Records Volume 71: Recusants in the Exchequer Pipe Rolls

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Editorial Committee : A.F. Allison


P.R. Harris M . Hodgetts





©The CatholicRecord Society

ISBN 0 902832 10 7


PrintedinGreat Britain by HobbsthePrintersofSouthampton (75)


The present volume is the fourth to be published by the CatholicRecord Societydevoted to the businessofthe Exchequer in dealing withtheoffence ofrecusancy.Somefiftyyearsago, theSocietypublished the Latintext ofthe firstRecusantRollofthe Exchequer' , and, in recentyears, ithaspublished an abstract in Englishof the second, third and fourth Recusant Rolls² . Dom Hugh Bowler , in a pioneer article in Recusant History³, which he later enlarged in his definitiveintroductionto the secondRecusantRoll4, pointed out that the earliest records of prosecutions for failure to attend the new Anglicanchurch services , under theAct of23 Eliz , c.l, were entered inthe annual Great Pipe Rolls ofthe Exchequer. Thesebeganto appearduringthe period 16 Jan. 18March1580/1 , and continued to berecorded on the Pipe Rolls untilthe opening ofthe RecusantRolls atMichaelmas 1592.Theaimof thepresent volumeis to rescuethe important recusancy material scattered throughthe Pipe Rolls duringthe first twelve yearsoftheworkingofthe 1581 Act, andtopresentitin aclear andsimpleform. The parliamentarylegislation responsible for the appearanceof material relatingtotheoffence ofrecusancyon the Pipe Rolls wasformulatedintwo Acts of 1581 and 1587. The 1581 Act'An Act to retain the Queen's Majesty's subjects in their due obedience' (23 Eliz., c.1)-dealtwiththree types of offences The first offencethat of reconciling or of being reconciled totheCatholicChurchwashenceforth punishable bydeath .The secondoffencethesayingand hearing of masswaspunishable byfinesof 200 marks and 100 marks respectively The Act provided penalties of imprisonmentuntil the fines were paid in the case of the celebrant , and imprisonment for oneyear in the case ofthe hearer . The third offencethe failureto attend the newAnglicanchurch servicesnowcarried a fineof£20 a month, in place of the twelve-pence fine under the Act ofUniformity Moreover, thefines were declared to beforfeituresoftheCrown , and, asa result ,theoffence ofrecusancycameunder the cognisanceoftheExchequer, and the accounts connected with the levying of these fines bythe sheriffs beganto appearon thePipe Rolls .

It soon becameclear, however, that there were inadequaciesin the 1581 Act, irregularities in its execution, and that recusantswereabletoevadeits penalties Accordingly a second Act was passed in 1587. This 'Act for the more speedyand due execution ofcertain branches of a statute made inthe 23rd year of the Queen's Majesty's reign' (28 , 29 Eliz. , c.6) was passed to overhaulthewhole procedure. The importance ofthe newAct as far as the Exchequer was concerned, was that henceforth the liability for debts was

1. M.M.C. Calthrop, RecusantRollno 1:1592-1593 C.R.S., vol XVIII, (1916)

2. Hugh Bowler, Recusant Roll no 2:1593-1594 . C.R.S., vol LVII, (1965), and Hugh Bowler, Recusant Roll no 3: 1594-1595 and Recusant Rollno 4:1595-1596 . C.R.S., vol LXI, (1970)

3. HughBowler, 'Some Notes onthe Recusant Rolls ofthe Exchequer' , inR.H., vol.4, (1958), pp. 182-198.

4. CRS, LVII, pp. vii- cxiv

cumulative . Forthefiveyearsofthe 1581Act,the convicted recusant's total liabilityhad beentaken to be limitedto the fines specified inhis indictment. Under the new Act, any single convictionwas regarded as sufficient to involvetheindividual recusant in a continual series of monthlyfines untilhe conformed . Secondly, the Exchequer staff were required to calculate all pre-1587 debts deemed to have accumulated, in additiontothe £260annual fine, and to arrange to collect them in twopayments, one half by the end of Trinity Term 1587 , and the other half by the end of Hilary Term 1588 Naturally, the vast majority of recusantsproved incapable ofsettling their arrearsonthisbasis, and so, the newActprovided thirdly, thathenceforth,in every case , all the goods of the defaultingrecusant and two-thirds ofhis propertywere to be regarded as forfeitto the Crown . The record ofthese forfeitures,likethe fines under the 1581Act, appearedonthePipe Rolls.

The annual Great Pipe Rolls ofthe Exchequerweretheofficialregistersof sheriffs' accounts, setting forth, under the various countytitles , theitemised revenuesduetotheCrown, whichitwasthe dutyofthe sheriffineachcaseto collect during his termof office Everyroll, therefore , contains thecurrent charge against the individual sheriff, with brief annotations showingthe measure of his achievement, and the statement of the final audit ofhis arrears. Amongthe various items enrolled were fines imposed bythe local courts oflaw , and profits of lands, tenements, goods and chattels seized by the Crownforstatutoryoffences Amongthese itemsthe recusancymaterial is to be found. The Pipe Roll covering the year Michaelmas 1580 to Michaelmas 15815showsthatJudgesand local Justicessoon applied thenew laws and certified convictions of recusantsto the Exchequer. For the next twelve Exchequer years, the Pipe Rolls continued to include the fines and forfeituresofrecusantsunder thetwoActsofParliament

Bytheend of 1591 , however, recusancybusiness resulting from thesetwo Acts, which had increased each year, had become altogether too great to incorporatewithotherdebtsinthe Pipe Rolls.Allthe recusancybusinesswas therefore transferred to the new separateRecusant Rolls from Michaelmas 1592 ,and allaccountsrelatingto this offence continued tobeenteredin these newrolls forthenext onehundred years Itis importantto remember , however, that theRecusant Rolls were createdpurelyas an administrative convenienceafter the Exchequer had gained severalyearsexperiencein dealing with the offenceof recusancy, and not as a result of parliamentarylegislation As sheriff's account rolls , the Recusant Rolls have the same provenance as the Pipe Rolls , which they supplement, and they share common features ofphysical composition , content andprocedure Thebody ofmaterialnowwritten onthe subject ofthe Recusant Rolls , should more

5. P.R.O., E.372/426

6. Apart from the work of Dom Hugh Bowler noted above, see , for example, J. Anthony Williams, 'Recusant Rolls : Short Guides to Records, No. 11' , in History, vol 50, (1965), pp 193-196, and Frank H. Pugh, 'Monmouthshire Recusants in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I' , in South Wales and MonmouthRecord Society, vol 4, (1957), pp 59-110 .

appropriatelybelong asan introductionto the recusancybusinesscontained on thePipe Rolls, whichpredatethe RecusantRolls bytwelve years.

The filling of this twelve year gap between the inceptionof Exchequer recusancy and the start of the Recusant Rolls is the purpose ofthispresent volume . The reason why it has not been attempted before, is, perhaps, becauseofthe very scattered nature of the recusancy materialin the Pipe Rolls Clearlythe methods ofapproach wouldneed to be radicallydifferent from those employed in the publicationof the early Recusant Rolls bythe Society. A transcript of the varied entries (whether in Latin orin English) wouldnothave beenan economic proposition, and wouldhave been a wellnigh impossible undertakingfor even the most assiduousstudent Accordingly, a compromise has beenadopted. The original Pipe Roll entries have been radically truncated and here present merely the bare bones of the business This present volume is designed to be an index to the recusant content of the twelve consecutive Pipe Rolls concerned Theserollsare, as follows: -

I = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/426, dated Mich. 22-23

Eliz 1580 1581 .

II = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/427, dated Mich 23-24

Eliz. 1581-1582

Eliz. 1582-1583. = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/429 , dated Mich. 25-26

Eliz 1583-1584.

III IV V = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/428 , dated Mich. 24-25

=0 Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/430, dated Mich. 26-27

Eliz. 1584-1585

VI = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/431 , dated Mich. 27-28

Eliz 1585-1586

VII VIII == Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/432, dated Mich. 28-29

Eliz 1586-1587. = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/433 , dated Mich. 29-30

Eliz 1587-1588.

IX = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372 /434, dated Mich 30-31

Eliz. 1588-1589

X = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/435, dated Mich. 31-32

Eliz. 1589-1590

XI = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372 /436, dated Mich 32-33

Eliz 1590 1591 .

XII = Pipe Roll listed at the PRO as E . 372/437, dated Mich. 33-34

Eliz 1591-1592

The original entries of recusancy material on the Pipe Rolls have been abstracted , and are reproduced in the present volume as abbreviated entries in English.Approximately2,500 recusantsarementioned intherolls, andthe materialrelating to their recusancy has been arranged as an alphabetical index, which givesthe nameofeachrecusant, hisparish, his occupation , and thedetails ofhis recusancy, with the referenceto theoriginalPipe Rolland individualrotulet in each case . This method is intended to provideenough

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

information to enable historians to trace their quarry in the Pipe Rolls themselves . Where appropriate , reference is also made to the Memoranda Rolls of the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, and, in particular, to the 'Recorda' section oftheserolls, whichcontain not onlyauthoritativestatementsofproceedingsrelatingtothe seizureofrecusantproperty, butalsothe cancellation of such seizuresand the surrender of the royal claims in their regard. Aswell as being a record ofthe discharging ofpetitioners from the penalties incurredunder the recusancy laws, the Memoranda Rolls are a record ofeach recusant's convictions , and ofthe proceedings leading upto the seizure ofhisproperty.

Therecusancymaterialrecordedonthe Pipe Rolls thathas beenabstracted inthisalphabetical index givesinformation on the subject ofconvictions for recusancy, fines , records of debts, and the seizureof lands and goods. The presentworkrecords first, afterthename, parish ofdomicile and description ofeach individualrecusant, the date of inception ofhis recusancyasgivenin the rolls . Secondly it notes the date of his convictionfor recusancy asforwarded to the Exchequer. However, since the date of convictionis often omittedin theearlyrolls, the date heregiven is thatofthe earliest recorded periodofrecusancy, andsuchperiods are sometimesdatedbythedayoftheir terminationrather thanthatoftheirinception The entriesrecord theseizure of recusants' goods for the non-payment of fines, Ann Bartonbeingthe earliest recorded entry. Thirdly the abstracts record the various types of entries relatingtothe seizureofpropertyforthe non-paymentoffines These include therecord oflands seized , the rental of lands seized ,anddetails ofthe leasing ofsuch seizedlands Details ofthe seizureof lands of266recusants had accumulated onthe Pipe Rolls bythe time ofthe opening ofthe Recusant Rolls Finally, thepresent work records the fines and debts enrolled on the Pipe Rolls.The abstracts contain summariesofall debtsfor recusancy, and , afterthe provisions ofthe 1587Act, a re-enrollment ofallpre-1587 debts, and alsoofallother debtsforrecusancyoffences.

The Pipe Rolls record a series of fines for different offences First , they record a number offines for contempt Thomas Barnabys, forexample,was fined £50 bythe High Commissioners for contempt of court in 1585/6, in refusing tobringhiswifebefore the HighCommission on a chargeofrefusing to attend thenew Anglican services . Richard Hobson' wasfined £40 bythe Bishop of Londonat St. Paul'sfor 'a contempt against the church' . John Brummellowasthe first ofmany recusantswho were finedforthecontempt in ignoring the sheriff's summons after excommunication The index includes anumber of instancesofpriestsbeingfinedforsayingmass, asinthe caseofJamesBell" , and for the offence of hearing mass , as in the case of Francis Bastard, whowas oneofmany recusantswhomanagedto hearmass

7. Earliest in the order ofthepresentvolume ,rather thanearliestin date See p. 16

8. See p 15

9. See p.84.

10. See p 29

11. See p. 19.

while they were in prison. Finally, there are occasionally to be found examplesoffines foroffencescommitted priortothe 1581Act.Forexample, HumphreyComberford's£20 fine imposed by the High Commissioners in 1577 forobstinate recusancylasting severalyears12 , wasrecorded inthePipe Rolls, as was Richard Owen's13 fine of £40, imposed by the High Commissioners in St.Paul's on 28 June 1577 fora similaroffence. Although recognisable recusantsoccur in the Pipe Rolls fornon-religious offences (forexamplefailure in payment oflaysubsidies), all suchentries are here omitted Only entries of offenders specificallyconnected with religionare included.

12. Seepp 40, 41. 13. Seep 129.


Dom Hugh Bowlerbegan transcribingthe recusant materialonthePipe Rolls inDecember 1952, buthedid the majorityoftheworkduringthewinter of 1966/1967 . He transferred the material he had abstracted onto cards , allottingonecard toeachrecusantnamed in theRolls, andarrangedthe cards in an alphabetical sequence . Hethen began typing up his material, but, it became clear duringthe lastyearsofhis life,thathewould nevercompletethe taskofeditingthisvolume, which wouldhavecompleted his lifetimestudyof the workingsofthe Exchequer Departments in dealing with theoffence of recusancy. Bythe time ofhis death in February 1978, Fr. Hughhad more or less completed the alphabetical list of recusants in the form in whichit appearsinthisvolume, and haddraftedsomesuggestionsfortheannotations hewishedtomake, whichmainlyconcerned the large number ofpriestsand prisoners whowere recorded intheRolls It has been mytask to annotate the material,towrite the introduction, and to prepare the materialforpublication

Scholars familiarwiththeworkofDomHugh Bowler,knowthat'byyears of dedicated study, with almost no outside help, he had arrived at an unparalleled knowledge of the penal legislation which successive English governments had enacted against their Catholicfellow-citizens , andofthe complicated network of legal and fiscal procedures which the implementation oftheselaws required His hundred-page preface to volume 57 ofthe CatholicRecord Society's publications , RecusantRoll no.2, combines such technical mastery ofthe whole subject with suchprecision ofstatement and clarity of presentation that it has become universally recognised as the definitivetreatmentof its subject'14. It was, therefore , an easy decision to determine to produce this volume in a form, as near as possibletothatwhich Fr. Hughwouldhaveproduced had helived to complete the task . The drafts for footnotesthat Fr. Hughleft, reveal to the carefulstudent his particular knowledge ofBerkshire recusancy,andthe extentof his current reading inthe literature of recusant history. I have consciously maintained these slight emphases in his knowledge, and resisted the temptation to balance his knowledge ofBerkshire recusantswith any knowledge I might haveoftheir counterparts in Sussex.

Iam extremely gratefulto Fr.Abbot and the CommunityatDouai, who haveencouraged meto complete Fr. Hugh's work, and who havehelpedme greatlywith their hospitalityat Douai, and with theirgenerosity in making available to me much ofFr. Hugh's library. I am greatly indebted to the Editorial Committee of the Catholic Record Society for their advice and encouragement Most ofall, however, I am indebted to Fr. Hugh Bowler himself, for his friendship, his encouragement, and, above all, for his example

McCann July 1981

14. A.F.Allison and D.M.Rogers, in R.H., vol 15 , (1979), p.l.


Anasterisksignifiesmorethanonereferenceon a rotulet

AnstrutherI Godfrey Anstruther, The Seminary Priests, vol.I: 1558-1603(1960)













DNB Foley



LTR Morris

MR Pollen




CatholicRecord SocietyPublications

Miscellanea I (1905)


John HungerfordPollen, Unpublished Documents relating totheEnglish Martyrs, vol I: 1584-1603(1908)

EdwinH.Burtonand Thomas L.Williams, The DouayCollegeDiaries. Third, Fourth and Fifth, 1598-1654. 2vol (1911)

M.M.C. Calthrop,RecusantRollno 1: 1592-1593(1916)

Miscellanea XII(1921)

Miscellanea XV(1936)

Hugh Bowler , RecusantRollno 2: 1593-1594(1965)

Anthony G. Petti, RecusantDocuments fromthe Ellesmere Manuscripts(1968)

Hugh Bowler , Recusant Roll no 3: 1594-1595, and RecusantRollno 4: 1595-1596(1970)

Richard Challoner,MemoirsofMissionaryPriests (1924)


H. Foley, Records oftheEnglishProvince ofthe Society of Jesus 7 vol (1877-83)

J. Cordy Jeaffreson, Middlesex County Records, 1549-1688.4vol

T.F. Knox, First and SecondDiaries oftheEnglish College, Douay(1878)

Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer

John Morris, The Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers (1872, 1877)

Memoranda Roll

John HungerfordPollen , Acts oftheEnglish Martyrs(1891)

Public Record Office

Queen's Remembrancer



J.andJ.A.Venn, AlumniCantabrigienses(1922)


K.R.Wark, Elizabethan RecusancyinCheshire(1971)


ABINGTON , Richard, esq , ofBromyard , Herefords 12 months recusancy from 1 Sept. 1586:convicted 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30). Rental of lands seized 1588.IX(25v), X(28), XI(28), XII(28).

ABRAHAM , Thomas, 'yom",of Harrow,Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 6 June 1587:conv 1 Dec. 1587.VIII(38v)

ACTON,Joan, wifeofEdmund Acton, 'yeoman' , ofAlbie[Aldeby], Norf 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54)

ADAM,David,[ ], ofRaglan, Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48).

ADAM,Margaret , [ ], (ofsame parish: same period andconviction date).-VIII(48).

ADAM , Thomas PhilipWilliam, 'yoman' (ofsame par.:sameperiod& convictiondate).VIII(48).Record ofland-seizure,24 Oct.1588.IX(42v). Rental ofseized lands .IX(42v),X(50), XI(45).

ADAMS, Elizabeth , wifeofThomasAdams, 'yom" ,ofWinterbourne [St.] Martin, Dorset 2mths recusancyfrom 1 May 1587:conv .4 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(19)

ADAMS, John, 'clericus" , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner] 6mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5,whenconvicted.V(52v).

ADYN, Robert, yom' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner] 4 mths recusancy ending 22 July1583, whenconvicted .IV(49v). Debt re-enrolled.― VI(51),

ALDWORTHE ,Alice, wifeof[ ]Aldworthe, [ ], of'LongeCoome' , Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 7 Mar. 1587/8 . VIII(35v)

ALFORDE, Thomas , gent , ofSt. Bride par ,Farringdon WardWithout , London 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1587:conv 10 July1587.VIII(38v).

ALKINTON,Alkington,Mary, 'spinster' , ofSt. Dunstan par.,Canterbury , Kent,wifeofSamuelAlkinton, [ ], oftheCityofCanterbury. 9mths recusancyending4 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted;and onelater convictiondated 15 July 1583.III(28v)* Debts re-enrolled V(30)* .

ALLEN, Thomas, 'yeoman' , of Bedhampton , Hants 2mths recusancyfrom 25 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(67).

ALLENSON,Isabel, 'spinster' ,ofWyresdale, Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

ALLETT,William, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner].4 mths recusancyending20 July1584 , when convicted V(50v).

ALLOTT, Thomas, gent , ofStanfeild [Stainfield ], Lindsey,Lincs 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv . 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(44v) Debt re-enrolled .X(16v). Record ofland-seizure, 12 Aug.1588.IX(40v). Rental ofseized landsIX(9), X(42), XI(42), XII(41) John Bendbow's lease ofseized landsfrom4 June 1590X(16), XI(42), XII(41v).

1. JohnAdams (Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 1,2)

2. WilliamAllett (Cf. AnstrutherI, p 6, underAllot)

ALMON ,Ann, spinster,ofWhilpshire[Wilpshire], Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v)

ALMOND, Robert , 'Taleor' , ofDinckeley, Lancs (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(40v).

ALMOND ,Margaret, hiswife(samepar , period andconvictiondate)- X(40v).

ALSOPP, Isabel, wifeof Richard Alsopp, [ ],ofHamstallRidware ,Staffs. 8mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1585 : conv 13 Mar. 1585/6VI(63v).

ALSTON,James, 'taleor' , ofWhalley , Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(40)

ALTE,Aulte,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofBubton [Bupton ], Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21)

ALTE,Aulte, Mary, 'spinster'(same par., period &convictiondate)- VIII(21).

ALTE,Aulte, Ralph, [ ],ofSpital , par ofBarton [Blount], Derbys (same periodofconvictiondate)-VIII(21).Goodsvalue£2-9-8 seized 27 Jan. 1588/9.IX(17v).

ANDERTON,Alice, wid., ofEuxton, Leyland par , Lancs.4mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar.(?)1585/6: conv. 8 Aug. 1586:andonelater convictiondated25 Mar. 1588X(35),VIII(21v)

ANDERTON,Jane, 'spinster' , ofWestby, Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv.22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39v).

ANDROES,Gilbert, gent , ofLedbury, Herefords 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586 : conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(30).

ANNE,Alice, [ ], ofBrotherton, W.R.Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27). Goodsvalue£20seized 8 Apr. 1589.IX(22v).

ANNE,George,esq , ofFrickley,W.R. Yorks. 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588 : conv [?]XI(10v) Record ofland-seizure , 25 Jan. 1590/1 . (ibid.). Rental ofseized landsXII(24)

ANNE,Gervase,gent.,ofFrickley,Yorks Rental oflandsseized 28 Aug. 1591XI(10v),XII(24). Seized landslet to John Twiste andGeorge HillfromMich. 1591XII(11v)

ANSLOWE,Katherine , wid , ofCastleton [Chastleton],Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).See ONSLOWE .

APPRICE,Elizabeth , 'spinster' , ofTansor , Northants . 12mths recusancy from 31 July 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1588/9IX(47).

APPRICE,John, gent. , ofAstwicke, Beds. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom6 July 1587:conv 12 Mar. 1588/9IX(1v)

APPRICE,William,gent , ofHigham Gobion , Beds 3 mths recusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1587 : conv.20 Mar. 1587/8VIII(1).

APRICE,Robert, esq., [ofWashingley , Hunts ]6 mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1587.Fine(£120)paid 28 Nov. 1588VIII(7v).Annualfine (£260)from27 Sept. 1588 paid QuitIX(5v),X(6v), XI(6v),XII(6v).

APRICE, aliasDAVIE,Richard, 'yeom",ofWindlebury[Wendlebury ], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar.


1587/8VIII(35) SeePRICEalias DAVIE, Alice, (wife)

ARDEN,Ann, wifeofJohn Arden, gent , ofCottesford [Cottisford], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv .7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

ARDEN ,Mary,wid , ofCoughton,Warwicks 3 mths recusancyfrom 12 May 1587: conv. 15 Mar. 1587/8VIII(76).

ARDEN, Thomas, gent., ofSt. George'spar , Southwark , Surrey 5 mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 17 July 1587IX(54).

ARDINGTON, Beatrice, wifeofHenryArdington, gent ,ofWestAshall, Yorks 2mths recusancyfrom4 Jan. 1585/6: conv 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v).

ARDINGTON , Katherine , wid , ofArdington[Arthington], W.R.Yorks. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VI(20v). See ARTHINGTON

ARMIGER, Grace, wid., ofSwilland , Suff 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

ARNETT,Joan, wifeofRogerArnett, 'yom" ,ofWinterbourne [St]Martin, Dorset.2mths recusancyfrom 1 May 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(19)

ARNOLD,Margery, wifeofThomas Arnold, 'yoman' ,ofHamstall Ridware , Staffs 8 mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1585: conv . 13 Mar. 1585/6:and a laterconviction dated 1 Aug. 1586VI(63v)*

ARROWSMITHE,Jane, 'spinster' , ofHeydock [Haydock ],Winwickpar., Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35)

ARROWSMITHE, Thurstan , 'husb' , (ofsame par) 3 mths recusancyfrom 10 Oct. 1581:conv 18 Jan. 1581/2II(38v).Debt re-enrolledVIII(46)

ARROWSMITHE,Thurstan, 'husband" , ofSalford, par ofManchester , Lancs.[prisoner]3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Jan. 1581/2:conv .2 May 1582: andtwolaterconvictions , ending 22 Jan. 1583/4II(38v)* , IV(37) Debtsre-enrolledIV(42v), VI(39), VIII(46)*

ARRUNDELL,SirJohn,knt,[ofCornwall] 14 mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1586/7 to29 Oct. 1588: fine (£280) paid. QuitVIII(8) Oneyear's recusancyfrom29 Oct. 1588 : fine(£260) paid QuitIX(6).

ARRUNDELL,John, esq , ofLondon, aliasofLanherne,Cornwall. 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1591 to 7 Apr. 1592: fine(£60)paid.Quit― XI(7v).6mthsrecusancyfrom7 Apr.1592 to22 Sept. 1592:fine (£120) paid QuitXII(7v)

ARTHINGTON , Rosamund, wifeofSerillArthington, esq , ofArthington, W.R. Yorks. 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27). SeeARDINGTON.

ASHEBURNHAM, John , esq , ofAshburnham , Sussex 3 mths recusancy from 1 Nov. 1588 : conv 27 June 1589IX(53) Recordoflandseizure, 13 Apr. 1590X(67).Summary ofdebtsfor recusancy, 22 Sept. 1589 to 18 Oct. 1592: 27mths (£510)-XI(57).

ASHEBURNHAM,William,esq., ofAshburnham, Sussex.2mths


recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v). Record ofland-seizure, 17 Jan. 1588/9IX(54v).Rentalofseized landsX(65v),XI(55v) Seized landslet toThomasPalgraveand John Murfynefrom2 Dec. 1590X(67),XI(55v), XII(56v)

ASHECOMBE, 'Marthea' , wifeofOliverAshecombe, gent , ofLiforde [Lyford], Berks 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586 : conv.4Mar. 1587/8VIII(5).

ASPINWALL , Richard , 'schoolmaster' , ofSalford, par ofManchester , Lancs [prisoner] 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Feb. 1582/3:conv. 22 Jan. 1584/5IV(37).Debt re-enrolledIV(42v), VI(39)

ASPINWALL , Richard, 'scolem[aster]' , ofLathom,Ormskirkpar., Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587 : conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

ASPINWALL , Richard , 'husb" , ofBickerstaff, Ormskirkpar., Lancs (same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-X(35).

ASSHETON,Margaret , ofBamfurlong, Lancs , wife ofRichard Assheton , [ ]. 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(38).

ASTELL,Henry, 'yoman' , ofSt. George'spar. ,Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]. 5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv 17 July 1587IX(54).

ASTON,William, gent ,ofOrforth [Orford], Warringtonpar., Lancs . 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38)

ATKINS,Robert, 'yoman' , ofBorstall[Boarstall], Bucks. 3 mths recusancy from 27 Mar. 1587:conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(3)

ATKINSON ,Alison,'spinster' ,ofWeeton, Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

ATKINSON,Margery,wid ,ofExelby, N.R.Yorks 13mthsrecusancy from 3 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

ATKYNSON,William,'yom" , ofRichmond , Yorks (samerecusancy periodandconvictiondate)-VIII(25v).

ATWOOD, Ann, wid., ofRowington, Warwicks 7 mths recusancyfrom 12 July 1586: conv. 15 Mar. 1587/8VIII(76).

ATWOOD,Margaret , wid , ofRockington [? Rowington ], Warwicks . 1mth recusancyfrom27 June 1588: conv 5 Mar. 1588/9IX(11v).

AUBERY, John, 'husb" , ofWhiteparish , Wilts 3 mths recusancyfrom 16 Apr. 1588 : conv 11 July 1588VIII(74v).


AVIS,Thomas, 'fletcher' , ofBurySt. Edmund ,Suff 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

AWDECOCK, Alice, wifeofThomas Awdecock , [ ], ofthe cityofYork.4 mths recusancyfrom28 Mar. 1581: conv 17 July1581-1(8).DebtreenrolledIII(10), V(8), VII(8), IX(8).

AWDLEY,Elizabeth , 'spinster' , ofSporle, Norf 2mths recusancyfrom 24 Jan. 1588/9:conv.7 July 1589IX(45v).Debt re-enrolledXI(48)

AWDLEY ,Margaret ,wifeofPhilipAwdeley, esq. , ofStoweBedon ,Norf. 3 mths recusancyfrom13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54)

AWSTYNE, Roger, 'yoman' , of Westminster, Middx[?prisoner]. 1 mth recusancyfrom6 Oct. 1587:conv. 29 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v)

BABTHORPE, Grace, wifeofRalph Bapthorpe, esq , ofOsgarbye [Osgodby], E.R.Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).

BACHE , Katherine John, 'spinster' , ofRaglan,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancy from24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

BACKWELL,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofLangford[Longford], Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

BACKWELL, Richard , 'husb" ,(same par. , recusancyperiod&conviction date)-VIII(21)

BACKWELL,Robert , 'husb" ,(samepar , recusancyperiod&conviction date)-VIII(21)

BADGER, Eleanor , wifeofJohn Badger, gent., ofHanley Castle, Worcs.6 mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv.25 July1588VIII(80v).

BADGER,William, 'yeoman' , ofYeastley[Iffley], Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586 : conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

BAILIE,Anthony, [ ], ofAshbyMagna , Leics 9mths recusancyending 10 Aug. 1587 ,when convictedVIII(45v).

BAILIE , Katherine , wifeofThomas Bailie, 'yeom" ,ofBrodwell [Broadwell ], Oxfords 12 mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

BAKEN,Alice,'spinster' , ofLangford[Longford], Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21)

BAKER, James , 'yom", ofDorchester, Dorset 5mths recusancyfrom 23 Mar. 1583/4: conv.24Aug. 1584IV(16v): andonelater convictiondated 28 Feb. 1585/6 - VI(16)

BAKER , John, 'yom",ofYeatmister [Yetminster ], Dorset. 10mths recusancyfrom 1 May 1583: conv.Lent1583/4IV(16v).

BAKER,Philip, 'sacretheolog'doctor" , ofSt. Botolph'spar , Bishopsgate Ward,London 3 mths recusancyfrom6 Oct. 1583: conv. 30 Dec. 1583IV(32v).Debt re-enrolledVI(34).

BAKER,Doctor,'clericus' ,ofSt.MaryMagdalenepar ,boroughof Southwark,Surrey. 3 mths recusancy(period not specified):conv. 5 July1588VIII(63).

BAKER,Philip, gent , 3, ofStepney, London 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Mar. 1587/8: conv 28 June 1588IX(37).

BAKEWELL, Robert, 'husb" , ofHamstall Ridware, Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587: conv . 22 July1588VIII(58).

3. Philip Baker (Cf.DNBIII, p 14) Ordained deaconat Norwich, but no furtherecclesiastical advancement traced (Cf.Venn) Hewasimprisoned inthe PoultryCounter inApr. 1584 , andwas three times indicted forrecusancy in London, twice as acleric (beginning 30 Dec. 1583), and finally (on 28June 1588) as a layman Hewasburied at St.Margaret's , FridaySt., Londonon 12Aug. 1590.Acopy ofhiswill(in which hedescribeshimselfa 'preist') is PCC Drury57 .


BALDWYNE,Alexander , 'milner' , of Swynden[Swinden ,nrColne], Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(40)

BALL,Robert, 'yom" ,par.ofSt. Gilesin theFields,Middx.3 mths recusancyfrom 21 Jan. 1586/7: conv 31 May 1587VIII(38v).

BAMBER ,George, [ ], ofWestby , Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v)

BAMBER , ],hiswife(same par , recusancyperiod & convictiondate)- X(39v).

BAMFORD,Agnes, 'spinster' , ofKircklangeley [KirkLangley],Derbys. 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586 : conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

BAMFORD, Elizabeth , 'spinster' , ofWest Hallam, Derbys (same recusancyperiod & convictiondate)-VIII(21).

BANCK, Elizabeth, wid ,ofWrightington, Ecclestonpar , Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35)

BANCK,John, 'husb" (same par.,recusancyperiod &convictiondate)- X(35).

BANISTER, Bannester, Ann, wid. ,ofHurstewood [Burnleypar ],Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

BANISTER, Edward , gent. , ofIdsworth, Hants . 2mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv. 15 May 1581: andonelaterconvictiondated 24 Apr. 1582III(50v)* .Debtsre-enrolledV(56), VI(54).Record ofland-seizurein Hants, 30 Oct. 1587VIII(68v).Rental oflands seized in HantsVIII(68v), X(69) Record ofland-seizureinHants, 22 Apr.1588VIII(67) Lands seized inHants lettoWilliamStyle from Mich 1588VIII(68v), IX(57v), X(68v),XI(59v),XII(60v) Record ofland-seizureinSussex ,20 Sept. 1587VIII(63). Rental of seized landsinSussexVIII(64).Arrearage ofrent : Sussex lands― X(66v), XI(57) Seizedlandsin Sussex lettoRichard Bellingham from 6 Mar. 1588/9X(65v),XI(55v),XII(56v).

BANISTER , James, gent , ofParkehill, [Whalleypar ], Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(40)

BARBOR,Ann, wifeofJohn Barbor , 'yeoman' , ofSt.MaryMagdalen par., OxfordCity. 12 mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv .7Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

BARBOR, Thomas apJohn, 'yoman' , ofTregaier [Tregare], Mon. 12mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1582: conv. 12 July 1583III(45): andtwo laterconvictions ending 31 July 1584IV(38v)* Debtsre-enrolledII(38), V(40v), VI(40v)*

BARBOR,Thomas John, 'yom",ofTregaier [Tregare],Mon.8mths recusancyfrom 19 July1585: conv . 1 Mar. 1585/6VI(40v):andtwo later convictions ending 20 Mar. 1586/7VI(40), (40v).

BARBOR, William, 'labourer' , ofGreat Malvern, Worcs. 2 mthsrecusancy from 7 Apr. 1588 : conv.6 Mar. 1588/9 -IX(70v).

BARHAM ,Eliz. , 'spinster' , ofpar ofSt. Dunstan, Canterbury, Kent [? prisoner] 9 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1, conviction undatedII(28):and threelaterconvictions ending22 Feb.

1583/4III(28v)* , IV(12), V(30) Debt re-enrolledVI(12).

BARKELEY , LadyAlice, wid. , ofHolborne, Middx. 2 mths recusancyfrom 2 July 1589: conv. 3 Dec. 1589IX(37)

BARKER,Ann, 'spinster' , ofDore, inDron(e)feildpar. ,Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

BARKER,John, 'husb" , ofCharnockRichard , Lancs 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

BARKER,Laurence, 'clericus' , 4 ofSwinnerton [Swynnerton], Staffs 12 mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v).

BARLEY,Thomas,gent.,of[ JinHathersagepar , Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

BARLOWE, Alexander , esq , ofSalford, Manchesterpar , Lancs [prisoner] 13 mths recusancyfrom6 May 1583: conv 18 Mar. 1584/5IV(46v) Debt re-enrolledVI(39)

BARLOWE,Thomas , recusant, of Hathersedge[Hathersage], Derbys. Goodsvalue£4-5-8seized 27 Jan.1588/9IX(17v).

BARLOWE,Walter, 'clericus' , ofRydware Hamstall [Hamstall Ridware], Staffs.4mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv.2 Aug. 1582II(14).Debtre-enrolledIV(62),VI(63)

BARLOWE,Barloth, Walter, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner].s 6 mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5,whenconvictedV(52v)

BARLOWE,Walter, 'clericus' , 'latelyofStafford'[entryunder 'Staff"]. s 4 mths recusancyfrom13 Mar. 1585/6: conv 1 Aug.1586VI(63v).

BARMBYE, Beatrice, wifeofThomas Barmbye,gent.,ofCalthorne [Cawthorne ],W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv . 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v). [SeeBarnabye, Barneby]

BARNABYE, Thomas, gent , ofBarnabye Hall, W.R.Yorks.Fined £50by HighCommissioners for'contempt ofcourt' , 15856V(23v).

BARNARD, Joan, wid , ofStaunton Harecourt [Stanton Harcourt], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

BARNEBY, Beatrice, wifeofThomas Barneby, esq., ofBarneby [Barnbyupon-Don : W.R.], Yorks. 2 mths recusancyfrom4 Jan.1585/6: conv . 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v).

4. Laurence Baker Unidentified Possibly oneof the priests serving the Fitzherberts of Swynnerton , Staffs

5. WalterBarlow Apre-Elizabethan priest, hewasimprisoned forfourmonthsinthe Marshalsea in 1582 (Cf. CRS II, p 240.) Heseems to havebeendomiciled in Staffs, andwas apparently another chaplain oftenemployed by theFitzherberts .

6. Three YorkshireCatholics had beenordered tobringtheirwives before theHigh Commissioners on MondayafterMichaelmas Day(4 Oct. 1585)to answerfortheircontinuous refusal toattend theAnglicanchurch services.They were John PalmesofNaburne , ER Yorks, esq ., (Cf. footnote228), Thomas Barnabye , and GeorgeFowbery ofNewbald , ER Yorks , (Cf. footnote89) Neither Palmes, nor his wifeappeared Barnabye and Fowbery bothappeared,but withouttheirwives ... 'quiauxores suas divinisofficiisin ecclesiainteresserecusanteset abhorrentes ,tuncsecumintroducere neglexerunt ' . Whenthe HighCommission metat Bishopthorpe on Tuesday 2 Nov. 1585 (Cf. M.R., Q.R.,28Eliz , HilaryTerm , 'recorda' .- E . 159/390, rotulet207.)under EdwinSandys, ArchbishopofYork, Palmeswasfined£100forthis 'manifest contempt and contumacy' Barnaby and Fowberrywerefined£50each(q.v.)

BARNES, 'Avis' , 'spinster' , ofHanleyCastle, Worcs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1586 : conv 28 Mar. 1588VIII(77)

BARNES ,Margaret , 'spinster' (same parish, period , andconviction date)-VIII(77).

BARNES,Thomas, 'yeoman' (same parish, period , andconviction date) VIII(77).

BARNES ,Margaret , hiswife(same parish , period , andconvictiondate)- VIII(77).

BARNEY,Ralph , gent ,ofMarten[Merton],Norfolk 3mths recusancy from 13 Apr. 1587 : conv. 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54). Recordoflandseizure, 18 Oct. 1588IX(45) Rental of lands seized 18 Oct. 1588IX(45)* ,X(52v),XI(46v),XII(47v).

BARON , Isabel, [ 1,ofCharnockRichard , Lancs 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38v)

BARON, Laurence, 'laborer' , ofGreatCrosby , Lancs (same recusancy period andconvictiondate)-X(38).

BARRETT,Eliz.,'spinster' , ofChippenham , Cambs. 10mthsrecusancy from 1 Sept. 1586 : conv.24 Mar. 1587/8VIII(7v).

BARRETT,Ursula , 'spinster' , ofKirtleton[? Kirtlington], Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

BARROWE, Henry, gent., ofSt. Sepulchrepar. , Farringdon WardWithout London[prisoner]7 . 12 mths recusancyfrom 18 Apr. 1587:conv

30 Apr.1588VIII(38v)

BARROWE, Henry, gent., of Thornage, Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

BARROWE, Jane, wifeofJames Barrowe, esq., ofBullingham , inthepar. WoofSt.Martin, Hereford. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 June 1581: conv. 26 June 1582II(64).And9 later convictions , ending 3 Aug. 1584II(64)* ,III(27), IV(64v)* , V(26), (26v)* .

BARROWE,Jane, wid , ofBullingham , in thepar ofSt. Martin, Hereford 2mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1584/5: conv ult Feb. 1584/5V(26v).And 2 later convictions , ending 25 July 1586V(26v), VI(25)

BARROWE, Jane, wid , ofthe par ofSt. Nicholas , Hereford 2mths recusancyfrom 13 Dec. 1585: conv. 10 Feb. 1585/6VI(25).And onelater convictiondated 18 Mar. 1586/7VI(25).

BARTON, Ann, wid , of BartonRoo, Lancs 4mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:convictionundatedVI(40v). Goodsvalue£40-10s seized 24 Oct. 1587X(40v).Record oflandsseized 24 Oct. 1587X(40v) Rental of landsseized 24 Oct.1587XII(44).

BARTON,Godfrey, 'yoman' , ofWestminster [prisoner]. 3 mths recusancy from 20 Mar. 1587/8: conv 28 June 1588IX(37)

7. HenryBarrowe AfounderofCongregationalism (Cf.DNB ), hewasexecutedatTyburn, 6 Apr. 1593 , forpublishingseditious tracts Seefootnote104

BARTON, John, 'sonofRichard Barton , esq , deceased' ,ofBarton, Broughtonpar., Lancs 3 mths recusancyfrom 21 May1587:conv. 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v)

BARTON, Sybil , 'spinster' , ofHanley,Worcs 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv.6 Mar. 1588/9 - IX(70v).

BASSETT, Joan, wid , ofthe par.ofChishull[? CheesehillSt.Peter, Winchester], Hants 2mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: convictionundatedIII(50v) And onelater conviction,?in Oct. 1582. Debtsre-enrolledV(56)* .

BASTERD , Bastard , Francis, gent. , ofNewington ,Middx 12mths am recusancyfrom2 Jan. 1582/3:conv 20 Jan. 1583/4IV(32v).On same days, convicted alsoof hearing Masson 1 Dec. 1583 inSt. Bride's par.,FarringdonWardWithout London(fined 100marks).- IV(32v).Both debtsre-enrolledVI(34).

BASTION, Eliz.,wifeofWilliam Bastion ofSaunderton, Bucks , 'yeoman' . 3mths recusancyfrom27 Mar. 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1588VIII(3).

BAUGHE, Leonard , 'yoman' , of Cumberton [? Comberton ], Worcs 2 mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v).

BAXTER, Francis, gent., ofMarten[Merton],Norfolk. 3 mths recusancy from 13 Apr. 1587 : conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

BEAKE,John, gent , ofpar ofSt. Dunstan, Canterbury ,Kent [? prisoner] 9mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1590/1, conviction undatedII(28): andthreelaterconvictions , ending 22 Feb. 1583/4III(28v)* , IV(12), V(30) Debt re-enrolled -VI(12)

BEAND[? Beavan], Merrick, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar.1587/8VIII(48v).

BEANE[? Beavan], Joan David Powell , wifeofJohn MorganBeane ,[ ], ofUsk ,Mon.(same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(49).

BECKETT,Robert , esq . /gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted:and2later convictions , ending20 July 1584IV(49v)* ,V(52v) DebtreenrolledVI(51).

BECKETT, Robert , esq., ofCortider[Cartuthermanor house],Cornwall Goods value 18sseized 11 Jan. 1588/9X(8). Rental oflandsseized 11 Jan. 1588/9X(8).John Wingfeild'slease, dated Ladyday 1589 , ofseized landsIX(6), X(8), XI(7), XII(7)

BECKWITH , Katherine , wifeofThomas Beckwith,gent ,ofKillinghall, Ripley par , W.R. Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

BECONSHAWE,John, gent., ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3 , whenconvicted: and2later convictions , ending 20 July 1584IV(49v)* , V(50v). Debt reenrolledVI(51).

8. Francis Basterd wascommittedtoNewgate, 10Jan. 1583/4, and wasstillthere 30 Sept. 1584 . (Cf. CRS II, pp 237,284 .)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

BECONSHAWE, Beconsawe, William, gent ,ofthe SokeofWinton ,par. ofChishull[Cheesehill] St. Peter, Hants 18mths recusancyfrom 15 May 1581 ,convictionundatedIII(50v): andthreelater convictions ending (? Sept.) 1584IV(53), V(56v)* .DebtsreenrolledV(56), VI(54).

BEDINGFEILD,Bedingefeild , Bedingfeld , Adam,gent ,ofFelmingham, Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

BEDINGFEILD, Edmund , gent., ofOxeborough [Oxborough ],Norf. (same recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(54).

BEDINGFEILD, Edmund , gent , ofWestleton , Suffolk 3 mths recusancy from 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

BEDINGFEILD, Eliz , wid , ofHolme Hale, Norf 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587:conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54) Record ofland-seizure , 18 Oct.1588IX(45).Rental oflandsseized 18 Oct.1588X(52v), XI(46v), XII(47v).

BEDINGFEILD, Henry, esq , ofOxborough ,Norf 9mths recusancyfrom 1 July 1582: conv 10 Mar. 1583/4IV(44v).

BEDINGFEILD, Henry,gent , of Oxborough , Norf. 3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr.1587 :conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

BEDINGFEILD, Humphrey,esq , ofDepeham[Deopham], Norf 11mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1581 : conv. 23 July 1582II(40) DebtreenrolledIII(72v), IV(40). Fourfines, eachof100 marks,incurred forhearingMasssaidby William Richar, aliasGardiner , at Quidenham, Norfolk,inthe 'mansion house'ofAnthonyTwaites , gent , onthefollowingdates , 6 May 1583 , 1 July 1583,2 Sept. 1583 and 16 Sept. 1583 , 'againstthe form ofthe statute'[23 Eliz., c 1 (1581)]; convictions undatedIV(44v). 8mths recusancyfrom 12 July 1583: conv Lent 1583/4IV(44v), and threelaterconvictions , ending Lent1586/7V(46v)*,VI(25v). Debts (forrecusancy)re-enrolledV(41v), VI(41v), VII(41)* Record ofland -seizure, 26 Sept. 1587VIII(51). Rental oflandsseized 26 Sept. 1587VIII(6v), IX(43v),X(52v),XI(46v).RichardWeston's lease , from 29 May 1590, ofseized landsX(81), XI(46v),XII(47v).

BEDINGFEILD,John, esq., ofRedlingfeld [Redlingfield ], Suffolk 35mths recusancyending 7 July 1583 ,whenconvictedVI(58):and twolater convictions , ending 10 July 1588VI(58)*,VIII(73). DebtreenrolledX(64) Lands seized and let byCrown toWilliamDunston , asfrom 14 June 1588VIII(72), IX(63 ), X(63), XI(65), XII(66).

BEDINGFEILD ,Margaret , hiswife 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv.27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

BEDINGFEILD,Laurence, gent., ofHolme Hale,Norf. 3 mths recusancy from 13 Apr. 1587 : conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

9. HumphreyBedingfield (Cf. CRSXXII, p 56footnote)

BEDINGFEILD, 'Nazarena' , 'spinster' , of Oxborough ,Norf.(same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(54).

BEDINGFEILD, Thomas , gent., ofFelmingham ,Norf.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(54).

BEE, Robert , 'carpenter' , ofBarnacre [Garstang], Lancs 12 mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39)

BEISLEY, Richard , 'yoman' (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(39)

BELL, James , 'clericus'10 , ofSalfordintheparish ofManchester , Lancs . [prisoner]. 12mths recusancyfrom20 Feb. 1582/3: conv.22 Jan. 1583/4IV(37) Debt re-enrolledIV(42v),VI(39). "Fine of200marks incurred forsayinga private Masson27 Dec. 1583 atGolburne[Golborne], Lancs , 'in thehouseofacertain Lucy; against theform ofa statute ofthefirst year[sic]ofthesaidQueen's reign,uponwhich he wasconvicted'IV(37) Debt re-enrolledIV(42v), VI(39).

BELLAMY,Ann, 'spinster' , ofHarrow(e), Middx. 3 mths recusancyfrom 6 June 1587:conv 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v)

BELLAMY , Faith('Fides'), 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(38v).

BELLAMY, Katherine , wifeofRichard Bellamy,gent , ofHarrowe, Middx. (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate).VIII(38v).

BELLAMY,Mary, 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date).-VIII(38v)

BELLAMY, Robert, gent., ofSt. Botolph'spar , BishopsgateWard Without London.Fine of 100marks incurred for hearingMassinhis house, situated in the aboveparish ofSt. Botolph, saidon30 Jan. 1585/6 byWilliam Thomson , aliasBlackborn , latelyofLondon , 'clericus'12. Bellamy wasconvicted andfined forthis offence atthe OldBailey, London, on 18 Apr.1586.With him weresimilarly convicted andfined, forhearing the same Mass, thefollowingfive laymen (q.v.):Richard Webster,RogerLyne , Richard Reighnoldes, Benjamin Stockwithe andWilliam Higham .VI(34v).

BELLAMY , Thomas, gent.,ofHarrowe,Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 6 June 1587:conv 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v).

BELLOUS,'Jenetta' , 'spinster' , ofLedston, W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancy from 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27)

BELSON , Ann, wid. , ofIxill [Ixhill] Lodge, Okeley [Oakley], Bucks.3mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(3).

BELSON ,Augustine , gent , ofOkeley [Oakley], Bucks (samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(3).

10. JamesBell (Cf. Challoner , pp. 100 , 101.)

11. Aclericalerroris evident here Theamountofthe fineimposed forsayingMass(200marks) indicates thattheStatute upon whichhewasconvicted wasnot 'I Eliz c.1' , but '23Eliz c.1' . The trial tookplaceat the Sessionsofthe Peace , Manchester , on22Jan. 1583/4

12. Robert Bellamy shelteredWilliam Thomson , alias Blackburn , who wasmartyred atTyburn in1586 ,forsaying massin hishouse (Cf.AnstrutherI,p. 351 , under Thomson )


BELSON ,Eleanor , 'spinster' , ofOakley, Bucks (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(3)

BELSON ,Isabel, 'spinster' , wifeofWilliam BelsonofBrill,Bucks (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(3).

BELSON ,Margaret, wifeofAugustine BelsonofBrill, Bucks (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(3).

BELSON , Thomas, gent.,ofOakley, Bucks. 13 12mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1587/8: conv 23 June 1589IX(70).

BELSTONE[BELSON], Augustine , gent., ofOkeley [Oakley],Bucks ,with Ann Belstone[Belson], wid. , ofIxhill Lodge, Bucks. ,recusants. Two-thirdsoflandsat IxhillLodge, Brill andOakley seized [date notmentioned], and let byCrownto Richard Brewster, gent.,from 4 Jan. 1589/90 LeasecancelledinHilaryterm1589/90 Brewster discharged;ref inannotation14IX(1v).

BENCE , Richard , 'husb" , ofStonehouse, Gloucs.5mthsrecusancyfrom 26 Mar. 1587: conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8VIII(82)

BENNETT,Ann, 'spinster' , ofWestby , Lancs. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39v).

BENNETT, Eliz., ofWestby, Lancs. , wifeofWilliam Bennett,(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

BENNETT, Ellen, ofWestby,Lancs , wifeofGeorgeBennett, 'husb" , (samerecusancyperiod and conviction date)-X(39v)

BENNETT, Jane, wifeofThomas Bennett, 'husb" , (same parish,recusancy period andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

BENTLEY,Katherine ,ofBentley inthepar ofLangford[Longford], Derbys , wifeofEdwardBentley[ 1.10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586:conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

BERISFORD , Humphrey,gent , ofFennibentlie [Fenny Bentley], Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8-

VIII(21). Record ofpropertyseized 13 Apr. 1588 forthe satisfaction ofa'pre-1587'debt of£1,220 forrecusancy(cf. statute 28 Eliz ,cap. 6): i.e. two-thirdsofan annuityof £5 granted toBerisford, 'duringthe termofhisimprisonment ' , bythe willofFrancisRolston ofMayfeild, Staffs., esq. , defunct, the executorsbeingMary, relict ofthesaid Francis Rolston, andJohn Vernon of Sudbury, Derbys ,esq.VIII(20v), (21v).

13. Thomas Belson, third sonofAugustineBelson,gent , of Brill, Bucks , and Margaret Scarning , hiswife , wasexecuted , 5 July1589 , for assisting two priests in OxfordGeorgeNichols and Richard Yaxleywho wereexecuted immediately before him (Cf. CRSX , p.254footnote.)

14. Afullerspecificationofthe seizedlands shows'onemessuagecalled Ixhill Lodge and40 acresofarable land, lyinginthe common fields ofthe neighbouring towns (Brill andOakley), and 30acresofmeadow and pasture whichtheyoccupy in demesneto the said Lodge,withthe keeping ofHer Majesty'sgameinIxhill and Titherslade parcel ofHerMajesty's forest of Barnewood , being worthyearly byestimation £ 13-6-8 William,secondsonofAugustine ,claimed that thesaid lands had beengranted to him byindenture dated 20Apr. 1582.Williamwasnotaconvicted recusant SirJohn Popham ,AttorneyGeneral, agreedthatthe lands should bereturned to William . Thiswasdone bythe Barons ofthe Exchequer (Cf.M.R., L.T.R. , 31 Eliz ,HilaryTerm, 'Recorda' sectionE . 368/454, mem 133.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

BERKELEY,William, 'laborer' , ofWendlebury ,Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

BESLYN, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofWilton,Wilts. 3 mths recusancyfrom 16 Apr. 1588: conv 11 July 1588VIII(74v)

BETHAM , Joan, 'spinster' , ofAdwell, Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

BETHAM,Nicholas , gent. , (of same parish, same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(35v)

BETHAM, Robert , gent. (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(35v).

BETTAIN, Margery,wifeofChristopher Bettain,gent. ,ofAdwell, Oxfords (same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(35).

BEZANTE, Eliz , 'spinster' , ofSt. Saviour's par , Southwark ,Surrey [? prisoner]. 3 mths recusancy[undated]:conv . 5 July 1588VIII(63).

BICKARDICK,Eliz., [ ],ofKirkeDighton[KirkDeighton], W.R.

Yorks. 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27 BICKERSON). ,Anthony, 'yeoman' , ofBidford[-on-Avon],Warwicks.3

mths recusancyfrom12 May 1587:conv 15 Mar. 1587/8VIII(76).

BICKERSON ,[ 1, 'spinster' , his wife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(76)

BIDDOLPHE, Richard , gent., ofBiddulph(e), Staffs 6mthsrecusancy from 6 Sept. 1587: conv. 22 July1588.VIII(58)

BIGGE ,Cicily,[ 1 ,ofCromarshe [Crowmarsh ], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v)

BIRCHE,Burche, Edward , 'husb" ,ofMalsall[?Walsall ], Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1587: conv 22 July1588VIII(58). Goods value £33-3sseized 4 Sept. 1589X(14). Record ofland-seizure , 4 Sept. 1589X(78v).Rental oflands seized 4 Sept. 1589X(7v), XI(64v),XII(65v).

BIRCHE, aliasofCOWPER , Thomas

BIRCHELL,Edmund ,[ from 1 , ofEtwall,Derbys 10mths recusancy 9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

BLACK,Edward, 'yoman' , ofBledlowe , Bucks 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).

BLACKWALL , James, 'laborer' , ofPadley, Hatherseche[Hathersage] parish, Derbys 12mths recusancyfrom 1 July1587: conv. 14 Mar. 1588/9.IX(17v).

BLAKEY, John , 'batcheler', ofColne , Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

BLEASDALE, Henry, 'husb" , ofChipping, Lancs (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(39).

BLENKYNSOPP ,Henry, esq., of'BurghesubtusStaynmore'[Brough under Stainmore], Westmld 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 June 1588:conv. 5 Aug. 1588.IX(69)

BLENKYNSOPP ,Margery, wid , (sameparish, recusancyperiodand

RECUSANTS 1581-1592


BLISSARD,Ann, wifeofWilliam Blissard, 'husb" ,ofEvesham,Worcs.6 mths recusancyfrom29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July1588.VIII(80v).

BLOCKEWOOD, Richard , 'yeoman' , ofCharsfeild ,Suff.3mthsrecusancy from 8 Apr. 1587 : conv. 27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73)

BLOMER , Martha, wifeofWilliam Blomer , gent., of Hatherop (p), Gloucs 5mths recusancyfrom 26 Mar. 1587: conv 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII (82)

BLUNDELL ,Eliz , wid , ofPreston, Lancs 13 mthsrecusancyfrom 30 July 1587:conv 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

BLUNDELL , Ellen , wifeofThomas Blundell, 'yoman' ,ofCarreside , Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1. - X(38)

BLUNDELL ,Henry, 'servingman' , ofMuchCrosby,Lancs.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(38)

BLUNDELL,Margery, Margaret , 'spinster' , ofCrosbie, parish ofSefton , Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9: and onelater convictiondated22 Mar. 1590/1.X(35),(38)

BLUNDELL ,Margery,wid , ofCarreside, relictofWilliamBlundell. 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(38).

BLUNDELL,Mary, wifeofRobert Blundell, gent , ofInceblundell [Ince Blundell], Lancs (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)- X(38).

BLUNDELL ,Richard , esq., ofCrosbie, Sephton [Sefton]par., Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1596: conv.25 Mar. 1588: andonelater convictiondated 22 Mar. 1590/1.VIII(21v), X(38) Richard Urmeston's lease, from 12 Nov. 1591, oflandsseized 1 Sept. 1591.XII(44).

BLUNDELL,Ann, hiswife, ofCrosby, Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38)

BLUNDELL ,Richard , junior, gent , ofCrosbie, Sefton par , Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587:conv 17 Mar. 1588/9: and one laterconvictiondated 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(35), (38).

BLUNDELL,Robert, 'husb" , ofInceBlundell, Lancs 12mths recusancy from20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

BLUNDELL,'Jenetta' , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(38).

BLUNDELL,William, gent., ofCrosbye, parish of Sefton , Lancs . 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588 : andonelater convictiondated 17 Mar. 1588/9.VIII(21v),X(35)*.

BLUNDELL, 'Evelina' , ofCrosby, Lancs., wifeofWilliam Blundell. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

BLUNDELL, William, ofCrosby , Lancs , sonofRichard Blundell,esq. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondateasprecedingentry)- X(38).

BLUNTE, Eliz. , 'spinster' , ofAsteley [Astley], Worcs 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1586: conv.28 Mar. 1588: andonelaterconviction

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

dated25 July 1588.VIII(77), (80v)

BLUNTE,Francis, gent., ofAlchurch[Alvechurch ], Worcs 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July 1588.VIII(80v)

BLUNTE , Isabel,wid., ofBlithebury[Blithbury],Staffs., 'supposed

recusantandfugitive' Record ofland-seizure,4 Sept. 1589X(78v). Rental oflands seized 4 Sept. 1589X(7v),XI(64v), XII(65v)15 .

BLUNTE, Thomas, gent., ofAlchurche[Alvechurch ],Worcs 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588 : conv 6 Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v).

BLUNTE,Thomas, gent ,ofAstley,Worcs . 7mths recusancyfrom 1 July 1589: conv.[26 Feb.?] 1589/90. Record ofland-seizure, 16 Oct. 1590.X(75v).Rental oflands seized 16 Oct.1590.X(51v),XI(70), XII(71)

BLUNTE, Frances, wifeofThomas Blunte, gent , ofAstley, Worcs 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr.1587 : conv. 28 Mar. 1588: andonelater convictiondated 15 July1588.VIII(80), (80v).

BLUNTE,Walter, gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted; and6later convictions ending 16 Feb. 1586/7.III(58v), IV(49v)* , V(50v), (52v)*, VI(49v), (50)* , (51). Lands atKinston[?Kingstone], Utceter [Uttoxeter], Staffs , seized andlet byCrowntoHughCuffe,gent , from Michaelmas 1585VI(33v), VIII(16v), XI(64v), XII(65v)

BOBINSON ,William, 'yeoman' , ofWatlington, Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586 : conv.7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

BOBINSON ,Margery, hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(35v)

BOLBETT,Richard , 'yoman' , ofSt. Saviour's par.,Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner].5mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1586/7, when o convicted.VI(50)

BOMIELL ,Agnes, wid , of Eynsham,Oxfords. 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

BOLTE, Hugh,gent , ofChurch Eaton, Staffs 12mthsrecusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(78v).

BOLTON,Adam, 'yoman', ofSalebury [Salesbury],Blackburn par , Lancs . 1 mthrecusancyfrom 30 June 1588: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9: and 1 later convictiondated 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(35), (40).

BOLTON, Jane,his wife(ofsame parish). 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40v)

BOLTON, 'Adria' , wid , ofOverhilton[Over Hulton], Deanepar , Lancs . 2 mths recusancyfrom2 June 1588: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

BOLTON, Frances, 'spinster' , ofDinckley, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(40v)

BOLTON,John , 'clericus'16, ofSt. George'spar.,Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]. 5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv.17 July 1587. - IX(54).

15. The seizedlands ofIsabel Blunte at Blithbury, Staffs ., were discharged in 1591.(Cf.M.R. , L.T.R., 35Eliz , Michaelmas Term, 'Recorda'section )

16. John Bolton(Cf. AnstrutherI, p 43.)


BOLTON,Lancelot , 'yoman' , ofSalesbury, Blackburn par ,Lancs 1 mth recusancyfrom 30 June 1588: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35)

BOLTON, Nicholas , gent , ofSalesbury, Blackburn par , Lancs 3 mths recusancyfrom 2 May 1588: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35) Record oflands seized 18 Sept. 1590X(37) Richard Bolton'slease ,from 19 Nov. 1590, oflands seized 1 Oct.1590.XII(44)

BOLTON,Nicholas , 'yoman' , ofSalesbury, Lancs. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

BOLTON, Richard , 'husbandman' , ofLitherland, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(38).

BOLTON,Thomas , 'taleor' , ofBlackburn, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40v).

BOLTON,Ann, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40v).

BOOTIE,Richard , 'yeoman' , ofBurgate,Suffolk 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv. 27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

BORANI,Martha, wifeofThomas Borani , gent ,ofMorley,Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587 : conv. 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54).

BOST, 'Jenetta' , wid , ofDuston [Dufton], Westmld 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 June 1588:conv.5 Aug. 1588. -IX(69).

BOTOMLEY,Alice, wid , ofArkendal(e), Knarisburghe [Knaresborough] parish , W.R. Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv. 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

BOURNE , Borne , John, gent ,ofChesterton , Oxfords 12 mthsrecusancy from 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35)

BOURNE,Winifrid , his wife(same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date).VIII(35v).

BOURNE,William, gent., ofWendlebury , Oxfords 8 mths recusancyfrom 4 July 1583: conv 27 Feb. 1583/4: and6later convictions,ending 7 Mar.1587/8.IV(29)* . V(47)* . VI(30v), (47v)* VIII(35) Richard Ferris' lease, from27 July1591, oflands seized 17 Apr.1591.XII(54).

BOURNE,Margery, his wife(of same parish). 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

BOWATER, Richard , 'yeoman' , ofSt.Michael's parish,Lewes , Sussex [? prisoner] 7mths recusancyending 8 Mar. 1582/3, when convicted .III(58v) Debt re-enrolledV(52v).

BOWES , Joan,wifeofWilliam Bowes, gent , ofUpsall , N.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(25v)

BOWLINGE,Constance, ofCharnockRichard , Lancs.,wifeofHugh Bowlinge , 'husb" 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589:conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38v).

BOWLINGE,John, [ ], sonofHughBowlinge , 'husb" , ofCharnock Richard , Lancs. (samerecusancyperiod andconviction date) X(38v).

BOWMAN,William,ofthe cityofYork, 'lockesmith' .4mths recusancy from26 Mar. 1582 : conv (?) July 1582.II(8) Debt re-enrolled

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

V(8) VII(8) IX(8)

BOWMAN,Isabel, hiswife(same city, recusancyperiod andconviction date).- II(8)

BOWMER, Katherine ,[ ], ofYorkshire 7 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8 Record ofproperty-seizure dated 10 Apr.1589IX(8v) Rental ofpropertyseized 10 Apr. 1589 IX(21v).X(21v).XI(24v).XII(23v). [SeeBULMER , Katherine ].

BOXE , Jane , wifeofWilliam BoxeofMarcham , Berks., esq . 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(5)

BOYSE, Edward , gent. ,ofSt. Bride's par., FarringdonWardWithout, London. 3 mths recusancypriorto 20 April 1588, whenconvicted.VIII(38v)

BRADBURY, Bradburie , John, 'laborer' , ofTiddeswell [Tideswell], Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21)

BRADBURY, John, 'clericus'17, ofStone, Staffs 8 mthsrecusancyfrom 22 July 1588: conv 21 July 1589. -IX(69v).

BRADFORD,Ann,wifeofThomas Bradford, gent., ofCirencester , Gloucs. 5 mths recusancyfrom26 Mar. 1587: conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82)

BRADLEY,Eliz. , ofThornleyinWheatley , Lancs ,wifeofThomas Bradley, 'yoman' 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(39).

BRADLEY, Hugh, 'husbandman' (same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-X(39)

BRADLEY, John, 'husb" (same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date).-X(39).

BRADLEY,Margaret , ofBryning, Lancs , wife ofJohn Bradley, gent. 12

mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

BRADOCKE,George, 'yeoman' , ofColey Hall,Knowsall [Gnosall] parish, Staffs 12 mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1586: conv 25Mar. 1588.VIII(78v)

BRADSHOFFE,alias BRADSHOWE,Richard , 'weaver' ,ofSt.Mary's parish, BurySt. Edmunds,Suffolk 6mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1588 : conv.2 July 1589.IX(64).Debt re-enrolledXI(72v).

BRADSTOCK, Brodstock , 'Idea' , wifeofWilliam Brodstock , 'yoman' ,of HanleyCastle,Worcs 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July 1588.VIII(80v).

BRADSTOCKE,Joan, 'spinster' , ofEldersfeild , Worcs 12mths recusancy from 1 Apr. 1587: conv. 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(80)

17. JohnBradbury Unidentified Aconvicted , but unpenalised recusant;probablyapreElizabethan priest


BRADSTOCK , Brodstock , John, 'yeoman' , ofSouthwark,Surrey [prisoner 18] 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3,when convicted;and 5 later convictions , ending 16 Feb. 1586/7.III(58v) IV(49v) V(52v) VI(49v), (50) Debtsre-enrolledV(52v).VI(51). Lands inWorcs seized byCrown12 Jan. 1589/90, andlettoJohn Charefrom 3 Apr. 1590 foran annual rent of£12 perann.[entries under 'Worcs.'-X(51v).XI(70).XII(71).

BRADSTOCK, Brodstocke , William, gent., ofCorse , Gloucs.5mths recusancyfrom 26 Mar. 1587 : conv 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82) Record ofland-seizure, 14 Jan. 1588/9.X(27v).Rental oflands seized 14 Jan. 1588/9.X(82).XI(27) XII(27).

BRADSTOCK,[ ],hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(82)

BRADWIN,John, 'yeoman' , ofWest Hallam, Derbys 10mthsrecusancy from9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

BRAKENBURY,Anthony, 'yom" , ofTottenham , Middx 3 mths recusancy from 5 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Sept. 1587.VIII(38v).

BRAMPTON, Richard , gent., ofWest Dereham,Norfolk. 3 mths recusancy from13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

BRAMPTON , Bramston , Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]19.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 17 July1587.IX(54)

BRANKAR, Brankard , Alice, 'spinster' , wifeofRobert Brankar(d), 'yoman' , ofAylesham , Norfolk 11 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1582: conv. 8 July 1583.III(72v). Debt re-enrolled - V(46v).

BRAUNCH, Thomas, 'yom" , ofUkerbye [Uckerby ], par ofBolton[on Swale], N.R. Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v)

BRAWNE,Richard , 'horsekeper' , ofBryning,Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

BRAWNE,[ ], hiswife(sameparish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(39v).

BRAYBROOKE, Brabroke , Braibrook, James, gent ,ofWestminster , Middx [prisoner]20[entryunder 'Berks'] 3 mths recusancyfrom

18. JohnBradstock wasinthe Clinkfrom 2 May1581 toFeb. 1587/8. (Cf. CRSII, pp 235, 252, 283.), and sixtimes indicted . His seized lands in Worcs , weretwo-thirdsoftwomessuagesor tenements called 'Woodend 'and 'Pleistowe ' , withappurtenances at Queenhill inRipple. Thelands weredischarged in 1593.(Cf.M.R., L.T.R., 36Eliz , Michaelmas Term , 'Recorda' section And CRSLVII, p 190(6) andp 192 (11))

19. Thomas Bramston (Cf. AnstrutherI, pp 47-49)

20. JamesBraybrooke , gent , borninAbingdon, Berks . , wasa lawyer byprofession , and oneof theearliest recusants Hewas imprisoned inthe Gatehousebythe Bishop ofLondonandthe High Commissioners in 1581 (Cf. CRS II, p.225.)Hemarried Martha, dau ofJohn Yate ofLyford, Berks , anddied on 8 May 1588 , seised ofa moietyofMarleston Manor, and ofother properties in Berks.Two-thirdsoftheselands weresequesteredforrecusancyand let bythe CrowntoSirWilliam Brunckerand Richard HidefromMichaelmas 1593 (Cf. VCHBerks III;and CRSLVII, pp 4,5.)

The earliest record ofMarthaBraybrooke's recusancyoccurs in CRSXVIII,p 9 , where sheis described asa widowofBrickleton(BrightWalton), Berks ,convicted on 12 Mar. 1592/3 , of 13 months recusancy,beginning 28Sept. 1591 andending 9 Apr. 1593.This computationofayear's

24 Mar. 1580/1:conv. 18 June 1581.III(5) And 8laterconvictions ending 18 Aug. 1583.I(3v) II(65v)* IV(46)* Debtsre-enrolledII(65v). IV(46). V(3v). VI(3v)* . VII(3v) VIII(4v) Summary ofdebts for recusancy(£180) atdateofland-seizureinBerks .IX(51v).

Crownlease toWilliamBrunkerand Richard Hide, datedLadyday 1589, oflandsinBerks seized 10 July1584.X(3v) XI(4).XII(4).

BRAYE,Henry, 'yoman' , latelyofBloxford[? Bloxworth(Blocheshorde), Dorset], 'inhabitingSt. Clement's parish, Winchester , Hants'.2mths recusancyending 16 May 1581 , whenconvicted —V(56)

BRAYE, Henry, 'yom" ,ofSt. Clement's par , Winchester ,Hants [? prisoner].5mths recusancyfrom6 May 1581;conv. 1 Oct.1581: and 2 later convictions , ending24 Apr. 1582.I(55)* .III(50v) Debts re-enrolled .III(62)*.

BRAYE,William, 'yoman' , ofStepney, Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 5 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Sept. 1587.VIII(38v).

BRAYE,William, 'yoman' , ofWestminster ,Middx[prisoner]21 3 mths recusancyfrom20 Mar. 1587/8:conv 28 June 1588.IX(37).

BREDMAN , Edith, wid ,ofTingrith, Beds 3 mths recusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1587: conv 20 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(1)

BRETT ,Richard , gent ,ofMarten[Merton], Norfolk 12 mths recusancy from10 July 1587 : conv.20 July 1588: and one later convictiondated 7 July 1589.IX(45), (45v) Debtsre-enrolledXI(48)*.

BRETTEN, Bretton, George, gent , ofPetworth, Sussex 2 mthsrecusancy from17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587VIII(63v).

BRETTON,Ann, hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(63v)

BRETTON, Brettaine , Britton, John , gent. , ofSalfordintheparish of Manchester,Lancs [prisoner]22 .4mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1584: conv 27 Dec. 1584. -VI(40v).

20Continued recusancy 'at arate of28days permonth' cost her £260 JamesBraybrooke had twosonsby Martha: William , whodied o.s.p. , and Richard ,whomarried Katherine , a dau ofWilliamEyston ofCatmore , Berks , and whodied in 1651 , leaving a dau Lucy. (Cf. Harleian Visitations , Berks II, pp 82, 83 (Braybrooke )) On 16 July1600 Marthayielded totheQueen three othermessuagesin LongCrendon , Bucks , viz , 'Lovedens' (thecapital messuage)forwhich shewasdue topay£16 Long Crendon , Bucks., viz., 'Lovedens' (the capital messuage)forwhichshewasduetopay£16 rent and £14 p.a.forappurtenances; andtwosmaller houses, 'Fitzwaters ' and 'Digbies'whichshe wasrentingfor£6and £4respectively .Thesewere taken and seized intothe handsofthe lateQueen byFrancis Goodwinand other commissioners , as is statedin R.R.,42Eliz , under 'Buck' And £131 ofthe year 6JamesI.Totaldebt: £ 147 'But she ought not to besummoned for£56which isthe samerentas onthe feast ofthe AnnunciationB.V.M. inthe King's6th year Norought she tobe furthercharged withtherentofthe( )day ofMayorJune, when MarthaBraybrooke died;by consideration ofthe Barons annotated inthe M.R.,L.T.R., 10James, HilaryTerm, 'Recorda' section Andsheowed £91 Andit is answeredin R.R., 10 JamesI, under 'Buck'

21. William Braye, alsonamed Charles, wasprobablyimprisoned in the Tower ofLondonfora periodfrom30Nov. 1586 , among some50 other personsarrested byWalsingham on suspicion of having connection withthe Babington Plot Brayewasreferred to as 'a common conveyor ofpriests and recusants'; and wassaidto have 'beentaken when carrying the Earl ofArundelloverseas' Was committed tothe Gatehouse, 19Aug. 1588.(Cf. CRSII, pp.261 , 269 , 284.)

22. John Bretton(Cf. Hugh Bowler , 'Exchequer Dossiers2:The RecusancyofVenerable John Bretton, gentleman , and ofFranceshiswife' , inRHvol 2, (1953), pp 116-134, and 'Further Notes onthe Venerable John Bretton' , in RHvol 15 , (1979),pp 1-10)


BRETTON ,John , recusant(same personasprecedingentry),ofWest Bretton , W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv. 18 Mar. 1588. Record ofland-seizure, 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v) Goods value £30 seized 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v). Rental oflandsinWest Bretton andDewsbury seized 8 Apr. 1589IX(21v) X(21v) XI(24v) XII(23v) Seizedlands let by CrowntoCuthbertStillingfleetfrom Ladyday 1590X(13v).XI(24v).XII(24).

BREWSTER , Breuster, George, gent , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]²³ 12 mths recusancyending 15 Feb. 1583/4, whenconvicted .IV(49v). Debt re-enrolledVI(51). Goodsvalue £60 seized 12 May 1585V(52v).£60 paid 2 Mar. 1585/6: Quit.VII(51v).

BRINDELEY,Mary,ofCharnock Richard , Lancs , wifeofJohn Brindeley, 'husb" . 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv .22Mar. 1590/1.X(38v)

BRINDELEY , Robert , 'shomaker'(sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-X(38).

BRINDELEY,Margaret , his wife(sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-X(38)

BRINDLEY, John, 'wever' , ofLangford[Longford], Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv . 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

BRITON, Richard , 'clericus'24, ofKirkeham [Kirkham], Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(21v)

BRITTEN ,George, gent , ofWraxall[Wraxhall],Wilts 3 mthsrecusancy from2 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(74v).

BROCKE, Katherine , 'spinster' , ofFladburie,Worcs.2mthsrecusancy from 7 Apr. 1588: conv . 6 Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v).

BROCKES , Humphrey , 'yoman' ,ofRocester, Staffs 6mths recusancy from 25 Mar. 1588: conv 14 Mar. 1588/9.IX(69v)

BROKEHOLES,Dorothy, ofClaughton [-on-Brock], Lancs ,wifeof Thomas Brockeholes , esq 12mthsrecusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

BROKESBY , Bartholomew , gent , ofMarten[? Merton, Surrey] 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1587:conv 13 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63).

BROKESBY ,Margaret , 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(63)

BROMELEY,Hugh, esq., of Hamptone , Malpas parish,Cheshire. 13mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586 : dateofconvictionomitted.VIII(58v).

BROOKE , aliasofCOBBE , James(q.v.)

BROWNE,Agnes, 'spinster' , ofWhalley,Lancs. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

BROWNE, Eliz., 'spinster' , ofEwell, Surrey. 3mths recusancyfrom 24 June 1588:conv 30 June 1589. -IX(53).

23. George Brewster was imprisoned intheWhiteLion on 23Mar. 1583/4 . (Cf. CRSII,pp 234 , 237.)

24. Richard Briton Unidentified Probablya pre-Elizabethan priest


BROWNE,Eliz.,wid., ofBeltofte, Lincs. 9 mthsrecusancyin 1582 (dates omitted).-III(54v) Debt re-enrolledV(9v).

BROWNE, Francis, gent. , ofStepney, Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 29 28 June 1587:conv. 1 Dec. 1587.VIII(38v) Goods value£2-9-10 seized Trinityterm 1590.X(46) Debt forrecusancyre-enrolled and cancelled, Easterterm 159225X(47)

BROWNE,Margaret, 'spinster' ,ofWestHallam,Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1586: conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

BROWNE,Margery,wifeofThomas Browne, 'husb" , ofWendlebury , Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

BROWNE,Mary, ofScales inNewton , Lancs , wifeofHenryBrowne ,gent. 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

BROWNE, Richard , 'yeoman' , of East Harling,Norfolk 3 mthsrecusancy from 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

BROWNE, Timothy, 'laborer' , ofHampstall [Hamstall] Ridware,Staffs.6 mths recusancyfrom25 Mar. 1588: conv. 14 Mar. 1588/9.IX(69v). Goods value£2-12-10seized 4 Sept. 1589X(14)

BROWNE, William, esq., ofParva [Little]Fakenham ,Suffolk 8mths recusancyfrom 15 July 1588: conv 2 July1589.IX(64) DebtreenrolledXI(72v)

BROWNELEY ,William,'yeom" , ofHoreseley[Horsley], Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586 : conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21)

BROWNEWELL, 'Gratianus' , gent., ofSt. Saviour's parish,Southwark, Surrey [prisoner]26.5 mths recusancyending 16 Feb. 1586/7 , when convicted .VI(50)

BRUERTON , John, 'yoman' , ofLangtonin Lindsey, Lincs . 12mths recusancyfrom 7 July 1588:conv . 7 July 1589.IX(9). DebtreenrolledXI(11)

BRUMELL,John, ofWebley [Weobley], Herefords Twofinesof£20 imposed for ignoringsheriffssummonsesafterexcommunication , 4 Apr. and 27 May1581.III(28)* Debtsre-enrolled - V(26)* .

BRUSTER ,Katherine , wid ,ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.5mthsrecusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v).

BRYNE, Brine, John,[ ],latelyofChideock, Dorset [entryunder 'Hants'].2mths recusancyending 16 May1581 ,whenconvicted― V(56).

BRYNE , Brine, John , 'clericus' , ofSt. Clement's parish, Winchester, Hants [?prisoner]27.5mths recusancyfrom6 May 1581 : conv 1 Oct. 1581:

25. Francis Browne's debtforrecusancy wasdischarged (Cf.M.R., L.T.R., 34 Eliz , Easter Term , 'Recorda' section )

26. GratianBrownewell wasimprisoned 'in and about London' , 30Sept. 1588 ,fornottaking theoathadministered atCourtLeets, nor'will take the Queen's part against the Pope's army' (Cf. CRS II, p.283.)

27. JohnBryne's clerical character remains doubtfulupto 24 Apr. 1582 , when hedisappears fromthePipe Rolls Hehasnot beenidentified

andtwolater convictions ,ending 24 Apr.1582.1(55)* III(50v) Debtsre-enrolledIII(62).V(56).

BRYNE, Brine, John, 'yom" , 'clericus" [sic], ofthe city ofWinchester, Hants.5mths recusancyfrom6 May 1581:conv. 1 Oct.1581.III(62).

BUCK ,Eliz.,wid , ofWestby,Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

BUCKLEY , Alice, wid , ofAston, nearBirmingham ,Warwicks . 7mths recusancyfrom 12 July 1586: conv. 15 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(76)

BUCKLEY, Robert , 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]28. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted: andonelater convictiondated 18 Feb. 1584/5.III(58v) V(52v) DebtsreenrolledV(52v).

BULKELEY , Rowland , [entryunder 'Salop'] Fined £20atSt.Paul's Cathedral , London, byHighCommissioners, 6 June 1577 (offence unspecified).-V(58v) Debt re-enrolledVI(13).

BULKELEY , Rowland , gent , ofDrayton, Salop 12mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July 1588.VIII(16v) Record oflandseizure, 8 Apr. 1589IX(13v).Rental oflands seized 8 Apr.1589IX(69v).X(59v) XI(62v).XII(63). Lease ofseized landsbyCrownto IsaacBurges& GeorgeDickenson from 30 Nov. 1590XII(64v)

BULL,James, 'yoman' , ofSteyning, Sussex 3mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588: conv 3 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53)

BULL, Richard, 'yeoman' , ofFeltwell, Norfolk 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587:conv 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54).

BULLACAR, 'Edbora' , wid , ofWarblington, Hants .7mthsrecusancy from16 Sept. 1583 : conv. ? Apr. 1584.V(56v).

BULLEIN , Bulleyn , Bullin, Bullyne , John, gent , ofHardwick, Oxfords.4 mths recusancyfrom 25 Feb. 1582/3: conv 4 July 1583III(4):and six laterconvictions ending 17 Mar. 1586/7.IV(29).V(47)* VI(11v), (47v)* . Debtsre-enrolledV(31v) VI(30v)

BULLEIN,John, 'yom" , ofHardwick, Oxfords.8 mths recusancyfrom 29 June 1581: conv 15 Feb. 1581/2III(4); andthreelater convictionsending27 Feb. 1583/4.III(4)* .IV(29) DebtsreenrolledV(31v)* . Crown lease ofseized landsto Hugh Cuffefrom Michaelmas 1585VI(33v).VIII(16v) X(79v).XI(53v).XII(53v)

BULLEIN,Joyce, wifeofJohn Bullin, 'yeom" ,ofHardwick, Oxfords 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.- VIII(35v)

BULMER,Anthony, gent., ofGaterley [Gatherley], MiddletonTyasparish, N.R. Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

28. DomSiegbert Buckley wasthe linkbetween theoldandthe restored Benedictine Congregations .(Cf. Stephen Marron, 'DomSiegbert Buckley and hisbrethren' ,inthe Doual Magazine, vol 7,(1933), pp 130-138, and DavidLunn , TheEnglish Benedictines , 1540-1688 , (1980), pp.92-97 .)


BULMER,Henry, gent., (sameparish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(25v).

BULMER, Katherine , wid (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date: andonelater conviction dated 18 Mar. 1587/8)-VIII(25v), (27) [SeeBOWMER,Katherine]

BUNCKLEY,William, 'yeoman' , of Lydgers Ashebye[AshbySt.Ledgers], Northants. 12mths recusancyfrom 31 July 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1588/9.IX(47).

BUNDY, Bundaye,Roger, 'husband" , ofCrodeley [Cradley], Herefords . Twofines of£20imposed forignoringsheriff'ssummonsesafter excommunication , 4 Apr. and 27 May 1581.III(28)* . Debtsre-

enrolled -V(26)*

BURD,Judith, wid., of St. Bride's parish, Farringdon WardWithout , London. 13mths recusancyfrom19 Jan. 1586/7: conv 19 Jan. 1587/8.VIII(38v)

BURGHE,John ,[ 1,ofGarstange,Lancs 10mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv 18 Jan. 1581/2.II(38v) Debt re-enrolled― VIII(46)

BURGHE,John, 'clericus'29, ofSalfordin parish ofManchester , Lancs. [prisoner]3 mths recusancyfrom 17 Jan. 1581/2: conv .2 May 1582.II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46).

BURGHE,John, schoolmaster ('ludimagister '),ofSalfordinparish of Manchester,Lancs [prisoner].4mths recusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1582: conv. 16 Jan. 1582/3II(38v): and one later convictiondated22 Jan. 1583/4.IV(37).Debtsre-enrolledIV(42v) VI(39). VIII(46)

BURGOYNE,Dorothy, wifeofGeorgeBurgoyne, esq. , ofClothall, Herts 12mths recusancyfrom 12 July1586 : conv 1 Mar. 1587/8.-


BURLEY, Burleighe, Burghley, William, gent , ofMiddletonalias Longparish , Hants 2mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv. 24 Apr.1582III(50v)*;andfourlater convictions ending? Sept. 1584.IV(53).V(56v)* Debtsre-enrolledV(56)* .VI(54) VII(54)*. VIII(68). IX(59)* Crownlease ofseized landstoHughCuffefrom 2 Mar. 1583/4IV(52).Leasetransferred toGeorgeBurley asfrom Ladyday1584IV(52) V(55v). VI(53v).VII(53v). VIII(66v). IX(57v).X(68v) GeorgeBurley's lease revisedbya newcommission dated 5 May 1590X(69), (71) XI(59v), (60) XII(60v)

BURINGTON,Eliz., wifeofFrancis Burington, gent , ofYarkill [Yarkhill], Herefords 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv . 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30)

BURLOWE,Sibyl, wifeofWilliam Burlowe, 'yeoman' , 'inthe aforesaid county'[Worcs]. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1586 : conv. 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(77).

