo.7/542n )

NEVILLE * , Edward S.O. c . 1702 (75 ,f.45v).

NEVILLE* , Francisor Stephen . S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1641 (5).

NEVILLE , Francisalias for Bradshaw or Bradshaigh, Christopher.

NEVILLE, George c . 1697-1702 (or later (75, ff. 37v,43v,45v).

b . 1686-7 . ?s . ofHenry and Margaret (Napier).(CRS.1/137; E. and P. 158; RH . 13/152).

NEVILLE, George Henry. S.O. c . 1754-60 (2;4;55)

b c . 1743 s . of CosmasHenry and LadyMary (Lee) ofHolt, Leicestershire br of Charles, Cosmasand William. d . 1767 . (RH.7/249-62; Fo.7/542n.; CRS.8/393).

NEVILLE , Henryalias Smith . S.O. c . 1694-1701 (75, ff.20v, 25v, 30v, 34v, 37v, 40v, 43v, 45v)

NEVILLE * , James. S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1656(or later)(5)

May be the same as Scarisbrick , James.

NEVILLE * , John S.O. 1646 (or earlier ) -1647(or later) (5).

NEVILLE * , Robert S.O. 1669-70 (orlater)(5).

NEVILLE , Thomas B. 1764-9 (6)

From Lancashire

NEVILLE , William alias Dillon . B. 1759-c . 67 (2; 6; 8).

b. c . 1749. s . ofCosmas Henryand Lady Mary (Lee) ofHolt, Leicestershire br of Charles,Cosmasand George Henry. (RH.7/249-62; Fo.7/542n.).

NEVILLEalias for Cotton, Francis ; Fitzwilliam , George and John; Hawker, John; Meynell, Robert.; Sale , Edmund, John and Richard ;Scarisbrick, Basil Thomas , Edward (3), Francis(2), Henry, James, Thomas and Thomas Joseph. NEWLAND or NIEULAND , - .S.O 1714-? (CRS . 62/91).

?From Bruges br ofthe next NEWLAND or NIEULAND ,.S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/91).

?From Bruges br. ofthe above.

NEWMAN* ,Nicholas S.O. ?-1621 (12;Fo.7/545).

NEWMANalias for Gentil, Ayme, Edwardand John; Scot, Nicholas .

NEWPORT * , George. S.O. 1632-6 (or later) (5).

NEWPORT , John S.O. ?-c . 1725 (7).

?s of John Francis of Furneux Pelham, Hertfordshire ?m Mary .d. ?1737. (Pa . 22)

NEWPORT , Robert alias Welby. S.O. 1599-1600 (CRS . 30/59)

b c . 1580, Yorkshire E.C.Valladolid 1600

NEWPORT alias for Ewens, Maurice ; Keynes, Charles ,John and Maximilian.

NEWSHAM, Andrew alias Worthington S.O. 1615-18 (12; CRS . 30/130).

b. c . 1599 . From Lancashire ?s ofNicholasand Elizabeth (Brown) of Kirkham E.C.Valladolid 1618-19 E.C.Douay 1619-25. Priest. To England (CRS . 30/130; 10/177 , 234-5; Ans.2/231)

NEWTON , Edward S.O. 1757-c . 60 (2).

NEWTON , Edward B. 1764-c . 67 (2; 6; 8).

NEWTON , Jamesalias Nelson S.O. c . 1746-54 (1; 2; 3; 4).

b . 1736, London S.J. 1754.Priest To England d . 1803 , Bristol (Fo.6/546; CRS . 12/84). May be the same as Nelson, Thomas

NEWTON , John S.O. 1673-77 (88).

s. ofWilliam and Dorothy (Collins) of Irnham, Lincolnshire. m . ElizabethBraylsford (88).

NEWTON , John BaptistEdward S.O. 1732-7 (1; 7; 13)

b . 1721, Lincolnshire s . of BaptistBraylsford and Elizabeth (Messenger) ofIrnham br ofWilliam and others below. S.J. 1737. Priest. To England d . 1788, Bury St Edmunds . (Fo.5/543; 7/545; CRS . 12/29)

NEWTON , Joseph B. 1765-c . 69 (2; 6; 8)

From Irnham, Lincolnshire

NEWTON , Thomas B. c . 1769 (24).

s. of Edward

NEWTON , Vincent S.O. and B. 1760-c . 66 (2; 6; 8). ?b . 1750 d . ?1821 , London. (CRS . 12/153)

NEWTON , William alias BraylsfordS.O. 1696-1702 (11;75,ff 23v , 30v, 42v, 45v, 165v).

b . 1683-4, Lincolnshire s .ofJohn and Elizabeth(Braylsford) of Irnham, Lincolnshire S.J. 1702. Priest.d . 1756 ,St Omers College (88; Fo.7/546; CRS . 63/98).

NEWTON ,William. S.O. ?-1736 (13).

b . 1718, Lincolnshire. s. of Baptist Braylsford and Elizabeth (Messenger) ofIrnham, Lincolnshire br ofJohn BaptistEdward and others below S.J. 1736. Priest To England d . 1755 , Oxfordshiredistrict (88; Fo.7 /546).

NEWTON , William B. 1766-c . 69 (2;6; 8; 56).

From Canterbury. ?E.A Liège 1773-?(56)

NEWTON, .S.O. 1731-6 (7;21).

From Irnham, Lincolnshire s of BaptistBraylsford and Elizabeth(Messenger) ofIrnham. br.ofJohnBaptist Edward, William and the next two or three below (88)

NEWTON, .S.O. 1730-6(7;21)

From Irnham, Lincolnshire. s . of BaptistBraylsford and Elizabeth(Messenger) br ofJohn Baptist Edward,William, one next above and one or two next below (88).

NEWTON, .S.O. 1730-6 (7;21).

From Irnham, Lincolnshire. s . of Baptist Braylsford and Elizabeth(Messenger) br ofJohnBaptistEdward, William, next two above ?and one next below (88)

NEWTON, .S.O 1737-c . 41 ( 1 ;2)

?s of BaptistBraylsford and Elizabeth(Messenger). ?br of John BaptistEdward, William and next threeabove. (88).


NEWTON-alias for Manners, Charles; Nelson , Francis.

NIBBS, William B. ?-1773 (14;59;60)

?From Ireland s ofGeorge

NICHOLS, -. B. 1767 (or earlier) -1770 (2;8)

?From Exeter.

NICHOLSON, Francis alias Lane S.O. 1710-14 (CRS . 40/154; 62/124, 129).

b . 1697. From London s. ofFrancis E.C. Rome 1714-18 . (CRS . 40/154; 62/124, 129; Fo.6/465).

NIEULAND, Désirè B. ?-1773 (15; 51,f. 77; 58; 59; 60).

From Ghent. s. of La Vicomtesse de ofFrancisand Maurice .

NIEULAND , Francis B. ?-1773 (15; 51 , f. 77; 58;59;60).

From Ghent. s of La Vicomtesse de N. br ofDésirè and Maurice

NIEULAND , Maurice B. 1773 (51, f 77; 60).

From Ghent. s. of LaVicomtesse de N. br ofDésirè and Francis.

NIEULAND, see Newland.

NIHILL, Edward B. 1763-c . 69 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1752, Antigua, West Indies. br ofJohn and Lawrence. S.J. 1769. Priest To England and Trinidad d . 1806 , Trinidad. (Fo.7/546-7).

NIHILL, John B. 1763-c . 68 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1750, From Antigua, West Indies br of Edwardand Lawrence .S.J. 1768.To Antigua.Priest (26, p. 51; Fo.7/547; Hu . Text 2/704 ; AHSJ . 42/293).

NIHILL, Lawrence B. 1768-73 (2; 8; 14; 54 ; 59; 60)

b . 1755. br. of Edward and John m.Aliciad . 1822,Toulouse. (67, ff. 280-1 ; CRS . 12/154, 225).

NIXON, EdwardorEdmundalias or vere Poyntz S.O. ?-1694(11; Fo.7/547)

b . 1675, London S.J. 1694.Priest. To England .d . 1728 , Watten. (Fo.7/547-8).

NIXON, Thomas S.O. ?-1750 (Fo.7/548).

b . 1735, Lancashire s of Cuthbert and Helen (Baines)

E.C. Rome 1750-6. S.J. 1756. Priest . To England d . 1793 , Biddlestonor Alnwick , Northumberland (Fo.6/494; 7/548; Ki . 173 ; CRS . 12/44;40/207-8).

NIXON, .S.O. ?-c . 1725(7).

br of next below .

NIXON, .S.O. ?-c . 1725 (7).

br. of next above.

NORICE, William alias Westby, Alphonsus S.O. c . 1633 (9, p. 342; 46/633; Fo.1/545).

NORRIS,Andrew alias Baines. S.O. 1669-73 (CRS . 55/623-5).

b . 1654, Speke, Lancashire s. of John and Elizabeth(Beavoyr).


br ofCharles and Richard E.C.Rome 1673-6 S.J. 1676. Priest To England . d . 1722, Lincolnshire (Fo.6/422; 7/549; CRS . 40/86; 55/623-5).

?NORRIS Charles ?S.O ?-1663 (CRS . 55/599).

b . 1646, Lancashire s ofJohn and Elizabeth(Beavoyr)of Speke, Lancashire br ofAndrew and Richard E.C. Rome 1663-?

Priest S.J. 1682.To England d . 1690, Watten (Fo.6/407; 7/54950; CRS . 40/69; 55/599).

NORRIS, Francis alias or vere Morgan S.O. 1616-19 (12 ; CRS . 30/132).

b. c . 1600 E.C.Valladolid 1619-21 . d . 1621, Valladolid,not yet ordained . (CRS . 30/132)

NORRIS* , Francis S.O. 1635 (or earlier) -1640(5).

?NORRIS, Jeremy ?S.O before 1715 (CRS . 62/215,310)

From Norfolk. s. ofJeremyand Teresa (Eyre) ofNorwich. (Pa . 47; E. and P. 195).

NORRIS , John S.O. ?-1673 (Fo.7/550).

b . 1656, Lancashire S.J. 1673.d . 1676, Liège, notyet ordained . (Fo.7/550)

NORRIS, John S.O. 1744-9 (1; 2; 3;4)

b . 1726. S.J. 1749. d . 1751, St Omers College, notyet ordained (Fo.7/550).

NORRIS, Richard S.O. ?-1677 (Fo.7/551).

b . 1658, Lancashire s of John and Elizabeth(Beavoyr) br.of Andrew and Charles E.C. Rome 1677-80 S.J. 1680. Priest To England d . 1717,Suffolkdistrict (CRS . 40/93; Fo.6/427-8; 7/551; Oliver2/365-7).

NORRISalias for Clifton, Cuthbert and William; Reading, Thomas; Tucker, Ben and James

NORTH* , Robert S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1633 (or later)(5)

NORTON* , John S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1631 (or later) (5).

NORTON* , John S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1658 (or later) (5).

NORTON* ,Nicholas S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1661 (or later) (5)

NORTONalias for Clark, Gabriel; Grene, John ; Throckmorton , Thomas

NOTTLE, Joseph alias Broughton S.O. ?-1677 (CRS . 29/31, 101).

b . 1659, London s of Humphrey and Anne E.C. Madrid 1677-80 E.C. Rome 1680-1 O.P. 1681. Priest d . 1696, Bornhem (CRS . 25/128; 40/96-7 ; 55/644-5; Gumb . 43-4; Fo.6/430).

NOWELL, Lawrence alias for Holker, Richard.

NUGENT, Henry B. 1773 (7; 15;58; 60). b . 1764 . From Dublin ?br. ofJohn and Thomas E.C. Bornhem 1775-? (CRS . 25/166).

NUGENT, ?Hyacinth Richard . S.O. c . 1690. (CRS . 62/89 ,219).

?s. of Thomas , 1st BaronNugent ofRiverstonand Mariana (Barnewall). ?2nd Baron 1715.?m. SusannaCatherine Beresford d . ?1738, London (GEC).

NUGENT* , John S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (orlater)(5).


NUGENT , John B. 1773 (7; 15; 58; 60)

b . 1762 . From Dublin ?br ofHenry and Thomas E.C. Bornhem 1775-8 (CRS . 25/166)

NUGENT, Thomas B. 1773 (7; 15; 58, 60)

b . 1761. From Dublin ?br ofHenry and John E.C. Bornhem 1775-8 . (CRS . 25/166).

NUGENTalias for Bermingham , William

OAKLEY , Francis S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/71 , 74, 295).

b . 1694, Worcestershire . S.J. 1715. Priest.To England d . 1755 , Yorkshire (Fo.7 /556, E. and P.xii).

OAKLEY, William. S.O. ?-1708 (CRS . 30/181).

E.C.Valladolid 1708-11.(CRS . 30/181).

OATES , Titus alias Ambrose and Lucy, Sampson S.O. 1677-8 (CRS . 47/193-4)

b . 1649, Oakham s. ofSamuel. E.C. Valladolid 1677.m . Margaret Wells d . 1705, London (DNB; CRS . 30/173;Fo.5/12n; Chad.1/184 ff.)

O'BRIEN, see Brian O'BRYAN, see Arundell, Bernard.

O'CALAGHAN, Daniel S.O. ?-1742 (RSC . 84).

S.C. Douay 1742-4 . (RSC . 84).

OCCLESHAIGH , alias Pleasington S.O. 1730-c . 33 (1; 7).

?From Wigan.May be the same at Catesby, Richard O'FALLON or FALLON, Patrick B. 1773 (15; 51, f. 85; 58; 59; CRS . 63/266, 356, 366).

From Cloone, near Athlone E.C. Douay 1773-6 . (CRS . 63/266, 356, 366)

OGLETHORPE, Thomas alias Stillington S.O. ?-1613 (11; CRS . 54/262)

b . 1594 , Yorkshire ?s of Michael and Elizabeth(Stillington) br. ofnext. E.C. Rome 1613-6. S.J. 1616. d . 1617 , Messina,not yet ordained (CRS . 37/168; 54/261-2; Fo.3 /148-79; 6/265-6, 519-21 ; 7/558)

OGLETHORPE, ?William or Gervase S.O. c . 1613 (CRS . 54/262).

b. after 1594.?s. ofMichael and Elizabeth(Stillington) of Yorkshire. br. of Thomas (CRS . 54/262 ; Fo.3/150).

?OKILL, Jonathan ?S.O ?-1704 (NB.1/71)

OLDCROFT* or HOLCROFT , John S.O. ?-1684 (13)

S.J. 1684-c . 86.

?OLIVER, George ?S.O. c . 1733 (21).

?From Lincolnshire.

OLIVIER ,-. S.O 1714-? (CRS . 62/135 , 149).

From Brest br of the next.

OLIVIER, .S.O 1714- ? (CRS . 62/135 , 149).

From Brest br of the above.


O'NEILorNEIL, Johnalias Gradellor Gradwell S.O. 1726-33 (7; CRS . 30/187-8)

b . 1716, St. Germainor Ireland E.C. Valladolid 1733-9 Priest S.J. 1740. To England d . 1760, Devonshire district (Fo.7/538-9; Oliver2/315).

ORME , Joseph S.O. c . 1756 (4)

ORMES ,Christopheralias for Challoner, Henry.

ORTON, Charles S.O. 1604-8 (CRS . 10/64; 30/100-Darton)

b . 1590-2, Nancyin Lorraine s ofHenry br ofnext below. E.C.Douay 1601-4 E.C.Valladolid 1608-11 E.C.Douay 1612-14 . (CRS . 10/64, 115 , 124; 30/100).

ORTON, .S.O. 1601-? (CRS . 10/32)

s . of Henry br ofCharles.

OSBALDESTON , .S.O. c . 1737-c . 48 (2;3).

?OSBORN, ?S.O before 1678 (CSP.Dom.1684-5 , p . 210).

O'SULLIVAN , Paul B. 1769 -c . 70 (2;6; 8).

OTTERTON* , Thomas S.O. ?-1613 (19)

OTTERTON* ,William. S.O. 1613-?(19).

OVERTON, Edwardalias Thompson S.O. c . 1600 and 16034 (CRS . 30/84)

b. c . 1580, Lincolnshire. E.C. Valladolid 1604-8. Priest . To England (CRS . 30/84;Ans.2/234).

OVERTON, Paulalias for Snod or Snode, Peter

OWEN* ,Henry S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1648 (or later) (5).

OWEN , Hughalias Hughes, John S.O. 1633-6 (CRS . 55/452-3).

b c . 1615, Anglesey s of Hugh ofAnglesey E.C. Rome 1636-43 . Priest. To England S.J.1648 . To England d . 1686 , Holywell. (CRS . 40/17; 55/452-3; Fo.4/518; 6/343; 7/560; Ans.2/234; Gil.5/222-3).

?OWEN, Thomas alias Dilingham ?S.O ?-1619 (CRS . 54/330-1)

b. c . 1597.s of Robert and Laura(Coytmor)of Carnarvonshire E.C. Rome 1619-20 (CRS . 37/193; 54/330-1; Fo.6/292).

OWEN , Thomas. S.O. 1630 (or earlier) -1635(5).

b . 1614, in Wales S.J. 1635.Priest. To Portugal (Fo.7/562).

OXENBRIDGE , Robert alias Dalton. S.O. 1611-13 (CRS . 30/115).

b. c . 1592. From Yorkshire. E.C. Valladolid 1613-? O . Carth (CRS . 30/115)

PAGE* , Francis S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1662 (5).

PAGE* , John.S.O. 1663 (or earlier)-1665 (5).

PAGET* , Matthew S.O. 1632-8 (5).

PAINE orPAYNE, Matthew S.O. c . 1732 (1; 7)

s . ofRoger.

PALMER, Anthony S.O. and B. 1761-5 (6).


Maybethe same as Wright,Anthony.

PALMER, Charles B. 1763-7 (6).

May be the same as Wright, Charles

PALMER, Francis B. 1765-7 (6).

Maybethe same as Wright,Francis.

PALMER, Francisalias for Poulton,William.

PALMER* , George or John S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1650(or later) (5).

PALMER, Henryalias or vere Fall S.O. 1678 (or earlier) -1680(13; Cas . 64; HMC . 32/13/App.6.p.151)

b . 1660. S.J. 1680-2 (63/1681-2).

PALMER* , John S.O. 1613 (or earlier) -1614 (19)

PALMER* , John. S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148-9)

E.C. Valladolid 1632-c . 34 O.P. 1634.d . 1634, ?Valladolid, not yet ordained (CRS . 30/149).

PALMER, Johnalias for Thwing orThweng, Robert.

PALMER , Matthewalias for Poulton ,Henry.

PALMER, Richard S.O. and B. 1760-c . 63 (6).

Maybethe same as Wright, Richard

PALMER* , Thomas S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1652 (orlater)(5).

PALMER, Thomas S.O. 1678 (or earlier) -1679 (CST.7/365).

From Dorney, Buckinghamshire s ofSir Philip and Phoebe (Palmer). (BuP; CRS.8/396; Fo.5/133; CST.7/365).

PALMER* ,William. S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5).

PALMER,William B. 1769-73 (2; 8; 14; 54; 59; 60)

b.c . 1754 . From London. E.C. Bornhem 17734. (CRS . 25/165)

PALMER alias for Chichester , John ; Fall, John; Palmes, George; Poulton, Charles, Ferdinand, Francis , Giles or Francis, Giles , Henry, John (2), Thomas, William; Southcote, Roger;Thwingor Thweng, Thomas; Wright, JohnandThomas.

PALMES , George Bernard alias Palmer and Coniers or Conyers S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1637 (5; CRS . 55/455-6).

b . 1618, Naburn Castle, Yorkshire. s. of Sir George and Catherine (Babthorpe ) ofNaburn E.C. Rome 1637-8 E.C. Seville 1638-42. Priest O.S.B. Douay 1642.d . 1663 ,Gratz in Styria. (CRS . 40/18; 55/455-6; Bi . 41-2; BLG; Fo.5/715n; 6/344; Ans.2/236; Peac . 141; Oliver2/478).

PALMES, William alias Coniers or Conyers S.O. 1609-14 (19;CRS . 54/282-3).

b. c . 1595, NaburnCastle, Yorkshire s . ofJohnandJane or Joan (Dawney) of Naburn E.C. Rome 1614-18. Priest S.J. 1619/20. To England . d . 1670, Yorkshire (CRS . 37/174; 54/282-3; Gil.5/242; Ans.2/236, Peac . 140-1; Fo.5/715; 6/271;7/566).

PANSFORD, John alias Percival ,Molineux S.O. ?-1613 (CRS . 30/114).

b c . 1590, Hampshire E.C. Valladolid 1613-c . 20 Priest. To England d . 1668, Claxby, Lincolnshire (CRS . 30/114; Ans.2/237; Fo.7/566, 1444).


PANTING, John S.O. c . 1743-9 (1 ; 2; 3)

b . 1732, London S.J. 1749.Priest. To England d . 1783 , Bonham House , Stourton, near Bath (Gil.5/242-3; Fo.5/791n; 7/567).

PARKER* , Edward S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (orlater) (5).

PARKER, Francis . S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5)

b . 1606, Lancashire S.J. 1626. Priest.To England d . 1679 , Ghent . (Fo.5/531 ; 7/567-8; BR . 28).

PARKER, James S.O. ?-1616(Ans.2/237)

b . 1597 , Lancashire E.C.Seville 1616-c . 23 Priest S.J. 1623 . To England d . 1657, Lancashire (Fo.7/568; Ans.2/237).

PARKER, James S.O. and B. c . 1758-63 (2; 8; CRS . 30/190).

b . 1747, Liverpool E.C. Valladolid 1763-6. S.J.1766 .Priest. To England d . 1822, Liverpool (CRS . 30/190, 192; Fo.7/568).

PARKER* , John S.O. 16334 (or later) (5).

PARKER* ,John. S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1654(or later)(5).

PARKER* ,John S.O. 1663-4 (or later) (5)

PARKER* ,John. S.O. 1666 (or earlier) -1670(5).

PARKER* , Thomas S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1637 (orlater) (5)

PARKER, Thomas S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/41).

PARKER, Thomas alias Burchard S.O. c . 1755-6 (2;4).

b . 1739. From Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1756-63 .Priest. S.J. 1763.To England d . 1820, HeathGreen,Worcestershire . (CRS . 30/190-1; Fo.7 /569; WR.7/13-19).

PARKER* , William S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623(or later) (5)

PARKERalias for Buck, John; Culcheth, Charles, James (2), John (2), Thomas (2) and William; Draycott, George; Heatonor Heton, John (2); Thompson, Charles; Thomson, Charles.

PARKINSON, Richard S.O. ?-1699 (Fo.7/570).

b . 1681, Yorkshire s . ofWilliam and Alicia E.C. Rome 1699-1704 . S.J. 1704. Priest . To England d . 1748, Ghent. (CRS . 40/125, Ki . 176; Fo.6/450; 7/570).

PARKINSON, Richard S.O. ?-1733 (CRS . 30/187).

E.C. Valladolid 1733-4 .

PARKINSON-- alias for Threlfall, William.

PARR or PARRE- alias for Boldes, George; More, Henry.

PARRY, Charles alias Price S.O. 1732-c . 34 (7).

PARRY, Edward S.O. 1700-02 (or later) (75, ff 41v,44v,45v) ?b . 1684, Denbighshire ?br of John ?S.J . 1704. d . 1711 , in England , not yet ordained (Fo.7/570-1).

PARRY, Fulkalias for Portland, John

PARRY , H .-. S.O. before 1714 (CRS . 62/91). ?From Staffordshire.

PARRY , Henry alias Libanus S.O. 1734-c . 39 (1 ;2; 7; 21)

s. ofJohn and Mary of Twysog, Denbighshire br ofPierce

PARRY , John. S.O. 1700-02 (orlater) (75 , ff 41v, 44v,45v) ?From Denbighshire ?br. ofEdward.


PARRY, John S.O. 1732-7 (1 , 7;21).

b . 1718, Denbighshire S.J. 1737-38 .(Fo.7/571).

PARRY , Pierce alias Libanus. S.O. 1732-6 (1;2; 7).

b . 1716 . s. ofJohn and Mary ofTwysog , Denbighshire .br of Henry E.C. Rome 1736-40 E.C. Lisbon 1740/1-2 Priest To England . d . 1792, Aldridge, Staffordshire. (CRS . 13/288-91 ; 40/193; Ans.6; Gil.5/244-5 ;Ki . 177; Cro . 237-8).

PARRY -aliasfor Conway, William; Prichard , James

PARSLEY, William alias Selby. S.O. 1666 (or earlier) -1670 (5)

b . 1652, Yorkshire. s. of William. E.C.Rome 1670-6 Priest d . 1676, Rome (CRS . 40/82-3, Ans.5; Fo.6/417).

PARSONS* , Henry S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

PARSONSalias for Roper, William;Simpson ,William See Persons

PASTON , Clement S.O. c . 1727-30 (7).

s.ofJohn and Frances (Tichborne) of Horton, Gloucestershire . ?m .Mary Isabella Kempson d . ?1788. (E. and P. 73; Pa . 19-20; CRS . 19/377; Oliver2/125).

PASTONalias for Stanley,William.

PATESON , Jamesalias Arden S.O. 16234 (CRS . 55/375). b c . 1600, Lancashire . E.C. Rome 1624-31 Priest To England (CRS . 37/203;55/375; Fo.6/304).

PAULET or POWLET , George -- alias forThimelby, Matthew.

PAULET* , Henry S.O. ?-1692 (75, f. 6v)

br ofThomas

PAULET* , Thomas S.O. ?-1692 (75, f 6v). br ofHenry.

PAULET* , .S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/315) br ofthe next.

PAULET* , .S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/315). br of the above

PAULET alias for Wells ,Henry.

PAYNE, see Paine.

PAYTON* ,Vincent S.O. c . 1701 (75, f 45v)

PEAKE , Robert alias Kendrick. S.O. c . 1693 (75, ff. 8v,9v)

PEARCE , Francis alias or vere West S.O. ?-1732 (1 ; 13).

b . 1722,Cornwall ?br. ofJohn S.J. 1742. d . 1746, Liège,not yet ordained . (Fo.7 /578).

PEARCE, Jamesalias or vere Chamberlain S.O. ?-1713 (Fo.5/578).

b . 1692, Somerset S.J. 1713-27 . Priest.To Marylandand England (Fo.7/578; Hu . Text 2/687; ?CRS . 62/11).

PEARCE , John alias West S.O. c . 1750-2 (2; 3; 4). ?From Cornwall ?br. of Francis

PEARCE , see Percy.

PEARSE , William alias Hall S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1694 (75, ff 6v, 164).

PEARSON or PIERSON , Michael S.O. ?-1696(75,f.22v).

b . 1674, Yorkshire s ofAnthony and Jane E.C. Rome 1696-9. Deacon d . 1699, Rome (CRS . 40/122; Fo.6/448).


PEARSON , Richardalias Hudson . S.O. 1614-17 (CRS . 54/304-5)

b . 1599, Howden, Yorkshire ?s. ofThomas and Elizabeth (Knowles) E.C. Rome 1617-8-? (CRS . 37/183; 54/304-5; Fo.6/281)

PEARSON *,William S.O. 1632 (orearlier) -1634 (orlater)(5)

PECKHAM, Robert alias Webb and Hanmer S.O. 1600-04 (CRS . 30/82).

b. c . 1586, Denham , Buckinghamshire s .ofEdmundand Dorothy (Gerard) half-br ofLayton, John and Thomas. E.C. Valladolid 1604-8 , 9-13 Priest S.J. 1613.To England . d . 1621, ?Leicestershire . (CRS . 30/82; Ans.2/239 ; Fo.3/109; 7/579; CSP . Ireland, 1608-10 , pp 23 , 49-53)

PELHAM* , Philip. S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1664 (or later)(5)

PELHAM, Thomasalias for Shirley,Henry.

PELHAM , William. S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1643 (5).

b . 16234, Suffolk S.J. 1643. Priest To England and Maryland d . 1671, in Maryland (Fo.7/580; Hu . Text 2/681)

PELHAMalias for Waldegrave, Francis and Nicholas ; Warren, Henry and William.

PEMBER , George. S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1653 (5)

b . 1634, Buckinghamshire . S.J. 1653. d . 1661, Ghent , notyet ordained (Fo.7/580)

PEMBER , Thomas Ferdinand S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1654(or later) (5).

PEMBERTON* , George S.O. 1633-35 (orlater) (5)

PEMBERTON, John S.O. ?-1726 (CRS . 30/184-5).

b . 1707-8 , Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1726-33 Priest.S.J. 1733.To England . d . 1763 , ?Ellingham, Durham. (Fo.7/580; CRS . 30/185).

PEMBERTON , Johnalias for Rudd, Gaspar See Blundell , John.

PENDRILL or PENDRELL or PENDERELL, Francis alias Becket. S.O. c . 1695 (75,f 19v).

PENDRILL, Johnalias Gough. S.O. 1732-c . 35 (1 ; 7; 21).

PENDRILL, Richardalias Becket S.O. 1694-1702 (75, ff. 15v , 18v , 25v, 26v, 28v, 37v, 38v).

b. c . 1681 From Staffordshire s ofEdmundandAnne (Starling) ?br ofWilliam E.C. Rome 1702-5 d . 1732 . (CRS. 40/132, Fo.6/454; DNB. s. Penderell , Richard, died 1672).

PENDRILL, Richardalias Becket . S.O. c . 1728-32 (1; 7).

PENDRILL, William alias orvere Birch S.O. ?-1701(75,f.45v; CRS . 30/181).

b . 1682, Shropshire ?s ofEdmundPendrill and Anne (Starling) ?br ofRichard E.C. Valladolid 1701-8.Priest. S.J. 1708. To England . d . 1748, Northumberland. (CRS . 30/181; Fo.7/581)

PENDRILL, -. B. 1768-c . 72 (2; 6; 8 ; 47, ff 38v, 39v,40).

PENDRILLalias for Howe, Joseph and William.

PENKETH, Johnalias Rivers and Birkett S.O. ?-1651



b . 1630, Penketh , Lancashire s of Richard and - (Patrick).

E.C. Rome 1651-8. Priest To Brussels. S.J. 1663.To England .

d . 1701-2 , ?in England (CRS . 40/49 ; 55/530-1 ; Ans.2/240; Fo.5 /329-35 ; 6/382-3; 7/581-2).

PENKETH, Johnalias Rivers. S.O. c . 1697-1702 (11; 75,ff. 30v , 165v).

b . 1681 . From Lancashire s. of Robert and Alice (Charnley).

S.J. 1702-4.E.C. Rome 1704-10 . Priest.To Belgium (CRS 40/134-5; Ans.5; Fo.6/455; 7/582, 1445).

PENKETHalias for Slack, Thomas .

PENN* , Charles. S.O. 1666 (or earlier) -1668(5)

PENN, Thomas S.O. ?-16034 (Fo.1/435-9; 7/583). d . 1603-4, St Omers College.

PENNANT, Thomas alias Conway S.O. 16014 (CRS . 54/139-40).

b. c . 1580, Flintshire s . of-- Pennant and - (Conway).

E.C. Rome 1604-11 Priest S.J. 1611/12 To England d . 1638, in Wales (CRS . 37/134-5; 54/139-40;Ans.2/240; Fo.4/334-5; 6/230-1 ; 7/583).

PENNANT, see Mostyn, Thomas

PENNINGTONor PINNINGTON, Alan alias Blundell S.O. ?-1689 (RSC . 60). b . 1670. From Lancashire . s . of Richardand Anne.S.C. Douay 1689. E.C. Rome 16934. O.P. 1694. Priest d . 1728, Bornhem . (CRS . 25/130;40/113; Ki . 179; Gumb . 56; Fo.6/442-3).

PENNINGTON, see Aspinwall or Aspinall, Edwardand William. PENNY* , William S.O. 1623 (orearlier) -1624 (or later) (5)

PENTHONY , Peter. S.O. c . 1738-44 (1; 2).

?From Liverpool.

PEPPARD , see Pippard.

PERCE* or PERSE, John S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1653 (5).

PERCE, see Percy.

PERCIVAL, Molineuxalias for Pansford , John.

PERCIVALalias for Percy, Richard

PERCY, Charles S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1664-5, Yorkshire s of Thomas and Cecily(Shawe)of Stubbs-Walden , Yorkshire br ofPhilip and Robert S.J. 1685. Priest. To England d . 1735, Grafton Manor, Worcestershire . (88; Fo.7/585; E. and P.315)

PERCY , Francis S.O. c . 1701 (75, f.45) ?s.of Francis and Mary. ?d 1709.(88).

PERCY , Philip S.O. ?-1683(13)

b . 1660, Yorkshire s ofThomas and Cecily(Shawe) of Stubbs -Walden, Yorkshire. br. ofCharles and Robert S.J. 1683 Priest. To England d . 1724, Yorkshire.(88; Fo.7/587).

PERCY , Richardalias Percival. S.O. 1598-1601 (CRS . 30/80). b . 1584, Ryton, Yorkshire s ofWilliam E.C. Valladolid 1604-8. ?E.C. Douay ?-1610 (CRS . 30/80, 91; 10/101 ;Ave.1/184).


PERCY, Robert alias Smith, Francis S.O. ?-1674 (Fo.7/587).

b . 1652, Yorkshire s. ofThomas and Cecily (Shawe) of Stubbs-Walden br of Charles and Philip S.J. 1674. Priest . To England d . 1715, Derbyshire district (88; Fo.7/587)

PERCY* or PEARCE or PERCE, Thomas S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1654 (orlater)(5).

PERCYalias for Johnson , Edward.

PERISON ,William S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1631 (16)

b . 1611 , Yorkshire S.J. 1631. Priest. To England. d . 1666, Devonshire district (Fo.7/588)

PERKINS, Charles S.O. 1734-7 (1; 2; 7)

s. of Francisand Arabella(Fermor) ofUftonCourt , Berkshire . br. of Francis , Jamesand John d . 1762 (Sha . 114 , 127 ; E. and P. 3; Pa . 1-2)

PERKINS, Francis . S.O. 1734-c . 37 (1;2; 7)

b . 1716. s . of Francis and Arabella(Fermor) ofUftonCourt , Berkshire. br. of Charles, Jamesand John d . 1750 (Sha . 114 , 127; Pa . 1-2; E. and P. 3)

PERKINS, James S.O. 1734 -c . 37 (1; 2; 7)

s .ofFrancisand Arabella(Fermor) ofUfton Court, Berkshire . br ofCharles, Francis and John d . 1755 (Sha . 114 , 127, E. and P. 3; Pa . 1-2)

?PERKINS, John ?S.O c . 1613 (70). From London.

PERKINS, John S.O. 1734-c . 37 (1; 2; 7).

s .ofFrancis and Arabella(Fermor)ofUfton Court, Berkshire . br. ofCharles, Francis and James. m .Maryd . 1769 (Sha . 114, 127-8; Pa.1-2; E. and P. 3).

PERKINS, W.S.O. c . 1759 (2) ?From Maryland.

PERKINSalias for Hawkins, Thomas ; Hyde, Charles and Francis.

PEROTalias for Plowden, Edmundand Francis

PERSALL or PESHALL, Johnalias Harcourt S.O. 1648-53(5; 36, f. 82)

b . 1633, Staffordshire S.J. 1653. Priest.To England d . 1702 , ?London district (Fo.5/300; 7/588-9; BuEB; Gil.5/272-3)

PERSE, see Perce.

PERSONS* , Francis S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1664 (5).

PERSONS* , John S.O. 16134 (orlater)(19)

PERSONS, John S.O. 1654-9 (CRS . 55/572-3).

b c . 1639. From Chester s. ofGeorge and Mary (Hunt).

E.C. Rome 1659-64 Priest To England (CRS . 40/61; 55/572-3; Ans.5; Fo.6/398; ER.9/95-6).

PERSONS or PARSONS , Robert alias Richardson and Briant. S.O. ?-1614 (CRS . 54/275-6).

b c . 1588, Walpole , near Bridgewater , Somerset s. ofThomas and Mary (Blunt or Blount) E.C.Rome 1614-? Priestin Spain.

To England S.J. 1626.To England d . 1658, ?Devonshire district (CRS . 37/172-3; 54/275-6; Ans.2/238 ; Fo.6/270; 7/574-5).

PERSONS or PARSONS , Robert S.O. 1659-65 (5).

b . 1648, Suffolkor Norfolk S.J. 1665.Priest d . 1680 , St Omers College. (Fo.7/575).

PERSONS* , Thomas S.O. 1656-62 (5)

PERSONS*,William S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1655 (orlater)(5).

PERSONS alias for Clode , William.

PETERSalias for Lalart, John Baptist.

PETERSON * or PETRESON , William. S.O. 1613-14 (orlater) (19).

PETERSONalias for Curtis, Peter, Sweetman , Edwardand Nicholas , Wilcox,Robert

PETIT, Cyriacalias Stanley , Charles S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696 (11; 75, ff 7v, 14v, 18v, 21v, 25v,32v).

b . 1672,Kent ?br. of Francis and Roger S.J. 1696. Priest.To England d . 1710, ?North Wales (Fo.7/589-90).

PETIT,Francis alias Stanley S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (11; 75, ff. 7v, 18v)

?br ofCyriacand Roger S.J. 1695-6 ?m . Margaret - . (Fo.7/590, 733 ; LR.3/51; 5/27).

PETIT, Roger S.O. ?-c . 1708 (10)

?br ofCyriac and Francis d c . 1708, St Omers College. (Fo.7/590; Chad.1/245).

PETRE , Anthony alias Rivers S.O. c . 1654 (Fo.5/272 , ped.; Mai.).

b . 1641 s . of Sir Francis , 1st Bart. and Elizabeth(Gage) of Cranham, Essex br ofCharles, Edward , Francis, Thomas and William E.C. Rome 16614. d before 1697. (Fo.5/272, ped.; CRS . 40/64; Mai )

PETRE , Charles alias Spencer S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1667(5; Fo.7 /590)

b c . 1645 From London. s of SirFrancis, 1st Bart, and Elizabeth(Gage) of Cranham , Essex br ofAnthony, Edward , Francis, Thomas and William. S.J. 1667.Priest To England d . 1712 , St Omers College (Mai , Fo.5/272, ped , 282;7/590).

PETRE , Charles S.O. ?-1679 (13).

s.of Johnand Elizabeth(Pinchon) of Fithelers, Essex

S.J. 1679-80 .d unm 1690. (63/1679; Mai.; ER . 17/56).

PETRE , Edward alias Spencer S.O. c . 1644-52 (5; Mai )

b.c . 1631, London s ofSir Francis, 1st Bart and Elizabeth (Gage) ofCranham , Essex br ofAnthony , Charles, Francis, Thomas and William. S.J. 1652.Priest. To England .3rd Bart. before 1679.d . 1699, Watten (Mai.; Gil.5/290-1; Fo.5/272-82; 7/590-3, 1445)

PETRE , Francis alias Spencer. S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1656 (5,73).

s .ofSir Francis, 1st Bart. and Elizabeth(Gage) ofCranham ,, Charles, Edward, Thomas and William. 2nd Bart 1658.d before 1679. (Mai , Fo.5/272, ped.).


PETRE* ,James S.O. ?-1703 (11; Fo.7/593). S.J. 1703. (Fo.7/593).

PETRE ,John ?alias Rivers S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1653 (or later)(5).

b c . 1640, Essex. s of John and Elizabeth(Pordage) of Fithelers, Essex m. Mary Mannock, (d . 1687) S.J. 1689. Laybrother d . 1698, St Omers College. (Mai.; Fo.7/593; ER . 17/56).

PETRE , John alias Mannock. S.O. ?-1680(Fo.7/593).

b . 1661, Essex. s ofJohn and Mary (Mannock) of Fithelers, Essex. br. ofRobert and Thomas S.J. 1680. Priest .To England. d . 1738 , ?Worcestershire district (Mai .; Fo.2/584, ped.; 7/593).

PETRE , John S.O. c . 1726-c . 28 (7).

PETRE , Richardalias Williams . S.Ó. 1649 (or earlier) -c . 1654 (5).

b . 1634, Essex ?s. ofWilliam and Lucy (Fermor) ofBelhouse , Essex br of Robert. S.J. 1654. Priest To England d . 1692 , Ghent. (Mai.; Fo.7/593-4).

PETRE, Robert alias Williams and Spencer S.O. 1648 (orearlier) -c . 1654(5).

b . 1633, Essex ?s. ofWilliam and Lucy (Fermor) of Belhouse , Essex. br. of Richard S.J. 1654.Priest To England d . 1713 , Ghent (63/1712, 1714; Mai.; Fo.7/594).

PETRE , Robert alias Mannock S.O. ?-1686(13, Fo.7 /594)

b . 1666-7 . s ofJohn and Mary (Mannock) ofFithelers, Essex . br.ofJohn and Thomas . S.J. 1686. Priest. To England d . 1727 , Liège or Ghent (Mai. , Fo.7/594-5)

PETRE , Robert S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -c . 1719 (CRS . 62/60, 266).

b . 1700, Belhouse, Essex s ofWilliam and Penelope (Woolfe) of Belhouse. br. ofWilliam S.J. 1719.Priest. ToEngland d . 1766, Dunkenhalgh , Lancashire (Mai .; Fo 7/595)

PETRE , Robert S.O. c . 1755 (Gil.5/294; Han. 34)

b . 1742, London s . of Robert James, 8th Lord Petre and Anna MariaBarbara Radcliffe .9th Lord 1742.m . (1) Anne Howard(2) JulianaBarbara Howard d . 1801, London (Mai., Gil.5/294-6; BuP).

PETRE , Thomas alias Rivers S.O. ?-1658 (CRS . 55/564-5)

b . 1640, London s .of Sir Francis, 1st Bart and Elizabeth (Gage) of Cranham, Essex br ofAnthony , Charles, Edward, Francis and William. E.C.Rome 1658-9 4th Bart 1699. d after 1722. (CRS . 40/60; 55/564-5; Mai.; Fo.6/396).

PETRE , Thomas S.O. ?-1679 (13)

b . 1662-3 , Essex. s . ofJohn and Mary (Mannock) ofFithelers, Essex. br. ofJohn and Robert. S.J. 1679. Priest To England. d . 1729,Walton Hall, Yorkshire. (Fo.7/595;Mai.).

PETRE , William alias Gage S.O. ?-1670 (Fo.7/596)

b . 1650, Suffolk s . ofSir Francis , 1st Bart. and Elizabeth (Gage) of Cranham , Essex. br. ofAnthony, Charles, Edward, Francis and Thomas S.J. 1670. Priest .To England d . 1722 , Ghent (Mai.; Fo.7/596)


PETRE , William S.O. ?-1712 (CRS . 40/147).

b . 1694, Essex s . of William and Penelope (Woolfe) of Belhouse, Essex br. of Robert. E.C. Rome 1712-5 m Mary Tudor Radcliffe d . 1745 (CRS . 40/147; Mai.).