29. John Burghe Unidentified Hisclerical statusis uncertain , and hewasprobablyaCatholic schoolmaster

BURTE, Burton, Agnes, 'spinster' , ofLongparish , Hants 5 mths recusancy from6 May 1581: conv.? 1 Oct. 1581I(55): and twolater convictionsending 24 Apr.1582.1(55) III(50v) DebtreenrolledIII(62)* V(56)* .

BURTE ,Eliz , 'spinster'(sameparish, recusancyperiodsandconviction dates) . I(55).III(50v) Debtsre-enrolledIII(62)* V(56)*

BURTE, Joan,wid , (sameparish, recusancyperiodsandconviction dates) .-I(55) III(50v).

BURTE , Joan , 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiods andconviction dates) .-III(62).V(56).

BURTON,Katherine , 'spinster' ,ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without, London 12 mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1582/3:conv. 20 Jan. 1583/4.IV(32v).Debt re-enrolledVI(34).

BURTON,Katherine , 'spinster' (ofsame parish andward, London) Fineof 100 marks imposed forhearing Masson24 Dec. 1583 'in thesaid parish and ward':convicted 20 Jan. 1583/4.IV(32v) Debt reenrolledVI(34).

BUTCHER , aliasWRATHE,Adrian, [ ],ofKirkeby[?Kirkby Mallory], Leics. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv. 19 Mar. 1587/8 . VIII(45v)

BUTCHER,aliasWRATHE,[ ], hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(45v).

BUTLER,Alban, gent , ofNatebie, Garstang parish, Lancs 4mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv. ? July 1581.VI(40v).

BUTLER,James, gent ,ofCirencester, Gloucs 8 mths recusancyfrom 25 July 1586: conv 5 Mar. 1586/7.VII(47v) Debt re-enrolledXI(27v).

BUTLER, Jane,ofKirkeland[nr Garstang], Lancs , wifeofJohn Butler, esq 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

BUTLER, John, junior, 'yeoman' , ofBrill, Bucks. 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv . 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).

BUTLER, John , senior, 'yeoman' (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(3)

BUTLER, Butlar, Ann, wifeofJohn Butlar, senior, gent [sic],ofBrill, Bucks.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(3).

BUTLER,Michael, gent , ofDroytwiche[Droitwich], Worcs 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv. 6 Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v)

BUTLER,Mary, hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-IX(70v)

BUTLER, Richard , gent., ofRawclyff, parish ofMichaelles [St.Michaelon-Wyre],Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586:conv. 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

BYSHOPP , Thomas, 'yeoman' ,ofSt. Sepulchreparish,Northampton, Northants 12mths recusancyfrom 31 July1587: conv.4 Mar. 1588/9. -IX(47)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

CABLE , Richard, esq , ofWhiteparish , Wilts.8 mths recusancyfrom 25 June 1583:conv Lent 1584.IV(59v)

CABLE, Richard , 'yeoman' , ofWhiteparish , Wilts 7 mths recusancyfrom 20 Aug. 1584: conv. ? Apr. 1585.V(63). Debtsre-enrolledVI(59v) VII(60v) Seized landslet by CrowntoJohn Lovelaikeand Thomas Hayter from26 Aug. 1584V(62v). VI(59) VI(60). IX(65). X(76).XI(67).XII(68v)

CADWALITER , Alice, wifeofDavidCadwaliter , 'husb",ofHardwick , Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586 : conv .7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

CALCOTE, Thomas, gent., ofOrwell, Cambs. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20July 1583: conv 21 July 1584.VI(5v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(13v).

CALIE, Robert, 'yeoman' , of Horsham St. Faith, Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr.1587: conv. 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

CALLENGWOOD, Henry,junior,[ 1,ofTucksford[Tuxford],Notts. 2mths recusancyfrom 3 Jan. 1588/9: conv. 11 July1589. -IX(48v).

CALVERLEY , William, gent. ,ofCalverley, Yorks [W.R.].4mths recusancyfrom28 Mar. 1581: conv 17 July1581-1(21v):andone later convictiondated 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(25v) Debt reenrolledIII(24) V(22). Lands seized 8 Apr. 1589 andlet byCrown toRichard Maunsell from 11 July1590X(13v) XI(24v) XII(23v)

CALVERLEY , Katherine , hiswife(ofsame parish). 6mths recusancyfrom

3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).[see CAVERLEY]

CAMPE, John, 'husb" ,ofCowley,Gloucs 5 mthsrecusancyfrom26 Mar. 1587:conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82)

CAMPION,Edward, 'clericus' , ofSt.George'sparish , Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]30.2mths recusancy: convicted 17 July1587.IX(54).

CANTERTON, Caunterton , Thomas, 'yeoman' , of Kingesomborne [King's Somborne], Hants 6mths recusancyfrom26 Oct. 1587: conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(67) Goods value£2-13-4seized 8 Nov. 1588IX(58).

CAPELL , Thomas , 'yoman' , ofWestminster , Middx[? prisoner] 1 mth recusancyfrom6 Oct. 1587 : conv 29 Jan. 1587/8.VIII(38v).

CAPPER, Francis, junior , 'yom" , ofDidlaston[Dudleston],Salop 12mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18 July1588.VIII(16v).

CARDEN,Ann,'spinster' ,ofSalesbury, Lancs. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40v).

CARDWELL,Cuthbert, 'husb" ,ofWesham,Lancs 12mthsrecusancy from20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

CARDWELL , Margaret , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(39).

CARELES,John, 'yom" , ofDrayton, Salop 12 mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18 July 1588.VIII(16v).

30. EdwardCampion'strue namewasGerard Edwards Hewasmartyred at Canterbury , 1 Oct. 1588. (Cf. AnstrutherI, p 109 under Edwards )


CAREWE, Carey,Peter, gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]31 . Condemned for 10mths recusancyending 22 Mar. 1582/3 , when convicted ,-III(58v); and4later convictions ending 18 Feb. 1584/5IV(49v) V(50v), (52v) Debtsre-enrolledVI(51)

CARLETON ,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofMarten[Merton],Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr.1587: conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

CARLETON, Richard , 'yeoman' ,ofLinton, Cambs 10mthsrecusancy from 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 24 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v).

CARPENTER,Constance, 'spinster', ofStoughton, Sussex .3mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588: conv. 3 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53)

CARRE, John,'servingman' , ofCrosby, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

CARRINGTON,Anthony, 'yeoman' , ofHarrowden , Northants 12mths recusancyending 2 May 1587: conv 12 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(52v).

CARRINGTON, George, 'yeoman' , ofLittle Harrowden ,Northants. 12 mths recusancyfrom 31 July 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1588/9. -IX(47).

CARROLL, 'Tadus' , 'tailor' , ofChrist Church parish, Farringdon Ward Within, London[? prisoner]. 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv.28 July 1581.I(32v) Debt re-enrolledIII(38v). V(35)

CARTER , John , 'yom" , ofWesham, parish ofKirkham, Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv.25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v): and onelater convictiondated22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39)

CARTWRIGHTE, Humphrey , schoolmaster, ofSalfordintheparish of Manchester,Lancs[prisoner]. 12mths recusancyfrom20 Feb. 1582/3:conv.22Jan. 1583/4.IV(37).Debt re-enrolledIV(42v). VI(39).

CARYE,Henry, esq , ofTadford[Taddiford, nearMilford ],Hants 10mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1589: conv 17 Aug. 159032.Rental oflandsin Hants andDorset seized 6 Aug. 1591XI(61).

31. Peter Carewe or Careywasamong 30 prisoners in the Marshalsea from20Oct.1578 to22 Mar. 1582/3 (Cf.CRSII, p.240.)

32. The proximityofthe south coastmadeTadfordadangerous siteforrecusantusers . The three manors constitutingit, werecarefullywatched, especially at thetimeofthe Armada . Henry Carye's lands arereferred tounder'Hants' in theM.R.,L.T.R., 33 Eliz, HilaryTerm . E . 368/465 , mem . 63 ., whichbeginswithHordleBremor , its capital messuageand appurtenances, some 3miles northofthecoast; next comesKeyhaven Manorat the S.E. corner ofthe site, onthe coastalroadto Southam alias Hamworthynear Poole Harbour, Dorset, the thirdmanor Thecommissioners at Fordingbridge on 6Aug. 1591 , valued HordleBremor at £5-10-0 (two-thirdsat £3-3-4) Keyhaven Manor, includingMilford-on-Sea , Tadfordand Christchurch -Twinham ,theyvalued at £6-2-0. (two-thirdsat £4-1-4); and the ManorofHamworthy , Dorset , at £6-3-5.(twothirdsat £4-2-3). The totalvalue ofthe Carye propertyamounted to £17-15-5 (two-thirdsof which, claimed bythe Crown, yielded £11-16-11 .)Thethree leasees responsible fordelivering tothe Crownthe rentalsum of£ 11-17-0, intwopayments of£5-18-6,wereJohn Goyte, William Bake and John Thomas. Beginning on 15Dec.1591,they fulfilled thisdutyregularlyfor nine years, ending 10Nov. 1599.They neverfunctionedtogether again; although Goyte made severalattempts to do so withother associates The fulleststatement oftheirfinancialproceedings willbe foundin CRSXVIII, pp 285 , 286, and CRS LVII,p 38 (19)

CATCHMAYE ,Matilda, wifeofEdmund Catchmaye, gent , ofNewland , Gloucs.5mthsrecusancyfrom 26 Mar. 1587: conv . 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82).

CATHERICK,Catt(e)rick, George, esq , of Carleton, parishofStanwick [St.John],N.R.Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept.1586:conv . 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v)

CATHERICK , Cattrick, George, gent. , ofCatton, N.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).Goods value £130 seized 10 Apr. 1589IX(8v) Record ofland-seizure , 10 Apr.1589IX(8v) Rental oflandsseizedIX(21v).X(21v). XI(24v).XII(23v) Seized landslet byCrowntoWilliamStearefrom 11 Oct. 1589X(13v).XI(24v).XII(23v).

CATTERALL , Caterall , Margaret , wid , ofMilton, Whalleyparish, Lancs 4mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv ?31 July1581.VI(40v).

CAVERLEY , Edward , 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]33.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv 17 July 1587.IX(54). [SeeCALVERLEY]

CEICILT, HoellDavid, 'yoman',of Grosmont ,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v).

CEICILT,MargaretDavid[ 1(same parish , recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

CHADERTON ,Henry[SeeSHATTERTONE, Henry, gent.],recusant,of Sussex Goods value £1-13-4 seized 13 Jan. 1588/9.IX(54v).£10 owed toHenryChaderton , recusant, byWilliam Chaderton ,gent. ,of Garneley [Earnley], Sussex, seized byQueen'sCommissioners 13 Jan. 1588/9,forHenry'srecusancy.IX(54v).

CHADICKE,John,[ ],ofMuchCrosby, Lancs. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

CHALENOR,Ellen, 'spinster' , ofWigan, Lancs 3 mths recusancyfrom 10 Oct.1581: conv ? 18 Jan. 1581/2.II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46)

CHALENOR,Ellen, 'spinster' , ofSalford in parishofManchester, Lancs. [prisoner]. 3 mths recusancyfrom 17 Jan. 1581/2: conv . 2 May1582: andonelater convictiondated 16 Jan. 1582/3.II(38v)* DebtsreenrolledVIII(46)*.

CHAMBERS ,Mary, 'spinster' ,ofTorrisholme , Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

CHANDELER, Chaundler , John, 'carpenter' , of Hindringham , Norfolk.2 mths recusancyfrom15 May 1588: conv. ? 20 July 1588;-IX(45): andonelater convictiondated7 July1589.IX(45v) DebtsreenrolledXI(48)*.

CHAPMAN , John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]34. 3mths recusancyending 15 Feb. 1583/4, when convicted;-IV(49v):andtwo

33. Edward Caverley (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 62 under Calverley.)

34. JohnChapman , a Marianpriest, wasarrestedin the houseofEdberrowBullaker (qv.), great aunt ofthe Venerable Thomas Bullaker OFM .(Cf. AnstrutherI, pp 72, 73.)


laterconvictions , ending 18 Feb. 1584/5.V(50v), (52v) Debt reenrolled - VI(51)

CHARLES, Eliz. , 'spinster' , ofLlangattockVibonAvel, Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v)

CHARLES,Henry, 'yoman' (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date) .-VIII(48v)

CHARNELEY , George, 'yoman' , ofTorrisholme,Lancs . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v)

CHARNELEY , 'Jenetta' , wid , ofWeeton , Lancs (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39)

CHARNEY , Richard , 'taleor' , of Graunge[-over-Sands],Lancs. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(40).

CHARNOCK, Jenetta' , ofWesham, Lancs. , wifeofWilliamCharnock , 'husb" .(samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39).

CHARTON , Charlton, William, gent , ofHarley ,Salop. 12mths recusancy from24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July 1588.VIII(16v).Goods value £45-10s seized9 Oct. 1589IX(13v) Debt re-enrolledX(58v) XI(63v) Record ofland-seizure , 9 Oct. 1589IX(13v) Rental of lands seizedIX(69v) XI(62v).XII(63v).Arrearage ofrentX(58v).

CHARTON, Carleton , William, gent , ofHartley[Harley],Salop Seized landslet byCrownto IsaacBurges&GeorgeDickenson from 30 Nov. 1590.ХІІ(64ѵ)


CHATTELTON ,Chatleton , Chedleton , Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark, Surrey [prisoner]35 5 mthsrecusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3 , when convicted .III(58v) Debt re-enrolledV(52v).

CHAUNCE , Richard , 'taylor' , ofCastle Frome,Herefords . Twofinesof £20imposed forignoringsheriff'ssummonsesafter excommunication , 4 Apr.and27 May 1581.III(28)* . DebtsreenrolledV(26)*

CHAUNSEY , Juliana , wid., ofLugwardine ,Herefords 6mthsrecusancy from1 Sept. 1588: conv 14 July1589.IX(25v) Debt re-enrolledXI(29).

CHAWE,Edward, 'servingman' , of Butterworthe in Billington, Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(40v)

CHENEY , Ann,wid. , ofWestWoodhaie [Woodhay], Berks³6 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(5).Goods value £ 10seized 4 Oct. 1588IX(4v). Debt re-enrolled -X(4v). Rental oflands seized 4 Oct. 1588IX(4v) X(3)

CHENEY , Giles ,gent., of Irtlingbourghe[Irthlingborough],Northants 12 mthsrecusancyending 2 May 1587: convicted 12 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(52v)

35. Thomas Chattelton , a pre-Elizabethan priest, wasprobablytheman deprived asV. Worfield, Salop.; V.StMary's,Stafford; and Prebend ofPipa Parva in LichfieldCathedral He wasreported tothe PrivyCouncilin 1577, asone 'who comesnot to church tohear divine service' Inthe Marshalsea inNov. 1582.(Cf. CRSII, p 231) Buried at St. Mary'sStaffordon20June 1589


CHENEY , Robert, gent , ofWestWoodhaie [Woodhay], Berks 36 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(5) Goods value £5seized 4 Oct. 1588.IX(4v) Debt re-enrolledX(4v)

CHEPMANE,Christiana, wid., ofMunckton[Monckton],Dorset 2mths recusancyfrom2 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July1588.VIII(19v)

CHEPMANE,Mary,wifeofWilliam Chepmane, 'husb",of[ ]Dorset (samerecusancyperiod andconviction date).VIII(19v).

CHEISWES , Chesus, Chessous, Alice, 'spinster' ,ofChesterCastle , Cheshire[prisoner] 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585: conv . 3 Oct. 1586.X(35v).

CHEISWES,Alice, wid , ofSt.Mary'sparish, Chester[? prisoner]. 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1584: conv . ?26Apr. 1585.VI(48v).

CHEISWES, Richard , 'laborer' , ofSt.Mary'sparish, Chester[? prisoner]. 13mths recusancyfrom 21 Sept. 1583 : conv. ?Sept. 1584:andone laterconvictiondated26 Apr.1585.VI(48v)*.

CHEISWES , Richard , 'yoman' , ofChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner]. 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585: conv 3 Oct. 1586:-X(35v):and onelater convictiondated 24 Apr. 1587VIII(58v).

CHEISWES , William, 'laborer' ,ofSt.Mary'sparish, Chester[?prisoner]. 13 mthsrecusancyfrom 21 Sept. 1583: conv ? Sept. 1584; andone laterconviction dated 26 Apr.1585.VI(48v)* .

CHEISWES , William, 'yoman' , of ChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner] 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585: conv 3 Oct. 1586.X(35v).

CHIDDEN,Chydden, Richard , 'tailor' , of Romsey, Hants . Fineof100 marks imposed forhearing Mass.Convicted atWinchester ,7 Jan. 1583/4 . IV(53). Debt re-enrolledVI(54).

CHILSON, Richard , 'tanner' , ofWigan, Lancs. 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 May 1588: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

CHOLMELEY , Thomasina , wifeofRichard Cholmeley , esq., ofBenham [Bentham],W.R.Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v)

CHOWE, Jennetta' , 'spinster' , ofBillington, parish ofBlackburn , Lancs . 13mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

CHRICHELOWE, Crichelowe , aliasofCRISLEY,Roger. CLARCKSON ,Margaret, ofBlumpton[Plumpton?], parish ofKirkham, Lancs ,wifeofWilliam Clarckson , 'husb" 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

CLARKE, Alice, junior, servantofRogerVaughan, esq.,ofKynnersley [Kinnersley], Herefords 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588:conv. 14 July1589.IX(25v) Debt re-enrolledXI(29).

36. RobertCheyney's widow, Ann, had a verytenuous holdon the CheyneypropertyatWest Woodhay , Berks (Cf. VCHBerks, IV,p. 243-244 ), herrivalsfor the lands beingthelocalfamily ofDarrell Sheappealedtothe Exchequer against the seizureofher goods andchattels,asdidher son Robert (see below) Theircase washeard together on4 Oct.1588.Bothweredischarged, sheof £10 andRobert of£5 (Cf.M.R., L.T.R., 31 Eliz , Michaelmas Term 'Recorda' section )Annwas still in possessionin 1594.The manor wassold to Sir Benjamin Rudyerd in 1634


CLARKE,Edward, gent , ofAll Saintsparish, Hereford. 1 mthrecusancy from 27 May 1583: conv 15 July 1583III(27):and 7later convictions , ending 27 Mar. 1587.IV(64v) V(26v)* VI(25)* Debt re-enrolledV(26)

CLARKE,Edward, gent., ofWillington[Wellington], Herefords 19mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv. ?20 Sept. 1582II(64)*:and4 later convictions , ending 8 Aug. 1586.VI(25). Debtsre-enrolledIII(27). IV(64v)*.V(26). Seized landslet byCrowntoHughCuffe from Michaelmas 1585VI(33v).

CLARKE,Richard , gent.,ofWillington[Wellington], Herefords . 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30) Record of land-seizure23 Aug. 1588IX(25v) Rental oflandsseized 23 Aug. 1588IX(25v).X(28).XI(28).XII(28) Rentaloflands seized 18 Sept. 1591XI(30)

CLARKE,William[sic], of Herefords Seized landslet byCrownto Hugh CuffefromMichaelmas 1585 [entryunder 'Staffs'].VIII(16v) X(29).XI(28).XII(28).

CLEYTON, William,[ 1 , ofTyddeswall [Tideswell],Derbys 12mths recusancyfrom 1 July 1587: conv 14 Mar. 1588/9.IX(17v).

CLIFFORD, Thomas, 'yeom" ,of[ JinNorthWingfeildparish,Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586 : conv 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21)

CLIFTON,Alice, wid , ofWestby, Lancs 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v)

CLIFTON ,Alice, wid. , relictofCuthbertClifton, gent , deceased ,of Westby, parish of Kirkham, Lancs.Lands seized 15 Apr. 1591 andlet byCrownfrom25 June 1591 to Edward Bradshawe .XII(44).

CLIFTON, Joan, wid., ofCocklclaie [Cockley Cley],Norfolk 3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr.1587: conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

CLIFTON,Mary, wid , ofthe cityofCanterbury ,Kent [? prisoner] 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv 10 Jan. 1581/2.II(12).

CLIFTON,Clyfton, Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]37.5 mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 17 July1587.IX(54).

CLIFTON,Clyfton, William, gent., of Ballam, Kirkhamparish, Lancs . 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35). Lands seized 1 Sept. 1591 andletbyCrownfrom 12 Nov. 1591to Richard Urmeston .XII(44).

CLIFTON,Clyfton, William, gent , ofWestby, Lancs 13mths recusancy from 14 Aug. 1586: conv.25 Mar. 1588 ,-VIII(21v): andonelater convictiondated22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(39v)

CLIFTON,Clyfton,[ ], hiswife(ofsame parish) 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

CLYBBORNE,Richard , esq., ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner].6mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1586: whenconvicted .V(52v).

37. Thomas Clifton (Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 80, 81.)

COBBE, aliasBROOKE,James, gent., ofStoke, Suffolk .3mthsrecusancy from 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

CODRINGTON,Coddrington , Cowdrington, John, gent ,ofFyfeild [FifieldBavant], Wilts 3 mths recusancyfrom2 Apr. 1587:conv . 1 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(74v) Record ofland-seizure8 Oct.1588IX(66) Rental oflands seized 8 Oct. 1588IX(66).X(76v)*.XI(67v) XII(68v) Seized landslet by Crownfrom 13 July1590 toRobert PenruddockX(77).XI(67v).XII(68v).

COLBECKE , Thomas , gent ,ofTemesford [Tempsford ], Beds. 12mths recusancyfrom6 July 1587:conv. 12 Mar. 1588/9.IX(lv).

COLE, Alice, 'spinster' , ofHeston,Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 3 Oct. 1588 : conv 14 Feb. 1588/9.IX(36v).

COLE,Mary,'spinster' (same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-IX(36v).

COLLES,William,gent , ofTenbury, Worcs . 6 mthsrecusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587 : conv.25 July 1588.VIII(80v).

COLLES,Mary, hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiodandconviction date)-VIII(80v)

COLLIER,Collyer, John, 'husb" , ofHampstall[Hamstall] Ridware, Staffs. 6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587: conv. 22 July1588.VIII(58). Goods value £7-1s seized 4 Sept. 1589X(14).

COLLIER,Collyer, Ralph, 'clericus' , ofWestminster,Middx[prisoner]38 [entryunder 'Yorks'] 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 June 1581:conv . 26 Sept. 1581: andthreelater indictments , ending 16 Mar. 1581/2.II(22v)* . Debtsre-enrolledVI(22)*

COLLIER, Thomas, 'clericus' , ofHamstallRidware, Staffs39. 8mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588: conv. 21 July 1589.IX(69v).

COLLIER, Collyer,Thomas ,[ ], 'supposedrecusant&fugitive'of Staffs.Goods value £4 seized 4 Sept. 1589X(14).Recordsoflandseizure,4 Sept. 1589X(78v) Rental oflands seized 4 Sept. 1589X(7v).XI(64v) XII(65v)

COLLIER, Thomas , 'clericus' , ofStaffs . Lands seized 4 Sept. 1589 letby CrowntoEdwardThorne from 22 Dec. 1591XII(72v).

38. RalphCollierwas an"ould preste" , ordained temp HenryVIII.Convicted ofa praemunire , hewas aprisoner in the Gatehouse, and later inthe King'sBench Prison on28Jan. 1582/3 (Cf. CRS II, pp 225, 226, 230 , 231.)

39. Thomas Collierwasa pre-Elizabethan priest Educated atSt.John's,Cambridge , hewas deprived asV.Uppingham , Rutland and Prebend ofHolywellalias Finsburyin St. Paul's Cathedral in 1560.Hethen returned toStaffs, where heobtained (? fromRichard Fitzherbert)a smallfarmcalled 'Bancroft' presumably in the vicinityof Hartesmeare, the Fitzherbert residencein HamstallRidware , forwhichheowed arentof£3-6-8yearly Heeventually becameinvolved prominentlyinrecusant activityin Staffs , and afterhaving beenconvicted forhisrecusancyin 1588(seethe present entry), becamepubliclyknownas a recusant 'fugitive'forhaving , withnine otherneighbours , goneintohidingwhen the pursuivants cameto investigate hisfinancialstatus (Cf. CRS LVII, pp 146, 147 , fortheirnamesKnolles to Wade) The man responsibleforthis investigation wasoneEdward Thorne, a bitteranti-papist , who had obtained fromthe Crownon22 Dec. 1591 , a leaseofthe lands ofFitzherbert and Collierfor£10-6-8perannum , witha further commission to collect and, ifnecessary, to drive away theircattle , and seize allother possessions ostensibly for the Queen's use Asumof£125-13-8was collected in thisway, and wascarefully


COLLINGWOOD,Robert, gent , ofFawdon , Northumberland 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1582: convictiondateomitted .III(52).Debt re-enrolled -VIII(57v)

COLLINS,Brisingham , Brislingham , 'joyner' , ofMeanestoke[Stoke Meon],Hants 2mths recusancyending 16 May1581 ,when convictedV(56): andthreelaterconvictions , ending24 Apr. 1582-1(55)* .III(50v) V(56) Debts re-enrolledIII(62)*.

COLLINSON, Robert , 'poticarie ' [apothecary], ofSt.Mary'sparish, Nottingham. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv.25 Mar. 1588.VIII(80).

COLLYNES , William, 'yoman' , ofRaglan,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48).

COMBE , Frances, wifeofWalterCombe ofDorchester, Dorset, 'yom".6 mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv. 15 July1588.VIII(19v).

COMBE,Walter, 'yoman' , ofAshemeare[Ashmore], Dorset.6mths recusancyfrom 7 Jan. 1586/7:conv 21 July1587.IX(16v).Debt re-enrolledXII(78v).

COMBERFORD, Cumberford, Humphrey , gent , ofWatford, Northants. £20fineimposed byHighCommissionersin 1577forprolonged 'contempt'inrefusingtocomforminreligion (Seetext below)40[entry under 'Northants'].I(42v). Debt re-enrolledII(41v).IV(41v). VI(43v).

39Continued allotted tothe Queen in therecords ofthe Exchequer In the meantime , on9 June 1595 Richard Fitzherbert died, and shortlyafterwards also the notoriousEdward Thorne (forThorne's death , Cf.CRSLXI, p 86(10) last postscript ('Diem clausit extremum '), and p 88footnote.For Fitzherbert's death, Cf. R.R.,Staffs., 39 Eliz., quotingthe above dateasgiven intheM.R. , L.T.R.,40Eliz , 'Recorda'section (He left a debt of£18-9-8) )In thenext entry, Thorne ,now inchargeofthe farm, proceedstobringCollier's'Bancroft' propertyup to datebyadding afurther £20as unpaid arrears, making a final rent of£23-6-8, the authorityforwhichwastheM.R. , L.T.R., 39 Eliz , Michaelmas Term , 'Recorda' section The entryends : 'Andhe(Thorne)isquit' . Theselongstanding debtsarebrieflyreferred tofromtimeto timeintheStaffs section ofthe R.Rs., e.g., in 1600, 1603 , 1607 and 1611 , consisting merely ofshort notesrelatingtodiminishing remnants ofFitzherbert's debt, and particularlytothe aforesaid sum of£125-13-8, the safekeeping ofwhichwasentrusted toAgnes Knolles , a widowofSandbarrow , Staffs , herselfoneof theoriginal'fugitives'

40. The earliest Pipe Rollentry, unique in form, ofa prosecution forrecusancypriortothe Statute of1581.This lengthy entryis repeated ateachre-enrolment ofCumberford'scaseofthis date (Text ofI(42v).:-'HumfridusCumberforddeWatfordinCom'Northt' gen' (deb') £20de quodam finesuper ipsum imposit'procontemptu suocommisso vigintilib' , proeoquoddictus Humfriduspernonnullos annos elapsosreligion' servicio deietprincipis et nostro beneficio inhoc regno Anglieagnite& professe non conformavit, necadhuc suamobedienc'ineapartepraebere velitaut divinor'celebrac' interesseaut sacramcommunio ' recipere, sed id facere pertinaciter et obstinate recusavitet recusat inpraesenti Nichilominusad suamobedienciam inpraemissis praebend'publice & legitime mandat 'inomnilenitate iussa, aceciamlongo deliberand'spacio ad conferrend 'etCommunicand 'proeiusreformacione in praemissis cumpiis etdoctis virisexverbo divinoetorthodoxo'part' scriptis concedebatur, dictus tamen HumfridusCumberford persuasionibus, consiliis vel mandatis praedictis nullo modo acquiescereaut parerevoluitsed pocius obstinato etinduratoanimoin ea parte persisterevidebatur ,inmanifesto contempt 'iuriset mandat 'praedict' Eteopraetextu dictus HumfridusCumberfordpronunciat ' eratcontumax et contemptor tam legibus in hacparte stabilit' quam mandatis in ea parte ei datis, etinpenam contumacie 'etcontempt suehuiusmodi fin' sivemulcta vigintilib' ad usum domine Reginesuper

COMBERFORD,Cumberford, Humphrey , gent , ofSt.Margaret'sparish, Westminster [prisoner]41 [entryunder 'Northants'] 1 mthrecusancy from 18 May 1581:conv 26 June 1581.1(42v) Debt re-enrolledII(41v) IV(41v). VI(43v)

COMBERFORD , Cumberford , Humphrey,gent., ofWestminster,Middx [prisoner] [entriesunder 'Warwicks']42 3 mths recusancyfrom 17 June 1581:conv.26 Sept. 1581II(llv); andelevenlater convictions , ending 17 Nov. 1583II(llv)* IV(60v)* DebtsreenrolledVI(61)*

COMBERFORD , Cumberford, Katherine , 'spinster' , ofStone[? orStoue (Stowe)], Staffs 4mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv . 23 July 1582VI(63 ): and seven later convictions , ending 13 Mar. 1585/6IV(62v)* . V(66)* VI(63), (63v)*.

CONBERFORD , Cumberford, Katherine , 'spinster', ofAston, Staffs .5 mths recusancyfrom 3 Apr. 1587: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v)

CONIERS,Conyers, Samuel, 'yeoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]43 1 mthrecusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIII(58v).

CONIERS,Conyers, Samuel, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]44 . (samerecusancyperiod and convictiondate)-V(52v).

CONYERS, Thomas [entryunder 'Yorks'] Fineof£20 imposedbyHigh Commissioners (? 1585-6)-VI(22). Debt re-enrolledVIII(26) X(23)

CONSTABLE,John , gent., ofMartham,Norfolk 8mths recusancyfrom 20 July 1588: conv. 7 July 1589.IX(45v). Debt re-enrolledXI(48).

40Continued ipsumproutsupra in dictosuomanifest ' contempt ' imponebatur : viz pro Edmundo Brudenell , milite, nuper vicecomite de anno 19 (Eliz.)(1577/8).(Annotationofpayment) Dequibusvic' respondet deCs Etdeb' £15' English TranslationofPipe RollI (42v).:'HumfreyCumberfordof Watford,Northants, gent , (owes) £20 ofa certain fineimposed onhimselfforcontempt , inthat thesaid Humfreyhasforseveralyearsshunned the religious serviceof God, ofhisQueenand our benefitin this realm , byopenly and publiclyrefusing to bepresentat divine celebration or to receive holycommunion , but hasobstinately refused the same, and stillcontinues todoso . Notwithstandingcallsforhis obedience, publiclyyet mildlydelivered urging himtoconferforhis reformationwithpious and learned men, versedin HolyWrit andthe orthodoxfathers, the said HumfreyCumberfordwould inno wayconsent and acquiesceand obey, but withan obstinate and hardened heart persistedinmanifest contempt ofthe aforesaid injunctions For thisreasonthe said HumfreyCumberfordwaspronounced contumacious and contemptuous , not onlyofestablished laws , but alsoofinjunctionsgiven tohimpersonally , and in punishment forhis stubborness, afine ormulctof£20wasimposed on him, the Queen's use, for his saidmanifest contempt' . (Annotation) forwhichthe Sheriffanswersfor 100s AndCumberfordowes£15

41. HumphreyCumberfordwasin the Gatehouse from 1578 to 1586.Hewasconvicted on26 June 1581 , atthe Old Bailey, of onemonth'srecusancy from 18May 1581oneoftheearliest statutoryconvictions forthisoffence under the Actof 1581 , c I. (Cf. CRSI, p 62, and CRSII, pp 225, 245, 253.)

42. ComberfordHall, thefamilyresidence,was in the parish ofTamworth,twomiles northof thattown , and thenregarded bytheExchequer as being situated in Warwicks and notStaffs.

43. Samuel Coniers (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 86.)

44. Conierswas not the onlypriest to gain bythe inaccuracy ofa legal scribeinthe 1580s The sameerror appears in the entryofWilliam Hartleya well-knownpriestin thesamelist, here likewise given the safer, but false,titleof'yoman ' , instead of'clericus' But ifConiers was saved by thiserror,itwasnotallowed to saveHartley, who wasexecutedfor his priesthood on5Oct.1588

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

CONSTABLE,LadyMargaret , wifeofSir HenryConstable ,knt.,of Constable Burton, E.R.Yorks 6 mths recusancyfrom3 July 1587: conv . 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

CONWEY , John, 'husb" ,ofLeighe, Staffs 12 mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v): and onelater convictiondated 22 July1588VIII(58)

CONWEY, Ellen, hiswife(ofsame parish).4 mths recusancyfrom 13 Mar. 1585/6: conv . 1 Aug. 1586.VI(63v)

COOKE , Ann,wifeofAmbrose Cooke,ofthecityofYork 4 mths recusancy from28 Mar. 1581: conv 17 July 1581.I(8).Debt re-enrolledIII(10).V(8).VII(8) IX(8) Goodsvalue £10 seized fromhusband , 6 Feb. 1582/3II(8).

COOKE,Eliz.,wid. ,ofThistleton,parish ofKirkham, Lancs . 13mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9. -X(35)

COOKE,George, 'husb",ofHamstallRidware,Staffs.6mths recusancy from 25 Mar. 1588: conv 14 Mar. 1588/9.IX(69v) Goods,value £5-0-4, seized 4 Sept. 1589X(14)

COOKE, Henry,esq , ofMilton , Cambs. 10 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 24 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v) Rental oflandsseized 3 June 1588IX(5v).Seizedlandslet byCrownto John Huttonfrom 28 June 1588X(6). XI(6) XII(6)

COOKE,Ann,'spinster' , hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(7v)

COOKE,John ,[ 1 , of Kennington , Lambeth parish , Surrey. 3mths recusancyfrom 15 Sept. 1588: conv 30 June 1589.IX(53).

COOKE, Laurence, 'husb" ,ofWestby , Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586 : conv . 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(21v)

COOKE,William, 'yoman' , ofBunbury, Cheshire. 13 mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586: date ofconvictionomittedVIII(58v)

COPESTACKE,Anthony, "yeom" , of[ ]in Chesterfeild parish, Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

COPLEY , Katherine, Lady, 'spinster' , of Horsham, Sussex .3mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588: conv. 3 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53)

COPLEY, Katherine , Lady,wid , ofHorsham , Sussex Recordoflandseizure, 13 Apr. 1590X(67). Seizedlandslet byCrowntoJohn Wattes from29 July 1590X(67)* . XI(55v) XII(56v)

CORMORTHE, John, 'clericus' , ofWestminster , Middx [prisoner]45 . [entriesunder 'Staffs'] 3 mths recusancyfrom26 June 1581:conv . 26 Sept. 1581II(14): andnine later convictions ending 25 Nov. 1583II(14)* .IV(62), (62v)* Debtsre-enrolledVI(63)*, (63v)*

CORRIDEN,Eliz., 'spinster' , ofCheckley, Staffs .4 mths recusancy (undated):convicted 21 July1589.IX(69v)

45. JohnCormothwasapre-Elizabethan priest whowasdeprived as V.NorthWeald Basett , Essex Hewasimprisoned in the Gatehouse, 1581-1584 . (Cf. CRS II,p 235.)

CORSE , Thomas, 'husband" , ofAsperton [Ashperton ], Herefords .Two fines of£20imposed forignoringsheriff'ssummonsesafter excommunication ,4 Apr. and27 May 1581.III(28)* . DebtsreenrolledV(26)*.

COSEN , Thomas, 'waterman' , ofSt. Saviour's parish,Southwark ,Surrey [? prisoner] 4mths recusancyending 17 July1587, when convicted .IX(54).

COSYE , Ellen,wid ,ofWorthington, Lancs , relictofAlexander Cosye 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38v).

COTSMORE , Cottesmore , Thomas, 'clericus' , of St.Margaret's parish, Westminster,Middx[prisoner]46[entryunder 'Sussex'].Onemonth recusancyfrom 18 May 1581: conv.26 June 1581. Debtre-enrolledVII(51).IX(55).XII(58) [Entries under 'Oxfords'], 3 mthsrecusancy from27 June 1581 : conv.26 Sept. 1581II(29v); and fourlater indictments , ending 16 Mar. 1581/2II(29v), (44)* Debts reenrolledIV(29v)* VI(30v)*

COTTON , George, esq , ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWardWithout, London[prisoner]47. 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv . 28 July1581.1(32v) Debt re-enrolledIII(38v) V(35)

COTTON,SirGeorge, knt., ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without, London[entryunder 'Hants'] 7 mths recusancyfrom 13 June 1582:conv 18 Jan. 1582/3.II(52) Debt re-enrolledIV(52) VI(54).

COTTON,George, esq., ofWarblington, Hants Annualfineforrecusancy (£260)paid from 28 Oct.1587.VII(54). VIII(67). IX(58). X(70v). XI(60).XII(62) Summary ofpre-1587 debtsforrecusancy.VII(54). VIII(66v) Remainder ofpre-1587 arrears(£333-6-8) paid 21 Nov. 1590. Quit. 48X(69)

46. Thomas Cottesmore was a pre-Elizabethan priest Deprived asV. Poynings, Sussex ,in 1560, heismentioned aslivingwiththe Gagefamilyat FirlePlace, Sussex , in 1567.(VCHSussex ,II,p 25.)Hemayhavebeen'anold massingpriest, taken atArundelcoming over frombeyond the seas , and committed bythe PrivyCounciltothe Gatehouseprison ,Westminster ,twoyearssince' , in 1583.(Cf. CRS II, pp 224, 230, 235.) His experienceofprosecution forrecusancywasconfinedto the period ofhisimprisonmentThere were sixperiods in all: -

(1) (1 month ) 18May 1581 to 26June 1581 (hisearliest recusancy)

(2) (3 months ) 27Jun 1581 to 26Sept. 1581

(3) (1 month) 16 Oct. 1581 to20Nov. 1581

(4) (1 month ) 19Nov. 1581 to 18 Dec. 1581

(5) (1 month) 18 Dec. 1581 to 18Jan. 1581/2

(6) (3 months ) 18 Jan. 1581/2 to16 Mar. 1581/2 Nofurtherprosecution forrecusancyoccurs against him.

47. GeorgeCottonwasimprisoned in theFleet from 18Mar. 1580/1 to28 July1581.(Cf.CRS II, pp 223, 229.) Being awealthyman, hewaspersuadedbythe Exchequer toadoptthefullscheme ofthe Statute of1586/7 (section III) for the payment ofhis recusancydebts, and ofhis pre1587 arrears (Cf.CRSLVII,Appendix)

48. GeorgeCotton'spaiddebts, upon examination ,were foundto amount to£1,199-6-8out of£3,600forrecusancyfrom 28 July1581 to20Oct.1586 (68 months) Hewasrequired torender to the Exchequer, inthe Michaelmas Term of 1587 , £199-6-8, and at Michaelmas 1588 , £333-6-8, and thereafter , ineveryMichaelmas term, £333-6-8, until payment wascompleted, bythe suretiesofthesaidGeorge Cotton, viz Thomas Onley esq , ofCatesby,Northants.;John


COTTON, John , gent., ofWarblington,Hants. 7 mthsrecusancyfrom 12 Sept. 1586: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(67)

COTTON,Mary, 'spinster' , ofBrickles [Breckles]Magna,Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54)

COTTON, Thomas , gent., ofGrindon, Staffs 12mthsrecusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(78v).

COURTNEY , James, esq ,ofCheritonFitzpayne [Fitzpaine], Devon.3 mths recusancyfrom7 Jan. 1581/2:conv 31 Aug. 1584. -IV(14v). Debt re-enrolledVI(14v).Record ofland-seizure, 6 Oct. 1587VIII(18).Rental ofseized landVIII(18v).IX(15) X(19). XI(17).Seized landslet byCrownto John Clapham &Thomas Culliford from25 Mar. 1590X(19v) XI(17).XII(18).

COWHAPPE , John, 'laborer' , of[ JinNorthWingfeildparish,Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586 : conv 22 Mar. 1588.VIII(21).

COWPER,[ ], 'laborer' , ofLeeinthe parish ofAshber [?Ashover], Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586 : conv.22 Mar. 1588.VIII(21)

COWPER ,[ ], hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(21).

COWPER,Joan, 'spinster' , ofSt.Jones[John's], Southover ,E.Sussex .2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

COWPER,Richard, 'yeoman' , ofPittlesthorne [Pitstone], Bucks 3 mths recusancyfrom27 Mar. 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).

COWPER , aliasBIRCHE,Thomas,[ ],ofMeaddowes[? nr. Pemberton ], Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(38).

COXE,Ann, Wid ,ofChilton, Berks 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(5).

COXE,Katherine verchJohn,wifeofJohn Coxe,[ ],ofLlantilio Crossenny, Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v).

COXE, Richard,'brickmaker' , ofOtterbo(u)rne, Hants. 6mths recusancy from 1 Aug. 1587:conv 8 July 1588.VIII(68v).

COXE,Richard , 'yeoman' , ofSt. Sepulchreparish, Northampton, Northants. 12mths recusancyfrom 31 July 1587: conv .4 Mar. 1588/9.IX(47).

COXON , Gertrude , 'spinster' , ofHamstall Ridware,Staffs 4mths recusancy[undated]: convicted 21 July 1589.IX(69v).

48Continued Chamberlen , esq . , ofBeaulieu, Hants.; and John Wakeham , gent , ofBeckford , Gloucs.His arrearswerepaid offon 21 Nov. 1590 , bythe deliveryofthe final £333-6-8 intotheTreasury(Cf. Item South'VII(54)) He nowconcentrated on the regular yearly payment ofhisfineof£260 , whichhecontinued topay till hisdeath on 13Nov. 1609.By that date he had contributed , inall, £3,539-6-8 Onlyeight recusants wereconfidentenough totackle suchdebtsinthe 1580s (Cf. CRSLVII, Introd , pp xxxxxxii,xliii -xliv, lxxxiv- lxxxv)Bythe endofElizabeth's reign , however , thenumberhad risen to15 , but neversurpassedit.


COXON ,Henry, 'laborer' , of Hamstall Ridware,Staffs.6mths recusancy from 25 Mar. 1588 : conv. 14 Mar. 1588/9.IX(69v).

CRABBE,William,'yoman', ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]49.8 mths recusancyending 16 Feb. 1586/7, whenconvicted .VI(50).

CRAGGE,Alice, 'spinster' , ofMilwiche, Staffs 4mths recusancy [undated]:convicted 21 July1589. - IX(69v).

CRAGGE, Crage, Ralph , gent , ofGaiton, Gaton [Gayton],Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587: conv. 22 July1588.VIII(58)

CRAGGE,Crage,Margaret , hiswife (same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(58).

CRANE,Christiana, 'spinster' , ofHolmehall,Norfolk , wifeofJohn Crane , 'yom" . 8mths recusancyfrom 12 July 1583: conv Lent 1583/4IV(44v).

CRANE,Nicholas , 'clericus' , ofSt. Sepulchreparish, FarringdonWard Without, London[prisoner]50. 13 mths recusancyfrom 18 Apr.1587: conv 30 Apr.1588.VIII(38v).

CRAWLEY, Thomas, esq., ofManweden [Manuden], Essex .3mths recusancyfrom25 Mar. 1588: conv 13 Mar. 1588/9.IX(27v).

Record ofland-seizure, 22 May 1589IX(27v). Rental oflandsseized 22 May 1589IX(49).X(25).XI(21).XII(20v) Seized landsletby Crownto Robert Seale from 11 June 1589.X(26v) XI(21v). XII(20v)

CRESSEY ,Christopher , gent ,ofTwiford [Twyford], Bucks . 12mths recusancyfrom 12 Mar. 1587/8: conv 23 June 1589. -IX(70).

CRISLEY, aliasCRICHELOWE,Roger[ ], son ofEdward Crichlow [ ], ofCharnockRichard,Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38v)

CRISLEY, aliasCRICHELOWE,Eliz., wifeofthe saidRoger(same parish, recusancyperiod &convictiondate)-X(38v).

CRISLOWE, Ralph, 'webster' , ofCharnockRichard , Lancs (same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-X(38v).

CRISPE , Grace ,[ ],ofDebenham, Suffolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv. 10 July 1588.VIII(73) Debtre-enrolledX(64).

CROCKET, Ralph, 'clericus'ofSt. GeorgesParish, Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]51.5 mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv . 17 July 1587IX(54).

CROFT , Thomas,esq , ofWigmore, Herefords 19mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1: conv 8 Jan. 1581/2II(64), and 10laterconvictions ending 18 Mar.1587/8IV(64)* . V(26), (26v)* . VIII(30) Debtsre-

49. William Crabbe was arrestedinChichester Haven and imprisoned inthe Marshalsea on25 Apr. 1586.(Cf.CRSII, pp 242, 244 , 252 , 254.)

50. Nicholas Crane (?1522-?1588), presbyterian 'cleric' ofChrist's College, Cambridge (Cf. DNB,XIII, p 11.)

51. See footnote244A . The Pipe OfficeClerkregularlyconfused Ralph CrocketwithGeorge Potter

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

enrolledIII(27) 'Chattels real' value £100, seized Michaelmas 1585 byHughCuffe, commissionerX(29v) Goodsvalue £2 seized 23 Aug. 1588XI(29) Record ofland-seizure , 23 Aug. 1588IX(25v). Rental oflands seized 23 Aug. 1588IX(25v).X(28). XI(28).

CROFT ,Thomas , gent , ofWigmore, Herefords 3 mths recusancyfrom 22 Sept. 1582: conv 5 Jan. 1582/3, and one later convictiondated 4 Mar. 1582/3.II(64)* .Debtsre-enrolledIII(27).V(26)

CROMBLEHOLME,William, 'yom" ,ofSouthwark , Surrey [? prisoner].4 mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvictedVI(49v).

CROMPTON , William, 'wariner' , ofLitherland,Lancs 12 mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38)

CRONE,Margaret , ofWeeton, Lancs., wifeofRobert Crone , 'husb" . (samerecusancyperiodandconvictiondate)-X(39)

CROOKE,[ 1,ofWestby , Lancs , wifeofRichard Crooke (same recusancyperiodandconviction date)-X(39v).

CROOKE, Eliz.,wid , ofThistleton, Lancs 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(39).

CROOKE , Eliz , wid , ofGrenhalgh [Greenhalgh], Kirkhamparish,Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv. 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(21v)

CROOKE, Evanc' , 'yeoman' , ofEast Harling,Norfolk.3mths recusancy from 13 Apr. 1587:conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

CROOKE, Laurence,[ 1 ,ofWestby,Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

CROOKE , Margaret, wifeofJohn Crooke, 'yoman' , ofBryning,Lancs. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

COOKE ,Thomas,[ 1 ,ofWestby,Lancs (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(39v)

CROSDALE, Thomas, 'yeoman' , ofSheringham,Norfolk.3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587:conv. 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

CROWCHER,Eliz., recusant(ofSussex) Goods, value£21-6-8, seized 17 Jan. 1588/9.IX(54v).

CROWTHER , Crowder, Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark,Surrey [prisoner]$2.9mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3 , when convictedIII(58v); andonelater conviction dated 20 July1584V(50v) Debt re-enrolledV(52v).

CUFFIELDE , Cuffald, Cuffall , Simon, gent , ofBasing,Hants. 18mths recusancyfrom18 Mar. 1580/1: conv. ? Sept. 1582III(50v):and onelaterconvictiondated 7 Jan.1583/4IV(53). Landsseizedby Crownand let toHughCuffefrom 2 Mar. 1583/4IV(52).

CULPAGE, John , priest ('sacerdos'), ofSalfordintheparish of Manchester,Lancs [prisoner]53. 3 mths recusancyfrom 10 Oct. 1581:

52. Thomas Crowther(Cf.AnstrutherI,p.95.)

53. John Cuppage orCoppage (Cf.Wark,pp. 174-175 .)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

conv. 18 Jan.1581/2, andtwolater convictions ending 16 Jan. 1582/3.II(38v)* Debtsre-enrolledVIII(46)*

CUMBER,John, 'bruer' , ofSt. Ebbesparish, Oxfordcity.7mthsrecusancy from23 July 1584:conv. 5 Feb. 1584/5.V(47): andthreelater convictionsending 17 Mar. 1586/7.V(47).VI(11v), (47v).


CURROR , Eliz ,wifeofPeter Curror, gent , ofClint, inparish ofRipley, W.R. Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

CURWINE ,Curwyne, Nicholas , gent , ofNappa Hall[Aysgarth parish], N.R. Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Sept . CE 1587. - VIII(25v).

CURWINE,William, gent., (same place, recusancyperiod andconviction date).-VIII(25v)

DALE,Nicholas, 'laborer' ,ofWiswell, Lancs. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

DALE,Agnes, his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40).

DALLYSON, John , gent , ofLaughton,Lincs 1 mthrecusancyfrom 23 Mar. 1580/1:conv ?Apr. 1581, and one later convictiondated 22 Sept. 1581.I(49)* .

DALTON , James, 'yoman' , ofKirkland[Garstang],Lancs . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

DALTON,Robert, 'taleor' , ofDuxbury,Lancs (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(38v)

DANBIE ,Christopher, gent , ofScruton , N.R.Yorks 13 mthsrecusancy from 3 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

DAND, Henry,[ 1 , ofSt.Mary'sparish , Nottingham,Notts.3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr.1588 : conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9.IX(70).Debt re-enrolledXII(75)

DANE,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofHanley Castle, Worcs. 12mths recusancy from1 Apr. 1587: conv.28 Mar. 1588.VIII(80).

DANIELL,Ann, 'spinster' , ofActon,Suffolk 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv.27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

DANIELL, Danyell , John, gent., ofActon, Suffolk(same recusancyperiod and convictiondateasprecedingentry)-VIII(73) Record oflandseizureinSuffolk, 10 Sept. 1589IX(64).Rental oflandsseized in SuffolkIX(45v) X(63v).XI(65v) Lands seized inSuffolkletby CrowntoMatthewCripes from Michaelmas 1589X(80v).XI(65v). XII(66v) Record ofland-seizurein Essex, 3 Feb. 1589/90 -X(26v) Lands seized in Essex let byCrowntoHenryMarwoodfrom 20 Mar. 1589/90XI(21v) XII(20v).

DANIELL ,Danyell, John, esq , ofActon,Suffolk Lands seized inSuffolk and Essex on 12 June 1590 let byCrowntoRichard Brewsterfrom 16 July 1590X(80v). XI(65v) XII(66v).

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

DANIELL,Margaret, wid ,ofActon, Suffolk 3mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587:conv. 27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73). Goods, value £5 , seized 7 Oct. 1588IX(64) Rental oflandsseized 7 Oct. 1588 - IX(64). Seizedlandslet byCrown toMatthewCrispe[sic]from 10 Mar. 1588/9IX(64).X(63v) XI(65v)

DANIELL,Danyell, William, gent., ofActon, Suffolk(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(73) Record ofland-seizurein Acton, 7 Oct. 1588IX(64) Rental ofseized lands -IX(45v). X(63v).XI(65v) Seized lands atActonlet byCrowntoMatthew Cripes [sic]from Michaelmas 1589X(80v).XI(65v).XII(66v).

DARCEY , 'Collinbra', wife of ThomasDarcey, esq., ofHornebie [Hornby], N.R. Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

DARCYE, 'Colabrea' , wifeofThomasDarcye, esq., ofHornebye[Hornby],

N.R. Yorks 6mthsrecusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).

DARNELL, Katherine , wid ,ofthecityofHereford 12 mthsrecusancy A from 26 June 1581:conv 26 June 1582II(64), andthreelater convictions , ending 4 Mar. 1582/3II(64)*.

DARNELL ,Katherine , wid., ofSt. Owen's parish, Hereford. 1 mth recusancyfrom 27 May 1583: conv 15 July1583III(27),andnine later convictions , ending 8 Aug. 1586IV(64v)* .V(26v)*.VI(25)* . Debtsre-enrolledV(26)*.

DARRINGTON , William, I 1 , ofEtwall, Derbys 10 mths recusancy from9 Sept. 1586 : conv 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

DARWYN , Robert, 'husb" , ofInce Blundell, Lancs. 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

DAVID , Eliz verch Hoell, wifeof Richard John David,[ ],of Llangattocknigh Usk, Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

DAVID , 'Gwenliana' , wifeof'Morice'David,[ ], ofLlanvihangel Ystern Llewern ,Mon.(samerecusancyperiod & conv date).— VIII (49v).

DAVID, HenryJohn, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.(samerecusancy period & conv date).-VIII(48v).

DAVID , Isabel verchHoell, wifeofJohn WilliamDavid,[ ],of LlangattockVibonAvel,Mon.(same recyperiod &conv date).― VIII(48v)

DAVID, John, senior, 'yoman' ,ofLlanvihangel Crucorney, Mon.(same recyperiod&conv date).-VIII(48v).

DAVID , John ap Jevan, 'yom" , ofRaglan,Mon. 8 mths recusancyfrom 12 Aug. 1586:conv ?20 Mar. 1586/7. -VI(40).

DAVID , John apJevanJohn, 'yoman' , ofRaglan, Mon. 12mthsrecusancy from 1 July 1581 : conv.23 July1582 ,-II(38): andeightlater convictions , ending 20 Mar. 1586/7.IV(38v)* . V(40v)*. VI(40v)*

Debt re-enrolledIII(45)

DAVID,'Jonetta', hiswife(same parish). 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar.

1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48)

DAVID ,Llewelyn, 'yoman' , of Trostoe [Trostrey],Mon.(samerecyperiod &conv. date) .VIII(49)

DAVID , 'Gwenliana' , hiswife(same parish, recyperiod &conv . date).― VIII(49)

DAVID ,Margaret verch Harry,wifeofHenryDavid, [ ], of Aburgavenny ,Mon. (same recyperiod & conv date).-VIII(48)

DAVID,Matilda,'spinster' , ofLlanvihangel Tomegrose[Llantarnam ], Mon. (same recyperiod &

DAVID , Matilda verchDavid , wifeofJevanThomas David,[ ], of Raglan,Mon. (samerecyperiod & conv date) .-VIII(48)

DAVID , Sybil , wid , (sameparish, recyperiod & conv. date) .VIII(48)

DAVID,Thomas, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid, Mon.(same recyperiod & conv date) .-VIII(48v)

apDAVID , John apJevan,[ 1 , of Raglan,Mon. 8 mths recusancyfrom 4 July1583 : conv. 6 Mar. 1583/4.VI(40v).

verch DAVID , 'Alsona' , wid , ofSt. Bride's [Wentiloog],Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48)

verchDAVID , Blanche, 'spinster' , ofLlangoven, Mon. (samerecyperiod& conv. date).-VIII(49v).

verch DAVID, 'Crisilia' , 'spinster' , ofLlanvairKilgedin,Mon.(same recy period &

verch DAVID, 'Jonnetta' , 'spinster' , ofLlangattockVibonAvel,Mon. (samerecyperiod & conv date) .-VIII(48v).

verchDAVID ,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofLlanvihangel Ystern Llewern,Mon. (same recyperiod&

verchDAVID ,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofLlanthewyRytherch,Mon.(same recyperiod&conv date).-VIII(48)

verch DAVID, Margaret , 'spinster' , ofLlantilio Pertholey , Mon.(same recy period&

verchDAVID ,Matilda, 'spinster' , ofLlangattockVibonAvel,Mon.(same recyperiod & conv date) .-VIII(48v).

verch DAVID,Matilda, 'spinster' , of[? Usk],Mon. (samerecyperiod& conv. date) .VIII(49).

DAVIE, aliasofAPRICE, Richard

DAWBNEY,William,gent,of[ ], Worcs. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1587: conv. 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(80).

DAWES,Richard , gent ,ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]5410mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvicted.VI(49v)

DAWNEY,Cuthbert, gent , ofWest Hestlerton [Heslerton], E.R.Yorks.9 mths recusancyfrom25 Mar. 1582 : conv 17 May 1583.IV(21). Debt re-enrolledVI(22)

54. RichardDawes , orDowse orDowce, wasimprisoned in the Clinkfor 18years,from 1583/4 to1602.(Cf.CRSII, pp 246, 252, 283, 285, 288) The samePipe Roll(under 'Item Sussex ')gives another prosecution against 'RichardDowse, yeoman, ofSouthwark,Surrey'(TheClinkprison) for8months recusancy ending 16 Feb. 1586/7, when hewasagain convicted andfined£160


DAWNEY, Katherine , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate).- IV(21).

DAWSON, Frances, wifeofRichard Dawson,gent , of[ ],Yorks.6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

DAWSON, George,[ ], of[ 1,Yorks 55(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(27).

DAYE, Daie,John, 'yom" , ofEnsham [Eynsham], Oxfords.8mths recusancyfrom25 July 1586: conv. 17 Mar. 1586/7.VI(llv). Record ofland-seizure, 21 Feb. 1587/8VIII(59v). Rental ofseized landsVIII(35). IX(50). X(57) XI(53) XII(53). SeizedlandsletbyCrownto Thomas Bostock & Edward Streetefrom 5 July 1589IX(31v).

X(57v).XI(53v) XII(53v)

DAYE, Daie, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofRickenhall [Rickinghall],Suffolk.3 mths recusancyfrom1 Jan. 1587/8: conv 10 July 1588.VIII(73)

Debt re-enrolled -X(64).

DEANE , William, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]565mths recusancyending 15 Feb. 1583/4, when convictedIV(49v):and one laterconviction,dated20 July 1584V(50v) Debtsre-enrolledVI(51).

DELVES,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofWarneham [Warnham ],W.Sussex . 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr.1588: conv 3 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53).

DENFORD,John, 'clericus'57, ofStepney,Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 July 1588: conv 2 Dec. 1588.IX(37).

DENNIS,[ ], wid , ofDenbie in Horseley [Horsley]parish, Derbys, 'spinster' 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

DENNIS,Ann,wifeofWilliam Dennis, gent , ofLekehampton [Leckhampton ], Gloucs 5 mths recusancyfrom26 Mar.1587:conv . 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82).

DENNIS,Jane, 'spinster'(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(82)

DENNYS, Robert , 'laborer' , ofSt. Jones[John's], Southover, Sussex .2 mths recusancyfrom17 Apr. 1587 : conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

DENTON, Susan ,[ ], ofAllSaintsparish, cityofOxford 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

DENTON,William, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]58. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIII(58v):andone later convictiondated 18 Feb. 1584/5.V(52v).

DEREHAM , John, gent ,ofCossey[Costessey],Norfolk .3mthsrecusancy from 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54)

55. George Dawson is not given a domicilein everyrollofthe series However , he isdescribed in 1 , asofHunsingore inYorks (Cf. CRSXVIII , p 60.)

56. William Deane (Cf.AnstrutherI, p. 100.)

57. John Denford An unidentifiedcleric

58. William Denton(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 100.)


DEREHAM ,William,gent , ofWingfeild,Suffolk. 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587:conv 27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

DEWE, John, gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]59. 3 mths recusancy ending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted .III(58v).

DEWE, John , 'yom" , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]59.4mthsrecusancy ending 22 July 1583, whenconvictedIV(49v); andthreelater convictions , ending 18 Feb. 1584/5IV(49v), V(52v)* Debtsreenrolled - VI(51)*.

DEWEY,Edward, 'yom" , of Dorchester, Dorset 6mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July 1588.VIII(19v).

DEWHURSTE, Eliz , ofWiswall, parish ofWhalley,Lancs.,wifeof Christopher Dewhurst[ 1. 10mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv . 25 Apr. 1582.II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46).

DEWHURSTE, Eliz., 'spinster' , ofHalselmore, Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40v).

DEWHURSTE, Isabel, ofHalselmore , Lancs , wifeofJohn Dewhurste, 'husb" (samerecusancyperiod and conviction date)-X(40v)

DICCONSON,Eliz., 'spinster' , ofSwartbreck [Swarbrick],Kirkham parish , Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

DICCONSON, Ellen , ofWeeton, Lancs ,wifeofThomasDicconson ,gent 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

DICONSON, Thomas, gent. ,ofSwartbreck [Swarbrick],Kirkhamparish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9. - X(35)

DIGGES,William, 'husb" ,ofLangford[Longford],Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

DINGLE,Henry, 'yoman' , ofActon, Suffolk 6mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1588: conv. 2 July1589.IX(64).Debt re-enrolledXI(72v)

DIXSON, Agnes, wid., ofBarford[Barforth]Dykes, inGillingeparish [sic], N.R.Yorks. 13 mthsrecusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

DOBSON ,Humphrey, 'laborer',of Graunge[-over-Sands],Lancs . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(40).

DOD(D), Dood, John, 'yoman' , ofDenham, Bucks 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3). Rental oflands seized 12 Oct. 1588 (dischargeref.)IX(70). Goods, value£25-10-7, seized 12 Oct.1588 (dischargeref.)60IX(70).

DORRINGTON,Andrew,gent., ofMuccleston [Mucklestone],Staffs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(78v).

59. JohnDewe wasa servant ofWilliamShelley at Michelgrove in Clapham , Sussex Hewasin the Clink, 17Aug. 1582.(Cf. CRS II, p 227.)

60. John Dodd wasdischarge from histwo debtsthe£3-17-10 fortwo-thirds ofhis lands seizedforrecusancy at Southmead , 12 Oct.1588 ,and the£25-10-7forhisgoods and chattels (Cf.M.R.,L.T.R., 32 Eliz., Trinity Term , 'Recorda' section )


DORRINGTON,Dorington, Ellen, wifeofThomas Dorington, gent , of Moleston[Mucklestone ?], Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1587:conv 22 July 1588.VIII(58)

DORRINGTON ,Dorington, Thomas, gent.,ofMuccleston [Mucklestone], Staffs. 12mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1586 : conv.25Mar.1588.VIII(78v).

DORRINGTON,William, gent (same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate).-VIII(78v).

DORRINGTON, John, 'yoman' , ofSt.MaryMagdalene parish, boroughof Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]61 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 10 Sept. 1586 : conv . 5 July 158862.VIII(63).

DOUGHTIE, aliasROBERTES ,Jane(q.v.).

DOWNES,Francis, gent., ofActon,Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587 : conv.27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73)

DOWNES,John,gent., ofBoughton , Norfolk.9mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1581:conv. ? 1 July 1582IV(44v): andonelater conviction, dated 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

DOWNES ,Mary, his wife(ofsame parish) 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

DOWNES,Margery,wifeofGeorgeDownes,gent., of[Bishop's]Frome, Herefords . 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30)

DOWNES,Robert , esq , ofMeltonMagna, Norfolk 11mthsrecusancy from 1 Aug. 1581: conv 23 July 1582II(40): andfivelater indictments , ending 6 Apr. 1587III(72v) IV(44v) V(46v)* VI(25v). Debtsre-enrolledIV(40).V(41v) VII(41)* .Summary of pre-1587 debtsVI(41v), (42) Goods, value £26-13-4,seized 1585V(41v) Goods, value £6-6-8, seized 1587VII(41).Record ofland-seizure26 Sept. 1587VIII(51) Rental of landsseized 26 Sept. 1587VIII(6v) IX(43v).X(52v).XI(46v) XII(47v).Seized landsletbyCrownto John Coleman &PeterWhitefrom3 Mar. 1589/9063X(8lv) XI(46v), (47) XII(47v). 12 acres ofwoods in MeltonMagna, value £144-10s, seized bycommissionersRichard Brewster & Thomas Felton in 1589X(81v) XI(66) Twofines, each of100 marks, imposed forhearing MassatMelton Magna inhisownhouseon 11 Aug.and26 Aug. 158364. -IV(44v)*.

DOWSE, Richard, 'yoman' ,ofSouthwark,Surrey[prisoner].8mths recusancyending 16 Feb. 1586/7, when convictedVI(50) Cf. DAWES, Richard

61. John DorringtonofStaffs , wasprobablya prisoner intheWoodStreet Counter

62. Mr.Dorrington'wassuspectedofcomplicityin theBabington Plot (Cf. CRSII, p . 258 )

63. Robert Downes's lands in Great Meltonconsisted ofthe Manorof Peverellesand Haggines, which wasseizedbythe Crown on26 Sept. 1586.On 3 Mar. 1589/90 this propertywaslet by the CrowntoJohn Coleman and PeterWhitefor a rent of£111-8-9 perannum Itwastaken over atEaster 1598byHenryClarck, gent., whocontinued incharge until the deathofRobertDownes in 1611.Ann Downes, Robert'swidowcontinued her recusancyat a costof£14-4s perannum

64. (Cf.PipeRoll,5JamesI: Robert Downes is again acquitted )

DRAYCOTT, Draicote , Alban, gent., ofDraicote [Draycott], Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1587: conv. 22 July1588.VIII(58).

DRAYCOTT, Dracote , Edmund , gent , ofStone[? orStoue], Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588: conv. 14 Mar. 1588/9. -IX(69v).

DRAYCOTT,Draicotte, Edward, gent , ofUttoxator[Uttoxeter ], Staffs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1586: conv.25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v).

DRAYCOTT, Draycote , John, esq , ofDraycott, Staffs 12mths recusancy; convicted Easter 1582 byinformer'ssuit65 .III(64v). Debt reenrolledV(66) VII(64) IX(69) XI(71v)

DRAYCOTT,Draicote, John, esq., ofPaynesley, Draycottparish, Staffs.4 mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv. ? 3 Aug. 1582;-IV(62v): andfivelaterconvictions , ending 25 Mar. 1588.IV(62v)*

VIII(78v) Debts re-enrolledVI(63)* , (63v)* XI(71v). Summary of unpaid debtsforrecusancy,Mar. 1582 toAug. 1584,(£600), granted toWilliam Ashbye66VIII(16v).X(78v) Annualfinesof£260 p.a., beginning 19 Apr. 1591, enrolled anddischarged[infavourofWilliam Ashbye]67.X(7v).XI(71v)

DRAYCOTT,Dracote,John,[ ], ofDenbie,inHorseley [Horsley] parish, Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv .22Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

DRAYCOTT, Dracote , Philip, gent. , ofMagna Over,Derbys (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(21).

DRAYCOTT,Dracotte, Philip, gent., ofStone[? orStoue], Staffs . 12mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1586: conv. 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(78v)

DREWRYE,Drury, Eliz , wid , ofLawshall , Suffolk 8 mths recusancy from15 July 1588: conv 2 July 1589.IX(64). Debt re-enrolled XI(72v) Lands seized , 12 Apr. 1591, let byCrown toWilliamHunnys from11 Nov. 1591.XII(66v).

65. InQuiTam actions for recusancy, the informerwasdueto obtain onethirdofthetotal penalty, viz £80, ofthe£240in the present case (Cf.CRSLVII , Introd pp xiv, andxv-xx.)

66. Aspecial interest attachestothe treatment of John Draycottin thatheis seeminglythe earliest instance ofthe payment ofcrownservantsbythe grant of recusants' forfeituresapractice notuncommon in the first seven yearsofthe next reign On 18 Mar. 1585/6, theExchequer authoritieswere notified, bywarrantunder the privyseal, that the Queen, towhomDraycott owed £600forrecusancy between 31 Mar. 1582/3 and 13 Aug. 1584 , had madeanoutrightgrantofthis sum,to acertain WilliamAshbye ,esq., 'ourwelbeloved servaunt' ,forunspecified services rendered tothe Crown Furthermore , afterthepassingofthe Statute of1586/7, theExchequer was similarlyinformed, on 11 Oct. 1587, of an additionalgrant tothe saidAshbye, ofallfuturesums accruing tothe Queen, atthe rate of £260ayear, byreasonofDraycott'scontinued recusancy , as from 22Apr. 1587.Onthesegrounds , Ashbye , in Trinity Term 1591 , successfullypetitioned the barons inthe CourtofExchequer ,fora formaljudgement discharging Draycott(and himself)ofall pastand futuredebtsto the Crownin this case, until theend ofthereign.

67. Noreferenceto John Draycott'srecusancyappearsinthe RRs of JamesI's reign,until1611 , when twothirdsofhis lands arerecorded as having been seizedon 18Mayofthatyear,and immediatelyleasedbythe Crownfor41 yearsto 'John Peersallesq 'for anannual rentof £27-4-5 (Cf. E . 377/19 , under 'Res'Staff' , post Bedfords' ) Itistherefore clearthatthe Queen's schemeadopted forDraycottwasnot continued byher successor, who, fromthe above date , followedthe normal systemregarding the penalising ofthis recusantwithoutinterference from WilliamAshbye .


DREWRYE,Drury,Henry, esq., ofLawshall ,Suffolk. 10mths recusancy from 1 Aug. 1581 : conv ? 18 July 1582 ,-II(56): andtwolater convictions , ending 10 July1588.III(66) VIII(73) DebtsreenrolledIII(65).IV(56). V(60) X(64).

DREWRYE,Drury,Henry,gent. , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark , Surrey[prisoner]68. 5 mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv . 17 July 1587.IX(54)

DREWRYE,John, gent , ofGodwicke [Hall, Litcham],Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54) Record ofland-seizure, 18 Oct.1588IX(45) Rental oflandsseized 18 Oct. 1588. -IX(45).

DREWRYE, William, 'yoman' , ofThrapston , Northants.12mths recusancyfrom 31 July 1587: conv 4 Mar. 1588/9.IX(47)

DRINKELL ,Alice, ofWiersdale [Wyresdale], Lancs.,wifeofMichael Drinkell. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v)

DRYFFELD,Alice,wid ,ofKnottingley, W.R. Yorks.2mthsrecusancy from4 Jan. 1585/6: conv 14 Mar. 1585/6.VI(20v).

DRYNGE,Thomas, 'yeoman' , ofCroulton[? Croughton], Northants. 12 mths recusancyfrom 31 July 1587:conv 4 Mar. 1588/9. -IX(47).

DUBDEALE, Robert , 'yoman',ofSt. Margaret'sparish, Westminster [prisoner]69. (Pipe Rollentryunder 'Oxfordshire') one month's recusancyfrom 18 May 1581: conv 26 June 1581.I(45v) DebtreenrolledIII(73v).V(31v).

DUBDEALE,Dubdall, Robert , 'yoman' , ofWestminster , Middx [prisoner]70 (Pipe Rollentryunder 'London') 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 June 1581: conv 16 Oct. 1581II(32): andfourlater convictions , ending 16 Mar. 1581/2.III(42)* . Debtsre-enrolledV(35)*

DUCE , Thomas, 'yoman' , ofCumberton[? Comberton ], Worcs 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv. 6 Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v).

DUCKEWORTHE, Eliz , ofChurche, Lancs , wifeofEdward Duckworthe . 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40)

DUGDALE,Thomas,[ 1 ,ofHaslingdon [Haslingden], Whalley parish, Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

68. HenryDrewrye's description 'ofSt.George's parish, Southwark , Surrey' , wasa common wayofdescribing the temporaryabode of prisoners in the Marshalsea HewasdescribedbyLord Burghley as , 'ayounggentleman whose lands, being oftheyearlyvalue of £300, are lately comeinto his possessionbythe death ofhisfather. He is a most obstinate recusant &receiverofpriestsand suspectedpersons, and refuseth tobeconversant withany preacher, saying hewillstop hisears' . (Cf. CRS II, p 276.) See alsoCRS LVII, Introd , under 'Inherited debts' , pp xlii,andxliii, footnote155.The subject ofthe last footnoteisclearly identifiablewiththe sameperson ,Henry Drury, whosedomicile wasatLawshall Manor, Suffolk Hedied a Jesuit lay-brother at Antwerpin 1593 .

69. RobertDibdale(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 101.)

70. See also CRSII, pp 225 ,230, 270 .


DURHAM ,Alice,wifeofRichard Durham,'haberdasher, barber' , ofthe cityofYork.4mths recusancyfrom28 Mar. 1581: conv . 17 July 1581.1(8).Debtre-enrolledIII(10) V(8) VII(8) IX(8).Goods value 5s .seizedfrom husband, 6 Feb. 1582/3.II(8).

DURHAM, Richard , 'yoman' ,ofHemingbrough , E.R.Yorks . 4mths recusancyfrom 28 Mar. 1581: conv. 17 July 1581.I(21v) Debtre-

enrolled -III(24) V(22).

DURRAM , William, gent., ofRusheton [Rushton],Dorset.3mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1587: conv 21 July 1587.IX(16v).DebtreenrolledXII(78v)

DUTTON,Hugh , gent., ofActonReynoldes[Reynold],Salop. 12 mths recusancyfrom 8 May1581: convicted byinformer'ssuiton8 May 1582II(13v) . Debt re-enrolledVI(13) VII(56).IX(60) XI(62v).

DYNES,John, 'yoman' , ofHorsham , Sussex 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588 : conv 3 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53).

DYNLEY , Ellen ,[ 1 , ofBrammopp [Bramhope],W.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27)

DYNNE,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofRacton, W. Sussex . 2 mthsrecusancy from 17 Apr. 1587 : conv . 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

EASTE,Edward, gent , ofBledlowe , Bucks 3 mths recusancyfrom27 Mar. 1587:conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3) Goodsvalue£2-11-8 seized 12 Oct. 1588IX(70) Record ofland-seizureinBucks . 12 Oct. 1588IX(70).Rental oflands seized inBucksX(1).Seized landsin Buckslet byCrowntoThomas Sheffeild &Richard Brewsterfrom 14 Feb. 1588/9IX(2v) X(1).XI(2v) XII(2v). RecordoflandseizureinOxfords, 5 Oct. 1590XI(35v) Lands seized inOxfordslet byCrowntoJohnHopkinsonfrom3 Nov. 1590XI(35v).XII(53v).

EASTE ,Cecily, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date).- VIII(3)

71. Hugh Dutton, 'a troublesome man', wascommitted to theWoodStreetCounter , 20June 1585, bywarrantofthe EarlofLeicester (Cf. CRS II, p.250.)Hewasdescribedas a'gentleman' but'passingpoor' (Cf. CRSII, p.259.) He wasprosecuted byHughCuffethe outstanding personalityamong the informers ofthe period Cuffe, together withthe Queen, suedDutton(and SirJohn Southworth)on the QuiTam system(Cf. CRS LVII, pp xvxxi, Recusancyand the CommonInformer.)Duttonwasheld toforfeit £240: £160 for the Queenandthe 'poorof Shawbury ' and £80forCuffe.Summoned bythe sheriffs ofLondon/Middx., toattend theCourtin the Octave ofMichaelmas ,Duttonfailedto appear, nordidheattend inthe Octave ofHilary, norin the Octave ofTrinity Finally, on 20June 1585, he appeared,withhis required writendorsed bythe ex-sheriffs HenryPranell and AnthonyRadcliff, as a prisoner inWoodStreetCounter , and, being broughttothe bar, wasaskedbythe barons there, ifhe had the money ready forpayment. He replied no Therefore , Duttonwassentback to the said prison , to remain there till heobtained it HumphreyMosely, oneofthe Londonsecondaries, attending the Courtforthe currentsheriff , was nowgiven charge ofDuttonto acceptand guard him inthe said prison. Howlongheremained at WoodStreet Counter isnot revealed, buthisdebt wasrepeatedly enrolled inthePipeRollsuntil 1590,when itceases toreappear. (Cf. M.R., Q.R., 24Eliz., Easter Term , E . 159/382 , mem . 94)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

EASTON,Ann, 'spinster' , ofMarten[?Merton], Surrey. 3mths recusancy from 25 Mar. 1587 : conv 13 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63).

EATON, Henry,[ ],ofEtwall, Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21)

EATON , John,[ ](same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(21).

EATON, Ellen, wifeof John Eaton (same parish,recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(21).

EAVES , James, 'draper' , ofPreston, Lancs. 13 mths recusancyfrom30 July 1587:conv 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

ECCLES , Lancelot , 'taleor' ,of[?ThornleyinWheatley],Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

ECCLES , Eliz.,his wife(same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(39).

ECCLES ,William, 'laborer' ,ofWiswell, Lancs (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(40)

ECCLESTON, Eliz., 'spinster' , ofThistleton, Lancs 12 mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

ECCLESTON,Eliz., 'spinster' , ofWhittle[-le-Woods, Leyland parish], Lancs. (samerecusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(38v).

ECCLESTON,Eliz , ofThurneham [Thornham], Lancs , wifeofWilliam Eccleston, gent (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)- X(39v).

ECCLESTON,John, 'yoman' , ofThistleton, Lancs .(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-X(39)

ECCLESTON ,[ 1 , hiswife. (same parish , recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(39).

EDEN, George,gent , ofLambeth , Surrey. 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53).

EDEN,Katherine , 'spinster' ,ofChedington [Cheddington ], Bucks 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587 : conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).

EDEN, Edon, William, gent (same parish , recusancyperiod&conviction date)-VIII(3).

EDMONDES,Ambrose , gent ,ofSt. Margaret's parish, Westminster , Middx. [prisoner]72. (Pipe Rollentryunder 'Oxfordshire') 1 mth recusancyfrom 18 May 1581: conv 26 June 1581.I(45v). DebtreenrolledIII(73v) V(31v)

EDMONDES, Frideswide, wid. , ofStaunton [Stanton] St. John, Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35).

72. AmbroseEdmundes wasof Stanton St. John's, Oxfordshire(Cf. CRSXXII, p iii )InaPipe Rollre-enrolment ofhis convictionforrecusancy dated 1582/3, occursinthe margin ,thenote 'diem clausit extremum ' , indicatinghis death sometimewithin that year Heappearstohavebeen moved fromNewgate to theWestminster Gatehouse before hisdeath (Cf. CRSI, p 60) His widow ,Frideswide , appearsin thenextentry

EDMUND, 'Crisillia' verchDavid, wifeofJohn Edmund ,[ ],of LlanthewyRytherch ,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48).

EDWARD, 'Denissa' Jevan, wifeofPhilip Edward,[ ],ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon. (same recusancyperiod &conviction date).- VIII(48v)

EDWARD,Eliz., 'spinster' , ofTredunnock , Mon.(same recusancyperiod & convictiondate).-VIII(49).

EDWARD, Margaret John,wifeofJohn Edward ,[ ],ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.(same recusancyperiod & conviction date).— VIII(48v).

EDWARD,William, 'yoman' , ofLlandenny ,Mon.(same recusancyperiod & conviction date).-VIII(49v).

EDWARDES,Ann, wid , wife[sic]ofJohn Edwardes,[ ],ofDidlaston [Dudleston], Salop 12mths recusancyfrom24 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 18 July 1588.VIII(16v).

EDWARDES, Francis, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]73. 10 mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvicted VI(49v)

EDWARDES, Francis, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark , Surrey [prisoner] 5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv . 17 July 1587.IX(54).

EDWARDES,Thomas ,[ ],ofSt. Bride's parish , Farringdon Ward Without,London[? prisoner]74. 1 mthrecusancyfrom6Sept. 1581: conv.6 Oct. 1581.I(35)*: and one later convictiondated20 Dec. 1581.I(35).Debts re-enrolledIII(38v)* V(35)* .

EDWARDES,Thomas, gent ,ofTottenham,Middx. 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 June 1582:conv. 23 Sept. 1582.IV(32v). Debt re-enrolled― VI(34).

EDWARDES, Thomas, 'yoman', ofWestminster , Middx[?prisoner]75 . 1 mthrecusancyfrom19 Nov. 1581:conv 18 Dec. 1581III(42)*:and three later convictions , ending29 Jan. 1587/8III(42)* VIII(38v) Debts re-enrolledV(35)*

EDWARDES, Thomas, 'servingman' , ofWye, Kent 9 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv. ? Dec. 1581. -II(28).

EDWARDES,Thomas, gent , ofSt. Dunstan's parish, Canterbury , Kent [? prisoner]7.4mths recusancyending 15 July 1583 ,when convicted .III(28v). Debt re-enrolledV(30)

73. Francis Edwards (Cf.AnstrutherI,p. 108.)

74. Thomas Edwardes, a chandler of Reading, Berks ., wassentintothe Fleetin 1580 bythe Bishop ofLondonandthe HighCommissioners (Cf. CRS II,p 225.) He wasthenmoved tothe Westminster Gatehouse, and was stillthere on 29 Jan.1587/8

75. Thomas Edwardes, 'yoman ',was a prisoner inthe Westminster Gatehouse . Hewasstill there on 30 Sept. 1588 (Cf. CRS II, p 284.)

76. Thomas Edwardes ofCanterbury , Kent ,wasconvicted at Maidstone for4months recusancy , and wasfined£80 on 15July 1583 atthe 'Gaol Delivery ofthe Castle ofCanterbury '


EGLAMBY , Alan, 'yeom" , ofCoxewell Magna [Great Coxwell], Berks 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv.4 March1587/8.VIII(5).

ELDERSHAWE, Richard , 'medicus' , ofAwdlemere [?Audlem], Cheshire 13mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586: dateofconvictionomitted.VIII(58v).

ELLERKER,Robert, gent., ofEllerker, E.R.Yorks 6mthsrecusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(25v) Goodsvalue £2-10-8seized 1588.IX(22v).

ELLES,Mary,wifeofJohn Elles,gent., ofKidhall[Kiddal], W.R.Yorks.6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

ELLIOTT,Alice, 'spinster' ,ofSt. Owen's parish, Herefordcity 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588:conv 14 July1589.IX(25v) DebtreenrolledXI(29)

ELLIOTT, Elliote, John, gent , ofthe cityofHereford 12mthsrecusancy from 26 June 1581 : conv 30 May 1582II(64); andthirteenlater convictions ,ending 22 July 1585-1(25). II(64)* III(27) IV(64v)*. V(26), (26v)* .

ELLIOTT , Elliote, John, gent , ofSt. Peter's parish, Herefordcity. 1mth recusancyfrom 27 May 1583: conv 15 July1583III(27): andfour laterconvictions , ending 18 Mar. 1586/7IV(64v). VI(25)*.

ELLIS, Edward , [ 1 , ofSt.Bride's parish , Farringdon WardWithout , London[? prisoner] 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv 28 July1581.1(32v). Debt re-enrolledIII(38v). V(35)

ELLIS,Henry,[ 1,ofparish ofSt.Martin before thegateofthebishop's palace('anteport' pallac 'Episcopi Norwic" ), Norwichcity 1 mth recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1587: conv ? Dec. 1587.IX(10) DebtreenrolledXI(12)

ELLIS, William ,[ 1 ,ofWestby, Lancs. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv.22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

ELTON, Alice,wifeofAnthonyElton, gent , ofLedbury, Herefords. 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30).

ELWOOD,Geoffrey, gent., ofCarlisle, Cumberland . 3mths recusancy from 27 Apr. 1582 : conv ? July1582.II(7v).

ELWOOD, Geoffrey, 'yom" ,ofGrayrigge, Westmorland 4mths recusancy (period unspecified): conv 31 July1581.V(66).

ENGLISHE, Eliz ,wifeofJohn Englishe, gent , ofAstonRowaunt , Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII (35).

ERDESWICK,Eardiswick , Erswick, Sampson, gent , ofSandon ,Staffs.4 mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv 23 July1582IV(62v);and six later convictions , ending 22 July1588IV(62v)*.V(66) VI(63v)* . VIII(58) Debtsre-enrolledVI(63)* .

ERDESWICK,Sampson, Esq (ofsame place) 5 mths recusancyfrom 3 Apr. 1587: conv. 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(78v).

ERDESWICK, Sampson, gent , of Leighton , Cheshire. 13mths recusancy from 25 Sept. 1586: (dateofconvictionomitted).-VIII(58v)

ERRINGTON, George, 'yoman' , ofSt.George'sparish, Southwark ,Surrey


[prisoner]7.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 17 July 158778 -IX(54).

ESDALL, Thomas, junior, 'husbandman' , ofSt.Mary'sparish,Reading, Berks [? prisoner] 7 mths recusancyfrom20 Aug. 1586: conv . 6 Mar. 1586/7.VI(48v).

ETHERIDGE, George, 'medicus' , ofOxford. 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1581: conv 29 June 1581.I(45).Debt re-enrolledIII(73v)

ETHERIDGE,George, 'medicus' , ofSt. Mary'sparish, Oxford 8mths recusancyfrom4 July 1583:conv 27 Feb. 1583/4IV(29);andfive laterconvictions , ending 25 July1586IV(29) V(47)* .VI(47v)*. Debt's re-enrolledVI(30v)*.

EVANS ,Hugh,[ 1 ,ofLlanvihangel Estonllewerne [Ystern Llewern], Mon.5 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49)

EVANS , Ann, his wife (same parish, recusancyperiod &convictiondate)- VIII(49v).

EVERARD,Ann, wifeofGawdyEverard, gent. , ofLinsted ,Suffolk.3mths recusancyfrom8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

EVERARD, Henry, esq , ofMagna Linsted [Linstead Magna], Suffolk 12 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1581: conv. 18 July1582II(56);andfive laterconvictions ,ending 5 Apr.1587.II(66) IV(57) V(60v)

VI(58). VII(59). Debtsre-enrolledIII(65).IV(56).V(60). VI(57) VII(59)* .

EVERARD, Everarde, Henry, gent. , ofLinstead, Suffolk. Record oflandseizure,2 Nov. 1587VIII(72) Rental of seized lands -IX(63).

X(63).XI(65).XII(66) Arrearage ofrentX(80)

EVERARD, Henry, gent , ofLinstead Parva [sic],Suffolk .Seizedlandslet byCrownto Laurence HusseyfromMichaelmas 1590 -X(80v). XI(65v) XII(66v)

EWBANCK, Christopher , 'yom" ,ofGatherley[parish ofMiddletonTyas], N.R. Yorks.6mthsrecusancyfrom 3 July1587:conv 18 Mar. 1587/8. -VIII(27).

EYRE , Francis, 'yoman' , ofHarmondesworthe [Harmondsworth ], Middx 3mths recusancyfrom 10 Mar. 1588/9: conv.4 Sept. 1589.IX(37).

EYREMAN, Eyremane, Francis,[ ], or parish ofSt. Dunstan-in-theWest, FarringdonWardWithout,London 3mths recusancyprior 20 Apr. 1588, whenconvicted .VIII(38v).

EYREMAN,George, 'yom" ,ofKirton, Suffolk.9 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1581: conv 28 Mar. 1582.II(56).

EYTON, Eaton, Eiton, Humphrey , 'yoman' , ofWestminster ,Middx [prisoner]79. 1 mthrecusancyfrom 16 Oct. 1581: conv 19 Nov.

77. GeorgeErrington(Cf. AnnM.C. Forster , 'The Venerable GeorgeErrington' , inRH , vol 3 , no 5, (1956), pp 322-333 )

78. He wasconvicted at the Gaol Delivery ofGuildfordCastle

79. HumphreyEyton, a serving man , servant toMr. RoperofEltham, Kent. , wasconfined in the Gatehousefrom 1581 to1584.(Cf. CRSII, pp 225, 230,235.)

1581III(42); andthree later convictions , ending 16 Mar. 1581/2.- Debtsre-enrolledIII(42)* .V(35)*.

EYTON, Humphrey , gent , ofWestminster, Middx[prisoner]79a . 3 mths recusancyfrom 15 Mar. 1581/2: conv 17 June 1582IV(32v);and three later convictions , ending 17 Nov. 1583.IV(32v)* VI(34)*

EYVES,Jane, wid , ofFishwick, Prestonparish Lancs . 13mths recusancy from 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588. -VIII(21v).

FALDRINGE,Alice, wid , ofLeighe[Leigh],Staffs 12mths recusancy from 6 Sept. 1586 : conv 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(78v).

FALDRINGE , Edward, 'husb" (sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(78v).

FALKENOR, Joan, 'spinster' , ofAlciston, Sussex 5 mths recusancyfrom 20Aug. 1587: conv 5 July 1588.VIII(63).

FAWKENOR,Faulkner,William, esq , ofLaverstock,Wilts. 7mths recusancyfrom20 Aug. 1583: conv. Lent 1583/4IV(25v);andtwo laterconvictions , ending Lent1584/5.IV(25v)* , (59v).Goods , value£46-19s., seized 8 Oct. 1588IX(66) Debt re-enrolledXI(68). Record ofland-seizureinWilts, 8 Oct.1588IX(66).Seized landsinWilts(Laverstock & Tidworth) letbyCrown toSirJames Marvinfrom Michaelmas 1588IX(65v), (68) X(76), (76v) XI(67v), (68) XII(68v).

FAWKENOR,Fawkoner ,William, gent , ofEastmeane[EastMeon], Hants 19mths recusancyfrom 20 Feb. 1581/2: conv 18 Aug. 1583.IV(53)* . Debt re-enrolledVI(54)* .VIII(68) Record oflandseizureinHants , 22 Apr. 1588VIII(67v) Rental oflandsin Hants (Westbury manor) seized 22 Apr. 1588VIII(66v), (68v).IX(57v) X(68v). Seizedlandsin Hants let byCrowntoSirJamesMarvinfrom Michaelmas 1588IX(58).X(68v),XI(59v), (61v) XII(60v)

FAWKES, Nicholas , 'yom" ,, ofFerneley, [? W.R.]Yorks 5mths recusancy from1 Jan.1582/3: conv . 17 May 1583.IV(21). Debt reenrolled - VI(22).

FECKINGHAM , Fekenham,aliasWIBORNE, William,gent.,of Westminster ,Middx [?prisoner]80. 3 mths recusancyfrom27 June 1581:conv . 20 Dec. 1581.II(49v) (Anearlier conviction)81:-1mth recusancyfrom 18 May 1581:conv.27 June 1581.V(52).Debtreenrolled -VII(51). IX(55) XII(58)

79a . Inhissecondseries of prosecutions heisreferred to in the Pipe Roll as 'gentleman' .

80. WilliamFeckingham , formerlyamonk ofWestminster Abbey , wasordained priest by Bishop Bonner at theAbbeyon 5June 1558.(Cf. Justin McCann , Ampleforthand itsorigins, (1952), pp 73, 77 , 278.)Refused to take the oathof supremacyin 1559 , and,therefore , committed toprison. Earliest recorded recusancyperiods (Cf.Jeaffreson I, pp 124 , 126 , 128)allin 1581

81. In 1586 , hewasinthe Fleetforconversing withand assistingseminary priests (Cf. CRSII, pp 264, 267,269 )On30Oct. 1586, under the nameof'WilliamWibourne'hewasremoved bythe PrivyCouncilfromNewgate to the WoodStreet Counter Nofurthermention ofhimoccurs after thisdate.


FEILDEN,Mary, 'spinster' , of Blackborne [Blackburn ], Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40)

FELLES, Benjamin , gent ,ofthe parish ofSt.MarySteyning,Aldersgate Ward, London 3 mths recusancypriorto 30 Apr. 1588, when convicted .VIII(38v)

FELTON, Frances, gentlewoman ('generosa'), ofAyeworth[Eyworth], Beds 3 mths recusancyfrom29 Mar. 1597: conv 20 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(1).

FELTON, Frances, 'spinster' , ofEyworth,Beds 9mths recusancyfrom 4 July 1587: conv 3 July 1588.VIII(lv)

FELTON, Joan, 'spinster' , ofAshburnham , Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

FELTON, John, 'clericus' , ofRiple[Ripple], Worcs 82.2 mthsrecusancy from8 Jan. 1582/3: conv 11 Mar. 1582/3.II(61v) Debt reenrolledIV(61v) VI(62v)

FELTON, Thomas, gent , ofChrist Church parish, FarringdonWard Within, London[prisoner]83. 13 mths recusancyfrom 13 Feb. 1586/7: conv 14 April 1588.VIII(38v).

FENNE,James,gent , ofSouthwark,Surrey[prisoner]84. 10 mths recusancy ending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted .III(58v) Debt reenrolledV(52v)

FENNE, Robert,gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]85.4 mths recusancy ending 20 July1584, whenconvicted.V(50v).

FENNE, Robert , 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]86.6 mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvicted .V(52v).

FENNELL,Florence,[ ],ofAyshburneham [Ashburnham ],Sussex .5 mths recusancyfrom20 Aug. 1587:conv. 5 July 1588. -VIII(63)

FENTON, Richard ,gent.,of[ Jin Hathersedge[Hathersage] parish, Derbys. 10 mthsrecusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8 -VIII(21).Rental oflandsinYorksseized 28 Aug. 1591XI(10v). XII(24) SeizedlandsinYorkslet byCrown toJohn Twiste &George HillfromMichaelmas 1591XII( lv).

FERNE,Eliz., 'spinster', ofLangford[Longford], Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

FERRES, Ferrers, [Eliz ], wid , ofSalford [Priors], Warwicks. 1 mth recusancyfrom27 June 1588:conv. 5 Mar. 1588/9.IX(llv).

FETTIPLACE,Dorothy,wifeofRobert Fettiplace, gent ,ofBuckland, Berks. 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Mar.1587/8.VIII(5)

82. John Felton wasconvicted atWorcester Assizeson 11Mar. 1582/3 of2months recusancy, and ofsaying mass, but, is unidentifiedasapriest

83. Thomas Felton (Cf.Challoner , pp 138-140)

84. JamesFenn(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 114.)

85. Robert Fenn(Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 114 , 115. )

86. Arrested and committed tothe Marshalsea, 16Feb. 1584/5, heremained there untilhewas banished , 19 Sept. 1585. (Cf. CRSII, pp.233 , 236 , 240.)

FETTIPLACE, Humphrey, gent (same parish, recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(5)

FETTIPLACE, Margaret , wifeofJohn Fettiplace , gent ,ofUffington, Berks (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(5).

FIDLER, John, 'husb" ,ofPreston, Lancs. 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587:conv 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35)

FILBYE,George, 'carrier' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]87.9 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted .III(58v).Debt re-enrolledV(52v)

FINCHE,Fynche, John, 'husbandman' , of Bispam[Bispham],parish of Crofton[Croston], Lancs 10mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv. 18Jan. 1581/2.II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46).

FINCHE,Fynche, John, 'husband" , ofSalford, in parish ofManchester , Lancs [prisoner]88.3 mths recusancyfrom 17 Jan. 1581/2:conv .

FAL 2 May 1582; and4 mths recusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1582: conv. 16 Jan. 1582/3II(38v)* . Debtsre-enrolled -VIII(46)*

FINCHE,John,'yoman' (ofsame place: prisoner)88 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Feb. 1582/3:conv. 22 Jan. 1583/4.IV(37). Debtreenrolled - IV(42v).

FISHEBORNE,Alice, wifeofJohn Fisheborne ,[ 1,ofSt.Mary's parish , Nottinghamtown('villaNott") 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(80).

FISHEBORNE,John, 'yeoman' , of the same town, countyandparish (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).VIII(80).

FITTON,Fytton,William,gent., ofStokePoges, Bucks 3 mthsrecusancy from 27 Mar. 1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3) Goods,value (withthoseofIsabel Hampden, wid [q.v.]) £ 17-9s., seized 12Oct. 1588.IX(70).

FITTON,Mary, hiswife(ofthe same parish, recusancyperiod& conviction date).VIII(3).

FITZHERBERT , Richard , gent ,ofStaffs, 'recusantandfugitive' . Goods , value £30-5-4, seized 4Sept. 1589X(14) Record ofland-seizure, 4 Sept. 1589 (tenementcalled 'Hartesmere' , intenureofEdward Thorne , with landsin Bromley Hurst , Staffs .)X(78v) Rental of seized landsX(7v).XI(64v).XII (65v) Seized landslet byCrownto Edward Thorne from 22 Dec. 1591XII(72v).

FITZHERBERT,SirThomas, knt. of Hamstall Ridware, Staffs. 12mths recusancyending 1 Apr. 1587, whenconvictedIX(69v) 7mths recusancyfrom24Mar. 1587/8 to6Oct. 1588. (Fine£140: paid2Dec. 1588. Quit.)VIII(78) Recusancyforone yearfrom6Oct.1588 . Annualfine(£260)paid Quit.IX(62v).

FITZHUGHES ,[ ],wifeofRichard Fitzhughes,gent ,ofCharlbury, Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv 7Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v)

87. GeorgeFilbye, anactiverecusant, wasthe fatheroftwo seminary priestsJohn and William Filbyeforwhom (Cf.AnstrutherI,pp 115 , 116.)

88. John Finch (Cf.Challoner , pp. 101-102, and CRSV,pp 23-25, and78-88.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

FLETCHER, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofWestminster , Middx[?prisoner] 1 mth recusancyfrom 6Oct. 1587: conv 29Jan. 1587/8.VIII(38v).

FLOOD, 'Evanc" , gent ,ofChippenham , Cambs 10 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 24 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v) SeeFLUDD.

FLORENCE,Anthony, 'yoman' , ofAlciston, Sussex . 2 mths recusancy from 17 Apr. 1587: conv. 26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

FLUDD,Jane, 'spinster' ,ofWestWratting,Cambs. 10mthsrecusancy from 1 Sept. 1586 : conv.24Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v). SeeFLOOD.

FLUYTT, Humphrey,[ ], ofRadford, Notts. 12 mths recusancyfrom 12 Mar. 1587/8: conv 11 July1589.IX(48v).

FOLIAMBE,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofCarlebroughe [Barlborough ], Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586 : conv 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

FOLIAMBE , Fuliambe , LadyConstance ,wid.,of[ JinNorthWingfeild parish , Derbys (samerecusancyperiod &convictiondate)-VIII(21). Goods, value£15-18-4, seized 27Jan. 1588/9 -IX(17v) Record of land-seizure(inTupton), 27Jan. 1588/9IX(17v) Rental ofseized landsIX(49v).X(18).XI(19) XII(19).

FOLLIOTT , Folliatt, Michael, gent , ofCastlemoreton [Castlemorton], Worcs. 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July1588.VIII(80v)

FOLLIOTT, Folliatt, Michael, gent , ofPirton,Worcs 12mthsrecusancy from 20Sept. 1586: conv 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(77). Goods,value £3-3-3, seized 31 Sept. 1588IX(68v).

FORD , aliasofSYMS , William.


FORSHAWE,Alice, ofWestby, Lancs , wifeofRobert Forshawe, 'husb" . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v)

FORSHAWE,Ann, ofWestby,Lancs , wifeofThomas Forshawe, 'taleor' (sameparish,recusancyperiod and conviction date).-X(39v).

FORTESCUE ,Anthony,gent., of Racton, Sussex 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588: conv 3 Mar. 1588/9. -IX(53).

FORTESCUE , Eliz , ofAyworth [Eyworth], Beds , wifeofJohn Fortescue , esq. 3 mths recusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1587: conv 20Mar.1587/8.VIII(1).

FORTESCUE , Rose, 'spinster' , ofRacton , Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17Apr. 1587: conv 26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

FOSTER,Christopher , gent.,ofStanningfeild , Suffolk.8mthsrecusancy from15July 1588: conv. 2July1589IX(64). Debt re-enrolledXI(72v).

FOSTER , Humphrey , gent.,ofDrayton, Salop. 12 mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18July 1588.VIII(16v) Goods ,value £18-10s., seized 9 Oct. 1589IX(13v) Debt re-enrolledX(58v). XI(63v) Record ofland-seizure, 9 Oct. 1589IX(13v) Rental of seized landsIX(69v) X(59v) Seized landslet byCrowntoWilliam Jewettfrom 16Apr.1590.X(58v). XI(62v)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

FOSTER ,Robert, 'mylner' , ofWoodhoose , WestKirkeby[Kirby]parish, Cheshire 13mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586: dateofconviction omitted .VIII(58v)

FOSTER , Thomas , gent , ofOldBuckenham,Norfolk 3 mthsrecusancy from 13Apr. 1587 : conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

FOSTER , Joan, hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod &conviction date)-VIII(54)

FOSTER,Thomas, senior, gent , ofOldBuckenham, Norfolk 5 mths recusancyfrom 1 Feb. 1581/2: conv. 1 July1582, and one later convictiondated 10Mar. 1583/4IV(44v)* .

FOURDE, Ford(e), Geoffrey, 'yom" , ofGarsington,Oxfords.3 mths recusancyfrom 24Mar. 1580/1: conv. 18 June 1581II(29v);and elevenlaterconvictions , ending 25 July1587II(29v)* III(4) IV(29)*.V(47)* VI(11v), (47v)* Debtsre-enrolledIV(29v) V(31v) VI(30v)*.

FOURDE, Peter, 'yeom" , ofSomerton, Oxfords 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

FOWBERRY , George, gent ,of[Newbald , E.R. ]Yorks .Fined £50 by High Commissioners for'contempt ofcourt' , 1585.89V(23v).

FOWLER,Andrew, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark,Surrey[prisoner]⁹0.2 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, when convictedIII(58v);andfour laterconvictions ,ending 18 Feb. 1584/5.IV(49v)* V(50v), (52v) Debtsre-enrolledV(52v) VI(51)*.

FOWLER,Brian, esq , ofthe 'manor upon Sowe',Staffs.4mths recusancy from 31 Mar. 1582 : conv 23 July 1582IV(62v): andfivelater convictions,ending 15Apr. 1587IV(62v)*.VII(64) DebtsreenrolledVI(63)* , (63v)* VII(64)*

FOWLER, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofAstley,Worcs 2 mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9. -IX(70v).

FOXCROFT , William, senior, 'yom" , ofClaughton, Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv. 25Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

FOXE, Ellen, wifeofJohn Foxe, 'laborer',of[ Jinparish ofNorth Wingfeild,Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586:conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21)

FOXE,Ellen, 'spinster' , ofHilton, inMarstonparish, nearTutbury, Derbys (same recusancyperiodand conviction date)-VIII(21).

FRAUNCIS, John, 'wever' , ofToll Puddle [Tolpuddle],Dorset 6mths resucancyfrom2June 1588: conv 10Mar. 1588/9.IX(16v).Debt re-enrolledXII(78v)

FRISOR ,Mary,wifeofJohn Frisor, 'yom" ,ofBilwine [? Dilwyn], Herefords 12mths recusancyfrom1 Sept. 1586: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30)

89. Afineof£50wasimposed on George Fowberrybythe HighCommissioners ,forthe persistentrecusancy of his wife See footnote6

90. AndrewFowler (Cf.AnstrutherI,p 123.)

FULLER,Margaret , wife ofMichaelFuller, gent ,ofMickfeild,Suffolk . 3 mths recusancyfrom 8Apr. 1587: conv 27Mar. 1588.VIII(73)

FULWELL ,William, 'yeoman' , ofLinton, Cambs. 10mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 24Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v) Record oflandseizure, 8 Oct. 1588IX(5v) Rental ofseized lands -IX(10v).X(6), (17) XI(6) Seized landslet byCrowntoWilliam Hartleyfrom 14Aug. 1590 -X(17)91 .Arrearage ofrent (£1-10-6)-X(61v)

FYSHEWEEKE,James, 'yoman' , ofHarting, W. Sussex . 3 mthsrecusancy from 1 Apr. 1588: conv 3 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53).

GAGE , Eliz. , 'spinster' , ofAlciston, E.Sussex 2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr.1587: conv 26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

GAGE, LadyEliz., wid., relictofSirEdward Gage,knt,ofAlciston , E. Sussex 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv.6July 1581V(49v):andnine later convictions , ending 3 Oct. 1583V(50v)* . Debtsre-enrolledVI(51 )* . VII(51v)*.IX(55v)*.

Record ofland-seizure, 20 Sept. 1587VIII(63) Rental ofseized landsVIII(64).IX(52v).X(65v).XI(55v) Seized landsletbyCrown toEdward Gagefrom4Aug. 1590X(67) XI(55v). XII(56v).

GAGE,John, esq., ofWestfirles [West Firle], E.Sussex . 3 mths recusancy from 18Mar. 1580/1:conv 6July 1581V(49v): andninelater convictions ,ending 3 Oct. 1583V(50v)* .Debtsre-enrolled-VI(51)* . VII(51v)*.IX(55v)* Summary ofpre-1587debtsfor recusancy(£1,140, remainder of£1,280 , paid Quit)-VII(48v).

Annualfinesforrecusancy(£260) from 29 Oct. 1586: paid Quit.— VII(48v) VIII(63) IX(52v) X(65v).XI(56v) XII(56v).

GAGE,Mary, gentlewoman, ofCroydon, Surrey 4 mthsrecusancyfrom 2 Oct. 1586: conv. 13 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63).

GAGE, Thomas , gent , ofAlciston, E.Sussex. 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr.1587 : conv 26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

GAGE, Thomas, esq [sic], (ofsame parish).Record ofland-seizure, 17 Jan. 1588/9.IX(54v) Rental ofseized landsX(65v).XI(55v).

GAGE , Thomas , gent [sic], (ofsame parish) Lands seized 17Jan. 1588/9let byCrowntoRichard Olive from 21 May 1590.X(67).XI(55v) XII(56v)

GAINE, Richard John, 'yoman' , ofGroffinod [Grosmont ],Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v).

GAINE, 'Alsona' James , wifeofthe saidRichard John Gaine(same parish, recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(49v).

GARDENETT,John, 'yoman' , ofThame, Oxfords. 6mths recusancyfrom 1Aug. 1588: conv 3 July 1589.IX(51)

91. WilliamFulwell'sseized lands were lettoWilliam Hartleyfor£4-3-4perannum Hewas discharged (Cf.M.R. , L.T.R., 33 Eliz.,Hilary Term, 'Recorda'section,and Fulwellceases to appear in the Rolls Hartley'sarrears amounted to£1-10-6.


GARDINER, Gardner , Francis, 'yom",ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]92 . 4mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v): andthree laterconvictions , ending 20July1584IV(49v)* .V(50v). Debtsre-enrolled -VI(51)* .

GARDINER, Gardener, John, esq ,ofWestminster, Middx.3mths recusancyfrom 28 June 1587: conv 1 Dec. 1587.VIII(38v).

GARDINER, Gardner , John , gent , ofFulmer, Bucks 9 mths recusancy from 23 Sept. 1586 : conv. 18Mar. 1587/8VIII(3): andonelater conviction,dated 10Mar. 1588/9IX(lv).Record ofland-seizure , 12 Oct. 1588IX(70). Rental ofseized landsIX(70v).X(1).XI(2v)


GARDINER, Gardener, John , gent., ofSt.MaryMagdalen parish, Barmondsey [Bermondsey],Surrey 3 mths recusancyfrom 5 Dec. 1587: conv 6Mar. 1588/9.IX(53)

GARLANDE , Thomas, 'yoman' ,ofWatringbury[Wateringbury],Kent. 2 mths recusancyfrom 19Dec. 1587: conv 26Feb. 1588/9.IX(29).

GARNETT, Garnette, Ninian, 'yom" , ofStartfurth[Startforth], N.R. Yorks 5 mths recusancyfrom 16Apr. 1587: conv. 4Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

GARNETT, Garnette, Richard , gent , ofBrodwater [Broadwater ],W. Sussex 3 mths recusancyfrom 6July 1581: conv. 2Oct.1581:andfive laterconvictions,ending 17July 1583V(51v)*

GASCOIGNE, Hanna , wifeofRichard Gascoigne, esq , ofSedburie, parish ofGilling,N.R. Yorks 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv. 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

GASCOIGNE, Gascoyne, Francis, gent., ofShareston[?Sharleston],W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587:conv . 18Mar. 1587/8VIII(27).

GASCON, Jane,wifeofRichard Gascon, esq , ofSetharghe[?Sedbury , N.R.], Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8VIII(27).

GATTACRE, Gatacre, Francis, esq., ofClareley [Claverley], Salop. 12 mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18July1588.VIII(16v) Lands inStaffs andSalop seized byCrown7Feb. 1591/2 , andletto Thomas Pigottfrom22 July1592XII(16).

GATURD, Robert , 'yom" ,ofDiddersley Grange, parish ofMelsonbye, N.R.Yorks 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv 4Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

GAWEN, Thomas, gent , ofFisherton Anger, nearNewSarum , Wilts. 5 mths recusancyending 30 Aug. 1581 , whenconvictedI(60v):and twolaterconvictions , ending 28 Feb. 1582/3-1(60v)* .IV(25v) Debts re-enrolledIII(68)* V(63)* VI(59v)* VII(60v)* Landsseizedand lettoHughCuffefrom Ladyday1583 (Pipe Rollentriesunder

92. Francis Gardinerwascommitted totheWhiteLion at Newington in Dec.1582.Hewasone ofthe firsttensentintothis small prison for 'Ecclesiastical causes ' (Cf. CRSII, pp.234, 237.)The WhiteLionwasthecommon gaol for the CountyofSurrey. Gardiner appearsto havebeenreleased fromprisonon 8 Apr.1584


'Wilts')IV(58v) VI(59).Lands seized andletto Hugh Cuffefrom Ladyday1583 (Pipe Rollentriesunder 'London/Middx') VI(33v) VII(31v). VIII(36v) IX(32v).X(43v) XI(36v) Goods,value £2-16-2 , seized Trinityterm1590X(46).

GAWEN , Thomas, esq ,ofFisherton , nearNew Sarum ,Wilts Record of land-seizure, 13June 1588VIII(74v) Rental ofseized lands (HurcoteandNorrington)-VIII(74v). IX(65) X(76v). XI(67v). XII(68v) Rental of landsinWiltsseized 1 Sept. 1591XI(73v). XII(68v).Lands seized 1 Sept. 1591 let byCrownto John Carpenter from4 Feb. 1592XII(69v).

GAWEN, Thomas, gent. ,ofBabstock [Baverstock],Wilts 3 mths recusancy from 2Apr. 1587: conv 1 Mar. 1587/8. -VIII(74v).

GAWEN , Thomas, gent., ofIslington,Middx. 3 mths recusancyfrom 28 June 1587: conv 1 Dec. 1587.VIII(38v)

GELDARD,Gildard, Jane,wifeofPercival Geldard ofthe cityofYork, 'butcher' 4mths recusancyfrom26Mar. 1582: conv ? July1582.-

II(8). Debt re-enrolledV(8). VII(8).IX(8).

GEORGE ,Morgan, 'yoman' , ofLlanishen ,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

GEORGE , William, 'yoman' , ofLlanllowell, Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

GERARD,John, gent., ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]93.4 mthsrecusancy ending 20July 1584, whenconvictedV(50v): and one later convictiondated 17 Feb. 1584/5V(52v).

GERRARD , Grace, ofInce, Lancs.,wifeofMiles Gerrard [ ]. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(38).

GERRARD,John , gent , ofHollynhey,Winwickparish , Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv.25Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

GERRARD, Lionel, gent. ,ofAughton, Lancs (same recusancyperiodand conviction date)-VIII(21v).

GERRARD,William, gent , ofClerkenwell ,Middx 12mths recusancyfrom 6Dec. 1588: conv 2 Jan. 1590/1.XI(75v) Rental oflandsinDorset seized10Aug. 1591 (Pipe Rollentryunder 'Dorset')XI(75v)

XII(18a).Rental oflandsinSomersetseized 21 Aug. 1591 (Pipe Roll entryunder 'Somerset')XI(75).

GIBBES , Thomas, 'yoman' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon. 5 mths recusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v).

GIBSON ,Margaret , wid., ofExelbye[? Eppleby],N.R.Yorks 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v)

GIFFORD,Gyfford, John, esq , ofChillington, Staffs . 12mthsrecusancy ending 1 Apr. 1587 , whenconvictedIX(69v):andonelater convictiondated 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v). Record ofland-seizure, 3 Apr. 1588VIII(78v). X(14). Seized landslet byCrowntoRalph Husbond from 8 July1588VIII(78) IX(62v).X(62).XI(64v) XII(65).

93. John Gerard (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 130, andPhilip Caraman ,John Gerard, (1951).)


GILBERT,Ann, wid , ofOrcopp [Orcop], Herefords 6mthsrecusancy from1 Sept. 1588: conv 14July 1589.IX(25v) Debt re-enrolledXI(29)

GILDRIDGE,Alice, 'spinster' , ofEastborne [Eastbourne],E.Sussex. 2 mths recusancyfrom 17Apr.1587: conv.26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v) Record ofland-seizure, 17 Jan. 1588/9IX(54v) Rental ofseized landsX(65v).XI(55v).XII(56v) Seized landslet byCrown toJohn Salisbury from 3 Oct. 1590.XI(57).XII(56v).

GILDRIDGE,Margaret , 'spinster', ofBedingham[Beddingham], E. Sussex (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(63v).

GILLES,Jane, 'spinster' , ofLlangibby,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v)

GILSON, Richard , 'tanner' , ofMeaddowes[? nearPemberton],Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

GIRRY,Mary,wifeofJohn Girry, gent , ofAllSaintsparish, Herefordcity. 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30).

GLASCOCKE,Ann,[ ],ofSt.Saviour's parish, Southwark,Surrey [? prisoner]94.5mths recusancyfrom 8 Jan. 1587/8: conv . 30June 1588. - IX(53)

GLOSSOPPE ,Mary, 'spinster' , ofWest Hallam , Derbys. 10mths recusancy from 9 Sept. 1586: conv. 22Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

GODFREY , Simon, 'yoman' , of Densworth inFuntington, Sussex 95 1 mth recusancyfrom 20 Dec. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

GODSAFE, Godsaffe , George, gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]⁹ 4 mths recusancyending 20 July 1584, whenconvictedV(50v):and onelaterconvictiondated 18 Feb. 1584/5.V(52v).

GOLDE, John, 'yoman' , ofCramborne [Cranborne],Dorset 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1586/7:conv. 21 July 1587.IX(16v).Debt reenrolledXII(78v)

GOLDESBOROUGHE , Robert,[ 1 ,ofKnoyleEpiscopi [EastKnoyle], Wilts 3 mths recusancyfrom2 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Mar. 1587/897.VIII(74v).

GOMOND,John, gent , ofSt. Peter's parish, Herefordcity. 1 mth recusancyfrom 27May 1583: conv 15July 1583III(27): and four laterconvictions , ending 27 Mar. 1587IV(64v).VI(25)*.DebtreenrolledV(26).

94. AnnGlascocke, ofSt. MaryOveryes(Cf. CRS LVII, p 180), wascertainly intheClinkin Sept. 1594 (Cf.CRSII, p 286.)

95. Simon Godfreywascommitted to the WoodStreet Counter betweenJune and Nov.1586,by the Lordsofthe PrivyCouncil, andwasdischarged byMr.Younge on2 July1586.(Cf. CRSII, p. 269.)

96. GeorgeGodsalf (Cf.AnstrutherI,p. 133.)PriortoarrivingatDouai, he had beenafellowof TrinityCollege, Cambridge , and Prebendary ofFerring in Chichester Cathedral .

97. Robert GoldsburghAconvicted Wiltshirerecusant ofthis nameis known tohavebeenin theKings BenchGaol in Southwarkbetween 1587 and 1595.(Cf. CRSII, p.285.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

GOMOND, Goman , John,gent , ofthe cityofHereford 8 mths recusancy from 13 July 1581: conv. 12 Mar. 1581/2I(25): andseven later convictions , ending 22 July1585II(64)* . V(26v)* DebtsreenrolledIII(27). V(26). VII(25)* . IX(25)* . Summary ofpre-1587 debtsforrecusancyXI(29)* .Record ofland-seizure, 5Sept. 1587.VIII(30) Rental ofseized landsVIII(30v) IX(24) X(28)

XI(28).XII(28).Lands seized 15 Sept. 1589 let by Crown toWilliam Hunnis from 26 Mar. 1591XII(25v).

GOODAKERS,William, 'yoman' , ofSt. George'sparish,Southwark, Surrey[prisoner]98 5 mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv . 17 July 1587.IX(54).

GOODLAKE,Alice,wifeofEdward Goodlake, esq., of LetcombeRegis, Berks 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 4Mar. 1587/8.VIII(5)

GOOSE,Lettice , ofThistleton, Lancs , wifeofJohn Goose, 'husb" 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39)

GOOSE, Roger, 'husb" ,ofThestleton [Thistleton ], Kirkhamparish, Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv . 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(21v)

GORGE⁹,John, gent. , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner] 10mths recusancy ending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v) SeeGREY , John

GOSTWICKE,Alice, wid , ofSt. Mary'sparish, Bedford , Beds 3 mths recusancyfrom 29Mar. 1587: conv 20Mar. 1588.VIII(1)

GOULDE,Joan, wid., ofChedulton [Cheddleton], Staffs. 12mths recusancyfrom 6Sept. 1586: conv. 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(78v).

GOULDWIER,Goldwier, Jane, 'spinster' , ofSouthwark,Surrey['papist' prisoner]100. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar, 1582/3 , when convictedIII(58v): andtwolater convictions , ending 15Feb. 1583/4IV(49v)* Debtsre-enrolledV(52v).VI(51)* .

GOWER , Thomas, gent , ofClerkenwell , Middx 3mths recusancyfrom 10 Mar. 1588/9:conv 4Sept. 1589.IX(37)

GRAUNGER , William, senior, 'yoman' , ofBentham,W.R.Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv.4Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).Record ofland-seizure, 8Apr. 1589IX(22v). Rental ofseized landsIX(21v). X(21v).XI(24v).XII(23v) Goods, value£3-7-4, seized 8 Apr. 1589 -IX(22v). Goods, value£1-19-8, owedtoGraunger by GeorgeBattieofWesthouse, and seized fortheQueen(samedate)- IX(22v).

98. WilliamGoodakers ofthe Marshalsea,wasa barber ofSt.Andrew's, Holborn Hewas convicted ofrecusancyin June 1599(Cf. Jeaffreson I,p.254.)

99. The samelistofprisoners inthe Marshalsea, repeatedin the Pipe Rolls V(50v)and VI(51), givesGREY or De GRAYEinstead ofGORGE , asthe true nameofthis person Cf. infra,John GREY(footnote105.) His home wasat EastHarling,Norfolk , and hecamefromanotable recusantfamily

100. JaneGouldwierwasin the Clink, 8 Apr. 1584 , 'fornottconfirminge herself toher Majesty'sLawes' (Cf. CRS II, p 235.)

GRAUNTE , Edward, gent.,ofIdsallaliasShuffnall[Shifnal ],Salop 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1588: conv 17July1589.IX(13).

GRAVENOR,Margery,'spinster' , ofNortoninHales, Salop. 12mths recusancyfrom 24Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July1588.VIII(16v).

GRAVENOR, Richard, gent , ofBrande, Salop Fineof£20 imposedby HighCommissioners at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 15 June 1577 (offence unspecified : £5-13-4 paid)-V(58v) Debt re-enrolledVI(13)

GRAVENOR, Richard , gent.,ofNorton in Hales, Salop 12mthsrecusancy from 24Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18 July 1588.VIII(16v) Goods , value £4, seized 9 Oct. 1589.IX(13v) Debt re-enrolledX(58v).XI(63v)

Record ofland-seizure,9Oct. 1589IX(13v) Rental ofseized landsIX(69v).X(59v). XI(62v). XII(63v) Arrearage ofrentX(58v). Seized landslet byCrown toIsaacBurgesandGeorge Dickenson from 30 Nov. 1591.XII(64v)

GRAY,William, gent , ofWokinge[Woking], Surrey. 3 mths recusancy (period undated): conv. 5 July1588.VIII(63) SeeGREY.

GREENE ,Ann,wifeofWilliam Grene, gent , ofBungaie[Bungay], 5.- Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv.27Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

GREENE, Grene, Anthony, 'yoman', ofWilbarston, Northants 12mths recusancyfrom 31 July1587: conv.4Mar. 1588/9.IX(47)

GREENE,Edmund, 'clotheworker ' , ofWigan, Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20Sept. 1589: conv.22Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

GREENE , Grene,Eliz.,[ 1 , ofBrotherton, W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

GREENE,John, 'joiner' , ofQuernedon [Quarndon ], AllSaintsparish, Derby 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

GREENE , Isabel, hiswife(same place, recusancyperiod &conviction date)-VIII(21v)

GREENE, Isabel, 'spinster' , (same place, recusancyperiod &conviction date)-VIII(21)

GREENE,Katherine , 'spinster' , (same place, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(21).

GREENE ,Mary, 'spinster', (same place, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(21)

GREENE,Grene,Norton, gent., ofSt. Saviour's parish ,Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]101.5mths recusancyfrom 17Feb. 1586/7:conv . 17July 1587.IX(54). Record ofland-seizure[Frognall, Teynham,Kent],

101. NortonGreene's originaldomicile , a manorfarmcalled 'Frognall' in Teynham,Kent,still stands , awellpreservedexample ofa small Elizabethan residence, bearing hisinitials, 'N.G.' carved on the linteloverthe porch Greenewascommitted tothe Clinkin June 1586forreceiving priests,and spentseveralmonths there, untilhewasdelivered in Feb. 1586/7 . Hewasconvicted of5 months recusancy and fined£100 (Cf. CRSII, pp 258,262,263,268.) His seized landswereletby theCrowntoJohn Iden forarent of£ 12-15-8perannum. (Cf. CRSLVII,pp 51-52.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

dated 8 Feb. 1590/1.XI(9) [Pipe Rollentriesunder 'Kent'] Rental ofseized lands .XII(32v) Seizedlandslet byCrowntoJohnIden from 8May 1591.XII(33).

GREENE ,Grene, Peter, gent., ofAlveston[Alvediston],Wilts.6mths recusancyfrom2Jan. 1586/7: conv 1 Mar 1587/8.VIII(74v).

GREENE , Grene , Ralph, 'yoman' , ofDrayton, Salop 12mths recusancy from 24 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 18 July1588.VIII(16v).

GREENE , Grene , Roche['Rocus'] orRichard ['Ricardus'],esq.,ofLittle Sampford , Essex . 12mthsrecusancyfrom 18Mar. 1580/1: conv.

26 Apr. 1582.II(19). Debt re-enrolledVI(18v) IX(19) Record of land-seizure, 18Oct. 1587VIII(22v). Rental ofseized lands[inGreat Sampford and Canfield ]-VIII(22v) SeizedlandsletbyCrownto Thomas Gentt from 19June 1589IX(18v).X(25).XI(21) XII(20)

GREENE , Grene, Theobald , gent , ofSouthwark,Surrey[prisoner]102 . 10 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v): andthreelater convictions , ending20July1584IV(49v)* . V(50v). Debtsre-enrolledVI(51)*.

GREENE , Grene , Thomas, gent , ofSt. Dunstan's parish,Canterbury , Kent [?prisoner] 9 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv ?Dec. 1581II(28):andtwolater convictions , ending22Feb. 1583/4III(28v). IV(12). Debtsre-enrolledV(30). VI(12)

GREENE , Grene, Thomas, 'yoman', ofTanworthe [sic], Warwicks . 1 mth recusancyfrom27June 1588: conv. 5 Mar. 1588/9.IX(11v).

GREENE, Grene, William, 'scolemaister' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner]103 , 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3 , when convictedIV(49v); andfour later convictions , ending 17Feb. 1585/6 , when convictedIV(49v)* V(50v) VI(49v) DebtsreenrolledVI(51)* .

GREENE , Grene ,William, 'clericus'[prisoner : same place] 6mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvictedV(52v)

GREENE , Grene, William, 'yoman'[prisoner : same place] 8mths recusancyending 16Feb. 1586/7, whenconvicted .VI(50)

GREENWOOD, John, 'clericus' , ofSt. Sepulchreparish,FarringdonWard Without,London[prisoner]104. 13mths recusancyfrom18Apr.1587: conv. 30 Apr. 1588.VIII(38v).

GREGSON , John, 'lynnen webster' , ofWhalley, Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

GREGSON , Jenetta' , hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod and convictiondate).X(40).

102. Theobald GreeneofRutlandshire and Lincoln'sInn (Cf. CRSI, p. 70.)wascommittedto theMarshalsea bythe Bishop of London, 15 May1578 (Cf. CRSXXII, p 102. ), and remained there until 8Apr. 1584. (Cf.CRSII, p 236.)

103. William Greenewascommitted to the Marshalsea bythe Bishop ofLondon, 19 July1572 Indicted forrecusancy 5 times asa schoolmaster , onceas acleric , and finally asa'yoman'after being three times examinedhewasstilla prisoner in Sept. 1588 , having remained inthe Marshalsea forat least 16years (Cf. CRSII, pp 231-284 )

104. John Greenwood wasan 'independant divine' . (Cf.DNB, XXIII , p 84.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

GRETTON,John, 'yeoman' , ofGracedewe[Gracedieu], Leics. 10mths recusancyfrom9Sept. 1586: conv 19Mar. 1587/8.VIII(45v).

GRETTON , Thomas , 'supposedrecusantandfugitive' ofStaffs Goods , value £2-18s., seized 4Sept. 1589.X(14)

GREVSNOR [? Grosvenor], Jane, wid., ofMoleston[Mucklestone], Staffs. 6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587 : conv. 22 July1588.VIII(58)


GREY,Alice,wifeofAnthonyGrey,gent , ofCarbrooke ,Norfolk 3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54)

GREY,John, gent.,ofMeltonMagna, Norfolk (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(54).

GREY, Graye, John, gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]105.4 mths recusancyending 22 July 1583, whenconvictedVI(51);andtwolater convictions , ending 20 July 1584V(50v). VI(51) SeeGORGE , John

deGREY ,Grey, Robert , esq., ofMarten[Merton], Norfolk 11mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1581:conv 23July1582II(40): andfivelater convictions ,ending Lent 1586/7IV(44v).V(41v), (46v)*.VI(25v).

Debtsre-enrolledIII(72v). IV(40), (44v). V(46v). VI(41v), (42).

VII(41)* .Chattels-realin Norf., value £144-10s , seized in 1589 from Robert de Grey and Robert DownesX(81v) Debt re-enrolledXI(66). Record ofland-seizureinNorf ,28Sept. 1587VIII(51)

Record offurther land-seizurein Norf , 1 Dec. 1590X(81v) Rental oflandsinNorf , seized 28 Sept. 1587VIII(6v). IX(43v). X(52v)* .

XI(46v) Rental oflandsin Norf , seized 1 Dec. 1590X(81v)

XI(46v).XII(47v).Arrearage ofrentXII(48) Lands seized 1587let byCrowntoWilliam Cordellfrom 20 Oct. 1589X(53) XI(46v).

XII(47v).Lands seized 1587 let byCrownto GeorgeLee from20Oct. 1590X(81).XI(46v). XII(47v). Lands seized 1590 letbyCrownto William Huckerbye from 22 Dec. 1590XII(48) Record oflandseizureinSuffolk, 20Jan. 1589/90X(80v).Lands seized inSuff.let byCrowntoGeorgeLeefrom 2 Mar. 1589/90X(80v) XI(65v)

MXII(66v) GeorgeLee's lease oflandsin Suffolk:arrearageofrentXI(72v). GRIFFETH, Gryffithe, Ambrose , gent ,of St. Bride's parish,Farringdon WardWithout,London[prisoner]106. [PipeRollentryunder 'Wales']. 1mthrecusancyfrom7 Dec. 1581: conv 19 Jan. 1581/2IV(63v): and onelaterconvictiondated 20 Mar. 1581/2IV(63v) Debtsreenrolled - VI(64v).

105. John Graye (Cf.supra, John GORGE , footnote99.) Hewascommitted tothe Marshalsea , 2Jan. 1577/8;wasstillthere July 1585,; but wasabsentJune 1586. (Cf. CRSII, pp 232, 235, 240.) His surnamewasmisread bythe PipeRollscribe, but correct namegiventwice in Pipe RollVI(51) 106. Ambrose Griffieth, amember ofLincoln'sInn, wascommitted tothe Fleet, 1581-1582 (Cf. CRS II,pp 222, 229.)Hewasdescribed in 1605 as, 'a half-Recusantand a dangerousman, said tobeofGlamorganshire but dwelleth inHereford' .(Cf. CRSII,p 297.)

GRIFFETH , William, gent , ?recusant, ofLlancarvan [Llancarfan], Glam ., Wales Seizedlands [dateofseizureomitted]let byCrowntoJohn Cornewall from Ladyday 1589X(74v).

GRIMESTON , Denise, wifeofJohn Grimpston,gent. ,ofOxborough, Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587 : conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).SeeGRYMSTONE .

GROVE, John, gent , ofDunheed [Donhead St.Andrew],Wilts 3 mths recusancyfrom 2Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(74v). Record ofland-seizure, 8Oct. 1588IX(66) Rental ofseized landsIX(66).X(76v)* .XI(67v).XII(68v).

GRUFF,David, 'yom', ofDidlaston[Dudleston], Salop 12mths recusancy from 24 Feb 1586/7: conv 18 July 1588.VIII(16v)

GRYFFEN,Griffen, John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]107 2 mths recusancyending 20 July1584, whenconvictedV(52v); and onelater convictiondated 18 Feb. 1584/5.V(52v)

GRYFFYTH , Katherine , 'spinster' , ofRaglan,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48)

verch GRYFFITH, Joan, 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(48).

verchGRIFFITH, Griffithe, Gryffith, Margaret , wid.,(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48)

GRYME,William, 'yeoman' , ofHunston[Hunstanton ],Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13Apr. 1587:conv. 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54).

GRYMSHAWE,Henry, 'husb' , ofChurch,Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30July1587: conv 17Mar. 1588/9X(35):andonelater conviction dated 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(40).

GRYMSHAWE , Ellen, hiswife(ofsame parish). 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

GRYMSHAWE,John, 'laborer' , his son(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate asprecedingentry).-X(40).

GRYMSHAWE,Mary, 'spinster' , his daughter (same parish, recusancy period and convictiondateasprecedingentry).X(40).

GRYMSTONE, Ralph , 'yoman'108 , ofNidd, W.R. Yorks.4 mthsrecusancy from 14 May 1587:conv. 14Sept. 1587. -VIII(25v).

GUNTER , David, 'yoman' , ofLlanvihangel Crucorney , Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v).

GUNTER ,[ 1 , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date).- VIII(48v).

GUNTER,Jane, wid , ofLlantilio Pertholey, Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(48v).

107. John Gryffen(Cf. AnstrutherI, p 139 under Griffeth .)

108. Ralph Grimston(Cf.Challoner , p 233.)


HADDEN,alias ofSMITHE,Joan

HADDOCK , Ralph,[ ],ofWasshingley [Washingley], Hunts. 12mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1587: conv. 5 July 1588.VIII(7).See HAYDOCK

HADNETT , William, 'yoman' , ofTottenham ,Middx 6mthsrecusancy from 1 Oct. 1587 : conv 19Apr. 1588.IX(37).

HAILE,Thomas . See HALE, Hales , Thomas

HAKES, Hawkes, Christopher , 'sacerdos'/'clericus' , ofSalfordinparish of Manchester, Lancs[prisoner]109.4 mths recusancyfrom2Sept. 1582: conv. 16Jan. 1582/3II(38v):andonelater conviction dated 22Jan. 1583/4IV(37). Debt re-enrolledIV(42v) VI(39) VIII(46).

HALE, Henry, 'mercer' , ofTreales, Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589 : conv. 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39v)

HALE,[ 1 ,hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod &conviction date)- X(39v).

HALE,Hales, Thomas, gent., ofSouthwark , Surrey[? prisoner]110 , 10mths recusancyending 17Feb. 1585/6, whenconvictedVI(49v)

HALE, Haile, Thomas, gent ,ofWalthamstowe , Essex Grant by Thomas Hale (byletters-patent dated Ladyday 1586)toWilliam Whiskines of Grays Inn, Middx esq., of£10 p.a. from Hale's lands&tenementsin Walthamstow ,in satisfaction ofa debt of£100IX(18). Thesame lands inWalthamstowseized bycommissioner FrancisBlythe, esq , in Sept. 1589 forthe recusancyofThomas Haile, andletbyCrownto John Gerrard ; the lease to beginuponthe terminationoftheabove granttoWilliamWhiskinesX(26v).XI(21v).XII(20v).

HALL,Eliz.,wid , ofSomerton, Oxfords 12 mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv. 7Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v)

109. Christopher Hawkes wasa pre-Elizabethan priest HewasprobablyRector ofBircholt , Kentfrom 1537 , who held thelivingsofWest Barmingand Nettlestead inthe DioceseofRochester and St.Faith'sinOldSt. Paul's , London . After deprivationfromallfourlivings, hewasactive in Lancashire , and was imprisoned inSalfordGaol, from 2 Sept. 1582.(Cf.Pipe Roll, E . 372/427 , under 'Lancaster' .)

110. Thomas Halewascommitted to the ClinkinMar. 1584/5, under the name 'Thomas Hall' (Cf. CRSII,p.282.)

111. Thomas Hall's earliest financialpenalty wasimposed bythe commissioner Francis Blythe in Sept. 1585, who debited him in the sumof£300forhisgoodsand chattels His grant toWilliam Whiskines ,i.e.of£ 100 , atthe rate of£10perannum , fromthe issueofhis lands in Walthamstow , wascompleted in 1596.Amarginalnote in the 5th RR alongside this entryrelatingtothelessee John Gerrard,orders itstermination In thefollowingRR (E . 377/6 ), the Exchequer's further arrangements forthe Walthamstowpropertyareset out Thomas, the father, is required topay£20 perannum , from 'customary ' lands there as from6Oct. 1596, the dateoftheirseizurebythe Crown,and his three recusant sonsWilliam,Augustinand Richard ,nowhavetheirparttoplayin thefamily'sdefence oftheirtraditionalfaith Williamand Augustin hadeachtopay,fromthesame date, £2-14s perannum ,forcertain customary lands inWalthamstow , valued at £4 perannum . Richard ,fromthe samedate, fortwothirdsofcertain other lands atWalthamstow inthetenure of -Mallory, gent , annuallyworth £40, wasresponsible forthe payment of £26-13-4 perannum Thissettlement workedsmoothlyuntil 1601 , when a note ofdischargeappearsinRR 10, underthe entryoftheirfather, Thomas , indicatinghis death inthatEasterTerm , 1601 (Cf.M.R., L.T.R.,44 Eliz EasterTerm, 'Recorda' section )The seized lands ofWilliamandAugustin Halecontinue to appear inthe RRs at leastupto 1611 .

HALL,George,[ ],ofthe cityofYork.4mths recusancyfrom 28Mar. 1581: conv. ? July1581II(8).

HALL,Katherine , wid., ofLovingtonin theparish ofEaston , Hants. 18 mths recusancyfrom18Mar. 1580/1:conv 16Sept. 1582III(50v):andtwolaterconvictions , endingSept. 1584 -IV(53). V(56v) Debtsre-enrolledV(56)*.VI(54).

HALL,Robert , gent , of Steple[Steeple ]Langford, Wilts. 3mths recusancy from 2 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(74v).

HALL, Thomas, 'yom' , ofTottenham , Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 5 Apr. 1587:conv 1 Sept. 1587.VIII(38v).

HALL, Ursula , 'spinster' ,ofAstley,Worcs 2 mths recusancyfrom 7Apr. 1588: conv 6Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v)

HALL,William, 'yoman' , of Berrington , Worcs 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July1588.VIII(80v)

HALLIWELL, John, gent , ofWrightington, Ecclestonparish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587:conv 17 Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

HALLIWELL,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofStandish, Lancs 12 mths recusancy from 20Sept. 1589 : conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(38)

HALSEY, John, physician , ofSt. Brides's parish,FarringdonWard Without, London[prisoner]112.4 mthsrecusancyfrom 18Mar. 1580/1:conv . 18July1581-1(32v):andfivelater indictments ending HARJan.1582/3-1(32v)* , (35)* andII(30v) Debtsre-enrolledIII(38v)* V(35)*.

HAMERTON,Paul , esq., of[ ],Yorks 2mthsrecusancyfrom4Jan. 1585/6: conv . 14Mar. 1585/6.VI(20v)

HAMERTON ,[ ], hiswife(same recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VI(20v).

HAMERTON,Paul , esq , ofMunrode[Monkroyd, inFeatherstoneparish], W.R. Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3July 1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8VIII(27). Record of land-seizure, 8Apr.1589IX(22v). Rental ofseized landsIX(21v)113 .XII(25).113

HAMOND, Robert , 'yoman' , ofRacton, Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv.26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

112. JohnHalsey , physician ofTewkesbury , Gloucs , wascommittedtotheFleet inFeb. 1580/1 . On 15Feb. hewastransferred tothe Clink by Bishop Aylmer, because'the saidHalsey was aman thoughttodomuch harm at the Fleet among the Papists there' (Cf. CRSII, pp 223, 227.)

113. Paul HamertonofMonkroyd, and ofvarious messuages , lands andtenementsinPreston Jacklinge (PurstonJaglin), Yorks , WR ., owed tothe Crown, £ 140 for6months recusancyfrom3 July1587; rendering tothe Treasury on 29May 1590forthe next (Michaelmas )term-£6-13-4, and inevery subsequentMichaelmas term , up toand including1596, the samesumof£6-13-4. He, together withtwosureties, namely, Thomas Ridlington, gent , ofSouth Bramwith,Yorks WR , andWilliam Hamerton , gent ,ofthe parish ofSt.Anthonyin the Ward ofCheap, London, paid the saidsum onthe followingdates: 23Nov. 1591; 19Nov. 1592;5 Nov. 1593; 12 Feb. 1593/4; 31 Oct. 1594;4 Nov. 1595; and2 Dec. 1596.But, stillowing £93-6-8tocover hispenaltyfor6 monthsrecusancy, Paul Hamerton wasnow surprisinglydischarged, 'byconsideration ofthe barons ofthe Exchequer ' The entry endswitha referencetothe authorityforthe abovedecision (M.R., L.T.R., 39 Eliz ,Michaelmas term, 'Recorda' section) The aboveextract isfromthe 5th RR , under 'Ebor'(E . 377/5)


HAMOND,Hammond, Hamon,Alexander, 'yom" , ofMarten[Merton], Norfolk. 12mths recusancyfrom 10Mar. 1582/3: conv 10Mar. 1583/4IV(44v):and onelater convictiondated 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

HAMPDEN, Isabel, wid. , ofStoke Poges, Bucks. 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587 : conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).Goods, value (with thoseofWilliam Fitton[q.v.]) £17-9s , seized 12 Oct. 1588IX(70)

HANCOCKES, 'Elena' , wid , ofDraycot, Staffs .4mthsrecusancy (undated):conv 21 July1589.IX(69v)

HAND,William, 'yom" , ofSt. Bride's parish, Farringdon WardWithout , London[? prisoner] 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1587:conv. 10 July1587.VIII(38v).

HANKENSEN,Eliz ,ofCifton [Clifton]inparish ofKirkham , Lancs ., wife ofEdmund Hankenson [ 1114a 10mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:convictiondateomittedII(38v). Debt re-enrolledVIII(46)

HANKENSEN,Eliz., 'spinster', ofSalfordinparish ofManchester , Lancs . [prisoner]114b .4mths recusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1581: conv. 16 Jan. 1581/2.II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46)

HANKIN,Dorothy, 'spinster' , ofparish of St. Sepulchre,Bishopsgate Ward, London. 3 mths recusancypriorto20 Apr.1588, when convicted .VIII(38v)

HANKYNE , John, 'yoman' ,ofIden, Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

HAPGOOD, Robert , 'yom" ,ofDorchester, Dorset. 12mthsrecusancy from 2 July 1587: conv. 15July 1588.VIII(19v).

HARDEMAN, Margery, 'spinster' , ofMilwich, Staffs 4 mthsrecusancy prior to21July 1589 , whenconvictedIX(69v)

HARDINGE, Jane, 'spinster' , ofAshburnham,Sussex 5 mths recusancy from 20Aug. 1587: conv 5 July1588.VIII(63).

HARDWICKE,Nicholas,[ ], of linScarcliffeparish,Derbys. 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586:conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

HARE,Michael, esq , ofBruseyard [Bruisyard], Suffolk. 12 mthsrecusancy from 3 July1581: conv 18July1582II(56):andthreelater convictions , ending 6Nov. 1587III(66).VI(58)*.VII(58v)* .Debts re-enrolledV(61).VI(58)* Summary ofpre-1587 debtsfor recusancy(July 1582 toNov. 1587). Total, £1,380, paid by16Nov. 1587.Quit . VII(58v) Annualfines (£260)paid from6Nov.1587.VIII(73).IX(63v).X(63v).XI(66) XII(66v)

HARE,Michael, esq , ofSt. Nicholas' parish, Gippo [Ipswich],Suffolk. 7 mths recusancyfrom 12 Sept. 1586 : conv 5Apr. 1587.VI(58).

HARE,Mary, hiswife(ofsame parish) 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv.27Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

114. Thisand thenext entry probablyrefer to the sameperson, ElizabethHankenson The surname isspelt thus inbothentries, and regularlyin Exchequer lists In(114b )sheisdescribed as 'spinster'; in(114a) as married In CRSV , p 25 footnote, she appears again asspinster , buther nameisgiven as Elizabeth Hawkenson

HARE, Richard, 'yeoman' , of St.Mary'sparish, Nottingham,Notts 10 mths recusancyfrom 9Sept. 1586: conv. 25 Mar. 1588.VIII(80).

HARFORTHE , Hartforthe, Thomas, gent., ofNortonnr.Faversham , Kent.2mths recusancyfrom 14Jan. 1587/8:conv. 26Feb. 1588/9IX(29). Record ofland-seizure, 10June 1590115.X(33). Seizedlandslet byCrownto Richard Locksmyth from 31 Dec. 1590.XII(33).

HARGREVES, Eliz , wid , ofBurnley , Lancs. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(40)

HARGREVES,William, 'laborer' (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-X(40).

HARLEY , Matilda, wifeofJohn Harley , esq , ofBramptonBrian, Herefords. 3 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1:conv.29June 1581III(27),andfour later convictions ,ending 5Mar. 1582/3III(27)* .

HARLEY , Matilda, wid , ofAllSaintsparish,Herefordcity. 1 mth recusancyfrom27May 1583 : conv . 15July1583116.III(27).

HARMAN ,Juliana, gentlewoman/'spinster' , ofLyford, Berks .8mths recusancyfrom26June 1581: conv 26Feb. 1581/2-1(11v);andone laterconviction,ending 24 Feb. 1583/4II(65v) IV(3v) DebtsreenrolledIII(33v) V(3v) VI(3v) VII(3v).

HARMAN ,Juliana, gentlewoman/'spinster' , ofSt. Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks [prisoner]117. 8mths recusancyfrom 30June 1582: conv. 11 Feb. 1582/3II(65v); andonelater conviction,ending 20 July1584III(50v) IV(46) Debtsre-enrolledV(4v).VI(3v).

115. Uponconviction , twothirdsofThomas Hartfurthe'slandswere seizedbythe commissioners , SirThomas Fludd andWilliam Baineham, i.e.part ofthe siteof the latemonastery ofLeedes(near Maidstone )Kent , with nearby lands; a brewhouse in Sittingbourne;therectory houseat Rainham ; allin thetenure oroccupation ofJohn Norden (recusant q.v.) together with lands at Esthalland adjacent propertyat Tonge and Murston, leasedbythe CrowntoRichard Locksmyth , gent., from 21 Dec. 1590 for£44-8-10 perannum Alltheseseizedlandswere quicklydischarged, 'byconsideration ofthe barons ofthe Exchequer' ,(Cf.M.R., L.T.R. , 33Eliz , HilaryTerm, 'Recorda' section )AndbothHartfurth and Locksmytharequit See also 10th RR ., under 'ItemKanc'

116. MatildaHarleymoved, duringwidowhood,toAll Saintsparish, Hereford The summary ofher personal debtsforrecusancy is given in Pipe RollIII,under 'Hereford'infivedated indictments from24Mar. 1581/2 to 5 Mar. 1584/5: sumtotalofdebtsbeing £300 Shewas discharged in Hilary Term 1584/5 , 'byconsideration ofthe barons of the Exchequer' (Cf.M.R. , L.T.R.,27 Eliz , Hilary Term , 'Recorda'section )

117. JulianaHarmanwasa Brigittinenun Accompanied byKatherine Kingswell (q.v.)ofthe sameOrder,shewas staying with sixother nuns at Lyford, Berks , (the houseofEdwardYate),who arrived at LyfordtofindSt.Edmund Campionthere, ready to saymass.Campion wasarrested(Cf. VCHBerks ., II, p. 37.) Harman and Kingswell wereclosely associatedin alllocal prosecutions for recusancyfrom 26June 1581 till 20July1584 , as follows: -

(1) (8months)26June 1581 to26Feb. 1581/2 Prisoner atReading Castle

(2) (5months)Mar. 1581/2 to 31 July1582.Prisoner at Lyford(Reading Assizes)

(3) (4months )Feb. 1582/3 to4June 1583.Prisoner at Reading Castle

(4) (8months)July 1583 to 15Feb. 1583/4 Prisoner at Lyford (Reading Assizes)

(5) (6months)Feb. 1583/4 to20July 1584.Prisoner atReading Castle (Cf. CRSXXXII, p 118. )

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HARPER ,[ ],wifeofThomas Harper,[ 1 , of Grosmont , Mon. my 5 mths recusancyfrom24Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v).

HARPER ,Eliz., wifeofJohn Harper , esq.,ofChelston [?orChilston]in parish ofMadley, Herefords 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30).

HARPER,William,[ 1, (sameplace, recusancyperiod andconviction date).- VIII(30).

HARRIS, Joan, wifeofSimon Harris, gent., ofHaringflete[Herringfleet], Suffolk 12 mths recusancyending 27Mar. 1588, whenconvictedVIII(73)

HARRIS,Harries , Harrys, John, 'yeoman' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner]118. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, when convictedIII(58v); andonelater conviction, dated22July 1583IV(49v). Debts re-enrolledV(52v).VI(51).

HARRY, George, 'yoman' , ofLlanishen ,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

HARRY , 'Gwenlia' , 'spinster' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate).-VIII(48v)

HARRYE, 'Gwenlliana'William,wifeofWilliam Harrye,[ ], of Llanishen, Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).- VIII(49)

HARRYE, John ,[ ], ofLlangoven ,Mon. (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

HARRYE, 'Gwenliana' , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

HARRYSON ,[ ],wid.,ofWeeton , Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39)

HARRYSON,Jane, 'spinster' , ofStandish, Lancs (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-X(38v).


HARSAUNTE, Michael , gent. , ofBeccles , Suffolk. 6mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1588: conv.2 July1589.IX(64).Debtsre-enrolledXI(72v).

HARTE,Richard, 'yeoman' , ofWimborneMinster,Dorset.6mths recusancyfrom 15Jan. 1586/7: conv 21 July1587.IX(16v).Debt re-enrolledXII(78v)

HARTELAND , William, 'yom" ,ofCollowe [Callow ], Herefords . Two fines of£20imposed forignoringsheriff'ssummonsesafter excommunication ,4Apr. and 27 May 1581.III(28)* . DebtsreenrolledV(26)* .


118. JohnHarris, amercer bytrade, wasfoundwiththree other 'printers' atStonorPark , Oxon., busilyengagedin workingthe secretprintingestablishment there (Cf. CRSII,p 30 footnote)Committedto the Tower,withthe others,on 13Aug. 1581 ,hewaslatermoved tothe Marshalsea , where hewascaught serving massforFr.William Denton (Cf. CRS II, p 221.)

HARTLEY, Harteley , James, [ ], ofSt.Mary'sparish,Nottingham, Notts 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588: conv 17Mar. 1588/9IX(70).Debt re-enrolledXII(75).

HARTLEY,William, 'yeoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]119. 10 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted .III(58v). Debt re-enrolled - V(52v)

HARTON,Eliz.,wid.,ofWyckham[Wykeham], N.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(25v).

HARWARD,Alice, 'spinster' , ofMickleton, Gloucs 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 26Mar. 1587: conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82)

HARWARD, Hareward , Harewood , Eleanor, wid.,ofAlborough, Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587:conv 1Apr. 1588VIII(54).Record ofland-seizure, 18 Oct. 1588 (Two-thirdsof the manor ofAlboroughandofhereditaments in Cramworth [Cranworth],Norf.)IX(45). Rental ofseized landsIX(45). X(52v) XI(46v)120 . Arrearage ofrent atMichaelmas 1589XII(48).

HARVYE, Harvie,John, 'printer'/'yoman' ,ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner]121. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3 , when convictedIV(49v); andonelater conviction , dated22July 1583IV(49v). Debtsre-enrolledVI(51)*.

HASELWOOD,Agnes, 'spinster' , ofAllSaintsparish, Oxford. 12mths recusancyfrom26Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v)

HASKEN, 'Lisseta' , wifeofEdward William Hasken ,[ ], ofLlandenny , Mon. 5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv . 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v)

HASSARD, John,[ 1 ,ofStanley,Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586 : conv.22Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

HASTINGES, Joyce, wifeofWalterHastinges, esq. , ofKirkby[?Mallory], Leics 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 19Mar. 1587/8.VIII(45v)

HATTON, Richard , 'clericus' , ofSalfordintheparish ofManchester , Lancs [prisoner ] 122. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Feb. 1582/3:conv . 22 Jan. 1583/4.IV(37).Debt re-enrolledIV(42v).VI(39)

HATTON, Thomas , 'labourer ' , ofSalfordintheparish ofManchester , Lancs [prisoner].(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)- IV(37) Debt re-enrolledIV(42v) VI(39)

119. WilliamHartlet(Cf.AnstrutherI, p. 155 , 156. )

120. Eleanor Harwardowedthe Queena debt of£13-6-8 , at Michaelmas 1589.Shewasthen discharged(Cf.M.R., L.T.R., 31 Eliz , Michaelmas Term, 'Recorda' section.)

121. John Harvye wasoneofthe workers ofthe secretprintingpress at Stonor Park, Oxon.,who werecommitted tothe Toweron13Aug. 1581 , and thencemoved tothe Marshalseaonthe following23Aug.Hewasdischarged fromthere sometimeafter22July 1583.(Cf.footnote118.)

122. Richard Hattonwasbornat Stockton Yate , nearMalpas , Cheshire (Cf.Wark ,p. 175).He wasapre-Elizabethan priest, who had beenincumbent ofShelley, Essex, from 1558.Arrested at Manchester , 17Jan. 1583/4 , hewas condemned at QuarterSessions, 'forextollingthePope's authority' .(Cf. Foley II, pp 135 seq )His sentencewaschangedtolifeimprisonment .Convicted at SalfordGaol on 22Jan. 1583/4 of 12 months recusancy.

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HAUGHTON, Ellen , wifeofRalph Haughton , gent , ofKirkeleis [Kirkless] inAspull, Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589: conv.22Mar. 1590/1.X(38). SeeHOUGHTON

HAWE [sic,forLAWE], Eliz , ofGraunge [Grange-over-Sands],Lancs , wifeofJohn Lawe, 'yoman' 12mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

HAWKES,Christopher : see HAKES.

HAWKESWORTH,William, gent., [prisoner] 123 , ofSt. Bride'sparish, FarringdonWardWithout,London [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Yorks'] 1 mthrecusancyfrom 7 Dec. 1581 : conv. 19Jan. 1581/2III(10v):and onelater conviction, dated20Mar. 1581/2III(10v) Debtsreenrolled - VI(8v) VII(8v)

HAWKINS, Hawins , Alice, 'spinster' , ofPembridge, Herefords .6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv. 14 July1589.IX(25v) DebtreenrolledXI(29).

HAYDOCK, Haidock, Haddock,William, gent ,ofCotton[Cottam]in parish ofPreston, Lancs 4mths recusancyfrom 18Mar. 1580/1: conv 31 July 1581.VI(40v) Goods, value£67, seized 24Oct. 1587X(40v).Record ofland-seizure, 24 Oct. 1587X(40v) Rental oflands seized 24Oct. 1587XII(44) Goods, value (withthoseof John Westbie) £53-13-4, seized 29 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).Record oflandsseized 29Mar. 1588 forpre-1587 recusancyVIII(21v). Rental oflandsseized 29 Mar. 1588VIII(60) X(37), (39) Seized lands letbyCrowntoJohn Chapman from 1 Aug. 1589X(37) XII(44)

HEAPE,Robert , 'husb" , ofLeighe, Staffs. 6mths recusancyfrom6Sept. 1587: conv 22July 1588.VIII(58)

HEATHE,Dorothy, wid , ofAlchurch[Alvechurch], Worcs.12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1586: conv 28Mar. 1588VIII(77):andone laterconvictiondated 25 July 1588VIII(80v).Goods, value£8 , seized 31Sept. 1588IX(68v).Record of land-seizure , 31Sept. 1588IX(68v).Lands seized fromDorothyHeathe andfrom William, junior [seebelow] let by Crown to James Wilcockes from 1 Mar. 1588/9IX(68).X(75).XI(70) XII(71).

HEATHE, Jane, 'spinster' (ofsame parish) 6mths recusancyfrom29Sept. 1587:conv.25July 1588.VIII(80v).

HEATHE ,Magdalen , ofWestminster [prisoner]124 , wifeofThomas Heathe ofFulham ,Middx, gent 3 mths recusancyfrom 26June 1581: conv. 26Sept. 1581.III(42) Debt re-enrolledV(35).

123. WilliamHawkesworthwasreleasedfromthe Fleet, 11 Nov. 1582 , on bonds toreturnwhen required (Cf. CRS II, pp 222, 229.) Hewasfined £20foronemonths recusancyfrom 7 Dec. 1581; and again £40fortwomonths from 20 Jan. 1581/2 to22Mar. 1581/2 IntheTreasury £20waspaid on 25Oct.1587.Annotation:Butheought notto besummoned for£40, becausethe Queenhas already beenanswered byBrian Stapleton , esq , late sheriffof 1585 , fromissues ofannual rentsof £20from lands and tenements in Hawksworth , Nassington and Mitton, Yorks (Cf.RR ., VII rotulet8v , under 'ResEbor' .)

124. Magdalen Heath was senttotheGatehousein 1581 bythe Bishop ofLondonand other commissioners (Cf. CRSII, pp 225,230.)

HEATHE,William, junior,[ ],ofAllchurchealiasAlvechurch ,Worcs

12mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1587: conv. 28 Mar. 1588.IX(68v) Record ofland-seizure, 9 Jan. 1588/9IX(68v). Lands seized from William Heathe,junior,and fromDorothy, widow[seeabove],letby CrowntoJamesWilcockes from1 Mar. 1588/9IX(68).X(75). XI(70).XII(71).

HELAIE, William,[ ],ofMantonin Lindsey, Lincs 10 mths recusancy from9 Sept. 1586 : conv. 28Mar. 1588.VIII(44v).

HELME,Joan, ofChipping, Lancs , wifeofEdward Helme [ ] 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589 : conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

HEMSWORTH, Francis, 'yom" , ofYork Castle('deCastro Ebor"),York [prisoner] 5mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1582/3: conv 17May 1583.IV(21).Debt re-enrolledVI(22).

HENCOCKE, Thomas, 'tailer' , ofAllSaintsparish,Oxfordcity. 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v)

HENDIE,Eliz .,wid., ofChideock , Dorset 10mths recusancyfrom 1 May 1583: conv Lent 1583/4.IV(16v)

HENSLOWE, Katherine , wid , ofWest Burhant[Boarhunt ], Hants.6mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587 : conv 8 July1588.VIII(68v)

HENSLOWE,Stephen, gent ,ofSouthweeke[Southwick ],Hants . 3mths recusancyfrom 17Dec. 1583: conv Lent1583/4.IV(53).DebtreenrolledVI(54).

HERINGE,Agnes, 'spinster' ,ofWateringbury,Kent. 2mthsrecusancy from 19Dec. 1587 : conv 26Feb. 1588/9.IX(29)

HESKETH, Heskyth , Wilfred, gent ofLittle Pulton[Poulton],Lancs . 13 mths recusancyfrom 14Aug.1586: conv.25Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

HESKETH, Heskethe, William, gent. (ofsame parish) 4mths recusancy from18Mar. 1580/1: conv 31 July 1581.VI(40v).

HESKETH , William,gent., ofSt. Bride's parish Farringdon WardWithout, London[prisoner]125. [2 convictions recorded under 'Lancs' . IV46v] 1 mthrecusancyfrom 7 Dec. 1581: conv 22 Jan. 1581/2IV(46v): and onelater conviction, dated 20Mar. 1581/2IV(46v) DebtsreenrolledVI(39).

HESKETH , William, gent ,ofLittle Poulton, Lancs [Cuff's leaserecorded under 'LondonMiddx'] Seizedlandslet by Crown toHughCuffe from Michaelmas 1585VI(33v) VIII(16v)[Cuff's leaserecorded under 'Staffs'].X(35v) [Cuff's lease recorded under 'Cheshire'] XII(9)[Cuff's lease recorded under 'Cheshire']

125. William Hesketh, a prisoner in the Fleet (Cf. CRSII, p 222.), wasgiven a warrantof releasebyWalsingham on 11 Nov. 1582 , under bond toreturnwhen required ; and again on 15 Jan. 1582/3 Ofthefour Hesketh's herementioned (allprobablyconnectedwiththe samefamily),the last three areclearly the sameman. Hewas no longer inthe Fleet on22Mar. 1583/4 (Cf. CRSII, p 229.) His home wasin Little Poulton, Lancs HughCuffe,the principalcrown agent, had him in chargefromMichaelmas 1585 , for a rent of£5-13-4perannum, fromlands and tenementsin LittlePoulton, Kirkhamand Croston

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HEVENINGHAM ,Ann, wifeofWalterHeveningham, esq , ofPipe [Ridware],Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587: conv 22July 1588VIII(58).

HEVENINGHAM ,Dorothy,wid , ofStone[? or Stoue], Staffs.4mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv 2Aug. 1582.II(14) DebtreenrolledIV(62) VI(63)

HEWES ,Hughes,John, 'yom" ,ofWestminster , Middx.[prisoner]126.1 mthrecusancyfrom6Oct. 1587: conv 29 Jan. 1587/8.VIII(38v)

HEWETT ,George, 'yoman' , ofparish ofSt. Gilesin theFields ,Middx.2 mths recusancyfrom 2 July1589: conv 3 Dec. 1589.IX(37).

HEYBORNE,John, gent , ofOkeley [Oakley], Bucks 12mths recusancy from 12Mar. 1587/8: conv 23 June 1589.IX(70).

HIBBERD,Alice, 'spinster' , ofLeckhampton , Gloucs 5 mths recusancy from 26 Mar. 1587 : conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82).

HICKES,Ann,wifeofChristopherHicks , 'yom",ofIpston [Ibstone], Bucks 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv 18Mar. 1587/8VIII(3).

HIDE,Brigit,wifeofHughHide, esq , ofLetcombe Regis,Berks 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 4Mar. 1587/8.VIII(5).

HIDE, Hyde,Dorothy, wifeofHumphreyHyde, gent , ofMorecott [Norcott127], Berks. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate) VIII(5).

HIDE,Eliz ,wifeofRichard Hide, gent , ofSutton Courtney,Berks. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(5).

HIDE, Valentine, 'yom" , ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWardWithout, London[? prisoner]128.3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1587:conv 10 July 1587.VIII(38v)

HIGGENSON , Hoggenson, Thomas, gent., ofBarkeswell [Berkswell], Warwicks. 7 mths recusancyfrom 12July 1586: conv 15 Mar. 1587/8VIII(76) Record ofland-seizure, 2 Oct.1588IX(67v).

Rental ofseized landsIX(67v).X(72) XI(69) XII(70).

HIGGES,Ann,wifeofChristopher Higges, 'yeom" , ofChinnor, Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586 : conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

126. John Hewes, a Devonshire man, sometimea clerk toone ofthe Secondariesofthe Counter inLondon, wascommitted to the Gatehouse, 24May 1582 , being foundconferringwitha massing priest , and sentfrom the Councilboard in the Star Chamber (Cf. CRSII, pp 225, 230, 235, 253, 254, 271.) Possibly identifiablewith'John Hughes, gent ' , a contemporary prisoner 'foreleven years in the Gatehouse' , suspectedof'conveying money'to imprisoned priests andrecusants (Cf. CRS II, p 253.)

127. DorothyHyde, on her marriage , becamethe Chatelaine ofNorcottorNorthcourt, thechief manor houseofthe Hyde family, purchased in 1547 byher grandfather , John Lyon.Northcourtlay inAbingdon (Cf.VCHBerks IV, p 419, and footnote81.)WithDorothy, on4Mar. 1587/8 , were also convicted of 12 months recusancy, Brigit, wifeof Hugh HideofLetcombe Regisand Elizabeth , wifeofRichard HideofSutton Courtenay , bothin Berks , and on the samedate (Cf. RR no 8 E. 377/8, under'ItemBerks'.)

128. Valentine Hide An unidentifiedmember ofthe Berkshire familyabovementioned , shewas probablya prisoner intheFleet .

HIGGES,Richard, 'yoman' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark ,Surrey [? prisoner]129.5mths recusancyfrom17Feb. 1586/7: conv. 17July 1587.IX(54).

HIGGES,Robert, gent , ofSt. Saviour's parish, Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner inthe Clink]5 mths recusancyending 16Feb. 1586/7 , when convicted .VI(50)

HIGGES,William, 'yom" , ofWesthampsted, Berks 8mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1583: conv 24Feb. 1583/4.IV(3v). Debt re-enrolledVI(3v)

HIGGES,Higes,William, 'yom" ,ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks [prisoner]130.6mths recusancyfrom 1 Feb. 1583/4: conv.20July 1584IV(46):andtwolaterconvictions , ending 22 June1585.V(4v)* . Debts re-enrolledVI(3v)*.

HIGGETT,Jane ,[ 1 ,ofEtwall, Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom9Sept. 1586 : conv.22Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

HIGHAM , Joan,ofMeaddowes [? nearPemberton], Lancs ,wifeofRalph Higham , 'tanner' 12 mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

HIGHAM ,William,gent , oftheparish ofSt. Clement Danes , Without Temple Bar, Middx.Fine of 100 marks imposed forhearing Masssaid on 30 Jan. 1585/6 byWilliam Thompson inthe houseofRobert Bellamy (q.v.) Conv atOldBailey 18Apr. 1586131.VI(34v)

HILDESLEY , Hillesley ,Margaret,[ ], ofCromarshe [Crowmarsh Gifford],Oxfords. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586:conv . 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35).

HILDESLEY , Hillesley ,Walter,gent , of[EastIlsley], Berks Goods, value £8, seized 4 Oct.1588.IX(4v). Record ofland-seizure,4Oct. 1588.IX(4v) Rental ofseized landsIX(4v). X(3v). XI(4) See ILLESLEY .

HILL,John, 'yoman' , ofUpton-on-Severn, Worcs 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv. 6Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v).

HILL,Richard, 'yeoman' , ofUpton-on-Severn, Worcs . 12mths recusancy from20Sept. 1586: conv. 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(77) Goods, value £7-1s.,seized 31 Sept. 1588.IX(68v) Record of land-seizure, 31 Sept. 1588.IX(68v). Rental ofseized landsIX(49v). X(75). XI(70).XII(71).

HILL,Alice, hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)- VIII(77).

129. Richard Higges ofWesthampstead, Berks ., wasat firstimprisoned inReading Gaol(the Castle), thence hewastransferred tothe Marshalsea and attended the LondonSessions in 1588at whichhewasexamined, triedand respited byWalsingham Hewasthereupon recommitted tothe Marshalea bytheLordChamberlain (Cf. CRSV , pp 155 , 156.)

130. William Higges was imprisoned inReading Castle from 1 Feb. 1583/4 to22June1585 , and thereby convicted , on the latter date, ofelevenmonths recusancy (Cf. CRSXXXII, p 118. )

131. WilliamHighamwas confined intheWoodStreetCounter , 30 July 1585 , and committed byWalsingham forhearing mass Was stillthere , 7 Dec. 1586.(Cf. CRSII, pp 249 , 252 , 255 , 271.)


HILL,Thomas, 'yoman' , ofPodington, Beds 12mthsrecusancyfrom 6 July 1587:recusancyconv. 12Mar. 1588/9.IX(1v).

HILTON,Andrew, gent , ofCarlisle, Cumberland 3 mths recusancyfrom 27Apr. 1582 : conv ? July 1582.II(7v).

HILTON,Andrew, gent., 132 ofSt.Mary'sparish,Carlisle,Cumberland . 12 mths recusancyfrom 21 Aug. 1582:?Aug. 1583V(7v) Debt reenrolled(under 'Westmorland ')VI(63).VIII(78).X(78).Record of land-seizureinWestmorland , 24Apr. 1585IX(7v).XII(72).

HILTON,Andrew, gent., ofBurton[inWarcop ],Westmorland . 1 mth recusancyfrom 1 June 1588: conv 5 Aug. 1588.IX(69)

HILTON ,Mary, 'spinster' ,ofParke, in parish ofDeane,Lancs .2mths recusancyfrom 2June 1588: conv 17Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

HINDE, Richard , 'yoman' ,ofPreston, Lancs 2mths recusancyfrom 3June 1588: conv. 17Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

HINDE ,William, 'yoman' , ofChedulton [Cheddleton],Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom6Sept. 1587: conv. 22July1588.VIII(58).

HINTONE,Ann, 'spinster' , ofFishbourne, Sussex 2mths recusancyfrom 17Apr. 1587: conv 26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

HINTONE, Briget, 'spinster'(same parish , recusancyperiod&conviction date)-VIII(63v).

HITCHE, Jane ,wifeofThomas Hitche, 'yeom" ,ofWendlebury ,Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv 7Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

HITCHMAN,John, gent , ofWelford[Whelford], inparish ofKemsford [Kempsford], Gloucs 10 mthsrecusancyfrom 30 Oct. 1586: conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82) Record ofland-seizure, 1 Oct. 1588IX(23v) Rental oflandsseized 1 Oct. 1588IX(23v) Record ofland-seizure, 14Jan. 1588/9X(27v). Lands seized 14Jan. 1588/9 letbyCrowntoFrancis Thynne from 7 Mar. 1588/9.IX(23v). X(27).XI(27) XII(27).