PETRE alias for Lalart, John Baptist; Lewis, James. PETRESON , see Peterson.

PETRINCK orPETERINK, Charles, B. ?-1773 (14; 59). From Lille

PHILIPS, Bartholomew alias forPugh,Robert.

PHILIPS, Charles S.O. ?-1642 (Ans.2/243). E.C. Valladolid 1642-8 Priest To England (CRS . 30/160; Ans.2/243)

PHILIPSON* , George S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (or later) (5).

PHILLIPS, Henry. S.O. c . 1725-c . 32 (1 ; 7;21)

s. ofThomas and Elizabeth(Crosse ) ofIckford , Buckinghamshire br. of Thomas . (E. and P. 15).

PHILLIPS, John B. c . 1768-73 (7; 15; 58; 60)

b. c . 1761 . From London ?E.C Bornhem 1774-6 (CRS . 25/165).

PHILLIPS, Thomas or Joseph alias Pursell S.O. 1725-9 (7; CRS . 40/180).

b . 1710, Worcester s of Joseph and Anne(Purshall). E.C. Rome 1729-30 (CRS . 40/180).

PHILLIPS, Thomas S.O. ?-1726(7; Gil.5/305).

b . 1708 . s ofThomas and Elizabeth(Crosse) ofIckford , Buckinghamshire br of Henry S.J. 1726-33 . To Rome.Priest

c . 1738 . To England S.J. 1768. d . 1774, E.A. Liège. (Gil.5/305-8, Oliver 1/165 ; Fo.5/855-8; 7/596-7; E. and P. 15).

PHILLIPS or PHILIPS alias for Cotton, Richard; Tasburgh , James; Watkins, Lawrence . See Astley, Vincent

PHILMOT orPHILMORT, Philip S.O. 1669 (or earlier) -c . 1674(5).

b . 1652, Staffordshire S.J. 1674. Priest. To England d . 1725 , Watten (Fo.7 /597)

PHILPOT, Richard alias White S.O. 1598-1602 (CRS . 30/74).

b c . 1580, Compton, Wiltshire E.C. Valladolid 1602-3 . d . 1603 . Valladolid (CRS . 30/174).

PIATT or PYATT, John S.O. 1700 (or earlier) -c . 1706(75, ff.43v,45v).

b . 1686-7, Yorkshire S.J. 1706. Priest. To England . d . 1743 , York. (Fo.7 /597-8).

PICKERING, Johnalias Green. S.O. 1622-7 (CRS . 10/264).

b . 1613, Westmorland s ofJames E.C. Douay 1628-31 (CRS . 10/264, 296; Be . 138).

PICKERING, Robert S.O. ?-1622 (63/1622).

b. c . 1606, Bedfordshire . S.J. 1622.Priest d . 1636, Liège (Fo.7/598).

PIERSON , see Pearson.

PICKFORD, Thomas alias Daniel. S.O. 1626-? (CRS . 10/246)


b . 1608, Cornwall, E.C. Douay 1625-6. E.C. Seville c . 1629 . S.J. 1629.Priest To England d . 1676, Oxfordshiredistrict (CRS . 10/246, Fo.7/598).

PIGAULT or PIGOT,.S.O 1715-? (CRS . 62/298)

From Calais

PIGOTT, Adam alias Griffin S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1694 (75 , ff 6v , 15v, 16v, 164).

b . 1673, London s ofAdam S.J. 1694. Priest. To England d . 1751 , Crondon Park, Essex. (Fo.7/599; Pa . 17; Gil.5/311)

PIGOTT orPIGOT, Charles S.O. ?-1710 (Fo.7 /599).

b . 1690, Oxfordshire. s ofNathaniel S.J. 1710-11 (Fo.7/599; Pa . 17).

PILE, Henry. S.O. 1754-61 (2; 4;8)

b . 1743, Maryland ?br ofJoseph S.J. 1761. Priest.To England and Maryland d . 1813, St Thomas ,Maryland. (Fo.7/599; Hu . Text2/700).

PILE, John . S.O. 1765-c . 70 (2; 6; 8; 23)

From Maryland.

PILE, Joseph S.O. 1754-c . 57 (2; 4)

From Maryland ?br. ofHenry.

PIMBLE, Johnor Ethelbert S.O. c . 1608-10 (CRS . 30/108).

b. c . 1591 , Hereford. E.C. Valladolid 1610-? (CRS . 30/108)

PINCARD or PINCKARD alias for Thomas, John

PINNINGTON see Aspinwall or Aspinall, Edward and William. See also Pennington .

PIPPARDor PEPPARD , Denis S.O. c . 1755 (2).

PIPPARDor PEPPARD , Nicholas S.O. 1757-62 (2)

b . 1741 . From Lancashire. s . of Henry and Frances (Blundell) of Liverpool and Crosby . Assumed name of Blundell. m ClementinaTempest d . 1795 (CRS.6/126n; NB.1/tables before introduction , 5; 3/x, xi)

PIPPARD, Luke alias Stanfield. S.O. c . 1724-33 (1; 7).

b . 1716, London, S.J. 1733. Priest d . 1761, CrondonPark , Essex (Fo.7/600).

PIPPARD , S.O. c . 1752-c . 55 (2;4)

From Dublin

PITTS , Henry S.O. 1654 (or earlier) -1659 (5; 36, f 191).

b . 1639, Warwickshire S.J. 1659. Priest .To England d . 1690 , Worcestershire district (Fo.7 /600).

PITTS* , John S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1659 (or later) (5)

PITTS, Robertalias Falkner. S.O. 1633-40 (5, CRS . 55/467-8)

b. c . 1620, Dorset s of Robert and Anne E.C.Rome 1640-5 . E.C. Douay. Priest. To England d . 1682, near Paris. (CRS . 40/23; 55/467-8; Fo.6 /352, Ans.2/246-7).

PITTS alias for Atwood, Peter

PLACE, Pierre Antoine de la . S.O. 1714-24 (Michaud, Biographie Universelle )

b . 1707, Calais d . 1793, Paris (SCR . 34).

PLACE, Richardalias for Killinghall ,Henry.

PLANTIN alias for Platt, Francis.

PLATT, Francis alias Plantin. S.O. c . 1610-6 (19; CRS . 54/300)

b . 1599, Batrington, Berkshire s of Bartholomewand Margaret E.C. Rome 1616-23 . Priest. To England . (CRS . 37/180; 54/299-300; Ans.2/247; Fo.6/278)

PLATT alias for Needham ,Daniel

PLAYLE alias forWaldegrave,William

PLEASINGTON, Josephalias for Catesby, Richard.

PLEASINGTONalias for Occleshaigh, -

PLESSINGTON , John (orWilliam) alias Scarisbrick . S.O. c . 1655 (CRS . 47/293).

b c . 1637 , near Garstang, Lancashire s. ofRobert and Alice (Rawstorne ) of DimplesHall, near Garstang E.C. Valladolid 1660 3. Priest. To England. Martyred, 1679, Chester. Canonised. (CRS . 30/169;47/293-6; Chad 1/206; Gil.5 /322; Chal . 541-3; Dod.3 /292 ; SM . 32/108 ff.).

PLOTTS , Johnalias Thompson. S.O. 1629 (orearlier) -1634 (5).

b . 1614, Staffordshire S.J. 1634. Priest. To England d . 1688 , St Omers College (Fo.7/600-1).

PLOWDEN , Charles alias Rumbold S.O. 1696-9 (75, ff. 27v, 30v, 32v, 33v, 38v, 165).

s. ofCotton

PLOWDEN , Charles alias Simons. S.O. 1754-9 (2; 4)

b . 1743, PlowdenHall, Shropshire .s. ofWilliam Ignatiusand Frances (Dormer) br. ofEdmund, Francis, John and Robert. S.J. 1759. Priest. To England d . 1821, Jougne, France. (Fo.4 /537 , ped. , 555-60;7/601-3 ; Gil.5/322-5).

PLOWDEN , Edmundalias Gage ,Perot and Simeon S.O. ?-1682 (13).

b . 1664 5, Oxfordshireor London s ofEdmundand Penelope (Drummond) of Plowdenand Aston br. of Francis, Richardand Thomas Percy. S.J. 1682. Priest To England d . 1740, Ghent. (Fo.4/537 , ped.; 7/603).

PLOWDEN , Edmund S.O. c . 1701 (75 ,f. 45)

PLOWDEN , Edmund S.O. 1739 46 (1; 2; 3).

b . 1727, Idsworth, Hampshire . s . ofWilliam Ignatiusand Frances (Dormer) ofPlowdenHall, Shropshire . br ofCharles , Francis , John and Robert m. ElizabethThompson.d . 1768. (Fo.4/537, ped.)

PLOWDEN , Edmundalias Simmons or Simons B. 1769-73 (2; 6; 7; 8; 28, ff 8, 74, CRS . 63/262).

b . 1756, London. s. of Edmundand Elizabeth(Thompson)of PlowdenHall, Shropshire br ofWilliam E.C.Douay, 1773-5 . m . Anna MariaBurton d . 1836. (CRS . 63/355, 362; Fo.4/537, ped )

PLOWDEN , Francisalias Simons.S.O. 1659-62 (or later)(5).


?s of Edmund and Elizabeth(Cotton) of Plowden Hall, Shropshire ?br. ofGeorge, Joseph and Richard ?m .Mary Howard d ?St. Germain (Fo.4/537, ped.)

PLOWDEN , Francis alias Perot and Simeon . S.O. ?-1682 (5).

b . 1661-2 , Oxfordshire. s . of Edmund and Penelope (Drummond) of Plowden Hall, Shropshire . br. ofEdmund, Richardand Thomas Percy S.J. 1682. Priest. d . 1736,Watten Fo (4/537, ped.; 7/603).

PLOWDEN , Francis S.O. c . 1715-21 (7; CRS . 28/93).

s.of Francis and Mary (Howard) ofSt Germain E.C. Douay 1721-25 . St.G. Paris 1725-37 Priest .To England d . 1788, Paris.

(CRS.8/401 ; 19/128, 132; 28/93, 128; 62/293; Gil.5/327-8; Ki . 185-6).

PLOWDEN , Francis Peter alias Simeon . S.O. and B. 1760-66 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1749, PlowdenHall, Shropshire s of William Ignatiusand Frances (Dormer) br of Charles, Edmund, John and Robert S.J. 1766-73 . m. DorotheaGriffith Phillips d . 1829,Paris. (Gil.5/325, 328 , Ki . 186; DNB ; Fo.4/537, ped.; 7/603-4).

PLOWDEN , George S.O. ?-1670 (CRS.8/400; Fo.7/604)

b . 1651, Shiplake, Oxfordshire s of Edmund and Elizabeth (Cotton) ofPlowdenHall, Shropshire br of Joseph, Richard ?and Francis E.C. Rome 1670-77 Priest To England. d . 1694 , Pontoise (CRS,8/400; 40/82; Fo.4/537 , ped.; 6/416-7;7/604).

PLOWDEN , John Trevanion S.O. c . 1726-30 (7; 21; 40, ff. 237, 253).

s .ofWilliam and Mary (Lyttleton) ofPlowden Hall, Shropshire half-br ofWilliam d . 1758, Liège (Fo.4 /537, ped.; Pa . 55 , 68)

PLOWDEN , John S.O. 1741-c . 48 (1 ; 2; 3)

b . 1732, PlowdenHall, Shropshire s. of William Ignatiusand Frances (Dormer). br ofCharles, Edmund, Francis andRobert . d . 1754, Amsterdam (Fo.4/537 , ped).

PLOWDEN , Joseph S.O. ?-1676 (Fo.4/551).

b . 1655, Oxfordshire. s of Edmundand Elizabeth(Cotton) of Plowden Hall, Shropshire br. ofGeorge, Richard ?and Francis. S.J. 1676.Priest d . 1692, Brittany (Fo.4/551 , 537 , ped .; 7/604)

PLOWDEN , Richardalias Simonor Simons S.O. 1659-65 (5).

s.of Edmundand Elizabeth(Cotton) ofPlowden Hall, Shropshire br. ofGeorge, Joseph ?and Francis d in Ireland. (Fo.4 /537, ped.).

PLOWDEN , Richardalias Saville and Simeon S.O. ?-1679 (13; Fo.7 /604-5).

b . 1659-63 , Oxfordshire or London s . ofEdmundand Penelope (Drummond). br. ofEdmund, Francis and Thomas Percy S.J. 1679. Priest d . 1729, Watten (Fo.4/537, ped, 551-3,7/604-5)

PLOWDEN , Robert S.O. 1751-6 (2; 4;22)

b . 1740, PlowdenHall, Shropshire s ofWilliam Ignatiusand

Frances (Dormer) br of Charles, Edmund , Francis and John. S.J. 1756. Priest. To England d . 1823, Wappenbury , Warwickshire . (Gil.5/331-2; Fo.4 /537, ped , 5545, 671-3; 7/605; Ki . 186)

?PLOWDEN , Thomas alias Salisbury ?S.O ?-1617 (Fo.4/546).

b . 1594, Oxfordshire. s of Francis and Mary (Fermor)of PlowdenHall, Shropshire S.J. 1617. Priest To England d . 1664 , London (Gil.5/332 ; Fo . 537, ped , 546-7; 7/606).

PLOWDEN , Thomas Percy orPercy S.O. ?-1693 (75, f 179).

b . 1672, Oxfordshireor London s. ofEdmundand Penelope (Drummond) of Plowden Hall, Shropshire . br ofEdmund, Francis and Richard S.J. 1693. Priest d . 1745 , Watten (Gil.5/332; Fo.4/537 , ped , 554; 7/604)

PLOWDEN , William Ignatius S.O. c . 1713 (CRS . 62/33).

b . 1700, Plowden Hall, Shropshire , s. of William and Mary (Stonor). half-br ofJohn Trevanion m. Frances Dormer d . 1754. (Fo.4/537 , ped.; CRS . 62/33n).

PLOWDEN ,William alias Simmons B. 1770-3 (2; 8; 14; 59; 60; CRS . 63/266, 356)

b . 1759 , PlowdenHall, Shropshire s of Edmundand Elizabeth (Thompson ). br. ofEdmund E.C. Douay 1773-9, 1780-1.m. Mary Winter. d . 1824 (Fo.4/537, ped , CRS . 63/266, 287, 373 , 374 , 376)

PLOWDENalias for Bryon, Francis

PLUMPTON* , George S.O. 1669 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5).

PLUMPTON, .S.O. 1729-c . 32 (1; 7)

br. of next below . May be the same as Knight PLUMPTON , .S.O 1731-2 (1)

br. ofnext above Maybe the sameas Knight. PLUMPTONalias for Knight, Alexander, George and. PLUNKETT , Arthur S.O. 1741-7 (2;3).

b . 1730 From Ireland. ?s. of Robert, 6th Earl ofFingall and Mary (Magenis). ?br ofPeter S.J. 1747-54 (not ordained). ?m.

Henrietta Maria Woolascot . ?7th Earl 1738. d . ?1793.(Fo.7/607; CRS.8/354; BuP .).

PLUNKETT, Christopheralias Bagnall S.O. 1668 (orearlier) -1670 (orlater)(5).

From the diocese ofWexford ?s ofLuke, 3rd EarlofFingall andMargaret (Macarty) E.C. Rome 1669-71 d . ?1672-3 . (CRS . 40/80;GEC )

PLUNKETT, Francis . B. c . 1771-3 (2; 8; 15, 58, 60).

From Antwerp. s ofThomas , Baron ofthe HolyRoman Empireand Mary (D'alton) br of John. (Chad.1/355).

PLUNKETT, John. B. c . 1771-3 (15; 58)

From Antwerp. s. ofThomas, Baron oftheHolyRoman Empireand Mary (D'Alton) br ofFrancis (Chad 1/355).

PLUNKETT, Peter S.O. 1741-c . 45 (2).

From Ireland.?s ofRobert, 6thEarl of Fingalland Mary


(Magenis) ?br ofArthur S.J. c . 1748. Priest . d after 1810 , Leghorn (Fo.7 /608 , 80Irish section).

PLUNKETT, Robert B. c . 1763-67/8 (2; 6; 8; CRS . 63/246,418)

b . 1752, diocese ofLondon. s. ofThomas and Mary (Underhill)

E.C. Douay 1768-9 . S.J. 1769-73 E.C. Douay 1776-80 . Priest

To Brusselsand America d . 1815, near Washington. (Fo.7/608; CRS . 63/369,418 ; Ans.6; Mel . 140; Hu . Text 2/703).

PLUNKETT* , Thomas S.O. 1613-? (19)

PLUNKETT , Thomas S.O. ?-1671 (Fo.6/516).

POLEor POOLE , Anthony alias or vere Smith.S.O. ?-1610 (CRS. 30/107-8).

b. c . 1592, London E.C. Valladolid 1610-13 S.J. 1614-23 Priest

To England (Fo.7/609 ; CRS . 30/107-8; RH.5/52-5)

POLEor POOLE , Anthony S.O. c . 1641 -c . 46 (CRS . 55/500).

b . 1627-9 , Spinkhill , Derbyshire. s. ofGeorge and Ursula (Thwaites ) ?br ofJohn E.C.Rome 1646-8 S.J. (already a priest) c . 1657 . d . 1692, Liège (Fo.6/367-8; 7/609; Ans.2/248; CRS . 40/38; 55/500).

POLE or POOLE, Edward S.O. ?-1726(7)

?From Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1726-7 (CRS . 30/185-6)

POLE or POOLE , Edward--alias for Anderton, Roger

POLE or POOLE , Francis S.O. 1694-9 (11; 75, ff. 11v,20v, 21v, 25, 26v, 38v)

b . 1681, Staffordshire. s. ofSir James, Bart. and Anne(Eyre) ofPoole, Cheshire br. of Jamesand John.half-br.ofRowland. S.J. 1699-1711 . (not ordained priest) ?2nd Bart ?m . Frances Pelham d . ?1763 . (Fo.7 /610; Ki . 187; BuEB)

POLE or POOLE , Francis S.O. ?-1728 (7).

b . 1710-11 , Lancashire S.J. 1728. Priest. To England . d . 1767 , Sarnesfield , Herefordshire.(Fo.7/610).

?POLE, German ?S.O. c . 1599 (Ans.2/249; Fo.2/290).

b . 1578, Spinkhill , Derbyshire E.C. Seville ?-1608 Priest To England S.J. 1619.To England d . 1648, Derbyshiredistrict. (Ans.2/249; Fo.2/290;7/611)

?POLE, Henryalias Layton, Francis ?S.O ?-1616(CRS . 54/295-6; Fo.6/277)

b. c . 1595, Derbyshire E.C. Rome 1616-21 . (CRS . 37/179; 54/295-6; Fo.6/277).

POLE or POOLE , James S.O. 1694-9 (75, ff. 11v, 20v,21v,25,26v, 31v, 38v).

s.ofSir James , 1st Bart. and Anne (Eyre) ofPoole,Cheshire. br. of Francis and John half-br of Rowland m. Meliora Gumbleton d . 1706 (BuEB).

POLEor POOLE, John S.O. ?-1642 (Fo.7/613).

b . 1621 , Derbyshire ?s ofGeorge and Ursula (Thwaites )of Spinkhill, Derbyshire. ?br. ofAnthony E.C. Valladolid 1642-9. Priest . To England S.J. 1660. To England d . 1666 ,Yorkshire.


(CRS . 30/159; Ans.2/249 ; Fo.7/613).

POLE or POOLE , John. S.O. 1694-9 (75, ff 11v, 18v, 24v, 25,38v)

s .ofSir James, 1st Bart. and Anne(Eyre) ofPoole, Cheshire . br.ofFrancis and James half-br ofRowland.

POLEor POOLE , Michael alias Killingbeck S.O. ?-1678 (orlater) (13; CST . 10/1104).

b . 1661, Derbyshire. S.J. 1681. d . 1687, in England , notyet ordained (Fo.7 /613; CSP.Dom.May 1684-Feb . 1685/210).

POLE or POOLE , Rowland S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/106).

b . 1690, Cheshire s of Sir James, 1st Bart and Anne (Estcourt née Kirkham) ofPoole , Cheshire half-br.ofFrancis, James and John S.J. 1713-16 m. Bridget Hudleston (BuEB; Fo.7/614).

POLE or POOLE, Toussaint de la S.O. ?-1694 (11).

b . 1673-5. Farquinien, Flanders. S.J. 1694. Priest d . 1710,in England . (Fo.7/614)

POLE or POOLE , William alias Hesketh . S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/106 , 107, 125)

s. ofWilliam and Mary (Hesketh) m (1) Grace Pelham (2) DorotheaWalter (BuEB.; E. and P. 18,20, 97).

POLE or POOLE, William B. 1765-67 (orlater) (2; 6; 8)

b . 1752 S.J. 1771.Priest .To England d . 1828, Bedford Leigh Lancashire . (Fo.7/614; LR.1/31)

POLEor POOLEalias for Birkbeck, Edward (2) and Gervase; Cotton, George.

POLEHAMPTON , EdwardPeter S.O. 1725 (or earlier) -1726(or later) (7).

?b . 1708-9 ?From Worcester. ?s ofJamesand Elizabeth (Sarsfield). ?O.P.1728 . ?Priest d . ?1740, Bornhem (Gumb . 58-9; CRS . 14/208;25/131; WR . 22/33).

POLLARD orPOLLARDSalias for Poulton, Henry; Richards , - (2)

POOLE , see Pole.

PORDAGE , William alias Collins S.O. ?-1670 (Fo.7/615).

b . 1651-2, Kent ?s. ofThomas and(Ive), of Rodmersham , Kent E.C. Rome 1670-1 . S.J. 1672. Priest . To England d . 1736 , OxburghHall, Norfolk (CRS . 40/83; Fo.5/565 and n.; 6/417-8; 7/615; E. and P.88-9)

PORDAGE , .S.O c . 1739 c . 42 (2).

PORT alias for Layton, John and Thomas.

PORTER * , Edward S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1637 (5).

PORTER* ,George S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1657 (5; 73).

PORTER , James S.O. 1746-52 ( 1 ; 2 ; 3; 63/1754)

b . 1733, Brussels. S.J. 1752. Priest. To England d . 1810 , Portico, Lancashire (Fo.7/616).

PORTER , Nicholas S.O. ?-1741 (13)

b . 1724, near Cadiz S.J. 1741.Priest. To England d . 1802 , Rome (Fo.5 /552n; 7/616).


PORTERalias for Corbusier , John; Whaley, Thomas

PORTLAND, Johnalias Parry, Fulk S.O. ?-c . 1611 (CRS . 29/85;30/118).

b . 1596, Denbighshire . E.C.Madrid 1611-14 . E.C.Valladolid 1614-17 S.J. 1618. d . 1621, St Omers College, not yet ordained. (CRS . 29/85, 30/118-9; Fo.7 /616-7)

PORTLAND* , John S.O. 1635 (or earlier) -1639 (5).

POTTERalias for Stafford, Nathaniel;Thorpe or Stafford, Ignatius

POULTON, Andrew S.O. 1669-74 (Fo.7/618-9; Gil.5/351).

b . 1654, Northamptonshire s . ofFerdinandand Mary (Giffard) ofDesborough , Northamptonshire. br.ofThomas S.J. 1674. Priest To England d . 1710, St Germain (Gil.5/351-2; Fo.1 /155, ped.; 5/301-3; 7/618-9 , 969; Dod.3/493)

POULTON, Andrew S.O. ?-1708 (CRS . 30/181).

s of Ferdinandand Juliana (Garter) of Desborough , Northamptonshire. br. ofGeorge, Giles, Henry,John,Robert and Thomas E.C.Valladolid 1708-11 . d . ?1716, Maryland. (Fo.1/155 , ped.; CRS . 30/181).

POULTON, Charles alias Palmer, Robertsand Sanderson S.O. 1631 (orearlier) -1637 (5).

b . 1616, Northamptonshire s . ofJohn and Frances (Wollaston) ofDesborough , Northamptonshire br ofFerdinand, Giles or Francis , Henry, John and William. S.J. 1637. Priest .To England . d . 1690, Newgate prison (Fo.1/155, ped.; 5/307-9 ; 7/619-20).

POULTON, Ferdinandalias Brookes , Francis and Morgan, John S.O. c . 1606-c . 12 (CRS . 54/257).

b.c . 1584 , Bourton, Buckinghamshire . s . of Ferdinandoand Catherine (Jackman). br ofThomas . E.C.Rome 1612-c . 14 . S.J. 1615-c . 24. Priest.To England . (CRS . 37/166;54/256-7; Fo.1/155; ped.; 7/620; Gil.5/353).

POULTON, FerdinandJohnalias Brooke or Brookes.S.O. 1613-19 (19 ; CRS . 54/326-7).

b . 1601, Bourton, Buckinghamshire s. ofFrancis and Anne (Morgan) br of William. E.Č. Rome 1619-c . 21 . S.J. c . 1621 . Priest To Maryland d . 1641, Maryland (CRS . 37/191; 54/326-7; Fo.1 /155; 7/620; Hu . Text 2/679).

POULTON, Ferdinandalias Palmer S.Ó. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5)

b . 1605, Northamptonshire. s. ofJohn and Frances (Wollaston) ofDesborough , Northamptonshire br ofCharles, Gilesor Francis, Henry, John and William S.J. 1625. Priest. To England d . 1666, Lancashire district (Fo.1/155, ped.; 7/621).

POULTON, Francis alias Palmer.S.O. 1693-8 (75, ff 9v, 14v, 16v ,22v , 33v, 52v)

?s. ofGiles and Mary (Reeve) ofSambourn ,Warwickshire ?br ofGiles and William. ?m .Mary Coke d . ?1710 (Fo.1/155 , ped.).

POULTON, George S.O. ?-1707 (Fo.7/621-2)

b . 1689, Northamptonshire s of Ferdinand and Juliana (Garter) of Desborough , Northamptonshire. br. ofAndrew , Giles , Henry, John, Robert and Thomas S.J. 1707. Priest d . 1739 , Watten (Fo.1/155, ped.; 7/621-2; CRS . 62/4).

POULTON, Giles or Francis alias Palmer S.O. 1616-19 (12; CRS. 30/133).

b . 1600, Northamptonshire. s of John and Frances (Wollaston) ofDesborough , Northamptonshire br ofCharles, Ferdinand, John,Henry and William E.C.Valladolid 1619-21 . S.J. 1622. Priest To England d . 1666, Suffolkdistrict. (CRS . 30/133; Fo.1 /155, ped. , 7/622).

POULTON, Giles. S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696(75, ff 22v, 52v, 56v, 166).

?s. ofGiles and Mary (Reeve) ofSambourn ,Warwickshire . ?br of Francis and William. d . ?1718 (Fo.1/155, ped ).

POULTON, Giles alias Palmer . S.O. 1708-14 (CRS . 40/153; 62/80, 85; Ki . 192)

b . 1694, Northamptonshire s ofFerdinand and Juliana (Garter)ofDesborough , Northamptonshire br. ofAndrew, George, Henry, John, Robert and Thomas E.C. Rome 1714-21 . Priest S.J. 1721.To England d . 1752, London (CRS . 40/153; Ki . 192;Ans.6; Fo.1/155, ped.; 7/622).

POULTON, Henryalias Pollard S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/102).

b. c . 1583-5, Northamptonshire E.C. Valladolid 1609-12 Priest S.J.To Spain d . ?1643, ?Seville or St Omers College. (CRS . 29/152, 155; 30/102; Ans.2/250-1, Fo.7/1446).

POULTON, Henryalias Palmer,Matthew S.O. 1632 (orearlier) -1635 (5)

b . 1615, Northamptonshire s . of John and Frances (Wollaston) ofDesborough, Northamptonshire br ofCharles, Ferdinand, Giles or Francis, John and William S.J. 1635. d . 1640, near Saint-Omer, not yet ordained (Fo.1/155, ped , 617-9; 7/623; Chad.1/158-9).

POULTON, Henryalias Palmer . S.O. ?-1700 ( 11; 75, f.42).

b . 1679 Northamptonshire s of Ferdinandand Juliana (Garter) ofDesborough ,Northamptonshire br ofAndrew , George, Giles, John , Robert and Thomas S.J. 1700. Priest. To Maryland d . 1712, Newtown, Maryland (Fo.1/155, ped.; 7/623; Hu . Text 2/685).

POULTON, Johnalias Coniers or Conyers and Palmer S.O. 1625-30 (5; CRS . 55/416-7).

b . 1610, Desborough , Northamptonshire s. ofJohnand Frances (Wollaston). br of Charles, Ferdinand , Giles orFrancis, Henry and William E.C. Rome 1631-8 Priest. To England. S.J. 1650. To England d . 1656, in England (CRS . 40/1; 55/416-7, Ans.2/251 ; Fo.1/155, ped.; 6/324-5; 7/623).

POULTON, John alias Palmer S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1700



(75, ff. 11v, 17v, 22v, 35v, 62v).


s.ofFerdinandand Juliana (Garter) of Desborough , Northamptonshire. br ofAndrew, George, Giles, Henry, Robert and Thomas Priest d . 1748, London (Fo.1/155, ped )

POULTON, Robert S.O. c . 1699 (75, f. 37v).

s.ofFerdinandand Juliana (Garter) ofDesborough , Northamptonshire. br ofAndrew, George, Giles,Henry, John and Thomas d . 1716. (Fo.1/155 , ped.; Pa . 48)

POULTON, Thomas alias Brookes and Underhill S.O. 1605-9 (CRS . 54/233-7).

b . 1577, Bourton, Buckinghamshire s. ofFerdinandoand Catherine (Jackman) ofBourton. br. of Ferdinand E.C.Rome 1610-13 . Priest S.J. 1617.To England d . 1637, London or Northamptonshire. (CRS . 37/160; 54/233-7; Ans.2/251;Gil.5/353; Fo.1/155, ped.; 6/258-9; 7/624, 1447).

POULTON, Thomas alias Palmer S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1668, Northamptonshire s. of Ferdinandand Mary(Giffard) ofDesborough ,Northamptonshire br. ofAndrew S.J. 1685 . Priest. To England d . 1725, Ghent (Fo.1/155, ped.; 7/625).

POULTON, Thomas S.O. ?-1716(CRS . 62/89; Fo.7/625)

b . 1697, Northamptonshire s . of Ferdinandand Juliana (Garter) of Desborough , Northamptonshire br. ofAndrew , George, Giles, Henry, John and Robert S.J. 1716. Priest.To Maryland d . 1749,Maryland. (Fo.7/625; Hu . Text 2/690).

POULTON , William alias Palmer, Francis S.O. 1628 (orearlier) -1633 (5)

b . 1613,Northamptonshire. s . of John and Frances (Wollaston) ofDesborough, Northamptonshire br of Charles, Ferdinand, Giles or Francis, Henry and John S.J. 1633. d . 1641 , Ghent,not yet ordained (Fo.1 /155, ped.; 7/625).

POULTON, William alias Sacheverell or Sackville and Spenser. S.O. c . 1645-50 (CRS . 55/539)

b. c . 1615, Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire s . of Francis andAnne (Morgan) of Bourton, Buckinghamshire .br. of Ferdinand John . E.C. Seville c . 1650. E.C. Rome 1652-7 Priest To England d . 1672, London (CRS.3/100;40/51-2;55/539; Ans.2/252; Fo.1/155, ped.; 6/386-7).

POULTON, William alias Palmer S.O. 1694-8 (75, ff 12v, 16v, 31v, 34v), b . 1676, Worcestershire ?s . ofGiles and Mary (Reeve)of Sambourn , Warwickshire ?br ofGiles and Francis E.C. Rome 1698-1704. Priest .To England d . 1726 (CRS . 12/2;40/124; Ki . 192 ; Fo.1 /155 ,ped.).

POULTON or PULTONalias for Baker, James POWELL, Francis alias Ashton S.O. ?-1677 (13) b . 1658, Essex S.J. 1677.Priest. To England d . 1733 , Liège. (Fo.7/627).

?POWELL, Henry ?S.O c . 1678 (HMC . 32/13/App.6/116).


POWELL, Lawrence S.O. ?-1684(13).

b . 1665,Monmouthshire. S.J. 1684. d . 1687, in England,not yet ordained . (Fo.7/627).

POWELL, Michael S.O. 1689 (or earlier) -1690(or later) (75, ff.48-9).

POWELL , William S.O. ?-1678 (13).

b . 1658 . S.J. 1678. d . 1681, St Omers College,not yetordained. (Fo.7 /628).

POWELL , William S.O. c . 1739 (2).

POWELL , William see Williams, Roger.

POWELL alias for Clarke , Edward; Jones, John.

POWER orPOWERS, Andrew S.O. and B. c . 1755-c . 64 (2;4; 8) ?br ofPower or Powers, below.

POWER, Andrew B. 1773 (15; 58; 59; 60)

From Montserrat, West Indies.

POWER or POWERS, Nicholas B. 1764-7 (2; 4; 6; 8)

POWER or POWERS,.S.O c . 1755 (4) ?br ofAndrew.

POWIS, John S.O. c . 1725 (7).

POWLET , see Paulet.

POWLETT* , Thomas S.O. 1633 (or earlier) -1634(or later) (5).

POYNTZ, John alias Campionand Stephens S.O. ?-1621 (Fo.7 /628). b . 1602, Gloucestershire s. of Edward and Mary. E.C. Rome 1621-4 . S.J. 1624. Priest. To England d . 1671, Ghent. (CRS . 37/198; RH.6/70; Fo.6/298; 7/628-9).

POYNTZ, John alias Beaumont and Price S.O. c . 1728-32 (7).

b . 1709, Devonshire . s . of Giles and Ann of Yarnscombe , Devonshire . E.C. Lisbon 1723-6.S.J. 1732. Priest ToEngland. d . 1789, Liège. (Cro . 242, RH.6/724; E. and P. 230-1 ; Fo.7/629; AHSJ . 38/464-78)

POYNTZ or POYNES alias for Mathews , Edmundand George.See Nixon, Edward

PRESTON* , George S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1654 (or later)(5).

PRESTON , Thomas alias Saville . S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1660 (or later) (5)

b . 1643, Lancashire s ofSir John, 1st Bart. oftheManorof Furness and Jane (Morgan). 3rd Bart 1663. m. (1) Elizabethde Planzye (2) Mary Molyneux, who died 1673.S.J. 1674.d . 1709 , Watten,withoutever taking orders (BuEB.; RH . 13/212-8; Fo.5/358-9; 7/631 ).

PRESTON , Thomas S.O. ?-1670(RSC . 50).

b . 1652, Paris s of Anthony, 2ndViscount Taragh and Margaret (Warren) S.C. Douay 1670-1 .3rd Viscount Taragh 1659.d. unm. 1674, ?Dublin (RSC . 50; GEC ).

PRESTON * , William S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624(orlater)(5)

PRESTON , William alias Vincent and Baines S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1655 (5; CRS . 55/552).

b . 1637 , Northamptonshire s . ofWilliam and Elizabeth.


E.C. Rome 1655-62. Priest S.J. 1662.To England d . 1702 , Hampshire district (CRS . 40/56; 55/552; Ans.5 ; Fo.6/392; 7/632).

PRICEor RICE,Dominic alias Garvan B. c . 1771-3 (2; 8; 14;59).

b . 1759 . s ofDominic ofDingle, Kerry br ofGeorge and John E.C. Douay 1773-5 . (CRS . 63/266, 268, 357 , 363)

PRICE , Edward S.O. 1676-82 (13; CST . 10/1118).

S.J. 1682-3 (63/1682, 1684 , CSP.Dom.May , 1684Feb . 1685/210 , 230).

PRICE or RICE, George alias Garvan B. c . 1771-3 (2; 14;59).

b . 1764 . s . ofDominic ofDingle, Kerry br of Dominic and John E.C.Douay 1773-5 . (CRS . 63/266, 270, 357,363).

PRICE, John S.O. 1753-8 (2;4; 22)

b . 1739, near Lanherne , Cornwall S.J. 1758. Priest.To England . d . 1813, Liverpool (Fo.7 /633).

PRICE , John c . 1753-9 (14; 60).

From Barbados , West Indies.

PRICE or RICE , Johnalias Garvan B. c 1771-3 (2;8; 14; 59).

s. ofDominic ofDingle, Kerry. br. of Dominic and George. E.C.Douay 1773-5. (CRS . 63/266, 268, 357,363).

PRICE , Thomas S.O. 1729-33 (1; 7;21)

PRICE,William. S.O. 1748-c . 54 (2; 3;4)

PRICE , .S.O ?-1689 (RSC . 60).

S.C. Douay 1689.

PRICE , B. c . 1766 (2).

PRICEalias for Babe, Francis or James;Parry. Charles; Poyntz,John; Rice, Joseph; Scudamore , John . See Andrews , Ignatius orWalter; Garvan, Thomas ; Pryse, (2) SeealsoPryse.

PRICHARD , Jamesalias Parry S.O. c . 1670-c . 73 (CRS . 55/619).

b. c . 1651 , Blan Lymmon, Monmouthshire. s . ofJamesand Elizabeth(Lewis) E.C. Rome 1673-277 Priest (CRS . 40/85; 55/619; Fo.6 /420-1).

PRICHARDor PRITCHARD, James S.O. c . 1742-c . 48 (1; 2; 3)

PRICHARD , John. S.O. ?-1739 (13) ?S.J. 1739 .

PRICHARD , William alias Morgan. S.O. 1681-3 (CRS . 55/653).

b . 1662, Monmouthshire s. ofJohn and Jane. E.C. Rome 1683-90 Priest To England (CRS . 40/100; 55/652-3; Fo.6/434; Ki . 265).

PRICHARD, .S.O. c . 1725 (7)

?br of next below.

PRICHARD, .S.O. c . 1725 (7)

?br of next above .

PRICHARD alias for Jones, John and William; Lewis,John

PRINCE , Richardalias Lacey.S.O. ?-1668 (Fo.7/634).

b . 1648, Oxfordshire E.C. Rome 1668.S.J. 1668.Priest. To England d . 1680, in Newgate prison (CRS . 47/258; BR . 814;


FAB . 188-9 ; Fo.5/256-61 ;7/634).

PROCTOR alias for Metcalf or Metcalfe, Thomas

PROSSER, Philip alias Monington or Monnington S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1662 (5)

?b.c 1635, Herefordshire ?s of Edward ?E.C .Rome 1667-? ?Priest (CRS . 40/76; Ans.5 ; Fo.6/412).

PRYSE or PRICE,.S.O c . 1605 (HMC . Salisbury, 17/626).

?From Washingley , Huntingdonshire br of next below

PRYSE or PRICE, .S.O. c . 1605 (HMC . Salisbury, 17/626).

?FromWashingley , Huntingdonshire br. ofnext above .

PRYSE , see also Price

PUDSEY , Stephen alias Banister S.O. c . 1626-31 (CRS . 10/292).

b . 1610, Bolton-by-Bowland,Yorkshire. s . ofWilliam and Elizabeth(Banister) br of Thomas E.C. Douay 1631. Priest. ?Killed in Civil War (CRS . 10/292 ; Fo.5/767 , ped , 770; Dod.3/71; Ans.2/257;Ave.1/308)

PUDSEY, Thomas alias Banister . S.O. ?-1631 (CRS . 10/291).

b . 1609, Bolton-by-Bowland, Yorkshire s ofWilliam and Elizabeth(Banister) br ofStephen E.C. Douay 1631. d . ?1636. (CRS . 10/291 , 295; Fo.5/767 , ped.)

PUGH, Edward S.O. 1726-c . 29 (7).

PUGH , Robert alias Phillips, Bartholomew. S.O. ?-1626 (Gil.5/372; Dod.3/288).

b . 1607 s of Philip and Gaynor(Bryn) ofPenrhyn, Carnarvonshire E.C.Valladolid 1626-33. Priest S.J. 1633-45 .To England . d . 1679, in Newgate prison. (Gil.5/372; CRS . 11/538; 47/290-1 ;Ans.2/258 ; Dod.3 /288-9 ; Fo.5/34; 7/596, 635).

PUGH * , Robert. S.O. 1665-70 (or later) (5).

PUGH, Thomas S.O. 1745 -c . 47 (1 ; 2;3)

PULFORD, James. S.O. 1735-c . 40 (2; 7).

PULTON, see Poulton

PURCELL,Francisalias Mason . S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1644 (5; CRS . 55/481-2).

b . 1624,Mortimer, Berkshire s . of Francis and Mary(Gifford). br ofWalter. E.C. Rome 1644. d . 1644, Rome (CRS . 40/30; 55/481-2; Fo.6/360).

PURCELL, Walteralias Gifford . S.O. c.1640.45(CRS . 55/485-6).

b. c . 1627, Staffordshire. s .of Francisand Mary(Gifford)

br of Francis E.C. Rome 1645-52 Priest . To England. (CRS . 40/32; 55/485-6; Ans.2/259; Fo.6/361; 7/589).

PURSALL* , Edward S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1662 (5)

PURSALL* , Richard S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1670 (5)

PURSALL* , Thomas S.O. 1657 (or earlier) -1662 (5).

PURSELL alias for Phillips, Thomas orJoseph.

PYATT, see Piatt.

PYCKE, Francis B. ?-1773 ( 14; 59;60)

From Ghent



PYE, Edward alias Lingen S.O. 1668 (orearlier) -1670(or later) (5).

b . 1653 , Herefordshire s . ofJohn and Blanche (Lingen) br of Henry, Walter ?and John. E.C. Rome 1674-6 (CRS . 40/88; Fo.6/423 ; E. and P. 79)

PYE, Henry alias Lingen S.O. ?-1680(75, f 30; RSC . 91).

b . 1662, Herefordshire . s ofJohn and Blanche (Lingen).br. of Edward, Walter ?and John E.C. Rome 1680-1 S.C. Douay 1691-2 (CRS . 40/97; RSC . 61; Fo.6/431;E. and P. 79).

PYE , John alias Lingen. S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670 (or later) (5). ?s.ofJohn and Blanche (Lingen) ?br ofEdward,Henry and Walter. (E.andP. 78)

PYE , Walter alias Lingen. S.O. 1669-70 (or later) (5)

b . 1656, Herefordshire . s ofJohn and Blanche (Lingen). br of Edward, Henry ?and John E.C. Rome 1675-8 (CRS . 40/91; Fo.6 /425; E. and P. 79)

PYE , .S.O 1732-? (1; 7).

PYE, S.O. ?-1745(1;2).

E.C. Douay 1745-? ?St G. Douayc . 1746 (BSG).

QUARTERMAN ,.S.O. c . 1713 (CRS . 62/11).

QUEEN,Edward S.O. and B.17604 (2;6; 8). From Maryland.

QUEEN, .S.O c . 1713 (CRS . 62/11).