HITCHMORE , Margaret , wid. ,ofAllSaintsparish, Oxfordcity. 12 mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

HOBERT, Huberte, Hubarte, Henry, gent , of Dynnygnton [Dennington ], Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 2 Apr. 1588: conv 19 Mar. 1588/9IX(64) Debt re-enrolledXI(72v) Record ofland-seizure, 20Jan. 1589/90X(80v) Seized landslet byCrowntoHenry Marwoodfrom 20Mar. 1589/90X(80v) XI(65v). XII(66v).Henry Marwood'slease: arrearageof rent (no payment recorded)-XI(72v)

HOBSON ,Richard,[ ], ofthe IsleofWight['de Insula Vecta'].Fineof £40imposed atConsistory CourtofSt. Paul's , London,byJohn [Aylmer] Bishop ofLondonand otherHighCommissioners on

132. AndrewHilton wasconfinedtothe 'Sheriff'sward' in St.Mary'sCarlisle, Cumberland , fromthe end of 1592 tothe secondweek ofAdvent1593 , when heand hiswifewereliberated . He was correspondent and assistant toFr.John Boste. (Cf. CRSV , pp 35-37, and 63-69 ; and Challoner , pp.202-208, andAppendixIII,pp . 597-600.)

25 Apr. 1576 ,for a 'contempt' againsttheChurch133. [Pipe Rollentry under 'Hants']III(62) Debt re-enrolledVII(54).XI(60).

HOBSON ,Thomas , gent [placeoforiginomitted : PipeRollentryunder 'Hants']Similarfineof £40 imposed byHigh Commissioners atSt. Paul's , London, on 7 Nov.[1576]134. Fine payableby instalmentsof £8 £16remaining debt. £8 paid.IV(52).

HOCKENHULL , John , gent , ofPrenton, Woodchurch parish, Cheshire 13mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586: dateofconviction omitted.― VIII(58v)

HOCKNELL[Hockenhull], John, esq , of Salford , in parish ofManchester, Lancs[prisoner].4 mthsrecusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1582: conv 16Jan. 1582/3II(38v):andthreelater convictions , ending27Dec. 1584IV(42v).VI(39), (40v) Debtsre-enrolledIV(37).VI(39). VIII(46).Goods, value£4, seized Michaelmas 1587VI(40v) Goods , 100 value £69, seized 24 Oct. 1587X(40v). Record oflandsin Cheshire seized 24Oct. 1587 [RecusantRollentryunder 'Lancs']X(40v).

Rental of landsinCheshireseized 24 Oct. 1587 [RecusantRollentry under 'Lancs']XII(44).

HOCKNELL [Hockenhull], John, gent., ofSalford, in parishof Manchester , Lancs [prisoner] 3 mths recusancyfrom 17Jan. 1581/2: conv.2May 1582II(38v): andthree later convictions , ending 20 Apr. 1585II(38v) VI(39), (40v) Debtsre-enrolledIV(46v).

HOODVIII(46)* SeizedlandsinPrenton , Cheshire, let byCrownfrom Ladyday1584 to John Hocknell, esq , ofHocknell[Hockenhull, in parishofTarvin, Cheshire], his executorsand assigns ,fortheuseof Margaret, thepresentwifeofthesaidJohn Hocknell, gent.andofher children forthe satisfaction ofa debtof£220 .[Pipe Rollentries under 'Cheshire'] VI(63v) VIII(60v) X(37v).XII(9) ...

HODGES,Alice, 'spinster' , ofIrtlingburghe[Irthlingborough], Northants. 12 mths recusancyfrom 16Apr. 1587: conv 4Mar. 1588/9.IX(47v)

HODGSON, Hodgeson, Eliz , 'spinster' , ofWestby,Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(39v).

HODGSON ,Ellen,of[ ],Lancs.,wifeofRichard Hodgson, 'husb" . (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

HODGSON, Hodgesone, John, 'yom" , ofGroman [Grosmont ],N.R. Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(25v).

HODGSON, Hodgeson, William, 'husb",ofWestby withPlumpton, 135 , Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1589: conv. 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

133. Richard Hobson wascommittedto the Queen's BenchPrison , 8 May 1579 , andwasstill there, 31 July1580.(Cf. CRSI, p 68.)

134. Thomas Hobson wascommitted to theMarshalsea, and thencedischarged 31 July1577 . (Cf. CRSI, p 70.)Senttothe King'sBenchPrison in 1580.(Cf. CRSI, p 61.)

135. William Hodgeson camefromwhat is now'Westby withPlympton' , 3 miles w of Kirkham, Lancs (Cf.CRSXVIII, pp 194 , 195.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HODGSON , Hodgeson, Katherine , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(39v).

HODGSON, Hodgeson, William, 'husb" , ofWestby withPlumpton135 , Lancs (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

HODGSON, Hodgeson, Katherine , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

HOELL,DavidJames, 'yoman' , ofLlangattockVibonAvel,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v).

HOELL, JaneJames, 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(48v)

HOELL, Joan, 'spinster' , ofLlandegaveth [Llandegveth],Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48).

HOELL,'Jonetta' , wid , ofSkenfrith,Mon. (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(48v).

HOELL , Katherine, wid , ofRaglan, Mon.(same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(48).

HOELL, Matildaverch Jevan, wifeofJohn AdamHoell[ ],ofRaglan, Mon.(samerecusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(48)

HOELL, Howell, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofRaglan, Mon.(same recusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48) Record of land-seizure, 24 Oct.1588IX(42v) Rental oflands seized 24 Oct. 1588IX(42v). X(50).XI(45) SeeHOWELL.

HOLBORNE,William,gent., ofChelsey[Chelsea], Middx.3mths recusancyfrom 10Mar. 1588/9: conv 4Sept. 1589.IX(37).

HOLCOME,Juliana , 'spinster' , ofStepney, Middx.3 mths recusancyfrom 5Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Sept. 1587.VIII(38v)

HOLCROFT, 'Hamlettus ' , gent , ofWoodende, Eccles parish, Lancs . 13 mths recusancyfrom30 July 1587: conv. 17Mar. 1588/9.X(35)

HOLDEN,Margaret, wid , ofPlesington [Pleasington],Lancs . 12 mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(40v).

HOLDGATE, Nicholas , 'webster' , ofSwynden [Swinden, nrColne], Lancs (samerecusancyperiod and conviction date)-X(40)

HOLLAND ,Ellen,[ 1 ,ofClyfton, Ecclesparish, Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom30 July 1587 : conv 17Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

HOLLAND , Helen, wid.,ofClifton, Eccles parish, Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv 25Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

HOLLAND , Robert, gent , ofClyfton, Ecclesparish, Lancs136.4 mths recusancyfrom 2 May 1582 : conv.26Aug. 1582.II(38v).

HOLLAND , Robert , gent , ofSalford, in parish ofManchester, Lancs. [prisoner] 12mths recusancyfrom20Feb. 1582/3: conv.222 Jan. 1583/4IV(37): andtwolaterconvictions , ending 20Apr. 1585VI(40v)* . Debt re-enrolledIV(42v).VI(39).

136. Robert Hollandwasimprisoned in SalfordGaol for12 months recusancyfrom20Feb. 1582/3 to22Jan.1583/4 , and twolaterconvictions ending on 20 Apr. 1585.(Cf.CRSV , p 10.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HOLLAND , Robert , gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey,[prisonerin Marshalsea]137.7mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6 -VI(49v).

HOLLINSHEDD , Eliz , wid , ofWigan, Lancs. 3 mths recusancyfrom1 May 1588:conv. 17Mar. 1588/9. -X(35)

HOLME,Joan,wid. , ofBarford[Barforth]Dykes, in Gillingparish,N.R. Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

HOMES,Roger, 'yom" , ofDrayton,Salop. 12mths recusancyfrom24Feb. 1586/7:conv . 18 July1588.VIII(16v)

HOODE,Ralph, 'yeoman' ,ofEverton , Cambs [nowBeds ] 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Mar. 1587/8: conv 14Mar. 1588/9. -IX(5).

HOOLE,George, 'blackesmythe' ,ofSingleton Magna [Great Singleton], Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(39)

HOOLE,[ ],hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod andconviction date).-X(39).

HOOLE, Isabel, 'spinster'(same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date).-X(39).

HOOLE,John , [ 1 ,ofWestby,Lancs. (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-X(39v).

HOOLE,Margaret,[ 1.(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date).X(39v).


HOPER ,Isabel, wifeofThomas Whoper , 'yoman' , ofHanleyCastle , Worcs.6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July1588.VIII(80v) SeeWHOOPER

HOPTON,William, 'clericus' , ofBuckland , Berks138. 12mthsrecusancy from 1 Sept. 1586 : conv 4 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(5)

HORDE, Hoord, William,gent , ofthe SokeofWinton[Winchester], Hants.2mths recusancyending 16May 1581 ,whenconvicted.― V(56). Debt re-enrolledVII(54). IX(57v)

137. Robert Hollandwasthen removed bythe Earl ofDerby'out ofCheshire(sic)on8May 1585, tothe Marshalsea, and, afterexamination bythe HighCommissioners atthe Star Chamber (Cf. CRSII, p.244.), begananother two periods ofcloseimprisonment intheMarshalsea itself. Thesetwo periods, eachoffour months duration, weredated 3 Sept. 1585 to27Dec. next following; the secondperiod beganon the next day, 28Dec. 1585 , and wasplanned toend on20 Apr. 1586 , but on 17 Feb. 1585/6 onlyhisdead body wasfound MorrisIII,p 36 , refersto Holland'sdeath in prison asdated 'july1586', but Exchequer records rectifythis datinginthe Exannual Roll(E. 363/9)where, under 'Surrey/Sussex'; 'Debitaextrata de rotulo27Eliz 'itis plainlystated thatHollandleft a debt of£140 (at £20 a month)forrecusancyduringaperiodof7 months immediatelypreceeding the 17th dayofFebruaryin the 28th year ofthe reign ofQueen Elizabeth (1585/6) Afinal summary ofhischaracter was 'neither wealthynorwise, but very arrant' Hisfamilynowhad topay the fine, in additionto his previous convictions Hedied, therefore , 'in bonds' , in the48th year ofhis age (Cf.Morris, and Foley III, p 805.)

138. WilliamHoptonwasmentioned bya clerical writer, as 'supposedto bea priest' (Cf. CRS V, pp 64,67.) But heisnotmentioned in Anstruther, orknown tohavebeena pre-Elizabethan priest Fr. Pollen suggestedhisnamewas analias, but heisofficially named 'a cleric' and convicted of 12 months recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HORDE,William,[ ],ofthe cityofWinton, Hants 5 mths recusancy from6May 1581:conv ? Oct.1581.1(55) Debt re-enrolledIII(62).V(56).VII(54).

HORDE,William,[ ], oftheparish ofSt. Maurice, Winchester ,Hants.3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1581: conv 9 Jan. 1581/2.I(55).Debt re-enrolledIII(62). V(56) VII(54).Seized landslet byCrownto HughCuffefrom 2 Mar. 1583/4.IV(52).V(55v). VI(53v) VII(53v) VIII(66v) IX(57v) X(68v) XI(59v) XII(60v)

HORDE,William, gent., ofPreston Candiver [Candover], Hants. 139. 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587 : conv 8 July1588VIII(68v). Rentalof lands seized13Nov. 1588IX(59v).X(68v) XI(59v)

HORDE, Hoorde, William, gent , ofthe parish ofSt.Maurice, Winchester , Hants Lands seized 13 Nov. 1588 let byCrowntoJohnPeirson & Thomas Cullefordfrom Michaelmas 1590X(69).XI(59v). XII(60v)

HORNEBY, Grace,wid.,ofWesham, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

HORNEBYE, Robert , senior, 'husb" (sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(39)

HORNEBYE ,[ 1 ,hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodandconviction date)-X(39).

HORNER, Nicholas , 'tailor' , ofChristChurch parish, FarringdonWard Within,London[prisoner]140. 12 mths recusancyfrom13Feb.1586/7: conv. 16Feb. 1587/8.VIII(38v).

HORNOLD,Alice, wifeofGeorgeHornold, gent , ofBreden[Bredon], Worcs.6mths recusancyfrom 29Sept. 1587: conv.25July 1588VIII(80v).

139. WilliamHorde Thethree men bearing this nameareobviously one andthe same.Hewas imprisoned in the WoodStreet Counter,27June 1586.(Cf. CRS II, p 269.) Notes onthelater historyof his lands: - (a) lands seizedfor hisrecusancy and let bythe Crownto Hugh Cuffefrom 2 Mar. 1583/4 (Cf. CRS LVII,pp 33 , 34 .)rentcharge, £24-13-4 perannum . (b) samelands let byCrowntoJohn Pierson and Thomas Cullefordfrom 13Nov. 1590(Cf.CRS LVII, p 36 .)rentcharge, £42-8-10 per annum. Allthreefarmersdischarged in RR no 6 (E. 377/6), 39 Eliz , under 'Hants' , as follows: Cuffe's entryrepeated; endswithCuffe'sdebts, allunpaid-£344-15s.; Pierson and Culleford'sentry repeated; endswith Pierson and Culleford'sdebts, allunpaid-£381-19-104 .Total ofdebts £726-14-10.Formal discharge note: 'But theyought notto besummoned forthe abovedebts , norought theseseparatefarmers to becharged again byconsideration ofthe barons ofthe Exchequer noted in the M.R., L.T.R.,40Eliz , Michaelmas Term , 'Recorda' section, 'Andthey arequit' . The final entry in Horde'slands reads, 'thetenants ofthe two-thirdsofthetenements lyinginPreston Candover and Nutleyin the samecounty owetothe Crown, £40-13-4, viz for the rent oftwo-thirdsoftwotenements ofthe lands andtenementsofWilliam Hoorde,recusant, foronefullyearending onthe feast ofSt.Michaelin the 31st year ofthe reign ofQueenElizabeth (1588) Butthey(tenants) ought not tobesummoned for this rent, fora reasongiven immediately above inthe farms ofHughCuffe,gent , ... Andthey are quit' 140. Nicholas HornerofGrantley , W.Yorks. , wasimprisoned at Newgate,and martyredat Smithfield,4Mar. 1589/90 (Cf. CRSII, p 238, CRSV, pp 12, 178, 179,291, and Challoner , pp 160, 161.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HORNOLD,Margaret, wifeofRalph Hornold, esq., ofHanleyCastle , Worcs. 12mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1586: conv 28Mar. 1588 -VIII(77)

HORNOLD , Horniold, Margaret , wifeofRalph Honiold, gent ,ofHanley Castle, Worcs 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587 : conv 25July 1588VIII(80v)

HORSEMAN , Eleanor , wifeofAbrahamHorseman, gent.,ofHaseley, Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv 7Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

HORSEMAN, Thomas, gent ,ofBurySt.Edmunds,Suffolk.8mths recusancyfrom 3July 1581: conv 28Mar. 1582II(56).

HORSFALL,Horsfald, Ellen, ofBywreth [Byreworth , Garstang], Lancs. , wifeofEdward Horsfall[ ]. 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589:conv.22Mar. 1590/1X(39)

HOUGHE,William, esq ,ofSalfordintheparish ofManchester, Lancs. [prisoner]141.4mths recusancyfrom 17Jan. 1581/2: conv .2May 1582II(38v):andthreelater convictions ending 27 Dec.

1584II(38v)* .IV(37) VI(40v) Debtsre-enrolledIV(42v).VI(39). VIII(46) Seized landsinCheshire(Thorneton andLeighton)letby CrowntoWilliam Whitmorefrom 1 Mar. 1583/4[RecusantRollentry under 'Cheshire]-IV(62v) VI(39v) VIII(46v) X(35v) XII(9)

HOUGHE , William, gent , ofSalfordinthe parish ofManchester , Lancs. [prisoner] 3 mths recusancyfrom 22 Jan. 1583/4: conv 15Apr. 1584IV(46v).Debt re-enrolledVI(39).

HOUGHTON ,Mary, ofCharnockRichard , Lancs., wifeofRichard Houghton, gent. 12 mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1589: conv . 22Mar. 1590/1 -X(38).

HOUGHTON ,Haughton,Thomas , priest ['sacerdos'/'clericus'],of Salfordintheparish ofManchester, Lancs[prisoner]142.3 mths recusancyfrom 10Oct. 1581: conv 17Jan. 1581/2II(38v): andtwo laterconvictions ,ending in Oct. , 1582 ,when he probablydied. IV(37) Debts re-enrolledII(42v) VI(39) VIII(46).SeeHAUGHTON.

HOWELL ,GeorgeJohn Thomas, 'yoman' , ofRaglan,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

HOWELL ,Margaret, his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(48) See HOELL.

HOWER, 'Jenetta' , wid. ,ofWhalley, Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

HOWER, John , 'wollenwebster' , ofWiswall[Wiswell ], Lancs.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(40).

141. William Houghe wasimprisoned in Salford Gaol , and, in 1581 , wastransferred tothe Manchester Fleet (Cf. CRSV , pp 23-25 . )The son ofAlice, anillegitimatedaughter ofThomas Cromwell,hewasa determined recusant untilhis death in the newFleet in June 1586.(Cf.Wark , pp.36,253 )

142. Thomas Houghtonwasa pre-Elizabethan priest, and had beenincumbent ofWrenbury, Cheshire.Indicted at QuarterSessions, hewasimprisoned at ChesterCastle , andSalfordfrom 1581.(Cf.Wark,pp 17 , 31 , 38 , 67 , 175.)

HOWER ,William, 'wollenwebster' , ofGraunge[Grange-over-Sands], Lancs (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(40)

HOWLETT,Ann,wifeofHenryHowlett[ lofColney, Norfolk, 'inhabitingtheparish ofSt. PeterMancroft, Norwich'[Pipe Roll entryunder'Civitas Norwic"]. 1 mthrecusancyfrom 20 Aug. 1586: conv 26Sept. 1586 -VI(10).

HUBBARD,William, 'laborer' ,ofAshbyMagna, Leics 10 mthsrecusancy from 9 Sept. 1586: conv 19 Mar. 1587/8VIII(45v).

HUBBERSTYE, Isabel, wid., ofLancaster, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

HUETSON, Robert , 'husb" , ofTorrisholme,Lancs. 12 mthsrecusancy from20Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

HUETSON, Eliz , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(39v).

HUETT,Jane,wifeofWilliam Huett, esq , ofMilbroke [Millbrook], Beds 9mths recusancyfrom4 May 1587: conv. 3 July1588VIII(lv).

HUETT,Margery, wifeofPhilip Huett, 'yeoman' , ofSt.MaryMagdalen parish , Oxfordcity. 12 mths recusancyfrom26Sept. 1586: conv . 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

HUETT , Roger,[ 1 ,(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(35v).

HUGES ,Margaret verchRichard ,wifeofWilliam Huges, [ ],of Llanarth, Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

apHUGHE,Henry, gent ,ofWhitford , Flints [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Wales'] 5mths recusancyfrom 1 Mar. 1580/1: conv. 25 Sept. 1581IV(38v) Debt re-enrolledVI(64v)

HUGHES,Hwe,Alice, 'spinster' , ofSkenfrith, Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).Record oflandseizure, 24Oct. 1588IX(42v) Rental ofseized landsIX(42v). X(50).XI(45) Seized lands let by CrowntoHughWilliamsfrom6July 1590XI(45).XII(46)

HUGHES,Katherine , 'spinster' ,ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon. 5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v).

HUGHES ,Mary, wifeofWilliam Hughes,[ ], of LlantellGrissinginye [Llantilio Crossenny], Mon.(samerecusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(49v).

HUGHES, Robert , 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v)

HUGHES,William, 'yoman' , (same parish, recusancyperiodandconvictiondate)-VIII(48v).

HUGHES , Matilda, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48v)

HULKER , Thomas, 'servingman' ,ofTowneley [in Burnley],Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(40).

HULSE,John, gent ,ofSutton Courtney, Berks 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1581 : conv 26 June 1581I(llv): andthreelaterconvictions ,

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

ma ending 24 Feb. 1583/4I(llv). II(65v) IV(3v) Debtsre-enrolledIII(33v)* .V(3v)* .VI(3v) VII(3v)*.

HULSE,John, gent , ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks [prisoner]143.4 mths recusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3: conv 4 June 1583III(50v): andfourlater convictions , ending 22 June 1585II(65v).IV(46). V(4v)* . Debtre-enrolledVI(3v).

HULSE,John, esq.,ofSutton Courtney, Berks. 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(5).

HULSE, Thomas, esq., ofSutton Courtney, Berks. 1433 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1: conv 18 June 1581II(65v): andtwolater convictions , ending4 Jan. 1581/2II(65v)* . Debtsre-enrolledIII(5) Record ofland-seizure, 12 Sept. 1590XI(4v) Seized landsin BerksandOxon (Crowmarsh) letbyCrowntoRalph Smythefrom 27 Nov. 1590XI(5v)

HULSE , Thomas, gent , of Sutton Courtney, Berks. 8 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 June 1582: conv 1 July1583III(50v): and one laterconviction dated 24 Feb. 1583/4IV(3v).Debtsre-enrolledV(4v) VI(3v)

HULSE , Thomas,gent , ofSt. Mary'sparish , Reading, Berks . [prisoner]143a , 4mths recusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3:conv.4 June 1583III(50v):andonelater conviction , dated 20 July1584IV(46). Debtsre-enrolled - V(4v). VI(3v).

HUNTE ,[ ],wifeof'Remigius' Hunte ,[ ],ofLacebie[Lowesby]144 , Leics. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv. 19 Mar. 1587/8VIII(45v). Joan, servantofthesame 'Remigius' (same parish, recusancy periodandconvictiondate)-VIII(45v)

143. Thomas Hulse wasone ofthe most prominent catholicrecusantsofBerkshire . Heand his brotherJohn werethe children ofAndrewandJane Hulse (neeRythe) ofTotford, Hants(Cf. Harleian Society, Visitations ofBerkshire LXI, pp 33 , 34.)Bothbrothers begana fourmonthspell ofimprisonment in Reading Castle onthe sameday11 Feb. 1582/3 Thomas wassetfreeinJuly 1584 ,butJohn waskept in prisona year longer, being enlarged in July1585.Their'capital messuage'ormanor house, inwhichtheybothdwelt, wasa fairly extensivetenement seizedforthe Crownon 12 Sept. 1590 , by Thomas Parry, esq , and other Commissioners fora rent of £6-13-4 per annum , a very moderate figure (Cf. CRSLVII, p 2.) Twenty yearslater, in 1611 , RR . (E . 377/19)under 'Berks 'givesthe current specification ofthe property Ralph Smyth stillheld the leaseofSuttonCourtnay, together withsomepropertyin Crowmarsh , Oxon Particulars ofSutton Courtnayaregiven as follows:£20per annum tothe Crownforthe whole site; alsoseized werean apple orchard ; a stable; 16 acresofmeadow and pasture land in Sutton, yearly value £15,together withvarious other messuages,lands and tenements,withappurtenances specified in preceeding rollsas aparcel ofthe lands and possessionsof Thomas Hulse of Sutton Courtnay, Berks ,esq , recusant,taken and seized intothe lateQueen's handson 10 Oct. 1598 bySir Francis Knowles, and other Commissioners byreason ofthe recusancy ofthe sameThomas Tohaveand to holdthe above propertytothe said Ralph Smithe , hisexecutors and assignsfrom 15Nov. 1608 tilltheend and term of21yearsnext following; rendering yearly £20attheAnnunciationoftheBVMand the feast ofSt.MichaeltheArchangel , tothe receipt oftheExchequer inequal portions Annotation: - Inthe Treasury,£10waspaid fromthe samefarm And heisquit! Eventually hemarried Dorothy, daughter ofThomas YateofLyford (Cf. VisitationofBerkshire LVI, pp 33, 34.) 144. Three people areindicted forrecusancyin this entrythehusband ,Remegius, hisunamed wife, and Joan hisservant

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

HUNTE,Hunt,Henry, 'yom" , ofFareham , Hants. 7 mths recusancyfrom 19 Mar. 1580/1: conv . 1 Oct. 1581I(55): andtwolaterconvictions , ending ? Mar. 1581/2I(55).III(50v) Debtsre-enrolledIII(62)*. V(56)*.

HUNTE,Katherine , 'spinster' ,ofClerkenwell , Middx 6mths recusancy from 1 Oct. 1587 : conv 19 Apr. 1588IX(37).

HUNTER, Dorothy, wid , ofThorneton,W.R.Yorks 6mths recusancy from 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).Record oflandseizure, 10 Apr. 1589IX(8v) Rental of seized landsIX(21v). X(21v).XI(24v).XII(23v) Seized landslet byCrown toJames Bellamy from 3 Aug. 1590.X(13v).XI(24v).XII(23v).

HUNTON,Ann and Brigit(sisters)[ofFishbourne, Pipe Rollentryunder 'Sussex']. £200 , bequeathedtothem bywilloftheirfather, John Hunton, deceased , fromtheissues ofthemanorofMotcombe , Dorset, seized by Crownfromtheirbrother Richard (sonand heirof John), byreasonofthe recusancyofthesaidAnnandBrigit: ?Jan. 1588/9IX(54)v [SeealsoHinton.]

HUSSEY , Gilbert, esq , of Ownedell [Oundle], Northants. 12mths recusancyending 2 May1587: conv. 12 Mar. 1587/8VIII(52v).

HUTCHINS,Petronilla, wifeofThomas Hutchins , 'yeom" ,ofWest Hendred,Berks 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586:conv .4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(5)

HUXLEY , Thomas, 'yoman' , ofBunbury,Cheshire. 13 mths recusancy from 25 Sept. 1586 : dateofconvictionomittedVIII(58v)

HUYSHE, Silvester, gent , ofSt. Deacons[St.Decuman's],Somerset. 7 mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1586/7: conv 6 Mar. 1587/8VIII(65). Record ofland-seizureinSomerset, 2 Oct. 1590XI(75)

HWE, seeHUGHES,Alice

HYTON, Richard , gent , ofAbraham[Abram], Wigan parish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586 : conv 25 Mar. 1588 -VIII(21v).

ICHEN , KatherineverchJevan, wifeofThomas Ichen ,[ ],ofLlanthewy [Vach], Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49).


ILLESLEY,Roger, 'yoman' , ofYoxall, Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588: conv 14 Mar. 1588/9IX(69v): andonelater convictiondated21 July 1589IX(69v).

ILLESLEY, Ildesley, Walter, gent. , ofEastIllesley [Ilsley], Berks 1 mth recusancyfrom 26 May 1585: conv. 24 June 1585VI(48v): andthree laterconvictions , ending4 Mar. 1587/8VI(48v)* .VIII(5). Seized

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

landsofWalterIllesley and ofDorothy, his wife145, let byCrownto CharlesPagett from 30 May1589IX(58).X(68v).XI(59v). XII(60v) SeeHILDESLEY

IME, Alice, 'spinster' , of Hanley Castle, Worcs 6mthsrecusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv. 25 July 1588VIII(80v).

INCE, Alice, wifeofJohn Ince, gent , ofInce, Lancs 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

INCE,Eliz.,wifeofMiles Ince, gent , ofInce, Lancs (samerecusancy period and convictiondate)-X(38).

INGHAM , Eliz . , ofGraunge[Grange-over-Sands], Lancs., wifeofRoger Ingham , 'laborer' 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

INGHAM , John, 'taleor' , ofWiswell , Lancs ,sonof LaurenceIngham [ ] (same recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40).

INGLEBY ,LadyAnn,wid , ofRipley,W.R.Yorks 2 mths recusancyfrom 4 Jan. 1585/6: conv. 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v): andonelater conviction, dated4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

INGLEBY, Inglebie, John , gent , ofRipley,W.R. Yorks 13mths recusancy from 3 Sept. 1586: conv .4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v)

IRELAND , Irelande , John , 'tailor' , ofPembridge, Herefords .6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv 14 July 1589IX(25v) Debt reenrolledXI(29).

IRELAND ,Thomas, 'yoman' , ofWigan, Lancs 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 May 1588:conv 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

IRELAND, aliasofKYDDE,Thomas

ISAM,Edward,gent , ofClerkenwell , Middx 6mthsrecusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1587: conv 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v)

ISAM ,Mary, wid., ofStepney,Middx. 3mths recusancyfrom 5 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Sept. 1587VIII(38v).

JACKSON, Edward , 'clericus' 146 , ofEccles , nr N.Walsham,Norfolk.3 mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54). Goods, value£6, seized 18 Oct. 1588IX(45). Recordoflandseizure, 18 Oct. 1588IX(45).Rental of seized landsIX(45). X(52v) XI(46v)

145. The first landsin Berks. seizedfrom WalterIllesley and Dorothy, hiswife, included 'the farm ofIllesley' , which waslet to Charles Pagett by the Crownfrom 30 May1589 ,forarentof13s 4d.per annum Theselands weredischarged bythe Crown in 1605 (E.377/16)under ('Berks 'first entry)Otherlands inOxon , alsoowned byWalterIllesley and his mother ,Margaret , arecusant, were nowseizedatCrowmarsh , Gifford and Newenham Moren (includingthe farmof'howbery ') and let bythe Crownto Leonard Wilmotand John Simondes fromLadyday 1593 ,forarent of £2-6-8per annum . Theselands in Oxonwere stillin the possessionofWalterand hismotherin 1611

146. Edward Jackson An unidentified , but probablypre-Elizabethan priest ofthis namespent sometimeintheMarshalsea between 1582 and 1588 (Cf. CRSII,p 231.)


JACKSON , Jacksone, Edward, 'husb" , ofWesham ,Kirkhamparish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v): and onelater conviction, dated22 Mar. 1590/1X(39)

JACKSON ,[ 1 , hiswife(ofsame parish) 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

JACKSON , Francis, gent., ofSherreston[Sharleston], W.R. Yorks. 2 mths recusancyfrom4 Jan. 1585/6: conv. 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v) Goods,value £15, seized 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v). Recordoflandseizure, 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v) Rental ofseized lands -IX(21v). X(21v).XI(24v).XII(23v) Seized landslet byCrown to James Bellamyfrom 3 Aug. 1590X(13v) XI(24v) XII(23v)

JACKSON,Henry, 'tailor' , ofSalfordinparish ofManchester, Lancs . 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Feb. 1582/3 [prisoner] 147 : conv .22 Jan. 1583/4IV(37). Debt re-enrolledIV(42v).VI(39).

JACKSON,Mary, 'spinster' , ofWendlebury , Oxfords 12mthsrecusancy from 26 Sept. 1586 : conv.7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

JACKSON,Jacksone, Richard, 'tallowchandler ' , ofSt.Swithin'sparish, WalbrokeWard, London 13 mths recusancyfrom 19 Jan. 1586/7: conv 19 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v).

JACKSON, Jackeson, Richard , 'yom" ,ofYork Castle, St.Mary'sparish, York[? prisoner] 1 mthrecusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1583: conv ?May 1583.IV(21).Debt re-enrolledVI(22)

JACKSON ,Robert , 'yom" ,ofSt. Saviour's parish,Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]148.5mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1586/7,when convictedVI(50)

JACKSON, Jacksone, Roger, 'yoman' , of St. Bride's parish,Farringdon WardWithout, London[? prisoner] 3 mths recusancybefore 20 Apr. 1588 , when convictedVIII(38v).

JACKSON, Thomas, gent ,ofSharleston, W.R.Yorks. 6mths recusancy from 3 July 1587:conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).

JACKSON,Jacksone, William,gent , (sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(25v)

JACKSON ,William, 'husb" , ofWesham,Lancs 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39)

JACOBB,Jacobbe, John, 'yom"/gent.,ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]149 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v): andtwolaterconvictions , ending 15 Feb. 1583/4IV(49v)* Debts re-enrolledVI(51)*

147. HenryJackson wasimprisoned inSalfordGaol from20Feb. 1583/4 (Cf. CRSV ,p 71.)

148. RobertJackson wasin the Clinkforthree months ending 17Feb. 1586/7 (Cf.CRS II, p. 283.)

149. John Jacob was a prisoner in the Marshalsea between 16Aug. 1581 and8Apr.1584.(Cf. CRSII, pp 221, 233 , 235.)

JAMES, 'Alsona' , wid., ofGrosmont ,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v).

JAMES, Margaret , wid., ofBurtonLatymer,Northants 12 mths recusancy from 16 Apr. 1587 : conv.4 Mar. 1588/9IX(47v).

JAMES, Edward, 'clericus' , see underRalph Crocket244b

JAMES,Edward, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sParish, Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]5 mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv 17 July 1587 -IX(54)

JAMES ,William, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v).

JAMES,alias CHATHMAY 150 ,Philip, 'yoman' ,ofWanstowe [Wonastow],Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate) VIII(48v)

JEBBE , Jobbe, Robert , 'yoman' , ofKatridinge [Kate Ridding],Skelton parish , N.R.Yorks.151 12mthsrecusancyfrom 1 June 1581:conv. Lent 1582/3III(10v) Debt re-enrolledV(20) VI(20v) VII(20v). IX(8v).XII(26).

JEFFERYE, Ellen, 'spinster' ,ofRacton, Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587:conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

JENKIN, Jenkine, 'Christiana ' , 'spinster' , ofTredunnock,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49).

JENKIN,Jane, 'spinster' , ofUsk,Mon. (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(49)

JENKIN , Katherine , 'spinster' ,ofSkenfrith ,Mon.(same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(49v)

JENKIN , Jenkyn,WilliamPhilip,of[ 1 , Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 4 Mar. 1585/6:conv. 22 July1586 -VI(40v).

JENKIN , Jenkyn , aliasWELCHMAN,William,'yom",ofAbergavenny, Mon. 8 mths recusancyfrom 19 July 1585: conv. 1 Mar. 1585/6 -VI(40v).

ap JENKIN, Jenkyn , Hoell, 'tailor' ,ofRaglan,Mon. 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1581: conv 29 June 1581III(45): and one laterconviction , dated 9 Mar. 1581/2III(45) Debtsre-enrolledV(40v)*.

apJENKIN, JaneJohn, 'spinster' , ofSkenfrith,Mon.5 mths recusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48)

apJENKIN,Jenkyn , John, 'yoman' , ofRaglan,Mon.8mths recusancy from 10 July 1581: conv 9 Mar. 1581/2III(45).Debt re-enrolledV(40v).

apJENKIN,PhilipJohn, 'yoman' , ofSkenfrith,Mon. 5 mths recusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48) Record of land-seizure, 24 Oct. 1588IX(42v). Rental ofseized landsIX(42v).X(50).XI(45).

ap JENKIN,Matilda, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48).

150. Philip Jones'salias is spelt 'CATCHMAY' in the originalRR

151. RobertJebbdied aprisoner in York Castle before 1590 (Cf. CRSV ,p 193.)


JENKINSON,Robert,[ ],ofAshbyMagna , Leics.9mths recusancy before 10 Aug. 1587, whenconvictedVIII(45v).

JENNYNGES, Eliz , 'spinster' , ofLincolnes Inne grange,parish ofSt. Clement Danes, London. 3 mths recusancyfrom 10 Mar. 1588/9: conv.4 Sept. 1589IX(37).

JERMIN,Jermyne, Ambrose , esq , ofBarnebye [Barnby], Suffolk 6mths recusancyfrom 1 July 1585: conv. 14 Jan. 1585/6IX(64):andfour laterconvictions , ending 27 Mar. 1588IX(64)* . VIII(73). DebtsreenrolledXI(72v)* Record ofland-seizureinEssex, 6 Feb. 1589/90 [RecusantRollentryunder 'Essex']152X(26v) Seized landsinEssex letbyCrowntoRalph Smythe from Michaelmas 1590X(26v). XI(21v).XII(20v).

JERMIN, Ambrose , gent. , ofLopham,Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54)

JERRARD, Jerrett , Alice, wifeof Richard Jerrard , 'yom" , ofDorchester , Dorset . 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July 1588VIII(19v)

JERRETT,Richard, 'yoman' , ofWimborneMynster[Minster], Dorset 6 mths recusancyfrom 2 June 1588: conv 10 Mar. 1588/9 -IX(16v). Debt re-enrolledXII(78v).

JESOPP , John , 'yom" ,ofChickerell, Dorset 6mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1583:conv. Lent 1583/4.IV(16v).

JESOPP, John, 'yom" , ofDorchester, Dorset 5 mths recusancyfrom 23 Mar. 1583/4:conv 24 Aug. 1584IV(16v).

JESOPP , Jessop, Robert , gent., ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]153. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v): andtwo laterconvictions , ending 15 Feb. 1583/4IV(49v)* DebtsreenrolledVI(51)*.

JESOPP , Jessopp, Robert, 'yoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner].4 mths recusancyending 20 July 1584, when convictedV(50v).

JETTOR, Ellen, 'spinster' , ofFlixton, Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73)

JETTOR, Robert , gent , ofFlixton, Suffolk 12mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1581: conv 18 July 1582II(56):andfivelater convictions ,ending 5 Apr. 1587III(66) IV(57). VII(59)* VI(58) Debtsre-enrolledIII(65) IV(56). V(60), (60v)* Seized propertyinLowestoftand CarltonColville, Suffolk, let by Crown to Barnard Wakefeld from Ladyday 1585IX(63v), (64) X(63v) XI(65v). Seized propertyin Lowestoftlet byCrowntoWalterBurde fromMichaelmas 1585IX(63).XI(65) Record ofland-seizure ,2 Nov. 1587VIII(72) Rental oflands seized 1585 and 1587IX(63),(63v), (64).X(63), (63v). XI(65), (65v).XII(66v).

152. The Essexresidenceofthe Jermin family, called 'themanor houseof Bacons' , seizedbythe Queenat Michaelmas 1590 forhis recusancy, wasat Dengie, nearSouthminster (Cf.Philip Morant, Historyand AntiquitiesofEssex, (1768), pp 368-369 )

153. Robert Jessoppwasa prisoner inthe WhiteLion, 23 Mar. 1583.Hewasstillthere'for ecclesiasticalmatters ' on 8 Apr. 1584.Nolatermention(Cf. CRSII, pp 234, 237.)

ap JEVAN,David, gent. ,ofMorgan[?Morganstown ],Glam ., Wales . Lands seized forrecusancylet byCrowntoJohn Cornewall from Ladyday 1589X(74v)154 .

apJEVAN,Eliz Hoell, wifeofDavidap Jevan ,[

],ofLlanarth,Mon.5 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

ap JEVAN, Lewis apJohn David,'yoman'(same parish,recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(48).

apJEVAN,Hoell, 'tailor'/'yoman' , ofRaglan,Mon. 12 mthsrecusancy from 1 July 1581: conv 23 July 1582II(38): and six later convictions , ending20 Mar. 1586/7III(45). IV(38v)* V(40v)* VI(40) Debtsre-enrolledIII(45) V(40v)* .VI(40v)

ap JEVAN ,Margaret , hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(48).

apJEVAN, William LewisJohn David, 'yoman' , ofLlanarth , Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(48)

JOBBE, seeJEBBE,Robert

JOHN,Andrew, 'yoman' , ofLlangattockVibonAvel,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v).

JOHN,Ann,wifeofThomas apDavidJohn ,[ 1 ,ofLlanarth,Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(48).

JOHN,DavidHoell, 'yoman' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon. (same recusancy period & convictiondate)-VIII(48v).

JOHN, Edward'Dio' , [ ],ofMichaelston -on-Avon, Glam. ,Wales. Lands seized forrecusancylet by CrowntoJohn Griffinfrom 5 Sept. 1590X(74v).

JOHN, James William, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8 -VIII(49)

JOHN,Jenkin, 'yoman' , ofLlanllowell, Mon.(same recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

JOHN,Joan, 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(49v).

JOHN, John William, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid, Mon.(same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(49).

JOHN, Katherine , 'spinster' , ofLlangibby, Mon. (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

JOHN, 'Llen",ofHaleston [Laleston ?], Glam, Wales . Landsseizedfor recusancylet byCrown toJohn Griffinfrom 5 Sept. 1590X(74v)

JOHN,Reginald, 'yoman' , ofLenussen[Llanishen],Mon.5mths recusancy from24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49).

JOHN, Thomas David , 'yom",ofLlanarth,Mon. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 1 July1581: conv . 23 July 1582II(38) Debt re-enrolledIII(45) V(40v)

154. RR entries mostlyillegible See re-enrolments inCRSXVIII, pp 375-376, orCRSLVII, p. 223.)

JOHN,William, 'yoman' ,ofLlangoven,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar.1587/8VIII(49v).

JOHN,Ann, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

apJOHN, James , 'yoman' , ofLlanthewyRytherch,Mon. (samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48).

ap JOHN,John, junior, 'yoman' , ofLlanvairKilgedin,Mon.(same recusancyperiodandconviction date)-VIII(49)

apJOHN, John, senior , 'yoman' (same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(49).

apJOHN, JaneDavid, wifeofJohn , senior,(same parish , recusancyperiod &convictiondate)-VIII(49).

ap JOHN , 'Llykia' Phillippe, wife ofPhillippeap John ,[ ],ofLlanarth, Mon.(same recusancyperiod &conviction date)-VIII(48)

apJOHN,Margaret David, 'spinster' , ofLlanvairKilgedin, Mon.(same recusancyperiod&convictiondate)-VIII(49)

apJOHN,Richard David, 'yoman' (same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(49)

apJOHN, Thomas , 'yoman' , ofLlandenny ,Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

apJOHN, Thomas apDavid, gent ,ofLlanarth,Mon. 12 mths recusancy from3 July 1582: conv 12 July 1583III(45): andseven later convictions , ending 20 Mar. 1586/7IV(38v)* . V(40v)* VI(40v)* VI(40)

ap JOHN, Thomas David, gent , ofLlanarth,Mon. Seized landslet by CrowntoHughCuffefromMichaelmas 1585VI(33v) VIII(16v). X(50v).

ap JOHN, aliasSMITH, Smyth, John ,[ ], ofSt. Moghan [St. Maughans],Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49) Record ofland-seizure, 24 Oct. 1588IX(42v).Rental of seized landsinSt.MaughansIX(42v). X(50) XI(45)

verch JOHN,Ann, 'spinster' , ofLlanarth,Mon.5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48)

verch JOHN , Ann, 'spinster' , ofLlanthewyRytherch,Mon.(same recusancyperiodandconvictiondate)-VIII(48)

verchJOHN,Ann, 'spinster' ,ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon. (samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v).

verch JOHN, Jane, 'spinster' , ofLlanthewyRytherch,Mon.(same recusancyperiodandconvictiondate)-VIII(48).

verchJOHN, Jane, 'spinster' ,ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.(samerecusancy period and convictiondate)-VIII(48v).

verchJOHN, Joan, 'spinster' , (sameparish, recusancyperiod & conviction date)-VIII(48v).

verchJOHN, Joan, 'spinster' , ofLlanvairKilgedin, Mon. (same recusancy period and convictiondate)-VIII(49)

verchJOHN, 'Jonetta' , wid., ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.(samerecusancy


period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v)

verch JOHN ,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofLlanthewySkirrid, Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49). 99

verch JOHN,Katherine , wid., ofLlanishen ,Mon.(same recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(49)

JOHNER,Jenkin, 'yoman' , ofRaglan,Mon.(same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(48).

JOHNSON,Ann, ofWesham, Lancs , wifeofGeorgeJohnson, 'yoman' . 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39).

JOHNSON, Eliz ,wifeofFrancis Johnson, 'yoman' , of[parish omitted], Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8- VIII(25v).

JOHNSON,Ellen, ofElswick , Lancs , wifeof Robert Johnson ,[ 1.10 mths recusancyfrom18 Mar. 1580/1:conv 25 Apr. 1582 II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46)

JOHNSON, Ellen,wifeofThomas Johnson, 'husb",ofGreat Crosby, Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 - X(38).

JOHNSON,Ellen, 'spinster' , ofSalfordin parish ofManchester , Lancs . [prisoner]155,4mths recusancyfrom2 Sept. 1582: conv 16 Jan. 1582/3II(38v). Debt re-enrolledVIII(46).

JOHNSON,Ellen, wid. , ofStandish, Lancs., relict ofRichard Johnson, [ ]. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38). ]

JOHNSON,Joan, ofWesham, Lancs., wifeofHenryJohnson ,[ (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39)

JOHNSON, John, 'milner'(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(39).

JOHNSON,Alice, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(39).

JOHNSON ,Margaret , wifeofJohn Johnson, 'yeoman' ,ofAllSaints parish , Oxford 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv . 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

JOHNSON,Oliver, 'yoman' , ofHillesden , Bucks 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv 18Mar. 1587/8VIII(3)

JOHNSON, Richard , 'yoman' , ofWestminster, Middx [prisoner]156. 1 mth recusancyfrom6 Oct. 1587: conv 29 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v).

JOHNSON, Thomas , 'husb" , ofGreat Crosby,Lancs. 12mthsrecusancy from20 Sept. 1589 : conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(38)

155. EllenJohnson wasa prisoner in SalfordGaol from 2 Sept. 1582 to 16 Jan. 1582/3 , when she wasconvicted ofrecusancy (Cf. CRSV, p 25footnote)

156. RichardJohnson , a pre-Elizabethan priest, wasPrebendary ofSidlesham in Chichester Cathedral from 1558 until hisresignation in 1562.Hewas'broughttothe Westminster Gatehouse bycommand ofSirFrancis Walsingham on 8 Nov. 1583 , forreligion' , being describedas 'sometime ascolar atOxford' . Hewasalso 'sentin bythe PrivyCouncilon 19 Feb. 1583/4, forreligion,andis apriest' (Cf. CRS II, pp 232 ,235, 245,253, 255 , 271.)

JOHNSON , Thomas, ‘laborer' , of Horesley [Horsley],Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

JOHNSON,William, gent , ofSt. Saviour's parish , Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]157.4mths recusancyending 17 July 1587, when convictedIX(54).

JOINER, Grace ,[ 1 , ofCromarshe [Crowmarsh ], Oxfords. 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv . 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

JOLLYBRAND, Joan, 'spinster' , ofCharnockRichard , Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(38v).

JONES , Edmund , gent ,ofStretford, Herefords 19mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1:conv. 8 Jan. 1582/3II(64): andtwelve later convictions , ending27 Mar. 1587II(64) IV(64v)* .V(26), (26v)* VI(25)* . Debtsre-enrolledIII(27) V(26). Seized propertyletby CrowntoHughCuffefrom Michaelmas 1585X(29).XI(28). XII(28).

JONES, Edward, gent , ofAllSaintsparish, Hereford. 1 mthrecusancy from 27 May 1583: conv 15 July 1583III(27).Debt re-enrolledV(26) Seizedpropertylet byCrownto HughCuffefromMichaelmas 1585VI(33v).

JONES, John, 'yoman' , ofHornsey, Middx 2 mths recusancyfrom2 July 1589:conv. 3 Dec. 1589IX(37).

JOYE,Anthony, gent., ofEastmeane[EastMeon], Hants 6mths recusancy from 1 Aug. 1587: conv. 8 July1588VIII(68v).

JOYE,Benedict, gent , (sameparish, recusancyperiod &conviction date)- VIII(68v)

JOYE , Joie, Robert , gent.,ofEastMeon ,Hants 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1581: conv ? Mar. 1581/2III(50v):andonelater conviction, dated Apr. 1584V(56v). Debt re-enrolledV(56).

JOYE,Thomas,gent., of EastMeon, Hants 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587:conv 8 July 1588VIII(68v)

JUSTICE , William, gent. [Pipe Rollentry under 'Yorks']Fine of£40 imposed byHighCommissioners, 1585-6 .VI(22).Debtre-enrolled -VIII(26).X(23).


KEINES, Katherine, wid , ofLlantilio Pertholey, Mon. 5 mths recusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v) See KEYNES

KELL,Leonard, 'yom" ,ofLondon Fined 100 marks forhearing Mass'in the mansion houseofLadyElizabeth Paulett, wid , intheparishofSt.

157. William Johnson wascommitted for4months imprisonment inthe Clink,ending with convictionon17July1587 , forcounterfeitingthe handwritingoftheirLordships theHigh Commissioners (Cf.CRSII,p 287.)See RR , (E. 377/9) rotulet54 , under 'Adhuc Item Sussex' .

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

Sepulchre, FarringdonWardWithout, London, on 12 Dec. 1585' (convicted atOyer and Terminersessions , OldBailey, 18 Apr. 1586)-VI(34v)

KELLAM, Laurence, 'yoman' , ofWestminster ,Middx[? prisoner]158.1 mthrecusancyfrom6 Oct. 1587: conv. 29 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v).

KEMPE,David, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]159.1 mth recusancyfrom 5 June 1588 : conv 5July1588VIII(63)

KEMPE,Winifred, wifeofJohn Kempe, gent , ofMinver[St.Minver], Cornwall. 13 mths recusancyfrom 20 July 1582: conv.Lent 1583/4IV(6v). Debt re-enrolledVI(6).

KERVER,Eliz ., 'spinster', of Raglan,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7:conv . 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

KERVER , William David, 'yoman" (same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(48).

KERVILE,Kervyle , Karvile, Henry, gent. ,ofToftes[WestTofts], Norfolk

3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv . 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54). Goods, value £46-7s., seized 18 Oct. 1588IX(45). Record oflandseizure, 18 Oct. 1588IX(45). Rental ofseized landsXI(48).Seized lands letbyCrowntoHumphreySackford from29 Mar. 1589IX(44).X(52v).XI(46v).XII(47v).

KEYNES,Kaynes, Edward,gent , ofHampstead Norres [Norris], Berks 8 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1583:conv 24 Feb. 1583/4IV(3v). Debt re-enrolledVI(3v)

KEYNES , Edward, gent , ofSt.Mary'sparish,Reading, Berks[prisoner]160 . 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Feb. 1583/4: conv . 20 July1584IV(46). Debt re-enrolledVI(3v)

KEYNES,Kaynes, Katherine,wifeofEdward Keynes, gent.,ofCompton Paunsford[Pauncefoot ], Somerset [RecusantRollentryunder 'Somerset'] 1 mthrecusancyfrom 7 Dec. 1581: convicted atOld Bailey, London, 9 Apr. 1582-1(68v)

KEYNES, Katherine , wifeofEdwardKeynes, gent. ,ofCompton Paunsfoot ,Somerset.[RecusantRollentryunder 'Berks']5mths recusancyending ult July 1582 [sic]: convicted atReadingassizes , 9 July 1582: and onelater conviction, dated 11 Feb. 1582/3(alsoat Reading)-II(65v)* .

158. Laurence Kellamreceivedthe tonsure at DouaiCollege, 30 Mar. 1584, (Cf.Knox,p 201.) HeassistedDr.MatthewKellison in publishingthe latters controversial book, ASurvey oftheNew Religion (Cf.CRSXI , p 53 footnoteand Knox, p 216.)LeftDouaiforEngland , 18 July1587 . Was arrested atWestminster Committedtothe Gatehouse Prison from6Oct. 1587 to29Jan. 1587/8 . The date ofhis discharge isunknown .

159. DavidKemp (Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 194 , 195.)

160. EdwardKeynesofComptonPauncefoot ,Somerset; ofHampstead Norris,Berks.;and, as aprisoner, ofReading Castle , wasarrestedwithEdmund Campionat Lyford, Berks ,inJuly1581 , and sent , withseveralother prisoners, tothe Tower ofLondon (Cf.Challoner , p 30. ) Hewas discharged fromthence onbonds afterJune 1582 (Cf. CRS II, p. 228.)He and hiswifewere imprisoned at Reading Castle from 1 Feb. 1583/4 until 20July 1584 , when bothweredelivered on bonds to appear before the Justiceswhen required .

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

KEYNES,Katherine,wifeofEdwardKeynes,gent ,ofHampstead Norres [Norris], Berks 8mths recusancyfrom 3 July1583:conv 24Feb. 1583/4IV(3v) Debt re-enrolledVI(3v)

KEYNES ,Katherine,wifeofEdwardKeynes,gent.,ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading,Berks[prisoner]161.6mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Feb. 1583/4: conv . 20 July 1584IV(46).Debt re-enrolledVI(3v).

KEYNES, Katherine , wid., ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.Record oflandseizure , 24Oct.1588IX(42v). Rental ofseized landsIX(42v). X(50).XI(45). SeeKEINES

KEYTON,Kyton, Kyten,Philip,'yoman',ofSouthwark,Surrey[prisoner] 8mths recusancyending 16 Feb.1586/7 , when convicted -VI(50).

KIGHLEY ,Kigley, Eliz ,wid ,ofLightshawe,Winwickparish,Lancs 9 mths recusancyfrom 18Mar. 1580/1:conv .4Aug. 1587 (sic)-X(36): and onelaterconviction,dated 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v) Lands seized26Mar. 1591 &let byCrowntoJohn Parkerfrom 1 July 1591XII(44).

KINASTON ,William,gent.,ofWelsh Hampton,inparish ofEllesmere , Salop162. 12mths recusancyfrom24 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 18 July 1588VIII(16v)

KINGE ,Dorothy, 'spinster',ofHarrow , Middx.3 mths recusancyfrom 6 June 1587:conv. 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v).

KINGESBURYE,John, 'husb",ofEvesham , Worcs .6mths recusancy from 29 Sept. 1587:conv 25 July 1588VIII(80v).

KINGESWOOD,David, 'yoman' ,ofSt. Saviour's parish,Southwark , Surrey[prisoner]163.5mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1586/7 , when convictedVI(50).

KINGETON ,John,gent. ,ofSouthwark,Surrey[? prisoner] 4mths recusancyending 20 July 1584 ,whenconvictedV(50v)

KINGSWELL , Kineswell ,Katherine , gentlewoman,ofLyford, Berks . 8 mths recusancyfrom 26 June 1581: conv 26 Feb. 1581/2I(llv):and onelaterconvictiondated 31 July1582II(65v). Debtsre-enrolledIII(33v) V(3v) VII(3v).

KINGSWELL,Kinswell, Katherine , 'spinster' , ofLyford, Berks .8mths recusancyfrom3 July1583:conv . 24 Feb. 1583/4IV(3v).DebtreenrolledVI(3v).

161. Despite KatherineKeynes'sconvictionattheOldBailey ,there isno evidencethatshe accompanied her husband tothecity. Theirlands atComptonPauncefoot , Somerset , including their'capital messuage' , were seizedon 8 Oct. 1595 , and letbythe CrowntoMatthewEwens(a baron ofthe Exchequer)from 16 Dec. 1595 forarent of£31-8-2 perannum Thespecification ofthe propertyis remarkablyfull(Cf. CRSLXI,pp. 211-212 )

162. William Kinaston'searliest prosecution forrecusancy beganon 24 Feb. 1586/7 and ranon till 18July1588 , when hewasconvicted ofover 12 months absencefromchurch .Hisname and parish arerecorded in a SignificationofExcommunicationbyWilliamOverton, Bishopof Coventryand Lichfield, 20Jan. 1600/1 .(Cf. CRSLX, pp. 111-114 .)

163. DavidKingswood wascommittedtothe Clink,8June 1586 , wherehewaslaterjoinedbyhis wife Theywereexamined in 1592 andagain in 1593 (Cf.CRSII,pp 247, 268 , 283 , 285) The surname 'Kingeswood 'atthe headofthis entryisveryrarelyfound 'Ringstead'isthe namethey commonlyusedwithvariantspellings.(Cf. CRSLX , pp. 64 , 65etc.)

KINGSWELL , Katherine, gentlewoman ('generosa'), ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks[prisoner]164.8mths recusancyfrom 30 June 1582: conv. 12 Feb. 1582/3II(65v).

KINGSWELL , Katherine , 'spinster' ,ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks [prisoner].4mths recusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3: conv.4 June 1583III(50v):andonelater convictiondated20 July1584 IV(46) Debtsre-enrolledV(4v) VI(3v)

KINNEBYE ,Kynnebie, Francis, 'yom" ,ofEastWalton ,Norfolk. 2mths recusancyfrom 1 May1582: conv 1 July 1582IV(44v):andtwo laterconvictions , ending 1 Apr. 1588IV(44v) VIII(54) Record of land-seizure , 18 Oct. 1588IX(45). Rental of seized landsIX(45).

base X(52v).XI(46v). Seized landsletbyCrowntoRichard Weston from 29 May 1590X(81).XI(46v).XII(47v)

KIRKEHAM ,Kirkham,Clemence, ofWestby,Lancs.,wifeofGeorge Kirkham, 'husb" . 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39v).

KIRKEHAM , Isabel, ofThistleton , Lancs ,wifeofWilliamKirkeham , 'husb" .(samerecusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(39).

KIRKEHAM , Kirkham, Richard , [ 1,ofWestby,Lancs.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

KIRKEMAN ,Kirkmane,Katherine ,[ 1,ofAddingham, W.R. Yorks.6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587:conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27). Goods, value£1-9s , seized 8 Apr.1589IX(22v)

KIRSHAWE,John, 'husb",ofChurche [Church Kirk?], Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

KIRSHAWE, 'Kirstabell' , hiswife(same parish,recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-X(40).

KIRTON ,Ralph, 'yoman' ,ofGunnerside,Grintonparish, N.R.Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

KITCHEN , Kitchin, Joan, 'spinster',of[ JinNorthWingfeildparish, Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

KITCHEN, Joan,wifeofJohn Kitchen ,[ ],of[ JinNorthWingfeild parish, Derbys (same recusancyperiod &conviction date)-VIII(21)

KITCHEN ,Mary,wifeofJohn Kitchen , gent., ofCheddington , Bucks .3 mths recusancyfrom27 Mar. 1587:conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(3).

KITCHIN , Richard, 'laborer' ,of[ JinNorthWingfeildparish, Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv . 22Mar. 1587/8VIII(21)

164. Katherine Kingswell wasaBrigettine nun, and a fellowprisoner withJuliana Harman (Cf. footnote 117), another nun ofthe sameorder, alternatelyatLyford andat Reading Castle , Berks , atvarious periods between26June 1581 and 20July1584.Shewasdescribed as owingapartof £4-13-4 perannum at Michaelmas 1600 , being two-thirdsofa messuageinArborfield, Berks. , annual value £7 , seizedintothe Queen's hands bythesaidCommissioners byreason ofher recusancy. Thisisthe first entryofa seperatetenement,whichtakesthe placeofLyford It continues inher tenure until after1611.Herdebt had then reached£44-6-8


KNAPPE, Edward, 'yeom" ,ofHaweCourtein HampsteadNorris, Berks . 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(5). Goods, value£16-6-8, seized 4 Oct.1588IX(4v). Debtreenrolled -X(4v)165

KNARISBURGHE,Peter,gent., ofWallingham[Walkingham]Hill, W.R. Yorks 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

KNIGHT , Alice,wid , ofItchinAbbattes [Itchen Abbas], Hants. 18 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv ?Sept. 1582III(50v):and three laterconvictions , ending Sept. 1584IV(53) V(56v)* DebtsreenrolledV(56) VI(54) VII(54)* VIII(68) IX(59)* Seizedlandslet byCrowntoHughCuffefrom 2 Mar. 1583/4IV(52) V(55).Seized landsletbyCrowntoJohn Stockman from 25 Nov. 1584V(56). VI(53v).VII(53v) VIII(66v) IX(57v).X(68v).XI(59v).XII(60v).

KNIGHT , Nicholas , 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark,Surrey [prisoner ]166.5mths recusancyfrom17 Feb. 1586/7: conv 17 July 1587IX(54).

KNIGHT, Robert , gent ,ofGodsfeild , Warrowton[Swarraton],Hants .2 mths recusancyfrom18 Mar. 1580/1:conv.9 Sept. 1581III(50v): andthree laterconvictions ,ending 1 Jan. 1583/4III(50v).IV(53). V(56v).Debtsre-enrolledV(56)*.VI(54). VII(54)* .VIII(68). IX(59)* . Seized landslet byCrownto Hugh Cuffefrom2 Mar. 1583/4IV(52). V(55) Seizedlandslet by CrowntoJohnStockman from 25 Nov. 1584V(57).VI(53v) VII(53v) VIII(66v).IX(57v). X(68v).XI(59v)

KNIGHTES,Robert , gent , ofAbbottes Ichen[Itchen Abbas],Hants.6 mths recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1586 : conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(67).

KNIVETT, Katherine ,wifeofThomas Knivett, esq., ofEastHarling, Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

KNOWLE,John,[ 1,ofWestby,Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v)

KNOWLE, Jane, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod and conviction date)-X(39v)

KNOWLES,Knolles , Agnes, wid , of[Hamstall ]Ridware, Staffs.4mths recusancyfrom 13 Mar. 1585/6:conv. ?July 1586X(78v).Goods , value£11-1s., seized4 Sept. 1589X(14) Record ofland-seizure, 4 Sept. 1589X(78v). Rental ofseized landX(7v) XI(64v) XII(65v). Seized landslet byCrowntoEdwardThorne from22 Dec. 1591XII(72v).

165. EdwardKnappe owed tothe Queen £26-13-4 per annum forthe farmoftwo-thirdsofa certain leaseofthefarmofHawe Courtein Hampstead Norris, Berks , ofthe annual value of£40, taken and seizedintothe hands ofthe saidQueenby herCommissioners , Thomas Parryand John Doleman, esquires, byreason ofhis recusancy And £26-13-4 forthe preceedingyear.Total debt, £53-6-8.By 1611 , hisunpaid debtstothe Crownhad increasedto the sumof£266-13-4, andhisgoods, valued in Oct. 1588 at £ 16-6-8 ,weredisregarded

166. Nicholas Knight(Cf.AnstrutherI, pp. 201 , 202.)

KNOWLES,William, 'yoman' ,ofHamstallRidware ,Staffs. 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1585: conv 13 Mar. 1585/6VI(63v)

KNOWLES,Agnes, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VI(63v):andonelater conviction , dated 1 Aug. 1586 -VI(63v).

KNOWLES,William, 'husb" ,of[Hamstall] Ridware,Staffs. 12mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v).

KYDDE, aliasIRELAND,Ellen, wifeofThomas Kydde,aliasIreland, [ ],ofWigan, Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589:conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

KYDDE,aliasIRELAND, Thomas, 'butcher' , ofWigan, Lancs .(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(38).

LABIER, Robert , 'laborer' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.5mths recusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49).

LABIER,[ 1, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod&conviction date)-VIII(49)

LABORER, 'Moricius' , 'laborer' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v).

LABORER, Roger, 'laborer' (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48v).

LABORER, Thomas, 'laborer' , ofLlanvetherine ,Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(49).

LABORNE,James, gent ,ofthe cityofCarlisle,Cumberland [prisoner].3 mths recusancyfrom 27 Apr. 1582: conv. ? July1582II(7v)

LABORNE,James, esq.,ofSalford intheparish ofManchester,Lancs [prisoner]167.4mths recusancyfrom2 Sept. 1582: convicted on 16 Jan. 1582/3II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46).

LACYE,William, gent ,ofSherborne [Sherburn-in-Elmet],E.Yorks.Fined £50by? HighCommissioners on29 Mar. 1582 forrecusancy,period undated 168XI(25).

LACY ,William,gent., ofDripoole[DrypoolWard], parish ofSwyne [Swine],Kingston-upon-Hull, E.R.Yorks [RecusantRollentry under 'Kingston-upon-Hull][prisoner] 169 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 6 Aug. 1581:conv. 6 Aug. 1582II(29). Debt re-enrolled -VI(22)

LAITHWAIT,Laythwaitt, Henry, 'yoman' , ofMeaddowes,Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

LAITHWAIT,Henry, 'yoman' , ofPemberton,Wigan parish,Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

167. JamesLaborne (Cf. Pollen, pp 217-221 )

168. William Lacy produced arecognisance of£50for'notcoming to church' byacomposition of3 Commissioners , viz .Thomas Lucieof Beverley, gent , John SpenceofYedingham and Thomas WilberforceofBeverley, gent , taken before thebarons ofthe Exchequer on 29 Mar. 1582 (Cf. M.R. , Q.R. , 31 and 32 Eliz ,Michaelmas Term , 'Recorda' section )Annotation: £50paidinto theTreasury on15May 1590; andtheyarequit (Cf. RR (E . 377/11,) under 'Item Ebor')

169. William Lacey (Cf. Challoner,pp 66-68.)


Lands seized 26 Mar. 1591 let byCrownto John Parker from 1 July 1591XII(44).

LAMBARTE,Robert, gent., ofStanwicke [St.John],N.R.Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv .4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

LAMPE,William,'yom" ,sonofRoger Loupe ofRusheton[Rushton], Dorset 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv . 15 July 1588VIII(19v) See LOPE, LOUPE.

LANE,Ellen, 'spinster' ,ofFishbourne , Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr.1587: conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v)

LANE,Felicia, wifeofDavidLane ofCotten [Coton ]in St.Mary'sparish, Stafford,'yoman' . 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1585:conv . 13 Mar. 1585/6VI(63v):and onelaterconviction ,dated 1 Aug. 1586 -VI(63v).

LANE,Humphrey, 'husb" ,ofTenbury,Worcs .Twofines of£20imposed forignoringsheriff'ssummonsesafterexcommunication ,4 Oct.1580 and24 May 1581III(70). (Debts dischargedbyvirtueofhisinclusion intheQueen's generalfreepardon attheParliament of26 Nov. 1584 . Andheisquit.)

LANE,Alice, his wife, ofTenbury,Worcs.Twofines of£20imposed (Similaroffences, same dates .Discharged asabove)-III(70)

LANE,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofFishbourne , Sussex. 2mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587:conv.26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

LANE,Mary,wifeofThomas Lane, gent.,ofFishbourne, Sussex (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(63v).

LANGDALE , Thomas, gent., ofMasseham[Masham ],N.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom3 July1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).

LANGFORD,Lankford,Nicholas , esq., ofLangford[Longford],Derbys 9 mths recusancyending 12 Jan. 1581/2: convicted byinformer'ssuit (HughCuffe)170IV(17) Debt re-enrolledVII(17v) IX(17v). Chattels-real, value £180, seized 1585VI(17v). 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: convicted byindictment 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21). Record ofland-seizure, 13 Apr. 1591Rental ofseized lands, 13 Apr. 1591XII(19).

LANGLEY ,Robert, 'yoman',ofAlciston, Sussex. 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587:conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

LANKFORD , Langford, Nicholas,gent., 171ofFulham , Middx. 3mths recusancyfrom 5 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Sept. 1587VIII(38v).

170. NicholasLangford'sfirstprosecution forrecusancywasbythe informerNicholas Cuffe,of which Langfordwasdischarged (Cf. CRSXVIII,p 28.)Hissecondprosecution (byindictment) endedlikewise bydischarge on 13Apr. 1591 bythe barons in theEasterTermofthatyear.

171. Nicholas Langford'sthird prosecution refers to aLancashire propertyheheld at Withington, nearManchester ,forwhichthe Crownexpectedtoreceivea rent of£144-2-8per annum . This manorwas seizedbythe Queen in Trinity Term 1600.The Langfords (orLankfords) Nicholas and Martha,hiswife,moved from Derbyshire toFulham ,Middx , inJune 1585.Hewas imprisoned in the Marshalsea from 14June 1585 ,foranunspecified period (Cf. CRS II, p 240.) Heis missing fromthelistin the followingyear, and doesnotappear again Forthesimilarityof treatment ofLangfordand SirJohn Southworth(Cf. CRSLVII, Introd pp.xxand lxxxiii, footnote331.)

LANKFORD , Martha, hiswife171(sameparish,recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(38v).

LATHOM, Lathome , Henry, gent. , ofMosboroe [Mosborough ],Prescott parish, Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom6 May 1587:conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).Debtre-enrolled ?-X(36) Lands, seized 26 Mar. 1591 , letbyCrowntoJohn Parkerfrom 1 July1591XII(44).

LAUGHTON , James,gent ,ofIntwood,Norfolk 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587:conv. 1 Apr.1588VIII(54).

LAUNDER,Agnes, 'spinster' ,ofSouthwark,Surrey[prisoner]172.8 mths recusancyending 16 Feb. 1586/7 , whenconvictedVI(50)

LAUNDER ,Laundry,John,gent ,ofSouthwark,Surrey [prisoner]173.6 mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5 , whenconvicted V(52v):and twolaterconvictions , ending 16 Feb. 1586/7VI(49v), (50).

LAWE , Eliz ., wifeofJohn Lawe , 'yom" , ofGraunge[Grange-over-Sands], Whalleyparish, Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586:conv . 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).SeeHAWE.

LAWE , Thomas,gent ,ofOwnedell [Oundle],Northants . 12mths recusancyending 2 May 1587:conv. 12 Mar. 1587/8VIII(52v).

Record ofland-seizure, 22 June 1588IX(47).Seizedlandsletby CrowntoEdward Batley from 10 July1588IX(47), (71v).XI(49v) XII(49v).

LAWE,[ 1 , his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod & conviction date) VIII(52v).

LAWES,Dorothy,'spinster' ,wifeofJohn Lawes , 'yoman',ofBlicklinge, Norfolk. 11 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1582:conv 8 July 1583III(72v) Debt re-enrolledV(46v)

LAWES,Lowes,Henry, 'yeoman' , ofBeckhamwell [Beechamwell], Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).Goods,value£1-10s., seized 18 Oct.1588IX(45).

LAWRENSON , Laurenson,John, 'blackesmythe' , ofWesham , Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39)

LAWRENSON,[ ],hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(39)

LAWSON,Eliz , wifeofRalph Lawson, esq.,ofBurghe [Brough],Catterick parish, N.R.Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586:conv. 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v): and onelater conviction, dated 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27)

172. ThePrison Lists (Cf. CRS II)definitelystatethatthe recusantsJohn and Agnes Launder (Lander , Lawnder , Landry)wereman andwife and that she(given thatchristiannameinthe originalRR .), aftersomeimprisonmentatHull, wassenttojoin him in theClink atSouthwarkon 22Mar. 1585/6 .(Cf. CRS II, pp 246 , 252 , 271.), wheresheis invariablyreferred to as 'Anne' Actually,shedied inthe latterprisontowards the endof1589

173. John Launder had beencommitted tothe Clinkon18 June 1584byFleetwood , Recorder of London, afteranumberofindictments forrecusancy. He didnotoutlivehiswifeforlong,dyingin the Clink on26Jan.1590/1 .(Cf.MorrisIII,p 36.)

LAWSON, Peter, 'yom"/"generos" , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]174.4 mths recusancyending 22 July 1583, whenconvictedIV(49v):and threelaterconvictions , ending 17 Feb. 1585/6 ,-V(50v), (52v). VI(49v) Debt re-enrolledVI(51)

LAWTON,Mary, wifeofWilliam Lawton, esq., ofChurchLawton , Cheshire. 13 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: convictiondatenot statedVIII(58v).

LAWTY,Alice,ofBlumpton[Plumpton], Kirkhamparish,Lancs.,wifeof GeorgeLawty,gent. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v)

LAWTY , Thomas , 'tailor'(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(39v)

LAYTON , Isabel, 'spinster' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]175.5mths imprisonment for recusancyending 15 Feb. 1583/4,when convictedIV(49v) Debtre-enrolledVI(51).

LEAKE, Helen, 'spinster' , ofEdmonton,Middx 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1587: conv. 19 Apr. 1588IX(37)

LEAKE ,Henry,gent ,ofEdmonton, Middx 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 1 July 1588: conv.2 Dec. 1588IX(37).176

LEAKE,Henry,gent , ofEastSmithfeild, Middx 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 2 July 1589: conv. 3 Dec. 1589IX(37).

LEAKE, Jane, 'spinster' , ofEdmonton,Middx.6mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1587:conv 19 Apr.1588 -IX(37).

LECHWORTHE,Charles, 'yoman' , ofClerkenwell , Middx (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondateasprecedingentry)-IX(37)

LEDDES , seeLEEDES, Thomas

LEE, John, 'yeom",of[

LEE, Isabel, of Great Marsden, Lancs , wifeofThomas Lee[ ]. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40) JinReighton [? Beighton]parish, Derbys. 10 mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21)

LEE, Nathaniel , 'yoman' ,ofSalbury[Salesbury], Blackburn parish, Lancs 6mths recusancyfrom4 Feb. 1587/8: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

LEE,Nicholas,gent., of Clarkenwell [Clerkenwell ],Middx 3mths recusancyfrom 20 Mar. 1587/8: conv. 28 June 1588IX(37).

LEE,Thomas, 'yoman' , ofLeigh, Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1587: conv 22 July1588VIII(58) SeeLEIGHE

174. Peter Lawson wasarrested atDunwing(?Dunwich),Suffolk, and, at first,thoughttobea priest (Cf. CRS II,p 231.)Examined byWalsingham and committed , as a layman,tothe Marshalsea on 1 Feb. 1581/2, hedied a prisoner there in Sept. 1586, aged48. (Cf.MorrisIII, p 36.)

175. Isabel Laytonwascommitted to the Marshalsea for5 months recusancyending 15 Feb. 1583/4 . She , withJaneGouldwire, spinster, werethe onlywomen prisoners in the gaolbetween Aug. 1583 and 15 Feb. 1583/4 The 29others wereallmales

176. HenryLeake had beenimprisoned inthe Marshalsea bythe Councilon 22 May 1586 ,foran unspecified time (Cf. CRS II,p 245.)Twoother members ofthe Edmontonfamilyhadbeen imprisoned in the Marshalsea forsixmonths at this time, viz Helen and Jane Leake(bothdescribed as'spinsters')who weredueto bedischarged on 19Apr.1588.They arenotmentioned in CRSII, but seethe listgiven in RR , (E.377/9)under 'Itemadhuc Res'London''

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

LEEDES,John,gent , ofSteyning, Sussex 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588:conv 3 Mar. 1588/9IX(53).

LEEDES, Leeds, Lionel, 'yoman' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[? prisoner].8

mths recusancyending 16 Feb. 1586/7,whenconvictedVI(50)

LEEDES,Leeds, Thomas, esq , ofDripole[DrypoolWard],Swineparish , Kingston-upon-Hull, E.R.Yorks [? prisoner](Pipe Rollentryunder 'Kingston -upon-Hull') 12 mths recusancyfrom6 Aug. 1581:conv . 6 Aug. 1582II(29) Debt re-enrolledVI(22).

LEEDES, Leddes, Thomas, gent , ofNorthMilfurth[Milford],W.R. Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v) Record ofland-seizure, 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v). Rental ofseized landsIX(21v).X(21v).XI(24v) XII(23v)

LEIGHE,Ann,wifeofRichard Leighe, 'yeoman' , ofHanley Castle, Worcs. 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1587: conv 28 Mar. 1588VIII(80).

LEIGHE, Edward, esq , ofBagule[Baguley], Cheshire ForfeitureofBond (£200)taken on 10 Mar. 1571/2 before Edmund [Grindall, Archbp.of York, andotherHighCommissionersII(37v). Debtre-enrolledVI(39v) VIII(46v).X(36v)

LEIGHE, Lee,John, gent , ofSalfordinparish ofManchester , Lancs [prisoner]177. 12mthsrecusancyfrom20 Feb. 1582/3: conv.22 Jan. 1583/4IV(37):andthree later convictions ,ending20 Apr. 1585IV(46v).VI(40v)* .Debts re-enrolledIV(42v) VI(39)*

LEIGHTON , Thomas, gent., ofSt. Saviour's parish, Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]178.5mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1586/7, when convictedVI(50)

LENTHALL,Ann, wifeofWilliam Lenthall, gent., of Haseley, Oxfords 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv.7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

LENTHALL, Frances, 'spinster'(same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(35v)

LEONARD, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofWestminster ,Middx[prisoner]179. 1 mth recusancyfrom6 Oct. 1587: conv.29 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v).

LESEMAN , James, 'clericus' , ofWebley [Weobley], Herefords 180.2 mths recusancyfrom6 Jan. 1582/3: conv 4 Mar. 1582/3II(64)

177. JohnLeighe wasprobablythenotable recusant, John Leigh of Barlowe Hall,Lancs , who, with hiswifeMary, was imprisoned in SalfordGaol betweenFeb. 1582/3and Apr. 1585.(Cf. CRS V,p 70.)

178. Thomas Leightonwasfirst committed totheTower ofLondon, 27May1585to18June 1586, chargedwithconveying GodfreyFolgeham intoScotland ; and conveying intelligence between Mary,Queen ofScots, and Francis Throgmorton He wasremoved bythe Lordstothe Clink,20Aug. 1586.(Cf. CRSII, pp 238, 251, 268.)Was still in the Clink, 30 Sept. 1588

179. Thomas Leonardwascommitted totheWestminster Gatehouse bySirFrancis Walsingham between29Sept. and 19 Oct. 1586, 'Suspectedto bea priest, but denieth the same' (Cf. CRSII, p 268.)

180. JamesLeseman, a pre-Elizabethan priest, wasa Franciscan friar,whohad onceheldthe livingofTardebigge , Worcs . The rollshaveat least4entries against him forrecusancy, allexcept Weobley, being forrecusancy invarious parisheswithinHerefordCity, and datingfrom6Jan. 1582/3 to27Mar. 1587

LESEMAN , James, 'clericus' ,ofthe cityofHereford.3 mths recusancy from 24 June 1583:conv . 16 Sept. 1583V(26v).

LESEMAN , James, 'clericus' , ofSt. Owen's parish,Hereford 1mth recusancyfrom27 May 1583: conv. 15 July1583III(27).DebtreenrolledV(26).

LESEMAN , James, 'clericus' , ofSt. Peter's parish,Hereford. 3mths recusancyfrom 16 Sept. 1583: conv 6 Jan. 1583/4V(26v):andsix laterconvictions ,ending 27 Mar. 1587IV(64v)* . V(26v)* VI(25)* .

LETCHMORE , Ann, wifeofEdmund Letchmore,gent.,ofHanleyCastle , Worcs 12mths recusancyfrom1 Apr. 1587:conv 28 Mar. 1588 -VIII(80)

LETCHMORE , Lechemore,Ann,wifeofEdmund Lechemore ,gent.,of Ribbesford,Worcs.6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587:conv . 25 July 1588VIII(80v).

LEWIS, Lewes,David, 'husb" , ofEwiasharold [EwyasHarold],Herefords. 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv. 14 July 1589IX(25v).


LEWIS,Henry, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkyre[Skirrid],Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v).

LEWIS,JaneThomas, 'spinster'(sameparish,recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(48v).

LEWIS, John , 'yoman' , ofLlanthewyRytherch,Mon. (samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48).

LEWIS,JohnHarris, 'yoman' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v)

LEWIS, Lewes,Katherine , wid ,ofRaglan,Mon.(same recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(48).Record ofland-seizure,24 Oct. 1588IX(42v).Rental ofseized landsIX(42v).X(50).XI(45).

LEWIS , 'Lissoda',wifeofHenryLewis, 'yoman' ,ofLlanthewySkirrid, Mon. (samerecusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(48v)

LEWIS,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofLlanthewyRytherch,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(48).

LEWIS ,Matilda,wifeofJohn William Lewis , 'yoman',ofLlanthewy Skirrid,Mon. (samerecusancyperiodandconvictiondate)-VIII(49).

LEWIS, Nesta,wifeofWilliam Lewis,[ 1 ,ofLlangattock-nigh-Usk , Mon. (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49).

LEWIS, Lewes ,Richard,[ 1 ,ofChristChurchparish, FarringdonWard Within London[? prisoner]3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv 28 July1581I(32v). Debt re-enrolledIII(38v) V(35)

LEWIS , Richard , 'yoman' ,ofLlanover , Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24Mar.1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v)

LEWIS, Richard , junior, 'yoman' , ofLlanarth, Mon.(samerecusancy period and convictiondate)-VIII(48).

LEWIS, Richard , senior, 'yoman'(sameparish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(48).

LEWIS, Thomas Morgan,'yoman' , ofLlanchenock [Llanhennock ],Mon. (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49)

LEWIS,Lewes,William, 'yom",ofLlangattock-nigh-Usk , Mon. 12mths recusancyfrom 1 July 1581: conv.23 July 1582II(38):andfivelater convictions ,ending ?Mar. 1586/7IV(38v)* V(40v)* VI(40), (40v)* . Seizedpropertylet byCrowntoHughCuffefromMichaelmas 1585VI(33v)*.VIII(16v)*.X(50v).XI(45).XII(46). verch LEWIS, 'Crislia',wid , ofLlangattockvibonAvel,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v).

LIGON, Lion, Lygon, Hugh,gent.,ofHanleyCastle , Worcs.12mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1587: conv 28 Mar. 1588VIII(80) Goods , value£2-13-4, seized 31 Sept. 1588IX(68v) Record oflandseizure , 30 Sept. 1588IX(49v). Rental ofseized landsIX(68v). X(75). XI(70).XII(71).

LINCOLN, Benedict, 'clericus' , ofNorthdighton[NorthDeighton Manor], W.R. Yorks181.4mths recusancyfrom 28 Mar. 1580/1:conv . 17 July 1581-1(21v) Debt re-enrolledIII(24) V(22).

LINCOLN,Robert, 'yoman' , ofTwyford,Hants.7mths recusancyfrom 16 Sept. 1583 :conv. ?Mar. 1583/4V(56v)

LINGEN, Lyngen, Richard , esq., ofDormington,Herefords 1828mths recusancyfrom13 July 1581:conv . 12 Mar.1581/2-1(25):andthree laterconvictions , ending 7 Mar. 1583/4II(64)*.IV(64v)

LINGEN,Richard, esq.,ofthe cityofHereford 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 June 1583: conv . 16 Sept. 1583V(26v).

LINGEN , Richard,[ 1 ,ofAllSaintsparish, Hereford 1 mthrecusancy from27 May 1583: conv 15 July 1583III(27):andthreelater convictions,ending 10 Feb. 1585/6IV(64v). V(26v). VI(25) Debts re-enrolledV(26)* Goods, value £6-13-4, seized 1584bysheriff boRichard WalwynX(28v).Chattels real, value £4, seized in 1585 by HughCuffe,commissionerX(29v).

LINGEN , Ann, hiswife,ofAllSaintsparish, Hereford.2mths recusancy from6 Jan. 1583/4:conv. 9 Mar. 1583/4IV(64v).

LINGEN , William, gent junior,ofDavies[Thavie's ]Inne,London182a . 12 mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1582/3: conv. 22 Jan. 1583/4IV(32v) Debt re-enrolledVI(34).

181. Benedict Lincoln, a pre-Elizabethan priest, had beenharboured byMrs.Watsonof Brimham Hall,Riponand lateratNorthDeightonwithHenrySuttle ,gent , withwhomhewas convicted offourmonths imprisonmentforrecusancy from28Mar. 1581.'BenetLincoln'wasthe alias used byhimforEdmundHartburnewhilehewasat Brimham Hall (Cf. CRSV ,p 194 , and J.C.Aveling, CatholicRecusantsoftheWestRidingofYorkshire , (1963), pp 200 , 201.)

182. Richard Lingenwasnevermoved to London Hemoved from DormingtontoHereford about Mar. 1583 withhiswife,Anne,and there suffered hissecondprosecution on24June 1583 , followedbythree furtherindictments inthe closeconfinement ofHerefordGaol Hisgoodswere seizedafter 10Feb. 1585/6, tothe value of£6-13-4,withthe assistanceofHughCuffe 182A . William Lingen wasindicted for 12months recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1582/3, convicted on 22Jan.1583/4,and put intoNewgate fora wholeyear Hewasremoved fromthencetothe Westminster Gatehouse Althoughdischarged in 1586, hewasstill in prison in Sept. 1588 , whenhe appearsfinallytohavebeendelivered (Cf. CRS II, pp 237,258 ,260,267, 282.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

LION ,Margaret, 'spinster' ,ofHanleyCastle,Worcs. 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1586 : conv.28 Mar. 1588VIII(77). SeeLIGON , Hugh.

LISTARD, John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark, Surrey [prisoner]183. 10mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvictedVI(49v). See LYSTER, John

LISTER , Alice,wifeofLaurence Lister,of[ ],Yorks 2 mths recusancy from4 Jan. 1585/6: conv . 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v)

LISTER ,Alice,wifeofThomas Lister,gent.,of[ ], Yorks (same recusancyperiod &convictiondate)-VI(20v). SeeLYSTER .

LITLEBURY,Andrew, gent ,ofAsheby [AshbyinBottesford], Lincs 12 mths recusancyfrom1 Mar. 1587/8: conv. 7 July1589IX(9).Debt re-enrolled -XI(II).

LLEWELYN , Ann, 'spinster' , ofRaglan,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

LLEWELYN ,Eliz , 'spinster' ,ofWonastow ,Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v).

LLEWELYN , 'Jonetta' , wid ,ofTredunnock ,Mon. (samerecusancy periodandconvictiondate)-VIII(49).

LLEWELYN , Katherine , 'spinster' , ofRaglan, Mon.(same recusancy period& convictiondate)-VIII(48)

LLOYD,Lloyde, Loid, 'Alsona' verch Rees, wifeofWilliam Lloyde,[ ofAburgavenny[Abergavenny ], Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv . 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

LLOYD,Evans, 'spinster'[sic], ofBettws Newydd,Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

LLOYD, Jenkin , 'yoman' , ofTredunnock,Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49). ],

LLOYD,John,gent ,ofLlanvarda[Llanforda, nr.Oswestry],Salop . 18412 mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July 1588VIII(16v). Record ofland-seizure[two-thirds oflandsatLlanforda @ £13-6-8 p.a. in rent], seized 8 Apr. 1589IX(13v) Rental oflandsseized 8 Apr. 1589IX(71).X(59).Seized lands[thewhole capitalmessuage ofPlas Ucha inSalop] let by CrowntoJohn Lloyd, junior, from 12 Dec. 1588 (31 Eliz ), fora rent of£20p.a.185IX(13v).X(59) XI(62).XII(63).

LLOYD,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofTredunnock,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49).

183. JohnLister(Listard)(Cf. AnstrutherI, pp 210 , 211.)

184. John Lloydhad been outlawed ('utlagatus ') priorto 12 Dec. 1588.Thisoutlawrywasnow nolonger enforced in his case , and the present leaseto'John Lloyd,Junior' continues inthe Exchequer Rolluntil 3 JamesI,when the entryis cancelled witha noteoffinaldischarge (Cf. M.R., L.T.R. , 4JamesI, Easter Term, 'Recorda'section )Itthen disappearsfromthe Rolls

185. The wholecapital messuageofPlas UchainSalop wasnow let bythe CrowntoJohnLloyd, junior, from 12 Dec. 1588 , fora rent of£20perannum

LLOYD, Richard , gent. ,ofLloynymaen [Llwnymaen ], Salop 186 12 mths recusancyfrom24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July 1588VIII(16v). Record ofland-seizure, 8 Apr. 1589IX(13v) Rental of[two-thirds ofthecapital messuage called 'Loynneman ' , at £6-13-4p.a]lands seized 8 Apr.1589IX(71) X(59). XI(62). Lands seized 8 Apr.1589 letbyCrowntoEdwardLloid from 17 May1589X(15) XI(62v). XII(63v). Goods, value £23, seized 9 Oct. 1589IX(13v) DebtreenrolledX(58v) XI(63v). Record ofland-seizure, 9 Oct. 1589IX(13v).Rental ofdemesne landsof Llwnymaen ,Salop,[at £13-6-8p.a.), seized 9 Oct.1589IX(69v).X(59v).

LLOYD, Thomas,of[ 1 ,Salop, recusant Goods, value£12 , seized 9 Oct. 1589IX(13v)187. Debt re-enrolledX(58v) XI(63v)

LOCKYER, Richard , 'yom" ,ofKingeston [Kingston ],Dorset.6mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July 1588VIII(19v).

LONGLEY,Ann ,[ 1,ofGrymthorpe[Grimthorpel,E.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27).

LONGLEY, Katherine ,[ 1 ,(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(27).

LONGLEY ,Margaret,[ ],(sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(27)

LONGWORTH, Longeworthe , Peter, 'scolem[aster]' , ofBallam,Kirkham parish , Lancs. 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587:conv.17 Mar. 1588/9 -X(35).

LONGWORTH ,[ ],hiswife,ofWestby,Lancs. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v)

LONGWORTH,Peter, 'scholem[aster]' , ofWestby, Lancs.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(39v).

LOPE, Loupe , Loope, Roger, 'surgeon' , ofRusheton[Rushton],Dorset4 mths recusancyfrom20 Apr. 1583: conv (?)24 Aug. 1584IV(16v). SeeLAMPE, William.

LOPE,Roger, 'surgeon' ,ofDorchester, Dorset 5 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1585: conv Lent 1586VI(16).

LOPE,Roger, 'yom" , ofDorchester, Dorset 6mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8:conv 15 July 1588VIII(19v).

LOVATT,aliasofTAILOR , Giles.

LOVEDEN, Dorothy,wid , ofLamborne [Lambourn],Berks 1883mths

186. RichardLloyd'spropertyincluded the lands ofJohn Lloyd, junior, at Llanvarda , which were let bythe CrowntoEdwardLloidfrom 17 May 1589.Theabove lease continues inthe RRs until RR (E . 377/11)the lastElizabethan roll, whenit, too, ceases , withthe annotation- (Cf. M.R. , L.T.R.,44 Eliz, Easter Term , 'Recorda'section )

187. Thomas Lloyd'sconvictionforrecusancycannot betraced inthe RRs Nevertheless,the Commissioners Jerome Corbettand Edward Davies on9 Oct. 1589, produced £ 12fromthe goods andchattels ofThomas Lloid and £23 fromsimilarresourcesofRichard Lloyd Thismoney was owed and paid tothesheriff

188. DorothyLovedonwasthewidowofWalterLovedon , who died in 1580.(Cf. VCHBerks , IV,p 514.)Shewas imprisoned forrecusancyinReading Castle for4months from 11 Feb. 1582/53 Bailed fromthe Castle bywarrantofSirFrancis Walsingham , shewasdischarged on4 June 1583.(Cf. CRSXXXII ,p 118.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1:conv.26June 1581II(65v):and fivelaterconvictions , ending 7 Feb. 1582/3II(65v)* .III(50v) V(4v). Debtsre-enrolledIII(5)*.

LOVEDEN,Dorothy,wid ,ofSt.Mary'sparish,Reading,Berks[prisoner]. 4mths recusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3: conv.4 June 1583III(50v).

Debt re-enrolledV(4v).

LOVELL,Alice, wifeofThomas Lovell, esq , ofEast Harling,Norfolk 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr.1588VIII(54).

LOVELL,Eleanor , wifeofPhilip Lovell, gent.,ofGarboldisham ,Norfolk (samerecusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(54).

LOVELL, Eliz , wid.,ofMarten[Merton], Norfolk(samerecusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(54).

LOVELL,Francis , junior,gent ,ofEast Harling,Norfolk.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(54).

LOVELL,Robert, esq.,ofBychamwell [Beechamwell],Norfolk. 11 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1581:conv 23 July1582II(40):andsixlater convictions ,ending Lent 1587III(72v).IV(44v)* V(46v)* VI(25v). Goods, value£6, seized Michaelmas 1587VII(41) Seizedlandsletby CrowntoBarnardGuilpinat£33-6-8p.a fromLadyday 1584 V(41v).VII(40).VIII(50).IX(43), (43v).X(52).XI(46). XII(47).Rental (£86-8-10p.a.)oflandsseized 26 Sept. 1587 for pre-1587 arrearsVIII(6v) X(52v) XI(46v).XII(47)

LOWE,Agnes, 'spinster' ,ofWiswell, Lancs . 12mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(40)

LOWE,John, 'goldsmythe' (same parish,recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40).

LOWE,Robert, 'husb" (sameparish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40).

LOWE,Alice, hiswife(same parish,recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40).

LOWE,Sibyl, wifeofJohn Lowe,'laborer'(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(40).

LOWNEM , Thomas, 'husb" ,of[ ]in Nortonparish, Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

LUDLOWE ,John,gent ,ofCamesEysell, Farehamparish, Hants 18912 mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Oct.1581: conv ? Oct. 1582III(50v):and

189. JohnLudlowe'shouse iscalled 'Cams'(Cames , Cambes)'Hall', (nearFareham) Hewas committedtotheWhiteLion Gaol inSouthwarkbythe Bishop ofWinchester inOct.1581 (Cf. CRS I, pp 61,69)The finalentryinRR.(E . 377/4)runs asfollows:'thetenants oftwothirdsofthe lands and tenements of John LydloweofCambesowes£53-6-8perannum , forthe farmof various lands and tenements in Fareham oftheclearannual value of £80,taken and seized intothe hands ofthe Kingbythesaid commissioners forthe recusancy ofthe sameJohn And thesumof £106-13-4owed bySirDanielNorton, Kt ,Sheriffofthe preceedingyear, asiscontained inthe preceeding roll,and its arrears, under'Southt' Sumtotal £160 Discharge But he(Ludlowe)ought nottobesummoned forthismoney , norto becharged inthe futureforthe same , byconsideration ofthe barons oftheExchequer (Cf. M.R., L.T.R.,4JamesI, Michaelmas Term , 'Recorda , section)Andheisquit'

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

onelaterconviction, dated 7 Jan. 1583/4IV(53) DebtsreenrolledV(56) VI(54).

LUSSHER,Richard, 'scryvener' , oftheparish ofSS Simon andJude ,city ofNorwich,Norfolk190.8 mths recusancyfrom20 Dec. 1586: conv 18 Dec.1587VIII(13). Debt re-enrolled -X(17)

LUTYE,Lutys,Margaret,'spinster' , ofthe cityofYork[fornotattending theparish church ofSt.John attheendoftheOusebridge ('adfin' pontis deOwseincomitat'civitat")][? prisoner]. 1 mthrecusancy from22 June 1582:conv . ?July 1582II(8).Debt re-enrolledV(8). VII(8).IX(8).

LYGON, seeLIGON,Lion,Hugh.

LYMPLYE,Cicily,wid. , ofStepney,Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom28 June 1587: conv. 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v)

LYNE, John,gent ,ofWestminster ,Middx[? prisoner]. 1 mthrecusancy from 6 Oct. 1587: conv.29 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v).

LYNE, Roger,gent., ofSt.Botolph'sparish, BishopsgateWardWithout, London.Fine of 100 marks imposed forhearingMasssaidon 30 Jan. 1585/6 byWilliam Thomson,aliasBlackborne,inthehouseofRobert Bellamy(q.v.); Thomson convicted atOldBailey, 18 Apr. 1586191 VI(34v). 192

LYNGEN , seeLINGEN , Richard.

LYSTER,Alice,wifeofThomas Lyster, gent , ofWestbie[Westby Hall,nr Gisburn],W.R. Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587:conv. 18 Mar.1587/8VIII(27).

LYSTER , 'Avarilla' , wifeofLaurenceLyster,gent ,ofThorneton[? Bishop Thornton], W.R. Yorks (samerecusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(25v) SeeLISTER .

LYSTER ,John, 'clericus' , ofSt. George's parish,Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]193.5mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv 17 July 1587IX(54). SeeLISTARD .

MACCLESFEILD,Maclefeld,Andrew,gent.,ofMere [Maer], Staffs 4 mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar.1582: conv 2 Aug. 1582II(14):and onelaterconviction,dated25 July1583III(64v) DebtsreenrolledIV(62) V(66) VI(63) VII(64) SeeMAXFEILD.

MACCLESFEILD,Maclefeld, William,esq.,ofMeare [Maer],Staffs.8 mths recusancyfrom3 Aug. 1582: conv . 8 Mar.1582/3VI(63v):

190. RichardLusher wascommittedtotheClink witha totaldebt of£240,bytheArchbishopof Canterbury, 16 Oct.1586.(Cf. CRSII,p 268.)

191. Roger Line(Lyne)wascommittedtotheWoodStreetCounterbySirFrancis Walsingham on 3 Feb. 1583/4 ,accompanied byWilliam Higham (Cf. CRSII,pp 249 , 252 , 255 , 271.)

192. William Thomson , alias Blackborne , a seminary priest, wasexecutedat Tyburnon 20 Apr. 1586forthisoffence (Cf. MorrisII, pp 50, 51.)

193. John Lyster Seefootnotes12 and 183 .


andthreelaterconvictions , ending 19 July 1585VI(63v).VII(64)* . SeeMAXFEILD.

MACCLESFEILD,Maclefeld, William,gent , ofMeare[Maer],Staffs.4 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1582/3: conv. 9 July1583IV(62v): andeight later convictions ,ending 1 Aug. 1586IV(62v) V(66)*. VI(63), (63v)* .Record ofland-seizure,9 Sept. 1587VIII(70v)

Rental oflands seized 9 Sept. 1587IX(62)* .X(62) Record of increasedland-seizureinMilwich,Staffs , Mar. 1590/1 -XI(20v). Lands, seized March1590/1,letbyCrownto Hugh Worthefrom 14 June 1591,at£8-11-11p.a.XI(64v).XI(71v) XII(65v)

MACESCEN ,Margery, wid ,ofMalpas, Cheshire 13mthsrecusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586: convictiondateomittedVIII(58v)

MACHELL, Barnabas, 'tanner' , ofKirkbythure[Kirkby Thore], Westmld . 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 June 1588: conv . 5 Aug. 1588.IX(69).

MACKEWORTH, George, esq ,ofHarnesey[Hornsey], Middx 2mths recusancyfrom2 July1589: conv. 3 Dec. 1589IX(37)

MADDOCK,John, 'yoman' , ofMalpas, Cheshire . 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586:conv.25 Sept. 1587VIII(58v).

MADDOCK , Matilda, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(58v).

MADDOCK , Thomas , 'laborer' ,ofSt.Mary'sparish, Chestercity [? prisoner]. 13mths recusancyfrom 21 Sept. 1583: conv . Sept. 1584VI(48v).

MADDOCK, Thomas , 'yoman' ,ofChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner] 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585: conv 3 Oct. 1586X(35v): and onelaterconviction, dated 24 Apr. 1587VIII(58v).

MADISSHAM , Jane, ofCrosby, Lancs., wifeofRalph Madissham ,gent. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(38).

MAGHULL,aliasMALE,Mary,wifeofAnthonyMaghull,aliasMale, 'yoman' ,ofAyntree[Aintree], Lancs.(same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(38).

MALLAGE , Thomas, 'yoman' ,ofSt. Clement's parish,Winchester ,Hants. 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Dec. 1588 : conv 23 June 1589 -IX(59v).

MALLAM,Ann,wid , ofGrange, parish ofWestKirkeby[WestKirby], Cheshire. 13 mths recusancyfrom25 Sept. 1586: convictiondate omittedVIII(58v).

MALLETT,Arthur, gent., ofFeryfryston[Ferry Frystone], W.R. Yorks.6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).

MALLETT, John ,[ ],ofNormanton, W.R. Yorks.Fineof£50imposed byHighCommissioners , 1582-3 .III(25).Debt re-enrolledV(23v).IX(22).XII(25v)

MANFEILD ,Mansfeld, Henry, gent . /esq., ofHamerden [Amerden], parish ofTaplowe , Bucks 6mths recusancyfrom25 Sept. 1586:conv. Lent 1587VI(2v) Record ofland-seizure, 16 Oct. 1587VIII(2v) Goods, value£24-0-8, seized ? 16 Oct. 1587X(2).Seizedlandslet byCrowntoRobert Balthroppe from24 Feb. 1587/8VIII(3).IX(2). X(1) XI(2v).XII(2)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

MANFEILD, Hester, wifeofHenryManfeildofAmerden inTaplowe, Bucks.,gent. 3 mths recusancyfrom27 Mar. 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(3).

MANNINGE ,Mary, wifeofEdmund Manninge , gent , ofDedington

[Deddington ], Oxfords. 12 mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586:conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

MANNOCKE , Ann, wifeofFrancis Mannocke , esq , ofStokebyNayland , Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom23 Mar. 1588/9: conv. 18 Mar. 1589/90XI(22v) Record ofland-seizurein Cambs.andEssex , 1 Apr.1590XI(22v) XII(20v) [Pipe Rollentriesunder 'Essex']. Seized landsinCambs and Essex let byCrowntoWilliamTwittyfrom 1 May 1591XI(52v). XII(6). [Pipe Rollentriesunder 'Cambs']

MANNOCKE, Giles, gent , ofStoke [byNayland ],Suffolk.3mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv . 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

MANNOCKE, Katherine , wifeofEdmund Mannocke ,gent ,ofHalton [? Holton],Suffolk (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)- VIII(73).

MANNOCKE,William, junior, gent ,ofStokebyMailond[Nayland], Suffolk.6mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1588: conv.2 July 1589IX(64). Debt re-enrolledXI(72v) Record ofland-seizurein Essex andSuffolk, 1 Apr.1591XI(22v). Rental of seized landsXII(20v).

MARKEHAM ,Alice, 'spinster' , ofPassenham,Northants. 12mths recusancyfrom 31 July 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1588/9IX(47)

MARRALL,Thomas , 'husb" , ofSephton [Sefton], Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

MARRIATT , Marriett, Humphrey , gent , ofArthingworth, Northants 12 mths recusancyfrom 30 May 1587: conv. 17 Mar. 1589/90X(55). Record ofland-seizure, 6 Oct. 1590X(55).Goods, value£40, seized 6 Oct.1590 -X(55) Rental ofseized landsXI(50v) XII(49v)

Seizedlandslet byCrownto John Checkley from 12 Feb. 1590/1XII(50v).

MARSDEN,Alice, of[? ThornleyinWheatley],Lancs.,wifeofWilliam Marsden . 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

MARSHE,John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]194. 1 mth recusancyfrom 5 June 1588: conv . 5 July 1588VIII(63).

MARSHE, Katherine , 'spinster',wifeofHumfreyMarshe,[ ],of Wigan, Lancs 3mths recusancyfrom10 Oct. 1581: conv 18 Jan. 1581/2II(38v) Debt re-enrolledVIII(46) SeeMERSHE , Katherine.

MARTEN , Martine, Martyn, Richard , gent. , ofMelford[LongMelford], Suffolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv. 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73). Record ofland-seizureinEssex ,4 Mar.

194. JohnMarsh (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 219.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

1589/90 -X(26v) Seized landsinEssex let byCrowntoFrancis Mannockfrom[?]Mar. 1589/90X(26v).XI(21v).XII(20v) [Pipe Rollentriesunder 'Essex'].

MARTEN ,Martyn, Roger, esq , ofMelford [LongMelford],Suffolk.10 mths recusancyfrom1 Aug. 1581: conv. 18 July 1582II(56):and twolaterconvictions , ending 5 Apr. 1587III(66).VI(58) Record of land-seizure,2 Nov. 1587VIII(72) Rental ofseized landsIX(63). X(63) XI(65) Seizedlandslet byCrownto Thomas KeysandThomas Stowefrom Michaelmas 1589X(64) XI(65v).XII(66), (67) [Pipe Rollentriesunder 'Suffolk'].

MARTYNE,Marten,Marton,Alice, wid. ,ofMartyn[Martin],W.R.

Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27).Record ofland-seizure, 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v). Rental ofseized landsIX(21v).X(21v) XI(24v) XII(23v) Seized landslettoWilliam Hunnis byCrown , 26 Mar. 1591XII(25v).

MASON,Mayson , Alice, 'spinster' , ofthe cityofYork.4mths recusancy from 26 Mar. 1582: conv ?July 1582II(8) Debt re-enrolledV(8). VII(8) IX(8).

MASON,Ann, wid ,ofWessham[Wesham], parish ofKirkham , Lancs .4 mths recusancyfrom6 Apr. 1588: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

MASON,Margaret, wid., ofSutton , Cheshire. 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 25 Sept. 1587VIII(58v)

MASON,Mayson , Richard , 'taylor' ,ofEast Hendred, Berks 195a8mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1583: conv 24 Feb. 1583/4IV(3v).

MASON,Richard, 'taillor' , ofSt. Mary'sparish, Reading,Berks. [prisoner]195b . 8 mths recusancyending 31 June 1582, when convictedII(65v): and fivelater convictions , ending6 Mar. 1586/7V(4v)* VI(4v)*,(48v)

MASON,Richard, 'yom",ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading,Berks [prisoner]195.4mths recusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3: conv . 1 July 1583III(50v):andonelater conviction, dated 20 July1584IV(46). Debt re-enrolledV(4v).

MASSIE,Massey, Ann, wid , ofRixton, Warringtonparish, Lancs196.6 mths recusancyfrom 1 Feb. 1587/8: conv 17Mar. 1588/9.X(35). Lands seized 26Mar. 1591 andlet byCrowntoJohnParkerfrom 1 July 1591.XII(44)

MASSIE, Richard , gent., ofSt. Mary'sparish, Chester[ChesterCastle] 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1584 : conv.26Apr.1585.VI(48v).

MASSIE , Richard , gent., ofChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner] 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585: conv . 3 Oct. 1586.X(35v): andone laterconviction, dated24April 1587.VIII(58v).

195. RichardMason , who lived at East Hendred , Berks ,wasconvicted ofrecusancyfrom 3 July 1583 , and moved , bythe sheriff, tothe prisonin Reading Castle (Cf. CRSXXIII , p 118.)Hewas releasedon 6Mar. 1586/7.

196. AnnMassie wasbroughtbefore the Ecclesiastical Commissioners forCheshire and her conformityproved (Cf. CRSV,p 70.)

MASSIE,Margaret , hiswife, ofChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner]. 7 mths recusancyfrom26Sept. 1586: conv 24Apr. 1587.VIII(58v).

MATHEWE , John, gent., ofSilley, parish ofLlannerWaterdyne [Llanvair Waterdine ],Salop. 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1588:conv. 17 July 1589.IX(13).

MATHEWE,Matthew,'yeoman' , ofIrtlingburghe[Irthlingborough], Northants. 12mths recusancyending 2 May 1587, whenconvicted.VIII(52v).

MATHEWES,Joan , 'spinster' , ofBirrington[Berrington ],Salop. 1mth recusancyfrom 9June 1588 : conv. 10Mar. 1588/9.IX(13).

MAWDESLEY , Hugh, 'yoman' , ofStandish, Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20Sept. 1589 : conv. 22Mar. 1590/1.X(38v).

MAWDESLEY , 'Jenetta' , 'spinster' , ofLitherland, Lancs (same recusancy period and convictiondate) .-X(38).

MAXFEILD,Maxfeld, Andrew, gent , ofMeare [Maer], Staffs. 12mths recusancyfrom 6Sept. 1586 : conv 25Mar. 1588.VIII(78v).

MAXFEILD,Ellen, wid , ofMeare [Maer],Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587: conv.22July 1588.VIII(58).

MAXFEILD ,Humphrey, gent , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]197.6mths recusancyending 18Feb. 1584/5, when convicted .V(52v).

MAXFEILD , John, gent., ofMeare [Maer], Staffs 12mths recusancyfrom 6Sept. 1586: conv. 25Mar. 1588.VIII(78v)

MAXFEILD,William, esq ,ofMeere[Maer], Staffs. 12mths recusancy; convicted Easterterm 1581-2byinformer'ssuitII(54v) Debtreenrolled .III(64v) V(66) VII(64) IX(69) XI(71v) See


MAYNE , Jane , wifeofBenedictMayne ofHoggeston, Bucks.,gent. 3mths recusancyfrom 27Mar. 1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3)

MAYNERD ,Margaret, wid , ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without, London 13 mths recusancyfrom 19Jan. 1586/7: conv. 19 Jan. 1587/8.VIII(38v).

MAYNEY , Ann, wid , of HighleyCarr,Winwickparish, Lancs , relictof WalterMayney[ ]ofStaplehurst , Kent , deceased [Pipe Roll entryunder 'Kent'] Rental oflandsin Kent seized 21 Aug. 1591 forher recusancy .XI(14v) XII(32v) SeeMEYNEY , Ann.

MEADE,Mary,wifeofChristopher Meade, gent.,ofHitcham ,Suffolk . 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

MEASIE,Mary,wifeofSimon Measie, 'yeom" , of Somerton, Oxfords 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

MELLEN, Richard , 'clericus' , ofDorchester,Dorset 198.5 mths recusancy from 1 Sept. 1585: conv Lent 1586.VI(16)

MELLING,Jane, wid , of Great Crosby, Lancs. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(38)

197. HumphreyMaxfieldwascommittedtotheMarshalsea for sixmonths recusancy 198. RichardMellen an unidentifiedpriest.

MELLYN , Richard , 'clericus' , ofFarneham [Farnham],Dorset 199.5 mths recusancyfrom 20 Jan. 1583/4: conv. ?Summer 1584.V(70). See MELLEN, Richard.

MERCER,Agnes, wifeofGeorgeMercer, 'husb" , ofHardwick, Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Marc. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

MERCER,Eliz , ofBrynenge [BryningwithKellamergh], Lancs ,wifeof WilliamMercer[ 1.12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv. 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(39v).

MERCER , Mary, wifeofWilliam Mercer of EastCleidon [Claydon], Bucks ., yoman' . 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3)

MERCER , Thomas ,[ ],ofWestby, Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

MERCER,Jane, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod and conviction date).X(39v).

MERCER,William, junior, ofEastCleidon [Claydon], Bucks.3mths recusancyfrom27Mar. 1587: conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).

MERFEILD,John , 'laborer' , ofStaveley, Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586 : conv 22Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

MERRICK ,Lucy, 'spinster' , ofLlandenny,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v).

MERSHE, Katherine , 'spinster' , ofSalfordinthe parishofManchester , Lancs [prisoner ], wifeofHumfreyMershe[ 1.3mths recusancy from 17Jan. 1581/2: conv. 2 May 1582.II(38v): andonelater conviction, dated 16Jan. 1582/3.II(38v) Debtsre-enrolledVIII(46)*.SeeMARSHE,Katherine

METCALF , John , gent ,ofHeminge , inAskarth[Aysgarth] parish,N.R. Yorks 4mths recusancyfrom 14May 1587: conv.4Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

METCALF, Roger, gent , ofBerryparke , [Aysgarthparish], N.R.Yorks. (samerecusancyperiodandconvictiondate) .-VIII(25v).

METHAM , Katherine , wifeofThomas Metham , esq.,ofKyrkebyesletham [Kirkby Fleetham], N.R.Yorks 4 mths recusancyfrom 14May 1587: conv.4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

MEYNEY , Ann, wid ,ofHiglecare [HighleyCarr],Winwickparish, Lancs . 13mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv.25Mar. 1588.-

VIII(21v).SeeMAYNEY , Ann.

MIDDLETON,Midleton, John, 'yoman' , ofBurton-upon-Trent,Staffs.6 mths recusancyfrom 6Sept. 1587: conv 22July 1588.VIII(58)

MIDDLETON ,Midleton,Margaret , ofLeighton[Layton], Lancs , wifeof GeorgeMidleton, esq 200. 12mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1. -X(39v).

199. Sameas above

200. Margaret Middleton, wifeofGeorgeMiddletonofPoulton, Lancs , wasboundoverbythe Ecclesiastical Commissioners forCheshire forhercontinued appearance(endorsed '15Feb. 1583').(Cf.CRSV, p 71.)

MIDDLETON , Richard , gent , ofSpofforth, W.R. Yorks.6mthsrecusancy from 3July 1587:conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

MIDDLEMORE , John , esq , ofKingesnorton [Kings Norton], Worcs .6 mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv . 25 July1588.VIII(80v). Seizedlandslet byCrowntoHenryMiddlemorefrom22June 1588.IX(68v).X(75).XI(70).XII(71).

MIDDLEMORE, 'Amphilis' , hiswife(sameparish , recusancyperiod & convictiondate).VIII(80v).

MIDFURTHE , Oswin, gent., ofRiall[Ryal], Northumberland12mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1582 : convictiondateunspecifiedIII(52) Debt re-enrolled .VIII(57v).

MILMAN,aliasWILLIAMS,Eliz , 'spinster' , of Hanley Castle, Worcs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1586: conv 28Mar. 1588.VIII(77)

MILMAN, aliasWILLIAMS,Joan, 'spinster'(sameparish, recusancy period &convictiondate) .VIII(77)

MILTON , Katherine , 'spinster' , ofLopham, Norfolk.3 mthsrecusancy from 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54).

MILWARD ,Alice, 'spinster' , ofHanleyCastle, Worcs 12mths recusancy from 1 Apr. 1587 : conv 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(80).

MINNERS, Jane, wifeofRogerMinners, gent., ofSellack, Herefords 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586 : conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30)

MINORS,Mynors, Mynners,William, gent , ofGarwey [Garway], Herefords201 . 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8 . VIII(30). Record ofland-seizure, 23 Aug. 1588.IX(25v). Rental ofseized lands .IX(25v).X(28) XII(28) Arrearage of rent.XI(28v).

MOLYNEUX ,Molynex, Cecily, wid. ,ofInskippe , parish ofMichaelles [St. Michael-on-Wyre], Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv 25Mar. 1588.VIII(21v).

MOLYNEUX , Thomas , gent , ofPemberton , Wiganparish,Lancs . 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 May1588: conv. 17Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

MONNINGTON, Katherine , wid , ofSarnesfeild, Herefords 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(30).

MONNINGTON, Richard , gent. (sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).VIII(30).

MONNINGTON,Richard,[ 1 , ofSernefeld [Sarnesfeild], Herefords

Twofines of£20imposed forignoringsheriff'ssummonsesafter excommunication , 4Apr.and 27 May 1581.III(28)* Debtsreenrolled .V(26), (26v)

MOORE,Ann,[ 1 , of Barnebroughe [Barnbrough ],W.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

201. WilliamMinorsand Katherine , hiswife, wereamong theprincipalandmostdangerous recusantsinHerefordDiocesein 1603.(Cf. CRSII, p 296.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

MOORE,More , Edward, gent ,ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]202. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3,whenconvicted .IV(49v);and three laterconvictions , ending 20 July 1584.IV(49v)* . V(50v). Debts re-enrolled .VI(51)*

MOORE ,More,Edward, 'yeoman' , ofIslington[Tilneywith Islington ], Norfolk.9 mths recusancyfrom 18 July 1587:conv 15July1588.VIII(54v). Debt re-enrolledX(53)

MOORE,More,John , gent , ofLaunceston, Cornwall 2mths recusancy from13Oct. 1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(8).Debtreenrolled .X(8v).

MOORE,John,gent , ofWestminster , Middx[prisoner]203. [Pipe Roll entries under 'Oxfords']3 mths recusancyfrom27June 1581 ,conv. 20 Dec. 1581.II(29v):and eleven later convictions , ending 17 Nov. 1583.II(29v)* ,(44)* Debtsre-enrolledIV(29)* ,(29v)* VI(30v)*

MOORE, Katherine , 'spinster' , ofHampton, Oxfords 12 mths recusancy from 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

MOORE, Robert , 'yom",of BreckellesMagna,Norfolk 12mths recusancy from10Mar. 1582/3: conv. 10Mar. 1583/4.IV(44v): andonelater conviction, dated 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

MOORE, Thomas , gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]204.80days recusancyending22July1583, whenconvicted .IV(49v): and one laterconviction,dated 20July 1584.V(52v). Debtsre-enrolled.VI(51).

MOORE, Thomas , gent., ofLayton[Leyton ], Essex204(a) 3 mths recusancy

202. Edward More(Moore)wasbornat Whaddon , Cambs.,4m northofRoyston (Cf.CRS II, p 231.)The grandson ofSt.Thomas More, hewasarrestedat Doveron arrivalfromoverseason2 Aug. 1581 , and committed withJohn , his nephew,tothe Westminster Gatehousebefore June 1583 (Cf. CRSII, pp 230, 231.) He wasmoved fromthe GatehousetotheMarshalsea before the lastday ofJune, disappearing after8 Apr.1584 . 203. John More(Moore) of Westminster , Middx ,wasthe great grandson ofSt.Thomas More. Hewascommitted to Newgate on 1 Jan. 1585/6 'forthe Romish Religion ' andwastwice examined byJustice Young and other commissioners (Cf.CRSII, pp 248, 252.)Was stillthere inJune 1586 Was busilyengagedwiththe authorities over recusancypenalties (Cf. CRS II, p 235.)(Cf.D. Shanahan, 'The DescendantsofSt.Thomas More John More, 1557-1599 ' inEssexRecusant vol 19 , (1977), pp 2-4) FromExannual RollexPipe Rollof23 Eliz (E . 372/427) under 'Oxon' , John Morewasfined£20forrecusancy from 19Nov. 1581 to hisconvictionon 18Dec., when his debtsduetothe Crown amounted to: -

£60from 15 Mar. 1581 to 17 June

£60from 18 June 1581 to23Sept.

£60from 25 Sept. 1581 to 1 Jan.

£40 from 3 Jan. 1580/1 to 17 Mar.

£40 from 18 Mar. 1580/1 to 17May

£60from 18May 1580to 18Aug.

£40 from22Sept. 1580to 17Nov.

(3 months recusancy)

(3 months recusancy)

(3 months recusancy)

(2months recusancy)

(2months recusancy)

(3 months recusancy)

(2 months recusancy)

204. Thomas More(Moore) ofChelsea, Middx , wasthe grandson ofSt.Thomas More Hewas committedtotheMarshalsea , 28Apr.1582.(Cf. CRS II, pp 231,233, 235, 240.)Hewas recommitted as 'Thomas Moore , Gent 'byMr. Justice Young on 1 Jan. 1585/6, and 'sincenot examined' (Cf. CRS II, pp 242,244, 251.) Hewasstill in theMarshalsea on 18June 1586

204A Thomas Moorehadtwo-thirdsofhis lands at Barnburgh Manorand Moseley Tilte, Yorks W.R.,seizedfor his recusancyon 9 Dec.1590.Thesewerethen let bythCrowntoJohn Southerne , gent , forthe samerent (£10-0-4per annum)from Ladyday 1591

from 25 Mar. 1588 : conv. 13 Mar. 1588/9XI(10v)[Pipe Rollentries under 'Yorks'] Record of land-seizurein Yorks, 9 Dec. 1590.-

XI(10v).Rental ofseized landsinYorks.XII(24).Seizedlandsin YorksletbyCrowntoJohn Southerne from Ladyday 1591.XII(25v).

MOORE ,More,Thomas, 'yoman' , ofRiple [Ripple],Worcs .6mths recusancyfrom 29Sept. 1587 : conv 25 July1588.VIII(80v)

MOORE,alias ofTALBOTT,Elizabeth .

MORDANTE,Agnes, wifeofWilliam Mordante, esq , ofOkeley[Oakley], Beds. 3 mths recusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1587:conv. 20Mar. 1587/8.VIII(1).


MORECOCK ,William, 'yom" ,ofDorchester,Dorset 12 mthsrecusancy from 2 July 1587:conv. 15July 1588.VIII(19v).

MOREY ,Margery,wifeofRichard Morey,[ 1 , ofSt.Mary'sparish, Nottingham 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588. [Pipe Rollentryunder 'NottinghamTown' ('VillaNot").]

MORGAN,Ann, 'spinster' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon. 5 mths recusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v)

MORGAN,Ann,wifeofPhilipMorgan,[ 1,ofSkenfrith, Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(48v).

MORGAN,Christopher , gent ,ofSt.Dunstan's parish,Canterbury ,Kent [? prisoner] 7mths recusancyending 22 Feb. 1583/4 , when convictedIV(12). Debt re-enrolledVI(12).

MORGAN , Christopher, gent , ofGowdeherst [Goudhurst ],Kent . 9mths recusancyfrom 18Mar. 1580/1: conv ? 9 Jan. 1581/2.II(28).

MORGAN,Eliz. , 'spinster' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.5 mthsrecusancy from 24Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v)

MORGAN ,George, gent (sameparish, recusancyperiod&conviction date) .-VIII(48v).

MORGAN, Jane, 'spinster'(same parish , recusancyperiod&conviction date).VIII(48v)

MORGAN,JaneJames, 'spinster' , wifeofJohn apJohnMorgan,[ ], of Llangattocknigh Usk, Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconviction date).VIII(49)

MORGAN,Joan, 'spinster' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.(same recusancy period and convictiondate).VIII(48v)

MORGAN, John, gent. (same parish , recusancyperiodandconviction date) .VIII(48v).

MORGAN, Jane, hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod &conviction date).-VIII(48v)

MORGAN, John Watkin, 'yoman' , ofLlanarth,Mon.(samerecusancy period& convictiondate) .-VIII(48).

MORGAN, Lady, wifeofSirRichard Morgan, knt , ofLlanthewySkirrid, Mon. (samerecusancyperiod and conviction date) .-VIII(49)

MORGAN, Margaret , 'spinster' , wifeof[ ]Morgan,[ ], of Aburgavenny[Abergavenny ],Mon.8mthsrecusancyfrom 19 July


1585:conv.4Mar. 1585/6.VI(40v).

MORGAN ,Margaret, wifeofRogerMorgan,[ ],ofUsk,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

MORGAN , Margaret verchJohn, wifeofWalterMorgan,'yoman' ,of LlanthewySkirrid,Mon.(same recusancyperiod & conviction date).-VIII(49)

MORGAN ,Mary, wid., wife[sic] ofRichard Morgan, esq., ofLlanvihangel Crucorney,Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).- VIII(48v)

MORGAN,Matilda, 'spinster' , ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).VIII(48v).

MORGAN, 'Polidorus' , gent , ofWestminster ,Middx[prisoner]205.[Pipe Rollentriesunder 'Monmouth'] 3mths recusancyfrom27June 1581: conv.26Sept. 1581.II(38): andfour later convictions , ending 16 Mar. 1581/2.II(38)*.

MORGAN,Richard , 'clericusrecusans' ofSalop206. Goods, value £8, seized Jan. 1590/1;paid May 1591.IX(69v)

MORGAN,Roger, gent , ofTredennocke [Tredunnock ],Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

Record ofland-seizure, 24Oct. 1588IX(42v) Rental ofseized lands .IX(42v).X(50).XI(45).

MORGAN, Eleanor, his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod &conviction date).- VIII(49).

MORGAN, Thomas , gent., of parish ofSt. Dubricius [St.Devereux?], Herefords .Twofines of£20 imposedforignoringsheriff's summonsesafterexcommunication , 4Apr. and 27 May1581.III(28)* . Debts re-enrolled .V(26), (26v)

MORGAN, Thomas, esq., ofArkeston, parish ofKingstone,Herefords .2 mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1584/5: conv ult Feb. 1584/5.V(26v): and fivelaterconvictions , ending 18 Mar. 1587/8.V(26v).VI(25)* . VIII(30)

MORGAN,William, gent , ofLlantilio Pertholey , Mon. 5 mths recusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v).

MORLEY,Morreley, John, 'yeom" ,ofNewton byTofte, Lindsey, Lincs 10mthsrecusancyfrom9Sept. 1586: conv. 28 Mar. 1588.VIII(44v). Debt re-enrolled .X(16v) Goods, value £4, seized 12Aug. 1588.IX(40v).Record oflandsseized 12Aug. 1588.IX(40v).Rental of seized lands .IX(9).X(42).XI(42).XII(41).

MORLEY, Richard , 'husb" , ofAlciston, Sussex 5 mths recusancyfrom 20Aug. 1587: conv 5 July1588.VIII(63)

MORRIS, Ann, 'spinster' , ofHanley, Worcs. 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25July 1588.VIII(80v).

205. PolidorMorganwasa prisoner in the Westminster Gatehouse . Hewasdischargedby Walsingham , 18Aug. 1582.(Cf. CRS II, pp 219,225 ,230)

206. RichardMorganan unidentifiedpriest

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

MORRIS,Ann, 'spinster' , ofLongdon , Worcs.2 mths recusancyfrom 7 April 1588: conv. 6Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v)

MORRIS,Ann, 'spinster' ,ofRaglan,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom24Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48)

MORRIS, David, 'laborer' , ofNewton , Salop. 12mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 18July 1588.VIII(16v).

MORRIS, David, 'yoman' , ofLlandenny , Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v)

MORRIS,Mores, Morres ,Morrys, Edmund , gent , ofGreatCoxwell, Berks. 3 mths recusancyfrom 23 Mar. 1580/1: conv 18June 1581.II(65v): and seven later convictions , ending4 Mar. 1587/8.II(65v). III(50v).IV(3v). V(4v) VIII(5). Debtsre-enrolled .VI(3v).

MORRIS,Morres , Edmund , gent , ofSt. Mary'sparish , Reading, Berks [prisoner]207.80 daysrecusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3: conv.4June 1593.III(50v): andonelater conviction , dated20July 1584IV(46) Debt re-enrolledV(4v) VI(3v).

MORRIS, Morres , Morrys, Francis, esq , ofSt. Bride's parish, Farringdon WardWithout, London[prisoner]208.[PipeRollentriesunder 'Berks']. 1 mthrecusancyfrom 7 Dec. 1581: conv. 19 Jan. 1581/2.I(3v):and twolater convictions , ending 27 Dec. 1582.1(3v). II(65v). Debtsre-enrolled .III(33v) V(3v) VII(3v)

MORRIS,Moris,George, 'clericus' , ofUsk, Mon.209.5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

MORRIS,Moris, 'Jenetta' , wid , latelywifeofWilliamMoris,[ ], of Usk,Mon. (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(49).

MORRIS,Joan, 'spinster',ofRaglan, Mon.(same recusancyperiod& convictiondate).-VIII(48).

MORRIS,'Jonetta' , 'spinster'(same parish, recusancyperiod & conviction date).-VIII(48)

MORRIS, Moris, Lewis, 'yoman' , ofLlanvetherine , Mon.(same recusancy period and convictiondate).-VIII(49).

MORRIS, 'Llykua' , 'spinster' , ofRaglan, Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(48).

MORSE ,Ann,wifeofLionelMorse, gent , ofWesthorpe,Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv. 27Mar. 1588.VIII (73)

MOUNDINGE,William, 'webster' , ofLivesey, Blackeborne [Blackburn ] parish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587:conv. 17Mar. 1588/9.X(35).

207. Edmund Morrieswasimprisoned inReading Castle; bailed bywarrantofthePrivy Council (Cf. CRSXXXII, p 118.); date of dischargeunrecorded

208. Francis Morris, of Great Coxwell Manor, Berks , wasimprisoned in the Fleet,and bailed bywarrantofthe PrivyCouncilon 12 Feb. 1582/3 (Cf. CRSII, pp 223, 229.)Hediedin 1584

209. GeorgeMorris, a pre-Elizabethan priest, wasan OxfordMA , and held the livingof Yatein the Diocese ofGloucester fromKingEdward VI's reign Hewasdeprived 'on account ofnot reading theArticles'of 1571 , andwent toRheimes in 1581.Hehad the reputationofbeing a 'catholicrecusant' (Cf.Knox,p. 82.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

MOUNSEY , Samuel, ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]210,80daysrecusancy ending 20 July1584, whenconvicted.V(52v)

MOUNTFORD,Ann,[ ],ofColshull[Coleshill], Warwicks 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv. 21 July 1589.IX(11v)

MOUNTFORD,Ann, wifeofWilliam Mountford, gent , ofKingeshurst, Colshall[Coleshill] parish,Warwicks 7 mths recusancyfrom 12 July 1586: conv. 15Mar. 1586/7.VIII(76).

MUNCKTON ,Christopher , esq., ofLondesbrough [Londesborough ], E.R. Yorks Fine of 100 marks forrecusancyimposed byHigh Commissioners,25Mar. 1583. Paymentsby instalments completed 22 Oct.1589.VIII(27).

MUNCKTON , Christopher , esq , (ofsame parish) 6mthsrecusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27)

MURRYN,MORWEN, John , 'clericus' , of Salford intheparishof Manchester,Lancs [prisoner]211. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20Feb. 1582/3:convicted 22Jan. 1583/4[sic].-IV(37) Debt re-enrolled.― IV(42v) VI(39)

MURYELL , James, 'yoman' , ofHarleston , parish ofRednall [Redenhall], Norfolk. 12mths recusancyfrom 12July 1588: conv. 7 July1589.IX(45v). Debt re-enrolled.XI(48)


NANFAN , Giles, esq., of London, alias ofBrintsMooreton[Birtsmorton], Worcs . 1 mthrecusancyfrom 2 Apr. 1592: convictiondate notstated [Pipe Rollentryunder 'London']212.XII(40v)

NARWOOD , Eliz ,wifeofWilliam Narwood, esq , ofLekehampton [Leckhampton ], Gloucs 5 mths recusancyfrom26Mar. 1587: conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82).

NASHE,Nayshe,Alice, [widow], ofSt. Sepulchre'sparish,Farringdon WardWithout,London 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1587: conv . 10July 1587.VIII(38v).Goods, value £8-11-10, seizedTrinity term, 1590.X(46)

NASHE,John, 'yeoman',ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]213.10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3,whenconvicted .III(58v).Debt re-enrolled .V(52v).

NEEDHAM, Nedeham, Nedham, Brian, 'clericus' , ofHamstallRidware , Staffs.4mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv. 2Aug. 1582.II(14).Debt re-enrolled .IV(62) VI(63).

210. Samuel Mounsey, a Brownist prisoner in the Clink, wasconvicted on 20July1584 ,for nonconformityinreligion (Cf. CRSII, p 235.)

211. John Murren'slife as a pre-Elizabethan priest is outlined until 1561 in DNB XXXIX , p 170.Hiscareeras a fugitiverecusant priest isdescribed in Wark, pp 176, 177.)

212. Giles Nanfan(Cf. CRSXVIII , pp 146,363 )

213. John Nash, a 'precisian' , wasa prisoner in theMarshalsea in 1583 , andwasmoved to Newgate on19Mar. 1583/4 .(Cf. CRSII, pp 226 , 229.)


NEEDHAM , Nedeham, Nedham, Brian , 'clericus' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner]214.5mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3,when convicted .III(58v). Debt re-enrolled. V(52v)

NEEDHAM , Thomas , 'yoman' , ofEnvild [Enville], Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587:conv. 22 July 1588.VIII(58)

NEWCOMBE,Joan,wid. , ofBarford[? Barforth]Dykes,inGillinge parish, N.R.Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv. 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v)

NEWETHE, Thomas, 'tailor' , ofHemingbrough , E.R.Yorks 4mths recusancyfrom28Mar. 1581: conv. 17 July1581.I(21v). Debt reenrolled .III(24) V(22)

NEWLAND , Gregory , 'yeoman' , ofScoruston [South Rushton],Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54)

NEWPORTE,Geoffrey['Galfridus'], 'yoman' , ofPatsill[Patshull], Staffs . 6mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588 : conv 14Mar. 1588/9.IX(69v).

NEWPORTE, John, gent , ofHanley Castle, Worcs 12mths recusancy from 20Sept. 1586: conv 28Mar. 1588.VIII(77) Goods,value £5-13-4, seized 31 Sept. 1588.IX(68v)

NEWPORTE, Margaret , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(77).

NEWSAM, Bridget , 'spinster' ,ofWeton [Weeton], Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

NICOLLS, Thomas , 'tanner' , ofRosse [Ross-on-Wye], Herefords Fine of £20imposed27May 1581 forignoringsheriff'ssummonsafter excommunication .III(28).

NICOLLS, Thomas, 'yoman' , oftheparish ofSt. John Baptist,Hereford.6 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv 14 July1589.IX(25v).Debt re-enrolled .XI(29).

NOBLE, John,gent , oftheparish ofSt.MaryinWolchurch, Brodestreate [Broadstreet]Ward, London 3 mths recusancypriorto20Apr.1588 , whenconvicted.VIII(38v).215

NORDEN , John , gent , ofNorton, Kent 2mths recusancyfrom 17Dec. 1587: conv 26Feb. 1588/9.IX(29) Record ofland-seizure, 10June 1590. -X(33).216

214. Brian Needham, anunidentifiedpriest probablyconnected withtheStaffordshire Fitzherbert'shad beencommittedto theMarshalsea sinceJune 1582 , and stillremained there in Mar. 1583/4 .(Cf. CRSII, p 231.)

215. John Noble a person ofthisnamewasimprisoned intheWestminster Gatehouseon8Apr. 1584 , 'formatters ofreligion' (Cf. CRSII,p 235.)

216. John Norden's lands seized , 10June 1590 , fora rent of £73-6-8perannum , wastwothirdsofthe siteofthe late monastery ofLeeds, near Maidstone , withlands inLeeds,Bromfield and SuttonValence in Kent, inthe tenure oroccupation ofJohn Norden, William Reynold, Robert Lambe , gent , Walter Taylor, gent , Thomas Wyatt,and John Rouse; two-thirdsof a brewhouse in Sittingbourneand Milton, Kent; and two-thirdsofthe Rectory housein Rainham , Kent These lands now discharged (Cf.M.R. , L.T.R., 33 Eliz., Hilary Term , 'Recorda' section )

NORRIS,Norrys, Richard , 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]217.10 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted .III(58v) Debt re-enrolled .V(52v).

NORTHE,Agnes,wid.,of[ JinEdleston [Edlaston] parish, Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

NORTON, Anthony,[ 1 , ofSt. Clement's parish, Winchester , Hants 6 mths recusancyfrom 1 Dec. 1588: conv 23 June 1589. - IX(59v).

NORTON,Henry, 'yoman' , ofWestham , Sussex. 2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587 : conv 26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v) Recordoflandseizure , 17 Jan. 1589.IX(54v) Rental ofseized lands .X(65v). XI(55v).XII(56v)

NORTON,Richard , gent , of Cheston [Chediston],Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom8Apr. 1587: conv 27Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

NORTON,Walter, esq , ofCheston [Chediston],Suffolk.9mths recusancy from 29 Sept. 1581 : conv 18 July1582.VI(58): andtwolater convictions , ending 12 Sept. 1586.VI(58)* . Lands seized &letby Crownto John Forrest from Ladyday 1589.IX(64).X(63v). XII(66).John Forrest's lease: arrearageofrent (£30debt).-XI(72v).

NORTON,Walter, gent , ofWereham, Norfolk 6mthsrecusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1585: conv 21 Mar. 1585/6.VI(25v).

NORTON,Walter, esq., ofWereham,Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 6 Jan. 1586/7: conv 6 Apr. 1587. - VI(25v).

NORWOOD , Thomas, gent.,ofGreatStanmore,Middx.3 mths recusancy from 1 July 1588: convicted 2 Dec. 1588.IX(37).218

NUTTALL, Margaret , 'spinster' , ofYork Castle, Yorks[prisoner].5mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1582/3: conv. 17May 1583.IV(21). Debt reenrolled .VI(22).

NUTTER,Robert , 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish , Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]219.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv 17July 1587. - IX(54).

NUTTNALL ,Grace ,[ ],ofSwillond[Swilland ], Suffolk.9mths recusancyfrom 13 July1587: conv. 10July 1588.VIII(73) Debt reenrolled .X(64)

NYTINGALE , Ellen, 'spinster' , ofCharsfeild , Suffolk 3mths recusancy from 8 Apr. 1587 : conv 27 Mar. 1588.VIII(73).

OGLES ,Edward, 'yoman' , ofDuxbury, Lancs. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38v).

OGLESTROPE ,George, gent , ofGisley[? Guiseley],W.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1588.VIII(27).

217. Richard Norris(Cf. AnstrutherI, pp 254 , 255.)

218. Thomas Norwoodwasthree times convicted of recusancybetween 18Mar.and 24 Dec. 1582 , (Cf. Jeaffreson I, pp 122, 127 , 129.)the firsttimebeing theearliest indictmentissuedin Middlesex in 1581 forthisoffence Theseearlier convictions do not seem to havebeencertifiedto theExchequer . 219. Robert Nutter(Cf. AnstrutherI, pp 259,260 )

OGLETHORPE ,Henry, gent , of Beal[orBeaghall],W.R.Yorks. Fineof 100 marks imposedbyHighCommissioners , 1582-3 .III(25) Debt re-enrolled .V(23v). IX(22) XII(25v).

OGLETHORPE, Henry, gent , ofDripoole[DrypoolWard],parishof Swyne[Swine],Kingston -upon-Hull, E.R. Yorks [prisoner] [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Kingston -upon-Hull']. 12 mths recusancyfrom 6 Aug. 1581: conv 6Aug. 1582.II(29) Debt re-enrolled .VI(22).

OKES, Emma, 'spinster' , wifeof HenryOkes, 'yoman' , ofAylesham, Norfolk. 11 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1582: conv 8July1583.III(72v). Debt re-enrolledV(46v)

OLIVER, aliasSTONE, Thomas .

ONSLOWE,Katherine , wid , ofCastleton [Chastleton],Oxfords., recusant.Lands seized 17Apr. 1591 andlet by Crown toRichard Ferris from 27 July 1591.XII(54) SeeANSLOWE,Katherine

ORME,Richard, 'yoman' , ofAlchurche [Alvechurch], Worcs. 2mths recusancyfrom 7Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v).

OVEINGTON , Joan, wid.,ofExelbye[? Eppleby],N.R.Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv. 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

OWEN , Juliana , 'spinster' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.5 mthsrecusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v)

OWEN ,Richard,esq. , ofGodstowe, Oxfords Fineof£40imposed28June 1577 byHighCommissioners atconsistory ofSt.Paul'sCathedral , London -IV(29v).220

OWEN ,Richard, esq , [ofGodstowe, Oxfords ]. 1 mthrecusancyfrom6 Sept. 1581: conv. atOld Bailey, London, 6Oct.1581.I(45):and threelaterconvictions ending 9 Apr.1582.I(45)* . Debtsreenrolled .III(73v)* . VI(30)* [Pipe Rollentriesunder 'Oxfords'].

OWEN , Richard , gent. ,ofSt. Bride's parish, Farringdon WardWithout, London 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv. 28July 1581221.[Pipe Roll entryunder 'London'].I(32v) Debtreenrolled .III(38v). V(35).VII(30v).

OWEN,Richard, gent., ofOxfordshire Record ofland-seizure , 21 Feb. 1587.VIII(59v). Rental of lands seized in Oxfordshire(Wolvercote manorandGodstowe messuage ).VIII(14v) IX(50) X(57).XI(53) XII(53).

OWEN , Owene, Richard , 'yoman' , ofLlanllowell, Mon.5mthsrecusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v)

OWEN , Owene,Margaret , his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

OWEN , Owyn, Thomas, gent. , of Elsfeild [Ellisfield], Hants 22212mths

220. Richard Owen answeredthe finein rotulo2 JamesI.

221. RichardOwenwas a prisoner in the Fleet for'matters ofrelgion' Hewasdischargedon 11 Nov. 1582.(Cf. CRSII,p 229.)

222. Thomas Owen wascommitted tothe WoodStreet Counter in June 1586,until hegave suretyforpayment ofhis fines forhearing mass. Hewasstillthere in Nov. 1586, desiring tohavehis debt stalled inthe Exchequer (Cf. CRS II, pp 252, 262, 265, 269.) Owen's landsat Ellisfield, near Basingstoke, Hants, werelet bythe Crownto William Style fromMichaelmas 1588 , but he held the leaseonlyuntilEaster term 1589.(Cf. M.R., L.T.R., 31 Eliz , Easter Term, 'Recorda' section )

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

recusancyfrom 16 Sept. 1582: conv 7Jan. 1583/4.IV(53):andthree laterconvictions , ending29 Oct. 1586.V(57)* . VII(53v), (54) Debts re-enrolled .VI(54) VIII(68) Record ofland-seizure,22Apr. 1588. VIII(67v) Seized landsinEllisfieldletbyCrowntoWilliam StylefromMichaelmas 1588, @ £6-13-4p.aVIII(68v).

PACKINGTON , Humphrey, gent., ofLondon, aliasofChaddesley [Corbett], Worcs , recusant223. Crown Lease Lands inSalop(viz the manorand rectoryofDuttonaliasDitton [DittonPriors]andalllands pertainingtothem in Dutton,Middleton, Dorrington, Pokesmoreand Huddwick, inthe tenure ofJohn Markes, and apasturecalled 'Powehede'inthe parish ofHopton, Salop): alsolandsinWorcs.(viz. the manororcapital messuage ofHarvingtoninthe parishof ChaddesleyCorbett) Seized forrecusancy2 Oct. 1591 andletby CrowntoWilliam Sebright, esq., from 25 Nov. 1591 ,foranannual rent of £26-13-4 .XII(64v).

PAGE, Jane, 'spinster' , ofSt. John's parish 'atthe end ofOwsebridge' , city ofYork[?prisoner]224. 3 mths recusancyfrom 12 Apr.1582: conv. ? July 1582.II(8) Debt re-enrolled .V(8) VII(8) IX(8)

PALMER,John, gent , ofShawevillage, 14m.N.ofNewbury, Berks . 3 mths from25Mar. 1580/1: conv.26June 1581.I(11v) Debtreenrolled .III(33v) V(3v) VII(3v)

PALMER, John,gent , ofSpene, village , 1m N.W. ofNewbury,Spyne [Speen], Berks225.8 mths recusancyfrom 26 June 1581: conv. 26 Feb. 1581/2.1 (11v): andtwolater convictions , ending 24 Feb. 1583/4.- II(65v).IV(3v). Debtsre-enrolled .III(33v).V(3v) VI(3v) VII(3v)225(a)Palmer ofShawehad leftprison bythis date:Palmer of Speenwasnearby free by Feb. 1583/4

PALMER, Paulmer , John, gent., ofSt. Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks [prisoner]2268mths in prison from 30 June 1582: convicted ? Feb. 1582/3.II(65v):and six later convictions , ending ?Aug. 1586.III(50v).IV(46).V(4v)* .VI(4v)*.

PALMER,John, gent , ofEdmonton, Middx 3mths recusancyfrom 3 Oct. 1588: conv. 14 Feb. 1588/9.IX(36v).

PALMER , Richard , 'yoman' ,ofEdmonton, Middx 3mthsrecusancyfrom 20Mar. 1587/8: conv 28 June 1588. - IX(37).

PALMER, Simon, 'clericus' , ofthe cityofWinchester , Hants. [?prisoner]227.5mths inprisonfrom6May1581: convicted ?Nov.

223. HumphreyPakington(Cf. L.and V.A. Webster, 'The Pakingtons ofHarvington ' ,inRH , vol 12 , (1974), pp 203-215, and Michael Hodgetts , 'Elizabethan Priest Holes IVHarvington' , inRH , vol. 13. (1975),pp. 18-55)

224. Jane Pagewasa prisoner in YorkCastle (Cf. CRSV,p 194.)

225. John Palmer was a prisoner in Reading Castle (Cf. CRSXXXII, p 118.)

226. John Palmer's personal addressisapparently omitted in this entry,and heisdescribed as 'ofReading Castle'

227. Simon Palmer anunidentifiedpriest, also called 'Simon Parker'in thePipeRolls


1581.I(55). Debt re-enrolled .III(62). 2 mths in prison ending4 October1581 , when convicted .V(56).


PALMER,Thomas, gent. ,ofHalton, Bucks 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1582: conv 24June 1583.III(3): and one later convictiondated 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3) Debt re-enrolled .V(2) VII(2v) Record ofland-seizurein Herefords , 8 Apr. 1591 [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Bucks'].XI(3).

PALMER , William, 'yeoman' , ofIrtlingburghe[Irthlingborough], Northants 12mths recusancyending 2 May 1587: conv.12Mar. 1587/8.VIII(52v)

PALMES, John,esq., ofNaburn , E.R.Yorks228.Fine of£100imposedinhis absencefor'contempt ' towards theArchbishopofYorkandother HighCommissioners, 2 Nov. 1585.V(23v).

PALMES, Joan, wife of John Palmes, gent , ofNayborne [Naburn]229 , E.R. Yorks 2mths recusancyfrom4 Jan. 1585/6: conv. 14Mar. 1585/6.VI(20v).

PARKE ,George, 'husb" ,ofCople [Coppull], Lancs 12 mths recusancy from 20Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38).

PARKER,Ann, 'spinster' , ofStepney,Middx 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 28 June 1587: conv. 1 Dec. 1587.VIII(38v)

PARKER, Barbara, wifeofJamesParker, gent , ofDrayton, Salop 12 mths recusancyfrom24 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18 July1588.VIII(16v).

PARKER,CharlesJohn, 'yoman' , ofRaglan, Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar.1587/8. -VIII(48).

PARKER, 'Christiana ' , 'spinster' , ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).VIII(48v).

PARKER, Jane, 'spinster' , ofBettesneweth[BettwsNewydd],Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(49v).

PARKER, Joan, latelyofMarham, Norfolk, wifeofGawin Paris[sic]of same , 'yeoman'. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54) SeePARIS, Joan

PARKER,Parkar, Roger, 'yom" , ofFerneley[?W.R.]Yorks 5mths recusancyfrom I Jan. 1582/3: conv 17May 1583.IV(21) Debt reenrolled .VI(22).

PARKER , Roger, 'yom" , 230ofYeatmister [Yetminster],Dorset 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July1588.VIII(19v).

PARKER, Simon, 'clericus' , ofthe cityofWinchester , Hants [? prisoner] 2 mthsrecusancyending 16May 1581, whenconvicted .III(50).

PARKER , Parkar, William, 'miller' , ofLinton, Cambs 10mths recusancy from 1 Sept. 1586: conv 24 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v).

228. See footnote6

229. Joan Palmeswasfined £40onher belated appearance.

230. Roger Parker wasa prisoner inthe WoodStreet Counter in 1586. Hiswifeand familylived atLisbon.Hewasregarded asa spy, and a carrier ofletters beyond the seas; betweenSept. 1586and July 1587 , at the time ofthe BabingtonPlot, it wasnoted howhefrequented the company ofpriests and papists about London (Cf. CRS II, pp 260,262,264 , 269.)


PARKINS, Ann, wifeofHenryParkins , gent , ofEastIllesley, Berks. 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Mar. 1588.VIII(5).

PARKINS, Perkins , Francis, gent. , ofLongford[Hanging Langford], Wilts 3 mths recusancyfrom 2Apr. 1587: conv 1 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(74v).Record oflandsin Berks(capital messuage ofUfton, and landsinPadworthetc)seized 1 Sept. 1590.X(10v) Rental ofsame lands . XI(4).XII(4) Above seized landsin Berks(including Sulhampstead,Snowswick & Buscot),andin Wilts(includingcapital messuage ofBathampton ) let byCrown toThomas Purcell from 15 Dec. 1590.XI(5v).XII(4).

PARKINSON ,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofWhalley, Lancs. 12mths recusancy from 20Sept. 1589 : conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

PARKINSON, Richard, gent., ofAldburgh, Stanwick [St.John]parish, N.R.Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv .4Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

PARKINSON, Robert , ofWhalley, Lancs , sonof Richard Parkinson , 'glover' . 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1. - X(40)

PARRIS, Paris, Parrys , Eliz., 'spinster' , ofMarten[Merton],Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr.1587: conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54).

PARRIS, Paris, Parrys, Ferdinand , esq , ofPudding Norton, Norfolk 11 mths recusancyfrom1 Aug. 1581: conv 23 July 1582.II(40): and two later convictions , ending 8 July 1583.III(72v) V(41v). Summaryofpre-1587 debtsfor recusancy(£833-6-8, remainder of £1,100, paid Quit).VII(40v).Annualfinesforrecusancy(£260) from15 Oct.1586: paid Quit .VII(40v).VIII(51) IX(43v).X(52v) XI(48) XII(47v)

PARRIS,Frances, wifeof Ferdinand Parris , esq., ofLinton , Cambs 10 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 24 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v)

PARRIS, Paris, Joan, wifeof Gawin Paris, 'yeoman' , ofMarham ,Norfolk. 3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54). SeePARKER,Joan

PARTON, Robert , 'clericus' , ofTamworthe [Tamworth], Staffs 231 8 mths recusancyfrom 22 July1588: conv. 21 July 1589.IX(69v).

PARTRIDGE,Partriche , Henry,[ ], ofSernefeld[Sarnesfield], Herefords .Two fines of£20 imposedforignoringsheriff's summonsesafterexcommunication , 4 Apr. and27May1581.III(28)* .Debtsre-enrolled .V(26), (26v).

PATYE, Robert, 'yom" , ofBerryparke , parish ofAyskarth[Aysgarth], N.R. Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv .4 Sept. 1587. VIII(25v).

231. RobertPartonan unidentifiedStaffordshirepriest, possibly connectedwiththeFitzherbert family.

PAULETT,Pawlett, [Elizabeth ], Lady, wid., ofCrondall, Hants Recordof property-seizure, 8 Nov. 1588 (rentsinEllisfield&PrestonCandover , Hants )IX(58) Rental ofseized property.IX(59v) X(68v) XI(59v) XII(60v) Chattels real, value £3-6-8, seized 1589.X(70v)

SeeSCROOPE ,Elizabeth , forconviction asrecusant .

PAUNSFOOTE, Ann, wifeofRichard Paunsfote, esq.,ofHafeilde [? Hasfield], Gloucs. 5 mths recusancyfrom26Mar. 1587:conv . 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82)

PAVER,Ann, wid. [relictofBarnard PaverofBranton Grange , Yorks (? W.R.)] 6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587:conv . 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).Record ofannuity-seizure, 8Apr. 1589(issuing from three granges in W.R.Yorks , viz. Branton, Barrowby and Micklethwaite) .-IX(22v) Rental ofseized property(£8-17-10 p.a., payable by Thomas Tankard, esq., ofBoroughbridge and Richard Beilbie, gent ,ofMicklethwaite).IX(21v).X(21v).XI(24v). XII(23v). Seized propertylet byCrown toWilliam Hunnis from 26 Mar. 1591.XII(25v).

PAXETON, Emma,wifeofThomas Paxeton, 'husb" ,ofWendlebury , Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v)

PEACOCKE, Pecock, Joan, wife ofWilliam Peacocke,[ ],of Worminghurst,W.Sussex .2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv.26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v)

PEARSON ,William, 'yeoman', ofCottesford [Cottisford],Oxfords. 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv . 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v)

PEASE,Isabel, wid., ofKippax,W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27)

PECKHAM , SirGeorge, knt, ofSt. Saviour's parish, Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]232 . 3 mths recusancyfrom 28 Jan. 1586/7: conv 13 Feb. 1587/8 . VIII(63).

PEERS, John, gent , ofNorwold[Northwold],Norfolk. 3 mths recusancy from 13 Apr.1587 : conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54)

PENINGTON, Robert , junior, 'yoman' , ofWigan, Lancs 3 mthsrecusancy from 1 May 1588 : conv. 17Mar. 1588/9. -X(35).

PENKEVILL,Thomas, 'yom" , ofLondon[prisoner]233. 12 mths recusancy from2Jan. 1582: conv 20 Jan. 1583/4.IV(32v) Debtreenrolled .VI(34).

PENKEWELL ,Mary, 'spinster' , ofSt. Saviour's parish, Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]234.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 17July 1587. -IX(54).

232. SirGeorgePeckham ofDenham , Bucks., and his son, were imprisoned in theClinkinSept. 1586.(Cf. CRS II,p. 257.)

233. Thomas Penkevill was imprisoned in the PoultryCounter in Apr. 1584; wasremovedto Newgate forhearing mass, 4 Oct. 1584; and wasstill there in 1588.(Cf. CRSII, pp 238 , 248, 252 , 256,270,283 )

234. Mary Penkewell wasprobablya prisoner in theClink atSouthwark .

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

PENN, Thomas, gent , ofPenne[Penn], Bucks 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587 : conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).

PENTES, Ellen, 'spinster' , ofLangford[Longford], Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586 : conv.22Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21).

PERKINS SeeParkins , Francis

PERSALL , Charles, gent , ofHillesden , Bucks. 3 mths recusancyfrom 27Mar.1587:conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(3).

PETTIE,aliasTAILER,Agnes, 'spinster' , ofMunckton[Monckton], Dorset . 6mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July1588.VIII(19v).

PETTIT, Margaret , 'spinster' , wifeofThomas Pettit,'husb",ofWest Wickham,Cambs . 10mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv . 24 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v).

PHELIPPE,John, 'yom" , ofGarwey [Garway], Herefords.Fineof100 marks imposed forhearingMass.Convicted at Herefordassizes 8 Aug. 1586.VI(25)

PHELLIPPES,Alice, 'spinster' , ofSt.Saviour's parish,Southwark,Surrey [? prisoner]. 5 mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv 17July 1587. - IX(54).

PHILBE,Alice, wid., ofSt. MaryMagdalen parish, Oxfordcity 12mths recusancyfrom 26Sept. 1586 : conv 7Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

PHILLIPPE ,Agnes, 'spinster' ,ofSt.Saviour's parish, Southwark , Surrey [?prisoner] 5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 17 July 1587. - IX(54).

PHILLIPPE , 'Alsona ' , 'spinster' , ofLlangattockvibonAvel,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v)

PHILLIPPE ,CiciliaJohn, wifeofThomas Phillippe,[ ], of Tredunnock,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).- VIII(49).

PHILLIPPE , Eliz.,wid. , ofSkenfrith,Mon. (same recusancyperiod& convictiondate).-VIII(48).

PHILLIPPE ,HoellDavid, 'yoman' , ofLlangattockvibonAvel,Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).VIII(48v)

PHILLIPPE , Hugh, 'yoman' ,ofSkenfrith,Mon.(samerecusancyperiod andconviction date).VIII(48v).

PHILLIPPE , James , 'yoman' , ofUsk,Mon. (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(49).

PHILLIPPE , John David,'yoman' , ofLlangattockvibonAvel,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(48v).

PHILLIPPE, John Richard , 'yoman' , ofRaglan, Mon. (same recusancy period andconvictiondate) .VIII(48)

PHILLIPPE ,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofBettwsNewydd,Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(49v)

PHILLIPPE ,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofRaglan, Mon. (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(48).

PHILLIPPE , WalterDavid, 'yoman' , ofLlanarth ,Mon. (same recusancy periodandconvictiondate) .-VIII(48) Rental of landsseized

(?24 Oct. 1588).IX(42v).X(50).XI(45).

PHILLIPPE , 'Jonetta' Reignoldes, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(48).

PHILLIPPE ,William, 'yoman' , ofUsk,Mon. (same recusancyperiod& convictiondate).-VIII(49)

PHILLIPPE , William, 'yom" , of Danby inleforest , E.R.Yorks. 6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27)

PHILLIPPS, Richard , 'yoman' , ofMilwich, Staffs 4mthsrecusancyprior to21 July1589 ,whenconvicted.IX(69v).

PHILLIPPS,Richard , 'yoman' , ofNewton , Salop 12 mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7:conv 18 July 1588. -VIII(16v).

PHILLIPPS ,Robert [from Lincs.:Pipe Rollentryunder 'London'] (?)of St.Bride's parish, Farringdon WardWithout,London[?prisoner]. 1 mthrecusancyfrom 6Sept. 1581: conv [atOldBailey, London]6Oct. 1581.1(35): and onelater convictiondated20Dec. 1581.1(35). Debtsre-enrolled .III(38v)* .V(35)*.

PHILLIPPS , Thomas, 'yom" , ofRomsey, Hants.Fineof100 marks imposed forhearing Mass Convicted atWinchester Sessions ofthe Peace, 7 Jan. 1583/4.IV(53).Debt re-enrolled .VI(54).

PHILLIPS,William, 'yoman" , ofMilwich, Staffs 4mths recusancyprior to21 July1589 , when convicted .IX(69v).

PHILLIPPS,William, gent. ,ofSouthwark, Surrey[prisoner]238.10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted.IV(49v): andtwo laterconvictions , ending 15 Feb. 1583/4.IV(49v)* Debtsreenrolled .VI(51)*.

PICKERINGE, Thomas, gent , of Crosthwaite ,Westmorland . 1mth recusancyfrom 3May 1588: conv 8Aug. 1588.IX(7v) Debt reenrolled .XI(71)

PIGOTT,Margaret , wifeofNicholas Pigott, gent. ,ofStokenchurch , Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26Sept. 1586: conv 7Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35)

PIKE,George, 'yoman', ofIslington, Middx. 3 mths recusancyfrom 3Oct. 1588:conv 14 Feb. 1588/9.IX(36v).

PILCHER,Pylcher, Agnes, [ ],ofHooe, Sussex 2 mths recusancyfrom 17Apr. 1587: conv.26 Feb. 1587/8.IX(54v).Recordoflandseizure, 17Jan. 1589/90(two-thirdsoflandsin Hooe recently belonging toDavidPilcher, deceased ) .IX(54v) Rental ofseized lands .X(65v).XI(55v).XII(56v).

PITTES, Pyttes, Margaret , wid , of Yestley[Iffley], Oxfords. 3mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1: conv 18June 1581.II(29v):andten laterconvictions , ending7 Mar. 1587/8.II(29v)* . III(4) IV(29)* V(47)* .VI(47v) VIII(35) Debtsre-enrolled .IV(29v) V(31v) VI(30v)* .VII(30v)* Summary ofthree unpaid debtsforrecusancy,

238. WilliamPhillippswas sentintothe Marshalsea, 6 Nov.1578, bythe PrivyCouncil,for 'papistry' , and hewasstillthere on 8 Apr. 1584.(Cf. CRSI, p 70, and CRSII, pp 231 , 233 , 235.)

dated 25Feb. 1582/3to26June 1585.Total£320.IX(51).Debtreenrolled .XII(54v).

PLATER.See Playter.

PLATT , Oliver, 'smith' , ofWigan, Lancs . 2393 mths recusancyfrom 10Oct. 1581:conv 18Jan. 1581/2.II(38v) Debt re-enrolled .VIII(46).

PLATT,Oliver, 'blacksmith' ,ofSalfordinthe parish ofManchester, Lancs. [prisoner]239 . 3 mths recusancyfrom 17Jan. 1581/2: conv .2May 1582.II(38v): and one later conviction , dated22 Jan.1583/4.IV(37). Debtsre-enrolledIV(42v). VI(39). VIII(46)*

PLATT,Oliver, laborer' , ofSalfordinthe parish ofManchester , Lancs . [prisoner] 4mths recusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1582: conv. 16Jan. 1582/3.II(38v) Debt re-enrolled .VIII(46)

PLAYTER, Plater , William, esq , ofSaterley[Sotterley], Suffolk240. Four debts ,covering 23mths ofrecusancy: (1) 9 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1581. £182-9-6 paid intoTreasury on 27 June 1584, by Robert Barney. (2) 3 mths recusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1582. £ 103 paid intoTreasury on 20Nov. 1584, byRobert Barney (3) 3 mths recusancyfrom1 Apr. 1583. £87-5-3 paid intoTreasury on 23 June 1585, by Robert Barney (4) 8mths recusancyfrom 7 July 1583. £87-5-3 paid intoTreasury on4 Feb. 1585/6, by Robert Barney. The sumofthesefour debtsamounted to£460.Thefinalconviction wasrecorded on9 Mar. 1585/6at theAssizes heldatBurySt. Edmunds 'And he (WilliamPlayter) is quit' .IV(57)

PLESINGTON, Ellen , wid , ofWesham, Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(39).

POKER ,William, 'supposedrecusantandfugitive',Staffs Goods ,value £22-10s, seized 4Sept. 1589.X(14)

POLE,John, 'yoman' , of Alchurche [Alvechurch ], Worcs 2 mths recusancy from7 Apr. 1588 : conv 6Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v) SeePOOLE , Edward.

POLLARD , Gregory, 'slaytmaker ' , parish ofSt. George, Colgate, Norwich city. 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1587: conv ?Dec. 1587.IX(10). Debt re-enrolled .XI(12)

PONDE, John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]241. 1 mth recusancyending 20July 1584, whenconvicted .V(52v): andone later conviction, dated 18 Feb. 1584/5.V(52v). SeePOUNDE , Thomas, gent., (brother)

239. OliverPlattwasimprisoned inWigan forthree months from 10Oct. 1581 to 18Jan. 1582/3 Hewasthen moved toSalford Gaol till 22 Mch. 1582/3, when he wasgiven twoperiods of twelve months in gaol (Cf. CRSV, pp 23,24)

240. WilliamPlayter'srelative, Robert Barney, between27 June 1584 and4 Feb. 1585/6 , paid intothe Treasury attheAssizesat BurySt. Edmunds , all fourdebts, totalling£460 ForWilliam Playter,(Cf.AlfredSuckling , Historyand AntiquitiesoftheCountyofSuffolk ,I,p 86.)

241. John Pound (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 281.)

POOLE, Pole, Polle, Pooley, Poule, Powle, Powell, Edward , 'yom" ,of Westminster ,Middx[prisoner]242.[Pipe Rollentryunder 'Suffolk']. 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 June 1581: conv 26Sept. 1581.II(55v):and fourlater convictions , ending 16Mar. 1581/2.II(55v)*.[Recordof debtscontinued]3mths recusancyfrom 15 Mar. 1581/2:conv. 17 June 1582.IV(57): andsixlater convictions , ending 17Nov. 1583.IV(57)* . Total, twelve debts Finalconviction atOldBailey (gaol-delivery ofNewgate) 20 Jan. 1583/4 Debtsrelegatedtothe ExchequerExannual Roll

POOLE, Ellen, 'spinster' , ofSpinkhillin parish ofGokington[Eckington], Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv . 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21)

POOLE,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofRacton, Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr.1587: conv 26Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

POOLEY, Philip, gent., ofBoughton ,Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr.1588.VIII(54) SeePOOLE,Edward.

POORE , Prudence, wifeofFrancisPoore, esq , ofBechington [? Bletchington ], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26Sept. 1586: conv 7Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35).

PORTER , Thomas , gent., ofMickleton, Gloucs. 5 mths imprisonment from 26Mar. 1587 : conv. 11 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(82). RecordoflandseizureinMickleton, 14 Jan. 1588/9.X(27v) Seizedlandsletby Crownto Thomas Keyesfrom 15 Feb. 1588/9.IX(23).X(27).

PORTER ,[date).-VIII(82).

PORTER,Thomas , gent , ofWarbarrow[Warborough],Oxfords. 5mths recusancyfrom 27 Feb. 1583/4: conv. 23 July 1584.IV(29): andone laterconviction,dated 5 Feb. 1584/5.V(47) Debt re-enrolled.VI(30v)

POTTER,George, 'clericus' , ofSt.George'sparish, Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]243.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv 17July 1587.IX(54).[ThePipe OfficeClerkconfusedGeorgePotterwith Ralph CROCKET244andEdward JAMES245.] ], hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction

POULE, seePOOLE, Edward(priest); cf.Footnote242 . POUNDE,Poundes, Pownde(s), Thomas, gent., ofFarlington ,Hants 12 mths imprisonment from 3 Mar. 1588/9: convicted 17 Aug. 1590

242. Edward Pole (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 279.)

243. George Potter(Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 337-339, under GeorgeStransham).

244. Ralph Crockett(Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 93-94, and RichardSimpson, 'TheChichester Martyrs' in TheRambler, vol 7 , (1857), pp 269-284 .)

245. Edward Jameswasmartyred withRalphCrockett.The payment oftheirescort still survives: 'ToJohn Puttrell, one ofthe messangersofH.M.Chamber, upon Warrantof8 Nov. 1588,forchargesinescorting four prisonerstwofromthe Clink(John Owen and Edward James) and twofromthe Marshalsea (Ralph Crockettand Francis Edwards)-tothe sheriffofSurrey and Sussexat his houseat Cranley (Cranleigh ), Surrey, and fromthencetoChichester , and there delivered twoofthe prisoners and returned withthe other twoto Horsham andthere delivered them' (Cf.Treasurer ofthe Chamber Accounts, E.351/542 ,mem 127v )John Owen and Francis Edwards recanted

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

Record ofland-seizureinHants, 29 Dec. 1590.XI(61).Rental of lands seized in Sussex , 14Jan. 1591/2.XI(57).Rental oflandsseized HainHants,29Dec. 1590.XI(61) XII(60v) Seized landsinHants,let byCrownto Francis Cottonfrom20 Feb. 1590/1.XII(62)

POWELL, 'Alsona' , wifeofThomasPowell,[ ], ofLlanthewy Skirrid, Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:convicted 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

POWELL, Edward , 'yom" ,ofSt. Margaret'sparish,Westminster [prisoner].[Pipe Rollentryunder 'Warwicks']. 1 mthin prisonfrom 18May 1581: conv 26June 1581.I(62v) Debt re-enrolled.―

III(69v).V(64v).SeePOOLE, Edward , andFootnote242

POWELL, George, 'yoman' , ofTredunnock , Mon. 5 mths in prison from 24 March1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

POWELL, Joan, wifeofWatkin Powell,[ 1,ofLlanthewySkirrid,Mon. (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).-VIII(49)

POWLE, seePOOLE, Edward , andfootnote242 .

POWLTHRELL, Cassandra, ofWest Hallam,Derbys , wifeofWalter Powlthrell, esq 10mths imprisonment from 9 Sept. 1586: conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(21)

PRATT,Agnes, 'spinster' , of Harrowden ,Northants 12 mthsinprison ending 2 May 1587: conv. 12 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(52v).

PREESTE ,[ ],wid.,ofFilloughley[? Fillongley], Warwicks . 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv 21 July1589.IX(11v)

PRESCOTTE ,Ann, wid. ,ofShevington, Lancs. 12 mthsimprisonment from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38v).

PRESTON , John, gent , ofDreyton[Drayton],Salop 12 mthsrecusancy from 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18 July1588.VIII(16v) Record oflandseizureinSalop,8Apr.1589.IX(13v).Record of land-seizurein Salop& Staffs, 1 Apr. 1591.XI(54v) Rental oflandsseized 8 Apr. 1589.IX(69v).X(59v) XI(62) XII(63). Rental oflandsseized 1 Apr.1591.XI(54v).XII(63v) Chattels, value £ 13-6-8,seized 1 Apr.1591.XI(54v). Lands seized 8 Apr. 1589let by Crownto Thomas Palgrave& John Murfynefrom 2 Dec. 1590.X(67). Lands seized 1 Apr.1591 let by Crownto Griffin Price from25 June 1591.XII(64v)

PRICE, 'Aloicia' verchWatkin, wifeofThomas Powell Price, [ ], of Llanvetherine ,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

PRICE, JaneHarbert, wifeofDavidPrice,[ ],ofLlanvihangel Kilcornell[Crucorney ], Mon.(same recusancyperiod &conviction date).-VIII(48v).

PRICE, John, 'joyner' , ofCholmondeley [nr.Malpas], Cheshire . 13mths recusancyfrom25 Sept. 1586 : convictiondateunstatedVIII(58v)

PRICE,Margery , 'spinster' , ofSkenfrith, Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv . 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v).