QUIN, Richardalias Christie B. 1770-2 (2;6;8). ?br of Robert.

QUIN, Robert alias Christie B. 1770-2 (2; 6; 8). ?br of Richard.

QUINTON orQUINTIN, George alias Brooke S.O. 1635-41 (CRS . 55/470)

b . 1619, London. s . of Joseph and Mary. E.C. Rome 1641-7 . Priest. To England d . 1685, Richmond, Surrey. (CRS.3/101n; 7/297,40/24; 55/469-70; Ans.2/260; Fo.6/353).

RADCLIFFE, Anthony James, Lord Kinnaird B. ?-1773( 15; 58; 59)

b . 1757, Slindon, Sussex s ofJames Bartholomew ,4th Earlof Newburghand Barbara (Kemp) 5thEarl 1786. m.Anne Webb . d . 1814, Slindon (BuP; GEC; Ki . 193; CRS . 12/128-9;7/354).

RADFORD or RADSFORD, Joseph. S.O. ?-1677 (13)

b . 1655, London S.J. 1677-86 . Priest. (63/1678, 1686).

RAMSEY* , Robert. S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1613(or later) (19)

RANSOM* , Henry. S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (19)

RAPPAERT, Albert de B. ?-1773 (15; 58; 59; 60). From Bruges .


RASTELL* , Michael S.O. 1612-?(19).

RASTELL* , Richard S.O. c . 1613 (19)

RASTELL* , Robert S.O. 1611-13 (orlater) (19).

RATCLIFFE* , Thomas S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1637 (orlater) (5).

RATCLIFFE alias for Raynes, William

RAWLEY alias for Rookwood,Robert.

RAYMOND or RAYMENT, Charles S.O. ?-1686(13).

b . 1665, Seville . S.J. 1686. Priest To England d . 1725 , Worcestershire district (Fo.7/640)

RAYNES, William alias Robinsonand Ratcliffe S.O. 1609-10 (CRS . 30/109)

b . 1590, Kent E.C. Valladolid 1610-12 E.C. Douay 1612-13 . (CRS . 10/116, 121 ; 30/109).

REA alias for Holland, John

?READING, Thomas alias Norris. ?S.O. 1633 (CRS . 55/436).

b. c . 1597. From Durham s . ofAnthony and - (Lonsdale). E.C. Rome 1633 40. Priest To England d . 1672, Durham district (CRS.3/99;40/10; 55/435-6; Ans.2/262; Fo.6/335).

READINGalias for Bamber, Edward.

REDFORD, Sebastian alias or vere Exton. S.O. 1715 (or earlier) -1719 (CRS . 62/237; Fo.7/640).

b . 1701, Paris or London S.J. 1719.Priest . To England d . 1763 , Wealside, Essex (Fo.7/640-1; Gil.5/399-400).

REEVE* , Francis S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1631 (or later) (5; 19).

REEVE, Joseph alias Haskey. S.O. 1746-52 (2; 3 ; 4; 8, 26, p. 4;55; 63/1754).

b . 1733 , Warwickshire . s ofRichard and Anne(Haskey)of Island Hill,Studley, Warwickshire . br. ofRichardand Thomas S.J. 1752.Priest To England d . 1820, UgbrookePark, Devonshire (Fo.7/641; Gil.5/402-3; Ki . 196; Oliver1/178; 2/395-401 )

REEVE, Richardalias Haskey. S.O. 1749-57 (2; 3; 4; 26, p. 4)

b . 1740 . s . ofRichard and Anne (Haskey) of IslandHill, Studley,Warwickshire . br. ofJoseph and Thomas S.J. 1757 . Priest To England d . 1816, Stonyhurst College. (Fo.7/642; CRS . 13/399-400)

REEVE , Thomas alias Haskey B. 1764-70 (2; 6; 8; 23; 26, p 4)

b . 1752 . s of Richardand Anne (Haskey) ofIslandHill, Studley,Warwickshire br ofJoseph and Richard S.J. 1770 Priest .To England d . 1826, London (Fo.7/642).

REILLY, Bernard B. 1770-3 (7; 8, 14;59; 60).

b . 1759. From Jamaica.

REILLY, Charles alias Whyte S.O. 1713-4 (or later) (CRS . 62/19, 66). ?From Ballinlough,Neath.

REILLY, John B. c . 1768-73 (2; 7; 8; 14; 60).

s. ofJohn ofWesthrop , near Bury, Suffolk br ofThomas.

REILLY, Thomas B. 1768-73 (7; 15; 58;60).


s.of JohnofWesthrop, near Bury, Suffolk br ofJohn. ?REMACLES , S.O. c . 1754 (4).

REVELL, John. S.O. 1693 (orearlier) -1697 (11; 75 , ff 8v, 13v, 16v , 24v, 26v, 29v)

b . 1677 S.J. 1697. d . 1699, in England or at Watten ,notyet ordained . (Fo.7/645)

REYNOLDSON, John S.O. 1666-70 (or later) (5).

b . 1655, London S.J. 1673. Priest .To England . d . 1686 , Lancashire .(Fo.7/645)

RICE, Edward alias Fitzgerald . S.O. 1696 (orearlier) -1697(or later) (75, f. 56v).

RICE, John S.O. c . 1750-7 (2,3;4)

RICE, Joseph alias Price. S.O. 1754-? (4).

b . 1744, London s of Terence and Margaret E.C. Rome 1760-9 . Priest. To England d . 1810, London. (CRS . 40/218-9; Fo.6/500-1 ; RH.2/178).

RICE, see alsoPrice

RICHARDS, alias Pollards S.O. ?-1689 (75, f. 45; RSC . 60)

br.of next two below S.C. Douay 1689 .

RICHARDS,alias Pollards S.O. ?-1689 (75 , f. 45; RSC . 60).

br ofnext above and below S.C. Douay 1689 .

RICHARDS, .S.O. ?-1689 (75, f 45)

br. of next two above .

RICHARDS alias for Hatson ,William.

RICHARDSON, Edwardalias Wallis or Walsh S.O. 1610-17 (19; CRS . 54/310).

b . 1601, Hampshire s. ofRichard E.C.Rome 1617-24

E.C. Valladolid 1625-28 Priest To Belgium (CRS . 30/135 , 145; 37/185; 54/310; Fo.6/283; Ans.2/263; Ans.4/436)

RICHARDSON, Francis S.O. ?-1663 (CRS . 55/595).

b. c . 1645,Stagsden, Bedfordshire s of James and Margaret. E.C. Rome 1663-? Priest (CRS . 40/68; 55/594-5).

RICHARDSON , John alias Blundell S.O. ?-1658 (CRS . 55/558-9).

b c . 1640, London s of- (Richardson ) and Elizabeth(Beale)

E.C.Rome 1658-65 Priest To England . d . 1667 (CRS . 40/58; 55/558-9 ; Ans.5; Fo.6/394-5).

RICHARDSON, John. S.O. c . 1752-5 (2;4).

b . 1734 . S.J. 1755. Priest. To England d . 1782 , Lancashire . (Fo.7/647).

RICHARDSON, Robert alias Garbot. S.O. ?-1688 (Fo.7/647).

b . 1671 , London S.J. 1688. Priest .To England d.Hampshire district. (Fo.7/647)

RICHARDSON* , Thomas S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1668 (or later)(5).

RICHARDSON, Thomas S.O. c . 1748-c . 54 (2; 3;4).

?From Lancashire

?RICHARDSON, William. ?S.O 1594-6(CRS . 30/42)

b . 1575, Leicestershire ?E.C. Seville c . 1595.E.C.Valladolid


1596-1602 Priest . To England (CRS . 30/42; Ans.1/289; HMC . Salisbury, 10/341).

RICHARDSON , William alias Bulmer S.O. ?-1674 (Fo.7/648).


b . 1652, Durhamcounty. S.J. 1674. Priest To England d . 1689 , Yorkshire. (Fo.7 /648, 1449).

RICHARDSONalias for Persons, Robert; Shuttleworth, John.

RIDDELL or RIDDLE, Charles B. c . 1764 (4).

RIDDELL or RIDDLE, Edward S.O. c . 1751 -c . 54 (2; 3;4)

RIDDELL, Peter. S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1656(5).

b . 1636, Northumberland ?s ofSir William and Catherine (Widdrington) ofGateshead. ?br. ofRobert S.J. 1656. Priest. ?To Maryland, d date unknown, ?in Maryland (Fo.7/648; NCH.3 /11; Surt . 175/186).

RIDDELL , Robert alias Carey. S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1664 (5).

b . 1644, Northumberland s ofSir William and Catherine (Widdrington) ofGateshead ?br of Peter E.C. Rome 1664-9 . Priest To Flanders and England d . 1702 (CRS.9/114; 35/201; 40/71; Ans.5;Ki . 197; NCH.3 /11, 134; Fo.6/408; Surt 175/186).

RIDDELL, Thomas S.O. ?-1672 (RSC . 51)

b.c . 1656, Northumberland s ofThomas and Mary (Gray) of Fenham , Northumberland d . 1673, Saint-Omer (RSC . 51-2).

RIDDELL , William S.O. ?-1687 (Fo.7/648)

b . 1669 , Northumberland ?s . ofWilliam and Margaret. S.J. 1687. Priest. To England d 1711 , Durhamdistrict. (Fo.7/648; NCH.3/11-2;E. and P.47)

RIDER* , John S.O. 1648 (orearlier) -1649(or later)(5)

RIDLEY, Johnor Ralph B. 1769-c . 71 (2; 6; 7;8). From Newcastle

RIGBY , James S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/125; Fo.7/649).

b . 1705-6. From Lancashire s of John and Anne (Spence) of Billinge, near Wigan, Lancashire br ofJohn E.C.Rome 1724-30 . Priest O.S.F. Douay 1730-1 E.C. Douay 1731-2 . To England. d . 1751 , Claxby, Lincolnshire. (CRS . 28/158, 164;40/1734; Ki . 198; Fo.6/475, 7/649; Tha . 328). ?RIGBY, John alias Streetand White ?S.O. ?-1627 (CRS . 30/135).

b. c . 1600, Oxfordshire. s. ofN. Rigby ofOxfordshire

E.C.Douay 1624-5. E.C.Valladolid 1627-9 E.C. Douay 1630-2

Priest. To England d . 1684, Wiltshire (CRS . 10/228,234, 282, 301, 302, 305, 314 , 315; 30/145; Ans.2/265-6).

RIGBY* ,John. S.O. 1655 (or earlier) -1666 (or later) (5).

RIGBY, John S.O. c . 1727-32 ( 1 ; Gil.5/421; NB.3/216)

b . 1712, Lancashire s. ofJohn and Anne (Spence) of Billinge, near Wigan, Lancashire br of James S.J. 1732. Priest To England d . 1758 ,Liverpool (Gil.5/421 ;Fo.7/649-50) May bethe same as Formby, John.

RIGBY , John. S.O. c . 1753-8 (2;4;8).

b . 1738, Lancashire S.J. 1758. Priest d . 1767, Dinant (Fo.7/650).


RIGBY, Lawrencealias for Morley, Henry.

RIGBY* , Robert S.O. 1668-70 (or later) (5).

RIGBY -aliasfor Barraud or Barret , Richard; Walton,John

RIGGE alias for Edner or Edney, Lewis

RIGMEADEN , Johnalias Rothwell S.O. c . 1727-32 (1 ; 7).

b . 1709-10, Lancashire S.J. 1732. Priest. To England d . 1782 , Kilvington,Yorkshire. (Fo.7/650).

RILEY , Johnalias Danby, Richard S.O. c . 1626-9 (CRS . 55/410-11).

b . 1610, Farnley, Leeds, Yorkshire. s. ofJohn and Rosamund (Walker) E.C. Rome 1629-36 Priest.To England S.J. 1640. To England d . 1667, ?Durhamdistrict. (CRS . 37/219-20; 55/410-11 ; Ans.2/266; Fo.6/321; 7/650-1)

RINGBY alias for Stevenson ,Cyprian.

RISDON, Thomas alias Gibbons S.O. ?-1616(12)

b. c . 1595. E.C. Valladolid 1616-21 . d . 1621, Valladolid. (CRS . 29/240; 30/128).

RISDON , Thomas alias Bluet S.O. ?-1685 (13).

b . 1662, Devonshire S.J. 1685. Priest To England d . 1744 , Watten (Fo.5/980;7/652).

RISDON, .S.O c . 1737-c . 41 (2).

RISDON alias for Stile, Lewis

RISHTON, Edwardalias Anderton S.O. ?-1634(CRS . 55/442-3)

b . 1614 . From Lancashire s . of Ralph and Dorothy (Talbot) ofOswaldtwistle E.C.Rome 1634-41 . Priest ToEngland. (CRS . 40/13; 55/442-3; Ans.2/266; Fo.6/339).

RISLEY,William S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148).

b . 1594 s of Paul and Dorothy (Temple) ofChetwode , Bucks . E.C.Valladolid 1632-7 Priest. To England . (CRS . 30/148; Ans.2/267).

RISLEY alias for Travers or Travis, Edward

RIVERS, Richard S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1648 (5).

b . 1607, Lincolnshire S.J. 1648. Priest To England d . 1679, St Omers College (Fo.7/654).


RIVERS alias for Abbot, John; Burscough ,Richard; Penketh,John (2); Petre, Anthony, ?John, Thomas ; Whitehair, Anthony.

ROBERTS* , George S.O. 1666-70 (or later) (5).

ROBERTS, Thomas S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1696 (11 ; 75 , ff. 14v, 18v, 20v, 28v)

b . 1673, Anglesey S.J. 1696. Priest .To England d . 1727, Holywell,NorthWales . (Fo.7/656)

ROBERTS alias for Busby, Thomas; Poulton, Charles; Swindall, Stephen; Watson , William.

ROBIANO, Comte Norbert de. B. 1772 (or earlier) -1773 (15;58;59; 60).

b. c . 1758. From Brussels s ofLa Comtesse de Robiano.

ROBINSON, Andrew. S.O. and B. c . 1756-c . 63 (2).

b . 1741, Yorkshire S.J. 1763. Priest . To England d . 1826 ,

Worcester. (Fo.7/657; Ki . 200).

ROBINSON , Edwardor William alias Rodney, Edward S.O. 1605-c . 12 (19; CRS . 54/257-8).

b . 1592 , London E.C. Rome 1613-20 Priest ToEngland S.J. 1621. To England. d . 1636, Liège (CRS . 37/167; 54/257-8; Ans.2/268 ; Fo.7/657-8).

ROBINSON, John alias Tayler or Taylor and Collingwoodand Upsall, Valentine. S.O. ?-1616(CRS . 54/291-3).

b. c . 1600, Upsall Castle,Yorkshire s ofJohn E.C. Rome 1616-20 S.J. 1620. Priest To England Condemned to deathbut reprieved d . 1675 , Hampshire district (CRS . 37/178; 54/291-3; Fo.3/49-59 ;5/675-7; 7/658-9; Ave.1/238).

ROBINSON , John S.O. ?-1622 (18).

?b . 1588, Cumberland ?E.C Seville 1622 ??Priest ?S.J 1628. ?To England d . ?1669, Watten (Fo.1/223-4;7/659)

ROBINSON, Robert S.O. before 1616 (CRS . 54/292-3)

ROBINSON* , Robert. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater) (5)

ROBINSON* , Thomas S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1643(or later)(5).

ROBINSON , Thomas alias Shaw.S.O. ?-1673 (CRS . 55/622-3).

b . 1651 , Singleton, Lancashire. s ofJohn and Margaret of Great Singleton E.C. Rome 1673-7 Priest. To England. (CRS.6/201n; 16/567; 40/86; 55/622-3 ; Ans.5; Fo.6/421-2).

ROBINSON* , William. S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1661 (5)

ROBINSON, .S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/34).

ROBINSON , . B. c . 1770 (8)

ROBINSONalias for Constable, Henry and William; Raynes, William; Robson , Christopher; Rookwood, Robert; Tancred, Charles . See Barton, William; Gazain or Gazin , John.

ROBSON , Andrew B. 1767-73 (2; 6; 8; 14 ; 54 ; 59; 60)

E.A. Liège 1773. E.C. Douay 17734.(56; CRS . 63/266, 357).

ROBSON, Christopheralias Robinson and Fines S.O. 1645-6 (CRS . 55/496-7).

b . 1619 , Kilkenny s ofThomas and Mary (Fines) E.C. Rome 1646-7 S.J. 1647-61 Priest. To England . Brussels 1662-5

S.J. 1669. To England d . 1685 , Hampshire district. (CRS . 40/37; 55/496-7; Fo.6/366; 7/660-1).

ROCHE , Clement. B ?-1773 (60)

ROCHE, George B. c 1770-3 (8; 14;24;59;60).

b. c . 1762 ?s ofStephen ofLimerick

ROCHE , James S.O. c . 1735-c . 40 (2; 7)

?br. of John ?From the Canary Islands ?E.C .Douay 1729-33 . (CRS . 28/148, 172).

ROCHE , John S.O. c . 1735-c . 40 (2; 7)

?br of James ?From the Canary Islands .

ROCHE , John B. c . 1769-73 (2; 8; 14; 24; 60).

?s . of Thomas ofLimerick.

ROCHE , Patrick S.O. c . 1749 -c . 52 (2; 3;4)


?br ofPeter.

ROCHE , Peter S.O. c . 1749-c . 52 (2; 3; 4)

?br. of Patrick.

ROCHE , Philip. B. 1768-c . 73 (2; 6; 8; 24)

From Dublin.

ROCHE , Thomas B. ?-1773 (60).

ROCHESTER alias for Rogers, Thomas

ROCHFORD , Michael B. 1772-3 (14; 59; 60; CRS . 63/357).

b. c . 1763 From Limerick E.C. Douay 1773-6 To Lille. (CRS . 63/357, 364)

ROCKLEY, Francis alias Ireland S.O. ?-1675 (13).

b . 1656, Yorkshire S.J. 1675. Priest. To England d . 1724 , London district . (Fo.7/662-3).

RODNEY alias for Robinson, Edwardor William

ROELS alias for Rousse, Charles andLouis.

ROGERS, Francis S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (5).

b . 1599 , Norfolk S.J. 1623. Priest To England and Maryland d . 1660, Derby district . (Fo.7 /665; Hu . Text2/679).

ROGERS, John S.O. ?-c . 1628 (Fo.7/666).

b . 1603 , in Wales S.J. 1628. Laybrother To England d . 1652 , London. (Fo.7/666).

ROGERS, Philip alias Anselm S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1717 (CRS . 62/138, 150 , 204).

b . 1691, Derbyshire S.J. 1717. Priest .To England d . 1761 , Yorkshire (Fo.7/666)

ROGERS, Thomas alias Rochester . S.O. 1611-16 (12; CRS . 30/127; 54/301)


b c . 1596, Burwell, Cambridgeshire s of Godfrey andMargaret (Carlton) of Burwell E.C. Valladolid 1616-7 E.C.Rome 1617-20 Priest S.J. 1620.To England d . 1657 , ?in prison (CRS . 30/127;37/182; 54/301; Ans.2/270; Fo.6/280; 7/666-7). alias for Arundell, Thomas ; Higgins or Highens orHickens , Philip; Manly, Thomas

ROLANDalias for Bretton, William

RONE , Jerome alias Crosland S.O. 1629-34 (CRS . 55/441-2).

b . 1614, Shropshire s of Jerome and Ellen (Talbot, née Baskerville) of Longford E.C. Rome 1634-41 . Priest .To England. (CRS . 40/12; 55/441; Ans.2/270)

ROOKE alias for Sheldon , Charles, Edward , George,James, Ralphand William.

ROOKSBY, ?Richard. S.O. c . 1733 -c . 36 (1; 7)

ROOKWOOD , Ambrose S.O. 15934(CSP.Dom.Eliz.15914/533; CRS.5/262; Car.J.G. 33 , 223).

b. c . 1580. s . of Robert and Dorothy (Drury) of Stanningfield, Coldham , Suffolk br ofChristopherand Robert m . Elizabeth Tyrwhitt d . 1606, executed at Westminster (88; Car.J.G. 33, 223; CRS.5/262; Gil.5/443; Dod.2/430; Chad.1/20, 29; Fo.3/788, ped.;


Ed.G.F.index; DNB).

ROOKWOOD , Ambrose alias Gage S.O. 1636-43 (5; CRS . 55/478)


ROOKWOOD , Ambrose ?S.O c . 1680 (Gil.5/443).

b . 1622, Suffolk s . ofSir Robert and Mary (Townsend) of Stanningfield, Suffolkbr ofHenry and Robert E.C. Rome 1643-6. m ElizabethCaldwellor Cadwell . d . 1693 (88; CRS . 40/29 ;55/478; Fo.3/788, ped.; 6/358; ER.4/45).

b . 1664 s. ofAmbrose and Elizabeth(Caldwell) orCadwell)of Stanningfield, Suffolk br ofHenry d . 1696, executed ,Tyburn. (Ki . 201-2; DNB.; Gil.5/443-4)

ROOKWOOD , Christopher S.O. 1593-4 (CSP.Dom.Eliz.1591-4 /533; CRS.5/262 ; Car.J.G. 33 , 223).

s ofRobert and Dorothy (Drury) of Stanningfield, Suffolk br ofAmbroseand Robert. O.S.F. Priest (CSP.Dom.Eliz . 1591-4/533; CRS.5/262 ; Car.J.G. 33, 223, Fo.3 /788, ped.; Chad.1/20).

ROOKWOOD , Henry ?alias Gage . S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1654 (or later) (5).

b c . 1633 . s ofSirRobert and Mary (Townsend ) of Stanningfield, Suffolk br ofAmbrose and Robert E.C. Rome 1655-6. d . 1656, Rome (88; CRS . 40/57; Fo.3/788 , ped )

ROOKWOOD , Henry, S.O. ?-1681 (13)

b . 1659, Suffolk. s. of Ambrose and Elizabeth(Caldwellor Cadwell) ofStanningfield, Suffolk br. ofAmbrose S.J. 1681 . Priest To England d . 1730, Norfolk (88; Fo.3/788, ped )

ROOKWOOD , Robert alias Robinson S.O. 1593-4(CSP.Dom.Eliz

1591-4/533; CRS.5/262; Car.J.G. 33 ,223)

b c . 1582, Suffolk. s ofRobert and Dorothy (Drury)of Stanningfield, Suffolk br ofAmbrose and Christopher. E.C. Rome 1598-1605 . Priest To England S.J. 1613-32 . To England. (CRS . 37/110;Car.J.G. 33, 223 ; Ans.2/271; Chad.1/20; Fo.3/788 , ped , 7/670)

ROOKWOOD , Robert alias Rawley S.O. 1617-20 (CRS . 54/337-8)

b . 1588 , Euston, Suffolk. s of Edward and Elizabeth(Browne) of Euston. E.C. Rome 1620-6 Priest To Gravelines and Rouen d . 1668 , Rouen (CRS . 37/194; 54/337-8; Ans.2/271; Dod.3/302; Fo.3 /785, 789 , ped.; 6/293-4)

ROOKWOOD , Robert alias Gage S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1644 (5 CRS . 55/482-3).

b . 1624, Coldham, Suffolk s . of Sir Robert and Mary (Townsend ) ofStanningfield, Suffolk br ofAmbrose and Henry E.C. Rome 1644.Killed in the Civil War,c . 1645.(88; CRS . 55/483 ; Fo.7/788, ped.; Dod.3/74 .In CRS . 40/31 the note added refers to a RichardRookwood).

ROOKWOOD alias for Garnet, Thomas

ROPER, Henry S.O. c . 1725 (2; 7)

?b . 1708 ?s of Henry, 8th BaronTeynham and Catherine


(Smythe) ?10th Baron 1727. ?m . (1) Catherine Powell(2) Anne Brinckhurst(3) ElizabethDavis d . ?1781, Bath (GEC.; BuP .).

ROPER, Thomas S.O. ?-1673 (75, ff. 16v, 26v; Fo.7/670, 1171).

b . 1655, Kent ?s. of Christopher, 4th Baron Teynhamand Philadelphia (Millnée Knollys) S.J. 1673. Priest ToEngland. d . 1716, Ghent (Fo.7/670, 1171)

ROPER , Thomas alias Somerset S.O. c . 1694 (75, f. 13v). This maybe the same as Roper, Thomas

ROPER, William alias Parsons. S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1645 (5).

b. c . 1627. From Kent ?s ofJohn, 3rd Baron Teynhamand Mary (Petre) E.C. Rome 1645-8 ?m Mary Rycroft d ? 1693 . (CRS . 40/36; Fo.6/365; E. and P.84-5).

ROSE, Christopher S.O. and B. c . 1758-63 (2; 8; CRS.4/248).

b . 1740-1 . S.J. 1763. Priest.To England d . 1826, Durham . (Fo.7 /671; CRS.4/248).

ROSS, Edward S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/105).

b c . 1585, Essex or Sussex E.C. Valladolid 1609-? Priest.To Seville and England S.J. 1618. To England . d . 1665 , Hampshire district (Fo.7/664(s.v.Roffe), 1450; Ans.2/272; CRS . 30/105).

?ROSS, John ?S.O 1624- ? (83).

b . 1660. s ofAlexanderofMarr,Scotland.

ROTHWELL alias for Rigmeaden,John

ROUSSE, Charles alias Roels S.O. ?-1710(Fo.7/673).

b . 1690, Watten, Belgium S.J. 1710. Priest d . 1764, Liège. (Fo.7/673; Ki . 201 ).

ROUSSE, Louisalias Roels S.O. 1748-c . 53 (3).

b . 1732, Watten, Belgium . S.J. 1753.Priest . To Maryland d . 1794, St Thomas, Maryland (Fo.7/673; Hu . Text 2/695)

ROWE, George S.O. 1750-c . 57 (2,3; 4)

ROWE, John B. 1764-7 (2; 6; 8).

?s .ofAugustine and Grace (Hussey). ?br. of Robert ?m Anne Rowe. ?Changed name to Hussey. (CRS . 56/167n , 169; RH.2/59).

ROWE, Robert S.O. and B. 1761-c . 64 (2; 6;8).

?s.ofAugustineand Grace (Hussey). ?br.ofJohn. (CRS . 56/167n)

ROWLAND* , Joseph S.O. 1656(or earlier) -1660(5).

ROWLAND* , Robert S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1666(5).

ROWLAND alias forCrosby, John.

ROYALL , John S.O. c . 1740-7 (1; 2)

b . 1729 , Pennsylvania S.J. 1747. Priest. To England d . 1770 , Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire (Fo.4/562; 7/674; Hu . Text 2/704)

ROZIER or ROZER, James. B. 1764-9 (2; 6; 8; 23)

?From America s ofHenry.

ROZIER or ROZER, Knotley or Notley ?alias Calvert S.O. c . 1694-c . 97 (75, ff. 15v, 18v,24v, 26v).

?From Maryland ?s . of Benjamin (Hu.Docs.1 /204 , 221).


ROZIER orROZER, William ?alias Calvert S.O. c . 1700 (75 ,f.94).

?From Maryland. Maybe the same as Boucher , William

ROZIER orROZER,.S.O 1740-c . 46 (1;2).

ROZIER?alias for Boucher,William

RUDD , Gasparalias Pemberton, John S.O. c . 1630 (CRS . 30/148 , 150).

b. c . 1605,Boston, Lincolnshire s ofAnthony and Anne (Robinson) E.C.Valladolid 1632-3 E.C. Rome 1633-6. Deacon . d . 1638, Rome (CRS . 30/148, 150;40/10; 55/437; Fo.3/189-90; 6/336)

RUDGE , William alias Dowrich and Leigh . S.O. 163942 (CRS . 55/476)

b. c . 1623,Nympton, Devonshire s of Michael and Anne (Dowrich) of Nympton E.C.Rome 1642-8. Priest. O.D.C.1648

To England . d . 1664, Longwood, Hampshire (CRS . 40/28; 42/152; 43/8; 55/476; Ans.2/273 ; Fo.6/357; Zim . 161-7).

RUDGLEY orRUDGELEY or RUGELY, Johnalias Burgess. S.O. 1602-7 (CRS . 54/195-6).

b . 1587, London E.C. Rome 1607-14 Priest.To England. O.D.C. c . 1633 . To England d . 1670, London (CRS . 37/150; 54/195-6; Gil.5/452; Ans.2/265; Zim . 147-53; Fo.6/247-8).

RUFFORD, James S.O. c . 1695 (75, f. 16v).

?RUGG , - ?S.O . 1715-? (CRS . 62/315).

RUMBOLD alias for Plowden, Charles

RUSHTON,John. S.O. c . 1678 (OPT FiveJesuits/55)

RUSSELL, Charles S.O. before 1713 (CRS . 62/3,5).

RUSSELL, Martin S.O. c . 1640 (CRS . 25/129n)

b. c . 1631 . s . of JohnofLittle Malvern , Worcestershire . ?br.of Thomas O.P. 1656. Priest. To England d . 1711 ,StantonLacy, Shropshire (CRS . 25/129, 172, ped , 1724 ; WR.3/25;Ki . 202-3; Gumb . 49-50 ; Oliver2/466)

RUSSELL,Michaelalias for Bully,John.

RUSSELL, Thomas S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1639 (5)

?b c . 1628. ?s ofJohnofLittle Malvern , Worcestershire ?br ofMartin ?m . Jane Smith. d . ?1668 orbefore. (CRS . 25/172 , ped.) May be an alias for Hornyold, Thomas b . 1628 . s of John and Elizabeth(Russell) of Blackmore Park, Worcestershire .m . Margaret Gower. (Fo.7/1392, ped.).

RUSSELL, Thomas . S.O. ?-1676 (Fo.7/675). b . 1655, Worcestershire s. ofThomas ?and Jane (Smith)of Little Malvern,Worcestershire S.J. 1676. Priest .To England d . ?1724, ?Worcestershire district (Fo.7/675;WR.3/26 ; 4/31; E. and P.271 , 276)

?RUSSELL,William ?S.O c . 1613 (70).

From Worcestershire ?s of Sir John and Elizabeth(Sheldon) ofStrensham.

RUSSELL-alias for Berington,Thomas ; Constable,Michael;Napper orNapier, Edmund; Waldegrave, John; Wilson , Ralph and Simon. SeeMoylen, -.


RYAN, Henry B. 1765-9 (2; 6; 8; 28, ff. 8v, 11).

br. of John and William .

RYAN, John B. 1763-9 (2; 6; 8; 28, ff. 8v, 11).

br ofHenry and William.

RYAN,William. S.O. and B. 1761-c . 65 (2; 6;8)

br of Henry andJohn.

RYTHER, Thomas S.O. ?-1683 (Fo.5/799).

b . 1663 ,Yorkshire S.J. 1683. Priest To England d . 1733 , St Omers College. (Fo.7/676).

SABRAN , Louis S.O. 1663-70 (5; CRS.4/258).

b . 1652, Paris or London. s. ofthe Marquisde Sabran. S.J. 1670. Priest. To England d . 1732, Rome (CRS . 13/164n; 62/passim; Ki . 203; Gil.5/460-3; Fo.5/291-5; 7/676-8; Dod.3/493).

SACHEVERELL or SACKVILLEalias for Poulton, William

SADLER, Benjamin S.O. ?-1686(13)

b . 1667, London. ?br. of Edwardand John. S.J. 1686.d . 1690 , Liège, not yet ordained . (Fo.7 /678).

SADLER, Edward S.O. ?-1690 (11; 13).

b . 1673, London ?br of Benjamin and John.S.J. 1690. Priest. To England d . 1751 , Wealside, Essex (Fo.7/678-9).

SADLER* , George S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater)(5).

SADLER, John S.O. ?-1683 (13).

b . 1664, London ?br of Benjamin and Edward S.J. 1683 . Priest To England . d . 1699, Suffolkdistrict (Fo.7/679)

SADLER, John S.O. c . 1702 (75,f 45)

SADLER, Robert S.O. c . 1625 (CRS . 29/151)

E.C. Madrid, c . 1626

SADLER, see Du Fresnoy , -

ST . CLAIR, Francis S.O. 1721-? (RSC . 69).

br. ofJames S.C. Douay 1717-21

ST. CLAIR, James S.O. 1721-? (RSC . 69).

br.of Francis S.C. Douay 1717-21 .

ST. GEORGEalias for Downes, Francis.

ST LEGER, Johnalias or vere Chapman . S.O. ?-1692 (11)

b c . 1670, Kent S.J. 1692. Priest. To England d . 1729,York. (Fo.7/128)

SALE, Edmundalias Neville S.O. ?-1621 (CRS . 54/343)

b . 1604-5 , ?Hopcar, Lancashire s ofWilliam and Anne (Neville). br of John E.C. Rome 1621-6 S.J. 1626.Priest.To England d . 1647-8, ?Oxfordshiredistrict (CRS . 37/197; 54/343; Gil.5/467; Fo.6/296; 7/680).

SALE, Johnalias Sandfordand Neville. S.O. ?-1619 (12; CRS . 30/133).

b c . 1601. s . ofWilliam and Anne (Neville) of Hopcar,

Lancashire br.of Edmund E.C.Valladolid 1619-24 E.C. Douay 1624-5. Priest To England d . before 1664. (CRS . 10/231,239, 240; 30/133; Ans.2/275).

SALE, John S.O. 1738-41 (2; 13).

b . 1722 , Hopcar , Lancashire . s. ofWilliam and Jane (Tristram) ofHopcar S.J. 1741. Priest . To England . d . 1791, Furness , Lancashire (CRS.6/117n; Fo.7 /680).

SALE, Richard alias Neville S.O. ?-1663 (CRS . 55/5934).

b . 1641-2 , Lancashire s . of Richard and Philippa(Wyvill)of Hopcar E.C. Rome 1663-5. Priest. To England d . 1713 . (CRS . 40/68; 55/5934;Fo.6/406; CRS.6/116-7n; Ans.5)

SALISBURY alias forDigby,John; Kemys orKemish,John; Plowden , Thomas.

SALKELD, Francis alias Anderton. S.O. 1640-44 (5; CRS . 55/501-2)

b. c . 1625 , Coniscliffe, Durham s . ofThomas and Margaret or Mary (Copeland) ofConiscliffe. br ofJohn and Thomas. E.C. Rome 1647-53 Priest To England d . 1671, Durham district (CRS.3/99; 40/38-9 ; 55/501-2 ; Ans.2/276; Fo.6/368)

SALKELD , Johnalias Anderton. S.O. 163641 (5; CRS . 55/472).

b . 1620. From Durham s ofThomas and Margaret orMary (Copeland) of Coniscliffe br of Francis and Thomas E.C. Rome 1641-8 Priest .To England . d shortly afterwards . (CRS . 40/25-6; 55/472; Ans.2/276; Fo.6/355).

SALKELD, Thomas alias Anderton S.O. ?-1631 (CRS . 10/297).

b c . 1612, Coniscliffe, Durham s ofThomas E.C.Douay 1631-2. (CRS . 10/297, 307).

SALKELD , Thomas alias Anderton S.O. c . 1640-44 (CRS . 55/512-3)

b c . 1624, Durham. s. of Thomas and Margaret or Mary (Copeland)ofConiscliffe br of Francis and John. E.C. Rome 1648-52 . Priest. To England . d. c . 1691 , York. (CRS.9/110; 40/42-3 ; 55/512-3 ; Ans.2/277; Fo.6/374).

SALTMARSH, Edward alias Lewis S.O. ?-1678 (13).

b . 1656, Yorkshire s. of Edwardand Geraldine (Meynellnée Ireland) ofSaltmarsh, Yorkshire br ofGerard andPeter S.J. 1678. Priest. To England d . 1737, Watten (Fo.5/933n; 7/682; Pa . 81;E. and P. 322).

SALTMARSH , Gerard alias Ireland S.O. 1670-1 (CRS . 55/614-5).

b . 1651 , Yorkshire. s of Edwardand Geraldine (Meynellnée Ireland) ofSaltmarsh , Yorkshire br. of Edward andPeter . E.C. Rome 1671-8 . Priest. To England d . 1733, ?London (CRS . 40/84; 55/614-5; Gil.5/471-2; Ki . 204; Fo.5/933n; 6/418; 7/682 ; Pa . 81; E. and P.332).

SALTMARSH, Gerard alias Salvin. S.O. c . 1700 (75, f. 38v)

E.C. Douayc . 1704. (CRS . 63/82).

?SALTMARSH, Peter alias Everyor Evers ?S.O c . 1675 (CRS . 55/653-4).

b . 1658-9 , Kilvington Castle, Yorkshire. s . of Edwardand Geraldine (Meynellnée Ireland ) of Saltmarsh br ofEdwardand


Gerard E.C. Rome 1683-90 . Priest . Confessor to 'Blue Nuns' , Paris and O.S.B. Pontoise . To England d . 1725, ?London . (CRS.8/407; 40/101; 55/653-4 ; Fo.6/434; Ki . 204; E. and P . 332).

SALVIN* , Joseph. S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638(orlater)(5)

?s. of Gerard and Mary (Belasyse) of Croxdale , Durham. ?br. of Ralphor Roderick (BLG).

SALVIN, Ralphalias Smith S.O. c . 1614-c . 19 (CRS . 54/332-3)

b c . 1600, Great Chilton, Durham s of Gerard and Anne (Blakiston) ofCroxdale , Durham E.C. Rome 1620-25 . Priest. S.J. 1625. d . 1627, Watten. (CRS . 37/193; 54/332-3; BLG; Ans.2/ 277; Fo.1/298-300; 6/292-3; 7/682).

SALVIN* ,Ralphor Roderick S.O. 16334 (or later)(5)

?s . of Gerard and Mary (Belasyse) of Croxdale , Durham ?br. ofJoseph d . ?1705. (BLG).

SALVINalias forConstable , Robert; Saltmarsh, Gerard

SAMPSON, Christopheralias Simpson S.O. ?-1625 (CRS . 55/382/3).

b . 1605, Upsall, Yorkshire E.C. Rome 1626-32 . Priest . To England S.J. 1634.To England d . 1674, ?Durhamdistrict (CRS . 37/208; 55/382-3; Ave.1/238; Ans.2/278; Car.HM.159; Fo.3/116-7; 6/309 , 7/713).

SANDERS* , Francis S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1657 (5).

SANDERS, Francis alias Baines S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1667 (5).

b . 1648, Worcestershire s .of John E.C. Rome 1667-74 . Priest. S.J. 1674. To England d . 1710, St. Germain (CRS . 40/75; Ki . 204; Gil.5/475; Ans.5 ; Fo.5/313; 6/412; 7/684).

SANDERS* , James S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1654 (or later)(5).

SANDERS* , Roger. S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1647 (or later) (5).

SANDERS, Thomas S.O. c . 1738-c . 44 (2).

b . 1724, Warwickshire S.J. 1744. Priest To England . d . 1790, Worcester (Fo.7/684).

SANDERS, William S.O. ?-1657 (Fo.7/684).

b . 1638, Yorkshire. S.J. 1657. Priest To England . d . 1676, Yorkshire (Fo.7 /684).

SANDERS alias for Beswick , Edward; Fall, John. See Formanor Fromond, Gregory.

SANDERSON , John S.O. c . 1748 (1;2; 3)

SANDERSON, Nicholas alias Singleton S.O. ?-1666(CRS . 55/610).

b c . 1648, Alston, Lancashire s . ofWilliam and Alice E.C. Rome 1666-c . 70 Priest (CRS.6/161n; 40/73; 55/610;Gil.HP. 235; Ans.5)

SANDERSON , .S.O. c . 1720 (Gil.HP.235).

s. ofNicholas

SANDERSON , Nicholas alias Thompson. S.O. c . 1745-50 (2; 3;4)

b . 1731, Lancashire S.J. 1750.Priest To England d . 1790 , Alnwick , Northumberland (Fo.7/684; CRS . 30/189).

SANDERSON , Robert. S.O. ?-1737 (13)

b . 1715 , Lancashire . S.J. 1737.Priest . To England d . 1781,


?Yorkshire (Fo.7/685).

SANDERSONalias for Holland, Thomas; Poulton , Charles.

SANDFORD, Charles S.O. ?-1731 (RSC . 77).

b c . 1712 . s ofJohn and Mary S.C. Douay 1731-? (RSC . 77)

SANDFORD, .S.O. c . 1723-7 (7).

?br of next below.

SANDFORD, .S.O . c . 1723-7 (7).

?br of next above .

SANDFORD-alias for Fox , Simon; Huddleston, John; Sale, John.

?SANDIFORD or SANDYFORD,. ?S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/24 , 27).

SANDSalias for Madgeworth , Christopher.

SANDYS alias for Wignal, Francis

SANKEY* , John S.O. ?-1625 (CRS . 30/135).

E.C.Valladolid 1625-?

SAULE, Leonard B. 1765-? (6).

SAVAGE, Johnalias or vere Swinburne . S.O. ?-1680(13).

b . 1660, Derbyshire S.J. 1680. Priest. To England d . 1716 , Lancashire (Fo.7/752)

SAVILLEalias for Plowden , Richard ; Preston, Thomas; Smith, Richard

SAYER, Richardalias or vere Stanley S.O. 1618-21 (12; CRS . 30/136).

b. c . 1595. FromYorkshire. s. ofFrancis E.C. Valladolid 1621- ? Priest ?S.J (CRS . 30/136; Ans.2/279 ; Fo.7/734)

SCARISBRICK, Basil Thomas alias Neville S.O. ?-1727 (7; CRS . 28/139).

b . 1713 . s. ofRobert and Ann (Messenger) of Scarisbrick Hall, Lancashire br of Edward , Francis , Henry, James, Joseph, Robert and William E.C.Douay 1727-30 . Assumed name of Eccleston m ElizabethDicconson d . 1789 (CRS.6/111n; 12/33; 28/139, 155; Fo.7 /1410, 1412).

SCARISBRICK, Edwardalias Neville S.O. 1653-60 (5).

b . 1639 , Lancashire s of Edward and Frances (Bradshaigh) of Scarisbrick Hall br ofFrancis, Henry,James and Thomas S.J. 1660. Priest To England . d . 1709, CulchethHall,Lancashire . (Fo.7/686-7, 1408 ; CRS.6/216n; Gil.5/482-3; Dod.3/493).

SCARISBRICK, Edward alias Neville S.O. 1678 (or earlier) -1682 (13; CSP.Dom.May 1684-Feb . 1685/210, 230)

b . 1663, Lancashire s. of Jamesand Frances (Blundell) of ScarisbrickHall br ofThomas Joseph. S.J. 1682.Priest . To England . d . 1735, London (Fo.7/687-8, 1409, 1413; E. and P. 108).