PRICE, Pryse, William, gent. , ofSouthwark, Surrey [prisoner] 4mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6,when convicted .VI(49v)

PRICE aliasDAVIE , Alice, wifeofRichard Price aliasDavie, 'yeom" , of Windlebury[Wendlebury ], Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv.7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v) SeeAPRICEaliasDAVIE, Richard

PROBERT,Ann Somersett, wifeofWilliamProbert,[ 1 , ofTralleye [Trelleck], Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

PROBINE, Edward , 'yoman' , of[Guilden ] Sutton, Cheshire . 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 25Sept. 1587.VIII(58v).

PROBINE,Joan, Edward's wife246(sameparish, -malpassame recusancyperiod andconvictiondate).VIII(58v).

PROBINE, Probyne , Edward , 'husb" , ofWhichalgh[Malpas parish], Cheshire247. 13 mths recusancyfrom25 Sept. 1586: conviction date unstated .- VIII(58v).

PROBINE, 'Ranus'[? Randle], 'yoman' , ofMalpas , Cheshire248. 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Sept. 1587.VIII(58v) See ROBYN, 'Gwenna' .

PROCTER, Alice, wid., ofGargrave, W.R.Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27). Recordoflandseizure , 8 Apr. 1589.IX(22v) Rental ofseized lands(£8-17-10 p.a ).—IX(21v).X(21v) XI(24v) XII(23v)

PROCTER , Eliz., wid , ofWinterborne[Winterburn],W.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27)

PROCTER ,Katherine , ofToresholme [Torrisholme ,nr. Lancaster], Lancs.,wifeofRichard Procter , 'husb" 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

PROCTER ,Mary, wid., ofWinterborne, W.R.Yorks. 6mths recusancy from3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

PROGER , Prosser, John William John ,[ 1 ,ofAburgavenny, Mon.5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48) Record ofland-seizure, 24 Oct. 1588.IX(42v) Rental of seized lands (13s . 4d. p.a ).-IX(42v).X(50) XI(45).

PROGER ,MargaretLawrens,hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate) .-VIII(48).

PROSSER , David Thomas, 'yoman' , ofLlantilio Pertholey, Mon.(same recusancyperiod and conviction date).-VIII(48v).

PROUDE, Eliz , 'spinster' ,ofMarten[Merton], Norfolk . 12 mths recusancy not from 10July 1587: conv . ? July 1588.IX(45):andonelater convictiondated 7 July 1589.IX(45v). Debtsre-enrolledXI(48)*

246. Joan Probinwasindicated forhearing massinMay1582 , andwasimprisoned in Chester Castle, c. 1587.Shehad a seriesofconvictions forrecusancyuntil 1613.(Cf.Wark, pp . 41,45, 56 , 67 , 134 , 162.)

247. Edward Probin , like hiswife, wasregularlyindicted forhearing massand recusancyafter 1582.Hewasimprisoned in Chester Castle between 1592 and 1594, and again in 1598. (Cf. Wark , pp 41,45, 56, 65, 67, 82, 120, 134, 161.)

248. Randle Probin wasimprisoned in Chester Castle in 1587.Masshad beensaidin hishouse , c . 1580 (Cf. Wark, pp 161-162)


PUDSEY , Eliz., wid , ofBarford[? Barforth]Dikes , inGillingeparish,N.R. Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4Sept. 1587VIII(25v) Record ofland-seizure, 10 Apr. 1589.IX(8v). Rental ofseized lands (£40 p.a ) .-IX(21v).X(21v).XI(24v). XII(23v). Seized landslet by CrowntoWilliam Steare from 11 Oct. 1589.X(13v).XI(24v).XII(23v).

PUDSEY , Frances, wifeofAmbrose Pudsey, gent , ofArneforth(?),Yorks. 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

PUDSEY, Helen ,[ 1, (ofsame place, same recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(27).

PUDSEY ,Katherine,[ 1 ,(same place,recusancyperiod & conviction date) .VIII(27).

PULLAND , Isabel, wid., ofKippax, W.R.Yorks 6mthsrecusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

PULLEYN, Samuel,[ 1,ofKillinghall, Ripleyparish, W.R.Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4Sept. 1587. - VIII(25v)

PURDEY ,John,'yoman' , ofSt. Olave's parish, Southwark,Surrey.3mths recusancyfrom25 Mar. 1588 : conv 6Mar. 1588/9.IX(53).

PURVEY ,Mary, 'aliasOkeley incomitatu predict'[Oakley], Beds , 'spinster' 3 mths recusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1587: conv. 20Mar. 1587/8 . VIII(1)

PYE, Pie,Matilda, 'spinster' , ofSt. Peter's parish,Herefordcity.9mths recusancyfrom24June 1583: conv.2 Mar. 1583/4.V(26v): andsix laterconvictions , ending27Mar. 1587.IV(64v)* .VI(25)* .

PYMOCK,Lettice , 'spinster' , of Hanley Castle, Worcs 6mthsrecusancy from 29 Sept. 1587 : conv 25 July1588.VIII(80v)

PYNE ,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofWhitechappell ,Middx.2mths recusancy from 2 July 1589: conv 3 Dec. 1589.IX(37).

PYTTES , see PITTES, Margaret .

RABY , Alice,ofWesham, Lancs., wifeofJohn Raby, 'husb" . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39)

RADCLYFFE,LadyAnn, wid , ofCrosthwaite , Cumberland . 1mth recusancyfrom 3May 1588:conv 8Aug. 1588.IX(7v)

RAVENSCROFT ,William, 'husb" , ofWetnal[Wettenhall ] in parishof Over, Cheshire249 13mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586: conviction date unstated .VIII(58v).

RAND, Rande, Joan, wid , ofSomerton , Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(35v).

RAND,Nicholas , "yeom" , ofSomerton, Oxfords (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate).-VIII(35).

249. Willliam Ravenscroft wasindicted for recusancy atthe ChesterAssizes20Sept.1587.(Cf. Wark, pp 67 footnote, 163. )

RAND, Katherine , hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod&conviction date).-VIII(35v).

RATLEY,Richard, gent.,ofClarkenwell [Clerkenwell ], Middx 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1587: conv 19 Apr. 1588.IX(37).

RAWDEN, William, 'yom" , ofBransbye [Brandsby], N.R.Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv 18Mar. 1587/8.VIII(25v).

RAWLEY,Margery,wid , ofWichnor[Wichenor ], Staffs.4mthsrecusancy priorto21 July1589, whenconvicted . -IX(69v)

RAYLY , James,[ ], ofWestby, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

REASON , John , 'yom" , ofHarlington, Middx250 3 mths recusancyfrom18 June 1582: conv ?23 Sept. 1582.IV(32v) Debt re-enrolled.VI(34).

REASON , John, 'yoman' , ofWestminster , Middx [prisoner]250. 1 mth recusancyfrom6Oct. 1587:conv. 29 Jan. 1587/8.VIII(38v).

REES, Lewis John, 'yoman' ,ofLlantilio Pertholey, Mon. 5 mthsrecusancy from 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv . 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v) Record of land-seizure,24 Oct. 1588.IX(42v) Rental ofseized -lands(6s .8d. p.a.).IX(42v).X(50).XI(45).

REES, MatildaJohn, 'spinster' (same parish , recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(48v).

REIGNOLDES, Edward Thomas, 'yoman', ofLlanllowell , Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v).

REIGNOLDES, Eliz , 'spinster' (sameparish,recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

REIGNOLDES, George, 'yoman' , ofLlanllowell,Mon.(same recusancy period andconvictiondate) .VIII(49v).

REIGNOLDES,JamesThomas, 'yoman' , ofLlanllowell,Mon.5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49v) Record ofland-seizure, 24 Oct.1588.IX(42) Rental ofseized land (£1-6-8p.a.).IX(42v).X(50) XI(45) Seized landsletbyCrown to Hugh Williamsfrom6 July1590.XI(45) XII(46).

REIGNOLDES,Elizabeth Kemes, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconvictiondate) .VIII(49v).

REIGNOLDES, Jane, 'spinster'(same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

REIGNOLDES,Morgan, 'yoman' (sameparish,recusancyperiod& convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

REIGNOLDES,RogerThomas, 'yoman' (same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

REIGNOLDES ,William, 'yoman' (same parish, recusancyperiod & convictiondate).-VIII(49v).

250. John Reasonwasasinging man and musical assistanttoWilliamByrd, thecomposer,and Juliana , his wife, livingneartheirhouseat Harlington, from20May1581 to 1 Jan. 1586/7 , when he and Mrs.Byrdwere indicated on 13 occasions(twice together withWilliamByrd)forrecusancy (Cf. Jeaffreson I, pp. 123 , 125, 128, 129, 143 , 150 , 156, 158, 163 , 167.) He wascommitted tothe Clink in Jan. 1583/4 foranunknowntime (Cf. CRS II, pp 226-230)

REVELL,Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]251. 6 mths imprisonment ending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvictedV(52v)

REYNES , Reignes,Andrew,[ ],ofBarrowe-on-Sore[-Soar], Leics. 7 mths recusancyending 10 Aug. 1587 ,whenconvicted .VIII(45v). Goods , value£31-17-4, seized 26 Feb. 1588.IX(41v) Rental of lands seized inBarrow, 26Feb. 1588 (13s . 4d p.a.).IX(41v).

REYNES ,Margaret , his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod&conviction date).-VIII(45v).

REYNES, Nicholas ,[ ],ofStanford[-upon-Soar],Notts 3mths recusancyfrom 10 Dec. 1589:conv 30 Mar. 1590.XI(51v).Goods , value £3-6-8, seized 4 Dec. 1590.XI(51v) Recordofland-seizure, 4 Dec. 1590.XI(51v) Rental ofseized lands(£6-13-4p.a).— XII(51).

REYNOLDES,Richard , 'yeoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]252.10 mths recusancyending 11 Mar.1582/3,whenconvicted .III(58v): andfourlaterconvictions , ending 18Feb. 1584/5.IV(49v)* V(50v), (52v) Debtsre-enrolledV(52v)* . VI(51)*

REYNOLDES , Reighnoldes, Richard , gent , of St. Botolph'sparish , BishopsgateWardWithout, London. Fineof 100marks imposed for hearing Masssaidon 30 Jan. 1585/6 byWilliam Thompson inthe houseofRobert Bellamy(q.v.).Conv at OldBailey, 18 Apr.1586.VI(34v).

RICE , Alice, wifeofOwenRice,[ ],ofWonastow ,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48v).

ap RICE,Joan, 'spinster' , of Lugwarden [Lugwardine ],Herefords . 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv 14July 1589.IX(25v).Debtreenrolled.XI(29). SeeAPRICE. APPRICE.

RICHARD, Elinor Harry,wifeofPhilipJohn Richard , [ 1 , of LlanthewySkirrid,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

ap RICHARD, John, 'yom" , ofDidlaston[Dudleston],Salop. 12 mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July1588.VIII(16v).

apRICHARD, Thomas, 'yom" (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).VIII(16v) Record ofland-seizure, 8Apr.1589.IX(13v). Rental ofseized lands (6s . 8d p.a.) .IX(69v).X(59v) XI(62).XII(63) Seized landslet byCrown to ThomasPalgrave& John Murfynefrom 2 Dec. 1590.X(67). verchRICHARD,Eleanor, 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate).- VIII(16v)

251. Thomas Revell's earlier career issketched in Knox, pp 9, 141 , 145.Heislisted in Anstruther1 , p 56, under his real name, 'Thomas Brown' Hewasarrested at Islingtonand sentto the Clink in July 1585 , the episode being described, and the 37 personspresentbeing listed onthe Exannual Roll(E. 363/9, under Surrey/Sussex V, 52v,27Eliz )

252. Richard Reynoldes wasimprisoned inthe Marshalsea , 18 Feb. 1580/1, andwasstillthere on 8 Apr.1584.(Cf.CRS II, pp. 231 , 233 , 235.)

[surnameomitted]Matilda, 'spinster' , servantof Ellen verchRichard of Didlaston [Dudleston ], Salop (same recusancyperiod andconviction date).-VIII(16v).

verchRICHARD, Eliz , 'spinster' , ofLlanvihangel Pontymoile,Mon.5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(49).

verch RICHARD, Jennett, 'spinster'(same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate).VIII(49).

RICHARDES,Mary, 'spinster',ofNewporte ,Mon. (same recusancyperiod and conviction date).-VIII(49v).

RICHARDSON,Peter, 'yoman' , ofClapham, Sussex 3mths recusancy from 1 Apr.1588: conv 3 Mar. 1588/9.IX(53).

RIDGE, Rydge, John , 'yom" , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]253.4mths (£80)recusancyending 22 July 1583, whenconvicted .IV(49v) Debt re-enrolled .VI(51).

RIGBY, Rigbye, Edward, 'yoman' , ofStandish [nr Wigan], Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(38v)

RIGBY,Jenetta, 'spinster' , ofWestby , Lancs. (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate).X(39v).

RIGMADEN , Regmaden,Ann, ofWeddecar [Wedacre], Lancs , wife of WalterRigmaden , esq 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(39)

RIGMADEN,John, esq., ofWedaker manor[nr Garstang],Lancs 4mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv. Summer 1581.VI(40v) Debt re-enrolled .VIII(21v). Record ofland-seizureinWedakerand Garstang, 24Oct.1587.X(36) Rental ofseized lands(£137-8-10 p.a ).X(40v) XIII(44) [Discharge reference254] Seized property (a millin Garstang) let byCrowntoJohn Sankey, gent., from 1 May 1588.X(35), (36)[Discharged as above] Goods, value£254 , seized 24 Oct.1587.X(36), (40v) Goods, value£49-6-8, seized andpaid 10June 1589 [Inthis entryRigmaden is describedas'defunct"].- VIII(21v).

RIPINGALL , Agnes, wifeofJohn Ripingall, 'yeoman' ,ofRigboroughe [Ryburgh]Magna , Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv . 1 Apr. 1588.VIII(54)

RISSHETON , Ryssheton, Agnes, ofChurche,Lancs , wifeofJohn Rissheton, 'husb" . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

RISSHETON, Eliz , 'spinster' , daughter ofJohn Rissheton, 'husb"(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date).X(40)

RISSHETON,Ryssheton, Eliz , of Burnley , Lancs , wifeofGeoffrey Rissheton, gent (same recusancyperiod andconviction date).- X(40).

253. JohnRidge was imprisoned inthe Marshalsea from9 Dec. 1580, andwasstillthere on8 Apr. 1584.(Cf. CRSII,pp 231, 233,235 .)

254. John Rigmarden wasdischarged in 1588.(Cf.M.R., L.T.R., 30 Eliz , HilaryTerm , 'Recorda' section )

RISSHETON,Ryssheton, John , 'husb" ,ofChurche [nr Accrington], Lancs (twoconvictions)[ 1] 13 mths recusancyfrom 30July 1587: conv . 17Mar. 1588/9. [2] 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(35), (40) SeeRUSHTON.

ROBENETT,Jasper, 'yoman' , of Racton, Sussex 2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8.VIII(63v).

ROBERT , Thomas, 'laborer' , ofRaglan,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(48)

ROBERTES ,Edward, 'yoman' , ofCumberton [Comberton],Worcs . 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9.IX(70v).

ROBERTES ,William, 'yoman'ofDidlaston[Dudleston ],Salop 12mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July 1588.VIII(16v).

ROBERTES , aliasDOUGHTIE,Jane, 'spinster' , ofBenham[Bentham], W.R. Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v).

ROBINSON, Ellen , wid. ,ofBunbury, Cheshire255. 12mthsrecusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 25 Sept. 1587.VIII(58v).

ROBINSON, John , 'yom" , ofAddington, W.R.Yorks.6mths recusancy from 3 July1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(27).

ROBINSON , Robynson , Ralph , 'yoman' , ofGonnerside[Gunnerside], Grintonparish , N.R. Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587.VIII(25v)

ROBINSON,Richard, 'yoman' ,ofWestby, Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20Sept. 1589: conv 22Mar. 1590/1.X(39v).

ROBINSON ,William, 'taleor' , (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-X(39v) ](same

ROBINSON , Robynson,[ ],wid., ofMagna Marseden[GreatMarsden , Whalleyparish], Lancs., relictofRobert Robynson,[ recusancyperiodandconvictiondate).X(40).

ROBYN, 'Gwenna' , wid , ofWichalgh, Malpas parish, Cheshire256 , 13mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586 : convictiondateunstated .VIII(58v).


ROCK , Henry,gent ,ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks[?prisoner]. 2 mths recusancyfrom 28Apr. 1585: conv 24June1585.V(4v).

ROCKES , Henry, gent , ofSwyncombe, Oxfords. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom24 Feb. 1585/6: conv.25July1586.VI(47v) SeeROOKES,Henry ROCKBY , seeROOKBY , John.

ROFFE, Alice, wid , ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWardWithout, London. 13 mths recusancyfrom 19 Jan. 1586/7: conv 19Jan. 1587/8.VIII(38v).

255. Ellen Robinson wasindicted forrecusancy at the Quarter SessionsatChesterinMay 1582 and May 1584.Sheappeared to conforminOct.1585 , butwasimprisoned in ChesterCastle , c. 1587.(Cf. Wark, pp 56,67, 163.)

256. Gwen Probin (Robyn ) wasindicated for recusancy attheAssizesatChester in Sept. 1587 (Cf. Wark, pp. 67, 162.)

ROGERLEY,Margaret , ofPreese [nr Kirkham], Lancs., wifeofGeorge Rogerley,gent 12mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1589: conv.22Mar. 1590/1.X(39).

ROGERLEY, Margaret , wifeofRoger Rogerley, gent., ofWeeton, Kirkham parish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv 25Mar. 1588. VIII(21v): andonelater conviction , dated22Mar. 1590/1.X(39)

ROGERS, Edward , gent.,andAlice, hiswife[Pipe Rollentryunder 'London']owe 100marks forhearingMasssaid on7 Jan. 1581/2by Edward Osborne257 inthe FleetPrison,parish ofSt. Bride ,Farringdon WardWithout,London.I(32v) II(30v)258 .

ROOKBY,Rockby, Roobie , John , esq , ofMoreton[Mortham], Rokebie [Rokeby]parish, N.R.Yorks 13 mthsrecusancyfrom 3Sept. 1586: conv.4Sept. 1587.VIII(25v) Record ofland-seizure, 10Apr. 1589.IX(8v).Rental ofseized lands(£4-8-10p.a ) .-IX(21v).

X(21v).XI(24v). Seized landsin Morthamlet byCrowntoLaurence

Duttonfrom4Apr. 1590.XI(24).XII(23v)

ROOKES, Henry,gent ,of[ ],Oxfords 8 mths recusancyfrom25 July 1586 : conv 17Mar. 1586/7.VI(11v) SeeROCKES ,Henry.

ROOKWOOD, Rookewood , Edward, esq., ofBesthorpe,Norfolk .6mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1581/2:conv.(?)July1582259.IV(44v)

ROOKWOOD, Rookewood , Edward , esq., ofEwston[Euston],Suffolk. Summary ofpre-1587 debtsforrecusancy(Jan. 1581/2toOct.1586). Total£940 Paid by28 Nov. 1589.VII(58v). Annualfinesfor recusancy(£260): first payment covering the period 7 Oct.1586to6 Oct. 1587.VII(58v) VIII(73).IX(63v).X(63v) XI(66).XII(66v)

ROOKWOOD, Rookewood , Robert , esq , ofStannyngfeld [Stanningfield ], Suffolk 7mths recusancyfrom 12Sept. 1586: conv. 5Apr.1587.VI(58).Record ofland-seizure, 2 Nov. 1587.VIII(72). Rental of seized lands(£76-1-2p.a ) .IX(63).X(63).XI(65).Arrearage of rentXII(67).Seizedlandslet byCrownto ThomasKeysand Thomas StowefromMichaelmas 1589.X(64).XI(65v).XII(66).

ROOKWOOD,Rookewood , Dorothy, hiswife(ofsame parish) 3mths recusancyfrom 8Apr. 1587: conv. 27Mar. 1588.VIII(73)

ROOKWOOD, Rookewood , Thomas , gent , of Great Shelford, Cambs . 10 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586 : conv. 24 Mar. 1587/8.VIII(7v).

ROSKOWE ,Margaret , 'spinster' ,ofCharnock Richard , Lancs . 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22Mar. 1590/1. -X(38v).

ROSKOWE ,Margery, 'spinster' , (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate).-X(38).

257. Edward Osborne (Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 261, 262.)

258. Edward Rogersand Alice, hiswife, wereprosecuted forhearing masssaidbyEdward Osborne inthe Fleet Prison , on the informationofOsborne himselfHealsoreported three other prisoners (Cf. GodfreyAnstruther, VauxofHarrowden , (1953), pp 141-143.)

259. The sum(£120)discharged byfineand payment under 'Euston ,Suff ' ,Cf.VII(58v)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

ROSSE,Roose, Richard , 'clericus' , ofSt. Margaret's parish, Westminster [prisoner]260. [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Cumberland'] 1 mthrecusancy from18May 1581:conv. 26 June 1581I(7v) Debt re-enrolledIX(7v).

ROSSE,Roose, Richard , 'clericus' , ofSt. Margaret's parish, Westminster [Pipe Rollentriesunder 'London'] 3 mths recusancyfrom26June 1581:conv.26 Sept. 1581III(42):andninelater convictions ,ending 23 Sept. 1583III(42)* . IV(32v)* . V(35)*. VI(34)*

ROSSECARROCK , Trevenor , gent , of'Newe Inne' , Middx 12 mths mom recusancyfrom2 Jan. 1582/3: conv 20 Jan. 1583/4IV(32v) Debt re-enrolledVI(34). Fine of 100 marks imposedforhearingMasson 1 Dec. 1583 inSt. Bride's parish, Farringdon WardWithout,London Convicted atOldBailey, 20 Jan. 1583/4261IV(32v) Debtreenrolled - VI(34).

ROSSER,Annverch David, wifeofThomas WilliamRosser,[ ],of Raglan, Mon.5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

ROSSER,Matilda, wifeofMorganRosser ,[ 1 , ofLlanvihangel Ystern Llewern,Mon. (samerecusancyperiod & convictiondate)- VIII(49v)

ROWLAND, Ann, 'spinster' , ofCottesford,Oxfords 12mths recusancy from 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

ROWSE , Ann, wid , ofDinnington[Dennington ],Suffolk. 3mths recusancyfrom8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).Goods, value£15-15s , seized 7 Oct. 1588IX(64). Rental oflandsseized 7 Oct. 1588 (£20p.a )IX(64) Seized landslet by CrowntoEdward Androwes from 28 Jan. 1588/9IX(64).X(63v) XI(65v) XII(66)

ROWSE,Anthony, gent , ofDennington, Suffolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8:conv 10 July 1588VIII(73) Debt re-enrolledX(64).

ROWSHAM, Stephen, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]262. 6mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvictedV(52v). See RUSSHAM,Stephen

ROYDON, Edward [sic,forEdmund ], gent , ofGretton,Northants 12 mths recusancyfrom 16 Apr. 1587 : conv .4 Mar. 1588/9- IX(47v).

ROYDON ,[ ], 'fatherofthesaidEdmund',ofGretton,Northants (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-IX(47v).

ROYDON, Edmund ,recusant[Pipe Rollentryunder 'Northants'].Goods , value £2, seized 6 Oct. 1590X(55).

260. RichardRosse , 'anould massingpriest'wasa prisoner in the Gatehouse, sentthere bythe Bishop ofLondonand the HighCommissioners . Hewasstillthere on 8Apr. 1584. (Cf. CRS II, pp. 225 , 230 , 235.)

261. Trevenor Rossecarrock wasa prisoner inthe Tower ofLondonin 1581 , and inNewgate from Jan.1583/4 .(Cf. CRS II, pp 220 ,229,237.)

262. Stephen Rownsham (Cf. AnstrutherI,pp 296, 297.)

ROYLEY , Alice, 'spinster', ofLeigh , Staffs 4 mthsrecusancypriorto 21 July 1589, when convictedIX(69v).

ROYSTON, Edward, gent. , recusant, ofKridlinge[Cridling]Stubbs ,W.R. Yorks. [Recusancyperiod andconviction dateomitted inthePipe Rolls263] Record ofland-seizure(inPontefract andHamphallStubbs , W.R. Yorks) forpre-1587recusancyofeightmonthsatarentof £6-16-8p.a.-XII(24).

RUDBYE, seeRUGBY , John .

RUDD,Dorothy, wifeofEdward Rudd, gent. , ofKillinghall, Ripley parish, W.R. Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

RUDSTONE,Martin , gent , ofHeyton [Hayton], E.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).

RUGBY, Rudbye, John , gent [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Yorks']264 . 1 mth recusancyfrom20 Jan. 1581/2: conv 20 Mar. 1581/2I(21v).Debt re-enrolledIII(24) V(22) VII(22v) IX(22) XII(26)

RUGBY,Rudbye, John, gent , ofSt. Bride's parish , Farringdon Ward Without, London [prisoner] 7mths recusancyfrom 13 June 1582: conv. 18 Jan. 1582/3II(22v) Debt re-enrolledVI(22).

RUSHTON, Edward , 'clericus' , ofSt.Margaret's parish, Westminster, Middx [prisoner]265. [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Northants'] 1mth recusancyfrom 18 May 1581: conv 26 June 1581-1(42v) DebtreenrolledIII(48v) V(43v) VII(43v).

RUSHTON,Ellen , wid , ofParkehill, Whalley parish, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38v) See RISSHETON.

RUSSELL,Eliz ,wifeofJohn Russell, gent. ,ofWelland , Worcs. 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587:conv 25 July 1588VIII(80v).

RUSSELL,Jane, wifeofRichard Russell, 'yoman' , ofHarting,Sussex.2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

RUSSHAM, Stephen, gent , [Priest : Martyr], ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner].4mths recusancyending 20 July 1584 ,whenconvictedV(50v).See ROWSHAM, Stephen, 'clericus' .

RUTLAND,Joan, 'spinster' ,ofSt. Saviour's parish, Southwark , Surrey. 3 mths recusancy(period undated):conv 5 July 1588VIII(63).

RUTTERFEILD,John, 'scolemaster' , ofSutton , Prescottparish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom30 July 1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

SADLER,John , 'yom" , ofThorolbye[Thoralby], parish ofAskarth [Aysgarth], N.R.Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

263. Amost exceptional omission

264. JohnRugby ofDanby, Yorks., wasa prisoner in the Fleet in 1582.(Cf. CRSII, pp 223 , 229.)

265. Edward Rushton (Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 290-292,underRishton)


SADLER,Margaretverch Morgan,wifeofRobert Sadler,[ ], of Aburgavenny ,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48)

SAGER,Edward, 'scolemaster' , ofDinckeley , Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v)

SAGER ,Stephen, 'goldsmythe' , ofWiswell, Lancs (same recusancyperiod & convictiondate)-X(40).

SAGER ,alias HARRYSON, Christopher , 'husb" , ofWhalley,Lancs. (same recusancyperiod &convictiondate)-X(40).

ST. JOHN, Frances, wifeofHenrySt. John, gent. , ofHockering, Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587 : conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

SALE, John, gent , ofWorsall, N.R. Yorks 6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v) SeeSAYER,John.

SALISTEN, George, 'clericus' , ofNewington , Surrey[prisoner]266. 11 mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvictedVI(49v)

SAMPSON ,Richard , 'yoman' , ofNewington , Surrey [prisoner]267.6mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvictedV(52v) See SIMPSON, Richard, gent.

SAMPSON ,Richard , 'yoman'/gent., ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]268.4 mths recusancyending 11 Mar.1582/3,whenconvictedIV(49v): andfourlater convictions ending 16 Feb. 1586/7, whenconvictedIV(49v)*.V(50v). VI(50) Debts re-enrolledVI(51)*

SAMPSON ,Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish , Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]269.5mths recusancyfrom17 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 17 July 1587IX(54).

SANDALL, Robert , gent.,ofSheringham, Norfolk 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54)

SANDELAND, Isabel, wifeofWilliam Sandeland, 'yeoman', of'the county ofWorcester'[? Hanley Castle] 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1586 : conv 28 Mar. 1588VIII(77)

SANDELL,Anthony, 'yoman' , of Cumberton [Comberton ], Worcs. 2 mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v)

SANGWYN,Eleanor, wifeofJohn Sangwyn, 'husb",ofInglefeild [Englefield ], Berks 4mths recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1587: conv 1 July 1588VIII(5).

SAUNDER(S),Erasmus, gent , ofSt. Bride's parish,FarringdonWard Without, London[prisoner]270. [Pipe Rollentryunder 'London']3 mths recusancyfrom18 Mar. 1580/1: conv (Old Bailey)28 July 1581-1(32v).Debtre-enrolledIII(38v) V(35).

266. George Salisten (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 85, under Collinson.)

267. Richard Sampson wascommittedto theWhiteLionbythe Bishop ofLondonin July1580 (Cf. CRSI,p 69.)Hewasstillthere in Mar. 1583/4, on 8 Apr. 1584 , and in 1598 after19years in gaol (Cf. CRS II, pp 234, 237, 255 ,271,283, 287.)

268. Probablythe sameman as inthe previous note, but the description , 'ofSouthwark ,Surrey' usually refers totheMarshalsea, and the Prison Lists never connect him withthatprison

269. Thomas Sampson (Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 317-318, under Simpson )

270. Erasmus Saunderswasbornin 1575 and lived, untilApr. 1592 ,atRevingham inNorfolk. (Cf. AnstrutherI, p 300.)

SAUNDER(S), Erasmus, esq , (ofsame Londonparish : prisoner) [Pipe Roll entryunder'Wales'] 1 mthrecusancyfrom 7 Dec. 1581IV(63v):and twolaterconvictions , ending Jan. 1582/3IV(63v), (38v). Debt reenrolledVI(64v)* . 270

SAUNDER(S), Erasmus, gent., ofClarkenwell[Clerkenwell ],Middx. 3 mths recusancyfrom 3 Oct. 1588 : conv 14 Feb. 1588/9IX(36v).

SAUNDERS, Eliz., 'spinster' , ofAlton, Hants.2mths recusancyending 16 May 1581, whenconvictedV(56).271

SAUNDERS, Eliz , 'spinster' ,ofSt. Clement's parish, Winchester , Hants. 271[prisoner] 5 mths recusancyending 30 Sept. 1581 , when convictedI(55)*: andtwolaterconvictions , ending9 Jan. 1581/2 and 24 Apr. 1582III(50v) Debtsre-enrolledIII(62)*.

SAVELL, Savile,Mary,[ 1 , ofDalton[? Darton ], W.R.Yorks.6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v). Goods, value£6, seized 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v) Recordoflandseizure, 8 Apr. 1589 (propertyin Kikesborough [Kexbrough],withthe Spring Wood)-IX(22v) Rental of seized lands(£28-17-9p.a )- IX(21v).X(21v).XI(24v) XII(23v).


SAYER, John, esq., ofWorsall, N.R. Yorks. 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587 :conv (atYork Castle) 18 Mar. 1587/8 [£120paid,28 Nov. 1588. Quit];and onelatermonthofrecusancyfrom9 Aug. 1588 to 10 Sept. next [£20paid, 2 Dec. 1588. Quit]-VIII(11v)*.Annualfines forrecusancy(£260) Firstpayment , covering theperiod 16 Sept. 1588 to 15 Sept. 1589IX(20v).Paid (refsto succeedingyears:)X(21v). XI(25v) XII(11v)

SCLATER,Agnes, 'spinster' , ofBurnley,Lancs 12mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

SCOTT ,Edward,gent , of Iden, Sussex272 . 2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v)

SCOTT , Scotte,Eliz , 'spinster' , ofIden, Sussex (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(63v).

SCOTTE ,Ralph , 'clericus'/priest ('sacerdos '), ofSalford , intheparish of Manchester, Lancs [prisoner]273.3 mths imprisonment from 10 Oct. 1581:convicted 18 Jan. 1581/2II(38v): andthreelaterconvictions , ending 22 Feb. 1583/4274II(38v)* . IV(37)275 Debt re-enrolledIV(42v).VI(39) VIII(46)* .

271. Elizabeth Saunders,a nun ofSion, sisterofDr. Nicholas Sanders,visited England in 1580 from her convent in Rouen Shewas arrested atAlton, Hants , the home ofWilliamPitts ,inNov. 1580, and imprisoned in Winchester Gaol Sheremained there untilMay 1587, when she returned home (Cf.Foley III,p 65.)

272. EdwardScott wasimprisoned in the Gatehouse, 14Sept. 1586.(Cf. CRSII, p 259.)

273. Ralph Scott wasa prisoner inSalford Gaol, 28 Feb. 1582/3 (Cf. CRSV , pp. 23 , 24.)

274. The Exannual Rolls ofthe Exchequer, (E. 363/9) beginning in 1581 until 1634/5,give details ofallLancashire convictions

275. Ralph Scott wasconvicted withseven other recusants, three ofthem women,on18 Jan. 1581/2 , and withnine, nineteen and twentythree respectively, in his fourconvictions

SCOTTE ,William, gent , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]276.4mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v).DebtreenrolledVI(51) Goods, value£19-16-8 , seized byWalterCovert, sheriffofSurrey/Sussex : Michaelmas 1584X(67).

SCROGGES,Eliz ,wifeofOliver Scrogges , gent , ofReignold [Renhold], Beds 3 mths recusancyfrom29 Mar. 1587: conv 20Mar. 1588VIII( 1)

SCROGGES, Eliz , wifeofRichard Scrogges , gent , (same parish, recusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(1).

SCROOPE , Scrope, Eliz ('lately calledElizabeth Paulett'),wid ,of Crondall, Hants 10mths recusancyfrom 12 Sept. 1586: conv. 25 Feb. 1586/7VIII(67) SeePaulett,Lady

SCROOPE , Katherine , wid , ofLitlehorton, parish ofGilling, N.R.Yorks.4 mths recusancyfrom 14 May 1587: conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

SCROOPE ,Scrope, Nicholas , gent., ofItchen Stoke,Hants. 18mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv 24 Apr. 1582III(50v):and fourlaterconvictions , ending 8 July 1588IV(53) V(56), (56v) VIII(68v) Debtsre-enrolledV(56)* , (56v)* .VI(54)

SCUDAMORE, Alice, 'spinster' , ofSt. Devereux, Herefords 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv . 14 July 1589IX(25v) DebtreenrolledXI(29).

SCUDAMORE, John, esq., ofKenchurch [?Kentchurch ], Herefords 1 mth recusancyfrom 27 May 1583: conv 15 July 1583III(27):andeight laterconvictions ,ending 27 Mar. 1587IV(64v) V(26v)*.VI(25)* . Summary ofpre-1587 debtsforrecusancyVIII(30).X(29).XI(29) Debtsre-enrolledV(26) Lands seized forrecusancy16 Apr.1582 , andletbyCrownto Thomas Braban from Michaelmas 1588IX(24) X(28).XI(28).XII(28).

SCUDAMORE,John, esq.,of thecityofHereford[? prisoner]. 12mths recusancyfrom26June 1581:conv. 26 June 1582II(64):and one laterconviction, dated 7 Mar. 1582/3II(64) Debtsre-enrolledIII(27) V(26) VII(25) IX(25) Summary ofpre-1587debtsfor recusancyXI(29)

SCUDAMORE,John , gent , ofthe cityofHereford[? prisoner] 2 mths recusancyfrom6 Jan. 1582/3: conv ?Mar. 1582/3II(64): and three laterconvictions , ending 3 Aug. 1584IV(64v)*.

SCUDAMORE, Thomas, esq , ofKenchurch [Kentchurch ],Herefords.3 mths recusancyfrom 22 Sept. 1582: conv ?Dec. 1582III(27):and six later convictions , ending22 July 1585III(27) V(26v)* DebtsreenrolledV(26).VII(25) Summary ofpre-1587 debtsV(26v). XI(29).

SCUDAMORE,Thomas, esq , ofKendelchurch [?Kenderchurch], Herefords . 3 mths recusancyfrom 22 Sept. 1582: conv .9 Apr. 1583IV(64v):andsix later convictions , ending27 Mar.

276. WilliamScott,(? ofIden , Sussex ), wasa prisoner inthe WhiteLionon 8 Apr.1584.(Cf. CRSII,p 237.)

1587 - IV(64v)* . VI(25)* Summary ofpre-1587debtsVIII(30). X(29).

SCUDAMORE, Thomas, gent , ofKenderchurch, Herefords .8mths

recusancyfrom 8 Feb. 1581/2: conv.20 Sept. 1582II(64).

SCUDAMORE, Thomas, gent., ofKenchurch [?Kentchurch], Herefords 3 mths recusancyfrom22 Sept. 1582: conv 5 Jan. 1582/3II(64):and onelater conviction, dated ? Mar. 1582/3II(64).

SCUDAMORE,Thomas, 'sonofThomas' Goods, value £4, seized forthe Crownbysheriff, Richard Walwynesq , 1584.X(28v).

SEABORNE ,Seborne, John, gent ,[Pipe Rollentryunder 'Herefords '] 19 mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1580/1: conv. 8 Jan. 1582/3II(64)


SEABORNE , John , esq., ofSutton[St.Michael],Herefords . 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(30).

SEABORNE , John, gent. Record ofland-seizure,23 Aug. 1588IX(25v)

Rental ofseized lands, manor ofAllensmore &propertyin

Peterchurch (£16-13-4p.a.)IX(25v).X(28).XI(28).XII(28)

Seizedlandslet byCrowntoWilliam Wellingtonfrom Ladyday 1589 -X(29).XI(28) XII(28).

SEARSON, Sherson, Martin, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]277 . 5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb 1586/7:conv . 17 July1587IX(54).

SEMOR,Seimor, Jane, 'spinster' , wifeofAnthonySeimor,[ ], of Hartshorne , Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21)

SEWALL,Edward , 'laborer ' , ofQuerndon inAll Saintsparish,Derby, Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21v)

SEWALL, Thomas, 'laborer'(same place, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(21v)

SEWALL, William, 'laborer' (sameplace, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(21v)

SEWALL,Agnes, wifeofWilliam(same place,recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(21v).

SEXTON,Shaxton, Edmund , gent.,ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]278 . 4 mths recusancyending 11 Mar.1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v)*: andfourlater convictions , ending 17 Feb 1585/6, whenconvictedV(50v), (52v) VI(49v), (51). Debt re-enrolled -VI(51).

SEXTON, Edmund ,recusant[Pipe Rollentryunder 'Sussex'].Goods, value £40, seized1585 (12 May)-V(52v) £40paid 2 Mar. 1585/6:QuitVII(51v)

SHAKERLEY, Henry,gent , of'Sowthnewton ' , Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35)

277. MartinSherson(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 310.)

278. Edmund Sexton wasa prisoner in the Marshalsea fromJune 1582 toJuly1586.(Cf.CRSII, pp 231,233,235,240, 242, 244, 251,254 )

SHARPULLS,James, 'husb" , ofRibby, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

SHARPULLS, William, 'milner'(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(39v).

SHATTERTONE, Henry, gent ,ofErneley [Earnley], Sussex.2mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587 : conv 26 Feb 1587/8VIII(63v).See CHADERTON.

SHAWE, Barnabas, gent., ofRibby[Kirkham], Lancs 12 mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39v).

SHAWE,Francis, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]279.4mths recusancyending 20 July 1584, whenconvictedV(52v):andone later conviction , dated 18 Feb 1584/5V(52v)

SHAWE,William, 'yom" , ofSt. Bride's parish, Farringdon WardWithout , London[? prisoner] 3 mths recusancyfrom25 Mar. 1587:conv . 10 July 1587VIII(38v)


SHELDON,Jane, wid , ofAlchurch[Alvechurch], Worcs 2mths recusancy from7 Apr. 1588 : conv.6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v).

SHELDON, Ralph, esq., of Beeley[Beoley], Worcs280. 12mths recusancy ending 10 Sept. 1587 (£240 debt): and 1 mthrecusancyfrom 11 Sept. 1587 ending 9 Oct. next (£20debt) Annualfine(£260)paid 28 Nov. 1587, intwotallies Quit.VII(63v). Refsto succeedingyearly paymentsVIII(77v). IX(68). X(75)[£260 dueunpaid].

SHELLEY,Edward, gent ,ofSouthwark, Surrey[prisoner]281. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted atGuildford

AssizesIII(58v): andthree later periods ofrecusancy, viz 4mths ending 22 July 1583; 6 mths ending 15 Feb. 1583/4, &5 mthsending 20 July 1584 ,when convictedIV(49v)* V(50v) DebtsreenrolledV(52v) VI(51)

SHELLEY ,Henry, gent , ofSouthwark, Surrey[prisoner]282.4mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvicted atGuildford

AssizesIV(49v): and one later period ofrecusancy, viz.4mths ending22 July 1583, whenconvicted Debtsre-enrolledVI(51).

SHELLEY , Richard , esq , ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner]283. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedatGuildford

Assizes III(58v) Debt re-enrolledV(52v).

279. Francis Shaw (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 396.)

280. Ralph Sheldon (Cf.AlanDavidson , 'The RecusancyofRalph Sheldon',in Worcestershire Recusant, no 12, (1968), pp 1-7.)

281. Edward Shelley ofWorminghurstin Sussexwasimprisoned in the Clink, 8 Feb. 1584/5 (Cf.CRS II, p 235.)Hewasmartyred at Tyburn, 30Aug. 1588 , for'receiving,aidingand comfortingoneWilliam Deane' , (Cf. footnote56), a seminary priest (Cf.E.H. BurtonandJ.H. Pollen , Lives ofthe EnglishMartyrs 1 , (1914), pp 416-421 )

282. HenryShelley, elder brotherofEdwardShelley ofWorminghurst , wasimprisoned in the WhiteLion, 23Mar. 1583/4, and was stillthere, 8 Apr. 1584. (Cf.CRS II, pp 234 , 237.)

283. Richard Shelley ofWorminghurstwasimprisoned in theMarshalsea , wheremasswassaid in his chamber bythe futuremartyrWilliamHartley Shelleydisappearsfromthe Prison Listsafter July 1585.(Cf.CRSII, pp 221, 231 , 233, 235, 240.) See alsoRoger B. Manning, 'Richard Shelley ofWorminghurstand the CatholicPetitionforToleration ' , in RH , vol 6, (1962 ), pp 265-274.)

SHELLEY,Richard, gent , ofSouthwark,Surrey [prisoner]283.4mths recusancyending 22 July 1583, whenconvictedIV(49v): andone later period ofrecusancy, viz. 6mths ending 15 Feb. 1583/4 , when convicted -IV(49v). Debtsre-enrolled -VI(51)

SHELLEY, Shellye, John, gent., of Clapham,W.Sussex284.7mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv.2 Oct. 1581VI(49v):and nine laterconvictions ending 1 Oct. 1584VI(49v)*;andafinal periodofrecusancyviz 2mths from 17 Apr.1587, forwhichhewas convicted 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v) Goods, value£24-13-4, seized Mich 1591 (paid 28 Jan. 1591/2 Quit)-IX(54v) Chattelsreal (21 yearlease, to John Baker esq , ofwoodland atClapham,Arundel, Patching etc), value £30, seized Mich. 1591 (paid 23 Nov. 1591 . Quit.)IX(54v).Rental oflandsinWilts(Two-thirds ofthemanorof Eston [Easton] aliasEston Bassettinthe parishesofDonhead[St. Andrew]& Barwick[Berwick]St. John, Wilts; andofthegrangeor manorcalled 'Lucies'inthesaidparishes)seized byCrownfor recusancyon 1 Sept. 1591: (rent, £11-7-6p.a ) [PipeRollentry under 'Wilts'] XI(73v).XII(68v) Seized landsinWilts(seeabove) andin Sussex ( ofthereversion ofa moietyofthe manor of Kingsham House W. Sussex , withlandsin Kingsham,Oving,andthe parish ofSt.Pancras[Chichester]; andof 'les Downes'with appurtenancescalled 'Bartholmews' in Storrington,W.Sussex:being a parcel ofthe possessions oftheAlmshouse oftheHolyTrinityin Arundel)seized 1 Sept.and 2 Oct.1591, and letbyCrowntoEdward Stonefrom 12 Nov. 1591 fora total rentof£16-5-4p.a [PipeRoll entryunder 'Wilts'XII(69v).

SHELLEY,John, 'yoman' , ofWestFirle, E. Sussex 2852mths recusancy from 17 Apr. 1587: conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v)

SHEMAN,John, 'yeoman' , ofTanworthe [Tamworth],Staffs. 12mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1586 : conv. 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v).

SHEPLEY,Hugh, 'yoman' , ofCronton, parish ofFarneworth [Farnworth], Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9 -X(35).

SHEPPARD,Agnes, 'spinster' , ofAshbyMagna , Leics. 10mths recusancy from 9 Sept. 1586: conv 19 Mar. 1587/8VIII(45v).

SHEPPARD,Joan, 'spinster' , ofHarrow,Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 6 June 1587:conv 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v).

SHEREWIN,John, senior, 'husb" , ofRodesley[Rodsley],parish of Langeford[Longford], Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

SHEREWIN, Constance,hiswife286 (same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(21).

284. This detailed specification ofJohn Shelley's seizedpropertyin Sussexand Wilts isnot repeatedinthe next, i.e. the firstRR (Cf. CRSXVIII, p 355.)

285. Despitethe differentdescription , John Shelley ofFirleis probablyidentical withJohn Shelley ofClapham above.

286. Constance and John Sherwin must berelatives ofRalph Sherwin ,priest andMartyr

SHEREWOOD, Sherwood, Henry, 'draper'/'yoman' , of Southwark , THE Surrey [prisoner]287.4mths recusancyending22 July1583 , when convictedIV(49v); andtwolaterperiods ending 18 Feb. 1584/5 , when convictedV(50v), (52v) Earliest debt re-enrolled -VI(51)

SHERINGTON , Eliz , ofWigan,Lancs , wifeof JamesSherington [ 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

SHERRATT, Isabel, wid., ofLeigh , Staffs. 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1585: conv. 13 Mar. 1585/6VI(63v)

SHERRATT , Isabel, 'spinster' ,ofLeigh , Staffs 4mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Mar. 1585/6: conv 1 Aug. 1586VI(63v).

SHERWOOD,William, gent , 'recusant' , ofWalkington,E.R.Yorks288 [Crown Lease]Thomas Sherwood, gent , owes totheQueen£9p.a. forthe farmofthe whole tenementormessuage ,withall appurtenances, situated inWalkingtoninthe aforesaid county, andof allthe 18 oxgangs[270 acres] of arableland in Walkingtonaforesaid in thetenure oroccupation ofa certain WILLIAMSHERWOOD,gent., orhis assigns ,and afterwards ('postea') in thetenureoroccupation of Thomas Fairefax , ofwhichsaid 18 oxgangsof arable, 3 oxgangs&2 closes, called 'Howsemesland' , are a parcelofthe said 18 oxgangsof landandwerelatelyinthe separatetenuresofJohn Sherwood , senior , Gabriel Cowper &Anthony Faray,andtheirassigns; andoneoxgang & a halfofarable, being likewise a portionofthesaid 18 oxgangs, was latelyinthetenure of GeorgePetas, and afterwards inthetenureor occupationofFrancis Nawton, cleric &Rector ofWalkington aforesaid, withallappurtenancesbeing a parcelof the possessions of WILLIAM SHERWOOD, gent , recusant(alwaysexceptingall woodlands , underwood , mines& quarries reservedfortheQueen , her heirs&successors ) Tohaveandto hold the aforesaid tenementor messuageand other premisses, withalltheirappurtenances, tothe fore-named Thomas Sherwood andhis assigns fromLadyday,22Eliz [1580], foras long asthey shall remain inthe Queen'shandsforthe satisfaction ofthesaiddebt, rendering tothe Queenandhersuccessors £9p.a.oflawfulEnglish moneyto the Receiptofthe Exchequerorthe currentsheriffofthecountyatMichaelmas & Ladyday, inequal portions;asis contained inthe Rollof the Enrolment ofLeases ofthe twenty-secondyearofthereign ofQueenElizabeth , under 'Yorks' . And £76-10s from precedingyears.Totaldebt (asat Ladyday, 1580) £85-10s Cf. IX(8v).X(21v).XI(24v).XII(11v),Theentry appearsforthe lasttime inRecusantRollNo.I(C.R.S. XVIII , p.49)

287. HenrySherwood wasa prisoner in the Marshalsea from 11 Feb. 1581/2 toJuly1586.(Cf. CRSII, pp 231 , 233 , 236 , 240.)

288. William Sherwood , asa boy,wasarrested on board a boatwhich had crossedovertoDover sometime after1577.Hewascommittedto the Gatehouseunder 'Prisoners in Queen's Bench' ,for 'certen trespacesand contempts' , and, on 23 Jan. 1578/9,hewassentencedtoperpetual imprisonment(Cf. CRSI,pp 62, 67.)The document is a fulltranslationofthe earliest Pipe Roll enrollment ofthe Crown'sseizuresofWilliam Sherwood's lands inWalkington,Yorks , and of theirleasetoThomas Sherwood The leasehad beenachievednine yearsearlier on Ladyday 1580 (Cf. IX(8v )

SHIPMAN ,Chipman , Thomas, gent , ofWebley [Weobley], Herefords Twofines of£20imposed forignoringthesheriff'ssummonsesafter excommunication ,4 Apr. and27 May 1581III(28)* .DebtsreenrolledV(26), (26v).

SHIPPBOTHAM, Robert , 'yoman' , ofLeecke[Leek], Staffs.4mths recusancy(undated): convicted 21 July 1589IX(69v)

SHORROCK, Cicily, 'spinster' , ofSalisbury [Salesbury; Blackburn ],Lancs . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

SHOULDHAM , Jane, 'spinster' , ofOxborough , Norfolk.2mthsrecusancy from 24 Jan. 1588/9: conv. 7 July 1589IX(45v) Debt reenrolledXI(48)

SILVESTER,Sylvester, Margaret, wid , ofthe cityofYork.4mths recusancyfrom28 Mar. 1581: conv 17 July1581-1(8) DebtreenrolledIII(10) V(8) VII(8) IX(8) Goods, value9s ., seized 6 Feb. 1582/3 - II(8).

SIMPSON ,Richard, gent.,ofNewington ,Surrey[prisoner]289. 11mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, when convicted -VI(49v). See SAMPSON , Richard.

SINGLER,Alice,'spinster' ,ofHanleyCastle, Worcs 2 mths recusancy from 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v).

SINGLETON , Eliz , ofChipping, Lancs., wifeofThomas Singleton,gent. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

SINGLETON,George, 'husb" ,ofWessham[Wesham], parish ofKirkham, Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv 17 Mar.1588/9X(35).

SINGLETON,George, 'yoman' , (ofsame parish). 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39).

SINGLETON ,[ 1, his wife(sameparish, recusancyperiod &conviction date)-X(39).

SINGLETON, Henry, gent ,ofFintham [Fincham],Norfolk. 1mth recusancyfrom 10 June 1582 : conv. 10 July 1582VI(25v).

SINGLETON,Henry, gent. , ofThorndon(AllSaints),Suffolk.3mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv. 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73)

SINGLETON, Richard , gent., ofChippen [Chipping ], Lancs 13mths recusancyfrom 14Aug. 1586: conv 25Mar. 1588VIII(21v):and twolater convictions , ending 22 Mar. 1590/1X(35), (39).

SINGLETON , Alice, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod&conviction date)-X(39).

SKAN , Eliz ., 'spinster', ofAshbyMagna , Leics 9 mths recusancyending 10 Aug. 1587, whenconvictedVIII(45v).

SKERNE ,Ann, 'spinster' , ofOxborough , Norfolk 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587:conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

SKILLICORNE,Jane, ofPreese [nr. Kirkham], Lancs ,wifeofWilliam Skillycorne , esq 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

289. Richard Simpson See footnote267, RichardSAMPSON .

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

SKILLICORNE, Richard , gent , of Presthall [Preesall],Kirkhamparish, Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom July30th 1587:conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9 -X(35).

SKYNNER,Ann, wifeofJohn Skynner,[ ],ofWeathers, Ledbury parish, Herefords. 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(30).

SLEIGH , Thomas , 'husb' , ofStowe, Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1587: conv. 22 July 1588VIII(58).

SMALL, Smale, Christopher , 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]290 . 9mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIII(58v); andfourlaterconvictions , ending 18 Feb. 1584/5IV(49v)* V(50v), (52v) Debtre-enrolledV(52v) VI(51).

SMITHE, Alice, 'spinster' , ofBlackborne [Blackburn],Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v).

SMITHE,Ann, gentlewoman, wifeofGeorgeSmithe, gent , ofBrontingbie [Brentingby ], Leics. 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 19 Mar. 1587/8VIII(45v).

SMITHE ,Ann,'spinster' , ofAshbyMagna, Leics 9 mths recusancyending 10 Aug. 1587, whenconvictedVIII(45v).

SMITHE,Ann,wifeofRogerSmithe, 'husb" ,ofHardwick, Oxfords. 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

SMITHE,Eliz ,wifeofFrancis Smithe, esq., ofAshebieFlavile[?Ashby Folville], Leics 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv. 19 Mar. 1587/8VIII(45v).

SMITHE,Eliz .,wifeofJamesSmithe, gent , ofSomerton,Oxfords 12 mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

SMITHE,Smyth,George, 'clothier' , of Leeds, W.R.Yorks . 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27)

SMITHE,Humphrey,[ 1 , ofAshebieMagna, Leics 7 mths recusancy ending 10 Aug. 1587 , whenconvicted -VIII(45v)

SMITHE,Katherine , 'spinster' , ofPassenham,Northants. 12mths recusancyending 2 May1587 : conv. 12 Mar. 1587/8VIII(52v).

SMITHE, William, gent., oftheMiddleTemple, London[prisoner]291. 12 mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1582/3: conv.22 Jan. 1583/4IV(32v).

Debt re-enrolledVI(34)

SMITHE ,Smyth,William, gent. , ofNewington , Surrey[prisoner]292.6mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvictedV(52v); and one later conviction, ending 17 Feb. 1585/6 -VI(49v)

SMITHE ,Smyth, William, 'clericus' , of Southwark, Surrey[prisoner]293.4 mths recusancyending 20 July 1584, whenconvictedV(52v).

290. ChristopherSmall (Cf.AnstrutherI,p 319.)

291. WilliamSmithwasa prisoner in theWhiteLion, 8 Apr. 1584.(Cf. CRSII,p 237.)

292. WilliamSmithofNewington , Surrey, is identical withtheabove .

293. WilliamSmith(Cf. AnstrutherI,p 323.)

SMITHE ,Smyth, William, 'yom" , ofSouthwark , Surrey[?prisoner].4 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v); andtwolater convictions , ending 15Feb. 1583/4IV(49v)* Debt reenrolledVI(51)*.

SMITHE, alias HADDEN, Joan, wid , ofWendlebury ,Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586 : conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v)

SMYTHE , Ann, 'spinster' , ofWateringbury,Kent.2mthsrecusancyfrom 19 Dec. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1588/9IX(29).

SMYTHE , 'Felicia ' , 'spinster' , ofSt. Devereux, Herefords 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv 14July1589IX(25v). DebtreenrolledXI(29).

SMYTHE, Francis, 'yoman' , ofCockfeild[Cockfield],Suffolk 7 mths recusancyfrom 15July 1588: conv 2 July 1589IX(64) DebtreenrolledXI(72v)

SMYTH, John, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]294 . 5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 17July 1587IX(54).

SMYTHE,John, 'laborer' , ofSt.John Baptist parish,Herefordcity. 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv. 14July1589IX(25v) Debtreenrolled XI(29).

SMYTHE , Katherine , wid , ofSt. Devereux, Herefords (samerecusancy period&convictiondate)-IX(25v). Debt re-enrolledXI(29)

SMYTHE ,Margaret , 'spinster' (sameparish, recusancyperiod &conviction date)-IX(25v) Debt re-enrolledXI(29).

SMYTH ,Margaret , wifeofHenrySmyth,[ 1 ,ofRaglan,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

SMYTHE, 'Quintus ' , 'yoman' , ofSt.Olave's parish , Southwark , Surrey.3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(53).

SMYTH , Richard , 'yom" , ofHarrow, Middx 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 6 June 1587:conv 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v).

SMYTHSON ,Smythsone,Brian,[ ], ofCowtonGrange,parish of MiddletonTyas, N.R.Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

SMYTHSON , 'Jenetta' , wid., ofBurroubridge[Boroughbridge ],W.R. Yorks. 5mths recusancyfrom 16 Apr.. 1587: conv 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

SMYTHSON, John, 'yom" , ofMelsenbye[Melsonby ],N.R.Yorks 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).Goods , value £20, seized 10 Apr. 1589IX(8v) Record ofland-seizure , 10 Apr. 1589IX(8v) Rental ofseized landsat Stokley[Stokesley, N.R.], at£1-6-8p.a.IX(21v).X(21v) XI(24v) XII(23v).Seized landslet byCrowntoJames Bellamyfrom 3 Aug. 1590X(13v). XI(24v).

294. John Smith (Cf.AnstrutherI, p 263, under John Owen )

SMYTHSON , William, 'yom" ,ofNewsham, parish ofKirkby Ravensworth , N.R.Yorks 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587 -VIII(25v).

SNAPPE , Anthony, 'yoman' , ofWestminster , Middx[prisoner]295. 1 mth recusancyfrom 6 Oct. 1587: conv 29 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v)

SNAPPE, Grace,wid , ofCharlesburie [Charlbury], Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35)

SOMERSETT , Thomas, esq , ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without, London[prisoner]296.[Pipe Rollentry under 'Gloucs'] 13 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv. (OldBailey,London) 27 Apr. 1582IV(23v) Debts re-enrolledVI(23v).Wollaston Grange& Tedenham farm,Gloucs, seized atMichaelmas 1585 andlet byCrowntoHughCuffeforarent of £20 p.a.VI(33v) VIII(16v) X(50v), (82) XI(27).XII(27),(46).

SONKEY,Ann, wid , ofSonkey[Great Sankey], Warringtonparish, Lancs. 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Feb. 1587/8: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

Lands&water-millat SonkeyHall seized 26 Mar. 1591 andletby CrowntoJohn Parkerfrom 1 July1591XII(44).

SOTHERNE, Simon, 'clericus' , ofthecityofWorcester297.2 mths recusancy from 8 Jan. 1582/3: conv 11 Mar. 1582/3II(61v). DebtreenrolledIV(61v).VI(62v).

SOUTHWORTH,Ann,[ 1 ,ofSamlesbury, Blackborne [Blackburn ] parish, Lancs 3 mths recusancyfrom 21 May1587: conv .25Mar. 1588VIII(21v)

SOUTHWORTH ,Dorothy,'spinster', ofBarton,Broughtonparish,Lancs. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(21v).

SOUTHWORTHE, Jane, 'spinster' , ofWestby,Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

SOUTHWORTH,SirJohn, knt, ofBlakborne [Blackburn ],Lancs . 9mths recusancyfrom 19 Mar. 1580/1 (convicted uponinformer's suit)298VI(39). Debt re-enrolledVIII(78v).X(38).

SOUTHWORTH, Sotheworth , SirJohn, knt, ofSalfordintheparish of Manchester, Lancs[prisoner]299. 1 mthrecusancyfrom29 Mar. 1582: conv.2 May 1582II(38v): andfivelater convictions , ending ? 1 Sept. 1584II(38v)* . IV(37), (46v). VI(40v). Debtsre-enrolledIV(42v).VI(39v) VIII(46).

295. AnthonySnappewasa serving man ofWilliam ShelleyofClapham , Sussex Hewas imprisoned in the Westminster Gatehouse from 1 Apr. 1585 , and wasstillthere in 1588 ,suspected ofcomplicityin the escapeof Charles Paget (Cf. CRSII, pp 245, 253-255,271,283 .)

296. Thomas Somersett, brotherofthe Earl ofWorcester , wascommitted tothe Fleet on 10Jun 1562.(Cf.CRSI, p 49.)

297. Simon Sotherne wasa pre-Elizabethan priest, who had held the livingofHintononthe Green, nearEvesham,Worcs , until his deprivationin 1541 .

298. JohnSouthworthwasconvicted under the procedure described in CRSLVII, introd ., pp. xvii-xix

299. Sir John Southworthwascommitted to SalfordGaol on29 Mar. 1582/3 (Cf. CRSV , p. 24.)

SOUTHWORTH, Sotheworth , SirJohn , knt, ofSt. Mary'sparish, Chester ('inhabitans apud Castrum Cestr")[prisoner] 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1584: conv.26 Apr.1585VI(48v)

SOUTHWORTH,Sir Richard [sicfor'John'], knt, ofChesterCastle [prisoner]. 13 mths recusancyfrom 14Sept. 1585: conv . 3 Oct.1586X(35v). Summary ofdebtsforpre-1587 recusancy(47 months): £1,060VIII(78v) Goods, value£388, seized 24 Oct.1587X(40v). Record oflandsseized 24 Oct. 1587 (rent chargedbyCrown, £280-16-8p.a.: seizures specifiedoflandsin Samlesbury,Mellor &Stanley Hurst, rentsinPleasington, Wrightington&Goosnargh;2 millsin Samlesbury& afree fisherythere; of240 acres called'the demesneofSouthworth ';rentsinSouthworthwithCroft,Middleton, Houghton,Arbury,Newton ,Lawton, Golborne,Woolston, Poulton with Fernhead,Holme , Warrington, Orford, Ribchester , Oswaldtwistle & Brockholes: allin Lancs)-X(40v). Rental ofseized landsXII(44).All debtsdischargedby2 royal pardons, dated 1 Dec. 1587 and 1 July 1592300 .

SOUTHWORTH,John, 'sonofSirJohn, knt,' , ofSamlesbury, Blackborne parish, Lancs 3mths recusancyfrom 21 May 1587: conv . 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).

SOUTHWORTH,Thomas, gent , ofMiddleton,Winwickparish, Lancs.13 mths recusancyfrom14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).

SOUTHWORTH, Sotheworth , William, 'yoman' , ofWestby , Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

SOUTHWORTH, Eliz , his wife(same parish,recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(39v)

SOWERBYE , 'Jenetta' , wid , ofStavley[Staveley],W.R.Yorks. 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1588VIII(27)

SPARKES ,Roger, gent ,ofBedhampton, Hants. 2 mths recusancyfrom 25 Feb. 1586/7: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(67).

SPENCE ,Paul, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]301.4mths recusancyending 20 July1584, whenconvictedV(52v): andone laterconviction , dated 18 Feb. 1584/5V(52v).

SPENCE ,Paul, 'clericus' , ofWorcester city[? prisoner] 12mths recusancy from5 Mar. 1587/8: conv 14 July1589IX(68v)

SPENCER ,Agnes, 'spinster' , of'St. Maries Westoute inLewes' ,Sussex . 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1588 : conv. 27 June 1589IX(53).

SPENCER,Andrew, 'yeoman' , ofRomsey, Hants . 6 mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1586:conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(67).

SPENCER ,Francis, 'draper' , of New Sarum, Wilts. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Mar. 1583/4: conv 20 Aug. 1584IV(59v). Debt re-enrolledVI(59v). 100 marks fineimposed forhearingMass: convicted 7 Jan.

300. SirJohn Southworth'sdebtsweredischarged (Cf.M.R., L.T.R., 35 Eliz , EasterTerm , 'Recorda'section See CRS LVII, introd , p xxxiand note )Southworth died on 3 Nov.1595.(Cf. CRSXXII, p 309. )

301. PaulSpence(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 328.)


1583/4 atWinchester Sessions ofthePeace Debt re-enrolledVI(59v).

SPENCER , John , junior, 'taylor' , ofTotbaldon[Baldon, Toot], Oxfords . 7 mths recusancyfrom 23 July 1584: conv. 5 Feb. 1584/5V(47):and two later convictions , dated 26 June 1585& 24 Feb. 1585/6V(47) VI(47v).

SPENCER ,John , junior, 'husb" [ofsame parish &county]. 3mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1:conv. 29 June 1581IV(29v):and fourlaterconvictions ending 23 July 1584II(29v) III(4). IV(29)* Debt re-enrolledV(31v).VI(30v)

SPENCER ,John, junior, 'yom" [ofsame parish&county] 8mths recusancyfrom 25 July 1586: conv 17 Mar. 1586/7VI(11v).

SPENCER , John, senior, 'taylor' , ofTotbaldon[Baldon, Toot ], Oxfords.3 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1: conv. 29 June 1581IV(29v): andfivelaterconvictions , ending 17 Mar. 1586/7II(29v).III(4) IV(29)* .VI(11v) Debts re-enrolledV(31v) VI(30v).

SPENCER ,John, senior, 'husb" [ofsame parish&county].7mths recusancyfrom 23 July1584: conv. 5 Feb. 1584/5V(47):andtwo laterconvictions , ending24 Feb. 1585/6V(47).VI(47v). Lands seized 17 Apr. 1591& let byCrownto Richard Ferrisfrom27 July 1591XII(54).

SPENCER ,William,'yom" ,ofRumsey[Romsey], Hants 6mths recusancy from 1 Nov. 1586: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8IV(53) Debt re-enrolledVI(54) VIII(67)

SPENCER , Joan, hiswife,ofRomsey, Hants Fine of 100 marks imposed forhearing Mass: convicted atWinchester, Jan. 1583/4.IV(53). Debt re-enrolledVI(54)

SPICER , Laurence, 'husb" ,ofGoosey, Berks 3 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1:conv 26 June 1581II(65v): andfourlater convictions ,ending 1 July 1583 II(65v)* III(50v) Debtsreenrolled -III(5). V(4v).

SPICER , Laurence, 'taylor' , of Goosey, Berks. 8 mths recusancyfrom 3July 1583: conv 24 Feb. 1583/4IV(3v)

SPICER , Laurence, 'yom" , ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks [prisoner]302.4mths recusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3: conv.?June 1583III(50v):andfourlater convictions , ending21 Feb.1585/6- IV(46).V(4v)* VI(3v), (4v)

SPICER,Spycer, Laurence, 'husbondman' , ofSt.Mary'sparish,Reading, Berks 6mths recusancyfrom 21 Feb. 1585/6: conv. 9 Aug. 1586VI(4v):and one later conviction , ending6 Mar. 1586/7 - VI(48v).

SPINSTER ,Ann, 'spinster' ,ofLlantilio Pertholey,Mon.5mthsrecusancy from24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v)

SPINSTER , Blanch , 'spinster' , ofSt.Maughans,Mon.(same recusancy periodandconvictiondate)-VIII(49).

302. Laurence Spicer, husbandman , waslisted as a prisoner in Berkshire Gaol (Reading Castle) in 1582.(Cf.CRSXXII,p. 118.)


SPINSTER ,Edith, 'spinster' , ofLlanvetherine ,Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(49)

SPINSTER , 'Elnora' , 'spinster' , (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(49)

SPINSTER ,Elizabeth , 'spinster' , ofUsk , Mon. (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49).

SPINSTER , 'Gwenliana' ,[ 1 , ofLlanllowell, Mon.(same recusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

SPINSTER ,Jane, 'spinster' , of Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern , Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v).

SPINSTER ,Joan, 'spinster' , ofLlanthewySkirrid, Mon.(same recusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v)

STAMPE, Bridget , wifeofJohn Stampe, gent ,ofHalton[Holton], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv.7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

STANBORNE , James , 'yeoman' , ofDenham, Bucks 3 mths recusancy from 20 Mar. 1587/8: conv 10 Mar. 1588/9IX(lv).

STANDISHE,Eliz ,ofStandish, Lancs , wifeofAlexander Standishe, gent 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(38v).

STANLEY,Ann, wid.,ofWestley [West Leigh], parish ofLeigh, Lancs . 13 mthsrecusancyfrom14 Aug. 1586 : conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).

STANLEY, 'Harbert' , gent , ofIslington,Middx 3 mths recusancyfrom 28 June 1587: conv 1 Oct. 1587VIII(38v)

STANLEY, LadyLucy,hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(38v).

STAPLETON, John , 'yoman' , ofBradley, Staffs. 6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587: conv 22 July1588VIII(58).

STAPLETON,Stepleton,Joyce, 'spinster' , ofBradley,Staffs 4mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv 2 Aug. 1582II(14):andfive laterconvictions , ending 13 Mar. 1585/6III(64v).IV(62v) V(66)* VI(63v) Debtsre-enrolledIV(62) VI(63), (63v)

STAPLETON , William, gent , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]303. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v): and three later convictions , ending 18 Feb. 1584/5IV(49v). V(52v)*. Debtsre-enrolledV(52v) VI(51).AmoietyofthefarmofLitlewood atBradley, Staffs., seized andlet byCrowntoHughCuffefrom Michalemas 1585, forarent of£16-3-10p.a.VI(33v) VIII(16v). X(78v).XI(64v).XII(72v).

STARKEY , Margaret , 'spinster' , ofCrosbie, Sephton[Sefton]parish, Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35):andonelater conviction , ending22 Mar. 1590/1 - X(38).

STAVELEY, William, 'laborer' , ofWest Hallam,Derbys. 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586 : conv . 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

303. William Stapleton wascommittedto the Clinkforrecusancyon 17June 1582 , andwasstill there on8Apr. 1584.(Cf. CRS II, pp 227,235 )


Goods, value (withgoodsofOliverWright) £ 18-4-2, seized 27Jan. 1589 - IX(17v).

STEPHENSON , Robert, gent., recusant, of Gowle [Goole]inparish of Snaith , W.R. Yorks [dateofearliest convictionforrecusancy missing]Lands inGoole seized 2 Nov. 1591XI(10v).XII(24).Seized landslet by Crownto Richard Mussendinefrom 29 Nov. 1591: rent charged,£4-8-11 p.a.XII(11v).

STEPHENSON , William, gent. , recusant, ofSwinefleet, parishofWhitgift, W.R. Yorks [dateofearliestconvictionforrecusancymissing]. Seized lands [moietyof amessuage ortenementinSwinefleet& Reednes (inparish ofWhitgift) called 'Westholding '; andlandsin Patrington(E.R.)& Ottringham(E.R.)] Dateofseizure2 Nov. 1591XI(10v).XII(24) LeasedbyCrowntoRichard Mussendine from 29 Nov. 1591 fora combined totalrent of£7-15-9p.a.from Robert andWilliam StephensonXII(11v)

STERNE , George, 'yeoman' , ofAlbie [Alby],Norfolk. 3 mthsrecusancy from 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

STIDDOLFE,John, gent., ofChertsey, Surrey 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(53).

STIDDOLFE,Margery, 'spinster' (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-IX(53).

STOCKE ,Joan, wifeofWilliam Stocke, 'yeoman' , ofHanleyCastle , Worcs 12mths recusancyfrom20Sept. 1586: conv. 28 Mar. 1588VIII(77)

STOCKER , George, gent., ofWestminster [prisoner]304.3 mths recusancy from 20 Mar. 1587/8: conv . 28 June 1588IX(37).

STOCKWITHE , Benjamin , gent , of parish ofSt. ClementDanes , without Temple Bar, Middx Fineof 100 marks imposedforhearingMasssaid on30 Jan.1585/6 byWilliam Thompson inthehouseofRobert Bellamy (q.v.) Conv . atOldBailey, 18 Apr.1586305VI(34v)

STOCKWITHE, Benjamin , gent., ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner] 8 mths recusancyending 16 Feb. 1586/7,whenconvictedVI(50).

STOCKWITHE,Thomas, gent , ofLimington[Lymington], Hants. 7 mths recusancyfrom 12 Sept. 1586: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(67)

STOKES,Walter, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]306.4 mths recusancyending 20 July 1584, whenconvictedV(52v): andone laterconviction,dated 18 Feb. 1584/5V(52v).

304. George Stocker had been a prisoner in the Tower forsixmonths in 1588.Hehad livedin Francefor20years, and cameover to England tofetch the EarlofWestmoreland's daughter(Cf. CRS II, p 282.)Hewascommittedtothe Marshalsea . Hewaslisted, 30 Sept. 1588 , asrefusing the Oath and being determined to take the part of thePope's army. (Cf.CRSII, p 267.)Absent thereafter

305. Robert Bellamy ofHarrowon the Hillwascommitted to Newgate, 30 Jan. 1585/6, and convicted forhearing mass, 18Apr. 1586.Hewasstillthere on 7 Dec. 1586, but thereisnolater mention ofhim (Cf. CRS II, pp 248,252, 256 , 271,283 )

306. WalterStokes (Cf.AnstrutherI, p. 356.)

STONE , aliasOLIVER,Thomas, 'yoman' ,ofBurySt. Edmunds,Suffolk.7 mths recusancyfrom 12 Sept. 1586: conv ? Feb. 1587/8VI(58)*: and onelaterconviction. Record ofland-seizureinBurySt.Edmunds , 2 Nov. 1587 [ ofa tenementin a placecalled 'Cockrowe'inOld BaxtersStreet,andofanorchard in HighStreet]-VIII(72) Rentalof seized land, £8-17-9p.a.IX(63) X(63) XI(65) XII(66).

STONE , Joan ,wifeofThomas StonealiasOliver(ofsame parish). 3mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv.27 Mar. 1588VIII(73)

STONOR, Stoner, LadyCicily, wid , ofPirton[Pyrton], Oxfords307.5 mths recusancyfrom 15 Feb. 1581/2: conv.23 July 1582V(47):andone laterconviction, dated 5 Feb. 1584/5V(47) Goods,value £13-6-8, seizedbysheriffOwen Oglethorpe, 21 Feb. 1587/8- VIII(59) Debt re-enrolledXI(53v): £13-6-8paid4 Nov. 1591 . Quit Summary ofpre-1587 debtsforrecusancy[total£440]-

VII(30v). Record of land-seizure, 21 Feb. 1587/8VIII(59v).Seized landslet byCrowntoFrancis Stonard fromMichaelmas 1585[sic],for a rent of£30p.a.[seizuresspecified: the manor ofStonororPishill , withWarmodescombe, andthefarms ofHollandridge& Broundesden ,Oxfords]-VIII(35v).IX(50) X(57) XI(53).XII(53).

Crownlease toFrancis Stoner, dated29 Dec. 1591, oftheresidueof LadyStoner's lands, seized 7 Oct. 1591. Rentcharged,£18-4-10 p.a. [allowingforthe retention bythe recusantofthe'third part' ofthe lands, inaccordancewiththeStatute of1586-7, § iv]308.XII(54).

STRANGWISHE, Margaret , wifeof[ ]Strangwishe, esq.,ofSugton?, Yorks. 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587 : conv 18 Mar. 1587/8- VIII(27)

STRATCHE, Thomas, 'yoman' , of Tansor, Northants 12mths recusancy from 31 July 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1588/9 -IX(47).

STREETE ,Eliz., 'spinster' , ofHamptonLovett, Worcs.2mthsrecusancy from 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v).

STUDLEY,Daniel , 'yoman' , ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without,London[?prisoner]309.3 mthsrecusancypriorto20 Apr. 1588 ,when convictedVIII(38v).

STUTTESBURY , John , gent., ofSouldron [Souldern], Oxfords 3mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1580/1:conv. 29 June 1581IV(29v);and eleven later convictions , ending 7 Mar. 1587/8II(29v)* .III(4). IV(29)*.V(47)* VI(11v), (47v) VIII(35). Debtsre-enrolledV(31v). VI(30v)*.

SUFFEILD, Susanna, wifeofWilliamSuffeild,[ 1 , ofHanley Castle , Worcs 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July1588VIII(80v).

307. LadyCecilyStonor (Cf. "The Memoires ofFr.Robert Parsons'CRS II,pp. 29 , 182.)

308. Cf. RR no 4(CRSLXI, p 201, and203footnote2.)

309. Daniel Studley wasa Calvinisticsectary. He wascommitted to Newgatein 1595 , and was probablymoved tothe Fleet shortlyafterwards (Cf. CRS II, pp 284, 287.)

SULLIARD,Sullyard, Edward, esq , ofWetherden, Suffolk310, 12mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1581: conv 18 July 1582II(56): andfour later convictions , ending 22 Oct. 1587III(66).V(60v). VI(58). VII(58v)*,(59) Debtre-enrolledIII(65) Summary ofpre-1587 debtsforrecusancy(July1581 toOct.1586.Total £1,380:paidby 27 Nov. 1587.Quit)-VII(58v).Annualfines forrecusancy(£260): first payment covering period 23 Oct. 1586to 22 Oct.1587VII(58v).VIII(73).IX(63v).X(63v).XI(66).XII(66v).

SULLIARD, Frances, wifeofEdwardSulliard, gent ,ofWetherden , Suffolk . 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

SULLIARD,Sullyard, Thomas , gent , ofWetherden , Suffolk. 12 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1581:conv. 18 July1582II(56): andtwolater convictions , ending5 Apr. 1587III(66).VI(58).DebtsreenrolledIII(65). IV(56).V(60). (60v). Summary ofpre-1587debts forrecusancy:total(byAct of28 Eliz., cap. 6) £1,500. Unpaid. [Debt cancelled.Sir Nicholas Baconandother commissionerschargedfor issues of ofThomas Sulliard'slands, in a sumof£1,500]-VI(57), (58) VII(59).Record ofland-seizure, 2 Nov. 1587 ( ofamessuage and 180 acres ofland in Norton, HunstonandStoweLangtoft, Suffolk Rent charged, £32Is. p.a.)VIII(72)

SULLIARD, Thomas,gent. , ofWetherdemain [sic], Suffolk. Rental of seized lands(nopayment)-X(64) Annotation(Michaelmas term 1588. Thomas Sulliarddischargedby BaronsofExchequer;lands restored)³11 .

SUTTLE, Henry, gent , ofNorthdighton[NorthDeighton Manor], W.R. Yorks 4mths recusancyfrom28 Mar. 1581: conv. 17 July1581I(21v).Debt re-enrolledIII(24) V(22).VII(22v) IX(22).XII(26).

SUTTON, Eliz., wifeofJohn Sutton , 'yoman', ofUptononSevern ,Worcs. 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v).

SUTTON,Ralph,[ 1 ,ofSt.Saviour'sparish, Southwark,Surrey [?prisoner] 2mths recusancyfrom22 Oct. 1588: conv. 30 June 1589 -IX(53)

SUTTON,Robert, 'yoman' , ofWestminster , Middx[prisoner]³12 . 1 mth recusancyfrom6 Oct. 1587: conv 29 Jan. 1587/8VIII(38v).

SWALLOWE, Rose, 'spinster' , ofBidford[onAvon],Warwicks.Imth recusancyfrom27 June 1588: conv 5 Mar. 1588/9IX(11v).

310. EdwardSulliardand his brother Thomas were noted recusants in Suffolk.(Cf. CRSV , p 73, and CRSXXII,p. 121.)

311. Thomas Sulliard'slands weredischarged bythe barons ofthe Exchequer (Cf.M.R. , L.T.R., 30 Eliz , Michaelmas Term, 'Recorda' section )On 11 Nov.the lands ofThomas Sulliard wereascertained to beheld bycopy ofthe CourtRolls ofthe ManorofNorton,Suffolk, and consequently unseizable as a penalty forrecusancy The barons therefore decidedthatthe'Queen's hands' beremoved therefrom, and the lands berestored totheirrightful owners (Cf. HughBowler, 'Somenotes onthe Recusant Rolls ofthe Exchequer' , in RH , vol 4, no 5 ,(1958), p 194.)

312. Robert Sutton was listed as a prisoner inSept. 1588 , forbeing reconciled (Cf.CRS II, p 282.)

SWYNNEY , Alice, 'spinster' ,ofLeigh, Staffs.4 mths recusancy(undated): convicted 21 July 1589IX(69v).

SWYNNEY , 'Elena' , 'spinster'(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-IX(69v).

SWYNNEY, Thomas, 'yoman' (same parish , recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-IX(69v).

SYLER ,John, 'yom" ,ofWimborneMinster,Dorset 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July 1588VIII(19v).

SYMKINSON, Isabel, ofWyresdale, Lancs , wifeofRobert Symkinson [ ] 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v)

SYMONS, Joan, wifeofAndrewSymons, 'yoman', ofWinterborne[St.]

Martin, Dorset 6mths recusancyfrom 10 Jan. 1586/7: conv . 21 July 1587IX(16v) Debt re-enrolledXII(78v)

SYMPSON ,Alice, 'spinster' , ofthecityofYork.4 mths recusancyfrom 28 Mar. 1581: conv. 17 July 1581I(8) Debt re-enrolledIII(10). V(8). VII(8).IX(8).

SYMS, aliasFORD,William, 'yeom" , ofNetherbury ,Dorset 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8: conv 15 July 1588VIII(19v).

TAILER, aliasofPETTIE, Agnes.

TAILOR , Edmund , 'yeom" ,ofDraiton[Drayton], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

TAILOR, Margaret , wifeofRobert Tailor, 'yoman' , ofSt.Saviour's parish, Southwark , Surrey. 3mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1587:conv.5 July 1588VIII(63)

TAILOR, Philip,[ 1,ofSt. Peter's parish, Hereford. 6mthsrecusancy from 1 Sept. 1588:conv 14 July1589IX(25v). Debt re-enrolledXI(29)

TAILOR,William, 'yeoman' , ofOrmesbie,Norfolk. 3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr.1588VIII(54) SeeTALEOR; TAYLOR.

TAILOR,alias LOVATT,Giles, 'husb" ,ofKempley,Gloucs. 5 mths recusancyfrom 26 Mar. 1587: conv 11 Mar. 1587/8VIII(82).

TALBOTT, Talbote, Ann,ofCarre [CarrHall],Lancs ,wifeofGeorge Talbott, gent 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v).

TALBOTT, Talbote, John , esq., ofSalebury[Salesbury], Blackburn parish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv.25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).

TALBOTT, John, esq., ofGrafton[Manor],Worcs. 313 12mths recusancy ending 10 Sept. 1587 (£240 paid) 1 mthrecusancyfrom 11 Sept. 1587

313. JohnTalbotwassaidto havelands worth£1,000, andgoodsworth £3,000a yearatleast , in 1577.(Cf.CRSXXII, p 65.)

to9 Oct.(£20) Total: £260 paid.VII(63), (63v) Annualfines for recusancy(£260): firstserialpayment coveringperiod 9 Oct.1587 to 9 Oct. 1588VIII(77v) IX(68) X(75v) XI(70v).XII(71v)

TALBOTT,Talbotte, John, gent ,ofOtteringham [South Otterington], N.R. Yorks 314.6mthsrecusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(27).

TALBOTT,Talbotte, Eliz , (same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(27).

TALBOTT,aliasMOORE, Eliz., ofDinckley,Lancs ,wifeofRobert Talbott, aliasMoore, gent 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v)

TALEOR, John,[ 1 , of Westby, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v)

TALEOR,Richard,[ ],ofHeath Charnock, Lancs 12 mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38v)

TALEOR, Constance, wifeofRichard TaleorofHeath Charnock , Lancs . (samerecusancyperiodandconvictiondate)-X(38v). SeeTAILOR: TAYLOR.

TALKE, alias TAWKE, John, gent., ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without, London[prisoner]315.3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv 28 July1581-1(32): andthreelater convictions ending 27 Dec. 1582-1(32), (35) II(30v) Debts re-enrolledIII(38v)* . V(35)* .VII(34v)*.

TALKE , Taulke, Tawke , John, 'yeoman' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner]316.4mths recusancyending20 July 1584 , when convictedV(50v)

TALKE , Taulke, John, 'yoman' ,ofNewington , Surrey[?prisoner]³17.6 mths recusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvictedVII(51v).