SCARISBRICK, Edwardalias Neville S.O. 1710-c . 16 (CRS . 62/24, 120; NB.1/252).

b . 1698, Lancashire s ofRobert and Ann (Messenger)of ScarisbrickHall br. of Basil Thomas, Francis, Henry, James , Joseph, Robert and William S.J. 1716. Priest. To England . d . 1778, Lancashire (Fo.7/688, 1410)


SCARISBRICK, Francis alias Neville S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1663 (5).

b . 1643, Lancashire s of Edward and Frances (Bradshaigh) of ScarisbrickHall. br of Edward, Henry, Jamesand Thomas . S.J. 1663.Priest .To England d . 1713, Suffolkdistrict (Fo.7/688, 1408)

SCARISBRICK, Francis alias Neville. S.O. c . 1714-c . 22 (63/1723).

b . 1701-3 , Scarisbrick Hall, Lancashire s . of RobertandAnn (Messenger) br ofBasil Thomas, Edward , Henry, James,Joseph, Robert and William S.J. 1722. Priest .To England d . 1789 , Liège. (CRS.6/216n; 30/189; Fo.5/347n; 7/689, 1410; NB.2/105 , 111)

SCARISBRICK, Henryalias Neville S.O. 1655-61 (5)

b . 1631, Lancashire s. of Edwardand Frances (Bradshaigh)of Scarisbrick Hall, Lancashire br of Edward , Francis, Jamesand Thomas . S.J. 1661. Priest . To England d . 1701, Lancashire . (Fo.7/689 , 14024, 1408).

SCARISBRICK, Henry S.O. c . 1725-9 (7)

b . 1711-12 , Lancashire s . of Robert and Ann (Messenger) of ScarisbrickHall br of Basil Thomas, Edward, Francis, James , Joseph, Robert and William. S.J. 1729. d . 1744, Lyons,notyet ordained (Fo.7/689 , 1410).

SCARISBRICK, James S.O. c . 1655 (Fo.6/689-90; 7/1408).

b . 1635 . s. of Edwardand Frances (Bradshaigh) of Scarisbrick Hall, Lancashire br ofEdward, Francis,Henryand Thomas m . Frances Blundell d . 1673, ?Scarisbrick Hall (Fo.6/689-90 ;7/1408-9; Gib.3/414;5/51).

SCARISBRICK, Jamesalias Neville S.O. 1710-13 (CRS . 40/155; NB.1/252)

b . 1696, Lancashire s ofRobert and Ann (Messenger)of ScarisbrickHall. br ofBasil Thomas , Edward, Francis, Henry, Joseph, Robert and William. S.J. 1713-15. E.C. Rome 1715-17. d . ?1746. (CRS . 40/155; CRS . 62/24, 295; NB.3/13,98; Fo.6/466; 7/690, 1411) .

SCARISBRICK, Joseph S.O. 1721-? (NB.3/46)

b . 1708 . s of Robert and Ann (Messenger) ofScarisbrickHall, Lancashire br. ofBasil Thomas , Edward , Francis , Henry, James , Robert and William. d unm. before 1781. (CRS.6/216n; Fo.7/1410-11).

SCARISBRICK, Robert S.O. 1713-14 (or later) (CRS . 62/24;NB.2/53).

s ofRobert and Ann (Messenger) of ScarisbrickHall, Lancashire . br. of Basil Thomas , Edward , Francis , Henry, James , Joseph and William. d . 1740. (CRS.6/216n; Fo.7 /1410).

SCARISBRICK, Thomas alias Neville S.O. 1657-63 (5).

b . 1642, Lancashire s ofEdwardand Frances (Bradshaigh)of ScarisbrickHall br. ofEdward, Francis, Henryand James.S.J. 1663.Priest . To England d . 1673, Lancashire (Fo.7/690, 1408-9;Gib.3/414).

SCARISBRICK* , Thomas.S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1667 (orlater)(5).

SCARISBRICK , Thomas Joseph alias Neville S.O. ?-1692 (11; 75, f 7v)

b . 1673, Lancashire s ofJamesand Frances (Blundell) of ScarisbrickHall br ofEdward S.J. 1692. Priest To England. d . 1729, Lancashire . (Fo.7/690, 1409 ; E . and P. 108).

SCARISBRICK, Thomas S.O. c . 1749 (3).

?s. of Basil Thomas ScarisbrickEccleston and Elizabeth (Dicconson) ofScarisbrick Hall, Lancashire . ?m Eleanor Clifton. ?Known as Thomas Scarisbrick Eccleston d ?1809. (CRS. 6/216-7n).

SCARISBRICK, William S.O. 1714-? (NB.2/97).

s. of Robert and Ann (Messenger) ofScarisbrick Hall, Lancashire br. of Basil Thomas, Edward , Francis , Henry, James , Joseph and Robert m ElizabethOgle d . 1767 . (CRS.6/216n; 62/111n, 112n ; Fo.7/1410-11)

SCARISBRICKalias for Plessington, John or William; Sutton,James

SCHEPMANS , J.B. ?-1773 (14)

From Ghent

SCHEPPER , Joseph de B. ?-1773 (15;58; 60).

From Courtrai

SCORAH alias for Thorpe, John.

SCOREY , Thomas S.O. 1699-1703 (11; 75, ff 38v ,40v, 43v).

b . 1681 , Yorkshire S.J. 1703. Priest .To England d . 1720, Yorkshire (Fo.7/691-2) .

SCOT, Dominic S.O. c . 1724-c . 29 (7).

SCOT or SCOTT , Nicholas alias Newman S.O. 1616-21 (12; CRS. 30/135,140)

b. c . 1599 From Sussex . s . ofEdwardand Joan or Jane (Felton) E.C. Valladolid 1621-9 Priest.To England. (CRS . 30/140; Ans.2/279).

SCROPE, Gervasealias Visconti, Robert S.O. 1695-1700 (75, ff 21v, 25v, 30v, 37v, 41v)

s. ofRobert.

SCROPE, Henry. S.O. c . 1725-c . 30 (7; 21).

b . 1712, Danby, Yorkshire s ofSimon and Frances (Sheldon) ofDanby. br of James,Simon ?and William m. Elizabeth Jackson. d . 1760. (BLG; CRS . 13/236; Pa.2/36; Ave.1/401)

SCROPE, James S.O. c . 1726-c . 28 (7).

b . 1715, Danby, Yorkshire s . ofSimonand Frances(Sheldon) ofDanby br. of Henry, Simon ?and William d . ?1727, ?1732-3. (CRS . 13/236; Pa.2/36).

SCROPE, Simon S.O. c . 1724-c . 27 (7)

b . 1709 , Thonock, near Gainsborough , Lincolnshire s .of Simonand Frances (Sheldon) ofDanby, Yorkshire br.ofHenry, James, ?and William. m.Anne Clementina Meynell. d . 1788 (BLG ; CRS . 13/236; Ave.1/401 ; Pa.2/36).

SCROPE,Simonalias Warton B. 1770-3 (2; 7; 8; 14; 59; 60)

b . 1758 . s of Simonand Anne Clementina (Meynell) ofDanby,


Yorkshire. E.A. Liège 1773-? m Catherine Meynell d . 1838. (17; CRS . 13/239; BLG ; Pa.2/29, 64; Chad.1/327,350).

SCROPE* , Thomas . S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (or later) (5).

SCROPE ,William alias Warton S.O. ?-1726 (40, f.251).

?s.ofSimonand Frances (Sheldon) of Danby, Yorkshire. ?br. ofHenry, JamesandSimon .

SCROPE alias for Hart, William

SCRUPEalias for MetcalforMetcalfeor Medcalf, Thomas .

SCUDAMORE,Henry alias Bodenham , Peter. S.O. 1693 (orearlier) -c . 1696(75, ff. 8v, 12v ,28v).

?s. ofGeorge andAnne (Bodenham) of Skenfrith, Monmouthshire d . ?1736 (E. and P. 78, 186; Pa . 21)

SCUDAMORE , John alias Price. S.O. 1714-15 (or later) (CRS . 62/170 , 247)

b . 1696 From Monmouthshire. ?s . ofHenry and Maryof Pembridge Castle, Herefordshire . S.J. 1718. Priest.To England d . 1778, Bristol (Fo.5/880;7/694; Pa . 21; E. and P. 184)

SCUDAMOREalias for Jones, John; Thomas , John

SEABORN* , Edward S.O. 1651 (orearlier) -1657 (5).

SEABORN or SEABORNEalias for Case, Henry; Clarke, Edward; Mostyn, EdwardandJohn.

SEARLE, Clement S.O. and B. 1758-63 (2;6;8).

SEATON, John S.O. c . 1756 (4).

SEFTON , see Sephton.

SEGRAVE, .S.O c . 1742-c . 46 (1; 2).

SELBORN* , John S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630(or later)(5).

SELBY, Charles alias Gillibrand S.O. c . 1697-c . 98 (75, ff 32v, 166v) s ofCharles and Elizabeth(Gillibrand) of Biddleston , Northumberland. br. of Thomas d unm. (BLG).

SELBY, Charles S.O. c . 1729 -c . 32 (7).

SELBY, Charles S.O. 1742 (or earlier) -1745 ( 1;2).

SELBY, Charles Joseph B. c . 1763-c . 66 (1;2).

b . 1755 . s. of Thomas and Eleanor (Tuite) of Biddleston , Northumberland. br. of Nicholas and Thomas . ?St G.Douay 1766. m. (1).Bridget Borre (2) Anne-Ernestine de Brockdorff . Danish Baron 1796.(BLG; LR.1/117-8; BSG; Gil.5/491; CRS . 19/220)

SELBY, Edward S.O. c . 1731 -c . 32 (7).

SELBY , Johnalias Chambers. S.O. and B. 1761-7 (2; 6; 8). br ofThomas and William.

SELBY , Michael S.O. c . 1728 (7)

SELBY* ,Nicholas. S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1662 (5)

SELBY , Nicholas B. c . 1763-4 (8).

b . 1754 . s ofThomas and Eleanor(Tuite) of Biddleston, Northumberland. br. of Charles and Thomas St.G.Douay c . 1764 m . (1) TeresaCoppinger(2) FrancesWright (3) Frances Walmesley d . 1834 (BLG; LR.1/117-8; BSG; ER . 11/68-70;

CRS . 12/208; 19/219).

SELBY, Percy.S.O. c . 1727 (7).

SELBY , Thomas S.O. 1661-c . 67 (5).

b . 1639 s. of SirWilliam and Ellen (Haggerston) ofBiddleston , Northumberland br ofWilliam m .Hesketh (Gib.3/423-5).

SELBY, Thomas alias Gillibrand S.O. c . 1697-8 (75, ff 32v, 166v, 167)

b c . 1681 s ofCharles and Elizabeth(Gillibrand)of Biddleston, Northumberland. br. ofCharles m . Barbara Percehay. d . 1755.(BLG; E. and P.205; CRS . 32/341;LR.1/117; Surt . 131/29)

SELBY, Thomas S.O. c . 1725-c . 28 (7).

b . 1708, Northumberland s. of Thomas S.J. 1731

Laybrother d . 1759, Ghent (Fo.7/696).

SELBY , Thomas alias Chambers S.O. and B. 1761-4 (2, 6 , 8)

b. of John and William

SELBY , Thomas . B. c . 1763-4 (8)

b . 1753, London s ofThomas and Eleanor (Tuite)of Biddleston, Northumberland. br. ofCharles and Nicholas . ?St. G.Douay c . 1764 m. Catherine Hodshon or Hodgson. d . 1816 . (BLG; LR.1 /117-8 ; BSG; CRS . 19/219; Gil.5/491).

SELBY,William alias Banister . S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1656 (5).

b . 1636, Northumberland s of SirWilliam and Ellen (Haggerston) ofBiddleston br. of Thomas . S.J. 1656.d . 1666 , Watten, not yet ordained (69; Fo.7 /30, 965-6; Chad.1/138)

SELBY* ,William S.O. 1660 (or earlier) -1661 (or later) (5)

SELBY, William alias Chambers S.O. and B. 1761-7 (2; 6; 8 ; 28.f 6).

br. of John and Thomas .

SELBY-- alias for Blundell, Joseph and Stanislaus; Butler, James; Lawson , John and Thomas; Parsley, William; Smith,William.

SELOSSE, Anthony S.O. ?-1671 (11/317)

b . 1653, FrenchFlanders S.J. 1671.Priest. To England. d . 1696,St Omers College (Fo.5/781-3; 7/696-7).

SELOSSE, James S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1645 (or later)(5).

SEMMES, Edward S.O. and B. 1757-64 (2; 6, 8).

From Maryland. s of Marmaduke .

SEMMES, Ignatius S.O. 1754-5 (2;4).

From Maryland

SEMMES, Joseph S.O. 1754-c . 61 (2;4)

b . 1743, Maryland. s ofJoseph Milburn and Rachel (Prateror Prather) S.J. 1761. Priest . To England d . 1809 ,Stonyhurst. (Fo.7/697; CRS.9/398n; Hu . Text 2/492, 704; Docs.1/263-5).

SEMMES, N..S.O. c . 1758 (2).

From Maryland.

SEMPER , Edward. B. c . 1771-3 (7; 14; 58; 59; 60)

From Montserrat, West Indies.

SEPHTON orSEFTON, John S.O. and B. c . 1757-62 (2;4)

b . 1742. ?From Lancashire S.J. 1762.d . 1766, Ghent,

notyetordained. (Fo.7/695).

SEPHTON or SEFTON, Thomas S.0. 1699-1702 (or later) (75,f. 33v).

SEPHTON or SEFTON, Thomas S.O. c . 1732-8 (7; 13)

b . 1719 , Lancashire S.J. 1738. Priest d . 1748, Ghent (Fo.7/695).May be the same as Worthington, Thomas

SEPHTON or SEFTON,alias Gower S.O. c . 1737-c . 38 (2).

SEPHTON or SEFTON,alias forWorthington, John and Thomas.

SERRANT, de see Walsh,Philip.

SERVIERE, Joseph de B. ?-1773 (15;58;59; 60).

b . 1764. From Frankfurt.

SETON, Robert B. c . 1770-3 (2; 7; 14; 59; 60)

b. c . 1759 . ?From London.

SETON alias forWood ,Thomas.

SEWALL, Charles. S.O. and B. 1758-64 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1744, Maryland. s. ofN.L.Sewall. br. ofHenry, Nicholas and two othersbelow S.J. 1764.Priest. to Maryland d . 1805-6 , Maryland. (Fo.7/701; Hu . Text 2/508, 522, 524-5 , 700).

SEWALL, Henry S.O. and B. 1758-64 (2, 6, 8)

b Maryland s. of N.L. Sewall br of Charles, Nicholasand two others below. (Hu . Text 2/522).

SEWALL, Nicholas S.O. and B. 1758-64(2; 6; 8)

b . 1745 ,Maryland s ofN.L.Sewall br of Charles, Henryand twoothers below S.J. 1766. Priest To England d . 1834, Worcester. (Fo.3/321-2;5/395; 7/701-2 ; Hu . Text 2/522, 524,704).

SEWALL , B. c . 1771 (Hu . Text 2/522)

b.Maryland.s. ofN.L. Sewall br of Charles, Henry,Nicholas and the one next below

SEWALL, .B c . 1771 (Hu . Text 2/522).

b . Maryland s . ofN.L.Sewall br ofCharles, Henry,Nicholas and the next above .

SEWARD, Robert alias Berington S.O. c . 1599-1604/5 (CRS . 54/155-6)

b . 1583, Hereford s ofWilliam and - (Berrington) E.C. Rome 1605-8 . S.J. 1608. ?Priest. (CRS . 37/140; 54/155-6; Fo.7/702).

SEXTON, Edwardalias England B. 1768-? (2; 6; 8).

SHACKLETON, William alias Stantonand Bannister S.O. 1604-5 (CRS,54/154-5)

b. c . 1584, Lancashire E.C.Rome 1605-12 Priest To England. S.J. 1612.To England d . 1655, ?Lancashire (CRS . 16/422; 37/140; 54/154-5 ; Fo.1/650-1; 6/236; 7/702; Ans.2/289)

SHALLION, Joseph alias Johnson S.O. c . 1756 (4).

SHARPIN , see Charpin.

SHARPLES, James B. 1768-c . 70 (2; 6; 8)

From Preston.

SHAW , John S.O. c . 1751 -c . 58 (2; 3; 4)

b . 1739 ?From Lancashire S.J. 1759. Priest To England d . 1808, Hodder, Stonyhurst. (Fo.7/703).

SHAWalias for Robinson, Thomas.


SHEFFIELDalias for Anderson,William.

SHELDON, Charles alias Rooke. B. c . 1765-73 (2; 6; 8; 14; 54; 60)

b . 1753 . s ofWilliam and Margaret (Rooke) of Beoleyand Weston ,Warwickshire br ofEdward , George, James , Ralphand William.m ElizabethGorges née Graham . (BLG ; CRS.8/410)

SHELDON, Edwardalias Lee. S.O. c . 1613 (19; 70).

From Beoley, Worcestershire ?s of Edward and Elizabeth (Markham). ?E.C Seville c . 1613. (89; Ans.2/187).

SHELDON, Edwardalias Elliot S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1697 (75, ff 8v, 13v, 19v, 21v , 25v)

b . 1679 s ofRalphand Mary Anne (Elliot) ofWeston and Beoley . br. ofHenry, Ralphand William m .ElizabethShelley. d . 1736. (BLG ; E. and P. 295; Pa . 75)

SHELDON, Edward S.O. c . 1729-33 (1;3;7;21).

b . 1716, Warwickshire s . ofEdward and Elizabeth(Shelley) ofWeston and Beoley br of Henry, Ralphand William S.J. 1733-50. Priest. (Fo.5/850, ped.; 7/705; Pa . 75).

SHELDON, Edwardalias Rooke S.O. and B. c . 1757-64 (2; 8)

b . 1745 . s. ofWilliam and Margaret (Rooke) ofWeston and Beoley . St. G. Douay c . 1761 br ofCharles, George,James , Ralphand William. d unm. (BLG; BSG)

SHELDON, George alias Rooke B. c . 1765-73 (2; 6; 8; 14;60).

b . 1754 . s . ofWilliam and Margaret (Rooke ) ofWeston and Beoley br ofCharles, Edward, James, Ralphand William.m. Frances, princess ofAnersberg. (BLG).

SHELDON , Henry S.O. ?-1670 (Fo.8/704).

b . 1652, Oxfordshire. s. ofEdwardand Catherine (Constable) ofSteeple Barton, Oxfordshire ?br. ofJohn and Thomas. S.J. 1670. Priest d . 1714, St Omers College (Fo.5 /850, ped.; 7/704; WR.5/12)

SHELDON ,Henry or Joseph S.O. 1699 (or earlier) -1702 (orlater) (75, ff 37v, 40v,45v)

b . 1686,Worcestershire s of Ralph and Mary Anne(Elliot)of Weston and Beoley. br ofEdward, Ralph and William S.J. 1705 . Priest d . 1756, Rome . (Fo.5/850 , ped.; 7/704-5; Pa . 75; Ki . 206-7).

SHELDON, Henry S.O. 1743-5 (1 ; 2; 7)

s.ofEdwardand Elizabeth(Shelley) ofWeston and Beoley. br. of Edward , Ralph and William d . 1757, unm (Pa . 75; Fo.5/850, ped.).

SHELDON, Jamesalias Rooke S.O. and B. 1760-4 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1747 . s ofWilliam andMargaret (Rooke) ofWeston and Beoley br ofCharles, Edward , George, Ralphand William . m. - Mostyn (BLG).

SHELDON* , John S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1670(orlater)(5)

?s of Edward and Catherine (Constable) of Steeple Barton , Oxfordshire. ?br. ofHenry and Thomas.


SHELDON,Ralph alias Elliot S.O. c . 1694-1700 (11; 75, ff 13v, 19v, 21v, 25v, 30v , 33v,40v).

b . 1681, Oxfordshire. s of Ralphand Mary Anne (Elliot) of Weston and Beoley . br. ofEdward, Henry and William. S.J. 1700. Priest . d . 1741, Liège (Fo.5/850, ped.; 7/706; Ki . 207; Pa . 75;WR.5/12)

SHELDON, Ralph S.O. 1743-5 (1;2).

s. of Edward and Elizabeth(Shelley) ofWeston andBeoley. br. ofEdward, Henry and William. d . 1755, WardourCastle , unm. (Fo.5/850, ped.; Pa . 75).

SHELDON, Ralphalias Rooke S.O. and B. 1753-c . 64 (2; 4, 8; 22).

b . 1741 . s. ofWilliam . and Margaret (Rooke) of Weston and Beoley br ofCharles, Edward , George, James and William m.

Jane Holborne. d . 1822. (BLG ;WR.5/15-16)

SHELDON, Richard S.O. c . 1732 (7)

?s.ofWilliam and Anastasia (Smith) ofDitchford and Winchester . (Fo.5/850, ped )

SHELDON* , Thomas S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1667(5).

?s. of Edward and Catherine (Constable) ofSteeple Barton , Oxfordshire ?br. ofHenry and John

SHELDON , William alias Elliot S.O. 1696-1702 (75, ff.25v, 28v, 31v, 33v, 40v, 45v, 165v).

b . 1684 s. of Ralphand Mary Anne (Elliot) ofWeston and Beoley br of Edward , Henry and Ralph d . 1766, Bath , unm . (Fo.5 /850 , ped.; Pa . 75; E. and P.280).

SHELDON, William S.O. c . 1728-c . 34 (1; 7; 21)

b . 1711-15 s of Edwardand Elizabeth(Shelley) ofWeston and Beoley br of Edward, Henry and Ralph. ?St.G.Douay c . 1734 . m .Margaret Rooke d . 1780 (BLG; Fo.5/850 , ped.; BSG; Pa . 75; WR.5/14-5)

SHELDON,William alias Rooke. S.O. and B. c . 1757-c . 64 (2;8).

b . 1744 s. ofWilliam and Margaret (Rooke ) ofBeoleyand Weston . br. ofCharles, Edward , George, James and Ralph. d . 1830 , London, unm. (BLG; Gil.5/500-01; CRS . 12/194).

SHELDON alias for Molyneux, John and Richard See Archdeacon, Montagu and William.

SHELLEY, Anthony. S.O. 1613-9 (19; CRS . 54/325)

b . 1601 , Sussex s. ofSir John and Elizabeth(Owen)of Buriton,Hampshire br ofCyprian, Owen and Thomas E.C. Rome 1619-23. E.C. Douay 1624-9.Priest.To England. (CRS . 10/229, 2734; 37/190-1; 54/325; Ans.2/291;Fo.6/289).

SHELLEY* , Charles S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1642 (5).

?s.ofSirWilliam and Christina(Vantelet) of Michelgrove, Sussex. ?2nd Bart. c . 1644 ?m . (1) ElizabethWeston (2) Mary, Lady Abergavennynée Gifford d . ?1681. (BuP).

SHELLEY, Cyprian S.Ó. 1606-11 (CRS . 54/247-8)

b . 1592, Mapledurham s of Sir John and Elizabeth(Owen). br. ofAnthony, Owen and Thomas E.C.Rome 1611-18 Priest.


SHELLEY , Edwardalias Whitby S.O. c . 1601-6 (CRS . 30/87). 239

To England d c . 1622, in France (CRS . 37/163-4; 54/247-8; Fo.6/262; Ans.2/292).

b . 1588 , Sussex ?s . of Thomas and Ury of Pulborough,Sussex . E.C. Valladolid 1606-9 E.C. Douay 1609-14 Priest To England . (CRS . 10/100, 113, 125, 177, 182; 30/87; Ans.2/292-3).

SHELLEY, Francisalias for Lewis, Theodore

SHELLEY, Henry S.O. ?-1682 (13)

b . 1662 . S.J. 1682. d . 1685, Liège, not yet ordained (Fo.7/706)

SHELLEY, Henry S.O. c . 1726 (7).

SHELLEY , Owen S.O. ?-1604(Fo.7/706).

b . 1585, Hampshire s .of Sir Johnand Elizabeth(Owen) br of Anthony, Cyprianand Thomas E.C. Rome 1604-14 . Priest. To England S.J. 1615.To England d . 1666, ?Worcester district. (CRS . 37/136; Fo.6/232; 7/706-7; Ans 2/293).

SHELLEY, ?Richard. S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/71).

s.ofSir John , 3rd Bart and Mary (Gage) ofMichelgrove , Sussex ?br ofWalter ?m . Fleetwood (BuP).

SHELLEY, Richard S.O. c . 1748(3)

SHELLEY , Thomas S.O. ?-1605 .

b . 1586, Sussex. s . ofSirJohn and Elizabeth(Owen).br. of Anthony , Cyprian and Owen . E.C. Rome 1605-12.Priest. To England S.J. 1620.To England d . 1651 , Oxford district. (CRS . 37/140-1; 54/156; Fo.5/786-7; 7/707; Ans.2/293)

SHELLEY, Walter . S.O. ?-1717 (Fo.7/707; ?CRS . 62/71).

b . 1701, London ?s ofSir John, 3rd Bart and Mary(Gage)of Michelgrove , Sussex br. of ?Richard S.J. 1717. Priest.d.1750, Antwerp (Fo.7/707).

SHELLEY,William S.O. 1594-9 (CRS . 30/55-6).

b . 1583, Mapledurham , Hampshire s of Richard and Catherine (Devenish) ofWarminghurst , Sussex. E.C. Valladolid 1599.E.C. Seville 1599- ? E.C. Valladolid ?-1605 Priest To England . d . before 1643.(CRS . 30/56; RH.9/169; Ans.2/293)

SHELLEY alias forAnderton, Edward and John ; Lawson , Henry. ?SHELTON or SKELTON , ?S.O before 1715 (CRS . 62/254)

SHEPHERD or SHEPPARD , John S.O. ?-1726(7).

b . 1714, London s of John and Bridget(Wilkinson) E.C. Douay 1726-31. E.C. Rome 1731-2 E.C. Lisbon 1733-7.Priest. To England d . 1789, London. (CRS.1/244 , 269 ; 28/131, 158; 40/183; RH.2/179; Ans.6; Ki . 207;Cro . 250).

SHERBURNE, see Shireburne .

SHERINGTON alias for Sherwood , Robert and Thomas. SHERWOOD , Robert alias Sherington S.O. 1605-9 (CRS . 30/103)

b c . 1589, Bath. s ofJohn and Mary (Knowles ) br of Thomas E.C.Valladolid 1609-12 E.C. Douay 1612. O.S.B. Douay 1612.Priest.To England d . 1665, Kiddington, Oxfordshire. (CRS . 10/114, 116; 30/103; 33/225-6; 65/27-8;Bi . 45).


SHERWOOD , Thomas alias Sherington S.O. 1606-7 (CRS . 54/189-95).

b . 1583,Wells s . ofJohn and Mary (Knowles) br.ofRobert. E.C. Rome 1607-10 Priest S.J. 1610. d . 1610, Rome (CRS. 37/150; 54/189-93 ;65/27-8 ; Fo.6/247; 7/709-10; Ans.2/294)

SHIFFNALL , William. S.O. 1756-c . 57 (2;4).

SHINNEL (?SHIMMEL), -.S.O. c . 1751 (3).

SHIREBURNE , Charles S.O. 1697-1702 (11; 61; 75, ff. 35v, 45v, 166).

b . 1684, Lancashire S.J. 1702. Priest To England d . 1745 , London (Fo.5/567; 7/710; CRS . 62/96n; Chad.1/269; Pa . 47; SCR . 79)

?SHIREBURNE , Nicholas ?S.O . c . 1670 (SCR . 79).

b . 1658 . s. ofRichardand Isabel (Ingleby) of Stonyhurst, Lancashire ?E.C Douay 1674-6. created Bart. 1685.m

Catherine Charlton. d . 1717 ,Worksop Manor, Nottinghamshire. (BuEB; CRS.6/146n; 8/411; 63/30, 54, 60, 62, 63; SCR . 69-82; Ki . 208; E. and P. 114).

SHIREBURNE, Nicholas . S.O. 1733-c . 35 (7;21)

SHIREBURNE, Richard S.O. 1643 (or earlier) -1646(orlater) (5)

b. c . 1626. s . of Richardand Elizabeth(Walmesley)of Stonyhurst, Lancashire . ?E.C . Douay 1640-2 m. Isabel Ingleby. d . 1689 , Manchester prison (CRS.6/145n; 11/434; 63/4,6; BuEB; SCR . 65-7).

SHIREBURNE, Richard S.O. 1708-11 (61; CRS . 40/145; SCR . 79).

b . 1692, London s . ofCharles and Sybil E.C. Rome 1711-12 . (CRS . 40/145; 63/96n; SCR . 79, 82n; Fo.6/461).

SHIREBURNalias for Weld, Edward, John and Thomas

SHIRLEY, Henry alias Pelham , Thomas S.O. ?-c . 1640 (CRS . 55/465-6).

b c . 1622, Warwickshire s of Sir Thomas and Mary (Harpur). E.C. Rome 16404. (CRS . 40/22;55/465; Fo.5/476n; 6/351; LR.3/98n).

SHIRLEY alias for Huddleston, John See Huddleston, Thomas. ?SHIVALL , Peter ?S.O. c . 1730 (7).

SHOLLEY (or SHELLEY), Thomas S.O. c . 1733 (1).

SHORT , Francis alias Curtis, Maximilian S.O. 1732-7 (2; 7; 13)

b . 1718, Suffolk. s .ofMaximilian S.J. 1737. Priest To England d . 1755, Southend , Hampshire (CRS . 44/11; Fo.7/710-11)

SHORT , .S.O. c . 1748 (3).

SHOY , Peter B. 1771-3 (7; 15; 58; 59; 60) From Montserrat, West Indies.

SHOYE, Walter B. 1763-5 (2; 6; 8)

SHUTTLEWORTH, John S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (75, ff.9v, 12v , 16v,24v,25v)

?b. 1679, Yorkshire ?s . ofJohn and Elizabeth(Elton) ?E.C Douay 1703-11 . ?Priest. ?To England d . ?1739, Nottinghamshire (CRS . 28/21, 27; 63/90;Ki . 210).

SHUTTLEWORTH, Johnalias Richardson S.O. c . 1725-30 (7).

b . 1708, Lancashire br ofRobert S.J. 1730. Priest To


England d . 1765, Oxford district (Fo.7/711).

SHUTTLEWORTH,John B. ?-1773 (14,59; 60).

b c . 1757, Lancashire ?s of Thomas and Anne(Walker)

E.C. Douay 1774-83/4 Priest To England . (CRS . 63/358,422; Ans.6 ; Ki . 210)

SHUTTLEWORTH, Robert. S.O. 1728-c . 32 (7).

br. ofJohn .

SHUTTLEWORTH, Thomas S.O. c . 1678 (CRS.4/437).

?From West Leigh, Lancashire d?c . 1690 .

SHUTTLEWORTH,.S.O before 1715 (CRS . 62/278).

SIDDLEalias for Hodgkinson, Charles

SIDLEY , Johnalias Jacobs orJames S.O. ?-1619 (CRS . 30/134).

b.c . 1600. ?s . of John and Anne (Culpeper) of Southfleet, Kent E.C. Valladolid 1619-21. (BuEB).

SIDNEY alias for Skinner, Charles

SILESDONalias for Bedingfeld , Edward, Henryand Matthew .

SILLINGERalias for Simeon or Simons, John

SIMCOCKSalias for Manners,John

SIMEONor SIMONS , Edwardalias Smith S.O. c . 1644-9 (5; CRS . 55/ 514-5).

b . 1632, London s ofSir George and Margaret (Molyneux)of Chilworth, Oxfordshire. br. of James E.C. Rome 1649-52

S.J. 1656. Priest To England d . 1701, Garswood Hall, Lancashire. (CRS.8/411; 40/43; 55/514-5; BuEB ; Fo.4/606, ped.; 7/711-2)

SIMEON, Edwardalias Smith S.O. 1695-1701 (35; 75, ff 22v,31v, 35v)

b . 1682 . s. of SirJames, 1st Bart and Bridget (Heveningham)of Chilworth, Oxfordshire. br. of James 2nd Bart. 1709.d . 1768 , unm (BuEB.; Fo.4 /606, ped.; Pa . 63 ; E. and P.213,249; Sta . 279).

SIMEON, George alias Sutton S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1645 (5; CRS . 55/490-1).

b c . 1626, Haughley , Suffolk s . of SirJohn and Anne (Sulyard) E.C. Rome 1645-7 (CRS . 40/34;55/490-1; Fo.4/606, ped.;7/749)

SIMEON, Jamesalias Molyneux S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1663 (5).

b.c . 1645, Oxfordshire. s . ofSir George and Margaret (Molyneux) of Chilworth br of Edward E.C. Rome 1663-6.

Created baronet m. Bridget Heveningham .d c . 1709 , Staffordshire (CRS . 40/70; BuEB; Sta . 278-9 ; Fo.4/606, ped.; 6/408)

SIMEON, James S.O. ?-1709 (35).

b . 1692, Staffordshire s . of Sir James, 1st Bart and Bridget (Heveningham) ofChilworth, Oxfordshire. br. ofEdward. S.J. 1709. d . 1714, Liège, not yet ordained (BuEB.; Fo.4/606, ped , 7/712; CRS . 62/8, 112; Ber . 109).

SIMEON , or SIMONS , John alias Sillinger S.O. 1607-11 (CRS . 54/241-3).


b.c . 1592, near Oxford s ofJohn and Anne (Mollins)of Baldwin's, Brightwell E.C. Rome 1611-? Knighted. m Anne Sulyard (BuEB; CRS . 37/162; 54/241-3 ; Sta . 278 ; Fo.4/606, ped.; 6/260).

SIMEONor SIMONS , Josephalias for Lobb, Emmanuel .

SIMEONor SIMEONS or SIMONS or SIMMONSalias for Plowden, Charles, Edmund(2), Francis (3), Richard(2), William

SIMONS* , Richard S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1647 (or later) (5).

SIMPSON* , Edward S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1657 (orlater) (5; 36, f 164).

SIMPSON , James. B. 1773 (60).

SIMPSON, Johnalias Torbett S.O. ?-1677 (CRS . 30/169 , 172).

b c . 1660 From Yorkshire E.C.Valladolid 1677-84.Priest To England d . 1727, Newhouse , near Esh, Durham. (CRS.9/112; 28/39; 30/172; Ki . 211 ;Ans.5).

SIMPSON, Joseph S.O. c . 1650 (FAB . 63).

b . 1629 , Durham S.J. 1656. Priest d . 1667 ,Ypres. (Fo.7 /713; FAB . 63).

SIMPSON , William alias Baines and Parsons S.O. 1630-7 (CRS. 55/456-7)

b c . 1612 From Yorkshire s ofChristopher E.C. Rome 1637-40 O.S.B. St Edmund's, Paris 1640. Priest d . 1652, Normandy (CRS . 40/18; 55/456-7; Bi . 33)

SIMPSON, William S.O.?-1708 (CRS . 30/181).

b.c.1690. From Yarm, Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1708-13 . Priest To England d.c.1730 (CRS . 30/181;Ans.5).

SIMPSON alias for Anderson, George and John; Gargrave, George; Hildreth, William; Kirke, Francis ; Sampson, Christopher.

SIMS alias for Booth, Ralph; Munson, Allen and George.

SIMSON , .S.O c . 1761 (2).

SINGLETONalias for Sanderson, Nicholas ; Swarbrick, James

SKELTON, see Shelton

SKERRET, Robert. S.O. 1739-c . 42 (2)

SKERRET orSKIRRET, Robert S.O. 17614 (2; 6;8)

SKERRET alias forBlake, Thomas.

SKINNER, Charles alias Sidney S.O. 1630-5 (CRS . 55/447).

b c . 1613 From Gloucestershire . E.C. Rome 1635-9 . (CRS . 40/15; 55/446-7).

SKULLIM, Joseph S.O. c . 1755 (2)

SLACK, Thomas alias Penketh S.O. 1728-31 (1; 7; CRS . 40/185).

b . 1714 . From Lancashire . s ofLancelot and Anne (Wonsworth)

E.C. Rome 1731-3 . (CRS . 40/185; Fo.6/481).

SLATER alias for Hothersall, Thomas.

SLAUGHTER , George. S.O.?-1658 (CRS . 55/569-70).

b . 1635 . From Suckley, Worcestershire E.C. Rome 1658-? (CRS . 55/569-70)

SLEIGH, alias Hacon S.O. 1751-c . 52 (2; 3;4).

?SMITH,Anthony . ?S.O. ?-1618 (Ans.2/298)

E.C. Seville 1616-?

SMITH, Charles alias Turville. S.O. c . 1695-c . 98 (75, ff 17v, 26v , 31v , 35v, 166).

Maybe the same as Turville, Charles

SMITH, Christopheralias Gervison or Jenison S.O. 1620-1 (12; CRS . 30/136)

b. c . 1602 From Yorkshire s. ofGervase ?and Elizabeth?of Brighton, Harthill , Yorkshire E.C. Valladolid 1621-8. Priest To England (CRS . 30/136;Ans.2/298).

SMITH,Clement S.O. 1672-8 (13; CST . 10/1116)

b . 1657, Warwickshire . ?br ofEdmund. S.J. 1678. Priest. To England . d . 1696, BardseaHall, near Ulverston, Lancashire . (CRS . 20/8; Fo.5 /356-7; 7/716; Be . 171; Chad.1/228).

SMITH, Edmund S.O. ?-1690 (11 ; 13).

b . 1666, Warwickshire ?br of Clement S.J. 1690. Priest. To England d . 1727, ?Lancashire. (Fo.7/716).

SMITH, Endymion alias Manners S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1697 (75, ff. 9v, 15v,25v)

SMITH, Francis alias Anderton. S.O. c . 1624-6 (CRS . 55/386-7).

b. c . 1608, Essex s ofValentine and Anne E.C. Rome 1626-33 Priest.ToEngland d . 1672, Shropshire (CRS.3/92; 37/210; 55/386-7; Fo.6/311 ; Ans.2/299).

SMITH, Francisalias forPercy, Robert.

SMITH, George S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1631 (16).

b . 1611 , Northumberland S.J. 1631. Priest. To England. d . 1671, Lancashire (Fo.7/717; Chad.1/118).

SMITH , George ?alias Graves S.O. c . 1699-1702 (or later) (11;75,ff.

37v, 42v, 45)

?b . 1682, Staffordshire ?S.J 1703. ?Priest d . ?1712, Liège. (Fo.7/717).

SMITH, George S.O. 1753-c . 54 (2; 4).

SMITH,Gregoryalias Fermoror Farmer S.O. 1619-22 (CRS . 54/348-9).

b c . 1600, Tangley, Berkshire E.C. Rome 1622-9. Priest.

d.c.1629, onjourney to England , Brixen (CRS . 37/199; 54/349; Ans.2/299).

SMITH, Henry alias Harrington, Lawrence S.O. ?-1627 (CRS . 55/397-8).

b. c . 1608, Cuerdley, Lancashire . s ofHenry and Joan. E.C.Rome 1627-34 Priest To England (CRS . 37/214-5 ; 55/397-8; Ans.2/300; Fo.6/315)

SMITH* ,Henry S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1662(5)

SMITH, Henry S.O. 1714-18 (CRS . 30/182-3; 62/86).

b . 1699 , Berwick E.C. Valladolid 1718-24 Priest S.J. 1724 . To England . d . 1756, ?Cheshire. (CRS . 30/183; Fo.7/717; Ans.6)

SMITH, Henry B. 1763-5 (2; 6; 8)

SMITH, James S.O. ?-1711 (40, f. 23)

b . 1692, St Germain s . of Thomas and Mary.E.C. Rome


1711-14. (CRS . 40/145-6; Fo.6/461).

SMITH, James B. ?-1773 (8; 15;58; 59)

b.c . 1759 From St Croix, West Indies. ?s ofThomas. ?br.of Jeremy. E.A. Liège 1773-6 (17; CRS . 13/209-10).

SMITH, Jeremy B. ?-1773 (8; 14;59;60)

b. c . 1756. From St Croix, West Indies. s . ofThomas. ?br. of James E.A. Liège 1773-6 (17; CRS . 13/209-10).

SMITH, John S.O. 1633-40 (5).

b . 1620, Suffolk. S.J. 1640. Priest.To England d . 1661 , ?Suffolkdistrict (Fo.7/717).

SMITH , Johnalias Dormer and Carrington S.O. c . 1647-53 (5; CRS . 55/543).

b. c . 1635 . s . ofCharles, 1st Viscount Carringtonand Elizabeth(Caryll). E.C. Rome 16534. S.J. 1663.Priest.To England d . 1689, Ghent (CRS . 40/53; 55/543; WR . 24/4; Fo.5/774; 6/388;7/117).

SMITH* , John S.O. 1654 (or earlier) -1655 (or later) (5)

SMITH* ,John S.O. 1658-64 (5).

SMITH, John S.O. ?-1688 (Fo.7/718).

b . 1669, Warwickshire S.J. 1688. Priest. To England d . 1754, London (Fo.7/718; Pa . 75)

SMITH, John S.O. c . 1725-c . 32 (7; 21)

?From Lincolnshire.

SMITH, John B. 1763-6 (6; 8).

b . 1748-50. ?s. ofWilliam and Dorothy (Owst) ofDrax Abbey, Yorkshire. ?br of Joseph and Thomas E.C. Bornhem 1767-71 . O.P. 1771. Priest To England d . 1804, Bornhem (CRS.1/139 , 140; 25/134, 159-63; Gumb . 82).

SMITH, John B. 1764-7 (2; 6; 8) From Maryland

SMITH , John B. ?-1773 (59; 60).

SMITH, Joseph S.O. c . 1739-46 ( 1 ; 2; 3;4)

b . 1725, Leicestershire S.J. 1746. Priest. To England d . 1768 , Preston (76/372; Fo.7/718-9).

SMITH, Joseph B. c . 1771-3 (2; 8; 14;60)

b . 1759-60 ?s ofWilliam and Dorothy (Owst) ofDrax Abbey, Yorkshire ?br ofJohn and Thomas E.C. Bornhem 17734.O.P. Priest. To England d . 1804-11 , Stourton Lodge , near Leeds. (CRS.1/139, 140, 142; 25/134, 165; Gumb . 82-3).

SMITH, Joseph B. ?-1773 (14)

SMITH, Josephalias for Gerard, Philip

SMITH, Nicholas alias forWilson,Matthew .

SMITH* , Richard S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1660(5).

SMITH, Richardalias Saville . S.O. 1673-9 (CRS . 55/643).

b . 1660, Sussex s. of John. E.C. Rome 1679-80 . S.J. 1680

Priest To England . d . 1735, ?Culcheth, near Warrington. (CRS . 40/95;55/643; Fo.6/429; 7/720-1).


SMITH , Richard S.O. c . 1724-c . 26 (7)

SMITH* , Robert S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1636 (5).

SMITH* , Roger S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1658 (or later) (5).

SMITH* , Thomas . S.O. ?-1621 (12).

SMITH, Thomas alias or vere Lewis . S.O. ?-1691 (11; 75 ,f 46)

b . 1674-5 , Durham S.J. 1691. Priest.To England d . 1721 ,in England (Fo.7/721).

SMITH, Thomas alias Manners. S.O. ?-1693 (75, f. 6v).

SMITH , Thomas. S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/162). ?From Lancashire

SMITH , Thomas B. c . 1763-c . 65 (2; 8).

?b . 1751 s. ofWilliam and Dorothy (Owst) ofDrax Abbey, Yorkshire. ?br. ofJohn andJoseph. (CRS.1/139, 140).

SMITH , William alias Sutheron S.O. 1615-9 (12; CRS . 30/133).

b . 1594, Staffordshire ?s. of John and Helen E.C. Valladolid 1619-? Priest S.J. 1625.To England d . 1658, ?Worcestershire district (CRS . 30/133; Ans.2/305-6; Fo.7/721).

SMITH* , William S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (or later)(5).

SMITH,William alias CarringtonorCarington S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1663 (or later). (5)

b c . 1648 s ofFrancis ofAston, Shropshire E.C. Rome 1668-c . 74 Priest To England d . 1722. (CRS . 40/76; Fo.6/412; Ki . 213)

SMITH* , William S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670 (or later). (5).

SMITH , William alias Carringtonor Carington S.O. ?-1713(CRS. 40/151).

b. c . 1694, Shropshire s . of Francis and Audrey (Atwood) of Aston, Shropshire E.C. Rome 1713-6 (CRS . 40/151; 62/24; Pa . 52; E. and P. 220; Fo.6/464).

SMITH,William alias Selby.S.O. 1739-45 ( 1 ; 2; 3; 13)

b . 1728, Northumberland.From Biddleston S.J. 1745-c . 48 . (Fo.7/722)

?SMITH, ?S.O . c . 1613 (70).

?br ofnext below

?SMITH, ?S.O . c . 1613 (70).

?br of next above .

SMITHalias for Babthorpe , Ralph and Thomas ; Brinkhurst,John; Dorrell or Darell, John ; Markham, William;Mould, Francis; Neville, Henry; Salvin, Ralph; Simeon , Edward(2); Waldegrave, Thomas ; See Ansell James; Lattinor Latin, Patrick;Pole or Poole , Anthony.

SMITHERS, William S.O. 1669-75 (5; 13).

b . 1656, Paris. S.J. 1675.Priest d . 1685,St Omers College. (Fo.7/722).

SMITHSON, William B. 1767-c . 68 (2; 6; 8).

?From Lincolnshire.

SMITHSON, .S.O. c . 1734 (1; 7).


SMITHSONalias for Jackson, Francis.

SMYTH , Francis S.O. before 1598 (HMC . Salisbury, 8/265-6).

From London

SMYTHE* , Robert S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1643 (or later)(5).

SNOD or SNODE, Peter alias Overton, Paul S.O. 1612-c . 15 (19; CRS . 10/186).

b . 1595, Dorset E.C. Seville c . 1616-c . 18 O.S.B. Dieulouart c . 1620. E.C. Douay 1621-2 Priest To England (CRS . 10/186 , 190-191 ; Ans.2/302).

SOMERSET * , George S.Ó. 1664 (or earlier) -1665 (or later)(5).

SOMERSET * , Thomas S.O. 1666-70 (5).

SOMERSETalias for Anderton, Charles, Jamesand John ; Roper, Thomas .

SOMERVILLE, Francis alias for Honnacott, Abraham.

SOPHIA alias for Wyse, George

SOUTHCOTE , George S.O. c . 1728-c . 36 ( 1 ; 2; 3; 7).

SOUTHCOTE, George B. 1763-6 (2; 6; 8).

SOUTHCOTE , Philip S.O. c . 1757 (4)

SOUTHCOTE , Roger alias Palmer S.O. 1693 (or earlier)-c . 1696 (75 , ff.9v, 13v, 21v).

SOUTHCOTE, Thomas S.O. c . 1727-37 (1; 2; 3; 4; 7;21)

SOUTHCOTEalias for Fitzherbert, Thomas

SOUTHWELL* , Edmund S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1635(orlater) (5).

SOUTHWELL* , James S.O. 1635 (or earlier) -1636 (or later) (5)

SOUTHWELL, John. S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1641 (or later). (5).

E.C.Douay?-c . 1661 Priest . To England d . 1688, London (CRS . 63/21; Ans.2/306)

SOUTHWELL, John S.O. ?-1649 (Fo.7/725). b . 1631, Hampshire S.J. 1649-64 Priest (Fo.7/725)

SOUTHWELL* , John S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1669 (5).

SOUTHWELL* , Peter. S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1651 (or later) (5)

SOUTHWELL* , Philip S.O. 1654-8 (or later) (5).

SOUTHWELL* , Richard S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1651 (orlater)(5)

SOUTHWELL*,William. S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1637 (5)

SOUTHWELL,. S.O . ?-1714 (CRS . 62/119, 141 )

SOUTHWELL alias for Bacon, George, John , Nathanieland Thomas

SPALDING, Joseph B. 17624 (2; 6; 8) From Maryland.

SPENCER or SPENSER, Johnalias Charnock.S.O. and B. 1757-63 (2; 4;8).

b . 1744, Lancashire S.J. 1763. Priest To England d . 1805 , Stonyhurst College (Fo.7/129).

SPENSER*,Anthony. S.O. 1655-59 (orlater)(5)

May be the same as Petre, Anthony.

SPENSER* , Thomas S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1657 (5)

May be thesame as Petre, Thomas.

SPENSER* , William S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1666(orlater)(5).

May be the same as Petre, William.

SPENSER or SPENCERalias for Adams , James; Arundell, Henryand Matthew; Petre, Charles, Edward, Francis and Robert;Poulton, William; Warren , Thomas

STACK, William B. 1773 (7; 15; 58; 59 ; 60; CRS . 63/357)

b. c . 1762 From London E.C. Douay 1773-6 E.A. Liège 1776-8 . (CRS . 13/210; 63/266, 357,365)

STAFFORD, Bernard alias Cassidy. S.O. ?-1735 (Fo.7/123).

b . 17134, Ireland S.J. 1735. Priest To England d . 1778 , Thame Park, Oxfordshire. (CRS . 12/30; 13/300; Fo.7/123 , 1452).

STAFFORD* , Francis S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1630 (5)

STAFFORD, Francis S.O. ?-1692 (CRS . 30/177-8). From London E.C. Valladolid 1692-6 d . 1696, Valladolid. (CRS . 29/160; 30/178).

STAFFORD, Ignatiusalias for Baduley, Robert .

STAFFORD , John S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1641 (or later)(5).

STAFFORD, Johnalias orvere Kelly S.O. 1759-62 (2; 8).

b . 1743, Ireland. S.J. 1762. Priest To England . d c . 1800 (Fo.7/729; Ki . 216)

STAFFORD, Nathanielalias Potter S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1653 (orlater) (5).

b . 1635 , Suffolk. S.J. 1656. Priest To England d . 1697 , St Omers College. (Fo.7/729)

STAFFORD , Thomas S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1633 (5).

STAFFORD* , William S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1633(5)

?E.C Seville c . 1642 ? Priest (Ans.2/308).

STAFFORDalias for Darcy, Thomas; Stanford, Robert See Thorpe, Ignatius

STAFFORD-HOWARD, Edwardalias Wilford . S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715(or later) (CRS . 62/51-2; 269;28/93).

b . 1708 . s . of John and Theresa (Strickland). half-brofJohn Paul E.C. Douay 1721-7 (CRS . 28/93 , 135). ?STAFFORD-HOWARD, John Paul. ?S.O c . 1714 (CRS . 62/197,207).

b . 1700 .s ofJohn and Mary (Southcote) half-br ofEdward. St.G.Douay 1716.4th Earl ofStafford 1751. m Elizabeth Ewens d . 1762 (GEC.; BSG.; CRS.8/415).

STAMPE * , Francis S.O. 1632-6 (orlater) (5).

STANDAERT, -. B. c . 1772-3 (14).

From Ghent

STANDING* , Thomas . S.O. 1661-2 (or later) (5)

STANDISH, George alias Stanter. S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1657 (or later) (5)

?From Fromehill, Herefordshire ?E.C Valladolid 1660-7 . ?Priest ?To England . (CRS . 30/168; Ans.5)

STANDISH*,John S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1635(or later) (5).

STANDISH, Lawrence alias Fisher S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later) (5).


b . 1605 s of Thurstanand Elizabeth(Anderton) ofthe Burgh, Lancashire S.J. 1626. Priest. To England d between 1669 and 1671, ?Lancashire . (Fo.4/713 , ped.; 7/730)

STANFIELD, Gervase S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1697 (11; 75, ff. 7v, 15v, 18v, 21v, 25v)

b . 1674, Yorkshire ?br ofRobert. S.J. 1697. d . 1706 ,Liège, notyet ordained (Fo.7/730).

STANFIELD, Robert S.O. c . 1697 (75,f. 25v)

?br. of Gervase .

STANFIELD- alias forPippard, Luke

STANFORD, Charles S.O. 1729-33 (1; 7)

s ofWilliam .

STANFORD or STANDFORD, John S.O. ?-1671 (CRS . 55/616).

b . 1654 . From Handsworth, Staffordshire. s. ofJohnand Ursula (Chapman) E.C. Rome 1671-8 Priest . To England d . 1737 , Wingerworth, Derbyshire. (CRS . 12/5;40/84; 55/615-6; Fo.6/418, 516; Ans.5 ; Ki . 216-7)

STANFORD, Robert alias Stafford S.O. 1608-13 (CRS . 54/258).

b . 1593 , Staffordshire. s of Edwardand Mary (Shelley)of PerryHall, PerryBarr, Handsworth E.C. Rome 1613-7 . Priest. To England d . 1659 , London (CRS . 37/167; 54/258-9 ; Fo.1 /457; 6/264-5; 7/731;Ans.2/308).

STANFORDalias for Anderton, Robert

STANHOPEalias forTaylor,Thomas.

STANLEY , Adrian or Edward. S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1634(5)

b . ?1613, Lancashire .S.J. ? 1633 Laybrother d . 1678, Ghent (Fo.7 /733).

STANLEY, Charlesalias for Petit, Cyriacus

STANLEY* , Henry S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (5)

STANLEY* ,Henry S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1641 (or later)(5).

STANLEY , Henryalias Culcheth S.O. c . 1701 (75,f.45).

b . 1688, Lancashire . s. ofRichard and Anne (Culcheth) of Eccleston -in-the-Fylde, Lancashire ?br. ofThomas S.J.1706. Priest To England. d . 1753, CulchethHall, Lancashire (Fo.7/733-4; CRS.6/181n).

STANLEY* , James S.O. 1652 (or earlier) -1654(or later) (5; 73).

STANLEY , John S.O. c . 1731-2 (1;7).

b c . 1710. From Cheshire s ofSirWilliam, 3rd Bart and Catherine (Eyre) of Hooton, Cheshire. br. ofNeville, Rowland and William. Assumed additional name of Massey and later added Stanley.6th Bart 1792. m . Mary Clifton d . 1794 ,Hooton , Cheshire (BuP.; Ki . 217;Gil.4/525; Fo.7/635 ; Fos . Stanleyped)

STANLEY, Neville S.O. c . 1726-c . 34 (7;21).

s ofSir William, 3rd Bart . and Catherine (Eyre) ofHooton , Cheshire. br. ofJohn, Rowlandand William.

STANLEY, Rowland S.O. c . 1724-26 (7; 21 ; 40, ff. 251 ,259)

b. c . 1707 . s . of SirWilliam, 3rd Bart and Catherine (Eyre)of

Hooton, Cheshire br.o f John, Nevilleand William. 4th Bart. 1740 m. ElizabethParry d . 1761. (BuP.; Ki . 217; Fos . Stanleyped )

STANLEY, Thomas alias Culcheth S.O. c . 1697-c . 99 (75, ff. 25v.33v).

?From Lancashire ?s of Richard and Anne(Culcheth)of Eccleston ?br ofHenry ?m. MelioraPoole née Gomeldon. d . ?1749. (CRS.6/181n)

STANLEY, William alias Paston. S.O. 1694 -c . 98 (75, ff. 12v 19v 28v, 30v, 31v)

b . 1679 s ofSir Rowland, 2nd Bart . and Anne (Paston) of Hooton, Cheshire 3rd Bart . 1737.m Catherine Eyre d . 1740 . (BuP.; Ki . 218; E. and P.21).

STANLEY,William, S.O. c . 1724-34 (7;21).

s. ofSir William, 3rd Bart. and Catherine (Eyre) ofHooton , Cheshire br of John, Neville and Rowland.

STANLEY , WilliamaliasforBrown, John; MinshallorMinshull, Randolph.

STANLEYalias for Blundell, Henry; Drury, Robert; Fortescue , Francis ; Knight, John; Petit, Francis ; Whetenhall , Thomas. See Sayer, Richard .

STANLEY-MASSEY , Charles alias Brudenell B. c . 1767-73 (2; 7;8; 14; 23; 28, f 70v, 74; 60).

s .ofSir John , 6th Bart and Mary (Clifton) ofHooton , Cheshire. br ofJohn, Thomas and William d . 1773 Bruges College.

STANLEYMASSEY , Johnalias Brudenell B. 1768-73 (2; 7;8; 14; 23; 59; 60).

s ofSir John, 6th Bart and Mary (Clifton) of Hooton , Cheshire br. ofCharles, Thomas and William. d . 1790, unm (BuP)

STANLEY-MASSEY, William B . 1765-c . 70 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1750. s . ofSir John, 6th Bart and Mary (Clifton)ofHooton , Cheshire br ofCharles, John and Thomas d before 1794 . (BuP; CRS . 13/39; Fos ).

STANLEY-MASSEY-STANLEY , Thomas alias Brudenell B. c . 1766-c . 72 (6; 7; 8; 23).

s of Sir John, 6th Bart. and Mary (Clifton) ofHooton , Cheshire br of Charles, John and William.7th Bart. 1794.m. Catherine Salvin d . 1795, York. (BuP.; Ki . 217; Fos . Stanleyped.)

STANNET orSTENNET, ?Francis Xavier S.O. 1754-c . 60 (2;4).

STANTER alias forStandish , George

STANTON, Robert S.O. ?-1683 (13).

S.J. 1683-4 (63).

STANTON alias for Shackleton,William See Staunton STAPLETON, John alias for Fitzwilliam , Richard. STAPLETON, Thomas S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1648 (orlater) (5)

b . 1632 , Lincoln S.J. 1654. Priest d . 1685, Rome (Fo.7 /736-7).

STAPLETON , ?Vincent. S.O. c . 1678 (34/2/106; HMC . 32/13/App. 6/151-2).

STAPLETON,alias Baxter.S.O. c . 1594 (CSP.Dom.Eliz.15914/533; CRS.5/262)

STAPLETONor STAPYLTONalias for Clavering , Ralph ; Fitzwilliam , John; Fowler, William;Walker, Thomas

STARKEY, Bryan or Bryant. S.O. c . 1741-6(1; 2)

?b . 1729, London ?S.J. 1746-9.

STARKEY, Francisalias forWhitaker, Humphrey.

STARKEY, Thomas B. c . 1768 (2)

STARKEY alias forWhitaker,Thomas .

STAUNTON or STANTON, HenryAnthony alias Cantlet or Gauntlet. S.O. ?-1607 (CRS . 54/187-8).

b . 1586, Cirencester s of Richardand Jane (Witcam) E.C. Rome 1607-12/14 Priest To England (CRS . 37/140; 54/187-8; Ans.2/309-10).

STAVELEY* , Benedict ?vere Carey. S.O. 1659-65(5).

d . 1676 (Fo.7 /121).

STAVELEY* , Christopher?vere Carey S.O. 1665-70 (5).

?s.ofSir George Carey and Elizabeth(Wells) ofTorrAbbey, Devonshire ?br ofEdwardand George.

STAVELEY* , Edward ?vere Carey S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1644 (or later).

STAVELEY* , Edward?vere Carey. S.O. 1665 (or earlier) -1669(or later) (5).

?s. ofSir George Carey and Elizabeth(Wells) ofTorrAbbey, Devonshire ?br of Christopherand George.

STAVELEY* , Francis ?vere Carey. S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1652(or later) (5).

STAVELEY , George ?vereCarey S.O. 1665 (orearlier) -1669 (orlater)(5)

?s ofSir George Carey and Elizabeth(Wells) ofTorrAbbey, Devonshire ?br ofChristopherand Edward.

STAVELEY* , Ignatius ?vere Carey S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1643 (or later) (5).

STAVELEY* , John ?vere Carey S.O. 1632 (orearlier) -1639(5).

b . 1618, Suffolk. ?br. ofThomas S.J. 1639. Priest To England . d . 1682, ?Ghent. (Fo.7/120-1).

STAVELEY* , Thomas ?vere Carey S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1639 (5).

b . 1621,Suffolk. ?br ofJohn. S.J. 1639.Priest. To England. d . 1672, St Omers College. (Fo.7/121).

STAVELEYalias for Carey, Charles.

STENKY ,Henry S.O. c . 1751 (2; 3)

STENNET, see Stannet.

STEPHENS , Francis alias Gardiner S.O. 1613-17 (19; CRS . 54/307-8).

b . 1597, St Columb, Cornwall E.C. Rome 1617-24 Priest To England S.J. 1624.To England d . 1648 in England (CRS . 37/184; 54/307-8; Fo.6/282-3 ; 7/737; Ans.2/310)

STEPHENS , Henry S.O. ?-1683 (13).

b . 1665, Liège S.J. 1683.Priest d . 1723, Liège (Fo.7/737-8).

STEPHENSalias for Poyntz, John; Waldegrave,John.


STEPNEY , Giles S.O. c . 1735 (21).

STEVENSON , Cyprianalias Ringby S.O. ?-1620 (CRS . 54/334-5).

b . 1600, London. s of Thomas and Helen E.C. Rome1620-6. Priest d . 1626, Rome (CRS . 37/194; 54/334-5; Fo.6/293;Ans 2/311) .

STEWART, Charles B. 1765-? (2; 6; 8)

May bethe same as Stuart, Charles. St.G.Douay c . 1770 . (BSG)

STEWART* orSTUART, Charles or Thomas S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1634 (5).

STICK, Thomas S.O. c . 1699-1701 (or later)(75, ff.41v,45v).

STILE , Lewisalias Risdon S.O. 1609-11 (CRS . 29/85-6; 30/118).

b c . 1592, Devonshire E.C. Madrid 1611-14 . E.C. Valladolid 1614-15 . d . 1615, Valladolid (CRS . 29/84-5; 30/118).

STILLINGTON* , Michael S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (orlater)(5).

STILLINGTON, Philipalias forBilcliffe, Peter .

STILLINGTONalias for Oglethorpe , Thomas See Fermor, Thomas.

STOCK , John.S.O. c . 1694 (75, f 12v).

?From Lancashire (E. and P. 108)

STOCKDALE* , Francis S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1644 (or later) (5).

STOCKDALE* , George S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1645 (orlater) (5).

STOCKTON , Edwardalias Belott S.O. c . 1671-2 (CRS . 55/618-9)

b . 1649 , CuddingtonHall, Cheshire s of Edwardand Ursula (Belott) E.C. Rome 1673-9 . Priest. To England . (CRS . 40/85; 55/618-9; Fo.6/420)

STOCKTON* , Thomas S.O. 1635 (or earlier) -1639 (5)

STOCKWOOD alias for Harrison, James

STOKER, Thomas alias Milbey S.O. 1614-6 (12; CRS . 30/127).

b . 1598, Brussels E.C. Valladolid 1616-7 O.S.B. Douay 1620 . Priest To England d . 1668, London (CRS . 30/127; Bi . 46-7).

STOKESalias forEnglefield,John and Mark.

STONE , John alias for Stonehouse ,Andrew .

STONE , Marmaduke S.O. and B. 1761-7 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1748,Draycott , near Painsley,Staffordshire S.J. 1767.Priest.

To England d . 1834, St Helens, Lancashire (Fo.7/741-2; Chad . 1 /363-400passim)

STONE , .S.O. 1750-c . 53 (2) 1

STONEHOUSE , Andrewalias Cuthbert, John, Fairfax, John , Stone , John, Town, Andrew S.O. 1612-6 (12; CRS . 54/308).

b. c . 1597 , Yorkshire s ofChristopherand Frances (Smith)of East Row, Dunsley, near Whitby E.C. Valladolid 1616.E.C. Rome 1617-23 Priest. To England S.J.1634 d . 1663 ,Yorkshire. (CRS.6/73-4; 30/127; 37/184; 54/308; Fo.7/740-1; Ans.2/311; Ave.1/239).

STOURTON, Charles Philip B. 1767-9 (orlater) (2; 8; 67,f. 78).

b . 1752 . s . ofWilliam, 16th Baron Stourton and Winifred (Howard). St. G.Douay c . 1764. 17th Baron 1781.m . Mary


Langdale. d . 1816, Allerton Park, Yorkshire (GEC.; BuP.; BSG; Ki . 221 ; Pa.2/46; CRS.Mon.1 /159).

STOURTON ,-. S.O. 1729-c . 33 (7)

STRANGE* , Henry S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1651 (orlater)(5).

STRANGE, Richard S.O. ?-1631 (Dod.3/313).

b . 1611 , Northumberland. S.J. 1631. Priest.To England . d . 1682, St Omers College (Fo.7/7434 ; Dod.3/313).

STRANGEalias forArmstrong,John.

STRATFORD, Edward. B. 1769-c . 71 (2;6;8).

STRATFORD, John. S.O. and B. 1761-c . 67 (2; 6;8)

s ofEdward.

STRATFORD, Samuel S.O. ?and B. 1760-2 (or later)(6).

STREET* , Anthony S.O. 1612-13 (orlater) (19).

STREET, Thomas alias Bridges.S.O. 1617-9 (12; CRS . 30/132).

b. c . 1599 . s .ofJohnofGatertop, Herefordshire E.C. Valladolid 1619-22 E.C. Douay 1622-5. Priest.To England. d . 1670. (CRS.3/98; 10/206, 232-4; 30/132; Ans.2/312).

STREETalias for Rigby, John.

STRICKLAND, Charles S.O. 1745-c . 48 (1;2; 3)

b . 1734 . s. of Thomas and Mary (Scrope) of Sizergh, Westmorland br ofThomas, Walter and William m . Cecilia Towneley d . 1770 . (88; BLG; Fo.7/746; Hor . 165-7)

STRICKLAND, Thomas. S.O. 1714-15 (or later) (CRS , 62/125).

b . 1701. s ofWalterand Anne(Salvin) ofSizergh, Westmorland m. (1), Mary Scrope (2) ElizabethArchernée Pennington (88; BLG).

STRICKLAND, Thomas S.O. 1741-8 (1 ;2; 3)

b . 1730. s of Thomas and Mary(Scrope) ofSizergh, Westmorland . br of Charles, Walter and William. d . 1748 , St Omers College (CRS . 32/45; Hor . 165-7).

STRICKLAND, Walter S.O. 1741-c . 47 (1;2;3)

b . 1729 . s ofThomas and Mary (Scrope) ofSizergh, Westmorland br of Charles, Thomas and William.m .Margaret Messenger. d . 1761. (88; BLG; CRS . 32/45; Hor . 165-7).

STRICKLAND, William S.O. 1741-8 (1;2; 3).

b . 1731, Sizergh, Westmorland s . ofThomas and Mary (Scrope) br. ofCharles, Thomas and Walter S.J. 1748. Priest. To England. d . 1819 , London (88; Fo.7/745-6; Hor . 165-7).

STRICKLAND,.S.O. c . 1698 (75,f 59v).

STRICKLAND,. S.O c . 1732-c . 34 (1; 7).

s.ofJohnMannockStrickland and Mary (Wright) ofLondon .

STRONG , Thomas S.O. and B. 1760-64 (2; 6; 8). ?From Lancashire.

STRONG , Walter B. c . 1764 (2)

STROTHERor STRUTHER, William S.O. ?-1701 (11).

b . 1682, Northumberland S.J. 1701-8 ?s of Edwardof Alnwick. (63; Surt . 131/8n).


STROTHERor STRUTHER, -.S.O. 1729-34 (1; 7).

s. of Dr. S.

STUART, Charles S.O. c . 1760 (Oliver 1/14; Fo.7/475).

b . 1746 . s of John, 6th Earl ofTraquair and Christian(Weir néeAnstruther). 7th Earl 1779.m .Mary Ravenscroft d . 1827 , Traquair House, Peeblesshire (GEC).

STUART, see Stewart

STUKELEY* , Robert S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (19).

SUFFIELD, Robert S.O. 1749-52 (2; 3; 4)

s. ofRobert.

SULLY , Matthew S.O. and B. 1761-3 (2; 6; 8)

SULYARD, Andrewalias Sutton S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (5).

b . 1605-6. s of Sir John and Philippa(Sheldon) ofHaughley Park , Suffolk br of Ralph S.J. 1628. Priest To England d . 1673 , Suffolkdistrict (Fo.4/606, ped.; 7/749)

SULYARD, Charles B. ?-1773 (60)

SULYARD, Edward alias Sutton S.O. 1648-54 (5; CRS . 55/555).

b.c . 1635, Suffolk. s ofRalph and Elizabeth(Wilford) br of John ?and Thomas E.C. Rome 1655-7 m Penelope Gage.d. before 1711. (CRS . 40/57;55/555; E. and P. 256; Fo.4/606, ped.; 6/393)

SULYARD, Edward B. c . 1764-6 (2; 8; 14; 45, f 20; 60)

b c . 1744 s ofFrancis and Anna Maria(Bacon) ofWoolpit, Suffolk m (1) Susannah Ravenscroft (2) Dorothy Dalton d . 1799, Haughley Park, Suffolk. (77; CRS . 12/74)

?SULYARD, Henryalias Sutton ?S.O c . 1613 (70).

From Suffolk. s. ofSir Edward. br. ofJohn ?SULYARD, Johnalias Sutton ?S.O c . 1613 (70).

From Suffolk s ofSir Edward br.ofHenry.

SULYARD, John S.O. 1646-53 (5; CRS . 55/541).

b . 1634, Bury St Edmunds s ofWilliam and Elizabeth (Wilford). ?br ofWilliam. E.C.Rome 1653-8 Priest(in Belgium). (CRS . 40/53;55/541; Fo.4/606, ped.; 6/388).

SULYARD, John alias Sutton S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1653(or later) (5; CRS . 55/566-7).

b . 1637, HaughleyPark, Suffolk. s ofRalph and Elizabeth (Wilford) br of Edward ?and Thomas E.C. Rome 1658-9 . (CRS . 40/60; 55/566-7 ; Fo.4/606; ped.; 6/396-7)

SULYARD, Ralph alias Sutton. S.O. 1612-13 (or later) (19).

b c . 1598 . s ofSir John and Philippa(Sheldon) ofHaughley Park, Suffolk br of Andrew E.C. Rome 1617-20 m. Elizabeth Wilford.d . 1658 (CRS . 37/182; Fo.4/606 , ped.; 6/280).

SULYARD, Thomas see Sutton, Thomas.

SULYARD, William see Sutton,William

SULYARD alias for Humberston,Francis

SUMNER* , James S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1660 (5; 36, f. 329)

SUTHERONalias forSmith,William.


SUTTON, Jamesalias Scarisbrick S.O. 1699-1702 (or later) (75, f. 33v)

SUTTON* , Thomas ?vere Sulyard S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1657 (5)

?s. of RalphSulyardand Elizabeth(Wilford) ofHaughley Park, Suffolk ?br of Edward and John ?m. Joanna Liefdael. (Fo.4/606 ped.)

SUTTON* , William ?vere Sulyard S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1654(5).

?s.ofWilliam Sulyardand Elizabeth(Wilford). ?br ofJohn. ?m. Mary Grey (Fo.4/606, ped.).

SUTTON alias for Cook, John; Simeon, George; Sulyard, Andrew , Edward, Henry, John (2) and Ralph .

SWARBRICK, Jamesalias Singleton S.O. ?-1673 (CRS . 55/620-1)

b . 1654-5 , Singleton, Lancashire . s. of John. E.C.Rome

1673-80. Priest . To England d . 1716, Lancaster Castle. (CRS.6/201n; 16/571 ;40/86; 55/620-1; E. and P. 135, 355; Ki . 223 , 259 ; Ans.5 ; Fo.6/421)

SWARBRICK, JohnGaisford. S.O. ?-1759 (2)

?From Lancashire

SWEET , Henry.S.O. c . 1613 (CRS . 54/284).

b. c . 1593, Modbury, Devonshire s of Henry and Mary (Wreford). E.C. Rome 1615-16 (CRS . 37/176; 54/284; Fo.6/273 , 591)

SWEETMAN , Edwardalias Peterson B. 1766-9 (2; 6; 8; 28, f. 11).

From Sudbury br.ofNicholas.

SWEETMAN , Nicholas alias Peterson B. 1763-8 (2; 6; 8).

From Sudbury. br ofEdward

SWINBURNE, Edwardalias Thornton S.O. 1697-1700 (or later) (75, ff 32v , 42v, 166v)

s . ofSir John, 1st Bart. and Isabel (Lawson) ofCapheaton, Northumberland br ofJames ?and George and John d Newgate (Ki . 224; Pa . 144).

SWINBURNE , George S.O. 1699-1700(or later) (75, ff. 37v ,42v)

?s ofSir John, 1st Bart and Isabel (Lawson) of Capheaton , Northumberland. ?br. of Edward, Jamesand John

SWINBURNE , Jamesalias Thornton S.O. 1698-1701 (or later)(75 , ff 32v, 47v)

s .ofSir John, 1st Bart and Isabel (Lawson) of Capheaton, Northumberland br of Edward ?and George and John d . 1728. (Ki . 224).

SWINBURNE, Johnalias Thornton S.O. 1700-01 (orlater) (75, ff. 42v, 45v).

?s ofSir John, 1st Bart. and Isabel (Lawson) of Capheaton , Northumberland ?br. ofEdward, George and James

SWINBURNE, Tobias alias Wentworth, Henry S.O. c . 1632 (CRS . 55/430).

b. c . 1614, York s .of Henry and Margaret (Wentworth). E.C.Rome 1633-6 d . 1657, Yorkshire (CRS . 40/7-8;55/430; Mon.2/80, 318; Fo.5/693; 6/609; Ave.1/209)


SWINBURNE, William S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1636 (5)

b . 1617, Northumberland S.J. 1636. Priest. To England d . 1669, Hampshire district. (Fo.7/752-3)

SWINBURNEalias for Bedingfeld , Edward and Thomas . See Savage , John

SWINDALL, Stephen alias Matthewsand Roberts S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695(11; 13; 75, ff. 6v, 14v, 17v, 19v,22v)

b . 1677 , London S.J. 1695. Priest To England d . 1758, Ghent. (Fo.7 /753).

SYGLEY alias for Wiseman, Francis or Ignatius

SYLVIUS alias forWoodor Woodca, Alexius

SYMONDS , John S.O. c . 1745 (2).

TAAFE, Robert B. c . 1772-3 (14; 28 , f 67v; 59; 60)

b. c . 1762 ?From West Indies . E.C. Douay 1773-7. d . 1777 , Cambrai. (CRS . 63/266, 276, 362, 364; Hu . Text 2/523n)

TAILLIEU, Charles B. ?-1773 (15,58,60).

From Bruges .

?TALBOT, Charles ?S.O c . 1675 (Fo.5/270).

b . 1660 s of Francis, 11th Earl of Shrewsburyand Anna Maria (Brudenell) 12th Earl 1668. Duke 1694.m . Adelaide Paleotti d . 1718, Isleworth (GEC)

TALBOT* , George S.O. 1611 (or earlier) -1612 (19). Maybethe same as Gorsuch, George.

TALBOT* , George S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670(or later)(5)

?TALBOT, George Trentham ?S.O. ?-1708 (27, f. 128)

b . 1685 . s. ofMichaeland Mary (Adams)ofSnaith , Yorkshire. E.C. Rome 1708-15 Priest .To England d . 1752 , Sussex. (CRS . 12/8;40/140; 62/37; Ans.5 ; Fo.6/459).

TALBOT , Gilbert alias Foster , John S.O. c . 1647-50 (5; CRS . 55/519-20)

b. c . 1631, Oxfordshire s. of John, 10th Earl ofShrewsbury and Mary (Fortescue) E.C. Rome 1650-2 m.Jane Flatsbury. d . 1711.(CRS . 40/45; 55/519-20; GEC.; BuP)

TALBOT, Gilbert alias Grey. S.O. ?-c . 1694 (Ki . 225; Fo.7/754).

b . 1673, Staffordshire. s. of Gilbert and Jane (Flatsbury) S.J. 1694. Priest To England 13th Earl ofShrewsbury 1718. d . 1743 , London (Fo.7/754-5;Ki . 225-7; GEC.; BuP .).

TALBOT , Gilbert alias Charlton. S.O. 1694-c . 1700 (75 ,ff 15v , 18v , 22v, 28v, 33v, 40v).

b . 1681, Northumberland s ofJohn and Mary (Charlton) ?br ofJohn.St. G.Douay c . 1700 E.C.Rome 1704-c . 15.Priest.To England d c . 1748, London (CRS . 40/134; Ki . 227-8; BSG; Ans.5; Surt . 131/96).

TALBOT, John S.O. ?-1634(CRS . 30/153).

b . 1619. E.C. Valladolid 1634-7 . S.J. (Irish?) 1637. ?Priest


(CRS . 30/153-4; Fo.7/757n, 1455, 41, Irish section).

TALBOT, Johnalias Charlton. S.O. 1694-8 (75, ff. 15v, 18v, 22v, 28v, 33v).

?s.ofJohn and Mary (Charlton) ?br ofGilbert. ?m. Barbara (E. and P. 209).

TALBOT, Johnalias Mansell or Mansfield S.O. c . 1726-8(2;7)

b . 1708, Lancashire s . of JohnofWheelton br of Thomas .

S.J. 1728. Priest To England d . 1799, Walton-le-dale , Lancashire.

(CRS.9/183; 16/424-5; Fo.7/755-6).

TALBOT, John S.O. c . 1752-7 (2;4; 8; 22)

b . 1737 . ?s ofJamesand Mary (Parke) ? br of Thomas.

S.J. 1757.Priest To England . d . 1801, Rixton, Lancashire .

(CRS . 23/87; Fo.7 /756).

TALBOT, Joseph S.O. 1735-6 (orlater) (1)

TALBOT, Matthew S.O. 1757-c . 60 (2).

TALBOT, Richardalias Baltinglass S.O. c . 1696-c . 1700(75 ,ff. 56v , 62v, 130)

TALBOT* , Robert S.O. 1657-63 (5).

TALBOT* , Thomas . S.O. 1612-13 (or later) (19) ?s.ofJohnand Dorothy (Braddyl) of Carr Hall, Wilpshire, Lancashire ?br. ofWilliam. ?Priest. (Fo.7/759)

TALBOT* , Thomas S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (orlater)(5).

TALBOT, Thomas alias Mansell or Mansfield S.O. c . 1732-5 (1 ; 7; 21).

b . 1717, Lancashire s. of John ofWheelton br. ofJohn.S.J. 1735. Priest . To England d . 1799, London (CRS . 43/123; Fo.7 /759)

TALBOT, Thomas S.O. c . 1745-c . 51 (1).

b . ?1736, Lancashire ?s . of James and Mary (Parke) ?br of John. ?E.C Rome 1752-62. ?Priest. ?To England d . ?1818

Kilvington, Yorkshire (CRS . 12/139 ; 23/67; 40/208; Ans.6)

TALBOT, William S.O. ?-1616(CRS . 54/300).

b. c . 1599, Lancashire s ofJohn and Dorothy (Braddyl) of CarrHall, Wilpshire, Lancashire ?br. of Thomas. E.C. Rome 1616-19 S.J. 1619.Priest To England d . 1660, London (CRS . 37/181;54/200; Fo.6/279;7/759 , 760).

TALBOT* ,William S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1664 (orlater) (5).

TALBOT, William B. 1766-72 (2; 6; 8; 54)

TALBOT, William alias for Godwin, Joseph.

TALBOT alias for Fortescue Adrian; Gorsuch, George; ?Gravenor , Richard; Hesketh , Roger, Thomas and William; Waterhouse , George.

TALMAN alias for More, Henry.

TANCRED, Charles alias Robinson S.O. 1731-c . 33 (1;7). ?From London. ?s ofThomas and Frances(Gazaigne or Gazain) (Pa . 39, 79)

TANCRED, Thomas B. c . 1771-3 (7; 15; 58; 59; 60)

b. c . 1762, London s . ofWalter E.A. Liège 1773-7 .


(17; CRS . 13/211).

TANSWELL, James S.O. c . 1757 (2).

TASBURGH , Francis alias Blunt.S.O. 1696-1702 (11; 75, ff 29v, 38v, 165v).

b . 1686, Norfolk s of John Beaumont Tasburgh and Elizabeth (Blount) of Bodney, Norfolk br. ofJohn S.J. 1702-7 ?m .Mary D'Ewes d . ?1747, Ghent (Fo.7/762; E. and P. 193; ?Pa . 38).

TASBURGH, George alias Beaumont S.O. c . 1739-44 (2; CRS . 28/239)

E.C. Douay 1744-7. ?m. (1) Teresa Gage (2) Barbara Fitzherbert d . ?1783 (CRS.7/200, 203, 205; 28/239, 248; SM . 38/209)

TASBURGH, Henryalias Tichborne S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1664 (5; 13)

b . 1641, Suffolk S.J. 1664. Priest. To England d . 1718 , Ince, Lancashire.(Fo.7/762)

TASBURGH, Jamesalias Philips S.O. ?-1693 (75, f. 6v; RSC . 62)

s.ofRichard. and Margaret orMary (Heneage) ofFlixton, Suffolk S.C. Douay 1693- ?br. ofRichard(RSC . 62).

TASBURGH , John alias Blunt S.O. 1696-1702 (75, ff. 29v, 38v , 165v).

s.ofJohn Beaumont Tasburgh and Elizabeth(Blount)of Bodney , Norfolk br of Francis

TASBURGH, Richard S.O. ?-1710(7;21).

b . 1693, Hampshire s of Richardand Margaret orMary (Heneage) ofFlixton, Suffolk. br. ofJames. S.J. 1710. Priest. To England d . 1735 , ?Flixton (Fo.7/762).

TASBURGH, Thomas alias Darell S.O.?-1691 (11; 75,f 46).

b . 1672,Norfolk s . of John and Elizabeth(Darell) ofBodney, Norfolk S.J. 1691.Priest .To England d . 1727 , Dublin (Fo.7/762-3).

TATLOCK, Henry alias Forster. S.O. c . 1724-9 (7;NB.3/135).

b . 1709. Kirkby, Lancashire s of Thomas and Helen (Fazakerley ) S.J. 1729. Priest . To England d . 1771 , Fazakerley , Lancashire (CRS.6/132n; Fo.7/764; E. and P. 120)

TATLOCK , S.O. c . 1759 (2).

TATTERSHALL , Clement B. 1763-c . 70 (2; 6; 8)

TAUNTON, Samuel B. 1763-c . 66 (2; 6; 8)

?From Devonshire .

TAUNTON, Thomas S.O. 1758-62 (2; 6)

b . 1745, Wootton, near Bridport, Dorset . m Margaret - . d . 1823 or 1828, Axminster (Oliver2/42, 70; E. and P.227; CRS . 12/160).

TAUNY , Michael . B. 1763-7 (2; 6; 8)

From Maryland.

TAUREL* ,John S.O. 1667 (or earlier) -1669 (5).

TAVERNER, Edward ?alias Davis, John and Banister S.O. ?-1685 (75, ff.22v, 43v).

?E.C.Valladolid 1685-92 ?Priest ?To England. d . ?1745, Warkworth Castle, near Banbury (CRS . 30/175-6; Gil.1/122;


Ans.5 ; Be . 218-9).

TAYLOR , Anthony S.O. ?-1611 (CRS . 29/85-6).

b.c . 1596, Douay s of Robert br ofHenry and Thomas E.C.Madrid 16114. E.C. Valladolid 1614-5 d . 1615 ,Valladolid . (CRS . 29/85-6,241; 30/117-8; Ans.2/314)

TAYLOR , Augustine S.O. c . 1662-3 (CRS . 55/601-2).

b c . 1644, Garway, Herefordshire . E.C. Rome 1663-5 (or later). Priest. To England . d . 1694, Winchester (CRS.9/107; 40/70; 42/34; 55/601-2; Be . 218; Ans.5; Fo.6 /408).

TAYLOR* , Charles S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1635 (orlater) (5).

TAYLOR, Charles B. 1764-? (2; 8) ?b . 1753 ?From Warwickshire ?m.Ann Scoles d . ?1841. (Dav . 52)

TAYLOR, Christopheralias Fagan B. 1769-73 (2; 6; 8; 14; 59).

s ofJohn br of George and Henry(orLewis).

TAYLOR, Francis see Comberford, John

TAYLOR , George alias Fagan B. 1769-73 (2; 6; 8; 14; 59; 60).

s.ofJohn br ofChristopherand Henry(orLewis)

TAYLOR, Henry S.O. c . 1613-20 (CRS . 54/334; Wad . 38).

b . 1602, Douay s of Robert br ofAnthonyand Thomas. E.C. Rome 1620-1 Priest (not known where ordained) (CRS. 37/193-4;54/3334; Fo.6/293; Ans.2/314-5)

TAYLOR, Henryalias forWilford,Humphrey.

TAYLOR, Henry or Lewisalias Fagan B. c . 1770-3 (2; 8; 14; 59)

s.of John br. ofChristopherand George

TAYLOR, Johnalias Grimstoneor Grimston S.O. 1612-19 (19; CRS . 54/327).

b . 1597 ,Yorkshire E.C. Rome 1619-21 (CRS . 37/191 ; 54/327; Fo.6/290).

TAYLOR* , John S.O. 1646 (or earlier) -1647 (or later)(5).

TAYLOR, Johnalias for Wilford,Peter.

TAYLOR, Michael alias for Dillon, Henry.

TAYLOR, Ralphalias Candish S.O. ?-1699 (Fo.7/764).

b . 1678, London s of Ralphand Catherine E.C. Rome 1699-1706 Priest S.J. 1706. To England d . 1727,York. (CRS . 40/128-9; Fo.6/451; 7/764)

TAYLOR , Thomas alias Stanhope S.O. 1611-9 (19: CRS . 54/326)

b . 1600, Tadcaster, Yorkshire s ofThomas and Mary (Neville) E.C. Rome 1619-22 . d London (CRS . 37/191 ; 54/326; Fo.6/290).