TALYARD,Ann, 'spinster' , ofWashingley,Hunts 5 mths recusancyfrom 20 Oct. 1587: conv 5 July1588VIII(7)

TASKER , Katherine,[ 1 ,ofDrayton, Salop 12mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18 July1588VIII(16v).

TATAM , Leonard, 'yoman' , ofBurye [Bury], Lancs 4mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1588: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

TAWKE, seeTalke ,John

TAYLOR, Philip, 'yom" ,ofMarden , Herefords 9 mths recusancyfrom 24 June 1583 : conv.2 Mar. 1583/4V(26v).

TAYLOR , Walter, gent. , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]318.4mths recusancyending 20 July 1584, whenconvictedV(50v).

314. John Talbot wasmartyredatDurham on9 Aug. 1600.(Cf.HughBowler , 'Exchequer Dossiers I:The RecusancyofVen John Talbot' , in RH, vol 2 , (1953) pp 4-22.)

315. John TalkeofChichester, Sussex , wasa prisoner inthe Fleet from 1581 , andwasmoved to the Marshalsea on 18 Dec. 1583.(Cf. CRSII, pp 223 , 229 , 240.)

316. JohnTalkewaswronglydescribed as a seminary priest in 1583. (Cf. CRS II, pp 233 , 236.)

317. John Talke wasmoved tothe WhiteLionuntil Feb. 1584/5, whenhe ceases to reappear.

318. WalterTaylor, who wasbornin Dublin, wasimprisoned in the Marshalsea beforeJune 1582.(Cf. CRSII,p . 231 )

TAYLOR , Walter, 'yom" ,ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner] 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v): andtwo laterconvictions , ending22 July1583 and 18 Feb. 1584/5IV(49v). V(52v) Debt re-enrolledVI(51) SeeTAILOR;TALEOR.

TEASDELL, Francis, 'yeoman' , ofAscome [Askham], Westmorland . 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 June 1588: conv. 5 Aug. 1588IX(69).

TEBBOTT, Tebbote, John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]319.2 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3,whenconvictedIII(58v) Debt re-enrolledV(52v) SeeTIBBET.

TEDDER, William, 'clericus'; see TYDDER.

TEMPLE,John,gent., of Estgrinsted [EastGrinstead], Sussex320.2mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv. 26Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v)

TESHE ,Teysshe, Edward, gent , ofBishopfeild , cityofYork.Fineof£50 imposed byHighCommissioners (? 1579)-III(10). DebtreenrolledV(8).VII(8) IX(8) XII(11)

TESHE,Ann,wifeofEdward Teshe, ofthe cityofYork.Fineof 100 marks imposed forhearing Mass Convicted atGuildhall, York: 18 July 1586. VI(8v). Debt re-enrolled -IX(8) XII(11)

TETON,Robert, 'yeoman' , ofIrtlingburghe[Irthlingborough], Northants 12mths recusancyending 2 May1587: conv 12 Mar. 1587/8VIII(52v)

THATCHER, James , esq , ofWestham, Sussex 2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587 : conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v) Record oflandseizure, 17 Jan.1589/90[ ofGoatemanor in Ringmer; Glinde farm and landsinWestham, E. Sussex Rent charged, £66-13-4p.a ] Thatcher exonerated andlandsrestored, Hilaryterm 1590321 -IX(54v)

THATCHER, Richard, 'yoman' , ofSutton, Cheshire322. 12mthsrecusancy from 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 25 Sept. 1587VIII(58v)

THIMOLBYE ,John , gent , ofIrenham [Irnham],Lincs 3 mthsrecusancy from 23 June 1581:conv. 22 Sept. 1581I(37v) Debt re-enrolledII(45v) Goods, value £17-3-4, seized Michaelmas 1587VII(9v)323 .Record ofland-seizure, 23 Aug. 1587[ ofManorof Corby, Lincs., and oflands&tenementsin Irnham, Bulby& Hawthorpe Rent charged: £37-7-3p.a]VIII(44v). Rental of lands seized 23 Aug. 1587IX(40v).X(42).XI(42).XII(41).Seized landsletbyCrowntoEdward Billesby &Michael Hennagefrom 23 July 1591. [Rentcharged: £51-6-8p.a ]XI(11v) XII(41v)

319. JohnTebbott(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 360, under Tippet)

320. JohnTemplewas listed as a recusant ofFarleigh in Sussex in Mar. 1588.(Cf. CRSXXII, p. 123.)

321. JamesThatcher ofPriesthawes atWestham , Sussex , conformed in 1590, and hisdischarge is recorded in M.R., L.T.R.,32 Eliz , HilaryTerm , 'Recorda' section (Cf.Mackenzie J.Urquhart, 'ASussexRecusant Family' , in the DublinReview,no 512, (1967), pp 162-170)

322. Richard Thatcher (Cf.Wark, p 166. )

323. John ThimbolbywasdischargedinMar. 1587.(Cf. M.R., L.T.R.,29Eliz , Michaelmas Term , 'Recorda' section )

THISTLETON , John , 'merchaunt' , ofWarton, Kirkhamparish, Lancs . 13 mths recusancyfrom30 July1587 : conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

THISTLETON, John , 'yom" ,ofWeeton, Kirkhamparish, Lancs. 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).

THISTLETON, Margaret , 'spinster' , ofBryning[withKellamergh],Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

THOMAS, Alice, 'spinster' , ofLlanarth,Mon.5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

THOMAS, 'Aloicia'James,wifeofRichard Thomas, [ I, ofLlanover, Mon. (samerecusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(48v).

THOMAS, DavidWilliam, 'yoman', ofSkenfrith,Mon.(samerecusancy period & convictiondate)-VIII(48)

THOMAS,'Elnora' , wifeofJohnThomas ,[ ], ofLlanllowell, Mon. (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

THOMAS, HenryJohn, 'yoman' (sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

THOMAS,James, 'yoman' ,ofLlanarth,Mon. (samerecusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(48).

THOMAS, James, 'yoman' , ofTregare, Mon.(same recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(49v)

THOMAS,Jane, 'spinster' , ofLlanarth, Mon. (same recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-VIII(48)

THOMAS,Joan ,wifeofJohn Thomas , 'marchent' , ofLlandenny, Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v).

THOMAS, Lewis, 'laborer' , ofLlangattockVibonAvel,Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(48v).

THOMAS,Isabel, his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48v)

THOMAS,Mericke,[ 1 , ofLlangibby,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8 -VIII(49v).

THOMAS, Robert , junior, 'yoman'[recusant], ofColston[? Colwinston ], Glam , Wales Lands seized forrecusancylet byCrowntoJohn Griffinfrom 5 Sept. 1590X(74v)

THOMAS,William, 'yoman'[recusant], ofWhitchurch, Glam. , Wales . Lands seized for recusancylet byCrown to John Griffinfrom 5 Sept. 1590X(74v)

THOMAS,William, 'yoman' ,ofLlanarth,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48)

THOMAS,William Howell, 'yoman' , ofLlangattockjuxtaCaplion[juxta Caerleon], Mon.(same recusancyperiod &convictiondate)- VIII(49v) Record ofland-seizure, 24 Oct. 1588 [surname'THOMAS' omitted ]-IX(42v)* Rental ofland seized 24 Oct.1588,[Rent chargedbyCrown, 13s . 4d p.a ]X(50).XI(45).

THOMAS, 'Elnora' John ,hiswife(ofsame parish, same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(49v)

THOMAS, WilliamHowell, 'yoman' , ofLlanverchia [Llanfrechfa], Mon.

(Samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

THOMAS, 'Elnora' John ,his wife, ofLlanfrechfa, Mon. (same recusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

THOMAS, Winifrid , 'spinster' , ofPenn, Bucks 3mths recusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(3).

ap THOMAS, John Thomas, 'yoman' , ofLlanvihangel Ystern Llewern , Mon. 5mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar.1587/8- VIII(49v).

ap THOMAS, Jane, hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(49v)

verch THOMAS, Jane, 'spinster' , of Grosmont ,Mon. (samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

THOMPSON, Thomson, Jane, 'spinster' , ofSt.Margaret'sparish, Westminster [prisoner]324.1 mthrecusancyfrom 18 May1581:conv . 26 June 1581 [Pipe Rollentryunder 'Oxfords']I(45v) DebtreenrolledIII(73v) V(31v)

THOMPSON, Thomson , Jane, 'spinster' , ofWestminster ,Middx. [prisoner]. 3 mths recusancyfrom 27 June 1581: conv ?Sept. 1581 [PipeRollentryunder 'Berks')II(65v):andfourlater convictions , ending 16 Mar. 1581/2II(65v)* .

THOMPSON, John, gent., ofNewland , Gloucs . 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1585: conv 28 Feb. 1585/6VI(23v). Debt discharged. Record of land-seizureinOxfordshire , dated 20 Jan. 1588/9,and leasebyCrowntoThomas Bostock & Edward Street Rentcharged, £33-10s. p.a.VII(47v) SeeTOMPSON,Thompson , John.

THORNEBURIE, Edward , gent., ofChedull [Cheadle], Staffs . 12mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v).

THORNEHILL ,John, gent , ofBlandfordSt.Mary,Dorset. 12mths recusancyfrom 24 July 1587: conv 15 July1588VIII(19v).

THROCKMORTON, Anthony, esq., ofCheston, aliasChestehunte [Cheshunt],Herts Fine of £40imposed, in ? 1579 ,forcontempt before John [Aylmer], Bp. ofLondonandother HighCommissioners (discharged 1585)-III(29v). Debt re-enrolledV(27v) VII(26v)

THROCKMORTON,Throgmorton, Anthony, gent. ,ofWestminster , Middx[prisoner]325.3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Jan. 1581/2to 16 May 1582.Fined £60byHighCommissioners (£30 paid)-V(27).

THROCKMORTON,Throgmorton, Dorothy, wid , ofparishofSt. Dunstan intheWest, FarringdonWardWithout, London 3 mths recusancypriorto20 Apr. 1588, when convictedVIII(38v).

THROCKMORTON,Throgmorton, Margaret , wid ,of FecknamParke, Hanburyparish, Worcs 12mths recusancyfrom 10 Mar. 1587/8: conv.25 July 1588VIII(80v).

324. JaneThompson wasdischarged fromthe Gatehouseon 2 Jan. 1582/3.(Cf.CRSII, p 231.)

325. AnthonyThrockmorton, a merchant ofLondon, wassentintothe Gatehousebythe Lieutenantofthe Tower in 1581.Hewasstillthere in Mar. 1583/4 .(Cf. CRSII, pp 225, 230.)

THROCKMORTON,Throgmorton, Thomas, esq , of[Weston Underwood ]Bucks326.Summary ofdebtsforcontinued recusancy from27 Mar. 1587to29 Oct. 1588. Total£220, paid 28 Nov. 1589 . Quit . VIII(2v).Annual Fines forrecusancy(£260): firstserial payment, covering period 29 Oct. 1588 to28 Oct. 1589, paid by 28 Nov. 1590. Quit.IX(Iv).X(2).XI(3).XII(2v)

THURGAR,Thurgare , Agnes, wid , ofLinton, Cambs. 10 mths recusancy from1 Sept. 1586 : conv . 24 Mar. 1587/8VIII(7v) Recordoflandseizure, 3 June 1588 ( oflands&tenementsin Linton,occupiedby Richard Thurgare Rentcharged, £2 p.a.)IX(5v) Rental ofseized landsIX(10v).X(6) XI(6) XII(6)

THURLAND , Isabel, 'spr" , wife of Edmund Thurland, gent.,ofWelburne [Welbourn], Kesteven, Lincs. 3 mths recusancyfrom 10 Oct.1585: conv. ?Jan. 1585/6 -VI(9v).

THWAITES ,Thwaytes,Margaret , wife ofJohn Thwaites , ofMarstoninthe countyofthecityofYork 4mths recusancyfrom28 Mar. 1581: conv . 17 July1581-1(8) Debt re-enrolledIII(10) V(8) VII(8) IX(8)

TIBBETT ,Tybbett, John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner].4 mths recusancyending 22 July 1583, whenconvictedIV(49v):and three later convictions , ending 18 Feb. 1584/5V(50v), (52v). VI(51)

See TEBBOTT(andfootnote).

TIBOLD,Robert , 'glacier' ,ofBurySt. Edmund,Suffolk.3mths recusancy from 8 Apr. 1587 : conv 27Mar. 1588VIII(73)

TICHEBORNE,Tycheborne, Eliz., wid., ofWestysted[WestTisted], Hants.6mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587: conv 8 July1588VIII(68v TICHEBORNÉ)., Tycheborne , John , gent , ofSomerford,parishof Christchurch ,Hants 6 mths recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1586:conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(67)

TICHEBORNE,Tycheborne , Nicholas , gent. , ofHartleyMawditt [Mauditt],Hants.327. 18 mths recusancyending 13 Aug. 1582 ,when convictedII(52): andthreelater convictions , ending8 July1588IV(53).VI(54).VIII(68v) Debtsre-enrolledIV(52) VI(54)*.

TIDDER, see TYDDER,William, 'clericus'

TIDDY, Thomas, gent , ofNappa Hall, Ayskarth[Aysgarth ]parish,N.R. Yorks. 13 mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv . 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

TILER,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofBennacre[Benacre], Suffolk.6mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1588: conv 2 July 1589IX(64). DebtreenrolledXI(72v).

TILL, Margaret , 'spinster' , ofActon, Suffolk (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-IX(64).Debt re-enrolled -XI(72v).

326. Thomas Throckmortonwas listed as a prisoner aftertheBabingtonPlot,Sept. 1586.(Cf. CRSII, p 257.)

327. Nicholas Ticheborne , martyr, washangedatTyburn, 24Aug. 1601 , forrescuing a priest, hisown brotherThomas, fromprison Thomas Ticheborne himselfwasmartyred (Cf.Anstruther I, pp 358, 359 , under Thomas Tichbourne)

TINDALL, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofArlington, Sussex. 3mths recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1588 : conv.27 June 1589IX(53) Goods, value£4-7-4, seized 13 Apr. 1590X(67).

TIPPER,Marian, 'spinster' , ofLongdon , Worcs 6mthsrecusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July1588VIII(80v).

TIPPING, Hugh, ofChrist Churchparish, Farringdon WardWithin, London. 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv.28 July 1581-1(32v) Debt re-enrolledIII(38v) V(35)

TIRRELL, seeTYRRELL,Anthony, 'clericus' .

TIRWHITTE ,Tyrwhitte, Robert , gent. ,ofThornton,Lincs . 3 mths recusancyfrom 20 June 1581: conv 22 Sept. 1581-1(37v) Debt reenrolledIII(11). 1 mthrecusancyfrom 20 Jan. 1581/2: conv .?Mar. 1581/2-1(49):andonelater period , of2mthsrecusancy,from 20 Mar. 1581/2; conv , atOldBailey, London, on 20 Dec. 1582328.-

I(49). Debtsre-enrolledV(9v) VII(9v)

TIRWHITTE ,Robert , gent , ofLincolnshire.Fineof 100 marks imposedat CityGuildhall, London, on 11 Apr. 1582, forhearingMasssaidon 7 Jan. 1581/2 byEdward Osborne inthe FleetPrison,St. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without, London329.I(49) DebtreenrolledIII(11). V(9v) VII(9v) IX(9v).

TIRWHITTE ,Tyrwhitte, William, esq., ofKettleby[Thorpe],Lincs (a) Summaryofpre-1587 debtsfor recusancy, from 11 Dec. 1582 to 19 Oct. 1586 (63 months , @ 28 dayspermonth) Total£1,260. Rendering £60 thisTrinityterm(1587), and £400 yearly atMichaelmas tilltotaldebt cleared: suretiesbeingSirWilliam John Mounson of Little Carlton,Lincs. ,andWilliam FitzWilliamsofMablethorpe , LincsVII(9v). (b) AnnualFinesforrecusancy(£260): firstserial payment tocoverperiod 29 Oct.1586 to28 Oct. 1587VII(9v) VIII(12v) IX(9v) X(42v)330 .


TOCKETTS , Roger, esq., ofDripoole, parish ofSwyne, Kingston-on-Hull, [Yorks] 12mths recusancyfrom6 Aug. 1581: conv 6Aug. 1582II(29).Debt re-enrolled -VI(22).

TOFTWOOD, Brigit, 'spinster' , ofMellis, Suffolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587 : conv. 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

TOFTWOOD,Christopher , gent , ofMellis,Suffolk (same recusancy period andconvictiondate).-VIII(73).Record ofland-seizure,

328. Robert Tirwhittewasdischarged fromthe FleetbywarrantfromWalsingham to makehis furtherappearance, 22 Nov. 1582.(Cf. CRSII, p 223.)In a note opposite this entryin themargin, itisrecorded that, 'hehasanannuityin theManorof Buslingthorpe ' , Lincs

329. Cf.footnote257

330. WilliamTirwhitte Althoughthe writdiem clausit extremum onWilliamTirwhitte'sdeath wasrecorded inthe1st RR in 1592 (Cf. CRSXVIII, p 151. )no precisedateforthat eventisgiven. However , his last'annual fine'(£120) wasregistered in the Pipe Rollunder date , 27Nov.1590 , when hisexecutors completed the payment of £260forthe year 1589-90 Afinal £40wasrecorded asduein 1591.(Cf. CRS LXI, p 46.)and waspaid on 21 Nov. 1597. (Cf. RR, 1597-8,under 'Linc' .)

7 Oct. 1588IX(64) XI(65v) Rental oflandsseized 7 Oct. 1588 ( of landsinMelles [Mellis].Rent charged, £2-4-5p.a.)IX(45v).X(63v) Seized landslet byCrownto Matthew Crip(p)esfrom Michaelmas 1589 (Rent charged, £2-17-9 p.a.)X(80v).XI(65v)* XII(66v).

TOFTWOOD, Ethelreda, his wife(same parish , recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(73).

TOFTWOOD , Dorothy, 'spinster' , wifeofThomas Toftwood,gent,of Mellis, Suffolk (samerecusancyperiod anddate)-VIII(73)

TOMKINS, James, 'yoman' , ofSt. Dunstan's parish, Canterbury , Kent [? prisoner].9mths recusancyending 4 Mar. 1582/3, when convictedIII(28v): andtwolater convictions , ending22 Feb. 1583/4III(28v) IV(12) Debts re-enrolledV(30) VI(12).

TOMLINSON, Ellen , 'spinster' , ofChipping, Lancs. 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39)

TOMPSON,Tomson , Dorothy, 'spinster' , ofBrodwell[Broadwell ], Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv .7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

TOMPSON,Jane, 'spinster' , of Broadwell , Oxfords(samerecusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(35).

TOMPSON, Thompson , John, gent., of Brodwell [Broadwell], Oxfords . 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35) Record ofland-seizure, 20 Jan. 1588/9IX(31).X(79).Rental of lands seized 20 Jan. 1588/9, and let byCrown toThomas Bostock & EdwardStreetfrom 5 July 1589 ( ofthe manor ofBroadwell,andof landsin Kelmscott , Over Filkins&Nether Filkins, Oxfordshire.Rent charged,£33-10s p.a.)X(57v).XI(53v).XII(53v) Seizure cancelled, Easterterm 1593331. SeeTHOMPSON , John.

TOMPSON, Tomson, John, 'yoman' , ofAstley, Worcs 6mths recusancy from 29 Sept. 1587: conv.25 July1588VIII(80v).

TOMPSON , Tomson , Katherine , wid ,ofRibby,Lancs 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

TOMPSON,Mary, 'spinster' , ofAsteley [Astley], Worcs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1586: conv.28 Mar. 1588VIII(77).

TOMPSON,Tomson,Richard , 'yoman' , ofWesham , Lancs . 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39).

TOMPSON, Tomson , Margaret, his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod& convictiondate)-X(39).

TOMPSON , Robert , gent , ofBrodwell[Broadwell ], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35). See THOMPSON.

TONGE,Agnes, wifeofWilliam Tonge, 'yoman' ,ofHamstallRidware, Staffs. 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1585: conv . ?13 Mar.1586/7VI(63v).

331. JohnThompson hadthe seizureofhispropertycancelled in 1593. (Cf. CRSXVIII, p . 253, andM.R., L.T.R., 35 Eliz , Easter Term, 'Recorda'section )

TOOLEY ,Margaret, 'spinster' , ofMarten[Merton], Norfolk. 12mths recusancyfrom 10 July 1587: conv. ?20 July1588IX(45):and one laterconvictiondated 7 July1589IX(45v) Debtsre-enrolledXI(48)*.

TORRELL, Frances, wid., ofGreat Shelford , Cambs. 10 mthsrecusancy from 1 Sept. 1586 : conv 24 Mar. 1587/8 -VIII(7v).

TOWNELEY,John,[ ],ofColne, Lancs , sonofHenryTowneley,

[]. 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 - X(40).

TOWNELEY , John, gent., ofSt.Margaret'sparish, Westminster [prisoner]332.1 mthrecusancyfrom 18 May1581: conv . 26 June 1581-1(9).

TOWNELEY,John, esq , ofSalford, inparish ofManchester , Lancs [prisoner] 5mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1582: conv 16 Jan. 1582/3II(38v):and onelater conviction, dated22 Jan.1583/4II(37). Debt re-enrolledIV(37). VI(39).

TOWNELEY , John, esq., ofManchester, Lancs. 9 mths recusancy: undated (1583-4)[convicted byinformer'ssuit]333.IV(46v).

TOWNELEY, John, esq., ofSouthmyms [South Mimms],Middx. 5mths recusancyfrom 1 May 1585 [convicted by informer'ssuit]334.V(36)

TOWNELEY,John, esq ,ofCheaping [Chipping]Barnet,Herts.5mths recusancyfrom 16 Sept. 1585 [convicted byinformer'ssuit]335.VI(27).

TOWNELEY , John, esq., ofEnfield,Middx. Summary ofpre-1587debts forrecusancy(29 Aug. 1582 to 24 Oct. 1586: 54mths, @ 28daysper month).Total£1,080. By 11 Nov. 1589 the arrearsoftheremaining £280hadbeenpaid offVII(33 ).Annualfines forrecusancy(£260): firstserialpayment covering the period 24 Oct. 1586to23 Oct. 1587VII(33) VIII(38).IX(33).X(37)[This was hislastPipe Roll entryunder 'Lancs'].

TOWNELEY,John, esq., ofLancs336. Two AnnualFines(of£260)paid and consecutively registeredunder 'Lancs' (the 5th& 6th oftheseries): - 21 Oct. 1590 to20 Oct. 1591: paid 23 Oct. 1591.Quit 20 Oct. 1591 to19 Oct. 1592: paid 17 Nov. 1593.Quit

TOWNELEY ,Lucy, wid ,ofParkehill[Whalley], Lancs. 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40). -X(40v)* .

332. JohnTownleywasa prisoner inthe Gatehouse, and wasthen sent tothe New FleetPrisonin Salfordby the PrivyCouncil, 11July 1581.(Cf. CRS II, pp 220, 230.)

333. JohnTownley(Cf.M.R. ,L.T.R.,26/27 Eliz Michaelmas Term, 'Recorda'section , rotulet203.9 months recusancy £180, paid 26 May 1585 , and heisquit)

334. John Townley (Cf.M.R. , Q.R., 27Eliz , Michaelmas Term, 'Recorda'section,rotulet 271.The informerwasSimon Maxey ofPotton, Beds , yeoman He paid £100 for5months recusancyfrom 1 May 1585 on 10June 1586.Andheisquit)

335. JohnTownley(Cf. M.R. ,Q.R.,28 Eliz , HilaryTerm, 'Recorda'section, rotulet177. The informerwasthe same, and hepaid £100 for5 months recusancy from 16 Sept. 1585 on 10Jun. 1586.Andheisquit )

336. Referencesto Enfieldcease withthis entry, and show that Townley'spermanent residence wasnowprobablyTownleyHall, in the parish of Burnley , Lancs (Cf. CRSXXII, p. 126.)

TOWNELEY , Robert, esq , ofBarneside[Whalley], Lancs (samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-X(40).

TOWNELEY, Sarah, 'spinster' , ofBurnley, Lancs (same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-X(40).

TOWNEND,Isabel, 'spinster' , ofWeeton, Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39v)

TOWNEND,Margaret , wid , ofWeton [Weeton], Kirkhamparish, Lancs . 13mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587: conv 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35): andonelater conviction, dated 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39)

TOWNEND ,Margaret,ofPlumpton, Lancs. , wifeofRichard Townend , junior[ ]. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

TOWNESHEND, Ann, wifeofEdward Towneshend, gent ,ofLong Stratton, Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587:conv . 1 Apr. 1588 -VIII(54).

TOWNESHEND,Edmund , gent , ofBennacre[Benacre], Suffolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73)

TOWNESHEND , Townesend Edmund , gent ,ofLongStratton,Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54). Record oflandseizure, 18 Oct. 1588IX(45) Rental ofseized lands ( ofatenementand landsin LongStratton,Norfolk. Rent charged, 9s 4d p.a )IX(45).X(52v) XI(46v) XII(47v).

TOWNESHEND,Tounshend , Giles, gent , ofCawkett [? Caldecote], Norfolk. 3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54)

TOWNSHEND,Thomas, gent., ofCocleClaye[Cockley Cley], Norfolk.1 mthrecusancyfrom 10 June 1582: conv.? July 1582IV(44v)

TRAVERS, Traverse, Ann, ofNatebye [nrGarstang], Lancs , wifeof William Traverse, esq 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

TRAVES,Travers, Matthew,gent , ofSalfordinthe parishofManchester, Lancs [prisoner]. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Feb. 1582/3: conv. 22 Jan. 1583/4IV(37):andtwolaterconvictions , ending20 Apr. 1585VI(40v).Debts reenrolledIV(42v) VI(39) Seizedproperty (amessuage inWindle, Lancs)let byCrown to HighCuffefrom Michaelmas 1585VI(33v) VIII(16v).X(35v).XII(9).

TRAVIS,Traves, Travys, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofStevington [Steventon], Hants 2 mths recusancyfrom 19 Mar. 1580/1: conv 28 June 1581-1(55):andonelater conviction, dated9 Jan. 1581/2-1(55)* . Debts re- enrolledIII(62).V(56).VII(54)

TRAVIS, William ,[ ], ofSt. George's parish, Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]337.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7: conv . 17 July 1587IX(54).

337. WilliamTraviswas a prisoner in the Marshalsea, and described as 'an obstinate recusant' on25Sept. 1586.(Cf.CRS II,p. 259.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

TREMAYNE , Jane, 'spinster' , ofStepney,Middx 3mths recusancyfrom 5 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Sept. 1587VIII(38v).

TREMAYNE,Tremane,Mary, 'spinster' (same parish,recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(38v).

TREMAYNE, Richard , gent (sameparish, recusancyperiod &conviction date)-VIII(38v).

TREMAYNE, Joan, hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod&conviction date)-VIII(38v).

TREMAYNE,Tremaine , Richard , gent. , of Goreham [St.Goran], Cornwall338. 14mths recusancyending 20 Apr. 1582: conv 3 Sept. 1582II(6v); andonelater conviction, ending ? 10 Sept. 1582III(8).V(6) VI(6) Lands in Cornwallseized andletbyCrown toHughCuffe, Michaelmas , 1585 (twotenementscalled'Tregannon' and 'Ludcotte' Rent charged, £8 p.a.)VI(33v) VIII(16v). X(8). XI(7).XII(7).Summary ofdebtsforrecusancy(Totalof£320 reduced to£286-13-4 by payment of£33-6-8 on 12 Nov. 1584)-III(8) VI(6) Record ofland-seizurein Cornwall, 21 Apr.1588 -VIII(8). Rental oflands seized on21 Apr. 1588 ( oftenementsinTregonan, Trelissick , Morval and St.Martin Rent charged, £22-4-5p.a.)- VIII(8v) IX(6).SeizedlandsinCornwalllet byCrown toHannibal Vivianfrom 18 Mar. 1588/9IX(6) X(8) XI(7) XII(7)

TREMAYNE, Tremane, Sampson, gent., ofChideok, Dorset 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1583: conv. Lent, 1584IV(16v).

TREMAYNE,Tremaine , Sampson, 'yom" , ofDorchester , Dorset . 5mths recusancyfrom 23 Mar. 1583/4: conv 24 Aug. 1584IV(16v)

TREMAYNE,Eleanor , hiswife(ofsame parish).6months recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1587/8:conv 15 July 1588VIII((19v)

TREMAYNE,Tremane, Sampson, gent , ofDorchester ,Dorset. 5mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1585: conv 28 Feb. 1585/6VI(16): andone later conviction, dated4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(19)

TRESSHAM , SirThomas, knt ,ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWard Without,London[prisoner]339. 1 mthrecusancyfrom 7 Dec. 1581: conv 19 Jan. 1581/2I(4v): andthreelater convictions,ending 18 Jan. 1582/3I(4v) II(41v)[Total debts paid intoTreasury: - £100, 21 Nov. 1582 £180, 29 May1585 Andheisquit.]

338. Richard Tremayne wasbornat Mastowe in Devon Hewascommitted to thecustody ofthe Marshallofthe King's Bench Prison by theSheriffofCornwall, 4 Feb. 1583/4.(Cf.CRSII, pp 227 , 230) Indicted , withhis wifeJoan , forrecusancyin 1577 , he waslivingin Devonshire in 1577, and Bethnall Greenin 1588.(Cf. CRSXXII , pp 76, 102, 123. ) He wasa prisoner inLondon in 1588.(Cf.CRS II, p 283.)

339. SirThomas Tresham, knighted in 1577 , wasreconciled tothe church by Fr.Robert Parsons in 1580.Hewassummoned tothe PrivyCouncilon 18Aug. 1581 , and committed tothe Fleet for harbouringSt.Edmund Campion Heremained confinedforthe next seven years, chieflyinthe Fleet, laterinhis own houseat Hoxtonand then at Ely He wasreleasedon bailon 29 Nov.1588.He diedon 11 Sept. 1605, and wasburied at St. Peter's Rushton , Northants(Cf.DNBLVII, p 204, and CRSII, pp 223 , 229.)


Fine of100marks imposed on SirThomas TresshamatGuildhall, London, sessions ofOyer&Terminer, 11 April 1582, forhearing Mass said on 7 Jan. 1581/2 byEdward Osborne inthe Fleetprison , parish andwardaforesaid340.Fine [£66-13-4]paid 21 Nov. 1584. I(4v).

TRESSHAM, Tresham ,SirThomas , knt , ofRusheton [Rushton], Northants.Summary ofpre- 1587 debtsfor recusancy[Totaldebtat Michaelmas 1587=£953-6-8, beingthe remainder ofanoriginal debt of£1,260for63 mths ofrecusancy @ 28 dayspermth,from 20 Dec. 1582 to 24 Oct 1586; to be settledbya payment tothe Exchequer of£353-6-8atMichaelmas 1587, andbytwofurther payments of£300atMichaelmas 1588 and 1589]-VII(42v)341 . Statement re-enrolledIX(47). Annualfines forrecusancy(£260) paid:firstserialpayment covering period 29 Oct. 1586to28 Oct. 1587VII(42v) VIII(52v). IX(47). X(54v).XI(50v) XII(49v).

TREVETHEN, Walter,[ ],of Southwark , Surrey [prisoner]342. 10mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvictedVI(49v)

TREVIN,Philip, 'yoman' , ofLeigh , Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1587: conv.22 July1588VIII(58)

TRIME, Thomas , 'lab" , ofSt.Mary'sparish, cityofChester , Cheshire [prisoner]343.8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1584 to26 Apr. 1585 , whenconvictedVI(48v): and one later period (5 mths)from ? Apr. 1585 to 14 Sept. 1585 , whenconvicted -VI(48v).

TRIME,Thomas, 'yoman' , ofChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner]. 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585 to 15 Sept. 1586: conv . 3 Oct. 1586X(35v): andonelaterperiod (7mths)from26 Sept. 1586 to 24 Apr. 1587, whenconvictedVIII(58v).

TROWELL,Nicholas,[ ],ofAshbyMagna, Leics. 9 mths recusancy ending 10 Aug. 1587 ,when convicted -VIII(45v)

TUCKER, Tocker , John, 'printer' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]344. 10 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIII(58v): andonelater conviction, dated 22 July 1583IV(49v).DebtreenrolledV(52v).

340. Edward Osborne (Cf.footnote257.)For Osborne's confession, see CRSV , pp 27 , 28 Edward ROGERS and his wife, attended the samemass.

341. SirThomas Tresham's first payment of£353-6-5 wasmade on 13May1588 (VII(42v)), reducing the totaldebt to £600 . Hissecondpayment dealt witha number ofsmaller debtstotalling £273-6-8 (Cf. CRSLVIII ,pp. 116, 117; and Introd , p . xxxii, footnote103.) This final debtof £273-6-8 wasnotcovereduntil 1592 ,when SirThomas Tresham and histwosureties(Louis, LordMordauntofDraytonand Edward WatsonofRockingham )were discharged,and, bya recognisance before the Exchequer barons dated 12May 1592 , the debt in the sumof£400 was taken over byJervaseClifton, esq , son and heirapparent ofSirJohn CliftonofBassington, Somerset, and Nicholas FarmorofHardwick, Oxford, as recorded under RR no 6(E. 377/6), under 'Northants'

342. WalterTrevethen wasa prisoner (unidentified)in the ClinkinSouthwark . 343. Thomas Trine(Cf.Wark, p 166.)

344. John Tuckerwasone offour printers seizedat Stonor Parkon4 Aug. 1581.Hewassentto the Tower ofLondon, 13Aug. 1581 , fromthence removed tothe Marshalsea,23Aug. 1581 , and wasthere confined until 30 Sept. 1588.The date ofhis releasewasnot given (Cf. CRSII, pp 30 footnote, 233, 283.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

TUCKER , Tocker, John , gent., ofSouthwark,Surrey [prisoner] 4mths recusancyending 20 July 1584, whenconvictedV(50v)

TUCKER,Tocker, John, 'yoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner].4 mths recusancyending 22 July 1583, whenconvictedVI(51): andthree laterconvictions , ending 16 Feb. 1586/7V(52v). VI(49v). VI(50).

TUCKER,Margery, 'spinster' , ofClerkenwell , Middx 6mths recusancy from 1 Oct. 1587: conv 19 Apr. 1588IX(37).

TUCKER,Tocker, William, gent., ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner]345.10 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3,whenconvictedIV(49v): andtwolaterconvictions , ending 15 Feb. 1583/4IV(49v)* Debts re-enrolled -VI(51)* Seized landsin Londonand Essex letbyCrown toHughCuffefrom Michaelmas 1585VI(33v). VIII(16v). Seized landsinthecityofLondon, let by Crownto Hugh Cuffefrom Michaelmas 1585 [tenementcalled'le Blewbell' in BreadStreet, London.Rent charged, £3 p.a.]X(46).XI(36v) XII(36v) Seized landsin Essex , let byCrownto Hugh CuffefromMichaelmas 1585 [twocottages,with appurtenances, inBarking, Essex Rentcharged , £1-10sp.a ]-X(26v).XII(20v).

TUCKER,William, gent ,ofSt. Sepulchre'sparish, BishopsgateWard, London. 3 mths recusancypriorto20 Apr.1588, when convicted -VIII(38v)

TUKE,Henry,'yeoman' , ofHarrowden, Northants346. 12mths recusancy ending 2 May 1587: conv 12 Mar. 1587/8 -VIII(52v)

TURBERVILE, Lewis, gent , ofLlancarvan [Llancarfan], Glam . , Wales

Seized landslet by Crownto John Cornewall from Ladyday 1589 [ ofamessuage &30acres of land, with appurtenancesinLlanbetherne [Llanbethery], parish ofLlancarfan, in tenureofMaryGeorge,wid Yearlyvalue, £2-4-5]-X(74v).

TURBERVILE,Thomas , esq , of Beer[Bere]Regis, Dorset Fineof£100 imposed byHighCommissioners , 16 June 1578. £30 dueby Michaelmas 1588 (finepaid)-VI(16).

TURBERVILE,Thomasina , hiswife,ofBereRegis , Dorset.9mths recusancyfrom4 Oct. 1586: conv 4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(19).

TURBILL, Richard , 'laborier' , ofLongdon, Worcs 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588 : conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v).SeeTURVILL.

TURNER, 'Jenetta' , wid , ofThistleton, Lancs 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39).

TURNER,Richard , 'yoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]347.3mths recusancyending 15 Feb. 1583/4, whenconvictedIV(49v).DebtreenrolledVI(51).

345. WilliamTuckerwas senttothe Marshalsea bythe Bishop ofLondon, 28 July 1580 ,for 'papistry'(Cf.CRSI, p 71.), and, as 'Tocker', wasstillthere in Mar. 1582/3.(Cf. CRSII, p. 231.)

346. HenryTuke, 'serving man andservant toLordVaux' , wascommitted tothe Poultry Counter, 25Feb. 1581/2, and discharged 7 July1582.(Cf. CRSII, pp 223 , 229.)

347. Richard Turnerwassenttothe Marshalsea on4 Oct. 1583 , and wasstillthere inApr.1584 (Cf. CRS II, pp 233,236 .)

TURNOR ,Brigit,wifeofJamesTurnor, gent. ,ofKillinghall,parish of Ripley, W.R.Yorks 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586:conv. 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

TURNOR, Thomas, 'yom" , of Garwey [Garway], Herefords . Fineof100 marks imposed forhearing Mass . Convicted 8 Aug. 1586VI(25).

TURVILL , Richard , 'yoman' , ofFairend, Worcs. 12mths recusancyfrom 5 Mar. 1587/8:conv 14 July1589IX(68v). SeeTURBILL .

TWIFORD,Richard , 'yoman' , ofSondon [Sandon],Staffs.6mths recusancyfrom6 Sept. 1587: conv 22 July 1588VIII(58).

TYDDER, Tedder, Tidder, William, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey [prisoner]348.2mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, when convictedIII(58v).Debt re-enrolledV(52v).

TYLLYE,William, 'yoman' , ofSteyning, Sussex 2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v)

TYLSON, Tilletson , Francis, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark, Surrey[prisoner]349 . 7mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvicted -VI(49v).

TYRRELL,Tirell, Anthony, 'clericus' , ofSt.Margaret's parish, Westminster [prisoner]350 . 1 mthrecusancyfrom 18 May1581:conv. 26 June 1581-1(19v) Debt re-enrolledIII(22). V(19v).

URMESTON , aliasRYCHARDSON,Thomas, 'yoman',ofHorwich, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom24 Aug. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v)

USSHERWOOD , Issherwood, Christoper , 'husb" , ofThornleywith Wheatley , Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39)

USSHERWOOD ,Usherwood , Christopher , 'husb" , oftheparish of'St, Mary on the Hill', Chester, Cheshire[prisoner]. 8 mths recusancy from 1 Sept. 1584: conv ?26April1585 -VI(48v).

USSHERWOOD ,Usherwood , Christopher , 'yoman' , ofChesterCastle , Cheshire[prisoner]351. 13mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585: conv 3 Oct.1586VIII(58v); andonelater conviction , dated24 Apr. 1587X(35v)

UVEDALE,Uvedall, Anthony, esq , ofHambledon ,Hants .6mths recusancyfrom 1 Nov. 1586: conv 25 Feb. 1586/7VIII(67).

Goods, value£100, seized 8 Nov. 1588 (20acres ofwoodland , called Beech Wood,and 20acres ofoaks)-IX(58).Record ofland-seizure , 8 Nov. 1588 (Two thirdsofWoodcote farmnearAlesford[Old Alresford] Rentcharge, £16-4-6p.a)-IX(58) Rental ofseized landsIX(59v).X(68) Seized landsatWoodcote let byCrownto Charles Pagett from 30 May 1589 fora rent of£16-4-6p.a.X(68v).XI(59v) XII(60v)

348. WilliamTydder(Cf. AnstrutherI, pp 347, 348, under Tedder )

349. Francis Tylson(Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 359, 360, under Tilletson)

350. AnthonyTyrrell(Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 361-363, underTirell )

351. ChristopherUssherwood (Cf.Wark, p 154 , underIsherwood )

VACHELL ,Vachill, Stephen, gent , ofBerryton [Buriton], Hants 18mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv. Sept. 1582 -III(50v):andone laterconviction, dated26 Feb. 1587/8(for 10 mths recusancy)- VIII(67).Debt re-enrolledV(56) Record ofland-seizure,30 May 1589 (Two-thirdsofHeathHouse farmin BuritonnearPetersfeild. Rent charge, £48-17-10p.a. 352). Rental oflands seized 30 May 1589IX(59v).X(68v).XI(59v). Seized landsat Heath Houseletby CrowntoCharles Pagettforareducedrent of£18-6-6p.afrom 4 May 1593 .

VACHELL, Thomas , gent . /esq , ofIppesden [Ipsden], Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586 : conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35) Rental oflandsinBerks, seized 24 Apr. 1589 (Thewhole tenementcalled 'Beansheaves 'inTilehurst; two-thirds ofpropertyatColeyHouse , Reading,andin Burghfeild, Greshill, NorthStreetandShinfeild Rent charged,£24-16-4p.a)IX(4v) Seized landsinBerks letby CrowntoJohn ArdenandVincent Coventry from 7 July1589,for samerent .IX(4v).X(3).XI(4) XII(4) Rental of landsinOxfords. seized23 May 1589 (Two-thirdsofaparcelofland called'Payges' , estimatedto contain 30acres , inMapledurham , Oxon., andtwo-thirds ofthemanors ofIpsden Huntercombe &IpsdenBassett,Oxon Rent charged, £13-14-8p.a.)IX(31).X(57) Seized landsinOxfords. let byCrownto Thomas Readfrom Ladyday 1589, forsamerentIX(31v).XI(53) XII(53v).

VAUGHAN ,Edward, gent , ofthe parish of'LeStronde,aliasSavoy' , London.3 mths recusancyfrom 10 Mar. 1588/9: conv.4 Sept. 051589IX(37)

VAUGHAN , Jane, wifeofWilliam Vaughan, gent , ofWelsh Bicnor [Bicknor], Herefords 12 mthsrecusancyfrom1 Sept. 1586: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(30).

VAUGHAN , Joan, 'spinster' , ofSt. Saviour's parish, Southwark ,Surrey[? prisoner]353.3mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1588: Conv.30 June 1589IX(53).

VAUGHAN ,Margery,wifeofRichard Vaughan, esq.,ofKynnersley [Kinnersley], Herefords 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv.

18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(30).

VAUGHAN ,Vaughen, Michael, gent., ofWinforton, Herefords (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(30) Recordoflandseizure, 23 Aug. 1588 (Two-thirdsofthe manor ofWinferton [Winforton],with appurtenancesin Co. Hereford )-IX(25v). Rental

352. StephenVachell From 1592 the Exchequer decided toreducethe rent of HeathHouse from £48-17-10perannum , to £18-6-6(twoannual payments of£9-3-3)and prohibitedthe furtherchargeof£30-11-4. (Cf.M.R., L.T.R., 31 and 32 Eliz , Michaelmas Term 'Recorda' section, see CRSXVIII, p 286, and CRSLVII, p 39, footnote) Theyearly payment of£18-6-6 continued until 1598

353. Joan Vaughan wasa prisoner (unidentified) in the ClinkinSouthwark .

ofseized lands (Rent charged, £22-4-5 p.a.: unpaid)-IX(25v). X(28).XI(28) XII(28).354

VAUGHAN , Reginald William,gent ,ofWhitechurche [Whitchurch], Herefords Twofines of £20imposedforignoringthesheriff's summonsesafterexcommunication ,4 Apr. 1581 and4 Oct. 1581III(28)* . Debts re-enrolledV(26), (26v).

VAUX , George, esq , of Great Harrowden ,Northants 12mths recusancy from31 July 1587:conv. 4 Mar. 1588/9 -IX(47).

VAUX,Henry,gent , ofTottenham,Middx355. 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1583: conv. 1 Jan. 1583/4IV(32v) Debt re-enrolledVI(34)

VAUXOFHARROWDEN,William,Lord, ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWardWithout,London[prisoner]356. Fineof100 marks imposed at LondonGuildhallsessions ofOyer& Terminer, 11 Apr. 1582, forhearing Mass said on 7 Jan. 1581/2 byEdward Osbornein the Fleetprison , parish andward aforesaidI(4v) VII(42v)

VAUX OFHARROWDEN,William,Lord, ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdonWardWithout, London[Pipe Rollentryunder 'Northants'].6mths recusancyfrom 11 Oct. 1581 : conv . 11 Apr. 1582I(4v) Debtre-enrolledIII(48v) V(43v)

VAUX , William, LordofHarrowden , Northants[3rd Baron]. Summary of pre-1587 debtsforrecusancy: £853-6-8(unpaid)-VII(42v). Debts re-enrolledIX(47).XII(49v) SeizureofLordHarrowden'slandsin Northants, 3 Oct. 1587 (Two-thirds ofmanors ofGreat & Little Harrowden,Isham, Clipston&MearsAshbyetc. Rentcharge, £259-13-4p.a.)VIII(52v) IX(46v) XI(49v).XII(49v).Seizureof LordHarrowden'slandsin Beds., 28 Sept. 1587 (Two-thirdsof manors ofPatenham [? Pavenham]& Eaton Socon Rent charge , £58-5-6p.a 357)-VIII(lv) IX(1) X(5) XI(1).XII (1) Seizureof Lord Harrowden'slandsinCambs., 14 Oct. 1587(Two-thirdsof manors ofCheynes& Wallinge in LongStanton & Fendytton , called 'DyttonHall' Rent charge, £42-14s . p.a )VIII(30v) IX(5).X(6) SeizureofLordHarrowden'slandsinLincs., 22 Aug. 1587

354. MichaelVaughan'sManorofWinforton, Herefords , wasrevalued bythe Exchequer,4 Oct. 1595, and let toGregoryPrice, esq , from 31 Jan. 1595/6 fora reduced rent of£8-17-10 per annum Atthe sametime the previous debts(£ 166-13-4)up toMichaelmas 1595 werecancelled, except onedebt of£22-4-5 (Cf. M.R., L.T.R., 31 Eliz , HilaryTerm , 'Recorda' section , see CRSLXI, p 155.)

355. Henryand GeorgeVaux ,the elder andyounger sons ofWilliam, LordVaux ofHarrowden were also indicted three times forrecusancy between 14Dec. 1584 and 1 Oct. 1585 , as'of Hackney, Middx '(Cf.Jeaffreson I, p 144 seq )

356. William Vaux , LordVaux,wasimprisoned in the Fleetfora period atthis time (Cf. GodfreyAnstruther, Vaux ofHarrowden,(1953), p 225.)

357. LordVaux'slands seizedon 28Sept. 1587 ,weretaken torecover hisdebts of£1,420.(Cf. CRS LVII, Introd , p . xxxi, footnotes97and98.)


(Two- thirdsofthemanorofBrantBroughton. Rentcharge, £21-2-11p.a.)VIII(44v). IX(40v). X(42).XI(42).XII(41) 358

VAVISOR,Vaviser, Frances, 'spinster' , ofWarton[Wharton]in Lindsey, Blytonparish, Lincs . 10mths recusancyfrom 8 Sept. 1586:conv . 28 Mar. 1588VIII(44v).

VAVISOR,Vaviser , Thomas, gent., ofRushton, Northants 12mths recusancyending 2 May 1587: conv. 12 Mar. 1587/8VIII(52v).

VERNON,Eliz., wid., ofDrayton[inHales], Salop³59. 12mths recusancy from24 Feb. 1586/7: conv 18 July1588VIII(16v).

VERNON, Robert, gent. ,(sameparish , recusancyperiodandconviction date)-VIII(16v)

VERNON, Thomas , gent ,(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(16v). Goods, value £11-10s. , seized9 Oct.

1589IX(13v). Debt re-enrolledX(58v).XI(63v).Record oflandseizure,9 Oct. 1589IX(13v) Rental ofseized lands(Two-thirdsofa tenementwith appurtenancescalled 'Ternehill' in Drayton.Rent charge, £2-13-4p.a )IX(69v).X(59v) XI(62v) Seized landslet byCrowntoWilliam Jewett from 16 Apr. 1590360X(58v).XI(62v).

VEYNE,Reginald John, 'yoman' , ofGrosmont,Mon.5mths recusancy from 24 Mar.1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v).

VIES,Vice,Joan, 'spinster' , ofStandon, Staffs.4mths recusancyfrom 31 Mar. 1582: conv 2 Aug. 1582II(14): andfour later indictments ending 1 Aug. 1586III(64v) IV(62v) VI(63v)* Debtsre-enrolled IV(62).V(66).VI(63) SeeVYES VYSE

VIEZ,Vies, Edmund , 'yoman' , ofStoke [upon Trent], Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588 : conv 14 Mar. 1588/9IX(69v).

VIVIAN, John, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]361. 1 mth recusancyfrom5 June 1588 : conv 5 July1588VIII(63).

VOWELL,Thomas, gent ,ofRingestead[Ringstead], Norfolk362.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587 : conv . 1 Apr.1588VIII(54)

VYSE , Vyes,Joan, 'spinster' , ofStoke[upon Trent], Staffs 8mths recusancyfrom 22 July 1581: conv.22 Mar. 1581/2-1(13):andtwo later indictments ending 19 July 1585V(66)* .Debtsre-enrolledIII(71) V(66).

358. The onlyrecorded rentpayment from LordHarrowden'sseizedlands , wasthesumof £7-19-2paid intothe Treasury on 13May 1594,fromthe ManorofBrant Broughton , Lincs (Cf. CRSLVII ,p . 88 )Thesefourentries in Beds , Cambs , Lincs , and Northantsare annotated bythe word'supersedeas' in 1595 (the year ofLord Harrowden'sdeath) and disappear fromtheRolls

359. Elizabeth Vernon , widow,and her two sons, Robert and Thomas , oftheDioceseof Coventryand Lichfield, werereported as recusantsinNov. 1577.(Cf.CRSXXII,p 94.)The daughter,Margery , wasalso mentioned

360. Thomas Vernon'slands were discharged (Cf.M.R., L.T.R. , 33 Eliz , HilaryTerm , 'Recorda ' section )

361. John Vivian(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 367)

362. Thomas Vowellwasreported asarecusant at Ringstead, Norfolk, in Mar. 1588.(Cf. CRS XXII, p 121.)

WADDINGTON ,Edward , 'scholm[aster]' , ofChurche, Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

WADE,Margery, 'supposedrecusant&fugitive' , ofStaffs . Goods, value £7-2-2, seized 4 Sept. 1589X(14) 363

WAITE ,Ann,wifeofHenryWaite,gent., ofTittleshall, Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr.1588VIII(54).

WAKEMAN, Joan,wifeofRichard Wakeman , 'yeoman' , of'thecountyof Worcester' 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1586: conv . 28 Mar. 1588VIII(77).

WAKEMAN, Wakemane,John, 'yoman' ,ofSteyning, Sussex .2mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v)

WAKEMAN, Roger, 'clericus' ,ofSt.Michael's parish, Cripplegate Ward, London[prisoner]364. 3 mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1:conv 28 July1581-1(32): and twolater indictments ending20 Dec. 1581-1(35)* . Debts re-enrolledIII(38v)*. V(35)* .

WALBANCK, Eliz ,wid., ofExelbye[? Epplebyl, in Gillingparish,N.R. Yorks. 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

WALDERN, Richard,[ 1,ofAstonnear Brymyngham [Birmingham ], Warwicks 6mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1588: conv 21 July 1589IX(11v).

WALDRON,Walrond,Walrand, George, gent , ofAlborne[Aldbourne], Wilts 6mths recusancyfrom 2 Jan. 1586/7:conv 1 Mar. 1587/8VIII(74v) Record ofland-seizure, 8 Oct.1588 -IX(66). Rental ofseized lands(Two-thirds oflands&tenementsin Aldbourne. Rent charged, £13-6-8p.a.)IX(66). SeizedlandsletbyCrownto Freman Younge from 5 May 1589 ,for arent of£13-6-8p.a.IX(66).X(76v).XI(67v).XII(68v).

WALDRON,Walderne, Walderen , Richard , 'linen draper' , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]365. 10mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3 , when convicted -IV(49v):and threelater indictments , ending 16 Feb. 1586/7IV(49v)*. VI(50) Debtsre-enrolledV(50v) VI(51)* .

WALDRON, Richard , 'linendraper' , ofNewington , Surrey [prisoner] 6 mthsrecusancyending 18 Feb. 1584/5, whenconvictedV(52v):and onelater indictment, dated 17 Feb. 1585/6VI(49v)

WALKER , Charles, 'yom" , ofRawroyd , W.R. Yorks 2mths recusancy from4 Jan. 1585/6 : conv 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v): andonelater indictment,dated 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v)

363. MargeryWadeof HamstellRidware,Staffs, 'a tenant or sevantofSir Thos Fitzherbert ' , waslisted as arecusant in 1577.(Cf.CRSXXII, p. 88.)

364. Roger Wakeman (Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 368, 369.)The Pipe Rollentry in this case hasthe marginalnote , 'fieri faciatvicecomiti Glouc' , indicatingthatthe SheriffofGloucesterwas responsible forlevying the debt inthiscase ofrecusancy.

365. RichardWaldronwascommitted first tothe PoultryCounter bythe Commissioners for ecclesiasticalcauseson 29April 1580.Hewasremoved to the Tower on17 May 1580.(Cf. CRSI, p. 56.)On 8Apr.1584 , hewas foundin the WhiteLion prison in Newington ,Surrey This'poor simpleman ' spent 15yearsin prison,and appearsto havebeenreleasedin 1595. (Cf. CRSII, pp 237,287 )

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

WALKER , Eliz., 'spinster' ,ofKirtleton[?Kirtlington], Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

WALKER, Frances, wid , ofRypley [Ripley], W.R. Yorks. 13mths

WALKER, George, 'husb" , ofWhichnor[Wichnor], Staffs366. 12mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1586: conv. 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v).

183 recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv.4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v)

WALKER, 'Jennetta' verch Phillippe, [ ],ofSkenfrith, Mon.5mths recusancyfrom24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48)

WALKER , John,gent. , ofNether Stowey, Somerset 7 mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1586/7:conv 6 Mar. 1587/8VIII(65).

WALKER,Ralph,[ ], of[ ],W.R. Yorks 2mths recusancyfrom 4 Jan. 1585/6:conv 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v).

WALKER,Walter, 'husb" , ofKirtleton [Kirtlington ?], Oxfords 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv.7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

WALKER,Mary, hiswife(same parish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(35v)

WALKER,William,[ ],of[ ],W.R. Yorks 2mths recusancyfrom 4 Jan. 1585/6: conv 14 Mar. 1585/6 -VI(20v).

WALLE,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofFlixton, Suffolk 3mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv. 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73). SeeWHALLE

WALMESLEY ,Henry, 'cowper' , ofBillington, Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v)

WALNE,Wallne, Grace, 'spinster' , ofWyresdale, Lancs (same recusancy period andconvictiondate)-X(39v).

WALROND, Walrand:seeWALDRON , George

WALTAM , Thomas, gent , ofHigham[HighHam], Somerset. 7 mths recusancyfrom 1 Jan. 1586/7: conv 6 Mar. 1587/8VIII(65).

WALTER,Hugh, 'yoman' , ofLlangattockjuxtaCaerleon, Mon.5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v)

WALTON,Barnard, 'webster' ,ofBareford[? Barrowford,nearColne], Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

WALWEN,Alice, wifeofJohn Walwen , gent., ofSutton , Herefords367.12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(30).

WALWEN,Francis, gent , ofTomworthe[? Tanworth-in-Arden], Warwicks 3 mths recusancyfrom 12 May1587: conv . 15 Mar. 1587/8VIII(76)

WARD , Warde, John, gent ,ofRingestead, parish ofDenford , Northants. 12 mths recusancyending 2 May 1587: conv 12 Mar. 1587/8VIII(52v) Goods, value £2, seized 29 July1587IX(33). Debt re-enrolledXII(50v).Record of land-seizure, 29 July1587

366. George Walkerwassaidto beworth40s in land in the Diocesan Returns ofRecusantsin 1577.(Cf. CRSXXII,p. 91.)

367. AliceWalwen waslisted among the principalandmost dangerousrecusantsintheDiocese ofHereford in 1604.(Cf. CRSII, p 294.)

(Two-thirdsofonecottageortenementinRingsteadandofthetithes ofgrain-andhay-sheaves annuallygrowingthere)-IX(33).XII(50v). Seized landslet byCrowntoJohn Newett from 7 Feb. 1588/9fora rent of£4 p.a.IX(47) XI(49v) XII(50v)

WARD,Warde, Lucy, 'spinster' , wifeofWilliam Warde [ ], of Tomworthe [? Tanworth-in-Arden], Warwicks 3 mths recusancy from 12 May 1587: conv 15 Mar. 1587/8VIII(76).

WARD,Robert, gent. , of Bowes, N.R. Yorks. 8 mths recusancyfrom 22 Jan. 1586/7: conv 4 Sept. 1587 -VIII(25v)

WARD, Thomas, 'laborer' , ofHamstallRidware, Staffs 6mths recusancy from6 Sept. 1587:conv 22 July 1588VIII(58)

WAREHAM , Robert , 'yom" ,ofDorchester, Dorset 3 mths recusancyfrom 20 Dec. 1583: conv.Lent1584IV(16v): and one later indictment dated 24 Aug. 1584IV(16v).

WARNEFORD,Oliver, gent. , ofFarlington, Hants368.7mths recusancy from 16 Sept. 1583 : conv. ? Apr. 1584V(56v).

WARNEFORD, Oliver, gent., ofChilworth, Hants.6mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587:conv. 8 July1588VIII(68v).

WARNEFORD, Richard , gent , of the cityofWinchester , Hants [? prisoner]369.6mths recusancyfrom 6 May 1581: conv.? Oct. 1581-1(55). Debtre-enrolledIII(62).V(56).VII(54)

WARNEFORD,Richard, gent. ,ofSt. Maurice's parishinthecityof Winchester , Hants 3 mths recusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1581: conv . 9 Jan. 1581/2-1(55):andonelater conviction, dated8 July 1588VIII (68v). Debtsre-enrolledIII(62).VII(54) Richard Warnefordindebted toQueenin £1,540bytheAct of1586-7 . Land seizurein Hants andWilts forrecusancy: - [1] 23 acres ofland calledUpbattelinWinchester, seized on22 Apr. 1588.Rentcharge, £12-8-10 p.a.VIII(67).

[2] Two-thirdsofthemanor-farmofNewland intheparishof Southwick,Hants . , seized 20 May1592.Rentcharge, £26-13-4p.a.VIII(68v) IX(57v) X(68v) XI(59v). XII(60v)

[3] Two-thirdsofseized chattels-realin Wilts['purpartyandportion' ofthe manorofBuryBlunsdon ,Wilts , in Blunsdon St. Andrew; seized 27 Jan. 1590/1. Rent charge, £10-13-4 p.a.].This Wiltspropertylet byCrown to John Gregory from 22 Mar. 1590/1XI(68v), (73v).XII(68v). 370

WARNER, Simon , gent , ofAlchurche[Alvechurch], Worcs 2mths recusancyfrom 7 Apr. 1588: conv 6 Mar. 1588/9IX(70v).

368. OliverWarnfordwasdescribed as worth £50 in goods in the Diocesan Returns ofRecusants in 1577.(Cf.CRSXXII ,p. 41.)

369. Richard WarnefordofSouthwick , Hants , wasdescribedas worth £200ingoodsinthe Diocesan Returns ofRecusants in 1577.(Cf. CRSXXII, p 40.)Hewascommitted to theWood Street Counter ,together withhiswifeMary,in June 1586. (Cf. CRS IIp 252.)

370. RichardWarneford'sland seizuresand debtsaredetailed in the RRS .(Cf. CRSXVIII, p 287, CRS LVII,p 39 , 186, and CRSLXI, p 239.)

WARREN, William,[ 1 , ofSt. Bride's parish, FarringdomWard Without,London[?prisoner] 1 mthrecusancyfrom6 Sept.1581: - I(35); andonelater conviction, dated20 Dec. 1581-1(35)*.DebtsreenrolledIII(38v) V(35)

WARTON, Ellen, ofTreyles [Treales: Kirkham], Lancs ,wifeofWilliam Warton, 'husb" . 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

WARTON,Thomas, junior, 'tanner' , ofKirkbythure[KirkbyThore], Westmorland 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 June 1588: conv 5 Aug. 1588IX(69). SeeWHARTON.

WATERS,Francis, 'yoman' , ofBledlowe, Bucks. 3 mthsrecusancyfrom 27 Mar. 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(3)

WATERTON ,Mary,wifeofThomasWaterton, gent , ofWalton , W.R. Yorks. 6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587:conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v) Record of land-seizure, 8 Apr. 1589IX(22v).

Rental oflands seized 8 Apr. 1589 [Two-thirds ofthemanorof Cawthorne ,withiron-mills, lands&tenementsin Mensthorpe,inthe parish ofSouth Kirkby, W.R.Yorks Rent charge, £34-3-4 p.a.]-IX(21v).X(21v).XI(24v).XII(23v) Seized landsletbyCrown toEdwardBirde&John Terrye from 14 Oct.1590 [Lease dischargedX(13v)]

WATERTON, Thomas , esq., ofWalton, W.R.Yorks, and[ ],hiswife. 2mths recusancyfrom4 Jan. 1585/6: conv. 14 Mar. 1585/6VI(20v).

WATKIN ,Watkyne, Eliz , wifeofJohn Watkine,gent., of Baysham, parish ofSellock [Sellack], Herefords 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 18 Mar.1587/8VIII(30)

WATKIN, Eliz ,wifeofPeterWatkine, 'yom",ofWillington[Swillington], W.R. Yorks.6 mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv . 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v).

WATKIN , Joan , wifeofRogerWatkin[ ],ofLlangoven,Mon.5mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v)

WATKIN ,Watkyne, John, 'yoman' , ofRaglan, Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48) Record ofland-seizure , 24 Oct. 1588IX(42v). Rental oflands seized 24 Oct.1588 (tenants owe2s . 8d. p.a.)X(50).XI(45).

WATKIN , 'Jonetta' , wife ofJohn Watkyne,[ ], ofRaglan, Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48).

WATKIN ,Katherine , wifeofCharlesWatkin ,[ ], ofLlangattockVibon Avel,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v).

WATKIN , Philip, [ 1 , ofLlangattockjuxtaCaerleon,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v).

WATKIN ,Watkyne, William, 'yoman' , ofLandewye[? Llanthewy ], Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49v)

WATKIN , 'Alsona ' , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(49v). verchWATKIN ,Ann, 'spinster' , ofTregare,Mon.(same recusancyperiod


and convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

WATSON, Watsone,Christopher , 'yom" ,ofRyppon [Ripon],W.R. Yorks 4mths recusancyfrom 28 Mar. 1581: conv 17 July1581371.I(21v) III(24) V(22)

WATSON,Watsone, Frances, wid., ofKillinghall, parish ofRipley, W.R. Yorks 13mths recusancyfrom 3 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Sept. 1587VIII(25v).

WATSON,William, 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish,Southwark,Surrey [prisoner]372.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv. 17 July 1587IX(54).

WEBLEY, Henry, 'yoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey373[prisoner] 8 mths recusancyending 16 Feb. 1586/7, whenconvicted (ofrecusancy)VI(50)

WEBSTER , Ellen , ofBryning, Lancs , wifeofLaurenceWebster 13 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39v).

WEBSTER ,Richard, gent . /'yoman' , ofSouthwark , Surrey[prisoner]374. 10 mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, whenconvictedIV(49v)*: and 3laterindictments ending 16 Feb. 1586/7,when convictedIV(49v)* . V(52v) VI(50), (51)*.

WEBSTER , Richard , gent ,ofSt. Botolph'sparish, BishopsgateWard, Without London.Fine of 100 marks imposedforhearingMasssaidon 30 Jan. 1585/6 byWilliam Thompson inthehouseofRobert Bellamy [q. v.] Convicted at Old Bailey, 18 Apr.1586VI(34v).

WEBSTER , William, 'yeoman' ,ofAppulby[Appleby], Westmoreland . 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 June 1588: conv.5 Aug. 1588IX(69).

WEEKELEY , Edward , gent , ofAdington[Addington],Northants 12mths recusancyfrom 31 July 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1588/9IX(47)

WELLES,Gilbert, esq., ofBrambridge , parish ofTwyford, Hants 375.18 mths recusancyending 13 Aug. 1582, whenconvictedII(52):and twolaterconvictions ending Apr. 1586IV(53) VI(54).VIII(68). dim Goods,value £53-5s., seized 8 Nov. 1588IX(58). Goods,value £136-13-4,date ofseizureunspecifiedX(69) RecordoflandseizureinHants, 22 Apr. 1588VIII(67v) Rental ofseized landsin Hants [Twothirdsofthe reversion ofthe manor ofBrambridge

371. ChristopherWatson , a successsfulmerchant in Ripon, Yorks, wasreconciled byFr.Henry Comberford He wasarrested atYork in 1580, imprisoned in YorkCastle, and died thereinSept. 1581.(Cf. CRSXXII, p 32 footnote)

372. WilliamWatson(Cf.AnstrutherI,pp 372-374 .)

373. HenryWebleywas borninto a yeoman familyin Gloucester. He wasarrestedinChichester Haven onboard a ship goingtoFrance, and wassenttothe Marshalsea on25Apr. 1586.(Cf. CRS II, pp 242,244, 251 ,254.) Hewasconvicted atthe Old Bailey ofaiding WilliamDeane,the priest martyr on 26Aug. 1588 , and washanged atMile End

374. RichardWebster, a schoolmaster, wasimprisoned in the Marshalsea from 25 Mar. 1574 (Cf. CRSI, p 61, 70.) He wascommitted to Newgate for examination , and returned tothe Marshalsea on 12June 1586.(Cf. CRS II, p 244.) Described as 'a great perverter ofyouth' , hewas stillintheMarshalsea on 30 Sept. 1588 , and on6 July 1602.(Cf. CRSII, pp 231 seq .)

375. GilbertWelles wasthe brotherofSt.Swithun Wells. (Cf. CRSV, pp 131 , 132.)Hewas a prisoner in Winchester in June 1582 , wassentintoNewgate on 21 Dec. 1583 , and thencetothe Marshalsea, where hestill remained on 8 Apr. 1584.(Cf. CRS II, pp 221,233,235.)

Rent charge, £68-8-11p.a ]VIII(68v) IX(57v) X(68v) Record ofland-seizurein Dorset, 23 Nov. 1588VIII(83v).Rental ofseized lands inDorset [TwothirdsofthemanorofRanescombe(? or Ravescombe) inthe Isle ofPurbeck , andlandsin Worth(Matravers)in thesameIsle . Rent charge, £20-13-4p.a ]VIII(83v) Seized lands letbyCrowninHants andDorset toThomas Hixonfrom4 Feb. 1588/9IX(59).X(68v) XI(59v) XII(60v).

WELLES, Henry,gent , ofTychfeild[Titchfield], Hants 6mthsrecusancy from 1 Aug. 1587: conv 8 July 1588VIII(68v).

WELLES, Henry, gent , ofGoldingstone [Godlingston ], Dorset. 3 mths

recusancyfrom 1 Apr. 1587: conv.4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(19) Record ofland-seizureinDorset, 1 July 1590 [two-thirdsofthemanorof Godlingstoninthe IsleofPurbeck Rentcharge, £6-13-4 p.a.]X(83v).Seizedlandslet byCrownto John Hopkinson from 3 Nov. 1590X(83v).XI(35v).XII(53v).

WELLES, Thomas , gent , of Brambridge , Hants.6mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1587:conv 8 July1588VIII(68v).

WELLES,Wills,Thomas, 'yeoman' , of Home Hale, Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54) Goods , value£1 , seized 18 Oct. 1588IX(45).Rental oflandsseized18 Oct. 1588 [two-thirdsofamessuage , lands& tenementsinHilbrough, Norfolk. Rent charge, £1-6-8p.a ]IX(45).X(52v) XI(46v) XII(47v).

WENFORD, Dorothy,'spinster' ,ofLongdon ,Worcs 6mthsrecusancy from 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July1588VIII(80v) See WRINFORD.

WENHAM , John, 'yoman' , ofLaughton , Sussex 2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587 : conv.26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

WENTWORTHE, Dorothy,wifeofMatthewWentworthe , esq , ofBretton, W.R. Yorks.2 mths recusancyfrom4 Jan. 1585/6: conv. 14 Mar. 1585/6 -VI(20v).

WENTWORTHE,Dorothy,[ ],ofBretton,parish ofSilkstone ,W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July1587: conv. 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v)

WENTWORTH,Magdalen (sic,forMatilda)[ ],ofSilkstone , W.R. Yorks 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv . 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v) Record of land-seizure, 8 Apr. 1589 [under MATILDAWENTWORTH]-IX(22v) Rental of seized lands[twothirdsofanannuityof20 marks issuingfromlandsatWestBretton Hall,W.R.Yorks Rent charge, £8-17-10p.a.]IX(21v).X(21v) XI(24v).XII(23v).

WESTBY, Westbie , John , esq , ofMollebrick[Mowbrick], Kirkhamparish, Lancs 4mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1580/1: conv . 31 July 1581VI(40v). Debt re-enrolledVIII(21v).Goods, value£247 , seized 24 Oct. 1587X(40v) Rental oflands seized byCrownon 24 Oct.1587 [Two-thirdsofthe demesne landsofMowbreck&Burne , and oflands inMellor]. Rent charge, £77-15-8p.a. -X(37) Seized

lands letbyCrownto Richard Mollyneuxfor the aboverentfrom 1 May 1588XII(44)

WESTBY,Ann, hiswife, ofMowbrick, Kirkham,Lancs. 12mths recusancy from20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

WESTBY, Westbie, Richard , 'husb', ofTorrisholme , intheparish of Lancaster, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35):and one later conviction, ending22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

WESTBY,Margaret , hiswife, ofTorrisholme , Lancaster, Lancs. 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

WESTON, Thomas, 'yoman' , ofTamworthe , Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588: conv. 14 Mar. 1588/9IX(69v).

WEVER,Roger, 'yoman' , ofLlangattockVibonAvel,Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48v).

WEVER,Joan,his wife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48v).

WHALLE,Henry, gent , of parish ofSS . Simon& Jude ,Norwich,Norfolk. 1 mthrecusancyfrom1 Nov. 1587: dateofconviction notgiven. Debt re-enrolledIX(10) andXI(12). SeeWALL.

WHALLEY, Oliver, 'husb' , ofBlackburn, Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v).

WHALLEY, Thomas, 'yeom' , ofLangford[Longford], Derbys 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21) Goods, value£1-17-10, seized 27 Jan. 1588/9IX(17v).

WHARTON, Cecilia , ofKyrkbythure[KirkbyThore], Westmoreland . 1 mthrecusancyfrom 1 June 1588: conv. 5 Aug. 1588IX(69). See WARTON.

WHELER,Ann, wifeofRichard Wheler , gent , ofGreat Malvern,Worcs 6 mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July 1588VIII(80v)

WHETERHOSTE[WHITCROFTE ?], Thomas, 'husb' ,of[ ]inNorth Wingfeildparish, Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1586: conv. 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

WHITCROFTE, Thomas,[ ], ofTupton, Derbys , recusant Goods , value £21-1-8, seized 27 Jan. 1588/9IX(17v).

WHITE ,Whyte,Adam, 'yeoman' , ofEnsham[Eynsham], Oxfords. 376 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

WHITEACRES , Whitacres, Eliz , wid ,ofTowneley [Burnley],Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

WHITEACRES, Whitacres ,Henry, 'taleor' , of Burnley,Lancs (same recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40)

WHITEACRES, Whitacres , Thomas, 'taleor' , ofBurnley, Lancs (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(40).

WHITEHALL,Walter, gent , ofLinley[Lindley], in Co.Leics .3years recusancyfrom 1 Mar. 1582/3: conv 11 Mar. 1585/6VI(38v)

376. AdamWhitewaslisted inthe Diocesan Return of Recusantsin 1577.(Cf.CRSXXII , p. 110.)


Rental oflands in Leics, seized 14 Oct. 1587 [Two-thirdsoflandsin theparish ofLinley(Lindley), Leics.Rentcharge,

£6-13-4p.a.]VIII(45) IX(41).X(41) XI(44). XII(43)

WHITEHALL,Whittall , Walter, gent., ofBloxwich , Staffs. 12mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1586 : conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v).Rental [Two-thirdsoflands&tenementsin Walsall and Bloxwich (Staffs), and inLinley[Lindley], Leics Rent charge, £44-8-10 p.a.]VIII(78v). SeeWHITTALL,Walter

WHITEHEDD , John, 'yom" , ofWestminster ,Middx[? prisoner].(Pipe Rollentryunder 'Berks')1 mthrecusancyfrom 6 Feb. 1581/2: conv 18 Mar. 1581/2.II(65v).

WHITEINGE, Joan, wifeofWalterWhiteinge , gent , ofMelton, Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

WHITINGE ,Eliz , wifeofWilliamWhitinge, 'butcher' , ofCirencester, Gloucs . 5mths recusancyfrom 26 Mar. 1587: conv 11 Mar. 1587/8VIII(82).

WHITFEILD , Robert , 'husb" , ofBlackborne [Blackburn ], Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40)

WHITFEILD, Isabel, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod andconviction date)-X(40).

WHITFORD,Richard, 'yom" ,ofCharney [Basset ], Berks 3mths recusancyfrom 23 Mar. 1580/1: conv. 18 June 1581II(65v).

WHITFORD, Richard , gent ,ofCharney [Basset], Berks 3mths recusancy from 19 June 1581 : and 2 later convictions ,ending23 June 1582II(65v)*

WHITMORE,Alice, wifeofWilliam Whitmore, esq.,ofLaiton[Leighton], parish ofNeston, Cheshire 377. 13 mths recusancyfrom25 Sept. 1586: dateofconvictionomittedVIII(58v)

WHITMORE,John , esq., ofSt. Mary'sparish, Chester , Cheshire [prisoner]378.8mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1584: dateofconviction omittedVIII(60v).

WHITMORE,John, esq., ofChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner] 7mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586. Convicted 24 Apr. 1587 (after 12mths imprisonment )-VIII(58v) Record oflands seized on7 Sept. 1588 [Two-thirdsofpropertyinThurstaston , Cheshire, includingfive closes there]-X(35v) Rental ofseized lands, Nov. 1588 [Rent charge,£15-7-10p.a ]X(35v) Seized landslet byCrownto William Graftonfrom 18 Nov.[31 Eliz.].X(35v). XII(9).

WHITMORE, alias PRYMROSE ,Jane, ofChesterCastle, Cheshire, second wifeofJohn Whitmore, esq., ofthe same Castle379.7mths recusancy from 26 Sept. 1586 : conv 24 Apr. 1587VIII(58v).

WHITMORE,Richard , 'yoman' , ofSutton , Cheshire 380 12 mths recusancy from26 Sept. 1586: conv 25 Sept. 1587VIII(58v).

377. AliceWhitmore(Cf. Wark, p 168.)

378. JohnWhitmore(Cf. Wark, pp 169, 170.)

379. JaneWhitmore(Cf.Wark, pp 168, 169.)

380. Richard Whitmore(Cf.Wark, p 170.)


WHITMORE,Katherine,hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(58v).

WHITMORE, Thomas , esq , ofSt.Mary'sparish, Chester,Cheshire 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1584 : dateofconvictionomittedVI(48v).

WHITNEY ,Ann, 'gentlewoman' , ofMytcham[Mitcham],Surrey. 3 mths recusancyfrom25 Mar. 1587: conv 13 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63)

WHITTALL,Walter, gent., ofBloxwich, Staffs Recordofland-seizurein Staffs andLeics, 4 Sept. 1589X(78v). rental ofseized lands [Twothirdsoflands inStaffs (Walsall& Bloxwich ) and Leics(Lindley) Rent charge, £44-8-11p.a ]-X(7v).XI(64v).XII(65v) See WHITEHALL,Walter

WHITTINGHAM , Richard ,[ 1,ofWhittingham,Gosnargh [Goosnargh]parish , Lancs 13 mthsrecusancyfrom 30 July1587: conv. 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

WHOOPER,Isabel, wifeofThomas Whooper, 'yeoman' ,ofcounty of Worcester. 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1586: conv . 28 Mar. 1588VIII(77)

WHOOPER,Sibyl, wifeofWilliamWhoper, 'yoman' , ofHanleyCastle , Worcs 6mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587:conv . 25 July 1588VIII(80v) SeeHOPER, Isabel

WHYTE, John , senior, gent., ofChilworth, Hants381 ,6mthsrecusancy from 1 Aug. 1587: conv 8 July 1588VIII(68v). SeeWHITE, W Adam .

WIATT,Margaret, wifeofJohn Wiatt, 'yeoman' , ofHanley Castle, Worcs . 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv. 28 Mar. 1588VIII(77)

WIBORNE, aliasofFECKINGHAM , William.

WICKSTEED, Richard , 'yoman' , ofMarden, Herefords 9 mths recusancy from 24 June 1583: conv 2 Mar. 1583/4V(26v).

WIKES ,Alice,wid., ofAsheburie [Ashbury], Berks. 12mths recusancy from 1 Sept. 1586 : conv.4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(5).

WILBRAM , Wilbraham, Hugh, 'yoman ' , ofMalpas, Cheshire382. 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv . 25 Sept. 1587VIII(58v).

WILCOCKES,Robert , 'clericus' , ofSt. George'sparish, Southwark ,Surrey [prisoner]383.5mths recusancyfrom 17 Feb. 1586/7:conv . 17 July 1587IX(54).

WILDE ,[ ],wid., ofWorthington, Lancs , relictofJamesWilde[ ] 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(38v).

WILDINGE , James, 'yoman' , ofPlumpton,Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39v).

WILDINGE ,Margaret , hiswife (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(39v).

381. JohnWhyte wascommitted to the Clink bythe Bishop ofWinchester on21 Dec. 1585.(Cf. CRS II,p. 246.)

382. HughWilbraham(Cf.Wark, p 170.)

383. Robert Wilcocks(Cf.AnstrutherI, p 381.)

WILDON, Katherine ,wifeofJohn WildonofthecityofYork384.4mths recusancyfrom28 Mar. 1581:dateofconviction omittedII(8).

WILFORD , Thomas , esq., ofLeneham[Lenham], Kent. 15mthsrecusancy from18 Mar. 1580/1:conv . July1582.II(28) Debts re-enrolledIV(12) VI(12v).VIII(34) Record ofland-seizure,4 Oct. 1587VIII(34) Rental of seized lands,4 Oct. 1587 [Rentcharged, £68-2-2p.a.;i.e.two-thirds ofthemanor&rectoryofLenham , Kent; let bytheCrown toThomas Horseman, from 19 Dec. 1590ХІІІ(32ѵ).

WILKES, Henry, 'yeoman' , ofSandringham,Norfolk . 3 mths recusancy from 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

WILKINSON,Wilkingson, Wylkynson, Eliz., ofYorkcity,wifeofWilliam Wilkinson 4mthsrecusancyfrom 28 Mar. 1581: conv . 17 July 1581-1(8).Debt re-enrolledIII(10) V(8) VII(8).IX(8) Goods , value £6-8-2, seized from husband 6 Feb. 1582/3II(8).

WILKINSON, Isabel, ofThistleton [Kirkham], Lancs , wifeofLaurence Wilkinson, 'laborer' 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(39).

WILKINSON , Nicholas , esq , ofBrickles [Breckles]Magna , Norfolk . 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588385VIII(54)

WILKINSON, Nicholas , gent , ofSt. Olave's parish , HartStreet, Tower Ward,London. 3 mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1587:conv 10 July 1587VIII(38v).

WILKINSON , Paul , gent., ofShiplack [Shiplake], Oxfords. 5mths recusancyfrom 5 Feb. 1584/5: conv 26 June 1585VI(11v): andtwo laterconvictions , ending 17 Mar. 1586/7VI(11v)* .

WILKINSON,Margaret , wifeofPaul Wilkinson,gent ,ofShiplake, Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

WILKENSON, Thomas, 'husb" ,of[? Thornley], Lancs 12mths recusancy from20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39)


WILLFORD , Robert , esq , ofHoxton,Middx 6mthsrecusancyfrom 29 Mar. 1587: conv 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v)

WILLFORD ,Mary, hiswife(sameparish , recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(38v)

WILLIAM ,[ ],wifeofWatkin apJohn William,[ ], ofLlangattock juxta Caerleon,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v).

384. Katherine Wildonwaslisted inthe Diocesan Returns ofRecusantsin 1577 ,where her husband isdescribed as being worth £5 in goods (Cf. CRSXXII,p 29.)He waslater imprisoned foradistressonaccount ofhiswife'srecusancy Shewasreported on 6 June 1586 assayingthatshe camenotto church , 'becausethere isneither altarnorsacrifice there' (Cf. CRSV , p 29, footnote)

385. Nicolas Wilkinson'sconvictionwascancelled (Cf.M.R., L.T.R.,41 Eliz , Michaelmas Term , 'Recorda'section )

WILLIAM,Eliz , 'spinster' , ofLlanllowell,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7: conv. 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(49v)

WILLIAM, 'Evanus' , 'yoman' , ofLlangattocknigh Usk,Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49).

WILLIAM,Jane, 'spinster' , ofUsk,Mon. (same recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(49).

WILLIAM, JaneverchJohn, wifeofJenkin William ,[ ], ofLlanthewy Skirrid,Mon.(samerecusancyperiod andconviction date)- VIII(48v)

WILLIAM, 'Jenava' , 'yoman' , ofUsk,Mon.(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49).

WILLIAM , Joan , 'spinster' , ofLlanvihangel Crucorney,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(48v).

WILLIAM , Joan Watkin,wifeofDavid apJevanWilliam,[ ], of Llanhennock,Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)- VIII(49).

WILLIAM,Judith, 'spinster' , ofLlanllowell, Mon.(samerecusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(49v).

WILLIAM, KatherineverchThomas, wifeofMeridethWilliam , 'yoman' , ofAburgavenny,Mon.(same recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(48).

WILLIAM,MatildaJohn, 'spinster' , ofRaglan, Mon.(samerecusancy period andconvictiondate)-VIII(48)

WILLIAM,MatildaverchThomas, wifeofLewis John William ,[ ],of LlangattockVibonAvel,Mon.(same recusancyperiodandconviction date)-VIII(48v).

WILLIAM , Philip, 'yoman'ofLlanvihangel Tomegrose[Llantarnam], Mon. (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-VIII(49)

WILLIAM,Philip, 'yoman' ,ofSkenfrith,Mon. (same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(48v) Record ofland-seizure,24 Oct. 1588IX(42v).Rent charge[Two-thirds oflandsat2s .2d.

p.a.]X(50). XI(45).

WILLIAM, Katherine , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(48v).

WILLIAM, Richard , 'yoman', of Llanvihangel Tomegrose[Llantarnam ], Mon. (same recusancyperiod andconviction date)-VIII(49)

WILLIAM, Richard David, 'yoman' , ofLlenvathorne [Llanvetherine ], Mon. (same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(49).