TAYLOR , Thomas S.O. 1615-22 (CRS . 55/367).

b . 1604 ,Douay. s. of Robert br. ofAnthony and Henry E.C. Rome 1622-9. Priest To England d . 1635, ?London (CRS. 37/199;55/367; Ans.2/315; Fo.6/300).

TAYLOR , Thomas S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148-9).

TAYLOR, Thomas S.O. ?-1692/4 (CRS . 30/177 , 179).

E.C. Valladolid 1632-5. d . 1635,Valladolid (CRS . 30/149).

From Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1692/4-1701.Priest.To


England (CRS . 30/179;Ans.5).

TAYLOR , Thomas S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (75,ff.8v, 14v , 17v, 19v).


TAYLOR, William ?S.O c . 1613 (70).

b . 1674, Lancashire s. of Ralph and Margaret E.C. Rome 1695-1702 Priest S.J. 1702.To England d . 1726,Hampshire district . (CRS . 40/118; Fo.6/445; 7/764-5).

From Worcestershire .

TAYLOR* , William ?vere Gardiner S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1667(5).

b . 1651, Lancashire S.J. 1673. Priest . To England d . 1725 , Lancashire (Fo.7/287, 765).

TAYLOR alias for Robinson, John; Johnson , Thomas. See Comberford, Henryand John .

TEMPEST ,Charles S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1718 (CRS . 30/182-3; 62/94).

b . 1699, BroughtonHall, Yorkshire s ofStephen and Elizabeth(Fermor) . br ofJohn E.C. Valladolid 1719-24 Priest S.J. 1724.To England d . 1768, Chiswick (CRS . 30/183; Ans.6; Fo.5/720, ped.; 7/765).

TEMPEST , Charles B. 1771-3 (2; 8; 14; 60)

b . 1758 . s. ofStephen and Frances Olive(Meynell) of Broughton, Yorkshire br ofGeorge, Richard, Roger and Stephen . E.A. Liège 1773-6. d . 1836, unm (17;81; CRS . 13/211).

TEMPEST , George B. 1769-73 (2; 8; 14; 60).

b . 1757 . s ofStephen and Frances Olive (Meynell) ofBroughton, Yorkshire br of Charles, Richard,Roger and Stephen.d.unm . 1779, Manchester (81)

TEMPEST , John S.O. ?-1712 (Fo.7/765)

b . 1694 ,Yorkshire. s. of Stephen and Elizabeth(Fermor)of Broughton. br of Charles. S.J. 1712.Priest . To England . d . 1737 , Thorndon Hall, Essex . (CRS . 62/94, 152; Fo.5/720, ped.;7/765).

TEMPEST, John B. ?-1773 (59)

?br ofWilliam.

TEMPEST* ,Martin S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1637(5).

TEMPEST, Nicholas S.O. 1649 (or earlier) -1652 (5).

b . 1631-3 , Lancashire . S.J. 1652. Priest To England . d . 1679 , ?in prisonin Lancaster (Fo.5/326-7; 7/766; BR . 26)

TEMPEST , Richard B. 1771-3 (2; 8; 14).

b . 1759 . s ofStephen and Frances Olive (Meynell) of Broughton, Yorkshire. br ofCharles, George, Roger and Stephen

E.A. Liège 1773-6. m. Martha Heywood d . 1792, Broughton. (17; 81; CRS . 13/211)

TEMPEST , ?Roger B. 1764-5 (2; 6; 8)

b . ?1752 ?s of Stephen and Frances Olive (Meynell) of Broughton, Yorkshire. ?br. of Charles, George, Richardand Stephen. d . ?1765 , St Omers College (81).

TEMPEST , Stephen S.O. c . 1730 (CRS.Mon.2/125).

b . 1719 , ?York s of Stephen and Elizabeth(Lawson) m. Frances OliveMeynell d . 1784 (Fo.5/720, ped.)

TEMPEST , Stephen B. 1768-73 (2;8; 14; 59).

b . 1757-8. s ofHenryand Eleanor (Jones) of London. ?St.G. Douay 1774.E.A. Liège 1775-7 . d unm (81; BSG; CRS . 13/211).

TEMPEST , Stephen B. 1770-3 (8; 14; 60).

b . 1756 . s ofStephen and Frances Olive (Meynell) of Broughton, Yorkshire. br of Charles, George, Richardand Roger. E.A. Liège 1773-6 m ElizabethBlundell d . 1824. (81; CRS . 12/166; 13/211; Chad.1/327)

TEMPEST , Thomas S.O. 1695-? (75, ff. 16v, 104)

?s.ofThomas and Anne (Scrope)

TEMPEST, Thomas S.O. c . 1751 (4).

TEMPEST , William B. ?-1773(59;60) ?br ofJohn.

TEMPEST , (?Henry) S.O. c . 1732-c . 36 (2;7).

?s ofStephen and Elizabeth(Lawson) ?br ofStephen ?m. Eleanor Jones d . ?1761 , Senegal (81)

TEMPESTalias for Belson, Edward; Grene, Thomas ; Hardesty ,John; Matley, Edmund. See Thornton, Henry and Thornton or Thoronton, Henry.

TEMPLEalias for Fermor, John and Thomas

TENNAM* ,(?Teynham) Edward S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1653 (or later) (5).

TERRELL, see Tyrrell.

TERRETT, see Tyrwhit.

TERRILLalias for Bonvilleor Boville, Anthony.

TERRITT or TERRETalias for Bradsheet, John; Monson , Francis.

TEVERS, Peter S.O. ?-1631 (CRS . 55/422).

b c . 1608, Saint-Omer s ofPeter and Catherine (Comeror Comera). E.C. Rome 1631-4 Priest . To Belgium . (CRS . 40/3-4; 55/422, Fo.6/328; Ans.2/316).

TEYNHAM, see Tennam

THEOBALD,Oliveralias Howard , Charles S.O. 1699-1700(75 ,ff 33v, 40v). ?br of Richard

THEOBALD , Richardalias Howard S.O. 1699-1700(75 ,ff 33v,40v) ?br of Oliver.

?THIMELBY , Charles ?S.O. c . 1605 (HMC . Salisbury, 17/626)

From Lincolnshire E.C.Douay 1604-5 (CRS . 10/57, 67).

THIMELBY , Edwardalias Ashby. S.O. c . 1631-c . 35 (5; CRS . 55/449-50). b . 1615, Irnham, Lincolnshire. s of Richardand Mary (Brookesby) br ofHenry, Richard, Robert and William E.C. Rome 1636-9. Priest (not known where ordained) d c . 1690 , Cambrai. (CRS . 11/551; 13/50-1, 83;40/15; 55/449-50; Dod. 3/479; Fo.5/596, ped., 598-600; 6/342; Ham.2 , ped.; Ans.2/316)

THIMELBY ,Henry alias Ashby. S.O. c . 1624-8 (CRS . 55/404).

b. c . 1609 , Lincolnshire s of Richardand Mary (Brookesby) ofIrnham br. of Edward , Richard, Robert and William. E.C. Rome 1628-31 m. GertrudeAston d . 1655.(CRS . 37/217; 55/404, Fo.5/596, ped.; 6/317; Ham.2, ped.).

THIMELBY , Matthewalias Paulet or Powlet , George S.O. 1632-8 (CRS . 55/461).

b . Yorkshire s ofMatthew E.C. Rome 1638-45 .Priest.To England (CRS . 40/20; 55/461-2; Fo.6/347; Ans.2/316-7).

THIMELBY , Richardalias Ashby S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1631 (5).

b . 1614, Lincolnshire s .ofRichard and Mary (Brookesby) of Irnham br of Edward , Henry, Robert and William S.J. 1631 Priest . To England d . 1680, St Omers College. (CRS.8/421-2; Gil. 5/540; Ham.2, ped.; Fo.2/647-8 ; 5/596, ped.; 7/768-9).

THIMELBY , Robert S.O. before 1636 (CRS . 55/450).

s.ofRichardand Mary (Brookesby) of Irnham, Lincolnshire. br. of Edward, Henry, Richardand William. d. before 1636 , St Omers College (CRS . 55/450; Fo.5/596, ped.; Ham.2/ped.).

THIMELBY , William alias Ashby S.O. 1622-3 (CRS . 55/373-4).

b c . 1605, Brackenborough , Lincolnshire s of Richardand Mary (Brookesby) ofIrnham br. ofEdward, Henry, Richardand Robert E.C. Rome 1623-6 (CRS . 37/202; 55/373-4; Ham.2,ped.; Fo.5 /596, ped.; 6/300)

THIMELBY- alias for Fanning, John.

THOMAS, Johnalias Pincard or Pinckard ,Williams and Scudamore. S.O. 1722-4 (CRS . 40/174).

b . 1702, Kevengilthy, Glamorganshire . s. ofEvan and Mary (Scudamore). E.C. Douay 1718-22 E.C. Rome 1724-30 Priest To England d . 1754, Holderness ,Yorkshire. (CRS . 12/8; 28/99; 40/174; Ki . 184; Fo.6/475).

THOMPSON , Charles alias Darcy S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

b.c . 1606, London S.J. 1625/6 Priest. To England d . 1673 , Liège (Fo.7 /769)

THOMPSON , Charles alias Parker S.O. and B. 1760-6 (2; 6; 8)

b . 1746, Maryland S.J. 1766. Priest . To England d . 1795 , Bristol (CRS . 12/50; 22/278; Ki . 231 ; Hu . Text 2/704; Fo.7/769-70).

THOMPSON or THOMSON, Edward S.O. 1597-1602 (CRS . 30/71).

b . 1586, Eu, Normandy.E.C.Valladolid 1602-? Priest.To England . (CRS . 30/71; Ans.2/317).

THOMPSON or THOMSON , Francis alias YatesorYate . S.O. 1599-1600 (CRS . 54/71-2).

b c . 1577, near Oxford. s ofJohn ofBroadwell, Oxfordshire. E.C. Rome 1600-1603 (orlater) Priest S.J. 1606.To England. d . 1614,Wiltshire (CRS . 37/119; 54/71-2;Ans.2/317; Sta . 161-2; Fo.4/603-4 ; 7/770).

THOMPSON , Francis S.O. 1605-10 (CRS . 30/109).

b. c . 1590, Berkshire . E.C. Valladolid 1610-14 .(CRS . 30/109).


THOMPSON* , James S.O. 1593-4 (CRS . 30/37-8n)

THOMPSON* ,John S.O. 1635 (orearlier) -1639 (5).

THOMPSON or THOMSON , Johnalias Davis S.O. ?-1676(CRS . 55/635-6)

b . 1648, London s . ofHenryand Anne E.C. Rome1676-82 . (CRS . 40/92;55/635-6; Fo.6/426).

THOMPSON, Johnalias Hawker. S.O. 1698-1701 (orlater) (75,ff. 29v, 40v, 43v).

THOMPSON , Richardalias Frost S.O. 1617-8 (12; CRS . 30/131).

b c . 1600, Derbyshire E.C. Valladolid 1618-c . 20 S.J. 1621 . Priest To England . d . ?1644, ?Suffolk district (CRS . 30/131; Fo.7/771).

THOMPSON , Robert. S.O. c . 1695 (75 , f 6v)

THOMPSON , Robertalias for Thorold, Thomas

THOMPSON , Thomas alias Throckmorton, John. S.O. ?-1632 (Oliver 1/205).

b . 1614, Kent S.J. 1632. Priest To England d . 1680,Dunkirk (Fo.5/314-5; 7/772).

THOMPSON, .S.O c . 1738 (7).

THOMPSON or THOMSONalias for Butler, John, Jordan , Pierce and Thomas ; Gerard, Gilbert; Overton, Edward; Plotts, John; Sanderson, Nicholas.

THOMSON, Charles alias Parker S.O. before 1752 (2;3)

THOMSON* , George. S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1651 (orlater) (5)

THOMSON , Robert alias Carr. S.O. ?-1634 (CRS . 55/442; Fo.6/339).

b. c . 1613, Hexham . s. of Robert and Dorothy (Jeffersonnée Carr.) E.C.Rome 1634-8 (or later). Priest. (CRS . 40/13; 55/442; Fo.6/339; Ans.2/318)

THORNTON, Henryalias or vere Tempest . S.O. 1673-80 (13 ; Fo.5/701; CST . 10/1106).

b . 1664, Northumberland. s ofWilliam ofNetherwitton , Northumberland S.J. 1680-5/6. (Fo.5/701; 7/765; Chad.1/175).

THORNTONor THORONTON, Henry ?alias or vere Tempest . S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1700(75, ff 6v, 12v, 16v, 23v, 29v, 42)

THORNTON, Jamesalias Ireland S.O. 1695-1700 (75, ff. 19v,30v, 34v,42v,45v).

b . 1680, Lancashire S.J. 1700. Priest d . 1752, Ghent. (Fo.7/773)

THORNTON, Nicholas S.O. c . 1680 (Fo.5/701)

s.of Henry ofNetherwitton , Northumberland m . Anne Swinburne.d . 1700 . (Fo.5/701 ;Surt . 131/53, 128; Pa . 141-2; E. and P.207-8).

THORNTONalias for Swinburne , Edward, Jamesand John

THOROLD, Anthonyalias Benson S.O. 1646-51 (CRS . 11/524; 55/526-7)

b.c.1633, Grantham , Lincolnshire s. ofSir Robert, 1st Bart and Catherine (Roper) of Hough-on-the-Hill, Lincolnshire.


E.C. Rome 1651-2 . S.J. 1652. E.C. Douay 1653.O.F.M.Douay 1653. d. c . 1653, Douay (CRS . 11/524;40/47; 55/527; Tha . 308; Fo.5/610).

THOROLD* , Anthony. S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1664 (orlater) (5).

THOROLD, Edmund S.O. ?-1677 (13; Oliver 1/206).

b . 1657, Berkshire ?s. ofWilliam and Mary ?br ofGeorge and Henry S.J. 1677.Priest To England d . 1715, in England (Fo.7 /774; Ki . 231 ; Oliver 1/206)

THOROLD, George S.O. ?-1691 (11).

b . 1670, Berkshire . ?s ofWilliam and Mary. ?br ofEdmund and Henry S.J. 1691. Priest To ?England and Maryland d . 1742 , Portobacco , Maryland. (Fo.7/774; Hu . Text 2/684).

THOROLD, Henryalias Darcy. S.O. 1676-80 (CRS . 55/647).

b c . 1661 , Berkshire s ofWilliam and Mary ?br. ofEdmund and George E.C. Rome 1680-1. (CRS . 40/97; 55/647; Fo.6/431).

THOROLD, Thomas alias Carwell or Carvell or Corwell S.O. ?-1629 (Fo.7/774-5).

b . 1600 . From Lincolnshire E.C. Rome 1629-33 Priest. S.J. 1633. To England d . 1664, London (CRS . 37/222;55/416; Fo.6 /324; 7/774-5; Ans.2/319)

THOROLD, Thomas alias Thompson, Robert S.O. 1640-6(5; CRS . 55/518)

b. c . 1626, Arborfield , Berkshire . s ofWilliamand Frances (Hayward) E.C. Rome 1649-50 . (CRS.8/422; 40/44;55/518; Fo.6/376-7).

THOROLD, William. S.O. ?-1680(13).

b . 1660, Northumberland S.J. 1680-4. (Fo.7/775).

THOROLD, .S.O. before 1715 (CRS . 62/298 , 315).

May be one of those above .

THOROLD, .S.O. before 1715 (CRS . 62/298, 315).

Maybeone of those above .

THOROLD, .S.O c . 1726(7)

May be brother ofnext below .

THOROLD, .S.O c . 1726 (7).

Maybe brother ofnext above.

THOROLD alias for Knight, Richard.

THOROUGHGOOD , Jamesalias Morne S.O. 1622-5 (CRS . 55/383).

b . 1607, Finchingfield, Essex ?s ofWilliam and Anne E.C. Rome 1625-32 Priest To England d . 1671, Essex. (CRS.3/99; 37/208-9; 55/383; ER.1/108; 8/75; 12/100-5; 17/92;Fo.6/309; Ans.2/319).

THORPE, Andrew S.O. 1752-6 (or later) (2; 4).

b . 1741 , ?London S.J. 1758. Priest To England d . 1799 , Dunkenhalgh , Lancashire. (Fo.7/775)

THORPE ,Anthony S.O. c . 1754 (4)

May be the same as Andrew.

THORPE , Ignatiusalias Potter andXavier and alias or vere Stafford


S.O. ?-1670 (CRS.3/109).

b . 1652,Staffordshireor Suffolk E.C. Valladolid 1670-2 . S.J. 1672.Priest. To England d . 1720,Worcester (CRS.3/109-10; 30/170; Fo.7/728 , 1453).

THORPE , John S.O. c . 1741-7 (1 ;2; 3)

b . 1726, Halifax, Yorkshire S.J. 1747.Priest. d . 1792 , Rome. (Fo.7 /775; Ki . 232).

THORPE , John alias Scorah. S.O. 1744-c . 46 ( 1 ; 2; 3)

s ofPaul

THRAIL* or THRILor THREEL, Charles S.O. 1664 (orearlier) -1668(5).

THRELFALL , William alias Parkinson and Houghton S.O. c . 1626-7 (CRS . 55/392-3).

b c . 1607, Goosnargh , near Preston s ofEdmund and Juliana (Hesketh) E.C. Rome 1627-8 d . 1628 , Rome (CRS . 37/213; 55/392-3; Fo.6/313; Fos . ped.).

THROCKMORTON* , Charles S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1648 (or later)(5)

THROCKMORTON, John. S.O. 1630(or earlier) -1633) (5).

b . 1612-13 , in Wales S.J. 1633. Priest. To England d c . 1681 , ?Antwerp (Fo.7/777).

THROCKMORTON* , John S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1654(or later) (5)

THROCKMORTON, Johnalias for Thompson, Thomas

THROCKMORTON , Thomas alias Norton S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1614 (or later) (19; 70).

From Buckinghamshire .

THROCKMORTON* , Thomas. S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1654(orlater) (5).

THROCKMORTON, Thomas alias Willington S.O. c . 1698 (75 ,f. 29v).

THUNDER, Henry S.O. ?-1596(Fo.7/777).

b . 1575, Kent E.C. Rome 1596-9 S.J. 1599. Priest d . 1638 , St Omers College (CRS . 37/101 ; Gil.5/542; Fo.6/200; 7/777; Chad.1/84-5;Dod.3/120).

THWINGor THWENG , Robert alias Palmer John S.O. 1620-4 (CRS . 55/377).

b . 1606, Heworth, Yorkshire. s ofGeorge br ofThomas E.C. Rome 1624-7 S.J. 1627. Priest To England d c . 1658 , ?Derbyshire district (CRS . 37/204-5; 54/376-7; Ave.1/238-9; Fo.5 /762-3 ; 6/305-6; 7/778).

THWING orTHWENG, Thomas alias Palmer S.O. 1624-7 (CRS . 55/397).

b . 1609, York. s. ofGeorge, br of Robert E.C. Rome1627-34 . Priest. To England . d . 1672 or later. (CRS . 37/214; 55/397; Ave.1/238-9 ; Ans.2/320; Fo.7/778)

THWINGor THWENG, Thomas S.O. c . 1650 (CRS . 48/428).

b.c . 1635, Heworth, Yorkshire. s of George and Anne (Gascoigne) E.C. Douay ?-1665. Priest. To England. Put to death , 1680, York. Beatified. (CRS . 11/531;48/427-8; Chad.1/207-8; Chal . 566-8; Dod.3/301-2; Fo.5/761-2; SM . 32/238 ff.).


THWINGE alias for Vavasour, William

THYN, John. B. ?-1773 (14; 59;60).

From Amsterdam

TIBBY orTHIBBY, Francis B. ?-1773 (14;51;59;60)

From Nantes s . ofFrancis.

TICHBORNE* , Charles S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1654 (or later) (5).

TICHBORNE* , Edward. S.O. 1642 (or earlier) -1643 (orlater) (5).

TICHBORNE, Francis . S.O. 1601-4 (CRS . 30/84).

b . 1584, Winchester ?s of Roger ofSherfieldEnglish, Hampshire . E.C.Valladolid 1604-8 Priest To England (CRS. 30/84; 43/4; Ans.2/320).

TICHBORNE* , Francis S.O. ?-1701 (11).S.J. 1700-01 .

Maybethe same as Tichborne,John Hermenegild orTasburgh, FrancisorMaster or Mashter , Francis. (Fo.7/779).

TICHBORNE, Henry S.O. c . 1640 (Gil.5/544).

b . 1624 . s. ofSir Richard , 2nd Bart and Susan (Waller)of Tichborne, Hampshire 3rd Bart 1657. m. Mary Arundell d . 1689 . (Gil.5/544; BuP.; CRS . 43/171)

TICHBORNE, Henry S.O. ?-1649 (Fo.6/640).

b . 1632, Hampshire . s. ofMichael and Margaret (Smith)of Sherfield English , Hampshire . E.C. Rome 1649-52 (CRS . 40/43; 43/4;55/515).

TICHBORNE , John Hermenegild alias Cotton S.O. c . 1693-8 (or later) (75, ff. 13v, 18v, 21v)

b . 1679-80 , Hampshire . s. of Sir Henry, 3rd Bart . and Mary (Arundell). S.J. 1700/01 Priest 5th Bart. 1743.ToEngland. d . 1748, Ghent (Fo.7/779; CRS . 43/5 , 171).

TICHBORNE, John S.O. ?-1712 (Fo.7/779).

b . 1694, Hampshire . ?s . ofWilliam ofSherfield English, Hampshire . ?br. ofMichael S.J. 1712/14 Priest To England . d . 1772, London (Fo.7/779; CRS . 43/5)

TICHBORNE, Joseph S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/215).

?s. ofSir Henry,4th Bart and Mary (Kemp) ofTichborne, Hampshire . d before 1743 .

TICHBORNE, Michael S.O. ?1712 (Fo.7/780).

b . 1692, Hampshire . ?s ofWilliam ofSherfield English, Hampshire . ?br ofJohn. S.J. 1712.Priest To England . d . 1751 , Ashton, Lancashire (Fo.7/780; CRS . 43/5).

TICHBORNE , Michael S.O. ?-c . 1748 (2; 3; 7; 27, ff 192 , 195)

b . 1725 s of Benjaminand Elizabeth(Sturdy) of Southampton br ofWilliam E.C. Douay 1748-53 E.C.Rome 1753-9 Priest d . 1767, London. (27, ff 192, 195; CRS . 12/12; 28/255;40/209;43/5; 63/427; Fo.6/495).

TICHBORNE,William. S.O. ?-1714(CRS . 62/80, 123,205).

s.ofMichaeland Mary Magdalene (Roper) ofSherfield, Hampshire . (CRS . 43/4; E. and P.232, 239).

TICHBORNE, William S.O. c . 1741-c . 45 (1;2).

TICHBORNE,William S.O. c . 1757 (2).

s.of Benjamin and Elizabeth(Sturdy) of Southampton br.of Michael

TICHBORNE,.S.O c . 1599 (CRS . 54/61)

TICHBORNEalias for Master or Mashter , Francis ; Tasburgh, Henry. TICKELL alias for Molyneux,Joseph.

TIDDER orTYDDER, Edwardalias Ingleby S.O. 1648 (orearlier) -1652(5).

b . 1630, Suffolk S.J. 1652. Priest To Marylandand England d . 1699, London (Fo.7/780-1).

TILSLEY , see Tyldesley.

TINDAL, Edmundalias Cobs. S.O. 1601-4 (CRS . 30/82).

b . 1584, Arlington, Sussex ?s of Thomas E.C. Valladolid 1604-8. E.C. Douay 1608-9. Priest . To England . (CRS . 10/94-5; 30/82; Ans.2/322-3).

TINELY, Nicholas S.O. and/or B. c . 1763 (8).

TODDAL,William S.O. c . 1695 (75, f. 19v)

TONYCLIFFE or TONYCLIFT, Robert S.O. c . 1696-1701 (11; 75 ff 23v, 25v, 29v, 34v, 40v, 43v, 94v)

S.J. 1701-2

TOOTELL,John S.O. ?-1730(1; 2; 3)

d . 1730, St Omers College

TOOTELL, William alias Bridges. S.O. c . 1694-7 (75,ff. 15, 17v,23v, 26v).

TORBETTalias for Simpson ,John

TOULOTT,Matthew S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1660 (5).

b . 1639, Flanders S.J. 1660. Priest To England d . 1677 , London district (Fo.7/782).

TOUR, John de la, see La Tour.

TOWERS , Francis alias Carey S.O. 1656-62 (5; CRS . 55/584-5).

b. c . 1645, London. s . ofWilliam E.C.Rome 1662-9. Priest . d . 1733. (CRS . 40/65; 55/584-5 ; Ans.5; Fo.6/403).

TOWN alias for Stonehouse , Andrew.

TOWNELEY, Charles alias Holden, William S.O. c . 1614-c . 16 (CRS . 54/340).

b c . 1600, Towneley, Lancashire . s. ofRichard and Jane (Asheton) of Towneley. E.C. Rome 1621-4 m. Mary Trappes Byrnand d . 1644 MarstonMoor, Yorkshire (CRS . 37/195; 54/339-40; BLG; Fo.1 /668 ; 6/295; Dod.3/69; Fos )

TOWNELEY, Peregrine B. c 1771-3 (7; 15; 58; 59;60).

b . 1762 .s. of John and Barbara (Dicconson) of Cornsay House , Chiswickand Towneley, Lancashire m. Charlotte-Teresa Drummond. d . 1846 (BLG ; CRS . 19/201; Fos ).

TOWNELEYalias for Madgeworth , Christopher.

TRAFFORD, ?Humphrey S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715(CRS . 62/124 , 226).

b . ?1698. s. of Johnand Catherine (Culcheth) ofCroston ,

Lancashire . ?m . Frances Dalton d . 1773 (E. and P. 113; Fos ). TRAFFORDalias for Bedingfeld, Henry. TRANT or TRENT, James S.O. ?-c . 1693 (75, f. 52)

From Ireland s ofSir Patrick, Bart (CRS.8/425).

TRASEGNEES or TRASEGNIES, Philippe B. c . 1771-3 (15; 51 , f. 85v; 58;59; 60; 72/165)

?From Mons s ofMarquisde T.

TRAVAGNON or TRAVAGANalias for Blackiston, William; Fitzwilliam , Charles TRAVERS or TRAVIS, Edwardalias Hill, Houghtonand Risley. S.O. ?-1619).

b. c . 1601 s . of JohnorWilliam and Annetta (Latham)of Natebyand Tulcheth, Lancashire E.C. Rome 1619-21 . E.C. Valladolid 1623-9 Priest S.J. 1642. d . 16514, Madrid. (CRS . 6/170n;29/157; 30/135, 141; 37/192; 54/328; Ans.2/151; Fo.6/291; 7/652, 1419).

TREMAYNE or TREMAIN , Johnalias CottamorCotton. S.O. ?-1614 (CRS . 54/283).

b. c . 1592, Dorchester , Dorset s of Samsonand Helen E.C. Rome 1614-5. d . 1615, Rome (CRS . 37/174;54/283; Ham.1 ,ped.; Fo.6/272; 7/782).

TRESHAM* , John S.Ó. 1663-4 (orlater) (5).

TREVILIAN* , Charles S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

TREVILIAN , Johnalias Druryor Drew S.O. ?-1631 (CRS . 10/303).

b.c . 1610, Yarnscombe ,Devonshire s of Anthony and Cicely (Fortescue) E.C.Douay 1632 (CRS . 10/303, 309).

TRISTRAM, .S.O. c . 1740-c . 43 (1,2).

TROLLOPE* , Francis S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1637 (5)

TROVEL -aliasfor Levart , Peter.

TUCHET alias for Audley, JamesandJohn.

TUCKER, Ben alias Norris S.O. 1735-c . 38 (2;7)

TUCKER, George B. c . 1770-2 (7).

TUCKER, Jamesalias Norris S.O. c . 1723-8 (7).

b . 1710. From Somersetshire s of Christopher.S.J. 1728-c . 42 . Priest To England . (63)

TUCKER, William. B. ?-1773(15;58; 60)

b . 1760, London. s ofWilliam George and Mary E.C. Rome 1773-9 . d . 1779, Rome . (CRS . 40/226; Fo.6/504-5).

TUCKER ,-.S.O. c . 1753 (2;4).

TUITE, Richard S.O. c . 1737-c . 41 (2).

TUITE, Robert. S.O. c . 1739 -c . 42 (2).

TUITE, Robert B. c . 1770-3 (7; 8; 15 ; 58; 59; 60).

b . 1758, Maryland E.A. Liège 1773-6 (17; CRS . 13/211).

TUITE, Walter S.O. c . 1738 (2).

TUITE, William B. 1772-3 (7; 15; 58; 60)

b. c . 1767, London ?s. ofRobert. ?E.C . Bornhem 1774-? ?O.P. 1783.?Priest. ?To England and America d . ?1833 ,


Kentucky (CRS . 25/165;Oliver2/466-7; Gumb . 93)

TUITE, B. c . 1766 (15; 58).

TUITE,. B. c . 1766 (15; 58).

TUITE, B. c . 1766 (15;58)

TULL, Robert. S.O. c . 1739 (2)

TULLY, Anthony S.O. and B. 1758-63 (2;6;8). ?br. ofHilary.

TULLY , James S.O. c . 1732 (7).

TULLY , Hilary S.O. and B. 1758-63 (2; 6; 8) ?br of Anthony.

TUNSTALL* , Anthony S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630(or later) (5).

?E.C Seville ?-1637 ?Priest (Ans.2/324).

TUNSTALL* , George S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1632 (orlater)(5)

?E.C. Seville ?-1644/6 . (89).

TUNSTALL* , Lawrence S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (or later) (5)

E.C. Seville ?-1646. Priest (Ans.2/324).

TUNSTALL* , Ralph S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1631 (or later) (5)

E.C. Seville ?-c . 1638 Priest (Ans.2/324)

TUNSTALL, Thomas . S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1633(5)

b . 1612, Yorkshire S.J. 1633. d . 1640, Liège, notyet ordained (Fo.7/784).

TUNSTALL, Thomas S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1655 (5).

b . 1635, Yorkshire S.J. 1655.Priest d . 1665, Ghent. (Fo.7/784).

TUNSTALLalias for Errington, Charles and John.

TURBERVILLE , Anthony alias Fermor or Farmer S.O. c . 1677-83 (13; 20; CST . 10/1130).

?From Berkshire ?s. of John and Anne (Anderton) ?br of Christopherand John. S.J. 16834. (Fo.7/248; CRS.6/84n; Chad.1/195)

TURBERVILLE , Christopheralias Anderton and FermororFarmer. S.O. 1673-80(20; CSP . Dom. May 1684 -Feb . 1685/210,230; CST . 10/1129).

b . 1659 From Berkshire . s. of John ?and Anne (Anderton) ?br of Anthony and John E.C. Rome 1680-2 (CRS.6/84n;40/98; Fo.6/431).

TURBERVILLE , Edmund S.O. c . 1725(7)

TURBERVILLE, Johnalias Fermoror Farmer S.O. ?-1683 (13).

b . 1663, Berkshire ?s of John and Anne (Anderton) ?br of Anthony and Christopher S.J. 1683. Priest To England d . 1735 , London. (Fo.7 /785; CRS.6/84n).

TURNER , Edwardalias Ashby, John S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1648 (orlater)(5).

b . 1625, Leicestershire s of Turner and Elizabeth (Cheseldine) E.C. Rome 1650-3. S.J. 1657.Priest. ToEngland. d . 1681, Gatehouse prison,Westminster (CRS . 40/45; BR . 49-50; Fo.2/308n; 5/473-5; 6/377-8; 7/787).


TURNER, Francis S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1631 (or later) (5)

b . 1612, Oxfordshire ?br of John S.J. 1635. Priest. To England d . 1659, Worcestershire district. (Fo.7/787-8).

TURNER, John S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (5).

b . 1604, Oxfordshire ?br. of Francis S.J. 1623.Priest. To England d . 1681, Antwerp (Fo.7/788).

TURNER, John S.O. 1653-6(5;73)

b.c . 1639 From Wales s . of Thomas. E.C. Rome1669-70 . Priest d . 1681. (CRS . 40/81; Ans.5; Fo.6/415).

TURNER , Johnalias Herbert S.O. 1654-9 (5; CRS . 55/572).

b. c . 1640, Monmouthshire E.C. Rome 1659-62/3.S.J. 1662/3. Priest. To England d . 1672, Derbyshiredistrict (CRS . 40/61; 55/571-2; Fo.7/788)

TURNER, Robert alias Maudsley . S.O. 1698-1701 (11; 75 ,f 33v)

b . 1677 , Lancashire S.J. 1701.Priest To England d . 1734 , Burton Park , Sussex (Fo.7/789 ; RH . 13/116)

TURNER, Stephen S.O. c . 1728-34 (1;7).

TURNER* , Thomas. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624(5) (?LR.3/105; Car.HM.101-2 ).

TURNER* , Thomas . S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1638 (orlater) (5).

TURNER* , William S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670 (orlater)(5)

TURNER , William. S.O. c . 1698-1703 (11; 75, f. 37v).

b . 1682, Monmouthshire S.J. 1703. d . 1712, Paris, notyet ordained (Fo.7/789).

TURNER--alias for Aldred, Robert; Murphy, Richard. TURVILLE, Adrian S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1695 (75, ff. 7v, 11v,23).

?b . 1679 . ?s . ofWilliam and Isabella (Cokayne ) ofAstonFlamville, Leicestershire ?br ofCharles d . 1695, St Omers College. (Fo.7/790,ped.; BLG)

TURVILLE, Charles S.O. ?-1700(11; 63/1754).

b . 1682/3/4, Leicestershire s ofWilliam and Isabella (Cokayne) ofAston-Flamville ?br ofAdrian S.J. 1700. Priest .To England. d . 1757,Watten (Fo.7/789-90; BLG). May be the same asSmith Charles, alias Turville.

TURVILLE , William. S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 40/151)

b . 1692 From Leicestershire s . ofWilliam and Frances (Fortescue) ofAston-Flamville E.C. Rome 1713-9 .Priest.To England . d . 1765, Hathrop, Gloucestershire . (CRS . 12/11;40/151; 62/24, 27; Ki . 238; Fo.6/464; 7/790, ped.).

TURVILLE alias for Smith, Charles.

TWISDEN , Bartholomewalias for Chetwin,Ralph.

TYDDER , see Tidder.

TYLDESLEY or TILSLEY, James S.O. 1668-70 (or later) (5).

?s. ofEdwardand Anne(Fleetwood) of Myerscough Lodge, near Garstang, Lancashire ?br ofThomas (CRS.6/213-4n; Tyld . 102).

TYLDESLEY , Thomas S.O. c . 1670 (Gil.5/560).


b . 1657. s . of Edwardand Anne (Fleetwood) of Myerscough Lodge , near Garstang and Fox Hall, near Blackpool, Lancashire . ?br of James.m. (1) EleanorHolcroft (2) Agatha Winckley. d . 1715 , Myerscough Lodge (CRS.6/213-4n; Gil.5/560; Tyld.7, 183).

TYNDALL alias for Bilcliffe, Peter.

TYRER,Joseph.S.O. c . 1752-3 (2;4; 63/1754).

b . 1734, Lancashire S.J. 1753. Priest To England d . 1798 , Holywell (Fo.7/791).

TYRRELL* or TIRRELL or TERRELL, John S.O. 1655-9 (orlater) (5).

TYRWHIT* or TYRWHITT or TERRETT, Edward S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1657 (5).

TYRWHIT or TYRWHITT or TERRETT, Henryalias Gwillim S.O. 1689 (or earlier) -1691 (75, f. 143v; Fo.7/767).

b . 1672, London ?St G.Douay 1687. E.C. Rome 1691-2.

S.J. 1692.Priest d . 1742, Ghent (CRS . 30/181;40/111;Ki . 108; BSG; Fo.7 /767).

TYRWHITT orTYRWHITalias Babthorpe, Thomas; Constable , Robert; Dolman , Robert.

UMPTON* , Edward S.O. 1644 (or earlier) -1645 (orlater) (5)

UMPTON* , John S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1645 (orlater)(5).

UNDERHILL --alias for Poulton, Thomas

UPSALL, Valentinealias for Robinson, John

URMSTON, John S.O. ?-1684 (CRS . 55/659-60).

b . 1665, near Wigan s . of Peter and Jane E.C. Rome 1684-? ?Priest. (CRS.6/117n; 55/659-60 ; Ki . 260).

VAN DEN BROUKE,.S.O. c . 1713 (CRS . 62/7).

VAN DER BYNDEN,B. ?-1773 (14; 59; 60). ?From Antwerp.

VAN DEN CAMERE, Newland . S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/57,204).

From Ghent s ofCharles

VANDERMEULEN, -.S.O before 1713 (CRS . 62/7). ?From Bruges

VAN HOUTE , Guido. B. ?-1773(15;58)

From Bruges . VARENNE ,de. S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/75).

From Lille

VAUGHAN , John alias Berington S.O. 1714-26(7; 40,f. 251; CRS . 62/151).

b . 1707 . s. ofJohn and Elizabeth(Jones) ofCourtfield,


Monmouthshire br of Richardand William. m.Catherine Cornewall d . 1780. (BLG ; Ham.2, ped.; Fo.5/893n)

VAUGHAN , Richard S.O. ?-1690 (11; 13).

b . 1675, Monmouthshire. s ofRichardand Agatha (Berington) ofWelsh Bicknor, Monmouthshire half-br ofWalter S.J. 1690. Priest d . 1727, Ghent (Fo.7 /795; Ham.2,ped.)

VAUGHAN, Richard S.O. c . 1729 (21).

b . ?1708 .s. ofJohnand Elizabeth(Jones) ofCourtfield, Monmouthshire br. ofJohn and William.m Francesca Fuort. d . 1795, Barcelona (BLG; Ham.2 , ped.).

VAUGHAN,Walter S.O. ?-1689 (Ham.2, ped.; Fo.5/892).

b . 1672 . s ofRichardand Bridget(Wigmore) ofWelsh Bicknor, Monmouthshire. half-br. ofRichard. E.C. Rome 1689-96 . Priest d . 1696, Paris (CRS . 40/107-8; BLG; Ans.5 ; Ham.2 , ped.; Fo.6 /438 ; 7/796)

VAUGHAN , William S.O. ?-1668 (Fo.5/892).

b . 1644, in Wales s. of William of Breconshire . E.C.Rome 1668-c . 71 . S.J. 1672. Priest To England d . 1687 ,Herefordand SouthWalesdistrict (CRS . 40/77; Fo.5/892; 6/412; 7/795).

VAUGHAN , William S.O. c . 1724-33 (7).

b . 1716 . s. ofJohn and Elizabeth(Jones) ofCourtfield, Monmouthshire br. ofJohn and Richard (BLG; Ham.2 ,ped.; Ber . 127).

VAUGHAN alias for Griffin, William; Hall, John

VAUX , Charles de B. ?-1773 (14; 58; 59; 60)

b. c . 1754 . From Bruges

VAUX, William. S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/101).

b . 1590.s. ofGeorge and Elizabeth(Roper) E.C. Valladolid 1609-? d. before 1661. (CRS . 30/101, Ans.4/378 , 421; BuP.; RH.1/122).

VAVASOUR, Alexanderalias Brown, Gregory S.O. 1599-1602 (CRS . 30/75).

b c . 1581, Appleby, Lincolnshire s of Ralph and Frances (Darnell) ofSpaldington, Yorkshire E.C.Valladolid 1602-?m. Ursula Portington. (CRS . 30/75). ?VAVASOUR, Henryalias Fairfax ?S.O. c . 1613 (70).

From London May be the same as HenryVavasour alias Manners .

VAVASOUR,Henry alias Manners S.O. c . 1612-15 (CRS . 54/286).

b . 1597 , Yorkshire. s . ofWilliam and Anne (Manners) of Hazlewood, Yorkshire. E.C. Rome 1615-20 E.C. Douay 1625 . Priest To England d . 1660, Antwerp. (CRS . 10/237; 37/176; 54/286; Ans.2/327-8 ; Fo.4/690 ,ped.; 6/273)

VAVASOUR, John S.O. ?-1649 (CRS . 55/519).

b . 1629 . From Yorkshire s .ofSir Thomas, 1st Bart. and Ursula (Giffard). ?br. ofWilliam. E.C. Rome 1649-51. ?S.J ?Laybrother (CRS . 40/45;55/519; BuEB; Fo.4/690, ped ;6/377).


VAVASOUR, Peter S.O. ?-1727 (7).

s ofPeter br ofWalter VAVASOUR* , Thomas S.O. 1662-5 (orlater)(5).

VAVASOUR,Walter. S.O. ?-1681 (13)

b . 1662 , Yorkshire. s . of Peter and Elizabeth(Langdale)of York S.J. 1681.Priest To England . 4th Bart. 1713. d . 1740 , Preston (BuP.; BuEB.; Ki . 241 ; Fo.7/796; E. and P.316,340).

VAVASOUR, Walter S.O. c . 1723-7 (7).

s ofPeter. br. ofPeter. m (1) ElizabethVavasour (2)

Dorothy Langdale 5th Bart. 1740. d . 1766, Hazlewood , Yorkshire (BuP.; BuEB.; Ki . 242; Pa.2/46)

VAVASOUR,William alias Thwinge S.O. c . 1635 (Fo.3/235n).

b . 1618, Yorkshire ?s . ofSir Thomas, 1st Bart.and Ursula (Giffard) ?br. ofJohn. S.J. 1665.Priest To England d . 1683 , Nieuport, Flanders (Fo.7/796-7; BuP)

VERANNEMAN, Charles B. 1773 (15;58)

From Bruges br ofJean.

VERANNEMAN , Jean B. ?-1773 (15; 58)

From Bruges. br.ofCharles ?VERANNEMENT or VERUNNEMENT,. ?S.O ?-1713 (CRS . 62/13). ?From Bruges.

VERNON alias for Ward, George.

VERTUEalias forWesthead, Henry.

VIEFVILLE, Charle de la, see LaViefville.

VILLIERS alias for Fitzwilliam orFitzwilliams, George, Johnand William.

VINCENT* ,Mark S.O. 1653 (or earlier) -1654(5).

VINCENT,William S.O. c . 1595 (CRS . 30/39).

b c . 1578, Kent E.C. Valladolid 1596-03 Priest . E.C. Seville 1603.To England d . 1660, Ghent (CRS . 10/53-4; 19/58; RH.9 /169; Ans.1/367; CRS . 30/39,46)

VINCENTalias for Preston ,William.

VINCK or VINK, de. S.O. c . 1715 (CRS . 62/237).

VINES or VYNES, Henryalias Lea or Lee. S.O. 1600-06 (CRS . 54/174). b . 1587, Piddington, Oxfordshire ?s. ofRalph and Frances (Lee). E.C. Rome 1606-c . 13. Priest. (CRS . 37/145;54/174; Ans.2/329 ; Fo.6/242)

VISCONTI, Robertalias for Scrope, Gervase .

WADE, James S.O. 1754-c . 59 (2;4)

WADE, John B. c . 1771-3 (7; 8; 15;58; 59;60)

b. c . 1762 From St Croix, West Indies . E.A. Liège 1773-6 . (17; CRS . 13/211).

WADESWORTH , Nicholas S.O. c . 1726-c . 30 (7).

WADESWORTH , Richard. S.O. c . 1726-c . 27 (7).


WADHAM, Richardalias Leissom S.O. 1760-2 (2; 6)

WADSWORTH , James S.O. 1618-22 (18; HMC . 1st Report,App.p.61).

b . 1604, Suffolk.s ofJames.d . 1656 (Chad.1/75; Be . 161-2; Hav . 125-6; DNB.; Dod.2/429; Wad.; Cam . 162-70).

WAGENERor WAGONER , .S.O 1737-c . 40 (2;7).

WAKE* ,John. S.O. 1654-60 (5)

WAKELEY* , Thomas . S.O. 1636(or earlier) -1639 (5).

WAKELEY , Thomas S.O. c . 1694 (75,f. 14v).

WAKEMAN , Benedict alias Mannock, Francis S.O. 1744-? (1;2; 3; 8; CRS . 28/241)

s.ofWilliam and Frances (Wright) of Beckford, Gloucestershire . E.C. Douay 17424. d . 1765 (CRS . 28/232, 241 ; 63/124; BLG).

WAKEMAN ,Edwardalias Gifford S.O. 1643-7 (5; CRS . 55/504-5)

b . 1628 s of Edward and Mary (Cotton) of Beckford, Gloucestershire . br of Francis, George, John and Joseph E.C. Rome 1647-51, 1657-64 Priest.To England (CRS . 40/40, 57-8; 55/505; BLG ; Fo.6/371 , 394)

WAKEMAN, Francis S.O. ?-1660 (CRS . 55/580-1)

b c . 1641 , Beckford, Gloucestershire s ofEdwardandMary (Cotton). br. of Edward, George, John and Joseph E.C. Rome 1660-1 m d . 1685. (CRS . 40/63-4; 55/580-1 ; BLG; Fo.6/401)

WAKEMAN , George alias Gifford S.O. 1642-7 (5; CRS . 55/504-5)

b . 1627, Hampshire s . of Edwardand Mary (Cotton) of Beckford, Gloucestershire br. ofEdward, Francis, John and Joseph. E.C.Rome 1647-50 To Padua. Bart. 1660.d.c . 1685 , London (CRS . 40/40; 55/504-5; BLG; OPT. Sir George Wakeman, etc.; DNB; Fo.6/370).

WAKEMAN, Johnalias Green, Gibbons and White S.O. 1612-5 (19 ; CRS . 54/284-6)

b . 1594-7 , Staffordshire s of John and Ursula (Gifford)of Beckford, Gloucestershire br. ofThomas. E.C. Rome 1615-22 Priest .To England (CRS . 37/176; 54/284-6; BLG; Fo.6/273; Ans.2/330-1)

WAKEMAN, John. S.O. 1655-60 (CRS . 55/581)

b c . 1643, Oxford s of Edwardand Mary(Cotton) of Beckford, Gloucestershire br of Edward , Francis , George and Joseph. E.C. Rome 1660-1 . (CRS . 40/64;55/581; BLG; Fo.6/401)

WAKEMAN , Joseph S.O. 1660-5 (5).

b . 1647, Beckford, Gloucestershire s of Edward and Mary (Cotton) br. of Edward, Francis, George and John S.J. 1665 . Priest To England d . 1720, Watten (Fo.7/801; E. and P.70; BLG)

WAKEMAN, Thomas alias Green S.O. ?-1624 (Fo.7/801-2).

b . 1599, Staffordshire s .ofJohn and Ursula (Gifford)of Beckford, Gloucestershire . br. ofJohn. E.C. Rome 1624-32 . Priest.S.J. 1632.d . 1636, Watten (CRS . 37/206; Fo.7/801-2;


BLG; Ans.2/331).

WAKEMAN , William S.O. c . 1751-7 (2; 3;4; 8)

?s. of Henry and Mary (Bracey) of Beckford d . ?1836 (BLG , 1847).

WAKEMANalias for Jeffrey, Thomas.

WALDEGRAVE, Charles alias Flower. S.O. ?-1611 (CRS . 30/117).

b. c . 1591 , Essex s . of Nicholas and Catherine (Browne)of Borley. br. of Nicholas . E.C.Seville 16114. E.C. Valladolid 1614-16 . S.J. 1616. Priest . To England . d . 1655, London district. (CRS . 30/117; Fo.5 /382 , ped.; 7/802-3).

WALDEGRAVE* , Charles S.O. 1650 (or earlier) -1651 (or later) (5)

?s ofSir Henry,2nd Bart and Anne (Paston) or Catherine (Bacon). ?m Helen Englefield. ?3rd Bart 1658. d?1684 (BuP.; Fo.5/382 , ped.).

WALDEGRAVE, Francis alias Pelham S.O. 1640-45 (5; CRS . 55/487).

b . 1626, Wiltshire s of Nicholas and Lucy (Mervin) E.C. Rome 1645-52 Priest To England S.J. 1655.To England d . 1701 , Lydiate, Lancashire (CRS . 40/32-3; 55/486-7; Fo.5/382, ped.; 7/803; Gib.1 /277-84; Gib.2/64-6;Ans.2/332).

WALDEGRAVE, Johnalias Russell S.O. 1606-12 (19; CRS . 54/259-60)

b . 1592, Bowthorpe, Norfolk s of Charles and Jeronima (Jerningham ) E.C. Rome 1613-5 d . 1617, in England (CRS. 37/167;54/259-60; Fo.5/382 , ped.; 6/265)

WALDEGRAVE, Johnalias Stephens S.O. 1625-31 (CRS . 55/417).

b . 1613, Borley, Essex s of Philip and Mary (White) E.C. Rome 16314. m Catherine Wigmore (CRS . 40/1 ; 55/417; Fo.5/382, ped.)

WALDEGRAVE, Nicholas alias Pelham S.O. ?-1612 (CRS . 54/251).

b . 1592, Borley, Essex s of Nicholas and Catherine (Browne). br of Charles E.C. Rome 1612-9 m. Lucy Mervin.d.before 1640. (CRS . 37/165; 54/251; Fo.1/648; 5/382, ped.).

WALDEGRAVE, Thomas alias Smith S.O. 1627-30 (CRS . 10/289).

b c . 1605, Norfolk

WALDEGRAVE,William alias Playle, Mildmay and Hesper. S.O. c . 1608-15 (CRS . 30/122-3).

b . 1588, Barnston , Essex E.C. Valladolid 1615-9 Priest.To England O.S.B. Douay, 1650.To England d . 1665, Flixton, Suffolk (CRS . 30/122-3; Ans.2/332; Bi . 43)

WALKEDEN, John S.O. ?-1682 (13).

b . 1663, London S.J. 1682. Priest d . 1718, St Omers College. (Fo.7/804).

WALKER* , Francis S.O. 1654 (or earlier) -1658 (or later)(5).

WALKER, Francisalias for Bentley, Frederick

WALKER* ,John S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1640(orlater)(5).

WALKER* , Michael . S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1642(5).

WALKER* , Richard S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630(or later) (5).

WALKER , Thomas alias Stapleton S.O. c . 1614-7 (CRS . 54/305-6).

b . 1598, Douay E.C. Rome 1617-23 . Priest To England. (CRS . 37/183;54/305-6; Fo.6/281-2, 512; Ans.2/333).

WALKER* , Thomas S.O. 1661 (or earlier) -1665 (5).

WALKER alias for Bentley, Edward and John; Gifford or Giffard, Joseph and Peter; Westby,Peter

WALL,William alias Marsh or Marshall S.O. 1639-44 (5; CRS . 11/443; 55/494).

b. c . 1625, Kirkham, Lancashire s ofWilliam and Dorothy (Reynes) E.C. Douay 1644.E.C. Rome 1645-50 .Priest.E.C. Douay 1650-2 . To England O.S.B. Lambspring1667.To England Condemned but reprieved 1678-9 d . 1704, Lambspring (CRS . 11/ 443-4, 504-5 , 519; 31/166;40/35; 55/494; Ans.2/333-4; Chal 565-6; Bi . 68-9; RH.6/195-200; Fo.5/868; 6/364; Dod.3/318-9)

WALLINGFORD* , John S.O. 1635 (or earlier) -1636 (or later) (5)

WALLIS, Francis alias Clark. S.O. 1605-10 (CRS . 30/106).

b. c . 1590, Surrey E.C. Valladolid 1610-13 . S.J. 1613.Priest. To England d . 1656, Liège (CRS . 30/106; Fo.7/805).

WALLIS alias for Richardson ,Edward .

WALLISTON* , George S.O. 1613-4(or later) (19).

WALMESLEY, Christopheralias Harris S.O. 1700(or earlier) -1701 (75, ff 42v, 45v; CRS . 30/179-80)

b . 1684, Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1701-8 Priest S.J. 1708. d . 1734, Liège (CRS . 30/180; Fo.7/805).

WALMESLEY, Francis S.O. 1728-33 (1,7)

From Lancashire . ?s. ofRichard and Jane (Houghton) of Sholley, Lancashire ?br ofJohn and Thomas d . ?1760 . (BLG; E. and P. 100; Greg 241).

WALMESLEY , John S.O. c . 1693-c . 1700 (75, ff. 10v , 13v ,42v).

s of Richardand Jane (Houghton) ofSholley, Lancashire.?br. of Francisand Thomas S.J. 1706-9 d . 1747, Brindle, Lancashire. (63; CRS . 23/112; BLG ; Fos.; E. and P. 100; Greg 241)

WALMESLEY , Joseph S.O. ?-1701 (75,f. 44v).

WALMESLEY , Richardalias Colgrave S.O. c . 1724-6 (1; 7)

b . 1709, Lancashire s . ofThomas and Mary (Colgrave) of Sholley, Lancashire E.C. Valladolid 1726-33 . To England.Priest. d . 1744, Sholley, Lancashire (CRS . 12/6; 20/225; 30/185; BLG; Fos.; Greg 241).

WALMESLEY , Thomas S.O. 1697-c . 1701 (75, ff 32v, 40v, 44v, 165).

b . ?1681-5. ?s ofRichard and Jane (Houghton) ofSholley, Lancashire ?br ofFrancis and John ?m. Mary Colgrave d . ?1755 . (BLG ; E. and P. 100; Greg 241).

WALMESLEY , Thomas S.O. c . 1728-c . 37 (7; 13).

b . 1716, Lancashire . S.J. 1737. Priest To England d . 1792, Rixton , Lancashire (Fo.7 /806).

WALMESLEY , William. S.O. c . 1725-32 (1;7).

b . 1712,Lancashire . S.J. 1732. Priest To England d . 1769 , Worcester (Fo.7 /806).


WALMESLEYalias for Catesby, Richard

WALPOLE, John S.O. 1753-6 (2; 4).

WALPOLE, John B. 1763-? (6).

From Maryland.

WALPOLE see Warner, Christopher

WALSH, Charles B. 1764-c . 67 (2; 6; 8).

b. ? Dunkirk. From London s of Thomas and Eleanor (Purcell) br of Thomas

WALSHor WALSHE, Edward S.O. 1755 (or earlier) -1756(22).

b . 1739 , in France S.J. 1756. Priest To England d . 1822 , Durham. (Fo.7/810)

WALSH,Edward B. 1763-c . 68 (2; 8).

WALSH, Edward B. ?-1773 (14, 51,f 102). From Boulogne . E.A. Liège 1773-7 (17; CRS . 13/211).

WALSH, Patrick S.O. ?-1717 (CRS . 28/51). From Ireland E.C. Douay 1717-? (CRS . 28/51)

WALSH, Peter B. ?-1773 (15; 58; 59; 60) From Bath s . ofPeter.

WALSH ,Philip de Serrant B. 1773 (15; 51, f. 77v; 58;59; 60)

b c . 1762, Anjou s . ofle ComtedeSerrant.

WALSH, Pierce B. 1773 (7;8).

?s . ofPierce and Eleanor (Porter) ofWaterford.AddedPorter to his name.d . 1809 (CRS.8/401; 12/106; 22/191).

WALSH, Thomas alias Wyse S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (orlater) (CRS . 62/153, 315)

WALSH, Thomas B. 1764-70 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1752, Dunkirk. From London s of Thomas andEleanor (Purcell) br ofCharles. S.J. 1770-71/2 E.C. Douay 1772-8 . Priest To England d . 1817, London (CRS . 63/428; Fo.7/811; Ans.6)

WALSH alias for Richardson,Edward.

WALSHE, .S.O. c . 1753 (3;4).

WALSHE, .S.O 1751-2 (3;4).

WALSINGHAM* , Francis S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1635 (orlater)(5). ?E.C .Valladolid 1637. (CRS . 30/156).

WALTON, James S.O. c . 1753-7 (2;4).

b . 1736. ?From Lancashire br ofThomas.S.J. 1757.Priest. ToMaryland d . 1803, StIgnatius, Maryland. (Fo.7/812; CRS.6/154n; Hu . Text 2/696)

WALTON, John S.O. c . 1623 (BA . 20).

s ofEdwardand Joan (Anne)

WALTON,John alias Rigby S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1642 (5; Dod. 3/322)

b . 1622-4 , Lancashire S.J. 1642. Priest. To England. d . 1677-8 , London. (Fo.7/812-3).

WALTON, Roger. S.O. ?-1681 (13).

b . 1660, Lancashire S.J. 1681. d . 1683, Watten , not yet


ordained (Fo.7/813).

WALTON, Thomas S.O. 1753-7 (2;4).

b . 1740 ?From Lancashire br ofJames S.J. 1757.Priest .To England d . 1797, Irnham, Lincolnshire (Fo.7/813; CRS.6/154n).

WALTONalias for Dodd, James. WALWYN, Richard S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1629 (5; 16).

b . 1605, Herefordshire . ?s. ofNicholasand Margaret (Price)of Longford S.J. 1629-c . 35 (not ordained ) ?m .Mary Berington. (Chad.1/118; Fo.7/813; BLG).

WANSFORD1 alias for Yorke,John.

WARD* ,Anthony. S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1641 (or later)(5)

WARD, Francis Š.O. 1612-3 (19; CRS . 54/268).

b . 1597, Brussels s . of Williamand Mary. FromSussex .E.C. Rome 1613-21 Priest To Brussels as chaplain to O.S.B. nuns 1621-3. (CRS . 37/170; 54/268; Ans.2/336; Fo.6/268,349).

WARD, George alias Ingleby and Vernon. S.O. 1612-15 (19; CRS . 30/124).

b . 1596, Yorkshire s ofMarmaduke and Ursula (Wright)of Newby, near Ripon br ofWilliam. E.C.Valladolid 1615-8. S.J. 1619.Priest. To England d . 1654, London district. (CRS . 30/124; Fo.6/269; 7/814, 1457)

WARD, Joseph. S.O. c . 1735-39 (1; 2; 3; 7; 13 ; 21).

b . 1719 . From Durham S.J. 173944. (not ordained) (63)

WARD, Robert S.O. ?-1677 (CRS . 29/101).

b c . 1660 From Durham E.C. Madrid 1677-80 E.C. Valladolid 16804.Priest To England . (CRS.9/109;29/101; 30/169 , 173; Ki . 244)

WARD* , Thomas S.O. 1612 (or earlier) -1613 (or later) (19).

WARD,William alias Ingleby. S.O. 1609-14 (CRS . 54/273)

b . 1592 From Yorkshire s of Marmaduke and Ursula (Wright) ofNewby near Ripon br of George E.C. Rome 1614-19 Priest To England d c . 1645, in Ireland (CRS . 37/171;54/273; Fo.6/269 , 513; Ans.2/336)

WARD, B. c . 1767 (7)

WARING s ofNeale . alias for Barrow, William.

WARNER, Christopheralias or vere Walpole S.O. 1613-6 ( 12; 19; CRS . 30/126)

b . 1598, Norfolk s . of Roger and Margery(Beckham) of Docking, Norfolk E.C. Valladolid 1616-7 E.C.Rome 1617-24 . Priest. To England S.J. 1625.To England d . 1664, inEngland . (CRS . 30/126; 37/186-7; Fo.6/285; Ans.2/334).

WARNERalias for Beere , Anthony.

WARNFORD, Peter alias West c . 1597-1602 (CRS . 30/110-11).

b . c . 1582. s .of OliverofStakeshill, Havant, Hampshire. E.C. Seville 1602. E.C. Douay 1604-5 E.C. Valladolid 1610-? Priest To England O.S.B. ?St G.Douay. d . 1657 .


(CRS . 10/62, 68; 30/110-11 ; 33/220;49/2/2; Bi . 38)

WARREN, Basil Richard S.O. ?-1750(2; 3). From Maryland.

WARREN, Henry alias Pelham S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1652(5).

b . 1635, Kent . 's. ofWilliam and Anne (Downes) br of William S.J. 1652. Priest . ToMarylandand England d . 1702 , Oxfordshire . district (Fo.5/956-7; 7/819; Hu . Text2/680).

WARREN , Thomas alias Spencer.S.O. c . 1650-3 (Fo.1/269;6/389).

b . 1631, London s . ofThomas and Anne (Leech) E.C. Rome 1653-9 Priest. To England (CRS . 40/53; 55/5434; Fo.6/389; Ans.2/340)

WARREN, William alias Pelham S.O. 1650-1 (Fo.6/382).

b . 1631 ,Kent s ofWilliam and Anne(Downes) br ofHenry. E.C. Rome 1651-8 . Priest To Gravelines as chaplain to Poor Clares. d . 1701, Gravelines. (CRS . 14/164-5; 40/48; 55/529; Fo.6/382; 7/819;Ans.2/340).

WARRINGTON, John B. 1770-3 (7; 15; 58; 59; 60).

b c . 1760 From Chester.

WARTONalias for Scrope, Simonand William

WATERHOUSE ,George alias Talbot S.O. c . 1725-7 (7; CRS . 40/179)

b . 1712 . From Pontefract, Yorkshire s . ofMichaeland Catherine (Talbot).E.C. Rome 1727-35 Priest d . 1778 , London. (CRS . 12/14; 40/179; Ans.6; Fo.6/478)

WATERTON, Charles S.O. 1715-? (CRS . 62/305).

s ofCharles and Anne (Gerard) ofWalton Hall,Yorkshire. br. ofThomas half-br of Francis, Joseph and Robert m.Mary More . d. c . 1760 (BLG; Fo.5/737 , ped.; CRS . 32/304; E. and P.317).

WATERTON, Charles S.O. 1756-62 (2;8).

b . 1744 , Walton Hall , Yorkshire. s ofCharles and Mary (More) br.ofChristopherand Thomas S.J. 1762. Priest d . 1773 , Blackenburgh , near Bruges. (Fo.5/737 , ped.; 7/820; BLG).

WATERTON, Christopher. S.O. and B. 1759-65 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1746. s ofCharles and Mary (More) of WaltonHall, Yorkshire br ofCharles and Thomas S.J. 1765-73 . (not ordained). m Anne Birmingham(néeWaddel) d . 1809 (Fo.5/737 , ped.; BLG; Wat . 12)

WATERTON, Francis S.O. 1738-44 (2; 13).

b . 1726, Yorkshire s. of Charles and Anne (Poole) br of Joseph and Robert half-br of Charles and Thomas S.J. 1744-8 . (Fo.5/737, ped.; 7/820).

WATERTON, Joseph S.O. ?-1744 (1; 13).

s .ofCharles and Anne (Poole) ofWalton Hall, of Francis and Robert half-br of Charles andThomas. (BLG ; Fo.5 /737, ped)

WATERTON, Nicholas alias Fairfax. S.O. c . 1694-7 (11 ; 75, ff. 14v, 21v, 26v)

s.ofThomas and Catherine (Fairfax) of WaltonHall,Yorkshire.

?br. of Thomas. S.J. 1697-8 d . 1721 .(Fo.5/726nand ped.; 7/820; BLG).

WATERTON, ?Robert S.O. c . 1738-c . 40 (2).

?s. ofCharles and Anne (Poole) ofWaltonHall, Yorkshire ?br ofFrancis and Joseph ?half-br ofCharles and Thomas (BLG; Fo.5/737,ped.)

WATERTON, Thomas S.O. c . 1695 (75,f.8v).

b. c . 1671 ?s. of Thomas and Catherine (Fairfax) ofWalton Hall, Yorkshire ?br ofNicholas . (Fo.5/737 , ped.;BLG; E. and P. 314)

WATERTON, Thomas S.O. ?-1721 (63/1723).

b . 1701 , Yorkshire s of Charles and Anne (Gerard) of WaltonHall. br. ofCharles. half-br. ofFrancis, Joseph and Robert S.J. 1721. Priest. To England . d . 1766, Durhamdistrict. (Fo.5/737, ped.; 7/820-1; BLG).

WATERTON, Thomas S.O. 1752-c . 56 (2; 3).

b . 1738 . s .ofCharles and Mary (More) ofWalton Hall , Yorkshire br ofCharles and Christopher m AnneBedingfeld. d . 1805. (BLG ; Fo.5/737 , ped.; Wat.3)

WATKINS, Jamesalias Babington S.O. ?-1621 (CRS . 10/184).

From Herefordshire . s ofJames E.C.Douay 1621-3 . (CRS . 10/184, 216).

WATKINS, Lawrence alias Phillips S.O. 1648-9 (CRS . 55/517).

b . 1627, Monmouthshire s .ofJohn and Jane (Phillips) E.C. Rome 1649-55 . Priest To England d c . 1679, Monmouthshire. (CRS . 40/43-4; 55/517; Ans.2/341; Fo.6/376).

WATKINS* , Robert S.O. 1647 (or earlier) -1652 (or later) (5)

WATKINS, Thomas alias Jones S.O. 1714-15 (or later) (CRS . 62/160, 162-3).

From St Germain br ofWilliam

WATKINS , William alias Jones S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (orlater) (CRS . 62/15 , 53, 61)

From St Germain br. of Thomas

WATKINS, .S.O before 1722 (40,f. 139). MaybeThomas or William above . ?WATKINSON, William. ?S.O. ?-1736(21).

b . 1722 , London s . ofWilliam and Elizabeth(?Watkins) E.C. Rome 173641. (CRS . 40/192-3)

WATSON* , Francis S.O. 1666-7 (orlater) (5).

WATSON , George alias Johnson , John S.O. c . 1620-3 (5; CRS . 30/135 , 142)

b . 1597 . From Kent s of Raymondand Florence (Songar) E.C. Valladolid 1623-5. d . 1625, Valladolid (CRS . 30/142).

WATSON , Ignatius alias Mansell , Richard S.O. 1601-6 (CRS . 54/164-5).

b . 1586, London. s . of Rowlandand JulianaorJulia(Griffith). E.C. Rome 1606-13 . Priest. To England (CRS . 37/142-3; 54/164-5; Fo.6/239; Ans.2/342-3).

WATSON ,Robert ?vere Widdrington S.O. ?-1679 (29, f 79v; OPT.5 Jesuits, 42).

?b . 1660, Northumberland ?S.J 1679. ?Priest ?To England. d . ?1742, Durham (Fo.7/842)

WATSON , Walter alias Johnson S.O. c . 1640-5 (5; CRS . 55/488). b . 1621, Kent s of Edward E.C. Rome 1645-60 Priest.To England.(CRS . 40/33-4; 55/488-9; Fo.6/362-3; Ans.2/343).

WATSON* , William S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630(orlater) (16; Chad.1/118).

WATSON ,William alias Roberts. S.O. c . 1699-1701 (or later)(75,ff 33v , 35v, 43v).

?WATSON , - ?S.O c . 1745 (1).

WATSON alias for Daniel, Thomas

WATTFORD, James S.O. c . 1742 (2).

WEBB, John. S.O. c . 1748 (2; 3).

?s. ofSir Thomas , 4th Bart and Anne (Gibson) of Odstock , Wiltshire. ?br. ofJoseph. ?5th Bart 1763. ?m. Mary Salvin d . ?1797 .(BuP.; Ki . 245;CRS.8/431; 12/59 )

WEBB, John B. 1772-3 (15; 58; 59; 60)

From Spa.

WEBB , Joseph. S.O. 1749-c . 51 (2; 3).

?s.ofSir Thomas, 4th Bart and Anne (Gibson) ofOdstock , Wiltshire. ?br. ofJohn ?m .Mary White. d . ?1787-8, Hampstead. (BuP.; CRS.8/431 ; 12/29 , 31).

WEBB or WEBBE , Peter S.O. ?-1664(CRS . 55/603-4)

b . 1646-7, Dorset s ofSir John, 1st Bart. and Mary (Caryll) ofOdstock,Wiltshire br ofThomas E.C. Rome 1664-6.d . 1666 , Rome . (CRS . 40/71; 55/603-4; Fo.6/408)

WEBB orWEBBE , Thomas alias Kellyor Kelio S.O. c . 1650-8 (CRS . 55/567-8).

b . 1638, Harting, Sussex s . ofSirJohn, 1st Bart and Mary (Caryll) of Odstock, Wiltshire br ofPeter E.C. Rome 1658-62 . ?S.J (CRS . 40/60;55/567-8; Fo.6/397; 7/824).

WEBB, Thomas B. ?-1772 (28, f 69v)

s.ofJoseph and Mary (White) 6th Bart. 1797.m. (1) Charlotte-Frances Dillon (2) MarthaMatilda Boynenée Somerville . d . 1823 (BuP.;Ki . 245; CRS.8/431).

WEBB* ,William S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1638 (5)

WEBB orWEBB,. S.O . 1715-? (CRS . 62/261).

WEBB orWEBBE ,.S.O. c . 1733-c . 37 (1; 2)

WEBB orWEBBE ,. B. c . 1767-c . 70(7).

s. ofGeorge

WEBB or WEBBE ,- . B. 1772-3 (28,f. 69v).

s . ofSir John ,5th Bart. and Mary (Salvin). d. before 1797 . (BUP)

WEBB alias for Peckham, Robert See Dormer, Edward

WEBER or WIBER, Peter B. 1763/4-8 (2; 6; 8).

From London

WEEDON , Bernard alias Acton S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1698 (75,ff. 7v, 23v, 27v, 33v)

?From Souldern, Oxfordshire ?br. ofJoseph and William ?E.C. Douay 1700. (Sta . 99; KnoxDD . 87).

WEEDON , Joseph alias Acton S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -c . 1695 (75, ff.7v , 13v,23).

?From Souldern , Oxfordshire. ?br. of Bernard and William. ?E.C. Douay 1697.(Sta . 99; KnoxDD . 86).

WEEDON , Thomas alias Williamson S.O. c . 1654-c . 57 (5; CRS 55/561-2)

b . 1637 ,HanleyCastle, Worcestershire s . ofThomas and Elizabeth (Collins). E.C. Rome 1658-63 . Priest. To England d . 1706 , Manchester (CRS . 40/59; 55/561-2 ; Ki . 259 ; Fo.6/395).

WEEDON ,William alias Acton S.O. 1693 (or earlier) -1694 (75, ff 7v, 13v, 164; CRS . 30/177-9).

?From Souldern, Oxfordshire. ?br of Bernard and Joseph. E.C. Valladolid 1694-1701 Priest To England (CRS . 30/179).

WEEKS alias for Willis,Peter.

WEETMAN, John B. 1769-73 (2; 6; 8; 14; 59; 60).

b . 1754 . From Aston Cantlew , near Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire .E.C.Bornhem 1773-5. (CRS . 25/165)

WELBY alias for Newport, Robert.

WELCH, alias Wyseman S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -? (CRS . 62/164,202).

?WELD, Edward ?S.O c . 1715-? (CRS . 62/243, 245, 263,290)

b . 1705. s . of Humphreyand Margaret (Simeon) ofLulworth

Castle, Dorset br. ofJamesand Nicholas. m. (1) Catherine Aston (2) Mary Vaughan . d . 1761. (BLG; Pa . 13; Ber . 108 , 110-29).

WELD, Edwardalias Shireburn S.O. 1753/4-9 (2;4)

b . 1741 s of Edwardand Mary (Vaughan) of Lulworth Castle . br. of John and Thomas m. (1) Juliana Petre (2) Mary Anne Smythe. d . 1775 . (BLG, Ber . 13242, 152-3; Oliver2/49).

WELD, James S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (orlater)(CRS . 62/7 , 208 , 211 , 243,245 )

b . 1704 s ofHumphreyand Margaret (Simeon) of Lulworth

Castle br ofEdwardand Nicholas d c . 1721 (BLG; Pa . 13)

WELD , Johnalias Shireburn. S.O. 1753/4-9 (2;4).

b 1743.s ofEdwardand Mary (Vaughan) ofLulworth

Castle br. ofEdwardand Thomas . d . 1759, Brussels (BLG; Ber. 112, 122, 133-5; Oliver2/49).

WELD, Nicholas S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/7,209,211).

b . 1703.s. ofHumphreyand Margaret (Simeon) ofLulworth

Castle br. ofEdwardand James d . 1715, St Omers College (BLG).

WELD, Thomas alias Shireburn S.O. and B. 1759-65 (2; 6; 8 ; 62,f 439).

b . 1750 . s . ofEdwardand Mary (Vaughan) ofLulworth Castle . br ofEdwardand John m . Mary Stanley-Massey-Stanley d . 1810 , Stonyhurst (Ber . 143-208; Oliver2/49; BLG; Chad.1/393).



?WELD, William ?S.O c . 1660 (Ber . 90-1).

b . 1649. s . ofSirJohn and Mary (Stourton) ofCompton Bassett,Wiltshire m ElizabethShireburn d . 1698 (Ber . 90-2; BLG ; Ki . 246)

WELDON, Charles alias Hunter, JamesCharles S.O. ?-1733 (CRS . 30/187-8).

b . 1716, Northumberland E.C. Valladolid 1733-9 Priest.

S.J. 1739.To England d . 1802, London (CRS . 30/188;Fo.7/825).

WELDON, James S.O. c . 1728 (7).

Maybe the same as Weldon, Charles

WELDON, Thomas S.O. ?-1735 (1;7)

May be the same as Hunter, Thomas .

WELDON alias forHunter, Thomas

WELFORD* , Charles S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1639 (5).

WELLS, Ambrosealias Mothersall S.O. 1715 (orearlier) -1718 (CRS . 30/182-3; 62/259)

From London E.C. Valladolid 1718-24 .Priest . ToEngland. O.S.F.(CRS . 30/183).

WELLS, Charles S.O. 1714-20 (7; CRS . 62/234). b . 1702, Hampshire . s of Henry and Lady Mary of Brambridge . br of Gilbert, John, Henryand two morebelow S.J. 1720.Priest. d . 1757, Ghent (CRS.8/432; Fo.7/827).

WELLS, Gilbert S.O. 1728 (or earlier) -1731 (7).

b . 1714 , Hampshire s of Henry and LadyMary of Brambridge . br of Charles, John, Henryand two morebelow S.J. 1731 . Priest To England d . 1777, Wiltshire (CRS.8/432; Fo.7/827).

WELLS, Henryalias Paulet. S.O. ?-1723 (CRS . 28/115 , 123; 62/144). ?b . 1704. s . ofHenry and Lady Mary of Brambridge, Hampshire br ofCharles, Gilbert, John and two morebelow . E.C. Douay 1723-5 ?m . Frances Doughty. d . ?1763 (CRS . 19/198 ;27/42).

WELLS, John S.O. ?-c . 1729 (7).

s. of Henryand Lady Mary. br. ofCharles, Gilbert,Johnand two more below

WELLS, .S.O c . 1736 (7).

s. ofHenry and Lady Mary. br ofthe next and ofCharles , Gilbert, Henry andJohn.

WELLS, S.O. c . 1736 (7).

s.ofHenry and Lady Mary br of next above and ofCharles , Gilbert, Henryand John.

WELLS, .S.O c . 1746(3).

s. ofD-.

WELSLEY* , Francis . S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1633 (5).

WENTWORTH, Henryalias for Swinburne, Tobias .

WENTWORTHalias for Constable , Michael .

WEST , Francis S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1625 (or later) (5).

b . 1606, Hertfordshire S.J. 1626. Priest.To England. d . 1658 ,


Suffolk district (Fo.7/827-8)

WEST, Francis S.O. c . 1741 (2).

WESTalias for Bostock, George; Daniel, Thomas; East ,Alban and Richard; Pearce, John; Warnford, Peter See Pearce, Francis.

WESTBY , Alphonsusalias for Norice,William.

WESTBY , John S.O. ?-1738 (1; 7). From Lancashire . ?s ofJohn and Mary (Hawett) ofRawcliffe , Lancashire ?br. ofPeter d . ?1745 , SouthAmerica (BLG)

WESTBY ,Peter alias Walker S.O. 1745-9 (1; 2; 3) b . 1727, Preston . s. ofJohn and Mary (Hawett) ofRawcliffe , Lancashire ?br. ofJohn. S.J. 1749.Priest To England d . 1788 , Scholes, near Preston (Fo.7/828-9).

WESTBY , William alias Clifton, John. S.O. 1695-8 (75,ff. 19v ,25v , 29v, 31v). ?s.ofThomas and Bridget (Clifton) of Burne, Lancashire (BLG; CRS.6/197).

WESTBYalias for Billinge, Thomas . ?WESTCOMBE , Francis ?S.O before 1722 (Fo.7/663;Surt . 65/301). 1 ?b . 1700, London ?s of Lewisand (Rockley) ?S.C Douay 1722. ?S,J. 1729-31 (63/1730; 76, f 365; RSC . 72).

WESTHEAD , Henryalias Vertue S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1717 (CRS. 40/160 ; 62/160,317 ).

b . 1698 From London. s . ofWilliam and Anne (Vertue). E.C. Rome 1717-23 Priest.To England ChaplainO.S.B. Pontoise . d . 1772, Pontoise . (CRS . 12/13; 40/160; Ans.6; Fo.6/468).

WESTON , John S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1630(orlater) (5)

?s.ofSir Richard and Grace (Harper) ofSutton Place , Surrey. ?m .Mary Copley d c . 1690 (BLG)

WESTON , Richard S.O. ?-1663 (CRS . 55/603).

b. c . 1643, London s. ofRichardand Catherine (Cokayne) E.C. Rome 1664-8. (CRS . 40/70; 55/602-3; Fo.5/317).

WESTONalias for Bayley, Jamesand Valentine.

WHALEY , Thomas alias Porter. S.O. 1694 (or earlier) -c . 1695 (75 ,ff. 15v, 17v).

b c . 1675 From Lancashire s ofRichardand Jane E.C.Rome 1695-1702 . Priest. To England . d . 1730. (CRS.6/187n;40/119; Ans.5).

WHARTON, Charles S.O. and B. 1760-6 (2; 6; 8). b . 1748, Maryland S.J. 1766- ? Priest To England and America. d . 1833, Burlington, New Jersey. (44, ff 149, 152; 82,f 281v; Mel . 89-94; Hu . Docs 1/148 n.2, Text 2/704).

WHARTON, Francis S.O. c . 1741-9 (1; 2;4). b . 1729 .S.J. 1749.d . 1753, Liège, not yet ordained (Fo.7/831).

WHARTON, James S.O. c . 1727 (7)

WHARTON, Jesse B. 1765-72 (2;6; 8). From Maryland.


WHARTON alias forForsteror Foster, Thomas and Thomas or Seth . WHEBLEor WHEEBLE, Jamesalias Giffard S.O. 1736-43 (2; 13;53,f. 208v; CRS . Mon 1/156)

b . 1725 , Tisbury, Wiltshire. S.J. 1743.Priest. To England d . 1788, WardourCastle. (Fo.5/789n, 824; 7/831; CRS . Mon. 1/156-7)

WHEELER, John S.O. ?-c . 1693 (75,f 7v).

From Worcester s ofCharles and Elizabeth E.C. Rome 1693-9. Priest To England (CRS . 40/113-4).

WHETENHALL, Henry S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/155).

b . 1694, Kent s ofHenry and Lettice (Tichborne)ofEast Peckham, Kent S.J. 1713. Priest To Marylandand England . d . 1745, London (CRS.8/433; Fo.5/801; 7/831; E.andP.85; Hu . Text 2/687-8).

WHETENHALL, Thomas alias Stanley S.O. 1638 (or earlier) -1642 (orlater)(5).

b. c . 1626, Kent. s. ofThomas and Mary (Phillippes) ofEast Peckham, Kent. E.C. Rome 1645-6 .m (1) Lady Catherine Talbot (2) ElizabethBedingfeld (CRS.7/90n; 40/36;55/493; Fo.6/365).

WHITAKER* , Edward S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623(5).

WHITAKER , Humphreyalias Starkey, Francis and Clayton, Francis S.O. 1629-31 (5; CRS . 55/420).

b . 1613, Burnley, Lancashire s of Thomas and Helen or Eleanor (Starkey) br of Thomas E.C. Rome 1631-8 .Priest.To England . To E.C.Lisbon 1640.To E.C.Douay. ToEngland. To Lisbon d . 1653, Lisbon (CRS . 11/493, 499; 40/2-3; 55/420; Fo.6/327-8; Cro . 269-70; Ans.2/346)

?WHITAKER, Nicholas ?S.O ?-1642 (CRS . 30/160).

E.C. Valladolid 1642-7 .Priest To England (CRS . 30/160; Ans.2/346).

WHITAKER* or WHITTAKER , Peter S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1630 (or later) (5; 16; Chad.1/118)

WHITAKER, Thomas alias Starkey. S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (orlater) (5; 27,f.275).

b . 1611, Burnley, Lancashire . s ofThomas and Helen (Starkey). br. ofHumphrey E.C.Valladolid 1634-8. Priest. To England. Put to death, 1646, Lancaster Venerable (CRS . 30/153;Ans 2/347;Chal . 483, 485-9; SM . 34/362ff).

WHITAKERalias for Bradshaw, Richard and Roger

WHITBREAD, Thomas alias Harcourt S.O. 1630 (or earlier) -1635 (5; BR . 42; FAB . 163). b . 1618, Essex. ?s . of John and Magdalene (Waldegrave)of Writtle, Essex. S.J. 1635. Priest To England Put to death , 1679 , Tyburn. Beatified (Fo.7/832-3; FAB . 163-6; BR . 30-43; RH 1/233; SM . 28/80 ff.; Chad.1/185-91; Dod.3 /317; Chal . 525-30 , 536-7).


WHITBYalias for Shelley, Edward

WHITE,Andrew S.O. 1594-5 (Chad.1/21;2/6)

b . 1579, London. E.C. Douay 1593. E.C.Valladolid 1595-6 .

E.C. Seville 1596-1604 Priest To England S.J. 1607.To England and Maryland d . 1656, Hampshire district (CRS . 10/57-8, 74; 30/35; RH.9/170; Chad.1/21;2/6; Dod.3/3134;Ans.2/347; Fo.7/834-5, 1458 ; Hu.Doc.1 , part 1 index; Text 2/678-9).

WHITE,Charles S.O. 1725-c . 33 (7,21).

s. of Mary ofJoseph Trevor.

WHITE* , Francis S.O. 1651 (or earlier) -1652 (or later)(5).

WHITE, Francis B. 1773 ( 15; 58; 59; 60)

b . 1764 . From Dublin ?E.A . Liège 1774-8 (17; CRS . 13/211)

WHITE, Henryalias orvere Brunchard S.O. ?-1680 (13).

b . 1662, London. S.J. 1680.Priest . ?To England . d . 1693 , Liège. (Fo.7/835).

WHITE, James S.O. and B. 1761-c . 65 (2; 6; 8).

From Maryland

WHITE, Johnalias Leckonby. S.O. ?-1727 (Fo.7 /836n).

b . 1710 . From Lancashire s ofJohn and Alice (Southworth or Southern) ofCross House, Great Eccleston br. ofLuke. E.C. Rome 1727-34 Priest. E.C. Douay 1734-5 To England . d . 1778 , Euxton, Lancashire . (CRS.6/166n; 12/18; 28/198, 202;40/179-80; RH.1/36-9; Ki . 248; Ans.6; Fo.6/478; 7/836n).

WHITE,John S.O. 1756-c . 60 (2;4).

b . 1744 . ?s of John ofGreat Eccleston , Lancashire S.J. 1763. Priest To England . d . 1771 , Hammersmith (Fo.7/836; CRS . 6/191n).

WHITE, Joseph Trevor S.O. 1725-c . 33 (1;7;21)

s. of MaryW. br.ofCharles .

WHITE, Luke alias Leckonby. S.O. ?-1724 (Fo.7/836n).

b . 1708 . From Lancashire s . ofJohnand Alice (Southworth or Southern) ofCross House, Great Eccleston br ofJohn.

E.C. Rome 1724-31 Priest. To England d . 1765, Alston Lane , Lancashire . (CRS.6/166n; 12/11; 40/173;RH.1/36-9 ;Ki . 248; Ans.6; Fo.6/475; 7/836n)

WHITE, Peter. S.O. c . 1738 (2).

WHITE, Richardalias or vere Jerningham S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1623 (5; CRS . 30/135)

E.C.Valladolid 1623-30 Priest. To England . (CRS . 30/135 , 143; Ans.2/172).

WHITE, Robert. S.O. 1630 (or earlier) -1635 (5).

b . 1616, in Wales S.J. 1635.d . 1636, as a novice, Watten. (Fo.7/837).

WHITE, Robert S.O. 1634-41 (5).

b . 1622, Northumberland S.J. 1641. Priest To England d . 1678, London. (Fo.7/837).

WHITE , Thomas alias Blacklow.S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/102).

b . 1593 . s .ofRichard and Mary (Plowden) ofHutton, Essex. E.C. Valladolid 1609-12 E.C. Seville 1612-? To Louvain.

E.C. Douay 1616-23 Priest. To Paris, Rome, Lisbon and England . d . 1676, London (CRS.8/433; 10/131 , 134; 30/101-2; Dod. 3/285-8; Gil.5/578-81 ; Cro . 270-1 ; ER.7/78-85; 8/33-7 , 55-71; 16/ 10-11; DNB; Ans.2/349-54).

WHITE* , Thomas S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1624 (or later)(5).

WHITE* , Thomas S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1629 (or later) (5).

WHITE, Thomas S.O. c . 173841(2).