WILLIAM,Joan Lewis, hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(49)

verchWILLIAM, 'Gwenliana' , 'spinster' , of Llangoven, Mon.(same recusancyperiod and conviction date)-VIII(49v).

WILLIAMS,Margaret,[ ], ofHerefords . 4mths recusancyfrom 30 May1582: conv ?20 Sept. 1582II(64).

WILLIAMS ,Mary, wifeofJohn Williams, gent., ofMaryMawdlyn[St. MaryMagdalene parish], Cornwall 13 mthsrecusancyfrom20 July 1582: conv 6 Apr. 1584IV(6v) Debt re-enrolledVI(6).

WILLIAMS,alias ofMILMAN, Elizabeth andJoan .

WILLIAMSON , Eliz , 'spinster' , ofMidhurst, Sussex.2mthsrecusancy from 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

WILLIAMSON , John, 'yoman' , ofSouthwark ,Surrey[prisoner] 4mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1585/6, whenconvictedVI(49v).

WILLIAMSON ,Margaret , Margery , wid., ofSt. Clement's parish, Winchester , Hants 2 mths recusancyending 16 May 1581, when convicted1(55):and threelater convictions ,-III(50v), (62) V(56), ending24 Apr. 1582.

WILLIAMSON ,Margery, 'spinster' , oftheparish ofSt.Maurice, Winchester , Hants 3mths recusancyfrom 1 Oct. 1581:conv . 9 Jan. 1581/2III(62).

WILLIAMSON ,Mary,wifeof Robert Williamson,gent ,ofCrowmarsh [Gifford],Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

WILLIAMSON ,Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSalford intheparish ofManchester, Lancs [prisoner]386 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Feb. 1582/3:conv. 22 Jan. 1583/4IV(37) Debt re-enrolledIV(42v) VI(39)

WILLIAMSONNE ,Thomas, 'yoman', ofEdge, inparish ofMalpas, Cheshire387. 13mths recusancyfrom 25 Sept. 1586: convictiondate omittedVIII(58v)

WILLIAMSON , aliasWILLES,Roger, 'husb" , ofCople[Coppull], Lancs. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

WILLIAMSON , aliasWILLES, Joan orJenetta, hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(38).

WILLINGTON , Ellen, wifeofWilliamWillington,'husband",ofSt. Mary'sparish,Stafford, Staffs. 8 mths recusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1585: conv 13 Mar. 1585/6:-VI(63v): andonelater conviction,dated 1 Aug. 1586VI(63v)

WILLINGTON ,Joan, 'spinster' , ofMeare [Maer],Staffs 4mthsrecusancy from 21 July 1589 , whenconvictedIX(69v).

WILLINGTON ,William, 'yoman' , ofStafford, Staffs 6mths recusancy from 6 Sept. 1587 : conv. 22 July 1588VIII(58).

WILLOUGHBIE ,George, esq , ofWigenhall[Wiggenhall St.Mary] Magdalene,Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr.1587:conv . 1 Apr.1588VIII(54) Goods, value £14-3s , seized 18Oct. 1588IX(45). Lands seized , 18 Oct. 1588IX(45) Rental ofseized lands [Two-thirdsofseized landsinTilneyand Islington,Norfolk

386. Thomas Williamsonwasone ofthree priests (JamesBell,Richard HattonandThomas Williamson)and onelayman (John Finch)who werecommitted toManchester GaolfortheLent Assizes of1584.On9Apr., the day before the Sessionsbegan, all the prisonerswere removedfrom SalfordtoLancaster , and werethere andthen condemned to death fordenying theRoyal Supremacy inspiritualmatters The Judge,however , had instructions tosentencetodeath nomore than two(Belland Finch).The livesofthe remaining two(HattonandWilliamson)werespared,but theysuffered perpetual imprisonment and the lossofalltheirgoods, 'as in cases ofpraemunire ' . (Cf. CRSV , pp 70 , 74-87)

387. Thomas Williamson(Cf.Wark,p. 171.)

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

(includingEasthall manor in Denver,Norf ), alllet bytheCrownto RiceMaunsellforarent of£20 p.a., from 10 Sept. 1591]-IX(45).

X(52v) XI(46v) XII(48)

WILLOUGHBIE , Eliz , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(54)

WILLOUGHBIE ,Raphael, esq , (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(54).

WILLOWES,Agnes, wifeofRobert Willowes, gent., ofBareford[Barford], Beds 3 mths recusancyfrom29 Mar. 1587 : conv. 20 Mar. 1587/8VIII(1).

WILLS, seeWELLES, Thomas .

WILLYS,David, 'yom" , ofDidlaston[Dudleston],Salop 12 mths recusancyfrom 24 Feb. 1586/7: conv. 18 July1588VIII(16v)

WILLYS, 'Jonetta' , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiod, andconviction date)-VIII(16v)

WILMOTT,Cicilia,wifeofWilliamWilmott, 'tanner' , ofWantage,Berks. 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv . 4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(5)

WILMOTT, Nicholas , gent , ofNorthmerden [Northmarden], Sussex .2 mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr.1587 : conv. 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

WILSON,Willson, William, 'sacerdos'/'clericus' , ofSalfordintheparish ofManchester,Lancs [prisoner]388.3 mths recusancyfrom 10 Oct. 1581:convicted 18 Jan. 1581/2II(38v). 3 mths recusancyfrom 17 Jan. 1581II(38v) 4 mths recusancyfrom 2 Sept. 1582II(38v). 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Feb. 1582/3IV(37): convicted 22 Jan. 1583/4 Debtsre-enrolledVI(39). VIII(46).

WINBOROUGHE, Ann, 'spinster' , ofBoughton , Norfolk.3mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587 : conv. 1 Apr.1588VIII(54).

WINNALL, John , 'fysher' , ofRipple, Worcs 6 mths recusancyfrom 29 Sept. 1587: conv 25 July 1588VIII(80v)

WINTERTON , Joan, 'spinster' , ofAshbyMagna, Leics . 9mths recusancy ending 10 Aug. 1587, whenconvictedVIII(45v)

WIRDNAM , Alice, wifeofRobert Wirdnam, gent., ofWantage, Berks . 12 mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv 4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(5).

WIRDNAM , Martha, wifeofJohn Wirdnam, gent , ofWantage, Berks (samerecusancyperiod andconvictiondateaspreceding)-VIII(5).

WITHERINS ,Margaret, 'spinster' ,ofCheckley, Staffs 4mths recusancy (un-dated): convicted 21 July1589IX(69v)

WOLFE,Woolfe, Nicholas , gent , ofAshington,Sussex389.3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Jan. 1581/2: conv 21 July 1582 (andnine consecutiveconvictions , ending 1 Oct. 1584)-VI(49v)*.Onefinal indictment:2mths recusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv.26Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).Goods, value£13 , seized 17 Jan. 1589/90IX(54v). Record ofland-seizure, 17 Jan. 1589/90[Two-

388. WilliamWilson(Cf.AnstrutherI,p 383.)

389. Nicholas Woolfwas a prisoner in the Marshalsea on 7 Dec. 1583.He wasstillthere on8 Apr. 1584, and again on 3 Apr. 1585.(Cf.CRS II, pp 233, 235 , 240.)

thirdsoflandsinAshington, Warminghurstand Thakeham]-IX(54v). Rental of seized lands[Rent charge, £15-11-1p.a.]X(65v) XI(55v).XII(56v).

WOLFE,Woolfe, Mary, hiswife(same parish, recuancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(63v).

WOLFE,Richard, 'yeoman' , ofWelton, Northants 12mths recusancy ending 2 May 1587:conv 12 Mar. 1587/8VIII(52v).

WOLLASCOTT, Richard, gent , ofRichard's Castle, Herefords Two fines of£20imposed forignoringsheriff'ssummonsesafter excommunication ,27 May1581 and4 Oct.1581III(28)*.[Fines dischargedinMemorandaRoll, L.T.R., 25 Eliz (1583), Michaelmas term, 'Recorda' section]

WOLSEY , Thomas, 'clericus' , ofMarsham , Norfolk390 ,7mths recusancy from 1 Aug. 1582 : conv 18 Mar. 1582/3III(72v) Debt reenrolledV(46v).

WOLSELEY , Erasmus, esq., ofColwich, Staffs 391.8 mthsrecusancyfrom4 July 1581:conv . 19Mar. 1581/2IV(62v)*: and six laterconvictions , ending 1 Aug. 1586 [refs IV(62v). V(66)* VI(63v)* ] DebtsreenrolledVI(63).

WOLSELEY , Erasmus, esq , ofWolseley Bridge,Staffs 12 mthsrecusancy ending 1 Apr.[? 1582], whenconvictedVI(63v): andonelater conviction, dated 25 Mar. 1588VIII(78v) Lands seized andlet by CrowntoThomas Greysleyfrom Michaelmas 1585 -VII(57). VIII(70). IX(62).XI(64) XII(65) Seized landsspecified [Thewhole manor ofWolseley withalllands, tenements&hereditaments belonging tothe saidmanorinStaffs ; and alsoallthelands , tenements &hereditaments, withappurtenances, in Parheywood [Little(Parva) Haywood ], Staffs:...!forthe satisfaction ofthe said Erasmus

Wolseley's debt of£500' Rental , £15p.a.

WOLSELEY , John, gent ,ofColwich, Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom 6 Sept. 1587: conv.22 July1588VIII(58).

WOLSTENHOLME,Richard, 'yoman ' , ofWedacre, Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(39).

WOOD, John, 'tailor' , ofthe cityofYork 4mths recusancyfrom26 Mar. 1582: convictiondatemissing .II(8) Debt re-enrolledV(8) VII(8) IX(8).

WOODEHOWSE , Eleanor,wifeofFrancisWoodehowse,esq.,ofBreckles Magna , Norfolk. 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

WOODES , Thomas, 'clericus' , ofSalford inparish ofManchester, Lancs [prisoner]392. 3 mths recusancyfrom 17 Jan. 1581/2: conv .2 May

390. Thomas Wolsey, an unidentifiedcleric 391. Erasmus Wolseley wasdescribed asworth £200 in lands andgoods inThe Diocesan Returns ofRecusantsin 1577.(Cf.CRS XXII, p 89.)

392. Thomas Woods wasone ofthe priests listed asbeing imprisoned in the New Fleetprisonin Salfordin 1582.(Cf. CRSV, pp 23,24.)

1582II(38v):and one later conviction, ending22 Jan. 1583/4IV(37).Debtsre-enrolledIV(42v). VI(39). VIII(46).

WOODFALL, Eliz , wid., ofSutton, Prescott parish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 30 July 1587: conv. 17Mar. 1588/9X(35)

WOODROFE ,Ann,ofHaberchany Eves [Habergham Eves : Burnley], Lancs., wifeofRichard Woodrofe, gent. 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40).

WOODROFE , 'Jenetta' , wid , of Bancketofte [? Burnley], Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(40).

WOODWARD, Margaret , wifeofThomas Woodward , 'husb" , ofKirtleton [? Kirtlington],Oxfords 12mths recusancyfrom26Sept. 1586:conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

WOODWARD , Thomas, 'yoman' ,ofBunbury, Cheshire . 13mths recusancyfrom25 Sept. 1586: dateofconviction omitted.-


WOODISON,Woddison, Eliz., 'spinster',wifeofWilliamWoodisonofSt. Michael'sparish, SokeofWinton, Hants 5 mths recusancyfrom 16 May 1581: conv. Oct.1581-1(55)*: andtwolater convictions , ending 24 Apr.1582.Debtsre-enrolledIII(50v) III(62) V(56)

WORMINGTON , Warmington,William, 'clericus' , ofSouthwark , Surrey [prisoner]393.2mths recusancyending 11 Mar. 1582/3, when convictedIII(58v). Debt re-enrolled -V(52v).

WORSELEY ,Woursley , Ralph, esq , ofSalfordin theparish of Manchester, Lancs [prisoner]394.3 mths recusancyfrom 17 Jan. 1581/2:conv . 2 May 1582II(38v)*: andtwolater convictions , ending 22 Jan. 1583/4 IV(37)

WORSELEY, Ralph , gent., ofChesterCastle, Cheshire[prisoner]395. 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Sept. 1585: conv. 3 Oct. 1586X(35v):and oneother conviction, ending24 Apr. 1587VIII(58v)

WORTHINGTON,Agnes, ofShevington, Lancs , wifeofNicholas Worthington[ ] 12mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

WORTHINGTON, Ann, wid , ofWorthington, Lancs , relictofThomas Worthington[ 1. 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589:conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38v).

WORTHINGTON,Margaret , 'spinster' , ofHeath Charnock, Lancs (same recusancyperiod andconvictiondate)-X(38v).

WORTHINGTON ,Richard ,[ ], ofBlaynstowe, inStandish parish, Lancs 4mths recusancyfrom 18 Mar. 1585/6: conv.8 Aug. 1586 -X(35).

WORTHINGTON,Richard , gent., ofCoppull, Lancs 12mths recusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv 22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

393. WilliamWormington(Cf.AnstrutherI, pp 370 , 371 , under Warmington.)

394. RalphWorsley was oneofthe priests listed asbeing imprisoned in the New Fleetprisonin Salfordin 1582.(Cf.CRSV ,pp 23 , 24.)

395. RalphWorsley (Cf. Wark, p 172.)

WORTHINGTON,Dorothy, his wife (same parish, recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(38)

WORTHINGTON,William, gent. , ofWestby [withPlumpton],Kirkham parish , Lancs. 13mths recusancyfrom30 July1587: conv . 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35).

WOTLEY ,Morgan, 'yoman' , ofClapham , Sussex 2 mthsrecusancyfrom 17 Apr. 1587: conv 26 Feb. 1587/8VIII(63v).

WOTTON, Humphrey,[ 1 ,ofRocester,Staffs 6mths recusancyfrom 25 Mar. 1588 : conv. 14 Mar. 1588/9IX(69v)


WRIGELEY , Ralph,[ ],ofLangford[Longford], Derbys 10mths recusancyfrom9 Sept. 1586: conv.22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21).

WRIGELEY,Margaret , hiswife(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(21)

WRIGHT , Jane,wifeofJohn Wright, 'yom", ofPikeringe [Pickering], N.R. Yorks. 6mths recusancyfrom 3 July 1587: conv 18 Mar. 1587/8VIII(25v)

WRIGHT ,John, 'husb" , ofCharnockRichard,Lancs. 12mthsrecusancy from 20 Sept. 1589: conv.22 Mar. 1590/1X(38).

WRIGHT,Cicily, hiswife(same parish, same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-X(38v).

WRIGHT,Ellen,'spinster', hisdaughter (same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(38v).

WRIGHT, Roger, 'laborer' , his son(same parish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-X(38v)

WRIGHT, Oliver, [ 1 , ofWest Hallam, Derbys. 10 mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 22 Mar. 1587/8VIII(21) Goods, value(with goodsofWilliam Staveley, q.v.) £18-4-2, seized 27 Jan. 1589/90IX(17v).

WRIGHT ,I ],wifeofOliverWrightofWest Hallam, Derbys(recusancy periodandconvictiondate asprecedingentry)-VIII(21)

WRIGHT, Thomas , 'yeom",ofRagdale, Leics 10mths recusancyfrom 9 Sept. 1586: conv 19 Mar. 1587/8VIII(45v)

WRINFORD,[ ],wifeofThomas Wrinford, gent , ofLongdon, Worcs . 12 mthsrecusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1586: conv. 28 Mar. 1588VIII(77).

WROE ,John, 'yoman' , ofAttleborough, Norfolk 12mths recusancyfrom 12 Sept. 1585: conv. 6 Sept. 1586VI(25v)

WROE,Joan, his wife, ofAttleborough,Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54).

WROTH,William, 'yoman' , ofAbergavenny ,Mon. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586/7:conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48) Recordoflandseizure,24 Oct. 1588IX(42v) Rental ofseized land [Two-thirdsof propertyinAbergavenny .Rent charged, 13s 4d p.a.]-IX(42),(42v). Seizedproperty(unspecified)let by Crownto Hugh Williamsfrom 6 July 1590XI(45).XII(46).

WROTH,Matilda Jenkyn, hiswife(sameparish, recusancyperiodand convictiondate)-VIII(48).

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

WYNDLE,John, 'yoman' , ofCronton, parish ofFarnworth , Lancs. 13 mths recusancyfrom30 July 1587 : conv 17 Mar. 1588/9X(35)

WYNSTANLEY,Humphrey, gent , ofHigfeild[Highfield], Wiganparish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v).

WYNSTANLEY,Humphrey , gent., ofMarkelandMylne, Wigan parish, Lancs 13 mths recusancyfrom 14 Aug. 1586: conv. 25 Mar. 1588VIII(21v)

YARDLEY, Roger,gent , ofSt.Saviour's parish,Southwarck ,Surrey [prisoner]396.5mths recusancyending 17 Feb. 1586/7,when convicted .VI(50).

YATE,Yatte,Edward, gent.,ofWestminster , Middx[prisoner]397.[Pipe Rollentryunder 'Berks'] 1 mthrecusancyfrom 6 Feb. 1581/2:conv

18 Mar. 1581/2II(65v):and seven later convictions , ending 17 Nov. 1583IV(46)* . Debtsre-enrolled -VI(3v)*.

YATE, Jane ,wifeofEdward Yate ofBuckland , Berks. ,gent 12mths recusancyfrom 1 Sept. 1586: conv. 4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(5).

YATE,Francis, esq , ofLyford, Berks 5 mthsrecusancyfrom 8 Feb. 1581/2: conv . 9 July1582II(3v).

YATE,Francis, esq , ofBerks.; Property, value £260, seized 29 Nov. 1584VIII(5).Debt re-enrolledX(4v).

YATE,Francis,gent , ofSt.Mary'sparish, Reading, Berks[prisoner]398.8 mths recusancyfrom 30 June 1582 : conv 12 Feb. 1582/3II(3v).

YATE , Jane ,wifeofFrancis Yate, gent , ofSt. Mary'sparish,Reading, Berks [prisoner] 8 mths recusancyfrom 30 June 1582: conv 12 Feb. 1582/3II(65v):andonelater conviction after4mths recusancyfrom 11 Feb. 1582/3, ending 4 June 1583III(50v) Debt re-enrolledV(4v).

YATE, Eliz.,wifeof Francis Yate, gent ,ofKencott, Oxfords. 12mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35)

YATE, Eliz. , 'spinster' , ofKencott, Oxfords(same recusancyperiod and convictiondate)-VIII(35v)

YATE,John, gent. , ofKencott, Oxfords. 5 mthsrecusancyfrom27 Feb. 1583/4: conv.23 July1584IV(29): and one later conviction,ending 5 Feb. 1584/5V(47) Debt re-enrolled -VI(30v).

396. Roger Yardley,servant tothe EarlofWestmoreland ,arrived fromoverseas,andwas suspectedofspying He wastherefore imprisoned inthe Clinkfrom 25 Sept. 1586,butdisappears fromthe Prison ListsafterSept. 1588.(Cf. CRS II, pp 260,262, 264 , 268, 283.)

397. Edmund Yatewas a prisoner in the Westminster Gatehouse The sonandheirapparentof JohnYateofBuckland , Berks , esq , heappearsin theTemple Certificate ofthosenotwillingto attend church ,inthe Diocesan Returns ofRecusantsin 1577.(Cf. CRSXXII, p. 106.)

398. Francis Yate, the husband ofJaneYate(officially a prisoner in theWestminster Gatehouse),wouldseem for8 months at least, to havesharedimprisonment withher inReading Gaol

RECUSANTS 1581-1592

YATE,Henry, 'laborer' , ofHapton, Lancs 12 mths recusancyfrom 20 Sept. 1589 : conv. 22 Mar. 1590/1 -X(40).

YATE, Isabel, of Blackborne [Blackburn], Lancs , wifeofLaurenceYate, 'scolemaster' . 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589: conv . 22 Mar. 1590/1X(40v)

YATE, John , 'servingman' ,ofTowneley [in Burnley], Lancs 12mths recusancyfrom20 Sept. 1589 : conv 22 Mar. 1590/1.X(40).

YATES,Francis, gent , ofHighgate , Middx. 6mthsrecusancyfrom29 Mar. 1587: conv. 1 Dec. 1587VIII(38v).

YATES ,Margaret , wifeofJohn Yates, gent.,ofDeddington,Oxfords . 12 mths recusancyfrom26 Sept. 1586 : conv. 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35).

YAXLEY , Yaxeley, Eve, wifeofWilliam Yaxeley, esq., ofYaxley,Suffolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 8 Apr. 1587: conv. 27 Mar. 1588VIII(73).

YAXLEY , Eve,widow, ofYaxley, Suffolk Record ofland-seizure, 21 Apr. 1591 [Thewhole manorofPountney Hall, aliasLancasters,alias Warkes inMelles [Mellis] Burgate, andYaxley etc: thewholemanorof Fithiones inOver andNether Rickinghall: andthewholemanorof Mabisons inThrandeston , allin Suffolk;beingtwo-thirdsofthe lands and possessions ofEveYaxley] Seized on 21 Apr. 1591. Rentcharge, £21-3-4p.a.XI(72v) Let by Crown to Ralph Lathome from 5 July 1591 forthe aboverentXI(72v)

YAXLEY , Yaxeley, John, gent ,ofBrandon Parva, Norfolk.3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv. 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54) Goods , value£16-6s , seized 18 Oct.1588IX(45). Record oflandseizure , 18 Oct. 1588 [Two-thirdsofthemanor ofBrandon Parva,Norfolk. Rent charge,£19-19-4p.a ] Seized landslet byCrown toThomas Palgrave and John Murfynefrom 2 Dec. 1590 for arent of£20p.a.XI(45)

YAXLEY ,William, esq., ofIntwood, Norfolk 11 mthsrecusancyfrom 1 Aug. 1581: conv . 23 July 1582II(40): andtwolater convictions , ending 31 Mar. 1584III(72v) IV(44v).Debts re-enrolledIV(40). V(41v), (46v). VI(41v). VII(44v). Record ofland-seizure, 26 Sept. 1587 [Two-thirds ofthemanorat Bowthorpe ,Norfolk.Rentcharged, £43-10s , p.a ]VIII(51)

YAXLEY , Yaxeley, William, senior , esq , ofCoulney [Colney], Norfolk 3 mths recusancyfrom 13 Apr. 1587: conv 1 Apr.1588VIII(54)

Rental ofseized land [Recordedin Pipe Rollunder 'Civitas Ebor']

Two-thirdsofa messuage with agrain-mill and a cottagebelonging to theCityofYork, andtothemanorofBickerton (Ainsty) Property seized8 Apr.1589 fortherecusancyoftheaboveWilliamYaxley, senior Rent charged, £24 p.a.IX(21v), (22v),X(13). Bickertonis atownship intheparish ofBilton, Norwich,intheainsty ofthe CityofYork.

YELVERTON,Edward , gent. ,ofRougham,Norfolk. 3mths recusancy from 13 Apr.1587: conv 1 Apr. 1588VIII(54) Record oflandseizure, 7 Jan. 1590/1 [Two-thirdsofthemanor ofMorleys in Grimston , Norfolk, witha messuage and certain landsandmeadows

pertainingthereto, and a close in Grimston called 'Bartons';alsothree cottageswithaparcel of land in Congham,Norfolk] Rent charged, £10p.a.Seized landslet byCrown toWilliamCobbeand JohnDover from 2 Mar. 1590/1XI(48v).

YERWORTH,AnnMorgan,wifeofJohn MorganYerworth,[ 1 , of Raglan, Mon. 5 mths recusancyfrom 24 Mar. 1586: conv 13 Mar. 1587/8VIII(48).

YONGE, Richard , 'yeom" ofHaseley, Oxfords . 12 mths recusancyfrom 26 Sept. 1586: conv 7 Mar. 1587/8VIII(35v).

YORKE,Joan, 'spinster' ,oftheparish ofSt.MaryMagdalene,borough of Southwark, Surrey 12 mths recusancyfrom 10 Sept. 1586 : conv 5 July 1588VIII(63).

YORKE,Margaret, wifeofHumphreyYorke, gent , ofKempsford , Gloucs 5mths recusancyfrom 26 Mar. 1587:conv . 11 Mar. 1587/8VIII (82)

YOUNGE,Henry, 'husb" ,ofWimborneMinister,Dorset. 6mths recusancy from 15 Jan. 1586/7: conv.4 Mar. 1587/8VIII(19)


1. More than one entry on a page is not noted in the index

2. The Counties in the index are the pre- Local Government Re-Organization counties .

Abergavenny , Monmouthshire , 49, 95, 112, 123, 139, 148, 192 , 197

Abingdon, Berkshire , 26 , 82; Norcott, 82

Accrington, Lancashire , 144

Acton, Suffolk, 47, 48, 51 , 52 , 170

Acton Reynold , Shropshire, 55

Addingham, Yorkshire, 103

Addington, Northamptonshire , 186

Addington, Yorkshire, 144

Adwell, Oxfordshire, 21

Aintree, Lancashire, 116

Alborough, Norfolk, 79

Alby, Norfolk, 162

Alciston, Sussex , 60, 63, 65, 106, 124

Aldbourne, Wilts, 182

Aldeby, Norfolk, 9

Allensmore , Herefordshire , 151

Old Alresford, Hampshire ; WoodcoteFarm, 178

Alton, Hampshire , 149

Alvechurch , Worcestershire, 23 , 80, 81, 129, 136 , 152 , 184

Alvediston, Wiltshire, 71

Antwerp, 54

Appleby, Westmoreland , 186

Arborfield, Berkshire, 103

Arlington, Sussex , 171

Arneforth, Yorkshire, 140

Arthington, Yorkshire, 11

Arthingworth, Northamptonshire , 117

Arundel, Sussex, 43, 153; Almshouse ofthe HolyTrinity, 153

Ashburnham , Sussex, 11 , 61 , 76

Ashbury, Berkshire, 190

Ashby Folville, Leicestershire, 156

Ashby in Bottesford, Lincolnshire , 112

Ashby Magna, Leicestershire, 13 , 90, 96, 153, 155 , 156, 176 , 194

Ashby St. Ledgers, Northamptonshire , 31

Ashington , Sussex , 194 , 195

Ashmore , Dorset, 40

Ashover , Derbyshire ; Lee, 44

Ashperton , Herefordshire , 42

Askham , Westmoreland , 167

Aspull, Lancashire , 80

Astley, Worcestershire , 22, 23, 64, 75 , 172

Aston, Staffordshire, 41

Aston, Warwickshire , 30 , 182

Aston Rowaunt , Oxfordshire, 58

Astwick, Bedfordshire , 10

Attleborough, Norfolk, 197

Audlem , Cheshire , 58

Aughton, Lancashire, 67

Aylesham, Norfolk, 26 , 129

Aysgarth, Yorkshire; Berry Park, 132; Heming , 120; NappaHall, 47, 170; Thoralby, 147

Baguley, Cheshire , 109

Baldon Toot, Oxfordshire , 160

Bamfurlong, Lancashire , 12

Barford, Bedfordshire , 194

Barking, Essex, 177

Barlborough , Derbyshire, 63

Barlow Hall , Lancashire , 109

West Barming, Kent, 74

Barnaby Hall, Yorkshire, 15

Barnborough , Yorkshire, 121

Barnby , Suffolk, 96

Barnby-Upon-Don, Yorkshire, 15

ChippingBarnet, Hertfordshire, 173

BartonRoo, Lancashire , 16

Barrow On Soar, Leicestershire , 142

Barrowby, Yorkshire, 133

Barrowford, Lancashire, 183

Basing, Hampshire, 46

Basingstoke, Hampshire , 129

Bassington, Somerset, 176

Bathampton , Wiltshire, 132

Baverstock, Wiltshire, 67

Beaghall, Yorkshire, 129

Beaulieu, Hampshire , 44

Beccles , Suffolk, 78

Beckford, Gloucestershire , 44

Beddingham, Sussex , 68

Bedford, Bedfordshire ; St. Marys,

Bilton, Norwich; Bickerton, 199

Bircholt, Kent , 74

Birmingham , Warwickshire , 182

Birtsmorton, Worcestershire, 126

Bishops Frome, Herefordshire , 52

Bishopsthorpe, Yorkshire, 15

Blackburn , Lancashire, 24, 61, 156, 158, 188, 189, 199; Billington, 37; Livesey, 125; Salesbury, 23, 24, 108 , 155 , 158, 165

BlandfordSt. Mary, Dorset , 169

Bledlow, Buckinghamshire , 21, 55, 185

Bletchington , Oxfordshire , 137

Blickling, Norfolk, 107

Blithbury, Staffordshire, 23

Blount, Derbyshire, 10

Bloxwich , Staffordshire, 189, 190 69

Bedfordshire , 180, 181

Bedhampton , Hampshire , 9, 159

Beechamwell, Norfolk, 107, 114

Beighton, Derbyshire , 108

Beltoft, Lincolnshire , 29

Benacre, Suffolk, 170 , 174

Bentham, Yorkshire, 37 , 69, 144

Beoley, Worcestershire , 152

Bere Regis, Dorset, 177

Berkshire, 26, 27, 91, 93, 101 , 125, 169, 179, 189, 198

Berkswell, Warwickshire , 82

Bermondsey, Surrey; St. Mary Magdalen, 66

Berrington , Shropshire, 119

Berrington , Worcestershire , 75

Berwick St. John, Wiltshire, 153

Besthorpe, Norfolk, 145

Bethnall Green , London , 175

Bettws Newydd , Monmouthshire , 112 , 131 , 134

Beverley, Yorkshire, 105

Biddulph , Staffordshire, 21

Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire , 21 , 164

Billington, Lancashire , 183; Butterworth, 36

Bloxworth, Dorset, 27

Blyton, Lincolnshire; Wharton , 181

West Boarhunt, Hampshire , 81

Boarstall , Buckinghamshire , 12

Bolton on Swale, Yorkshire; Uckerby, 26

Boroughbridge , Yorkshire, 133 , 157

Boughton , Norfolk, 52, 137, 194

Bowes, Yorkshire, 184

Bowthorpe , Norfolk, 199; Manor of Bowthorpe , 199

Bradley, Staffordshire, 161; Littlewood, 161

Brambridge, Hampshire, 187

Bramhope, Yorkshire, 55

BramptonBrian, Herefordshire , 77

South Bramwith, Yorkshire, 75

Brand, Shropshire , 70

Brandon Parva , Norfolk, 199

Brandsby, Yorkshire, 141

Brant Broughton, Lincolnshire, 181

Branton , Yorkshire, 133; Branton Grange, 133

Breckles Magna , Norfolk, 44 , 122, 191 , 195

Bredon, Worcestershire , 88

Brentingby , Leicestershire , 156

Bretton, Yorkshire, 187

West Bretton , Yorkshire , 28; West Bretton Hall, 187

Bright Walton, Berkshire, 26

Brill, Buckinghamshire , 20, 32

Broadwater , Sussex , 66

Broadwell, Oxfordshire, 13 , 172

Brockholes, Lancashire, 159

Bromfield, Kent, 127

Bromley Hurst, Staffordshire , 62

Bromyard, Herefordshire , 9

Brotherton, Yorkshire, 10 , 70

Brough under Stainmore , Westmoreland , 21

Broughton, Lancashire; Barton , 17 , 158

Bruisyard , Suffolk, 76

Bryning, Lancashire, 25, 26, 46, 168 , 186

Bryning with Kellamersh , Lancashire, 120

Old Buckenham , Norfolk, 64

Buckinghamshire , 55, 131

Buckland , Berkshire , 61 , 62, 87, 198

Bulby, Lincolnshire , 167

Bunbury, Cheshire, 42, 92, 196

Bungay, Suffolk, 70

Bupton , Derbyshire, 10

Burgate, Suffolk, 24

Burghfield, Berkshire , 179

Buriton, Hampshire , 179; Heath House Farm, 179

Burnley, Lancashire, 77, 143, 149 , 173, 174, 188, 196; Habergham Eves, 196; Hurstwood, 14; Townley, 90, 173 , 188 , 199

Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, 120

Burton in Warcop, Westmoreland , 84

Burton Constable, Yorkshire, 42

Burton Latimer , Northamptonshire , 95

Bury, Lancashire, 166

Bury Blunsden, Wiltshire, 184

Bury St. Edmunds , Suffolk, 12 , 203 89, 136, 163, 170; High Street , 163; Old Baxters Street , 163; St. Marys, 25

Buscot, Berkshire, 132

Buslingthorpe , Lincolnshire , 171

Caldecote, Norfolk, 174

Callow, Herefordshire , 78

Calverley, Yorkshire, 33

Cambridge , Cambridgeshire; Christ's College, 45; St. John's College, 39; TrinityCollege, 68

Cambridgeshire , 118, 180 , 181

Canfield, Essex , 71

Canterbury, Kent, 33, 38 , 57; St. Dunstans, 9, 14, 17, 57, 71, 123 , 172

Carbrooke , Norfolk, 72

Carlisle , Cumberland , 58, 84, 105; St. Marys, 84

Little Carlton, Lincolnshire , 171

Carlton Colville, Suffolk, 96

Carr, Lancashire; Carr Hall, 165

Carreside, Lancashire, 22

Cartuther, Cornwall, 17

Castle Frome , Herefordshire , 36

Castlemorton , Worcestershire, 63

Catesby, Northamptonshire , 43

Catmore , Berkshire, 27

Catterick, Yorkshire; Brough, 107

Catton, Yorkshire, 35

Cawthorne , Yorkshire, 15

Chaddesley Corbett, Worcestershire , 130; Harvington Hall, 130

Charlbury, Oxfordshire, 62, 158

Charney Basset , Berkshire , 189

CharnockRichard , Lancashire , 15, 16, 24, 28, 45 , 89, 100, 145 , 197

Charsfield , Suffolk, 22, 128

Chastleton , Oxfordshire , 10, 129

Cheadle, Staffordshire, 169

Checkley, Staffordshire, 42, 194

Cheddington , Buckinghamshire , 56, 103

Cheddleton , Staffordshire, 69, 84

Chediston, Suffolk, 128

Chelsea, Middlesex , 86, 122

CheritonFitzpaine , Devon, 44

Chertsey, Surrey, 162

Cheshire, 81, 85, 87, 89, 118, 120

Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, 169

Chester, Cheshire, 140 , 144; Chester Castle, 37, 89, 118 , 119, 139, 144, 159 , 176 , 178 , 189, 196; St. Marys , 37 , 116 , 118, 159, 176, 178 , 189 , 190

Chesterfield , Derbyshire, 42

Chesterton, Oxfordshire, 24

Chichester, Sussex, 137 , 166; Cathedral , 68, 99; Haven, 45, 186; Kingsham , 153; St. Pancras, 153

Chickerell, Dorset, 96

Chideock , Dorset , 29, 81 , 175

Chillington, Staffordshire , 67

Chilton, Berkshire, 44

Chilworth, Hampshire , 184 , 190

Chinnor, Oxfordshire, 82

Chippenham, Cambridgeshire , 16, 63

Chipping , Lancashire, 21, 81 , 155, 172

Cholmondeley , Cheshire , 138

Christchurch , Hampshire ; Somerford , 170

Christchurch -Twinham , Hampshire , 34

Church , Lancashire, 54, 73, 103 , 143 , 144 , 182

Church Eaton, Staffordshire, 23

Church Lawton, Cheshire , 108

Cirencester, Gloucestershire, 25 , 32 , 189

Clapham, Sussex, 143, 153, 158 , 197; Michelgrove , 51

Claughton , Lancashire, 64

Claughton-on-Brock, Lancashire , 28

Claverley, Shropshire, 66

East Claydon, Buckinghamshire , 120

Clerkenwell , Middlesex, 67 , 69, 92, 93, 108, 141 , 148 , 177

Clipston, Northamptonshire , 180

Clothall, Hertfordshire, 31

Cockfield, Suffolk, 157

Cockley Cley, Norfolk, 38, 174

Coleshill, Warwickshire , 126; Kingshurst, 126

Colne, Lancashire, 14 , 21 , 86, 173 , 183

Colney, Norfolk, 90, 199

Colwich , Staffordshire, 195

Colwinston , Glamorgan , 168

Comberton , Worcestershire , 17 , 54 , 144 , 148

Compton Pauncefoot , Somerset, 101 , 102

Congham, Norfolk, 200

Coppull, Lancashire , 131 , 193 , 196, 197

Corby, Lincolnshire , 167

Cornwall, 11 , 175

Corse, Gloucestershire , 26

Costessey , Norfolk, 50

Cottisford, Oxfordshire, 11 , 133 , 146

Coughton , Warwickshire , 11

Coventryand Lichfield, Diocese , 181

Cowley, Gloucestershire , 33

Great Coxwell , Berkshire, 58, 125

Cradley, Herefordshire , 31

Cranborne, Dorset, 68

Cranleigh , Surrey, 137

Cranworth, Norfolk, 79

Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire , 27; Lovedens, 27

Cridling Stubbs , Yorkshire, 147

Crondall, Hampshire , 133 , 150

Crosby, Lancashire, 22, 34, 116

Great Crosby, Lancashire, 16 , 99 , 119

Much Crosby, Lancashire , 22, 35

Crosthwaite , Westmoreland , 135 , 140

Croston, Lancashire, 81; Bispham, 62

Croughton, Northamptonshire , 54

Crowmarsh , Oxfordshire, 21 , 91 , 93, 100; CrowmarshGifford, 83, 93

Croydon , Surrey, 65

Cumberland , 146

Danby, Yorkshire, 135, 147

Darton, Yorkshire, 149

Deane, Lancashire; Over Hulton, 23; Parke, 84

Debenham, Suffolk , 45

Deddington , Oxfordshire, 117 , 199

North Deighton , Yorkshire; North Deighton Manor, 111 , 164

Denford, Northamptonshire ; Ringstead, 182, 183, 184

Denham, Buckinghamshire , 51 , 133, 161

Dennington , Suffolk, 84, 146

Denver, Norfolk; EasthallManor, 194

Deopham, Norfolk, 18

Derby, Derbyshire ; Querndon in All Saints , 151

Derbyshire, 106

West Dereham , Norfolk, 36

Devonshire , 175

Dewsbury, Yorkshire, 28

Dilwyn, Herefordshire , 64

Dinckley , Lancashire, 10, 23, 148 , 166

Donhead St. Andrew, Wiltshire, 73, 153; Manor of Easton Bassett , 153

Dorchester, Dorset, 13 , 40, 51 , 76, 96, 113, 119, 123, 175, 184

Dormington, Herefordshire , 111

Dorrington, Shropshire, 130

Dorset, 34, 37

Douai, 68, 101

Dover, Kent , 122 , 154

Draycott, Staffordshire , 53; Paynesley, 53

Drayton, Oxfordshire , 165

Drayton, Shropshire, 30, 33 , 63 , 71, 76, 87, 131 , 138 , 166 , 176 , 181 ; Ternhill, 181

Droitwich, Worcestershire , 32

Dronfield, Derbyshire; Dore , 15

Dublin, 166

Dudleston , Shropshire, 33, 57 , 73, 142, 143, 144, 194

Dufton, Westmoreland , 24

Dunwich, Suffolk, 108

Durham, Durham , 166

Dutton, Shropshire; Ditton Priors, 130

Duxbury, Lancashire , 47 , 128

Earnley, Sussex , 25, 152

Eastbourne, Sussex, 68

Easton, Hampshire , 74

Eaton Socon, Bedfordshire , 180

Eccles, Lancashire; Clifton, 86; Woodend , 86

Eccles, Norfolk, 93

Eccleston, Lancashire; Wrightington, 14 , 75

Eckington , Derbyshire; Spinkhill, 137

Edlaston, Derbyshire , 128

Edmonton , Middlesex , 108 , 130

Eldersfield , Worcestershire , 25

Ellerker , Yorkshire , 58

Ellesmere, Shropshire; Welsh Hampton, 102

Ellisfield, Hampshire , 129 , 132

Elswick , Lancashire, 99

Eltham , Kent, 59

Ely, Cambridgeshire, 175

Enfield, Middlesex , 173

England, 101 , 149

Englefield , Berkshire, 148

Enville , Staffordshire , 127

Eppleby, Yorkshire, 67 , 129

Essex, 47 , 96, 117, 118 , 177

Etwall, Derbyshire, 21, 48, 56, 83

Euston, Suffolk, 145

Euxton, Lancashire, 10

Everton, Cambridgeshire, 87

Evesham, Worcestershire , 22, 102 , 158

Ewell, Surrey, 28

Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire , 110

Exelby, Yorkshire , 12

Eynsham, Oxfordshire, 23, 50 , 188

Eyworth, Bedfordshire , 61 , 63

Fairend, Worcestershire, 178

Little Fakenham , Suffolk, 29

Fareham, Hampshire , 92, 114; Cames Eysell, 114

Farlington, Hampshire , 137 , 184

Farnham, Dorset, 120

Farnworth, Lancashire; Cronton, 153 , 198

Faversham, Kent, 77

Fawdon, Northamptonshire , 40

Featherstone, Yorkshire; Monkroyd, 75

Felmingham , Norfolk, 18 , 19

Feltwell, Norfolk, 30

Fenny Bentley, Derbyshire , 20

Fernley, Yorkshire, 60, 131

Ferry Frystone, Yorkshire, 116

Fifield Bavant , Wiltshire, 39

Nether Filkins, Oxfordshire , 172

Over Filkins, Oxfordshire, 172

Fillongley, Warwickshire , 138

Fincham , Norfolk, 155

West Firle, Sussex , 65, 153; Firle

Place , 43

New Fishbourne , Sussex , 84, 92 , 106

FishertonAnger, Wiltshire, 66 , 67

Fladbury, Worcestershire , 28

Flixton, Suffolk, 96, 183

Fordingbridge , Hampshire , 34

France, 162

Frickley , Yorkshire, 10

Fulham , Middlesex , 80, 106, 107

Fulmer , Buckinghamshire , 66

Funtington, Sussex ; Densworth , 68

Garboldisham , Norfolk , 114

Gargrave, Yorkshire, 139

Garsington , Oxfordshire, 64

Garstang, Lancashire, 18, 31, 32, 47, 143, 174; Byreworth, 89; Nateby, 32, 174

Garway, Herefordshire , 121 , 134 , 178

Gayton, Staffordshire, 45

Gifford, Oxfordshire, 193

Gilling, Yorkshire, 87; Barforth Dykes, 51, 87, 127 , 140; Eppleby, 182; Littlehorton, 150; Sedbury, 66

Gisburn , Yorkshire; Westby Hall, 115

Glamorganshire , 72

Gloucester, Gloucestershire, 182 , 186; Diocese of, 125; Tedenham Farm , 158; WollastonGrange, 158

Gloucestershire , 158

Gnosall, Staffordshire; Coley Hall, 25

Godlingstone , Dorset , 187

Godstowe, Oxfordshire, 129

Golborne , Lancashire, 19 , 159

Goosey, Berkshire, 160

Goosnargh, Lancashire , 159; Whittingham, 190

Goudhurst , Kent, 123

Grace Dieu, Leicestershire , 72

Grafton, Worcestershire , 165

Grange over Sands, Lancashire, 36, 51, 80, 90, 93, 107

Grantley, Yorkshire, 88

Grays Inn, Middlesex , 74

Grayrigg, Westmoreland , 58

Gretton, Northamptonshire , 146

Grimston, Norfolk; Bartons, 200; Manor of Morleys, 199

Grimthorpe, Yorkshire, 113

Grindon, Staffordshire, 44

East Grinstead , Sussex , 167; Farleigh, 167

Grinton, Yorkshire, 103 , 144 ,

Grosmont , Monmouthshire , 35, 65, 78, 85, 95, 169, 181

Guildford, Surrey, 152; Castle, 59

Guiseley, Yorkshire, 128

Hackney, Middlesex , 180

Hadfield, Gloucestershire , 133

West Hallam, Derbyshire , 14 , 26, 29, 68, 138, 161 , 197

Halselmore , Lancashire, 51

Halton, Buckinghamshire , 131

Hambledon , Hampshire , 178

HamphallStubbs, Yorkshire, 147

Hampshire , 14 , 34, 85, 88, 138 , 186, 187

Hampstead Norris, Berkshire , 101, 102, 104; Hawe Court, 104

Hampton , Oxfordshire , 122

Hampton Lovett, Worcestershire , 163

HamstallRidware , Staffordshire, 10, 11 , 13 , 15, 29, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 62, 104, 105 , 126 , 172 , 182, 184; Heartsmere, 39, 62

Hamworthy, Dorset, 34

Hanley, Worcestershire , 17, 124; Fecknam Park, 169

HanleyCastle, Worcestershire, 13 , 16, 25, 47, 87, 93 , 109-112 , 121, 127, 140, 148, 155 , 162 , 163, 190

Hapton, Lancashire , 199

Hardwick, Oxfordshire, 30, 33 , 120, 156, 176

Harley , Shropshire, 36

East Harling, Norfolk, 29, 46, 69 , 104, 114

Harlington, Middlesex , 141

Harmondsworth , Middlesex , 59

Harrow, Middlesex , 9, 19, 102 , 153 , 157 , 162

Harrowden , Northamptonshire , 34, 138, 177, 180; Great Harrowden , 180; Little Harrowden , 34; Manorsof Great and Little Harrowden , 180

Harting, Sussex, 65, 147

Hartley Mauditt, Hampshire, 170

Hartshorne , Derbyshire, 151

Haseley, Oxfordshire, 89, 109 , 200

Hatherop, Gloucestershire , 22

Hathersage, Derbyshire , 15 , 21 , 61

Hawksworth , Yorkshire, 80

Hawthorpe , Lincolnshire , 167

Hayton, Yorkshire , 147

Little Haywood , Staffordshire , 195

Heath Charnock, Lancashire, 166 , 196

Hemingbrough , Yorkshire , 55 , 127

East Hendred, Berkshire , 118

West Hendred, Berkshire , 92

Hereford, Herefordshire , 48, 58, 69, 109 , 110, 111, 134 , 150, 192; Bullingham, 16; Diocese , 121, 183; Gaol, 111; All Saints , 38, 68, 77, 100, 111; St. John Baptist , 127, 157; St. Martins, 16; St. Nicholas , 16; St. Owens, 48, 58, 110; St. Peters, 58 , 68, 110, 140 , 165

Herefordshire , 38 , 72, 151

Herringfleet , Suffolk, 78

Heslerton, Yorkshire, 49, 50

Heston, Middlesex, 39

High Ham, Somerset , 183

Higham Gobion, Bedfordshire , 10

Hilborough, Norfolk, 187

Hillesden , Buckinghamshire , 99 , 134

Hindringham, Norfolk, 35

Hinton on the Green , Worcestershire, 158

Hitcham , Suffolk, 119

Hoggeston, Buckinghamshire , 119

Hockering , Norfolk, 148ll

Holborn, Middlesex , 15; St. Andrews , 69

Holme, Lancashire, 159

Holme Hall, Norfolk, 18 , 45, 187

Holton, Oxfordshire , 161

Holton, Suffolk , 117

Hooe, Sussex , 135

Hopton, Shropshire, 130

Hordle Breamore, Hampshire, 34

Hornby, Yorkshire, 48

Hornsey, Middlesex , 100, 116

Horsham , Sussex, 42, 55, 137

Horsham St. Faith, Norfolk, 33

Horsley, Derbyshire , 29, 50, 100; Denbie, 53

Horwich, Lancashire, 178

Houghton, Middleton and Arbury, Lancashire, 159

Hoxton, Middlesex , 175 , 191

Huddwick, Shropshire, 130

Hunsingore , Yorkshire, 50

Hunstanton , Norfolk, 73

Hunston, Suffolk, 164

Ibstone, Buckinghamshire , 82

Iden, Sussex, 76, 149 , 150

Idsworth, Hampshire , 14

Iffley, Oxfordshire, 13 , 135

East Isley, Berkshire, 83 , 92, 132

Ince, Lancashire , 67, 93

Ince Blundell, Lancashire, 22, 48

Intwood, Norfolk, 107 , 199

Ipsden, Oxfordshire , 179; Manor of Ipsden Bassett, 179; Manor of Ipsden Huntercombe , 179

Ipswich , Suffolk, 76

Irnham, Lincolnshire, 167

Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire , 36, 85, 119 , 131 , 167

Isham, Northamptonshire , 180

Islington, Middlesex , 67, 135 , 142, 161

Itchen Abbas, Hampshire , 104

Itchen Stoke , Hampshire, 150

Kelmscott , Oxfordshire, 172

Kempley, Gloucestershire, 165

Kempsford , Gloucestershire , 200; Whelford, 84

Kencott, Oxfordshire, 198

Kenderchurch , Herefordshire , 150 , 151

Kent , 71 , 119

Kentchurch , Herefordshire , 150 , 151

Kettleby , Lincolnshire , 171

Kexborough , Yorkshire, 149

Keyhaven, Hampshire , 34

Kiddal, Yorkshire, 58

Kings Norton, Worcestershire , 121

Kings Somborne, Hampshire , 33

Kingston, Dorset, 113

Kingston , Herefordshire , 124; Arkeston, 124

Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire , 107, 129; Swine , Drypool Ward, 105, 109 , 129 , 171

Kinnersley , Herefordshire , 37 , 170

Kippax , Yorkshire, 133 , 140

West Kirby, Cheshire, 116; Woodhouse, 64

Kirk Deighton, Yorkshire, 21

Kirk Langley, Derbyshire , 14

South Kirkby, Yorkshire; Manor of Cawthorne in Mensthorpe , 185

Kirkby Fleetham, Yorkshire , 120

Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire, 32

Kirkby Ravensworth , Yorkshire; Newsham , 158

Kirkby Thore, Westmoreland , 116 , 185 , 188

Kirkham, Lancashire , 28, 81, 85 , 145, 155; Ballow, 38, 113; Clifton, 76; Greenhalgh, 46; Mowbrick, 187, 188; Plumpton, 37, 108, 197; Preesall, 156; Ribby, 152; Swarbrick, 51; Thistleton, 42, 69, 191; Treales, 185; Warton, 168; Weeton , 144 , 168, 174; Wesham, 34, 94, 118 , 155; Westby , 38 , 85, 197

Kirkland, Lancashire, 32

Kirkless , Lancashire, 80

Kirtlington, Oxfordshire , 16, 183 , 196

Kirton, Suffolk, 59

Knaresborough, Yorkshire; Arkendale, 24

Knottingley, Yorkshire, 54

East Knoyle , Wiltshire, 68

Laleston, Glamorgan , 97

Lambeth , Surrey, 56; Kennington, 42

Lambourn, Berkshire, 113

Lancashire , 74, 81, 85, 106, 149 , 173

Lancaster, Lancashire , 90 , 193; Torrisholme , 188

Hanging Langford, Wiltshire, 132

Lanherne, Cornwall, 11

Laughton , Lincolnshire , 47

Laughton , Sussex, 187

Launceston , Cornwall, 132

Laverstock , Wiltshire, 60

Lawshall, Suffolk, 53, 54; Manor, 54

Lawton, Lancashire, 159

Layland , Lancashire; Euxton, 10

Layton, Lancashire , 120

Leckhampton , Gloucestershire , 50, 82, 126

Ledbury, Herefordshire , 10, 58; Weathers , 156

Ledstone, Yorkshire, 19

Leeds, Kent, 127

Leeds, Yorkshire, 156

Leek, Staffordshire, 155

Leicestershire, 189

Leigh, Lancashire; West Leigh, 161 209

Leigh, Staffordshire , 42, 60, 80, 108, 147, 154, 165, 176

Leighton , Cheshire, 58, 89

Lenham, Kent, 191; Manor and Rectory, 191

Letcombe Regis, Berkshire, 69, 82

Lewes, Sussex; St. Marys Westout , 159; St. Michaels , 24

Leyland , Lancashire; Whittle-leWoods , 56

Leyton, Essex , 122

Lichfield, Staffordshire; Cathedral , 36

Lincolnshire , 135, 171 , 180 , 181

Lindley, Leicestershire, 188-190

Lindsey, Lincolnshire; Langton, 29

Linsted , Suffolk, 59

Linstead Magna, Suffolk, 59

Linstead Parva, Suffolk, 59

Linton, Cambridgeshire , 34, 65 , 131 , 132 , 170

Lisbon , 131

Litcham , Norfolk; Godwick Hall, 54

Litherland, Lancashire, 23 , 46, 119

Llanarth, Monmouthshire , 90, 97, 98, 110, 123, 134 , 135 , 168

Llancarvan , Glamorgan , 73, 177; Llanbethery , 177

Llandegveth, Monmouthshire , 86

Llandenny , Monmouthshire , 57 , 79, 98, 120, 125 , 168

Llanforda, Shropshire, 112 , 113

Llanfrechfa, Monmouthshire , 168 , 169

LlangattockNigh Usk , Monmouthshire , 48, 110, 111 , 123 , 192

LlangattockIuxta Caerleon , Monmouthshire , 168, 183 , 185 . 191

LlangattockVibon Avel , Monmouthshire , 36, 48, 49, 86, 97, 111, 134, 168, 185, 188, 192

Llangibby, Monmouthshire , 68 , 97, 168

Llangoven, Monmouthshire , 49, 78 , 98 , 185 , 192

Llanhennock , Monmouthshire , 110,192

Llanishen , Monmouthshire , 67, 78, 97, 99

Llanllowell, Monmouthshire , 67, 87, 129, 141, 161 , 168 , 192

Llanover, Monmouthshire , 110 , 168

Llantarnam , Monmouthshire , 192

Llanthewy Rytherch, Monmouthshire , 49, 57, 98, 110

Llanthewy Skirrid, Monmouthshire , 17, 48, 49, 78, 90, 95, 97-99, 105 , 110 , 123 , 124, 138, 142, 161 , 185

LlanthewyVach, Monmouthshire , 92

Llantilio Crosseney ,Monmouthshire , 44, 90

Llantilio Pertholey , Monmouthshire , 29, 49, 57, 67, 73, 97, 98, 100, 102, 105, 123 , 124 , 129 , 131 , 139 , 141 , 160

Llanvair Kilgedin, Monmouthshire , 49, 98

Llanvair Waterdine, Shropshire , 119

Llanvetherine , Monmouthshire , 105, 125, 138, 161, 192

Llanvihangel Crucorney, Monmouthshire , 48, 73 , 124 , 138 , 192

LlanvihangelLlantarnam, Monmouthshire , 49,

Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Monmouthshire , 143

Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern , Monmouthshire , 48, 49, 59 , 146, 161 , 169

Llwynmaen , Shropshire, 113; Loynneman , 113

Londesborough , Yorkshire, 126

London, 29, 54, 81 , 100, 108 , 126, 131, 133, 135, 146, 148, 169, 175, 177; 'Le Blewbell, Bread Street, 177; Christchurch , Faringdon Ward Within , 34 , 61, 88, 110, 171; City Guildhall, 171 , 176 , 180; Lincolns Inn, 71, 72, 96; Le Stronde alias Savoy, 179; Middle Temple, 156; Mile End, 186; Prisons: The Clink, 26, 49, 51, 68, 69, 74, 75, 94, 100, 102, 107, 109, 115, 126, 133, 137, 141, 142, 152 , 161 , 176 , 179, 190, 198; The Fleet , 43, 57, 60, 72 , 75, 80-82, 125, 129 , 145, 147, 158, 163, 166, 171 , 175, 176, 180; The Gatehouse , 26, 27, 39, 41-43, 56, 57, 59 , 80, 82, 99 , 101 , 109, 111 , 122, 124, 127, 146, 149 , 154 , 158 , 169, 173, 198; The Kings Bench Prison , 39, 68, 85, 175; The Marshalsea, 15, 34, 36, 45, 54, 61, 69, 71, 72, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87, 93, 94, 106, 108, 119 , 122 , 126, 127 , 135 , 137 , 142 , 143 , 148, 151, 152, 154 , 162 , 166 , 174, 176, 177, 186 , 194; Newgate, 17, 56, 60, 88, 111 , 122, 126, 133, 137 , 146 , 162 , 163, 186; The Old Bailey, 19 , 41, 83, 101, 102, 115, 129, 135 , 137, 142, 148, 158, 162, 171 , 186; The Poultry Counter , 13 , 133, 177, 182; The Queens Bench Prison , 85, 154; The Tower of London, 27, 78, 102 , 109, 146, 162, 169, 176, 182; The White Lion, 28, 66, 96, 114, 148, 150, 152 , 156 , 166 , 182; The Wood Street Counter, 52, 55, 60, 68, 83, 88, 115, 129 ,

Londoncontinued 131, 184; St. Anthonysin the Ward of Cheap, 75; St. Botolphs, Bishopsgate Ward

Without, 13, 19, 115, 142, 186; St. Brides, FaringdonWard

Without, 9, 17, 25, 31 , 32, 43, 57, 58, 72, 75, 76, 80, 81 , 82 , 94, 119, 125, 129 , 135 , 144-149 , 152, 158, 163 , 166 , 171, 175, 180, 185; St. Clement

Danes, 80, 96; St. Dunstans in the West, FaringdonWard

Without, 59, 169; St. Faiths in St. Pauls Cathedral , 74; St.

Margarets , FridayStreet , 13; St. Marys Steyning, Aldersgate Ward, 61 ; St. Marysin Wolchurch , Broadstreet Ward

127; St. Michaels, Cripplegate Ward , 182; St. Olaves, Hart Street, Tower Ward, 191; St. Pauls Cathedral , 30, 39, 70, 84 , 85, 129; St. Sepulchres, Bishopsgate Ward, 76; St. Sepulchres, Faringdon Ward

Without, 16, 45, 71 , 100 , 101 , 126, 177; St. Swithuns , Walbroke Ward, 94; Thavies Inn, 111; Tyburn, 16 , 19 , 115 , 152, 170

Long Coombe, Oxfordshire, 9

Longdon, Worcestershire , 125 , 171, 177, 187, 197

Longford, Derbyshire , 13 , 20, 28 , 51, 61, 106, 124 , 188 , 197; Rodsley, 153

Longparish , Hampshire , 31 , 32

Long Stanton , Cambridgeshire; Dytton Hall, Manor of Cheynes and Wallinge, 180

Lopham , Norfolk, 96, 121

Lowesby, Leicestershire , 91

Lowestoft, Suffolk, 96

Lugwardine, Herefordshire , 36, 142

Lyford, Berkshire, 12 , 26, 77, 91 , 101, 102, 103, 198

Lymington, Hampshire , 162

Mablethorpe , Lincolnshire, 171

Madley, Herefordshire ; Chilston, 78

Maer, Staffordshire, 115, 116 , 119 , 193

Magna Over, Derbyshire , 53

Maidstone , Kent, 57 , 77 , 127

Mallory, Leicestershire, 79

Malpas, Cheshire, 79, 116 , 133 , 139, 190; Edge, 193; Hampton, 28; Whichalgh , 139, 144

Great Malvern, Worcestershire , 14 , 188

Manchester , Lancashire , 19 , 79 , 106, 173; Manchester Fleet, 89, 193; Salford, 11, 12, 15 , 19 , 27, 31, 34, 35, 46, 62, 74, 76, 79, 85, 86, 89, 93, 99, 105, 109, 120, 126, 136, 149 , 158 , 173 , 174, 193-196; Salford Gaol, 74 , 79, 86, 89, 94, 99, 109 , 136 , 149, 158, 173, 195 , 196

Manton, Lincolnshire , 81

Manuden , Essex , 45

Mapledurham , Oxfordshire, 179

Marcham , Berkshire, 25

Marden , Herefordshire , 166 , 190

North Marden, Sussex , 194

Marham , Norfolk, 131 , 132

MarlestonManor, Berkshire , 26

Great Marsden, Lancashire , 108

Marsham , Norfolk, 195

Marston, Derbyshire ; Hilton, 46

Marston, Yorkshire, 170

Martham, Norfolk, 41

Martin, Yorkshire, 118

Masham, Yorkshire, 106

Mayfield, Staffordshire, 20

Meaddowes, Lancashire, 44, 68 , 83 , 105

Mears Ashby, Northamptonshire , 180

Long Melford, Suffolk, 117 , 118

Mellis, Suffolk, 171 , 172; Pountney Hall Manor , 199

Mellor, Lancashire, 159 , 187

Melsonby , Yorkshire, 157; Diddersley Grange, 66

Melton Magna, Norfolk, 52 , 72 , 189; Haggines, 52; Peverelles , 52

East Meon, Hampshire , 60, 100

Merton, Norfolk, 16, 17, 27, 34 , 72, 76, 114, 132 , 139 , 173

Merton, Surrey, 28, 56

Michaelston -on-Avon , Glamorgan, 97

Mickfield, Suffolk, 65

Micklethwaite, Yorkshire, 133

Mickleton, Gloucestershire , 79 , 137

Middlesex , 128

Middleton alias Longparish, Hampshire , 31

Middleton, Lancashire , 159

Middleton, Shropshire, 130

Middleton Tyas, Yorkshire; Cowton Grange, 157; Gatherley, 30, 31 , 59

Midhurst, Sussex , 193

Milford, Hampshire , 34

Milford-on-Sea , Hampshire , 34

North Milford, Yorkshire, 109

Milbrook, Bedfordshire , 90

Milton, Cambridgeshire , 42

Milton, Kent, 127

Milwich, Staffordshire, 45, 76, 116 , 195

South Mimms, Middlesex , 173

Mitcham, Surrey, 190

Mitton, Yorkshire, 80

Monckton, Dorset , 37, 134

Monmouthshire , 95, 124

Morganstown , Glamorgan , 97

Morley, Norfolk, 24

Morval, Cornwall, 175

Moseley Tilt, Yorkshire, 122

Motcombe, Dorset, 92

Mucklestone , Staffordshire, 51 , 52, 72

Murston, Kent , 77

Naburn, Yorkshire, 15 , 131

Nassington, Yorkshire, 80

Neston, Cheshire; Leighton, 189

Netherbury , Dorset , 165

Nether Stowey, Somerset, 183

Nettlestead, Kent, 74

Newbald, Yorkshire, 15 , 64

Newbury, Berkshire, 130

Newington , Middlesex , 17 , 66, 156

Newington , Surrey, 148, 155, 166 , 182

New Inn, Middlesex , 146

Newland, Gloucestershire, 35, 169

Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire, 93

Newport, Monmouthshire , 143

Newton, Lancashire , 159; Scales , 29

Newton , Shropshire, 125 , 135

Newton by Toft, Lincolnshire, 124

SouthNewton, Oxfordshire , 151

Nidd, Yorkshire, 73

Norfolk, 72

Normanton, Yorkshire, 116

North Weald Bassett, Essex , 42

Northampton, Northamptonshire ; St. Sepulchres, 32, 44

Northamptonshire , 146, 147, 176 , 180, 181

Norton, Derbyshire , 114

Norton, Kent , 77, 127

Norton, Suffolk, 164

Norton in Hales, Shropshire , 70

Northwold, Norfolk, 133

Norwich, Norfolk, 13; St. Georges, Colgate, 136; St. Martins before the Gate of the Bishops Palace, 58; St. Peters Mancroft, 90; Sts Simon and Judes, 115 , 188

Nottingham, Nottinghamshire , 123; St. Marys, 40, 47, 62, 77, 79 , 123

Nutley, Hampshire , 88

Oakley, Bedfordshire , 123, 140

Oakley, Buckinghamshire , 19, 20 , 82; Ixhill Lodge, 19 , 20

Orcop, Herefordshire , 68

Ormesby, Norfolk, 165

Ormskirk, Lancashire; Bickerstaff, 12; Lathom, 12

Orwell, Cambridgeshire , 33

Osgodby, Yorkshire, 13

Oswaldtwistle , Lancashire, 159

Oswestry, Shropshire, 112

Otterbourne , Hampshire , 44

SouthOtterington, Yorkshire, 166

Ottringham , Yorkshire, 162

Oundle, Northamptonshire , 92, 107

Over, Cheshire; Wettenhall, 140

Oving, Sussex , 153

Oxborough , Norfolk, 18 , 19, 73 , 155

Oxford, Oxfordshire, 59, 99; All Saints, 50, 79, 81, 84, 99; St. Ebbes, 47; St. Mary Magdalens , 14, 90, 134

Oxfordshire , 43, 54-56, 91, 93 , 122, 129, 145, 169 , 179

Padworth, Berkshire, 132

Passenham, Northamptonshire , 117 , 156

Patching, Sussex , 153

Patrington, Yorkshire, 162

Patshull, Staffordshire , 127

Pavenham, Bedfordshire ; Manor of Pavenham, 180

Pemberton, Lancashire, 44, 68, 83

Pembridge, Herefordshire , 80, 93

Penn, Buckinghamshire , 134, 169

Peterchurch , Herefordshire , 151

Petersfield, Hampshire , 179

Petworth , Sussex , 27

Pickering , Yorkshire, 197

Pipe Ridware, Staffordshire , 82

Pirton, Worcestershire, 63

Pitstone, Buckinghamshire , 44

Plas Ulcha, Shropshire, 112

Pleasington, Lancashire , 86 , 159

Plumpton, Lancashire, 174 , 190

Podington , Bedfordshire , 84

Pokesmore, Shropshire, 130

Pontefract , Yorkshire, 147

Poole , Dorset; Harbour, 34

Potton , Bedfordshire , 173

Poulton, Lancashire , 120 , 159

Little Poulton, Lancashire , 81

Poynings, Sussex , 43

Preese, Lancashire, 144 , 155

Prescott, Lancashire; Mesborough , 107; Sutton, 196

Preston, Lancashire, 22, 56, 62; Cottam, 80; Fishwick, 60

Preston Candover , Hampshire , 88, 133

Pudding Norton, Norfolk, 132

Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, 187

Purston Jaglin, Yorkshire, 75

Pyrton, Oxfordshire, 163

Quarndon , Derbyshire; All Saints, 70

Quidenham, Norfolk, 18

Racton, Sussex, 55, 63, 75 , 95 , 137 , 144

Radford, Nottinghamshire , 63

Ragdale, Leicestershire, 197

Raglan, Monmouthshire , 9, 13 , 40, 48, 49, 73, 86, 89, 95 , 99 , 101, 110, 112, 125 , 131 , 134 , 144,146,157, 185,192 , 200

Rainham, Essex, 77

Rainham, Kent , 127

Ravescombe, Isle of Purbeck , Dorset, 187

Rawroyd , Yorkshire, 182

Reading, Berkshire , 57, 101; Reading Castle, 77, 83, 91, 101, 103, 113, 118, 125 , 130 , 160 , 198; Coley House, 179; St.

Marys, 59, 77, 83, 91, 101-103 , 114, 118, 125 , 130 , 144 , 160 , 198

Redenhall, Norfolk; Harleston , 126

Redlingfield , Suffolk, 18

Renhold, Bedfordshire , 150

Revingham, Norfolk, 148

Rheims , 125

Ribbesford , Worcestershire , 110

Ribby, Lancashire, 152 , 172

Ribchester, Lancashire , 159

Richard Castle, Herefordshire , 195

Richmond , Yorkshire, 12

Rickinghall, Suffolk, 50; Manor of Fithiones , 199

Ringmer , Sussex; Goate Manor , 167

Ringstead, Norfolk, 181

Ripley, Yorkshire, 93, 183; Clint, 47; Killinghall, 17, 140 , 147 , 178 , 186

Ripon , Yorkshire, 186; Brimham Hall, 111

Ripple, Worcestershire, 61 , 123 , 194; Queenhill , 26

Rochester, Staffordshire, 28, 197

Rockingham , Northamptonshire , 176

Rutland , 71

Ryall, Northumberland , 121

Ryburgh Magna, Norfolk, 143

St. Clement Danes without Temple Bar, Middlesex , 83, 162

St. Decumans, Somerset, 92

St. Devereux, Herefordshire , 124 , 150, 157

St. Giles in the Field , Middlesex , 14 , 82

St. Goran , Cornwall, 175

St. Mary Magdalen , Cornwall, 192

St. Maughans, Monmouthshire , 98, 160

St. Martin, Cornwall, 175

St. Michael on Wyre, Lancashire , 32; Inskipp, 121

St. Miniver, Cornwall, 101

Salesbury, Lancashire, 33

Salford Priors, Warwickshire , 61

Samlesbury, Lancashire, 158 , 159

Great Sampford, Essex , 71

Little Sampford, Essex , 71

Sandbarrow , Staffordshire , 40

Sandon, Staffordshire , 58, 178

Sandringham , Norfolk, 191

Sarnesfield, Herefordshire , 121 , 132

New Sarum, Wiltshire, 66, 67 , 159

Saunderton , Buckinghamshire , 17

Rokeby, Yorkshire, 145; Moreton, Scarliffe, Derbyshire , 76 145

Romsey, Hampshire, 37 , 135 , 159 , 160

Ross on Wye, Herefordshire , 127

Rouen, 149

Rougham, Norfolk, 199

Rowington , Warwickshire , 12

Royston, Cambridgeshire , 132

Rushton, Dorset , 55, 106, 113

Rushton, Northamptonshire , 176 , 181; St. Peters , 175

South Rushton , Norfolk, 127

Scotland , 109

Scruton , Yorkshire, 47

Sedbury, Yorkshire, 66

Sefton, Lancashire, 117; Crosbie , 22 , 161

Sellack, Herefordshire , 121; Baysham, 185

Sharleston, Yorkshire, 66 , 94

Shawbury, Shropshire , 55

Shaw, Berkshire , 130

Great Shelford , Cambridgeshire , 145 , 173

Shelley, Essex , 79

Sherburn in Elmet, Yorkshire, 105

Sheringham, Norfolk, 46, 148

Shevington , Lancashire, 138, 196

Shifnal, Shropshire, 70

Shinfield, Berkshire, 179

Shiplake, Oxfordshire, 191

Shropshire , 30, 66, 134 , 138

Sidlesham, Sussex , 99

Silkstone, Yorkshire, 187; Bretton, 187

Great Singleton , Lancashire, 87

Sion, Middlesex , 149

Sittingbourne , Kent, 77, 127

Skelton , Yorkshire; Kate Ridding, 95

Skenfrith, Monmouthshire , 86 , 90, 95, 123, 134, 138 , 168 , 183 , 192

Smithfield, London, 88

East Smithfield, Middlesex , 108

Snaith, Yorkshire; Goole , 162

Snowswick, Berkshire , 132

Somerset, 67, 92, 101

Somerton , Oxfordshire, 64, 74 , 119, 140, 141 , 156

Sotterley, Suffolk, 136

Souldren, Oxfordshire, 163

Southmead, Buckinghamshire , 51

Southminster , Essex; Bacons at Dengie, 96

Southover , Sussex ; St. Johns, 44 , 50

Southwark , Surrey, 9, 15, 17, 23, 26, 28 , 30, 34-36, 38, 41, 45, 46, 49-52, 57, 61, 62, 64, 66-69 , 71-74, 78, 79, 87, 96, 101 , 102, 107-109, 112, 117, 119, 122, 126-128 , 133 , 135 , 136, 138, 142, 143 , 146-148 , 150-157, 159, 162, 166, 167, 170, 176-179 , 181 , 182 , 186 , 193, 196; St. Georges, 11 , 12 , 23, 26, 33, 36, 38, 45, 54, 57-59, 69, 83 , 95, 101 , 104 , 115, 128, 137, 148 , 151 , 157 , 174, 182, 186, 190; St. Mary

Magdalens, 13, 52, 200; St. Olaves, 140, 157; St. Saviours , 21 , 23 , 29, 43, 68, 70, 83, 94, 100, 102, 109, 133 , 134 , 147 , 164, 165, 179 , 198

Southwick, Hampshire , 82; Newland , 184

Southworthwith Croft, Lancashire , 159

Manor upon Sowe, Staffordshire , 64

Speen , Berkshire, 130

Spofforth, Yorkshire, 121

Sporle, Norfolk, 12

Stafford, Staffordshire , 15, 193; St. Marys , 36, 106, 193

Staffordshire, 15, 39, 62, 66, 72, 81, 127, 132, 136, 138 , 182

Stainfield , Lincolnshire , 9

Standish, Lancashire, 75, 78, 99, 119, 143, 161 ; Blaynstowe, 196

Standon, Staffordshire, 181

Stanford upon Soar, Nottinghamshire , 142

Stanley, Derbyshire , 79

Great Stanmore, Middlesex , 128

Stanningfield , Suffolk, 63 , 145

Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, 15

Stanton St. John, Oxfordshire , 56

Stanwick St. John, Yorkshire, 106; Aldburgh, 132; Carleton , 35

Staplehurst, Kent, 119

Startforth, Yorkshire, 66

Staveley, Derbyshire, 120 , 159

Steeple Langford, Wiltshire, 75

Stepney, Middlesex , 13, 27, 29, 50, 86, 93, 115 , 131 , 175

Steventon, Hampshire , 174

Steyning, Sussex , 30, 109 , 178 , 182

StocktonYate, Cheshire , 79

Stoke, Staffordshire , 181

Stoke, Suffolk, 39, 117

Stoke Meon, Hampshire, 40

Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire , 62 , 76

Stokenchurch , Oxfordshire , 135

Stokesley, Yorkshire, 157

Stone, Staffordshire, 25, 41, 53 , 82

Stonehouse, Gloucestershire , 20

Stonor , Oxfordshire, 163; Broundesden, 163; Hollandridge Farm, 163; Manor of Stonoror Pishill with Warmodescombe , 163; StonorPark, 78 , 79 , 176

Storrington, Sussex; Bartholemews, 153; Les Downes, 153

Stoughton , Sussex , 33

Stowe, Staffordshire , 156

Stowe Bedon, Norfolk, 12

Stowe Langtoft, Suffolk, 164

Long Stratton, Norfolk, 134

Stretford, Herefordshire , 100

Sudbury, Derbyshire, 20

Suffolk, 47, 72, 117 , 118 , 136 , 137 , 164

Sugton, Yorkshire, 163

Sulhampstead, Berkshire , 132

Surrey, 87, 137 , 150

Sussex, 14, 35, 43, 46, 49, 87, 100, 137, 138, 150 , 151 , 153

Sutton , Cheshire, 118, 139, 167 , 189 , 190

Sutton , Herefordshire , 183

Sutton Courtney, Berkshire , 82 , 90, 91

Sutton St. Michael, Herefordshire , 151

Sutton Valence, Kent, 127

Swarraton , Hampshire ; Godsfield, 104

Swilland , Suffolk, 11 , 128

Swillington, Yorkshire, 185

Swinden , Lancashire, 14 , 86

Swyncombe, Oxfordshire, 144

Swynnerton , Staffordshire , 15

Taddisford, Hampshire , 34

Tamworth, Staffordshire , 132 , 153 , 188; Comberford Hall, 41

Tamworth, Warwickshire, 71

Tansor, Northamptonshire , 10, 163

Tanworth in Arden, Warwickshire , 183, 184

Taplow, Buckinghamshire ; Amerden , 116, 117

Tardebigg, Worcestershire , 109

Tarvin, Cheshire , 85

Tempsford , Bedfordshire , 39

Tenbury, Worcestershire, 39 , 106

Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, 75

Teynham, Kent; Frognall, 70

Thakeham , Sussex , 195

Thame, Oxfordshire, 65

Thistleton, Lancashire , 46, 56, 69, 103 , 177

Thornage, Norfolk, 16

Thorndon, Suffolk; All Saints , 155

Thorneton , Cheshire , 89 , 92

Thornham , Lancashire , 56

Thornleywith Wheatley, Lancashire, 178, 191

Thornton, Lincolnshire, 171

Bishop Thornton, Yorkshire, 115

Thrandeston , Suffolk; Manor of Mabisons , 199

Thrapston , Northamptonshire , 54

Thurstaston , Cheshire , 189

Tideswell, Derbyshire, 25, 38

Tidworth, Wiltshire, 60

Tilehurst, Berkshire ; Beansheaves , 179

Tilney with Islington, Norfolk, 122 , 193

Tingrith, Bedfordshire , 27

West Tisted , Hampshire, 170

Titchfield, Hampshire , 187

Tittleshall, Norfolk, 182

West Tofts, Norfolk, 101

Tolpuddle, Dorset, 64

Tonge, Kent, 77

Torrisholme , Lancashire , 35, 36 , 90

Totford, Hampshire , 91

Tottenham , Middlesex , 26, 57, 74, 75 , 180

Treales, Lancashire, 74

Tredunnock , Monmouthshire, 57 , 95, 112, 124, 134 , 138

Tregare, Monmouthshire, 14 , 168 , 185

Trellissick , Cornwall, 175

Trelleck , Monmouthshire , 139

Trostrey , Monmouthshire , 49

Tupton, Derbyshire , 187

Tutbury, Derbyshire, 64

Tuxford, Nottinghamshire , 33

Twyford, Buckinghamshire , 45

Twyford, Hampshire , 111; Brambridge , 186

Uffington, Berkshire , 62

Ufton, Berkshire, 132

Uppingham , Rutland, 39

Upsall, Yorkshire, 24

Upton-on-Severn , Worcestershire, 83 , 164

Usk, Monmouthshire , 17, 49, 95, 124, 125, 134, 135 , 161 , 192

Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, 53; Kingston , 23

Wales, 90, 149

Walkingham Hill, Yorkshire, 104

Walkington, Yorkshire, 154

Walsall, Staffordshire, 21 , 189 , 190

Walsham, Norfolk, 93

Walthamstow , Essex , 74

Walton, Yorkshire , 185

East Walton, Norfolk, 103

Wantage, Berkshire , 194

Warblington, Hampshire , 30 , 43 , 44

Warborough , Oxfordshire, 137

Warnham , Sussex , 50

Warrington, Lancashire , 159; Orford, 12, 159; Rixton, 118; Great Sankey, 158

Warwickshire , 138

Washingley , Huntingdonshire , 10, 74 , 166

Wateringbury , Kent, 66, 81 , 157

Watford, Northamptonshire , 40 , 41

Watlington, Oxfordshire , 23

Wedacre, Lancashire, 142 , 195

Weeton, Lancashire, 12, 36, 46, 51 , 78 , 127, 174

Welbourn, Lincolnshire , 170

Welland , Worcestershire, 147

Wellington, Herefordshire , 38

Welsh Bicknor, Herefordshire , 179

Welton, Northamptonshire , 195

Wendlebury, Oxfordshire, 10, 21 , 24, 29, 84, 94, 133, 139 , 157

Wentlooge St. Bride, Monmouthshire , 49

Weobley , Herefordshire , 29, 109 , 155

Wereham, Norfolk, 128

Wesham, Lancashire, 33, 36, 88 , 94, 99, 107, 136, 140 , 172

WestAshall, Yorkshire, 11

WestburyManor, Hampshire , 60

Westby, Lancashire, 10 , 14 , 20 , 30, 38, 42, 46, 58, 63, 85-87, 103, 104 , 113, 141, 143, 144, 158 , 159 , 166

Westham, Sussex , 128 , 167; Glynde Farm, 167; Priesthawes , 167

Westhampstead, Berkshire , 83

Westhorpe, Suffolk, 125

Westleton , Suffolk, 18

Westminster, Middlesex, 13 , 16 , 26, 27, 33, 39, 41, 42, 54, 57 , 59, 60, 63, 66, 80, 82, 99, 101 , 108, 115 , 122, 124 , 137 , 141 , 147, 157, 162, 164 , 169 , 189 , 198; Westminster Abbey, 60; Westminster Gatehouse, 26, 27 , 56, 57, 109; St. Margarets , 41 , 43, 54, 56, 138 , 146 , 169 , 173 , 178

Westmoreland , 85

Weston Underwood , Buckinghamshire , 170

Wetherden , Suffolk, 164

Whaddon , Cambridgeshire , 122

Whalley, Lancashire, 10 , 28, 71 , 89, 107, 132, 148; Barneside , 174; Haslingden , 54; Great Marsden, 144; Milton , 35; Parkhill, 14, 147, 173; Wiswell, 51,89

Wheatley, Lancashire, 25; Thornley, 56, 117

Whitchurch, Glamorganshire , 168

Whitchurch, Herefordshire , 180

Whitechapel , Middlesex , 140

Whiteparish , Wiltshire. 12 , 33

Whitford , Flintshire, 90

Whitgift, Yorkshire; Reednes , 162; Swinefleet, 162

West Wickham, Cambridgeshire , 135

Wichenor, Staffordshire, 141, 183

Wigan , Lancashire, 35, 37 , 70, 87, 92, 93, 105, 117 , 133 , 136 , 143, 154; Highfield, 198; Markland Milne, 198; Pemberton , 105 , 121

WigenhallSt. MaryMagdalen, Norfolk, 193

Isle of Wight, Hampshire , 84

Wigmore, Herefordshire , 45, 46

Wilbarston, Northamptonshire , 70

Wilpshire, Lancashire , 10

Wilton, Wiltshire, 21

Wiltshire, 153, 184

WimborneMinster, Dorset , 78, 96, 165 , 200

Winchester , Hampshire , 30 , 87 , 88, 130, 131 , 135, 160, 184 , 186; Cheeshill St. Peter, 17, 18; Winchester Gaol, 149; St. Clements, 27, 29, 116 , 128 , 149 , 193; St. Maurices, 88 , 184 , 193; St. Michaels, 196; Upbattle, 184

Windle, Lancashire , 174

Winforton, Herefordshire, 179 , 180; Manor of Winforton, 179

Wingfield, Suffolk, 51

North Wingfield, Derbyshire, 38 , 44, 63, 64, 103, 188

WinterbourneSt. Martin, Dorset, 9, 11 , 165

Winterburn, Yorkshire, 139

Winwick, Lancashire; Haydock, 11; Highley Carr, 119 , 120; Hollynhey, 67; Lightshawe, 102; Middleton, 159

Wiswell, Lancashire, 47, 56 , 89 , 93, 114 , 148

Withington, Lancashire , 106

Woking, Surrey, 70

Wolseley Bridge, Staffordshire, 195; Wolseley Manor, 195

Wolvercote Manor , Oxfordshire , 129

Wonastow , Monmouthshire , 95 , 112 , 142

Woodchurch, Cheshire , 85; Prenton , 85

Woodhay , Berkshire , 36, 37

Woolston, Lancashire , 159

Worcester, Worcestershire, 61 , 158, 159

Worcestershire, 31, 49, 182, 190

Worfield, Shropshire, 36

Worminghurst, Sussex, 133 , 152 , 195

Worsall, Yorkshire, 148 , 149

Worth Matravers, Dorset, 187

Worthington, Lancashire, 43, 190, 196

West Wratting, Cambridgeshire , 63

Wraxhall, Wiltshire, 28

Wrenbury, Cheshire, 89

Wrightington, Lancashire, 159

Wye, Kent , 57

Wykeham , Yorkshire, 79

Wyresdale, Lancashire, 9, 54 , 165 , 183

Yarkhill , Herefordshire , 31

Yate, Gloucestershire, 125

Yaxley, Suffolk, 199

Yedingham, Yorkshire, 105

Yetminster, Dorset, 13 , 131

York, Yorkshire, 12, 24, 25, 42 , 55, 67, 75, 115, 118, 155 , 165 , 167, 186, 191, 195, 199;

Bishopfield , 167; YorkCastle , 81, 94, 95, 128 , 130 , 186; St. Johns, 115, 130; St. Marys, 94

Yorkshire, 25, 41, 50, 80, 100, 112, 123, 147 , 154 , 183 Yoxall, Staffordshire, 92

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