WHITE* ,William S.O. 1652-6 (or later) (5)

WHITE, William B. c . 1773 (14)

WHITEalias for Bradshaw, John; Gifford orGiffard , Edward; Philpot, Richard; Rigby, John; Wakeman, John; Wright, Stephen

WHITEHAIR orWHYTHAIR, Anthony alias Whitelock, Rivers, Cheek , Green and French, John S.O. 1608-13 (19; CRS . 30/114)

b . 1594, Sussex E.C. Valladolid 1613-c . 20 Priest To England (CRS . 30/114; Ans.2/354-5).

WHITELOCK alias forWhitehair, Anthony.

WHITFIELD , Cuthbertalias for Lawson , Henry.

WHITGREAVE, James S.O. 1714 (or earlier) -1715 (CRS . 62/196).

b . 1698 s. ofThomas and Isabella (Turville) ofMoseley Court , Staffordshire br of Thomas.S.J. 1715.To Marylandand England d . 1750, Moseley (Fo.5 /438, ped.; 7/839; BLG; E.and P. 246; Hu . Text 2/688).

WHITGREAVE , Thomas. S.Ó. 1714 (or earlier) -1717(CRS . 62/196).

b . 1696. s. of Thomas and Isabella (Turville) ofMoseley Court , Staffordshire. br. ofJames. E.C. Douay 1717. S.J. 1718. Priest. To England d . 1757 , ?Staffordshire (CRS . 28/51; Fo.5/438,ped.; 7/839;E. and P. 246).

WHITLEY* ,Anthony ?vere Wright. S.O. 1653-4 (or later)(5)

WHITLEY* , Richard ?vere Wright. S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1636 (or later)(5).

WHITLEY alias for Wright, Philip, Richard and Stephen .

WHITLOCKalias for Billinge, Robert

WHITMORE* ,Charles S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1661 (5).

WHITMORE* , Oliver John S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1659 (5, 36, f 192)

WHITTINGHAM , ?Richard S.O. c . 1731-? ( 1; 2; 7) ?b . 1716. ?s . of Henry and Mary (Harries) ofWhittingham, Lancashire ?m.Anne.d.?1777 (Fish 185, ped.).

WHITTON, .S.O c . 1753 (4).

WHOREWOOD , John alias Fortescue S.O. 1699-1701 (75 ,ff.33v , 45). (Fo.5/961 , ped.).

WHYTE alias for Cross , -; Reilly, Charles . WIBER, see Weber

WICKWAR, William. S.O. ?-1747 (1;2; 3). d . 1747, St Omers College

WIDDRINGTON* , Francis S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1642 (5).


WIDDRINGTON* or WITHERINGTON, George S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1636 (or later) (5, Ans.2/315)

WIDDRINGTON , ?Henry Francis S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/19)

b. c . 1700. s . of William,4th Baron Widdringtonand Jane (Tempest). m.Anne Gattonby styledLord Widdrington. d . 1774 , TurnhamGreen (GEC.; BuEB.; CRS.8/435).

WIDDRINGTON, Peregrine S.O. c . 1705 (SCR . 83n.; Chad.1/287).

b . 1692 . s . ofWilliam, 3rd Baron Widdrington and Alathea (Fairfax) br ofWilliam m. Mary, Duchess ofNorfolk(née Shireburn) d . 1749 , Stonyhurst (GEC.s.Norfolk; BuEB.; CRS 8/394,435).

WIDDRINGTON, Ralph alias Molyneux S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714 (CRS . 62/20, 164).

b. c . 1697 s . ofWilliam and Anne (Molyneux) of Cheeseburn Grange, Northumberland. m AnneWoolascott. d . 1752 . (E. and P. 53; Surt. 131/72; 175/92).

WIDDRINGTON, Robert see Watson , Robert.

WIDDRINGTON, William. S.O. c . 1690 (SH.ed.2/48).

b . 1678 s. ofWilliam, 3rd Baron Widdringtonand Alathea (Fairfax). br. ofPeregrine 4th Baron1695. m. (1) Jane Tempest (2) Catherine Graham d . 1743, Bath (GEC.; BuEB;Surt . 175/93; Ki . 249-50 ; Pa.1 16-9; Gil.5/583; DNB.).

WIDDRINGTON, .S.O c . 1734 (1)

WIDDRINGTON,. S.O. c . 1734 (1).

WIGMORE, Andrew alias Campian S.O. 1622-8 (5; CRS . 55/403).

b. c . 1608, Mechlin s of Thomas and Mary (Seaborn) of Herefordshire E.C. Rome 1628-31 d . 1631 , in Rome. (CRS . 37/216; 55/403; Fo.6/317).

WIGMORE, George alias Campian S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1670(or later) (5)

b. c . 1654. s . of Robert and Frances of Herefordshire . E.C. Rome 1674-7. (CRS . 40/88; Fo.6/423)

WIGMORE , Richardalias Campian .S.O. 1609-14 (19; CRS . 54/274-5).

b. c . 1594, Herefordshire . s of SirWilliam and Anne (Throckmorton) br ofRobert and William. E.C.Rome 1614-7 . S.J. 1617. Priest. To England d . 1677 , Devonshire district. (Fo.6/269; 7/842; CRS . 37/172; 54/274-5)

WIGMORE, Robert alias Campian S.O. 1606-10 (CRS . 54/237-9)

b . 1590, Kinsham, Herefordshire . s of SirWilliam and Anne (Throckmorton) br. of Richard and William E.C. Rome 1610-13 .

S.J. 1613. d . 1614, Louvain, as a novice (CRS . 37/160;54/237-9; Fo.6/259 , 521; 7/842-3).

WIGMORE,William alias Campian S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (5).

b . 1599,Herefordshire . s ofSirWilliam andAnne(Throckmorton) br.of Richardand Robert S.J. 1624. Priest To England d . 1665 , Ghent . (Fo.4/425; 7/843).

WIGNAL orWIGNALL, Francis alias Sandys. S.O. 1693 (orearlier)

-1697 (11; 75, ff.9v, 22v)

b . 1680 .From London S.J. 1697. Priest To England d . 1728 , Lincolnshire. (Fo.7/843).

WILBORE or WILLBORE, William B. c . 1770-3 (7; 15; 58;60).

b . 1762 . From York ?s . of Richard d . ?1781. (CRS . Mon . 2/276, 290, 382).

WILBORN orWILBURN, George S.O. 1631 (or earlier) -1636 (5;46/1636)

d . 1636, St Omers College.

WILBRAHAMalias for Blackman , Edward

WILDE, .S.O. c . 1756 (4).

WILDE, .S.O. c . 1756 (4).

WILFORD,Hugh S.O. ?-1616 (Ans.2/356).

E.C. Seville 1616-?

WILFORD, Humphreyalias Taylor, Henry S.O. 1596-1600 (CRS . 30/65)

b. c . 1580, London ?s of Thomas br of Peter E.C. Valladolid 1600-? Priest d Valladolid (CRS . 30/65;Ans.2/356).

WILFORD* , John S.O. 1646-48 (5).

WILFORD, Peter alias Taylor, John S.O. 16024 (CRS . 30/84).

b. c . 1584, London ?s ofThomas br ofHumphrey E.C. Valladolid 1604-7 Priest . O.S.B. Douay 1609.ToEngland. d . 1646 , Newgate prison (CRS . 30/84; 33/223-5; Bi . 28; Oliver 2/501-2; ER.2/35; 8/17;Ans.2/356)

WILFORD* , Thomas S.O. 1665-70 (or later) (5).

WILFORDalias for Stafford-Howard, Edward.

WILKINSON, Charles alias Campion S.O. 1637 (or earlier) -1643(5).

b . 1622 From London S.J. 1643. Priest To England d . 1686 , Rome (Fo.7/843-4).

WILKINSON, John S.O. 1606-7 (34/3/331-8; Fo.4/195).

b c . 1581 . d . 1607, St Omers College (Fo.4/195-201; 7/844; More 330-2).

WILLCOX , Robert alias Peterson S.O. ?-1609 (CRS . 30/106).

b. c . 1589,Middlesex E.C. Valladolid 1609-11. d . 1611 , Valladolid (CRS . 30/106).

WILLIAMS,Edward S.O. 1634 (or earlier) -1640(5).

b . 1619 From Wales S.J. 1640. Priest d . 1652, St Omers College (Fo.7/845).

WILLIAMS, Francis alias or vere Beaumont . S.O. c . 1698-1702 (11; 75, ff 18v, 33v).

b . 1682, Monmouthshire. br. ofGeorge S.J. 1702.Priest.To Marylandand England d . 1738, Ince-Blundell, Lancashire . (Fo.7 /43; Hu . Text 2/686)

WILLIAMS, George alias or vere Beaumont S.O. c . 1696-c . 98 (75 ,ff. 24v, 28v, 33v)

br of Francis

WILLIAMS* ,John. S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148).


?E.C Valladolid 1632.

WILLIAMS* , John S.O. 1660-2 (orlater) (5).

WILLIAMS*,John S.O. 1664-8 (5).

WILLIAMS, John S.O. ?-1678 (13)

b . 1656, Carnarvonshire S.J. 1678-97 Priest To England (63).

WILLIAMS, John alias Monnington S.O. c . 1744-c . 50 (1;2; 3;4).

b . 1730, Flintshire s ofThomas and Elizabeth(Monnington)

br ofPeter . S.J. 1750.Priest To Marylandand England d . 1801, Worcester (or 1793, Monmouthshire). (Fo.7/846; WR.3/26; 21/17; Hu . Text 2/695).

WILLIAMS, John alias for Ellis, William.

WILLIAMS* , Peter S.O. 1648 (or earlier) -1649 (or later)(5)

WILLIAMS , Peter alias Monnington S.O. 1729-c . 36 (1;7; 13).

b . 1717, Flintshire s of Thomas and Elizabeth(Monnington)

br of John. S.J. 1736.Priest To England. d . 1753, Ince-Blundell, Lancashire (Fo.7/847; WR . 21/17)

WILLIAMS, Peter S.O. 1744-51 (2; 3;65,f 45).

From North Wales

WILLIAMS, Roger alias orvere Powell, William S.O. c . 1630-33 (85, n 35; CRS . 55/434)

b c . 1616, Monmouthshire s of Reginald . E.C. Rome1633-4 . E.C. Lisbon 1640-2 (CRS . 40/9 ; 55/434; Cro . 272-3).

WILLIAMS* , Thomas S.O. 1612-13 (or later) (19)

WILLIAMS, Thomas. S.O. c . 1745 (1)

WILLIAMS , .S.O. c . 1714 (CRS . 62/73, 155, 317).

WILLIAMSalias for Blundell, John; Gittins, Joseph; Molyneux, Charles; Petre, Richardand Robert; Thomas , John

WILLIAMSON*,Alexander S.O. 1639 (or earlier) -1644 (5).

WILLIAMSON, George S.O. 1714-c . 18 (CRS . 62/141-2).

b . 1695 ,Yorkshire S.J. 1718. Priest. To England. d . 1741 , London (Fo.7 /848; Sta . 111).

WILLIAMSON, George S.O. c . 1732-33 (orlater) (1).

WILLIAMSON, James S.O. 1730-c . 32 (1;7).

WILLIAMSON, Richard S.O. 1622 (or earlier) -1626 (5)

b . 1606, Lincolnshire. S.J. 1626. Priest. To England . d . 1649, Hampshire district . (Fo.7/849).

WILLIAMSONalias for Weedon , Thomas .

WILLINGTONalias for Throckmorton, Thomas

WILLIS, Peter alias Weeks S.O. c . 1734-c . 36 (1; 7) From Twyford.

WILLOUGHBY , Edward S.O. 1752-c . 56 (2;4).

?s.ofEdwardand Margaret (Bird) ofApsley, Nottinghamshire . ?br of Robert.(BLG ; E. and P. 190).

WILLOUGHBY, George S.O. c . 1732 (21).

WILLOUGHBY, James B. 1764-5 (2; 6;8).

?d . 1792, East Indies (CRS . 12/41).

WILLOUGHBY*,John. S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1661 (5)


WILLOUGHBY , Robert S.O. 1750-c . 55 (2;3;4).

?s .of Edwardand Margaret (Bird) ofApsley, Nottinghamshire. ?br of Edward ?m (1) Catherine Edge (2) Barbara Bruce (3) Lucy Mary Ferrers (BLG)

WILLOUGHBY ,(?Edward) S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1714(CRS. 62/31, 190)

?b . 1706 ?s. ofFrancis and Mary (Slack). ?m Margaret Bird. d . ?1792. (BLG ; E. and P. 190; Ki . 251)

?WILMOT, John ?S.O c . 1613 (70). From Worcestershire .

WILMOT* , Thomas S.O. 1668 (or earlier) -1669 (or later)(5).

WILSON* , Edward S.O. ?-1632 (CRS . 30/148).

?E.C Valladolid 1632.May be the same as Wilson, Edward below .

WILSON, Edwardalias Clark S.O. 1630-33 (5; CRS . 55/431)

b c . 1610 From Newcastle s . ofDenis and Anne E.C. Rome 1633-7 . (CRS . 40/8;55/431)

WILSON, Henry S.O. ?-c . 1692 (75,f. 7v).

d c . 1692, ?St Omers College.

WILSON, John . S.O. ?-1603 (Ans.2/358).

b . 1576. s . of Johnand Louisa (Russell) ofWyrley, Staffordshire br. ofSimon E.C. Rome 1603-5 .Priest. ?To England . To St Omers College d . ?1666, St Omers College (Fo.5/424-6; 7/852; CRS . 37/133; 54/331-2 ; Ans.2/358).

WILSON* , John S.O. c . 1612 (19).

WILSON , John. S.O. 1654 (or earlier) -1658 (5; 36 ,f. 189).

b . 1637 ,Yorkshire S.J. 1658. Priest d . 1666, St Omers College (Fo.7/850)

?WILSON , MattheworMatthiasalias Knott, Edwardor John and Smith, Nicholas ?S.O before 1599 (Fo.7/850).

b . 1582, Catchburn, Northumberland s of Edward.E.C.Douay 1599-1602 E.C.Rome 1602-6 Priest S.J. 1606. ToEngland. d . 1656, London (CRS . 10/9, 42; 37/129; 54/122-3; Fo.5/629-32; 6/225; 7/850, 1459 ; Dod . 106-9; Ans.2/359)

WILSON, Ralph alias Russell S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1630(5; 19).

b . 1611, Staffordshire. S.J. 1630. d . 1634, Liège, notyet ordained (Fo.7 /675 , 1450; Chad.1/118)

WILSON, Ralph S.O. and B. c . 1757-63 (2).

b . 1743 S.J. 1763. Priest To England . d . 1770, Lincoln. (Fo.7 /852).

WILSON* , Robert S.O. 1659 (or earlier) -1662 (orlater) (5).

WILSON,Simonalias Russell. S.O. 1615-20 (CRS . 54/331-2).

b . 1601, Wyrley, Staffordshire s ofJohn and Louisa (Russell). br. of John E.C.Rome 1620-2 S.J. 1623. d . 1625, Liège, not yet ordained (CRS . 37/193; 54/331-2; Fo.5 /422-4 ; 6/292; 7/851).

WILSON, Simon S.O. 163744 (5; CRS . 55/479-80)

b. c . 1624, Staffordshire E.C. Rome 1644-51 .Priest .To


England S.J. 1692. d . 1695, Watten (CRS . 40/29; 55/479-80; Fo.5 /426-8; 6/359; 7/852; Ans.2/359)

WILSON , Thomas S.O. c . 1737-c . 45 (1;2)

From Maryland

WILSON, Thomas B. 1764-5 (6)

From London.

WILSON, Thomas alias for Legate,John.

WILSON,William. S.O. 1632 (or earlier) -1635(5)

b . 1615, Norfolk S.J. 1635. Priest .To England . d . 1679 , Suffolkdistrict (Fo.7/852).

WILSON* ,William S.O. 1656 (or earlier) -1660 (5).

WILSONalias for Bendlowes, Andrew, Henryand William;Forster, Robert;Johnson , William;Morrison,William.

WILTON alias forWylde, George.

WINDSOR,John. S.O. c . 1607-11 (CRS . 54/246-7).

b. c . 1590, Kent s . ofJohn and Helen (Wyburn). E.C. Rome 1611-18. Priest . To England (CRS . 37/163;54/246-7; Fo.6/261-2 ; Ans.2/359-60)

?WINDSOR, . ?S.O c . 1613 (70).

s . ofAndrew .

WINDSOR alias for Cuffaud, Francis and Matthew. WINGFIELD- alias for Atslow,Edward

WINNE, see Wynne.

WINTERalias for Bedingfeld , Matthew. See Morgan, William .

WINTOUR, Edward S.O. c . 1679 (CSP.Dom.Jan.1679 -Aug 1680/337).

WINTOUR, George S.O. c . 1633 (57,f.90).

b . 1622 . s ofJohn. created bart . 1642. m (1) Frances

Talbot (2) Mary Smith (3) Mary Kempe . d . 1658. (BuEB.; WR . 20/55-6; CSP.Dom.1631-3 /533; Fo.5/848, ped.).

WINTOUR orWINTER, James S.O. 17534 (2; 4)

br. ofJohn

WINTOUR orWINTER, John. S.O. 1753-4 (2;4)

br ofJames.

WINTOUR, William alias Napier or Napper S.O. 1693-c . 96 (75,ff. 11v, 29, 159).

b.c . 1680. ?s . of Sir Charles and Frances (Napier or Napper)of Lydney, Gloucestershire . d c . 1696, ?St Omers College. (CRS.1/137; E. andP.72).

WISE, see Wyse.

?WISELY or WESLEY, John ?S.O . ?-1683 (13).

b . 1660/2, Leinster S.J. 1683.Priest d after 1717 . (Fo.7 /853 , Irish section , 59).

WISEMAN, Francis or Ignatius alias Sygley or Sigley. S.O. c . 1620 (CRS . 55/427).

b . 1602, Rivenhall, Essex s ofSir Thomas and Isabel (Roper). E.C.Rome 1632-7 .Priest To England (CRS . 40/6; 55/427;


ER . 15/89-91; Ans.2/360-1 ; Ham.1 , peds.; Fo.6/331-2).

WITHAM , Peter. S.O. c . 1747-51 (2; 3; CRS . 28/278). From Woodhall, ?Yorkshire E.C. Douay 1751-3 (CRS . 63/198)

WITHAM* , Thomas S.O. 1657-60 (or later) (5). ?s.ofWilliam and Anne (Collingwood) ofCliffe, Yorkshire ?br ofWilliam ?m. Catherine Midleton (BLG).

WITHAM* , William S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1637 (orlater) (5) ?s.ofWilliam and Anne (Collingwood) of Cliffe, Yorkshire ?br ofThomas.

WITHERINGTON, see Widdrington

WITHRINGTONalias for Metham , William.

WITHY , Edward S.O. 1701-2 (or later) (75, f 45v). b . 1689 , Cambridgeshire S.J. 1707. Priest To England d . 1789 , Liège (Fo.7/854).

WODISON , see Woodson .

WOLF orWOLFE, William alias Lacey S.O. 1607-8 (CRS . 54/207-9).

b . 1584, Scarborough s . of John and Eleanor (Lacey) E.C. Rome 1608-11 S.J. 1611. Priest . To England d . 1673 , Oxford (CRS.8/438;37/1534;54/207-9; Fo.4/598-601 ; 6/250-1; 7/856; Dod.3/320-1 ;Sta . 337 ; Gil.4/87)

WOLFALL, Johnalias Cary S.O. 1697-1702 (11 ;75, ff. 33v , 165).

b . 1682 , Lancashire s. ofWilliam and Mary (Carus). br. of Thomas S.J. 1702. Priest d . 1742, Ghent (Fo.7/855; CRS.6/135n).

WOLFALL , Thomas alias Butler S.O. ?-1694 (Fo.5 /399n)

b . 1675 . From Lancashire s . ofWilliam and Mary (Carus) br ofJohn E.C. Rome 1694-1701 .Priest .To England . d . 1720 ,

Ince -Blundell. (CRS.6/135n; 40/116-7; Fo.5 /399n; 6/444-5; Gib.1 /182; NB.1/passim;2/passim; 3/22, 25n)

WOLFALL,William S.O. c . 1730-c . 35 (1).

WOOD or WOODCA, Alexius alias Sylvius . S.O. c . 1620 (CRS . 55/370-1).

b.c . 1602, York s . of Alexius and(Cunningham) E.C. Rome 1622-5.(CRS . 37/200;55/370-1; Fo.6/300-1).

WOOD orWOODS, Edward. S.O. ?-1683(13)

b . 1663, Staffordshire S.J. 1683.Priest. To England. d . ?1725 , ?North Wales (Fo.7/857).

WOOD* or WOODS, John S.O. 1637(orearlier) -1638(orlater) (5).

WOOD, Thomas alias Seton. S.O. c . 1697-c . 98 (75 , ff 26v, 29v) ?s of Thomas and Anne (Peyton) of Bracon-Ash,Norfolk ?m. (1) Ellen Eyre (2) ElizabethHeath(3) Dorothy . (E. and P. 194)

WOOD , Thomas S.O. c . 1726-9 (7).

WOOD , William alias Guillickor Kellick S.O. ?-1689 (13)

b . 1671, Surrey. S.J. 1689.Priest .To Maryland. d . 1720 , Maryland (Fo.7/858; Gil.4/34; Hu . Text 2/684).

WOODCO, .S.O. c . 1735 (7).


s. ofJames .

WOODCOCK , Johnalias Farrington, Francis S.O. 1628-9 (25 , f. 75%; 43, doc 4, f 55, doc 6, f 49; Chal . 484;Dod.3/109).

b . 1603, Leyland, Lancashire s ofThomas and Dorothy (Farrington or Anderton) E.C. Rome 1629-30 O.F.M.Cap. 1630. O.S.F. Douay 1631.Priest To England . Put todeath , 1646, Lancaster . Venerable . (CRS.6/97n; 37/220;55/413; Chal. 484-6; Oliver2/563; Tha . 323-4; Dod.3 /109; Gil.H.P.88; Fo.6/322)

WOODESON ,. B. 1767-8 (7)

s . of Blisset br ofnext below .

WOODESON , . B. 1767-8 (7). -

s. of Blisset. br. ofnext above.

WOODFORD , Gabriel S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1629 (5; 16)

b . 1599, Bedfordshire ?br. ofHenry S.J. 1629. Priest. d . 1663, Liège (Fo.7/859).

WOODFORD , Henry. S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -1624 (5)

b . 1605, Bedfordshire ?br ofGabriel S.J. 1624. d . 1625 , still a novice (Fo.7/859).

?WOODHOPE ,Johnalias Jennings and Griffin ?S.O . 1626-9 (Fo.6/605).

b . 1607, AbbeyDore. Herefordshire s . of Nicholasand Eleanor E.C.Rome 1629-36. Priest To England (CRS . 37/218; 55/407;Ans.2/362;Fo.6/319).

WOODINGTON,. B. 1767-8 (2; 7; 8)

WOODRUFF , - .S.O before 1714 (CRS . 62/45).

WOODSON orWODISON , Leonard S.O. c . 1600 (Fo.7/854)

b. before 1591, Hampshire . E.C. Seville Priest. E.C. Douay 1612.To England S.J. before 1630. d . 1651 . (Fo.7/854-5; CRS . 10/115, 116; Ans.2/362).

WOODWARD , Thomas alias Kelly S.O. ?-1623 (CRS . 30/135).

b.Northamptonshire E.C. Valladolid 1623.E.C.Douay 1624-5 Priest To England . To Lisbon To England d . 1662 (CRS . 10/228, 239-40; 30/135, 142; Ans.2/363; Cro . 223)

WOODWARD , Thomas . S.O. c . 1690-6 (11; 75, ff. 12v ,46, 219v)

S.J. 1696-8 (63)

WOODWARD , William S.O. c . 1694 (75 ,f. 189).

WOOLFE, see Allen or Allan, John.

WOOLMER, Francis S.O. c . 1699-1701 (75, ff 42v,44v). ?From Worcestershire . ?s. of Francis ofSpetchley. (E.and P.295; Pa . 73).

WOOLMER, Thomas S.O. c . 1696-c . 99 (75, ff 27v,29v,37v).

WOOTTON , see Wotton.

WORLEY, .S.O. c . 1723-c . 24 (7).

WORLIDGE,J. B.?-1770(58)

From London ?br. ofWorlidge, R.

WORLIDGE ,R. B. c . 1767-70 (7; 58).

From London. ?br. ofWorlidge,J.



WORSLEY *,Edward 3.0. 1669 (orearlier) -1670(5).

WORSLEY , Lawrence S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1633 (5).

b . 1613, Somersetshire S.J. 1633. Priest To England . d . 1675 , in England (Fo.7/863-4).

WORSLEY* , Thomas S.O. 1629 (or earlier) -1630 (orlater)(5).

WORSLEY,William alias Harvey . S.O. 1607-11 (CRS . 29/85; 30/119)

b . 1594,Antwerp s ofJohn and Leonora (Harvey) of Godshill, Isle ofWight E.C. Madrid 1611-14 E.C.Valladolid 1614-8 Priest To Belgium . d. after 1684. (CRS . 29/85-6, 241; 30/119; Ans.2/364).

WORSLEY* or WORSELEY, William. S.O. 1623 (or earlier) -c . 1629 (5; 19; Chad.1/118)

WORTHINGTON, Edmund S.O. 1595-1600(CRS . 30/64).

b . 1585 . From Lancashire . s . of Richardand Dorothy (Charnock) of Blainscough Hall, Lancashire .br ofJames. Lawrence , William and one more below E.C. Valladolid 1600-? d. Valladolid (CRS . 25/100; 30/64)

WORTHINGTON, Edwardalias Gerard S.O. c . 1693 (75 ,f.7v).

WORTHINGTON, James. S.O. 1600-03 (CRS . 54/127). b . 1587 . s. of Richardand Dorothy (Charnock) of Blainscough Hall, Lancashire br. of Edmund, Lawrence , William andone morebelow. E.C. Douay 1603. E.C. Rome 1603-10 Priest. To England. (CRS . 10/43, 52, 105, 109; 25/100; 37/131;54/127; Ham.1 , ped.; Ans.2/364; Fo.6/226-7)

WORTHINGTON, John S.O. 1640 (or earlier) -1644(5)

E.C. Valladolid 1644-50 . Priest To England (CRS . 30/162-3 , Ans.2/365).

WORTHINGTON* , John. S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1666(5).

WORTHINGTON, John S.O. 1731-c . 34 (1 ; 7) From Lancashire

WORTHINGTON, John alias Sephton S.O. 1733-5 ( 1 ; 7)

b . 1713 . From Lancashire S.J. 1735. Priest To England . d . 1777,Wigan (Fo.7/865).

WORTHINGTON, Lawrence alias Charnock, George.S.O. 15934 (CRS . 30/29)

b . 1577 . From Lancashire s of Richardand Dorothy (Charnock) ofBlainscough Hall br ofEdmund, James, William and one morebelow E.C. Valladolid 1594-6 E.C. Seville 1596-8. S.J. 1598/9 Priest To England d . 1635 or 1637, Lorraine. (CRS . 25/100; 30/29; Dod.3/110; RH.9/170; Fo.2/95-103 ; 6/527-8; 7/866, 1459; Chad.1/20-1).

WORTHINGTON,Thomas S.O. 1628 (or earlier) -1633(5). b . 1616, Louvain s ofThomas and Mary (Allen)of Blainscough Hall, Lancashire S.J. 1633. Priest To England. d . 1670, Burton Park, Sussex (CRS.6/96n; 25/100;Ham.1 ,ped.; Fo.7/867).

WORTHINGTON, Thomas alias Sephton S.O. 1693 (orearlier) -1697

(11; 75, ff 8v, 13v, 19v, 23).

b . 1675, Lancashire S.J. 1697-1706 (not ordained) (Fo.7 /867).

WORTHINGTON, ?Thomas . S.O. c . 1731-c . 34 ( 1; 7).

Maybethe same as Sephton , Thomas.

WORTHINGTON, William S.O. 1593-5 (CRS . 30/37-8).

b c . 1575, Lancashire s . of Richardand Dorothy (Charnock) of Blainscough Hall, Lancashire br of Edmund,James , Lawrence and one morebelow E.C. Valladolid 1596. S.J. 1598. d . 1602 or 1604 ,Valladolid, notyet ordained . (CRS . 25/100; 30/37-8; Chad.1/20-1 ; Ham.1 , ped.; Fo.7/1460).

WORTHINGTON,William. S.O. 1597-c . 1600 (CRS . 54/141).

b . c . 1585, Preston E.C. Douay 1602-4. E.C. Rome 1604-7. E.C. Douay 1607-11 Priest S.J. To England d before 1621 . (CRS . 10/44, 61, 83-4, 109; 37/135; 54/140-2; Ans.2/366; Fo.2/111-5; 6/231; 7/867-8).

WORTHINGTON, .S.O. 1593-? (Chad.1/20-1).

s of Richard and Dorothy (Charnock) of Blainscough Hall, Lancashire br ofEdmund, James, Lawrence and William WORTHINGTONalias for Newsham , Andrew.

WOTTON* orWOOTTON, John. S.O. 1636 (or earlier) -1638 (or later) (5)

WRIGHT, Anthony . B. 1763 (or earlier) -c . 1765 (2;8).


WRIGHT, Charles ?S.O. before 1715 (CRS . 62/262).

s.ofAnthonyand Anne (Biddulph) ofWealdside, Essex. br ofCharles, Francis, Richardand Thomas m .Lucy MaryPlowden. d . 1786. (88; CRS.8/439; RH . 13/106 ff.; ER . 11/67 ff).

s.ofJohn and Eugenia (Trinder) ofKelvedon, Essex .br.of John and William d . 1755 (88; BLG; Pa . 15).

WRIGHT, Charles. B. 1763-9 (2; 8).

b . 1752 . s . ofAnthony and Anne (Biddulph) of Wealdside , Essex . br ofAnthony, Francis , Richard and Thomas. S.J. 1769 . Priest. To England d . 1827, near Whalley, Lancashire (88; Fo.7 /868; ER . 11/67 ff)

WRIGHT,Edmund S.O. ?-1713 (CRS . 62/2).

From Oporto s of Edmund . br ofJoseph.

WRIGHT, Edward B. 1763 -c . 65 (2; 6; 8).

b . 1752.S.J. 1768. Priest To England d . 1826, Holywell, NorthWales . (Fo.7/869).

WRIGHT, Francis B. 1765-8 (2; 8)

b . 1751 .s. ofAnthony and Anne (Biddulph) ofWealdside, Essex br ofAnthony , Charles, Richard and Thomas . m . Catherine Petre d . 1786 (88; ER . 11/67-8).

WRIGHT, John S.O. 1673-9 (CRS . 55/643).

s.ofJohn and Philippa(Fitzwilliam) ofKelvedon, of Lawrence and Peter. m. Eugenia Trinder d . 1731 (88; CRS 55/643; BLG; Pa . 15; E. and P. 61; ER . 12/35-8; ?CST . 10/1134).


WRIGHT, John S.O. ?-1702 (75, f. 45v).

b . 1685 . s. ofJohn and Eugenia (Trinder) ofKelvedon,Essex. br. of Charles and William m. (1) ElizabethRooke(2)

ConstantiaCarringtonor Smith d . 1751. (88; BLG; Pa . 15; E. and P. 59-60)

WRIGHT, John S.O. c . 1723-8 (7).

?From Brewers Hall, Cheshire. (E. and P. 29)

WRIGHT, Johnalias Palmer S.O. 1754-8 (2;4).

b . 1740 .s of John and Constantia(Carringtonor Smith)of Kelvedon, Essex m. (1) Winefrid Silvertop(2) Mary Theresa Webb d . 1792 (88; BLG ; CRS . 12/41)

WRIGHT , Joseph S.O. 1713 (or earlier) -1715 (or later)(CRS . 62/1 , 2,312).

b . 1698-9, in Portugal . s of Edmund br ofEdmund S.J. 1720.Priest. To England . d . 1760, Ghent . (Fo.7/869-70)

WRIGHT, Lawrence alias Fitzwilliam S.O. c . 1695 (75, f 16v).

s.ofJohn and Philippa(Fitzwilliam) of Kelvedon, ofJohn and Peter d . 1737 (88; BLG; Pa . 15).

WRIGHT, Matthewalias Giffard S.O. 1662 (or earlier) -1667(5).

b . 1647,Madrid, s ofSir Benjamin , Bart and Jane (Williams) ofCranham Hall, Essex S.J. 1668. Priest. To England d . 1711 , Dunkirk (Fo.5/977-9; 7/870; CRS . 29/321-2n; BuEB)

WRIGHT, Peter alias Fitzwilliam S.O. c . 1695 (75, ff. 16v, 52v)

s.ofJohn and Philippa (Fitzwilliam) ofKelvedon, John and Lawrence (88; BLG).

WRIGHT, Philip alias Whitley S.O. 1658 (or earlier) -1663 (5)

b . 1643 From Essex s ofJohn and Frances (Waldegrave)of Kelvedon E.C.Rome 1663-5 d . before 1714. (88; CRS . 40/70; BLG , E. and P. 60).

WRIGHT , Richardalias Whitley S.O. 16014 (CRS . 30/85-6)

b.c . 1585 , Essex s ofJohn and Mary (Fylde) ofKelvedon. E.C. Valladolid 1604-9 E.C. Douay 1609. Priest S.J.1611/12. To England d . 1651, London (CRS . 10/96; 30/85-6; Ans.2/355; BLG ; Fo.7/839-40, 1458).

WRIGHT, Richard B. c . 1763. (2;8).

s. of Anthony and Anne (Biddulph) of Kelvedon, Essex br ofAnthony , Charles, Francis and Thomas . But maybethesame as Charles Wright above .

WRIGHT, Robert S.O. ?-1726 (7)

s of Catherine ?ToSpain

WRIGHT, Stephen alias White and Whitley S.O. 1636 (orearlier) -1641 (5; CRS . 55/471).

b . 1620, Essex s. of John and Anne (Sulyard) ofKelvedon, Essex E.C. Rome 1641-8 . Priest. To England S.J. 1652.To England d . 1680, Kelvedon (88; CRS . 40/25; 55/471; BLG; Ans.2/368 ; Fo.6/354; 7/871).

WRIGHT , Thomas alias Palmer B. 1766-8 (2; 6; 8).


b . 1753.s. ofAnthonyand Anne(Biddulph) ofWealdside, Essex. br. ofAnthony, Charles, Francis and Richard m. (1)

Lucretia Havers (2) Mary D'Aglie (née Bostock) d . 1818 (88; CRS.8/439-40; ER . 11/67-71)

WRIGHT, Thomas see Green, Edwardor Thomas .

WRIGHT , William alias More. S.O. 1714 (orearlier) -1715 (orlater)

(CRS . 62/100, 111 , 262).

s. ofJohn and Eugenia (Trinder) of Kelvedon , Charles and John d . 1737. (88; Pa . 15).

?WRIGHT, -. ?S.O c . 1613 (70) br of next below.

?WRIGHT, -. ?S.O . c . 1613 (70). br ofnext above.

WRIGHTalias for Gerard , Caryll and Thomas ; Gifford , William. See Conway, William; Whitley,Anthony and Richard

WYARD, Peter alias Jones S.O. ?-c . 1630 (CRS . 10/296).

b . 1610, Suffolk. s of Nicholas and Elizabeth(Jones)

E.C. Douay 1631-2 (CRS . 10/296, 305).

WYBARNE, Ignatius S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1647 (5; CRS . 40/41).

E.C. Rome 1647. d . 1647, Rome.

WYBARNE,Joseph S.O. 1752-c . 54 (2;4).

WYBARNE, Patrick S.O. 1751-c . 53 (3;4).

WYBARNE* , Thomas S.O. 1633-4 (orlater) (5).

WYBARNE, Thomas S.O. c . 1756 (2).

s ofHenry.

WYK, .S.O c . 1715 (CRS . 62/292).

WYLDE, George alias Wilton S.O. ?-1618 (70; CRS . 54/318-9).

b . Kempsey,Worcestershire br of Henry E.C. Rome 1618-21 . (CRS . 37/188; 54/318-9)

WYLDE, Henry. S.O. c . 1613 (70).

br ofGeorge.

WYNDHAM , Charles alias Chappel. S.O. 1714-? (CRS . 62/115 , 120)

b. c . 1705. s . ofCaptainW.

WYNNEorWINNE, Peteralias BodwellorBodville S.O.1652-5(CRS . 55/550).

b . 1637, Carnarvonshire s. ofGriffinand Dorothy (Parry)

E.C. Rome 1655-60 Priest E.C.Douay 1661-3 .To England .

d after c . 1715.(CRS.3/105-6; 40/55; 55/549-50; 63/20,26; Fo.6/391 ; E. and P.347; Pa . 99; Ans.5)

WYSE , Francis S.O. c . 1740-5 (2).

s .ofThomas and Mary (Bourn) ofthe ManorofSt John , Waterford br. ofJohn, Richard and Thomas d unm. (BLG).

WYSE orWISE , George alias Sophia S.O. 1657-63 (5; CRS . 30/169 , 170n).

b . 1643, Mechlin E.C. Valladolid 1663-70 Priest S.J. 1670.

To England . d . 1704,Watten. (CRS . 30/169; Fo.7/853)

WYSE , Johnalias Barraby. S.O. c . 1740-1 (orlater) (1 ; 2).

s. of Thomas and Mary (Bourn) ofthe ManorofSt John ,

Waterford br ofFrancis , Richard and Thomas m.Mary Ann Blakeney (BLG)

WYSE, Richard S.O. 1741-c . 46 ( 1 ; 2; 3)

s . ofThomas and Mary (Bourn) of the ManorofSt John , Waterford br of Francis , John and Thomas (BLG)

WYSE, Thomas alias Barraby S.O. 1731-c . 35 (1 ; 7;21)

s.ofThomas and Mary (Bourn) of the ManorofSt John , Waterford br of Francis, John and Richard .

?WYSE , Thomas ?S.O . c . 1738-c . 44 (2).

WYSE alias for Walsh, Thomas.

WYSEMAN alias for Welch ,

XAVIERalias for ThorpeorStafford, Ignatius.

YALLOP, .S.O before 1714 (CRS . 62/93, 285). ?s.ofSirRobert and Dorothy (Spelman or Spilman) of Bowthorpe, Norfolk (E. and P. 193; Pa . 46).

?YATES,James or John ? B . 1773 (59;60)

YATES, .S.O c . 1732 (1)

YATES orYATEalias for Chesterman , James; Thompson, Francis. YAXLEY , .S.O before 1713 (CRS . 62/22).

YEATMANalias for Bracey orBray, James YEOMAN, Johnalias Milborne orMilburne S.O. 1663 (or earlier) -1666(5). b . 1646. From Yorkshire. E.C. Rome 1666-? (CRS . 40/73; Fo.6/411)

YORKE orYORK, John alias Wansford and Gibbs. S.O.1671-3 (CRS . 55/626).

b . 1654, Broughton, Yorkshire s. ofJohnand Catherine (Tempest) E.C. Rome 1673-80 Priest (CRS.6/282n;40/87; 55/626; Ans.5 ; Fo.6/422).

YORKE, William S.O. 1594-9 (CRS . 30/57). b . 1581 , Kempsford, Gloucestershire ?s ofHumphreyand Margaret . E.C.Valladolid 1599.E.C. Seville 1599-1604 Priest E.C.Douay 1605.To England S.J. 1618. d.?c.1625, Devon district (CRS . 10/69 ; 30/57; RH.9/170; Fo.7 /876; Ans.2/369).

YOUNG* , Edward S.O. 1641 (or earlier) -1647(5).

YOUNG* ,Henry. S.O. 1664 (or earlier) -1665 (or later) (5).

May be the same as Hamerton, Henry. YOUNG, John alias Jackson S.O. 1623-8 (CRS . 55/399-401). 1

b.c . 1607, Bedale, Yorkshire s ofWilliam and -- (Whetenhall). E.C.Rome 1628-33 (CRS . 37/215; 55/399-401 ; Fo.6/315)

YOUNGalias for Hamerton, Peter; Mannock, Henry and William.

ZOETAERT, .S.O. before 1762 (31 ,n.4/7;39/11,58 ;Chad.1/339).


While this volume was printing, Mr AntonyAllison kindly drew my attention to a letter in the archives of the Archdiocese ofWestminster (Main Series, vol 15, no 196 , pp 517-20) Almost certainly from Rome and written by Valentine Harcourt alias Lane, it is to be dated 1633. It lists the boys, between fiftyand sixty ofthem,fromSt Omers College who entered the novitiate of the English province of the Society of Jesus between 1626 and 1633. Most of these names are alreadyin the Index, but those beloware not.

CARRINGTON* , Henry S.O. ?-1629 .

DRAYCOTT, John alias Parker.S.O. ?-1630.

b . 1611 , Staffordshire S.J. 1630. Priest.To England d . 1684,in England (Fo.7/569)

FARRINGTON, Thomas S.O. ?-1631 .

b . 1611 , Lancashire S.J. 1631. Priest .To England d . 1678,in England (Fo.7/246).

HARCOURT,Valentinealias Lane S.O. 1626-9 .

b . 1611 . From Staffordshire. s. of Humphreyand Bridget (Biddulph) ofRanton. E.C. Rome 1629-34 . Priest.To England d.c.1690 (CRS . 37/220; 55/412;Fo.6/321; Ans.2/144).

HEWETT, Martin alias Allott.S.O. ?-1627 .

b.c.1607, Derbyshire. S.J. 1627.Priest .To England . d . 1661, in France (Fo.7/358).

HOARD, (?Howard, James) S.O. ?-1627.

b . 1607, Lancashire S.J. 1627. Priest d . 1634 , Lancashire. (63/1634; Fo.7/375).

LANGDON* , Edward S.O. ?-1628

May bethe same as Hodgson, Edmundalias Langley. PALMER* , Nathaniel S.O. ?-1626

PHILIPS* , Robert. S.O. ?-c . 1626.

May be the same as Pugh, Robert POWELL* , Francis S.O. ?-1628.

SADLER, William S.O. ?-1630.

b . 1609 , Essex S.J. 1630.Priest To England d . 1674 , London. (Fo.7/679)

SMITH* , Alexander S.O. ?-1631

SMITH* , William. S.O. ?-1628 . TOMSON or THOMPSON * , Thomas S.O. ?-1628

TUNSTALL, William S.O. ?-1631

b.c.1611, Yorkshire ?br.ofThomas S.J. 1631. Priest .To England . d . 1681 , Watten (Fo.7/784)

WORSLEY,? Edward. S.O. ?-1626

b.c.1605, Lancashire S.J. 1626. Priest To England d . 1676, Antwerp. (Fo.7/863).

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